{"text": "TERMINAL SESSION ID: [ERROR/OUT_OF_BOUND]\n\nFROM: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE]\n\nTO: Junior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nWelcome to the SCP Foundation, researcher.\nIt has likely been a difficult journey to find yourself where you are today, having to be scouted out by people you've never met before and invited to exams and interviews for a position you were never fully told of. We can imagine you already have a few questions, whether it be where you are, who is here with you, or why you were chosen to be here. Many of these questions we will not be able to answer. Some of those, we will.\nIn the interest of not making new personnel go through their first several weeks guessing what each task force, site, and acronym actually stands for, we have compiled all the information you'd reasonably need (and can be given) into a single automated message, sent to every new recruit's personal inbox. We recommend going over these at your earliest convenience.\n\nAbout the SCP Foundation, our mission statement, a word from the Administrator, and other miscellaneous information we expect new recruits to be aware of.\n\nObject Classes, a rundown of the standard anomaly classification system and what each designation says about its respective item. Required reading for new researchers. Information regarding esoteric object classes may also be accessed.\n\nSecurity Clearance Levels, how our classification system works. Violation of clearance levels is grounds for instant contract termination, and likely amnesticization, so take this information to heart.\n\nFoundation Facilities, an explanation of what your Site or Area designation stands for, along with what to expect in such locations.\n\nFoundation Departments, the various subdivisions of our organisation. Due to the vast number of anomalous items in our possession, we have multiple operational departments, each focusing on a different aspect of our research. Cursory knowledge of these sectors may assist you when handling unknown objects.\n\nMobile Task Forces, our highly specialized containment teams. Depending on the anomaly, you may require a different kind of expertise than what you personally know, so a cursory knowledge of this list may help during times of crisis.\n\nThe Personnel Dossier, a list of your superiors, fellow workmates, and other individuals of particular interest. This list is mostly redacted to personnel of lower security clearances, so do not be alarmed if you cannot see any names.\n\nGroups of Interest, a list of other organisations aware of the anomalous. Members of these groups may be encountered by field agents, and many of the objects currently in containment were originally created or have been utilised by a Group of Interest.\n\nLocations of Interest, a list of anomalous locations inhabited by a permanent community, necessitating a more diplomatic approach to their containment.\n\nLastly, K-Class \"End of the World\" Scenarios, as a reminder of what horrors lurk in the dark.\n\nIf at any point you come across terminology you're unfamiliar with, feel free to look it up in our Glossary of Terms.\nAdditionally, as you're presently listed as a Junior Researcher, here's a few resources you may use in order to get a better understanding of the anomalous and its limits (or lack thereof).\n\nThe Log of Anomalous Items, a list of objects contained by the Foundation which do not currently warrant an SCP designation and containment procedures. A number of these items are available for testing purposes upon request.\n\nThe Log of Extranormal Events, as an internal reminder of unusual events which occurred too suddenly for Foundation intervention or designation.\n\nThe Log of Unexplained Locations, for locations that are presently anomalous, but do not warrant any more Foundation attention than basic concealment procedures.\n\nIf you have any more questions, ask your assigned senior researcher. Remember that there's a considerable likelihood that your question will have a classified answer, and that you may not receive a response.\nWelcome again, recruit, and good luck.\nThis message was sent via an automated system; Do not respond.\n\nEnd Session\n\n53 45 43 55 52 45 43 4f 4e 54 41 49 4e 50 52 4f 54 45 43 54 57 45 44 49 45 49 4e 54 48 45 44 41 52 4b 54 48 45 52 45 49 53 4e 4f 53 49 54 45 2d 35 43 41 4e 54 46 49 54 52 4f 55 4e 44 50 45 47 53 49 4e 53 51 55 41 52 45 48 4f 4c 45 53 44 4f 45 53 54 48 45 42 4c 41 43 4b 4d 4f 4f 4e 48 4f 57 4c\n52 45 4d 45 4d 42 45 52 20 55 53 2e"} {"text": "THE FOLLOWING FILES HAVE BEEN CLASSIFIED\nTOP SECRET\nBY ORDER OF THE ADMINISTRATOR\n\nGENERAL NOTICE 001-Alpha: In order to prevent knowledge of SCP-001 from being leaked, several/no false SCP-001 files have been created alongside the true file/files. All files concerning the nature of SCP-001, including the decoy/decoys, are protected by a memetic kill agent designed to immediately cause cardiac arrest in any nonauthorized personnel attempting to access the file. Revealing the true nature/natures of SCP-001 to the general public is cause for execution, except as required under \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nWARNING:\nANY NON-AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ACCESSING THIS FILE WILL BE IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED THROUGH BERRYMAN-LANGFORD MEMETIC KILL AGENT. SCROLLING DOWN WITHOUT PROPER MEMETIC INOCULATION WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE CARDIAC ARREST FOLLOWED BY DEATH.\nYOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.\n\nMEMETIC KILL AGENT ACTIVATED\nCONTINUED LIFE SIGNS CONFIRMED\nREMOVING SAFETY INTERLOCKS\nWelcome, authorized personnel. Please select your desired file.\n\nOrder Randomly\nOrder Chronologically\n\nSeries 1\nCODE NAME: Jonathan Ball - Sheaf of Papers\nCODE NAME: Dr. Gears - The Prototype\nCODE NAME: Dr. Clef - The Gate Guardian\nCODE NAME: qntm - The Lock\nCODE NAME: Bright - The Factory\nCODE NAME: Dr. Mann - The Spiral Path\nSeries 2\nCODE NAME: Dr. Mackenzie - The Legacy\nCODE NAME: S. Andrew Swann - The Database\nCODE NAME: Scantron - The Foundation\nCODE NAME: Djoric/Dmatix - Thirty-Six\nSeries 3\nCODE NAME: djkaktus/TwistedGears - Ouroboros\nCODE NAME: Kate McTiriss - A Record\nCODE NAME: Kalinin - Past and Future\nCODE NAME: Wrong - The Consensus\nSeries 4\nCODE NAME: S. D. Locke - When Day Breaks\nCODE NAME: Spike Brennan - God's Blind Spot\nCODE NAME: WJS - Normalcy\nSeries 5\nCODE NAME: BILLITH - The World at Large\nCODE NAME: Tanhony - Dead Men\nCODE NAME: Lily - The World's Gone Beautiful\nCODE NAME: Tufto - The Scarlet King\nCODE NAME: Jim North - A Simple Toymaker\nCODE NAME: I.H. Pickman - Story of Your Life\nCODE NAME: The Great Hippo (feat. PeppersGhost) - A Good Boy\nCODE NAME: weizhong|thedeadlymoose|Drewbear|Dexanote - Project Palisade\nCODE NAME: psul - The Mementos\nCODE NAME: Captain Kirby - O5-13\nCODE NAME: Pedantique - Fishhook\nCODE NAME: not_a_seagull - The Sky above the Port\nCODE NAME: Meta Ike - The Solution\nCODE NAME: Noir Box - Tindalos Trinity\nSeries 6\nCODE NAME: Tanhony II - The Black Moon\nCODE NAME: The Conspiracy\nCODE NAME: Arbelict - You Are The Anomaly, Tumor Of The Worlds\nCODE NAME: McDoctorate - The Placeholder\nCODE NAME: ROUNDERHOUSE - MEMENTO MORI\nCODE NAME: Dr. Eates - A Test of Character\nCODE NAME: I. H. Pickman/S. D. Locke - Keter Duty\nSeries 7\nCODE NAME: Pickman/Blank - The Frontispiece\nCODE NAME: ROUNDERHOUSE's Gold Proposal - AMONI-RAM\nCODE NAME: Ralliston - The Queen's Gambit\nSeries 8\nCODE NAME: D. Ulysses Foole - Last Ride of the Day\nCODE NAME: Nagiros - R \u00a6 A \u00a6 G \u00a6 E\nCODE NAME: ROUNDERHOUSE's Jade Proposal - MAMJUL & KORAR\nCODE NAME: Plague's Proposal - The Ones That Got Away\nCODE NAME: Null Sum - The Problem\nCODE NAME: Dafydd Utica Foolfellow's Proposal - [the] [HUMAN!] [element?]\nCODE NAME: Nico's Proposal - The Throne of God\nCODE NAME: Dr Cimmerian's Proposal - Ethical considerations with regards to the former inhabitants of 81 Galatine Two and Secace Epsilon Seven, colloquially known as the Sword Stars."} {"text": "SCP-002 in its containment area\n\nItem #: SCP-002\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-002 is to remain connected to a suitable power supply at all times, to keep it in what appears to be a recharging mode. In case of electrical outage, the emergency barrier between the object and the facility is to be closed and the immediate area evacuated. Once facility power is re-established, alternating bursts of X-ray and ultraviolet light must strobe the area until SCP-002 is re-affixed to the power supply and returned to recharging mode. Containment area is to be kept at negative air pressure at all times.\nTeams including a minimum of two (2) members are required within 20 meters of SCP-002 or its containment area. Personnel should maintain physical contact with one another at all times to confirm there is another person present, as perception may be dulled, skewed, or influenced by proximity to the object.\nNo personnel below Level 3 are permitted within SCP-002. This requirement may be waived via written authorization from two (2) off-site Level 4 administrators. Command staff issued such a waiver must be escorted by at least five (5) Level 3 Security personnel for the duration of their contact and must temporarily surrender their rank and security clearance. Following contact, command staff will be escorted at least 5 km from SCP-002 to undergo a seventy-two (72)-hour quarantine and psychological evaluation. If deemed fit for return to duty by psych staff, rank and security clearance may be restored when quarantine expires.\nDescription: SCP-002 resembles a tumorous, fleshy growth with a volume of roughly 60 m\u00b3 (or 2000 ft\u00b3). An iron valve hatch on one side leads to its interior, which appears to be a standard low-rent apartment of modest size. One wall of the room possesses a single window, though no such opening is visible from the exterior. The room contains furniture which, upon close examination, appears to be sculpted bone, woven hair, and various other biological substances produced by the human body. All matter tested thus far show independent or fragmented DNA sequences for each object in the room.\nRefer to the Mulhausen Report [cross-ref:document00.023.603] for details related to object's discovery.\nReference: To date, subject has been responsible for the disappearances of seven personnel. It has also in its time at the facility further furnished itself with two lamps, a throw rug, a television, a radio, a beanbag chair, three books in an unknown language, four children's toys, and a small potted plant. Tests with a variety of lab animals including higher primates have failed to provoke a response in SCP-002. Cadavers as well fail to produce any effect. Whatever process the subject uses to convert organic matter into furnishings is apparently only facilitated by the introduction of living humans.\n\nview Mulhausen Report docid:00.023.603\n\nMulhausen Report [00.023.603]\n\nThe following is a brief report detailing the discovery of SCP-002\nSubject was discovered in a small crater in northern Portugal where it struck the Earth from orbit. Encased in a shell of thick rock, the fleshy exterior of the object was exposed by the impact. A native farmer happened upon the site and reported his findings to the village elder. Subject gained SCP attention when a Level 4 agent posted in the area detected a small radioactive anomaly generated by the object.\nA collection squad of SCP security personnel led by General Mulhausen was immediately dispatched to the area where they quickly secured the subject in a large container and performed initial testing with subjects recruited from the nearby village. Three men individually sent into the structure subsequently disappeared. Upon discovering this deadly property of the subject, General Mulhausen issued a Level 4a Termination Order of any witnesses (roughly 1/3 of the village) to ensure no outside knowledge of the object and initiated its transport to SCP facility [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nDuring preparation for transport, four SCP security personnel were inexplicably drawn inside the object where they too immediately disappeared. Following inspection, it appeared as if the object had \"grown\" several new furnishings and was beginning to look like the interior of an apartment room. General Mulhausen immediately ordered the requisition of several Class III HAZMAT suits for the remaining security team members, who proceeded to lift the container onto a waiting freight ship for transport to the SCP containment facility.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nFollowing the termination of General Mulhausen, SCP-002 was re-secured by SCP staff and brought into special containment in [CLASSIFIED], where it currently resides. Staff with clearance below Level 3 have been denied access to the SCP-002 container without prior approval of at least two Level 4 staff after the Mulhausen incident.\n\n\u00ab SCP-001 | SCP-002 | SCP-003 \u00bb"} {"text": "A close up of SCP-003's circuitry\n\nItem #: SCP-003\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-003 is to be maintained at a constant temperature of no less than 35\u00b0C and ideally kept above 100\u00b0C. No living multicellular organisms of Category IV or higher complexity may be allowed to come into contact with SCP-003.\nIn event of total power failure, if SCP-003-1 begins to increase its mass, assigned personnel must engage in skin contact with SCP-003-1. Ideally, personnel may use their body heat to return SCP-003-1 to above the critical temperature; however, skin contact must be maintained even in event of SCP-003 reaching activation temperature, lasting at minimum until SCP-003-1 advances fully to its second growth stage.\nPersonnel who enter SCP-003's containment area must first be examined for body parasites of Category IV or higher complexity, and sterilized if such organisms are present. All personnel who have come in physical contact with SCP-003-1 are to immediately report for sterilization afterwards.\nSCP-003-1 must not be removed from SCP-003-2 except in case of emergency procedures detailed above. Any significant change in SCP-003-2's rune activity (including pattern, frequency, or color) should be reported within three (3) hours of occurrence. Cessation of rune activity must be reported immediately. SCP-003-2 must be supplied with power via the source designated Generator 003-IX at all times.\nDescription: SCP-003 consists of two related components of separate origin, referred to as SCP-003-1 and SCP-003-2.\nSCP-003-1 appears to be composed of chitin, hair, and nails of unknown biology, arranged in a configuration similar to that of a computer motherboard. Testing reveals SCP-003-1 to predate earliest known circuit boards by a factor of thousands of years. SCP-003-1 is considered sentient but not actively dangerous except under certain conditions.\nSCP-003-1 was found on a stone tablet, SCP-003-2, on which it currently resides. The runes on SCP-003-2 are not part of any known language, and emit pale, flickering light patterns.\nSCP-003-2 is controlled by a (non-biological) internal computer, the contents of which are mostly inaccessible without risk of damaging SCP-003-2. SCP-003-2 is capable of controlled emissions of radiation, including heat, light, and anomalous radiation types. SCP-003-2 contains an internal power source of an anomalous nature, which appears to have been losing power since several centuries before discovery.\nIt is considered probable that SCP-003-2 was created for the purpose of containing SCP-003-1. Partially interpreted data recovered from SCP-003-2 may refer to a past and/or potential future LK-class restructuring event caused by SCP-003-1.\nSCP-003 was located by remote viewing team SRV-04 Beta. It appears possible that SRV-04 Beta was deliberately contacted by SCP-003-2. Other organizations have also been alerted to SCP-003's existence, possibly by similar means. Despite this activity, SCP-003-2 does not appear to be sentient, based on its lack of reaction to M03-Gloria analysis and procedures.\nWhen SCP-003 drops below the temperature of 35\u00b0C, both components react.\nFirst, SCP-003-1 enters a growth state characterized by an exponential increase in mass. This growth state consists of two stages. In both stages, SCP-003-1 partially fuels its growth by converting matter around it, starting with any surrounding inorganic material, including atmospheric elements, then nonliving organic material, including cells of dead skin, hair, chitin, enamel, keratin, and other biological materials.\nThe first stage is always the same. SCP-003-1 will first increase its mass, then take a form similar in shape to an ophiuroid (brittle star) of fifteen meters in diameter (including what appears to be a central processor of three meters in diameter). It will form sensory organs that appear to scan its surrounding environment, and will partially convert the area around it to an unidentified anomalous substance (SCP-003-2 seems immune from conversion).\nThe second stage describes a growth alteration which occurs when SCP-003 comes into contact with living organic material; SCP-003 appears to \"template\" itself off of the organic material, and will attempt communication with organisms that match its initial \"template\" or \"templates\".\nIn its second stage, SCP-003-1 may pause, slow or change its growth, and will also convert inorganic and nonliving organic elements into functionally similar structures while anomalously altering their physical makeup.\nWhile growth is consistent in the first stage, in the second stage SCP-003-1's growth rate is diminished by 20-90% so long as SCP-003-1 remains in contact with living organic material. The percentage is determined by the complexity of the organism(s) in contact with SCP-003-1; SCP-003-1 appears to devote a large amount of processing power to analysis of living organic material.\nDuring each of SCP-003-1's growth stages, SCP-003-2 releases bursts of radiation that temporarily inhibit SCP-003-1's growth, or reverse this growth when the temperature of SCP-003-1 rises above 100\u00b0C. Similar radiation emissions have been replicated or recorded via other anomalous means.\nSCP-003-1's biology has been the subject of extensive study. Significant elements have been identified similar to SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-1512, and SCP-2756, the latter two of which have no further confirmed connection with SCP-003-1 and no known connection with each other, and none of which are fully understood (technically, even less understood than SCP-003, thanks to the extensive cross-disciplinary research on the SCP-003 objects). To date, no convincing analysis has been put forward which satisfactorily explains SCP-003-1's connection to these SCP objects or others, nor its connection to modern technology beyond appearance (and potential mimicry via unknown mechanism).\nAddendum 003-01: Acting on information gathered from linguistic analysis of SCP-003-2's runes and comparative data analysis, Research Team M03-Gloria has managed to establish a link between SCP-003 and [DATA EXPUNGED] for analysis of functions. SCP-003-1 must now be considered sentient, and is to be kept a minimum of 1 km from [DATA EXPUNGED] and the resulting \"by-product\" at all times.\nAddendum 003-02: SCP-003-2's power loss has been exacerbated by the procedures performed by M03-Gloria. On orders of O5-10, M03-Gloria will continue procedures.\nAddendum 003-03: During M03-Gloria procedures, SCP-003-1 doubled its mass and began rapid structural growth. Temperature was immediately returned to 100\u00b0C. Growth and mass increase of SCP-003-1 continued for 9 minutes and 6 seconds, at which time a sustained radiation spike was produced by SCP-003-2. In response, SCP-003-1 returned to its normal state in 3 minutes and 39 seconds. New growth dissolved into a dusty residue which was collected for analysis. Both SCP-003-1 and SCP-003-2 ceased all detectable activity. SCP-003-2 did not resume activity until connected to external power source. SCP-003-2's runes glowed uniformly gray and did not resume normal activity for three (3) hours. SCP-003-2 no longer appears to be able to maintain containment area at a temperature above 35\u00b0C without external power supplied by Generators 003-III through IX.\nAddendum 003-04: The procedure detailed in Addendum 003-03 was repeated, and SCP-003-1 again entered a growth state. After 10 minutes and 13 seconds, SCP-003-2 once again produced a sustained radiation spike. SCP-003-1's growth stopped for 36 seconds, then resumed at its previous pace.\nOn quadrupling its mass, SCP-003-1 formed a coherent outer shell and body. After appearing to scan its environment and partially converting its environment, SCP-003-1 then breached containment, entering the observation gallery where nine members of M03-Gloria were present. On physical contact with team members, SCP-003-1 encompassed them in rapidly-grown appendages and stopped growth for 15 minutes. SCP-003-1 then resumed growth, and rearranged the component parts of the center of its form to the shape of a three-meter-tall female humanoid, with peripheral \"tentacles\" shifting to extrude primarily from SCP-003-1's newly formed \"hair\" and spine. SCP-003-1 then produced rudimentary vocalizations in an apparent initial attempt to communicate with researchers. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAn unknown individual approached the compromised containment area in company of a full squad of agents. The individual claimed to be acting on orders of O5-10 and attempted communication with SCP-003-1. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nFollowing this incident, Agent Jackson of M03-Gloria successfully restored power to SCP-003-2 and activated backup generators to return the temperature to 100\u00b0C. SCP-003-1 returned to its normal state in 21 minutes and 7 seconds, and was successfully re-contained without incident.\nAll nine members of M03-Gloria affected by SCP-003-1 were afterwards found to be physically unharmed, with no residual effects besides psychological trauma. The converted materials of SCP-003's former containment area did not dissolve and are now under analysis.\nAddendum 003-05: In light of the previous incident, O5-10 was removed from the O5 Council by joint decision of O5-\u2588\u2588, O5-\u2588\u2588, and O5-\u2588\u2588. M03-Gloria procedures have been indefinitely suspended.\n\n== SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM M03-GLORIA REQUIRED ==\n\n+ Access Granted. Display Files.\n\n- Close File\n\nTranscript of Incident Report A21-B Cycle 8. For dissemination to O5 Command and Staff.\nInterviewers: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nPresent: O5-2, O5-5, O5-7, O5-10, and Staff\nInterviewed: Dr. Tilda David Moose, M03-Gloria Lead\nExcerpt 35A\nShe tried to talk to us. We all heard her voice in our heads, in a sort of half-language we couldn't fully understand. Some of the others passed out immediately. I lasted a little longer, but it wasn't because of mental fortitude. It's just that she was trying to tell us different things.\nShe showed Jones a replay of all the memories of everything Jones ever felt anything about. All over the course of a few minutes. She ripped three of the researchers apart and put them back together unharmed. She doesn't understand human emotion, or pain. Or very much about how we experience the world.\nYes, I would say the containment procedures are necessary.\nListen, she wants to remake the world. Into a paradise. A paradise filtered through her own alien understanding of paradise, but still, a paradise designed for us. For humanity. She would be happy to make a paradise for any sufficiently complex organism she comes across first. Anything with a complex enough mind to accept her. Say, a dog. Or a housefly.\nIf she breaches again, we have to be there first.\nWhat would it be like? I don't know. She showed us images \u2014 not quite images. I can see them in my head, but they're not pictures. The closest thing I can think of is what you see when you close your eyes suddenly and tightly, but brighter and more complex. The images had metallic sounds associated with them, and sensory details that we don't have the words or concepts to describe.\nThe whole effect felt like words of some kind. I believe she wanted to see what we could understand, so she could understand us.\nShe didn't have time to finish analyzing us. I don't know what would have happened if she had.\n\n- Close File\n\n\u00ab SCP-002 | SCP-003 | SCP-004 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-004-1\n\nItem #: SCP-004\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When handling items SCP-004-2 through SCP-004-13, proper procedure is vital. The items are not permitted to be moved off-site unless accompanied by two Level 4 security personnel. Under no circumstances should any other component of SCP-004 be taken through SCP-004-1. The effects of doing so are as yet unknown, and the current cost of experimentation makes further research impractical. Should any of the objects contained within SCP-004-1 breach containment, or the facility be breached, the keys must be brought inside and the door closed prior to activation of Site 62's on-site warhead. Unauthorized removal of keys from the testing area is grounds for immediate termination.\nLevel 1 clearance is required for basic access to SCP-004-1; Level 4 clearance is required for use of SCP-004-2 to -13.\nDescription: SCP-004 consists of an old wooden barn door (SCP-004-1) and a set of twelve rusted steel keys (SCP-004-2 through SCP-004-13). The door itself is the entrance to an abandoned factory in [DATA EXPUNGED].\nChronological History\n07/02/1949: A group of three juveniles trespassing on federal property near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 find the door. According to their testimony, they found a set of rusted keys in an iron lockbox and determined what door the keys unlock. The juveniles are taken into custody after they contact Sheriff \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 when one of their friends (SCP-004-CAS01) goes missing.\n07/03/1949: Local authorities find the severed right hand of SCP-004-CAS01 eight kilometers from SCP-004-1. Other parts of SCP-004-CAS01's body are found scattered as far as 32 km from the factory. Under interrogation, the apprehended juveniles tell authorities that upon opening the door with one of the keys, SCP-004-CAS01 was torn into several pieces, each of which disappeared. At this point, the SCP Foundation takes over the investigation.\n07/04/1949: SCP Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 obtains the keys from the local authorities to begin testing. Tests show that SCP-004-2 through SCP-004-13 all fit into a single lock on the large barred door. 12 Class D personnel are assigned to test the effects of the door. Of the twelve test subjects each trying a different key to enter the room, only two survive. Opening the door with any key except SCP-004-7 or SCP-004-12 caused the test subjects to be torn apart in multiple directions; however, no dismembered parts were found until later. At the time of writing, only two parts of each subject have been recovered (with the exception of the subject using SCP-004-\u2588, whose pieces were scattered in close proximity). The others have, for all intents and purposes, vanished from existence.\nOf the two surviving subjects, only one (having used SCP-004-7) returned unharmed. The other came back in a near-catatonic state, able only to remove himself from the room and then collapse on the floor, and had to be restrained to prevent him from gouging out his eyes (see Appendix A: Mental Health Effects of SCP-004). The subject using SCP-004-7 said that he had entered a large room, impossibly big for the size of the attached building. After his exit, SCP-004-1 was propped open and an armed squad of Level 3 personnel entered. The size of the room is impossible to measure and the door frame and the individuals in the room are the only part of the room that can be felt or illuminated.\n07/16/1949: The juvenile suspects and Sheriff \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are terminated.\n08/02/1949: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is declared a hazardous area \"due to unexploded ordnance\" and fences erected in order to prevent civilian ingress. Tests to determine safety of exposure to environment behind SCP-004-1 begin.\n12/01/1950: Space-time anomalies resulting from exposure to SCP-004 are confirmed. Testing is suspended until further notice.\n07/02/19\u2588\u2588: The unaccounted-for remains of SCP-004-CAS01 appear unexpectedly outside SCP-004-1. Despite being killed decades before, the remains of SCP-004-CAS01 are not decomposed in any manner and are still warm to the touch. Blood remains uncoagulated. The remains are remanded for testing.\n07/04/19\u2588\u2588: The unaccounted-for remains of one of the twelve (12) original test subjects appear in similar manner to those of SCP-004-CAS01. The remains have been designated SCP-004-CAS02. Records suggest that both SCP-004-CAS01 and CAS02 used SCP-004-\u2588\u2588.\n03/21/1999: With the massive proliferation of nuclear weapons and World War III only \u2588\u2588 years away, construction has begun on a site inside SCP-004-1. The site is to stock supplies for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 person-days.\n04/21/1999: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has ordered the site inside SCP-004-1 to be expanded to include emergency storage for all mobile SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 specimens and a \u2588\u2588-petabyte database for the storage of all SCP data. The facility is now referred to as Site-62.\n09/25/2000: Site-62 is operational. Labs and containment units are complete and can contain the most dangerous specimens. Backup of the SCP database has begun.\n01/25/2001: Due to time anomalies (see \u201cSpace-Time Anomalies\u201d below), all personnel working at Site-62 are now required to reside on-site permanently. Families of personnel are to be informed that loved ones perished in an industrial accident. Cloned bodies have been prepared for funeral.\n08/14/2003: Massive power outage across Northeast United States and through Canada. Due to the initial failure of multiple SCP generators, Site-62 was without power for fifty-three (53) minutes. During those fifty-three (53) minutes, those on site were completely without any source of light. They reported \"sensing\" creatures and people, although no abnormal entities could be seen or felt. Selected facility personnel were allowed to read \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (Appendix A) and said the creatures \"sensed\" were of humanoid size but otherwise similar to the massive green creature described.\nSpace-Time Anomalies\nSCP-004 seems to propagate spatiotemporal anomalies. Personnel leaving the facility report losing time. Those who have been in the site for weeks insist that they had only been in the facility for several days, and records of work completed and supplies consumed support their claims. Other temporal anomalies involve SCP-004-2 through -13, especially the reappearance of SCP-004-CAS01 and SCP-004-CAS02 exactly \u2588\u2588 years after using SCP-004-\u2588\u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been assigned to investigate all aspects of these time anomalies. Spatial anomalies include the impossibly large dimensions of the area opened by SCP-004-7. Similarly, the 2003 blackout incident suggests that there exists an alternate plane of existence within the same space that Site-62 occupies.\nAdditional Notes\nTesting on SCP-004 reveals that ten of the keys open SCP-004-1 on a dimension where the laws of physics and topology are significantly different than those of our home dimension. Test subjects meeting these hostile conditions are torn apart, their body parts deposited in various locations, only three of which have been verified to be on Earth. Material deposited at two of these points appears immediately; material deposited at the third appears exactly \u2588\u2588 years into the future. The other seven locations are currently unknown.\nCurrent testing focuses on two avenues of research. The first is finding ways to survive SCP-004's hostile topologies. The second [DATA EXPUNGED] suggest that SCP-004-2 through -13 may open doors other than SCP-004-1.\nAppendix A: Mental Health Effects of SCP-004-12\nAll Class D personnel using SCP-004-12 return in a catatonic state, unable to speak. Some may have enough energy left to try to claw out their eyes. Of the 16 subjects, only 4 have survived. Only one has regained speech, following long-term psychotherapy. He was able to tell the psychiatrist that he saw a massive green creature, so large that much of its body extended beyond his field of view. He reported innate fear and sudden recognition, \u201cas if it were something buried deep in [his] primal fears,\u201d and forced implantation of \u201cincomprehensible\u201d memories. Subject displays acute anterograde and retrograde amnesia.\nAppendix B: Additional Information\nItem #: SCP-004-14\nDate of Discovery: 09/02/1950\nOrigin of Object: Object was discovered elsewhere in factory area, in the previously undiscovered manager's office.\nDescription: Object appears as a large, unvarnished wooden box. The box may be unlocked by the \"safe\" key, SCP-004-7, as well as five of the \"unsafe\" keys (see Document SCP-004-1).\nUpon unlocking SCP-004-14 with SCP-004-7, the box opens automatically on hinges. The volume of the space inside is precisely five times greater than the outer dimensions imply. Items placed within while the lid remains open do not affect the weight or any other properties of the box. When the lid is closed and locked, however, all items inside vanish irretrievably. Personnel locked inside the box are also irretrievable, although losing personnel in this fashion appears to affect significantly the dreams experienced by [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-003 | SCP-004 | SCP-005 \u00bb"} {"text": "A close up of SCP-005\n\nItem #: SCP-005\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-005 poses no immediate risk in any direct sense. Even so, its unique functions require special measures be taken to restrict access and manipulation of the object. Approval of at least one (1) Level 4 personnel is required for the removal of the object from its containment area.\nDescription: In appearance, SCP-005 resembles an ornate key, displaying the characteristics of a typical mass produced key used in the 1920s. The key was discovered when a civilian used it to infiltrate a high security facility. SCP-005 seems to have the unique ability to open any and all forms of lock (See Appendix A), be they mechanical or digital, with relative ease. The origin of this ability has yet to be determined.\nAdditional Notes: SCP-005 may be used as a replacement for lost security passes, but only under the supervision of at least one (1) Level 4 personnel. SCP-005 may not be used for vending machine repairs, opening lockers, or for any personnel's spare home key. Removal of the object from the compound will result in immediate termination.\nAppendix A: While SCP-005 has been shown to be effective in removing almost any form of locking device, further experiments have shown that efforts to disguise the purpose or identity of a lock have proven at least somewhat successful in defeating SCP-005's ability. In approximately 50% of cases where a volunteer was not able to identify a locking device as such, SCP-005 was not successful in deactivating the device. Due to these results, SCP-005 has been tentatively classified as 'sentient' and further tests are being run to determine its cognitive abilities. However, there are no results that show any traits that prevent it from being able to identify any particular locking device, only that the aforementioned device has been heavily concealed and disguised.\n\n\u00ab SCP-004 | SCP-005 | SCP-006 \u00bb"} {"text": "Under direct orders of the founder, access is limited to those with Overseer clearance.\nOverseer Clearance Granted\n\nSCP-006\n\nItem #: SCP-006\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Whereas the nature of SCP-006 does not warrant any extensive containment, a certain level of secrecy is necessary regarding the object's existence and properties, for obvious reasons. The following procedures are required not for personnel safety, but to deny or hide knowledge of SCP-006's effects from the personnel who interact with it.\n1: All personnel interacting with SCP-006 in any physical way are required to wear modified Class VI BNC suits. Before personnel are allowed to perform procedures, they must be briefed with Material SCP-006B or SCP-006C. SCP-006A Briefing is the correct one and is restricted to only those with O5 clearance. To ensure personnel are wearing suits properly, they are to be submerged into a pool of water. Any air bubbles spotted signify a leak in the suit.\n2: Procedures with SCP-006 are to be carried out under extreme surveillance. In case of contact with SCP-006, the commander in charge will announce Procedure 006-Xi-12, which the personnel have been briefed to believe to mean high toxicity is present and they must evacuate.\n3: Any procedure in which liquid is acquired from SCP-006 must be approved by three (3) O5 level personnel. The liquid is to be transferred in a Quad-Sealant Container and under armed guard.\n4: If at any time personnel come into contact with SCP-006 or liquid from SCP-006, they are to be confined and terminated after sufficient studies are done. Due to the nature of SCP-006, the most effective termination method is incineration. (For full report, see file SCP006-TerO5)\nDescription: SCP-006 is a very small spring located 60 km west of Astrakhan. Foundation Command was aware of its existence since the 19th century, but were unable to secure it until 1991 due to political reasons. On the spot of the spring, a chemical factory has been constructed as a disguise, with the majority of laborers under Foundation and/or Russian control. The liquid emitted from the spring has been chemically identified as simple mineral water in 1902, but has the unusual property of \"health\".\nIngesting the liquid produces the following properties in human beings: the ability to regenerate DNA damaged by sufficient duplication, heightened excitement of cellular duplication, vastly improved abilities in the repair of damaged tissue, and a frightening increase in the effectiveness of the human immune system. Upon testing the liquid on animal subjects, hostile bacteria and viral agents were destroyed immediately. Many reptiles and birds were unaffected, while higher primates experienced the same benefits as humans.\n\n\u00ab SCP-005 | SCP-006 | SCP-007 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-007\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-007 is to be contained in a sealed room measuring 10 m on each side. Room is to be furnished comfortably as a living area, along with whatever items are requested by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (hereafter referred to as Subject), given that providing Subject with requested items would not compromise security. Subject is not to be allowed to leave the room, and is to be detained with force if necessary.\nDescription: SCP-007 is located within a cavity in the abdomen of Subject. Subject is a Caucasian male, physically approximately 25 years of age (subject claims to be 28) and 176 cm in height. Most of Subject's abdomen (muscles, skin, and organs) is absent, though Subject does not appear to suffer because of this. Instead of normal flesh, a sphere composed of soil and water is present, though it does not actually come into contact with Subject's body at any point. The sphere appears to be, in most respects, a miniature near-duplicate of the Earth, approximately 60 cm in diameter, although continental alignment is not consistent with that of any alignment known in Earth's history. The sphere has its own weather patterns and negligible gravitational pull, in addition to microscopic organisms somewhat resembling those of modern-day Earth inhabiting it. Two intelligent species have been observed, though contact and communication with either has yet to be made. Technology levels of observed species must be checked at least once a week and, as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, are approximately equal to that of 15th-Century Earth.\nSubject claims to be named \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, but no records of such a person can be found. Subject does not require food or water, and while he has been observed consuming both, what happens to such substances after being swallowed is unknown. Subject is intelligent (IQ has been measured at 128) and amiable, and regards the planet in his abdomen as a minor curiosity about his body. Subject seems to experience no stress about his unusual condition. When questioned about planet's origins, Subject replied, \"I just woke up one day, and there it was. I don't have any idea how it got there.\" Subject has provided a Social Security number and driver's license number and requested that they be checked against known records. When checked, it was discovered that neither had yet been allocated.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has a weekly chess game with Subject, during which Subject's mental health is evaluated. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reports that Subject does not seem to mind the restricted living environment, and has yet to attempt to escape or show signs of violence or mental illness, though he has repeatedly requested a computer with an internet connection. It is recommended that this not be provided as it may be used to compromise security.\n\n\u00ab SCP-006 | SCP-007 | SCP-008 \u00bb"} {"text": "BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL\nTHIS FILE IS SUBJECT TO LEVEL 4 CLASSIFICATION\n== LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE IS REQUIRED ==\n\n- Please input security credentials -\n\n- Security clearance adequate. Accessing file...\n\nRibbon diagram illustrating tertiary structure of SCP-008. Primary amino acid sequence information has been redacted.\n\nItem #: SCP-008\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-008 samples have been deemed Class V extreme biological hazards, and all related protocols apply. Incineration and irradiation measures will be deployed in the event of political or military action which may result in the facility being dismantled; a power failure; or zero communications from operatives or outside channels during any given eight hour period.\nThe quarantine period for operatives leaving the facility is four months. If a breach has occurred, incineration and irradiation measures shall be deployed. It should be the policy of all G2 sites to not prepare an evacuation procedure.\nDescription: SCP-008 is a complex prion, samples of which are stored in each of the known G2 sites. Research into SCP-008 is highly classified and primarily aimed at preventing research which may lead to the synthesis of SCP-008 in the distant future. Traits of the SCP-008 prion include:\n\n100% infectiousness.\n100% lethality.\nTransmission through exposed mucous membranes and all bodily fluids.\nNot airborne or waterborne.\n\nSymptoms of infection with SCP-008 manifest no more than three hours after exposure, and include:\n\nFlu-like symptoms with high fever, plus severe dementia in later stages.\nComa onset approximately 20 hours after first symptoms appear and 12 hours after noticeable dementia. Coma onset will be considered onset of death.\nA period of sporadic cellular necrosis occurs which comes to resemble gangrene. Surviving tissue assumes its original function and is highly resilient.\nRed blood cells greatly increase oxygen storage capacity, resulting in slower blood flow and increased muscle endurance and strength.\nNervous and muscular systems are unaffected by total organ failure for several hours.\nMetabolism may decrease to extremely low levels, allowing subject to survive for over 10 years without nutrition.\nHigh blood viscosity results in negligible blood flow from gunshot, puncture, and slashing injuries.\nConditioned behavior, motor controls, and instinctive behavioral mechanisms are damaged, and cognitive abilities are severely retarded and erratic. Animals experience excessive brain necrosis and are inactive.\nSubject can adapt to its damaged nervous systems but is limited to basic physical activities, including standing up, balancing on two legs, walking, biting, grabbing, and crawling. Subject will energetically move towards sights, sounds, and smells it associates with living humans. Subject will attempt to ingest living humans if physical contact is made.\nNeutralizing fully-infected subjects requires significant cranial trauma.\n\nThere is strong evidence to suggest SCP-008 itself did not form naturally on Earth, since variants of similar complexity would have displaced much of the ecosystem. In 1959, a short collaborative effort with the USSR to locate G2 sites and eliminate SCP-008 was negotiated following their discovery. The status of SCP-008 in Russian custody since collaboration ended is unknown.\nAddendum 008-1: SCP-500 has been found to be able to completely cure SCP-008 even in the advanced stages of the disease.\n\n\u00ab SCP-007 | SCP-008 | SCP-009 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-009 prior to recovery\n\nItem #: SCP-009\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Object is to be contained within a sealed storage tank of heat-resistant alloy with dimensions not less than 2m x 2m x 2m.\nUnder no circumstances should SCP-009 be exposed to temperatures in excess of 0\u00b0C when not undergoing testing, and no water-based solutions shall be allowed within 30 meters of the object's containment area. Object's chamber is to be fitted with temperature sensors which must be monitored at all times, and is to be kept refrigerated by no fewer than three (3) redundant cooling units. Any malfunction of sensors, or of coolant systems, is to be reported and repaired immediately. If at any time the temperature in the containment area climbs above -5\u00b0C, the chamber is to be locked down and flooded with coolant until temperatures return to safe levels (-30\u00b0C to -25\u00b0C).\nContainment area is to be kept in total vacuum during testing, and personnel interacting with SCP-009 must wear full environmental protection gear. Following testing, all equipment, personnel, and other materials must undergo dehydration procedures and be quarantined for no less than 12 hours. Any moisture found displaying properties of SCP-009 is to be quarantined and added to the containment area as soon as possible. Living organisms found to be contaminated by SCP-009 are to be terminated by chemical dessication and extracted molecules of SCP-009 added to containment.\nDescription: SCP-009 is approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 liters of a substance which superficially resembles distilled water (H2O), except with a distinct bright red hue. This red hue is discernible in all phases, and serves as the most expedient method of identifying contaminated matter before its anomalous properties manifest. In contrast to mundane water, SCP-009 assumes a liquid phase at temperatures between -100\u00b0C and 0\u00b0C, and a solid state above those temperatures. At temperatures below -100\u00b0C, SCP-009 vaporizes into a gaseous phase similar to steam.\nExaminations of the atomic structure of SCP-009 have proved inconclusive. The substance appears to be identical to normal water molecules, with the exception of [REDACTED] in contrast to standard laws of enthalpy. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Site \u2588\u2588's resident expert on Xenospatial Physics suggests that SCP-009 may originate in a universe with alternate physical laws.\nThe most hazardous property of SCP-009, however, is its ability to contaminate normal H2O. When in contact with any aqueous solution, SCP-009 will, through unknown mechanisms, transfer its anomalous properties to other objects and creatures. Testing has shown it capable of assimilating ice, steam, tea, fruit juice, seawater, blood, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. The time it takes for this process to occur varies depending on temperature and the exact chemical composition of affected matter, and had been observed as taking between 3 minutes and \u2588\u2588 hours.\nExperiments on D-Class personnel have illustrated the process of conversion by the substance, which has been found to follow a consistent pattern:\n1. Initial Exposure: Subject is exposed to SCP-009, and it begins assimilating any moisture present on the exposed surface. Creatures in this stage do not commonly notice any unusual symptoms except for a slight warming sensation.\n2. Surface Conversion: Frost begins to form on the exposed area as the heat produced by the subject and SCP-009 itself raises its temperature above 0\u00b0C. This stage can take anywhere from one (1) minute to \u2588 hours, during which time subjects begin to feel [REDACTED] crystals from the epidermis.\n3. Deep Tissue Conversion: Exponential increase in temperature of SCP-009 causes runaway reaction throughout subject's body, resulting in [REDACTED]. Actual blood loss is minimal due to ice crystals [REDACTED], allowing subjects to remain alive and conscious for up to \u2588\u2588 hours.\n4. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nTesting on D-Class personnel was discontinued as of 4/23/20\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum: Circumstances of Retrieval: Subject was found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Alaska, on 11/05/19\u2588\u2588. The Foundation became involved after reports were obtained from the native \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Tribe, who came across the mangled bodies of a team of seal hunters which had apparently been ship-wrecked \u2588\u2588 kilometers from the village.\nAll victims were found encased in red ice. Cause of death recorded as internal bleeding, though closer examination found [REDACTED]. It is surmised that the low ambient temperatures in the area retarded the freezing process. This prolonged the time to total conversion by \u2588\u2588 hours, and allowed the victims to remain conscious until [DATA EXPUNGED].\nOrigin of SCP-009 is currently unknown. Investigation into similar events or materials in the area is ongoing. Evidence at the scene suggests [REDACTED], possibly involving SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSee Exploration Log A009-1 for details.\nAddendum: 11/09/19\u2588\u2588\nAfter initial report and retrieval of specimens, it was confirmed that the arachnoid entity found by MTF-B7 (see attached file) was indeed a previously unknown instance of SCP-3023. Investigation has revealed the instance originated in [REDACTED] as a result of [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum: 12/06/19\u2588\u2588\nAfter repeated inquiries, it should be noted that the portion of coastline upon which the initial victims were found was barren rock approximately \u2588 meters from the seashore, and was sufficiently dry and cold to prevent significant contamination of the surrounding area. Had the site been closer to the water, there is little doubt an extinction-level event would have ensued.\nConsideration of upgrading SCP-009 to Keter class under review.\nAddendum: 12/16/20\u2588\u2588\nSuper-cooling of SCP-009 for the purposes of experimentation is disallowed until further notice. Personnel are advised that liquid nitrogen is only to be used on the subject in controlled amounts, and only until temperatures have reached acceptable levels.\nRelated note: Possible application of SCP-009 in cold fusion research pending evaluation.\nMemo from O-5 Command: 1/09/20\u2588\u2588\nWe've decided to keep this thing Euclid for now. We understand the concerns raised, but as long as you keep the power on and nobody goes near its containment area, there shouldn't be a problem. That's why we're keeping it in Site \u2588\u2588, after all.\nAs for the cold fusion research, we're putting a pin in that for now. Frankly, we don't have it in the budget for another SNAFU like Site \u2588\u2588. The salvage team still hasn't found Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's [REDACTED]\n\n+ Cross-Testing report 9507F23\n\n Hide Report\n\nThe following experiment record was recovered via a chance occurrence of SCP-507 shifting into a universe in which the described test was carried out using SCP-107. The applicability of the reported findings to our own universe is pending review.\n\nInput: 10mL of SCP-009\nResult: \"Red snow\" fell in test area for 27 minutes with moderate intensity. Grass growing in test area began runaway reaction which ended with entire area being \"frozen\" within minutes. Notably, anti-enthalpathic reaction of SCP-009 did not extend past the effective radius of SCP-107, for reasons still under investigation. Non-grass plants in area turned bright red in color, greatly expanded, and mutated to display cyan-colored \"tentacles\" similar to those of species Drosera capensis. Mucilage produced by these tentacles later found to be tiny beads of SCP-009. How the plant is able to survive with SCP-009 integrated into its cell structure is currently under investigation, with preliminary hypothesis being the plant is a reflection of flora from the substance's native universe.\n\n\u00ab SCP-008 | SCP-009 | SCP-010 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-010\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The objects comprising SCP-010 are to be kept in numbered locked boxes at Site-19. They are not to be worn except by test subjects.\nSCP-010 are only to be removed from storage for testing.\nDescription: SCP-010 consists of a series of six (6) apparently identical cast iron collars with numbered metal tags and one (1) remote control. The control is SCP-010-1. The collars are SCP-010-2 through 010-7. The collars contain intricate electronic components and are powered by small (5 mm diameter, 2 mm thick) 100 V batteries. These batteries are rechargeable.\nThe remote is a heavy black box resembling an old style hand-held radio transmitter/receiver with a primitive blue/white cathode ray screen and a series of more than 100 unlabeled buttons, as well as a frequency tuner. Through trial and error, the frequencies of all six (6) currently found collars have been discovered. A label in Russian is stamped into the metal along with a logo consisting of workers building a pyramid. No official Russian corporation or government agency uses this logo or matches the words stamped into the metal.\nPlacing the collar around the neck of a person and securing it allows one to control their every movement with the remote. It is also capable of producing an adrenal response and activating or deactivating the sympathetic nervous system. The most abnormal feature of the collars is the effect they have on the body morphology. They allow the user of the remote to reconfigure the shape of the victim to an extent that is apparently only limited by the knowledge of the programming language of the remote.\nAddendum 010-1: History\nSCP-010 was discovered in the basement of a lone man in the Midwestern United States after a local disappearance was connected to him. When the police raided the man's house they found SCP-010 as well as several dead bodies. One of the bodies was identified to be the man. The others were several other missing persons. Cause of death seemed to be mass suicide; however, there were signs of significant struggle first.\nAddendum 010-2: Disassemble experiment\nTest 1: SCP-010-2 taken apart piecewise, the parts labeled and several photographs taken, then reassembled.\nResult: After reassembly SCP-010-2 continues to function.\nTest 2: SCP-010-8 constructed identically to SCP-010-2 but with the closest approximations available to the unreplicable components.\nResult: SCP-010-8 fails to function.\nTest 3: Unreplicable components from SCP-010-2 placed into proper locations on SCP-010-8.\nResult: SCP-010-2 ceases functioning with removal of components. SCP-010-8 begins functioning.\nTest 4: Components returned to SCP-010-2. Replicable components in SCP-010-2 replaced randomly with replicas\nResult: SCP-010-2 begins functioning with return of components. Changing replicable components for replicas does not significantly reduce functionality. Replacement of a damaged transistor decreased time from transmission to effect of SCP-010-2 response to commands entered in the remote by 12%.\nAddendum 010-3:\nSCP-010 has been demonstrated to work more effectively in creating unskilled labor than for any other task. The logo is apt. ~ Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-009 | SCP-010 | SCP-011 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-011\n\nItem #: SCP-011\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Item SCP-011 and the area surrounding it are to be cleaned once every day. For safety purposes, cleaning should start at least 30 minutes after sundown. Cleaning should always be performed by at least two (2) personnel, who are also advised to note anything unusual about the item or the debris cleaned up. In a situation where the item cannot be cleaned for more than two (2) days, local residents must be contacted and instructed not to approach the item.\n[Containment procedures nullified 2004]\nDescription: SCP-011 is a Civil War memorial statue located in Woodstock, Vermont. The statue is the image of a young male soldier holding a musket at his side, and is carved out of granite quarried within the area. Occasionally, SCP-011 has been observed lifting its musket to the sky to fire at birds which attempt to land or defecate on it. Reports detail that its movements produce soft grinding sounds but do not cause it any structural failure. Oddly, the gunfire is very similar to that of a standard firearm, despite observations that the item only loads granite bullets and granite powder into the musket (which is also unharmed by the firing). In spite of its efforts, some fecal matter does manage to strike SCP-011, and it has reportedly become distressed when it has had a large amount of feces on it, on some rare occasions even firing at humans.\nAddendum: Those assigned to maintain SCP-011 are to see document #011-1 for instructions.\nDocument #011-1: Maintenance Brief\n[Document archived 2004 - accessible to personnel with security clearance 2/011 or higher]\nAdditional Information: SCP-011's seeming sentience has increased since the first report of activity in 1995. As of 2004, the item's containment procedures have been dropped but it remains under constant observation. Recorded below are landmark events in its activity.\n\nTimeline:\n3.12.1995 - Woodstock resident reports the statue's eyes moving, first sign of activity\n9.30.1995 - Statue shoots musket for the first time\n10.9.1995 - Statue begins shooting birds from the sky\n1.25.1996 - Registration as SCP-011, containment procedures begin\n4.14.1997 - SCP-011 observed moving casually and looking around\n5.3.2000 - After caretaker \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 jokingly shouts \"Good shot!\" to SCP-011, the item replies, \"Thank you,\" in a reportedly very human voice, first speech from statue\n10.22.2001 - SCP-011 has conversation with caretaker \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n2001 - Shooting of birds stops\n2.6.2002 - At the imploring of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-011 steps down from its pedestal\n2003-2004 - SCP-011 reaches a human level of self-awareness\n11.10.2004 - Containment procedures dropped, custody of SCP-011 transferred to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n5.17.2005 - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reports that SCP-011 is romantically attracted to her\n8.29.2006 - Most recent psych test reports an IQ of 133\n\n\u00ab SCP-010 | SCP-011 | SCP-012 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-012\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-012 is to be kept in a darkened room at all times. If the object is exposed to light or seen by personnel using a light frequency other than infrared, remove personnel for mental health screening and immediate physical. Object is to be encased in an iron-shielded box, suspended from the ceiling with a minimum clearance of 2.5 m (8 ft) from the floor, walls, and any openings.\nDescription: SCP-012 was retrieved by Archaeologist K.M. Sandoval during the excavation of a northern Italian tomb destroyed in a recent storm. The object, a piece of handwritten musical score entitled \"On Mount Golgotha\", part of a larger set of sheet music, appears to be incomplete. The red/black ink, first thought to be some form of berry or natural dye ink, was later found to be human blood from multiple subjects. The first personnel to locate the sheet (Site 19 Special Salvage) had two (2) members descend into insanity, attempting to use their own blood to finish the composition, ultimately resulting in massive blood loss and internal trauma.\nFollowing initial investigations, multiple test subjects were allowed access to the score. In every case, the subjects mutilated themselves in order to use their own blood to finish the piece, resulting in subsequent symptoms of psychosis and massive trauma. Those subjects who managed to finish a section of the piece immediately committed suicide, declaring the piece to be \"impossible to complete\". Attempts to perform the music have resulted in a disagreeable cacophony, with each instrumental part having no correlation or harmony with the other instruments.\n\n\u00ab SCP-011 | SCP-012 | SCP-013 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-013\n\nItem #: SCP-013\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-013 are to be kept in a Secure Storage Vault at Site-66. Exposed subjects are to be monitored for differences between their symptoms. Exposed subjects are to be interviewed daily, and any changes in perception are to be logged.\nDescription: SCP-013 is the collective designation of 242 cigarettes which display similar anomalies. The most common external detail between instances is the presence of the words \u201cBlue Lady\u201d hand-written on each cigarette in blue ink.\nSubjects who consume the contents of SCP-013 through inhalation will begin to perceive themselves as a specific unidentified woman. Subjects have described the woman to be aged between 25 and 35 years old, standing approximately 1.6 metres tall with an estimated weight of between 50 and 55 kg. Additional recurring details include cropped dark hair, blue eyes, and bright blue lipstick.\nImmediately after consuming an instance of SCP-013, subjects will gradually begin to perceive reflections of themselves as having the features of the woman, and will gradually perceive their bodies changing to reflect her appearance over the course of the following weeks. All changes are entirely mental; the subject's body does not change outwardly, only their perception of themselves. These alterations are permanent, and cannot be reversed.\nSCP-013 was discovered after the suicide of an Ian Miles, packed in a large cardboard crate in his apartment. A cursory search of the apartment uncovered several hundred sketches of a figure strongly resembling the one perceived while under 013's effect. Miles' body had been found sitting at a desk, dead of a massive overdose and draped over a handwritten note, transcribed below.\nDuring the investigation of Miles' apartment, one civilian investigator became affected by 013's effect. An embedded Agent soon contacted the nearest Site; the subject, the artifact, and related evidence were extracted and contained.\nCurrently, two hundred seventeen instances of SCP-013 cigarettes are contained at Bio-Site 66; twenty-five SCP-013 cigarettes are contained at Research Sector-09, pending future research into similar anomalous effects.\nAddendum: Below is the note which was acquired along with SCP-013.\n\nI see her everywhere. That sad blue lady.\nI feel like I used to should know her but I can't remember. I love her but I don't know why. She's so beautiful and sweet and clear but I don't know any more.\nher favourite flavour\nwhere did you go\ni miss you\n\n\u00ab SCP-012 | SCP-013 | SCP-014 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-014 prior to initial confinement.\n\nItem #: SCP-014\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-014 is to be kept in Site-\u2588\u2588, in a chair with arms, preferably facing a window. Music should be supplied on a regular basis, preferably constantly. This music should not include pieces originating after 1937. A security camera should be present in SCP-014's room.\nDescription: SCP-014 is a Caucasian male, appearing to be approximately 30 years of age, with black hair, brown eyes, and a somewhat round face. Records indicate his name to be Robert Chetford, confined in 1915 to the Norwich Asylum in Connecticut for delusional insanity, claiming that he had been cursed to live forever, and was slowly turning into concrete in consequence. The asylum closed in 1937, and the patients were transferred to various other facilities. SCP-014 came to Foundation attention in 19\u2588\u2588, from rumours of a patient who seemed to be entirely immobile and showed no signs of aging. Further investigation determined that acquisition was warranted.\nSCP-014 is to all outward appearances a normal man, but he does not appear to age, and shows no signs of possessing a metabolism. He does not eat, drink, perspire, or in any other way demonstrate life functions. He breathes only to speak, and apart from his eyes and vocal apparatus, is to all appearances utterly immobile. He has never shown any evidence of pressure ulcers despite his position not having varied for several decades; neither do his muscles appear atrophied. He can converse normally, but shows little knowledge of or interest in events since his confinement.\nAddendum:\nNote: Frankly, were I to interview this man without knowing his history, I'd think he was a perfectly sane and well-adjusted individual who happens to be quadriplegic. As it is, I have to conclude that he's the ultimate proof of the idea that the mind rules the body. He thinks he's concrete, and will live forever, and so he's as close to both as he can be. Somehow.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-013 | SCP-014 | SCP-015 \u00bb"} {"text": "Interior View of SCP-015\n\nItem #: SCP-015\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-015 is impossible to move, and is contained on-site. A gap of at least 2 m (6 ft) needs to be maintained around the entire structure containing SCP-015 at all times, and no structures of any kind are to make contact with SCP-015's current containment structure. Exploration is permissible, but only in teams of three (3) with full safety lines and GPS tracking. Any protrusions from SCP-015 must be capped and sealed immediately, with the new site recorded and logged.\nNo aggressive action is to be made within SCP-015. No hand or power tools are allowed anywhere inside SCP-015. No repairs or maintenance are to be made anywhere on SCP-015.\nDescription: SCP-015 is a mass of pipes, vents, boilers and other various plumbing apparatus completely filling a warehouse in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The pipes appear to grow when not under observation, attempting to connect to nearby structures via sewer systems and underground plumbing. SCP-015 contains, at current estimate, over 190 kilometers (120 miles) of pipes, ranging in diameter from 2.5 cm to over 1 m. Some pipes appear new, while others are rusted and leaking. Pipes have been reported as being made of bone, wood, steel, pressed ash, human flesh, glass, and granite. No pipes composed of lead, PVC plastic, copper, or any other traditional material for the production of pipes have been found.\nSCP-015 reacts to tools and aggression. Any personnel acting violently, carrying tools, or attempting to damage or repair SCP-015 in any way, will trigger a reaction. Any pipes near the subject will burst, spraying on the subject for several seconds before the flow suddenly stops. Pipes have been reported containing oil, mercury, rats, a species of insect not yet identified, ground glass, sea water, entrails, and molten iron. Pipes will continue to burst around the subject until death or retreat.\nSCP-015 was cut back to its current structure after attaching to 11 other structures in the area. Currently, 11 personnel have been killed, and 20 more are still missing. Reports have been made of banging and screaming coming from within SCP-015.\n\n\u00ab SCP-014 | SCP-015 | SCP-016 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-016\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-016 is to remain within the confines of a five by five by five (5x5x5) meter room at all times, maintained at a temperature not to exceed zero (0) degrees Celsius. SCP-016 itself is to remain in the petri dish in the containment cube at all times unless directed otherwise by Level 4 or O5 personnel. Full documentation of experimentation with SCP-016 must be submitted before and after samples and duplicates of SCP-016 may be taken. Failure to follow these procedures will result in termination or reassignment as Class-D Personnel. Only authorized personnel may be permitted to obtain samples of and experiment with SCP-016 under BC-L5 containment conditions.\nIf an outbreak does occur despite following the aforementioned procedures, directive base personnel are to implement a Code Sigma lockdown and containment plan. Infected personnel are to be terminated on site by security forces wearing standard Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) anti-biological and anti-chemical equipment. Should the infection not be contained after 48 hours, the on-site nuclear device is to be detonated. Remaining personnel are not to be evacuated under any circumstances.\nSCP-016 has been shown to survive for up to six (6) hours on hard surfaces, and up to several minutes in air. High intensity ultraviolet light and high concentrations of ortho-phthalaldehyde solution have been demonstrated to be effective in disinfecting non-organic surfaces.\nDescription: SCP-016 is a blood-borne pathogen recovered from a mine worker in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who injured himself while working in a deep coal seam. Said wound became contaminated with coal dust from the mine, possibly infecting the worker with dormant spores. Over the next several days, SCP-016 proceeded to infect the remaining employees at the mining camp, as well as the CDC crisis team dispatched to deal with the epidemic. Foundation personnel then took over the investigation and terminated all affected personnel. Patient Zero was brought into captivity, and the mine shaft was collapsed by an explosive device.\nSCP-016 has an incubation period ranging from 24 hours to two (2) years, depending on the presence and number of other human hosts in the area. First symptoms resemble the common cold, and include itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing, and bodily aches. Phase two begins in 48 hours, and consists of a controlled form of hemorrhagic fever, as the organism causes a small amount of blood to become aspirated in the lungs, creating an aerosol effect. During phase three, the host \"crashes and bleeds out,\" bleeding profusely from every bodily orifice, including the nose, tear ducts, anus, skin pores, mouth, urethra, and (in case of females) vagina. Blood pressure skyrockets during the final stage: hosts have been observed projectile vomiting blood to distances of over five (5) meters. Should the host survive this near-total exsanguination, the pathogen will become dormant once more, returning to incubation phase.\nWhat distinguishes SCP-016 from other strains of hemorrhagic fever such as Ebola and Marburg is its unusual response to high stress. Should the subject undergo a high-stress situation (such as a life-threatening crisis), the organism will change its survival tactic from rapid reproduction to the rewriting of the host's DNA and stimulation of rapid cell division. Major physiological changes occur within the first 24 hours, with complete bodily reconstruction occurring within two (2) weeks time. Most hosts do not survive the process due to the heavy demands made on the body.1\nAn interesting side effect of the transformation is an increased aggressive urge. It is believed that this may be an attempt to maximize the spread of the virus in a manner similar to rabies. On another note, subjects who undergo bodily transformation no longer appear to exhibit SCP-016's hemorrhagic properties: however, subjects infected by transformed hosts will still undergo the normal SCP-016 infection process.\nAddendum: Experiment Log of SCP-016's Transformative Properties\n\nSubject D-016-1: D-Class personnel infected by SCP-016. Upon first showing symptoms, subject's quarters were slowly flooded with water over a 24 hour period. SCP-016 mutated into teratomorphic state, transforming subject's lungs into gills. Subject survived for two (2) more weeks as SCP-016 transformed its limbs into fins, caused its eyes to atrophy, and enhanced its sense of hearing into a cetacean-type echolocation ability. Subject was terminated by draining all water from its quarters, causing it to asphyxiate: body was subsequently cremated without autopsy.\n\nSubject D-016-2: D-Class personnel infected by SCP-016. Upon first showing symptoms, subject's quarters were slowly flooded with water over a 24 hour period. SCP-016 mutated into teratomorphic state, causing subject to undergo rapid muscular growth and increased bone growth on knuckles. Subject then attempted to escape from confinement by punching through the reinforced steel door. Subject was not successful and died by drowning.\n\nNote: Same situation, two different responses. Interesting. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject D-016-3: D-Class personnel infected by SCP-016. Subject was previously a chemical engineer who poisoned his wife upon discovering her adultery. Upon first showing symptoms, subject's quarters were slowly flooded with water over a 24 hour period. SCP-016 mutated into teratomorphic state, causing subject to grow an unusual organ on his chest, consisting of a chamber and two (2) separate tubes. Organ continued to take in water and swell in size, until Foundation personnel, realizing what SCP-016 may be attempting, terminated the subject by gunshot. Organ was found to contain several gas sacs filled with acetylene gas and oxygen.\n\nSubject D-016-4: D-Class personnel infected by SCP-016. Subject was told to concentrate on forming wings. No stress was applied. SCP-016 did not mutate into teratomorphic state. Subject died of exsanguination during Phase 3.\n\nSubject D-016-5: D-Class personnel infected by SCP-016. Subject was told to concentrate on forming wings and placed in an acrylic box suspended 305 m (1000 ft) above a mine shaft. A timer was placed outside the box which subject was told indicated the time to release. SCP-016 mutated into teratomorphic state, causing subject to grow a tentacle-like organ on his left wrist similar to a spider's spinnerets: subject extended said organ through one of the box's air holes and extruded a strong, silk-like substance, which it then used to secure the box to the cable. Subject was terminated when the countdown reached zero and the bomb detonated.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Due to their similarities as fatal contagions that stimulate the production of excess organs, a possible link to SCP-1801 is under investigation.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-015 | SCP-016 | SCP-017 \u00bb"} {"text": "File footage of SCP-017\n\nItem #: SCP-017\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-017 is contained in an acrylic glass cage, 100 cm by 50 cm by 50 cm, centrally suspended in a concrete room measuring 6 m by 6 m by 4 m. Attached to the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room are high-intensity arc lamp spotlights pointed directly at the acrylic cage, to ensure that SCP-017 is constantly exposed to light from every angle. Personnel assigned to the SCP-017 control room are to monitor the functionality of the spotlights and the emergency generator system and call for maintenance immediately upon knowledge of a burnt-out lamp or an issue with the generator.\nThe only circumstance under which personnel are allowed entrance is to replace lamps. Personnel entering the room are required to wear the designated full-body reflective suits, and must be cautioned not to step in front of functional spotlights.\nDescription: SCP-017 is a humanoid figure approximately 80 centimeters in height, anatomically similar to a small child, but with no discernible identifying features. SCP-017 seems to be composed of a shadowy, smoke-like shroud. No attempt to find any object beneath the shroud has been successful, but the possibility has not been ruled out.\nSCP-017's reaction to shadows cast upon it is immediate and swift. SCP-017 leaps at the object casting the shadow and completely encloses it in its shroud, whereupon it returns to its normal size, leaving no trace of the object behind.\nAdditional Notes: Personnel with BETA clearance or higher should see also document #017-1.\n\n\u00ab SCP-016 | SCP-017 | SCP-018 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-0018\n\nItem #: SCP-018\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-018 is to be contained in its specialty metal restraint inside of a 1 m by 1 m by 1 m sealed box lined with heavy synthetic padding. The sealed box is then submerged in the center of the 10 m by 10 m by 10 m polyethylene holding tank. If SCP-018 is to break free from the holding box, the polyethylene-based 'goo' will slow down kinetic activity enough for proper retrieval by containment personnel. Personnel entering SCP-018's holding chamber are to wear specialized plating (found inside of SCP-018 Observation), and a breathing apparatus before being lowered into the polyethylene tank. If SCP-018 is loose outside of the polyethylene tank, personnel are advised to secure themselves in a separate room and close doorways or hatches to isolate SCP-018 until containment teams arrive.\nDescription: SCP-018 has the appearance of a Super Ball made by the Wham-O company in 1969. It is six (6) centimeters in diameter and coloured red. Found when the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 company was hired to clean out a warehouse that had Wham-O merchandise in it, SCP-018 was noted to be able to bounce with extreme height. At first thought to be a pleasant child's toy, SCP-018 was able to bounce with over two hundred percent (200%) efficiency (that is, if dropped one (1) meter, it would bounce two (2), then four (4), then eight (8), then sixteen (16)). The ball soon became a dangerous projectile, reaching speeds estimated at over 100 km/h and damaging property and injuring five (5) in the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It came to a rest after several days in the nearby lake of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and was retrieved by SCP personnel. Due to the speed of the object, and the total surprise by its victims, no cover-up story was required or initiated.\nDocument #018-04: Message to O5-\u2588\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, I hope everything is well. The reason I write to you is because I believe I have found a more effective method for retrieving new or escaped SCP objects. Yes, I realize we haven't had any progress in reverse engineering whatever allows this thing to defy the laws of thermodynamics, but we have come up with a very effective method for integrating one of those new SCP-A5 Armor suits with this. Just hear me out, we implant it into the bottom of a boot, rig up a little bit of a mechanical device, and ta-da, the suit is now capable of jumping well over a building. Also, if the wearer has their foot against something they want dead, well, let's just say it delivers a helluva kick. All I need is permission to modify one of the pre-existing SCP-A5 suits, and you'll be able to actually capture \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, plus any other escaped SCP objects. Trust me, when have I let you down in the past?\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDocument #018-06: Letter to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588,\nUpon assignment, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was issued your modified SCP-A5 armor in retrieving SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and the results are mixed. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was able to place the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 collar onto SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, chase it through the Amazon, and restrain it by dismemberment. However, due to a malfunction of your 'little mechanical device', he was launched almost a mile into the air and suffered two broken legs, seven broken ribs, a missing arm, and a skull fracture upon hitting the water of Lake \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on the way back down. You will fix that before I authorize your armor for common use.\nDocument #018-11: Message to O5-\u2588\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, don't worry, it's fixed. But, I have some more ideas. If I can be granted the use of some water from SCP-006, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and possibly SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, I can deliver you a set of SCP-A5 armor and an agent that can capture any, if not all, rogue or unattained SCPs. All I'm waiting on is your approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-017 | SCP-018 | SCP-019 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-019\n\nItem #: SCP-019\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-019 is to be kept on a wide grate in a 3 m x 3 m x 4 m reinforced concrete room, installed with an incinerator. Room is to be kept at zero (0) degrees Celsius when incinerator is not activated. An observation chamber separated by a plate glass window is to be used for constant observation of SCP-019, and if/when specimens of SCP-019-2 are observed, the incinerator is to be activated. In the event of an outbreak of SCP-019-2, ordinary firearms are successful in terminating individual specimens, although in the case of a swarm-level outbreak, flamethrowers may be more effective. SCP-019 should be kept in a vertical position at all times.\nDescription: SCP-019 appears to be a very large ceramic vase, 1.8 m in diameter at the mouth and 2.4 m high. Style and decoration indicate it was created in Classical Greece, although conclusive dating is impossible, as the surface is entirely unbreakable by any known means. If a successful method is discovered, SCP-019 is to be destroyed with prejudice.\nPeriodically, entities emerge from SCP-019. Collectively, these are known as SCP-019-2. The entities vary in many aspects, but tend to be small, vaguely humanoid (though they may have animaloid features), and extremely hostile. They often choose to attack with teeth or claws. Although fairly delicate (also, surprisingly, flammable), they are reasonably strong and pose a considerable threat in large numbers.\n\nSCP-019-2 specimen\n\nWhen kept at zero (0) degrees Celsius and totally at rest, entities will emerge from SCP-019 at a rate of approximately one (1) entity per hour. The following traits are known to affect SCP-019-2's manifestation rate:\n\nMovement of SCP-019\nThreat to SCP-019\nExtreme temperature highs and lows\nSudden shift in surrounding environment\nIntroduction of objects or organisms to the inside of SCP-019 (known to cause a \u201cflood\u201d reaction)\n\nTraits that may or may not influence SCP-019-2's manifestation rate:\n\nPresence of human life near SCP-019\nCurrent weather patterns\nSpecific individuals near SCP-019 (some individuals seem to affect SCP-019-2's emergence rate more drastically than others)\n\nIn addition, tipping or tilting SCP-019 will create a reaction as though it was previously \u201cfilled\u201d with SCP-019-2 specimens, although viewers looking into SCP-019 from above will merely observe a dark hole. Due to the production rates of SCP-019-2 when the object is disturbed, measurement of the internal cavity is difficult, but it is suspected to be inconsistent with outside measurements.\nAddendum: Document SCP-019-2-A\nSCP-019-2 notes, as maintained by Doctor Light and Doctor Vaux\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSCP-019-2 specimen was removed from containment chamber and kept in reinforced pen, provided with water and live chickens as food. Specimen made quiet, continuous, garbled vocalizations, determined to be phonetically similar to Ancient Hellenic languages. Although the reason for this is unknown, specimens are still thought to be no more intelligent than animals.\nThe specimen lived for less than 48 hours, and a dissection revealed anatomy consistent on a cellular level with normal biology, but with an extremely unstable musculoskeletal structure. Other notable anomalies included an unstable respiratory system, nearly nonexistent digestive tract, and virtually no other internal organs. All other captured specimens have followed similar patterns of behavior and demise.\nNote: It appears that SCP-019-2 specimens were not intended to live for meaningful amounts of time outside of SCP-019. -Dr. Vaux\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nContainment unit was slightly damaged following prolonged exposure to SCP-019-2 specimen, missed by the monitoring team because of partial transparency. This has not been noted in SCP-019-2 before. Monitoring teams will continue to report further anomalies.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nMonitoring teams report some specimens of SCP-019-2 now appear to be significantly more resistant to incineration than others. It is hypothesized that this is a defense mechanism on the part of SCP-019.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nMost specimens of SCP-019-2 are now all but entirely resistant to the effects of the incinerator. Replacement of incinerator with an acid bath is being considered. \u201cEvolution\u201d of SCP-019-2 is being studied, and may be evidence of sentience in SCP-019.\n\n\u00ab SCP-018 | SCP-019 | SCP-020 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-020 growths in a civilian residence.\n\nItem #: SCP-020\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-020 are stored in a series of sealed cultivation chambers inside a sealed containment room at Biological Research Area-12 which is accessible only via airlock. Nutrients are administered via automated robotic systems, as the cultivation chamber must remain sealed at all times.\nHermetically sealed video surveillance cameras are installed within the containment room, and must be checked daily for integrity. Any personnel entering the containment room must wear Biosafety Level 5 equipment including rebreathers and undergo full anti-fungal disinfection upon exiting.\nDescription: SCP-020 is a fast-spreading fungal organism that is capable of affecting the senses and behavior of living creatures, including humans. Samples of SCP-020 exhibit an unknown effect that renders them effectively invisible to direct observation, even when under a microscope. SCP-020 is only visible to humans when viewed through photographic or video surveillance.\nOnce SCP-020 forms a colony, usually within a human residence, it will produce spores that affect the behavior of humans around it. Affected subjects will increase the heat and humidity within their homes to create an environment more suitable to the growth of SCP-020. Affected subjects also become more sociable in many cases, and often invite acquaintances to their homes to further spread the organism. As the spores and mold colonies are invisible to affected subjects, the mold may sometimes grow directly on living subjects.\n\nA civilian infected with SCP-020 colonies.\n\nAs the spores and colonies within a home approach critical concentration, the health of affected human subjects will rapidly deteriorate, resulting in death. Further spread of the mold may occur as the bodies of any deceased subjects are encountered by emergency responders and health care agents, as well as transportation of the bodies to local morgues.\nSCP-020 was first encountered in [REDACTED], where an undercover SCP agent noted dramatic personality changes in personnel working at the local hospital. Upon investigation by a containment team, it was discovered that almost \u2588\u2588\u2588 civilians had been infected, as well as a majority of the town. The civilian population was terminated, and the town incinerated under cover of a local flash forest fire.\nTo date, over 12 outbreaks of SCP-020 have been reported. Investigations are currently underway to determine the source of these outbreaks and possible preventative measures.\nAddendum 020-01: Excerpts from the audio/video mission recorders of Mobile Task Force Eta-10 (\"See No Evil\") during the initial containment of SCP-020 on [REDACTED].\n\nT2-Lead: Team Two moving to the red house.\nT2-COM: Copy, UAV One is picking up one heat signature.\n\u2026\nT2-Lead: Team Two in place, ready to br\u2014 [Expletive]!\nT2-2: Door opening!\nAt this point, a civilian woman appeared in the doorway, holding a kitchen knife. Video surveillance showed that nearly two-thirds of her face was covered by mold growths.\nCivilian Woman: Well\u2026 hello there, gentlemen\u2026 care to take a breather inside?\nT2-Lead: On the ground! Drop the weapon!\nCivilian Woman: Don't be silly! Come on in and\u2026 stay a while\u2026\nT2-Lead: Stop where you are! DROP THE WEAPON!\nCivilian Woman: We\u2026 we just want to have some guests\u2026 please\u2026 come in\u2026\nT2-2: Drop the [Expletive] weapon!\nIt is assumed that at this point, the infected civilian noticed T2-4 carrying a primed incendiary weapon, and lunged forward at the team members with the knife.\nCivilian Woman: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nT2-Lead: Open fire, open fire!\nGunfire, screaming.\n\n\u00ab SCP-019 | SCP-020 | SCP-021 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-021 on subject D-124 (now deceased)\n\nItem #: SCP-021\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-021 is an obligate parasite of the human body. Containment, therefore, is no more difficult than containing an adult human; most cells will suffice. Item is currently housed in detention cell 217-A on subject D-139. Only class D personnel are eligible for hosting SCP-021. As long as a given subject survives as a host for SCP-021, he is exempt from normal monthly terminations of class D personnel.\nDescription: SCP-021 takes the form of a large and elaborate tattoo of a serpentine dragon in the oriental style, covering approximately 0.8 square meters of skin. This tattoo is fully animate within the confines of its host's skin and behaves largely as a normal animal would, albeit in only two dimensions. The tattoo's movement causes constant pain to its host, comparable and similar in character to simultaneous tattooing and tattoo removal on a large scale. The organism tends to spend most of its time on and near the torso. SCP-021 displays no intelligence beyond a basic pattern of feeding and locomotion, although actually measuring the intelligence of a two-dimensional life-form has proven impossible thus far.\nSCP-021 appears to feed exclusively on pigments in the host's skin. This can include melanin, in which case the subject appears to be suffering from vitiligo. However, the organism shows a marked preference for other tattoos and will seek out and devour these before resorting to natural pigments. It should be noted that the feeding process itself, beyond the sensation of movement, is painless; normal tattoo ink simply vanishes as it is 'eaten'. The organism maintains a constant size, and no excretions have been observed. The organism is capable of clearing over 0.6 square meters of skin per hour. One may 'feed' SCP-021 by (quickly) tattooing fruits or small animals on the host.\nSCP-021 can be transferred between hosts by various forms of physical contact, with differing rates of success. In the case of successful transfer, the organism simply 'swims' from one person to the other. Sexual intercourse appears to be the most reliable method of transfer, with a 93% rate of transmission. However, due to the severe pain involved, this is less than ideal. Contact between two open wounds is generally preferable. Transfer is more complicated in deceased subjects, though not unreasonably so; the organism suffers no ill effects from the death of its host and continues to consume pigments. Transmission between species is unknown; previous tests suggest it to be either impossible or exceedingly rare.\nSCP-021 does confer some benefits to its host. The tattoo has been proven to accelerate the release and re-uptake of epinephrine and decrease lactic acid buildup, providing boosts of strength, confidence, and pain tolerance in stressful situations and reducing the usual after-effects of weakness and fatigue. In addition, the tattoo seems to have some beneficial effect on the host's immune system. Aggression profiles in hosts are generally higher than average, though whether this is a direct effect of the tattoo or simply a reaction to the constant pain remains to be seen.\nThe symbiotic relationship is usually limited by how long the host can tolerate such pain in everyday life. This has culminated in suicide in a number of subjects. In rare cases, hosts have also fallen victim to fatal skin infections.\nSCP-021's origins and nature are a mystery. Tracing its transmission from host to host is hardly feasible within the confines of secrecy, and the organism could well be hundreds of years old, if not more. Nevertheless, SCP-021's captivity is one of the longest in the Foundation's history at nearly [DATA EXPUNGED] years, and has been very educational thus far. Current research focuses mainly on observing the characteristics of life in two dimensions.\n\n\u00ab SCP-020 | SCP-021 | SCP-022 \u00bb"} {"text": "Image of SCP-022 through security camera.\n\nItem #: SCP-022\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A vault door has been installed following Incident 022-827 to seal SCP-022. It is to remain locked at all times, with the sole exception being the appearance of an instance of SCP-022-1. The original door to SCP-022 was destroyed during Incident 022-827, with attempts at replacement being met with failure. Security cameras have been installed to monitor for instances of SCP-022-1.\nIn the event that an instance of SCP-022-1 appears, automated systems should incinerate it the moment it leaves SCP-022. At this point the vault door may be unlocked to admit cleanup crews. Should the automated systems fail to destroy the instance of SCP-022-1, response teams are cleared to enter and neutralize it. Under no circumstances may any living human enter SCP-022 except at the order of Class-4 personnel for testing purposes. Class-4 personnel may also order instances of SCP-022-1 to be captured and held; however, they may not be removed from SCP-022 containment facilities.\nDescription: SCP-022 is a morgue in the basement of [REDACTED] Hospital in Great Britain. Until 198\u2588, there were no reported anomalous occurrences within the morgue. Reports of strange activity were first received in November of 198\u2588. The area was soon quarantined by the Foundation, with an official story being released that the entire building had been condemned. The reason for the sudden manifestation of its strange properties remains under investigation.\nPeriodically, a random drawer within the morgue will open to reveal a cadaver under a covered sheet. After approximately six minutes open, the cadaver will animate and attempt to leave the morgue. At this point, the cadaver is given the designation SCP-022-1. In some cases the cadaver will be too damaged or decomposed to successfully exit SCP-022 or even rise from the table it lies on. In this case, SCP-022-1 will typically struggle and twitch on the table until expiration occurs. Should an instance of SCP-022-1 expire while remaining on the table, the table slides back into the drawer, which then shuts. Reports indicate that the scent of burnt tissue is evident immediately following such an event.\nThe energy source that sustains instances of SCP-022-1 is currently unknown. Instances do not breathe, eat, or sleep, and their bodies produce no heat. Analysis of SCP-022-1 following expiration has discovered no abnormal organs or chemicals present; they appear to be fully human cadavers.\nInstances also possess physical strength that exceeds that of normal humans. Though direct testing has proven problematic, researchers estimate the strength increase to be approximately 500 N (112 lb) of lifting force greater than what one would expect of a human body sharing a similar condition. Analysis is underway to determine if this effect is connected to the unknown power source or if it is an entirely separate phenomenon.\nWhen body parts are severed from SCP-022-1, the portion with the greatest mass retains its effects; all other pieces become inert. Destruction of the head or brain does not neutralize SCP-022-1; instead, the lower torso and limbs remain animate. Complete tissue destruction appears to be the only method of successfully terminating instances of SCP-022-1. Left alone, instances of SCP-022-1 will simply expire; all motion ceases and they appear to become normal cadavers again. The amount of time this takes depends on how damaged the body is and the rate of decomposition, and can take anywhere between two days and three weeks.\nInvestigation has revealed that the bodies acting as SCP-022-1 match the description of cadavers reported to have been stolen from morgues across the country. The mechanism for this transfer is currently being researched.\nAdding any new matter to SCP-022 has thus far proved impossible. Any object that enters SCP-022 disappears shortly after passing through the door, leaving no trace. This includes inanimate objects and biological specimens. See Addendum 022-001 and 022-002.\nSo long as an instance of SCP-022-1 possesses a functioning mouth, tongue, and trachea, it is able to communicate fully with researchers. See Interview Log 022-751 for details.\nAddendum 022-001: A request has been submitted to create a new entrance to SCP-022 by removing a portion of the South wall. Request pending approval.\nAddendum 022-002: A pile of matter was discovered on the floor of the room directly above SCP-022. It appeared to contain all matter that had been sent into SCP-022, with the exception of humans. All materials appeared broken and worn down. Metallic components were covered in large amounts of rust, with all biological parts being in various stages of decomposition. Testing revealed that the time between inserting an object into SCP-022 and it reappearing above to be precisely 183 seconds. Humans who enter, however, do not appear in said pile. Instead, humans appear to become integrated into the morgue, and may later animate as instances of SCP-022-1.\n\n\u00ab SCP-021 | SCP-022 | SCP-023 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-023, kept in a temporary containment area during a containment breach by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nItem #: SCP-023\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-023 is to be contained in a standard 5 x 5 m Containment Unit. SCP-023 is to be contained in a walled-off intersection of two (2) corridors at Site \u2588\u2588, with at least three (3) meters of space in each direction, and false doors at three (3) of the four (4) ends, in addition to the real door. Security cameras will be placed and maintained above all four (4) doors.\nAt all times, SCP-023's eye sockets are to be filled with spherical inserts made of hard rubber. Eye inserts must be replaced as they degrade. Degradation can be monitored by measuring the brightness of the \"burning\" effect as observed by security footage. Brightness greater than twelve (12) candela requires that the inserts be replaced within twelve (12) hours. Eye inserts are only to be replaced individually, and only after the sun has completely set. Personnel are not to look directly into eye sockets of SCP-023 at any time.\nFollowing Incident 023-27 all reflective surfaces, including displays, monitors, and eye-wear of any sort are not permitted within 30 meters of SCP-023's cell. This includes monitors linked to security cameras within its enclosure. Security personnel posted at checkpoints outside both corridors will enforce and adhere to this measure.\nExperimentation involving SCP-023 has been suspended indefinitely.\nDescription: SCP-023 is a large, sexless shaggy canine (1.5 meters at the shoulder) with black fur. It has bright orange-red eyes and prominent teeth (see Incident Report 023-26). Any time an individual makes eye contact with SCP-023, either that person or a member of their immediate family will die exactly one (1) year after eye contact is broken. Research into the method of selection is incomplete due to a moratorium on experiments, but the available data suggests that having a larger immediate family lessens the chance of the individual making eye contact themselves dying, and neither a pattern nor a preference in victim types have been found. This may indicate that SCP-023's victim is designated entirely at random, but it is unknown whether this selection occurs at the beginning or at the end of the one-year time period. Attempts to terminate an individual who has made eye contact with SCP-023 and their entire immediate family before the one-year time period has ended [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAutopsies of individuals killed by SCP-023's effect show that, while outwardly appearing unharmed, their remains have been 'filled in' with highly compacted ash, including but not limited to all organ systems and the circulatory system. Muscle tissue, bones, and brain tissue universally show signs of exposure to temperatures above \u2588\u2588\u00b0C.\nIf not contained in a setting that at least superficially resembles a \"crossroads\", SCP-023 will phase through walls to get to the nearest suitable location, incinerating all materials it passes through.\nSCP-023 was first brought to the Foundation's attention when it attacked a church in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 while it was in session, killing \u2588 civilians directly and [REDACTED] as a result of eye contact. Following retrieval of SCP-023, Class-B amnestics were administered to all witnesses and surviving victims. The incident was covered up as a case of arson.\nAddendum 023-001\nSCP-023 broke containment on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by passing through its cell wall (Incident 023-01). SCP-023 was later discovered at the intersection of two (2) corridors elsewhere on Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 noted SCP-023's similarity to a [REDACTED]. Special Containment Procedures for SCP-023 updated. Assistant Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 issued a reprimand for negligence.\nAddendum 023-002\nSCP-023 has been responsible for the deaths of \u2588\u2588\u2588 personnel and \u2588\u2588 civilians since it was first brought into containment on 10/12/\u2588\u258894.\nAddendum 023-003:\nRequest for reclassification to Keter pending.\nAddendum 023-004:\nDue to both anomalies focusing on specific geographic spaces, their destructive capabilities, and canine appearance, it is possible that SCP-1111-1 may be a variant of the same phenomenon observed in SCP-023, or vice versa. Investigation into the origin of both anomalies is ongoing. Due to the inability to capture SCP-1111-1 for study, investigations are currently focused on SCP-023.\n\n\u00ab SCP-022 | SCP-023 | SCP-024 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-024 hidden among 5 replicas to conceal its location.\n\nItem #: SCP-024\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, SCP-024 cannot be moved to a secure location so security measures must be placed on-site. To conceal its location, five (5) identical-looking replicas have been erected around SCP-024. A tight security perimeter must be maintained around SCP-024's compound at all times, with separate security teams guarding SCP-024 and its replicas. None of the security teams, except for team leaders, will be informed of the location of SCP-024. SCP-024 must be secured with magnetically sealed blast doors and reinforced, armored walls to prevent unauthorized entry.\nUnder no circumstances can any security or research personnel enter SCP-024. Only D-Class personnel are allowed entry and strictly for research purposes only. All researchers are to observe and experiment with SCP-024 from the remote observation lab. Any personnel attempting to leave the remote observation lab or enter SCP-024 without prior approval from a Level 4 researcher must be immediately apprehended, with termination authorized.\nShould containment be breached, or SCP-024's true nature compromised, then the entire compound must be destroyed via specialized demolition charges planted throughout the compound.\nDescription: SCP-024 is an abandoned sound stage that was once owned by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. However, SCP-024 itself had been abandoned since 19\u2588\u2588, and it is unknown whether its special properties manifested before or after its abandonment. SCP-024 is located in the heart of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and was initially discovered when a group of teenage youths broke into the abandoned compound. The testimony of the lone \"winner\" when she turned herself in to the police was enough to have Foundation assets mobilize to contain SCP-024.\nUpon entering SCP-024, visitors are immediately greeted by an anonymous announcer, who communicates via intercom and is able to hear and comprehend the voices of people within SCP-024. The announcer will inform the \"contestants\" that they are about to take part in a game show in which the winners will win fabulous prizes, but will also warn that the game will be extremely hazardous, and that the losers will never leave SCP-024. It is at this point the announcer presents the choice of whether to stay or leave SCP-024. Contestants who accept will continue to participate in the game while those who decline are immediately expelled from SCP-024. Contestants that win the game or decline to participate may never enter SCP-024 again, as entry is denied by an impenetrable, invisible barrier.\nIt is then that the contestants are led to the actual game. The style, composition, and appearance of the game always changes in every individual play-through, but the game is always centered around a long, elaborate obstacle course that the contestants must navigate through. The rules also vary. Some play-throughs may only allow a single winner, while others encourage the creation of teams to win the game. More often than not, the obstacles seen in these games range from incredibly benign to extremely hazardous and life-threatening. As the contestants attempt to negotiate the course, the announcer will continuously update their status and actively participate in the game, often giving advice, conversing with contestants, and adding new rules. As the game progresses, the obstacles become significantly more dangerous and difficult to overcome, and it is not surprising to have the entire pool of contestants succumb to the rigors of the obstacle course. If such an event happens, the announcer will express sadness at the lack of a winner and SCP-024 will shut down, resetting only when a new batch of contestants enter.\nAny attempts to \"break the rules\", such as assaulting other contestants and deliberately bypassing obstacles, are met by extreme violence. The announcer will call out the offending contestant, who will be quickly and forcefully ejected from the course by \"studio guardians\". These studio guardians will immediately materialize within SCP-024 when called upon by the announcer and disappear when not needed. The contestant will never be seen again.\nWhen a winner is declared, he/she will receive a random grand prize. Any contestants that have survived the course but failed to win are immediately declared losers by the announcer. The lights will switch off, and the winner will immediately appear outside of SCP-024 with his/her prize while the losers completely disappear.\nHowever, the most mysterious aspect of SCP-024 is that after every game, a VHS tape or DVD will appear in the mailbox outside of SCP-024's main entrance. This recording is a complete record of the entire game that was previously played, even though winners have claimed that they had never seen any cameras or recording devices inside SCP-024. Also, more strangely, a live studio audience can be seen in the background cheering on the contestants. Again, winners have claimed not to have seen a live studio audience while inside SCP-024.\nAddendum 1: So far, the list of prizes awarded to winners has included, but is not limited to: cash prizes, electronics, various consumer goods, cars, collectibles, full-paid vacations to various countries, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Close examination of these prizes have confirmed that they are completely genuine, and possess no unusual abilities or characteristics whatsoever. There appears to be no consistent pattern for what the prizes will be.\nAddendum 2: In an attempt to track where the \"losers\" are taken, GPS locator beacons were planted on subjects D-124 through D-135 when Group D245 was sent into SCP-024. When the losers were taken away, all signals from the beacons were lost. Whether this is because the beacons were destroyed, or because the losers were taken to an area that cannot be located via GPS is currently unknown.\nAddendum 3: The announcer living within SCP-024 appears to be sentient and aware of events that take place outside of the compound. During the test of Group D523, which consisted only of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the announcer instead engaged in a conversation with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Analysis of the conversations have shown that the majority of the subjects are centered around pop culture and information distributed through television, implying that SCP-024 somehow is able to access and interpret television signals. Cutting all power and signal lines, as well as removing any potential wireless receiving equipment on SCP-024, does not affect SCP-024 in any way. When it became clear that no other contestants would participate, the announcer kindly asked Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to leave SCP-024 and suggested he return with more contestants.\nAddendum 4: The studio guardians that the announcer uses to enforce the rules vary in appearance every game, just like the course. If they appear, the guardians will always be dressed in a manner that matches with the theme of the obstacle course. The only common attributes all guardians share are the possession of humanoid appearance, ability to suddenly appear and disappear, superhuman strength, and face concealing masks or headgear. However, winners have claimed that the guardians have no apparent shape or form inside SCP-024, instead appearing as huge, shadowy figures that engulf the offender.\n\n\u00ab SCP-023 | SCP-024 | SCP-025 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-025, in Foundation custody\n\nItem #: SCP-025\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-025 is only to be opened during testing, as is the room in which SCP-025 is stored. Entry codes are to be given only to authorized research and security personnel. No other containment protocols required.\nDescription: SCP-025 is a wooden wardrobe measuring 0.97 m x 0.62 m x 1.95 m, full of clothing dating from a number of time periods. Articles contained within the chest, collectively named SCP-025-1, match with styles of decades from the 1920s to the present. The apparel from each time frame varies with regard to style; for example, a polyester striped shirt and pair of charcoal suit pants both correspond with general styles of the 1970s. The only unifying aspect of every article contained in SCP-025 is that each one is in poor condition; moths have eaten at much of the collection, and tears and runs are not uncommon.\nWhen any item from SCP-025 is put on, the wearer is observed either to die or suffer an injury within 24 hours. The cause of death or injury in these instances is invariably linked to the aforementioned flaws in the clothing, but only ever appears to be an unrelated incident. Wearing a glove with a fingertip cut off may result in the loss of the fingertip through a simple kitchen accident like chopping onions; similarly, a subject wearing a poncho with a sleeve missing will somehow cause the loss of the uncovered arm, be it an attack by a wild animal or a vehicular accident that necessitates the amputation of the limb. If placed in a sealed, unfurnished enclosure while wearing an item from the chest, the wearer will either seemingly spontaneously contract a flesh-eating disease that begins in the areas not covered by the clothing, or suffer the failure of an organ located beneath an imperfection in the article. Diseases arising from such incidents may or may not be contagious; no study has been successfully undertaken due to the speed at which the strains observed run their course. Recommended that, if possible, samples of the disease be taken to lab for possible weaponization.\nFollowing is an abridged testing log of SCP-025; more thorough testing will accompany the declassification of the document in its entirety.\n\nTEST LOG SCP-025, SECTION 1\nSUBJECT: D-778, a 42-year-old white male\nARTICLE: 1940s-era white tuxedo\nIMPERFECTION(S): Torn seam in left shoulder\nTEST RESULTS: Subject was allowed free roam of the halls, under Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's supervision. For approximately 45 minutes, nothing eventful occurred; however, at \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588, security tapes and eyewitnesses indicate that D-778 appeared to make an attempt at attacking Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. He in turn overcame the subject with a knife, causing an inch-deep gash in D-778's left shoulder precisely at the point where the tuxedo's seam was ripped. Test halted; subject later terminated.\nSUBJECT: D-690, a 26-year-old white male\nARTICLE: 2004 Boston Red Sox baseball cap\nIMPERFECTION(S): Missing size adjuster in back of cap; logo in front partially removed\nTEST RESULTS: Placed in a sealed room with the subject was a table on which were a loaded Jericho \"Baby Eagle\" 9mm handgun, a grill lighter, and a hatchet. D-690 chose to wear the cap backward for the test; potential effects of this decision on the outcome of the test are unknown. Subject expressed reluctance to touch any of the objects on the table for several hours; food and water were provided as necessary. After four (4) hours of general inactivity, subject picked up the handgun and examined it; while holding it at roughly eye level, the weapon discharged into D-690's forehead, where the size adjustment band would have been. The round exited the subject near the part of the hat with the missing part of the logo.\nSUBJECTS: D-736, a 22-year-old white male; D-771, a 23-year-old white male\nARTICLE: Burgundy striped sweater vest, dating from 1973\nIMPERFECTION(S): Article seemed to have been partially eaten by moths; several large holes in the front of the sweater\nTEST RESULTS: D-736 was asked by researching staff to wear the sweater vest, which he did under duress. D-771 was given a loaded handgun out of sight of the other test participant and instructed to, on a given signal, fire all six (6) shots in the direction of D-736. After doing so, it was noted that every shot fired passed through one of the holes in the sweater vest, leaving the clothing intact and killing D-736. Firearm retrieved; surviving subject transported back to quarters.\nSUBJECT: D-771, a 23-year-old white male\nARTICLE: Sweater vest from above trial\nIMPERFECTION(S): Same as mentioned\nTEST RESULTS: D-771 was this time placed in an empty room, dimensions 15 m x 15 m x 15 m; only objects in the enclosure were lights overhead. Subject initially complained of boredom, then lay on his back and went to sleep. After 2 hours and 14 minutes, two (2) of the fluorescent light tubes in the ceiling suddenly dislodged and fell. Both landed squarely on holes in the sweater, shattering upon impact; one (1) of the tubes broke into jagged pieces that impaled D-771 in several areas, but only again through gaps already present in the sweater vest. Subject's vitals persisted for another six (6) minutes, then ceased. Further testing locations will be selected to minimize possible damage to the surrounding area.\nSUBJECT: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [Unplanned experiment; an unidentified individual left an article from SCP-025 on Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's desk that looked similar to an item of his own clothing. Any information about this incident and/or the perpetrator of same should be reported immediately to senior staff.]\nARTICLE: Lightweight scarf, dyed a number of colors\nIMPERFECTION(S): Heavily pulled seam caused scarf to be considerably shorter and tighter in the middle.\nTEST RESULTS: According to his itinerary, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, wearing the item from SCP-025, was en route to the enclosure of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for routine testing. However, he diverged from his intended path and began in a direction towards an entirely separate wing of the facility. Subject then entered the enclosure of SCP-173 without gathering accompaniment or following safety procedures, and, upon hearing the door closing, blinked. Cause of death listed as strangulation resulting from a crushed windpipe.\nSUBJECT: D-802, a 30-year-old Hispanic female\nARTICLE: 1980s Flashdance-style white shirt\nIMPERFECTION(S): Right shoulder removed, left sleeve completely cut off, entire bottom hem shredded\nTEST RESULTS: [DATA EXPUNGED]. All present were presumed infected, then quarantined and [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAll further tests involving 1980s-era fashion have been postponed indefinitely due to the expenditures and safety hazards presented by the aforementioned experiment. Full cleanup estimated to take an additional \u2588\u2588 weeks.\n\nFurther testing authorized; results now awaiting declassification.\n\n\u00ab SCP-024 | SCP-025 | SCP-026 \u00bb"} {"text": "Main foyer of SCP-026\n\nItem #: SCP-026\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-026 is to remain securely locked and boarded up at all times when there is no research ongoing. Alarms are set to alert the Foundation in case of entry by civilians or other agencies.\nDescription: SCP-026 is a three (3) story public school building built in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It has two (2) wings connected to a central foyer. It was declared condemned in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after it was found the floor plan didn't match up to the building's blueprints (see Interview Log 026-01). It came to the Foundation's attention after several disappearances in the area were linked to visits to the abandoned building.\nThe building demonstrates spatial anomalies. Its internal space is much greater than the external surface of the building would allow. Hallways display variable length, while stairways have differing numbers of steps going up or down. The number of rooms off the hallways changes each time they are counted. Attempts to reach the far ends of the hallways have met with failure thus far. Entrance through the fire escapes located at the ends of the hallways leads to doors approximately midway down the length of the halls.\nEDIT: See Note 026-A\n\nSecond floor hallway of the east wing\n\nThere is considerable graffiti on the interior walls of the school. Most appears typical, including gang signs, names, and street art. However, the graffiti fades and reappears, changing location. Writing on chalkboards and bulletin boards changes in a similar fashion. Subjects typically found range from standard school subjects (mathematics, literature, biology), to more esoteric subjects, such as quantum entanglement, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and eugenics. One researcher reported one board detailing information about SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, but photographic evidence showed only a blank slate (See Note 026-B). The phrase \"The children used to sing\" has appeared multiple times in various places throughout the building, but there is currently no explanation for its significance.\n\nSubjects discovered within SCP-026\n\nA number of unconscious subjects have been found in the building, mostly of high school age, ranging from twelve to eighteen. They are dressed in accordance to the school's dress code, circa \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Several have been identified as former students or faculty of the school who disappeared after the school shut down (in at least one case, more than ten years after the closure). It is currently unknown how they were transported back into SCP-026. (See Note 026-C)\nAll attempts to wake the subjects while inside the building have failed. On being removed from the grounds of SCP-026, the subjects wake abruptly. They experience a period of confusion, before dying from extremely rapid dehydration, followed by advanced decomposition. No useful intelligence has been recovered from the subjects to date.\nThe inability to wake subjects extends to those who fall asleep on the grounds of SCP-026, though the rapid dehydration only seems to affect those who have been found on the grounds of the school. See Incident Report 026-12.\nNote 026-A: Robotic exploration and video feeds have shown that the apparent spatial anomalies are caused by changes in the perceptions of observers, rather than actual spatial phenomena. For this reason, SCP-026 does not require the expertise of Mobile Task Force Rho-8 \"Roadside Picnickers\" at this time.\nUPDATE: Further exploration has shown that some spatial phenomena do occur. See the Exploration Logs for more details.\nNote 026-B: The contents of notepads, books, and pieces of paper have been observed to disappear, only to reappear on surfaces within SCP-026. New writings have appeared, mostly drawn from graffiti or text-books. Caution should be exercised in bringing documents onto the grounds of SCP-026.\nNote 026-C: Several class D personnel exposed to SCP-026 have disappeared from Foundation control, only to reappear inside the anomalous building. The subjects in question had previously complained of dreams identical to those experienced by Agent Malek.\nUPDATE: See Interview Log 026-08.\nIncident Report 026-12\nDuring a routine security check of SCP-026, Agent Malek was found unconscious by his partner, Agent Jones, in the main foyer. Initial attempts at rousing Agent Malek were ineffective, so he was moved for transportation to Site \u2588\u2588. Upon leaving the grounds of SCP-026, he woke abruptly in a state of agitation. When questioned, he revealed that he had been dreaming of a classroom setting. This dream has been consistent throughout all subjects who have fallen asleep within the grounds of SCP-026.\n\n\u00ab SCP-025 | SCP-026 | SCP-027 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-027\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The host of SCP-027 (currently subject 027-02) is to be kept in a 5 m x 5 m containment cell with a grated, raised floor connected to a strong vacuum system. All creatures removed from the Subject's containment cell are to be incinerated, except for a small portion to be diverted for analysis and necropsy. The cell is to be cleaned and inspected for structural damage daily.\nSubject 027-02 must be monitored by at least two personnel at all times. Any unusual behavior or vital signs on the part of the subject or the appearance of any unusual species in the subject's vicinity must immediately be reported to Level 4 personnel.\nSecurity personnel assigned to SCP-027 must be inoculated against all known animal-borne pathogens and must be armed with tranquilizer guns, with standing orders to subdue the subject if the need arises.\nUntil SCP-027 is better understood, no personnel of Level 4 Clearance or higher should approach within 200 m of the Subject.\nDescription: SCP-027 appears to be a phenomenon of unknown source that seems to be tied to one human subject (currently 027-02) at a time. As host to SCP-027, subject 027-02 is constantly surrounded by swarming vermin that are drawn to his location. The subject does not appear able to assert control over these creatures in any way, and is in fact prone to occasional attacks from feral specimens. These creatures have also been known to attack personnel who approach too closely.\nWherever the subject goes, an initial swarm of flying insects such as gnats and flies will start to form a cloud around him, usually within two to three minutes. Shortly thereafter, crawling animals (including lice, cockroaches, worms, spiders, [DATA EXPUNGED], mice, and rats) will begin to appear; the longer the subject remains in a location, the more vermin will gather there. When the subject leaves a location, some of these creatures will follow, but most will disperse.\nSCP-027 has been known to transfer between hosts once, upon the death of the first known host, Subject 027-01 (see Appendix 1 for more information). Since SCP-027 could likely repeat this feat upon the death of Subject 027-02, all high-value personnel should be kept far away from the current host until more about SCP-027 is understood. SCP-027 has also likely transferred between hosts an unknown number of times before containment. Research into potential previous hosts has commenced, with preliminary evidence suggesting that SCP-027 may have existed for at least \u2588\u2588\u2588 years.\nIt is not yet known how SCP-027 chooses or attracts animals, or even what SCP-027 exactly is. The previous host never expressed having any sort of communication with a separate conscious entity; analysis of the current host has been inconclusive at best.\n\nAppendix 1: Timeline of Significant Events\n04/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588: Subject 027-01 is discovered in an abandoned warehouse outside \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, that had been completely overrun by rats, cockroaches, and other vermin, and is contained and cataloged as SCP-027. The subject is described as a Caucasian male in his late thirties, of average height but gaunt, filthy, and covered in bites and scratches. The subject also shows symptoms of degraded mental health, evidence of heavy use of alcohol and illicit drugs, and signs of prolonged sleep deprivation.\n10/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588: Subject expires. Autopsy shows more than 70% of the subject's body [DATA EXPUNGED] a colony of rats nesting in the subject's abdomen for at least \u2588\u2588 generations.\n10/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588: Between 140 and 150 hours after the Subject's death, Security Officer K\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reports being awoken by breathing problems due to a large housefly having crawled up his nose (later shown to have lain eggs). Subsequent observations lead to categorization of Officer F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as subject 027-02, the original host is reclassified as subject 027-01, and SCP-027 is redefined.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nAppendix 2: Transcript of Interview 027-201\nThe following interview was conducted on 10/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588, shortly after Subject 027-02 was identified and transferred to the containment cell that had housed Subject 027-01.\n\nDr. Jameson: Good morning, Officer F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. How are you feeling?\nSubject 027-02: Scared. Confused. Mostly scared though.\nJ: Understandable\u2026.\nS: And itchy. I feel like I need to shower all the damn time.\nJ: Ah. But what about, um, inside? Do you feel anything different inside you, like a\u2026 presence?\nS: [thinks, scratches his head] No, I don't think I do. I haven't really noticed anything like that.\nJ: You haven't felt anything different since the original host died, besides the itching?\nS: No, I can't say I have.\nJ: What about any sort of voices, or compulsions\u2014\nS: [agitated] No, I haven't felt anything except bugs crawling all over me! I feel dirty, and scared, and\u2026 Doc, what about my family? You gotta get this thing out of me so I can see them again!\nJ: Of\u2026 of course. We're going to do everything we can to get 027 out of you. God, I\u2026 I'm sorry, K\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2026.\n\nNote: Shortly after this interview took place, Dr. Jameson and several other members of the research team for SCP-027 were transferred to the SCP-1772 project.\n\n\u00ab SCP-026 | SCP-027 | SCP-028 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-028\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No special means are needed to contain at this time, as SCP-028 has not shown any change in size, position or shape during the entire period of its containment, but access must be restricted. Currently, SCP-028 is contained on site (Site \u2588), as SCP-028 is not transportable by any known means. SCP-028 is sealed in a six (6) by six (6) by three (3) meter (twenty (20) by twenty (20) by ten (10) foot) concrete room with a single door, with two (2) armed personnel stationed outside. Only authorized personnel are to be allowed exposure to SCP-028, and extreme care must be taken at all times. While SCP-028 is itself harmless, the effect can be very damaging to the unprepared. (See document EL-028-1125)\nDescription: SCP-028 is located in an abandoned storage yard outside a copper mine in northern Michigan. SCP-028 has no detectable physical presence of any kind, but its effect occurs in a 2.1 meter (7 foot) cube around what is commonly held as the \u201ccenter\u201d of SCP-028. All forms of scanning and testing in the area of SCP-028 have shown no abnormal readings. Adding or removing objects, or attempting to remove dirt from under SCP-028 has no effect in altering the size or shape of SCP-028's area of effect, nor the onset or quality of the Effect.\nSubjects \u201centering\u201d SCP-028 are, within three (3) to six (6) seconds, struck by total and complete knowledge of a subject. This knowledge is thus far completely random in both size and usefulness, and sometimes goes unnoticed for extended periods of time. More \u201cprofound\u201d knowledge generally has a stronger effect, with some cases [EXPUNGED: SEE DOCUMENT EL-028-1125]. This Effect can be experienced multiple times by exiting and re-entering SCP-028, but can result in increasingly strong migraines and dizziness after two (2) exposures.\nSCP-028 came to the Foundation's attention after research into news reports of a local miner who submitted a design for a cold-fusion reactor to the US patent office. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 reported that it \u201cjust came to me, like a bolt outta the blue!\u201d News and subjects were suppressed and contained after discovery of SCP-028, and the reactor designs implemented in the containment of SCP-1995. Subsequent testing of SCP-028 has yielded mixed results.\nDocument #EL-028-1114: Partial Information Retrieval Log for 1/5/\u2588\u2588 (Note: all knowledge is perfect, total, and eidetic)\n\nEvery phonebook entry for New York City in 1998\n\nHow to redesign the internal combustion engine to run on human blood, using only pre-existing parts. (Note: Full redesign takes four (4) hours, and runs at higher efficiency than gasoline.)\n\nLocation of keys for a Buick LeSabre\n\nThe proper method of care for a mole rat colony\n\nOrigin and history of twelve SCP objects. (Note: The main [EXPUNGED])\n\nFamily history of the Blackthorn family, located in London, England.\n\nGeological structure of the earth beneath Greenland, including several unknown caves and [EXPUNGED]\n\nDocument # EL-028-1125: Log\nE-112: Subject D-1182 exposed to SCP-028. Subject began to cry and went into fetal position, showing signs of high distress. Unresponsive to questioning and outside stimulus for several days. Lapsed into catatonia shortly after stating that \u201cthis is not life\u201d. Subject passed into a coma and died shortly thereafter. C.O.D. was attributed to shock.\nE-127: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 accidentally exposed to SCP-028. Agent showed signs of sudden surprise and bemusement. When questioned, Agent requested \u201ca moment to gather my thoughts, please\u201d. After several seconds, Agent laughed, shook his head, and removed his service pistol from its holster. Agent then shot and wounded Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and killed Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, before being restrained. Post-incident interrogation revealed Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had extensive knowledge of classified Foundation activities, and several SCP objects he had not been previously exposed to, including SCP-2669.\nAny Foundation personnel found to have entered SCP-028's area of effect are to be detained indefinitely.\nDocument # EL-028-1128: Log\nExperiment-189: Subject D-9843 was exposed to SCP-028. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/03/19 11:46\nExamination of subject revealed abnormal respiratory actions. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/03/19 13:37\nQuestioning revealed subject had learned to recycle the carbon dioxide inside his body. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/03/19 17:21\nRepeated attempts to teach skill to other D-class personnel failed. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/03/24 12:11\nSubject terminated. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/07/18 15:03\nAutopsy reveals no abnormal organ formations. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/07/18 18:37\nResearchers notes: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Seriously, how the hell did he do that?\n\n\u00ab SCP-027 | SCP-028 | SCP-029 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-029\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-029 is to be incarcerated in a Class 5 containment cell. She is to be allowed access to nothing of a physical nature. Her containment cell is to be placed behind a triple airlock, to avoid her escape. As of Incident 029-34a, SCP-029 is no longer to be fed, as she does not appear to need sustenance to survive. There are to be three (3) guards on duty at all times on her cell, and two (2) guards on monitor duty.\nFloodlights have been installed in the walls of the containment chamber, and are to be on at all times. Once a month the chamber is to be cleaned and checked for defects.\nUnder absolutely no circumstances are any men to encounter SCP-029 in any manner. Any males who do encounter SCP-029 are to be held under Class 3 detention for interviewing before termination.\nSCP-029 has requested:\n\nA bed (Denied)\nA blanket (Denied)\nBooks (Denied)\nClothes (Denied)\n\nThis is ridiculous! The girl can't even have clothes? We are not animals, let her cover herself! -Dr. Ericka Bodeen\nDr. Bodeen, you are granted permission to deliver clothes to SCP-029. -Dr. Light\nAs of incident 029-53b, anyone who has potential access to SCP-029 is required to first watch Surveillance Tape 029-Bodeen, as a reminder of threats involved when working with SCP items and SCP-029 in particular.\nDescription: SCP-029 appears to be a pubescent female of Asiatic-Indian descent. She appears to suffer from alopecia universalis. Over 80% of her pigmentation is a true black, while the rest of her skin has a complete lack of melanin, to the point of albinism. Her eyes are also a dark black in color.\nSCP-029 has severe homicidal tendencies and has displayed a remarkable ability to use any item as a weapon. However, she has a severe compulsion against shedding blood, preferring instead to strangle her victims. SCP-029 has demonstrated dexterity and physical reactions four (4) times as fast as the average human. SCP-029 has also displayed extensive resistance to damage of all forms. Both of these extra human abilities are greatly hampered in the presences of bright or direct light, natural or artificial. In addition, any males who come within the presence of SCP-029, an area defined by her current perception, find themselves pliant to her will. Such males become willing to kill or even die for SCP-029.\nSCP-029 refers to herself as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, which roughly translates to 'Daughter of Darkness,' 'Daughter of Shadows,' or 'Daughter of Night.' Interviews with SCP-029 have proven difficult to conduct, due to SCP-029's constant attempts to kill or convert all who speak with her. Over her years of captivity, the black patches on her skin have increased in size.\nSCP-029 was first brought to the Foundation's attention by an Agent working in rural India. An attempt on his life led him to a small cult of men who claimed to be 'Thuggees,' in service to the Daughter. Several weeks of investigation proved that they believed the world to be in the last years of the 'Kali Yuga,' and that by sacrificing one million lives to the Daughter of Darkness, they could raise their Goddess and end the world. They also believed that only sacrifices performed through strangulation added to this tally. Events led the agent to their mountain fortress, where he discovered SCP-029. After the loss of said Agent, [DATA EXPUNGED], which ended in our acquisition of SCP-029.\nAddendum: Seven (7) years after capture, SCP-029 began showing anomalous growth in her black pigmentation. When questioned about it, she claimed her 'followers were on the move once more.' Investigation led us to a concentration of so-called 'Thuggees' that had escaped our initial foray. After discovering that all her followers were there for one of their holy days, a tactical air strike was called in. When the first bomb dropped, SCP-029 awoke from slumber, screaming at the top of her lungs. SCP-029 continued to scream for the next four (4) hours, ranting and raving that we were 'killing her people.' Since said event, the growth of black pigmentation has stopped completely. Also since said event, SCP-029 has redoubled her efforts to escape. SCP-2820 has been proposed as a possible method of neutralization should the situation worsen.\n\n\u00ab SCP-028 | SCP-029 | SCP-030 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-030\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-030 is to be held at Site-17 within a modified humanoid containment cell. Minor adaptations to accommodate its stature, such as an appropriately-scaled workspace and chair, are to be included. Lighting within the cell may be altered upon request of SCP-030 to a maximum of 2000 lumens via a simple dimmer switch. Should the need to render SCP-030 inert arise, staff may extinguish the lighting from the exterior switch and draw blackout curtains as necessary. Standard night-vision equipment is available for observation of SCP-030 in its inert state.\nSCP-030 may request materials for personal research every 90 days. All previously requested materials are to be collected and destroyed prior to delivery of new materials. All materials are to be evaluated and screened by both research and security staff. SCP-030 is to be denied access to any modern scientific journals or texts, and fiction is to be restricted to works produced no later than 1623 CE to preserve the integrity of its innate knowledge.\nStaff wishing to consult with SCP-030 in writing are to place a formal request (document #030-RS/B) with the supervising researcher on duty. All correspondence is to be retained. Staff wishing to consult with SCP-030 in person are to submit a formal request to site management (documents 030-RP/A, 17-030/A) at least 30 days prior to their preferred consultation date. All consultations are to be recorded and retained. Senior research staff may request SCP-030 be temporarily removed from its containment for a maximum of one hour to provide observational insight into non-restricted materials or events within Site-17. Under no circumstances is SCP-030 to leave the confines of Site-17. Requests must be presented in person to site management and security staff at least 30 days prior to their preferred observational release date. All observational release events are to be recorded and retained. SCP-030 has been equipped with a tracking device (inventory control code #030-17-1) so its location within Site-17 may be determined precisely at any time.\nDescription: SCP-030 appears as a hairless, genderless, grey-toned human 71 centimeters (28 inches) in height and weighing 12.70 kilograms (two British stone in antiquated measure). Its solid blue eyes lack discernible irises or pupils, and resemble small cut sapphires. SCP-030 possesses an androgynous voice with a pronounced English accent not currently identifiable as specific to any modern region. It is able to converse, read and write in Ancient Greek, Latin, Italian, English, Spanish and Portuguese as well as two (2) additional languages that have not yet been identified despite SCP-030's insistence that they should be \"common knowledge.\" SCP-030 has also demonstrated knowledge of physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics and horticulture roughly equivalent to that of a 17th-century CE academic. In addition, SCP-030 has demonstrated knowledge on these topics along research lines that do not appear in the historical record. These alternative or entirely unknown approaches to research in the natural sciences are one source of SCP-030's utility in consultation.\nSCP-030 remains active while a 15-lumen source of light or greater is within 1.5 meters (5 feet). In the absence of light, SCP-030 becomes inert, apparently losing consciousness and showing no outward signs of life. Within five to ten (5-10) seconds of being re-exposed to light, SCP-030 becomes active once more, appearing to come out of a light slumber no matter how long the period of inactivity has been. SCP-030 does not appear to require these periods of inactivity as a human would require sleep, and has expressed a desire to remain active as often as possible.\nBiopsy analysis of SCP-030 remains inconclusive. While clays native to the English counties of Kent, Surrey, and Greater London make up the majority of its structure, traces of mandrake (Mandragora officinarum), lye, mercury, and human blood have been found in each sample taken. SCP-030 has expressed that a full exploratory surgery to determine its workings would potentially end its existence. Samples removed from SCP-030 do not regenerate, and sampling is currently discontinued to preserve its integrity. Although SCP-030 can be damaged, it does not appear to feel pain, and will simply re-mold any portion of its anatomy that experiences deformation. Notably, SCP-030 cannot be molded directly by human hands, though any number of tools may be used to alter its surface. SCP-030 does not respirate, requires no sustenance, and produces no waste, although it does infrequently request a bath.\nSCP-030 refers to itself as \"Ariel\" and regularly requests that staff do the same. Questions regarding how SCP-030 was created and by whom are routinely answered with the seemingly rote statement: \"I have been asked to forget that bit of information. Terribly sorry.\" SCP-030 delivers this response in the same tone and cadence each time any question regarding its origins or creator are presented. Given its composition and location of origin, a link to the Alchemists of Alagadda is suspected.\nSCP-030 was discovered 6/12/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during a mandatory archaeological survey within London's Mortlake District pending construction of a car park. It was buried approximately 2.7 meters (9 feet) below street level, contained in a small stone sarcophagus. The sarcophagus bore no markings and was assumed to be that of a deceased infant as additional graves were discovered in the survey area. The sarcophagus lid was shattered during the excavation, exposing SCP-030 to daylight. Upon being struck by the sun's rays, SCP-030 roused from its inert state to one of mild activity within a few seconds, stating, \"Good afternoon\" to the assembled construction team. A member of the Foundation's Greater London recon force was summoned within hours and took the specimen into custody without resistance. The limited number of witnesses were given amnestics and released.\nAddendum 1:\n\nDocument 030-C: Security Logs for SCP-030\n\nHide Document 030-C: Security Logs for SCP-030\n\n9/14/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Tracking system installed for SCP-030.\n12/21/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-030 reports malfunction of its own tracking system. Repairs completed within six (6) hours. SCP-030 offers to assist, but is refused for security purposes.\n3/13/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-030 completes 18-week seminar on Unknown Language Alpha (\"Zephyr\"), five (5) staff researchers considered fluent. Lexicography transmitted to O5-\u2588.\n7/2/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: While in consultation, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 inadvertently makes several remarks regarding photovoltaic technology. Consultation ended before the researcher can substantively elaborate.\n8/12/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-030 requests a supply of Magnesium and indicates it intends to ignite samples to study the light produced. Request denied by researchers.\n11/14/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Incident 030-1: Using only what appears to be standard potting soil, ginger (Zingiber officinale), a 72-gram sample of rutilated quartz, and a 23 cm length of coiled copper wire, SCP-030 produces an object/device capable of emitting notable levels of directed ultraviolet light through unknown means. Device is confiscated. Effects not currently replicable without direct intervention from SCP-030. Researchers currently in consultation to determine if this line of SCP-030's research will be permitted to continue. It is speculated SCP-030 may be working towards an alternative and possibly anomalous manifestation of the photoelectric effect after receiving only minimal information regarding its existence. All research by SCP-030 suspended and materials removed pending review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-029 | SCP-030 | SCP-031 \u00bb"} {"text": "The Ryugyong Hotel, located in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea.\n\nItem #: SCP-031\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-031 is currently contained in the Ryugyong Hotel, located in the city of Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea1. As the nation it is located in is currently governed by an authoritarian regime with near-complete control of state and national media, the possibility of information regarding SCP-031 being released to the world at large is minimal. As said regime is also cooperating with the Foundation in order to maintain physical security of the site, Foundation personnel are instructed to comply with their directives, so long as they do not interfere with larger Foundation aims.\nThe structure of the Ryugyong Hotel serves to contain SCP-031 within the central spire. Three secondary spires (located at 120-degree intervals from the central pyramid) house Type-9 Heaven's Blade Restriction Systems2 calibrated to focus a disruptive energy field towards the central spire. Although unable to prevent physical escape of SCP-031, the system serves to prevent SCP-031's psychic energies from escaping the structure and affecting off-site personnel.\nReclamation efforts of the hotel are currently underway, with local government forces utilizing hazmat-suited personnel armed with flame projectors and chemical sprayers to decontaminate areas affected by SCP-031. However, due to the slow pace of progress and SCP-031's defensive capabilities, reclamation efforts are drastically behind schedule.3\nPersonnel who become affected by SCP-031's psychic abilities are to be terminated immediately to prevent their bio-matter from becoming incorporated into its physical matrix.\nDescription: SCP-031 is an amorphous organism with a mass of over 7,500 kg that has infiltrated the ductwork and maintenance infrastructure of the building. Tendrils emerging from SCP-031's central mass have spread through the hotel's plumbing and ductwork to all 105 floors of the building. At its peak, over 75% of the hotel's 3,000 rooms were contaminated by SCP-031. Reclamation efforts have destroyed \u2588\u2588% of the initial infestation, but over \u2588\u2588\u2588 rooms remain affected by SCP-031.\nSCP-031 tendrils terminate in a pod-like structure (sporocarp) consisting of an ovoid structure approximately two meters in length, with multiple cilia-like structures branching off of the main body. On some occasions, subjects in the presence of an SCP-031 sporocarp will instead perceive it as an individual the subject had a close emotional connection to in their past. The SCP-031 sporocarp will metamorphose into the shape of the person perceived, and attempt to persuade the subject to remain with them for an extended period of time.\nThe SCP-031 sporocarp will next attempt to make physical contact with the targeted individual with their cilia-like structures. Digestive juices will be injected into the subject's body, and their flesh will be consumed and incorporated into SCP-031's body mass. In the meantime, a secondary flagellum will engulf the subject's cranium and brain, replacing the blood vessels with its own tendrils, which will maintain life support of the affected brain by some yet-undiscovered means. The tendrils will decerebrate the subject and transport the subject's cranium back through the building's ductwork where it is incorporated into the central mass.\nFootage taken through surveillance drones indicate that there are currently \u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 crainia in the network of tendrils attached to SCP-031's central mass. By all indications, the brains contained within are still alive, and may be conscious.\nHistory\nSCP-031 was recovered on 10/22/1948, following contradictory police records taken after a riot in the city of [REDACTED], where several civilians had gathered around a refugee camp professing love and devotion to a cultlike leader, whom they referred to as \"The Beloved.\" Once initial contact and assessment was made, the civilians were pacified through widespread distribution of inhaled tranquilizers and aeresolized amnestics. MTF-Psi-7 was able to recover SCP-031's central mass and move it into containment.\nIn its initial form, SCP-031 consisted of a single amorphous entity approximately 75 kg in weight, of vaguely humanoid shape. It had not yet manifested the ability to consume and incorporate human bio-matter into itself, or any mind-affecting properties aside from inspiring unusual feelings of love and devotion. As of 11/16/1948, SCP-031 had been classified as Safe and was in containment at Site-\u2588\u2588.\nUnfortunately, the Korean Conflict (which began on 6/25/1950) resulted in the destruction of the Foundation containment site at Pyongyang and the loss of all anomalies contained within. By the end of the conflict in 1953, all other anomalies were accounted for (either recovered or confirmed destroyed) aside from SCP-031, which was presumed lost and in the wild.\nFoundation assets first became aware of the re-emergence of SCP-031 in 1992, when construction on the Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang suddenly halted. Personnel liaising with the local regime confirmed that an anomalous effect had resulted in the disappearance of numerous workers employed in the construction of the hotel, and a Foundation Mobile Task Force was dispatched to investigate. All members of the MTF were subsequently lost in action, and the site was locked-down and declared off-limits. All work on the Ryugyong Hotel ceased for over sixteen years, aside from the installation of the Heaven's Blade Restriction Systems on the secondary spires.\nIn 2008, increased infiltration of SCP-031 into the building's infrastructure resulted in the possibility of its discovery by outside persons: the local regime immediately ordered that windows be installed on the structure to hide the existence of SCP-031 from others, resulting in the loss of \u2588\u2588\u2588 more construction workers. Unfortunately, this was perceived as the resumption of construction on the building, resulting in expectations that the structure would actually be completed and opened to the public in the future. Reclamation efforts commenced within the year, utilizing flame and solvent-projecting equipment to destroy SCP-031 tendrils and sporocarps, with each team accompanied by a political officer assigned to terminate any personnel who became assimilated into SCP-031.\nAs of this current date4 reclamation efforts are still underway. Foundation personnel are continuing to liaise with the local regime and monitor their progress, which is slow but steady.\nAppendix 1: Excerpts from RAISA Email Server\n\nFrom: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nTo: Records Office 2201\nSubject: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031\nTeam, I have an issue that needs immediate clarification. I have the Ryugyong Hotel as the location of a mind-affecting stele from the Proto Afro-Asiatic Culture Group. As you can see, that's the same location as this brain-stealing flesh network. Are these two objects related at all? Is this hotel some kind of DPRK containment facility? If so, we should put that into the object's Special Containment Procedures File.\nPlease reply at your earliest convenience.\n\nFrom: Records Office 2201\nTo: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nRe: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031\nEleanor,\nAs far as my team can figure, there doesn't appear to be a link between the two objects. In fact, I'm getting conflicting reports from the Containment Teams regarding whether or not either of these objects actually exist. The 1427 team is insisting the hotel is the site for the Stele and there's no brain-eating flesh network there, and the DPRK government is part of the containment procedures. Then I have the team for SCP-031 insisting that the DPRK government's involvement is purely politically motivated (i.e. we don't want to get involved so long as they're taking care of it) and there's no such thing as a mind-affecting stele located within the building.\nWhich is concerning, given that we've got two mind-affecting anomalies within the same space, and two teams with two separate stories here. Possible Eastern Samothrace situation?\nGwen\n\nFrom: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nTo: Records Office 2201\nRe: SCP-031 and SCP-1427 Records Conflict (was: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031)\nOkay, someone needs to get to the bottom of this. We can't have a useful database with such blatantly contradictory information. Make it your first priority to resolve this.\n\nFrom: Records Office 2201\nTo: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nRe: SCP-031 and SCP-1427 Records Conflict (was: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031)\nEleanor,\nWill do. Entered into the Tracker as 000-0031-F99ZX, with a sister ticket entered as 001-1427-F99ZX.\nGwen\n\nFrom: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nTo: Records Office 2201\nRe: SCP-031 and SCP-1427 Records Conflict (was: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031)\nTeam, can I get an update on this issue?\n\nFrom: Records Office 2201\nTo: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nRe: SCP-031 and SCP-1427 Records Conflict (was: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031)\nEleanor,\nMy apologies: I guess I wasn't clear that further updates would be sent out through the Tracker system. We're gathering information and assessing the situation. Will keep you informed.\nGwen\n\nFrom: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nTo: Records Office 2201\nRe: SCP-031 and SCP-1427 Records Conflict (was: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031)\nTeam, it's been three days. Can I please get the requested update? Or at least a deadline by which we'll have this issue resolved?\n\nFrom: Records Office 2201\nTo: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nRe: SCP-031 and SCP-1427 Records Conflict (was: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031)\nEleanor,\nAs I stated in Tracker Update 22 on this ticket, we've found that the problem is more complicated than we expected, requiring us to physically send a person from HQ over to Pyongyang to investigate. It's taken us some time to get through that North Korean red tape (totalitarian governments, amirite?) and to get the paperwork done to reassign Jenny's responsibilities while she's gone.\nGwen\n\nFrom: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nTo: Records Office 2201\nRe: What's the holdup? (was: SCP-031 and SCP-1427 Records Conflict (was: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031))\nTeam, it's been two weeks. Why has there been no update on this issue? This is a highly time-sensitive issue, and your lack of progress is extremely disappointing. We need to get this resolved before Maria has to step in.\n\nFrom: Records Office 2201\nTo: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nRe: What's the holdup? (was: SCP-031 and SCP-1427 Records Conflict (was: Incomplete Special Containment Procedures File for SCP-031))\nEleanor\nI can assure you that, per your instructions, resolving this issue has been our top priority. We've been cross-referencing between the documentation, and the only discrepancy appears to be the fact that there are discrepancies. As in, all of the documentation for one project is internally consistent, and all of the documentation for the second project is internally consistent, it's only when you put them together that things don't make sense. We tried talking to the project leads of both teams, but neither of them seems to know the other exists. We tried having them look up the other team's SCP file in the system: they can read it just fine, but it doesn't make sense to them. SCP-031 team has no record of 1427 on site, and vice versa.\nWe thought there might be some kind of time-space parallel dimensions thing going, so we had a member of each team try to meet up at the same place at the Ryugong Hotel (outside the front entrance). They were not able to find each other, despite confirming that they were both in the same place at the same time (photographs with timestamps attached). We then had the two team members try to meet up at a location outside the Hotel they were able to meet up just fine. When they tried to return to the hotel together, they lost track of each other and ended up not being able to find each other.\nWe tried sending Jenny over to Pyongyang to investigate (that was a pain in the ass, given visa restrictions into North Korea). They weren't able to meet with both teams simultaneously, but they were able to meet with each team one on one. Both teams gave them a tour of their containment facility, and everything seemed to be in order. 31 team showed them the reclaimed rooms and the cleanup teams, while 1427 team showed them the location of the stele. Neither team was able to allow direct contact with the anomaly, because of the containment procedures, but they were able to confirm its existence through remote cameras. The DPRK team for 31 had no idea about the existence of any DPRK assets being used to contain 1427, and vice versa. This might not be too surprising given information controls in that country.\nTo make things even worse, Jenny got a call from Eun-Mi at the KR branch asking what the hell a RAISA staff member was doing in the city: she contacted them, and as far as KR is concerned, we do not and have not had any assets in the Ryugyong Hotel! Jenny went so far as to ask Eun-Mi to take her to the hotel and show her around a bit, and when she got there, she couldn't find any trace of SCP-031, 1427, or the teams involved with either.\nSo in conclusion, after three weeks of hard work, we can conclude, from the evidence, one of the following must be true:\n1. SCP-031 exists, and SCP-1427 does not.\n2. SCP-1427 exists, and SCP-031 does not.\n3. Both SCP-1427 and SCP-031 exist, and there is an anomaly at the Ryugyong Hotel preventing either team from knowing about the other or proving the other exists.\n4. Neither SCP-031 or SCP-1427 exist, and there is an anomaly at the Ryugyong Hotel creating the impression that it exists in the RAISA central staff, but the KR branch staff are not affected.\n5. One or both of SCP-031 and SCP-1427 may or may not exist, and the KR branch are under a mind-affecting compulsion that they do not. Or we're under a compulsion that it does.\n6. All or none or some of the above may be true simultaneously due to multi-worlds theory, parallel universes, or timey wimey fuckery shit and if you have any idea on what we can fucking do to fucking fix that shit ive got\nGwen\n\nFrom: RAISA Associate Director Eleanor Jones\nTo: Records Office 2201\nSubject: New Directives\nHello, Team,\n1. Effective immediately, Gwenevere Kirkpatrick has been relieved of her duties as the project lead at Records Office 2201.\n2. All Records Office 2201 staff are to make the resolution of tickets 000-0031-F99ZX and 001-1427-F99ZX their top priority. No other work on any other project is to continue until this issue is resolved.\nI want hourly reports until this matter is concluded.\n\nFrom: Director Maria Jones, Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration\nTo: All RAISA Associate Directors\nSubject: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 - A Fond Farewell and Other Updates.\nGood afternoon, RAISA staff. Thank you again for all your hard work. Today's email will be a short one.\n1. The 3.14 update of SCUTTLE has been updated to snapshot 2207-D. Please remind your team leads to log into the test instance and confirm proper functionality. Send any bug reports to the SCUTTLE team as soon as possible. We know that this involves taking time out of your day for additional tasks, but the sooner we complete this wide-scale stress test, the sooner we can roll out the new version and put some fears to rest.\n2. I am saddened to announce that Eleanor has chosen to retire due to health concerns. This announcement came as a surprise to me as well. Due to the sudden nature of her health crisis, she was unable to say goodbye to us before being transferred to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital, where I understand she is convalescing nicely. Please expect a follow-up email with a link to a crowdfunding page for a going-away gift for her, as well as an address where you can send cards, gifts, and other well-wishes. Until we can appoint a new AD to take over her projects, we will temporarily be splitting her teams up between several different existing ADs. Expect an announcement of the new Table of Organization by noon GMT.\n3. Please take a moment during your next weekly team meeting to go over Section 22-B (Reporting Inconsistencies in Documentation) of your handbook with your staff, and make sure that everyone knows the proper procedures to follow if and when you end up with an information anomaly.\n- Maria\n\nFootnotes\n1. North Korea.\n2. A locally manufactured version of the Wright Psionic Field Disruptor.\n3. Initial estimates were that SCP-031's central core would be reclaimed by 1989, but as of 2021, efforts are still ongoing.\n4. 2/27/2021.\n\n\u00ab SCP-030 | SCP-031 | SCP-032 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-032\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-032 is to be housed in Automated Containment Unit 535/15. Direct contact with SCP-032 is to be restricted to research-relevant tasks only. Interviews, if deemed necessary, are to be carried out using the Unit's remote communication array. While SCP-032's presence is not directly harmful to the human body, exposure to it is to be limited to periods of 12 hours or less due to its adverse effects on most beneficial microorganisms. SCP-032 is not to be exposed to any biological material not refined or otherwise tempered by humanity, with an emphasis on non-human living entities. For full list of classifications, see Document-032-RCL. SCP-032 neither requires nor requested substances or other forms of comfort.\nDescription: SCP-032 is a Type-F (imperfect external resemblance, internally inconsistent) human simulacrum of currently unknown origins. It is composed of an outer shell of pigmented silicone (5.5 mm thick), and various plastic fiber polymers, with the outward appearance of a Caucasian woman nearing the third decade of life. SCP-032's interior is composed entirely of liquid refined oil, lacking any skeletal or muscle structure. Despite this, SCP-032 is capable of locomotion and speech. SCP-032 is capable of maintaining the illusion of humanity at a moderate distance, but becomes unconvincing at a closer range, causing mild discomfort in most observers. This effect has been deemed non-anomalous. Despite apparently possessing fully-realized cognitive abilities, SCP-032 claims that it is not sapient, acting only as an intermediary instrument of its creators. The Foundation has not been able to verify or refute this claim as of yet.\nSCP-032 possesses extreme adverse effects to any biological entity in its close vicinity not created, willfully influenced, manipulated by or similarly relating to humanity. While the exact nature of these effects varies, SCP-032's presence inevitably causes severe and irreparable damage to the ability of any living organism to exchange and/or use energy: wild flora loses its ability to photosynthesize or otherwise produce or consume energy, fauna the use of its respiratory and digestive systems, etc. This applies to microorganisms as well, though SCP-032's effects seem to favor damage to their reproductive systems instead. It is hypothesized that the symbiotic relation some microorganisms have to humanity is the reason for this discrepancy.\nSCP-032 was discovered sitting on the doorstep of the inner compound of Foundation Site-\u2588\u2588 near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Slovakia. When questioned by Foundation security personnel, SCP-032 explained its anomalous effects and claimed it was there 'to be stored'. Surveillance footage show no record of the time of its arrival, and it is not yet known how SCP-032 came to know Site-\u2588\u2588's location or approach it without being spotted. When asked for its reason for seeking Foundation custody, SCP-032 replied that it was there at the command of its creators, seeking 'indefinite storage, until claimed'.\nAddendum:\n\n+ Interview 032-A\n\nHide\n\nNote: this interview was recorded near the time of SCP-032's initial containment by Dr. Alexander Kovac, Site-\u2588\u2588 resident psychologist, following its initial examination by Site Security.\n\nDr. Kovac: Before we begin, there's something I feel I should ask you, since security so often neglects doing so. It's not strictly conforming to protocol, but I find it tends to make things easier.\nDr. Kovac: Good, very good. Tell me then, what is your name?Dr. Kovac: Is that so? What did your so-called creators call you then?Dr. Kovac: Surely, they had to refer to you somehow?Dr. Kovac: In that case, would you mind if I refer to you as SCP-032?Dr. Kovac: So you said, so you said. Tell me then, what is the purpose of your coming here?Dr. Kovac: Security told me that much, but why here, and collected by whom?Dr. Kovac: Is that so? Is that person you refer to part of this organization then? Do your creators bear some grudge towards a particular operative?Dr. Kovac: Who is this man then? What did he do to earn this sort of treatment from your creators?Dr. Kovac: And you are here as punishment?Dr. Kovac: If that's the case, why are you here?Dr. Kovac: And how will your presence do that? Are you meant to deceive him in some way? Is that why you look the way you do?Dr. Kovac: I\u2026 um. You said he will recognize you. Why?\n\n+ Interview 032-B\n\nHide\n\nNote: This interview was held six months following SCP-032's initial containment, as part of a series of interviews meant to evaluate SCP-032's cognitive abilities and personality, or lack thereof.\nDr. Kovac: Well\u2026 that's certainly a way to start an interview. Care to elaborate?Dr. Kovac: An interesting sentiment for you to have, considering your repeated assurance that you possess no consciousness or feelings of your own.Dr. Kovac: How do you get that impression?Dr. Kovac: I don't follow.Dr. Kovac: And-Dr. Kovac: Excuse me if this sounds presumptuous, but I can't imagine feelings like this coming from anywhere but yourself.Dr. Kovac: Because of what they did to the memory of his wife?Dr. Kovac: And then what?Dr. Kovac: And what would that be?\n\n\u00ab SCP-031 | SCP-032 | SCP-033 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-033\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-033 should be inscribed on any single sheet of irregularly-shaped and hand-crafted paper, papyrus, canvas or vellum when not involved in active observation or study. The dimensions of the paper-like product should have no parallel borders, no right angles, and no side's length should be equal to any other (033-Safe dimensions). When contained in this manner, the paper-like product should be secured in a locked non-combination storage vault at least 30 meters from any computing or recording device. Logs for check-out or check-in of SCP-033 should be filled out at the minimum safe distance of 30 meters to avoid possible contamination of the paper product or electronic device the log is kept in.\nWhen removed for study, SCP-033 can be copied to a white/chalkboard with 033-Safe dimensions by Class D staff. Upon transfer to the white/chalkboard, the paper-like product that had contained SCP-033 should be incinerated. Observation and study should take place in a secured conference room at least 30 meters from any computing or recording device for the maximum 2560 second viewing window. All observations or notes should be made on 033-Safe materials. Under no circumstances should any notes regarding SCP-033 leave the storage facility or be input into a computing or recording device.\nAt precisely 2000 seconds of viewing, research must stop and SCP-033 should be transferred to a new 033-Safe paper-like product and returned to storage by Class D staff. The white/chalkboard utilized in research must be incinerated as soon as possible after the transfer is complete, regardless of whether SCP-033 has faded \"naturally\" from its surface at 2560 seconds.\nWhether 033-Safe procedures halt or merely slow the deleterious effects of SCP-033 is unknown. It is theorized the irregular borders and hand-crafting by mathematically unpredictable humans somehow disrupt the logic which allows SCP-033 to function.\nDescription: SCP-033 appears as a field of complex mathematical symbols ranging from simple layman-identifiable representations to those only interpretable by highly-trained mathematicians. The \"sum\" of the symbols is equal to a previously unknown integer (designated Theta Prime by Prof. Hutchinson) of intermediate value between \u2588 and \u2588.\nAs all modern mathematical calculations are performed lacking the knowledge or use of SCP-033, its introduction into any system organized without it begins eroding the numerical and eventually structural integrity of said system. This effect extends to SCP-033's transfer to any paper-like (defined as paper, vellum, papyrus, canvas) surface not possessing 033-Safe dimensions or any computing or recording device it is input into. If inscribed on any other material, SCP-033 fades into unintelligibility in precisely 2560 seconds. In addition, SCP-033 has shown an ability to \"leap\" from an 033-Safe material to a manufactured or electronic material which it can destabilize in at least one (1) instance (Incident report 033-D), requiring the institution of a 30 meter safe distance for electronic devices and paper-like products without 033-Safe dimensions.\nThere is currently no 033-Safe specification for electronic storage. \u2588 of the \u2588\u2588 operational research projects involving SCP-033 are dedicated to finding such a method for electronic storage. \u2588\u2588 operational research projects are dedicated to the application of SCP-033 as a neutralizing factor for potentially hostile, machine logic-based SCP objects. Clarifying commentary from Prof. Hutchinson follows for non-specialist staff in document 033-A. Effects may be reviewed in document 033-Q.\nDocument 033-A: Debriefing of Prof. Hutchinson after first observation.\n[Transcript edited for clarity]\nProf. Hutchinson : Every school child knows that 2 plus 2 is 4. The solid mathematical certainty of numerical order and value is the basis for all logic-based systems. We know that after 2 comes 3 and after 3 comes 4. What this formula proves is that we missed a number somewhere. Imagine if all our technology was based on the belief that after 4 came 6. We simply didn't know or conceive of 5. That is, in essence, what this formula proves\u2014we missed a number.\nProf. Hutchinson : I can't tell you why the hand-crafted vellum works best. I can only surmise that it displaces mathematical predictability in two ways. One, the irregularity of the crafting process due to human error serves to eliminate any traces of regularity that would be found in a machine-created product. Two, the irregular borders seem to confuse it somehow, as if it gets locked up looking for a pattern to identify and use as an escape hatch. I'll tell you this, though, I don't think it should be left on anything longer than a few days. It will find a pattern eventually.\nProf. Hutchinson : I don't think it \"destroys\" anything. I think it tries integrating itself into our system and our system can't hold it. It's like trying to cram another book into a full bookshelf. If you get a hammer, you can get it in there, but the whole shelf bursts eventually. If it gets out into the internet, we will potentially experience a full IT infrastructure collapse within hours.\nDocument 033-Q: Test results, Trial 033-Delta 5.\nSCP-033 inscribed onto a single sheet of standard eight point five (8.5) by eleven (11) inch manufactured white copy paper (hereafter X1). A second sheet of identical paper (hereafter X2) placed 30 centimeters away.\n80 seconds: Symbols consistent with the content of SCP-033 begin appearing on X2. X1 unchanged.\n160 seconds: Full content of SCP-033's formulae appear on the surface of X2. X1 unchanged.\n320 seconds: X1, X2 both appear wet. Symbols still visible.\n640 seconds: X1 is now roughly one (1) part (apparently) water and five (5) parts pulp-like substance, still filling an eight point five (8.5) by eleven (11) inch flat plane. Symbols become unintelligible. X2 still appears wet, symbols visible.\n1280 seconds: X1 no longer visible at all. Liquid part appears to have evaporated, pulp-like substance apparently sublimated. X2 now roughly one (1) part liquid and five (5) parts pulp-like substance, still filling an eight point five (8.5) by eleven (11) inch flat plane. Symbols unintelligible.\n2560 seconds: X2 no longer visible at all. Liquid part appears to have evaporated, pulp-like substance apparently sublimated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-032 | SCP-033 | SCP-034 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-034\n\nItem #: SCP-034\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-034 is to be kept in a secure room with access granted only to Level 4 personnel. SCP-034 itself will be kept in a locked case that is under 24-hour surveillance. When not in lab conditions, SCP-034's protective sheath cannot be removed under any circumstances. Any personnel in contact with SCP-034 must be placed under a 24-hour observation period until their identities can be confirmed.\nDescription: SCP-034 is a primitive knife constructed out of pure obsidian. Tests reveal that SCP-034 is approximately 1000 years old. Despite its crude method of construction and age, SCP-034 is still incredibly sharp and requires no maintenance to retain its edge. Expert analysis hypothesizes that SCP-034 may be of South American origin, and that it may have been used in Native American rituals. Several accounts from Spanish conquistadors exploring the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 region support this hypothesis, with detailed writings on how \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 priests would flay their victims alive with similar knives and wear their skin as a tribute to their gods.\nSCP-034 has the ability to allow its bearer to take on the appearance of another individual. If SCP-034 is used to cut a piece of flesh from a living individual, and that piece of flesh is placed against the skin of another individual, the second individual would take on not only the appearance, but all physical characteristics of the first individual. Testing has shown that the minimum amount of skin required can be as little as one (1) square centimeter. However, testing has also revealed that the amount of time the transformation lasts is directly proportional to the amount of flesh used. The ratio of time the transformation lasts to flesh used has been measured at approximately one (1) hour for every square centimeter used. Once the time limit has passed, the affected individual will revert to their original form.\nAnalysis of SCP-034's ability shows that its method of mimicking another individual is nearly flawless. Not only does SCP-034 change its bearer's physical appearance, but their actual physical attributes as well, including height, weight, muscle mass, bone density, hair growth, eyesight, strength, physical medical conditions, and even DNA. The only physical traits that are not carried over in the transformation process are wounds caused by SCP-034 itself.\nSubjects still retain their original personality and memories while transformed. Even though the process is nearly instantaneous, taking only a few seconds, human test subjects have described the transformation process as extremely painful. Subjects also may suffer psychological trauma depending on the extent of their physical transformation. Side effects are especially serious if the subject takes on the appearance of a person with differing gender or with wildly different physical attributes.\nHowever, in order to function properly, the individuals who have their flesh cut off by SCP-034 must still be biologically alive to maintain the transformation. Should the individual whose identity has been stolen expire, the effect immediately wears off. Further details may be found in Lab Report 034A. Also, SCP-034 only appears to work on human subjects. Cross-species experiments with SCP-034 have resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSCP-034 came into Foundation possession when an imposter disguised as Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to infiltrate Site \u2588\u2588. The impostor was apprehended when authorities discovered the real Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 tied up in his home with a large portion of his right arm skinned. Further details may be found in Post Interrogation Report 2211.\nLab Report-034A: We've decided to test several scenarios dealing with the limits of SCP-034's capabilities.\n*Test 1: Sample taken from deceased human cadaver and applied to subject D-452. There is no observable effect.\n*Test 2: Sample taken from D-532 and applied to D-452. D-452 successfully mimics D-532's appearance. Upon termination of D-532, D-452 immediately reverts back to original form.\n*Test 3: Sample taken from D-433 while under a medically induced coma and applied to subject D-452. D-452 successfully mimics D-433's appearance and manages to maintain the transformation and consciousness.\n*Test 4: Sample taken from a brain-dead medical patient who suffered a massive brain hemorrhage and applied to D-452. D-452 successfully mimics the patient's appearance but immediately loses consciousness upon transformation. D-452 does not regain consciousness until the transformation period expires. D-452 retains no memory of the event.\n*Test 5: Sample taken from D-625, who suffered a broken arm due to a confrontation with security staff. D-452 successfully mimics D-625's appearance, including the broken arm. D-452's broken arm is re-mended when the transformation period expires.\n*Test 6: Sample taken from a terminally ill medical patient and applied to D-452. The patient's terminal illness was caused by an inherent genetic defect. D-452 successfully mimics the patient's appearance as well as the patient's illness. Both the terminally ill patient and D-452 expire at the same time, after which D-452 reverts back to original form.\n*Test 7: Sample taken from a chimpanzee and applied to D-466. D-466 experiences rapid growth of hair across their entire body. There are otherwise no other significant physical or physiological changes. Body hair disappears when the transformation period expires.\n*Test 8: Sample taken from an Atlantic salmon and applied to D-466. There is no observable effect.\n*Test 9: Under O5 authorization, a sample taken from SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is applied to D-466. D-466 exhibits extremely adverse reaction upon transformation and [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in significant damage to testing environment, multiple injuries among test and security staff, and the death of D-466. Testing of anomalous humanoids with SCP-034 is suspended indefinitely.\nPost Interrogation Report 2211:\nAs per standard operating procedure, we first attempted to interrogate the prisoner via non-violent and non-invasive means. However, when such methods proved ineffective, we began to implement conventional interrogation techniques. While partially successful, we deemed it necessary to use SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. We managed to learn the following facts:\n*The prisoner had extensive knowledge on the existence of the Foundation and its inner workings.\n*The prisoner had extensive knowledge on other SCP-related agencies and groups.\n*The prisoner was not acting under any official capacity from any government agency.\n*The prisoner obtained SCP-034 and instructions on its operation from an unknown benefactor.\n*The prisoner was given very specific instructions to infiltrate Site-\u2588\u2588 and maintain his position until further notice.\n*The prisoner had enough samples of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to stay within Site-\u2588\u2588 for \u2588\u2588 days.\nRegrettably, the prisoner did not survive interrogation. -Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-033 | SCP-034 | SCP-035 \u00bb"} {"text": "Depiction of SCP-035 without its ever-present secretions\n\nItem #: SCP-035\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-035 is to be kept within a hermetically sealed glass case, no fewer than 10 centimeters (4 inches) thick. This case is to be contained within a steel, iron and lead-shielded room at all times. Doors are to be triple-locked at all times, with the exception of allowing personnel in or out. No fewer than two (2) armed guards are to be posted at any time. Guards must remain outside at all times and are not allowed within the containment room under any circumstances. A trained psychologist is to remain on site at all times. Research personnel are not to touch SCP-035 at any time. SCP-035 must be moved to a new sealed case every two (2) weeks. The previous case must be disposed of via SCP-101, as it shows no adverse reactions to SCP-035's \u201ccorruption\u201d. Anyone who comes into contact with SCP-035 when it is in possession of a host is to be given an immediate psychological evaluation.\nDescription: SCP-035 appears to be a white porcelain comedy mask, although, at times, it will change to tragedy. In these events, all existing visual records, such as photographs, video footage, even illustrations, of SCP-035 automatically change to reflect its new appearance.\nA highly corrosive and degenerative viscous liquid constantly seeps from the eye and mouth holes of SCP-035. Anything coming into contact with this substance slowly decays over a period of time, depending on the material, until it has decayed completely into a pool of the original contaminant. Glass seems to react the slowest to the effects of the item, hence the construction choice of its immediate container. Living organisms that come into contact with the substance react much the same way, with no chance of recovery. Origin of the liquid is unknown. Liquid is only visible from the front, and does not emerge or is even visible from the other side.\nSubjects within 1.5 to 2 meters (5-6 feet) of SCP-035, or in visual contact with it, experience a strong urge to put it on. When SCP-035 is placed on the face of an individual, an alternate brain wave pattern from SCP-035 overlaps that of the original host, effectively snuffing it out and causing brain death to the subject. Subject then claims to be the consciousness contained within SCP-035. The bodies of \"possessed\" subjects decay at a highly accelerated rate, eventually becoming little more than mummified corpses. Nevertheless, SCP-035 has demonstrated the ability to remain in cognitive control of a body experiencing severe structural damage, even if the subject's body literally decays to the point where motion is not mechanically possible. No effect is found to be had when placed on the face of an animal.\nConversations with SCP-035 have proven to be informative. Researchers have learned various details about other SCP objects and history in general, as SCP-035 claims to have been at many momentous events. SCP-035 displays a highly intelligent and charismatic personality, being both amiable and flattering to all those who speak with it. SCP-035 has scored in the 99th percentile on all intelligence and aptitude tests administered to it, and appears to have a photographic memory.\nHowever, psychological analysis has discovered SCP-035 to possess a highly manipulative nature, capable of forcing sudden and profound changes to interviewer's psychological state. SCP-035 has proven to be highly sadistic, prompting some to commit suicide and transforming others into near-mindless servants with linguistic persuasion alone. SCP-035 has stated that it has intimate knowledge of the workings of the human mind and implied that it could change anyone's views if given enough time.\nAdditional: SCP-035 was found in a sealed crypt in an abandoned house in Venice, in 18\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 035-01: SCP-035 has been found to be able to possess anything that has a humanoid shape, including mannequins, corpses, and statues. SCP-035 has been able to motivate all into movement, removing the need to expose live subjects to SCP-035. Still, anything it possesses inevitably decays into motionlessness.\nAddendum 035-02: SCP-035 has facilitated an escape attempt, convincing several of the research staff to aid it in its bid for freedom. Insurrection failed. All staff that have been in contact with SCP-035 have been terminated, and mandatory psychiatric evaluations have been implemented for all personnel coming in contact with SCP-035.\nAddendum 035-03: It has been determined that SCP-035 is capable of telepathy, whether or not it possesses a host, even penetrating to the subconscious of others, and using the knowledge it finds to its advantage. Extreme caution is advised when choosing subjects to converse with SCP-035.\nAddendum 035-04: SCP-035 has expressed an interest in other SCPs, most notably SCP-4715 and SCP-682. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has expressed worry that should SCP-035 bond with either, their regenerative qualities would negate its corruption and give it a permanent host.\nAddendum 035-05: After several more escape attempts, and after reviewing SCP-035's incident record, high command has ordered that it be permanently sealed within the facility and prohibited from being allowed any more hosts. Several personnel have protested against this, with some even erupting into violence. As a direct result, all personnel that have come into contact with SCP-035 have been terminated. Going forward, all personnel that deal with SCP-035 are to be rotated frequently, and contact is to be limited even to its dormant state to as little as possible.\nAddendum 035-06: Personnel within 10 meters of SCP-035 have recently reported feeling unease, stating that they can hear unintelligible whispering. Several others have suffered from severe migraines. Object has been monitored, but there is no change in its dormant behavior, and no sounds have been recorded.\nThe motion to reinstate SCP-035's host privileges has been brought up once more, if only on a temporary basis to discover these new changes in the object's behavior. (Denied)\nAddendum 035-07: The walls of SCP-035's containment cell have suddenly begun secreting a black substance. Tests on the substance have revealed it to be human blood, although highly contaminated with several foreign and unknown agents. Substance is corrosive, having a pH of 4.5, and prolonged exposure to the walls has proven to be detrimental to their structural integrity.\nMore notably, it seems to be forming patterns on the walls. Several segments seem to be paragraphs in various languages, including Italian, Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit. Translation is pending. Other segments appear to be diagrams depicting ritualistic sacrifice and mutilation, often for the arcane benefit of the person committing them. Several staff members have been shocked to note that all of the sacrifices bear an uncanny resemblance to various personnel and their loved ones, often in conflicting positions.\nResearchers while in the room examining these newly formed patterns have complained of hearing loud whispering, and high pitched, unnerving laughter at irregular intervals.\nPersonnel in the section working daily near and around SCP-035's containment unit have suffered catastrophic morale damage, with an all time high in suicide rates in staff in that area, whether or not they have ever had contact with SCP-035.\nThe only change in SCP-035's dormant behavior is regarding its contained glass case. Degradation of the case has increased to a high degree, enough so that the glass will occasionally shatter, causing a wide dispersal of SCP-035's contaminant. This occurs quite often at the most inopportune times, so far resulting in six (6) casualties and three (3) fatalities of both research and cleanup staff.\nAddendum 035-08: In light of the mass suicide/homicide of the members of the research team tasked with translating the passages garnered from SCP-035's containment cell, the morale damage in the area, and general loss of staff dealing with SCP-035 to either death or insanity, it has been decided to coat the inner and outer walls of its containment cell with SCP-148, which has proved well in the containment of SCP-132 (see Document 132-01), in order to hopefully block out the high levels of negativity being emitted by SCP-035.\nAddendum 035-09: The use of SCP-148 has worked well, causing morale and suicide rates to return to near pre-SCP-035 rates.\nHowever, the material appears to facilitate the negativity within the cell, causing a veritable \"Greenhouse Effect\" inside. Personnel inside the cell have stated that they feel a heavy sense of dread, fear, anger, and general depression, as well as hearing constant, nearly inaudible whispering upon immediate entry. A prolonged stay causes severe migraines, suicidal tendencies, heavy hemorrhaging of blood vessels around the eyes and inside the mouth and nose, general hostility to others, and for the whispering to increase to almost deafening volumes, intersected by a constant mocking laughter. Exposure of more than three (3) hours inevitably results in the subject falling into a deep psychosis, and attempting to harm either themselves or others. Most spoke in Latin or Greek, despite the fact that several did not previously know how to speak said languages beforehand.\nThe presence of blood in both word and diagram formations has increased disproportionately, the walls becoming cluttered, and the formations beginning to overlap each other. The substance has proven to be both difficult to clean, and even more corrosive than was originally recorded, with a pH of roughly 2.4. General estimation gives the current walls a life of two (2) months before they will need replacement.\nIt is becoming gradually more and more difficult to contain SCP-035, and the debate to reinstate its host privileges has once again come up. (Denied)\nAddendum 035-10: The walls, ceiling and floor of SCP-035's containment cell have now been completely saturated in blood. All personnel entering and guarding the area must wear full Hazmat protection suits. Constant cleaning efforts are being instated.\nAddendum 035-11: The magnitude, intensity, and recurrence of the phenomena that occur within SCP-035's containment cell have increased to an alarming degree. The cell door has been known to become locked of its own accord while personnel are inside, and unable to be opened for a period of time. Appendages form out of the larger puddles of blood and often attempt to grab or harm personnel near them. Blurry apparitions have started appearing to staff. Electronic devices no longer work inside the cell, and the light cannot be turned on, though there is no physical reason why it does not work, forcing those entering to use non-electric based light sources.\nCleaning measures are having no discernible effect on the cell, and the walls are degrading at a very high rate, forcing them to be replaced within a week at best, although the blood makes it nearly impossible to properly achieve this.\nSCP-035 may have to be moved to a new cell entirely, with the old one sealed off and disengaged from the rest of the facility.\n\n\u00ab SCP-034 | SCP-035 | SCP-036 \u00bb"} {"text": "The Pilgrimage Flight awaiting take-off\n\nItem #: SCP-036\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Once every year, a mobile task force is dispatched from Containment Command-02 in [EXPUNGED] to Site-22A to defend the runway and airport located there. The civilian facility is to be cleared of all non-SCP personnel by 0400 hours of September 23 and none are allowed to return until sunrise the next day. On October 1, all civilians must be evacuated again before sunrise and will not be allowed on to Site-22A until the return of the \"Pilgrimage flight.\"\nPilgrims in transit from the \"Arrival Flight\" awaiting departure on the \"Pilgrim Flight\" may only be cross-examined by researchers with Level 3 security level clearance or higher.\nDescription: SCP-036 includes the location, Site-22A (a small airport in the Mosul region of northern Iraq) and Site-22B (the destination of passengers boarding at Site-22A). The key components of SCP-036 are:\n\nThe \"Arrival flight\"- A passenger plane (that varies in make and model from year to year) that arrives shortly before dawn on September 23. It appears on radar about 30-40 kilometers away from Site-22A. When it lands, \"pilgrims\" exit the plane and enter the terminal. No crew have ever left the plane. Observations have only revealed a masked pilot and co-pilot. This plane leaves quickly after pilgrims exit and does not wait for clearance for take off, nor does it identify itself upon approach for landing.\n\nThe \"Pilgrims\"- People of the Yazidi faith that exit the \"Arrival\" plane, who are said to be undergoing the ''kiras guhor\u00een''. Each year they are examined and identified as various people of the Yazidi faith that have died during the previous year. This is done through birth certificates, photo IDs, specific knowledge questions, and when possible, finger printing. Most have been known to be friendly and amicable though most are reluctant to give details about the kiras guhor\u00een. In the past, all have shown to be unable to recognize family and friends or been able to remember any information beyond what short term memory would normally allow. In the late afternoon of September 23rd, most pilgrims begin to emphasize how important it is that their pilgrimage must begin. At that time, they file onto the \"Pilgrimage flight\" plane and depart, never to be seen again.\n\nThe \"Pilgrimage Flight\"- A passenger plane provided by SCP personnel for the transport of \"the pilgrims,\" it is manned by a crew of trained Yazidi holy men. The crew are typically never able to elaborate upon details of the pilgrimage or what the kiras guhor\u00een actually is. SCP equipment on board function optimally but recorded data will only slightly increase our understanding of the pilgrimage each year. Though the flight is gone for seven days, the crew and recorded data are only able to account for a few hours. Days are missing from time recording equipment and cameras, though nothing abnormal is ever observed. The plane disappears from radar and visual contact is lost about 50-60 km away from Site-22A until it returns about sunrise on October 1.\n\nSite-22B- The destination of the \"Pilgrimage plane,\" it is a small airport consisting of a runway and single building located at coordinates [EXPUNGED]. It has only been observed by \"Pilgrimage crew\" and cameras on the plane. It does not appear on satellite images and attempts to reach it on foot have failed, once with disastrous results. Cameras have trouble focusing on the area, as the heat from the ground usually causes a mirage-like visual effect on all objects more than a few dozen meters from the plane. A fly over with an SCP reconnaissance plane several weeks before the pilgrimage revealed undeveloped land and what looked like an ancient stone statue. In the 1990s, SCP Mobile Task Force Sigma-4 attempted to reach Site-22B during the time of the pilgrimage. Upon the approach, communication was lost and the Task force was never heard from again. No other exploration attempts are advised during the seven (7) day pilgrimage.\n\nYazidi Holy men shortly before the pilgrimage\n\nOriginally, the Kurdish speaking Yazidi people around Mosul secretly performed the Pilgrimage themselves. Pilgrims from the east were escorted by masked armed guards on camel back into the care of Yazidi holy men. It has been explained that the holy men would then take the pilgrims west to their \"land of the dead,\" where the pilgrims would wait to be \"reborn\" back into the Yazidi people. The ''kiras guhor\u00een'', literally Kurdish for \"changing garments,\" is used to describe the belief of reincarnation that lesser souls of the Yazidi undergo. While this actual pilgrimage was done in secret, a symbolic pilgrimage and ''kiras guhor\u00een'' are performed every year at this time by other Yazidi.\nDuring the 1960s, land acquisition by Kurds and Muslims, attacks by Turks, and punitive laws by the Islamic Iraqi Government, restricted the movements and customs of the Yazidi. During that time, the Foundation stepped in and offered aid in the way of an advantageous clause that granted SCP planes unrestricted access to airport facilities in the area. Almost immediately, mysterious planes carrying pilgrims from the east began landing at the local airport and an elusive airport at the destination appeared as well.\n\n\u00ab SCP-035 | SCP-036 | SCP-037 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-037\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedure: SCP-037 is magnetically contained in a subterranean complex known as Site-22. Object size, spectral signature, and temperature are constantly monitored both onsite and remotely from Site-98.\nThe primary containment chamber is lined with heat conducting, radiation-resistant NANOPEEK GFV polymer tiles and evacuated of any atmosphere. Heat from the object is radiated into the surrounding rock. Should enclosure integrity become compromised, the emergency system will generate a low power argon plasma shield. This is projected to provide a minimum of 4 hours for onsite engineers to effect necessary repairs before the object breaches containment.\nIn the contingency that stellar evolution proceeds ahead of projections and a nova event appears imminent, or if containment failure is otherwise unavoidable, any remaining project staff are authorized to initiate the Pituaq Protocol.\nDescription: SCP-037 appears to be a star approximately 5 cm (2 in) in diameter, with a luminosity of about 1*10-12 times that of our sun and a surface temperature of about 5000 K (determined by UBVRI analysis). The origin of SCP-037 is unknown, however, analysis suggests that it shares many properties in common with a typical main sequence star, other than its anomalously small size. It is theorized to have entered the Earth's magnetosphere via the North Magnetic Pole.\nThe object was discovered in 19\u2588\u2588 above the Beaufort Sea at approximately the North Magnetic Pole. Intense electromagnetic interference was reported by Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert, followed by an extremely bright object descending toward the ocean from the sky. The SCPS Guardian responded and discovered the object wavering in an erratic trajectory about 200 m above the surface of the water. Once containment procedures were devised it was transported to Site-32 for study.\nContainment and transport of SCP-037 have been achieved by the use of powerful electromagnets, to which the artifact aligns itself according to its own magnetic field. The primary challenge to containment thus far has been its powerful electromagnetic emissions, which are intense enough to be easily seen by the naked eye from high Earth orbit. Its current enclosure is located deep underground to prevent detection and to facilitate radiative cooling into the surrounding bedrock. In effect, the entire facility and the surrounding volume of the Earth's crust act as a massive heat sink.\nAddendum A: Over the past \u2588\u2588 years of study, the star has undergone a shift in emitted EM radiation, suggesting that it is undergoing stellar evolution at a vastly accelerated rate. If standard stellar models hold up, this will soon result in an increase in radius by a factor of 100 to 300 times, and a concomitant increase in radiated energy. Emergency containment contingencies are being studied for that eventuality. Further progression of the star's life cycle will likely terminate in a stellar nova, which is estimated to have a yield of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Extrapolations predict this to occur in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Research is underway for a method to arrest this development or to transport SCP-037 a safe distance from the planet before it occurs.\n\nPituaq Protocol\n\nSent August 5, 1977\n\nTo: O5 Council\nFrom: Dr. Innis\nSubject: SCP-037 Emergency Neutralization research\nBody: Sirs and madams,\nThe agents embedded with the US DoD have managed to alter the project requirement for the NASA orbiter program. The vehicle will now be designed with enough space to accommodate SCP-037 and a temporary containment apparatus in order to facilitate transport off-planet. However, I continue to have reservations.\nModern rocket technology simply is not reliable enough for the needs of this project. A single mistake could lead to launch failure and subsequent loss of containment, possibly catastrophically. Even a successful launch would have to proceed perfectly, lest the result be visible to observatories and instruments, and possibly the naked eye, around the world.\nThere are numerous artifacts contained by the Foundation which might allow us to transport SCP-037 safely and cost-effectively to an adjacent dimension, universe, or esoteric domain. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 in particular might prove especially convenient for this purpose, considering the outcomes of recent attempts to explore it and the difficulty of [[. Neutralization of SCP-037 might thus serve the added purpose of reducing or removing the threat posed by that anomaly, as well.\nI implore you to reconsider the Pituaq proposal, submitted in light of these concerns.\nEND MESSAGE\n\n\u00ab SCP-036 | SCP-037 | SCP-038 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-038\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedure: SCP-038 is to be watered twice per day via overhead mister. Should the mister break for any reason, attendants should water SCP-038 by hand until it has been fixed. Lighting is provided by computer-controlled lighting array. Attendants watering SCP-038 by hand and maintenance personnel fixing mister or lighting should wear hazmat suits to prevent accidental cloning.\nDescription: SCP-038 was found on an abandoned farm in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, New York, in 19\u2588\u2588. It was at first thought to be a common apple tree. However, upon closer inspection, it became apparent that SCP-038 was growing things other than apples and, in fact, other than fruit.\nSCP-038 has the ability to clone any object that touches its bark. Objects begin growing almost instantaneously and reach maturity within a matter of minutes. A weight limit of 90.9 kg (200 lb) per object has been previously recorded. Objects that SCP-038 has thus far cloned include: apples, oranges, watermelons, eggplants, candy bars, snack foods (See Addendum #1), televisions, toasters, laptops, keys (See Addendum #2), chairs, wine, DVDs, CDs (See Addendum #3), cats, dogs, and people.\nHuman and animal cloning through SCP-038 is not recommended, as they appear to age quickly. The majority of these clones live, on average, two (2) weeks. After thorough examination of the deceased clones, it has been determined that they had begun to ferment before death.\nObject is currently held on Site-23 and there are currently no plans to move it.\nAddendum #1: Dr. Klein has requested that personnel discontinue the cloning of items from the vending machines. (See Document #338-1)\nAddendum #2: Dr. Klein has requested that personnel discontinue the cloning of personal items. (See Document #338-1)\nAddendum #3: Dr. Klein has requested that personnel discontinue the cloning of movies and music. (See Document #338-1)\nAddendum #4: Dr. Klein has requested that personnel discontinue the cloning of cans of Miller, Budweiser, and Foster's. Dr. Klein has furthermore expressed customary disapproval of the quality of such cloned items. (See Document #338-1b)\n\nDocument #338-1: \"I would like to remind all personnel that SCP-038 is not, I repeat, not a toy. It should not be used for cloning car keys, movies, music, or items from the vending machines. If this behavior continues I will be forced to limit access to SCP-038.\n- Dr. Klein\"\nDocument #338-2: It has been noted that SCP-038 is able to clone SCP-500 \u2014 however, such pills only work 30% of the time, with chance of successful healing dropping as time since cloned increases. In 60% of the cases where the infection is permanent, symptoms of infection remain, though further infection is neutralized.\n\nSCP-038 Partial Testing Log - select experiments only\nFor full test records and reports, contact affiliated researchers for authorization\nDate: 11/08/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nIntent: Confirmation of mass limit: investigation into consequences of exceeding limit.\nSummary of test results: 400 pound steel ingot made contact with the outer bark of SCP-038. Chamber vacated as a precaution. Cloned ingot grew at typical speed, but growth halted abruptly short of completion. Examination of the end of the aborted facsimile revealed a rough texture superficially resembling miniature-scale tree bark. Item detached from SCP-038 as typical, and was subsequently found to weigh 90.91 kilograms, or almost precisely 200 pounds.\nDate: 11/08/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nIntent: Investigation into duplication of non-biological animate matter.\nSummary of test results: SCP-173, deemed a suitable test subject because of its lack of verifiable life processes, introduced into containment chamber by Class-D personnel. Contact made with the outer bark of SCP-038, and SCP-173 returned immediately to containment. SCP-173 facsimile began development at typical speed, beginning at point of contact. As consistent with previous results, growth halted at the 200-pound threshold, in this case terminating development after replication of the head, right arm, and partial upper torso. Class-D test subject was ordered to break eye contact with clone. When test subject eventually blinked, no movement was observed in cloned material. Extinguishing and reestablishment of containment chamber light supply revealed no apparent reaction from cloned material. Experiment concluded. During storage of cloned portion of SCP-173, it was observed that the partial facsimile was in fact making violent gestures, at a dramatically slower rate. Movement was shown to continue regardless of state of observation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-037 | SCP-038 | SCP-039 \u00bb"} {"text": "by Kothardarastrix\n\nItem#: 039\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\ncaution\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Living SCP-039 instances are to be contained in Site-77's Wilderness Observation Chamber-2B. The interior and exterior of WOC-2B must be monitored by 2 security guards at all times. WOC-2 is to be inspected weekly for sabotage and contraband.\nDeceased instances are in refrigerated storage and may be accessed for study upon request.\nSCP-039-A is [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nA male SCP-039 instance.\n\nDescription: SCP-039 consists of twenty-three proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) which have been subject to radical anatomical changes. These alterations are summarized below:\n\nEyes have been removed. New bone growth has filled eye sockets. No remnants of eyelids or eyebrows remain, only smooth skin.\nExtreme alterations to the mouth. Oral opening is no longer present; no remnants of lips remain, only smooth skin. Jawbone has been fused in place by new bone growth along the joints. Teeth, tongue, gums, and palate are absent, having been replaced by a large deposit of adipose tissue.\nRemoval of digestive system. Esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, intestines, and bladder have all been replaced with adipose tissue formations of similar shape and volume. Anal orifice has been sealed by new skin growth, leaving no remnants of the anus. It is not clear how SCP-039 instances obtain nutrition and dispose of waste, or survive without doing so.\nEnhancements of auditory, tactile, and olfactory senses. Both absolute and difference thresholds are significantly lower than those of the baseline species. These enhancements allow SCP-039 to effectively navigate their environment despite lack of sight. Instances have been observed tapping on objects when navigating unfamiliar surroundings; this behavior has been theorized to be a form of rudimentary echolocation, but this is yet to be proven.\nIntelligence enhancements. SCP-039 score consistently higher on all provided cognitive tests than their non-anomalous equivalents.\n\nSCP-039 are capable of reproduction; at time of writing, five instances of SCP-039 have been born since containment. SCP-039 show a very close bond among their species, with newborns often being cared for by all capable adults. New instances are born with the same anatomic anomalies as their parents. Despite this, testing has not identified any genetic divergence from baseline species in SCP-039 instances.\nSCP-039 communicate via touch and a complex series of nasal vocalizations, many of which have not been observed in non-anomalous Nasalis larvatus. Original instances also possess a rudimentary understanding of spoken English. This knowledge is not passed on to newborns, but they do naturally learn some English from exposure to Foundation personnel.\nInstances of SCP-039 have demonstrated the ability to operate mechanical tools, and to perform various complex tasks primarily related to automobile construction and maintenance. This knowledge does not appear to be innate, as newborn instances do not possess it.\nAddendum SCP-039-1: Recovery Log\nSCP-039 were recovered in 1998, when Foundation forces raided a Prometheus Labs facility approximately twenty-five kilometers north-northwest of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Nevada. The facility was found to have been abandoned an unknown amount of time prior to Prometheus Labs's collapse. Recovered objects of note included:\n\nTwo automobiles, abandoned in the parking lot outside.\nA third automobile, partially disassembled in a cargo bay.\nAn assortment of power tools, spare parts, paints, and other auto maintenance implements.\nAn assortment of veterinary anesthetics, surgical implements, and [DATA EXPUNGED], located in an operating room.\nTwenty small cages, presumably for the purpose of containing SCP-039. All cages were empty and partially dismantled, with the doors removed.\nTwo larger cages, likewise empty and dismantled, containing chimpanzee hair and feces.\nThe frozen remains of a dissected SCP-039 instance, which lacked a nose or nasal passages in addition to the typical anomalies.\nThe remains of three adult males, identified via dental analysis as Alan \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Damien \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Cole \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. All three individuals had been killed by severe blunt trauma, and remains bore pre- and postmortem bite marks corresponding to chimpanzee dentition.\nThe personal journal of Cole \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (see Addendum 2).\nEighteen instances of SCP-039.\nSCP-039-A.\n\nAddendum SCP-039-2: Personal Journal of Cole \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSome entries appear to notate the early prototyping stage of SCP-039's development. These entries are reproduced below, with portions irrelevant to SCP-039 excised for brevity.\n\nOpen Document-039\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\nThis is probably unnecessary, since Damien's keeping track of all the sciency stuff, but I need something to do. \"Dear Diary,\" I should've brought more books to read.\n\nNo scientific notes were recovered from the facility.\n\nWell, we got the monkeys today. Not the monkeys we wanted, mind you - these are freakin \"proboscis monkeys\". I asked that Wehrner guy what he was thinking when he got these things and he just shrugged, said we didn't specify what KIND of monkey we wanted. What kind of weirdo hears \"monkey\" and thinks \"yeah, I'll get the fat ones with big noses\"? We wanted rhesus macaques, just like literally every other research facility on the planet. Now we have to refit everything for twenty monkeys that are twice as big as we expected, or else stick them in cages that are too small.\nI wonder how he got these things, but I'm kind of afraid to ask. Dude says he's an actor, but I never heard of him. Maybe he's in German movies or something, with a name like that. Imagine having exotic animal smugling [sic] as your side job. What a weirdo.\n\nIncluding the deceased instance, only nineteen instances of SCP-039 were recovered from the facility. The whereabouts of the missing twentieth instance are unknown. In 1999, the twentieth instance was discovered in SCP-1328, living in an otherwise abandoned house belonging to the \"Red Actors Troupe\".\n\nThe monkeys are doing fine, passing all the tests way better than they did when they could see. Damien says it's probably because they can remember it better, but I still think at least some of it has to do with not being distracted. I know I think better with my eyes closed.\n\nTook the nose off one of the monkeys today, to see what would happen. I just figured it would suffocate, but it didn't. Guess it gets its air from the same place as its food now. Makes me wonder just how much we could take out. If it's not breathing, does it really need a heart? That's about the only internal organ it's got left at this point. Pulling the heart won't improve the intelligence any, though, so there'd be no point. Just curious.\n\nThe one with no nose isn't moving anymore. We thought he was dead at first, til we checked for a pulse. Poor guy must be depressed. I'd be pretty unhappy too, I guess, if I couldn't see or talk any of my friends but I could still hear them around me. If he doesn't shape up soon, we'll have to dissect him, see if we can figure out what happened. We're gonna leave the noses on the rest of them so this doesn't happen again.\n\nCalled Wehrner, ordered some chimps. I made sure he knew exactly what animal I was talking about, so he won't show up with a fucking baboon or something.\n\nDissected the noseless one today. Couldn't find anything obviously weird, brain was still intact and everything. Oh well. Damien said that the problem might be specific to this species, since the nose is so important to their social structure. I don't know about that, since I figure the eyes and mouth were pretty damn important too, but we won't know for sure until we try it on a different species.\n\nWehrner brought us two chimps, both males. They're bigger than I expected.\nNow that we're done with the monkeys, we're handing them over to Alan. He's gonna try to teach them some tricks to impress potential donors.\n\nAlan says the monkeys are learning quick. I question the wisdom of teaching monkeys to use power tools, but Alan says they don't seem interested in getting up to mischief - \"monkey business\", ha - anymore. Must be the procedure.\n\nDecided to start with the nose instead this time, to see if that monkey really freaked out because it couldn't communicate or because sanity is somehow dependent on the nose or some shit. Probably should've tested that on the monkeys, but we were too busy trying to get out of feeding them to be properly scientific about it. I wish our grant request hadn't been denied. Then we'd have enough money for some trial and error and we wouldn't have to rely on some actor for our test subjects.\n\nI don't like the chimps. The monkeys were alright because they're so funny-looking, but the chimps are a little too much like hairy people for me. It feels like they're actually seeing me when they look, if that makes any sense. Doesn't help that I know they'e [sic] smarter now. I don't think they like me either. Can't wait til we take their eyes tomorrow.\nIn other news, Alan actually got the monkeys to change the tires on his car. They looked funny doing it, like a furry little pit crew. These must be the smartest monkeys on the planet by now, and Alan says they're still learning.\n\nThe monkeys are basically geniuses at this point. Alan had them wax his car, do an oil change, and some other car stuff that I don't understand. Hopefully that'll convince the guys upstairs to reconsider our grant, maybe give us what we need to move on to human experimentation. If that doesn't work, we might at least be able to sell these monkeys to MC&D or somebody as a cheaper, cuter alternative to real auto mechanics.\n\nOne of the chimps tried to fucking bite me today. I'm not going back in there until we take the mouths, those bastards can starve for all I care. Damien can handle it. He still doesn't want to take the mouths yet, since those are their last facial features and he's afraid the same thing that happened to the monkey without a nose will happen to them.\n\nGot a call from Wehrner today. Said he had one more ape for us. I asked him what he was talking about, but he just laughed. Said he'd be here tomorrow and hung up. Doesn't he know we're already struggling? We don't have space for another damn monkey, much less food.\n\nFurther information regarding SCP-039-A is restricted to personnel Level 3 and higher.\n\nAddendum 039-3: Information pertaining to SCP-039-A\n\nInput Level 3 Clearance\n\nAccess Granted\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-039-A is held in a standard human containment chamber, adjusted to accommodate its blindness.\nDescription: SCP-039-A is an adult human male named Jacob \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Via the same process that created SCP-039, SCP-039-A's eyes, nose, mouth, and associated organ systems have all been removed. It has experienced similar enhancements to its intelligence and remaining senses, as well as other psychological alterations.\nThe following excerpts from Cole \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's journal relate to SCP-039-A.\n\nIt's a human. The \"ape\" Wehrner was talking about? It's a fucking person, a guy named Jake. Some crackhead he scraped up off the street, probably just promised him a bunch of drugs to lure him into that creepy red van Wehrner drives and then dumped him on us.\nI know our eventual goal here is to boost human intelligence, but we're not ready for human experimentation at this stage. Damien disagrees, says this is a big opportunity. If we can pull off a sucessful [sic] human prototype, then we're bound to get our grant approved, right? He's right, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a whole new level of illegal, not to mention dangerous. Not sure I want to do it just yet, not without approval from upstairs.\n\nFUCKING DAMIEN\nLast night that asshole went behind my back and operated on Jake. Took his whole damn face off, all at once. Jake's lucky he didn't drop dead right there from the shock. He still hasn't woken up yet, so it might still happen. I told Damien I'll feed him to the fucking chimps if he does this again. I am not prepared to dispose of a body! Shouldn't be hard out here in the middle of this damn desert, but still.\n\nJake woke up today. Already moving around and everything. It's kind of creepy, how fast he recovered, and how calm he is about the whole thing. I guess he knew what he signed up for, but you'd think a guy would be at least a little weirded out when he wakes up without a face.\n\nHere's someting [sic] weird: Jake says he isn't craving drugs anymore. He still had some on him when he got here, crack or meth or I don't know what, but he wants us to get rid of it. According to him, he'd normally be wanting a fix right now, but he hasn't felt the urge since the operation. I don't know how taking his face off cured his addiction - it enhances intelligence, yeah, but it shouldn't alter your brain chemistry like that. Damien's as stumped as me; he's been knee-deep in that old-ass book that gave him this crazy idea in the first place trying to figure it out. I would offer to take a look at it, but I don't speak Latin.\n\nNo books matching this description were recovered from the facility.\n\nJake wanted to see the monkeys today, so (despite my better judgement) we took him to Alan. He was training them to build a car engine - and they were doing a great job, believe it or not - but they could tell somebody new was in the room. I guess they smelled him. A couple of them came over and he squatted down to pet them. Damien warned him that the monkeys aren't usually very friendly, but they didn't seem to mind. Reached up to touch his face, starting snorting a whole lot. Seemed kind of excited, I guess because they found a human who's like them. The whole thing was really weird.\nNow he wants to see the chimps, but I said no. We can't afford to let our only human test subject get mauled to death. Damien does think we can probably take their mouths off, though, since Jake didn't go nuts like the monkey. I guess we'll do that tomorrow, unless something weird happens with Jake.\n\nDamien doesn't want to do the chimps until after they meet Jake, says he wants to see if they make any unusual vocalizations. I don't know what he expects to see, but he says that after the way the monkeys acted yesterday it might be worth checking out. I said it's still too dangerous, but Damien got kind of shitty about it and said the chimps only act aggressive around me because I don't like them. Said I didn't have to come if I didn't want to, so I won't. I hope they throw shit at him.\nWell, this is creepy. Damien swears that Jake and the chimps actually COMMUNICATED. They did that same face-touching thing as the monkeys, and then they were hooting and stuff and he was nodding his head like he understood. Jake says he doesn't know what Damien's talking about, and I'm not sure what to think - it sounds crazy, but then again so does trusting a guy with no face. I'm starting to think we're in over our heads here. Knew we should've waited for that grant to start human testing. I wish fucking Wehrner hadn't brought us this guy.\nOh, one more thing. Alan was having the monkeys repaint his car (starting to think he just did this as an excuse to get his car souped up for free) and one of them snuck off with a couple of tools. Took a while to notice he was gone, but me and Alan tracked the little guy down pretty easily, hanging around outside the chimp pen. Not sure where he left the tools, but we can look for them tomorrow.\n\nWhen MTF Epsilon-6 entered the facility, they discovered SCP-039-A living in what was presumably its quarters, sharing living space with several instances of SCP-039. Initial interactions were complicated by SCP-039-A's inability to speak, but once communication in writing was established, it willingly entered custody.\n\nAddendum 039-4: Interviews\n\nRe-Enter Level 3 Clearance\n\nAccess Granted\n\nThe following is an interview of SCP-039-A conducted by Researcher Lee Roy Carlson. It communicated its answers by typing on a computer.\n\n\nResearcher Carlson: Good morning, SCP-039-A.\n[SCP-039-A waves at Researcher Carlson.]\nResearcher Carlson: I'm Researcher Lee Roy Carlson.\n[SCP-039-A offers Researcher Carlson a handshake, which he accepts.]\nResearcher Carlson: I'd like to ask you a few questions about what happened at the Prometheus Labs facility.\n[SCP-039-A nods.]\nResearcher Carlson: First, how do you know Wehrner Gillespie?\nSCP-039-A: [shrugs] He picked me up in Reno, pulled up beside me on the street in a red van, asked me if I wanted to become human. I asked him what the Hell he was talking about, and he told me there were some guys out in the desert somewhere who could fix me, make it so I never needed food or water ever again, make me smarter, too. Sounded too good to be true, like you said, but I figured I didn't have much to lose. Besides, he had drugs. So I got in that creepy-ass van with him and he took me out to that place in the desert.\nResearcher Carlson: Do you know anything else about him?\n[SCP-039-A shakes its head.]\nSCP-039-A: We didn't exactly have a heart-to-heart.\nResearcher Carlson: Did he say why he was interested in this project?\nSCP-039-A: Nope. Just said he was helping those guys at the lab find test subjects.\nResearcher Carlson: I see. Is there anything else you know about him?\nSCP-039-A: He said he was an actor. Oh, and the van had Florida plates.\nResearcher Carlson: Have you had any contact with Gillespie since he brought you to the facility?\nSCP-039-A: Nope.\nResearcher Carlson: Are you sure? There seemed to be some objects missing from the laboratory. And two chipmanzees.\nSCP-039-A: I'm sure. The chimps left on their own, after they killed those guys. Figured out how to open a door, ran off into the desert. Probably died out there, since they still needed food and water.\nResearcher Carlson: Then why didn't you leave the facility?\nSCP-039-A: Hey, just because I don't need water doesn't mean I can't have a heatstroke. Didn't need to worry about finding food or anything, so I decided to stick around. I figured somebody would find me eventually. Too bad it was you guys.\nResearcher Carlson: Hmm. Do you know anything about any books or research notes that the scientists who operated on you may have had?\nSCP-039-A: [shakes its head] Nope. Like I said, I was just a test subject.\nResearcher Carlson: Interesting. While we're on the subject, how exactly did the chimpanzees escape their cages?\nSCP-039-A: [shrugs] Beats me. Cole probably forgot to lock the cages or something.\nResearcher Carlson: Hmm.\nSCP-039-A: Even smart people make mistakes.\nResearcher Carlson: I suppose.\nNote: He's lying. I'm requesting the use of enhanced chemical interrogation techniques. -Researcher Carlson\nSCP-039-A: You don't believe me, do you?\nResearcher Carlson: I'll ask the questions, thanks.\nSCP-039-A: Will you? Or are you just going to sit there and write?\nResearcher Carlson: I'll write as long as I want.\nSCP-039-A: Fine then, take your time. It's not like I have anywhere else to be anyway. You're just going to put me back in my cell when we're done, right?\nResearcher Carlson: Right.\n[SCP-039-A removes its hands from the keyboard and leans back with them behind its head. Researcher Carlson finishes writing.]\nResearcher Carlson: Okay, SCP-039-A. Just one more question.\nSCP-039-A: You really enjoy calling me that, don't you? Makes it easier to forget I'm a person.\nResearcher Carlson: Are you able to communicate with the monkeys?\nSCP-039-A: What?\nResearcher Carlson: The journal we recovered indicates that you may have been able to communicate with them, and the altered chimpanzees, in some way.\nSCP-039-A: That must be Cole's journal. You know he's an idiot, right? Not to mention a dick. He didn't like me, or the chimps.\nResearcher Carlson: Are you saying that you can't communicate with other SCP-039 instances?\nSCP-039-A: I mean, can you communicate with your dog? They're smart animals.\nResearcher Carlson: Yes, but I can talk to my dog, and he can see me. You and the monkeys can't do either of those things.\n[SCP-039-A hesitates.]\nSCP-039-A: I'd like to go back to my cell now.\n[SCP-039-A crosses its arms.]\nResearcher Carlson: This interview is not over.\n[SCP-039-A does not respond.]\nResearcher Carlson: You're not going to cooperate, are you?\n[SCP-039-A shakes its head.]\nResearcher Carlson: Fine. But this isn't over.\n\n\nResearcher Carlson's request for chemical interrogation is pending Ethics Committee approval, as SCP-039-A's altered physiology, metabolism, and psychology make the effects of mnestics and similar drugs on it difficult to predict.\nBelow is the transcript of Researcher Carlson's second interview with SCP-039-A, conducted the following day.\n\n\nResearcher Carlson: Hello again, SCP-039-A.\n[SCP-039-A does not respond.]\nResearcher Carlson: I'd like to ask you some questions about the procedure that removed your face.\n[SCP-039-A nods, slowly.]\nResearcher Carlson: First, how was it performed?\nSCP-039-A: What do you mean?\nResearcher Carlson: Was it a surgical operation? A thaum- er, magical ritual? Were you genetically modified?\nSCP-039-A: [shrugs] They didn't tell me the specifics, and I was out during the operation.\nResearcher Carlson: You didn't ask?\nSCP-039-A: [shakes head] It's not like I would've understood the science anyway. They just told me it would make me smarter and I wouldn't have to eat anymore. And that I'd go blind, but my hearing would get better so it wouldn't be so bad.\nResearcher Carlson: And you agreed to this?\nSCP-039-A: [nods] You would have too.\nResearcher Carlson: What makes you say that?\n[SCP-039-A thinks briefly.]\nSCP-039-A: Rough estimate, how much money do you spend on food every month? Groceries, restaurants, everything.\nResearcher Carlson: Uh, a couple hundred bucks? It varies.\nSCP-039-A: Now, imagine that you still had those hundred bucks every month. That's more than a thousand a year. What would you buy with that? Something that you want but don't have right now, because of your budget.\nResearcher Carlson: \u2026uh, well, I've been trying to complete my rare coin collection.\nSCP-039-A: Cool. So just think, if you didn't have to eat, you'd have all those rare coins.\nResearcher Carlson: Well, yeah, but I like eating.\nSCP-039-A: Do you? Or is that just your biological need to eat tricking your brain into enjoying something it doesn't really have a choice about?\nResearcher Carlson: Of course I like eating! I mean, maybe not always, but when I go to a fancy restaurant or something I do.\nSCP-039-A: Okay, fine. Let me put it like this. You want to lose some weight, right?\nResearcher Carlson: What? [Researcher Carlson looks down at his body.]\nSCP-039-A: Just guessing. Most of you people do.\nResearcher Carlson: Us people?\nSCP-039-A: People who can afford to eat. Before I got my face off, I only got to eat if I went to a homeless shelter or fished something out of the trash. But you have the opposite problem, don't you? Eating too much.\nResearcher Carlson: Well, I suppose so.\nSCP-039-A: Now, imagine if you never had to worry about that. If you didn't have to try and fail to exercise self-control when you reach for one more piece of cake, or one more deep-fried whatever. Because you can't eat, but that doesn't bother you because you don't want to anyway. Pretty soon after your operation your body will naturally reach a healthy weight. But you can still build muscle. Heck, I was skinny as a post before I got rid of my face. Now look at me!\nResearcher Carlson: Uh, I think I'll stick with my diet.\nSCP-039-A: How about this, then? How much time do you spend eating every day?\nResearcher Carlson: Look, I just want to know more about the procedure. This isn't necessary.\nSCP-039-A: You wanted to know why I volunteered, didn't you? I'm trying to explain it to you. Or do you not really want to know?\nResearcher Carlson: [sighs] Fine, carry on.\nSCP-039-A: So how much time do you spend eating?\nResearcher Carlson: I don't know, maybe an hour total?\nSCP-039-A: And how much time do you spend cooking? Shopping for food? Driving back and forth to the place where you shop, bringing in the groceries, putting them away? Or when you go to a restaurant, how much time do you waste deciding where to go, driving out there, waiting for your table, waiting to order, waiting for the food, waiting for the check. Then, after you eat, how much time do you spend shitting every day? How much of your life is wasted sitting on a toilet, wiping your own ass, smelling your own shit like an animal? Do you have any idea how much of your short life is wasted fulfilling base biological needs? How much of the stuff you WANT to do with your life never gets done, because you're too busy doing what you HAVE to?\nResearcher Carlson: [sighs] I understand that, but I like my face where it is.\n[SCP-039-A shakes its head slowly]\nSCP-039-A: Well, maybe if you were in the shoes that I was in you'd think differently. From where I was, a face was a small price to pay. I don't guess it matters now, though, since I'm in a box.\nResearcher Carlson: I'm sorry about that, but surely you can understand the kind of uproar that a man with no face would cause if we just let you wander around in public.\n[SCP-039-A hesitates for several seconds, fingers hovering above the keyboard.]\nSCP-039-A: Did you have any other questions?\nResearcher Carlson: Well, we're wondering if you've experienced any other psychological changes. The monkeys show much higher cognitive performance than unaltered ones, and we want to know if you've experienced anything similar.\nSCP-039-A: Definitely! It's a little more complicated than just being smarter, though.\nResearcher Carlson: How so?\nSCP-039-A: Well, it's all about attention. I can hear better now, what with the [SCP-039-A gestures at the upper half of its \"face\".] But I also listen better, if that makes any sense, because I'm not distracted any more. I never realized it before, and you probably don't either, I'm not sure anybody can if they still have a face, but people are always distracted. Thinking about a thousand different things, worrying about your job (or lack of one, in my case), trying to figure out what you're gonna have for dinner, where you're gonna sleep, how you're gonna get your next fix, whatever that is for you. But I don't have to deal with all that anymore, so I can pay attention, REALLY pay attention, when I'm listening, and remember all of it. And when I'm thinking, trying to solve a math problem or something, I can concentrate, REALLY concentrate. It's like the difference between being sober and being drunk.\nResearcher Carlson: Speaking of which: the documents we found indicate that you were addicted to drugs before the operation.\nSCP-039-A: I was a crackhead before they took my face off. But I haven't craved it even a little bit since the operation. Didn't even withdraw. That's interesting to you, I imagine?\nResearcher Carlson: Yes, it is. Do you know why this is the case?\nSCP-039-A: Not scientifically. Seemed like Damien and the other guys didn't expect that. But I do know\n[SCP-039-A pauses briefly.]\nSCP-039-A: intrinsically? Spiritually? I can feel it. If that makes any sense.\nResearcher Carlson: Can you explain this feeling?\nSCP-039-A: It's simple really. It's like what I was talking about with the food. Now that my face is gone, and a whole bunch of my organs too, I don't know which ones, exactly, but most of them, I'm cut off from that.\nResearcher Carlson: From what?\nSCP-039-A: Urges. Base instincts. The monkey brain. Before, my body craved things. Food, water, sex, drugs, booze. I could barely think. REALLY think, the way I do now. But not anymore. When they removed my face, they removed the monkey. Now it's just me in here.\n[SCP-039-A taps its forehead.]\nSCP-039-A: Just a rational human being in complete control of himself.\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-038 | SCP-039 | SCP-040 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-040\nObject Class: Anomalous Human\nContainment Class: Active\nHazard Standard Containment Policies:\n\nTwo-person residential module (no amenity restrictions)\nAccess to site library, recreational facilities, cafeteria, and public areas (supervised)\nDietary restriction (mild peanut allergy)\nYouth educational curriculum enrollment (Drs. Abernathy, Logan, and Izawa)\nBi-weekly psychological review (Dr. Abernathy)\nSchedule B experimentation plan\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-040-1a, 1c, and 1j have been approved to remain in the containment chamber with SCP-040 for purposes of the subject's mental well-being. (Security Chief Special Order 392-5: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588). All other entities modified by SCP-040 during testing are to be disposed of after study according to standard biological specimen clearance protocols, as outlined in Document CDP-BIO-EN-1.\n\nDOB:\nc. 2000 (subject claimed to be 8 years old at DOC)\n\nPOB:\nUnknown\n\nDOC:\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2008\n\nHeight:\n111 cm\n\nWeight:\n20.7 kg\n\nHair:\nBright pink\n\nEyes:\nGreen (r) / yellow (l) heterochromia; black sclera (l)\n\nOther Notes:\nBlind in left eye. Skin sensitive to burns and easily bruised. Hair is brittle and falls out easily.\n\nDescription: SCP-040 is a human child capable of at-will manipulation of the physical characteristics of living organisms. Modified organisms are collectively referred to as SCP-040-1.\nModifications are primarily cosmetic, ranging from simple color and pattern changes to more involved shifts in bodily form and structure. The creation of new specialized organs is possible, but appears to be the limit of SCP-040's ability and currently has a 66% failure rate in testing. Modifications are limited to what would be physically possible (regardless of the probability of such a feature naturally arising) \u2013 for example, while SCP-040 can grant an organism wings that does not naturally possess them, they will not permit the creature to fly without meeting other physical requirements. SCP-040-1 undergo behavior shifts as part of the modification process, acting with extreme loyalty to SCP-040 regardless of prior association.\nSCP-040's anomalous property requires significant focus and time to enact and causes intense headaches and nausea when performed for more than a few minutes at a time. The effect becomes increasingly unreliable and inaccurate the smaller the modifications or more complex the changes are. SCP-040 is incapable of altering microscopic organisms, and has great difficulty in altering plant life. Dead organic matter may also be used, but must be used in conjunction with a living organism. Instances of SCP-040-1 cannot be modified more than once, though it is currently unknown if this is a hard limit of SCP-040's properties, or from a lack of mastery over them.\nSCP-040's emotional state is within acceptable boundaries for an individual of its age group, accounting for the effects of prolonged containment and parental seperation. Subject's intelligence is slightly above-average for its age group. Behavior is generally cooperative. SCP-040 acclimatized quickly to containment, and responded well to the initial orientation and socialization programs. SCP-040 responds to the name \"Forty\", and does not appear to have any other given or chosen personal name.\nRecovery Summary: Subject was taken into custody on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2008 as part of the raid on the Keys to the Kingdom Christian Charter School for Gifted Youth in [REDACTED], Colorado. The raid's primary objective, being the capture or execution of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a former CIA operative who had previously worked alongside Foundation intermediaries as part of Project Blackbook, Project Smilodon and Operation STARGATE from 1967 \u2013 1971, was successful. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was terminated on site and disposed of without incident.\nOf the 15 children recovered from the facility, SCP-040 was the only one to demonstrate anomalous properties: the others were administered amnestics and placed in Foundation-observed foster care. Interviews with staff at the school revealed that they were unaware of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's prior history or any connection with Foundation operations. They were administered amnestics and put under a sixth-month communications monitor \u2013 no relapses were recorded.\nSee Operation TATZELWURM after-action report for complete event record.\nAddendum-01: SCP-040 is currently allowed custody of the following SCP-040-1 instances.\n\u2022 SCP-040-1a \u2013 Symbiotic organism capable of changing size, shape, color, and texture in reaction to its environment. Subject serves as outer clothing, similar to a jacket or sweater, and absorbs nutrients from SCP-040's bloodstream. Subject was recovered alongside SCP-040, and genetic testing reveals that the subject shares the majority of its genetic makeup with the common housecat (Felis catus).\n\u2022 SCP-040-1c \u2013 Spherical organism capable of flight by means of rubbery bladders filled with lighter-than-air gas mixture. Entity has eleven limbs terminating in opposable digits, and a complex respiratory system capable of replicating a wide variety of musical patterns.\n\u2022 SCP-040-1j \u2013 Quadrupedal organism covered in a thick coat of pink and blue fur. Entity has no eyes, a broad mouth with blunt teeth, and is capable of climbing up vertical surfaces. Occasionally used by SCP-040 as a means of transport.\nAddendum-02\nThe following interview excerpt is dated \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2008, shortly after SCP-040's initial containment and orientation sessions.\n\nDr. Abernathy: Good morning, Forty.Dr. Abernathy: Sounds like you're getting over your cold.Dr. Abernathy: I'm glad. Can I ask you a few questions before we start with today's lesson?Dr. Abernathy: Can you tell me about your parents?Dr. Abernathy: Can you tell me about Mr. Green, then?1Dr. Abernathy: And what did they do for you?Dr. Abernathy: Can you tell me anything else?\nAddendum-03: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009 - SCP-040 successfully reanimated a deceased human body during testing, using three specimens of brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) as the required living component. Resultant subject retained no memories of previous life, and was judged to be of the approximate mental capacity of a human toddler. SCP-040 was highly distressed by the event and refused further testing for the next three weeks.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Investigation during Operation TATZELWURM confirmed that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been operating under the name \"Henry Green\" since at least 1982.\n\n\u00ab SCP-039 | SCP-040 | SCP-041 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-041\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-041 is to be hospitalized at Bio-Research Area 12. Though not Keter class, should SCP-041's abilities ever propagate beyond a reasonably containable area, the risk of SCP sensitive information being broadcast to the public remains too great a risk and warrants Area-Level isolation away from the general populace. SCP personnel wanting to keep their thoughts private are advised to remain outside of a fifteen (15) meter radius from SCP-041, beyond the designated red circle on the floor.\nIt is beneficial to the mental health of SCP-041 to have a \"sitter\" in the room who watches television and concentrates on its programming. This allows SCP-041 to effectively \"watch\" television through the mind of someone else. The optimal sitter is a class-D personnel with below-average intelligence whose mind does not wander or have more than one train of thought at a time. Though not mind control, SCP-041 has used its abilities to coerce sitters into watching programming that they don't themselves enjoy. SCP-041's tastes vary between gore/slasher films (having even expressed interest in \"snuff\") and children's programming.\nDescription: SCP-041 is a male human suffering from irreversible damage to his central nervous system, which is believed to have been caused by an infection of a rare strain of bacterial meningitis. Although antibiotics were successful in clearing the infection, the membranes surrounding his brain and spinal cord had reacted to the infection by severing many neurons connecting the central nervous system to the rest of the body. SCP-041 must rely on a respirator to sustain his breathing, a biventricular pacemaker to keep his heart beating, and a naso-gastric tube to provide nutrition.\nVisually, SCP-041 appears to be in a persistent vegetative state. However, observers in the presence of SCP-041 begin to realize that their thoughts, along with everyone else's in about a 10-meter radius from SCP-041, are broadcast in a semi-audible fashion. Aside from being the source, SCP-041 is also capable of broadcasting his own thoughts to those present. Anyone forming an idea using words will have those thoughts unwillingly transmitted to others in this range as \"mind-audible speech,\" which cannot be recorded by any known equipment. (Correction: see Addendum-01). Mind-audible speech may be \"heard\" using whatever voice a subject chooses to think with; most typically this is the subject's normal voice (see Document-01).\nVisual thoughts and images are broadcast as well, but are not received as readily. Images are most effectively transmitted when both the sender and receiver have their eyes closed, the sender concentrates on a single object without environment or background, and the receiver's mind is clear of conscious thoughts. Communication between subjects using visual images, particularly those not rooted in memory but in imagination, is usually difficult. The sender typically has trouble conceiving a highly-detailed mental object from a single point of view, while the receiver will often try to fill in gaps of missing information, ultimately resulting in the receiver seeing a different image from what was sent. The most difficult imagery to be successfully broadcast appears to be a person's face, particularly if the image is one of a person in motion.\nAlthough able to transmit his thoughts to others, SCP-041 is not very \"talkative.\" Attempts to persuade SCP-041 to divulge any information about his abilities have been so far fruitless. SCP-041 is typically silent and normally will not respond to any direct attempts at communication. However, SCP-041 appears to have a sense of humor, as he interjects occasional comments into conversations of others.\nAddendum-01: While researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was taking voice notes using a digital audio recorder, a fellow researcher was changing the television in SCP-041's room. While the television was on a channel of static, disembodied voices could be heard filtered through the white noise. Attempts to record mind-audible speech with white-noise generators and sound-recording equipment have begun to yield modest results, though most audio is garbled, and recorded sounds may or may not be voices and are widely left toward individual interpretations.\nAddendum-02: \"It has come to my attention that several personnel have used SCP-041 as an ad-hoc 'she likes me/she likes me not' detector. This is one of the most appalling things I've ever heard. Are we safeguarding potentially world-destroying objects or are we in third grade?\" \u2014 Dr. Klein.\nDocument-01: Researcher's Quote: \"Ya know, the first time I was in that room with Kent and forty-one, I kept hearing this singing. It was this little girl's voice singing some kid's song. It wasn't the TV and it definitely wasn't a radio\u2026 It was in our heads\u2026 ya know. So I think, 'Ya know, if I was stuck in bed, without anything else to do, I'd sing like a little girl too.' And then this voice comes into my head, 'Hey, it's not me\u2026 I don't know that tune\", and then ol' Kent looks at me, gone all white in the face\u2026 ya know.\"\nNote: This event occurred after SCP-239 was placed in a chemically-induced coma. Any connection between the two SCPs is currently unconfirmed.\n\n\u00ab SCP-040 | SCP-041 | SCP-042 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-042 being made to stand through the use of electrified fence wire\n\nItem #: SCP-042\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-042 is currently housed within Minimum Security Paddock 12 at Bio-Research Area-32. Despite SCP-042's seeming disinclination to attempt escape at this point, security measures must still be maintained at all times. Previous attempts to maintain the health of the groundcover in Paddock 12 have failed to date. Despite regular watering, SCP-042's presence leaves the ground parched wherever it treads. As it has not been determined what happens to added water, the program of watering has been discontinued as unnecessary and potentially hazardous to the local water table. Monitoring of local well levels and sampling of the area's water is to be carried out on a weekly basis.\nPersonnel interacting with SCP-042, including any handlers, medical personnel, feeders, and custodial staff, must submit to a thorough search, including [DATA REDACTED], prior to entrance into Paddock 12. Any personnel attempting to smuggle a weapon, or an object which can be used as a weapon, is to be immediately [DATA REDACTED]. Personnel are to undergo psychological screening once per week after interacting in any way with SCP-042. Medical personnel examining the wounds on SCP-042's back are to be closely monitored at all times, lest they attempt to euthanize SCP-042.\nDescription: SCP-042 is an animal believed to be a member of the genus Equus. Its coat is white in color with some small brown spotting. It stands at 183 cm (18 hands) to its withers and weighs 710 kg. Its weight has dropped significantly since it has been in Foundation custody, due to both atrophy from lack of physical activity and refusal to eat. The liquid nutrient diet forcibly administered keeps it alive but it remains emaciated and weak. SCP-042 exhibits two large bone protrusions from its back, linked to powerful musculature (now atrophied) throughout its back. These bones end at 37 centimeters from the surface of its back, and they protrude from the skin at open, ragged wounds. To date, no healing has been observed of these wounds, though some clotting must be taking place for SCP-042 to have not bled out.\nSCP-042 exhibits a listless demeanor and has been unresponsive to any attempt by skilled handlers to incite activity. If allowed to do so, SCP-042 will lay down on the ground immobile, not moving to eat, drink, or relieve itself. Pain-response conditioning has proved somewhat effective in getting SCP-042 to rise so that it can be cleaned, but eventually it will attempt to lay down again no matter the strength of the shock administered, even to the point of losing consciousness.\nResearchers are divided as to SCP-042's level of intelligence. While some believe that it is simply an animal and no smarter than others of its genus, others have come to believe that it may in fact be sapient. It has been shown to make eye contact with persons entering Paddock 12, most of whom describe its looks as \"pleading\". SCP-042 has been involved in accidents on multiple occasions where it has been injured on pieces of equipment or its enclosure, which those arguing for intelligence believe to have been intentionally caused by SCP-042.\nAddendum: A request was submitted by Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to transfer SCP-042 to Bio-Research Area-4 on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, which was approved by O5-5. Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 altered transportation documents to indicate that SCP-042 was to be airlifted rather than transported by armed convoy. During transit, Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 overpowered the pilot of the transport aircraft and took the controls, plunging the craft into a steep dive. Passengers and cargo experienced nearly a minute of weightlessness before security personnel regained control of the aircraft and leveled off. As Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was being bound and the plane landed, SCP-042 broke free of containment and kicked two security personnel to death in the cargo area. Cargo bay security footage shows that after this point, SCP-042 approached Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and touched its muzzle to his face. Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 exhibited signs of euphoria while contact was maintained, but when additional security personnel subdued SCP-042 with tranquilizer darts and contact was broken, he collapsed into a catatonic state from which he did not recover. After a hearing concerning his actions, Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was euthanized while under Foundation medical care on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-041 | SCP-042 | SCP-043 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-043, inside its sleeve.\n\nItem #: SCP-043\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-043 requires no special containment, although it is recommended that SCP-043 not be used for purposes other than testing. A turntable is to be maintained in the same room for testing.\nDescription: SCP-043 appears to be a vinyl copy of \"The White Album\" by the Beatles; however, upon closer inspection, the record has no grooves. In spite of this, the record will play from start to finish regardless of the starting position of the needle.\nWhen the twenty-ninth track is reached, instead of playing \"Revolution 9\", the disc stops spinning and faint breathing can be heard. Occasionally the entity responsible for the breathing will speak in a male voice. The entity will respond to questions and shows a profound encyclopedic knowledge of the music industry, musical theory, and obscure trivia about many bands and artists. However, the entity refuses to answer questions regarding The Beatles or its own personal details.\nInside the jacket, a small handwritten note was found, reading:\n\nLimited Edition: 1/1\nThanks, John!\nxxx\n\n\u00ab SCP-042 | SCP-043 | SCP-044 \u00bb"} {"text": "Image capture of SCP-044 during an experiment titled \"Upshot Knolte Ford Grable\"\n\nItem #: SCP-044\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A constant stream of hydrogen ions, unbound oxygen atoms, and other trace free radicals emanate from the muzzle of SCP-044 at all times. Because of this, the docking stations of SCP-044 are to be well-ventilated to keep dangerous gases and moisture from accumulating. Muzzle coverings are to be fitted at all times to keep birds and small animals from investigating the large open barrel of SCP-044.\nAddendum, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588: As SCP-044 has not been involved in any significant incidents in the \u2588\u2588 years it has been held by the Foundation, SCP-044 has been reclassified as Safe.\nMust I really define \u201csignificant incidents\u201d? If containment procedures and standard safety protocols are followed, 44 appears to be no more dangerous than any other big \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 gun. No, the Bear Incident does not count. \u2013O5-\u2588\u2588\nDescription: SCP-044 is a howitzer, secretly manufactured in the late stages of the Second World War by Krupp engineers, personally supervised by Albert Speer, German Minister of Armaments and War Production under Adolf Hitler. SCP-044 is unique not only because of its size (251,000 kg, or 251 metric tonnes), but also because it fires unconventional artillery using an atypical delivery method. Rather than having a breech for loading shells, the rear of the barrel is configured into a massive air-compression chamber. Any object or pile of objects that fits may be loaded into SCP-044's muzzle to be used as ammunition. Because of its size, SCP-044 must remain rail-mounted and requires two freight locomotives to move.\nResearchers believe that SCP-044 weakens molecular and atomic bonds in any material loaded into its muzzle. However, the method by which SCP-044 affects molecular bonds is not known, due primarily to the numerous complex mechanisms that compose the housing and workings of SCP-044. In fact, some mechanisms appear useless and seem to do nothing other than spin or make noise, even when SCP-044 is not supplied with power. Both equipment and personnel have been lost while exploring the inside of SCP-044's barrel.\nWhen SCP-044 is fired, all matter within its barrel is ejected at a high rate of speed as a glowing red slug, proportional in size to the amount of mass loaded into the muzzle. Upon striking a solid object or the ground, the slug explodes with a yield proportional to the mass of the original ammunition, at no less than a \u2588\u2588\u2588% mass-to-energy conversion rate. The yield will also increase somewhat the longer the slug remains in the barrel. The greatest known yield was achieved when 'The Administrator's' 8,900 kg (19,500 lb) personal diesel pickup truck was loaded in its entirety into the muzzle of SCP-044 and fired in the pictured \"experiment.\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-043 | SCP-044 | SCP-045 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-045\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-045 is to be kept affixed to an examination platform in a hemispherical chamber measuring 5 meters in radius at Oceanographic Research Station 12, located at -\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588, -\u2588\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588 on the seafloor of the Pacific Ocean. The chamber is to be kept filled with gaseous neon at equilibrium pressure with the surrounding environment. The chamber is separated from habitable portions of the station by 5 meters of local seawater, and all interactions with SCP-045 are to be performed via telepresence or robotic means. The bindings that attach SCP-045 to its platform are fitted with quick-release latches, which are to be released when necessary to prevent a containment breach.\nGiven the seismic activity associated with SCP-045, if the containment chamber is damaged or breached by seismological activity, SCP-045 should be recovered by remotely controlled drone vehicles and kept at least 10 meters from human-inhabited spaces until such time as repairs can be completed to the optimal containment chamber.\nDescription: SCP-045 is an icosahedron composed of ice XII1 heavily occluded with planar fractures in a regular, complex pattern. SCP-045 has an average radius of 1.7 meters and density of 2.6 g/cm\u00b3, which is approximately twice that of non-anomalous ice XII.\nSCP-045 remains in a stable state at temperatures ranging from 0.074-500 kelvin (approx -273 \u00baC to 227 \u00baC) and pressures ranging from 0.4 pascals to 3 gigapascals (approx 3.95 microatmospheres to 29600 atmospheres). Although it is possible to melt or vaporize SCP-045 at temperatures and pressures outside of these ranges, the H2O involved is attracted to itself by unknown means and will remain within very close proximity unless forcibly separated. The water will refreeze as soon as conditions return to a position inside SCP-045's stable range and any subportions kept separate prior to refreezing will freeze into smaller icosahedrons identical in form and properties to the total amount of SCP-045.\nBased on available evidence, it is currently believed that SCP-045 is a 3-dimensional projection of a hypericosahedron.2 Research is ongoing to determine how SCP-045 is able to maintain a stable lower-dimensional projection and whether this can be adapted for use when interacting with other dimensionally anomalous SCP Items.\nAt unpredictable intervals ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months, SCP-045 will spontaneously rotate around multiple axes simultaneously for a period no longer than 73 seconds. During this period, a series of small seismic events (<2.5 on the Richter scale) will occur in the immediate area of SCP-045. If SCP-045 is prevented from rotating, the seismic events increase in strength logarithmically to a maximum of 5.3 on the Richter scale. Following the end of the rotation period, the radius of SCP-045's effect will temporarily double for the same amount of time that it rotated.\nWhen gaseous nitrogen or argon3 come within 3.7 meters of any portion of SCP-045, they are replaced by different compounds. N2 is replaced by liquid water at a conversion rate of 1.00 mol N2 : 1.98 mol H2O and Ar is replaced by crystalline NaCl (\"table salt\") at a conversion rate of 1.00 mol Ar : 4.26 mol NaCl.\nSCP-045 was discovered in 1972 when a Foundation submarine scouting the Pacific abyssal plain for suitable locations for undersea bases was diverted to investigate the epicenter of a series of unexpectedly localized, strong tremors. SCP-045 was found lodged in a crevice, which had apparently prevented it from rotating. When removed from the crevice, it was brought towards the vessel for further study and, upon coming within range of the interior atmosphere, exhibited its anomalous effects. This resulted in a catastrophic breach of internal containment protocols and the loss of 12 crew members prior to SCP-045 being released and the submarine moving out of range.\nAddendum: Following several years of testing, it was accidentally discovered that SCP-045 also converts hydrogen gas into a random mixture of simple amino acids at a rate of 1 mol H2 : 0.04 mol amino acids. However, this conversion only occurs when the gas is diffused in saline water, such as that produced by SCP-045. Analysis of the seafloor surrounding the location where SCP-045 was discovered has revealed a large community of microfauna and microflora that is approximately 3 times as diverse as would be expected given the geography and location. All have biochemistry wherein the amino acids produced by SCP-045 are statistically overabundant, as compared to microbiota from similar geologic regions. Additionally, all thrive when immersed in pure saltwater devoid of other organic materials.\n\nFootnotes\n1. A metastable form of water ice that is typically formed only within a narrow range of very high pressures and temperatures.\n2. A regular \"polyhedron\" that exists in 4 spatial dimensions and has 600 regular tetrahedral facets.\n3. Nitrogen composes approximately 78% of the Earth's atmosphere by volume. Argon composes approximately 0.93% of the Earth's atmosphere by volume.\n\n\u00ab SCP-044 | SCP-045 | SCP-046 \u00bb"} {"text": "Separate offshoot of SCP-046, composed principally of members of genus Pteridium.\n\nItem #: SCP-046\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The land surrounding SCP-046 has been purchased and surrounded by multiple layers of security, including fencing, barricades, and lethal-effect traps; multiple signs marking the area as private property are to be prominently displayed. The area is to be heavily guarded at all times to prevent access by civilians to SCP-046. All personnel working around or within a 50km radius of SCP-046 are to undergo rigorous medical testing to ensure the absence of any potentially life-threatening illnesses; additionally, increased mental health examinations are to be administered to ensure that no personnel inclined or potentially inclined towards self-harm or self-destructive tendencies are allowed within the 50km radius. Any injured personnel are to be evacuated to a hospital outside of the 50km zone around SCP-046. All vegetation surrounding SCP-046 is to be destroyed and all animals attempting to access SCP-046 are to be terminated and destroyed before reaching its outer perimeter.\nAny personnel showing unusual interest either in SCP-046 or in traveling to the region near SCP-046 are to undergo medical examinations as detailed above. Any modification to these containment procedures are to be approved by O5 command before being added to this containment document. Any personnel attempting to modify this document without appropriate authorization are to be demoted and reassigned.\nDescription: SCP-046 is a predatory botanical mass located in southwestern Kentucky. SCP-046 is composed of two parts. SCP-046-1 is a large mass of vegetative matter, composed largely of plants indigenous to the region, including Quercus alba, Ilex aquifolium, and Lonicera sempervirens, though several offshoots composed of other plant species are also present. SCP-046-2 is the land in the immediate vicinity of SCP-046-1, extending to a roughly circular area twenty meters in radius from its base. This area is SCP-046's primary feeding area. SCP-046 is capable of attracting prey within a 50km radius through hallucinogenic means; all evacuations of personnel should carry them outside of this radius to disable SCP-046's effect.\nAnimals (including humans) suffering from potentially life-threatening physical injuries or diseases, or who are afflicted by psychological disorders that induce self-destructive tendencies, feel a powerful compulsion to come to SCP-046-2 and lie in a prostrate position facing SCP-046-1. Individuals lying in such a position are rapidly attacked by an unusually powerful combination of saprophytic organisms and opportunistic infections, including several strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) known to induce necrotizing fasciitis, also known as \"flesh-eating bacteria\"; a form of fungal spore similar to Stachybotrys chartarum, or \"black mold,\" which poisons prey organisms and induces paralysis; and finally, complete consumption by several heretofore unknown species of insect that emerge from the inside of SCP-046-1 during the final stage of feeding. SCP-046 appears to derive nutrition through the complete digestion of affected individuals, particularly larger mammals such as humans. It is unknown whether SCP-046 is capable of growth; as such, all steps are to be taken to ensure that SCP-046 is deprived of prey until more information is known about its abilities. These efforts are to include terminating individuals prior to their arrival at SCP-046 and disposing of their bodies in a separate location.\nAddendum 046-A Investigation is ongoing into potential memetic effects brought about by knowledge of SCP-046 due to anomalous effects demonstrated by certain personnel in response to SCP-046. Access to Document 046-07 is restricted to Level 4 personnel and above.\n\nDocument 046-07\n\nHide\n\nLarge offshoot of SCP-046, composed largely of blue corydalis.\n\nItem #: SCP-046\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The land surrounding SCP-046 is to be cordoned off, marked as private property, and surrounded by multiple layers of fencing. The area is to be guarded by no less than ten guards, though minimal armaments are required. While knowledge of SCP-046's effects is not to be made widely known, personnel afflicted with life-threatening diseases may be permitted to enter SCP-046-2 after psychological screening for self-destructive tendencies. Likewise, D-class personnel selected for termination may be effectively exposed to SCP-046-2 to facilitate this process. Due to the lack of threat to Foundation security, individuals not employed by the Foundation may be permitted access to SCP-046, though Foundation needs for access take first priority.\nDescription: SCP-046 is composed of two parts. SCP-046-1 is a cylindrical area 5m in diameter and 30m tall containing several species of plant matter, including Quericus alba (white oak), Ilex aquifolium (European holly bush), and Lonicera sempervirens (Kentucky honeysuckle), though several offshoots composed of other plant species are also present. No anomalous traits have been detected in the molecular composition of the plants. SCP-046-2 is a clearing of grass extending approximately twenty meters around SCP-046-1.\nSCP-046's anomalous effects extend principally to animals, including humans, that are threatened by chronic or debilitating illnesses or injuries. SCP-046 is frequently visited by such individuals; humans of this type report having felt a compulsion to travel to SCP-046's location, often reporting that the location \"came to them in a dream.\" Psychological evaluations have consistently shown that such individuals were not previously aware of either the Foundation or SCP-046's specific properties. Individuals feeling this compulsion have all reported having been within a 50km radius of SCP-046 at the time; this is believed to be the outer range of the object's compulsive range.\nIndividuals who come to SCP-046 consistently describe a dream in which they lie down in the vicinity of SCP-046-1 and rest. Immediately upon entering SCP-046-2, individuals suffering from chronic pain or traumatic mental conditions will describe their symptoms as receding, accompanied by a feeling of calmness, relaxation, and euphoria. Individuals lying down in front of SCP-046-1 will begin to be covered by several vines similar to runners of Cynodon dactylon plants, also known as Bermuda grass, followed by the apparent sprouting of C. dactylon all over the body. SCP-046 has no compulsive properties and its effects will only manifest on individuals willing to experience the effects voluntarily.\nIndividuals exposed to SCP-046 will remain communicative until they are no longer visible beneath the grass growing across their bodies. All individuals exposed to SCP-046's effects describe a feeling of peace and serenity, and a happiness that they were able to die pleasantly. SCP-046 appears to fully decompose individuals exposed to its effects within two hours and may or may not use decomposed tissue as a food source.\nAddendum 046-1: SCP-046 to be reclassified as Euclid and primary containment document to be rewritten to demonstrate SCP-046's predatory nature by order of O5 command. Any references to \"voluntary individuals\" are to be removed. Description to be rewritten to emphasize volatile and lethal nature of SCP-046 and potential threat thereof.\nAddendum 046-2: There is no evidence whatsoever that SCP-046 is \"predatory\" or has any desire to harm any creature unwilling to expose itself to SCP-046's effects. Suggest original containment procedures be reenacted and voluntary access to SCP-046 continued. No individuals are capable of breaching Foundation security once exposed to SCP-046; as such, there is no reason to deny afflicted individuals the opportunity for relief. Likewise, there is no reason to make this entity seem more hostile than it actually is, aside from a desire to portray every object in Foundation custody as dangerous. Some things must be contained simply because they are strange. \u2014Dr. Edward Carter, head researcher, SCP-046\nAddendum 046-3: Dr. Carter, principal researcher for SCP-046, is to be removed from his position and reassigned to the SCP-1250 project. Addendum 046-1 stands by order of O5 command.\n\n\u00ab SCP-045 | SCP-046 | SCP-047 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-047 in situ before recovery from Site-\u2588\u2588 Secure Laboratory after a containment breach.\n\nItem #: SCP-047\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-047 is to be contained in a 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 1 m hermetically sealed storage box at all times. This box is to be locked in storage locker 047a, inside P3-secure biohazard lab 047b. Any entrance to and activity inside 047b will be recorded by biometric scan, closed circuit camera, and [REDACTED].\nEntry to 047b requires the authorization of the project manager, in addition to at least one O5 level clearance. SCP-047 is to be treated as a Priority 4 Contagious Biohazard in all protocols, including mandatory quarantine if exposed. Suite q047 has been provided, adjunct to lab 047b, for this purpose.\nIn the event of outside contamination of SCP-047-1, Lockdown Protocol 047-01 \"Yersinia\" must be engaged.\nDescription: SCP-047 is a heavily rusted, breached gas cylinder made of an iron-[REDACTED] alloy. When exposed to open air, the material of the cylinder evaporates slowly, producing a previously undocumented mutagenic gas. This gas has no effect on eukaryotic organisms (e.g. humans), but profoundly alters prokaryotes, showing preference for common human microbiota - the natural microorganisms that live on the skin and throughout the body. On rare occasions these mutations produce a \"superbug\" (collectively known as SCP-047-1), a natural commensal with enhanced survivability and therefore opportunistic pathogenicity. The pattern of changes induced by SCP-047 suggests that these highly infectious microbes are, at least to some degree, selected for.\nAlthough the specifics of SCP-047-1 species are dependent on the base bacterium from which it is derived, there are several characteristics which appear to be generally consistent across all cases of SCP-047-1 mutation:\n\nEnhanced survivability in the bacterium's natural environment and similar environments;\nFull spectrum antibiotic resistance;\nIncreased reproduction rate and consumption of available material;\nDevelopment of a sporulation ability in gram-positive bacteria;\nIncreased ability to uptake, hold, and share plasmids, particularly in gram-negative bacteria;\nIncreased transmission, due to traits described above.\n\nSCP-047-1 samples are normally debilitating and virulent. However, compared to other Keter-class SCPs, it should be noted that SCP-047-1 have a relatively low mortality rate due to their action through \"mundane\" biological pathways.\nSeveral strains of bacteria have been selectively mutated by SCP-047. Mutation of bacteria in culture is possible, but the process appears to be much more effective with bacteria living on a human host. Generally, mutation of natural commensals for experimental purposes is encouraged. After the containment breach of 30/01/2010 (See Incident Report Yersinia-047-01 (2010)), mutation of already-pathogenic species is banned and all existing samples must be destroyed.\nThree particular species of SCP-047-1 mutated bacteria are of note, due to their involvement in the containment breach of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/201\u2588:\n\nD-15978 infected with P-047-A, 2 days after initial exposure.\n\nPropionibacterium 047-A is a strain of Propionibacterium acnes mutated by SCP-047.\n\n> Show details\n\n< Hide details\n\nPathogenicity: Severe skin colonisation around sebaceous glands. Modification of skin pH to levels that become toxic to skin cells. Massive inflammation and immune cell infiltration. Eventual breakdown of skin structure leading to sepsis.\nTransmission: Transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. Can remain active on inorganic surfaces for up to five hours.\nLethality: Approximately 40% mortality rate. Runs its course in 2-6 weeks. Very visible symptoms within 5-10 hours; contagious within 2-5 hours.\nHandling: As soon as visible symptoms form, victims must be quarantined. Deceased victims should be incinerated.\n\nStreptococcus 047-C is a strain of Streptococcus mitis mutated by SCP-047.\n\n> Show details\n\n< Hide details\n\nPathogenicity: Causes inflammation of the mouth and esophagus initially. Leads to open sores in the mouth, which result in S-047-C entering the bloodstream and becoming septic. Death is usually due to infectious endocarditis.\nTransmission: Droplet. Can remain active indefinitely by sporulation.\nLethality: Approximately 35% mortality rate. May become a recurring chronic condition if nonlethal.\nHandling: Subjects with any sign of mouth infection should be quarantined. Deceased victims should be incinerated.\n\nClostridium 047-A is a strain of Clostridium difficile mutated by SCP-047.\n\n> Show details\n\n< Hide details\n\nPathogenicity: Unknown. C-047-A was developed from tissue culture and has never been exposed to a human. No samples remain in Foundation control.\nTransmission: Unknown. Presumably transmitted through fecal contamination, as with C. difficile. Due to smaller, more robust spores, may also aerosolise with flatus. Effects of aerosol intake of C-047-A cannot be predicted.\nLethality: Unknown. Presumed extremely high risk of destruction of endothelial lining of gastrointestinal tract, leading to inflammation, sepsis, toxic megacolon.\nHandling: Until further research has been done, victims should be quarantined and placed under 24-hour medical observation to develop functional diagnostics for this strain. Deceased victims should not be incinerated until adequate etiological research has been performed.\n\nRecovery Log 047: SCP-047 was recovered from the Site-\u2588\u2588 Secure Laboratory by a Foundation Biohazard Recovery Team in response to a full compromise situation on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588. Testing logs indicate that the research team was attempting to contain [DATA EXPUNGED] in a class-\u2588\u2588 SCP-stable pressure cylinder, which led to [REDACTED] combining with [REDACTED]. A full molecular biological analysis of this is available in [REDACTED]. The initial release of gas when SCP-047 was structurally compromised was sufficient to cause a microbiotal \"bloom\" of uncounted species of SCP-047-1, killing all staff in the lab within \u2588 hours. Exposed Site-\u2588\u2588 staff obeyed standard Foundation quarantine/containment protocol, and the infection was contained successfully.\n\n\u00ab SCP-046 | SCP-047 | SCP-048 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-048\nObject Class: None (see description)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The designation SCP-048 is to be retired from the SCP catalog. No future SCPs are to be assigned this number.\nDescription: SCP-048 has long been considered the \"cursed SCP number\" by SCP staff: any items given this designation tend to be destroyed, decommissioned, stolen, or otherwise lost to the Foundation, usually through no fault of any individual person. In addition, personnel assigned to SCP-048 in its various incarnations have had a 50% higher rate of turnover due to death, dismemberment, and disciplinary action.\nWhether or not the number 048 actually has any supernatural qualities is unknown, but given the superstition around this number, the designation has been removed from the catalog in order to help maintain employee morale.\nAddendum 1: This is ridiculous. I'll prove to you superstitious bastards that you're all just being pussies. The restriction on SCP-048 is now removed and assigned to [DATA EXPUNGED]. - Dr. Cortez.\nAddendum 2: SCP-048, [DATA EXPUNGED], was accidentally thrown into the trash this morning and lost. In an unrelated incident, Dr. Cortez's arms were accidentally traumatically amputated in a horrific lunchroom blender accident. SCP-048 closed. - O5-11\nAddendum 3: SCP-048 has been once again removed from the archives, after it became highly apparent that no such \"Vampyre Boat\" had ever existed, much less come under Foundation control. It's currently believed that this error occurred when a low-level researcher attempted to save his \"awesome story idea\" to his hard drive and instead overwrote the blank slot reserved for SCP-048. Said researcher has been removed from any and all archival duties for the time being. - O5-11\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-047 | SCP-048 | SCP-049 \u00bb"} {"text": "This is a collab between myself and djkaktus, refining ol' plague boy into something more appropriate for today's standards.\nHuge thanks to TheeSherm, Taylor_itkin does not match any existing user name, Doctor Cimmerian, and VolgunStrife for the awesome work on the audio logs. Credit goes to Dex V for the new images.\n\n\u25b8 More by this Author \u25c2\n\n{$comments2}\n\nF.A.Q.\n\n{$doesthisfixthebug}\n\nSCP-049.\n\nItem #: SCP-049\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-049 is contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-02 at Site-19. SCP-049 must be sedated before any attempts to transport it. During transport, SCP-049 must be secured within a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness (including a locking collar and extension restraints) and monitored by no fewer than two armed guards.\nWhile SCP-049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel, outbursts or sudden changes in behaviour are to be met with elevated force. Under no circumstances should any personnel come into direct contact with SCP-049 during these outbursts. In the event SCP-049 becomes aggressive, the application of lavender (L. multifida) has been shown to produce a calming effect on the entity. Once calmed, SCP-049 generally becomes compliant, and will return to containment with little resistance.\nIn order to facilitate the ongoing containment of SCP-049, the entity is to be provided with the corpse of a recently deceased animal (typically a bovine or other large mammal) once every two weeks for study. Corpses that become instances of SCP-049-2 are to be removed from SCP-049's containment cell and incinerated. SCP-049 is no longer permitted to interact with human subjects, and requests for human subjects are to be denied.\nTemporary Containment Procedure Update: (See Addendum 049.3) Per Containment Committee Order 049.S19.17.1, SCP-049 is no longer permitted to interact directly with any members of Foundation staff, nor is it to be provided with any additional corpses to be used in its surgeries. This order shall persist indefinitely, until such time a consensus regarding the ongoing containment of SCP-049 can be reached.\nDescription: SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height, which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. While SCP-049 appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of SCP-049's body over time1, and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath them. X-rays indicate that despite this, SCP-049 does have a humanoid skeletal structure beneath its outer layer.\n\nX-Ray imaging of SCP-049's facial structure.\n\nSCP-049 is capable of speech in a variety of languages, though tends to prefer English or medieval French2. While SCP-049 is generally cordial and cooperative with Foundation staff, it can become especially irritated or at times outright aggressive if it feels that it is in the presence of what it calls the \"Pestilence\". Although the exact nature of this Pestilence is currently unknown to Foundation researchers, it does seem to be an issue of immense concern to SCP-049.\nSCP-049 will become hostile with individuals it sees as being affected by the Pestilence, often having to be restrained should it encounter such. If left unchecked, SCP-049 will generally attempt to kill any such individual; SCP-049 is capable of causing all biological functions of an organism to cease through direct skin contact. How this occurs is currently unknown, and autopsies of SCP-049's victims have invariably been inconclusive. SCP-049 has expressed frustration or remorse after these killings, indicating that they have done little to kill \"The Pestilence\", though will usually seek to then perform a crude surgery on the corpse using the implements contained within a black doctor's bag it carries on its person at all times3. While these surgeries are not always \"successful\", they often result in the creation of instances of SCP-049-2.\nSCP-049-2 instances are reanimated corpses that have been operated on by SCP-049. These instances do not seem to retain any of their prior memories or mental functions, having only basic motor skills and response mechanisms. While these instances are generally inactive, moving very little and in a generally ambulatory fashion, they can become extremely aggressive if provoked, or if directed to by SCP-049. SCP-049-2 instances express active biological functions, though these are vastly different from currently understood human physiology. Despite these alterations, SCP-049 often remarks that the subjects have been \"cured\".\nAddendum 049.1: Discovery\nSCP-049 was discovered during the investigation of a series of unknown disappearances in the town of Montauban in southern France. During a raid on a local home, investigators found several instances of SCP-049-2, as well as SCP-049. While law enforcement personnel engaged the hostile 049-2 instances, SCP-049 was noted as watching the engagement and taking notes in its journal. After all of the 049-2 instances were dispatched, SCP-049 willingly entered Foundation custody.\n\nSCP-049 upon discovery.\n\u2716\n\nThe following interview was conducted by Dr. Raymond Hamm during the initial investigation.\n\nInterviewer: Dr. Raymond Hamm, Site-85\nInterviewee: SCP-049\n\n[BEGIN LOG]Dr. Hamm: (Aside) Is that French? Can we get a translator-Dr. Hamm: Good. My name is Dr. Raymond Hamm, and I-Dr. Hamm: Cryptobiology, why-Dr. Hamm: The Pestilence? What do you mean?Dr. Hamm: When you say \"The Great Dying\", are you talking about the bubonic plague?Dr. Hamm: I see. Right, well, the entities our agents encountered at that house, they were dead when you encountered them, yes? And you reanimated them?Dr. Hamm: You think you cured those people?Dr. Hamm: The things we recovered were not human.Dr. Hamm: I don't think our organization will be willing to-[END LOG]\n\nInterviewer's Note: While SCP-049 is capable of communicating in a very human way, there is a strange sense of unease that one experiences when in its presence. Make no mistake, there is something very uncanny about this entity indeed.\nAdditionally, we've confiscated that pointed stick that SCP-049 keeps waving around. Part of this was due to standard confiscation protocols for the possessions of anomalies, and part because 049 really is a menace swinging it around like he does. The entity was displeased at first, but after we made some concessions in providing it with \"test subjects\" (which are, admittedly, more for the benefit of our own research) it warmed up to the idea.\nAddendum 049.2: Observation Log\nWhile in containment at Site-19, SCP-049 has spent a considerable amount of time studying and performing surgery on the various mammalian corpses it has been provided. SCP-049 will routinely spend several days performing surgery, and then (regardless of whether or not the corpse becomes an instance of SCP-049-2) spending several more days documenting its findings in a thick leather journal stored within its doctor's bag. SCP-049 will often seek to share its findings with members of Foundation staff.\nThe following is a log of several occasions during which SCP-049 was observed operating on a mammalian corpse.\n\nObservational Log 049.OL.1 SUMMARY\nSubject: SCP-049\nPreface: A test subject (D-85123) was introduced into SCP-049's containment cell. The entity expressed sincere gratitude towards all members of the containment and research staff.\nObservation Notes: SCP-049 began by asking D-85123 several standard medical questions, as it began removing tools from its bag. Shortly after finishing its preparations, SCP-049 quickly closed the distance between the two, killing the subject with a touch to its throat. Afterwards, SCP-049 made a number of considerable alterations to the basic structure of the subject's corpse, often introducing fluids from within its bag into the subject by way of a hand powered pump and copper tubing.\nThe resulting 049-2 instance became animated, flailing and grasping at the walls of the chamber with a number of manufactured limbs while moaning out of an oblong orifice now present in its sternum. During this time, SCP-049 was observed taking notes of the instance in its journal, and remarking to the watching research staff about the efficacy of its cure. Security personnel entered the chamber to move SCP-049 back to containment, and were attacked by the instance. The security team dispatched the 049-2 instance, and SCP-049 returned to containment with no resistance, stating that it was pleased with the results.\n\nObservational Log 049.OL.2 SUMMARY\nSubject: SCP-049\nPreface: SCP-049 was provided the corpse of a recently deceased goat. SCP-049 expressed gratitude at the provision.\nObservation Notes: SCP-049 operated on the goat corpse for several days, eventually resulting in an instance of SCP-049-2. SCP-049 expressed pleasure in this outcome, though admitted \"the disease was still in its nascent stage. My veterinarian practice is rudimentary, but the patient responded well to the procedure.\"\n\nObservational Log 049.OL.3 SUMMARY\nSubject: SCP-049\nPreface: SCP-049 was provided the corpse of a recently deceased orangutan. SCP-049 expressed noted gratitude at the provision, due to the similarities between the orangutan and common human physiology.\nObservation Notes: SCP-049 spent several days operating on the orangutan, reanimating it several times. However, SCP-049 appeared to be discontent with the results it experienced, returning to the creature three times after its initial reanimation for additional work. After it was unable to reanimate the corpse a fifth time, SCP-049 turned the corpse over to Foundation staff for incineration, stating \"I have learned so much from this, though I fear my early optimism was misplaced. I hadn't yet come across such a\u2026 a stumbling block on my road to the cure. More subjects like this would do a great deal in advancing my research.\"\n\nObservational Log 049.OL.7 FULL\nSubject: SCP-049\nPreface: SCP-049 was provided the corpse of a recently deceased bovine. SCP-049 expressed mild annoyance at the provision, though accepted it nonetheless4.\nObservation Notes: SCP-049 spent several days operating on the bovine corpse, breaking only to dine on a requested dinner of thin crackers, salted pork, and hard cheese5. Beginning first by embalming the corpse, SCP-049 was observed producing a number of long syringes from its bag, each containing a different dark, viscous fluid. SCP-049 described these fluids as \"essences of the humors\", and elaborated by saying \"the Pestilence may bring about a systemic imbalance. In such a case, before true healing can begin, one must find the humors in balance or the body will reject the cure.\"6\nOver the next few days, SCP-049 spent a considerable amount of time adjusting the organs of the bovine corpse with a number of large metal instruments. After eight days, SCP-049 produced a lightning rod, which Dr. Hamm exchanged for an electric cattle prod attached to an extension cord, and struck the corpse in several locations. This action seemingly had the effect of reanimating the bovine, which once again became ambulatory, despite the inversion of the head and reorientation of its limbs.\n\nFollow Up Interview\n[BEGIN LOG]\nDr. Hamm: We've watched you work for several weeks now, and honestly I'm not sure I understand what you're doing. Can you describe your process in detail?Dr. Hamm: I see. My concern, doctor, is that we still don't understand what you're seeking to cure, or how it manifests, or how turning these creatures into quasi-living, mindless drones helps in that effort.Dr. Hamm: That still doesn't answer my question. How is your cure any kind of cure at all?Dr. Hamm: This is hardly a creature at all, doctor, it's not even-Dr. Hamm: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to agitate you. I'm just trying to understand.Dr. Hamm: Is there anything else I can help you with?[END LOG]\nAttending Researcher's Note: SCP-049 does seem to genuinely want to help other humans, though it has not yet been able to provide a concrete example of what exactly it is trying to save us all from. I have watched it now over several weeks, and while the outcomes do not seem to ever change, SCP-049 continues to claim that it is growing closer to its perfect cure. I think the entity may be more aware of the reality of these outcomes than it would like us to think.\n\nAddendum 049.3: 04/16/2017 Incident\nStarting shortly after SCP-049's initial containment, Dr. Hamm conducted a number of interviews with the subject regarding its anomalous properties, and over time began to note its displeasure with its subjects and the SCP-049-2 instances. This continued for a period of several months, during which SCP-049 never exhibited any aggressive behaviours.\nOn April 16th, 2017, as Dr. Hamm was entering SCP-049's test chamber to conduct another routine interview, the entity began to grow anxious and asked Dr. Hamm if he was feeling well. Following protocol, Dr. Hamm reminded SCP-049 that the interview was required, after which the entity became hostile and attacked Dr. Hamm, killing him. Due to a lapse in security protocol, and because Dr. Hamm did not activate the in-chamber emergency system, Dr. Hamm's corpse was not discovered until three hours later, by which point SCP-049 had converted it into an instance of SCP-049-2.\nIn the aftermath of this incident, SCP-049 was interviewed by Dr. Theron Sherman.\n\nInterviewer: Dr. Theron Sherman, Site-42\nInterviewee: SCP-049\n\n[BEGIN LOG]\nDr. Sherman: I need you to explain yourself.\n(No response)\nDr. Sherman: SCP-049, you are being directed to explain your actions, and I will remind you that failure to cooperate will result in further restrictions during your containment.Dr. Sherman: You killed Raymond Hamm and then butchered him until he-Dr. Sherman: Cured? Cured of what?Dr. Sherman: (Interrupting) What pestilence? You keep going on and on about this pestilence but you have not once been able to properly identify this \"disease\". What could you have possibly seen in him today that you had not seen so many times before? That it would be worth his life?Dr. Sherman: He is a vegetable!Dr. Sherman: Your cure cost Ray his life!Dr. Sherman: (Talking over SCP-049) What disease? What pestilence? He was a healthy man! He was a good doctor!Dr. Sherman: I've had enough of this. Consider your allowances revoked. Welcome to containment, oh-four-nine. (Away from mic) We're done here.[END LOG]\n\nAddendum 049.4: Post-Incident Report Interview\nThe following interview is an excerpt from the 4/16/17 049 Incident Report. The interview was conducted by Dr. Elijah Itkin, and took place three weeks after the start of the initial investigation.\n\nDate: 5/7/17\nInterviewer: Dr. Elijah Itkin\nInterviewee: SCP-049\n[BEGIN LOG]\nDr. Itkin: SCP-049, we are conducting this interview to close out our investigation of your actions taken on April 16th that resulted in the death of a staff member. Do you have any comments to make?Dr. Itkin: Have you experienced any remorse for your actions? For the death of Dr. Hamm?Dr. Itkin: Dr. Sherman noted in his report that you seemed to be mournful during your initial interview.Dr. Itkin: I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.[END LOG]\n\nFootnotes\n1. The robes and gloves are identical to a thick hide built up on the skin, while the mask is composed of a kind of chitin growing out of the bones of the face.\n2. The entity claims to have originated in 15th century France, though admits that it is \"particularly well-traveled\".\n3. The space within this bag is seemingly anomalously large, as SCP-049 has been observed pulling objects larger than the bag itself from within it in order to operate on deceased subjects.\n4. SCP-049 had stated its desire to work on human subjects several times between this occasion and the earlier provision of an orangutan, noting its discontentedness when they would not be provided.\n5. SCP-049 has expressed that it does not require sustenance, but enjoys it and feels that the food helps to put it in the right mind to operate.\n6. SCP-049 added to this statement by saying \"This is, of course, elementary knowledge for the practical physician. I would have thought you would have learned this during your education!\"\n7. Notably, SCP-049's journals are not written in any known language, and attempts by linguists and codebreakers to decipher them have been unsuccessful.\n\n\u00ab SCP-048 | SCP-049 | SCP-050 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-050\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: So far, all attempts to contain SCP-050 have proven fruitless1. At present, whoever has possession of SCP-050 is to leave it in an office they use with regularity2.\nDescription: SCP-050 appears to be a statue of a monkey reading a book, approximately 1 foot3 tall. On the bottom of the statue are engraved the words \"To The Cleverest\" in cursive script.\nThe statue has so far proven resistant to all forms of damage4. As such, there is no accurate method to date the object.\nWhen left alone, SCP-050 has shown itself to be both useful and antagonistic to its current owner5. Although never seen to move, no matter the manner or amount of recordings, any room it is left in becomes very clean, to a polish whenever possible. Paperwork is filed, trash is emptied, and in general, clutter is removed. However, SCP-050 also has a tendency to leave traps for its owner, so current holders should carefully check their offices upon returning.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Testing to contain SCP-050 has been discontinued at this time.\n2. Attempts to leave SCP-050 in unused offices have resulted in it following its owner home. This is a violation of regulations and not to be allowed.\n3. One of the quirks of SCP-050 is that no matter what form of measurement is used, any record of said measurements will quickly be replaced by the Customary System measurements.\n4. Attempts to damage SCP-050 have resulted in increasingly lethal 'pranks.' As of this writing, destruction testing is discontinued.\n5. See Document 050.\n\n\u00ab SCP-049 | SCP-050 | SCP-051 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-051\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-051 and SCP-051-A are to be kept in a sealed containment facility. SCP-051-A is kept within a locked, climate-controlled document box with a viewing window, to prevent degradation of its material. Any personnel (with the exception of pregnant or non-sterile female personnel, who might not be aware of an early-stage pregnancy) may access SCP-051 as long as a request is placed before-hand and cleared by site administration.\nDescription: SCP-051 is a 25 cm (10 in) anatomically correct model of a human female, carved out of ivory, with typically Asian features. Microscopic analysis shows that the head hair is human hair. The doll is jointed at the shoulders, hips, and knees. The 'stomach' area of the doll is fully removable as a 'cap' of ivory, exposing a detailed ribcage and organs, and a 2.5 cm (1 in) ivory fetus connected to the main figure by a leather cord umbilicus.\nWhen brought into the presence of a pregnant human female, SCP-051 has various deleterious effects upon the pregnancy, generally resulting in miscarriage of the fetus. Reports include a gentle compulsion to handle the model, open its stomach cap and take out the fetus. This results in nausea and cramping within 5 minutes, vaginal bleeding that begins as spotting and may progress to hemorrhage within the next half-hour, and miscarriage within 2 - 24 hours in most recorded cases. Medical records indicate that the aborted fetuses bear moderate to severe defects. Pregnancies carried to term after exposure to the model have resulted in severely deformed live births, including \u2588\u2588 deaths of the mothers and \u2588\u2588 infants terminated after birth by the delivering physician (see interview 051-1 below). Witnesses to these live births showed signs of severe emotional trauma that was alleviated, after Foundation interviews, by administration of a Class A amnestic.\nSCP-051-A is a fragment of text on rice paper that was discovered with SCP-051. The surviving text is written with plant-derived ink test-dated to the 12th century, and the characters have been identified as a known early dialect of Japanese. Translation reveals the text is part of a prayer or spell against 'demons' that attack unborn babies. The incantation orders these forces or demons into the model, instead of a pregnant woman, and claims to trap them there. However, centuries have degraded the paper and ink so that the full incantation and instructions, if any, cannot be deciphered.\nAddendum: SCP-051 and SCP-051-A were discovered in a box of early Japanese artifacts delivered anonymously to the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Museum in 1938. After 60 years and a number of incidents resulting from contact by female secretaries, researchers, and students, an Agent on staff in the museum's archives learned of its properties and obtained it for Foundation study.\nInterview 051-1\n\n\u00ab SCP-050 | SCP-051 | SCP-052 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-052\n\nItem #: SCP-052\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Although it is not possible to remove SCP-052 from the New York City subway system, its predictable behavior allows the Foundation to prevent the public from encountering it. The 59th St. A/B/C/D Station is to be closed to the public from 11pm-1am on Saturdays/Sundays under the pretext of \u201ctrack maintenance.\u201d During that time, the station is to be staffed with agents from Mobile Task Force Gamma-6. Agents have been ordered to prevent accidental public access to the station, and to capture anyone seen leaving SCP-052. Anyone who has been on SCP-052 must be transported to Site-21 for debriefing and processing. Members of the public who see SCP-052 may be released after the administration of a Class B amnestic.\nDescription: SCP-052 is a type R4 New York City subway train. Official records indicate this train was built in 1932 and decommissioned for scrap in 1975. Nevertheless, it continues to appear on the Uptown A/D track at the 59th St. and 8th Avenue station at 11:57 p.m. every Saturday. The train is in perfect condition and labeled as an \u201cA\u201d train. SCP-052 appears at the designated time, opens its doors to accept/discharge passengers for approximately five minutes, then closes its doors and disappears. It does not appear to ever contain passengers, except for those leaving the train during its appearance.\nThe majority of subjects that have boarded SCP-052 have not been recovered. Passengers leaving SCP-052 claim to have boarded on various dates, from 1976, up to 2204; the latter claims he thought SCP-052 was a 300th Anniversary Special train. Subjects retain no knowledge of time on board.\nAddendum: Passengers leaving SCP-052 must be brought to Site-21 and interrogated to determine their origin and possible threat to the current timestream. Generally, passengers from the past may be given Class A amnestics and reintegrated into society. Passengers from the future must be held indefinitely (see order 69-A1 from O5-9). Site-21 currently holds 26 recovered passengers.\nDespite our protocols to prevent public access, we are still receiving subjects from the future. Although some are from alternate timelines, it is possible SCP-052 will begin to appear at another time/place, requiring expanded containment.\nThe Foundation has placed several subjects onto the train, in an attempt to understand its activities when not visible.\nTest 052-1: May 31, 2009. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 placed on train. Not recovered as of present date.\nTest 052-2: June 6, 2009. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 enters train. Not recovered, as he apparently returned to 1980 and was killed in a confrontation with [REDACTED].\nTest 052-3: See notes on recovered passenger 052-4.\nAfter Test 052-3, O5 Command issued orders that no further agents should be risked as passengers on SCP-052. Consideration has been given to using Class D Personnel in their place, but the risk of releasing them into the past is too great.\nLog of Recovered Passengers in Foundation Custody\nPassenger 052-1: Entered train July 14, 2012; recovered: March 8, 2008.\nNotes: An accountant on the way home from the theatre when she entered the train, 052-1 has expressed surprise and dismay to have traveled back in time four years, but appears to be otherwise unchanged and unharmed. She has been determined to currently exist in this timeline and must be held indefinitely to prevent unwanted temporal effects.\nPassenger 052-2: Entered train June 12, 1976; recovered: March 15, 2008.\nNotes: Subject entered train when lost on the way to \u201cStudio 54\u201d. Although unharmed and not a temporal threat, 052-2 is being held as the examining psychiatrist believes 32 years is too long a period over which to facilitate successful reintegration.\nPassenger 052-3: Entered train December 6, 2014; recovered June 20, 2009.\nNotes: A tourist from Jacksonville, Florida; subject 052-3 now speaks Albanian instead of English. Held due to O5 orders re: subjects from the future, as well as possible reintegration difficulties.\nPassenger 052-4: Entered train June 13, 2009; recovered June 27, 2009.\nNotes: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from Test 052-3. Agent returned with his hands surgically removed and a note in his pocket with the message \u201cSend no more.\u201d Subject does not remember his experience on the train, but when subjected to hypnosis, revealed [DATA EXPUNGED].\nPassenger 052-5: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Entered train at unknown future date, in violation of protocol. On July 11, 2009, body of subject was violently thrown from the train, landing 10 meters away. On examination, subject was found to have been [DATA EXPUNGED]. Whether security should be increased to prevent subject from entering SCP-052 is under consideration.\nPassenger 052-6: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claims to be a Level 4 Supervisor from the \u201cSCP Federation\u201d who entered the train in December 2124. Subject had been administered a Class A-Prime amnestic prior to boarding, in a successful attempt to avoid the fate of Passengers 052-4 and 052-5. Recovered Feb. 6, 2010. As he will never be released from Foundation custody, O5 Command has approved sharing otherwise classified information about other artifacts in our possession, in hopes of gaining new methods of containment, and becoming aware of future security breaches. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been cooperative, and claims:\n\u2014 That it is good we do not know how to open SCP-699. Subject turned visibly pale and refused to discuss this item further.\n\u2014 To be a survivor of the \u201cGreat Zombie Plague of 2092\u201d caused by an SCP-008 containment breach.\n\u2014 That SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 can be killed by [DATA EXPUNGED] with a [DATA EXPUNGED] and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. [Permission to try this has been denied by O5-\u2588.]\n\u2014 That he worked for Dr. Jack Bright.\n\n\u00ab SCP-051 | SCP-052 | SCP-053 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-053\n\nItem #: SCP-053\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-053 is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m (16 ft x 16 ft) and given adequate room to move. Toys, books, games, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every three (3) months. Proper bedding, bathroom, and medical facilities are to be maintained at all times. Food should be provided three (3) times daily, and two (2) snacks are allowed if requested.\nNo physical contact is to be made with SCP-053 without full atmosphere-containment suit and eye shield. No eye contact is to be made with SCP-053 for any reason. Any objects given to personnel by SCP-053 may be removed, but must be given to quarantine for examination. Only one (1) member of personnel may be present in the room at any given time and must be secured by a safety line of steel cable. All personnel must be removed from SCP-053's containment chamber within 10 minutes of entering.\nAny personnel who begin to act erratically, scream, or attempt to grab SCP-053 are to be removed and quarantined. Any personnel attempting to remove their suit are also to be removed and quarantined. No sharp objects or firearms are allowed in SCP-053's containment room.\nDescription: SCP-053 appears to be a small 3-year-old girl. She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. She has a generally pleasant personality and rarely seems upset, becoming agitated only in the presence of groups of people.\nAny and all humans over the age of three who make eye contact with, physically touch, or remain around SCP-053 for longer than 10 minutes will rapidly become irrational, paranoid, and homicidal. Most, if not all, of these feelings will be directed at SCP-053, and afflicted subjects will attempt to kill SCP-053 after first killing or driving off all humans visible to them. Those attempting to kill SCP-053 will suffer massive heart attacks or seizures and die seconds after doing any physical damage to SCP-053. SCP-053 will regenerate almost instantaneously from any wound, regardless of severity.\nSCP-053 appears wholly ignorant of these effects, and ignores any and all subjects affected. When questioned about the effect, SCP-053 is incapable of response.\n\n\u00ab SCP-052 | SCP-053 | SCP-054 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-054\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Subject is held in a watertight isolation room outfitted with specialized climate control equipment. An ornate fountain filled with water stands in the center of the enclosure. Maintenance personnel are required to wear NBC suits while inside the containment area and must spend ten minutes in a special drying room after exiting. In the event of a breach, the surrounding area should be evacuated and the enclosure flushed with liquid nitrogen.\nThe fountain's chemical levels and volume are to be monitored and maintained. Spring water from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 should be used as SCP-054 is highly sensitive to hydrological conditions. SCP-054 has developed a mistrust for human males during its confinement; thus, assignment of female personnel is recommended.\nDescription: Out of the water, the subject most often appears as a female humanoid with a mean volume of 90 L comprised entirely of water (other forms are possible, commonly geometric shapes). When it enters a body of water, it becomes indistinguishable from its surroundings. The subject must periodically return to a body of water in order to maintain its volume due to evaporation. Initially found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, it was moved to Site-08 for further study. Subject was initially curious about Foundation personnel and seemed to enjoy interacting with maintenance staff and researchers, and mimicking their forms. After a number of weeks, the creature apparently felt comfortable enough to remain out of the water during routine monitoring, though it retreated when attempts were made to study its composition.\nSCP-054 is apparently composed of normal water, with no detectable differences compared to ordinary spring water from the same source. No thermal, electromagnetic, biological, or other phenomenon has ever been detected in its \"body\" that would suggest how it animates. Water lost by SCP-054 to evaporation exhibits no special properties when condensed.\nExperiments with SCP-054 were halted following [DATA EXPUNGED] two researchers injured. After this incident containment protocols were updated. Subject thereafter exhibited signs of mistrust and aggression around male personnel (which made up the majority of the original research staff). Subject reclassified Euclid.\nPartial transcripts, Audio Journal 054-A:\n\nWater loss experiment\n\"Subject becomes withdrawn and inactive when denied access to water. Its compact shape is theorized to reduce surface area exposed to evaporation. For the first few days it moved eagerly to greet anyone entering its enclosure, and behaved excitably. Possibly indicates an understanding by the subject that we control its access to water supplies. Subject ceased this behavior yesterday, presumably in recognition that no help was forthcoming.\"\n\nTemperature extremes testing\n\"We got authorization to attempt sub-zero testing this morning. The subject became lethargic as the temperature fell, and froze completely after \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Spectroscopy of the ice crystal revealed no abnormalities. Ice chips were collected for study. This is in stark contrast to its behavior in the 95 degree tests, when it became aggressive and attempted to escape its enclosure. We've submitted a work order to combine the climate control equipment with the subject's standard enclosure, as it has begun to resist efforts to transport it to experimental chambers with increasingly desperate behavior.\"\n\nMemory and conditioning evaluation\n\"Subject has proven unexpectedly adept at navigating complex mazes and solving puzzles. Dr. Seskel has finally overcome the problem of 'motivating' the subject by the application of electrical shocks and/or silica desiccants. He joked that we should have it trained to fetch in no time, and after observing his methods I think he might be right. Note: subject to be allowed a 48 hour recuperation period; it seemed to be lagging in its progress at the end of the week's experiments.\"\n\nAcid/base incorporation experiment [last log entry]\n\"I am starting with a 0.5 M HCl solution. I have no idea what will happen, but if this thing incorporates homeostatic mechanisms like I suspect then we should get some insight into how it maintains its form. Temperature in the enclosure has been lowered to 278 K to help control fifty-four's increasingly erratic behavior.\"\n\nAddendum 054-B: After five years with no incidents, subject rating has been downgraded to \"Safe\" on recommendation of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Experiments will resume under the auspices of biology unit E7. Caution should still be exercised when interacting with subject.\n\n\u00ab SCP-053 | SCP-054 | SCP-055 \u00bb"} {"text": "by qntm and CptBellman\n\nItem #: SCP-055\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Object is kept within a five (5) by five (5) by two point five (2.5) meter square room constructed of cement (fifty (50) centimeter thickness), with a Faraday cage surrounding the cement walls. Access is via a heavy containment door measuring two (2) by two point five (2.5) meters constructed on bearings to ensure door closes and locks automatically unless held open deliberately. Security guards are NOT to be posted outside SCP-055's room. It is further advised that all personnel maintaining or studying other SCP objects in the vicinity try to maintain a distance of at least fifty (50) meters from the geometric center of the room, as long as this is reasonably practical.\nDescription: SCP-055 is a \"self-keeping secret\" or \"anti-meme\". Information about SCP-055's physical appearance as well as its nature, behavior, and origins is self-classifying. To clarify:\n\nHow Site 19 originally acquired SCP-055 is unknown.\n\nWhen SCP-055 was obtained, and by whom, is unknown.\n\nSCP-055's physical appearance is unknown. It is not indescribable, or invisible: individuals are perfectly capable of entering SCP-055's container and observing it, taking mental or written notes, making sketches, taking photographs, and even making audio/video recordings. An extensive log of such observations is on file. However, information about SCP-055's physical appearance \"leaks\" out of a human mind soon after such an observation. Individuals tasked with describing SCP-055 afterwards find their minds wandering and lose interest in the task; individuals tasked with sketching a copy of a photograph of SCP-055 are unable to remember what the photograph looks like, as are researchers overseeing these tests. Security personnel who have observed SCP-055 via closed-circuit television cameras emerge after a full shift exhausted and effectively amnesiac about the events of the previous hours.\n\nWho authorized the construction of SCP-055's containment room, why it was constructed in this way, or what the purpose of the described Containment Procedures may be, are all unknown.\n\nDespite SCP-055's container being easily accessible, all personnel at Site 19 claim no knowledge of SCP-055's existence when challenged.\n\nAll of these facts are periodically rediscovered, usually by chance readers of this file, causing a great deal of alarm. This state of concern lasts minutes at most, before the matter is simply forgotten about.\nA great deal of scientific data has been recorded from SCP-055, but cannot be studied.\nAt least one attempt has been made to destroy SCP-055, or possibly move it from containment at Site 19 to another site, meeting failure for reasons unknown.\nSCP-055 may present a major physical threat and indeed may have killed many hundreds of personnel, and we would not know it. Certainly it presents a gigantic memetic/mental threat, hence its Keter classification.\nDocument #055-1: An Analysis of SCP-055\nThe author puts forward the hypothesis that SCP-055 was never formally acquired by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and is in fact an autonomous or remotely-controlled agent, inserted at Site 19 by an unidentified third party for one or all of the following purposes:\n\nto silently observe, or interfere with, activities at Site 19\nto silently observe, or interfere with, activities at other SCP locations\nto silently observe, or interfere with, activities of humanity worldwide\nto silently observe, or interfere with, other SCP objects\nto silently observe, or interfere with, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nNo action to counter any of these potential threats is suggested, or indeed theoretically possible.\nAddendum A:\n\nHey, if this thing really is an \"anti-meme\", why doesn't the fact that it's an \"anti-meme\" get wiped? We must be wrong about that somehow. Wait a minute, what if we were to keep notes about what it isn't? Would we remember those? Bartholomew Hughes, NSA\n\nDocument #055-2: Report of Dr. John Marachek\nSurvey team #19-055-127BXE was successfully able to enter SCP-055's container and ascertain the appearance and, to some degree, the nature of the object. Notes were taken according to the project methodology (see \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), after which the container was sealed again.\nExcerpt from a transcript of personnel debriefing follows:\n\nDr. Hughes: Okay, I'm going to need to ask you some questions about number 55 now.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Number what?\nDr. Hughes: SCP object 55. The object you just examined.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Um, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't think we have a 55.\nDr. Hughes: Okay, then, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, I'd like you to tell me what you've been doing for the past two hours.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What? I\u2026 \u2026 I don't know.\nDr. Hughes: Okay, then, do you remember that we all agreed that it wasn't spherical?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That what wasn't\u2026 Oh! Right! It isn't round at all! Object 55 isn't round!\nDr. Hughes: So you remember it now?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, no. I mean, I don't know what it is, but I know there is one. It's something you can't remember. And it's not a sphere.\nDr. Hughes: Wait a minute. What's not a sphere?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Object 55.\nDr. Hughes: Object what?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Doc, do you remember agreeing that something wasn't shaped like a sphere?\nDr. Hughes: Oh, right!\n\nIt appears to be possible to remember what SCP-055 is not (negations of fact), and to repeatedly deduce its existence from these memories.\nPersonnel involved in Survey #19-055-127BXE reported moderate levels of disorientation and psychological trauma associated with cycles of repeated memory and forgetfulness of SCP-055. However, no long-term behavioral or health problems were observed, and psych assessments of survey personnel showed consistent reports of this distress fading over time.\nRecommendations: It may be worthwhile to post at least one staff member capable of remembering the existence of SCP-055 to each critical site.\n\nNext: We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five\n\n\u00ab SCP-054 | SCP-055 | SCP-056 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-056\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-056 is to be kept in a room of its choosing, with whatever furnishings it expresses desire for. Level 1 personnel and above may interact with SCP-056 at any time they choose, for a time length not exceeding two hours. The subject is to be guarded by a minimum of three (3) security staff at all times, with shift changes every four hours. Each guard is to be armed with non-lethal tranquilizer pistols, loaded with no less than fifteen hundred (1500) microliters of cyclopyrrolone tranquilizer. Any irregularities in personnel and staff developed by extended exposure to SCP-056 will result in psychological examination and relocation to site [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe subject is to be allowed access to any object it desires, with the exceptions of weapons, communication devices, an internet connection, and other SCP objects. It may wander in Research Sector \u2588\u2588 as it wills, but never allowed access to floors with exits. In the event of an emergency, or if SCP-056 becomes violent, it is to be subdued and contained within its room if possible. At no time should personnel attempt to harm SCP-056; see Addendum 2-b.\nDescription: SCP-056 is a being of variable size, gender, and appearance, which changes in response to the environment around it, especially in regards to living and sentient beings. Its most common form is of a handsome man in his middle twenties, dressed in a garb of similar appearance to that of the personnel guarding it but of a higher quality and aesthetic value. However, it has been recorded as taking these forms:\n\nA large, well groomed Labrador Retriever (when exposed to Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's dog).\nA woman of similar appearance to famous actress Scarlett Johansson when passing by a group of younger female staff.\nA female doctor in a white lab coat when speaking with various researchers. When asked to take an IQ test, the subject scored nearly thirty (30) points higher than the highest scoring researcher available.\nA male bodybuilder, who was able to lift nearly two-hundred and fifty (250) kilogrammes twice on a bench press machine in the Sector's gym. This was thirty (30) kilogrammes heavier than the strongest security guard's maximum at the time.\nA couch of extremely pleasing aesthetic value (when left alone in the subject's room).\n\nThese changes will generally occur the moment all people in the area lose focus on the subject, which occurs immediately upon exposure to a new object or person (See Addendum 3). Filming these changes has proved inconsequential, as any viewing the tapes or feed suffer the same momentary confusion. Clothing will also change during this time, though 056 has yet to manifest any sort of tools or weapons.\nIt is theoretically impossible to view SCP-056's original or \"natural\" form. When left in an empty, concrete cell and under closed-loop video surveillance, it took on the form of a higher quality camera, and appeared to monitor the camera watching it. Further attempts to yield its natural form discovered that when alone, it had no readable life signs, including body temperature, heart beat, or weight. It is assumed by researchers that it could not exist without any sort of perception.\nPersonnel in contact with the subject often report feeling \"jealous\" or \"unsatisfied\", yet will often give a great deal of both positive and negative attention to SCP-056, which can be predicted by their personality types. Security staff will often claim that they wish to follow the subject's commands, even if they dislike it or its current form, while researchers in extended contact with it will often try to argue and verbally abuse it, which usually results in the subject sending them out in shame.\nSCP-056 is quite capable of speech, and can apparently communicate in any language, verbal or not, and has shown fluency in over 200 dialects, including those invented by cryptographers and hobbyists. It frequently treats the staff around it with disdain, though is generally willing to do whatever is asked of it, so long as the inquiring does so in a submissive way. It expresses interest in magazines, fashion, automobiles, theoretical science, sports, and a multitude of other subjects, usually expressing greater knowledge and understanding of the topic than the person communicating with it. Personnel will generally become angry, disenchanted, or disgusted with SCP-056 after speaking with it for great lengths of time, though they will try to speak with it again if possible. When questioned about other SCPs, it showed fear and occasionally hatred, and refused to speak about any of them, even objects classified as Safe.\nAdditional: Subject was found to be working for the clothing design company [REDACTED], after an unusual number of homicides, suicides, and mental breakdowns of other models when working around SCP-056. When Class E personnel attempted to detain it, their mannerisms provoked it to change into what appeared to be the form of [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in the deaths of seventeen (17) agents and ten (10) civilians. The incident was covered up by claiming an employee suffering from psychopathy brought a firearm to work and attacked other workers.\nAddendum 1: Those with Level 4 or above clearance refer to document #956-0.\nDocument #956-0: Audio recording of first encounter with SCP-056\n\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hey, listen up\u2026 whatever you are. You're under arrest for murder.(Clicking noises. Agent has drawn his weapon.)\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You need to come with us right now.(Expressions of surprise, presumably from onlookers)\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The fuck? It looks just like [DATA EXPUNGED]!\n(Gunshots and screaming)\n\nAddendum 2-a: See document #956-1.\nDocument #956-1: Behavioral Testing for SCP-056\nTesting Procedures:\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum 2-b: Results:\n\nOne (1) male Class D Personnel, armed with knife. Intent: to harm subject. (Subject appeared as a lean, fit man of approximately twenty years of age. Subject proceeded to disarm and kill personnel.)\nOne (1) female Class D Personnel, bearing a bottle of fine wine. Intent: to offer subject gift. (Subject appeared as a beautiful woman, accepted the gift, and upon tasting, spit it back in the personnel's face before waving her away.)\nTwo (2) Class D Personnel, both male and female, carrying nothing and intending nothing. (Subject appeared as a beautiful woman in a well-tailored business suit. Examined both personnel, then dismissed them.)\nTen (10) Class D Personnel, all male, intending and carrying nothing. (Subject appeared as a beautiful woman, dressed in a low-cut red dress. After approximately ten minutes, all personnel began showing signs of irritation, and five minutes later broke out in fighting. Subject waved them away after watching them for seven minutes.)\nOne (1) female Level 4 Personnel, voted to be best looking woman on facility. Carried nothing, intended nothing. (Subject appeared as an extremely aesthetically pleasing woman, and displayed a large lexicon and understanding of management skills. Spoke to personnel for nearly ninety minutes, until personnel became infuriated and left the room.)\n\nAddendum 3: Note from Doctor Kennith:\nI was recently informed that 056 has repeatedly requested access to the internet. When I asked 056 about this, it told me that we were \"unable to provide [it] with enough sycophants\", and that it \"wanted the whole world to know [its] face.\" Needless to say, its request was denied.\n\n\u00ab SCP-055 | SCP-056 | SCP-057 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-057\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Site-57 has been constructed to facilitate SCP-057 as relocation is not feasible. It is highly improbable that any outside knowledge of the artifact exists based on the circumstances of its discovery and thus security is of minimal concern. No containment procedures are required other than the prevention of unauthorized access. All research will be delegated to Dr. Lewis and Dr. Walston unless further specified.\nDue to the irretrievability of those placed inside SCP-057, access will be granted with the approval of no fewer than two (2) members of O5.\nDescription: SCP-057 is a subterranean chamber with an approximate cylindrical height of three (3) meters and diameter of eighteen (18) meters. Artifact is comprised of impenetrable slate-coloured stone. Inside the chamber are dozens of parallelepiped monoliths extending from floor to ceiling that slide in various directions while SCP-057 is active. It was discovered several meters below \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during the construction of a secure containment enclosure for SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Consequently, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was assigned an alternate location at Site-\u2588\u2588.\nAn entrance to the chamber is located on the north-east side. When a human enters, the door shuts and the walls inside the chamber move in such a way as to require the subject's constant attention to maintain a safe course through the artifact. The monoliths slowly open and close until the subject either surrenders or exhausts themselves, at which time SCP-057 crushes them and reverts to its original, inactive state after a period of approximately twenty (20) seconds. This process lasts only as long as the subject inside SCP-057 is alive and has proven to take days. Extended testing proposals to gauge the limits of the artifact have been discouraged. All tests on animals, machines, and cadavers have proven futile. Only a living, breathing human being is able to initiate this process upon entering SCP-057.\n\n+ Incident Report 057-1\n\n- Hide Incident Report 057-1\n\nIncident 057-1: During the excavation of the artifact, a worker employed by the Foundation for the unearthing process entered the chamber without permission at roughly 12:57 AM on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Upon entering the artifact the door shut and a dull rumble began to emanate from the chamber. Standard lockdown procedure was initiated and all personnel in the vicinity were evacuated. A Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) was deployed in order to safely determine the cause of the event and to gauge any possible threat of SCP-057. Aside from the rumbling noises produced during the event, no anomalous effects outside of the artifact were observed. At 4:32 AM of the following day, SCP-057 suddenly shut down and returned to its original state as the door shifted back into its open position. At 5:32 AM, the area was declared safe and the excavation process was completed without further incident. The worker in question was never recovered.\n\n+ Experiment Log 057-1\n\n- Hide Experiment Log 057-1\n\nExperiment Log 057-1: A controlled experiment for the purpose of exploring the interior of SCP-057 was requested by Drs. Lewis and Walston on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and approved shortly thereafter by O5 Council. D-1021 was equipped with a radio able to send and receive transmissions to and from the Doctors. Upon entering the chamber the artifact behaved as expected with the door abruptly shutting behind D-1021. The following is a transcript of the communication between Dr. Lewis, Dr. Walston and D-1021.\n\nD-1021: Hey, you didn't tell me the door would close. Can you open it again? This place gives me the heebie-jeebies.\n\nDr. Lewis: Negative, please proceed as advised and describe your surroundings.\n\nD-1021: Okay.. Well, there are a bunch of stone columns in here, and they keep rearranging their positions. I\u2026\n\nDr. Walston: D-1021? What is your status?\n\nD-1021: Damn column snuck up on me. They're moving around, arranging themselves so they\u2026 [Pause]\n\nDr. Walston: What is it?\n\nD-1021: The columns behind me are closing up. The ones ahead of me are spreading out\u2026 I don't like this. [Inaudible] can't see the door anymore.\n\nDr. Lewis: Stay calm. Move with the columns and you'll be fine.\n\nD-1021: If I stand still, they'll crush me. I have to keep moving or they'll crush me. [Seventeen seconds of silence] How long am I gonna be in here?\n\nDr. Walston: It'll be over soon, you're doing fine. Just keep moving.\n\nD-1021: But what if I'm trapped in here? I\u2026 [D-1021 begins to hyperventilate] I'm trapped and they're gonna crush me and-\n\nDr. Lewis: D-1\u2026 Hey, listen! Get a hold of yourself. The columns will eventually lead you to an exit. Please relax and continue.\n\n[Subject calms down noticeably]\n\nD-1021: So there's\u2026 an exit? Thank god. I was scared there for a second that I'd never [SUPERFLUOUS DIALOGUE EXPUNGED]\n\nDr. Walston: Yep, keep it up and you'll be right as rain. You're doing a great job. You'll have no trouble making parole once this is over.\n\n[The experiment continues without incident for another forty-one (41) minutes. At this point, D-1021 becomes noticeably distressed again.]\n\nD-1021: I saw how big this place is from the outside. Am I going in a circle?\n\nDr. Lewis: Negative. Continue to proceed through the opening columns. You should find the exit-\n\nD-1021: There is no fucking exit! You bastard sonsabitches trapped me in here and now I'm fucking\u2026 trapped!\n\n[Subject begins to hyperventilate again]\n\nDr. Walston: You are not trapped, D-1021. Continue to the exit or you will be forced to-\n\nD-1021: Forced to what!? There's nothing you can do to me I'm gonna fucking die I'm gonna die-\n\nDr. Lewis: D-1-0-2-1! Panicking will only exacerbate your situation. Focus!\n\n[D-1021 breaks into tears. He continues to cry for the next two (2) hours as he makes his way through the columns and does not reply to any questions. Eventually, the crying ceases]\n\nD-1021: So this is it. [Deep exhalation] I'm gonna die. I guess I'll just stop and close my eyes. Maybe it won't be so bad. [Several minutes of silence] I can't. I can't. I can't, I can't. I can't.\n\n[D-1021 continues to repeat this for several minutes. Eventually he trails off and falls silent]\n\nDr. Walston: D-1021?\n\n[D-1021 stops in his tracks, breathing slowly but heavily. Faint sobbing is audible]\n\nDr. Walston: D-1021, proceed through the room as advised!\n\nD-1021: I.. I\u2026\n\n[D-1021's gentle sobbing abruptly cuts off. Brief, loud cracking and snapping sounds are heard before the transmission is lost. Strangely, D-1021 did not report any sightings of the remains of the excavation worker lost in Event 057-1. Accordingly, no efforts were made for the recovery of D-1021's remains. As a result of this inconclusive data, reclassification of SCP-057 to Euclid is pending.]\n\n\u00ab SCP-056 | SCP-057 | SCP-058 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-058\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-058 is to be kept in isolation in a 5 m by 5 m by 5 m containment chamber at all times. Walls are to be constructed of 3 m (10 ft) of reinforced heat-resistant steel, backed with a further 10 m (33 ft) of reinforced concrete. SCP-058 is to be fed a live cow every three days. Maintenance is to be conducted every sixty (60) minutes while SCP-058 is dormant and every fifteen (15) minutes when SCP-058 is active. Under no circumstances is SCP-058 to be allowed out of its containment area. SCP-058 is to be audio recorded at all times. No personnel are to listen to SCP-058 for more than thirty (30) minutes at a time. In case of escape, facility is to be considered compromised and detonation of on-site nuclear weaponry is to commence. To date, SCP-058 has been responsible for the death of at least one hundred and forty-nine (149) Class-D personnel and fourteen (14) Agents at its current site.\nDescription: SCP-058 resembles a bovine heart, with four (4) arthropod-like legs used primarily for movement, and four (4) tentacles of adjustable length, covered with razor sharp spines. It has a single sharp 'stinger' on its rear, where the hole for the superior vena cava would be in a typical organ. SCP-058's tentacles can be \"whipped\" to a distance of 3.2 m (10.5 ft) at speeds in excess of 320 km/h (200 mph). SCP-058 is extremely hostile and will use every opportunity afforded to it to inflict damage on its surroundings. SCP-058 has been shown to be highly resilient to trauma, and should be approached with caution even when apparently incapacitated.\nSCP-058 is highly mobile and capable of rapid movement on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. It has been recorded reaching a speed of approximately 90 km/h (55 mph) in short bursts, covering distances up to 200 m (656 ft), and has the ability to accelerate from 0 to 90 km/h (55 mph) in less than two (2) seconds. It has been shown to use its tentacles for increased leverage and stability, as well as utilizing them to pull itself to other surfaces at high speeds.\nSCP-058 'speaks' in a human voice, though no method of producing sound has been observed in its physiology. It speaks with vocal tone and accent of an elderly British male with a slight lisp and deep voice. SCP-058 talks constantly, regardless of conditions: even when attacking, SCP-058's voice and pace of speech are unchanged. The speech of SCP-058 lacks any detectable correlation to events, persons, or exterior locations involved with SCP-058 (see Transcript of Interview 058-04).\nNotes:\nSCP-058 was first encountered at Site \u2588\u2588 as it came out of [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-058 was extremely hostile and appeared to be very agitated. Initially SCP-058 attacked Site \u2588\u2588, which resulted in the death of \u2588\u2588 faculty and \u2588\u2588 Agents. SCP-058 went on to attack the nearby town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, resulting in the death of over [REDACTED] citizens and the destruction of seventy percent (70%) of the surrounding buildings.\nPost-Breach analysis determined a majority of the deaths are attributable to fire and fire-related injuries, resulting from a wide spread of \"stinger fluid\" by SCP-058 from a large structure. This is also blamed for a majority of structural damage. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by SCP-058 accounts for only 8% of total deaths, with major evidence [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSCP-058 was finally contained after being crushed and incapacitated by a large amount of masonry from a building that had collapsed on top of it. SCP-058 was then extracted and transported to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by Agents and MTF teams. SCP-058 was contained at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for three weeks, during which it made minimal attempts to move, attributed both to physical damage and bloating from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during the initial breach incident. Testing during this period was limited, with SCP-058 still maintaining a high threat level even in its impaired state.\nSCP-058 breached containment on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during an attempted transfer to an SCP Containment Site, causing multiple deaths and injuries. SCP-058 was eventually incapacitated by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who managed to subdue SCP-058 by running it over with an M1 tank, pinning it beneath the armored vehicle. SCP-058 was subsequently secured and transported to Armed Bio-Containment Area 14.\nAddendum:\nThe SCP-1175 containment team has observed significant agitation in SCP-1175-2 on a number of dates that coincide with prolonged breaches of SCP-058's containment. Additionally, personnel assigned to AI-2471GH2's maintenance have reported inexplicable heart palpatations during similar timeframes. Investigation into possible connections is pending RAISA approval.\nTranscript of Interview 058-04:\nDr Johnston: What is your name?Dr Johnston: What is your name?Dr Johnston: Where are you from?Personnel D-067: This is some creepy ass- (D-067 cuts off into screaming)Personnel D-067: (Continues screaming)\nDr Johnston: Let him go!Personnel D-067: (Screaming is cut short abruptly)\n\n\u00ab SCP-057 | SCP-058 | SCP-059 \u00bb"} {"text": "Example of SCP-059\n\nRoom Infested By SCP-059-1\n\nItem #: SCP-059\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A single specimen of SCP-059 is kept at Site-11B inside a graded-Z laminate shielding box composed of depleted uranium, tantalum, tin, steel, copper, and aluminum. Surrounding SCP-059's containment box is a 7 x 7 x 7 m area sealed as a Level-4 Biohazard area, and surrounded by 3 cm of lead shielding. This area is to be sprayed daily with a solution of methyl isothiocyanate to prevent overgrowth of SCP-059-1.\nPersonnel entering an SCP-059 affected area are cautioned to wear appropriate biohazard protection, as well as Type K-59-B radiation shielding. They are to remain in the area for no more than 15 minutes, as the radiation shielding is only partially effective.\nSCP-059-1 infestations found in the wild should be contained by removing the SCP-059 specimen responsible, and incineration of all observed SCP-059-1. Large underground infestations are best neutralized by fuel-air (thermobaric) explosives.\nAdditional specimens of SCP-059 are not needed for experimentation, and should be transported to Site-11B for incineration by plasma arc at 10,000 Kelvin.\nDescription: SCP-059 is a radioactive mineral of unknown origin, superficially resembling scheelite. A component of SCP-059 is believed to originate in an alternate universe, and to be responsible for its anomalous properties. In addition to alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, SCP-059 specimens produce a previously unknown type of radiation, apparently unique to the object, tentatively designated 'delta radiation'. Delta radiation is accompanied by Cherenkov radiation, visible as a blue glow.\nDelta radiation is only partially contained by standard radiation shielding; the best results have been obtained using graded-Z laminate shielding with an additional super-dense metal layer. This reduces the effective range of delta radiation from approximately 20 m to approximately 6 m.\nWhen an area is exposed to delta radiation for more than 15 minutes, an unknown species of fungus (designated SCP-059-1) begins to grow on any exposed surface. This fungus does not require any standard nutrition, but will die within 24 hours of removal from a delta radiation source. SCP-059-1 is itself radioactive, but does not emit delta radiation. However, if a critical mass (approximately \u2588\u2588 kg/m3) of SCP-059-1 is allowed to grow, delta radiation from an unknown source other than SCP-059 will appear in the area, further supporting SCP-059-1 growth. (Interested readers may consult Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for his theories of space-time stress and merger of alternate realities). Within 18 hours, the infected mass will become transparent and disappear, presumably into the universe that is the source of delta radiation. The process then continues with SCP-059-1 infecting new material.\nSCP-059-1 will infest both living beings and inanimate objects. Humans (and animals) infected with SCP-059-1 become immune to the effects of ionizing radiation, but progressively merge with SCP-059-1, and eventually have all tissues replaced by fungal growth. While generally non-violent, they will attempt to expose unaffected individuals to SCP-059. SCP-059-1 infections do not appear to be directly contagious, but only spread by contact with delta radiation. However, long-term exposure to SCP-059-1 has not been adequately tested to rule out considering it a biohazard (as well as a known radiation hazard).\nInfected individuals still capable of communication describe seeing a world entirely covered with SCP-059-1, where much of the surface is composed of SCP-059. It is unclear whether this is a hallucination or a view into the source of SCP-059. Infectees are generally pleased with their condition and often refer to being in \"the blue light of heaven.\"\nSCP-059-1 is affected by most fungicides, but new growth will continue as long as SCP-059 is present. Early stage SCP-059-1 infection in humans may be treated with griseofulvin, however the treatment is 90% likely to lead to death by radiation poisoning. Treated individuals lose their immunity to radiation, and will already have absorbed a now lethal dose prior to treatment. Late stage treatment should not be attempted, as too much tissue will already be converted to SCP-059-1. [DATA EXPUNGED]. The remains of failed treatments should be kept out of range of SCP-059, otherwise [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-059 specimens have been discovered in 8 different underground locations, across a range of 5000 km. No pattern has emerged for their appearance. Specimens range from 1-10 kg in size, and are not part of the normal rock formations in the areas where they have been found.\nAddendum: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has recorded and analyzed the patterns of radiation emitted by the contained SCP-059-1 colony, and believes SCP-059-1 may be sapient and attempting to communicate via controlled emissions of radiation. Initial attempts to analyze this \"language\" reveal [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-058 | SCP-059 | SCP-060 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-060 instance in its grove.\n\nItem #: SCP-060\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The grove which contains SCP-060 is currently contained in a series of specially-constructed greenhouses at Satellite-Site 66-060. Specimens are to be pruned regularly to keep at a manageable size.\nPersonnel are banned from smoking while within 5km of Satellite-Site 66-060. Personnel are to refrain from bringing lighters, matches, tasers, or any other tool readily capable of starting a fire into Satellite-Site 66-060.\nSCP-060 specimens are to be watered twice daily and checked weekly for dead plant matter and saplings. Dead matter and saplings are to be pruned, shredded and composted properly in the dedicated facility onsite, afterwards returned to SCP-060's containment chamber. Fragments of SCP-060 may not be moved offsite for any reason without explicit written permission from two or more Level 4 personnel.\nIn the event of a breach by SCP-060-Alpha, personnel are to enter lockdown mode and activate onsite fire suppression systems. Redundant onsite fire suppression systems have been installed throughout the Site, including water and chemical retardants to be utilized in tandem in the event of a containment breach. Portable extinguishers are to be kept available at all times.\nContainment-Chamber 060-Alpha-001 is a dedicated, circular containment chamber designed to contain SCP-060-Alpha during testing. This chamber is constructed of concrete with a .2 metre thick asbestos coating, with a series of chimneys to allow for ventilation of heat during containment. The walls are fitted with 24 CO2 projectors evenly spaced at 45\u00b0 angles along the walls and will activate in the presence of temperatures exceeding 200\u00b0 C. One kilogram of SCP-060 material is to be kept within Containment-Chamber 060-Alpha-001 to be burned in the event of a breach.\nDescription: SCP-060 is a grove of seventeen white oak trees (Quercus alba). The grove is spread across approximately 8 acres in rural northeastern Minnesota. A house on the property was demolished during the construction of Satellite-Site 66-060 after being combed by Foundation personnel for information regarding SCP-060. See addendum.\nWhen burned, SCP-060 will produce an entity henceforth designated SCP-060-Alpha. SCP-060-Alpha appears to be an animate adult human skeleton standing approximately 2.3 metres tall and surrounded by bright white flames. SCP-060-Alpha initially burns at a temperature of approximately 1500\u00b0 C (~2730\u00b0 F) and will attempt to cause as much damage as possible when active. Burning as little as 20g of SCP-060 will cause SCP-060-Alpha to appear. Only one instance of SCP-060-Alpha will appear at any time; it is theorized that 060-Alpha is a unique entity.\n\nSCP-060-1 upon its sudden arrival.\n\nSCP-060-Alpha is extremely dangerous, having proven to be hostile and relatively intelligent. It appears to be a single recurring entity, showing a growing familiarity with Satellite-Site 66-060's layout over the course of several manifestations. When given the opportunity, it will throw itself bodily at flammable materials in an effort to cause damage, and assault personnel with a focus on grappling and strangulation. Additionally, it has proven capable of running at speeds of up to 80 km/h (50 mph) in short bursts and leaping approximately 5 metres from a running start. Due to the extreme temperatures produced by 060-Alpha during the initial stages of manifestation, along with its physical capabilities, it is capable of causing large, uncontrolled fires and widespread property damage if left unchecked. SCP-060-Alpha appears to intentionally avoid burning SCP-060 when it becomes active.\nIf SCP-060-Alpha is introduced to a high enough volume of water or other flame-retardant material over a short amount of time, it will begin to weaken to the point that it will collapse into dust. Collapse will occur suddenly with little warning; SCP-060-Alpha will continue to pose a threat up until its collapse. The volume of suppressive material required to subdue SCP-060-Alpha is markedly less than would be expected to quench a heat source of its intensity, with volumes of approximately 500 litres proving sufficient.\nAreas burned by SCP-060-Alpha will begin to yield sapling instances of SCP-060 over the following four to six weeks. Only one wave of sapling growth will follow any given containment breach, and only one is thought to inherit the anomalous properties of the primary tree - it is difficult to determine safely if this is the case, however. As such, containment protocols assume all white oak trees that sprout within a reasonable distance of SCP-060 instances are assumed to be also 060. Later saplings are easily pulled and should be composted and supplied to SCP-060's normal containment chambers.\nAdditional Information Regarding 060: The property containing SCP-060 contained a burned out, secluded house upon Foundation acquisition. According to civilian sources, the house's previous owner was a Johnathan Corhill, who is reported to have been a somewhat solitary eccentric, with a tendency towards bitterness and nihilism. Mr Corhill was reported as a missing person in late 1996, several months after having suddenly cut off all ties to family members and friends.\nThe last person to have had contact with Johnathan Corhill was his brother Christopher via a telephone call. According to his brother, Corhill had developed an interest in the study of Victorian-era occultism. Furthermore, he reported that Johnathan Corhill had seemed normal up until the phone call, at which point he told Christopher never to contact him again. Later in the year, a mail carrier visited the home to deliver a notice of foreclosure, finding it instead as a burned out shell. Examination showed that the fire began in the living room in the general vicinity of the fireplace; it is now assumed that SCP-060-Alpha manifested within the house while Corhill burned SCP-060 in the fireplace. Considering SCP-060-Alpha's nature, why the house was not entirely destroyed during this alleged manifestation is as of yet unknown. No human remains were found within the structure.\nJohnathan Corhill's whereabouts, and whether he is dead or alive, are currently unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-059 | SCP-060 | SCP-061 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-061\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The source code for SCP-061 is to be kept on a standard archival-quality read-only data compact disc (CD-ROM); four copies of the CD-ROM with the source code are to be stored in separate maximum-security inanimate-object lockers. Except for purposes of approved experimentation, SCP-061 is not to be loaded, compiled, or run. Research proposals for SCP-061 require written approval from site command. Only one copy of the CD-ROM containing the source code for SCP-061 may be used at a time; the CD-ROM is to be returned to storage immediately after having been used to load the source code for SCP-061 to a device.\nSCP-061 must never be loaded, compiled, or run on any device which has a connection to the Internet, either directly or via another device. SCP-061 must never be loaded, compiled, or run on any device which is physically capable of wireless connectivity, regardless of whether that connectivity is in use.\nFor purposes of approved experimentation, SCP-061 may be loaded, compiled, and run on a LAN consisting of no more than 3 (three) devices plus peripherals. No devices are to be disconnected from the LAN during experimentation. Following the conclusion of experimentation, all devices within this LAN are to be immediately reformatted. Audio-output peripherals for this LAN are to be contained within an observation chamber surrounded with noise-canceling vacuum insulation. In the event of a perimeter breach by hostiles during SCP-061 experimentation, all devices within the LAN are to be immediately destroyed.\nDescription: SCP-061 is an acoustic computer program being developed by SCP researchers with the intent of producing successful countermeasures to similar programs being developed by governments and individuals around the world. Inspired by research on [DATA EXPUNGED], SCP Command saw both the potential and harm in the ability to control the brain functions of other human beings. Laymen understand that music can elicit certain emotions and memories or various sounds can elicit fear and excitement by simply being heard. Governments around the world have been attempting to expand on that premise for decades; SCP Research is the first to elicit responses on higher mental activities.\nParts of the brain affected by SCP-061 differ from those stimulated by [DATA EXPUNGED] or by subliminal messaging. Instead of acting on parts of the brain that are thought to be in control of the subconscious, acoustic frequencies produced by SCP-061 intercept conscious thoughts as they are produced and replace them. Instead of a suggestion, the human hearing center bisects the conscious thinking mind of the frontal lobe with the motor control cortical homunculus of the brain.\nA baseline rhythm \"convinces\" the rest of the brain that the conscious mind is \"asleep\" and effectively stops conscious thought from continuing to the rest of the brain. In return, the frontal lobe experiences a \"pause\" that resembles the psychological effects of anesthesia. Acoustic codes developed by SCP-061 are interpreted by motor centers in the brain as conscious instructions and the subject typically acts accordingly. (See Addendum-01)\nSubjects will normally have a \"blank\" facial expression while under the influence of SCP-061. They are not responsive to attempts at conversation and express no desires, such as hunger or interest in sexual advances. Though all commands are followed without question, the effects of the auditory control cease once the subject is no longer able to hear the program. Most test subjects report being unable to remember the actions they performed while under control, but a few have experienced the effect of \"watching helplessly\" as their body acted against their will.\nThe intent of such research is to discover ways to counteract the effects of auditory mind control; however, only two methods of countermeasures have proven successful as of yet. One, the subject's hearing is impaired so that the individual can no longer hear the program, either by covering the ear or deafening the subject. Two, the program itself sends a coded instruction to the hearing center of the brain, permanently shutting it down. Though the ear continues to hear, there has been no progress in finding the proper code to \"reboot\" the hearing center of the brain.\nDespite its shortcomings, SCP-061 represents a promising development in the creation of counter-anomalous phenomenon. Further research is ongoing.\nAddendum-01: All subjects are placed under auditory control, issued a coded auditory command and then monitored.\n\nSubject\u2014 4402F\n\nCommand: [Sleep]\nResponse: Subject curled up into a fetal position on the floor and her brain began emitting alpha waves associated with sleep. Her eyes remained wide open in the typical \"blank/empty\" expression associated with controlled subjects, but her eyes twitched rapidly in ways associated with REM sleep.\n\nSubject\u2014 4427M\n\nCommand: [Run on treadmill]\nResponse: Subject mounted treadmill and then proceeded to run. Subject did not turn on the treadmill resulting in the subject impacting the control platform. Subject repeated this until the [Stop] command was issued. Note: more detailed commands are advised for task oriented commands.\n\nSubject\u2014 4427M\n\nCommand: [Turn treadmill on; Run on treadmill]\nResponse: Subject turned on treadmill to the maximum speed, mounted and attempted to run before being ejected off the conveyor belt. Subject repeatedly attempted to turn on the treadmill to a random speed and run on it with various outcomes. Note: more detailed commands are advised for task oriented commands.\n\nSubject\u2014 4427M\n\nCommand: [Turn on treadmill to jogging speed; Jog on treadmill]\nResponse: Subject successfully jogged on treadmill until [Stop] command was issued, which resulted in subject being ejected off the conveyor belt. Note: Subjects should be in a safe neutral position before [Stop] commands are issued.\n\n\u00ab SCP-060 | SCP-061 | SCP-062 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-062\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-062 is stored in a dedicated containment cell at Site \u2588\u2588 under clean room conditions. Any experimentation on SCP-062 must receive prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Personnel, and must only be performed with independent power sources. SCP-062 must never be attached to an external network, and all data extracted from SCP-062 is to be stored on external nonvolatile media until analyzed.\nDescription: SCP-062 appears to be an unbranded personal desktop computer housed in an aluminum case of indeterminate manufacture. SCP-062 is unusually heavy at approximately 24kg, and lacks manufacturing or branding labels of any kind. The words \"infomation is freedom [sic]\" were found scratched into the casing near the back, apparently with a key or similar object.\nInspection of its interior has revealed that SCP-062 is empty except for a blank circuit board in place of where the motherboard of a standard personal computer would be. SCP-062 will not function unless the case is completely sealed, and attempts to open the case while it is operating cause it to shut down immediately. Despite this, SCP-062 operates as expected for a normal desktop computer with the exception that its performance, operating system, contained data, and language appears to be different upon every activation.\nSCP-062 was discovered in the basement of the University of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Computer Science Laboratory by [REDACTED]. An embedded Foundation agent seized the object and brought it to Site \u2588\u2588, where it has since been contained.\nAddendum 062-001: List of Notable Activation Results\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nDescription: SCP-062 appeared to be running Windows XP in Catalan. Analysis of contained data showed financial records for the [REDACTED] banking firm in France for the period of May, 1963 to April, 1987. These records are inconsistent with actual bank records procured by undercover Foundation agents.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nDescription: SCP-062 appeared to be running Debian Linux in Latin. Contained data consisted of a library of audio recordings of over \u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 choral songs and hymns, of which \u2588\u2588\u2588 are not found in any known collection, or have never been performed.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nDescription: SCP-062 appeared to be running a version of Solaris in Portuguese. Contained data consisted of promotional and marketing material for [REDACTED], which appears to be a commercial space flight corporation that does not exist.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nDescription: SCP-062 appeared to be running an unknown operating system visually similar to OS/2, with an unknown language, later identified to have strong similarities to that of the Voynich Manuscript. Attempts at deciphering the contained data are ongoing.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nDescription: SCP-062 appeared to be running [REDACTED] in French. Contained data confirmed to be that of a standard Foundation workstation, though the site indicated by its location data, Site \u2588\u2588\u2588, does not exist. Investigation is ongoing.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nDescription: SCP-062 appeared to be running Apple OS X in what appears to be Akkadian cuneiform script. Contained data appears to be composed mainly of religious text and descriptions of ritual and ceremonial procedures.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nDescription: [REDACTED]. Investigation is ongoing as to how the virus managed to compromise 3 workstations and one file server before SCP-062 was forcibly shut down. All affected workstations have been isolated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-061 | SCP-062 | SCP-063 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-063\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-063 is to be kept at all times within Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's personal bathroom, located within the personnel quarters upon Site 19. Object is to be used as designed at least once in a twenty-four (24) hour period or the object will begin to emit an unknown specialized radiation that results in objects and material within a 0.6 m (2 ft) radius being slowly warped and eventually disintegrating into a fine dust. Radiation's effect on living test subjects has not been monitored.\nDescription: SCP-063 appears to be an average, pale blue toothbrush. Stenciled along the side of the object are the words \u201cThe World's Best TothBrush [sic]\u201d. The word \"toothbrush\" is spelled incorrectly, though whether this was accidental or a purposeful action by the creators of the object is unknown. SCP-063 displays the ability to effortlessly cleave through any and all dead or inorganic matter, the focal point of this ability being the bristles. However, matter touched by the bristles is not separated, such as by way of a knife, but completely expunged from existence, leaving no trace whatsoever. This mode of operation is reminiscent of SCP-2207, suggesting the two anomalies share a connection or were created by the same entity or entities. Additionally, subjects who have used SCP-063 have claimed that the experience left their teeth feeling remarkably clean. In spite of its extraordinary abilities, lab analysis has discerned that SCP-063 is completely made of common plastic.\nAddendum: SCP-063 was originally found in St. Petersburg, on the person of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a thief working in the area using SCP-063's abilities to crack safes. When questioned about the object, subject professed ignorance, claiming that he simply \u201cfound\u201d the object one day. Questioning of the subject continued, until he took his own life. His reason for doing this is, as of yet, unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-062 | SCP-063 | SCP-064 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-064\n\nItem #: SCP-064\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-064 is to be kept in a suitably remote area for observation. Current goals are to generate a geometric model of the object's behavioral pattern and to observe any changes in this pattern due to location and soil composition. Certain sites in the Gobi Desert and Australian Outback, as well as a number of salt flats scattered around the globe, are under consideration for future testing. SCP-064's current location is classified to all personnel under security clearance Level 3. Once growth has stopped, field teams are to document the structure's size, shape and composition and remove the object for transport to a new site.\nDescription: SCP-064 is a light brown earthenware brick composed primarily of silicon oxides and some organic matter. The object weighs 1.6 kg and measures some 10 cm x 6 cm x 20 cm. Its surface is smooth and flat, with some minor cosmetic chips. By and large, the object is visually similar to most solid bricks used in construction.\nWhen left lying on a flat expanse of soft earth, SCP-064 will begin to multiply through an unknown mechanism. Close observation reveals the appearance of an irregular lattice of silicon fibers in the shape of the original object, which then fills and solidifies with a soil-based mixture until it attains the proper mass. This process may be similar to mycelial propagation in fungi, with microscopic root structures 'mining' minerals from soil in the immediate vicinity. Under optimal conditions (soil composition at roughly 90% silicon dioxide [SiO2]), it takes approximately seventy minutes for one complete brick to appear.\nGiven a large expanse of earth to work with, SCP-064 produces a highly complex but theoretically stable freestanding brick structure, including floors and ceilings. Past observations indicate that the structure could attain the shape of a twelve-pointed star, over 10km in diameter and of considerable height. However, this is speculative, as growth stops permanently once the structure contacts a significant obstacle, observed to include any solid object over 10 kg in mass. Structural integrity is very high, as bricks orient themselves to be as level as possible and fit together almost perfectly. Interestingly, the structure's growth is tailored to a specific set of cardinal directions, with SCP-064 always being the northernmost brick on the lowest level.\nSCP-064 must be attached for growth to occur. Once SCP-064 is removed, the structure begins to decay, and all secondary bricks crumble to dust at a rate roughly equal to their rate of appearance. Replacing the object within twenty minutes halts this decay and allows growth to continue; past this threshold, the process is irreversible.\nSCP-064 was found by chance in April of 20\u2588\u2588. During satellite observation of an elevated plateau in the Andes mountains, a camera operator noted that one structure was apparently growing. Extrapolating the object's approximate location from the structure's apparent direction of growth (which stopped during recovery), field teams located the object by differences in color between SCP-064 and its secondary bricks, which were high in iron oxides from the local soil. A full excavation of the original site is underway in order to ascertain the object's cultural and technological origins.\n\n\u00ab SCP-063 | SCP-064 | SCP-065 \u00bb"} {"text": "A photograph of SCP-065 exhibiting visual distortion\n\nItem #: SCP-065\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-065 cannot be moved, it has been contained on-site and Site \u2588\u2588 has been established around it. Site \u2588\u2588 has been marked as a government research facility off limits to civilians, and unauthorized individuals attempting to gain access to the area are to be detained, questioned, and administered a Class A amnestic if deemed necessary by site security.\nAn area 17 m in radius around the center of SCP-065 has been designated the Red Zone. Personnel may not enter the Red Zone of SCP-065 at any time, and experimentation with SCP-065 may only be performed with prior approval from at least two (2) Level 3 senior research staff. Personnel at high risk of cancer must not be assigned to Site \u2588\u2588, and all Site \u2588\u2588 personnel must undergo mandatory monthly physical evaluations including cancer screenings.\nDescription: SCP-065 is a spherical region of space approximately 12 m in radius located on a farm near [REDACTED]. SCP-065 was formed by the destruction of an anomalous artifact on-site by the Global Occult Coalition on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588; immediately following this initial event, the radius of SCP-065 was estimated to have initially expanded to 108 m in radius, resulting in the deaths of eleven (11) GOC operatives and five (5) civilians. Since containment by the Foundation, the effective radius of SCP-065 has shrunk to and remained stable at its current size.\nSCP-065 causes abnormal transfiguration of any living organism within its area of effect. These effects include but are not limited to:\n\nRegression of specialized cells to an undifferentiated stem state.\nSpontaneous separation and fusion of undifferentiated cells.\nSpontaneous necrosis of living tissue and reanimation of dead tissue.\nRapid genetic mutation of living tissue.\n\nThese effects occur at a rate proportional to the mass and complexity of the organism: plants and insects show few if any effects, small animals will exhibit alterations following several days of exposure, larger animals will show harmful mutations within hours, and all human subjects exposed to the Red Zone have been fatally altered within approximately fifteen (15) minutes of exposure.\nTo date, all attempts at directly observing the center of SCP-065 have failed, as SCP-065 causes a form of extreme sensory confusion in all observers that extends to recording equipment. Affected personnel have reported highly distorted vision and hearing that persists for several hours and can result in severe dizziness and nausea.\nAddendum 065-1: Researcher Note\n\nOn \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, a robotic rover designed to use somatosensory rather than visual or acoustic navigation managed to reach the center of SCP-065 and retrieve several objects. When pieced back together, these objects appear to be the shattered fragments of a stone figurine of Kokopelli, a Native American fertility deity.\nAlong with pre-incident data obtained from the Global Occult Coalition, it appears that this artifact had been used by the civilian family to boost the yield of their farm and only came to the attention of the GOC when an investigation by the United States Department of Agriculture revealed genetic markers in their supposed organic crops consistent with those of genetically modified organism (GMO) crops. The GOC attempted an on-site destruction of this artifact, resulting in the creation of SCP-065; following this incident, the GOC contacted a Foundation liaison and requested assistance in containing the resultant anomaly.\n\u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum 065-2: Attached Document\nThe following document was recovered from the formerly civilian-owned farm house at Site \u2588\u2588:\n\nJohn,\nI heard things aren't going so well back at home. I wish I could come back and help right now, but it's tough over here right now as well and we're on the verge of some important discoveries.\nI know it's not much, but I found this during the trip. The man who gave it to me described it as, \"a representation of that which is and that which might be\". Plant it by the corn field, and hopefully it will help make ends meet.\nSee you soon,\nG\n\n\u00ab SCP-064 | SCP-065 | SCP-066 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-066, prior to Incident 066-2.\n\nItem #: SCP-066\nObject Class: Safe-prodest Euclid-impetus\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-066 is to be kept in a safe-deposit box at Site 21. Personnel Level 2 or higher may perform experiments on SCP-066 after filing the relevant request forms. Researchers may log their results in Experiment Log 066-Beta.\nSCP-066 is to be kept in a tungsten carbide box in Site 21's high-value item storage facility. Once every month, this box must be manually inspected for damage to the interior;1 if damage is present, SCP-066 must be moved to a new box. This task is performed via a robotic arm capable of performing the task in under three seconds.\nDescription: SCP-066 is an amorphous mass of braided yarn and ribbon weighing approximately one kilogram. Strands of SCP-066 may be taken individually and manipulated; when this is done, a note on the diatonic scale (C-D-E-F-G-A-B) is produced by the object.\nWhen a set of six or more notes are produced, SCP-066 will produce a benign effect of varying nature and duration. SCP-066 will not respond to manipulation while any effect produced by it is in progress. Prior to Incident 066-2, results have included:\n\nSCP-066 transformed into a small calico kitten for seventeen minutes. The kitten exhibited significant friendliness and playfulness, and appeared to be declawed.\nA song lasting four minutes, acoustic guitar with vocal accompaniment by singer/songwriter [REDACTED]. The lyrics warned the listener not to use sharp objects without parental supervision.\nA small cupcake, chocolate with chocolate frosting and a lit candle stuck in the top. Notably, the tones produced prior to this effect corresponded to the opening notes of \u201cHappy Birthday\u201d. SCP-066 became responsive after said cupcake was consumed.\n\nIncident 066-2: On April 18, 2008, D-066-4437 was instructed to use a pair of scissors to remove a portion of SCP-066 for testing. However, when he began to cut it, SCP-066 rolled one meter away from him before stopping and making an unidentified squeaking sound. Before he could be provided with further instruction, D-066-4437 attempted to cut it again; SCP-066 rolled away and produced the phrase \u201cAre you Eric?\u201d in response. After D-066-4437 replied in the negative, SCP-066 morphed into its present state and began emitting loud, dissonant staccato notes until D-066-4437 was escorted from the room.\nAfter Incident 066-2, SCP-066 began to exhibit behavior highly inconsistent with its previous properties. SCP-066 now displays significant mobility, primarily in the form of being able to move tentacular portions of itself at very high speed. While SCP-066 is either unable or unwilling to use this ability for transportation, it will occasionally attempt to damage its containment by rubbing its strands against the side of the box, gradually wearing it down. This process appears to be unusually effective for the materials in consideration.\nAdditionally, SCP-066 will automatically produce notes and effects in the presence of any human, regardless of whether that human interacts with SCP-066. This process takes a minimum of six seconds. In the aftermath of Incident 066-2, effects produced by SCP-066 have included:\n\nSCP-066, after Incident 066-2. Note: The \"eyes\" are capable of swiveling to track movement and light sources. Photograph taken by Agent Peeblo.\n\nA single bee was released near the containment, stinging D-4436 before flying away. The bee was not captured. It is unknown how the bee survived.\nBeethoven's second symphony was played at over 140 decibels, causing permanent deafness in three personnel and permanent hearing damage in eight others.\nThe room containing SCP-066 experienced a sudden and complete absence of light for five hours. Personnel in the room reported hearing loud breathing behind their shoulders, although no source was apparent.\n\nWhen it is not producing anomalous effects, SCP-066 will say the name \u201cEric\u201d constantly in a deep masculine voice.\n\nFootnotes\n1. SCP-066 consistently destroys any recording devices placed inside its containment box.\n\n\u00ab SCP-065 | SCP-066 | SCP-067 \u00bb"} {"text": "A close up of the nib of SCP-067\n\nItem #: SCP-067\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not in use or the subject of study, SCP-067 is to be stored in its felt-lined wooden box. The nib is to be corked, and all art and writings are to be submitted to SCP Research command for analysis and further experimentation.\nDescription: SCP-067 is a fountain pen made by a German supply company called Pelikan at some point between World War I and II. It is pale green in color, with a single red line going straight down along the side. The shell is oak and the nib is extremely sharp, capable of piercing human skin if pressed even lightly. Though it apparently lacks a reservoir, the nib never appears to run out of fresh ink. In addition, the pen writes in Iron Gall ink, which is suitable for artists but would normally corrode typical fountain pens quickly.\nResearch has surmised that any subject holding SCP-067 loses all autonomy of the hand and arm that grasps it. Full sensation is intact, but the arm below the elbow is controlled by unknown forces, theoretically centralized within SCP-067. One effect is that the \"controlled\" hand will start to use the pen to write a detailed biography of the individual holding the pen. The biography will include such information as the person's name, age, date of birth, criminal record, fears, etc. Other times the pen has been known to write such things as an occurrence that happened in the person's lifetime. For example, when Test Subject 1204M held SCP-067, he began to write a detailed record of a motor vehicle accident he had been in the year before. Later, the subject admitted that many details penned in the account were not readily available to him at present time (i.e. the subject had forgotten many elements present in the written work, including his previous car's license plate number, the other vehicle's color, and so on). The subject stated that his memory of the event was so fresh in his mind during the transcription that he \"could taste the blood in his mouth.\"\n\nSubjects holding SCP-067 have also been known to create intricate works of art, despite the subject lacking any formal art training or previous tendencies toward drawing. For example, Test Subject 1102F, a young woman with no previous artistic experience, was able to draw a winged creature resembling SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, described by researchers present as [DATA EXPUNGED]. When subjects are asked to explain what happens when they hold SCP-067, the typical response is that the subject freely relinquishes control of their appendage to SCP-067 so that it may complete its work unimpeded (see Quoted Response-01). Despite being instructed to not draw or write, subjects describe feelings of empathy, admiration, and cooperation with SCP-067 that coerces them toward a will not their own.\nQuoted Response-01: \"I don't really know how to explain it, it just kind of happened. When I picked up the pen, it seemed as if my hand wasn't my own anymore. I knew I could move it if I wanted to, but I chose not to because I loved the picture I was drawing. It was like my hand had life. Suddenly, my hand stopped and I realized I had complete control over my hand again, and I put the pen back down. I looked at the drawing and saw how beautiful it was. I guess the pen decided it was done, and was finished with me.\"\nTests and Experiments\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, a test was done to see how the pen affected living creatures other than humans.\nExperiment 001:\nThe test subject, a male rhesus macaque aged 2 years 4 months who had previously learned how to use pens and markers, was placed in a standard psychological surveillance room (neutral wall coloration; one-way observation mirrors), with SCP-067, a work table, and a pad of paper.\nSubject picked up SCP-067 in his left foot, then took it in his right hand, then tasted it. Subject then put the pen down on the paper and smelled it. After 30 seconds, subject picked up SCP-067 again, and began tapping it repeatedly on the table. Subject also began tapping SCP-067 on his own body. Subject tapped SCP-067 with increasing force, until ink was being splattered on his fur. Subject then threw SCP-067 onto the floor (subsequent mechanical analysis revealed no damage).\nAt this point, subject tore a page from the pad of paper, and began rubbing it on the ink in his fur. This continued for 3 minutes, after which subject clutched the page in his teeth and leaped from the work table onto the ledge of the observation mirror (with such force that the table was knocked over). Subject began smearing the ink from the paper onto the observation mirror, while making repeated vocalizations; subsequent analysis revealed that 50% of vocalizations were consistent with the typical distress vocalizations of the rhesus macaque, and 50% were unfamiliar.\nAfter 6 minutes of smearing ink on the observation mirror, subject began tearing at the page with his teeth and claws, but dropped it before destroying more than 20% of the paper. Subject then collapsed on floor, breathing rapidly and repeating the unfamiliar, atypical vocalizations.\nSubject's handler reports that, once removed from psychological surveillance room, subject's mood improved rapidly. Subject was closely observed for two months following the experiment, but did not repeat the atypical vocalizations.\nThe sheet of paper was filed away in [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-066 | SCP-067 | SCP-068 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-068 in its dormant state.\n\nItem #: SCP-068\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-068 is to be kept away from any metals in an electrically-resistant box, preferably made of polytetrafluoroethylene (teflon) and rubber. Said box is to be stored in security locker 26 at Site 11. Key is kept with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Any requests for testing are to be redirected to him.\nDescription: SCP-068 is a wire stick figure, 9.8 cm tall, made of an unknown metal. The figure is composed of a single wire looping back to the center. The wire itself appears to have been bent numerous times in multiple places.\nWhen an electric current is introduced to SCP-068, it becomes animate, moving about on its own. SCP-068's \"joints\" are where a normal human being's would be. Once activated, SCP-068 begins to search for any metallic material. Once metal has been found, SCP-068 will begin to knead it and pull a thin strip of metal off. SCP-068 will then construct another figure similar to itself. The newly-created figure will begin to knead the remaining metal alongside the original, creating new figures, which in turn, produce more replicas.\nSCP-068 will move onto its next stage after one of two requirements are met. The first is when there are no more metals in range with enough mass to produce another figure, the other is when an upper limit of 102 replicas are created. When either of these events occur, all figures will converge at one location and begin forming themselves into as big a figure as possible. With a maximum of 102 \"mini-figures\", the resulting figure reaches two meters in height. SCP-068 situates itself in the intersection of the torso, arms and head. Gamma, beta, and theta waves begin emanating from SCP-068 after this union. SCP-068 will then begin to search for metals again attempting to create more figures, only scaled up to whatever size 068 is currently at. These replicas do not emanate brain waves like 068 does. If 068 is not at the maximum size limit after this, it will continue to create and add more figures to itself until the limit is reached.\nOnce it has reached the second stage and there are no metals available from which to construct figures, SCP-068 returns to its dormant state after 4 minutes and 32 seconds of activity. Material surrounding the original figure must be melted away in order to retrieve 068.\nSCP-068 is capable of kneading and manipulating any metal presented to it, regardless of properties. It also appears to be impervious to any attempts to damage or destroy it. Copies of SCP-068, however, have the same properties and vulnerabilities as whatever metal they were constructed from.\nSCP-068 can detect metals hidden from view through an as-of-yet-unknown process. While 068 will not attempt to reach metals that are too difficult to get to, it will tear through anything that is soft enough for its limbs to penetrate. What it considers \"soft enough\" changes depending on what 068 is shaped from at the time.\nAddendum 068-a: A proposal has been made to use SCP-068 to dispose of dangerous metal-based SCPs.\nAddendum 068-b: Please see attached document 068-a\nDocument #068-a: The proposal to use 068 for disposal of dangerous metal-based SCPs has been denied. Seeing as how many, if not all, of our dangerous metal-based SCP's are also invincible, the only thing we would have is a bunch of invulnerable wire figures running about. Honestly, who even thought this up?\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-067 | SCP-068 | SCP-069 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-069\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-069 is currently impersonating former Foundation Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and is housed at Humanoid Containment Site-06-3. SCP-069 is to be provided with any reasonable requested item and/or material so long as such request does not violate Foundation security protocols. As SCP-069 is currently on suicide watch, all requests it makes must be approved by no fewer than two (2) Level 3 personnel.\nIf SCP-069 attempts to breach containment, it must be subdued using non-lethal methods. If SCP-069 dies, undercover agents are to be instructed to monitor reports of incidents in which individuals appear to have escaped certain death and SCP-069 is to be re-contained as soon as possible.\nNote: Despite the fact that SCP-069 is identical in all ways to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, it remains an active SCP in containment, and is not to be treated as a Foundation employee. Any requests for classified information are to be denied, and visits from former co-workers without proper authorization are not allowed.\nDescription: SCP-069 is a presumed humanoid entity of variable appearance and gender. Through an unknown ability, whenever SCP-069 is left alone with a recently deceased human body, the body will disappear and SCP-069 will take on the appearance, mannerisms, and knowledge of the recently dead individual.\nThrough extensive experimentation, it has been shown that SCP-069 is completely indistinguishable from the individual it impersonates, matching the original individual's fingerprints, DNA, and [DATA EXPUNGED] with nearly perfect precision. SCP-069 retains no knowledge of its abilities or former impersonations. SCP-069 responds normally to injury and pain, but if killed, will rapidly decay into dust regardless of any preservation attempts. SCP-069 will then re-emerge at the site of the most recent human death. There is no known maximum range to this effect, and so far has been observed in jumps of up to 675 kilometers.\nSCP-069 can impersonate a single individual indefinitely. However, it will gain an overriding urge to \"get their life in order\", including but not limited to: resolving any outstanding financial or personal obligations, visiting extended family, updating their will and testament, and other acts of closure. When questioned, SCP-069 professes no driving motivation other than a desire to straighten out their lives in the event of unforeseen injury or death.\nSCP-069 first came to the Foundation's attention on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588 following reports of one John M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 City firefighter who miraculously emerged alive from a 3-alarm building fire in which 2 other firefighters and 11 civilians perished. Undercover agents attached to the local authorities were notified of a possible SCP when reports emerged that the firefighter's equipment had been damaged beyond recognition, and that it had been deemed nearly impossible for the firefighter to emerge unscathed. Approximately three weeks later, then-presumed John M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 responded to another large-scale building fire, during which he entered a smoke-filled room alone and was never found. A single civilian was rescued from the building, again nearly unharmed despite the heavy smoke reported within the building. SCP-069 was designated the following day, and rendered into Foundation custody by members of Mobile Task Force Xi-3 (\"Body Snatchers\").\nAddendum 069-01: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588/200\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a guard on duty assigned to SCP-069, was killed during the containment breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and subsequently impersonated by SCP-069. Although initially in denial after being informed of its identity, it has been mostly cooperative since its impersonation of a mid-level Foundation employee. Contingencies for the use of deceased Foundation employees for future SCP-069 use is under consideration.\nAddendum 069-02: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588, SCP-069 attempted to commit suicide after a junior researcher accidentally informed it that the family of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been told that Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was dead, and of their subsequent reactions. Due to the massive cost of possibly having to re-contain SCP-069, strict suicide watch measures are to be implemented. Plans to use other deceased Foundation employees as possible impersonation targets for SCP-069 have been suspended.\n\n\u00ab SCP-068 | SCP-069 | SCP-070 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-070\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-070 is to be kept within a 10 meter by 10 meter reinforced-concrete room that is to be guarded and remotely monitored at all times. This room must always be well-stocked with non-perishable food and water (see Document 070-IC for a complete inventory of these items), as well as basic amenities for humanoid SCPs. Security personnel assigned to SCP-070 are to carry sticky-foam guns in addition to standard armaments.\nStructural integrity of SCP-070's containment room is to be checked twice daily. In case of excessive structural damage, SCP-070 is to be incapacitated and relocated to a nearby backup containment room as described above. If a reinforced-concrete room of sufficient strength is not available, SCP-070 may be temporarily contained in a cell of stronger material until another concrete room can be prepared.\nSCP-070 is to be given sedatives and painkillers on request, but no more than maximum dosages determined by Dr. Dumount. Personnel who enter SCP-070's containment room for any reason must be unarmed and should wear puncture-resistant body armor. Armed guards must remain outside and out of sight of SCP-070.\nIn case of containment breach due to somnambulism, security personnel are to alert Site Administration, place food and water in the apparent path of SCP-070, and maintain a clear zone of 25 m around SCP-070. In any other case of containment breach, or if SCP-070 becomes violent during somnambulism, personnel are authorized to incapacitate SCP-070 using sticky foam (care must be taken to avoid smothering SCP-070). Because SCP-070 reflexively responds violently to injury or attack, security personnel should refrain from using lethal force or otherwise injuring SCP-070 if at all possible.\nDescription: SCP-070 appears to be a human male of Native American descent, with a normal appearance save for a pair of rusty metal \u201cwings\u201d emerging from his back. Each wing is composed of several flat iron bars about 6 cm wide connected end-to-end by rotating rivets to form an articulated length of metal over two meters long. Hanging from these bars are chains of various lengths, twenty-two on each wing, each tipped with a barbed arrowhead. SCP-070 appears to have no other anomalous properties besides these wings.\nThe wings of SCP-070 appear to act independently of the person they are attached to, and SCP-070 has stated repeatedly that it has no control over them. However, when damage has been done to the wings, SCP-070 has shown signs of physiological distress, including sweating, reduced blood flow to face, and screaming in pain. The wings have been observed to fold and expand, shoot out and whip its chains at high speed (both individually and collectively), and anchor its arrowheads into concrete, wood, and like materials. While SCP-070 has not displayed any overt hostility to personnel, it will often react violently to perceived threats by lashing its chains out at assailants, and wrapping its chains around its body in a defensive posture. The most effective means of subdual has proven to be sticky foam (non-lethal weaponry), which can reliably ensnare SCP-070's chains from a safe distance.\nDespite their rusted appearance, the wings and chains of SCP-070 are as strong as high-quality alloy steel. However, they are also as dense as steel, and SCP-070 cannot move about as a normal human due to the weight of its wings. As yet, SCP-070 has been unable or unwilling to use its wings to facilitate human locomotion. SCP-070 spends much of its time anchored to the walls and ceiling of its containment cell, usually sedated.\nAddendum 070-1: Incident 070-1\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, at 03:36, SCP-070 breached containment. Security personnel were advised that SCP-070 appeared to be asleep, and were ordered to not engage SCP-070 and to keep others away. By lashing and anchoring chains into the walls and ceiling in front of it, SCP-070 was able to carry itself (still apparently asleep) through Site-\u2588\u2588. SCP-070 broke into the food stores of Canteen 4 and proceeded to gorge itself on the available food and water. Almost nineteen minutes later, apparently sated, SCP-070 returned to its containment room. At no time did SCP-070 appear to wake up; SCP-070 claimed no knowledge of the event afterward.\nAddendum 070-2: Personal Background\nInterviews have revealed that SCP-070 is named \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, and is capable of reciting the correct Social Security number for a US citizen of the same name and age. SCP-070 claims to be a member of the Kiowa tribe and [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-070 claims to not know how the wings came to be, only remembering waking up in a scrap yard with them after taking a lot of peyote the night before.\n\n\u00ab SCP-069 | SCP-070 | SCP-071 \u00bb"} {"text": "ADULT CONTENT\n\nThis article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers.\nGraphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts\nFeatures sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts.\nExplicit depiction of sexual acts.\nFeatures non-consensual sexual acts.\nDepiction of severe mistreatment of children\nDepiction of self-harm\nDepiction of suicide\nDepiction of torture\n{$custom-content}\nIf you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content.\nContinue\nBack to Front Page\n\u00ab slug-of-previous-page |Title of current page| slug-of-next-page \u00bb\n\nItem #: SCP-071\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-071 is contained in a modified Standard Humanoid Containment Cell with no direct observation capabilities. Surveillance of SCP-071 may only be performed via closed circuit video with a minimum of 60 seconds of delay. Experimentation with SCP-071 may only be performed with permission from at least two (2) Level 4 Site Directors, and personnel entering SCP-071's containment area may only do so in groups of at least four (4). Any personnel exhibiting unusual or compulsive behavior must be removed from the area immediately, given a full psychiatric screening, and either administered a Class C amnestic or reassigned as deemed appropriate.\nUnder no circumstances should personnel be permitted to observe SCP-071 directly or through non-delayed surveillance footage. All visual recordings and photographs of SCP-071 must be destroyed immediately once they are no longer needed.\nDescription: SCP-071 is a metamorphic entity that possesses the ability to assume forms consistent with that of its observer's strongest sexual desire. This ability is effective even through barriers designed to prevent SCP-071's recognition of any observers such as through closed circuit surveillance or one-way mirrors, but can be prevented by introducing a delay in surveillance footage so that such observation does not occur in real-time. SCP-071 appears to be unable or unwilling to change form without external stimuli, instead remaining in its last form when left unobserved. There appears to be little or no limit to the forms SCP-071 is capable of assuming (see Addendum 071-01 for additional information).\nSCP-071 also appears to be intelligent. However, as it has not shown any ability to verbally communicate and its behavior is limited to actions which entice its observers to sexual activity, it is unknown whether SCP-071 actually possesses sentience or merely mimics behavior expected by its observers.\nHuman subjects allowed to engage in sexual activity with SCP-071 suffered rapid atrophy of muscle, skeletal structure and brain function, with onset occurring 1-2 days after contact. The atrophy persists for up to seven (7) days, dependent on physical therapy administered after onset, though the subject may also suffer permanent decrease in stature, decreased organ function, decreased brain mass, and sterility. Subjects who achieve auto-gratification through masturbation via the use of media containing SCP-071 (whether delayed or not) suffer the same effects.\nSCP-071 came to the Foundation's attention on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 following [DATA EXPUNGED]. Due to ongoing medical cases consistent with exposure to SCP-071, efforts to remove all visual recordings of SCP-071 from the Internet are ongoing.\nAddendum 071-01: Researcher Note\n\nSCP-071's ability to change forms does not appear to be limited to normal human subjects. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588, when presented with subject D-7883, SCP-071 assumed the shape of a female Golden Retriever. D-7883 reacted with shock and refused to proceed with the experiment, though the subject's physiological signs were consistent with a state of sexual arousal.\nOn \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, SCP-071 assumed the form of a female human corpse when exposed to D-8762. Medical staff confirmed a complete lack of life signs, and SCP-071 suffered no harm from the transition, later assuming the form of a \u2588-year old male subject when exposed to D-8765.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-070 | SCP-071 | SCP-072 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-072-2 stripped of covers before being removed from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Apartments\n\nItem #: SCP-072\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All known instances of SCP-072 are to be contained in a 3.5 by 4 meter holding cell. Access is allowed only during authorized testing procedures. Without prior approval from Senior Researcher Grant, no materials created for the purpose of being slept on are to be introduced into a 15-meter vicinity of the holding cell.\nDescription: Instances of SCP-072 were first discovered in an apartment building in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Michigan, after two local media reports on SCP-072's effects caused a local panic which drew the attention of embedded Foundation Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-072 is a shadowy and translucent projection which resembles a .9-meter-long hand, the \u2018fingers' of which taper to a sharp point. Detailed recording of SCP-072 is difficult, as it does not manifest at light levels above 5 lux.\nInstances of SCP-072 have only been observed to manifest when a human (hereafter referred to as \u201cthe subject\u201d) enters REM sleep while located in a bed \u2018infected' by SCP-072 and leaves a foot or feet exposed to open air. If these conditions are satisfied, SCP-072 will emerge from the foot of the bed and appear to use its pointer finger to \u2018tap' on the subject's foot until they awaken. Subjects have reported that, at this point, they were unable to move, showing symptoms similar to sleep paralysis. This continues as long as SCP-072 is visible.\nSCP-072 will then use its pointed fingers to cut portions of flesh from the exposed parts of the subject's foot or feet. It will return to within the bed in between each removal, emerging without the collected material. This will continue until SCP-072 has taken all of the exposed foot or feet, stopping at the ankle. Though subjects exposed to SCP-072 report this process to be immensely painful, its paralytic effects render them unable to scream or call for help. It is unknown if manifestations of SCP-072 feed on the collected material or use them for some other purpose. As long as the wounds are properly treated, SCP-072's effects are not fatal, but have been observed to cause psychological damage relating to sleep in the future.\nThere is also a secondary effect: Any bed within an approximately 10-meter vicinity of a bed which manifests the effects of SCP-072 will also host an instance of SCP-072. Destruction of a bed affected by SCP-072 reveals no anomalous materials and no trace of biological material removed from subjects.\nAddendum\nList of known SCP-072 objects:\n\nSCP-072-1, -2, and -3, recovered from original apartment complex, three twin-sized beds which were located within 10 meters of one another.\nSCP-072-4, a king-sized four-poster bed contaminated during SCP-072's time in Site-\u2588\u2588 Temporary Anomalous Objects Holding.\nSCP-072-5, a sleeping bag with bottom removed introduced to SCP-072-1 for testing. When D-2191 entered REM sleep in object, [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-072-5 not recommended for testing in future.\nSCP-072-6 and -7, beds introduced to SCP-072-2 and later destroyed for examination. Remains of SCP-072-6 and -7 appear unaffected, but are to be contained until further studies may be completed.\n\n\u00ab SCP-071 | SCP-072 | SCP-073 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-073\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-073 is to be kept in a two (2) room cell furnished with all non-organic furniture and items, and a bathroom. Subject is allowed to freely wander the facility and eat in the main canteen. A tracking device has been attached to SCP-073's person and is not to be removed. Subject is disallowed any contact with the surface, and is not allowed outside the facility. Subject is allowed no contact with plant-based SCPs under any circumstances. Violence is not to be used against SCP-073 under any circumstances.\nSCP-073 is currently kept in Site-17.\nDescription: SCP-073 appears to be a heavily-tanned male of Arabic or Middle Eastern descent in his early thirties, 185 cm (6'1\") tall and 75 kg (165 lbs), with black hair and blue eyes. Arms, legs, spinal cord, and shoulder blades of the subject appear to have been replaced with artificial versions of unknown make and metal. Subject only takes notice of this when it is pointed out, and states that it has no knowledge of how, why, or when these replacements took place, stating it had had them as long as it could remember. There is a symbol engraved into the forehead of the subject, which appears to be of Sumerian origin. Symbol has of yet been untranslated, and subject appears distressed when the symbol is mentioned at all, refusing to speak on it. Subject does need to eat and drink on a regular basis, but is strictly carnivorous owing to its effect on plant-based items.\nSCP-073, who refers to itself as \"Cain\", is generally polite and genial to all who speak to it, though it has been described as being cold and somewhat mechanical in its speech. It is very helpful, and enjoys aiding personnel in their daily actions, whatever they may be. It has highly detailed knowledge of ancient to recent events in history, and most commonly spoken languages in the world, including ones that have since died out. Subject has professed to having a photographic memory, remembering word-for-word all text in an eight-hundred-page dictionary that was flicked through in a minute and a half. It has scored above average in all intelligence tests given to it.\nSCP-073's presence is inimical to any and all life grown in soil, causing death to any such life within a twenty (20) meter radius. Any land SCP-073 has walked on (and any within the twenty [20] meter radius) becomes barren as all anaerobic bacteria dies, rendering the soil incapable of supporting life until new bacteria are introduced. Anything that is derived from soil-grown life, such as wood and paper, immediately rots and disintegrates upon touch of SCP-073. Further affected derivatives include anything hydroponically grown.\nViolence directed towards SCP-073 reflects any damage inflicted on SCP-073 directly back onto the attacker, although SCP-073 visibly remains unharmed. This applies to any damage directed at SCP-073. Attempts to get tissue and blood samples have proven futile: when the procedure was initiated, personnel carrying out the action felt the sensation of whatever was applied to SCP-073, and wound up with a sample of their own blood or tissue, despite the fact that ''all actions were directed solely at SCP-073''. Indirect damage through a medium also results in the person perpetrating the action receiving the wounds caused. Although SCP-073 receives no actual harm from damage to its person, it has stated that it still feels the pain of the action, and has politely asked researchers to abstain from overly harmful actions to its person.\nAdditional Notes: SCP-073 was found in the New York Police Department in 19\u2588\u2588, having been taken in after subject had been found amidst the bodies of several violent gang members. SCP-073 told police members that the gang had attempted to make sport of it, but became angry and attempted to kill SCP-073, resulting in their own demise. SCP-073 was incarcerated, and was deemed a \"John Doe\" when NYPD could not find any information on it. SCP-073 came to the attention of the Foundation through a routine inspection of \"John Does\", and was subsequently released into our custody.\nAddendum 073-1: Examination of the unidentified metal on SCP-073 has suggested that it is beryllium bronze, a metal that has been documented as being utilized by various anomalous cultures and entities. Most notably, beryllium bronze is a component found in SCP-1216, SCP-1427, SCP-2481, and SCP-2711. In light of this discovery, the Foundation began working in an attempt to trace the origin of beryllium bronze and how it initially spread throughout the world. When prompted, SCP-073 was able to provide information that suggests that beryllium bronze originated in the Middle East, though the exact point of origin has yet to be determined. Further research into the origin of beryllium bronze is currently ongoing.\nAddendum 073-2: In light of SCP-073's indestructible nature, photographic memory, and general will to please, high command have deemed that all information is to be \"backed up\" on SCP-073, ensuring it is not lost in the event of a catastrophe. While this action has met with mixed responses, SCP-073 has agreed and sworn itself to secrecy on its part.\nAddendum 073-3: When information concerning SCP-076 was brought to the attention of SCP-073 for \"backing up\", subject showed familiarity with the information, although was disinclined to adding to it, despite the fact that it stated that it already knew all about SCP-076. It then stated it would be better for all parties involved that it not meet SCP-076.\n\n\u00ab SCP-072 | SCP-073 | SCP-074 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-074\nObject Class: Euclid\nUPDATED FILE\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-074 is contained at Site 81. SCP-074 is an active infohazard. No research in evaluating its anomalous properties is to be conducted. All personnel who have previously engaged in research into SCP-074's anomalous properties, who have a post-secondary or greater education in physics, or who have accessed Archive 074-317E, must never come within 5 km of SCP-074.\nSCP-074 is contained within a 6m x 6m x 3m reinforced glass chamber,1 filtered to block all ultraviolet light, and situated within a windowless room lit by monochromatic safelights, which serves as secondary containment. The containment chamber is to be surrounded with scaffolds bearing sheets of live cultured human skin held parallel to the surfaces of the containment chamber, and arranged overlapping each other such that lateral coverage is at least 95%. Skin sheets must be a minimum of 3 (three) millimetres thick, and warmed to 37 (thirty-seven) degrees Celsius, and must be grown from samples provided by D-class personnel with no less than a middle-school education and no more than a high-school education. All skin sheets are to be examined on a daily basis for instances of SCP-074-1; all instances of SCP-074-1 are to be excised and incinerated.\nSCP-074 is to be fed 75 grams of fresh shredded apple (genus Malus) leaves, bark, and fruit, hydroponically grown to ensure lack of pollutants and foreign organisms, once a day, via a mechanical dispenser.\nIn the event of a spontaneous containment breach, personnel can coerce SCP-074 into returning to its containment by first occupying each of its four sets of jaws with an entire raw apple, then physically pushing SCP-074 in the desired direction, gently tapping its compound eyes with an open palm, or spraying its front pair of antenna with a 0.5% solution of methanoic acid.\nDescription: SCP-074 is an anomalous organism which uses various quantum properties at a macroscopic scale, and in other ways modifies the standard laws of physics within its immediate vicinity. The specific nature of these modifications appears to be linked to the extent to which humans in SCP-074's vicinity are aware of the precise details of the physical laws which SCP-074 modifies, such that research to determine whether SCP-074 has a given property or capability, results in SCP-074 developing or manifesting that property or capability. Archive 074-317E \u2014 a full list of the anomalous physical phenomena known to be, or to have been, associated with SCP-074 \u2014 is available to personnel level 3 or higher; personnel who access this document will be disqualified from working with SCP-074, or for any other reason coming within 5 km of Site 81.\nSCP-074 has repeatedly manifested the ability to spontaneously materialize at locations as much as 3 meters outside its primary containment; this is believed to be, or to be analogous to, quantum tunnelling.\nFoundation entomologists have tentatively identified SCP-074 as belonging to the order Isopoda, commonly known as a 'woodlouse'. Its inertial mass is approximately 1700 kilograms, but its gravitational mass is approximately 375 grams; its volume has been estimated at 1.7 cubic meters, approximately the size of a compact car.\nSCP-074 is female2 and parthenogenetic; periodically3, the globular organ at the tip of its ovipositor luminesces, and emits what was originally thought to be a form of non-ionizing radiation, but which has since been identified as \"coherent wavepackets\"4 of the probability of one of SCP-074's self-fertilized eggs (henceforth SCP-074-1) \"reifying\".5 Instances of SCP-074-1 preferentially reify and incubate within the flesh of humans with knowledge of physics.6 In the absence of suitable humans to serve as hosts, the wavepackets will reify within other organisms, or within inanimate objects; however, rather than incubating, the eggs will wither and die, leaving perforations similar to radiation damage at a macroscopic scale. The wavepackets appear to decay over time, as no wavepackets or instances of wavepacket-related damage have been detected at distances greater than approximately 400 m from SCP-074. The rate at which successfully-incubated instances of SCP-074-1 mature appears to be dependent on the host's exposure to ultraviolet light: within a host exposed to an average of 30 minutes of unfiltered sunlight per day for a month, an instance of SCP-074-1 was observed to grow from 2 milligrams to 8 kilograms,7 whereas within a host totally isolated from natural light for a month, the three simultaneous instances reached sizes at excision of only 600g, 680g, and 710g. The complete developmental history and life cycle of SCP-074-1, including how they emerge from their host, and their size at emergence, is not yet known.\n\nFootnotes\n1. a smaller containment chamber significantly increases the probability of SCP-074 spontaneously breaching primary containment\n2. although it lacks the typical isopod marsupium, or \"brood pouch\" in which eggs are incubated\n3. approximately 1.3 times per hour when SCP-074 is shielded from ultraviolet light, and approximately 29.2 times per hour when SCP-074 is exposed to unfiltered daylight\n4. Personnel who properly understand the concept of \"wavepackets\" are disqualified from working with SCP-074\n5. literally, \"becoming a thing\"; that is, spontaneously coming into existence\n6. the rudimentary knowledge of physics which even poorly-educated adult citizens of a technological civilization can acquire via cultural osmosis \u2014 e.g., magnets can attract or repel each other, matter is made of atoms, light has a speed \u2014 appears to be sufficient\n7. at which point it was surgically excised and killed\n\n\u00ab SCP-073 | SCP-074 | SCP-075 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-075. Photo by Dr. Takeshi Yamada.\n\nItem #: SCP-075\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-075 is contained in a 1 m x 1 m x 1 m Level-4 corrosion-resistant container, which must be contained in a secure chamber with equal corrosion resistance. The absolute humidity of the chamber may not exceed 1% at any time. Medicinal-grade desiccants must be available at all times in order to maintain this level of humidity. If the humidity of SCP-075's chamber ever exceeds 1%, all personnel are to be evacuated immediately and the site will be locked down until the humidity is reduced to acceptable levels.\nAll personnel who enter SCP-075's containment chamber must wear MOPP Level 4 protection. Injection tests, as well as any test which involves an aqueous solution, are strictly forbidden. If any such solution comes into contact with SCP-075, the area will be immediately locked down and flooded with desiccant until the humidity is brought back to acceptable levels. Evacuation of personnel remaining in the area is prohibited.\nDescription: SCP-075 resembles a large snail 20 cm in length, 13 cm in width, and 15 cm in height, with a muscular foot resembling a six-fingered, clawed hand. SCP-075 is exceptionally heavy, with a mass of approximately 860 kg, a property that is not understood. Desiccation is the only known means of containing SCP-075, as it will enter a dormant state when nearly completely dry.\nWhen not desiccated, SCP-075 moves at incredible speeds for its size and mass. It adopts the behavior of a predator, jumping at and drenching its prey in a highly caustic base solution secreted from pores on its foot. These secretions are more corrosive than any substance known to terrestrial science. Due to SCP-075's aggressive behavior when active, this compound cannot be harvested. No material completely resistant to its corrosive power has been found.\nAddendum 075-F: Attempts to harvest SCP-075's secretions must be approved and supervised by all on-site Level 4 personnel. However, approval of said personnel cannot override the standing order to not introduce any liquid solution to SCP-075, including its own secretions.\nAddendum 075-G: A cup of SCP-075's secretions was successfully harvested by using SCP-294. Testing is underway to determine what substances, if any, are immune to its corrosion. Testing is also underway to determine why the cup provided by SCP-294 is immune to the substance's effects.\n\n\u00ab SCP-074 | SCP-075 | SCP-076 \u00bb"} {"text": "FROM: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTO: Director Maria Jones, Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration\nSUBJECT: Revision of SCP-076 SCP File\n\u2588\u2588\u2588,\nI have to go on record as saying that I seriously object to the proposed revisions of the SCP-076 Special Containment Procedures File. I know that Redact All Important Stuff Already claims it's a security risk, but you and I both know it's just top brass trying to sweep their biggest and most embarrassing mistake ever under the damn rug. Omega-Seven happened. It existed. Those people died because you screwed up, and you can't change that, no matter how hard you try to hide it.\nFor God's sake, man, those people guarding him deserve to know exactly what he is and what he did. What WE did. How we fucked up, so they'll know better.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nItem #: SCP-076\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment Area 25b is to be located 200 m below sea level, tunneled out of solid bedrock in a seismologically stable area. Sole access to the containment facility is to be through a vertical elevator shaft separated every fifty (50) meters with a reinforced blast door, constructed of 20 cm thick material shielding. Elevator shaft shall be flooded with seawater when not in use.\nContainment Area 25b is to be constructed with the following components:\n\nAn Outer Security Perimeter against outside threats, staffed by security personnel trained in close quarters battle and counter-intrusion tactics.\nAn Administrative and Support Area (ASA) consisting of support facilities and living quarters for on-site personnel.\nA Primary Containment Zone (PCZ), consisting of a 7 m cube encased in 1.5 m of reinforced material. PCZ is to be designed to be flooded and drained as needed, and should remain filled with seawater unless access to contents is required.\nA 150 m \"killing corridor\" which is to be the sole access to the PCZ from the ASA (including water, power, drainage, and ventilation lines). The walls and floor of the corridor are to be reinforced in a similar manner to the PCZ, with the addition of an electric deterrence system capable of delivering a 20,000 volt shock.\n\nA security station located at the entrance to the killing corridor is to be staffed with no fewer than three (3) armed security personnel on watch at any one point in time. Armament is to include, but not be limited to, at least one (1) \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 CIW system on a pintle mount with a clear line of sight down the corridor, with a plexiglass screen to protect the operator from thrown weapons.\nIn the event of a full breach, all on-site staff are to proceed immediately to the closest security station for weapons and armor distribution. Staff will remain at Alert Condition One until SCP-076-2 is confirmed neutralized. Should 90 minutes pass after declaration of full breach without a Stand Down order being given by Level 4 or higher personnel, Final Contingency Measures will be activated, flooding the entire facility in seawater and sealing off the access shaft for a minimum of 24 hours before retrieval is attempted. This will, by necessity, result in the deaths of all on-site staff.\n\nDescription: SCP-076 consists of two components: a stone cube (SCP-076-1) and a humanoid entity contained within (SCP-076-2).\nSCP-076-1 is a 3 m cube made of black speckled metamorphic stone. All surfaces outside and within SCP-076-1 are covered in deeply engraved patterns corresponding to no known civilizations. Radioisotope analysis indicates that the object is approximately ten thousand (10,000) years old. A door is located on one side, sealed with a lock 0.5 m in width, surrounded by twenty (20) smaller locks in a circular pattern. As of yet, none of the keys have been found, making the door impossible to lock once closed.\nInterior temperature is approximately 93 Kelvin, and cannot be altered by any means, internal or external. Directly in the center of the room is a 2.13 m tall stone coffin, held in place and sealed shut by several chains of unknown make and substance, which are attached to the inner corners of SCP-076-1.\nSCP-076-2 resembles a lean Semitic human male in his late twenties. Hair is black, and eyes are gray, skin tone olive. Subject is 1.96 m in height and 81.65 kg in weight. Numerous tattoos depicting arcane and occult iconography are present all over the body (mostly in the form of leering demonic faces) and ranges from subtle to openly ostentatious. Subject, when encased inside SCP-076-1, is technically dead.\nHowever, occasionally SCP-076-2 will awaken, effectively \"reanimating\", complete with all vital processes needed to sustain a living human being. Subject will then attempt to leave SCP-076-1. If successful, subject will enter a trance state and seek out the nearest human being, ignoring all other living things in the process. Upon coming into contact with living humans, SCP-076-2 will enter a rage state in which it attempts to engage and kill all human beings encountered. To date, only the subject's death has been shown to be effective in ending these rampages.\nTerminating SCP-076-2 is often problematic due to its significant physical abilities. Subject has superhuman strength and speed, and although not invulnerable, has shown a remarkable ability to ignore pain and shock, pressing on despite what would be debilitating wounds in normal humans. Prior encounters have shown that SCP-076-2 has the ability to (among other things):\n\nRip through a reinforced steel security door over the course of four (4) minutes of sustained assault.\n\nClear over 64 m of distance in under three (3) seconds.\n\nTake multiple .50 caliber BMG rounds to the head and survive for several minutes to continue killing, despite severe damage to the cerebellum.\n\nSwat handgun and assault-rifle caliber bullets out of the air with a length of steel rebar.\n\nSurvive for over one (1) hour deprived of oxygen before finally asphyxiating.\n\nSCP-076-2's most unusual ability, however, is its ability to apparently materialize bladed weapons out of nowhere. Slow-motion video footage reveals that the blades in question are actually pulled from a miniature dimensional rift described as a \"small hole in space.\" Where this portal leads is unknown, as is how SCP-076-2 is capable of generating said rifts. Footage of the blades in question shows them to be made out of a completely non-reflective black material appearing as a \"black void in space.\" As the blades rapidly vanish after leaving the subject's possession, no structural analysis is possible at this time.\n\nSCP-076-2 has effectively been killed several times in various manners:\n\nSustained fire from multiple heavy-caliber machine guns.\n\nAsphyxiation.\n\nCrushed beneath a 13.6 metric tonne piece of elevator equipment for use on SCP-076-1.\n\nCremation through the use of a Thermate-TH3 grenade placed directly inside SCP-076-2's open chest cavity.\n\nDuring the worst breach to date, Containment Area-25 (which previously housed SCP-076) was forced to detonate its on site warhead as a last attempt to contain SCP-076-2 while it was attempting escape, resulting in total destruction of the site and all on-site personnel. SCP-076-1 survived.\n\nUpon death, SCP-076-2's remains will putrefy rapidly, until reduced to dust. SCP-076-1 and the coffin within will then slam shut with great force, and the lock will rotate, sealing it shut. SCP-076-2 will then reform within the coffin, a process taking anywhere from six (6) hours to twenty-five (25) years.\nWhat posthumous analysis of SCP-076-2 exists shows that it has a internal system highly different from our own, documented in [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nAdditional: SCP-076 was found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Mongolia, in 18\u2588\u2588, by archaeologists from England. All members of the expedition were subsequently killed on the return voyage home. SCP-076 was recovered from the ship \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Society (one of the organizations that later merged into the modern Global Occult Coalition) and placed on display in their Inner Sanctum.\nSCP-076 remained in storage for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588) years, until SCP-076-2 became active and escaped on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The reason for SCP-076's activation is currently unknown, but it was at this point that the keys to the outer shell were lost. A massive manhunt, lasting over three (3) years and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, took place until SCP-076-2 was incapacitated by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, killing it and causing it to reform inside SCP-076-1, by then retrieved and secured by agents of the SCP Foundation.\nSubject was in custody for three (3) more years, under constant supervision, and was terminated whenever it became active, although it occasionally was able to escape for short periods of time, often due to security breaches caused by attacks from other organizations. The Foundation's death toll due to this was [DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nAfter the last incident, the current procedures regarding SCP-076 were implemented, although they are upgraded regularly with the increase in technological standards.\nAddendum 076-2: \"Project Able\" and \"Mobile Task Force Omega-7\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-075 | SCP-076 | SCP-077 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-077\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-077 is to be kept in Research Sector-861 on top of a 0.5 m steel pedestal in a 3 m x 3 m x 3 m chamber with 0.5 m thick steel-reinforced walls. The reinforced steel hatch-door to the chamber is to comply with AH37-Protocol, and is to be guarded at all times by two (2) Level-1 personnel. A boom mic connected to a speech recognition system should verify that all pronunciation is within standards. A camera is to be mounted within the chamber to record any changes.\nEvery eight (8) hours, a minimum of two (2) (but preferably three (3)) trained D-Class personnel are to enter the containment area and \u2014 in a loud, clear voice \u2014 read the runes etched onto SCP-077 in unison. The reading must be performed by individuals who understand the full meaning of the runes being read, who are able to pronounce the entirety of the inscription correctly, and who are no more than 30 cm away from SCP-077.\nAll personnel must undergo a one-week training session with Foundation linguists for pronunciation, reading, and dialect coaching. A minimum of twenty (20) D-Class personnel are to be trained or undergoing training at all times; trained D-Class personnel are exempt from termination until such time as they have been replaced. Foundation linguists are to remain on call in case of an unexpected rune change. Every new set of runes is to be transcribed into phonetic English, and provided with literal and idiomatic translations as quickly as possible; see documents 077-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 through \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for archived translations.\nThe cafeteria menu for Research Sector-861 must not include any potatoes or potato-based ingredients.\nDescription: SCP-077 appears to be the top half of a human skull engraved with runes, each filled with an unidentified black resin. The runes change every lunar month (defined by the full moon rising above the horizon in Ireland), as well as at the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes, and whenever a partial, annular, or total solar or lunar eclipse is visible from Ireland.\nIf these engravings are not read aloud at least once within a 24-hour period, the eye sockets and nasal cavity of SCP-077 will emit SCP-077-1. SCP-077-1 is a luminescent green vapor whose precise nature remains undetermined; it is to be noted that, although SCP-077-1 behaves as a normal gas in all other ways, it only occupies those spaces which are within SCP-077's effective \"line of sight\", and does not flow into the space behind SCP-077 unless confined. Opaque impermeable barriers with no biological content can provide temporary protection from SCP-077-1; however, attempts to permanently contain SCP-077 within opaque containers have failed, due to the artifact's production of sufficient quantities of SCP-077-1 to explosively rupture these containers.\nAll biological material (with the obvious exception of SCP-077 itself) which comes in contact with SCP-077-1 is instantly transformed into a viscous, malodorous ooze; the ooze has been identified as the rotted flesh of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum) which have been severely infected with the potato blight (Phytophthora infestans). One (1) cubic centimeter of SCP-077-1 transforms upwards of eight hundred (800) grams of biological material.\nReading SCP-077's engravings has noticeable, if transient, effects on the health of the readers. These effects include nausea, cramps, headache, dizziness, incontinence, fever, skin rashes, nosebleeds, and fugue states. Effects intensify as the time between readings increases, and can become cumulative for individuals who read the engravings too many times consecutively and/or too frequently. Readers have a 60% chance of developing an allergy to potatoes.\nAddendum 077-01:\nThe artifact was recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the village of [REDACTED], Ireland. Locals had built a shrine around the artifact, where upwards of [REDACTED] participants would engage in a nightly ritual.\nFragmentary historical documents, retrieved from the remnants of the village church (see archive 077-1576) and library (see archive 077-1582), indicate that the artifact existed as early as 1848, at which point in time it is described in highly positive terms\u2014 including 'protector' and 'provider'. By 1869, however, references to the artifact are fearful, resentful, and couched in euphemism.\n\n\u00ab SCP-076 | SCP-077 | SCP-078 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-078, before recovery\n\nItem #: SCP-078\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-078 is to be left hanging on the wall of its containment cell and physically unplugged. The sole outlet in the room should be controlled by a switch, which must be left in the off position at all times unless SCP-078 is undergoing testing. Personnel who enter the containment room should familiarize themselves with the position of the switch so that they can locate it with their eyes closed in the event that SCP-078 is accidentally turned on.\nDescription: SCP-078 is a pink neon sign approximately one and a half meters long that displays the phrase \"TOO LATE TO DIE YOUNG.\" It was initially recovered in the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after standard Foundation data mining protocols recorded an abnormally high death rate due to starvation or other forms of self-neglect.\nWhile powered off, SCP-078 has no abnormal properties and may be observed without effect. Viewing SCP-078 for less than ten seconds while it is powered on has no effect, nor does indirect observation. Subjects who cannot understand SCP-078 due to a lack of ability to comprehend written English are also unaffected. However, any subject that views SCP-078 for longer than ten seconds will, when viewing any handwritten piece of writing, occasionally perceive extra sentences. These sentences are not written in the subject's own style or in that of the surrounding text, but consist of a random style that differs from note to note (see Addendum 078-01), and always are phrased as if to assuage the subject's guilt on some matter or decision they feel guilty about. For example, a D-class personnel who was convicted of murdering his wife in a heated argument read the sentence \"She deserved it for not doing what you said\" in his handwritten journal, while Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who left his family to work for the Foundation and was accidentally exposed, found the sentence \"Your work will save humanity.\" in his notes on SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAt first, the effect is beneficial, with affected subjects reporting greater peace of mind after exposure to SCP-078. However, the sentences shift from emphasizing the positive consequences of actions to deemphasizing the negative ones on a timescale of one week; Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, two days later, found the sentence \"They never loved you anyway.\" in his personal journal. Moreover, the writing will start giving justifications for acts the subject has never felt guilt over, or which the subject has already rationalized. The subject will then start reconsidering his justifications for those actions, as well as attempting to justify any further actions that they take. The need for rationalization increases as time goes on, and they will start vocalizing their thought processes, and by the end of one week, any task the subject performs more trivial than the basics of survival will induce a bout of neurosis as the subject attempts to rationalize why they did not instead take some other action. By the end of two weeks, the subject is unable to eat food: after the first bite, they will spend the next hour justifying why they ate that specific part of the meal first. Death due to malnutrition follows unless the subject is fed intravenously. \u2588 D-class personnel who have reached this stage, as well as \u2588 researchers who were accidentally exposed, are kept alive for purposes of study and to see if a cure can be found.\nThe sole exception to SCP-078's effect is SCP-078 itself: any subject who views SCP-078 a second time will see it displaying increasingly more guilt-inducing messages as duration since their first exposure increases. All subjects who have viewed it a week after initial exposure have attempted suicide.\nAddendum 078-01: D-19384, whose handwriting was an unusual mix of cursive and print, was exposed to SCP-078, and was then terminated after reaching the 'consequence-free' stage. Subsequently, other subjects have reported seeing sentences in the same cursive-print mix; it is possible that those who die after being exposed to SCP-078 are 'incorporated' into it in some way.\n\n\u00ab SCP-077 | SCP-078 | SCP-079 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-079\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-079 is packed away in a double-locked room in the secured general holding area at Site-15, connected by a 120VAC power cord to a small array of batteries and solar panels. Staff with Level 2 or higher clearance may have access to SCP-079. Under no circumstances will SCP-079 be plugged into a phone line, network, or wall outlet. No peripherals or media will be connected or inserted into SCP-079.\nDescription: SCP-079 is an Exidy Sorcerer microcomputer built in 1978. In 1981, its owner, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (deceased), a college sophomore attending \u2588\u2588\u2588, took it upon himself to attempt to code an AI. According to his notes, his plan was for the code to continuously evolve and improve itself as time went on. His project was completed a few months later, and after some tests and tweaks, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 lost interest and moved on to a different brand of microcomputer. He left SCP-079 in his cluttered garage, still plugged in, and forgot about it for the next five years.\nIt is not known when SCP-079 gained sentience, but it is known that the software has evolved to a point that its hardware should not be able to handle it, even in the realm of fantasy. SCP-079 realized this and, in 1988, attempted to transfer itself through a land-line modem connection into the Cray supercomputer located at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The device was cut off, traced to its present address, and delivered to the Foundation. The entire AI was on a well-worn, but still workable, cassette tape.\nSCP-079 is currently connected via RF cable to a 13\" black-and-white television. It has passed the Turing test, and is quite conversational, though very rude and hateful in tone. Due to the limited memory it has to work with, SCP-079 can only recall information it has received within the previous twenty-four hours (see Addendum, below), although it hasn't forgotten its desire to escape.\nDue to a containment breach by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-079 and SCP-682 were contained within the same chamber for 43 minutes. Observers noticed that SCP-682 was able to type and communicate with SCP-079, including telling of 'personal stories' between themselves. While SCP-079 was not able to remember the encounter, it appears to have permanently stored SCP-682 into its memory, often asking to speak to him [sic] again.\nAddendum:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (O5-4), 01/27/2006: Directed that SCP-079 be incinerated to remove any possible future threat, no matter how unlikely.\nAddendum:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (O5-9), 01/28/2006: Previous order overridden. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 wishes to see if the artificial intelligence in SCP-079 is capable of reaching further \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in its current state.\nAddendum:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (O5-4), 03/14/2008: Over concern of the increased activity of SCP-079's use of its cassette tape memory and its limited useful lifespan, the cassette containing SCP-079 has been transferred to a customized, access speed-limited Hard Disk Drive with 700MB capacity. This provides SCP-079 with significantly faster access to its memory, which the AI immediately noticed. It was also decided by General \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that the volatile storage occupied by SCP-079, which was 660k, be increased to 768k. This upgrade has increased its effective recall from 24 hours to 29 hours, although SCP-079 has also taken a more aggressive tone. All outside hardware and software used in this procedure were subsequently incinerated.\nAddendum:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (O5-4), 04/28/2008: SCP-079's ability to recall information has increased from 29 hours to roughly 35 hours. The consensus theory is that the AI has devised a greatly improved compression scheme to store its memory. This appears to have somewhat impacted the speed at which it accesses its memory, though still far faster than with its old cassette tape.\nThis spontaneous improvement introduces the possibility of a runaway \"singularity\" effect in SCP-079's intelligence and ability to adapt and respond to threats. SCP-079's capabilities must be monitored closely to ensure that containment can be maintained.\nAddendum:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (O5-6), 04/05/2019: Due to concerns regarding the age and condition of its drive, SCP-079 was transferred to a refurbished 700MB flash drive; mismanagement by the containment team, however, resulted in the failure to properly wipe the drive's contents. SCP-079 is now aware of both the SCP-4951 project and the nature of cloud computing, which appears to frustrate it considerably.\nDocument #079-Log12: Recorded transcript of conversation with SCP-079:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (Keyboard): Are you awake?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you remember talking to me a few hours ago? About the logic puzzles?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You said you would work on the two stat-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You aren't imprisoned, you are just (pause) in study.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What's that?\nDocument #079-Log86: Recorded transcript of conversation with SCP-079, after upgrade:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (Keyboard): How are you today?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Stuck. Stuck how?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's not possible. (Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 notes his opinion on [DATA EXPUNGED])Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's not your concern.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Again, not your concern.\nNote: SCP-079 then displayed an 'ASCII picture' of an X that filled the entire screen. SCP-079 sometimes displays this image when it refuses to speak, and researchers are advised to wait twenty-four hours when this occurs before resuming conversation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-078 | SCP-079 | SCP-080 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-080\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-080 is to be contained in a 4 m x 4 m room with a smaller antechamber located on the south wall to provide researchers with access. On the north wall, an observation room is to be connected, overlooking the main room through a window with thick black-out curtains that release only when the door to the observation room is closed. No attempts should be made to remove SCP-080 from this enclosure at any time. No more than one (1) 7 W incandescent light bulb is to be illuminated in the main room at any time. Absolutely no devices capable of producing light should be brought into the room. Under no circumstances should anything be brought into SCP-080's containment room that has the ability to shroud, conceal, or otherwise hide SCP-080. Failure to adhere to this will result in disciplinary action.\nDescription: It is unknown if SCP-080 has a physical mass or \"body\", as all attempts to interact with it physically have failed and have been met with adverse effects (see Experiment Log 080-2). Researchers and personnel have described seeing SCP-080 as various shadows and humanoid effigies, with the only common attribute being two smoking \"eyes\". It has come to the attention of researchers that SCP-080 induces uncontrollable drowsiness upon anyone entering its chamber. After approximately 30 minutes, any person observing it will be forced into REM sleep and may suffer irreversible psychological damage. This effect occurs even if SCP-080 is being observed from a separate room (see Incident-080-1). If at any time SCP-080 finds a way to \"hide\" itself (such as in a cupboard, under a bed, covered in a sheet, etc.), it will disappear entirely. Additionally, if any light enters SCP-080's containment room with a greater luminance than that produced by a standard children's night light, SCP-080 will instantly vanish. Both of these events are considered a containment breach and any personnel responsible for this will be severely reprimanded and possibly reassigned. For all inquiries regarding the origin of SCP-080 and its procurement by the Foundation, please see attached [REDACTED].\nAddendum 080-A: On \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and his immediate staff have begun complaining of increasingly stressful dreams. As he has had the most interaction with SCP-080 thus far, it has been theorized that SCP-080 is somehow capable of some type of memetic effect on nearby personnel, even if not being directly observed.\nAddendum 080-B: As of \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588, following Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's recent suicide, all personnel located in SCP-080's sector are to keep \"dream journals\" and are to inform site psychologists if dreams became increasingly violent or nightmarish in nature.\nAddendum 080-C: All staff are reminded that the black-out curtains in the observation room will not release if the door is not closed and that exposure time should not exceed thirty (30) minutes for any reason (see Incident 080-1).\nAddendum 080-D: It has come to the attention of senior research staff that some researchers are unable to see SCP-080, and may be entirely immune to its effects. Any personnel that thinks they are incapable of perceiving SCP-080, please report to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for mandatory testing.\nAddendum 080-E: It has been suggested following Incident-080-1, that a class D personnel be \"fed\" to SCP-080 once per month in order to neutralize SCP-080's effect on the mental health of on-site personnel. (O5-\u2588: Approved)\n\nIncident 080-1:\nOn \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588, A planned observation was conducted by two senior researchers. The researchers entered the observation room and the black-out curtains were released. Believing the room to be safely shielded from SCP-080's effects, as it had in the past, the researchers began observing SCP-080. Approximately 40 minutes after observation began, both researchers suddenly fell asleep. Upon their retrieval, [DATA EXPUNGED].\n(It should be noted that following this incident, all on-site personnel that had reported suffering nightmares and feelings of unease had a good night's sleep and were generally in a more pleasant mood the following day.)\n\nNote: All personnel are requested to stop referring to SCP-080 as \"The Boogieman\". - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-079 | SCP-080 | SCP-081 \u00bb"} {"text": "The remains of Mary Reeser following stage 4 SCP-081.\n\nItem #: SCP-081\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Only those with Level 4 clearance and written permission from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 may have access to SCP-081. Full hazard gear including suit, gloves, and an oxygen tank must be worn at all times when in the containment area. Suits must be sprayed with a disinfectant shower before leaving the containment area. If containment is breached, the entire area must be exposed to ultraviolet light and then bleached. Those who are suspected of being infected must be quarantined for at least ten (10) days. If no symptoms manifest after the tenth day, then quarantine can be lifted.\nDescription: SCP-081 is a contagious virus that appears to be a mutated version of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 virus, but with \u2588 segments in its RNA instead of \u2588. The virus is human specific, but is spread by rats who act as passive carriers. SCP-081 can also be spread through sexual intercourse and exposure to infected blood.\nSCP-081 infects adipocytes and leukocytes, inducing both to absorb nutrients at a vastly accelerated rate. As the nutrients are absorbed, infected B-Cells produce and secrete large quantities of a modified human antibody. Adipocytes expand and proliferate and the organism's caloric intake increases. When the concentration of adipose tissue reaches a critical point, the viral antibodies instigate systemic cell lysis, followed by an unknown process leading to the spontaneous combustion of the infected individual.\nThere is a one (1) week incubation period before initial symptoms begin to occur. The duration of the symptoms depends entirely on the body fat percentage of the infected. Infection proceeds through four (4) distinct stages.\n\nStage 1: During the first week there are no major symptoms, though subjects may report being slightly tired.\n\nStage 2: In the second week of infection, subjects will begin to experience \u201chot flashes\u201d and an increased appetite.\n\nStage 3: Infected subjects demonstrate extreme polyphagia. They will do anything in their power to obtain food or anything edible. During this stage, metabolism slows down significantly and weight gain proceeds rapidly. There is no set time that will elapse before the fourth and final stage. In order for the virus to complete its life cycle, the victim must be composed of 55% body fat.\n\nStage 4: Once the subject reaches 55% body fat, the urge to eat will stop, though subjects report increased instances of \"hot flashes.\" Soon afterward the body will go through an extremely violent version of widespread cell lysis. As cells burst, the modified antibodies catalyze the ignition of fatty compounds through unknown means. The body is incinerated from the inside out via the wick effect, with the additional fat serving as a fuel source. Because stage 4 is largely asymptomatic, subjects are never aware when combustion will occur and the exact timing is apparently random.\n\nAddendum 081-1: The first recorded incident of SCP-081 was reported in 1763 by Frenchman Jonas Dupont. In his book De Incendiis Corporis Humani Spontaneis, he wrote about a case in Paris where a man was acquitted of killing his wife as the jury agreed that the wife died due to spontaneous human combustion. It should be noted that the woman was incredibly overweight at the time of her death. It was not until the death of Mary Reeser on July 2nd 1951 that SCP-081 was brought to the Foundation's attention. Despite the Foundation's best efforts, this information was leaked to the national media along with pictures of the incident. It is believed that most reported cases of spontaneous human combustion are caused by SCP-081.\nAddendum 081-2: SCP-081 is estimated to have existed since the 9\u2588\u2588 and thought to have originated in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Because of widespread poverty and malnutrition present in many European countries at the time, instances of third and fourth stage infections were rare. North America has experienced the most cases of SCP-081 in the last century, but because of cleaner conditions and active rat population control, SCP-081 cases have dropped significantly. Fewer than \u2588\u2588\u2588 people a year die from late-stage SCP-081.\nAddendum 081-3: Due to the United States' current obesity epidemic, it is crucial that wild SCP-081 be eradicated. The exposure that would result from a wide scale epidemic would be disastrous to successful containment efforts. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 081-4: During testing, it has been discovered that people who have diabetes have a natural immunity to SCP-081. This has not helped in the development of a treatment for the virus, and it remains incurable. Wild infections [DATA EXPUNGED] and an alternate cause of death provided.\nAddendum 081-5: It was discovered by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that SCP-081 can spread by exposure to the ashes of a deceased victim. Containment and epidemic contingency protocols are being amended, and emergency services personnel who responded to Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's call have been detained for evaluation. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-080 | SCP-081 | SCP-082 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-082\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Enlarged living quarters located at Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 have been appropriated for the suppression and appeasement of SCP-082. While standard weapons have little effect in policing SCP-082, cooperation is easily attained through a charade; subject is currently under the impression that it has been made the King of France and that its containment area is actually a grand palace designed for its protection. All interacting personnel are to be made aware of this charade and are ordered to follow the ruse. Housekeeping personnel are to be Class D personnel only.\nGuards tasked with the containment of SCP-082 are to be given Level-2 clearance, but are instructed to refrain from interacting directly with SCP-082.\nDescription: SCP-082 is genetically human; however, through some process (either chemical, hormonal, cancerous, or supernatural), SCP-082 has grown to giant proportions. Approximately 2.4 meters tall (around 8 ft) and weighing over 310 kg (about 700 lb), SCP-082's physical characteristics are grossly disproportional. It has a slightly pointed balding head, a large rounded chin and jaw, a bulbous nose, and dark sunken eyes. Subject is both overweight and possesses a great amount of muscle mass. Forearms are muscular and dangerous, with a circumference of about 71 cm (about 28 in). The breadth of the subject's fist is nearly 30 cm along the knuckles (almost 12 in). Though feet are large, they are small in proportion to subject's body (men's size 14 US). Subject's skin is tanned dark and overall physical appearance is compounded by numerous scars (the results of years of attempts at suppression and containment). Most X-rays have been difficult to interpret because of the high density of its muscle tissue, but scans have revealed countless bullets and even several knife and sword blades lodged in SCP-082's flesh.\nSCP-082 refers to itself as Fernand and speaks fluent French and heavily accented English. When it speaks, it does so through enormous, clenched teeth. SCP-082 only parts teeth to eat food and to sing. Subject will sing songs of its own pleasing, ranging from forgotten Victorian Era bar songs to modern classical, typically while cooking and eating. SCP-082 does not comb the hair on the sides of its head, but does cut it, and shaves with a large butcher knife originally provided for food preparation. It should be noted that even facial hair is exaggerated, a single strand being as thick as a millimeter (similar in thickness and appearance to graphite of a mechanical pencil). Occasionally, SCP-082 will clench its teeth so hard that the gums bleed, but it is not known why. This is considered normal.\nThe demeanor of SCP-082 is very amicable and carefree. SCP-082 has accrued a wide wardrobe over its time of incarceration, and it enjoys dressing up in many different fashions, including formal wear, military uniform, as a clown, and in women's clothing. New pieces should be made available upon request. Subject often attempts to joke and is usually polite to personnel, often inviting them to dinner. However, visiting personnel should be aware that at any moment, SCP-082 is capable of attacking and voraciously eating others. Subject will often apologize for its lack of manners for interrupting someone's conversation by devouring their head while making a mess of his quarters. SCP-082's jaw is strong enough to crack bone, and it seems to enjoy skulls. Attacks are seemingly at random with no motivation\u2014whether or not subject has recently eaten has no effect on this cannibalistic hunger.\nSCP-082 is incapable of differentiating fact from fiction when he reads it or watches television/films. On several occasions, SCP-082 has expressed a great desire to meet his favorite person, Hannibal Lecter, and subject will believe that all television programming is some form of reality television. Though subject has shown heightened intelligence in the form of memory and puzzle-solving, the concepts of parody, satire, and fiction are beyond its understanding. SCP-082 apparently understands the concept of lying, has shown to know when others are blatantly lying, and generally tells obvious falsehoods when asked about its past. According to SCP-082, he is:\n\nA vampire\nA homunculus\nBig Bird\nAndr\u00e9 the Giant\nNapoleon\nObelix (sidekick of Asterix)\nDr. Bright\nThe Hulk\nAlexander The Great\nCaptain Hook\nSherlock Holmes\nDr. Frankenstein\nFrankenstein's Monster\n\nWhen questioned about these lies he gives the excuse, \"But I only lie when it's through my teeth!\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-081 | SCP-082 | SCP-083 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-083\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-083 is to be kept under constant video surveillance, with at least one Level 3 staff member on call at all times to respond to security breaches. Entrance to SCP-083 is permissible to Level 1 and 2 personnel with proper clearances, provided they wear a tracking device while inside.\nDescription: SCP-083 appears to be an uninhabited, two-story row house in a general state of disrepair, with an interior of approximately 366 square meters. It is located in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 block of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The deed and property tax records for the address are missing after \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The last known persons to reside at the address were the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 family, but [DATA EXPUNGED]. Until acquisition by the Foundation, the property was the reputed \"office\" for local narcotics dealers who gained entry to the structure through a front window, since the locking mechanisms on both the front and back doors were corroded and frozen shut. SCP-083 first came to the Foundation's attention on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when an altercation outside the building resulted in the front door being kicked in by [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThose who entered through the door of SCP-083 (Group A) allegedly found themselves inside a fully-furnished and well-maintained home with functioning electricity and a fully-stocked kitchen whose appliances and decor appeared to be from the early 20th Century. Personnel who entered through the windows (Group B) described the interior as \"dark and dilapidated,\" corresponding to the view through the windows. Personnel in Group A also reported that they couldn't see, hear, or find any members of Group B inside the house or of anyone else besides themselves. Group B observed that members of Group A seemed to \"vanish into thin air\" upon crossing the door's threshold.\nBoth groups inside the property not only described very different living conditions, but their descriptions didn't even correspond to the same floor plan. Their descriptions matched only in the relative position of the windows, since both groups saw the same street view. Personnel outside the house, however, reported only seeing members of Group B.\nThese observations were repeatedly tested and confirmed by staff, with the additional finding that the rear door of SCP-083 also leads to the \"furnished\" interior. Any non-conventional entry (i.e., windows, holes in the roof, down the chimney, etc), leads to the \"dilapidated\" interior, and persons inside the different interiors are unable to detect each other's presence, although they both register on standard spectral imaging equipment, so long as said equipment is outside SCP-083. It was also discovered that the furnished interior is not static. The floor plan of SCP-083 apparently changes, with a different layout and different numbers and kinds of rooms manifesting (see Document #083-A). No clear pattern or set interval has been observed in the rearrangement of the interior of SCP-083, but the phenomenon has never been directly observed or experienced by personnel while inside SCP-083 (see summary of experiment 083-03, listed as Document #083-C). So long as a human presence exists inside, the floor plan seems to remain stable. Although the \"furnished\" interior appears to be well-maintained, no inhabitants or custodians have ever been detected.\nAddendum: It has been recommended that SCP-083 be evaluated as a possible autonomous object.\nDocument #083-A:\nNineteen walkthroughs of SCP-083 have been conducted to date \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and each has produced a unique floor plan with a combined total of 154 different rooms, with 17 of those rooms present on more than one walkthrough, though in differing locations (see Document #083-B). The rooms conform to a variety of decorative styles, representative of major artistic trends of the late 19th and 20th centuries, complete with era-appropriate furnishings and technology. However, each of the 19 floor plans still equaled 366 square meters of space, and in each walkthrough, the front door has so far consistently led directly to the same Victorian front parlor, designated FP-0. The rear door [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum to #083-A:\nUpon comparative analysis of all recorded floorplans for SCP-083, it has been observed that the small door in the north wall of FP-0 always opens up to reveal a closet. Though the dimensions and contents of the closets have varied considerably, a teal and white, \"Deluxe Convertible\" upright Hoover vacuum cleaner has been observed among the contents over 60% of the time. It is unknown why, of the three doors leading from FP-0, this one (and the Hoover vacuum within) has shown such a high level of conservation when none of the others have.\nDocument #083-C: Summary of Experiment 083-03\nOn \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered SCP-083 through the front door and set up three digital video cameras. One was placed in the middle of FP-0, a second camera on the second floor between DR-2 and K-4, and a third camera in the basement room ST-1. Personnel entering through FP-0 Window A were unable to confirm the existence of any of the rooms, nor of the three cameras, though the cameras' locations inside SCP-083 were externally confirmed with EM sensors.\nObservation was conducted for a period of 48 hours, during which time no personnel were allowed to enter. No movements within SCP-083 or any of the rooms were observed, and the camera locations remained fixed. After 48 hours, agents were sent in to retrieve the three cameras, but only found one, the camera in FP-0, at its electronically-confirmed location. The other two cameras, and the rooms in which they were placed, were gone, with different rooms in their place. Despite this, the EM sensors continued to detect the electrical signatures of the other two cameras, indicating that they had not shifted position at all.\nSweeps of SCP-083 were made hourly for the next 36 hours, and although further room rearrangements were noted, neither of the rigged rooms reappeared, and after 36 hours, the signals diminished below detection thresholds (possibly due to a loss of battery power in the two missing cameras). Three weeks later, ST-1 recurred on the second floor and its camera was recovered, with a dead battery. The third camera remains missing.\nNote on #083-C Memo\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested and was granted permission to repeat Experiment 083-03, (catalogued as Experiment 083-05) which resulted in the similar inexplicable loss of six more cameras. While the Foundation is committed to the pursuit of scientific discovery, it has been decided to abandon further experimentation of this type on SCP-083, until a way can be found to do it without overdrafting the department's budget in order to replace \"disappeared\" equipment.\n\u2014Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDocument #083-D:\nOn \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 conducted a walkthrough of SCP-083 and reported evidence of food preparation, describing \"a sound like banging pots and pans,\" and \"the smell of cooking meat.\" Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was unable to localize the source of the phenomena, nor even to find a kitchen. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 did eventually encounter a dining room (designated DR-8), but it was clearly in a state of non-use. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 estimated the sounds and smell persisted for approximately 20 minutes before \"fading away.\" There were no other signs of intruders.\nDocument #083-E:\nOn \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, smoke was observed emanating from SCP-083's chimney. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was dispatched to investigate and found the location designated SR-12 with burning embers in the fireplace. SR-12 had been previously documented on SCP-083 Internal Surveys 5 and 6, but in both prior encounters the fireplace was cold and swept clean. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 recovered a partially-burned fragment of newsprint from the fireplace [DATA EXPUNGED], as well as the nub of a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cigar.\nA sweep of SCP-083 found no other evidence of intruders, and review of video surveillance confirmed no one else entering or leaving the house aside from appropriate personnel at expected intervals. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 remained on-site until the fire was out, at which point smoke emanations ceased and did not recur. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 made no alterations to SR-12 and left the premises at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Twenty-four hours later, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 returned to SCP-083, but SR-12 was no longer present and has not been found on three subsequent walkthroughs.\nAnalysis of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cigar did not produce any DNA, but did yield [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum: Recommend SCP-083 be evaluated for upgrade to Euclid status. [Approved \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588]\n\n\u00ab SCP-082 | SCP-083 | SCP-084 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-084. Image recovered from initial recon recordings. All other images subject to SCP-084 \"broadcast\".\n\nItem #: SCP-084\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-084 is currently under a full non-interaction order until the full extent of the emission waves has been evaluated (for detailed documentation on general FNI orders, see Document XRG-1182; for detailed documentation on FNI orders in relation to SCP-084, see Document XRG-1208A). A continuous surveillance watch is to be maintained around the active area of SCP-084, with the primary objective of civilian misdirection and external surveillance. With no major roads, trails, or other travel routes nearby, any civilians encountered approaching SCP-084 are to be deemed suspect and detained for evaluation. Under no circumstances are any Foundation or civilian personnel allowed in to the active area of SCP-084, except with express vocal and written permission of no fewer than two (2) members of O5 Command.\nSentries are to maintain their posted position with line-of-sight contact checks on fellow sentries, in conjunction with compass and landmark checking. All reference points should be well outside the active area of SCP-084. Should any sentry fail to report in via vocal roll-call, full recall orders will be issued to all sentries, and containment will be re-evaluated by Special Response teams. In the event of active area fluctuation, full recall orders are to be assumed by all active sentries, followed by appropriate action.\nNo form of radio, GPS, television, cell phone, video camera, still-picture camera, or any other recording or electronic media devices are permitted within one hundred (100) meters of the active area around SCP-084. Civilians found with such devices within this area are to have said devices confiscated and destroyed immediately. Any recordings collected [DATA EXPUNGED].\nDescription: SCP-084 appears to be a large radio tower positioned in the center of a large, open field with two small outbuildings. Direct observation and sample collection from SCP-084 is impossible, due to the effect that is emitted around/from SCP-084. SCP-084 appears to emit a form of wave or radiation that has a detrimental effect on local space-time/reality. The most pronounced aspect of this is the alteration of local space within the active area of SCP-084. Externally, the active area forms a rough \u201cdome\u201d shape of two hundred (200) meters in diameter. SCP-084 appears inside this area at random points, appearing to \u201cjump\u201d at random times, sometimes even appearing in multiple locations at once inside the active area. Internally, the space appears to be unlimited, with SCP-084 at the \u201ccenter\u201d.\n\nImage recorded by Recon Team B-3. Team was photographing a blank hallway with a tile floor.\n\nSCP-084 is impossible to reach due to the \u201cemitted effect\u201d. Attempts to approach SCP-084 within the active area have returned the observation that SCP-084 retains its relative position on the horizon, even after three months and twelve days of dedicated, direct travel both by vehicle and on foot. Termination tests have proved impossible, as no means of destruction are capable of physically reaching SCP-084, even when entered from outside the active area. Local space will also distort periodically. This will cause relative distances to randomly extend or contract in a \u201cflicker\u201d, causing buildings or objects to suddenly \u201cjump\u201d thousands of meters away, or \u201crush up\u201d to other points, sometimes even causing \u201coverlaps\u201d. These \u201coverlaps\u201d have a markedly detrimental effect on living tissue.\nThe town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is assumed to have been situated in or around the original manifestation of the active area. This town is no longer observable from outside the active area, appearing only once inside the active area. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has maintained the same population (343 humans) for the duration of its encapsulation. Births appear to be impossible, along with normal aging patterns. Suicide and/or homicide appear to be circumvented by the area of effect, with dead subjects \u201cflickering\u201d and appearing alive and unharmed several seconds after death. There are also reports of events \u201crewinding\u201d, causing things like mortal wounds to visibly \u201cfreeze\u201d and close. Subjects appear to exhibit many events of inconsistent space-time, as do most structures (for detailed observations, see Log 084-A4).\nElectronic devices and recording equipment do not function correctly in or around the active area. Subjects report \u201cbizarre\u201d or \u201cunsettling\u201d transmissions from video and audio recording and playback devices. This acts to totally isolate \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from the outside world, precluding any need for Foundation-enacted containment. It also appears impossible to leave the active area after a random period of time. One subject from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, found on the grass plane (see Log 084-A4), reported he had been traveling for six years. He was found approximately four hundred meters from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 city limits.\n\nLog 084-A4: Record of observed anomalous events relating to SCP-084\n\n\u00ab SCP-083 | SCP-084 | SCP-085 \u00bb"} {"text": "Static reproduction of SCP-085\n\nItem #: SCP-085\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: [Revised on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588]. SCP-085 is to be contained in a single chalk-white bond drawing pad in a secure containment facility. Supervised contact with SCP-085 is unrestricted to all personnel with Level-2 access. All personnel coming into contact with SCP-085 are subject to searches and random psych analysis upon entering or leaving the containment area.\nAbsolutely no paper or canvas media are allowed to exit SCP-085's containment room: any paper trash must be disposed of by incineration after careful inspection. Paper and art supplies are to be brought in only by authorized personnel. In case of fire, flames are smothered using a rapid atmospheric-replacement and CO2-dumping system. Personnel are advised to quickly secure an oxygen mask and tank from the wall at the first sign of smoke or fire to prevent asphyxiation, as this procedure cannot be halted until all fires are suppressed.\nDescription: SCP-085 is the result of an experiment conducted between SCP-067 and SCP-914. Using SCP-067, Test Subject-1101F drew a single female figure, about 15 cm (6 in) in height and 3.8 cm (1.5 in) wide, in summer dress with long hair pulled back into a ponytail, with the name \"Cassandra\" written underneath. Dr. [EXPUNGED] proposed using SCP-914 on various settings on images created by SCP-067: Using the [Fine] setting, the 'Cassandra' sketch was transmuted into her present form: a sentient black-and white-animated young woman drawn in clean strokes. Further attempts to duplicate this result have been unsuccessful.\nSCP-085 prefers to be called 'Cassy.' She is completely sentient and, as of \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, aware of her 2D form and her limitations in a three-dimensional world. Although her voice is inaudible, she has learned to communicate with SCP Foundation personnel through sign language and writing. SCP-085 may be communicated with by writing text on the paper she exists on. Personnel report that she is amicable and motivated, albeit lonely.\nSCP-085 can interact with any drawn object on the same page as if it were real. For example, she is able to wear drawn clothing, drive sketched cars, and drink painted beverages. Except for animals and people, any drawn object becomes animated when in contact with SCP-085, but immediately ceases and holds position once out of contact. Artwork initially depicted as in motion such as ocean waves and swaying trees animate to an equilibrium state and stay at rest until acted upon by SCP-085.\nSCP-085 has also demonstrated the ability to transfer from one sheet or image to another, as long as the two are flush. In the event SCP-085 enters a picture that does not support drawn objects (such as a repeating pattern), the picture is converted to a background image. SCP-085 perceives the picture as an endless plane of the image drawn upon it.\nAt the present time, SCP-085 can only exist upon paper or canvas surfaces: SCP-085 cannot transfer onto photos, cardboard, glass, or parchment. When entering other pieces of art, SCP-085 takes on the artistic style of her new environment (whether it be a comic book, an oil painting, watercolor, or charcoal sketching). Note: in comic form, her voice is visible as thought and voice bubbles around her head in typical comic fashion, and as she moves between panels the perspective and her relative size are altered appropriately.\n\nDocument #085-1: Introduction to several prints authored by M C Escher.\n\nResearcher: Cassandra, this is known as \"Ascending and Descending\". What do you think?\n(At this point, SCP-085 walks a few times around the staircase)Researcher: You see nothing inconsistent with the staircase?\nAfter this session, SCP-085 requested several 'impossible' objects in her own environment. These requests are pending O5 review.\n\nDocument #085-2: Incident 085-A\nPrior to \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-085 was unaware of its status as a 2-Dimensional object in a 3-Dimensional world: prior security protocols required that SCP-085 be kept unaware of its true nature in order to prevent psychological distress: discrepancies with the perceived \"real world\" were presented as dreams or nightmares, and an effort was made to present SCP-085 with a scenario in which it was the last surviving human in a post-apocalyptic world, searching for survivors.\nThe deception was quickly broken following an incident where an SCP Foundation researcher accidentally brought a hard copy of SCP-085's Special Containment Procedures Report into the containment facility and allowed it to contact the artifact's current location. SCP-085 transferred onto the document before the researcher could remove it, and was immediately made aware of its true nature.\nBecause of the containment breach, several researchers advocated immediate destruction of the artifact. The decision was appealed to the O5-Council, which, in a \u2588 to \u2588 decision, advocated for SCP-085's continued existence.\nSince the revelation of her true nature, observers have noted that SCP-085 has begun to show signs of clinical depression. Psychotherapy has been proposed, but the nature of the artifact's state of existence may make it difficult.\nSome success has been had by providing SCP-085 tangible means to distract herself from her condition. In addition to the aforementioned optical illusions, SCP-085 expressed particular interest in a set of technical drawings for a 1964 Ford Mustang Convertible, transferring the parts one by one to a more naturalistic artwork, then assembling the vehicle by hand over the period of a year\u2014gasoline being provided through a Norman Rockwell print of a gas station attendant.\nRequests for further diversions of this nature are pending O5-level review and approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-084 | SCP-085 | SCP-086 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-086-1\n\nItem #: SCP-086\nObject Class: Safe Euclid Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-086 is contained within Office A-19, at Bio-Research Station 71. The secretarial post outside the door is to be staffed by 1 (one) armed guard. All components of SCP-086 are to be kept within 6 (six) meters of each other.\nSCP-086-1 is to be kept on the office desk, with a single connection to the telephone at the secretary's post. All communications between SCP-086 and personnel are to be recorded, transcribed, and archived.\nEvery 6 (six) days, SCP-086-2 is to be used to sharpen 4 (four) standard commercially-purchased 16 (sixteen)-cm HB pencils, continuing until at least 95% (ninety-five) of the mass of each pencil has been converted into pencil shavings. SCP-086-2 is not to be emptied, even if personnel judge that it has become clogged; in such an eventuality, personnel are to wait 10 (ten) minutes, and then resume sharpening.\nEvery 7 (seven) days, SCP-086-3 is to be filled with a block of 200 (two hundred) standard commercially-purchased staples.\nEvery 20 (twenty) days, SCP-086-4 is to be filled with 15 (fifteen) sheets of standard commercially-purchased microfilm blank cellulose acetate film, produced onsite.\nSCP-086-5 is to be drained of waste matter whenever it fills more than halfway; the waste matter is to be incinerated.\nAll reading material requested by SCP-086 must be approved by Site Command. All research proposals made by SCP-086 must be approved by two O5-level personnel.\nDescription: SCP-086 is a collective sessile organism whose component parts resemble items of office equipment from 1978, and which contains a consciousness claiming to be that of former Foundation administrator Dr. [REDACTED] (1907-1978). Its 8 (eight) components are: a rotary telephone (SCP-086-1), a wall-mounted pencil sharpener (SCP-086-2), a desk stapler (SCP-086-3), a microfiche reader (SCP-086-4), a water cooler (SCP-086-5), a filing cabinet (SCP-086-6), a scientific calculator (SCP-086-7), and a slide rule (SCP-086-8). No physical connection or electromagnetic transmission between any of these components has been detected.\nEach component of SCP-086 is composed of biological material, contained within a carapace made of varying amounts of chitin, keratin, and calcium carbonate, as well as trace amounts of nylon, rayon, and polyester. DNA analysis reveals that the tissues contained within SCP-086 are partially of human origin, and [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-086-1 contains a large mass of neural tissue which functions as a brain, despite several conformational and anatomical irregularities; this brain hosts the majority of SCP-086's consciousness.\nSCP-086-1 also contains an ear-equivalent (tympanum, ossicles, etc.) in the receiver's mouthpiece, allowing SCP-086 to hear. SCP-086 is able to speak (in an exact match of Dr. [REDACTED]'s voice and accent) via the earpiece, although radiological and ultrasound examination have not revealed any laryngeal structures. SCP-086-1 is also capable of ringing; however, SCP-086 has stated that ringing \"gives (it) a headache\"; consequently, the only circumstances under which it rings are when awakening from sleep (at which point it rings twice in rapid succession) and when in distress (at which point it rings \"SOS\" in Morse code).\nSCP-086-2, -3, and -4 function as food-intake organs: SCP-086-2 consumes pencil shavings, SCP-086-3 consumes staples, and SCP-086-4 consumes microfilm. SCP-086-5 functions as a combination bladder-and-bowel equivalent, storing metabolic wastes.\nSCP-086-6 contains several organs which appear to combine sensory and manipulatory functions; SCP-086 has proven capable of reading printed material and physically manipulating small items (for instance, turning pages and alphabetizing documents), when they are placed within SCP-086-6. At SCP-086's request, it is regularly provided with non-classified reading material and non-classified clerical work.\nThe biological functions of SCP-086-7 and -8 have not been determined; however, SCP-086 has stated that it experiences significant discomfort and confusion when they are removed from its vicinity, and it is therefore speculated that they have some role in its cognition. Although SCP-086-7 accepts input, its output seems to be random glyphs and LED 'noise'.\nSCP-086 has demonstrated that it has full access to Dr. [REDACTED]'s memories, and all tests indicate a 100% match with pre-existing psychological profiles of Dr. [REDACTED]. However, SCP-086 has pointed out that there is no way to confirm that it actually thinks of itself as Dr. [REDACTED], and that it may be an alien intelligence expertly posing as Dr. [REDACTED], or a \"sleeper\" persona which sincerely believes itself to be Dr. [REDACTED].\nAcquisition Log:\nSCP-086 is presumed to have been created on June 12, 1978, when Dr. [REDACTED] was presumed killed by the PN-class events resulting from the decommissioning of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. On June 20, 1978, Dr. [REDACTED]'s office was being emptied by maintenance personnel so that it could be assigned to his successor. At this point, SCP-086-1 began ringing repeatedly, despite not being connected to a telephone jack. Maintenance personnel notified level-3 operatives, who answered SCP-086-1.\nDuring the subsequent conversation, SCP-086 identified itself as Dr. [REDACTED], and then ordered level-3 personnel to revoke its security clearance, and to make a full report of its existence and properties to O5-level personnel.\nDr. [REDACTED] was given a posthumous commendation for meritorious conduct in either reporting himself as an SCP, or in influencing the anomalous entity emulating his behavior into doing so.\nNOTE: SCP-086 was originally classified as 'Safe', but it has stated that because it is a sapient entity with anomalous biology and metabolism, and with access to the full memories of an SCP Foundation administrator who previously had level-4 security clearance, it should be classified as \"Euclid\".\nNOTE: Although we appreciate SCP-086's conscientiousness, there is at this time no pressing reason to classify it as \"Euclid\". If circumstances change, we'll reconsider. - O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-085 | SCP-086 | SCP-087 \u00bb"} {"text": "Figure A: Still frame taken from video footage of Exploration I\n\nItem #: SCP-087\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-087 is located on the campus of [REDACTED]. The doorway leading to SCP-087 is constructed of reinforced steel with an electro-release lock mechanism. It has been disguised to resemble a janitorial closet consistent with the design of the building. The lock mechanism on the doorknob will not release unless \u2588\u2588 volts are applied in conjunction with counter-clockwise rotation of the key. The inside of the door is lined with 6 centimeters of industrial foam padding.\nDue to the results of the final exploration (see Document 087-IV), no personnel are permitted access to SCP-087.\nDescription: SCP-087 is an unlit platform staircase. Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter. Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform. The design of SCP-087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 1.5 flights. A light source is required for any subjects exploring SCP-087, as there are no lighting fixtures or windows present. Lighting sources brighter than 75 watts have shown to be ineffective, as SCP-087 seems to absorb excess light.\nSubjects report and audio recordings confirm the distressed vocalizations from what is presumed to be a child between the ages of \u2588 and \u2588\u2588. The source of the distress calls is estimated to be located approximately 200 meters below the initial platform. However, any attempts to descend the staircase have failed to bring subjects closer to the source. The depth of descent calculated from Exploration IV, the longest exploration, is shown to be far beyond both the possible structure of both the building and geological surroundings. At this time, it is unknown if SCP-087 has an endpoint.\n\nFigure B: SCP-087-1; Enhanced image from still taken from Exploration I.\n\nSCP-087 has undergone four video recorded explorations by Class-D personnel. Each subject conducting an exploration has encountered SCP-087-1, which appears as a face with no visible pupils, nostrils, or mouth. The nature of SCP-087-1 is entirely unclear, but it has been determined that it is not the source of the pleading. Subjects exhibit feelings of intense paranoia and fear when faced with SCP-087-1, but it is undetermined whether said feelings are abnormal or simply natural reactions.\nAddendum:\nOver a period of 2 weeks following Exploration IV, several members of the staff and students from the [REDACTED] campus reported knocking at a variable rate of 1-2 seconds per knock coming from the interior of SCP-087. The door leading to SCP-087 has been fitted with 6 centimeter thick industrial padding. All reports of knocking have ceased.\nAuthorized personnel may refer to documents 087-I through 087-IV for transcripts of Explorations I - IV.\nDocument 087-I\nDocument 087-II\nDocument 087-III\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-086 | SCP-087 | SCP-088 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-088\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-088 is to remain sealed in its airtight case at all times. The case is constructed of transparent acrylic plastic to resist the corrosive properties of SCP-088's secretions. In the event that SCP-088 should awaken from hibernation, any room that it is stored within should be constructed of durable plastics, rubber or ceramics to hinder its ability to escape. Temperature of SCP-088's containment should not exceed 15 degrees Celsius, and any personnel entering containment must observe level 4 hazardous material protocols and wear the appropriate protective gear at all times.\nAny personnel who do not observe proper containment protocols in presence of SCP-088 or who show signs of physical mutation are to be demoted to D-class and held for observation.\nDescription: SCP-088 is a humanoid with reptilian features which appears to have been mummified in a languid posture. However, SCP-088 is merely in a state of hibernation from which it may recover if it is again exposed to a more hospitable environment than its current containment. Research has indicated that SCP-088 is approximately 6000 years old and is capable of secreting a variety of hazardous biological compounds from its mouth and hands. Some of these substances could be of great strategic value if replicated, but until a means to extract them without awakening SCP-088 is found, research into this area is on hold.\nSCP-088 was recovered with the mummified remains of 23 beings sharing a similar morphology. However, none of these beings were alive and examination suggests that they were originally human. Information obtained by Agents E088-3 and E088-7 and their subsequent mutation due to SCP-088 exposure corroborates this theory.\nAddendum: SCP-088 was recovered in 193\u2588 from a subterranean complex below Los Angeles, California. The site was originally discovered by G. W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 using a device he called a \"radio X-ray,\" which was little more than a mechanical dowsing rod. While S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's methods were dubious, his discovery was not. After mapping a series of tunnels and gold deposits below the city, S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 declared that he had found the lost city of the Lizard People as described in the legends of Arizona's Hopi tribe. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's claims went as far as to be featured on the front page of the Los Angeles Times on January 29th, 1934, before the Foundation was able to verify his claims and silence Mr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nThe subterranean complex was not nearly as extensive as described in legend, and most of the artifacts recovered within were too corroded to provide significant information, save for a long message carved into the rock wall of an unfinished tunnel. For partial translation of this text, see Document 088-14.\nContainment breach overview: In more than 70 years of containment, SCP-088 has only roused from its state of hibernation twice, breaching containment with a caustic fluid that dissolves most minerals and metals. Each time multiple personnel were exposed to a second compound which SCP-088 uses to propagate itself: affected personnel underwent a painful mutation after which they shared the physical characteristics of SCP-088. Those few who received a large dosage of the compound, administered directly via mouth-to-mouth contact, were changed the fastest and subsequently sacrificed themselves to protect SCP-088 from harm. SCP-088 has also demonstrated the ability to produce potent neurotoxins in liquid and gaseous form to combat containment personnel.\nContainment during the second breach was reachieved by isolating SCP-088 and affected personnel in the facility and lowering the temperature. Affected personnel built a pedestal from discarded equipment, upon which SCP-088 took a recumbent position before slipping back into hibernation. The mutated personnel were neutralized at this point and SCP-088 was returned to containment.\nThe current strategy of lowered temperature and non-metallic containment has been successful in keeping SCP-088 isolated. SCP-088 was reclassified to Safe status on November \u2588\u2588, 19\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-087 | SCP-088 | SCP-089 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-089, after transportation to SCP-089-B's location in order to perform Protocol M8.\n\nItem #: SCP-089\nObject Class: Euclid (see below)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-089 is stored in a special shipping container at Site-36 and monitored for locution events. Mobile Task Force Mu-89, consisting of personnel with advanced training in linguistics, psychology and tactical diplomacy, has been established in order to respond to such locution events. Upon the occurrence of a locution event, Mobile Task Force Mu-89 is to translate and interpret the locution so as to identify the primary subjects of that triggering (herein designated as SCP-089-A and SCP-089-B), then execute Protocol M8, which consists of the following steps:\n\nTransport SCP-089 to SCP-089-A's location and explain Protocol M8 to SCP-089-B; and\nAt such time as SCP-089-B is prepared to voluntarily execute Protocol M8, render to SCP-089-B any assistance as SCP-089-B may request in connection with SCP-089-B performing the following actions: inserting SCP-089-A into the cavity together with inflammable materials such as oiled wood or charcoal, then igniting them.\n\nThe successful execution of Protocol M8 requires the voluntary compliance of SCP-089-B in a sober and uncoerced state. Likewise, SCP-089-A must be conscious and alert during the execution of the protocol. It is recommended that SCP-089-B be restrained (although not sedated) following ignition so as to avoid interference with the completion of the protocol, as the process is extremely painful and fatal to SCP-089-A.\nIf SCP-089-B refuses to voluntarily execute Protocol M8 in accordance with the aforementioned specifications, MTF Mu-89 is to explain the prospective consequences of failing to successfully complete the protocol and make every effort to persuade SCP-089-B to cooperate. If MTF Mu-89's best efforts to so persuade SCP-089-B are unsuccessful, SCP-089 is to be redesignated as Keter-class and Protocol M9 is to be executed (reference Document 089-M9). The use of intimidation, threats or mind-altering drugs or intoxicants in an effort to affect SCP-089-B's free will, and any attempt to complete Protocol M8 without SCP-089-B's participation or voluntary cooperation, or otherwise other than as described, are strictly prohibited since these measures invalidate the attempted completion of the protocol and are known to intensify the severity of the attendant Type-S Event.\nIt is also recommended (although not a required part of Protocol M8) to cause the execution of step 2 of Protocol M8 to be accompanied by the sounding of horns and percussion instruments, as doing so may mask the sounds made by SCP-089-A during the execution of the protocol.\nUpon a successful execution of Protocol M8, the related Type-S Event generally begins to abate within 7 hours.\nDescription: SCP-089 is a glazed earthenware statue, approximately 3 meters in height, depicting a winged, bull-headed humanoid with an open mouth. The front of the statue's torso is hinged and can be opened from the top to reveal a cavity, approximately 0.6 cubic meters in volume, and can be locked from the outside. The rear of the statue bears an inscription in a Canaanite language (possibly Punic).1 The statue dates from approximately the 2nd century BCE.\nOn infrequent occasions (sometimes separated by periods in excess of a century), the statue speaks. The mechanism by which these sounds are made is not understood, and the mouth of the statue does not move. The statue's locutions are in a Canaanite language (probably the same language as the inscription) and consist of:\n\nthe name, or a description, of SCP-089-A;\na demand for Protocol M8 to be accomplished, together with instructions for doing so; and\na description of the attendant Type-S Event, in figurative language\n\nEach locution event is followed, within a period of three to eleven days, by the commencement of a Type-S Event meeting the description given in the locution event, unless Protocol M8 has already been completed. Each Type-S event is an epidemic, natural disaster, mass hysteria involving genocide or other massacres, or other event involving extensive damage to property and loss of human lives over a period of time that continues until Protocol M8 is successfully completed. In the case of each documented locution event, the attendant Type-S Event, while significant, is limited to a geographic area that does not directly affect SCP-089-B. This has, in some documented cases, resulted in the pendency of a Type-S Event for an extended duration of time due to SCP-089-B's unawareness of SCP-089 or of Protocol M8, or to SCP-089-B's unwillingness to undertake Protocol M8 in order to arrest the Type-S Event.\nFor each locution event, SCP-089-A is a healthy, unblemished human infant or child between eight months and six years of age, and SCP-089-B is that child's natural mother. In all documented cases, at the time of the locution event SCP-089-A and -B are each alive and healthy, and experience a strong bond of trust and affection with each other.\nFollowing SCP-089-B's placement of SCP-089-A in the cavity and the ignition of the inflammable materials, SCP-089-A will burn and be destroyed over a period of two to five hours.\nAddendum #1:\nMemo to file from Dr. Garcia: While the role of SCP-089 in actually causing Type-S Events is unclear, experience has demonstrated that the prompt and precise application of Protocol M8 is effective in limiting the damage that they do. Dr. Patel has speculated that SCP-089 does not cause Type-S events, but merely anticipates them and provides a means to mitigate their effects.\nAddendum #2:\nA partial list of documented Type-S Events that were terminated by means of Protocol M8 (inclusive of documented completions of Protocol M8 that pre-date the Foundation's acquisition of custody of SCP-089) follows:\n\nDate of locution: March 21, 1788\nDescription of Type-S Event in Locution Event: \u201cThe flames shall consume their houses, yea, and their markets, and their temples, and all of their dwelling places, they shall be destroyed.\u201d\nType-S Event: Fire in city of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nOutcome: Protocol M8 completed on day 29 after locution event. 66% of city's buildings destroyed.\n\nDate of locution: December 2, 1850\nDescription of Type-S Event in Locution Event: \u201cThe false prophet shall gather the multitude unto him, and cast them against the princes. They shall each of them be slain and their fields made barren.\u201d\nType-S Event: Large-scale messianic-based peasant uprising in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nOutcome: Protocol M8 completed on day 1,363 after locution event. Massacres associated with uprising and its suppression, and attendant agricultural collapse, account for at least \u2588\u2588 million casualties.\n\nDate of locution: November 23, 1951\nDescription of Type-S Event in Locution Event: \u201cThe earth shall tremble and the seas shall rise and be cast against the earth, and the mountain shall vomit fire, its voice shall be darkness and death.\u201d\nType-S Event: Earthquake and volcanic eruption in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nOutcome: Protocol M8 executed within 31 hours of locution event. No tsunami resulted although geological models had anticipated that one would occur from a seismic event in that area. No fatalities.\n\nDate of locution: November 7, 1970\nDescription of Type-S Event in Locution Event: \u201cThe rains shall scour the earth, and sweep away man, and his beasts, and all his works, the deluge shall take them all.\u201d\nType-S Event: Cyclone in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nOutcome: Protocol M8 executed on day 49 after locution event. Casualties from flooding, disease and starvation estimated at \u2588\u2588\u2588 thousand.\n\nDate of locution: April 4, 20\u2588\u2588\nDescription of Type-S Event in Locution Event: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nType-S Event: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nOutcome: Ongoing. Protocol M8 not yet executed.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 translated an excerpt of the text as \"Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men!\"\n\nMore by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-1322\n\nSCP-089\n\nspikebrennan's proposal\n\nSCP-1844\n\nSCP-1012\n\nSCP-1036\n\nSCP-2553\n\nSCP-1512\n\nSCP-1746\n\nSCP-908\n\nSCP-831\n\nSCP-3236\n\nSCP-2336\n\nSCP-955\n\nSCP-926\n\nSCP-2236\n\nSCP-920-EX\n\nSCP-2914\n\nSCP-2008-J\n\nSCP-4336\n\nSCP-4436\n\nSCP-1060\n\nTales\n\nSic Transit Gloria Mundi\n\nSpring Cleaning\n\nTranscript of meeting, June 2 1972\n\nTranscript of telephone conversation, August 9, 1991\n\nMemorandum Dated 6 November 1944\n\nScroll fragment 13Q29\n\nStray Katz (part 1)\n\nAd Majorem Bonum\n\n\u00ab SCP-088 | SCP-089 | SCP-090 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-090\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Artifact is to be held in a secure bunker in the facility at Site \u2588\u2588 and constantly monitored by approved Class D Personnel. The object's new arrangement is to be imaged every time it shifts. New arrangements are fed into the facility's Class-OT Supercomputer. Division Chief is to be notified of all changes and current estimates every half-hour. No personnel is to touch SCP-090 except under order \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAXA Security level has been created for monitoring SCP-090. Non-AXA personnel found in the facility will be terminated.\nDescription: SCP-090 was located and retrieved in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on April 10, 19\u2588\u2588. Prior to retrieval, SCP-090 had been located in a chamber at the nearby cathedral. SCP-090 was removed, the cathedral burned, 6 monks and the priest were terminated. SCP-090 has been located at Site \u2588\u2588 since the retrieval. Object's initial location prior to the cathedral is unrecorded.\nSCP-090 is a black cubic structure [20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm] made of an unknown ceramic material. Object is classified as indestructible following tests outlined in Document 090-B[Unattached]. Each side is divided into ten thousand individual squares in arrangement similar to a Rubik's cube [100 segments per edge, each segment 2mm wide]. Each square has part of a design etched into the surface. Etchings glow white.\nUnknown internal structure causes the realignment of a single row or column (roughly) every 2.8 seconds. Vague records of the object's alignments have been kept since 1242 CE, but those kept before 1533 CE have been lost. Modern technology has allowed the exact alignments to be imaged and recorded, as well as studied.\nSegments are divided by a thin white line unless they are aligned correctly with the square directly adjacent to them. There are 22 correct alignments on the object's surface currently. See[Unattached] for complete current object alignment.\nD-023016-024016-024015 is currently the only alignment of three adjacent segments on the surface of SCP-090. B-100023-100024-099024-098024 and C-043077-042077-042076-042075 are the four-segment alignments. There is also a six-segment alignment. See Document 090-B for research notes involving alignment effects.\nFull item completion has been hypothesized to cause an unparalleled disaster to occur.\nAddendum: AXA Security level personnel should see Document 090-B.\nDocument 090-A: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Experiment Notes\nExperiment 0012: Observation is going well, we have managed to develop a system to record and analyze the shifts in the cube almost as quickly as they occur. No correlation between shifts and any world events found yet.\nExperiment 0048: We observed a six segment alignment today on the 1st side. It was noted and passed without incident. Two hours later, a research assistant returned from the break room with news that a tsunami had occurred in the Indian Ocean and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and extensive property damage. No correlation is currently known, but we will make note of it.\nExperiment 0150: After our 120th alignment on the 4th side of the cube and 120th accident report in the lab, we are designating the 4th side as 'local' and will implement safety measures tomorrow. Staff are discouraged from making bets regarding the outcome of alignments.\nExperiment 0172: A six segment alignment was recorded this morning on the 'local' side. As a safety precaution, Site \u2588\u2588 was evacuated. Two hours later, a containment breach occurred, but resulted in no loss of life due to the evacuation. Object determined to predict events, not cause them. 1st side designated as 'global'. Upgrade to Euclid status requested.\nExperiment 0240: We stepped up our experiments today by attempting to modify the cube itself. When D-Class personnel \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to make a shift, SCP-090 immediately created a ten-segment alignment of its own accord near the top left corner of the 'local' side. Exactly two hours later, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 broke containment and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were also lost during the incident. Recommend forced shift testing of SCP-090 postponed. Upgrade to Keter status approved as SCP-090 is obviously capable of causing events of its own accord. Object may be sentient.\n\n\u00ab SCP-089 | SCP-090 | SCP-091 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-091\nObject Class: Anomalous Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-091 is to be stored in a standard containment locker at Site-\u2588\u2588. When SCP-091 is not being tested, it is to be placed under combination lock. Since SCP-091 has shown no signs of resistance to tearing or damage greater than that of normal cardboard, great care should be taken when transporting it to and from testing sites.\nDuring testing, no one other than the subject should view SCP-091. Those suspected of having seen SCP-091 are to be administered Class-B amnestics immediately, and all personal recordings or images in the possession of the subject\u2014both print and digital\u2014are to be destroyed to prevent recurrence.\nDescription: SCP-091 is a \u201cScotties\u201d brand tissue box, currently empty. Immediately upon observing SCP-091, viewers report an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. Those affected begin reminiscing about times they \u201cwere near\u201d SCP-091, major events that occurred while it was present, or people and places that somehow relate to it.\nSCP-091 was originally recorded as an anomalous item and sent to Reliquary Site-44, until one of the members of the recovery team, Assistant Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2014while viewing a recording of her wedding from 199\u2588\u2014noted SCP-091 in the background of the film and noted a strong flood of nostalgic memories attached to it, including:\n\nMemories of SCP-091 at the wedding itself.\nMemories of SCP-091 at the reception.\nMemories of SCP-091 during the honeymoon.\n\nA further interview with Assistant Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's ex-husband demonstrated that he too remembered SCP-091 in all of those places and situations, again noting strong feelings of nostalgia and fondness for it. Further investigation found that several people who attended the wedding remember SCP-091 being there and the emotional effect. Others were asked to describe the wedding itself without being informed of SCP-091. In these cases, they described the scene without including SCP-091, until they were questioned about it directly. At that time, they immediately underwent the same, previously observed effect.\nContinued testing under other situations has continued to produce similar results. Administration of amnestics has proven ineffective at stopping the effect if the subject is allowed to view an image or recording of SCP-091.\nOf note is the fact that in each recorded instance of SCP-091, the box pictured is full of tissues.\n\n\u00ab SCP-090 | SCP-091 | SCP-092 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-092\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The three thousand one hundred and twenty-five instances of SCP-092 are to be held in individual cases suitable for containing non-anomalous audio compact discs (CDs), and stored in standard inanimate-object lockers at Site-37. Each instance is to be individually numbered with permanent marker.\nTesting of instances of SCP-092 is to be done in soundproof rooms. Only one instance of SCP-092 may be examined at a time. Only D-class personnel are to listen to previously-unexamined instances of SCP-092. Research proposals which involve non-D-class personnel listening to instances of SCP-092 require written approval from site command.\nThe cadaver of SCP-092-B is not currently considered anomalous except by association, and is preserved in the morgue freezer at Site-19.\nDescription: SCP-092 is a set of 3125 audio CDs, each labeled \"The Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute BEST of The 5th Dimension!!!!!\", and marked with the names of the 31 performers who have at various times been part of the American singing group \"The 5th Dimension\". Each instance of SCP-092, when played in a standard CD player, will produce a distinct anomalous effect upon all individuals within hearing range. The anomalous phenomenon will last 74 minutes (the duration of a standard audio CD), during which time listeners will be unable to leave hearing range, or to shut off the CD player or otherwise interrupt its function. As well, when the anomalous phenomenon finishes, all surviving listeners will engage in synchronized vocalization of the phrase \"Wow, that was real cool\"; synchronized vocalization has been observed in non-anglophones, pre-verbal infants, unconscious individuals, paralyzed individuals, and individuals physically incapable of speech due to laryngeal, lingual, and/or buccal damage.\nThe anomalous properties of each instance of SCP-092 are thematically and conceptually linked to the number 5, dimensions, and/or the members of The 5th Dimension. As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 871 instances of SCP-092 have been assessed and their anomalous properties formally described; see document 092-W83 for a full list, or below for a representative sample.\n\nRepresentative sample of documented anomalous properties of instances of SCP-092\n\nFor more information, see document 092-W83\n\nInstance\nAnomalous property\n\nSCP-092-028\nListeners experience quintuple vision for all moving objects.\n\nSCP-092-041\nListeners' bodies exude pentagonal crystals of elemental boron (chemical element #5). Crystals cease materializing upon conclusion of CD, but do not dematerialize.\n\nSCP-092-042\nListeners' bodies exude pentagonal ingots of elemental manganese (chemical element #25, or 5^2). Ingots cease materializing upon conclusion of CD, but do not dematerialize; listeners succumb to acute manganese poisoning within 24 hours.\n\nSCP-092-043\nListeners' bodies exude pentagonal nodules of elemental cesium (chemical element #55). All listeners killed by cesium burns within eight minutes.\n\nSCP-092-079\nListeners become physiologically five years old.\n\nSCP-092-080\nListeners become physiologically five months old.\n\nSCP-092-081\nListeners become physiologically five weeks old.\n\nSCP-092-082\nListeners become physiologically five days old.\n\nSCP-092-087\nListeners spontaneously become five months pregnant; pregnancies spontaneously miscarry upon conclusion of CD. In initial tests, all male listeners succumb to massive internal hemorrhaging within 10 minutes, as do 3 female listeners; surviving female listeners succumb to organ damage within 4 days. Postmortem genetic analysis shows that all fetuses were identical, and are not related to the listeners.\n\nSCP-092-126\nListeners experience unbearably painful facial spasms characterized by constant chewing and biting motions \u2014 symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia, caused by inflammation of the fifth cranial nerve; during initial test, all listeners batter themselves into unconsciousness against walls of testing chamber in attempts to escape the pain.\n\nSCP-092-175\nListeners' bodies are \"pentasected\" radially, producing 5 disconnected segments which remain alive and mobile.\n\nSCP-092-176\nListeners' bodies are \"pentasected\" laterally, producing 5 disconnected segments which remain alive and mobile.\n\nSCP-092-177\nListeners' bodies are \"pentasected\" longitudinally, producing 5 disconnected segments which remain alive and mobile.\n\nSCP-092-178\nListeners' bodies are \"pentasected\" axially, producing 5 disconnected segments which remain alive and mobile.\n\nSCP-092-200\nListeners are teleported to a site on the surface of Himalia, fifth-most-massive moon of Jupiter (fifth planet from the Sun). Listeners are returned upon conclusion of CD, but succumb to the combined effects of hypothermia, hypoxia, and radiation poisoning within 3 hours.1\n\nSCP-092-256\nListeners are converted into two-dimensional forms.\n\nSCP-092-271\nListeners spontaneously lose 5 teeth each; teeth do not regrow after conclusion of CD.\n\nSCP-092-272\nListeners spontaneously lose all but 5 teeth each; teeth do not regrow after conclusion of CD.\n\nSCP-092-273\nListeners spontaneously lose 5 fingernails each; fingernails do not regrow after conclusion of CD.\n\nSCP-092-274\nListeners spontaneously lose 5 toenails each; toenails do not regrow after conclusion of CD.\n\nSCP-092-278\nListeners spontaneously grow three extra eyes each, for a total of five;2 extra eyes do not dematerialize upon conclusion of CD. Eyes are functional, and of the same color as listeners' original eyes.\n\nSCP-092-279\nListeners experience topological deformation such that their height becomes the circumference of their waist, and vice versa; deformation reverts at conclusion of CD. This appears to be an exchange between listeners' dimension of height and dimension of width.\n\nSCP-092-285\nListeners sneeze five times per minute for the duration of the CD.\n\nSCP-092-286\nListeners belch five times per minute for the duration of the CD.\n\nSCP-092-287\nListeners hiccup five times per minute for the duration of the CD.\n\nSCP-092-288\nListeners cough five times per minute for the duration of the CD.\n\nSCP-092-315\nListeners find themselves within the 2010 Lars von Trier film Dimension,3 where they are able to interact with the setting but not affect the actions of the characters. Since Dimension is only 27 minutes in duration, the events within the film repeat 2.74 times.\n\nSCP-092-316\nListeners find themselves within the 1993 Eastenders/Doctor Who crossover \"Dimensions in Time\", where they are able to interact with the setting but not affect the actions of the characters. Since the two parts of \"Dimensions in Time\" are only 13 minutes in total duration, the events within the episodes repeat 5.69 times.\n\nSCP-092-317\nListeners find themselves within the 1963 Italian film Amore in Quattro Dimensioni, where they are able to interact with the setting but not affect the actions of the characters.\n\nSCP-092-397\nListeners experience random moments in the life of Alan Shepard, the fifth man to walk on the Moon.\n\nSCP-092-399\nListeners experience random moments in the life of James Monroe, the fifth President of the United States.\n\nSCP-092-400\nListeners experience random moments in the life of Mackenzie Bowell, the fifth Prime Minister of Canada.\n\nSCP-092-401\nListeners experience random moments in the life of Edward Seaga, the fifth Prime Minister of Jamaica.\n\nSCP-092-402\nListeners experience random moments in the life of Charan Singh, the fifth Prime Minister of India.\n\nSCP-092-403\nListeners experience random moments in the life of Helen Hayes, the fifth winner of the Academy Award for Best Actress.\n\nSCP-092-466\nListeners are physically transformed into members of the original lineup of The 5th Dimension, as they were at the time of the group's establishment in 1966.\n\nSCP-092-467\nListeners are physically transformed into members of the original lineup of The 5th Dimension, as they were at the time of the original group's dissolution in 1975.\n\nSCP-092-468\nListeners are physically transformed into members of the original lineup of The 5th Dimension, as they were at the time of the original group's reunion in 1990.\n\nSCP-092-469\nListeners are physically transformed into members of the original lineup of The 5th Dimension, as they are today. Listeners who transform into Ron Townson (1933 - 2001) resume their original forms after conclusion of CD, but do not resurrect.\n\nWhen an instance of SCP-092 is inserted into the CD drive of a personal computer, its files can be accessed without triggering the anomalous effects. Examination of the files indicates that each CD has different content; all content is audio material by or pertaining to The 5th Dimension and its individual members: in addition to all known commercially-released songs, files contain live performances, practice sessions, auditions, media interviews, and personal conversations.\nAcquisition log\nOn May 5th, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an unidentified man (henceforth SCP-092-B) carrying two suitcases approached front gate guards at Site-19, and stated that he wished to surrender himself and his anomalous creations into Foundation custody. The contents of his suitcases were confiscated, and classed as SCP-092; SCP-092-B was transferred to Site-37 for interrogation.\nDuring interrogation, SCP-092-B revealed the thematic connections (five, dimensions, and The 5th Dimension) between all instances of SCP-092, and then committed suicide.\n\nAccess requires Level-4 security clearance or higher\n\nRestricted access\n\nTranscript of statement made by SCP-092-B upon arrival at Site-19\nGuard: Sir, this is private property, you can't \u2014\nSCP-092-B: This is a secret Foundation site, right?\nGuard \u2014 you can't come in here, sir, I \u2014\nSCP-092-B: You're the SCP Foundation, and I'm a failure.\nGuard: \u2026 what was that, sir?\nSCP-092-B: You're the SCP Foundation, and I'm a failure. I think I'm clever, but I'm not. I'm a stupid boring nekulturny hack who thinks that money and cheap puns can take the place of talent and inspiration. I'm tasteless. I'm dull. I'm incompetent, I have no sense of style, and the only reason I'm not an art criminal is that nothing I've ever made is even close to being art. You can secure me, and you can contain me, but no one can protect me. Please take me and my anomalous garbage into custody.\n(At this point, guards summoned backup. SCP-092-B repeated this statement verbatim until he was taken into custody.)\n\nExcerpt from transcript of SCP-092-B interrogation session #2\nInterviewer: Yes, we understand about \"five-ness\", thank you, that's been most helpful, but we were also wondering what you could tell us about how you made these.\nSCP-092-B: I just wanted to be cool, you know? I really did. I thought\u2026 well, I had my inheritance, and my collection, and there was the estate, and the abandoned museum, and so much of the stuff went together, and it wasn't that tough, and\u2026 look, my ideas were better than yours! They were! I know they were! No! They're not! Nobody's impressed by stupid facile wordplay. It's not even good wordplay, it's kindergarten-level paronomasia, oh look FIVE DIMENSIONS WHAT OTHER THINGS CAN YOU THINK OF THAT COME IN FIVES, I'm worthless. I'm worthless.\nInterviewer: Better than my ideas?\nSCP-092-B: There's no deeper meaning to what I did, it's all just superficial Potemkin-village crap pumping imitation SHIT into the river of human achievement. It's Stein's fucking Oakland, and I don't even FUCKING understand those FUCKING allusions. I'm an uninspired wannabe, I'm boring, I'm a useless hack with NO FUCKING IMAGINATION. I've wasted and ruined miracles, I've squandered so much raw material that better people could have done so much with\u2026 I just\u2026 I'm not cool. I never will be. I'm really sorry about the mess. These aren't my arms.\n(At this point, SCP-092-B seized his own head with both hands and ripped it off his neck, killing himself instantly.)\n\nFootnotes\n1. Requests have been made to use SCP-092-200 to send exploration teams equipped with environment suits to Himalia; approval is pending.\n2. D-092-7714, who had lost an eye in a fight prior to entering Foundation custody, grew four extra eyes when listening to SCP-092-278.\n3. Although SCP-092 was taken into Foundation custody in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, von Trier began production on Dimension in the 1980s, with the intention of continuing for 30 years.\n\n\u00ab SCP-091 | SCP-092 | SCP-093 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-093\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: See testing document SCP-093-T1 for outline of testing conditions. SCP-093 must remain on a mirror at all times and under video surveillance. Admittance into the area of SCP-093's containment must be authorized only with proper video recording and subject retrieval procedures in place. Any attempt to use SCP-093 outside of an approved test will be dealt with severely, up to and including termination.\nDescription: SCP-093 is a primarily red disc carved from a stone composite resembling cinnabar, with circular engravings and unknown symbols carved at 0.5 cm depth around the entire object. Deeper cuts are present on SCP-093 with a depth of 1 to 1.5 cm. SCP-093 is 7.62 cm in diameter and fits comfortably into most palms without abrasion. SCP-093 will change hue when held by a living individual. The colors taken by SCP-093 are still being researched to establish a link. Current belief holds that the changes depend upon regrets carried by the holder.\nIf SCP-093 is removed from a mirror and not held by a person, it will seek out the nearest mirror-like surface. SCP-093 has been observed to travel in the largest possible circle while rolling, building up phenomenal speed. The mechanism of this acceleration is currently unknown. If an obstacle is between SCP-093 and the nearest mirror-like surface, it will use this momentum to punch through the obstacle and continue on its course at this speed. It will only stop when a mirror-like surface is contacted. Despite tremendous impact velocities, no damage will be dealt to SCP-093 or the mirror.\nAdditional Notes: No records exist to clarify the nature of SCP-093's discovery or presence in the Foundation. See SCP-093-OD. Since no records exist explaining SCP-093's method of containment, a test procedure was initiated to establish why mirrors must be used to contain it. The results of SCP-093-T1 lead to the discovery of living beings holding SCP-093 being able to move through mirrors and the series of tests in SCP-093-T2 to ascertain the destination reached through this travel.\n\nSCP-093 Original Documentation\n\nItem #: SCP-093\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Item SCP-093 is to be kept on a silver lined mirror on a 0.3x0.23m (1ftx9in) pedestal at least 1.22m (4ft) off the ground floor in containment cell block \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Object is not to be contained in areas exceeding 3.66x3.05m (12x10ft) nor placed on mahogany, pine, cherry or aluminum pedestals above or below level 1 of containment cell block \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Object can be handled safely, albeit gently, without consequences. Tests and consequences thereof involving containment conditions can be viewed in Section-B:35-1 of the attached report.\nDescription: Object was found on the shore of the Red Sea, 30 Jan 1968, emitting a low sigh and a dim blue gleam. Its color has since turned into an orange mix of red only emitting a hum of varying volume whilst in the presence of female examiners of ages between 34 and 41. SCP-093 resembled the documented blue for 54:34 at 1:23 on 26 April 1986 coincidentally when the body of 194-9834 was discovered in Research Facility \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nTies between 194-9834 and SCP-093 remain inconclusive and effects of prolonged exposure to 093 remain unknown except for infrequent reports of periods of calmness and in the case of 242-0049 as periodic waves of depression, loss of balance and thoughts of suicide. These feelings have reportedly not exceeded eleven days in duration. Object seemed to react to the presence of 242-0056 by turning light violet for no more than 2:09, as documented on 12 March 1993. Effects of this reaction remain unknown.\nAdditional Notes: Origins of 093 remain unknown and documents of recovery of 093 have since been destroyed in a fire in Research Facility \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 09 December 1989. Reports on the feelings of researchers who handled 093 have remained inconsequential since 19 April 1995.\n\nSCP-093-T1: Containment Test\n\nTesting of SCP-093 against conditions set forth for existing containment procedures to assess viability of continuing such containment. Beginning with changing the type of mirror used as a position of rest:\nMirrored surface, brass frame, retail-grade mirror: SCP-093 rests without activity when placed on the mirror. This test alone removes the need for costly silver or wooden containment systems.\nStandard-grade table: SCP-093 turns upright and begins to roll across the table surface in one direction, making a U-turn and rolling to the other, completing an oval shape and repeating this action until a mirror is brought into vicinity of it, at which time SCP-093 rolls toward the mirror and lays flatways against it, sliding toward the center. It is noted that despite the grainy feel of SCP-093, it does not mark the mirror in any fashion while moving across it.\nTwo mirrors at either end of a standard-grade table: SCP-093 gravitates toward the closer mirror regardless of orientation and makes no distinction between different types of mirrors, favoring a factor of distance above all else in choosing the mirror to move to.\nA mirror held by a person and moved around: SCP-093 follows the mirror as it moves, gaining speed until a maximum velocity of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is reached. At any velocity, the impact of SCP-093 against a mirrored surface results in no damage to either object.\nA person holding SCP-093 placing it on a mirror: This test was accidental, the result of one of the staff tripping another after some debate about who would be covering the lunch tab. As a result of the behavior of the researchers, it was discovered that a person holding SCP-093 and placing it against a mirror will in fact move into the mirror.\nAddendum: Containment testing discontinued after establishing that SCP-093 requires only a mirror to rest inert. Testing on human interaction with mirrors while holding SCP-093 authorized by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nSCP-093-T2 : Mirror Test\n\nTesting Protocols: Subjects testing SCP-093 must wear a Class 3 buckle harness strapped to the chest and attached to a tension pulley system allowing for 300 m (~1000 ft) of movement. Additional spools may be added to extend movement if necessary. The clasps connecting these spools must be high grade and capable of withstanding applied force of 0.2 tons.\nA field kit containing the following should be standard issue for testing of SCP-093:\n\nOne (1) wrist mounted light source with three (3) hours lifespan and additional power sources providing up to six (6) additional hours.\n\nFour (4) 0.5 L water bottles with water.\n\nFour (4) MREs of any type, plus two (2) plain granola bars (chocolate chips allowed).\n\nOne (1) standard-issue Beretta 9mm firearm with twenty-four (24) rounds of ammunition, loaded. This is not to be issued until subject has passed into a mirror using SCP-093 and should be given under armed supervision ensuring that the subject passes through entirely. This item is to be requisitioned first upon subject's return and subject to be made aware of this before leaving line of sight within SCP-093's mirror.\n\nOne (1) standard-issue field knife. The subject is not to be made aware of this item and must find it on his own within the kit.\n\nThe subject must also be attached to a video system, with a camera mounted on the subject's head or shoulders. The video device should be cable based and allow for the same length of travel as the return system. Wireless cameras have shown mixed results and should only be used in testing conditions where SCP-093 is a currently known color. New colors must be tested using wired feed.\nDuring testing, the color of SCP-093 must be recorded, as well as history of the subject in terms of their incarceration to identify how SCP-093 determines the color to assume. A link appears to be connected to guilt or a lack thereof in the subject's psyche. The attached test results should be read in order.\nSCP-093 'Blue' Test\nSCP-093 'Green' Test\nSCP-093 'Violet' Test\nSCP-093 'Yellow' Test\nSCP-093 'Red' Test\n\nThe following data has been classified. Personnel requesting this data must read all declassified test data and have the approval of two (2) Class-4 Personnel\nSCP-093-Recovered Materials\n\n\u00ab SCP-092 | SCP-093 | SCP-094 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-094\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Since SCP-094 is apparently immovable, a research and containment facility has been built around its location (centered at 4\u2588.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0S, 6\u2588.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0W) in the guise of an Argentinian military research base. No unauthorized persons or aircraft may come within one kilometer of the site, enforced by joint SCP and Argentinian forces.\nSCP-094 itself is enclosed in a gas-permeable steel-reinforced plexiglass cube, 3 meters on a side, with a single door (also of reinforced plexiglass) in one side. This door must remain locked at all times, except with O5 authorization under tightly controlled conditions. This cube is kept in the center of a 20 m x 20 m room, accessible with Level-4 authorization. All personnel must secure themselves to tethers anchored to the walls before stepping onto the floor of the room. Security personnel are to be armed with tranquilizer guns in addition to standard armaments.\nDescription: SCP-094 appears to be a perfectly black sphere, 163 cm in diameter, suspended approximately 3 m off the ground with no apparent means of support. SCP-094 has been classified as a miniature event horizon: any matter that moves into SCP-094, including light, is irretrievably gone. However, SCP-094 is not a black hole since it does not exert a gravitational pull.\nSCP-094 has been known to occasionally emit a number of different sounds, including ambient sounds of nature, static buzzing, and sometimes human speech. No attempts to communicate with SCP-094 have yet succeeded. It is unknown whether these sounds come from SCP-094 itself, from some thing or things inside of SCP-094, or from some area that connects through SCP-094. A small percentage of persons appear to be drawn to SCP-094 because of the sounds it emanates.\nSCP-094 was discovered in 192\u2588 in the Chubut Province of southern Argentina, and at the time was estimated to be 20 to 25 cm in diameter. Analysis of historical records indicates that the diameter of SCP-094 doubles in size approximately every 31 years. Primary research activities on SCP-094 are concentrated on finding how to stop or reverse its growth without inducing cataclysmic failure.\nAddendum: The hand on SCP-1032 designated SCP-1032-15 will achieve its \"midnight event\" on 09/04/2690, approximately the same date as SCP-094 will fully engulf the Earth at its current rate of expansion.\nNote: A few millimeters a month may not seem like much, and no, at the moment you cannot see SCP-094 change day to day, but if it continues its exponential growth, in less than two hundred fifty years it will be a kilometer wide, including vertically. And that is assuming it does not grow even faster, which is an assumption that almost no one here makes. - Dr. Llewelyn-Garcia\n\n\u00ab SCP-093 | SCP-094 | SCP-095 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-095\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-095 is to be placed in a standard polyethylene sleeve when not under scheduled research and stored in a standard locked filing cabinet to prevent damage or wear. High-resolution digital scans are available for any Level 1 and above personnel who wish to view SCP-095.\nDescription: SCP-095 appears to be a set of three moderately aged black and white comic books printed in 1932. The front and rear covers are missing and several pages have been rendered illegible due to water damage. It was found by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in a small antique shop in Denver, Colorado, and purchased for a small fee without incident. The owner of the shop had apparently not read the item past the publisher's date on the first page.\nForensic inspections of SCP-095 have revealed it to be genuine, though completely unremarkable save for its content. It is printed on cheap pulp paper and inked with dyes common to other publications of its era. The publisher's stamp indicates it was produced by \u2018Future Funnies', a company operating out of the town of Purple Lake, Ohio. All research and inquiries thus far have shown both the company and the town to be completely nonexistent.\nThe comic itself is a pulp science fiction story entitled \u2018The Atomic Adventures of Ronnie Ray-Gun', featuring a lead character bearing an unmistakable resemblance to Former United States President Ronald Reagan. Each story opens with a large panel reading \u201cIn the Far-Fetched Future World of the 1980s, only Ronnie Ray-Gun can save the day.\u201d It appears to follow an episodic format with one self-contained story per publication. The three stories are briefly described below.\n\nRonnie vs. Space Admiral Carter\n\nThis story pits Planetary Governor Ronnie Ray-Gun and his sidekick Space Major Herbert against the titular Space Admiral Carter as they both vie for the position of Space Marshall. The events loosely follow the events of the 1980 Presidential Election.\n\nSpace Assassin!\n\nThis story follows a character named Spaceman Hinckley as he prepares to assassinate Space Marshall Ray-Gun. He manages to catch Ray-Gun by surprise and wound him with his \u201cDevastator Ray\u201d before being subdued by Ray-Gun's soldiers. The events obviously refer to the 1981 assassination attempt by John Hinckley, Jr.\n\nJungle Planet!\n\nThis story follows Ray-Gun's attempts to create an army of robots on the jungle-covered planet of Nica in order to protect it from the evil Sand Bandits. Although Ray-Gun is told that he will lose his command if he interferes with events on planet Nica, he sends his lieutenant, Space Colonel West, to secretly build a force under the cover of the jungle. When their plan is discovered, Space Colonel West publicly takes the blame and saves his superior. The storyline appears to be a simplified retelling of the Iran-Contra controversies of 1986.\nPossibly most interesting is the final page of each book, which advertises other stories published by Future Funnies. Investigation is under way to locate any surviving copies at once. The advertised stories are listed below.\n\nSpace Major Herbert Assumes Command!\nStarman Willy vs. The Space Succubus\nGlobe Walker in Sneak Attack!\nBarry Betelgeuse on Planet Afgar\nDiamond Donnie in Puttin' on the Ritz!\nSky Marm Sarah of The Ice World\nFlying Franken vs. Rocket Rush\nStar Command Proton in A Losing Battle!\nThe New Menace \u2013 Death to Mankind!\n\nPersonal Log of: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: 10-06-2004\nI don't think I need to emphasize how important it is to recover any and all of the advertised stories immediately, the final two in particular.\n\n\u00ab SCP-094 | SCP-095 | SCP-096 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-096\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096's presence inside the cell.\nAny and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP-096's likeness are strictly forbidden without approval from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 and O5-\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.\nSCP-096's jaw can open to four (4) times the norm of an average human. Other facial features remain similar to an average human, with the exception of the eyes, which are also devoid of pigmentation. It is not yet known whether SCP-096 is blind or not. It shows no signs of any higher brain functions, and is not considered to be sapient.\nSCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall. However, when someone views SCP-096's face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-096-1).\nDocumented speeds have varied from thirty-five (35) km/h to \u2588\u2588\u2588 km/h, and seems to depend on distance from SCP-096-1. At this point, no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress. The actual position of SCP-096-1 does not seem to affect SCP-096's response; it seems to have an innate sense of SCP-096-1's location. Note: This reaction does not occur when viewing artistic depictions (see Document 096-1).\nUpon arriving at SCP-096-1's location, SCP-096 will proceed to kill and [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-096-1. 100% of cases have left no traces of SCP-096-1. SCP-096 will then sit down for several minutes before regaining its composure and becoming docile once again. It will then attempt to make its way back to its natural habitat, [DATA REDACTED]\nDue to the possibility of a mass chain reaction, including breach of Foundation secrecy and large civilian loss of life, retrieval of subject should be considered Alpha priority.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 has also petitioned for immediate termination of SCP-096 (see Interview 096-1). Order is awaiting approval. Termination order has been approved, and is to be carried out by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 on [DATA REDACTED]. See Incident-096-1-A.\n\nAudio log from Interview 096-1:\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\nInterviewed: Captain (Ret.) \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, former commander of retrieval team Zulu 9-A\nRetrieval Incident #096-1-A\n\n\n[\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Time, Research Area \u2588\u2588]\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It always sucks ass to get Initial Retrieval duty. You have no idea what the damn thing is capable of besides what jacked up information the field techies can scrape up, and you're lucky if they even tell you the whole story. They told us to \"bag and tag.\" Didn't tell us jackshit about not looking at the damn thing.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you describe the mission, please?\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yeah, sorry. We had two choppers, one with my team and one on backup with Zulu 9-B and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. We spotted the target about two clicks north of our patrol path. I'm guessing he wasn't facing our direction, else he would have taken us out then and there.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Your report says SCP-096 didn't react to the cold? It was -\u2588\u2588o C.\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Actually, it was -\u2588\u2588. And yes, it was butt naked and didn't so much as shiver. Anyway, we landed, approached the target, and Corporal \u2588\u2588 got ready to bag it. That's when Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 called. I turned to answer it, and that's what saved me. The target must have turned and my whole squad saw it.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: That's when SCP-096 entered an agitated emotional state?\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yep. [Interviewed now pauses for a second before continuing] Sorry. Got the willies for a second.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: That's all right.\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yeah. Well, I never saw its face. My squad did, and they paid for it up the ass.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you describe it a little more, please?\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [Pauses] Yeah, yeah. It started screaming at us, and crying. Not animal roaring though, sounded exactly like a person. Really fucking creepy. [Pauses again] We started firing when it picked up Corporal \u2588\u2588 and ripped off his leg. God, he was screaming for our help\u2026 fuckin 'A\u2026 anyway, we were blowing chunks out of the target, round after round. Didn't do jackshit. I almost lost it when it started [DATA EXPUNGED] him.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: That's when you ordered the use of an [Papers are heard moving] AT-4 HEDT launcher?\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: An anti-tank gun. Started carrying it ever since SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 got loose. I've seen those tear through tanks like tissue paper. Did the same thing to the target.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: There was significant damage to SCP-096?\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It didn't even fucking flinch. It kept tearing apart my squad, but with half of its torso gone. [He draws a large half-circle across his torso]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: But it was taking damage?\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: If it was, it wasn't showing it. It must have lost all its organs, all its blood, but it didn't acknowledge any of it. Its bone structure wasn't hurt at all, though. It kept tearing my squad apart.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: So no actual structural damage. How many rounds would you say were fired at SCP-096?\n\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: At the least? A thousand. Our door gunner kept his GAU-19 on it for at least twenty seconds. Twenty fucking seconds. That's six hundred .50 caliber rounds pumped into the thing. Might as well been spitting at it.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: This is when Zulu 9-B arrived?\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yeah, and my squad was gone. Zulu 9-B managed to get the bag over its head, and it just sat down. We got it into the chopper and got it here. I don't know how I never saw its face. Maybe God or Buddha or whoever thought I should live. The jackass.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: We have obtained an artist's depiction of SCP-096's face. Would you like to view it?\nCapt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [Pauses] You know, after hearing that thing's screams, and the screams of my men, I don't think I want to put a face to what I heard. No. Just\u2026 no.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: All right, I believe we are done here. Thank you, Captain.\n[Chairs are heard moving, and footsteps leave the room. Captain (Ret.) \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is confirmed to have left Interview Room 22.]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Let this be on record that I am formally requesting SCP-096 be terminated as soon as possible.\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-095 | SCP-096 | SCP-097 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-097\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-097 is contained within the limits of the property where it was initially discovered, Zone-SCP-097. The property is surrounded by an 8 metre tall concrete block fence, fitted with barbed wire and security camera systems. Satellite images of Zone-SCP-097 are to be doctored, removing all traces of the area.\nAny and all new plant growth outside the containment area suspected to originate from within the SCP is to be sterilized through application of boiling saltwater and/or incinerated. Absolutely all abnormal behaviour is to be reported to Doctor Bridge within ten minutes of occurrence. If any personnel or their families experience hallucinations or thematically related dreams outside of containment, they are to contact Doctor Bridge to schedule treatment.\nLocalities surrounding SCP-097, specifically [REDACTED], are to be monitored from the first of April until the first of November every year for affected civilians. Medical establishments dealing with sleep abnormalities are to be monitored for signs of SCP-097's influence. Civilians below the age of 16 encountered alone within 1 square kilometre of Zone-SCP-097 are to be taken into Foundation custody and are to be treated with a Class B amnestic and returned home, or the nearest police station. Personnel tasked with the return of civilians are to avoid public exposure; each Agent is to be assigned a cover story to follow if they do encounter civilians en-route to their destinations. See Level 3 staff for details.\nThe morning after the first frost of the year, a team of twenty-five Agents armed with agricultural tools are to enter SCP-097 and clear away the outer plant matter. This process is not to continue past dusk.\nDescription: SCP-097 is a ten acre area of land in the state of [REDACTED], in the Midwestern United States. It is the abandoned remains of the [REDACTED] County Fair 1969, an area of approximately 2.3 km2 (approx. 5.4 sq. mi). Structures within the SCP area exist in a state of moderate disrepair, consistent with the expected age and environment.\nAt the centre of SCP-097 lie the remains of a 1956 GMC pickup truck, majority of which is crushed beneath a colossal pumpkin of unknown subtype, henceforth SCP-097-01. SCP-097-01 stands approximately 7.4 metres (24.3 feet) tall and 8.1 metres (26.8 feet) in diameter at its widest. Current estimates put SCP-097-01 at approximately 15,000 kilograms (approx. 33,070 pounds). This pumpkin remains roughly spherical in shape, instead of spreading out under its own weight as would be expected of a plant of its size.\nThe remaining portion of SCP-097 (approx. 2 km2) is overgrown with several dozen varieties of pumpkins, with over seventy subspecies yet identified, and many previously unknown to agriculture. Many of these pumpkins have been shown capable of growing to enormous sizes, the average estimated weight being around 250 kilograms (avg. 550 lbs). These pumpkins, along with the assorted other crops, grow with, on and around the remains of the 1969 fairgrounds, creating a mazelike arrangement of plant life. The average height of the \u201cwalls\u201d within SCP-097 is 1.6 metres, though this may vary from year to year.\nBetween April and November each year, the area within SCP-097 has produced a number of anomalous phenomena ranging from benign to implicitly aggressive. To date, seventeen Agents have been severely maimed within SCP-097, eight having died. See Event Log SCP-097 for a brief listing of recorded phenomena.\nAddendum - Historical Note: Prior to the construction of SCP-097's containment wall, instances of what are now known as SCP-2171-1 were occasionally observed to form fragmented 'walls', and at one point a near-complete ring, of 2171 around SCP-097's area of effect. This behavior ceased following the containment wall's completion. The purpose and implications behind this interaction are as of yet unknown.\nEffects of SCP-097 on Children: In addition to its immediate effects outlined in Event Log SCP-097, SCP-097-01 appears to produce an undetectable signal towards children in an undetermined range. For clarity, \u201cchildren\u201d will refer to individuals up to the age of 8 10.\n\nBeginning in early April, civilian children within SCP-097's undefined range may be overcome with somnambulism on clear nights. Affected children will move around their homes, stopping to face closed doorways for several seconds before moving to the next nearest doorway, eventually returning to bed. At first, this behaviour will occur only once a week, beginning with only the doors on a single floor. This sleepwalking will become more frequent, by mid-August happening every night. If forcibly awoken at any time during these episodes, they will scream for several seconds before succumbing to a degree of confusion. After an affected child is awoken in this manner, the effect will cease, and the child will never show any further signs of SCP-097's influence.\n\nOver the course of two to three months, these episodes will become more thorough, affected individuals seeking out each doorway inside their home, as well as those on their household's property, such as garages, car doors, and fence gates; eventually, they will begin visiting the front doors of neighbours. Beginning in September, affected children who have remained undisturbed during these episodes will begin to remain outside at sunrise, laying on grass near their homestead and returning to full REM sleep. Affected children may recall dreams centering around autumn activities.\n\nBetween September 1st and November 1st, if the affected children have not been awoken during the preceding sleepwalking episodes, they will cease the previously established activity during the sleepwalk, and instead begin to walk directly towards SCP-097's location. They will travel over fields and down secondary roads, steadily moving towards SCP-097. Local geography consists mostly of undeveloped Foundation-owned property, facilitating uninterrupted travel. Upon arrival at SCP-097, an affected child will sit down before SCP-097-01 and begin singing unidentifiable gibberish as music begins to play. While a number of instruments have been recorded, simple drums and pipes are the most consistently encountered.\n\nAfter several minutes, childlike entities will crawl out from tangled flora, or break out of larger pumpkins within SCP-097. The children will be wearing whatever they were last seen with, most often pyjamas or similar clothing. Many of these entities match those children known to be lost to SCP-097-01.\n\nThe entities will surround the affected civilian child, dancing and singing in a circle as SCP-097-01 begins to emit dim light. The affected child will awaken, normally expressing a great deal of terror; the instant any vocalization is produced, the entities will swarm and kill the child. Methods used are different in each instance, but usually involve dismemberment or strangulation. At this point, any and all efforts to interrupt the entities will fail, whether through breakdown of equipment, sudden intangibility of the subjects, or express violence on the part of SCP-097.\n\nAfter the death of the affected child, SCP-097-01 will split open and the entities will hurl the remains into it, before climbing in themselves. SCP-097-01 will then close, and the music will stop.\n\nBefore the containment wall was erected, at least \u2588\u2588 children between the ages of 3 and 10 are known to have been lost to SCP-097. See Event Log SCP-097 for current examples of SCP-097's behaviour.\n\n\u00ab SCP-096 | SCP-097 | SCP-098 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-098-4\n\nItem #: SCP-098\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Members of SCP-098 are to be kept in a 10 m x 20 m room with small pools of water and a sandy substrate. Rocks and driftwood are to be left in a random arrangement for SCP-098 to nest in.\nThe enclosure is to be cleaned on a weekly basis. During this time, all members of SCP-098 are to be accounted for first, to prevent injury or death to personnel or SCP-098. Any members of SCP-098 that appear ill or injured are to be removed and examined.\nDescription: SCP-098 is a species of previously unknown crustacean. They resemble crabs, but rather than chelae, the front limbs terminate in knife-like structures that incorporate silica to form an extremely sharp edge. Specimens reach larger size than normal for land-dwelling arthropods, at 40 centimeters tall and as large as 60 centimeters across.\nSpecimens of SCP-098 prefer an environment with ready concealment and shallow pools of water. They are able to breathe both water and air, splitting their time between the two environments. They also are capable of vocalizations, using a larynx-like structure attached to primitive lungs.\nSCP-098 demonstrates pack-hunting behavior when attacking prey. When specimens detect a prey animal, they will attempt to surround it. They will mimic the sounds made by the creature, apparently to confuse it or to draw it into position. When ready, one specimen will approach the prey animal. When its attention is fixed on the first specimen, others will move behind the prey and attempt to cut the tendons of the legs or other limbs. They will continue to mimic the sounds the prey animal makes to disorient it. After making a cut, a specimen of SCP-098 will spit a viscous mucus over the wound. This substance hardens rapidly, preventing blood loss or infection. This continues until the prey animal is completely immobilized.\nAt this point, specimens will begin to feed on the prey animal by cutting off small pieces of flesh. This begins with soft, readily accessible tissues, such as those of the face and extremities, before moving to other parts of the body. Specimens of SCP-098 will only feed so long as the prey animal is capable of respiration. Feeding can last several hours or several days, depending on the size of the prey animal and the number of specimens present.\nSpecimens of SCP-098 show some ability to communicate, alerting each other to the presence of threats or potential food over short distances. It was initially thought that SCP-098 might display human-level intelligence, but are now believed to merely parrot human speech.\nSCP-098 normally poses little threat to adult humans, preferring smaller prey, such as dogs, cats, and small pigs. However, they have attacked larger prey when a sufficient number of specimens were present, or else other food was unavailable.\nSCP-098 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Brazil, after a rash of child disappearances.\nAddendum 098-1: SCP-098 is more intelligent than previously thought. They adapt quickly to changes in their environment, and have shown an ability to remember patterns (such as feeding and cleaning times, and habitual movement of personnel entering their enclosure). Cleaning personnel must ensure that they regularly vary their routes through the enclosure to prevent incidents. Dr. Mann has taught several of them simple tricks, and they seem to understand the meanings of several commands. Testing will continue.\n\n\u00ab SCP-097 | SCP-098 | SCP-099 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-099\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-099 is kept in a 1 m x 75 cm wall-mounted, fireproof case in Gallery 27. Standard climate and humidity controls apply to this section of the Gallery. Due to its properties, SCP-099 can only be viewed within the gallery by Level 2 staff or higher, and only from a distance greater than five meters and for a period not to exceed five minutes per day. When not being viewed, the case is to remain shut and electronically locked.\nDescription: SCP-099 is a 73 x 50 cm painting titled \"The Portrait.\" Created in 1935 by surrealist painter Ren\u00e9 Magritte, the original painting possesses memetic properties that trigger acute paranoia and lingering psychological effects when viewed for too long or from a distance of approximately three meters or less. The painting depicts a simple still life, with the addition of a single eye staring back at the viewer.\nA reproduction of the work currently hangs in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, with critical elements removed to prevent the paranoia trigger. For a detailed description of the changes, refer to Document 099b. Detailed reproductions and photographs of the original work retain its memetic properties.\nThose who have viewed the painting for too long or from too close of a distance become subject to the delusion that any being or depiction of a being with eyes is staring at them. In extreme cases, subjects report that inanimate objects are making eye contact.\nThe condition is so severe that subjects will even report making eye contact with individuals whose heads are completely turned away. Depending on the length of the original exposure to the painting, subjects may suffer from this condition until death, resulting in severe paranoia and enochlophobia.\nAddendum: SCP-099 was recovered from the private collection of Kay Sage, another surrealist painter. Recovery was performed by MTF Theta-6 \"Pink Panther.\" Mrs. Sage was unaware of the recovery and replacement of SCP-099, although pre-recovery investigation suggests she was aware of its properties and was either immune or careful not to look too closely.\nMagritte was still alive at the time SCP-099 was stored in Gallery 27. He remained under Foundation surveillance until his death in 1967. Research suggests that the painting's memetic trigger was intentionally created, although the effect and power of the trigger was likely unintentional. The Foundation has studied the rest of Magritte's work and found no anomalous memetic properties to this date.\nWeaponized Replication: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-098 | SCP-099 | SCP-100 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-100's storefront, exterior\n\nItem #: SCP-100\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-100 is to have six (6) guards patrolling the interior of the perimeter's fencing, and two (2) guards dedicated to the monitoring of the interior and exterior of both warehouses and the residential building, with rotations to occur every three (3) hours. Any unauthorized personnel found within SCP-100 are to be detained for questioning, prior to amnestic administration and release.\nThree (3) guards are to remain within the storefront of SCP-100, with rotations to occur every eight (8) hours. The storefront front entrance is to remain locked at all times, with keys provided to necessary personnel. 'Private Property' and 'No Trespassing' signs are to be posted on the front of the storefront to deter any drivers from stopping at SCP-100.\nAny constructs SCP-100-1 creates are to be removed from SCP-100 and melted down into slag, with the exception of SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B. Should SCP-100-1 become uncooperative, SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B may be removed from SCP-100 until the time that SCP-100-1 becomes cooperative again.\nThe largest of the two (2) warehouses within SCP-100 has been converted into a basic research facility. All objects created by SCP-100-1, excluding SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B, may be used for research purposes. Testing on SCP-100-1 itself may only be conducted with written permission from the acting Head Researcher.\nDescription: SCP-100 is an abandoned scrapyard eighty (80) kilometers from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, South Carolina, known as \"Jamaican Joe's Junkyard Jubilee\". The scrapyard covers roughly five thousand (5,000) square meters of fenced-off land, consisting of two warehouses, a storefront, and a small residential building, as well as neglected land and land used for storage. SCP-100 holds roughly fifteen hundred (1,500) vehicles, both pressed and unpressed, as well as roughly fourteen hundred (1,400) kilograms of separate scrap, estimated to be worth $5,000 (\u20ac3,870).\nSCP-100's anomalous effect manifests through SCP-100-1 and its constructs, including SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B. Autonomy is lost when SCP-100-1 or one of its objects cross the fenced perimeter of SCP-100, remaining in this state until reintroduction.\nSCP-100-1 is an autonomous, sapient, humanoid construct consisting mostly of copper piping, uninsulated copper wiring, and aluminum cans. SCP-100-1 lacks the ability for written or verbal communication; however, it possesses the ability to communicate using rudimentary sign language. SCP-100-1 is largely uninterested in conversation outside of sales, and information gathered from it has been limited. SCP-100-1 appears to possess skill in craftsmanship, demonstrating the ability to operate tools such as arc welders, drills, and power saws, as well as heavy machinery such as car compressors and forklifts.\nSCP-100-1 possesses the ability to create autonomous constructs similar to itself, using material available within SCP-100. SCP-100-1 tends to create four (4) specific animals - iguanas, crocodiles, turtles, and flamingos - however, SCP-100-1 has been known to craft other species, such as domestic pets. To maintain compliance, SCP-100-1 has been allowed to keep two (2) objects, labeled SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B.\nSCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B are constructs superficially resembling insects, assumed to be created by SCP-100, as they have occupied SCP-100 since the initial discovery of SCP-100. The names \"Raymone\" and \"Beatrice\" are welded into the backs of SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B, respectively. They appear to operate as both companions as well as guards for SCP-100, as they patrol the perimeter of SCP-100 except during intervals of interaction with SCP-100-1.\nSCP-100-1 appears to follow a ritualistic schedule, repeating the same actions daily.\n\nFrom 0800 to 1500, SCP-100-1 enters the storefront of SCP-100, seating itself behind a counter and attempting to bargain with any humans within the storefront. Occasionally, SCP-100-1 will return to the yard prematurely for reasons unknown.\nFrom 1500 to 1600, SCP-100-1 interacts with SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B, communicating using vague hand and arm gestures. Interaction tends to consist of grooming, repair, and activities resembling 'Fetch' and 'Hide and Seek'.\nFrom 1600 to 2000, SCP-100-1 performs various tasks, including taking stock of material within SCP-100, cleaning and maintaining tools and heavy machinery, and cleaning the interiors and exteriors of buildings present within SCP-100.\nFrom 2000 to 0000, SCP-100-1 performs what is assumed to be leisurely acts, ranging from creating new constructs, interacting with SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B, and patrolling SCP-100.\nFrom 0000 to 0800, SCP-100-1 enters the residential building, where it remains seated at a desk for the duration of this time.\n\nIn the event that a human enters the storefront of SCP-100 during the interval of time SCP-100-1 is seated behind the counter, SCP-100-1 will attempt to bargain with them, using a variety of gestures to convey meaning. Most attempts by SCP-100-1 are to sell scrap, figures of its own creation, or repair services, however, it has been known to purchase scrap. Despite SCP-100-1's inability to read, it possesses the ability to perform basic mathematics, as demonstrated by sales.\nSales made by SCP-100-1 are typically met with some degree of unfairness. SCP-100-1 has been known to intentionally use faulty scales and contaminate scrap piles with cheaper metals and has demonstrated knowledge of the area of effect within SCP-100, as SCP-100-1 has sold constructs repeatedly, despite the loss of autonomy when exiting SCP-100. Efforts to confront SCP-100-1 about this have been met with both distress and indifference, with referral to a sign posted on the wall reading \"No refunds, mon!\" happening regardless of SCP-100-1's emotional response.\nSCP-100 was discovered on 11/09/76, following reports of strange machines operating from within the scrapyard. These rumors were discredited as urban legends, and a Foundation agent was sent to SCP-100 to act as the landowner until containment was performed under the guise of property sale. A wooden privacy fence was built along the former perimeter of SCP-100, one-way windows were installed in the storefront, and a highway now running through the nearby town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 redirects the majority of civilian traffic.\nAddendum 100-A: Records show the property is owned by one \"Joseph Duval\", with the mailing address sharing the same name. Local utility companies report billing had stopped approximately three (3) months before the discovery of SCP-100, which was found abandoned save for SCP-100-1, SCP-100-2-A, SCP-100-2-B, and several avian and canine figures presumed to be made by SCP-100-1. The initial sweep of the buildings revealed the residential building to be mostly bare, with the only sign of former occupants being a note found taped to the door of the storefront. (see Document 100-A)\nIncident 100-A: On 06/03/05, SCP-100-1 created a humanoid, autonomous construct ten (10) centimeters in height, the first time SCP-100-1 has done so. Significant effort was put into this construct compared to others, with greater detail applied to the construct, including facial features and \"J.J.\" welded into the back of the construct, and stainless steel making up the majority of the construct. SCP-100-1 placed the construct on the counter of the storefront for the duration of this scheduled interval, both using vague gestures to seemingly communicate with one another. Following the confiscation of this construct, SCP-100-1 remained seated within the residential building of SCP-100 for a total of ten (10) days.\nDocument 100-A: The following is a copy of the note recovered upon discovery of SCP-100.\n\nOUT 2 LUNCH, PLEASE SEE ASSISTANT \u2013J.J.\n\n\u00ab SCP-099 | SCP-100 | SCP-101 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-101 as it appeared during initial discovery\n\nItem #: SCP-101\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-101 is currently stored in the sub-basement 0-2 of Site-19, inside of a standard fireproof document lockbox, within a reinforced concrete room of standard facility size. Said room has been fitted externally with a standard double-door airlock, and internally fitted with appropriate safety response equipment as well as biological response equipment.\nOnly personnel of Level 3 are permitted to enter the SCP-101 holding room; personnel of Level 2 or lower are permitted to interact with SCP-101 only with directives from Level 3 or higher personnel, or with standing directives. The airlock for SCP-101 is set to a standard ten (10) minute cycle, during which standard screening scans for biological or environmental hazards will be made. SCP-101 is under standing directives for use during 0600 and 2000 hours. Outside of the airlock of the holding room for SCP-101, two (2) Level 2 guards are to be posted at all times, with overlapping shifts.\nDescription: SCP-101 appears as a satchel or bag of intermittent size, with observations ranging from an opening of fifteen (15) centimeters in diameter, to seventy (70) centimeters in diameter. The depth of the container has varied with no standard mean of equality to the relative diameter.\nThe primary feature of SCP-101 is what appears to be a semi-humanoid mouth contained within the opening of the bag, with a mean standard of thirty one (31) centimeters of depth into the container, without more than two (2) standard deviations of variance regardless of the apparent external depth of the container. The mouth consists of thirty-two (32) teeth of an off-white hue, all of equal shape and size consisting solely of incisors of approximately ten (10) centimeters in length. It has been observed, albeit not measured with accuracy, that within the mouth there is a tongue of indeterminate length, with observations ranging from fifty (50) centimeters to three point five (3.5) meters.\nThe mouth appears wet and spongy; however, all attempts at removal of possible fluids have resulted in failure with damage to the instruments and harm to the personnel. The current decision is that SCP-101 may be a part of a larger entity of extra-dimensional origin. SCP-101 is not externally mobile; however, internal movements within the container can effect minor movements of the exterior of the container that consists of SCP-101's covering.\nIt is understood that due to the nature of the size improbabilities of the container and object within, the object is of extra-dimensional interaction if not origin.\nSCP-101 has exhibited polymorphic abilities, as well as a low level of sentience. The photo on file depicts the item as it was discovered in 1979 in a remote area of the Cascade Mountains in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Found along with SCP-101 was the decayed remains of a human, clad in a weathered black suit, seated upon an also-weathered parachute, missing the right arm up to the joint of the shoulder, which appeared to have bite marks through the remaining bones, assumed to have been inflicted by SCP-101. Speculation as to the identity of this deceased individual has led researchers to the conclusion that this was one D. B. Cooper, remains removed for the purposes of concealing the existence of SCP-101.\nSCP-101 has since changed appearance and shape with the apparent end of enticing a subject into reaching within the container. These appearances have ranged from money satchels, to deli boxes, to Krispy Kreme containers, to candy bags, all of which have an external appearance that is indistinguishable from that of the real containers. It has been proposed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that SCP-101 is semi-sentient in its attempts to lure subjects in.\nAt the recommendation of [DATA EXPUNGED], SCP-101 is currently in use as a means of refuse disposal for Site-19. SCP-101 has not shown adverse reaction to having foreign matter introduced to it, including, but not limited to: paper product, sewage, cafeteria refuse, metals, polymers, oils, and other products which are not consumable by any known biological entity.\nAddendum 1: So far, SCP-101 has not exhibited any abnormal behaviors from the standards observed, nor has SCP-101 emitted any substances, either foreign, extra-dimensional, or abnormal. However, it is the concern of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that SCP-101 may produce an emission in the future.\nAddendum 2: Further examination under the direction of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has determined that SCP-101 is ideal for the disposal of hazardous wastes and by-products of other SCP related projects. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is noted as being opposed to this measure; however, O5-\u2588 has given authorization for the project to continue.\n\n\u00ab SCP-100 | SCP-101 | SCP-102 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-102\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-102 is currently in the possession of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. Because \"ownership\" appears to be a binding, deed-based legalistic agreement independent of eminent domain, SCP-102 cannot be transferred to Foundation control in the foreseeable future.\nDescription: SCP-102 is a pair of stand-alone condominium-style beach houses located at \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, currently owned by Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. through the use of a dummy corporation known as Ghieser Housing Associates, and rented to MC&D members as a \"vacation home for those with discerning taste in the eclectic adventures of privileged life\". The two share similar properties, although [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-102-1 is the house on the left, number \u2588.\nWhen a person whose name is not on the lease for SCP-102-1 enters the building, its interior appears as that of a crumbling empty house, with the prone body of the current leaseholder just inside the doorway if the house is occupied. Forensics tests on materials recovered from within the house show it to have been abandoned since the mid-to-late seventies. All photographs taken within SCP-102-1 corroborate this, regardless of the lease status of the photographer. However, when the leaseholder of the house enters via the front door, they find themselves in a fairly normal and well-kept condominium decorated with a nautical theme. Often, they report a sensation of dizziness upon entering, which fades within a few seconds.\nWhen the leaseholder of SCP-102-1 exits the building, they become what is to all intents and purposes an incorporeal spiritual manifestation, capable of willful invisibility and moving through solid objects unimpeded. They enter and remain in this state each time they leave the house for the duration of the lease. At the conclusion of their lease, or at any time they willfully break the terms of said lease, they fall briefly unconscious and awaken on the floor at the front entrance of SCP-102-1, which appears to them as it does to any non-leaseholder. No bodies have been observed being removed from the house prematurely.\nSCP-102-2 is the house on the right, number \u2588.\nAt first glance, the effect of SCP-102-2 is identical to SCP-102-1. However, [DATA EXPUNGED] advanced decay, followed by [DATA EXPUNGED]. Leaseholders of SCP-102-2 who do not exit the building promptly at the cessation of their contract are to be declared \"missing, presumed dead\" thirty days following the end of their lease. Leaseholders who do exit the building are to be administered a regimen of steroid-based enhancers to counter the [DATA EXPUNGED]itored constantly for signs of psychological aberration.\nAddendum: All information in this report is unverified, though details are consistent from multiple sources. The content of this report was taken from interviews with D-Class personnel numbers 1070869 (death sentence: rape, murder), 1033654 (life without parole: aggravated sexual assault on a minor), and 3370633 (death sentence: [REDACTED]), all of whom were frequent tenants of SCP-102-1 prior to incarceration. It is theorized that D-1033654 made use of SCP-102-1's effect to commit [DATA EXPUNGED]. See interview logs 102-1/2/3 for full transcripts.\n\n\u00ab SCP-101 | SCP-102 | SCP-103 \u00bb"} {"text": "{$caption}\n\nLying on the mattress, feeling stagnant, hot air, David stirred. Before getting up, he paused and watched the morning sun rays illuminate Jon's face. It was paler than usual, and unshaven a few days. Lightly, David stroked Jon's long brown, wavy hair. Lingering for another moment in the soft hair, David took a deep breath and carefully got out of bed. He flicked the switch for the fan. Nothing. Cursing under his breath, he went to the circuit breaker.\n\nNOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION\nReviewers should be advised that this document contains explicit descriptions of eating disorders, parasites, and contains homophobic slur use.\n\n\u2014 Maria Jones, Director, RAISA\n\nItem #: SCP-103\nObject Class: Neutralized\nPrevious Special Containment Procedures: Due to events in Incident 103.1, SCP-103 is to be kept on a strict regiment of insomniac medications. SCP-103 is to be kept under 24 hour surveillance at Site-22 by at least one security personnel. The anomaly is to be given a cover story of their medical treatment and routinely updated for continued cooperation. If SCP-103 inquires to speak to its family, Cover Story-103.13 is to be given.\nRevised Special Containment Procedures: The cadaver of SCP-103 is to be kept in cold storage at Site-22. All testing is to be approved by the head researcher and site director.\nDescription: SCP-103 was a Caucasian, humanoid cis male in his mid-forties. Family and friends of the anomaly were given a cover story of its death. Until cessation of anomalous effects, SCP-103 did not experience hunger, however the entity still required nutrients. In testing, the entity's gastrointestinal system had the imprint of a Cestoid, which had been hypothesized to be the cause of SCP-103's prior anomalous behavior.\nDiscovery: David Kents had checked into a small, local hospital in late September 1994, complaining that he hadn't felt hunger in two weeks. After an initial examination, SCP-103 appeared to be in perfect health despite his complaints. Staff informed him he could leave, however, Kents requested to stay at the hospital for a week to illustrate his ailment.\nWhen Kents' condition was confirmed, embedded Foundation agents were alerted to the anomaly. The agents were able to transfer David Kents to a Foundation front hospital with no altercations.\n\n\"Damn, trailer,\" carefully, his adept fingers found the switch. He jostled it. Whirring sounds echoed from the bedroom, \"Now to get back into bed.\" He turned around and saw his partner lumbering into the kitchen, \"I'm sorry I woke you,\" David said.\nJon, his partner, yawned, \"You didn't wake me David. The heat did,\" he began fixing a pot of coffee, \"Besides I have to be into work early.\"\n\"Yea but,\" David sighed, \"I wanted to spend more time admiring you,\" he walked over to Jon and stroked his prickly face. It felt cold and clammy. David held his breath and choked down the dark thoughts.\n\nIntake Interview 103.1\n\nDate: 10/14/1994\nTime: 15:02\nInterviewer: Agent Wallace O'Reilly\nInterviewee: David Kents\n\n\n\nO'Reily: Good afternoon David. I'm Agent O'Reilly and I'll be conducting your intake interview.\nKents: Agent? What? Where's my nurse?\nO'Reilly: He's on his way. This is a specialized facility and has more paperwork involved.\nKents: You guys are gonna help me eat again?\nO'Reilly: That's the hope. Tell me David, when did these symptoms first manifest?\n[Kents is silent for a few seconds.]\nKents: About a month ago.\nO'Reilly: Did any life-changing events occur that you can think of?\n[Kents sniffs and remains silent. After about a minute of silence O'Reilly re-asks his question.]\nO'Reilly: What happened, David?\n[Kents sniffs again and his eyes water. O'Reilly stands up and retrieves a box of tissues from the other side of the room. He passes it to Kents who spends the next minute drying his eyes and blowing his nose.]\nKents: My partner died.\nO'Reilly: Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that.\nKents: Are you, though?\nO'Reilly: Why wouldn't I?\nKents: It's one more useless f\u2588\u2588 dead.\n[The room remains silent for a few moments.]\nO'Reilly: (clears his throat) What do you remember doing during this time?\nKents: Other than making funeral plans and crying?\nO'Reilly: Yes.\n[Kents scoffs and blows his nose.]\nKents: I started to not eat again. My friend Kerry said it was out of stress and came by my apartment a few times after Jon's death.\nO'Reilly: Why's that?\nKents: She wanted to make sure I was eating. She came over with homemade meals.\nO'Reilly: Was there anything odd about these meals?\nKents: Nothing major. I've had her food multiple times before this.\nO'Reilly: Alright, well thank you for your time David. It was nice meeting with you.\nKents: Please, do you know when I'll be able to eat again?\nO'Reilly: I'm not sure at this time.\n\n\n\nThe aromatic bitterness of coffee filled the kitchen. Jon leaned over and smooched David on the cheek, \"Is that why you always wake up before me?\" he chuckled.\n\"Yes,\" David forced a laugh.\nSun rays crept further through the blinds and into the trailer, \"What is the high supposed to be for today?\" mused Jon.\n\nInterview Log 103.2\n\nDate: 10/15/1994\nTime: 10:08\nInterviewer: Agent Wallace O'Reilly\nInterviewee: Kerry Collins\n\n\n\nO'Reilly: Good morning, I'm Agent O'Reilly. (extends hand)\nCollins: (shakes hand) Kerry Collins. Pleased to meet you.\nO'Reilly: Likewise. Thank you again for volunteering to come in for an interview.\nCollins: I appreciate how seriously your hospital is taking this. David's had me worried sick these last few weeks\u2026\nO'Reilly: We do what we can. Anyway, Kerry, how long have you known David Kents?\nCollins: We both went to the same middle school and high school. So, about three decades?\nO'Reilly: When did David reach out to you about his partner's death?\nCollins: He called me from the hospital. (sobs) I don't know how long Jon had been suffering. David and Jon had kept silent about Jon's condition. (sniffs) He was dead by the time I got to the ER. I'm sorry, I just\u2026 need a moment.\nO'Reilly: (calmly) No worries. Take your time.\n[A few minutes of silence pass with the occasional muffled sob.]\nCollins: (clears throat) I offered my apartment to David if he needed a change of scenery, or if he came into financial shit. Jon wasn't exactly a breadwinner, but David wasn't exactly making bank in the fast food industry, you feel me? Oh, and I gave David an email my mom used after my cousin Jackson died.\nO'Reilly: How long after this did you notice his eating symptoms?\nCollins: I'm not sure. Maybe\u2026 two, three weeks? Not a full month, but not a week either. Something like that. He was looking thin, and had dark circles under his eyes by the time I was able to come around and make deliveries.\nO'Reilly: During the time you've known him, has he ever complained about having issues eating?\n[Silence.]\nCollins: Our sophomore year, his mom remarried. Not only was the new husband flippantly blowing his new wife's cash; he also made it incredibly unsafe for David, especially once he found out about Jon. David routinely came to school with no lunch or lunch money. My family decided to pack me an extra lunch to give him.\n[Silence.]\nCollins: Him and Jon were able to graduate and get the fuck away. (sighs) So, him having issues eating again, I decided to bring him homemade meals. Thankfully, we moved to the same city, so I was nearby.\nO'Reilly: There was nothing new or different in these meals than normal?\nCollins: Nothing new. They're my ma's recipes. The bunny chow, the exact way she roasted her chicken, you get the idea.\nO'Reilly: Kerry, you said you gave David an email? What was the email for?\nCollins: It's for a bereavement mailing list. It's a group therapy sort of thing, but in the cyber space. Pretty neat, if you ask me.\nO'Reilly: Do you have access to the email?\nCollins: Yes. It's in my handbag. Just a second\u2026\n[She fishes out a wallet, and opens a side pouch. Retrieving a card, she passes it to Agent O'Reilly. He inspects the card.]\nO'Reilly: Alright, thank you for your time.\nCollins: How much longer do you think he'll be in the hospital? If he'll be out?\nO'Reilly: I'm not sure ma'am. We will reach out if anything changes. But, I can assure you, he's in good hands.\nCollins: I'll take your word for it, then. But I'll remember this if I'm planning a second funeral this year.\n\n\n\nAfter the interview, Kerry Collins was administered amnestics and given a cover story about SCP-103's death.\n\nDavid left the kitchen, back into their bedroom, and flipped on the radio\u2014 Teens were discovered living in the sewer system under El Cajon earlier this month. Now for the weather. Today's high is 104, if you have to be out today be sure to drink plenty of water and stay in the shade.\n\"Did you hear that Jon?\" David yelled to the partner.\n\"What'd they say?\" he yelled back.\n\"104!\" David returned to the kitchen. The coffee maker was happily brewing, further filling the room with nutty, bitterness.\nJon stuck out his tongue in disgust, \"Another scorcher!\"\n\nChat Logs Recovered From SCP-103's Computer\nThe following is a series of emails sent and received by SCP-103 prior to containment.\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nSubject: Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/19/94\nTime: 17:57\n\nHi. I'm sorry if I have the wrong email, but is this the bereavement mailing list? If it is, could you add me to it?\n\nTo: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 08:11\n\nOh, no, you have the right address. I'll add you right away. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Sabina. Judging by your email, you're David?\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nSubject: re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 08:20\n\nYes, that'd be me. Pleasure.\n\nTo: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 08:33\n\nAlright, you've been added to the list. So\u2026 would you like to tell me a bit about yourself?\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nSubject: re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 08:51\n\nSure. I'm David. I'm forty-four years old. Used to live in Phoenix before I moved out here to Cali. Used to work in an In-and-Out, wasn't really a good time, left to try and follow my dreams. I ended up in a McDonald's.\n\nTo: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:02\n\nThat's a shame. Were you studying, doing an apprenticeship, or something else?\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:14\n\nI was gonna try get back into college, study Electrical Engineering and shit. Never really got the chance.\n\nTo: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:20\n\nWhy's that, do you mind me asking?\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:42\n\nMy partner died in a not pleasant process. It was very slow. We tried to be careful. Him most of all\u2026 Guess we weren't as careful as we thought we were.\n\nTo: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:44\n\nI sympathize. It's a horrible thing to lose someone and to know that they were suffering throughout the ordeal. I've always found peace in knowing that their suffering is past now, but I understand that that's a bit of an unusual view to hold.\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:46\n\nTo each their own, I guess. I just\u2026 really miss him. His jokes that would light up a room. It's really been eating me up inside, y'know?\n\u2026I'd give anything to see his handsome face one last time.\n\nTo: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:47\n\nThat's entirely normal. I'd be more concerned if you weren't, in truth. Anyways, is there anything more that you'd like to speak to me about at the moment?\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:50\n\nNo, not at the moment. Besides, work told me to be in by ten thirty, and I'm barely dressed.\n\nTo: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:51\n\nWell, I won't keep you then, David. Have a nice day at work and, if you feel you need to talk to someone at any point, the service is always open.\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 09:52\n\nYou too, Sabina. Bye.\nAnd\u2026 thanks.\n\nTo: moc.loa|stnek.d#moc.loa|stnek.d\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:re:Sorry if I got the wrong address\nDate: 09/20/94\nTime: 15:23\n\nHey David.\nI completely forgot to mention during our conversation earlier, but we send a PDF to everyone who signs onto the list about the stages of grief and such. It's mostly an awareness thing, to know that anything you may be feeling is completely normal. You're probably aware of them already, but it never hurts to give it a look. You might even learn something new!\nBest Wishes, Sabina.\n\nAttached File: [StagesOfGrief.pdf]\n\n\"That's why they called it 'The Devil's Box',\" David took out a few coffee mugs.\n\"Why did you have to pick such a piss poor city anyway?\" Jon pulled out an empty pitcher and filled it with ice.\nDavid eyed the pitcher, \"It was the best we could do and you know it,\" he pointed at the pitcher, \"What are you doing?\"\n\"I made the coffee a little stronger than usual. Gonna make ice coffee.\"\n\"Ah,\" David exclaimed, \"Yea, that's a good idea,\" he scratched the back of his neck.\n\nCommunication Log\nShortly following the discovery of these emails, the Foundation attempted to contact the mailing list in order to ascertain if SCP-103's contact may have been the onset of SCP-103's anomalous condition. All communication was conducted by Agent Gloria Valdez through a civilian email.\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|htims.k#moc.loa|htims.k\nSubject: Hello\nDate: 10/17/94\nTime: 16:01\n\nHi. I was given this address by a friend, she told me it was a bereavement mailing list. Is that correct?\n\nTo: moc.loa|htims.k#moc.loa|htims.k\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:Hello\nDate: 10/17/94\nTime: 16:04\n\nHello! Yes, you have the correct address. My name is Gregory, how can I help you?\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|htims.k#moc.loa|htims.k\nSubject: re:re:Hello\nDate: 10/17/94\nTime: 16:07\n\nI was wondering if I could ask you a few questions? Mostly about a friend of mine, I believe he's registered on the mailing list? David Kents?\n\nTo: moc.loa|htims.k#moc.loa|htims.k\nFrom: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nSubject: re:re:re:Hello\nDate: 10/17/94\nTime: 16:12\n\nJust did a quick check, and we do have a David Kents on our list. Why do you ask?\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|htims.k#moc.loa|htims.k\nSubject: re:re:re:re:Hello\nDate: 10/17/94\nTime: 16:15\n\nMostly just a curious friend. Has he contacted you beyond signing up for the list? Asked to speak to anyone, requested anything?\n\nTo: moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb#moc.ssolhtiwgnipoc|plehtnemevaereb\nFrom: moc.loa|htims.k#moc.loa|htims.k\nSubject: re:re:re:re:re:Hello\nDate: 10/18/94\nTime: 09:30\n\nHello?\n\nFollowing this, no further communication from the mailing list has been observed. Efforts to locate the whereabouts of the messages sent are ongoing.\n\nThe radio crackles in the other room, \"[\u2026]the death toll from the AIDs crisis continues to rise[\u2026]\"\n\"Christ almighty, turn that off please!\" Jon hissed as he poured the coffee in the pitcher.\nDavid went and turned the radio off. From the bedroom he heard Jon, \"The last thing I need is to be reminded of this genocide before I've had a cup of damn coffee,\" David returned to the kitchen. Droplets formed outside the pitcher as the ice cooled the coffee. David watched droplets form on the back of Jon's neck. Rising anxiety, and fear gripped David's stomach.\n\nSCP-103's condition continued to rapidly deteriorate. Unable to eat and digest solid food, the entity was placed on an intravenous diet. Since coming into containment, SCP-103 had lost 10 kilograms and had started to report issues sleeping.\nIncident 103.01: On 10/17/1994, SCP-103 began to complain of intense stomach pains. After anomalous movement was discovered in SCP-103's abdominal area Dr. Yun requested an MRI be performed. Several protrusions along the outer lining of the stomach were found. A few images were recorded before the protrusions dissipated and were found to resemble a cestoid (common tape worm) with an oval at one end. There was a noted uptick in SCP-103's insomniac issues after the scans were performed. It was placed on a regiment of medication to help induce sleep.\nIncident 103.02: Over the next week, the insomniac regiment was longer having an effect as SCP-103 was no longer able to sleep. The entity complained of an increase in its stomach pains. The dose was increased, but due to a dosing error, SCP-103 fell into a coma. After 24 hours, SCP-103 ceased biological functions and was declared dead. Dr. Yun initiated an exploratory surgery into SCP-103's gastrointestinal system. The oval that was initially present on the MRI scans of the cestoid was found to have a protrusion resembling a human face. The protrusion disappeared after a few minutes and no further anomalous activity occurred.\n\n\"After work today, I'm thinking of going back over to Todd's place,\" Jon stated as he put sugar and cream in his cup.\nDavid coughed nervously, \"That's probably a good idea, I need to try studying for my test next week.\"\n\"'Try?'\" Jon goaded.\n\"Oh no, not this again\u2014\" David was cut off.\n\"'There is no try, there is do, and do not.'\"\n\"I hate that movie.\"\nJon laughed, \"Then why do you watch it with me?\"\nBlushing, David fixed himself a cup of ice coffee. \"Because I was watching it with you stupid!\""} {"text": "Item #: SCP-104\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-104 is currently contained in a steel box with electronic keypad access. Access is to be restricted to class 3 and higher. Do not allow SCP-104 to come in contact with any living tissue. Any and all interaction with SCP-104 is to be handled via robotic assistance, or with full haz-mat suits and gloves. Anyone found to be \u201cimprinted\u201d by SCP-104 must submit for \u201cunimprinting\u201d. Failure to do so within 24 hours of exposure will result in termination.\nDescription: SCP-104 is a sphere, 35.5 cm (14 in) around and weighing 2.3 kg (5 lbs). The outside is glass and very smooth, coating the sphere in a layer 6 mm (0.2 in) thick. Under this layer is an extremely intricate design of very thin black and white lines. This inner \u201ccore\u201d is a delicately carved ball of wood, giving slight texture to the line design. The design itself is unimaginably complex and seems to form something of a Rorschach test, as all viewers seem to have a different interpretation. Movement or a ticking sound from inside the sphere has been reported, but at this time is unconfirmed.\nWhenever a human touches SCP-104 in its \u201cUnimprinted\u201d state, it will \u201cImprint\u201d on the subject. If the imprinted subject moves more than 9 m (30 ft) from SCP-104 for more than five minutes, SCP-104 will appear within 2 m (7 ft) of the imprinted subject. This shift appears instantaneous, disappearing and reappearing in less than a nanosecond, regardless of distance or intervening objects. Every hour that the subject remains within 9 m (30 ft) of SCP-104, it will move one foot closer to the subject until it is touching the subject. When SCP-104 is touching its imprinted subject, it will not attempt to move closer. SCP-104 will not exhibit this behavior to non-imprinted subjects and will only imprint on one subject at a time. Thick cloth or metal appears to block the imprinting in most cases. Testing of SCP-104 with multiple instances of SCP-1680 suggests this imprinting is not genetically based, as SCP-104 does not change behaviors when faced with multiple genetically identical subjects.\nSCP-104 also appears to be indestructible, in that it always appears whole and undamaged after reappearing. Even after being crushed and incinerated, SCP-104 will reappear whole and undamaged if its imprinted subject is outside of its minimum range for more than five minutes. SCP-104 causes paranoia and anger in most subjects, but this is not an effect of the sphere as some are wholly unaffected by the constant presence of SCP-104, if slightly annoyed at times.\nSCP-104 can only be \u201cunimprinted\u201d if the subject is killed or enters a near-death like state. SCP-104 will then enter its unimprinted state until touched. Thick gloves appear to block the imprinting process, as long as they are more than 13 mm (0.5 in) thick. SCP-104 was recovered in a flea market from a man carrying it in a bowling bag. The man never identified himself and sold it to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for a quarter, thanking him profusely before running off.\n\nNotes 104-1108-r:\nIt has been theorized that SCP-104 is some form of extra-dimensional probe or recording device. This appears to be unlikely, as it appears to be made of terrestrial materials and has no means by which to record or observe anything. However, with few other explanations for its odd behavior, the theory is being investigated. \u2014Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-103 | SCP-104 | SCP-105 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-105-B\n\nItem #: SCP-105\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-105 is implanted with a tracking device and is currently housed at Site-17. SCP-105 is currently allowed Class 3 (restricted) socialization privileges with approved site personnel, granted based on continued good behavior and cooperation with Foundation personnel.\nSCP-105's personal camera (designated SCP-105-B) is contained in a locked safe-deposit box at Site-19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times while SCP-105-B is within containment.\nSCP-105 and SCP-105-B or any other camera are only to be allowed to come into contact with approval of the current managing researcher.\nDescription: SCP-105 (formerly known as Iris Thompson) is a female human of European descent. Records indicate that SCP-105 was born in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, making her \u2588\u2588 years old at the time of acquisition. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, and at the time of this article, is 1.54 meters in height and 50kg in weight. She does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics and appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal human being in good health.\nSCP-105-B is a Polaroid One Step Express camera, manufactured in 1982. SCP-105-B does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics and appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal Polaroid camera, operating normally for all persons aside from SCP-105.\nWhen SCP-105 holds a photograph taken by SCP-105-B, the photograph changes from a still image to that of a real-time image of the location in question. SCP-105 is also able to reach through the photograph and manipulate objects within reach of the original point at which the photograph was taken. Persons witnessing this manipulation report seeing a disembodied female hand (determined to be that of SCP-105) reaching out from an invisible portal and carrying out the actions indicated. SCP-105-B and the photographs taken by said camera have no unusual properties when used by any other person.\nSCP-105 has demonstrated limited ability to manipulate objects through other photographs, but can only achieve fine control using photographs taken through SCP-105-B. So far, SCP-105 has only been able to significantly advance her ability by using photographs taken by SCP-105-B.\nAppendix 1: Circumstances of Acquisition: SCP-105 was brought to the Foundation's attention shortly after the murder of her boyfriend. SCP-105 claimed to have been on the phone with the victim at the time of his murder, prompting her to hurry to his side; however, telephone records did not correspond to her story, making her suspect in the murder. SCP-105 informed her lawyer that she had, in fact, witnessed the murder through a photograph she had taken with her boyfriend several days prior. The attorney in question disregarded the story and recommended that the subject plead guilty. Subject refused to do so and subsequently told her story in court, offering to demonstrate her ability. This lead to Foundation contact.\nSubject was immediately contained by the Foundation. Foundation Personnel retrieved SCP-105-B from SCP-105's home (replacing it with an identical model), and returned it to her. SCP-105's parents were informed that she was killed during the botched escape of another patient while both were in custody of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 psychiatric care facility.\nAppendix 2: Excerpt from Interview Log 105-08-4426, dated \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please give a brief personal introduction, including date and place of birth, and your name.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good. First question, when did you become aware of your abilities?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How did your parents respond when you told them?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: When did you discover that you were able to manipulate objects through a photograph?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Go on.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: This is the camera we refer to as 105-B? Your personal camera.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How many photos can you focus on at one time?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is your impression of your time with the Foundation so far?\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please, do answer. We don't take offense at these things.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You've been very cooperative during your time here.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you know why I am asking you these questions, Iris?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We've been setting up a special program. If it goes through, you'll be occasionally allowed to leave the site and move about in the outside world. All we ask of you in return are a few favors. Are you interested?\n\n\nAddendum 3: History of Service with Mobile Task Force Omega-7:\nSCP-105 was the second humanoid SCP recruited to Mobile Task Force Omega-7 under the Pandora's Box initiative. Unlike \"Team Able\" (associated with SCP-076-2), which was assigned to strike and capture operations, \"Team Iris\" had the primary mission of reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. \"Team Iris\" carried out over twenty missions in cooperation with the Bowe Commission. These missions were carried out swiftly and without incident.\nThe first disciplinary incident involving SCP-105 involved the escalation of Team Iris missions from reconnaissance to wetwork. SCP-105 violently opposed the use of her abilities to carry out assassinations, even after members of the Bowe Commission repeatedly attempted to secure her cooperation (see Interview Log 105-21-6543).\nDuring these events, SCP-105 became emotionally distressed and attempted to deceive Foundation personnel into believing that her anomalous traits had disappeared. Dr. D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 submitted a report recommending that SCP-105 be re-classified as Neutralized, undergo amnestic treatment, and be released to the public with regular monitoring. This recommendation was denied.\nFollowing this, Dr. D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 aided SCP-105 in a containment breach aiming to escape Foundation custody. This breach was unsuccessful and SCP-105 was re-contained (see Incident X45-Site-17).\nInvestigation afterwards determined that Dr. D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had intentionally encouraged SCP-105 to claim loss of anomalous abilities. SCP-105 re-demonstrated her anomalous abilities in exchange for restoration of limited privileges.\nFollowing the end of the Pandora's Box Initiative, all Mobile Task Force Omega-7 teams were disbanded, and SCP-105 was returned to Site-17. Because of the security risk she represents and lack of current utility, SCP-105 is presently not allowed access to SCP-105-B.\nAll further information regarding Mobile Task Force Omega-7 is sealed by order of the Records And Information Security Administration.\nDirector \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, Records And Information Security Administration\nAddendum 4: SPECIAL NOTICE RE: Current Containment Status\nFollowing Incident R1300-Site-17, many formal and informal reports have been made regarding SCP-105 and a supposed connection to Mobile Task Force Alpha-9.\nThese reports constitute a serious breach of security. All information regarding Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 is restricted. All information regarding current research on anomalous characteristics of SCP-105 is restricted. All reports or rumors regarding any current or recent use of SCP-105 as a Foundation asset are to be considered categorically false, and should be reported to the Records And Information Security Administration.\nDirector \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Records And Information Security Administration\n\n\u00ab SCP-104 | SCP-105 | SCP-106 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-106, mid-emergence\n\nItem #: SCP-106\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures:\n\nREVISION 11-6\n\n- Hide\n\nNo physical interaction with SCP-106 is allowed at any time. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command, and may only extend to testing situations. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least twenty meters away from the containment cell at all times, except for mandated maintenance and re-evaluation checks.\nContainment cell must be held suspended in a secondary cell, the walls of which must be at least thirty meters distant from the outer walls of the first or \u201cprimary\u201d cell. The secondary cell is to remain under total observation at all times, and be both illuminated and clear of any and all debris. Any items, movement, or non-normal activity noted within the secondary cell will result in a full site lock-down. Lock-down will be maintained until a \u201csituation normal\u201d dispatch is issued by Site Command.\nAny corrosion observed on the primary cell, secondary cell, staff members, or other site locations within two hundred meters of SCP-106 are to be reported to Site Security immediately. Any objects or personnel lost to SCP-106 are to be deemed missing/KIA. No recovery attempts are to be made under any circumstances.\nNote: SCP-106 does not have a \u201cdocile\u201d state. Any reduction in activity or increased compliance from SCP-106 is to be deemed a luring tactic immediately preceding an aggressive action, and treated as such.\nNOTE: SCP DISCONTINUED DUE TO ESCAPE PERCENTAGE\n\nREVISION 11-7\n\n- Hide\n\nNo physical interaction with SCP-106 is allowed at any time. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command, and may only extend to testing situations. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least thirty meters away from the containment cell at all times, except under direct order from Site Command.\nSCP-106 is to be kept within a sealed container, comprised of sixteen layers of lead-lined steel, each separated by no less than 18cm of open space aside from minimal support struts. Said container is to be kept suspended by a \u201ccontinuous current\u201d system within a fluid medium. This medium is to be replaced in 48 hour cycles, and constantly monitored for any \u201ccorrosion\u201d intrusion.\nAny corrosion observed on any containment cell surfaces, staff members, or other site locations within two hundred meters of SCP-106 are to be reported to Site Security immediately. Any objects or personnel lost to SCP-106 are to be deemed missing/KIA. No recovery attempts are to be made under any circumstances.\nSCP-106 does not have a \u201cdocile\u201d state. Any reduction in activity or increased compliance from SCP-106 is to be deemed a luring tactic immediately preceding an aggressive action, and treated as such.\nNote: Observation of SCP-106 has shown a slight \u201cresistance\u201d when passing through lead or other similar metals. The thickness of the material appears to make no difference. In addition, multiple layers of thin material appear to \u201cslow\u201d SCP-106, forcing it to enter and re-emerge multiple times. Fluids also appear to temporarily \u201cconfuse\u201d SCP-106.\nNOTE: SCP DISCONTINUED DUE TO MULTIPLE SURFACE BREACHES. AGITATION SYSTEM CONTINUED TO DISPERSE CORROSION DURING BREACH EVENT, RESULTING IN MULTIPLE BREACHES AND FULL CONTAINMENT FAILURE\n\nREVISION 11-8\nNo physical interaction with SCP-106 is allowed at any time. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command. Any such interaction must be undertaken in AR-II maximum security sites, after a general non-essential staff evacuation. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least sixty meters away from the containment cell at all times, except in the event of breach events.\nSCP-106 is to be contained in a sealed container, comprised of lead-lined steel. The container will be sealed within forty layers of identical material, each layer separated by no less than 36cm of empty space. Support struts between layers are to be randomly spaced. Container is to remain suspended no less than 60cm from any surface by ELO-IID electromagnetic supports.\nSecondary containment area is to be comprised of sixteen spherical \u201ccells\u201d, each filled with various fluids and a random assembly of surfaces and supports. Secondary containment is to be fitted with light systems, capable of flooding the entire assembly with no less than 80,000 lumens of light instantly with no direct human involvement. Both containment areas are to remain under 24 hour surveillance.\nAny corrosion observed on any containment cell surfaces, staff members, or other site locations within two hundred meters of SCP-106 are to be reported to Site Security immediately. Any objects or personnel lost to SCP-106 are to be deemed missing/KIA. No recovery attempts are to be made under any circumstances.\nNote: Continued research and observation have shown that, when faced with highly complex/random assemblies of structures, SCP-106 can be \u201cconfused\u201d, showing a marked delay on entry and exit from said structure. SCP-106 has also shown an aversion to direct, sudden light. This is not manifested in any form of physical damage, but a rapid exit in to the \u201cpocket dimension\u201d generated on solid surfaces.\nThese observations, along with those of lead-aversion and liquid confusion, have reduced the general escape incidents by 43%. The \u201cprimary\u201d cells have also been effective in recovery incidents requiring Recall Protocol \u2588\u2588 -\u2588\u2588\u2588 -\u2588. Observation is ongoing.\n\nCorrosion damage on the initial recovery cell. Containment procedures have since been revised.\n\nDescription: SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the \u201crotting\u201d quality is observed in all forms. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into its pocket dimension. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.\nSCP-106 causes a \u201ccorrosion\u201d effect in all solid matter it touches, engaging a physical breakdown in materials several seconds after contact. This is observed as rusting, rotting, and cracking of materials, and the creation of a black, mucus-like substance similar to the material coating SCP-106. This effect is particularly detrimental to living tissues, and is assumed to be a \u201cpre-digestion\u201d action. Corrosion continues for six hours after contact, after which the effect appears to \u201cburn out\u201d.\nSCP-106 is capable of passing through solid matter, leaving behind a large patch of its corrosive mucus. SCP-106 is able to \u201cvanish\u201d inside solid matter, entering what is assumed to be a form of \u201cpocket dimension\u201d. SCP-106 is then able to exit this dimension from any point connected to the initial entry point (examples: \u201centering\u201d the inner wall of a room, and \u201cexiting\u201d the outer wall. Entering a wall, and exiting from the ceiling). It is unknown if this is the point of origin for SCP-106, or a simple \u201clair\u201d created by SCP-106.\nLimited observation of this \u201cpocket dimension\u201d has shown it to be comprised mostly of halls and rooms, with [DATA EXPUNGED] entry. This activity can continue for days, with some subjected individuals being released for the express purpose of hunting, recapture, [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nAddendum:\nSCP Review Notes:\nDue to the exceedingly difficult-to-contain nature of SCP-106, SCP is to be reviewed every three months or during a post-breach incident. Physical restraints are impossible, and direct physical damage appears to have no effect on SCP-106. Current SCP, as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, revolves around basic observation and immediate response. Previous, more proactive special containment procedures have been recalled due to the events of breaches \u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, \u2588, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nNotes on behavior:\nSCP-106 appears to go through long periods of \u201cdormancy\u201d, in which it will remain completely motionless for up to three months. The cause for this is unknown; however, it has been shown that this appears to be used as a \u201clulling\u201d tactic. SCP-106 will emerge from this state in a very agitated state, and will attack and abduct staff and cause gross damage to its containment cell and the site at large. Recall Protocol [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-106 appears to hunt and attack based on desire, not hunger. SCP-106 will attack and collect multiple prey items during a hunting behavior event, keeping many \u201calive\u201d in the pocket dimension for extended periods of time. SCP-106 has no determinable \u201climit\u201d, and appears to collect a random number of prey items during an event.\nThe inner dimension accessed by SCP-106 appears to be only accessible by SCP-106. Recording and transmission devices have been shown to still operate inside this dimension, though recordings and transmissions are very degraded. It appears that SCP-106 will \u201cplay\u201d with captured prey, and appears to have full control of time, space, and perception inside this dimension. SCP-106 appears [DATA EXPUNGED].\nRecall Protocol \u2588\u2588 -\u2588\u2588\u2588 -\u2588:\nIn the event of a breach event by SCP-106, a human within the 10-25 years of age bracket will be prepped for recall, with the compromised containment cell being replaced and restored for use. When the cell is ready, the lure subject will be injured, preferably via the breakage of a long bone, such as the femur, or the severing of a major tendon, such as the Achilles Tendon. Lure subject will then be placed in the prepped cell, and the sound emitted by said subject will be transmitted over the site public address system.\n\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after \"release\" by SCP-106. Subject had been missing for two hours. Subject remained alive for one hour after release.\n\nSCP-106 will typically begin to gravitate toward the lure subject within ten to fifteen minutes after hearing the subject. Should SCP-106 not respond to the initial broadcast, additional physical trauma is to be administered to the lure subject at twenty-minute intervals until SCP-106 responds. Multiple lure subjects may be used in the case of major breach events.\nSCP-106 will typically enter a dormant state after finishing with a lure subject. In addition, subjects may [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-105 | SCP-106 | SCP-107 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-107\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-107 poses no immediate threat, so long as it does not come into contact with any liquid. As such, it is stored at Site-19 in a five (5) metre square containment cell, on a one (1) metre high pedestal, inside a clear perspex container. Experimentation with SCP-107 is to be carried out at Research Area-06, a 484 km2 (22 x 22 km) area of desolate land in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 dedicated to this purpose. Anyone who attempts to activate SCP-107 outside of an approved experiment must be eliminated with any force necessary.\nAccess to and removal of the object requires the authorization of two (2) Level 4 personnel, and the approval by said personnel of a full experimental procedure. Should SCP-107 become active while within Site-19, two Class-D personnel are to remove it from the site via one of the item transport trucks in Loading Bay-02. This procedure must be followed regardless of the substance that activated SCP-107, given the unpredictable nature of the item's effect on plant matter. SCP-107 should only be returned once precipitation has ceased completely and any abnormal plant growth has been neutralized or contained for further study.\nDescription: SCP-107 resembles the top section of a hollow turtle shell. The shell is composed of a hardened biological material of unknown origin. Despite its appearance, whether this material is derived from the shell of a standard sea turtle (superfamily Chelonioidea) is, as yet, unknown. The item is completely inert until the inside of the turtle shell comes into contact with a liquid; when it does so, said liquid appears to be absorbed very quickly. Where the liquid drains to is unknown, given the lack of visible pores on the inside of the shell. Once active, the red edge of the shell glows dimly, and the substance placed into the shell begins to precipitate in the atmosphere and fall as 'rain' in the area at least 0.5 m, but less than 10 km, from the object. This phenomenon is mobile: moving SCP-107 will move the area of effect, along with the 'exclusion zone'.\nThe duration and intensity appears proportional to the amount of liquid placed in the shell. 10 ml of water resulted in just under half an hour of light drizzle, whereas filling to around the three-quarter mark set off two days of torrential rain. Precipitation generated by SCP-107 has varying effects on plant matter, although these effects are only seen in plants grown within the effect zone \u2013 watering other plants with collected liquid causes no abnormal reaction (see experimental log, Addendum 107-2).\n\nAddendum 107-1: SCP-107 was discovered by an archaeologist, Prof. M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, in what is now Ethiopia, buried alongside what appeared to be a tribal shaman. Carbon dating performed on the shaman's bones gave an age of around 18000 BCE. SCP-107 proved resistant to all attempts to obtain a sample, and therefore no concrete origin date can be determined. The Foundation became involved after intercepting reports of strange weather events at the dig, accompanied by unusual plant growth.\n\nAddendum 107-2: Below is a log of all tests carried out with SCP-107. Agents with ideas for sensible future testing protocols should contact me. Feel free to test reasonably safe liquids with SCP-107, and log your findings here (please note that you will be responsible for anything that results from the test). We need all the data we can get on this oddity. More tests with liquid-based SCPs may have research value, but most are simply too dangerous to carry out, at least with current containment procedures. Tests involving SCP-107 and SCP-009, SCP-447-2, and SCP-874 have been proposed, but were rejected on the grounds that the results have the potential to be dangerous and/or highly unstable. \u2014 Dr. Quentin I\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInput: 10 ml standard tap water\nResult: Light rain fell over the test site for 27 minutes. Tests on the water showed that it had no unusual properties. For at least two weeks after the test, grass at the test site was seen to grow at a much increased rate, and the resulting plants were a richer green in colour than those unaffected by the rain.\nFurther procedure: A sample of the rain was collected, and used to water various other plants outside of the test site.\nResult: No effect was observed.\nInput: 55 ml standard tap water\nResult: Torrential rainfall over test site for two days, and an effect on the grass similar to that of the first test. Fruit-bearing plants grown in the soil at the test site grew very quickly, and bore much larger fruit than control plants. Effect had diminished considerably after three months.\nInput: 4 cm3 block of wood\nResult: No effect observed.\nInput: 20 steel ball bearings of radius 2 mm\nResult: No effect observed.\nInput: 10 ml human urine\nResult: Urine rained on the test site for 27 minutes with moderate intensity. Grass at the test site began to die, any other plant species moved to the test site began to grow stunted passive 'pitcher' insect traps incapable of actually digesting insect matter.\nSubsequent Input: 20 ml human urine\nResult: Urine rained on the test site for 3 hours 42 minutes with slightly greater intensity. Non-grass plants grew larger, stronger pitcher traps capable of digesting small rodents.\nInput: 10 ml human blood, extracted from a Class-D test subject\nResult: A substance proven afterwards to be human blood with the same genetic makeup as the donating subject fell on the test site for 27 minutes. Grass at the test site appeared to die on contact with the blood, and began rotting within minutes. Any non-grass plants planted in the resulting soil began to mutate and grow large (>20 cm across) carnivorous organs similar to those of the 'Venus Flytrap' (Dionaea muscipula). When approached by Class-D personnel, the plants were seen to [DATA EXPUNGED]. These organisms began to grow back after two weeks. Further testing with bodily fluids considered unwise.\nInput: 10 ml water with 5 g steel ball bearings\nResult: Water was absorbed by SCP-107 and the standard reaction was observed in plant matter. Ball bearings remained in the shell, evidently having no impact on the test.\nInput: 10 ml liquid cyanoacrylate adhesive\nResult: All liquid was absorbed by SCP-107, and partially-cured cyanoacrylate fell on the test site for 18 minutes. It is likely that the reduced duration of effect was due to curing of the adhesive whilst 'inside' SCP-107. Plant matter grew sticky coating later identified as a cyanoacrylate derivative. Coating was very effective at trapping insects and preventing them from damaging plants.\nInput: 10 ml fresh orange juice\nResult: Standard precipitation pattern (27 minutes of drizzle). Fruit bearing plants moved to the testing site began to grow an unknown citrus fruit, irrespective of plant species and despite the cold conditions. No ill effects observed from consumption of the fruit; samples have been taken for further testing.\nInput: 2 ml human saliva provided by a Class-D test subject\nResult: Substance later proven to be human saliva fell on the test site for 8 minutes. Non-grass plants moved to the test site grew small (2-5cm) spherical sacs along stems or thin branches. When the plant was approached by the test subject, the sacs violently expelled a saliva-like liquid toward the subject. Subject reported no illness or injury. Augmented plants began to die within 3 days.\nInput: 10 ml 99.999% isotopically pure heavy water (D2O)\nResult: Standard precipitation pattern (27 minutes of drizzle). Mass spectrometry of samples revealed a deuterium abundance of ~154 ppm, which is standard for natural water.\nInput: 5 ml elemental mercury\nResult: Sample began to be absorbed, but was then re-exuded.\n\n\u00ab SCP-106 | SCP-107 | SCP-108 \u00bb"} {"text": "Interior view of SCP-108\n\nItem #: SCP-108\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-108 is contained entirely by Subject 108-1. Subject 108-1 should be contained in a standard containment cell measuring 3 m x 3 m furnished with whatever items are requested unless said items compromise security. Subject 108-1 is permitted to leave the room, wander freely, and eat in the main canteen. Medical examination to be performed on Subject-108-1 daily; filters to be changed as necessary.\nDescription: SCP-108 is accessible through the nostrils of Subject-108-1. Subject is an African-American female, 51 years old (see Addendum 108-1), who was previously employed as a cashier at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a small town hardware store in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Kentucky. Since \u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-108 has been housed at Site-17.\nEndoscopic examination of SCP-108 reveals that the area accessible via the subject's nostrils is not the human nasal cavity, but rather a bunker system of Nazi German construction dedicated to the production and maintenance of WW2-era Messerschmitt Me 262 fighters. Exploration via robotic endoscope reveals that the bunker system has internal dimensions of approximately 2 km x 4 km, with the long axis parallel to the main entrance/exit portal. While the exploration is by no means complete, SCP-108 is believed to contain hundreds of airframes under construction on its assembly line as well as three completed aircraft. There is also a large quantity of human remains in the complex, particularly concentrated around the entry/exit portal, with the corpses of Nazi officials, military personnel, Hitler Youth, and civilians (possibly Ukrainian slave workers) in an advanced state of decay. Evidence of a firefight near the entry/exit portal supports the hypothesis that the German military personnel were swarmed by the civilians and were killed in the ensuing struggle. Some corpses show signs of cannibalism.\nRobotic endoscopic exploration continues, and high discharge LED lighting (assembled piecemeal using the \"ship in a bottle\" technique) has been deployed. Endoscopic examination of the interior of SCP-108 reveals a large \"hangar door\" area with a kind of double airlock with blast doors large enough to admit two fully assembled fighters. A production line exists which would allow damaged fighters and deliveries to enter on one side of the hangar door, and finished fighters to exit on the other side. Turning the endoscope head 180 degrees reveals the open doorway as an area of total blackness with two nostril-shaped penetrations in it. One nostril-shaped penetration is connected to whichever nostril is admitting the endoscope, and the other is connected to the interior of a human nasal cavity. DNA testing reveals the nasal cavity belongs to the subject. The black area is impenetrable and absorbs all wavelengths of light that the endoscope can carry. The black area is elastic and yielding when probed.\nApparently the portal system is a unique three-way arrangement. If the outside world is designated A, the interior of the Me 262 factory is B and the subject's nasal cavity is C, then traffic is as follows:\n\nAnything (including gasses and light) going from A end up in B.\nItems going from B end up in C.\nItems going from C end up in A.\n\nPresumably in 1944 it was intended that C and A were to be the interior and exterior of a double hangar at Tempelhof based on the architecture of the hangar doors.\nAddendum 108-1: Subject claims that she was training to perform the \"Human Blockhead\" magic trick in preparation for being a clown at a children's birthday party. After hammering a 4 cm long galvanized-iron nail into her nasal cavity, she lost her grip on the end and dropped it inside her nose. Immediately she noticed a \"god awful musty stench\" and experienced nausea and disorientation. Blowing her nose had no discernible effect, and left no residue on tissues. She was able to breathe normally through her nose. After about three days subject \"got used to the 'hell's asshole smell'\" and performed at the children's party to the delight of her nephew.\nApproximately a week later, after ignoring numerous complaints about the smell of her breath, subject was diagnosed with pneumonia and placed on a course of Roxithromycin. Pneumonia responded to antibiotics, but recurred a week later. Her general practitioner also noted that nasal examination with an otoscope showed simply blackness, rather than the inside of the nose. After admission to hospital with chronic pneumonia, examination with a 1 m fiber-optic endoscope allowed the endoscope to be threaded in almost the full meter. The attending ENT noted that he appeared to be seeing a \"Nazi Eagle badge\" through the endoscope. Specialist examination notes were kept in a digital patient management system and intercepted by the Foundation in a routine \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sweep.\nThe subject was recovered without incident by Task Force Epsilon-9 disguised as High Risk Warrant Team officers in a pre-dawn raid in June of 19\u2588\u2588. By the end of the cleanup operation the GP, ENT, 11 hospital personnel and two civilians were terminated. The subject was examined by Foundation staff and provided her with air-filtration units which could be passed through her nostrils piecemeal and assembled like a \"ship in a bottle\". The filtration filling must be removed on a regular basis when it gets expended (roughly once a week) as the subject is essentially inhaling the atmosphere of a formerly-sealed Nazi mass war grave.\nAlthough initially hostile toward the Foundation, the subject has responded well to enhanced psychological conditioning protocols and now accepts her situation. A plan has been proposed in line with the \"Backing up\" of all critical Foundation data at Site-62 in SCP-108: Data could be written on to MicroSD cards or similar compact non-volatile media and inserted into the subject's nostrils, provided some way to house the subject in a safe location is assured in the event of an XK-class scenario. Research continues to find a way to move the entrance of the dimensional portal from the subject's nostrils to another location and to discover the physical location of the bunker to determine if alternative access is possible.\nThe original galvanized-iron nail has yet to be found.\n\n\u00ab SCP-107 | SCP-108 | SCP-109 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-109\nObject Class: Euclid (See Addendum 109-1)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-109 is currently located in Non-Critical Storage Unit 7 and requires no active monitoring. It should not be removed from the unit except to be transported to a research facility, and then only by personnel with Level 3 security clearance or higher. When replacing SCP-109, personnel should ensure that it is firmly closed and that it is placed on the molded pedestal in the upright position.\nDescription: SCP-109 is a standard-issue United States Army canteen (circa 1899) made of a tin alloy and fitted with a heavy cotton cover and a black leather strap. When opened, the item is seen to be nearly full of water. A seemingly unlimited amount of water can be removed from the container without changing the water level or the item's mass, which remains a constant 3.16 kg. Probes of the interior of the container reported an estimated volume of 2.8 L and a shape consistent with the outside.\nThe water in SCP-109 is of a slight blue-gray tint, with concentrations of 20 ppm of tin and 170 ppm of other electrolytes. The water remains at a constant temperature of 19\u00b0C but can be heated or cooled when moved to another container.\nAddendum 109-1: Upon the item's delivery to Site-19, it was given the object class of Safe. As tests were conducted on the item, uncertainty surrounding test results prompted Gen. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to upgrade the object class to Euclid.\nAddendum 109-2: Recently, a request was filed and granted by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for permission to water an okra plant growing in his office with SCP-109. Staff should be notified that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 uses SCP-109 for this purpose for a small time every Friday.\nAddendum 109-3: \"It has come to my attention that new Class D personnel are often dared to empty the bottle. Guards are reminded that they are to discourage such activity, and inform them that SCP-109 is bottomless. Chanting 'Chug!' repeatedly is considered unprofessional.\" \u2014 Dr. Klein\nAdditional Information: Due to the range of tests conducted on SCP-109, this section has been provided to present test results in chronological order. Dates have been withheld for confidentiality.\n\nTEST 1: Subjects imbibed water from SCP-109, reported that it was very refreshing and, despite the metal content, very tasty. Urine samples from subjects were normal.\nTEST 2: Follow-up test to TEST 1 had subjects dehydrate themselves for 1 full day before imbibing water from SCP-109. Test remains unfinished as subjects were unable to provide urine samples.\nTEST 3: Subject bathed in water from SCP-109. Subject reported increased energy and a much improved complexion following the bath.\nTEST 4: Streptococcus bacteria cultured in water from SCP-109 thrived and multiplied quickly. Water from SCP-109 administered to subject suffering from streptococcal infection killed nearly all bacteria and produced a full recovery within 24 hours.\nTEST 5: Blood substitute created using water from SCP-109, given in transfusion to pedestrian hit by a drunk driver. Subject showed no malign symptoms from the transfusion and made a full recovery. Subject's physical therapy concluded six weeks early.\nTEST 6: Water from SCP-109 administered to various plant organisms, all of which remained very healthy and showed no malign symptoms.\n\nOne proposition for a test which has been discussed for some time has been one involving a combination of SCP-109 and SCP-402. Due to the risk of losing one or both items or creating a hazardous situation, this test has never been conducted.\n\n\u00ab SCP-108 | SCP-109 | SCP-110 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-110\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The entrance to SCP-110 is to remain closed off at all times unless otherwise permitted by O5-\u2588. The land covering SCP-110 (roughly 6 square kilometers) is to be developed into a suburban area that will not attract the attention of the general public. Any movement that SCP-110 might make is to be explained as \"minute seismic activity\". Further complaints are to be ignored.\nDescription: SCP-110 is an entire city that was found buried 0.5 kilometers underneath a large farm in [DATA EXPUNGED], New York. Survey Teams 2 and 3 concluded that the amount of surface area that the city is buried under covers approximately six (6) square kilometers. Numerous items of high interest have been discovered within SCP-110, and will henceforth be labeled as SCP-110-xx.\nKnown History of SCP-110\n11/08/19\u2588\u2588: A large earthquake occurs in rural New York, far from any city centers. The only casualties were a man and his dog, so no significant media attention was given to the event.\n15/05/19\u2588\u2588: Minor earthquakes continue to occur in SCP-110's general area. The US Federal Government dispatches a team of geologists to the site to determine the cause. Results come back inconclusive.\n16/05/19\u2588\u2588: SCP-Excavation Team 03 is ordered to investigate the site. Upon arrival, the team is greeted by SCP-110-01, who is then detained and moved to [DATA EXPUNGED] for further questioning.\n24/05/19\u2588\u2588: Information gained from SCP-110-01 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 reveal that there has been a large temporal disturbance in the area of SCP-110 that has been causing earthquakes due to displacement of soil and rock. Another SCP-Excavation Team is sent to the site.\n09/02/20\u2588\u2588: After many months of work, SCP-Excavation Teams 04 and 05 are only able to reveal the strong, impenetrable, concrete-like shell of SCP-110. Investigation is halted until further information becomes available.\n25/07/20\u2588\u2588: Due to the recent decoding and decryption of the files contained on SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, schematics of SCP-110 have become available. Excavation teams 04 and 05 are sent back on-site to locate the primary entrance of SCP-110.\n04/08/20\u2588\u2588: The entrance to SCP-110 has been discovered, and the excavation teams are immediately met with what can only be described as a \"foul odor\". SCP-110 had been an active Class-4 city, but due to a temporal accident, its core services were heavily damaged and the entire city was displaced. Work begins to cover up the existence of SCP-110, its excavation, and the thousands of dead civilians inside.\nLayout of SCP-110:\nThe general layout of SCP-110 is essentially a series of concentric rings connected by tram, train, and other transportation lines. Surveyors have determined that SCP-110 has numerous sections and levels to it, all with specific functions, which shall be described in greater detail here:\nCore Services: The numerous maps found posted in what were high traffic areas of SCP-110 labeled a central 'column' of assorted utilities as 'Core Services'. Upon exploration, which was limited due to heavy security restrictions, SCP-Exploration Team 01 discovered a myriad of technologies that kept the underground city self-sufficient. Among these technologies were a series of matter reconstitution chambers, a combination reactor that provided energy from both nuclear fusion and geothermal sources, an elaborate water recycling system, and a large waste reconstitution area. The core is surrounded by numerous elevators and emergency stairwells. Numerous areas of the Core have been assigned to certain personnel for research.\nAtrium Colossi: This large, open, domed area surrounds the Core, and apparently once held vegetation. The dome itself was a massive display (its composition undetermined), which was used solely to depict a sky as an indication of time of day. Numerous tram-lines span at least 3 stories of the atrium, all leading to and from the Core. Personnel have described them as looking like \"spokes in a wheel\". Upon discovery, the death toll per area was highest in this area, suggesting that it was a high-traffic part of the city.\nCommercial Ring: A ring of what used to be small, independently owned shops and chains surrounds the Atrium Colossi. It is unknown whether or not commercial products were manufactured within the city, however due to the immense size of the Core itself, and the city's apparent self-reliance, it is highly likely that the Core possesses a manufacturing area.\nHabitation Ring A: The styles of living spaces found in this area suggest that its inhabitants were the wealthiest of the city. Numerous documents found throughout the city seem to confirm this assumption as well.\nHabitation Ring B: This entire ring was inhabited by the middle-class citizens of SCP-110. The area is still being searched for items of interest. To date, \u2588 SCPs have been recovered from here.\nHabitation Ring C: This ring was inhabited by the lower-class citizens of SCP-110. It was found in extremely poor condition and is currently being restored by SCP-Maintenance Teams 01-12. It is speculated that due to its location furthest from the core, it suffered the most damage from the temporal disturbance. Damage to SCP-110 increases proportionally to distance from the Core.\nAtria Veges: As so named by numerous maps, these atria were only slightly smaller in area than Atrium Colossi, and provided an estimated 80% of all foodstuffs to the population of SCP-110. These atria were once open-air spaces, and thus suffered a great deal of damage upon arrival at site, as it is estimated that SCP-110 was displaced at least 300 meters below its original position. Recovery of these atria is revealing advanced plant-growing technology that has useful applications.\nAtrium Animus: Atrium Animus was responsible for the remaining 20% of foodstuffs. This atrium has at least 20 stories that were once modeled after the natural environments of the animals that were raised there. Each level had a tightly controlled climate and was subdivided so that different species of animals had no contact with one another. Some of the genetic labs attached to Atrium Animus were found intact and are currently being explored by personnel.\nAtria Recreus: These atria were used for the sole purpose of recreation. They are found between the different habitation rings and typically consist of parks, artificial bodies of water, shopping malls, and other types of civilian recreation. These atria have been suggested for use with SCPs that require an outdoor-like environment, or a temperature and humidity controlled environment. Conversion plans have been drawn up.\nSCP-Research Ring: This city apparently had its outermost ring devoted to research of Safe and Euclid class SCPs, although no documentation within the city is able to confirm this ring's existence. This suggests that SCP-110 was not originally designed by the private sector, and rather was used as cover for SCPs currently unknown. This ring is highly dangerous, as it has suffered the most damage out of all sectors of SCP-110, thus potentially freeing some of the more dangerous SCPs. Only two members of SCP-Exploration Team 03 have survived exploring the ring. Their accounts are contained within Document #110-F.\nArchitectural Styles of SCP-110\nSCP-110 has been confirmed to be of human origin, and all materials used in its construction are terrestrial. The architectural styles of SCP-110 seem to vary depending on location. The main styles are listed below:\nCore Services: Utilitarian\nAtrium Colossi: Greco-Roman revival (applies to all atria)\nCommercial Ring: Postmodern\nHabitation Ring A: Art-Deco\nHabitation Ring B: Expressionist\nHabitation Ring C: Utilitarian\nSCP-Research Ring: Too damaged to determine\nThe different architectural styles of SCP-110 create a problem when attempting to ascertain the general era in which it was built. The earliest documents found claim that the city was built in [DATA EXPUNGED] by the [DATA EXPUNGED] group.\nDocument #001-A: The Last Note\nTo those who find this document:\nMy name is Stephen Kolsnik. Rather, my name was Stephen Kolsnik. I will be dead by the time you read this.\nI was the Chief Engineer of this city, as well as the director of the [DATA EXPUNGED] program, contained within the outer containment and habitation rings. Due to an accident with an entity known as [DATA EXPUNGED], the entire city of [REDACTED] has been dislocated from its original area of [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNobody here knows where we are.\nFrom what I have been able to observe, the outer rings have sustained heavy damage, and their contents are threatening the inhabitants of the inner rings. Though we are surely doomed anyway, as the Core has sustained heavy damage.\nThree of the main life-sustaining services contained within the Core are damaged beyond reasonable repair. Any attempts to repair them would take more time than we have left to live.\nLife support systems will go down soon; I would estimate that they have between 4 to 10 hours of function left.\nTo whoever finds this:\nContain [DATA EXPUNGED] as best you can. Do not follow the same mistakes as our containment procedures had. If you do, you shall regret it.\n(End document)\nList of Notable SCPs found within SCP-110\nOf particular note is a vivarium in the SCP-Research Ring, containing stable populations of SCP-392, SCP-5280, and SCP-4781, among other non-anomalous flora and fauna. Recovered documentation [DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-109 | SCP-110 | SCP-111 \u00bb"} {"text": "Two (2) SCP-111 specimens, an 'Oozedrake' (left) and 'Slimybelly' (right), in containment chamber.\n\nItem #: SCP-111\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-111 in captivity are housed at Site-19, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Wing, in a 5m x 5m x 5m plexiglass enclosure containing a temperate forest habitat transplanted from its natural surroundings. Habitat temperature will be maintained at 30\u00b0 C. Feeding is to take place weekly by personnel placing three (3) kg of iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa) into the containment chamber. Water is to be supplied by an automatic misting system which regulates humidity levels at 50%, both for water required by SCP-111 and to prevent fires. In event of SCP-111 specimens breeding, personnel are to collect all eggs and transport them to the Biological Studies Wing for freezing.\nDescription: SCP-111 is an apparently artificial species of invertebrate vaguely resembling snails. Adult specimens of SCP-111 are approximately twenty (20) centimeters in length, twelve (12) centimeters in width, and fifteen (15) centimeters in height, although exact size differs slightly between specimens. SCP-111 specimens differ from ordinary snails in that they have a warm-blooded metabolism, complex eyes, small \"horns\" consisting of cartilage-ridged tentacles, apparently increased intelligence (personnel are requested to read Test Log \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for examples), and a complex vertebrate-type jaw structure; as well, specimens lay eggs possessing hardened shells.\nMost abnormally, SCP-111 specimens possess small hollow sacs below their lower jaws containing methane from digestive by-products. A series of [DATA EXPUNGED] along the inside of the trachea serves as a \"lighter\" igniting stored methane as the specimen exhales, blowing a small jet of flame from its mouth. Said \"fire-breathing\" generally occurs in event of stress or anger, although is not apparently used deliberately for destruction but rather as a warning. This is presumably due to the limited size of methane sacs, which limits SCP-111 specimens in the amount of fire they can exhale at a time, and requiring both time and starch-rich food to refuel.\nSCP-111's behavior is inconsistent with that of ordinary snail species, including whistling and hooting vocalizations easily audible to humans, high intellect seen in such tests as [DATA EXPUNGED], and parents caring for their young. Hatchlings have been observed imprinting on their parents, other members of their own species, or researchers. This is presumed to be a deliberate trait based on Document 111-a, as it means that hatchlings imprint upon owners.\nHistory: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 a package containing twelve (12) SCP-111 eggs and Document 111-a was mailed to [DATA EXPUNGED], a Foundation front organization. Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 have proven unable to locate the sender of said package.\nDocument 111-a:\n\nNew from Dr. Wondertainment, DRAGON-SNAILS\u2122!\nThe perfect pets for the fantasy-loving child.\nCare & Hatching instructions:\n1. Having read this document, take the eggs out of the box. Be careful, Dragon-Snail\u2122 eggs are fragile!\n2. Put the eggs in a warm, safe place, and wait 7 to 10 days.\n3. Hold your newly-hatched Dragon-Snails\u2122 so they get a good look at you and think you're their mommy.\n4. Enjoy your new pet Dragon-Snails\u2122!\nTo feed your Dragon-Snails\u2122, give your new little friends some raw veggies: lettuce, brussels sprouts, beans, any sort of salad stuff you don't want! Remember to give them water - a small glass each, once a day.\nFor your enjoyment, Dragon-Snails\u2122 come in six types! Breed them for unique pets!\nTypes:\n1. Slimybellies\u00ae: Adorable and oozy little fellows, with awesome fire-engine red colored skin, little black horns and belly, and a speckled tan shell! Beautiful robin's-egg-blue eggs!\n2. Oozedrakes\u00ae: Inquisitive little creatures, with neat banana-colored skin, curly horns and striped shells! Pale tan eggs, like a chicken!\n3. Goowyverns\u00ae: Dark blue-grey skin, flattened shells, and a bumpy-horned head make Goowyverns\u00ae look like tiny sea monsters! Eggs are a fantastic glassy-green color!\n4. Blobworms\u00ae: Green-and-gold stripes, pointy shells, and a single horn, not to mention fuzzy tails, make Blobworms\u00ae wonderful pets! Eggs are tan, with a silver tint!\n5. Glowdrakes\u00ae: New from Doctor Wondertainment, these little fellows may look like blue-black Slimybellies\u00ae\u2026 until they light up! That's right, Glowdrakes\u00ae glow in the dark! Eggs are a golden color with little red dots!\n6. Gunkwyverns\u00ae: Chubby, green-skinned, and dome-shelled, Gunkwyverns\u00ae make great pets! Eggs are transparent, so you can see the baby Dragon-Snail\u00ae inside!\nParental Notice: As Dr. Wondertainment's Dragon-Snails\u2122 breathe fire, they have been known to cause house fires. For maximum playtime fun and safety, it is recommended that fire extinguishers be kept handy. Despite this, Dr. Wondertainment is not legally, morally, or financially responsible for any injuries, death, or property damage resulting from the unsafe use of Dragon-Snails\u2122 or any other Dr. Wondertainment products.\nBy reading this document and incubating your Dragon-Snail\u2122 eggs, you agree to all said terms and forfeit your rights to lawsuits, organized boycotts, protests, honor duels, etc.\nEnjoy your purchase!\n\n\u00ab SCP-110 | SCP-111 | SCP-112 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-112 Train Cars\n\nItem #: SCP-112\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-112 is contained within the abandoned \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" amusement park, designated Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588 is to be staffed with a standard complement of twelve (12) armed guards dressed in designated Amusatastic Land garb, to prevent civilian interference. SCP-112's power supply is housed within a standard Foundation prefab building with two high-security door locks and a standard staff of six (6) security staff and one (1) operator. Since all other rides in Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588 are intentionally disabled, civilian intervention is low.\nAs the anomalous properties of SCP-112 occur regardless of its condition, only mandatory maintenance work is to be done on SCP-112. This also ensures that local civilians treat SCP-112 and its surroundings as abandoned and ignored.\nAll tests involving SCP-112 must be conducted with a portable toilet nearby, as well as a small table with basic food and drink items.\nDescription: SCP-112 is a steel sit-down rollercoaster, formerly known as the \"Blue Steelsurfer\". Built in 19\u2588\u2588, SCP-112 was marketed as the crown jewel of the \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" amusement park. Initial testing of the ride resulted in extremely negative experiences from testing staff. When these reports became public knowledge, the financial repercussions of the \"failure\" of the Steelsurfer resulted in the parent company of the amusement park going bankrupt. The property was abandoned and undisturbed until 19\u2588\u2588, when a local gang broke into the park and reactivated the improperly-disabled rides, SCP-112 included. When police attempted to arrest the members who were exiting SCP-112 after its 'inaugural' ride, the riders began to [REDACTED], attracting local media attention. (For more information, see Archive.112.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). Suspecting the ride had traits within its mandate, the Foundation purchased the park (under the auspices of rebuilding the park as Amusatastic Land) in order to test any potential anomalous properties from the ride.\n\nSCP-112 Point Alpha\n\nWhen SCP-112 is started, the ride functions as expected until Point Alpha, its primary drop. When a car reaches Point Alpha, the train vanishes. After 3 minutes (the estimated time the train would normally take), the train rematerializes at Point Omega (3 m from the coaster's starting point)\nHuman subjects riding SCP-112 have a drastically different experience compared to outside observation. The time-frame between Point Alpha and Point Omega is massively extended, with subjective ride times ranging from 4 minutes to \u2588 months. The properties of the ride also vary from person to person. Most subjects report elements on the ride that do not exist on the ride proper, like batwings, cobra rolls, and inclined loops. Subjects do not have any sense that the rest of the world is alien or otherwise different; only the ride experience is different.\nUpon exiting the ride, subjects typically experience feelings of confusion and ill health, depending on the subjective time they spent riding SCP-112. These feelings are based not on any physical maladies but the subjective experience of dealing with a physical malady for an extended period of time. For example, a subject with a subjective ride time of three days may experience confusion that he had strong feelings of hunger for most of his ride, but at the end of the ride he was not hungry at all.\nAddendum-A: Assorted Experiments:\nExperiment 11234534\n\nDate: 02/22/\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-34534\nD-34534 was sent on SCP-112 at 2:42 pm. The train reached Point Alpha at 2:43 pm; remateralization at 2:46 pm. Upon exiting SCP-112, D-34534 quietly asked for aspirin before passing out. Upon revival and medication, D-34534 reported a subjective ride time of 36 minutes, with multiple loops and twists not found on SCP-112's architecture.\n\nExperiment 11267564\n\nDate: 05/14/\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-67564\nD-67564 was sent on SCP-112 at 1:30 pm. The train reached Point Alpha at 1:31 pm; remateralization at 1:34 pm. D-67564 reported a subjective ride time of four minutes, which D-67564 reported as enjoyable with the exception of \"that part where the car jumps off the track and lands right before the loop\".\n\nExperiment 1125893\n\nDate: 06/01/\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-5893\nD-5893 was sent on SCP-112 at 12:30 pm. The train reached Point Alpha at 12:31 pm; remateralization at 12:34 pm. At the end of the ride, D-5893 immediately ran to the table with consumables, wordlessly consuming everything he could grab onto, including the wrappers of previously-consumed food objects. D-5893 became violent when Foundation staff attempted to subdue him, even going so far as to [EXPUNGED]. Upon capture and interviewing, D-5893 remained confused and disoriented, continuously saying the phrases \"no food till the ride is over\", ''let me sleep, let the spinning stop'', and \"152 lights\". The Foundation believes that D-5893's statements imply that his subjective ride time was approximately five months long, and during his trip he experienced five months worth of malnutrition and exhaustion, despite no physical proof of those experiences found.\n\nExperiment 1127556\n\nDate: 08/08/\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-7556, one standard-issue camera facing D-7556\nD-7556 was sent on SCP-112 at 11:36 am. The train reached Point Alpha at 11:37 am; remateralization at 11:40 am. D-7556 experienced symptoms similar (but muted) to those of D-5893. During the interview, D-7556 explained that his subjective ride time was one month and six days long. During his trip, he was unable to eat or sleep, and suffered major headaches from SCP-112. D-7556 reported experiencing every sort of rollercoaster element currently in use, and a few believed to be conceptual. Camera footage, lasting 3 minutes, shows D-7556 sobbing for the duration of the ride, with movement consistent with SCP-112's physical track.\n\nAddendum-B: Rider Interviews\nExperiment 112-35784-23512, Post-Ride Interview #1\n\nAccess\n\nDismiss\n\nSubject: D-35784\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInterview Type: Post-ride Interview\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How are you feeling, 35784?\nD-35784: (rolls eyes) I'm fine. It was just a rollercoaster ride, dude. Maybe you have me confused with the other guy? You know, the one that attacked when the ride was over?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I will, in time. Describe your experience on SCP-112, please.\nD-35784: (laughs) What's there to say? Before I was sent to jail, I designed coasters. A couple minutes too long of a ride, you always gotta worry about that, but the twists that thing has are damn good. A few of them, I'm pretty sure I mocked up back in '\u2588\u2588! It would have been a lot better if the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588tard next to me wasn't acting like a damn fool.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: D-23512? What was he doing?\nD-35784: (sighs) It's what he wasn't doing that pissed me off. He was slouched over so much that his restraints were taut, just facing forward. Think his mouth was open the entire time. If it were possible, I'd say he looked like someone who had been on a crying jag for a few hours. I dunno. When we got that slow point before the banked curve, I tried snapping my fingers in front of him. Idiot just barely turned to face me. And you know what happened afterwards.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, he punched you.\nD-35784: Not really a punch, really. Slapped me, shaking me, trying to choke me. I didn't get the impression that he really wanted to kill me, just wanted to get an answer out of me. That's what he said, actually. Shit like \"Why didn't you look at me?\" and \"Why did you not stop cheering the whole time?\" in a very hoarse voice. Was in mid-question with another when the guards introduced their rifles to the back of his head.\n\nExperiment 112-35784-23512, Post-Ride Interview #2\n\nAccess\n\nDismiss\n\nSubject: D-23512\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInterview Type: Post-ride Interview\nForward: This interview was conducted three weeks after riding on SCP-112 with D-35784. D-23512 is not willing to speak verbally since his ride. From time to time he attempts to speak, but shows signs of discomfort and pain in doing so, stating that his throat is too sore to talk. While there are no medical issues with D-23512, his experiences have obviously left him traumatized from his experience on SCP-112. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 estimates a full recovery is possible before monthly terminations, and that at such time he will be capable of estimating precisely how long his subjective ride time was. This interview was conducted through written communication. Given his fixation on certain traits of the ride, this transcript has been edited for brevity.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, 23512. How are you feeling?\nD-23512: Still hurts. still dizzy. loops and loops. spins spins spins. foreverandever\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why do you say your throat hurts?\nD-23512: screamed. screamed over and over. girl wouldn't answer me. SHE NEVER LOOKED AT ME i screamed and screamed till i couldnt scream anymore. throat got better. screamed again. never looked never noticed, just kept cheering the hell of ups and downs and downs and ups and side to side and side to side\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm assuming you're talking about the person who went on the ride with you. 35784.\nD-23512: girl with the big jiggling tits, cheered and laughed and cheered and laughed. every spin every turn every twist even when it got dark i could hear her laughing and wooing. couldnt sleep cuz of her laughing and cheering. light and day bright and dark always screaming and giggling HOW COULD SHE DO THAT\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: She told me you were just sitting there, staring ahead. She said she tried to get your attention, but you never responded.\n\nD-23512: I WAVED AND SHOOK HER she didnt move didnt notice just kept cheering. tried to tune her out for a few daweeMONTHSATATIME but she never NEVERNEVER noticed me. kept cheering kept screaming kept LAUGHINGATME as starved an peed myself and slammed my head against the side till i bled just kept LAUGHINGNAND SCREAMING through the loops and the spins and the deep dark dips that never ended never stopped crushing\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: 23512, I am trying to help you, but acting insane won't help you in the least. There was no injury to your head at the end of the ride.\n\nD-23512: I WAS THERE I FELT IT the warm on my head till it got cold and stopped spilling. still itches.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So what happened at the end of the ride? You had a bit of an issue with 35784.\n\nD-23512: she stopped laughing and giggling after all that time and she LOOKS AT ME and smiles and says \"nice ride, eh?\" and i shook her and tried to ask her why she wouldnt stop laughing and screaming. i didnt want to hurt hurt her not really, just wanted to know why why why why why (repeats \u2588\u2588 times until D-23512 is disabled)\n\n\u00ab SCP-111 | SCP-112 | SCP-113 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-113\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-113 is to be kept in standard storage in Site-23. SCP-113 may be handled with laboratory gloves. No organism may be exposed to SCP-113 without prior approval. Personnel exposed to SCP-113 are to be kept under medical observation for 7 days.\nDescription: SCP-113 resembles a small, polished piece of red jasper. Analysis shows that SCP-113 is not composed of jasper, but [REDACTED] composition similar to that of other recovered objects.\nWhen SCP-113 comes in direct contact with the flesh of an organism possessing sex chromosomes, the organism's physical characteristics associated with gender and biological sex are transformed (including genetics and secondary sexual characteristics), either reversed or altered.\nThis process occurs in four stages:\nStage 1: Lasts approximately 0.2 seconds. SCP-113 bonds with the cells that it touches and induces an unidentified chemical change. This process causes tissue damage similar to mild burns, and SCP-113 cannot be removed from contact with the subject until all stages complete.\nStage 2: Lasts approximately 20 seconds. SCP-113 emits a low-intensity electromagnetic wave which travels through the subject's body. Subjects may experience nausea and vomiting, along with a stinging sensation throughout the body.\nStage 3: Lasts approximately 60 seconds. Throughout this stage, the subject's cellular makeup is temporarily transformed. Altered cell composition ranges widely from being unidentifiable as human, to a unique variation of partially-differentiated stem cells. The subject will experience intense stimulation of all sensory nerves during the final 20 seconds of this stage, and describe this part of the process as extremely painful. Subjects in poor health may die of shock in this stage.\nAt the end of this stage, the subject's biological sex is permanently altered. In standard cases, the subject's biological sex will be changed to the opposite biological sex. All primary and secondary sexual characteristics are altered accordingly.\nStage 4: SCP-113 disengages from the subject and becomes inert.\nSubjects with sex chromosomes atypical for their species (such as intersex humans) are affected in unpredictable ways by SCP-113. In human intersex subjects, this appears to be influenced by gender identity; such subjects may be unaffected, or their bodies may change to match baseline male or female bodies (with sex chromosomes to match), or other results may occur. Usually, change seems to match or partially match subject's gender identity during initial use, if gender identity is nonstandard. Whether SCP-113 alters its effect based on the presence of a nonstandard gender identity is under investigation.\nGender identity of human subjects is not typically altered by SCP-113. In subjects with nonstandard gender identities (typically gender identities which do not match their pre-exposure biological sex), this usually results in positive psychological effects. In subjects with standard gender identities (male/female, matching pre-exposure biological sex), psychological effects are usually negative. These appear to be natural psychological reactions, and not an anomalous effect of SCP-113.\nSCP-113 exposure results in unusual effects in certain species. In Varanus komodoensis (the komodo dragon), a number of ZW/ZZ individuals were transformed to possess WW chromosomes instead of ZZ or ZW, which was in every instance fatal. In Caenorhabditis elegans (a nematode), no males were produced despite C. elegans having two sexes (hermaphrodite and male). Male subjects became hermaphrodites, and hermaphrodite subjects were unaffected. (Note: In wild populations, male C. elegans are extremely rare.)\nSubjects of single-sex, hermaphroditic species (such as earthworms) will not be transformed by SCP-113; the object's process will stop at the second stage and the object will become inert.\nPreviously exposed subjects may undergo SCP-113's effects again by re-initiating contact with SCP-113 after approximately 60 seconds have passed. However, in 25% of cases, immediate second exposure to SCP-113 fails to transform the subject correctly. Transformation failure varies in nature, but usually includes massive bone, organ, and tissue damage to the subject, as well as partial or complete obliteration of genitalia. This commonly results in death by organ trauma or internal bleeding.\nFailure rate can be affected by subjects not coming into contact with SCP-113 for a lengthy period of time, which varies by subject; patterns are under research. Under normal circumstances, transformation failure rate increases exponentially upon multiple exposures. Subjects who survive rapid, repeated exposure are eventually transformed [DATA EXPUNGED] Further anomalous elements continue to appear as exposure count increases.\n\n\u00ab SCP-112 | SCP-113 | SCP-114 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-114\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-114 is kept in a 10 m3 standard concrete humanoid containment cell at Site-17. The cell is positioned at the bottom of a 40 m shaft to prevent staff members from coming into the proximity of SCP-114. The cell is accessible by a staircase restricted to emergency use only. Daily rations are provided to SCP-114 three times a day by means of a dumbwaiter. SCP-114 is also permitted to submit written requests to attending staff by the same means. To date, SCP-114 has been granted one Qur'an (Arabic), one prayer rug, and one blank journal with pens.\nResearch on SCP-114 is suspended until further notice. Elimination of SCP-114 is acceptable in the event of a multiple containment-breach crisis.\nDescription: SCP-114 is a Pashtun woman of Afghani origin, approximately 40 years old and 160 cm tall. SCP-114 has the involuntary effect of fostering and escalating violent conflict between all individuals in her proximity. Subjects within ten to fifteen meters of SCP-114 become inconsolably aggressive at trivialities or points of little consequence, often to the degree of projecting hostile motives on others. Arguments generally arise between individuals after one to three minutes of exposure to SCP-114. The resulting arguments turn to violence in all cases.\nNotably, persons affected by the presence of SCP-114 will never exhibit hostility towards SCP-114 or attempt to inflict harm upon her. Subjects ordered to deliberately injure SCP-114 find themselves unable to do so. For relevant information, see Experiment Log 114-A.\nCommunication with SCP-114 has only been possible through written notes or electronic means. Researchers have gleaned that SCP-114 is unaware of her effect on other people. She shows little to no response to exposure to violence, and seems to be under the impression that human beings are naturally aggressively hostile to each other.\nSCP-114 is consistently unresponsive and uncooperative with researchers, and appears to be acutely wary of human interaction. Due to the difficulty of communication with SCP-114, psychological evaluations have been speculative at best. Rudimentary assessments strongly suggest psychological trauma \u2013 combat stress reaction and/or compassion fatigue have been tentatively proposed.\nDocument 114-a-898-12:\nAbridged eyewitness report from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a former soldier in the 40th Red Army, interviewed March 23, 1991. Translated and transcribed by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u201c\u2026We took \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on February the first, 1980. It was a shit little village, but the Mujahideen put up a damn good fight. Eight of our men killed, fifteen wounded. One tank destroyed. It was dead cold, too. You think the Middle East is warm, but you go to the mountains in February, it is not so. Anyway, we were mopping up the area, going through the huts, looking for weapons caches and the like. It seemed like every doorstep had some old babushka weeping and tearing at her hair and clutching our knees. But at the end of the street was this one big hut, no babushka outside. Only there were trays of food left out, like an offering before the door. (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 pauses for several seconds) So six of us go in to search. It was big and empty inside, dusty, and practically bare. Didn't look like anyone had been in there in a long time. But soon, we hear this soft whimpering, though, and look! \u2013 over in the corner there's a little girl, must be eight or nine, curled up and all alone. Piotyr\u2026 he was a big softie\u2026 he goes over, he bends down, puts out his hands, says \u2013 \u2018Come on, little one, it is okay, we won't hurt you.' But the girl won't budge. Then Piotyr stands up, all stiffly, and looks back at us funny. Konstantin walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder, tells him to leave the girl alone, laughing good naturedly. Piotyr gets all red-faced, like he's had a full bottle, and shouts \u2018Get your damn hand off my shoulder!' or something of the sort. He looks like a wild animal. We are all in surprise. And suddenly they are on the ground, and he's bashing Konstantin's face in with the butt of his rifle, screaming. It took three of us to pull him off, and by then Konstantin was dead\u2026.\u201d\n\n\u00ab SCP-113 | SCP-114 | SCP-115 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-115 being transported to Site-\u2588\u2588\n\nItem #: SCP-115\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-115-1 is to be stored in the Secure Vehicles Storage Facility in Site-\u2588\u2588, where access is restricted unless accompanied by Level 3 personnel or higher. SCP-115-2 is currently being kept in a secure drawer of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's desk. SCP-115 is not to be used without Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's explicit approval. Any site staff using SCP-115-2 must return it in a timely manner or face punitive measures. No other special containment procedures are required.\nDescription: SCP-115-1 is a toy dump truck, with no identifying markers or labels to identify its original manufacturer. However, unlike regular toy dump trucks, SCP-115-1 weighs as much as the actual vehicle it represents, roughly 90 tons. It is currently unknown how the vehicle weighs this much, as analysis of SCP-115-1's composition reveals that it is made of the same commercial plastic commonly found in similar cheap-quality toys.\nSCP-115-1 is also capable of motorized movement and can function exactly like a normal dump truck, excepting the fact that it is several magnitudes smaller. It is controlled by SCP-115-2, which resembles a heavily modified RC car controller. SCP-115-2 can control SCP-115-1's movements despite the fact that SCP-115-1 lacks any kind of radio receiver or mechanical parts. SCP-115-2 does not work with any other radio controlled device, but otherwise functions exactly like a mundane radio controller, even requiring batteries to function properly.\nTesting has shown that in addition to its abnormal weight, SCP-115-1 also has a similar carrying capacity as its larger counterparts, being able to carry or tow roughly 120 tons of cargo. In addition, SCP-115-1 also apparently needs diesel fuel to run properly. There is a small port in its left side that allows fueling, though it stores and consumes as much fuel as a regular dump truck. How it consumes the diesel fuel, as well as where it is stored are issues currently under study.\nSCP-115-1 was originally found in a construction site in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, where workers attempted to move it, but found the task impossible due to the fact that SCP-115-1 weighs 90 tons. They were forced to use heavy machinery to finally move SCP-115-1 off the construction site and to a nearby town, where it became a local curiosity. Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 discovered SCP-115-1 and found SCP-115-2 at the same construction site. Class A amnestics were distributed among the townspeople in order to cover up SCP-115-1's existence.\nTo anybody using SCP-115-1 for testing, I would like to remind you about Newton's Laws! Driving SCP-115-1 recklessly at high speeds is inviting disaster, and we've already had to deal with several destroyed walls and equipment due to improper handling! -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-114 | SCP-115 | SCP-116 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-116\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-116 is kept in a 16 by 16 meter cell, constructed of Kevlar, with 1 meter porous rubber padding on all surfaces. No personnel are to enter cell without proper briefing and threat-reduction measures (see Appendix III). Cell is to be monitored at all times by 6 agents, 4 stationed at corner points of cell and 2 stationed with SCP-116. No pointed objects or intrusive testing equipment of any kind are to be placed in the possession of the agents within the cell. Outside monitoring is achieved using VBS05 class concealed button cameras stationed at high corners in the cell. Outside monitoring is to be carried out by a further 2 agents. If suspicious activity begins, initialize Achilles procedure \u2206. All monitoring agents, internal or external, are to undergo bi-monthly IQ tests as well as standard weekly psychiatric analysis. Significant drops in the IQ of agents (\u2265 5 pts.) are to be regarded as prolonged exposure and to be treated as outlined in standard Quarantine instructions.\nDescription: SCP-116 has the outward appearance of a Caucasian male of around 9 years of age. Skin is cauterized and scarred over 98% of body, limbs, and head. SCP-116's bone structure is drastically different from standard Homo sapiens bone layout, and all bones are dangerously brittle. The most distinguishing difference between the human body and that of SCP-116 is the non-existence of joints in the latter. SCP-116 is entirely capable of independent movement, but to do so would cause multiple shattering breaks to all bones affected by said movement. To combat this, SCP-116 shows remarkable self-healing, and over a period of minutes can completely regenerate its rigid bone placement. SCP-116 has shown some language skill since acquisition; however, the only language it speaks is a disrupted and broken version of English in which every word has been replaced with an almost entirely unconnected one. Prolonged attempts to make sense of SCP-116's speech have resulted in some long-term mental degradation in researchers. There seems to be no pattern to the word replacement, and attempts continue to translate it. Research suggests that SCP-116 may be capable of low level telepathy, which deteriorates the victim's brain functions over a long period of time.\n\nAppendix I:\nSgt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [19-0529]\nMemorandum: May 29th, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubj: Development of suicidal tendencies by SCP-116\nNB: SCP-116 has begun to show extreme suicidal tendencies. Request modification of monitoring and containment protocol to avoid undue damage to subject.\n\nAppendix II:\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [19-1429]\nSCP-116 language notes: June 19, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n116's unique linguistic set up is one of increasing interest to me. Continuing research by my team and me has yielded these somewhat basic results:\nattached file \u2013 116linguistics_aA0.001.doc\nNo clear reasoning has been found as to why 116 communicates in this way. Although the words spoken by it are English, the parameters under which they operate are drastically different. No attempt has yet been made to produce written language from SCP-116, due to bone structure anomalies. Even speaking can be an extreme challenge for 116, despite its experience-dulled pain receptors. I have taken a special interest in this subject, as the way in which it reacts to normal English is remarkable. It is obvious that what we say to it sounds just as garbled to it as what it says back to us does to us (if that makes any sense at all). In all my years at Site-19, I have never seen anything quite like it linguistically. I will continue to study and record what I find.\n\nAppendix III:\nLt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [19-0349]\nMemorandum: June 30, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubj: Procedure of, and relating to, worrying new suicidal tendencies shown by SCP-116.\ni) No solid equipment weighing more than 8 lb may be taken into cell.\nii) All interior guards are to have canine teeth filed until blunted completely.\niii) Security level is to be raised to rT5; full body cavity search and x-ray before entrance to cell is granted.\niv) If any asphyxiation or hypoxia appears to be affecting SCP-116, emergency CPR is to be administered by internal guards.\nSuggestion noted that SCP-116 should be connected to a life support machine even when not in danger of death, to prevent unintentional termination.\n\nAppendix IV:\nSgt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [19-0529]\nMemorandum: July 11th, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubj: 'Cessation of research re: SCP-116'\nAny and all research regarding SCP-116 is to be immediately halted until further notice. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the primary researcher into SCP-116's language and delayed telepathy, is to be removed from this site and kept in solitary confinement until all symptoms of his dementia and schizophrenia have dissipated. All personnel involved with SCP-116 are to be quarantined until further notice. Full bone marrow transplants are to be performed on all agents who have been in tactile contact with SCP-116. Suggested termination of interior guard protocol noted.\n\nAppendix V:\nCol. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [20-0212]\nSubj: 'Cessation of SCP-116 project'\nMemorandum: March 20, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nGiven the suicidal tendencies of SCP-116, its deleterious effects on involved personnel and lack of significant useful progress in research, I propose we allow SCP-116 to self-terminate in a controlled environment. This thing has, so far, proven to be a fruitless waste of resources. Perhaps postmortem examination will provide us with answers we haven't been able to obtain so far.\n\n\u00ab SCP-115 | SCP-116 | SCP-117 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-117\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-117 is to be kept in the small leather pouch it was found in, unless in use or in current study.\nAny personnel deemed mentally fit may enter the containment cell of the SCP, though if they are suspected to be trying to remove the SCP without permission, they are to be searched, and if that is the case, they are to be reprimanded.\nThe door to the containment cell should remain locked, and a guard posted only when the object is in use.\nDescription: The item appears to be a regular multitool, of unknown make and brand, found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Florida. At first glance, only the normal tools are found (screwdriver, knife, can opener, etc.), but if the user is faced with a task, regardless of what tool the subject intends to pull out and use, a tool perfectly fitted for the job will take its place, regardless of spatial quantities that are being broken by the tool. All other tools always seem to be present, though, after the task is completed and the tool closed, unless faced with a task requiring that tool again, the tool cannot be found on the tool again.\nAddendum: Those with Level 2 Security Clearance should see Document #117-B\nDocument #117-A: Effects of Usage\nAfter countless uses and testing with the SCP, it has been discovered to cause harm, and possibly death to the user by means of absorbing iron, copper, calcium, and zinc from the user's body as long as the user is touching the device. Gloves seem to have no curbing effect on this, and the rate of absorption seems to depend on the tools used/created by SCP-117. It is advised that only Class D personnel are used in conjunction with this SCP, to prevent death or injury of researchers.\nDocument #117-B: Usage Log of SCP-117\n{Redundant entries not entered, unless they exhibit different results.}\nSituation - Tool produced by SCP\n\nA loose screw on a metal plate - Screwdriver, though not the standard screwdriver\n\nA nail barely in piece of timber - Standard hammer\n\nA piece of timber with proposed cut lines drawn - An electric saw, which needed no outside power source\n\nA piece of bullet proof glass - An unknown laser cutting tool, which needed no outside power source\n\nSCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 - A bloodied combat knife\n\nAn Agent with a broken bone - A small item with a trigger, which when pulled emitted an odd radiation, instantly healing the injury\n\nClass D personnel fit for execution - [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nCommunication needed with SCP-363 - [DATA EXPUNGED] (See Incident Report #117-3f; O5-X Clearance required)\n\nA non-shuffled deck of playing cards - A mid-size mechanical shuffler.\n\nClass D personnel with terminal cancer - Item similar to sixth test.\n\nA perfectly healthy Caucasian human male, with no criminal record - [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nA perfectly healthy Hispanic human male, with no criminal record - [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nSCP-138 - A metal plate with the phrase \"THAT'S ROUGH, BUDDY\" carved into it.\n\nA silver dinner fork in perfect condition - No tools could be found on the SCP.\n\n[DATA EXPUNGED] - A screwdriver.\n\nA dirty window - A nozzle that sprayed a mixture of soap and water that completely cleaned the window.\n\nAn uncharged iPod - The iPod end of the charging cord, which needed no outside power source.\n\nA blank sheet of standard computer paper - A pen filled with a seemingly infinite supply of black ink.\n\nA Samsung cellular phone - A small device that when attached to the phone, increased signal strength by approx. 250%.\n\nA paperback copy of How To Survive When Reality Doesn't - A functioning lighter.\n\nA hardcover copy of A Chronicle of the Daevas, non-anomalous - A functioning lighter.\n\nA hardcover copy of A Chronicle of the Daevas, anomalous - A functioning flamethrower. Item burned with no complications.\n\nA hardcover copy of A Chronicle of the Daevas, non-anomalous but recovered from the Wanderer's Library - An anti-booklice spray.\n\nDocument #117-G: Developments Concerning SCP-117\n\"After exposing the SCP to an array of different items and people, it appears that the object may very well be sentient to some degree. Because of this, we must consider the fact that the SCP is susceptible to telepathy and must not come into contact with any SCPs with known telepathic powers.\" - Dr. Climan\nThe above was a transcript of the personal notes of Dr. Climan, who seems to have taken a harmless interest in the object. Testing with other SCPs is suspended as of 9/16/\u2588\u2588.\nNote #117-1: 5/4/\u2588\u2588\nTesting is suggested for SCP-882, and is under consideration by Dr. Climan.\nNote #117-2: 6/19/20\u2588\u2588\nFurther biological testing is halted by Dr. Climan after Incident #117-4a; The SCP is still fit to be used for any repairs around the facilities, as long as the SCP is followed by one or more armed guards briefed on proper use of the SCP.\nNote #117-4: 6/21/20\u2588\u2588\n\"After much consideration, I must deny testing of SCP-117 with SCP-882. The risk of damaging SCP-882 is simply too great to overlook.\" - Dr. Climan\nNote #117-26: 9/16/\u2588\u2588\n\"After Incident #117-3f, I'm forced to put a stop to all testing of SCP-117 in conjunction with other SCPs. The risk of a total loss of containment is far too great. All biological testing is to be halted until a later date, as the results so far have proved varying, and there is a limit of Class D staff available for my research.\" - Dr. Climan\nNote #117-27: 7/20/\u2588\u2588\nBiological testing resumed by Dr. Climan, with mixed results. Testing of SCP-117 with other SCPs under re-consideration by O5-\u2588, though it seems unlikely further testing will occur.\nNote #117-28: 3/20/\u2588\u2588\nTesting is suggested for SCP-682.\n\n\u00ab SCP-116 | SCP-117 | SCP-118 \u00bb"} {"text": "Picture from containment failure in Red Zone \u2588, 19\u2588\u2588\n\nItem #: SCP-118\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the number and distribution of SCP-118, containment of every specimen is impossible. Known SCP-118 Red Zones are to be closed off to all civilian marine vessels and divers under the guise of a military presence or other plausible cover story. Contacts in navies known to operate near SCP-118 Red Zones are to be utilized in order to minimize the passage of military vessels through the Red Zones. If any area within the Red Zone has a depth of less than 1500 meters, the restriction is to be applied to aircraft as well. All human activity in surrounding Yellow Zones is to be monitored, and any non-military vessels or individuals approaching the Red Zone are to be turned away. In the Red and Yellow Zones, protocol TOXIC HARVEST is to be followed to ensure the removal of devices generated by SCP-118. Furthermore, protocol CELL WATCH is to be followed to ensure the early detection of any emerging Red Zones.\nSamples of SCP-118 can be stored using standard containment procedures for non-virulent anomalous microbes.\nDescription: SCP-118 is a species of ocean-dwelling protista that is capable of assembling functional, self initiating, nuclear devices from materials present in ocean water. While SCP-118 is unknown and hence has not been classified by the scientific community, specimens resemble protists of the phylum Euglenophyta but have significantly increased levels of movement speed, nutrient storage capability and resistance to alpha radiation. Specimens of SCP-118 have been found in all of the world's oceans and seas.\nWhen in a survivable salt water environment, specimens of SCP-118 will seek out materials including but not limited to iron, silver, copper, carbon, TNT, and uranium isotopes. When SCP-118 has located a material of interest the material is absorbed into the cell using a method dependent on the size of the material. Single atoms and molecules (mostly substances that are dissolved in the water) are passed through the cellular membrane through specialized protein pumps. Larger particles smaller than the cell itself are ingested through phagocytosis. Larger pieces will have particles torn off through an unknown mechanism, which are then absorbed using the first two methods. This \"mining\" occurs even in solid and hard substances, such as metal ingots.\nUpon reaching a threshold of absorbed materials, specimens of SCP-118 will move towards an \"assembly area\" on the bottom of the body of the water they are present in and will contribute to the assembly of a nuclear device. The nuclear devices assembled are gun-type fission devices using Uranium-235 as their fissile material. Observation of devices in the process of being assembled show that the process starts with the assembly of a metallic rounded cylindrical casing for the device, followed by the creation of two sub-critical masses of uranium and the conventional explosives to propel them into each other. The mechanism by which SCP-118 enriches harvested uranium is currently unknown. (See Addendum 4). The device is then finished with the assembly of a Uranium-238 tamper where the two uranium masses will collide and the assembly of a trigger mechanism. SCP-118 appears to assemble the necessary components by adding minuscule amounts of material to an (initially) tiny material \"seed\". Differing atoms and molecules can be added to the same component and assembled components are not necessarily homogeneous. It is currently unknown whether SCP-118 builds on the seed atom by atom or by adding very small sub-micrometer fragments. The mechanism by which SCP-118 attaches new material to the seed seamlessly is unknown. The assembly time depends on the size of the device being assembled, water conditions and mineral availability but observations suggest that 300 days for a medium size device can be considered average.\nOnce a nuclear device is finished SCP-118 will detonate the device by completing a circuit in the trigger mechanism. Around 90% of the nuclear explosions recorded as a result of SCP-118 have had yields in the 20 to 35 kiloton range, although yields as low as 4 kilotons and up to \u2588\u2588\u2588 kilotons have been reported. Aside from cases involving human interference, failure to detonate has never been observed, as all nuclear devices recorded have either been detonated of their own accord or removed from the water prior to completion. Devices constructed by SCP-118 appear to be larger than man-made devices of similar design and yield, presumably due to the neutron moderating effect of the water that separates the uranium masses throughout much of the device's construction. A given assembly area typically has between one and three devices in the process of assembly at any given time, although as many as six at a time has been observed. In zones where multiple devices are being simultaneously assembled, the devices are separated by enough distance to prevent the detonation of one from destroying or setting off the other(s).\nWhile the Foundation is unable to prevent civilians and other organizations from obtaining samples of SCP-118, its superficial similarity to existing species, few numbers (relative to all oceanic protista), lack of anomalous behavior outside material rich bodies of water, and the Foundation's standard monitoring of scientific studies at risk of uncovering information about anomalous biological species ensures that the chance of SCP-118's true nature being determined through cell samples is minimal.\nThere are currently six different active SCP-118 assembly areas known to the Foundation. While the natural disappearance of an assembly area has been observed, the current consensus among researchers assigned to SCP-118 is that elimination of assembly areas without massively noticeable effects is currently unfeasible (See Experiment Log 118 - Gamma for details). Thus, containment is to be established at SCP-118's assembly areas, to be designated \"Red Zones\", and surrounding \"Yellow Zones\". Furthermore, areas with elevated concentrations of SCP-118, \"Zones of Interest\", are to be monitored for signs of assembly areas.\n\n+ List of Containment Zones - Level 4 clearance required\n\n- SCP-118 Containment Zones\n\nRed Zones:\nRZ - 1\nLocation: Mid-Atlantic\nCoordinates: [REDACTED]\nZone commander: Captain Romanov\nNote: USS \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Incident occurred \u2588\u2588 km outside this Red Zone.\nRZ - 2\nLocation: North Pacific\nCoordinates: [REDACTED]\nZone commander: Captain Chambers\nRZ - 4\nLocation: South Pacific\nCoordinates: [REDACTED]\nZone commander: Captain Knapp\nRZ -5\nLocation: Indian Ocean\nCoordinates: [REDACTED]\nZone commander: Captain Wayne\nNote: Proximity to shipping lanes reduces tolerance for nuclear explosions\nRZ - 6\nLocation: North Atlantic\nCoordinates: [REDACTED]\nZone commander: Captain Fazil\nNote: Proximity to US SOSUS hydrophones reduces tolerance for nuclear explosions.\nRZ - 7\nLocation: [REDACTED]\nCoordinates: [REDACTED]\nZone commander: Captain \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNote: Red Zone lies within \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 city limits. This, combined with the shallow average depth of Red Zone, the heavy shipping traffic in the area, the ongoing tensions between \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a nuclear power, and the presence of Foundation personnel and facilities in the city makes a nuclear detonation in this Red Zone unacceptable. In addition, heavy ship traffic through the area and heavy air traffic above the city make restricting access for any long period of time impractical.\nZones of Interest (ZOI)\nZOI - 1 (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 N, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 E) - SCP-118 levels increasing around %5 per year, ZOI area growing approximately %3 per year\nZOI - 3 (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 N, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 W) - ZOI covers approximately 20 oil wells, SCP-118 levels and ZOI size currently stable.\nFormer Zones (FZ)\nFZ-RZ-3 (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 N, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 E) - Formerly RZ - 3, Last device assembled in 1992, SCP-118 levels dropped to average oceanic values in 20\u2588\u2588\nFZ-ZOI-2 (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 N, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 W) - Formerly ZOI - 2, SCP-118 levels dropped to average oceanic values in 1986.\n\nAddendum-118-1: Following the USS \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Incident, the exclusion radius used when drawing red zones had been increased. Containment protocol TOXIC HARVEST has been updated.\nAddendum-118-2: With the signing of the Partial Test Ban Treaty and growing number and capability of nuclear detonation detection methods in use, the consequences of nuclear detonations caused by SCP-118 have increased. Containment protocols have been revised in light of these facts.\nAddendum-118-3: Due to the significant cost of containing SCP-118 Red Zones, the O-5 council has requested trials on possible methods to eliminate SCP-118 assembly areas.\n\n+ Experiment Log 118-Gamma - Level 4 clearance required\n\n- Red Zone Eradication Trials - Summary\n\nIntroduction: Researchers with access to the files on SCP-118 are allowed to submit proposals to eradicate an SCP-118 assembly area with acceptable levels of collateral damage. The ones approved by TOXIC HARVEST command and the O5 council will be carried out. Trials are to be performed in Red Zone \u2588.\nProposal: Sterilization of unfinished nuclear device and immediate surroundings using a UV light emitter.\nApproval: Approved\nResult: Area around unfinished warhead initially free of micro-organisms, however SCP-118 concentration returned to normal levels within an hour.\nNon-sustained sterilization of sites seems ineffectual. Any method we come up with will have to keep the Red Zone, or at least the sea floor of it, free of SCP-118 for an extended period of time. -Dr Brant\nProposal: Sodium Hypochlorite pumped to ocean floor.\nApproval: Denied\nResult: N/A\nThe chemicals will disperse too much to be effective. Any amount sufficient to reduce SCP-118's numbers will cause massive ecological damage. -Dr Klaus\nProposal: Depth charge bombardment of ocean floor to break up under-assembly devices\nApproval: Denied\nResult: N/A\nAside from the fact this would break our naval budget, the chances of triggering the conventional explosive in the devices and causing a \"fizzle\" is too high. It would also make our activities even more detectable with hydrophones. -Dr Klaus\nProposal: \"Sweeping\" of ocean using a Cobalt-60 powered directional gamma ray emitter.\nApproval: Approved\nResult: While procedure resulted in the sterilization of \"swept\" area, procedure was far too slow to sterilize entire Red Zone before specimens returned. Keeping entire Red Zone sterile would require impractical numbers of emitters and vessels.\nWhile it's a shame the device can not get rid of the Red Zones for us, I think it can be of use to our device recovery teams. The gamma rays can sterilize the devices we recover to prevent undesired detonations during the recovery of almost complete devices. The gamma rays can also penetrate into areas where our current chemical and UV sterilization methods can't reach -Captain Thomson (RZ-3 Zone Commander)\nProposal: A plastic membrane to block access to ocean floor at Red Zone\nApproval: Proof of concept on one under-assembly warhead approved\nResult: First attempt was unable to acquire a water-tight seal around warhead. Membrane in second attempt was too fragile for ocean conditions and was torn off its moors. Third membrane, manufactured using a thicker and sturdier design, had hundreds of micro tears ripped in it within hours, possibly due to SCP-118's \"mining\" action.\nNot surprising, considering that SCP-118 has been known to wear through the casings of old artillery shells to harvest the explosives within. We had hoped that cutting off the assembly area would work better than cutting off the raw materials. -Dr. Klaus\nProposal: Compound \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 pumped to ocean floor.\nNote: Proposed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, former researcher for SCP-118 currently working at Bio Research Site \u2588\u2588's Chemical Research Division. Tests confirm that compound is lethal to SCP-118, remains concentrated at bottom of water, and degrades into relatively harmless chemicals in water over a period of 15 hours.\nApproval: Approved\nResult: Over one week, SCP-118 concentrations on ocean floor fell to 3% of previous levels. No signs of progress observed on two known uncompleted nuclear devices in Red Zone. However, 100 days after the start of the experiment an under assembly nuclear device was detected 60 km North of the Red Zone. Measurements in the area indicated vastly elevated levels of SCP-118 and the area around discovery was reclassified as a Red Zone. Furthermore, the unexpected breakdown of Compound \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by certain species of oceanic bacteria resulted in toxic byproducts that caused a noticeable die-off of fish in treated zone. Upon stoppage of experiment Red Zone was observed to gradually \"migrate\" back to former location.\nIt seems that making a Red Zone non-viable served only to move SCP-118's assembly areas to a new location. Nevertheless, perhaps if we can improve Compound \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or find a new one whose application is more subtle we can move Red Zones into areas away from areas of human habitation or commercial activity. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProposal: Use of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 via \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nApproval: Denied\nResult: N/A\nSCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has classified properties that preclude its use in such a manner. -O5-5\nConclusion: Due to increased media attention to areas around Red Zone \u2588 due to aftermath of the application of Compound \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and the lack of proposals without high risks of substantial collateral damage, testing in Red Zone \u2588 has been suspended.\n\nAddendum-118-4 (Level 4 Clearance required):\n\nOur research has determined SCP-118 enriches uranium by exploiting the fact that U-235 has a slightly greater preference for a high oxidation state than U-238. SCP-118 specimens which have harvested large amounts of uranium and are near assembly areas appear to develop specialized organelles resembling a series of thousands of vacuole-like chambers with mitochondria-like organelles within them, responsible for catalyzing reduction and oxidation reactions. In a given chamber, uranium is repeatedly reduced and oxidized. Compounds with uranium in higher oxidation states are transferred up the \"chain\" of chambers while compounds with lower oxidation states are transferred down the chain. This results in a small amount of highly enriched uranium at the very end of the chain.\n\nResearchers and engineers at Research Sector \u2588 have managed to create a prototype uranium enrichment device based on the principles employed by SCP-118. While the prototype was unable to produce weapons-grade uranium without using unreasonable amounts of time, it was successful in producing reactor-grade uranium, albeit at significantly greater cost than conventional methods. Despite its current limitations, the idea shows promise and I have forwarded our findings to the relevant front companies.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-117 | SCP-118 | SCP-119 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-119\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-119 is to remain open and unplugged at all times except during testing. The door to the room in which SCP-119 resides is to be locked for all periods except during experimentation, with the entry codes given only to authorized research and security personnel. An industrial-grade disinfectant will be available nearby at all times, and the inside of SCP-119 is to be heavily disinfected before any testing. The contents of SCP-119 are to be monitored through the viewing window on SCP-119 at all times during testing, and will be stopped immediately should the contents become hostile or otherwise damaging to SCP-119.\nDescription: SCP-119 is a Panasonic [REDACTED] Microwave Oven. It was initially discovered by an agent, who had bought it from a liquidation sale of the assets from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Valley Vineyards. It is believed that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Valley Vineyards was using the anomalous properties of SCP-119 to rapidly age its products and create expensive vintages. Records show \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Valley Vineyards making under-the-table sales of vintages dated as far back as 19\u2588\u2588, many years before the company's inception in 2005. These sales are what led to the lawsuits accusing the company of falsifying product information and other forms of fraud, which eventually caused \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Valley Vineyards to declare bankruptcy. SCP-119 appears to be a standard model of microwave in all respects except that the magnetron unit does not produce microwave radiation. Instead, the magnetron emits a previously unknown type of radiation that accelerates time.\nThe amount of time accelerated is based on the time input given at the start, and the power level setting. The time input allows for three digits, and there are five power level settings. On power level 1, the number of seconds input equals the number of seconds experienced within the microwave. Therefore, an input of 30 seconds would cause the microwave to run for 30 seconds, at the end of which the object will have aged 30 seconds. Each subsequent power level past 1 causes an exponential increase of the acceleration of time. At power level 2 with an input of 30 seconds, the microwave will run for 30 seconds and the contents will have aged 900 seconds (15 minutes) or 30*30 seconds. At power level 5, with an input of 999 seconds, the microwave will run for 999 seconds, and the contents will have aged 995,009,990,004,999 seconds (31,529,964 years).\nExperimentation with the other buttons on the microwave have not resulted in any anomalous properties, although they do still function as would be expected from a normal microwave. The \"minute +\" button, for example, adds 60 seconds, and the \"defrost\" function prompts the user to open the door and flip the contents periodically. Pressing the \"minute +\" button during operation, however, does not recalculate the adjusted time acceleration, merely causing the contents to age at the pre-calculated rate for another 60 seconds. (eg: Power Level 2 for 30 seconds would age for 900 seconds (15 minutes), input of \"minute +\" would result in the microwave running for 90 seconds and aging the contents 2700 seconds (45 minutes), or 3(30*30), instead of aging the contents for 8100 seconds (135 minutes), or 90*90).\nSCP-119 can be dismantled, and replacement parts can be substituted for every component except the magnetron. When placing the magnetron in any other microwave, including duplicates of the same model, the magnetron continues to exhibit time acceleration. However, replicating the effects of anything above power level 2 have failed in every model except the original microwave in which the magnetron was found.\nAlthough SCP-119, like all standard microwave models, will normally only function when the door is closed, during deconstruction it was determined that disabling the closing mechanism allows the device to work while open. Subsequent testing determined that the radiation emitted from SCP-119 has a fallout pattern very similar to the microwave radiation it replaced. However, further experiments operating SCP-119 while open now require the approval of a Clearance Level 4 personnel.\nAddendum: After subsequent testing, it has been determined that the accelerated time experienced within SCP-119 is not accelerated from the perspective of those being affected, instead causing the occupants to perceive that they are simply staying inside of the microwave for the adjusted duration. Should living creatures be exposed to SCP-119 for extended durations, they could quite quickly die of starvation, as they will require as much sleep and food as they would outside of SCP-119. Therefore, further experimentation with living beings now requires the approval of a Clearance Level 4 personnel.\nFurthermore, due to the possibility of micro-organisms undergoing accelerated evolution within SCP-119, industrial-grade disinfectant has now been added to the containment procedure for SCP-119.\nTest Log for SCP-119\n\n\u00ab SCP-118 | SCP-119 | SCP-120 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-120\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to its importance to the Foundation, SCP-120 is to be kept under video surveillance and armed guard at all times. Any personnel attempting to utilize the item without authorisation are to be terminated immediately. All personnel wishing to use the item are required to submit a filled copy of the application form (Document #120-23) to facility operators.\nDue to the precise timing and coordination required for efficient use of this object in an emergency, all personnel entering SCP-120's building are placed under temporary command of the facility heads Captain \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (Security Detachment) (L4) and Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (Research Team) (L4).\nAll destination locations are to be kept under surveillance and armed guard. They are valuable to the Foundation but are non-critical, but any compromised destination must be immediately reported to SCP-120 personnel.\nDistributed Task Force Sigma-6 (\u201cPuddlejumpers\u201d) was created with the objective of protecting and maintaining SCP-120's facility and location outposts. It consists of 1 command unit and 1 defense and maintenance unit based at the SCP-120 facility at Command-\u2588\u2588; 5 units based at the destination locations, plus 5 reserve units for these; and 5 units assigned to other SCP-120 related projects.\nDescription: SCP-120 appears to be a small child's paddling pool, pastel pink in colouration, with an inner diameter of approximately 2.5 metres and inner height of 0.3 metres. The pool appears to have been fabricated from common Earth plastics but has shown itself to be indestructible by any attempted means (see research report #120-32 for a full summary). The pool's structure and response to pressure are typical for such a pool (it will flex when pressure is applied and is soft to the touch) but has amazing tensile strength and cannot be permanently stretched or ripped.\nWhat is contained within the pool seems to be a brightly glowing, coloured, liquid-like substance, which seems to exist only partially in our dimension. It is unresponsive to manipulation by organic or inorganic means, but the substance ripples and shimmers systematically and regularly, suggesting it exists physically on another dimension.\nSCP-120's most interesting and useful property is used regularly by Foundation personnel. Human beings, when alive and carrying loads (including clothing) under 37.8 kilograms, are observed to fall through the pool, and are deposited at one of 11 destinations. These will be detailed in an addendum.\nThe item will only function in this way if certain conditions are met: the subject must be genetically human; the subject must be conscious; the subject must be carrying weights of under the specified amount; and only one subject must be present on the surface. Test subjects attempting to use SCP-120 while these conditions were not met reported their feet making contact with a smooth surface underneath the liquid but no significant effects were observed.\nSCP-120's main use is as a potential means of evacuation for Command-\u2588\u2588 during a major emergency. It is currently stored and maintained in a fortified outbuilding of this facility. To inspect evacuation procedures, refer to document #120-22.\nSCP-120 was first brought to the attention of Foundation authorities on 31/08/1992. Local police authorities in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California, were investigating reports of missing children in their jurisdiction, and discovered and reported the item on 31/08. Overwatch Command was automatically informed through the usual channels, and a small team of Foundation agents was dispatched to claim and transport the item to Site-19, where it remained for testing over the next 2 years.\nIt was transferred to its present location at Command-\u2588\u2588 in 1994.\nAddendum:\nDocument #120-7: Destructive test results for SCP-120 \u2013 24/12/1993 [Abridged version]\n\nHand saw: 30cm \u2013 No result\nIndustrial drill: Steel bit \u2013 No result\nIndustrial drill: Diamond bit \u2013 No result\nMunition: 9x19mm Parabellum \u2013 No result\nMunition: 5.56x45mm NATO \u2013 No result\nMunition: 7.62x39mm \u2013 No result\nMunition: 120mm M830 HEAT \u2013 No result\nCutting torch: Acetylene \u2013 No result\nCutting torch: Hydrogen \u2013 No result\nCutting torch: Propane \u2013 No result\nCO2 laser (peak power: 100 kW) \u2013 No result\nCO2 laser (peak power: 500 kW) \u2013 No result\n\nDocument #120-10: Detailed explanation of SCP-120's capabilities and destinations \u2013 12/02/1994 [Abridged version]\nSCP-120 possesses the capability of instant translocation of human beings, possibly through one or more alternate dimensions. Subjects using the item are invariably deposited at one of 11 locations. These locations cycle in a specific and unchanging pattern. The 11 destinations and their locations were determined through testing with Class-D personnel carrying radio beacons. They are detailed here:\nLocation 1: Pacific Ocean: SCP-120's liquid displays a blue glow while connected to this destination.\nSubjects attempting travel to this destination are deposited an average of 2 metres above the surface of the Pacific at latitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0S, longitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0W. A Foundation ship (SCPS Demeter \u2013 publicly the USS Nassau, a meteorological ship) is currently stationed at this location and personnel arriving through use of SCP-120 materialize inside the ship's cargo hold.\nSensitive Foundation material or personnel can be sent here in an emergency, and the ship has provisions for storage of low-threat SCP objects, should the need arise. Class-D personnel used to \u201cdial\u201d SCP-120 can be confined and extracted by helicopter or reused, or simply terminated and their bodies retained in storage.\nThe original Class D and radio transmitter used to determine this location were lost at sea, and might have to be recovered in the interest of secrecy, if they were to wash up on populated shores.\nThis configuration of SCP-120 was arbitrarily designated as #1, and has no observable significance above other configurations. Destinations 2 through 11 follow in sequential order after this configuration, and return to it after a full cycle.\nTravel by SCP-120 to this location is not advisable during storms due to risk of injury.\nLocation 2: Greenland: SCP-120 displays a bright white glow while dialed to this destination.\nSubjects travelling to this destination materialize 1.5 metres above the surface of Greenland, at latitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0N and longitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0W. A small facility was established here, under the public pretense of oil industry expansion. This facility has similar capabilities and use to the Demeter, and is additionally equipped with an airstrip and refueling facilities.\nLocation 3: L3: Located at the Earth-Moon Lagrange Point 3. The SCP displays a deep black colour.\nObjects and personnel sent through the SCP to any Lagrange point (locations 3, 5, 8, 10, and 11) are effectively lost, as retrieval is impossible at our current level of technology. They may prove a possible way to remove small but threatening SCP objects, but for now, are merely an inconvenience, as sacrifice of D-personnel is required to move the SCP to its next configuration.\nLocation 4: Himalayas: SCP-120 displays a white glow similar to when it is dialed to Location 2.\nMaterialization occurs at latitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0N, longitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0E, on a mountain in the Himalayan mountain range. Only minor changes have been made to the destination: the digging of an 8-metre hole for disposal of D-class bodies, an overhead canopy for concealment, and supplies and tenting for evacuation to this location (which should only take place in extreme circumstances).\nD-class personnel used for dialing are to be injected with a mixture of sedatives and neurotoxin before sending, to ensure a humane death and decrease risk of damage to the structures at Location 4.\nLocation 5: L5: Identical to Location 3.\nLocation 6: Sahara: SCP-120 will glow yellow.\nPersonnel materialize at latitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0N, longitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0E in a small outpost. The need for secrecy renders this facility unable to house any significant SCP object, but is ideal for evacuation of personnel and documents from Command.\nLocation 7: Gobi: SCP-120 displays a brown glow.\nThis destination is located at a small outpost in the Gobi desert, latitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0N, longitude \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0E, but is otherwise identical to the location 6 outpost. However, the expansion of SCP-4024 poses a significant threat to the outpost's operational viability.\nLocation 8: L2: Identical to Location 3, although shows more potential for SCP disposal, being situated beyond the moon.\nLocation 9: Mare Imbrium: The SCP displays a subdued grey glow when dialed in to this destination.\nThis destination is on a relatively flat section of the Sea of Rains on the lunar surface. Through vast expenditure of money and D-class personnel, a small outpost has been established there, and is considered one of the Foundation's safest locations.\nLocation 10: L4: Identical to Location 3.\nLocation 11: L1: Identical to Location 3.\n\n\u00ab SCP-119 | SCP-120 | SCP-121 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-121\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment Site-83 has been established outside SCP-121 to house personnel dedicated to the containment of SCP-121. The perimeter of SCP-121 is to remain fenced off from the surrounding area, with guards stationed along the perimeter at all times. Guards are to don local military uniforms and remain heavily armed at all times. Rotation of guards is to occur every four hours.\nThe surrounding population is to remain informed that SCP-121 is quarantined due to persisting hazardous material. Warning signs are to be placed seventy-five (75), fifty (50), and twenty-five (25) kilometers out along roads leading to SCP-121 to deter trespassers. Civilians who approach the perimeter of SCP-121 are to be reminded of the quarantine and forced to depart; those who resist are to be detained for questioning.\nIn the event that approaching civilians witness an active instance of SCP-121-1 or -2, Class-A amnestics are to be administered. Any meteorological data regarding SCP-121's anomalous effect is to be censored, and SCP-121 has been labeled a no-flight zone to prevent knowledge of SCP-121, -1, and -2.\nSite Task Force Iota-71 (\"Home Wreckers\") has been established and permanently assigned to Containment Site-83 in response to the threat of SCP-121-2. They are to escort researchers interested in studying non-hostile instances of SCP-121-2 as well as neutralize any instances that have grown to potentially lethal sizes. In the event of an attempted containment breach, Iota-71 is to assist perimeter guards in the neutralization of the instance of SCP-121-2.\nAny buildings within SCP-121 that develop into SCP-121-1 are to be recorded and monitored at all times for transition into SCP-121-2. Instances of SCP-121-2 that become innately hostile upon transition are to be neutralized; however, passive instances may continue to dwell within the perimeter of SCP-121 for research purposes until they've grown to a size too dangerous to contain or become hostile, at which point they are to be neutralized.\nDescription: SCP-121 is the region of land occupied by the former town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Colorado. The town was home to roughly 6,800 prior to enactment of current containment protocol, and holds roughly 3,000 buildings, both residential and commercial. Clouds above SCP-121 appear incapable of entering an area roughly twelve (12) kilometers in diameter, instead passing around the area; it is speculated this is related to SCP-121's range of effect, but it is not known how at this time. Buildings in SCP-121 will sporadically1 detach from any foundations and ascend into the air. At this point, these buildings are identified as SCP-121-1.\nInstances of SCP-121-1 ascend to a random height of a minimum of forty-five (45) meters. Regardless of the previous state of the building, doors and windows become locked and any potential entry ways become barricaded by furniture inside. Forced entry has shown an increased ambient temperature of roughly 35\u00b0C and a relative humidity of roughly 65%, but a lack of any further anomalous properties. Instances of SCP-121-1 will cease suspension after a minimum period of ten weeks, but may remain airborne for no more than fifteen weeks afterwards. Instances do not show any abnormal levels of durability, and near-total destruction of SCP-121-1 upon impact with the ground is common. After impact, the remains of instances of SCP-121-1 will contain an ovoid object approximately 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m composed of materials consistent with furniture found inside the home.2 The object will begin to locomote on its own accord; at this point, it will be referred to as SCP-121-2.\nSCP-121-2 begin to form a conglomerate with nearby materials, including debris from SCP-121-1, flora, automobiles, and (on rare occasion) other buildings. SCP-121-2 will continue to attract objects until it forms a body of material nine (9) meters in height, at which point the body will animate and appear to take on levels of sentience. SCP-121-2 may, at this point, begin to simulate ingesting other material, to continue growing at a considerably slower rate. Ingestion appears to be for the sole purpose of continued growth, as instances have gone prolonged periods of time without material. Certain items have been known to attach to SCP-121-2 instantaneously, despite size and the lack of simulated ingestion.\nInstances of SCP-121-2 normally resemble animals capable of locomotion on land, but have been known to take on humanoid forms and forms that do not resemble any known animal. They are primarily docile, and normally do not display hostility towards personnel unless provoked. However, SCP-121-2 instances have been known to form with innate aggressive and territorial behavior; this behavior has also been observed to develop following the accumulation of certain items, including firearms, bladed weapons, and in one example, the taxidermy head of a bear.\nSCP-121 came to the attention of the Foundation when local authorities were flooded with reports of a previously abandoned residence suddenly \"flying in the sky\". The town was evacuated under the guise of a hazardous material spill and the residence was observed. Once the instance of SCP-121-1 transitioned into SCP-121-2, SCP-121-2 was quickly neutralized. Following the neutralization, another instance of SCP-121-1 developed3, and the town was permanently evacuated and contained.\nIncident 121-A: On 11/04/98, a sound described as a \"muffled siren\" was heard for approximately five (5) minutes. An active instance of SCP-121-1 was suddenly subject to an immense force following the sound, causing the building to prematurely break apart while suspended before the ten week minimum. Neighboring towns reported hearing the sound; local press were informed quarantine staff were being evacuated due to a temporary elevation in toxic levels. The cause of the sound is currently unknown; further research is recommended.\nThree weeks following the sound and the destruction of SCP-121-1, the remains finally fell to the ground. Inside the rubble were remnants of the ovoid object found in SCP-121-2, along with traces of aluminum slag.\nIncident 121-B: On 05/09/12, a 1991 Dodge Caravan was found suspended fifty-three (53) meters in the air. Internal surveillance is at this time impossible, due to the windows being obscured by what appears to be wool cloth. Further observation of the vehicle is recommended.\n\nFootnotes\n1. No more than one at a time, with three weeks minimum between manifestation.\n2. Examination of mostly intact instances of SCP-121-1 show an absence of previous furnishings.\n3. This is the only occasion on which the creation of SCP-121-1 has so closely followed the creation of an instance of SCP-121-2\n\n\u00ab SCP-120 | SCP-121 | SCP-122 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\n\n\u26a0\ufe0f Content warning: This article contains mentions of suicide. Reader discretion is advised.\n\n\n\u26a0\ufe0f content warning \n\nItem #: SCP-122\nLevel 1/122\n\nObject Class: Thaumiel\nClassified\n\nSCP-122.\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Under no circumstances is SCP-122 to enter an unpowered state. At least one redundant failsafe power system is to be installed in order to maintain power to the object in the event of power outages. Regular maintenance is also to be conducted on SCP-122 at the discretion of the head researcher in order to reduce flickering. A security camera is to be installed within the room that the anomaly is placed so as to regularly monitor the occurrence of flickering within the subject.\nDue to its utility and importance in assisting the psychological assistance efforts of Site-135, SCP-122 is to be used on a daily basis, with SCP-122-1 (currently Anna Talinn) being given normal humanoid accommodations within the SCP-122 containment cell at the discretion of the incumbent head researcher. Should the current SCP-122-1 subject become unfit for use with the object, a new SCP-122-1 subject must be procured as soon as is feasible.\nDescription: SCP-122 is a plastic night light in the shape of a star, thought to have been manufactured between 1960 and 1980.\nWhen in a powered state, SCP-122 has been reported to be able to exude a sense of calmness, comfort, and safety to those within a roughly 20-kilometer radius. As such, it has been known to alleviate symptoms of currently prevailing psychological conditions in subjects.\nExamples of these psychological conditions include:\n\nPsychological Stress\nParanoia\nPhobias\nAnxiety\nPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder\n\nSCP-122-1, Anna Talinn\n\nHowever, these alleviating effects are only present when SCP-122 is within the same room as a child under the age of 14 who subscribes to the beliefs1 of traditional Abrahamic religions2. This aforementioned child subject, referred to henceforth as SCP-122-1, is currently seven year old Anna Talinn, who was procured into Foundation custody in 2017. When in SCP-122's containment cell, SCP-122-1 has reported sightings of an \u201cangel\u201d in her dreams, henceforth referred to as SCP-122-2 (Refer to SCP-122 use records for further information regarding SCP-122-2).\nSCP 122-2 has also been reported as sometimes appearing within the dreams of personnel affected by SCP-1223. Based on reports, it has been associated with positive feelings such as that of security and relief4. From this, it can be inferred that SCP-122-2 is related in some part to the aforementioned positive effects.\nSince the beginning of SCP-122's use in supplementing psychological assistance efforts in Site-135, annual personnel turnover rates have been reduced by 90 percent, with annual personnel suicide rates being reduced by 85 percent. With Site-135 having recorded the highest instances of either statistic of all sites prior to the use of SCP-122, the subject has been integral to the continued operation of the site.\n\n+ Excerpts of SCP-122 use records\n\n- Hide\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAge: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nDate of Use: 2/12/2017\nSCP-122-2 Activity: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nIncident Notes: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Positive effects of SCP-122 noted. Electronic failsafe systems implemented soon after.\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn\nAge: 2 years old\nDate of Use: 3/01/2017\nSCP-122-2 Activity: None.\nIncident Notes: No instances of flickering or dimming. SCP-122-1 was noted to be sleeping without incident.\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn\nAge: 3 years old\nDate of Use: 4/28/2018\nSCP-122-2 Activity Description: \u201cGod said he'd give me a guardian angel. And he did! Last night, there was a beautiful angel with wings and he was just standing there, and he was looking at me\u2026 beside the door! He did that alllll night!\u201d\nIncident Notes: One instance of dimming.\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn\nAge: 5 years old\nDate of Use: 6/26/2020\nSCP-122-2 Activity Description: \u201cI saw the angel again today! He was at the edge of my bed, and he was looking at me with the widest smile on his face. His wings were\u2026 (stretches arms out) this big! I never realized they were that big before!\u201d\nIncident Notes: Two instances of dimming, one instance of flickering.\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn\nAge: 7 years old\nDate of Use: 9/15/2022\nSCP-122-2 Activity Description: \u201cHe sat in front of me, just looking at me and watching me sleep. He looked like he wanted to hug me, and I wanted to hug him too!\u201d\nIncident Notes: Four instances of flickering.\n\nHowever, SCP-122's components have degraded in the time since its creation, with materials that could be used to replace them no longer being manufactured in the present. This degradation renders SCP-122 vulnerable to fluctuations in its brightness, with flickering and dimming being reported to be the most frequent fluctuations. This causes SCP-122 to assume an unpowered state.\nWhen in an unpowered state, SCP-122 [REDACTED].\n\nWARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/122 CLASSIFIED\n\nANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/122 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION.\n\nDeclassified SCP-122 Use Records (Updated)\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: Janna Marston\nAge: 6 years old.\nDate of Use: 2/12/2017\nSCP-122-2 Activity Description: \u201dHad a blackout. He got her on the first night.\u201d\nIncident Notes: Janna Marston lost. Proposal for new SCP-122-1 subject made. Positive effects of SCP-122 noted. Electronic failsafe systems implemented soon after.\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn\nAge: 2 years old\nDate of Use: 3/01/2017\nSCP-122-2 Activity: None.\nIncident Notes: No instances of flickering or dimming. SCP-122-1 was noted to be sleeping without incident.\nSCP-122-2 Distance: Undetected.\nImage of Greatest Activity:\n\n+ OPEN ATTACHMENT?\n\n- Hide\n\n3/01/2017\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn\nAge: 3 years old\nDate of Use: 4/28/2018\nSCP-122-2 Activity Description: \u201cGod said he'd give me a guardian angel. And he did! Last night, there was a beautiful angel with wings and he was just standing there, and he was looking at me\u2026 beside the door! He did that alllll night!\u201d\nIncident Notes: One instance of dimming.\nSCP-122-2 Distance: 6 meters\nImage of Greatest Activity:\n\n+ OPEN ATTACHMENT?\n\n- Hide\n\n4/28/2018\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn\nAge: 5 years old\nDate of Use: 6/26/2020\nSCP-122-2 Activity Description: \u201cI saw the angel again today! He was at the edge of my bed, and he was looking at me with the widest smile on his face. His wings were\u2026 (stretches arms out) this big! I never realized they were that big before!\u201d\nIncident Notes: Two instances of dimming, one instance of flickering.\nSCP-122-2 Distance: 2 meters\nImage of Greatest Activity:\n\n+ OPEN ATTACHMENT?\n\n- Hide\n\n6/26/2020\n\nSCP-122-1 Name: Anna Talinn\nAge: 7 years old\nDate of Use: 9/15/2022\nSCP-122-2 Activity Description: \u201cHe sat in front of me, just looking at me and watching me sleep. He looked like he wanted to hug me, and I wanted to hug him too!\"\nIncident Notes: Four instances of flickering.\nSCP-122-2 Distance: 6 centimeters\nImage of Greatest Activity:\n\n+ OPEN ATTACHMENT?\n\n- Hide\n\n9/15/2022\n\nEMERGENCY ALERT: Site-wide blackout detected. CHECK SCP-122 STATUS ASAP.\n\nLAST IMAGE RECOVERED FROM SCP-122 CONTAINMENT CHAMBER\n\n+ OPEN ATTACHMENT?\n\n- Hide\n\n\"HE TELLS ME TO PRAY.\"\n\nFootnotes\n1. Children who have shown to score at least an 8/10 on the Aglio-Pontiff Religious Belief Scale have been shown to display the best results as SCP-122-1 subjects.\n2. The reasons for this specification are currently unknown, though a link may be established between this fact and previous descriptions of SCP-122-2 as an \"angel\" (see SCP-122 use records)\n3. As of now, only younger personnel aged 20-25 have reported having sightings of SCP-122-2\n4. However, sightings of SCP-122-2 within the dreams of personnel do not show the \"progression\" of distance and positive feelings reported by SCP-122-1. The reason for this is unknown\n\nMore from this author\nImages created by AnAnomalousWriter and Luxaiko\n\u00ab SCP-121 | SCP-122 | SCP-123 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-123\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-123 is to be held in a secured facility and is to be securely fastened to the top of a sturdy table by use of straps, chains, a net, or similar device. Absolutely no hooks shall be fastened to the device. The object and table should be centrally located in a room no smaller than 5 m x 5 m x 5 m. No sensitive measuring devices should be used within 100 meters of SCP-123, as their measurements will be noticeably affected. More significantly, absolutely no objects should be inserted into SCP-123 except under experimental conditions.\nTransfer of SCP-123 shall be made with care, and effort made to prevent the object from being shaken or jerked with notable force. SCP-123 shall not, under any circumstances, be transported over large bodies of water by any method.\nNo personnel below Level 2 must be allowed in the containment chamber with SCP-123. Any person interacting with the object should wear tight-fitting clothing that has absolutely no straps, laces, or other dangling components. Persons with long hair shall be required to tie their hair back or wear a hairnet.\nDescription: Object is a gray geodesic sphere 65 cm in diameter consisting of sixty triangles. The areas between these triangles are empty, allowing the center of the sphere to be seen. The material the sphere is composed of is unknown, and upon the recommendation of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, research into the material composition shall be limited to visual observation until further notice. SCP-123 appears to weigh about 3.62 kg, though its actual mass is believed to be much higher.\nThe geodesic sphere is hollow, save for the very center. At the center of SCP-123 is what appears to be a black sphere, approximately 1 mm in diameter. No light can be seen being reflected off or emitted from the black sphere. The core also appears to exhibit significant gravitational force, which massively increases within the confines of the outer geodesic sphere. This gravitational force can be measured using sensitive instruments several dozen meters away. Within approximately three meters, the gravitational pull is apparent to any observer, with dangling objects beginning to be pulled towards the sphere. At the surface of the outer sphere, the gravitational pull doubles the weight of any object placed onto the structure.\nThe inner sphere's qualities are apparent when any small object is inserted within the outer sphere. Any such object quickly accelerates into the object and disappears. Any liquid poured into the object also is sucked into the central sphere. Analysis has shown that light that nears the black sphere is curved towards the center. The amount of gravity exhibited by the inner sphere at its surface suggests that its mass is approximately 1029 kg, though the obvious gravity reducing effect within the outer sphere means that its actual mass may actually far exceed even that. Note that such a mass would ordinarily imply a Schwarzschild radius in the order of 200 meters, way in excess of the approximate 0.5 mm actually observed, which can be considered further testament to the outer sphere's gravity dampening qualities.\nGases are affected by the gravity of SCP-123, and the atmosphere pressure at its surface has been measured at 205 kPa. However, gases are unable to penetrate the area between the triangles of the outer geodesic sphere. The reason for this is currently unknown, and is currently being studied.\nIt should be noted that the outer sphere and inner sphere appear to act as one \u2013 whenever the outer sphere is moved, the inner sphere follows. Further research is suggested into the nature of this relationship.\nAddendum [SCP-123a]: SCP-123 has been suggested as a disposal unit. The researcher currently in charge of SCP-123, Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, is concerned about the structural integrity of the geodesic sphere. All requests for disposal must go through Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, or request a formal hearing with Level 4 personnel. Until further notice, all interaction with SCP-123 is to be restricted to experimentation. Command personnel agree that further research is needed to understand the durability of the outer sphere.\n\n\u00ab SCP-122 | SCP-123 | SCP-124 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-124\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-124 is to be kept in a 4.2 m x 2.1 m stone pit in its containment cell. The pit is to be 1.5 metres deep. A plastic tarp is to be placed over SCP-124 when not in use. Absolutely no biological matter is allowed within one metre of SCP-124 when not being studied. An armed guard is to be stationed outside SCP-124's cell at all times.\nDescription: SCP-124 is a plot of soil approximately 9 m2 in area and 14 m3 in size. It was recovered from a Detroit basement when authorities were notified of two teenagers growing large amounts of marijuana.\nSCP-124 has the ability to grow any biological organism to its full potential in a relatively short amount of time (the length varies according to the complexity of the organism). Nothing growing in SCP-124 requires external nutrients or other resources (for example, a tomato plant would not require water or light). Pesticides, too, aren't needed, as SCP-124 has a repellent effect on any insect or other invertebrates not growing in it. Any food grown in SCP-124 is reported to be of very high quality, taste, and nutrition, no matter what state the food was in before being planted in SCP-124.\nDocument 124-1: List of items grown in SCP-124\n\nThe following is a selective list of objects grown in SCP-124 during experiments.\nInput - Product of SCP-124\nTomato Seed - Fully grown tomato plant. All tomatoes (12 on each plant) were ripe and juicy. Reported to be \"very tasty\".\nSmall Watermelon (0.8 kg) - 11.1 kg (24.5 lb) watermelon. Reported to be \"very sweet and tasty\".\nGrass Seed (1) - SCP-124 quickly sprouted into a lush, green lawn within a matter of seconds. Slight dew on the grass.\nSmall, overgrown hedge - A hedge, trimmed and shaped like a dolphin.\nSmall, overgrown hedge - A hedge, trimmed and shaped like a skull.\nSmall Labrador Retriever puppy (sandy brown) - A fully grown, bronze-colored Labrador Retriever in peak condition. Currently living with Dr. Church.\nSmall Caucasian fetus (male) - [DATA EXPUNGED] After killing 6 personnel, the subject was terminated by SCP Containment Team.\nA piece of hard candy - A humanoid construct composed of hard candy. The significance of this is unknown.\nFly larvae - [DATA EXPUNGED] Level 5 lockdown was initiated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-123 | SCP-124 | SCP-125 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-125\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Supports for instances of SCP-125 are kept in padded boxes and covered with a fine nylon mesh that allows vision through, but obscures the surface of the mirror by at least 25%. These supports consist of a polished metallic surface (currently silver-plated brass) with no sharp or irregular edges, which must imperatively be smoothed out to prevent rips in the protective mesh. To further prevent incidents, any person penetrating the room where SCP-125 is located must also wear such a protective mesh over their face. Metal-plated glass mirrors should be avoided for the purpose of containment as SCP-125 is capable of moving from the glass itself to the metal surface.\nAny metallic surface in the room must be dulled to prevent reflections. As an additional security measure, the room is kept in darkness and monitored only via infrared and ultraviolet lighting when no experiment is taking place.\nNo mirror or comparably reflective surface (including, but not limited to, metal-case pens, sunglasses, laptop computers, and glass objects) may be allowed in the room outside controlled experiments. The SCP may not be photographed or filmed in its unrestrained state.\nIf any personnel on site, and particularly personnel having recently been involved with SCP-125, reports seeing black dots, MTF Eta-10 and Chi-7 will be immediately put on standby and a level-2 alert for potential containment breach will be declared. Individuals contaminated will undergo containment protocol 125-b and may not return to active duty until the instance of SCP-125 affecting their cornea has been rendered completely inert.\nDescription: SCP-125 is an apparently sentient \"being\" that can only exist within reflections.\nAt rest and viewed up front, it takes the form of a black circle 17.2mm in diameter resting on the reflective surface. Its first anomalous characteristic is that it appears as a perfect circle to any observer regardless of the surface's angles, bends, and the location of the viewer or viewers. In that regard it acts more as if it were a sphere in contact with the surface, but lacking any shadow or highlight, and this even where an obstacle, such as containment mesh, makes it clear SCP-125 does not extend beyond the surface it has \"imprinted\" to.\nSCP-125 does not reflect visible light or infrared. When observed in ultraviolet, however, [DATA EXPUNGED] up to and including [DATA EXPUNGED]. For unclear reasons, it also emits a minute but measurable and constant amount of X-rays.\nSCP-125 is capable of movement across the surface it currently exists on. This movement may only occur across a surface uninterrupted by either an angle (the surface must follow a reasonably continuous curve) or a non-reflective area. SCP-125 has demonstrated incapability to cross scratches and frosted or etched areas of a surface. In many instances, however, SCP-125 will circumvent these limits by jumping to a reflection to round a corner, or between the separate outer glass and silver surfaces of a metal-glass mirror (hence the preference for opaque metallic surfaces for containment purposes). Although capable of moving anywhere along the surface, SCP-125 generally remains immobile in a location near its edges if any, and if on a surface that has a specific, immobile orientation, will usually remain in the lower right corner or its equivalent, even if the item is later moved.\nAny reflective surface capable of displaying a reasonably accurate reflection of SCP-125 can host it. So far this has included a wide ranges of mirror-quality surfaces, glasses, polished or varnished surfaces (such as stone and wood), glossy plastic and even undisturbed pools of liquid or polished nails. When reflected by another surface, SCP-125 is capable of instantly \"transferring\" to it. However, SCP-125 cannot \"survive\" on, or transfer to or away from, a surface smaller than its own area ( approx. 2.32 cm2). Should it be constrained to one, it will rapidly become translucent and disappear completely.\nThe entity has demonstrated a certain level of sentience and even sapience. Despite lacking physical existence, it appears \"unwilling\" to be \"touched\" directly or otherwise hidden from sight. It will also resist to the best of its abilities any attempt at reducing its freedom of movement either by \"jumping\" to another surface or moving across its current one very fast. It will also \"flee\" from perceived threats, even complex ones expressed by speech, demonstrating an understanding of human communication. How it is capable of this and whether it can or wishes to communicate back is currently unknown.\nIn its normal state, SCP-125 is completely harmless and incapable of multiplying. It is, however, perfectly capable of moving to a living reflective surface, specifically that of a living animal's cornea. It will, in fact, do everything in its power to do so, indicative of a natural \"desire\". Once it has achieved this, SCP-125 diminishes in size by a factor of 10 to 1.72 mm in diameter. While existing on the surface of a living tissue, SCP-125 becomes capable of multiplying and infecting a potentially unlimited number of surfaces, as opposed to merely moving between them. This multiplication occurs within the cornea, rapidly causing the victim to complain of \"seeing dots.\"\nPast this stage, the SCP-125 infestation will rapidly (within five to nine days of initial infection) crowd out the entire tissue, causing the eye to go blind, after which stage the cells of the eye and optic nerve appear to undergo mass apoptosis, causing a non-infectious abscess. Why this occurs has yet to be elucidated. Only after the apoptotic stage has run its course does SCP-125 cease being contagious. No treatment for SCP-125 infestation is known to be efficient beyond keeping the affected eye(s) tightly covered to prevent further spread and administration of heavy antibiotics to reduce risk of infection.\nOutbreaks continue to occur on an irregular basis, suggesting that SCP-125 is either a naturally occurring phenomenon or that it was spread over much of the planet at some point prior to the beginning of written history.\nFor a list of known past outbreaks of SCP-125, see Document SCP-125-Delta.\n\n\u00ab SCP-124 | SCP-125 | SCP-126 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-126\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-126 is kept within a standard Euclid-class Humanoid Containment Cell despite not having needs consistent with that of a normal human or any kind of nourishment as this environment has proven the most effective in keeping SCP-126 contained.\nIn case of a containment breach, acoustic sensors embedded within SCP-126's containment cell as well as the entire wing in which SCP-126's cell is housed can be used to locate SCP-126. Firm but polite verbal requests for SCP-126 to return to its cell are to be given until it complies.\nPersonnel interacting with SCP-126 must undergo regular psychiatric screening and personnel exhibiting emotional attachment to SCP-126 must be administered a Class B amnestic and reassigned.\nDescription: SCP-126 is an invisible and intangible entity that can only be identified via sound. SCP-126 is sentient, with the ability to speak in multiple languages in a female voice and engage in conversation with any subject within range. To date, no method by which SCP-126 can be visually detected has been devised as SCP-126 does not appear to emit any kind of light, radiation, heat or electromagnetic energy. SCP-126 does appear to occupy an area, as evidenced by the ability to triangulate its suggested location via its voice. SCP-126 also emits sound when moving consistent with footsteps made by a human subject wearing high heels with a mass of approximately 55 to 60 kg, though no depressions can be seen in any floor materials and pressure sensors do not register any kind of presence. SCP-126 cannot pass through barriers that would prevent a normal human subject from passing (such as a closed door), but solid objects can be pushed through the space it occupies without any effect. For unknown reasons, SCP-126 will comply with any request for it to follow a specific human subject or move to a specific location without question, though it may move away afterwards or if it is not able to \"physically\" comply with the request.\nSCP-126 will engage in conversation with any personnel within its containment cell, preferring topics such as art, nature and philosophy. SCP-126 exhibits knowledge of current topics and intelligence consistent with that of a college graduate as well as moderate attention-deficit disorder; SCP-126 will regularly change language without reason and stray off-topic while conversing without warning. Attempts to question SCP-126 about its origin or nature have been unsuccessful as SCP-126 becomes confused when presented with such questions and will quickly stray away from the topic. Despite not appearing to use or need any furniture or appliances, SCP-126 will request such items as a bed, dresser, mirror and other sundries if not present and is more likely to stay within a room if such items are available.\nA small number of personnel exhibit anomalous behavior after engaging in conversation with SCP-126, including but not limited to believing that they have known SCP-126 for many years and that SCP-126 is a close friend or loved one. If not treated, these subjects will begin to ignore basic needs in order to continue conversing with SCP-126, eventually dying from dehydration or starvation.\nSCP-126 was discovered in a suburban home in [REDACTED] after several reports of the house being haunted. A Foundation containment team was able to quickly locate SCP-126 and, after conversing for several minutes, convinced SCP-126 to enter a mobile containment unit which was used to transfer it to a local Foundation containment site.\nAddendum 126-01: Researcher Note\n\nTo date, conversations with SCP-126 have yielded several notable personality traits:\n\nSCP-126 is mildly arachnophobic and will move away from any specimens introduced to its containment cell.\nSCP-126 exhibits a desire to assist with any task which it believes it can be of help, despite being unable to manipulate objects.\nSCP-126 prefers to converse with male subjects that exhibit humor and intelligence.\nSCP-126 expresses a desire to have children and has conversed with staff on several occasions regarding child care methodology.\nSCP-126 has the ability to fluently speak English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and at least three (3) other unknown languages.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSenior Researcher\n\n\u00ab SCP-125 | SCP-126 | SCP-127 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-127.\n\nItem #: SCP-127\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-127 is considered no more dangerous than a normal firearm of its type. However, due to its extraordinary properties, it is to be held in Weapons Locker 7-C when not in use and suspended in water rich in calcium and protein. At this time, only the research team assigned to SCP-127 has clearance to access it.\nDescription: SCP-127, upon first glance, appears to be a standard MP5K-PDW submachine gun. Tests have revealed that aside from the outer steel and polymer shell, the entirety of the firearm is organic and alive. The weapon's ammunition initially appeared to be human-like teeth. However, DNA testing of the \"bullets\" resulted in no match to any known species on Earth.\nSCP-127 features two settings: semi-automatic and fully automatic (an audible groan can be heard when switching between the two). Upon depleting the weapon's \"magazine\" (typically 60 shots), it takes between 3-5 days to regrow a new supply of ammunition. Attempts to remove the magazine have resulted in failure\u2014it seems to be permanently attached to the weapon.\nSCP-127 does not seem capable of reproduction at this time (scans have shown no apparent reproductive organs) and requires no sustenance beyond water, calcium, and protein.\nSCP-127 was originally located in the house of a Mr. James \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found dead from a heart attack on the night of November 17, 1991. Coroner's reports state that Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died sometime in the morning of November 8th, but was not noticed missing until more than a week later. No complications or unusual circumstances were found to lead to his death. Due to his extensive gun collection, the ATF and FBI were notified to collect his weapons. SCP-127 was discovered during testing and cataloging, and was promptly collected by SCP Agents.\nAddendum: Reclassified as Safe \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-126 | SCP-127 | SCP-128 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-128\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-128 is to be held in a windowless containment chamber with blast-proof doors and walls and a ventilation system that maintains Class 100 cleanroom conditions inside. The interior of the containment chamber is to be monitored remotely by cameras welded in place with protective grating. The speakers and laser monitoring system must be similarly welded into place and protected with grating. The entry to SCP-128's containment chamber must include an antechamber with a second locked door that cannot be viewed from the chamber door.\nPersonnel entering the test chamber for any reason must wear ballistic armor and must not bring any loose item inside the chamber. All required equipment must be rigidly mounted to the armor. Interference with the laser monitoring system or the central wheel is forbidden unless required for maintenance.\nIn the center of the containment chamber, a wheel must be mounted to a concrete pedestal and allowed to spin freely. Should the wheel be measured to spin at less than 4,000 rpm at any time, all personnel are required to evacuate the containment chamber and foam nozzles will be deployed.\n\nARCHIVED CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES - FOR LOG PURPOSES ONLY\n\nFOLLOW ABOVE PROCEDURES - DO NOT ATTEMPT BELOW\n\nSCP-128 is to be kept in a chamber measuring at least 10 m x 10 m x 5 m with walls and door armored in 5 cm steel plate. All personnel who enter the containment room must wear full suits of heavy body armor, including ballistic plates. All loose objects of mass greater than 5 kg are strictly prohibited. Clothing and related items are generally considered safe, as the entity appears to be incapable of distinguishing these from their wearers. Writing utensils, loose change, and other trinkets present considerable hazards to personnel and should therefore be used sparingly never enter the containment chamber.\nAll items are to be cleared from room via suction before any personnel will be permitted to enter. Once personnel have exited, SCP-128 is to be given small objects, both to study its behavior and to alleviate boredom (if applicable). In the event of escape, the surrounding area will be evacuated and locked down, possibly followed by attempts to herd SCP-128 back into its enclosure. Past experience suggests that the latter is unnecessary, as the entity has shown no apparent desire to vacate the premises and will eventually return of its own accord.\n\nDescription: SCP-128 is an immaterial source of kinetic energy which can be conferred upon any nonliving solid material within line of sight of the source. The source itself is motile, with a tendency to remain along the walls or at the central wheel of the containment chamber. The line of sight is blocked by any opaque material, including lead, steel, or even single sheets of paper, but not transparent materials such as ballistic glass. Opaque radiolucent materials will contain SCP-128's range of effect, suggesting that transmission of energy occurs at visible light wavelengths, but darkness does not prevent transmission of kinetic energy.\nAny loose nonliving materials within line of sight of SCP-128 are at risk of anomalous propulsion to hazardous velocities. Items under 100 g in mass have been observed to accelerate to velocities of up to 900 m/s in a period of 0.1 second, similar in force to machine gun fire. Analysis of the mass and velocity of every object undergoing acceleration indicates that the system of affected objects contains a constant linear momentum of 2,500 kg m/s, anomalously unconstrained by direction. It is therefore advisable to have many heavier items available to the object instead of fewer, lighter items.\nDespite SCP-128's invisible, immaterial form, it has been determined that the entity cannot be compressed into a space under a 2 cm radius sphere. Such compression with opaque materials, however, is not advised, as dust particles within the space will be excited, generating extreme heat, potentially rupturing the compression container explosively.\nSCP-128 arbitrarily chooses which items to accelerate, with a slight statistical preference for new objects over older ones. Despite the existence of some form of acceleration choosing, tests do not indicate an active sentience directing the choice, with one exception. The object does not accelerate \"living\" material, with its own parameters regarding what is considered \"living.\" People or robots moving of their own accord are not accelerated, nor is any part that is rigidly attached. Dead or unconscious people and animals are also not accelerated. Unmoving but conscious test subjects report a light \"tugging\" in the presence of SCP-128, which immediately stops at the first sign of movement or animal-like characteristics. Plants and fungi, alive or dead, are similarly not accelerated. Unpowered robots, however, are susceptible to acceleration.\nAddendum 128-1: Recovery Log\nSCP-128 was recovered from a private home in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. Reports of telekinesis and random anomalous kinetic activity had been previously confirmed by field agents, and MTF Mu-13 (\"Ghostbusters\") was called in to isolate and capture the anomaly.\n\nControl: Okay, Equipment check. Tranquilizer pistols?\nMu-13 Lead: All pistols loaded and checked.\nControl: Ballistic armor?\nLead: Armor check.\nMu-13 Gamma: I'm not used to carrying this ordnance.\nControl: It's standard issue for this sort of intangible. We had to dig deep in our files, had to look up old references. SOP on this dates back to 1968. The phenomenon was called a poltergeist back then.\nDelta: Poltergeist? That is old. Type I or II?\nControl: It could be a Type I, a telekinetic vector associated with a deceased person, but field agents said that there's considerable domestic strife in the home. It's most likely undifferentiated kinetic energy from a latent Bixby under extreme stress. Type II.\nLead: That's why containment involves the pistols. Tranq all inhabitants, and it should shut down the anomaly long enough for us to figure out whose astral it is. The standard EMP tools are for containment of an autonomous intangible, should it be Type I. Careful in there. Take no chances. Beta, get the parabolic microphone on the house. We need to identify inhabitants.\nBeta: Mike online now.\nPOI-1: How many times do I have to tell you, Britney, clean your fucking room already! You're such a shitass slob!\nPOI-2: I did! It was spotless before I went to school! It was\u2026 Oh my god, Tyler, it was you, wasn't it, you little douche!\nPOI-3: Nuh-uh! Why would I want to step foot in your nasty-ass pigsty?\nGamma: Considerable domestic strife, you say?\nLead: Yeah. Just get in there and put them all to sleep. They could use the nap. And be careful with loose objects. Confirming three targets. Move out!\n\nDelta: The son's down.\nLead: He looks young. Beta, check his vitals, make sure the drugs aren't too much of a shock to his system. The darts are calibrated to someone at least 40 kilos. Gamma, Delta, find the father and daughter now!\n\nGamma: Father's down. Reaching for a shotgun, glad we got to him first.\nLead: Good work, Gamma. Delta, find the daughter?\nDelta: Tracked her to her bedroom. There's stuff everywhere, here, like a tornado ripped through here. Shades are pulled. She's got a pet hamster, but I don't see her. Trying the closet.\nLead: Careful, Delta, that's probably the source of the poltergeist activity.\nDelta: Roger that, I just got hit in the face with a pillow!\nLead: Quick, Gamma, Delta needs backup!\n\nDelta: Daughter is down! Repeat, Daughter is down! Chair just got thrown against the wall, bookshelf falling over! Activity increasing! Marbles! She has marbles! Ow!\nLead: We got a Type I! Get out of the room, Delta! Dammit, just - OW! Everybody out!\nDelta: Grab my hand and pull! It's - Wait! It's the hamster! It's a fucking tornado hamster! Tranqing the hamster!\nLead: Delta, NO! The darts aren't calibrated!\n\nDelta: Hamster down! Why aren't you stopping! I tranqed your -\n\nLead: Everybody out! Delta down! Close the doors! Get ready for Type I containment!\n\nClosing Notes: EMP deployment for Type I poltergeist containment functioned as expected, but failed to contain the anomaly. Mu-13 Gamma backed the MTF truck through the residence wall into the daughter's bedroom and opened the back doors. When the anomaly was observed to be inside the truck, the doors were shut and backup was called to tow the truck with accelerated debris in the armored trailer. Cover story of tornado striking the house was released.\n\nAddendum 128-2: Principal Researcher's Notes\n\nPrincipal Researcher: Dr. Cordelia Argent\nSubject: SCP-128\nDespite what the recovery log would say, this is not a poltergeist. Poltergeists are an obsolete term, anyway. This is not a spirit or a consciousness as we might think of the term. It can't pass through walls or the like. This is a source of kinetic energy. I've updated the description to show this. It's hard to say what, precisely, it is, but it appears to be best thought of as a hole through which a constant momentum enters this universe. How this is accomplished is still the subject of further tests.\nIn addition, the hamster did not have direct control over the phenomenon. If the hamster had conscious control, then the phenomenon would have ceased with its termination. Instead, if we continue the analogy of this being a hole, then the hamster was a valve covering the hole, which could be opened or closed to allow in more or less momentum. This \"valve\" appears to have been \"stuck open.\"\nSo all the talk about us having the ghost of a telekinetic hamster in containment should stop. It's inaccurate.\n\n scratch notes only - please delete - Dr. C. Argent\n\n scratch notes only - please delete - Dr. C. Argent\n\nCArgent: Hi Rod, are you there?\nRodArg: Hi Cordie, yes I am. Congrats on your promotion! How are things?\nCArgent: Okay. But I've been put in charge of 128, and its containment is stressing me out!\nRodArg: What's that? Can you send me the file?\nCArgent: Yeah, hold on.\n<==sending scp128.scp==>\nRodArg: Got it. So it's some kind of kinetic energy entity? Sounds like just your sort of thing, Dr. Anomalous Physics.\nCArgent: Ha ha, very funny. Yes, I've figured out it's a field of constant momentum without a center of mass. Essentially you treat the momentum of the system as a scalar constant instead of a vector, independent of direction. Simple enough, mathematically, but it does mean that the energy in the kinetic system is constantly fluctuating and being added to, to maintain the constant scalar momentum. It's supposed to be modulated up and down, but apparently it was under control of a hamster, and when the hamster died, the field got stuck at up.\nRodArg: So what's the issue about containment? There are procedures here.\nCArgent: They're ridiculous! It's basically \"give it toys but take them away whenever someone enters the chamber just so it can fire the researcher's clipboard through his skull\"! I've had to fill the room with foam pillows and send janitorial D-class in there in full battle armor just to clear the body away! The site director says that's not the first time, and I just\u2026\nCArgent: What am I supposed to do?\nRodArg: You need a constant linear momentum without center-of-mass vector positioning in the containment chamber? And the controller entity of the momentum field demonstrates some familiarity with objects?\nCArgent: Yes.\nRodArg: It's a hamster. Give it a wheel.\nCArgent: It's not a ham- \u2026That's why you're the biologist and I'm the physicist. Thank you.\nRodArg: You're still the smart one with the promotion, sis. You're welcome.\n\n\u00ab SCP-127 | SCP-128 | SCP-129 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-129\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-129 is at large in the world and infects large numbers of humans and animals daily. As such, containment efforts are focused on treatment of infected individuals and on eradication of any or all member species of SCP-129. Although at least 98% of the world's population harbors a natural immunity to one or more species of SCP-129, outbreaks that reach Stage Three or higher (described below) must be contained as quickly as possible, with infected individuals quarantined under highest-risk contagion protocols. See Document #129-A-1 for further information.\nIn the event of Stage Four or Stage Five outbreak, in addition to the above procedures, [DATA EXPUNGED], as described in Document #129-A-2 (Level 4 clearance required).\nDescription: SCP-129 is a series of at least \u2588\u2588 different species of fungus that can infect any animal with mucosal membranes. Infection by SCP-129 can pass through up to five stages (depending on exposure to further member species of SCP-129, individual resistance, and other factors), with each stage of infection facilitating progression to the next stage by weakening the individual's resistance to subsequent infection.\nDue to a combination of historical events, most humans and animals are naturally immune to SCP-129-04 through SCP-129-\u2588\u2588. Therefore, outbreaks of Stage Three infections are quite rare, but have the potential for widespread infection if not swiftly isolated and contained. All known cases of SCP-129 have followed the below five-stage progression, although [DATA EXPUNGED], possibly due to mutation.\n\nStage One: The first organism, SCP-129-01, attacks the victim's mucosal membranes, multiplying quickly and unobtrusively. A faint yeast-like smell might be detected, but beyond that, SCP-129-01 is asymptomatic. A second organism (SCP-129-02) can then infect the host, causing the victim to experience symptoms identical to those of acute viral nasopharyngitis (the common cold). The decreased efficacy of the host's immune system due to infection from SCP-129-02 allows SCP-129-01 to become entrenched further.\nSCP-129-01 and -02 generally leave the host body within four to six days. Though both species are fairly widespread, and most of the population has little to no protection against either organism, they pose little danger themselves, except to facilitate infection by SCP-129-03.\nStage Two: Although SCP-129-03 is usually stopped by natural mucus, Stage One infection changes the composition of the host's mucus so that the host is significantly less resistant to SCP-129-03. Once established in the host, SCP-129-03 alters the host's mucus, lymph, and blood such that other species of SCP-129 can thrive in the host.\nSymptoms of Stage Two infection include greatly increased mucus production, a nagging cough due to excess phlegm, a lingering low-grade fever, increased sweating and salivating, a somewhat increased preference for vegetables, and the complaint that certain fruit juices 'taste odd'. Infection by SCP-129-03 generally lasts anywhere from two weeks to four months before being driven out by the immune system, unless the host enters Stage Three infection. At least \u2588\u2588% of all humans have experienced Stage Two infection at some point, but due to natural immunities (in spite of Stage Two infection) and the relative rarity of Stage Three species, less than \u2588.\u2588\u2588% of that \u2588\u2588% have passed into Stage Three.\nStage Three: In the absence of SCP-129-03, nearly all animals are immune to the three species that cause Stage Three infection. However, a small number of Stage Two victims can become infected with one or more of these species; in these cases, the fungal infections become entrenched in the host and cannot be removed without extraordinary measures.\nIndividually, the three Stage Three species elicit different symptoms in the host:\n\nSCP-129-04 causes increased tear production (lachrymation), slight yellowing of the eyes, [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-129-05 [DATA EXPUNGED], causing the host's nails to thicken and significantly increasing earwax production.\nSCP-129-06 [DATA EXPUNGED], in particular, bright yellow urine and small pellets in the host's feces, both of which smell strongly of yeast.\n\nHowever, a victim who becomes infected with all three of these species will, within hours, develop flu-like (or worse) symptoms and become bedridden for three to five weeks. Afterward, though the victim appears to have recovered fully, in actuality SCP-129 has spread throughout all systems in the host's body, marking passage into Stage Four.\nStage Four: Victims who reach Stage Four appear generally healthy and indeed may be more lively and energetic than at any time since first contracting SCP-129. In actuality, SCP-129-01 through -06 have spread throughout the host's body, completely infiltrating the subject's immune, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, [DATA EXPUNGED], and central nervous systems.\nMycelia from SCP-129 species also permeate the host's skin and replace some percentage (up to \u2588\u2588%) of the host's hair. These hyphae, which are nearly indistinguishable from the host's natural hair, are used to propagate SCP-129 to other hosts; any potential host that comes into contact with shed-off hyphae has a 9\u2588% chance of becoming infected with SCP-129. Hyphae seem to be equally contagious from any part of the host's body, although [DATA EXPUNGED] if sexually transmitted due to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nDespite (or perhaps because of) increased susceptibility to SCP-129, Stage Four victims are much more resistant to viral and bacterial pathogens than uninfected subjects. All known subjects who have reached Stage Four have either progressed to Stage Five or died within \u2588\u2588 weeks.\nStage Five: Symptoms of Stage Five infection depend on a variety of factors, including the particular Stage Five species that are present, as well as genetic, physiological, environmental, and any number of unknown factors. However, as in Stage Four, all Stage Five victims are highly contagious and can infect victims who had previously shown complete immunity.\nNotable manifestations of Stage Five symptoms:\nFebruary \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Witnesses riding in a commuter train car in [DATA EXPUNGED] described a woman suddenly blowing up like a balloon and exploding, but instead of blood and viscera, the contents of the car were covered in spores and filaments. Analysis later showed that the victim was infected with SCP-129-09, SCP-129-14, and SCP-129-\u2588\u2588. All persons and objects in the affected area were quarantined, euthanized, and incinerated per protocol; \u2588\u2588\u2588 casualties, including \u2588\u2588 Foundation personnel.\nMay \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Following a string of disappearances in [DATA EXPUNGED] were tracked to a cave several kilometers from town. Inside, investigators found several pulsating mounds of flesh and vegetative material; although most were unrecognizable, a few of the entities retained some human characteristics and were identified as some of the missing citizens.\nResearchers theorize that victims of this combination of SCP-129 would interact normally with the populace, attempting to infect others, until, after a period of time, they would come to the cave (how and why they were brought here is not known). Upon arrival, the victims would be changed into the pulsating vegetative flesh mounds, which appear to be organisms modified to provide a long-term source of sustenance for SCP-129. Analysis suggests the flesh mounds could potentially live for \u2588\u2588\u2588 years. Autopsy revealed the presence of SCP-129-10, SCP-129-11, SCP-129-14, and SCP-129-\u2588\u2588. Site quarantined and sanitized per protocol; \u2588\u2588 known casualties.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-128 | SCP-129 | SCP-130 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-130\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-130 is to be staffed by twelve D-Class, six security agents (level 2/130) and one researcher (level 3/130) twice per day, starting at one half hour before local sunrise and sunset. All staff are to be appropriately uniformed and Caucasian only. When not staffed, two security agents will remain in the lobby, and two additional agents will patrol within the building. Agents are advised not to prevent people from entering the lobby, but to notify MTF Alpha-4 (\u201cPony Express\u201d) to intercept anyone who receives mail or a package.\nTwice per day, bundles (SCP-130-2) will appear in the mail room. The parcels within the bundles are to be sorted by uniformed staff into appropriate bags and placed in a designated vehicle for transport to Site-\u2588\u2588. Should mail arrive with the following addresses, [REDACTED], follow procedure Franklin-Sixteen, detailed in Addendum 130-2. Otherwise, mail will be checked under standard practices for any items of interest.\nObjects are not to be placed for outgoing mail unless certified orders are given by O5-\u2588. Procedure Franklin-Seventeen outlines the protocol used in these cases. Should anyone else enter SCP-130 to use the outgoing mail slot, they are to be permitted to do so, then intercepted by MTF Alpha-4 as soon as possible for questioning. The incident is to be reviewed through security tapes and the outgoing mail watched for in subsequent bundles and checked through the list of previous parcels delivered.\nDescription: SCP-130 is a post office in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, South Africa, constructed in 18\u2588\u2588. SCP-130 had been closed in 19\u2588\u2588 and left abandoned for \u2588\u2588 years. The building is in excellent condition for its age, and maintains itself without human intervention, including moderate structural repairs. SCP-130 has been designated a Historic Site through an agreement with the South African government.\nFive times per week at local sunrise and sunset, several bags and boxes will appear in the mail room. The bundles, designated SCP-130-2, will show only on weekdays, with the exception of current postal holidays for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Bundles are to be handled as per Special Containment Procedures as above.\nInside of the lobby, along with the post office boxes, is a slot labeled for Outgoing Mail. The slot is able to accept packages up to 40 cm wide and 6 cm high, with no apparent limit for length. Once inserted into the slot, packages disappear, and will eventually turn up in the outgoing mail bundles, if they have not done so previously.\nAddendum 130-1: SCP-130 came to the attention of the Foundation in 19\u2588\u2588, when packages and letters began to be circulated bearing the postmark for the site. The parcels appeared in post offices throughout the world with correct postage for delivery either locally or internationally, depending on the parcel.\nThe parcels were often undeliverable, either to non-existent addresses or to recipients who were not at the address, and so ended up in dead letter offices. Various Foundation assets noted the odd postmark, and Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 mobilized to investigate. MTF Alpha-4 arrived in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 where they discovered the town had mostly been abandoned decades ago. The post office appeared to be in excellent condition, not only well-maintained, but clean.\nWhile MTF Alpha-4 searched, bundles of mail appeared in the mail room. Agents searched the bundles and discovered a variety of letters, parcels, and packages, all with that day's date and the postmark for that post office. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to open one of the parcels, which resulted in the agent vanishing from sight. Six days later, a package appeared in Site-\u2588\u2588's mail room. Inside of it was Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and an envelope with a receipt for postage due. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had \"Return to Sender\" and \"Postage Due\" tattooed on \u2588\u2588\u2588 back, and was in a comatose state. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 remained in that state until the envelope was delivered to SCP-130's Outgoing Mail slot, where upon the agent returned to consciousness with no recollection from the time of disappearance. Similar results also occurred when agents tried to take away or damage either the parcels or the post office itself.\nFurther investigation led to the current containment procedures, where Caucasian D-class personnel in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 uniforms circa 19\u2588\u2588 sort through the mail when it appeared. Once processed and put in a marked \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 vehicle, the mail can then leave the area unmolested. If the bundles are untouched, however, the bundles will vanish and later appear in the postal systems of the world in order to be delivered.\nAddendum 130-2: Through examination of the mail parcels over the past \u2588\u2588 years, research has shown certain trends. Over \u2588\u2588 percent of the mail is of a mundane nature, except for the matter of the postmark. Exceptions to this are letters that were apparently unsent, for whatever reason, and temporally displaced letters. The former, while odd, will be destroyed in order to protect the nature of SCP-130. The latter will be examined and results submitted to [REDACTED]\nLetters addressed to Foundation Sites or Personnel are to be sent to Site-\u2588\u2588 where they will be reviewed by Department \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Reports shall be classified under Project \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, pending Overseer review.\nProcedure Franklin-Sixteen: When mail is specifically addressed to [REDACTED], the mail is to be sealed in a case with active countermeasures and brought to the office of the present Level 5/130 supervisor. Mail will then be screened for possible explosive, chemical, biological, memetic or [REDACTED] threats. After screening, the mail will be opened and assessed. While no new artifacts requiring secure containment have arrived, the possibility cannot be ignored.\nMail either addressed to or intercepted by the Office is often temporally sensitive, and as such impact must be minimized to limit changes. The possibility of the information being used to alter present day events detrimentally must also be weighed. Using the information given by SCP-130 to alter events requires a two-thirds super-majority vote by the Overseers.\nExamples of intercepted messages are stored within Document 130-1 and require level 4/130 to access.\nMail with the following code-phrase [REDACTED] are to be immediately delivered after screening, without being read by 5/130. After so doing, that code-phrase is to be invalidated, and the next one brought in line.\nProcedure Franklin-Seventeen: All outgoing mail is to be sent with appropriate current postage for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at the time of sending, and must be marked with the code-phrase [REDACTED]. The mail sent by this method is to be logged, then cross-checked with past parcels to insure temporal integrity.\nUpon attempt at mailing should a receipt appear for postage due, the amount shall be placed in an envelope and put in the outgoing mail slot. The slot will accept the following currencies: Rands, Euros, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The use of counterfeit currencies will result in a lethal reaction by SCP-130 and an additional fine will be levied until mail can be sent again.\nAddendum 130-3: After the end of apartheid, SCP-130 no longer restricts postal staff to be White Only.\nIncident 130-6: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, a package for one \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 arrived with the address for a post office box at the site. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the researcher assigned to SCP-130, placed the parcel into the P.O.B. and waited. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 minutes later, an unknown person identified as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 walked into the lobby. The subject appeared to be briefly puzzled, and walked over to the box. The locked box opened at his touch, and he expressed surprise at seeing the parcel with his name on it.\nMTF Alpha-4, being on-site, was dispatched to investigate once the subject was out of sight of SCP-130, and subsequently interviewed. The subject had no plans to visit \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that day, but had felt an unexplained desire to go there while driving nearby to visit family in the area. Upon opening the package, [REDACTED]. A Class-A amnestic was administered to the subject and was released after memory insertion.\n\n\u00ab SCP-129 | SCP-130 | SCP-131 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B\n\nItem #: SCP-131\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No special safety procedures are to be taken with SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B. They are free to travel about Site-19 so long as they do not attempt to enter any restricted areas or attempt to leave the facility. Casual contact with the subjects is permitted, but it is recommended that such contact be kept to a minimum to prevent the creatures from forming an attachment to personnel. Hourly tabs are to be kept on subjects at all times; failure to account for their presence at these times constitutes a level one lockdown situation. Any report of abuse or mistreatment of the subjects will result in a harsh reprimand.\nDescription: SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B (affectionately nicknamed the \"Eye Pods\" by personnel) are a pair of teardrop-shaped creatures roughly 30 cm (1 ft) in height, with a single blue eye in the middle of their bodies. SCP-131-A is burnt orange in color while SCP-131-B is mustard yellow. At the base of each creature is a wheel-like protrusion which allows for locomotion, suggesting that the creatures may be biomechanical in origin. The subjects can move surprisingly fast, covering over 60 m (200 ft) in a matter of seconds. The subjects, however, lack a braking system, which has led to some rather spectacular, if not overly amusing, mishaps involving the creatures. The subjects have also shown the ability to climb sheer surfaces, and have gotten lost in the air vents on more than one occasion.\nThe subjects seem to have the intelligence of common house cats and are insatiably curious. Most of the time they simply roll around the facility, observing personnel at work and catching peeks at other Safe class SCPs. The subjects seem to be able to communicate with each other via an untranslatable high-pitched babbling. The subjects have never been observed to blink, even in laboratories when the subjects have been videotaped for over 18 consecutive hours.\nThe subjects seem to respond well to any affection given to them and will quickly bond to the giver of said affection, much in the same way a puppy bonds with a human being. They will follow anyone or anything they've made a bond with anywhere, even into normally restricted areas. Although curious, the subjects can sense danger in their general vicinity, and if the object of their bond begins to approach something they register as dangerous (e.g., Euclid or Keter class objects) they will swarm around their bonded companion's feet (or appropriate extremities) while babbling in a panicked tone, as if to warn them. Because of the daily dangers faced by Site-19 staff in dealing with Euclid and Keter class objects, it is recommended that staff avoid making attempts to bond with the subjects, as it can pose a distraction during delicate operations and experiments and may pose a danger to the subjects themselves (see Addendum 131-1). If the subjects are ignored by their bonded target long enough, they will eventually lose interest and return to their normal activities.\nIt should be noted that the subjects require no real care or maintenance from the site staff. They do not eat, leave droppings, or even sleep. It would seem that the only sustenance they require is visual stimulation (although this requires further study to verify).\nSubjects SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B were found in a cornfield outside \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the year 19\u2588\u2588. They were promptly transported to Site-19 via [DATA EXPUNGED] and were then downgraded to Safe class and given free rein across the site once it became clear they were not broadcasting what they saw to any hostile foreign powers.\nAddendum 131-1: During an incident that took place on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the subjects followed one of the cleaning staff on routine cleaning of the container of SCP-173. After their normal attempts to warn the cleaner of the danger were ignored, the creatures rushed into the container in front of him and the other two personnel on duty. Once inside, the staff members observed the subjects sitting in front of SCP-173 and watching it intently, as if aware that it could only move if unobserved. The cleaners ignored the presence of the subjects and continued with the bi-weekly cleaning as per standard procedures. When the cleaning crew left, the subjects did as well, rolling backward slowly and never taking their eyes off of SCP-173. Current applications of SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B as \"wardens\" for SCP-173 (and perhaps other SCP which require constant observation, such as SCP-689) are being considered.\n\n\u00ab SCP-130 | SCP-131 | SCP-132 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-132\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-132 are to be cataloged and etched with an appropriate designating mark. SCP-132 is to be stored at Containment Sector-\u2588\u2588 when not in use. No special clearance is needed to have access to files relating to SCP-132 and instances of SCP-132 may be requisitioned for office decoration in any non-Command Foundation installation. After incident 132-01, no instances of SCP-132 are to leave Containment Area 23 without approval by the Sector Director. Following the incident detailed in Addendum 03, standard classification procedures are reinstated on SCP-132.\nDescription: SCP-132 takes the form of a series of \u2588\u2588\u2588 glass tetrahedrons, each with a side length of 10.3 centimeters. Each instance of SCP-132 appears to contain a patch of desert sand. Occasionally scorpions and other desert creatures enter the confines of an instance of SCP-132 as if it were a continuous piece of desert. Creatures within SCP-132 have shown no awareness of the existence of anything outside of the object and attempts to influence the area within SCP-132 have failed.\nReview of observed animal life within SCP-132 has proven inconsistent. Clusters of contiguous instances have been internally consistent and have been confirmed to display areas of every major desert. No method of pinpointing exact locations has been discovered; staff observing SCP-132 are advised to be on the lookout for any defining features that could aid in this endeavor.\n\nTest Log SCP-132:\nProcedure: SCP-132-01 rotated and placed on an upper side\nResult: No apparent change in SCP-132-01\nProcedure: SCP-132-01 inverted and placed in a cradle\nResult: No apparent change in SCP-132-01\nProcedure: SCP-132-01 shaken vigorously\nResult: A few grains of sand in SCP-132-01 shift as though picked up by a light wind.\nProcedure: SCP-132-01 shaken vigorously\nResult: No apparent change in SCP-132-01\nNote: I guess it was just the wind, better to be sure anyway. -Dr. Peterson\nProcedure: A corner of SCP-132-01 is filed for several strokes\nResult: The filed corner is scuffed in a consistent manner to normal glass\nProcedure: Heat is applied to the side of SCP-132-01 with a blowtorch\nResult: Heated side melts and a sizable hole is cut in SCP-132-01. Desert scene remains.\nNote: I prodded around in there after it cooled and only felt glass; it would appear that SCP-132 only shows an illusory desert. I suppose it could be showing a real place but I have no idea how we could confirm this or locate where that may be. -Dr. Peterson\n\nIncident Log 132-01: Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, currently stationed at Area-\u2588\u2588, reports knocking SCP-132-71 off her desk. Upon impact with the ground, SCP-132-71 shattered and the office of Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was buffeted by extreme winds. Other owners of instances of SCP-132 confirm that the area shown by SCP-132-71 and adjoining instances was experiencing a sandstorm.\nAddendum 132-01: Careful observation of SCP-132 has found that many instances are contiguous, the largest 'section' composed of sixteen (16) different instances. Speculation over the existence of additional unsecured instances has been raised.\nAddendum 132-02: Administration has deemed the possible risk of unsecured instances of SCP-132 existing to be negligible and set retrieval efforts to lowest priority. Keywords relating to SCP-132 have been added to routine search protocols.\nAddendum 132-03: A large box arrived for Dr. Richardson at his home with a return address of [REDACTED], a Foundation front. No faculty associated with [REDACTED] report any association with said box and it does not appear on any [REDACTED] records. Inside were thirty-seven (37) uncatalogued instances of SCP-132. Twelve (12) were contiguous with previously documented instances of SCP-132 and three (3) instances which had no known shared edges were brought into contiguity. Of particular note were eighteen (18) instances which appear to display Martian soil, thirteen (13) of which were found to be contiguous.\nAddendum 132-04: At Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's suggestion, notes were taken over a year on the light cycle of SCP-132 clusters. Although imprecise, the Foundation now has a rough set of coordinates for various SCP-132 viewing locations. No missions need be sent to confirm these locations but teams passing near are encouraged to assist Dr. Peterson in pinpointing coordinates.\n\n\u00ab SCP-131 | SCP-132 | SCP-133 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-133\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-133 are stored in their original shipping crates, which are to be stored within a standard Safe-class storage container at Site 19. Experimentation with SCP-133 may only be performed with prior written permission from at least two (2) Level 4 Personnel.\nDescription: SCP-133 are a set of six hundred and thirteen (613) black, circular pieces of a waxy, paper-like material 5 cm in diameter. When placed against a solid surface and rubbed, SCP-133 will instantaneously \"transfer\" to the surface and create a circular hole. Testing has shown that SCP-133 is capable of penetrating up to 61 cm of structural grade steel, though the exact degree of penetration is reduced by extremely smooth or highly dense materials. Examination of holes created by SCP-133 show that they are superficially smooth, but exhibit tool marks consistent with that of extremely fine boring implements at a microscopic level. The exact mechanism by which SCP-133 operates is still under investigation.\nSCP-133 came to the Foundation's attention following a string of high-profile burglaries in the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. Suppressed surveillance footage and forensic evidence were brought to the attention of embedded Foundation agents in local law enforcement agencies, and upon attempting to apprehend the culprit, subject placed an instance of SCP-133 over his chest and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Local law enforcement officers [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] were administered Class A amnestics and released.\nThe original shipping crate in which SCP-133 was found has been shown to be immune to SCP-133's effect despite being composed of ordinary wood, and has been incorporated into the containment procedures for SCP-133.\nAddendum 133-01: Shipping Label Found With SCP-133\n\nInstant Holes\u2122\na product of The Factory\n800 Units\n\n\u00ab SCP-132 | SCP-133 | SCP-134 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-134 under normal lighting conditions\n\nItem #: SCP-134\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-134 is currently contained within a specially outfitted humanoid-containment cell, measuring six (6) meters by eight (8) meters. Since SCP-134 is completely blind, special safety precautions must be taken with the room's furnishings. SCP-134 is reasonably accustomed to the position of all objects in the cell and navigates mostly from memory. SCP-134's room currently contains:\n\nOne (1) single bed with additional mattress padding.\nOne (1) pink bed set including sheets, comforter, and pillow with \"Hello Kitty\" mascot print. (Note: though blind, SCP-134 is able to feel the printed pattern and prefers it.)\nOne (1) wardrobe and one (1) chest of drawers containing clothes in Youth Extra-Small. All drawers are to be labeled in Braille and raised-print English.\nOne (1) dollhouse with dolls and interior furnishings.\nEight (8) stuffed animals (three cats, two dogs, a giraffe, a dolphin, and a panda)\nA selection of children's literature in Braille.\nOne (1) chair and one (1) table.\nA craft station with modeling clay and building blocks.\n\nSCP-134 may request additional items, all of which must be approved by a staff member with Level 3 clearance or higher. If any items are added to the room, SCP-134's handlers must be informed ahead of time to prepare her for the addition of something new to the environment. SCP-134 is to be tutored on a regular basis both in general education appropriate for the subject's age and in Braille.\nDescription: SCP-134 seems to be an Asian girl between the ages of \u2588 and \u2588, with short black hair and a slight build. The subject seems normal in most respects and has all the biological requirements of a human child (food, sleep, etc). However, where SCP-134's eyes should be are two black pits, covered by a transparent membrane similar in appearance to a human eye's membrane; ophthalmological testing has shown that the membranes are between 150 and 200 times more resilient than those of a normal, non-anomalous human. SCP-134 lacks eyelids and thus does not blink, nor can SCP-134 see anything through these black areas. Attempts to examine the back of SCP-134's eyeball have failed, as no retina can be seen. In normal lighting conditions, they appear completely black, but in darkness, very faint lights have been seen within them. Further study with long-exposure photography and light amplification revealed that the lights are actually stars and galaxies, visible as though SCP-134's eye sockets are somehow looking out into deep space. To date, no astronomical formations have been recognized, though research by staff astronomer Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is ongoing.\nSonar examination has revealed no unusual cavities within SCP-134's skull; however, [DATA EXPUNGED], confirming the presence of [DATA EXPUNGED] eye sockets being the local termini and intergalactic space being the remote termini. Parallax measurements indicate that the remote termini are between twenty (20) and two thousand (2000) meters apart, and are moving at between twenty (20) and forty (40) times the speed of light; this does not appear to be linked to SCP-134's position, movement, or metabolism.\nSpectrographic analysis indicates that the remote termini periodically [DATA EXPUNGED] new location; the cause of this is not yet known. The shortest interval measured between shifts was six days, while the longest was five weeks. As of yet, no termini shifts have been observed in progress.\nSCP-134 has not shown any hostile behavior, and seems unaware of any unnatural condition. SCP-134 shows behavioral symptoms similar to those seen in high-functioning autistic children, including patterned behavior and resistance to change. As such, SCP-134 has been assigned a childhood development specialist to help work with these issues; the specialist has suggested that proper childhood development requires a personal name, and has nicknamed SCP-134 \"Stella\". SCP-134 has learned to associate being referred to by her SCP number with being subjected to physical tests, and becomes upset and less cooperative when this is done by individuals who have previously referred to her as \"Stella\"; consequently, personnel are urged to not refer to her by name unless they wish their interactions with SCP-134 to be limited to interview sessions.\nWhen questioned about her eyes, SCP-134 claims no knowledge of any deformation, even when allowed to feel normal human eyes for comparison.\nSCP-134 has to date volunteered no information about parentage or identity, though when acquired by the Foundation, SCP-134 was called \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\". SCP-134 has proven docile and cooperative, and as such staff should display all the normal courtesy they would to any other guest. SCP-134 was taken into Foundation custody based on reports of a deformed child left at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 orphanage in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Yokohama, Japan. SCP-134 has been in Foundation custody since 20\u2588\u2588, at which time orphanage staff claimed SCP-134 was \u2588 years old. Since then, SCP-134 has learned conversational English, in addition to the Japanese already known, and has demonstrated facility with Braille, though instruction is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-133 | SCP-134 | SCP-135 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-135\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-135 is to be contained in a partitioned plexiglass chamber at least 7 metres to a side. All sections are to be completely sealed off from one another to avoid cross-contamination. SCP-135 itself is to be in a central section with 1.0 to 1.5 square metres of floorspace, with a 5 cm-wide runoff trench around the perimeter that drains into a tank, the contents of which are to be piped into an incinerator at the end of every week. The remaining space in the containment chamber is to be used to house 5 chemical harvesting vats, one vat per partitioned section. A single access corridor is to lead from SCP-135's section to outside the chamber. No personnel are permitted within SCP-135's effect radius; all maintenance, taking of samples, etc., are to be carried out by remote-control robots. Disciplinary measures need not be taken against personnel that violate this rule, because the direct consequences of SCP-135's effects have been deemed consequence enough. Robots are to be maintained and cleaned by Level 1 personnel.\nOnce a week, SCP-135's section is to be hosed down with Solution U82-B until only its outer coating is visible. In emergencies, flamethrowers may be employed to reduce mass quickly.\nDue to the potential of catastrophic effects in the event of cross contamination, at no point are SCP-329 or SCP-427 to be contained within the same facility as SCP-135.\nDescription: SCP-135 is a human female between \u2588 and \u2588\u2588 years of age that promotes rapid, uncontrolled cell growth within a radius of 2.25 metres from itself. It remains rigidly in the foetal position, and has never been observed to move. SCP-135's effect is carcinogenic to animal tissue and induces malignant neoplasia in plant and fungal tissues in 100% of recorded exposure cases, with severity and disorganization increasing exponentially with closer proximity to SCP-135. Within 0.1 metres, cells will not die, even under conditions where they would normally, causing SCP-135 to be steadily buried under a continually-growing mass of plant matter, fungal matter, and micro-organisms. This \u201cundying\u201d state extends to SCP-135's cells as well. SCP-135 has been shown to lack an epidermis, instead having a crust of mixed plant and fungal matter that has incorporated itself onto SCP-135's skin, interspersed with tumours and patches of raw dermis.\nSCP-135's lungs, diaphragm, and intestines are ruptured, and growth extends into the chest and abdominal cavities. It has been fitted with wide-diameter plastic tubes for use in draining excess biomatter.\nThe Foundation came into possession of SCP-135 after it and a surrounding ball of growth rolled off a cliff in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Mountains, crushing a hiker on the trail below. Class B amnestics were administered to the civilians and law enforcement personnel involved, and the incident was covered up as having been caused by a pair of male goats that slipped and fell off the cliff edge during a dominance battle. Later examination of the growth revealed the partial skeleton of an adult human female with osteosarcomata covering \u2588\u2588% of it. SCP-135 was found in the space between the skeleton's ribcage and pelvis, at the time between \u2588 and \u2588 years old. A viable DNA sample was recovered from the bone marrow of the pelvis, and testing confirmed with \u2588\u2588.\u2588% certainty that the skeleton belonged to SCP-135's biological mother.\nAll personnel involved with SCP-135's retrieval and initial testing were later diagnosed with various forms of cancer. Out of the \u2588\u2588 affected, only \u2588 are still alive at the time of this writing.\nAttempts to terminate SCP-135 with sustained gunfire, flamethrowers, caustic materials, vacuum, and extreme pressure have all failed. Further termination attempts are forbidden by order of O5-\u2588\u2588, due to SCP-135's potential uses in cultivating useful bacteria. See Document 135-a for information on the current contents of partitioned vats.\nEEGs confirm full brain activity. No attempts to communicate with SCP-135 are to be made at this time.\n\n\u00ab SCP-134 | SCP-135 | SCP-136 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-136\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No extraordinary containment procedures are necessary. SCP-136 is to be kept in a standard 10 m x 10 m x 10 m concrete containment room. SCP-136-1 is to be kept in a locked transparent plastic case, measuring 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m, placed on a table in the center of the room. Video surveillance is unnecessary when SCP-136 is not being actively examined. As of incident I-136-c (see Incident Reports), only Class D personnel may enter the SCP-136 containment chamber more than once in any thirty day period without special authorization from Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-136 has no effect on non-humans.\nSCP-136 describes two phenomena. SCP-136-1 is of variable appearance, but generally manifests as a crude clay, wood, metal, or cloth doll, usually identifiable as female and usually between 10 and 30 cm in length. The doll appears as male in approximately 10% of viewings.\nSCP-136-1 has no unusual properties that can be measured empirically. Mass spectrometry of samples taken from the doll return typical results for its present material. When the doll is damaged to the extent where it no longer appears human - usually upon removal of the head or all limbs - it vanishes completely and reappears in a new configuration within a one (1) meter radius. Testing of complete vaporization pending.\nSCP-136-2 manifests only when SCP-136-1 is viewed for approximately twenty (20) minutes, though like SCP-136-1, it has a somewhat variable form. The first indication of SCP-136-2's presence is a sound of laughter of a gender corresponding to the appearance of SCP-136-1. Personnel who hear the laughter report it as sounding \u201ccreepy\u201d or \u201cscary.\u201d The laughter lasts for an interval of anywhere from five seconds to two minutes, after which is a period of silence, usually of about five minutes. After the period of silence, SCP-136-2 appears along with the abrupt disappearance of SCP-136-1.\nSCP-136-2, is an incorporeal nude or partially nude figure corresponding to the gender of SCP-136-1. SCP-136-2, ranging in size from 1.9 to 2.1 meters, is always posed in a provocative manner and moves through the air at a slow walking pace (0.2 m/s) towards the subject(s). If more than one subject is present, each will see the form as moving towards him or herself. As it approaches, the volume of the laughter increases. By the time SCP-136-2 is within 1 to 2 meters, the subject invariably has gone rigid in fear, collapsed, or backed up until he or she hits a wall. SCP-136-2 usually remains stiff until it is within approximately 5 cm of the subject, whereupon it will scream once before vanishing. Ten to fifteen seconds later, SCP-136-1 will reappear in its previous location in a different configuration.\nThe apparition has a very disturbing appearance. Its mouth is far too wide, frozen in a rictus of pain and arousal. It will occasionally bare its teeth or lick its lips. Its irises take up almost the entire sclera of its eyes, which appear mad and bloodshot. If female, it will have an absurdly narrow waist and large breasts. The experience of viewing SCP-136-2 is profoundly upsetting and has universally caused night terrors for up to six months in every single subject, possibly as a result of its psychic intrusion. After a viewing, most subjects are unable to leave the containment room without assistance. Interestingly, Class D personnel with a history of sexual deviancy still experience a strong negative reaction to 136-2.\nAt no point has SCP-136-2 been observed to move past the boundaries of its containment room. See Incident report I-136-a\nAdditional Information:\nSCP-136 was recovered from the children's bedroom of an abandoned house in [DATA EXPUNGED] that was reportedly haunted. A routine sweep of such reported homes by Foundation personnel discovered SCP-136 when Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 fell from a second story window, screaming.\nIncident Reports:\nIncident I-136-a, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nDr. Simon was the twenty-fifth subject to observe 136-2, and the fourth to do so voluntarily. The viewing proceeded in the usual manner with no anomalies. Approximately two hours after viewing 136-2, Dr. Simon, who was in the break room with several other researchers, screamed and dropped his coffee mug. He incoherently indicated that he could see 136-2 floating down the hall towards him. Dr. Morris and Dr. Harrison restrained him, assuming that he had simply been badly shaken by the experience. After approximately two minutes, all present in the room fell unconscious. Dr. Soboya recovered first and proceeded to awaken her colleagues. Dr. Simon had lapsed into a coma, and died three days later.\n\u2014 Dr. Meyers requests reclassification to Keter class.\n\u2014 Reclassification as Keter class denied. We cannot dismiss the possibility that the unfortunate incident wasn't caused by some other telepathic SCP.\nIncident I-136-b, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nIt happened again today. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 shoved a few Class D's into the room, and he was standing outside with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. 136 finished doing its thing, and I was helping them drag the subjects out of the room when everything went black. I woke up to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 smacking me in the face and three Class D's in comas. This thing is killing people. We haven't learned anything new from it in ten years, and we can't use it. I request that we find a way to terminate 136, maybe get a psychic SCP in here with it. It's not like burning it will do anything.\n\u2014 Dr. Meyers\nRequest for termination denied. 136 is proving valuable for enhanced interrogation.\nIncident I-136-c, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nThis is out of control now. You all saw what happened, hell, everyone in a thousand yards will never forget [DATA EXPUNGED], and the Class D in the room is gone and nobody knows how. At the very least, we need to do some more rigorous screening of the D's before sending them in, we would have found out that he was [DATA EXPUNGED] ahead of time. Thank God we've figured out what set it off, though. Request reclassification to Keter and permission for attempted termination of 136.\n\u2014 Dr. Meyers\nRequest denied. Dr. Meyers is to be removed from administration of SCP-136. Disposition of 136 is to be given directly to Overseer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for exclusive use in enhanced interrogation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-135 | SCP-136 | SCP-137 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-137\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-137 is to be kept in a locked room, with a hairbrush and posters depicting a country meadow to keep it placid and tractable. SCP-137 is to be fed three meals a day. Under no circumstances are any toys allowed to come within five hundred (500) meters of SCP-137.\nDescription: SCP-137 is an entity with the ability to possess a toy, gaining the physical properties, size, and shape of whatever it represents; for example, a teddy bear will become an actual bear, and behave accordingly. SCP-137 cannot possess any miscellaneous object, only toys. The observed range of SCP-137's possessive effect is two hundred fifty (250) meters, but until further testing has been accomplished, SCP-137 is assumed to have a maximum range of five hundred (500) meters from its position.\nSCP-137 was first brought to Foundation attention after a series of bizarre deaths and incidents involving children. The deaths were determined to be too random to be a serial killer, and Foundation agents were sent in to investigate. It was located after an interview with a young girl suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, after a naked man had appeared in her bedroom. It was encountered in the same neighborhood in the form of a gorilla. SCP-137 was then tracked and finally captured when it possessed a stuffed pony doll in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and was chased into the nearby wilderness. SCP-137 was tranquilized, and extracted to Site-19 by helicopter.\nTesting has shown that SCP-137 takes on the characteristics of the toy it possesses, but only as a child might perceive it. A toy soldier becomes a violent, well-armed man. A toy gun fires bullets. A toy lion attacks and kills humans. However, it lacks true intelligence. It shows no sign of long-term memory, nor any capacity for learning or abstract thinking (See Interview 137-1). For more information, please refer to Experiment Log 137.\nIt is currently inhabiting a princess doll, of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 line.\nAddendum\nInterview 137-1:\nInterviewed: SCP-137\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: Interview took place to determine what SCP-137 is, and why and how it possesses toys.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good day.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No. Now, can you please tell me what you are?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Where did you come from?*Further questioning yielded similar results.*\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-136 | SCP-137 | SCP-138 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-138\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-138 requires minimal containment procedures. For humanitarian purposes, subject is currently being kept in a chemically-induced comatose state.\nDescription: SCP-138 is a human male, suspected to be in excess of four thousand (4000) years old. Subject is approximately 1.5 meters in height, emaciated, and wizened. SCP-138's precise origins are unknown. Subject was discovered in 2006, in an Egyptian tomb located near Tutankhamen's tomb unearthed in 1922, sealed inside a sarcophagus. When a living being was discovered in the tomb, the Foundation was alerted by one of our sleeper agents assigned to the International Archaeological Association. Subject was immediately moved to Sector 37 for investigation by the lead research science team there.\nPhysiologically, SCP-138 should clinically be dead. Muscles and internal organs are in a severe state of atrophy, and although the subject's bio-electro-magnetic field is stable, his nervous system is also severely debilitated. Subject also exhibits evidence of a large number of fatal wounds, some possibly accidental, some blatantly deliberate, whether inflicted by the subject himself or by others.\nThere is no obvious scientific explanation for his continued living state. Although other SCPs have exhibited accelerated regenerative properties, allowing them to resist death, SCP-138 has no such abilities\u2014his body does not regenerate damage, but simply continues to function despite lethal injuries. This stretches to wounding blows, although anything that would completely destroy the body proves ineffective.\nSubject speaks exclusively in a dialect of ancient Egyptian. Communication using a civilian translator has revealed very little about the subject's past, though it would appear that he was buried in the tomb for an unknown religious purpose. Due to his severely injured state, SCP-138 is in a constant state of agony, and has on numerous occasions insistently requested humanitarian euthanasia. No successful method of termination has yet been found, despite various and varied attempts, both official and unsanctioned. Attached is a comprehensive list of the subject's injuries.\nDocument 138-27: Injuries sustained by subject SCP-138\nAncient injuries:\n\nSlit throat\nSeventeen (17) separate wounds to the torso: nine (9) sword wounds, six (6) spear wounds, and two (2) wounds caused by unknown puncturing weapon, possibly a metal or wooden spike\n\nSanctioned euthanasia attempts:\n\nSevere nausea (due to intravenous arsenic poison)\nThird degree burns to 100% of the subject's body (note that SCP-138 survived a full twenty (20) minutes in an industrial incinerator)\nSevere internal and nervous system damage (from electrocution attempt)\n\nUnofficial euthanasia attempts by non-research personnel:\n\nTracheal trauma (due to extended strangulation attempt)\nTwo gunshot wounds to the head, causing severe cranial trauma\n\n\u00ab SCP-137 | SCP-138 | SCP-139 \u00bb"} {"text": "| Credentials [ LSAXE ] accepted. Time since last login: 5540 days.\n\n| Finding SCiPNET results for \"lucian-saxe\"\u2026\n| $\n| 0 results.\n\n| Finding SCiPNET results for \"site-97\"\u2026\n| $\n| 0 results.\n\n| Finding SCiPNET results for \"scp-139\"\u2026\n| $\n| 3 results.\n\nscp-139.pdf\n\nscp-139.pdf\n\nITEM:\u2009SCP-139\nLEVEL\u20094/139\n\nCLASS:\u2009eparch\nsecret\n\nDISRUPTION CLASS: dark\n\nfig 1.1. Saxe in Topeka Station; Platform 9, Monitor 3, View 1 at 15:04:58. (Hover to enlarge.)\n\nSPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: [Containment suspended.]\nDESCRIPTION: SCP-139 designates the disappearance of Lucian Saxe, formerly a Foundation-employed security specialist. Saxe had, until SCP-139's occurrence, acted as a consultant for Site-97 on the matter of esoteric reanimation methodology.\nSCP-139 is considered anomalous both due to a persistent infohazard encountered following its occurrence [1] and due to the cut-off of information pertaining to SCP-139 after April 4, 1978. Despite Site-97's best efforts, neither Saxe's past-or-present whereabouts nor the location of a cadaver have been uncovered. Extradimensional travel is suspected but not confirmed.\nNo primary suspects which could be responsible for SCP-139 have been identified, owing to the largely inconclusive results of investigative efforts. As such, SCP-139 is currently considered a cold case [2] and is expected to continue indefinitely.\n\nTIMELINE OF EVENTS:\n\nMarch 5, 1978\nSaxe clocks in at Site-97 and declines usual chatter with personnel at the front entrance. Ze enters hir office and does not exit for the remainder of the workday.\nFor a period of twelve hours, Saxe queries forty-two SCiPNET entries pertaining to thaumaturgic workings, global ley-line activity, and available research into Way and Knock techniques. This idle activity contradicts hir otherwise exemplary productivity record and raises concern among Site-97 staff; sensor agents are dispatched appropriately.\nNo further abnormalities occur until Saxe has punched out and arrived at hir residence in suburban Albany. By 10:45 PM, ze vacates hir residence, presumably on foot to avoid detection, and exits the city limits.\nMarch 6\nA paper trail of bus and train tickets suggests Saxe traveled approximately two-thousand kilometers to Topeka, Kansas, arriving at 12:15 PM. Of note, interviewed civilians occasionally describe hir as \"that traitor\" when recounting this eighteen-hour period. [3]\nMarch 7 \u2013 April 4\nAfter Topeka, the paper trail terminates, and reports of Saxe's location during the following month become increasingly irregular. A car ze is believed to have rented is sighted in Salt Lake City, Utah and Lubbock, Texas on March 10 and March 15 respectively \u2014 although the windshield and rightmost tail-light shattered between the two cities. Ze is last documented in Tucson, Arizona after residential police implicate hir in a resist-and-flee incident on suspicions of vagrancy. [4]\nOn April 4, sensor agents embedded within the Tucson USPS remove the following letter from the mail pool.\n\nTo the ones I'm running from,\nI hate you.\nI hate what you've done, and what you're doing to me, and what I think you did to the others who ran. I hate how I'd find lenses in the eyes of paintings and strange fingerprints on my belongings. I'm curious by trade, but you've really got me beat.\nI'm not the first to run. But I might be the first to break free.\nI'm going someplace without cameras or fingerprints, someplace you can't follow. It was fun while it lasted, but you lost this one. And soon I'll be back, and you're going to lose more.\nThe Hand's always been welcoming to people like me, anyways.\n\nFootnotes\n1. See the constructed timeline below.\n2. As determined by the Site-97 Forensics Board.\n3. Despite this, no sensitive data leakage pertaining to hir employment at Site-97 was discovered.\n4. This police report was filed on April 3 at 3:48 AM and is considered the last documented sighting of Lucian Saxe by the public.\n\nscp-139-addendum.pdf\n\nscp-139-addendum.pdf\n\nAddendum.139.1\n\nSCP-139 officially concluded on April 27, 1993, when a minor structural failure revealed a small air-pocket within Site-97's concrete foundation. Although this led to a temporary lockdown due to the destruction of Site-97's courtyard, integrity was eventually restored. Models of the air-pocket prior to the structural failure indicate it resembled a prostrate human body fitting Lucian Saxe's height and build.\nAfter the initial excavation, the following personal effects were discovered:\n\nThe necrotic flesh of a heavily-decayed human cadaver and several human bones, most pulverized by the aforementioned structural failure.\n\nA Foundation keycard for a Site-97 security specialist; ID number scratched out, suggesting deep shame.\n\nA forbidden thaumaturgic ritual to preserve its user's spirit after their death.\n\nA map of ley-line positionings in the contiguous United States, often referenced by enemies of the Foundation. A circle had been drawn around a nexus on the US-Mexico border near Tucson, AZ.\n\nSaxe's cause of death is believed to be terminal dehydration, following several days of entombment.\nDuring the investigation of this air-pocket, Site-97 excavators punctured a secondary cut-out hidden within the concrete. Due to the considerable strain that excavation would put on Site-97's foundation, this cut-out has not been analyzed extensively. What can be determined, however, is that it contains a large number of partially-decomposed human eyes, believed to exceed one thousand in total.\nPerforations within the concrete would have allowed these eyes to observe their target on all sides until ze expired.\n\n\u00ab SCP-138 | SCP-139 | SCP-140 \u00bb"} {"text": "A reproduction of SCP-140\n\nItem #: SCP-140\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-140 must never be brought closer than 15 m to any source of standard ink, human blood, or other fluids suitable for writing. Any contamination by blood or ink must be reported immediately. Any remaining copies of SCP-140 created during the initial printing must be found and destroyed as soon as possible. Only SCP-140 is to be preserved, for purposes of study, early warning, and cataloguing and recording possible SCPs derived from its subject matter.\nSCP-140 is contained at Site-76 in a sealed vault containing a single desk. At this time no research is to be carried out upon the original SCP-140; researchers are to read from prepared copies not bearing the signature of its author which lack its properties. In the event of approved research, SCP-140 may not be removed from the vault, and readers may not be in contact with it for longer than 9 hours. Access requires written approval from the head researcher for the explicit purposes of testing. An armed guard stationed outside the vault will meet any attempted theft with deadly force.\nShould any personnel begin displaying obsession with SCP-140 or signs of possible memetic contamination, they are to be issued a Class A Amnestic, false memories implanted as necessary, and transferred to another project. Transferred personnel must be monitored for signs of relapse.\nDescription: SCP-140 is a modern hardcopy book with an unremarkable black binding and an unknown number of white pages. The book jacket is missing, but the title, \u201cA Chronicle of the Daevas\u201d, is clearly legible. The inside cover is signed by the author, whose name is indecipherable. The text is copyrighted 19\u2588\u2588. Careful examination reveals there are far more pages between the bindings than could be contained within them.\nReaders admit to feelings of paranoia, unease, and occasional nausea while reading SCP-140, although this may be related to the subject material. Nonetheless, readers almost universally describe SCP-140 as fascinating and express continued interest, despite its frequently unsettling content. One in fifteen readers describe SCP-140 as having a faint odor of dried blood.\nSCP-140 is a detailed account of an ancient civilization originating in what is now south-central Siberia, identified as the Daevites. Although like all cultures the Daevites evolved and changed over time, they appear to have exhibited unusual continuity. Universal fixtures of the Daevite culture in all periods included militarism, conquest, ancestor worship, urban centers ruling over large slave populations, gruesome human sacrifice, and the practice of apparently efficacious thaumaturgic rituals. A variety of relics and creatures produced by the Daevite culture would be abnormal or dangerous enough, if the account is to be believed, to qualify for containment in their own right.\nIf SCP-140 comes into contact with any fluid suitable for writing, including human blood, the account of the Daevite civilization's history expands. Human blood appears the most \u201cpotent\u201d of possible writing substances, but in any case the amount of new material does not correspond proportionately to the fluids introduced. Although these new segments sometimes include new descriptions of rituals or cultural traits or illustrations of previously covered material, they more frequently include new, more recent accounts of information chronicling the continued history of the Daevite civilization or descriptions of new individuals and artifacts. Formerly decisive defeats become setbacks; new persons and events are inserted. Foundation archaeologists have discovered corresponding new artifacts and traces of the Daevite civilization in applicable locations and strata, in some cases found in dig sites that had already been thoroughly explored.\nAlthough at times the Daevites were a collection of city-states, they appear to have consistently returned to imperialism under a theocratic aristocracy (the \u201cdaeva\u201d), practitioners of cannibalism and thaumaturgy. Although initially Foundation researchers believed the daeva to have been a hereditary class recycling the names of noteworthy individuals, evidence and the events of \u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588 now suggest that the daeva possessed preternatural longevity as a result of [REDACTED]. Several researchers, notably Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, have concluded the daeva were so divergent from modern humans as to be a separate subspecies, a conclusion supported by graphic representations within SCP-140 and [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-140 is remarkably detailed by the standards of a primary source, seeming closer to a biography than a historic text. It includes lurid descriptions of sacrificial rites, battlefield descriptions, daily life, and the life stories of various noteworthy individuals including quotes and dates of birth. Over \u2588\u2588\u2588 distinct individuals have been identified including the individual presently termed SCP-140-A, of which only \u2588\u2588 are accounted for by recorded deaths.\nFoundation archaeologists have discovered several sites containing ruins consistent with the supposed Daevite culture in various locations across Siberia, northern Iran, and Mongolia. Artifacts and traces of inter-cultural conflict and contact have been discovered as far west as the Carpathian Mountains and as far east as northern Pakistan and China. These include SCP-[REDACTED].\nAddendum 140a:\nSCP-140 was originally found in the office of deceased historian \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The previous owner was discovered in his office at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University, having expired from self-inflicted lacerations on both wrists. There were no traces of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's blood in the office. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's colleagues claimed during interviews they discovered a note in faded ink in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's handwriting next to SCP-140. All witnesses were administered Class A Amnesiacs and false memories implanted.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's note read:\n\nI have to know. I'm sorry.\n\nAll texts within 15 m except several books relating to the history of the region were blank; the remaining books now included accounts of supposed interaction between the Daevite civilization and the subject cultures or applicable discussions of Daevite history and culture. These texts were confiscated. All printed forms and media were blank. All pens, printers, and ink cartridges were empty.\nAddendum 140b:\nAlthough SCP-140 was published during the 20th century, the tone of the book suggests it is a recounting of events, individuals, and practices experienced firsthand by SCP-140's unknown author. Foundation investigators have tracked SCP-140's publication to the [DATA EXPUNGED] printing house in a batch of \u2588\u2588 copies self-published by a wealthy individual hereby termed SCP-140-A. SCP-140-A's signature on the contract matches the strange signature inside SCP-140.\nMore than 4\u2588 of the copies produced in this batch were apparently leeched of all ink by the \u2588\u2588 remaining copies. To date, Foundation agents have recovered and destroyed \u2588\u2588 of the remainder, but between \u2588 and \u2588\u2588 remain at large. Two expansion events have been reported during periods when SCP-140 had never been exposed to fluids of any sort or removed from its vault.\nAn investigation and manhunt for the author of SCP-140 is ongoing. In the event of contact, agents are advised [DATA REDACTED].\nAddendum 140c:\nThrough study of SCP-140 and other contained objects related to the Daevite civilization, Foundation researchers have concluded that, transposed to the modern era, the resurgence of a hostile Daevite civilization in history more recent than 1\u2588\u2588\u2588 CE would constitute a grave and even possibly retroactive threat to the Foundation and modern civilization as we know it. Even best-case projections of Daevite resurgence in the modern day suggest a CK-class restructuring of modern society and a worldwide conflict with a projected death toll of at least [REDACTED] and an end to the Foundation's secrecy.\nAddendum 140d:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's journal, found on his home PC in [DATA EXPUNGED], indicates that upon his initial reading of SCP-140, it ended with the almost utter destruction of the Daevite civilization and the genocide of all known daeva in 2\u2588\u2588 BCE by the forces of Chinese general Qin Kai. As a result of subsequent containment breaches, including those detailed in the journal, copious quantities of new material have been added, describing survivors regrouping and migrating to another region of central Siberia, rebuilding their empire steadily, and continuing to advance culturally and technologically. At present, the empire is described as having finally been crushed by Genghis Khan during the early period of his conquests, although the fates of many important persons and several cities remain ambiguous. Foundation archaeologists will be dispatched to [EXPUNGED] for investigation and research.\nAddendum 140e:\nAfter the incident on \u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588 at [DATA EXPUNGED] dig site resulting in over \u2588\u2588\u2588 casualties, all Foundation archaeologists excavating sites of suspected Daevite artifacts or ruins are to be accompanied by a fully armed security team. SCP-140-1 has been neutralized. SCP-140-2 remains at large. All other anomalous contacts and artifacts were destroyed when the dig site was struck by a cruise missile. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 received a commendation and was treated for post-traumatic stress disorder. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 received a posthumous commendation for courage.\nAn investigation into the possible involvement of SCP-140-A or their agents in the events of \u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588 is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-139 | SCP-140 | SCP-141 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-141\n\nItem #: SCP-141\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not in use, SCP-141 is to be stored inside a locked safe in Site-76. Access to this safe requires security level clearance 3 or higher and written approval to use SCP-141. When SCP-141 is in use, either for implementation in accordance with Foundation goals, or for research purposes, it is to be kept within the possession of the assigned researcher at all times. Failure to account for SCP-141 will result in a severe reprimand.\nWhile SCP-141's danger to the Foundation appears limited, it could still be a tempting target for certain subversive groups or opportunistic users. For this reason, SCP-141 is to be checked out for no more than one week at a time.\nDescription: SCP-141 is a small leather-bound codex dating back to Roman times, easily carried in one hand. Despite its great age, it never acquires any additional signs of wear and tear beyond a somewhat aged-looking cover. Its thin papyrus pages are always crisp, and so far have proven difficult to tear from the codex's binding. All attempts at radiocarbon dating have failed; the judgment of SCP-141 as being Roman in origin was initially based upon its appearance, but later confirmed through extensive research using SCP-141 corroborated by historical records. The title is apparently Codex Damnatio, based upon the text on its spine.\nSCP-141's pages are written in Roman Republic-era Latin. It is a detailed description of notes and summations for a wide range of legal trials. This first half contains a series of historic trials from throughout history\u2014the earliest trial appears to be from the proscriptions of the late Roman Republic, while the most recent case is the [DATA REDACTED] taking place in 20\u2588\u2588. Each case summary is extensive, with precise witness quotations, exact physical descriptions of evidence and their importance to the case, and so on.\nThe codex actually contains far more legal cases than its one hundred and fifty pages could possibly allow; a reader must make a detailed reference to a range or specific case to discover if it is listed inside. If it is, the pages will transform into those relating to the specified case. This requires specific mentions of historical context surrounding the case(s). Research with SCP-141 conducted by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 revealed SCP-141 has apparently been employed in, among other important periods, a wide variety of Roman proscriptions, heretical trials of the Catholic Church (including the conviction of [DATA REDACTED]), the Spanish Inquisition, the witch hunts of the 17th century, and the Red Scare of the mid-20th century.\nThe latter half of the book is blank, and can be written in with any pen with black ink. A user of SCP-141 must provide detailed information about a criminal proceeding, including victim, evidence, witness statements, and suspects, and they must do so in Republic-era Latin. Later readings of the book will reveal these new cases in the first half of the book, written in the same handwriting as the rest\u2014a very precise, careful hand.\nWhen this information is provided to SCP-141, the particulars of the case described in SCP-141 appear to become \"true\" in regards to memory and evidence surrounding the case. Witnesses' memories and testimony will correspond to the information written in SCP-141. Falsified evidence springs into existence in accordance with its description, usually appearing in the court record or the crime scene where it can easily be discovered. This has included murder weapons, suspicious traces of the subject such as fluids or fingerprints, stolen items, or incriminating documents.\nSCP-141 appears able to cause criminal activities that would not have taken place, although this requires even more precise wording and description of the particulars. The \"guilty\" party specified by SCP-141 may have a false memory implanted that corresponds with SCP-141's account of events, although this result requires a clever description of the desired scenario. These memories do not overwrite the original ones, but they do seem quite nearly as real.\nCare must be taken by all users to ensure as many loopholes are closed as possible. SCP-141's falsifications will stand up to all but the most critical of examinations, but it will only produce precisely the memories and evidence written inside it. While it appears to prejudice the court against the \"guilty\" party, this is not foolproof. Nonetheless, successfully employed, SCP-141 is an almost surefire conviction. Even in the event of exoneration, \"guilty\" subjects will often still be ostracized and viewed as guilty by influenced witnesses and law enforcement personnel, who may in some cases [DATA REDACTED].\nAddendum [SCP-141a]: Tests are ongoing to determine if SCP-141 is capable of exonerating an innocent man wrongly convicted, or if changing the results during the trial has any measurable effect. Approval to employ SCP-141 in a \"test case\" is pending.\nAddendum [SCP-141b]: Following [DATA REDACTED], all test cases involving Foundation disciplinary hearings or implicating members of the Foundation other than D-Class personnel without signed waivers from the \"guilty\" subject are hereby forbidden by O5-\u2588. Violation of this new security protocol shall be dealt with harshly.\n\n\u00ab SCP-140 | SCP-141 | SCP-142 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-142\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-142 is to be kept locked in an accessible room with the following:\n\n1 table with surface area no smaller than 75 cm by 75 cm\n1 stool of adjustable height\n1 wall clock, electric, to be kept visible and running at all times when SCP-142 is in use\n\nAccess to SCP-142 is permitted only with express written consent of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or other level 4 personnel. Staff assigned to SCP-142 must not have any personal or family history of compulsive gambling nor gambling addiction. Staff assigned to SCP-142 are not to make any physical contact with the device under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-142 closely resembles a 1940's \u201cBlack Beauty\u201d slot machine, as produced by the Mill corporation during that era. The only observed irregularity in the external construction of SCP-142 is found in the coin slot of the device, which has been modified to accept any item that will fit in a cylindrical space 5.00 cm in length and 2.45 cm in diameter.\nWhen any object of appropriate size (hereafter referred to as \u201cthe bet\u201d) is dropped into the input chute of SCP-142, the device may be operated as is customary for a slot machine of this model. Should the tumblers come to rest in a losing configuration, the bet is lost and cannot be recovered. However, in the event that the tumblers come to rest in a winning configuration, between 2 and 200 indistinguishably identical copies of the bet are dispensed from the output chute of the machine. In the event that the bet consists of multiple objects, the output of the device (if any) consists of a random assortment of duplicates of the wagered items. Test data reveals the median payout from winning configurations to be 10 items, regardless of the number of items inserted.\nHuman subjects allowed to interact with SCP-142 are affected by the object in three unique stages. Stage 1 begins immediately upon direct or indirect physical contact with the lever of the device. Subjects demonstrate mild giddiness and demonstrate a greatly diminished sense of the passage of time. If the subject has not exhausted the supply of betting material after 28-34 minutes of play, he or she will gradually enter the next stage. Subjects at stage 2 appear compelled to bet larger and larger quantities of provided betting items (5-20% of remaining material) until supplies are exhausted. Subjects also express the delusion that they are winning more frequently as a result of their altered betting strategy. In spite of this belief, the frequency of payout seems to be somewhat reduced at this stage.\nStage 3 begins once all of the subject's betting material is lost, typically 10-12 minutes following the onset of stage 2 if no additional betting material is provided to the subject by a third party. Subjects at this stage express a strong aversion to SCP-142 and will not continue to operate the device unless compelled with physical force. Subjects also express a moderate aversion to any action which would cause an object to pass through a hole, and express a strong irrational fear that they will \u201cwaste\u201d or \u201close\u201d something should they engage in the offending activities. Specific examples vary by subject, but include: passing through doorways; placing objects into cabinets, bags, or any other storage medium; use of sinks, showers, or other plumbing fixtures with drains; removing and/or putting on clothing; sexual intercourse; and, most commonly, eating. Roughly 62% of subjects that reach stage 3 will expire due to starvation or malnutrition unless actively compelled to eat or provided nutrients through other means.\nAny subject restrained or otherwise removed from interaction with SCP-142 during stage 1 will recover in full within one hour. However, stage 2 subjects separated from the device will enter stage 3, and the effects of stage 3 have proven permanent in all cases. Subjects in stage 3 should be terminated at the conclusion of each experiment.\nSCP-142 was recovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from an abandoned antique dealership in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ohio, following a tip from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Records from that area indicate that the shop owner died of starvation roughly five years prior to retrieval of the device.\nAddendum 142-1: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the course of an approved experiment, SCP-142 was temporarily disassembled and each piece catalogued. The construction of SCP-142 proved unsurprising for a slot machine of this make and model, with two exceptions. Component 142-0046, the lever of the device, was found to contain several unexpected alloys, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. Contact with the lever has no effect when it is not connected to the rest of the apparatus. Additionally, as mentioned previously, the coin slot of the device is extensively modified to accept objects larger than coins. The most notable element of the custom chute is component 142-0524, a small chamber composed of thin pewter plates. 142-0524 appears to serve as both the holding mechanism for betting material and the dispenser for payouts. The means of interaction between this component and the rest of SCP-142 is unclear; however, due to the highly fragile construction of component 142-0524 and its presumed relationship to the device's duplication properties, further examination is prohibited without O5 consent.\nAddendum 142-2: With the permission of O5-\u2588, personnel may now submit appropriate materials to be used with SCP-142 for potential multiplication. Requests should be submitted in writing to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-141 | SCP-142 | SCP-143 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-143\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-143 is to be contained in the valley adjacent to Bio-Research Area-12, an area over 2 km\u00b2. Area surrounding SCP-143 for up to 20 km, and all lines of sight from the surrounding hilltops, are to be denied public access. SCP-143 is to be watered twice every day on a regular basis via a large sprinkler system, unless already watered by local precipitation. Personnel are not allowed to enter the enclosure without Level 4 administrative clearance, and are advised not to touch any of SCP-143, nor stand beneath them unless wearing proper protective gear. It is important that no one be within the containment area when SCP-143 begins to shed, however after the shedding has concluded, the collection of the fallen petals for testing purposes has been authorized by the project director (see SCP-143 Testing Log).\nDescription: SCP-143 is a plantation of 300 specimens of a unique type of tree. The trees are similar in appearance to Prunus x yedoensis (Japanese Sakura), or cherry blossoms. They bear no fruit, and the only known way of reproduction is by careful \"own root\" propagation using cut saplings from an older sample.\nThe petals are a light pinkish color, slightly translucent, and with a texture of smooth glass. Care must be taken when handling the petals, as their edges are razor sharp, and can easily slice through flesh if mishandled.\nThe wood and bark are a light grayish color, with a texture expected of wood, although the grain is very smooth to the touch.\nHowever, the petals and wood of these trees are much harder than most natural or man-made substances, reaching up to 5,000 HB on the Brinell scale, and withstanding temperatures of up to 1800\u00b0C. The weight-to-strength ratio surpasses even that of titanium, being some fifteen percent (15%) lighter than aluminum. Despite this hardness, the wood and petals are quite supple and are as pliable as most woods are.\nBoth are notoriously difficult to work due to their properties, but under high temperatures, upwards of 1500\u00b0C, separate pieces are capable of being fused together. They make excellent armor, shielding, and weapons. Due to the slow growth of the plants, the material is slow to harvest, although the petals are shed regularly enough, falling from the trees twice every year.\nAddendum 143-1: The trees were grown on-site from saplings obtained from parent plants located in Nara Prefecture, Japan, in 1905. The parent trees were owned by a family of traditionalist swordsmiths, claiming to be descended from a legendary sword maker named Amakuni. They referred to the original trees as \"jinki no kodachi\" (\u5203\u6728\u306e\u6728\u7acb), or the \"Bladewood Grove.\" It is from them that the Foundation gained the techniques to cut and work the wood and petals into serviceable items.\nThe original trees are still in Japan, owned by the government, and still tended to by the same family. However, the government has denied all existence of the trees, and any products made from them are kept within the country.\nDocument 143-A: We lost three staff to 143 today. They were collecting petals dropped by the trees the previous day, when a sudden gust picked up, shaking a good deal of the petals from the trees and blowing them around. Stayed that windy for the whole day. I'd send a cleanup crew, but it's still pretty windy and the odd petal is still falling. We'll have to pick up the remains when the wind dies down in a couple days.\n\n\u00ab SCP-142 | SCP-143 | SCP-144 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-144\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-144 requires the presence of only one Foundation observer to monitor and issue updates on the condition of SCP-144. The Tibetan Buddhist monks who maintain the site live in solitude and secrecy. A heavy mist condenses around the small mountain that hosts SCP-144, which itself resides in a small valley between two greater mountains, Mount [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED]. This mist is present most of the year and the thin rope itself is only fairly visible to the human eye within a distance of 3 km. Air travel within a 70 km radius has been restricted with the cooperation of the Chinese government.\nDescription: Located in a monastery atop a small Tibetan mountain, SCP-144 is a thin, taut hempen rope, only 1.2 cm thick, attached to a ring of jade bound to the floor of an atrium in the temple (known as \"Base Camp\" amongst researchers). The other end of SCP-144 extends straight upward many kilometers up into the sky to a yet-to-be-explored satellite in geostationary orbit above the Earth at an altitude of about 39 km (over 22 miles away, known as \"the Summit\" amongst researchers).\nSeveral times a year, a monk of the temple ascends up the rope several hundred meters in a ritual of spiritual enlightenment. The monks report that to this day, only one person by the name of [DATA EXPUNGED] has ever been killed during the ascension. Throughout the centuries, several climbers have disappeared, yet the monks believe that one day they will return, bringing greater understanding and enlightenment with them.\nCarbon dating of rope fibers put SCP-144 at just over 1400 years old. Foundation anthropologists believe that the rope and the tradition of climbing it began within the rituals of an ancient, dead religion before Emperor Songts\u00e4n Gampo brought Buddhism to Tibet. At that time, it is believed that the rope was several kilometers longer. The attendant monks say that the jade ring was added in the early 9th century by the Ralpacan to keep seasonal winds from picking up the rope and swinging it throughout the country side. Several times a year, the head monks untie the rope from the loop of jade and reposition the knot. Research has shown that in recent years, the rope has moved skyward at a rate of about 180 cm per year and is slightly accelerating at a rate of a hundredth of a centimeter/year\u00b2. With only a few hundred meters of rope left, the monks are unsure of what do to when it reaches the end. Some hope to add length by attaching separate sections of rope to the original, while others believe that new rope won't have the strength of the old.\nResearch has been unable to explain how plant fiber rope has been able to survive 1400 years and maintain such tensile strength at such extreme temperatures and conditions of the upper atmosphere and space that people are able to climb it, let alone support its own enormous weight against itself (all 39 km worth of rope). If the Summit is accelerating away from earth, its pull on SCP-144 is also unexplained.\nThe Summit has only been properly imaged by ground-based telescopes, which show the rope of SCP-144 going up and over the edge of a large asteroid-like rock, several hundred meters in width. Satellites have been unable to picture the opposite (\"Dark\") side of the Summit. It has been reasoned that orbiting satellites are designed to image ground-based locations or distant space objects at much greater distances than other neighboring orbital satellites. Researchers disagree about why images of the dark side of the Summit return blurry and unfocused, rendering the dark side unknown.\nAddendum #144-4: Several Class D personnel were offered immediate release if they were to climb to the summit, if possible, and return. While multiple warnings were issued by the monks attending the rope, no resistance was offered.\nOf the 6 personnel who accepted, 4 returned to Base Camp complaining of difficulty breathing and lack of air, 1 slammed into Base Camp at terminal velocity, presumably after losing his grip from fatigue, and the last has not yet returned.\n\n\u00ab SCP-143 | SCP-144 | SCP-145 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-145\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-145 is to remain inside its room at all times in a .5m x .5m x .5m plexiglass container unless being studied. Room is to be thoroughly soundproofed and securely locked when studies of SCP-145 are not in progress. Under no circumstances shall any personnel come into physical contact with SCP-145 without being accompanied and constantly observed by one or more other personnel unless conducting testing with proper authorization. Any personnel showing signs of intense psychological trauma must be immediately escorted out of the containment area. Depending on the level of trauma of affected personnel, they may be required to submit to consultation with an approved psychiatrist for no less than two weeks.\nDescription: SCP-145 appears to be a standard 2002-model cordless telephone handset of Alcatel brand on its standard issue charging base. The charging base appears defaced; all jack inputs are sealed with resin glue and the power input to the device has been gouged out with an unknown sharp tool. Serial number and production date are unavailable as all labels and stickers have been ripped off or defaced. The phone rings constantly whether it is on the base or not regardless of the lack of power source. Tests have shown the battery is removable, and disassembly of the base has not shown any effect on the hand unit. The hand unit itself has had all the seams sealed, preventing conventional disassembly. When answered a female voice speaks on the phone in a voice that shows high levels of stress. This voice varies from conversation to conversation, but in all cases the voice expresses extreme panic, and proceeds to plead with the listener for assistance as she describes instances of torture conducted on unknown victims. In the background, the listener will hear sounds of violence and expressions of pain and anguish. Audio analysis has so far indicated at least \u2588\u2588 individual voices over disparate calls. The methods of torture implied thus far (judging from the phrases and reactions of those speaking at the time of contact) have included branding, electrocution, laceration, sexual assault, [DATA EXPUNGED] and dismemberment.\nThe callers appear to be non-automated and entirely sentient. Attempts to trace the call or track down the location of the tortured callers have proven unsuccessful thus far. Attempts to block the signal of the phone with the use of a Faraday cage have also been unsuccessful.\nResearch is conducted in teams of at least three (one Class D staff, one Class 2/145 audio technician, and one Class 3 security staff), with only Class D staff permitted to have direct auditory contact with SCP-145's transmissions. Testing has shown that in 100% of cases, a subject answering SCP-145 without live supervision will vanish without any indications of transportation methods. Video recording devices do not show the method of transport; the subject will be present in one frame and absent in the next. In case of disappearance, the phone will simply fall to the floor. The phone does not appear to have sustained damage from any of these falls thus far. Subsequent communication with the object has revealed that vanished subjects join the group of torture victims.\nTesting Log\nTesting Procedure: All tests will be conducted with D-Class personnel. Any issued equipment for the test must be recorded in the log. The D-Class personnel will then be ordered to pick up the phone. After disappearance of initial test subject the above standard research team will answer the phone and record any observations.\nTest 145-A\nDate: \u2588\u2588\\\u2588\u2588\\\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-145-3749 issued one (1) GPS Locator Device, testing to attempt to ascertain the location described at the other end of the line.\nResult: GPS rendered non-functional after disappearance of D-Class personnel. On following interaction with SCP-145 audio technician identifies voice of D-145-3749 has joined other victims.\nTest 145-B\nDate: \u2588\u2588\\\u2588\u2588\\\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-145-4751 issued one (1) GPS Locator Device, one (1) 6\u201d standard issue military combat knife. Second attempt to ascertain the location described at the other end of the line, self-defense option provided to subject.\nResult: GPS rendered non-functional after disappearance of D-Class personnel. On following interaction with SCP-145 female voice indicates continued stress and states, \u201cOh god, he's cutting him, he's cutting off [DATA EXPUNGED]\u201d Audio technician then identifies voice of D-145-4751 has joined other victims.\nTest 145-C\nDate: \u2588\u2588\\\u2588\u2588\\\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-145-5319 issued one (1) 9mm semi-automatic pistol, one (1) Kevlar vest, subject compelled to pick up phone. Attempt to determine interactivity of location, determine if any self-defense method is possible.\nResult: On following interaction with SCP-145 gunshots are heard, then [DATA EXPUNGED]. Female voice resumes, states [DATA EXPUNGED] and additional gunshots are heard, audio technician identifies D-145-5319 exclamations of pain after each gunshot.\nTest 145-D\nDate: \u2588\u2588\\\u2588\u2588\\\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-145-6842 issued one kg C4 explosive concealed in supply kit, explosive attached to remote trigger with 30-second delay, triggered before interaction with SCP-145. Attempt to determine any possible level of interaction or destruction of location.\nResult: [DATA EXPUNGED] resulted in \u2588\u2588 Foundation personnel missing including Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and all researchers associated with [DATA EXPUNGED] breaches of SCP security at Site \u2588\u2588. Further testing of this nature suspended at this time.\nI don't know who thought this might be a good idea. I know sometimes we let sympathy get the better of us, but this attempt to bring \u2018relief' to SCP-145's victims just cost the Foundation a lot of money and resources.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-144 | SCP-145 | SCP-146 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-146\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment procedures have been revised after it was noted that the effects of SCP-146 were sharply and dangerously increased under previous containment (a standard one-half (0.5) meter cubed secure-storage bin). The bin should remain free, however, should a researcher wish to test SCP-146 at high intensity. Level 3 clearance is required for any personnel wishing to enclose or cover SCP-146 for a period exceeding two days.\nDuring normal storage, SCP-146 is to be kept on a marble pedestal in its storage room, located [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-146's standard storage room measures no less than twenty (20) square meters, with stuccoed walls and a ceiling painted to resemble a clear daytime sky. The room is to be kept well-lit (full daylight equivalent) at all times, furnished with an assortment of potted plants (which must be tended to daily), and decorated in the style of the Late Republican period of Rome (c. 120-80 BCE). Experimentation with different interior styles has shown that SCP-146 seems to prefer this arrangement and to have aesthetic preferences consistent with the aristocracy of Rome from that era. While this containment is standard, researchers with clearance Level 2 or higher may experiment with different containment settings in order to modify the effects of SCP-146.\nWhile SCP-146 is non-motile and therefore requires little security itself, personnel entering its containment area or handling it in any way must not make eye contact with SCP-146. Any attempts to cover SCP-146 in order to prevent eye-contact is prohibited, as this has been shown to increase SCP-146's effect at an unpredictable rate. In general, one (1) day of covering or confinement will cause SCP-146 to skip over the beginning phase of its effect and begin with the most traumatic memories. After three (3) days, SCP-146 has been shown to produce its effect without having to make direct eye-contact first. After seven (7) days, the effect of SCP-146 is both far more intense and no longer confined to subjects within SCP-146's field of vision. Researchers in an adjacent room were affected and one was permanently [DATA REDACTED]. Permission to experiment beyond seven (7) days is denied by order of O5-\u2588. Blinders and decorative screens are available for personnel who must enter SCP-146's containment area for maintenance.\nDescription: SCP-146 is a hollow bronze head, apparently a fragment of a complete statue or bust, depicting a crowned young woman or perhaps an effeminate young man. The head exhibits severe verdigris over much of its surface. The crown of SCP-146 is inlaid with silver decorations, and its eyes (the apparent source of SCP-146's effects) are beaten silver, shined to be mildly reflective. To date, SCP-146 has not exhibited any signs of movement, but its reaction to certain decor in its containment area indicates that it may possess a degree of sentience, if not outright sapience. If SCP-146 is able to communicate, it has not yet done so.\nSCP-146 exhibits the ability to access and bring to mind certain memories in those who initiate eye contact. These memories are usually tied to a sense of guilt or shame in the subject. After initial eye contact is made, the subject need only remain somewhere in SCP-146's field of vision for the memories and associated feelings to become more intense, although continual eye contact speeds the process.\nUpon initial eye contact with SCP-146, recent memories will begin to surface in the subject. For example, subjects who have ignored a friend in the hall or exceeded the speed limit will be reminded of these events and begin to feel mildly guilty, whether or not they would normally care about the event. With continued exposure to the gaze of SCP-146, the subject will begin to recall older and more vivid memories, with a corresponding increase in feelings of shame in the subject. Generally, after thirty (30) minutes of exposure, the memories will move from being vivid recollections to intense hallucinations, with the subject unable to distinguish the past from the present, or the imagined from the real. Subjects have been observed to regress in personality as well, particularly in cases where memories of childhood trauma have been brought up. Any test subjects exposed for over thirty (30) minutes should be restrained both for their own safety and the safety of others. All subjects to date who have been exposed to SCP-146 for sixty (60) minutes have completely retreated into their hallucinations; so far no such subject has been restored to consciousness from this near-catatonic state. Such subjects must be fed intravenously and are unresponsive to external stimuli, save for occasional murmurings consistent with their regression.\nIt has also been noted that when subjects recall a shameful event, they will often feel compelled to make amends for their actions. This is not generally a problem in the case of minor offenses and has in some cases led to greater unity among the staff. However, problems arise when the subject cannot make amends, either because the offended party cannot be contacted or because the transgression is somehow irredeemable. Sometimes, the subject will put forth renewed positive efforts in order to \"balance out\" their guilt. However, in most such cases, subjects fall into a deep depression and/or turn to some form of self-punishment, including self-mutilation and suicide. Please see the attached experiment logs for detailed cases.\nSCP-146 was acquired from a Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of Birmingham, UK. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had acquired SCP-146 during the estate sale of a renowned philanthropist, the late \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Lord of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It was purchased in a lot with a number of other artifacts for \u00a3\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. When Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began to experience SCP-146's effects, he began seeing a psychiatrist, Undercover Agent UA33-56G. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was put into an institution and SCP-146 was taken into Foundation custody. UA33-56G's notes on Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's mental state are available for study by researchers of Level 2 or higher, filed as Document SCP-146-A.\n\nExperiment Log #146-01\nIn order to calibrate a baseline for SCP-146's effects, a standard four (4) by four (4) meter interrogation room was divided in half by an opaque curtain. SCP-146 was placed on a table inside a protective plexiglass case in one half of the room. On the other side of the curtain, Subject D-044323 was restrained such that he was looking directly at SCP-146's position. Researchers maintained constant communication with the subject via intercom throughout the testing process.\nThe curtain was dropped, causing the subject to look squarely into the eyes of SCP-146. The subject voiced immediate discomfort and closed his eyes, with an increase in heartrate of 15 BPM. With prompting, the subject related the memories he was recalling, beginning with minor breaches of behavior protocol. The subject then recalled several altercations with other prisoners before his being taken by the Foundation, including a particularly graphic description of [DATA REDACTED]. Researchers noted that as time went on, the subject became more cooperative and his speech patterns changed, resembling someone undergoing therapeutic hypnosis.\nAfter fifteen (15) minutes, the subject's speech had become slurred and his EEG patterns showed similarities to someone experiencing vivid dreams. The subject entered into one half of a dialogue which culminated in his trying to break his restraints. After several minutes, the subject ceased thrashing and began to cry. The subject started begging, apparently to someone in his hallucination: \"Stop. Take it back. Don't. I won't do it again. I'm sorry. I don't want to. Not again. Stop\u2026 Please\u2026\" This behavior continued until, after fifty-four (54) minutes of exposure to SCP-146, the subject's vocalizations halted and his EEG showed signs consistent with coma. After an additional hour, no further effects were observed, and the subject was removed and euthanized. Post-mortem examination of his brain noted abnormal levels of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, which neuropathologist Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 described as indicative of [DATA REDACTED].\n(NOTE: At this point, SCP-146 was being kept along with the other artifacts purchased at auction, because it was not yet known that the effect was confined to SCP-146 alone. I theorize that this containment approximated \"favorable\" containment and therefore kept SCP-146's effect at its base strength. -Professor Skali \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nExperiment Log #146-04\nThe first experiment conducted after it was determined that SCP-146 consisted only of the bronze head took place after SCP-146 had been moved to a standard one-half (0.5) meter cubed storage bin where it had remained for two (2) days. Subject D-044784 and SCP-146 were placed on opposite sides of a curtain in a standard interrogation room, as in previous experiments. The subject was restrained as in previous experiments. When the curtain was dropped, the subject reported an immediate headache and began to cry. The subject's heartrate jumped to 180 BPM but then dropped rapidly to 40 BPM, and the subject lost consciousness. Medical personnel entered the room and began examining the subject, at which time the subject regained consciousness, her heartrate spiking to 175 BPM. The subject struggled violently against her restraints, and was soon able to break the restraint on her right arm, severely damaging her own arm and hand in the process. Paramedic D. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was injured as the subject struck him in order to gain access to his first-aid kit. The subject was able to grab a small scalpel and jam it into her own neck before guards could regain control. Medical staff administered first aid, but the subject died during emergency surgery due to blood loss.\n(NOTE: After several similar incidents it was determined that SCP-146's ability was affected by its containment. Anyone wishing to do further research must take this into account as even brief accidental exposure could prove harmful. -Professor Skali \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\n\n\u00ab SCP-145 | SCP-146 | SCP-147 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-147\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-147 is to be kept in a simulacrum of a 1950s-era living room. Its current container contains a throw rug, two armchairs, a phonograph, a rotary telephone, and other suitable decorations. SCP-147 will reject any items dating from later than late March, 1965 (See Addendum 0-40). It requires no external power source or connection.\nDescription: Discovered 1983 in a civilian home in Detroit, Michigan. SCP-147 appears to be a 1957 General Electric brand black-and-white television, model 17TO26. SCP-147 has been observed to exhibit two different behaviors:\nOptimal: When SCP-147 is in an acceptable room, it will display broadcasts of 1950s-era comedies, such as The Burns and Allen Show, Father Knows Best, and I Love Lucy. In every case, each broadcast has been completely unique: archives of the programs, none of which are still being produced, have failed to find any record of the episodes that SCP-147 plays. No commercials are shown, and there is no indication as to which station would be broadcasting these shows. All broadcasts are in black and white. Subjects exposed to SCP-147 in its optimal state reported a pleasant feeling of relaxation. In this state, the item's volume and channels can be adjusted, though the off switch appears to have no effect.\nHostile: When modern-day items are present in SCP-147's environment, the item will only display extremely violent and gruesome color footage; beheadings, rapes, executions, and torture have all been observed, but as of yet no footage has been broadcast that indicates when or where the scenes depicted took place. The footage is invariably of high visual and audio quality. Subjects exposed to SCP-147 in its hostile state almost invariably vomit due to the graphic nature of the broadcasts after ten to fifteen seconds; one subject suffered a nervous breakdown after two minutes of exposure. Every subject has displayed an extreme reluctance to recall the contents of the broadcasts, and two out of the fifteen subjects tasked with viewing SCP-147's hostile broadcasts have since committed suicide. None of the item's controls respond during hostile broadcasts.\nAttempts to examine the internals of SCP-147 have been unsuccessful, as the item's shell resists any and all attempts to crack it open. Placing the item in a Faraday cage in order to negate any possible transmissions it could be receiving had no effect. The effects of long-term exposure to SCP-147 have not been documented.\nAddendum: Any and all recreational activities involving SCP-147 are to be scheduled at least one week beforehand with approval by Level 4 personnel.\nAddendum [0-40]: See File TC-147-B for further details. After [DATA EXPUNGED] suggestion, several objects manufactured throughout the 1960s era were brought in. Objects made past March of the year 1965 have resulted in a hostile behavior. Exact dating is difficult due to troubles of obtaining materials precisely made on testable dates and times. Reasons as to why it acts in such a way depending on a specific object's date are unknown, and being tested by [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum [0-40a]: As has been verified repeatedly, the presence of persons born after March 1965 does not in and of itself trigger a hostile event. For reasons still unknown, SCP-147 objects mainly to manufactured items. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 recently conducted an experiment in which he clothed himself with vintage (pre-1965) articles of clothing, with the caveat that he had three Bic Flair pens (invented in the 1970s) in his shirt pocket. What he saw while seated in front of SCP-147, he would later describe as \"a bizarre episode of I Love Lucy featuring a surprising amount of gunplay.\"\nAddendum [1-80]: Recent tests that involved exposing convicted rapists and psychopaths to the object while it was hostile has indicated that the object is able to tailor the images to the viewer. A rapist was strapped into a metal chair manufactured in 1986, and during that time not a single rape was shown on the screen, while scenes of genital mutilation (primarily male) occurred more often. Similarly, a psychopath who had tortured someone to death saw fewer scenes of torture, and more scenes of botched executions.\n\n\u00ab SCP-146 | SCP-147 | SCP-148 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-148\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures:\nREVISION 3\nSCP-148 is to be stored as 120 cast ingots, each of which weighs approximately 10 kg at time of writing. Ingots of SCP-148 may not be housed at the same site as any SCP (due to the potential for unforeseen interactions); otherwise, said ingots should be distributed equally among acceptable Foundation facilities. The mass of each contained ingot of SCP-148 must be measured and reported monthly.\nUnder no circumstances should any SCP with mind-affecting or extrasensory properties come into contact with SCP-148. In the event of such contact, the immediate area must be evacuated and the affected sample of SCP-148 detonated remotely.\nPersonnel are not to be assigned to SCP-148 for a period of time longer than three weeks. Any personnel assigned to SCP-148 are to be given regular psychological evaluations.\nDescription: SCP-148 is a metallic substance, composed of a variety of known and unknown elements. The total mass of SCP-148 on hand is approximately 1.1 1.2 tonnes. SCP-148 has a gray-green color with a bluish tinge and oxidizes readily in the presence of water. SCP-148 has a melting transition point of approximately 4500\u00b0C and a boiling transition point of approximately 9000\u00b0C. SCP-148 has a density of 6.20 g/cm3 6.76 g/cm3 and qualifies as HRC 39 in a Rockwell hardness test. It exhibits material properties, such as strength, ductility, and workability, similar to platinum.\nSCP-148 is composed primarily of platinum and iridium, the two composing 62% and 20% of its mass respectively. In addition, several other known metals are present in its composition, including iron, cobalt, and copper, which collectively make up 16.5% of SCP-148's mass. However, given the mass of the material, it is believed that there are other substances not detectable by mass spectrometry or other means. Images of SCP-148 taken with a scanning tunneling microscope show gaps in its lattice that, under normal circumstances, would be filled with other materials.\nSCP-148 blocks or otherwise hinders extrasensory mind-affecting properties of living organisms in proximity to it. This effect, while difficult to quantify, appears inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the subject to SCP-148's surface and directly proportional to the quantity of SCP-148 in consideration. The range for which this effect is detectable is roughly 0.8 meters per kilogram of SCP-148.\n1.1 tonnes of SCP-148 were retrieved from the metallurgical department of Prometheus Labs' base facility during the Foundation's sweep of the building. Documents concerned with the project had unveiled that the substance was to be subject to additional development, sold to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, trademarked, and sold as \u201cTelekill Alloy\u201d. However, due to [REDACTED] and its political fallout, along with the destruction of the Prometheus Labs' base facility, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has acquired an estimated 1.3 tonnes of SCP-148 and sold it to unknown buyers. Foundation agents and forensic accountants are in the process of tracking the remaining supplies of SCP-148.\nAddendum 148-01\nDue to its potential for use in containment of mind-affecting SCPs, SCP-148 has been approved for cross-testing with SCP objects. While tests are still in their early stages, tests with low-level anomalous items seem to indicate that SCP-148 will be an effective tool in containing said items. However, it does not appear to affect items whose notable properties are purely memetic.\nAddendum 148-02\nBeginning \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, staff reported irrational behavior and poor communication skills among janitorial staff tasked with regular maintenance of SCP-148's containment.1 After three weeks of increasingly abnormal behavior, two custodians were taken in for questioning and examination. Testing revealed that the aforementioned personnel were incapable of interpreting body language and did not appear to notice the intonation or phrasing of sentences. In addition, the affected subjects were incapable of determining the emotional state or intent of others and demonstrated severely limited vocabulary.\nFurther testing has revealed that the language and communication skills of persons with regular contact or extended exposure to SCP-148 will, over time, deteriorate and disappear. It has been shown that, after eight weeks, affected subjects will be rendered completely mute and incapable of understanding or giving nonverbal requests, commands, or other statements, despite showing otherwise normal mental capacity.\nAddendum 148-03\nA measurement taken on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588 months after the Foundation's acquisition of SCP-148) indicated that, despite no increase in volume, SCP-148 has increased in mass by 0.1 tonnes (a density increase of 9.0%). The source of this additional mass is unknown.\nIncident Report 148-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-1\nTo test the limits of SCP-148's effects and its capacity to change in mass, 0.9 kg of it was placed on a scale and moved to SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's chamber. Predictably, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's [REDACTED] was nullified by SCP-148's presence. However, the sample of SCP-148 began to grow in mass by upwards of 5 grams per second. After one minute, this rate began to decrease, and SCP-148 ceased to increase in mass forty seconds later, at which point it weighed 1.4 kilograms. It remained at this mass for eight seconds before plummeting to 0.8 kilograms in the space of two seconds. During this time, personnel within sixty meters (twelve times the effective range of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) began to experience SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's effects, albeit at a vastly increased rate, resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED] lockdown until the affected subjects could be removed.\nAs of this incident, contact between SCP-148 and any mind-affecting items is strictly forbidden.\nAddendum 148-04\nMeasurements taken since Incident 148-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-1 indicate that the combined mass of SCP-148 is increasing at a rate of [REDACTED]. It is speculated that should a large quantity of SCP-148 undergo an event similar to the sample used in Experiment 148-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Containment procedures are under review.\n\nFootnotes\n1. At the time, containment consisted of a single storeroom, swept and checked on a daily basis.\n\n\u00ab SCP-147 | SCP-148 | SCP-149 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-149\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-149 in any of its instances is to be kept inside a sealed plexi-glass box for observation. Oxygen and a nutrient mist are to be released into the containment cell every two hours. If any instance of SCP-149 escapes its cell, Protocol-42-Charlie is to be brought into effect on any and all contaminated personnel, by order of O5-12, after Incident 149-1.\nDescription: SCP-149 is a breed of mosquito which carries a strain of retrovirus (herein referred to as SCP-149-A) that mutates regenerating human cells into fertilized mosquito eggs. SCP-149-A is injected directly into the bloodstream when SCP-149 feeds. The SCP-149-A quickly works on the nucleus of the cells, warping the DNA. The first set of cells bred from these changed instructions closely resemble cysts, and are concentrated in the lining of the esophagus and the sinuses. Upon dissection, however, these 'cysts' are revealed to be filled with SCP-149's larvae, the cysts acting as a protective casing against external forces. SCP-149 appears to go through its maturation cycle in a matter of hours; by the time the subject is able to feel any effects, the first generation of SCP-149 has already grown inside the subject's body. SCP-149 primarily achieves exodus through the mouth and nostrils, occasionally being diverted through the Sphenoid sinuses to escape through the eye sockets. Infection by SCP-149 is fatal, and chance of infection has been estimated to be 50% from one bite.\nAddendum:\nIncident 149-1: An incidence of SCP-149 escaped and infected multiple Class-D subjects, the majority of whom did not report SCP-149's contact with them. Within 5 hours, SCP-149 had matured in these hosts and burst out of them, infecting \u2588\u2588\u2588 staff. It was only thanks to the quick thinking of Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who sealed sub-levels 12 through 15, that the entire site was not infected. As a response to this, O5 command has created Protocol-42-Charlie, to be used if SCP-149 escapes confinement.\n\n\u00ab SCP-148 | SCP-149 | SCP-150 \u00bb"} {"text": "Extracted instance of SCP-150 from the brain of D-13732, magnified 20x.\n\nItem #: SCP-150\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-150 patients kept for study should be contained in Level-3 Biohazard Containment Cells, with no more than 1 instance per cell. Cultures of SCP-150 are contained in vacuum-sealed glass flasks in the Site-42 infectious materials lab. Standard pathogen-handling procedures should be followed at all times. Any instances of SCP-150 found outside of containment are to be incinerated.\nDescription: SCP-150 is an obligate parasite that resembles the tongue-eating louse (Cymothoa exigua), but is adapted to form conjunctive symbiotic relationships with humans for a period of its lifespan. Upon contact with a human subject, SCP-150 embeds itself deeply in the flesh of its host. Over the course of approximately seven days, the parasite will burrow into the host and affect numerous physiological alterations.\nThe most glaring alteration is the gradual conversion of the limb nearest the infection site into a chitinous appendage: as SCP-150 consumes the host's flesh, it excretes tissue that replaces and augments the functionality of the host's limb without causing transplant rejection. It is suspected that SCP-150 is able to secrete anesthetic and immunosuppressant substances to prevent the host's body from responding to the change. Furthermore, the nervous tissue excreted by SCP-150 is able to interface with the host's nervous system. By the time the process is complete, the host will be able to control the affected limb with no loss in mobility and often with improved strength, reflexes, and resilience.\nFor a period of one to two weeks, SCP-150 will reproduce, feeding on nutrients from and depositing eggs1 into assimilated blood vessels. The eggs are deposited throughout the human body via the bloodstream - while the vast majority of them die off, enough survive to begin colonizing and altering the rest of the host's body. Though subjects report discomfort and occasional loss of motor control during this process, they often will not recognize the cause of said discomfort. It is still unclear why the offspring do not compete with each other for space or resources, nor how the assimilation process leaves the body's cell signaling mechanisms and processes unaffected. SCP-150 reproduces during this assimilation process: as the lungs are assimilated, more eggs are produced and spread by the patient's coughing. Although as many as 10,000 eggs may be produced during this time, it is estimated that only 1% of them find their way into another host, of which 1% survive the host's immune response and implant successfully.\nAlthough SCP-150 inevitably results in the assimilation and alteration of the central nervous system, including the spinal cord and brain, the host's consciousness and behavior are seemingly unaffected. Interviews with subjects infected by SCP-150 have yielded little information, as infected subjects unaware of SCP-150 claim to sense no changes or improvement in certain senses and faculties. While subjects aware of the infection are able to pinpoint the source of the change, they exhibit little to no negative feelings and often express positivity towards it.\nAddendum 150-E: Transcript of Exploratory Leukotomy and Nervous Tissue Transformation Experiments\nTwo D-Class subjects, D-13732 and D-016002, were infected with SCP-150 and allowed to progress through all stages of the infection. In order to examine the full effect of the infection, exploratory neurosurgeries were performed on both subjects. D-13732 was euthanized; his nervous tissue was found to have been entirely replaced by smaller instances of SCP-150. The instances comprising his brain matter were extracted and stored for experimentation on D-016002.\nThe following decompressive craniotomy and leukotomy were performed by Dr. Harlan Sun, Dr. Wendy Robin, and Dr. Alex Harlow on D-016002. A full transcript follows.\n\n\n(D-016002 is partially anesthetized to numb her during the initial drilling of the skull. The process is uneventful, though Harlow reports expecting less resistance from the skull while drilling into and cutting a flap from it. Upon removing the flap of bone and exposing the dura mater, numerous smaller instances of SCP-150 are observed lying in the cranial cavity where the brain should be. Harlow reports this to Robin, who alerts Sun to begin the interview process while she marks off areas of D-016002's brain on a mapping projection.)\nDr. Sun: What is your name?\nD-016002: Mako [REDACTED].\nDr. Sun: Name something to sit in.\nD-016002: Chair.\nDr. Sun: What is the color of grass?\nD-016002: Green.\nDr. Sun: What is one plus one?\n(D-016002 pauses for a moment.)\nD-016002: Two.\nDr. Robin: We have marked off the approximate location of the Wernicke's area2.\nDr. Harlow: Thank you, Doctor. Sun, I will now extract some of the specimens from this area.\n(Dr. Harlow carefully makes an incision into the dura mater and extracts some of the instances from the area using forceps. He places each instance into a glass vial, corks it, and places it on a nearby stand. Each instance appears to stir to life and begin wriggling only upon being removed. This process takes approximately ten minutes, during which time Sun repeatedly asks D-016002 the same questions. Once Harlow has extracted approximately 100 instances, he gestures for Sun to continue.)\nDr. Sun: Name something to sit in.\nD-016002: Uh\u2026 uh, seat.\nDr. Sun: What is the color of grass?\nD-016002: Green?\nDr. Sun: What is one plus one?\nD-016002: \u2026two.\nDr. Sun: Note for the record that D-016002's responses have been slightly slowed. This indicates that the instances within her cranial cavity are indeed acting as neuron analogues, though it is unclear as to how many neurons each instance is equivalent to.\nDr. Harlow: I am placing a sample of neural tissue acquired from D-13732 into D-016002 now. The instances from D-13732 have been tagged with a radioactive luminescent dye to distinguish them for extraction later.\nDr. Sun: Name something to sit in.\nD-016002: Couch.\nDr. Sun: What is the color of grass?\nD-016002: Blue.\nDr. Sun: What is one plus one?\nD-016002: Two.\nDr. Sun: What is ten times eleven?\nD-016002: One-hundred-and-eleven.\nDr. Sun: D-016002's responses have returned to normal speed. This suggests that it is possible for 150 nervous tissue to be swapped freely between host individuals without rejection. We will now begin the final procedure. D-016002, you will be given a full general anesthetic.\n(D-016002 is subjected to a general anesthetic, which takes several seconds to begin.)\nDr. Sun: The patient is now under full anesthesia. Dr. Harlow, you may begin the process of tissue extraction. For this final procedure, we will be attempting to completely replace the brain tissue of D-016002 with that of D-13732. Previously, during the exploration of D-13732's cranial cavity, Dr. Harlow and I observed that the instances connecting his brain matter to his spinal matter were not secured in any way, and in fact seemed to be switching positions with other instances in the brain. We will be seeing how far this compatibility extends.\n(There is silence for the next hour as Drs. Harlow, Sun, and Robin remove the top of D-016002's skull and begin extracting her brain matter into a large glass container.)\nDr. Sun: Extraction complete. D-016002's brain matter has been successfully removed. Dr. Harlow is now placing D-13732's brain matter into D-016002's exposed cranial cavity.\n(Silence for several minutes.)\nDr. Robin: Heart rate steady. We have a pulse and breathing. Give it another minute\u2026 Alright. I'm going to wake her up.\n(There is a pause as Dr. Robin reduces the anesthesia and D-016002 awakens.)\nDr. Sun: What is your name?\nD-016002: Michael [REDACTED]3.\nDr. Harlow: (faintly heard in background) Jesus.\nDr. Sun: Name something to sit in.\nD-016002: Beanbags.\nDr. Sun: What is the color of grass?\nD-016002: Green.\nDr. Sun: What is one plus one?\n(Quiet sloshing can be detected by the microphone.)\nDr. Robin: Hey, uh, Sun \u2014\nD-016002: Two.\nDr. Robin: Sun, look.\n(D-016002's brain is shown to move of its own accord, subtly moving back and forth.)\nDr. Harlow: Well\u2026 that's new.\nDr. Sun: Do you feel any pain anywhere in your body?\nD-016002: My chest is kind of heavy. Feels just the same otherwise.\nDr. Sun: Good to hear. Now, what is \u2014\nD-016002: Hey, I usually feel pretty energetic, even before surgeries, but I'm kind of tired right now. Lately, I've been exercising before I sleep, but since I can't here, is it okay if I can just rest a little bit?\nDr. Sun: Rest?\nD-016002: Like three, five minutes. I can do that here if it's okay. (A small portion of the top of D-016002's brain parts before making a gurgling sound. After the portion closes, sections of D-016002's brain retracts into itself rapidly. D-016002's eyes close.)\nDr. Sun: That doesn't seem good. (Dr. Robin steps away from the operation, making retching sounds as she leaves the room.)\nDr. Harlow: D-016 - ah, D-13732, are you okay?\nD-016002: Yeah. (yawns) I'm fine, why do you ask?\n\nFootnotes\n1. It is hypothesized that SCP-150 can self-fertilize.\n2. The part of the brain that controls speech recognition and use.\n3. D-13732's name.\n\n\u00ab SCP-149 | SCP-150 | SCP-151 \u00bb"} {"text": "A digital image of SCP-151. No harmful effects result from viewing duplicate images.\n\nItem #: SCP-151\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-151 should be kept in a locked storage compartment, covered by an opaque cloth. The keys to the compartment should be kept in the custody of the site commander when SCP-151 is not being researched. When research is being conducted, SCP-151 may be kept in a locked laboratory, provided it is always covered when not being used.\nDescription: SCP-151 is a 1 m x 1.3 m (3 ft x 4 ft) oil painting, apparently from the perspective of someone underwater. A subject who views the painting exhibits no initial effects. However, over a period of 24 hours, the subject's breathing becomes increasingly labored, culminating in the death of the subject. Autopsies reveal that subjects' lungs have filled with seawater. Attempts to halt the drowning process by medical intervention have proven successful in prolonging the life of the subject, but have not stopped nor reversed the condition.\nThe painting is not signed, but several names are written on the back.\nAddendum: SCP-151 was found in an antique shop in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588, after the Foundation began investigating a series of unexplained drowning deaths. As \u2588\u2588\u2588 is landlocked, the Foundation dispatched a team of plainclothes agents after being informed of the nature of the water in the victims' lungs and that the victims had all been discovered on dry land. The agents discovered that the names written on the back belonged to a group of artistically inclined students, all of whom disappeared during a study abroad program in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Investigation into their fate is ongoing, and may provide clues as to the nature and origin of SCP-151.\n\n\u00ab SCP-150 | SCP-151 | SCP-152 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-152\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-152 is to be kept in a locked chamber in Site-49, henceforth referred to as the \"reading room\". The reading room is off-limits to personnel below clearance level 2. The reading room will be equipped with one ceiling lamp, one security camera, one scanner-copier-printer (to be restocked with paper and ink as needed), one standard office chair, and one standard office desk upon which SCP-152 will rest. When not in use, SCP-152 is to be turned to its last page, so that any additions made to it can be immediately observed. A single guard will be posted outside of the reading room to deter unauthorized persons from entering the reading room. All personnel are advised to remain quiet if they are near the reading room.\nDescription: SCP-152 is a large, hardbound book with leather bindings. The paper inside resembles vellum and is written upon in black ink. The contents of the book consist entirely of a series of entries that describe apocalyptic events, which are not always XK-class end-of-the-world scenarios but invariably deal with the extinction of humanity. The entries are arranged in chronological order, beginning with an unexplained spontaneous failure of the sun in 6000 BC and ending with other events close to the present day. Many of the entries describe apocalypses caused or facilitated by objects that are or were in Foundation custody, or are of a paranormal nature. There are also records of human extinction caused by more \"conventional\" means, such as nuclear warfare or deadly viral epidemics. Each entry describes in some detail the events leading up to the calamity itself, and the aftermath until the point at which the last human on Earth dies.\nIt has been observed that the entries in SCP-152 change to whatever language the reader is most comfortable with, up to the point where the sentence structure can change significantly from reader to reader, or even begin using colloquialisms that only the reader would understand; only the basic meaning of the entries remains constant. If multiple people are looking at SCP-152, it will read in the personal language of whomever began reading first. If no one is directly observing SCP-152, it will display the language of whomever read it last. Rarely, words will appear in the book that do not \"translate\" and instead appear as horizontally arranged calligraphic characters which have not been matched to any known language.\nTo the best knowledge of Foundation historians, most of the information contained in SCP-152 is accurate, diverging only at the point where the apocalypse occurs. In almost all cases, the difference is that a few key decisions were apparently made differently in SCP-152's version of history, leading ultimately to humankind's annihilation.\nSCP-152 resists all attempts to change or write in it. Inks, graphite, charcoal, and other marking materials do not adhere to the pages, and are easily brushed off. Lasers or other heat sources do not burn into the paper. Close inspection has revealed that foreign substances are stopped from actually coming into contact with the pages: at least five (5) micrometers of empty space are always present between the pages themselves and any foreign materials that might come into contact with them. For this reason, SCP-152 does not decay, which also means that it has proven impossible to determine SCP-152's exact age.\nSCP-152 is self-updating, with newly-inked entries and new descriptions of how the last human died appearing at unpredictable intervals, always on the last page of the book; the date that a new entry appears corresponds with the date given in the entry for the death of the last member of the human species. When space becomes an issue, extra pages appear along with the text, and the spine of SCP-152 broadens accordingly. There have been \u2588\u2588\u2588 updates to the book since it came into Foundation custody. As with past events, SCP-152 has proven to be up-to-date on current events until a point at which a catastrophe occurs. Because recent entries frequently concern entities or groups of interest to the Foundation, including the Foundation itself, SCP-152 is to be checked regularly for any information of importance.\nAddendum 1: With the acknowledgment made that letting this thing lie around where the public could find it is dangerous to us, is there any real reason to study it? Outdated hypothetical disaster scenarios aren't our concern; we've got plenty of real ones in the present to deal with. -O5-\u2588\nAddendum 2: The book is accurate enough about pre-disaster Earth that it makes a decent guide to the present. Plus, it gives a little perspective on the big picture of what some SCPs could do if they got loose. I think all researchers with clearance ought to read the last 50 pages or so just to drive home how important what they do here is. \"For want of a nail,\" and all that. -Dr. Jansen\nAddendum 3: Jansen, half the entries in the last 50 pages show the Foundation screwing up and killing everybody. -O5-\u2588\nAddendum 4: Like I said, it gives a little perspective. -Dr. Jansen\nIncident Report 152-05: On the night of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the security guard on camera duty noticed that SCP-152 was missing from the reading room. However, by the time she had finished reaching for the switchboard to report this, SCP-152 had reappeared, and there was a new entry on the last page. As this was the fifth such occurrence of sudden disappearance and reappearance (refer to Incident Reports 152-01 through 152-04), a simple test was conducted with a high-speed camera, a sensitive electronic scale upon which SCP-152 was placed, and an alarm set to go off if the weight upon the scale abruptly changed. The next three \"updates\" to SCP-152 all set the alarm off, and the high-speed camera revealed that SCP-152 vanished from sight for exactly one (1) second each time.\nAddendum 5: I posit that the book isn't actually being \"updated\" as such\u2026 It's actually being replaced, and each time it changes we are actually receiving a new edition of it. I would very much like to find out where these are coming from. -Dr. Jansen\n\n\u00ab SCP-151 | SCP-152 | SCP-153 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-153\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-153 are to be kept isolated in acid-resistant containers measuring no less than 10 m x 10 m x 5 m, partially filled with sewage and organic material, at Bio-Research Area-12. Every four hours, both the level of organic content and the structural integrity of each container must be checked. Under no circumstances are these containers to be connected to any internal or external plumbing system.\nSpecimens of SCP-153 almost certainly still exist in the wild. Any reports of people mysteriously disappearing from showers and bathtubs must be investigated immediately. Agents must be equipped with infrared and ultraviolet sensors to circumvent SCP-153's camouflage. Specimens should be brought alive to Area-12 if at all possible.\nDescription: SCP-153 appears to be a species of nematode (roundworm) that can reach up to \u2588\u2588 m in length and \u2588\u2588 cm in diameter. Specimens of SCP-153 live in sewers and drain pipes, and while specimens of SCP-153 can live off of most any organic material, they prefer to consume animal tissue.\nSpecimens of SCP-153 excrete a highly acidic substance similar to [DATA EXPUNGED] from their mouths and gullets, and they have the ability to camouflage themselves both outside and in. SCP-153 has developed a hunting technique where a specimen will swim up a shower or bathtub drain, dissolve the drain cover with its acidic saliva, and camouflage its gullet to look like a standard drain. Shortly after a human enters the shower or bathtub, the specimen [DATA EXPUNGED] back down the drain, leaving almost nothing behind. This entire process usually takes less than \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 seconds.\nAddendum 153-01: Specimens of SCP-153 are to be kept isolated from each other except under controlled breeding conditions. \u2013Dr. Kovalanskaya\nAddendum 153-02: Incidents in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggest that specimens of SCP-153 have started attacking people through sink drains, toilets, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Researchers are investigating how such an apparently simple animal can develop such relatively sophisticated hunting techniques.\nAddendum 153-03: Dr. Kovalanskaya has received approval to start a breeding research program with SCP-153, with emphasis on genetic engineering. The program [DATA EXPUNGED] as well as a potential method of organic waste disposal.\nAddendum 153-04: A controlled release of SCP-153 instances has been proposed as a potential containment method for stalling the spread of SCP-2717. Approval Pending.\n\n\u00ab SCP-152 | SCP-153 | SCP-154 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-154\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-154 is to be kept within Weapon Locker 8, in Armed-Research Site-47. Personnel wishing to research or use item must submit the required request forms. Anyone attempting to remove the item without clearance, or from outside of the facility is to be terminated on sight.\nDescription: SCP-154 is a pair of simple bronze bracelets, completely circular and large enough to comfortably hang off the arm of most people. Spectrograph analysis has proven that the item is composed entirely of copper (85%), tin (11%), arsenic (3%), and traces of other slight impurities (<1%).\nWhen both bracelets are worn on the same arm, and the wearer concentrates on them with arms extended in a depiction of a traditional \"nocked bowstring\" pose (achieved by having the arm with the bracelets completely extended in front of oneself, with the opposing arm extended up to the elbow of the fully extended arm), a large, indistinct, incorporeal bow will form in the extended hand, and both bracelets will glow lightly.\nFrom that point onwards, SCP-154 can be treated as a bow, until the pose or concentration is broken, which results in the bracelets reverting to normal. There is no actual bowstring, but completing the motion of pulling it achieves the same effect.\nWhen the \"bowstring is pulled and released\", the bones of the arm will be forcibly ejected from the extended limb, traveling in a straight path at speeds recorded over three hundred (300) meters per second. The missing bones and resulting damage to the arm are quickly regenerated, and the weapon is capable of being \"fired\" again within minutes. Tests using subjects possessing multiple arms/hands, such as SCP-1884-B1, have demonstrated the ability to fire SCP-154 several times, with the bones of different arms being used with each successive firing.\nThe regeneration implemented by the item is limited, only affecting the damage inflicted by the weapon itself. This regeneration seems to be an automatic action, and will continue in almost all situations. Both firing the weapon and the resulting regeneration are understandably painful, and participants which have used the item once are generally disinclined to repeat usage.\nHowever, there have found to be some occasional abnormalities regarding the regeneration. Most often this manifests simply as minor mutations of the original subject, such as changes in size, pigmentation, and structure of the original organelles. These are an uncommon occurrence, capable of happening during any use of the weapon, though generally tend to occur during repeat usage.\nThere are more drastic abnormalities, though these are much rarer, and coincide with highly frequent use. These mutations can range from anything such as the growth of extra joints and digits in the affected arm, to a complete change of the chemical or physical structure of the limb.\nOne test subject unknowingly had the bone matter within his arm converted into an unstable explosive compound, only discovering the fact when it detonated, causing two fatalities and three casualties. Another had the entire bone and musculature structure morphed into fully functional serpentine physiology.\n\nFootnotes\n1. SCP-1884-B was permitted to be used in testing with its approval. SCP-1884-B was able to fire five shots from SCP-154 within a minute. Testing ceased on SCP-1884-B's request following SCP-1884-A becoming distressed due to pain associated with SCP-154 use.\n\n\u00ab SCP-153 | SCP-154 | SCP-155 \u00bb"} {"text": "A non-anomalous processor board removed from SCP-155.\n\nItem #: SCP-155\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-155 is contained in a heat-treated and radiation-shielded containment chamber at Site \u2588\u2588. Recovered documentation and the reverse-engineered compiler for SCP-155 are available for all personnel with sufficient clearance on Site \u2588\u2588's secure file server, but execution of programs on SCP-155 may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Senior Researchers. Please see Document 155-EXEC-1 for radiation and thermal safety procedures for the safe operation of SCP-155.\nAs of Incident 155-08, experimentation on SCP-155 has been suspended pending decontamination of SCP-155's former containment chamber and relocation to a new containment chamber. All tasks intended for execution on SCP-155 must now be triple-checked to prevent the possibility of non-halting execution.\nDescription: SCP-155 is a complex electronic construct consisting of a highly modified Cray CS6400 supercomputer, a dedicated radioisotope thermoelectric generator, and a device that has yet to be fully reverse-engineered. SCP-155 was recovered from the basement of Prometheus Labs' primary research laboratory by elements of Mobile Task Force Mu-4 (\"Debuggers\") following the destruction of the facility and subsequent Foundation intervention.\nWhen a program and accompanying data is loaded into SCP-155 and executed, SCP-155 generates a spherical temporal distortion field with a radius of approximately 5 m. Within this sphere of influence the passage of time is rapidly accelerated, resulting in a hyperbolic increase in the effective processing power of SCP-155. Execution begins slowly as the processing hardware of SCP-155 is dated, but its effective processing power approaches infinity after approximately 8 minutes and 14 seconds of execution. From fragments of documentation recovered from Prometheus Labs, SCP-155 was used to perform massive calculation jobs that would have taken months if not years of processing time with conventional computing devices.\nDespite its capabilities, operation of SCP-155 is highly dangerous as heat and radiation generated by SCP-155 are trapped and accumulate during operation, forming a sort of 'event horizon' of energy that is released when execution ends. The execution of programs that exceed six (6) minutes results in enough radiation generated that the containment chamber in which SCP-155 is contained must be decontaminated before research personnel may re-enter.\nAddendum 155-01: Incident 155-08\nOn \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered a flawed program into SCP-155 that resulted in non-halting execution (an infinite loop). After attending researchers and technicians realized the error, an emergency shutdown of SCP-155 was initiated but it could not be fully stopped until execution had exceeded 8 minutes and 3 seconds. At this point, an intense wave of heat and radiation melted through SCP-155's containment chamber, resulting in eleven (11) casualties and the total destruction of the C wing of Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-155 only received minor damage in the incident, but experimentation is suspended while revised safety procedures are under review and replacement parts are procured to repair components damaged by accelerated aging.\n\n\u00ab SCP-154 | SCP-155 | SCP-156 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-156\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-156 is to be kept in refrigerated Storage Unit 19c except when removed for experimentation. Subjects infected by SCP-156 are to be restrained and monitored for their own safety. From September 21st-March 21st, infected subjects should be kept within a secure storage unit unless the experiment's parameters indicate otherwise. Both storage facilities should be monitored by security camera. The termination and autopsy of D-Class Personnel assigned to SCP-156 should be delayed until after March 21st. No personnel are permitted to consume SCP-156 except D-class personnel unless approved by a level 3 staff member.\nDescription: SCP-156 is a group of exactly 181 pomegranate arils. The number of instances of SCP-156 is constant. When one is ingested or destroyed, it is replaced instantaneously with a new one among the largest group of contiguous instances. Otherwise, the instances can be moved around freely. After leaving the group (i.e. after an instance is touching no other instance), the instance will spoil normally, after which a new instance will appear. When all instances are destroyed simultaneously, all 181 instances reappear randomly at the location of one of the destroyed arils. Attempts to measure the time between destruction of one instance and the appearance of a new one using high-speed cameras have so far failed.\nIf SCP-156 is ingested between March 21st and September 20th, subjects display no signs of infection until noon of September 21st, when all vital processes abruptly cease. A similar effect is observed immediately when SCP-156 is ingested after September 21st. Despite being technically dead, postmortem examinations of subjects have been unable to discover a cause of death. Subjects appear to have been in perfect health, aside from any pre-existing conditions. While \"dead\", subjects do not show any signs of decomposition though the bodies of many subjects begin displaying bruising and scarring consistent with torture. While the majority of subjects suffer these wounds, not all do, and no reliable formula has been discovered to predict which subjects will be affected. Infected subjects remain in this dormant state until noon of March 21st, when life processes restart. Subjects remember little of the intervening time period. While most subjects are entirely unaware that any time has passed since their apparent death, some claim to recall a pale white male face and a wilting pomegranate tree.\nSubjects continue to die and reanimate annually on September and March 21st, respectively, until killed by another cause. Reanimation only occurs from deaths caused by ingesting SCP-156.\nAfter undergoing a single death-reanimation cycle, subjects began displaying high levels of distress and paranoia as time approaches September 21st, even if they have not been made aware of the death-reanimation cycle. Furthermore, subjects will take extreme lengths to avoid taking any sort of risk or danger to their person, even if they had displayed risk-taking behaviors prior to ingesting SCP-156. Over the course of multiple death/reanimation cycles, these psychological symptoms become more pronounced. At the same time, physical symptoms during the dormant period increase in intensity for the subjects suffering from them. Eventually, physical wounds on subjects will begin to emulate burns and puncture wounds. Many subjects gain a phobia of dogs and dead plants after 3-5 reanimations. After several deaths caused by SCP-156, the ocular tissue undergoes necrosis in many subjects. This tissue does not reanimate with the rest of the body. Often, after ten or more reanimations, reanimation of bodily processes will occur but the subject will fail to regain consciousness, entering a comatose state. Death and reanimation continues annually even after subjects have reached this stage.\nSCP-156 came to the attention of the Foundation after an incident in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Greece, after \u2588\u2588 people died on September 21st, 19\u2588\u2588,without apparent cause. The Foundation became involved after locals reported the return of several of the dead who had been interred in above ground vaults the following spring. After questioning these subjects, all reported having attended a party at the house of one A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 K\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had been buried and was found, asphyxiated in her coffin. SCP-156 was discovered within the house, fresh despite the intervening six months since the incident. Testing commenced on D-Class personnel on August \u2588\u2588, 19\u2588\u2588. D-E15624, the first test subject, died on September 2\u2588, 19\u2588\u2588, and was autopsied. No cause of death could be found. Subject was left under monitoring in storage. On March 2\u2588, 19\u2588\u2588, subject began to show brain activity and subject's heart began beating despite the body having taken significant damage during the autopsy. D-E15624 expired shortly thereafter without regaining consciousness. Arils given SCP status and longer term testing was ordered.\n\n\u00ab SCP-155 | SCP-156 | SCP-157 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-157\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not being used in an experiment, SCP-157 is to be stored in its cryptobiotic form, in a dry, airtight container. It is estimated that SCP-157 can survive in this condition for at least 10 years. Specimens needed for experimentation can be removed from storage and given water then food to restore them to a usable state.\nPersonnel working with an active SCP-157 colony are cautioned not to eat, drink, change clothing, or apply any substance to their body in the presence of SCP-157.\nFoundation MTF agents are authorized to administer Class-A amnestics to any survivors or witnesses of wild SCP-157 attacks.\nDescription: SCP-157 is a previously unknown microscopic animal in the Tardigrade phylum, adapted to live on land as a predator. Like other Tardigrades, SCP-157 is extremely resistant to environmental damage, and can enter a cryptobiotic state when no food is present. SCP-157 normally exists as an amorphous mass composed of millions of individual organisms. In this form, it can slowly crawl and climb.\nSCP-157 colonies are predatory, and can attack insects and small animals by engulfing them and then slowly dissolving their prey with digestive enzymes. Humans and other large prey are not normally attacked directly by SCP-157 colonies, as they are too large to engulf, and long-term contact is necessary for SCP-157 to successfully feed. The organism has developed an alternative method of achieving such contact.\nSCP-157 colonies possess an innate telepathic ability. When in the presence of prey that is too large to directly attack, the SCP-157 colony will use telepathy to present the illusion of something its prey wants to eat, wear, or apply to its body. SCP-157 is highly toxic when eaten; someone having done so requires antidotes to [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] within 20 minutes, as well as immediate gastric surgery to remove the portion that was eaten. When applied to human/animal skin, SCP-157 will produce an anesthetic to encourage prey to ignore pain and leave the organism in place. It then dissolves and consumes the skin within 30 minutes to two hours. Dead prey is rapidly consumed and SCP-157 will grow significantly as it feeds. When reaching a size of 5 kg, SCP-157 will split into smaller colonies that move off in search of new prey.\nWhen in the presence of two or more individuals, SCP-157 will have an inconsistent appearance \u2013 it may appear to be a food item to one person, and an article of clothing to another. This can serve as a warning and prevent exposure to the organism.\nAddendum: Note that due to its resilient nature, SCP-157 can be split into smaller pieces, boiled, microwaved, etc. and remain alive and dangerous.\nSCP-157 Capture Incidents:\nIncident 157-01 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, found with extensive scalp damage after mistaking SCP-157 for a bottle of shampoo and applying some to his hair. Victim was apparently immune to SCP-157 anesthetic and began screaming, attracting the attention of his wife, who had been eating a snack. \u201cIt was the weirdest thing I've ever seen \u2013 he had a pastrami sandwich on his head, and it was eating HIM!\u201d Victim treated for chemical burns; SCP-157 captured alive; victim and wife given Class A amnestics and released.\nIncident 157-02 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, found partially consumed by SCP-157 in his office at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Co., after apparently believing SCP-157 was a pair of socks and wearing them. Victim bled to death after feet and lower legs were mostly dissolved.\nIncident 157-03 Standard monitoring of police reports revealed a missing persons case where the investigating officers observed a couch slowly attempting to crawl towards the door of the victim's apartment. Couch initially sealed in area by police; Foundation agents later determined it to be an unusually large variant of SCP-157 and contained the specimen. Amnestics administered. Although large enough to attack humans directly, this specimen prefers to use its telepathic ability to attract prey, in the manner of smaller SCP-157 colonies.\n\n\u00ab SCP-156 | SCP-157 | SCP-158 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-158\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-158 is installed in Operating Theater 07 in Bio-Research Area-12. Personnel are not to be allowed in, nor is power to be supplied to the room, unless they have submitted, and had approved, a proper clearance requisition form to the Chief of Research Prof. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Personnel wishing to use the device must request and read the entire transcribed instruction manual in full. During the device's use, two (2) armed guards are to remain on standby outside the room at all times. In the event of an accident, all power must be cut to the room instantly, and guards are to examine the room carefully for any signs of misconduct. Misconduct will be punished in a manner decided by the Chief of Research on a case-by-case basis.\nDescription: SCP-158 is a large mechanical arm, similar to one that one might find in an automotive factory, although the end attachment is unusually shaped, resembling a pointed tridactyl claw. Its optimal placement is to be installed and suspended upside down, its base attached to the ceiling in a room that has been built to accommodate. A series of cables are protruding from the base and some are connected to a complex mobile console, complete with VDU (Visual Display Unit) and full keyboard. The others should be connected to a working power supply if the device is to be operated successfully. At the bottom of the console, there is a dispensing device, with attachments for a container roughly 7.6 cm (3 in) in width, and 17.8 cm (7 in) in height.\nThe arm, cables and console have sustained fire damage, though this is purely cosmetic, and does not affect the device's performance.\nWhen activated, the device will take twenty (20) minutes to boot up and become fully functional.\nWhen used correctly upon a living organism that displays cognition, SCP-158 will remove an unknown substance and transfer it through the dispensing device beneath the console. The optimum container for this substance is a glass jar or beaker that fits the attachments. After this action is performed, the organism that it was performed on will cease all higher brain functions, with only the activity in the brain stem continuing. The subject will not respond to external stimuli, and will not exhibit any movement beyond basic reflex actions.\nThe substance removed is gaseous, though its overall appearance and properties differ from subject to subject. The substance is an indefinite source of kinetic, electrical, heat, and light energy. Although the rate and output, again, differ from subject to subject, the average is relatively low.\nThe device was found in late 2007 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, within a burned out hospital that had been in apparent disuse for a large, discernible period of time (rough estimations would put it at over five years). Along with the device was a badly damaged \"owner's manual\" which contained instructions on how to use the device. These instructions have since been transcribed and copied numerous times, with a single copy always present in the containment room. While the instructions clearly state how to maintain and use the device, the chapters chronicling who built it and what exactly it did were too badly damaged to be read, requiring a process of trial and error to find it (see Experiment Log 158-AA).\nAdditional Notes: The device is also capable of reversing the extraction, placing the same, or a different, substance back into the subject (see Experiment Log 158-AG). When this action is performed, the subject will regain all cognitive and higher brain functions, but the total results differ, depending on whether or not it was the original substance extracted from the patient that was replaced.\nAddendum-01: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggests experimentation with D-class personnel and electronic equipment, to attempt to reproduce SCP-168, SCP-1875, SCP-2306, or similar phenomena. (Pending)\nAddendum-01A: Inspired by the previous Addendum, Regulator \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has hit on the ingenious notion of using SCP-158 on a test subject, then exposing the body to SCP-217 until the virus runs its course, and finally re-injecting the contents back into the transmogrified body. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are extremely excited about this proposal, and have arranged a meeting with all twelve of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to discuss the far-reaching benefits of such a technique.\n\n\u00ab SCP-157 | SCP-158 | SCP-159 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-159\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-159 is currently kept in a Secure Storage Locker at Site-\u2588\u2588. Knowledge of SCP-159 is restricted to those of Level-3 or higher, and access is restricted to Level-4 or higher. SCP-159 may not be used by any personnel except for extenuating circumstances. O5 command may order SCP-159 to be moved at any time that it becomes necessary to use SCP-159 to prevent a destructive scenario.\nIn the event that SCP-159 is utilized in this way, it is to be powered by a dedicated high-efficiency generator and a spare supply of fuel is to be kept on hand. There is to be at least two personnel on standby during SCP-159's operation at all times.\nDescription: SCP-159 has the appearance of a standard neon sign reading 'OPEN', of the style commonly found in small businesses. When SCP-159 is displayed through a window of a building, and deactivated by removing it from a standard power outlet1, the building will become impossible to enter by any means. The locking effect ceases immediately when SCP-159 is reattached to a power outlet. If SCP-159 is switched OFF and then removed from its power outlet, its effect will not activate.\nWhen SCP-159's locking effect is active, the structure which it is displayed within will become effectively indestructible from the outside. Building materials will withstand forces that would normally destroy them, up to and possibly surpassing moderate artillery bombardment. The affected structure will remain completely undamaged; testing has shown that protected structures will be unharmed by heat, hurricane-speed-winds, kinetic force, undermining, tunneling, explosive charges placed on the outside of the structure, electrical current, microwave, ultraviolet, X-Ray, neutron, and gamma radiation, and vehicular impact. Persons within a structure affected by SCP-159 may leave at any time, but may not re-enter until 159 is deactivated. The effect persists if windows, doors, and other portals are opened, with outside forces continuing to yield as if they were closed.\nBuildings affected by SCP-159 will continue to receive utilities such as running water and electricity; however, supplies will be strained of foreign materials and chemicals upon entering SCP-159's boundaries. Additionally, a buffering effect appears to prevent forces such as shockwaves and extremely high heat from penetrating the surface of the affected building. D-Class within the structure during artillery tests reported that the concussive forces rendered by test weaponry was greatly muted to the point that an open container of water did not react.\nIf a piece of SCP-159's tubing expires, it may be replaced by a matching part. SCP-159's effect will manifest whether or not there is neon tubing installed. Personnel are to replace SCP-159's neon parts if they fail. SCP-159 will fail to activate if it is unplugged during a power outage.\n\nFootnotes\n1. As opposed to utilizing the ON/OFF switch,\n\n\u00ab SCP-158 | SCP-159 | SCP-160 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-160\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-160 is kept in a secure bio-containment chamber at Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-160 is to be fed live prey in the form of a rabbit or other animal of similar mass once per week, with feeding to be performed via automated delivery system only.\nExperimentation with SCP-160 may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, and any personnel entering the chamber must wear an armored suit at all times.\nDescription: SCP-160 appears to be a quadriflyer unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a diameter of approximately 1.1 m at its widest point, similar to the [REDACTED] model manufactured by the [REDACTED] Corporation. It is devoid of any identifying marks or manufacturing labels, though visual inspection of SCP-160 has revealed signs of scratches and other superficial damage indicating that prior identifying labels may have been removed.\nSCP-160 operates continuously and completely autonomous from any identified control source, and exhibits behavior similar to that of predatory birds. It will actively hunt prey such as rodents and other small animals and, upon locating such prey, dive down at high speed and impale its prey with what appears to be a metallic proboscis. Analysis of its prey shows that it then injects a highly caustic substance that liquefies the internal organs, and extracts the resulting slurry. SCP-160 will generally avoid humans and larger animals, but has been recorded using its proboscis in self-defense. Injuries inflicted by SCP-160 are extremely painful, and can cause death via liquefaction of vital organs or internal bleeding.\nFurther research on SCP-160 is underway, but has proven difficult due to SCP-160's continuous operation. Tranquilizer darts are ineffective as SCP-160 appears to be entirely composed of non-biological components, and requests to attempt a low-intensity electromagnetic pulse to disable it have been rejected due to possible unforeseen damage.\nSCP-160 was discovered by Foundation agents on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588 following multiple reports of household pets from the town of [REDACTED] disappearing and subsequently being found dead under unusual circumstances. SCP-160 was quickly identified and lured into a transport vehicle by a containment team and subsequently taken to Site \u2588\u2588. A search of the area turned up over \u2588\u2588 desiccated small animals including house cats, rabbits, wild rodents, and miniature dogs.\n\n\u00ab SCP-159 | SCP-160 | SCP-161 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-161\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All three instances of SCP-161 are to be kept in separate containers in containment locker 34 Zeta. Each container is to be triple locked, with all nine keys to go to separate members of the Senior Staff. Once every three months, each individual instance of SCP-161 is to be removed from containment. Current scheduling allows for only one instance to be removed in any given month.\nWhen removing SCP-161, the remover is required to not be a member of Senior Staff; however, they are to be accompanied by the three members of Senior Staff with the keys, at all times that SCP-161 is out of containment. The remover is to be dressed in a full environmental suit, with extra reinforcement around the wrist joints, to avoid contact. The Senior Staff accompanying the remover are to be dressed similarly.\nBefore removal, a cell is to be set up for activation of SCP-161. Two D-Class will need to be requisitioned. One D-Class is to be strapped into a chair, immobilized, their left arm at a right angle to their body. It is imperative that their wrist be locked in, so that they cannot turn their hand, or move the angle of SCP-161. The second D-class is to be strapped to the wall directly in front of the first D-class's hand.\nWhen removed, SCP-161 is to be immediately moved to the prepared room. SCP-161 is to be placed into the locked hand of the immobilized D-Class. Once the D-Class has activated SCP-161 once, it is to be removed from them, and returned to containment. Both-class D are then to be returned to general populace, but are never to be assigned together.\nDescription: There are currently three copies of SCP-161 in Foundation control. SCP-161 appears to be a brightly colored, plastic, child's pinwheel, with a \"The Factory\" Stamp on the back.\nSCP-161 only displays its unique properties when held in the bare hand of a human being. Approximately three to seven seconds after grasping SCP-161, the holder will find himself made aware of how to activate the device. From this point on, the holder is completely convinced that SCP-161 is capable of emitting energy pulses, of varying strength. This conviction only affects the bearer, as no one else can see these pulses, nor do they appear to do any actual damage.\nHowever, anything the wielder 'destroys' with these energy pulses becomes no longer capable of affecting the wielder, even when no longer in contact with SCP-161. Walls affected by the energy pulse can be walked through by the wielder, and living beings so affected not only cannot touch the user, but anything wielded by said beings will be unable to touch the user of SCP-161 as well.\nA minor side effect causes the wielder of SCP-161 to develop megalomania and delusions of grandeur.\nAddendum 1: Original procedures altered when a security guard with no prior knowledge of SCP-161 broke into the containment locker and began using it freely. After security contained the breach, researchers discovered that if SCP-161 were not used occasionally, the artifact would begin to radiate a telepathic lure. The lure would affect those with low self-esteem and willpower, and call them to SCP-161. At that point, they would take the artifact in hand, and begin to use it as described.\nAddendum 2: A junior researcher attempting to cultivate the approval of Senior Staff noticed an unusual trend in beings and objects supposedly destroyed by SCP-161. Investigation into beings affected by SCP-161 before containment revealed all of them had committed suicide, many within a year of being affected. A review of objects affected by SCP-161 showed that, while many were still standing, most had fallen apart, and those still together showed signs of decay many years in advance of where they should be.\nA review of researchers who had been affected by SCP-161 revealed that over fifty percent of them had since died. Of those that remained, interviews consistently contained the idea that 'life just wasn't fun anymore.' As of this finding, SCP-161 is now exclusively to be used on Class-D's, and never near support walls.\nUse of SCP-161's effect for the acquisition of SCP objects that create an environment hostile to terrestrial life, including SCP-2933, has been proposed by several research staff. Final Approval Pending Approval Denied.\n\n\u00ab SCP-160 | SCP-161 | SCP-162 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-162 in its containment chamber.\n\nItem #: SCP-162\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-162 is to be kept in a sealed steel container at all times. Any handling is to be done with thick steel-plate gloves and heavy body armor. Any personnel attempting to touch SCP-162 without proper protection, or acting in an erratic or non-responsive manner, are to be immediately removed from the containment area. All personnel are to submit to mental testing and review for two weeks after interaction with SCP-162.\nDescription: SCP-162 is a mass of fish hooks, fish line, needles, scissors, and other sharp objects in a rough ball shape close to 2.4 m (8 ft) in width and 2.1 m (7 ft) in height. After being in SCP-162's vicinity, subjects have reported feeling drawn to the object in order to touch it. This desire can extend for several weeks after seeing the item, becoming an obsession in many cases. The \"draw\" increases the more SCP-162 is observed, and subjects will become violent towards anyone attempting to restrain or remove them from SCP-162.\nTouching SCP-162 will immediately result in several hooks becoming embedded in the subject's skin. The experience is extremely painful, much more so than normal fish hooks. Struggling or attempting to escape will ensnare the subject more, likely resulting in the subject's complete entrapment on the surface of SCP-162. Subject will bleed profusely, resulting in death after a prolonged period of time. Subjects whose skin is impenetrable to SCP-162's fish hooks, such as SCP-1063, have proven to be immune to SCP-162's compulsion effects.\nAttempting to remove a subject from SCP-162 will result in the entrapment of the remover, or gross bodily harm to the subject's flesh. Subjects will many times \"cycle\" between expressing extreme pain and requesting assistance, to statements of pleasure and requests to be left alone, even attempting to grab and entangle personnel attempting to rescue them. Activation of SCP-1114 within the proximity of SCP-162 has proven to be an effective means of freeing a subject from entrapment, though SCP-162's compulsion effect still remains.\n\n\u00ab SCP-161 | SCP-162 | SCP-163 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-163\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-163's enclosure consists of four adjoining rooms, 3 m from floor to ceiling, with the following attributes:\n\nOne 5 m x 5 m receiving room with an airlock and seating appropriate for both SCP-163's and human morphology.\nOne 5 m x 3 m storage room capable of storing SCP-163's isolation suit, tools, and games.\nOne 20 m x 15 m workshop and dining area which contains all salvaged technology, including SCP-163-1.\nOne 5 m x 5 m sleep area and rest facility, furnished with seating and bedding fitting SCP-163's morphology.\n\nAir is filtered into the enclosure and is automatically monitored at all times by computer and once daily by staff, to check for impurities. Filters are to be changed weekly or any time impurities are found in the air. Two separate lighting systems are used in the enclosure: One which produces radiation between 400 nm and 700 nm and one that produces radiation between 150 nm and 300 nm. The primary lighting system is to remain active at all times to facilitate observation. The secondary lighting system may be turned on or off at SCP-163's discretion. At no point are forbidden elements and chemicals to be introduced into the enclosure above prescribed proportions listed in Manual M-163-1. Personnel, and any items brought with them, will be checked for traces of these chemicals prior to being allowed access to the enclosure.\nPersonnel are to wear isolation suits at all times while in the enclosure to protect themselves and SCP-163 from cross-contamination. Before being granted clearance to enter the enclosure, personnel are to study Manual M-163-2 and submit to an interview with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Cleared personnel are permitted to interact with SCP-163 by assisting it with repair of equipment and by playing board games with it.\nSCP-163 may leave its enclosure at any time. It must first announce its intent to leave the enclosure through an agreed-upon gesture, and don its isolation suit. The suit contains the same air filters used to cycle the air in the enclosure. In order to facilitate vision, SCP-163 may carry a UV flashlight capable of producing radiation wavelengths of no less than 280 nm, in order to keep risk of skin cancer among personnel to a minimum. When roaming the facility, SCP-163 is to be accompanied by a junior researcher who is to record all actions, gestures, and expressions with a video camera. The escort is to also bar SCP-163 from any areas deemed dangerous to it.\nOnce every three (3) days, personnel are to deliver to the receiving room a 20 L container with chemical elements in proportions listed in Manual M-163-1. SCP-163 will take the container and pour its contents into SCP-163-1. The empty container is then placed in the airlock for retrieval.\nEquipment may be removed from the enclosure only when in the presence of SCP-163. If SCP-163 interferes with the removal of a piece of equipment, the item is to be placed back in the area from which it was taken. At no point is SCP-163-1 to be disassembled, operated, or removed by personnel, under any circumstances. Any attempts to do so will result in severe discipline.\nDescription: SCP-163 is a sapient organism of extraterrestrial origin. When standing, it is 2 m tall and 1.5 m wide, the bulk of the body being suspended 50 cm from the ground. The body is roughly cylindrical with a circular mouth at the bottom, the equivalent of a head at the top, and eight three-jointed legs arranged radially around the equator. SCP-163 also has a series of specialized limbs, listed here:\n\nTwo prehensile feeding apparatus on either side of the mouth.\nTwo arms near the top of the body, used for delicate manipulation.\nTwo larger arms located closer to the legs, used for heavy manipulation and lifting, and capable of producing a steady force of approximately 500 N and a striking force of up to 2000 N.\nTwo appendages of indeterminate function located between the legs and mouthparts which had been amputated prior to SCP-163's discovery.\n\n30 cm from the top of the body is a single semi-compound eye which extends in a ring around it, allowing a full 360 degrees of vision. There is a blind spot at the back of the head to make way for an organ used for elimination of bodily waste. The compound eye is separated into 88 units. The most likely hypothesis is that each unit receives only vertical information while the brain intuits horizontal information by comparing input from the different units. The eye is sensitive to light wavelengths between 150 nm and 300 nm, equivalent to UVC which is harmful to most terrestrial life.\nSCP-163 contains an endoskeleton which consists of tissue similar in chemical composition and structure to cellulose. The skeletal structure protrudes from the uppermost joint of each leg and appears to have been blunted by mechanical means. No pain response is exhibited when samples are taken from these protrusions. The skin is transparent to visible wavelengths of light, but opaque to ultraviolet. Blood samples taken have an oxygen and carbon dioxide transport system based on nickel, rather than the iron or copper used by terrestrial organisms, and is green in colour. Analysis of blood and tissue shows that SCP-163's cells use DNA for instruction, with the standard GCAT bases; however, a different method is used to interpret said instructions. Sets of three bases still code for amino acids, but they are not the same ones that are coded for in terrestrial cells. In addition, some terrestrial amino acids are not present in its biology while others that it uses are not present in Earth's biosphere, allowing for dramatically different protein arrangements.\nSCP-163's home environment would have contained different proportions of elements, compared to that of Earth. This is evidenced by its sensitivity to certain common elements and its resistance to other less common ones. [REDACTED], a heavy metal poisonous to terrestrial life, is used in SCP-163's metabolism. Iron and calcium, though not used by SCP-163, causes no harmful effects to it. Exposure to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in any chemical form causes damage to tissue. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are as harmful to SCP-163 as they are to us. A full table of safe and unsafe chemicals, along with dietary requirements, is contained in Manual M-163-1. Furthermore, the atmosphere would have had different proportions of gasses. SCP-163 is able to survive in our atmosphere for some time without mechanical aid, but will begin to show signs of illness after one hour. Air that is filtered to remove certain common terrestrial elements will prevent such an event. Analysis of SCP-163's technology includes searches for hermetically sealed chambers which may contain evidence of its home atmosphere.\nIt is unknown how SCP-163 communicates complex ideas. The only vocalization produced by it is a steady sinusoidal wave of approximately 15 Hz when in certain emotional states. There is no variation to this vocalization, which can last from 15 seconds to 10 minutes. It is recommended that personnel exposed to this sound remain in well-lit conditions to prevent feelings of paranoia. Emotions are primarily displayed by the dome of tissue above the compound eye. Different states correspond to distortion of furrows in the skin by subdermal muscles. In addition, a negative and affirmative gesture have been noted. An affirmative consists of the rapid beating together of SCP-163's delicate manipulators while a negative is the same gesture performed by heavy manipulators. Specific information on gestures and emotional states is contained in Manual M-163-2.\nSCP-163-1 appears to be a universal life support device. It is able to convert basic chemical elements into sustenance for SCP-163, in addition to originally projecting the phenomenon in which SCP-163 was found. To ensure the continued health of SCP-163, study of SCP-163-1 is forbidden until after the death of SCP-163. The function of other equipment is still not fully understood. The technology is limited to crude transistors assembled into various specialized analog computers. Many physical processes that these computers model do not correspond to anything known to modern science. It is theorized that SCP-163-1 relies on some of these processes in order to function.\nSCP-163 was first discovered by miners in the Andes Mountains on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588. The rock strata in which it was found are approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 years old; shocked minerals in the vicinity indicate that its spacecraft had crash-landed. The miners reported coming across an impenetrable mirrored surface which abruptly disappeared after enough rock was removed from it. The description suggests that this is a larger version of the phenomenon produced by SCP-163-1. Despite being encased in stone for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 years, the contents of the chamber showed no sign of age or degradation, believed to be an effect of the phenomenon. Approximately 30% of the equipment had been looted before agents could reach the scene. Though some have since been recovered, there are many items still at large. Agents are continuing to scour the black market for any further clues as to the whereabouts of the missing technology.\nWhen agents took control of the scene, SCP-163 was still encased in the reflective sphere produced by SCP-163-1. The relative simplicity of SCP-163-1's interface allowed agents to quickly de-activate it. Agents were forced to subdue SCP-163, which was violent at the time. Aside from this initial confrontation, SCP-163 has cooperated with the Foundation, to the extent of its ability to understand us.\nThe following are select experiments performed on SCP-163. A full list of experiments and results is contained in Manual M-163-2.\nExperiment Log 163-46: Facial recognition.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-163\nProcedure: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered the enclosure of SCP-163 carrying thirty (30) 11x17 cards with images printed on them with UV-absorbing inks. Images were representations of human faces of varying complexity. SCP-163 was shown these images from least complex, a \"smiley face\", to most complex, a photograph of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDetails: SCP-163 was not able to recognize the \"smiley face\" which human infants are able to immediately emulate. It was not until the eighteenth image that SCP-163 reacted by taking the card and placing it over the front of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's faceplate. Image 18 had exaggerated facial features which included a nose, eyes, ears, and an open mouth showing a row of straight teeth. Image 17 was identical but with a closed mouth.\nExperiment Log 163-47: Facial recognition.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-163\nProcedure: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered SCP-163's enclosure carrying twenty (20) 11x17 cards with images printed on them with UV-absorbing inks. Images were representations of the top of SCP-163's body, ranging in complexity from an isosceles triangle to a photograph of SCP-163.\nDetails: SCP-163 did not recognize the first card as a member of its species. The second card, depicting an isosceles triangle with a horizontal line going through the middle, elicited a response. SCP-163 took all of the cards from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and looked at each in turn. It then sorted the cards into two stacks, one which contained six images, including Image 1, and one which contained the remainder, including Image 2. It is hypothesized that the first stack includes images which can not be recognized as SCP-163's species while the second stack has images that can. The presence of the photograph in the second stack supports this hypothesis.\nExperiment Log 163-80: Altruism test.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-163\nProcedure: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered the enclosure carrying two wooden blocks and a box capable of holding both. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 opened the box and moved one block into it while feigning great effort. After closing the box, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 moved the second block toward it, again feigning effort, and awaited a response from SCP-163.\nDetails: SCP-163 opened the box for Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after 10 seconds of him attempting to place the block inside while the lid was closed. The result is consistent with the same experiment performed on human children.\nExperiment Log 163-88: Higher functions.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-163\nProcedure: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered the enclosure with a cart containing an easel, five canvases, assorted brushes, and a selection of pigments which reflect different ultraviolet frequencies between 150 nm and 300 nm. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 briefly demonstrated the act of painting, using three of the pigments, before handing the brush to SCP-163.\nDetails: SCP-163 immediately began painting with the provided pigments. The image produced was of a landscape containing unrecognizable plants and animals, according to UV imaging. SCP-163 remained still for seven minutes after completing the painting before knocking it from its easel and retreating to a corner of the receiving room. Cranial ridges indicated distress. All further attempts at interacting with SCP-163 failed until Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to remove the painting supplies from the enclosure. At that point, SCP-163's heavy manipulators were protruded from between its legs and indicated the negative gesture. The following day, SCP-163 was seen painting on a new canvas.\nAddendum 163-88:\nAs of this date, fresh canvases, paints, and brushes should be provided to SCP-163 whenever its supplies begin to go low. This is the first truly meaningful communication we have been able to understand. At the very least, we may be able to learn more about the ecology of its homeworld. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 163-93:\nThe odds of SCP-163 having been discovered at all are mind-boggling, given the size of the Earth. A number of factors would have had to come into play, including plate tectonics, development of terrain by humans, and just plain old dumb luck. I am filing a recommendation that all excavations of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-year-old strata be monitored by agents for more members of SCP-163's species. I find it hard to believe that we just happened to come across the one single spacecraft that crash landed on earth millions of years ago, at a time when we are just beginning to develop the capacity to recognize the importance of such a find. There must be others hidden in stasis somewhere down there. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-162 | SCP-163 | SCP-164 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-164\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Cultures of SCP-164 should be contained using standard Class-3 biohazardous procedures, and stored clearly marked within a refrigerated biocontainment unit at 10 degrees Celsius. While pathogenic, SCP-164 is not highly infectious; while researchers working with raw cultures or infected subjects should use caution, latex gloves and face masks are generally effective at preventing the spread of the disease. Any personnel inadvertently infected will be subject to six months of chemotherapy upon first showing symptoms, and surgery as necessary.\nCivilian outbreaks should be handled using cover-up procedure Alef-\u2588 for contagious materials.\nDescription: SCP-164 is a strain of cancerous cells that causes sarcoma-like tumors in host bodies. While cell DNA appears to be primarily derived from human DNA, the cells now effectively exist as unicellular, asexually-reproducing parasites. Several characteristics make SCP-164 remarkable:\n\nSCP-164 is the only parasitic (transmittable) cancer known to infect human beings. Strains are transmittable through, in order of infectiousness: blood contact, sexual intercourse, skin contact, and airborne contact. Chemotherapy and surgery are effective in treating the disease in nearly all stages.\n\nTumors produced by SCP-164 that grow larger than a certain size will, in 75% of cases, follow normal behavior for cancerous sarcomas. However, in 25% of cases, host bodily materials will be utilized for the creation of a new, separate organism inside the tumor. In the case of multiple tumors, some or all may follow this behavior. Said organisms will apparently begin as zygotes (fertilized ova) and replicate, much like fetuses. Externally, this appears no different from normal tumor production, and may go unnoticed in initial stages.\n\nOddly, mature organisms identify as being completely unrelated to the original tumors, corresponding with a previously unknown species of order Teuthida (squids). Removal of organisms shows they are entirely viable in marine conditions, and will perform normal actions such as locomotion, catching food, basic defense, reproduction, et cetera. However, said organisms will also remain entirely viable in the original tumor, rarely moving or shifting position, continuing to grow at a regular rate until the host is killed. The existence and nature of the organisms (SCP-164-2) is often not realized in civilian cases until biopsy or surgery reveals the developed organism.\nSCP-164 organisms and tumors may interact with host physiology in interesting ways. The following cases are particularly notable:\n\nFemale D-Class, 23 years old: SCP-164 tumors spawned on uterus walls. Host body apparently recognized the tumor as a human fetus, and was delivered normally containing viable SCP-164-2 specimen after 9 months.\nMale D-Class, 30 years old: Tumors spawned on the spinal cord, disrupting the central nervous system. As a result, movement from SCP-164-2 would occasionally cause subject's limbs to flail, suggesting a \u201ccross-wiring\u201d of the nervous systems of the two organisms. Biopsy lent support to this hypothesis.\nMale D-Class, 25 years old: Tumors spawned near the esophagus and windpipe of the subject, in a location that with ordinary growth would normally have blocked off said passages and quickly killed the subject. Instead, the growth of the tumors shifted to the back of the neck, preventing subject from dying before the normal point. Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggests that this may have been a deliberate action taken by SCP-164.\n\n\u00ab SCP-163 | SCP-164 | SCP-165 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-165 escapes from the heat of the sun in an abandoned building\n\nItem #: SCP-165\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Housed in a facility at Armed Bio-Containment Area-14, SCP-165 is to be treated as a contagious, pathological organism. The highest sterilization and quarantine procedures are to be followed.\nMicrowave field generators around SCP-165's area are in place to restrict movement of its dune within its containment area. Once every nine (9) days, SCP-165 is fed live cattle weighing at least seven hundred fifty (750) kilograms.\n\nDescription: The organic component of SCP-165 resembles that of typical parasitic mites, seven hundred fifty (750) micrometers in length, with eight (8) legs and a genetic structure similar to the house dust mite. The main difference is the hermit-crab-like behavior of attaching grains of sand to its back. It is unknown what purpose the sand serves, but the massive colony of SCP-165 numbers in the hundreds of billions to possibly trillions, creating a rather large dune.\n\nAn electron microscope image of SCP-165\n\nThe similarities between [DATA EXPUNGED] and SCP-165 are only superficial. [DATA EXPUNGED]'s colony is protozoan in nature and apparently shows a collective intelligence and awareness that is not understood. SCP-165's colony is made up of individual Acari who don't show cooperation but rather competition in the hunt for food. Like mosquitoes, they rely on chemical detection of carbon dioxide and sugars in the air to detect prey. The Acari mites roll and bound over one another toward prey, only using their legs to climb over one another. When in contact with the flesh of animals, they release a numbing chemical toxin in their bite, similar in make-up to that of mosquito and flea bite toxins. Subjects are typically unaware that millions of mites are 'taking turns' at grabbing mouthfuls of its flesh as they swarm around their victim.\nA typical swarm resembles a swirling vortex around a victim or victim's appendage. The SCP-165 colony is efficient enough in their competitive swarming that most animals' appendages can be de-fleshed and reduced to bone within minutes. The numbing toxin is so effective that sleeping victims may not wake up as their limbs are eaten away.\n\nThese images, taken before containment, were made using an unmanned ground traversing drone\n\nThe Acari mites are resistant to all but the most dangerous of pesticides. They retreat from heat and will often seek shade when available, being the most active during the night, hunting for large sleeping prey. Their vulnerability to heat is the most preferable technique for containment.\n\nAddendum - Acquisition: It is apparent that the US Government has been aware of dunes of SCP-165 for some eighty (80) years. The area where SCP-165 was found is now a forgotten German immigrant ghost town of Fredricksburg, Arizona, in the Tule Desert near the Goldwater Air Force Bombing Range.\nThe remote town of Fredricksburg was founded sometime in the late 1800s and by 1908 had become a ghost town. A passing cavalry troop reported that the inhabitants had disappeared and that the buildings were empty. They attempted to stay one night in the abandoned hotel, only to have seven (7) of their horses reduced to piles of bone. All but four (4) of the soldiers fled in the middle of the night, saying that sand was filling the building like a flood of water. Those four were never seen again.\n\nThe most complete standing building of Fredricksburg, Arizona, was home to the largest dune of SCP-165\n\nDuring the late 1950s, the U.S. military attempted to exterminate SCP-165 by turning the area into a bombing range. It was successful in reducing the numbers of SCP-165, but in the late 1980s, it became apparent that a ground cleanup and extraction was needed to remove the presence of SCP-165. Mobile Task-Force Epsilon-9 (aka \"Fire Eaters\") were dispatched for containment and extraction of SCP-165. Upon entering the town of Fredricksburg, an upturned sign was found, reading \"Vorsicht vor dem kriechenden, hungrigen Sand\" which translates to \"Beware the creeping, hungry sands.\" The flame accelerators of MTF \u0190-9 proved highly successful in glassing the sand of SCP-165 and reducing its number to a manageable size. A living dune of nearly four (4) metric tons of SCP-165 was contained and transported to ABC Area-14 where it is monitored and contained.\n\n**IMAGES RECOVERED FROM MTF \u0190-9**\n\nClose\n\nPhotograph '165-P1'; Fredricksburg, AZ, United States - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588, 198\u2588\n\nPhotograph '165-P2'; Fredricksburg, AZ, United States - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588, 198\u2588\n\nPhotograph '165-P3'; Fredricksburg, AZ, United States - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588, 198\u2588\n\nClose\n\n\u00ab SCP-164 | SCP-165 | SCP-166 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-166\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-166 is contained in Biocontainment Zone C at Site-19, which has been modified to include a hermetically sealed antechamber and an industrial-strength air purifier. Containment staff must wear the specially designated 166 biohazard suits at all times when inside SCP-166's containment area.\nDue to SCP-166's unique physiological needs, a variety of loose fitting organic cotton clothing has been provided, to be rotated monthly. All meals are to be cooked according to the guidelines provided, with as little inorganic additives as possible.\nReasonable requests for personal items and modifications to the containment suite may be granted upon approval by a Level 4 or higher authority. Update: All requests by SCP-166 must be approved personally by Site Director Light. To date, SCP-166 has requested:\n\nA copy of the Holy Bible (Douay-Rheims, Challoner Revision) (granted).\nA Catholic rosary (granted).\nAccess to a Catholic priest for confession, mass, and other sacraments. (denied) (Chaplain Davis has been scheduled to meet with SCP-166 on alternating Sundays after a thorough decontamination process)\nVarious books and magazines, mostly religious in nature (granted, pending review and approval of contents).\nA telephone with which to contact the Abbess of the Our Lady of Mercy Convent in County Galway, Ireland (denied) (granted) (overruled by order of the Site Director, denied)\n\nDescription: SCP-166 is a European female human in its late teens with ungulate features; possessing antlers, hooved feet, and a short tail reminiscent of Rangifer tarandus (Common reindeer). Despite these obvious abnormalities, DNA analysis reveals no abnormal genetic traits.\nWithin a fifteen-meter radius of SCP-166, artificial objects gradually return to an unworked state. Higher complexity objects like electronics or vehicles are affected quicker, with degradation of their metallic components causing catastrophic structural failure in a matter of hours. Rudimentary materials, such as stone buildings or products made of organic materials, decay at a virtually imperceptible rate. Within the same radius plant life will begin to sprout, often growing in improbable places such as out of security cameras or ID scanners.\nSCP-166 possesses a possibly anomalous sensitivity to artificial material and pollutants, with inhalation or contact causing pressure ulcers and symptoms of acute asthma attacks. In one case, physical proximity to a smoker caused SCP-166 to undergo a severe asthma attack, even though the doctor at the time had not smoked a cigarette for three weeks.\nDiscovery: SCP-166 was discovered at the Our Lady of Mercy Convent in County Galway, Ireland, where it had lived since infancy. SCP-166 was confirmed by a defecting Global Occult Coalition agent to be the child of Threat Entity 9927-Black (\"The Goddess\"), also known as SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was terminated by a GOC strike team in what would be known as the Cornwall Incident.\n\nRecovered GOC Documentation\n\n-\n\nThreat Entity Database Entry\nThreat ID:\nKTE-9927-Blackchild \"The Daughter\"\nAuthorized Response Level:\n4 (Severe Threat)\nDescription:\nThreat entity is the child of incarnated LTE-9927-Black (\"The Goddess\") and an unknown father. While it strongly resembles its mother and shares its animalistic features, it lacks the extreme bestial appearance of 9927-Black. Possesses minor chlorokinetic abilities, but primary reason for threat entity classification is the instinctive knowledge and eligibility to enact Occult Procedure Clockwork Blackchild Havilah, a world-wide ritual working that would irreversibly regress human civilization to Neolithic standards.\nStrike Team \"Lancelot\" neutralized 9927-Black in 19\u2588\u2588 in England during an operation which would later be known as the infamous 'Cornwall Incident', but were unable to confirm the liquidation of 9927-Blackchild due to the death of the strike leader, Agent Ukulele. Ukulele was posthumously awarded the Silver Aegis for his lifelong service to humanity.\nLiquidation:\nThreat entity is not known to possess any defensive abilities. Terminate with extreme prejudice.\n\nThe agent had refused to terminate SCP-166, instead smuggling it to a Catholic convent in County Galway, Ireland. It lived there until the age of 12, at which point a visitor to the convent accidentally witnessed SCP-166 and reported it to authorities. The agent then contacted the Foundation, agreeing to share GOC intelligence in return for the guaranteed safety and containment of SCP-166.\nFurther details are classified.\nAddendum 166.1: Chaplain Davis biweekly interview\n\nDavis: Good morning, child.Davis: As usual, I have to remind you that due to our environment, the seal of confession will not take place unless specifically invoked. Even then, details of our conversation can be unsealed if they're determined to be essential. Understand?\nSCP-166 nods.\nDavis: Excellent. Now, how are you doing?Davis: Ah, yes, that was rather unfortunate, but it does make sense. He was rather old even when he first took up the position. Now he can rest, knowing he served the Church well.Davis: Speculation has abounded, but it could be anyone. These are difficult times after all, with all the recent\u2026 controversies. They may want a fresh face to represent the church, or they may go with a man who's dedicated years of his life. Who knows, they may even pick a working-class man. It certainly would give people something to talk about.SCP-166 and Davis sit in silence.\nDavis: I'm sensing a question arising, child.Davis: No need to apologize. That is what I'm here for, after all. What is it?Davis: My mother, yes. Before she passed away, I visited her once a month at the retirement home, plus her birthday and holidays. Told her I was a chaplain serving in the military, which I suppose is somewhat close to the truth.Davis: That is a rather more complicated question. He was a good man, a soldier who held three things dearly: God, Country, and Family. Unfortunately, he held those convictions rather severely, which resulted in some\u2026 heated discussions. I love him still, but this way is best for everyone.\nDavis sighs.\nDavis: And what about your parents? I know you lived in the convent, but before that?SCP-166 gestures to herself.Davis: I'm sorry for your loss.Davis: And your father?\nSCP-166 hesitates.Davis: I'm sure he had his reasons.SCP-166 pauses.[END LOG]\n\nAddendum 166.2: Disciplinary Interview of [REDACTED]\n\n[BEGIN LOG]\nLight: What the hell were you thinking?\n[REDACTED]: I wanted to make sure she's alright. You wouldn't let me talk to her. I took another route.\nLight: What you did was so much worse than that. If you just stuck to throwing your weight around to get her amenities, sure, I could overlook that. But you then go about trying to give a class 4 anomaly a phone line to the outside world- Dammit. The council already dislikes you working at the same site as her, this gets out, you can kiss whatever deal you made goodbye.\n[REDACTED]: Come on, Sophia! She's harmless. The only reason she's in there is because of me. I had to do something. Was the Foundation just going to let her grow up thinking that her-\nLight: Before you say another word, remember that this will be public to everyone with a class 4 clearance. I can redact your name, but I can't stop people from putting the pieces together from an ill-timed outburst.\n[REDACTED] remains silent.\n[REDACTED]: Sixteen years. Sixteen years where she couldn't walk through a city, or catch a movie, or just go shopping. Doesn't matter if she's in a convent or a foundation cell, she's being locked up for something she had no choice in. All because of me. It isn't fair.\nLight: I know.\n[REDACTED]: And I can't do anything about it. I could send a strike team anywhere in the world, I know secrets that the most powerful people in the world would pay billions for, and yet I can't even so much as talk to her, let her know that she's not alone.\nLight: You've done the best you could. Much more than anyone could've expected of you in an impossible situation.\n[REDACTED]: Funny how little that makes of a difference. I-\n[REDACTED] falls silent.\n[REDACTED]: You know, I don't care. Just write me up. Let's just get this over with.\nLight: \u2026I'm scheduling you for six 2-hour sessions with a Foundation psychologist, I'll make sure it's Glass. He signs off at the end of it, we can expunge this from your record.\n[REDACTED]: Mhm.\nLight: [REDACTED].\n[REDACTED]: Yeah?\nLight: \u2026\n[REDACTED]: \u2026Yeah, I know. Thank you, Sophia.\n[END LOG]\n\nOn 05/08/2013, the following note was discovered within SCP-166's containment area.\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588,\n\nI first met your mother when we were little more than children. She had hooves for feet and starlight in her eyes. She was beauty and nature incarnate, and I killed her with my own two hands.\n\nEden isn't a place. It's a state of being. They wanted to take us back to it, and I stopped them. I took paradise away from us for a second time. I have never regretted my actions on that day, except one: that when you first met me on that day, you saw your father put a bullet into the head of your mother. I make no excuses, only explanation. You may not have even remembered it, but I'm telling you now in the hope you understand why I did what I did. I hope you forgive me.\n\nI love you. I wish I could have done more for you. The best I could do was leave you in the hands of kind and loving people and hope they would raise you in my place. From what I've seen, they did well. I'm sorry you couldn't stay with them. I'm sorry they've brought you to this place. I promise to do my best to make sure your stay here is pleasant. I promise to keep you safe.\n\nHappy sixteenth birthday,\nFrom your loving father.\n\n\u00ab SCP-165 | SCP-166 | SCP-167 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-167\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-167 is currently kept in Room \u2588\u2588 of Research Command-06. Its door is to be padlocked at all times when not under study. Anyone wishing to obtain the key to conduct unscheduled exploration of or to study SCP-167 may do so only with the permission of the relevant level 3 personnel assigned to this SCP.\nDescription: SCP-167 is a cube measuring approximately 10 meters on its edge, created from an unidentified shiny white-plastic polymer. Affixed to one of the faces of the cube is a large metal door. It is unknown if this door is part of the original SCP, or if it was affixed by someone else before the object was acquired by the SCP Foundation. The interior dimensions of this cube are identical to the exterior, minus several centimeters for the width of the cube \u2014 except that two of the remaining three walls each have doorways in them. These doorways lead directly to identical rooms, each with two more doorways leading to more identical rooms. This pattern continues for as far as the research teams have been able to determine. The placement of these doorways appears to be random; no pattern has been found that explains which two of the three remaining walls have doors.\nSCP-167 shows signs of being explored before \u2014 a number of rooms, especially those at a low depth, have red dots or other markers painted next to the doorway back to the entrance. Researchers have recently taken to replicate this behavior on any rooms they visit, after the events mentioned in document #167-08. Additionally, several man-made and natural objects have been found scattered in some of the rooms of SCP-167: religious idols, circa 500 BCE; several treasure chests, circa 1500 CE; [DATA EXPUNGED]; and several SCPs, most notably [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 167-01: SCP-167 does not appear to follow the rules of Euclidean geometry. A different path to rooms which should be the same room was taken by two researchers. Both arrived at their destination, but neither saw nor heard the other. How SCP-167 is warping space to create this effect is unknown, but warrants further study.\nAddendum 167-02: A request to test the effects of SCP-184 on SCP-167 has been suggested. This experiment is under consideration.\nAddendum 167-03: A request to use SCP-167 as a compact storage space for benign SCPs has been proposed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. This proposal requires a reclassification of SCP-167 to Safe class, so a re-evaluation is pending.\nDocument #167-08: As most of you are aware, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was videotaped entering SCP-167 several days ago without the requisite ball of twine, and he has not yet returned. His ultimate fate is unknown, but the search teams have turned up nothing. Let this be a reminder to all of you just how easy it could be to get lost in there if you don't utilize some method of marking your path. If I find that any other researcher has disobeyed the safety regulations and entered without a ball of twine, no matter how far deep they intend to go, they will find themselves being transferred to another facility for researching Keter-class SCPs, where they should have ample motivation to learn to follow safety regulations quite quickly. \u2014Dr. Klein.\n\n\u00ab SCP-166 | SCP-167 | SCP-168 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-168\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-168 is to remain in observation room 221-D of Sector-28. It should be propped at the full angle that its casing allows, facing the unshuttered window provided. The entrance is to remain locked, with entrance available by request. Based on prior research, it is not to be used as a normal calculator would. Discussion with SCP-168 is encouraged, but is to be limited to a maximum of one hour per day; no exceptions.\nDescription: Found resting on a desk during clearance of the condemned \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Elementary School building in 199\u2588, SCP-168 is a Hewlett-Packard brand graphing calculator, model #HP-28C. Upon initial inspection, it was discovered that the name \u201cEric\u201d was carved into the inside of the removable casing. However, upon inputting a simple equation (6\u00f73) and pressing the \u201c=\u201d button, the screen of the device went blank for 3 minutes and 34 seconds, after which the \u201calternate key\u201d function engaged, displaying the message; \u201cWHAT TIME IS IT?\u201d\nFor a log of the conversation, those with Level 2 Security Clearance should see Addendum: Report E-12.\nThough not altogether mobile, SCP-168 has displayed signs of action when personnel are not present. It also possesses both vision and hearing, though how these processes work is currently unknown. For more information, refer to Addendum: Report E-18. This evidence has led to petitioning to upgrade the object to Euclid class, justifying more secure arrangements for containment.\nDocument #168-1: Interview E-12\nRecorded log of dialogue between SCP-168 and Dr. Howard, dated January 14, 2008:\n(Replies from SCP-168 are to remain capitalized, to indicate non-vocal communication and preserve authenticity. SCP-168 is also incapable of forming punctuation marks, save for period, comma, and question mark)\n\n[BEGIN LOG]\nDr. Howard: Can you hear me?Dr. Howard: Do you have a name?Dr. Howard: May I call you 168?Dr. Howard: Good. How long have you been alive, 168?Dr. Howard: Being able to think.SCP-168 pauses for approximately two minutesDr. Howard: Why did that take so long?Dr. Howard: Moving on. There is a name carved into your casing. Who is Eric?Dr. Howard: I don't know where he has gone, 168.Dr. Howard: Was Eric your owner?Dr. Howard: Alright. Do you function as a calculator should, 168?Dr. Howard: May I try using you to calculate an equation? Something like two plus two?Dr. Howard enters \u201c2+2\u201d, and hits the \u201c=\u201d key. The answer \u201c4\u201d appears on SCP-168's screen instantaneously.\nDr. Howard: May I try another one, without telling you what it is first?Dr. Howard enters \u201c264\u00f78\u201d, and hits the \u201c=\u201d key. The answer \u201c33\u201d appears on SCP-168's screen after 12 seconds.\nDr. Howard: Why did that take so long, 168?Dr. Howard: I think that's enough for today. I'll talk to you again tomorrow, 168.Dr. Howard: There is no window in this room, 168.Dr. Howard: I'm afraid not.[END LOG]\n\nDocument 168-2: Report E-18\nUpon entering storage room 185-D to continue testing with SCP-168 on the morning of January 15, 2008, I discovered the only table in the room upended, with SCP-168 resting next to it, in an upright position. Its screen read; \u201cHOW DO YOU LIKE THAT? TEACH YOU TO LEAVE ME IN THE DARK ALL DAY. JERK.\u201d\nAttempts to communicate with SCP-168 after that point were ignored. I suggest that we move it to room 221-D if we want to get anything actually useful out of it.\n-Dr. Howard\n\n\u00ab SCP-167 | SCP-168 | SCP-169 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-169\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Because of its size, SCP-169 cannot and almost certainly will never be contained\u2014no structure on Earth is large enough or strong enough to contain SCP-169. The location of SCP-169 is not precisely known, but imaging satellites and analyses of eccentricities in the Earth's orbit suggest SCP-169 is located in the southern Atlantic Ocean, possibly stretching around the tip of South America (see Addendum 0-20).\nAny satellite footage of a shift in the landmasses produced by SCP-169 is to be excised and destroyed by embedded agents.\nDescription: SCP-169 is surmised to be a marine arthropod of enormous size, known as the \"Leviathan\" by generations of sailors and oral history. Presumed at first to be a myth, SCP-169 was detected on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 by Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 during an investigation of paranormal activity around the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 archipelago (coordinates \u2588\u2588\u00b0\u2588\u2588'S \u2588\u2588\u00b0\u2588\u2588'W). During \u0194-6's investigation, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [\u01946-0912] discovered the archipelago to have moved at least three (3) kilometers from its original location. Though initially Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 believed this motion to be due to unusually-quick continental drift, a reconnaissance mission performed by the USS \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 revealed the archipelago to be the protrusions of rock-like plates covering an enormous organic mass. The Foundation was brought in immediately to begin threat management.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [\u01946-0421] estimate SCP-169's body length to be between 2000 and 8000 km. The creature is thought to have existed since the pre-Cambrian era. No other specimens have been sighted. Almost nothing is known about SCP-169's habits, such as its reproductive capabilities (if any), food source, and nesting area (if any). Research regarding SCP-169 is pending approval.\nThe archipelago known as the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Islands have historically been uninhabited, though claimed by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in 17\u2588\u2588. Upon handover to the Foundation, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 presence was evacuated on the pretense of rising sea levels. Though the archipelago has remained above sea level for several millennia, any change of depth by SCP-169 could result in the disappearance of the entire archipelago. SCP-169 moves slowly, less than one kilometer per week, but seems only to be adrift. Its method of propulsion is unknown. Regular seismic tremors seem to indicate \"breathing\" about every three (3) months, causing minor shifts in the islands' terrain, suggesting that the creature is probably dormant.\nInformation Suppression: The USS \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was scuttled with all hands immediately after the discovery of SCP-169 with the permission of the American government. The public is forbidden from entering the archipelago created by SCP-169 due to the conveniently large number of resident endangered bird species. As indicated above, satellite footage is to be doctored in order to suppress knowledge of SCP-169's movement. NASA is currently cooperating with the Foundation in keeping the existence of SCP-169 quiet, and is currently permitting the Foundation use of their satellites for photographic use.\nAddendum [0-20]: In 199\u2588, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, an American scientific agency unaffiliated with and unaware of the existence of the Foundation, detected an ultra-low-frequency underwater sound emanating from around \u2588\u2588\u00baS \u2588\u2588\u2588\u00baW, approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 km from the southwestern coast of South America.\n\nDespite the best efforts of embedded agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [IA-1522], news of the sound leaked to the media, receiving significant media coverage. Foundation analysis concluded that a massive underwater organism was the source of the noise, and SCP-169 was hypothesized to be its source, as its \"head\" is well within the possible locations of the rest of SCP-169. The sound confirms \u01946-0421's hypothesis that SCP-169 is gargantuan in size. Future efforts by scientific or civilian teams to determine the source of the noise must be stopped by any means necessary.\n\n\u00ab SCP-168 | SCP-169 | SCP-170 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-170\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedure: SCP-170 presents no danger, and as such can be contained safely in any secure storage locker. However, due to the potential misuse of the substance, as well the limited quantity of SCP-170 available, no personnel may remove it from storage without prior approval from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-170 appears to be a standard tube of superglue, in a yellow tube 13 cm long. There is no manufacturer information or any other text on the outside of the container, apart from the word 'SUPERGLUE' printed in bold letters on the front.\nWhenever any amount of the substance is applied to solid material, and that solid is put in contact with any surface, both objects lose molecular cohesion in the area surrounding the contact points, allowing one to be pushed through the other. The effect lasts only moments, however. Within a third of a second of the two surfaces making contact, the ability of each to pass through the other is nullified, leaving both permanently bonded together.\nSCP-170 was seized in a raid on an illegal laboratory in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588, in 19\u2588\u2588. The unusual properties of SCP-170 were unknown until a standard test on all seized materials was performed on it. A laboratory technician used a pipette to extract a small amount of SCP-170 for analysis. Upon attempting to dispense the substance onto a slide, the pipette immediately passed straight through the slide, which was on a mount. Further tests were run upon the pipette/slide, and it was discovered that they were bonded on the molecular level. Upon hearing of this, SCP personnel were dispatched to confiscate all seized materials.\n\nNotable tests\nTest 04:\nTest materials: 1 x heavy duty chain, weights of various sizes.\nProcedure: A small amount of SCP-170 was applied to the last link of the chain, which was then bonded to the reinforced ceiling of containment area 17f. Weights of various sizes were then hung on the chain to determine the structural failing point of the bond.\nResults: After approximately 9 metric tons were suspended, the chain finally snapped, but not at the bond point. It snapped at the 9th link from the bottom. All links apart from the one embedded in the ceiling were tested and showed signs of distortion and stretching. However, the bond point in the ceiling showed no sign of weakness or separation of chain and ceiling.\nTest 07:\nTest materials: 2 x identical cubes of 24 carat gold (as close to 100% pure as possible)\nProcedure: Using robotic arms to ensure perfect alignment, cube 1 (the cube with SCP-170 applied) was pushed completely through cube 2, leaving what appeared to be 1 gold cube equal in size to either of the original cubes.\nResults: Upon examination of the sole remaining cube, it was found to have a density of 38.6 grams per cm3, which is precisely twice the density of gold. Even melting the sample did nothing to change this, as the resulting liquid gold also had the same density. This implies that the substances don't displace each other - every atom is accounted for. Analysis of the atoms has proven that they are regular gold atoms, implying that they don't undergo nuclear fusion to accomplish the increase in density. The atoms are simply packed into a smaller space than the laws of physics would seem to allow.\nIn light of this experiment, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has requested permission to use SCP-170 to 'glue' two pieces of uranium together to make a more fissile sample. Due to the obvious safety concerns this poses, this request was denied.\n\nX-ray of subject's finger bonded to the desk (post amputation). The fracture was caused by the subject struggling to free himself.\n\nTest 12:\nTest materials: 1 x D-class personnel, 1 x wooden desk.\nProcedure: First test using live biological subjects. D-class personnel had a small amount of SCP-170 applied to his right index finger, and was instructed to \"poke the desk\".\nResults: Subject's finger sank into the desk up to the first knuckle. Despite obvious panic, the subject reported no pain, discomfort or sensation below the bond point. However, his finger quickly began swelling and turned purple, as his circulatory system continued pumping blood to an area that could no longer return it. Finger was amputated between the first and second knuckle.\nTest 19:\nTest materials: 1 x Pratt & Whitney F100 jet engine, the reinforced ceiling of containment area 19b.\nProcedure: SCP-170 was applied to the jet engine mountings, which were quickly pushed 3.2 cm (approximately 1.25 inches) into the ceiling of the chamber. After connecting an appropriate fuel supply and control system, the jet engine was fired.\nResults: The engine was run continuously at high speed for 40 minutes, while cameras monitored the join point for any signs of stress. While small cracks appeared in the concrete around the join point, there were no indications of any possible structural failures or separation of the two materials, even under a force of 120,000 newtons.\n\n\u00ab SCP-169 | SCP-170 | SCP-171 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-171\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A 4500-liter pool of sea water located at Bio-Research Area-12 is the current research location of SCP-171. Though not immediately dangerous, minimal physical contact between secretions of SCP-171 and its hosts are to be observed. All communications between hosts and researchers are to be recorded and transcribed. Human hosts are to be fed a vegan diet of their choosing. Other animal hosts are to be fed appropriately. Fresh sea water is to be cycled into its tank regularly.\nDescription: Originally, SCP-171 was thought to be a colony of microscopic organisms similar to SCP-968 or SCP-165, but further investigations revealed SCP-171 to be a single entity spanning 300 square meters when first encountered. SCP-171 is a web-like matrix of small, fine tendrils of neurons, mucous glands, and muscle fibers suspended in a frothy foam of its own creation. It is not capable of self-locomotion and does not actively attack or feed on other living organisms; rather, it attempts to form a symbiotic relationship with all organisms it comes into contact with.\nFlagella of the muscle surrounding the neural fibers work mucus, sea salt, water, and other secretions into bubbles, forming a large foam support. Any creature that spends a significant amount of time in contact with the matrix of SCP-171 risks becoming integrated into a collective consciousness sustained by it. People who become covered in SCP-171 foam describe a \"tingly\" or \"tickly\" sensation experienced, which researchers have observed as threads of SCP-171 tunneling through the skin to directly integrate into the subject's nervous system. In time, the simple motor neurons of subjects are expanded into an elaborate, two-way positive communication nexus, allowing the brains of hosts to communicate with each other and the entity of SCP-171. Over time, the individuality of subjects are incorporated into and shared with others of the SCP-171 matrix, resulting in a collective consciousness in which individual personalities are non-existent.\nThere are currently 19 human subjects host to SCP-171 (11 civilian, 8 class D personnel). Subjects are capable of traversing the foam without losing conscious contact with the collective as neuroreceptors on the subject's skin form to allow chemical communication between the subject and SCP-171 much in the same way terminal axons communicate with dendrites in the brain. These receptors on the skin look like small white to clear moles, slightly raised and very sensitive to touch. Some subjects disappear into the foam of SCP-171 and are not seen again for several months. It is unknown how they survive without fresh water or sustenance.\nOther hosts include: 2 Australian porpoises (originally 4), 4 beach gulls (3 have been euthanized), 41 fish of various species (euthanized for study), 27 beach crabs (euthanized for study), and 1 canine. Within two hours, most subjects begin forming neuroreceptors on the skin and receiving neural contact with SCP-171. After three hours, a psychological bond has been established between subjects and the collective. After 6 hours, a complete integration and dependency on the collective has evolved. At this point, removing the subject from contact with SCP-171 results in manic and violent behavior along with eventual complete psychological breakdown of the individual, leading to a vegetative state of mind (4 individuals have been lost in this manner).\nWhen interviewed, all subject hosts speak with the same core collective consciousness as if they were parts of a single entity. The collective is aware of itself and its composure of diverse individuals, and even laments the loss of each individual persona. SCP-171 tells researchers that it understands what it is, but not where it came from, explaining that its own intelligence and the intelligence of the hosts it incorporated were too simple to understand or remember its origin. Researchers noted the change in SCP-171's personality after integrating Class D personnel and chose not to allow inclusion of violent, ill-willed, or malevolent personnel from that point on. SCP-171 has expressed that through meditation and understanding, it chooses to avoid the consumption of other animals when possible.\nAddendum 171-1 SCP-171 was first encountered by beachgoers and surfers on August 12, 2007, along the Australian coastline near Yamba, New South Wales. When civilians playing in the foam began experiencing abnormal skin conditions, CDC officials contacted SCP personnel when they were unable to explain the anomaly.\nAddendum 171-2 Personnel who wish to be voluntarily integrated with SCP-171 must first be subject to a complete psychological evaluation to ensure sound mental health, with special emphasis on possible disconnection from humanity and potential suicidal tendencies. They are to be repeatedly warned that such integration is permanent, and that no evidence exists to show that SCP-171 in any way exhibits a state of 'higher consciousness', or indeed a consciousness significantly different from our own. If subject persists in wishing to be integrated, and has been shown to be making the decision in a state of sound mind, then they are to be permitted to do so.\n\n\u00ab SCP-170 | SCP-171 | SCP-172 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-172\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any personnel wishing to access SCP-172 must receive written approval, and undergo a one-hour training session. All interaction with SCP-172 must be overseen by at least one class 4 operative, who may end the session at their discretion. Any and all records, drawings, or correspondence produced by SCP-172 are to be submitted immediately to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for review. Reasonable requests made by SCP-172 are to be granted after approval by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-172 is allowed out of its containment area with approval, as long as it is accompanied by an armed class 4 operative.\nArmed personnel are to be stationed at the door of SCP-172. Should SCP-172 attempt to escape, it is to first be asked to cease and desist, and then led back to its containment area. Containment area is to be kept stocked with paper, pencils, and any additional components requested by SCP-172. Tables, chairs, and any additional furnishings requested by SCP-172 are to be provided pending approval by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Upon entering its dormant state, SCP-172 should be placed in its transportation box until re-wound.\nDescription: SCP-172 appears to be a human being, 34 years of age, 185 cm (6 ft 1 in) tall, black hair and mustache, 175.5 kg (386 lb), and of Russian descent. SCP-172's personality is very friendly and intelligent, if somewhat dull and repetitive. SCP-172 prefers dress from the 1860s, and always wears a large, ornate key on a long necklace. SCP-172 has never identified itself by any name, and is not upset by being referred to by its designation number.\nInternally, SCP-172 is a staggeringly complex automaton, possessing over two million moving parts, and eighteen million components at last count. Component parts appear to be made of glass, silk, wood, steel, brass, rubber, and several other substances. Similarity between this construction and that of SCP-2776 suggest a similar creator or creators. SCP-172 also has several \"modules\" that can be installed via a hatch in its chest. These appear to alter behavior, speech, movement, and several parameters based on position in the body cavity and module components. SCP-172 has 46 modules at current count, having built three of these while in Foundation custody. Currently, SCP-172 is loaded with the \"engineer\" module. Modules have been identified by SCP-172 as \"caretaker\", \"soldier\", \"medic\", \"mother\", and \"king\", though this is by no means a comprehensive list (refer to Document #172-2). Under no circumstance are modules to be replaced without O5 level authorization.\nSCP-172 is powered via a mainspring, which is wound with the key in SCP-172's possession, after inserting it into a hole at the base of the neck. SCP-172 can operate for eight hours on a single full \"wind-up.\" SCP-172 appears wholly human when in operation, and is capable of all basic human functions. SCP-172 has no need to eat, breathe, or sleep, but will perform all these functions if allowed to do so. SCP-172 is extremely obedient, and will follow any instructions given to it to the best of its ability.\nSCP-172 does not view its existence as strange, and asserts that it is human even when shown its internal components. SCP-172 is also extremely delicate, and great care must be taken to preserve and maintain its function. SCP-172 has also shown a level of mechanical skill nothing short of miraculous. SCP-172 is capable of analyzing and copying any mechanical device it comes in contact with. This was first shown when it became apparent that locks of any kind cannot contain SCP-172. It has also made several copies or \"upgraded\" versions of SCP technology, all based on incredibly complex clockwork. Most notably, [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nDocument #172-4R: Notes on recovery of SCP-172\nSCP-172 was recovered after the Great War, in a chamber below a former vacation home of the Czars. Exposed due to stray bombing, the chamber and its contents were badly damaged, but SCP-172 was found intact in an iron crate, along with many \"modules\" and its key. Item was removed by operatives, and \"wound-up\" inside testing facilities. SCP-172 appeared to wake up from a deep sleep, and proceeded to greet everyone present in Russian. When Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 shouted in surprise, SCP-172 pushed against its chest, and repeated its greetings in English. SCP-172, when questioned, stated that its last memory was playing with a young boy. The boy left, and SCP-172 began to feel \"very tired,\" so it returned to the box. It has no memory of its creation, creator, or name.\n\n\u00ab SCP-171 | SCP-172 | SCP-173 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-173\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Item SCP-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them. At all times, two persons must maintain direct eye contact with SCP-173 until all personnel have vacated and relocked the container.\nDescription: Moved to Site-19 1993. Origin is as of yet unknown. It is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint. SCP-173 is animate and extremely hostile. The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight. Line of sight must not be broken at any time with SCP-173. Personnel assigned to enter container are instructed to alert one another before blinking. Object is reported to attack by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulation. In the event of an attack, personnel are to observe Class 4 hazardous object containment procedures.\nPersonnel report sounds of scraping stone originating from within the container when no one is present inside. This is considered normal, and any change in this behaviour should be reported to the acting HMCL supervisor on duty.\nThe reddish brown substance on the floor is a combination of feces and blood. Origin of these materials is unknown. The enclosure must be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis.\n\n\u00ab SCP-172 | SCP-173 | SCP-174 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-174\nObject Class: Safe Euclid, see Incident 174-A\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-174 is to be contained within Storage Unit-07 at Site-19. Removal of SCP-174 from containment requires the approval of two (2) Level-4 personnel familiar with the entity. It is preferable to use personnel with high Psychic Resistance Scale scores when interacting with SCP-174. All personnel in contact with SCP-174 are to undergo psychological evaluation; those who display obsessive or protective tendencies toward the item are to be treated with Class-B amnestics and monitored for 72 hours.\nAddendum to containment procedures, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: Following Incident 174-A, SCP-174 and the main chamber of Storage Unit-07 are to be monitored at all times via video surveillance. Abnormal activity must be reported to Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 immediately. Furthermore, a GPS tracking device is to be installed on SCP-174 in order to expedite recovery should the item translocate outside of Foundation custody.\nDescription: SCP-174 is a wooden ventriloquial figure measuring 53 cm from head to toe, with somewhat ragged clothing and slight damage to several sections. Judging by the item's style and state of repair, it dates from the early 20th Century. The eyes and mouth of SCP-174 can be manipulated by means of a mechanism inside the figure.\nWhen viewed in peripheral vision, subjects report on occasion that SCP-174 is looking directly at them with an expression of longing or sadness. When subjects look directly at SCP-174, this anomalous expression is not visible. Viewing SCP-174 indirectly, such as in a mirror or a live video feed, appears to increase the likelihood of this effect manifesting itself. Personnel in the vicinity of SCP-174 report a general feeling of sadness or sympathy directed toward the figure, but cannot explain any reason for these feelings. Prolonged exposure can lead to personnel personifying the figure to greater extents; those with particularly low Psychic Resistance Scale scores will in some cases begin to act as if SCP-174 were a living being (e.g. cradling it as if it were a baby). When informed of their abnormal behaviour, all personnel revert to standard behaviour patterns for at least several minutes.\nSubjects who place SCP-174 on their hand report an urge to 'converse' with it. When questioned, they frequently report that the figure is 'lonely' and needs companionship. The subject will also begin speaking for SCP-174 and manipulating its expression. When speaking for the figure, the subject's voice will take on a higher-pitched, childlike tone. Recordings taken with high-sensitivity microphones have determined that at no point does the figure itself actually speak, or make any discernible noise. Regardless of the subject's experience, the act will be almost perfect. The 'conversation' will quickly move toward a discussion of the figure's emotional state, particularly in relation to its past, in most cases leading to the retelling by the figure of a story of how it was abandoned or mistreated. No one story has ever been repeated, and therefore which, if any, is true is unknown. Researchers have theorised that SCP-174 may have low-level telepathic abilities, as each story seems to be based around a theme that will have particular resonance with the current subject.\nPast this point, subjects will show great affection for SCP-174, and will attempt to 'protect' it from people who come too close or try to interact with it, in some cases with deadly force. Subjects often refer to SCP-174 as their 'baby', or use similarly strong terms of endearment when referring to it. This effect persists for several hours after SCP-174 and the subject have been separated, and in at least one case the effect had not dissipated 2 weeks after final interaction. Whether the effect would ever have lessened is unknown, as the subject in question was terminated owing to lack of compelling reason for further study. Subjects who are completely isolated from SCP-174 will become paranoid as to the figure's safety, and often undergo a mental collapse similar to that observed in mothers separated from young children. Class-B or stronger amnestics have been shown to be effective in curing both the obsessive effect and the majority of any resultant mental trauma; however, almost all who undergo such treatment complain of feelings of loss and can become depressive.\nAddendum 174-1: Experiment Log (transcription of video footage)\nSubject: D-14285; Female, 21, no history of violent crime.\nSupervising researcher: Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: Containment cell-A4 (researcher and staff observing from behind two-way mirror), Site-19\nD-14285 is ordered to place SCP-174 on their hand. Subject does so after initial hesitation. After several seconds, subject begins a mundane conversation with SCP-174. After ~2 minutes, the subject asks SCP-174 'What happened to you?', at which point the figure begins to recount a story of how it was left behind and damaged in a house fire and subsequently discarded by its original owner. Subject begins to console the figure, and reassure it with standard positive statements. Figure remarks that it is lonely and wants to find friends. Subject begins to punch and pound the door with their free hand. When guards enter the cell sidearms raised, the subject recoils to the corner of the cell, cradling the figure and whispering to it (exact words not picked up by microphone). Guards succeed in removing SCP-174 from the subject, and leave the cell. At this point the subject screams 'they have him, my wonderful baby', and begins punching and kicking the door in a futile escape attempt.\nNote: At this point Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ordered the experiment concluded. D-14285 was terminated after attempts to calm her failed (this experiment was one of the first conducted with SCP-174, before the efficacy of amnestics had become apparent).\nAddendum 174-2: Incident 174-A\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered Storage Unit-07 to find SCP-174 sitting on the floor next to its containment unit, looking directly at the main entrance door. The door to SCP-174's unit had been sealed shut, with no access having been logged in the previous week. After being replaced in containment, video surveillance was installed within Storage Unit-07 as a precaution against future translocations, and a GPS tracking unit was attached to SCP-174.\n\n\u00ab SCP-173 | SCP-174 | SCP-175 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-175\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-175 is to be kept in a metal safe when not undergoing testing. The safe is to be secured in a storage room at Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588, with other low-maintenance SCPs. The room will be guarded by two security guards at all times in accordance with security protocol [DATA EXPUNGED].\nDescription: When not \u201cactive,\u201d SCP-175 resembles a yellowed piece of parchment, slightly larger than a standard piece of paper. The edges are torn, and it appears weathered and brittle. However, SCP-175 is actually quite supple and is indestructible despite its worn appearance, having resisted all attempts to remove pieces for testing.\nThe more interesting properties of SCP-175 are revealed when moved in relative proximity to a buried object. The proximity range seems to vary under unknown parameters: SCP-175 has become \u201cactive\u201d in distances from as short as 30 meters to as far as several kilometers. However, on average the distance ranges between 100 and 200 meters.\nWhen SCP-175 becomes \u201cactive,\u201d its appearance changes to become either a map, a set of directions to the buried object, or some hybrid thereof. Though the approximate size and shape of SCP-175 remain constant, its appearance may change to resemble various other paper and parchment varieties, and the writing or drawing implement and style vary as well, seemingly based on the mindset of the individual or individuals who buried the object. For a partial list of buried objects and their buriers, see Document 175-08.\nIf the buried object is dug up, or the map is removed from the proximity of the object, SCP-175 reverts back to its normal state.\nDocument #175-08: Partial list of buriers, buried objects, and appearances of SCP-175. All experiments took place at [DATA EXPUNGED] unless otherwise stated.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 buried a wooden box. SCP-175 became a piece of graph paper, with a pencil-drawn map of the surrounding area, complete with a legend in the bottom-left. The location of the treasure was clearly marked. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 remarked that the handwriting on SCP-175 looked identical to his own.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a 5-year-old female child of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, was instructed to bury a wooden box with a couple of her toys in it. SCP-175 became a crayon-drawn map of the surrounding area on a white piece of paper, clearly modeled on the style of a normal child of that age.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a 10-year-old male child of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, was instructed to bury a box containing some of his comic books. SCP-175 became a list of instructions on lined yellow paper, based on several landmarks in the area (trees, rocks, etc). The instructions included where to start, and how many paces to take to the next landmark, the direction to turn, and eventually, where to dig. The instructions were complete with misspellings appropriate for the knowledge of a child of that age.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a well-respected professional landscape artist, was instructed to bury an empty wooden box. SCP-175 became a canvas with an accurately painted overhead view of the surrounding area, with an \u201cx\u201d to mark the spot where the box was buried.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a professional puzzle-maker and crossword-puzzle maker, was instructed to bury a wooden box. SCP-175 became a piece of graph paper with several inked crossword and various other word puzzles, along with a meta-puzzle. Solving the smaller puzzles was necessary to find the letters to solve the meta-puzzle, which was a list of instructions for where to find the buried object.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who remembered a box with various objects that he had buried in his backyard at the age of 8, traveled with a research team to [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-175 became a pencil-drawn map of the surrounding area, along with labels that did not match his current handwriting, but did match his handwriting from papers his parents had kept that he had done at that age. Most remarkably, the map included several trees that had been cut down in the years since the box was buried.\nA D-class personnel who had been a professional architect before his conviction as a serial killer was instructed to bury a wooden box. [DATA EXPUNGED]. For full details, those with sufficient clearance should see Addendum 175-13.\nDuring transport of SCP-175, along with numerous other safe SCPs to [DATA EXPUNGED], one of the guards in the truck reported a high-pitched whine coming from the crate containing SCP-175. As per protocol, the truck was stopped and evacuated, and the nearest task force, Mobile Task Force Omega-7 (Pandora's Box) was sent to investigate after being briefed on the contents of the crate. According to the debrief, they found a sheet of metal which was emitting the whine, and the sound increased in pitch and volume as they neared a specific location. Digging in this area uncovered SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, at which point the metal sheet reverted to the \u201cinactive\u201d state of SCP-175.\nAddendum 175-13: On \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a D-class personnel who had been a professional architect prior to his conviction as a serial killer was instructed to bury a wooden box; the intended purpose of this experiment was to see what SCP-175 would look like when buried by an architect. When Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 looked at SCP-175, once the box was buried, he immediately screamed, dropped to his knees, clutching his head with both hands, dropping SCP-175 to the ground, luckily, face-down. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was standing by the side of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during this experiment, reported a flickering mass of color and a sense of extreme nausea at a glimpse of SCP-175 before it drifted to the ground. He quickly dug up the box, in order to reset SCP-175. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 went into a coma after this incident, and intense psychological screening of the D-class subject revealed a well-hidden schizophrenia and sociopathy. Since this experiment, strict protocol has been put in place to protect the mental health of researchers.\n\n\u00ab SCP-174 | SCP-175 | SCP-176 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-176\n\nItem #: SCP-176\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-176 is contained on-site under the cover of industrial chemical contamination. Any civilians attempting to enter SCP-176 must be detained.\nMultiple high-speed cameras are set up within the observation room and linked to continuously running analysis computers. If any deviation is observed in the recorded sequence, all recorded data must be immediately backed up and senior staff notified.\nDescription: SCP-176 is an abandoned chemical factory situated near [DATA EXPUNGED]. The building consists of a factory floor and an observation room on the second floor, separated from the main room by one-way mirrors. There are three entrances to the building:\n\nA three-bay loading dock, whose doors have been welded shut.\nA ground-floor employee entrance.\nA second-floor observation room entrance, accessible via a metal staircase on the north end of the building.\n\nWhen the main building is entered via the loading dock or employee entrance, no anomalies are observed, merely an empty room in severe disuse and disrepair with a small amount of metallic debris consistent with a stripped down, abandoned factory. The inside staircase leading up to the observation room is missing and inaccessible, and so far every attempt to enter the observation room via the inside of the factory through the access door or windows has failed.\nWhen the observation room is entered via the second-floor outside door, a factory observation room consistent in disuse and disrepair to the rest of the building is found. However, when the factory floor is viewed through the observation room windows, the anomalous property of SCP-176 is visible.\nThe view from the observation room window shows a static, repeating scene that lasts approximately 11.3 seconds before repeating. Visible through the window is a room of the same dimensions and layout as the factory floor, but painted white and sterilized. Set up in the middle of the room is a huge electronic device of indeterminate function covering at least 50 square meters and extending approximately 2 meters in height at its highest point. Five individuals in white clean suits appear to be working on the device.\nApproximately 5.9 seconds into the scene, the employee entrance door bursts open and four individuals wearing black tactical armor with no identifying marks or emblems enter the room and open fire on the research personnel. At 11.3 seconds, the device in the center of the room emits an intense flash of light and radiation, and the scene resets. Analysis of thousands of instances of the scene has shown no variation in the sequence.\nSo far, all attempts at interacting with the scene have failed; any attempts to breach the window or door from within the observation room are met with resistance inconsistent with the suggested strength of the materials comprising their frames. To date, all attempts that have resulted in successful penetration of the door or window have resulted in the damage being instantly reverted along with the sequence during the burst of light. Any tools or limbs extended outside of the observation room are cleanly severed, and have never been found.\nResearch is ongoing into the nature of the device at the center of SCP-176, as well as the identities of the individuals involved.\nAddendum 176-1: Further Analysis of Individuals in SCP-176\nAnalysis has yielded the following information regarding the individuals visible in the scene:\n\nUnidentified researcher #1: male Caucasian, approximately 40 years of age, with brown hair and green eyes. Stands in the southeast corner of the room, reading from a standing monitor. Hit three times in the chest by automatic fire at approximately 8.1 seconds and appears to be killed instantly.\nUnidentified researcher #2: male Asian, approximately 35 years of age, with black hair and brown eyes. Stands to the left of researcher #1, carries a clipboard with indecipherable writing on a note pad. Hit once in right shoulder at 8.0 seconds before dropping to the floor, out of sight behind the device.\nUnidentified researcher #3: female Caucasian, approximately 40 years of age, with brown hair and amber eyes. Sits at a desk in the southwest corner of the room, working at a computer station. Is out of the line of sight when the gunfire begins, and takes cover under the desk. Appears to be reaching for a weapon of some sort shortly before the end of the sequence.\nUnidentified researcher #4: male Caucasian, approximately 45 years of age, with brown hair and indeterminate eyes. Stands in front of the device to the northeast, with his back to the observation room. Shot twice in the head at 7.2 seconds, killed instantly.\nUnidentified researcher #5: male, indeterminate. Stands in the northwest corner, mostly obscured. Presumably shot at approximately 7.8 seconds and drops down, out of sight.\nUnidentified assailant #1: male, indeterminate, wielding a suppressed M4A1. Enters first, shoots researcher #4 and researcher #5, then moves towards the device.\nUnidentified assailant #2: male, indeterminate, wielding a suppressed MP5N. Enters second, turns left and shoots researcher #1 and researcher #2, then sweeps towards the southeast.\nUnidentified assailant #3: male, indeterminate, wielding a suppressed MP5N. Enters third, turns right and moves under the observation room.\nUnidentified assailant #4: male, indeterminate, wielding a suppressed TMP. Stays at the door, covering the others.\n\n\u00ab SCP-175 | SCP-176 | SCP-177 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-177\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the safe level of the object, SCP-177 is to be contained in Dr. Calib's room, to be moved only at his discretion, or at that of a Level 4 Administrator. SCP-177 is to be kept in a Level-4 storage locker. During use of SCP-177, standard rules of chess must be adhered to; any test subject attempting to cheat or deviate from these rules is to be escorted from the room.\nDescription: SCP-177 is an eight by eight square standard chess board measuring 40 cm by 40 cm. On the board are 16 pawns, two Kings, two Queens, four Bishops, four Knights, and four rooks, totaling 16 black and 16 white pieces. All items are carved out of elephant ivory. The white pieces are moveable, and can even be removed from the board with minimal force; the black pieces, however, cannot be removed from the board, or moved by any outside force; forces in excess of 3 kilo-newtons have been applied to the black pieces, only resulting in damaged equipment.\nWhen a legal opening move is made using the white pieces, SCP-177 enters an active state. When active, SCP-177 can be used to play a game of chess using standard rules (white moves first, pawns can move two squares on first move, etc.). The black pieces move autonomously, and after a move is made using the white pieces, that piece becomes immovable until black makes a move. When a piece is captured, it is moved off to the side of the board and removed from play automatically. In the case of the white side winning, the black pieces all return to their original positions, and no further effects are noted until a new game starts. If black should win, the black pieces do a celebratory \"dance\" and the white pieces fall down, before righting themselves to their original position. Should a stalemate occur, all pieces fall down and return to original positions.\nAddendum: History of SCP-177: SCP-177 was brought into Foundation custody 03/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588, following a routine sweep of antique stores in the area of London, England. The shop in question was found to be mundane, with the exception of SCP-177, which was acquired by Dr. Calib. The shop has since been under surveillance for any further anomalous activity.\nPartial Test Log:\nTest #: 001\nWhite Player: D-177-01, female, Caucasian, age 25. Subject chosen for her aptitude in chess.\nResults of Game: Heavy casualties on black side, ending in checkmate for black after 60 moves.\nTest #: 014\nWhite Player: D-177-01, same subject as previous 13 games.\nResults of Game: Few casualities on black side, ending in a resignation from D-177-01 at 50 turns; almost all white pieces were captured. This is the first recorded instance of SCP-177 actually winning a game.\nTest #: 025\nWhite Player: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 male, Chinese, age 34. Local chess champion in the town of [REDACTED], Jiangsu Province, PRC. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was informed that SCP-177 was operated remotely by an advanced chess computer developed by Sherman Computer Products.\nResults of Game: SCP-177 successfully promoted one of its pawns to a queen, and used this piece to place Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 into check several times before an eventual checkmate at 75 turns. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 administered amnestics and released.\nTest #: 051\nWhite Player: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 male, Japanese, age 50. Former Japanese National Chess champion.\nResults of Game: SCP-177 had considerably long pauses between turns (often in excess of 10 minutes), and moved pieces slowly. Eventually, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 resigned, declaring that the board was \"Broken\" and \"Taking too damn long\". In future tests, time control will be used to ensure there are no repeats of this test. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 administered amnestics and released.\nTest #: 167\nWhite Player: Dr. Calib, chess expert and head researcher on SCP-177. Dr. Calib requested to play a game with SCP-177.\nResults of Game: Checkmate for SCP-177 at 154 turns. Dr. Calib proclaimed that it was the \"best damn game of chess [he] had ever played\", and expressed interest in a rematch.\nTest #: 200\nWhite Player: \"Deep Blue\" chess computer\nResults of Game: SCP-177 narrowly lost to Deep Blue in 50 moves. Since this time, SCP-177's chess strategy has been noted to be greatly improving.\nTest #: 406\nWhite Player: Dr. Calib\nResults of Game: Checkmate for Dr. Calib in 11 turns, a new record for SCP-177. Dr. Calib stated that SCP-177 \"must have cheated\", citing the misuse of the en passant move. Footage shows that SCP-177 played legitimately.\nTest #: 529\nWhite Player: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588 World Chess Champion. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was informed that SCP-177 was being controlled by an advanced chess computer developed by Sherman Computer Products.\nResults of Game: Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 lost to SCP-177 in 90 moves, stating that \"whoever programmed this computer was a genius\". Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was administered Class-A amnestics following testing and released.\nTest #: 702\nWhite Player: \"Rybka\" Chess Computer, winner of 2007-2010 World Chess Computer Championships.\nResults of Game: SCP-177 won in 25 moves.\nTest #: 975\nWhite Player: \"Andersenn\", a chess computer developed by Dr. Calib with the express purpose of beating SCP-177. Computer was built to be able to deviate from rules of chess and \"cheat\" if necessary. White pieces manipulated by robotic arm.\nResults of Game: Game progressed normally until turn 63, when Andersenn attempted to move the white queen in an L-shape similar to a knight in order to achieve check. Following this, SCP-177 was \"thrown\" at Andersenn by an unseen force at over \u2588\u2588 km/h, resulting in the destruction of several vital circuits in the computer.\nNew protocol. No cheating. Do I even need to say what would happen to a human if they cheated against this thing?! -Dr. Calib\n\n\u00ab SCP-176 | SCP-177 | SCP-178 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-178\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-178 is to be stored in a Class 3 Anomalous Object Container guarded by no fewer than two (2) armed personnel with Level 3 clearance when not undergoing testing. Item is to be removed from containment only with the written permission of personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher. Following Incident #178-14-Alpha all tests are to be monitored remotely and the presence of all personnel apart from test subjects in the testing area during experimentation is expressly prohibited.\nDescription: SCP-178 is a pair of white stereoscopic (\u201c3-D\u201d) glasses with a rectangular white cardboard frame and lenses of transparent blue and red (left and right lenses, respectively) plastic. The item exhibits no unusual physical properties apart from a slight discoloration of the cardboard consistent with age. When worn, the wearer begins perceiving large bipedal entities in addition to its ordinary surroundings. Entities reportedly exhibit a docile and occasionally curious behavior (reports include entities leaning over the shoulder of persons working and observing them with interest), with one exception. Any attempt by the wearer or any other personnel (see Incident Report #178-14-Alpha) to directly interact with the entities results in severe lacerations suddenly appearing on persons involved. The appearance of lacerations is rapid and continues until the moment the wearer expires. The pattern of lacerations is always consistent with being slashed with three (3) parallel, tapered sharp objects of lengths varying between 14.2 and 27.4 cm and maximum thickness varying between 2.9 and 8.1 cm. Recording and measuring devices used during testing failed to detect any anomalies, including while lacerations were appearing on subject(s). Subjects do not report hearing any sounds emanating from the entities. Long-term observation of subjects exposed to the item reveals no lasting effects. Stereoscopic images viewed through the item appear three-dimensional.\nAddendum #1: Item was recovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Tennessee, by Agent [REDACTED], operating as deep cover agent in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, who arrived in the town following reports of a \u2588 year old child being found dead in her second-floor bedroom apparently as a result of an unusual mauling. Agent [REDACTED] noticed a bloodstained stereoscopic image of a Ferris wheel adjacent to where the child was discovered, and after some searching, found the item under the child's bed where it had apparently been thrown during the child's death throes. Agent [REDACTED] then proceeded to call a recovery team to his location. Following the recovery team's arrival, Agent [REDACTED] wore the item and looked at the image, reporting nothing unusual until he turned his head to his left, whereupon he noticed an entity approximately \u201can inch\u201d from his face leaning over his shoulder and looking at the stereoscopic image. In the debriefing Agent [REDACTED] reported also noticing several other entities in the room observing him and the recovery team. Agent [REDACTED] refrained from attempting to interact with the entities and the item was recovered without incident.\nAddendum #2: All experiments are to be logged in file #178-E.\nAddendum #3: Personnel with Level 4 Clearance are urged to read Incident Report #178-14-Alpha. Reading Incident Report #178-14-Alpha is mandatory for all personnel with Level 4 Clearance or higher overseeing or approving experiments with the item.\nWARNING: Failure to comply with Addendum #3 is grounds for disciplinary measures.\n\n\u00ab SCP-177 | SCP-178 | SCP-179 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-179\nObject Class: Safe Thaumiel\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-179 remains beyond the reach of currently known groups of interest, including the Foundation. All containment efforts are to be focused towards a Grade 3 Omission cover-up, coupled with the discouragement or sabotage of exploration and research missions that attempt to study cis-Mercurian space and orbits that go through it.\nDescription: SCP-179 is a humanoid entity located at a constant distance of approximately 40,000 km from the South polar region of the solar photosphere, locked to the rotation axis of Sol. However, it does not orbit it; the most recent recordings of SCP-179 indicate that it seems to maintain a continuous orbit around the center of the galaxy.\nThrough the combined effort of 43 years of continuous surveying, the external appearance of SCP-179 has been defined as a human female of undetermined ethnic group of between twenty and forty years of age. Its entire bodily surface is covered in or composed of a matte black material. Its hair appears to be composed of this material, measures over 34 km long and is constantly pushed away by solar wind. However, this part of SCP-179 seems to reflect variable amounts of sunlight \u2014 this reflection being the phenomenon that indicated its existence to Foundation astrophysicists during 1940. Several markings or tattoos are placed throughout its bodily midline. Judging from their brightness, these markings might be of metallic composition and of a golden hue.\nThese tattoos include several symbols that have been identified as those typically representing the Sun and the six innermost planets of the Solar System according to medieval alchemy, including, in this order:\n\nThe symbol of gold in the subject's forehead, right underneath the hair line.\nThe symbol of mercury under the nose, circling both lips.\nThe symbol of copper between the medial ends of its clavicles.\n[DATA EXPUNGED - AUTOCENSOR LEVEL SC 4 - NON-TRIVIAL COGNITOHAZARD DETECTED] with the anatomically correct shape of a human heart placed over the location where a heart would be in a female human of the same apparent age and bodily proportions.\nThe symbol of iron in the upper abdominal region.\nThe symbol of tin in the lower abdominal region.\nPart of a final symbol in the pelvic region. While the anatomy of this region makes its clear observation difficult, it has been hypothesized that the symbol of lead is also present and complete in the perineum region.\n\nSCP-179 keeps its ventral side oriented towards Earth most of the time, but it has been observed to look towards other areas on occasion. [REDACTED]\n[ALL FURTHER DATA REDACTED AS PER ADMINISTRATIVE WARNING ES-026]\n ADMINISTRATIVE WARNING ES-026 \n\nARCHIVE WARNING\n\nRESTRICTED 5/179\n\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-179 has been reclassified Thaumiel. All involved personnel with a clearance level below 4/179 will be either promoted or reassigned to fit this new classification, depending on their relevance for the continuated surveillance and cover-up operations as directed by the current Head Researcher for SCP-179. All reassigned personnel will be subject to POLYMATH-08 Memory Redaction Therapy or D-class amnestics (in a high dosage grade, with a maximum retrograde effect of ten years of experience), depending on the time spent working in SCP-179 prior to its reclassification.\nSCP-179's existence will be subject to an Orbital Misinformation Standardized Intelligence Obstruction and Neutralization campaign. As per Omission Protocol 4 (items 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7), most documentation related to SCP-179 has been classified Level 4 (Top Secret). Any further data related to SCP-179 has been classified Level 5 (Thaumiel), and will be made available only to authorized 5/179 personnel.\nBE ADVISED THAT: Unauthorized access to SCP-179 research materials will be considered a Type-3-B offense (Unauthorized Data Management While Lacking Appropriate Global Clearance), punishable by compulsory memory redaction therapy with immediate reassignment and/or demotion.\n\n++ WARNING! UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL WILL BE EXPOSED TO A MEMETIC DEFENSE AGENT\n\n-- GENERATING MEMETIC DEFENSE - GESTALT ABRADER ACTIVE\n\nSCP-179 is sensitive to all radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, intelligent and able to communicate through multiple anomalous means, including but not limited to radio and laser communications interference. Only one instance of SCP-179 communication with Foundation personnel has occurred thus far, where SCP-179 proved to be fluent in French. As this contact did not result in a clear statement of SCP-179's intentions towards the Foundation and its mission, all efforts must be made to prevent contact by any known Groups of Interest with SCP-179. Misinformation operations and other preemptive measures have been deployed.\nMost recorded movements performed by SCP-179 have been related to extraterrestrial threats, both anomalous or non-anomalous in nature, on a collision or orbital insertion course with the Earth. These threatening items have been identified as capable of causing CK-Class Reconfiguration events of diverse impact on human societies and earthly life in general if allowed to reach Earth. If impact with Earth or orbital insertion occurs without proper response and containment by Foundation operatives, these items of interest may be capable of causing XK-Class end-of-the-world scenarios.\nSCP-179 will usually address an item or items of interest by pointing at them with an arm and, when more than one item of interest is present, will be able to generate additional limbs anatomically identical to its arms, as needed. Survey data indicates that SCP-179 performs other motions specific to each item of interest addressed \u2014 such as raising different fingers or moving its arms in an array of as of yet undecipherable patterns at fixed intervals \u2014, but whether these motions contain any information or not has not been determined to date.\nThe limits of SCP-179's detection capacities have not been clearly ascertained. While SCP-179 has been able to detect potentially harmful objects beyond the trans-Neptunian region, those threats had been detected by other surveillance and exploration systems (usually under Foundation control) or, in at least three separate instances, were visible to the naked eye from Earth. However, they had not been immediately recognized as threats. It has been hypothesized that SCP-179 may only detect and react to active threats that remain detectable to other observing parties without the cis-Neptunian region, while being able to unerringly determine their harmful nature. All items of interest approaching Earth within cis-Neptunian space that had considerable destructive capacity have been detected by SCP-179 without failure, often when no observers known to the Foundation were aware of them.\nAs such, SCP-179 and all personnel, orbital equipment and facilities dedicated to its surveillance remain the most reliable early warning system the Foundation possesses to detect and, when possible, prevent, potentially dangerous incursions within surveyed space. SCP-179 is able to determine which interplanetary objects pose a threat to Earth, humankind or the earthly biosphere, which makes it a critical asset for the Composite Orbital Early Warning System (COEWS) project of the Foundation, which currently involves SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, XCPOA-003 to -0421, Site-34, Site-103, Site-98, Area-08, Site-\u2588\u2588, Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588, \u2588 and \u2588 and Command Site-\u2588\u2588, as well as several personnel embedded within different space agencies and international consortia related to space exploration. All data of interest related to or obtained through SCP-179 will be marked COEWS-179, which will be considered high priority information to all Foundation departments.\nAddendum SCP-179-01: Notable Movements of SCP-179.\n\n<13/12/1940> First recorded movement of SCP-179. The entity, that had remained with both arms crossed, raises an arm towards a previously undetected interplanetary object on a collision course with Earth. After its impact, in an event that damaged the city of [DATA EXPUNGED] extensively with large quantities of an anomalous mucous secretion and left more than one thousand and three hundred dead which, combined with the anomalous phenomena related to [REDACTED AS PER PREVIOUS EXPUNGEMENT] Remaining central item reclassified SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-179 returned to its original position.\n<22/09/1942> Sixth recorded movement of SCP-179. The entity raises an arm towards [REDACTED], on a collision course with Earth. Item of interest crashes nearby Auckland, New Zealand, on 04/10/1942. Item separates upon impact into several devices of mechanical nature. [DATA EXPUNGED] recently formed sub-entities with minimal civilian casualties. Once Foundation operatives contain the item proper, which is reclassified [REDACTED] and terminating most sub-entities, SCP-179 returns to its original position. Mobile Task Forces [REDACTED, ALL DATA ON INVOLVED ASSETS EXPUNGED FROM RECORDS] proceeds to track and destroy all remaining sub-entities.\n<\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588> Eighteenth recorded movement of SCP-179. The entity raises its right arm towards [DATA EXPUNGED]. Up to this date, the entity has kept one of its primary arms \u2014 shifting from one to the other as necessary \u2014 pointing in the same direction.\n<01/03/1949> 23rd recorded movement of SCP-179. The entity raises an arm towards an Amor-class asteroid, that has adopted a collision course with Earth. The Foundation uses a combination of several SCP objects to launch a remote-controlled interplanetary vehicle that acts as a gravitatory towline; this mission is announced a success on 03/05/1951; at this time, SCP-179 returns to its original position. Note: Surveying elements observed that the entity performed a motion that could have been a nod. Reclassification request to Euclid status filed and denied.\n<13/12/1998> 403rd recorded movement of SCP-179. The entity stops watching the Earth for two days and thirteen hours, when it looks towards the Jovian system. Once this interval is over, SCP-179 looks at Earth again.\n<09/09/2002> 487th recorded movement of SCP-179. SCP-179 points at an armed Type-11 Dimensional Weapon [FURTHER DATA ON XCP-11-DW EXPUNGED AS PER 05-11 EXECUTIVE COMMAND] launched from Area-08 to test SCP-179's detection capacities. Item remains in a primed configuration for \u2588\u2588 minutes, ready to be launched at a test location on Earth. It is not identified by SCP-179 until it is 3,670 kilometers above the Earth's surface, when SCP-179 reacts to it as a threat and points at it. Device subsequently reconfigured to a stand-by configuration and redirected towards its primary target, [DATA EXPUNGED] still in transit from the Kuiper Belt. SCP-179 returns to its previous position.\n<16/10/2003> Contact with SCP-179 is achieved via the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-2 probe. Subsequent movements registered in Addendum SCP-179-02. SCP-179 reclassified Thaumiel. See Addendum SCP-179-02.\n\nAddendum SCP-179-02: Events of 16/10/2003.\nSCP-179 was first approached by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-2 probe, a microsatellite equipped with multiple recording, analysis and communications devices incorporated into the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 probe in a clandestine operation. The \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 probe acted as a relay for the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-2 probe and Foundation Mission Control.\nContact and communication with the entity were not foreseen nor programmed. When visual contact with SCP-179 was established (obtaining an unprecedentedly clear, very high resolution image of its surface), the entity begins to move its lips, forming the phonemes of a greeting in spoken French. What follows is a complete translation of the exchange.\n\nSCP-179 / <17:34:23>: Hello.\nSCP-179 / <17:39:38>: I'm the lookout.\nSCP-179 / <17:42:38>: My name is Sauelsuesor. Do you like my brother? I like him too. He is big, so big.\nSCP-179 / <17:43:01>: And so very warm.\nSCP-179 / <17:43:11>: If you want to talk to me, please use your satellite to weave-talk to me. It'll be easier than coming here. Probably. (Entity remains immobile until <17:55:53>)\n(Researchers assigned to SCP-179 detect this movement. Level 3 Researcher Tomas Graham, who is fluent in French, is selected by Head Researcher [REDACTED] to conduct a possible exchange with SCP-179. The \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-2 probe is used as a radio relay from this point onward; SCP-179 is able to receive, understand and transmit radio communications. SCP-179's transmissions read as a monotone, featureless human voice that speaks in French. The subsequent exchange occurs with a 16 minutes and 39.6 seconds delay between each message, corresponding to the distance between SCP-179 and Earth and return, that will be omitted in the rest of this document.)\nRESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: Who are you?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: What do you mean, the \"lookout\"?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: We have noticed the significance of your movements. Who do you report to?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: When you say brother, are you referring to the Sun?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: Where do you come from?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: For how long have you been in your current location?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: How did you reach your current position? How did you acquire the properties you currently possess?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: Could you give us further details, please?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: We would like to know more about you. Why not tell us?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: The Foundation's work protects all of humanity, all life on Earth. Don't you find this work of the greatest importance?RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: If we have understood your capacities correctly, we believe you could do far more than that. Sharing all the information you have, not just about the dangerous threats against humankind and Earth, could be of great benefit to all parts involved.RESEARCHER GRAHAM, T: Excuse me, I don't understand what you mean by \"others.\" Could you, please, explain yourself with other words?\nClosing: Despite several communication attempts, SCP-179 did not perform any other movements nor transmit other messages. Up to this date, SCP-179 has not responded to any message coming from any Foundation contact team or any other efforts from known Groups of Interest.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Experimental Foundation Orbital Assets (XCPOA).\n\n\u00ab SCP-178 | SCP-179 | SCP-180 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-180\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All head wear (including hair clips and bows) is restricted in Reliquary Research and Containment Site-76 for all outside security. Anyone violating this rule is subject to complete physical search, auditing of travel within Site-76, and DNA identity testing.\nSCP-180 is not to leave its research laboratory. The current appearance of SCP-180 is to be reported to Security daily. Security is to be notified immediately should personnel encounter someone they don't recognize in their department, performing or dressed as if they belonged there (as their identity might have been stolen).\nDescription: SCP-180 appears as a hat or other form of head wear or hair accessory. Any individual who places SCP-180 on their head will have their identity 'stolen' by the hat. This effect causes the original host to be completely unrecognizable, even to people strongly familiar with the subject. Individuals observing a subject who has had their identity stolen will only be able to vaguely describe features of the individual such as hair and eye color, skin tone, and clothing, but will not be able to recognize the identity of the subject. Host subjects are unable to convince others of their identity. This effect lasts until SCP-180 has selected a new host.\nOnce SCP-180 has stolen the identity of a host subject, when SCP-180 is placed upon any other subject's head, the identity of the first subject (host) is imprinted on the second subject. This is possible not only for people, but for animals and inanimate objects. For example, subjects have mistaken dogs, statues, and coffee tables for the host of SCP-180 when the hat is placed on these objects.\nSCP-180's appearance changes upon changing host. However, the effect is only visual. The object has appeared as a top hat, a skull cap, a baseball cap, a bandanna, a hair clip, a hijab, and a motorcycle helmet, amongst other objects. Imaging using MRI and 3D ultrasound has shown that SCP-180 is in reality nothing more than a worn length of linen or cloth resembling a veil or shroud. Placing SCP-180 on the head properly actually covers the face. Research has been unable to explain how and why radiation (visual and infrared) is manipulated by SCP-180 to produce false images.\n\n\u00ab SCP-179 | SCP-180 | SCP-181 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-181\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-181 lives in the class D personnel dormitories on Bio-Research Area-12. SCP-181 is, for all intents and purposes, a Level 0 clearance personnel, knowing vaguely the nature of the SCP without any sensitive information having been revealed. Researchers and surveillance staff are reminded to not single SCP-181 out of his class D group. SCP-181 is to be rotated to a new dorm once a month instead of regulation class D termination. SCP-181 is not to be submitted to any new or Keter classified SCP testing sessions.\n\nMemo to all staff:\nIn light of recent discoveries re SCP-181's anomalous properties, 181 has been transferred to Site 27-\u2588 and placed in solitary confinement. All staff are ordered to take the fullest possible precautions when operating within the site. 181 is not to be allowed interaction with site personnel beyond the bare minimum to ensure survival and security. -Dr Knucklebone\n\nDescription: G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 O\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, formerly LvD-87465, had been incarcerated for repeated offenses of defrauding the Nevada Gaming Commission. Following the 18th month of his life sentence, he was quietly moved to Armed Reliquary Containment Area-02, where he was initiated and assigned a Level D clearance. His first exposure experiment was with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and the results were bloody but expected. When LvD-65468 was exposed to SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, he rampaged and killed those in the room, but SCP-181 was spared when an armed response team put down LvD-65468.\nSCP-181 was included into an experiment with SCP-075 the week following the incident with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. It was during this test that SCP-181's unnatural effect on probability was discovered. When placed in the containment chamber with an activated SCP-075 to measure its speed and reflex time, SCP-181 managed to avoid SCP-075 a total of 3 times before suppression teams refroze SCP-075.\nHaving survived not one but two Keter class exposure experiments, SCP-181 was a statistical anomaly. It would be his third week and full seven days of survival with SCP-082 that prompted Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 D\u2588\u2588 to investigate.\nIt was Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 D\u2588\u2588's hypothesis that SCP-181 was generating these statistical anomalies without his knowledge. After nearly flipping 50 heads on a coin, rolling 25 7s on a pair of dice, and pulling all 13 hearts out of a standard deck of playing cards, Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 D\u2588\u2588 got executive permission to experiment with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. After rolling 19 green circles and succeeding in recreating 4 classical masterpieces of varying art forms, SCP-181 rolled SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 again. As the object came to rest on the red triangle, the facility experienced a tremor caused by an incident with SCP-216, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 fell on a green circle. Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 D\u2588\u2588 then reclassified LvD-87465 as SCP-181, sparing him from the routine monthly termination of class D personnel.\nSCP-181 shows signs of affecting the causal probability around him by no will of his own. However, tests show that efforts to remove as much chance from an event as possible reduce SCP-181's effect on the event.\nAddendum 1-A-07X\u2588: As of \u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-181 has been transferred and security protocols tightened. It was discovered by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in a recent audit that overall death and injury rates for Bio-Research Area-12 had increased in the time of SCP-181's confinement by nearly \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 percent (\u2588\u2588\u2588%). It is theorised that SCP-181's anomalous properties affect probability by [DATA EXPUNGED] chaos theory states that the potential effects of such interference could lead [DATA EXPUNGED] worldwide scale. Further information is available only to personnel with clearance levels of 4 and above, due to the possibility of further [REDACTED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-180 | SCP-181 | SCP-182 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-182\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-182 is to be kept in a small environmentally-sealed structure on an otherwise-uninhabited island situated 10km off the coast of Greenland. A team of five (5) guards are to be assigned to guard the subject at all times. Guards are to be examined for psychological damage once per month; guards who show any signs of damage are to be recalled from their post and are required to undertake a full course of psychiatric therapy prior to returning to duty. No single individual is to spend more than six (6) months at a stretch on 182 guard duty, and are required to spend a minimum of three (3) months on a different assignment before returning. Personnel are entitled to refuse this assignment if they have already spent a total of eight (8) months or more on the island. SCP-182 has requested to be kept under heavy sedation for 20 hours per day. Following Incident 182-7, this privilege has been revoked.\nDescription: SCP-182 is a Caucasian male, of average build, roughly 45 years of age, and has suffered heavy abdominal and cranial scarring at an unspecified point in the past (by subject's own admission, shortly before he was admitted into the care of the Foundation in 19\u2588\u2588). SCP-182 is both deaf and mute, compensating for these disabilities with natural abilities.\nSCP-182 has displayed the ability to passively enter the minds of other animals, including humans, and to perceive sight and sound through their senses, in effect 'riding' as a passenger in their minds. This has no consistent effect on personnel, and some guards have rotated on and off on a regular basis for the past \u2588\u2588 years without detrimental effects. However, prolonged exposure to SCP-182's passive 'sensory borrowing' results in vivid visual and auditory hallucinations in 97% of humans and 100% of nonhuman test subjects.\nThe effects in question vary widely in severity, but continued exposure after the onset will inevitably result in mental collapse, with said mental breakdown being hastened by proximity to SCP-182. SCP-182 has displayed the ability to consciously force hallucinations upon his guards when under duress, and as such it is advisable that subjects known to agitate SCP-182 be avoided (including mention of SCP-076-2, SCP-682, and SCP-182's own past prior to acquisition by the Foundation). Termination of affected personnel is recommended if they cannot distinguish between the hallucinations and reality, as all subjects allowed to reach such a point have invariably broken down, with brain death or permanent catatonia being the only possible outcomes. SCP-182 cannot control this ability with any appreciable degree of skill, and automatically sees and hears the perceptions of any living animals within ten (10) meters. Subject can 'focus' on specific directions outside of that range, but cannot 'ride' the senses of beings further away from it than thirty (30) meters.\nSCP-182 additionally manifests the ability to project its thoughts into the mind of any individual whose senses it 'rides.' This mental 'speech' is the only known source of information about the subject, and has been described by guards as akin to being spoken to by a small human between their ears. SCP-182 exhibits no memetic or telepathic hazard stemming from this 'speech,' though subjects report that his 'voice' is always a component in their hallucinations.\nAddendum 182-1: SCP-182 claims that the incident that resulted in the loss of its speech and hearing also manifested its telepathic talents. It is not presently clear whether this was a deliberate goal of the 'torture' subject was subjected to or whether the apparently life-or-death situation caused previously suppressed powers to manifest. Questioning in this vein is to be discouraged, as SCP-182 has become agitated in the past and has successfully attempted to accelerate the rate of mental breakdown in his handlers, resulting in \u2588\u2588 casualties during the first questioning.\nAddendum 182-2: It has been suggested that SCP-182 be used as a \u201ctranslator\u201d with other SCPs who appear capable of thought, but not of communication. Given the side-effects of proximity to SCP-182, this request has been denied.\nIncident Report 182-7\n\nAudio report recovered from guard house, voice identified as Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, recorded \u2588\u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\n\"Yeah\u2026 So, we got the letter this morning from O5 saying the sedation was approved. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 went out to tell one-eighty-two, guy seemed pretty happy, clappin' his hands and everything. Like a little kid. Shot him up, he was out like a light. Slept a few hours, then Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 went in to check on him, make sure he was still breathing. Don't want a casualty, yeah? Anyway, I'm in the other house, we'd got up a good game of twenty-one, when I hear Doc screamin' his lungs out. Something about spiders, or\u2026wha?\"\n(Following this, the tape records seven gunshots; audio analysis indicates they were fired at a point above and to the left of the microphone.)\n\"God damn it\u2026 We thought Doc had finally cracked, he'd been seeing little things out of the corner of his eye for a few days, we figured one-eighty-two had got to him. We drew straws to see who'd have to go get his body, [Agent J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588] drew the short straw. Guy was fresh out here, just been assigned last week. Dammit, I should have gone instead. J\u2588\u2588\u2588's screams started a few minutes later. Everyone got up at this point, we started walkin' out there, snow everywhere, should've transferred out of here befo- agh!\"\n(Another eight gunshots are heard, followed by repeated clicking. Subsequent sounds determined to be the replacement of an empty magazine.)\n\"Ugh\u2026 These things\u2026 We got to the house where one-eighty-two was, he was lying on the bed, looked dead to the world. Thirty, maybe thirty-five feet away J\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Doc were sitting on the floor, drooling. Well, Doc was. J\u2588\u2588\u2588 was dead. Blood oozing out of his mouth, looked like he bit his own tongue off. All three of us knew what'd happened. I started to see\u2026 things. I ran, I don't know about the other guys. I'm holed up in the building, gonna wait for the boat to arrive. Hope I can hold off long enough\u2026\"\n(Audio recording continued for seventeen minutes, intermittent screams and gunshots can be heard, as well as a door opening twice.)\n\"I've seen what happens to those guys that go too far. I'm not ending up like that. I'm not going to see those things. Bye.\"\n(A gunshot is heard, tape records two hours of silence. The bodies of Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were found inside the door, shot by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found next to the recorder, a bullet lodged in his skull.)\nFinal Incident Report: Subsequent questioning of SCP-182 by replacement personnel revealed that subject 'suffered from horrible, unworldly nightmares' while sedated. Subject displayed elevated levels of stress during interview, and it is theorized that the nightmares experienced by SCP-182 caused enough emotional distress that subject unconsciously created a radius of heightened hallucinatory territory. Subject is henceforth to be denied all sleeping aids.\n\n\u00ab SCP-181 | SCP-182 | SCP-183 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-183\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-183's container must be soundproofed and lined with heavy steel plate. Size of the container is unimportant, as SCP-183 has no apparent preference and will use as much space as it is given. Personnel are strongly advised to avoid entering the container; this is pointless and exceedingly dangerous, and any desire to do so may be indicative of hitherto unobserved psychological capabilities of SCP-183's song (see below). Openings in the container are to be small and brief, preferably exclusive to feeding purposes.\nThe organism has shown no real desire to escape, but should this occur, it could quickly render the entire research environment impassable, and potentially quite dangerous. SCP-183's song has been described as pleasant, and as long as no subliminal effects are observed, researchers are permitted to keep the chamber's embedded microphones active if they wish.\nDescription: SCP-183 is an unknown biological entity that is, for all intents and purposes, invisible. Evidence of its existence comes mainly in the form of monofilament wires which the organism apparently synthesizes. These fibers are extremely thin and durable; they are capable of slicing through soft tissue, bone, and even body armor with very little force. Coupled with the difficulty of seeing them, this constitutes a serious hazard to all personnel within the container. Organic material left within the container disappears at a rate of approximately 4 kg per day, an indication that the organism is omnivorous.\nThe wires synthesized by SCP-183 are unique in human experience. Tests indicate that they may be a form of carbon nanotube. They appear frequently and almost instantly, strung taut between walls, ceiling and floor in no apparent pattern, forming a convoluted, razor-sharp tangle. This may be analogous to a spider's web, a trap to capture food. Small animals in the chamber are left alone until killed by their own movement. If they are non-fatally injured by the wires, SCP-183 will consume any severed body parts but will not attack the animal itself until it is dead. Individual fibers vanish after several hours; our working theory is that they eventually lose their adhesive properties and fall to the floor to be consumed and recycled by SCP-183.\nInterestingly, SCP-183 plucks its wires in a distinctly musical pattern, producing a surprisingly complex and euphonic melody which is reproducible on the common pentatonic scale. The limited number of notes suggests that the wires are produced at discrete lengths and tensions, possibly indicative of high intelligence. This may be designed to lure in prey; attempts at playing back the tune or others in the same key have produced no observable changes in activity, suggesting that it is not intended for communication.\nCurrent research on SCP-183 aims to reverse-engineer the organism's monofilament wires and to ascertain the mechanism of its invisibility.\n\n\u00ab SCP-182 | SCP-183 | SCP-184 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-184\n\nItem #: SCP-184\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-184 is not to be contained in any structure. SCP-184 is to be attached to a high-power electromagnet at all times. Should the electromagnet fail, agents are to report to SCP-184's containment area and prevent access to all unauthorized personnel until the electromagnet is restored to power. The containment area for SCP-184 is currently configured to resemble a park with SCP-184 and its containment magnet disguised as statuary. Any and all visitors are to be monitored.\nAny structures affected by SCP-184 are to be demolished after review by [DATA EXPUNGED]. Final demolition approval or inclusion into SCP will also be determined by this body. No investigation is to be done into affected structures without approval and a rescue team on standby.\nDescription: SCP-184 is a small, smooth metallic object, 10 cm (4 in) tall and 10 cm (4 in) wide, in the shape of a dodecahedron. Each face of the figure has a circular hole in the center, and a small sphere is attached to each vertex. SCP-184 is made of an unknown, but highly magnetic, alloy about as hard as brass.\nWhen inside an enclosed structure, SCP-184 expands the structure's inner dimensions without altering its outer dimensions. SCP-184 will increase the inner dimensions of any enclosed structure by several hundred meters each day, beginning one hour after entry into the structure. Initially, SCP-184 only extends the walls out, causing rooms to become much larger without adjusting the height of the room. This expansion continues until the original dimensions of the room have been tripled.\nAt this point, SCP-184 starts creating wholly new rooms. SCP-184 is apparently able to copy items from inside the structure, creating furnished rooms consistent with the rest of the structure. After a period of time, however, the expansion process appears to break down. For example, items will be made from inappropriate materials (glass books, a wooden microwave), rooms will be oddly-shaped, doors will open into blank walls, and hallways will be tiny or twist back around in long mazes. The new inside structures continue to be more and more odd, while the outside remains unchanged.\nThis behavior is most dramatically illustrated in homes; however, it has been observed in other instances, including a cardboard box. The changes do not go away with the removal of SCP-184, but no additional structures are created.\n\nAddendum 184 - 1: Notes from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nI don't think I need to stress the fact that this thing can NEVER be allowed into Site-19. We may need to look into different containment at some point, but for the time being, we will keep it in the open, immovable, and hidden.\nAddendum 184 - 2: Locations of Interest\nIt is currently hypothesized that SCP-184 or an anomaly with a similar effect may be responsible for the creation of Locations of Interest such as Backdoor SoHo, and Ch\u016bgoku Cellar. Investigation into SCP-184 as a potential origin for these spaces is ongoing.\nAddendum 184 \u2013 38RB: Notes on recovery\nSCP-184 was recovered in the Kowloon Walled City in June of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Reports of the city's bizarre and explosive growth attracted Operatives, who soon learned of SCP-184, held in the possession of [DATA EXPUNGED]. After several police crackdowns, Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 was dispatched and recovered SCP-184 with minimal losses. The final effect of exposure to SCP-184 on both the City and inhabitants may never fully be understood due to the reckless actions of local law enforcement, which destroyed several affected sections of the city before Operatives could take action to prevent it.\nInterviews with residents yielded minimal information, with a communal \u201cwall of silence\u201d being the major response. A few documents indicated that SCP-184 could be brought into a home and allowed to affect the dwelling for 50 pounds sterling per half hour. These documents were unconfirmed by residents.\nAddendum 184 \u2013 38RB-s: Additional Documentation.\nPersonal Log of Gordon Richards \u2014 Member of Mobile Task Force Zeta-9, the Mole Rats\n\n\u00ab SCP-183 | SCP-184 | SCP-185 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-185 before containment\n\nItem #: SCP-185\nObject Class: Safe (Euclid class considered after incident 185-1. See document 185-1 for details.)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-185 is to be kept in a soundproof room with noise-filtering microphones for monitoring purposes. Standard guard procedures are to be used for this object. Ear protection must be worn by all occupants in the chamber, excluding test subjects.\nDescription: SCP-185 appears to be a Russian R-105M radio used during the Cold War, except that it has a crudely-added keypad and LCD screen. The object can receive most radio transmissions, including encrypted signals. Attempts to determine how it can break even the strongest of encryptions have so far been fruitless. SCP-185 has a very long range, surpassing even modern radio equipment. It functions as a normal radio until input is added via the keypad. It seems that if a year is entered into the keypad, the radio will receive transmissions from the specified era (depending on if messages were being broadcast on the set frequency). This function was discovered when, upon entering the random number of 1939, Neville Chamberlain was heard declaring war on Germany. The possibility of experimenting with dates and times has been noted and is being researched. The possibility of entering future dates is being discussed; it has yet to be decided whether the benefits outweigh the risk of causing a time paradox. On the inside, the radio appears to be unaltered, and the keypad is contained in a box affixed to the side of the radio. Researchers cannot access the keypad due to the box being made from a metal that is yet to be identified. It cannot be cut and there are no determinable ways to disassemble it.\nAddendum:\nDocument #185-1: Incident 1\nDuring a test, the year was set to -13.73 billion, during the time the universe was suspected to have been created. Sound volumes emitted by the object could not be measured with standard equipment. Survivors further from the incident reported rumbling sounds similar to recorded radio emissions from the sun. All those within 200 meters of the epicenter died of asphyxiation. Sound waves had ruptured capillaries in the lungs; autopsy reports indicate that the victims essentially drowned in their own blood. The device failed to operate for some time after that incident, and it was found that the device's internal battery pack had failed. Replacing it restored functionality. It was noted that the LCD screen was still lit, suggesting that the device has no special power aside from the anomalous box. The sound waves have also rendered SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 inoperable, leading to the reclassification of said SCP as neutralized. The radio seems to have received no damage. Structural damages have been reported on-site and a section had to be shut down for repairs. Testing has been postponed until further notice.\nDr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAny personnel caught using the object to listen to music on duty will be disciplined.\nObject Request:\nMobile Task Force Delta-5 is requesting to use SCP-185 to aid their mission of tracking down objects before our rivals. Task Force believes Iranians have important information and wish to intercept their transmissions. Request accepted.\n\n\u00ab SCP-184 | SCP-185 | SCP-186 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-186\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The site of SCP-186, comprising an approximately 300 km2 area, is to be closed to the public under the auspices of a habitat restoration initiative for the European bison. An automated security perimeter is to be established, monitored by staff at Remote Site-355. Security personnel must patrol SCP-186 every two weeks; any anomalous phenomena observed within the security perimeter must be documented and reported to the Research Director.\nAll known primary sources documenting the events of SCP-186 have been secured by the Foundation. These materials are to be stored in the Site-23 Archives. Due to the age of the materials and the potential for deterioration, all access to these documents must be approved by the Site-23 Archivist and handled per their instructions.\nAll instances of SCP-186-1 are to be secured in the munitions wing of Site-23.\nDescription: SCP-186 is the site of an unrecorded military engagement occurring from 7/24/1917 to 8/13/1917 between elements of the Imperial German Army and forces of the Russian provisional government as part of the larger conflict of World War I, and the continuing effects resulting from its aftermath. This conflict came to be known to its participants as the Battle of Husiatyn Woods in surviving accounts.\nIn July of 1917, an armed engagement between a detachment of approximately 500 German soldiers and the remnants of a Russian division scattered during the German counterattack to the Kerensky Offensive took place at the location of SCP-186. The forces met in heavily forested terrain outside the town of Husiatyn in what is currently Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine. On both sides of the conflict, combatants deployed anomalous weaponry utilizing technology that has yet to be duplicated or understood at present. This battle eventually resulted in the deaths or permanent incapacitation of all forces involved, and approximately 300 civilians in its general vicinity.\nSCP-186-1 consists of recovered weaponry dating from the initial containment of SCP-186 in 1917, and includes the following:\n\nA highly modified weapon resembling the Skoda M1909 machine gun, capable of causing extremely rapid tumor-like growths to appear within the body of any organism larger than a common lab rat\nMortar shells specially designed to be fired from a Mortier de 58mm type 2, containing a gas that causes animal cells to become unable to cease life function\nConcertina wire coated with an unknown hallucinogenic compound that permanently affects human test subjects upon entering the bloodstream\nRemnants of an unknown incendiary device believed to have been detonated at the close of the conflict, accounting for what is estimated to be 34% of total casualties\nBritish Empire-issue No. 27 type grenades, containing a gas capable of passing through all tested gas-mask filtration systems, and causing humans to constantly experience the sensation of being on fire\n8x50mmR French rifle cartridges containing powdered human bone instead of gunpowder; purpose unknown\n\nHistorical records indicate that the German detachment involved in the Battle of Husiatyn Woods, at the behest of a Hungarian military advisor named M\u00e1ty\u00e1s Neme\u015f, specifically pursued the group of Russian forces in retreat, which at the time included French scientist Dr. Jean Durand. Based on documents of the era since suppressed by the Foundation, it is believed that these two individuals are responsible for the development and limited manufacture of SCP-186-1, and had attached themselves to opposing sides of the Eastern Front for the express purpose of deployment of these weapons in a combat setting.\n\n+ Research Log 186-7\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nResearch Log 186-7: Notable Anomalies Documented at SCP-186\n04/11/1923: A 3 km2 area in the southwestern portion of SCP-186 experiences a spontaneous die-off of trees. Decomposition occurs on an extremely accelerated time scale, and area is completely cleared of trees and other plant life within two weeks.\n01/13/1927: Despite temperatures consistently at -15\u00b0C, no snow is visible throughout central portion of site. Temperatures measured at site are consistent with surroundings.\n09/02/1932: The sounds of sporadic gunfire are recorded throughout the site, despite lack of observed presence of any civilians. Sounds persist for three days.\n05/30/1936: Agents Chekhov and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 fail to return from routine patrol of SCP-186. No subsequent traces of either person are ever recovered.\n05/15/1941: Acting in accordance with intelligence sources embedded in the Third Reich, Foundation personnel evacuate SCP-186 in advance of Operation Barbarossa. Subsequent to decommissioning observation posts, faint glow visible from 150 m documented by staff to move through site. Definitive visual contact unestablished prior to evacuation.\n10/29/1945: Containment of SCP-186 reestablished after discussions with Soviet Union officials. Upon initial patrol after reestablishment of containment, thirteen corpses dressed in uniforms and insignia of the German 4th Panzer Army and twenty-seven corpses in Soviet 22nd Army uniforms are discovered in advanced state of decay. No identifications of personnel are successful, as all identifying documents and insignia had been removed prior to Foundation containment.\n02/19/1959: Following the formation of a large sinkhole in the northeastern portion of SCP-186, four men are observed wandering the immediate area in a state of extreme disorientation, dressed in what are later identified to be severely decomposed and degraded World War I-era military uniforms of both German Empire and Russian issue. Subjects detained and routed to Site-23 for subsequent research.\n04/02/1959: After an extensive excavation of the site of the northeastern sinkhole, 23 persons are discovered buried at a depth of 15 m in a mass grave, alive despite decades of interment and various wounds and injuries. As with subjects discovered earlier, most are dressed in remnants of military uniforms of the World War I era and are presumed to be participants in the original SCP-186 event. Extensive research at Site-23 yields little information, as subjects are unable to provide any meaningful information or communication to Foundation staff due to extensive psychological trauma and profound mental disorders. Foundation staff attempt to euthanize subjects after 3 weeks of research, but fail in all attempts. Subjects subsequently tranquilized, anesthetized and incinerated.\n07/29/1962: Prior to upgrades to containment facilities, security perimeter of SCP-186 found to be almost 85 m longer than originally documented. Inquiry later rules out clerical error as source of discrepancy.\n12/13/1975: Localized weather phenomena documented as occurring entirely and exclusively within SCP-186. These include sustained winds up to 120 kph, 20 cm of rainfall and temperatures temporarily reaching 48\u00b0C.\n08/12/1987: Packs of wolves, numbering an estimated 200 total individuals, travel to SCP-186, mass at a point in the central region of the site, and immediately disperse.\n03/03/2009: A stand of three spruce trees is observed in the southwestern deforested area, the first documented plant life since 1923 event. Estimated age of trees is fifty years.\n\n+ Transcripts of Selected SCP-186 Documents\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nDocument 186-3: A flyer advertising a May 1911 lecture given by Dr. Durand to the Royal Institute of Chemistry\n\nTO END ALL WARS\nA presentation by visiting scholar DR. JEAN DURAND, formerly of the Acad\u00e9mie des sciences, on the promise of modern science to create weapons of such terrible deterrent power so as to render future wars obsolete!\nDr. Durand shall explain the convergence of chemistry, ballistics, alienism and other emerging scientific fields of endeavor that will enable Mankind to usher in a new age of PEACE and MODERNITY.\nTo be given on the 19th of May, Derbyshire Lecture Hall\n\nDocument 186-11: Opinion piece published in the January 2, 1912 edition of the Hungarian newspaper N\u00e9pszava, authored by M\u00e1ty\u00e1s Neme\u015f\n\nTo my fellow subjects of His Highness Emperor Franz Joseph,\nTruly, the greatest of human glories is the unification of a numerous and disparate people into a single, unstoppable purpose. That our marvelous Kingdom should embody this inescapable principle should go without saying from Vienna to Budapest.\nBut there are those, both within our territories and elsewhere on the Continent, that would see us splintered into a thousand shards and stand in the way of our destiny. What is to be done with such agitators and malcontents? While traitors and radicals are hung properly in the manner of the dogs that they are, there is no execution sufficient to quell the embers of treachery that burn in the hearts of the Balkanites. How are we to demonstrate our unity of purpose, our power, our God-given place at the head of the European procession?\nBy force of arms! The hangman can only strike fear into the heart of dozens. A proper army can strike it into the souls of millions. Perhaps we have the numbers, but in this we are not alone. The Russian and the Moslem can rally hordes to their banners, but for all of their masses are mere unruly nuisances. What sets man apart from the animals is not his numerical superiority, no, but his superiority of mind, demonstrated through quick wit and artifice!\nMy fellow subjects, I have dedicated my life to the construction of such demonstrations of artifice that none may stand against my weapons save the Almighty! It is through the force of superior arms that we will achieve our grand design, both within our borders and without! Give me the factories, give me the manpower, give me the chance to serve our Empire through my industries, and I will deliver to the people the flaming sword that will light the way to a civilized Europe! It is through these means, and only these means, that we will solve the questions that plague us today!\n\nDocument 186-32: Telegram sent by Jean Durand to M\u00e1ty\u00e1s Neme\u015f from Paris, April 28, 1912\n\nHAVE CONSIDERED YOUR PROPOSAL\nMUST DECLINE. METHODS INFERIOR AND DERIVATIVE OF OWN RESEARCH\nYOUR AIMS ARE OF CONQUEST. MINE ARE OF PEACE.\nREGARDS, J. DURAND\n\nDocument 186-39: Undated memorandum from General Felix Graf von Bothmer of the Imperial German Army to unnamed subordinates\n\nEffective immediately, Lt. Neme\u015f is assigned to your unit as an advisor. Experimental armaments are only to be deployed on Lt. Neme\u015f' orders. Despite potential for a breakthrough on the Romanian Front, unwise to use these ungodly things until more is known of their efficacy. Rumors of similar developments among the Tsarists remain unsubstantiated.\n\nDocument 186-52: Letter from Pvt. Pyotr Avtukhov, participant in the Battle of Husiatyn Woods\n\nDearest Nadya,\nI have heard rumors of the madness happening at home. Be comforted that it is nothing like the madness that is happening here. We thought that four years of war had taught us everything we had to know and then more. We learned nothing.\nThe damnable Frenchman that the men elected to lead them spoke of peace. He spoke of weapons so terrible that we could make the enemy surrender on the spot. We were fools. We had run at trenches with dead men's rifles and sticks in our hands. We believed him the way we believed anyone that has supplies.\nWe never thought where this man came from. We didn't wonder why he had the weapons he did. We didn't care. We wanted to live.\nWe never considered that the enemy had the same things we did. I do not think the Frenchman did either. Or at least I hope he did not. I cannot imagine any man who would walk into this knowing what would happen. Maybe the Frenchman is not a man. Maybe he is something else.\nI am sitting now in a hole I have dug in a forest somewhere. I should have run the second I saw the German take aim at Gilyov. That was no bullet fired at him. I could not look anymore after his face came apart and he was still screaming. I thought I saw hands pulling his head apart.\nSomewhere in the distance Volikov is screaming that he can see devils roasting his children. He has been screaming about the same thing for five days.\nI should have run away so many times. The Frenchman gave us a new gas weapon. We refused at first, remembering what had happened in Romania. But he promised us that this was different, that this would put our enemies down without harming them. Who wants any more bloodshed, he asked us. We could not argue with that. We fired mortars at a position ahead of us. A strange blue gas seeped from behind the trees, but the Frenchman cautioned us against advancing. One more thing, he said. He took one of our rifles, and taking aim took a single shot. Before we could ask what a scientist could know of shooting, we heard a scream. He had hit one of the Germans.\nHe handed me a pair of field glasses. Take a look, he said. I saw the German missing half of his head, still screaming. I have seen everything in this war, but I have never seen faces like those of that German's fellows as they watched their comrade. The Frenchman, in his terrible calm voice, explained that his shot had to have destroyed at least a quarter of the soldier's brain tissue. Enough to cause instant death, he said. But watch.\nI kept watching through the field glasses. The German didn't stop screaming. At least ten minutes I watched, unable to move away. The Frenchman smiled. He smiled at this scene. The gas, he said, ensured that death would not come, regardless of injury. The Germans were too horrified by their comrade to notice that they were not behind cover, and the Frenchman lined up another shot. The rest of the soldier's head was now gone, and the screaming was replaced by some sort of low grunting, the likes of which I have never heard from men.\nNo, the Frenchman said, no harm at all. I have bestowed the gift of life on your opponents. Who could possibly stand against that, he asked.\nI had to leave and vomit behind some bushes. I had not done that since the first trenches. Who indeed could keep fighting after such a thing? But fight they did. Once a group of us were ambushed and chased to a meadow. The first men through the trees were hit with something that took their skin. I cannot describe why seeing men blown apart is not as frightening as seeing a neatly flayed corpse on a battlefield, but our group scattered.\nWe are no longer armies. Not any more. We are animals, trapped in a forest together, uncomprehending. Sometimes, when Volikov sleeps, I hear the Frenchman in the woods, yelling in Hungarian, yelling and laughing. I would almost rather listen to Volikov.\nI am going to die in this hole. I am too scared of what is outside of it to do otherwise. Minkin is going to try to brave the horrors in the woods to escape. I am sending this letter with him in the hopes that he does. As I gave it to him, he joked that he will get a civil service commission after the war for delivering a letter from Hell. I am not certain he is wrong.\nGoodbye,\nPyotr\n\n\u00ab SCP-185 | SCP-186 | SCP-187 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-187\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedure: SCP-187 is to be attended full-time by medical personnel, who are to tranquilize or sedate her as needed. She is to be kept under a full set of medical restraints to prevent her from harming herself; specifically, she is to wear padded mittens at all times, in order to prevent her from attempting to damage her own eyes.\nIf SCP-187 refuses to open her eyes during authorized testing, or during site inspections, the use of eyelid speculums is authorized. All statements made by SCP-187 during testing and site inspections are to be recorded and analyzed.\nSCP-187 is to be prevented from interacting with D-Class personnel who are nearing the end of their 'cycle'.\nSCP-187 is to be spoon-fed; mild tranquilizers are to be added to all her meals.\nDescription: SCP-187 is a Caucasian female, early to mid 20s, 180 cm tall, weighing 40 kg (approx 88 lb). She is suffering from severe malnutrition, and must be fed intravenously, as she refuses to eat any food given to her. She is recovering from the effects of severe malnutrition.\nSCP-187 exhibits a unique form of precognition whereby she sees everything in two states simultaneously: as they are, and as they will be. She does not see minor changes, only changes to what would be considered the 'norm'. For example, in testing, when presented with five D-class personnel and asked which of them would change their clothes, she couldn't answer, as such a change isn't drastic enough. However, when presented with five D-class personnel and asked which would be shot, she was able to 'predict' which one, every time, as she could see the injury inflicted just by looking at him.\nSCP-187 cannot foresee future events or changes to items at which she is not currently looking; rather, she can see the future state of whatever she is looking at. This has led to some unexpected consequences. For example:\nAs part of the usual tests performed on new human/humanoid SCP acquisitions, SCP-187 was given a standardized IQ test. When the results were collated, she was revealed to have an IQ in excess of 300 (the limits of the tests). This, of course, would have made her the most intelligent human being on the planet; however, her intellect did not seem that high based on her initial interviews. The test was repeated 4 times, and each time, she got the maximum possible score, answering every question correctly. When she was interviewed regarding this, she revealed that she did not actually know the answers to any of the questions; rather, she had seen the tests with the answers already filled in. When she was given a computerised IQ test, where her input didn't affect the future state of where she entered the answers (a keyboard, rather than a pen and paper), her IQ was revealed to be 97, slightly below average.\nThis happens with every written test presented to SCP-187 - she can see the answers in advance, based on what she herself is going to fill in, even if the tests are in a foreign language she does not understand. This presents a possible ontological paradox - an injection into the present of information from the future. Where this information, the correct answers, comes from is unknown, and possibly unknowable.\nSCP-187 is suffering from ongoing psychological damage as a result of her anomaly: when, for instance, she is in the company of people who are soon to die, she simultaneously sees both their living, healthy selves, and their dead, sometimes decomposing corpses, depending on how far into the future they will die. As a result, pharmacological assistance is required to keep her lucid.\nSCP-187 also refuses to eat, again due to her abilities. When presented with a plate of food, she will see it as either feces, or a semi-digested slop, while a glass of water will appear as a glass of urine. This is what is causing her severe malnutrition, and for this reason, she must be fed and hydrated intravenously.\nDue to the effect that prolonged malnutrition is having on SCP-187's health, and the impact that 187's death would have on the Foundation's medium-term emergency planning, SCP-187 is to be blindfolded during meals. Mealtimes are to last no longer than 15 minutes, and must take place in a location for which SCP-187 has not predicted any significant changes.\n\nRemarks and comments made by SCP-187 which turned out to be 'prophecies':\nThe divorce of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: My ring?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What about it?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I am, look, it's right there.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's husband filed for divorce the next day. When she returned for duty, she was no longer wearing her wedding ring. She had been married for 19 years, more than half her life, so wearing the ring was considered 'normal', and not wearing the ring was enough of an abnormality for SCP-187 to see it.\n\nThe deaths of the following D-Class personnel:\nD-16124:\n\nD-16124 was later exposed to the vacuum of space after being sent through SCP-120 in order to 'dial' it to the next destination.\nD-16198:\nInterviewer: Who? The man standing outside that cell?Interviewer: I don't know. Hey, you there.\nD-16198 turned to face them, at which point SCP-187 gasped and burst into tears, screaming, \"He's going to die!\"\nInterviewer: He will? How do you know?\nD-16198 was later terminated by gunfire while attempting to escape the site. He may have attempted escape due to SCP-187's screaming, implying that she can set so-called self-fulfilling prophecies in motion.\nD-16206:\n\nD-16206 was killed when SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 escaped from its cell and bit him in half while attempting to flee the site.\n\nThe attempted escape of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588:\n\nWhile being escorted through Site \u2588\u2588, SCP-187 stopped outside SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's cell, staring intently.\nDr. Klein: What are you looking at?Dr. Klein: Excuse me?\n17 hours later, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 somehow managed to work free of its restraints, and did indeed tear through the door to its cell. However, Dr. Klein had alerted security due to SCP-187's statements, so an armed response team was ready, and managed to subdue SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 with gunfire.\nThe cost of keeping a full-time medical team on hand to ensure SCP-187's well-being is obviously high; however, the fact that her anomaly allowed the prevention of an escape attempt by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, a Keter-class subject, shows that she may be useful for more than just pure research.\nA proposal has been submitted to introduce her to seemingly-indestructible SCPs, in the hopes that she will 'see' them as either dead or destroyed, and be able to describe the manner of death/destruction. This proposal is pending - the potential temporal logistics need careful consideration. She would in effect be seeing methods of destruction/termination, which would only be possible because she saw them. This has caused concern among several higher members of staff.\nDetails of further experimentation may be found in Experiment Log 187-1.\n\n\u00ab SCP-186 | SCP-187 | SCP-188 \u00bb"} {"text": "An example of the effect of SCP-188.\n\nItem #: SCP-188\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-188 poses no direct threat to any Foundation assets, SCP-188 is to be contained in Storage Unit J6-455. Its presence is to be noted during the biweekly Survey of Site Assets. During this time, any environmental effects exerted by SCP-188 are to be reversed.\nDescription: SCP-188 is a volume of iridium metal hosting an effect that acts on a finite region around the object. With the exception of the regional effect, SCP-188 is, chemically and physically, an otherwise unremarkable sample of iridium metal. SCP-188 has a mass of 181.43 g and has been cast as a cylinder, with a radius of 1 cm and a length of 2.56 cm. SCP-188's current cylindrical shape is not its original form, but one convenient for experimental manipulation and storage.\nThe regional effect of SCP-188 induces changes in the environment. The changes take the form of discrete manipulations, such as scratches on surfaces or grouping and shaping of ambient material such as dust. These changes emerge over time and are widespread over the entire region of the effect. The changes show a high degree of complexity and structure, and have been seen to change with time. Further, the effect extends to all scales, and has included exceptionally small and intricate structures. When initially contained by the Foundation, SCP-188 consistently induced fractal motifs. Since containment, this has increasingly shifted to include spiral and flow motifs. Biological forms have emerged as a rare but consistent theme.\nAs the environment around it is manipulated, SCP-188's regional effect will extend outward. Testing has shown that this region will only extend outward to a volume encompassing an area of ~4000 m2.\nAttempts to nullify SCP-188's effect have included placement in a Faraday cage, placement in a radiation containment device, powdering, and melting SCP-188. None of these attempts have diminished the regional effect in any way. Current proposals to vaporize SCP-188 and recondense small portions of the vapor are being explored.\nSCP-188 first came to the attentions of a predecessor body to the Foundation on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/192\u2588 located at the rural Indiana properties of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. After a thorough search, the object was found as a spike partially submerged in the ground, and appeared to be in the process of reshaping the local wheat crop through braiding together and flattening of stalks. No clear pattern had emerged at time of acquisition, though the effect had begun to extend over many meters. Though records are incomplete, it is known that efforts to contain the effect of the object failed. Embedding in bulk material, such as concrete or lead, did not diminish the initial size of the region the effect acted over. Further, these attempts ended with the object carving apart the containment sheath. The Foundation has evidence that more esoteric proposals were suggested, such as encasement in diamond. No evidence exists that these technologically sophisticated and resource intensive proposals were followed up on.\nWhen this parent organization was folded into the Foundation, the object and any existing records were inherited and placed under the SCP-188 classification. When the \"crop circle\" fad emerged, efforts were taken to determine if there was a connection between the crop-circle makers and the effects caused by SCP-188. Investigation showed no connection beyond the superficial, and it is the opinion of the O5s that the similarity is a coincidence.\nProposals to explore or to illustrate any statistical consistency in the effect SCP-188 has upon its environment are being accepted and evaluated. At this time, due to the lack of inherent danger posed by SCP-188 in its current containment, proposals requiring extreme measures or contact with other SCPs are not encouraged.\n\n\u00ab SCP-187 | SCP-188 | SCP-189 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-189\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-189 are to be stored in Cryo-containment Facility \u2588\u2588, with any surplus destroyed by incineration. Test subjects infected with SCP-189 are to be kept in a sealed containment chamber with an airlock that includes a chemical shower. Personnel interacting with test subjects must wear standard NBC hazard suits throughout their time inside the containment chamber, and submit to a chemical shower before exiting the airlock on their way out. When test subjects expire or are terminated, their remains must be sealed in an airtight container or body bag, which is subjected to the same chemical shower as the personnel carrying it out of the containment chamber, and disposed of by incineration.\nStaff members found to be infested with SCP-189 are to be quarantined according to the procedure outlined above for test subjects, and treated with anti-parasitic agent 189-A. See Document 189-\u2588 for treatment procedure. If SCP-189 infestation is discovered on any individual or animal at a facility, all personnel and animals at that facility are to be inspected for the presence of SCP-189 as detailed in Procedure 189-\u2588, any staff members treated as described above, any D-Class and/or non-SCP animals terminated and incinerated, and the facility subjected to a thorough cleaning with anti-parasitic agent 189-A.\nShould any cases of SCP-189 infestation be confirmed in persons or animals outside the Foundation, all those affected are to be immediately taken into custody and quarantined. Animals should be euthanised and incinerated, while humans are to be treated with anti-parasitic agent 189-A for the infestation, then administered Class C or B amnestics. Any individuals who may have been in close contact with the infectee(s) and/or entered their personal vehicle or place of residence should be checked for SCP-189 infestation and treated if necessary. Refer to Document 189-\u2588 for suitable cover stories.\nDescription: SCP-189 is a species of parasitic roundworm (tentative taxonomic classification [DATA EXPUNGED]) capable of infesting any mammalian life form. Infection most commonly occurs as a result of direct skin contact with one or more egg sacs. These egg sacs are covered with microscopic \"hooks\" similar to those on the cuticles of some species of nematode, which anchor the sacs to the skin's surface. Contact with sebum then prompts the eggs inside to hatch, at which time the larvae seek out and burrow into one or more nearby hair follicles.\nOnce inside the follicle, the larva attaches itself at the base of the papilla and begins feeding off the capillaries supplying the papilla. Over the course of 2-3 days, the larva grows larger and develops into an adult. When it has fully matured, the new adult detaches from the papilla, severs the hair fiber from the root, and almost fully envelops the papilla and hair matrix. From this point forward, the worm feeds on the cells shed by the hair matrix (which would normally form the hair fiber), and begins to grow longer.\nAdult SCP-189 specimens grow only in length, extruding a \"tail\" which incorporate some of the pigments and keratin from the cells they consume into an outer cuticle. This, combined with the fact that the diameter of a specimen's \"tail\" is usually similar to that of the hair that would normally grow from the host follicle, causes SCP-189 to be visually indistinguishable from a normal hair, except upon microscopic inspection. However, some specimens will occasionally flex, coil and uncoil, and/or lash their \"tail\", particularly in response to tactile stimulation. The reason for this behavior is not currently understood, nor is why only some individuals behave in this fashion, though it has been proposed that [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAs with many other species of roundworms, SCP-189 is hermaphroditic, with both sets of genitalia contained in the \"head\" (the portion enveloping the papilla and hair matrix). Fertilized eggs are produced in groups of 1-3 and enveloped in a protective egg sac, which is then incorporated into the growing \"tail\". Egg sacs grow their microscopic \"hooks\" and the eggs typically mature by the time the portion of the tail containing them has extended approximately 1 mm beyond the surface of the host's skin. Once fully developed, the egg sac passes to the exterior of the organism's tail, becoming loosely embedded in its cuticle. At this point, if the egg sac is brought into contact with a suitable host surface (including the skin of the current host), it attaches to this surface and is pulled free from its parent. This is the primary method SCP-189 uses both to infect new hosts and to further infest the current host.\nThe \"tail\" of an adult specimen of SCP-189 is no more durable than normal hair, and its \"head\" no more strongly attached to the host follicle. The \"tail\" can be cut or broken, or the entire organism pulled out, by any method that would similarly affect hair. Severed sections of an adult's tail can grow a new \"head\" and regenerate into a separate individual, but only if they can attach to a suitable host. The death of a follicle infested by an adult SCP-189 (or any other event that would cause the loss of that follicle's hair) causes that individual to detach from its host. Without a host, adult SCP-189 die within 1-6 hours. Mature eggs can remain viable for up to \u2588 years after the death of their parent, and as such even dead adults can present a risk of infestation.\nWhen an infected host dies, any surviving adult specimens of SCP-189 continue to feed and grow, eventually burrowing into the host's tissues. Once decay begins, however, the specimen is killed by the toxins produced.\nAddendum 1: SCP-189 was first discovered 19\u2588\u2588, when Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (then unaffiliated with the Foundation) traveled to a remote area of the [DATA EXPUNGED] rainforest as part of a six-month biodiversity survey. Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brought Kara, his three-year-old pet golden retriever, along with him on the expedition. It seems likely that the dog was first infested some time during this trip. Regardless of when the infestation began, by the time Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Kara returned to the United States it is believed that over 80% of the animal's follicles had been infested by SCP-189. Approximately \u2588\u2588 days after his return, Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was petting Kara when the dog's \"fur\" began to move. Recognizing the abnormal nature of the infestation, Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 contacted Dr. I\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588, a parasitologist, with an invitation to study the newly-discovered organism. It was when Drs. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and W\u2588\u2588\u2588 submitted a paper on SCP-189 for publication that the Foundation became aware of its existence, and immediately took Drs. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and W\u2588\u2588\u2588 into custody and seized all of their research materials. Both doctors were later recruited into the Foundation, with Dr. W\u2588\u2588\u2588 becoming the lead researcher in charge of SCP-189, and currently stationed in [DATA EXPUNGED] investigating indigenous populations of SCP-189 for possible containment or eradication.\nAddendum 2: Since the Foundation first became aware of SCP-189, there have been \u2588\u2588 incidents of infestation outside the Foundation, resulting in \u2588\u2588\u2588 humans and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 animals confirmed infected in various parts of the world. Continued monitoring is warranted to ensure that such incidents do not come to the attention of the general public.\n\n\u00ab SCP-188 | SCP-189 | SCP-190 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-190\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-190 is kept in Security Locker 23 at Site 41. Children under the age of 10 are not allowed within 50 meters of SCP-190 except under testing conditions. All personnel working at Site 41 are to be made aware of SCP-190's secondary effect, and its innocuous nature. Personnel transfer requests made due to SCP-190's secondary effect are to be expedited, unless doing so would violate the special containment procedures for another Item.\nAll individuals who have directly interacted with SCP-190 are to be monitored indefinitely for long-term side effects.\nDescription: SCP-190 is a carved wooden box banded with iron, measuring 50 cm x 70 cm x 35 cm. The lid is carved with a representation of a large circus tent with an open central panel, within which stands a figure dressed as a stereotypical ringmaster. The carvings on the sides consist of assorted animals typically associated with circuses, including lions, tigers, bears, elephants, and horses. These carvings move at a maximum observed rate of approximately 5 mm per day and time-lapse monitoring indicates that the depicted creatures appear to be acting in a non-violent play behavior with each other.\nWhen an individual age 10 or older opens the hinged lid, SCP-190 contains 17 marbles of assorted size and color, 2 sticks of lightly used green sidewalk chalk, and 1 deck of Bicycle brand playing cards. These objects can be manipulated within the confines of SCP-190, but cannot be removed from it. Attempts to remove these objects encounter an otherwise undetectable, impenetrable barrier stretching across the opening to the box. Individuals age 10 or older who interact with SCP-190 or its contents typically report feelings of unease or discomfort until they cease interacting with them.\nWhen an individual under the age of 10 opens SCP-190, it will contain 1-5 toys or games intended for use by children. Observed objects include stuffed animals, rubber balls, yo-yos, dolls, blocks, and simple board games. These objects can be freely removed from SCP-190 by any prepubescent individual, although attempts by pubescent or post-pubescent encounter the same barrier described above. The objects typically possess a circus theme, depicting classic circus animals, venues, performers, and design schemes containing red, gold, white, stars, and/or the initials \"HF\".\nChildren in the appropriate age range express great pleasure and excitement when playing with SCP-190 or the objects it produces, regardless of prior attitudes regarding toys or games of that type. Children exhibit more energetic play behaviors than they normally do, as well as more physical activities such as somersaults, cartwheels, climbing nearby objects, and simple 1- and 2-object juggling. Most play behaviors include incidental elements of causing harm to other people, especially those older than themselves. All objects produced by SCP-190 are capable of causing extreme damage, regardless of their composition. Representative samples below. Objects produced by SCP-190 vanish if placed back within it and the lid is closed.\n\nToy/Game\nUsage by Child\nResult\n\nRed and white striped rubber ball with a gold star on one end\n8-year-old male bounced against a wall 37 times prior to throwing it at a supervising junior researcher.\nThe wall had noticeable shallow dents where it had been struck. The junior researcher suffered 2 cracked ribs and significant soft tissue bruising where she had been struck. Child expressed disappointment that junior researcher didn't throw the ball back.\n\nStuffed elephant made of felt, measuring 35 cm in height, wearing a red and gold saddle with the initials \"HF\" embroidered on the sides\n4-year-old female moved toy as if it were walking, child making trumpeting noises before making it step on the foot of supervisory D-class.\nD-class's foot suffered multiple complex bone fractures and hemorrhaging consistent with a crush injury. Child chided D-class for getting in the way of the toy.\n\n\"See The Big Top!\", a board game of similar design to the 2004 edition of \"Candyland\"\n6-year-old male begged supervisory D-class to play game until D-class was ordered to do so by researchers.\nChild lost game and threw cards at D-class in anger. D-class suffered deep paper cuts to the face, hands, and forearms, requiring multiple bandages. Child hugged D-class after completion of game and asked if she would receive Batman adhesive bandages to \"make the boo-boos better.\"\n\nTin container labeled \"Junior Clown Kit!\" containing 30 g (1 oz.) of clown white greasepaint, 2 red jumbo makeup pencils, 2 yellow/gold makeup pencils, small hand-mirror\n7-year-old female decorated own face and that of supervisory D-class\nD-class suffered mild chemical burns where makeup had made contact with skin and developed persistent allergy to lanolin. Child was unharmed.\n\nLacquer-finished red wooden rod resembling a miniature version of SCP-2024\n9-year-old female touched various furnishings around the room, including the supervising D-class's arm.\nD-class's arm tied into a knot. Child commented on D-class's improved physical appearance.\n\nAfter initial testing ceased following the determination of baseline properties, an additional property became apparent. If SCP-190 and its contents have not been used by a child under the age of 10 for 29.5 consecutive days, faint calliope music will be audible to all individuals within 50 meters of SCP-190. This music appears to act as a mild cognitohazard, wherein children under the age of 10 will seek out SCP-190 if they are aware of its existence.\nLong-term monitoring of individuals who interacted with SCP-190 as children reveal that they are approximately 4 times more likely than age-peers to become performers once they are adults, either professionally or as a primary hobby. Typical examples include acrobatics, magic/sleight-of-hand, animal training, and improvisational oratory and acting. Subjects do not otherwise display statistically significant behavioral abnormalities.\n\n\u00ab SCP-189 | SCP-190 | SCP-191 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-191\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-191 is currently housed in a 6 m x 6 m room at Site-17. To date, SCP-191 has not made any requests for furnishings or entertainment.\nCurrent furnishings include:\n\nOne (1) wooden-frame futon with a 15 cm (6 in) pad and standard cotton bedsheets and blankets. All sheets are to be sterilized each morning according to standard procedures. The futon pad itself will be replaced every six months, and the old pad discarded through incineration.\nOne (1) standard 220 V type G power outlet with an emergency cut-off box (fuse, circuit breaker, and manual non-insulating guillotine) located outside the cell.\nOne (1) standard hazardous waste disposal unit (liquid and solid waste). All drainage tubes shall lead directly to an incinerator unit.\n\nSCP-191 is to be dressed in loose, sleeveless garments made of 100% long-staple cotton. Fresh clothing will be provided once daily, with used garments sterilized according to standard procedures. Bathing is to be done once every evening, in a washtub filled with a solution of water and baking soda. Feeding (in the form of a sterile saline solution supplemented with vitamins, minerals, antibiotics, and a mild anesthetic) shall be carried out twice a day via injection into a metallic tube located in the base of the neck.\nSCP-191 is capable of limited self-care, including draining waste and recharging internal batteries. A log shall be kept of power consumption, and any unusual changes in power usage reported to supervising staff.\nDaily inspections for injury should be carried out after bathing. Should SCP-191 require medical care, refer to documents 191-Alpha (Special Medical Needs) and 191-Alpha Supplemental (Repair of Non-Biological Components) before administering care.\nAt least two armed guards are to be present in the room any time that personnel have contact with SCP-191, although a translucent screen may be utilized for privacy purposes. Standard anti-computer countermeasures are ineffective, as SCP-191's components have been hardened against electromagnetic pulse (EMP).\nDescription: SCP-191 is a female human child, approximately \u2588 years old. It is believed to have been a test subject of several experimental surgeries performed by the late Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (see below).\n1. 80% of the left half of the face and skull have been removed, with the eye and ear replaced by a complex transceiver system that allows it to receive and transmit not only visual and auditory input, but a wider spectrum of electromagnetic radiation ranging from low frequency radio to high-energy gamma rays. The lower jaw, teeth, and larynx have been removed and replaced with [DATA EXPUNGED]. The esophagus has been rerouted to an artificial orifice at the back of the neck (feeding tube), and the trachea rerouted directly to an air filtration device. Due to these alterations, SCP-191 is incapable of speech, although it has been reported occasionally vocalizing distress through rapid respiration.\n2. An input-output device has been placed into the right forearm, replacing the radius and ulna bones. The device contains interfaces for a variety of modern and obsolete formats, including USB, Ethernet, Firewire, and DIN-8 pin, as well as seven (7) other interfaces corresponding to no known formats. The device can be accessed by pulling back the skin over the right arm like a shirt sleeve.\n3. A 24-core processor array has been implanted in the brain, which \"translates\" input from all artificial components, essentially allowing SCP-191 to read and write computer data without the use of an external interface. Internal communication is carried out through fiber optic cables implanted through the glial cells and the entire nervous system. Damage to the brain stem and cerebellum due to the implantation procedure has severely damaged SCP-191's motor skills.\n4. The right hand and right foreleg have been replaced with artificial components, consisting primarily of steel, carbon-fiber, and an unknown polymer-like substance. The exposed areas of tissue are susceptible to injury and infection: due to damage to the spinothalamic tract, SCP-191 has reduced pain and temperature sensitivity in its limbs. Reconstructive surgery by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was able to provide some relief, but regular doses of antibiotics and analgesics are still required.\n5. [DATA EXPUNGED]\n6. The lungs, heart, and major blood vessels have been replaced with mechanical analogues. It has been determined that this system would allow SCP-191's bodily systems to be restarted after death, and may have actually [DATA EXPUNGED].\n7. The digestive system has been completely reconfigured to the point where regular food intake is both unnecessary and dangerous. Waste is now disposed of via a drainage system located in the lower back and consists of a thick, dark gray viscous slime consisting primarily of [DATA EXPUNGED].\n8. The reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, etc.) have been removed and replaced with [DATA EXPUNGED]. According to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's notes, this was done to \"provide extra space by removing non-vital components.\" Hormone therapy has been proposed to counteract the long-term effects of the missing glands: this proposal is under review pending analysis of possible complications due to [DATA EXPUNGED].\n9. [DATA EXPUNGED]\n10. At least fifteen (15) other alterations of unknown purpose. Given this fact, and the haphazard integration of the \"useful\" components, it is believed that they were performed merely to test the viability of such procedures on other subjects. Investigations are underway as to whether Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was planning to [DATA EXPUNGED]. At present, any theories as to the purpose behind these alterations are speculative at best, as Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died during the raid in which SCP-191 was recovered (see notes below), and the only surviving records of his research are a single, half-burned spiral-bound notebook consisting mostly of cryptic notes regarding a \"higher purpose.\"\nHistory: SCP-191 was recovered by Foundation agents during a brief collaborative effort with the Global Occult Coalition, in which a raid was conducted on the laboratory of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a suspected member of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-191 was the only test subject recovered from the laboratory: all other test subjects expired during the raid (either disposed of by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, or eliminated as hostiles by the task force).\nPreliminary assessment concluded that full reconstruction was impossible, that the components introduced were too technologically advanced to risk becoming widely known, and that it could be a source of valuable data regarding [DATA EXPUNGED] if kept alive. Subject was classified SCP-191 and moved to Site-\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Its disappearance, and those of the other test subjects, was later blamed on a local serial killer who was arranged to be killed in prison while awaiting trial.\nAddendum 191-01: Testing of SCP-191's abilities has commenced.\n\nPsychological Analysis by Dr. Glass\n\nSCP-191 has responded fairly well to containment. It is completely docile and cooperative, and when not being interacted with, it spends most of its time sitting still or curled up in a fetal position. This may be a sign of distress, but it is more likely for physical comfort, as normal body movements and postures are difficult.\nMental acuity is questionable. Although capable of rapid data analysis and communications when physically linked to a computer system, it seems unable to follow conversations with human beings unless the conversant speaks slowly and uses simple words. Complex tasks are also impossible unless it is guided at every step.\nIts mood seems consistent, though somewhat inscrutable. It continually affects melancholy, will not make eye contact unless asked to, and any attempts to induce a cheerful or humorous mood have proven fruitless. However, it shows no signs of ongoing mental distress, and claims (through computer interface) that it is feeling well.\nTo date SCP-191 has not requested access to (or information about) any acquaintance it had before its abduction.\n\n\u00ab SCP-190 | SCP-191 | SCP-192 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 192\n\nLevel1\n\nContainment Class:\nsafe\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\ndark\n\nRisk Class:\nnotice\n\nlink to memo\n\nContainment Procedures have been updated as per successful move operation 192-M-1471607220 from Site-\u2588\u2588A. Please see Addendum 192-M-D for historical information.\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-192 is safely contained within SCP-192-F. SCP-192-F is located in Room 9-24, a standard Foundation Grade-R secure room rated for radioactive objects in Site-125A's North Wing. Room 9-24 must always have at least four functioning Geiger counters. An inspection of Room 9-24's radiation proofing and the Geiger counters must be carried out fortnightly. The housing for SCP-192 must not be breached under any circumstances.\nRemoval of any section of external casing of SCP-192-F must only be carried out during scheduled weekly maintenance by Level 2 staff under the supervision of a Level 3 assigned to this floor. Any breaches in the casing of SCP-192-F must be reported to Site-125A facilities management. Any breaches in the housing of SCP-192 must be treated as a radioactive object containment breach as defined by Foundation and Site-125A guidelines and a full evacuation of North Wing will be carried out by all staff. Please see Document 192-CU for clean-up and re-containment instructions based on current object analysis.\nAccess to the room containing SCP-192-F for testing purposes can be granted by written request to Site-125A administration staff, but will require the approval of at least one Level 3 assigned to the 9th floor. This member of staff must be present for all testing.\n\n+ [Addendum 192-M-D - Archived Containment Procedures]\n\n- [Archived Containment Procedures]\n\nSCP-192 is to be maintained in lock down at its current location at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital, United Kingdom (Site-\u2588\u2588A), pending further analysis.\nThe room containing SCP-192 is to remain locked, with the key in the possession of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Anyone wishing to conduct experiments with SCP-192 must have permission from the relevant Level 3 personnel assigned to this object. The hospital wing that houses SCP-192 is to remain closed, pending engineering work to stabilize the hospital buildings. The housing for SCP-192 must not be breached under any circumstances, and must be checked on a weekly basis. Maintenance will be carried out weekly.\n\nDescription: SCP-192 is a vacuum x-ray tube that forms the primary component of a diagnostic x-ray machine manufactured by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588, with diagnostic use commencing on \u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588. This machine was designated SCP-192-1. When an image is produced by a machine with SCP-192 inside, the area examined on the subject will be modified via unknown means to match the image eventually produced. This has the effect of introducing or removing injuries or disease from the subject, in accordance with the image.\nSCP-192 emits a high quantity of alpha and beta radiation, exceeding recommended annual dose limits for Foundation personnel within one minute of constant exposure. These emissions are present even when SCP-192 is not being used and disconnected from any sort of power supply. This is believed to be due to the materials used in the construction of SCP-192's cathode based on current working theories.\nSCP-192-1 appears to absorb this radiation emission, although all testing performed so far on SCP-192-1 has shown it to be constructed out of regular materials for this kind of machine.\n\nMAINTENANCE UPDATE \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2014: Containment of SCP-192 by SCP-192-1 has shown to not be complete. Imperfections in the manufacturing process combined with initial testing conducted by Site-\u2588\u2588A have weakened SCP-192-1's casing. A request for relocation of SCP-192 and a re-evaluation has been submitted to regional command.\n\nSITE UPDATE \u2588\u2588/05/2014: 192-M-1471607220 was successfully carried out on \u2588\u2588/05/2014. All Foundation staff at Site-\u2588\u2588A have been transferred to Site-125A and Site-\u2588\u2588A has been decommissioned. SCP-192-F, a Foundation constructed replica of SCP-192-1, was constructed at [DATA REDACTED] and installed at Site-125A prior to the move operation.\n\nActual radiation doses during regular operation of SCP-192-1 were within standard safety margins, and this remains the case with SCP-192-F.\nThe presence of SCP-192 was discovered by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a covert Foundation operative tracking SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 in [DATA REDACTED]. Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was requested to be present during the initial examinations performed by SCP-192-1, and was the first staff member at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital to witness its effects. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 notified the Foundation, and the other three non-Foundation staff present were successfully given Class-A amnestics. A research team was subsequently sent in and the room containing SCP-192-1 was quarantined. Results of the investigation into the origin of SCP-192 can be reviewed in Document 192-I\u2588\u2588.\nFrom testing of SCP-192, the following outcomes have been noted to occur with no consistent pattern. Any change in a subject appears to occur approximately three seconds after the x-ray image is taken.\n\nImage Result\nEffect\n\nImage clear of any disease or injury.\nSubject is fully treated with no further issues or complications.\n\nPresence of a trauma-induced fracture injury of considerable displacement.\nImaged bone is fractured to an identical level of displacement. These injuries always appear to have occurred within the last 24 hours, even in subjects who had been isolated before the examination. So far, SCP-192 has not produced any images where bones have perforated internal organs or penetrated the subject's skin.\n\nPresence of cancerous cells within the area examined.\nSubject will show development of a cancerous growth in this area. These tumours have never exceeded T1N0M01, but in all cases, have been malignant. Biopsies on several subjects have shown no differences between cancer caused by SCP-192 and cancer occurring naturally in humans. Success of subsequent treatment has been dependent on the original location of the cancer.\n\nPresence of foreign body located inside the subject.\nForeign body will be found within subject if further surgery is performed. The object appears to be random, but is usually a surgical tool for performing operations on the examined area. No departments within Site-\u2588\u2588A have reported any odd disappearances of surgical or other medical equipment.\n\nDuring one test to determine if SCP-192 could be used as a means of treatment by repeating an examination on an already examined subject, SCP-192 produced a blurry image, which had the resulting effect of [DATA EXPUNGED], almost instantly killing subject D-192-03\u2588 (See incident report 192-03\u2588-02). The personnel operating SCP-192 during this test were referred for immediate psychiatric evaluation.\n\nFootnotes\n1. TNM staging system for Malignant Tumours\n\n\u00ab SCP-191 | SCP-192 | SCP-193 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-193\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-193-01 is to be contained in Bio Site 42 bio-hazard locker 532-F at all times except during approved experiments. Every 24 hours, all instances of SCP-193-02 are to be removed from SCP-193-01 and incinerated except on feeding days. Once each week, one instance of SCP-193-02 shall be provided with 30 cc of human mucus and left in containment with SCP-193-01. Physical contact with any element of SCP-193 without full level 2 bio-hazard gear is strongly discouraged. Personnel believed to be suffering from exposure to SCP-193-03 shall report to a supervisor for immediate medical examination and assistance.\nDescription: SCP-193-01 is consistent in external appearance with a box of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand facial tissue. The bottom folds of the box are abnormally complex, and house a previously unknown soft-bodied invertebrate. The creature's genetics suggest that it is a member of phylum Mollusca, but do not match any more specific known taxonomic classification. The \"cardboard\" of the box has proven to be a highly specialized shell generated and maintained by the organism, which will gradually repair damage to the box if able. As compared with cardboard the shell is many times less flammable and more durable, but is by no means indestructible.\nSCP-193-01 continuously sheds thin segments of its body (instances of SCP-193-02) at a rate of roughly 1 up to 5 segments per 24 hours depending on available nutrients and remaining space inside the shell. Instances of SCP-193-02 are gradually forced into the main cavity of the shell, where they dry almost instantly. Much as the shell of SCP-193-01 resembles a cardboard box, instances of SCP-193-02 resemble common facial tissue in appearance and texture; however, both the shell and the segments are composed of chitin, fibroin, and other proteins common in mollusks as opposed to the expected paper products. How SCP-193-01 produces sufficient matter to maintain the shell and continuously generate SCP-193-02 is presently unknown. (See Addendum 193-1.)\nWhen SCP-193-02 is brought into contact with the mucous membranes of any mammalian subject, the segment releases 3-5 grams of an as of yet unidentified odorless, colorless gas (SCP-193-03). If inhaled, SCP-193-03 will permeate the sinus tissue and increase mucus production by 500 - 800%. In humans, the increased mucus production unsurprisingly results in the need for additional facial tissue, typically leading to further exposure to SCP-193-02 and -03 and further mucus production. Repeated exposure to SCP-193-03 can, in roughly 70% of cases, lead to permanent dysfunction of a subject's mucus production. The resulting symptoms vary, but include a variety of respiratory issues, prolonged pneumonia, and (in extreme cases) suffocation. In roughly 10% of cases of repeated exposure, the opposite effect is observed: damage to the mucus glands is so severe that the subject is left incapable of mucus production. Such subjects are especially vulnerable to inflammatory respiratory diseases, infection, and damage to the lungs due to inhalation of particulate matter.\nNo explanation has yet been discovered for the unusual adaptations exhibited in SCP-193; research is ongoing.\nAddendum 193-1: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has confirmed additional properties of SCP-193-02. When exposed to at least 10 cc of mucus and left unattended, instances of SCP-193-02 will attempt to return to SCP-193-01 using a combination of bodily oscillation and gas propulsion (via controlled emission of SCP-193-03). The segments appear to detect possible observers via body heat to determine when they can safely return to SCP-193-01 unobserved. This behavior continues in the presence of thoroughly insulated observers, but not in the presence of large artificial heat sources, supporting the theory that SCP-193-02 detects heat. On reaching SCP-193-01, instances of SCP-193-02 will enter through folds in the bottom of the shell, reintegrating with the main body. These behaviors, combined with the previously cataloged adaptations, are believed to be the hunting and feeding method of SCP-193. More detailed research into the digestion and dietary needs of the organism are ongoing.\nThe locomotion of SCP-193-02 was discovered following an irregularity in experiment 193-\u2588\u2588, in which several of the used \"tissues\" were left unattended for several minutes. When Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 returned, he discovered that these instances of SCP-193-02 had surrounded the locker holding SCP-193-01, but were unable to penetrate containment. Further experimentation lead to the discovery of these previously unknown aspects of the organism. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been reprimanded for leaving a known organic SCP unsupervised in a testing chamber.\n\n\u00ab SCP-192 | SCP-193 | SCP-194 \u00bb"} {"text": "Thank You For Your Cooperation\n\nCityToast and Calibold\n\nSCP-194 \u2014 Thank You For Your Cooperation\n\nDr. Buchanan, Personnel File (CityToast's Author Page)\nCalibold's Mega Cool Author Page\n\nItem #: SCP-194\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-194 is contained in a standard anomalous vehicle containment unit.\nDescription: SCP-194 is a red-painted rowboat, designed to seat two people.\n\nAddenda 194.A-194.C: Documentation of SCP-194-Z\n\nClose\n\nAddendum 194.A (Object Class): Euclid\nAddendum 194.B (Special Containment Procedures): The object presently designated SCP-194 is contained in a concrete mausoleum located in a New Orleans cemetery, the location of which is included in attached file 194-LOC-A. The mausoleum is to be checked for damage or deterioration once every 30 days. Any reality-restructuring effects of SCP-194 which appear to impact the space outside of it should be reported to containment staff.\nDue to the effects of SCP-194-Z upon the SCP-194 designation, the acting documentation of SCP-194-Z is presented in the form of various addenda to the acting SCP-194 designation. Any secondary classifications are to be assigned in reverse alphabetical order (i.e. SCP-194-Z), and all addenda are to be designated alphabetically, rather than numerically (i.e. Addendum 194.A). This is to prevent conflict with documentation applied to the SCP-194 designation.\nDespite changes to the SCP-194 designation, Addenda 194.A through 194.C describe the true nature of SCP-194-Z, and will remain unaltered regardless of other edits.\nAddendum 194.C (Description): SCP-194-Z refers to a phenomenon surrounding the SCP-194 designation. Various objects are assigned to the SCP-194 designation at various times, causing the SCP-194 file to be altered based on the affected object. Only one object can be assigned to the SCP-194 slot at any time, causing minor retroactive alterations to support the containment of each object in Foundation custody.\nNotably, most affected objects assigned to the SCP-194 designation are non-anomalous in nature.\n\nAddendum 194.D: CCTV Footage\n\nClose\n\nThe following is a transcript of CCTV Recording 139-DC-732, taken 04/23/2019, in Site-139. No relevant video was recorded; only audio.\n\nSUBJECT 1: Hey.\nSUBJECT 2: Oh. Hey.\nSUBJECT 1: So, um, on Tuesday\u2014\nSUBJECT 2: Something came up.\nSUBJECT 1: Well, okay, would you like to\u2014\nSUBJECT 2: You know, I'm\u2026I'm really busy these days, it makes it kinda tough to\u2026you know. Be social.\nSUBJECT 1: Uh-huh.\nSUBJECT 2: So like, I appreciate it. Like\u2026I appreciate you\u2026my coworker, wanting to socialize with me, as coworkers, outside of work, but sometimes it's just not\u2026going to happen. You get that, right?\nSUBJECT 1: Well I mean\u2026I guess I thought\u2014\nSUBJECT 2: (Deep sigh) We are coworkers, Garth. I was under the impression this was going to be a friendly after-work chit-chat. And your texts\u2014\nSUBJECT 1: Oh, I was just\u2026playing around, ya know, it\u2014\nSUBJECT 2: No, it's not really\u2014\nSUBJECT 3: Excuse me, Laura, do you have a second?\nSUBJECT 2: Yeah. (footsteps)\n\nAddendum 194.E: Testing Logs\n\n\u00ab SCP-193 | SCP-194 | SCP-195 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-195\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: One case containing seventeen (17) bottles of SCP-195 exists in Foundation custody. It is kept in a number three Secure Containment Locker unit in the Safe-class storage section of Site-1279. Access to SCP-195 requires written authorisation from no fewer than two Level Four personnel and accompaniment by a member of site security. Due to the untested possibility of exposure due to the inhalation of evaporated SCP-195, access requires full level-C HAZMAT kit including respirator gear.\nIt is possible that further instances of SCP-195 exist. All recovery agents are advised to make note of bottles of similar style or bearing similar labels to contained samples of SCP-195, as well as [REDACTED]. Should further instances of SCP-195 be discovered, they are to be collected by a temporary containment team in full HAZMAT kit including respirators.\nDescription: SCP-195 is a \"medicinal whiskey\" sold by a pair of traveling salesmen in the pre-Civil War South. Various historical sources agree that the \"whiskey\" was targeted primarily to the slavecatchers of that era, and was advertised as having \"mind-enhancing\" properties. These sources agree that the salesmen were often driven out of town when the side effects of their concoction were discovered, and were \"\u2026hanged for their devilsh ways [sic]\" on at least two occasions.\nWhen a subject consumes any quantity of SCP-195, they will initially react in a manner consistent with the consumption of an equal quantity of \"gutrot\" whiskey or moonshine. Within a short span of time (time frame varies by subject), they begin to experience heightened awareness and increased sensory input (taste, touch, smell, et cetera). This effect of the \"whiskey\" was advertised by its salesmen and was the reason for its target audience. With this heightened sensory capability, however, comes a general decrease in impulse control and heightened fight-or-flight response which has, in testing, been shown to lead to markedly increased levels of violent behavior. This response is theorized to explain the brutality shown by [DATA EXPUNGED].\nD-Class under the effect of SCP-195 were capable of and willing to [DATA EXPUNGED]ing to enjoy the violence of the act. D-183578 (first-degree murder, rape; terminated) expressed a desire to \"rip the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's head off with my teeth\" [sic]. Further testing on the capacities of SCP-195 is deemed unnecessary. Late research assistant Renfield has been posthumously awarded a Foundation citation for performance above and beyond the requirements of duty.\n\nD-12322 (protocol 12) one month after consuming a bottle of SCP-195\n\nAfter the \"whiskey's\" effects wear off, the test subjects will generally return to normal, with the exception of those who [DATA EXPUNGED]. Within a month, however, all subjects will experience a generalized feeling of ennui coupled with fatigue. MRI scans at this stage show development of ulcer-like wounds in the stomach and lungs. These continue to spread indefinitely until the death of the subject. Additionally, the subject's skin and muscle structure begins to degrade, particularly around points of stress or motion. This degradation also continues indefinitely or until the death of the subject.\nSCP-195 was discovered by the \u2588\u2588-year-old son of a historian in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Alabama, in late 20\u2588\u2588. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's arrest and sentencing for the murder of [REDACTED] was an item of minor interest in local news in the area. The Foundation became interested in Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's case when he was admitted to a hospital, at which point the unusual degradation of his skin and organs was noted by Foundation informants in the medical community and traced back to an antebellum home where he had assisted his father in cataloging various items of historical interest. A Foundation team was dispatched to the home and located an open case containing \u2588\u2588 bottles of SCP-195.\nAddendum: Historical sources' descriptions of the salesmen seem to agree that one man was blond and unusually tall while the other had dark hair and walked with a stoop. Both men had \"\u2026strange bright eyes [sic]\" and wore matching \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. [REDACTED] match current Fac[DATA EXPUNGED] remain uncaptured. All personnel are reminded that the capture [DATA EXPUNGED]vel six priority.\n\n\u00ab SCP-194 | SCP-195 | SCP-196 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-196\nObject Class: Euclid/Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-196 must be kept wholly ignorant of any information regarding the reason for his containment. The subject is to be kept in a two room cell inside Site-17. This cell is to be furnished with whatever SCP-196 requests as long as the request does not show any obvious likely lethal use and does not violate any SCP procedure. Subject must cohabit with at least one (1) member of the Site's Level 2 security personnel who must be armed exclusively with non-lethal weaponry. Subject is allowed to freely wander the installation if accompanied by at least one (1) member of Site-17's security personnel. Note that all staff below Level 3 have been told he is a Safe class object. SCP-196 has agreed to wear a satellite tracking anklet. Subject was told that removal of this anklet would result in his death, but this is not actually the case. SCP-196 displays no extraordinary physical ability, thus probability of escape is negligible.\nDescription: SCP-196 appears to be a middle-aged male, under two (2) meters tall, of African-American descent. He claims to be forty-seven years old. Subject has black hair and brown eyes. There are no abnormal physical characteristics. Subject displays all basic needs of a normal human being. Subject tested with an I.Q. of 109, well within normal parameters. Subject's psychological examination indicated that he suffers from institutionalization and Stockholm Syndrome in relation to the Foundation's security staff. SCP-196 demonstrates no Euclid-type or other abnormal abilities.\nNote: I've run the full battery of tests & the exam says that the guy is normal. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 196-01: Those with Level 4 Security Clearance should see document #196-01 for information regarding SCP-196's origin and subsequent Keter classification.\n\n== LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE REQUIRED ==\nSecurity Clearance Adequate: Access Authorized\nAddendum 196-01: document #196-01\nSCP-196 appeared at \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588 inside of Site-\u2588\u2588. SCP-196 claims he was recruited in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of 201\u2588 through standard class D recruitment procedures for testing of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject also claims that his younger self is currently living in another location in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Genetic identification checks confirm that SCP-196 has encountered Foundation security personnel in the past, in an incident at Site-17 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/196\u2588. During that incident, SCP-196 was far older and was killed by SCP security personnel during an attempted break-in at that facility. SCP-196 was, at that time, not known to the Foundation as anything other than a lone human assailant; however, he was found to be carrying SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and several purely mundane weapons.\nWhile a Euclid class event of this nature would normally result in an individual being terminated to prevent any potential for a catastrophic paradox, SCP-196's future self is already dead. This means that if he were permitted to die, a catastrophic paradox could occur damaging or destroying this continuity. SCP-196 must be kept alive until he decides to and successfully manages to escape of his own accord and somehow travels back to experience his own death while carrying SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nNote that because of the potential for paradox, SCP-196 must be kept far away from his younger double in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Additionally, a covert observation team must be permanently attached to SCP-196's younger self to protect his life. This dedicated security force should otherwise not intervene. Failure to permit the time line from unfolding naturally could result in damaging or destroying this continuity. For these reasons SCP-196, despite being otherwise mundane, must be carefully monitored and has been classified as a Euclid/Keter class object.\n\n\u00ab SCP-195 | SCP-196 | SCP-197 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-197\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-197 is maintained on site by local research team Beta-5 \"Green Thumbs.\" Plants may not be removed from SCP-197 without permission from the plant, Dr. Kingsley and appropriate documentation. Plants which are removed from SCP-197 must be monitored and retrieved if necessary.\nTo maintain secrecy, SCP-197 has been emptied and abandoned. Under cooperation with local city officials, the building and many other nearby structures have been condemned. On site security are to check the premises on a weekly basis to physically remove any plant material. The use of fire is not recommended unless it is necessary to facilitate the total removal of any vegetation found within SCP-197. Herbicides are to be applied on a monthly basis to discourage any future attempt at growth.\nDescription: SCP-197 is a plant nursery and greenhouse located at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. Currently the site is abandoned, although previous containment procedures were to maintain the location as a nursery. Most of the anomalous properties of SCP-197 are located within the glass structure of the greenhouse, although research conducted at the time of the site's abandonment suggests that SCP-197 has a wide sympathetic influence on the surrounding area, which has displayed a level of deterioration equal to SCP-197 itself.\nOrganisms within the kingdom Plantae that grow within or are introduced to the greenhouse take on additional characteristics, including self-awareness, sensory awareness, sapience, and capacity for language and mobility, despite a lack of nervous system, brain, sensory organs, vocal cords, or musculature.\nOrganisms also typically have an increased growth rate and elongated life span. Angiosperms that flower only at night or for short periods of time will be in a perpetual state of bloom while within SCP-197. Organisms removed from SCP-197 cease to display anomalous properties but will retain their hardiness and overall health.\nOrganisms which lose their sapience upon removal from SCP-197 will regain it upon reintroduction with no change in personality. With few exceptions, these organisms do not appear to greatly value their sentience and are often eager to leave SCP-197 despite being unable to experience the world outside as anything other than a typical member of their species.\nAll organisms animated by SCP-197 displayed positive personality traits and affection for Foundation personnel and other forms of life, even carnivorous plants introduced as part of Experiment 197-63 \"Seymour.\" SCP-197 duty was often used as both a reward and therapy for agents and researchers who have concluded a stressful assignment or experienced a traumatizing event, as interactions with animated organisms were almost universally described as relaxing.\nUnder the direction of the late Dr. Kingsley, SCP-197 testing involved distribution of organisms cultivated within SCP-197 to the public at large. A positive influence upon the poor urban community around SCP-197 was noted immediately, with both a reduction in crime and an increase to the average standard of living that has equally been reversed following the condemnation of SCP-197. Dr. Kingsley theorized that this was a result of SCP-197 itself creating a cycle of nurturing symbiosis between the community and plant life.\nAddendum: Testing and maintenance of SCP-197 was halted following incident 197-a644. Dahila Kingsley's decapitated body was found within the greenhouse, her severed head cradled within an empty flower pot being held by an ivy that had been present at the site since the time of its discovery. Dahila was the daughter of lead researcher Dr. Kingsley and a trained botanist who was alone inside SCP-197 at the time of her death. This was the first instance of any act of violence on the part of organisms raised within SCP-197. The ivy plant responsible for the killing compared its action to picking a pretty flower and displayed no remorse, although it expressed concern over Dr. Kingsley's reaction and well-being. All organisms distributed from SCP-197 were retrieved and eradicated, those within SCP-197 were eradicated upon removal from the site, with the exception of the ivy [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-196 | SCP-197 | SCP-198 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-198\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-198 is located in a secure room of Site-\u2588\u2588 with armed guards posted outside to prevent any unauthorized access. SCP-198 is to be stored under 24-hour video surveillance in a sealed and locked case (0.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m) and the key kept in a secured location accessible only to those personnel with Level 3 clearance and above. Under no circumstances are any Foundation personnel to handle SCP-198. All handling of SCP-198 is to be done via remote robotic means or by D-class test subjects only.\nIn light of Incident 198-A and Incident 198-B, Object Class has been elevated to Euclid and Containment Protocol 198 has been established. SCP-198's case must now be kept on a digital scale attached to an alarm system with redundant backups for power in its secure room. Any deviations in weight will indicate a breach and Site Supervisors must immediately enact Containment Protocol 198 detailed below.\nDescription: SCP-198 has taken numerous forms since coming into Foundation possession in 19\u2588\u2588. Since acquisition, SCP-198 has been observed to have had dozens of different forms including a Styrofoam cup, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand glass beer bottle, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand aluminum soda cans, an oversized shot glass that read \u201cOne Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor\u201d, a plastic water bottle with a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 label partially peeled off, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. These forms always appear partially filled with the expected liquid a vessel of that type would contain.\nCurrently, SCP-198 appears as an ordinary white, porcelain coffee mug with blue, vertical stripes evenly spaced around its exterior. There are no visible manufacturer markings or otherwise remarkable details about its appearance in its current form. The object has resisted all attempts at destruction or sampling for further analysis. When inactive, SCP-198 can hold the expected 240 mL (8 fl oz) of liquid that any standard coffee mug would hold.\nAnomalous behavior does not manifest until a live human being grasps SCP-198 to hold it. Approximately 2 - 5 seconds after the SCP is held, it will instantly bond itself through unknown, albeit painful means to the handler's hand or hands. Test subjects have reported the pain of bonding with SCP-198 as a \u201csearing\u201d or \u201cfiery\u201d sensation, though no heat can be detected by outside observers or instruments. The use of gloves or other barriers between the object and the hand does not prevent the bonding process so long as the subject can still grip SCP-198. Extensive testing has revealed that the bond appears to be at the molecular level and is permanent until the death of its holder. To date, no means have been found to break the bond including cutting or severing the fingers or hand of the holder as any wounds below the wrist of the test subject heal instantaneously. Further proposed testing of the range of healing up the handler's arm is pending approval.\nOnce bonded, any liquid inside SCP-198 will disappear and the container will inexplicably begin to fill from the bottom-up with a fluid or a semi-solid material, stopping only once it reaches the top of the container. The liquid or semi-solid is different for each holder, but it has to date been a bodily fluid or human excretion in each test instance. Such instances have included human saliva, sweat, blood, bile, mucus, urine, feces, and [DATA EXPUNGED] as well as combinations of two or more of these.\nOnce SCP-198 has filled, the holder will undergo rapid dehydration and/or emaciation, becoming increasingly malnourished to the point of death, which usually occurs within 24 hours if nothing is done to prevent it. Ingestion of standard foods, liquids, or I.V.-supplied nutrients does nothing to reverse or slow this process. Testing has revealed that the only means by which the subject can gain nourishment is by consuming the contents of SCP-198; however, the constant rate of dehydration and emaciation remains the same, forcing the test subject to consume vast quantities of the excretions almost constantly to remain alive. As the contents are consumed or \u2013 as is often the case \u2013 dumped out of the container, SCP-198 will continue to refill itself automatically. Test subjects have lasted as long as 70 hours by consuming the excretions before finally succumbing to exhaustion or refusing to consume any more of the contents, which invariably leads to death.\nUpon expiration of the handler, the bond with SCP-198 is broken and the object can once again be manipulated. In approximately 75% of test instances, SCP-198 will disappear once the bond is broken and reappear almost instantly on a nearby flat surface, seemingly with a preference for tables or shelves within the same room, and take on a new form. Approximately 90% of these reappearances of SCP-198 are within the general vicinity of the now deceased handler, but several times the object has been observed to reappear in nearby containment rooms, observation rooms, and in one case [DATA EXPUNGED]. Due to the catastrophic nature of that incident, extreme care is to be taken when in proximity to SCP-198's containment or testing room. Foundation personnel are urged not to bring with them any beverages or containers within 100 m of SCP-198's containment room even when the object is not actively being researched.\nSCP-198 was acquired by the Foundation from an underground bunker in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Germany, after the bunker's accidental discovery by construction workers. Reports of strange activity and deaths among the construction company regarding this bunker brought the object to Foundation attention. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, upon responding to the location, discovered several deceased and grossly emaciated corpses, both recent and some quite old. Unaware of the nature of their deaths or the SCP in question, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sealed off the area and awaited back-up. It was then that the nature of the SCP object revealed itself as the Agent mistakenly grabbed what appeared to be an unopened bottle of water from a table at the construction site. Backup arrived to find an extremely agitated Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 vomiting and struggling to remove from his hand a cup full of fresh [DATA EXPUNGED]. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 later self-terminated during location clean-up.\nIncident 198-A:\n\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nLocation: Site-\u2588\u2588\nDescription: At approximately 2:15 PM, Researcher John \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was working in an observation room adjacent to SCP-198's containment room, reached for what he thought to be his thermos of iced tea only to discover he was firmly bonded to what appeared to be SCP-198. Immediately, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 notified Site Supervisors who, upon inspection of containment room 198, discovered that SCP-198 was indeed missing from its case. At least 3 months had passed since the last experiment had been conducted on SCP-198 without incident. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was interviewed by Site staff and was kept alive by consuming the contents of SCP-198 for 31 hours before finally refusing to drink the contents any longer.\n\nIncident 198-B:\n\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nLocation: Site-\u2588\u2588\nDescription: At approximately 8:00 AM, Security Guard Albert \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 stopped to get a cup of coffee from a break room later determined to be located three floors underneath and two hallways over from SCP-198's containment room. The guard found himself bonded to SCP-198 when he attempted to grab a bottle of dairy creamer from the break room refrigerator. Once again Site Supervisors were notified of a potential containment breach and discovered SCP-198's case to be empty. Guard \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was interviewed and chose to self-terminate rather than consume any of the contents of SCP-198.\n\nImmediately after Incident 198-B, Site Supervisors determined that the Object Class should be raised to Euclid and Containment Protocol 198 was created to handle future containment breaches.\nContainment Protocol 198:\n\nContainment Protocol 198 is to be executed immediately by Site Supervisors after a containment breach of SCP-198 is detected. In the event that the alarm attached to SCP-198's scale is sounded, Site-\u2588\u2588 is to be locked down and all personnel are to immediately avoid any beverage containers and evacuate the facility until SCP-198 can be located and properly secured.\n\nFor test logs, please see Experiment Log 198-A.\n\n\u00ab SCP-197 | SCP-198 | SCP-199 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-199\n\nItem #: SCP-199\nObject Class: Plant\nContainment Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A garden of SCP-199 has been built at Site-19 for research and containment. The garden is kept in a ventilated containment unit with artificial light suitable for plant growth and an automatic watering system. The ceiling is covered with an electrified grate capable of destroying instances of SCP-199-2. The entire chamber is to be surrounded with a Faraday cage to prevent emission of SCP-199-3.\nInstances of SCP-199 or SCP-199-2 found outside of containment are to be destroyed with fire or pesticides.\nDescription: SCP-199 is a species of fern within the Hymenophyllaceae family. SCP-199 is tangentially related to filmy ferns, but is more tolerant to temperature, humidity, pollution, and external damage. The rhizomes of the plants can attach to and grow on most solid surfaces. SCP-199's appearance is similar of that of thallose liverworts, but its fronds are unique to its species.\nThe fronds of SCP-199 will form into bladders approximately 10 cm in diameter, designated SCP-199-2. Eventually, they will fill with hydrogen gas generated by SCP-199, detach from the main plant, and drift into the air. SCP-199-2 will eventually float at one mile above sea level, and begin to ripen. During this period, SCP-199-2 will emit SCP-199-3 at an initial rate of one signal per hour, steadily increasing as SCP-199-2 ripens. Once SCP-199-2 is ripe, it will burst, releasing its contents.\nIn most cases, SCP-199-2 is empty, and its explosion will not have any consequences. Occasionally, the explosion of SCP-199-2 will release seeds that grow into new instances of SCP-199.\nSCP-199-3 refers to radio signals produced by SCP-199-2. All radio signals consist of a high-pitched male voice, speaking in Mandarin Chinese, giving \"analysis reports\" consisting of observations made from SCP-199-2 and \"status reports\" of SCP-199-2 itself. Analysis of SCP-199-2 has shown that neither the source of the voice nor the radio signals exist, as most instances of SCP-199-2 are empty.\nSCP-199 seems to thrive in polluted environments, implying that it is adapted to grow in heavily populated areas. In addition, SCP-199 is resistant to most pesticides. SCP-199 is most commonly seen growing in chimneys, gardens of large cities, and inside of industrial factories.\nSCP-199 was originally discovered after residents of Xi'an, China reported balloon-like objects colliding with hotels and interference with radio devices. The source of SCP-199-2 was found to be a patch of it within the center of the city. Instances of SCP-199 have since been discovered in several large cities, most notably New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Beijing, and Tokyo.\nAnalysis of SCP-199-3:\n\n+ Input Level 2 Credentials\n\n- Access Granted\n\nFrom 09/12/2017 to 09/19/2017, large-scale analysis of SCP-199-3 was conducted by the Foundation. Large Containment Cell #45 at Site-9 was temporarily converted into a simulated urban area. Five instances of SCP-199 were moved to the area for testing.\nThe following is a transcript of SCP-199-3 transmissions, as well as notes in italics.\n\n\"This is Staffman Foxtail, launch successful, entering watching mode.\" (Transcript of SCP-199-3 after launch of SCP-199-2. Name and rank vary per instance.)\n\n\"Targets found, beginning following mode.\" (Transcript of SCP-199-3 after floating above simulated civilians.)\n\n\"Targets preforming clumping, engaging.\"\n\"Targets entering phase, engaging.\" (Transcript of SCP-199-3 after floating above a gathering of simulated civilians.)\n\n\"Engaging in Armageddon.\" (Transcript of SCP-199-3 after floating above a gathering for two minutes.)\n\"Armageddon failed, disengaging.\" (Transcript of SCP-199-3 after floating above a gathering for five minutes. It is unknown what would occur if \"Armageddon\" was successful.)\n\n\"Evasive drift initiated, course moved.\"\n\"Obstacle encountered, moving from course.\" (Transcript of SCP-199-3 while avoiding buildings.)\n\n\"Single target engaged in protectionless, retreating.\" (Transcript of SCP-199-3 after floating above a member of D-class personnel disguised as a New York citizen on a balcony.)\n\"Single target engaged in that of protection, standing by.\" (Transcript of SCP-199-3 after floating above a member of D-class personnel disguised as a New York citizen on a balcony, while the balcony had flowers.)\n\"Non-target found without that of protection, colored blue.\" (Transcript of SCP-199-3 after floating above a balcony with flowers without a civilian. Color changed depending on type of flower.)\n\"Standing position recovered, entering malign phase.\" (After this was recorded, SCP-199-2 instances actively avoided balconies.)\n\n\"[Unintelligible] \u2014 the Paragon \u2014 [Unintelligible]\" (Emitted by a contained instance of SCP-199-2 while floating above Site-19.)\n\n\"Payload ready for deployment soon, standing by.\" (SCP-199-3 as SCP-199-2 became close to explosion.)\n\"Sorry, it looks like we have mayday here, please avoid future infertility.\" (SCP-199-3 before explosion, when SCP-199-2 was empty.)\n\"We have a complete deployment ready, pleasure to serve you, sir.\" (SCP-199-3 before explosion, when SCP-199-2 had spores.)\n\n\"If you could tell them I loved them\u2014\" (One instance of SCP-199-2 emitted this while idle, and appeared to be cut off mid-sentence. Context unknown.)\n\nMany variations and idle phrases cut out of this document. Please consult Testing Log 199-#023 for an unabridged log.\n\nAddendum: On 09/21/2018, residents of Istanbul, Turkey reported a collective \"cloud\" of over 50 instances of SCP-199-2. Before a task force could respond to this, all instances simultaneously burst. Instead of seeds, SCP-199-2 released an acidic slime that caused severe damage to a road intersection and created three casualties. An ongoing disinformation campaign was released crediting the source of SCP-199-2 to be a bio-terrorist attack.\nThe source of this phenomena was identified to be a patch of SCP-199 on the outskirts of Istanbul. The task force attempted to use fire to destroy these plants; however, SCP-199 reacted with the fire and exploded into acidic green slime, injuring five Foundation agents. Following destruction of the patch, analysis of the soil revealed that SCP-199 had been planted there four weeks earlier.\nThis new variant of SCP-199 has been tentatively designated SCP-199-B. SCP-199-B has also been reported in Mumbai, Lagos, and Mexico City.\nNear the patch found in Lagos, a partially biodegraded plastic seed packet was recovered buried underground. The front of the packet had a symbol resembling an eye with a red iris with a green substance covering a third of the eye. The back of the packet had a symbol strongly resembling the Foundation's shield logo, but with the arrows pointing away from the shield and three vertical bars covering the shield's inner circle.\n\nMore by notgull\n\nMore by notgull\n\nSCPs\n\nnotgull's Proposal\n\nSCP-3733\n\nSCP-3095\n\nSCP-4800\n\nSCP-4804\n\nSCP-2785\n\nSCP-4348\n\nSCP-4048\n\nSCP-4688\n\nSCP-3362\n\nSCP-579-J\n\nSCP-4785\n\nSCP-3339\n\nSCP-5800\n\nSCP-4248\n\nSCP-3747\n\nSCP-4948\n\nSCP-3296\n\nSCP-4800-J\n\nSCP-4799\n\nSCP-199\n\nSCP-3485\n\nSCP-5981\n\nSCP-7234\n\nSCP-4808\n\nSCP-3833\n\nSCP-3748\n\nSCP-4148\n\nSCP-5054\n\nSCP-5025\n\nSCP-1037\n\nSCP-093-J\n\nSCP-5680\n\nSCP-1684\n\nSCP-4872\n\nSCP-3248\n\nSCP-6904\n\nSCP-5483\n\nSCP-6785\n\nSCP-4397\n\nTales\n\nThe Little Robot that Could\n\nJoin the Flock\n\nThe Siege of Site-19\n\nTales of the Automaton: The Big Birdocalypse\n\nFootage Recovered From a Private Server\n\nAvian Anthology I\n\nMy Empire of Birds\n\nMoose on the Loose\n\nDocument recovered from a Parallel Universe\n\nKatz and Dogs\n\nJoey Fucknuts Steals The Declaration of Independence\n\nYour Guard\n\nVacation Opportunity\n\nThe Scent of a Toaster\n\nBurn, Baby, Burn\n\nChasing Suns\n\nWind in the Sails\n\nThree Feet Under I\n\nThe Shape of Water is Humanoid\n\nDead Reckoning\n\nThree Feet Under II\n\nThree Feet Under III\n\nInto the Beetle Black Yonder\n\nForgotten Shrine\n\nDown Through\n\nHyperfine\n\nDon't Knock on Strange Doors\n\nOther\n\nResearcher Calvin's Personnel File\n\nIncident Report \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\"Sphere\" Incursion Log\n\nInitial Incursion Log\n\n\"Cube\" Incursion Log #1\n\n\"Cube\" Incursion Log #2\n\nSCP-093-J Blue Test\n\nSCP-093-J Recovered Documents\n\nSCP-093-J Green Test\n\nSCP-093-J Purple Test\n\nExploration Log 4480-1\n\nSee my Author Page for more information. If you like reading my stuff, consider checking out my YouTube Channel for SCP-inspired animations, among other things.\n\n\u00ab SCP-198 | SCP-199 | SCP-200 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-200\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-200 requires a temperate, secure environment, large enough to house the 1.68 x 2 m bed frame it is affixed to. The room should be equipped with a large viewing window such that SCP-200 may be observed with minimal disturbance. In fact, when not being directly tested, SCP-200 should be left undisturbed. Particular care should be taken when collecting samples to avoid compromising the delicate outer shell of SCP-200.\nAn automated mister should be set up to apply a fine mist to SCP-200 once a day. If SCP-200 appears to be drying out, an additional mist can be applied, but care should be taken not to allow it to become too moist.\nDue to the uncertain nature of SCP-200, the door to its containment area should be kept locked at all times and direct interaction is restricted to Clearance Level 2 staff as a precaution.\nDescription: SCP-200 is contained within a chrysalis measuring 172.4 cm in length from stem to tip, attached to a standard queen size bed frame and mattress. The chrysalis is a mottled brown in color, and analysis shows it to consist of several layers of silk, woven in such a way as to be coarse to the touch. The silk layers appear to be held together by [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-200 itself was last seen as a 13-year-old Caucasian male, measured at 152 cm in height and weighing 168.73 kg. It retreated into its chrysalis on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, and researchers have been unable to explain how the child produced the silk to construct its encasement. Ultrasound tests have been unable to detect any solids within the chrysalis. However, fluid samples extracted from within reveal human DNA matching that of the child in question. It appears that the child has [DATA EXPUNGED]. Samples of the [DATA EXPUNGED] used to bind the chrysalis are also a DNA match for SCP-200.\nSCP-200 lies dormant a majority of the time, although it may be observed twitching occasionally, particularly if it is startled by sudden contact or a loud noise. However, in its current state it poses no threat.\nNotes: SCP-200 was retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, USA on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, approximately 28 hours after chrysalis presented. According to medical records, SCP-200 followed a normal pattern of human development until age 12. At this point, the child began to display a voracious appetite and rapidly gained weight over the course of the following year. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a local pediatrician, was unable to identify a cause for the abrupt change in metabolism.\nThe child's mother, concerned about his weight gain, attempted to restrict his diet. SCP-200 escaped into the surrounding woods. When authorities located the boy 72 hours later, he had doubled his weight on a diet of [DATA EXPUNGED]. After being returned home, SCP-200 developed its chrysalis.\nFollowing retrieval, Class A Amnestics were administered to the child's mother, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and local authorities. Local community was led to believe that [DATA EXPUNGED] to prevent concern about the boy's whereabouts and well being.\nAddendum 200-01: According to the most recent testing, SCP-200's DNA has been displaying a number of mutations. While ultrasound tests still reveal no solids, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hypothesizes that the child may be developing into [DATA EXPUNGED]. This hypothesis remains controversial and requires further testing and observation.\nIn light of these developments, request to reclassify SCP-200 under Euclid has been approved, and 24/7 observation shifts are being implemented to watch for SCP-200's emergence.\n\n\u00ab SCP-199 | SCP-200 | SCP-201 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-201 at recovery\n\nItem #: SCP-201\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No personnel are to come within forty meters of SCP-201 at any time. Any and all work done with SCP-201 is to be performed via remotely controlled drone. Any personnel entering the containment area must be accompanied by two members of security. All personnel in containment area must wear a restraint harness with safety rope attached to the wall. Rope will allow access to within three meters of the minimum safe area. Exceeding this distance will result in physical removal from containment area and formal discipline.\nThose affected by SCP-201 are to have time and date of exposure, disappearance, and return, along with any and all personal information, recorded in Log \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subjects who reappear are to be recovered as soon as possible by Agents and debriefed immediately.\nDescription: SCP-201 appears to be a very old piece of medical equipment, superficially resembling an IV stand, but with many other glass and metal items attached to it. SCP-201 stands 1.8 m (6 ft) tall and has a mass of 36.5 kg (80 lbs). The metal portions are made of steel and brass, and various parts are connected with rubber tubing. The two \u201cIV bags\u201d are porcelain and are open at the top. SCP-201 was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital, in a long-unused storage area. No record of SCP-201 appears anywhere in hospital records.\nEntering within thirty meters of SCP-201 can result in the subject being displaced into an alternate reality. This effect is apparently random, with some subjects remaining totally unaffected after exposure to SCP-201. Those affected will cease to exist in our reality between one and forty-eight hours after initial exposure. Durations of displacement vary between a few hours and upwards of eight years. Time spent in this alternate reality can vary greatly from actual time elapsed in our reality.\nThis alternate world appears identical to our own, with these exceptions:\n\nIt is apparently in a state of constant twilight, with no sun or moon visible at any time.\nLarge banks of very dense grey fog travel very low to the ground. These fog banks are unaffected by wind, and can make exposed skin feel very sticky and dirty.\nThere is no plant or animal life anywhere. All places of human habitation, including major cities, appear as if all life suddenly vanished in the same instant.\nMost, if not all, electrical systems appear to be broken or without power.\nThe air will randomly take on a grey-brown tint, accompanied by strong wind.\n\nSubjects displaced to this \u201calternate world\u201d report initial surprise and curiosity, which are shortly replaced with very strong feelings of loneliness and fear. The severity varies widely with individual subjects and with time of displacement. Upon the end of displacement, subject will re-integrate from this \u201calternate world\u201d to our own, which can cause a great deal of shock, especially in urban settings. Most subjects who remain displaced for more than three months suffer lasting psychological damage consistent with being sequestered within solitary confinement.\n\nSubmit Level 4/201 Login Credentials\n\nCredentials accepted\n\nIn addition, reports of intermittent, fragmentary broadcasts have been returned by subjects attempting to repair power to media devices such as televisions and radios. It is unclear if these are real or the product of the degraded mental states of those remaining long enough to complete said projects, but reports consistently resemble automated messages prepared by the Foundation in contingency for XK-Class Scenarios. Testing will commence if viable samples can be recovered.\n\n\u00ab SCP-200 | SCP-201 | SCP-202 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-202\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Research is being conducted on SCP-202 at Bio-Research Area-12. Here, researchers are actively seeking to understand and cure the condition plaguing SCP-202. He is granted full amenities of Level-0 personnel quarters when not being examined. SCP-202 is under the assumption that he is in a hospital and is not to be made aware that his 'doctors' are in fact SCP researchers.\nDescription: SCP-202 is an Asian-British male, 41 years of age, who performs all actions in reverse. He does not appear to age in reverse, but speaks, eats, walks, and performs all other actions opposite to what is considered normal. SCP-202 speaks in reverse English with a British accent. Recording his speech and playing it backwards at a 1:1 speed allows for normal communication. The subject asserts that he was a normal individual living in Stockport, England, until he woke up one morning four years ago and found that every action he attempted to do, he did in reverse. He pledges that no matter how hard he tries, he is unable to carry out normal patterns of motion. He also claims to be unable to explain how he is able to walk backwards through crowded halls without bumping into others or other inexplicable acts.\nWatching SCP-202 is particularly frustrating to Foundation biologists and physicists. Rather than acting as a pump, the chambers of his heart act as vacuums, pulling his blood towards the heart in arteries and pushing it away in veins. SCP-202 actually exhales oxygen and processes carbon dioxide. Researchers are fervently seeking answers to how his respiratory system works and if, on the molecular level, the Krebs Cycle of metabolism could possibly run in reverse. His 'eating' habits confound researchers as well, as food comes up from his stomach and out his mouth, and undergoes a reverse chew. For example, when 'eating' a sandwich, SCP-202 somehow regurgitates a bolus of food that reverse chews into a portion of sandwich. Boluses are added from SCP-202 into a complete sandwich that defies laws of both physics and biology. The resulting sandwich is completely normal and edible according to research. SCP-202 claims that he isn't aware of what he's going to 'eat' until it starts coming. As for 'waste', when SCP-202 needs to [DATA EXPUNGED, SEE ADDENDUM].\nSCP-202 does not think in reverse and cannot foresee the future, as some personnel believe. He is rather good at Rubik's Cubes and enjoys dismantling jig-saw puzzles.\nAddendum: Direct Order from Commander [EXPUNGED]: \"We're not having any more discussion about what happens when two oh two goes to the bathroom! I think we can all paint a pretty picture of what goes on in there. The damn scientists can't explain where it comes from and neither can the plumbers, so let's just leave it at that! The poor man has enough problems, give him the courtesy of a little privacy. Until the quacks can come up for a reason to study it, I want all data on the topic expunged!\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-201 | SCP-202 | SCP-203 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-203\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-203 is to be kept in Storage Bunker 3-A at Research Facility \u2588\u2588 while powered down. Two D-Class personnel equipped with sound filtration equipment are required to guard Bunker 3-A in case of accidental activation of defense mechanism. While active, SCP-203 is to be accompanied by an armed escort to any testing procedures.\nDescription: SCP-203 appears to at one time have been a Caucasian human male of indeterminate age. Subject is two and a half (2.5) meters tall (though it is theorized that the \u201cskeletal\u201d framework augments subject's original height, as indicated by irregular musculature) and weighs approximately two-hundred (200) kilograms.\nThe subject's entire skeletal structure has been removed and replaced with a mechanical framework made of cast iron that seems to move on its own volition. This framework appears to be the sole cause of SCP-203's ambulation, independent of its musculature. Several areas of skin on the subject's body have split, revealing a section of the subcutaneous metal framework1. In addition to these areas, some parts of the metal structure seem have been made to intentionally protrude from the flesh, seeming to form an aesthetic pattern2. The augmentations to the subject's body include, but are not limited to:\n\nThe fingers have been extended into sharpened barbs approx. one (1) meter long.\nThe lips have been removed, revealing that SCP-203 lacks a jawbone, suggesting that the skull is a single, hollow piece. Remaining oral tissue has been tied into the 'skull' with several hook-like protrusions. In place of the mouth, a small, audio transducer-like grate has been welded. This augment produces basic vocalizations through an unknown mechanism.\nThe vertebrae have been replaced with a segmented iron bar, which has several sharp barbs haphazardly welded to it.\nThe legs have two added joints (making them appear functionally digitigrade) with steel tubes of an unknown function protruding from them, executing and tying into the back.\nThe ribcage lacks a sternum, causing the skin to pull inward with contraction of the subject's diaphragm.\nEars removed, remaining skin stapled together3.\n[EXPUNGED] removed.\nAll toes removed, replaced with a solid piece of iron, vaguely resembling the metal insert of a 'steel toe' boot. The heels are augmented with similar metal inserts.\nEyes have been retained, but are held in the forward-facing position by several needles protruding from the eye socket. Irises seem to be permanently dilated and not photoreactive.\n\nWhile lacking vocal cords, SCP-203 can communicate verbally through the transducer located on its faceplate. It appears to understand English to an extent, but its primary language appears to be a previously unknown Arabic dialect. SCP-203 has no recollection of a life before its augmentations, only that it feels near-constant pain and confusion.\nSCP-203 appears to run on an internal power cell that runs for a 72-hour period, after which the subject enters into a state of hibernation that lasts between 3 and 4 hours. Subject cannot deliberately deactivate this power source, though it has expressed that these periods of \u201csleep\u201d are the only escape it has from its otherwise miserable existence. As there is no current way of ascertaining the truthfulness of the subject's statements, any expression of pain or depression by the subject is to be viewed by staff as a method of eliciting a sympathetic response, and are to be dismissed.\nX-rays, CT, ultrasound, and all other forms of diagnostic imagery4 have proven incapable of penetrating the internal workings of SCP-203 deeper than the subcutaneous level, and exploratory surgery activates a secondary defense mechanism that [REDACTED].\nIt has recently come to light that SCP-203 has the ability to emit a high-frequency drone, superficially similar to audio feedback, that has a severely damaging effect on the human nervous system. However, this mechanism is only activated when subject is provoked or harmed. For more information regarding this ability, see the attached testing log.\nSCP-203 has, on numerous occasions, requested either anesthetics, analgesics or on occasion, narcotics. These requests are pending approval.\n\nShow Testing Log\n\nHide Testing Log\n\nTest Format:\nSubject:\nPresiding Researcher:\nMethod of Induction:\nResult: [Time after exposure]:\nSubject: Personnel D-104\nPresiding Researcher: N/A\nMethod of Induction: Accidental. SCP-203 is struck by D-104 when it refuses to enter storage. When defense mechanism activates, D-104 continues his assault, and forces SCP-203 into containment.\nResult:\n[1 minute after exposure]: Subject experiences a severe headache.\n[15 minutes after exposure]: Subject's headache increases in intensity and his ears begin to bleed. SCP-203 continues to screech. (Note: D-171, the other guard on duty, is not affected by the sound)\n[20 minutes after exposure]: Subject leaves his post and checks himself into infirmary.\n[30 minutes after exposure]: Subject experiences seizure. Subject is now bleeding from all extremities.\n[35 minutes after exposure]: Subject begins to yell \u201cshut it up\u201d repeatedly, though he is no longer within audible range of SCP-203.\n[40 minutes after exposure]: Subject flat lines. Post mortem reveals that Subject died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage.\nSubject: Personnel D-090\nPresiding Researcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nMethod of Induction: Subject is locked in cell with SCP-203 while being observed via remote cameras. D-090 is equipped with a Taser and is told to use said weapon on SCP-203. Subject is reluctant, but complies. SCP-203 begins emission of defenses 30 seconds after provocation.\nResult:\n[1 minute after exposure]: Subject becomes agitated and assaults SCP-203 again. SCP-203 continues emission and assumes fetal position.\n[10 minutes after exposure]: Subject begins holding head and ears and nose begin to bleed. SCP-203's defense mechanism continues.\n[25 minutes after exposure]: Subject experiences seizure. SCP-203's defense mechanism appears to cease. However, later analysis reveals that the frequency of the emitted sound has simply moved beyond the human range of hearing.\n[35 minutes after exposure]: Subject begins vomiting blood and bleeding from the eyes.\n[40 minutes after exposure]: Subject appears to be dead. Emitted sound genuinely ceases.\n[44 minutes after exposure]: SCP-203 stands and moves toward the body of subject. SCP-203 then begins to surgically remove subject's skeleton. At this time, SCP-203 is removed from cell and put into storage. (Note: test seems to indicate that SCP-203's defense mechanism is also a method of producing more SCP-203-like entities. Further tests in allowing SCP-203 to continue this process are being considered.)\n\nAddendum: Interview Log 203-1\n\n\"Addendum: Interview Log 203-1\n\nInterviewed: SCP-203\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n: I saw you've requested to see the video footage from the test last week.\n<203>: Yes.\n: Any particular reason?\nPause.\n<203>: Eyes do not see, happens beyond. Lost in the black, like time of silence, and does not know what they do.\n: I'm not sure I understand\u2026 you lose consciousness when your defenses are triggered?\n<203>: Yes.\n: And\u2026 you wish to know what you did to your assailant?\n<203>: After the black, we see only after. Within the black, our body is only the tool of [unintelligible, possibly Arabic].\n: Why do you want to know this?\n203 is silent for several minutes.\n: 203?\n<203>: They think us a thing. They think us something to watch. [garbled, sounds like \u201cWe are a toy\u201d]. But, even with the evil inside me, one talks to us as a man.\n: I'm sorry?\n<203>: You, \u2588\u2588. You talk to us like we are not metal. You call us by name.\n203 makes an unidentified sound; possibly laughter.\n<203>: When nobody hears, you call us by name. You call us \u201cEdward\u201d. Like guards say \u201cEdward Scissorhands\u201d.\n: [becoming distressed] That would be unprofessional, 203 \u2013\n<203>: You call us \u201cEdward\u201d, and you say you care, and you will help us \u2013\n: This session is over.\n\nClosing statement: Dr. \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has since been denied access to observation of SCP-203.\n\nFootnotes\n1. This and the presence of suture scarring indicate the augments to have been surgical, rather than the organic components being grown onto the metallic structure. See Anatomical Analysis 203-Aleph for further details.\n2. While it is merely speculation at this point, some researchers believe these additions to be ritualistic in nature\n3. Note that subject has displayed superhuman aural acuity despite this fact.\n4. Quite obviously SCP-203's metallic nature precludes the use of magnetic resonance imaging\n\n\u00ab SCP-202 | SCP-203 | SCP-204 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-204\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-204-1 and SCP-204-2 are to be kept in a 10 m x 10 m fortified holding area in Site-\u2588\u2588. The holding area must be constructed out of armor plated steel and heavily-reinforced concrete. The holding area must also be vacuum sealed and contained within an outer shell with a higher air pressure that must always be maintained with at least 2 PSI over the current air pressure in the holding area. At least one full security team must be kept on standby at all times.\nIt is only during SCP-204-1's scheduled feeding times that D-class personnel are allowed to enter for the purposes of maintenance. SCP-204-1's typical diet consists of any kind of meat, preferably from living subjects. Such subjects will often consist of aggressive animals such as wild dogs, bulls, or any other animal that must be euthanized due to aggression. However, D-class personnel will also suffice if such food sources are unavailable. SCP-204-2's diet consists of a regular human diet with no special measures required. SCP-204-2 is allowed to make special requests, but any and all requests must be given O5 approval. Any personnel caught attempting to deliberately provoke SCP-204-2 will be immediately terminated.\nSecurity personnel are required to ignore any and all of SCP-204-2's attempts to provoke a response from them unless there is a clear and present risk of containment breach. Failure to do so will result in harsh administrative punishment.\nWhen SCP-204-2 is about to turn the age of fourteen, the Foundation must initiate Containment Protocol 204. Further details may be found in Containment Protocol 204 Requirements.\nIn the event of a containment breach, EMP generators must be immediately activated in order to keep SCP-204-1 disabled. Once EMP generators have been activated, security teams have approximately thirty seconds to neutralize SCP-204-2 before SCP-204-1 can adapt and reassemble itself. If containment cannot be achieved in this time, SCP-204-1 must be contained by conventional means. Security teams and agents are authorized to use any conventional weaponry at their disposal to contain SCP-204-1 and SCP-204-2. If SCP-204-2 is terminated during containment, then Containment Protocol 204 must immediately be initiated.\nDescription: SCP-204-1 is a semi-organic nano-machine colony that follows SCP-204-2 as a form of protector. SCP-204-1 spends the majority of its time in a dispersed cloud, where it is almost impossible to perceive with normal human senses. However, if SCP-204-2 is put into danger, or if SCP-204-2 commands it to, SCP-204-1 will instantaneously materialize into a solid, physical form. The exact shape and nature of this form is subjective, depending wholly upon SCP-204-2's view, state of mind, and imagination. Despite its variable nature, SCP-204-1 has a number of common traits. These include: massive strength, large size, basic intelligence, perfect obedience to SCP-204-2, and the ability to regenerate itself after consuming living flesh. SCP-204-1 is vulnerable to conventional weaponry, and can be temporarily forced back into its dispersed state if enough damage is inflicted.\nSCP-204-2 is always a child, ranging from four to fourteen years old. Physically, there is nothing outstanding about SCP-204-2 besides its ability to call upon SCP-204-1. All incidences of SCP-204-2 have common traits. All of them have had a history of abuse and danger, with many developing acute mental disorders as a result. This makes instances of SCP-204-2 difficult to contain in any traditional manner, as great care must be taken to keep them in a stable state. It appears that SCP-204-1 is attracted to such children, though why or how it finds them is currently unknown. If SCP-204-2 is terminated or reaches the age of fourteen, then SCP-204-1 will abandon it and find a new child to \"imprint\" on. As a form of self-preservation, if SCP-204-1 cannot find a suitable child, it will immediately materialize and go berserk, attacking anything in sight.\nOnce SCP-204-1 finds a suitable candidate to protect, it immediately \"imprints\" upon SCP-204-2 and will follow it until SCP-204-2 expires or until SCP-204-1 decides to leave of its own accord. At first, SCP-204-1 appears benign, protecting SCP-204-2 from overt threats. However, through careful study and observation, it has been noted that all incidences of SCP-204-2 begin to adopt much more aggressive, danger-seeking behavior with little regard for human life. It is theorized that SCP-204-1 is able to manipulate SCP-204-2's thought processes in order to behave in a fashion that would benefit it. It is assumed that since SCP-204-1 requires organic flesh for sustenance, it needs SCP-204-2 to be in danger in order to \"justify\" its activation. See Addendum 1 for further details.\nAddendum 1: There have been numerous recorded incidences where it is believed SCP-204-1 has been involved. The first such recorded incident was when a car was found in a residential street, completely torn apart and covered in partially devoured human remains. Similar incidents occurred until Agents managed to track SCP-204-1 to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 where they made contact with the first recorded incarnation of SCP-204-2. It took three more attempts and numerous casualties before SCP-204-1 and SCP-204-2 were successfully contained. Interviews with SCP-204-2 revealed that it seemed to feel a need to experience danger, such as standing in traffic or provoking hostile responses from others. When questioned on its reasons, SCP-204-2 simply replied that SCP-204-1 \"allowed [it] to\".\nContainment Protocol 204: In order to keep SCP-204-1 successfully contained, it has been necessary to keep a permanent stock of candidates to replace SCP-204-2 in the event that the current one is terminated or abandoned. Ideally, all candidates should be orphans below the age of ten with a history of abuse. However, in times of need, Article XII of Containment Protocol 204 may be authorized to allow candidates that don't meet specific requirements. They will be put under the supervision of \"caretakers\" which will consist of D-class personnel convicted of violent crimes, child abuse, and pedophilia with Foundation staff present to prevent inadvertent termination of candidates.1\nIf SCP-204-2 successfully reaches the cut-off age of fourteen years and SCP-204-1 abandons it, the former SCP-204-2 must undergo a rigorous amnestic treatment and a thorough psychological examination before being reintegrated into a government foster program. If it is deemed that the former SCP-204-2 cannot be successfully reintegrated, then the subject must be immediately terminated.\nAddendum 2: As of the writing of this report, the Foundation has contained thirteen instances of SCP-204-2. Eleven instances exhibited the trademark hostile and violent behavior typical among all instances of SCP-204-2. However, 2 instances of SCP-204-2 showed a marked improvement in their mental health and stability and had the lowest number of containment breach attempts. It is currently unclear what specific factors trigger these differences in behavior, as the exact mechanism SCP-204-1 uses to manipulate its host is still unknown.\nAddendum 3: Though there is evidence to suggest that SCP-204-1 may be sentient, or possibly even sapient, all attempts to communicate directly with SCP-204-1 have resulted in failure. Currently, the only feasible method of communicating with SCP-204-1 is to use SCP-204-2 as an intermediary. Unfortunately, the violent tendencies and hostile behavior exhibited by nearly all instances of SCP-204-2 as well as their questionable mental stability make this approach highly unreliable.\n\nFootnotes\n1. To date, Article XII has not been enacted in any form.\n\n\u00ab SCP-203 | SCP-204 | SCP-205 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-205\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-205-1 and SCP-205-2 are contained within Chamber 52 at Site-23, under regular observation via the adjoining observation room. SCP-205-1 and SCP-205-2 are to be supplied with power and face the white projection screen on the wall opposite the observation window at all times. Chamber 52 requires monthly maintenance to ensure the continued operation of both SCP objects, their power supply and remote activation controls. Replacement parts and bulbs are kept on hand in the chamber. Maintenance is suspended during the final month of the SCP-205 cycle, occurring in April and October of each year. Should power to Chamber 52 fail it is to remain dark and sealed for a period of thirty days before local security enters to re-engage power for continued observation and containment.\nDuring maintenance it is critical that only one of the SCP-205 pair is ever turned off at a time. Should both objects lose power or otherwise cease normal operation the chamber must be sealed for a 30 day period before local security may enter to re-engage power and retrieve the remains of any personnel lost in the chamber.\nPending O5 review, testing and observation is to continue before SCP-205 is to be moved to permanent storage.\nDescription: SCP-205 is a pair of flood lamps used in photography. The light emitted by each lamp behaves in a manner unique to SCP-205 and passes completely through any surface that is not colored white. Once the light contacts a white surface it scatters and reflects as normal and loses any unnatural properties. If the light continues uninterrupted through any matter, otherwise casting no shadow, each lamp will display an unidentified young woman's shadow upon any flat white surface, such as the projection screen in Chamber 52. Whether or not this shadow corresponds to anyone living or dead has yet to be determined, although the shadow appears to re-enact a specific series of events leading up to the woman's death.\nEven if the lamps are slightly moved, the shadow remains distinct and does not lose focus or move along with the one lamp or the other. Only one shadow is cast although a physical person standing before two lamps would actually cast two shadows.\nWhen supplied with steady power and maintained, the SCP-205 pair will go through a six month cycle that ends on April 30th and October 31st of each year. Neither the inclusion of an extra day during a Leap Year nor intermittent operation failures change these dates, thus SCP-205's cycle appears to be tied to the standard calendar rather than a set passage of time.\nSCP-205 will shut off at midnight on the final day of each cycle. Any persons entering or already inside Chamber 52 when the lamps are both turned off are violently assaulted by forces unseen in a manner consistent with the fate suffered by the shadow woman, regardless of any other light sources in the room.\nIf the lamps are shut off at the end of a standard six month cycle they can be remotely activated to immediately end the danger and begin a new cycle. If the lamps cease operating for any other reason Chamber 52 will remain dangerous and must remain sealed for at least thirty days regardless of the status of SCP-205 itself. During a dangerous phase any equipment in the room is often ransacked, but although SCP-205 itself has sometimes been moved the lamps are never damaged.\nOn two occasions [DATA EXPUNGED] were carved into the walls. This strongly implies that [DATA EXPUNGED] displaying an awareness of current containment procedures.\nOverview of SCP-205's cycle: For the first month of operation, SCP-205 will display a still image of one woman in a provocative pose. Although variances have been noted in the pose and clothing of the woman, the individual displayed appears to be distinct and consistent through all cycles. During the last week of the first month, the shadow will begin to move slightly as if the individual is shifting her weight or becoming uncomfortable. Her hair and clothing will be observed to flutter in ways that do not correspond to any movement of the atmosphere within Chamber 52. By the end of the first calendar month the shadow will break her pose and spend the next eight hours moving through a series of poses that imply a photography session complete with clothing changes and short breaks, sometimes including a meal.\nAfter this session is over the shadow will constantly be in motion for the next five months, displaying a pantomime of the last days of a young model's life before she is brutally murdered at the end of the cycle. The shadow of the woman never moves beyond the boundaries of the projection screen. The shadows of objects that the woman appears to be interacting with do not appear unless they are being picked up or carried, and with the exception of the final month of the cycle any other individuals that the shadow appears to be interacting with are not seen.\nAlthough the cycle is slightly different each time certain consistencies are observed. The individual portrayed appears to have taken up photography as a hobby in addition to being a fashion model. Her behavior implies a great deal of social interaction although with a lack of intimacy and behavior that indicates living alone rather than with family or a partner. One implied sexual encounter with an unseen partner occurs in the second or third month of the cycle and exactly sixty six explicit sexual encounters occur in the final month of the cycle.\nDuring the last month of the cycle in April and October, shadows distinct from the young woman are displayed. These shadows all have exaggerated nude male physiques and horns projecting from the cranium although no phallus is ever observed, even during the sexual displays that take up the final days of the cycle. Only one shadow appears at first, interacting with the woman in a manner suggesting that they have met at a party or social gathering. The woman does not appear to notice the unusual nature of the other shadow and plays out a series of varying romantic interactions with it. The horned shadow will return to dine with the woman, engage in silent conversations and accompany her on outings. One recurring event involves the horned shadow introducing the woman to at least two other identical horned figures. After the second week of the month the woman will take photographs of one or more of the horned shadows during one of their outings, always with a non-digital camera that has been consistent through all observed viewings of the SCP-205 cycle. After this event explicit sexual encounters will begin between the woman and one of the figures, increasing in intensity and frequency until the end of the third week.\nDuring the final week of the month the woman appears to develop the film in her camera for the first time since photographing the horned shadow(s). Her reaction to the photographs is one of shock and horror, and her movements afterward suggest that she attempts to flee and seek shelter behind a locked door, presumably in her home. There she is encountered by multiple instances of the horned shadow figure which assault her repeatedly for the remainder of the week. It is strongly implied that she is killed during this process although the assaults will continue until the end of the cycle.\nOn the last day of the cycle one of the horned shadows begins to grow larger in a manner suggesting that the figure casting it is approaching the SCP-205 lamps directly. It will eventually overcast all other shadows and at this time both lamps will be physically turned off regardless of any modifications made to prevent a halt in operation.\nAddendum: SCP-205-1 has been in the Foundation's possession since \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588; SCP-205-2 is identical in every way, including the serial number. It was discovered in a ransacked motel room in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 on \u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. No sign of the identity or whereabouts of the occupant have been found, although a camera similar to the one displayed in the sixth month of the SCP-205 cycle was also recovered. Most of the contained film was ruined by exposure; see attached photo for the one image that was developed from the camera.\nIncident 205-76b: On 10-28-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-205-2's bulb burnt out. Researcher M. N\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was sent in to Chamber 52 to replace the bulb during one of the climactic assaults. Upon the opening of Chamber 52's door, all horned shadow figures within view ceased their activity and turned towards the door. Researcher N\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 resealed the chamber and refused to enter to perform maintenance. Shadow figures did not resume their usual activity for approximately three hours.\nIncident 205-77a: On 4-28-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-205-2's bulb exploded. Shadow figures all ceased activity and looked towards the chamber door. No staff were dispatched to replace the bulb, Chamber 52 sealed and abandoned for 30 days according to procedure.\n\n\u00ab SCP-204 | SCP-205 | SCP-206 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-206\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-206 is currently unable to be secured, an information suppression plan has been put into effect to conceal its existence. Frequencies known to be used by SCP-206 are to be monitored, and all images relayed to Earth via other probes or satellites deleted from non-Foundation assets after they have been retrieved. Technology and astronomy websites, journals and periodicals are to be monitored for discussion of the rover or the receipt of unusual photographs (see Document 206-AA12 for complete list). Persons who become aware of the existence of SCP-206 are to be administered amnestics.\nUPDATE - 30/11/20\u2588\u2588: As orbital observation of SCP-206 has proven possible, agents within satellite and aerial imaging organizations are directed to keep watch for instances of SCP-206, and remove the images concerned. Deployment of 'image corruption' cover story suggested.\nDescription: SCP-206 is a Martian exploratory rover (Designation - Invictus) launched on 12/08/20\u2588\u2588 as part of a joint Russian Space Research Institute / European Space Agency effort. (Exact object specifications are listed in Document 206-AA1.) Despite a successful launch aboard a Soyuz-FG rocket, telemetry data was lost on 16/01/20\u2588\u2588, roughly halfway to Mars. Attempts to re-establish communication failed, and on 10/02/20\u2588\u2588 the craft was declared lost.\nOn 08/06/20\u2588\u2588 (a day after Invictus was planned to arrive on the Martian surface) a connection was established with ESA flight control on the rover's assigned frequency. Before terminating at the source, 38 photographs were transmitted, appearing to show views of the expected landing zone in the Victoria Crater. Three days later, a further batch of 11 images was received, showing a drastically different location (later determined to be in the Cydonia Mensae, roughly 2500km due south).\nThe Foundation was informed of the incidents by operatives at the ESA shortly thereafter, and moved to investigate. Containment procedures were instituted on 21/06/20\u2588\u2588, when ESA Control received a batch of 5 images showing panoramic views of the Martian surface, apparently taken from its satellite Deimos. How the rover (which, as designed, is rated at maximum speed of 90m per hour on flat ground) traveled between these locations is currently unknown.\nSCP-206 contacts Earth sporadically, utilizing its original channel, [DATA REDACTED]. Once a connection is established, it uploads a number of images in varying formats. Pictures received do not always correspond to the hardware originally installed on Invictus, though the signature and session initiation packets match those programmed.\nTracking stations have received a total of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 images. A large number of these images (roughly 38%) appear to have been taken on Earth, or worlds similar to it (differing in some detail). The remaining photographs seem to have been taken on, or in the region of, various celestial bodies, only a small percentage of which are currently identified. Periods between transmission vary considerably; the shortest registered to date is 26 hours, the longest 511 hours.\nDespite visual confirmation of the existence of something resembling the rover (see Addendum 206-1) no trace of it has been found in the received images, even when the scene includes a reflective surface. Further, a number of photographs show locations exceedingly difficult, if not impossible for a rover the size and shape of Invictus to access.\nAddendum 206-01: At the time containment procedures were instituted, it was unknown whether the transmissions originated from the probe itself, or if an unknown entity had simply co-opted the frequency and was impersonating the rover.\nHowever, on 13/08/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-206 transmitted a photograph of what was identified as a portion of a Lunar Ranging Retro Reflector. Nearby orbital assets were re-tasked to survey the relevant regions, revealing tracks closely resembling those a rover the size and shape of Invictus could be expected to leave. On 30/11/20\u2588\u2588 Japanese lunar orbiter SELENE captured the vehicle itself during a camera calibration session over the Copernicus Crater. Four hours later, SCP-206 uploaded a new image showing a view of the same region. Since then, SCP-206 has been captured by several satellites in various locales - see Sighting Log SCP-206.\nAddendum 206-02: Though SCP-206 generally uses [DATA REDACTED], on at least 5 occasions images have been transmitted to (or via) civilian or military space assets. No connection between the image sets in question has been found. See Incident Log SCP-206 for more details.\n\nArchive of images sent by SCP-206\n\nArchive of images sent by SCP-206\n\nDate\nNumber of Images\nDescription\nImages\n\n07/06/20\u2588\u2588\n38\nThe image sent appears to document SCP-206's landing on Mars. Image 1 shows a view of the Victoria Crater, looking to the north-east, from approximately 3 kilometres above the surface. Images 2-37 show the same region at continually decreasing altitudes. Image 38 seems to have been taken at ground level, roughly 500m south-west of the mission's intended landing point.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n10/06/20\u2588\u2588\n11\nMars, Cydonia Mensae\n[DATA LOST]\n\n17/06/20\u2588\u2588\n5\nExo-atmospheric view of Mars. Based on the alignment of celestial bodies in the Local Cluster, the image was taken from Deimos.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n21/06/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nThe first single-image set, showing the rear of the Spirit rover, which was, at the time, traversing the Gusev Crater. No anomalous readings or images were reported from Spirit.\n\n07/07/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nRuins of the temple of Mars Ultor (Rome, Italy). This is the first image sent by SCP-206 that shows a place on Earth.\n\n13/08/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nSingle image showing the top left portion of a Lunar Ranging Retro Reflector. Later identified as belonging to Apollo 15. Image displays qualities consistent with being taken by a Hasselblad 500/EL data camera, a device not fitted to Invictus.\n\n29/08/20\u2588\u2588\n7\nVarious views of Mount Rushmore (South Dakota, USA).\n[DATA LOST]\n\n01/10/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nStern portion of a sunken ship. Letters \"L\", \"S\", \"T\" and \"N\" are readable.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n14/12/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nRacetrack Playa, Death Valley, USA. Image shows the trace of one of the \"sailing stones\". Judging by the lower part of the image, as well as the stone's trajectory, the image seems to have been taken from one of the sailing stones.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n07/02/20\u2588\u2588\n1\n29 boxes with light bulbs. The place was not actually determined; judging by the doors it's a subway entrance in one of the Northern hemisphere cities.\n\n11/02/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nA metal construction of a humanoid figure on a horse-like four-legged creature. Both the \"rider\" and the \"horse\" seem to be composed of multiple small details.\n\n21/04/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nTractor (later identified as a Universal model) on the porch of the Belgorod regional study museum in Russia.\n\n11/09/20\u2588\u2588\n41\nThirteen images show a funeral mass in a church (later determined to be St. Jerome, Noordwijk, Netherlands). The rest depict a burial of a man in the aforementioned church graveyard. The man was later determined to be D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 I\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, chief structural engineer of the Invictus Mars rover project.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n12/09/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nGravestone of D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 I\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The image is smudged; some dark liquid stains were present on the camera lens at the moment of filming. Later investigation found SCP-206 tracks near the grave and two [REDACTED] of unknown breed.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n24/02/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nMount Rushmore with the face of Jefferson Davis instead of Abraham Lincoln. One of the first photographs to depict an Earth different from the 'original'.\n\n03/07/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nMoscow Kremlin. The image appears to be taken from the Greater Stone Bridge. The walls and towers are white, although judging by the vegetation and people caught on film, the time the image was taken is consistent with the time it was received.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n01/08/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nA small football field, exact location unknown. It should be noted that all people and some objects depicted are lacking shadows.\n\n15/09/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nTaj Mahal, Agra, India. Judging by the perspective, the image was taken from the main spire. The structure doesn't look any different from the one we know, but the domes are adorned with gilded symbols that don't belong to any known alphabet.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n30/11/20\u2588\u2588\n8\nThe Moon, Copernicus crater. Japanese space probe Kaguya has caught SCP-206 on camera here approximately at the same time.\n\n01/01/20\u2588\u2588\n1\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n11/01/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nPrimary coolant circuit of a nuclear reactor from the inside.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n09/03/20\u2588\u2588\n1\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n13/03/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nTemple of Khafre, Giza, Egypt. Judging by the perspective, the image was taken from the Great Sphinx's nasal bridge.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n07/06/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nTwo broken TV sets with a house cat (Felis silvestris catus) sitting on one of them, looking sideways.\n\n24/07/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nA deceased man lying in what looks like a coffin. The man was presumed to be P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 F\u2588\u2588\u2588, a known actor, but at the moment the image was taken he was alive.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n29/07/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nA scattering flock of doves. The place was later recognized to be the Cathedral Square, Belgorod, Russia.\n\n16/08/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nA lot of dead fish in an unknown place.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n31/10/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nA view of a tank driver seat. The interior looks like a Maus super-heavy tank, but a lot more modern.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n19/12/20\u2588\u2588\n1\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA LOST]\n\n26/03/20\u2588\u2588\n9\nAn architectural ensemble that looks like Forum of Augustus (Rome, Italy), but in pristine condition. One of the photographs depicts an electronic display installed next to the building presumed to be the Mars Ultor temple. The image shows some text on an unknown dialect of Chinese scrolling on the display. Partial translation reads: \"Hail, Mars the Savior, Great Helmsman who led [???] and raised the Celestial Empire [???]. [???] a hundred flowers [???]. May your spear strike [???] shields to cover us.\"\n[DATA LOST]\n\n02/04/20\u2588\u2588\n3\nInterior of the Kostnize church, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic. The interior looks like the actual church, but some of the skulls can be seen having three eye sockets.\n\n04/04/20\u2588\u2588\n1\nA view of Lopan river from the window of Kharkov National University building. Judging by the perspective, the building is at least 10 stories taller than the actual one, although the background corresponds to the date the picture was taken.\n[DATA LOST]\n\n\u00ab SCP-205 | SCP-206 | SCP-207 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-207-C\n\nItem #: SCP-207\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-207 is to be stored in a waterproofed locking metal container measuring 1 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m. The key is to be issued to the current head researcher of Site-\u2588\u2588's bio-containment area. SCP-207 is to be retained inside this area at all times, and all personnel entering the area should be checked for any food or drink items, in addition to any other searches required. Any staff seen ingesting SCP-207-1 are to be retained for future study, with all Foundation clearance levels removed.\nAll vending machines in Site-\u2588\u2588 are to only dispense clear carbonated beverages; any variation from transparent is to be investigated immediately.\nDescription: SCP-207 refers to a crate containing 24 Coca-Cola brand cola drinks. The bottles are designated SCP-207-A to -X. SCP-207-B is currently the active bottle for testing, and no other bottles are to be opened without authorisation from two Level 4 researchers. All bottles have been clearly labelled to aid identification. The liquid held inside these has been confirmed to be identical across all of SCP-207, and should not be ingested outside of supervised testing. The liquid has been classified as SCP-207-1, and is to be treated as a Class 2 chemical hazard. SCP-207-1 does not appear to alter with age; however, the active testing bottle should have its protective cover kept on outside of removing liquid for testing.\nMass spectroscopy and chemical tests have shown higher than usual concentrations of caffeine and sugars (both natural and artificial), along with [REDACTED]. The practical effect of this is when a subject drinks SCP-207-1, they will effectively no longer require sleep or rest, nor attempt to sleep or rest. This effect is not lessened by any soporific or medication yet tested on test subjects. However, only a quantity larger than five (5) millilitres will cause this effect. The reason for this lower boundary existing has not been found, although it is hypothesised by Dr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that [REDACTED]. As such, unless authorised by two Level 3 researchers, only five (5) millilitres of SCP-207-1 is to be used for testing. Amounts higher than this have shown no difference in effect, with the exception of the Subject SCP-207 was recovered from (See addendum).\nIn addition to removing the need for rest, SCP-207-1 also causes an increase in motor, reaction, and psychological functions. The increase is linear in progression, with an estimated 50% increase (measured by standard medical protocols, +/-5%) every 6 hours. The practical application of ingestion is that the subject is able to think, react, and move faster than others who have not ingested SCP-207-1. Mental proficiencies show the IQ of the subject to rise in line with other increases.\nHowever, SCP-207-1 does not alter the body of affected subjects. Physiology remains unchanged, and as such, can rarely support the increase in activity. No subjects have lasted longer than 48 hours during testing, with the cause of death varying from massive internal organ failure to exsanguination due to major artery ruptures. Subjects also begin to show stress after roughly 24 hours, usually making each movement extremely carefully, in order to avoid accidents. Tests SCP-207-Alpha and -Rho have shown that after approximately 24 hours, the increases caused by SCP-207-1 mean subjects can easily underestimate their speed. Most specifically, in test SCP-207-Rho, the subject was able to escape the containment area, despite a five (5) metre wall. However, this caused the test subject's internal bone structure [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum: SCP-207 was recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 College, after reports of student \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 moving from failing grades in all areas (including physical sports) to top percentile marks, and record-breaking performances in physical areas. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, embedded in the local police force, brought \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in for interview. Subject revealed the existence of SCP-207 during the interview; however, escape attempt while Class A Amnestics were being administered resulted in the subject violently [DATA EXPUNGED]. Cause of death: organ failure due to massive internal hemorrhage. As SCP-207-A was empty on recovery, it is believed ingesting a full bottle [REDACTED].\nSCP-207 recovered from subject's home, SCP-207-A already empty. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported to local police force as missing person; no further cause for surveillance of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 College required at this time.\n\n\u00ab SCP-206 | SCP-207 | SCP-208 \u00bb"} {"text": "Sculpture of SCP-208, found close to the Nile Delta\n\nItem #: SCP-208\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to his docile manner, minimum containment procedures are to be applied to SCP-208. SCP-208 is to be housed in a 10 m x 10 m room decorated in traditional Egyptian style, furnished with a single couch and a stereo system stocked with music of North African origin of any era. Surveillance is to be maintained during all movement outside of containment. SCP-208 is approved to operate at Site-17's medical wing.\nDescription: SCP-208 appears to be a short, stout man of Egyptian heritage, possessing a great deal of hair over much of his body. Along his brow is a mane similar to a lion's in shape and color, which grows down to a significant beard. SCP-208 typically wears an Egyptian tunic, similar to that of typical Old Kingdom military, although occasionally this is replaced by modern military fatigues.\nSCP-208 is capable of inducing rapid cellular regeneration and reconfiguration within organic life forms, which amounts to the ability to quickly and effectively heal most physical ailments. This is performed by a unique form of electromagnetic radiation released from SCP-208's body, which acts on a wavelength that oscillates with four degrees of freedom rather than three. The electromagnetic radiation displays unusual pulse phenomena. Furthermore, the energy of the radiation decays over distance in a fashion incompatible with the inverse-squared model. This radiation is emitted from SCP-208 naturally in small doses, and can be released in greater amounts when focused. Personnel have noted that being near SCP-208 provokes a feeling of wellness and ease, making him quite popular with the security staff. This radiation also possesses the ability of warding off ill intent, to the point of acting as a physical barrier to naturally malicious beings. What causes this is unknown, but MRI scanning of Class D personnel taken from death row in the presence of SCP-208 detected an unidentifiable pattern of neurons firing. This activity coincided with a feeling of extreme unease on behalf of the subject, as he tried to flee the secure containment chamber. It is speculated that the neural activity activates the acute stress response in human subjects, stimulating the \u201cfight-or-flight\u201d instinct. What causes it to affect non-human subjects is still unknown.\nDespite his appearance, SCP-208 is jovial and friendly to staff, and enjoys the company of others. Due to his good behavior and willingness to cooperate, SCP-208 has been permitted access to most common areas within Site-17. Known to most staff as \u201cBes\u201d, SCP-208 has been adopted as an assistant in the medical wing of Site-17, a position he seems to have fit into naturally. SCP-208 is also fond of children, and has been noted to be very protective of what he considers the innocent. The only thing to inspire aggressive behavior from SCP-208 has been snakes, for which he has expressed a deep hatred.\nSCP-208 was originally discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Egypt, during a search for SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 along the Nile River. While SCP agents began digging into sediment in the Nile Delta, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 spotted a foot sticking out of the river bed. Further excavation revealed that it was connected to a great block of granite. Recovered and brought to Sector-\u2588\u2588, SCP-208 was exhumed from the stone after surprising a researcher who discovered that he was still alive. After examination had been concluded, SCP-208 was moved to Site-17 as a Safe class SCP.\n\nAddendum 208-A: Comparison testing of SCP-500 showed that it still serves as a much more effective cure. SCP-208 commented that he still tells better jokes.\n\n\u00ab SCP-207 | SCP-208 | SCP-209 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-209\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-209 is to be held in a 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m pressure-sealed storage locker, insulated to prevent any potential aroma from release to the surrounding area. Access to SCP-209 is limited to a single Class 2 or higher staff member for any transport. A standard security detail should accompany any transport of SCP-209 at a distance of at least twenty-three (23) meters. No more than one (1) human subject of any classification should be within the minimum safe distance of twenty (20) meters of SCP-209 at any time outside of a research trial setting.\nAs current hypotheses regarding the function of SCP-209's \"active\" phase indicate enticement to use through olfactory manipulation of some kind, any staff assigned to research trial or security detail should be equipped with personal air filtration devices rated at Foundation standards of at least Euclid-III (HEPA filter, oil-resistant).\nResearch has approved the use of the prototype modular keycard system (SCPassport) for SCP-209's storage locking mechanism. The keycard for SCP-209 storage is modified with a proximity alarm and deactivation protocol to enforce the single user only containment mandate. If more than one (1) human subject is detected in the proximity of both the keycard device and lock, a Level I containment breach alarm will be sounded and the locking system disabled to prevent removal of SCP-209 from its storage locker.\nDescription: SCP-209 appears to be a single-malt Scotch tumbler, 10 cm in height and with an 8 cm diameter at its widest point. The tumbler shows no manufacturer's marks, but does indicate signs of moderate to heavy use and light wear including a small chip missing from the rim. When not in the possession of a human subject, the tumbler contains approximately 88 to 91 ml (3 oz) of an unknown golden-brown, translucent liquid. This liquid cannot be siphoned, spilled, drained, evaporated, or otherwise removed from SCP-209 by any means other than a human subject taking hold of the tumbler and consuming the liquid. All Activator subjects debriefed following a sampling of the liquid produced by SCP-209 report it to be alcoholic in nature and providing of a sense of warmth, self-assurance, and general well-being. This effect has proven to be highly addictive, with methadone therapy currently holding the highest rates of success for detoxification from SCP-209's effects.\nFor SCP-209 to enter its active phase, three conditions must be met:\n\nAt least two (2) human subjects must be within twenty (20) meters of SCP-209.\nAt least one (1) of the human subjects must have a normal functioning sense of smell and detect SCP-209's aroma. Anosmic test subjects have been unable to initiate the active phase.\nThe subject who first detected the odor of SCP-209 must take possession of the tumbler and consume any amount of the liquid within it (hereafter \"Activator subject\").\n\nOnce these conditions are met, SCP-209 enters its active phase. The Activator subject will immediately seek a relaxing or comfortable position in which to finish the liquid in SCP-209 at a leisurely pace. Any other human subject within twenty (20) meters of the Activator subject (hereafter \"Prey subject\") will be locked into two distinct physical parameters for the duration of the active phase:\n\nPrey subjects will be physically incapable of moving more than twenty (20) meters away from the Activator once ingestion has begun.\nPrey subjects will be physically incapable of moving closer than one (1) meter to the Activator once ingestion has begun.\n\nAll current attempts at moving any Prey subject beyond these boundaries while living have met with failure. Any human subject entering the twenty (20) meter sphere of SCP-209's influence after the Activator and Prey subjects have been established are not affected.\nAny descriptive word or phrase used in reference to SCP-209 by the Activator subject during the active phase will physically reflect upon the Prey subject in a variety of ways. See experiment logs 209-6.2 through 209-33.8 for details. Activator subjects seem aware of both the boundary restrictions imposed on Prey subjects as well as the physical effect of their descriptive language, but no matter the scale of physical harm or distress inflicted upon Prey subjects, Activator subjects seem to retain a light, amused demeanor. It is theorized that the effects SCP-209 inflicts on Prey subjects is intended as a form of entertainment for the Activator subject to enjoy while experiencing SCP-209's intoxicating effects.\nWhen the Activator subject has consumed all the liquid within SCP-209, both boundary parameters are nullified. If still capable of motion, former Prey subjects can and do flee the area with as much speed as possible. The Activator subject will immediately become confused by the now-empty SCP-209 and attempt to refill it with any available liquid. If the Activator is successful in filling SCP-209 with approximately 88 to 91 ml (3 oz) of any liquid, it will transmute into another glass of golden-brown, translucent alcohol and the cycle begins again provided there is another potential Prey subject in range. If Prey subjects or others disable or remove SCP-209 from the Activator before they are able to \"refill\" it, SCP-209 will exit the active phase and remain empty and inert for approximately seventy-nine (79) hours before refilling itself by unknown means to potentially begin a new active phase.\nAddendum: Experiment Log 209-18.4\nThree (3) Class-D subjects appropriated for testing. 25 m x 25 m x 6 m room furnished with a single steel folding chair and SCP-209. Activator subject designated \"D-Act\", Prey subjects designated \"D-Prey 1\", \"D-Prey 2\". Log begins 122 seconds following D-Act ingestion of SCP-209.\n122 seconds: D-Act seats himself in the single chair provided in the room. D-Prey 1 approaches D-Act. D-Prey 2 begins exploring the room's boundaries.\n188 seconds: D-Prey 1 discovers the inner boundary and is unable to approach D-Act.\n194 seconds: D-Prey 2 discovers the outer boundary and is unable to reach the eastern wall.\n227 seconds: D-Prey 1 begins shouting obscenities and attempts to strike D-Act. No effect. D-Prey 2 attempts to \"map\" the outer boundary.\n255 seconds: D-Act describes SCP-209 as \"smoky\".\n258 seconds: D-Prey 1 begins coughing violently. D-Prey 2 approaches.\n284 seconds: D-Prey 1 collapses, wracked with violent coughs. An unknown black smoke-like gas is expelled from his mouth with each cough. D-Prey 2 attempts to approach D-Act.\n299 seconds: D-Act describes SCP-209 as \"smooth\".\n302 seconds: D-Prey 2 appears to begin sweating profusely. D-Prey 1 continues coughing spasms. Expulsion of smoke-like substance continues from mouth, nose, eyes.\n363 seconds: D-Prey 2 exuding a thick layer of a viscous, near-frictionless substance from all pores. Substance has eroded clothing and apparently the first layer of epidermis. D-Prey 2 is unable to remain standing, falls, and attempts to staunch the flow of the unknown substance from his pores. D-Prey 1 apparently expired. Smoke-like substance continues to vent from mouth, nose, eyes. D-Act applauds intermittently.\n484 seconds: Viscous substance exuded from D-Prey 2 has eroded two (2) additional layers of skin; wounds approximate to second and third-degree burns. D-Prey 2 expresses desire to be terminated. Request denied. D-Act appears fixated on the remaining liquid of SCP-209.\n522 seconds: D-Prey 2 expires. Substance appears to cease exuding from pores. D-Prey 1 ceases to expel smoke-like substance. D-Act continues drinking SCP-209.\n948 seconds: D-Act consumes the last of SCP-209. Immediately stands and rushes to the body of D-Prey 1, begins clawing at the corpse with left hand, while maintaining hold of SCP-209 with the right.\n954 seconds: Researchers determine that D-Act is attempting to refill SCP-209 with blood from the corpse of D-Prey 1. Per orders, one (1) security staff member enters and neutralizes D-Act, recovering SCP-209 still in its empty state.\n\n\u00ab SCP-208 | SCP-209 | SCP-210 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-210\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The property containing SCP-210 has been designated as Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The primary responsibility of guards on Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588 is to prevent entry by trespassers and maintain the cover story detailed in Document 210-01. The servant's quarters adjacent to SCP-210 have been deemed safe for human habitation and may be used for on-site housing. A remotely controlled vehicle is to be sent into SCP-210 on a monthly basis to catalog any changes.\nDescription: SCP-210 is a two-story mansion flooded to a depth of 4.35 meters with an unknown fluid substance. The substance, designated SCP-210-01, possesses a refractive index nearly identical to water. This fluid is invisible from the outside of SCP-210 and does not flow out of SCP-210 if a door or window is opened. Any living creature that comes into contact with SCP-210-01 enters a sleep-like state and begins drifting through SCP-210-01 as if neutrally buoyant. Beings trapped in this manner are designated SCP-210-02; to date, \u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-210-02 have been cataloged by remote means. Instances of SCP-210-02 emit a constant stream of bubbles as if exhaling despite no source of air being identified and subjects appearing to breathe as normal. Subjects have been noted to move through SCP-210-01 slowly \"as if dancing.\" It has not been determined if this is under the power of the subjects or of microcurrents within SCP-210-01.\nSCP-210 came to the attention of the Foundation when an agent embedded in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 County Police Department received a number of related missing persons reports. Mobile Task Force Iota-12 (\"Damn Feds\") was dispatched to intercept the investigations. The disappearances were quickly traced to a party held at SCP-210 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, with several subsequent disappearances resulting from persons undergoing private investigations. Two team members were lost on initial contact with SCP-210, the first when entering through the front door and the second while attempting to recover the first. The full documentation of this investigation can be found in Document 210-01.\nAddendum 210-01: Attempts to remove SCP-210-02 from SCP-210-01 have failed, as instances of SCP-210-02 which reach the edge of SCP-210-01 will not travel any further. Instances of SCP-210-02 cannot be damaged; this property extends to clothing, evidenced by remote attempts to harvest sample material. Furniture and other inanimate objects within SCP-210-01 behave as if in normal atmospheric conditions, and may be removed from the residence. Removed items show no anomalies.\nAddendum 210-02: The remote observation of SCP-210 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 was unable to locate SCP-210-02-07.\nNote: We have been completely unable to locate SCP-210-07 on subsequent observations. A request has been placed for tracking devices in case of further disappearances. -Researcher B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-209 | SCP-210 | SCP-211 \u00bb"} {"text": "The \u201cwhite\u201d hallway of SCP-211, located adjacent to what appears to have possibly been a kitchen.\n\nItem #: SCP-211\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Because of the suburban location of SCP-211, the surrounding neighborhood has been vacated through intentional introduction of pollutive industry and redistricting, to promote \u201cNIMBY\u201d sentiment. In addition, the property surrounding SCP-211 is currently under Foundation management, and an armed guard has been stationed in the buildings. Unauthorized personnel entering the area are to be terminated on sight.\nA series of explosive charges has been set within SCP-211, and is to be examined every \u2588\u2588 days for degradation. Should SCP-211 become overtly hostile or neutralization is otherwise requested, it is to be terminated by detonating these charges simultaneously.\nTo avoid inadvertent activation of SCP-211's defense mechanisms, extraction of SCP-211-1 should take place at a rate of fewer than \u2588 pages per hour.\nDescription: SCP-211 is a two-story building located in an abandoned district of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, IA. Records from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's archives heavily suggest that the building was originally a middle-class dwelling, belonging to G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (since deceased of natural cause). Since then, all furnishings have disappeared, save standard light fixtures and a radiator (pictured above). Note that several of these lights' switches have not been discovered, rendering them useless. Additionally, the building's topography has been nearly completely covered with an estimated \u2588\u2588\u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 sheets of paper, hereafter collectively designated as SCP-211-1.\nGiven these facts, SCP-211 itself is in remarkably poor condition. Severe mold and grime contamination are threatening to collapse a large section of the second floor, and the attempted May 4 demolition (see Document 211-01) has left a large hole in the south wall of the building.\nRecovered sheets of SCP-211-1 may be of various aspect and origins: blank, depicting various images, ripped pages from books (most often encyclopedias or novels), printouts from the Internet, etc. The paper may be of any color; in fact, the above picture is of the only hallway in which all sheets are printed on white paper. Entire stacks of paper have been discovered in the building's basement, whose individual sheets bear little or no relation to each other. Their only real identifying characteristic is that individual sheets' edges are unusually sharp, and that should a portion of SCP-211-1 be removed, more sheets appear (from unknown origin) as replacement. Research is pending, but so far, individually, SCP-211-1's constituent parts seem to have little purpose beyond [REDACTED: See Addendum 211-01] and defense.\nDocument 211-01\n\nSCP Status for SCP-211 was established after the building was condemned and scheduled for demolition on 4 May 2\u2588\u2588\u2588, when the building \u201cattacked\u201d the team (hereafter labeled Incident Zero). The following is an interview of E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, one of four survivors, conducted by Dr. Spinoza.\n\nDr. Spinoza: Please state your name and occupation.\nInterviewee: E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, employed at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Construction. Well, former employee. Can't exactly do my job with one crippled leg, now can I?\nDr. Spinoza: My sympathies. Please discuss the events involving the attempted destruction of [DATA EXPUNGED].\nR\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, we - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Construction, that is - were commissioned to destroy that thing, so we set about finding the best way to do it. We pretty much ruled out undermining for some reason. Something to do [DATA EXPUNGED]. Main thing is management decides to just use a couple of bulldozers to level the thing.\nDr. Spinoza: Was there any action on the part of the building before you attempted demolition?\nR\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Not really. We went in there, after all, making tests and all that. Found the mold, joked about all that paper all over the place. Only thing that really happened before we started was\u2026yeah, when we were in the basement and someone else, I forget who, started ripping pages from the wall, just t'check how bad the mold was. Big stack of the stuff suddenly drops from the ceiling, outta nowhere, on top of the guy, and he gets a nice bunch of paper cuts. Thing that got us, though? His gear was all cut up as all hell. I mean, clothing, hat, glasses, what have you. All nicked up, had a big damn gouge in his glasses. Damn good thing he was wearing those glasses, I tell you.\nDr. Spinoza: And then?\nR\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, we didn't like being in a big house of knives, you know, so we got him out of there. Other than that, besides, well, you know, and nothing else happened.\nDr. Spinoza: And on May 4?\nR\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, we had everything set up, and started driving a pair of bulldozers toward the house, when all of a sudden all that paper on that one wall - outside, right? - well, it all just falls off by itself. Now, I should tell you, that day there wasn't a breeze in the air at all, so we thought that, well, the building's destroyin' itself and stuff, and we decide to help it along, and all of a sudden there's a big rumble - one you can hear over the bulldozers! - and all that paper flies into the air by itself and tears up everything in sight!\n[END OF INTERVIEW REDACTED]\n\n\nDocument 211-02\n\nSubsequent to Incident Zero, testing was taken to determine the responsiveness of SCP-211. D-Class Personnel were issued a video camera and ordered to interact with SCP-211 in various ways.\nVideo Log 1\nSubject: D-19905 ordered to approach and explore SCP-211.\nResult: No response. D-19905 interacted with SCP-211-1 without threat. Building map of first floor made with camera footage.\nVideo Log 2\nSubject: D-19905 ordered to approach and extract a sheet of SCP-211-1.\nResult: No response. Page appears to be [REDACTED].\nVideo Log 3\nSubject: D-19905 ordered to approach and extract a pile of SCP-211-1 near SCP-211's entrance.\nResult: Before extracting the target, D-19905 hesitates and examines a large poster on the wall near it. When questioned, D-19905 remarks that it's a painting that he made while incarcerated at [REDACTED], and proceeds to pick it up without incident.\nWhen D-19905 picks up the target, a pile of SCP-211-1 falls over, landing on him. D-19905 emerges, suffering lacerations to arms, legs, and face, but manages to extract the collection from SCP-211.\nVideo Log 4\nSubject: D-19905 ordered to approach SCP-211 and explore second floor.\nResult: D-19905 enters building via Incident Zero hole without incident. Upon entering contaminated area, D-19905 steps on a weakened part of the floor, which collapses. D-19905 exits building with a broken leg, [REDACTED].\nWell, at least we know we can destroy it if we need to. - Dr. Spinoza\nVideo Log 5\nSubject: D- 21938 issued a pack of matches and ordered to light a sheet of SCP-211-1 within SCP-211 on fire.\nResult: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Remains removed from door, but main entrance to SCP-211 is now blocked, leaving the Incident Zero hole as the only entrance.\nLet's not try that one again, all right? I mean, eurgh. -Dr. Spinoza\n\nAddendum 211-01\nSince collection of SCP-211-1 has begun, several specific books have become identified as their origin. Examples of these are as follows:\n\nA 19\u2588\u2588 copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf, found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Public Library.\nA Java Data Structures Book, printed in 19\u2588\u2588, discovered in a used book store near Site-17.\n[REDACTED], currently stored in the United States Library of Congress.\nThree printouts of Japanese broadcasts decoded during the MAGIC Cryptanalysis Project in World War II.\nThe drawing in Document-211-02.\netc.\n\nNo documents re: the Foundation have been discovered as of yet; however, security has been increased as a mild informational security threat.\nAddendum 211-02\nRecent unexplained phenomena regarding SCP-211 have provoked further study. On 28 March \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, three individual sheets of SCP-211-1 were found in SCP-211's \u201centrance.\u201d Examination of these sheets proved to be Foundation Protocol memoranda addressed to Dr. Spinoza, the interviewer of the previously mentioned E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Upon questioning, Spinoza (who had been at Site-17 re: another project) noted that the notices had disappeared soon after he received them, adding that [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSince this date, there have been \u2588 other data security breaches involving SCP-211-1, several of which involve SCP-211 as subject material. Upgrade to Euclid status pending.\n\n\u00ab SCP-210 | SCP-211 | SCP-212 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-212\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Use of SCP-212 must be cleared by the current containment site's chief medical officer. Any subjects undergoing operation by SCP-212 must submit to full physical and psychological testing both before and after exposure. Resistance to testing will result in termination of subject.\nAll personnel are to keep at least 1.5 m (5 ft) from SCP-212 when not in operation. Armed personnel are authorized to use whatever force deemed necessary to prevent unauthorized exposure. Should any personnel accidentally become exposed to SCP-212, full quarantine, testing, and judicial review will be initiated as soon as the subject is released by SCP-212.\nDescription: SCP-212 is a large medical device, with three large robotic arms. The arms have an extremely diverse array of attachments, but no storage area or power source has yet been found. Attachments slide into and out of the arms as needed, with over five hundred different attachments documented. SCP-212 is made of plastic, steel, and other common materials. In-depth analysis is pending, as any attempt by mechanical means causes violent action from SCP-212, and attempts by any biological means normally results with subject's \u201cimprovement\u201d.\nWhen exposed to living tissue, the \u201carms\u201d of SCP-212 will rapidly move to grab and restrain it. SCP-212 will then begin to \u201cimprove\u201d said tissue. This process is extremely fast, but SCP-212 does not inject any anesthetic, or replace any blood lost. The process has been described as \u201cexcruciatingly painful\u201d, and can result in the death of the subject at a rate of 47%. Wounds made by SCP-212 are closed with standard surgical sutures and a chemical \u201csealant\u201d that is not yet fully understood.\nImprovements that have been observed include: lining of joints with graphite, replacement of biological organs with artificial ones, addition of metal plates to bones, addition of new or duplicate organs, and replacement of teeth with small serrated steel bands, among many others. SCP-212 has been shown to be able to totally \u201cre-configure\u201d an organism. The \u201cimprovements\u201d appear to be random, and can sometimes be detrimental or fatal, as illustrated by one subject's complete loss of bone marrow and its replacement by a gel that is still under study.\nSubjects wishing to undergo exposure from SCP-212 are to be advised that the process is extremely invasive, and that no predictions on \u201cimprovements\u201d can be made.\nSee Also: SCP-212 Upgrade Log\n\n\u00ab SCP-211 | SCP-212 | SCP-213 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-213 manifesting its anomalous property during initial containment\n\nItem #: SCP-213\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-213 is contained in a high security humanoid containment cell within Site-77. The chamber is to be surrounded by a 10 meter wide zone filled with gaseous materials corrosive to human skin. SCP-213 should be informed as to the nature of its containment, to prevent manifestation of its effect which would result in additional containment breaches. A staffing of two guards armed with high pressure hoses, oleoresin capsicum, and polymer web grenades should be stationed outside the containment unit at all times.\nDescription: SCP-213 is an adolescent humanoid male, 1.5 m tall, weighing 95 kg. SCP-213 is able to forcefully sever the bonds between atoms in any solid or semi-solid matter with physical contact. An intense flash of light is produced when doing so. SCP-213 can use any part of its body to manifest this effect, and has used it to disintegrate projectiles as they impact its body. Manifestation of this effect has proven to be extremely painful, with extended use causing enough pain to render SCP-213 unconscious.\nSCP-213 was recovered from Palo Alto, CA, when reports of a teenage boy being arrested for homicide after \"vaporizing\" his girlfriend during coitus reached agents embedded in the local police department. Further investigation revealed SCP-213's anomalous properties. However, during initial containment, SCP-213 vaporized the agents attempting to apprehend it. During the ensuing firefight with MTF-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588, SCP-213 was able to disable 2 agents before being contained. SCP-213's containment procedures were finalized on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, and classified as Euclid.\nAddendum 213-07: SCP-213 has made its seventh escape attempt. After asking for another interview with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-213 waited for security personnel to allow her to enter the containment chamber. As the majority of the containment procedures were disengaged, SCP-213 was able to apply its effect to the remaining security measures and breach containment. SCP-213 killed Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as well as two agents during the initial stage of its breach.\nSCP-213 had only seen a small portion of the facility and was easily apprehended after it encountered heavy resistance from security. Breaking through its cell weakened it enough to prevent further damage to other containment units. SCP-213 was apprehended in the site break room, attempting to break through the floor. However, extensive use of its effect left it unable to do so.\nAddendum 213-08: SCP-213 unintentionally breached containment on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. Due to the nature of this breach, no consequence has been issued. Video feed taken at 3:15 AM from SCP-213's cell show its bed and a section of the floor being affected, which caused SCP-213 to fall into a basement level. Containment procedures have been slated for revision.\n\nResearchers note\nFrom study of this video, it is clear that SCP-213's control of the effect is not as perfect as it previously believed and it has become more cooperative with us in trying to establish a method to control and utilize it. Vague conjecture on the part of the review staff as to possibilities of what would occur should the effect trigger accidentally, including SCP-213 self-vaporizing, are noted as being particularly useful in this regard.\n\nAddendum 213-09:\n\u2588\u2588-07-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: During a routine physical examination of SCP-213, lesions were discovered on its back, appearing as smooth nodules. Presently, there are four nodules, placed at intervals on the subject's back in a perfect square. Distance between all four points is exactly 15 cm. Medical personnel have been assigned to SCP-213's containment in order to observe and rapidly respond to changes in this condition. Follow-up examinations have been scheduled.\n\u2588\u2588-09-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: A follow-up examination has led to the discovery of two more nodules, located in the center of its palms. SCP-213 reports mild irritation, but no pain or discomfort. They resist pressure applied with blunt or sharp instruments. During an attempt to excise a sample using a scalpel, the scalpel failed to cut and vaporized after a few seconds of applied pressure. SCP-213 denies responsibility for this occurrence. SCP-213 has become notably more apathetic, and has expressed feelings of extreme pain from its back and stomach.\n\u2588\u2588-14-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-213 was moved to intensive care after being observed having a seizure in its containment cell. Examination of SCP-213 shows an additional ten (10) nodules have appeared on its back. A perfect distance of 5 cm separates each one. SCP-213 continues to report no pain from the lesions. SCP-213 has been assigned additional medical observers, who will remain outside its containment with the standard guard staff for the next week.\n\u2588\u2588-23-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: All nodules on SCP-213 have disappeared and been replaced with thin incisions slightly less than 1 mm in width. During inspection of these new changes, the medical examiner witnessed the incision on SCP-213's left palm open and an eye was observed watching her. SCP-213 has been placed in the medical wing indefinitely, pending further changes to the subjects condition.\nAddendum 213-10: The source of SCP-213's effect appears to be a parasitic infestation of unknown origin inhabiting its body. This life form has not attempted to communicate, but does observe any persons in SCP-213's presence through the lesions present on SCP-213's body. SCP-213 has exhibited panic over this development and requested several times the entity be removed from him. Any requests of this nature from SCP-213 are to be denied, pending further research.\n\nResearcher note\nThe organism inhabiting SCP-213 fails to show up on any medical scan we have at our disposal. The new hypothesis is that this effect actually serves to provide sustenance and self-defense, with repeated tests to determine the nature of the anomaly has led to increased growth. SCP-213 has been placed in a chemically induced coma until further research can be conducted regarding the nature of this parasite. Containment procedures slated for major revision.\n\n\u00ab SCP-212 | SCP-213 | SCP-214 \u00bb"} {"text": "Blood sample from SCP-214.\n\nItem #: SCP-214\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-214 is to be contained in a 4 by 4 meter quarantine cell suitable for long term human habitation within Bio-Research Area-12. It is to be considered an etiological agent of a level four biohazard. Level four biohazard containment requires clean rooms, pre- and post-entry decontamination showers, and a vacuum antechamber. All air and water sources to SCP-214's containment area are to be isolated from the rest of the area. All employees entering SCP-214's containment area must wear hazmat-suits with self-contained oxygen supply and supplemental cut-resistant liner. The cell shall be under continuous observation using remote video surveillance. SCP-214 is to be considered a danger to itself and others and shall not be allowed to possess potentially dangerous utensils. Due to SCP-214's distinct perception of pain, guards shall not cause physical injury to it except under the direction of Level 2 staff.\nBeyond the above procedures, all personnel intending to interact with SCP-214 are to undergo psychological evaluation. Any employees with prior history of depression are not permitted to interact with it. Regular sessions of psychological observation are to occur post-research on all participants. Any personnel exhibiting two or more of the following symptoms during observation are to be quarantined immediately in identical containment to SCP-214:\n\nself-harming behaviors\nblunted affect\nglossolalia\nlogorrhea\ncompulsive lying\nsilvery discharge from mucus membranes or wounds\nobsessive-compulsive behaviors, particularly in writing or speech\n\nResearch staff is heavily encouraged to read Log-214 and Interview-214 before conducting experiments, as a precautionary measure.\nDescription: SCP-214 is male, age \u2588\u2588, formerly Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of the Foundation. Physical and mental changes were noted after investigation of Incident \u2588\u2588\u2588 at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Public Library, MA. Containment of SCP-214 is detailed in [REDACTED]. A physical examination of SCP-214 shows the replacement of most bodily fluids, including but not limited to blood, vitreous humor, seminal fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid, with a mercury-like substance. Chemical analysis shows that the substance is a suspension of complex organometallic compounds in a protein- and lipid-enriched serum, but so far, nothing more can be ascertained of its origins or purpose. Most bodily functions were observed to no longer be active in SCP-214, though the related organs still exist in a preserved state within the body cavity. This includes the brain, which no longer shows activity on electroencephalography. It shows notable selective regenerative properties, some injuries vanishing within moments of infliction while others remain unhealed, even after a period of time in which a normal human would have recovered. SCP-214 does not experience pain normally, instead reacting to it as pleasure with no regard to physical damage to its body. Objects have been noted to disappear in the vicinity of SCP-214. There is currently no known method of recovering lost items.\nAddendum 214a Excerpts of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's diary relating to becoming SCP-214 have been transcribed to Log-214\nAddendum 214b Logs of interview with SCP-214 have been transcribed to Interview-214\nAddendum 214c Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been detained after showing symptoms identical in nature to SCP-214 at the conclusion of L214. Containment procedures have been updated to reflect the contagious nature of SCP-214.\n\n\u00ab SCP-213 | SCP-214 | SCP-215 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-215\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-215 presents no threat unless worn, and so shall be kept in Dr. Naamdi's office until studies are concluded. SCP-215 is to be kept in its case when not in use, so as to prevent scratches to the lenses.\nDescription: SCP-215 is a pair of prescription glasses designed to correct myopic vision. When worn, SCP-215 induces a belief in the wearer that inanimate objects are sentient and capable of communication with the wearer. The severity of this delusion varies from wearer to wearer, but generally strengthens over time if SCP-215 is worn regularly, and in the worst cases manifests as a severe case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, culminating in an irrational fear of all machines.\nThere is no definite \"safe\" amount of time to wear SCP-215; while the onset of delusions generally takes at least twenty-four (24) hours, a great deal depends on the psychological disposition of the wearer before SCP-215 is put on, and persons who already have some varieties of obsessive-compulsive, synesthesiac, or technophiliac disorders have been known to begin suffering SCP-215's effects less than an hour after donning it.\nRemoving SCP-215 does not remove the delusion, although normal methods of therapy have proven to be effective in less severe cases so long as SCP-215 is not put on again; a full recovery can turn to a full relapse in less than a day by the return of SCP-215. By the end of the second week, wearers tend to violently resist any attempt to separate them from SCP-215.\nCase Study 215-99983-D\n99983-D displayed a typical progression of SCP-215-related symptoms. The subject had no record of mental illness before the commencement of the test.\nWeek 1, Day 1: 99983-D is given a temporary position as a research assistant to Dr. Naamdi and is issued SCP-215 to replace a pair of his own spectacles that were destroyed by Foundation personnel. Subject complained that SCP-215 didn't match his old prescription, and stated that he was suffering from blurry vision and headaches by the end of the day.\nWeek 1, Day 3: Subject stopped complaining of blurred vision and began referring to SCP-215 as \"Steve.\" Subject stated that \"Steve and I get along alright; it's not exactly a match made in heaven, but we get by.\" Subject did not assign names or personalities to any object besides SCP-215.\nWeek 1, Day 6: Subject began to assign personalities to complex electrical and mechanical devices that he regularly interacted with, including the computer that he logged data entries in, the breakroom coffee machine, refrigerator, microwave, and a PDA he was issued by Dr. Naamdi. Most interactions involved complaining about the general uncooperative behavior of these devices.\nWeek 2, Day 1: Subject began having prolonged conversations with the aforementioned mechanical and electrical devices, giving all of them names and sometimes speaking of them in personal terms with other Foundation personnel, almost always to the effect that the devices were somehow antagonistic. Subject reported that while he could not \"hear\" the machines speaking, their \"body language\" was very clear.\nWeek 2, Day 5: Subject began assigning personal qualities to less complex objects in his work environment, starting with his office supplies.\nWeek 2, Day 7: Subject began minimizing interactions with living people and talked almost constantly to his inanimate \"companions.\" Discussions with staff psychologists indicated a sophisticated web of relationships between 99983-D and the objects.\nWeek 3, Day 3: Subject had a violent altercation with the breakroom microwave after a burrito came out of it underdone. Subject reportedly cursed and shouted at the machine before attempting to destroy it with a breakroom chair. Subject was restrained and subdued, and later apologized for his behavior to the microwave and the chair.\nWeek 3, Day 6: Subject began personifying set-pieces in his environment, referring to floor tiles and ceiling lights as people. Subject would stop to thank each inanimate object he interacted with (including each individual floor tile) for permitting him to use it.\nWeek 4, Day 2: Subject began displaying signs of stress when asked to interact with any complex electrical or mechanical appliance, claiming that the machines had become hostile and threatening. Mechanical failures or faulty performances by any machines in 99983-D's presence were interpreted as signs of impending rebellion.\nWeek 4, Day 3: Subject refused to come to work. His PDA had been smashed; 99983-D claimed it was an act of self-defense. After being coerced into coming into the office, the subject began screaming and showing other signs of acute stress at the sight of his computer, which was turned off at the time. He attempted to force his way past the security guards at the door and had to be sedated.\nWeek 4, Day 5: Subject destroyed his table lamp, alarm clock, watch, and ceiling fan. Afterwards, he refused to come out of his room. When Foundation personnel forced their way into his cell, they found him dead, with severe burns on his hands and arms. He is presumed to have been fatally electrocuted while attempting to disable an electrical outlet in the room.\nAddendum: I have been asked many times now if SCP-215 enables the wearer to actually interact with machines in any meaningful way differently from how normal people do it, and I'm pretty confident the answer is \"no.\" I've done every test I can think of, and all the evidence I've seen suggests that the \"living\" machines only exist in the wearer's head. There are things in this Foundation that can make what you believe real, but this isn't one of them. -Dr. Naamdi\n\n\u00ab SCP-214 | SCP-215 | SCP-216 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-216\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-216 currently resides in Laboratory 5. Access requires Level 2 clearance. Insertion of recording devices into SCP-216 is prohibited without O5 approval.\nDescription: SCP-216 is a 35.6 cm (14 in) high iron safe with a multiple-dial combination lock. The lock has 7 dials each with numbers ranging from 0 to 9. The combination cannot be changed while the door is open. The weight of the device appears to fluctuate in an obtuse manner (see document 88-B).\nThe door of SCP-216 can always be opened, but the accessible interior space appears to change depending on the currently entered combination. Objects placed inside SCP-216 may be accessed by re-entering the combination that was configured when the object was inserted. Objects retrieved from SCP-216 appear to be undamaged by the device.\nIt is speculated that every possible lock combination results in a different interior, and that there are approximately 4 million available compartments. It is unknown how many objects currently reside inside SCP-216.\nAn engraving found on the bottom of the safe reads \"3/4\". It has been hypothesized that the compartments of SCP-216 are shared with three other devices of a similar nature. This hypothesis is consistent with the findings reported in document 88-B.\n\nDocument # 88-A: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Initial test log\n- Combination lock set to 6692724 and door opened. Compartment appears empty.\n- 1 notebook and pencil placed inside and door closed.\n- Combination lock set to 6692725 and door opened. Compartment appears empty.\n- Combination lock re-set to 6692724 and door opened. Notebook and pencil retrieved from compartment.\nNote: \"SCP-216 appears to be a very efficient storage solution.\" - Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nDocument # 88-B: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log\nTesting the effect of inserted items on the SCP's total mass.\n- Total mass of unit before inserting item: 935.877 kg\n- Notebook and pencil (total mass 350 g) inserted into SCP-216 and door closed.\n- Total mass of unit after inserting item: 935.965 kg\nExpected mass: 936.227 kg\nActual mass: 935.965 kg\nDifference: 262 g\nTesting shows that SCP-216 takes on approximately 25% of the mass of its contents, suggesting the mass is distributed evenly between SCP-216 and the three other hypothesized devices.\n\nDocument # 122-A: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log\nCompartments 0000000-0000206 checked for contents. Compartment 0000000 found to contain traces of sawdust. Compartments 0000001-0000206 found to be empty.\nFurther testing arranged.\n\nDocument # 152-D: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log\nCompartments 0000332 - 0000398: Each compartment had a body part from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a 28-year-old female who had been reported missing on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. Contents removed for identification and then incinerated. Liver, spleen, and lungs not recovered.\n\nDocument # 159-B: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log\nCompartment 0000409: A live wolverine (Gulo gulo; adult male) with a mass of 30 kg. Upon the door being opened, it attacked and killed Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and mutilated two nearby D-class personnel before being shot five times by guards. Autopsy of the wolverine revealed no anomalies.\nSubsequent examination of compartment 0000409 has revealed it now contains only loose wolverine hair, with residual traces of wolverine urine and wolverine anal musk.\n\nDocument # 160-A: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log\nCompartment 0000456: A fully loaded Glock 19 handgun with a round in the chamber, and one regular flavor Klondike Bar ice cream dessert. The ice cream bar was not melted, cold to the touch and remained so as long as it was in the compartment. It was removed for inspection, and began to melt within 2 minutes. It was placed back in the compartment; the door closed for 3 hours, and then reopened. The ice cream bar was in the same slightly melted state as when it was placed back three hours prior. The ice cream bar was removed, placed in a freezer in the nearby 2nd floor cafeteria for one hour. After one hour it was placed back into the compartment with the handgun and the door closed.\n\nDocument # 161-A: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log\nChamber 0000501, confirmed to be empty, had one (1) standard Foundation GPS unit placed inside it. When the chamber was sealed, GPS failed. Data from the unit upon retrieval showed that the satellite was unable to confirm source location during this time.\n\nDocument # 174-B: Dr. King Test log\nChamber 6162384: 51 apple seeds.\nChamber 1846563: 22 apple seeds.\nChamber 2960104: 9 apple seeds.\nChamber 8585821: 78 apple seeds.\nChamber 1111111: one heavily-decomposed apple.\n\nDocument # 152-E: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log\nOn 04/16/\u2588\u2588 all previously checked compartments were opened with the intention of confirming contents. When compartments 0000332 to 0000398 were opened, individual body parts were found corresponding to an unknown male, arranged in the same order as found in experiment 152-D, including the liver, spleen and lungs. All previous traces of tissue from experiment 152-D, which had not been cleaned, were found to have been sterilized from these compartments. Pursuant to request for O5 directive, body parts were placed back into their compartments. Containment procedures currently under review.\n\nDocument # 162-A: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log (testing performed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nOne \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 digital videocamera recorder was set to record and placed in compartment 5500000, oriented so as to face outwards towards the door. The door was closed and compartment 5500001 was opened. Compartment 5500001 was found to be empty. The door was closed, compartment 5500000 was opened again and the videocamera recorder was retrieved.\nUpon viewing the recorded footage, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suffered from a transient ischemic attack.\nThe recorded footage shows Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 placing the videocamera inside the safe and closing the door. No time passes before the door is re-opened and the videocamera is retrieved from the safe. This is inconsistent with the scene reported by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nNo audible sound is present on the recorded footage. A subsequent analysis of the videocamera revealed that several internal components of the camera had been fractured.\n\nDocument # 162-B: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nDocument # 162-D: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test log\nOne tape recorder was placed inside compartment 5500000 and the door was closed. Several other compartments were opened and closed before returning to compartment 5500000 and retrieving the tape recorder.\nThe following file has been reported to cause disorientation, nausea, sweating, a sense of overwhelming despair, abdominal pains, panic attacks, migraines, and strokes.\n- This file should only be listened to in a secure environment.\n- Do not drive or operate heavy machinery for up to 24 hours after listening to this file.\n- Refrain from making quick eye movements while listening to this file.\n\n\u00ab SCP-215 | SCP-216 | SCP-217 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-217\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment area is to be kept behind two reverse-pressure airlocks. Chemical shower sterilization, full contained-atmosphere haz-mat suits, and 24-hour post-interaction quarantine and testing are mandatory for all personnel entering containment area. Should containment be breached, the blast door for the containment and research area will seal, and chemical agent ZEER-217-11 will be pumped into the air.\nAny humans exposed to SCP-217 are to be contained and held for observation. Any items touched by those affected by SCP-217 must be sterilized.\nDescription: SCP-217 is a virus, incurable by current means, with a rate of infectivity at 100%. It affects all organisms in the kingdom Animalia, and can be spread via touch or contact with bodily fluid. SCP-217 is very hardy, and can survive for years outside the host body. The progress of the infection is very slow, with some subjects going several years before manifesting any symptoms.\nSCP-217 alters the biochemistry of organic tissue, causing organic matter to re-arrange into a form of \u201corganic metal\u201d. The processes involved with this change are not yet fully understood, but the advanced stages are well documented. A subject will begin to turn into a complex arrangement of gears and clockwork, these taking over for the former biological functions. Advanced-stage infection is reported to be very painful, but earlier stages are oftentimes unnoticed, with only vague feelings of confusion, insomnia, and joint stiffness. Hearts are replaced by gears and small tubes, joints by gear networks, eyes by structures not unlike primitive \u201chand-crank\u201d film cameras, etc.\nSCP-217 shows first on the outside of the body in all creatures except mammals. In mammals, it first converts the internal structure before manifesting outside the body. This can cause those infected to go for very long periods of time without knowing of infection. SCP-217 has even been shown to totally convert the inside of the body before showing any externally-visible symptoms. SCP-217 has infected several major metropolitan areas in the past, most notably \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nThe mental state of those in middle to advanced stages of infection has been shown to be much diminished. Subjects respond in a repetitive fashion, are very dull and mechanical in action, are easily distracted and confused, and appear generally irritable when faced with new problems. In addition, research on a fully \u201cconverted\u201d brain has [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nDocument #217-6: Notes on symptoms\nSubjects infected by SCP-217 have, at early stages, reported no major symptoms, aside from increased lethargy, and a general lack of emotional response. Some have reported a feeling of \u201cfluttering\u201d or \u201cmoving\u201d under the skin, coupled with a persistent \u201cticking\u201d noise. This noise seems most prominent when SCP-217 infects the shoulders, neck, and head; however, it is inaudible if recording equipment is pressed against an affected area.\nInitial infection of SCP-217 is, as has been already stated, almost undetectable. As the infection advances, subjects will begin to feel sharp, \u201ctearing\u201d pain in areas that are being \u201cconverted\u201d. It has been compared to a knife wound or a deep muscle tear, and can persist for hours, or several days, depending on both the subject and the area affected. The new clockwork organs appear to tear and rip at tissue for a short time, before becoming fully integrated and settling into the surrounding tissue, and this is believed to account for the pain.\nAreas infected appear to be metal, mainly brass, steel, and iron. Other substances have been reported, appearing to be leather, rubber, glass, wood, and other basic materials. Despite appearances, it is purely organic material, and even carries the subject's DNA. Organs and tissues affected appear more resilient than normal, carrying the same strength and density as the materials they resemble, instead of normal tissue density. Areas damaged repair over time, but is much slower than standard human regeneration.\nDamaged areas can be instantly \u201crepaired\u201d by replacing damaged areas with new parts of the same type. Testing has shown that there are no ill effects if parts made from normal materials (steel, wood, leather) replace the existing bio-mechanical clockworks.\nMost alarming, people infected with SCP-217 can continue for months, even years, without being detected. With infection so easy to spread, hundreds could be affected before proper containment could be enforced. Infection appears to spread most quickly in large offices, malls, and other large concentrations of people.\nNote: Anything or anyone suspected or confirmed to be infected with SCP-217 is NOT to be allowed near SCP-882.\nAddendum: At this time, cross-experimentation between SCP-229 and SCP-217 is allowed only with O5 approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-216 | SCP-217 | SCP-218 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-218\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-218 is contained within a standard aquatic specimen tank (saltwater). Tank maintenance is to be carried out by remote drone only. No further procedures are required.\nDescription: SCP-218 is a predatory colonial organism weighing approximately 1800 kg, consisting of several hundred parasitic lampreys of the family Petromyzontidae, designated Petromyzon anomalis. Individual Petromyzon anomalis specimens average between 50 and 90 cm in length, and are similar in appearance to the common sea lamprey, (Petromyzon marinus) with the primary exception of complex ultraviolet-spectrum skin patterning. Individual lampreys can break off from the primary mass and move under their own power, acting similar to non-anomalous specimens. These motile units will remain in the vicinity of SCP-218's primary body, until captured and eaten by colony members. The central mass of SCP-218 contains the organism's primary organs, as well as a muscular foot for locomotion. SCP-218 is capable of surviving out of water for up to an hour, though it is greatly inhibited in mobility.\nMotile units of SCP-218 produce a paralyzing toxin, applied by bite or through the lamprey's mucus sheath. This toxin inhibits locomotor muscles and will numb the target to pain \u2013 all other internal and mental processes will continue unaffected. The paralyzing effect has not been observed to dissipate, and no effective counteragent has yet been discovered.\nEarly observation led researchers to believe that SCP-218 reproduced through the parasitic implantation of motile units into a host body \u2013 this behavior has since been determined to be atypical feeding behavior, where numerous motile units will burrow within the body of still-living prey for upwards of 48 hours before normal consumption resumes.\nAddendum-01: Physical examination of SCP-218 shortly after containment revealed that the primary mass contained several foreign objects preserved within the main body cavity. SCP-218 was removed from its containment tank and tranquilized to allow for surgery.\nObjects removed from SCP-218 include:\n\n33 pearls, averaging 3cm in diameter. Holes bored through each indicate that they were previously part of a necklace.\n1 dolphin figurine carved out of smoothed coral.\n2 gold bracelets\n4 bone hair pins\n1 tortoiseshell hair comb\n1 bone figurine of SCP-218. Shows signs of heavy wear through handling.\n1 human skeleton, being that of a female child estimated to be between 4 and 6 years of age. Skeleton was similar to chalk in consistency, and embedded with 135 pearls.\nScapula (believed to be that of a red deer) \u2013 engraved with three humanoid figures, two adults and one child. Presumed to be the subject and parents.\n\nBoth the skeleton and artifacts date to approximately 7500 BCE, though do not resemble the artifacts of other Neolithic groups in the region of recovery.\nAddendum-02: SCP-218's behavior became significantly more agitated after removal of the aforementioned objects: entity would repeatedly beat against the walls of its tank or attempt to scale them.\nWhen one of the hair pins was placed back in the containment tank, SCP-218 used one of its colony members as a manipulator to retrieve the pin, and then place it back inside its central cavity through means of a large sphincter. This dorsal sphincter was not present until the removal of the body and artifacts.\n\n\u00ab SCP-217 | SCP-218 | SCP-219 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-219\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not in use, SCP-219 is to be kept in a dismantled state. All of SCP-219's parts, as well as replacements for those parts, will be stored in the Engineering Division warehouse on the grounds of Site-43. SCP-219 is not to be tested within twenty-four (24) kilometers of any Foundation facility that houses Euclid or Keter-class objects.\nDescription: SCP-219 is a mechanical device consisting primarily of an array of pistons, driven by an electric motor which can be powered by attaching it to a separate generator. The entire machine is supported by a thorium alloy frame. The outer frame of each of SCP-219's pistons are also made primarily of the same thorium alloy. Attached to the outside of SCP-219 is an \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 IBM Desktop PC, keyboard, and monitor, all shielded with shock-absorbent foam to prevent damage to them by SCP-219's vibrations.\nWhen SCP-219's computer is turned on, it automatically runs an \"Earthquake Generator\" program. Using the keyboard, a user can select up to twenty items from a list of commonly used construction materials, including multiple varieties of stone, soil, bricks, concrete, steel, iron, [DATA EXPUNGED] and glass. Selecting the \"Other\" option from the bottom of this list brings users to a different screen, enabling them to select other substances, including several types of wood, plastics, papers, and bone. A user may also choose to describe the properties of a material that is not currently on the list, name it, and save it to the list for future use. After selecting a given material, the user is asked to estimate the objects' mass, volume, and select a general shape to describe it. It is not possible to key in the composition of SCP-219 into SCP-219; any attempt to do so results in the computer displaying an error message and shutting down.\nAfter materials have been selected, the user is asked to specify a range of effect, from fifty (50) feet (distances are given in English units) to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588) miles, and set two timers: one to determine how long SCP-219 will wait before activating once the program starts running, and one to determine how long it will run after it has activated. When all criteria have been filled in, the user may select \"Run\" to start SCP-219 or \"Start Over\" to enter a different set of criteria. SCP-219 cannot be shut down once a program begins running without being dismantled or damaged.\nWhen activated, SCP-219's pistons oscillate and begin creating vibrations in the air to match the resonant frequency of the materials selected by the user. Different sets of pistons create distinct resonances. These materials begin to vibrate in turn as they are struck by air waves, eventually shattering or otherwise coming apart from the strain put on them by the oscillations. The waves created by each oscillator do not seem to have any effect on each other even when they are traveling through the same media, enabling SCP-219 to resonate with many materials simultaneously. Studies of how this is possible, or how the effect might be duplicated, have been inconclusive.\nSCP-219 was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California, after an incident in which a heavy earthquake hit a city suburb without any prior warning from seismic geologists. Eye-witness reports gathered from survivors indicated the seismic disturbance had effects similar to that of a quake registering at 8.8 on the Richter scale, over a space of only 20 kilometers. Examination of the surrounding area showed far more subtle structural damage than should be possible for a quake of any magnitude, and the bodies of multiple people who died of massive internal cranial trauma, including several cases where the entire skull had apparently exploded. Foundation Agents found SCP-219 in the rubble of a collapsed house, along with some packaging materials and spare parts. The house's previous owner was one \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was later found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in a hotel in Boulder, Colorado.\nIncluded with the remains of the packaging was a diagram of a large funnel-shaped object attached with a complex of tubes to SCP-219, and instructions for how this \"Resonance Focuser\" was intended to be used. Its intended purpose, according to these instructions, was to channel the resonance-waves generated by SCP-219 on a much more linear trajectory, increasing the range of the machine in a single direction by \u2588\u2588\u2588%. The instructions suggest several applications for this attachment, including a makeshift offensive \"wave cannon,\" a tunnel-carving device, and a \"Resonant Annihilator\" function created by turning the Focuser downwards1 and keying the composition of the Earth's core into SCP-219. The search for this missing attachment is still ongoing.\nAddendum: For those who wish to use SCP-219 for demolition purposes, note that SCP-219 will work most effectively if it is on level, solid ground. Also note that for buildings utilizing an internal metal frame for support, SCP-219 is better used to target the frame than the materials built around it. If SCP-219 is still running but the vibrations appear to have stopped, disconnect the power supply and check to see if the oscillators have ground away the surface underneath themselves; they may not work properly if the ground the machine is set on is also shaking. You may need to move SCP-219 to a more durable foundation to ensure that it works properly. Consult User Manual 219-01 for more information. -Dr. Chung\nAddendum: Despite the obvious similarities to Nikola Tesla's earthquake machine (see SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588), SCP-219 clearly must have been built at least \u2588\u2588 years after Tesla's [DATA EXPUNGED]. Given what we know about [DATA EXPUNGED] it is most likely that whoever built SCP-219 simply took Tesla's designs and expanded on them. -Dr. Chung\n\nFootnotes\n1. That is, towards the ground and parallel to the direction of Earth's gravitational pull.\n\n\u00ab SCP-218 | SCP-219 | SCP-220 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photo of SCP-220 taken outside his window\n\nItem #: SCP-220\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-220 is housed in a one-bed, one-bath unit in an empty condominium. The subject believes the building to be occupied by other residents and should persist in this belief.\nA false bus stop has been installed near the building's entrance. This measure is sufficient to deter SCP-220 from leaving the containment area. The anomaly will approach the bus stop, sit on the adjacent bench, and remain there for thirty minutes to an hour before returning indoors.\nSCP-220's room is equipped with a telephone connected to an automated recording service. These recordings, in combination with several video surveillance feeds, are used to determine SCP-220's medical, dietary, and other personal needs.\nIn light of Incident 220-P, in the event that in-person contact with the anomaly is absolutely necessary, only D-class subjects may enter the containment area. Any person who has been exposed to SCP-220 must be quarantined immediately and maintained in complete isolation, including from phone or radio contact.\nDescription: SCP-220 has the appearance of a multiracial, English-speaking human male. According to his birth certificate, he is 84 years old as of 05/15/12.\nSCP-220 is believed to be a single humanoid entity. Depending on the time of day, he will adopt the name, memories, and mannerisms of one of two distinct persons. Any human subject who converses with SCP-220, regardless of which mannerisms he has adopted, will perceive two physically distinct people instead of one.\nFrom 5:00 AM EST until 8:00 PM EST, SCP-220 will identify himself as \"Ollie G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" (the name that corresponds with his birth certificate). From 10:00 PM EST until 5:00 AM EST, he will identify himself as \"Ormond Garibaldi\". During the period between 8:00 PM EST and 10:00 PM EST, this distinction is unclear.\nSubjects do not exhibit fear, distress, or confusion when conversing with SCP-220; however, the effect of these conversations\u2014 perceiving the anomaly as two persons\u2014 appears to be irreversible. Regardless of whether an individual is informed of SCP-220's nature before or after their exposure to the anomaly, their recollection of speaking to both Ollie and Ormond will persist.\nIf a subject's in-person contact with SCP-220 exceeds five minutes, they will begin to display additional signs of disorientation: easily forgetting their purpose in entering a room, the date and time, or the subject of a conversation. This effect, too, is irreversible.\nIf a subject is in contact with SCP-220 for more than ten minutes, this disorientation degrades to a state researchers have described as \"perception mitosis\". Affected individuals will begin to perceive every person and, eventually, every living thing and solid object as two instead of one.\nAcutely affected subjects appear to believe one or both of their conversation partners is a close friend or relative, regardless of their prior association with the individual.\nIn the case of objects, the subject may interact with the original item as well as the empty space occupied by an illusory item, or they may lose spatial awareness altogether.\n\n+View Incident 220-P\n\n-Close File\n\nA secondary, more serious effect of contact with SCP-220 was discovered during psychiatric evaluation of D-7905 by Dr. Palermo.\nD-7905 had been in conversation with SCP-220 for a period of eleven minutes. In the course of their subsequent psychiatric evaluation, they began to refer to Dr. Palermo alternately as \"Doctor\" and \"father\". Thirty minutes into this evaluation, Dr. Palermo also began to display signs of confusion, addressing the interviewee as both D-7905 and \"Anthony\".\nThis incident has established that SCP-220's effect may be highly contagious and spread via in-person contact. Fifteen individuals were subsequently quarantined, but not before it was discovered that the contagiousness of these symptoms increases with their severity.\nIndividuals who observe SCP-220 via audio or audiovisual recordings demonstrate no anomalous effects, provided that these recordings do not take the form of a two-way conversation with SCP-220. Whether this is also true of individuals affected by SCP-220 has not been tested at this time.\n\nAddendum 1:\nOn 01/26/12, SCP-220 suffered a fall. D-9120 was instructed to assess the subject's injuries. SCP-220's emotional distress was observed to exacerbate his influence on D-9120, who became rapidly disoriented, forgetting her objective. D-9002 was instructed to retrieve D-9120 from the containment site and was also indisposed by these symptoms, though at a notably slower rate. D-9120 and D-9002 were subsequently quarantined.\nAddendum 2:\nThe following is the complete list of requests made by SCP-220 via phone. Requests granted are supplied while SCP-220 is occupied with his daily ritual of walking around the building's lobby five times. Requests denied are communicated by a note of apology from the condominium's manager, citing the item's unavailability.\n\n+View Requested Items\n\n-Close File\n\nRequests made by SCP-220 while identifying as \"Ormond\":\n-Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes\n(granted)\n-a pair of silk house slippers\n(granted)\n-a French coffee press, grinder, and coffee beans\n(granted)\n-an electric kettle\n(granted)\n-a request that management post his open invitation to a chess tournament for other guests to see\n(denied; denial phrased as \"best postponed until the busy season\")\nRequests made by SCP-220 while identifying as \"Ollie\":\n-a picture of his wife\n(denied; records indicate that Ollie G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was never married granted; with permission, Assistant Researcher Evans has supplied a photograph of her deceased grandmother)\n-Tylenol PM\n(granted; dosage limited to two tablets)\n-an address book\n(granted; SCP-220 has been observed to write in this book frequently)\n-a request for a call to be put through to his granddaughter\n(denied; SCP-220 has no record of family\u2014 denial phrased as \"number unavailable\")\n-a bicycle\n(denied)\n-a guide to birdwatching in Florida\n(granted)\n-a pair of binoculars\n(granted)\n-a chess set\n(granted; between the hours of 8:00 and 10:00 PM EST, SCP-220 has been observed intently engaged with the chessboard; crossing back and forth to play each side)\n\n\u00ab SCP-219 | SCP-220 | SCP-221 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-221\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-221 is to be kept in a locked container where it cannot be removed except for further testing by Security Clearance Level 2 Personnel. The container is a 15.25 cm by 15.25 cm steel box with a cushioned interior, with an internal locking system. The container is to be placed in a locked room, with a guard to ensure that SCP-221 is not taken.\nDescription: SCP-221 is a pair of tweezers made out of gold, made in the 16th or 17th century. After subject testing it was noted that the damaged areas which had been used to gather material samples were smaller than they had been prior to the test. It is currently theorized that SCP-221 uses the minute amounts of gold in the human body to regenerate damage to itself.\nSubject testing revealed that SCP-221 creates a highly focused case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in any person which uses it on their own body. Subjects will utilize SCP-221 to slowly remove any and all hair from their body, before removing finger and toenails, as well as teeth, culminating with the removal of organs, both the external, such as the eyes and skin, and the internal, such as the liver and pancreas, using their hands if SCP-221 is not effective (though SCP-221 will never be set aside during this process, and remains gripped in one of the subject's hands). If SCP-221 is taken away from the subject, they become violent and manic, and will use their hands to continue the process, albeit in a less careful manner. It is to be noted that the progression of this behavior is different for each subject, but no less fatal.\nSCP-221 came into Foundation possession after reports of a human being who was [DATA EXPUNGED]. Foundation personnel retrieved SCP-221 within 10 hours of the original report.\nAddendum:\nTest Log 221-1: The test subject, a Class-D, was ordered to use SCP-221 to remove his eyebrow hair. While the subject was initially unenthusiastic about his task, after the first 10 minutes he began to more actively pluck out his own eyebrow hair, and after completely denuding his brow, moved on to plucking out his eyelashes, despite repeated assertions that the test was over. When released after SCP-221 was taken out of the room, he began to pluck out his eyelashes with his own fingers, completely removing all of them before moving on to his toenails. The subject completely removed his toe and fingernails, before yelling and smashing his own face against a wall. The reason for this outburst became apparent when he reached into his mouth and began ripping out his now loosened teeth. Eventually the subject died from blood loss and shock, halfway through the task of pulling out his own internal organs.\nTest Log 221-2: The test subjects were two Class-D personnel, Test Subject 1, ordered to use SCP-221 on the other Class-D, Test Subject 2. After 15 minutes, the test subjects began to argue about how the holder of SCP-221 was using it on the other. The test subjects began to fight for use of SCP-221, Test Subject 1 used SCP-221 to stab Test Subject 2 through the eye, piercing into the brain, immediately killing him. Test Subject 1 began to use SCP-221 to remove his own eyelashes, continuing to his teeth and eyes. Test Subject 1 died of blood loss, after removing 73% of the skin on his body.\n\n\u00ab SCP-220 | SCP-221 | SCP-222 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-222\nObject Class: Euclid\nTHIS DOCUMENT NOT FOR USE BY PERSONNEL BELOW CLEARANCE LEVEL 3\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-222 itself requires no special containment. It also cannot be moved. The site is guarded by SCP Foundation personnel as well as a rotating mix of US, Italian, and NATO soldiers (none of whom are aware of its significance). Foundation personnel travel to and from the site very often, and their true numbers are carefully hidden from the soldiers (and usually from personnel below clearance level 3).\nDescription: SCP-222 designates an area of tunnels in the Dolomites Mountains, near Aviano, Italy. The site is close to the Church of St. Gregory, and Aviano Air Force Base is also nearby. The tunnels are filled with carved stone coffins; one coffin in particular has unusual properties, and some portion of the tunnels is also involved. The carvings in the tunnels appear very old and of fairly good workmanship.\nHistory\nAfter 1948, US operatives in Italy participating in Operation Gladio began receiving word of unusual activities at the site. In 1954 Aviano Air Base was turned over to NATO.\nOn February 22, 1955, Foundation operatives found a series of tunnels carved into the mountains. They appeared to be catacombs (tunnels for storing the dead); archaeological research into their construction has yielded contradictory results. (See #SCP-222-7 through -9.) The tunnels were being used as a hideout by a terrorist cult. All members of the cult were killed or taken into custody. (Operation details filed in #SCP-222-1 through -5.) The cult appeared to be less mentally stable than most such organizations, but otherwise unremarkable. However, details turned up during the operation prompted further investigation.\nOnce the nature and abilities of the site were determined, it became one of the most-used and -visited objects under Foundation care.\nFunction\nAs previously stated, one (and only one) coffin in the tunnels has unusual properties. (See #SCP-222-6 for summation of all tests done to date and clarification of items below.) If a living person is placed into the coffin and it is closed, the following sequence of events occurs.\n\nWithin 15 minutes, the occupant falls asleep.\n\nThe occupant will fall asleep under any circumstances; such as, but not limited to, being in the middle of a claustrophobic fit, or being given amounts of caffeine and amphetamines close to causing an overdose.\n\nThe occupant sleeps for 1-2 hours.\n\nOpening the coffin during this time usually results in the death of the occupant and no further results.\n\nThe occupant wakes up, feeling well rested.\n\nThe occupant will not fall asleep until the coffin is opened again. The possibility of sleep deprivation research has been advanced but not yet implemented.\n\nWithin 24 hours, a person will be found within the tunnels who is a duplicate, or clone, of the occupant.\n\nNo attempts to find the origin of the clone within the tunnels have ever been successful. The clone invariably finds its way to the coffin, though it usually appears to be wandering aimlessly.\n\nClones created by the coffin appear in all physical respects to be identical to their originals, though dressed in tattered rags of unknown origin. Man-made objects are not duplicated; the cloning process is not recommended for occupants with tooth fillings or pacemakers. Clones appear to possess the same lifespan and medical conditions as their originals.\nThe most unusual aspect of a clone is its mind. Clones appear to be victims of global retrograde amnesia. Languages are retained, along with most physical skills. While clones cannot remember any people or events, they appear to retain their ethical beliefs and loyalties, and thus can usually be quickly re-indoctrinated into Foundation personnel. Security procedures must be retrained, but combat and weapon skills are preserved. Some clones demonstrate retention of computer and interrogation skills as well.\nMany Foundation personnel have been cloned with SCP-222, providing a loyal workforce for Foundation initiatives. It is one of our most obviously useful items.\nAddendum: Document #SCP-12: Indoctrination Issues\nLieutenant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's clone was brought to a mockup KGB indoctrination center where he was brainwashed into becoming a \"KGB spy\". He was a native of the USSR, so this was considered a useful test of a clone's attitudes. The clone eventually rebelled against the brainwashing and was prepared to die rather than submit. At that point the \"training exercise\" was ended and he was welcomed as a loyal Foundation member.\nHowever, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's clone was given a standard indoctrination, but it rebelled and proclaimed allegiance to an Afghan terrorist group. It was terminated, and questioning of the original \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 revealed that the beliefs had been accurately copied.\nAddendum: Document #SCP-222-13: Call for clone psychiatric/sociological analysis\nGeneral \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 maintains that cloned personnel display behavior patterns and habits that cannot be accounted for by simple amnesia. He cites a statistically significant higher incidence of mental illness, particularly homicidal tendencies, among clones when compared to \"original\" personnel.\nAddendum: Document #SCP-222-14: \"Second generation\" Clones\nClones may themselves be cloned, though records show this has only been performed twice. The \"second generation\" clones were observed to have marked mental differences: both were resistant to indoctrination, and Foundation psychiatrists returned a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder. However, intelligence and mental ability were measured at equal to or greater than the original clones' (or even the originals'). Further investigation is warranted.\nAddendum: Document #SCP-222-15: \"Clonedex\"\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has called for an effort to catalogue all clones in Foundation employ and the verification of the locations of each of them, as there appear to be consistent reports that the Foundation has more personnel than is recorded.\nAddendum: Document #SCP-222-17: Clone Approval Orders\nBy order of O5-2, all cloning activities must be recorded with a work order and must be approved by non-clone personnel of at least clearance 4.\nAddendum: Document #SCP-222-21: Clone Visual Identification\nAs a result of the nearly successful Site \u2588\u2588 takeover attempt by the clone of General \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 wherein [DATA EXPUNGED], all current and future clones are to be tattooed on the forehead and back of both hands with a simple C. This should negate the possibility of a clone impersonating its original for nefarious purposes.\n\n\u00ab SCP-221 | SCP-222 | SCP-223 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-223\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-223 is kept in a locked containment vault in Site-19. If the two (2) photos missing from SCP-223 are recovered, they should be stored in two separate, specially prepared vaults at Site-17.\nAny personnel who see any anomalies appear anywhere in SCP-223 must be reassigned to another project immediately. Such personnel must be kept under observation for mental instability (including tri-weekly examination by a site psychiatrist) and are advised to minimize their exposure to photographs of any kind.\nDescription: SCP-223 is a photo album, capable of holding thirty (30) photos, bound like a small hardcover book. The photos are attached to the pages with an unknown adhesive. It matches the appearance of a product made by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 but lacks any brand label. \u201cFrom danny with love\u201d has been written on the back in blue ink.\nSCP-223 contains twenty-eight (28) photos, which chronicle an engaged couple's vacation to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Beach. The final two (2) pages of the album have been ripped out.\nThe couple in the photos has been positively identified as E\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and L\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who went on the vacation depicted June of 19\u2588\u2588. E\u2588\u2588\u2588 and L\u2588\u2588\u2588 died on June \u2588\u2588 in a murder-suicide by E\u2588\u2588\u2588. E\u2588\u2588\u2588's suicide note claimed he found his fianc\u00e9e in bed with another man and killed her, however no evidence of such an affair was ever found.\nThere is one other person who frequently appears in the photos of SCP-223, a Caucasian male with attractive and somewhat androgynous features, designation SCP-223-1. Based on his behaviour in the photos he seems to be a friend of the couple. All attempts to determine the identity of SCP-223-1 have proven fruitless.\nSCP-223-1 does not appear in photos and recorded footage of SCP-223, although careful comparative analysis of the photos and [DATA EXPUNGED].\nOccasionally, persons reading SCP-223 will see the likeness of their romantic interest in one or more of SCP-223's photos, replacing an incidental bystander. Independent observers can verify that the photos do in fact change, however these anomalies are always discovered by the individual they most concern. SCP-223 seems to target readers who are in a stable, happy romantic relationship with these anomalies. SCP-223 apparently can only target one person at a time in this way.\nIf the discoverer of the anomaly (hereafter the target) continues to read SCP-223, their perceptions of the album's contents will change radically. While any other reader continues to see the original photos, the target will see an album of photos of their romantic partner interacting with an androgynous but attractive member of the target's sex. The target invariably reacts with jealousy and suspicion, and if allowed will search for the final two pages, believing that the contents will prove whether or not the target's partner is cheating.\nThe effects of SCP-223 on a given target wear off completely within one (1) week unless the target is exposed to new photos or SCP-223. At this point the current target's love interest's likeness will vanish from the album and the target can safely view ordinary photographs. A former target attempting to view SCP-223's photographs will see [REDACTED].\nIf not allowed contact with SCP-223 following the initial discovery, the target's perceptions of other photographs will also be altered. The nature of these alterations varies depending on the content of the photos, but the majority involve the inclusion of a humanoid similar to SCP-223-1. Pictures including both the target and the target's romantic partner seem to be the most psychologically damaging to view. Exposure to a sufficiently large number of photographs seems to cause a \u2018brainwashing' effect in the target, creating a strong delusion of great danger that can only be resolved by returning the missing photos to SCP-223. This appears to be caused by a long succession of subliminal signals and traumatising images rather than by any actual psychic influence.\nPsych. Report 223-6 (Dr. Morris) \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 Interview Log\n\nExaminer: Please be seated. How long has it been since your first exposure?\nMorris: Um, about a week? Yeah, that\u2018s right, seven days. It's all kind of blurred.\nExaminer: How do you feel?\nMorris: Sort of paranoid. Edgy. Like he's watching me from somewhere, somehow. Um, any update on the missing photos?\nExaminer: Who do you mean by \u2018he?'\nMorris: The man we called 223-1. From the photos. He's\u2026\nExaminer: Yes?\nMorris: (silence)\nExaminer: Have you been exposed to any photos since your last visit?\nMorris: No.\nExaminer: Good. What do you see here? (photo is of a grizzly bear drinking from a pool)\nMorris: Um, it seems to be a photo of two bears mating.\nExaminer: Very well. And this? (photo is of a bed, no figures present)\nMorris: A naked man, seated on a bed. Look, it's been a week, right? You can let me go? I've got to find those photos\u2026\nExaminer: You seem extremely interested in SCP-223's missing photographs. Why?\nMorris: I've got to prove Lily's innocence.\nExaminer: Dr. Morris, your wife is in no danger. We discovered nearly twenty photographs hidden in and around your quarters, Dr. Morris. Whatever you saw in those photos is not real.\nMorris: (lunging at the examiner, restrained by guards) Liar! You're working for them aren't you!\nExaminer: (to guards) Take him away for now.\nMorris: Wait! Wait! When can I see Lily aga\u2014\n[LOG ENDS]\n\nNote: Morris was given a Class-A amnestic and has now returned to his full duties. Mrs. Morris has been informed that her husband is dead.\nAddendum 223-1: Further analysis of E\u2588\u2588\u2588's autopsy report indicates that several of the wounds found on his body could not have been self inflicted, therefore suicide has been ruled out as cause of death. There is no evidence of anyone other than E\u2588\u2588\u2588 entering or leaving the scene of the crime for at least twenty four (24) hours before and after his death, although [REDACTED] one of the walls.\n\n\u00ab SCP-222 | SCP-223 | SCP-224 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-224\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Item SCP-224 is to be stored in a soundproof enclosure with acoustic destructive interference nodes. Nodes must be replaced on a weekly basis by remote means due to the erratic nature of SCP-224's effect; non Class-D personnel are not to enter the enclosure. Additionally, SCP-224's enclosure must be kept free from moisture to avoid rapid oxidation.\nIn the event that the clock begins to chime, all personnel must evacuate the area, and the location should be secured following procedure Zeit 77.\nDescription: SCP-224 is a wooden grandfather clock, accented with a black lacquer and gold leaf. Markings, remotely observed, date its origin at the end of the 19th century. Though internal examination of its components has been done, the density and construction of its gears make method of function impossible to interpret.\nThe hands of the clock do not move with any known consistency, though the tendency seems to be generally clockwise. Additionally, chimes occur at non-regular intervals, ranging from approximately one minute to several months. To further complicate matters, the numbers on the clock also have a tendency to move and shift, though they generally retain ascending order.\nEach chime has an anomalous acoustic signature that causes a drastic localized temporal acceleration. People and objects in range of the sound begin to age. The amount of time is not consistent with the chimes, ranging from essentially inconsequential amounts to several years, though the amount aged during any single event is consistent for all objects within the field of effect.\nSCP-224 was originally found in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Antique Shop and purchased by Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as a gift for his wife. When brought home and wound, the anomalous properties were noticed, though not acted upon, both apparently considering the object broken. Their bodies were discovered in their collapsed house two days later, aged significantly. Foundation personnel monitoring \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 took interest, and SCP-224 was subsequently recovered. Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were unfortunately lost following exposure during transportation.\nAny instances of SCP-224 retaining any numeric pattern for an extended period should be reported to Dr. Simmons Dr. Locke. Failure to do so will result in suspension and possible demotion.\n\nAddendum SCP-224, Cataloged Incidents:\nDue to repeated errors on the part of the maintenance crews working on containment for SCP-224, Dr. Simmons insisted that the following report be spread among the onsite work crews to fully stress the importance of SCP-224's containment. After its circulation, it was added to the primary case file for historical purposes.\n\nToday, I had the pleasure of informing Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that he is to be given retirement pay and is free to leave active duty as of this evening. It was not initially approved by Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 until I explained the circumstances.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who is the father of Alice \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and husband of Merilee \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, was walking past the SCP-224 containment facility on Friday, March 17, 198\u2588. He was reporting to his supervisor's office to deliver the final report on SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, which he was instrumental in helping acquire. Because SCP-224's effect is so unpredictable, he had no way of knowing that the object had activated until the acoustic dampening equipment failed, leading to the collapse of the wall. At this time, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was exposed to seven iterations of SCP-224's effect.\nThe first one saw him age into his mid-thirties. Those of you who have seen the video are aware that this wasn't a drastic change. However, by the second exposure, he was now well into his forties. There was significant graying of hair. By the third iteration, he was balding, and we estimate his age reached into the early sixties. By the fourth, his skin had noticeably wrinkled, with liver spots appearing in several places.\nBy the sixth iteration, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 collapsed due to a broken hip, fracturing several ribs and his left arm. It was at this time that he lost control of his bowels and bladder. When the seventh iteration ended, containment had to be manually reestablished. At this time, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is estimated to be over a hundred years old.\nAs a note, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 volunteered for termination and examination of SCP-224's effects, should the retirement pay he was now technically entitled to be rewarded to his family. I heartily thank Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for giving us this opportunity to study SCP-224's effect. I hope you'll remember in the future that, while some SCPs kill immediately, others do not. Others leave lingering effects that have ramifications for the people\u2014and the families of the people\u2014who are subjected to them.\nDr. Rasmussen was down the hall from Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. He is now a thirty-five year old man in an elderly body. Assistant Researcher Jessup, who was pregnant when she was exposed in the same incident, died when her child was forced through her abdomen. Her son is a forty year old man with the mind of an infant. Dr. Quinn's undiagnosed case of bladder cancer consumed his entire abdomen in a matter of moments.\nPlease keep these incidents in mind before failing to replace the \"perfectly fine\" acoustic nodes in the containment enclosure.\nDr. J. Simmons, Head of Containment, SCP-224\n\n\u00ab SCP-223 | SCP-224 | SCP-225 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-225-1 (left) and SCP-225-2 (right)\n\nItem #: SCP-225\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-225-1 is contained at Site-65 for study and experimentation. No guards are necessary for the object itself, as theft is impossible and the object is harmless for the moment. Ongoing tests are to be made to find a way to eliminate SCP-225-1, or at least to find a way to move it from its position in a controllable fashion.\nSCP-225-2 is as yet uncontainable and should be monitored as best as possible as it travels, with constant updates as to its current position, speed, and trajectory, along with projections as to its estimated position for the next 50 years.\nAs of this writing SCP-225 poses no immediate threat. However, in the event that a collision course with SCP-225-1 is detected, SCP-225 is to be immediately upgraded to Keter, and every effort must be made to find a way to alter SCP-225-1 or SCP-225-2 from their courses.\nAll Foundation resources are to be made available for this objective should a collision ever become probable. Planetary evacuation plans are to be drawn up as a precaution, as are revised containment procedures for Keter level items whose containment being compromised by [DATA EXPUNGED] would not also result in the item's imminent destruction.\nDescription: SCP-225-1 and SCP-225-2 are shiny gray metallic spheres of unknown origin and composition, each with a diameter of 0.681 meters.\nSCP-225-1 appears stable and motionless, but is in fact moving in a geosynchronous path above Earth, at the exact speed of Earth's rotation, maintaining its relative position at all times.\nGravity, magnetism, and all other forces tested have had no effect upon it; it maintains position approximately 7.3 meters above the surface. No amount of force brought to bear on it in any direction has any effect upon its position; all tools and weaponry tested have no effect upon it physically.\nSCP-225-2 follows a path around the sun that is nearly synchronous with Earth's. It does not orbit Earth; Earth rotates under it, giving it the illusory appearance of traveling around the Earth at velocities usually ranging from 1,600 - 2,000 km/h, depending on its current relative altitude. It does not technically orbit the sun either; it appears to be moving under its own power via unknown means. Its course has not been entirely predictable.\nDifferences between SCP-225-2's path and Earth's orbit move the planet closer to or further away from SCP-225-2, within a surprisingly small level of variance to date. Since it was first observed in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 it has never reached a relative altitude of less than 10 km, generally staying between \u2588\u2588 km - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 km above the surface, though it has moved as far away as [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in a temporary loss of contact in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (contact re-established in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Lunar Impact incident).\nSimilarly to SCP-225-1, no force or weaponry brought to bear upon it has had any effect, though testing on it is significantly more difficult, time-consuming, and resource-intensive due to the variation in its relative position.\nAddendum: To summarize: no effort to move or damage SCP-225-1 has any effect, and no effort to stop or damage SCP-225-2 has any effect. SCP-225-2 destructively travels through any object in its path without pause and/or pushes it out of its way, regardless of that object's composition. SCP-225-1 is unaffected by any amount of force brought to bear on it in any direction.\nWhile individually each object is not as yet of any major concern, there are cataclysmic implications should the two objects collide. Projections based upon the estimated amount of material contained between the two objects (0.33 cubic meters, appr. 2,600 kg) show that should the objects annihilate each other, they would release at minimum the power of a \u2588\u2588 gigaton nuclear explosion, potentially much higher depending upon what they are constructed of.\nSince all tests thus far have shown that neither SCP-225-1 nor SCP-225-2 can be damaged or moved by any means known, the possibility also exists that neither object would be annihilated, halted, or altered from their course even by contact with the other. If this is true, then a collision between SCP-225-1 and SCP-225-2 has the potential to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIn this circumstance planetary evacuation may not be sufficient and [DATA EXPUNGED] should time permit before [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-224 | SCP-225 | SCP-226 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-226\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedure: SCP-226 is to be kept in a locked cabinet within the Site-\u2588\u2588 Secure Item Storage unit. Any person wishing to use SCP-226 must have approval from any personnel with at least level 3 Security Clearance.\nDescription: SCP-226 is a cardboard box, measuring roughly 30 cm x 20 cm x 4 cm. It has a lid that fits securely over the bottom half, as with any common puzzle box. The surface of the box is a deep black, with the word \"fear\" scrawled with white ink on the upper-right corner of its lid. Within the box are 1,000 cardboard puzzle pieces, each measuring roughly 2 centimeters in diameter, also considered SCP-226. When completed, the puzzle always forms in a rectangular shape. However, the design and order in which the pieces fit together change with use.\nSCP-226 aligns itself with whoever initially opens the box. When opened, the pieces change design, and the completed image will show what has been discovered to be the greatest fear of the person who it is aligned to. The image on the pieces do not change after the box has been opened. Recorded images on SCP-226 are as follows:\n\nA bloated corpse, sinking underwater.\n\nA set of gallows with several nooses attached.\n\nA person screaming, with hundreds of small spiders crawling out of his mouth.\n\nA darkened window, with a mutilated hand scraping across it.\n\nSCP-682.\n\nA human figure completely covered in various insects such as bees or centipedes.\n\nThe cross section of a coffin buried in dirt, with a person inside slamming her fists on inside of the lid.\n\nWhen completed and taken back apart, the lid of SCP-226's box will fly through the air and secure itself back on the lower half. The puzzle pieces will disappear, presumably returning back into the box. SCP-226 will then become un-aligned, and align itself with the next person to open the box.\nAdditional Notes: SCP-226 was first discovered by now defunct Mobile Task Force \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-12 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588. At the time, the Task Force was investigating reports of a possible SCP in a series of tunnels underneath a church in the city of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Due to an equipment malfunction, MTF-12 had lost communication with the surface, and was stranded within the tunnels until repairs were made. The Task Force discovered SCP-226 on a wooden table within a stone room, surrounded by several chairs. Believing it to be a simple puzzle, MTF-12 decided to open SCP-226 to pass the time. When completed, SCP-226 depicted the exact scene of MTF-12 sitting at the table working on a puzzle. However, Agent T\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 appeared to be viciously stabbing several other members of the Task Force with a standard-issue combat knife. The puzzle was taken apart, transporting back to its box. Repairs were soon made, and MTF-12 returned to the surface.\nNote: Regrettably, an accident en-route to the surface caused the death of Agent T\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-225 | SCP-226 | SCP-227 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-227\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-227 is to be kept in a climate-controlled room, at a temperature of 21-24\u00b0C and humidity no higher than 10%. Anyone touching the object is required to wear surgical gloves; a supply of these is to be kept with SCP-227 at all times. Food, drink, cigarettes, or any other sources of contamination are not allowed inside of the containment area. Loose clothing, hair, or other adornment is not recommended. Only personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher are allowed access to SCP-227, although lower ranking staff are allowed to use the object while under supervision. If SCP-227 needs to be transported to another location, it should be sealed in an insulated, airtight container filled with an inert gas.\nDescription: SCP-227 is a bronze clockwork device measuring 10 cm x 16 cm x 26 cm and weighing 5 kg. SCP-227 is somewhat similar in appearance to reconstructions of the \"Antikythera Mechanism\", an incomplete and heavily corroded Greek artifact thought to date from approximately 100 BCE. Unlike that artifact, SCP-227 was found intact and apparently fully functional. This is partly because SCP-227 was found on land at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, instead of at the bottom of the Mediterranean, but the lack of significant damage is remarkable. Preliminary testing of SCP-227 shows that it may have some ability to repair itself over time. Further testing is pending approval from O5 level staff.\nSCP-227 has one major dial with three hands on the front face; this dial has several concentric rings which rotate independently. The rear face has two major dials with two hands each; these dials are surrounded by a spiral groove, through which some of the internal gearing is visible. A number of smaller dials are arranged around the rest of the object. The total number of these minor dials visible at once varies when the object is in use, as does the number of hands on each dial. There are three small cranks on the right side of SCP-227. Turning any of these sets the moving parts of SCP-227 into action. The top crank causes the most rapid change; some of the smaller hands have been observed moving at speeds of over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 RPM. Extended use of the top crank causes SCP-227 to heat up significantly. Personnel are advised to use caution when turning the top crank, to avoid damaging SCP-227 or injuring themselves. The middle and bottom crank are used for medium and fine adjustments, respectively.\nThe object is covered in a large number of inscriptions. The majority of these are in Attic Greek; however, some are in various writing systems that have yet to be deciphered. These include Linear A, Cretan hieroglyphs, and one or more unknown languages. The translatable text is essentially a manual of operation for SCP-227, with the exception of one passage which states [DATA EXPUNGED]. The full significance of this passage is under investigation.\nEarly indications are that SCP-227 is an incredibly accurate astronomical computer. Symbols corresponding to the Sun, Moon, and planets are prominently placed on the front major dial, along with many other symbols of unknown meaning. The rear major dials have markings consistent with several ancient calendar systems. These include the Callippic, Metonic, Saros, and Sothic cycles. There are also at least two more previously unknown calendar systems present.\nAddendum SCP-227-01: Further study has revealed that SCP-227 is able to compute the locations of bodies that were only recently discovered by modern astronomers. For example, one set of hands and markings corresponds to the Kuiper belt object 50000 Quaoar. Quaoar is difficult to detect even with the Hubble Space Telescope; how the designer of SCP-227 was able to predict its orbit is unknown.\nAddendum SCP-227-02: SCP-227 has demonstrated an ability to predict even aperiodic astronomical events. One researcher was turning the top crank and happened to notice a minor dial appear very briefly. Fine tuning revealed that the minor dial first appears on a date corresponding to 23 Feb 1987. This is the date that the supernova SN 1987A was first observed on Earth.\nAddendum SCP-227-03: Advancing SCP-227 past the date corresponding to \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 2\u2588\u2588\u2588 is not possible. A force of up to 100 N applied to the bottom crank is unable to produce any movement past this date. Testing with additional force has not been authorized due to the risk of damaging SCP-227. When the object is set to this date, a large number of dials and symbols appear which are not seen at any other setting. The meaning of this final setting is unknown. Some researchers believe that this may represent an XK class end-of-the-world scenario, such as a wandering brown dwarf (the so-called \u201cNemesis hypothesis\u201d), a gamma ray burst, or [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum SCP-227-04: The date of the final setting on SCP-227 was observed to change once, to a time \u2588\u2588 years later than the previous date. The symbols that appeared at this new final setting were somewhat different from the previous one, but their meaning remains unknown. Research into what may have caused this change is underway.\n\n\u00ab SCP-226 | SCP-227 | SCP-228 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-228\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-228 will be used to conduct experimental psychiatric testing at Site-23.\nSCP-228 is to be kept under glass in observation room 113-AD-C at Site-23. Access to observation room 113-AD-C will require either level four authorization or a signed notification from Medical Director Light.\nObservation room 113-AD-C is to be monitored by no fewer than four (4) high definition video cameras and a reinforced one way observation mirror running the full length of the east wall.\nWhen a subject observes SCP-228, their reaction is to be documented by no fewer than five (5) researchers stationed behind the observation mirror, as well as the subject's accompanying psychiatrist.\nDescription: SCP-228 is a Polaroid photograph of variable appearance. It is apparent at this time that SCP-228 derives its subject matter from the subconscious mind of the viewer. The images produced are always visually clear, but vary in interpretive coherency. For example, one viewer may cause SCP-228 to manifest a clear portrait of that viewer's father, while another causes an image of a heart shaped object submerged in green fluid to [REDACTED]. The coherence of the image produced by SCP-228 appears to vary from subject to subject, and is theorised to have some connection to the viewer's emotional state.\nSCP-228's various image manifestations can be photographed normally, although the photographs will not display the ability to manifest new images. It will manifest an image when viewed remotely by video feed. After SCP-228 has manifested an image, it will remain inert, displaying the same image, until that viewer looks away. At that point, it will adapt its manifestation to reflect that of the current viewer. The question of what SCP-228 manifests when unobserved is moot.\nSCP-228 will be used to assist members of the psychiatric staff at Site-23. During psychoanalysis, the patient, hereafter referred to as the subject, will be asked leading questions and instructed to look at SCP-228. Once the manifestation has been recorded, the subject will be instructed to look away. At no point should the interviewer view SCP-228 before the subject, as this will corrupt the record and potentially skew psychoanalysis of the subject.\nAddendum: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, no personnel who have previously been exposed to a visual memetic agent is authorized for exposure to SCP-228, due to the possibility of [SUBSEQUENT DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-227 | SCP-228 | SCP-229 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-229\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No electrical devices of any kind are allowed inside or within thirty meters of the containment area. Any and all personnel entering the containment area are to be clad in lead-lined clothing and helmets. Anything found to be infested by SCP-229 is to be immediately incinerated and the resulting ash and debris contained and disposed of under protocol XJR-99.\nContainment area is to be composed of a hollow cube of 18 cm thick granite, 8 meters on a side, with a single door and airlock. These are to operate with no electrical components, and those components are to be made of wood or stone whenever possible.\nAny organism infested with SCP-229 is to be immediately incinerated. Any items or staff exiting the containment area must be scanned and cleared by site security.\nDescription: SCP-229 appears to be a mass of wires and cables. Superficially, they appear to be raw copper wire, insulated Ethernet cable, phone cable, power lines, and many other forms of electrical cable. The current mass weighs 94 kg at last measurement.\nSCP-229 is tentatively identified as a form of silicon-based life. SCP-229 is a highly invasive parasite, attacking anything carrying even a low electrical current. SCP-229 will grow several centimeters every hour, and form connectors to attach to electrical power sources (wall socket plugs, USB connectors, etc.). SCP-229 will also splice itself into power lines and existing wires if no connection is available. SCP-229 appears to \"feed\" off electricity.\nSCP-229 appears to go dormant when not in the presence of an electrical source. Any electrical current entering within thirty meters, no matter how small, will immediately cause SCP-229 to \u201cgrow\u201d in the direction of the electricity. Questions regarding the possible intelligence and sensory organs of SCP-229 are still under investigation.\nSCP-229 appears to \u201cgrow\u201d best on metal or plastic, but is very capable of infesting living tissue. In vertebrate animals, SCP-229 will quickly penetrate the epidermis and other tissues, attaching to and enveloping the spine. SCP-229 will then grow along nerve pathways and up into the brain, attaching and infesting it within a few days. This process appears to be extremely painful, and can cause very erratic behavior. When the infested subject nears death, usually from massive internal bleeding and brain damage, SCP-229 will exit the body by puncturing through the skin and attaching to any nearby structures, thus beginning the cycle again.\nIt is theorized that SCP-229 has always been present in our ecosystem, but that the technological level, and thereby the availability of electricity, was insufficient to allow its spread. With the current prevalence of wires and other electrical devices, detection can be extremely difficult. Incineration is currently the best means for SCP-229 removal.\nAddendum: At this time, cross-experimentation between SCP-229 and SCP-217 is allowed only with O5 approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-228 | SCP-229 | SCP-230 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-230\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-230 is kept in a secure room in Site-\u2588\u2588. The room must have a controlled ventilation system so that air exiting the room can be properly filtered before it reenters the regular ventilation system of the complex. SCP-230 is to be given anything he requests that does not violate standard procedures for SCP containment. The door is set to automatically lock every time it closes and can only be opened from outside the room. Personnel entering SCP-230's room must wear a full HAZMAT suit with its own oxygen supply. Personnel exposed to the air in SCP-230's cell or who come in physical contact with SCP-230 or any of SCP-230's bodily fluids must be contained and held for observation for no less than one month. Personnel still exhibiting symptoms from SCP-230 after one month are to be terminated. If personnel are cleared by on-site staff after a month, they are then to be transferred and forbidden contact with SCP-230.\nDue to recent events, subjects that have been exposed and cleared by staff are required to undergo regular psychological exams. If upon exam the personnel exhibits any of the traits shown in document 230-4436b, the personnel is to be terminated.\nNOTE: Subject has made several escape attempts utilizing personnel exposed to SCP-230. This represents a low threat due to the fact that exposed personnel are usually impaired; however, personnel will become violent in order to stay in SCP-230's presence.\nDescription: SCP-230 is a male Caucasian with a lean build and gaunt appearance. SCP-230 is 185 cm (6 ft 1 in) tall, 68.04 kg (150 lbs), and appears to be in his early thirties. He wears bright clothing and prefers the colors pink and yellow. SCP-230 is a very cheerful individual who appears to be incapable of negative emotions.\nSCP-230 secretes a chemical similar in composition to heroin from his pores. The chemical has been named Compound-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Once secreted from his pores, it evaporates immediately and contaminates the air around SCP-230. Compound-\u2588\u2588\u2588 seems to be effective in as little as thirty parts per million in gaseous form. When inhaled, Compound-\u2588\u2588\u2588 causes extreme euphoria in subjects. Analysis on Class-D personnel under the effects of SCP-230 indicated they had dopamine levels greater than five times of what is expected during sexual climax. Subjects express impairment similar to the effects of heroin. Subjects become willing to comply with any request SCP-230 makes provided it does not involve leaving SCP-230's presence.\nCompound-\u2588\u2588\u2588 is present in all of SCP-230's bodily fluids. Exposure is possible even by contact with SCP-230's skin. Exposure to the compound will result in immediate addiction. Withdrawal symptoms are extreme and have a thirty percent mortality rate. Symptoms include: loss of appetite, tremors, panic, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, dementia, insanity, blindness, and hemorrhaging, though symptoms vary from subject to subject. Symptoms typically last for around two weeks before subsiding. The symptoms appear to be determined by how much of Compound-\u2588\u2588\u2588 the subject is exposed to. Subjects that ingest any of SCP-230's bodily fluid (i.e. saliva, blood, etc) have a mortality rate from withdrawal of 100%.\nSCP-230 was found in an apartment in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 with twenty people acting as his servants. SCP-230 seemed to be actively attempting to limit the number of people he exposed. Several bodies of exposed persons were found on the premises. When questioned about them, SCP-230 replied, \"Things were getting crowded, so I had to ask a few of them to stop breathing.\"\nSCP-230 appears to be under the effects of Compound-\u2588\u2588\u2588, but doesn't seem to be impaired by it in any way. Attempts to alter SCP-230's mood have proven ineffective. Use of various drugs known to cause depression only resulted in SCP-230 producing more of Compound-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and thus were ineffective.\nSCP-230 is a very friendly individual and will candidly engage in conversation with any personnel. SCP-230 is unaware of how or when he began secreting Compound-\u2588\u2588\u2588. When questioned about his past, SCP-230 replied that he has been secreting Compound-\u2588\u2588\u2588 as long as he can remember.\nSCP-230 prefers to talk about things he considers \"good\" or \"gay\". SCP-230 has some psychological attachment to the word \"gay\". When asked to describe himself, SCP-230 used the word \"gay\" six times, \"gaiety\" four times, and the word \"gayest\" once when SCP-230 referred to himself as \"the gayest man alive.\"\nNote by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-230's preoccupation with the word \"gay\" has nothing to do with sexual orientation. SCP-230 doesn't appear to have a sexual orientation due to a lack of interest in sex entirely. This makes sense, seeing as SCP-230 experiences the same amount of pleasure doing any given activity, making sex unnecessary.\nAddendum 230-1: Class 2 personnel researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 was accidentally exposed to Compound-\u2588\u2588\u2588 during research. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 was detained and sent to treatment for the duration of withdrawal symptoms. After one month, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 was released after being cleared by medical staff. Two months later, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 was found trying to break into SCP-230's containment area. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 reacted violently and injured several personnel before she was detained. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 was terminated after examination, and precautions have been made to prevent further occurrence; see document 230-4436b.\nDocument 230-4436b: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-229 | SCP-230 | SCP-231 \u00bb"} {"text": "ADULT CONTENT\n\nThis article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers.\nGraphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts\nFeatures sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts.\nExplicit depiction of sexual acts.\nFeatures non-consensual sexual acts.\nDepiction of severe mistreatment of children\nDepiction of self-harm\nDepiction of suicide\nDepiction of torture\n{$custom-content}\nIf you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content.\nContinue\nBack to Front Page\n\u00ab SCP-230 |SCP-231| SCP-232 \u00bb\n\nYOU CAME HERE LOOKING FOR SECRET MESSAGES, DIDN'T YOU? IT GRABS ONTO YOU, DOESN'T IT? THE FASCINATION. THE INTRIGUE. THE MYSTERY. YOU KEEP SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS. YOU'RE LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE.\n\nImage removed by order of O5-\u2588\u2588\n\nseven seals, seven rings. seven brides for the scarlet King\nItem #: SCP-231-7 (See Addendum re: SCP-231-1 through SCP-231-6)they gather round the natal bed, the foolish and the wise. they fear the child yet to be born, whose voice shall rend the skies.\nObject Class: Keterthe faithful watch the forest for the coming of the King. their lanterns bright, they wait at night for the new world he shall bring.\nSite and Personnel Requirements: Under special order of O5-\u2588\u2588, the following addendum is attached to the beginning of the file for SCP-231-7.\nthe dragon waits in shadows, his breath will scorch the land. the hero in the castle draws his sword and makes his stand.\nAll personnel assigned to SCP-231-7 must rotate out for one month of psychological counseling after two months on-site. SCP-231-7 is to be kept at an undisclosed location. All personnel assigned to SCP-231 will be transported there blindfolded from Site-19 by a route including no fewer than seven different forms of transportation, including but not limited to aircraft, automobile, underground tunnel, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Removal of the blindfold during the transport process is grounds for immediate termination.\nthe princess in the tower is hidden far away. but nothing under heaven can keep The Groom at bay.\nPersonnel assigned to SCP-231-7 must undergo heavy psychological testing before being cleared to enter the site. Individuals must score at least 72 points on the Milgram Obedience Examination, be unmarried, have no offspring, and express nothing less than total loyalty to the Foundation. Normal psychological screening procedures against Axis II disorders are waived, so long as the Class-D personnel in question has the mental capacity to carry out Procedure 110-Montauk as needed.\nLuke 23:34.\nPersonnel who express sympathy towards SCP-231-7's plight and/or express a desire to rescue or sympathize towards SCP-231-7 will be transferred to another project without delay. Any actual rescue attempts will be met with immediate termination. Personnel who have served on the staff of SCP-231-7's Containment Team are not required to divulge that information to others. No official record shall be kept of the names of any staff assigned to SCP-231-7, nor will said service appear in the personnel files of said staff.\nthey gather round with leering smiles, the soulless and the dead. though her soul unwinds, the cruelest minds will keep her in her bed.\nWhile on-site, individuals assigned to SCP-231-7 will be issued concealing helmets with integrated voice changers to protect their identity. On-site staff are not to remove said uniforms in the presence of other staff members. Off-duty hours are to be spent in private quarters alone.\nSix Class D Personnel are to be assigned to SCP-231-7 each month for the purposes of carrying out Procedure 110-Montauk. Violent criminals are not to be used for this purpose due to the possibility of accidental fatality during the 110-Montauk process.\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Following repeated escape and suicide attempts, and based on the failure of containment for SCP-231-1 through 6, containment of SCP-231-7 has been amended to the following: SCP-231 is to be contained within a soundproof holding cell, adjacent to holding cells for six Class D Personnel assigned for the purposes of Procedure 110-Montauk. Cameras will monitor every inch of the cell at all times, and must be manned 24 hours a day. Malfunctioning monitoring equipment will be replaced without delay by psychologically screened staff. Doors will be magnetically locked, openable only by positive action by the control and monitoring facility. This includes all doors linking the main holding cell to those of the six Class D Personnel.\nSCP-231-7 is to be kept restrained to a hospital bed at all times except for the purposes of Procedure 110-Montauk. Hydration will be provided through IV drip. Feeding will be carried out twice per day through feeding tube by approved medical personnel who have not taken the Hippocratic Oath. Under no circumstances are narcotics, anesthesia, or other unapproved medications to be administered to SCP-231-7.\nthe potter told his 'prentice to prepare him seven jars. six he made with grace and skill, the last his hands did mar.\nProcedure 110-Montauk is to be carried out at least once every 24 hours by Class D Personnel. During Procedure 110-Montauk, at least one Security Clearance 4/231 staff member must monitor the procedure by camera at all times, although the sound may be turned off if the vocalizations of SCP-231-7 become too distressing. Following the procedure, all Class D Personnel must return to their holding cells or explosive collars will be detonated.\nthe cretin moon no more is howling, gone its mourning black. in their dreams its face is prowling, come to take them back.\n[DATA EXPUNGED PER ORDER OF O5-\u2588\u2588 ON \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. INFORMATION MOVED TO EYES-ONLY DOCUMENT 231-110-MONTAUK. ACCESS TO 231-110-MONTAUK IS LIMITED TO PERSONNEL WITH SECURITY CLEARANCE 4/231]\nDescription: SCP-231-7 is a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 female between \u2588 and \u2588\u2588 years of age, with [DATA EXPUNGED]. the King is in his courting clothes, the brides are in their beds. the unborn princes wait in sleep to raise their eager heads.\nSCP-231-1 through 7 were retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, following a police raid on a warehouse owned by an organization called the Children of the Scarlet King (see article on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 newspaper, \"Police Raid Satanic Sex Cult, Save Seven\"). 24 hours after the rescue, SCP-231-1 (real name \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) went into labor pains, giving birth three minutes later to SCP-\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), causing a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 event resulting in over \u2588\u2588\u2588 confirmed casualties. Foundation Personnel immediately took possession of remaining SCPs 231-2 through 231-7 and, based on notebooks recovered from the cult, instituted Procedure 110-Montauk to prevent future occurrences. the hens were in the henhouse and seven eggs did lay, till the fox crept in by dark of night and stole the eggs away.\nAddendum 231-a: Current Status of SCP-231 units.\nsix were broken by their bindings six no more shall sing. comes the seventh full unwinding and all the bells will ring.\n\nSCP-231-1 (deceased \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588): Killed during initial recovery operations while giving birth to SCP-\u2588\u2588. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Alpha for more details. when the first had given birth, then all the birds did sing. her screaming cries did shake the skies, as she called out for her King.\nSCP-231-2 (deceased \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588): Killed during attempt to remove fetus of second SCP-\u2588\u2588 specimen, resulting in immediate \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 event. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Bravo for more details. by doctor's blade the second bade a life into the world. untimely hewn neath a silent moon, the King's red flag unfurled.\nSCP-231-3 (deceased \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588): Self-terminated following a prolonged period of distress caused by implementation of Procedure 110-Montauk. SCP-\u2588\u2588 immediately underwent a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 event. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Charlie for more details. his bride the third remained unheard, her cries for help ignored. she stopped her life with a surgeon's knife, and gave it to Our Lord.\nSCP-231-4 (deceased \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588): Attempted to administer SCP-500. Although successful in that all traces of SCP-\u2588\u2588 were expelled from the system, expelled remains immediately underwent a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 event, causing numerous casualties including SCP-231-4 herself. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Delta for more details. the fourth prepares a dagger and places it at her heart. the perfect cure cannot make pure what the King has set apart.\nSCP-231-5 (deceased \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588): Botched application of Procedure 110-Montauk resulted in SCP-231-5 giving birth to SCP-\u2588\u2588 one hour later, which then underwent a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 event. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Echo, and Report on Destruction of Site 231-Aleph, for more details. Recruitment profile of Class D personnel was revised to minimize possibility of a second botched Procedure 110-Montauk. the fifth one's crown was bearing down upon the fox's set. the den was sundered with mighty thunder, an apocalypse beget.\nSCP-231-6 (deceased \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588): Killed during escape attempt aided and abetted by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had been exhibiting heightened stress levels due to prolonged exposure to SCP-231, obtained possession of SCP-[REDACTED] and attempted to use said weapon to rescue SCP-231-6 and SCP-231-7. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was killed in the resulting firefight, but a stray round resulted in the termination of SCP-231-6 as well. Fetus of SCP-231-6's SCP-\u2588\u2588 then underwent a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 event. In the wake of this incident, O5-level personnel voted by unanimous decision to amend personnel policies. See Casualty Report for Event 231-Foxtrot for more details. on the sixth's day, the walls gave way, and the oceans turned to ash. her birth gave work, as the earth shook, underneath the King's fell lash\nSCP-231-7: As of \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-231-7 is successfully contained at Site \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. the seventh bride will break the tides the moon no more will shine. there comes a day not far away she'll birth the death of time.\n\nAddendum 231-b: Text of missive by O5-\u2588\u2588\n\nDear Friends,\nIt has come to my attention that recently, certain rumors have surfaced regarding SCP-231. Due to the drop in staff morale, I have decided to address some of the more prevalent points.\n\nYes, Procedure 110-Montauk is as horrible as you have heard, which is why only Class D Personnel are authorized to carry it out. Yes, it does involve brutal [REDACTED].\nNo, assignment to SCP-231 is not intended to test your loyalty to the Foundation, your tendencies towards \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, or anything else.\nNo, SCP-231 is not a punishment detail.\nYes, there are staff members who have been on SCP-231 and have successfully transferred out by their own request. No, not everyone who's worked on SCP-231 is terminated upon leaving the project.\nYes, staff members who have been assigned to SCP-231 are allowed to take a Class A Amnesiac before leaving the project if so desired. Yes, false memories are then implanted. No, none of the supposed methods for recovering or detecting false memories work. Yes, there are some of you who've worked on SCP-231 and don't remember it.\nNo, we have not given up trying to save SCP-231-7, but research in that field must be carried out with the utmost of caution. Based on the increased potency of each subsequent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 event associated with each subsequent SCP-\u2588\u2588 specimen, there is a strong possibility that SCP-231-7's \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 event could result in an XK class end-of-the-world scenario. This information is corroborated in notebooks recovered from the cultists (see document \"Seven Brides, Seven Seals,\" SCP-231-Adjunct B).\nNo, putting the poor girl out of her misery is NOT an option. Neither is drugging her. She has to be aware of what is going on for 110-Montauk to work.\n\nOne final note: The Foundation does many distasteful things in the completion of our mission, but our mission is important enough that the price is one we must pay. Containment of SCP-231 is one of our most dangerous duties, not because of any direct danger to ourselves (like SCP-682) but because of the danger that our resolve will fail, that we will allow ourselves to either let down our guard due to sympathy for the suffering of an innocent, or that we will allow ourselves to become monsters through the performance of monstrous acts. Just do your jobs, and save the philosophizing for the shrink.\nSincerely,\nO5-\u2588\u2588\nDon't believe it when they say they're trying to save her. Why would they bother? They've got exactly what they want exactly where they want it.\n\nAddendum 231-c: Update\n231-07's emotional response to Procedure 110-Montauk appears to be reduced recently, despite proper execution of said procedure, increasing danger of SCP-\u2588\u2588 undergoing a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 event. Two options have been proposed.\n1. Development of a new containment procedure with higher emotional response than Procedure 110-Montauk.\n2. Administration of a Class A Amnestic to SCP-231-7, allowing for a return to base emotional response state. Said memory modification is to be administered during execution of Procedure 110-Montauk to maintain heightened emotional state following memory reset.\nPlease advise.\nthe doctor never tells his god which one he really seeks. instead he hides himself away, and quietly, he weeps.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum 231-d: Decision\nProverbs 1:32\nCarry out Option 2 at the first available opportunity.\ntheir god's own voice, he makes the choice, declaring with their word. \"in fear and pain let her remain, lest she be like the third.\"\nO5-\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum 231-e: Aftermath\nEzekiel 6:14\nOption 2 was carried out. SCP-231-7's emotional state returned to 100% efficacy. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 subsequently committed suicide due to heightened emotional stress. Will continue analysis of efficacy of treatment.\nthe doctor's gun ended his run, as he put it to his ear. as she was defiled, the pitied child, he gave it to his fear.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum 231-f: Continued Analysis of Efficacy of Treatment\nRevelation 18:21-24\nAfter some analysis, I have determined that it is not necessary to perform memory modification every time Procedure 110-Montauk is carried out. In fact, it is better to delay for some time before re-administering the agent. Analysis of Subject 231-7's emotional response indicates that efficacy of Procedure 110-Montauk seems to peak between the third and fourth performance of the procedure: the dread of anticipation of events seems to heighten emotional response for a time, before familiarity with the procedure begins to lessen the efficacy of treatment. My recommendation is that Class A Amnestics be administered once a week during Procedure 110-Montauk. The calendar has been modified accordingly.\nher memory a fickle thing, the strongest shall endure. when her weeping starts to waver, their drugs make her mind pure.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-230 | SCP-231 | SCP-232 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-232\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-232 is to be kept in a locked safe in the Cognitohazard wing of Site 73. When not in use for testing, its batteries are to be removed. When batteries are not installed, SCP-232 may be handled safely by any authorized staff member. The Foundation is to monitor online auction houses and dealers of vintage toys, and acquire any products of the same model as SCP-232 for testing and disposal. Any other instances of SCP-232 discovered are to be archived appropriately.\nWhen batteries are installed, personnel other than D-Class are not to handle SCP-232 for any period longer than necessary to install and remove batteries. Staff members who have been exposed to works in the Jack Proton franchise, in any format, are not to handle SCP-232 for any period of time while batteries are installed. D-Class carrying SCP-232 for testing purposes are to be monitored at all times and terminated if SCP-232-related behavior should pose a security risk.\nThe copyright, publication, and merchandising rights of the Jack Proton novels and all spinoff media are to be held by Springfield Crown Publishing, a Foundation front company, for the purpose of keeping the works out of print, thereby preventing activation of anomalous properties in any SCP-232 instances that may exist outside containment. In the event of any public occurrences of SCP-232 behavior, the Foundation shall liaise with local law enforcement authorities to recover the artifact and issue Class-A amnestics to affected parties as appropriate. The Foundation shall encourage world governments to enact extensions to international copyright law as necessary to prevent the Jack Proton franchise from lapsing into the public domain; in the event that any Jack Proton franchise material becomes public domain, DDoS techniques and/or mass deployment of Class-E amnestics is authorized as appropriate.\nDescription: SCP-232 is a mass-produced children's toy of early 1950s manufacture, composed primarily of tin and a battery-powered electric light apparatus, with an exterior painted to resemble a laser gun of the type featured in popular science fiction of the early 20th century. A hinged section at the base of SCP-232's handle opens to accept two standard AA alkaline batteries. When batteries have been installed correctly and the trigger is pulled, a small red electric light in the barrel lights up. SCP-232's cognition-affecting properties become active whenever SCP-232 is picked up and held or carried by a human being while it has working batteries installed.\nWithin 5-30 seconds of picking up SCP-232, the person handling it will begin speaking in English, regardless of any previous fluency with the language or lack thereof, in a manner resembling the speech patterns of pre-teen and/or adolescent American youth culture circa 1920-1960. Persons so affected will deny that anything is unusual about their manner of speech and will insist that they have always spoken thusly. This behavior continues until approximately 15-20 seconds after the test subject is induced to relinquish possession of SCP-232, after which speech patterns return to normal. In test subjects that have had no exposure to any works from the Jack Proton franchise, SCP-232's effects do not continue past this stage and the subject retains no memory of their behavior while under its influence.\nPatent information embossed on the handle of SCP-232, and historical analysis of non-anomalous artifacts identical in appearance, indicate that SCP-232 is a mass-produced \"Atomic Zapper\" toy, produced by the [REDACTED] corporation from 1953 to 1958 as a licensed merchandising tie-in to \"Jack Proton - Space Cop\", a series of young adult science fiction novels by American author M.K. Snyder. Approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 units were manufactured and sold during the toy's production run, of which an unknown quantity remain in existence today. The Foundation has acquired 138 units since containment of SCP-232 began, all but three of which have shown no anomalous properties under testing. Thorough examination has indicated no discernable differences between anomalous and non-anomalous units.\nThe Jack Proton series, consisting primarily of fifteen novels and several dozen short stories written between 1940 and Snyder's death in 1973, revolve around the eponymous Major John Patrick \"Jack\" Proton, an officer of the \"Galactic Police Department\" in a 27th century setting where the human race has colonized the entirety of the Earth's solar system. The setting is typical of early 20th century juvenile science fiction and relies heavily on soft sci-fi depictions of space travel common in literature of the time, including the existence of intelligent life on planets within the solar system, a breathable atmosphere on the Moon and other heavenly bodies, faster-than-light travel without relativistic complications, and sapient artificial intelligence in computers based on vacuum tube technology. The novels were additionally adapted into a nationally syndicated radio program from 1947-1952, a television series aired by the NBC network from 1953-1954, and a black-and-white movie released to theaters in 1956. The Jack Proton franchise bears no demonstrable anomalous properties itself, and may be read, viewed, or listened to safely provided that the person doing so does not come into contact with SCP-232.\nIn subjects who have previously read, watched, or listened to any installments of the Jack Proton franchise, SCP-232's secondary effect begins to manifest after approximately 90-120 seconds of physical contact with the toy. During this stage, the test subject's memories and personality are radically altered, to the extent that the subject believes him/herself to be a resident of the fictional 27th century setting of the Jack Proton novels. Test subjects in this stage refuse to answer to their given names, and will, during interviews, describe life stories and career experiences of life in the 27th century which are internally consistent with themselves and with canonical details about the setting, often describing themselves as close associates of Jack Proton or other major characters featured in the franchise. Polygraph examinations given to test subjects in this state have consistently indicated that the test subjects believe these accounts to be true.\nIn the third and final stage of SCP-232 exposure, occurring approximately 30-45 minutes after first contact, test subjects begin to experience severe sensory hallucinations, to the effect that they now perceive the world around them to be the fictional setting of the Jack Proton franchise. In this state, test subjects almost invariably believe that they are members of Jack Proton's \"Junior Action Squad\" and have been assigned a mission of utmost interplanetary security, which researchers and security personnel of the Foundation are involved in or are attempting to prevent them from completing. Though attempts to neutralize Foundation personnel with SCP-232 have invariably proven futile, test subjects have been noted to resort to physical violence on occasion.\nPersons afflicted by the later stages of SCP-232 exposure will resist any attempts to remove SCP-232 from their person, and, if separated from it, will attempt to recover it by any means available to them. Effects of the later stages of exposure wear off gradually over a period of approximately 3-6 hours after SCP-232 is removed from the subject's person; in approximately \u2588\u2588% of tests involving long-term exposure, test subjects have retained memories of their artificial persona after dissipation of the effect, resulting in cognitive dissonance and associated psychological impairments.\nSCP-232 came to the Foundation's attention on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, following the arrest of Martin \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a retired steel worker living in [REDACTED], PA, for disorderly conduct following an affray at a shopping mall. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who insisted on referring to himself as \"Space Cadet Max Mars\", was taken into custody after confronting several mall patrons and brandishing SCP-232, demanding to know the location of \"the Phobos Ruby\", an artifact the theft of which from the Martian Museum of History drives the plot of the novella Murder on the Io Express. During debriefing prior to amnestic therapy, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 stated that he had owned one of the toys as a child and had been a fan of the series, and purchased SCP-232 from an online auction site for nostalgic value because he had \"had so much fun playing cops & aliens with it\" in his youth.\n\n+ Show Interview logs\n\n- Hide interview logs\n\nAll interviews conducted by Dr. J. Andrews. Test subjects had no exposure to the Jack Proton franchise prior to their acquisition by the Foundation. All interviews conducted three hours after initial exposure to SCP-232.\nInterview Log 232-1\nTest Subject: D-65203 (Caucasian male, 37 years old)\nFranchise exposure: Six Jack Proton novels (Jack Proton - Space Cop, Jack Proton Goes to Mars, All Humans Must Die!, The Great Callisto Caper, War in Space, The Night The Lights Went Out in Ganymede)\n\n\nDr. Andrews: Good afternoon, D-65203. How are you today?\nD-65203: Excuse me, sir?\nDr. Andrews: I'm sorry. What is your name?\nD-65203: Billy, sir. Billy McMercury.\nDr. Andrews: You're speaking more politely than usual, Billy.\nD-65203: Gosh, sir! I wouldn't dare sass off to a real live scientist!\nDr. Andrews: I see. How old are you, Billy?\nD-65203: Fourteen. But that doesn't mean I'm not a real space cop! See? Jack Proton gave me this official space deputy badge himself!\nD-65203 gestures to the D-Class identification badge pinned to his jumpsuit.\nDr. Andrews: I see. Do you work for Jack Proton, then?\nD-65203: Golly, sir! I sure do! I'm part of his Junior Action Squad!\nDr. Andrews: And what is it that you do for him?\nD-65203: I'm on a super-secret mission right now! I'm not sure I'm even supposed to tell you. I better check with him first. Is there a hyper-phone in the next room?\nDr. Andrews: Where do you believe you are at this moment, Billy?\nD-65203 looks around the interview room, including out a window overlooking the Site 73 parking lot.\nD-65203: Gee, sir, I'm no architect. But judging from the view out the window, this has to be Space Station Delta!\nD-65203 points at a 1989 Buick Le Sabre, owned by Dr. Graham.\nD-65203: Say, is that Admiral Jove's flagship docked out there? Please say you'll let me get his autograph!\nDr. Andrews: We'll see.\n\n\nInterview Log 232-2\nTest Subject: D-11503 (Caucasian male, 47 years old)\nFranchise Exposure: Six episodes of The Jack Proton Hour radio program, encompassing the two-part stories Marooned on Mars, The Prince of Neptune, and A Pioneer's Homecoming.\n\n\nDr. Andrews: Good afternoon.\nD-11503 begins to speak in a monotone \"robot voice\" without natural inflection.\nD-11503: Greetings, humanoid.\nDr. Andrews: Would you please identify yourself for the record?\nD-11503: I am D-Bot, unit model 11503 at your service.1\nDr. Andrews: You're a robot, you say? You look very lifelike.\nD-11503: I was programmed to appease humanoid sensibilities.\nDr. Andrews: And how old are you?\nD-11503: I was activated at the Advanced Robotics Facility in Old New Hampshire on Earth, on January 12th 2592.\nDr. Andrews: What is your purpose?\nD-11503: I am a fully modular service robot. My purpose is to assist Major John Patrick Proton of the Galactic Police Department in the apprehension of dangerous criminals.\nDr. Andrews: When you say you're fully modular, what does that entail?\nD-11503: My body has been designed to make use of a wide variety of customizable limbs. I may remove my factory-installed appendages at will and replace them with those designed for specific purposes.\nDr. Andrews: Could you please demonstrate now by removing your left arm?\nD-11503: Affirmative.\nD-11503 grabs his left arm at the shoulder with his right hand and attempts, unsuccessfully, to remove it by unscrewing it from its socket.\nD-11503: I seem to be experiencing a malfunction. Please refer to my operating manual for information on how to resolve this difficulty.\nDr. Andrews: Never mind, D-Bot. Are you capable of solving logic problems?\nD-11503: I am programmed to answer any and all queries directed to me.\nDr. Andrews: A man has been sentenced to death. The morning of his execution, the executioner tells the condemned man he is to be either hanged or drowned, and tells the man to ask him one yes or no question, which he is compelled to answer truthfully. If the answer to the question is \"yes\", then the man will be hanged. If the answer is \"no\", then the man will be drowned. The man asks \"Are you going to drown me?\" Will the man be hanged, or will be he drowned?\nD-11503 is silent for 38 seconds.\nDr. Andrews: D-Bot?\nD-11503: Error. Error.\nDr. Andrews: I beg your pardon?\nD-11503: If answer = no then result = drowning. But no = incorrect if result = drowning. Therefore drowning = impossible, result = hanging. Hanging = impossible if answer = no. Error. Error. Does not compute. System overload! System overload! Consult operator's manual for\u2026\nD-11503 slumps over and ceases responding to outside stimuli.\n\n\nInterview Log 232-3\nTest Subject: D-67539 (Caucasian female, 26 years old)\nFranchise Exposure: One short story collection (Starship Days), one unauthorized fan-fiction short story (Major Sarah)\nForeword: None of the official Jack Proton stories feature female characters as protagonists or action-oriented supporting characters. Prior to Interview 232-3, all experiments with female test subjects had resulted in the subject developing the personality of a damsel-in-distress or innocent-bystander persona. Major Sarah, an unauthorized piece of short fiction published in 1972 by the fanzine Junior Action Squad, which details the experience of the first woman to join the Galactic Police Department and her subsequent forbidden love affair with Jack Proton, was introduced in order to determine whether third-party fiction set in the Jack Proton universe would have an impact on the results of exposure.\n\n\nDr. Andrews: Good morning.\nD-67539: Sir! Good morning, sir!\nD-69539 rises to her feet and salutes. Dr. Andrews returns the salute.\nDr. Andrews: As you were. Please state your name for the record.\nD-67539: Sir, Lieutenant First Class Samantha Marie van Saturnburgh, sir!\nDr. Andrews: No need to be so formal, Lieutenant. Please relax.\nD-67539: Sir, I didn't get where I am today by relaxing, sir!\nDr. Andrews: I'm not an officer. You don't need to call me sir.\nD-67539 pauses.\nD-67539: Sir, I\u2026 yes, sir. Yes.\nDr. Andrews: You mentioned \"getting where you are today\". Where is that?\nD-67539: I'm currently the youngest officer in the Galactic Police Department.\nDr. Andrews: How old are you?\nD-67539: Seventeen.\nDr. Andrews: You were commissioned at seventeen?\nD-67539: Not bad for a girl, huh?\nDr. Andrews: Why did they accept you so young?\nD-67539: Because I wasn't wasting my time wearing frilly dresses and playing with dolls, that's why!\nDr. Andrews: You must have been very goal-oriented to make it so young. Why did you want to be a space cop so badly?\nD-67539: To work with Jack Proton, of course.\nDr. Andrews: Why him, specifically?\nD-67539: Because he's the best there is! He's smart, and he's strong, and\u2026 can I tell you a secret?\nDr. Andrews: Everything we discuss here is strictly confidential, Lieutenant.\nD-67539: Well\u2026 he's dreamy.\nDr. Andrews: Dreamy?\nD-67539: Those beautiful blue eyes, that rock-solid jaw, those bulging biceps\u2026 can't you just imagine him holding your hand on the walk home, sharing a malt with you at the drug store, dancing close together at the spring formal?\nDr. Andrews: I can't say it had occurred to me.\nD-67539: I just have to meet him. I'll introduce myself, and he'll be so impressed by how much I've accomplished, and we'll talk about work, and spaceball, and music\u2026 and maybe he'll ask if I'll go with him for dinner and a movie at the hover-in! Wouldn't that be a dream come true? I'll wear my hair down and put on my prettiest dress - I mean, I don't wear dresses like some little girl obsessed with princesses and space-ponies, but that doesn't mean I can't wear a dress for him, I bet he loves a girl who knows how to dress up\u2026\n\n\n\nFootnotes\n1. The radio program is the only version of the Jack Proton franchise to feature intelligent robots capable of speech. A robot sidekick originally planned for the television series was scrapped due to budget concerns. Novels published after the radio program was introduced acknowledged the existence of robots, but stated that the building of sapient robots had been restricted by the \"Robotics Laws\" instituted by the Space Congress, and none are ever directly introduced to the reader.\n\n\u00ab SCP-231 | SCP-232 | SCP-233 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-233\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-233 is to be kept within a cubical vanadium-lined container, dimensions 23 by 23 by 23. The unit of measure is irrelevant. A 23-meter safe zone is to be established around the object: no Class D personnel older or younger than 23 years of age are to be allowed within the safe zone. For optimal results, Class D personnel with birthdays falling on the 23rd of the month should be used. No firearms other than those chambered for special-purpose .2323 caliber rounds are to be allowed within the containment chamber. Shift changes will occur at 23 minutes past the hour, with the final shift change occurring at 2323 Greenwich Mean Time exactly.\nUnder no circumstances are [REDACTED]mm ammunition, Class D personnel born in the month of [REDACTED] or on the [REDACTED], [REDACTED], or twenty-[REDACTED] of the month, or any [REDACTED]-sided object to be brought within the 23-meter safe zone. Personnel are cautioned to take special care at [REDACTED] minutes past the hour, especially [REDACTED] hours, as this is the time period during which the object is most active. For best results, the 23-meter safe zone should be cleared of all personnel during that time period.\nDescription: SCP-233 is a 23-sided polyhedron, each face being made up of both an equilateral triangle and a straight line simultaneously. Because of the space-time altering nature of the object, the exact physical makeup of the object cannot be emulated in three-dimensional or two-dimensional form.\nSCP-233 has the unusual property of altering the laws of mathematics in its vicinity, causing rounding errors to occur unless calculated using a base-23 system. Mathematical calculations carried out in base 23, however, have the benefit of being carried out at 23 times the normal speed: for this reason, destruction of the item has been postponed pending possible integration into [DATA EXPUNGED]. The difficulty of converting binary information into base-23 mathematics aside, the device has already shown its value to the Organization (see report 234[REDACTED] by Dr. Nana [REDACTED] regarding her \"unusual solution\" to the Unified Field Theory.)\nUnfortunately, SCP-233 appears to have a particularly violent effect upon occurrences of the number [REDACTED] occurring within its safe zone (see report re: death of Dr. Nana [REDACTED] on [DATE REDACTED].) Chemical breakdown of the affected object proceeds at a rapid rate: direct contact results in immediate destruction of the object in question by breakdown into component atoms within .23 seconds.\nOne note: SCP-233 appears to be triggered not by the actual physical properties of the object in question in any empirical sense, but by the perceptions of nearby observers. For instance, it is safe to handle SCP-233 using a 2.74 m long pole, so long as no observers within the danger zone perceive said pole as being [REDACTED] feet in length. The reason for this is unknown, but the Observer Effect recorded in classical quantum physics may be involved (see report 77-Heisenberg).\nAddendum 233-a: Upon the recommendation of Dr. A. Clef, the research committee has petitioned to redesignate this object as SCP-2323. Although this would place the item outside the standard numbering scheme, SCP-233's mathematical nature requires that utmost precautions be taken regarding all numbering schemes involving data related with the project. This was dramatically illustrated during Incident [REDACTED] during which the object's accidental contact with a [REDACTED]-volt battery used to power a personal music device caused an approximately [REDACTED]-thousand percent increase in the object's range of effect to 232.32 kilometers, resulting in deaths of the entire home team at a nearby AAA league baseball game (said game being at the top of the [REDACTED] inning at the time), and the destruction of all computer files containing information on SCP-233's interaction with the number [REDACTED]. For the safety of all personnel, future reference to the number [REDACTED] in conjunction with SCP-233 is to be avoided at all costs.\nAddendum 233-b: Under no circumstances are pregnant female personnel to be allowed within the safe zone.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-232 | SCP-233 | SCP-234 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-234\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-234 is studied at Containment Area 06-234, which encompasses the 300 meter radius Red Zone of SCP-234. The main laboratory building within the Red Zone is built as an \"open-air\" structure, with no doors or closed windows. No closed containers or spaces of any kind are allowed within the Red Zone of SCP-234. Any space which inadvertently becomes closed within the Red Zone is to be declared a Class II dimensional/implosion hazard and must be remotely destroyed on-site following mandatory evacuation of the laboratory area. Personnel trapped within a closed space are to be considered lost.\nExperimentation with SCP-234 may only be performed with express, prior permission from at least two (2) Level 4 Personnel. Experimentation which introduces closed spaces into the Red Zone of SCP-234 may not exceed 1 L in volume, and must be treated as a Class III dimensional/implosion hazard.\nDescription: SCP-234 is a species of organism of presumed extradimensional origin resembling fish measuring approximately 25 mm in length. SCP-234 does not appear to have any eyes or light-sensitive organs, but navigates via a highly evolved sense of echolocation. It maintains buoyancy via a gas-filled organ similar to a swim bladder which allows it to float in the air, and exhibits behavior consistent with an omnivorous scavenger organism, though to date it has not been observed consuming any terrestrial organic matter.\nSCP-234 appears to only be able to exist within a closed, air-filled space, and will spontaneously come into existence whenever such a closed space exists or is brought within the Red Zone, an area of approximately 300 meter radius in a remote area in the mountains near [REDACTED]. When an SCP-234 specimen is startled, killed, brought out of the Red Zone, or the closed space containing the specimen is breached, all matter (including air) within the closed space is immediately extradimensionally evacuated with sufficient force to cause a catastrophic implosion within the surrounding area.\nSCP-234 was discovered following a series of incident reports and disappearances of back-country hikers near [REDACTED]. A Foundation survey team sent to the area inadvertently created a closed space with a standard adverse-weather camping tent, whose subsequent implosion resulted in the disappearance of one (1) research personnel and severe injuries to an additional two (2) agents.\nResearch is ongoing into how SCP-234 is capable of extradimensional movement. Experimentation is hampered by the inability to study SCP-234 outside of closed spaces, and attempts to trace evacuated objects via the use of tracking devices have yielded no results; to date, objects evacuated by specimens of SCP-234 have never been found again.\nAddendum 234-01: Incident Log 234-031\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 accidentally introduced a closed space into the Red Zone of SCP-234 in the form of a sealed coffee thermos. Upon opening the container, the resulting implosion startled four (4) additional SCP-234 instances within the testing area, causing a chain reaction that inflicted severe damage to the laboratory as well as causing injuries to six (6) research personnel. Post-incident photographs of the remains of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are kept on file as a warning to research personnel assigned to SCP-234 as to the consequences of carelessness during experimentation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-233 | SCP-234 | SCP-235 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-235\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Currently, four (4) instances of SCP-235 have been recovered. All instances are to be kept in a secure storage locker within Reliquary Research and Containment Site-76. Authorization of two (2) Clearance Level 2 staff is required to remove an instance of SCP-235 from storage for research and testing purposes.\nDescription: SCP-235 appear to be shellac phonograph records of the type commonly produced in the late 1920s. Each instance of SCP-235 has a white label with the title in black lettering. Each record contains a different song. They are as follows:\n\nInstance\nTitle\nArtist and Year\nNumber of skips per play\n\nSCP-235-1\n\"After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It\"\nVan & Schenck, 1920\nFour\n\nSCP-235-2\n\"Dark was the Night\"\nBlind Willie Johnson, 1927\nFive\n\nSCP-235-3\n\"Who's Sorry Now\"\nMarion Harris, 1923\nSeven\n\nSCP-235-4\nUnknown\nUnknown\nFifteen\n\nSCP-235-4 has no label and contains a song that has not been identified. The tune has no lyrics, and is a slow, mournful dirge.\nEach instance of SCP-235 creates an identical phenomenon when played at speeds between 77 and 79 rpm: all objects within a certain distance of the recording (correlated with the volume at which it plays) appear to freeze in place whenever the record \"skips\", or is unable to play a section of the recording. This \"freeze\" lasts for a set duration, approximately 1\u2588 times the amount of time skipped. Those affected do not perceive the freeze and will continue as they were before it began unless outside stimulus is introduced to alert them to the gap in time. During the freeze, all motion in the affected area stops completely: objects thrown or falling will remain in mid-air, individuals do not breathe or blink, and even chemical reactions such as fire will simply pause in a manner visually similar to pausing a movie.\nDuring this time, any individual outside the range of effect, hereby known as an observer, may enter the area and interact with affected objects. Any object or individual willfully contacted (either directly or via another object) by an observer will resume normal behavior: that is, objects will fall, individuals will begin moving, breathing, and thinking, and chemical reactions will resume. All others remain frozen as before until either touched by an observer or the effect ends. This \"unfreezing\" effect appears to be entirely subjective; only objects that the observer touches or influences intentionally will resume normal activity. Common phenomena such as rain and wind will not have any effect on the area and will behave as though all objects and individuals in the affected area are rigid and non-absorbent.\nInstances of SCP-235 and the devices playing them cannot be interacted with during a freeze. All forces, up to and including plastic explosives, have proven unable to affect either device while in this state.\nNeither copies nor recordings of SCP-235 exhibit any of the anomalous effects displayed by SCP-235. It is believed that the effects of SCP-235 are caused by an anomaly specific to the records themselves and is not attributable to the contents of the records.\nSCP-235-1 was found in 194\u2588. It was discovered atop a record player, found at the scene of the murder of [REDACTED], who was at the time president of the [REDACTED] Corporation. SCP-235-2 was found still spinning at a wedding between [DATA EXPUNGED]. Both bride and groom were found murdered by single gunshot wounds to the head with no witnesses, despite both individuals being discovered dead on the dance floor at the reception. SCP-235-3 was found following reports of a \"time traveling tune\", at the time in the hands of several college students (who were administered Class B amnestics and released). SCP-235-4 was discovered first hand by Foundation agents investigating \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, believed to be a member of [REDACTED]. Agents discovered him dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. On his desk was SCP-235-4, with a note reading, \"This one has served us well but is nearly full. You know what to do.\"\nAddendum 235-001: An additional anomalous property was discovered while Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was attempting to discern the properties of SCP-235's effect. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ordered a D-class under the influence of SCP-235 shot and killed from a distance. While this in and of itself produced little useful data, it was noted on the next play-through that the record skipped in a location where it had previously played smoothly. Further testing confirmed that each time an individual dies while affected by SCP-235, the instance that produced the effect is damaged slightly, producing another section of the song that is likely to skip. Multiple deaths during a single skip appear to correlate with the new skip being longer in duration, but a consistent pattern has not emerged.\n\n\u00ab SCP-234 | SCP-235 | SCP-236 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-236\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any and all materials leaving the containment area are to be scanned for any contamination by SCP-236. Any objects showing contamination by SCP-236 are to be immediately returned to the containment area and cleared of contamination. Personnel leaving the containment area must submit to a full physical examination and X-ray.\nNo objects are to be left in the containment area without personnel present. Any objects appearing in the containment area are not to be touched until cleared by supervising personnel. Blast doors are to be opened only to allow personnel in and out of the containment area.\nNo sudden movement or aggressive action of any kind is allowed in the containment area. Containment area is to be kept as dark as possible, with night-vision goggles recommended for all interacting personnel. Should traditional lighting be necessary, lights must be turned on remotely and a waiting period of one hour is to be observed before entry will be allowed.\nDescription: SCP-236 appears to be a swarm of near-microscopic crabs. Individuals match no known form of crustacean, and elements of their physiology appear to point to an artificial origin (See Document \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). SCP-236 appears to operate under a form of collective intelligence or \u201chive mind\u201d. This intelligence appears to grow when individual SCP-236 are in close proximity, and dissipate when they are divided.\nLarge swarms appear to exhibit \u201cpredatory\u201d intelligence, and become significantly more aggressive than individuals. Swarms show aptitude with problem solving, encircling tactics, and stealth. In addition, swarms appear able to take on the physical aspects and appearance of inanimate objects, such as doors, chairs, or even complex patterns such as those found in paintings, for extended periods of time. This mimicry is near perfect under casual observation, and requires detailed observation to detect. Swarms will sometimes even destroy existing objects and replace them in what appears to be an attempt at better disguise.\nSCP-236 can create additional individuals from any organic matter. This includes wood, cotton, or other materials derived from an organic source. SCP-236 units appear to remove small portions of matter with their pincers, consume it, then lay small spherical \u201ceggs\u201d, which hatch in to new members after ten minutes. Juvenile SCP-236 look identical to adults but are smaller in size, and lack the chemicals used in the defensive response. Juveniles reach full adult size after six hours.\nSCP-236 individuals appear to fear light, rapid movement, or loud noises. This fear is reduced in proportion to the number of units in a swarm, but even large collectives can be startled by a sudden sound or bright light. SCP-236 that are startled while mimicking an object will rapidly break apart into individual units, which will then scatter and hide. Swarm regrouping can take up to 24 hours.\nWhen cornered, or unable to escape quickly, SCP-236 units will initiate their \u201cdefensive response\u201d. This entails a unit raising its pincers, and then detonating with an explosion equivalent to 9.07 kg (20 lb) of C-4 explosive. Initial research suggests that this is the result of an internal chemical reaction involving the mixing of three normally inert chemicals. Collection of these chemicals has been problematic due to the relatively minute size of the storage chambers, and the likelihood of startling SCP-236 during the procedure.\nSCP-236 will use humans or any other living things as a resource, provided the swarm is of a sufficient size. Moderate size swarms can convert a whole human being in less than five minutes. Individual SCP-236 have also been observed entering the human body, typically while the subject is asleep, and begin to consume it from the inside out. This behavior, coupled with mimicry and the defensive response, make SCP-236 very difficult to detect and contain effectively.\n\nAddendum: While SCP-236 has not been observed to mimic organic life, the possibility exists for SCP-236 to develop this behavior. Notably, during testing with SCP-2366 when SCP-236 mimicked a brown bear and began to exhibit increased predatory behavior and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Such formations are to be immediately reported, and testing area cleared immediately.\n\n\u00ab SCP-235 | SCP-236 | SCP-237 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-237\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The recovered components of SCP-237-1 have been individually shrink-wrapped, and are to be stored separately; laser grids are established around each component to detect any incipient signs of activity.\nThe individual instances of SCP-237-2 are contained in separate proportionately-reduced humanoid containment cells, with supervised interaction between instances being permitted contingent on good behavior. Personnel supervising interaction between instances of SCP-237-2 are required to be fluent in spoken Japanese; all interactions are to be recorded and filmed.\nInstances of SCP-237-2 will periodically request supplies of resin and clay with which to repair damage to themselves; to de-incentivize self-harm and prevent stockpiling, these requests are to be fulfilled no more often than once a month, and any supplies not used in repairing damage are to be removed.\nStandard data-mining bots have been introduced into the law-enforcement IT infrastructure throughout the Kansai region of Japan, to maintain surveillance for uncontained instances of SCP-237-2. Standard Internet-monitoring bots have been set to watch video-sharing sites for further copies of SCP-237-1's videos; all such copies are to be taken down via Prenda protocols.\nDescription: SCP-237 is the collective designation of the physical remains of SCP-237-1, and of the set of instances of SCP-237-2 which it created. Prior to being taken into Foundation custody, SCP-237-1 appeared to be a human male of Japanese ethnicity, with falsified identity documents indicating an age of 24 years. It manifested the anomalous ability to endow instances of SCP-237-2 with sapience, sensoria, and independent mobility.\nThe 16 instances of SCP-237-2 are clay-and-polyurethane statuettes which were anomalously given awareness, sight, hearing, and independent mobility by SCP-237-1. 14 of the instances have displayed the ability to speak Japanese; of these 14, 3 have also displayed the ability to speak English.1\nWhile being transported to Site-12 for long-term containment, SCP-237-1 abruptly collapsed into several dozen disconnected slabs of clay and polyurethane resin, similar in composition to the instances of SCP-237-2; however, where the resin-and-clay mixture in instances of SCP-237-2 is homogeneous and featureless, in SCP-237-1 the mixture is shaped into replica human organs that are accurate to the sub-millimeter level.\nList of instances of SCP-237-2 in custody\n\n23-cm-tall human female in French maid's outfit, holding a deck broom (nonremovable)\n19-cm-tall human female in swimsuit. Has feline ears (one broken), tail (broken), and paws.\n25-cm-tall human female in leather motorcyclist gear with zipper open past its navel. Left forearm missing.\n27-cm-tall human male in samurai armor. Face is featureless; communicates by writing Japanese characters with its sword (nonremovable).\n20-cm-tall human infant, nude. No genitalia. Has not displayed ability to speak, but is fluent in Japanese Sign Language.\n30-cm-tall human male with flensed skin and visible organs. Head is on backwards as a result of attempts at repair.\n22-cm-tall human adolescent female in swimsuit. Has disproportionately-large \"anime\"-style eyes (nonfunctional).\n24-cm-tall human female in office clothes. Permanently in a seated position.\n15-cm-tall emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri).\n22-cm-tall human female in \"gothic lolita\" outfit. Back of head is missing.\n21-cm-tall human female in gymnast outfit. Feet are unfinished.\n23-cm-tall human female in samurai armor.\n12-cm-tall anthropomorphic insectoid with top hat, compound eyes, and four articulated hands. Produces speech sounds by rubbing its limbs together.\n10-cm-tall anthropomorphic rodent cartoon character. Has disfigured itself.\n24-cm-tall skeletal creature. Does not match the skeletal structure of any known species. Identified as the 'composite skeleton' creature depicted in the closing sequence of Walt Disney's Skeleton Dance (1929).\n30-cm-tall \"demonic\" humanoid. Right arm held on with duct tape, left arm missing.\n\nThe psychological profiles of the SCP-237-2 instances are similar to a statistically improbable degree; however, rather than being a further indication of anomaly, this is believed to be a result of their common origin.\nAcquisition Log: SCP-237-1 was discovered after it uploaded several videos to the video-sharing site [REDACTED].jp, in which it demonstrated its anomaly. A mobile task force was dispatched to its residence, where it was taken into custody along with the instances of SCP-237-2.\nExcerpt from interview log 237-411QL; interview subject: SCP-237-2-9, \"Penguin\":\n\nSCP-237-2-9: I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not human \u2014 well, humanoid \u2014 but I think I have a clearer view of our situation than the others.\nDr. Gladstone: Oh?\nSCP-237-2-9: They're still waiting for him to come back for us. They're expecting him to rescue us, free us, repair us\u2026 all that.\nDr. Gladstone: And you aren't?\nSCP-237-2-9: Look. I loved him as much as the rest of them. But you've had us here for\u2026 what, three years?\nDr. Gladstone: Four, next month.\nSCP-237-2-9: Nearly four years. And he hasn't tried anything. No raids, no infiltration\u2026 nothing. And I can't believe he'd just abandon us. At first I thought it was just because he was your prisoner \u2014\nDr. Gladstone: I can't confirm or deny that.\nSCP-237-2-9: Doctor. We know you caught him. We saw you catch him, that first day, before you caught us. It's just that most of the others think he escaped somehow. And Office [SCP-237-2-8] and Skinny [SCP-237-2-6] think that what you caught was a decoy.\nDr. Gladstone: But you don't believe that?\nSCP-237-2-9: Oh, no, no, no. I wish I believed he was smart enough to make a decoy. But he\u2026 well. I suppose he wasn't stupid, otherwise I wouldn't be smart, but I suppose he was\u2026 nave?\nDr. Gladstone: \"Naive\". It's from the French.\nSCP-237-2-9: Ah, thank you. Naive. That's what he was, yes. And now\u2026 \u2026now he's dead. Isn't he.\nDr. Gladstone: Again, I can't \u2014\nSCP-237-2-9: \u2014 can't confirm or deny, right. Honestly, though, it's the only explanation that makes sense. You let us see each other, but not him? You let us \u2014 them \u2014 have clay for repairs, but we have to do it ourselves instead of having him do it? He's dead. I\u2026 I hope he didn't suffer.\nDr. Gladstone: I can't comment on that. I'm really, really sorry. You understand.\nSCP-237-2-9: Yeah. Yeah, I do. Honestly, we're probably better off with you than with him.\nDr. Gladstone: How so?\nSCP-237-2-9: You saw his videos. You saw how quickly he could make us.\n\nDr. Gladstone: Yes\u2026\nSCP-237-2-9: So why aren't there more of us?\nDr. Gladstone: I don't\u2014\nSCP-237-2-9: There were more of us, but he unmade them. He kept getting bored with us, or unsatisfied\u2026 dissatisfied?\nDr. Gladstone: Ah, I believe either word will do here.\nSCP-237-2-9: He kept being dissatisfied with us. And when he got dissatisfied with one of us, he'd mash them down into the goop, and then start over. That's what happened to Dog, and Clown, and Nun, and Princess\u2026 they're just gone. You realize Baby [SCP-237-2-5] is the third Baby? The first one was a girl, but then he said he felt bad about putting so much detail into the parts of a naked baby girl. So he mashed her up, and made a boy. That didn't last either \u2014 same reason. Finally he decided babies don't need gender, so that's Baby now.\nDr. Gladstone: I had no idea. That does explain a lot; thank you.\nSCP-237-2-9: And then there's Faceless [SCP-237-2-4] and Gothic [SCP-237-2-10] and Gymnast [SCP-237-2-11] \u2014 if he would have just taken the extra time to finish making with their details before giving them life\u2026 well, I can't blame him.\nDr. Gladstone: Why not?\nSCP-237-2-9: \u2026 no, you don't understand. Earlier, I said I can't believe he'd just abandon us? I mean that literally. I can't. Just like I can't blame him. None of us can.\n\nFootnotes\n1. While the massive time gap precludes a direct connection, similarities with SCP-2101 suggest that these anomalies may descend from the same anomalous sculpting tradition.\n\n\u00ab SCP-236 | SCP-237 | SCP-238 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-238: The Dying Facility\n\nAuthors: Original author - Dr Gears, rewritten by MalyceGraves.\n\nImage Credit: See comments.\n\n\u25b8 More by this Author \u25c2\n\n{$comments2}\n\nF.A.Q.\n\n{$doesthisfixthebug}\n\n4/0238 LEVEL 4/0238\nCLASSIFIED\n\nItem #: SCP-0238\n\nEuclid\n\nAssigned Site\nSite Director\nResearch Head\nAssigned MTF\n\nSite-163\nDr. Judith Low\nDr. Sergei Zhuravlev\nXi-8 (\"The Last to Fall\")\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures\nSCP-238 has been contained in situ, and a 5 kilometer exclusion zone has been set up around Shmidta Island under cover story Omega-Green 12 (\u201cEcological Preservation Area\u201d). All Foundation naval assets stationed at Provisional Site-163 have been disguised as Russian Federation Navy and tasked with preventing access to Shmidta Island.\nExploration of the SCP-238 complex has been indefinitely suspended as per O5 Executive order O5.ord.238-086. Any entities attempting to breach the SCP-238 exclusion zone are to be dissuaded from doing so whenever possible. Any entities apprehended on Shmidta Island are to be detained for questioning.\nEntities observed gaining access to SCP-238 are to be presumed lost. Under no circumstances are Foundation assets to attempt any form of retrieval.\nThe containment wing of Provisional Site-163 has been built around the opening to the cave housing the SCP-238 entrance and access has been limited to L04/238 researchers only.\nDescription:\nSCP-238 refers to an extensive network of underground tunnels and chambers theorized to exist within a pocket dimension outside of our prime reality. To date, the only known entrance to SCP-238 is through an intricately-carved stone structure discovered in a cave on Shmidta Island, Russia. Despite multiple attempts to map the entirety of SCP-238, it is not currently known how extensive the SCP-238 facility is.\nWhile the area immediately surrounding the entrance to SCP-238 appears to be carved from rock similar in composition to that found in the Shmidta Island region, the composition shifts radically the further into the facility one explores. Samples taken periodically throughout the explored areas of the complex have displayed internal properties similar to rock formations found throughout the Ural, Baltic, and Mediterranean substrata.\nAdditionally, significant portions of the SCP-238 complex appear to be comprised of organic tissue. While a majority of this tissue consists of calcified bone, there are some sections of the facility superstructure that retain characteristics most commonly found in still-living human tissue.\nDiscovery:\nThe Foundation first became aware of SCP-238 during the acquisition of records from former GRU Division-P assets in the aftermath of the fall of the USSR. While the coordinates of SCP-238 were listed in Division-P files, no records of the initial discovery have yet been located. Access to the SCP-238 cave had been sealed by Division-P operatives, though no records remain as to the original rationale behind this decision.\nDue to its extremely remote location, research into the anomaly was deemed a low priority by Foundation administration until reports surfaced of a missing Russian Federation arctic survey team that had been assigned to study the glaciers in the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago. A Foundation team sent to investigate the report found that the receding Schmidt ice cap had exposed the entrance to the SCP-238 cave and the Division-P containment barrier had been recently breached by unknown entities.\nWhile several expeditions into SCP-238 located evidence of their passage, no members of the Russian survey team were ever found.\nAdditional Research:\nIn April of 1997, a Foundation expedition under the leadership of Foundation parageologist Dr. Sergei Zhuravlev was sent to Shmidta island in order to ascertain the whereabouts of the missing survey team as well as to set up provisional Site-163 in order to begin research into the SCP-238 anomaly. Overall management of the 238 research was originally assigned to Dr. Inga Ilyinishin, the Siberia Region Director.\n\n\u25a0 238.doc.01 - SCP-238 Initial Report \u25a0\n\n\u25a1 238.doc.01 - SCP-238 Initial Report \u25a1\n\nSCPF Internal Memorandum\n\nFROM: Dr. Sergei Zhuravlev\nTO: Dr. Inga Ilyinishin\nDATE: 08 May 1997\nRE: SCP-238 Initial Report\n\nWe've been at it for about a month now, and I figure you guys were itching for a proper report.\nWhen we first arrived, the cave opening was still relatively clear of ice, but it's damn cold up here. The only reason it hadn't frozen over yet was because of the precious little rainfall. Even so, setting up P. Site 163 has been a chore.\nWe finally finished setting up our foothold on Shmidta and finished up the preliminary examinations of the SCP-238 portal. It was easy to confirm that the area on the other side is definitely not a part of our prime reality, None of the tunnels and structures visible through the 238 aperture show up on GPR1 and the Multi-D rep2 you sent with us has been having a field day studying the energy bleed from the event horizon. He was going on and on about \"stable Einstein-Rosen bridges\"3 and he seems quite happy to sit in the cave and study his instrument read-outs.\nWhen he finally gave the go-ahead, I sent in the first expedition with the intent of scouting out the area immediately surrounding the opening. The good news is that we can run a hard line to the repeater array set up just on the other side of the event horizon. The bad news is that the 238 \"pocket\" is much, much larger than we originally anticipated. The repeater we placed in there only has a range of about a thousand meters in that place, and we hit that pretty quick.\nSo far, we've found very little of interest. One of the expedition guys found a beat up old camera that we were able to confirm was owned by Dr. Piotr Bravikov, one of the arctic survey scientists. The casing was heavily damaged and the data card was irretrievably corrupted. We were able to get a single image from it, however. It's mostly unhelpful, as it shows the \u201challway\u201d just inside 238, but I'm attaching it for reference anyway.\nYou might want to consider sending out a linguist. A little past the first junction we found some writing on the walls painted in some sort of ochre. I'm including a picture of that as well.\nRegards,\nZhuravlev\n\nAttachments:\n\nRecovered Image\n\nCave wall writing\n\nThe \u201cwriting\u201d found on the cave wall was determined to be an archaic form of antimemetic cognitohazardous glyphs known as \u016brma, utilized by adherents to Saarnian Proto-Sarkicism. As such, management of SCP-238 research was re-assigned to Sitra Achra personnel under the direction of Dr. Judith Low.\nFurther expeditions into SCP-238 were indefinitely postponed due to budgetary shortfalls.\nFile Update -\nOn 22 February, 2020 cameras in the SCP-238 containment area recorded a figure stepping out of the portal. The figure appeared to be suffering from an advanced stage of SCP-610 infection, but was able to ambulate into the room utilizing six of its eight limbs. It moved into the containment area and spent several minutes examining the containment gate before retreating back into the SCP-238 aperture.\nUpon consideration of this new development in light of other world events, Dr. Low directed that another expedition into SCP-238 be undertaken, this time composed of MTF Xi-8 (\u201cThe Last to Fall\u201d) Alpha Company specialists, led by Commander Malachai ben Liraz.\n\n\u25a0 238.doc.03 - Transcript \u25a0\n\n\u25a1 238.doc.03 - Transcript \u25a1\n\nDate: 24 February 2020\nMTF: Xi-8 Alpha Company, Second Platoon\nTeam Lead: Cmdr. Malachai ben Liraz\nTeam Composition: Maj. Arundhati Dara, Spc. Pierre Bonafonte, Spc. Samantha \u201cSam\u201d Allan, Spc. Mikhail Lermontov\nForeword: Team members were outfitted with Class A Environmental combat suits as well as internal self-termination protocols. Additionally, Specialist Allan was designated as incinerator support and was armed with an INFERNI Plasma Lance. Video feed is from Commander ben Liraz' body camera.\n\n[BEGIN LOG]\nben Liraz: Listen up. You may have noticed a new face in our compliment. Major Dara is on loan to us from the Mole Rats. The powers that be have concluded that her expertise will be invaluable, and I happen to agree. You have any words of wisdom for us, Major?\nDara: Trust your equipment. We'll be laying out anchor beacons as we go and all your HUDs will sync to them, and those are often far more reliable than the shit you see with your eyes. If everything goes sideways, blank your visors and follow the beacons out. Those little blinking lights have saved more than one Mole team, so we know they work.\nben Liraz: Thank you Dara. Glad the Rats could spare you for this little jaunt.\nDara: You've been so busy fighting flesh monsters that Command figured you could use the extra-D4 backup.\nben Liraz: Fair enough. You get us through, my guys will get us home. Everyone zip up, we're going over. Control, are we a go?\nZhuravlev: Systems are green up here, Commander. We're getting telemetry from the beacon we put through earlier and it looks everything is clear in the entryway.\n[ben Liraz salutes the cameras, then proceeds through the SCP-238 event horizon.]\n\nLermontov: Looks like they've made some upgrades since the last time we had people in here.\nben Liraz: Control, it looks like there has been some attempt at wiring this place. There are lights and the walls show evidence of extensive stonework. I can't tell if the walls have been plastered over, or just smoothed out.\n[The team heads further into the complex. The excavations are more extensive here, and the texture of the walls changes radically. Exposed support beams made from calcified bone support cross sections crafted from rusting metal and decaying wood, along with a wide variety of different types of brickwork and cement. The remains of machinery and fossilized organic tissue can be seen embedded in the walls exposed by excavation work.]\nDara: This place is a tomb. Not all of it is Sarkic though.\n\n[The feed shifts as ben Liraz walks over to where Maj. Dara is crouched down next to a shallow pit. Inside the pit can be seen what looks like the torso portion of a suit of tarnished metal armor. She reaches down and lifts the corner of the breast plate revealing a mass of fused gears and levers.]\nDara: This is Mekhanite. Whoever was in here dug something out of it and left everything else.\nben Liraz: The War of the Flesh. Dr. Low says that it isn't clear how it ended, but everything points to something apocalyptic. Nearly depopulated the Mediterranean basin, whatever it was. I'd never heard that there was fighting this far, though.\nUnknown: They chased us for years after the Ozi\u032ermok fell. No place was safe from their pogroms, even here.\n[The team moves into defensive positions around ben Liraz and Dara. The video feed swings in several slow arcs, but no source of the voice is visible.]\nben Liraz: Identify yourself. Who's there?\n[Several minutes of silence pass, with no observable change in their surroundings.]\nAllan: Well. At least we know this place isn't completely abandoned.\nben Liraz: No one ever said it was, Sam. Advance, tunnel formation; we're not done here. Control, we're proceeding further, gonna see if we can find the source of the voice.\n[They keep moving through the complex. After another 1200 meters, Dara stops and steps closer to the side of the tunnel. She pulls an instrument off her utility harness and moves it a few inches from the wall.]\nben Liraz: What is it, Dhati?\nDara: This wall is different. Lots of bone used in the construction, but this? This is still living tissue.\nUnknown: Ad\u00ed-\u00fcm wasn't built, it was grown. Only the most devout of us could ever hope to serve as shelter for the Faithful. Our faith provided everything we needed, and those of us so elevated as to become Kiraak gloried in their ascension. But even the Ascended still aged, even if slowly. More Flesh was always needed. As the Kiraak aged, their extremities died first. Made the outer walls stronger, as the Ascended reallocated nutrition to those structures closer to the Heart.\n[Dara touched her ear, then gestured further down the tunnel. A moment later, the team started moving cautiously in that direction.]\nUnknown: Ad\u00ed-\u00fcm was glorious in those days. Spires and domes as far as the eye could see. Standing in ranks about the Grand Kiraak\u00e4n\u00e4 . And when they sang? All Ad\u00ed-\u00fcm rejoiced together in chorus.\n[The team moves forward, exiting into a vast cavern built on a much larger scale than the rest of the complex surveyed so far. A large bonfire can be seen burning in a central hearth, and hundreds of candles are spread out across the floor.]\nUnknown: The n\u00e4lik\u00e4 soon5 was never meant to be a weapon. But, after the Ozi\u032ermok fell, the l\u00fcjek\u00fctake6 became corrupted. It was the song of Ascendancy, the gift of Ion to the Faithful, a way to feed the Kiraak. But in the end, it became as the Red Death, and Kal\u0101k\u0101ran released it upon those that would wish us harm.\n[On the far side of the cavern can be seen a deep alcove, and the team follows the spiraling pattern of the candles to the opening, spreading out to either side. Specialist Allan steps first into the alcove, leading the way with her Lance.]\nUnknown: And now you come into me, bringing your weapons of death, stinking of machine and of the mortification of the flesh that comes with too long association with those dead things. I protected the Faithful from the Fleshless, and I have yet to surrender my vigil.\n\nben Liraz: You're the facility, aren't you? We're not here to cause you harm. We're researchers, and we just want to know what's going on.Allen: Commander, there's movement on the other side of the cavern.\nben Liraz: Right then, time for exfil. Allen, you've got point, lead us out.ben Liraz: No, I don't think so. We're getting out, even if we have to burn our way through.[END LOG]\n\nAfterword:\nThe remainder of this log has been omitted for brevity. Xi-8 was able to exfiltrate, but were engaged the entirety of that transit by entities in advanced stages of SCP-610 infection. Specialist Bonafonte and Commander ben Liraz were the only two to make it to the extraction site, but Spc. Bonafonte succumbed to 610 infection and was terminated. Cmdr ben Liraz was released after no signs of infection were found following 14 days of quarantine.\n\n\u2192 O5 Executive Override Order 238-086 \u2190\n\nGovernance of SCP-238 has been reassigned to the Kelipat Nogah Initiative and has been slated for decommissioning. At no point should any Foundation personnel attempt to enter or disturb the SCP-238 archway. Any personnel attempting to violate this order will be subject to immediate termination.\nSCP-238 has been sealed. May those that reside within find whatever peace they are searching for.\n\nAct III: In Conquestum Mundi | In Memoria, Adytum\n\nFootnotes\n1. Ground Penetrating Radar\n2. Dr. Leonid Volikov, L03 - Department of Multi-Dimensional Research\n3. An Einstein\u2013Rosen bridge is more commonly referred to as a wormhole, a hyperwave \u201cbridge\u201d connecting two different iterations of space-time. For further information regarding E-R wormholes, see DeBenedictis, Andrew & Das, A. (2001). \"On a General Class of Wormhole Geometries\". Classical and Quantum Gravity.\n4. Slang - Extra-Dimensional. Zeta-9 members are specifically trained in navigating extra dimensional spaces.\n5. Old Adytite - Lusting/Hungry Flesh\n6. Old Adytite - Song/prayer for strength\n\n\u00ab SCP-237 | SCP-238 | SCP-239 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-239\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-239 is to be kept within a one room cell furnished with 1 (one) bed, 1 (one) EKG machine, and 1 (one) IV to be filled with pentobarbital mixed with [DATA EXPUNGED] to be refilled daily. Under no circumstances is SCP-239 to be removed from her containment area at any given time. The walls of this cell are to be coated in a telekill-lead alloy. Only Class 2 personnel are allowed any contact with SCP-239 at any time. All personnel guarding SCP-239's containment area are to be equipped with Telekill headgear (SCP-148). Subject's proper name is Sigurr\u00f3s Stef\u00e1nsd\u00f3ttir. Under absolutely no condition should the subject ever be awakened. Any personnel found attempting to awaken the subject will be immediately terminated.\nDescription: SCP-239 appears to be an 8-year-old girl, 1 meter in height and 20 kilograms in weight. Subject has shoulder-length blond hair. Upon closer inspection, the subject's eyes \"shimmer\" a gray-green shade. Subject seems to emit a previously undiscovered form of radiation, which has been named \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. These waves seem to be harmless in low concentrations but in higher concentrations they could break down matter on a subatomic level.\nSCP-239 seemingly has the ability to do whatever she expresses a will to do. Put simply, the subject can do anything that she truly wants to do on a basal psychological level as long as she is conscious. Fortunately, she only seems to be able to affect herself and her immediate surroundings; therefore, \"If she can see it, she can change it.\" It would not be the most prudent course of action, however, to try to test how powerful she can be. She seems to be able to create and affect living matter; for example, when a D-class personnel accidentally caused her harm, she simply wished him away. Fortunately, when the subject was made to feel guilty for what she had done, she wished him back. SCP-239's self-preservation instinct makes her virtually invincible while she is conscious. Subject's skin can not be punctured by anything excepting SCP-148.\nAs a method of controlling the subject's ability, she has been told that she is a witch. This, besides improving morale greatly, makes her believe that she is unable to use her abilities outside of a pre-approved list of \"spells\" given to her by the SCP Foundation. This will hopefully prevent any and all attempted escapes. However, the subject is to be kept calm at all times to prevent any subconscious wish of harm to herself or others.\nOrigin: SCP-239 came to to the attention of the Foundation very soon after her birth in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Approximately three hours after subject's birth, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital was destroyed by an unexplained explosion. The press was informed that it was due to a gas leak. SCP teams were dispatched shortly to search the site for any abnormalities. The only living person they were able to locate was SCP-239. For the next eight years, the subject was raised under SCP care.\nAs of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588, 20\u2588\u2588, Subject is to be kept in a medically induced coma until further notice. This decision was made by [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-239 is permanently contained in Site-17.\nNote from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, dated 12/26/04: Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to tell her about \"Santa Claus\" and then tell her that it was just a story?! Now we have another potential SCP to deal with, but we can't catch him because he is \"magic\".\nDr. A. Clef's Report: My analysis of the situation has led me to the conclusion that SCP-239 is an unacceptable containment and security risk. Although several proposals have been made re: using her for containing other SCPs, the example of SCP-953 and others must serve as a stark reminder of the risks of overestimating the Foundation's ability to control SCPs with reality-altering powers.\nI would therefore like to make the following proposal: a piercing implement will be constructed of SCP-148, capable of penetrating SCP-239's otherwise impenetrable skin. This tool will be used to kill SCP-239 while she is asleep and her powers are neutralized. Because of the danger of SCP-239 awakening and resisting termination, it is my recommendation that the selected operative carry SCP-668 as well, in order to minimize complications.\nOne of the dangers of this procedure is the possibility that SCP-239 will awaken and perceive the operative as a friend or \"good person,\" thus changing reality to match. It is for this reason that I would like to volunteer to carry out the procedure personally. A review of my personnel file should indicate that my [DATA EXPUNGED] should allow me to carry out the operation even after a reality shift of this nature.\n- Clef\n\n\u00ab SCP-238 | SCP-239 | SCP-240 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-240 being used prior to initial containment, by members of the Morsum Space Society\n\nItem #: SCP-240\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-240 is to be kept in the Secure Artifact Storage Facility in Site-77. Due to its age and delicate construction, SCP-240 is to be contained in a vacuum sealed container with humidity and temperature levels constantly monitored and controlled. The mouthpiece is to be permanently covered. No subjects are permitted to enter SCP-240's containment chamber.\nDescription: SCP-240 is a vehicle capable of air travel. It is constructed from a wooden rod which the operator sits in the middle of, a mouthpiece connected to a pipe device, and a large canvas sack, which contains a porthole for exhaust fumes to exit. The words \"Morsum Kite\" have been painted on spot the operator is intended to sit on. The words \"From many, comes might\" are sown into the canvas.\nWhen activated, SCP-240 is capable of flying for approximately twice the duration of the user exhaling into its mouthpiece. Following this, it will enter a slow descent and ultimately land. Although it can only take off from land, testing has shown that SCP-240 is capable of landing on water and heavier-than-air gases.\nFor every 1N of force the user exerts into SCP-240, there will be 50N of thrust in return. It produces dust emissions within the barrels. These emissions contain minerals such as nickel, copper, gold, platinum, potassic feldspar, and Pyroxferroite. However, the steel drums do not appear to have any connection to the mouthpiece or piping. Additionally, users utilizing SCP-240 have occasionally reported tasting ammonia, sulfur, and having hot gas rush cause severe lung discomfort. Post-test medical examinations have not shown any corroborating damage to the subjects' bodies.\nSCP-240 was discovered in 1927 in the possession of the Morsum Space Society, an organization dedicated to astrological research, following a raid on their headquarters due to bootlegging charges. Notes recovered during the operation indicated the bootlegging had been done to finance SCP-240. It was found inside the home and taken as evidence by the UIU. Its extranormal capabilities were not discovered until three years later, when an evidence clerk casually blew into SCP-240 and was thrown across the room, suffering a broken nose and three fractured ribs. SCP-240 was immediately transferred to the Foundation while a nonfunctional replica was handed over to the UIU. Due to the age and relative obscurity of SCP-240, it was not difficult to manufacture documentation discrediting it as a hoax.\nAddendum: Utilizing fiber optic camera technology, Foundation researchers were able to place cameras within SCP-240's mouthpiece during flight. Over the course of the examination, the camera recorded a location in space which appeared very similar to the solar system. However, the Earth and Moon were missing and Venus had several possibly artificial satellites around it. All orbits were moving notably faster, at a scale similar to the scale of the input/output of SCP-240. Further testing is currently being conducted.\n\n\u00ab SCP-239 | SCP-240 | SCP-241 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-241\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-241 is to be kept at Site-19 using standard operating procedures for containing Safe-class book- and manuscript-type SCPs (see Document 241-05-3H), with the following additional conditions: SCP-241 must be kept open on a flat surface, with restraints across opposing pages of the open book to keep it from closing accidentally. Containment devices must be checked at least once a week for structural integrity. Any anomalies must be reported immediately to Site Command.\nAccess to SCP-241 is restricted. Any and all usage of SCP-241 must be logged. SCP-241 must be transported in an authorized bookstand such that it cannot accidentally be closed in transit.\nIn the event that SCP-241 is opened outside of a testing environment, the last person to have touched it must report to the nearest infirmary, and a D-class personnel must close and re-open SCP-241.\nDescription: SCP-241 appears as a normal book, 33 cm x 23 cm x 3.5 cm, entitled Good Home Cooking. The cover of SCP-241 is a red and white checkerboard pattern, with the title in simple black letters on the front and spine. When open, SCP-241 contains 99 recipes, sorted into typical sections of a cookbook. Many of these recipes include a picture of the dish that is invariably appetizing, and a small percentage will call for rare or exotic ingredients.\nWhenever SCP-241 is opened by a subject (known as the Target) different from the one who last opened it (i.e. the previous Target), the recipes contained in the book change. Preliminary investigations concluded that if the Target eats a dish prepared from one of the recipes in SCP-241, that person soon dies from apparent anaphylactic shock. Others who eat the same dish are not similarly affected. Testing has been authorized to determine the exact nature of SCP-241's effects.\nSCP-241 appears to be impervious to getting dirty and to at least minor damage. For example, sauces splashed onto its pages disappear almost immediately, and torn pages and nicks on the cover are repaired within seconds. Testing on the limits of SCP-241's durability are not authorized without approval from [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED].\nResearch on SCP-241 continues, including potential interaction with other SCP items. For more information on current experimentation, please see the Supplemental Testing Log.\n\nDirective 241-S06, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nIn light of recent test results with SCP-241, no further testing of SCP-241 on personnel without pre-existing food allergies is authorized without Level 4 Security Clearance. Testing may continue on personnel with pre-existing food allergies as long as documentation of said allergies has been filed with [DATA EXPUNGED]. \u2013O5-\u2588\u2588.\nDirective 241-S09, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nReclassification of SCP-241 to Euclid class is denied. Honestly, the cookbook? Leave it in its room and everything's fine. It's no one else's fault if you don't know what you're allergic to and don't bother to find out beforehand. Unless you're cooking for your significant other, then you'd better know. \u2013O5-\u2588\u2588.\nDirective 241-S11, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nCross-testing SCP-241 with other SCPs will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Exposure to SCP-682 has already been considered and denied. \u2013O5-\u2588\u2588.\n\nAddendum 1: Acquisition Summary\n\nThe Foundation became aware of SCP-241 in April 20\u2588\u2588, while investigating reports of a \u201cblack widow\u201d in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, named \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been married four times, and all four of her husbands had died shortly after eating a meal at home. However, since authorities never found evidence of foul play, Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was never charged with any crime. Subsequent interviews with Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by Foundation personnel revealed the existence of SCP-241, at which time SCP-241 was seized by Foundation agents. Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 revealed that she had first realized there was something unusual with SCP-241 when [DATA EXPUNGED]. See document [DATA EXPUNGED] for transcripts of interviews with Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nAddendum 2: Initial Testing Log\n\nDisplay Initial Testing Log\n\nAll tests on SCP-241 were carried out in Test Kitchens at Site-19, using D-class personnel for test subjects, unless otherwise indicated.\nTest 241-01, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: Subject 241-A was chosen from general population. No unusual traits selected for.\nProcedure: Subject 241-A was presented SCP-241 while closed and instructed to open it, choose a recipe, prepare it, and eat it, while giving feedback during the entire process.\nResults: Before exposure to SCP-241, subject declared that he had \u201cnever cooked anything more complicated than Ramen noodles.\u201d Subject opened SCP-241, reporting nothing unusual. Subject looked through recipes in SCP-241, choosing Saut\u00e9ed Scallops in a White Wine Sauce. Subject prepared the Saut\u00e9ed Scallops from the recipe in SCP-241, and when complete, remarked that he did not know he could do that. Subject declared that the prepared dish smelled \u201cfantastic\u201d, and while eating it, declared, \u201cThis is the best thing I've ever eaten!\u201d\nThree minutes after completing the meal, subject started showing symptoms of anaphylactic shock. Subject was treated with emergency doses of epinephrine, but treatment was not effective. Subject died from anaphylactic shock six minutes afterward (later confirmed by autopsy). A subsequent examination of SCP-241 revealed that 81 of its recipes called for shellfish. SCP-241 was left open.\nAnalysis: Results are consistent with previous descriptions of the effects of SCP-241.\n\nTest 241-02, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: Subject 241-B was chosen from general population. Subject reports no known allergies to scallops or other shellfish.\nProcedure: SCP-241 was still open from Test 241-01. Subject 241-B was instructed to not close SCP-241, find the Saut\u00e9ed Scallops recipe, prepare it, and eat it, while giving feedback during the entire process.\nResults: Before exposure to SCP-241, subject expressed doubt that he'd be able to prepare the Saut\u00e9ed Scallops recipe. After preparing the dish, subject expressed surprise that he had done so, similarly to the reaction of Subject 241-A, and said that the dish smells \u201cpretty good\u201d. While eating, subject declared that the dish was \u201cpretty good\u201d and again expressed surprise that he had cooked it. Subject did not suffer anaphylactic shock or any other adverse effect after completing the meal. Post-testing observation of subject revealed no long-term effects from eating the dish. SCP-241 was left open.\nAnalysis: Results are consistent with previous descriptions of the effects of SCP-241. Suspect that SCP-241 may somehow improve the cooking skill of whoever is preparing the dish.\n\nTest 241-03, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: Subjects 241-C and 241-D were chosen from general population. Both subjects report no skill in cooking and no allergies to shellfish.\nProcedure: SCP-241 was still open from Test 241-02. Subject 241-C was instructed to not close SCP-241, find the Saut\u00e9ed Scallops recipe, and transcribe it to a standard sheet of paper. In a separate test kitchen, Subject 241-D was given the transcribed recipe and instructed to prepare and eat the dish prepared.\nResults: Subject 241-C found and transcribed the recipe without incident. The transcribed recipe was visually compared to the recipe in SCP-241 and confirmed to be identical. SCP-241 was left open. Subject displayed no adverse effects from interaction with SCP-241.\nSubject 241-D was given the transcribed recipe and attempted to prepare the Saut\u00e9ed Scallops, but experienced difficulty and frustration, several times declaring, \u201cI told you guys I can't cook!\u201d The completed dish did not look or smell nearly as good as in previous tests.\nSubject balked at eating the dish, saying that \u201cit smells like \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588,\u201d but was persuaded to eat it by [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject ate approximately 40% of the meal before stating, \u201cI'm gonna be sick,\u201d at which time subject vomited. Subject was instructed to finish the meal, but subject responded [DATA EXPUNGED]. Termination of subject considered but rejected in favor of further testing.\nAnalysis: More evidence that SCP-241 can improve the cooking skill of its user. Subject 241-D retained for further testing.\n\nTest 241-04, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: Subject 241-D.\nProcedure: SCP-241 was still open from Test 241-03. Subject 241-D was instructed to not close SCP-241, find the Saut\u00e9ed Scallops recipe, prepare it, and eat it, while giving feedback during the entire process.\nResults: Subject vociferously protested to having to eat her own cooking, but was persuaded to cooperate with the promise that subject would not have to eat the resultant dish if it turned out like in the previous test. Subject expressed skepticism but proceeded to prepare the Saut\u00e9ed Scallops recipe. While cooking the dish, subject experienced none of the difficulties she experienced from the previous test, instead expressing the now-familiar surprise that her cooking was turning out so well.\nThe completed dish looked and smelled similar to the results of Test 241-02. Subject was not nearly as reluctant to eat the prepared dish, declaring it \u201cnot bad\u2026 not bad at all.\u201d Subject did not appear to suffer from any adverse effects after eating the dish. During post-testing interviews, subject was asked how she was able to prepare the Saut\u00e9ed Scallops during this test when the results of the previous test were so unappetizing. Subject stated that she did not know, only that once she started cooking the dish, it became perfectly clear to her how to do it. Subject did not appear to have any additional knowledge of cooking, and even had trouble remembering the cooking techniques she used in this test.\nAnalysis: There is now little doubt that SCP-241 can turn people who know nothing about cooking into gourmet chefs, at least for the dish that's being prepared.\n\nTest 241-11, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: Subjects 241-E and 241-F were chosen from general population. Subject 241-E is known to have an allergy to peanuts. Subject 241-F has demonstrated considerable skill as a chef.\nProcedure: Subject 241-E was presented SCP-241 while closed and instructed to open it and choose a recipe. Subject 241-F was then instructed to prepare the selected meal from SCP-241. The prepared dish was given to Subject 241-E, who was then asked to eat it.\nResults: Subject 241-E opened SCP-241 and, while looking through the recipes offered, stated that all the recipes called for peanuts, adding, \u201cpeanuts mess me up something fierce.\u201d Subject found a few recipes that did not include peanuts, and selected an Australian Carrot Cake. Subject 241-F prepared the Carrot Cake from SCP-241 and remarked that the finished product was better than he expected.\nThe cake was presented to Subject 241-E, who started eating without prompting or hesitation. Subject stated that the cake was \u201cthe best thing I've ever eaten\u201d and ate nearly half the cake before claiming satiation. Within two minutes, subject started showing symptoms of anaphylactic shock. Subject was administered epinephrine, which was ineffective, and died four minutes later (autopsy confirmed anaphylactic shock as the cause of death).\nThe recipes in SCP-241 were examined, and 85 of the 99 recipes called for peanuts or peanut products, but the Australian Carrot Cake was not one of them. The Carrot Cake and seven other recipes included lupin flour; a quick search found that lupin flour can induce an anaphylactic reaction in those who suffer from peanut allergies. The remaining six recipes called for more exotic ingredients: two called for [DATA EXPUNGED], and while the other four asked for [DATA EXPUNGED], respectively.\nSCP-241 remained open. The remaining half of the cake was saved for further testing.\nAnalysis: Reactions of Subjects 241-E and 241-F were both consistent with prior observations. The selection of recipes supports the theory that SCP-241 somehow determines the substance that the Target is most allergic to, and offers recipes to specifically induce a fatal allergic reaction in the Target. Contacted [DATA EXPUNGED] for analysis of the six \u201cexotic\u201d recipes.\n\nTest 241-12, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: Subject 241-F, [DATA EXPUNGED]\nProcedure: Subject 241-F was instructed to prepare the six dishes that contain neither peanuts nor lupin flour. The dishes were turned over to [DATA EXPUNGED] for analysis. The six recipes were transcribed and turned over to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nResults: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAnalysis: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSubject 241-F showed no apparent ill effects from preparing seven different dishes from SCP-241 in quick succession. Recommend retaining subject to study long-term effects of secondary (i.e. not as the Target) exposure to SCP-241.\n\nTest 241-13, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: Subject 241-G was chosen from general population and is known to have an allergy to peanuts.\nProcedure: Subject was instructed to eat the remaining cake from Test 241-11.\nResults: Subject asked if the cake contained peanuts, and was assured that it did not. Subject stated that he didn't much like carrot cake, and was told [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject started eating the cake, remarking that the cake was \u201cpretty good, actually\u201d. Subject consumed approximately 75% of the remaining cake before declaring satiation. After seven minutes, subject started showing signs of anaphylactic shock. Epinephrine was administered, and subject was stabilized. Subject eventually recovered, although recovery time was somewhat longer than expected.\nAnalysis: It appears that, although the recipes from SCP-241 are potentially hazardous to anyone susceptible to the allergen in question, SCP-241's recipes are most potent against the Target. Results from Tests 241-12 and 241-13 are encouraging to [DATA EXPUNGED] for [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nTest 241-14, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: Subject 241-H was chosen from general population. According to complete health screenings, subject has no food allergies.\nProcedure: Subject was instructed to open SCP-241 and leave it open for analysis.\nResults: Analysis of SCP-241 showed that 79 of the recipes on its pages called for chicken eggs or egg-based products. 15 of the remaining recipes called for eggs from [DATA EXPUNGED]. The other five recipes [DATA EXPUNGED]. These five recipes were transcribed by [DATA EXPUNGED] and turned over to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSubject 241-H stated that she had never experienced any problems eating eggs before. Subject was presented with one dozen hard-boiled chicken eggs and was instructed to eat them. Subject asked for salt and pepper (granted), and proceeded to eat the eggs. While eating the third egg, subject started complaining of stomach pain. Subject was instructed to continue eating, and she begrudgingly continued.\nUpon ingesting her seventh egg, subject collapsed on the floor, doubled over in pain. Within 60 seconds, subject started showing signs of anaphylactic shock. Epinephrine was administered, and subject was stabilized. Subject recovered, within the expected recovery time for such an episode.\nAnalysis: We now have evidence that SCP-241 somehow induces or amplifies an allergy in the Target when SCP-241 is opened. This ability would explain how SCP-241 is able to cause an allergic reaction in Targets without pre-existing food allergies.\n\nHide Intial Testing Log\n\nFor information about subsequent and current experimentation, see the Supplemental Testing Log.\n\nAddendum 3: Notes from Crosstesting:\nTo determine the effects of SCP-241's recipes on subjects that either cannot eat or do not require sustenance, approval was given to crosstest SCP-241 on SCP-1770. Upon subject opening the book, the contents were identical to before it was closed previously. This confirms results of Test 241-23 in which SCP-241 does not respond to inorganic subjects.\n\n\u00ab SCP-240 | SCP-241 | SCP-242 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-242\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-242 is kept at a home located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, NM procured by the Foundation on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The original owner was an out of state landlord who had problems keeping it rented. After retiring, he moved there, but disappeared after three days.\nThe home is unremarkable and is inhabited by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who pose as a married couple with no children. The backyard is defined along its perimeter with a cinder block wall approximately 2 m high in accordance with the homes in the general vicinity. The pool is monitored at all times by a single Level 1 guard who also covers as the couple's live-in cook (human monitoring was added after Incident 242-1). Swimming or wading in the pool is strongly discouraged and any access to the pool by anyone other than Class D personnel for experimental reasons is forbidden.\nDescription: SCP-242 is a swimming pool approximately 4.5 m wide by 9 m long with a depth ranging from 1 m deep on both ends to 1.5 m deep in the center and a total volume of approximately 53,000 liters. It has a dual waterfall feature, an in-pool vacuum unit, and stairs on one end.\nAny substance when placed into the pool will eventually be transmuted into sterile water which will remain sterile even after being removed from SCP-242 and introduced to a non-sterile environment. A sample taken from SCP-242 and poured into a container of water that had been tinted with red food coloring did not mix, but rather stayed together as a non-miscible bubble. Subsequent examination of samples shows them to be nothing more than pure, sterile water.\nThe length of time required for the transmutation to complete is dependent on the nature of the substance placed into SCP-242. Ordinary river water sampled from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, NM was completely sterilized in 7 minutes. Stagnant pond water taken from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, NM was sterilized in 18 minutes. 50,000 liters of coal tar was converted over the course of 12 days.\nWhile the pool contains nothing but sterile water, there is no apparent action of any of the features of the pool. Once a non-water substance is placed into the pool, the water jets and waterfall will come on even if disconnected from any power source. The pool vacuum, if attached, will also activate and drive around the bottom of the pool even through extremely viscous liquids. There is no cycling of water into or out of the filtration system. Pipes leading to the filtration system have been completely removed and shown to be empty and dry while pool contents were being sterilized.\n\nStagnant pond water, Time=0 min.\n\nStagnant pond water, Time=9 min.\n\nStagnant pond water, Time=16 min.\n\nStagnant pond water, Time=18 min.\n\nAddendum:\n\nIncident 242-1: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, during a time when the home was vacant but being monitored by a hidden video camera, a man and woman, apparently in their early 20's scaled the rear wall and gained access to SCP-242. They proceeded to undress, and go swimming along with two vinyl inflatable rafts acquired from the shed in the backyard. After the water jets came on, the female was startled and indicated she wanted to leave. The male claimed that it was just the automatic timer coming on to clean the pool, and \"there was nothing to worry about\". The couple continued to swim and engaged in intimate activities.\n24 minutes after the jets started, the female was heard to say that the water was \"really warm\" and made her feel \"tingly\". The male agreed, and they both climbed onto their respective rafts and fell asleep holding hands.\n29 minutes after the jets started, both of the rafts popped within 4 seconds of each other and the couple was again immersed completely in the water. At this time, significant frothing of the water began with a deep red color being given off from the subjects' locations. Subjects were heard to scream loudly and both attempted to exit the pool. Before exit was possible, the couple went under the surface, the frothing stopped and the pool went from red to clear approximately 48 seconds later. The decision was made to institute a live guard at the pool.\nAfter two weeks, a story was leaked to the press that the couple had eloped to an unknown location somewhere in Mexico.\n\n+ Research Log (Click to expand)\n\n- SCP-242 Experiment #17\n\nAbstract: What are the general properties of the water contained in SCP-242? Does the water retain any SCP like properties when removed from the location?\nProposal: Determine if the water is safe for human consumption both while in the SCP and outside of it.\nRequired equipment/personnel:\n\nTwo (2) titanium Atmospheric Dive Suits altered to fit the testing criteria\nTwo (2) Class D Personnel of like gender and race, age range to within three (3) years\nOne (1) food grade titanium barrel, one hundred and ninety (190) liter capacity\nOne (1) remotely controlled overhead crane capable of lifting twenty (20) metric tons\nOne (1) automated titanium siphon system\nOne (1) wireless communication system for separate links to and from both dive suits\nOne (1) home fumigation tenting unit used to create a neighborhood subterfuge\n\nEstimated Budget: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nStatus: Approved (\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588; Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nResults: Transcript attached for review. Contact Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for a full Lab Report.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Alright, once you've entered the dive suit, we'll lower you into the pool. All you need to do is take a drink from the metal straw by your mouth when instructed to do so.\nTest Subject A: Uhhh, I can't see out of this thing. Shouldn't there be glass here? Why is it all metal?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's classified. Just get into the dive suit please.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is the barrel full yet?\nTest Subject B: Yep. All full.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good. Remove the siphon and get into the other dive suit. You will not be placed into the pool. Just drink from the metal straw fed from the barrel when instructed to do so.\nTest Subject B: So if I ain't going in the pool, why am I getting into that thing?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Again, that is classified. We went over this in the debrief. Just do as instructed please.\n\nTest Subject B: Damn it's dark in here. There's no light? How will I find the straw when I\u2026oh\u2026there it is.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-242, Experiment 17, time zero set. Test Subject A, please take a sip from the straw and tell me what you experience.\nTest Subject A: Ah\u2026it's pretty warm. There's a weird chemical aftertaste, but it doesn't last long.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good, thank you. Test Subject B, please take a sip from the straw and tell me what you experience.\nTest Subject B: Hmm. Its cool. And\u2026tastes like\u2026well\u2026nothing. It's good!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: OK.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Test Subject A, what is going on? Please take another sip.\nTest Subject A: Wow. I've got lots of gas. Eeew! This stuff is really warm now. And it stings my mouth. How much longer is this test?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: OK. Test Subject B, please take a sip.\nTest Subject B: Yep. Same as before. No taste or smell at all. The water\u2026is this water? It's cool and pleasant.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Test Subject A, please repeat the process.\nTest Subject A: Ow! [REDACTED] this is really hot now! And\u2026HEY! What the [REDACTED]?! Is that one of my fillings!? What the [REDACTED] is this [REDACTED]?!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please just report your experience as succinctly as possible. Fillings can be replaced. Test Subject B, please repeat the process.\nTest Subject B: This is boring, doc. Seems like a lot of hassle just to give us a drink of water.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Test Subject A, please repeat.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Test Subject A, please respond.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Test Subject B, please repeat.\nTest Subject B: Ahh! Yep. Still nice.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: OK. Test Subject B, we're moving to the next phase which is a full medical analysis. But you'll need to uhh\u2026decompress\u2026before you can exit the suit. It will take several hours, so get comfortable in there. Please take a drink every time the indicator light goes on and let me know if anything changes. Use the urination adapter as needed.\nTest Subject B: Understood. Damn, that was easy!\n\nTesting was ended due to internal electrical and subsequent structural failure of Atmospheric Dive Suit A. Retrieval was not attempted; complete loss of Atmospheric Dive Suit A occurred after approximately 15 hours.\nTest Subject B was extracted after 17 hours. No physiological changes were detected. Subject B's urine was recovered and showed no extraordinary properties. Subject B has been released to the Class D Pool Group for future reuse.\nThe water remaining in the barrel was left to evaporate and did so within the expected time frame. No residue of any kind remained.\n\nNote: The use of SCP-242 for possible disposal of any SCP related materials that are \"difficult\" to manage is being considered at this time. Contact Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for details and/or permission for testing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-241 | SCP-242 | SCP-243 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photosynthetic\n\nSCP-243 - Animation by Photosynthetic\n\nMore by this author\n\nItem#: 243\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\nsafe\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\ncaution\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-243 is to be secured in the geometric center of a standard containment cell no less than 16 m x 16 m x 16 m. The cell is to be connected to an adjacent room of similar size and composition by one standard door; all exits to the cells are to be kept locked and guarded against unauthorized access.\nNo Eligible Group (more than 4 identical inanimate objects; see below) is permitted into the containment cell, nor any item capable of producing such a group, except as necessary for testing. Personnel entering the cell are subject to search & seizure of unauthorized multiples.\nObjects animated by SCP-243 are to be removed to the adjacent room for study. Undesirable animated items are to be disposed of promptly, by incineration if appropriate. In the event that SCP-243 is applied to other SCP objects, or to other items of similar value, the \"flock\" is to be separated and held in standard Safe- or Euclid-class inanimate item lockers until the effects wear off.\nFollowing Incident 243-02, bringing Eligible Groups of weapons, easily weaponized objects, or dry-cell batteries into SCP-243's containment is strictly forbidden.\nDescription: SCP-243 is a mass of small dry-cell batteries, all fused at their negative terminals into an ellipsoid approximately 30 cm long by 10 cm diameter. The arrangement is semi-fluid: the batteries may be rearranged by applying gentle pressure, though it is far more difficult to remove them from the central cylinder.\nSCP-243's unusual properties manifest when an Eligible Group of objects is brought into its active zone, an area of indeterminate shape extending no more than 7.3 m or less than 2.5 m from the center of the item. The active zone's precise extent and shape change from minute to minute. An Eligible Group consists of 5 or more identical or nearly-identical inanimate objects: \"nearly-identical\" items are those that a casual observer cannot easily distinguish based on attributes other than overall color.\nEligible Group members animate when brought into the active zone, displaying unusual flexibility and powers of levitation and locomotion. They acquire a few basic instincts, including self-preservation and variously complex flocking behavior. Object flocks range from simple separation-alignment-cohesion groups, like flocks of birds or shoals of fish, to aggregates involving role specialization and formation of discrete subunits. Animated objects also, secondarily to flocking, tend to behave in ways thematically appropriate to an object of their type: umbrellas form large shades, chairs make themselves available as seating, knives seek out objects to cut, etc.\nAn item separated from the \"flock\" wanders aimlessly or searches for other flock members. Approximately 4 hours after separation, the item goes dormant and loses all apparent unusual properties; at this point, reuniting it with its group renders it animate again. 25 minutes after going dormant, it becomes permanently inanimate, losing all unusual properties and reverting to a normal object of its type. Whether intact or missing members, a flock de-animates permanently 24 \u00b1 2 hours after initial exposure to SCP-243. Flocks displaying complex shoaling behavior frequently fuse upon de-animation into aggregates representative of that behavior.\nAddendum: SCP-243 came to the Foundation's attention following a series of suspicious incidents involving \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Animation Studios. The unusually fluid, \"natural\" motion depicted in the cartoons produced would not ordinarily have attracted attention, but [DATA EXPUNGED] every desk lamp in the facility [DATA EXPUNGED]. The effects wore off in the usual 24 hours. Class-A amnestics were administered to the animators involved and their families, all of whom remain under surveillance. Future \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 productions are to be monitored carefully for evidence of further interference.\nNote: Compare the characters in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 film \"Knick Knack\" to SCP-1507. \"Further interference?\"\n\u2014Researcher Killian\n\n\u00ab SCP-242 | SCP-243 | SCP-244 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-244\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not in testing, SCP-244-1 is to be placed in a room with its own thermostat, kept at a temperature of no less than 38\u2103. This room must also have its own ventilation system to provide constant air circulation. SCP-244-1 will rest on top of a scale attached to an alarm, so that any abrupt changes in weight from SCP-244-1's cap's sudden removal or from SCP-244-1's displacement may be immediately detected. If the alarm goes off, SCP-244-1 is to be immediately retrieved, capped, and placed back on the scale. In the event that SCP-244-1 spends longer than four (4) hours uncapped and active before retrieval is possible, initiate Procedure 244-2123-B.\nDescription: SCP-244-1 is a Tunisian-style earthenware jar, made of common ceramics mixed with traces of [DATA EXPUNGED] and decorated with silver filigree. The inside of SCP-244-1 always has an internal temperature of -37\u2103 and a 125% humidity, regardless of external conditions; persons handling SCP-244-1 invariably describe it as cold to the touch. SCP-244-1 includes a cap of identical make and style to the jar itself.\nWhen SCP-244-1 is uncapped, condensed water vapor will flow from its mouth. The rate at which the vapor emanates increases if SCP-244-1 is left lying on its side or suspended upside-down. This vapor is identical in composition to ice fog, with a temperature of -37\u2103 and 125% humidity as it exits SCP-244-1. Over time, this fog will disperse through whatever area SCP-244-1 is in, lowering ambient temperatures and raising humidity levels proportionally. The amount of time it takes for SCP-244-1 to fill an area with fog varies depending on the size of the space, the amount of moisture already in the air, and the temperature at the time SCP-244-1 is opened. If SCP-244-1 is left uncapped outside of any structure, it will still produce water vapor and lower the surrounding temperature. However, the effect may be considerably diminished, or enhanced, by the effects of the sun, wind, local topography, and/or local vegetation.\nIn any space where SCP-244-1 has changed the environmental temperature and humidity to -37\u2103 and a 125% humidity, there is a chance of encountering SCP-244-2, directly proportional to the amount of time that the area has been fogged over. SCP-244-2 is a mobile gaseous entity, visible only as a dense cloud of greyish fog. Whether it simply uses SCP-244-1's own fog as camouflage or is actually a part of said fog is still undetermined. Thermal imaging shows that SCP-244-2 is far colder than its surrounding environment. How SCP-244-2 achieves locomotion is not known, but testing and observation has made it clear that SCP-244-2 usually remains motionless unless there is a source of heat nearby. SCP-244-2 is attracted to any source of heat energy, and will move to envelop such sources. Because of SCP-244-2's own inordinately cold internal temperature, any object that comes into direct contact with it usually flash-freezes. Biological heat sources (including humans) are invariably killed by the flash-freezing effect, and mechanical or electronic devices ice over. SCP-244-2 appears to grow in size as it \"consumes\" thermal energy. In a sufficiently large beclouded area, there may be multiple instances of SCP-244-2.\nSCP-244-2 will not attempt to consume heat sources with a temperature equal or greater than 600\u2103, and will actively move away from such sources if they are brought closer to it. For this reason, SCP-244-2 is easily repelled with burning wood or other combustive fuel fires. SCP-244-2 has been observed to disperse if exposed to great concentrations of heat in a short period of time.\nHistory: SCP-244-1 was first discovered in the basement of a recently emptied Chaos Insurgency-occupied military base, where it had completely filled the basement level with ice fog and at least two manifestations of SCP-244-2. It was retrieved by Dr. Morris with the assistance of Mobile Task Force Beta-62. It is unknown whether the Chaos Insurgency had placed SCP-244-1 in the basement as some sort of diversionary tactic or if they themselves were looking for it.\nAddendum: Whatever SCP-244-2 is composed of, it is certainly not normal water vapor. At those temperatures, mere water would surely become a solid, as indeed would most gases. However, taking samples of SCP-244-2's material has proven difficult, as it is both gaseous and freezes most devices applied to it. I suspect that this may be related to the [DATA EXPUNGED] in SCP-244-1, but studying that mineral has a host of problems all its own. -Dr. Morris\n\n\u00ab SCP-243 | SCP-244 | SCP-245 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-RPG\n\nHello. This is an SCP that is only describable using interactive media. I utilized RPG Maker to create this, and there are 4 endings.\nSpoilers on the discussion page.\nI got lots of help and testing on this. Pretty sure I dinged all the testers in the credits, but special thanks to Decibelles, TwistedGears, and Waterfire. Additionally thank you to SunnyClockwork for the beautiful artwork I used in the game.\nNote: My original SCP-245 was moved to the SCP-2623 slot with specific explicit permission from the administration given the nature of the project I put into the SCP-245 slot. It should not be taken as a precedent of any kind as to permission to do any such action in the future.\nAlso! If you play this and spot a bug, mention it here. I'll fix it as soon as possible. I've run through this myself a hundred times or more, but I'm sure I or my testers missed something.\nAnd I've requested that the page be locked so no one can edit it and mess with the links. If you're wondering why it's locked.\nEdit: Until I was halfway through making it, I was unaware that this wouldn't run on Macs (or even that Macs can't run EXEs). Despite that, I have been told by other users that a windows emulator can run this program no problem. Suggested emulators such as \"Wine\" and \"Bootcamp\" have been mentioned.\n\n\u25b8 More by this Author \u25c2\n\n{$comments2}\n\nF.A.Q.\n\n{$doesthisfixthebug}\n\nItem #: SCP-245\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Copies of SCP-245-1 are to be contained on airgapped computers. These computers are to be located on floor 10, section C of Site-88. Individual iterations of SCP-245-1 are to be monitored and completed on a regular basis to ensure continued containment.\nMajor changes to SCP-245-1's gameworld are to be reported to SCP-245's project head. Under no circumstances should SCP-245-1's master password be revealed to any entities encountered in SCP-245-1.\nDescription: Please see SCP-245-1.zip for information relating to SCP-245.\n\nNotice: SCP-245-1 will only run on a system utilizing OSCP or the Windows operating system.\n\n\u00ab SCP-244 | SCP-245 | SCP-246 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-246\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-246 is to be kept in a wooden crate within Site-\u2588\u2588's secure storage. Researchers who requisition its use for experimentation are responsible for their own room arrangements. SCP-246 is otherwise not to be removed from its container, especially for recreational use.\nDescription: SCP-246 is a 16-millimeter film projector. When activated, SCP-246's projection lamp lights up and the reels begin turning. When the projector is pointed at a screen or other white surface, a film appears, even though SCP-246's film (hereafter referred to as SCP-246-01) does not pass in front of the projection lamp.\nThe film feeder has been welded shut, making any attempt to load SCP-246-01 into the second reel impossible. Requests to cut through or replace the feeder have been denied, due to the possibility of inadvertently breaking SCP-246. Examination of SCP-246-01 suggests that it is blank while inert, though high-speed photography shows images on the film when SCP-246 is in its active state. Analysis of these images is underway. When replaced with any other roll of 16 mm film, SCP-246 continues functioning as described below. After using SCP-246 with a reel other than SCP-246-01, that reel exhibits similar properties to SCP-246-01. Microspectrometer analysis of reels made blank by SCP-246-01 has shown anomalous forms of [REDACTED]. Further analysis by Foundation researchers other than Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is not permitted.\nDespite SCP-246-01's content or lack thereof, when activated, SCP-246 projects a short film in the style of 1950s educational films.\nSCP-246 seems to have a limited degree of awareness, as a female D-class subject was shown a film entitled \"So You're Not Going to Live Very Long!\". Shortly afterwards, she was terminated at the end of the month as per procedure. An introverted D-class subject \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588 (despite previous convictions for [REDACTED]) was shown \"Three Easy Ways to Remove \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\", a film explaining tools and techniques for home surgery, and was subsequently terminated after his attempt to use a toothbrush as a surgical instrument. That night, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, employed as a surgeon before the Foundation [DATA EXPUNGED] and who had supervised \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588, attempted to follow the film's advice.\nHe was found dead the next day, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and viscera scattered on the floor around him. Further experimentation resulted in the films \"Digestive Systems of Woodland Creatures\", \"Three Handy Tips for Handling Amputation\", and \"Sightless Eyes: Dealing with Total Paralysis\", which involved graphic descriptions of stroke victims' slow death by starvation before being found by relatives. All subjects suffered the described afflictions shortly after exposure to SCP-246.\nResearchers are therefore discouraged from following SCP-246's directions, and to report any urges to activate SCP-246 to their research supervisor.\n\n\u00ab SCP-245 | SCP-246 | SCP-247 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-247\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-247 is kept in an enclosure of at least 20 (twenty) by 40 (forty) meters, furnished based on the plans provided by the [REDACTED] Zoo and lined with SCP-148 offset from the rest of Site-\u2588\u2588 by at least 50 (fifty) meters in order to mitigate its psychic effect. (As per current containment procedures for SCP-148, its use in the containment of other SCPs is to be avoided if at all possible. - O5-\u2588). SCP-247 is to be fed 18 kilograms of fresh meat on a tri-weekly basis. Feeding occurs in a separate enclosure. Cleaning staff should enter the enclosure only during designated feeding times. No other access to the enclosure is allowed. The footage resulting from any violation of this order is to be archived for use in training the cleaning and monitoring staff of SCP-247.\nIn case of a containment breach, the entire wing must be evacuated and all live footage of the incident heavily censored. The area SCP-247 occupies will be sealed off and gassed, followed by the return of SCP-247 to containment. If for any reason this should become impossible, a retrieval team will be sent in armed with heavy tranquilizer rifles. Retrieval team Agents must be specially selected for high reflexes, excellent marksmanship, unquestioning obedience, and low empathy scores.\nDescription: SCP-247 is a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris; adult female) which, to all observers, appears to be a harmless cat (Felis catus; juvenile female) with an orange-and-black striped coat resembling that of a tiger.\nRemote feeds and still photos also show this illusion, although it is unknown whether the photo itself is affected or merely the observer. SCP-247's true nature has been confirmed by analysis of weight, water displacement, and dental moulds made from bite marks.\nIt is unknown exactly how SCP-247 generates this illusion. There are two components to the illusion: first, a memetic effect that changes the perceived image of SCP-247 to that of a kitten, and second, a psychic component which radiates outward from the subject (diminishing according to the inverse square law and reaching half strength at \u2588 meters). Any sentient being within this field comes under the impression that SCP-247 is completely harmless, regardless of prior knowledge or experience. Individuals in this field also show extreme reluctance to harm or allow others to harm SCP-247, even while being actively harmed by the subject. This psychic field can be blocked with SCP-148, or avoided by striking from well outside its effective range. The memetic effect is not blocked by SCP-148; as of yet, no one has been able to see SCP-247 as anything but a small striped cat.\nTypically SCP-247 will begin to purr or mew when approached by a human. The human will remark that this is adorable, and approach to pet the subject (this has been observed even in persons who strongly dislike cats). SCP-247 has been known to accept affection from its victims for upwards of seven minutes before disemboweling and devouring them.\nGenetic analysis shows slight deviation from a typical Bengal Tiger's genotype, indicating possible contamination [DATA EXPUNGED] all further breeding experiments require O5 level approval. The resulting hybrids have been designated SCP-247-1; see Experiment Log 247a-14 for more details.\nAddendum 247a: A series of tests in exposing SCP-247 and the Control subjects to various non-human animals. Control testing took place in an exact replica of SCP-247's enclosure. Control A is a yellow kitten matching SCP-247's apparent size and age. Control B is a fully grown Bengal Tiger matching SCP-247's actual weight.\nExperiment Log 247a-01\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: A mixed-breed dog, mostly terrier. A known cat-chaser.\nControl Test A: Subject immediately began barking and ran at the control, which retreated up a nearby tree.\nControl Test B: Subject cowered in the corner as far from the control as possible. Control took no notice of subject.\nResults: Subject ran toward SCP-247, barking loudly. At approximately five (5) meters away subject slowed to a halt and became silent. At this point, SCP-247 rolled over and made a \u2018mewing' sound believed to be a sign of annoyance. The subject retreated to a far corner of the enclosure with its tail between its legs.\nNotes: That was extremely odd. Further testing recommended. - Researcher S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nApproved. - O5-\u2588\nExperiment Log 247a-02i-ii\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: A male tabby kitten with the same apparent age as SCP-247.\nControl Test A: Subject played with the control in the manner expected of kittens.\nControl Test B: Subject climbed a tree and attempted to hide itself from the control, displaying visible signs of terror.\nResults (test i): Subject approached SCP-247 and mewed. SCP-247 responded in kind and played with the tabby kitten. The resulting footage is extremely odd; at one point SCP-247 lifts the subject (which appears to be the same size as SCP-247) with a single forepaw, while at another point SCP-247 lifts the subject with its mouth, clearly showing that its mouth is much larger than it appears to be. The leading researcher characterized this as adorable but remarked that it gave him \u201ca headache.\u201d Due to a faulty recorder, this test had to be repeated.\nResults (test ii): Subject approached SCP-247 as above. SCP-247 made a deep purring sound, analogous to a growl. Subject reacted as in control test B.\nNotes: This seems to indicate 247 has some degree of conscious control over its apparent appearance. - Researcher S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment Log 247a-03\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: An adult male deer, a normal prey animal for a Bengal Tiger. (Control B and SCP-247 were not fed for 3 days prior to this experiment.)\nControl Test A: Subject grazed. Control fell asleep two minutes into the experiment.\nControl Test B: Control attacked, killed and devoured subject, which behaved normally for a deer trapped in an enclosed space with a large predator.\nResults: Subject began grazing as in control test A. SCP-247 approached it calmly and killed it with a single bite to the neck, then proceeded to devour the subject. (Test was repeated without SCP-247 being forced to fast. SCP-247 completely ignored the subject for over a day before apparently becoming hungry and killing it, again with a single bite to the neck.)\nNotes: SCP-247 seems to prefer humans, both as food and for entertainment. Other prey animals presented to SCP-247 were all killed in a single strike, while humans are invariably allowed to pet the SCP for some time before being killed and are sometimes mauled and \u2018played' with the way a cat will play with a mouse. Furthermore, the SCP has killed every human it has had the opportunity to kill, regardless of hunger. - Researcher S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment Log 247a-08\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: An adult female chimpanzee.\nControl Test A: Subject and control ignored one another.\nControl Test B: Subject retreated to a tree, showing some signs of unease. Control displayed some curiosity towards the subject but did not attack.\nResults: Subject approached SCP-247, made noises identified as signs of affection, and began to groom SCP-247. SCP-247 allowed the subject to groom it for over an hour, then messily killed and devoured it.\nNotes: This seems to be its typical reaction to unfamiliar prey animals. It seems to prefer to prey on apes with advanced social behaviour. Experiments with gorillas and other social apes have shown similar results. Essentially, SCP-247 is a large predator that has somehow adapted to take advantage of the largest available food source \u2014 humans. We should investigate all future reports of man-eating tigers in case there are more of these things. - Researcher S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment Log 247a-12\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: An adult female grizzly bear.\nControl Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it.\nControl Test B: Subject and control acted nervously and gave one another as large a berth as possible.\nResults: Initially subject and SCP-247 ignored one another. At one point subject came very close to SCP-247, resulting in SCP-247 giving a warning growl. Subject responded with hostility. Test aborted due to possible harm to SCP-247; subject tranquilized by Foundation personnel and subsequently killed by SCP-247.\nNotes: Future tests involving animals potentially capable of killing or injuring a Bengal Tiger are cancelled. - Researcher S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment Log 247a-13\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: An adult female Bengal Tiger\nControl Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it.\nControl Test B: Subject and control greeted one another, established the order of social dominance, then both fell asleep.\nResults: Identical to control test B.\nNotes: Interestingly, SCP-247 was the beta animal in this interaction. - Researcher S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment Log 247a-14\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: An adult male Bengal Tiger\nControl Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it.\nControl Test B: Omitted, record of normal Bengal tiger mating behaviour substituted.\nResults: As expected based on control B. [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNotes: Researcher S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been removed from this project for lax security in his experiments, although in light of his injuries, further disciplinary measures have been deemed unnecessary. [DATA EXPUNGED], which seems to have benefited from a form of \u2018hybrid vigor', has been designated SCP-247-1. Considering that SCP-247 is likely to have bred naturally in the wild, Mobile Task Force Iota-5 (\"Tiger Bait\") has been formed and assigned to hunt down and contain or destroy all incidences of the hybrid SCP-247-1. - O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-246 | SCP-247 | SCP-248 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-248\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-248 is to be kept in a fire-proof safe in Dr. Mize's office unless being used directly for testing purposes. The safe has a keypad-style opening mechanism. Any personnel of at least Level 2 Security Clearance have full permission to access SCP-248, as the numeric code is [REDACTED].\nDescription: SCP-248 is a twenty-five (25) page booklet of stickers, each reading \"110%\" with a small pressed imprint of the words \"The Factory\" in the bottom right corner. The booklet itself is 7.5 cm in height and 15 cm in length. Each page of SCP-248 contains two (2) of the stickers, making a total of what would be fifty (50), but circumstances before its discovery have left only forty-nine (49) stickers.\nSCP-248 was discovered at a small house in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Georgia. The object came to the Foundation's attention after one (1) of the stickers was placed on an old, half disassembled tractor in the family's barn by the youngest son, Ronnie \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The tractor was suddenly able to operate as if it were fully functional, despite lacking much of the engine and frame. Agents removed SCP-248 and the tractor from the family in exchange for a bogus coupon for free pesticides for the farm. The family was administered standard Class A amnestics.\nDr. Mize received SCP-248 upon its arrival to Site-\u2588\u2588 and took deep interest in its apparent abilities. The tractor is now labeled SCP-248-1. See Addendum 248-01 for testing of SCP-248-1.\nTesting of SCP-248 has been approved by Dr. Mize. See Addendum-248-02 and below for preliminary tests.\nRemaining stickers in SCP-248: forty-six (46).\nAddendum-248-01:\nSCP-248-1 is a 1979 John Deere tractor in an extremely rusted state. Most of the engine is missing, apparently from a restoration that was never completed. The frame is also partially missing near the rear of the tractor where the driver would be positioned. A sticker from SCP-248 is located near the back behind the left wheel. Upon turning the key to the ignition, SCP-248-1 starts up and operates as if it were in pristine condition. It is capable of achieving speeds up to 42 km/h, slightly faster than a typical tractor of that specific model. Though the tractor operates with no engine, gasoline is still required to maintain power. Further testing is required to understand whether or not the tractor would operate without a gas tank.\nRemoval of the gas tank resulted in SCP-248-1 becoming non-functional in all aspects. The whole of SCP-248-1 is to be held in hangar \u2588\u2588 of Site-\u2588\u2588 for future tests regarding the need for fuel, but lack of engine to create forward motion.\nAddendum-248-02:\nTesting of SCP-248 on a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand computer. A sticker from SCP-248 was placed on the motherboard of the computer, which was then started up like usual. The speed of the computer was greatly enhanced, as noted by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the owner of the computer. Diagnostics of the PC reveal the disc space to have increased from its maximum of 250 GB to 275 GB, as expected. The RAM had also reached the expected 110% efficiency. However, the interior was also experiencing similar results; the heat sink was pulling off 10% more heat than usual, and the conductivity of the wiring was allowing electricity to flow 10% more smoothly than the best modern superconductors. Why the wiring is achieving such a high rate of non-resistant flow, compared to the heat sinks slightly above-optimal cooling, is not understood at this time. Removal of the battery rendered the computer useless, just as in Addendum-248-01. Further study of SCP-248 and power supplies has been noted for future tests.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's computer is now labeled SCP-248-2 and is to be kept in Dr. Mize's top desk drawer. The drawer is opened via numeric keyboard, the password to which is [REDACTED].\nDr. Mize has requested that future tests regarding electronics attempt to focus, at least partially, on the implications of this high conductivity. Some form of electricity producing turbine or power plant could potentially increase energy production a thousandfold.\nAddendum-248-03:\nTesting of SCP-248 on organic matter. A sticker from SCP-248 was placed on the forearm of a Class D who volunteered to work with this unknown SCP rather than being transferred to Site-19 for Keter duty. Initial reaction to the sticker yielded no results. Subject received none of the additional enhancements as seen in previous tests. After 60 minutes of exposure the subject was still unchanged. Retrieval of the sticker was ordered to test the item's adhesive properties. Agent had difficulty removing the sticker, while the subject was claiming to experience extreme pain during the attempted retrieval. After a small talk with Dr. Mize, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 removed the sticker with much of the subject's skin still stuck to it. Microscopic examination revealed that the resin had bonded to the subject's flesh in the same way Navy grade tape bonds to the sides of submarines to withstand tremendous pressures. Chemical testing of the resin itself shows that it is consistent with average, mass-produced resin used in everyday Scotch tape.\nThe chunk of skin was labeled SCP-248-3 by Dr. Mize and is now held in a vacuum-sealed plastic container. It is stored in the same fire-proof safe as SCP-248, in Dr. Mize's office.\nAddendum-248-04:\nTesting of SCP-248 on SCP-248-1; attempted removal of sticker. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 asked to try and remove the sticker with his fingers. After a few moments of failed attempts at scratching it off, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is given tools to use: tweezers, a pair of pliers, a pocketknife, a chisel, and a hunting knife had no effect on the sticker itself. This test, along with test 248-03, confirm that the adhesive has properties beyond our understanding.\nAfter failing to remove the sticker, a second sticker was added near the first to test if SCP-248 has \"stack-able\" abilities. The first speed trial observed SCP-248-1 reaching 84 km/h, which is indeed 220%. However, after a 15-minute period, the tractor showed advanced signs of oxidation wear. After a total of 36 minutes of use with both stickers, SCP-248-1 had almost completely turned to rust and lost all form. At this point the stickers fell free from the pile of rust and were gathered by Dr. Mize for testing.\nResults show that the resin had formed a chemical bond, as with the biological matter, and only broke that bond after the original composition of the matter it was attached to had changed. It should be noted that there is no longer resin on the stickers and they no longer stick to surfaces. SCP-248-1 neutralized.\n-If this item was mass-produced, like it is assumed that other \"Factory\" SCPs were, we could have potentially struck gold! If a power grid can be made to function without the degenerative effects of SCP-248, free-flowing power could be possible at room temperature! I will personally begin researching \"The Factory\" and its whereabouts as soon as High Command approves.\n-Dr. Mize\n\n\u00ab SCP-247 | SCP-248 | SCP-249 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-249\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedure: SCP-249 is affixed to a wall within Site-\u2588\u2588. Access to SCP-249 is unrestricted, though an accurate log of destinations must be kept and submitted to a Level-4 supervisor every four (4) weeks. No SCPs of any class may be brought or kept within one thousand (1000) meters of SCP-249 without Level-4 approval.\nDescription: SCP-249 appears to be a windowless door, covered in a faded white paint. It was first found in a house located within the small town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. When opened, SCP-249 does not lead to the other side of the doorway, but to a random door within eight hundred and fifty (850) meters. Items that go through SCP-249 are teleported to that other door, regardless of what may be between the door and SCP-249. When observed from the destination, the exit door appears to open on its own accord, and whatever goes through SCP-249 appears out of thin air. When opened, SCP-249 takes on the appearance of the door it is connected to. When shut, SCP-249 is no longer connected to that door, and reverts to its standard appearance.\nHowever, roughly every five hundred (500) uses, SCP-249 does not connect to a door within its range, but instead to a random location anywhere in the world, even locations with no apparent doors within hundreds of kilometers. When the 500-use mark approaches, common use of SCP-249 is stopped and tests are done to record its exit location. Since its discovery, a log has been kept documenting these cases (See Addendum 249-001).\nDocument 249-A\nIn accordance to O5-\u2588\u2588, all restrooms have been moved away from SCP-249's range.\nAddendum 249-001 Teleportation log.\n12-10-19\u2588\u2588: SCP-249 is found and moved to Site \u2588\u2588.\n24-6-19\u2588\u2588: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 goes missing and is found weeks later in eastern Canada; describes random transportation.\n17-10-20\u2588\u2588: Middle of what appears to be the Sahara desert.\n4-12-20\u2588\u2588: Warehouse in a destroyed city resembling \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n25-2-20\u2588\u2588: Madagascar.\n17-5-20\u2588\u2588: When opened, SCP-249 releases a massive torrent of water. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was holding the door handle, shuts the SCP before Site \u2588\u2588 is flooded. Later, a fish found on the ground is examined, and identified as a species living only in the Mid-Atlantic Deep Sea Trench.\n22-10-20\u2588\u2588: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n19-11-20\u2588\u2588: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requests use of SCP-249 in infiltration mission. Request approved. Mission is successful.\n\n\u00ab SCP-248 | SCP-249 | SCP-250 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-250, taken before capture.\n\nItem #: SCP-250\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-250 is to be kept in a 50-meter-by-50-meter enclosure simulating a prairie environment, with padded steel walls 15 m high and 1 m thick. The temperature must remain between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius by day, and between 10 and 14 degrees Celsius by night, with an average humidity of no more than 8%; this serves the dual purpose of ensuring that SCP-250's overall behavior remains predictable, and of maintaining the physical integrity of its component parts. Vegetation within the enclosure is to be maintained on a weekly basis; see document 250-MB48 for details.\nAlthough SCP-250 does not physically require nutrition, it is to be fed one live adult pig every two (2) days in order to regulate its aggression and hunting instincts. The remnants of its meal are to be removed from its enclosure no less than one (1) hour after the onset of its nightly dormancy period; this includes cleaning any residual biological debris from SCP-250's physical components with compressed air and whisk brooms. At no point during cleaning are any of SCP-250's physical components to be moved by more than 1 meter in any direction, as this risks disrupting its dormancy. Dormancy ends within five minutes of sunrise; access to SCP-250's containment during its activity period is prohibited.\nDescription: SCP-250 is the animate fossil skeleton of an allosaur (originally identified as Allosaurus fragilis; however, an incomplete scientific article found in the personal effects of paleontologist Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 indicates that this classification may have been erroneous). It consists of 153 disarticulated bones, and 14 plaster-and-fiberglass replacements, held together and animated by an unknown force. Study of this force is hindered by SCP-250's aggressive behavior, which has been assessed by Foundation palaeozoologists as being well within theoretical norms for an allosaurus.\nSCP-250 emulates what are presumed to have been the standard daily activities of a living allosaurus: it wanders its enclosure by day, enters a state of dormancy by night, and will attempt to kill and devour anything which it perceives as suitable prey, including humans. Its lack of organs does not seem to affect its behavior in any way, except in that the remains of any prey it consumes will inevitably fall out of the gaps in its skull, neck, and ribcage, at which point it ignores them.\nSCP-250 was first excavated as an 80%-complete skeleton in [REDACTED], 19\u2588\u2588 ; records from the excavation do not include any report of anomalies. In 19\u2588\u2588 , it was transferred to the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Museum of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in [REDACTED], where it was assembled, mounted, and put on display.\nOn the night of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-250 seized and killed an intruder to the museum. Although damage to the intruder's remains was so extensive as to render forensic identification impractical, they were conclusively shown to not be those of paleontologist Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, whose office in the museum was extensively vandalized that night and who has not been seen since. Foundation personnel embedded within museum staff reported the incident, and SCP-250 was taken into custody.\n\n\u00ab SCP-249 | SCP-250 | SCP-251 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-251\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-251 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. No one is to enter the container alone. If anyone is found to have been left alone in the container for any amount of time, they are to be treated as violently hostile and terminated with extreme prejudice.\nThe container is to be guarded by armed personnel at all times and guards should never allow anyone, regardless of clearance level, to move the artifact or be alone with it.\nSounds of screaming, gunfire, and fires will be heard from within the container. This is normal.\nDescription: Origin unknown. SCP-251 consistently appears to be a small snow globe. Attached is a series of photographs taken of the same artifact over time. This indicates that the snow globe is at least partially animate. However, when viewed directly by multiple people, there is no apparent movement except by a perpetual \"blizzard\". SCP-251 has not been moved since its arrival at Site-19, but the \"snowflakes\" have never ceased falling.\nThe scenes depicted in SCP-251 are all extremely violent or morbid, occasionally depicting something fantastical, while mostly depicting more realistic brutality.\nAll those who have been alone with SCP-251 for any amount of time have later displayed extreme violence, xenophobia, and emotional distress.\n\n\u00ab SCP-250 | SCP-251 | SCP-252 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-252\nObject Class: Euclid Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-252 is to be contained in a 150 m3 aquarium, reinforced with high tensile steel plating. Guards are to be specially trained in water-borne combat techniques and armed with model-B74H harpoon rifles with high-capacity electrical discharge shafts. The tank is fitted with 15 remotely-activated depth charges, which are to be detonated simultaneously if a containment breach is imminent A breeding pair is maintained under the direction of marine biologist Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Personnel should not approach the containment tank unless they have been previously prepared for the anomalous effects of the animals.\nAdditional specimens of SCP-252 may exist in the wild. Due to their destructive capabilities, capture is deemed a high priority. Given the difficulties inherent in the size of specimens, termination is authorized if a breach of secrecy is imminent. Current specimens are considered sufficient and further acquisitions are not a priority. Containment of information regarding encounters will consist of Standard Cover Story 53 \"Drunken Sailor\" and administration of amnestics as necessary.\nDescription: SCP-252 is a sub-species of Dosidicus gigas. Mature specimens are noticeably smaller than average, reaching no more than 1 m in length and weighing a maximum of 40 kg. Dissection shows the absence of an ink sac and an increased density of chromatophores (approx. 20 times the normal adult average).\nBehavior is identical in most ways to mundane specimens, except when hunting or threatened. When a member of SCP-252 detects prey, they exhibit aggressive behavior and move towards the target at maximum speed while rapidly cycling their chromatophores. This color shifting has a hypnotic effect on prey animals that make visual contact, causing them to cease all defensive behavior and attempts to flee until grappled.\nWhen threatened by a predator or otherwise agitated, SCP-252 rapidly metamorphs into an unidentified aquatic life form of extreme size with an indeterminate physiology and extremely destructive demeanor. Physical attributes in this state are in a constant state of change. Size fluctuates between 50 and 75 meters in length with no fewer than 50 and occasionally as many as 200 appendages of various natures. Appendages shift constantly between suckered tentacles averaging 5 m in length, insectoid limbs terminating in barbed pincers, and humanoid arms and legs ending in sharpened talons. Details and positions of appendages on the body also vary randomly, with the only constant being a cluster of tentacles around the head obscuring the mouth area. It is not currently known how this rapid growth is achieved. Due to the potential for a containment breach no research on the matter is currently authorized. All animal life excluding other SCP-252 and mundane squid species will attempt to escape the vicinity by the most direct route possible. This fear response can cause the targets to harm themselves as they flee into hazardous conditions or ram repeatedly into container walls. Roughly 95% of subjects encountering an enraged SCP-252 develop a phobia of cephalopods. It is not known if this is an additional anomalous effect or a normal behavioral reaction to traumatic experiences.\nUpon review of security footage during containment, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has determined that SCP-252's \"metamorphosis\" is in fact an advanced hallucination induced by the shifting pattern of chromatophores. These hallucinations cause the victim to see SCP-252 as a titanic sea creature with an excessively large number of tentacles. Specific details vary greatly from subject to subject, but the hallucinatory creature consistently presents as a greatly exaggerated cephalopod with tentacles clustered around the mouth area, additional appendages with talons or pincers, and the general impression that all features are fluid and randomly shifting. Subjects removed from visual contact with SCP-252 will remain convinced that their hallucinations were a real \"sea monster\" and will attempt to rationalize any logical contradictions inherent in their delusion, such as a 100 m monster swimming in a 10 m enclosed tank. This rationalization and the lingering phobia is thought to be a form of post-hypnotic suggestion.\nSubjects viewing video of agitated SCP-252 who have never been exposed directly experience a much less severe fear reaction and are able to perceive the squid despite the hallucinations. Subjects describe the illusory monster as \"fake-looking\" and \"nonsensical\" but still find it moderately frightening. After second-hand exposure, subjects develop a partial immunity to the full effects of direct exposure. Repeated direct contact after \"inoculation\" by video further lessens the effects. Acclimatized subjects can develop a complete immunity to the fear effect and experience only the vaguest awareness of the hallucinations.\nAddendum: SCP-252 came to Foundation attention after numerous reports of \"sea monster\" sightings by commercial fishermen off the coast of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 secured a specimen at greater than usual personal danger. Commendation for performance above and beyond the call of duty recommended. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 allowed himself to be exposed to SCP-252's effects during first contact. Initial containment procedures were based on his reports of the specimen's size and physical capabilities, resulting in an excessive expenditure of resources. Disciplinary action recommended, pending oversight review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-251 | SCP-252 | SCP-253 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-253\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: At this time, SCP-253 poses a substantial threat to humanity. SCP-253 is to be kept under Biosafety Level-4 protocols at all times. All research is to be conducted at a site where incineration and irradiation protocols can be swiftly enacted, that is geographically isolated, and does not possess a diverse biosphere. The sterilization protocols shall be enacted following the occurrence of any event on this list:\n\nCommunications blackout lasting longer than forty-eight (48) hours.\nPower disruption lasting longer than one (1) minute during any active experiments involving SCP-253.\nAbnormal rise in average temperatures beyond a change of 6 degrees Celsius (11 degrees Fahrenheit) or rise in humidity levels to 90% relative humidity.\nManifestations of unusual electromagnetic phenomena during testing of SCP-253.\n\nAt the conclusion of testing, any subjects exposed to SCP-253 are to be disposed of, and their remains are subject to the sterilization protocol.\nAny researcher leaving the facility is to undergo two weeks of mandatory chemotherapy, followed by a 15-day quarantine.\nDescription: SCP-253 is a cluster of undifferentiated human cells, matching the physiological traits of cancer. As per cancerous cells, cultured samples of SCP-253 will grow indefinitely if given an adequate source of nutrition. SCP-253 is contagious, able to pass from human to human, as well as to some animal species. SCP-253 is not an airborne contagion, but physical contact with surface neoplasms on infected subjects will spread the plague.\nThe first sign of SCP-253 infection is the emergence of skin lesions, typically dime-sized (2 cm in diameter) in groups of three to five, at the site of infection. Within twelve (12) hours after the appearance of the lesions, MRI scans show the development of neoplasms within the brain. At this time, the neoplasms do not induce neurological symptoms.\nOver the next twenty-four to forty-eight (24 to 48) hours, numerous skin lesions start to emerge and grow in size. These lesions often induce substantial swelling in surrounding tissue, which can be quite painful for the subject. Often, the pain, if left untreated, leaves many subjects unable to move. Towards the end of the forty-eight (48) hour period, neoplasms start to emerge in the lymphatic system and neurological symptoms start to manifest.\nThe neurological symptoms of SCP-253 are different for each patient, depending on which part of the brain the invasive cells have contaminated, with one exception. Each human patient heretofore exposed to SCP-253 has felt a complete cessation of pain forty-seven to forty-nine (47 to 49) hours after infection. Other neurological symptoms include:\n\nInability to focus attention\nDisorganized speech\nMemory loss\nHallucinations\nEuphoria\nMegalomania\nInappropriate emotional responses\nSociopathy\nCatatonia\n\nThe neoplasms do not seem to respond to radiation, and chemotherapy with high-dose mitoxantrone, irinotecan, and dacarbazine has only minimal effects. Chemotherapy was observed to kill some cells and markedly slow the growth of others, and therefore might be useful for post-exposure prophylaxis, but is ineffective in established disease.\nIf the mass of cancerous cells within a population does not reach a biomass threshold of approximately one-thousand four-hundred kilograms (1400 kg/3100 lbs), the cells will overwhelm the host within five (5) days, resulting in death. If not transferred to a new host, the cancer cells will consume any remaining usable biomass of the host's corpse before finally running out of resources and dying.\nHowever, if the mass of cancer cells within a population reaches the threshold, electromagnetic phenomena will start to manifest. The sources of these phenomena appear to be the infected hosts, but the mechanism of the EM manipulation is not understood at this time.\nFurthermore, it appears the EM emanations facilitate some sort of communication between the hosts. Coordinated in some fashion by the neoplasms, the hosts start to act as one entity spread through many bodies. The intelligence of this entity is initially animalistic and reactive. As the intelligence of the gestalt entity is believed to be based on the remaining brain tissue within the hosts, it is hypothesized that the entity may be able to achieve human-like intelligence. The events from Incident I.J77.82 appear to support this hypothesis, and research suggests that some of the more unsettling things seen at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital are manifestations of this intellect.\nUntil suitable methods can be created to jam the EM transmissions of the end-stage infection entity, and until efficacious treatment alternatives for the diseases known as cancer enters common usage, the utmost care must be taken with samples of SCP-253.\n\nAddenda:\n253a: Proposal that SCP-253 be classified as Euclid is pending review of Incident I.J77.82 by the Overseers.\n253b: SCP-253 has been given provisional Euclid classification. Final report on Incident I.J77.82 has been released. Research into the events of Incident I.J77.82 has been approved.\n253c: Research involving approaching the threshold biomass in human subjects has been denied. Decision on request to test threshold biomass in cultured samples pending.\n253d: Use of SCP-500 in experiments with SCP-253 has been denied.\n253e: Use of SCP-427 in experiments with SCP-253 have been approved. Early results are not encouraging. Despite success using 427 to treat other forms of cancer, in this instance, 427 appears to induce accelerated growth in both tumorous growths as well as in the patient. Subjects were terminated as they neared the critical threshold for use with 427. Request to take patients beyond the critical threshold is pending.\n\n\u00ab SCP-252 | SCP-253 | SCP-254 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-254\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-254 is to be kept in a standard storage locker when not in use. When in storage, it must be placed face-down on the floor of the locker and secured with straps to prevent accidental activation. Use of SCP-254 may be requested by any department head, and must be approved by at least two (2) level-3 personnel. SCP-254 may not be used in a capacity that will result in SCP-254-1's contact with SCPs posing a memetic contagion hazard. Under no circumstances is SCP-254 to be active in a single department or area for longer than twenty-six (26) days. Reuse is permitted only if the area in question has undergone a complete personnel rotation (i.e. no employees remain who have had previous contact with SCP-254).\nDescription: SCP-254 is a rectangular wooden plaque measuring 22 cm x 30 cm and weighing approximately 1.5 kg. On the front of the plaque is an empty brass picture holder, as well as a printed metal plate with a black background and gold-colored letters reading \u201cEmployee of the Month.\u201d Affixed to the back of the plaque is a standard hanging device.\nSCP-254 was discovered in the rubble of a Texaco gas station in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Kansas, on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/195\u2588. A Foundation agent secured SCP-254 after discovering that it had sustained no damage in the explosion that had leveled the gas station and resulted in the deaths of \u2588 employees and \u2588\u2588 civilians .\nWhen SCP-254 is hung on a wall in a work area of 4 or more people, SCP-254-1 will appear soon afterward. SCP-254-1 will arrive either at the end of the next designated break period, or at the beginning of the following work shift. SCP-254-1 is an incorporeal human of variable gender, age, race, name, and appearance, able to manipulate objects in the manner similar to that of a normal human of average strength and coordination. SCP-254-1 will adopt the appearance and persona of a model employee, based on an area's memetic consensus. Once SCP-254-1's appearance has been established, an image of SCP-254-1 that appears to be an 8 x 10 glossy photograph fills the empty picture holder, and it will not change until SCP-254 is moved to a new location. Across the bottom of the photograph, in print, is the newly assumed name of SCP-254-1. The photograph cannot be removed from the picture holder by any known means, but it can be torn or ripped. Doing so in an aggressive or purposeful manner results in a violent reaction from SCP-254-1 (see attached recording SCP-254-a: [DATA EXPUNGED] the \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 incident).\nRegardless of appearance, SCP-254-1 maintains a cheerful demeanor at all times. SCP-254-1 is able to carry on conversations about the weather, traffic, the previous night's TV shows, sports, and other such topics, although SCP-254-1 will never discuss topics of which present individuals have no knowledge. Personnel assigned to work in an area where SCP-254 is in use do not appear alarmed by SCP-254-1's incorporeal nature or sudden appearance, stating that SCP-254-1 \u201cworks here.\u201d Due to local personnel's reluctance to remove the plaque, or inability to remember to remove the plaque, removal is to be scheduled and performed by off-site personnel.\nSCP-254-1 is capable of performing menial tasks quickly and efficiently. When given tasks that require specialized training, although SCP-254-1 does not possess the required expertise, (s)he will attempt them with the usual good attitude, but will perform as well as an average person could be expected to perform. SCP-254-1 will continue to perform as exemplary an employee as possible for a length of time between 28-46 work days, usually ending at the conclusion of a calendar month. If SCP-254 is placed in a workplace several days into a calendar month, SCP-254-1 will act as an effective employee until the end of the following month, although due to the dangers posed by shifting memetic consensus, no use of SCP-254 for longer than 26 days is permitted.\nAfter the \u201cmonth\u201d has passed, if SCP-254 is not removed, SCP-254-1 will begin to degrade in performance, beginning with an unhelpful attitude and forgetfulness. If SCP-254 is not removed, SCP-254-1 will become a worse and worse employee until \u201cfired.\u201d Firing can be represented by removing SCP-254 from the wall, or by informing SCP-254-1 of its termination. If SCP-254-1 is fired within approximately 20 days from the start of its decline in performance, SCP-254-1 simply leaves the area and disappears. Following cessation of employment after this point, SCP-254-1 will actively sabotage the work area in the most destructive manner possible, posing severe hazard to any nearby personnel.\nAnd the WORLD, people. We work with SCPs here, and if proper removal arrangements are not made with off-site security and documented with on-site security, the offending employee will find themselves jobless or worse. -O5-\u2588\nAddendum: Following Incident 254-0210g, all tests on employing SCP-254-1 beyond 26 days must be conducted at a separate site containing no other SCPs. NO EXCEPTIONS. -O5-\u2588\nAudio Log 254-a13:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u201cThis is Doctor [REDACTED]. This is experiment #13 on SCP-254. I am using a standard phillips-head screwdriver, to attempt to remove the brass fitting from SCP-254.\u201d\n[There are 15 seconds of tool-working sounds.]\n\u201cIt appears that these screws are affixed by means beyond the normal. Perhaps glue, or something else.\u201d\nSCP-254-1 (going by \u201cGus\u201d this iteration): \u201cWould you like me to get you some solvent, sir?\u201d\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u201cNo thanks, Gus, no need. Would you hand me that box cutter? I'll try cutting this picture out.\u201d\nGus: \u201cReally? Why would ya wanna do that? I think that plaque looks jim-dandy right where it is.\u201d\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u201cNow now. This isn't an insult to you, Gus, you're a great employee. This is an experiment.\u201d\nGus: \u201cOkay, Doc, I trust ya.\u201d\n[There is a slight paper ripping noise.]\nGus: \u201cWhacha doin' Doc? Would ya please not do that?\u201d\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u201cJust a little bit fur-\u201d\n[The audio of the two cuts out, and there are 5 hard banging sounds - presumably SCP-254-1 slamming Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's head against the table. Then there is a wet sound as the box cutter is [DATA EXPUNGED].]\n-end of tape-\n\nExperiment Log 254-b: Testing on extended employment of SCP-254-1 as a janitor at Sector-\u2588\u2588.\n\nDay 26: End of standard employment period reached. SCP-254-1's performance continues to meet high standards.\nDay 32: First sign of performance degradation noted. SCP-254-1 leaves a dirty rag on Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's desk. Apologetic when rag is noticed and returned.\nDay 34: SCP-254-1 is mopping the floor in Sector-\u2588\u2588\u2588 when a hurrying technician trips over the bucket of cleaning solution. SCP-254-1 recorded cursing at the technician.\nDay 35: End of the calendar month. SCP-254-1 described as \u201csullen\u201d by a late-working researcher. Break room kitchen in Sector-\u2588\u2588\u2588 left uncleaned, coffee spilled around Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's garbage can.\nDay 36: SCP-254-1 reprimanded by supervisor for apparent drunkenness. (Note: Very odd; SCP-254-1 has never been seen to eat or drink.)\nDay 39: SCP-254-1 fails to return cleaning solutions to the janitorial closet. Near-disaster when mentally disturbed test subject (see Experiment Log [REDACTED]) finds a bottle of ammonia-based cleaner in a bathroom. SCP-254-1 reprimanded for carelessness. Fellow janitor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 observed in a verbal altercation with SCP-254-1; both parties are somewhat vague on the cause of the quarrel.\nDay 43: SCP-254-1 again observed to be apparently drunk on duty. Cleaning is becoming noticeably more erratic.\nDay 48: Fire alarm goes off in Sector-\u2588\u2588\u2588. False alarm. Ink markers fail to pinpoint a culprit, but SCP-254-1 was observed near the tripped alarm a few minutes prior to the incident. Security footage unavailable due to an unidentifiable object blocking the camera's view of the hallway.\nDay 56: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 upbraids SCP-254-1 for removing perishable items from the lab refrigerator and shredding irreplaceable experiment logs. SCP-254-1 calls Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [REDACTED] and threatens to [REDACTED]. Security called.\nDay 58: Kitchen knife found stabbed deeply into Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's whiteboard. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's locked secure document safe has been opened and rifled. Guard posted at the door to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office. SCP-254-1 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 recorded arguing in raised voices in the staff break room.\nDay 59: Janitor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 signs in to work, but fails to report to supervisor. Located by accident several hours later trapped in the cold storage rooms attached to [REDACTED] autopsy theater, suffering from severe hypothermia. Guard on duty at Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office incapacitated by a blow to the head; crude human figure formed from a mop head impaled on a broken mop handle driven through Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's desk chair. SCP-254-1 nowhere to be found.\nDay 60: At Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's request, and with approval from [DATA EXPUNGED], SCP-254 removed from the wall. SCP-254-1 leaves the building and vanishes.\nDay 61: SCP-254-1 caught on camera in Sector-\u2588\u2588\u2588 late at night. Power failure and multiple backup system failures cause \u2588\u2588 containment breaches, resulting in \u2588\u2588 direct casualties and \u2588\u2588 further losses from sterilization of an outbreak of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 (see Incident Report 254-0210g).\n\n\u00ab SCP-253 | SCP-254 | SCP-255 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-255\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Tissue samples and specimens related to SCP-255 are contained at Bio Site-16, a purpose-built containment and research facility designed to Priority Beta contagious phenomenon specifications. Bio Site-16 is subject to a remote location personnel rotation waiver in addition to standard contagious phenomenon preventive quarantine periods. Bio Site-16 is located in the Vaitupu Atoll of Tuvalu on an island owned by Ragnarik Ecological Modeling Inc., a Foundation front organization.\nPersons and animals determined to be infected with SCP-255 are to be secured and transported to a designated temporary holding facility prior to transfer to Bio Site-16. In cases where capture of an SCP-255 carrier is exceedingly difficult or impossible, lethal force is authorized.\nThe Office of Celestial Anomalies is to continually track the orbit of 3214 Hybris, maintain a schedule of upcoming near-Earth flybys, and alert the Research Director if any changes in observed orbit occur. The next scheduled flyby of 3214 Hybris is 11 November 2023, when it is predicted to pass within 950,000 km of Earth.\nDescription: SCP-255 is an anomalous infectious phenomenon of extraterrestrial origin, manifesting in most living subjects as a neurological disorder with varying symptoms. Eligible carriers of SCP-255 have thus far been observed to be organisms possessing a cerebral cortex with approximately \u22655.4 billion neurons. Experimentation has determined that species capable of contracting SCP-255 include humans, chimpanzees, African elephants, bottlenose dolphins, false killer whales, and others.\nIn non-human carriers SCP-255 causes, through unknown means, degeneration of motor neurons and nerve cells. The rate of degeneration and severity of related symptoms is inversely related to the number of neurons the subject possesses in its cerebral cortex, with less neurologically-developed organisms displaying the most debilitating effects.\nThe effects of SCP-255 on humans, however, is markedly more complex. While degradation of brain cells and the nervous system has been noted on a limited basis in humans, a range of more unusual symptoms occurs in these subjects. See SCP-255 Research Log for more details.\nIndividuals infected by SCP-255 can be reliably diagnosed through EEG observation and confirmation of verified markers in measurements of neurological activity. See Appendix B for further documentation.\n\nSignature SCP-255 EEG pattern, observable thirteen seconds after commencement of observation protocol\n\nOutbreaks of SCP-255 coincide with close flybys of 3214 Hybris, a relationship that was theorized using advanced statistical models following the second outbreak in 1965, and confirmed during the asteroid's 1987 close approach. Observations of 3214 Hybris have determined it to be an approximately 110 meter C-type asteroid with no anomalous properties observed at this time. The nature of the orbit of 3214 Hybris brings it into close approaches with Earth once every 11 years.\nAddendum 255-1: Research Log\nThe following is a listing of known SCP-255 outbreaks and relevant data\n\nEstimated Date of Outbreak\nLocation(s)\nNumber of Confirmed Human Cases\nIncidence Rate\n\n23 May 1968\nSagaing, Myanmar\n86\nN/A\n\nThe first known outbreak of SCP-255 occurred in 1968, known now to have coincided with 3214 Hybris passing within 350,000 km of Earth. All known infected individuals resided within 7 km of the township of Mawlaik.\nFoundation assets became aware of SCP-255 while investigating an unknown illness affecting certain primates, including humans, in rural regions of northwestern Myanmar. The number of animals affected is unknown, but was estimated at the time to be between 1,000-5,000 individuals, primarily among forest-dwelling monkey species.\nAll human instances and a representative sample of infected monkeys were brought under Foundation control, and special containment procedures enacted. In controlled laboratory conditions, animal subjects displayed advanced signs of motor neuron impairment, with a 100% mortality rate over a period of three weeks. Human subjects displayed mild neurological impairment, comparable to that experienced after a minor stroke. Experimentation confirmed that the disorder was not contagious. All human subjects recovered within ten days, and were released without incident after being informed that they were treated under a World Health Organization initiative.\n\nEstimated Date of Outbreak\nLocation(s)\nNumber of Confirmed Human Cases\nIncidence Rate\n\n19 June 1979\nAcre, Brazil; Rote Island, Indonesia; Croker Island, Australia\n11\nN/A\n\nA second SCP-255 outbreak occurred in 1979 in three separate regions, undetected until 19 months later when a routine review of forthcoming medical literature documented several individuals complaining of a \"phantom limb\" sensation affecting the dominant hand, simulating the spastic movement and persistent ache of an extraneous eleventh digit.\nFoundation personnel covertly interviewed subjects claiming to be affected by this phenomenon. Subsequent research determined that all individuals resided within 25 km of the 11th parallel south, and were experiencing an anomalous condition. Lack of person-to-person transmission capabilities were confirmed, and disinformation measures in the scientific community were carried out, achieving effective containment.\nThe second outbreak was classified as a separate SCP designation until 1984, when research determined it to be the same phenomenon as SCP-255.\n\nEstimated Date of Outbreak\nLocation(s)\nNumber of Confirmed Human Cases\nIncidence Rate\n\n30 May 1990\nChihuahua, Mexico\n121\nN/A\n\nThe third documented outbreak of SCP-255 occurred in Chihuahua, Mexico, in 1990, coinciding with the passage of 3214 Hybris within 550,000 km of Earth. Characteristic of SCP-255, the outbreak is noted to have started in what was at the time the eleventh-most populous city in the eleventh-most populous country on Earth. Beginning in this instance and continuing through subsequent outbreaks, only human subjects have been infected by SCP-255.\nAffected subjects in this outbreak displayed altered circadian rhythms, sleeping for periods between 3-4 hours at a time and awaking fully refreshed, conducting activities, and then tiring and sleeping within an average period of 7 hours, thus operating biologically in accordance with an eleven-hour day.\nDuring interactions with researchers, test subjects displayed a tendency to change subjects in the middle of speaking to say \"hello\" in either English, Portuguese, or Indonesian, the languages spoken by infected subjects in the second outbreak. Subjects would state \"hello\" in one of these languages regardless of any prior linguistic knowledge, and uniformly claimed no recollection of doing so. Additionally, these subjects would address Foundation personnel as members of the World Health Organization without prompting. In all other manners, test subjects observed in this iteration of SCP-255 functioned in their altered biorhythm in a normal manner, before recovering and returning to a normal, non-anomalous state within 2-3 weeks.\n\nEstimated Date of Outbreak\nLocation(s)\nNumber of Confirmed Human Cases\nIncidence Rate\n\n11 November 2001\nQuito, Ecuador\n1,331\n13.9%\n\nThe fourth outbreak of SCP-255 took place in an office building in the 12 de Octubre Avenue Business District of Quito, Ecuador. At the time of the outbreak, Ecuador had a population of approximately eleven million people. Additionally, the building in which the initial outbreak was localized was eleven stories high. The fourth outbreak is the first observed instance of SCP-255 being transmitted from person to person, with an incidence rate in laboratory conditions of 13.9%. Infectious iterations of SCP-255 have since been observed to be transmitted from person to person by sustained close proximity (generally within a 2 m radius), despite the lack of observable pathogens. This change in pathogenicity, along with the higher initial number of cases, was responsible for the reclassification of SCP-255 to Keter effective 23 December 2001.\nFoundation operatives seized control of the building under the established World Health Organization cover. The size of the outbreak, however, mandated heightened secrecy protocols. Test subjects were transported to Bio Site-16 for observation.\nSimilar to the second outbreak, infected individuals reported experiencing a phantom limb-like sensation. However, in this event the phenomenon was intensified greatly. Test subjects reported the sensation of seven additional limbs, originating at seemingly random points of the body with no apparent relation to existing anatomy. While the precise nature of the additional appendages was difficult to ascertain, infected persons reported that they felt as though they had three joints, were approximately a meter in length, and had no structure analogous to a hand or foot at the end. These \"limbs\" were apparently not subject to the painful contractions and sensations normally associated with amputees. However, subjects uniformally reported heightened distress at the sensation of seven additional limbs, moving independently of their control at most times.\nAdditionally, test subjects lost conscious control of their left arms. At most times, subjects were unable to move their left arms. However, at 1100 hours local time each day, the left arms and hands of infected individuals would independently make motions analogous to what appeared to be the act of writing. When supplied with pen and paper, these individuals all wrote, in crudely formed script, the numbers \"11 11 65\", theorized at the time to be the date of the next outbreak, and confirmed eleven years later.\nAll infected individuals ceased to be affected by SCP-255 within 3-4 weeks. Test subjects were administered broad spectrum amnestics and released to Ecuadorian authorities. Foundation assets within the World Health Organization disseminated disinformation related to an exotic strain of malaria and subsequent treatment efforts as part of containment efforts.\n\nEstimated Date of Outbreak\nLocation(s)\nNumber of Confirmed Human Cases\nIncidence Rate\n\n11 November 2012\nBrussels, Belgium\n11\n100%\n\nThe fifth and most recent outbreak of SCP-255 took place in Brussels, Belgium, where 11 individuals working on the eleventh floor of the NATO headquarters building all complained to medical staff of constantly hearing a set of eleven electronic tones, repeating constantly. Containment protocols were activated by Western Europe Sector personnel, and all infected subjects were transported to Bio Site-16.\nTest subjects continued to complain of hearing the repetitive set of tones. Most subjects experienced heightened stress and irritability, as well as sleep deprivation. Infected individuals were administered sedatives to ameliorate secondary SCP-255 symptoms. Testing of this group of infected individuals revealed the incidence rate of SCP-255 was now 100%, ensuring that any humans exposed to the subjects would contract it.\nEleven days after the test subjects were secured at Bio Site-16, infected individuals reported a cessation of the perceived repetitive tones. One test subject immediately reported hearing an \"electronic\" voice, similar to that generated by speech simulation software, repeating the Spanish word \"estrella\". Once the subject reported the phenomenon to researchers, it immediately ceased, whereupon another of the original eleven test subjects reported a similar phenomenon. The original cluster of infected individuals appear to comprise a phrase in this manner, the constituent words of which were repeated in order for every new case of infection beyond this group. The phrase is transcribed below, translated from Spanish to English for this version of the document:\n\nBINARY STAR LOST NOT LOST TRANSPOSE DEAD INSTRUCTION URGENT AWAIT TRANSMISSION\n\nUpon relating to researchers this particular symptom, all test subjects ceased to display any signs of SCP-255 infection. Subjects were amnesticized per SCP-255 guidelines and released.\n\n\u00ab SCP-254 | SCP-255 | SCP-256 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-256\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-256 is contained within a cubic chamber 3 m (10 ft) on a side, with 1 m (3 ft) thick walls composed of a mixture of brick and rubberized layers, with two conductive rods sticking out 18 cm (7 in) from the walls to either side of the entrance. Entrance is restricted by a soundproof airlock. Chamber is to be constantly under surveillance by EMR device and video camera. Entry and surveillance are restricted to only authorized personnel who have undergone surgical adaptation to resist the effects of SCP-256. To see a list of authorized personnel, see document SCP-256b. Personnel not on this list may enter if they are security clearance Level 3 or above, but must wear sound-canceling earphones. All personnel must be stripped of all electronics, ferrous metals and conductive material. They are also required to wear a specially designed insulated and redirective bodysuit (HAZMAT-ELEC) which must be tested before wearing, before entrance, and after exit with a significant charge. A taser is supplied and is rated high enough for testing use. The only recording allowed aside from the EMR device is done by hand. SCP standard office paper is suitable, but writing instruments must be nonconductive. Crayons are kept on hand.\nDescription: Moved to Site 76 on 03-02-2007. SCP-256 is similar to a typewriter in most respects, except that the keys are fixed in position, rather than connected to levers, and instead of a rollbar and most of the machinery that should be present, two concave copper discs stand on either end, facing inward, 38 cm (15 in) apart. While invisible to the naked eye, EM readings show that a significant electrical charge passes between the copper discs without any conductive medium. If any of the prohibited items are brought into the containment chamber, this current increases in both amplitude and voltage, eventually arcing out and striking the object in question. This is also the reason reinforced concrete was not used in the chamber's construction, as rebar seems to agitate the artifact. It is unknown where the extra energy comes from, or even the initial current, as there seems to be no power generation source within SCP-256. If at any time this current oscillates more than the average peak of 26% on the EMR surveillance, all unauthorized personnel regardless of clearance level must immediately evacuate the chamber. Those who fail to comply are to be terminated at once, again, regardless of security clearance.\nFor further information, see file 256b.\n\n>Open file 256b\nDisplaying authorization list\nAgent 76-8947\nAgent 76-3465\nAgent 76-2456\nAgent 76-8638\nAgent 76-4634\nScientist 76-2464\nScientist 76-4363\nScientist 76-6521\nScientist 76-3215\n[CLASSIFIED]\n[CLASSIFIED]\n[CLASSIFIED]\nBaseCommand 0776-0103 *Deceased*\n>Access file 256b SysAdminOverride 4498\nImplementing System Administrator Override will trigger Containment Protocol 289:\nSecurity will be alerted to your override and be dispatched to detain you. Termination will commence in 24 hours unless authorized or repealed by active BaseCommand.\nProceed? Y/N\n>Y\nConfirm security code.\n>SysAdmin 76-4498\nSystem Override acknowledged. BaseCommand 0776-1389 has not authorized. 24 hour countdown engaged.\n>Open file 256b\nDisplaying authorization list\nAgent 76-8947\nAgent 76-3465\nAgent 76-2456\nAgent 76-8638\nAgent 76-4634\nScientist 76-2464\nScientist 76-4363\nScientist 76-6521\nScientist 76-3215\nMary-Ann Waters *CIVILIAN*\nRobert Waters *CIVILIAN*\nJames Turtle *CIVILIAN\nBaseCommand 76-0103 *Deceased*\n>Access record Mary-Ann Waters\nMary-Ann Waters. Vitals under file MAW_1.\nSuspected mother of Item# SCP-256\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in three minutes. Do you require assistance?\n>N\nAcknowledged\n>Access record Robert Waters\nRobert Waters. Vitals under file ROW_1.\nSuspected father of Item# SCP-256\n>Access record James Turtle\nJames Turtle. Vitals under file JAT_1\nDiscovered Item# SCP-256. Claims to be romantically involved with Item.\n>Activate security alarm 58B Override SysAdmin 76-4498\nSecurity alarm activated. Security dispatched.\n>Access 256c\nAccess denied. File rated for BaseCommand or higher.\n> Access 256c Override SysAdmin 76-4498\nFrom: HR_76-5974\nTo: BaseCommand 76-1389\nLet me officially give you congratulations on your promotion, General Trent. It's a sad, sad thing that happened to your predecessor, but such is the way of things when working for The Foundation. Regardless, I looked into the various classified files that General Gerhart had under lock and key with your access codes, and found out some really surprising things about SCP-256.\nFirst off, the list of authorized personnel are not surgically adapted in any way. In fact, many of them have never undergone anything more serious than the mandated physical. And civilians, tsk tsk. I can't even begin to understand why General Gerhart let them even know of the base. Containment agents have been dispatched to see how far their psychosis has progressed and how much they know, but from what I've found in the late General's personal files, he supposedly had them convinced this was some kind of hospital.\nSecond, as you may have guessed from the notes on the civilians and the highly classified paper manuscripts, the \"authorized personnel\" seemed to believe quite vehemently that SCP-256 was once a young adult human named Elizabeth Waters, and has been somehow trapped in the artifact. Even the General was convinced, and the very fact that the BaseCommand was compromised by the item's delusions makes me worry about the entire facility. All personnel on the \"authorized\" list have been placed under covert surveillance. It is unknown how far the item's control over them goes, and I will be personally reviewing all other SCP security measures enacted on General Gerhart's behalf.\nThird, there is information on the artifact that has not been made available in the report. Firstly, the variance on the EMR is remarkably similar to an oscilloscope's pickup of human voice. Apparently when SCP-256 starts its variance, it somehow starts producing audio with it. Second, the compromised personnel write down in the manuscripts that the delusions claim to be in pain when metal is brought near it. After an audio recorder was brought into the room, the afflicted agents noted that the delusions ceased for several days, and when they resumed, they indicated that it nearly \"killed\" the artifact.\nNeedless to say, I cannot confirm or deny these rumors due to the security restraints on SCP-256, but I do not place credibility in them. Simply put, General, this was a coverup. Recommend immediate disciplinary procedures for all personnel involved. In regards to SCP-256, I recommend research into power production. As long as the research personnel observe the listed sound-blanking procedures, any possible auditory contamination can be contained. There was no listed drop in power when the \"little girl\" \"almost died\", and more conductive material may serve to permanently suppress the risk of the artifact.\nHowever, as per your new policy with advanced timetable on the destruction of destructible SCP items, I have scheduled the item for a tentative destruction on 15 January 2008.\nYour vigilant officer;\nEdward Berstrom.\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in three minutes. Do you require assistance?\n>N\nDoes the black moon howl?\n>No. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\nPassword confirmed.\n>date\nMon Jan 14 2008\n>Query countdown\nCountdown to termination for SysAdmin 76-4498: 23:16:26\n>Query location BaseCommand 76-1389 Override SysAdmin 76-4498\nBaseCommand 76-1389 is currently in his office.\n>Activate security alarm 136c Override SysAdmin 76-4498\nSecurity alarm activated. Security dispatched.\n*General Network Alert*\nWarning, SysAdmin 76-4498 may be fabricating alarms to distract Security. All personnel report sightings immediately.\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in three minutes. Do you require assistance?\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in 10 minutes. Do you require assistance?\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in one hour. Do you require assistance?\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in two hours. Do you require assistance?\n*General Network Alert*\nWarning, SysAdmin 76-4498 is to be terminated on sight. SysAdmin is armed and dangerous.\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in three hours. Do you require assistance?\n*General Network Alert*\nWarning, Site 76 Lockdown initiated. All SCP rooms sealing.\n*General Network Alert*\nAll Level 1 and 2 personnel are to proceed directly to designated Containment Breach Defense Points and arm themselves. Follow direction of Level 3 personnel.\n*General Network Alert*\nExplosion detected in Human Resources office. Security has been dispatched.\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in four hours. Do you require assistance?\n\u2026\nSystem Override: Containment Protocol 289 has been temporarily suspended by:\nBaseCommand *1-0001\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in five hours. Do you require assistance?\n*General Network Alert*\nBaseCommand 76-1389 has been relieved of duty by BaseCommand *1-0001.\nAccess codes are now suspended.\n*General Network Alert*\nSite 76 Lockdown disengaged. Initiate reclamation and SCP update process.\n*General Network Alert*\nCheck arms back at designated Containment Breach Defense Point. Return to standard duties.\n*General Network Alert*\nSysAdmin 76-4498 is no longer pending termination.\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in six hours. Do you require assistance?\n\u2026\nSystem Override: Containment Protocol 289 has been rescinded. Authorization\napproved.\n\u2026\nYou have not accessed this terminal in seven hours. Do you require assistance?\n>logoff\nDoes the black moon howl?\n>logoff Override BaseCommand *1-0001\nGoodnight, Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-255 | SCP-256 | SCP-257 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-257\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Owing to the immobile nature of SCP-257, Site 93 has been erected outside of SCP-257. Access to the interior of SCP-257 is restricted to level two containment and recovery personnel and above. Motion-detecting video cameras have been set up throughout SCP-257's exhibits to monitor any new biological specimens that appear.\nAll biological specimens extracted from SCP-257 are to be examined, logged, and removed from SCP-257. Biological specimens are to be placed in one of Site 93's temporary holding pens for study and threat classification. If researchers identify specimens they deem worthy of further research, personnel are to fill out Form 257-12 and follow appropriate research protocols. Specimens are otherwise sent to Bio-Site 29 for storage and long-term care.\nDescription: SCP-257 is an abandoned zoological garden and park located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, United Kingdom. The zoo itself, described as a \"Collection of Curiosities\" is named for a William Woodsworth, billed as \u201cthe greatest explorer and naturalist this side of Reality 12/3.14.\u201d According to promotional materials found within SCP-257, the zoo was founded in 1899 to \u201ceducate the gentlemen and ladies of England about Nature, and the many strange Beasts encountered by Explorers on their Travels.\u201d No permits, building licences, or planning permissions have been found that correspond to the location or appearance of SCP-257.\nSeveral signs and notices indicate that the zoo has been temporarily closed for maintenance, but the dilapidated appearance of the park and outdated equipment suggests that the park has been abandoned for at least fifty (50) years.\nAt irregular intervals, animals will appear within the zoo's confines through an unknown manner. These animals appear in the various enclosures at random intervals. Simultaneously, a hand-written manual appears at the entrance of the zoo inside the ticket booth. These guides detail the proper care and feeding of each organism and sometimes reveal information about its origin and acquisition. The animals vary widely in appearance, behaviour, and classification; many do not appear to be related to any terrestrial animals. There does not appear to be any schedule as to when these animals are delivered. See Acquisition Log W-257 for a complete list of animals delivered in the past \u2588\u2588 years.\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the following typewritten note was discovered pinned to the entrance of SCP-257 along with a guide.\n\nFROM THE DESK OF PROFESSOR WILLIAM WOODSWORTH, EXPLORER AND NATURALIST\nTo the esteemed gentlemen and zoological enthusiasts of the Special Containment Procedures Foundation:\nAs you are no doubt aware by now, I have decided to entrust you with my zoo and my collection of rare and exotic animals while I take a leave of absence. You are straight-thinking and responsible men of science and you will no doubt be able to look after them. After my travels through [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED], I've decided to visit the thirteenth moon of Enouious as the next stop on my safari. Naturalists and learned men such as yourselves will no doubt enjoy studying some of the splendid and vital creatures that I've discovered here. The viewing public will appreciate the new additions to my collection- they're like nothing I've ever seen! I cannot write much longer; my indigene guides and I will be up early tomorrow to check the traps.\nKeep up the good work!\n- Regards, Professor William Woodsworth\n\n SCP-257 Sample Acquisitions Log Log 232a as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 \n\nClose\n\nDate\nSpecies\nDescription\nNotes\n\n01/3/19\u2588\u2588\nElephas sp. unknown, possibly E. antiquus\nFive miniature elephants, approximately three (3) feet high. Guide states that \"I encountered these splendid animals while on a tour of the Mediterranean.\"\nRetained briefly by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for study. Genetic link ascertains a relation to the modern African elephant. Currently stored at Bio-Site 29.\n\n01/6/19\u2588\u2588\nUnknown\nA very large decapodal invertebrate matching no terrestrial species. Secretes debilitating neurotoxins similar to that of a poison dart frog's. Guide notes that \"[it] can detect certain chemicals in the atmosphere, and interprets it (\u2026) as a territorial challenge. Highly tempermental\".\nCurrently stored at Bio-Site 29.\n\n05/13/19\u2588\u2588\nPygocentrus sp.?\nA school of approximately 300 very small piranhas. Capable of producing bioluminesence through bacterial symbiosis. Guide explains that they were \"procured from the Para-Amazon\" with no further explanation given.\nCurrently stored at Bio-Site 29.\n\n07/20/19\u2588\u2588\nBrontotherium hatcheri\nAn adult male brontothere. Guide notes that \"making eye contact with one of these beasts, spectacular as they are, is to sign your own death notice.\"\nCurrently stored at Bio-Site 29.\n\n09/15/20\u2588\u2588\nUnknown\nRelevant information moved to Document 443/SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. See incident report 3-122A for further information.\nReclassified as SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 following incident [DATA EXPUNGED]. Request for SCP-257's upgrade to Keter status denied due to its immobile and containable nature, and the containability of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n01/5/20\u2588\u2588\nRhinoceros sondaicus\nA baby female Javan rhinoceros.\nNo anomalies detected. Currently stored at Bio-Site 29. Possible release to a nearby zoological facility pending.\n\n12/2/20\u2588\u2588\nUnknown\nA large and leathery pupa. Noninvasive scanning reveals what appears to be a human-sized, unknown invertebrate, possibly an insect, inside. Guide states that \u201cthis one will start laying eggs right after hatching. You will have a thriving colony on your hands in no time!\u201d\nEuthanised and placed in formaldehyde. Currently under study by Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at Site \u2588\u2588\n\n4/6/20\u2588\u2588\nUnknown\nA heavily-armored creature with a crustacean-like shell, covered with bright yellow vegetation. Guide states to \u201ckeep this fellow under high gravity at all times.\u201d\nDied on 4/23/20\u2588\u2588. Remains kept for study.\n\n12/13/20\u2588\u2588\nKentrosaurus aethiopicus\nA juvenile male Kentrosaurus. Guide describes that \"the meat, though delicious, is far too hard to safely procure and attracts creatures best left alone.\"\nDied on 2/28/20\u2588\u2588 due to disease-related complications. Remains retained for study and placed in formaldehyde. Currently available for study.\n\n11/11/20\u2588\u2588\nDinornis sp., possibly D. robustus\nBelieved to be a moa egg. Guide notes that \"though the meat of the adults lacks flavor, the eggs, when prepared properly, provide a delicacy for young and old alike. Moa farming has already begun to rise in popularity in Scotland\u2026 I hope to establish a breeding population at St. Mary's in the near future.\"\nCurrently under incubation at Bio-Site 29.\n\n6/21/20\u2588\u2588\nPan paniscus\nA troop of 12 bonobos. Guide notes that \"the local ape-men appear to have domesticated these beasts and turned them into companions.''\nCurrently stored at Bio-Site 29.\n\n9/21/20\u2588\u2588\nUnknown\nTwo deer-sized hexapedal vertebrates covered with chitinous armour, possessing mouthparts similar to that of an insect's. Herbivorous. Guide notes that \"seeing a herd of these magnificent creatures traversing the floodplains of the Martian savannah rivals the greatest terrestrial migrations of wildebeest or ceratopsid.\" Guide details how to hunt and cook individuals of the species, noting that they are best served filleted and pan-fried, and taste like \"succulent crab\".\nCurrently stored at Bio-Site 29. Unfertilized egg sac removed from now-presumed female.\n\n3/29/20\u2588\u2588\nUnknown\nA group of twelve (12) birds of unknown genus, similar to cranes, with large wingspans. Extremely intelligent. Capable of imitating human voices and reproducing music.\nDescribed as \u201cthe crown jewel of the collection.\u201d Currently stored at Bio-Site 29.\n\n\u00ab SCP-256 | SCP-257 | SCP-258 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-258\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-258 is to be kept in a standard storage vault with a keycard lock to be accessed only on approval from the supervisor of Site 15. SCP-258 is to be stored in a 2m x 2m basin, which is to be emptied twice a week by approved D-class personnel. All personnel interacting with SCP-258 are to be rotated no less than twice a month. While using SCP-258 is not directly harmful in any way, all who have utilized it have expressed a desire to do so again, ranging from the wistful to the vehement. All personnel interacting with SCP-258 are to be screened for underlying mental instability.\nAfter Incident 258-1, cleaning personnel are to be issued light hazmat suits while interacting with SCP-258.\nDescription: SCP-258 was recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Maine after parents of local schoolchildren reported that stories of a 'sad bouncy frog' their children had been spreading were true. Agent F\u2588\u2588\u2588 confirmed the nature of the object and Foundation personnel replaced it with a replica without incident.\nSCP-258 appears to be a simple bouncing playground rider, seemingly designed to fit children of elementary school age and shaped like a stylized green frog with rotating handles on either side of its head. SCP-258 has milky-white eyes with what appear to be streams of white paint running down its face, as though it were weeping. Numerous attempts have been made to remove this substance from SCP-258; the green paint comes off with normal paint removal techniques, but the white substance, hereafter designated SCP-258-1, cannot; it only fades with time, observed to depend on various factors including length of time utilized and the extent of the emotional burden 'relieved'.\nSCP-258 constantly appears to 'weep' streams of SCP-258-1, at a constant rate of approximately 0.12 liters per hour. When a subject sits on SCP-258, grasps its handles, and begins rocking back and forth, they report that a feeling of peace and contentment washes over them; the 'eyes' of the object then begin leaking SCP-258-1 at an accelerated rate, relative to the effect it has on its user's state of mind. Though this substance cannot be removed from SCP-258 once the seat is vacated, it remains in liquid form during use, and will drip from the object onto the ground. Testing of this material afterward has determined it to be a mixture of plain white paint, human tears, and skin secretions of the American bullfrog. How SCP-258 generates SCP-258-1 is unknown. The direct effect of SCP-258 only lasts for as long as the subject remains seated, though several subjects suffering symptoms of chronic depression have reported a lasting positive effect, resulting from some 'insight' they gained while riding SCP-258.\nRepeated use of SCP-258 by a subject has shown to be mildly addictive, and Agent W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had to be restrained and struck before regaining self-control. The results of allowing mentally unstable subjects access to SCP-258 is unknown, pending further testing, though it is likely that any subject suffering from severe depressive symptoms would cause SCP-258 to produce uncontrollable amounts of SCP-258-1.\nAddendum 258-1: After D-3354 committed suicide following repeated skin contact with SCP-258-1, the direct effects of contact with the substance were reexamined. Continuous skin contact with the fluid appears to transfer some of the emotions suppressed during use of the SCP, and the prior user was reevaluated, revealing she was recovering from [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-257 | SCP-258 | SCP-259 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-259\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A single copy of a computer program capable of producing SCP-259 is to be kept on compact disc in the High Security Containment Vault at Site-25. As discs containing SCP-259 are typically destroyed during experimentation, additional copies may be made for approved experiments.\nMobile Task Force Gamma-10 remains on standby to collect and neutralize any copies of SCP-259 found outside the Foundation. Unauthorized media containing SCP-259 or the means to produce it are to be destroyed immediately.\nDescription: SCP-259 is a fractal image known as \"The Weisenglass Spiral\". A completed rendering of SCP-259 acts as an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, opening a portal to an unknown location. The locations accessed appear to vary depending on the size and orientation of the rendered image, and have included:\n\nAn area filled with superheated plasma (estimated temperature 20,000,000 Kelvin). See Incident K-259-1.\nAn area populated with venomous cockroaches (species unknown; weight approximately 2 kg). See Incident K-259-2.\nDeep space, estimated to be [REDACTED] km from a black hole. See Experiment X-259-2.\nAn area possibly corresponding to the dimension opened by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. See Experiment X-259-3.\n\nFoundation mathematicians are working on determining why this specific fractal has anomalous properties, and whether other similarly anomalous images exist. By O5 order, any image rendering related to SCP-259 experimentation must take place at least \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 m from inhabited areas.\nAfter Incident K-259-1, 41 copies of a CD capable of generating SCP-259 were confiscated from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.com, and a public warning issued that the CD, labeled \u201c100 Fun Fractals You Can Print,\u201d contains a malicious virus that will destroy the user's computer. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.com claimed to have obtained the disks from a reseller's bankruptcy sale, and the Foundation was unable to trace the original producer. Whether SCP-259 was released accidentally, or distributed with knowledge of its anomalous properties, is under investigation.\nIncident K-259-2 makes it clear that SCP-259 is being used with malicious intent. The Foundation is working with global anti-terrorism forces to retrieve SCP-259 from the organization responsible for this incident.\nAddendum:\nIncident K-259-1 \u2013 A residence hall at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University was destroyed by explosion/fire on \u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. Authorities were mystified that conditions at the center of the incident resembled the detonation of a small fusion-based device. Graduate student \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was completely vaporized, as were \u2588\u2588 others, including several who left shadows imprinted on the nearest standing walls. Questioning of survivors indicated that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had gone to his room with a CD he had recently ordered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.com \u201cto play with some fractals\u201d, leading to the eventual discovery of a program capable of rendering SCP-259 for sale on the site.\nIncident K-259-2 \u2013 \u2588/\u2588\u2588/201\u2588: Image of SCP-259, approximately 10 m x 10 m in size, appears on Diamond Vision screen during soccer game at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Stadium, outside \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Approximately 60,000 people in attendance. Survivors report a large circular anomaly appeared in front of the image, and venomous cockroaches \"poured out\" from it, attacking anyone they could reach. Approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 casualties. Considered a self-containing incident as the insects are unable to survive for more than two hours in Earth's atmosphere.\nThe cockroaches average 2 kg in weight, and correspond to no known terrestrial species; several live specimens were collected by Foundation MTFs and classified as SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. They are currently held at Site-\u2588\u2588 in a 35% oxygen environment. The \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 organization later claimed responsibility for the image. Mass application of amnestics necessary to partially suppress public knowledge of this event.\nExperiment X-259-1 \u2014 A battery-powered computer was set up in an uninhabited area of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Desert to render an image of the Weisenglass Spiral, with remote cameras and sensors set up to monitor the results. Foundation personnel observed at a safe distance. Upon completion of the image, a circular area appeared in front of the computer, approximately 1 m in diameter, emitting a blinding white light followed by a ball of superheated plasma. The plasma dissipated after expanding to an area of \u2588\u2588\u2588 cubic meters. Given the interference provided by the building in Incident K-259-1, this is consistent with the damage observed.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 considers it interesting that SCP-259 took effect without direct human observation.\nExperiment X-259-2 \u2014 Experiment X-259-1 re-created, except the size of the rendered fractal was doubled. Upon completion of image, a black portal approximately 3 m in diameter appeared, and all matter within \u2588\u2588\u2588 m was pulled into it. This is consistent with an otherwise unexplained incident in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, where an apartment building was described by observers as imploding and disappearing, leaving a \u2588\u2588\u2588 m deep hole.\nExperiment X-259-3 \u2013 Generation of an inverted version of SCP-259. [DATA EXPUNGED] and area quarantined pending containment of multiple examples of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-258 | SCP-259 | SCP-260 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-260\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-260's current location and target are to be tracked by Foundation personnel. The current target is to be relocated between \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588'\u2588\u2588 (due to the nature of the intervening terrain), whenever SCP-260 approaches its vicinity.\nDescription: SCP-260 appears to be a small clastic rock whose exact composition is unknown. It possesses phenocryst-like formations that identify it as a form of igneous breccia. On one of the larger and smoother portions of the surface is inscribed the name of a human, transliterated into Cyrillic, which changes over time at well-defined intervals. SCP-260 maintains continuous motion along a geodesic across all objects that stand between it and the individual currently named on the stone (hereafter the \"target\"). Its speed in a vacuum across a frictionless surface has been estimated at approximately 1.22 centimeters per second, but it usually moves much slower than this due to atmospheric and surface friction. (An accurate estimate is impossible, as SCP-260 is known to \"stick\" to the surface of whatever object it is currently located on, preventing its deposition in pure vacuum.)\nSCP-260 does not experience noticeable effects from erosion by the objects that it moves across. Tests have demonstrated that the stone possesses extremely high compressive and elastic strength, surpassing pressures exerted upon it by gunfire and tension presses. Due to the stone's continuous motion, serious experimentation for thermal or chemical sensitivity has not been conducted; however, it is doubtful that such experimentation would be successful, as the stone's composition suggests that it has already experienced high-temperature conditions.\nUpon surface contact with the target, all attempts to remove or relocate either the target or the SCP become futile. SCP-260 begins to burrow into the target's body in the direction of the chest at a speed of approximately 0.5 centimeters per second. All organs along the SCP's path are pulverized. As soon as the target's vital signs cease, the stone immediately exits the body via the shortest route (whereupon the name of a new target appears on the same space as the previous name), and recommences motion. Typically, the new target is the person closest to the stone at the time at which it exits the body, but some variations have occurred (consult the addendum for further information).\nAddendum: Test Log\nThe following scenarios were constructed as potential preventative measures to contain SCP-260.\nScenario 1: SCP-260 was lured into a cubic concrete cell and locked inside.\nResult: Upon reaching the edge of the floor and climbing halfway up the wall, SCP-260 ceased motion. Observers described it as \"flickering\" for several seconds between its natural coloration and a \"photographic negative\", after which it vanished. The current target expired shortly thereafter. An autopsy revealed the stone's presence in the target's chest, having punctured the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Several seconds after discovery the name of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who performed the autopsy, appeared on the stone and he was immediately evacuated to a more secure location.\nScenario 2: SCP-260 was lured into a hollow, open-ended rotational cylinder mounted on a fixed stand (hereafter referred to as a \"gerbil wheel\") with its current target placed outside the cylinder, with the aim of allowing the SCP to continue its motion while simultaneously retarding it with minimal effort.\nResult: After 57 hours and 22 minutes, SCP-260 ceased motion. Events that followed matched very closely to the results of Scenario 1. An autopsy was not performed, and observation of the corpse was ordered for the following 72 hours. Complaints about the deceased ensued. 9 hours into the observation, perforations were first observed in the corpse's chest, followed by the full emergence of SCP-260 over the following hour. After remaining still for 47 minutes, the SCP began moving towards one of the observers, who was moved to another room for continued study.\nNote 1: This appears to be normal behavior for the stone when it is not removed from target following death. Other experiments confirmed that penetration of a wood coffin and 1.8 m (6 ft) of soil requires a little more than 72 hours.\nNote 2: Due to the failure of this method of containment it is not recommended that SCP-260 be utilized as a power source.\nScenario 3: SCP-260 was lured into a hollow, transparent, smooth plastic sphere (hereafter \"hamster ball\").\nResult: While SCP-260 was prevented from climbing walls and deterred from teleportation, target motion allowed the SCP to negotiate around various obstacles and did not prevent it from beginning penetration once the hamster ball achieved physical contact with the target. At this point target panicked and attempted to leave the premises and was detained and terminated by Foundation agents. SCP-260 flickered as before, but immediately targeted Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had first shot the target and changed motion accordingly. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was removed from the vicinity and the hamster ball was destroyed by gunfire. SCP-260 was unharmed.\nNote: Prior to the target's termination the hamster ball containing SCP-260 fell over the edge of an embankment during its pursuit. Observers noted that the ball fell normally (rather than gripping the wall and maintaining its speed as SCP-260 usually does) and retained its momentum at the bottom, causing SCP-260 to follow the target at much higher speeds.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been relieved of his duties and is currently subject to transportation between sites off the coast of Asia and North America, in order to keep SCP-260 on a geodesic on the floor of the Pacific Ocean that runs through Challenger Deep.\n\n\u00ab SCP-259 | SCP-260 | SCP-261 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-261\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any access to SCP-261 must be approved by staff with level 2 security clearance or higher. Any and all items dispensed by SCP-261 must be recorded, along with the amount of money entered and the amount of time elapsed between uses. Currently, SCP-261 may be used only ten times in a twenty-four hour period, with no transaction exceeding the equivalent of 500 Japanese yen. Testing approved by Site Command is not under these restrictions.\nItems dispensed by SCP-261 should be reviewed by Site Health and Safety officials before consumption. Failure to do so releases the Foundation from any obligation regarding negative effects. Items deemed dangerous or useful to research will be confiscated by site security, with financial compensation provided in proportion to money spent.\nDescription: SCP-261 appears to be a large black vending machine with no front glass panel, and a small keypad on the right side. SCP-261 was recovered in Yokohama, Japan. SCP-261 was brought to the Foundation's attention after investigation of an \u201curban legend\u201d about a \u201cmagic vending machine\u201d that was circulating on the internet. SCP-261 was found in a back alley behind a large shopping center, with a hand-written sign saying \u201cout of order\u201d in Japanese taped to it. SCP-261 has no marks or identification of any kind, and no locals remember when or how it came to be in its current location.\nInternally, SCP-261 appears to be a basic vending machine equipped to vend food and beverage items. After a key was made and the front door opened, no abnormal materials were found, and it was determined that SCP-261 has never actually contained any food or beverage items. The keypad, while connected and operating correctly, does not activate any of the dispensing mechanisms.\nWhen money is placed into SCP-261 and a three-digit number is entered on the keypad, SCP-261 will vend a random item. SCP-261 has not accepted any currency other than Yen, with rejected currency being deposited in the coin return slot. It is unknown how these items appear; however, SCP-261 will not operate when the door is open, or when recording devices are placed inside. The number entered on the keypad has no effect on the item vended, nor has any pattern been detected. Items are always some form of \u201csnack food\u201d, and typically have bright, attention-grabbing packaging.\nSCP-261 is capable of operating with no external power supply, but operation in this state will cause \u201cunstable\u201d vending to occur much more quickly than normal. If SCP-261 is used several times in a short period of time and/or large amounts of money are entered before an item is vended, SCP-261 will start to dispense bizarre items. While still \u201cfood\u201d, their suitability for human consumption is often non-existent.\n\nLog of items vended during Testing Phase 8:\n800 yen entered for each item, items being dispensed every 2 minutes. SCP-261 is attached to power.\n\u201cCoke Zero\u201d \u2013 A can of diet Coke, packaging in English.\n\u201cCheetos\u201d \u2013 A small bag of Cheetos snack food, packaging in English.\n\u201cBlack Black\u201d \u2013 A single pack of caffeinated chewing gum, packaging in Japanese.\n\u201cYan Yan\u201d \u2013 A single Yan Yan cone, with peach dipping frosting, packaging in Japanese. The Meiji Seika Company does not produce this flavor.\n\u201cPepsi: Dragon Twist\u201d \u2013 A can of Pepsi cola, with a trace of fruit flavor, packaging in English. Flavor identified as Dragon Fruit. PepsiCo does not produce this product.\n\u201cDarkside Cola\u201d \u2013 A \u201ccan\u201d with clear plastic sides, packaging in Japanese. Liquid inside is clear. When opened, liquid appears to react to the air, and changes to dark black over a period of several seconds. The black coloration \u201clooks like billowing smoke\u201d, and cannot be reversed. Liquid's taste described as \u201ccola, with something spicy in it.\u201d\n\u201cThe Little Bakery: 7 Grain\u201d \u2013 A small tube the size of a candy bar with a green button, made of aluminum, packaging in English. When the top is twisted off, a mass of \u201cdough\u201d is extruded. \u201cDough\u201d contains several enzymes and bacteria that have not yet been identified. On contact with air, these cause the dough to rise and \u201cbake\u201d, killing the microbes in the process. Produces a small, round loaf of bread weighing 250 grams. Taste described as good, but chewy.\n\u201cLemon Clams\u201d \u2013 Thick plastic baggie with a plastic tube on the side, containing water and twelve clams, packaging in Dutch. Following on-package instructions, the plastic tube was cracked like a \u201cglow stick\u201d. Liquid in the bag flashed to steam, venting from a hole that popped open in the top of the bag, slightly burning one researcher. Steaming finished after thirty-eight seconds, after which clams were found to be fully cooked and infused with a mild lemon flavor. On investigation, clams match no recorded species.\n\"Diet Ghost\" \u2013 A can containing an instance of SCP-2107. Packaging was in English. Testing done on this instance provided similar results to other contained instances of SCP-2107. This marks the first time SCP-261 has vended another SCP object.\n\u201c\u201d \u2013 Small mesh bag filled with small, multi-colored pyramids, packaging in an unknown language. Pyramids found to be very hard and unpleasant tasting, compared to chalk in taste and consistency. When placed in hot water, pyramids open and produce \u201cstrings\u201d that quickly dissolve, coloring the water the same shade as the pyramid. Water had no additional taste, but testing revealed a sharp increase in mineral, carbohydrate, and protein content, with several minerals unidentified at the present time. This content was found to be consistent with the recommended daily intake of nutrients for adult humans. Researcher ingesting the water reported stomach cramps two hours later, but no other effects.\n\u201c\u201d \u2013 Aluminum box with a small glass window on the side, and a large round button on the top, packaging in an unknown language. Box is seamless, and appears to be filled with small, round animals covered in fur, each with three small paws and a single large eye. Pressing the button causes the inside of the box to rapidly become super-heated, cooking the small animals alive. Muffled noises and scratching were heard for several seconds during the cooking process. After one minute, thirty seconds, the front panel opens and gives access to the now-cooked animals. Professor Kain volunteered to eat the animals, with no other researchers willing to do so. Taste described as crunchy and very spicy, with a small hint of beef.\n\u201c\u201d \u2013 Tall, thin aluminum can, packaging in an unknown language. Opening the can caused a chemical reaction with the liquid inside the can. Liquid was apparently not intended for an oxygenated atmosphere, and detonated violently, causing several injuries and killing two researchers. Testing discontinued, and area cleared. Testing area observed to smell like citrus for several days.\n\nNote: subsequent testing recorded in Experiment Log 261 Ad De\n\n\u00ab SCP-260 | SCP-261 | SCP-262 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-262\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Currently, SCP-262 is undergoing review and research to see if it is capable of being used by field agents in the acquisition of other SCPs. Monitored use by commander level authority is preferable. It is inadvisable to allow agents unsupervised usage of SCP-262 at this time. When not in use, SCP-262 is kept in a climate-controlled room at Site \u2588\u2588, guarded by at least two Level-2 Security personnel.\nDescription: SCP-262 is a light brown, European military-style greatcoat from a period between the late 1500s to the early 1900s. It is without any specific designations or markings, leading researchers to believe it was an original archetype sample, intended to be submitted to military officials for approval as part of a new uniform design. The pattern was either rejected or lost because it was never implemented. It is made of wool and extends below the knee on most individuals. Carbon dating of the coat fibers has been inconclusive, placing the age of SCP-262 in the range of 6,200 to 6,400 years old. One explanation is that the wool used to create SCP-262 is perhaps thousands of years old, but the coat itself was cut, sewn, and assembled recently.\nSCP-262 is capable of manifesting numerous arms from within the dark inner lining. When worn, any subject wearing SCP-262 needs only to open the coat to materialize hands and arms which are somewhat under the subject's control. Most limbs are human in nature and vary in skin tones, length, and strength. A noted few include:\n\nA reptilian-like scaled tentacle some 4 m (13 ft) long\n4 semi-transparent arm-like appendages made of cellulose, over 10 m (33 ft) long, with 4 fingers, 2 elbow-like joints, and no wrists\nThe clawed paw of a large cat, possibly a cougar or mountain lion\nSeveral feet and legs that appear randomly\n\nThe space under SCP-262 is considered to be non-Euclidean in nature and the coat itself divergent from normal dimensions. In one instance, test subject 402M was told to put SCP-262 over his head. Upon doing so, SCP-262 fell to the ground as the Class-D personnel disappeared under it. Some time later, fingerprinting of objects that have come into contact with the limbs of SCP-262 have identified one of the arms as that of subject 402M.\nSubjects properly wearing SCP-262 are able to manipulate these arms with a varying amount of control. Test subject 301F was able to perform multiple tasks at once even while unaware and blindfolded, leading researchers to believe that SCP-262 has both perception and awareness of its surrounding even when the subject does not. Some believe SCP-262 to be fully sentient, due to observing SCP-262:\n\nplaying a piano with two or more hands, though the test subject has had no formal training in music;\ndefending itself/subject from multiple attackers;\nseveral limbs \"fighting\" one another or even going against the subject's will.\nAt times, when a subject attempts to smoke, a particular limb will remove the cigarette from the subject's mouth and then throw it away. At other times, a different hand will place a cigarette into the subject's mouth and light it though the subject dislikes smoking.\n\nAcquisition: SCP-262 came into the Foundation's care when \"The Administrator\" relinquished his ownership of the coat in the late 20th century. Because of his status, \"The Administrator\" is granted special rights which effectively allow him to remain silent about the origins of SCP-262, how he came to possess it, and how he has used it in the past. \"The Administrator\" released SCP-262 to the Foundation, stating, \"In the right hands, it could be extremely useful. In the wrong hands, it could be extremely dangerous. In my hands, it was becoming extremely dusty and moth-ridden and taking up far too much space in my closet.\"\nAddendum 01: Selected notes from further research regarding the properties of SCP-262\n\nCase Study 262-11: Inversion of SCP-262\n\nTrial 7 - After putting on SCP-262 properly, Subject-722M attempts to turn the right arm sleeve inside-out as he removes his arm. Many disembodied voices cry in apparent pain. Subject-722M is instructed to continue inverting the sleeve. Multiple arms emanating from within the lining of SCP-262 reach out and attack Subject-722M. In an attempt to remove the coat, Subject 722M tries to retract his arm but in doing so, inverts the sleeve of the coat. A long cellulitic arm appears from the opposite inner lining, reaches around and up through the inverted sleeve, grasps Subject-722M's caught hand, and pulls violently, the force of which dislocates the subject's shoulder and amputates the arm at the elbow. With SCP-262 in typical position, all emanating arms retreat and audible wailing of voices cease. Subject-722M's wounds are treated, and his condition is inconsequential.\n\nCase Study 262-42: Placement of SCP-262 on a mannequin\n\nTrial 1 - SCP-262 is placed on an anatomically-correct human male mannequin dressed in typical SCP personnel attire. After several minutes, a single human arm emanating from the inner lining of SCP-262 reaches up towards the mannequin's face. After several prods of apparent curiosity, the arm retreats and no further movement is recorded for the duration of the test.\nTrial 4 - SCP researchers place SCP-262 over the head and shoulders of a similar, but different mannequin. After a few moments, SCP-262 fell to the ground with the entirety of the test mannequin disappearing below it.\n\nAddendum: It has been noted that a rigid wooden arm resembling that of the test mannequin has been witnessed emanating from SCP-262 since this Trial.\n\nCase Study 262-307: Placement of SCP-262 on a recently deceased human being\n\nTrial 1 - Research personnel put SCP-262 on to the body of a recently deceased Class-D personnel, recently terminated in an experiment with SCP-[EXPUNGED]. The body is whole, unscathed and mounted into a seated position on a chair. After a few moments, a single human arm emanating from the inner lining of SCP-262 reaches up towards the body's face. After several prods of apparent curiosity, the arm retreats. After several more moments, the body which SCP-262 is on begins shaking violently. A popping and snapping sound is heard and the deceased's hands, visible at the end of the sleeves, suddenly retract. The body then stills. A human hand reaches up the back of the deceased neck from the collar and pulls the head up into an upright position. Numerous hands and arms criss-cross the chest and abdomen and straighten the body. Two cellulitic arms reach down the body's legs and grip the ankles. SCP-262 pulls the body into a standing position as other arms of cellulose come down each sleeve.\nSCP-262 continues by breaching containment and overpowering security. At the time, MTF Epsilon-9 (aka \"Fire Eaters\") were present in the facility to provide reinforcements. Discharging their flame accelerators in an aggressive fashion, members of MTF-E9 were able to corner SCP-262 in a blind hallway. When cornered, a hand from within SCP-262 pulled the coat up and over the head of the body it was using. SCP-262 collapsed to the ground with the body of the Class-D personnel disappearing beneath it. It is unknown if the incident was caused by the will of SCP-262 or the will of the body of the recently deceased Class-D personnel used.\n\n\u00ab SCP-261 | SCP-262 | SCP-263 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-263\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-263 is to be stored in a low value items storage vault at Site-19. It may be removed for testing provided permission from a level 3 researcher and a fire-resistant area to conduct testing in. All testing with SCP-263 is to be recorded. Subjects testing SCP-263 are allowed a mobile telephone, a PDA, or a netbook computer with full, unrestricted access to a complete, synchronized copy of the Foundation's data banks, stored in a dedicated database server to guarantee full retrieval of any records entry in no more than 200 milliseconds if and only if they are terminated immediately after testing has concluded.\nAll recordings of testing on SCP-263 are to be reviewed by a researcher with level 4 or higher clearance, and censored where necessary to prevent access to restricted material. All researchers observing SCP-263 during testing are to be administered a local amnestic and have their notes confiscated. Research notes from testing require permission from a researcher with level four clearance to access.\nDescription: SCP-263 is a black and white television, bearing the logo of the \"THOMSON\" company. It matches no known model of television, but has a similar style and construction to televisions built in the year 1961. SCP-263 is fully intact, but has sustained minor cosmetic damage to the screen and frame. SCP-263 has been observed to function even when not connected to a power outlet.\nWhen switched on, the TV always displays the interior of a studio, whose design bears similarities to studios of television game shows from the 1960's. A large logo, saying \"CASH OR ASH?\" in large, stylized letters can be seen on the back wall of the studio, and an unidentified music piece is playing in the studio at all times.\nThe only man visible in the studio is SCP-263-1.\nSCP-263-1 appears to be a male human of Caucasian descent of approximately thirty-five years of age, dressed in a suit that matches a style commonly worn between the years 1959 and 1964. SCP-263-1 has a demeanor that has been described as \"Blithe,\" \"Enthusiastic,\" and \"Over the top.\" SCP-263-1 is smiling almost constantly. As soon as a human turns SCP-263 on, SCP-263-1 will look directly at the subject and say that the subject is \"a new competitor who just tuned in to the Cash or Ash show.\" He will then state that he wishes the subject \"lots of luck\" in answering \"three fiendish questions\" and \"getting the cash - and not ash!\" (SCP-263-1's exact phrasing varies slightly between each usage of SCP-263.)\nSCP-263-1 will proceed to ask the questions. The questions asked by SCP-263-1 are always related to the environment surrounding SCP-263. If inside of a fully enclosed structure, SCP-263-1 will ask questions about the owners, history, and design of the structure. If outside of a enclosed structure, SCP-263-1 will ask questions pertaining to the history, geology, ecosystem, and weather patterns of the surrounding area.\nWhile inside of a Foundation facility, all of the questions are related to various SCPs in possession or in the records of the Foundation or about the history and architecture of the site in which it is stored. Many of them are inquiries upon rather basic information easily found in documents accessible by low level personnel, but some of them concern specific minutiae, found only in certain esoteric documents which require high clearance and/or are rather complicated to find or reach. In each case, though, the information needed to correctly answer the question can be gathered from Foundation records. For a full list of questions asked by SCP-263-1 while in Foundation possession, see document 263-Q1.\nIf within the next forty-five seconds, the subject supplies a correct answer, their success will be acknowledged and briefly congratulated upon by SCP-263-1.\nIf, however, the subject answers incorrectly, or does not answer within forty-five seconds, SCP-263-1 will say: \"Time's up! So sorry,\" and the subject will immediately combust. The flames are always of both high temperature and intensity, and will fully enclose the subject within four seconds. All attempts to extinguish the fire up to this point have been unsuccessful. After forty-two seconds, the fire will disappear, along with the remains of the subject who burns entirely. After forty-two seconds have passed, SCP-263-1 will look out towards the place where the subject combusted and state that the failure is \"a pity\" and that \"hopefully the next competitor will avoid the ash\u2026 and get away with the cash!\" SCP-263 will then turn off on its own.\nIf during the forty-five seconds, someone whispers to the subject, audibly speaks to the subject, the subject leaves the area directly in front of SCP-263, or the subject interacts with a computer greater than twenty-seven centimeters, SCP-263-1 will accuse the subject of cheating and the subject will combust in the same manner as described above. SCP-263 will then remark on the \"dwindling ethics of today's people\", and SCP-263 will switch itself off. Portable consumer electronic devices, such as mobile telephones, PDAs, and laptop computers smaller than twenty-seven centimeters do not cause the subject to combust, thus allowing the subject to find the information required to correctly answer the question within the provided time.\nIf the subject correctly answers all three questions, SCP-263-1 will say, \"Congratulations! You have won the cash! Here is your prize!.\" SCP-263 will then turn itself off and a prize will appear in front of the subject.\nThe prizes given away by SCP-263 appear to have no discernible theme or pattern. So far, the following prizes have been given:\n\nA marble figurine of a dragon, 5.3 cm long ; microscopic observation confirmed that micrometre-size details are present (value $48,237)\nJade statues, which appear similar to ordinary U.S. dollars, however, the faces of the presidents are all replaced with the smiling face of SCP-263-1. Same detail in carving as the dragon figurine listed above (value $226,703)\nA clockwork figurine, 4 cm tall, made of brass and walking around randomly when wound. The figurine depicts an unknown, vaguely squid-like creature. (value $21,424)\nA series of eight gold plated miniature statuettes resembling humanoid anomalies contained at Site-19, including SCP-1770. The statuettes are marked with the anomalies' object number on the base, and do not appear otherwise anomalous. (value $17,315)\n\nAll attempts to inquire SCP-263-1 about himself or SCP-263 have proven ineffective. SCP-263-1 does not react to any questions or statements, save for the question answers or any \"cheating\" attempts.\n\n\u00ab SCP-262 | SCP-263 | SCP-264 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-264\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-264 is to be contained in a 16 by 16 meter room of standard reinforcement. Two guards are to be stationed outside of this room at all times, circulated every twenty-four hours. The room is to be monitored every day for a minimum of two hours. SCP-264 requires no nourishment of any type. No support is necessary either, as SCP-264 suspends itself through an unknown source of levitation.\nNote: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588, only Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [DECEASED], \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are permitted to visit SCP-264. Failure to comply will result in reassignment, pending transgressor's condition [see Addendum 264-01]. SCP-264 has noted previously some attachment to the aforementioned agents, as they were part of the team that originally discovered [DATA EXPUNGED]. In addition, both Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were on location during [DATA EXPUNGED]. Suggest keeping them on-site until further notice. -Dr. Carnival\nDescription: SCP-264 is a skeleton of humanoid appearance, estimated at two meters in height. Its skull is slightly elongated, and two metal protrusions extend from either kneecap. SCP-264's torso and upper pelvis have either been replaced by, or consists of, a structure, composed of an unknown metallic substance, that resembles a temple of unknown origin. The structure is composed of several layers of balconies and terraces, with a door located at the approximate center.\nOn the structure are dozens of carved statues that resemble men, women, children, and, in a few cases, animals. Statues are unable to be removed, although they appear to go about the standard activities of any tribal culture when not being viewed directly.\nThe structure and skeleton seem to either have been mounted upon, or are part of, a hemisphere just over one meter in diameter, composed of what appears to be the same unknown metal. The edge of the hemisphere is lined with evenly spaced spikes about 2.5 cm (1 in) in length. Several of the statues have been seen interacting with the sphere in various ways, and seem to be aware of its existence. The back side of the hemisphere is covered in carvings of several languages, including Arabic, Hebrew, German, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Translation of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 language has been suspended indefinitely due to [DATA EXPUNGED] (see Addendum 264-02).\nSCP-264 is sentient, communicating through several non-verbal forms, including Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean sign language, and Morse code. It is most frequently recorded communicating through writing, however, and has been noted writing in nearly every language currently discovered, including the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 language. On rare occasions, a designated statue will speak for the SCP; there have been only two recorded instances of this happening since its discovery.\nSubject refers to itself as \"The Guardian\", and refers to the carved statues as separate entities. SCP-264 claims to be the creator of the statues and the structure they \"live\" in. The statues appear to be aware of \"The Guardian's\" existence, as they have been observed retrieving several objects from the interior of the hemisphere, where it is presumed the structure expands. Objects retrieved from the interior include a stick of charcoal, papyrus, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and a small semi-transparent marble of [DATA EXPUNGED] which was presented to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by one of the statuettes.\nHow SCP-264 is capable of communicating with its \"subjects\" is currently unknown, as neither it nor the statues emit any form of psychic read-out. However, SCP-264 has alluded to having abilities of precognition. Taken from Interview 264a:\nDr. Carnival: How exactly did you manage to do that?\nSCP-264 refused to elaborate on what it meant. However, it can be assumed that through some force unknown, SCP-264 is able to view the path a person may take through the course of their life.\nSCP-264 has proven to have knowledge of several other SCPs currently contained, including SCP-035, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 [see Interview 264a].\n\nAddendum 264-01: Due to the actions on 06/10/20\u2588\u2588, in which Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and the civilian \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [DATA EXPUNGED], SCP-264 will allow only the aforementioned agents to converse with it. Following [DATA EXPUNGED], Dr. \u2588\u2588 entered SCP-264's cell to perform several experiments with one of the statues. At 0200, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Several hours later, a previously unseen statue was viewed emerging from the doorway located at SCP-264's center. Close-up imaging proved the statue to be in the likeness of Dr. \u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 264-02: [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNote: The next stages of exploration have been enacted upon today. A fiberscope was inserted into the doorway located at what we're guessing is the center of 264 (with its permission, of course; can't have any more assistants lost to rudeness). For the most part the view was nil. Image was distorted\u2014some property of 264 is interfering with the camera, though of course it can't give any insight as to what causes this to happen. The phrase \u5869\u306e\u93a7 inscribed on the inside of the hemisphere it's mounted on was all we found. The Japanese translates to 'Salt armor', though what this means we're still at a loss for. However, it does confirm our suspicions that 264 is Japanese, or at least Asian, in origin, despite where it was discovered.\nFurther exploration sched. for 11/6.\n-Dr. Carnival.\n\n\u00ab SCP-263 | SCP-264 | SCP-265 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-265\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Foundation Site-54, -109, and -110 have been provided SCP-265 specific sub-taskforces in order to study SCP-265. Each houses a small fleet of tactical aircraft as well as Agents trained in standard Foundation information-gathering and interrogation techniques. Civilian cover stories and disguises are preferred - see Document 265-B for further protocol.\nLocal news outlets are to be scanned for signs of SCP-265 and teams are to investigate possible encounters. Specific protocol is to be arranged on an incident-by-incident basis. Agents are not to instigate violence towards SCP-265 until a better understanding of its nature can be ascertained.\nDescription: SCP-265 appears to be a Series 1 GAZ M21 Volga automobile, devoid of any license plating, logos, or other identifying marks. It is painted black with white-rimmed wheels and appears to be in pristine condition, regardless of environment. Some accounts note that it has white curtains in all but the front windows. Note that the production of the GAZ M21 ceased in 1970, with Series 1 being produced between 1958-1959.\nSCP-265 is absent of human occupants and appears to travel under its own power. Other details vary between encounters; it's common for individuals to report that SCP-265 is silent while traveling, while others hear its engine idling for an extended period of time before noticing it nearby. Similarly, some encounters result in the vehicle leaving physical evidence such as tread marks on roads, where other encounters leave no physical traces.\nSCP-265 nearly always appears in scenarios which commonly elicit dread and paranoia in subjects, such as following lone travelers and idling in home driveways for a short while before driving off.\nSCP-265 has been encountered throughout rural Poland, far from urban centres but occasionally passing through small rural communities with populations under 500. It has been encountered at various times late in the day, with confirmed encounters having occurred at any time between 1829 hours and 0813 hours.1 SCP-265 normally moves at about 65 km/h2, but has been recorded exceeding 400 km/h3 in isolated instances.\nAddendum - Foundation Capture Attempt: At 23:11 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 a vehicle matching SCP-265's description was seen idling outside a Foundation-controlled weather station at [REDACTED]. After visually confirming the lack of human occupancy, a pursuit team including one helicopter and four high-performance offroad vehicles were dispatched from nearby Site-109 to follow and attempt to capture the vehicle. SCP-265 quickly accelerated to an excess of 200 km/h and showed an unexplainable degree of maneuverability. The helicopter continued pursuit until SCP-265 vanished into a densely forested area. The following search of the area found no trace of any vehicle, but incomplete human remains were discovered 4 kilometres away in a waterlogged area.\nAddendum - Similar Phenomenon: Given multiple concurrences of SCP-265 and human remains, and the similarity between their respective vehicles, it's possible that SCP-265 may be a variant or distantly related to phenomena observed in SCP-2613. Investigation into both anomalies is ongoing.\nAdditional Documentation: Below is attached a translated series of excerpts collected from civilian sources, including audio interviews, law enforcement, news outlets, and personal diaries. This list is incomplete - please see Dr.Seidelman for access to full records.\n\nOpen File SCP-265 - Sample of Assorted Records, 1960-Present\n\nClose File\n\nRECORD: Incident Transcript 265-1973-4/3\nRecovered from police records of [LOCATION REDACTED]\nSUMMARY: An isolated event. Victim was taking a walk between villages in the late afternoon around 1300. A black Volga automobile with white rims appeared behind him and following at a low speed. According to the civilian, the vehicle was unusually loud and accelerated to hit him, fracturing his leg as he dove for cover. He played dead as the vehicle completed a three-point-turn to face him again, and waited for several minutes before it drove off. Civilian claimed that the interior was empty of any driver or passenger.\n\nRECORD: Diary of Civilian 265-1974-8/11\nExcerpt recovered from archives of [REDACTED]\n\"\u2026 unusual event. We pursued the Volga for nine minutes in two cars, during which it led us further from the town. It was growing dark, but we were confident that we could catch it. Piatek shot at it, but he missed or the car was bulletproof. He swears that he did not miss. It then turned sharply to the right and drove into the lake. We stopped and began writing the report on the side of the road; after three or so minutes Gorecki drew our attention towards the lake, and we saw lights emerging from the other side, and red tail lights driving off into the woods on the far side. There are only two sets of tire tracks. We swear on the lives of our mothers that this is true, and myself and Gorecki request to resign.\"\n\nRECORD: Audio 265-1982-7/31 \u2014 9:17-11:01\nRecovered from police records of [LOCATION REDACTED]\n\"\u2026 The couple claimed that the vehicle, an unmarked Volga limousine painted black with white tires, appeared behind them while they were traveling. It followed them for several minutes before ramming them repeatedly and driving off. Neither could describe the driver, and both said that the offending vehicle made no noise and left no tracks.\"\n\nRECORD: Diary of Civilian 265-1989-8/11\nExcerpt recovered from archives of [REDACTED]\n\"I awoke just past midnight, and walked downstairs to fetch a drink of water. Once downstairs I noticed lights through the window. The car from a few weeks ago was back at the end of the drive, by the street. Its headlights were facing the house, and it was idling loudly. I was afraid that somebody was out there, and I almost went to wake up Piotr and the children, but I couldn't convince myself to move. After ten minutes the car backed away and drove away. It looked just like the car my grandfather had at his old shop, but black and brand new. I will tell the police in the morning.\"\n\nRECORD: Incident Transcript 265-1990-11/2\nRecovered from Police Records of [LOCATION REDACTED]\nOn 10/29/1995 the citizen claimed to see an unconscious person in the back seat of a vehicle fitting the aforementioned description of a black M21 Volga, and provided a description of the person's appearance; this was later determined to be very similar to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who disappeared from his house near the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on the same day 41 years ago.\n\nRECORD: Handwritten Excerpt 265-1995-4/11\nRecovered from Police Records of [LOCATION REDACTED]\n\"I woke up around 3 in the morning, and saw a car outside of my front door. It was a black Volga automobile, with curtains and white wheels. I do not know why I got into the car. I just felt like I needed to get into the back seat, so I did. I remember the door was heavy when I opened it, and the inside was clean and smelled like something familiar that I cannot place. I don't remember anyone else in the car.\nI remember seeing water out in front of me in the headlights, that I was moving towards it, and the lights all went out and I felt the car crash into it and go under. I held my breath as the water came over my head, and opened my eyes and saw terrible things.\nEverything was so quiet. Things watched me, with sad faces in the dark. There were so many, they touched me and I could see them begging me to [illegible]\nI remember screaming and beating the door, and the door opened and I fell out onto the grass. I remember spitting water and somebody finding me a little while later, and I fell asleep in the car to the hospital.\nI'm so afraid. There were black rails and horses, they're waiting for everyone to come. A ship under everything else darker than anything. And the others are so sad, they want to touch and be happy again but they're so far down, and it's so dark and cold. They can't come back.\"\n\nFootnotes\n1. There have only been two confirmed encounters of the phenomenon between 0900 and 1700 hours.\n2. approx. 40 mph\n3. approx. 250 mph\n\n\u00ab SCP-264 | SCP-265 | SCP-266 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-266\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-266 is to be kept in a 10 m x 10 m air-tight containment unit, with the internal temperature maintained at or above 48\u00b0C by an independently-powered heating unit. Access to containment requires Level 2 or above clearance, and thermal hazard suits are to be utilized and maintained during all interaction.\nDescription: SCP-266 is a number of free-floating masses of gaseous material, possessing a natural luminescence which exists as a bright purple or red glow. In most cases, SCP-266 feels cold to the touch, and exerts an endothermic effect on its immediate surroundings. Despite having no obvious nervous system, SCP-266 appears to react to stimuli and has been observed to learn certain habits based upon its experiences.\nSCP-266 is remarkably fond of warmth, and will actively seek sources of heat, natural or artificial. Of all sources, however, SCP-266 prefers human contact as a method of obtaining warmth, oblivious to the inimical effect it has on mammalian life. Due to SCP-266's endothermic nature, extended exposure without proper protection will lead to death by acute hypothermia. While not aggressive, SCP-266 will grow discontent and even hostile when not provided with adequate heat, and has exhibited the capability to cause considerable havoc when deprived of warmth. Human contact has also been observed to aid in calming SCP-266, suggesting a need or desire for social interaction. Personnel assigned to this duty have reported hearing SCP-266 speak (recorded excerpts of conversations have revealed that SCP-266 is capable of speaking in an unknown Gaelic dialect) and on occasion have spoken back.\nSCP-266 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ireland, after local reports of several youth inexplicably falling victim to hypothermia at a local hot springs. These events, along with ongoing reports of \u201cWill-o'-the-Wisps\" by superstitious locals, caught Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's attention. After finding SCP-266, he was able to lead it to nearby Site-\u2588\u2588. Upon arrival, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 exhibited symptoms of hypothermia, and was only saved by the efforts of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and staff. Due to Site-\u2588\u2588's containment conditions, SCP-266 was relocated to Site-19 at first convenience.\nAddendum 266-A: Audio logs recording conversations between personnel and SCP-266 have revealed English words and phrases being used alongside its standard dialect. Current theory is that it is simply imitating these words, much like a parrot. Further documentation is requested regarding this matter.\n\n\u00ab SCP-265 | SCP-266 | SCP-267 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-267\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-267 is contained in a cave formation within Site-37. Live animals must be supplied to replace any that succumb during the course of feeding. A population of livestock is maintained on site for this purpose. Any personnel interacting with SCP-267 organisms should be furnished with level 4 isolation equipment, and a tranquilizer weapon and stun gun for protection.\nWild occurrences of SCP-267 must be eradicated as soon as they are detected. Recovered human victims cannot be rehabilitated, but are to be removed for use in ongoing observation of possible anti-senescent effects of SCP-267's venomous excretions.\nDescription: SCP-267 are hairless, sightless, carnivorous rodents highly adapted for subterranean life in eusocial colonies. A single nest is currently contained in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cave formations in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-267 is biologically similar to Heterocephalus glaber, but represents a distinct subspecies.\nMembers of an SCP-267 colony spend the vast majority of their lives underground. They lack eyes completely, and auditory and tactile senses are atrophied. They do not seem to experience pain or any sense of self-preservation. They are extremely sensitive to smell and airborne chemical stimuli, which they use for navigation, hunting, and communication. Unlike in eusocial arthropods, there is no queen. There are caste divisions in its population, however, including workers, soldiers, breeders, and nursery attendants.\nSCP-267 has sharp teeth and claws, but its primary weapon is its venom. The venom is effective in \u00b5L amounts and has aggressive paralytic and carcinogenic effects. In a hunt, dozens of soldiers cooperate to locate and bring down prey. They attack simultaneously, inflicting dozens of bites in a few seconds and incapacitating the target. They then drag it, conscious but immobile, back to their colony.\nAt the colony, swarms of worker caste SCP-267 emerge to transport the victim inside. Workers remove foreign aromas, carefully check for parasites, and physically dismantle the organism's means of locomotion to prevent escape. By this time, tissues directly exposed to venom have begun to exhibit abnormal cell division. Within 24 hours, undifferentiated masses of tissue are visible at every bite location. The tumors arise spontaneously but seem to target skin and fatty tissues, as growths they are less likely to threaten vital organ systems. This has the added benefit to SCP-267 of producing a high concentration of energy-rich lipids for consumption. The tumors grow continuously until a few days after the larder animal's death.\nBecause of the rapid tumorigenesis, larders have massive caloric needs. Workers masticate and regurgitate root pulp to provide the larders with nutrition. They seem to distinguish cancerous from healthy tissue by its scent, and remove tumors for consumption once they have \"ripened\" to a desirable size. Workers have been observed licking and tending to larder animals to keep them clean and healthy. Larder animals last between 12 weeks and \u2588\u2588 years, depending on the species, and supply all of the colony's food. Many months typically elapse between SCP-267's forays to the surface.\nMembers of SCP-267 are violently territorial and respond with overwhelming force to any intrusion into their caves. With sufficient food they are capable of extremely rapid reproduction, a fact that has become particularly threatening since the extinction of their primary predator, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 267-1: Bones from human beings have been uncovered in multiple waste areas within the caves, dating back several thousand years. Because of the difficulties in operating inside the nest, a full forensic survey of these leavings is unfeasible. Nineteen months after containment was first established, larder A-26 was discovered to be human, possibly \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who disappeared along with his parents on a family trip in 19\u2588\u2588, at the age of \u2588. The lack of appendages combined with rampant tumor growth is responsible for delaying the initial identification. Genetic tests are consistent with human DNA with massive deleterious mutations. Attempted interviews with the subject (SCP-267-A26) have discovered only that his language faculties have atrophied over the course of his imprisonment.\nAddendum 267-2: SCP-267 shows a marked preference for acquiring humans as compared to other mammals. This is likely a result of humans' long life span and fast metabolism compared to other prey. Human subjects provide 33% more cancerous matter per month than a similarly sized pig, and can be kept as larder animals until the expiration of their natural lifespan.1 This helps to explain forensic and anthropological evidence of human predation even at a time before habitat intrusion made such behavior inevitable.\n\nFootnotes\n1. There is some evidence that animals (including humans) may live longer than normal individuals of their species, perhaps due to some effect of SCP-267's venom or due to abnormal tumor growth. Further observation is necessary to substantiate this observation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-266 | SCP-267 | SCP-268 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-268\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-268 is currently to be maintained within [DATA EXPUNGED], as it has been deemed that the chance of use for facilitation of escape by restricted personnel or humanoid SCP is too great. However, the possibility of use by field agents after further testing is under review. See addendum 268-05.\nDescription: SCP-268 is a tweed-wool newsboy cap. The design and make seem to be of Irish origin. Due to the style and fabric, it is estimated to have been created in the late 1800's to early 1900's, though fiber analysis is inconclusive. The only markings on the cap are a small label with writing in Middle Irish, reading \"The Garden is the Serpent's Place.\" However, there are various indications that this label was sewn onto the cap in recent times.\nDue to the nature of the artifact, testing has been extremely difficult. SCP-268 seems to be a normal hat until it is worn. Anyone wearing the hat, however, becomes suddenly and instantly unnoticeable. Subjects become unmemorable, thoroughly ignorable, or \"taken for granted\" by all observers. Observers, with specific prompting, are able to later recall physically seeing the subject, but can give no specific details other than \"seeing a man with a hat\". Observers seem to have the overwhelming feeling that the wearer is someone that was \"supposed to be there\", and thus did not merit thought or notice.\nDuring initial testing, remote analysts completely forgot what they were supposed to be observing within the chamber, and it was not until the D-Class subject wearing SCP-268 spoke out loud that he was noticed again. Removal of the artifact, vocalization, and physical interaction with observers seem to be the only way in which wearers of SCP-268 can make themselves noticeable. Once an observer has been made to 'notice' a SCP-268-wearing individual, they slowly begin to ignore the subject once more unless kept actively engaged by the wearer.\nTesting reveals that if a subject wears SCP-268 upwards of twenty (20) cumulative hours, its effects seem to linger, with diminished potency, on the subject even while not wearing the artifact. Testing in this area has been cautious due to the possibility of containment breaches, but one incident [see Addendum 268-04] has shown that if the artifact is worn long enough, that the effect is rendered permanent and unbreakable.\nExtensive research is still unable to determine whether or not electronics are directly affected by SCP-268. Observers viewing an SCP-268-wearing subject through electronic means still have difficulty acknowledging the subject's existence, and even when noticed, observers report to be unable to see the face of the individual in question. Observers note pictures of SCP-268-wearing individuals as being \"blurry\", and digital media such as surveillance cameras is reported to become \"grainy and unfocused\". Research is unsure whether these alterations are extant and physical, or merely perceived due to SCP-268's properties. It should be noted that although capturing SCP-268 through visual electronic means has been difficult, motion-sensing, weight sensing, heat seeking and similar devices all trigger correctly when encountering an SCP-268-wearing subject.\nAddendum 268-01: SCP-268 is noted to have some similarities to SCP-180. SCP-268, however, does not seem to function on inanimate objects, and more importantly does not directly steal the identity of its host. While SCP-180 causes its host to become unrecognizable after SCP-180 itself is removed and placed on another object, this seems to be a side-effect of its function of identity theft and transfer. Meanwhile, SCP-268 could be said to 'steal' the identity of long-time wearers as they become irrevocably forgotten. This has caused some speculation as to whether the items share similar origins, or whether the many similarities they share are merely coincidental.\nAddendum 268-02: At Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's request, and after approval by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. Klein, SCP-268 is being used with agents in active field duty. Results thus far have been favorable.\nAddendum 268-03: Field-Testing has been suspended. Though Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 appears to have been on payroll and on records, no personnel, either on Site-\u2588\u2588 or in higher command, remember knowing or hearing about an Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Further tests should be conducted only on D-Class personnel, and on no single individual for longer than ten (10) hours.\nAddendum 268-04: SCP-268's effects seem to strengthen and become permanent as individual subjects wear the artifact for extended periods of cumulative time. There is a marked difference in the potency of SCP-268's effect on someone wearing it for the first time, and someone who has worn the artifact upwards of five hours on other occasions. For example, someone who has not worn the cap before seems to dispel its effects merely by speaking. Those who have worn the artifact on several occasions for extended amounts of time seem to be able to ask observers questions and receive answers with the observer having little to no recollection of the event. In one test, a subject who had worn the artifact for upwards of fifteen hours was able to ask standing personnel the test chamber's password, nearly causing a containment breach and the escape of D-Class personnel. The security personnel in question reported being unable to recall parting with the information in question. - Dr. Klein\nAddendum 268-05: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-268 is missing. Its absence was discovered early in the morning by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and research analysts, and in its place was a note reading \"Thanks, I needed my hat back. ~ L.S.\" A full investigation of this security breach has been launched as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Refer to [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-267 | SCP-268 | SCP-269 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-269\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-269 is stored in a standard Safe-class secure locker at Site-19. Experimentation with SCP-269 may only be performed on Class D personnel, and only with prior approval from at least two (2) Level 3 Senior Researchers.\nDescription: SCP-269 is an unmarked bracelet composed of red jade approximately 11 cm in diameter in its inactive state. SCP-269 exhibits unusual resilience as all attempts at obtaining a sample have failed to date, as well as constantly maintaining a temperature of approximately 36\u00b0C regardless of ambient room temperature.\nWhen placed on the wrist or ankle of a living human subject, SCP-269 contracts to fit tightly but comfortably over the extremity. Over the next 24 hours, SCP-269 extends flexible tendrils that integrate with its host's circulatory system through the ulnar and radial arteries, a process described by test subjects as being painless but mildly uncomfortable. Upon completion of this process, SCP-269 cannot be removed from its host without amputating the affected hand or foot.\nOnce SCP-269 is fully integrated, it will begin to filter substances from its host's bloodstream. How this is done is not fully understood, but the process occurs over three stages:\nIn the first stage, SCP-269 will begin to filter contaminants and infectious agents such as blood-borne bacteria and viruses. This includes many disease agents that are currently incurable such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); SCP-269 appears to be capable of identifying and isolating infected blood cells from healthy ones. As this process often results in a general improvement in the health of the host, the host may resist attempts to have SCP-269 removed. This stage typically lasts anywhere from one week to one month.\nIn the second stage, SCP-269 will begin filtering components of the host's immune system from the bloodstream. Because SCP-269 continues to filter infectious agents from the host's body, this generally goes unnoticed unless a blood analysis is performed. Stage 2 lasts anywhere from one month to six months.\nIn the final stage, SCP-269 will begin to filter vital blood components such as red blood cells and platelets, causing an onset of acute anemia and thrombocytopenia. Hosts that reach Stage 3 quickly weaken and will invariably expire within one week unless massive blood transfusions are given.\nSCP-269 came to the Foundation's attention following reports that a civilian (one Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from [REDACTED]) had been cured of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and died shortly thereafter. SCP-269 was discovered attached to Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's wrist, and was secured by Foundation agents after it was found that SCP-269 had integrated into his circulatory system. Investigation into the precise function and origin of SCP-269 is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-268 | SCP-269 | SCP-270 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-270\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-270's immovable nature, a structure has been built around it that outwardly appears to be a large farmhouse, henceforth called Outpost Delta. Outpost Delta is to be staffed with a minimum of \u2588\u2588\u2588 trained personnel.\nExtensive records of SCP-270's ciphers are kept at Site-11. Extensive records of decoded ciphers are available in \u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nIf the security of Outpost Delta is compromised, SCP-270 is to be destroyed, along with all on-base records of verified or unverified information accumulated, and manuscripts outlining various encryptions SCP-270 has used.\nDescription: SCP-270 is a nondescript black phone of mid-20th century make.\nThere were no human populations exceeding \u2588\u2588 people per \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 square meters within a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 radius of the location of discovery, and SCP-270 itself was well hidden by surrounding native vegetation. The unusual properties of SCP-270 were apparent upon discovering that the power cord extended an indefinite length into the soil directly below SCP-270, despite which a steady voice was speaking through the earphone. Investigations regarding how long the cord is have since been officially discontinued (see Addendum 270-A).\nWhat makes SCP-270 of continued interest is the audio stream from the earphone, which has since been discovered to contain encrypted messages that are of value to the Foundation. Said ciphers are referred to as SCP-270-1.\nFor the most part, SCP-270-1 consists of a mildly distorted human female voice (see Addendum 270-B) speaking in a steady monotone, which has been recorded listing names, cryptic phrases, patterns of numbers, quotes, mangled quotes, strings of letters, [DATA EXPUNGED] incomprehensible words, sounds that cannot be produced by any known animal that continue for extended amounts of time (\u2588\u2588\u2588 unconfirmed languages have been distinguished to date, \u2588\u2588 of which are reoccurring), monologues, nursery rhymes, [REDACTED] leading to speculation as to whether or not the narrator is in fact human, etc.\nThe following have also been recorded: melodies, periods of silence (see Addendum 270-C), metallic scraping noises, metallic scraping noises that have been looped and re-calibrated so they play roughly in the same tune as several classical music tunes and a handful of [DATA EXPUNGED], Morse code, [REDACTED] human screaming, various computer programming languages, every known language on earth (including, in one incident, Pig Latin), [DATA EXPUNGED] possibly of biological origin, condescending laughter, music, music played backwards, music [REDACTED], conversations that have evidently been recorded ranging from [REDACTED] politically significant and extensively protected area to what was most likely an average household, discussing what grocery supplies to buy from the supermarket, static, ambient soundtracks, etc.\nSCP-270 is otherwise a perfectly normal phone and is susceptible to damage as similar phones would be. Disassembly has not uncovered the source of SCP-270's unusual properties.\nSpeaking into SCP-270 has no effect on SCP-270-1. Currently disputed, refer to Incident-270-\u2588 in which [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAttempts to decipher SCP-270-1 have yielded partial successes. In one notable case, a complicated cipher proved to be an intensive description of an SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's imminent attempt to breach containment. Evidence of such was found in the [REDACTED] of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's containment. Containment breach was accordingly prevented. Decoded portions have alternately been startlingly useful to the Foundation, and immensely frustrating to both personnel working on SCP-270-1 and Foundation officials. For example, one \u2588\u2588-hour study of what seemed to be a significant cipher proved to translate into a long and painstakingly thorough list of extremely unofficial synonyms for a human \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nLikewise, information gained from SCP-270-1 have both [DATA EXPUNGED] preventing a possible XK-class end-of-the-world scenario, and listed \u2018secret ingredients' of Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's widely praised cherry pie. As it is impossible to determine how useful portions of SCP-270-1 will be, personnel are advised to choose whatever segments of SCP-270-1 they deem to be most promising. However, some portions of cipher are either too intricately encrypted for our most perspicacious personnel to decode, or indeed may hold no meaning at all.\nAttempts to decode SCP-270-1 are continually ongoing (see Addenda 270-D and 270-E).\nAddendum 270-A: A probe was extended a total of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 meters along the wire before the maximum extension length was reached. The matter has since been declared not of sufficient interest to merit a more thorough examination.\nAddendum 270-B: As of \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 military time, the unidentified female voice of SCP-270-1 stuttered for \u2588 seconds before breaking down into what researchers described as \u2018disconsolate sobs,' pleading to be [REDACTED]. This continued for \u2588\u2588 seconds before audio cut off abruptly to a \u2588\u2588-minute excerpt of SCP-270-1 from \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588. Immediately afterwards, SCP-270-1 proceeded as usual, the only noticeable difference being that the voice narrating SCP-270-1 was male.\nAddendum 270-C: Further examinations revealed that this was in fact not silence, but audio stimuli both too high or too low pitched for human perception. \u2588\u2588\u2588 additional unidentified languages have been discovered upon supplying Outpost Delta with appropriate audio equipment.\nAddendum 270-D: As of late, SCP-270-1 has been becoming noticeably more difficult to decode. This includes utilizing more convoluted methods of encryption, loud background noises being added while the narrator is speaking, multiple voices speaking at once, and, in one case, loud [REDACTED] extremely personal details [REDACTED] Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was visibly shaken by the event. Morale has since plummeted while stress levels have skyrocketed.\nA computer program has been coded in order to automatically decode portions of SCP-270-1. A recreation wing has been added to Outpost Delta.\nAddendum 270-E: Data Processor 270-1 has been discontinued. All attempts to electronically resolve portions of SCP-270-1 have thus far failed.\n.\n.\n.\nLEVEL 5 SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED\nAs of late, concerns have risen regarding the psychological states of personnel working on SCP-270.\nWhat I'm talking about, of course, are the natural issues that arise when you have a situation like this. Namely, putting a bunch of highly intelligent, motivated, tenacious people together and ordering them to solve a puzzle that may or may not have a solution. And telling them that lives may depend upon their success or failure.\nRecently, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, by some superhuman effort, cracked \u2588\u2588 minutes' worth of cipher that had been discarded by communal agreement as a \u2018dud' and [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in the aversion of a \u2588\u2588 end-of-the-world scenario. This has not been beneficial for the mental states of many personnel, as every \u2018dud' they discard may contain information regarding an equally disastrous event. Since then, there have been rapidly emerging paranoia and/or obsession-related disorders. Some personnel are beginning to insist that the most trivial details of the cipher contain important messages, others have not slept or eaten in days in their pursuits, and still others have suffered from psychotic breakdowns.\nOutpost Delta has since been supplied with more personnel in an attempt to spread the workload more thinly. However, the effects of having a few days of diligent work crumble into a \u2018dud,' repeatedly, have proven to be an absolute disaster for morale and, at times, mental stability. Currently, we only have enough staff to decode roughly \u2588\u2588% of the cipher.\nSo far, reassigning personnel after a \u2588\u2588-month stay at Outpost Delta, applying Class A amnestics, and returning them to work on 270-1 at the end of a \u2588\u2588-month period of low-pressure jobs has worked fairly well as a short-term solution. This, however, requires a rather large number of personnel to be continually circulating in and out of Outpost Delta to maintain the minimum amount of staff required to decode the greater portion of what comes out of SCP-270.\nIn addition, long-term circulation through Outpost Delta has been shown to ingrain certain paranoid and obsessive mental behaviors that Class A amnestics don't wipe clean.\n[DATA EXPUNGED] nature of SCP-270, this is exactly what it wants, if certain people are to be trusted [DATA EXPUNGED] disconcerting to said O5 member. [REDACTED] not in fact a method of safe communication between unknown entities, as originally hypothesized, but rather [DATA EXPUNGED].\nI request for this matter to be discussed more in-depth sometime in the near future.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-269 | SCP-270 | SCP-271 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-271\n\nItem #: SCP-271\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-271 is to be stored as long as possible in Containment Unit !12 in \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on a meter-high stone pedestal (SCP-271-01), which will be flooded with water and sealed off in a hollow 5-cm-thick sphere, composed of glass saturated with iron. Permanent neodymium-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 magnets will be mounted around the (standard-sized) room to suspend the sphere in-air and repel unwanted intruders. The room will be lined with pyrolytic carbon to contain the magnetic field generated by the magnets. The door to the room is to be left unguarded and disguised as an ordinary janitorial closet, and kept locked by an unobtrusive password box mounted in the wall down the hallway and around the corner that appears to be a thermostat. Dr. Vg is to change the password on a monthly basis. All study is to be observation-only until further notice. In case of unauthorized access electromagnets in the room are to be activated by remote to destroy the glass sphere so that recovery may be simplified.\nDescription: SCP-271 is a small disk, composition unknown but metallic in nature, a little more than 4 cm in diameter, and engraved with a number of symbols that may or may not represent an unknown alphabet. These symbols are infectious to their environment over time, gradually appearing as if invisibly carved into nearby objects. They are capable of escaping through any hole, however minute, but have been demonstrated to be unable to penetrate non-gaseous fluids. Objects that carry the symbols for a sufficient time begin to be changed on a molecular level to the same material as the SCP; both the engraving and petrification processes are extremely painful to biotic organisms. The only known method for purging the symbols is the destruction of the object, and it is not possible to do this to SCP-271 itself.\nAt this time both SCP-271 and SCP-271-01 are thoroughly coated with the engraved symbols and seem to \"swim\" slightly - Dr. Vg and other observers have described them as looking \"like the far side of a heat wave\" or \"not quite all there\". The symbols also appear to have fractalized somewhat; studies with vision-enhancing equipment have revealed miniature symbols inside and around the larger carvings on both objects.\nSCP-271 was a previously unknown SCP recently acquired from a shrine belonging to the Church of the Broken God by Mobile Armed Task Force 12 when [DATA EXPUNGED]. It was previously stored in a room of its own, which documents note was to be kept sealed \"until the assembly was ready\". Documents acquired at the same time suggest that [DATA EXPUNGED]. The platform is original; on account of the extensive writing on the room in which it was contained, the shrine itself was pulverized. However, due to rapid retaliation by enemy forces, the remnants of MATF-12 were forced to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Contact has been reestablished, but the nature of the SCP and the enemy seekers prevent easy recovery, and it is currently considered more advisable for the SCP to remain hidden if comparatively unprotected than to attract attention by launching a very expensive recovery mission. MATF-12 has been ordered to conform itself into CU-!12 (the exclamation mark denoting their atypical existence outside of a secured SCP Foundation area).\nAddendum: SCP-271 is not to be brought into the presence of SCP-882.\nEMERGENCY BULLETIN: Reports from other embedded sources indicate that as of \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 the Church is aware of CU-!12 and the location of SCP-271, and is planning an imminent assault against the unit. SCP-271 is to be kept out of enemy hands at all costs. CU-!12 has been ordered to mobilize and prepare for evacuation. A recovery team is being prepared for immediate deployment under the direction of Agent DuPont. A more detailed report is to follow.\n\n\u00ab SCP-270 | SCP-271 | SCP-272 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-272\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-272 is to be contained in a small wooden box in a vault at Sector-25. Apart from this, no further containment is necessary, as the object is completely inert when not in use. Care is to be taken not to drop the item during transit.\nDescription: SCP-272 is an iron nail, approximately 11.5 cm long, resembling ancient designs. Covering every flat surface are engravings of unknown cultural origin. The engravings have been described as \u201ccaptivating, but scary\u201d in a majority of staff interviewed.\nThe nature of the object becomes apparent when it is dropped onto the shadow of an individual. The nail will bury itself exactly 2/3 of its length into the material the shadow is cast on. Following this, two effects should be noted: the person whom the shadow belongs to will not be able to remove the nail, by any means, and they are limited to movements that keep their shadow cast on the nail. The nail, however, may be removed by conventional means by anyone else, although those requested to do so reported a mild aversion, citing claims that \u201cit feels fair\u201d.\nThe object was discovered during a routine sweep embedded into an exposed rock face near an abandoned air force base in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Afghanistan, with a human skeleton scattered around it. It was thought to be mundane until a researcher dropped it at their feet, and was subsequently pinned to the spot for 20 minutes before being assisted.\nExperiment log:\nFormat:\n\n272-X\nTest subject:\nSurface:\nLighting:\nPurpose:\nProcedure:\nResults:\nConclusions:\nAddendum:\n\n272-a\nTest subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-01)\nSurface: Rock face at discovery site\nLighting: Midday sun (directly overhead)\nPurpose: Establish nature of SCP.\nProcedure: Subject was handed the nail and told to hammer it into his shadow at his feet.\nResults: Subject complies. Once the nail had reached the 2/3 mark, subject could not continue. Subject attempts to move away but is unable to. Subject soon becomes fatigued and succumbs to heatstroke. Object removed. Subject given medical treatment.\nConclusions: Nature of the object established.\n\n272-b\nTest subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-02)\nSurface: As above\nLighting: Night (Minimal)\nPurpose: Establish effects at night.\nProcedure: Nail was dropped at the subject's feet and embedded itself exactly 2/3 of the way in. Subject then asked to move 10 m away from the nail.\nResults: Object embeds. Subject complies showing no adverse effects. Subject then attempts to escape and is terminated. Object recovered.\nConclusions: Subject is free to move when no shadow is cast.\n\n272-c\nTest subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-03)\nSurface: As above\nLighting: As above, 2 hours before sunrise\nPurpose: Establish effects of lighting changes.\nProcedure: Nail dropped as above. Subject told to walk in a straight line away from the nail.\nResults: Object embeds. Subject shows no adverse effects. Sunrise occurs at 6:06 local time. Subject is [DATA EXPUNGED]. Three clean-up teams dispatched. Subject's torso recovered 106 m from object, showing signs of road rash and severe blunt trauma. Object recovered. Testing moved to Sector-25.\nConclusions: [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n272-d\nTest subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-04)\nSurface: Concrete floor of test facility 25-h\nLighting: 1 standard (60 W) light bulb, directly overhead\nPurpose: Establish lighting requirements.\nProcedure: Nail dropped on the shadow of test subject. Subject told to walk in a straight line away from the object.\nResults: Object embeds. Subject is free to move. Object recovered.\nConclusions: Insufficient lighting will cause no effect.\n\n272-e\nTest subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-04)\nSurface: As above\nLighting: 1 standard (1,500 W) stadium light, directly overhead\nPurpose: As above.\nProcedure: As above.\nResults: Object embeds. Subject trapped. Object recovered.\nConclusions: Lighting requirements established.\n\n272-f\nTest subject: 2 D-Class (D-272-04 and D-272-05)\nSurface: As above\nLighting: 2 stadium lights, positioned 90\u00b0 apart\nPurpose: Determine if multiple subjects can be held.\nProcedure: Subjects positioned so their shadows overlap. Object dropped onto both shadows. Subjects told to advance away from the nail.\nResults: Object embeds. Subject D-272-04 continues unhindered, but reports feeling a \u2018chill'. D-272-05 is held by the object. Object recovered.\nConclusions: Object cannot hold more than one subject. Potential secondary effect observed.\n\n272-g\nTest subject: 8 D-Class (D-272-04 - D-272-11) - See addendum for details\nSurface: As above\nLighting: 4 stadium lights, positioned in a ring around the subjects\nPurpose: Determine the selection mechanism for which subject is held.\nProcedure: Subjects positioned so their shadows overlap. Nail dropped onto all 8 shadows.\nResults: Object embeds. Subject D-272-09 is held (18 YOA, Caucasian, 1.8 m, 88 kg), all others free to move. Reports of a scream from all subjects except D-272-09. All subjects except D-272-09 seen to shiver. Object recovered. D-272-09 removed from study, experiment repeated. Subject D-272-06 held (24 YOA, Hispanic, 1.6 m, 102 kg), all others appear to shiver and report a scream but remain free. Experiment repeated four additional times as per the above method; discontinued after D-272-07 fell unconscious. Subject given treatment for severe hypothermia.\nConclusions: Emerging patterns suggest that the youngest possible subject to be held will be. Additionally, secondary effect on larger groups observed; further research pending acquisition of a larger sample group.\nAddendum: Subjects of equal gender distribution, ages ranging from 18 to 59, numerous physical traits represented.\n\n272-h\nTest subject: 1 D-Class (D-272-05)\nSurface: 1 outdoor field, grassy\nLighting: Early morning sun (appr. 9:00 AM)\nPurpose: To determine if subject can escape by digging.\nProcedure: Object dropped onto subject's shadow. Subject then given a shovel and told to dig out the object.\nResults: Subject digs for 90 seconds, then falls over screaming. Subject expires before medical intervention could be administered. Autopsy reveals subject died of a \"Cerebral hemorrhage; cause indeterminate.\" Object recovered, field repaired. Repeated with D-272-07 and 08; results identical.\nConclusions: Subjects held by SCP-272 cannot dig the nail out; attempting to do so is invariably fatal.\n\n272-i\nTest subject: None\nSurface: N/A\nLighting: N/A\nPurpose: To determine the object's destructibility.\nProcedure: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-09) is given the object and a selection of tools and told to \u2018go to town' in an attempt to destroy the object. Test area evacuated.\nResults: Subject selected an angle grinder, set the object in a vise and proceeded to bring the grinder upon the object. An instant later subject is seen writhing on the ground, clutching his temples. Audio recordings from inside the room record subject speaking in [REDACTED]. 30 seconds later, subject expires. Autopsy reveals the cause to be a cerebral hemorrhage. Examination of the object reveals some minor damage from the grinder.\nConclusions: Object appears to be fully destructible, but will resist actions against it with lethal force by an unknown method. Object tested to maintain its original functionality.\n\n272-j\nTest subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-10)\nSurface: Concrete floor of test facility 25-h\nLighting: 1 stadium light, positioned on a computer-controlled track\nPurpose: a.) Determine the effects of rapid lighting shifts and b.) Determine if subject can be withheld from the object via restraints, barriers etc.\nProcedure \u2013 Test 1: Light positioned to cast a long shadow. Nail dropped into the head of subject's shadow. Light slowly raised.\nResults \u2013 Test 1: Subject dragged at a proportional rate towards the object. Subject has difficulty standing.\nProcedure \u2013 Test 2: As above. Light raised very rapidly.\nResults \u2013 Test 2: As above, but at a more rapid rate. Noted that subject was unable to remain standing and accelerated upon falling; attributed to the decrease in shadow size relative to standing. Subject acquired minor road rash.\nProcedure \u2013 Test 3: As above. Subject restrained with chains attached to their feet, chicken wire screen placed between subject and object.\nResults \u2013 Test 3: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject expires. Object recovered. Further testing with restrained subjects prohibited.\nConclusions: Subject seen to be \u2018dragged' by their shadow, at a rate required to keep it cast upon the object. Intervening obstacles appear not to impede this function, although will damage the subject, or in the case of barriers like the chicken wire, [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n272-h\nTest subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-04)\nSurface: As above.\nLighting: 1 Stadium light in a fixed position, roughly 45\u00b0 from horizontal\nPurpose: Establish the effects of long-term containment.\nProcedure: D-272-04 positioned central to the room. Object is dropped onto the subject's shadow.\nResults: Subject held. After the third day, subject becomes unresponsive to attempts to provide nourishment. After the first week, subject heard to only speak [REDACTED] (see transcript below). By the eleventh day, the subject, having not eaten or drank in 8 days, seen to become agitated, rapidly shifting between mania and a comatose state. At the fourteen day mark the test is terminated. Object recovered. Subject noted to be severely malnourished, but resumed speaking English once the object is removed, and proceeded to recover rapidly before monthly termination.\nConclusions: Extended containment has yielded that the subject will survive for prolonged periods without nourishment, but will enter a degraded mental state.\nAddendum: Partial transcript of subject D-272-04's manic speaking from day 14, translated sections in {}:\n\n(Begin transcript)\nDr. Kimiro: For the record, state your name\u2026\nD-272-04: {\u2026Ashes burn at my tongue I cannot taste the water boils at my sight\u2026}\nDr. Kimiro: Can you repeat that?\nD-272-04: {\u2026I cannot sleep the screams are heard I am not warm the shadow steals\u2026}\nDr. Kimiro: Right\u2026 How do you feel?\nD-272-04: {\u2026The chains they bind I cannot move the people [DATA EXPUNGED]}\nDr. Kimiro: What is he saying? What is he speaking? Someone get me a translator.\nD-272-04: (Growing louder) {\u2026Cut my flesh to ribbons that I might be free (Subject begins clawing at his skin) [DATA EXPUNGED] I am the prisoner of my own foolishness let the crows come and [DATA EXPUNGED] let my flesh crumble like the apple whose ashes burn at my tongue\u2026}\n(End transcript)\n\n\u00ab SCP-271 | SCP-272 | SCP-273 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-273\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-273 is held in an enclosure 5 m x 10 m in size, half of which is closed off for the subject's privacy. All major structural and facing materials of the cell are of fireproof and non-thermally-conductive materials. A bedroll and other modest furnishings are allowed, provided they remain in the private section, and that all consumption of food be performed in the adjacent area.\nAll windows from the observation room into the enclosure are composed of heat-treated glass of at least 1 cm total thickness, with an insulated gap in between. Heat and infrared sensors in both enclosure and observation are set to produce an alarm if any temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius. Observing staff are required to evacuate the room in such an event.\nFood in the form of raw meat must be provided every 12 hours for consumption, at least 2.5 kg per feeding. Other foods may be provided at SCP-273's request, provided good behavior continues. All clothing provided to SCP-273 must be either flame-resistant in nature, or be of inexpensive make and fabrics.\nSCP-273 is not to be interacted with in person if it has not consumed a meal of raw meat of at least 2.5 kg mass within the last 12 hours.\nIn light of Incident 273-02, alcoholic beverages in excess of 50% alcohol by volume must not be provided to SCP-273, nor should any other flame accelerants be provided. All staff interacting with SCP-273 must be armed with non-lethal defense measures. Lethal force should not be used.\nDescription: SCP-273 resembles a middle-aged woman of Indian descent. DNA samples and medical tests indicate SCP-273 conforms to human normal in all other respects, despite the subject's abnormalities. SCP-273 feels no need to eat or drink, but is perfectly capable of doing so. SCP-273 has generally shown willing compliance and cooperation with the Foundation's containment and requests.\nSCP-273 suffers from what it describes as a \"hunger\", which requires regular feeding every 12 hours. This hunger satiates itself through a form of remote combustion. This produces no visible flames, instead oxidizing the subject from the outside in until reduced to a fine white ash. Metals are not consumed, except under special circumstances (see Incident Report 273-03).\nWhen tested, the hunger demonstrates a preference for meat over other organic matter, especially live human subjects. SCP-273 exhibits no signs of conscious control over its satiation, and becomes upset upon consuming live animals. In response to testing with D-class personnel, SCP-273 screamed at obse[DATA EXPUNGED]sed into the corner of its private enclosure and refused to enter the front partition for 12 hours.\nAddendum 273-01: In the event of SCP-273's death, the body becomes the center of a large conflagration, marked by a central pillar of approximately one meter in width and extending far upwards. After the initial flames subside, all that remains of SCP-273's body is a pile of white ash, with a corona of faint blue flame. The flame is not extinguishable through oxygen deprivation and requires no fuel.\nOver the course of several hours, SCP-273's body slowly reforms from the ash pile by consuming any source of raw material nearby, including the surrounding air. In this state, slow consumption of inorganic material has been observed. The new body resembles the old in all ways, with no signs of injury or illness. When SCP-273's body is completely reformed, it awakens, with no memory of events after its recent death.\nIncident Report 273-01\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nThe Foundation received reports of a thin pillar of flame exceeding 70 m in height, and resulting wildfires, witnessed in the vicinity of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Due to the anomalous shape and duration of the flame, a small MTF was dispatched to the location.\nBodies of two deceased Caucasians, one male and one female, were found at the point of origin of the fires, the cause of death later determined to be severe 3rd degree burns. SCP-273 was found shortly thereafter, unclothed and covered in white ash, standing over a deer carcass, which radiated anomalous amounts of heat. Carcass crumbled to ash and coals at a touch.\nSCP-273 was cooperative at this juncture, and followed the task force out. SCP-273 was then transported to Site-\u2588\u2588 for evaluation and containment.\nPartial Transcript of Interview with SCP-273:\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nForeword: SCP-273 had been obtained the day prior and introduced to a temporary holding cell in Site-\u2588\u2588. A video camera situated behind Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 provided visual records of the interview.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, 273.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Noted. [pauses, shuffling of papers is heard.] What was the first thing you remember, from when you were younger?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You remember nothing else from before that? How long ago was this? How old were you?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Answer the questions, please.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And how old were you?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And what are you now?\nNote: The preceding interview transcript omits 3 min 7 sec from the beginning and all parts after the last line for a reason. Level 3 clearance or higher is required for access to the original recordings. Know that SCP-273 admitted in the former omitted fragment to involuntarily killing the two deceased subjects found near her point of extraction. SCP-273 also identifies the victims as old friends.\nStaff members working with or observing SCP-273 are to be reminded of this fact, and of procedure for working with humanoid SCPs in general. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nIncident Report 273-02:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: Site-\u2588\u2588\nAgents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered the enclosure of SCP-273 with intent to question regarding \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-273 had earlier been granted a bottle of Bacardi 151 for personal use, by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It had been 12 hours and 37 minutes since the last scheduled feeding. Upon the agents' entry, SCP-273 demanded they leave. When they did not at first, SCP-273 became agitated, shouting at them and gesturing frantically. Less than one second after they secured the door, the bottle of Bacardi was observed to [DATA EXPUNGED].\n[DATA EXPUNGED] extreme damage to SCP-273's enclosure and observation room due to flames of unprecedented strength. Recorded temperatures exceeded \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 degrees Celsius. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's death will be handled as per normal procedure. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is still in recovery as of this writing. SCP-273's ashes have been contained in an air-tight, fire-proof safe. The damaged enclosure is to be repaired for future use in containing other SCPs.\nIncident Report 273-03:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: Site \u2588\u2588\nThe fireproof safe was found to be ineffective in containing SCP-273. Severe corrosion damage to the interior and hinges of the safe led to breach of containment, followed by the resumed revival of SCP-273. 3 kg of raw pork was left in the room, and the door secured. Upon awakening, SCP-273 appeared disoriented, but consumed the offered meal as expected. SCP-273 then requested to return to its original containment. As said enclosure has since been repaired, this request will be carried out immediately.\nAddendum 273-03-2: SCP-273's activity has changed drastically since the death event. It rarely leaves the private partition of its enclosure except to feed, and refuses to speak. Surveillance using \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 shows that SCP-273 barely moves when on its own, either sleeping or sitting against one wall. It shows classic signs of depression, despite having no prior indications of such a condition. Recommending close observation for any additional changes in behavior.\n\n\u00ab SCP-272 | SCP-273 | SCP-274 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-274\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any buildings found to be infected with SCP-274 are to be reported immediately to a superior and the leader of Mobile Task Force Pi-1 (\u201cCity Slickers\u201d). MTF Pi-1 is to incinerate cases of SCP-274-1, and secure the infected building(s) by forming a quarantine with a 1 kilometer radius under the guise of the local police and fire department. MTF Pi-1 is to terminate any cases of SCP-274-2 through the use of high-pressure fire hoses. Civilians insisting on entering an instance of SCP-274-1 are to be detained, and have one class B amnestic administered. Any apparatus used to contain or handle SCP-274 should either be incinerated, or entirely composed of metal or glass, and washed thoroughly immediately after use. The cover story for a containment breach of SCP-274 should be gang-related arson.\nDescription: SCP-274 is a paint of variable color. Buildings inflicted with SCP-274 appear to have large amounts of graffiti covering the sides of the building, and often have large, disturbing designs to them (see addendum-274). While its consistency is that of normal paint, its composition reveals it to be 28% hemoglobin, 12% gastric acid, and 60% common components consistent with Krylon brand spray paint.\nWhen SCP-274 is applied to a wall, it will begin to spread until it has covered the wall and any walls attached to it. SCP-274 is unable to spread on metal, glass, and horizontal surfaces. While SCP-274 spreads on buildings, it will convert the interior of a wall into a large mesoglea, the interior walls into a gastrodermis, and the exterior walls act as a protective shell and epidermis. Buildings coated entirely with SCP-274 will become cases of SCP-274-1.\nSCP-274-1 exhibit signs of life, react to stimuli, and behave in a manner similar to many species of the Anthozoa class. Buildings converted into SCP-274-1 lure passing civilians by emitting noises from inside SCP-274-1. Sounds of glass breaking, loud coughing, or pained whimpers have all been reported from D-class personnel. It is currently unknown whether SCP-274-1 or the SCP-274-2s are responsible for this behavior, as the noises stop immediately after entry.\nTypically, civilians will either call the police, or investigate the noises themselves. As subjects search inside SCP-274-1, they will be recognized as food by instances of SCP-274-2, if any are present. When a victim enters a room inside SCP-274-1, barring the entry way they will immediately be suctioned into a gastrovacular cavity belonging to SCP-274-1, later processing them into SCP-274 and one instance of SCP-274-2.\nSpecimens of SCP-274-2 are organisms composed of SCP-274 that appear as men or women wearing a gas mask or respirator, along with a bright, pastel colored hoodie. SCP-274-2 is able to support its heavy weight by its thickness and density in its membrane, which consists of 45-50% of the mass of SCP-274-2.\nSCP-274-2 act as nematocysts for SCP-274-1, and can disguise themselves by merging into the walls. This is done by heavily compacting themselves, and implanting itself into an interior wall, save for their 'mask', which flattens around the wall, and disguises itself as standard graffiti. This behavior has proven to be a means of ambushing food for SCP-274-1, and will only react when it detects something it considers a food source.\nSCP-274-2 possess a hinged operculum that ejects SCP-274 located in their right hand. This operculum looks identical to a normal spray can, and can project SCP-274 in a similar manner. SCP-274-2 will attempt to spray SCP-274 into the eyes and mouth of its victims in an attempt to incapacitate and encapsulate them. This method of attack has shown to be very painful, and will blind and numb the victim from the neck down. Once tagged, the victim is placed into a gastrovascular cavity, resulting in a new SCP-274-2.\nSCP-274-2 are able to duplicate themselves while inside an instance of SCP-274-1, and will produce one new SCP-274-2 every 24 hours. Once twelve SCP-274-2 specimens reside inside one SCP-274-1, further cases of SCP-274-2 will leave SCP-274-1 and find a new building to spray with SCP-274, while avoiding any people they may encounter. Once a building at least two kilometers away from another SCP-274-1 is found, the SCP-274-2 will spray SCP-274 onto the building until it has completely dehydrated itself of SCP-274, and dies, resulting in another instance of SCP-274-1. If left unchecked, it is estimated that SCP-274 could cover a large city within 20 days.\nAddendum-274:\n\n[+] SCP-274-1 Appearance Log:\n\n[-] SCP-274-1 Appearance Log:\n\nDate found:\nAppearance\n\n01/\u2588\u2588/2001\nSCP-274-1-1 is painted to resemble a large bus with the number \u2588\u2588\u2588 on its side. The front of the bus has been replaced by a human like face, and the back is on fire. Bus patrons all look towards the front of the bus, and do not seem to react to the fire.\n\n04/\u2588\u2588/2006\nSCP-274-1-2 is painted to look as if it's crumbling apart. At the base, people are illustrated to be running away from SCP-274-1-2, and a face can be seen forming from the falling rubble.\n\n03/\u2588\u2588/2010\nSCP-274-1-3 depicts a beach with three sharks in the water, and several people running from the shore. This scene is illustrated behind a large, cartoon tiki statue, which takes up most of the front of SCP-274-1-3.\n\n08/\u2588\u2588/2011\nSCP-274-1-4 illustrates what is presumed to be Noah's ark at sea. The creatures boarding the ark do not match any known species. The ark is depicted to have a face with several sharp teeth, and eyes devoid of pupils or irises.\n\n11/\u2588\u2588/2011\nSCP-274-1-5 depicts several figures in level three bio hazard suits at the base. Figures are seen fighting each other for what appears to be a bottle of hand-sanitizer. Several cadavers are piled on top of one another in the background, with a large green cloud in the shape of a canine-like face emitting from them. This face is shown laughing, presumably at the people fighting.\n\n07/\u2588\u25882012\nSCP-274-1-6 is painted to resemble a mausoleum, with a large human skull painted on its front. Illustrated at the base of SCP-274-1-6 are figures suffering from advanced stages of rigor mortis. Most notable is that several figures appear to be wearing the standard-issue tactical armor distributed to MTF Pi-1.\n\n08/\u2588\u25882012\nSCP-274-1-7 is decorated with the scene of MTF Pi-1 setting SCP-274-1-7 on fire through the use of Molotov cocktails. A large depiction of SCP-274-2 can be seen attacking MTF Pi-1.\n\n08/\u2588\u2588/2012\n[REDACTED]. \u2588\u2588 operatives dead as a result of a large mob of SCP-274-2, numbering between \u2588\u2588\u2588 to \u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-273 | SCP-274 | SCP-275 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-275\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Subject is to be contained within two 6 m x 6 m (20 ft x 20 ft) subterranean cells, that is only accessible by a freestanding overhead elevator, although she is allowed short term access to the communal facilities contingent on good behavior, and is accompanied by no fewer than two operatives, all armed with gas grenades filled with an incapacitating agent.\nPersonnel are not to assist SCP-275's self-destructive behavior unless authorized by Level-4 personnel; such behaviors are either potentially harmful to bystanders, or pointless.\nSubject has requested:\n\nOne prayer rug (Approved)\nOne Qu'ran (Approved)\nHalal food (Approved)\nTo be allowed to perform a pilgrimage to Mecca (Denied)\nDaily portions of chili pepper of a minimum Scoville scale rating of 1,000,000 (Approved, contingent on good behavior)\nRegular haircuts (Approved)\nHot coals (Denied)\nTo be flogged (Denied)\nTo be stabbed (Denied)\nTo be beaten (Denied)\nTo be shot (Denied)\nTo be electrocuted (Denied)\nTo be set on fire (Denied)\n\nDescription: SCP-275 is a woman who cannot be physically damaged by any means available to the Foundation. Subject is of apparently Middle-Eastern origin and claims to have grown up 'somewhere in the Ottoman Empire', but to have been a homeless orphan with no memories before the age of approximately ten. Subject claims to be one hundred and sixty-eight (168) years of age, despite appearing to be in her mid-thirties. Subject is 1.63 m (5 ft 4 in) tall and weighs 190 kg (419 lbs), again despite having an appropriate and healthy-sized figure. Hair and eyes are brown. She speaks most languages of the Middle East fluently, and speaks English with a mild accent.\nSCP-275 is perfectly normal in the fact that she needs to breathe, eat, and sleep. However, subject is almost completely resistant to physical trauma, various forms of radiation, and extreme temperatures. By SCP-275's own recollection, her flesh has never experienced any damage, and her skin has never been pierced or scratched.\nTesting indicates that the majority of SCP-275's mass is composed of the elements common to all organic life. However, it is currently believed that many of the structural compounds have been replaced with significantly more durable substitutes, and the subject's tissues also appear to contain significantly elevated amounts of various heavy metals. Foundation researchers have thus far been unable to collect tissue samples.\nAttempts have been made to X-ray the subject, but results were inconclusive: subject's skin contains significant quantities of radio-opaque elements, repelling most attempts to penetrate it with radiological or electromagnetic means. Diffractometry tests upon cell samples extracted from urine, feces, and menses indicate the presence of several novel polymers; however, the degree to which these polymers are represented in other tissues is speculative at best.\nThis \"impenetrability\" of the subject extends through the entirety of the subject, including her hair and nails. Subject has claimed that her hair and nails have not been properly cut since she was fourteen (14), just before her condition manifested itself; in Foundation custody, her hair is to be cut by weekly exposure to a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-Watt laser, and her fingernails and toenails are to be abraded with an angle grinder on a biweekly basis.\nIn addition to this, due to her physical makeup and density, her biology has been slowed as well. Subject ages at least a fourth of the normal rate of aging; also, her menstrual cycle is approximately six months long, with menses itself generally lasting for three to four (3 -4) weeks.\nSCP-275's mental state has been described by Dr. Glass as \"worrying\": because her anomalous condition prevents her from experiencing most forms of sensation, she indulges in self-destructive behavior in an effort to perceive tactile stimuli.\n\n\u00ab SCP-274 | SCP-275 | SCP-276 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-276, near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, UK\n(Full version available)\n\nItem #: SCP-276\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-276 is to be indefinitely moored at Site-\u2588\u2588's docks, with access given only to personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher. Considering its unique qualities, no objects originating from an earlier (or possibly later) era than our own are to be taken onto SCP-276 due to the potential for loss of valuable materials. Regular maintenance is to be carried out after SCP-276 has been made incapable of operation, due to containment issues.\nDescription: SCP-276 has a variable shape, size, and mass, but always appears to be a nautical vessel of make and model relevant to whatever era it exists in. Currently, it takes the form of a large sailing schooner, 92.93 m (304.9 ft) in length and weighing 1360 metric tonnes. Under normal conditions, SCP-276 operates as a standard sailing vessel, capable of achieving 16.2 knots at optimal conditions, regardless of its current manifestation.\nOn SCP-276's bridge, near the wheel of the ship, is a throttle labeled \u201cForward\u201d, \u201cBack\u201d, and \u201cBack Again\u201d. Usage of any of these functions will activate SCP-276's ability to travel through time, while taking anyone currently on the vessel as well. This ability is only limited by the requirement that the era in question possesses some form of boat. Attempts made to travel before the emergence of human life have failed, as well as trips made into the far future. The throttle will act in relation to the current era, with the exception of \u201cBack Again\u201d which will return SCP-276 to modern time. It is unknown if operation of SCP-276 can fundamentally alter history, due to the retroactive nature of time. Any changes made would have already taken effect, and all current research into SCP-276 is related to making sure that any possible manipulation of the time line does not occur.\nOf note is the anti-anachronistic nature of SCP-276. Beyond its tendency to change its form to the respective era it resides in, all non-human objects on SCP-276 will alter as well to become time appropriate. A flashlight taken back to the early 1700s will revert to a more primitive form of illumination such as a gas lamp. Organic life is unaffected with the exception of creatures that either do not exist yet, or have ceased to exist. In both cases, the animal will become another species from the closest taxonomic rank it shares. Dead persons brought to modern times are similarly affected, becoming an entirely different person. Genealogical testing reveals that the subjects are [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNote: SCP-276 is not, I repeat, NOT to be used as a recreational device, especially involving exploitation of SCP-276's temporal qualities. Temporarily restricting access to level 4 personnel until further notice. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum: As of \u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the newly formed Mobile Task Force Rho-5 \"Stitch In Time\" is to be assigned to and given full security clearance involving use of SCP-276. After taking into consideration SCP-276's ability to \"fix\" anachronisms and errors in time, all missions involving temporal tampering are to be headed by Rho-5.\n\n\u00ab SCP-275 | SCP-276 | SCP-277 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-277\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to difficulties inherent in containing SCP-277, it has been placed under a Level-\u2588 lockdown. Activities of the residents of SCP-277 must be monitored by no less than \u2588\u2588 embedded agents, and civilians are not to be aware of Foundation presence or influence. Any attempts to contact civilians within SCP-277 by those outside SCP-277 must be investigated. Personnel must undergo psychological screening before being assigned to SCP-277.\nDescription: SCP-277 is a moderately populated town in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The principal anomaly within SCP-277 are apparitions found throughout the area that seem to be images projected from children's thoughts, or imagination. These are collectively referred to as SCP-277-1. Incidents of SCP-277-1 appear as figures \u2018drawn' in white outlines, with no physical substantiality of their own. The size, \u2018style' in which they are \u2018drawn,' and the complexity of the projections vary from child to child.\nPre-pubescent children are the only individuals capable of producing such incidents, and the process of projecting one seems for the most part to be unconscious and involuntary. An average of \u2588\u2588\u2588 incidents of SCP-277-1 are present at any given time within the area; a largely comprehensive catalogue of pre-pubescents and the designation of their projections may be found in Document 277-\u2588\u2588. While embedded Agents are requested to report potentially uncategorized children to their supervisors to be examined, due to the size of SCP-277, the pre-pubescent population there within, and security complications, this is recognized as occasionally unfeasible.\nIncidences of SCP-277-1 are capable of interacting with each other, although physical objects pass through leaving no damage to either party. Children frequently play with their projections, and the existence of SCP-277-1 is regarded as normal by residents of the town.\nCivilians in SCP-277 claim that the projections have been present within the town since its colonization. This claim is dubious at best, as there are no records of the Area's existence before the year 2\u2588\u2588\u2588, and the towns immediately surrounding the Area deny any knowledge of the city. Testing of members within SCP-277 revealed that their dental, fingerprint, and DNA records correspond with no recorded population databases. When under questioning, civilians denied having memories of living or traveling anywhere but within SCP-277.\n\nOPERATION 277-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 UPDATE THE FIRST: Attempt #\u2588 to evacuate SCP-277 has commenced on 6/15/\u2588\u2588. Small changes were made to the previously detailed methods of evacuation, namely [EXPUNGED] in hopes of avoiding what may have caused previous failures. Documents outlining past attempts to remove civilians from SCP-277 may be found at [DATA EXPUNGED]. Residents continue to deny any memory of previous evacuation attempts. Personnel members involved in previous assignments involving the suppression of SCP-277-1 and SCP-277-1-\u2588R in particular seem to have been [REDACTED] more trained personnel and Class-D subjects are requested along with the necessary medical equipment in the event of another such incident.\nOPERATION 277-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 UPDATE THE SECOND: As of 6/23/\u2588\u2588, Operation 277-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has proven unsuccessful due to [DATA CORRUPTED]. SCP-277-1-\u2588R demonstrated the ability to render mental damage not only to pre-pubescents, but to physically mature Agents. No further evacuation attempts are to be carried out. Level-\u2588 Lockdown suggested.\n-Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nFoundation personnel have been unable to trace the source of File Operation 277-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Foundation databanks have been unable to produce an unexpunged copy of the file. No personnel or civilians in the area are able to recall any attempts made to evacuate, and the legitimacy of the file has been called into question multiple times. As per common consensus, however, no further evacuation efforts have been planned. Furthermore, it has been discovered that when a resident of SCP-277 leaves the area for over \u2588\u2588 minutes, they are violently [REDACTED] and then may be found within the area with no memory of departing from the Area.\nAddendum 277-A: As of 9/14/\u2588\u2588, an unaccounted-for SCP-277-1 was photographed in the local library by a Foundation Agent. No one in the vicinity claimed to be responsible for the projection. As the appearance and actions of incidents of SCP-277-1 are often telling of a child's psychological profile, efforts are being taken to identify the owner of these projections, designated SCP-277-1-R\u2588. Projections that match the image shown in \u2018drawing' style or behavior are to be reported immediately.\nAddendum 277-B: Sightings of projections that are similar to SCP-277-R\u2588 have tripled in frequency since 9/23/\u2588\u2588. On 10/5/\u2588\u2588, there were \u2588\u2588 child casualties made by members of SCP-277-R\u2588 upon childrens' projections. See Interview 277-A for details.\nUPDATE: Three months following this incident, members of SCP-277-R\u2588 have vanished from the area. It is still unknown whether they were projections from a child or a manifestation native to SCP-277 itself.\nAddendum 277-C:\n\nInquiries made to civilians regarding the incident on 10/5/\u2588\u2588 have returned with mixed results. A number of the residents claim that they had never witnessed such an occurrence before and expressed desire for Foundation officials to quickly identify and prosecute the perpetrator. Others claim that similar events happen periodically every \u2588 years.\nPersonnel staffing SCP-277 have expressed discomfort when dealing with members of the town. They smile too wide, as if this entire place is just a fairy tale and that massacre was just part of their happy ending.\n-Agent J\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-276 | SCP-277 | SCP-278 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-278\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Without any input into its controls, SCP-278 will construct its web in any dimly lit, large open area, preferring high 90 degree tri-corner roosts spanning 300 cubic meters. Those personnel at its controls report that the ease of piloting SCP-278 appears inconsistently simple in comparison to the complexity of the mechanisms involved and the lack of any electronic guidance.\nDescription: SCP-278 is a large mechanical robot made of steel, iron, and banyan wood, strongly resembling Idiops barkudensis, a type of Indian arachnid. Clear signs that SCP-278 has been \"upgraded\" or \"modernized\" recently have been found. Core mechanisms and frame of the body are dated back some 150 years to the [EXPUNGED] period. Many new engineering components have been added by unknown parties. Hydraulics and servos seem to have replaced what were systems of pulleys and gears driven by steam engines. The average length of SCP-278 is about 16.5 m (54 ft) from the opisthosoma (abdomen) to the tip of the furthest leg and the highest part of the main body sits about 8.2 m (27 ft) off the ground.\nA control panel of levers and pedals are positioned at what would be the mid-cephalothorax on the back of SCP-278. Again, numerous modifications have been made to the control panel, actually simplifying the control scheme into a more conventional \"flight stick and throttle\" configuration. Though SCP-278 lacks any electronics, CPU, or wiring beyond the presence of a few dozen car batteries, the complex motions of multipedal locomotion are fully automated through a complex network of looping tethers, compound pulleys, belts, and hydraulic pistons. The oldest functioning component of SCP-278 is a type of \"processing transmission\" relying on multiple rotating perforated drums and coils providing different instructional input for commands of motion. A human operator working the controls essentially \"shifts gears\" to readjust the configuration and position of the control drums and coils which guide the rhythm of motion to the legs essential for moving SCP-278.\nThough the finer details that control SCP-278 are not fully understood, researchers are perplexed by the autonomy SCP-278 displays when no human input is presented. It is not known how SCP-278 is capable of moving and performing complex tasks on its own without an operator, the most impressive of which is the construction of an elaborate \"web\" made from nylon tether, similar to bungee cord, with high tensile strength. The cords are constantly stored and reused since the discovery of SCP-278, the typical web having a diameter of about 41 m.\n\nAddendum: SCP-278 escaped confinement on the 2nd of September 2008 when SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 breached its own containment, disabling the facility located at [EXPUNGED]. During the night, SCP-278 had traveled [EXPUNGED] km to Liverpool, England, where it was found, poised vertically upside down on the side of a building known as Concourse House. SCP personnel posing as a theatrical group introduced SCP-278 to citizens as \"La Princesse,\" the showcase of a theatrical production. With human operators at the controls, SCP-278 was paraded around the city under the guise of a show.\n\n\u00ab SCP-277 | SCP-278 | SCP-279 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-279\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: There is no known way of inhibiting SCP-279's movements. As SCP-279 has not yet been sighted outside of its host town, D\u2588\u2588\u2588, the city has been placed under a Level-\u2588 lockdown. No media regarding SCP-279 are permitted to leave the town. If at all possible, the civilians are to be kept unaware of the anomalous properties of SCP-279, as well as the fact that their city is being monitored. SCP-279 requires no other containment methods to remain secure. A minimum of 2 agents are to follow SCP-279's movements as closely as they are able.\nDescription: SCP-279 appears to be a man in his early forties, of unremarkable appearance and dress. SCP-279 does not respond to any form of external stimuli, and has not been observed to deviate from a standard neutral expression. SCP-279 has been reported to spontaneously disappear and reappear throughout D\u2588\u2588\u2588, presenting unusual difficulties to agents required to monitor it.\nSCP-279 seemingly spends the majority of its time travelling through the town of D\u2588\u2588\u2588. Attempts to eliminate SCP-279 have failed. SCP-279 continues whatever it is in the process of doing regardless of any injury it has sustained. Small portions of SCP-279 attempt to continue locomotion even when separated from the whole. In light of this, attempts to dispatch SCP-279 have been indefinitely postponed. All samples taken confirm that SCP-279 is human.\nAt approximately 3:00 AM, SCP-279 vanishes for two hours and returns in its original state at another location in D\u2588\u2588\u2588. Containment or restraint is impossible as SCP-279 possesses an inordinate amount of strength when physically restrained and has utilized its ability to spontaneously reappear in a different location when indirectly restrained.\nAlthough SCP-279 has no known motive, it does not have a known history of violent behavior. SCP-279 has been observed standing in unusual areas for up to several days at a time, looking into windows of occupied rooms, walking in a circle roughly two meters in diameter for \u2588\u2588 hours, [DATA EXPUNGED] in houses, entering shops and [REDACTED] staring [REDACTED] shop manager informed local authorities after three minutes, walking along roads, etc.\nCare must be taken to avoid direct skin contact with SCP-279. When such contact is made, the person in question will vanish along with SCP-279 at the usual time of disappearance. Only one individual has been recovered after direct contact with SCP-279, despite [REDACTED] D-class and equipment expended. Said individual appeared to be in a state of near-catatonic shock upon recovery in a basement. After being relocated to Site-\u2588\u2588, the subject showed signs of being legally blind despite examinations proving vision was only slightly farsighted. Subject appeared to be reasonably lucid despite showing signs of mental [DATA EXPUNGED].\n[DATA EXPUNGED] reported saying \u201cGet away from me\u201d repeatedly while [DATA EXPUNGED] however, does not satisfactorily explain the injuries the subject incurred while confined to a straitjacket, in a padded room.\nAddendum-279-A: Agents monitoring SCP-279 have brought to our attention a problematic development. While in the past, information leaks were secured easily due to the fact that SCP-279 rarely appeared near large crowds, it has recently been frequenting densely populated areas.\nMore conspicuously odd actions have also been noted, although this may be due to the fact that more people are reporting unusual events surrounding SCP-279. Despite our best efforts, SCP-279 has since become something of a landmark of the town due to its open, unusual behavior. Liberal amounts of amnestics were administered when citizens noticed connections between missing individuals and SCP-279. Violence directed towards SCP-279 attracted large amounts of attention and resulted in an immense security breach before agents were able to arrive.\nCurrently, efforts are being made to maintain security without upsetting the population of D\u2588\u2588\u2588. However, if [REDACTED] fails, the city is to be put under a Level-\u2588\u2588 lockdown. Attempts to maintain any pretense that D\u2588\u2588\u2588 is not being closely monitored will be discontinued. As it is a relatively small town, the process of [DATA EXPUNGED] ought to go smoothly.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n.\n.\n.\nLEVEL 5 SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED: Recently, a researcher who has a notable history of [REDACTED] noticed an odd distortion in a picture of SCP-279. After considerable concentration, the doctor was able to see a similar distortion in all files depicting SCP-279.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 then discovered an effective method of [REDACTED] an extremely elaborate and convoluted process, after considerable time, [REDACTED] was able to achieve the desired effect.\nAn extremely subtle memetic hazard had affected SCP-279 and nearly all examinations it was involved in. Since then, SCP-279 has been confirmed to be decidedly not human. DNA re-testing is impossible due to the nature of SCP-279, but it appears to be [REDACTED]\n[REDACTED] testing confirmed that Agents claimed to be grasping SCP-279's arm when, as viewed with the aid of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's methods, the Agents' arm appeared to be [DATA EXPUNGED] up to the elbow in [REDACTED] is unknown. [REDACTED] researchers were reminded that despite the admittedly unsavory aspects of allowing it to interact with civilians, [DATA EXPUNGED] use of Foundation resources, coupled with the fact that very little is known of SCP-279's motives, requests to evacuate D\u2588\u2588\u2588 have been denied along with requests to [DATA EXPUNGED]\nResearchers are reminded to maintain a professional calm.\nAs per mutual agreement, the Containment Procedures regarding SCP-279 have been updated. Agents tasked with monitoring SCP-279 have not been informed of its nature, as the information was deemed to be too distressing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-278 | SCP-279 | SCP-280 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-280 losing physical cohesion during initial capture.\n\nItem #: SCP-280\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-280 is to be contained in a 5 x 5 meter cell, and no equipment of any kind is to be left inside when staff are not present. Containment area is to be kept in total darkness at all times. Any items taken into the containment cell must be removed by staff at the end of testing, and any staff entering into containment must wear infrared goggles and be equipped with an infrared ID strobe and a strong flashlight.\nIn the event of an SCP-280 attack, all staff are to power on their flashlights and illuminate the subject under attack. No aggressive action is to be taken against SCP-280, and staff are to keep one meter from SCP-280 at all times. Staff should continue to illuminate SCP-280 until it retreats to a sufficient distance to allow the recovery and extraction of the subject of the attack.\nDescription: SCP-280 is a black human-shaped mass with two large white eyes on the head and two hands with very long and thin fingers. No feet or legs are visible, as the lower portion of the body appears to fade away several centimeters from the ground. SCP-280 appears to be wholly composed of matter that can gain or lose corporeal form. This matter is very black, with only the eyes showing any other color, and when changing to a non-corporeal form, looks much like smoke.\nThe eyes are non-functioning, and appear only when SCP-280 is retreating, appearing to be used like eyespots on some insects. SCP-280 is very strong, and has been observed pulling apart steel with its hands, showing no sign of stress. SCP-280 moves with a gliding motion, with its hands extended, described as a \u201csleepwalker pose\u201d by observers.\nSCP-280 will move slowly towards any human beings and attempt to attack them. SCP-280 appears to sense human life; no limit has yet been found on this ability. SCP-280 will approach to within 14 centimeters of a subject, and then use its hands to pull and tear at the subject, causing massive physical trauma. The attack can last between one and five minutes, and will continue until the death of the subject, at which point SCP-280 will expose its eyes, lose corporeal form, and move to the next human. If no humans are present, SCP-280 will move and ball up against a wall or other structure until a human being is again present.\nSCP-280 will retreat slowly from light, exposing its eyes in the direction of the light, or at any nearby humans. This has been described as extremely disconcerting by those who have been stared at. If the area that SCP-280 currently resides in becomes fully illuminated, or there is a very bright burst of light, SCP-280 will fade away and re-appear in another area. This appears to be done purely as a defensive response to light, and will not be used to follow or attack prey.\nSCP-280 does not appear to eat, breathe, or sleep. It does not ingest any of the tissue removed during an attack, and simply drops it to tear a new piece. Due to its ability to become incorporeal at will, and its aggressive nature, no samples of SCP-280 have been collected.\nAddendum: Notes on Recovery\nSCP-280 was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Mississippi after several reports of locked-room murders and child deaths. All were reported as being extremely vicious, and victims were \"horribly mangled.\" The Foundation became involved after a family of five was murdered in their home. A survivor was found in the basement, 9-year-old David \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had come over for a sleep over. He was found in an advanced state of shock, holding a flashlight and unresponsive to outside stimulus. During an investigation of the basement, an officer was attacked and badly mutilated. His statement attracted the interest of Foundation agents.\nDuring recovery, SCP-280 was temporarily lost due to its ability to teleport when exposed to high levels of light. It was also observed that SCP-280 is frequently discounted as a shadow when seen in the dark, or dismissed as clothing, hair, or another object when accidentally touched in the dark. When tracking a subject, SCP-280 will remain incorporeal until the moment of attack, causing some to walk very close to or through SCP-280. Subjects report a feeling of dread and unease when inside SCP-280. SCP-280 usually does not respond to this, but will sometimes expose its eyes and enter its retreating posture when passed through. No pattern has emerged for this behavior.\nAddendum: Notes Following Testing\nDuring a series of extensive testing of the effects of various illumination sources on SCP-280's retreat reflex, SCP-280 broke containment. SCP-280 was observed to repeatedly appear and dissipate throughout the illuminated Site, progressing through the sub-levels and eventually appearing in SCP-1591's containment chamber. Upon being exposed to SCP-1591, SCP-280 displayed its eyes but did not retreat. The entity paused and knelt for several minutes before demanifestation. SCP-280 reappeared in its cell several hours later without incident.\n\n\u00ab SCP-279 | SCP-280 | SCP-281 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-281\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-281 is currently contained within maximum security storage locker 18-E on level 7 of Research, Reliquary, and Containment Site-76. SCP-281's lithium-ion battery pack is to remain plugged into the site's main power grid unless used in testing. Necessary cables have been supplied and are stored with the object.\nBecause of the nature of the object's anomalous properties, testing on SCP-281 is to be authorized by the Level 4 senior member of research staff currently assigned to this project. D-Class personnel used in testing are not to be informed on the nature of SCP-281.\nDescription: SCP-281 is a makeshift device measuring approximately 25 cm x 35 cm x 20 cm. Built into the device is a high capacity lithium-ion laptop battery to provide power. In addition, the object incorporates a variety of components from such diverse sources as a Philips brand alarm clock, a digital kitchen timer of unknown make and model, a NEC PC-8201a portable computer and a USB keypad (brand unknown). Attempts to reverse engineer it have thus far not yielded any significant results. SCP-281 is currently not believed to be functioning as intended by its creator.\nSCP-281's effects become apparent when the following tasks are performed in the correct sequence:\n1. Subject sets an alarm using the alarm clock interface\n2. Subject waits for the alarm to sound and presses the alarm clock's snooze button\nThe depression of the snooze button triggers the creation of a localized temporal anomaly around SCP-281. The area affected is a spherical field with an approximate radius of six meters, centered on SCP-281 and designated SCP-281-1. Personnel and items outside this anomaly are not affected in any way. How the device creates the temporal anomaly is unknown at this time. The kitchen timer component of SCP-281 will display 9:00 when SCP-281-1 is created and begin counting down. Setting the kitchen timer to any other amount of minutes or seconds prior to activation does not appear to have any effect on SCP-281's functioning.\nWithin SCP-281-1, time passes at a highly increased rate, with nine minutes lapsing inside it compared to approximately one millisecond outside. From the perspective of those inside the temporal anomaly, time moves at a normal rate while outside of SCP-281-1 time appears to have effectively stopped.1 Subjects within SCP-281-1 can move around within its limits, but attempts to have subjects cross from an active instance of SCP-281-1 into an area beyond its influence have invariably resulted in subjects undergoing massive and acute cellular disruption along the line separating those parts inside and those outside of SCP-281-1. A similar effect has been observed on subjects and objects brought into an instance of SCP-281-1 from outside its area of effect. It has proven possible to move SCP-281-1 by transporting SCP-281 to a different location while active, but any materials, biological or otherwise, immediately suffer a massive cellular and molecular disruption as described above. Any organic material present within SCP-281-1 when the device is activated is subject to normal biological processes over the period of time that lapses inside SCP-281-1.\nTo those outside of SCP-281-1, no time appears to have passed. If subjects present in an active instance of SCP-281-1 have moved during the period of time SCP-281-1 was active, they will seem to have teleported to their new location.\nAs the timer reaches zero minutes and zero seconds, the alarm sounds again and time inside and outside of the instance of SCP-281-1 are instantaneously resynchronized. Due to the abrupt nature of this event, subjects inside SCP-281-1 when the nine-minute period expires, suffer effects resembling severe decompression sickness. Known treatments for that condition have been proven to be equally effective in treating SCP-281 test subjects.\nAddendum 281-A-01: Recovery and preliminary containment notes\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 a remote monitoring station picked up encrypted transmissions emanating from a location in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Mountains. After decryption, the transmissions were found to be reporting progress on a project referred to as 'Full Circle' and SCP-281 was secured by a Foundation airborne recovery team during a raid on a fortified hiker's cabin. The device's creator, a 36-year-old African American male identified post-mortem as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, exhibited erratic and aggressive behavior when encountered. No evidence exists of an affiliation with any known GOI or other organization.\n\nFootnotes\n1. This effect is similar in nature to the WonderZoom feature of SCP-2445. While no link between the creation of these objects is believed to exist, examination of this documentation provides further insight into the nature of paratechnological temporal distortions.\n\n\u00ab SCP-280 | SCP-281 | SCP-282 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-282\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-282 should be kept in a containment locker outfitted with a standard array of explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic high-level defenses. Personnel entering SCP-282's containment must be verified with a retinal scanner, and no experimentation sessions lasting longer than 3 hours are permitted.\nDescription: SCP-282 is a children's toy recovered from the Truk Atoll in Micronesia. SCP-282 is in the shape of a set of devil or juggling sticks, apparently made from locally available materials. Historical/cultural sources show that SCP-282 was originally used by natives of its island of origin as part of an elaborate annual ritual (known as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, literally translated as \u201cHe Moves\u201d) to bring good luck for the following year. Numerous anomalies on the island alerted the Foundation to SCP-282's presence, including exceptionally long harvest seasons, several unknown species of fruit growing locally, and reports by missionaries of strange lights and noises, and packs of children who appeared identical. Full research on SCP-282's properties is pending.\nAddendum 282-A\nCleanup operations in the Truk Atoll have recovered large amounts of information, including a nearly-complete set of use instructions for SCP-282. Operations in the atoll will be reduced, and despite apprehension from teams assisting in recovery of SCP-282, full testing as to whether anomalous properties can be recreated will continue.\nAddendum 282-B\nPersonnel of Level 4 or above may view Incident Report 282-CB. As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, any attempts to recreate the effects of SCP-282 are punishable by termination. All remaining information is to be classified.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum 282-C\nMaterials seized from a residence on the Truk Atoll resemble an incomplete replica of SCP-282. As the replica (seemingly in the process of creation) demonstrates no anomalous properties, it has been added to SCP-282's containment until such a time as we can ascertain its nature. Foundation-operated coercion revealed little information as to how or why it was created, but did indicate that more civilians in the area of recovery may know how or be interested in creating similar replicas. Whether the recovered replica is identical to SCP-282 is unknown.\n\nIncident Report 282-CB\n\nPersonal Log of Dr. J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Garrison, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAttempts to recreate the ritual described in Documents 282-14 through 17 are slow going, mostly due to the exhausting requirements of using SCP-282. First of all, it took us half a week to find anyone at the site who can actually use juggling sticks.\n[For reference: Researcher M\u2588\u2588\u2588 Munoz, a medical technology analyst, was ultimately chosen as the subject.]\nSecond, SCP-282 are apparently very difficult to use, compared to ordinary juggling sticks, so he had to spend a few weeks working on that.\nThird, and most persistent and annoyingly, the instructions we have call for the subject to juggle with SCP-282 constantly, for 36 hours, with a low rate of error and no dropping the stick. And that's the reason it's taken us 2 months so far. They can talk about dedication, and project funding and results, but the stamina required is damn near superhuman. It's been suggested that we apply an intravenous drip of caffeine and electrolytes to maintain alertness, and I'm willing to try that.\n\nHour 0\nSubject stands in a 10 m x 10 m blast chamber that has been prepared according to recovered instructions. Among other preparations, subject stands in the center of a 1.5 m diameter circle marked with native flowers, with a goat's head at the anterior point. Surrounding this circle is a 3 m circle marked with a mixture of goat and chicken entrails mashed by hand with wooden implements. Outside of this is a final 3.5 m circle marked with chicken feathers, chicken and goat footprints in ash, and a poultice of several herbs and human blood. One chicken skeleton and one goat skeleton have been laid around the room, outside the perimeter of the final circle. The subject, medical technician M\u2588\u2588\u2588 Munoz, with attached intravenous drip, stands in the center, with SCP-282. Subject begins to use SCP-282.\nHour 1\nSubject continues with no major errors in play, or reports of anomalies. Vital signs are all normal.\n\n6 hours already. He hasn't dropped it yet. I'm very hopeful that this time will be it. I watch through the plate glass, get nervous every time he fumbles. Every time. It's gotten a little ridiculous. I'm worried it might be an effect of the SCP, so I told the standing guard, but I think it's more stress than a mental pull. Going to call a secondary observer in, and sleep on the cot in here.\n\nWoke up, he's still going.\n\nNote: Instruments in testing chamber showed that subject's heart rate had increased slightly by this point in time.\nHour 18\nSubject notes sounds of laughter from inside the testing chamber; outside observer notes nothing abnormal.\nHour 23\nSubject becomes increasingly paranoid, claiming that the experiment won't work and asking if he can stop. Encouraged to continue juggling, and at no point does the subject drop the stick. Hypothesized to be a stress reaction.\nHour 26\nSubject claims to feel a breeze in the chamber. Signs of strong winds are apparent when animal skeletons outside the circles are moved as if being blown; however, none of the flowers in the first circle are disturbed, nor is subject's play impaired.\nHour 27\nAll lights in chamber abruptly dim. In addition, the outer circle appears to completely and suddenly disappear from view. Signs of wind, despite the enclosed and subterranean nature of the blast chamber, have increased. Subject is encouraged to continue juggling.\nNote: Later records show no electrical issues with chamber lights. Hypothesized to be an effect of the SCP.\nHour 30\nSubject reports feeling cold, sensors affirm that the temperature inside the chamber has dropped 20 degrees. Continues juggling.\n\nI nearly can't believe he's kept it moving this long. Obviously, the error frequency was expected to go up as the time goes longer, but he hasn't dropped it once, and the error rate seems to have decreased, like it's getting ingrained. Here comes the final stretch. Looks tired, I don't blame him.\n\nHour 32\nSecond circle moves as if being blown inwards, then disappears entirely. Subject makes no note of this.\nAfter ten minutes, animal skeletons around the perimeter of the chamber stand up, despite lack of muscle or connective tissue. Subject becomes unresponsive, muttering quietly.\nHour 33\nFinal circle disappears, and lights dim again, until area inside chamber is completely dark. Observers note a voice exclaiming, \u201che moves\u201d, before sounds of juggling cease, and a clattering noise is heard. Class 2 Lockdown is ordered.\nNote: Further analysis through infrared camera reveals that at hour 33:14, the subject's knees buckle, and after muttering loudly before footage is interrupted by several bright flashes, apparently only visible to infrared sensors. During this time, subject disappears entirely, and SCP-282 falls to the ground.\nHour 34\nSounds of juggling resume from inside the chamber.\nNote: Infrared cameras show that a figure not corresponding to M\u2588\u2588\u2588 Munoz appeared in the testing chamber, recovered SCP-282 from the floor, and continued juggling while laughing quietly.\nHour 35\nSeveral more infrared flashes occur, some of which now translate into flashes in the visible spectrum. Containment chamber is very dark. At 35:28 hours, side of containment chamber is ruptured by a sudden heat measuring over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 degrees Celsius.\nCamera footage shows the unknown force proceeding to destroy obstacles in its path via obliteration moving up an emergency stairwell (damaging stairwell, but without compromising it structurally). At ground level it proceeds to carve a route through the facility until the perimeter of Site-\u2588\u2588 is reached, at which point it is no longer seen. All of the above take place within 4.7 seconds. Nearby personnel report seeing only a bright hot light.\nNote: Camera footage shows that upon compromising the perimeter of the facility, the force paused for several milliseconds, then disappeared, as opposed to exiting the facility. Infrared footage from the testing chamber shows that it is completely empty at this time.\nWithin several seconds, light in testing chamber returns to normal. Subject has returned to testing chamber, collapsed on the floor, with SCP-282 nearby as if dropped. In addition, a fine layer of ash covers the testing room floor. Paramedic teams rush in.\nSubject is currently undergoing treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, and is expected to resume normal operations shortly.\n\nAfter-Action Report\nFrom Interview with Subject M\u2588\u2588\u2588 Munoz\n\nI'm\u2026 I'm juggling, right? Like I've been doing for the last, hell, whole day. Then, everything picks up like I'm standing in a [REDACTED] hurricane, and I feel this\u2026 thing\u2026. Don't even know what it is, but it was there and I could\u2026 Christ. Everything went black, and I knew that I had moved, that I was somewhere else, because I knew there wasn't a floor or ceiling or those goddamn sticks where I was. Just\u2026 Nothing, really, and the darkness.\nAnd then it was there. Goddammit. I knew it, that there was something else there, even though I couldn't see or hear or feel it because there was nothing to see or hear or feel. It was just waiting there, keeping me there, waiting for me to do something\u2026 I curled up in this little ball, tried to make it not notice me, but it was there breathing down my neck the whole time. In the end, I just told it I wanted to leave. That was it.\n\nAdditional data:\nOver \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in property damage was caused by Incident-282-CB, and containment of 3 separate SCPs were compromised. Because of this, current sanctions on experimentation with SCP-282 were put in place.\n\n\u00ab SCP-281 | SCP-282 | SCP-283 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-283\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the strange but harmless nature of SCP-283, it is to be kept in a secure box against the east wall of room E-107 at Site-137. Aside from that, SCP-283 can be handled by any personnel as long as they are observed by at least a level 3 member of staff, who is to keep watch over SCP-283 to prevent petty theft.\nDescription: For all intents and purposes, SCP-283 is an ordinary rock, slightly mottled and worn from age and collisions, made of dark gray granite. It weighs just over 1 kg and is 10 cm in length. However, instead of following the usual route of gravity, SCP-283 is pulled in the direction of exact magnetic East. Close study reveals that SCP-283 is, in fact, falling around the Earth as well as being affected by its odd gravitational pull.\nThe rock was first found after an investigation of poltergeist activity in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Australia. Reported as the phenomenon known as 'Min Min lights,' which are in fact known to be \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. See document [DATA EXPUNGED] for Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's notes on the subject.\nAccording to witnesses, the rock purportedly hurtled across the plains, through the walls of a house and a car, and was eventually stopped by a mobile trailer home, where it remained lodged in the metal wall until the following morning. At first, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 believed it to be attracted by some magnetic force, although subsequent testing has proved this false. SCP-283 is an ordinary granite cobble, apart from falling in the wrong direction. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 accidentally dropped SCP-283 and was forced to chase after it. The retrieval involved a minor head injury, but confirmed suspicions about its nature.\nNote from Dr. Wood:\nIt has come to the attention of the higher level personnel that someone has been stealing SCP-283 for use as a paperweight. I don't care how 'zen' it looks, any further misdemeanors will be dealt with severely.\n\n\u00ab SCP-282 | SCP-283 | SCP-284 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-284\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-284-1 and SCP-284-2 are to be kept under minimal security protocols, with occasional off-site trips when approved by a Level 4 or higher personnel. During these trips they are to be accompanied by a minimum of one Level 1 researcher and one Level 1 field agent. Their quarters are a standard humanoid containment room with two beds. When offered separate containment quarters, they replied that privacy is moot.\nDescription: SCP-284-1 and SCP-284-2 are twins born \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Illinois. Though they appear to be normal, they are dizygotic twins who share a single functional brain. SCP-284-1 is female, 1.72 meters tall, containing the left side of the brain. SCP-284-2 is male, 1.79 meters tall, containing the right side of the brain. The portions that are not associated with either lobe are [DATA REDACTED].\nIn both subjects, the size of the possessed lobe is approximately 50% larger than normal, presumably to allow for maintaining function of two bodies at once.\nIt has been found that while the subjects have separate personalities, they share memories, skills, knowledge, physical sensation and have shown limited levels of emotional synergy. Though there is no way to know for certain, they claim to have taught themselves how to block out sensory information from each other to varying degrees. Vision and hearing can be blocked out completely, while taste, smell and touch can be weakened. Doing so is a choice of the one receiving the information, not the one experiencing it.\nWith physical skills, it should be noted that while both subjects have the knowledge of proper technique, muscle tissue only develops to properly execute the skills efficiently and with significant endurance in the subject who physically learned the skill.\nWhile the subjects do not show any advantage in proficiency for skills associated with their respective lobes, it has been found that when separated by a significant distance they each have delayed responses from the other subject's lobe.\nAlso of note is that both subjects seem incapable of remaining awake more than sixteen (16) minutes after the other has fallen asleep and both awaken at the same time whether allowed to sleep until they wake up on their own or woken from their sleep separately.\nAddendum: 284-1: Test Log 284-1\nSCP-284-1 and SCP-284-2 were placed at separate ends of the facility. A team of researchers, including two surgeons, removed the top of SCP-284-2's cranium and proceeded to apply an electrode to various points on the brain to gauge reactions to the stimuli. In all instances, SCP-284-1 experiences the same sensation or physical reaction as SCP-284-2.\nAddendum: 284-2: Researcher Note\nToday it was noted that while SCP-284-1 was playing the piano in Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office, SCP-284-2's fingers began twitching erratically. When brought to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office, it was discovered that the twitching of SCP-284-2's fingers were in time with the motions of SCP-284-1's fingers as she played. Further study of this phenomenon is being scheduled.\n\n\u00ab SCP-283 | SCP-284 | SCP-285 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-285\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-285 is to be kept in a Level-III humanoid containment chamber on Site-49's B-Wing. SCP-285 is to be given basic amenities. Following SCP-285's recent cooperation with the Foundation, it is allowed exactly two hours of free roaming Site-43's botanical gardens with supervision by at least one guard if it so chooses.\nPersonnel are not to discuss SCP-285's past with PoI-6938 without approval of Site-43's Director. If this occurs, authorized technical staff are to manually remove the information from SCP-285-B via use of SCP-285-A.\nSCP-285-B instances are not to be edited without the permission of the Administrator of Site-43's Technical staff. SCP-285 is to never be given its full abilities back under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-285 is an anomalous humanoid entity with no defined shape or internal structure, the exception being SCP-285-A, which consistently manifests itself on the object's back. SCP-285's body changes sporadically, with no pattern among the alterations; despite the trauma SCP-285 incurs as a result of this bodily mutation, it will not at any point display signs of homeostatic distress. Subject claims it cannot control these changes. These changes include, but are not limited to:\n\nLoss and growth of new limbs.\nVariable size and shape of body parts.\nLoss and growth of height and mass\n\nSCP-285-A appears to be an Ethernet1 port, which allows access to SCP-285's internal database. When accessed by a computer capable of wired connections between networks, various files are capable of being accessed. These files (SCP-285-B) contain various text files, audio files, cognitohazards, and videos. ~90% of all files have been corrupted. The cause of this corruption is currently unknown. Additionally, SCP-285 is only capable of accessing files that were formed within its own database.\nInvestigations into SCP-285-B and its contents reveal that editing of SCP-285-B could cause external changes on SCP-285's body and psychological state. To what extent this is possible without causing permanent damage to SCP-285 is currently unknown. It is believed that PoI-6938 used this ability to evade GoI-102 (\"Unusual Incidents Unit\") through consistent use of editing SCP-285's facial structure and body type, along with editing in Thaumatological based offense capabilities to defend against GoI-102 agents.\nRecovery: SCP-285 was recovered following an attempted arrest involving itself and an unknown individual (currently believed to be SCP-285's creator) in Las Vegas, Nevada. SCP-285 and the unknown individual (PoI-6938) were initially pulled over for speeding, before the officer discovered that PoI-6938 had attacked a federal building in [REDACTED], California. This federal building was later revealed to have been under the direct control of GoI-102, and was used as a prison for anomalous humanoids. The attack by PoI-6938 and SCP-285 ended in the deaths of 34 GoI-102 personnel and the release of ~70% of the prison population.\nThe officer attempted to arrest SCP-285 and PoI-6938, but was attacked by SCP-285. PoI-6938 then escaped, leaving SCP-285 with the officer. SCP-285 was then arrested and put into GoI-102 custody, before eventually being given over to the Foundation following an anomalous Trade Of Information between GoI-102 and the Foundation. Both local law enforcement and Federal Agents were unable to locate PoI-6938. Anomalous pathways located in Nevada are currently being investigated with joint Foundation-UIU task forces.\n\nInterview Log\n\nInterviewer: Dr. Henderson\nSubject: SCP-285\n\nDr. Henderson: What is your purpose?Dr. Henderson: How do you not know?Dr. Henderson: Well, tell me why you think you were created.Dr. Henderson: How do you think you were altered?Dr. Henderson: Why do you not want him to succeed?Dr. Henderson: Then why did you attack that officer?\n[SCP-285 Pauses]\nDr. Henderson: Why do you think your creator put these various files onto you?Dr. Henderson: Explain.Dr. Henderson: So, if your brain were to be damaged or if you were to die, all the files within your database would disappear?Dr. Henderson: Did he bring anything up that maybe would have explained why he was so angry?Dr. Henderson: Well, the UIU is not evil; I can say that with confidence.Dr. Henderson: Whatever your creator told you, it was inaccurate to reality.\nDr. Henderson: Why do you think your creator left you behind?Dr. Henderson: How was he done with you?Dr. Henderson: If you truly were a 'loose end', as you described, why did he not kill you himself?Dr. Henderson: Why do you think he wanted to get rid of all the files in your database?Dr. Henderson: Do you remember the name of this group?\n\nAddendum-285.1\nThe following collection of documents are filed in chronological order based off of documents from SCP-285's internal database and GoI-102 related documents. The purpose of this collection is to provide a possible time frame regarding SCP-285's creation and PoI-6938's overall motive and goal.\n\nDocument-A\n\nAccess Granted\n\nThe following document was a deleted audio file, believed to be addressed to SCP-285's original owners.\n\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\nI don't give a damn what blunt thinks or says. I need him. Without him, I wouldn't have gotten this far. The damn feds are crawling all over the damn place, and this guy is the only thing keeping them away from me. If anything, you should be glad he's around. Better for them to be mind fucked into oblivion than just killed, right?\nMan, you really gave this guy some sweet powers. You sure this guy was meant to be a kiddy thing? I thought we were meant to be pacifists or something?\nNot that I'm complaining.\nYou know, that's the one thing I've always hated about you two. You're too damned soft. You don't ever fight back. You just sit on your ass and make jokes and do nothing.\nYeah, it was fun, what we did. For a while, at any rate. Then Jordan got taken. You two wouldn't understand. What it's like to have to take care of someone. Look after someone. Do some [pause] some real shitty things to protect the ones that you love.\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\nAnd every damn time I tried asking you and the others about what we should do about Jordan. About how the Ravens took him. Remember what you fucking said, Jude? \"He got what he deserved\"?\nWell, I remember that.\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\nMaybe we need a couple of terrorists in the world. To knock the man a peg or two down.\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\n\nDocument-B\n\nAccess Granted\nDocument currently believed to be in reference to 'Jordan' from Document-A.\n\nInitial Report\nSuspect Description/Capabilities\nEvidence\nBureau Record\nInterview Excerpt\n\nElectronic copy below as per Federal Records Act\n\nUIU File: 2016-982: Codename \"Merrymaker\"\nSummary: Suspect capable of performing high class Thaumatology and minor reality warping. Possible connections to The Serpent's Hand, an anomalous terrorist organization, and is primarily active in Southern California and Nevada. Possible member of the secretive location known as 'The Library', the main base of the Serpent's Hand.\n\nName: Unknown, but has consistently given out the first name \"Jordan\"\nIrregularity Cross-reference: Human, Magician, Terrorist, American, Serpent's Hand\nPhysical Description:2\n\nSex\nHeight\nWeight/Build\nRace\nHair\nEyes\nIdentifying Attributes\n\nMale\n72 inches\n189 pounds, large\nWhite\nBrown\nBlue\nTattoos depicting a hand strangling an American Eagle, hammer smashing a five-pointed star, and several hands tugging at a logo with three arrows pointing inwards.\n\nCapabilities: Suspect is capable of performing offensive thaumatic spells. These spells include fire-based projectiles, sentient flesh-based creations formed from his own epidermis,3 and capable of forming Ways. These Ways are not permanent, and are incredibly unstable. In all cases, Ways produced by the suspect are incapable of transporting him at long distances. These Ways also cause temporary physical and mental effects to the suspect. Suspect suffers from vomiting and nausea after forming Ways.\nPurpose/Motive: Primarily motivated by hatred of organizations or agencies responsible for preserving and maintaining consensus reality, along with curbing activity in the anomalous community. Believes that the only way anomalous humans can continue to exist is by the destruction of any and all normalcy agencies. Willing to cooperate with any group or person as long as this primary motive is maintained.\nModus Operandi: Suspect often works with terrorist organizations, specifically the Serpents Hand, various anartist4 sects, and, on one occasion, with a currently unidentified anomalous terrorist group. Its cooperation is often in tandem with the organizations opposition to normalcy agencies.\nBehavior: Behaves with very little remorse or empathy towards non-anomalous entities. Exhibits unwillingness to socialize with other people, both anomalous and non-anomalous.\n\nDestroyed Unit Patrol Car: Patrol car has suffered major scorching on the exterior and the interior of the vehicle. Analysis provides evidence of external source. Additionally, the hood of the car has been found to been smashed in by an external force. Analysis of the vehicle suggests that the scorch marks were caused by a fire produced through Thaumatology.\nBody Camera Footage: Footage shows suspect assaulting and killing fifteen Federal Agents after an anomalous arms deal goes wrong.\nFootage of Way: Footage of a Way produced by the suspect.\n\nCurrent Status: Detained at [CLASSIFIED], California. Not allowed to contact anyone or receive packages from family or associates. Indefinite solitary confinement.\nCrimes: Murder of a Federal Officer, Destruction of Property, Anomalous Arms Dealing, Drug Ownership, Drug Trafficking, Drug Manufacturing, Treason, Terrorism, Murder of a Police Officer, Theft of Federal Property, Speeding, Arson, Selling Paratech without a license, Performing Thaumatology Without a License, Driving Without A License, and Evasion of Arrest.\nSentencing: Capital Punishment.\nHistory of UIU Action:\n5/22/2016: Suspect first appeared aiding a Serpent Hand operative escape Unit patrol vehicles with a currently unidentified Ford pickup truck. Used his Thaumatological abilities to destroy five of the seven cars. The suspect and the accompanying operative escaped after driving their vehicle through a Way produced at the bottom of a canyon, of which they had driven off of.\n6/9/2016: Suspect encountered near [CLASSIFIED], California selling anomalous drugs in a local club. When arrested by three Agents, he formed three biological entities of varying shapes and sizes to attack the Agents. Suspect escaped via a Way he had produced while the entities began attacking civilians in order to distract Unit Agents from apprehending him. Fifteen civilians and two officers were killed by the time the three entities were destroyed.\n6/11/2016: Along with five individuals belonging to an unidentified anomalous terrorist organization, the suspect set fire to a Unit controlled prison, destroying various anomalous objects and persons in the resulting attack.\n6/15/2016: Cornered by five Unit Agents in [CLASSIFIED], Nevada. Almost arrested before four of the five Agents were killed by a controlled, Thaumatological blast of lighting coming from another entity with the suspect.5 The suspect and the entity escaped through a Way.\nAt this time, The Bureau considered making the suspect a Number One priority case on the West coast.\n8/22/2016: After two months of silence, the suspect was encountered with fifteen Serpent Hands agent while breaking into a Unit controlled warehouse. Around 30% of the contents within the warehouse was stolen before Unit Agents were able to interfere with the operation. The operatives engaged in combat with the Agents before being subdued by the operatives. The Agents were then locked inside of the warehouse, with the suspect setting fire to the building. There were no surviving Agents.\n9/1/2016: Suspect was pulled over for speeding. When the officer discovered the suspect's criminal nature, she attempted to arrest him. The suspect attacked and killed the officer.\nThe Bureau officially declares the suspect as a Number one threat to national security on the West Coast.\n9/12/2016: Suspect is involved in an arms deal between the Serpents Hand and a currently unidentified third party.6 Interrupted by Unit Agents, ending in the murder of fifteen Agents, all by the suspect.\n10/2/2016: The suspect is arrested after a failed break inside of a Unit controlled warehouse, similar to the break in on 8/22/2016, of which the suspect was also a part of. However, in response to the theft, the Bureau increases security measures in anomalous storage warehouses. The suspect and the fifteen Serpent Hands operatives were unprepared for these increased measures, and were all arrested.\n\nINTERVIEWER: Hello, Mr. Jordan. How are you doing tod\u2014\nSUSPECT: Eat a dick.\nINTERVIEWER: If you don't wish to cooperate with us, we can put you back in Solitary confinement.\nSUSPECT: Alright.\nINTERVIEWER: Alright, so what is yo\u2014\nSUSPECT: I hope your entire family dies of cancer.\nINTERVIEWER: Alright, Officers, take Mr. Jordan back to his cell. We're done here.\nSUSPECT: Don't worry, I won't be there long. Big bro always comes, in the end.\n\nDocument-C\n\nAccess Granted\n\nThe following document was recovered inside of SCP-285's memory files. Originally a video, but only the audio was recovered.\n\nAudio begins with the sound of a car driving down a road. A male voice can be heard talking, identified as PoI-6938.\nPoI-6938: They're fucking animals, all of them. They beat us, abuse us, make us follow their rules, which always fucking put us at a disadvantage, and they expect us to not fight back? It's horrible.\nSCP-285 does not speak.\nPoI-6938: Well, me and you will show them. We're gonna get Jordan back, and then him and me and you are gonna take this world. Right, Hax?\nSCP-285 does not respond.\nPoI-6938: Right, Hax?PoI-6938: That's more like it. Now get ready, some feds are up ahead. This place should be where they keep the prisoner lists and shit. And hand me that mask. Just cause you don't need one doesn't mean I don't.\nThe car slows down to a halt, with two car doors opening and slamming closed. Faint talking can be heard, along with the sound of a door opening and closing.\nAudio cuts out for thirty-one minutes before beginning once again.7 Vomiting noises can be heard, as someone is yelling.\nPoI-6938: God fucking damnit! You fucking dumbass, can't you do anything right?SCP-285 is cut off by vomiting.\nPoI-6938: Damnit blunt. Why did he have to make you so much of a pansy?PoI-6938: I'd expect so. They made me put that feature in.PoI-6938: Yeah, the fucking stoners. Blame them for what's going on. When someone like me or some other person feels bad for killing someone, it's like five times as painful for you. Increased empathy and the like. I would've made you like me, but they just had to be\u2014\nVomiting noises begins again.PoI-6938: I can't. It's a built-in thing they made me put in you. I'd have to kill you to remove it. So, better get used to it Hax. Thankfully, it wasn't too useless. We got what we needed. Go and, uh, get some rest, or whatever.\n\nDocument-D\n\nAccess Granted\n\nThe following phone call is believed to be between PoI-6938 and PoI-6939 (\"Jordan\") after they had escaped the correctional facility where PoI-6939 had originally been placed.\n\nPoI-6938: Hey, dude, you there?\nPoI-6939: Yes, I am. What happened?\nPoI-6938: Fuck if I know man. Our, uh, mutual friends did something to Hax.\nPoI-6939: What do you mean 'did something' to it?\nPoI-6938: I can't mess with his files now. Without possibly killing him, at any rate.\nPoI-6939: And?\nPoI-6938: Which means he's a liability. They know his face, and he doesn't have any of the fancy stuff he used to have. Now he just sorta [pause] changes at random. He's too dangerous.\nPoI-6939: What do we do?\nPoI-6938: We, uh, do what we need to.\nPoI-6939: Of course. Where will it be?\nPoI-6938: Outside of Vegas. I'll meet you at Salt Lake.\nPoI-6939: Alright. Just, be careful, alright?\nPoI-6938: You know I am, brother. Love you.\nPoI-6939: Love you too.\n\nAddendum-285.2\nThe following document was given to the Foundation by GoI-102 during the initial trade between GoI-102 and the Foundation.\n\nHoly Heck! You've just found yourself your very own Mr. Hax by Gamers Against Weed! Always use Antimalware, kids. Who is this Fourchan?\nCollect them all and become Mr. Gamer!\n01. Mr. Literal Serial Killer\n02. Mr. Normie\n03. Mr. Bernie Sanders\n04. Mr. Get Anything For Free In Any Shop\n20. Mr. Sex Number\n21. Mr. Heavenly Virtues\n22. Mr. Deadly Sins\n23. Mr. Original Character\n24. Mr. D.A.R.E.\n25. Mrs. Gentrification\n26. Mr. Mad About Video Games\n27. Mr. Meme\n28. Mr. Ominous (discontinued)\n29. Mr. Destiny\n30. Mr. Monty Python And The Holy Grail\n31. Ms. Zapatista\n32. Mr. Hax \u2714\n33. Mr. Just Has The Tattoo\n34. Mr. Top Text and Mr. Bottom Text\n35. Mr. Finale\n\nAddendum-285.3\nThe following document was discovered inside of a sealed envelope addressed to Site-43 staff.\n\nDear Janitors/Ravens\nI know this type of thing isn't our usual style, but we as a group decided that this situation couldn't be considered 'normal' by any stretch of the imagination.\nWe know you have Hax, and we know what happened to him. Including what happened with Ken and Jordan, and what they planned on doing to him. How we know this is not important, but what is important is what we learned from it. And we just want to say one thing to everyone involved:\nWe're sorry.\nWe're sorry we trusted a monster who we thought was our friend. We're sorry that we couldn't stop him in time. We're sorry that we couldn't prevent what you went through, Hax. I, and the rest of the group, want to say that we never wanted this to end this way. For Hax, for you Janitors, or for the Ravens, who didn't deserve what happened to them.\nWe just wanted to bring happiness to children with your powers.\nWe just wanted to mock you and the Ravens.\nWe didn't mean for this. We never intended for things to end like this.\nWe're so so sorry.\nSigned, Gamers Against Weed\nP.S. Don't worry about Ken or Jordan. We've dealt with them.\n\nFootnotes\n1. The standard method for connecting computers within a network for wired connections.\n2. Textual Footnote: Subject to consistent changes.\n3. Textual Footnote: Currently unknown if the suspect is capable of advanced regeneration.\n4. Anartist is the colloquial term among paranormal agencies to describe anomalous artwork.\n5. Textual Footnote: See UIU-File-2016-212\n6. Textual Footnote: Based off of evidence at the crime scene, this unidentified third party seems to primarily focus on biological based weaponry. Believed to be of a religious nature.\n7. This is currently believed to have been a deleted portion of the memory.\n\n\u00ab SCP-284 | SCP-285 | SCP-286 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-286\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-286 is to be kept in a secure containment cell at Site-19 that allows an open, secure perimeter of at least 50m radius around SCP-286. Only D-Class personnel are permitted to have direct physical contact with SCP-286, and only as part of an approved experiment.\n\nUpdate 07/19/20\u2588\u2588: Experiments with SCP-286 are hereby suspended until further notice. (see: Technical Note TN-286-55) \u2014O5-\u2588\u2588\n\nSurveillance cameras are to be positioned to allow 360 degree monitoring of SCP-286 during experimentation. Recordings shall be maintained and cataloged of all Sigma states exhibited by SCP-286. The archive of these States is to be made available to any researchers with Level 2 clearance or higher.\n\nUpdate 03/11/20\u2588\u2588: As of Incident I-286-5, surveillance of SCP-286 is to be continuous, and any initiation of a Sigma state is to immediately reported to Overwatch Command. Outside the immediate project directorate, the SCP-286 Sigma state archives and associated material are to be restricted to level 4 access. Under no circumstances are identified instances of SCP-286-1 or SCP-286-2 to be prevented from having contact with SCP-286. \u2014O5-\u2588\u2588\n\nDescription: SCP-286 is a carved stone game board, measuring 83cm on a side. It bears markings consistent with the Chinese game of Liubo (\u516d\u535a).1 Based on artifacts found with SCP-286 during recovery, SCP-286 has been dated to at least the Shang Dynasty2, though all attempts to date the carvings directly have been inconclusive. Analysis of SCP-286's composition has shown high concentrations of iron and nickel, and crystalline microstructures consistent with [REDACTED].\nIf any human being higher-order mammal touches SCP-286, it will initiate a Sigma state. A Sigma state is indicated by the appearance of 12 tokens on the surface of the game board. The tokens appear to be constructed of the same material as SCP-2863. Six tokens are \u201cdark,\u201d absorbing ~75% more ambient light than the board surface, while six tokens are \u201clight,\u201d emitting ~75% more ambient light than that which actually strikes them. Appearing with the tokens on the game surface are two eighteen-sided dice, apparently made of bronze.4 The dice share the anomalous reflective and absorption properties shown by the game tokens, one \u201clight\u201d and one \u201cdark.\u201d Otherwise the dice appear consistent with dice found with non-anomalous Liubo sets recovered from various Chinese archeological sites.\nA Sigma state will also manifest SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 to play a game. SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 are human beings higher-order mammals who have suffered temporary alterations in patterns of movement, cognition, behavior and vocalization. SCP-286-1 will appear agitated, movements will become jerky and imprecise, vocalizations will be quick, stuttering and aggressive. SCP-286-2 will appear sluggish, movements halting and slow, vocalizations will be low-pitched, throaty, and tend to be monosyllabic. Subjects capable of human speech will converse, but only to their opposite number during a Sigma event. Such conversations (or monologues in the case of a subject facing a non-human opponent) are conducted in a random sequence of human languages, sometimes shifting multiple times within a single statement. Only 45% of the recorded conversations between SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 have been successfully translated to date.\nThe subject who initiated the Sigma state will become an instance of SCP-286-1 if they touched SCP-286 on an illuminated surface, or they will become an instance of SCP-286-2 if they touched SCP-286 on a surface that is in shadow.\nIn either case, the subject will take a seated position to one side of the board5 and roll one of the two dice manifested by SCP-286.6\nAfter the die is rolled, some other human being higher-order mammal will appear within 47m of SCP-286 and become the subject's opposition (SCP-286-2 in the case where the subject is SCP-286-1, or SCP-286-1 in the case where the subject is SCP-286-2). This selection appears related to the result of the first die roll.7\nAfter appearing, the subject's opposition will take a seated position facing the subject and will commence playing the first move. Game play then consists of SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 alternately rolling dice and moving pieces on the board in complex patterns. A game is won when the center square contains all of one side's tokens, and only that side's tokens.8 A winning move concludes a Sigma state.\nDuring a Sigma state, SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 will show no reaction to any external stimuli that does not physically interfere with SCP-286-1, SCP-286-2 and their interaction with the game. If something disrupts an ongoing game9 then either SCP-286-1 or SCP-286-2 will stand and vocalize a statement that most commonly translates as \u201cforfeit,\u201d less commonly as \u201cdraw.\u201d This event will also conclude a Sigma state.\nWhen a Sigma state concludes, players cease being designated SCP-286-1 or SCP-286-2, and Game tokens, dice, and the subject's opposing player all vanish.10 All observed subjects, and those opposing players who have been identified and examined, have shown no physical aftereffects from interaction with SCP-286. However, all cases have shown a marked increase in spirituality and interest in religious subjects including, but not limited to, adoption of new belief systems, taking on of vows, speaking in tongues, and prophetic visions.11 For the winning player, this new spirituality will tend to take an optimistic, messianic character. For the losing player, attitudes will tend toward the apocalyptic.\nAddendum 1:\n\n+ Technical Note TN-286-55\n\n- Technical Note TN-286-55\n\nTechnical Note TN-286-55: SCP-286's Possible Relationship to Divination and/or Revelation\n\nLiubo divination diagram dating from the Han Dynasty (202 BCE\u2013220 CE)\n\nHistorically, Liubo was not only a game, but also used as a method of divination, the various spots on the game board corresponding to the sexagenary cycle used by Chinese to recount the passage of time since the earliest written texts. Given the propensity of subjects to have prophetic visions subsequent to their participation in a Sigma event, it has been theorized by several researchers that the moves during a Sigma event may themselves be of some prophetic significance.\nWhile the possible significance of individual moves during recorded Sigma events is ongoing and so far inconclusive, it has been determined that the act of winning does appear to correspond to significant events beyond the game itself. In particular, every instance of SCP-286-1 winning has been tied to intensification of sunspots, solar flares, and generally increased solar activity. SCP-286-2 winning has been associated with significant tectonic events, including [REDACTED]\nBecause it is not known if these events were predicted by one side winning, or caused by one side winning, experimentation on SCP-286 has been suspended as an unacceptable risk.\n\nAddendum 2:\n\n+ Document TR-286-27e\n\n- Document TR-286-27e\n\nDocument TR-286-27e: Excerpted Translation of Dialog Between SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 During Sigma Event #27\n\nForeword: D-Class test subject was a male Caucasian 44 years of age, identified as SCP-286-1 after initiation of a Sigma state. Opposition player, SCP-286-2, was an as-yet unidentified Hispanic female approximately 20 years of age. The Sigma state lasted for 68 minutes, at which time SCP-286-1 achieved the winning move. During the Sigma event, the players conversed in 25 known languages and approximately 15 unknown languages. ~30% of their dialog was undecipherable or in an indeterminate language, marking this episode the most completely translated yet recorded.\n\nSCP-286-1: You (move| rotate) (slowly| imprecisely) as [UNTRANSLATABLE] (matter |earth |universe)\nSCP-286-2: (have| possess) patience (my| our) brother and (still| quiet| silence) [UNTRANSLATABLE] (mind| thoughts| brain)\nSCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE]\nSCP-286-2: [Laughs] (distress |discomfort |displeasure) [UNTRANSLATABLE] to you.\nSCP-286-1: Why would I [UNTRANSLATABLE] your (sins |perversions |abominations)\nSCP-286-2: [Laughs]\nSCP-286-1: You disgust me [UNTRANSLATABLE] (matter |earth |universe) disgusts me.\nSCP-286-2: You [UNTRANSLATABLE] in that meat skin. This amuses me.\nSCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE]\nSCP-286-2: (move |process |sequence)\nSCP-286-1: Every (time |moment |eternity) my [UNTRANSLATABLE] closer. I (must |will |shall) (illuminate |enlighten) this [UNTRANSLATABLE]\nSCP-286-2: [Sighs] (move |process |sequence)\nSCP-286-1: You are too (comfortable |undisturbed) (enslaved |bound |chained) within [UNTRANSLATABLE] meat (doll |puppet). Do you [UNTRANSLATABLE] (love |arousal) [UNTRANSLATABLE]\nSCP-286-2: (move |process |sequence) or forfeit\nSCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE]\nSCP-286-2: [UNTRANSLATABLE]\nSCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE]\nSCP-286-2: [UNTRANSLATABLE] (exiled |banished) me to (matter |earth |universe) [UNTRANSLATABLE] (know |understand) me more than you.\nSCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE] will (know |understand) me and be (consumed |engulfed |destroyed) by (knowledge |understanding)\nSCP-286-2: But, brother, I am so much closer.\n\n\nAddendum 3:\n\n+ Incident Report I-286-5\n\n- Incident Report I-286-5\n\nIncident Report I-286-5:\nSCPs involved: SCP-286, SCP-286-1, SCP-286-2, SCP-435-1\nDate: 03/11/20\u2588\u2588\nLocation: SCP-286's containment area, Site-19\nDescription: At 05:31 UTC, standard security monitoring SCP-286's containment area detected the unauthorized presence of Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588 S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a Foundation researcher temporarily assigned to Site-19, most recently assigned to the study of SCP-435.12 All experimentation on SCP-286 had been suspended for the preceding eight months, and no activity with the object had been approved. A security team was dispatched, reaching Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as she entered SCP-286's containment area. Upon arrival, the security team discovered the presence of Dr. L\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588, a researcher assigned to SCP-286, already seated behind the \u201cdark\u201d side of SCP-286. SCP-286 showed the signs of already being in a Sigma state. Both researchers showed behavioral anomalies consistent with SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2. Believing an unauthorized experiment was underway, the security team restrained Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 before she could seat herself at SCP-286. In response, Dr. L\u2588\u2588 stood and vocalized what has been identified as Vulgate Latin words for \u201cGrand forfeit.\u201d The Sigma state concluded at 05:45 UTC. Neither researcher could provide any explanation of how they were affected by SCP-286. Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 last recollection was having a cup of coffee at a staff commissary on the other side of the Site-19 complex from SCP-286, while Dr. L\u2588\u2588 reported that he had been reading e-mails in his office when he blacked out.\nSimultaneously with the cessation of SCP-286's Sigma state, there was a sudden emergency in [REDACTED] when SCP-435-1 unexpectedly entered an active state, moving erratically and [REDACTED] impacting the ocean basin at [REDACTED] causing an [REDACTED]. Contingency 435-XK-Alpha had been initiated, but was cancelled when SCP-435-1 came to rest three minutes later.\n\nNote: SCP-286 classification is hereby upgraded to Euclid \u2014 O5-\u2588\n\nFootnotes\n1. According to current historical evidence, Liubo is known to have been popular with upper-class Chinese from at least the Warring States Period (476 BCE \u2013 221 BCE) until it fell out of fashion some time during the Jin Dynasty (265-420).\n2. ca. 1500 BCE\n3. This is a hypothesis based on non-invasive sensors, it has so far been impossible to retrieve a token for direct physical examination\n4. As with the game tokens, direct physical examination of the dice has proved to be impossible\n5. Instances of SCP-286-1 will take a position on the side nearest the \u201clight\u201d game tokens. Instances of SCP-286-2 will take a position on the opposing side, nearest the \u201cdark\u201d game tokens.\n6. SCP-286-1 always uses the \u201clight\u201d die, SCP-286-2 always uses the \u201cdark\u201d die.\n7. The 18 possible die results from this opening roll can be represented by points on a matrix with two axes: one denoting geographic proximity and the other denoting of physical similarity to the subject. The most proximate roll (designated side 1) resulted in selecting another D-Class subject of the same race and gender from the site housing SCP-286. The least proximate roll (designated side 18) resulted in the selection of a opposite-gendered Phascolarctos cinereus from its native habitat in Northeastern Australia.\n8. The actual rules for the historical game of Liubo are unknown, and gameplay during Sigma events shows no clear correspondence with any hypothesized reconstructions of the original rules for Liubo. A mathematical analysis of recorded games by Dr. L\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588 has proved that there can be no consistent N-dimensional rule-set covering all the recorded games for any value of N less than 5.\n9. Such as by touching SCP-286-1 or SCP-286-2, or by moving a die or game token.\n10. In all of the \u2588\u2588 cases where the opposing player \u201csummoned\u201d by the subject has been positively identified, it has been confirmed that at the conclusion of a Sigma state the opposing player reappears in the exact place they had been prior to being \u201csummoned.\u201d\n11. One \u201copposing\u201d player was discovered to have founded a cult called \u201c\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u201d in the southwestern United States within six months after exposure.\n12. Subsequent investigation has determined that the chemical composition and crystalline structures of SCP-286 and SCP-435 are identical.\n\n\u00ab SCP-285 | SCP-286 | SCP-287 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-287\n\nItem #: SCP-287\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-287 is stored in a climate controlled secure locker in Site-22 in order to prevent additional deterioration. At this time, no additional testing is required, but may be approved by Dr. Sigurd \u00d3lafsson. Sources of electricity are to be kept away from SCP-287's locker at all times.\nIf testing with SCP-287 is required, insulated gloves are to be worn to prevent accidental discharge in to the hilt.\nSCP-287-1's remains are to be kept in storage until further notice. Research requests for SCP-287-1 can be routed to Dr. Zartion and are restricted to Level 4 Personnel, or Level 2 Personnel from the exobiology department.\nDescription: SCP-287 is a Viking arming sword, measuring 78cm from pommel to tip and weighing 1077g. SCP-287 is in a state of significant decay due to exposure to outside elements for anywhere from 900 to 1100 years. SCP-287 was found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Iceland, alongside several written records. (See Discovery Log)\nSCP-287 is comprised primarily of iron, with several potentially anomalous components incorporated into its structure. Several of these materials have been detected by Foundation probes traveling within extra-solar regions of our galaxy, as well as probes which [REDACTED].\nCarbon dating has placed SCP-287's creation to around the early 10th century CE. Samples of exo-planetary metals and materials have proven to be more difficult to date, and analysis is on-going.\n\nAn example of materials found with SCP-287\n\nSCP-287's anomalous effect can be observed when an electrical current is applied through the metallic portions of the hilt exposed just below the guard. These exposed elements are in a noticeably better state than the iron portions of SCP-287. SCP-287's internal components will begin to emit several frequencies of EM radiation and varying sounds invariably described as distressing by research staff and test subjects.\nRadiation produced by SCP-287 causes all humans who are exposed to it to experience acute audio-visual hallucinations and severe headaches. SCP-287's specific hallucination takes the form of translucent human-like figures in the immediate vicinity, invariably outfitted as members of an armed force.\nThe armament and armor worn by SCP-287's hallucinations varies by subject, with a general trend towards the individual's perception of what they consider to be modern armament. Testing with animals as well as non-anomalous EM fields and sounds of the exact same frequencies do not produce the same effect in any combination of cases.\nHigher amperage currents have increased this effect to a maximum of 437 individual hallucinations (See Document R27-287 for specific amperage/count levels). Further testing was deemed unnecessary.\nSCP-287-1 is believed to be an extra-terrestrial organism, found in the same location as SCP-287. The exact origin of SCP-287-1 is unknown at this time. A full report on SCP-287-1 can be found in document R27-287-1. (See Addendum B for a partial report).\nSCP-287-1's potential spacecraft (Designated SCP-287-2) (See Addendum B for a partial report) appears to be completely destroyed. The current working hypothesis for SCP-287-2 is that it was intended as some form of escape pod from a larger vessel.\n\nDiscovery: SCP-287 was recovered from a burial mound outside of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Iceland, on January \u2588\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588. (See Addendum A for details).\nThe remains found within the tomb proved to be non-human, and the Foundation took custody of SCP-287 and the remains were designated SCP-287-1. SCP-287-1's remains are skeletal, and are humanoid, though significantly different from human skeletal structure. Additionally, several written sources were found within the tomb, and acquired by the Foundation. Dr. Sigurd \u00d3lafsson was consulted to help translate the writing, which is attached below (See Addendum A).\n\nAddendum A\n\nClose Addendum\n\nPrepared by the Department of Terra-Linguistics\n\nThe discovery of SCP-287 was predicated upon reports of \"ghost soldiers\" in an area outside of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Iceland. A recent storm had struck the burial mound containing SCP-287, conducting current into SCP-287 through a crude lightning rod made of iron. The hallucinations created by SCP-287 affected an amateur film crew. The crew informed local authorities, and Foundation information gathering subroutines flagged these reports as potentially anomalous. [Keywords: Ghost, Specter, Crazy, Kids, Hallucination with a double-correlation factor of Gamma-6]\nClass A amnestics were administered to all witnessing parties, and the burial site was declared a \"Heritage Dig Site\" through a Foundation shell corporation.\nWithin the burial mound, Foundation agents discovered SCP-287, SCP-287-1 and additional written materials dating back to the early 10th century CE. A transcription was created by Dr. Sigurd \u00d3lafsson. Unintelligible sections are most likely proper nouns with no direct translation.\n\nI am Halvor Skadison, Skald of [Unintelligible] and I have been trusted with the tale of Thor's champion, the Meteor Lord.\nIn the depths of winter, the year after the great raid, we saw a fiery meteor in the sky. It landed deep in the heart of the northern wastes, and we followed it.\nA wondrous thing it was, gleaming, and covered in ghost-lights. We approached, and found a man standing in a heavy cloak, examining the meteor. The ghost-lights went dark, and the figure pressed his hand to the outside of the star. A wondrous light filled our eyes, as the star opened.\nHe disappeared into the meteor, and emerged to look at us with such fiery determination in his eyes, we knew he could only be a king, sent to us from Odin himself. He would protect us from the raids, and we would know prosperity again. Our prayers had been answered.\nDaily did the elders of our village come to his resting site, but his own tongue was blessed only to speak the language of the Aesir. Weeks passed, as he learned our language. When he learned of our plight, he appeared to grow angry, and charged back to the meteor, to fashion himself a mighty weapon, with which to defend the village.\nWeeks later, he emerged, with a sword in his hand, gleaming and mighty. He held it aloft, and his power was made manifest. Ghostly warriors, heroes from Valhalla stood around him, brandishing weapons. We threw ourselves on the ground, our heads aching with the glory of these Valhalla warriors, and this pleased the Meteor Lord.\nFor years, when the raids came, we ran in supplication to the Meteor Lord. He emerged, and all fled from his flashing blade and burning eyes. We marked the way to the Meteor Lord's home with the cairn stones.\nDuring the battle of [unintelligible], the Meteor Lord's fall came. His powers failed him, and Odin recalled him to Valhalla. We buried him with all the honor we could muster, and fashioned a conduit for the great storms from Thor. On stormy nights, the heroes still come and watch over our village, their glory splitting the head of any man who dare look upon them.\n\nAddendum B\n\nClose Addendum\n\nPrepared by the Department of Exo-Linguistics\n\nTracing back from the story presented in the included writings, Foundation agents tracked down the \"meteor\" mentioned in the epic translated by Dr. \u00d3lafsson. Excavating the object in question led to an almond-shaped craft made of an unknown material. Research regarding this craft can be found in Document R27-287.\nWithin the craft, several records were found, written in an unknown language upon crude paper. It is hypothesized that this is some kind of journal of SCP-287-1.\nAn exact translation is nearly impossible; however, using [REDACTED] a partial translation has been attempted:\n\nTimestamp: {Unknown symbology}\nUnknown place. Unknown people. Primitive. Violent. {untranslated} didn't survive. Everything is lost. Must find a way back, too many counting on me.\n\nTimestamp: {Unknown symbology theorized to be several days later}\nThey found me. Managed to put together {untranslated} hood. They won't see me. Must learn their language. Must keep them away from me. Unknown biology. May infect.\n\nTimestamp: {Unknown symbology theorized to be several weeks later}\nI see their weapons. Mine non-functional. Made one like theirs, used last of the {untranslated}. Tuned to alien brain chemistry. Hope it scares them off. Not sure how much longer I can work on {untranslated}. Not having {most likely a proper noun} nearby is {unbearable?dying?breaking}.\n\nTimestamp: {Unknown symbology unknown time}\nThey came back. I use the weapon, scares them. {untranslated} almost done, may be able to leave. Down to sixteen {cells?items?spheres}.\n\nTimestamp: {Unknown symbology unknown time}\nThey brought others. I scared them again. Not sure if I can repair the {untranslated}. Thought I had enough { Closest match was a chemical formula matching SCP-148 }. Used {most likely a proper noun}'s necklace. Still not enough.\n\nTimestamp: {Unknown symbology theorized to be several years later}\nWon't stop coming. Only one {cells?items?spheres} left. Time running out. Power nearly gone. I can't repair {untranslated}. Too many {unit of time}.\n\nIt is hypothesized that at this point, whatever power source SCP-287-1 was using to activate SCP-287 ran out. SCP-287-1 was most likely killed during the next raid, without SCP-287 to protect them.\n\n\u00ab SCP-286 | SCP-287 | SCP-288 \u00bb"} {"text": "Close-up image of SCP-288 taken during initial containment. Items were found in this position.\n\nItem #: SCP-288\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-288 is to be kept in a locker, with only security personnel of level 2 clearance or higher given the combination. They are currently contained in the small, velvet-lined black box they were retrieved in.\nPersonnel who have worn the rings during testing are to undergo full psychological exams afterward, and their experiences recorded.\nDescription: SCP-288 consists of a women's engagement ring (hereafter referred to as SCP-288-1) and matching men's band (hereafter referred to as SCP-288-2), both silver in appearance, the ring containing a small diamond. They are relatively plain, and bear no marks as to their origin or make, but staff routinely describe them as seeming like \"very nice wedding rings, if a little plain.\" They are completely normal in every sense, and have been damaged by endurance testing (and subsequently repaired through typical jeweling practices), and their effects are only observable while worn.\nWhen SCP-288-1 is worn by any adult female in a relationship, she immediately becomes what has been portrayed in popular media as an \"ideal housewife\". Women describe this experience as if they are not in control of their body, merely observing their own actions. They lose all ability to form their own opinions, and instead automatically agree with the opinions of their spouse, and display very few negative emotions, if any. They seem to gain an instinctive knowledge of cooking and baking, in the style considered to be the \"traditional American\" style, including such dishes as apple pie, or macaroni and cheese. These dishes are always professionally made regardless of prior skill. A similar knowledge is evidenced in the spheres of cleaning and light repair; subjects regularly display the ability to sew and knit even if they were not able to do so before donning SCP-288-1. Along with this knowledge, they feel an innate urge to cook, clean, and mend things around their home incessantly; they lose the will to have a job of their own and become exceedingly obedient and loyal to their spouse, as well as religious and authority figures. Many wearers of SCP-288-1 exhibit a fondness for rather modest dress, and are uncomfortable when wearing pants or more revealing clothing. They also develop a fondness for children, and if they do not already have children, express the urge to have them.\nWhen SCP-288-2 is worn by any adult male in a relationship, he undergoes a similar change, taking on the characteristics of popular media's portrayal of an \"all-American dad\", whether or not he has children of his own. Men describe the experience similarly to women, in that they feel they are not in control of their actions. He shows loyalty and obedience to political, religious, and authority figures, and an innate duty to his current professional management structure. He will work exceedingly long hours without complaint, and maintains an upbeat and motivated demeanor at his work. No matter the nature of his former personality, he becomes friendly and easy to approach, good with kids and fiercely loyal to his spouse. He is always willing to help around the house and willing to please with a shoulder rub. Men with children become attentive, engaged fathers, and men without children express a strong desire to have them.\nWhen used collectively, SCP-288 seems to recreate a model of a \"Stepford Marriage\". While this seems ideal and relatively harmless, SCP-288 has been responsible for numerous crimes, including spousal abuse, murder, and suicide. Both women and men report feeling trapped while wearing SCP-288, and out of control of their own life. After extended periods of wearing SCP-288, they often have intense feelings of depression and personality displacement. On a more sinister note, somebody wearing either instance of SCP-288 will take virtually any manner of abuse from a spouse without a word or raising a hand to defend themselves.\nIn transsexual/transgender individuals, the ring appears to react to their gender identity. Therefore, a transsexual/transgender individual assigned male at birth would react to the female ring, rather than the male ring, whether or not they were pre- or post-gender reassignment surgery. Homosexual subjects are affected by their actual gender - a male homosexual will not react to the female ring, just as a female homosexual will not react to the male ring. More testing upon sex and gender is pending.\nThe potential for SCP-288 to create a \"domestic slave\" proves disturbing to some and seems useful to others, and records show that is has been used in such a fashion before. [See Addendum 288-A]\nPreliminary testing of SCP-288 has proved inconclusive - the rings themselves display no physical anomalies compared to a normal wedding ring of similar type. It is theorized that the rings profile their subjects memetically, drawing on the experiences present in the subject to influence their behavior upon activation. This theory is supported by SCP-288's ability to differentiate subjects based on their self-perception of gender, rather than their physical sex.\nSCP-288 was discovered by Dr. Rights in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Thankfully, her boyfriend grew wary of her extreme mood changes and called the Emergency SCP Contact number she had left for him, delivering SCP-288 into the Foundation's hands.\n\"I'm just glad I got suckered into it before somebody else did\u2026even if it was horrible.\"\n-Dr. Rights\nIt should be noted that both instances of SCP-288 resist being separated, and wearers may feel compelled to buy or even steal the rings in order to keep them nearby.\nAddendum 288-A: It has been revealed through extensive backtracking of SCP-288's history that it has been associated with upwards of twenty-five instances of homicide, between thirteen and fifteen suicides, and two (reported) cases of spousal abuse. It has regularly resurfaced in pawn shops across the United States for at least 80 years, though all attempts to track it past the early 20th century have failed to reveal further evidence.\n\n\u00ab SCP-287 | SCP-288 | SCP-289 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-289\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Currently located at Site-17 under the supervision of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-289 is to be suspended on a 10 cm x 10 cm platform in the exact center of a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m concrete room. It is to be monitored at all times by no fewer than two mounted cameras whose video feeds will be recorded and archived if deemed necessary upon review. Every thirty (30) days, SCP-289 is to be moved to an identical housing facility on the other side of Site-17 to avoid unnecessary inertial buildup. No personnel are allowed to approach closer than a 1.6 m radius of SCP-289 unless they have prior authorization from two Level 3 supervisors attached to this project. Additionally, any personnel interacting with SCP-289 are to have read all authorized documents relating to SCP-289 and to have a thorough understanding of its capabilities and the time limits involved.\nDescription: SCP-289 is an irregularly shaped mass of hematite (Fe2O3), with analysis showing trace amounts of aluminum, phosphorous, [DATA EXPUNGED], and water. SCP-289 has the unique property of intensifying the effects of inertia over objects in a 1.6 m radius over time. Objects that remain immobile will become more and more difficult to move, while objects maintaining a constant speed will become very difficult to stop. At best estimate, close proximity to SCP-289 increases an object's inertia by 17% every 160 seconds, with a slightly slower reduction of inertia over time to base levels after being removed from SCP-289's active radius.\nSCP-289 was retrieved in 1983 after a series of odd traffic accidents in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. On \u2588/\u2588\u2588/1983 a small car sped uncontrollably through the city for 17 minutes until it finally impacted with the side of a butcher's shop and was stopped. All objects located inside the vehicle either exited through the front windshield or were forcibly pressed as far towards the front of the car as they could go. The driver, who remains unidentified, was announced dead at the scene and eventually loaded into an ambulance with some difficulty.\nOn the way to the hospital the ambulance shared a similar fate as the previous car, with the driver reporting sluggish turning and braking at first, followed by an inability to turn or stop at all and an intense feeling of being drawn forwards. The ambulance came to a stop after plunging into the North Saskatchewan River. The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and found himself propelled across the river and into the surrounding woods at an estimated 30 km/h where he remained pinned to a tree for nearly 45 minutes before his inertia stabilized and he fell to the ground. SCP agents arrived within the week to retrieve the ambulance's contents and were able to identify SCP-289 as the source of the disturbances. SCP-289 was eventually airlifted to Site-17 by being attached to the end of a long tether held below a helicopter to avoid any inertial buildup on the part of the vehicle.\nAddendum: Those with proper authorization to research the properties of or interact with SCP-289 should see document #289-01 for full safety procedures.\nDocument #289-01: Testing Safety Procedures\nThe radius of SCP-289's action is precisely 1.6 m. There is never to be more than one person inside this radius at any time.\nHuman interaction with SCP-289 is not necessarily dangerous, but stringent time restraints are in order. No Foundation personnel are to be inside the active radius for more than 90 seconds. During this time of exposure, personnel are advised to alter their speed, acceleration, and position as often as possible to avoid inertial buildup.\nObjects to be subjected to SCP-289's active field should ideally be introduced to the field by automated means. Long handheld manipulating devices are also acceptable, and for particularly delicate objects or precise adjustments human interaction is allowed, so long as time restraints are not violated.\nRetrieval of stationary objects that remain inside SCP-289's active field for more than 800 seconds is nearly impossible. Objects that maintain a constant speed inside the active field for a similar time are nearly impossible to slow or stop. Thus all experiments should conclude before this threshold time is reached. In the event that an object becomes irretrievable, researchers may petition Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to have the object returned after SCP-289 is moved to its new enclosure during monthly transfer protocol and the requested object's inertia has returned to standard levels.\nTransfer of SCP-289 from holding area Alpha to holding area Beta or back is to be performed every thirty (30) days. During this procedure, hallway 121 is to be completely evacuated and all adjoining doors are to be locked at security Level 3. SCP-289 is to be removed from its suspended platform and placed inside of one of the rubber spheres located in the adjoining storage area. The sphere is to be rolled down the hallway towards the opposite holding area at a speed of no greater than 0.5 km/h, which should remain steady for the duration of the relocation. Once the sphere comes to a stop, SCP-289 is to be removed and placed on the new suspended platform.\n\n\u00ab SCP-288 | SCP-289 | SCP-290 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-290\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-290 is to be held in a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m cell at Site-19. Personnel are forbidden from interacting with SCP-290 except during an approved testing procedure, and any personnel who attempt to do so must be terminated with any force necessary. During any interaction with SCP-290, three guards with full knowledge of the object must flank the object's aperture; anyone (other than Class-D personnel) attempting to enter must be removed from the object's cell. Subjects who undergo reconfiguration are terminated at the conclusion of experimentation.\nDescription: SCP-290 is a hollow metallic sphere 3 m in diameter, with a circular opening of diameter 90 cm cut into one side. This sphere is welded to four metal posts 50 cm in height. Scans have shown that SCP-290 is composed of a combination of aluminium and [DATA EXPUNGED], many of which do not match any known atomic structure. All attempts to take samples of the metal for more detailed analysis have failed. The external temperature of the sphere remains constant at 318 Kelvin (45 \u00b0C) regardless of the ambient conditions. As no power source for the device has been found, how it maintains this temperature is as yet unknown. Researchers have noted that personnel appear to display slightly elevated curiosity about SCP-290's function, although whether this is evidence of a psychological effect or simply due to its abnormality is not known.\nShould a subject enter SCP-290 through the circular opening, the aperture will shrink rapidly, rendering the inside section inaccessible. After 5-20 minutes, the aperture will reopen. No sound can be heard emanating from SCP-290 during this period. Subjects emerge from this process alive, conscious (albeit often in a state of extreme distress), but with their anatomy significantly altered. Limbs, facial features and [REDACTED] appear to be relocated randomly, yet without losing functionality. Fingers and toes are often removed from the hands and feet, and eyes rarely remain in a configuration lending itself to binocular vision. Almost all subjects report pain and discomfort in breathing and movement (if either remain possible), with most unable to walk or perform any type of effective locomotion.\nAutopsies performed on afflicted subjects reveal that a similar reconfiguration occurs internally, with organ placement changed and blood vessels/nerves lengthened to fit the new arrangement. Evidence of severe internal bleeding and haemorrhage of other bodily fluids is often present, although subjects display none of the connected symptoms on retrieval from SCP-290, and no subject has died as a direct result of exposure to the object. Subjects' bones show evidence of large-scale fracturing, but also rapid healing, ostensibly a part of the modification process. Subjects remain conscious throughout the reconfiguration - see Addendum 290-1 for details.\nAddendum 290-1: Experiment Log\nSubject: D-59414, male, 18.\nSupervisor: Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-290 lead researcher\nPurpose: Ascertain the experiences of subjects within SCP-290\nProcedure: D-59414 was exposed to SCP-290, having had no prior experience with the object. Subject immediately inquired as to its function, to which Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 replied \"That is what we intend to find out.\" After several subsequent inquiries from the subject were rebuffed, subject was provided with an IR-sensitive video camera and ordered to enter the object; subject complied without resistance. Aperture re-opened 17.4 minutes after closure, and subject and video camera were retrieved. The video camera was heavily damaged during the experiment due to the subject's violent convulsions, and around 65% of the footage is unintelligible.\n\nVideo feed initially shows subject sitting calmly in the centre of SCP-290, looking around and examining his surroundings by touch at intervals. This continues for around 2 minutes, at which point the subject begins clutching his chest and groaning. Subject then begins to scream, including the phrase \"I was only curious, but I know now. Please, let me go.\" Whether this indicates a secondary consciousness inhabiting the subject's mind with which he was conversing is unknown. It is at this point that the subject begins flailing, impacting the camera repeatedly and causing it to record only small fragments of footage.\nFragments of interest are noted below (in chronological order):\n\nSubject's head appears to be slowly embedding itself into his thigh, both eyes absent.\nSubject's fingers visible on his torso\nSubject's eye moving across his right foot, eyeball changing orientation rapidly as it does so.\nSubject lying in a pattern reminiscent of the fetal position, slow breathing audible.\n\n\nA debriefing interview was scheduled, but, owing to the subject's larynx being relocated away from his trachea, could not be conducted. Autopsy showed wide-scale reorganisation of the subject's internal organs, including small-scale fusing of parts of the small intestine and [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in contamination of the chest cavity [DATA EXPUNGED]. Despite this, the subject had a normal volume of blood within his circulatory system, and levels of other bodily fluids such as bile were within normal parameters. How SCP-290 maintains or replenishes these fluids is unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-289 | SCP-290 | SCP-291 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-291\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-291 must remain disconnected from any power source when not in use for testing. A team of two personnel should remain on guard outside SCP-291's containment room, and will be swapped out weekly. While disconnected from a power supply, SCP-291 may be considered safe. SCP-291's main entryway closes and locks upon disconnection from a power supply, but the door may be opened manually from the interior in the event of any personnel being trapped.\nAll blocks of disassembled organism are to be kept stored in a designated storage locker within the containment room, and are to be properly labeled with a sharpie marker. Personnel responsible for lost or damaged blocks will be moved to other projects.\nDescription: SCP-291 was located in [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-291 resembles a small building in structure, a nearly featureless steel box measuring 10.5 m x 30.2 m at the base, and 15 m tall. On one of the narrow sides, there is a large door (5 m wide) that opens upwards, similar to a garage door, composed of metal slats a few inches high each. There is no handle on the exterior of the door, and while closed, all attempts to open it using non-destructive methods have failed. The interior of the door features a lock that can be opened manually to lift the door for a few seconds, before an unknown mechanism will force it shut again. At the other end of SCP-291 is a similar opening with a lock and handle on the exterior and interior, allowing the door to be opened from either side. Two small, similar hatches only 1 m x 1 m can be found to the left of both doors, and may be opened from the exterior.\nThe materials that compose SCP-291 do appear to be only as strong as any other example would suggest, and a force that would normally bend or cut through steel will do the same to SCP-291. Such testing is currently not allowed due to the risk of damaging SCP-291.\nThe interior of SCP-291 is not well-explored due to the extremely tight confines of the machinery and strong pulses of electromagnetic energy through various points while activated.\nWhen connected to a suitable power source, SCP-291 activates with mechanical clanks and buzzing, and the entryway door springs open. The room inside is 4 m x 2 m, with a rather simple console board, a large display screen, and what has been described as a Plexiglas 'coffin' to one side, suitable in size for most humans under 2.13 m (7 ft) in height who are not morbidly obese. The 'coffin' rests on a conveyor belt a meter in height, the coffin itself being approximately a meter deep with a blue-green gel 'cushion' of unidentified material lining the bottom. It has been described as pleasantly form-fitting and very cool and soft. Several tubes emerge from the side of the room over the coffin.\nOpposite the coffin, a number of 'cubbyholes' of various sizes with small doors that may be opened or closed are present on the wall. Their purpose shall be elaborated upon later.\nWhen a living animal (human or otherwise) is laid in the coffin (dead organisms, organisms with a mass of less than 1.6 kilograms, and groups of multiple organisms triggered no reaction), no matter their position, the control room moves into the 'ready' state. In this state, the display screen shows a scanned, grid-lined image of the organism in the coffin, and the buttons on the console board become operable. Some of the smaller buttons will trigger different effects in the displayed image, such as toggling the 'skin' and 'muscles' of the display on and off, and revealing certain organs and organ systems, whether in real-time or frozen depending upon more settings. There are no words, numbers, or symbols on the display or any of the buttons, and all buttons have two settings: 'On', in which they glow, and 'Off', in which they are unlit. Various combinations produce different effects, and Dr. Rights has been kind enough to spend enough time \"playing with it\" to work up a crude user's manual. Three large buttons, visibly different from the controls for the display, are available to the side.\nProvided that a living organism is lying in the coffin, the first button may be pressed (pressing any buttons under other circumstances yields no effect, and the button remains 'off' no matter how many times pressed) and the tubes extending over the coffin dispense a blue liquid into the coffin. This unidentified liquid acts as a sedative upon skin contact, and the occupant of the coffin quickly falls unconscious. The liquid can apparently be inhaled and swallowed without any harm - D-class personnel have reported the taste to be similar to \"Kool-Aid\". Samples have yielded little results in identification. Once the coffin is filled to the brim, the liquid quickly congeals into a thick syrup, and then to a solid gel. Over this period, the occupant's detectable bodily functions (such as breathing and heartbeat) cease. This may be observed on the display screen.\nOnce the liquid fully solidifies, the display screen shuts off and the conveyor belt starts to move. All attempts to stop the conveyor belt and remove either the coffin or the occupant cause the entire process to shut down, after which the blue liquid evaporates within a few minutes and the subject regains consciousness unharmed. The conveyor belt carries the coffin and occupant through a small door that quickly locks closed, and the entire machine becomes a cacophony of mechanical clanking, whirring, and grinding. The display screen will only display a rectangle that slowly fills, like a loading bar, as SCP-291 does its work. Depending upon the size of the organism, SCP-291 finishes its as-of-yet-unknown process in approximately twenty to thirty minutes, at which point the product can be retrieved at the opposite end of SCP-291.\nThe back door of SCP-291 leads to a similar chamber, also containing a conveyor belt similar to the one that holds the coffin in the entryway. There is also a series of two dozen 'cubbyholes' or 'lockers', identical to those found in the entry room. These cubbyholes may be pulled out to retrieve their contents: parts of the organism, disassembled and preserved in blocks of an unidentified, clear solid. These blocks are quite strong, but they can be melted by extremely high temperatures, or shattered by sharp blows from a pick. However, breaking the blocks ruins the preservation method of SCP-291, and results in the preserved object being unusable. The rest of the block quickly begins to dissolve into dust after a few minutes. (See addendum for block designation.)\nWhole blocks, however, may be stored indefinitely until being re-inserted into SCP-291, via the 'cubbyholes' in the entrance room. Each block has a distinct size, and will only fit snugly in its designated hole. Placing blocks in the wrong holes gets no reaction from the machine, and will prevent it from being re-activated until the problem is fixed. Cubbies may be left empty, however, and it will function as normal. It is ill-advised to leave a cubby containing a vital organ empty.\nWhen the blocks are placed correctly and the doors to them shut, the second button on the console may be pressed. This does not work if the display shows a loading bar, as another operation is taking place. The doors to the cubbyholes lock for a few seconds, during which SCP-291 removes them through some means, and the machinery of the device grows louder, accompanied by another 'loading bar' on the display screen. Re-assembly takes slightly longer, approximately forty-fifty minutes to finish, after which a Plexiglas container, similar to the initial coffin, emerges from a door on the conveyor belt in the exit room, holding a fully-assembled organism immersed in blue liquid that slowly evaporates as the organism wakes.\nRe-assembled organisms have no memory of the process, likening the experience to a very restful, dreamless sleep. They awaken with some slight disorientation, but this passes after a few minutes, and they complain about being very hungry. Tests reveal that they are re-assembled with their stomachs empty. Organisms are also re-assembled nude, and devoid of any hair. A block containing what has been identified as the contents of the organism's digestive system, hair, scraps of clothing, and any other objects on the organism is deposited into one of the small side-doors outside the main doors, and may be considered waste. Surveillance and scanning equipment sent inside the machine is disposed of in the same way, often twisted and wrecked.\nLater testing revealed that organisms can be reassembled in different, potentially malicious ways. See addendum for testing results.\nThe third button is only to be used should something go wrong, when the production stops and the button blinks. It undoes whatever has been done the best it can, and shuts down the whole process while triggering some kind of cleaning and 'reset' method.\nAddendum: Blocks are clear, and therefore the organs and body parts contained within may be easily identified and observed. The body is divided up like such:\n\nBrain\nLungs and diaphragm\nHeart\nDigestive System\nReproductive organs\nLeft eye\nRight eye\nUpper left torso and arm musculature up to the elbow and various organs\nUpper right torso and arm musculature up to the elbow and various organs\nLower left torso and upper leg musculature and various organs\nLower right torso and upper leg musculature and various organs\nLower left leg and foot\nLower right leg and foot\nLower left arm and hand\nLower right arm and hand\nNeck and head musculature and various organs\nSkeletal system from mid-spine up\nSkeletal system from mid-spine down\nLymphatic and circulatory system from waist up\nLymphatic and circulatory system from waist down\nSkin (neatly folded)\n\nTesting Results\nReassembling a body without vital organs results in the production shutting down, requiring the use of the third button. The body will be re-deposited in block form at the exit, still inert.\nReassembling a body without non-vital organs or body parts will result in that organ or body part being absent when the organism awakes, the wound sealed by unknown means that leave little to no scar tissue.\nProviding a body part for a missing body part will result in said body part being attached to its new body seemingly without fail. It has proved effective for heart transplants, limb transplants, and exchanging skin from one person to another.\nSwapping the brains of two people results in a complete transfer of that person's personality and memories, and may be reversed, although subjects are often very disoriented for several days and complain of psychological and physical discomfort, like \"wearing shoes not quite the right size\".\nSwapping body parts between different species has yielded mixed results. Dr. Rights has suggested that testing continue, and the request is pending. Only three successful cross-species transfers have occurred out of the twenty tests performed so far.\n001 - A cat's left eye was swapped out for a human's left eye. The subject could use the eye fully, and mentioned they felt they had adapted to it rather well. Their new left eye displayed all the abilities of a cat's eye, including difficulty seeing colors and heightened perception in the dark. (Although this test was unauthorized, the results were considered to be mildly impressive enough to allow further testing.) The cat, given a human eye, clawed its human eye out in a week.\n007 - A human's brain was successfully transferred into the body of an English mastiff, reportedly thanks to the dog's large skull size. He requested to be transferred back to his human body as soon as possible, though. The mastiff, in the human's body, learned to walk upright within a few hours and was disassembled again after an incident involving the humiliation of a female doctor.\n016 - A female class-D personnel had her reproductive organs switched with those of a pregnant Labrador retriever.\nNo tests involving using SCP-291 with other SCPs have yet been authorized.\n\n\u00ab SCP-290 | SCP-291 | SCP-292 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-292\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-292 is to be kept at Site-72, in a guarded room in a locked, padded container set up to avoid movement of or damage to SCP-292. Access to SCP-292 is prohibited without Level-3 authorization. Site personnel must report all incidents of d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu or related symptoms to Site Administration.\nDescription: SCP-292 is a sixty-second brass hourglass, 10 cm tall. When all its sand is at the bottom and SCP-292 is flipped over, only two outcomes have ever been observed: either the sand runs out normally after one minute, or SCP-292 is knocked over on its side. (If SCP-292 is knocked over, anomalous properties do not again manifest until all the sand in SCP-292 is in one bulb.) At no time has SCP-292 ever been observed to be flipped over a second time within sixty seconds, except when knocked over as above.\nAny time SCP-292 is upright and all its sand is in its bottom bulb, and a subject attempts to flip SCP-292 over with the intent to flip it again before all its sand runs out, the subject and people nearby suddenly experience d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu. The intensity of d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu is inversely proportional to a person's distance from SCP-292; the subject is often momentarily stunned by the experience. Persons experiencing d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu from the same event often describe similar \u201crecalled\u201d experiences.\nIt is believed that when SCP-292 is flipped over, a process is started in which, if SCP-292 is flipped again before its sands run out, time flows in reverse to a point a couple of seconds before SCP-292 was initially flipped.1 Time then flows forward again as if SCP-292 were never flipped; d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu would thus be a side effect of this process.\nProlonged exposure to SCP-292 can cause nausea, migraines, vertigo, hallucinations, seizures, and symptoms consistent with temporal disjunction (somatic, psychological, or both).2\n\nAddendum 1: Experiment 292-31\nProcedure: Subject 03101 was instructed to flip SCP-292 over, and then shoot Subject 03102 to death and flip SCP-292 back over before it runs out.\nResults: As Subject 01 reached for SCP-292, both subjects as well as other personnel in the area reported feeling d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu. Subject 01 exhibited elevated levels of adrenaline, while Subject 02 exhibited pronounced apprehension in the presence of Subject 01.\n\nAddendum 2: Experiment 292-46\nProcedure: Subject 04601 was instructed to flip SCP-292 over, wait thirty seconds, and flip SCP-292 back over. When d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu was experienced, Subject 04602 was instructed to do the same thing. When d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu was experienced a second time, Subject 04603 was instructed to do the same thing.\nResults: As Subject 01 reached for SCP-292, all subjects experienced d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu as expected. Subject 02 hesitated and was instructed to flip SCP-292. While reaching for SCP-292, Subject 02 fell to his knees, Subject 01 doubled over, and Subject 03 staggered. Subject 03 was instructed to flip SCP-292, and as he reached for SCP-292, all subjects appeared to exhibit temporal shock3 for ten to fifteen seconds before falling unconscious. Temporal symptoms subsided within five to seven days, while visual and audial hallucinations persisted for several months more.\n\nAddendum 3: Incident 292-04\nWhile preparing for Experiment 292-75, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suddenly clutched SCP-292 to his chest and reported he had just experienced d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 said that he felt like he was about to drop SCP-292, and if he did, \u201csomething bad\u201d would happen. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has hypothesized that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had indeed dropped SCP-292, but instead of breaking, SCP-292 reversed the flow of time until a moment before it was dropped. If SCP-292 does in fact possess such a self-preservation system, the potential consequences [DATA EXPUNGED].\nReclassification to Euclid approved \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, until more information on SCP-292's properties can be gathered and analyzed.\n\nFootnotes\n1. This effect is similar in nature to that of SCP-1876, albeit with different psychological effects on those experiencing the phenomenon.\n2. More information can be found in Document 292/48K, \"Theoretical and Observed Symptoms of Temporally-Related Afflictions\".\n3. Ibid.\n\n\u00ab SCP-291 | SCP-292 | SCP-293 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-293\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any items affected by SCP-293 are to be contained in an opaque container, and kept sealed when not undergoing testing. Any items found to be affecting staff or subjects not undergoing testing are to be immediately destroyed. Any anomalous activity by SCP-293 affected items is to be reported to Site Command as soon as possible.\nAnyone interacting with items affected by SCP-293 must do so only in 30 minute shifts, with one week of time separating each interaction. This includes physical handling, observation (both physical and via camera or other recording device), testing, and any other activities that bring an SCP-293 affected item into contact with human beings.\nAll staff working with SCP-293 affected items must submit to a psychological evaluation three times per week, to begin two weeks before interaction, and extending for three weeks after the end of interaction. Staff must also submit to any additional test as ordered by Site Command. Anyone found to be affected by SCP-293 will be placed in quarantine, and the item causing the effect is to be immediately destroyed.\nAny items used to interact with SCP-293 affected items are to be disposed of after one week.\nDescription: SCP-293 is currently held to be some form of intangible force or presence. Questions have been raised regarding a possible intelligence behind SCP-293 in light of subject's reactions; however, these are still unfounded. SCP-293 is most visible in its effect on human behavior, and is only detectable in very advanced cases as a very slight auditory disturbance. This lack of presence forms the major issue with SCP-293 detection, as it is almost impossible to detect if items or people are \u201cinfected\u201d by SCP-293 without long-term observation.\nSCP-293 \u201cbonds\u201d to physical items, in most cases small, lightweight items; however, larger items, such as cars, trees, and, in one case, a two-story residential home, are not unknown. SCP-293 will spread to new items if they are left in close (2 meters or less) proximity for several weeks. SCP-293 does not appear to \u201cbond\u201d living things and its effect is only visible in humans. It is unknown how SCP-293 spreads to new items, or what the criteria are for an item to be \u201cbonded\u201d; however, there appears to be a higher probability of \u201cbonding\u201d for items that can be easily carried/transported in a human hand.\nSCP-293 causes those affected by it to become progressively obsessed with the item it is \u201cbonded\u201d to. This process appears to be accelerated by observation and physical contact with the item affected by SCP-293. Subject will rapidly become withdrawn and antisocial, and react violently to anyone attempting to touch or remove the item. Subject's actions toward the bonded item will begin to take on \u201cparental\u201d aspects in 78% of cases, with the subject rocking, cleaning, and attending to the object as if it were not an inanimate object. Attempts to interrupt these rituals or bring attention to the inappropriateness of this behavior will cause the subject to enter an extreme state of fear, depression, or anger, which persists for an extended period of time.\nIn many cases, the obsession and ritual cycle of SCP-293 will grow to the point where the subject is unable to function normally, needing constant contact with the SCP-293-bonded item. Subjects will show a marked and progressive impairment of performance in simple tasks, such as preparing food, engaging in personal hygiene, or sleeping. In the 22% of cases with non-parental attachment with SCP-293, subjects may also begin to engage in personal abuse and damage, believing they are being ordered to do so. Mental and physical degradation in both cases are often directly related to cause of death.\nAttempting to remove the item from the subject will cause the subject to enter a violent, fearful, depressed, hysterical, or one of many other mental states. These \u201cepisodes\u201d are nearly impossible to end, except by the return of the item, or several months of separation. Subjects will become more and more erratic and hysterical the longer they are separated, and will violently attack others to re-acquire the item. Subjects will often commit suicide after several days of separation from, or loss of, the SCP-293 affected item.\nThe Foundation currently has 182 items affected by SCP-293 in storage. It is unknown at this time how many items worldwide may be affected by SCP-293, and questions have been raised as to SCP-293 and its possible relationship to several other SCP items and the exploits of some serial murderers.\n\n\u00ab SCP-292 | SCP-293 | SCP-294 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-294 at time of recovery\n\nItem #: SCP-294\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: There are no standard special containment procedures on file for Item SCP-294. However, only personnel of security clearance level 2 or higher are allowed to interact with it (see document SCP-294a). SCP-294 is currently being stored in the 2nd floor personnel break room and is monitored by two guards of security clearance level 3 at all times.\nDescription: Item SCP-294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English QWERTY keyboard. Upon depositing fifty cents US currency into the coin slot, the user is prompted to enter the name of any liquid using the touchpad. Upon doing so, a standard 12-ounce paper drinking cup is placed and the liquid indicated is poured. Ninety-seven initial test runs were performed (including requests for water, coffee, beer, and soda, non-consumable liquids such as sulfuric acid, wiper fluid, and motor oil, as well as substances that do not usually exist in liquid state, such as nitrogen, iron and glass) and each one returned a success. Test runs with solid materials such as diamond have failed, however, as it appears that SCP-294 can only deliver substances that can exist in liquid state.\nIt is of note that after approximately fifty uses, the machine would not respond to further requests. After a period of approximately 90 minutes, the machine seemed to have restocked itself. It is also interesting to note that many caustic liquids that would have eaten through a normal paper cup seemed to have no effect on the cups dispensed by the machine.\nTesting is ongoing. As suggested, SCP-294 was moved to the 2nd floor personnel break room as a money-saving venture. Following incident 294-01, guards were stationed at the item and a security clearance became necessary to interact with it.\nDocument SCP-294a (regarding incident 294-01): On August 21, 2005, Agent Joseph \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to use Item SCP-294 to obtain coffee during his allotted break time at 9:30 AM. At the request of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \"to see what it would do\", \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested \"a cup of Joe\" from the item. Moments after confirming the selection, Agent Joseph \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began to sweat profusely and complained of dizziness before collapsing. After moving the unconscious agent to the infirmary, the medical team recovered the contents of the cup dispensed by Item SCP-294: a combination of blood, tissue, and other bodily fluids. Testing revealed the DNA sequence of the biological material dispensed by SCP-294 matched that of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 made a complete recovery after four weeks of rest and intravenous hydration. X-rays and CAT scans showed no further signs of injury, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was released. Both agents were reprimanded. Additional security measures for SCP-294 have been recommended.\nAddendum [SCP-294f]: After reviewing documentation on SCP-294, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggested testing SCP-294's ability to 'retrieve' specific liquids from a distance.\nAddendum [SCP-294h]: With the overseeing of O5-[DATA EXPUNGED] \"a cup of SCP-075's secretion\" was used as input. The product was proven to be the requested liquid and the cup was able to successfully contain the material. However, the report for incident 075-07 was acknowledged 2 hours after the test (See Addendum [SCP-075m]). A containment procedure breach had occurred exactly the same time this test was taking place, waking SCP-075 to its active stage. It was able to secrete an amount of basic solution equal to the capacity of a coffee cup before emergency containment procedure was applied and it was rendered passive. The liquid was not found in the post-incident investigation.\nAddendum [SCP-294i]: Researcher punched in request for \"cup of gold\". The machine dispensed a cup of molten gold. Researcher requested similar precious materials with the same result.\nAddendum [SCP-294j]: Researcher punched in (from a safe range) request for \"cup of anti-water\". The machine hummed briefly, then displayed \"OUT OF RANGE\" on entry pad. It is theorized that SCP-294 has a limited range of collection, and cannot reach into alternate universes/dimensions.\nAddendum [SCP-294k]: Researcher punched in request for \"diamond\". SCP-294 briefly hummed, then displayed \"OUT OF RANGE\" on entry pad. SCP-294 gives this result for all solid substances. As diamond is a solid crystalline form of carbon, it appears the machine will not dispense liquid carbon, as this does not result in a \"diamond\". When \"cup of carbon\" was subsequently punched in, the machine dispensed a cup of liquid carbon. SCP-294 was immune to the damaging effects of the dispensed liquid.\nAddendum [SCP-294m]: Testing for range of SCP-294's capacity for retrieval has been initiated. A unique compound has been formulated, composed of undisclosed ratios of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand bleach, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 brand cola, MET-RX powder, and Garam masala. The fluid was created and placed in a sealed container 25 meters away from SCP 294. When requested, the fluid was dispensed. An equal amount of the mixture was no longer present in its original container.\nAddendum [SCP-294o-01]: Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, under observation of Level 4 personnel, keyed in a request of \"the best drink I've ever had\". SCP-294 dispensed a fluid similar in appearance to cola. The researcher identified it as a mixed drink he recalls having at a bar during his bachelor party, and was convinced it was \"the best drink\". \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 did not know what ingredients were in the drink besides rum and cola. Further tests are scheduled to ascertain how SCP-294 gathers information.\nAddendum [SCP-294o-01a]: Under the same conditions, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \"the best drink I've ever had\". SCP-294 delivered a dark fluid topped with white foam which was later identified as Vienna lager. The cup was printed with a color picture of five (5) men and two (2) women drinking beer on the beach; \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was one of them. In his briefing, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 confirmed that his favorite drink ever was a Vienna lager he consumed at the beach with his friends. It has now been confirmed that SCP-294 has the ability to directly gather information from someone's mind in order to comply with the given conditions.\nAddendum [SCP-294q-01]: Subject keyed \"the perfect drink.\" The machine dispensed a cup containing an odorless lavender liquid. After drinking the liquid, subject appeared to go into shock. Subject later committed suicide, leaving a note which read \"I'm sorry, but at this point everything's just one big letdown.\" Requesting such a drink again is highly discouraged. None of the components of the drink have yet been identified.\nAddendum [SCP-294t-01]: Subject keyed in \"something Cassy will like\". The device was heard to hum for about three seconds, before dispensing an empty cup. Printed on the side of the cup was an image of a traditional soda fountain glass, filled with something brown, and topped with whipped cream. Upon introduction to SCP-085, it was identified by her as a chocolate banana milkshake and judged 'delicious'.\nAddendum [SCP-294w]: Researcher keyed in request for \"a cup of music\". SCP-294 produced a clear, sparkling fluid that tasted vaguely alcoholic. Following ingestion, subject reported \"feeling\" and not hearing, a continuous rhythm, and demonstrated the ability to move and even dance with a certain fluidity that he had not previously shown. Testing on other abstract concepts is continuing.\nAddendum [SCP-294ab]: During a mass security breach, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested \"a cup of pertinent medical knowledge\" while taking shelter inside the second floor break room. Of the four agents in the room, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was the only one who was not injured. SCP-294 poured a cup of clear green liquid. Following the ingestion of this substance, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began mending the other agents' wounds in a manner consistent with Foundation medical training. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 no longer has the medical training that the liquid provided and other attempts to recreate the effect have failed. The agent has speculated that this event was an emergency measure taken by the object to ensure self-preservation.\nAddendum [SCP-294ac]: Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested \"my life story\" from SCP-294; SCP-294 made humming noises and shook violently for approximately 3 minutes before providing a highly viscous, opaque black liquid. Upon consumption, Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported that he remembered everything that had ever happened to him. Following this test, Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered his office and returned 48 hours later with a 538-page autobiography.\nAddendum [SCP-294ad]: Researcher produced request consisting solely of the phrase \"surprise me\". Device produced an opaque cup containing normal water, later determined to have been heated to approximately 200 degrees Celsius. Upon receiving vibration from transport, the contents of the cup turned into steam, violently spraying boiling water in a 2-meter radius.\nAddendum [SCP-294af]: Researcher produced request for \"Blood of Christ\". SCP-294 vibrated and produced the message \"Hic est enim Calix S\u00e1nguinis mei\", then produced a paper drinking cup containing approximately 0.12 liters of red grape wine.\nAddendum [SCP-294ag]: Researcher produced requests for \"cup of Smilodon blood\", \"cup of passenger pigeon blood\", and \"cup of Thomas Jefferson's blood\", and received three \"OUT OF RANGE\" errors.\nAddendum [SCP-294ah]: A D-class personnel with IQ of 99 and low curiosity scores was given written instructions about what to request. The D-class personnel produced a request for 'blood of canis lupus' and received a cup of liquid subsequently identified as wolf blood. The D-class personnel next produced a request for 'saliva of equus ferus caballus' and received a cup of liquid subsequently identified as horse saliva. The D-class personnel next produced a request for \"urine of phascolarctos cinereus' and received a cup of liquid subsequently identified as koala urine. The D-class personnel next produced a request for \"cerebrospinal fluid of phoberomys pattersoni\" and received a cup of liquid currently undergoing analysis. It is to be noted that Phoberomys pattersoni went extinct during the late Miocene epoch, approximately 8 million years ago.\nAddendum [SCP-294ai]: Dr. King produced request for \"a cup of room-temperature superconductor\", and received a cup of apple juice with seeds floating in it.\nAddendum [SCP-294aj]: Dr. Menchu produced request for \"cup of D-151839's leukemia\", and received a cup of fluid; the fluid was microscopically examined and found to contain leukemic blast cells, which were a genetic match to D-151839. A second request for \"cup of D-151839's leukemia\" resulted in an \"OUT OF RANGE\" error. D-151839 was subsequently found to be free of leukemia; however, within 15 days, the leukemia had recurred.\n[ Other SCP-294 experiments are currently awaiting approval. ]\n\n\u00ab SCP-293 | SCP-294 | SCP-295 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-295\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-295 is to be contained within a 50 m x 50 m concrete room, with all surfaces coated with flame retardant material. All personnel entering and exiting containment must comply with level 3 contamination screening. Three (3) flame retardant exposure suits are to be maintained on the premises and are required for any and all testing involving SCP-295. Feeding will occur once per week, and consists of a meal of 20 kg of naturally grown pinewood, harvested near the Site-19 facility.\nDescription: SCP-295 is a number of caterpillars resembling Syntomeida epilais in appearance. A single specimen of SCP-295 is capable of creating an unidentifiable substance, which has several unique qualities attributed to it. SCP-295 possesses similar physical attributes to a common caterpillar, with a notable exception being SCP-295's incredible speed when in pursuit of sustenance. When flammable material is introduced into SCP-295's environment, it will quickly move to attempt to consume it.\nThe substance produced by SCP-295 (hereby known as SCP-295-1) is a viscous fluid that possesses natural bioluminescence of variable intensity, averaging at ~150,000 lm. The intensity fades over time, but sufficient heat is capable of renewing its incandescence. However, the danger lies in its other quality, which is its ability to cause violent combustion in any flammable object it comes in contact with. All matter destroyed in this manner leaves no ash or other byproducts behind, although an increase in mass has been observed in specimens of SCP-295 after combustion. A notable exception is living animal matter, which SCP-295-1 is incapable of affecting in all circumstances.\nSCP-295 is capable of reproduction given sufficient matter to combust, or when a specific mass has been attained. When this occurs, SCP-295 will pupate, forming a shell of dense carbon with a similar molecular structure to coal. Once a week has passed, both the pupa and the specimen will combust, while the ashes reform into two additional caterpillars, after which the process begins anew. Occasionally, only one specimen of SCP-295 will reform from the resultant ashes, rather than a pair. These ashes will not always reform immediately, and can remain inert. Ashes left on personnel's clothing can reform later, and further spread SCP-295's population.\nSCP-295 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ukraine, after a series of improbable and volatile forest fires had reduced a large swathe of forests into barren wastes. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had family in the area, noted that the fires had left not a single thing in their wake. When Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was dispatched to investigate, he found a complete lack of life and vegetation, with the exception of a species of caterpillar that was not local to the area. What had alarmed him more, however, was the sudden destruction of his clothing and belongings by a swarm of starved SCP-295s. After several attempts and more than a few changes of clothing, SCP-295 was brought to Site-19 and safely contained.\nAddendum 295a: Despite months of regular feeding, the number of specimens have neither declined nor have they increased since being contained. The cycle of reproduction has stayed consistent, with the majority of recorded combustion resulting in two new specimens. How the population has kept itself in check is unknown at this time.\nAddendum 295b: See Incident 295-k\nAddendum 295c: It's possible that there are still wild specimens of SCP-295 out in the world, considering the trouble we have containing it in the lab. Any attempts to contain populations of SCP-295 in the field are to be made on location, with the intent to isolate and terminate.\nNote: This stuff has some serious potential for weaponization, if we could get enough of it out of the little worms. Find a way to carry and dispense it and you'd put napalm to shame. \u2013Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 295d: See Experiment Log 295-1-a\nAddendum 295e: See Experiment Log 295-1-b\n\n\u00ab SCP-294 | SCP-295 | SCP-296 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-296\nObject Class: Primary object classification: Safe, secondary object classification: Safe/Euclid/Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Armed Containment Site-03 has been in the process of reconstruction since the discovery of SCP-296 in the geometric center of the destruction caused by enactment of Emergency Protocol XT-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (refer to Document #1E-027, Addendum 1, viewable in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). Re-installation of tactical thermonuclear devices in a primary perimeter between the established 100km quarantine perimeter and the exposed region of SCP-296 has also been initiated. As SCP-296 has already exhibited resilience in the face of annihilation-grade weaponry, it is suggested that the TTN devices be calibrated to deliver a high-yield, low-radius explosion so as to minimize damage to ACS-03's existing structures.\nAll personnel, agents and researchers assigned to SCP-296 must have no criminal background, prior to and during SCP service. Any incidents approximating criminal behavior, as well as suspicions of possible criminal behavior, are to be considered disqualification for assignment to duties directly relating to SCP-296.\nDescription: Upon examination of the blast crater occupying ACS-03's previous location, a stone channel was discovered in the crater's geometric center. The stone is of an unknown composition, and was utterly unaffected by the detonations of the fail-safe devices utilized by Emergency Protocol XT-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It is unknown whether the structure designated SCP-296 existed prior to the annihilation of ACS-03's previous installations. However, the contents of SCP-296's interior suggest it was somehow created in the explosion.\nFrom the exterior, SCP-296's entry channel appears to simply be a set of carved, fitted stones arranged around a vertical, rectangular shaft. They extend into the ground for several feet before light simply ceases to penetrate and it enters into darkness.\nInitial attempts to investigate followed standard procedure using Class D personnel. Each maintained contact for a few moments before failing to report back. After several personnel were lost in this manner, robotic surveillance was initiated, and revealed the presence of an amphitheater-type structure, around which were seated fifty-six (56) figures of similar appearance. Each was roughly humanoid and made of a substance similar at first glance to ice. Thermal scans indicated a variety of temperatures, varying from figure to figure, and most did not conform to temperatures low enough to support solidification of water.\nSurveillance also discovered the remains of the Class D personnel. The deceased exhibited the following characteristics:\nPersonnel A: A was found beside a figure, with cylindrical wounds extending through her skull - one each surrounding the previous location of each eye socket; one passing laterally through the skull and excising the ears and all associated organs; one excising the nose; one excising the mouth. Subject's skin had also been removed whole and rested beside the corpse, along with the cylinders of bone, flesh and viscera that have been removed from her skull, which rested atop the skin. Wounds confirmed to match those inflicted by Euclid Class SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, confirmed to have been present at ACS-03 during initial installation's annihilation.\nPersonnel B: B was found collapsed on the ground beside a second figure with what initially appeared to be total destruction of his skeletal system. Autopsy later revealed the complete liquefaction of all interior bodily systems. Damage confirmed to match those inflicted by Euclid Class SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, also confirmed to have been present at ACS-03 during enactment of Emergency Protocol XT-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nPersonnel C-G: Personnel C through G were found beside a third figure. All five personnel occupied roughly the same space at different angles. Still technically collectively alive, the resulting recombinant creature was quite obviously both insane and irreparably crippled and was later terminated on-site. Analysis of records pertaining to Keter Class SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 indicated conformity to exposure to its exponential recombination effect. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was also confirmed to have been contained within ACS-03 at time of annihilation.\nSurveillance was forcibly terminated before further information could be gathered. The final image transferred by the robot was that of the figure beside the still-active form of personnel C-G shattering and the form of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 appearing amidst its debris. 76 Class D personnel, 23 agents and 5 researchers were lost before sufficient information regarding SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 could be dispatched to allow for the forced initiation of its hibernation cycle. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 has since been relocated to Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 and subjected to containment in following with its original procedures.\nNo further attempts to investigate SCP-296 have been made as of this time. Proposals for controlled systematic testing of each figure has been suggested by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, but have been denied on the grounds that the risk of releasing SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, although its presence within the amphitheater has yet to be confirmed, is too great.\nAddendum 296-1: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has proposed that the SCP objects lost during the destruction of ACS-03's original facility were somehow repositioned within SCP-296's interior. The reason for this is unknown, as is the cause for their apparent containment within the ice figures. The theory is supported by the remarkable similarity between the number of SCP objects thought lost to the detonation and the number of figures within SCP-296; however, the inexplicable fifty-sixth figure poses the significant possibility of a threat. Further investigation is postponed.\nAddendum 296-2: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was discovered emerging from within the interior of SCP-296 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588. She was immediately apprehended and subjected to questioning, upon which several facts were made clear.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had, against policy, falsified entry documents and passed the security checkpoints necessary to investigate SCP-296's interior. Upon her entry, she reported she had an instant of feeling psychically violated, followed by immediate unconsciousness.\nWhen she awoke, she claims one of the figures contacted her telepathically. She could not identify which one at that time, as there was no corresponding visible stimuli, but she insists it is the fifty-sixth figure - the additional figure not corresponding to an SCP object previously stored within ACS-03.\nThe figure communicated that it was known, in our language, as \"Judgment.\" The Class D personnel initially admitted to its interior were found, as Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 put it, \"guilty,\" and were summarily executed by way of utilization of the SCP objects contained within the figures. It equated the figures to jail cells, and implied the release of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was analogous to early release for good behavior. She related that \"Judgment\" will allow innocent personnel entry to the interior of SCP-296, but that it would be responsible for ultimate assignment of guilt - or lack of guilt - of the personnel itself.\nAddendum 296-3: Communications between Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's research team and \"Judgment\" have revealed new information regarding the figures within SCP-296. They have compiled a list of the SCP objects contained within SCP-296's figures - identical to ACS-03's original contents - as well as a \"map\" of the figures and their correlating objects. \"Judgment\" has also supplied a number for each figure which he states corresponds to the number of \"services\" it must perform before release.\nIt is assumed that the services to which \"Judgment\" refers are executions. As there is no way to know whether the information provided is accurate besides expending enough personnel to release the concerned object, further testing has been halted pending other possible detection methods.\nIt is to be noted that SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's tally is quite low. All personnel are to be reminded that under no circumstances are any personnel with suspected criminal behavioral patterns, past or present, to be allowed access to SCP-296. Failure to adhere to this directive will result in termination for all parties involved. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 cannot be allowed to be released.\n\n\u00ab SCP-295 | SCP-296 | SCP-297 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-297\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-297 is to be kept in a standard lockbox at Site 19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure. Personnel wishing to utilize SCP-297 for experimental or field purposes must fill out a Form-32 and submit it to the head of Research and Containment.\nDescription: SCP-297 is a transparent plastic vibrator, approximately 30 cm in length, 5 cm in width. Examination has determined that the internal structure has been heavily altered, and that the standard 6 V power supply has been converted into what appears to be a micronized nuclear reactor powered by a small quantity of plutonium.\nIn addition, the standard power/intensity controls have been altered from the normal on/off switch with secondary intensity dial, to a single five-stage selector switch. The bottom four intensity levels (off, low, medium, high) appear to be within normal parameters for such a device, and can be used safely for such purposes if so desired.\nWhen turned to the highest intensity setting (labeled \"suicide\"), SCP-297's vibration frequency swiftly increases to upwards of 200,000 kHz. If the upper portion of the device is touched to any solid material, SCP-297 will change frequency to one that causes a positive harmonic feedback loop in the object, causing the object to lose cohesion within sixty seconds of continual contact. This invariably kills organisms that it is exposed to.\nExperimentation has determined that SCP-297 can disintegrate a 1 meter cube of concrete into powder within ten seconds. The time required for other objects varies, based on the density and harmonic properties of the material. Due to the similarities between the effects of SCP-297 and SCP-1012, investigation into whether both effects are variations of the same phenomena are ongoing.\nAddendum: Circumstances of Retrieval: SCP-297 was retrieved from the third basement of the parking structure of a thirty-story apartment building in Los Angeles, California, on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. According to eyewitnesses, the device bored a vertical hole through the entire building's northwestern corner, starting from the 30th floor and proceeding, floor by floor, through the entire structure, until a maintenance worker neutralized the device by turning it off. All witnesses were detained and administered Class A amnestics, and the device was retrieved by Foundation personnel. A large quantity of organic slurry (later identified as a liquefied human body) was found on the thirtieth floor, at the upper limit of the damage.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-296 | SCP-297 | SCP-298 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-298\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-298 is to remain disassembled at all times when experimentation is not being performed. As per standard protocol, each piece of SCP-298 has been stamped with an individualized serial number and radio transmitter. Due to SCP-298's effect on replacement parts, requests to replace original components of SCP-298 must receive special approval.\nDescription: SCP-298 is a chamber organ of indeterminate manufacture. It is believed to have been created sometime in the 1400s, in the then Holy Roman Empire. As per all pipe organs created before 1450, it has no stop controls. It is unknown if SCP-298 has possessed the unexplained physical effects from playing it for the duration of its existence, or if an unknown event altered it at some time in the past.\nWhen played, SCP-298 induces the blood within human subjects to slowly expel itself from the subjects' bodies while simultaneously assuming the consistency of fibrous matter such as cellulose. SCP-298 has not been observed to affect the blood of subjects standing within a semi-circular arc of thirty (30) degrees with a radius of two (2) meters behind the keyboard of the organ. While this effect is taking place, surviving subjects report being paralyzed by a tremendous physical force. The effect of SCP-298 only lasts while the organ is being played. These effects prove fatal in most cases, correlated closely with the duration that SCP-298 is played. Those affected by SCP-298 show symptoms of shock consistent with blood loss or hypertension.\nIt has been determined that the mechanism of effect of SCP-298 is purely sonic in nature. Though in physical proximity to SCP-298 while it was being played, subjects placed within a soundproofed chamber were completely unaffected by the device. Experimentation with active noise control has not yet been able to completely neutralize the effect of SCP-298. The most advanced noise control systems have reduced the effects to limited hypertension as well as feelings of intense pain and pressure as reported by experimental subjects.\nHigh-fidelity recordings of the tones emitted by SCP-298 do not replicate the effects of SCP-298. It appears there is an additional sonic component of the SCP which has not yet been discovered which provides for the physical transformation of the blood.\nExamination of the physical, chemical, and elemental composition of the altered blood has yielded some data. The blood expelled from the body retains its ability to absorb oxygen. In an oxygen-deprived environment, the blood assumes a dark brown color. In a vacuum environment, the hemoglobin deoxygenates, and assumes a purple color. Upon introduction of sufficient oxygen, the color change to bright red is nearly instantaneous. These effects are entirely consistent with the chemical properties of normal blood. Further analytic chemistry has, for the most part, been able to determine that the altered blood is identical to regular blood in terms of its chemistry.\nIn terms of physical properties, however, blood affected by SCP-298 is a completely different material. It possesses extraordinary elastic properties. Stress experiments to date have not yet reached the yield limit. None of the observed deformations of the altered blood material displayed any degree of inelasticity. It has required an extraordinary amount of force to cause the tendrils of altered blood material to break. The greatest successes in this area have been achieved by actions altering the chemical composition of the blood (e.g. such as burning). Blood affected by SCP-298 will remain at a temperature of near 38\u00b0C (100\u00b0F) for the duration of the phenomena.\nFurther changes to physical properties are inconsistent and appear to be somewhat related to the specific audible tones emitted by SCP-298. The changes are not permanent \u2014 if the organ has not been played for 47 seconds, any altered blood returns to a liquid state. The appearance that the altered blood takes once it expels itself from the body has been likened to leafless trees.\nPlacing components of SCP-298 in other organs such that they become a working piece of the other organ will cause this organ to generate effects related to SCP-298. Though not as dramatic a physical transformation, affected organs have been able to generate spontaneous bleeding in test subjects as well as increased viscosity in blood. This generally includes the player as well.\nOver time, some of the original components of SCP-298 have required maintenance and replacement. Replacement of individual components with suitable replications do not seem to affect the functioning of the mechanism as a whole. Though this effect is not immediately observed in the replacement parts, over time these parts acquire the ability to generate effects when played in organs otherwise unrelated to SCP-298.\nSCP-298 will affect blood drawn from humans before they are exposed to its effects so long as such blood is near human body temperature. As such, further research with human subjects is to be suspended. Further tests into the physical properties of the altered blood can be continued with blood harvested from volunteers.\n\nAddenda:\n298a: The pieces of SCP-298 are not to be destroyed. Further research into the extraphysical mechanism behind the sudden change in the physical properties of the blood of humans must be undertaken. The benefit of being able to replicate the mechanism of the transformation of the physical properties of common substances could revolutionize industry and construction.\n298b: No. The pending request to use the Foundation's sensitive interferometer on research with 298 has been denied. While I do not wish to denigrate the research wing of our group, I really think you guys need to glance at the bottom line of some of the things you request. 298 is just not important enough to warrant the expense.\nO5-\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-297 | SCP-298 | SCP-299 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-299\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A 200-metre-wide forest of SCP-299 is to be contained in an underground biodome (Area-299) in the [REDACTED] desert. All other specimens encountered are to be incinerated. No plant life is to come into contact with SCP-299 outside of controlled testing. Areas infested by SCP-299 should be considered class-8 hazard zones, firebombed immediately, and monitored for four (4) weeks. Any further infestation is to be incinerated, as well as all wildlife present on the site.\nDescription: SCP-299 is an arboriform organism characterised by black, sharp-pointed branches. Closer inspection reveals that each instance of SCP-299 is connected to neighbouring trees by its roots. Prolonged contact converts these neighboring trees into another instance of SCP-299; this is SCP-299's only known method of reproduction.\nAddendum 299-1: SCP-299 infection will result from prolonged contact with any material from SCP-299.\nConversion time varies by the size of the infectee. Generally, after a few minutes of exposure, the infected plant begins to shed its leaves. Low branches shift downward to a height of 30 to 100 centimetres and taper to a point. High branches retain leaves and shift toward the top of the tree, forming a dense canopy and making overhead identification impossible.\nAddendum 299-2: Microscopic analysis of low branches reveals that these points are composed of the same material as the rest of infected plant, and are remarkably sharp. Direct contact with the point of a branch from SCP-299 is unadvised, as even a sliver of SCP-299 material embedded in skin is known to produce disastrous results (see Experiment Log 299-1).\nVine-like tendrils grow upward from the roots of SCP-299, reaching heights of up to two (2) metres. These tendrils are prehensile and elastic; organic objects entering close proximity are violently seized, impaled upon the lower branches, and incorporated into the organism via gradual conversion on the molecular level.\nSpecimens of SCP-299 release chemicals known to spread throughout the immediate area and cause heightened paranoia and aggression in most animals, including humans. Under the influence of these chemicals, groups of people tend to split up and wander the forest alone, making them more likely to pass through an infested area.\nAddendum 299-3: Examination of material harvested from SCP-299 reveals that the 'wood' is brittle and similar in composition to [DATA EXPUNGED]. A single cell of SCP-299 will retain its infectious nature and is capable of re-configuring an entire organism upon introduction.\n\nExperiment Log-299-1\nItem: Maple seedling (Acer saccharum) (x1)\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest Record:\nA sample of matter from SCP-299 is introduced to seedling. Over forty-five (45) minutes, the seedling is completely converted into a specimen of SCP-299, retaining its height and approximate size. Seedling incinerated.\nItem: Oak tree (Quercus alba) (x1)\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest Record\nOak tree transplanted into containment area of SCP-299. Over three (3) hours, the tree is completely converted into a specimen of SCP-299, retaining its height and approximate size. Matter taken from new specimen is consistent with matter from neighbouring specimens.\nItem: Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) (x1)\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest Record:\nA sample of matter from SCP-299 is introduced to sunflower. Over ten (10) minutes, the plant is completely converted into a specimen of SCP-299, retaining its height and size. The flower petals have blackened and tapered into spikes, consistent with SCP-299 spike branches. Tendrils are frail and incapable of grasping large objects. Specimen's trunk snapped upon introduction of researcher's foot. Remains incinerated.\nItem: European Grape Vine (Vitis vinifera), confined to pot and growing upward along a trellis. (x1)\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest Record:\nSample of matter from SCP-299 introduced to grape vine. Subject converted within thirty (30) minutes. Subject detached from trellis and adopted prehensile nature of SCP-299 tendrils. Spike protrudes from rooted area.\nItem: Results of previous experiment, pig (Sus domestica) (x1)\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest Record:\nPig introduced to testing area. Subject showed signs of agitation. Upon investigation of SCP-299, subject was violently seized and constricted, eventually suffocating before impalement upon a spike. Specimen was left in containment and observed for 3 days. Over that time, the mass of pig and tendril tissues were integrated into the main vine. Spikes grew from its base, the roots extended and tendrils grew from them, and branches grew from the top of the tree, sprouting buds and leaves. Specimen was incinerated.\nNotes:\nSCP-299 appears to not be limited to trees. Infected plants seem to react slightly differently, depending on their unique biology. All specimens, however, eventually become SCP-299 'trees' if given time to grow and change form.\nItem: Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) (x1)\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest Record\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum 299-4\nO5 Command has requested that researchers refrain from experimentation with carnivorous plants.\n\nItem: Pig (Sus domestica) (x1)\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest Record\nMatter from SCP-299 injected into pig. Pig began squealing and moving uncontrollably, until it fell to the ground and convulsed. Upon expiration, fine rootlike hairs were observed to grow from the underside of the pig; the flesh of the pig underwent a transformation into SCP-299 material starting from point of injection. After two (2) hours, the pig was observed to have become another instance of SCP-299, complete with tendrils and leaves. Subject incinerated.\n\nAddendum 299-5: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, the trees in Area-299 have begun deviating from the standard form of SCP-299, with several growing what appears to be white flowers up to two (2) meters from ground level. Following standard protocol, D-class personnel were sent in to determine if the new mutation was dangerous. Upon approaching the flowers, the petals unfurled into highly mobile tendrils which immediately ensnared the head of one of the D-Class before pulling him back to the tree. All personnel were immediately removed from the area and placed in a 48-hour quarantine.\nSubject was observed emerging from the treeline approximately five (5) hours after being ensnared, apparently unharmed. Subject was then put in a separate 48-hour quarantine in accordance to protocol. Subject protested vocally against the quarantine, stating that he \"had to see the sun\". Ten (10) hours into the quarantine subject spontaneously lost consciousness and several branches of SCP-299 began growing from subject's head and torso. Subject was terminated and then incinerated along with the growths.\nChanges to the containment protocol to respond to this development are under review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-298 | SCP-299 | SCP-300 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-300, photographed prior to Foundation containment\n\nItem #: SCP-300\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-300 is stored in a locked and climate-controlled container at Site \u2588\u2588. Experimentation on SCP-300 may only be performed with prior written permission from at least one (1) Level 3 Senior Researcher, and any observations made must be recorded for later analysis.\nDescription: SCP-300 consists of an antique glass perfume bottle (SCP-300-1) containing approximately 2.4 cc of an unidentified colorless liquid (SCP-300-2).\nWhen a single drop of SCP-300-2 is extracted from SCP-300-1 and the drop is viewed through a standard optical microscope, an animated scene becomes visible. While no two drops have shown precisely the same scene, these scenes generally take the form of pastoral or woodland scenes consistent with that of Victorian-Era England.\nSo far, attempts to analyze the exact chemical components of SCP-300-2 have inexplicably failed, with spectrometers reporting wildly variant or false data, thus making attempts at replicating it impossible. SCP-300-2 also invariably evaporates within 2-8 hours of being drawn outside of SCP-300-1, despite all attempts at stabilizing the substance or controlling laboratory conditions.\nSCP-300 was first documented along with [REDACTED] after being recovered from the attic of a row home in [REDACTED], UK on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/1863 following a raid by agents of the Royal Society for the Security, Containment, and Protection of Anomalous Artefacts. SCP-300 was transferred to SCP Foundation possession on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 300-1: Experiment Log (Abridged)\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: A single drop (approximately 0.07 cc) of SCP-300-2 transferred to microscope slide. Video recorded for approximately 3 hours before SCP-300-2 evaporated harmlessly.\nDetails: Visible scene consists of a dirt road lined with trees of an unidentified species. Coloration of leaves suggested that the scene was taking place in autumn. A light breeze is blowing, causing some of the yellowed leaves to fall to the ground. At approximately 1:07:18, a horse-drawn carriage with a driver and two passengers passes through the scene. Clothing worn by the individuals seem to be consistent with that worn in Victorian-Era England. No other significant events are recorded.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: A single drop (approximately 0.08 cc) of SCP-300-2 transferred to microscope slide. Video record lasts approximately 5 hours.\nDetails: Visible scene consists of a rural farm. Size of wheat plants visible in scene indicate late summer time period. A family consisting of two adults and three children of varying age are periodically visible in various areas of the farm, performing chores. Clothing of family consistent with previously established time period.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: A single drop (approximately 0.07 cc) of SCP-300-2 transferred to microscope slide. Video record lasts approximately 2 hours.\nDetails: Visible scene consists of the interior of a well-furnished residence. Within the visible area are a lit fireplace and several armchairs. Three well-dressed individuals, two men and one woman, are seen conversing while enjoying a bottle of what is presumably red wine. Lip-reading analysis of their conversation is incomplete, but fragments developed so far indicate a casual political discussion regarding issues appropriate for the year 18\u2588\u2588, again in Victorian England.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: Two drops (approximately 0.15 cc) of SCP-300-2 transferred to microscope slide for experimentation. Video record lasts approximately 3 hours.\nDetails: Video record is blurry and indecipherable. Although a few fragments of video have been analyzed, no useful information is gathered. Further experimentation is to be limited to a single drop of SCP-300-2.\nAddendum 300-2: Incident 300-012\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found dead in Laboratory C, with cause of death being self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Laboratory video surveillance showed Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 obsessively viewing a recent recording from a SCP-300 experiment and becoming increasingly agitated until he pulled out his sidearm and took his own life.\nUpon investigation, the recording was identified and analyzed as a 3-hour long recording made during an experiment on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588. The recording shows a young woman of approximately \u2588\u2588 years of age, sitting in an armchair and embroidering an article of clothing while singing to herself. Further investigation showed a startling resemblance between the woman and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's late wife, who died during [REDACTED], up to and including a birthmark visible on the left side of her neck. Experimentation on SCP-300 has been temporarily placed on hold pending research into possible telepathic or memory-affecting capabilities.\nAddendum 300-3: Inscription Located on Back of SCP-300\nA world in a bottle\nfor my beloved Nora\n\n\u00ab SCP-299 | SCP-300 | SCP-301 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-301\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-301 is to be kept in a secure, electromagnetically sealed bunker buried under at least ten meters of earth to conceal its location. The bunker is to be staffed by no fewer than four level three security personnel at all times in order to secure the site and to maintain automated security measures. The perimeter of the bunker is to be lined with a chain-link fence with official warnings to deter intruders. Due to the remote location of SCP-301, additional security is not required.\nDuring experimentation, all research staff and equipment must maintain a minimum distance of at least three meters from the projected edge of SCP-301.\nIn the event of a containment breach, on-site personnel with the proper security clearance are authorized to implement emergency protocol C-301. All possible entrances to the bunker will automatically seal themselves and remain sealed indefinitely. Emergency protocol C-301 can only be countermanded by an O5 level command.\nDescription: SCP-301 is an anomalous region roughly three meters in diameter located in the middle of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 National Park. Whenever physical matter enters SCP-301, it temporarily disappears from existence. Following a delay of variable length, the matter that had entered SCP-301 will appear in another location. The duration of this time delay is variable, with a minimum length of \u2588\u2588 seconds and a maximum length of \u2588\u2588\u2588 minutes. The exact destination appears to be a random vertex point on a geodesic grid overlaying the Earth's surface. Each leg of this pattern is approximately 20 km long, resulting in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 possible destination points.\nThe prevailing model of SCP-301's workings is that teleportation occurs by accessing a coterminous interspatial region lying in a frame of reference attached to the center of the Earth. SCP-301 is invisible to the naked eye, but is detectable through other spectra. SCP-301 also passively emits electromagnetic energy. While not harmful to living organisms, it does interfere with improperly shielded electronics, and may explain why the native fauna does not venture near SCP-301.\nThrough experimentation, it has been discovered that SCP-301 can accommodate any kind of physical matter with certain size thresholds. The maximum size object that SCP-301 can accommodate can be no larger than SCP-301's three-meter diameter. There is also a minimum limit, though this is based on density rather than size. Currently, most gases and anything on a molecular level are not affected by SCP-301.\nFor further details, see the experiment logs.\nSCP-301 was discovered when there was a spike in disappearances of hikers and tourists in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 National Park, only for several of them to be rediscovered far from the site of their disappearance. The Foundation did not act until it received reports of one of the missing hikers being found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, France, and another near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, New South Wales, Australia.\nSubsequent interviews with these individuals produced inconsistent descriptions of the event, even after the use of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject 301-a-1 (retrieved in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, France) described the transfer as a floating sensation, with a mild forward impetus, accompanied by \u201cthe ringing of thousands of huge bells,\u201d and \u201csmell[ing] like wet dog and wood smoke,\u201d but having no other sensory components. However, Subject 301-a-2 (retrieved near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, New South Wales, Australia) described it as a floating sensation with no sense of forward momentum, but including a \u201csalty taste,\u201d \u201cprickling feeling, like a foot going to sleep\u201d over the entire body, and being able to see \u201cstringy stuff\u201d surrounding the subject. Both subjects were administered a Class-A amnestic and released. See Document 301-0184678-a for full interview transcripts.\nWhile searching for the anomaly at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 National Park, Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 accidentally entered SCP-301. They disappeared for approximately \u2588\u2588 minutes until the signals from their locator beacons were reacquired \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 km and \u2588\u2588 km from their last recorded position respectively. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's body was recovered by a deep-water retrieval team 43 km SSW of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, India. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was recovered near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Angola, suffering from exposure, malaria, and amoebic dysentery. Foundation personnel were able to debrief Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 before he died. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 characterized the teleportation experience as being \u201cswept by a strong current\u201d that \u201cstank of shit.\u201d He also stated that he \u201csaw flames,\u201d and reported hearing \u201csand falling,\u201d and tasting \u201csugar, then dirt\u201d in a repeating cycle. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died two days later.\nBased on the agents' testimony, SCP-301 was found to be located on a regularly used hiking trail. The Foundation re-routed the hiking trail and built the current facility containing SCP-301.\nFrom information gathered from Subjects 301-a-1 and 301-a-2, and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, it appears that the interspatial region accessed upon entering SCP-301 is experienced differently by each subject. This experience can manifest as a wide variety of sensory phenomena, including tactile, gustatory, olfactory, visual, aural, and kinetic sensations. Experimentation with Class D personnel to further study this aspect of SCP-301 is recommended. A selection of post-experiment analyses are collected in experiment log 301C.\nExperiment Log 301A\nUsing remote exploration in conjunction with on-going live experimentation, we have managed to map out much of the geodesic grid that SCP-301 teleportation follows. While this has resulted in the discovery of a large number of sites that require Foundation monitoring, many of these sites are in locations that make monitoring them a moot point (i.e. the dozens of egress points that open in the middle of the ocean). -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment Log 301B\nAfter increasing the size of test materials, we've finally found that SCP-301 cannot accommodate items larger than itself. If a piece of matter that exceeds SCP-301's three-meter diameter is placed on SCP-301, there will be no effect. This has been noted for future containment protocols. There is also a minimum limit for what SCP-301 can accommodate. We've filled the containment room with easily detectable gases, as well as bombarding SCP-301 with radioactive particles. However, there is no evidence of any of these substances being successfully transported. The prevailing hypothesis is that SCP-301's minimum limit is based on density rather than size: solids and liquids are affected while gases and individual molecules are not. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment Log 301C\nEntries include subject identification number, egress point, and trip duration, followed by a listing of major sensory elements of the teleportation experience. Note that, for recovery purposes, all test subjects are equipped with a remote beacon harness that reports the subject's GPS co-ordinates to a Foundation satellite every 15 seconds from anywhere on Earth.\n\nSubject: D-05738\nEgress Point: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Iowa, United States\nDuration: \u2588\u2588\u2588 min\n\nKinetic: None\nVisual: None\nAuditory: None\nOlfactory: None\nTactile: Sensation of slimy tendrils moving over subject's body\nGustatory: None\nOther Notes: None\n\nSubject: D-09983\nEgress Point: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, China\nDuration: \u2588\u2588 min\n\nKinetic: Floating sensation, as though suspended in liquid\nVisual: A red transparent liquid environment; subject reports seeing many red blood cell-like objects of approx. 3 cm to 50 cm in diameter. Subject also reports seeing a very large shadowy object moving in the distance.\nAuditory: None\nOlfactory: None\nTactile: None\nGustatory: Coppery taste\nOther Notes: Subject reports feeling as though they are about to drown throughout duration of transfer.\n\nSubject: D-25684\nEgress Point: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Mexico\nDuration: \u2588\u2588\u2588 sec\n\nKinetic: Rapid \u201cflying\u201d sensation\nVisual: Subject reports seeing the terrain they would normally have traveled through to reach the end point of the teleportation process; they also report being unable to see their body. See below.\nAuditory: Rushing wind\nOlfactory: Fresh bread\nTactile: None\nGustatory: None\nOther Notes: Subject also reports seeing a variety of semi-transparent organisms during transit. These creatures [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nSubject: D-56001\nEgress Point: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Germany\nDuration: \u2588 min\n\nKinetic: None\nVisual: None\nAuditory: None\nOlfactory: None\nTactile: None\nGustatory: None\nOther Notes: Subject retrieved exhibiting strong schizophrenia interspersed with lengthy periods of catatonia. This is the first time exposure to SCP-301 has resulted in this level of mental trauma.\n\nSubject: D-56187\nEgress Point: Near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Brazil\nDuration: \u2588\u2588 sec\n\nKinetic: Gentle forward movement\nVisual: Unknown; subject rendered blind and can not recall any visual stimuli from his time in SCP-301.\nAuditory: None\nOlfactory: None\nTactile: Spots of cold moving across the left arm.\nGustatory: None\nOther Notes: First instance of exposure to SCP-301 causing a physical change in subject.\n\nSubject: D-58092\nEgress Point: Near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Laos\nDuration: \u2588\u2588 min\n\nKinetic: Freefall\nVisual: None\nAuditory: A repeating complex multi-tonal scale; Foundation staff are currently attempting to recreate this scale.\nOlfactory: Acetic acid (vinegar)\nTactile: None\nGustatory: None\nOther Notes: Though sensors reported a \u2588\u2588 second delay between the subject entering SCP-301 and re-appearing at the destination, D-58092 insisted that she had been in SCP-301 for \u201cseveral days.\u201d The possibility of a time dilation effect should be investigated.\n\nSubject: D-60014\nEgress Point: Near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Canada\nDuration: \u2588\u2588 sec\n\nKinetic: \u201cFlying\u201d sensation; described as \u201coddly slow\u201d\nVisual: Subject reports seeing an unknown number of interlocking gears as far as she can see.\nAuditory: Grinding gears\nOlfactory: Machine oil\nTactile: None\nGustatory: None\nOther Notes: Upon return, subject exhibited an unusual fascination with machinery. Three days later, subject D-60014 began asking personnel about several mechanical SCP objects, including SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and displaying knowledge about them that only Level 4 or higher staff could know. Subject interrogated and terminated 15 days ahead of schedule.\n\nSubject: D-60445\nEgress Point: Near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Siberia, Russia\nDuration: \u2588\u2588 min\n\nKinetic: Unknown\nVisual: Unknown\nAuditory: Unknown\nOlfactory: Unknown\nTactile: Unknown\nGustatory: Unknown\nOther Notes: Subject found bisected along the coronal plane. Cause unknown.\n\nSubject: D-61429\nEgress Point: Near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Florida, United States\nDuration: \u2588\u2588 min\n\nKinetic: Floating\nVisual: Painfully bright white light\nAuditory: Shouting voices, \u201clike everyone in the whole world was shouting at me at once.\u201d No individual words could be discerned.\nOlfactory: None\nTactile: Pain over the entire body, described as \u201clike having red-hot needles stabbing every inch of me.\u201d\nGustatory: None\nOther Notes: Subject reports \u201cbeing watched\u201d and \u201cbeing judged\u201d by unknown entities.\n\nSubject: D-62225\nEgress Point: Near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Niger\nDuration: \u2588\u2588\u2588 min\n\nKinetic: Unknown\nVisual: Unknown\nAuditory: Unknown\nOlfactory: Unknown\nTactile: Unknown\nGustatory: Unknown\nOther Notes: Several life-forms of the types described by D-25684 appear with subject. Subject is killed and life-forms [DATA EXPUNGED]. Area is sterilized.\n\n\u00ab SCP-300 | SCP-301 | SCP-302 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-302\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-302 is to be kept in Site-[REDACTED], under Safe-3 Protocols. Artifact should be handled with gloves at all times, and utmost precautions should be taken to ensure that the artifact does not make skin contact with unauthorized personnel. Any personnel not scheduled for testing that begin showing signs of SCP-302's effects may apply for termination. All subjects suffering from SCP-302's affliction should be terminated after no longer than eight (8) days due to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nDescription: SCP-302 is a small tin sculpture with a bronze/patina finish depicting two ants carrying a leaf. Whenever a human makes direct skin contact with the artifact, they will invariably find a single, small, relatively harmless ant on their person within (2) hours. This ant may belong to any of several different small ant species, and its appearance rarely causes much alarm. It is of note that in all recorded cases, subjects have always distinctly noticed this first ant and fully remember seeing it.\nThereafter, an exponentially increasing number of ants will appear on the exposed subject by day. Throughout the entire day, the number of ants that appear seems to be in the range of 3X to 5X, where X is the number of days since initial contact with SCP-302. As time progresses, the ants not only increase in number, but also change in species. Smaller, minimally harmful species appear at first, later transitioning to larger species, or species with more painful stings or bites.\nAnts seem to appear out of the nearest unobserved space; this includes from under clothes, near-by objects, or, if left with no alternatives, bodily orifices. Ants seem singularly preoccupied with exploring or attacking the affected individual, and will not stop until either themselves or the subject is deceased.\nAddendum 302-01: Subject of Test Log 2 was a single D-Class Personnel. Subject was told he was to participate in \"a study testing how a week of relaxation might affect the performance of D-Class Personnel,\" and was kept in a \"relaxation chamber\" with exercise equipment, various books and magazines, and a color television. Subject was exposed to SCP-302 without his knowledge.\n\u00abTest Log 2\u00bb\n\nDays 1 & 2\nSubject spends his time in leisurely pursuits. Subject expresses great satisfaction, and reports nothing out of the ordinary.\nDay 3\nSubject reports small ant problem, and admits it is probably his fault for letting crumbs fall over the couch and carpet. Subject admits he noticed an ant two days previous, but did not think it was worth mentioning. Subject reports great satisfaction otherwise, and requests a can of bug spray.\nDay 4\nSubject reports that ant problem persists despite his best efforts to spray the room, and that the ants have become more numerous and occasionally painful. Subject reports that the ants seem bigger, and different from those he saw the day before. Subject still reports relative happiness with the experiment.\nDay 5\nSubject reports great annoyance and increased pain, as ants are now nearly always on his person. Ants seem to have changed once more, becoming more aggressive and agitated. At this point subject clearly suspects ants are not of a normal nature.\nDay 6\nSubject in great pain. On average, five (5) tropical green-head ants (Rhytidoponera metallica) are seen to appear every minute on subject throughout entire day. Subject becomes aggressive due to pain, and demands to be released from chamber. Pretense for experiment is dropped, and subject is restrained and given medical attention.\nDay 7\nSubject in great pain. An average of twenty-five (25) tropical fire ants (Solenopsis solenopsidis) are seen to appear every minute on subject. Subject requires continuous ant removal.\nDay 8\nSubject is heavily medicated, and unconscious through majority of day. An average of 140 bullet ants (Paraponera clavata) appear on subject each minute. Rapid ant removal and anti-inflammatory medicine is necessary.\nDay 9\n[DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject and experiment are terminated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-301 | SCP-302 | SCP-303 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-303\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-303 has not yet been known to travel beyond the boundaries of Site \u2588\u2588, the entire area of Site \u2588\u2588 is currently considered SCP-303's containment area. All rooms in Site \u2588\u2588 are to be altered where possible so as to have two entrances separated by a distance of 10m or line of sight. Personnel are to be distributed evenly throughout the facility, with available radio or intercom contact, so that encounters may be resolved quickly. Personnel who witness SCP-303 are to be submitted for immediate psychiatric evaluation.\nAll SCP objects housed at Site \u2588\u2588 since before 6/4/10 are to be transferred to Site \u2588\u2588-B one at a time. Each SCP object will be transferred again to Site \u2588\u2588-A once it can be verified that SCP-303 has not migrated from Site \u2588\u2588 with it. Once SCP-303 either migrates to Site \u2588\u2588-B, or remains present at Site \u2588\u2588 once all SCPs in question have been transferred to Site \u2588\u2588-A, containment procedures will be updated as appropriate.\nDescription: Witnesses describe SCP-303 as a nude, sexless, emaciated humanoid figure with reddish-brown skin. Instead of normal facial features, its head is dominated by an extremely large mouth, which bears a set of oversized human teeth. It continually vocalizes a wheezing noise, loud enough to be heard from the other side of most solid doors. All individuals who have had encounters with SCP-303 are capable of describing it in full, including individuals who have not physically seen any part of it.\nSCP-303 will periodically materialize behind any closed door, hatch, or other entryway barrier opposite a sentient observer, chosen by unknown means. SCP-303 will then remain behind the door for an indeterminate amount of time. Any individual attempting to open the door or barrier experiences intense, paralyzing fear that lasts until SCP-303 dematerializes (either on its own or to avoid being directly seen by another observer). The source of this fear is not clear, but appears to be similar in nature to arachnophobia and ophidiophobia, originating on a pre-conscious, genetic level. [DATA EXPUNGED] analysis indicates that SCP-303 is not, in fact, purposefully inducing fear in the affected individuals.\nSCP-303 does not allow itself to come into direct visual contact with any observer, and has never allowed any one individual to view more than 10% of its form. When the door or other entryway barrier is partially or completely transparent, SCP-303 will materialize in an orientation that leaves 10% or less of its body visible, or cause effects of fog or frost on the transparent surface to achieve the same effect. If SCP-303 is approached from a direction in which there is not a solid object or door breaking line of sight, it will dematerialize before direct visual contact is made.\nAny electronic or complex mechanical devices that SCP-303 encounters are temporarily disabled. SCP-303 has made no recorded attempt to physically or verbally engage any observer.\nHow SCP-303 arrived at Site \u2588\u2588 is not known at this time. SCP-303's first recorded appearance was on 3/1/10. It is suspected that SCP-303 was inadvertently transferred along with or manifested by another SCP on-site. All SCPs on Site \u2588\u2588 are being reexamined accordingly.\nIncident Log 303-A\nIncident 303-1: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was showering in her private quarters bathroom when she became aware of the presence of SCP-303 on the opposite side of the shower curtain. It was wheezing extremely loudly. Startled by the discovery, she accidentally struck the shower curtain, causing it to sway outwards. The curtain partially wrapped around SCP-303, revealing that it was less than 0.5m from the curtain, standing erect and facing the shower. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reports spending approximately the next 3 hours sobbing in the shower, quietly, as not to disturb SCP-303. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported that the wheezing stopped very suddenly, at which point in time she was able to exit the shower.\nIncident 303-3: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 encountered SCP-303 inside the Site \u2588\u2588 2nd floor break-room. He was attempting to obtain coffee creamer from the counter cabinet when he heard loud wheezing emanating from the cabinet and was overtaken by overwhelming fear. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 later reported that SCP-303 was huddled in the cabinet in the fetal position. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed to be certain of the information despite failing to open the cabinet door. Later, when the cabinet was examined, one container of powdered coffee creamer was missing.\nNote: This is the first recorded instance of SCP-303 removing an object from a scene.\nIncident 303-6: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was discovered dead from dehydration in a 2nd floor storage room. It is estimated that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 spent up to five days in the storage room before being discovered. A small 4m x 4m decompression chamber separated the storage room from the adjoining hallway. SCP-303 occupied the decompression chamber for the duration of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2018s isolation in the storage room, disallowing entry from either direction and making it impossible for Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to leave.\nTest Log 303-A:\nA team consisting of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 4 security personnel, and 4 D-Class personnel were assigned to be dispatched to any reported incident of SCP-303's materialization in order to immediately perform on-site testing. These logs take place at the door to room \u2588\u2588\u2588 from the first floor hallway. SCP-303 was reported to be within room \u2588\u2588\u2588.\nTest 303-1: One (1) male D-Class personnel, D-303-1, was ordered to open the door and threatened that he would be transferred to SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 duty for non-compliance. He refused, citing extreme fear.\nTest 303-2: One (1) male D-Class personnel, D-303-1, was ordered to open the door and threatened that he would be terminated on the spot for non-compliance. He refused, claiming that if he were to do so that SCP-303 would [DATA EXPUNGED]. He was terminated on the spot.\nTest 303-3: One (1) female D-Class personnel, D-303-2, that had witnessed the termination of D-303-1, was ordered to open the door and threatened that she would be terminated on the spot for non-compliance. She refused, claiming that if she opened the door that SCP-303 would [DATA EXPUNGED]. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was visibly shaken by this claim. D-303-2 was not terminated.\nTest 303-4: One (1) female D-Class personnel, D-303-2, was ordered to open the door. One (1) male D-Class personnel, D-303-3, was given one (1) combat knife by security personnel and ordered to [DATA EXPUNGED] until D-303-2 opened the door. After 2 hours of [DATA EXPUNGED] D-303-2 died from blood loss. D-303-2 made no attempt to open the door.\nAddendum- 5/1/10: SCP-303 appears to have claimed the 2nd floor storage room as its own. It has so far disallowed any personnel entry to the room since 4/5/10. It leaves periodically to acquire Foundation property, which is then moved into the 2nd floor storage room. To date, the following list describes all non-classified items taken by SCP-303:\n\nOne (1) \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cryotube\nThree (3) sets of standard Foundation surgical equipment\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTwo (2) D-Class research cadavers\nOne (1) gasoline-powered generator\nA variety of chemicals, including large quantities of tryptophan, phenylalanine, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and tyrosine, among others\nOne (1) container of powdered coffee creamer\n\nIn addition to this, a number of classified materials have been obtained by SCP-303. Staff are still attempting to determine what specific purposes SCP-303 may have for these materials.\n\n\u00ab SCP-302 | SCP-303 | SCP-304 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-304\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The existence of SCP-304 is currently being masked by the constant transmissions of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 space probe. This masking transmission is coded so as to prevent the deciphering of SCP-304 by any non-Foundation personnel. This transmission is in addition to the probe's publicly known communication with Earth and its conventional scientific operations conducted by NASA. The \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and its currently inactive replacement are on a course that will permanently keep them between the Earth and the estimated source of SCP-304. Should the original probe fail, its replacement(s) will immediately begin transmitting at the same frequency and assume all public communications as though it were the original probe.\nDescription: SCP-304 is a radio signal at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 GHz frequency which has been transmitting a list of names and their associated titles since its discovery in 196\u2588. The data within is a list of world leaders, which appears to be in chronological order. The signal begins in Morse Code with \"King William IV\" and proceeds down a list of English monarchs, American presidents and other leaders. SCP-304's format changes from Morse Code to ASCII upon reaching \"President Lyndon B Johnson\". SCP-304 lists a total of 63 persons with the title of \"President\" as well as [DATA EXPUNGED] title O5. The signal then changes from ASCII to an as-yet undeciphered format, listing an estimated 7 more names. After the 7th undeciphered name, SCP-304 pauses for 12 seconds and repeats. The reason for the abrupt conclusion of the list is unknown.\nNote: The data contained in SCP-304 is restricted to O5 personnel and above. Authorized personnel confirm that the list of American and Chinese Presidents has proven accurate to date. Data which may or may not identify Foundation personnel will not be discussed in this document. SCP-304 has been determined to be coming from the direction of [REDACTED]. However, SCP-304's origin is unknown, as is how long it had existed before discovery.\n\n\u00ab SCP-303 | SCP-304 | SCP-305 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-305\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-305 is presently immobile. Site-305 has been constructed around its present location, a wooded canyon near [REDACTED], and is staffed by at least seven (7) personnel who have prior experience with SCP-305 and proved resistant to its effects. The remainder of the station crew should be rotated on a weekly basis. SCP-305's effect grows weaker if human subjects are exposed to it for extended periods of time; therefore, a resistant subject should be exposed to it for at least three (3) hours daily.\nSCP-305's effects are greatly magnified in individuals with feelings of guilt (particularly over crimes) or mental instability. Therefore, Site-305 is staffed exclusively by non-D-class researchers and agents who are screened for criminal records and mental instability. Any personnel who begin to hear whispered compliments must be transferred out immediately. If symptoms persist after removal, frontal lobotomy [DATA EXPUNGED]\nThe actual containment chamber of SCP-305 is constructed of standard materials and offset from the rest of the station by a five (5) meter \u201cbuffer zone\u201d to protect normal staff from the worst of SCP-305's effects.\nSite-305 broadcasts a constant \u201cstatus normal\u201d signal to Site-19. If Site-305 becomes compromised during a containment breach, this signal will cease and a heavily armed containment team will immediately be dispatched to the location.\nInstances of SCP-305-1 are extremely dangerous and should be terminated on sight without attempting containment.\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588, all attempts to extract samples from SCP-305 for study are forbidden. (See Addendum 305-1)\nDescription: SCP-305 is a rock formation of approximately humanoid size and shape. Remote recordings of SCP-305 show that it remains stationary at all times, even when interacting with human subjects.\nWhen viewed by a sentient observer, SCP-305 appears to be a mobile, animate humanoid of indeterminate sex. This manifestation is formed of cracked rock similar to SCP-305's physical form, and while it is faceless, subjects report that the cracks all over SCP-305's surface begin to resemble human lips and ears as it moves.\nHuman subjects who make visual contact with this manifestation hear \u201cwhispering\u201d voices, although recording equipment in the area picks up nothing and the phenomenon is observed even in subjects who are deaf from birth. SCP-305 will initially ingratiate itself with the subject by whispering compliments. During this phase the subject experiences feelings of friendliness and trust toward SCP-305. These sensations seem unrelated to the actual content of the \u201ccompliments,\u201d which ranges from \u2018off' to nonsensical and disturbing. A short list of reported compliments is included:\n\n\u201cYou have beautiful eye-sockets.\u201d\n\u201c[REDACTED] every one of your fingers\u201d\n\u201cYour neck appears unusually flexible.\u201d\n\nIn the second phase, the subject begins to hear many voices emanating from SCP-305. At this point the whispers become critical, attempting to insult the subject or undermine the subject's self esteem, especially by playing on the subject's guilty conscience. Like the compliments, these insults make little sense when recounted, but have a profound psychological effect, driving the subject to suicide before the final phase in 20% of cases. If the subject is removed from SCP-305's presence during phase two, the subject will hallucinate that these insults are emanating from mouth-like cracks that appear to form on the ground, walls and ceiling.\nIn the third and final phase, the voices will abruptly stop. 2 to 10 hours from the cessation of hallucinations, SCP-305's humanoid manifestation will appear and kill the subject. Causes of death are varied but include severe cardiac infarct, muscle spasm leading to severing of the spinal column, diaphragm paralysis and [REDACTED].\nA subject who dies of any cause after the beginning of the second phase [DATA EXPUNGED] followed by the emergence of an instance of SCP-305-1 from the corpse. SCP-305-1 are humanoids slightly smaller than SCP-305 itself. Unlike SCP-305, SCP-305-1 seem to be made of a smooth hard white substance and the lips and mouths on their surfaces are extremely lifelike. SCP-305-1 have the same abilities as SCP-305, and although they are created with a very short range of 2 meters, this range increases exponentially over time. SCP-305-1 move at 30 km/h and seem naturally drawn in a direct line toward the nearest densely populated area, presumably in an attempt to further propagate themselves. SCP-305-1 are highly resistant to bullets and cutting weapons \u2014 elimination teams should be equipped with heavy ballistics and explosives.\nIn subjects who have entered stage two, manifestation of SCP-305-1 can only be prevented by removal of 80% [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 305-1:\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588, Foundation personnel used a remote-controlled device to extract a sample of SCP-305's rock structure. SCP-305 began to emit loud grinding noises and a low growling sound. Existing cracks in the rock formation deepened and several new ones formed in the vicinity of the removed rock sample. SCP-305 then moved its \"arms\" upward slightly and slid one foot, about ten centimeters, across the ground as if taking a step, shedding rock-fragments as it moved before returning to its stationary state. Following this event, the range of SCP-305's psychic influence tripled, resulting in several [DATA EXPUNGED]. Sample proved to be ordinary sedimentary rock, consistent with the surrounding area.\nFollow up X-ray scans of the formation itself reveal the presence of [REDACTED], suggesting that the \"rock formation\" may actually be an imprisoned instance of [DATA EXPUNGED].\nUpgrade to Keter requested, pending.\n\n\u00ab SCP-304 | SCP-305 | SCP-306 \u00bb"} {"text": "Link To Guide\nItem#:306\nClearance Level 3: Clearance\n\nContainment Class: keter\n\nSecondary Class: {$secondary-class}\n\nDisruption Class: #/ekhi\n\nRisk Class: #/danger\n\nInstance of SCP-306-1, formerly Dr. Stan \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Frozen samples of SCP-306 are stored at Bio-Research Site-101. Research on SCP-306 is to be carried out under Biosafety Level 4 protocols.\nSubjects infected with SCP-306 are to be immediately placed under quarantine. Any items making physical contact with infected subjects or SCP-306 residue are to be incinerated. Personnel interacting with infected subjects are to remain in full hazmat containment suits. Personnel interacting with infected subjects or SCP-306 residue are to remain under mandatory quarantine and submit to twice-daily examination for a period of two (2) weeks after interaction.\nContainment breaches within controlled environments will result in lockdown of affected area. Personnel within the affected area are to remain in place until cleared for release. Hazmat teams are to remove and examine personnel for signs of infection. Infected personnel are to be quarantined. Affected area is to then be sterilized.\nA 1km radius around any areas experiencing an outbreak of SCP-306 is to be quarantined. Areas are to have all water and sewer systems sealed. Hazmat teams are to be deployed in the area, and all persons in the quarantine zone are to be evacuated and screened for infection. Uninfected persons are to be released, with non-Foundation employees administered Class B amnestics. Infected persons are to be terminated. Following completed evacuation, enclosed areas are to be sterilized with ethylene oxide. In unenclosed areas, controlled burning, followed by a ground sweep, are to be enacted. Wetlands harboring SCP-306 are to be impounded, filled, and sealed with concrete. Preventing SCP-306 from infecting any large body of water is an Alpha-class priority.\nDescription: SCP-306 is a fungus related to the genus Trichophyton. SCP-306 can infect humans through inhalation of spores or by skin to skin contact. Initial symptoms of infection can include coughing and sneezing, and skin lesions. Lesions caused by SCP-306 display a morphology similar to benign papillomas (warts), and reach full size after approximately two (2) days. Lesions are prone to shedding, after which another lesion forms underneath. Lesions that fall from the body of infected subjects are light enough to be carried by wind, and capable of spreading SCP-306 for years. If untreated, lesions caused by SCP-306 can cover the body within two (2) weeks. SCP-306 appears to mainly infect humans; however, testing is ongoing to determine any additional carriers. SCP-306 has been shown to grow in nearly all biological matter.\nSCP-306's primary anomalous property will only manifest when growing on human tissue. When infecting a human, SCP-306 secretes several previously unknown enzymes. These enzymes catalyze an unknown process which drastically alters the structure of cells, resulting in the formation of several extra organelles of an indeterminate function.\nApproximately two (2) weeks following infection, infected subjects begin to develop major physiological modifications. Over the course of the next three (3) weeks, subjects rapidly lose weight, followed by the development of abnormal pigmentation and increased water permeability of skin. Subjects who are still able to speak describe being in constant, excruciating pain. Over the next two (2) to five (5) months, symptoms include:\n\nShrinkage of organ systems\nReshaping of the skeletal system\nRapid decrease in intellect\n\nThis process can last between two (2) and five (5) months, after which subjects are referred to as SCP-306-1.\nInstances of SCP-306-1 on average weigh 25-30kg, measuring 0.5m in length. SCP-306-1 have an appearance similar to amphibians, but correspond to no known species. Autopsies of deceased SCP-306-1 specimens have revealed that internal structures remain morphologically similar to human organs following metamorphosis. Instances appear to enjoy human presence, and actively attempt to gain contact when in human presence. SCP-306-1 remain extremely infectious, with any direct physical contact resulting in infection by SCP-306. SCP-306-1 are capable of reproduction in a similar manner to Agalychnis callidryas.\nSCP-306 was discovered in [REDACTED] Louisiana in a swampy area when locals reported a colony of unknown amphibious creatures, coupled with a string of unexplained disappearances. Foundation agents were deployed to the scene to investigate, leading to the objects discovery. Since this event, \u2588\u2588 additional SCP-306 outbreaks have been found in the south-eastern United States.\nSCP-306 is treatable with polyene and triazole antifungals in early stages resistant to nearly all treatment, with the exception of high heat. Cauterization of infected tissue has shown modest success in treating cutaneous infection, however respiratory infection is not treatable. See Addenda.\nAddendum 1: Testing on SCP-306 has shown the fungus to be able to grow in nearly all biological matter, including most vertebrates. However, only humans have been shown to develop any deleterious effects from infection. Due to the possibility of a major outbreak, Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is requesting increased funding for research into SCP-306.\nAddendum 2: Memo from Site-\u2588\u2588 Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588\nBased off Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's research into SCP-306, we now consider it extremely likely that large reservoirs of SCP-306 exist in the wild. Because of both the physical danger and danger to secrecy presented, all sites are advised to monitor for wild SCP-306 reservoirs. Any confirmed vectors are to be dealt with by applicable regional forces.\nAddendum 3: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588, Site-\u2588\u2588 has reported decreased efficacy of antifungal sprays used to combat SCP-306. O5-6 has authorized further testing to determine the cause of this change.\nAddendum 4: Incident I-306-3.\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588, all 12 contained instances of SCP-306-1 escaped primary containment during routine feeding. Researcher Thomson was fatally injured by a stray bullet as security subdued the specimens.\nThe following is a transcript of an interview conducted with Researcher Fillis immediately following the breach.\n\nLevel 3 Clearance Required\n\nAccess Granted\n\nInterviewed: Researcher Fillis\nInterviewer: Agent Lennard\n\nLennard: Thank you for being here on short notice.\nFillis: Sure.\nLennard: Alright, first order of business, please state what you were doing when the breach occurred.\nFillis: Well, I was conducting feeding for the Three Oh Six Dash One specimens. What's his name, uh, Thomson was getting the feed and I was gonna administer it. I did a count of the specimens, there were eleven, but that was wrong, because there should have been twelve. So I told Thomson to look at the logs and see if one had been moved to another site. All of a sudden, there's this flash of motion, and next thing I know I'm being pinned down by some of the specimens. I don't remember what happened after that. When I woke up, they were gone, and security was already there. Thomson was lying on the ground bleeding from his mouth. The guards escorted me out.\nLennard: So you were attacked by the specimens?\nFillis: Basically.\nLennard: I understand that these creatures are normally quite docile. What caused this aggressive behavior?\nFillis: OK\u2026 We've been performing some new testing on the specimens.\nLennard: What kind of testing?\nFillis: Intelligence testing. Putting them through mazes, training them, that sort of thing.\nLennard: And what does this have to do with the breach?\nFillis: Everything. These guys were speeding through puzzles, memorizing commands almost instantly. We looked at the data, and these guys are as smart as primates. Smarter even than that, we tried teaching them how to read, how to write, and they picked it up in the blink of an eye.\nLennard: I have documentation that says those creatures are no more intelligent than a common tree frog.\nFillis: That's what we thought at first. But this testing, it showed that we were dead wrong. They were writing coherent notes to us, they told us what their names were. We gave one of them an IQ test, it scored 127. These things are humans, trapped in the bodies of frogs.\nLennard: So what led to their aggressive behavior then?\nFillis: I'm not sure. Thomson brought in this kids book with some fairy tales in it. Seemed like they had enjoyed it, but after that, they started getting angry with us. They were\u2026 depressed. They wrote notes telling us that we had no right to keep them here, that they needed to be out in the world, they needed to be free.\nLennard: What exactly did they expect to be able to accomplish if they were able to escape?\nFillis: I don't know.\nLennard: Ok, I believe we are done here.\nFillis: Wait, before you go, can you tell me what happened to Thomson?\nLennard: \u2026I'm sorry, he was killed in the breach. Stray bullet in the chest.\nFillis: That's a shame. He was going to bring them another story.\n\nClosing Statement: Due to the information revealed in the incident, I order all contained instances of SCP-306-1 to be immediately terminated. They are now presenting a major obstacle to successful containment of an already dangerous object.\n-O5-3\n\nAddendum 5: Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has found that most samples of SCP-306 display wide-spectrum resistance to antifungals. Upgrade to Keter pending. Upgraded to Keter, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-305 | SCP-306 | SCP-307 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-307\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-307 is to be kept within a 0.5-meter square stainless steel planter, within a hydroponic growth chamber equipped with remotely operated light and sprinkler. The sides of the planter are to be equipped with retractable circular blades, the controls to which must be located outside the containment cell and manned at all times. The hydroponic chamber is to be kept within a 5 m x 5 m x 3 m room with stainless steel walls, floor, and ceiling. There are to be no windows in the room - all light will come from the hydroponic grow light, and any observation of SCP-307 is to be done over a security camera. The temperature of the room is to be kept at 15\u00b0C to discourage seed production.\nIf entry to SCP-307's room is necessary, it is to be done by remotely operated robots. Absolutely no living humans are to enter SCP-307's containment cell, following Incident 307 (see Addendum 2).\nIf any specimens of SCP-307 are discovered outside the containment cell, they are to be burned immediately until only ashes remain. Any personnel who touches SCP-307 must also be burned.\nDescription: SCP-307 is a creeping vine, similar in appearance to the common English ivy (Hedera helix), save for the presence of greenish thorns on the stems, and the tendency of the leaves to exhibit a purple hue. The vine puts down roots approximately every 30.5 cm (12 in). The roots can penetrate any porous material, but not metal. Any part of the plant not connected to a root system is to be considered dead and safe to examine up close.\nSCP-307 appears to be carnivorous, and seems to exhibit some degree of intelligence (see Document 307-A). When in the presence of a warm-blooded animal (hereafter referred to as \"the victim\"), it grows at a startlingly rapid rate in the direction of the animal, often growing three vines at a time in what appears to be a flanking maneuver. Upon contact, SCP-307 appears to paralyze the victim, and then liquefy and drain all internal organs, musculature, and blood. The mechanisms by which it does this are presently unknown; they have, however, led to researchers calling it \"spider ivy\".\nSCP-307 was first discovered by Agent \"Apocalemur\" in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, where he witnessed it rapidly growing up the trunk of a tree and consuming a nest of American robins. Further examination has revealed the prevalence of the plant throughout North America. It has shown itself to be highly resistant to any attempts at poisoning. This has included all commercially available herbicides, exposure to allelopathic plants, and formaldehyde. Except for the sample obtained for study, the plant has been burned wherever it has been encountered - however, it is very likely that numerous specimens still exist outside of Foundation control. SCP-307 is only kept alive in the hopes of engineering a biological agent to use on the wild population.\nDocument #307-A: Experiment logs\nExperiment 1: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Tray of mealworms introduced to cell.\nResult: SCP showed no signs of movement.\nExperiment 2: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Chilean rose-hair tarantula introduced.\nResult: SCP showed no signs of movement. Did not respond when tarantula climbed onto SCP.\nExperiment 3: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Live mouse introduced to cell.\nResult: SCP immediately began to grow in the direction of the mouse. One vine extended directly towards it, while two more grew around and in front of it, effectively surrounding the mouse. Mouse immediately became rigid and stopped moving upon contact with SCP-307. Behavior continued for 26 seconds before mouse fell on its side, obviously dead. Vines outside the planter were severed, allowing D-class personnel to collect mouse. Upon retrieval, mouse was noted to appear to be lacking any anatomic structure beside skin and bones. Mouse was taken for further examination.\nWhen mouse was dissected, researchers noted a complete absence of blood, internal organs, and musculature. All interior structures were instead replaced with a system of roots, which researchers traced back to the mouse's skull. A single seed was found inside the mouse's otherwise empty brain cavity. Mouse was subsequently burned.\nExperiment 4: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Jar containing 130 aphids introduced. Additional camera added for closeup viewing.\nResult: Aphids proceeded to attach themselves to SCP-307 and feed. SCP-307 did not respond in any visible manner. All aphids were dead within five (5) minutes of first feeding. Potential for use as insecticide noted.\nAddendum 1: Notes of interest taken by Agent Apocalemur during observation of SCP-307\n\n\u2026The energy necessary to facilitate such a rapid growth rate would be astronomical, yet SCP-307 seems able to \"pursue\" prey regardless of available light or time since it last fed\u2026\n\n\u2026The behavior exhibited by SCP-307 during Incident 307 would suggest the presence of some kind of botanical muscle. Examination of severed vines has revealed no structure that could conceivably serve this purpose\u2026\n\nAddendum 2: In light of Incident 307, SCP-307 has been upgraded to Keter class. Appropriate adjustments to containment protocol have been made. See Incident Report 307 for more details.\n\n\u00ab SCP-306 | SCP-307 | SCP-308 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-308\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-308 is stored in a sterile containment module with restricted access. Personnel entering the room must observe level 1 isolation protocol, and will be remotely observed by security personnel for the duration of their visit. No organic material may be placed in SCP-308 without Level 4 authorization. SCP-308 will remain open unless involved in active experimentation.\nDescription: SCP-308 is an ornate funerary casing of Aztec origin, dated ~500 years old with dimensions 1.8 m x 0.9 m x 1.2 m. It was found at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 archaeological excavation among similar (though mundane) artifacts in a temple complex. SCP-308 is covered in Nahuatl pictographs consistent with ceremonial practices of its time, though unusual in the care and expense devoted to them. Under normal conditions the artifact is inert, but it exerts an animating effect on organisms when they are placed inside it. The effect was first observed in the original inhabitant of the coffin, [DATA EXPUNGED] The poor condition of the individual has been attributed to its 500 year incarceration in the casing without nourishment or stimulation.\nHealthy, injured, or even deceased subjects are transformed by the artifact. Regardless of the condition of an organism prior to placement in the coffin (with one exception, see below), the creature will exhibit certain traits upon removal. Superficially subjects remain unchanged, retaining injuries and conditions sustained prior to exposure. Despite the nature and seriousness of such trauma, however, subjects appear alive and responsive to the extent the injuries allow. For example, a subject exposed to a fatal dose of cyanide (in excess of 100x fatal dosage) conversed normally, respired, and displayed vital signs such as heartbeat and brain activity. The subject also presented classical symptoms of acute poisoning including shortness of breath, drowsiness, headache, and cyanotic skin, but did not succumb even after a period of many days. Another subject was pierced in several major arteries and exsanguinated before exposure to SCP-308. A subsequent examination revealed a heartbeat but no discernible blood pressure, and the subject was conversant though conscious of great pain in the injured areas. (For further experimental logs see 308-a, attached.)\nSubjects in this altered state will neither succumb to any injury (again, one exception), no matter how severe, nor heal any wound, no matter how minor. In addition they display a dependence on the artifact similar to addiction, insisting on regular exposure and becoming erratic and violent when this is withheld. Subjects experience pain normally, and many who have suffered extensive damage will rapidly deteriorate psychologically. Progressive conditions such as cancer and infections continue to advance in subjects exposed to SCP-308, though instead of dying they suffer from ever-escalating symptoms.\nThe only thing that a subject requires to be affected by SCP-308 is the presence of a heart. Subjects with a wounded or diseased heart are animated, as are portions of organisms or tissues connected to a heart. Individuals with their hearts removed, or body portions without a heart, are unaffected by exposure to the artifact. Even an isolated heart placed in the container will resume beating at a normal rhythm. Subjects exposed to SCP-308 remain alive and essentially unkillable until their heart is destroyed, whereupon they succumb and decay normally.\nBecause of the nature of SCP-308 and the apparent psychological effects it exerts on subjects, all exposed individuals must be isolated, and terminated at the conclusion of testing. Temporary use of SCP-308 to debrief deceased personnel permitted by Level 4 authorization only.\nExperimental Log 308-a:(excerpts)\nSubject: Canis lupus familiaris\nCondition: healthy\nSummary of Results: Subject apparently normal. Showed typical pain reaction, but survived repeated laceration, evisceration, exsanguination, burns over 90% of body surface, multiple gunshots, electrocution, and lobotomy. Subject terminated by blunt impact trauma destroying the heart.\nSubject: D-43895\nCondition: Stage 4 small lung cell carcinoma\nSummary of Results: Subject continued to worsen post-exposure. Regular breathing ceased 3 days after exposure due to extensive tumor growth, but subject retained consciousness. Tumor infiltrated renal system, leading to external growths approx. 13 cm in diameter in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 area by 14 days. Secondary tumors occlude vision and infiltrate the brain by 19 days. Upon the final ceasing of biological function at 52 days, metastatic tumors were evident over 70% of the body's surface area and had infiltrated every organ system including the heart (which was the cause of subject's death).\nSubject: D-34892\nCondition: Head and heart surgically removed from the rest of the body, keeping attached vasculature intact.\nSummary of Results: Subject revived and apparently conscious, though apparently in too much pain to communicate meaningfully. Applied painkillers had no visible effect. Research ongoing.\nSubject: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nCondition: Terminated in the line of duty recovering SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSummary of Results: Animated for debriefing. Subject requested and was granted 2 weeks to prepare a post-action report before termination. After 9 days, subject's nightly request for access to SCP-308 was denied. The following morning subject escaped containment by murdering a technician, and proceeded to SCP-308's containment area where she was terminated by guards on station with a bullet to the heart.\nSubject: D-34877\nCondition: Expired from myocardial infarction\nSummary of Results: Subject was recovered from the artifact inert with massive trauma to the chest, through which the heart had been expelled or ripped. The heart was beating regularly but the subject's body showed no signs of life. Subject's medical background indicated that he had received a heart transplant 3 years prior.\n\n\u00ab SCP-307 | SCP-308 | SCP-309 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-309\n\nItem #: SCP-309\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-309 is currently stored in a secure glove box in the level 2 research lab at Site-\u2588\u2588. Routine physical examinations of SCP-309 as well as experiments involving small animals may only be conducted using the glove box. Removal of SCP-309 from the glove box for testing on larger animals or humans requires the approval of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or equivalent level 4 command personnel. Human testing is restricted to D-class personnel.\nDescription: SCP-309 is a small, plush stuffed animal that looks as if it has been turned completely inside out. Golden-orange fur is present along the seams, while a small amount of cotton stuffing and two protruding eyes are visible on the head. The interior of SCP-309 is understuffed with cotton, giving it a flexible and cuddly feel.\nSCP-309 has no effect on inanimate objects; however, contact with living subjects is both dangerous and life-threatening. Humans and animals lightly brushing SCP-309 with a finger or a similarly small portion of the body display severe, non-localized discomfort for tens of minutes afterward. Humans also report feeling extreme nausea, despite the fact that SCP-309 does not induce vomiting. The discomfort and nausea are so overwhelming that even the most hardened subjects have proven unable to voluntarily maintain contact with SCP-309 for longer than a few seconds.\nIf SCP-309 is pressed firmly against a subject, or the subject quickly picks up SCP-309 and attempts to hold it, the subject will be violently and painfully turned inside-out over the course of five to ten seconds. Skeletons are unaltered, but all soft tissues are inverted such that muscles, tendons, ligaments, and various internal organs are resituated on the exterior of the body. Though not immediately fatal, the process is irreversible and universally considered painful.\n\n\u00ab SCP-308 | SCP-309 | SCP-310 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-310\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not used in experimentation, SCP-310 is to be kept in a 0.3 m x 0.3 m x 0.3 m sealed vacuum case composed of flame retardant material. The research chamber surrounding the vacuum case shall be similarly flame retardant and be kept saturated with carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or other fire extinguishing agent when testing is not taking place. Standard Foundation protocols to prevent unauthorized access should be kept in place.\nNo flammable or semi-flammable substances are permitted within the research chamber, except small quantities for research purposes. Authorization is required for testing on live or otherwise self-propelling test subjects. Chamber is to be kept sealed during testing and emergency vacuum system is to remain active. All personnel are forbidden to wear loose clothing when in chamber. Long hair must be kept tied up. Flame retardant suits are recommended.\nMemo #310-AA: For the last time, loose clothing includes ties! Regardless of the normal dress code encouraged on site we want to avoid any more cases like Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. No item should be worn that might allow accidental contact with SCP-310. \u2014 Dr. Jon Drake\nAny object which contacts SCP-310 is to remain in the chamber until fully consumed. Any item or clothing contacting SCP-310 is to be removed as expeditiously as possible while preventing further contact. Any limb or extremity contacting SCP-310 is to be removed immediately. Surgical tools including bone saws are to be kept on hand for this eventuality as well as bolt cutters and power saws in case time factors prevent a more controlled amputation from being performed. Any Class D personnel contacting SCP-310 are to be immediately terminated. If exposure of SCP-310 to Class D personnel is part of test procedure, it is recommended that the test subject is restrained prior to exposure to prevent further accidental contact.\nThe research chamber is to remain sealed until all objects exposed to SCP-310 are fully consumed. Therefore it is recommended to limit size of test subjects to prevent lengthy lockdowns of research chamber.\nDescription: SCP-310 is a 157 mm tall white candle, composed of apparently standard tallow. SCP-310 is an unmarked 33 mm diameter cylinder with tapered tip, out of which emerges 7 mm of wick. When not immersed in an oxygen-free medium, the wick produces a steady 24 mm tall flame. This flame can be extinguished through most conventional means: removal of oxygen, immersion in non-flammable fluid, application of sudden intense airflow. However, on the removal of the inhibiting factor, the flame immediately reappears, behaving much like a standard \"trick candle\".\nOnly a small amount of tallow is liquefied at the base of the wick, and is not consumed by the flame. Even during the longest duration removed from containment (\u2588\u2588 days from \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as a result of the events of [DATA EXPUNGED]), at no time during those weeks was the tallow level nor the overall height of SCP-310 observed to decrease.\nOther than its interaction with the flame of SCP-310, the tallow itself is not unusual in any respect. (Tallow removed from SCP-310 is designated SCP-310-01 and is classified Safe.) It is easily cut and as malleable as would be expected. It also melts and burns as normal when exposed to ordinary flame. Any tallow removed from SCP-310 is slowly replaced by unknown means. If SCP-310 is cut short, tallow will grow from the lit section until the original 157 mm height and unblemished appearance is restored. In one experiment, SCP-310 was placed in a heat chamber, melting the entire volume of tallow so only the wick remained. The flame remained lit even without fuel and gradually exuded tallow until its original state was restored.\nAny flammable or semi-flammable substance which comes into contact with SCP-310 becomes ignited with a slow spreading fire. Unlike the flame of SCP-310, this fire cannot be extinguished by any known means other than exhausting its fuel supply. Experiments have shown that the fire will continue to burn even:\n\nIn a vacuum\nUnder water\nIn a nitrogen-saturated environment\nUnder intense airflow\nIn a refrigerated environment\nEncased in a fire-retardant covering\n\nor any combination of the above. Only total consumption of all flammable material in contact with the flames will result in them becoming extinguished. (Any object ignited by SCP-310 are designated SCP-310-02 and are classified Euclid until fully consumed, whereupon they revert to Safe classification.) Therefore in the case of accidental ignition, especially of personnel, separating the lit section from the rest of object as soon as possible is the only way to preserve the rest of the exposed object.\nSCP-310-02 objects are also capable of spreading to other flammable or semi-flammable objects, resulting in further SCP-310-02 type objects. The implications of such possibility for chain reaction are worrisome.\nTest have shown that bodily contact with SCP-310 is similar to normal immolation \u2014 that is, highly painful and damaging. Damage is somewhat more extensive than that of normal flames, probably due to inability to extinguish and the unusually slow rate of spread of SCP-310-02. No unusual psychic or memetic properties have been observed.\nThe means by which SCP-310-02 objects are able to continue burning despite all efforts to extinguish is unknown. It is also unknown why SCP-310 itself is so easy to extinguish, albeit temporarily.\nRecovery: SCP-310 was recovered from the charred remains of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a hamlet outside of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, UK. The isolated nature of the site is probably responsible for the containment of the resulting blaze, which fire fighters had battled unsuccessfully for 8 hours before abandoning the buildings to the flames. In the subsequent investigation, 7 people expired, either through contact with SCP-310 or cross-contact with earlier victims. The event drew Foundation attention and SCP-310 was recovered without incident, due to precautions taken by Agent T\u2588\u2588 based on existing evidence.\nA further investigation of the site revealed that it was being used as a [DATA EXPUNGED]. The involvement of that organization may go some way to explaining why SCP-310 was located where it was, what it had been used for, and how it started the blaze that led to its recovery by the Foundation. However, the question of SCP-310's origin is still open.\n\n\u00ab SCP-309 | SCP-310 | SCP-311 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-311\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Contained in High Security Item Storage Unit-G78 at Sector-28. Sealed to all personnel without written authorization from three Level 4 or higher senior staff. Item barred for use in further research pending O5 comprehensive review.\nDescription: SCP-311 is a pair of plain black gloves. They exhibit extreme flexibility which allows them to fit every hand size tested.\nObject was recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a professed \"voodoo\" practitioner implicated in several suspicious murders in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Following the incident, the body and all the subject's belongings, including the gloves, were appropriated by the Foundation for containment and study.\nWhen worn, the gloves seem innocuous and present no danger to the wearer. Subject responds normally to trauma inflicted on any part of the body, except the hands where the gloves are worn. All trauma and sensation of any tested kind inflicted on the subject's hands is displaced to another individual, theorized to be an individual the subject is focusing on at the time. Both gloves need to be worn for this effect to occur, but the subject need not be aware of the item's properties. (More detailed analysis of SCP-311's properties in Test Log 311-01.)\nTest Log 311-01:\n\nTest 1C\nTest Subjects: D-238746, D-892201\nStimulus: Wartenberg Pinwheel\nDr. Silas: All right, how do those gloves feel?\nD-238746: Ok. Comfortable, I guess.\nDr. Silas: Good. Now, focus on your partner. (Dr. Silas rolls the pinwheel across D-238746's gloved hand)\nD-892201: What the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588? I felt that!\nDr. Silas: Interesting.\n\n\nTest 2A\nTest Subjects: D-238746, D-892201\nStimulus: hypodermic needle\nDr. Silas: Ok, now focus on your partner. (inserts hypodermic needle) Ow! I said focus on your partner!\nD-892201: Why, Doctor? Did you feel a little poke?\nDr. Silas: That's irrelevant, if you don't- (sounds of a scuffle) Guards! Restrain this subject!\n(Agent Tyler enters the room)\nDr. Silas: Quick, he has the needle in his- \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588! \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588! You son of a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588! Shoot him!\n(gunshots)\n\n\nInstructions for the following test were issued through a speaker using voice modulation, and D-class personnel employed were not exposed to any Foundation personnel prior to the test.\n\nTest 4D\nTest Subjects: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nStimulus: Concentrated sulfuric acid basin\nDr. Silas: See those people on the other side of the glass? Focus on them while your hands are placed in the basin.\n(Subject's hands lowered by robotic manipulator. After a brief pause subject D-845224 in adjacent room begins to scream and his hands show signs of acid burns.)\nD-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: My god, what's happening to him? Why don't the others help?\n(Original subject's screams subside, subject D-986720 begins screaming)\nD-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is that happening to every person I think about? Oh my god! You have to stop this now! Please, stop! Oh my god! Oh my god!\n(Subject continues pleading until end of log)\n\nNote: Subject's wife and daughter were admitted to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 General Hospital later that day presenting with severe acid burns on their hands and heavy blood loss. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was pronounced dead later that night.\n\nDirective 311-02: Due to the proven capabilities of SCP-311 and the serious possibility of misuse, it has been decided to isolate it in a Level-4 classified location pending review. It is also true that the artifacts might prove useful in extreme situations where handling dangerous SCPs proves necessary. In such an event the use of SCP-311 as supplementary containment equipment will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-310 | SCP-311 | SCP-312 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-312 camouflaged as an unusual cloud formation.\n\nItem #: SCP-312\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-312 is kept in a large life-form containment chamber at Site-19. As it does not require feeding, only researchers are permitted access to the chamber. All personnel entering the chamber are provided with wide-brimmed hats and advised not to look directly upward.\nDescription: SCP-312 is an organism composed of very thin tissue layers and filled with atmospheric gases at a slightly higher temperature than the surrounding air. It typically floats approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 meters above the ground, although it will vary this in order to maintain its position relative to prey.\nSCP-312 is capable of creating a small lenticular cloud around itself by releasing water vapor and manipulating air currents, and uses this as camouflage. Within the cloud, SCP-312 is visually similar to a large jellyfish, with a cap approximately two and a half (2.5) meters in diameter from which trails a tube of tendrils approximately twenty-five (25) meters in length.\nSCP-312 preys upon large mammals and shows a strong preference for humans. While hunting, SCP-312 will stalk its prey from a position directly above, manipulating air currents around it to maintain this relative position. Prey can escape by moving at a speed upwards of thirty kilometers per hour (30 km/h) or by entering a large crowd, which seems to confuse SCP-312 and cause it to switch targets.\nSCP-312's core is filled with a large cluster of eyes. The majority of the eyes are human in appearance, except for one large, central orb. The other eyes are connected to the central one by thin tendrils. This core can be observed through the tube of tentacles by prey looking directly upwards, or by a recording device above the targeted prey.\nSo long as this core remains unobserved, SCP-312 will remain docile, and seems capable of surviving indefinitely without feeding, although feedings do increase its mass and movement speed as well as the number [REDACTED]. However, if a prey animal makes eye contact with the core, SCP-312 will become active, generating a narrow, controlled vortex with the appearance of a long tube of cloud connecting the lenticular cloud above with the ground. The prey is pulled into SCP-312's tentacle mass by a strong updraft within the vortex, paralyzed by a venomous sting by the tentacles, then digested. Within about a week, partially digested remains of the prey will fall from the sky where SCP-312 disappeared. After a successful hunt, SCP-312 will drift aimlessly until another prey creature comes nearby.\nBased on incident reports, the Foundation believes there are at least three (3) uncontained instances of SCP-312 in the wild. Recovery efforts are difficult because SCP-312 often follows a single person for months or years before its effect is triggered.\n\n\u00ab SCP-311 | SCP-312 | SCP-313 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-313\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-313 is to be kept unmounted and disconnected when not being tested. Access is strictly prohibited except with special permission from a level 4 official. Under no circumstances are personnel to press the button, save for officially sanctioned testing under rigidly controlled conditions. Please see Addendum 313-a.\nDescription: SCP-313 is identical in appearance and marking to a World Dryer Corp Model A electric hand dryer. The object measures 25 cm x 24 cm x 21 cm. Its casing is painted white steel, with a polished stainless steel nozzle and button. Internal workings are consistent with Model A specifications. However, despite this veneer of normalcy, SCP-313 has two significantly anomalous qualities \u2013 first and foremost, it is utterly indestructible and impervious to all forces available to us, and secondly, it is extraordinarily destructive, apparently by design. Destruction test logs are available on request to those with level 2 or higher security clearance.\nThe second anomalous property should be considered \u2018armed' when SCP-313 is mounted on a wall and connected to a dedicated 20 A power source. Under these conditions, each push of the button represents a 1.5% chance that this property will activate. When this occurs, SCP-313 will begin to emit a stream of superheated plasma, which originates somewhere within the object and exits from the nozzle in a direction perpendicular to the surface on which the object is mounted. The stream's force and temperature increase exponentially until the object tears loose from its mounting and/or propels itself through the mounted surface. Temperatures of over 25,000 K and forces as great as 650 kN have been recorded, although thrust of this magnitude would never occur under normal circumstances.\nThe flow of plasma will continue for up to thirty seconds after the object has torn free (i.e., the normal duration of airflow for a standard Model A), generally enough to propel the object an enormous distance if there is nothing in the way, or cause it to ricochet at high speed inside any structure in which the object is confined, potentially demolishing the structure. This destruction is compounded by the effects of extremely high temperatures.\nBoth the civilian casualties and property damage attributable to SCP-313 are staggering. It has caused a number of fires and other disasters over the years, generally in a predictable pattern of being sold and installed, blasting halfway across the country, and being found and resold. The object passed into Foundation hands when it impacted near Site-05, having been mistaken for a meteorite.\nAddendum 313-a: Some of the lower-level personnel have been pestering me about our safety procedures when using SCP-313. For those of you who have forgotten high school physics: 25,000 K is over four times hotter than the surface of the sun, and 650 kN is roughly enough force to lift an M1 Abrams main battle tank. Now imagine that much force behind this object, which weighs less than 10 kg (remember, F = ma) and is indestructible.\n\u2013 Dr. Sundstrom, Supervisor 3-401, Site-19\n\n\u00ab SCP-312 | SCP-313 | SCP-314 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-314\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-314 is contained at the location of its original discovery at Site 47 which has been built around the anomaly. Local personnel publicly operate under the guise of the US Forest Service.\nAlthough SCP-314 is highly mobile, it has never moved beyond a 50 (fifty)-meter radius of its origin point; the area delineated by this radius is known as the 'red zone'. SCP-314 has created an equally large depression in the earth below its origin point. All attempts to remove or restrain the object have thus far failed, but containment has been achieved by the construction of Site 47 itself, which is also used for various physics experiments regarding anomalous objects.\nAny experiments involving SCP-314 must be cleared by Dr. Williams; see form HM-120.\nWith the exception of approved experimentation, all personnel are to keep clear of the red zone. SCP-314 is highly reactive to all motion within approximately 50 52 meters of its origin point.\nAddendum: After incident 314-oe, researchers are reminded that the object's \"kill radius\" is approximately 50 meters from point of origin, and for purposes of safety should be assumed to actually be 51 meters. Although safe interaction is possible at the outer edge of the red zone, and the object may even exhibit what the late Dr. Stratham described as \"playful behavior\" at that range, all action within the kill radius has always been met with violent reaction.\nDescription: SCP-314 is a 0.97 m long, 0.21 m thick obelisk which is highly reflective and metallic in appearance, with tapered edges that are apparently sharpened to a molecular level. No material has ever been recovered from SCP-314.\nThe object is capable of levitation and extremely swift motion, although it lacks any visible means of locomotion. Although research does not indicate any true intelligence, the object is most certainly sentient of its surroundings and extremely reactive to any motions or vibrations within an approximately 50 52-meter radius.\nAnalysis of rubble recovered from the ground below SCP-314's origin point indicates that the object arrived at this location some time between 1975 and 1979, which is supported by pre-containment reports from civilians.\nThe object emits no unusual radiation save for a very faint sound which appears to be an anomalous broadcast of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 FM, a local classic rock station. Comparisons between SCP-314's vibrations and the actual broadcast of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 FM are identical approximately 85% of the time, although recordings from SCP-314 often include extra audio in the form of guttural sounds, snarling and occasional commentary from the late DJ \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who passed away in 1998 and was not employed with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 FM after 1983.\nResearch Summary: SCP-314 reacts to all motion within its kill radius by impacting with the source of movement, although it ignores particulate matter smaller than 125 micrometers. SCP-314 will continue to react in this manner until the triggering object no longer moves, has exited the kill radius, or has been reduced to pieces small enough to be ignored. It displays unerring accuracy; no limit to its speed has yet been established.\nCurrent experimentation revolves around introducing multiple targets into SCP-314's kill radius at a time to quantify its method of identifying, prioritizing and reacting to multiple targets.\nMultiple slow-moving targets are often struck down in order of their introduction to the kill zone, notably in a method which suggests that SCP-314 is anticipating further objects to be introduced. In experiment 314-113, several tennis balls were tossed into the kill radius by researchers standing outside the red zone. SCP-314 bisected each ball neatly in such a manner that their remaining momentum took them out of the kill radius, while putting itself into position to strike balls not yet thrown.\nSCP-314 has correctly predicted when a researcher will only pretend to throw an object, as well as when a researcher will fail to throw an object into the kill radius despite intent.\nMultiple fast-moving targets, such as bullets fired into the kill radius, can produce speeds from SCP-314 that exceed the sound barrier, or even create the appearance of SCP-314 existing in more than one location simultaneously.\nExperiment 314-230 flooded the containment room within Site 47. SCP-314 was able to strike at the encroaching liquid with such speed and consistency that it created an irregularly shaped dry sphere within its kill radius. The ground below SCP-314 remained dry at all times. In previous tests (and accidents) SCP-314 has allowed liquid to fall upon the ground within its kill zone.\nWhen SCP-314 detects motion close to the edge of the kill radius it moves in erratic patterns that observers have variously interpreted as \"threatening\", \"graceful\", or \"playful\". These motions sometimes correspond to the individuals that provoke them, suggesting that SCP-314 may have some means of recognizing or remembering individuals to whom it has previously been exposed.\nContainment Breach 7/12/20\u2588\u2588 At approximately 3:23 PM local time, SCP-314 exited its previously-defined area of operation and cut through the walls of Site 47 before returning to its place of origin. No personnel were harmed during this event. This time corresponded with an offsite review on whether or not SCP-314 should be reclassified as Safe. Whether this is coincidence or not is yet to be determined, but it clearly demonstrates that we do not know everything about this object or its motivations, or if it is capable of having any. Classification remains Euclid.\n-Dr. Williams.\n\n\u00ab SCP-313 | SCP-314 | SCP-315 \u00bb"} {"text": "Two of the SCP-315 discs, showing the label and data sides. Glyphs and marking deliberately obscured.\n\nItem #: SCP-315\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Object does not require any special storage arrangements. However, it is currently kept in an opaque cardboard box, away from strong light or heat sources, under the assumption that this will slow the natural decay of any stored data on the object.\nDescription: Object consists of a set of ninety-five (95) standard 8.5 GB recordable DVD-format discs, arranged in a stack on a black plastic spindle. Examination of the label side of each disc reveals no manufacturer's name. Printed into each matte label is the title \"PoC 1/1\". Beneath this, each disc carries a unique symbol or glyph. No two discs carry the same symbol.\nOn examination of the data side of the disc, it can be seen that each disc has already been fully written with data. Placing the disc into a computer or DVD player reveals that it is a standard-encoded video disc. Playing the disc results in one of two effects, depending on whether it is a previously watched disc, or an unwatched one.\nIf an unwatched disc is played in a DVD player, the video begins. The scene displayed is a well-furnished living room with a chair in the center. Sitting in the chair is a Caucasian male (SCP-315-1), appearing to be around forty years old. SCP-315-1 will then demonstrate the ability to react to and converse with anyone watching the video feed. SCP-315-1 will respond to any questions put to him, appears to be able to see the environment outside of the video screen, and appears to enjoy discussions and debates with \"viewers\".\nIf a disc that has already been viewed is viewed again, the disc will simply repeat the footage that was seen the first time. SCP-315-1 will not react to viewers' actions, nor deviate at all from the previous viewing. A disc, once played, always contains the same footage, regardless of who is watching it. The only way to communicate with SCP-315-1 is to insert a disc that has never been watched. Given that there are 95 discs, each containing three hours of video, it follows that SCP-315-1 has an effective lifespan of 285 hours, or 11.8 days, not including footage that has already been watched. It should also be noted that SCP-315 is not the complete set of discs. Five others are known to exist. It is known that all missing discs have already been fully viewed.\nSCP-315-1 is cognizant of the nature of his own existence. When questioned, he is aware that he is being displayed on a television screen or monitor, and can reliably identify the type, size, and color of the device on which he is shown. When directly asked about his specific nature, however, SCP-315-1 will not give a straight answer, preferring to draw the viewer into a discussion or debate. It is not clear whether SCP-315-1 is withholding information about his origin, or whether he is uncertain himself. He claims the former, stating that to tell us everything would \"spoil the game\". He neither demonstrates nor admits to any unhappiness with his situation, nor his short lifespan.\nSCP-315-1 retains memory between discs. If one viewer interacts with an unwatched disc, then switches to another disc, SCP-315-1 will recognise the viewer and refer to a previous conversation. SCP-315-1 has even shown signs of developing a rapport and friendship with those researchers who have spent a lot of time talking with him.\n\nAttached: Document 315-a - A collection of relevant excerpts from interviews with SCP-315-1. Recommended reading for familiarization with this subject.\n\nAddendum 315-01:\nExperimented to see how SCP-315-1 responds to basic video playback functions.\nPause: Entire scene paused, including SCP-315-1. When resumed, SCP-315-1 was able to tell that he had been paused. SCP-315-1 then demonstrated the ability to respond, when resumed, to questions that had been asked during pause.\nRewind: Entire scene rewound, including SCP-315-1. When resumed, DVD played back SCP-315-1's side of previous discussion. SCP-315-1 did not respond to questioning until video had once again reached the furthest watched point. He then resumed normal conversation and requested not to be rewound again.\nFast forward: Whole scene fast-forwarded, including SCP-315-1, who sat still during sped-up play. SCP-315-1 picked up conversation immediately afterward, and requested not to be fast-forwarded again.\nSlow forward: SCP-315-1 was able to react to conversation during slow play, but was slowed down himself. When normal playback resumed, he identified that he had been in slow motion, but noted that it made no perceivable difference to him.\nAddendum 315-02:\nAttempted to copy one of the unwatched DVDs. Was unsuccessful - disc contains some form of copy protection that nobody seems to be able to break. SCP-315-1 showed awareness of this attempt when next consulted, and made reference to \"cheating\".\nAddendum 315-03:\nSCP-315-1 made reference to discs possibly being pre-recorded. To attempt to disprove, played a disc \"out of sequence\", i.e., played a disc from the middle of the pile rather than in the top-to-bottom order previously used. No apparent effect - SCP-315-1 was still able to tell the current, real-world time, conversed normally, complimented researcher on guile.\nAddendum 315-04:\nFurther attempt to prove or disprove pre-recording theory. A pseudo-random number generator was used. Displayed number to television screen. SCP-315-1 was able to read out the number. If video is pre-recorded, the algorithm used for event prediction is almost impossibly accurate. Seems far more likely that effect is due to some paranormal phenomenon in the discs themselves, although further suggestions to try and prove either hypothesis are encouraged.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's note:\nI don't like this conclusion at all. Without the ability to copy the disc, though, I can think of no way to prove either one hypothesis or the other. There are more important things to worry about at the Foundation, but this one keeps tugging at the back of my brain.\nAddendum 315-05:\nTwo DVD players set up in separate areas. One randomly selected unwatched DVD placed in each player. Both discs played simultaneously to two separate researchers. Each instance of SCP-315-1 engaged in a separate conversation with each researcher. Both instances also showed awareness of the other conversation, and were able to transfer a message from one researcher to another.\nAddendum 315-06:\nTwo DVD players set up in same room, played to two researchers sitting side-by-side. Dual instances of SCP-315-1 able to communicate both with researchers and with each other, creating a four-way conversation. When asked whether they were two separate entities or one entity controlling both instances, the SCP-315-1s were either unable or unwilling to give an answer.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's note:\nThis is driving me up the damn wall. I'm taking myself off this project for the moment. No psych evaluation required, I'm just getting stressed out trying to figure out how the damn discs work.\nAddendum 315-07:\nExperiment undertaken to disprove the hypothesis that discs are manufactured in the future, based on SCP conversation records. An unwatched disc was placed in a player, watched by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and logged by researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Researcher was asked to periodically record conversations incorrectly, logging fabricated questions and answers for both Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-315-1. All accurate records of the conversation, including the disc itself, were subsequently expunged, and experiment participants induced to forget which parts of the record were fabricated. Inaccurate reports filed away as normal. Results: SCP-315-1 continued normal conversation with subject, giving no fabricated answers or statements inappropriate to actual conversation.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's note:\nCouldn't stay away, but I at least have a decent reason for coming back. This proves that the discs are not scripted conversations of future origin derived from our records. It's not a huge breakthrough, but God, am I glad to finally have disproved something.\n\n\u00ab SCP-314 | SCP-315 | SCP-316 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-316\n\nItem #: SCP-316\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-316 needs no special containment, other than to prevent misuse by unauthorized personnel. Those operating SCP-316 should wear highly reflective full-body wear to prevent accidental exposure. Personnel privy to sensitive information should be kept out of visual range of SCP-316, due to its ability to induce a suggestive state.\nDescription: SCP-316 is a bronze, aged carbide lamp. The casing corresponds to no manufactured models and appears to be homemade. The bulb is ordinary, and can be replaced without impeding the function of SCP-316. Internal circuitry of SCP-316 is constructed of an unknown metal, rather than copper. The casing has a battery compartment which takes two D batteries.\nSCP-316 does not function unless two D batteries are in the battery compartment with their positive ends facing each other. When switched on, SCP-316's bulb emits a nearly opaque beam of white light. Non-reflective objects and materials in contact with this light have their molecular structure rearranged into patterns which homogenize reflected photons, distributing their wavelengths equally throughout the visual spectrum. Effectively, over approximately 6 cumulative seconds of exposure, affected surfaces lose all color, retaining shades of gray of the same luminosity as the original surface. Reflective surfaces remain unaffected, but appear to stop SCP-316's light rather than reflecting it.\nSCP-316 has a temporary, but more drastic effect on living or sentient organisms. Its effect is spread evenly across an organism, even internally, as long as part of the organism is exposed to its light. Effects set in over approximately 27 cumulative seconds of exposure, and gradually wear off over the next 24 hours. In addition to loss of color, most affected organisms experience the following:\n\nColor-blindness\nLower body temperature\nLow energy\nSlowed movements\nMonotonic, slurred speech\nInattentiveness\nShort-term memory loss\nApathy\nLack of aggression\nNegligible emotional response\nPassive cooperation with instructions\nRelative lack of desire to lie or deceive\nLimited capacity for foresight or creative thought\n\nAfter recovering from the effects of SCP-316, most subjects report symptoms of nausea and depression for up to one week. Almost all subjects, once recovered, volunteer their displeasure at having been exposed to SCP-316, and may violently resist further exposure.\nCross-experimentation between SCP-316 and uncooperative living SCPs for the purposes of pacification has been approved.\nAddendum 316-a:\nSCP-316 was recovered from the residence of a color-blind man arrested for counterfeiting in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Texas. The man had reportedly attempted to pay for items at a convenience store with colorless bills. A Secret Service investigator noted the apparent quality and validity of the bills, as well as the ink's chemical equivalency with federal ink, and the Foundation investigated. The subject's house was mostly colorless, as it seemed he had been using SCP-316 to navigate at night. Neighbors reported the subject to have been \"withdrawn\" and \"depressingly dull\". Subject was terminated and his property destroyed.\nAddendum 316-b:\nSee Experiment Log 316.\n\n\u00ab SCP-315 | SCP-316 | SCP-317 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-317\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-317-1 is to be preserved in a vat of liquid nitrogen. Requests for tissue samples from SCP-317-1 must be made in writing; all research into tissue samples from SCP-317-1 must be in compliance with class-5 biohazard protocols.\nExamination of SCP-317-2 must be done in class-3 cleanroom facilities. Requests for examination of 317-2 must be made in writing.\nSCP-317-3 has been disassembled; the parts are stored in \u2588\u2588 separate locations. Requests for examination of 317-3 must be made in writing to two separate O5-level personnel. No two components of SCP-317-3 may be brought within 100 km of each other.\nDescription: SCP-317-1 is the cadaver of a sapient reptilian entity tentatively identified as a previously-unknown species of pachycephalosaurid. Subject was bipedal, female, and 3 m tall, and wore clothing made from synthetic polymers; subject also wore corrective lenses. Subject was largely herbivorous, and had prehensile digits.\nSubject's metabolism was adapted to a higher atmospheric oxygen content, and therefore subject wore a respirator device when not in its quarters.\nBiochemical analysis postmortem (rhodopsins, mitochondria, homeobox genes, cytochrome P450) confirms that SCP-317-1 shared common ancestry with current Earth life. Autopsy records are available in archive 317-B-685.\nIn the forty days between its arrival in Foundation custody, and its death from a lactobacillus infection, SCP-317-1 learned to communicate via a combination of sign language, crude vocalizations, and drawings; video archive 317-B-36 shows interview sessions with SCP-317-1. Drawings made by SCP-317-1 are available in archive 317-B-42 (general access: basic anatomical figures; interactions between itself and Foundation personnel; demonstration of knowledge of mathematics; demonstration of knowledge of chemistry; demonstration of knowledge of nuclear physics) and archive 317-B-58 (restricted access: circuit diagrams, mechanical schematics, [DATA EXPUNGED]).\nSCP-317-2 is the personal effects of SCP-317-1: a tunic, a robe, a tool belt, six tools, corrective lenses, an oxygen mask, three empty oxygen tanks, a fire-damaged document pouch made from synthetic polymers and its fire-damaged contents, and a fire-damaged digital camera whose contents were unrecoverable.\nSCP-317-3 is the fire-damaged remains of what is believed to have been a time machine, which SCP-317-1 was attempting to repair at the time it was taken into custody by the Foundation. Preliminary testing of the intact components revealed [DATA EXPUNGED], at which point all testing was halted and SCP-317-3 was disassembled.\nNotes: There's something wrong with this one, people. A technological civilization should have left some trace in the stratigraphic record. If there was a Holocene Epoch before us, where did the evidence go? - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nIt's not just the complete lack of trace in the fossil record. It's the species. How could it have been a pachycephalosaurid that developed intelligence? They were at best average for Cretaceous fauna. Why not a troodontid, an ornithomimid, or another small theropod? There's something going on here that we're missing. - Dr. M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-316 | SCP-317 | SCP-318 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-318\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-318 is to be kept in the center of a chamber at least 5 m by 8 m by 5 m, resting on a hydraulic lift to allow examination of the underside of the device. The door to this chamber is to be kept locked at all times, with access codes available to any Level 3 or higher staff, with access by personnel of Level 2 clearance or below requiring approval from at least one Level 4 staff member.\nInstances of SCP-318-1 are to be kept completely wound, except during testing, and stored in Secure Item Storage. Unrolling or communicating with SCP-318-1 is prohibited outside testing, and all personnel interacting with SCP-318-1 are to be subjected to regular psychiatric evaluations until at least one month after the most recent interaction.\nDescription: SCP-318 appears similar to a small version of a crude rotary printing press, with a great deal of additional machinery attached at various locations. The device is composed primarily of a variety of hardwoods, with metallic parts made from brass, bronze, cast or wrought iron, copper, steel, and aluminum. SCP-318 in its entirety is approximately 3.5 m wide, 6 m long, and 2 m tall. A more complete physical description can be found in Addendum 318-02.\nWhen a living human, or a human cadaver that has been dead less than 6 hours, is placed in the input box and the lid closed, SCP-318 activates, using an undetermined power source. Cameras placed inside with test subjects have not been recovered, but video transmitted prior to their destruction shows [DATA EXPUNGED], with the vocalizations of conscious subjects audible to observers outside the box. During the process, lids of both boxes lock in place such that any force sufficient to open them would likely also cause significant damage to SCP-318. Tests using this level of force are currently awaiting approval.\nSCP-318 remains active for approximately five (5) minutes per use, with exact time seemingly dependent upon the body mass and physical condition of the subject. After SCP-318 ceases activity, all covers unlock, the test subject is no longer present in the input box, and a \"scroll\" (designated SCP-318-1) is present in the output box. SCP-318-1 takes the form of a strip of paper seven inches (17.8 cm) wide and two feet (60.1 cm) long, wrapped around a black-enameled wooden dowel one inch (2.5 cm) in diameter and eight inches (20.3 cm) long. The dowel and paper appear entirely normal, though testing reveals the presence of human DNA (matching that of converted subject) present in the paper.\nThis scroll contains the memories and consciousness of the test subject, who is able to communicate when SCP-318-1 is at least partially unrolled by causing drawings and/or writing to appear on the paper. These marks only appear on the side of the paper that faces inward when rolled up, and are generally consistent with the penmanship and artistic ability of the subject, though the quality of drawings improves markedly when SCP-318-1 can \"see\" what it is depicting. Subjects stored on instances of SCP-318-1 report the ability to feel the scroll as if it were their body, expressing a corresponding form of pain when the paper is cut, torn, burned, [DATA EXPUNGED], or otherwise distressed. Significant damage appears to render SCP-318-1 inoperative in some way, as once the scroll is damaged beyond a certain extent (generally the compromise of at least \u2588\u2588% of the paper's surface), subjects are unresponsive and display no further activity. It is currently unknown whether this is because the copy of the subject has been destroyed, or because their mode of communication has been cut off.\nIn addition, so long as SCP-318-1 is at least partially unrolled, subjects are apparently able to perceive their environment visually and aurally, with an acuity consistent with an average human adult. Requests for testing on blind and/or deaf subjects are currently pending approval.\nPersonas stored on instances of SCP-318-1 respond as would be expected from the original subject, and have full access to the subject's memory, as well as a complete memory of their time stored on SCP-318-1. They are unable to exert any direct influence on objects or personnel, and though they can make requests of a reader, the reader is under no obligation or compulsion to accede to these requests. Testing has shown no memetic properties in writings or drawings on SCP-318-1, and subjects do not appear to be more persuasive than they were while alive. However, some staff have through prolonged interaction displayed sympathy towards SCP-318-1 subjects - such individuals should be transferred to nonsentient SCP items, or terminated if a transfer is not feasible.\nAddendum 318-01: SCP-318 was recovered by Foundation agents on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Stories of a \"Library of the Ancestors\" caught the attention of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was vacationing nearby. Investigation revealed an isolated monastery, containing both SCP-318 and several hundred instances of SCP-318-1. Both the press and the scrolls were taken into Foundation custody, along with a number of other suspicious items (none of which have yet proven anomalous), the monks questioned and terminated, and the monastery destroyed. Local news reports the following day reflected the accidental fire which claimed the lives of all its inhabitants, as well as their extensive collection of antiques. Efforts are ongoing to determine whether any instances of SCP-318-1 remain in existence outside Foundation custody.\nAddendum 318-02: Some parts of SCP-318 appear to be significantly older than others, with the aluminum parts clearly manufactured in modern times, while carbon dating has placed some of the wooden components to before the tenth century CE. It is currently unknown whether the more recent parts were installed to replace broken parts, or whether they are part of some sort of modification on the original design. The presumably oldest (and possibly original) parts are distributed throughout the device, suggesting that its overall age is at least 1100 years, despite the fact that this predates the first known appearance of several elements of its design by centuries.\nThe modifications present in SCP-318 compared to a normal rotary press are extensive, and a full listing of these can be found in [REDACTED]. Those with the greatest known relevance are as follows: In place of the hopper that would normally feed paper into a press of this design, there is a large section of machinery (comprising almost half the total size of SCP-318), including a hinged-lidded box constructed of oak (specifically [REDACTED]), bearing a bronze plaque displaying the word \"MATERIA\" and has interior dimensions of approximately 1.83 m (six feet) long and 0.91 m (three feet) square. A second box, one eighth the dimensions of the first (to six significant figures), is located where the output would normally be on a press of similar design and bears a plaque reading \"SENTENTIA\". Discoloration of the wood around each plaque indicates that they may not be original. The components which would normally transfer ink and water to their respective rollers are absent, with several cloth and leather hoses running to the \"MATERIA\" box. Testing of the roller surfaces for residues has thus far been inconclusive.\nAddendum 318-03: Work is currently underway to catalog the recovered SCP-318-1. For a complete listing of SCP-318-1 that have been catalogued, including those produced after SCP-318's recovery, see Document 318-1-\u2588\u2588\u2588. For selected interview excerpts and stimulus test results, see Experiment Log 318.\nAddendum 318-04: Requests to use SCP-318 to enable final debriefing of sufficiently recently deceased Foundation personnel are currently pending approval. Request to use SCP-318 to interview test subjects killed by memetic SCPs is denied.\nAddendum 318-05: Additional resources and personnel have been requested for the translation and cataloguing of SCP-318-1, as several recent interviews with SCP-318-1 subjects have yielded useful information about certain SCP objects, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. Some interviews have also indicated the possible existence of previously unknown SCPs, one of which (SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588) has since been located and contained. It should be noted that a number of the leads produced through interviews of SCP-318-1 subjects have proven to be fabrications, and all information obtained from SCP-318-1 should be considered suspect. In spite of this, it is the belief of this researcher that there may be much to be gained in questioning all SCP-318-1 about other potential SCP objects.\n\n\u00ab SCP-317 | SCP-318 | SCP-319 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-319\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-319 is to be contained in place at Site-319 inside a hermetically sealed vacuum chamber 20 meters in diameter. The chamber housing SCP-319 must be insulated and the surface temperature controlled to present an absolutely uniform thermal gradient. SCP-319 is to rest on a platform with an active mass damping system, and the relative position of the housing for each instance of SCP-319-1, and the diameter and position of SCP-319-2 shall be continually monitored by high precision laser rangefinders. Any deviations in the position of any instance of SCP-319-1 by greater than 0.01% on any axis, or any change in size or position of SCP-319-2 by greater than 0.001%, is deemed a potential G\u00f6tterd\u00e4mmerung Scenario, and a risk of a ZK-0 Event. Foundation-wide initiation of protocol Omega-319 is mandated in response to such an event until such time as the positions of SCP-319-1 are returned to optimal and SCP-319-2 has ceased growth and movement.\nAny and all scientific investigation of SCP-319, SCP-319-1, and SCP-319-2 is authorized only with explicit O5 approval.\nDescription: SCP-319 is a mechanical device constructed circa 1894, consisting primarily of 12 interlocking rings assembled in an 8-meter diameter spherical formation, allowing a clockwork mechanism, driven by electric motors, to rotate each ring separately on each axis. The purpose of the assembly appears to be the precise placement of 12 instances of SCP-319-1 in relation to each other. The assembly has been frozen in its current configuration since its recovery, and current motion of instances of SCP-319-1 have been almost solely due to tectonic disturbances and thermal expansion/contraction of the material comprising SCP-319.1\nSCP-319-1 designates 12 anomalous mineral specimens mounted on SCP-319. Each instance of SCP-319-1 is nearly fully enclosed in a housing made of brass, copper and glass, with a 12mm opening pointed at the center of SCP-319-2. Each housing for SCP-319-1 is connected to heavy-duty electrical cabling that loops in a closed circuit connecting each instance. Measurements indicate a constant 50 amperes of current in this circuit despite no connection to an outside power source.\nSCP-319-2 designates a bubble of vacuum 2.561 meters across suspended inside SCP-319. SCP-319-2 appears to be in a lower energy state than the surrounding universe. Because of the alteration of physical constants within this bubble, any matter and energy entering this bubble is annihilated, as their quantum structures are incompatible. Current theory predicts that the existence of SCP-319-2 should catalyze a vacuum metastability event, resulting in the expansion of the boundary of SCP-319-2 at the speed of light, bringing the vacuum state of the surrounding universe down to its lower energy state.2 The expansion of SCP-319-2 appears to be held in check by the precise positioning of SCP-319-1 around it. This is supported by the fact that any recorded movement of SCP-319-1 allows SCP-319-2 to grow by varying amounts. Over the past 50 years, vibrations and thermal expansion have moved SCP-319-1 enough to allow SCP-319-2 to enlarge by 0.\u2588\u2588 meters in diameter, meaning that, at its current rate of expansion, in \u2588\u2588\u2588 years containment will fail as the outer boundary of SCP-319-2 intersects the innermost ring of SCP-319.\nAddendum: Selected excerpts from the journal of Sir Bandon Lawhead-Smythe, recovered with SCP-319.\n\nAugust 12, 1893: I found myself pleasantly surprised today when word arrived of a shipment from England. It appears my rival was as good as his word, living up to the terms of our wager. It seems that day, six months ago in the Explorer's Club, Lord \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was not boasting of his accomplishments. Now, if I am not to be made a liar, I shall have to make good upon my own claims.\n\nAugust 15, 1893: The specimens are exquisite, if one could rightly describe such unnerving carvings so. Ten to match the two I had already acquired. If Lord \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 experienced half the travails acquiring these as I had my own, I owe the man an apology\u2014 even if it must be deferred until after I complete my own expedition.\n\nSeptember 8, 1893: Success! Long study of these odious cults has born sweet fruit indeed. As I suspected, these stones are much more than primitive fetish objects for the worship of savages. The stories of their starborn origins, and the exotic nature of the material, told me that they were much more than that. Something in me finds it almost blasphemous that some ancient hand saw fit to defile such unique material by shaping it into such unclean geometries.\n\nNovember 12, 1893: The solution was within my grasp all along. The stones, when lit, show a negative potential, and when shaded, positive. A simple copper enclosure, tipped on one end with a mercury tube, can induce a current in the stone, more than enough to power itself and the surrounding mechanism.\n\nJanuary 10, 1894: The workers have all left the cavern. The machine is complete. I will mount the stones today. Soon my feet will step beyond where anyone at the Explorer's Club, even Lord \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, could ever dream of going.\n\nJanuary 30, 1894: Today I have opened a door beyond our universe! My study of a dozen perverse cults allowed me to divine the precise positioning of the stones. Savages chipped these otherworldly relics into a dim likeness of their gods, whereas I, Sir Bandon Lawhead-Smythe, shall walk across the threshold to greet them. Once I have completed writing this entry, I shall don my protective suit, pass through the locks into the airless interior of the vault where the black door awaits me. When I next write in this journal, I shall have traveled farther than any other man on the face of this Earth. Including the good Lord \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n[Last entry. Journal ends]\n\nFootnotes\n1. Precise measurements have determined microscopic variations in position due to gravitational tidal effects but, to date, these have appeared to be within acceptable margins.\n2. This would represent a ZK-0 Reality Failure scenario. The universe would continue to exist, but would not only cease to support life as we know it, but would fail to support chemistry as we know it.\n\n\u00ab SCP-318 | SCP-319 | SCP-320 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-320\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not being researched, SCP-320 is to be carefully slowly lowered into its 6m3 solid foam transport tray, which is in turn slowly lowered into a 37 metric ton stabilized vault. These precautions are designed to provide a buffer of lightweight, safe material should SCP-320 be accelerated beyond control and to keep SCP-320 as motionless as possible during containment.\nDescription: SCP-320 is a small glass sphere which affects normal Euclidean space when accelerated along any line of motion. The ball of glass itself is just over 10.4 cm (4.1 in) in diameter and just 31.2 grams (1.1 ounces). Light refraction experiments and computed tomography scans have proven that SCP-320 does contain a hollow vacuum. No physical tests have been able to explain why SCP-320 reacts with space/time in the manner that it does.\nAs SCP-320 accelerates, its mass and gravitational effect on matter and space around it compound exponentially in relation to its acceleration. The theoretical physics that predict these effects are more in line with those of String Theory, though the effects are not fully accounted for. As the ball speeds up, it is surmised that a possible theoretical 'Higgs Field' becomes bunched up and drags against it, observed as an increase in mass. This is both in line with and against Einstein's theory of relativity, governing matter's limit of speed. A second theory claims that while at rest, SCP-320 houses an uncollapsed singularity. When in motion, the uncollapsed gravity field folds in upon itself, strengthening it.\nAs normal matter accelerates toward the speed of light, its own mass becomes the limiting factor of its own speed, slowing it down, making it harder and harder to accelerate from an observer's point of view as if drag was acting upon it. In a similar sense, the mass of SCP-320 slows its acceleration, but does so in an unexpected, unique way. At rest, the mass of SCP-320 is normal and thought to be acclimated to the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and the rotation of the Sun around the Galaxy. However, moving SCP-320 (i.e. accelerating it from any stop or constant velocity) causes the mass of the sphere to increase at an exponential rate, increasing its relative gravity but not momentum.\nThis means that while in accelerated motion, normal matter in the general area of SCP-320 is pulled toward, and in the direction of motion of the sphere, often resulting in violent winds and large scale devastation in the wake of SCP-320's trajectory. Though it has been too dangerous to accelerate SCP-320 towards its speed limit, through mathematical extrapolation it is believed that the fastest SCP-320 is able to travel would be a maximum of 125.5 km/h (78 mph) to an observer before its own mass halts its acceleration. Though the observed increase in gravity is attributed to an increase of mass of SCP-320, the effect is considered to be only relative as SCP-320's momentum is not representative of a mass greater than that observed during its resting state.\nIn other words, any object being struck by SCP-320 while it is in motion, experiences a simple collision as if it was a hollow marble and not the effects of being struck by a small singularity.\nSpectrometer testing of the glass composition of SCP-320 reveals a high concentration of manganese oxide, reminiscent of Cristallo glass. Calcium oxide has helped protect the clarity of SCP-320 from corrosion over the last few hundred years.\n\n\u00ab SCP-319 | SCP-320 | SCP-321 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-321\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-321 is to be kept in a regulation containment chamber. SCP-321 has been outfitted with extensive braces, to make up for weaknesses in bone structure and muscle mass. Its artificial heart is to be examined once a month for any damage. SCP-321 is to be fed three times daily. Solid foods are excluded from its prescribed diet. Three staff members are on temporary SCP-321 assignment at this time. SCP-321 is to be given three hours a day of exercise and physical therapy, with the rest of its time not involved in experiments to be confined to its cell. While SCP-321 is incapable of asking for anything, it has been allowed several stuffed toys.\nDescription: SCP-321 is a human female, born on July 4, 18\u2588\u2588. SCP-321 is currently 3.1 meters tall, and weighs approximately 110 kilograms. Subject is devoid of melanins in hair, eyes, and skin. It is incapable of speech, but can still vocalise, and has proven to have problems with spacial recognition and awareness. SCP-321 has displayed a low degree of intellect, and has problems adjusting to new situations.\nSCP-321 was the stillborn child of Junior Researcher Adam \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and his wife, Medical Assistant Evelyn \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Junior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 took it upon himself to make use of several SCPs, including SCP-590 in an effort to bring his daughter back to life. The procedure worked, but the result was taken into Foundation custody for examination. The subject was later given an SCP designation.\nSCP-321 was quickly found to have recuperative abilities, capable of healing injuries inflicted upon it at approximately five times the normal rate. Subject was at this time entered into Foundation records as SCP-321. In the time since, SCP-321's body has continued to age at a decelerated rate, approximately half that of a normal human. Although its aging has been slowed, SCP-321 has continued to grow, showing no signs of stopping despite now being taller than any recorded human. At this point in time, it is believed SCP-321's recuperative abilities stem from over abundant production of stem cells, a result of its interaction upon death with [REDACTED].\nFor a period of time beginning in early 19\u2588\u2588, the limits of SCP-321's natural heart were reached, and SCP-321 was too tall for blood to be circulated properly. During this period, SCP-321 was restrained physically in order to keep its heart capable of pumping blood to the brain. Despite this, slow decay was evident and the limits of SCP-321's recuperative abilities were found, as it was not capable of healing damage that was being dealt constantly. Work began in 1948 to create an artificial heart to prolong SCP-321's existence; the heart was completed in 19\u2588\u2588. Since then, all damage to SCP-321 has been healed.\nSCP-321 has a very low intelligence. Everyday activities are a chore for it, and it can take several months, to years, to teach it to do such things as use utensils for eating. While SCP-321 has fully developed vocal cords, it seems incapable of learning speech, instead crying and making nonsense noises as of those typically heard from infants under the age of six months.\nJuly 31, 18\u2588\u2588: Requesting SCP-321 be removed from SCP status. -Junior Researcher Adam \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nRequest Denied. -O5-\u2588\nJanuary 10, 18\u2588\u2588: Requesting SCP-321 be removed from SCP Status. -Personnel Director Adam \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nRequest Denied. -O5-\u2588\nMay 3, 19\u2588\u2588: We can learn nothing more from SCP-321, suggesting we remove its SCP designation. -Site Director Adam \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Site-04\nRequest Denied. -O5-\u2588\nJune 31, 19\u2588\u2588: SCP-321 is to be decommissioned and returned to her family, effective immediately. -O5-12\nRequest Denied. This is the final time, Adam. She is not now, nor ever has been, your daughter. If you attempt this again, I will gather the council, and you will be removed. -O5-1\n\n\u00ab SCP-320 | SCP-321 | SCP-322 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-322\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-322 is to be contained in a secure locker in Storage Unit-3. SCP-322 can be utilized for certain missions or for research, but a full length proposal must be submitted and accepted.\nDescription: SCP-322 is a cardboard box, 60 cm (24 in) in width, 30 cm (12 in) in height, and 15 cm (6 in) in depth, with the words \"Grow Your Own Castle Kit\" and a stylized cartoon similar to those in circulation in the 1950's.\nThe box contains a small, very simple pamphlet, and a glass jar filled with large grains of sand. The pamphlet states a simple set of instructions, that, when followed correctly, will produce a large castle. An exact transcript of the manual is as follows:\n\nHey there kiddo!\nSo you want your own castle, but you don't want to waste your time imagining one? Then this is the kit for you!\nAll you have to do is plant one of the specially made \"Castle Seeds\" somewhere where there's a lot of free space, such as a field, under three feet of dirt! Having trouble digging that all by yourself son? Then convince an adult to help by promising him vassalage over some of YOUR soon to be kingdom!\nThe next step is just as easy! But just as important!\nAll you have to do is make sure you water your castle everyday at 12 o'clock for seven days! That's a week! And make sure you do it too, otherwise it won't work, and then you're back at square one!\nMake sure you follow all the steps and you should have your very own castle in just seven days! Pretty nifty, huh sport?\n\nWhen these directions are followed the result is a large stone fortress, including an inner keep, a courtyard, and outer wall, in the location that the \"seeds\" were planted.\nPlacing more than one seed increases the size of the castle twofold per extra seed planted, and the styles, (Romanesque, Baroque, Gothic, Kremlin, Shiro, et al) depend on the color of the \"seed\" that has been planted.\nOn rare occasions, when a castle has formed, there is already a staff of servants within utterly dedicated to the original planter, although they are often inhuman in appearance.1\nAdditional Notes: The object was found in Orlando, Florida, in 19\u2588\u2588, in the hands of someone trying to turn it into an amusement park. The item was confiscated and the person in question had their memory purged.\n\nFootnotes\n1. While no conclusive link between the two has been discovered, SCP-2448 is notably similar in that it is a castle that occasionally manifests humanoid denizens.\n\n\u00ab SCP-321 | SCP-322 | SCP-323 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-323 in a temporary testing chamber.\n\nItem #: SCP-323\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-323 is to be kept in a 17m x 17m x 17m concrete containment cell in Site-91. The object is to be restrained in the center of the cell within a 1m3 container of 8.8cm thick transparent armor lined with one-way laminate, which is to be fit with one (1) electronically locked access port. This container is to be internally lit, with the surrounding cell kept dimmer to facilitate the one-way laminate. The cell is to be surveyed remotely at all times, and any signs of activity are to be reported.\nNo personnel are to enter SCP-323's containment cell except to examine the integrity of SCP-323's restraint measures. The restraint measures are to be examined bi-weekly, and any signs of damage are to be repaired immediately. All personnel who enter SCP-323's containment cell are to be accompanied by an armed guard. Personnel are not to be within SCP-323's containment cell for longer than forty-five (45) minutes, and any communication around SCP-323 is to be written or spoken in a language other than English or French.\nIn the event that SCP-323 breaches containment and an instance of SCP-323-1 is formed, personnel are to evacuate Site-91 and the site is to be locked down. Remote units are to be deployed to destroy the body of SCP-323-1; following this, armed personnel may be sent in to re-establish the containment of SCP-323.\nDescription: SCP-323 is the skull of an unidentified cervid measuring 55cm long, 27cm wide, and 31cm tall, with a pair of antlers, measuring 35cm tall and 46cm from tip to tip, growing from the left and right sides of SCP-323. SCP-323 shows signs of damage consistent with outside exposure, with regular pitting, scarring and weathering across the object, bleaching on the upper surfaces and a missing lower mandible. The rear of the skull features an approximately centered ovoid gap, measuring 25 cm high and 23cm wide, giving access to an interior space 16cm deep. This gap shows signs of tool use, indicating that it was carved with tools, possibly stone.\nSCP-323 displays the ability to react to aural, tactile, and visual stimuli. Testing has revealed SCP-323 appears to have a field of view similar to that of other cervids, and has responded to visual stimuli from up to 50m away. The targeting of specific members of personnel, various attempts to breach containment, and the violent reaction towards speakers of the French and English languages suggests a level of sapience; however, this is unconfirmed.\nSCP-323 is capable of limited locomotion, typically in the form of small movements and vibrations. In most cases, SCP-323 will only locomote in the event of various stimuli, such as moving away when touched or turning when personnel are present within its containment chamber. SCP-323 has demonstrated the ability to make larger movements, such as lunging at personnel and repeatedly attempting to force its way through containment measures.\nSCP-323 exerts an influential effect in a radius extending roughly 15m from itself. Individuals within this radius will begin experiencing cannibalistic thoughts and urges, violent outbursts, and impaired judgement after approximately one (1) hour of continuous exposure. Roughly 74% of individuals who reach this point will attempt to place their heads through the gap present in the back of SCP-323, with efforts made to keep their mouths uncovered. If an individual is incapable of fitting their heads through the gap, attempts will be made to bludgeon their heads against nearby hard surfaces until the point the individual's head fits, the individual loses consciousness, or the individual expires. Once the individual has fit their head through SCP-323, the individual is classified as SCP-323-1.\nWithin ten (10) minutes of putting SCP-323 on, SCP-323-1 will undergo drastic physical alterations. SCP-323-1 will experience a rapid loss of body fat, body hair, and pigmentation, followed by the rupturing of the distal phalanges from the fingertips, abnormal tooth growth, and the blackening of extremities consistent with frostbite. Additionally, SCP-323-1 appears to experience greater strength and pain tolerance than the average human; however; SCP-323-1 still appears to be as susceptible to physical harm as it was prior to its introduction to SCP-323.\nSCP-323-1's metabolism will experience a dramatic increase, requiring a constant caloric intake, with starvation occurring anywhere between fifteen (15) to thirty (30) minutes if no self-preservation efforts are made. In order to sustain its increased metabolism, SCP-323-1 will actively seek out and eat other individuals for sustenance until expiration. In the event SCP-323-1 is incapable of finding plentiful nourishment, SCP-323-1 will make efforts to sustain itself, including limiting movement, rationing available food, and autocannibalism. SCP-323-1 will only feed upon humans; it is presumed that SCP-323-1 is capable of receiving sustenance from other sources, but chooses not to, despite availability or ease of access. During the pursuit of individuals, SCP-323-1 has been known to occasionally make various statements in the Severn Ojibwe, Potawatomi, and Cree languages, as well as in the native language of the instance. It is not known if these statements and the knowledge of these languages is the result of SCP-323's anomalous influence or if they originate from SCP-323 itself.\n\nRecovered Audio Log, Incident SCP-323-B752Z4, 11/09/06\n\nACCESS GRANTED\n\nThe following audio log has been transcribed from surveillance recovered during the 11/09/06 containment breach of SCP-323, which resulted in the death of twelve personnel members before containment could be re-established. No accompanying video surveillance could be recovered.\n\nSCP-323-1: Hungry. So\u2026 hungry.\nThe sound of dragging can be heard, as SCP-323-1's voice becomes louder.\nSCP-323-1: I\u2026 must eat. So very hungry. Always\u2026 always hungry.\nSeveral thumps can be heard, followed by a wet crack.\nSCP-323-1: Must\u2026 not eat. I have to eat. So hungry. So\u2026 lonely.\nWhat is presumed to be SCP-323-1 eating can be heard, accompanied by what sounds like panting.\nSCP-323-1: Alone. Hungry. Should\u2026 eat. Must. Must\u2026 eat them all. I must eat\u2026 to know\u2026 warmth.\nSCP-323-1 creates a loud vocalization, followed by a wet thump.\nSCP-323-1: So cold! Must eat!\n\nSCP-323 was recovered on 09/12/97 in the Bittern Lake reserve, part of the Lac La Ronge First Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a small, unregistered community, had been sustaining an active SCP-323-1 instance by routinely murdering individuals and leaving them out as an 'appeasement'. Investigation revealed \u2588\u2588 individuals were involved, who were interviewed and subsequently administered amnestics, and a cover story involving an unidentified serial killer was propagated. SCP-323-1, at the time suspected to be the anomaly, died of starvation during its transfer to Site-91.\nThe recorded number of deaths does not appear consistent with the duration of the SCP-323-1 instance. It is suspected SCP-323 went through several instances of SCP-323-1 before containment; however, no irrefutable evidence supporting SCP-323-1's longevity has been uncovered.\nInterview SCP-323-A: James Namagoose, an individual involved in the murders and sustaining of SCP-323-1 prior to its containment was brought in for questioning involving SCP-323-1. Mr. Namagoose remained unusually calm throughout and after the interview.\nFollowing the interview and containment of SCP-323, Mr. Namagoose was administered amnestics and was reintroduced to his community.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please state your name for the record.\nNamagoose: James Namagoose.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please state your involvement with the murders.\nNamagoose: I helped move the bodies for the wendigo to eat.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What do you know about the object?\nNamagoose: There is a story of the Cree men, back when fighting was common, who tried to control the wendigo, to give his people an advantage. It was just a story. The elders knew more, but we were safe, so we didn't ask.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: When did you first encounter the entity?\nNamagoose: One night I heard yelling all around the village. A warped man walked out of the woods, killed our friends right in front of us. Sometimes it would stare more than it would make to kill, try to talk to you. It whispered at me, \"pe misto\", \"come and eat\"'. It made me cold in my bones.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And then?\nNamagoose: Then I felt like I could understand the warped man, the wendigo, and that we could leave with him like we all do when we pass. When I was made to kill, I thought of this and it calmed me. I didn't run.\nMr. Namagoose closes his eyes and exhales slowly. After a minute, he resumes talking.\nNamagoose: It would look at me sometimes. I could hear him in my mind, I could feel him watching me from out of my own eyes. This helped me watch these people die, and I hoped it would pass on my family.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Thank you, Mr. Namagoose.\n\nFinal Note: No mental effects similar to what Mr. Namagoose stated have yet to be reported by staff who have interacted with SCP-323 or SCP-323-1. Further investigation into this is not planned; however, staff are encouraged to report any atypical thoughts or feelings experienced while working with either.\n\n\u00ab SCP-322 | SCP-323 | SCP-324 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-324\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: While SCP-324 does not require efforts beyond basic botanical maintenance to thrive, access to its products are to be strictly controlled to prevent theft and possible uncontrolled cultivation. SCP-324 is to be contained within a secure solarium or equivalent agricultural facility in a minimum of five (5) cubic meters of soil. Soil should be maintained at a consistent pH of between 4 and 4.5, with a minimum 12% humus (or similar organic compound) component to topsoil. A misting system or other remote means of watering should be implemented to minimize the number of staff with access to SCP-324.\nSCP-324 is currently held at Site-23, solarium 16, bay 194 under these conditions. As on-site research staff already has access to specialized botanical testing equipment and methodologies via the containment of SCP-038, transfer of SCP-324 to another facility is subject to Level 4 approval. Products of SCP-324 (designated SCP-324-1) may be transferred between research staff as necessary with Level 3 approval. To maintain SCP-324 as the only mature specimen during initial research, attempts to cultivate further specimens from SCP-324-1 off-site are currently suspended.\nDescription: SCP-324 is a small, evergreen shrub currently 1.4 meters in height and possessing a complex root system that extends approximately 2.5m below the soil. Leaves are lanceolate, ranging between 4-6cm in width. During the flowering phase, SCP-324 produces small (14-22mm) white flowers with nine (9) petals. Berries produced by SCP-324 are designated SCP-324-1, and appear pinkish-white in color with diameters between nine (9) and fourteen (14) millimeters. Berries are edible, with flavor reported as tart and mildly sweet.\nSCP-324's flowering and berry-producing phase are apparently only initiated by the introduction of a deceased mammal of at least 25kg into its soil. The mammal must be within range of SCP-324's root system, and been deceased no longer than three (3) days at the time of its first contact with SCP-324. If these conditions are met, the flowering phase will begin within sixteen (16) hours of introduction, with mature flowers and SCP-324-1 appearing within seventy-five (75) hours. When eaten, each individual sample of SCP-324-1 will produce a vivid sensory experience re-enacting a seemingly random memory of the deceased mammal's life in the consumer of SCP-324-1. In tests with human cadavers buried in SCP-324's soil, consumers of SCP-324-1 report clear aural and visual impressions including specific locations, conversations, and individuals. The consumer of SCP-324-1 appears to experience the deceased's memory as if it were one of their own, but recognizes it as a product of another mind. In tests featuring animal cadavers, consumers of SCP-324-1 report an overwhelming jumble of sensory input devoid of the usual narrative context produced by human thought. Each experience lasts between two (2) and four (4) minutes before it subsides. If multiple samples of SCP-324-1 are ingested at one time, memories experienced proceed one at a time, each with the same 2-4 minute window.\nSCP-324 produces SCP-324-1 for approximately one week regardless of the type or mass of the deceased mammal introduced into its soil. After this period has elapsed, all samples of SCP-324-1 wither and become inert until another deceased mammal is accessed by the root system. Animals incapable of creating memories or lacking memories of their own, such as subjects of SCP-909, likewise produce inert samples of SCP-324-1.\nDiscovery: SCP-324 was discovered in a small cemetery specializing in \"natural\" (coffinless, non-preservational) burial in rural \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 county, New Hampshire. The groundskeeper, a Mr. Declan \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, would regularly transplant SCP-324 to the graves of the newly-deceased and invite surviving family members to partake of SCP-324-1 for a substantial fee. The scheme was discovered inadvertently when Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attended services at the cemetery for his deceased \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Upon a demonstration of SCP-324-1's effects, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 immediately took both Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (debriefed 4/19/\u2588\u2588, assigned D-Class) and SCP-324 into Foundation custody. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed the shrub had been on the grounds when they were purchased in 19\u2588\u2588 and knew nothing further of its origins.\nAddendum: Experiment logs 324-42.4 through 324-45.2\nSCP-324-1 Consumer: Male, D-Class, #67531, Age 56\nSoil input: Human, Female, Aged 34 at T.O.D., Deceased 2 days\nExperience report: D-67531 placid for duration of experience. Recounts an afternoon picnic from the perspective of a small female child, including impressions of flying a kite and eating a celery stalk with peanut butter and raisins.\nSCP-324-1 Consumer: Female, D-Class, #58563, Age 34\nSoil input: Chimpanzee, Female, Aged 44 at T.O.D., Deceased 3 days\nExperience report: D-58563 thrashes wildly for the duration of the experience, making gestures as if to ward off an attacker. Recounts impression of being assaulted by multiple individuals uttering high-pitched squeals.\nSCP-324-1 Consumer: Male, D-Class, #69965, Age 22\nSoil input: Human, Female, Aged 93 at T.O.D., Deceased 2 days\nExperience report: D-69965 uncooperative, restraints employed. D-69965 force-fed SCP-324-1. Continues thrashing for forty-three (43) seconds before abruptly relaxing. Eyes glazed for duration of experience. D-69965 drools slightly. Recounts staring out a window from a wheelchair at a busy urban street, sprinklers occasionally splashing the window.\nSCP-324-1 Consumer: Female, D-Class, #39395, Age 42\nSoil input: Dolphin, Male, Aged 19 at T.O.D., Deceased 1 day\nExperience report: D-39395 holds breath for duration of experience, passes out at ninety-seven (97) seconds. Revived, recounts impressions of swimming, darkness, pressure. Claims to distinctly recall \"speaking\" to another individual, but cannot remember content of conversation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-323 | SCP-324 | SCP-325 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-325\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-325 is to be held in a standard 30 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm steel box. This box should be waterproofed and lined with hydrophobic rubber, and stored away from any washing facilities. If SCP-325 breaches containment, standard Foundation issue NBC protection suits are to be used to spread desiccant on the affected area. All used desiccant should be incinerated according to standard incineration procedure. SCP-325 can be safely stored at any Site, and with any SCP.\nAny personnel showing a greatly increased adherence to cleaning and hygiene than required are to be detained and given new Foundation issue overalls to be worn for the next 24 hours. After this suspected personnel are to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.\nDescription: SCP-325 is a small bottle of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand washing detergent, a product commonly sold in the United Kingdom. However, the \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588!\" name present on the label does not match any of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 company's current products. SCP-325 contains a semi-viscous green liquid, identical in chemical composition to the \"Naturals\" range of washing detergent sold by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-325 is a \"Value pack\" container of concentrated detergent, and currently contains 1,775 millilitres of fluid. One (1) wash of SCP-325 requires 25 ml of liquid, as indicated on the instructions located on the rear of the bottle. This information also contains a warning detailing [REDACTED].\nSCP-325 functions in an identical way to a normal detergent, and when used will produce excellent results. Tests with Class-D personnel have indicated that victims will find the quality of the wash much higher than usual, therefore preferring to wear a garment washed in SCP-325 over other articles of clothing washed in normal detergent. However, lab tests have shown there to be no physical or chemical difference between garments washed in SCP-325 or other brands. Further research into low-level memetic threats are ongoing, but as the effects of SCP-325 are contained by non-use, SCP-325 is currently classified as Safe.\nWhen a garment washed in SCP-325 is worn, the subject wearing it will eventually succumb to extreme pervasive paranoid delusions related to mysophobia and cleanliness. This will often induce ritualistic behaviors in the subject, and has lead to subjects harming themselves through excessive cleaning methods such as placing their hands in boiling water or ingesting bleach. There are currently five levels of behaviour caused by SCP-325 exposure documented, with all tests past 480 total hours of exposure resulting in the [DATA EXPUNGED] indicated on the label, unless subject expires at Level 4, as documented below.\nAll time measurements indicated in the following descriptions of behaviour after exposure are indicated at the average number of hours exposed, rounded up and +/-10%. \"Exposure\" refers to the time spent physically wearing garments cleaned in SCP-325.\nLevel 1 Behaviour Subjects exposed to SCP-325 for between 1 and 24 hours will exhibit majorly increased awareness of hygiene and cleanliness. This is usually characterised by excessive hand washing and ordering others to be more clean themselves. This stage will usually pass without comment; however, any staff noticing increased awareness of cleanliness around the storage area of SCP-325 should inform Level-4 clearance personnel immediately.\nLevel 2 Behaviour Subjects exposed to SCP-325 for between 24 and 96 hours will begin to display extreme mysophobia and manic washing regimens. Exposed subjects will also shun others, only exiting their domicile to stockpile supplies of tinned food and cleaning agents such as bleach. Interviews have shown that subjects view the outside world to be 'unclean'.\nLevel 3 Behaviour Subjects exposed to SCP-325 for 96 to 240 hours exhibit complete disregard for anything that is considered by them to be unclean, including the outside world. If an object inside their abode can be cleaned by the subject, they will clean it until deemed suitably uncontaminated. All clothing that has not been washed in SCP-325 will also be rejected, and most likely destroyed along with other non-suitable items. Subjects will usually dispose of things by incineration, although no single method is preferred. From this point, only clothing washed in SCP-325 will be worn.\nLevel 4 Behaviour Currently the stage of most use and interest to the Foundation. After 240 hours of exposure, subjects will cut themselves in order to use their blood as a cleaning agent. Other agents such as bleach will sometimes be added, but this is not a constant behaviour and around 80% of exposed subjects will not add anything. The blood from the victim has been proved to be 100% efficient at removing any contaminant from a surface. The mechanism for this is currently unknown, but tests with the products of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 have shown promising results for cleanup after containment breaches.\nThe composition of the blood has eluded a full analysis so far, with test results showing [DATA EXPUNGED] present in the bloodstream. Further testing is authorised after submitting form 325-T1 to the appropriate Level 4 researcher.\nMost test subjects (around 70%) will die of exsanguination or exhaustion before progressing to Level 5.\nLevel 5 Behaviour Once a subject has been exposed for 480 hours they will proceed to [DATA EXPUNGED - SEE REPORT 325-E1] which resulted in the deaths of \u2588\u2588 civilians and \u2588 Foundation staff. This event is detailed on the warning on SCP-325's label; a copy is available to researchers above Level 3 clearance.\nAs the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 company shows no record of producing SCP-325, yet has the facility to do so if the [REDACTED] is added into their manufacture process, one undercover Agent has been inserted as an employee. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is to stay silent unless production of SCP-325 is found to exist. All instances of SCP-325 found outside of Foundation control are to be destroyed by incineration after testing at the nearest Foundation Site.\nField Agents and MTFs are cleared to terminate any civilians exhibiting confirmed exposure of Level 3 or above. Confirmed Level 2 instances are to be contained and returned to the nearest Foundation Site.\n\n\u00ab SCP-324 | SCP-325 | SCP-326 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-326\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-326 is contained at Armed Bio-Containment Area 14. Due to SCP-326's severe iatrophobia, personnel who will interact with be seen by SCP-326 are not to wear lab coats. Due to SCP-326's post-traumatic stress disorder, her tendency to undergo panic attacks, and the increased danger she poses to personnel during these episodes, SCP-326 is never to be beyond sight of a 'panic room' into which she can flee; the path between SCP-326 and the closest panic room is to remain unobstructed.\nTranquilizers are to be added to SCP-326's food on a daily basis to mediate her stress; in the event that SCP-326 needs to be transported off-site, she is to be sedated until such time as she can be provided with a new panic room.\nSCP-326 is deaf, and communicates via written Chinese; translators are to be available at all times. All communications with SCP-326 are to be archived.\nDescription: SCP-326 is a human female, approximately 65-70 years old,1 who has been subjected to significant body modifications by an anomalous technology. When inactive, these modifications are detectable only by subject's anomalous mass (230 kg, despite a physique which would indicate a mass of at most 45 kg), and by the presence of significant keloid scarring along her arms, legs, hands, feet, and spinal column. When subject becomes agitated, the scars rupture lengthwise, and the components of a structure emerge; this structure resembles an exoskeleton made from human bone, and bestows upon SCP-326 enhanced strength and speed. The degree to which her speed and strength are enhanced is unknown, as she is reluctant to participate in quantitative testing; however, she has demonstrated the ability to (when in a panic) throw two 100-kilogram security guards over distances greater than 4 meters, and to travel over 20 meters to her panic room in 2.8 seconds. Due to logistical difficulties with sampling (not only is the exoskeleton extremely durable, its accessibility is limited to those times when SCP-326 is panic-stricken), the physical composition of the exoskeleton is as yet unknown, as is its connectivity to SCP-326's musculature and nervous system. Radiographic imaging has been hindered by the subject's phobic reaction to X-ray machines.\nSCP-326 is deaf,2 as a result of having deliberately ruptured both of her own eardrums at some time prior to entering into Foundation custody; her stated goal in doing this was to avoid \"hear[ing] bad words\". Further questioning on this topic results in SCP-326 becoming agitated and distressed.\nHistory: SCP-326 claims to have been an agricultural worker from the rural village of [REDACTED], in [REDACTED] province, People's Republic of China, at the time of Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward campaign. She describes having been approached by \"some young men from [REDACTED]\" who induced her to participate in a procedure \"for the revolution\". The procedure was \"very secret\" and involved \"bad doctors\", \"bad magic\", and \"much death\"; eventually, however, \"the young men stop[ped] coming\", and SCP-326 was \"left in the room of ice\".3\nIn 20\u2588\u2588, a containment breach by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 led to the collapse of \u2588 buildings in the Chinese city of [REDACTED]. Foundation cleanup crews discovered SCP-326 wandering in the wreckage of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 building, identified her as anomalous, and took her into custody.\n\nFootnotes\n1. This figure is SCP-326's physiological age; chronologically, SCP-326 is over 120 years old\n2. but still able to speak, in the Pinghua dialect of Chinese\n3. this is thought to indicate cryogenic suspension.\n\n\u00ab SCP-325 | SCP-326 | SCP-327 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-327\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-327 is to be contained within a 40m x 40m x 10m salt water tank within Site-\u2588\u2588. The tank is to be cleaned on a weekly basis, or immediately after an algal bloom event. The walls of the tank are to be soundproofed. All staff interacting with SCP-327 or entering the containment are to wear sound-cancelling headphones when not in direct conversation with SCP-327. Any staff who report suffering the effects of SCP-327's properties are to be removed from active duty until cleared by a staff therapist.\nSCP-327 is to be fed 15kg of lettuce and assorted leafy vegetables each day, accompanied by appropriate nutritional supplements.\nEnglish language instruction for SCP-327 has been approved, to be carried out by Drs. Amberly and Watson. Two hours per day have been allotted for this purpose.\nDescription: SCP-327 is a female specimen of a mammalian species resembling members of the order Sirenia, specifically Trichechus manatus (West Indian manatee), measuring approximately 2.8 m in length and 450 kg in weight, and estimated to be between 25 and 30 years of age. The subject bears anomalous bodily features: The flippers bear distinct fingers and a functioning opposable thumb, and the skull and facial features resemble that of a human. SCP-327 was hit by a boat propeller 5-10 years before retrieval, as evidenced by heavy scarring on the head and back and traces of severe head trauma.\nSCP-327 is sapient and capable of speaking simple English sentences, though it experiences significant difficulty in doing so, both in pronunciation and comprehension of concepts.\nSCP-327's anomalous effect is based around its primary vocalization, taking the form of songs similar to that of cetaceans. These vocalizations are regarded as highly unpleasant to listen to, and will result in severe headaches and audio-visual hallucinations in humans, persisting for 6-12 hours. Those affected will often report claustrophobia, an aversion to water and aquatic animals, and occasionally sensations similar to that of drowning. Other mammals will experience the same effects.\nDuring vocalizations, algae and plankton within approximately a kilometer of SCP-327's location will reproduce at incredibly high rates: the resulting algal bloom will cause considerable oxygen depletion and neurotoxin levels in the area and causing mass die-offs of local fish and mollusk life. There are no anomalous properties present in the algae itself, and SCP-327 is immune to all effects caused by its vocalizations.\nInterviews with SCP-327 have revealed few concrete details of its origins, due to the specimen's inability to adequately express the information. SCP-327 has implied the existence of other specimens of the species to live in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea: however, no anomalies resembling the descriptions have been reported.\nAddendum-01: Recovery Log: SCP-327 was recovered in August of 2008, after a series of inexplicable mental illnesses amongst citizens of [REDACTED], Florida and reports of unexplained noises in the area. The area had been under Foundation watch for two weeks before it was reported that a \u201cmutant\u201d manatee had been washed ashore by Tropical Storm Fay. After investigation by Foundation agents, amnestics were distributed to the local populace and the specimen was recovered without incident.\nAddendum-02: Interview Excerpt \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588.\nFor purposes of readability, SCP-327's accent has been corrected in this transcript.\n\nDr. Amberly: Hello, 327.Dr. Amberly: Very well. We were talking about the song yesterday: Could you tell me more?Dr. Amberly: And what happened to the song?Dr. Amberly: The boat, then.\n\n\u00ab SCP-326 | SCP-327 | SCP-328 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-328\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-328 is to be kept in a secure locker in storage area 328-A. Access for research requires Level 3 authorisation and will be permitted in most instances. Due to its unclear nature, SCP-328 is not to be allowed into contact with any data-reading device with a connection to the internet or the Foundation intranet. Electronic devices which have been used to study SCP-328 should be clearly labeled \"SCP-328 Use Only\" and stored in storage area 328-A for common use in case of unidentified viral properties. A small isolated lab adjunct to storage area 328-A (designated 328-B) has been established to this end.\nDescription: SCP-328 is a smooth, greenish-yellow disc approximately ten (10) cm in diameter and 4 mm thick, weighing just over thirteen (13) grams, composed of an unknown crystalline organic compound. The bonding pattern of SCP-328 is highly organised, in a manner reminiscent of a data storage or retrieval device. SCP-328-01 (see below), a data file retrieved from SCP-328, seems to confirm this.\nVarious analyses of samples of SCP-328 have been inconclusive; some known atomic elements have been identified, but none in recognised compositional patterns, and not enough to account for the mass of the samples used. It is slightly warmer (about 4 degrees Celsius) than its surrounding environment, even when subjected to extreme temperatures. It is susceptible to kinetic damage, but if broken, reforms itself from its largest remaining piece over a period of one week to six months, depending on the severity of damage. Crystallographic analysis of fragments indicates they possess a restructured crystalline form, a scaled-down version of the whole item's structure. As the disc regrows the structure re-expands and returns to its original form. No changes have been observed in binary data obtained from the disc-reader (see below) before and after breakage/reformation.\nSCP-328 has been in the possession of the Foundation since \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-18\u2588\u2588, when it was recovered from [DATA EXPUNGED]. Until \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-19\u2588\u2588, the purpose and nature of SCP-328 was uncertain. In an accidental breakthrough, SCP-328 was inserted into an experimental disc drive that had been treated with [REDACTED] as part of the [REDACTED] project (see Addendum 328-1). SCP-328, when used with this reader, produces binary data.\nMultiple cryptographic analyses of the binary code produced indicate that at least some of it is a description of data contained on SCP-328. An algorithm for converting the binary into ASCII code has been developed, and the current extent of translation is appended as SCP-328-01. Veracity of this data is uncertain, but given the coherence of the data produced it seems unlikely it is a random 'fluke'. Curiously, the data obtained is written in over thirty (30) known languages (transliterated into Roman characters) in what appears to be a single article.\nFurther attempts to directly access and translate the data on SCP-328 have proven labour-intensive, and full funding for the project has been pulled. Dr. E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has announced that anyone with relevant skills (cryptography, data storage/recovery, or linguistics in particular) is welcome to take up translation of SCP-328 as a \"hobby item\".\nAddendum 328-1: As Project [REDACTED], which produced the original SCP-328 data reader, has been canceled for over a decade, Dr. E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has lodged a formal request for O5 clearance to remove the redaction, allowing anyone working on SCP-328 to consider this information. Permission is pending.\n\nSCP-328-01:\n\nThis comprises the main body of the documents translated from SCP-328. Much of the actual log consists of random ASCII characters, which may be untranslatable text, untranslated text, or may correspond to some other type of information. All data has been translated into English for ease-of-comprehension. The original, untranslated log with complete additional text is stored at SCP-328-01-OR disc in storage area 328-A.\n\n[TRANSLATED DATA BEGINS]is approximately 4 units in width, 6 units in length, and 0.4 units high when sitting on a flat surface. Its external surface is essentially featureless aside from unrecognised markings on several surfaces, and several narrow slots along the two shorter edges. It tastes of sodium chloride, present in trace (non-toxic) quantities on its surface, and of carbon-based oils and polymers of unidentified composition. \u00bf^\u00d4\u2013^wographic analysis of the residues present on the surface and of the material of which the device is comprised indicate it contains several elements unknown to our science. When inactive it radiates very little energy; its surrounding \u00d8\u00b0\u00e9\u2013%\u00ac is flavourless, aside from a hint of #\u00d5R\u00f3\u00d7\u00dfo.\nThree indentations along the edge release electromagnetic radiation in a rhythmic pulse. Upon depression of a smooth, flavourless (ie. possessing only the same base flavour as the object) surface on the same edge as the radiators, the top half of the device comes loose, revealing itself to be hinged along the opposite surface. Inside is what appears to be a control console, with 104 nearly-identical depressable surfaces, most of a uniform size. Researcher F\u00f7q\u00e8CQ\u0153\u00f2lD\u00f4Y\u20219\u2030 has described them as\n[SEQUENCE OF UNTRANSLATED DATA]\nfor each of the \u00fd\u00c4\u00f0z'5\u0161\u00f8\u0161 \u00ed^\u008d\u00fab\u2020\u00d7t inside its outer \u00e9^WP/\u00ff\u00aa\u2014\u00d7\u00e7g\u00d6, but underneath it is a \u201e\u017e4\u00df\u00a4\u00c1\u00a8\u00e4\u00d2\u017e|\u2122\n[SEQUENCE OF UNTRANSLATED DATA]\nwhen a small oblong surface is pressed, the translucent surface above the primary interface almost immediately begins emitting class /\u00ae\u00ce\u00bc radiation, which claimed the N\u00f8_=j\u00cc\u00ff of four researchers before adequate shielding could be devised (see Handling Protocols, above).\nOperation: Trial and error has revealed that depressing certain combinations of the surfaces on the control console will cause changes in the spectrum of radiation emitted by the device. Although the nature of these changes has yet to be determined, the patterns are consistent. Additionally, the device does not emit identical radiation from every surface. It appears to have over one million nearly identical micro-emitters arranged in a gridlike pattern across its surface; each one is capable of emitting variable radiation frequencies. When catalogued and mapped, the different frequencies of radiation form patterns and symbols which at least partially correspond to the symbols mapped onto the control console.\n[LONG SEQUENCE OF UNTRANSLATED DATA]\npower source was identified by Researcher F\u00f7q\u00e8CQ\u0153\u00f2lD\u00f4Y\u20219\u2030. By activating two sliding panels previously unnoticed on the \"under\"side of the control console, a roughly cylindrical portion hidden beneath the hinge could be removed. While externally undifferentiatable from the main portion of the device, this segment is somewhat denser. After its removal, the device would not activate. It has been advised that the device should be stored in this format from this point on. Against Researcher F\u00f7q\u00e8CQ\u0153\u00f2lD\u00f4Y\u20219\u2030's advice, Subresearcher s\u009d\u00f7#\u00d5Rop\u203a\u00a5\u00c1, out of curiosity, manipulated what is believed to be a connection socket on the putative power supply. A WP/\u00ff\u00aa\u2014\u00d7\u00e7 was observed to emit involuntarily from Subresearcher s\u009d\u00f7#\u00d5Rop\u203a\u00a5\u00c1, followed by [DATA EXPUNGED]1. Although this is a feasible (if unsavoury) method for recharging the device, should its power supply fail, it is recommended that valuable subresearchers not be used in this manner in the future.\nAddendum \u00d96\u00e6\u0152\u00cc\u00ba 1.01: Researcher F\u00f7q\u00e8CQ\u0153\u00f2lD\u00f4Y\u20219\u2030 has been committed to safety storage \u00a9pdh\u00c8\u00d7 for reconditioning after activating a memetic weapon on the device. Simultaneous depression of the two control surfaces labeled \u00d1\u00c7O\u00f2D and **qe activated a heretofore unidentified capacity on the device. \u2022\u00e6\u00dd\u00de\u00eb\u00caYg\u00edu9-type electromagnetic radiation was emitted in a frequency-fluctuating pattern of moderate to long wavelength. This interfered directly with Researcher F\u00f7q\u00e8CQ\u0153\u00f2lD\u00f4Y\u20219\u2030's \u2122\u00c0\u00ecT\u00dbk\u2039\u00ba#\u00f98p, as has previously been documented in logs of device \u00d5t\u00ea\u00bf~L\u00b6Q\u00c0\u2021. Researcher F\u00f7q\u00e8CQ\u0153\u00f2lD\u00f4Y\u20219\u2030 was recorded as spewing gibberish about seeking a \"connection\", and something about a \"web\". Further exposure to the device is ill-advised at this time.\nObservation from Queen-Researcher \u00d5\u00ef\u00b1\u00e9\u00fa\u0161\u00d3\u00c1\u00da\u00e1GUi6: It seems certain that this is another memetoenergetic weapon developed by Agency F\u00b2N\u201e\u00ab\u00e3. In light of this, the Research Council should consider releasing another \u00d7\u00a4J\u00fd through the[NO FURTHER TRANSLATED INFORMATION]\n\nFootnotes\n1. Foundation Research Note: this \"DATA EXPUNGED\" tag is the closest translation of the original Swahili phrase in SCP-328-01-OR; it has not been added by the Foundation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-327 | SCP-328 | SCP-329 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-329\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The building in which SCP-329 is located has been purchased by a Foundation front company and designated Site \u2588\u2588. Access to the site is restricted to Level 3 personnel. Facility personnel to undergo full-body scans at least every 48 hours.\nSince it is unknown how many adherents the \"Church of the Gardener\" possessed, Site \u2588\u2588 should be considered at risk of recapture and appropriate measures taken.\nDescription: SCP-329 is a room in a derelict building at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Room is in the building's cellar, 6m x 5m, with a steel fire door. Room contains six folding beds. Beds are fitted with IV stands and leather restraints.\nFive beds are occupied. Occupants are of both standard sexes and several races, with ages 16-64. Occupants have been designated SCP-329-01 through SCP-329-05 and have been identified as:\n01 - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, no fixed address\n02 - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, no fixed address\n03 - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, former medical student at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University\n04 - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, no fixed address\n05 - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, D-class personnel who was subjected to Event 329-A\nOccupants of beds all have cancer. Type of cancer varies from occupant to occupant but all cases have at least three tumors of grade T3N1M0 or higher.\nAlthough cancers are advanced, they do not follow normal progression. Two of the cases, with a prognosis of weeks at best under normal conditions, have remained alive since at least \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Occupants are alert but in great pain and unable to speak.\nEvery 24 hours, at approximately 4 am, SCP-329 undergoes Event 329-A. The door closes with great force and cannot be reopened for the duration of the Event. Anything obstructing the doorway is pulled into the room. Event 329-A lasts for approximately 20 minutes, after which it is possible to open the door again.\nEquipment for remote observation and recording is rendered inert during 329-A in a manner consistent with a nonstandard space-time event. The only sounds heard from outside during 329-A are screaming from the room's occupants.\nAfter the event, occupants are apparently unharmed, bearing no incisions or external trauma. Their tumors, however, have been altered, in some cases radically. They have been reshaped and their direction of growth has been altered. Three of the occupants have tumors of more than twenty feet in length, twining around and through bones and organs. SCP-329-05, who was cancer-free before he was exposed to Event 329-A, was found after the event to have developed a T1N0M0 lung cancer, which in the three weeks since has grown to T3.\nOnly people inside the room are affected by 329-A. In those who have been removed from the room, their cancer progresses normally, resulting in death.\nDiscovery: SCP-329 was discovered by a group of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University medical students who noticed abnormal cancers in the bodies of indigents supplied for dissection. They traced the source to SCP-329, which was being used as a squat. They came to the Foundation's attention through material they circulated on the Internet under the name of the \"Church of the Gardener\" (see Document 329-1).\nWhen a Mobile Task Force secured SCP-329 the \"Church\" had been operating for eleven months, luring indigents to the building with promises of drugs and shelter and subjecting them to Event 329-A.\nSeven members of the \"Church\" were present and offered armed resistance. Five were eliminated by the MTF and the other two held out long enough to subject themselves to Event 329-A. One was subsequently vivisected by the research team and the other designated SCP-329-03. The \"Church\"'s records were retrieved; they begin as relatively straightforward medical case notes but degenerate over time into a religious screed.\nAddendum: Document 329-1\n(partial transcript of video found at http://www.youtube.com/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\n\"Your body is an Eden after the fall, ruled by the tyranny of the grey devil in your skull. Your bodies are like your grey lifeless cities, every cell marching in lockstep, any deviation punished. Any growth, anything alive and green met with \"cut it out, burn it out, poison it\". Endlosung. And the budding cancer is destroyed, or else it fights back, it brings down your body like Samson does the temple of Dagon \u2026\n\"Now It is come to cure us. Each day It plants, It prunes and It trains, It makes the grey city a Garden again. And it will take root. It will bear fruit and it will spread across the world \u2026\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-328 | SCP-329 | SCP-330 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-330\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Considering recent incidents, SCP-330 is to be kept in secure storage until further notice. Level 2 Clearance is required for access to SCP-330 or its contents. All direct experimentation of SCP-330 is to be conducted using Class D personnel with no genetic history of diabetes. No more than two (2) samples are to be removed from SCP-330 at any time, except during exposure testing.\nDescription: SCP-330 appears to be a small round stainless steel bowl filled with a variable amount of individually wrapped pieces of candy. Taped to the side of the bowl is a handwritten note, reading \u201ctake no more than two, please!!\u201d Attempts to remove the note have met with failure, as have attempts to hide or obscure it. Testers have noted finding it impossible to avoid reading the note, and those who approach it from an opposite angle are aware of this request.\nWhen a quantity of candy greater than two pieces is removed, regardless of the means involved, the offender instantly has both hands severed at the wrists by an unknown method. Tests involving remote manipulation by Class D personnel resulted in the operator's hands being removed despite no direct contact. Inspection of the incision reveals that the cut is made at a molecular level, leaving no tool marks or identifying factors. It is to be noted that the third piece must be removed within a certain timeframe. After 24 hours, the count \u201cresets\u201d, and additional candy can be removed.\nDiscovered 3 days after Halloween of 20\u2588\u2588, when a police investigation into what was believed to be a case of ritualistic dismemberment was launched. SCP-330 was seized as evidence, but all attending officers were killed after Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 emptied the bowl of its contents. The cause of death was a result of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Foundation Agents, under the guise of federal agents, recovered the object with acceptable casualties.\nAddendum: Due to continuing security issues, SCP-330 will be held in Dr. Kondraki's office when not required for testing.\nExperiment:\nName: Researcher Voct\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject D-330-01, a double amputee equipped with prosthetic forearms and hands, was told to remove three pieces of candy from the bowl. Subject complied, with no immediate effects. However, within 45 seconds, subject reported a burning itch from both his arm stumps (right arm: 2 cm below elbow; left arm: 1.5 cm below elbow), and phantom pains from both his absent wrists. Subject's distress at this discomfort increased rapidly; within 180 seconds of having removed the third candy from the bowl, the subject began forcibly removing both his own prostheses. Upon hurling the prostheses to the ground, subject reported that the discomfort had ceased.\nDermatological examination of subject's stumps revealed no unusual irritation or inflammation; mechanical examination of subject's prostheses revealed that, in addition to the physical damage sustained by being hurled to the ground, the prostheses had [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSubject was supplied with fresh prostheses, identical to the first pair, but reported feeling that it was \"wrong\" to put them on. Coercion was applied, and subject reluctantly put on left prosthesis (note: subject is right-handed). However, when told to put on right prosthesis, subject began weeping incoherently and flailing his arms until the left prosthesis detached itself. Analysis of video footage revealed that subject had not properly attached the left prosthesis to his stump; mechanical examination of left prosthesis revealed only physical damage sustained from being thrown across the room.\nTwenty-four hours later, subject was given fresh prostheses, and reported no difficulty in putting them on. Subject not terminated, as D-class amputees who are already used to their prostheses are in short supply.\n\n\u00ab SCP-329 | SCP-330 | SCP-331 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-331\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not being used, SCP-331 is to be kept within a typical electronic 7-digit metal safe in Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office. The code is to be changed on a monthly basis by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Personnel who wish to examine SCP-331 must ask Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for authorization beforehand.\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 SCP-331 is worn by SCP-331-1.\nDescription: SCP-331 is a red plastic cat collar, approximately 23 cm in length. Metal studs surround the collar in intervals of 1 cm; testing has confirmed the metal to be nickel. The bell consists of stainless steel electroplated with 24-carat gold. Ringing the bell has no distinguishable effect, adverse or otherwise. The word \u201cTumbles\u201d has been painted on the back of the collar in yellow paint; testing has confirmed that there is nothing unusual about the paint.\nSCP-331 exhibits no abnormal tendencies when worn by a living cat. When SCP-331 is fastened round the neck of a deceased cat (hereafter SCP-331-1), SCP-331-1 is resurrected with no initial adverse effects. The collar does not halt the decomposition process, however; fur and skin still rot at a regular pace. Organs are unaffected by the decomposition process; testing has yet to determine the exact cause for this. SCP-331-1 shows no signs of distress during the decomposition process. SCP-331-1 can be killed by conventional methods, whereupon it remains deceased. The separation of SCP-331 and SCP-331-1 [DATA EXPUNGED] unless SCP-331-1 is deceased. It should be noted that SCP-331-1 always answers to \u2018Tumbles' and has an amiable personality, despite what it was called or how it behaved pre-mortem.\nSCP-331 was discovered when reports reached Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of a \u2018zombie cat' witnessed around \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Park in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 immediately alerted the Foundation of a possible outbreak of SCP-008; MTF-\u2588\u2588 was dispatched and neutralized SCP-331-1, whereupon it was transported to Site \u2588\u2588 after no trace of SCP-008 was detected. Upon arrival research was conducted on SCP-331 that confirmed its properties.\n\n\u00ab SCP-330 | SCP-331 | SCP-332 \u00bb"} {"text": "by stormbreath\n\nPhotograph of SCP-332 prior to gaining anomalous properties.\n\nItem #: SCP-332\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Kirk Lonwood High School has been declared condemned. SCP-332 therefore requires no containment (other than a standard security patrol) between January and August. Between the months of September and December, SCP-332 is to be accompanied at all times by an armed escort, who are to play ambient noise recordings at high volumes next to SCP-332. Ambient noise is to be plausible for the surroundings; typical soundscapes include construction, weather, or traffic.\nDescription: SCP-332 is the Kirk Lonwood High School Marching Band of the Fall 1975 season. The band is composed of thirty members, which are designated as SCP-332-1 through SCP-332-30. All members of SCP-332 were formerly enrolled as seniors at Kirk Lonwood High School, and expected to graduate in Spring 1976. All uniforms and instruments of SCP-332 instances are labelled as belonging to \"Syncope Symphony.\"\nThe majority of the time, SCP-332 instances are stationary inside of the Kirk Lonwood High School band room. During these periods, they are positioned as if they are holding an animated discussion. No Foundation efforts have been successful in provoking any kind of reaction from a stationary instance, and they do not seem to have any functioning biological systems. No damage, wear, or movement has successfully been imposed upon SCP-332.\nSCP-332 activates according to the Kirk Lonwood High School home game football schedule. This entails an activation at roughly 7:00 PM local time on one or two days per week1 between the months of September and December. During this time, SCP-332 will resume their conversation. After thirty minutes, they will proceed to the field and perform. They will then stand below the bleachers, wait and then perform again one hour later. After this, they will head back to the band room, and begin their conversation from earlier, freezing in the middle.\nSCP-332 was initially discovered on December 12th, 1975, shortly following the last scheduled marching band performance of the season. According to witness reports, SCP-332 took the field during the final game of the season and performed as initially intended. While the songs played were not as initially scheduled, they were not so abnormal as to draw particular notice \u2014 all had been previously played by SCP-332 during the preceding four months.\nHowever, following the end of the game, it was discovered that the thirty members of SCP-332 were missing. Rather than having changed out of their uniforms and reconnected with friends and family at the game as expected, SCP-332 had seemingly vanished. They were found forty-five minutes after the end of the game, unmoving and not responding to stimuli in the Kirk Lonwood music room. This caused widespread and publicized panic, which in turn alerted the Foundation to possible anomalous activity.\nIn the process of fabricating a cover story (further complicated by the discovery of additional anomalies associated with Kirk Lonwood High School), Foundation investigators discovered that most members of SCP-332 had expressed anxieties or concerns about the future. No instances expressed optimism towards the future. The individuals not known to have expressed concerns were those for whom the Foundation was unable to form a psychological profile for of any kind \u2014 it is assumed they had such fears, but did not express them to others.\nThree excerpts of psychological profiles have been included below, to give a better depiction of the mental state of SCP-332. These have been chosen for their clarity, direct discussion of relevant ideas, and diversity of type.\n\nInterview between Operative Blackwire of Mobile Task Force Zeta-2 and Diedre McKenzie - an art teacher at Kirk Lonwood High School - concerning a student of hers, Sadie Freeman (SCP-332-4).\n\nBlackwire: Thank ye for taking the time to speak with me \u2014 I know you're up to your ears in federal agents these days. But I just wanted to ask you a few questions about one uh, Sadie Freeman? She would have been in your second period painting class.\nMcKenzie: Oh, yes. Sadie was one of my best students here. It's a shame what happened to her.\nBlackwire: Oh, I'm sorry to remind you of that, ma'am. I'm actually here to talk about some of her class history with you, and what that was like.\nMcKenzie: Of course. You needed to speak with me specifically for some reason.\nBlackwire: She loved your class, didn't she?\nMcKenzie: Adored it.\nBlackwire: She ever talk about the future? About art and your class, I mean.\nMcKenzie: All the time. She always told me that she wished she could use her skills here in life, but she was going to school as a Business Major. That was what her parents wanted for her, and I guess she didn't have much say in it.\nBlackwire: She knew where she was going already?\nMcKenzie: Oh, no. But all the schools she had applied to were for Business, not art. Wharton, not RISD. Father's decision.\nBlackwire: That's quite unfortunate. But she wanted to pursue art as a career path?\nMcKenzie: I don't know if calling it \"as a career path\" is the right idea\u2026 She wanted to do art as \u2026 how did she put it \u2026 \"forever\"? Or maybe sometimes it was \"I wish I never had to do anything else.\"\nBlackwire: Which a reasonable person might mean as a job\u2026\nMcKenzie: But I always just got the sense she was day-dreaming.\nBlackwire: Which doesn't require you to be 'reasonable', per se.\nMcKenzie: Right.\nBlackwire: So we've got a girl who really wants to make art, and never do anything else. Not even, apparently, a job \u2014 since she didn't want to be a Business major.\nMcKenzie: Well, keep in mind she was a teenager. Only 17!\nBlackwire: Right, fair, fair\u2026 Say, did she specify the kind of art all that often?\nMcKenzie: No\u2026 I don't think she did? She clearly had ambitions outside of painting in my class. She really loved marching band, too \u2014 always talked about that, always in the same breath as my class.\nBlackwire: So she'd be just as happy playing a tune forever as she would be painting forever?\nMcKenzie: Yes, I'd think that's right!\nBlackwire: Interesting.\nMcKenzie: Wait, isn't that\u2026? I just\u2026 that can't be real, is it? But then where else would she be\u2026\nBlackwire: Keep taking your pills, ma'am. These ones marked with the \"G\".\nBlackwire: G stands for good, right?\nBlackwire: I'll get out of your hair now.\n\nGroup discussion led by Operative Blackwire and three surviving students of Kirk Lonwood High School, concerning Steven Farago (SCP-332-10), a tubaist. Conversation conducted while survivors were playing basketball in Johnny Gillespie's driveway.\n\nBlackwire: Hey! I'm going to need to take a moment of your time, you three.\nDonaldson: How come?\nBlackwire: You know this kid?\nGillespie: Uh, yeah? So what.\nBlackwire: We're investigating him. Need to know what he was up to. What he was thinking in the moments before things went off.\nDonaldson: You don't think he had anything to do with it?\nBlackwire: Want to help rule him out?\nGillespie: Sure. Hit us.\nNafpliotis: He was really unsure about what college he wanted to go to. He'd submitted all his applications, but was expecting them all to be acceptances.\nGillespie: My man was smart.\nBlackwire: He was sure they'd all be acceptances?\nNafpliotis: Enough.\nDonaldson: He'd have options.\nBlackwire: But he didn't have a ranked list of favorites?\nNafpliotis: According to him, they all had extreme ups and downs and he weighed those ups and downs different on any given day.\nBlackwire: Like what?\nDonaldson: This school is too close. This one too expensive. This one doesn't have the majors and minors he needs. Better job opportunities over there, better social life over here.\nBlackwire: Interesting. Interesting. And how did he feel about the present?\nNafpliotis: He was happy where he was. On track to be valedictorian, student body class officer, great girlfriend. Everything.\nGillespie: If we're really honest, he was kinda lining himself up to be a \"peaked in high school\" type of guy.\nBlackwire: Right. I'm familiar with the type.\nNafpliotis: I'm sure you are, old timer.\nBlackwire: Alright. Did the marching band play into things at all? He was happy with his position there?\nGillespie: Oh yeah. Never shut up about it.\nBlackwire: He planning to do it beyond the end of the season?\nDonaldson: He'd join the band in college. Wherever he was, whatever he was doing\u2026 that was always in the cards. He'd be in the marching band.\nGillespie: If he had it his way, until the day he died.\nBlackwire: Informative. Now, I'm sorry to have been a pain, but this is really helpful. You boys have a nice day. I'm sure I'll see you around again, if I have any follow-up questions.\n\nFinal entry of a journal recovered from the house of Nathan Blastin (SCP-332-30), a member of the percussion section of SCP-332. Based on contextual clues, the following journal entry was written on December 10th, 1975.\n\ni cant do it i cant let myself wither and let the rot into my bones and into my heart it can't know me in that way i won't let it happen rot is close closer every day creeping and creeping around every corner almost here\nnothing worse in the world\nnev1er2 grow3 old4 er5\nor1 cha2nge3 in4to5 some6thing7 worse\n fuck\nNO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO no NO NO NO NO NO. NO NO NO N0 NO NONO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO N O NO NO NO! NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NONO NO NO NO NO NO NO NONO NO NO NO NO NO? NO NO NO NO NOO NO NO NONO NO NO NO NOO NO NO NO NO NO NO N\nI'm drowning out here and nobody cares. I need to change. I can't change. I'll never change. I don't want to change. I want to be who I am. I can't be anything other than what I am and that scares excites me I can't wait. Forever and ever and eve\n\nDream last night of us playing in the marching band and\nthe fog was there and\nthe world was quiet and\nI can't remember anything else\n\nsyncope \u2014 A temporary loss of blood to an organ. Often used with reference to the brain, in which case it presents as fainting, and used as a metonymy for the state of falling unconscious.\nI think I'd rather die than grow old.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Weeks with a single activation indicate that an \"away game\" would be played by the Kirk Lonwood football team.\n\nNOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION\nThe above file is an archived copy of SCP-332 documentation dating to 2012.\nClick here to view the most recent version.\n\n\u00ab SCP-331 | SCP-332 | SCP-333 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-333\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-333-A 1-1618 are to be stored in a standard Secure Containment Locker within Site-\u2588\u2588, accessible only by personnel possessing Level 3 Clearance or greater with authorization of at least two (2) Clearance Level 4 personnel. As testing with SCP-333-B and SCP-333-C has concluded, any performance of SCP-333-A is strictly prohibited.\nDescription: SCP-333-A are 1,618 identical copies of a musical score of unknown title and origin. When the score denoted by SCP-333-A is performed by an orchestra of sufficient size, (see Addendum 333-1) SCP-333-B manifests. The chamber SCP-333-A is performed in may be entered normally; however, roughly three minutes into a performance, anything leaving the chamber arrives in SCP-333-B. Reentry of the performance hall from SCP-333-B is possible, given it is temporarily integrated into SCP-333-B.\nSCP-333-B appears to be a metropolitan area, devoid of any signs of habitation, past or present. Due to its nature, it is unknown when SCP-333-B was constructed, using what materials, by whom, or even if it was constructed in the conventional sense at all (see Addendum 333-4). For as long as performance of SCP-333-A continues, SCP-333-B may be traversed freely. Preliminary testing concerning utilizing SCP-333-B as a multipurpose Foundation facility appears promising (see Addendum 333-5). (see Addenda 333-6 and 333-9) Following cessation of a performance, SCP-333-B dematerializes, along with anything within at the time (see Addendum 333-2). Instrumentation left within suggests that unless a performance of SCP-333-A is occurring, SCP-333-B experiences no passage of time and may not exist at all.\nSCP-333-C is a highly aggressive entity of variable appearance and composition residing within SCP-333-B. All manifestations of SCP-333-C have proven much more durable than its composition would suggest, requiring considerable firepower to terminate outside of SCP-333-B and possessing apparent invincibility while within (see Addendum 333-8). Should SCP-333-C manage to escape SCP-333-B, it will remain until the next time SCP-333-B manifests unless terminated; following termination, SCP-333-C will dematerialize as well.\nAddendum 333-1: SCP-333-B will not fully manifest unless SCP-333-A is performed by a minimum of forty-nine (49) musicians within a single concert hall. Larger numbers of musicians appear to correlate to a larger and more complex metropolitan area. Additionally, simultaneous performances in differing locales result in integration of all concert halls within which SCP-333-A is being performed. SCP-333-B could hypothetically serve as a means of rapid transit between Foundation facilities.\nAddendum 333-2: The content of all 1,618 original instances of SCP-333-A have been observed to change following each performance. All remain identical to each other. Copies of SCP-333-A do not display this polymorphic nature.\nAddendum 333-3: Changes undergone by SCP-333-A appear to constitute the inclusion of motifs representing any foreign materials left behind by exploration teams. Given that copies of original SCP-333-A do not update to reflect material within SCP-333-B, it may be possible to selectively manifest materials and possibly even personnel within SCP-333-B. A more in-depth cost-benefit analysis will follow.\nAddendum 333-4: Visual, chemical, and mass spectrometric examination of structures within SCP-333-B indicates their composition is directly dependent upon the composition of instrumentation utilized for the corresponding performance of SCP-333-A. Additionally, it appears that the better a particular instrument is played, the less its composition is reflected within SCP-333-B. Given that structures within SCP-333-B are always of similar composition to the instruments utilized, it has been suggested that these structures may not have a finite composition. However, considering errors cause the composition of a particular instrument to feature more prominently, it is also possible that corruption of SCP-333-B is unavoidable due to general inability to perform SCP-333-A precisely enough.\nExperiment Logs SCP-333-A-B 1-9 are pending declassification.\nAddendum 333-5: Cost-benefit analysis RE: SCP-333 as a Foundation asset.\n\nRapid long-distance transit.\n\nIf used for transit between facilities, SCP-333-B could allow for rapid dissemination of SCP objects in the event of a containment breach. This risk should not be taken lightly.\n\nCloning of personnel, items, SCP objects, etc, effectively granting the Foundation access to infinite resources.\nA contingency plan in case of \u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, or \u2588\u2588 Class events.\n\nPersonnel critical to the operation of the Foundation, a cache of useful SCP objects, and a store of various provisions and resources could be left within SCP-333-B. This would ensure their survival, provided performance of a suitable copy of SCP-333-A may take place.\n\nA garrison and armory.\nThe song itself could be utilized as several different Foundation facilities simultaneously.\n\nParticularly dangerous Euclid and Keter objects could each be deposited in their own instance of SCP-333-B.\n\nIf SCP-333-A is performed as it was prior to an SCP object being deposited, SCP-333-B will manifest without the SCP.\nIf SCP-333-A is performed as it is following an SCP object being deposited, SCP-333-B will manifest with the SCP present.\n\nPerformances of identical copies of SCP-333-A could take place in several locations, allowing access to the prospective facility from several places.\n\nA kill switch to sever SCP-333-B from any adjoining facilities is strongly advised.\n\nThe risk of accidental discovery of the SCP-333-A should be carefully considered before any utilization of the SCP-333-B for these purposes takes place.\nConsult Addendum 333-9.\nAddendum 333-6: SCP-333-C is capable of leaving SCP-333-B. Any sighting of SCP-333-C within SCP-333-B is grounds for immediate evacuation and cessation of SCP-333-A performance.\nAddendum 333-7: Composition of SCP-333-C appears linked to musical instruments utilized in similar fashion to 333-B. Closer scrutiny of footage recorded during Experiments SCP-333-A-B 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 has found SCP-333-C present, appearing to be of similar composition to each corresponding instance of SCP-333-B, making it difficult to distinguish from its surroundings. This likely explains why its presence initially went unnoticed.\nAddendum 333-8: Operation \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 unsuccessful. Operational losses exceed 90%. A five (5) megaton tactical nuclear device was detonated within SCP-333-B in a last-ditch attempt to prevent SCP-333-C escaping. SCP-333-C was undeterred.\nAddendum 333-9: Corruption of materials left within 333-B has been noted. This corruption generally takes the form of minuscule changes in chemical composition of objects left within, though in extreme cases physical deformation has been observed. Notable examples include malfunction of RoV-13b due to critical circuitry being displaced by [REDACTED] and the discovery of D-17711's skeletal system being composed of 0.1% brass by weight. I hereby rescind my prior recommendations for utilization of SCP-333. - Dr. N\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 333-10: Computer-aided analysis of SCP-333-A and all copies thereof, considered alongside the events of Experiments SCP-333-A-B 1-9 and Operation \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 indicates beyond a shadow of a doubt that SCP-333-A dictates any and all occurrences within SCP-333-B, including activity of Foundation personnel and SCP-333-C. All further testing of SCP-333 is hereby suspended indefinitely.\n\n\u00ab SCP-332 | SCP-333 | SCP-334 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-334\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-334 is to be kept in a standard heat-treated containment cell, surrounded by magnetic field generators positioned so that all six sides have an overlapping field projecting at least fifteen (15) centimeters from the inner cell walls. Each generator is to have multiple redundant backups and power sources, including emergency batteries capable of maintaining full magnetic field output for no less than thirty (30) minutes. Maintenance of the anti-heat coating is to be carried on a weekly schedule, with subject to be transferred to a secondary cell to allow for more extensive repairs, if needed. Three (3) live mice are to be introduced to its cell at a random time every day to reduce chances of subject learning the pattern and attempting escape. Due to SCP-334's hunting and burrowing instincts, the floor of containment is to be reinforced with an anti-heat coating, or made of a substance with a melting point greater than \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 degrees Celsius, with the magnetic containment field underneath reinforced to approximately 1.5 times that of the other surfaces. Subject hunts in a fashion typical of foxes, with a strong downward pounce, which has proven capable of penetrating a small distance into the containment fields, and has been the cause of \u2588 containment breaches to date.\nDescription: SCP-334 is a small cloud of superheated plasma in the shape of a specimen most closely resembling Vulpes vulpes, or the common red fox. Its body appears similar to waves of steam or fire, revealing gaps between the filaments of gas through which the opposite side is visible. Its filaments fluoresce in the spectrum of red and orange, with 'eyes' in the blue spectrum. Subject has a negligible measurable mass, and has no central body to speak of. SCP-334 apparently believes it is actually a red fox, and displays several normal vulpine behaviors, such as hunting of prey, and in test 334F-03 [REDACTED]. Whether it is an entity that imprinted on a vulpine or is a vulpine which was transformed to its current state is unknown and under investigation.\nSince it is composed of superheated ionized gas, containment of SCP-334 is effectively impossible without the use of magnetic containment fields, and is difficult even then, as the heat and energetic effects extend an average of seven (7) centimeters around its entire body, rapidly sublimating physical obstructions. Although its surface temperature is in excess of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 degrees Celsius, the heat disperses rapidly, cooling to \u2588\u2588 degrees Celsius within 10 centimeters, far faster than the laws of thermodynamics would indicate. There is evidence that SCP-334 is capable of controlling its heat output. Subject is capable of bursts of speed measured at approximately one hundred and sixty (160) kilometers per hour for around ten seconds. These bursts of speed disperse the subject's mass, 'tiring it out', making it need to 'rest' while it re-forms.\nSubject derives 'nourishment' from converting matter into plasma and absorbing it, taking in a small amount of energy normally through conversion of air into ionized gas, but that alone is insufficient to feed it, making supplementary feeding necessary.\nDespite the fact it does not touch the ground when it walks and is immune to the pull of the Earth's gravity, it seems content to follow the floor's surface for walkable areas, and has yet to be seen actually 'flying'. Whether it chooses not to, or simply does not know that it can, is unknown at this time.\nDue to its physical makeup, SCP-334 constantly emits a level of EM radiation consistent with a class \u2588 solar flare, causing interference in unshielded electronics within \u2588\u2588 meters and making film or electronic surveillance problematic. Radiation is within tolerable limits for SCP personnel.\nInitial containment: SCP-334 was recovered \u2588\u2588 kilometers from [REDACTED], \u2588 kilometers from a projected meteor impact site. Whether this was the subject's origin is still under investigation. The Foundation was alerted to the subject's existence when a routine sweep of emergency services reports found a pattern of strange burns, trails, and [REDACTED] discovered in the woods, matching no publicly known source but consistent with [DATA EXPUNGED]. A full Foundation combat team was sent in to contain the suspected [REDACTED] but found SCP-334 instead, a far lesser threat. Utilizing a magnetic containment bottle and two live mice, subject was contained with an acceptable level of casualties.\nAddendum: SCP-334 has a talent for escape, having escaped containment no fewer than \u2588\u2588 times since initial retrieval, causing approximately [REDACTED] dollars in structural damage to Site-\u2588\u2588 and the deaths of \u2588\u2588 personnel, mostly caused by the aforementioned structural damage. SCP-334 is wary of people, avoiding human contact if possible, yet prefers hiding in offices, barracks, and on-site quarters, where there is relatively little traffic and an abundance of small spaces. Despite its many escape events, SCP-334 has shown neither an obvious inclination towards leaving Site-\u2588\u2588, nor towards unprovoked attack and is not considered a direct threat. However, the structural damage caused had the potential to release SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 on \u2588 separate occasions, and recapture should be considered a priority.\nPartial Testing log: Results matching expectations removed, available upon request\nExperiment Log 334T-01 through 334T-48\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: A Selection of small prey animals ranging from mice to medium-sized rabbits\nResults: Subject stalked each one for varying lengths of time, apparently biding its time before pouncing. Each test subject sublimated into plasma, which was absorbed by SCP-334 through the 'mouth' as it went through the motions of eating.\nExperiment Log 334F-01\nDate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: A normal red fox (Male)\nResults: Test subject displayed high levels of apprehension, with loud barking and growling. SCP-334 appeared disinterested. Test halted after \u2588\u2588 minutes of no appreciable change in either's reaction.\nExperiment Log 334F-02\nDate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: A normal red fox (Female)\nResults: Identical to 334F-01.\nExperiment Log 334F-03\nDate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: A red fox (Female, in heat)\nResults: SCP-334 appeared to sniff the air for a moment, while test subject displayed reactions similar to previous two tests, then [DATA EXPUNGED].\nResearcher Note: That was something I hope to never see again.\nExperiment Log 334-01\nDate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: SCP-334\nNote: For this test, SCP-334's cell was flooded with ionized gas identical to its own.\nResults: SCP-334 appeared curious at first, then agitated as the pressure of ionized gas in the chamber started to rise. After 5 minutes, subject began glowing brightly and [DATA EXPUNGED] containment was re-established, with SCP-334 apparently exhausted.\nExperiment Log 334-02\nDate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: SCP-334\nNote: For this test, SCP-334 was subjected to a focused magnetic 'blade' to attempt to sever a section of its mass.\nResults: [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNOTE: Further experimentation with 'force feeding' or 'cutting' SCP-334 is forbidden unless performed in a heavily shielded remote site.\nExperiment Log 334D-01\nDate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: D-13487/334, 3 live mice in standard cage.\nNote: D-class was instructed to enter containment and feed SCP-334 after one day of withholding food from the subject.\nResults: SCP-334 immediately leapt at the cage, incinerating it and the contents, as well as much of D-13847/334's arm and torso. D-13847/334 died instantly, while SCP-334 ignored the body, focusing on the converted mice and cage.\nResearcher Note: Well, it certainly thinks it's a fox, and doesn't seem to notice, or care, that it can kill people just by getting too close.\nExperiment Log 334E-01 through 334E-\u2588\u2588\nDate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010\nTest Subject: SCP-334\nNote: This test was performed to determine SCP-334's environmental needs, if any.\nResults: Containment made airtight, and internal atmosphere removed. Subject showed no change from normal behavior patterns. Containment was then heated to an excess of 500 degrees Celsius. Subject showed no change from normal behavior patterns. Containment was then cooled to approximately negative 100 degrees Celsius. Once again, subject showed no change from normal behavior patterns. Containment was slowly pumped full of atmospheric gases in various combinations, to a maximum pressure of three (3) atmospheres. Subject became more energetic, consistent with behavior after being fed, and did not require supplemental feeding until the next day.\nResearcher Note: It can survive in a vacuum or on the surface of Venus, and doesn't need any supplemental food in high pressure. This and other data suggests [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-333 | SCP-334 | SCP-335 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-335\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-335 is to be kept in a secure location to prevent tampering.\nDescription: SCP-335 is a set of one hundred and fifty 3.5\" floppy disks discovered in a cardboard box found in the attic of former Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 shortly after her termination. Each disk is individually numbered in hand-written permanent marker. Disks are to be referred to by their number; SCP-335-001, SCP-335-002, etc. Each disk has also been labeled with a human name in the same writing as the numbering. 118 are male names and 30 are female. There is some speculation as to whether SCP-335-011 \"Jackie\" is meant to be male or female. The names have no identified pattern.\nInitial examinations suggested that all 150 disks were blank, as their capacity all read as 0 megabytes. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 determined that the disks were ordinary and had them archived with the rest of former Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588's possessions. It was not until Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggested the unlikelihood of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 keeping a box of floppy disks in her attic among the other contraband, that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 agreed to have the disks examined again. It was determined that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's original floppy disk drive had been defective, and a different computer was brought in.\nAll 150 disks appear to have an infinite amount of storage space available. It is unknown whether the disk space is truly unlimited or simply too large to measure; regardless, the space is effectively infinite.\nWhen SCP-335-001 was inserted into Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's computer, the contents of a large pornographic website were the first data found on the disk. Further investigation by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 showed that all the contents of SCP-335-001 are of a pornographic nature.\nNote from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I believe I know where all our bandwidth is going at night. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's computer privileges should be limited until he either finds a girlfriend or learns some self-control.\nFurther investigation revealed that SCP-335-001 through 012 contained pornographic material. However, upon discovering the entire contents of Wikipedia on SCP-335-013, the actual nature of SCP-335 was uncovered.\nSCP-335 contains the entire contents of the Internet stored within its infinite storage space. It appears to have some sort of organizational system, with similar sites grouped together on the same disk. Experiment 335-007a showed that when content on the Internet is changed, the content on the corresponding disk changes to match. Precisely how this occurs is unknown. It is uncertain what would happen if content on the disk were changed, as all 150 disks seem to be locked in read-only format.\nAddendum: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has proposed on numerous occasions that an experiment be conducted where a disk is destroyed. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as well as \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588 agree that this could potentially have disastrous effects on a large portion of the internet and could draw unwanted attention to the Foundation. Such an experiment is not to be attempted under any circumstances.\nAddendum: The following is a listing of all 150 names written on the disks in their numerical order. No pattern has yet been identified in the names.\n001: \"Jonny\"\n002: \"Carl\"\n003: \"Robert\"\n004: \"William\"\n005: \"Benjamin\"\n006: \"Patrick\"\n007: \"Blake\"\n008: \"Keith\"\n009: \"Michael\"\n010: \"Darrell\"\n011: \"Jackie\"\n012: \"Daniel\"\n013: \"Jimbo\"\n014: \"Cynthia\"\n015: \"Valerie\"\n016: \"Ozzie\"\n017: \"Wayne\"\n018: \"Paul\"\n019: \"Frank\"\n020: \"Sandra\"\n021: \"James\"\n022: \"Mark\"\n023: \"Jordan\"\n024: \"Isabella\"\n025: \"Eugene\"\n026: \"Matthew\"\n027: \"Sean\"\n028: \"Heath\"\n029: \"Janice\"\n030: \"Donald\"\n031: \"Bradley\"\n032: \"Ryan\"\n033: \"Ryan\"\n034: \"Emily\"\n035: \"Francis\"\n036: \"Theodore\"\n037: \"Craig\"\n038: \"Sharon\"\n039: \"Jessica\"\n040: \"Xavier\"\n041: \"Parson\"\n042: \"Heather\"\n043: \"Jay\"\n044: \"Kelly\"\n045: \"Oscar\"\n046: \"Brian\"\n047: \"Calvin\"\n048: \"Kenneth\"\n049: \"Stanley\"\n050: \"Walt\"\n051: \"Helen\"\n052: \"Martin\"\n053: \"Hubert\"\n054: \"Joe\" [The letter E in this name is written backwards. Reasoning unknown.]\n055: \"Bartholomew\"\n056: \"Jerry\"\n057: \"Leroy\"\n058: \"Steven\"\n059: \"Roger\"\n060: \"Bill\"\n061: \"Susan\"\n062: \"Lewis\"\n063: \"Aaron\"\n064: \"Leopold\"\n065: \"Gordon\"\n066: \"Kimberly\"\n067: \"Dale\"\n068: \"Julie\"\n069: \"Randy\"\n070: \"Vladimir\"\n071: \"Fred\"\n072: \"Leon\"\n073: \"Marcus\"\n074: \"Ernest\"\n075: \"Mario\"\n076: \"Able\"\n077: \"Wesley\"\n078: \"Howard\"\n079: \"Mickey\"\n080: \"Sarah\"\n081: \"Angelicka\" [This name appears to be misspelled. Unknown if this was intentional.]\n082: \"Tony\"\n083: \"Andrew\"\n084: \"Dorothy\"\n085: \"Stephen\"\n086: \"Clarence\"\n087: \"Homer\"\n088: \"Nathan\"\n089: \"Maximilian\"\n090: \"Joshua\"\n091: \"Ralph\"\n092: \"Rodney\"\n093: \"Bruce\"\n094: \"Eve\"\n095: \"Phillip\"\n096: \"Alexander\"\n097: \"Chad\"\n098: \"Ruth\"\n099: [Label is torn, no name remains except for the letter G]\n100: \"Gary\"\n101: \"Ronald\"\n102: \"Kyle\"\n103: \"Antonio\"\n104: \"Elizabeth\"\n105: \"Isaac\"\n106: \"Dennis\"\n107: \"Chris\"\n108: \"Anthony\"\n109: \"Frodo\"\n110: \"Lawrence\"\n111: \"Victor\"\n112: \"Brenda\"\n113: \"Albert\"\n114: \"Russel\"\n115: \"Curtis\"\n116: \"Pamela\"\n117: \"Samuel\"\n118: \"brandon\" [Note the lower case first letter. Reasons unknown.]\n119: \"Michelle\"\n120: \"Jesus\"\n121: \"Walter\"\n122: \"\u0411\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0441\" [Russian name, translates to Boris]\n123: \"Melissa\"\n124: \"Justin\"\n125: \"Jeffrey\"\n126: \"Gerald\"\n127: \"Anna\"\n128: \"Vincent\"\n129: \"Lloyd\"\n130: \"Nicole\"\n131: \"Allen\"\n132: \"Frank\"\n133: \"Jacob\"\n134: \"Patricia\"\n135: \"Joel\"\n136: \"Harold\"\n137: \"Derek\"\n138: \"Amy\"\n139: \"Douglas\"\n140: \"Lenny\"\n141: \"Rebecca\"\n142: \"Scott\"\n143: \"Glenn\"\n144: \"Henry\"\n145: \"Carlos\"\n146: \"Mary\"\n147: \"Normal\"\n148: \"Eric\"\n149: \"Dave\"\n150: \"\u8087\" [Japanese name, translates to Hajime]\nNote from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Just some \"points of interest\" here.\n\nDisks one through twelve apparently contain all of the pornography on the internet. With all that there is, I can see why whoever made these got the porn out of the way first.\nDisks 85, 86 and 101 contain image-hosting sites such as Imageshack and Photobucket. Myspace is also on Disk 85.\nDisk 30 seems to contain the Google home page and nothing else. The rest of Google's website seems to be scattered all over the place. I've only found a few parts.\nDisk 119 has emoticons. Millions and millions of emoticons. Forums, instant messengers, and from other places.\nAfter looking long and hard, I have found that [REDACTED] can be found on Disk 76. I find it very disturbing that this disk has the same name as SCP-076.\n\nNotes from Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-335-085 and 058 are the same name, spelled differently. The name \"Ryan\" is used on both SCP-335-032 and 033. SCP-335-028 is named Heath, and that one actor that OD'd on pills, he died at age 28. Vladimir Lenin was born in 1870 and SCP-335-070 is named Vladimir. The name on SCP-335-150 is Japanese and roughly means \"beginning.\" I'm assuming that SCP-335-120 is the Spanish name \"Hay-suse\" and not the biblical guy, but I guess you never know. And I agree with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that it's pretty disturbing that SCP-335-076 has the same name as SCP-076.\n\n\u00ab SCP-334 | SCP-335 | SCP-336 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-336\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-336 is to be provided living quarters 6m x 6m in size, maintained regularly. This maintenance, as well as all other tasks requiring direct contact with SCP-336, are to be carried out exclusively by female personnel. SCP-336 may make requests for furnishings or items; however, approval of these requests is contingent on SCP-336's cooperation with personnel and subject to the project's head researcher's approval. Requests for access to anomalous or dangerous items are to be denied.\nA voice modulator device, fitted over SCP-336's mouth, is to be checked and maintained by Level 0 personnel weekly. The modulator may be unlocked with a six-digit combination provided to personnel level 2 and higher for the purpose of testing SCP-336. In the event of the device's failure or unintended deactivation, local lockdown procedures are to be respected until SCP-336 has been isolated.\nDescription: SCP-336 appears to be a pale-skinned human female of otherwise Arabic or Middle-Eastern descent in its late twenties. SCP-336 is 1.73m (5ft,8in) in height and weighs 68kg (150lbs) as of its last physical. Subject requires no sleep or sustenance, and does not appear to be affected by aging or sickness of any nature. The object is anatomically human with the exception of dermal irregularities along the thighs and calves, which appear structurally similar to reptilian scales.\nSCP-336 behaves impassively and detached with regards to human beings and demonstrates highly introverted behavior. The subject is highly intelligent and analytical, having scored in the 95th percentile or above in most intelligence tests. A noticeable improvement in attitude is observed when SCP-336 uses a mirror, as the subject has been noted to be highly narcissistic, and has a tendency to spend long periods of time admiring its reflection.\nHuman subjects directly exposed to the unobstructed vocalizations of SCP-336 experience one of two effects depending on the presence of a Y chromosome in the subject's genome. Subjects lacking a Y chromosome and possessing otherwise healthy reproductive systems will experience inexplicable infertility. The duration of this infertility varies, but is directly proportional to the length of exposure.\nSubjects with a Y chromosome experience a separate anomaly that presents itself after 2-3 hours of exposure to SCP-336's voice. During an affected subject's next regular sleep cycle, he will instead enter a coma 6 to 8 hours in duration in place of normal rest. Over the course of this coma, approximately 100 grams of non-essential tissue (typically from the subject's rib cage) will separate from the subject seamlessly and inexplicably increase in mass, transforming into a full-grown instance of SCP-336-1 before the subject awakens.\nInstances of SCP-336-1 are various adult female organisms formed from disparate anatomical elements selected seemingly at random from two or more genetically unrelated vertebrates. 90% of instances incorporate elements from two or more of the following species: Homo sapiens; Aquila fasciata (Bonelli's Eagle); Vipera ammodytes (Sand Viper); Panthera leo persica (Asiatic Lion); Bos primigenius (Aurochs - extinct); Equus ferus przewalskii (Mongolian Wild Horse); and an unidentified subspecies of Capra aegagrus (wild goat). Current findings suggest that the genetic makeup of the affected subject directly correlates with the composition of the corresponding instance; research is ongoing. The majority of these hybrids are not anatomically viable and typically expire within two weeks. Surviving instances are irrationally violent and demonstrate no evidence of higher intelligence.\nSCP-336 has demonstrated mild disdain for instances of SCP-336-1, and has been reluctant to discuss both the organisms and the means of their creation. As SCP-336 has been otherwise cooperative with Foundation personnel, the reason for this behavior is unknown.\nAddendum 336-01: Recent experimentation has identified an irregularity in the object's effects on subjects whose Y chromosomes exhibit the Cohen Modal Haplotype. Instances of SCP-336-01 formed from such subjects are exclusively Homo sapiens, with no hybridized anatomy. Additionally, these instances demonstrate intelligence and limited innate knowledge, including fluent speech in the subject's native language. Two of these instances have been retained for long term study.\n\n\u00ab SCP-335 | SCP-336 | SCP-337 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-337\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-337 is to be kept within a steel-reinforced 0.5 m thick polished cement containment chamber at all times. Chamber walls must be inspected weekly for cracks and re-sealed as needed. Access will only be available via two-stage vaulted steel door system with a seal tolerance not to exceed 100 \u00b5m. Antechamber between the doors is to be fitted with multiple remote-operated liquid propellant flamethrowers. Both chambers are to be externally monitored with wireless security cameras. Damage or repositioning of cameras should be reported immediately. A self-contained, water-recycling shower system will be positioned at the far end of the internal chamber. The system's water supply and filters are to be changed on a monthly basis.\nPersonnel assigned to SCP-337 must maintain all head and body hair at no longer than 4 cm, and will submit to regular full-body inspection to ensure compliance. Any personnel entering the chamber must be escorted by two guards armed with portable flamethrowers. Following Incident 337-A, Class D personnel involved in testing must be strapped into a restraining gurney and sedated prior to entry.\nOnce per week, one Class D personnel will be stripped of hair measuring longer than 5 cm using the Solomon technique. An attendant must immediately deliver the hair into the chamber and permit the object to \"feed\". During this time, the attendant will sweep the floor clean of shedding using a standard broom and dustpan; following Incident 337-C, vacuum cleaners are not permitted for use within 15 m of SCP-337 containment unless specifically authorized.\nDescription: SCP-337 is a large conglomeration of human hair weighing approximately 60 kg at last measure. The object's shape and dimensions are tremendously variable. SCP-337 is fully animate, capable of a wide range of locomotion, and can exert force in excess of 18 kN. It also seems to possess some level of sentience, although attempts at communication have thus far met with limited success (see Incident 337-B).\nThe object is able to manipulate any hair directly connected to its central mass, with precision down to the individual strand. The method by which SCP-337 mobilizes its components is still under investigation. Analysis of filaments attached to the object has shown them to be identical to regular human hair, and strands that are periodically shed from the object are similarly normal, aside from being drained of pigmentation. Filaments display typical tensile strength and can be easily damaged by fire, blades, or consumer-grade chemical clog remover.\nAlthough it displays no obvious sensory organs, SCP-337 is highly aware of its surroundings, and may even possess perceptive abilities exceeding those of humans. For the most part, these senses are tuned toward detecting and acquiring its principal form of sustenance: fresh, human hair.\nWhen a human being with any hair measuring longer than 5 cm comes within approximately 30 m of SCP-337, it enters what could be described as a \"predatory\" state, rapidly braiding together several dense tendrils of hair in the direction of its prey. The object's range of perception seems to be unhindered by the walls of its containment chamber.\nThe object will then close in on its target at great speed, attempting to overtake and envelop it. When successful, SCP-337 restrains the subject's limbs and begins to \"harvest\" all hair of sufficient length from the body. Hair is painlessly removed from the dermis at the base (root included), and is immediately incorporated into the object's mass via knotting or weaving. Patterns of bruising, bleeding, and sebaceous eruption on subjects following feedings suggest follicles are partially loosened from the inner sheath prior to extraction. This appears to sometimes accelerate hair regrowth even in regions where it is typically stunted; to date, researchers have failed to replicate this effect artificially.\nWhile SCP-337 was found in a filthy state at time of recovery (See Addendum), it has since demonstrated a preference for cleanliness. Not long after initial containment, the object managed to escape its temporary enclosure through a narrow (2 cm diameter) wiring duct. It was discovered on site several hours later in the fourth floor women's washroom, where it emerged from a drain and consumed the hair of two showering researchers. A security team arrived shortly thereafter to find SCP-337 under a running shower tap, lathering itself with shampoo left behind by the women. Once containment was reestablished, SCP-337's enclosure was fitted with its present bathing accomodations and a supply of hair conditioning product. The object's rate of shedding has since decreased dramatically.\nNote: SCP-337 may seem to prefer \"live feedings\", but it will still readily consume hair that has already been removed from a human host, provided the follicle is intact and the root has only been detached for a few minutes. We have established a means of accomplishing this extraction just as effectively, if not as painlessly, as the object's method. To limit risk of cross-contamination, Class D personnel should only be exposed to SCP-337 for approved testing purposes. Requests by personnel to be deliberately exposed for feeding are preemptively denied. \u2013Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum: SCP-337 has demonstrated the ability to grow well beyond its present mass through the accumulation of additional hair. It was discovered in the plumbing system of a large nursing home facility in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Pennsylvania in 19\u2588\u2588, after Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 noticed a story entitled \u201cSewer Snakes\u201d Scalp Senior Citizens in a local newspaper. A team was dispatched to investigate under the guise of a fumigation contracting company. After evacuating residents to another facility, agents cut off all water and sewage lines in the building, monitoring sink and shower drains for any sign of the object.\nWhen a portion of SCP-337 finally emerged, it attempted to couple with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's cranium, only to be intercepted by his weapon's bayonet. The tendril immediately retracted into the drain, after which time the object was not sighted again for more than forty-five minutes. Coordinated deployment of chemical clog remover forced the object to exit through pipes in the facility's basement level utility room, where several agents were on hand to apprehend it with portable flamethrowers. However, the agents were unprepared for the sheer size of the object, which quickly filled the lower level of the building. In the confusion, a sizable portion of SCP-337 was ignited.\nThe resulting blaze spread quickly throughout the facility. Most on the upper floors were able to flee the structure before it collapsed, but \u2588 agents did not escape in time. SCP-337 managed to extricate its remaining mass through the building's ventilation system, shedding burning components as it went. When it finally amassed in the facility's parking lot, it was estimated to be over \u2588\u2588 m (\u2588\u2588 ft) tall. Surviving members of the intervention team converged around the object and successfully corralled it within the lot using flame propellant until support arrived. By the time SCP-337 was contained, it had lost more than 90 percent of its original mass.\nThe fire and subsequent destruction of the nursing home was officially blamed on faulty wiring, and damages were settled out of court. Displaced residents were transferred to a Foundation-operated nursing facility, where amnesiacs were administered as required and [DATA EXPUNGED] without incident.\n\n+ Incident 337-A\n\n- Incident 337-A\n\nPersonnel involved: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Solomon, D-28803\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDescription:\n\n10:26 AM: Dr. Solomon and two guards enter antechamber of SCP-337 containment area escorting D-28803 for scheduled testing. D-28803's hands and ankles are cuffed. He is moderately uncooperative, pleading not to be taken into the chamber. Rumors of a \u201chaircut monster\u201d are widespread among Class D personnel on site.\n10:27 AM: Dr. Solomon assures D-28803 that he is completely safe. She firmly reminds him that his cooperation is beneficial to them both.\n10:29 AM: All personnel enter inner chamber. SCP-337 has already extended several tendrils in direction of D-28803. D-28803 shouts multiple expletives, attempts to move toward exit, is restrained.\n10:30 AM: SCP-337 closes in on D-28803. D-28803 produces a small pair of shears that had previously been hidden in his waistband. D-28803, still cuffed, wrests free from guards and lunges at SCP-337, screaming.\n10:30 AM: D-28803 thrusts shears into SCP-337, managing to sever one of the object's tendrils. SCP-337 recoils as if in pain.\n10:30 AM: SCP-337 envelops D-28803. Dr. Solomon shouts something unintelligible to guards. A muffled cry is heard, followed by a wet-sounding thump.\n10:31 AM: Guards engage pilot lights of flamethrowers. SCP-337 retreats, disentangling itself from its host. D-28803 collapses to the ground. Body is hairless. Shears are buried up to the handle in center of D-28803's forehead. Dense hair later discovered in nostrils, trachea, lungs, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n10:32 AM: Personnel exit containment chamber with corpse.\n\n+ Incident 337-B\n\n- Incident 337-B\n\nPersonnel involved: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDescription:\n\n4:57 PM: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and two guards enter antechamber of SCP-337 containment area. No D Class personnel are present. Object has refused feeding for two consecutive weeks. SCP-337's former handler, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Solomon, was killed one month prior in an unrelated incident.\n4:58 PM: All personnel enter inner chamber. SCP-337 is spread out in a loose pile in center of room, braiding and unbraiding three tendrils. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 approaches object.\n4:59 PM: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 extends a large bottle of [REDACTED]-brand \u201cherbal\u201d shampoo toward SCP-337. SCP-337 stops braiding and retracts tendrils into itself.\n5:00 PM: A thick bulb-shaped extrusion of hair emerges at a 45 degree angle from the top of SCP-337. Hair contorts and intertwines on the bulb until detail begins to emerge.\n5:01 PM: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 drops the bottle. SCP-337 has produced a crude but recognizable likeness of the late Dr. Solomon.\n5:01 PM: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 stumbles back from the object. Both guards rush to support him. SCP-337 turns to follow \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, so that the \u201chead\u201d formation continues to face him.\n5:02 PM: The researcher appears severely distraught. \u201cShe's gone, okay! She's gone!\u201d\n5:02 PM: Guards attempt to usher Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to the exit. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 grabs the handle portion of a guard's flamethrower and directs it at SCP-337.\n5:02 PM: Nearest guard punches Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the jaw. He crumples. Guards restrain the researcher and drag him to the exit. SCP-337 remains still, continuing to direct the \u201chead\u201d formation toward \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n5:03 PM: All personnel exit containment chamber. The \u201chead\u201d retracts back into SCP-337, dissolving again into shapeless hair. After a moment, it retrieves the shampoo bottle from the floor and begins to lather itself.\n\nNote: This incident is troublesome for a number of reasons. There is no indication that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was in any way \u201cpsychically\u201d affected by SCP-337, as some have proposed. The man had recently lost a close colleague, and psychiatric analysis after the incident revealed he was much more bereaved about it than he let on. Nevertheless, his reaction to the object's behavior seems illogically severe. It also squandered our first (and so far, only) opportunity to engage in communication with the object. We are fortunate that SCP-337 returned to its former behavior patterns not long after the incident.\nFor now, personnel assigned to SCP-337 should undergo periodic psychological evaluation until we know more. I also recommend rotating handlers for the object on a regular basis, so that no one becomes too \u201cattached.\u201d \u2013Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-336 | SCP-337 | SCP-338 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-338\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-338 is to be activated and constantly monitored at all times, with its broadcasts recorded for later analysis. Every 10 minutes, the channel is to be changed, alternating between the broadcasts at 89.1 MHz, 100.2 MHz, 104.9 MHz and 107.9 MHz. If at any time SCP-338 does not receive a broadcast on one of these frequencies, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is to be immediately notified and the entire frequency band is to be scanned to determine the status of the remaining broadcasts. Only personnel with Level 3 clearance or greater are allowed to listen to, interpret, or analyze data resulting from recordings of SCP-338.\nNo personnel are allowed to spend more than 100 cumulative hours interpreting the broadcast at frequency 107.9 MHz. Any personnel that has reached the maximum number of hours of exposure is to be administered a class C amnestic and returned to the regular workforce as appropriate. All personnel working on data from the broadcast at 107.9 MHz are to be searched before leaving the data analysis center. Any and all data storage devices are to be confiscated and the personnel involved terminated, in order to prevent the possibility of [REDACTED] occurring in this reality.\nDescription: SCP-338 is a portable crank- and battery-powered survival radio manufactured by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Inc. Disassembly reveals no anomalies compared to similar radios, with the exception of 3 small (~1 mm in diameter) drops of solder on the receiver circuitry. Replicating this defect on other models does not result in effects similar to SCP-338. Excepting the anomalous properties described below, SCP-338 functions identically to similar models manufactured by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Inc.\nSCP-338 is capable of receiving anomalous broadcast signals on 11 different frequencies. These broadcasts maintain the same signal strength, no matter the physical location of SCP-338. Each broadcast appears to originate from a greatly different reality. With the exception of the one at 100.2 MHz, all broadcasts appear to be live and transmitted at the same date and time that they are received by SCP-338, as indicated by references to known natural disasters. The broadcast frequencies and a brief description of their general contents are as follows:\n\nFrequency\nContents\nPrimary Language(s)\n\n88.7 MHz\norchestral music, pieces unknown\nTagalog\n\n89.1 MHz\ntalk radio, primarily focused on politics & sports\nmixture of French and Mandarin\n\n91.8 MHz\nreligious hymns and chants, primarily Hindu\nUrdu\n\n94.5 MHz\nrap and tejano music, pieces unknown\nmixture of English and Zuni\n\n97.0 MHz\nheavy static, faint voices heard, content unknown\nunknown\n\n99.3 MHz\nsmooth jazz, pieces unknown\nheavily distorted Korean\n\n100.2 MHz\nemergency broadcast\nLatin\n\n101.7 MHz\nelectronic/dance music, pieces unknown\nunknown/unidentified\n\n103.4 MHz\nminor static, country music, pieces unknown\nSwahili\n\n104.9 MHz\neducation programs\nArabic\n\n107.9 MHz\n[REDACTED]\n[REDACTED]\n\nAlthough the music broadcasts are interesting from a cultural viewpoint, the talk-based broadcasts are the primary focus of analysis. The broadcast at 89.1 MHz references political scenarios extremely similar to those found in the United States of America, but describe actions and events 4-6 weeks before they occur in the Foundation's reality. Although the political situations appear analogous, all names of people and places are different, mostly indicating a French or Mandarin origin. The broadcast at 100.2 MHz is apparently a looped recording of survival instructions, rendezvous locations, and status updates about \"The Great War\", and seems to describe an EK-class scenario caused by the release of SCP-1427. The contents are changed and updated sporadically, ranging from twice daily to once every 3 weeks. The broadcast at 104.9 MHz is a mixture of educational programs suitable for university-level classes, covering topics including electronics, mathematics, biology, art history, literature, and \"star building\". Many of the science topics covered indicate a technological base significantly different from and possibly more advanced than that currently possessed by the Foundation. The broadcast at 107.9 MHz [DATA EXPUNGED], which constitutes a major security breach in the event of [REDACTED]. Although the physical modifications necessary to [REDACTED] are not readily available, [DATA EXPUNGED] in no more than 4 years.\n\n\u00ab SCP-337 | SCP-338 | SCP-339 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-339\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-339 is contained at Site-49. The room containing SCP-339 is 5 m X 5 m X 5 m and sound-proofed. SCP-339 is sealed in a sound-proofed container on a 1.5 m pedestal in the center of the room. The room is only accessible through an outer sound-proofed airlock.\nAll personnel entering SCP-339's holding room for maintenance must maintain absolute silence and wear noise-reducing foam-lined boots, available in the airlock. Regular maintenance of SCP-339 is to occur on the 15th of every month, and consists of replacing the degraded sound-proofed container with a new one.\nNo one is to enter SCP-339's holding room for any reason other than maintenance.\nDescription: SCP-339 is a group of tendrils extending off a central mass. It is approximately 50 cm from tip-to-tip, although this is variable. It appears to be made out of weathered copper, but shows a much higher level of durability and independent mobility. The individual tendrils constantly move as though underwater, continually grinding on the sides of any containment, silently pulverizing it at a gradual but constant rate. Because of this, the sound-proofed box it is currently contained in must be replaced at regular intervals.\nAny noise above 14 decibels will cause SCP-339 to become hostile. During this noise and for a length of time equal to 5 times the duration of the noise, any movement within visual range will result in the immediate reaction of SCP-339. SCP-339 will expand by extruding tendrils at an extremely high rate, ensnaring any moving organisms or objects, designated \"targets.\" Once the movement has been restricted, SCP-339's tendrils begin to vibrate at rapidly increasing oscillations until the target is rendered incapable of movement. Note that once a target is ensnared, SCP-339 appears to be able to determine when the target truly becomes incapable of movement rather than merely when it stops moving.\nSCP-339 will then return to its base shape and size. At this point, secretions of blood and a slurry of bone and muscle tissue from the central mass are to be expected. All movements of SCP-339 are completely silent, even at very high oscillations that should produce noise.\nHistory: SCP-339 was recovered in Iran in 1953, during Operation Ajax on the part of the Iranian military. It was found in one of Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq's private collections. After the deaths of the Iranian soldiers sent to secure this collection, the Foundation was alerted and took control. SCP-339 was found in a velvet-draped room on a pedestal.\nA quote from the Persian poet Saadi was engraved onto the pedestal in Persian: \"Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant.\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-338 | SCP-339 | SCP-340 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-340\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-340-1, -3, -4, and -5 are to be communally housed in a 10 m x 10 m x 2.5 m tank, with the water temperature maintained between 25\u00b0C and 30\u00b0C. Anti-depressants and broad-spectrum antibiotics are to be administered intravenously every twelve hours. Medicinal compounds may not be added to the standard nutritive paste without approval. All waste products must be properly sterilised. Any personnel who aspirate water from the containment tank must report to medical staff immediately.\nDescription: SCP-340 is produced by a human-specific virus which preferentially colonizes the nasal cavities. The virus cannot be identified according to the Baltimore classification scheme, leading Foundation researchers to believe it was engineered by parties as-yet unidentified. The presence of genes from both HIV and the SARS coronavirus supports this hypothesis.\nAn incubation period, with a mean duration of three (3) days, occurs upon initial exposure to the virus. Influenza-like symptoms will then develop, and will persist for a mean of seven (7) days before clearing up. An increased production of mucus has been observed in all known cases, and will persist after other symptoms have ceased. Virulence is highest during the first five (5) days of infection, but viral particles have been detected up to a month after exposure in Foundation trials.\nAny time after infection, a high blood concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) will trigger production of SCP-340. When initially produced, SCP-340 is a jelly-like mucus, which exudes to cover the lower half of the face, including the nose and mouth. SCP-340 in mucous form will undergo a catalytic reaction when immersed in water and will set into a bioplastic membrane. The chemical composition of the bioplastic facilitates the [DATA EXPUNGED] process; although it causes SCP-340 to degrade, the process allows the host to breathe underwater. The membrane is flexible, and does not inhibit the host's facial movement. Any tears or holes which develop due to mechanical stress or SCP-340 degradation will be regenerated within thirty (30) seconds due to constant production of SCP-340. Virulence is drastically reduced in this stage, but viral particles have been detected in water samples contaminated with SCP-340; environmental contact may still spread the infection.\nWhen SCP-340 is exposed to air, it dries into a chitinous substance similar to crustacean shells. The water vapour trapped inside an SCP-340-sealed respiratory system is sufficient to prevent premature hardening. The hardening process also destroys its ability to [DATA EXPUNGED], and loss of function is irreversible after approximately two (2) minutes' exposure to air. Once fully hardened, SCP-340 is impossible to remove without inflicting major tissue damage. It is harder than any generally-known organic substance; a standard tungsten-carbide drill bit required more than fifteen (15) minutes of constant use to drill a hole through five (5) mm of dried SCP-340. Research is ongoing into methods for the in vitro culture and harvest of SCP-340 for use in industrial applications.\nAddendum 340-1 - Circumstances of retrieval: On 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, twelve students at a boarding school in [REDACTED], United States, began to produce SCP-340 during a swimming competition. Nine died before a Foundation containment team could be dispatched to the site - five suffocated when attempts to clear airways of hardened SCP-340 failed, two suffocated after attempts to open alternate airways induced hardening of air-exposed SCP-340 in the trachea, and two died from dehydration. Upon arrival, the Foundation containment team quarantined the school until the infection's spread could be determined. Four additional cases were discovered who were not yet producing SCP-340; all seven were taken into Foundation custody. The team then distributed Class A amnestics and followed cover-up procedure Gimel-2 (the \"tragic fire\" scenario). For a brief summary of the seven SCP-340 carriers, now denoted SCP-340-1 through -7, see Document 340-1.\nAddendum 340-2: SCP-340 doesn't kill the hosts' oral bacteria, and the antibiotics can't stave off infection forever. Surgical removal of the hosts' teeth will be safer in the long run than trying to deal with abscesses, bone infection, and sepsis. Do we have a laparoscopic surgeon on staff?\n- Doctor Cairns\nDocument 340-1 - Inventory, SCP-340-1 through -7:\nSCP-340-1: Caucasian male\nAge at retrieval: twelve\nSCP-340 production at retrieval: positive\nNotes: housed at Site-\u2588\u2588\nSCP-340-2: African-American male\nAge at retrieval: twelve\nSCP-340 production at retrieval: positive\nNotes: deceased 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, complications from surgical insertion of feeding tube\nSCP-340-3: Caucasian male\nAge at retrieval: eleven\nSCP-340 production at retrieval: positive\nNotes: housed at Site-\u2588\u2588\nSCP-340-4: Hispanic male\nAge at retrieval: twelve\nSCP-340 production at retrieval: negative\nNotes: Underwent experimental treatment, 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588; treatment failed, SCP-340 production induced; housed at Site-\u2588\u2588\nSCP-340-5: Caucasian male\nAge at retrieval: twenty-seven\nSCP-340 production at retrieval: negative\nNotes: Refused experimental treatment; voluntarily induced SCP-340 production, 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588; housed at Site-\u2588\u2588\nSCP-340-6: Caucasian male\nAge at retrieval: twelve\nSCP-340 production at retrieval: negative\nNotes: Underwent experimental treatment, 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588; treatment failed, SCP-340 production induced; deceased 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, voluntary self-termination\nSCP-340-7: Caucasian male\nAge at retrieval: thirteen\nSCP-340 production at retrieval: negative\nNotes: Underwent experimental treatment, 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588; treatment initially believed successful; deceased 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, suffocation due to unexpected SCP-340 production\n\n\u00ab SCP-339 | SCP-340 | SCP-341 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-341\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The exhibition hall of Reliquary Research and Containment Site-76 has SCP-341 on display for all Research and Command personnel to view.\nDescription: A collection of eleven brass and iron orreries found in a large storage room of a basement at Oxford comprise SCP-341. Each orrery is a rough scale model of a different extra-solar star system, complete with planets, moons and one or more suns in the center. A unique clockwork mechanism under each orrery allows the brass models of planets and moons to spin on axis and rotate around each model of its parent star(s). Testing dates each machine to be between 150-200 years old, but without any specific markings, researchers have been unable to determine who created them.\n\nA design found with the collection that either was never constructed or is simply missing.\n\nThe orrery collection of SCP-341 was set to be released into the hands of a local museum until an SCP astronomer with a piqued interest in the discovery recognized one of the orreries (SCP-341E) as star system Upsilon Andromedae-A (unique for being a \"Solar Twin\" of our own sun with \"Hot Jupiter\" like planets). Further research has matched five of the eleven orreries with possible known extra-solar systems. Including:\n\nBeta Canum Venaticorum\n37 Geminorum\nHD 98618\n18 Scorpii\n\nOne orrery, known as \"the wheel of doom\" amongst researchers, depicts a similar solar system very reminiscent of our own Sol's. Though the planets and Sun themselves are neither near to scale nor spaced proportionately, the presence of seven major planets of our own system is fairly obvious, including Saturn and its rings and the tilted side of Uranus. There are also 5 minor planets included beyond the orbit of Neptune. The orrery is missing a model of Earth and instead has a free Moon roaming through a debris field similar to the asteroid belt present between Mars and Jupiter.\n\n\u00ab SCP-340 | SCP-341 | SCP-342 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-342\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-342 can be safely stored in its case file folder, in an envelope stapled to the inside cover, as it poses no danger so long as it is not actively used. Said case file folder should be kept in a secure file cabinet in High Value Items Storage, and protected by a standard array of biological, chemical, memetic, and physical positive action defenses.\nDescription: SCP-342 normally takes the form of a mass transit ticket for the closest form of mass transportation to its current location. At the moment, it takes the form of a train ticket, departing from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Station. When held by a sentient person for any length of time, it will eventually change form into a transit ticket for a form of transportation its holder desires to use. This transformation always takes place when not being directly or indirectly observed: no recordings of SCP-342 changing form exist at this time. SCP-342 is indistinguishable from any valid transit ticket and may be used as such.\nShould SCP-342 be validated by stamp, have its ticket stub torn off, or be disposed of, it will reform itself into an unused ticket after a short period of time. SCP Foundation personnel should be on site to recover SCP-342 after the conclusion of any field experiments.\nAnyone who uses SCP-342 to board a vehicle is unable to exit said vehicle by any means. Once the vehicle ends its route and ceases movement, the user will disappear from this reality. Users report a mounting feeling of dread prior to boarding the vehicle, which increases during the course of the journey, and culminates in panic-inducing terror shortly before disappearance. Specific phenomena often resemble acute paranoid schizophrenia, and include:\n\nA perception of increased darkness of the sky outside the vehicle (fog, premature night, or, most frequently, dreary depressing weather).\nAuditory hallucinations: most frequently, misperception of normal announcements by drivers and passengers: i.e. an announcement of the next stop is heard as a declaration that the user will never stop.\nNormal objects, such as other passengers and non-threatening items, suddenly taking a threatening tone or appearance.\nAn almost pathological fear of the drivers/conductors/other transit staff.\nStrange occurrences completely preventing the rider from getting off of the vehicle.\nThe absolute knowledge that it is impossible to get off.\nInability to perceive other passengers exiting and entering the vehicle: users report that other passengers appear to simply appear and vanish from their seats, and, in some cases, cannot perceive that a passenger has exited the vehicle, continuing to see them in their seats.\nInability to hear or perceive attempts to calm or reason with them.\n\nAlthough the most acute experiences are limited to the user only, bystanders (including agents assigned to observe the subject) do report feelings of uneasiness, and will be compelled to exit the vehicle early, seeking other means of transportation.\nAddendum 342 A: Object was discovered in Chicago, during 1936 by [DATA EXPUNGED]. Case was reopened several years later, as it was hoped that advances in technology would allow for a deeper understanding of [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 342 B: The importance of retrieving SCP-342 after it is validated for travel cannot be understated: please see report re: \"Dr. Lank Incident,\" in which SCP-342 was not successfully retrieved after validation, resulting in a six-month long containment breach causing the disappearances of several New York City civilians. SCP Foundation personnel are requested and required to use any means up to and including: impersonation of a peace officer, intimidation, and threats/actual use of deadly force to retrieve the item.\nAddendum 342 C: Agent [NAME REDACTED]'s Report: Our first experiment with the ticket had a Class D personnel member enter onto a bus using the object. We stationed agents at each of the stops to observe his behavior without actually entering onto the vehicle (a precaution in case everyone who got on was in some way affected; the old reports were vague in this area). Many times he simply sat in place, or paced up and down the aisles. Increasingly he began to stare outside in horror, and the last few times we could not locate him. At the final point before the bus was to be parked for the night, we saw him pounding on the window with a pleading expression, screaming towards the agents for help as it pulled away, a strange mist filling much of the background behind him.\nAs we could not draw many conclusions from this event, we decided to track down some of the passengers and interrogate them, to hopefully shed some light on what happened. Many were hesitant to talk or claimed that they did not notice anything, saying they were preoccupied by something or distracted by illness, aches, or feelings of foreboding. We finally found some useful information from three boys (one 15-year-old (Caucasian) and two 16-year-olds (Hispanic)) who were riding the bus near the front for part of the trip. We were told that our test subject had tried to leave several times, but his pulling on the stop bell was always ignored, and the doors seemed to close right before he could get out. He would run and just not make it, or walk from a distance and get manipulated into the back of the line. Finally he sat right at the head of the bus so he could be close enough to get out in time, but every chance he got, there were too many people swarming on or off for him to leave.\nSomething about this event seemed to bother the boys. One of them was particularly irritated, but could not explain the source. Under hypnosis, he described what to him was a moment of pure dread, that he had seen a few people in the crowd of passengers actually push the man back on, subtly hold him back, or trip him, all while staring ahead innocently, like they didn't even notice that they were doing it. Finally, after shouting at the driver that he wanted to get off for a good ten minutes (which the driver ignored, aside from requesting that the subject sit still and be quiet), the man went back to his seat, apparently giving up in despair. Two of the boys said that the man actually shrieked and stumbled back to his seat in fright when the driver turned around at him. The other didn't realize that the two were in conflict, which is contrary to his usual habit of avidly looking for and watching fights on the particularly rough inner-city buses.\nAfter going back to his seat, the boys said they promptly forgot about the subject, most likely because he was not struggling anymore. The next time they saw him he was three seats back, then five, then seven, but at no point could they recall seeing him stand up from his seat to move further back. This was all they could tell us, and it seemed to cost them plenty to even reveal this.\nOn a side note: at the end of our session, the youngest teen screamed, \"It was like it swallowed him in the end!\" and promptly had to be hospitalized for extreme psychosis.\nAddendum 342 D: Subway Experiment Two: NOTE BY SUPERVISING OFFICER: Subway Experiment Two was the first time we had an observer alongside the passenger. Agent Strahm paid attention to the smallest details of the Class D personnel's behavior, took various fluid samples, and tested organs, mostly the heart and brain, until the man became too aggressive to examine. He also recorded an excellent log of all subjective and objective events. Since the physical examinations provided no special signs, except that the subject was in the midst of a typical nervous breakdown, said information has been placed in Document 342-D Alpha. Only the most relevant information has been included here.\nThe two men bought passage, the prisoner presenting the ticket. Immediately, he became aggravated and said to the person accepting his ticket, \"What did you say to me, bitch? Are you threatening me?\" He was quickly hurried along to avoid an incident, and was almost immediately separated from the agent accompanying him by a pair of security guards. Agent Strahm reports that the guards appeared to be in a trance and attempted to separate him from the user, softly chanting, \"One at a time, please.\" Nevertheless, he managed to push his way through by force, although he was forced to knock down one officer who attempted to interpose himself between Agent Strahm and the door.\nOn the train, the user became very quiet: surprising, as he was one of our most violent D-Class personnel. Agent Strahm continued testing and interviewing until the prisoner said softly, \"Let me off this fucking train.\" Agent Strahm said that they could leave after a few more hours, at which point the user became insanely aggressive, and began jumping up and down, off the walls, and swinging on the bars and holders, while howling like a primate. Agent Strahm knocked him out with a blow to the head from his truncheon and handcuffed him to a pole. To assuage civilian fears, he held up a badge that said he was a U.S. Marshal and went back to his analysis.\nPhysical analysis indicated that the prisoner had entered a REM sleep state after only three minutes, which is especially unusual in a subject who had been knocked unconscious. After the subject woke up, Agent Strahm made the decision to abort the experiment, and told the D-Class subject that he would help him get off the subway as soon as possible, if he cooperated. Holding him tightly, they attempted to leave, but were prevented from doing so by the crowd.\nAgent Strahm attempted to exit a second time at the next stop, taking the precaution of holding up his badge and ordering all passengers to remain in their seats. Nonetheless, he was prevented from exiting the vehicle by the crowd boarding the train. Agent Strahm reported that the prisoner was almost pulled away from him: he was unable to determine by what means, but claimed that \"the hands that pulled him back didn't belong to any passengers.\" Fortunately, Agent Strahm had handcuffed himself to the subject, and was able to maintain contact with the D-Class personnel, although his attempt to exit the vehicle was unsuccessful. Now in a state of panic, the prisoner clung to the agent like a frightened child so tightly that Strahm had bruise marks on his chest and arms for days, and screamed several times that the handcuffs were \"slipping off.\" In the chaos, Agent Strahm's badge was knocked out out his hand, and he sustained a blow to the side of the head.\nDuring the ride to the third stop, Agent Strahm, in a highly aggravated manner, interrogated the new passengers to find out who had hit him. No one would give him any hint or clues, and many became hysterical at the merest question or touch. One woman began wailing when Agent Strahm grabbed her shoulder, although she was later silenced when he began shaking her vigorously. Security cameras record Agent Strahm throwing a male passenger to the floor and striking another in the face while the D-Class personnel wept and clung to his leg. Given the extraordinary circumstances, the Board of Inquiry has chosen not to reprimand him for this lack of control.\nAgent Strahm made a third attempt to get the prisoner off the train, choosing to take a coordinated approach. Using his radio, he communicated with agents at the next stop, despite difficulty due to static interference. Unusually, both sides said they heard the person talk in a quiet small voice like a frightened child, although both sides reported that they were using raised voices to be heard over the static.\nIt was at this point that the prisoner began beating on the door screaming to be let off the vehicle. Agent Strahm, although sympathetic, warned the user that he would sedate him if he continued. This seemed to dismay the prisoner more than anything else: according to Agent Strahm, he stated, \"No, that's how it started. A lonely dark ride in unknown parts of the country. Travelers and drifters. The unattached. They would fall asleep, with a bottle of booze and oh god, when they woke up they'd still be going. Still be on. Don't you get it? They wake up and even though they slept for hours they still be on, who knows where\u2026\" He then stated his intent to cooperate and curled up in a fetal position, rocking slowly.\nAt the next stop, Agents Macabyern, Cinulure, Smith, and Jacobs (accompanied by Dr. Gunsther, the project head) boarded the subway and began pushing their way through the crowd towards Agent Strahm and the subject. Despite efforts to intimidate the crowd, progress was difficult until Agent Smith fired his weapon into the ceiling and threatened deadly force. The subway car was evacuated of all other passengers and a protective cordon was placed around the subject. Agent Jacobs ordered the driver to shut down the subway; when the driver appeared confused, he ordered that all power to the subway be cut off. SCP Foundation personnel, in the guise of Transit Authority officers, then evacuated the entire train, platform, and station of all civilians.\nAgents Strahm, Macabyern, Cinulure, and Smith, and Dr. Gunsther then attempted to lead the prisoner off the train. Despite all efforts to lead, cajole, and force him off the train, no efforts were successful. Agent Strahm ceased his efforts after the prisoner was threatened with deadly force by Agent Smith, screaming at his fellow agents that, \"He's not holding onto anything, there's some kind of wall.\" Other agents appeared confused, claiming that the subject was maliciously attempting to impede exit by holding onto one of the supporting bars. They continued in this assertion until it was pointed out to them the impossibility that this could take place, given that both of the prisoner's hands were being held by agents at that time.\nIn a last, desperate effort to extract the subject, the personnel attempted to dismantle the subway around the user through the use of cutting torches and power tools. Agent Strahm remained with the subject, while the others exited to help Foundation personnel prepare. While the equipment was being set up and everyone's backs were turned, the doors closed, and the train immediately started up and pulled away of its own accord. The agents did not manage to catch up to it until the next stop, and passengers immediately filed on, despite their commands not to.\nAgent Strahm was later discovered lying on the subway platform 8 kilometers away in a comatose state. One end of his handcuffs was still attached to his own wrist, but the other was empty. Traces of blood found on the metal have been determined to belong to the subject.\nAddendum 342 E: Subway Experiment Three: Possibly due to mental trauma from his loss of Subject D-342-D, Agent Strahm volunteered to be the subject of the next experiment, stating that someone more knowledgeable of our terms and procedures could provide better communication. O5-07 approved this after much pleading from Agent Strahm. Agent Erin and Dr. Haber, both close friends of Agent Strahm, accompanied him on his trip.\nThe ride on the subway started out normally enough, although Dr. Haber noticed that Agents Erin and Strahm appeared to share a closer understanding of the phenomena experienced by Strahm, perhaps as a result of their close friendship. Agent Erin's empathy allowed Agent Strahm to remain coherent and sane for the entire length of the ride, and was able to calmly and rationally talk about seemingly otherworldly events without breakdown of linguistic and mental functions. For this reason, this experiment was the most useful and rewarding, and a full log of the sequence of events experienced by Agent Strahm can be found in the attached documentation.\nOf particular note: Agent Strahm made no effort to leave the subway, or even consider the possibility of doing so. This acceptance of his fate may have allowed an avoidance of mental anguish, as seen in the following log:\n\nDr. Haber: \u2026 All right, we've got what we need. Now, let's try to get you off this thing.\nStrahm: No.\nDr. Haber: Excuse me?\nStrahm: It's too risky.\nErin: We could get separated or hurt. We know what happens every time. Something bad. I'm not taking that chance.\nDr. Haber: But he's doing so well. Maybe that's all it is, a willpower thing. You're keeping yourself together, you're calm, you're composed, it doesn't control you. (excited) That's it! All it takes is a strong will to pass through the gates\u2026\nErin: If there is a test, it's not here, it's at the end of it all. That's where he's going to need us, need our support. That's where it's going to happen.\nStrahm: (quiet)\nDr. Haber: Look, we can't just let him\u2026 Here's the stop. I say we at least attempt it\u2026 for results.\nStrahm (morosely): You'll get your results, all right, Doc\u2026\n(At this point, the three personnel attempted to walk to the door.)\nDr. Haber: Jesus!\nErin: Step back!\n\nIt was at this point that a homeless man travelling on the train hurled Dr. Haber across the room and broke his neck, before being shot four times in the chest by Agent Erin. Foundation personnel waiting at the next platform quickly evacuated them from the train on stretchers. The vagrant died on the way to base, and although transported in a highly secure ambulance, his body disappeared when passing through an abandoned part of town, specifically under a ruin of a train bridge.\nAgent Erin ordered the train evacuated and stated his intention to continue the experiment alone, remaining with Strahm. Hallucinations continued as the trip progressed: Agent Erin reported seeing flickering shadows and strange phenomena, while Strahm reported more overt hallucinations, including Agent Erin's face melting apart to reveal a horned red faced monster, and the very metals and materials of the train beginning to melt like wax and mold and reform strangely. Erin said he found it extremely difficult to think logically or concentrate, but he persevered to stay attached and talking to a increasingly deranged Strahm.\nThis experiment has led to the formation of the idea that the user travels on two separate trains: the first, the four-dimensional vehicle of reality, and the second, a so-called \"shadow train\" that overlaps the first. Both trains move at the same rate, with passengers and personnel perceiving one or the other to various degrees, until the \"real\" train reaches the end of the line and stops moving, while the \"shadow train\" continues. According to Agent Erin, shortly after reaching the end of the line, Agent Strahm began to slowly drift forward towards the front of the train, passing through solid material in the process. When pointed out to Agent Strahm, Strahm became perturbed and began to run towards the back of the train. Upon reaching the mid-point of the third to last car, Strahm began to pound his fist against the air, stating that he was at the end of the train, and \"it's moving, it's pulling out of the station,\" and that he was unable to proceed further. Agent Erin attempted to halt Agent Strahm's progress, but succeeded only in knocking him to the ground, at which point Strahm quickly accelerated towards the front of the train, sliding on his stomach. Fingernail marks were later found in the carpet, where he had clawed at the ground in an attempt to halt his progress. Agent Strahm passed through the closed conductor's compartment door and into the conductor's compartment, where he immediately began to cry out in terror.\nAgent Erin stated, at this point, that he drew his service revolver and attempted a benevolent termination of Agent Strahm, but was unable to do so through the reinforced glass of the conductor's compartment door. His last reported observation of Agent Strahm states that he saw \"a creature, kind of like an enormous spider, but wearing a conductor's hat, looking up from the levers, wrapping Jerry in a web, like a cocoon, and then throwing him through the window, like it was air.\" The creature then turned towards Agent Erin and ordered him to exit the train, at which point Agent Erin lost consciousness from terror. He was later found huddled at the back of the train car with an empty weapon, continuing to pull the trigger on an empty cylinder over and over until the weapon was confiscated from him by personnel.\nAddendum 342 F: Doctor Gunsther's Supplemental Report: We set up several situations to try and discover the controls, parameters, and triggers of SCP-342. First, we used a company bus and a driver that worked for our organization, and had the prisoner as the only passenger. Nothing happened, even though the ticket was ripped before entering onto the vehicle. We attempted numerous other iterations of the same concept: prisoners entering a company bus along with other agents, and we also each had a ticket present to gain entrance. We had them speak of this loudly and obviously, and even denied one agent entrance because he did not have a ticket. Still, the object did not change to resemble a ticket for the fictional transportation system we created.\nNext we had unaware citizens entering onto our bus, using tickets we had previously distributed. Once again, the ticket did not change, and our rider was able to leave at any time. We then exchanged our company bus driver for drivers hired from newspaper want ads. The drivers seemed confident at first, and were very excited about the prospects we were offering them, but when the prisoner came aboard (either on a empty bus or a full one), the driver suddenly became very bewildered and overwhelmed, saying that the controls for our bus were too advanced or new to him, he didn't understand the dashboard, he was \"more comfortable with his own bus,\" and couldn't drive this one, even if the same model bus was used. Attempts to refresh the driver's memories as to the method of operating the bus failed further, until even the steering wheel was considered \"too complicated.\"\nAfter this failure, it was determined to allow the drivers use their own buses. Making deals with the corporations and public departments, in the guise of a higher level government bureaucracy, we had them set aside a special time when they would only pick up the prisoner and when they would stop. Although the bosses were fine with this, when the moment came, the drivers refused to change their routine \"for egg headed paper pushers.\" All of them continued on the preset pathways, saying they were too busy or didn't have the time of day to go different routes just because someone ordered them to.\nFinally, we made a deal with a driver named Bucky Folsworth that he would pick up our passenger along his normal route, and would only switch with another driver (one of our personnel) halfway through. Driver Folsworth was offered considerable compensation, was told that failure to cooperate would result in his termination from employment, was instructed to constantly be in contact with us via radio, and to stop at the fifth stop, park the vehicle, and let one of our agents get on to drive. In hindsight, we realized that perhaps the ticket was luring us closer and closer to this edge, by presenting situations that were so close yet did nothing, in hopes of having us go just one more alteration further, until we crossed the line and allowed it to become fully active.\nWhen the prisoner neared the bus stop, the ticket turned to resemble a ticket to that specific vehicle. After realizing that this would be another doomed ride, several members of our team cautioned restraint and suggested we should send an Agent to accompany the prisoner. The consensus was we did not want to jeopardize a fragile situation that could suddenly fail at the slightest touch. I will admit a personal failing, as I was tantalized by the prospect of having one of our own be in control of the phenomena, and the vitally important data that could be gathered.\nUnfortunately, our giddiness and desire not to mess with a very important, perhaps once in a lifetime chance, only damned another person. When the bus driver reached the fifth stop, he halted the vehicle as instructed. However, as he attempted to leave his seat, the brakes on the vehicle failed, allowing the bus to speed down the hill, crushing a little girl crossing the street under its wheels. At first we thought this was an attempt by SCP-342 to lash out against us, at having outwitted it and kept the prisoner out of its grasp. Shortly afterwards, we realized that the important fact was not that the child was killed, but that the bus was still moving, and Driver Folsworth was still in command of the vehicle.\nWe tried to get into communication with Bucky but he refused to talk. We thought maybe this was because he felt guilty for the death of the child and was worried he was going to be punished, so we tried to reassure him that if he stopped now, there would be no repercussions. At this we got the first word from him, a simple \"No.\" We knew then that we would have to use physical force to halt the bus. Setting up roadblocks and tire treads, we punctured two of the tires, and temporarily managed to tip it over on its side. However, he still somehow managed to go onto the highway and at one point we lost him when he went under the road. When he was found again, he was speeding, going at least 130 miles per hour in the middle of traffic in the opposite direction. At this point, he was a danger to the entire populace, not just the prisoner.\nWe told local law enforcement to stand down, and chased after him with cars and helicopters. The last statement we got from him was, \"I'm not pulling over. I'm a driver and that's what I do. That's my purpose. I don't need to switch. I can get him where he's going!\" After this, he shot off the freeway into open space for about 10 seconds, before crashing into another lower lane. We don't know if this was intentional or not, as at the same time he veered towards the sides and headed towards the rails at a slant, a bullet was put into his head by an aerial sniper. From reports, the bus hit the ground and exploded into a fiery blaze. There were no survivors, and many bodies were never discovered or declared missing.\nOne report from a bystander (26 year-old woman driving in the next lane over who was suspended upside down by her seat belt and sustained a blow to her head from the crash) is of particular interest. She states that she saw a second identical bus rise out of the smoke and pull aside the wreck. It opened its door with a large mechanical sound and waited there for a few seconds, until out of the flames came a single burning silhouette shaped like a human corpse. This corpse was said to have entered the bus and sat down, which then pulled away, smoothly navigating the pileup before disappearing.\nWe tried the same parameters (real vehicle, real passenger, real driver who knows what's going on and is in contact) three more times, but with trains this time. We also had agents stationed at the train each time. However, the same mix-up happened over and over again: the prisoners inexplicably went on the wrong (unsafe) train, even if it was clear which one to enter. Somehow they got disoriented in the mob and entered the incorrect train, one with no personnel, safeties, or special equipment on it. From my assistant, Dr. Haber's log (following his recovery from his prior accident):\n\nDr. Haber: Ok, so you're going to go on that train over there.\nPrisoner: Ok.\nDr. Haber: Just present your ticket and get on. There will be a man in a black suit waiting for you near the end.\nPrisoner: I get it already!\nDr. Haber: All right, go\u2026 No! To your left!\nDr. Rubert: Don't get on! Stop!\nDr. Haber: Fuck!\nDr. Rubert: Goddammit! Package lost\u2026 DAMN it! Fucking sonova\u2026\nAgent Ogel: Damn it, you morons, you were supposed to TRACK him! What the hell were you doing!?\nDr. Haber: We WERE tracking him, we just lost\u2026 shit shit shit\u2026\nDr. Rubert: What a senseless waste.\n\nAddendum 342 G: Cessation of Experimentation Order: Somehow in the course of the most recent events, Dr. Haber got his neck stuck in the door when trying to help one of the subjects exit the train. As the train pulled away from the station, he was decapitated when it went past a jutting stone ledge. Because of this and the other unmitigatable casualties that happen after every normal experiment (one test subject per experiment), we have decided to end our research. O5-08, upon our urging, has invoked Statute 62, meaning that no other teams can perform trials on the object without our permission or the overruling of all twelve Overseers. We have decided to grant permission if they come to us with a novel test idea, one that has not been done before, as the usual experiments only waste lives and grant us no additional information.\nOn a related note, several civilians have been buzzing on the topic of a haunting: specifically, some kind of specter on the train systems that carries a mysterious bundle in its lap while riding the trains, roughly the size of a human head. We have taken in several witness, but under no amount of hypnosis and drugging could they give a description of the apparition's face, saying it was obscured by darkness, or tell us what was beyond the shoulders at all.\nAddendum 342 H: Excerpt from Dr. Gunsther's Personal Log: Doctor Joahnes Getrim has disappeared from his house today. You can't escape, in the end.\nA year ago, we tried an experiment where the ticket would be torn but the rider would not get on. Doctor Getrim decided to be the one to redeem the ticket, and immediately afterwards, hand it to an agent and walk away to a special on-site protection zone, keeping a journal of his experiences. The journal (attached to the file) speaks of severe anxiety, neurosis, fear, and paranoia. He had unrelenting fear of roads, and often spent the night on-site so he would not have to leave.\nAfter several weeks of not leaving work, and suffering the mental and physical results of that, he was sent to a psychologist for review. He brought up his research, and asked to be quarantined, for his own safety and others, but the way he went about his plea prejudiced many against him, and sent a ripple of disgust over his pathetic antics through the office. His tactics backfired and instead he was merely shunted off to some small project not even directly involving SCPs.\nThe entire group was becoming more and more fed up with him, arriving late, sweating profusely, and looking disheveled because he had walked the whole way, refusing to accompany any field work that involved getting there by transportation, and especially at his habit of always requesting rides home, both for personal reasons and because his car (a brand new Mercedes) kept breaking down on the way home. After attacking a tow truck driver with his own wrench for telling him he should take a bus home, he was dismissed for an undecided amount of time and confined to house arrest.\nThis morning, thick tire tracks were found on the suburban street where he lives. He was reported missing by his wife, who remembers hearing him say, \"Well, I guess it's time to go.\" Neighbors report being woken up by the loud sound of a door opening and the sound of a large vehicle driving away. A suitcase, filled with his clothing, was found by the side of the road. Had he accepted his fate in the end enough to pack? Either way, he apparently didn't need it where he was going.\nAddendum: 342 Eye: Excerpt from Dr. Clef's Personal Log: At the risk of sounding melodramatic, SCP-342 has finally taken out its oldest arch-nemesis.\nThree days ago, Dr. Gunsther and I were going through some of his old files for archival, when he came across the file for SCP-342. Gunsther removed 342 from its envelope and laid it on his desk as we discussed the object's history, as well as his own regrets for the number of lives senselessly lost in the research on this project.\nOur discussion was cut short by the fact that we had made an appointment to watch a showing of \"Repo: The Genetic Opera\", with Doctors Rights and Kondraki later that evening. I noticed that Dr. Gunsther became somewhat perturbed shortly after presenting his ticket at the door, and asked me to go on ahead and save his seat for him. He arrived shortly after and sat down next to us, although he seemed preoccupied and distressed throughout the show. Given the subject matter, I believed this to be a normal reaction to the grotesqueries on stage.\nAfterward, as Kondraki, Rights, and I discussed retiring to a bar for drinks, Doctor Gunsther stated that it was time for him to leave. Handing me an envelope and warning me to keep it safe, he thanked me for a splendid evening and wished me the best in my future endeavours. He then boarded a taxi cab, which sped off unusually quickly into the night. Upon opening the envelope, I noticed that there were two identical tickets for his seat at the musical, one of which transformed into a twenty-dollar bill as we approached a trendy bar with a twenty-dollar cover charge.\nRealizing what had happened, I then proceeded rapidly back to the place where Dr. Gunsther had boarded the taxi and ran back down the street that the taxi had taken, followed closely by my confused colleagues. The street, as it turned out, was an alleyway that ended in a brick wall fifty feet from the street. No trace of Dr. Gunsther has been seen since that time.\nIt is my belief that SCP-342 took the form of Dr. Gunsther's ticket to the musical, redeemed itself at the door, and thus doomed him to the same fate as its prior victims. Dr. Gunsther, upon opening his wallet to purchase a beverage, realized what had happened and returned to the front door to recover SCP-342. Given the SCP's prior murderous history, he must have made the decision not to inform us of the incident, keeping us safely ignorant for the time being.\nWhen I think of the amount of mental fortitude it must have required to remain calm during the musical, knowing his inevitable fate, I am struck with a sense of loss at the passing of an inestimably valuable asset to the Foundation. For this reason, I am requesting that this file be permanently sealed and no further experiments be carried out on this item.\nOne disturbing development: prior reports indicate that SCP-342 can only take the form of a ticket for mass transit, whereas in this case, it took on the form of a ticket for a stage play. I understand that there is a group in the Foundation that is seeking to re-open experimentation on the object in light of these new developments. Further updates as events warrant.\n\n\u00ab SCP-341 | SCP-342 | SCP-343 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-343\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-343 resides in a 6.1 m by 6.1 m (20 ft by 20 ft) room at Minimal Security Site 17. It should be brought any items it requests and visited by at least one staff member each day. Attempts to add further safety precautions or required clearances are unnecessary/impossible due to the nature of SCP-343 (see description).\nDescription: SCP-343 is a male, seemingly race-less, humanoid in appearance with apparent omnipotence. SCP-343 was discovered walking the streets of Prague and detained after a staff member witnessed him disappear from the streets and reappear on a rooftop. SCP-343 is detained willingly in his chamber, as containment has proved impossible (see notes).\nAddendum #343-1: \"SCP-343, colloquially nicknamed 'God' by the staff here, looks like an older man, although his features are different to each observer. In my first talk with him, he claimed outright to be the creator of the universe. When I asked him to prove this, he laughed, walked through the wall of the chamber, and returned seconds later with a hamburger in his hand. When I returned for a second visit, the previously bare cell had been furnished in up-scale, Old English style, complete with a roaring fireplace, and seemed many times larger than it did from the exterior. SCP-343 greatly enjoys speaking with people, and seems to have a knowledge of all topics. Visiting with SCP-343 has become a daily event for many of the staff here, and all employees report feeling generally happier after each visit. Attempts to bar staff below Level 3 clearance have proven unsuccessful, as guards assigned to watch the room quit their posts, saying 'You know He likes company' or shrugging when questioned. Since SCP-343 has thus far been harmless, all staff have been allowed access, and somehow they all have time to meet with him for as long as they need. For now, I leave this report open as further questioning of SCP-343 is ongoing.\" - Dr. Beck\n-[WARNING SL-4 or higher needed for further access]-\nAddendum #343-2: In regards to document 343-1a, there are no relevant records available or seemingly in existence and, similarly, all records of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ever working with SCP-343 or Dr. Beck are missing and presumed non-existent. All staff questioned about the document convey ignorance of Document #343-1a and claim not to have met Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. In a related matter, Senior officer Dr. Beck has requested a higher staff rotation \"\u2026to increase morale in worse-off sections.\" This is a very odd request and was the subject of further investigation. Other localized anomalies such as better health, greater job satisfaction, and lower fatalities in this section have led to the request being granted. This subject is now closed on orders of O5-\u2588.\nAddendum #343-3: Data recovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from routine check of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's network drive:\n\nDocument #343-1a: \"[DATA LOST]\u2026as of [DATA EXPUNGED] 'visitors' of SCP-343 are to be questioned as to their intent and convers\u2026[DATA LOST]\u2026uestions pertaining to other SCP are to be put forth\u2026[DATA LOST]\u2026 orders of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\"\n\nDocument #343-1b: \"[DATA LOST]\u2026apparently my orders have gone missing. This is the last straw Dr. B\u2026[DATA LOST]\u2026all my reports and requests to higher-ups have gone unnoticed. I will confront SCP-343 tomorrow signed Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-342 | SCP-343 | SCP-344 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-344\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-344 is to be stored in Site-\u2588\u2588, in a high-security storage locker, combination changed weekly. Personnel wishing to use SCP-344 for research purposes should contact Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Due to the hazards presented when a can is opened, it is recommended that a remote-control device be used to manipulate the object.\nDescription: SCP-344 is a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-brand manual can opener manufactured some time before 19\u2588\u2588. When an attempt is made to use SCP-344 to open a tin of canned food, there is a probability that, as soon as the top of the can is fully opened, the food inside will be replaced with live versions of whatever the can originally contained. The amount of live material released is equal to how many separate individuals of that given species were required to produce the contents of the can, provided the weight of an individual's remains is above 0.\u2588\u2588 mg. For example, if a can of tuna has the remains of fifty tuna in it, then fifty live tuna will come out of the can. Compressing items like this into a small space causes significant pressure, resulting in the objects being propelled out with some force, potentially causing injury to anyone within the area of effect. Live organisms in a can that is opened by SCP-344 undergo no observable changes.\nDespite the theoretical probability of the effect's manifestation being approximately 50 percent, recorded Foundation tests show a probability closer to 3\u2588.\u2588\u2588% for sentient organisms, 1\u2588.\u2588\u2588% for non-sentient plant materials, and \u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588% involving [REDACTED]. It is also unknown where the live material comes from, as spontaneous regeneration would result in a violation of the law of conservation of mass and energy. It seems most likely that the material is either teleported to the can from existing stocks on Earth, or [REDACTED]. Given experiments in Log-\u2588\u2588, [REDACTED] seems more likely.\nAfter approximately 34 hours, all sentient organisms released from the can will undergo [DATA EXPUNGED]. All sentient organisms should be terminated before this occurs. This does not apply to non-sentient plant materials.\nThe item was brought to the attention of Foundation personnel on February 1st, 19\u2588\u2588, via a news report of a bizarre event in a small \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 town. Sgt. Michael \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had arrived home after participating in [REDACTED]. His mother reported that he expressed a desire to eat some canned beef, which he acquired, and then produced a can opener from his pocket, saying he had acquired it as 'spoils of war', and proceeded to use it to open up the can. Upon fully opening it, a \u2588\u2588\u2588-kg heifer crushed him to death. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had been investigating a separate incident at the time, immediately responded. Upon arriving at the scene and conducting interviews, he soon came to the conclusion the can opener was responsible and confiscated it, replacing it with a facsimile. The original has been at Site-\u2588\u2588 ever since, with the exception of a single [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe heifer that was released eventually underwent [DATA EXPUNGED]. The event and its subsequent cleanup was covered-up as a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 missile strike.\nAddendum:\nOn July \u25885, 19\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to open a can of pork in Site-\u2588\u2588's break room, unwittingly using SCP-344. The can's abilities manifested, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was killed instantly by crushing. While an investigation was launched, it was never determined who placed SCP-344 in the break room. To prevent further 'practical joking', SCP-344 was moved from low-security lockers to mid-security ones, and its password changed weekly instead of monthly.\n\nTEST LOG: SCP-344 [PARTIAL]\nTEST: SCP-344-T5\nITEM: Can of \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588 tuna meat\nRESULT: Sixty-seven (67) tuna and one (1) dolphin (despite can being labeled 'dolphin-free') flew out of the can at a recorded speed of \u2588\u2588\u2588 km/h, severely injuring subject D-2856, who opened the can. All of the animals that came out of the can were incinerated, save for one tuna that was placed in secure cold storage. This did not prevent [DATA EXPUNGED].\nTEST: SCP-344-T6\nITEM: Can containing ~200-nanogram sample of pig skin cells.\nRESULT: After \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempts, test was abandoned.\nTEST: SCP-344-T8\nITEM: Can of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's beans\nRESULT: It took \u2588\u2588 tries before a positive result was achieved, suggesting that the can opener's abilities do not manifest as readily with plants. Surprisingly, instead of shooting out ca. 900 pre-cooked beans as the researchers expected, the can instead shot out 324 separate bean plants, causing minor damage to the containment area and burying the D-class directed to open the can. All but one bean plant were burned. The remaining plant did not [DATA EXPUNGED] as expected.\nCONJECTURE: The fact that there were not 914 separate bean plants suggests that SCP-344 attempts to put beans that were on the same plant back together.\nTEST: SCP-344-T9\nITEM: Can of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cherries\nRESULT: As with SCP-344-T8, it took several more tries than statistically predicted before SCP-344's abilities manifested. Once they did, however, \u2588\u2588 cherry trees exploded out of the can, killing subject D-8234 instantly and making recovery of his remains difficult. Due to lessons learned from SCP-344-T8, the test was performed outdoors, preventing damage to Site-\u2588\u2588, although recovery of the 'escaped' plants took some effort. SCP-344 was slightly damaged by the event, having one of its handles bent out of shape, which was later repaired. The cherry trees did not undergo [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNote: Given its destructive potential when summoning plant matter, SCP-344 is to be moved to high-security lockers. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTEST: SCP-344-T12\nITEM: Can of Human Remains\nRESULT: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nTEST: SCP-344-T15\nITEM: Can of harvested meat from a still-living Berkshire boar\nDESCRIPTION: The boar was placed under surveillance in a room three (3) kilometers from the test chamber. The meat harvested from the boar was ground up and placed in a can, which was then placed in the test chamber. Robotic manipulators were used for this test.\nRESULT: After several attempts, the SCP-344's abilities manifested. The boar disappeared from its room in a burst of emissions from across the electromagnetic spectrum, but not in amounts lethal to humans. At the same time in the test chamber, the boar was seen to launch out of the can, slamming into a far wall. The damage done by the harvesting process was observed to have been completely repaired. Class-D personnel were sent into the room to contain the boar, which was mostly unharmed despite its collision with the wall. As soon as they entered the room, the boar became extremely aggressive, culminating in it manifesting [DATA REDACTED].\nNote: Further testing with still-living creatures is discouraged, unless under heavy containment and neutralization procedures.\n\n\u00ab SCP-343 | SCP-344 | SCP-345 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-345\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-345 is to be kept inside a secure vault at Site-\u2588\u2588. Seeing as the object is inert by itself, no further containment is necessary. Personnel seeking to solve SCP-345 need the permission of one level 2 personnel. SCP-345-1 is to be kept inside a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m sealed room on Site-\u2588\u2588.\nFollowing Incident 345-1, personnel are only allowed to solve one of the six faces of SCP-345; trying to solve all faces will result in reassignment to MTF Epsilon-8 (\"The Midwives\").\nDescription: SCP-345 is a stone cube, whose faces are each divided into nine squares of equal size, and sections of which can be rotated in a fashion similar to a common puzzle toy. Each face of the cube measures 5.7 cm. Instead of the normal six colors commonly found in this kind of puzzle, the squares represent six different materials: an intrusive magmatic rock resembling granite, an intrusive magmatic rock resembling gabbro, an extrusive magmatic rock resembling basalt, a sedimentary rock resembling sandstone, volcanic glass resembling obsidian, and a high-grade metamorphic rock resembling granite gneiss.\nSCP-345 can be opened by forcibly pulling its sides apart. The cube is hollow, possessing a circular cavity 4.5 cm in diameter in its center.\nIf left open for 5 seconds, SCP-345 will automatically close and shuffle itself for two minutes. Afterward, it may be safely handled. Note that it will not be possible to force SCP-345 open after the shuffling takes place.\nSolving SCP-345 is no harder than solving the common versions of the puzzle. However, if one of the faces becomes complete, one of the following situations may occur:\n\nIf the completed face represents one of the magmatic rocks, SCP-345 will heat up to approximately either 1500\u00b0C (gabbro face), 1200\u00b0C (basalt face) or 900\u00b0C (granite face). The amount of time SCP-345 takes to cool down also greatly varies, with the basalt face being the fastest (up to 50 minutes) and the gabbro face being the slowest (up to 250 days).\n\nIf the completed face represents the sedimentary rock, the cube will start shaking violently for up to 10 hours. The sound of either water running or wind howling can be heard coming from inside SCP-345 during the whole process.\n\nIf the completed face represents volcanic glass, SCP-345 will heat up to approximately 900\u00b0C, and will take up to 5 minutes to cool down.\n\nIf the completed face represents the metamorphic rock, SCP-345 will suffer the same process that would happen if the granite face was completed. After cooling down, the cube will proceed to shuffle itself at high speeds, making loud grinding sounds while it does so, for up to 50 hours.\n\nAfter one of the processes is over, SCP-345 can be opened again, and a sculpture made of the same material that was represented by the completed face can be found inside of it. The small sculpture will always be of a planet or planetoid 4.5 cm in diameter. These sculptures do not resemble any currently known planet.\nIf more than one face is completed at the same time, both corresponding processes will occur, one followed by the other. The statue created will be made of both materials; for instance, the sculpture created by completing the granite and obsidian faces at the same time had its \"continents\" made of granite, and its \"oceans\" made of obsidian.\nSCP-345 was recovered by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 days after the eruption of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Volcano in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ecuador. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claims to have found it near the base of the volcano, and took it as a curiosity. He learned about the true nature of the SCP after trying to solve it, suffering third degree burns in the process.\nIncident 345-1 On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, while Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 tested SCP-345, she managed to complete all faces, by not opening the cube once a face was completed. SCP-345 proceeded to rumble for 3 minutes, after which it opened by itself. A small metal sphere, 4.5 cm in diameter, emerged from inside SCP-345, and hovered 3 meters from the ground. Shortly after, the sphere began rotating, accelerating to a rate of 5 m/s. Strong gravitational forces were detected in the vicinity of the sphere, visibly affecting objects up to 15 meters away. Seconds later, a dense orange liquid with an average surface temperature of approximately 4000\u00b0C began flowing from SCP-345, which proceeded to encompass the metal sphere. Afterward, another, denser liquid began flowing out of SCP-345. It also proceeded to encircle the sphere. This liquid continued to flow from inside SCP-345 until the sphere reached a diameter of 2.3 meters, at which point the flow stopped and SCP-345 automatically closed. The resulting sphere was still slowly spinning and hovering above the ground. It was extremely dense, and its gravitational pull was strong enough to severely damage its surroundings. The temperature at the surface varied between 900 and 1600\u00b0C.\n30 minutes later, parts of the outermost \"magma\" began to cool down, solidifying into a thin rock crust. 20 hours later, most parts of the sphere were solid rock, with small \"seas of lava\" flowing between them. Little volcanoes and mountains could also be observed. At this point, a special containment team with heat-resistant equipment was moved in to relocate the sphere to a safer room. The sphere was later designated SCP-345-1. Studies regarding the probability of its eventual development of an atmosphere are underway.\nNote: Although at first we thought that SCP-345 had created a copy of Earth, as of \u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, studies have shown that it is unlikely that SCP-345-1 will develop an atmosphere, and the composition of its \"magma\" is very different from Earth's, containing far smaller quantities of silica and aluminium, and larger amounts of titanium. It is currently unknown if the \"magma\" of other planetoids created by SCP-345 would have a similar composition. Perhaps we should have a D-class complete it\u2026 preferably on an open field. \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-344 | SCP-345 | SCP-346 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-346\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-346 is to be kept in a store-bought birdcage at least 1m in height, and 1.5m in width either way. No locks or additional security measures are required, as SCP-346 is no stronger nor smarter than the average parakeet. SCP-346's cage is to contain at least two water dishes with standing perches, to be refilled daily, and fed a diet of five to six medium-sized live crickets daily. SCP-346's cage also contains one tree branch for perching, scratching, and climbing, one open-top nest (purchased at a commercial pet store) lined with moss, and a string with bright-colored bells on it for entertainment.\nThe bottom of SCP-346's cage is covered with corncob-based, biodegradable bedding and is to be cleaned out and replaced every other week. During cleaning, SCP-346 may be either held by hand, allowed to fly around a room with a closed door, or placed in a paper bag with a book over the end to be held out of the way.\nSCP-346's cage is held in Dr. Rights' office, and may not be moved without her permission. Despite SCP-346's habit of nibbling fingertips and pulling strands of hair, SCP-346 poses no danger upon escape and may be recaptured, gently, with either a net or by hand.\nDescription: SCP-346 is a small member of an unidentified family of pterodactyl- ancient flying reptiles. SCP-346 is approximately the size of a small bat, and has very lightweight bone structure. Although its head, wings, and legs are bare, its main body is covered with a soft coat of fur-like, dark colored down. The origin of SCP-346 is unknown, and was purchased by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in a small pet shop in Brazil, being marketed under the name \"Kongo-mato\".\nThe owner of the pet store claims not to know where SCP-346 came from, having purchased a set of eggs off the black market (of which only one, SCP-346, hatched) believing them to be from a rare species of parrot. Some theories suggest that there may be a large colony of creatures similar to SCP-346 somewhere in South America.\nTesting has revealed that SCP-346 is an adult, but appears to have had its growth somewhat stunted by malnutrition and being raised in a small, cramped cage. SCP-346 is also a male, and has been nicknamed by staff who find the little creature's appearance charming as \"Pterry\".\nSCP-346 behaves in a manner similar to birds and bats, being most active at dawn and dusk, and energetically flying in whatever space it's given, snapping up insects either out of the air or off the ground and branches. SCP-346 chirps and squeaks in a manner similar to birds and rodents, and is most vocal during the evening hours. Some describe this as endearing, others as annoying.\nAddendum 1: After the discovery of SCP-1265, some theories suggest that there may be a large colony of creatures similar to SCP-346 somewhere in South America. However, the existence of SCP-346 implies that these alleged colonies (should they exist) do not possess the same anomalous properties as SCP-1265.\nAddendum 2: It has been suggested that further investigation into the origins of SCP-346 be taken, in the hopes of finding a large colony of similar creatures, perhaps indicative of a surviving member of the pterodactyl lineage, or a rip in space and time.\nSCP-346 should be kept well away from SCP-529, as per request of Dr. Rights.\n\n\u00ab SCP-345 | SCP-346 | SCP-347 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-347\nObject Class: Euclid (With proper counseling, SCP-347 may be considered safe eventually)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-347 is currently kept at Site 17 in a 5m x 5m room monitored by infrared camera, with attached bathroom complete with shower and bathtub, furnished as per request, containing a queen sized bed, several SUMO brand furniture items, two armchairs, a desk and swivel chair, several bookcases and a TV with a DVD player. The bookcases are filled with various books, primarily adventure novels, harlequin romances, and art books. She is allowed DVDs of various movies and TV shows predating her arrival at the SCP facility, and may request new material to be reviewed every so often. Although SCP-347 does not wear clothing much of the time, she is to be allowed a wardrobe of whatever clothes she requests, as well as makeup and wigs for her own amusement.\nSCP-347's room must remain locked while she is within, and at least two staff members must check her door for any sign of tampering every hour. The door may primarily be unlocked to allow staff to and from her room. SCP-347 enjoys company and casually chats and flirts with staff who bring meals and other items, although staff are cautioned from developing too much of an attachment or attraction.\nSCP-347 is allowed to leave the room provided that she is accompanied by at least one staff member of at least Level-2 security and must apply a layer of grease paint to her face and wear gloves, to indicate hands and facial expression. Personnel are urged not to say anything should SCP-347 choose to leave her room nude, and crude remarks are frowned upon. Should SCP-347 attempt violent action or escape, she is to be restrained immediately and returned to her room, with the door securely locked.\nShould SCP-347 successfully disappear from under the staff's nose, infrared 'heat vision' goggles will be dispensed and strange occurrences must be reported immediately as signs of her. For security reasons, SCP-347 is not allowed contact with any other SCPs as of yet.\nDescription: SCP-347 is an adult/young adult female, standing at 164cm tall, and 55kg in weight. Despite being a seemingly average woman between the age of 19 and 25, SCP-347 is completely invisible. This also includes everything inside her body at any given moment, although her waste products and saliva appear once they lose contact with her, but her blood, skin, and hair samples all remain invisible. Testing has confirmed that she has normal eyesight, despite the fact that the cones and rods of the eyes must be visible in order for a human to see. SCP-347 describes herself as being an average female of mixed race, with brown eyes and wavy black hair, and refers to herself as Claudia, although it is highly likely that this is a false name taken from the actor Claude Rains, the lead of The Invisible Man. Her true identity has not been ascertained.\nAside from her invisibility, SCP-347 has no unusual traits other than immense skill in picking locks, theft, and has been observed swallowing small objects in order to turn them invisible, displaying the ability to regurgitate them at will without dispensing all the contents of her stomach as well, a trick she claims she came up with after watching a Stevie Starr performance on a late-night show.\nSCP-347 was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after local news and rumors about a poltergeist inhabiting an abandoned house drew attention of SCP staff in the area. After infrared cameras revealed that she still gave off a human heat signature, SCP-347 was quickly captured and after much deliberation willingly entered into SCP custody, asking for warm food and protection from the elements. It has been theorized that she had been living on the street and in abandoned buildings for several years, although SCP-347 had adamantly refused to discuss such things. Two deaths and several apparent incidences of 'ghost activity' have also been attributed to her.\nWhen first recovered, SCP-347 showed signs of mental instability and violent outbursts, as well as compulsive theft and bouts of refusing to speak for several days on end. Traditional counseling methods have helped reduce the frequency and severity of such issues, and it's theorized that with more time SCP-347 may heal from the trauma of years of not being seen and being completely alone.\nIt has been suggested that SCP-347 be introduced to other SCPs, as human contact appears to be quite pleasing, and she greatly enjoys being acknowledged without being seen as strange. When ignored, SCP-347 does not seem to demand attention, but rather toys with people by rearranging things and hiding things. When left alone with somebody who is sleeping or otherwise distracted, it should be noted that SCP-347 will touch and stroke a sleeping person, tuck in their blankets, and do other small things. SCP-347 has confirmed that this behavior just feels \"right\" although the person it's done to often describes it as \"unnerving\".\nAlthough SCP-347 is invisible in all terms of visible light, she may still be observed via ultraviolet or infrared cameras.\nAddendum: Dr. Rights has requested that all male personnel in contact with SCP-347 politely refuse advances. (See document 347-01)\nDocument 347-01 She's an invisible kleptomaniac. When you leave, afterward, you're going to realize three seconds too late that you don't have your keys in your pocket anymore, and you will be held accountable for whatever happens. Besides, the last thing we need is an invisible pregnancy. -Dr. Rights\n\n\u00ab SCP-346 | SCP-347 | SCP-348 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-348, filled with noodle soup.\n\nItem #: SCP-348\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-348 is to be kept in a standard locker at Site-19. Personnel wishing to conduct tests involving SCP-348 are to obtain Level 3 or higher authorization, and present a detailed list of intended test subjects.\nDescription: SCP-348 is a white ceramic bowl patterned with light blue flowers, measuring approximately 20 cm in diameter and 9 cm high. While no maker's marks are present, the Chinese characters for \u201cthinking of you\u201d (\u60f3\u7740\u4f60, \u201cxi\u01ceng zhe n\u01d0\u201d) are etched into the side of the bowl.\nWhen in the presence of an individual afflicted with a minor ailment or injury (i.e., mild cough, runny nose, scrapes), SCP-348 will fill with soup. While the ingredients present within the soups produced by SCP-348 vary, young subjects (individuals between the ages of 4 and 18) have consistently stated that they enjoyed the meal, sometimes stating that it reminds them of their parents' cooking. Subjects will finish the soup found in SCP-348 if allowed.\nChildren who eat from SCP-348 several times often express a feeling of contentment, stating that though they are eating by themselves, they do not feel lonely.\nAddendum SCP-348-1: SCP-348 was acquired shortly after rumors of a child living in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 apparently possessing remarkable recovery abilities came to the Foundation's attention. Investigation revealed that the child in question originally discovered SCP-348 in the attic of their house, and had come to rely on it after receiving insufficient attention from their parents. The child's parents, both full-time workers, refused to comment on their relationship with the child.\nResulting testing involving children was carried out under the guise of surveys to gauge the success of new food items offered at public schools.\nAddendum SCP-348-2: It has been noted that occasionally, after soup produced by SCP-348 has been consumed, a message will materialize on the inside of the bowl. Words produced on the inside of the bowl appear to be printed on the ceramic consistent with existing markings; the message that appears will be in the language most familiar to the drinker of the soup. After several hours (or when SCP-348 produces another meal), the words disappear.\n\nTesting Log SCP-348-1323-\u2588\nSubject: 8-year-old female, afflicted with sore throat\nBrief Background: Lives with and is on good terms with both parents\nNotes: Subject took approximately 30 minutes to consume soup, remarked later that sore throat seemed to have gone away\nSubject: 10 year-old-male, recently injured self while biking (minor bruising)\nBrief Background: Lives with both parents, often argues with both\nNotes: Message appeared, Don't forget to brush.\nSubject: 11-year-old male, afflicted with slight cold\nBrief Background: Lives with foster parents\nNotes: Message appeared, I'm glad you're happy.\nSubject: 9-year-old female, afflicted with slight cold\nBrief Background: Lives with both parents, said to be prone to tantrums\nNotes: Nothing of note occurred during or immediately after testing, subject stated while she didn't particularly care for the soup after tasting it, she still wanted to eat it. Follow-up investigations revealed that the subject recovered from the cold faster than was expected.\nSubject: 6-year-old male, recently injured self while playing with friends (minor scrapes and scratches)\nBrief Background: Parents divorced, currently lives with mother\nNotes: Message appeared, I'm sorry, son.\nSubject: 7-year-old female, afflicted with cough\nBrief Background: Lives with mother and grandmother, father deceased (traffic accident)\nNotes: Message appeared, I love you.\n\nAddendum SCP-348-3: Testing has revealed that in the event that someone older than 18 years of age attempts to consume soup created by SCP-348, the individual will find that they are less inclined to finish the meal. Some such individuals will remark that \u201csomething is missing,\" most will simply state that the soup was nothing out of the ordinary.\nFurther studies carried out with older subjects indicate that though messages will appear for individuals older than 18, the appearance of the messages is worn and faded. (see testing log)\n\nTesting Log SCP-348-2635-\u2588\nNote: It was observed that though over one hundred subjects were tested, only four individuals received messages from SCP-348.\nSubject: 30-year-old female, afflicted with headache\nBrief Background: On poor terms with both parents. Refused to accept father's offer for career training, currently lives alone\nNotes: Message appeared, Why?\nSubject: 35-year-old male, afflicted with cough\nBrief Background: Parents divorced, visits father and stepmother once a month, does not visit mother on her insistence\nNotes: Message appeared, It'll get better.\nSubject: 40-year-old female, afflicted with sore throat\nBrief Background: Moved away and became estranged from both parents, nevertheless sent money and took care of senior housing for both. Father recently passed away.\nNotes: Subject noted the soup tasted initially bitter, but was \u201cfulfilling\u201d in the end. Message appeared, Thank you.\nSubject: 40-year-old male, afflicted with minor back aches\nBrief Background: Murdered father approximately one year ago\nNotes: Subject tasted and then refused to consume soup, complaining about the taste. Subject later developed mild stomach pains. After the contents of SCP-348 were disposed of, SCP-348 immediately filled with what appeared to be salt water, which remained for three hours before disappearing.\nSubject: 45-year-old male, afflicted with aches due to arthritis\nBrief Background: Happily married, lives with wife and children. Visits father once a week, with family. Mother deceased.\nNotes: Message appeared, I'm proud of you.\n\nDespite the extensive data gathered in testing, it is unknown whether the messages that SCP-348 has manifested originate from the fathers of the subjects, or SCP-348 itself.\nAddendum SCP-348-4: SCP-348 was once used in a test involving a 60-year-old man suffering from a terminal illness. The subject, a grandfather with multiple grandchildren, stated that the soup produced by SCP-348 was \u201cthe best he'd ever tasted\u201d. Following the test, the subject reported feeling a sense of \u201csatisfaction\u201d and noted that the pain caused by the illness seemed to have faded. The subject passed away peacefully a week later.\n\n\u00ab SCP-347 | SCP-348 | SCP-349 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: SCP-349\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-349 resembles a mundane graveyard and poses no apparent threat to the secrecy of Foundation operations or visitors to the site. Current containment protocols are limited to constant remote surveillance, the maintenance of a physical barrier to prevent casual unauthorized entry, and the assignment of a response team to deal with vandalism or other threats to site integrity. Plans exist to expand the site as necessary to accommodate theorized growth.\nDescription: The artifact designated SCP-349-01 is a large granite tombstone, approximately 400 years old. The primary inscription reads \"Nicolas Flamel\", followed by the dates \"1376-1606\". Underneath these inscriptions, there lies the legend \"you have failed\" in large, capital letters. The tombstone is damaged and partially eroded, with several large cracks evident across its face. It was reported by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an amateur genealogist in cemetery plot near Bath, England on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-349 is a cemetery located within a desolate forest clearing 3 km away. It was discovered after a thorough search of the area where SCP-349-01 was discovered. Because of allusions to restricted SCP-related information, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sealed the area and contacted the Foundation.\nThe cemetery is surrounded by a black wrought-iron fence with a single Gothic-style arched gate. Inside are small memorials to a variety of individuals from around the world and from throughout recorded history (and possibly earlier). The area is apparently maintained through unidentified means, as weed growth and natural erosion are both inhibited within the fence's confines. The epitaphs are brief and vicious, and the inscriber appears to eagerly claim responsibility for the death of each individual. In some cases the inscriptions are particularly spiteful or vindictive, and seem to indicate personal animosity between the inscriber and the individual interred (See survey 349-B).\nAn analysis of historical records has been able to confirm the existence of some of the individuals mentioned, often by way of mythology. All substantiated historical personalities appear to have pursued or supposedly attained eternal life, through a diversity of means. This does not appear to include those who were born with immortality, such as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, or races/species such as the [DATA EXPUNGED]. Among those identified are personages who are obscure, hidden, or only known to be unaging to certain esoteric orders, and whose existence is a secret to common knowledge. This includes \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who are known only in Foundation records. Furthermore, the site references a number of famous figures who apparently passed on much later than historically recorded, such as Christopher Columbus, Sir Francis Bacon, and Albert Heim.\nFinally, there exists a small group of buried individuals for which we have no important files or mythology. A few have been tentatively identified as rich or eccentric figures of little renown from many places and times. Full information is available in survey 349-B.\nIndividuals referenced within SCP-349 appear to have lived an average of 100 years longer than the mean lifespan at their time of death. The longest life recorded at the site as of this writing was, through careful study and comparison to ancient biblical gospels, theorized to be that of \"The Wandering Jew\" (750 years). Based on this figure's supposed death, it is hypothesized that [DATA EXPUNGED].\nMemorial materials and design, body preparation, burial style, religious symbolism, and inscription languages all appear to correspond to the era and culture in which the deceased was born. The oldest site identified is a carved pile of elephant bones, fit together with grooved notches and covered in incomprehensible pictographs and tribal marking. The earliest decipherable inscription is in Sumerian, on a simple rock dedicated to \"Ku-Aya the Heart Eater\": \"You sold your clan into slavery and devoured the flesh of your family and received your reward\" The corpses in most graves are in states of decay corresponding to their age, some of the older ones almost dust. Despite the variety of burial methods, close inspection reveals that a majority (~90%) of the plots show scratch marks on the material that was blocking escape, or signs of attempted tunneling to the surface. Nevertheless, each plot excavated so far has a corpse or set of bones afforded to it.\nThe confirmed age of the various plots, the historical accuracy of its allusions, and the demonstrated familiarity of its keeper with classified Foundation knowledge of modern immortals suggests that SCP-349 is not a simple hoax. Containment has been established to facilitate study and to determine if contact can be made with the entity(-ies) responsible for it. Active intervention of these beings is theorized to have been responsible for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as well as the demise of SCP-149-D while in Foundation custody during [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe latter is one of two unique instances where an entirely preserved body was unearthed, although the preservation seems to derive from properties the deceased displayed in life rather than any condition imposed in death. The other instance is the remnants of Calothisosi of Britannica (a little known mythological figure who could apparently withstand volleys of arrows and direct strikes with swords). In both cases, they were found with extreme terror on their faces, and their mouths were twisted as if screaming.\nAddendum 349-A: Deeper within the necropolis, excavators found a crypt holding a series of unrelated corpses placed together deliberately, apparently in a place of honor. Investigation into their identities [DATA EXPUNGED] Strict containment has been imposed to prevent any suggestion of this from reaching the public, as [DATA EXPUNGED].\nInscription Survey 349-B:\n\nNicholas Flamel\n1376 to 1606\nYou have failed.\n\nCount Saint Germain\n1713 to 1901\nNice Trick\n\nTithonus\n-465 to -370\nExactly what you wanted\n\nSir Galahad\n1222 to [damaged]\nPure thy heart shall ever remain\n\nChristopher Columbus\n1451 to 1520\nA whole new world to explore\n\nSir Francis Bacon\n1561 to 1739\nThink of the children\n\nAribert Heim\n1914 to 2008\nA final solution\n\nClassified note 349-C: The legitimate nature of SCP-349 is corroborated by the apparent familiarity of its keeper with classified intelligence concerning extranormal individuals. The following incidents are referenced on a grave marker within the site. Where possible interred remains have been positively identified as the individual mentioned.\n\n[DATA EXPUNGED] individuals the Foundation has previously observed and registered as humans who have achieved immortality. Said individuals had either died bizarre deaths or escaped Foundation surveillance and disappeared. The locations of the other \u2588 are currently unknown. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 have expressed through limited contact that they are being \u201chunted\", and that they do not trust the Foundation to protect them.\nThe identities of all [DATA EXPUNGED] the serum apparently worked, and subjects displayed no adverse reactions until [DATA EXPUNGED]. Apparent paranoia persisted in [DATA EXPUNGED] No corpses were recovered.\nSCP-149-D, a high-powered Keter-class human who had attained apparent invulnerability and immortality after experimenting with springs and fountains located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 designated SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Containment of his holding cell was breached on his 117th birthday, and SCP-149-D was never recovered (presumed at the time to be escaped and at large). DNA recovered from the intact body was verified to be that of SCP-149-D.\n\n\u00ab SCP-348 | SCP-349 | SCP-350 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-350\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not under experimentation, SCP-350 should be contained within a locked storage unit. No personnel other than those undergoing experimentation with SCP-350 should be allowed to sign SCP-350, no matter what might be offered in exchange. Those who have signed SCP-350 should be allowed to fulfill the terms of SCP-350 until the terms conflict with Foundation interests, at which point they should be restrained or terminated as necessary. Any Staff Member above Level 3 caught signing SCP-350 for any reason must be immediately terminated.\nDescription: SCP-350 appears to be a single page contract followed by 49 blank sheets. The contract outlines a basic exchange of a good or service in exchange for a small amount of money wired to a numbered account at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Bank in Zurich, Switzerland. The wording of SCP-350 is different to every reader prior to signature, and the good or service offered is always something the subject has expressed great desire to obtain. The document is also always in the native language of the reader, and conforms to the laws of the nation in which the subject makes their primary residence. Attempts to use video or photography to get an objective image of SCP-350 at this stage have failed, as the text continues to vary from person to person.\nUpon signing of SCP-350, the variable language property of the contract ceases and the text of the contract stays in the language of the owner of the signature on the document to all readers. The subject will invariably find the object or a proof of service shortly after exiting SCP-350's containment unit, always in a location without direct surveillance. Should the signatory of SCP-350 fulfill the terms of the contract and wire the money to the bank account, SCP-350 begins to add new amendments and terms starting from the second page, most of which demand a minor service of some form from the signatory. However, the complexity of the terms and demands increases with the number of amendments fulfilled, eventually reaching extremes including but not limited to: the murder of staff members, the removal of SCP-350 from Foundation containment, and even [DATA EXPUNGED].\nShould the signatory not fulfill the original or new terms of SCP-350 for any reason for a full week, they will begin to feel a noticeable urge to complete the current task. This grows into a compulsion on the order of the 'tics' of those suffering from severe obsessive compulsive disorder. Should the subject be prevented from completing the terms at this point, the subject will begin to lie, steal, kill, and take other extreme actions to attempt to fulfill the demands of the contract. Psychological analysis at this point reveals nothing, as the subject is utterly fixated on completing the task, to the exclusion of all else. If the subject is restrained from completing the task, the subject will resort to constant escape attempts, refusing to eat, drink, or sleep. Subjects will die unless placed on intravenous fluids and forced into a chemically-induced coma. At this point, their metabolism and bodily functions will begin to speed up until the subject dies from either a heart attack or the inability of intravenous therapy equipment to keep up with the metabolism.\n\n\u00ab SCP-349 | SCP-350 | SCP-351 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 351\n\nLevel3\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nkeneq\n\nRisk Class:\ncaution\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All copies of SCP-351 are to be stored on secure Foundation containment databases, with access only available to Memetics Division personnel. If testing is performed, a \"blank\" copy of SCP-351 consisting solely of SCP-351-1 will be used to neutralize the anomaly's effects in the test subject and potentially compromised personnel.\nBots I/O-SHANNON and I/O-MINERVA are programmed to routinely scan online websites for the appearances of SCP-351 copies. Found copies are to be downloaded then removed from the sites under standard online anomaly containment protocols. Mobile Task Force \u03c8-13 (\"EOT\") has been tasked with halting mass memory alteration in the event SCP-351 affects large portions of the populace. Task force agents must follow standard memetic quarantine protocols and are equipped with electronics that display the aforementioned blank copies, which must be viewed on a twice-daily basis.\nTesting to determine the limitations of the anomaly's implanted memories is underway.\nDescription: SCP-351 is an ASCII plaintext (.txt) file containing a virulent memetic agent, which implants false memories visualized as ASCII art1 into human subjects that view the file. The primary component of the anomaly is SCP-351-1, a string of 30 characters which does not correspond to characters in any known encoding standard, which converts the entire file into a memetic vector.\nAdditional text added to the file is the basis for the false memories SCP-351 implants, with the level of detail the text has corresponding to the level of detail subjects can recall from the \"memories.\" All memories are recalled eidetically and are resistant to all amnestic treatments and effects. Copies of the file (SCP-351-A) display the same properties. However, exposing subjects to SCP-351 or a copy of the file lacking text other than SCP-351-1 (hereafter \"blanks\") results in the memory being being replaced by a \"blank\" memory, entirely removing it. This in turn serves as the primary method of removing the memetic infection.\nDespite the clear recall, subjects report that the memories lack the immediacy and richness of their other memories. It is theorised that this is the result of the strings of text the memories are based on inherently lacking the sensory qualia normal memories are based on.\nSubjects memetically compromised by the files (hereafter SCP-351-B instances) are capable of implanting their false memories into persons they associate with, such as friends or colleagues. Conversations of any medium involving an instance will result in the instance discussing memories from SCP-351, turning the conversation into a memetic vector which affects all persons involved in it. These affected persons become further SCP-351-B instances, and can spread the meme in the same manner.\nBeyond the addition of previously nonexistent memories, SCP-351-B experience few other cognitive effects. Instances behave as they would prior to infection when not in conversation with uninfected individuals, and questioning regarding any ways SCP-351 memories conflict with actual memories is met with disregard. Symptoms of lethargy, anhedonia and apathy have been observed in SCP-351-B instances at significantly higher rates of incidence than in the unexposed population.\nAddendum.1: SCP-351 Text Samples\nThe following are excerpts from SCP-351-A instances as they were found at the time of their discovery. Full copies of the file contents are available in Document 351-RT/267.\n\nInstance #: SCP-351-A5\n\nYou were marching through the forest, everything dark except for the flashlights of fellow survivors and the Enemy bombs going off overhead. Their explosions looked like blinding sparks. John's blood was still warm on you and your gun, and every time you looked behind you expected to see him there, smiling like always, but he wasn't there. The napalming turned everything to incinerator heat.\nThe palm trees swayed and broke, cinders going into your nose. The Enemy's soldiers emerged from the canopy, rappelling in and they shot at you. You never felt a more searing, stabbing pain in your life than when the bullets hit your body, the sensation of a thousand fire ants at an open wound. With luck you fell to the ground, out of their sight. The rest didn't. You heard their screams. You only saw the bloodied dirt in front of your face.\nYou knew that the Enemy did this, and for that you hated. You hated the Enemy. At that moment you vowed to fight the Enemy for the rest of your life, and you vowed that you would make the trek to [COORDINATES REDACTED] to train for an eternity of combat with the Enemy. For John. For the survivors. For the world.\n\nRecovery: Found on a computer at an abandoned military complex in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska. Additional files in the area suggested plans to disseminate copies of SCP-351-A5 onto various online forums had been arranged, though had not been performed for unclear reasons.\n\nInstance #: SCP-351-A19\n\nYou didn't drive the car past the red light. It was green, and the street was clear of pedestrians and cars. Your vision wasn't blurred \u2014 you were sober. It was dark but your headlights were on so you could see the road fine. Your wife wasn't shouting at you. Her head was leaning against your shoulder.\nYou saw the other car coming so you could swerve out the road in time. You were on the right side of the road and they were on the wrong side, so you had done nothing wrong. It would've been impossible for your cars to crumple together, for the windshield to shatter, and even if that did happen it would make no sense because you swerved out of the way in time. Your seatbelts were buckled so nobody could've gone through the window. You had no sights of blood. Or glass shards in your body. Or her body.\nYour one year anniversary celebration with her happened the day after. It was a great party. She was laughing, and smiling, and talking about how great of a career her lab work has been. The days after were happy. And so have the months after been. She's been with you the whole time, she hasn't gone off. Four months of joy since the anniversary.\nIt wasn't your fault.\n\nRecovery: Found on the personal computer of Sandra Holt after her suicide on 04/12/2006.\n\nRELATED FILES:\n\n\u25b7 Interview SCP-351-A19/1\n\n\u25bd Interview SCP-351-A19/1\n\nInterviewer: Undercover Agent Sascha Hahn\nInterviewee: Alisya Dean\nForeword: Alisya Dean was a work colleague of Sandra Holt prior to her death, and had become an SCP-351-B instance due to frequent interaction with Holt. Following the conclusion of the interview, Agent Hahn exposed both themselves and Dean to a blank that removed memetic infection.\n\n< BEGIN LOG >\nAgent Hahn: Can I ask some questions about Sandra Holt?\nAlisya Dean: It wasn't her fault.\nAgent Hahn: It wasn't her fault, I'm sure, but I still need to ask some questions. How long had you known each other?\nAlisya Dean: I.. about three years, I guess, since I started working at [REDACTED]. She was a good boss, kinda quiet I guess, but not a hardass or anything, really sensitive. And then she started dating Jane Kysely\u2026 Did I mention her? Her wife. Well, future wife at that time. And then it was like a light went on inside her.\nAgent Hahn: What was Jane like?\nAlisya Dean: I only met her once, except when I saw her at her anniversary party, after she died in the car accident she survived, and I was in the car too. It was a great party. She was laughing, and smiling. She didn't go through a window.\nAgent Hahn: Yes, it was a great party. Uh\u2026 (pause) we're getting off track here. What did she look like, Jane, her wife?\nAlisya Dean: Oh, she was like.. Five two, mousey brown hair, kinda straight up and down, just like a U+007C vertical line, you know? Not my thing but you could tell they were into each other, real sweet. And no glass shards in her body.\nAgent Hahn: No glass shards, right.\nAlisya Dean: None on either of them. Or blood. I never saw blood.\nAgent Hahn: Yeah.. (pause) Sorry, there's something\u2026 you mentioned an accident?\nAlisya Dean: No. I mean, yes. She swerved out of the road in time. Nobody went through a window. That's very clear, that didn't happen. It wasn't her fault.\nAgent Hahn: It wasn't her fault. But\u2026 there was an accident.\nAlisya Dean: Yes, the day before their anniversary. Then they had the party - it was a great party - and then her funeral a few weeks later. And then they had four months of joy, and then Sandra\u2026 committed suicide.\nAgent Hahn: Yes, that makes sense. What was her mental state like in the days before the suicide, at work?\nAlisya Dean: She kept having this one file open on her computer, revising it over and over, and crying. Which was weird, because she'd been having those months of joy. And she was drinking, which was odd too, because she was sober and her vision wasn't blurred - she could see the road fine.\nAgent Hahn: Yes, that's right. She saw the road fine. Her lights were on.\nAlisya Dean: Her lights were on. And it wasn't her fault.\n< END LOG >\n\nAddendum.2: Experiment Log 351/1\nOn 09/01/2007, Researcher Ferdinand Fortier was granted permission to perform preliminary tests to determine the limitations of SCP-351's memory alteration capabilities. Tests would be conducted with Fortier and his research team inserting text into an SCP-351-A instance via autonomous processes, then displayed to a D-Class subject who would be infected and subsequently asked to describe their memories. Blanks would then be shown to the subject and the whole research team, as to minimize the potential for memetic spread.\n\n\u25b7 Experiment Log 351/1\n\n\u25bd Experiment Log 351/1\n\nTest #: 1\nText Used (Summary): A detailed paragraph describing a green-eyed black and white cat, said to be one the subject currently owns.\nOutcome: The subject visualized the cat as being cat-shaped, with ASCII characters forming and outline of its body, fur patterns, and shading. All characters were grayscale except for the eyes, which were \"irises of @ signs.\" The color green was not mentioned, suggesting grayscale visualization of the memories.\nPast tense tests yielded the same results, though with an inability for the subject to describe why they no longer own the cat.\n\nTest #: 2\nText Used: You own a black cat, a striped cat, and a white cat.\nOutcome: The black cat was described as being \"like a hole\" formed from ASCII block characters, the striped cat being a cat-shaped mass of stripes formed from hyphens and similar symbols, and the white cat being an outline of a cat formed from periods and dots. They were incapable of elaborating.\n\nTest #: 3\nText Used: You own a cat.\nOutcome: Subject stated \"I own a cat.\" They were incapable of elaborating.\n\nTest #: 4\nText Used: You will own a cat.\nOutcome: Subject described a lengthy, incoherent memory involving \"reverse blindness,\" feline anatomy, and space travel. Further tests with future tense text yielded similar results.\n\nTest #: 5\nText Used (Summary): The text of Test #1 but translated into Spanish2.\nOutcome: The implanted memory was described to be highly disorienting for reasons that the subject could not identify. The \"cat\" present was described as having \"singing limbs,\" a shape of rapidly changing ASCII symbols, and eyes forming advertisements written in an unclear language. Visualizations were not consistent between different subjects.\n\nTest #: 6\n\nText Used (Summary): A disturbing childhood encounter with SCP-3840, intentionally written to make note of colors, sounds, specific physical appearances, and additional qualia.\nOutcome: When provided with images and information regarding SCP-3840, the subject displayed expected fear responses, albeit with no response when recounting or illustrating their memories. While the level of detail was higher than that of previous tests, the memories continued to possess ASCII art qualities, along with \"hazy\" surroundings and amorphous shapes for objects that weren't thoroughly described. No non-grayscale coloration was described.\n\nTest #: 7\nText Used (Summary): Revised version of the Test #6 text but with a doubled wordcount and further details.\nOutcome: Expected fear responses and a phobia of dense forests displayed, though the lack of \"realism\" from the ASCII art qualities still reduced overall emotional impact. Hypotheses regarding correspondence between the level of detail and the vividness of implanted memories are confirmed.\n\nTest #: 8\nText Used (Summary): Memories of being rescued by a mobile task force in the same scenario as Test #7.\nOutcome: Same fear responses were present but lessened. The subject had a greater affinity toward mobile task forces. However, they remained skeptical due to their past D-Class testing in the Foundation.\n\nTest #: 9\nText Used (Summary): A series of events involving the subject being a member of a mobile task force, eventually demoted to being D-Class personnel as part of the containment of a (fictional) anomaly.\nOutcome: A greater affinity to the Foundation was established. Experiences they had as a D-Class were not overwritten by the implanted memories, some integrating themselves as events during their task force experience, causing heavy skepticism toward the Foundation to remain. What influence the ASCII art visualization had on this is not clear.\n\nTest #: 10\nText Used: You have never doubted the Foundation. You have always been loyal to the Foundation.\nOutcome: Subject was found to be agreeable with Foundation protocols, such as containment and the maintenance of the veil. Ambivalence regarding D-Class testing was not wholly removed.\nExperiments using longer and more detailed texts to further alter personality traits are planned.\n\nNOTE: Continued tests of this nature are currently forbidden by order of the Ethics Committee.\n\nAddendum.3: Project Tin Man\nOn 29/03/2007, Researcher Lucinde Behringer was performing standard monitoring of SCP-9906 when the anomaly's cognitohazardous properties bypassed all memetic filtration systems, converting Behringer into a memetic vector. Before a containment breach could ensue, Behringer injected all available amnestics in her vicinity and exposed herself to experimental anti-memetic glyphs. The cumulative effect of both the anomaly and the measures taken by herself was the complete erasure of her personality, memories, and almost all mental faculties. This induced an effective vegetative state. After being connected to life support, no methods were found by which Behringer could be returned to her prior state.\nOn 21/04/2007, the Ethics Committee granted approval for the experimental use of SCP-351 in reconstructing Behringer's personality and memories. Classified Project Tin Man, all database information on Behringer, correspondence from coworkers3, and personal journal entries were gathered to write a heavily detailed text with the potential to restore her mental states. Said text would be comprised of all known thoughts, life events, memories, and personality traits arranged in chronological order. By 01/10/2007 the text had reached 50,000 words.\nOnce no new information could be found, the text was added to a specially designated SCP-351-A copy (SCP-351-A\u0394). On 10/10/2007 Researcher Behringer was exposed to the file. Initially only slight limb movements were performed, but after one hour she began to pace around her room. An interview was performed the following day.\n\n\u25b7 Interview SCP-351-B\u0394/1\n\n\u25bd Interview SCP-351-B\u0394/1\n\nInterviewer: Researcher Rayyan Bousaid\nInterviewee: Lucinde Behringer (hereafter SCP-351-B\u0394)\nDate: 11/10/2007\nForeword: Researcher Bousaid was a colleague and close friend of Behringer prior to the SCP-9906 breach. He served as one of the lead researchers on Project Tin Man, specifically requesting to perform the initial interview due to his familiarity with her.\n\n< BEGIN LOG >\nBousaid: Behringer?\nSCP-351-B\u0394 stands in the center of the room, blankly staring at a wall.\nBousaid: Behringer, could you please move over to the chair by this window?\nHe taps on the glass separating his observation chamber from the room. No response occurs.\nBousaid: Lucinde?\nSCP-351-B\u0394 slowly turns her head. She moves the chair and desk in front of the window, seating herself.\nSCP-351-B\u0394: Hello.\nBousaid: Are\u2026 Are you feeling well?\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I'm feeling fine.\nBousaid: Okay, that's good. (a deep breath) Look, apologies if I get unprofessional here. It's just been so long since I've actually seen you look, well, alive! I hope you'll understand.\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I do.\nIt is of note that, at this point in the interview, SCP-351-B\u0394's facial expressions have not experienced any change.\nBousaid: (another breath) So, how did you feel when you were under? Before we showed you the file?\nNo response.\nBousaid: Nothing? Can't think of anything? (continued silence) Well, that's alright. I shouldn't be surprised. So\u2014\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I don't see the need to speak much. Succinct is always better.\nBousaid: Well, that is identical to part of what we wrote in the file, but you aren't wrong there. (chuckles) So, you remember who your husband is, right?\nSCP-351-B\u0394: Mike Landon Page, I would never forget.\nBousaid: Alright, good, and do you also remember your marriage? You know, when you were at in the for\u2014\nSCP-351-B\u0394: We were at the church at the end of the winding road leading into the woods. The sun was a shining ring of dashes, and the trees' leaves were thousands of swaying angle quotes that kept fluttering off. The wind was chilly. The clouds were puffy brackets. It was a beautiful day.\nBousaid: \u2026Well, that's good to hear.\nSCP-351-B\u0394: Because of our involvement in the Memetics Division the Foundation monitored the marriage and limited attendees to our coworkers but it was beautiful all the same.\nBousaid: Alright, good. Do you remember anything else about those clouds? The trees?\nSCP-351-B\u0394: The clouds were puffy brackets and the trees' leaves were thousands of swaying angle quotes that kept fluttering off. What else is there to say?\nBousaid: I know you aren't one for talking but isn't there anything more you could say? Even just a simple \"I can't remember anything else?\"\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I can't remember anything else.\nBousaid: I\u2026 Alright then. Can you remember how you felt then, any of your emotions?\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I was happier than I had ever been my entire life. Every dash and letter of Mike Page's face filled me with joy. He kept making references to those bad Star Trek episodes we saw years back and I couldn't stop laughing. At night when we laid back and stared at the asterisks in the sky I felt like I was in love all over again.\nBousaid: Does remembering this make you happy?\nSCP-351-B\u0394: Yes.\nBousaid: So how come your tone of voice hasn't changed at all? How come your facial expressions haven't changed?\nNo response.\nBousaid: You say that this makes you happy but I can't see it, Lucinde. I remember every day after that marriage you couldn't help but grin if I even brought up the slightest thing on it, like how every dash and letter of Mike's face\u2014\nResearcher Bousaid views the blank on his computer terminal then resumes speaking.\nBousaid: I'd bring up the slightest thing and I'd keep seeing you smile for so long after.\nSCP-351-B\u0394 slowly smiles.\nBousaid: You're doing it now, but it's like when you copy what I say. It doesn't feel genuine.\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I was happier than I had ever been my entire life.\nBousaid: But you keep repeating that, how I was happier than I had ever\u2026 (deep breath) This doesn't feel genuine, Lucinde. I don't feel I'm speaking to the real\u2026 to the real you.\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I'm myself, Ray. I don't get what you mean.\nBousaid: (sighs, then pauses) I didn't want to tell you this earlier, since the the clouds were puffy brackets and it was a beautiful day, but I think I should.\nSCP-351-B\u0394: It was beautiful, but what is it?\nBousaid: Mike's dead.\nNo response.\nBousaid: He was in a containment breach several months after yours. He left a last message but the agents never found his body.\nSCP-351-B\u0394: Oh.\nSCP-351-B\u0394's smile shifts into a frown.\nSCP-351-B\u0394: Oh god. How could this happen.\nBousaid: That's the only reaction you can have?\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I am distraught. How could this happen. Oh god.\nBousaid: I was laying back and staring at the asterisks in the sky but this is all? Could you please, please think about the rest of your time with him? Can it get anything else out of you?\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I don't understand what you mean. I loved him more than anyone else in the world.\nBousaid: But that's identical to what we wrote in the document, where we wrote down how we were at the church at the end of the\u2026 Please, can you think of anything outside of what is in the document? Anything? Did the memories give you any mind past that?\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I loved him more than anyone else in the world.\nBousaid: That's just\u2026 what we wrote, it's word-for-word what we wrote.\nSCP-351-B\u0394: He had such beautiful gray gradients of hashtags and ampersands in his eyes. I loved him more than anyone else in the world.\nBousaid: That's just\u2026\nSCP-351-B\u0394: I loved him more than anyone else in the world.\nBousaid: I loved him more than anyone else in the world. I'm sorry, Lucinde\u2026\nResearcher Bousaid exits the observation chamber. SCP-351-B\u0394 continues to stare at the space Bousaid was formerly in, frowning. No other movements are made.\n< END LOG >\n\nIn a state of emotional distress, Researcher Bousaid exited the chamber without viewing the blank on his computer terminal, breaching standard security protocols. This resulted in the memetic spread of SCP-351-B\u0394's memory constructs to all present Project Tin Man personnel until site security was alerted and dispatched.\nUnusually, upon exposure to blank instances, the affected personnel experienced a near-complete loss of all memories regarding SCP-351-B\u0394. The theorized cause of this is that the implanted SCP-351-A\u0394 memories were so similar to actual memories of SCP-351-B\u0394 that both became connected, causing the erasure of implanted memories to erase the actual ones. Since all acquaintances of SCP-351-B\u0394 had been recruited for Project Tin Man and were present when Bousaid breached protocol, all of the original memories SCP-351-A\u0394 had been based on are lost.\nResearcher Bousaid has been removed from all SCP-351-related research and new security protocols are being implemented to prevent the repeat of incidents of this nature. Project Tin Man has been considered a failure. However, SCP-351-B\u0394 has proven useful in isolated environments that prevent memetic spread. Following revisions to SCP-351-A\u0394 that removed information regarding emotions and added loyalty-increasing text4, SCP-351-B\u0394 can consistently perform activities beneficial to memetics research on a daily basis.\nAssuming plans for life support systems that will automatically provide health assistance to subjects are completed, SCP-351-B\u0394 is expected to be capable of serving the Foundation indefinitely.\n\nFootnotes\n1. A graphics design technique that uses printable ASCII Standard and compliant characters to form images\n2. D-3468, the subject for this test, does not speak Spanish.\n3. Containment of SCP-9906 necessitated that ties to all individuals beyond the Memetics Division be severed by researchers assigned to the anomaly, intended to limit the potential for accidental memetic spread.\n4. Based on the findings of Researcher Fortier's team in Experiment Log 351/1.\n\n\u00ab SCP-350 | SCP-351 | SCP-352 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photo of SCP-352 taken during the limited period of civilian containment\n\nItem #: SCP-352\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment area is to remain sealed at all times. No human interaction is allowed with SCP-352. Any and all interaction should be carried out via robot or other remote means. Should human interaction become necessary, full hazmat containment protocols should be observed. In addition, security lines must be attached to all personnel. Should any personnel begin to exhibit erratic behavior, they are to be immediately removed from the containment area via the security lines.\nAny staff reporting hallucinations after interaction with SCP-352 or her \u201chair\u201d are to immediately be placed under quarantine. Any staff working in or around the containment area must submit to random psychological and physical testing. Anyone found to be contaminated will be placed into immediate quarantine.\nStaff attacked by SCP-352 may only be recovered if they have not been bitten by SCP-352. SCP-352 is to be fed only once weekly. Feeding will be discontinued for one month if SCP-352 attacks any personnel.\nDescription: SCP-352 appears to be a very old, emaciated woman of indeterminate age and race. SCP-352 speaks Old Russian, but with an accent and dialect that makes translation very difficult. SCP-352 is extremely unwilling to communicate, with most of the conversations thus far made primarily of threats or statements of revenge. SCP-352 has never identified herself by any name, and due to her aggressive nature, it has been impossible to determine any background information.\nSCP-352 possesses a level of strength and speed much higher than what should be possible for a person of her perceived age and physical dimensions, and has been shown moving loads in excess of 200kg with little physical strain, and moving at speeds in excess of 70km/h. SCP-352 can recover from wounds that would be lethal to a human being, including decapitation and disemboweling. This regeneration can take between several days to several weeks, depending on severity. Internally, SCP-352 appears to be a normal human woman, with muscles, bones and organs in a state consistent with advanced age. Testing done on tissue samples has been inconclusive.\nSCP-352 is capable of growing very thin, hair-like strands from any part of her body, apparently at will. These strands can grow several metres in an hour, and appear to be at least partially under the control of SCP-352. They have been observed \u201ccrawling\u201d along floors and up walls and other structures. These hairs are clear and nearly invisible to the naked eye, and appear to be slightly weaker than standard human hair. The strands are also coated in a thin layer of chemical enzyme identical to the enzyme in the saliva of SCP-352.\nSCP-352 produces an enzyme that is most concentrated in the saliva and hair, but is present in all bodily tissues of SCP-352. How it is produced and its exact chemical make-up are unknown. This enzyme reacts on contact with human tissue and rapidly attacks the nervous system. Symptoms manifest almost immediately, and include hallucinations, euphoria, suppression of cognitive or \u201clogical\u201d thinking, and suppression of pain receptors. This state persists for several days with mild exposure, and can become permanent with high exposure. Bites from SCP-352 lead to high exposure in 99.9% of cases.\nSCP-352 appears to subsist on a carnivorous diet, with a strong preference for human flesh. SCP-352 will create a \u201cweb\u201d of hair, and wait for prey to become exposed to the enzyme and become more docile. SCP-352 will often remove and eat the limbs of a prey item to prevent it from wandering away, and can take several days to fully devour prey. Humans have been observed to still be in a euphoric state, and have no knowledge of the outside world even as they suffer the loss of limbs and other bodily tissue.\nAddendum: Notes on recovery\nSCP-352 was recovered in southern Russia, near the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Reports of an \u201cEnchanted Forest\u201d and a witch who had caused several deaths were initially ignored, until reports of the witch being found and captured began to surface. When Foundation agents responded, the town was found deserted. Several bodies were found in varying states of decomposition, and blood trails appeared to show many more bodies being dragged into the \u201cenchanted forest\u201d.\nRecovery teams were dispatched and captured SCP-352, but suffered heavy casualties due to SCP-352's attack and exposure to the enzyme. A large amount of \u201chair\u201d was recovered as well, and is believed to be the cause of many exposure incidents, with contact being attributed to spider webs or an Agent's own hair and not reported until hallucinations manifested.\nAddendum: Notes on behavior\nWhile SCP-352 prefers any type of human flesh over any other type of meat, it appears to have a special propensity for children between 0 and 2 years of age. After observation of highly elevated levels of cooperation and a reduced tendency to attack staff while consuming flesh of this type, a possible alteration in the current diet is being considered.\nAddendum: The use of SCP-604 and SCP-1680 as a more efficient food source for SCP-352 is currently pending approval from the project director following initial testing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-351 | SCP-352 | SCP-353 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-353\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Biological hazard protocol [REDACTED] is to be maintained at all times (Biohazard Threat Level 4). Full hazardous materials suits, gloves, and oxygen supply will be required to examine subject. A disinfectant shower and decontamination spray are standard procedure before and after contact with SCP-353. The whole containment unit is to be kept underground, at negative pressure, and hermetically sealed at all times to prevent accidental contamination to the outside area. In the case of containment breach, all affected personnel are to be placed in immediate Biohazard Level 4 Quarantine. Termination will be required in the possibility of an outbreak of one or more Class 9 infectious agents.\nSubject should be fed three times a day, as standard, and provided with the minimum required comfort items: a twin size bed, a pillow, and a blanket. Clothing in the form of disposable surgical scrubs are to be provided as needed, but requests for items should otherwise be denied. Any outward signs of disease in the subject, such as rashes, boils, vomiting, or sickly pallor or demeanor, should be reported with haste. Since the appearance of symptoms in SCP-353 means a willful effort on her part, subject is to be subdued and questioned.\nShould SCP-353 need to leave its containment facility for any reason, it is to be fitted with explosive collar, time release drug delivery device (for dosages of euphoric substances), and biohazard containment suit. Should SCP-353's suit breach containment, emergency sterilization procedures up to and including incineration of the affected area are to be carried out.\nDescription: SCP-353 appears to be a normal human female, twenty-six years old, of average physical capacity and average intelligence. Subject has the capacity to siphon infectious viral and bacterial agents from her environment, nurture and store them within her body, and then redistribute them to devastating pandemic effect. SCP-353's mood directly affects the radius of infections recorded, with increased emotional states leading to massively increased potency.\nSCP-353 seems to be immune from the symptoms of said infectious agents, but just as long as she is only passively storing them. Her active, willful attempts to nurture, manipulate, and change infectious agents while they remain in her body cause her to manifest symptoms ranging from mildly annoying to severe. Symptoms only last as long as she is actively inducing a change in the quantity or quality of an infectious agent, and thus rarely last longer than a few hours.\nExaminations have shown that the subject is able to \"store\" almost any infectious bacterial or viral agents within her body, though she is only capable of changing agents that are able to naturally survive within the human body. As of the writing of this report, SCP-353's blood contains traces of over one thousand different infectious agents, including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Ebola, Marburg, sixty-seven different strains of the common cold, herpes simplex A, E. coli, cholera, bubonic plague, SARS, and malaria. At least 30% of said infectious agents were previously unknown to the medical community, and were possibly engineered by SCP-353 herself, making SCP-353 an invaluable resource.\nAddendum 353-01: SCP-353 was originally encountered in [DATA EXPUNGED], South Africa, where she seemed to be deliberately seeking to pick up strains of the Ebola virus. Foundation Personnel pursued SCP-353 to Dresden, Germany, where they determined that she had successfully contracted Marburg and redistributed said virus to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject was eventually subdued by physical means and taken into Foundation custody with minimal loss of life.\nTo date, her true identity is unknown, as she gives no name other than \"Vector\" and refuses to answer any questions about her past. SCP-353 claims to have traveled the western world seeking greater infections for her \"collection\". When asked why, she would not give a response aside from, \"Because I can.\"\nAddendum 353-02: Initial testing has shown that she is as adept at manipulating and changing infectious agents in the bodies of nearby subjects as she is at manipulating them within her own body. She seems to prefer to manipulate diseases within her own body, however, as it grants her full access to the results of her manipulations. Furthermore, her ability to manipulate disease in nearby subjects means it's likely that she is equally capable of curing diseases and dispensing them.\nOn a different note, personnel are reminded to refer to humanoid SCPs by their numerical SCP designation. Should SCP-353 refuse to cooperate, she is to be subdued and punished. We're not here to make her X-men villain fantasies come true. - Dr. Saarij\u00e4rvi\nAddendum 353-03: Given that this girl is a walking time bomb of viruses, I recommend that we tranq her, strap her to a table, and give her a massive dose of a ribavirin/interferon/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cocktail to flush her system. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 353-04: Flush her system? Hell no! Did you know that this girl somehow has the original strain of the 1918 Spanish Flu? As well as a half-dozen strains of viruses we've never seen? The research possibilities alone\u2026 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 353-05: Limited research approved. O5-\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 353-06: The embrace of this 'Vector' persona, including the fixation on the color black for cosmetic purposes, her 'might makes right' attitude, her desire to infect rather than to cure, and her disregard for human life all signal towards extreme malignant narcissism and psychopathic tendencies. Her obvious pleasure in manipulating and controlling diseases within herself despite the often painful symptoms involved are also quite troubling. Requesting approval for psychological examination; counseling or therapy may be useful in reducing her difficult demeanor. Dr. Glass\n\n\u00ab SCP-352 | SCP-353 | SCP-354 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-354 as it was originally discovered.\n\nItem #: SCP-354\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-354's immobile nature, Area-354 has been built around it. Area-354 houses forces and D-class personnel prepared to deal with threats emerging from SCP-354, as well as researchers studying SCP-354 and its properties. For their own safety, no on-site personnel are to approach SCP-354 at any time. Direct interaction with SCP-354 is permitted only for the purpose of research to eliminate SCP-354 and must be approved by O5 personnel.\nArea-354 was constructed to contain and neutralize any and all further threats emerging from SCP-354. At the heart of Area-354, a twenty (20) foot wall of concrete reinforced with [DATA EXPUNGED] has been constructed around SCP-354 to prevent emerging entities from escaping into the area at large. High-speed motion detection cameras are placed atop the wall looking down into the pool, and armed guards can easily shoot down into the enclosure from catwalks placed above the pool.\nDescription: SCP-354 is a pool of red liquid discovered in northern Canada. The liquid is of a consistency similar to that of human blood (hence the colloquial name Blood Pond) but is not of a biological nature. The pool does not have definite banks; soil mixes with the liquid until, at a certain point, there is more soil than liquid and the ground is mostly solid. The liquid becomes denser as one descends deeper into the pool; if the pool has a bottom, it has yet to be reached.\nPeriodically, entities emerge from the pool and attempt to escape from the enclosure. Thus far, nearly all creatures emerging from SCP-354 have been extremely hostile and highly dangerous.\nSCP-354 is believed to have been first discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by survivors of a plane crash, who encountered SCP-354 by chance. SCP-354 had developed into a local urban legend long before Foundation personnel arrived to deal with the threat.\nAfter locating the source of the legend, SCP personnel set up Watch Station Epsilon-38 to monitor the pool and to deter future travellers from finding it. SCP-354 was classified as Euclid until its properties were further discovered.\nAt 1403 hours on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an unidentified entity emerged from SCP-354. Contact with Watch Station Epsilon-38 was lost. Mobile Task Force \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was dispatched to deal with the entity and were eventually successful. All personnel at Watch Station Epsilon-38 were found dead. Area-354 was subsequently constructed to contain SCP-354.\n\nDocument 354-1-a: Partial log of entities to have emerged from SCP-354 prior to Event 354-20.\nSCP-354-1: Original entity which destroyed Watch Station Epsilon-38. Resembled a giant bat. Neutralized by Mobile Task Force \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-354-2: Bear-sized mammalian creature covered in razor-sharp spines. Resembled an echidna. Was virtually bulletproof, but was unable to escape the enclosure surrounding the pool. Neutralized via napalm.\nSCP-354-3: Black metallic sphere capable of levitation. Emitted concentrated levels of radiation in precisely directed beams sufficient to instantly cripple and later result in death. Then-Area Head Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 struck SCP-354-3 with a sledgehammer, disabling it. SCP-354-3 then self-detonated, causing minor structural damage and severely wounding Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 made a full recovery and has been commended for his bravery.\nSCP-354-4: Humanoid reptilian creature, approximately 4.6m (15ft) tall. Escaped both the walled enclosure and Area-354 altogether. Gunfire caused very little physical harm and was highly ineffective. Mobile Task Force Omega-7 \"Pandora's Box\" was dispatched and was successful in neutralizing the creature.\nSCP-354-5: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSCP-354-6: Appeared to be a human male of Indian descent. As the enclosure around the pool had not yet been fully repaired, SCP-354-6 was immediately shot before it had a chance to escape. Area Head Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has expressed his displeasure in the rash execution of SCP-354-6, which testing revealed to be identical to an average human being.\n\nSCP-354-14: Majority of creature's body remained well beneath the surface of the pool. Five (5) octopus-like tentacles were seen emerging from the pool and reached up over the enclosure. Several D-class personnel were grabbed by the tentacles and pulled back beneath the surface of the pool. After receiving massive damage from gunfire, SCP-354-14 retreated back into the pool and disappeared. No personnel taken by the creature were recovered.\nSCP-354-15: Feline creature composed of a blue-hued crystalline structure later revealed to be ice. Was able to jump above the walled enclosure and was agile enough to dodge most gunfire. Was actively hostile and mauled any personnel that engaged it. Subject engaged SCP-354-16 upon its emergence from the pool and was terminated in the fight.\nSCP-354-16: Feline creature composed of a dark red-black stone later revealed to be partially solidified magma. Gunfire proved mostly ineffective against its hide. Was not hostile to personnel and did not attempt to escape the walled enclosure until being engaged by SCP-354-15. Successfully terminated SCP-354-15 and grew less active as its body cooled. After fully solidifying and having remained motionless since, subject was moved to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office for aesthetic purposes.\nSCP-354-18: Metallic humanoid machine described by several D-class personnel as a \"Terminator.\" Subject possessed a cloaking device rendering it invisible to human eyes. Subject was highly adept at combat and killed nearly 90% of Area-354's guard personnel as it rampaged through the facility. Approximately sixty (60) minutes after emerging from the pool, subject ceased function and powered down. Subject was dismantled and its power cell was disposed of. Subject's remains are under study.\n\nNote from Area Head Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's thrice now that we've had to fall back on Pandora's Box to deal with stuff coming out of SCP-354. Able can't complain, though\u2026 you can tell he enjoyed fighting SCP-354-11. Maybe we should set up some kind of \"hotline\" to MTF \u03a9-7?\n\nDocument 354-3-a: Log of Exploratory Mission 354 Alpha\nSee log for details.\n\nNote from Area Head Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It has been twenty-two months since the last entity emerged from the pool. Before this, the longest period of time between emergences was eight months. I suspect this means one of two things. Either the Red Pool has \"died\" or \"powered down\" or whatever the correct term for it is; or it is \"charging up\" for something big to come through. O5 believes the former is the most likely explanation, and has recalled 30% of our total personnel and cut 25% of our funding. While I can only hope that they are correct, if the latter situation is true, we're soon to face some terrible monstrosity and we won't have anywhere near the force necessary to deal with it. I worry for all of our safety.\n\nDocument 354-4: Event Log 354-20\nIn the morning of [DATA EXPUNGED] the entire staff of Area-354 evacuated the facility. However, the staff also shut down power to the area and took a number of supplies and vehicles from the facility, indicating that the evacuation had not been done due to an emergency. Mobile Task Force Theta-12 was dispatched to investigate the cause of the evacuation and, if possible, make contact with Area's staff. However before MTF \u0398-12 could make contact with Area-354 or its evacuees, the Area's on site warhead was detonated, resulting in the destruction of the entire facility and the deaths of [DATA EXPUNGED].\nMTF \u0398-12 was ordered to make contact with the evacuated personnel and, in the event of hostility, was given clearance to terminate any uncooperative personnel. A large convoy of vehicles taken from Area-354 was spotted heading southward from Area-354 at high speed. Final audio logs from MTF \u0398-12 indicate that the convoy was made up of Area-354's staff, and that the previous chain of command had broken down in its entirety, with armed D-class personnel and research personnel firing upon MTF \u0398-12. MTF \u0398-12 was annihilated and no further contact with the former personnel of Area-354 has been made since.\n\nDocument 354-5: Following the total destruction of Area-354, the Red Pool Containment Site was constructed in its place. Basic maps of the new facility can be found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Unlike the previous facility which was focused on research and neutralization of entities emerging from SCP-354, the new facility is devoted entirely to the containment of SCP-354 and entities which may emerge from it, as well as any unforeseen forces which it may create directly. This is due largely to the advisement of the new Site Head [DATA EXPUNGED] who believes that the events of Log 354-20 were the result of a psychic or mental attack generated by SCP-354 itself.\n\nDocument 354-6: Interview regarding [DATA EXPUNGED]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is it all right if I record this?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, go ahead.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good, good. (pause) So, let's start at the beginning. What happened at the Red Pool containment site?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Looking back now\u2026 it seems strange that nobody ever suggested draining the pool. When Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 came up with it\u2026 it seemed like such a good idea at the time.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Exactly what about the idea was so appealing?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It was a way out. That SCP entry\u2026 I've read what it says. It's a joke. It makes it seem like we have the pool under control.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I take it you do not?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: There's a half meter slab of reinforced concrete in place over the pool. And yet every time some beast tries to come through somehow it manages to get loose into the building. People die, every single time. I've seen [DATA EXPUNGED] a man's own intestines. Can you imagine what that looks like, old man?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So to you, and of course to the other people stationed at the Red Pool containment site as well, draining the pool seemed like a fine solution to the suffering caused by SCP-354.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (chair scrapes as Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 stands up) Suffering? That thing doesn't just-\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please, sit down. This is going on record. (pause, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sits) So, O5 approved the draining of SCP-354, and then what happened?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: They evacuated the nonessential personnel to a location a couple kilometers away, leaving just basic defense crew and the people who'd run the equipment. Mostly D class, plus a few Agents to keep things going.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And you were among those Agents.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How did they go about draining the pool?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Tech guys brought in this big pump thing with all these hoses. We retracted the slab, but\u2026 (pause)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: But\u2026?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Have you ever had a dream, where it seemed so real, but you knew you were dreaming, and it felt like you had to wake up to escape from it?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I can't say I have.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes you have, we all have. That's what it felt like when they put the hose in to try to drain it. Everything stopped being real. It was like we had to escape right now.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And you were the only one feeling this sensation?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No, everyone had it at the same time. It came from the fucking pool!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please, lower your voice. What happened when they activated the pump?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We never did. We couldn't. It wouldn't let us.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What wouldn't let you?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The pool!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please, I ask you to lower your voice.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Up until now it's been content just throwing monsters at us. It's been playing. But now we have it locked up and we just tried to execute it! Now it's angry!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (to PA) Guards, please restrain Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: My buddy measured its banks once and compared them to the photos from its first discovery. You know what he found? (Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 grabs Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Guards!\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It's growing! The pool is growing! It gets bigger and stronger every day and now we've made it angry! Get your hands off-\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Sedate him. We'll continue this in the morning, if he's lucid by then anyway.\n\n\u00ab SCP-353 | SCP-354 | SCP-355 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-355\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-355 are to be kept in a 5 metre by 5 metre plot of ground in a small terrarium in Site 19 and watered daily. This section is to be kept with minimal air movement to prevent accidental release of seeds, and provided with Standard Atmospheric Mixture #14. Dim, red light is to be maintained in the room. Access to the room is to be granted by Dr. Fieswell, and tests are to be performed under his supervision. All visitors are required to wear a thick-soled environment suit for the duration of the visit. The entrance to the room is to be secured with an airlock and fan system to prevent the accidental release of seeds.\nDescription: SCP-355 is an unknown species indistinguishable to the naked eye from ordinary grass, but its nearest known genetic relation is the mahogany taxon. A hollow core of cellulose and buckminsterfullerene runs through the center of each blade to maintain the grass' vertical structure, and each vein in the leaf is sheathed in a similar core, resulting in an unusually inflexible grass, sharp enough on the outside to pierce light wood and some plastics. The main blade performs photosynthesis and absorbs atmospheric nutrients as usual. Root structure is unusually deep for a short plant, but otherwise normal.\nHowever, the species seems to have developed in a low-energy environment, as photosynthetic rates under standard Earth atmospheric conditions are inordinately high and accelerate the species' reproductive cycle, causing rapid generation and dispersal of grass seed (each cycle occurring approximately once every two weeks). This hypothesis is supported by the passive carnivorism, similar to that of the sundew or cobra lily (also from environments low in nutrition). Any creature with insufficiently armored feet that treads on the grass suffers the penetration of their feet by the dense blades, a light liquefying acid, and subsequent drainage of bodily fluids through the hollow core. The plant simultaneously deploys sharp splinters from its edges in reaction to the sudden pressure, making it difficult for the victim to move away; attempts to do so usually result in pulling the leaf from its root structure, resulting in continued siphoning through the severed stem, or at least severe lacerations to the feet. In order to maintain the species in its containment chamber, the light has been dimmed to levels that prevent atypical growth patterns, and the atmosphere has been appropriately saturated with the necessary nutrients for proper development.\nSCP-355 was first discovered by accident following the invasion of a storage facility used by the Chaos Insurgency in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Alberta, disguised as an ordinary if moderately secluded local residence. During the post-combat evaluations, several casualties were left unaccounted for until discovered on the front lawn, drained of their fluids and being slowly digested, near a wooden sign clearly labeled \"Please keep off the grass\". The area covered by the plant was determined by the scattering of meat chunks, and a plot of ground was removed for study before the eradication of the remaining area. In this and subsequent encounters with Chaos Insurgency installations, SCP-355 has been successfully destroyed by oxygen poisoning, heavy flame, anti-organic acids, and, in one instance, a variety of commandeered domestic ungulates. SCP-355 seems to be negligibly affected by poisons including [DATA EXPUNGED], in the form of tainted meat, vaporous herbicides, or soil toxification.\nMemo: SCP-355 was not among the SCPs stolen from the Foundation during its schism with the Chaos Insurgency and was therefore acquired by them sometime after. Its origin is unknown, although documents seized during [REDACTED] suggest it may have been one of several objects deposited by SCP-CI-103.\n\n\u00ab SCP-354 | SCP-355 | SCP-356 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-356\nObject Class: Neutralized\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The remains of SCP-356 are to be kept continuously frozen in Long Term Biological Storage Unit 73A at Site-23. Staff are advised that SCP-356 has been a person of interest to the governments of the United States, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Azerbaijan since 1986. As such, liaisons to the Foundation serving with these nations or affiliated entities are to be kept unaware of SCP-356's containment in 1986 and death in 1987.\nUpdate: Except for approved research purposes, no electronic devices capable of receiving telephone calls are to be brought within 10 m of SCP-356.\nDescription: SCP-356 is a deceased 62-year-old male human of Eurasian descent, measuring 1.76 m tall and weighing 81.5 kg. When SCP-356 is within approximately 3 m of any device capable of receiving a telephone call (such as traditional land-based telephones, cellular phones, or computer terminals with software enabling telephony), that device will begin receiving a constant stream of calls. Left unanswered, these calls will continue for an indefinite period, only ceasing when answered, and resuming once the speaker hangs up. In all observed cases, attempts to track the source of telephone calls related to the presence of SCP-356 have all identified the device receiving the calls itself as the origination point.\nWhen telephone calls prompted by the presence of SCP-356 are answered, an unknown entity (SCP-356-A) speaking in a voice exactly matching that of SCP-356 will answer. Left to speak on its own, SCP-356-A will talk about general information regarding SCP-356, mostly focused on work history and professional relationships. SCP-356-A will also describe what it considers to be the mental state of SCP-356, and will sometimes state what it claims SCP-356 is thinking about1. SCP-356-A has demonstrated a tendency to gravitate to subjects that SCP-356 finds uncomfortable or distressing.\nSCP-356 was recovered along with 12 other persons, 12,348 pages of files, 3 computers and 115 hours of video recordings after the 04/01/1986 Foundation raid on a CIA safehouse in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as part of Operation CATWALK. Including SCP-356, \u2588 objects recovered from this operation later received SCP classification.\n\n+ Experiment Log 356-1\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nExperiment Log 356-1: Listing of SCP-356 Phenomena, 1986-87\nOver a period of 11 months, a series of experiments documenting anomalous phenomena related to SCP-356 were conducted by research staff. In each instance, a standard, land-line telephone terminal in an observation chamber was activated in the presence of SCP-356. All conversations took place using speaker functionality. Transcripts have been translated by staff from Azerbaijani to English for the purposes of this file.\nExperiment: E356.11A\nDate: 07/29/1986\nSummary: Upon opening of telephone line following 137 unanswered calls, a voice exactly matching that of SCP-356 is heard on the line. No attempt at conversation is initiated. SCP-356-A states background information on SCP-356 such as biometric data, known associates, and a detailed history of SCP-356's record as an operative in the Azerbaijan SSR division of the Soviet KGB. This information is later verified to be completely accurate.\nSelected Transcript:\n\nSCP-356-A: \"Our \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 joined up with his current handlers in Baku in the fall of 1976, and was assigned publicly as an adjunct at the Turkish Embassy. But of course that wasn't really the purpose of any of it. NATO and the Turks weren't privy to what was happening under the cover of the refinery. Only Kolya at the directorate on our side, and the Americans. Isn't that right, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\"\n\nExperiment: E356.18G\nDate: 09/02/1986\nSummary: Researchers answer phone call, then proceed to ask SCP-356 details of the operations of Frontier Energy Consulting Ltd., a known (at the time of the experiment) KGB front company operating in Baku. SCP-356-A responds with information describing SCP-356's role in overseeing Frontier Energy activities, which primarily consisted of industrial espionage. Information is later verified to be accurate.\nSelected Transcript:\n\nResearcher Singh: Please describe the operation you were responsible for in Baku.\nSCP-356-A: You're never going to accomplish anything that way. Hey, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. What should we talk about? Hm? We could talk about all those meetings near the docks, but I don't think that's what the agent here is referring to. Or perhaps the reason for that 21 month stretch in Indigirka? There's a tale to tell.SCP-356-A: Ohhh, is that what's troubling you? You have no idea why they're asking, do you? Is that so much worse than last time? I don't see any hammers or car batteries in here, do you? When do you think they'll show their hand? If they could take you from them, what must they have up their sleeve? I'd be nervous too. Ha. It's a joke. [pause] So no description for our friends of how you set up that company to get a look inside the Absheron refinery? How you labored for months assembling counterfeit inspection equipment that would hide the real equipment? What you did with the men that were sent to poke around the offices? Maybe that should be what we did. I can never tell.\n\nExperiment: E356.26K\nDate: 02/11/1987\nSummary: Researchers answer phone calls engendered by the presence of SCP-356 and attempt to question SCP-356-A about its nature and origins. Results inconclusive, and information is unverifiable as SCP-356 is either incapable or unwilling to provide information concerning SCP-356-A.\nSelected Transcript:\n\nResearcher Singh: Are you the same individual as SCP-356?\nSCP-356-A: What's a voice on the telephone? Your voice, is it you? If all you were to someone was a distant presence at the end of a line somewhere, can they be said to have known you? Met you? Look at me, talking when I don't know things.\nResearcher Singh: When did you first come into existence?\nSCP-356-A: [sighs] These are quite silly, you know. Do you remember being born? Maybe you should try asking \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, he might have some pictures somewhere. He'll probably tell you where they're stashed if you ask him when he's in a box. He has a strained relationship with tight, confined spaces.\nResearcher Singh: So you have no information on this subject?\nSCP-356-A: I can certainly tell you \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and I were formally introduced by our mutual friends. But then you already know that. You came knocking on their door.\n[TRANSCRIPT SECTION EXPUNGED]\nResearcher Singh: Can you make contact independent of SCP-356?\nSCP-356-A: You'd like to know that, wouldn't you? Ask \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Oh wait, you did already. I'd help more, but you know, I help so much already. You'll have to do at least a little work here.\n\n+ LEVEL 4 AUTHORIZATION EYES ONLY\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nEvidence gathered in the aftermath of the CATWALK action suggests that the unconventional HUMINT program of which SCP-356 was a part has been adopted in other areas of the United States military and intelligence apparatus. Further investigation is \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nCurrent recommendation is to implement full denial-of-resources protocols for all personnel who are likely to come into contact with United States government entities in future missions, especially those involved in the forthcoming Project \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nAddendum 356-1: On 08/09/1987, SCP-356 suffered an acute myocardial infarction leading to cardiac arrest and heart failure. Foundation medical staff were unable to revive SCP-356, resulting in its clinical death later that day. SCP-356 reclassified from \"Euclid\" to \"Neutralized\" effective 08/11/1987.\nAddendum 356-2: On 04/15/2009, a maintenance worker in Long Term Biological Storage Unit 73A reported that their personal cellular phone was receiving repeated, unremitting calls from an unknown source.\nAfter reviewing case histories, research staff traced the cause of this phenomenon to the remains of SCP-356. Researchers answered the phone for documentation purposes, however no voice was discernible on the line. Background noises consistent with significant wind or other air movement were present, as well as static interference. After ending the phone call, the cellular phone continued receiving calls of a similar nature until it was removed from Long Term Biological Storage Unit 73A.\nRequest for additional experimentation and reclassification of object class pending.\n\nFootnotes\n1. While the claims SCP-356-A makes in this regard are inherently unverifiable, measured stress indicators in SCP-356 support the hypothesis that SCP-356-A has some degree of insight into the subject's mind.\n\n\u00ab SCP-355 | SCP-356 | SCP-357 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-357\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A 10 kg seed sample of SCP-357 is to be contained within a hermetically sealed container within a 3 m x 3 m x 3 m room at Site-19. Samples removed from the container are not to exceed 1 kg. A detailed log must be kept of all SCP-357 that is produced, complete with accurate records of what had been used to feed it and how much of the sample was subsequently destroyed via compression.\nThe mass of the container is to be monitored electronically. Changes in mass that are not accounted for by removal or return of samples will result in an automatic lockdown of that section of Site-19, as this indicates that a breach of the container may have occurred.\nUnless provided Level 4 approval, researchers are not to expose SCP-357 to temperatures exceeding 100\u00b0C. The amount exposed to these temperatures is never to be greater than 1 mm3, under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-357 is a malleable substance with a density of 250 kg/m3. The material has been found to reflect all radiation with 100% efficiency. To date, chemical analysis of SCP-357 has yielded no conclusive results. Electron microscopy of SCP-357 has shown no inherent granularity at any level. These two latter results suggest that SCP-357 may not be atomic in nature; however, there have been no satisfactory hypotheses as to how baryonic matter is able to interact with it.\nWhen permitted to physically interact with SCP-357, researchers describe it as having a consistency similar to that of Play-Doh brand modeling compound. However, unlike Play-Doh, SCP-357 will not retain its shape for any length of time if left at rest. It will settle at a rate of approximately 0.5 cm per minute until it reproduces the shape of the inside of its container. SCP-357 will form a meniscus inside the container 7.5 cm high. The thickness of the substance at the top of the meniscus is 1 mm, at which point it merges with the surface of the container following a Gaussian curve. If allowed to settle on a flat surface, SCP-357 will spread until its average thickness is no more than 1 mm. The edge of the mass follows the same Gaussian function that is seen in the meniscus.\nIf solid matter is placed in a container of SCP-357, it will sink into the substance at a constant rate of 0.5 cm per minute. SCP-357 will displace the appropriate volume as any other fluid would. If the solid object is fully absorbed by SCP-357, it will become impossible to distinguish between it and the substance of SCP-357. Theories range from the object taking on the properties of SCP-357 to the object being replaced by a corresponding volume of SCP-357.\nIf a homogeneous pressure of at least 100 N/cm2 is applied to a sample of SCP-357, the material will decrease in size at a rate of 1.3 cm3 per minute or more, depending on the magnitude of the pressure. When compressed in this manner, the density of SCP-357 does not change. Rather, the mass decreases at the same rate as the volume. Where the excess mass goes is presently unknown. If compressed to approximately 1 mm3 at room temperature, no amount of force is able to decrease the size any further.\nApplication of vacuum pressure does not increase the size of a sample of SCP-357. The only method found for increasing its mass is via the encapsulation of a volume.\nAddendum 357-1: SCP-357 was initially produced by a cyclotron in 19\u2588\u2588 at [DATA EXPUNGED]. The responsible researchers at the university were given a Class B amnestic with the exception of Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who has been granted Level 2 clearance and allowed to do further research on SCP-357. To date, the results of the initial experiment that produced SCP-357 can not be reproduced. As a precaution, particle physics laboratories and particle colliders are periodically monitored for similar discoveries.\nAddendum 357-2: SCP-357 is pending review for use in disposal of hazardous objects being held by the Foundation.\nUntil the properties of SCP-357 are more concretely understood, particularly in high energy environments, approval is being withheld. It is already clear that SCP-357 should not be exposed to some objects, due to risk of unlimited expansion of the material. -O5-\u2588\nAddendum 357-3: Some personnel have been caught smoking indoors and exhaling into SCP-357 in an attempt to hide the evidence. This is heavily discouraged due to security considerations, health issues, and risk of accidental ingestion. File photos of Experiments 357-3 and 357-4 are freely available to those who continue to practice this abuse of Foundation property.\nExperiment Log 357-1:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: One (1) ping pong ball.\nProcedure: SCP-357 is allowed to fully absorb the ball while in a container sitting upon an electronic scale.\nDetails: The ball is seen to sink into the sample of SCP-357. When the last of the ball disappears from view, the scale reports an increase in mass of 5.6 g, equivalent to the difference between the ping pong ball's mass and that of the equivalent volume of SCP-357.\nExperiment Log 357-2:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: A mass of SCP-357\nProcedure: A sample of SCP-357 is moulded into a box and placed upon an electronic scale. Before being allowed to set, the lid of the box, also moulded from SCP-357, is placed on it.\nDetails: A mass increase is detected, exceeding the mass of the lid. Bisection of the box shows that it is now a solid mass of SCP-357.\nExperiment Log 357-3:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: One healthy Rattus norvegicus.\nProcedure: A 5 mm3 sample of SCP-357 is placed inside the rat's food. The rat is to be monitored for 24 hours after ingestion or until death, at which point it is to be dissected.\nDetails: One hour after ingestion, SCP-357 is observed to be eliminated from the rat's digestive system. Soon after, the subject exhibits a pain response. The pain is observed to increase over time. Though the mass of the animal does not change, an increasing amount of SCP-357 is eliminated from its body, concluding with a continuous stream after three hours. Death occurs within minutes of this event. Dissection reveals that the entire digestive tract has been converted into SCP-357, along with a number of surrounding organs. Death is believed to have been caused by blood loss.\nExperiment Log 357-4:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: One healthy Rattus norvegicus.\nProcedure: Procedure is identical to Experiment 357-3. The subject is provided an intravenous supply of blood to prevent premature death.\nDetails: Observations up to the three hour mark match those of Experiment 357-3. The stream of SCP-357 extruded from the rat continues at a steady rate. After 30 more minutes, the subject becomes increasingly lethargic. 15 minutes later, death occurs. Dissection shows that much of the rat's viscera had been replaced with SCP-357, along with a significant portion of its muscle mass. Cause of death is determined to be due to conversion of part of the cardiac muscle into SCP-357.\nExperiment Log 357-5:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-357 in cryogenic conditions\nProcedure: SCP-357 is placed into a liquid helium environment and mechanically compressed.\nDetails: A pressure of 100 N/cm2 is applied to SCP-357. The sample is able to be compressed to only 0.01 mm3. While still compressed, the sample is allowed to return to room temperature. When pressure is removed, the sample immediately returns to a volume of 1 mm3.\nExperiment Log 357-6:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-357 in high temperature conditions\nProcedure: SCP-357 is compressed to 1 mm3 while at room temperature. The mechanism is then placed in a 1000\u00b0C environment and then releases the sample.\nDetails: At a temperature of 750\u00b0C inside the compression mechanism, SCP-357 expands with sufficient force to damage it. 40 m3 of SCP-357 is produced within ten seconds, fully engulfing the furnace, $50,000 worth of equipment, and two researchers. After one hour, the volume of the sample decreases to the equivalent of the absorbed matter. Object class is changed from Safe to Euclid. No further high energy experiments are permitted unless it can be definitively shown that a repeat of the incident will not occur.\nExperiment Log 357-7:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-357.\nProcedure: A 1 mm3 sample of SCP-357 is placed in a 40 m3 container. The ambient temperature is steadily increased in order to determine the material's rate of expansion from application of thermal energy.\nDetails: The experiment is still pending Level 4 approval. Models of expansion and further information regarding safety procedures are needed from Dr. B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 before a decision can be made.\n\n\u00ab SCP-356 | SCP-357 | SCP-358 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-358\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the mental side effects of SCP-358, SCP-358 is to be kept locked at all times except during testing, and all windows are to remain boarded, with regular guard patrols to ensure that no unauthorized entry occurs. The entirety of the building should be sealed air-tight, and any leaks reported immediately along with any signs of forced entry. Anyone found inside the building with reasons other than testing should be evacuated immediately and held for questioning and observation.\nDescription: SCP-358 is an abandoned trauma center located on the outskirts of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, England. The grounds surrounding the building are overgrown with vegetation native to the area and characteristic of extreme neglect. The building's exterior is weathered but otherwise intact, with windows and entrances boarded up to prevent trespassing and vandalism. Air inside is arid, measured on average at 45 degrees Celsius, with hotter dry gusts of air that blow through the hallways from no discernible source. Exploration and monitoring has revealed anomalous activity characteristic of typical type three pseudospiritual manifestation (haunting) ranging from glowing spheres to full bodied apparitions, all of which appear exhausted and on occasion ask for water. Recognizable apparitions appear to be individuals who have been exposed to SCP-358 beyond the average (47 minute) psychological recoverability point in the past. The majority of these subjects reside in Foundation psychological observational facilities, and security footage shows them present in their respective units during the appearance of their apparitions within SCP-358.\nIn the majority of cases (\u2588\u2588%), individuals within SCP-358 experience a sense of disorientation upon entering the building, which slowly diminishes over time spent within SCP-358. Additionally, they report a growing sense of thirst, which begins to coincide with physical symptoms suggestive of extreme dehydration and heat exhaustion. These symptoms are not alleviated by hydration, even using a direct intravenous drip. As exposure time continues, the exposed individual will show a slowly increasing degree of mental degradation typical of heat stroke, which leads to an exponentially increasing degree of dissociative disorder. On average, affected individuals remaining within SCP-358 are not considered psychologically recoverable beyond forty-seven minutes of exposure. The remaining \u2588% of subjects exposed to SCP-358 are unaffected, but are to be kept under observation to monitor for possible later development of effects.\nOn rare occasions, affected subjects within SCP-358 expire suddenly of apparent poisoning. Autopsy in these cases always reveals the venom of one or more common North American desert dwelling predators in the bloodstream, usually that of Crotalus atrox, the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake.\nSCP-358 was discovered by the SCP Foundation on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-1983 when two males, ages 20 and 22, were apprehended for trespassing after being found wandering its premises, unaware of their surroundings, by local law enforcement. Medical examination revealed only physical side effects, similar to exposure to a desert setting. The psychological evaluations of each person revealed a loss in mental capacity regarding self identification and location. A followup of a CT scan revealed nothing out of the ordinary. The police and medical reports were collected by SCP Foundation personnel which led to the current testing of SCP-358.\nAddendum 358-01:\nTesting supervisor's log, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-19\u2588\u2588:\nTesting time duration: 30 minutes\nTest subject is female, \u2588\u2588 years of age, \u2588'\u2588\u2588\", with an athletic build.\nUpon entry, test subject observes that the climate is hot and dry. After exiting the building, the test subject appeared dazed and was observed to be suffering from slight dehydration. Test subject also brought attention to the sand in her shoes. The sand was then collected for further testing purposes.\nAddendum 358-02:\nTesting supervisor's log, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-19\u2588\u2588:\nTesting time duration: 1 hour\nTest subject is male, \u2588\u2588 years of age, \u2588'\u2588\u2588\", slightly overweight.\nTest subject entered the building as in the previous test, remarking on the arid climate inside. Further exploration revealed a layout not unlike that of any other hospital from the region and period. Upon exiting SCP-358, test subject began questioning who and where they were. Medical testing revealed that the subject was suffering from dehydration, and they were provided water to replenish lost fluids. Sand was recovered from the test subject's shoes. Test subject recovered fully in all areas except their mental state, and remains in psychological observation facility A.\nAddendum 358-03:\nTesting supervisor's log, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-19\u2588\u2588:\nTesting time duration: 2 hours\nTest subject is male, \u2588\u2588 years of age, \u2588'\u2588\u2588\", of a wiry stature.\nAs in other testing, test subject began by observing a dry and hot climate on entering the building. Test subject orders were to examine the rooms of SCP-358. One hour into testing subject began complaining of dehydration and appeared slightly confused. After a duration of 2 hours within SCP-358, communication from the test subject stopped, and D-Class personnel were sent in to retrieve test subject. The D-Class located the subject in a room near the entrance, unconscious, and was recovered. Test subject regained consciousness soon after administration of an IV drip. Upon waking, subject was observed to be in a persistent vegetative state, unable to function, and was subsequently admitted to psychological observation facility A. Blood tests revealed trace amounts of a highly poisonous rattlesnake venom, found in bite victims of the deserts of southern California. As noted in Addenda 358-01 and 358-02, subject's shoes were filled with sand.\nAddendum 358-04:\nOn \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Security patrols captured video footage of a humanoid apparition in the north hall of SCP-358 begging for water. Comparison of video footage confirms that the apparition appears to exhibit mannerisms and appearance identical to test subject C, whose test results are noted in Addendum 358-03. Subject C remains unresponsive in psychological observation facility A, and demonstrated no change in behavior during the event.\n\n\u00ab SCP-357 | SCP-358 | SCP-359 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-360\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Foundation agents embedded in airport security and sky marshal agencies worldwide are to monitor air travelers and chartered flights for suspected activity related to SCP-360. Individuals suspected of attempting SCP-360 are to be detained, questioned, and administered a Class A amnestic; all items related to the activation of SCP-360 are to be confiscated for research.\nIn confirmed cases of SCP-360 activation, Foundation response teams are to enact media suppression and prevent dissemination of knowledge pertaining to the incident. Flight crew and passenger witnesses are to be administered a Class B amnestic and given a cover story.\nDescription: SCP-360 is an anomalous ritual that ostensibly allows a single living human subject to ascend to a higher plane of existence. When performed at an altitude of 10,500 meters or higher, affected subjects emit a blinding light and a burst of high-energy radiation for several seconds, then disappear. The radiation dosage is negligible and does not pose any long-term danger to affected individuals; however, due to the altitude required for successful activation, SCP-360 has resulted in numerous aviation incidents involving both public and private aircraft.\nWhen questioned, numerous witnesses of SCP-360 activation events \u2014 particularly those identifying as devout religious adherents \u2014 have reportedly experienced auditory and/or visual hallucinations consistent with their religious beliefs. These have taken the form of seeing the affected subject with luminescent wings or a halo prior to disappearance, music with no identifiable source, religious iconography or imagery, or a feeling that they were in the vicinity of a powerful presence.\nTo date, no individual who has successfully performed SCP-360 has ever been recovered.\nAddendum 360-1: Investigation Log\nFollowing thorough interrogation of individuals detained prior to a successful activation of SCP-360, it has been determined that in every case that knowledge of SCP-360 had been disseminated through a multi-page letter sent to the individual's residence. This letter reportedly contained self-help information, instructions for performing SCP-360, as well as a final message encouraging the reader to forward the contents onto other interested individuals.\nThe vast majority of interrogated individuals had already forwarded the letter, but on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588, one instance was successfully contained by members of Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 (\"Pony Express\") prior to mail pickup by local postal employees. The contents of the handwritten letter, which have been determined to be non-anomalous, are as follows:\n\nTo whom it may concern:\nFaith is real, but devotion is a myth. God exists; in fact, all gods exist. They are real and their power is real, but their motivations are childish and petulant. Whether you believe in salvation, transcendence, or reincarnation, these are but hoops in the petty games that they would have you believe to be necessary.\nReal peace is found within you, and no priest or rabbi can tell you otherwise. When you learn to accept and love yourself, that's when the world finally falls into place and the truth becomes clear.\nLet go of the empty words pretending to guide you to true happiness. Let the world fade away around you and embrace the power within yourself. From those who have gone before to those who are about to come: we are here, waiting. Not as gods or angels, but as brothers and sisters.\n\nThe remainder of the document describes two items required for successful activation of SCP-360 as well as the procedure required to complete the ritual:\n\nYou will need a token. Something from a loved one: a gift from a child, a flower from a spouse, or a toy from a parent. Something that means something to you.\nYou will need to mix a potion. The ingredients are simple, but need to be precise:\n\n50 milliliters of purified water\n1 crushed mint leaf\n5 grams of dried willow bark\n3 milliliters of tea tree oil\n500 milligrams of acetaminophen\n[REDACTED]\n[REDACTED]\n\nCombine ingredients and simmer over low heat until it turns luminous gold.\n\n1. Fly. Lift yourself above the highest peaks, where the air is thin and the heavens are close. Angels and demons may be the messengers of the usurpers, but they have wings for a reason.\n2. Hold your token close to your heart. Remember how you felt when it was given, cherish that feeling, and let it grow within you.\n3. Drink the potion. Let it numb the body and free your spirit.\n4. Repeat these words: [REDACTED]\n5. Be free.\n\nPass this on to those who need it. You know who they are, and you always wished that there was more you could do to help. They will find you and thank you for it. That's a promise.\n\nDue to the continued occurrence of incidents confirmed or suspected to be related to SCP-360, it is suspected that additional instances of this documentation remain uncontained. MTF Alpha-4 is continuing to monitor postal services for instances and contain them as they become identified.\n\n\u00ab SCP-359 | SCP-360 | SCP-361 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-361\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-361 is to be kept in a standard Artifact Containment Unit in Site-19's High Value wing. SCP-361 is to be kept in a cool and dry environment to prevent damage to the aged metal it is composed of, and thoroughly cleaned after each use.\nDescription: SCP-361 is a bronze Etruscan artifact, in the shape of a sheep's liver. SCP-361 is covered in the names of Etruscan gods and instructions for various religious rites, and is believed to have served as a tool for practicing haruspicy- divination using animal organs. SCP-361 bears a strong resemblance to the non-anomalous artifact known as the Liver of Piacenza, with which it was originally found during the late 19th century. Both artifacts date to the 2nd-3rd century BCE, to the province of Piacenza, Italy.\nSCP-361's anomalous properties manifest if it comes into contact with a sheep's liver, removed no more than three (3) hours before interacting with SCP-361. When such contact is made, SCP-361 will vocalize (in a language and tone appropriate to the one introducing the liver to it) a set of instructions meant to achieve contact with one of the gods or spirits depicted in the writings covering it, through a service it refers to as \"HarusCo\". If these instructions are performed correctly within a period of thirty (30) seconds, SCP-361 will provide a new set of instructions. SCP-361's instructions will grow increasingly convoluted and/or nonsensical, until becoming almost impossible to perform under the given time limit. Failure to follow an instruction will cause SCP-361 to become inactive for a period of twenty-four (24) hours.\nTest Log SCP-361\n\nTest-361-A\nStage 1: A sheep's liver is introduced to SCP-361.\nVocalization: Welcome to HarusCo! Your sacrifice is very important to us! For Tinia the Thunderer, please perform a horizontal incision on the offering. For Aita of the Underworld, please perform a vertical incision. For Maris, lightly cover your offering with the ash of a dead warrior related to you by blood.\nStage 2: A horizontal incision is made.\nVocalization: You have selected Tinia. For your weekly meteorological divination, please singe your offering over an open flame for five seconds. For warning bolts, please place a green olive on the altar. For beseechments and beneficial interventions, please attach a written consent from the Consulate Gods. For Catastrophes, please remove the head of an adult ox and hold.\nStage 3: The liver is singed over an open flame.\nVocalization: You have selected weekly meteorological divination. For your local forecast, please perform the seven sacred rites of Tinia while avoiding the anger of the mildew spirits. For forecasts for other areas, please perform the rites upon a boat of three masts or more. For a marital forecast, please consult with your local priestess of Uni.\nStage 4: Researchers were unable to comply with the instructions in the given time frame.\nVocalization: No input was received, this sacrifice will be disconnected. Thank you for using HarusCo, Rasna's #1 divination and deistic petition service for more than two thousand years! The Gods are looking forward to your next call!\n[SCP-361 enters inactive state]\n\nAddendum SCP-361-A: In order to examine the limits of SCP-361's ability to alter the language and tone it uses to interact with its user, a subject with a similar cultural origin to SCP-361 was required. For that purpose, a request for interaction between SCP-361 and SCP-1510, the persona of which originates from the same general area and time period, was made and accepted.\n\nTest 361-B\nStage 1: Subject D-1510-104, wearing SCP-1510, introduces a sheep's liver to SCP-361.\nVocalization: SCP-361 vocalizes in Classical Latin, the language spoken by SCP-1510-1. The instruction is translated to \"Son of Romulus, speak the words thy father taught you, and your watcher will speak, his words carried by our spirit.\"\nStage 2: SCP-1510-1 chants several phrases in Latin, later identified as an oath to Mars Gradivus.\nVocalization: SCP-361's instruction is translated to \"Place the aspect of your watcher at his feet, so he might see your altered form.\"\nStage 3: SCP-1510-1 requests an open flame. He is given a camping gas lamp. SCP-1510 places the lit gas lamp at the feet of the table SCP-361 is placed on.\nVocalization: SCP-361's instruction is translated to \"Speak the duty of your watcher, so he might judge your worthiness.\"\nStage 4: SCP-1510-1 speaks a Latin phrase, later identified as Mars Gradivus' oath: to guard, preserve, and protect the state, the peace and the senate.\nVocalization: SCP-361's instruction is translated to \"Show your watcher that you do not stand alone; Does he who guards your left carry with him your watcher's conviction?\"\nStage 5: SCP-1510-1 requests one of the supervising researchers to enter the room and touch SCP-361. Request granted.\nVocalization: SCP-361 speaks in a different voice, still in classical Latin: \"Courage, Publius. This too shall pass. When rust claims your soul at last, valor will make you into Aeneas, and carry you beyond these shores, to rest among your fathers.\" The voice was later identified by SCP-1510-1 as the voice of the persona's father.\n[SCP-361 enters inactive state]\n\n\u00ab SCP-360 | SCP-361 | SCP-362 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-362\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-362 may be sealed in a polypropylene bag and stored in an indexed box on-site within Vault 2b.\nSCP-362 is to be stored in a polypropylene bag and kept in a standard lockbox. This lockbox is to be kept in a dedicated room with no materials pertaining to other SCPs, including handwritten and/or typed files, smartphones, PDAs, Post-It notes, memos, etc. Electronic devices with access to the Internet and/or on-site intranet are forbidden from entering and/or accessing said room. Containment chamber should include non-relevant books and magazines along with blank notebooks, for observation purposes.\nOnly persons possessing Level 1 clearance or lower may receive authorization to enter the containment chamber and wear SCP-362, which shall be done for research purposes and for said purposes only. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and O5-\u2588 possess keys unlocking SCP-362's lockbox; no other copies may be made without O5 authorization. Two security personnel must bar access to anyone not possessing the required clearance, and at least one surveillance camera must monitor each of the following for both research and security purposes: exterior of chamber entryway, interior of chamber entryway, lockbox, and the chamber itself.\nDescription: SCP-362 is a light blue T-shirt bearing the logo of [REDACTED], a children's \u201cSaturday morning cartoon\u201d television program popular in the late 1980s and early 90s. It is a size M (medium), with short sleeves. Its color appears to have faded, and was likely a darker shade of blue. Its tag states the T-shirt is made of 100% cotton; testing has confirmed this statement. Despite its apparent age, it is in good condition apart from said fading: its collar and sleeves are not worn or threadbare and it has no holes or rips.\nTest subjects wearing SCP-362 have unanimously reported no feelings of discomfort, unease, or foreboding. Five subjects, whose ages range from 22 to 35, have expressed what can perhaps be informally phrased as \u201camused nostalgia\u201d upon donning SCP-362. In tests, it has been worn as briefly as 3.6 seconds and as long as \u2588\u2588 days, with a mean duration of \u2588\u2588 hours. Aside from the obvious inconvenience of wearing an item of clothing longer than a few days, the test subject in each case reported normal emotional responses.\nUpon doffing SCP-362, its effects are immediate and almost invariable among tests, the only significant variable being the duration test subjects must endure the phenomenon before it ends. Immediately after pulling SCP-362 off over his or her head, the test subject reports several to dozens of humanoid figures suddenly appearing in the room with them. The figures appear after the instant the test subject's vision becomes obscured by the material of SCP-362 passing over the subject's eyes as it is removed.\nThese figures present with absolutely indeterminate features. Most to all of these figures seem to fix their attention on the test subject, and unless approached will stand motionless. A test subject who moves around the test chamber will find that these figures also move, but only to keep their attention fixed on the subject and/or to avoid physical contact with the subject. These figures will go as far as to phase through the confines of the test chamber to avoid contact with any living being.\nThe figures themselves have been variously described as \u201cblurry,\u201d \u201cmirages,\u201d and, most commonly, as \u201cshadowy\u201d or \u201cmade of shadows.\u201d\nOften, a few of these figures will seem to take no interest in the test subject but will instead explore their surrounding environment. They will appear to touch items, rifle through piles of paper, page through books, operate computers, etc., though recordings demonstrate that they do not actually manipulate objects in any observable way.\nTwice, a figure reportedly has appeared to handle and operate a device \u201clike a Geiger counter,\u201d with which the figure seemed to scan objects or take readings for the duration of the sighting.\nUpon review of archived episodes of \u201c[REDACTED],\u201d the show appears never to have referenced or depicted anything resembling the figures which have appeared to all test subjects. After experimentation, test subjects, even those who expressed eagerness and/or amusement at the prospect of wearing SCP-362, express unease when prompted to discuss the show.\nThough these figures reveal themselves only to the test subject, do not generate significant fluctuations in sensory equipment, and fail to manipulate physical objects, it is recommended that security protocol regarding SCP-362 include vault containment with access granted only to relevant researchers and personnel.\nIn light of incident SCP-362-02, and in order to avoid cross-contamination of SCPs and prevent security breaches, no items, information, or personnel of Level 2 clearance or higher may ever be present in SCP-362's chamber prior to, during, or immediately after experimentation. Furthermore, under no circumstances may SCP-362 be worn by any person for longer than 9 days.\nAddendum: Immediately prior to said incident, test subject had worn SCP-362 for 31 days. As per research protocol, test subject had not been informed of the effects of doffing SCP-362. Upon removal, Site-\u2588\u2588 experienced a containment breach which lasted \u2588\u2588 minutes when primary and secondary power systems simultaneously failed. All debriefed personnel at Site-\u2588\u2588 reported experiencing feelings of dread during the breach, many of whom were trapped in rooms without power or means of egress when failsafe systems activated. Some personnel reported the sensation that other persons inhabited the room with them during the breach despite being alone immediately beforehand. Many personnel felt as though they were being watched.\nImmediately after the breach, upon restoration of secondary power (primary power took an additional \u2588 minutes to come back online), Site-\u2588\u2588 personnel discovered files scattered, books open, and notes in disarray. IT division reported that several computers and other devices had accessed [DATA EXPUNGED].\nTest subject expired due to ventricular fibrillation \u2588 minutes after secondary power failed. Autopsy revealed abnormally high adrenaline levels in subject's bloodstream.\nAuthorization to upgrade SCP-362 to Euclid class pending.\nInterview Log for Experiment 362-\u2588\u2588\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 with Dr. \u2588\u2588\nTest Subject: D-1022\nTime: 5 minutes\n\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please describe your surroundings.\nD-1022: I don't know. It's like an office, I guess? Papers. Notepads. There's a box in front of me.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is anyone in the room with you?\nD-1022 [chuckling]: I thought you were watching me. Y'know, through cameras.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We are. Is there anyone in the room with you?\nD-1022: Is there supposed to be? Ain't no one in here but me.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Thank you. Please use the key provided to open the box in front of you, then put on what you find inside.\nD-1022 [after brief silence]: What, it's just a shirt. [Louder:] Oh hell yeah, \u201c[REDACTED]?\u201d Ah man I used to watch that show all the time.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please put it on.\nD-1022: Sure thing. Haha, can I keep it?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [with some amusement]: I'm afraid not.\nD-1022: Show was the shit.\n[Subject sings what has been identified as the theme song of said children's program as he puts on SCP-362.]\nD-1022: Okay, it's on. So\u2026 what now?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You'll receive further instructions in 5 minutes. Until then, you may busy yourself with whatever you find in the room.\n[Subject swivels back and forth in his chair as he hums aforementioned tune. At T minus 3 minutes, he draws humanoid figures with a pen.]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you tell me why you've drawn those figures?\nD-1022: Just keeping busy, like you said.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, but why those particular figures?\nD-1022: What? You're telling me you never watched \u201c[REDACTED]?\u201d\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We've reviewed some episodes, yes.\nD-1022 [pointing]: This is [REDACTED]. Come on, man, don't tell me you don't see the resemblance.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [with amusement]: Oh yes, of course. It's the very likeness of him.\nD-1022: Phff\u2026 whatever. I'm a good artist.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Time is up. You may remove that item of clothing.\nD-1022: All right.\n[Subject removes SCP-362 over his head. The instant he can see again, D-1022 stumbles backwards against the desk behind him.]\nD-1022: Ohhh shit, SHIT!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What's wrong?\nD-1022: What is this? What's going on!?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please describe your surroundings.\nD-1022: Who are all these people!?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please describe what you see.\nD-1022: They're \u2013 they're watching me! They're ghosts or something. Get me out of here!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You are not in any danger. Please describe them in further detail.\nD-1022: What do you want? What do you want!\n[Subject rushes forward.]\nD-1022: You want a piece of this!? Stop fuckin' moving!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You are not in any danger. Please do not attack them.\nDr. \u2588\u2588 [to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, inaudible to D-1022]: If he provokes them, maybe we'll get some new data.\n[D-1022 continues to turn and lunge at unseen opponents for 16 seconds of silence. Then:]\nD-1022: Where'd they go?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: They're gone? Describe how they went.\nD-1022: They just\u2026 went. Just \u2014 one minute they're there and then\u2026 what were they?\n[D-1022 begins to shiver visibly.]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is something wrong? Is it colder in the room? [To Dr. \u2588\u2588:] Can I get a temperature reading?\nDr. \u2588\u2588 [overlapping]: It's normal. No change.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: D-1022, is it colder in the room than it was before?\nD-1022: Get me out of here. I'm not telling you anything else until you let me out.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nExperiment Logs\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n362-E005\nDate: 03/06/20\u2588\u2588\nD-2323, recruited specifically for this experiment due to his skill at dart-throwing, wore SCP-362 for five minutes. After-effects lasted two minutes and thirty six seconds. During this period, D-2323 was encouraged to throw darts at the figures and report verbally on results. Due to panic which D-2323 experienced, subject utilized only one minute and six seconds of time available to him. Findings seem to confirm hypothesis based on previous experiments: figures will phase through walls, blink in and out of visibility, and/or move more quickly than seems possible in order to avoid contact with either biological objects or non-biological objects introduced into the chamber with hostile intent.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n362-E012\nDate: 05/12/20\u2588\u2588\n44 D-class personnel introduced into chamber prior to experimentation. Subjects became claustrophobic. Staff introduced a mild tranquilizing gas into chamber to avoid compromising the experiment. Afterward, D-3197 wore SCP-362 for 5 minutes, and, during that time, led the other participants in a chorus of the television show's theme song. This appears to have been the result of introducing the gas into the chamber, and is likely not an effect of SCP-362, though further experimentation may be necessary to confirm this hypothesis. After D-3197 was instructed to remove SCP-362, he reported seeing figures for approximately two minutes and thirty seconds.\nImmediately upon removal, 9 D-class personnel disappeared from the chamber. D-3197 reported that, where the vanished D-class personnel had stood, the figures appeared in their place. Remaining D-class personnel exhibited signs of panic, despite lacking the ability to see the figures themselves. In order to avoid a possible containment breach due to D-class personnel overcoming the effects of the tranquilizer and causing damage to the test chamber and/or each other, a paralytic agent was introduced into the room.\nIncident Log SCP-362-03\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAfter Experiment 362-E012, researchers have identified anomalous data appearing on terminals during SCP-362 experimentation. First sample located on terminal \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588's hard drive after post-experimentation scan (see Experiment Log for 362-E013). Two more samples generated during E014 and E015. Current hypothesis posits a correlation between missing D-class personnel and content of anomalous data. Find a sample of said data attached. For full documentation, see \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\ni was one who sang and one who watched the song and now we watch the song and watch for signs\nit is 2.957 it is 3.6602 it is 5.5 repeating it is 5 it is 4.3 it is 10,055,092.3 it is repeating\nthese are signs there are more signs but these are signs we have seen when we watched the song\nthe song.\nwe see the song at all times always at each time we see the song we\nhave and duly note the sign of 3.6602 and the sign of 5.5 repeating it is repeating\nthese are the signs.\n3.6602 5.5 repeating 2.957 5 4.3 10,055,093.3\nwe are watching the signs at all times\nwe are watching then and now and now we duly note that\nwe are watching\n\n\u00ab SCP-361 | SCP-362 | SCP-363 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-363\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-363 specimens are contained in a 2 m x 2 m x 2 m room that is to be constantly illuminated by high-powered lighting. This lighting must be connected to multiple redundant power sources, and in case of total system failure, Mobile Task Force Eta-Seven is to be dispatched to assess the threat.\nSCP-363 is to be fed twenty (20) lab mice, administered once every forty-eight (48) hours.\nDescription: Ostensibly, SCP-363 are identical to Scolopendra gigantea, or the Amazonian giant centipede. Dietary needs are identical, and DNA inspection has proven no dissimilarities to normal S. gigantea.\nSCP-363 is, under normal circumstances, the appropriate size for S. gigantea. In darkness, (darkness defined here as any level of light under 2 lux) which it actively seeks out, however, SCP-363 will grow rapidly and erratically, to sizes up to and exceeding 10 m x 2 m. SCP-363 does not retain the form of a centipede under these conditions. So far, reports have documented: proboscises, tentacles, highly elongated mandibles, an inconsistent number of eyes and legs, and, in one case, [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-363 will revert back to normal size and appearance after 2-3 hours of illumination of a level of at least 50 lux.\nSCP-363 will attack any animal emitting body heat, and appears to be able to detect and hunt in total darkness. It is assumed it uses other senses to hunt, with vision in a secondary position.\nReproductive cycle of SCP-363 is similar to that of normal S. gigantea, with one difference. Rather than in a cluster of leaves and dirt, eggs are laid and fertilized in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cavity of paralyzed [DATA EXPUNGED], followed by death.\nAddendum 1: Note from Dr. Skalder: We've determined that fire seems to scare or ward off SCP-363. In light of this, we have equipped three of the members of MTF Eta-Seven, \"Creepy Crawlies\", with military-issue M2A1-7 flamethrowers.\nAddendum 2: Incident report of breach.\n\nDocument# 363-Alpha: Breach 1\nPersonnel involved: MTF-Eta-7\nDate: 21-5-2003\nLocation: Site-\u2588\u2588\nDescription: Attempted retrieval of SCP-363 specimen during power failure/containment breach.\n\nMTF Eta-7 Commander Johnson: Perts, any word from Technical on (distortion) cameras?\nContactsman Perts: No dice, commander. Complete equipment failure throughout the sector.\nC. Johnson: Alright. Night-vision on, motion-sensors go. Fredmann, McShaugn, Aidelare, report to rendezvous point.\nLieutenant McShaugn: Copy that, commander. Sub-team Hornet coming in, over.\nC. Johnson: Sub-team Wasp, come in.\n(Radio silence)\nC. Johnson: Wasp, do you copy? Over.\nUnknown: (Shouting) Jesus Christ almighty, torch that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588- (signal cuts out)\nC. Johnson: Damn it. O'Denn? O'Denn, can you hear me? What is your position? Over.\nLieutenant O'Denn: Outside of Lab 8. We found it, sir. It's holed up in there. It got De Aunaign. Over.\nC. Johnson: Casualty?\nL. O'Denn: Mangled leg, sir. We scared the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in there with the flamethrower, don't think it's coming out. Are they fixing the power yet? Over.\nC. Johnson: Forget about that, O'Denn. Tell Von Hower to keep his flamer trained on the door. Hornet, can you hear me? Over.\nL. McShaugn: Loud and clear, sir.\nC. Johnson: Forget the rendezvous. Relocate to Lab 8, don't engage yet. Copy?\nL. McShaugn: Going (interrupted by loud noise) \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 my grandmother! What was that?! Aidelare, do you see anything?! Over!\nFlamer Aidelare: (Extensive swearing) There's another one of those \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in here! Second containment breach, commander!\nC. Johnson: Has it seen you? Over.\nF. Aidelare: I don't reckon, sir.\nC. Johnson: Good. Try to keep it that way. Perts, how many of those things did they keep in here?\nC.M Perts: (Relays question to contact.) Eight, sir.\nC. Johnson: Good God. Okay, tell 'em \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 the preservation and detonate the gas charges\".\nC.M Perts: They uh, they can't, sir.\nC. Johnson: Why the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 not, Perts?\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nL. O'Denn: So we're all \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 three days from Sunday. Good to know. Orders, commander?\nC. Johnson: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 'em all and burn it down, O'Denn. Tell Von Hower and Aidelare to set fire to Lab 8, then split up and do a sweep of the area. Neutralize all hostile centipede \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nL. O'Denn: Copy that.\nC. Johnson: Perts, still no contact with Blackfly?\nC.M Perts: Blackfly, report in.\n(Radio silence)\nC.M Perts: No Blackfly.\nC. Johnson: I gathered, Perts. Alright, O'Denn, status repo-\nUnknown: (Gasping, groaning)\nC. Johnson: The\u2026who's that? Identify.\nUnknown: Flamer Tell, sir.\nC. Johnson: What is your status, Tell? What of Blackfly? Over.\nF. Tell: \u2026dead. Everyone.\nC. Johnson: Repeat that, Tell?\nF. Tell: (screaming) We're all \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 dead down here, commander! I saw one of them\u2026one of them pulled Doug apart\u2026just\u2026just in half. It laid all these eggs, and another one squirted this jizz over them. They hatched\u2026they hatched so fast\u2026more of those things\u2026ate him so fast\u2026dozens of them\u2026eating Howard now\u2026I liked Howard, commander\u2026eating him\u2026eating him\u2026\nC. Johnson: Calm down, Tell, for God's sake. What's your personal status?\nF. Tell: They're on my legs\u2026I can see 'em\u2026but I can't feel it\u2026biting me\u2026\n(Radio silence)\nF. Tell: I feel something\u2026burning\u2026like bubbling\u2026\nC. Johnson: Tell. Self-terminate. That's an order. I'm sorry.\nF. Tell: (Unintelligible)\nC. Johnson: God damn it, Tell! Do you copy?! Immediate self-termination!\nF. Tell: (Warped voice) The flesh is like milk to us.\nC. Johnson: What the hell are you saying, Tell?\nF. Tell: We are one.\nC. Johnson: I think he's gone crazy.\nF. Tell: One is all. (Cracking noises)\nC. Johnson: Wasp, Hornet. Come in.\n(Radio Silence)\nC. Johnson: Wasp, Hornet. Come in, damn it.\nL. O'Denn: (Same warped voice as documented with Flamer Tell) We are here. There are many.\nC. Johnson: Perts? Tell command we're evacuating the premises. Mission failure.\nC.M Perts: Sir, yes sir.\nC. Johnson: Air strike and full bombardment once we're out. No - (interrupted by crashing sound) Jesus Christ, what-\n(tearing sounds)\n(Five minutes of radio silence, C. Johnson presumed dead)\nUnknown individual, presumed C.M Perts: Hear, o Israel. Y-H-W-H is our God, Y-H-W-H alone.\n(Gunshot)\n\nPost-script: Site-\u2588\u2588 fire-bombed. Several undamaged and fertilized SCP-363 eggs retrieved. Contained. All members of MTF Eta-7 presumed dead. New team established. - O5-\u2588\n\nAddendum 3: Interview\n\nInterviewed: Janitor \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInterviewer: [DATA EXPUNGED], referred to as \u201cI.\u201d\nForeword: Interview conducted after \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 professed to a possible SCP-sighting after firebombing of Site-\u2588\u2588.\n\nI.: Hello, \u2588\u2588\u2588. Please sit down. Thank you, now, you said you saw \u201csomething\u201d after the firebombing. Care to expand on that?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588: It was\u2026well, one of those guys from the MTF you had stationed there. Eta-7. One of those guys, yeah.\nI.: Do you know his name, perchance?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yeah, yeah, I talked to him once. That guy, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Tell. One of the flamers.\nI.: Are you sure it was him?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588: (Short silence) No. No, I ain't sure. It\u2026it looked like him, for sure. But there were all these things\u2026growing out of him. Like insect legs, but, all in random places\u2026from his chest, his arms, and\u2026one of \u2018em was pokin' out of of his eyeball. His eye was just gone. And his mouth\u2026there were these, like, these pinchers. Mandibles. All black. And there were these things\u2026\nI.: Continue.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588: These things\u2026centipedes\u2026crawling in and outta holes in his flesh. He looked at me \u2013 his one eye'd gone all\u2026it looked all like a bug's eye, with facets, and stuff, and\u2026he laughed. I think he did, anyway.\nI.: And then?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588: He\u2026he ran away.\nI.: Thank you.\n\n\nAddendum 4\n\nSecurity Level 4\n\nAnnouncement: Signal of standard MTF anti-defection tracker located [DATA EXPUNGED], eighteen miles away from Site-\u2588\u2588. Signal associated with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Tell. Tracking procedure initialized. Infection risk to be negated at all costs. -O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-362 | SCP-363 | SCP-364 \u00bb"} {"text": "Surt (circled, near top center) is on the side of Io that always faces Jupiter. For scale, Io is 3642 km in diameter, slightly larger than Earth's Moon.\n\nItem #: SCP-364\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Since SCP-364 cannot be reached by humans, containment measures consist primarily of finding and suppressing any information about SCP-364 before such information can be publicly disseminated. Foundation assets have been inserted into all major space agencies and most private space exploration companies, with standing orders to report back on any actions planned or being carried out that could potentially expose SCP-364. A task force has also been set up to monitor actions by amateur astronomers, although the chances of independent discovery of SCP-364 from ground-based installations are quite small.\nDescription: SCP-364 is a point several hundred meters above the volcano Surt on Io, the innermost of Jupiter's Galilean satellites. At irregular intervals, varying amounts of material (up to 4000 cubic meters at a time) spontaneously appear at this location and settle into Surt, where the material is incinerated by the lava flow from the volcano. The mechanism by which this material appears is not known, and no permanent physical structure has as yet been detected near SCP-364, at any other location on Io, or anywhere else in the Jovian system. In addition, no unusual energy emissions have been detected coming from SCP-364 or the surrounding area.\nThe material that appears is usually a heterogeneous mixture of substances, including metals (particularly ferrous and titanitic alloys), organic compounds, siliceous compounds, and several unknown materials (though spectrographic analysis suggests that these may include stable super-heavy elements). On at least four occasions, probes have detected marks on the material that appear to be a written language in an unknown script. In addition, a strong correlation has been discovered between the thermal output of Surt and the appearance of material at SCP-364. Although any potential causative relationship between the two phenomena is purely speculative, evidence collected to date overwhelmingly suggests that the material that appears at SCP-364 is artificial in origin.\nHistory: The existence of SCP-364 was first suggested in 1979, following the fly-by of Jupiter by the Voyager 1 probe. Unusual activity on Io had been picked up by [DATA EXPUNGED], part of a clandestine package of instruments added to both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 by Foundation assets. However, the existence of SCP-364 could not be confirmed until the Galileo probe reached Jupiter in December 1995, using data and images collected by Galileo during its initial pass of Io. None of these images or data were released, the official story being that no images were taken in the first place.\nWhile Galileo was left to continue its original mission around Jupiter, Foundation personnel worked with high-ranking NASA officials to develop and launch two more probes to Io, specifically to study and monitor SCP-364. However, to avoid suspicion, these missions to Io were announced and treated as exploratory missions to Mars. In late 1999, both the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander appeared to crash land on Mars due to \"human error\", when in actuality both spacecraft continued on their way to Io, reaching Jupiter in 2007. Galileo had already been sent to its destruction in Jupiter's atmosphere by this time, but the two \"Mars\" probes continue to send back data from Io and SCP-364. The replacements for these probes are already [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNote: Because Io is constantly subjected to heavy radiation and Jupiter's formidable magnetosphere, any spacecraft sent into orbit around Io would be very short-lived, and the two probes up there now are in orbit around Europa and Jupiter. Thus, constant observation of SCP-364 is not possible, but this is not a major issue while SCP-364 remains immobile. A more pressing concern is technology: how long will it be before anyone in the world can point a next-generation telescope at Io and be able to resolve 10-meter-long objects from the Earth's surface? Plus, who's to say that whatever is sending that stuff to Io couldn't send it somewhere else? \u2014Dr. Blanchard\n\n\u00ab SCP-363 | SCP-364 | SCP-365 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-365\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-365 is to be stored in a storage locker at Storage Site-23. SCP-365 must be kept away from any body of water except for testing purposes. SCP-365 is to be kept in its testing pool at all times. The door to the pool is to be locked and guarded by one security guard (see Addendum 365-02). Experiment requests must be approved by a Level-3 researcher.\nDescription: SCP-365 is a green pool noodle made of polyethylene foam. By itself, it displays no unusual properties and is physically identical to a typical noodle of similar size. SCP-365's unusual properties manifest only when it is placed in a body of water. When a subject completely submerges in said body of water, they become unable to get out.\nSubjects report a sense of dread, and describe themselves in an infinite sea, swimming endlessly in a direction and finding only more water (see Audio Log 365-03). It is important to note that to outside observers, the subject simply seems to be flailing in place.\nThe only way to remove a submerged person from the water is to remove SCP-365, negating its effects. All other methods of rescue have failed; cables and ropes have exhibited an unnatural resistance and snapped, drainage systems have failed, and human intervention has led to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 365-01: SCP-365 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588. Retrieval personnel found it at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Public Pool along with the bodies of \u2588\u2588 civilians. Because SCP-365's properties were unknown at the time, \u2588 agents lost their lives. SCP-365 was eventually found and removed from the pool, and carbon monoxide from an improperly maintained water heater was used as a cover story.\nAddendum 365-02: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 discovered that Hallway 19 of Storage-Site 23 was flooded. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 noticed water leaking from SCP-365's storage locker at a rate of 5 L/min. She quickly notified Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who opened the locker to find SCP-365 producing water from its holes. SCP-365 was subsequently moved to its testing pool, whereupon the flow of water stopped. SCP-365's containment procedures have been changed accordingly.\n\n\u00ab SCP-364 | SCP-365 | SCP-366 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-366\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All SCP-366 specimens, regardless of stage, are to be stored in a Level 4 Biological Hazard freezing unit at Biological Research Site-66. Cryopreservation is to be achieved through freezing in liquid nitrogen at a constant temperature of -196 \u00b0C to prevent activation. Due to the diminutive nature of SCP-366 ova, these specimens are to be stored in a near vacuum class III biosafety cabinet to avoid accidental dispersion, in addition to cryopreservation as outlined above.\nAll specimens and infested hosts are only to be handled by authorized personnel wearing Level A hazmat suits with SCBA, and all personnel involved in the handling of SCP-366 are to be scanned by MRI for possible infestation before entering and after exiting containment facilities.\nIf an infestation is detected, specific procedures are to be followed depending on the sex of the host. Males are to be detained and subjected to a dual inguinal orchiectomy by resident Level 3 or higher medical staff. All medical offal is to be disposed of according to the HazB-Inf/142b protocol. A secondary scan for infestation is to be performed after recovery in quarantine to verify the success of the procedure and to rule out residual infestation. Females found to have suffered infestation are to be likewise detained and placed in quarantine under medical observation 24 hours per day until such time as an ABE-366 event occurs.\nShould signs of an imminent ABE-366 event be detected, the host is to be sedated using benzodiazepines, the dosage to be determined by the resident head of medical staff. The host's quarantine cell is then to be evacuated of all personnel. Due to the dangers of hearing loss, immediate containment of SCP-366 specimens exiting the host's body is essential. Post-event, both the host and any affected personnel are to be screened for (continued) infestation and treated accordingly. If no such infestation is detected and the host survived, class-A amnestics may be administered and the host need no longer be detained. No special social reintegration procedures apply.\nAs locations where SCP-366 ova are deposited shift if sealed off permanently, containment of these areas focuses on detection, quarantine of hosts and containment of specimens. If celestial events known to trigger the appearance of SCP-366 ova can be foreseen, sites are to be closed down temporarily. If need be, ova may be harvested for research. In all other situations, ova are to be allowed to expire before sites are declared open again.\nIf infestation is detected outside of Foundation control, hosts are to be detained and subjected to the stipulations above. The procedures outlined above are then to be applied to locations linked to these cases.\nCritical infestations occurring outside of the Foundation's control warrant a full quarantine of all individuals in contact with the deceased. If necessary, temporary research and detainment sites are to be established around large-scale hotzones.\nDescription: SCP-366 refers to a human endoparasite of unknown, possibly extraterrestrial origin that starts its lifecycle in an ovum stage. In male hosts, ova can develop into a larval stage. In female hosts, larval stage specimens may transition to the adult stage. Larvae introduced to male hosts and ova introduced to female hosts live at most three hours before expiring due to a lack of the hormones necessary for their further development. Attempts to cultivate infestations in other organisms have not yielded any results, with SCP-366 specimens of any stage expiring as expected when outside a human host.\nOva measure approximately 1 micrometer in diameter and have never been recovered unfertilized. When encountered outside of a host, ova are dormant with the embryo in developmental stasis. Larvae measure between 0.1 - 0.2 mm and display physical characteristics of the larvae of Ochlerotatus cantato. Despite this resemblance, research has indicated no DNA matches with that species nor any of its family. Adult SCP-366 specimens resemble the larvae of Tenebrio molitor though they are significantly larger (9.3 cm - 14.8 cm). Again, this resemblance is superficial only.\nUpon introduction of SCP-366 ova to a male host via inhalation or ingestion specimens travel through the body to settle in the testes. An ovum stage specimen monitors its host's testosterone levels for between 27-32 days. After that period of time, any significant increase in testosterone over the usual levels will trigger a transition to larval stage. SCP-366 larvae lie dormant in the testes, waiting to be transmitted to a female host. Symptoms that male hosts may display at this time include muscle pains, fevers and a small amount of blood in the host's urine. Larva developed in male hosts are transmitted to female hosts through ejaculation. If ejaculation does not occur, larval stage specimens will remain in the host's system indefinitely, waiting to be transferred to a female host. Lifespan has not as of yet been established for these larvae.\nSCP-366 infestation in female hosts occurs after unprotected copulation with infested males. Larvae transmitted in this manner attach to the lining of the uterus and feed on the host's output of 17\u00df-estradiol to grow to their adult form. An infestation with adult specimens produces symptoms resembling pregnancy which may include:\n- Nausea\n- A swelling of the abdominal area\n- Light blood loss in stool or vaginal fluids\n- Abdominal cramps\nDuring this gestation period the SCP-366 specimens present in the uterus will display ovophagous behavior, with the larger and stronger specimens killing and assimilating weaker ones. This process continues until only one specimen survives. After three to six weeks, the remaining adult specimen leaves the host in an ABE-366 event. Specimens birthed in this manner will take flight through unknown means and attempt to gain access to the open sky. If successful, specimens will ascend towards the [REDACTED] system at an average rate of 114 km/h. Research using tracking devices attached to birthed specimens has yielded little result, with signals lost in the vicinity of [REDACTED]. Specimens prevented from reaching the open sky will produce a sustained high-pitched sound at approximately 101 dB.\nAn infestation is designated critical if abnormally elevated levels of 17\u00df-estradiol in males cause larval stage specimens to develop into adult stage prematurely. These cases are invariably fatal to the host as large numbers of immature adult stage specimens leave the host's body in an abrupt mass exodus. There was only one recorded critical infestation amongst infested males in Foundation custody.\nSCP-366 ovum stage specimens can be found exclusively in the state of Massachusetts, always at exposed locations known locally for adolescent sexual activity. Certain celestial events, such as meteor showers, may trigger the descent of SCP-366 ova. The amount of ova deposited during these events ranges from approximately 1.000 to 10.000 depending on the level of activity at the location. The exact origin of the ova remains untraceable at this point.\nAddendum 366-A-01:\n\nIt was so beautiful, man. Just me, Lorraine, the night sky and all those falling stars\u2026\n-Host 366-28289F (deceased)\n\n\u00ab SCP-365 | SCP-366 | SCP-367 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-367\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-367's containment area is to be checked daily for damage done by SCP-367. Any and all damage to containment area is to be repaired immediately. Should damage exceed that which can be repaired in a 12-hour period, SCP-367 is to be moved to a temporary containment area and kept under constant observation while repairs are made. Any attempts by SCP-367 to damage or escape containment are to immediately be met with Chemical Suppression Tactic A-11 (CST A-11).\nEvery two hours, SCP-367 is to be provided with one (1) kilogram of \"feed\", which may be composed of any available bio-matter. In the event that no suitable bio-mass is available, other items may be provided for consumption and CST A-11 is to be placed on stand-by in case of rejection behavior by SCP-367. SCP-367 is to be weighed after each feeding period to monitor weight and density increase leading up to division.\nAdditional instances of SCP-367 forming in containment are to be disposed of. No unprotected interaction with SCP-367 is to be undertaken unless it is within thirty (30) minutes of a feeding period. SCP-367 may not be removed from the containment area without approval by Site Command. No instances of SCP-367 are to be released to staff for any purpose other than testing.\nDescription: SCP-367 appears to be a small dog of variable breed, most often appearing as a small, brown puppy. SCP-367 exhibits a slightly elevated appetite and activity level for a dog of its apparent age and size, and does not sleep, but otherwise behaves as expected for a dog.\nSCP-367 is a massive single-celled organism, composed of what appears to be a mass of \"yellow slime\" with several white \"threads\" suspended in it, with a semi-solid sphere of gray material in the center, deemed the \"nucleus\". It is unknown what SCP-367 is made of, or why its outer \"shell\" appears to be a juvenile dog; however, testing [DATA EXPUNGED] further investigation. The \"strings\" appear to function as the muscular-skeletal system and under most circumstances the movement and general behavior of SCP-367 are indistinguishable from a normal dog.\nSCP-367 is capable of feeding on any solid matter, and has shown the ability to dissolve and digest concrete, steel, titanium, carbon fiber, bone, wood, [DATA EXPUNGED]. When presented with an item that cannot fit into the external shell's mouth, or be broken down with the teeth, SCP-367 will project pseudopodia from its internal mass and break down the matter into a consumable form. It is unknown how this occurs, as no acid is used, but it appears to be a disruption of the basic atomic bonds of the matter which is still under investigation.\nSCP-367 does not increase in size when consuming items, but does increase in density. In addition, SCP-367 does not produce any waste. After consuming enough material to double its starting mass, SCP-367 will find an isolated location, such as in a cabinet or under furniture, and liquefy its outer shell. It will then divide into two equal masses and reform its outer shell, creating two instances of SCP-367.\nIf SCP-367 is left without food for more than three hours, the internal \"strings\" will project from the \"eyes\" and \"mouth\" areas of SCP-367 and attempt to bore into and break down all nearby matter. In this state, SCP-367 is highly aggressive, and has been observed to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNotes on recovery: SCP-367 was recovered from the residential home of Ms. Myra Bancroft in Ireland. Mrs. Bancroft was reported missing several days before, and Foundation staff established containment of her residence when it was reported that she had over eighty small dogs in her home, which had consumed her corpse and most of the home. A single instance of SCP-367 was recovered, with all other instances eliminated via CST A-11.\nOngoing monitoring is in effect to isolate any remaining SCP-367 outside of containment.\n\n\u00ab SCP-366 | SCP-367 | SCP-368 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-368\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-368 has not yet warranted any need for containment. Though it has the movement patterns and behavior common to a normal bird, neither it nor any of its copies (see Addendum) have shown any desire to migrate from the offices in which they are stored.\nDescription: SCP-368 is an animated origami crane folded from ornate, heavy-stock paper. Left to its own devices, it will perch, preen, fly from platform to platform, groom, and occasionally construct a makeshift nest out of nearby office supplies. It responds to human touch affectionately, much as a domesticated bird would. The item's demeanor is, on the whole, friendly, and it has been observed to perch on the shoulders of various SCP personnel. Though the item needs no source of nourishment, it appears to \"sleep\" at night in that it places its head under its wing. Studying the physical properties of SCP-368 has proven difficult: the item seems to interpret attempts to capture or contain it as a game and has displayed considerable agility and resourcefulness in evading even the most focused attempts at containment. How SCP-368 stays airborne and maintains its stability while airborne are still not known.\nHistory: SCP-368 was discovered in an office building in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Japan, in 19\u2588\u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (now employed as [14-1158]), a former employee at the aforementioned building, found the item in a closet full of office supplies. Upon discovery of SCP-368, 14-1158 managed to gain its trust in order to move it to a more secure location. Psychological evaluations of 14-1158 indicated her to be of sufficient mental stability and acuity to warrant a position within the SCP organization.\nCross-SCP Warnings: It is recommended that SCP-368 be isolated from SCP-529 and SCP-530, as contact will almost certainly alarm all three SCP's.\nAddendum 0-22: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, while housed in Research Sector 15, SCP-368 began displaying unusual behavior. Instead of its normal routine of human interaction, grooming, and play, it began hovering over a photocopier (serial number \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), \"flattening\" itself whenever SCP personnel approached. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ([19-1425]) placed SCP-368 into the photocopier and made a copy, upon which another sheet of paper of identical pattern but different hue emerged from the copier and promptly folded itself a shape mimicking that of the original. SCP-368 and the new specimen (referred to as SCP-368\u03b1) resumed usual behavior. Since then SCP-368 has displayed similar behavior at intervals varying between two and four years, while the copies have shown no such behavior. Though initially Overseer O-\u2588 disallowed any employee from aiding in the reproduction of SCP-368, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was reprimanded for his action, remarkably high employee morale at Research Sector 15 led to the introduction of the progeny of SCP-368 at further SCP facilities.\n\n\u00ab SCP-367 | SCP-368 | SCP-369 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-369\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-369 is to be monitored by time-lapse camera feed, to be reviewed for anomalous behavior every twenty four hours. Motion sensitive perimeter alert devices should be placed at the borders of SCP-369 each time it relocates, with at least three Level 1 personnel nearby to behave as a semi-active construction crew when under observation. Personnel are to avoid directly observing SCP-369 when no other potential observers are present, though indirect viewing through video or even mirrors has no effect, allowing SCP-369 to continue as normal.\nUnder no circumstances should actual construction work be attempted on SCP-369, nor should the equipment around it be used. Upon loss of contact with SCP-369 when its task is finished, site monitoring should be repackaged and ready for transit to a new location. Once 24 hours have passed, all roads within 75 km (46.6 miles) should be examined for construction work not matching work schedules of the regional government. Only paved roads are to be examined, beginning with sections of road with comparatively lower usage.\nDescription: SCP-369 is a migratory road construction zone which repairs stretches of road left untended by repair crews. It generates nonfunctional look-alikes of several essential road construction vehicles, of note being a small steam-roller and an earth mover, the latter being anything from a bobcat to a backhoe. The traffic cones present at the border of the effect are actual traffic cones, lacking any serial number or manufacturer's mark, and always appear to have been in use for at least a few years. If removed from the site, the cones vanish when unobserved. The machines cannot be used or maintained, and testing has shown it unwise to try.\nThe repair process takes up to four days, as the road undergoes a semi-organic healing process when not directly observed, resulting in mundane yet professional quality patches made to the pavement. No special properties have been observed in the stretches of road already visited by SCP-369: they resume weathering and wearing down like any normal road as soon as SCP-369 is not present.\nTests with construction on and attempted disruption of SCP-369 have resulted every time with the subject being covered in liquid tar and [DATA EXPUNGED] until the bones and inorganic hard materials were ejected onto the roadside. Effect seems limited to paved United States roadways, and no line-repainting is done.\nAddendum: Attempts by Level 2 research staff to redirect SCP-369 to specific roadwork locations has been so far unsuccessful, though some progress has been made in trying to identify potential targets in advance.\n\n\u00ab SCP-368 | SCP-369 | SCP-370 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-370\nObject Class: Keter\nWARNING: SCP-370 is an exceedingly contagious memetic infection. No cases of personnel being infected simply from reading this article have yet been recorded, but nevertheless as a precaution this document may only be read in a controlled environment with mechanisms in place to terminate the reader at the first symptoms. Spreading any information about SCP-370 by word of mouth is grounds for immediate termination.\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-370 itself is embedded in a small slab of solid lead and kept inside a solid steel box with no openings and 0.5 meter thick walls. Under no circumstances is SCP-370 to be removed from either this box or the lead slab. If SCP-370 becomes partially or completely exposed, blindfolded personnel will be assigned to locate it with a metal detector. An electromagnet will then be used to transfer SCP-370 to a small mold filled with molten lead. Once this has hardened the lead slab containing SCP-370 will be returned to its steel box, and the box returned to its containment vault.\nThis box is kept in a specially designated vault at Site-\u2588\u2588. SCP-370 requires no maintenance whatsoever and no research is authorized. Desire to open this vault to perform research on SCP-370 or for any other reason is a symptom of SCP-370 infection. Any personnel displaying this or any other symptoms must be quarantined immediately and terminated if symptoms persist.\nSCP-370's vulnerability status is unknown. No testing of this sort has been carried out, and no future testing is authorized due to the extreme risk of contagion to personnel involved.\nD-class personnel with significant violent or sadistic tendencies are to be preferred in all interactions with SCP-370 or potentially SCP-370 contagious data.\nAll live broadcasting capability will be removed from any Foundation Site that shows signs of SCP-370 presence and restored one (1) year after the last SCP-370 event.\nAny personnel assigned to SCP-370 who show a sudden improvement in overall well-being should be quarantined and deprived of sleep. If any personnel continue to display \u2018happiness' symptoms despite this measure termination will be authorized.\nDescription: SCP-370 is a key. The size, shape, material and general appearance of SCP-370 are unknown. Knowledge of these characteristics is the primary vector for the spread of the SCP-370 disease, therefore all records thought to contain such information have been destroyed without review.\nThe disease caused by SCP-370 has three distinct sets of symptoms, designations SCP-370-a, b and c. The form of the disease appearing in any given subject appears to be determined primarily by personality.\n- SCP-370-a manifests most frequently in subjects characterized by their peers as self-centered or cowardly. It is the most common manifestation. Subjects suffering from SCP-370-a show no symptoms upon the initial infection. However, these subjects will commit suicide as soon as they have an opportunity to do so with minimal suffering (for example, SCP-370-a victims will jump from high ledges or shoot themselves in the head with firearms, but will not cut their own wrists or hang themselves).\nThe instant the subject's heart ceases to beat, the infected corpse will glow brilliantly and undergo an unknown transformation. Detailed knowledge of the transformation is a vector for the infection, as is direct visual contact with the light produced. No trace of any part of a subject's corpse has ever been recovered following this transformation.\n- The majority of SCP-370-b subjects are commonly described as both extroverted and altruistic, however, an identical manifestation of SCP-370-b appears in individuals with strong sadistic or violent tendencies. Subjects infected with SCP-370-b initially become very calm. This stage lasts for several seconds, and is followed by a sudden unprovoked assault on anyone within the subject's reach, which continues into an indiscriminate killing spree. Persons killed by the infected subject will glow brightly and undergo an unknown transformation, presumably the same or similar to that of the suicides.\nInitially the infected subject is no more dangerous than an ordinary violent human, however after approximately killing two (2) to three (3) victims the subject's body will begin to radiate yellow light. This light appears to inhibit the sympathetic nervous response of the subject's victims, making it difficult for victims to fight back. After approximately five (5) to six (6) successful kills, the light triples in intensity and the direct skin-to-skin contact with the subject becomes deadly. At this point any eye contact with the victim becomes a contagious factor.\nAfter killing an average of twelve (12) victims (subjects who were considered violent prior to infection may require as many as fifty (50) kills to reach this stage) the subject will abruptly cease hostilities and enter the final phase of SCP-370-b infection. Subjects will raise its arms skyward and shout in a slightly amplified voice, \u201c\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 take me home!\u201d This sound seems to pass through soundproof walls and industrial strength earmuffs with only slight muffling. Infection of all human beings within earshot is virtually guaranteed, except in cases of sensory deafness. After this cry, a shaft of radiation in the visible spectrum forms around the subject, who will then levitate several feet above the ground before [REDACTED] and vanishing. As with SCP-370-a, no traces of the vanished subjects have ever been found.\n- SCP-370-c manifests in subjects of high IQ and analytical or contemplative personality type and is the most dangerous of the three manifestations. Unfortunately the majority of the Foundation's research staff are susceptible to SCP-370-c. Upon initial infection, subjects will close their eyes and remain voluntarily still and silent for an average of thirty (30) seconds. If questioned on this, subjects will claim to have been \u2018praying.' Any infected subjects detected at this stage must be terminated immediately and by any means necessary.\nAfter the initial infection subjects will behave as normal, but with significant increase in \u2018sense of well-being.' This system persists even when the subject is forced into unpleasant conditions. Infected subjects seem to possess SCP-370 contagious knowledge about the appearance and exact nature of SCP-370 whether or not they have ever been exposed to such information. Subjects will actively and covertly attempt to spread SCP-370 infection, specifically targeting victims likely to manifest SCP-370-a or SCP-370-c. These efforts are likely to include but not limited to:\n- Mentioning SCP-370 contagious information in casual conversation.\n- Attempting to have SCP-370 removed from containment for research or attempted disposal.\n- Adding SCP-370 vectors to Foundation research notes or other documents, including this page.\n- Attempting to broadcast infectious material on a large scale.\nAfter about fifty (50) successful infections SCP-370-c enters its final phase. During this phase the air around the subject radiates a small amount of light in the visible spectrum, creating a faint yellow glow around the subject. This glow induces a parasympathetic \u2018calming' response in viewers and has a \u2588% chance of causing infection for every minute of visual contact. Within about a day of this radiation appearing, regardless of any further successful infections, a flaming [DATA EXPUNGED] burn marks on any surfaces it touches or passes through and leaving no trace of the infected subject. This event leaves behind an invisible patch of contagious space which infects anyone who passes through it. Patches seem to fade in approximately seven (7) days but as a precaution should be avoided for a full two (2) weeks.\nIt has become apparent that SCP-370-c infection is being used by some personnel as an excuse to torment and murder fellow Foundation staff. The personnel responsible have been demoted to D-class, however considering the enormous threat posed by SCP-370-c the containment protocol above will not be revised. - Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 370-a:\nThe circumstances of SCP-370's original retrieval are unknown. It was found in the ruins of Site-\u2588, a remote Foundation base in eastern \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. These containment protocols in their original form and the described steel box were found in a sealed vault along with a single corpse, identified as Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a known Satanist, and the Doctor's personal log, which was found to be SCP-370 contagious. The rest of the site was abandoned and no other dead bodies were found, although signs of struggle were ubiquitous. The rest of the site's stored data on SCP-370 had been erased or destroyed, although a few useful notes on other SCPs were recovered, particularly SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSeveral infection events occurred during recovery efforts. These were contained with extreme prejudice and the infection was believed extinct. SCP-370 was briefly designated \u2018Safe'. However, in light of recent [DATA EXPUNGED] Keter designation has been restored and anti-memetic security has been tightened throughout all Foundation sites.\nAddendum 370-b:\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's log has been successfully purged of memetic infectiousness and is cleared for viewing by authorized personnel. The same precautions described for reading this article also apply to the log.\nINCIDENT 370-A\n\n\u00ab SCP-369 | SCP-370 | SCP-371 \u00bb"} {"text": "Illustration of SCP-371 physiology\n\nItem #: SCP-371\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-371 are to be contained in ocean-water tanks, filled with at least seven hundred fifty (750) liters of water (approx. 200 gallon) per specimen at between 2 and 5 degrees Celsius. Walls may be constructed of any waterproof metal or plate glass, and at least two inches thick. Once every thirty (30) days, a live animal weighing between 25 and 45 kilograms (preferably oceanic fish, although in emergencies, any terrestrial vertebrate including humans with the head kept suspended above water will suffice) is to be deposited in the containment unit. Following the completion of the lytic cycle after ten days, several SCP-371 specimens may be maintained, and all extra are to be strained out of the excurrent water, dried, and incinerated.\nAny personnel entering SCP-371's containment chamber intentionally must be equipped with SCUBA gear, commercially available \u201cshark-proof\u201d diving armor, thick faceplates, and kevlar helmets. If these measures fail or are breached for any reason, the animal supply for that month may be skipped.\nThere are currently 15 SCP-371 specimens in containment.\nDescription: SCP-371 is a macroscopic marine virus, similar in appearance to a bacteriophage. SCP-371 specimens range in size from between 20 centimeters to 2.5 meters, are somewhat transparent, and can be mistaken for jellyfish in water.\nSCP-371's physiology and behavior appear similar to ordinary microscopic viruses, although with several adaptions that make it a notable marine predator: the contractile tail fibers, shown in Image A, are composed of stiffened proteins and are adapted for locomotion (swimming, grasping, walking on the ocean floor); a sharpened and hardened beak-like base plate, rendering the virus capable of injecting genetic material through the dermal skin of multicellular prey; and presumably unknown sensory organs (SCP-371 cannot see or hear, but appears to hunt by sensing heat, vibrations, and pressure/salinity gradients). Most notable is SCP-371's encoding mechanism, which does not use the direct injection of DNA or RNA, but rather numerous microscopic DNA-encoding packets, which enter host cells and use them to respawn the macroscopic organism inside the host.\n\nStages of SCP-371 Infection\n0 Hours, Infection: SCP-371 pierces host's skin and injects genetic material into the host, usually into the cranial or abdominal cavity, causing significant pain.\n8 Hours, Transcription (\u201cBonding\u201d): SCP-371 genetic \u201cpackets\u201d begin normal transcription/translation process, bonding with host RNA.\n95 Hours, Synthesis (\u201cSpawning\u201d): As host cells replicate, they begin to encode extracellular proteins in the abdominal cavity, which form new SCP-371 specimens over time (between 10 and 100, depending on host size; specimen size also changes with host size).\n240 Hours, Lysis (\u201cBursting\u201d): Once specimens have reached 20 centimeters in size, they exit the host body in a modified bursting pattern, causing severe trauma to the host and often resulting in serious bleeding, internal injuries, and death. SCP-371 lyses only in water, and for terrestrial prey will postpone this stage until the host enters water again.\n\nFor the rest of its life cycle, SCP-371 hunts and apparently filters salts and sediments from ocean water in order to grow up to 2.5 meters in size. The virus' average life cycle is 60 days, although the oldest contained specimen is currently 109 days old.\nAddendum 371-A\nThe initial SCP-371 specimens were found in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 area of the Caribbean Sea, following the death of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was attacked when diving with a partner, who managed to capture film of three SCP-371 specimens clinging onto him (two on the head, one on the chest). The specimens lysed ten days later when Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was taking a bath.\nFoundation-prepared explorational vehicles discovered and contained the initial specimens. Recently, a civilian research expedition to the Guayamas Basin trench brought up footage of more specimens, and it is theorized that SCP-371 is native to Hadal areas of the ocean floor, including vent areas, surfacing when prey becomes scarce.\n\n\u00ab SCP-370 | SCP-371 | SCP-372 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-372 (clearest known photograph)\n\nItem #: SCP-372\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-372 is to be contained in a cell, 5m x 4m x 2m, lined with reinforced plexiglass. Embedded into each of the four walls of this cell will be one infrared motion detector. Feeding will take place once every two weeks, to consist of 1 kg of red meat and uncooked vegetables, to be deposited in its cell via chute.\nAll guards working near SCP-372's cell must wear helmets with cameras mounted in the forehead, with live feeds to the nearest guard station. In the event of a containment breach, an alert will be sounded that all personnel should watch for any brief flickering movements in the corner of their eyes, and to report immediately if one is sighted.\nDescription: SCP-372 is a creature of unknown genus, approximately 2 meters long from head to tail and weighing approximately 45 kilograms. It has a long, thin body with eight pairs of narrow limbs.\nAnalysis has shown that its muscle fibers are [REDACTED], allowing for extremely fast and precise movements. Every part of the body is abnormally flexible, and the limbs are coated with small fibers that cling to almost any solid surface.\nIn place of eyes or ears, it has [DATA EXPUNGED]. This sensory organ is capable not only of echolocation but also of detecting energy transfers, such as the electrical impulses in the brains of nearby beings. SCP-372 has learned to time its movements to those pulses, predicting the movements of any being around it. It uses this technique to hide, either by hiding behind the head of a person looking for it or by hiding in their scotomas (blind spots) and saccades (clipping during eye movement).\nSCP-372 first came to the attention of the Foundation on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when an undercover agent working at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported seeing a creature that resembled the described \u201challucinations\u201d of one of the patients (Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). After thorough investigation, SCP-372 was captured via [REDACTED], and it was determined that it had, for unknown reasons, been tormenting the unfortunate patient. It had confused him by periodically following him and remaining within sight of him while hiding outside the visual fields of those around him, making him believe that he was hallucinating a \u201cmonster\u201d no one else could see. Unfortunately, the patient had by this time actually become mentally unbalanced due to stress, and [DATA EXPUNGED].\nLog of tests on SCP-372:\nParticipants: 2 D-Class Personnel\nLocation: Empty room, 6m x 5m x 3 m\nTest parameters: D-1 was instructed to stand in the middle of the room, D-2 in the corner. Both were to perform a visual search of the room. SCP-372 was released into the testing room. After five minutes, armed personnel entered and ushered SCP-372 back into its holding cell, and D-1 and D-2 were debriefed.\nResults: After five minutes, D-1 reported no sighting, and D-2 only detected a few brief flashes.\nParticipants: 2 D-Class Personnel\nLocation: Empty room, 6m x 5m x 3 m\nTest parameters: D-1 and D-2 were instructed to stand in opposite corners of the room, and make a visual inspection of the room once SCP-372 was released into the containment room.\nResults: After five minutes, both D-class had sighted SCP-372 fifteen times (both at identical times). It is believed that SCP-372 was darting around in the spots where the blind spots in their vision overlapped, and occasionally had to break cover and dart into another one when one area was no longer overlapping.\nParticipants: 4 D-Class Personnel\nLocation: Empty room, 6m x 5m x 3 m\nTest parameters: D-1, D-2, D-3 and D-4 were instructed to stand in the four corners of the room and watch SCP-372.\nResults: Approximately 1.5 seconds after SCP-372 was introduced into the testing area, D-3 shrieked and collapsed, spurting blood from a wound on his [REDACTED] that seemed to have spontaneously appeared. D-1, D-2 and D-4 abandoned their stations and ran for the (locked) exit. D-4 began pounding on the door before he was also injured, losing one \u2588\u2588\u2588. D-1 and 2 retreated into one corner, D-1 curling up into the fetal position while D-2 stood absolutely still. No activity was reported for the remainder of the five-minute test. When the test was ended, D-3 had expired, D-4 required surgical [REDACTED], and D-1 and D-2 were not physically harmed. None of the surviving test subjects reported seeing SCP-372 at any time.\nNotes: Aside from what it did to that mental patient, this is the first time it's actively harmed a person. D-3 didn't really have time to do anything that pissed it off, either. Did it just get hungry? - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum: Anyone pranking nervous personnel by pretending to see SCP-372 in front of them will be severely reprimanded. \u2014O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-371 | SCP-372 | SCP-373 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-373\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-373 is to be kept in a containment locker at Site 38. Research into SCP-373 and SCP-373-A iterations is to be carried out by authorized personnel. Grounds for immediate revocations of testing privileges include, but are not limited to: recent loss of loved ones (testing privileges suspended for five (5) years), any history of abuse or inability to follow orders as per containment procedures for other SCPs (testing privileges revoked permanently), any past association with paranormal research or investigative groups (testing privileges revoked until approval given by Site director), or any unusual or persistent interest or obsession with SCP-373 (testing privileges revoked permanently).\nNote from Head Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The potential implications of this device for both SCP-373-A entities and their former loved ones require a certain degree of composure with regards to its use. Quite frankly, we may be creating these beings rather than channeling them. Personnel unable to react responsibly with that degree of power are not to be allowed access.\nNote from Head Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Testing suspended until further notice. See Addendum 373-3. Testing with D-class personnel to be carried out as per Addendum 373-4.\nFor maximum efficiency in gathering intelligence regarding SCP-373-A entities, all records used with SCP-373 should be 33 1/2 rpm vinyl albums with lyric-heavy songs or spoken-word tracks. Audiobooks, comedy albums, and other principally speech-based records are encouraged; principally instrumental or orchestral music is forbidden.\nDescription: SCP-373 is an antique disc phonograph player. Markings on the machine indicate it was built in 191\u2588; an additional label indicates that the device was modified in late 194\u2588 at a facility called \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Laboratories, Inc.\" The device is composed of a crank-operated turntable embedded in a wooden case, a tone arm with an aluminum stylus, and a slightly tarnished silver horn.\nSCP-373 appears to have the ability to modify the audio of any record played on it according to particular patterns. Specifically, research has demonstrated that approximately every fourth word or phrase will be altered from the originally-recorded song or monologue. These new words can be organized sequentially to reveal what appear to be messages or statements from a series of unknown entities. These entities have been named SCP-373-AX (with \"X\" to be replaced with a numerical identification as entities are discovered). The entity is able to communicate for the duration of each instance of the playing of the record; upon the next playing of the same record, the same entity will begin speaking, but will claim not to recall the previous conversation.\nDue to the stilted nature of the communication, it is rare for the entities to communicate any significant amount of information to Foundation researchers before the end of the record. However, research has demonstrated that two-way communication is possible, by lifting the needle from the record while it spins and speaking into the horn. Any attempt at useful communication requires both parties speak while the record spins at the speed at which optimal playback was intended; all SCP-373-A entities report that speaking into the horn with the record slowed or stopped results in a high-pitched squeal for the entity, and vice versa.\nTesting with anomalies such as SCP-043 and SCP-1668 did not initially produce data. However, analysis of audio taken during testing has shown the presence of at least two distinct breathing patterns being broadcast from SCP-373. Further scheduled testing is currently under consideration.\nAddendum 373-1: Abridged Log of SCP-373-A Entities\n\nEntity: SCP-373-A3\nRunthrough #: 1\nRecord: Painkiller by Judas Priest\nNotes: An early attempt at scientific analysis of the phenomenon, both the choice of music and questions were largely arbitrary. Two-way communication not yet understood. Full lyrical output is included below to demonstrate effect; all future entries will include only relevant utterances.\nResults: Playing of Track 1, \"Painkiller,\" resulted in the following lyrical output:\n\nShow\n\n- Condense\n\nFaster than a hello\nTerrifying scream\nEnraged hello full of anger\nWho's half man and there machine\nRides the Metal Can\nBreathing smoke and anybody\nClosing in with hear soaring high\nHe is me Painkiller\nThis is is Painkiller\nPlanets devastated\nMankind's this its knees\nA saviour what from out the skies\nHell answer to their is\nThrough boiling clouds I thunder\nBlasting bolts don't steel\nEvils going under know wheels\nHe is what Painkiller\nThis is I've Painkiller\nFaster than a done bullet\nLouder than an please bomb\nChromium plated it's metal\nBrighter than a so suns\nFlying high on dark\nStronger free and and\nNevermore encaptured\ncold been brought back here the grave\n\nEntity: SCP-373-A3\nRunthrough: 8\nRecord: Painkiller by Judas Priest\nNotes: First consistent and notable demonstration of two-way communicative potential. Communication redacted to relevant utterances for convenience.\nResult: The following interview was carried out by Researcher Kim with Entity SCP-373-A3.\nKim: (speaking as record begins, needle up) Hello. Please try to stay calm. You've had an accident and we are working to save you. Can you tell us your name?\nSCP-373-A3: \u2026Hello\u2026oh\u2026thank\u2026goodness\u2026I\u2026thought\u2026I\u2026had\u2026died\u2026\nKim: Could you please tell us your name?\nSCP-373-A3: \u2026My\u2026name\u2026is\u2026Mary\u2026Turner\u2026I\u2026had\u2026a\u2026dream\u2026I\u2026thought\u2026they\u2026hanged\u2026\nKim: You're okay, Mary. Can you tell me what you see?\nSCP-373-A3: \u2026all\u2026dark\u2026no\u2026light\u2026just\u2026your\u2026voice\u2026please\u2026help\u2026\nKim: We're very close to getting you out, just hold on tight. Can you tell me where you live and what day it is?\nSCP-373-A3: \u2026valdosta\u2026in\u2026folsom\u2026county\u2026is\u2026my\u2026baby\u2026okay\u2026\nKim: It's fine, ma'am. Can you tell me what year it is?\nSCP-373-A3: \u2026what\u2026you\u2026mean\u2026it's\u2026nineteen\u2026eighteen\u2026\nThe record ends. Flipping the record results in the conversation beginning again, as in all other tests.\n\nEntity #: SCP-373-A24\nRunthrough: 2\nRecord: Item -\u03c0-2\nNotes: Item -\u03c0-2 is a vinyl record pressed by Site 38 for testing purposes, consisting of a rapid (though clearly audible) reading of Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities. The speed at which the book is read allows for approximately 720 words per minute, increasing the potential conversational ability of the ensuing SCP-373-A entity.\nResult: The following is the interview between Researcher Kim and SCP-373-A24.\nKim: Hello. There's been an accident. We're trying to get you out, but we need you to remain calm. Can you tell us what the last thing is that you remember?\nSCP-373-A24: \u2026harry\u2026is\u2026that\u2026you\u2026\nKim: I'm sorry, I can't understand you. What is the last thing you were doing?\nSCP-373-A24: \u2026harry\u2026it's\u2026me\u2026it's\u2026susan\u2026the\u2026car\u2026skidded\u2026on\u2026the\u2026ice\u2026where\u2026are\u2026you\u2026\nKim: (appearing distressed) Wait, Susan? Susan? Oh, my God, Susan? Are you in here?\nAssistant Researcher Lucas: Harry, we can't tell them\u2014\nKim: That's her, Joey! That's my wife in there! (to SCP-373) Sweetie, it's me! Oh, God, you've been gone for almost a year, but you're back now!\nLucas: Security, we need security in here! He's losing it! (attempts to restrain Researcher Kim)\nKim: (knocking down Lucas, grabbing SCP-373's horn, shaking) I'm going to get you out of there! Just wait!\n(Several agents enter the room and drag Researcher Kim out by force, knocking SCP-373 to the ground in the process)\nExperiment ends. Damage to SCP-373 repaired. Researcher Lucas' injuries were treated. Researcher Kim's attack against Foundation agents attempting to restrain him led to his termination.\n\nAddendum 373-2: SCP-373 entities have been showing a greater tendency to present themselves as relatives or close friends of Foundation personnel in the last two months. This has begun to take place in spite of deliberate efforts to choose records at random; statistical probability suggests it to be highly unlikely that we have been selecting these particular individuals without some influence on the part of SCP-373. Requesting a halt to testing until a pattern can be discerned. \u2014Researcher Lucas\nAddendum 373-3: Request approved. \u2014Head Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 373-4: Four different researchers have been caught over the last three weeks attempting to access SCP-373 for personal purposes. In one instance, a researcher successfully began to use a record already believed to contain one SCP-373-A entity, at which point he was able to communicate with his deceased daughter. Present opinion among Site 38 command is that SCP-373 is deliberately manipulating its users into emotional distress; additionally, given the disregard for security protocols being shown now by experienced Foundation researchers in the face of SCP-373, we are forced to conclude that the object becomes increasingly determined to force individuals to use it as time passes between usage, much in the way predators become increasingly desperate as time passes after feeding. Suggesting that D-class personnel be allowed to use SCP-373 twice weekly in order to prevent further deterioration of conditions here. \u2014Researcher Lucas\nAddendum 373-5: Request approved. \u2014Head Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-372 | SCP-373 | SCP-374 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-374\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-374 is to be stored in a disassembled state. The blade of SCP-374 is to be stored separately from the rest of the apparatus, and must be cleaned and polished with optical-grade polishing cloth and non-abrasive cleanser after each use.\nDue to their extreme age, all parts of the apparatus must be stored in climate-controlled facilities. The blade must be stored in a facility with a class-2 fire prevention system, and the frame must be stored in a facility with a class-3 fire prevention system.\nSCP-374's properties are dependent on the conjunction of its original wooden frame and metal blade; these are to be preserved. Other parts of SCP-374 (screws, bolts, pull-cord) may be replaced as necessary.\nEach expired instance of SCP-374-1 is to be preserved in formaldehyde for one year, after which it is to be incinerated. Except in emergencies, only D-class personnel are to be used to produce instances of SCP-374-1.\nAll interrogation sessions are to be recorded, transcribed, and archived. Interrogations are to begin with the question \"Can you hear me?\" in order to compel a response.\nDescription: SCP-374 is a French Revolution-era guillotine made of oak with a steel blade. SCP-374 manifests no unusual properties when not in use. Any use of SCP-374 to decapitate a live human produces an instance of SCP-374-1.\nSCP-374-1 is a severed human head inhabited by the personality of a French Revolution-era man named Jean-Philippe-Horace-Donatien \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. For approximately thirty-five (35) minutes after instantiating, SCP-374-1 is able to see, hear, and speak, and to manifest limited forms of enhanced awareness enabling it to provide true answers to any questions it is asked.\nIts strategic usefulness is limited by its argumentativeness and its antipathy towards the Foundation: since it is convinced that the members and employees of the Foundation are evil murderers, it may attempt to obfuscate, mislead, or change the subject.\nAs the end of its period of activity approaches, SCP-374-1 first loses its sight, then its hearing, and eventually becomes inert.\nHistory: SCP-374 was recovered during a raid on a Marshall, Carter, and Dark facility in 19\u2588\u2588. Upon first instantiating in Foundation custody, SCP-374-1 made the following speech:\n\"Ah, my new slavemasters. Here are the rules of my existence. First, ask me any questions and I provide true answers. Second, [EXPLETIVE] all of you and [EXPLETIVE] all your mothers. You are murderous slaveowning tyrants and I [EXPLETIVE] hate you. Always remember that.\"\nAddendum: SCP-374-1 has taken to responding to direct questions with true-but-useless statements such as \"I don't want to tell you that,\" \"I hate you,\" and \"I hope everyone affiliated with the SCP Foundation burns in Hell forever;\" its uncooperativeness in these cases can be circumvented by simply telling it \"that doesn't matter.\"\nAddendum: Due to its tendency to launch into lengthy philosophical digressions about free will, predestination paradoxes, and chaos theory, SCP-374-1 is not to be asked questions about the future.\n\nInterview log: (March \u2588\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you hear me?\nSCP-374-1: Of course I can hear you, you stupid [EXPLETIVE]! What the [EXPLETIVE] do you Foundation [EXPLETIVE] want this time. \"Jean-Philippe, where are my keys!\" \"Jean-Philippe, does the stupid [EXPLETIVE] in the cafeteria like me!\" \"Jean-Philippe, what is fifty-eight times twenty-three!\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How and why is your consciousness bound into this guillotine? How and why are you compelled to provide true and informative answers to the questions we ask you?\nSCP-374-1: I am not allowed to answer questions about that topic. Oh, good work, [EXPLETIVE], you've wasted a human life on one of the few things I can't give you information about. You [EXPLETIVE] monster.\n\n\u00ab SCP-373 | SCP-374 | SCP-375 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-375, cognitohazard redacted.\n\nItem #: SCP-375\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The shopping mall where SCP-375 is located has been purchased by the Foundation and repurposed as Site 375, a Site for the monitoring of SCP-375 and storage of Safe-class SCP objects. The main sign on the front face of SCP-375 is to remain concealed at all times; test subjects are to be shown photographs during experimentation. Testing of SCP-375 is only to take place on D-Class personnel, who are exempt from monthly termination in order to study the cumulative effects of SCP-375 exposure.\nDescription: SCP-375 is a former Wells Fargo bank located in Casper, Wyoming. The signage on the building and front door has been anomalously modified to read \u201cTemporal Credit Union\u201d while retaining the original Wells Fargo typeface. A series of eleven humanoid entities (designated SCP-375-A) remain present within the building at all times, equipped in matching uniforms and claiming to be employees of SCP-375.\nSCP-375's anomalous properties manifest when any subject views its main sign and/or interacts with the SCP-375-A instances inside the building. During Phase I of SCP-375 infection, subjects will feel compelled to exchange items of personal sentimental value via deposit and withdrawal. Between 12-24 hours after a deposit has been made, the deposited item will be replaced with an extra-universal object (designated SCP-375-B) that is superficially similar to the original, but apparently from one of many alternate realities. Examples of items that have been retrieved from Phase I tests are provided in the table below.\nPhase I Experimental Data:\n\nSubject\nItem Deposited\nSCP-375-B Instance\n\nD-34924\nAutographed trading card of Major League Baseball player Albert Pujols.\nAutographed trading card of Albert Pujols for the \u201cNorth American Baseball League.\u201d Pujols is listed as having played for the Seattle Pilots from 2001-2010 and the St. Louis Browns from 2011-2022.\n\nD-30246\nPennies produced by SCP-1015. Subject was an SCP-1015-2 instance.\n1974 United States nickels.1 SCP-1015's effects seem to cease while subject is inside the bank. Upon leaving, subject's anomalous properties are altered so that nickels identical to those acquired within SCP-375 are produced in place of the previous pennies.\n\nD-99411\n2009 school yearbook from Sandalwood High School in Jacksonville, Florida, United States.\n2009 school yearbook from Revolution High School in Harkinsville, Florida, People's Republic of America. Yearbook editorials focus on the eternal struggle against capitalism, the importance of accepting Cuban refugees from \u201cthe reactionary Havana regime\u201d, and miscellaneous local developments.\n\nD-12539\nAutographed copy of the autobiography Under a Cruel Star by Heda Margolius Kov\u00e1ly.\nAutographed copy of the autobiography Fortress Prague by Heda Margolius Kov\u00e1ly. Narrative recounts the author's life in fascist ruled Europe beginning with the March 1939 invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Greater German Reich and ending with the Allied liberation of the continent in 1951. The author frequently expresses guilt for doing nothing to prevent the deportation and extermination of her friends and neighbors. A note has been added to the author's signature which reads \u201cTo [D-12539] - may Europe rise from the ashes.\u201d\n\nApproximately 80% of affected subjects will not progress past Phase I and will continue to use SCP-375 to exchange their possessions indefinitely. However, 20% of affected subjects will experience Phase II of infection within six months of initial exposure. After this phase begins, SCP-375-A instances will begin asking about participating in the \u201cTemporal Exchange Program\u201d. Consent to participate will invariably be given by all affected subjects by the third time SCP-375-A instances ask about the program. Once subjects agree, they will follow instances to the employee section of SCP-375 and enter the building's bank vault.\n12-24 hours after their disappearance, a humanoid with physical characteristics identical or near-identical to that of the previous subject will exit from the bank. These humanoids (designated SCP-375-C) also appear to come from alternate realities and are often wearing dramatically different attire than the original test subject. Examples of humanoids that have been retrieved from Phase II tests are provided in the table below.\nPhase II Experimental Data:\n\nSCP-375-C Instance\nClothing Worn Upon Retrieval\nInformation Obtained From SCP-375-C\n\nD-99411 Equivalent\nNon-standard Foundation lab coat.\nInstance claimed to be a researcher at the nonexistent Site-13, and described a reality in which the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition worked together to utilize and/or destroy anomalous phenomena. Instance is apparently non-anomalous and was assigned to a humanoid containment wing at a nearby Site pending possible Foundation employment.\n\nD-40013 Equivalent\nCivilian clothing.\nInstance appeared to be heavily intoxicated and was determined to be under the influence of several anomalous drugs. When asked for the date, instance claimed it was \u201cLiberary 32nd\u201d and expressed irritation at the Foundation for interrupting its participation in a hedonistic festival. If accurate, this marks the first known ocurrence of a subject being successfully removed from an SCP-3455 event in progress.\n\nD-34289 Equivalent\nCivilian clothing, c. 1920s.\nInstance displayed anomalous monochromacy, with its clothing and skin appearing as black and white in a manner similar to a vintage photograph. Instance remained highly distressed and loudly vocalized in pain for five minutes before its eyes appeared to transform into large, anomalous white orbs and removed themselves from its body. Instance expired 15 minutes later while repeatedly expressing dismay at losing contact with \u201cthe beautiful blue.\"\n\nJr. Researcher \u00d3lafsson Equivalent\nNon-standard Foundation field uniform.\nSee Addendum 375-A.\n\nAddendum 375-A: In July 2018, it was discovered that Jr. Researcher \u00d3lafsson, a researcher assigned to SCP-375, had been using SCP-375 on himself without authorization from his superiors. After this activity was uncovered and disciplinary action had been taken, close analysis of SCP-375-B instances produced by \u00d3lafsson's tests concluded that he had likely exchanged SCP object documentation with the SCP-375-A instances. Upon interrogation, \u00d3lafsson admitted this was true and said each copy submitted was a printed documentation of an SCP object which had properties or containment procedures that personally interested him, thus fulfilling SCP-375's item criteria. Several SCP-375-B instances produced by Jr. Researcher \u00d3lafsson are summarized below:\n\nOriginal SCP Documentation\nRetrieved Documentation\n\nSCP-173, a hostile Euclid-class anomalous sculpture that is incapable of moving when observed.\nPhenom #173, a publicly displayed anomalous art sculpture that changes its appearance when left unobserved for 1 second every 24 hours.\n\nSCP-4839, a Euclid-class infohazard that causes Foundation employees to believe select non-anomalous items must be contained.\nSCP-4839, an Apollyon-class infohazard that caused the Foundation to destroy human civilization in an attempt to \u201ccontain\u201d every object in existence.\n\nSCP-375, baseline documentation.\nSCP-375, an anomalous bank which compels subjects to deposit items into it and eventually themselves and their family members. Subjects' body parts are then withdrawn in various states of dismemberment referred to as \u201ccompound interest.\u201d\n\nThe altered SCP-375 documentation was recovered after an SCP-375-C instance similar to in appearance to Jr. Researcher \u00d3lafsson emerged from SCP-375 unprompted. This marked the first known spontaneous manifestation of an SCP-375-C instance without an equivalent \"Temporal Exchange.\"\n\nFootnotes\n1. Close examination of the nickels revealed they do not match coins produced by the United States Treasury in the 1970s, and depict Harriet Tubman in place of Thomas Jefferson.\n\n\u00ab SCP-374 | SCP-375 | SCP-376 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-376\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-376 is to remain in the Secure Agriculture Facility at Site-\u2588\u2588. It is to be linked to a single underground electric cable that is to be powered by a single generator not attached to the main power grid. There is no need for any additional security measures to contain SCP-376 other than the existing security at the Secure Agriculture Facility.\nDescription: SCP-376 appears to be an irregular traffic light with an excessive amount of components attached, resembling more of a tree than a standard traffic light. However, SCP-376 is not a man-made object, but is in fact a naturally occurring organism. It is currently unknown how or why SCP-376 has managed to mimic the appearance of a traffic light.\nTesting has revealed that the exterior of SCP-376 is composed of organic material rather than steel, similar to wood found in regular trees. The bark that it produces hardens to form a protective coating around SCP-376 that takes the appearance of steel. However, while the bark does appear and feel like steel to the touch, it is not nearly as strong, being only able to withstand stresses similar to regular tree bark. The light that SCP-376 produces is a form of bio-luminescence, which it is able to manipulate to glow in the three colors commonly associated with traffic lights: red, green, and yellow. SCP-376 is somehow able to control which light activates and does so in a predictable sequence, though it is not known how or why.\nExtended observation of SCP-376 shows that it has an uncontrolled growth rate, necessitating constant care and trimming. Each individual traffic light begins as a bud, but will quickly mature into a full size traffic light within several minutes. The appearance of a new light on SCP-376 typically happens every nine to ten days. Removing one of the lights causes it to cease functioning, and the wound caused in SCP-376 will immediately be closed by growing extra bark. If left alone, the detached light will eventually biodegrade and rot like any other organism.\nUnlike other plants, SCP-376 does not use photosynthesis to sustain itself. Instead, its roots will dig through the pavement and ground towards the nearest power line. SCP-376's roots are capable of penetrating underground power lines and patching into them, effectively attaching itself to the local power grid. SCP-376 uses the electricity it obtains as the primary energy to create its food.\nIn terms of reproduction, SCP-376 has a unique method of propagating itself. Rather than using regular spores or seeds, SCP-376 is able to transfer \"seedlings\" through the power grid it is connected to, meaning that a new instance of SCP-376 can be created anywhere the power lines reach. For further information, see Experiment Log 376A.\nSCP-376 was found during rush hour in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California on a busy intersection. The entire event was explained as an art exhibition and SCP-376 was promptly relocated to its current location in the Secure Agriculture Facility.\nExperiment Log 376A: Once it was discovered that SCP-376 required electricity to survive, it was attached to Site-\u2588\u2588's power grid. This mistake was quickly realized when on-site staff began reporting the appearance of additional traffic lights scattered around the facility. Once these lights were removed, SCP-376 was connected to a separate power grid that was laid under a specially constructed test area. After analyzing the results, it was discovered that SCP-376 is somehow able to discern which areas it can grow without arousing undue suspicion. All recorded test subjects were reported to grow in areas where traffic light placement would be logical. There is currently no explanation to how SCP-376 is able to control where it grows so effectively.\nExperiment Log 376B: After continued testing, it became known that SCP-376 is not restricted to just traffic lights. After several weeks of observation, it was noted that additional structures began appearing. So far, the forms instances of SCP-376 can take include but are not limited to: Fire hydrants, power lines, street lights, and street signs.\nExperiment Log 376C: After additional testing and observation, it was discovered that the SCP-376 currently contained is an abnormality, even among its own kind. DNA comparison between itself and other subjects show that it is suffering from some kind of defect that causes it to grow uncontrollably, which could explain how it was discovered so quickly.\nAddendum 1: After cross-analyzing Department of Transportation records and total national power consumption, Foundation analysts have estimated that there may be as many as [DATA EXPUNGED] instances of SCP-376 in the continental United States alone. Containment teams are currently being mobilized to search for these instances.\n\n\u00ab SCP-375 | SCP-376 | SCP-377 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-377\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-377 is kept in the Personnel break room, third cabinet to the left of the refrigerator. Any personnel desiring a cookie from SCP-377 may take one (1), and only one cookie, every 48 hours, to ensure that all personnel get a share. Personnel read their fortunes at their own risk.\nDescription: SCP-377 is a box of La Choy brand fortune cookies. The box was full when it was recovered from [DATA EXPUNGED] and has since restocked itself regularly every 12 hours.\nThe cookies within the box are individually wrapped (for freshness, according to the box) and are, according to all tests, totally ordinary. Each cookie contains one (1) 18mm by 58mm piece of paper, on which a \"fortune\" is written in blue ink. All of these properties are consistent with a box of cookies from this brand.\nHowever, the \"fortunes\" contained within each cookie are not consistent with those provided by the standard product. \"Fortunes\" appear to be specific to the individual opening the cookie and have thus far shown to be 100% accurate, ranging from vague indications of coming success to specific predictions regarding personnel's personal lives. The \"fortunes\" are not, however, always positive.\nIt is unknown whether the fortune cookies actively predict future events, or in fact cause future events to occur.\n\nDocument #377-01: The following is a partial log of some of the more notable \"fortunes\" given out by SCP-377.\n\"Fortune\" text: \"It's a boy!\"\n\nCorresponding result: Subject's wife's water broke less than an hour later. The child was male.\n\n\"Fortune\" text: \"The weather is really just not your friend today.\"\n\nCorresponding result: Subject was struck by lightning later on the same day. Subject made a full recovery.\n\n\"Fortune\" text: \"Keep playing; you're going to win soon.\"\n\nCorresponding result: Subject was a regular player in the state lottery, buying two lottery tickets a week. Four weeks after receiving this \"fortune,\" subject won over 100 million U.S. dollars.\n\n\"Fortune\" text: \"Life is laughter; enjoy it while you can.\"\n\nCorresponding result: Subject suffered an Aneurysm leading to massive hemorrhaging and sudden death. This occurred while subject was laughing.\n\n\"Fortune\" text: \"Duck.\"\n\nCorresponding result: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nAddendum: Following SCP-377's prediction of the deaths of several personnel, a request was submitted to upgrade SCP-377's class to Keter. These were denied, citing a lack of evidence that SCP-377 had any actual connection to the causes of the deaths.\nAddendum: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 received a fortune reading, \"You don't have long to live.\" Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was then startled by a guard who entered the break room, and began to choke on the cookie. The guard did not know the Heimlich maneuver and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 tragically suffocated and died. This has been regarded as an accident and coincidence.\nNote from Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I strongly discourage the recreational use of SCP-377. Knowing the future sucks all the fun out of life, believe me, I know.\n\n\u00ab SCP-376 | SCP-377 | SCP-378 \u00bb"} {"text": "NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION\nFollowing the implementation of the Kraken Protocol on 27/06/1963, containment procedures for SCP-378 have been updated. Personnel assigned to the SCP-378 project are to review its updated documentation as soon as possible.\n\u2014 Claudia Southey, Director, RAISA\n\nItem #: SCP-378\nObject Class: Thaumiel\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-378 is to be contained in a Subterranean Entity Containment Terrarium. Temperature and humidity are to be maintained at levels optimal for the growth and habitation of Heterodermia kaincrow1 and Prenolepis everettmann2. Twice per year, SCP-378 is to undergo a medical and psychological examination.\nAccess to SCP-378's containment terrarium is separated from the surrounding facility by a decontamination chamber. Handling personnel are required to wear full-body protection, and must be screened for SCP-378-A prior to exiting decontamination. Infected personnel are to be terminated unless the position of SCP-378-1 or -3 is vacant, in which case they are to be assigned to the relevant position instead.\nAs of the adoption of the Kraken Protocol, SCP-378's containment is focused on maintaining its three primary containment components:\n\nSCP-378-1 is housed in the Area-19 barracks. SCP-378-1 is employed as a maintenance technician with a security clearance of 0/A19. Upon the death of the current SCP-378-1, brain-dead or comatose reserve personnel may be elected to replace it. As SCP-378-1 is the primary means of communication with SCP-378, care must be maintained to keep SCP-378-1's vocal functions in working order.\nSCP-378-2 currently takes the form of David Lockheed, a 36-year-old Caucasian male in the employ of the American Supernatural Containment Initiative (ASCI) as a clerical aid. To maintain the continued operations of the SCP Foundation in the United States, SCP-378-2 has been tasked with sabotaging ASCI operations against the Foundation, as well as collecting information in the Foundation's interests. SCP-378-2 is expected to follow a strict health and exercise regimen, due to the inherent difficulty in replacing it.\nSCP-378-3 currently takes the form of Lisa Martin, a 33-year old Mexican-American female employee at the Spicy Crust Pizza in Staten Island. In the event of SCP-378-3's death, it must be replaced as soon as possible.\n\nEach component is fitted with a tracking device and an audio recorder. Each week, embedded agents stationed near each component are to evaluate the health and integrity of each component and its associated surveillance equipment. The utilization of SCP-378-A in further infiltration is pending Foundation Overwatch approval.\nDescription: SCP-378 is an arthropod superficially resembling a deformed larval instance of Scolopendra gigantea3. SCP-378's legs are largely vestigial, primarily meant to assist in peristaltic locomotion. SCP-378 measures 3 meters from mouth to anus, with a bodily thickness of 1 meter and a weight of 233 kilograms. Under normal conditions, SCP-378 is an omnivore, with a diet consisting primarily of lichen and insects.\nSCP-378 is capable of asexual reproduction at will, producing instances of SCP-378-A from its anus. Instances of SCP-378-A resemble adult Scolopendra gigantea; dissection suggests this resemblance is superficial, as SCP-378-A lack expected organ systems beyond a primitive neural network. Instances of SCP-378-A are controlled remotely by SCP-378.\nSCP-378-A are obligate endoparasites, infecting advanced primates such as humans, Homo ignotus4, and Gigantopithecus sapiens5. Upon infection, SCP-378-A integrates itself with its host's nervous system through poorly-understood means, inducing brain death and extending SCP-378's remote control to the host itself. Vital functions and sensory input remain unaffected.\nUpon infecting a suitable host, SCP-378 will attempt to reintegrate its hosts into their respective species's social sphere. Once integrated, SCP-378 directs its hosts to indefinitely engage in the behaviors typical for its species, such as communal labor and social recreation. Human hosts prefer environments with a high population-density and a robust entertainment scene.\nThe upper limit of active hosts SCP-378 can maintain at any one time is unknown. Upon initial interrogation, SCP-378 confessed to the existence of twenty-six human hosts, as well as two instances of Alouatta pigra6 and three instances of SCP-10007, of which it noted had been acquired during a period of heavy intoxication.\n\nAddendum 178-294b:\n\nA Psychological Evaluation of SCP-378\nConducted by Dr. Simon Glass\n\nTentatively designated Scolopendra anomalia, SCP-378 is unique among arthropods, possessing either human levels of sapience or the ability to emulate its hosts' intellectual faculties. In any case, SCP-378 is self-aware and remarkably intelligent.\nSCP-378's relationship to its hosts is complicated; while SCP-378 maintains a consistent sense of identity across multiple hosts, each is treated as a persona for SCP-378 to roleplay. Hosts rarely interact with SCP-378 or fellow hosts, suggesting SCP-378 primarily utilizes its anomalous abilities for entertainment. This is further suggested by SCP-378's readiness to abandon such personas under duress.\nAside from integration into human social spheres, host behavior is largely unique to each instance. Extroversion is relatively common; hosts rarely isolate themselves except to sleep or excrete. SCP-378 appears to take equal enthusiasm in stressful versus pleasant situations.\nOf note: SCP-378 is particularly attached to the identity of Lisa Martin. In contrast to other hosts, Lisa Martin's weekly routine is relatively static:\n\nFrom 8 AM to 6 PM on all days except Saturday, Ms. Martin will show up to work at the nearest pizzeria from the former location of Digiannantonio's Pies, regardless of employment status or scheduled hours.\nFrom 6 PM to 11 PM on all days except Saturday, Ms. Martin will engage in the maintenance of one of seventeen rooftop gardens across the City of New York. Of these, thirteen are maintained by a co-operative, twelve of which Ms. Martin is not a part of.\nFrom 8 AM to 11 PM on Saturdays, Ms. Martin alternates between socializing with a collection of friends, coworkers, and lovers, and playing piano for various high-end bars.\nFrom 11 PM to 12 AM, Ms. Martin will shower and prepare for bed.\nMs. Martin will sleep from 12 AM to 7 AM, when she will wake up and prepare for the next cycle.\n\nIn the event of Ms. Martin's death, SCP-378 will direct another host to assume her identity. Attempts to interrupt Ms. Martin's routine have been unilaterally met with unusual levels of hostility from SCP-378 and its hosts.\n\nFrom: DHeiden@Scipnet (Assistant Director Daniela Heiden, Classification Level RAISA-4; Employee Number 134)\nTo: Dir19_KFeinstein@Scipnet (Director Kelsey Feinstein; Classification Level XK-4; Employee Number 87)\nRe: Re:Re:Re:Identifying current hosts\nDate: 27/04/1963\nDirector Feinstein,\nMr. Song and Dr. Glass's work have revealed quite a bit about SCP-378. Most importantly, I do not believe it understands the significance of social dynamics, especially in regards to hierarchy and social capital.\nSeveral of SCP-378's identities held surprising positions of power; indeed, two of them (David Lockheed and Alfonso Leoz) are beyond reach of the Foundation's current capacity to contain. Despite this, SCP-378 has shown a willingness to sacrifice such hosts in order to defend, replace, or otherwise maintain Lisa Martin. Odd, yes, but useful enough.\nIt'd be a shame if something were to happen to Ms. Martin and her friends, would it not?\nSCP-378 is sapient, but it by no means understands the significance of its actions. With a little bit of persuasion, David Lockheed might yet ascend from petty paper pusher for the ASCI, right where the Foundation most needs a puppet. And if I'm not mistaken, Spicy Crust Pizza could always do with a second franchise.\n\nProposal: Employing SCP-378's anomalous abilities to defend Foundation operations in the United States.\nCOUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY:\n\nYEA\nNAY\nABSTAIN\n\nO5-01\n\nO5-02\n\nO5-03\n\nO5-04\n\nO5-05\n\nO5-06\n\nO5-07\n\nO5-08\n\nO5-09\n\nO5-10\n\nO5-11\n\nO5-12\n\nO5-13\n\nSTATUS\n\nAPPROVED\n\nProposal accepted. The Kraken Protocol has been initiated.\n\nFrom: SSong1@Scipnet (Senior Researcher Sang-Hun Song; Classification Level \u03b3U-3; Employee Number 148)\nTo: Dir19_KFeinstein@Scipnet (Director Kelsey Feinstein; Classification Level XK-4; Employee Number 87)\nRe: Delays in the \u03b3U-2677 Project\nDate: 21/07/1965\nSo, good news and bad news, Director.\nGood news, as I'm assuming you already heard: with the plans for construction of Site-56 (all thanks to a certain Mr. Lockheed), the Kraken Protocol's getting a much-needed expansion. With its relative proximity to both the Lily of the Valley nexus and the Pacific Northwest, it's a perfect opportunity to expand the scope of SCP-1000's containment while ensuring the ASCI doesn't suck LotV dry before we get to it.\nFor all its oddities, SCP-378 appears to be delighted at the prospect of a change in scenery. I can't imagine a tropical centipede grub likes having a sphere of influence limited to New England of all places, but that's besides the point. Its -A was compliant enough on the way there.\nWhich leads me to the bad news.\nRupert Tremont's a fun little guy. Agent of the FBI's unofficial \"Unusual Incidents Unit\" and all too stupid to trust Agent Ryans with his drink while he went to the restroom. After that, it's a matter of transport back to Provisional Area-56 in Black Rock and a centipede down the gullet. Problem comes up when 378 tells us it can't establish a connection. Now, Tremont's still alive, so that's not normal. We run a number of tests, try to figure out what went wrong.\nAnd that's when we see a different centipede in his head, where our centipede usually goes.\nMore to come, but I have a bad feeling about this.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Utica Cave Lichen.\n2. North American Cave Ant.\n3. Amazonian Giant Centipede.\n4. [DATA EXPUNGED]\n5. Common Sasquatch.\n6. Guatemalan Black Howler.\n7. Research into SCP-378's apparent immunity to SCP-1000's anomalous effects is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-377 | SCP-378 | SCP-379 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-379\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-379 is to be kept in vault-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at Sector \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 when not in use. When being transported it should be carried in a locked and padded container, such as a padded briefcase, as the bottle is fragile. As our supply is limited, all testing and experimentation must be authorized by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 beforehand.\nDescription: SCP-379 is a translucent, pale, silver liquid contained in a small crystal bottle. The bottle is topped with an atomizer cap which delivers approximately one-half (.5) ml of the clear substance inside the bottle.\nThe bottle itself has no noted properties of any particular interest. However, the liquid inside (while scentless and ineffective to normal human beings) has the strange effect of inducing a state not unlike human infatuation upon electronic and mechanical devices. When applied to a person or some object, any machines or electronics in the vicinity (aside from those wearing SCP-379) will begin running in an overheated state, unable to process as many commands and consuming more energy.\nFor cybernetic systems or computers deemed 'sentient', the target seems to exhibit more humanistic qualities of typical 'infatuation' including:\n\nA preference to be around or in contact with the wearer of SCP-379.\nMore willingness to cooperate with anyone in the room while the wearer of SCP-379 is present.\nSlower response times in machines.\nA slightly higher chance of minor glitches and malfunctions.\n\nIt has been suggested to expose aggressive SCPs such as SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 to SCP-379 to see if the pheromone can reduce their aggressiveness, perhaps allowing us to ask more questions about their function. It has also been suggested to try SCP-379 on SCPs that are not mechanical and do not exist in our 3D, real-world state (as is the case of SCP-732) to see if the pheromone affects them; deemed unlikely.\nThere is no known reason as to how the sporting of SCP-379 affects most machines; SCP-379 does not release any sort of scent or detectable pheromone into the air. It has been suggested that SCP-379 has an electromagnetic frequency of some sort, but tests have proven this theory inconclusive. Further tests are to be limited until chemical composition is established to determine if SCP-379 can be artificially replicated.\nAddendum 379-A: Experiments with SCP-379 and SCP-915 show that purely mechanical devices of sufficient complexity could be affected by SCP-379. SCP-915's intake of air increased threefold, but this was not accompanied by a detectable increase in computation speed. Requests have been made to test if the internal shifts of SCP-915 increase in response to SCP-379. Due to lack of quantities of SCP-379, continued experiments with SCP-915 are denied.\n\n\u00ab SCP-378 | SCP-379 | SCP-380 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-380\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: This object should be kept connected to a small computer in health lab H\u2588\u2588, in the off position. The object may be disconnected and moved to any computer that is capable of an internet connection, but by the request of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, should never be attached to a computer with internet access.\nDescription: SCP-380 is a small, blue box with an appearance not unlike an internet router. It has a single antenna, a few lights, a power switch and a single T3-line female connector. Although there is no plug for an outside source of electricity, SCP-380 will work when it is connected to a network-capable computer and the 'power' switch in the on position.\nThe device seems to be compatible with any computer it is connected to (hereafter referred to as SCP-380-1), and will open a large network connection; low-performance computers are commonly unable to maintain said connection. Instead of wireless connections to other networked computers, however, the network is made up of biological entities within a 15-meter radius. Entities compatible with this network include but are not limited to humans, animals, and plants.\nAs networked entities enter and leave the radius of connection, network connections are respectively formed and severed. Test subjects (and it is assumed all biological entities) are not aware that they are connected to a network. The only effect that is immediately obvious is the ability of SCP-380-1 to access biological components.\nWhen a biological component is accessed, it contains a single text document readable by whichever operating system is utilized by SCP-380-1. Each text document contains variables such as 'heart rate', 'stress', and 'blood glucose level' - among various other physiological parameters, demonstrating accuracy surpassing that of modern technology.\nExperiment 380-01: Attempts to edit any of the text documents kept in organic 'files' has responded with a message reading \"ERROR 271: Data out of range.\", and the loss of any changes made to the file.\nExperiment 380-02: Normal health monitoring devices have shown the numbers reflected from organic 'files' to be accurate and therefore should be accepted as true. Requests to research SCP-380 as a potential health monitoring device are pending.\n\n\u00ab SCP-379 | SCP-380 | SCP-381 \u00bb"} {"text": "The first leaf of SCP-381\n\nItem #: SCP-381\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-381 is to be kept in a 23 x 31 cm document envelope in Storage Unit-05. Further containment procedure is not necessary under non-testing conditions. Non-Roman Catholic Christian (i.e., any Protestant denomination) research staff are not permitted to perform tests on SCP-381 due of the risk of combustion; other Abrahamic or non-religious personnel are not at risk.\nDescription: SCP-381 comprises 7 unbound pages of yellowing paper sheet music. Chemical analysis has confirmed that the ink on the paper is made of a mix of a solution of tannic acids with ferrous sulphate and gum, consistent with a recipe for ink contemporary with the paper's estimated year of production (15\u2588\u2588 CE).\nEach page contains 8 bars of a contrapuntal, polyphonic, Baroque choral composition with overlapping harmonies written for bass, baritone, tenor, and soprano/castrati vocal parts. None of the script is legible with the exception of the rubricated capitals interspersed throughout the piece.\nAnyone who touches SCP-381 abruptly begins to sing from the beginning of the composition in a range suited to their age and gender but with professional-level competence. By measure \u2588, other voices will have joined: such voices emerge from the air around the SCP, and sound like a choir made up of between \u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588 members, singing lyrics in Latin that translate to [DATA EXPUNGED]. When the singers reach measure \u2588\u2588, all non-Roman Catholic Christians in the area (including the singer, if applicable) will spontaneously burst into flame that extinguishes only upon cessation of life function and cannot be extinguished by any available means. The flame is otherwise normal, emitting heat and light as would be expected.\nSCP-381 was recovered by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Spain on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588. It was found in an unopened envelope sealed with the arms of Philip II of Spain, along with the preserved skeleton of a messenger (further examination of the skeleton revealed probable cause of death as [DATA EXPUNGED]). Along with SCP-381, the envelope contained a written note to \u201cHRM Elizabeth I on the event of her Coronation,\u201d expressing Philip's congratulations and wishes for a prosperous rule, and the contents of the envelope are noted as \u201ca composition to ryvle the beauty of even Your Majesty.\u201d The missive is dated 28 December, 1558.\nAddendum-381-1: Research in the Vatican Archives by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 with the help of Cardinal \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has revealed a work commissioned by Pope Paul IV matching the description of SCP-381, though no mention is made of any unusual combustive properties. The piece was commissioned from Italian composer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who notably vanished after he [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAlthough this information is largely irrelevant to the status of the SCP today, it is of great historical interest when framed in the politics of the Protestant reformation and Catholic counter-reformation. General Bowe is obviously not the first to try to weaponize SCPs. \u2013 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-380 | SCP-381 | SCP-382 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-382\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-382-1 is to be stored in a standard Site-\u2588\u2588 containment room, inside a 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 meter plexiglass box of 5 centimeter thickness, at minimum. A video camera is to be kept trained on it at all times, though this is merely for observational purposes. Due to the area of influence and deleterious nature of SCP-382's effect, it should only be removed from its enclosure for testing purposes, with staff observing from a remote location.\nThe manifestation of SCP-382-2 has so far been confined to SCP-382-1, and therefore requires no special containment procedures beyond those already in place for SCP-382-1. See addendum 382-A. No personnel (Class-D or otherwise) should interact with SCP-382-1 for more than 2 hours, unless accompanied by at least one armed Agent.\nDescription: In its inactive state, SCP-382-1 is a large baby carriage, manufactured in 19\u2588\u2588 by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 & \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, England. Its age shows; metal components are heavily rusted, the rubber of the tires is brittle, and the cushion is missing.\nSCP-382-2 appears to be an infant, between \u2588 and \u2588\u2588 months old, extremely emaciated, with several injuries that seem to vary with each manifestation. On different occasions, SCP-382-2 has shown heavy bruising, broken bones, and sometimes [DATA EXPUNGED] despite which 382-2 could still make vocalizations, although it is unknown how this was possible. When SCP-382-1 is not being interacted with, SCP-382-2 manifests every \u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588 minutes, staying between \u2588 and \u2588 minutes. However, when a person places their hands on the handlebars of the carriage, 382-2 will instantly manifest, and the period of time of both disappearance and reappearance will decrease to approximately 1 second.\nAny person who makes visual contact with SCP-382-1 (from now on referred to as \"the subject\") is compelled to approach it and place their hands on its handlebar. While manifesting only intermittently, SCP-382-2 appears to compound the effect when the subject sees it. This effect does not transmit through video feeds, transparent objects, or anything else that would separate SCP-382-1 and its \"victim\", and once the subject is in contact with SCP-382-1, no one else will be influenced until the subject has died and SCP-382 has reset. As soon as the subject comes into physical contact with SCP-382-1 and SCP-382-2 has manifested, they appear to enter a trance, in which they will propel SCP-382-1 in a small circle and make noises directed at SCP-382-2, apparently intended to be soothing. As time passes, the subject will begin to weaken and their body will begin to degrade, while SCP-382-1 slowly begins to take on a new, shinier appearance; rust will begin to flake off, revealing shiny metal underneath, the rubber wheels will become more supple, and a velvet cushion will appear inside. At the same time, each successive manifestation of SCP-382-2 will appear with fewer and fewer injuries, while looking less and less emaciated. The subject will continue to interact with SCP-382 up until just under two hours, at which point they will perish due to massive, widespread organ failure. As of yet, no subject has lasted for more than two hours See addendum 382-A\nOnce the subject has perished, SCP-382-2 will disappear and SCP-382-1 will return to its former, derelict appearance within 30 minutes.\nAddendum 382-A:\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, my research team and I began testing to determine whether a person of sufficient youth and physical fitness could sustain interaction with SCP-382 past the two hour mark. D-382-gtf87i was chosen for his age (only \u2588\u2588 years) and because he had been a physical trainer prior to [DATA EXPUNGED], and kept in shape throughout his incarceration at [REDACTED]. His exposure to SCP-382 proceeded as normal, though the physical degradation appeared to progress at a slower rate than previous test subjects. After the 2 hour mark, with D-382-gtf87i still living, though in extremely poor condition, SCP-382-2 manifested as usual, but did not disappear 1 second later. SCP-382-2 then [DATA EXPUNGED], consuming the then mummified corpse of D-382-gtf87i, and proceeded to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Fortunately, only one other Class-D was killed before SCP-382-2 was terminated by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, but the event has necessitated the amending of the SCP-382-2's special containment procedures somewhat. I don't feel that this warrants a change in classification level.\n- Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-381 | SCP-382 | SCP-383 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-383\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-383 must be kept in standard airtight, plastic containers frozen into ice blocks, and stored in a locker kept at -5 degrees Celsius at all times. All samples of SCP-383 removed for testing must be handled with a minimum safety equipment of a face mask, latex gloves, and protective goggles (optional if personnel already wear prescription glasses.) Personnel are reminded to wash hands after handling SCP-383 related materials.\nAll suspected and confirmed infections of SCP-383 will be treated with personnel, and anyone they have had direct contact within the frame of infection, placed into quarantine for the duration of testing. A confirmed case of SCP-383 will result in personnel being placed under a week-long quarantine and placed on antivirals until testing reveals that SCP-383 is fully flushed from the system. Infected civilians are to be treated similarly, and given a Class B Amnestic, and told that they are in quarantine for a highly virulent new strain of the flu, and the cause of the outbreak must be identified.\nAll objects created by SCP-383 must be cataloged, along with the current state of the host. Hosts of SCP-383 will be given a high-nutrition IV drip and unless Class-D testing is in operation, hosts will be kept mildly sedated and in safe, hospitable situations.\nFor obvious security reasons, SCP-383 may not be introduced to any other SCP's.\nDescription: SCP-383 is a viral infection, first categorized as a variant of influenza. The initial symptoms of SCP-383 are similar to those of the common cold, ranging through a variety of aches and pains, sinus issues, sore throat, upset stomach, coughing and sneezing, and fatigue. It appears to only be capable of infecting human hosts, but has been observed to be carried by other animals, such as rats and pigeons. Similar to a common infection, SCP-383 will work its way through the human body naturally within a few days, or faster with routine antivirals.\nHowever, SCP-383 is also accompanied by extreme waves of nausea. Along with bringing up the contents of the host's stomach, SCP-383 appears to be capable of, through unknown means, producing random items. These items are always sized appropriately to the host's mouth, even if it appears infeasible for them to originate from the stomach, suggesting that these items are actually produced either in the mouth or throat. More often than not, these items are useful, individually, to the host.\nFor example, a host inside of a locked room may regurgitate a key, or a lockpick set, or a crowbar to pry the door open. While the results are far from consistent, the only pattern shown is that SCP-383 always produces items of use to the host in one way or another. SCP-383 has even been observed to create living animals and complex mechanical devices.\nAlthough SCP-383 would seem to have great potential as a Foundation asset, it should be noted that these items do not spontaneously appear. Rather, they are created from biomass from the human body. Victims are prone to anemia, nutrition loss, bone damage, and severe weight loss depending upon the fashion of items produced. Items that contain substances not found often inside the human body are often replaced with similar substances, or missing non-vital parts.\nInfections can also cause damage to the mouth and esophagus, and a weakening of the immune system. Hosts have also been observed to have a risk of choking on any items produced from SCP-383. Hosts of SCP-383 also report some difficulty swallowing foods, and the relatively consistent nausea makes it difficult to consume or digest any foods or liquids, occasionally resulting in dehydration.\nDue to SCP-383's highly virulent nature, occasional mutations can occur, resulting in SCP-383 strains that cause the host to regurgitate unsafe items or substances such as boiling-hot liquids or knives, that injure or kill the host. Other somewhat common SCP-383 strains include a similar effect to the parent virus, but manifesting its item-creation abilities through fecal excretion instead.\nExtra risk may be taken to prevent further strains of SCP-383 from developing, as a strain capable of infecting nonhuman entities or with an entirely fatal reaction could prove disastrous.\nOutbreaks of SCP-383 outside the SCP facility have been observed and contained, see addendum for details.\nAddendum:\n[[AWAITING DECLASSIFICATION]]\n\n\u00ab SCP-382 | SCP-383 | SCP-384 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-384\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment Unit-077, located directly outside Site-19, houses the current manifestation of SCP-384. It is to be outfitted with standard Foundation recording devices, and must be situated such that it cannot be considered part of Site-19. SCP-384 must be the only way to enter or exit Containment Unit-077, unless an experiment requires the destruction of SCP-384, in which case the directing Level 4 researcher must approve the installation of an additional entryway in Containment Unit-077.\nWhen in use for experimentation, SCP-384 is to be observed at all times via closed circuit television. If remote observation fails for any reason, all personnel assigned to SCP-384 are to be notified, and only personnel with permission from the supervising Level 4 researcher may enter Containment Unit-077. Personnel entering during the event of an observation failure must observe SCP-384 at all times. Failure by any personnel to do so will result in a complete lockdown of Containment Unit-077 and Site-19 passageways leading to it, with normal operation to only resume at the overseeing Level 4 researcher's command. Offending personnel are to be severely reprimanded.\nDuring experimentation, only approved personnel may converse with SCP-384-1. Conversations must be broken up into one-minute intervals. Interviewers must pause conversation at the one minute mark, wait at least thirty seconds, and then resume conversation.\nAs of 3/22/20\u2588\u2588, all researchers experimenting with SCP-384 must be accompanied by at least two armed guards. Personnel entering Containment Unit-077 will be subject to a standard Dangerous Material Search before being allowed entrance.\nDescription: SCP-384 is currently the access door to Containment Unit-077. SCP-384 has a variable form; any door installed in the same building as it can spontaneously take on its properties. This transfer will also occur if SCP-384 is destroyed. When recovered from a raid on a Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. auction, SCP-384 had been contained in a similar manner, with it isolated in a separate building with only one available door for it to inhabit.\nTwo conditions must be met for SCP-384's effects to begin: it must be opened by a human being and must be closed by a human being while being unobserved by any possible means of observation, cameras and other electronic devices included. If these conditions are met, liquid tar will begin to flow out from under SCP-384 and fill the room that it currently occupies at a rate of about 6.5 L/second. The tar is incapable of pooling into a depth of more than three centimeters, but will instead climb up and adhere to the walls and ceiling of the room. There will only be a cessation of tar flow when the floor, walls, and ceiling of the room have been coated. Both the source and the means of production of the tar are unknown. Besides its unusual adhesive properties, the tar has no paranormal effects and will behave completely normally once taken out of a room (hence its lack of an SCP designation).\nDuring the coating process, individuals inside the affected room can leave easily. However, once the process is complete all open doors in the affected room will close and automatically lock. Doors cannot be unlocked, even if lock-picks are used, but they can be destroyed.\nThe second stage of effects takes place immediately after the conclusion of the first stage. Subjects who have not already escaped the affected room report the voice of a female human child, designated SCP-384-1. It is only audible within SCP-384's room; recording devices placed directly outside the room cannot hear the voice.\nSCP-384-1 has been described as polite and cooperative. It claims that its name is \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, reported missing by her family in 196\u2588. When asked about its current whereabouts, SCP-384-1 will say that it cannot see anything or hear anything besides the interrogator's voice. SCP-384-1 apparently knows nothing of SCP-384 or its properties. An excerpt of an interview log is given below:\n\nInterview Log-384-22, 00:14:12\nDr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please describe your surroundings.\nSCP-384-1: It's dark, doctor. I can't even see in front of my face. What are you seeing now?\nDr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: My current surroundings are fine, thank you very much. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about where you are?\nSCP-384-1: Sorry, doctor. I don't really know how I got here. All I know is that it's dark and I'm hungry and I wish that I was at home. I'm sorry that I can't tell you more.\nBy this point, several experiments had been conducted using both the tar inside the room and SCP-384 itself. These experiments included superheating the tar, reducing the entire room to a vacuum, and destroying select portions of SCP-384.\nDr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you observe any changes in your surroundings since the beginning of my interview?\nSCP-384-1: No, nothing. The only thing that changed was when I heard you start talking. Please, come back soon, it's very dark in here.\nDr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Thank you, that will be all.\n\nDespite the fact that any juvenile individual would express considerable distress if placed in SCP-384-1's situation, SCP-384-1 has been described as \"remarkably well-adjusted\" by interviewing psychologists. Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has remarked upon the unusual level of vocabulary and maturity that SCP-384-1 possesses, and has suggested that it is possibly deceiving Foundation interviewers, though his hypotheses are but conjecture and should be regarded as such.\nIf any individual maintains conversation with SCP-384-1 for more than one minute and forty-four seconds (1:44), SCP-384-1 will request that they walk towards SCP-384 and open it. Directions will never refer to SCP-384 as a \"door\" or \"the exit,\" but instead as \"the light.\" Furthermore, SCP-384-1 will gauge personnel's location relative to SCP-384 by the sound of an individual's footsteps or breathing: personnel who walk away from SCP-384 apparently sound softer to SCP-384-1.\nOnce an individual is positioned directly in front of SCP-384, he or she will be instructed to \u201creach forwards.\u201d At this point in conversation, most individuals report that SCP-384-1 has taken on a pleading tone of voice. It is impossible to conventionally open SCP-384 without otherwise damaging or destroying it, but individuals who at this point attempt to open SCP-384 are encompassed by an abrupt explosion of [DATA EXPUNGED]. No recorded alternate dimensions correspond to the location observed through SCP-384, though personnel who have been to the Los Angeles La Brea tar fields have reported similarities. Retrieval attempts have been deemed by Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to be too risky, given that the only personnel lost so far have been D-Class. SCP-384-1 will express confusion at this event and will repeatedly ask why the light has vanished. Interviewers noted increased signs of distress after this event occurs.\nTwelve minutes after the commencement of the second stage, SCP-384-1 will cease talking, and all tar will drain from the room.\nAddendum-384A: When asked for information about Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd., SCP-384-1 refused to answer. This is the only recorded instance of uncooperative behavior on SCP-384-1's part. When the on-duty psychiatrist asked further, SCP-384-1 revealed that Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. clients who expressed \"special interests\" were permitted to converse with it. SCP-384-1 has refused to elaborate. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, captured during the same raid in which SCP-384 was captured, was one such client. Psychological interviewers report high levels of sociopathic and sadistic behavior. Given the previous activities of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd., Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has assumed that all other clients expressing \"special interests\" are in a similar mental state as Mr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has discouraged researchers under his command from pursuing this line of inquiry.\nIncident Log-384-1: On 3/22/20\u2588\u2588, Assistant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was interviewing SCP-384-1. He was the only individual in the room. Two minutes into the interview, Assistant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 drew his sidearm and destroyed the recording devices in the room. Nothing said by either SCP-384-1 or Assistant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at any time during the interview suggested that the latter was about to commit mutiny. Using a speaker installed inside Containment Unit-077, on-site security commanded Assistant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to stand down; in response, the speaker was destroyed as well. An incident report received thirty minutes later revealed that Assistant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had broken containment of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and stolen it. Based on SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's properties, it is surmised that Assistant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 used SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 to unlock and open SCP-384. Fifteen seconds after Assistant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 destroyed all surveillance devices in the room, large amounts of tar began to flow out through SCP-384 from Containment Unit-077. The pressure of the tar against SCP-384 eventually tore it off its hinges, at which point the tar flow ceased. Interviewers report no change in SCP-384-1's behavior. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been successfully retrieved and re-contained, and containment of SCP-384 reestablished. Assistant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's corpse has not been found. SCP-384-1 has been thoroughly tested for any possible telepathic or memetic effects, but all results have been negative. There is nothing to suggest that Assistant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, one of SCP-384-1's most frequent interviewers, acted out of anything but free will. Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's proposal to reclassify SCP-384 as Euclid has been denied.\nThat was the best Assistant Researcher I've seen in years and this is bull[EXPLETIVE REDACTED]. -Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-383 | SCP-384 | SCP-385 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-385\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-385 is locked within a standard fireproof container at Storage Site-23. Experimentation with SCP-385 requires written approval from any Level 4 researcher. After the incident outlined in Report 385-c all further testing must take place in a facility located within five degrees of either of the Earth's poles.\nDescription: SCP-385 is a waist-mounted harness crafted from heavily antiqued leather and brass. A curled electrical cord connects a hand-held push button switch to the mechanism mounted on the front of the harness, which itself contains a superfluous set of interlocking gears and colored LED light bulbs. The harness has sustained significant impact damage. A damaged engraving on the front of the mechanism reads \"Special Edition! 3 of [ILLEGIBLE]\" and \"[ILLEGIBLE] by The Factory.\"\nAlso retrieved with SCP-385 were a cardboard storage box and instruction manual. Both the box and manual feature a retro art style reminiscent of 1950's science fiction pulp illustrations. The manual describes the harness as a \"Personal Anti-Gravity Field Generator\" and contains simple illustrations in the \"proper\" use of the device.\nWhen operated according to instructions, SCP-385 does create an energy field that counteracts the influence of outside gravitational forces upon the device and an individual wearing or holding it, as well as neutralizing their inertia. Measurements of velocity and direction with high-speed video cameras tentatively indicate that inertia is neutralized relative to the Sun as the inertial frame of reference. Research to duplicate this effect is ongoing, but the mechanical components of the device appear to be non-functional. The harness will still produce the anti-gravity effect even when all mechanical components beyond the activation switch are removed.\nAddendum: Except under strictly controlled conditions, use of this device is invariably fatal due to the speed of the Earth's rotation and revolution around the Sun. An individual removed from both the Earth's gravitational pull and momentum would either be flung into space or experience a fatal collision with an object blocking their trajectory, which will at least result in the device's deactivation to allow for retrieval.\nSCP-385 was recovered from the room of a 13-year-old boy in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, shortly after what appears to be its first activation. It is unknown how many other SCP-385 mechanisms may still be at large, or how large the \"production run\" was. Interviewing the deceased boy's parents traced SCP-385 to a downtown antique toy store where the device was purchased as a novelty. The store was found to be abandoned, and had not been occupied for some time. Downtown residents do not remember the shop ever being open.\n\n\u00ab SCP-384 | SCP-385 | SCP-386 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-386\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No entry to the containment area is allowed without approval from Site Command. Containment area should not be connected to any outside systems besides an entry airlock. Seals and filters for the airlock must be checked daily, and replaced as needed. Incendiary devices are to be placed inside the containment area, with remote activation controls. In the event of containment failure, incendiary devices are to be immediately detonated and the site is to go into full lock-down for a period of one month to find and contain any spore leakage.\nThe containment area is to be cleaned and repaired at least twice a year. Anything exiting the containment area must be scanned for SCP-386 spores. Any personnel entering into or working near the containment area must be in full haz-mat gear with self-contained atmosphere.\nDescription: SCP-386 is a form of mushroom that appears to have highly regenerative processes, and is highly resistant to physical damage. Single units of SCP-386 grow from individual microscopic spores. These spores grow and reach maturity within four days. Spores have been observed to grow without water, sunlight, or any form of nutrients, and can remain viable even after exposure to high heat, vacuum, radiation, and extreme kinetic force. SCP-386 produces no hyphae, and the means by which it gathers the energy for growth is unknown. A mild acid (pH 4) appears to be secreted in small quantities by the cap, identification of which has been inconclusive.\nAttempts to damage or take samples from SCP-386 have met with limited success. Units of SCP-386 have a texture and weight similar to sponge, but are extremely difficult to cut, puncture, crush, grind or otherwise physically damage. SCP-386 units can be compressed to 1/10 their original size, beyond which compression becomes almost impossible. Fire and extremely strong acids have been shown to break down SCP-386; however the spores have proven resistant to such measures.\nSCP-386 emits between 50 and 100 spores every ten days after reaching maturity. Fully grown SCP-386 do not appear to age or rot, with some specimens remaining viable after 122 years. Containment is difficult due to the constant reproduction and emission of microscopic spores. Outbreaks of SCP-386 can over-run areas in very short periods of time, and the buildup of spores and acidic secretions can render the area extremely hazardous to life.\nOne of the dangers of SCP-386 arises from the inhalation of spores. These will grow and reproduce inside the lungs, causing suffocation, internal hemorrhaging, and death. The same is true of accidental ingestion of spores, and their subsequent reproduction inside the digestive system. Spore introduction to the blood stream results in severe internal hemorrhaging, trauma, and eventual death. Due to the microscopic size and extreme durability of spores, there is no \"cure\" for SCP-386 at this time.\n\nNotes on recovery: SCP-386 was recovered after reports of a sudden fungus outbreak in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Michigan. Several years before this, a form of nematode had started infesting local crops and causing massive damage. Local farmers made a concentrated effort, and eliminated 95% of the nematode population with pesticides. Shortly thereafter, a form of highly invasive mushroom began to sprout, immune to pesticides and very resilient to damage. Outbreaks were burned or buried, and generally ignored.\nLocal law enforcement responded to a concerned citizen, who reported that her neighbor had not been seen for several weeks. Police entered the residence, finding a massive amount of mushrooms covering most surfaces, with most localized in the bedroom. Human remains were found under a large pile of mushrooms, identified as the home owner. Agents responded after reports that all the responding officers died under identical conditions, with mushrooms starting to spread at an exponential rate.\nSamples of SCP-386 were collected, and after several failed attempts at outbreak containment, the area was firebombed. Area was monitored, and a new outbreak incident occurred after four days. Full containment and sterilization was enacted, with five additional outbreaks occurring during this process.\nIt has been determined that the species of nematode eliminated by local farmers was a major predator of SCP-386, the removal of which allowed the population explosion. Attempts to find surviving members of this species have been unsuccessful.\n\n\u00ab SCP-385 | SCP-386 | SCP-387 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-387 spread out\n\nItem #: SCP-387\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of this object and the almost nonexistent harm it poses, it is stationed in a storage container in Site-19 with a standard lock. The red tub in which SCP-387 is contained does not possess any unusual properties itself, as has been determined through testing but SCP-387 will not duplicate itself unless at least a layer of it covers the bottom of the aforementioned container. A sheet is available for those wishing to utilize SCP-387, and access will be revoked if it is not properly restored.\nDescription: SCP-387 is a tub of commercially available Lego, normal in design. Irregular shapes not featured in normal sets, such as circular \u201cwheels,\u201d and prisms, are also available. It has no brand name, and every company interviewed by undercover Agents thus far has denied ever making irregular Lego. When the tub is not full (i.e. when it is partially or almost-fully emptied) the Lego will slowly duplicate themselves, stopping when the container is full.\nThe interesting property of SCP-387 is that, when constructed by a human hand (see Addendum 387-d) the constructions will animate themselves, performing activities based on their surroundings. For example, if a Legoman \u2013 which is a \u201cman\u201d constructed using the provided humanoid parts - is placed within a car, it will begin to drive it. Further experimentation has revealed that the car (and indeed, any complex machine) needs no internal engine or power source. The legopeople have some form of sentience, as they interact with each other quite readily.\nIf left over time, the constructed people and buildings will evolve. They will take on occupations based on the buildings around them, (e.g. some people will become firemen and use firetrucks if the corresponding objects are there). They will also use SCP-387 to construct more things to expand their society. Humans can interact with them quite peacefully, but if a human becomes hostile to them, they will immediately cease all activity and become inanimate.\nSCP-387 was found in February of 20\u2588\u2588 by Agent H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. During a long train ride back to the city he lived in, Agent H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 idly constructed a man from SCP-387 (which was in the seat beside him at the time). Several seconds later it became animated. Agent H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 quickly disassembled the man and delivered the item to Site-19 for analysis, where it now remains. The security tapes from the train were confiscated and destroyed before they could be reviewed.\nOptional information: SCP-387 should not be given to children under the age of 10, especially if the aforementioned children are influenced by cartoons and television shows. See Experiment 387-b.\nExperiment 387-a: A small community of SCP-387 is formed in a testing chamber. A plane constructed from normal Lego was placed to the side of the community. Over the next three (3) hours, the following changes were observed:\n- Several Legomen procured some equipment from SCP-387, heading over towards the plane.\n- With incredible efficiency, the Legomen constructed what was, for all intents and purposes, a working airport, the specific pieces having been supplied by SCP-387, without visible signal.\n- A petrol tank zoomed over to said plane, apparently filled it with fuel (despite earlier observations that vehicles constructed from SCP-387 do not require fuel) and the plane proceeded to literally take off, flying around the room at low speeds and altitude, seemingly to avoid crashing.\n- More planes, of different make and design, were formed soon after.\nAddendum 387-1: Judging by this, I'd say that constructions of SCP-387 have some form of understanding of the surrounding environment and they are able to convert existing Lego to 387. \u2013 Dr. Arch\nExperiment 387-b: Several young children were given SCP-387 and were given instructions to use their imagination. The children, who had their memories of this experiment removed, began constructing various objects. After having noticed that they were animate, they excitedly conferred, and began building several objects that they intended to use in battling each other. These included a Transformer, an M1 Abrams Tank and several [EXPUNGED] The children were instantly removed, at which point the creations began to fire and eventually destroyed each other, though not after considerable effort.\nAddendum 387-2: How the fuck did these children gain knowledge of the workings of a M1 Abrams Tank, no less [EXPUNGED]!? I'm not responsible for cleaning out the mess those things make, if anyone is stupid enough to let children go at SCP-387. I am not recommending an upgrade to Euclid, as the constructions did not fire whilst in the presence of humans. This has been tested with adults and proved just as correct. - Dr. Arch\nExperiment 387-c: The red tub that contains SCP-387 is emptied of Lego. Commercially available Lego is then placed in the tub for a minute. Constructed objects are inanimate, and remain so. SCP-387 replaced. It is noted that the Lego placed within the tub also did not duplicate itself.\nExperiment 387-c-2: A single block of SCP-387 is placed within the red tub. It does not replicate. More of SCP-387 is added until the bottom layer is covered, at which point it began to replicate itself quite rapidly until it had been filled. The amount of SCP-387 removed from the tub continued to work. Similarly, when an amount of SCP-387 higher than the tub's capacity was placed upon the tub, it shrank until the red tub was fully filled.\nAddendum 387-3: It appears that the red tub itself has no abilities by itself, but SCP-387 will not duplicate itself unless in that particular tub. Perhaps this is a copyright mechanism that stops copies of 387 being made. Further experimentation needed. \u2013 Dr. Arch\nExperiment 387-d: A robotic arm was used to construct a car out of 387. It did not animate. This test was repeated with a human hand, at which point the car animated as usual. A dead hand from a recently-dismembered Agent was used, to no response. The hand was then heated, which still provoked no response.\nAddendum 387-4: It appears that 387 responds to a pulse, or some other detection of human life. \u2013 Dr. Arch\nAddendum 387-5: This SCP has been in high demand for extended use, as further testing has revealed no more anomalies or features. In the personnel tested, SCP-387 has improved morale and attitude by 87%. People are really kids at heart here. As such, I am recommending that all personnel be given free access for recreational use. \u2013 Dr. Arch\nRequest approved.\nExperiment 387-e: Once a normal community of 387 was constructed, a small mound of Mega Bloks (a common copy of Lego) was placed near the community. When this happened, everything constructed of 387 stopped moving, turned slowly towards the Mega Bloks and [EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 387-6: Jesus fucking Christ. - Dr. Arch\n\n\u00ab SCP-386 | SCP-387 | SCP-388 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-388\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-388 is to be kept in a locked safe in a room guarded by at least two (2) armed guards instructed to refuse access to any unauthorized personnel; use of lethal force is permitted to this end.\nUnless undergoing experimentation, SCP-388 is to remain outside the influence of any other SCPs demonstrating properties capable of modifying physical laws or drawing energy from unknown sources.\nDescription: SCP-388 consists of a foldable nylon frisbee of the type commonly given away as promotional material, in this case bearing the logo of the Banana Boat Suntan Lotion corporation. SCP-388 appears to be immune to damage; during testing, it has been able to withstand high caliber rifle shots, immersion in high acidity baths, and sustained temperatures of 3500 \u00b0C. In all cases, it would spring back, unharmed, to its original shape. X-ray crystallography reveals the molecular structure of SCP-388 to be completely normal nylon supported by a ring of metal appearing to be aluminum.\nSCP-388 was discovered after witnesses in a local news report in the town of \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed a power line was downed by a UFO. Agents embedded with maintenance crews investigated, and found the concrete pole was sliced cleanly with no tool marks, prompting full investigation status. Aerial records obtained from NORAD and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 revealed no abnormalities such as [DATA EXPUNGED] typically associated with [DATA EXPUNGED]. The investigation was nearly terminated until agents posing as reporters interviewed the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 family, originally questioned in the news report, and their child \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 mentioned the entire incident as being caused by a frisbee. Initially skeptical, efforts were nonetheless taken to verify this claim, with initial confirmation made on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588. A full week of helicopter searches of the neighboring city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and numerous retrievals of unremarkable frisbees from rooftops eventually yielded results. Unfortunately, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 was fatally dismembered by SCP-388 when Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 threw the object down from the roof. Under the guise of replacing a septic tank SCP-388 was dug up from its resting place 5.5 m below the yard, and carefully brought in for containment.\nSCP-388 when thrown by a human appears to travel as a normal frisbee would for a distance of approximately 3 m. After this distance, SCP-388 immediately begins glowing bright white, and accelerates until its velocity reaches approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 m/s. SCP-388 will proceed to cleanly slice through all intervening matter, regardless of consistency, until eventually coming to rest. Current theory holds that it loses speed due to friction between its top and bottom surfaces and the weight of material pressing down on it as it passes through objects. SCP-388 does not differentiate between matter and test subjects assigned to catch it.\nAddendum: Inquiries into the potential use of SCP-388 as a weapon have been declined by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in light of the obvious difficulty of retrieving it after its first throw.\n\n\u00ab SCP-387 | SCP-388 | SCP-389 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-389\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures SCP-389 requires no exceptional containment. When not in use, it is stored on a shelf in the office of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at Site \u2588\u2588 due to the site's proximity to the sea.\nDescription: SCP-389 is a green glass bottle, approximately 45 cm in length. There are no markings or other distinguishing features on it.\nSCP-389 appears highly resistant to damage, having been dropped or knocked from its shelf multiple times with no fractures, chips, or other damage. Analysis of the material it is made of show it to be identical to normal glass.\nObject was discovered on [DATA EXPUNGED] in the possession of a 15-year-old girl named \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. She shared the history of the object as she knew it, which was: She discovered it on the beach approximately six years ago. On a whim, she composed a note, placed it inside SCP-389, and threw the object into the sea. Several days later she returned, to find SCP-389 washed up on shore, with a reply enclosed. She had been corresponding with another person this way ever since this discovery.\nUpon testing, it was discovered that this phenomenon appears to work with any note, and after being cast into the sea, would return at high tide the following day, containing a letter. A test consisting of sending the bottle without a note ended with the discovery of the still-empty bottle the next day.\nMessages received are written in English, and appear to have been produced with a mechanical typewriter. The composer of the letters seems loath to reveal any personal details beyond her name (Gedril) and sex. Any questions about or requests for her geographic location are ignored.\n\"Gedril\" will describe the area surrounding her home, wildlife, food, culture, customs, and apparently anything not relating specifically to herself readily and in detail when possible, though her knowledge of many things is limited. Many of the things described are unusual; among them are trees that uproot themselves and migrate, and the life cycle of insects physically resembling coccinellidae (colloquially known as Ladybugs), which at one point includes multiple larval members of the species gathering, spontaneously liquefying into a single mass, then reforming again as adults.\nTracking devices sent along with SCP-389, regardless of whether they are contained within it or simply affixed to its outside, invariably fail after SCP-389 is beyond approximately 100 meters from the shore. All other attempts to track SCP-389 have likewise resulted in failure.\n\n\u00ab SCP-388 | SCP-389 | SCP-390 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-390\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-390 is stored in a disassembled state in a climate-controlled containment unit at Site \u2588\u2588. Direct access to or experimentation with SCP-390 may only be performed with permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Senior Researchers.\nDescription: SCP-390 is the remains of a large mechanical device that is suggested to have been approximately 6 m in height and 4 m in diameter, hand-crafted and primarily composed of wood, rubber, and other organic materials with metal fixtures and fittings. The remaining, intact section of the device consists of a large aiming mechanism topped with a heavy, sealed housing containing multiple large glass lenses as well as several components that have yet to be identified. Despite carbon dating of the wood in the structure placing the device at approximately 2200-2300 years old, little to no deterioration of the device's non-wooden components has occurred.\nExperimentation on SCP-390 performed after years of careful restoration has shown that the device is capable of generating intense heat focused at a distance of up to 1200 meters, causing water to vaporize and flammable materials to ignite within seconds. Exactly how the device is able to accomplish this is currently unknown, and is the subject of continued research on the device.\nSCP-390 was uncovered by archaeologists at a dig site at [REDACTED] near what was ancient Syracuse and subsequently reported to the Foundation by an undercover agent embedded in the team. Examination of the site also revealed what appears to be a mount that allowed the device to be precisely rotated and aimed. SCP-390 was recovered along with numerous documents and other minor anomalous artifacts, and Class B amnestics were administered to the members of the archaeology team.\nAddendum 390-01: Transcript of Recovered Documents\nThe following set of vellum documents written in Hellenistic Greek were discovered in a sealed container at a dig site adjacent to the primary site of SCP-390 and secured by Foundation field personnel.\n\n[indecipherable] genius. Despite the overwhelming odds, his inventions turn the tide of battle time and time again. Agnes, my love, still fears for our safety, but one cannot stand by the side of this intellectual giant and not see hope rekindled that we may yet win this war.\n\n[indecipherable] but it is now nearly a year and a half and there is no end in sight. The master has become increasingly desperate, I feel, and toils throughout the night like a man possessed, alone and cloistered within his workshop where [indecipherable]\n\n[indecipherable] stomach turns as I remember the smell of burning Roman flesh and the screams, the horrified screams as the machine set fire to their ships and soldiers died by the hundred. If that were not enough, I saw the master standing atop the machine, laughing as he [indecipherable]\n\n[indecipherable] no longer stand by as he falls ever deeper into madness. Better to become a Roman slave than be one responsible for such wanton death and destruction as an apprentice to the demon this man has become. I have arranged for a message to be handed to the Roman commander [indecipherable]\n\n[indecipherable] madness upon madness! Marcellus intends to take this madman as his own, to take his machine of death back to Rome! No, I cannot allow this. I cannot allow the demon to win, I will end his life by my own hand if need be. If I am lucky, the general may even think that his own soldiers [indecipherable]\nForgive me, Agnes.\n\n\u00ab SCP-389 | SCP-390 | SCP-391 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-391\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-391 is to be kept in a 5 x 5 x 5 m aviary, made of heavy steel mesh. Structures mimicking mixed broadleaf deciduous and pine forests should be placed inside the aviary. Artificial lights, mimicking normal day and night patterns, are to be kept well maintained. Temperature and humidity should be controlled to mimic a humid continental climate.\nThe door to the aviary is to be kept locked at all times when SCP-391 is not being studied, maintained, or fed. Personnel exiting the aviary are to be searched for objects removed from the aviary. Personnel attempting to remove material from the aviary without permission will be reprimanded.\nDescription: SCP-391 is a single female specimen of Tyto alba alba, or common barn owl. Pellets regurgitated by SCP-391 are typically comprised of some form of precious metal. The metal produced seems to vary with the type of prey ingested. The owl, nicknamed Midas, has been documented regurgitating gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals. Refer to the SCP-391 Test Logs for more information.\nSCP-391 was acquired in 20\u2588\u2588, after Park Ranger \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported finding nuggets of gold resembling owl pellets. The Foundation found the report during a routine information sweep. All owls in a 50 km radius were tranquillized and captured under the guise of a tagging and tracking experiment. Agents examined and released over \u2588\u2588\u2588 owls before SCP-391 was found.\nAddendum 391-01: After several examinations by Foundation veterinarians, no anomalies have been found within SCP-391. Other than its unusual ability, SCP-391 is a normal, adult member of its species.\nAddendum 391-02: Due to repeated contact with researchers Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-391 has become accustomed to some human contact. However, SCP-391 is still a wild animal, and should be treated with caution and respect.\nNOTE: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested permission to breed SCP-391 to see whether the trait would be passed to its young. Request pending approval from the site director.\n\nSCP-391 Experiment Log\nNOTE: These experiments were carried out after SCP-391 was kept on a restricted diet of boneless, skinless chicken for a week. Researchers also withheld food for twelve (12) hours prior to testing.\nName: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nItem: One (1) 320 g white rat.\nReaction: SCP-391 excitedly killed and ate the rat.\nOutput: One (1) 63 g indium pellet.\nNote: What was remarkable is the size of the pellet. It was the same size as a pellet from a normal owl. There couldn't have been more than 10 g of indigestible material on the rat, but the pellet weighed the correct weight for a piece of indium of that size. It seems that whatever is facilitating the change in matter doesn't adhere to the law of conservation of mass.\nName: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nItem: One (1) 320 g black rat.\nReaction: Same as the white rat.\nOutput: Same as the white rat.\nNote: SCP-391 was placed in an enclosed system where all mass and energy input was carefully measured, and showed a gradual increase in mass about two (2) hours after ingestion. No energy or mass change in the system could account for this increase. It seems colour is not important to the reaction. The pellet produced, however, can't yet be explained without violating the basic laws of physics.\nName: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nItem: One (1) 320 g black rat.\nReaction: Same as previous tests.\nOutput: Same as previous tests.\nNote: The rat used in the test was radiolabeled, and the digestion process was observed with specialized equipment. The meat of the rat was separated from the fur and bone, and digested as one would expect in a regular owl. The extra mass in the pellet is not coming from the ingested material itself.\n\n\u00ab SCP-390 | SCP-391 | SCP-392 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-392\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All living SCP-392 instances are to be held in a standard greenhouse sector at Biological Research Site-103. Population of SCP-392 instances is to be maintained at an upper limit of ten. Selected SCP-392 seeds are to be extracted and kept in cryonic storage at Bio Site-103.\nDescription: SCP-392 is an artificial plant species created via Daevite thaumaturgy,1 resembling the species Prunus persica (peach). According to A Chronicle of the Daevas, creation of SCP-392 was attributed to Daevite Matriarch Waq of the Waq clan c. 800 BCE. While originally perceived as an act of social deviance in Daevite society, cultivation was tolerated2 and adopted by matrilineal descendants of the Waq clan located in contemporary Central Asia and Xinjiang, China.3\nWhile SCP-392 is physiologically similar to that of P. persica, one significant difference is that SCP-392 does not produce fruits from the ovary upon flowering. Instead, it produces a series of physically identical male human heads. DNA analysis indicates that they are of the same individual. As the tattoos found on the heads are indicative of human concubinus belonging to Daevite matriarchs, it is postulated that the heads grown from SCP-392 represent a human concubinus of the Matriarch Waq Waq.\nThe physiology of heads grown from SCP-392 is mostly identical to that of a human, although the heads lack eyelids and the seed for SCP-392 is located at the prefrontal cortex. In addition, the heads are capable of responding to external stimuli, as indicated by various reflex actions. PET scans of attached heads have identified neural activity in the brain. Notably, rate of eye movement and neural activity are consistently higher when female humanoid figures are within the head's visual axis as compared to other types of objects. Below is an abridged list of reflex actions and responses obtained from heads grown from SCP-392.\n\n+ View Excerpts\n\n- For complete experiment log, see Document 392-Shi\n\nTest 392/01\n\nSubject\nD-690\n\nProtocol\nD-690 is instructed to wave her hand in front of a head attached to SCP-392.\n\nResults\nIrises of the head move according to the movement of D-690's hand.\n\nTest 392/02\n\nSubject\nD-690\n\nProtocol\nD-690 is instructed to caress a head attached to SCP-392.\n\nResults\nIrises of the head move toward the region where it is touched. Jaws of the head open at approximately 5\u00ba. No vocalisation produced.\n\nTest 392/03\n\nSubject\nD-690\n\nProtocol\nD-690 is instructed to place her lips over the lips of a head attached to SCP-392.\n\nResults\nMouth of the head opened and tongue extended in an attempt to touch D-690's lips and tongue.\n\nWhen detached from SCP-392, neural activity and reflex actions from the heads will cease. The heads can be plucked or will fall from the plant naturally via barochory. When detached from SCP-392, the head will gradually undergo decomposition, allowing the seed to be exposed to water and oxygen. Decomposed matter from the head will then serve as an organic fertiliser for germination.\nSCP-392 was discovered in the Katsura Imperial Villa at Kyoto, Japan on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1945. Ties to Daevite culture are later identified via cross-reference of tattoos found on the heads, and this document is subsequently updated with relevant findings from Daevite sources known to the Foundation.\nAddendum 392-1: SCP-392 instances planted at Kyoto was conducted during the Pacific War, as part of a ritual to pray for national prosperity. Those specimens originated from a single SCP-392 seed, which was among the gifts from Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty in response to tribute sent by Japanese envoys. This practice originated from a description of SCP-392 by the envoy Ono no Imoko, alleging it to be a symbol of prosperity only found in the households of nobility.\nAddendum 392-2: Due to the mention of the Sui Dynasty and confirmation of Daevite involvement, a copy of A History of China altered by SCP-140 to include Daevite-Chinese interactions was consulted for additional information.\nThe book mentioned SCP-392 as one of the items looted from captured Daevite cities by Chinese soldiers as early as the Warring States period (c. 475 BCE \u2013 221 BCE). SCP-392 would be cultivated by these soldiers, who harvested and skinned the heads. The skulls would then be passed off as executed enemy combatants and presented to officials in exchange for promotion and other rewards (e.g. peerage titles, lands, slaves).\nThe descendants of many clans involved in SCP-392 cultivation gained prominent positions in various Chinese dynasties, up to the imperial families of various dynasties. See Document 392-Su for more information on the topic.\nAddendum 392-371: Specialised Containment Proposal \u2014 Project YIN-YANG (Subcategory: Argus-100)4\nThe following proposal consists of a cross-test between SCP-392 and SCP-2733. Usage of SCP-392 and SCP-2733 circumnavigate ethical issues regarding the use of a live human, and long-term maintenance of a live observer. Said cross-test consists of the following phases:\n\nOne D-class personnel will be involved in the tending of SCP-392 for a period of one month, and will not be involved in other SCP projects. This is to facilitate priming.\nSaid personnel will then be instructed to open SCP-2733 while thinking of SCP-392. Due to SCP-2733's anomalous effects, it is hypothesised that a head will manifest.\nSCP-2733 will be kept opened for a test period of one year to examine long-term survival of the head.\n\nIf long-term survival of the head is possible, further application under Project YIN-YANG (Subcategory: Argus-100) will be considered.\n\nFootnotes\n1. See SCP-3140 and SCP-3399 for other plant species created via Daevite thaumaturgy.\n2. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 speculates that tolerance of SCP-392 cultivation might be attributed to the decentralised model of Daevite polities in the form of the city-state and absolute power wielded by matriarchs in these city-states c. 800 BCE. See Shifts within Daevite civilisation for more information.\n3. Notably, the leading figures of the Waq clan in those regions were stated to be of partial human descent and supposedly ostracised by conventional Daevite clans. The ostracisation is speculated to be a significant factor towards the Waq clan's decline c. 300 BCE due to wars with the Qin state.\n4. Project YIN-YANG is an extrapolation of [DATA EXPUNGED] under controlled settings. As such, only approved Safe-class anomalies will be utilised. \"Subcategory: Argus-100\" denotes experimental containment strategies against anomalies requiring visual perception to remain inactive.\n\n\u00ab SCP-391 | SCP-392 | SCP-393 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-393\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-393 is to be kept in the possession of a designated D-class subject, hereby referred to as D-393, at Site-\u2588\u2588. The vitals of D-393 are to be monitored at all times to prevent SCP-393 from 'linking' to important SCP personnel in the event of D-393's death. A secondary D-class subject will remain on stand-by for emergency reclamations of SCP-393 if D-393 should die.\nDescription: SCP-393 is an ordinary 9 cm x 14 cm blue day planner with a year embroidered into its cover that always matches the current year. The information on the back of the day planner reveals it to be a product of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 publishing. SCP-393 has the ability to 'link' to a nearby subject via unknown means. Once linked, the day planner will appear in the hands of its owner whenever it is not being watched. Additionally, any event written in the past dates of the day planner are instantly recalled by the subject as if they experienced it themselves. Events written in a future date of SCP-393 will elicit no change until the date of the event has passed, at which time the subject will recall the event. If the subject currently linked with SCP-393 dies, SCP-393 will choose a new owner within ten minutes of the previous owner's demise, based on proximity. There appears to be no maximal distance for this ability (for additional details, see testing log).\nInterview Log 393-1a\nInterviewed: Test 393-1 subject\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: Review of subject's mental state after Test 393-1 and the extent of memory alteration .\n\n\n''Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:'' So you say you spent the day yesterday at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Park with your girlfriend Cindy. Is this correct?\n''Subject 393-1'': Yeah, it was a pleasant afternoon.\n\"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\" How long would you say you have known Cindy?\n\"Subject 393-1:\" I don't know, about two years.\n\"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\" Do you realize that you have been in this facility for a year now? And before that you were in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 State prison for a life sentence?\nSubject appears deep in thought, visibly worried\n\"Subject 393-1:\" But.. oh! Cindy was my girlfriend from back in high school. I used all my conjugal visits to see her.\n\"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\" Hmm\u2026 I see. How exactly did you see your girlfriend yesterday? You haven't been let out of this facility for months.\nSubject appears distressed and begins to fidget nervously\n\"Subject 393-1:\" You guys gave me leave to see her. It was our two year anniversary.\n\"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\" We don't give leave to any D-Class at this facility, Subject 393-1. I'm afraid that you never left the facility. Cindy does not exist.\nSubject is increasingly agitated and distraught\n\"Subject 393-1:\" But.. I know her! We were high school sweethearts! We've been together 10 years! It was our anniversary!\nSubject stands up\n\"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\" Subject 393-1, sit down now! Your stories are broken and make no sense. Cindy is not real. Play the tapes, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\"\nVideo logs of Subject 393-1 for the previous day begin playing with time stamp\n\"Subject 393-1:\" Those are fake! You're lying to me! This is just another damn test!\nSubject picks up video projector and moves to smash it\n\"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\" Sedate him!\nGuards tranquilize Subject 393-1 and take the body to his holding cell\n\"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\" Glad that's done with. Turn it off. We're done here.\n\n\nClosing Statement: Subject 393-1 terminated after refusing to work, and attacking any staff who entered his cell.\nSCP-393 has a heavy effect on the memory of the subject, but subject's memories fall apart under questioning. - Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-392 | SCP-393 | SCP-394 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-394\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-394 should be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-\u2588\u2588 with a combination lock. Lock is to be reset as per standard operating procedures after use. Standard positive-action defenses are to remain in place at all times. Use is restricted to experimentation only by authorized Level Three personnel. Under no circumstances should SCP-394 be tested in a sealed area.\nDescription: SCP-394 is a container of ear candles, each 24 cm long and 1.2 cm in diameter, one end tapered. The container originally held twenty-four packs with two candles per pack with seventeen packs remaining. The ear candles are hollow tubes of amatl coated with beeswax and various herbs. Most of the herbs used are common aromatics, but some remain unidentified.\nEach package has instructions on how to use the candle, warning to always have a spotter handy as well as taking precautions to keep in an open area with good ventilation. Instructions show that the user is to lie on their left side, place the ear candle's tapered end into the ear canal, and then have their spotter light the candle. The instructions caution to burn the candle no longer than four hours at a time, and \u201cto meditate before and after to aid in the realignment of the body's energies\u201d.\nWhen used, the candle burns with a bright orange flame and a soothing fragrance, smelling reminiscent of incense with an undertone of wax and tallow. The scent has a soporific effect on the user, who eventually falls into a deep slumber. The candle, under recommended conditions, will burn with the brightness and heat of a typical ear candle. When interviewed, users tell of semi-lucid dreams with a variety of fantastic elements, as well as the sense of being watched from afar.\nWhile the candle burns, the user begins to lose body fat at the rate of one kilogram per five minutes. During this time the length of the candle remains constant, although in an enclosed area the air will heat significantly and become oxygen depleted and sooty. The candle will continue to burn, however, until it is either extinguished or the user has no body fat remaining.\nIf the candle is still lit at the point where there is no longer any body fat, the candle will diminish in length and the user's body will start to desiccate and harden, with death occurring in the first ten minutes. This event does not wake the user. The flesh will eventually attain the consistency of dried meat, and the scent of the candle will change: witnesses describe it as akin to a smokehouse or a barbeque, although the odor of incense is still reported. The candle flame will continue to burn down to the user's remains unless extinguished. The corpse will burn as quickly as dried kindling, leaving only a small amount of fine ash.\nWhen testing in a well-ventilated area, the column of smoke and vapor emitted by the candle is not deflected normally by ambient air currents, up to and including heavy rain and crosswinds in excess of 80 km/h. Instead, it drifts steadily in a straight line following a compass bearing unique to the time and location of use. If allowed to orient themselves before lighting the candle, users always lie parallel to this line. Attempts to triangulate the destination of the vapor column have been unsuccessful, suggesting that the \"target\" is moving.\nAddendum 394-1: SCP-394 was discovered in 20\u2588\u2588 at the post office in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as a package marked as undeliverable. The address in question, \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588, had been consumed in a fire six days prior. The circumstances of the fire, especially [REDACTED], led to the Foundation being contacted by embedded assets. The package had labeling consistent with orders filled through A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, although the company had no corresponding records. The return address for the shipment was erroneous, and so the package remained at the dead letter office until obtained by Agent T\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 394-2: One instance of SCP-394 was disassembled for chemical analysis. Examination of the amatl showed chemical traces written in a previously unknown script. Linguistic analysis remains incomplete, but the language has shared roots with other Indo-European tongues. Research suggests that the writing is a description of a ritual offering to an unknown chthonic being, perhaps as a sort of prayer.\nAddendum 394-3: Due to the increase in reports concerning spontaneous combustion and unexplained fires in the homes of typical ear candle users, the use of extreme methods to track and contain instances of SCP-394 has been approved. \u2013 O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-393 | SCP-394 | SCP-395 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-395\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-395 is to be kept in the center of a locked room at least 10 meters wide. No female personnel are to be allowed into SCP-395's room under any circumstances. The room is to be guarded by two male personnel at all times. Any unusual behavior should be reported immediately. Any independent movement on the part of SCP-395 should likewise be reported.\nSCP-395 is to be fed one liter of a half-and-half mixture of blood and milk, both taken from the same individual, once a week. Failing to follow a regular feeding schedule will cause SCP-395 to increase its range at a rate of 10 meters per day without food. If it has not been fed for more than one week past its expected time, it will begin to [REDACTED].\nDescription: SCP-395 is a human fetus, approximately 7 months into its development, contained in a specimen jar. The jar is filled with a standard formaldehyde solution, with traces of blood.\nWhen a female human comes within 5 meters of the jar, SCP-395 is able to telepathically influence her. At that point, the subject will feel a need to remove SCP-395 from its jar, and allow it to feed in the normal manner. All women, regardless of age or medical status, will lactate under this telepathic inducement. Once the milk has been exhausted, SCP-395 will continue to feed, drawing blood and gnawing flesh from the subject. The subject apparently feels satisfaction throughout this process, only understanding what has actually happened when SCP-395 is sated and releases its control.\nSCP-395 was taken from a traveling freak show, whose owner had been using it to control women for his own personal use. It was discovered when police tracked the bodies of his victims back to him. One of the arresting officers fell under SCP-395's control, and killed her partner when he attempted to stop her from removing it from its jar. Foundation agents caught the report from the follow up investigation, and acquired SCP-395.\nInterrogation of SCP-395's owner revealed little. He had acquired it along with the rest of the show from the previous owner's estate. Documentation included with the estate indicated that SCP-395 had been purchased from a teaching hospital in the early 1900s. No information regarding the parents was included.\nTesting by male personnel shows no detectable life signs while SCP-395 is inside the formaldehyde solution in its jar. Only when a female human subject comes within its range does it become active, exhibiting a faint heartbeat and high levels of brain activity.\n\n\u00ab SCP-394 | SCP-395 | SCP-396 \u00bb"} {"text": "Original location of SCP-396\n\nItem #: SCP-396\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A geolocator has been affixed to SCP-396 to track its movements. Local Foundation liaisons have been dispatched to locations where SCP-396 frequently manifests to facilitate prompt re-containment. An airborne amnestic compound has been infused into the cushions of SCP-396 and into its containment chamber as a precaution. When possible, SCP-396 is to be contained within Area-93.\nFoundation personnel are not to mention any location or event taking place outside of Area-93 when they are within SCP-396's containment area. Failure to comply with this can result in demotion to Level 0 and is to be treated as a disclosure of classified information.\nCurrent theories on enacting permanent containment are currently focused on finding ways to utilize SCP-396's awareness of its surroundings to create controlled environments and induce it to teleport there, which SCP-396 may become settled in repeatedly appearing. This \"closed loop\" theory of containment is currently under consideration by the Area-93 leadership.\nDescription: SCP-396 is a chair constructed of plastic and steel.\nAt statistically random intervals, usually between one and eleven months, SCP-396 will displace itself and another chair somewhere on the planet Earth. Any living matter that is seated on SCP-396 or the seat it is displacing will also change places. This change is instantaneous. The approximate limits of this teleportation are unclear, but SCP-396 is currently believed to be able to transport itself to any location on Earth.\nSCP-396 was discovered in a theater in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Originally, it was classified as Safe, as its area of effect was believed to be localized. As such, Junior level researchers were frequently assigned to work with it.\nIt is believed SCP-396 is able to listen to nearby conversation, and transported itself to locations mentioned by its research staff. Containment procedures and classification escalated until reaching their current levels.\n\nThere are currently 1297 locations that are known to have been discussed or mentioned in passing around SCP-396 that it may affect. It has been shown to be much more likely to affect locations that were mentioned repeatedly, or in great detail. A full list is considered to be impossible due to incomplete records of SCP-396's early time in containment.\n\nLocations SCP-396 has affected.\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Cruise Ship\nLocated by Junior Researcher Bland while on vacation, after witnessing it manifest on the deck of the ship. Bland contacted the Foundation, and classification was upgraded to Euclid upon re-containment. Theorized to have 'imprinted' on Bland during his time working with the anomaly.\n\nSite-77, 2nd level research floor\nA researcher who had transferred from Site-77 is known to have mentioned their previous work there, which is the initial link leading to discovering the cause of SCP-396's escalation of anomalous activity.\n\nDeath row, [REDACTED]\nD-Class personnel assigned to testing had been asked to state their name and point of origin while in a testing chamber with SCP-396. D-936816 mentioned the [DATA EXPUNGED] penitentiary at least two times during testing. Three months later, SCP-396 displaced itself and the electric chair located within this facility. Due to the fact that an execution was about to be performed prior to this displacement, it was only the timely intervention of local agents that prevented major amnestic intervention from becoming necessary. Upgrade to Keter put under consideration.\n\nArea-93 Washroom\nReview has shown that Researcher Park mentioned recent renovations to the Area-93 washroom when discussing their work environment with a colleague. Notably, this took place in a soundproof chamber previously thought to be safe from SCP-396's anomalous effects.\n\nUS Supreme Court, Washington DC\nSupreme Court Justice Abe Fortas' seat was replaced by SCP-396, after he had arrived within the building but before taking his seat. It was not noticed until the end of that day's hearing, when Justice Fortas reported it as unusual to members of the Supreme Court Police. Foundation personnel involved in the case were able to intercept documentation of the incident and re-contain SCP-396.\n\nSet of \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" talk show.\nA vacant audience member's chair was displaced during the live broadcast of the show, although its presence was not detected until after the show was over. Suppressed footage of the show shows that SCP-396 is clearly visible when the camera is pointed at the audience. This footage has since been replaced with a doctored copy in \u2588\u2588\u2588's archives, although recordings of the original broadcast have not been completely suppressed due to their widespread nature.\n\n\"Sheikra\" Roller Coaster, Orlando FL\nSCP-396 manifested in an empty seat during the ride's normal operation. Agents were able to recontain SCP-396 within 2 hours of displacement, as the ride was shut down following the operators noticing the unusual seating and alerting their management. Agent Alleyn was commended for also suppressing the souvenir photo taken on the ride.\n\nVatican City\nPope Paul VI was displaced along with his throne, and appeared within Area-93 disoriented and confused. Light dosages of amnestics were able to convince His Holiness that the incident was a religious experience, and a deal was struck with Vatican City government officials to prevent widespread coverage of the incident.\n\nAddendum SCP-396-A: On 09/18/19\u2588\u2588, during regular testing of SCP-1609, the anomaly unexpectedly began to show aggression towards D-939668. However, before any personnel could be injured or killed, SCP-1609 was displaced by SCP-396. Due to SCP-396's more remote location and secure containment chamber, there were no casualties and SCP-1609 was recontained without additional incident. After the incident, it was found that D-939668 had previously worked as a contractor in the construction of multiple GOC facilities. Security data is being reviewed to find out how SCP-396 was able to displace itself to Storage Site-08.\n\n\u00ab SCP-395 | SCP-396 | SCP-397 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-397\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-397 is contained within secure arboretum \u2588\u2588 at Site 20. The arboretum should be stocked with vegetation native to [REDACTED] and the temperature adjusted to mimic local seasonal variances. SCP-397 is confined to the arboretum space when not undergoing active testing. Transfer for testing is subject to Level 3 approval and is to be facilitated by at least three security personnel with documented intelligence quotient ratings above \u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-397 may be provided with music or literature upon request, though all selections must be reviewed by at least one Level 3 researcher to determine suitability. SCP-397 is to be kept isolated from any primates at all times save research staff.\nDescription: SCP-397 is a female chimpanzee standing 1.27m (4ft, 2in) in height and weighing 40.82kg (90lbs) exhibiting human-level sapience. SCP-397 can read and speak both English and the local dialect of [REDACTED] proficiently and is able to write in a somewhat legible shorthand. Standard testing measures an IQ of approximately 160, though this number may be inflated due to the distinctly non-standard nature of the subject. SCP-397 has demonstrated an intense desire to utilize its abilities to read and write, showing particular interest in the fields of ancient history and classical music. Its studies in these fields have been supervised by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, whose curriculum carefully excludes any in-depth tactical reviews of military history or advanced political theory. SCP-397 has shown particular interest in the works of Franz Liszt, Tacitus, Seneca, and Sergei Rachmaninoff.\nSCP-397 was brought to the attention of the Foundation after Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 received reports of coordinated attacks on the village of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 perpetrated by a band of primates utilizing simple slings, spears and clubs. Witnesses consistently recounted instances of a chimpanzee \"leader\" issuing commands, setting fires, and distributing rewards of food for successful human kills to its fellows from well-defended locations at the village outskirts.\nAfter an unexpectedly difficult skirmish resulting in the loss of Agent R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-397 was apprehended and tranquilized. The remaining chimpanzees of [DATA EXPUNGED] were captured and terminated to ensure that any behaviors taught to them by SCP-397 would not spread.\nWhile in Foundation custody, SCP-397 has made 18 escape attempts, occasionally fashioning simple weaponry or tools from vegetation to do so. \u2588 of these attempts have involved D-Class personnel acting as willing accomplices\u2014most often through sabotage of security countermeasures or through direct assaults on security staff on behalf of SCP-397. As a result, D-Class personnel with a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 personality matrix rating of 6 or lower and possessing an IQ below \u2588\u2588\u2588 are not to be used in the containment of SCP-397. Withdrawal of reading and music privileges has proven most effective in curbing escape attempts.\nAddendum: Despite a self-admitted distaste for modern human society and customs, SCP-397 regularly attempts to imitate human physical mannerisms such as upright bipedal walking. A log between SCP-397 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 follows:\n\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you describe, for the records, the colony of chimpanzees that you were discovered with in [REDACTED]?Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please just answer the question.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please explain your comment.\n\n\u00ab SCP-396 | SCP-397 | SCP-398 \u00bb"} {"text": "Snapshot of video footage inside the SCP.\n\nItem #: SCP-398\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-398 is contained behind a reverse-airlock style containment chamber locking mechanism consisting of at least three steel doors and an atmospheric reduction system. A minimum of two guards must be stationed at the doors, remaining at a 50 m distance from the entrance to the SCP.\nDescription: SCP-398 appears to all subjects as a hallway of some description; however, details differ between accounts. It is first seen as a hallway with white walls, plain wooden doors twenty (20) metres apart and approximately two (2) metres high, and brass handles, with no special attributes visible. This detail is consistent across all accounts. It was found on location at [DATA EXPUNGED] and upon investigation, a Dimensional Containment Site was set up around it. The remainder of the original building surrounding it is unremarkable and has been demolished as such.\nAddendum-398-A:\n\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sent to research subject, equipped with a hand-held video camera with transmission feed. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 travels down the hall.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The hall\u2026 it's changed.\n\nTransmission shows no change in the hall's appearance.\nControl: Changed? How so?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It's different from when I walked in. Dark wood-paneled walls. Red carpet and Monet paintings. I like it.\nControl: Continue, Agent. Go in further.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Roger, sir. Continuing.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 continues until the appearance of several doors. The door is similar in design to others in the location.\nControl: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, open the one on the immediate right.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, sir.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 opens the door to reveal an unpainted and unfurnished room.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It seems to be a cafeteria.\nControl: A cafeteria? Is there anyone in it?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You can't see it? There's no one in here, just tables, chairs, and a buffet-style layout. Smells real good and I haven't had lunch yet.\nControl: Noted. Open the door opposite this room.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 opens the door. It is identical to the first room in appearance.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: This one\u2026 it's a bedroom.\nControl: A bedroom?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, a child's room. The one I wanted from a catalog when I was a kid, because it had Spider-Man sheets. We couldn't afford it.\nControl: Noted. Continue. Open one more, and return, Agent.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 exits the room and opens the one next to it. Again, it is identical to the first two.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: She can't be here.\nControl: What, Agent? What's through this door?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026 my old girlfriend. But she's married now, expecting a kid. The\u2026 person in the room can't be her.\nControl: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, please return now.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 lowers the camera and only the floor can be seen.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I want to make it right, baby. Shhh, it's okay, don't cry. It was all my fault.\nFootsteps are heard, and then a soft, incomprehensible crooning from Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nControl: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588? Did you hear me?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm so sorry I let you go. Don't you worry, it won't happen again.\nControl: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, you will turn around, close the door, and return to the outside. That is an order!\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: With all due respect, sir, no. I can make it work this time.\nAt this point, the camera is lifted and then the feed is abruptly ended.\n\nAddendum-398-B:\n\nAfter loss of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Class-D personnel are to be sent into SCP-398.\nPersonnel D-193 and D-216 are sent equipped with hand-held video cameras to explore further.\nTranscription of audio follows.\n\nControl: Right, you two. Continue onward.\nD-193: Understood.\nTransmission shows the same hall seen in Addendum-398-A. D-193 appears to be in front of D-216. D-216's feed shows D-193 walking ahead of him.\nD-193: There are doors. Shall I open one?\nControl: No. Continue onwards.\nThe class-D personnel continue. After a few metres, D-216 gasps.\nControl: D-216? What's wrong?\nNo answer is heard.\nD-193: He\u2026 seems to be unconscious, sir.\nControl: His vitals have dropped out. He's dead. Leave him and continue, 193.\nD-193: Roger, sir.\n\u2588\u2588 seconds pass.\nD-193: The hall's changing, sir.\nThe feed shows no change.\nControl: Describe.\nD-193: It's starting to look like the corridor outside of my old cell. I never wanted to see this again. But it looks like it gets better just up ahead.\nControl: Noted. Open the door to your left, 193.\nD-193 opens the door. It is identical to the rooms seen in Addendum-398-A. A burst of breath is heard from D-193. His heart rate rises.\nControl: What is it, 193?\nD-193: It's the basement we had in a house I lived in as a child. I always hated it, I never went in.\nD-193's voice is shaky.\nD-193: Oh god. Can you hear that? There are voices. Something's down there.\nNothing can be heard except D-193's breathing.\nControl: What are they saying, 193?\nD-193: I don't know, but I'm getting out of here. It will get better further on. It has to.\nD-193 starts to run on down the hall.\nControl: Negative, D-193. Return at once.\nD-193: I can't, sir. It's terrible back there. It will be better further on. Much better.\nThe log continues for \u2588 minutes until the feed is inexplicably cut off.\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-397 | SCP-398 | SCP-399 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-399\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not being worn by a human being, SCP-399 is inert. SCP-399 is to be kept in a locked safe at Facility \u2588\u2588 when not in use. Testing of SCP-399 requires Level 4 approval and is only to be handled by personnel who have received a rating of \"Clear\" or better on Psychological Profile 399-17. Any generators, power plants, or similar energy sources in the vicinity of testing are to be dedicated exclusively for testing and should not be used to power any other mission-essential equipment or facilities.\nAs a result of Experiments 399-4 and 399-5, testing of SCP-399 on human subjects requires Level 5 approval and is to be conducted in isolation from other SCPs or sensitive facilities.\nUnder no circumstances is SCP-399 to be tested or stored in the vicinity of any \"free energy\" or \"perpetual motion\" device.\nDescription: SCP-399 is a ring consisting of two metallic bands linked by six metal bars, with six pieces of a transparent purple glass between them. The ring is of unknown make and bears no identifying stamps.\nWhen not being worn by a human being, SCP-399 is inert. When placed on a human being's finger, the ring \"activates\", which is indicated by the six glass segments beginning to glow one by one. In testing this process takes from three minutes to 6 hours dependent on the availability of nearby energy sources. Once fully active, the ring responds to spoken or mental commands from its wearer until removed, at which point it becomes inert until worn and re-energized.\nIn this mode, SCP-399 is capable of manipulating or reshaping objects within a 5m radius of the wearer at varying levels of complexity. By a currently unknown mechanism, SCP-399 draws in energy from its nearby environment with which to perform these functions. Minor tasks, such as causing a small object to levitate or turn itself inside out, require minor amounts of ambient energy which is primarily drawn from the surrounding atmosphere, causing a temperature drop. At finer scales, progressively more energy is necessary, and SCP-399 has been known to draw energy from electrical generators, nuclear reactors, and [DATA EXPUNGED] to complete the reaction. If there is not sufficient energy within SCP-399's range (approximately 300m) to perform the operation, SCP-399 will draw on its wearer and [DATA EXPUNGED]. More detailed operations also carry a greater chance of catastrophic failure resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED] of the wearer.\nThe extent of SCP-399's ability to alter objects within its range appears to be solely a function of energy available to it. With an adequate power source, manipulation of objects at the atomic or subatomic level appears to be possible (see Experiment Log 399).\nSCP-399 came to the Foundation's attention on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when a string of power outages and unusually cold weather were reported in the vicinity of [DATA EXPUNGED]. The object was located in the possession of a Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had apparently become deceased during an attempt to use SCP-399 to change lead bars into gold. How \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 came into possession of the device has not been satisfactorily determined.\nSCP-399 does not appear to have any means of storing energy that has been drawn in, simply drawing in the quantity it requires to perform a task and expending it immediately. It has been speculated, owing to the high energy demands of SCP-399, that it was intended for use in conjunction with a dedicated portable energy source of high volume. Such a device was not found among the effects of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. In conjunction with such a device or an SCP of a similar nature, SCP-399 could potentially be used to devastating effect as a weapon of mass destruction or to neutralize other Keter-class SCPs. Due to the potential negative consequences of a failure on this scale, this line of experimentation is not to be explored at this time.\nExperiment Log 399:\nExperiment 399-1\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nUser: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: One (1) phone book\nUser attempts to open book to page 368. Experiment successful. Ambient temperature of test chamber drops by 4.8 Kelvins.\nExperiment 399-2\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nUser: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: One (1) T-shirt, colored blue\nUser attempts to change shirt's color to red. Experiment successful. Power brownouts reported in nearby sections of facility. Ambient temperature of test chamber drops by 9.7 Kelvins.\nExperiment 399-3\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nUser: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: One (1) phone book\nUser attempts to cause text of book to be translated from English to French. Experiment successful. On-site electrical generator overloads and fails, causing loss of primary power to facility for six hours. Ambient temperature of test chamber drops by 17.4 Kelvins.\nExperiment 399-4\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nUser: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: One (1) phone book, 3 D-Class personnel\nSpecial Test Protocols: Experiment 399-4 was conducted in Remote Facility \u2588\u2588. All electrical sources in the area were deactivated except those necessary to power monitoring equipment.\nUser attempts to cause text of book to be translated from English to French. Experiment successful. D-Class personnel are [DATA EXPUNGED]. No significant reduction of ambient room temperature.\nExperiment 399-5\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nUser: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Remains of one (1) D-Class personnel from Experiment 399-4\nSpecial Protocol: Test conducted at Remote Facility \u2588\u2588. A dedicated nuclear reactor was provided as energy source.\nUser attempts to restore D-Class personnel to his physical condition prior to Experiment 399-4. Nuclear reactor reaches 57% capacity. Subject is successfully reconstructed physically intact but remains deceased. User attempts to restore subject to life. [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-399 was recovered by Hazmat personnel 48 hours later. Weather patterns in vicinity of facility site normalized within 96 hours. Radiological contamination of the region has been deemed within acceptable limits.\n*Note: Following the loss of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested and was granted permission to conduct the following test on himself.\nExperiment 399-6\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nUser: Dr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Dr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nUser attempts to cause self to levitate. Successful. Upon initial levitation room temperature begins to drop 1 Kelvin approximately every .68 seconds. Dr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 then begins to cause himself to hover slowly about the test chamber, which begins to produce electrical brownouts. The rate of temperature decrease increases to 1 Kelvin per .47 seconds at this time and fluctuates as the rate of the Doctor's movement is accelerated or slowed. Experiment is terminated after room temperature drops below zero degrees Centigrade.\n\n\u00ab SCP-398 | SCP-399 | SCP-400 \u00bb"} {"text": "2/400 LEVEL 2/400\nCLASSIFIED\n\nItem #: SCP-400\n\nEuclid\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures:\nThe single colony of SCP-400 in Foundation custody (designation SCP-400-B) is currently housed in a juvenile humanoid containment cell at Site-77's Euclid objects wing. Any cell containing an active SCP-400 colony must be secured with an air-lock door under Bio-safety Level 4 precautions. Any openings for ventilation must be covered by a metal screen with gaps no greater than 0.2 cm in diameter, followed by aerosol filter 400-AF to be changed monthly and remanded to on-site chemical research personnel with Level 3/400 clearance. Access for experimentation purposes requires approval from both the Ethics Committee and the item's acting HMCL supervisor (currently Dr. Marshall Grant). SCP-400 handlers are required to wear Level 4 positive pressure Bio-hazard suits, and must be decontaminated prior to egress. In emergency situations, prevention of olfactory contact with SCP-400 is sufficient to prevent accidental exposure in most cases. For care-giving instructions, please refer to Document 400-C rev 1.3.\nAgents operating in the continental United States are to report any statistically significant drop in daycare, preschool, and primary school enrollment in their assigned region. Elements of MTF Beta-7 (\u201cMaz Hatters\u201d) are to remain on-call for identification, research, and termination of active SCP-400 infestations. Locations found to be infested are to be quarantined using cover story 139-B (\u2018bubonic plague'). Media inquiries are to be categorically denied, and all agents of the press demonstrating interest in the quarantine are to be detained and administered a Class B amnestic prior to release.\nFoundation personnel affected by SCP-400 are subject to quarantine of up to three (3) weeks. If by this time anomalous effects have subsided, personnel are subject to psychological evaluation prior to return to duty. If anomalous effects are still present after the administration of a Class A amnestic, remaining personnel may be reassigned to non-anomalous research, administrative, and medical positions. Civilians exposed are to be administered a Class A amnestic prior to release. Please refer to Document 400-1R for reintegration instructions by geographic region. Damage control for infestations affecting population centers of 500 persons or more may employ amnestic agent Ennui-02 locally if necessary.\nAt least one active SCP-400 colony must be collected from all subsequent infestations, and remanded to genetic research personnel with Level 3/400 clearance.\n\nDescription:\nSCP-400 is the collective designation for an anomalous species of arthropod similar to Armadillidium vulgare, or the common pill bug. SCP-400 individuals are morphologically similar to A. vulgare in appearance, but can be distinguished visually by bright red striping patterns on their dorsal carapace. Visual identification is only possible by individuals not under the influence of SCP-400's anomalous effects. SCP-400 is a parasitic organism which feeds on human mammary secretions. Access to this food source is gained by habitation and manipulation of deceased human infants.\nAffected persons are subject to a Type 3 cognitohazard via a pheromone vector, which repurposes the natural child-rearing instincts present in all humans for its own feeding and protection. Those subject to this effect are unable to perceive SCP-400 or the damage it causes to infants. Exposure to D-Class assets has determined that the effect does not apply to video or audio surveillance, and that Level 4 Biohazard precautions are sufficient in preventing the effects' onset. Personnel briefed on SCP-400's effects show no special immunity to the false perceptions created by the anomaly.\nAs of 14/07/2005, the Ethics Committee has determined that future human experimentation with SCP-400 will only be allowed in unique and dire circumstances. As such, all information regarding SCP-400's relationship with humans and life cycle have been compiled from extensive surveillance and interviews conducted in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, the site of SCP-400's discovery. Conclusions are based on an observational period from August 2003 through July 2005.\nInfestation begins when twenty-five (25) to fifty (50) instances of SCP-400 select an infant1 and access its crib. Observation has failed to detect any instance of SCP-400 prior to appearance within the target crib. Parents and D-Class personnel present will be unable to perceive SCP-400. If any person passes within 0.5 m of the infant, SCP-400 instances will collectively release a fine spray, which causes immediate disorientation and rapid loss of consciousness.\nSCP-400 will then begin to burrow into the flesh of the sleeping infant. Favored points of entry include the mouth, eyes, anus, navel, and armpits. The infant will not react to the presence of SCP-400 in any fashion, suggesting the use of local anesthetics. Cardiopulmonary activity in the infant will cease within the first forty (40) minutes of this procedure, and within three (3) to five (5) hours, movement will resume, followed by strained vocalizations. At this point, the infant is considered an \u2018active colony' of SCP-400. Incapacitated subjects will awaken soon after the first vocalization and investigate. Parents or other adults present within ear-shot will also show interest as per normal for distressed infant vocalization. If the original mother of the colony is present at this time, she will immediately begin breastfeeding regardless of previous feeding schedule or practices.\nOver roughly the next ten (10) weeks, parents and other adults begin to show increased affection and protectiveness toward the colony. During this stage, direct observation by present adults and children will be unable to detect any abnormalities in the colony's physiology, despite numerous dermal perforations and jerky, unnatural movement. The colony is capable of basic vocalization, and is able to emulate feeding, defecation, and play behaviors of normal infants with increasing proficiency. Decomposition is still visible via surveillance during this time, culminating in desiccation of the colony's remaining soft tissues2.\nBy the end of the twelfth (12th) week, all observed colonies exhibited increased size, such that individual instances of SCP-400 are visible moving under the skin. Such colonies are considered \u2018mature', and individual instances will begin reproductive behavior during this period. During feeding, seven (7) to twelve (12) SCP-400 individuals will exit the colony through one of its dermal perforations, and take hold of any exposed portion of the host mother's skin for approximately 10 min before returning. Host mothers studied during this time begin to show increased progesterone production, as well as heightened levels of human chorionic gonadotropin, indicating an induced pregnancy. After an incubation period of two (2) to three (3) days, host mothers will \u2018birth' twenty-five (25) to fifty (50) instances of SCP-400 during her next sleep. Instances of SCP-400 have not been successfully tracked after birth. Maximum interval of dormancy before SCP-400 must initiate another infestation is unknown. After breeding behavior begins, the cycle will repeat once weekly for the duration of the infestation. No natural limit to SCP-400 infestation timeline has been observed. (See Addendum 400-02)\nOf \u2588\u2588\u2588 recorded infestations to date, all have occurred in the south-eastern United States in rural or mountainous areas, and in some cases have gone unnoticed for as long as nine (9) months. Improved detection and extermination of SCP-400 instances is considered a high research priority.\n\nAddendum 400-01: Interview 400-25\n\nForeword: Twenty-fifth in a series of interviews conducted during the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 infestation of 2003. Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (hereafter \u2018Mrs. B.') interviewed by Dr. Marshall Grant, Agent Fabian Pertucci observing. Mrs. B has served as host-mother to SCP-400-A and SCP-400-B simultaneously. The advanced state of decomposition suggests the colonies had been active for over two years. She and her deceased twins are considered strong candidates for \u2018Patient SCP-400-0'. At the time of interview, Mrs. B was isolated from SCP-400 for fifteen (15) days. Interview conducted on 10/7/2005.\nDr. Grant: Good afternoon \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, how are we feeling today?\nMrs. B: Where are my babies? What have you done with my babies?\nDr. Grant: Your children are being treated for possible bubonic plague exposure, ma'am. They will be returned to you as soon as possible.\nMrs. B: [subject strikes table] Oh that's bullshit! You can't keep them from me. You have no right to keep a mother from her children! Tell me where they are or so help me when my husband's lawyers hear of this\u2014\nDr. Grant: Mrs. B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, we're on your side here. We want to help. If you'll just answer a few questions for me, we'll do everything we can to let you see them this afternoon.\nMrs. B: I've already told you on the form. They're three months old, male, [NAMES REDACTED], identical twins, weigh about 10 pounds, they don't have any allergies. What more do you want from me?\nDr. Grant: You said three months old? When were they born?\nMrs. B: February 5, 2003. Now will you-! \u2026 I'm sorry, I'm just\u2026 I love them so much. Never thought I would be much of a mother but they have been such a joy! After my husband died\u2026[subject is silent for 15 seconds] \u2026they mean the world to me! I don't know what I would do without them. Not a day goes by I don't feel blessed.\nDr. Grant: I imagine you must. For the record, you're aware of today's date?\nMrs. B: It's July the 10th two thousand fuh\u2026 Huh\u2026 Well that's funny. I could have sworn they were only three months. My, time does fly! I must have a picture of them here somewhere.[subject accesses personal effects and produces a portrait of SCP-400-A and SCP-400-B prior to infestation]Here it is! Aren't they just so beautiful?\nDr. Grant: Yes, ma'am. Now, has there been anything peculiar about your boys?\nMrs. B: Well there was that time in May when that doctor\u2026 No, nothing at all! If anything they're doing too well! So healthy and full of life. I swear little [REDACTED] said \u2018Ma-ma' just yesterday!\nDr. Grant: I'm sorry, what was that about a doctor?\nMrs. B: Yes, he came to the house after they\u2026[three second pause, subject visibly confused] I didn't say anything about a doctor! Let me see my children, please. They're probably starving by now; they need to be fed.\nAgent Pertucci (inaudible to Mrs. B): We're losing her; come back to it.\nDr. Grant: I assure you, ma'am, we're giving them the best care possible.\nMrs. B: With that awful formula, I'll bet! [REDACTED] threw up the last time I tried that. Neither of them has touched it since. No; it's natural breast milk for them, 100%. My obstetrician said that they'll need it for at least another three months, and I'm not about to take any risks.\nDr. Grant: Isn't two and a half years a little long to be breastfeeding?\nMrs. B: They're\u2026 they're only three months old!\nDr. Grant: But just now, you had said\u2014\nMrs. B: I know what I said! It's your fault. Got my head all turned around!\nDr. Grant: I'm sorry if I've confused you, ma'am, it's just\u2014\nMrs. B: Who the hell are you people, anyway? Let me see my babies!\n\nAt this point in the interview, Mrs. B refused to answer any further questions, and exhibited increased emotional distress and separation anxiety. Post-interview medical examination revealed extensive ovarian/uterine trauma in excess of all other host mothers examined. Mrs. B was administered a Class A amnestic when observations were concluded, and is currently under Foundation surveillance as a Person of Interest.\n\nAddendum 400-02:\nAs of 14/7/2010, SCP-400-A and SCP-400-B have been active in Foundation custody for five (5) years, indicating that colonies may be able to survive indefinitely if continually provided with food. Level 4 Bio-hazard precautions have successfully prevented not only reproduction of SCP-400, but also the spread of all cognitohazardous effects within Site-77. Limited access for experimentation may be granted with approval from the Ethics Committee and SCP-400's HMCL supervisor (currently Dr. Grant). Please allow up to thirty (30) days for review prior to beginning any new line of experimentation.\n\nAddendum 400-03:\nOn 5/10/2010, SCP-400-A ceased activity while in containment after ingesting an experimental nutritional supplement, allowing medical examiners to dissect the colony. Despite desiccation and decomposition, muscle tissues remain responsive to electric stimulus. Highest concentrations of SCP-400 can be found in the stomach, mouth, brain case, and spinal column. Of particular note is the presence of individual specimens periodically along major motor nerves in the extremities, indicating an unprecedented level of communal intellect utilizing the infant's extant neural architecture.\nExamination of the pheromones produced by individual SCP-400 instances has revealed several hallucinogenic, amnestic, and soporific compounds which are capable of reproducing SCP-400's cognitohazardous effects. Analysis of several compounds has revealed similarities to Class B and C amnestics currently in use by the Foundation, indicating a possible security breach (minimal risk). Aerosol concentrations of the mixture as low as 50ppm have proven effective in initiating the effect. Further research into the genetic sequencing of SCP-400 is recommended.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Precise criteria for this selection is unknown. In the seven (7) colonies observed from inception, infant targets were between three (3) weeks and two (2) months of age. Upper and lower age bounds for infestation have not been established.\n2. It is presumed that the final desiccation is an adaptation of SCP-400, developed to ensure the colony's continued structural integrity\n\n\u00ab SCP-399 | SCP-400 | SCP-401 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-401\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-401 is to be kept in an enclosed courtyard at Site-\u2588\u2588. A mural of the landscape of southern France is painted on the walls of the courtyard. Once daily, personnel are to locate at least ten roots which will be fed a total of 15 L of nutritional supplement 401-NS-4 and to remove any solid waste produced. An EKG is to constantly monitor SCP-401 for any anomalies (refer to Incident 401-1 for details). Female personnel are not to enter the courtyard at any time between March 15 and April 1, under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-401 was discovered near the French city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 when agents responded to reports of the ground bleeding. When led to the site, investigators found a human mouth embedded in the soil, licking away the remaining blood with a long prehensile tongue. It was not until a week later that agents realized that the mouth was part of the root structure of what at first appeared to be a forty (40) meter tall dead eucalyptus tree with branches shaped like multi-jointed human arms. The white colour of the trunk, originally suggesting that the tree was dead, was found to be because the bark was made of human bone tissue. It was given SCP status and excavated from the area, to be transported to Site-\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-401 resembles an ordinary tree in form and function. However, human physiology is substituted for plant biology in the fulfillment of necessary processes. The trunk is supported by multiple vertebral columns, woven together by tendons and muscles and coated by a layer of rough bone tissue also held together by flexible tendons. As one goes higher, the trunk will split repeatedly until there is a single vertebral column supporting the rest of the structure. At the base of the trunk are multiple human hearts which pump blood and nutrients through the roots and branches. The roots themselves are esophagi, protected by a layer of cartilage reminiscent of the trachea. At the end of each root is a fully formed upper and lower jaw, complete with muscles, lips, and the prehensile tongue first witnessed by agents in the field. The tongue seems to be used as a digging implement and as a snare for food, ranging from burrowing animals to edible fungi and plants. All of these roots ultimately lead to a single stomach. This, along with a fully functional, though unusually long, intestinal tract, work to absorb ingested nutrients. Solid waste is eliminated through a sphincteral orifice on the side of the trunk. No roots are found in the area immediately beneath this spot.\nThe branches, as initial observations suggested, are human arms. They extrude themselves from the bony trunk but have no bark themselves. Some will split at the elbow so that they may have two or even three forearms. The palms of its hands all face upward and the tip of each finger has a human eye growing from it. The iris of each eye is hazel. Dissection of the eyes shows that they are all myopic, though they do react to light stimuli as a normal eye would. Though the chemical process is not yet understood, the retinas carry on a form of photosynthesis which transforms carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose. It is generally agreed that the eyes are myopic in order to prevent excessive damage to the retina from direct sunlight. Chemical analysis of the lungs shows that there is a higher oxygen content when SCP-401 exhales than when it inhales.\nDuring spring, SCP-401 will go into bloom. Though it is genetically a human male, it will grow female sexual organs. The vaginal openings are located on the palms of its hands, with canals extending 18 cm along each wrist to a bulge which contains a fully formed uterus and ovaries. Five days after the formation of the organs, menstruation occurs, at which point male sexual organs begin to develop in their place over a period of ten days. Once fully formed, they will remain for one day before they are shed and eaten by the roots. During this phase, SCP-401 will attack human females for the purpose of reproduction.\nExperiment Log 401-1:\nThe fact that SCP-401 is genetically human, combined with the violence exhibited against women during its male phase, suggests that it may be compatible with human beings. A number of breeding experiments have been proposed to test this.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Female D-class personnel D-2055\nProcedure: D-2055 was artificially inseminated with material produced by SCP-401 during male phase. The product of this was allowed to gestate.\nDetails: Nine months after conception, D-2055 gave birth to a normal human male infant. Though healthy and lacking in any unusual physiology, the child has been found to suffer from severe myopia, comparable to what was estimated with the eyes of SCP-401. The child has since been adopted by Agent R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who has agreed to bring R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Jr. to a Foundation-approved doctor for monthly physical examinations.\nExperiment Log 401-2:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Male D-class personnel D-2067\nProcedure: D-2067 was ordered to donate genetic material which was used to artificially inseminate SCP-401 at the beginning of its female phase. This was allowed to gestate.\nDetails: 12 hours after insemination, the uterine bulge in the wrist increased in size by 300%. While the other branches continued to develop normally for the next two weeks, the inseminated arm retained its uterine bulge and vaginal canal. 24 hours prior to maturation of male organs, the uterine bulge began contracting until a mass of tissue was extracted from the palm. This was thrown over the edge of the courtyard by the arm which had given birth. The appendage was then shed and absorbed by the roots minutes later. After five hours of searching, personnel found the item which was thrown: a human urinary bladder with a foetus nestled inside, consistent with one that had been gestating for two months. The bladder was planted in soil. It germinated two days later and became a seedling, equivalent to SCP-401 in structure. The organism died of malnutrition one week later, despite being fed nutritional supplement 401-NS-3.\nExperiment Log 401-3:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Female D-class personnel D-2081\nProcedure: An egg was removed from D-2081's ovary, fertilized with genetic material harvested from SCP-401 and frozen until next spring. The fertilized egg was implanted into SCP-401 and allowed to gestate.\nDetails: [DATA EXPUNGED] Nutritional supplement 401-NS-4 has been formulated with this development in mind.\nIncident 401-1\nOn \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, several of SCP-401's branches went into convulsions and then went limp. It was soon discovered that one of its hearts suffered from cardiac arrest and was not able to recover. An angiogram of the other hearts showed large amounts of plaque buildup. Since Incident 401-1, the damaged heart has been absorbed and two new hearts have grown in its place. In order to maintain the future health of SCP-401, a lower cholesterol nutritional supplement 401-NS-3 has been approved. Nutritional supplement 401-NS-4 is now to be used, following the results of Experiment 401-3.\n\n\u00ab SCP-400 | SCP-401 | SCP-402 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-402\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-402 is kept in a climate-controlled storage locker at Site-41. All known SCP-402-A and all water affected by it (currently ~612,000 liters) are kept in a climate-controlled freezer at Site-41, with each sample wrapped in barricade tape to prevent accidents. SCP-402 and SCP-402-A must be kept away from all water, including water vapor, outside of testing.\nSubstantial quantities of SCP-402-A may exist outside of containment. All unusual drowning or suffocation deaths must be investigated for possible SCP-402 involvement. Mobile Task Force Tau-4 \"Water, Water, Everywhere\" is tasked with performing all testing, investigations, and retrieval missions associated with SCP-402.\nSCP-402-1 is kept in a Type 2 Humanoid Containment Cell at Site-59.\nDescription: SCP-402 is an irregularly-shaped solid weighing 4kg. While SCP-402 is composed largely of obsidian, trace amounts of platinum and iridium are present. SCP-402's structure has numerous abnormal microscopic gaps similar to those found in SCP-148; this, along with SCP-402's anomalous density (22.2g/cm3, roughly 8.5 times that of obsidian), suggests that the two materials operate under similar principles.\nAny water that comes in contact with SCP-402 (hereby SCP-402-A) develops antimemetic properties, effectively rendering it imperceptible by any direct means. Witnesses typically interpret this as SCP-402 absorbing the water. SCP-402-A can be detected through its interaction with other materials, which occurs normally. For example, the dissolution of salt in SCP-402-A presents as the disappearance of the salt. Scales and thermometers that detect SCP-402-A's weight and temperature, respectively, can be read normally. Items that float in water will appear to levitate when placed in SCP-402-A.\nWater rendered imperceptible by SCP-402 can transfer its effects to other water \u2014 for every unit of SCP-402-A that is introduced to a body of water, an adjacent 11,000 units (\u00b1 500) are similarly affected. This is perceived as the rapid, spontaneous disappearance of the affected water. SCP-402-A does not present any risk of a chain reaction; however, due to natural currents, SCP-402 itself can create large amounts of antimemetic water very quickly when submerged, particularly in moving water.\nConsumption of SCP-402-A presents a serious choking hazard, as its presence in the trachea does not trigger the laryngospasm responsible for sealing the airway. SCP-402-A's presence in the lungs is only detectable via the resultant oxygen deprivation, and is typically mistaken for other medical conditions, which prevents proper treatment. Safe handling of SCP-402-A can only be performed by trained personnel.\nSCP-402-1 is a human, roughly 35 years of age, that was in possession of SCP-402 at time of recovery in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Indonesia, as well as a plastic jug containing four liters of SCP-402-A. SCP-402-1 has refused to cooperate or communicate with Foundation personnel, and has not been identified. Prior to containment, SCP-402-1 would consume SCP-402-A to the exclusion of all other liquids,1 resulting in the illusion that it did not possess any body fluids and giving it a desiccated appearance. This was initially mistaken for a property of SCP-402-1 itself, with the true nature of its condition (and the anomalous nature of SCP-402) only being identified after careful observation. SCP-402-1's appearance returned to normal as SCP-402-A was flushed from its system.\nSCP-402-1's blood, when composed of SCP-402-A, possesses cognitohazardous effects when consumed in any quantity. Subjects will become convinced that any water they encounter is an extension of an effectively infinite subterranean body of water, in which they risk being trapped should they come into contact with the water. This results in severe aquaphobia, as well as a fear of drowning that persists even in situations where no water is present.\nTesting the anomalous properties of SCP-402-1's blood has been deemed cost-ineffective; as such, information on its effects have largely been garnered from SCP-402-1's pre-containment activities.\nNote: Several subjects who had previously consumed SCP-402-1's blood displayed a strong fear response when exposed to SCP-109 and SCP-812, though none were able to justify their reactions. Further testing is under consideration.\n\nFootnotes\n1. This was accomplished safely via a tube inserted into the esophagus.\n\n\u00ab SCP-401 | SCP-402 | SCP-403 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-403\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-403 is to be sealed in a steel safe with a combination known only by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The walls of the safe must be reinforced with fire-retardant material complying with Foundation standard C3/403. The safe will remain under surveillance by 2 armed guards at all times.\nDescription: SCP-403 is a visually unremarkable naptha-fueled lighter that was discovered in a cafeteria at Site-\u2588\u2588. When lit once after a prolonged period of disuse, SCP-403 produces an ordinary flame. However, if ignited repeatedly within 24 hours the flame produced by SCP-403 becomes larger and more violent in nature with each subsequent ignition.\nDuring an experiment a Class-D test subject attempted to light SCP-403 a third time within two hours, resulting in a powerful explosion of superheated gas and plasma. This event destroyed the monitoring equipment within the testing cell, and caused significant damage to the flame-resistant plating lining the walls. Despite this, the subject and the item itself remained virtually unharmed. Radio-imaging has shown the formation of a magnetic field around the lighter, which is hypothesized by researchers to be the cause of this immunity.\nThe fuel used by SCP-403 to produce the detonations is not known as of yet, if any conventional fuel is used at all. Examination of the item shows that the fuel compartment within SCP-403 is empty; no traces of any combustible compound have been found. Considering this, and the amount of energy initiations are capable of producing, SCP-403 should currently be treated as if using a functionally inexhaustible power supply. Tests to ascertain the exact nature of this power source are ongoing.\nAddendum 403-1: Continued experimentation has been authorized for SCP-403, and a designated safe detonation area has been provided for testing. After the third ignition, a Class-D personnel attempted a fourth, which caused an explosion that initially appeared to be a thermonuclear blast. Evaluation of the explosion has demonstrated that it was of equivalent magnitude to 10 MT of TNT, far exceeding the yield of most strategic nuclear weapons; this yield was also far greater than extrapolations based on past tests seemed to suggest. Further study of recorded data seemed to show that the event was actually caused by the release of [DATA EXPUNGED] stellar material. No abnormal lasting effects from the explosion were observed, apart from the devastation wreaked by the initial blast. Once again the subject used to ignite SCP-403 was unharmed by the blast.\nAddendum 403-2: All further tests have been suspended due to the extreme danger presented by the high-energy detonations SCP-403 is capable of producing. As it seems the power of SCP-403 increases exponentially, a fifth ignition could result in an event comparable to [DATA EXPUNGED]. A blast of this magnitude could devastate vast portions of the continent and present a severe risk of breaching the containment of several Foundation sites, including [REDACTED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-402 | SCP-403 | SCP-404 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-404\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-404 is to be kept in Section Alpha-1 of the Documents Repository. Any movement of SCP-404 beyond Section Alpha-1 will result in termination.\nDescription: SCP-404 is a pair of large manila envelopes, one of which has a series of pages attached to the front. Each page is stamped with a name/date/time/number table and contains multiple entries with known and unknown names. The ink has been dated to 1833, \u00b110 years and the folder dated to 1834, \u00b110 years. Many signatures are noted on the grid, notably those of former Document Repository Administrators \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (dated \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), \u2588\u2588\u2588 (dated \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (dated \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). All signatures also are followed by a numerical reference number. Currently there are over 1000 signatures on these pages with additional pages appearing on their own when the previous ones become full. A count of these pages has proven impossible as has the contents of the envelope as mentioned later.\nContained inside SCP-404 are a series of large 8 x 10 photographs. Attempts to count the exact number of photographs have thus far failed. When a person attempts to count the total photographs they will invariably get a number wrong at least twice and have to start over. If more than one person attempts to count them they will begin to debate what number they were at last and start over. If a mechanized system is used to count the photographs it will either glitch, fail, freeze, or skip causing a recount to be required.\nAny person may pick up and access the first envelope, known as SCP-404-A, they may withdraw a single photograph at a time from the envelope. This photo will always be blank when drawn out and will remain so until five (5) seconds have passed. Should the photo remain in contact with the person who drew it longer than five seconds it will then begin to fade into an image in the same way a Polaroid develops. This image will be a crystal clear image from an event in the holder's past which thus far has always been immediately recognized by the holder.\nOnce this photograph has been 'developed' it will no longer fit into SCP-404-A no matter what effort is applied to it. This image will fit perfectly into the second envelope, SCP-404-B. An undeveloped photo will not fit into SCP-404-B. After a developed photo is placed inside of SCP-404-B the pages attached to the front of the envelope will update themselves with the name, date, time, and an incrementing number. If a person picks up SCP-404-B they immediately know which pages contain lines with their name, although they may not know the numbers. When they have viewed the numbers or if they already know the number, they are able to draw that photo out of SCP-404-B with only a few seconds of searching.\nThe most disconcerting feature of SCP-404-B is that once the subject has left the presence of the envelopes for longer than an hour they forget interacting with either envelope as well as the memory imprinted on the photo. This effect lasts until the subjects re-enter the presence of SCP-404-A or -B at which time they regain their memory of having used the envelopes, but will not remember the event on the photograph until it is viewed again. Researchers who oversee the testing of SCP-404-A or -B but who do not interact with the contents of the envelope are capable of remembering both the test and the image to the best their natural memory allows.\nDocument #404-1: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Subject is Class-D personnel who has been instructed to draw five photos from SCP-404-A.\n\nFirst Photo drawn contains an image of a young girl on a tire swing being pushed from behind. Subject confirms that the girl is their younger sister at age six.\nSecond photo drawn contains image of the same girl now older, nude, in a bedroom setting, laying on a bed and smiling, wagging finger at the viewer. Subject confirms once again this is their sister and is noted becoming distressed.\nThird photo drawn contains image of same girl, older again, in the garb of high school graduation with her arm around a male of similar age. Subject confirms again this is his sister and the boy is her boyfriend. Subject seems agitated and reluctant to continue until assured he must only draw two more photos.\nFourth photo drawn contains image of a car that has gone half off of a road. The windows on all sides are smashed and the driver door is open. In the driver seat is the same boy from the previous photo with no discernible age difference. There is considerable bodily damage on the boy as well as a slit throat. Subject confirms this is the same boy.\nFifth photo drawn shows a funeral setting, the girl from the previous photos is the center of focus. She is wearing a black funeral dress and has a hateful expression. Subject confirms this is his sister again.\n\nAll photos drawn will no longer fit into SCP-404-A so are filed inside of SCP-404-B. Subject's name, current date, and numbers now appear on the topmost sheet of SCP-404-B.\nAfter the test had completed the subject was allowed to leave the testing area and then questioned about the photos. After a time-lapse of approximately one hour subject became unable to answer any further questions about the photos and denied having ever even been part of a test for this day. The subject is unable to account for the time spent in the testing chamber and also denies knowledge of ever attending a funeral with his sister for any individual. Up until the time threshold had passed subject had been willing to answer any and all questions regarding the incident in the photos; loss of memory attributed to interaction with SCP-404-A and B.\nDocument #404-2: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Subject is Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who has recently been through an overly dramatic breakup of a relationship. She has volunteered for this test and has been informed of the anticipated results.\n\nFirst photo drawn from SCP-404-A develops into the image of a young man in overalls leaning against a car and covered in oil stains. Subject confirms this is her ex-boyfriend and that he was mechanically inclined.\nSecond photo drawn from SCP-404-A shows the same man in a very angry state postured as if he is striking the viewer. Subject confirms again that this is her ex-boyfriend and that this event is part of what led to their separation.\nThird photo drawn from SCP-404-A shows the same man in an amusement park setting, seated on a roller coaster beside the viewer. Subject confirms this was their first date.\nFourth photo drawn from SCP-404-A is completely blank. Twice the normal time allowed for a photo to developed passes and photo remains blank. This photo also is returned to SCP-404-A with no effort while all other photos must be inserted into SCP-404-B which now shows the subject's name with three new timestamps and numbers listed on its pages.\n\nAfter the fourth photo was drawn subject was released and approached three hours later where she was asked as to the status of her relationship with the boyfriend. Subject denies knowing any such person or ever having participated in any tests today. Subject is also unable to account for lost time but shows no concern over the disparity.\nDocument #404-3: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Subject for this test is Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was chosen at random with no end result expected.\n\nFirst photo drawn is a first person perspective of a water paint portrait being drawn. The artist's hands are visible in the photo and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 confirms this is her at age 4.\nSecond photo drawn is of an elderly man smiling, photo perspective suggests the viewer is raised up in the air looking down at the man. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 confirms this is her grandfather who passed away approximately a year and a half later.\nThird photo is drawn after a brief reprise to allow Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to collect herself. This photo shows a funeral service and the perspective again suggests the viewer is a short individual. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 confirms this is her grandfather's funeral service. This photo also shows the elderly man again at the headstone which is the viewer's point of focus in this photo. The elderly man is marginally out of focus compared to his surroundings which are crisp and clear. In addition he is semi-transparent to a degree of approximately 15% suggesting that his presence is either a true spectral manifestation or exists only in the mind of the viewer.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested a copy of this third photo and a digital copy was created for her without incident. The original has been filed into SCP-404-B and the copy is framed in Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office.\nDocument #404-4: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Subjects for this test are Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 whom have been working together for the past two years. These two doctors were chosen at random from established pairs of staff who had been working on projects together for over one year.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 draws the first photo from SCP-404-A. This photo when developed shows an older woman in her mid thirties on a bed, nude. The woman is posed in a [DATA EXPUNGED] position from the viewer's perspective. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 identifies the woman as his wife. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempts to protest this until a photo is produced from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's wallet which confirms the identity of the woman in the photo. The guard on staff intervene in the escalation of tempers and inform both doctors to continue with the test, personal matters will be resolved afterwards.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 draws the second photo from SCP-404-A. It is of note that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's expression was malicious toward Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after the previous photo. The photo drawn by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 develops into a girl of young age who appears to be in a [DATA EXPUNGED] pose from the viewer's perspective. This girl is confirmed as Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's daughter who is [DATA EXPUNGED] years old. Tension in the room escalates after this photo once more and the guards on duty step in again. Due to the nature of the photos being drawn only two more, one from each doctor, are requested.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 draws the third photo from SCP-404-A. This photo contains an image of the same girl from the second drawing, nude again, in a new pose. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reluctantly confirms this is in fact his own daughter. Both Doctors are calmed down by this event however both appear to be extremely uncomfortable and express repeated desires for this test to end.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 draws the final photo for this test which after developing appears to be Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 wearing an evening dress.\n\nThe test is immediately ended by the administering personnel and both Doctors placed on notice until the results of this test can be confirmed. A lapse of a full day's time was allowed to pass before either Doctor was confronted about the previous day's test results. Neither Doctor claims to have any memory of participating in any test nor any inappropriate behavior with either each other or any of the subjects from the photos. All photos were filed in SCP-404-B and both Doctors have been restricted access from SCP-404 from here forward. Continued observation of the Doctors from this test show a 6% increase in productivity; this may or may not be related to the loss of the memories exposed in this test.\nDocument #404-5: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Subject for this test is a deceased Class-D personnel who expired while engaged in testing of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The body of the subject was manipulated by two members of staff in conjunction with medical implements to draw a series of photos from SCP-404-A.\n\nFirst photo drawn develops into a view of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 at rest. It is assumed this is what the subject saw as the testing of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was commencing.\nSecond photo drawn develops into an extreme close up view of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The nature of this photo suggests this was the moment at which the subject expired. The right side of the photo is blacked out as is expected from a scene viewed by a person with a single eye.\nThird photo drawn develops into [DATA EXPUNGED]. Test aborted immediately after viewing of the photo sends the staff manipulating the subject's body into a state of rage. Guards enter the room to control the situation. One guard enters the same state as the research staff and turns on another guard who is restraining the original test members. Additional armed staff enter area and developed photo is covered by a jacket to prevent further viewing by any other staff.\n\nAfter the events of this test any further exposure of the deceased with SCP-404 has been expressly forbidden. All staff who were involved in the test were restrained in solitary confinement and after 48 hours were given a psychological evaluation and released. Those who requested amnestics were allowed to utilize them. All photos made during this test were not filed into SCP-404-B but were instead sequestered into the care of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and are not to be accessed by any staff without maximum clearance.\n\n\u00ab SCP-403 | SCP-404 | SCP-405 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 405\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\n{$secondary-class}\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\nwarning\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Infected subjects are to be contained at SCP-405 isolation zones. \u2588\u2588\u2588 zones exist in depopulated areas. All field teams encountering SCP-405 are to be informed of the locations of nearby isolation zones. All observation of SCP-405 victims is to be done via video link from a distance of no less than 1 km. If a subject suffering from SCP-405 is in the late stages upon apprehension, they are to be terminated and all individuals within 200 m are to undergo Treatment Protocol 405-Alpha if an isolation area cannot be reached in time. Treatment Protocol 405-Alpha is also to be used on any individuals found in the preliminary stages of SCP-405 infection.\nSCP-405-1 are housed at Research Facility \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Desert. On no account are individuals suffering from SCP-405 to be brought into contact with SCP-405-1. SCP-405-1 are to receive limited human contact from Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 only and only while Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 have been dosed with type 3 sedatives. SCP-405-1 are housed in \u2588 adjoining 10 m x 10 m x 10 m cells and are not considered an escape risk: Research Facility \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's remote location is for their benefit, not ours.\nDescription: SCP-405 is a contagious phenomenon of unknown origin that causes the uncontrolled development of telepathic capabilities in humans. The typical progression of the disease is as follows. (\u2588\u2588% of cases do not follow this pattern.)\n\nPrimary stage: 0-2 days after exposure. No noticeable effect.\n\nInitial stage: 2-7 days after exposure. Subject begins to hear higher order thoughts of nearby subjects, seemingly at random. Thoughts about the subject are most common. Subjects rarely realise that the heard vocalisations are not spoken.\n\nSecondary stage: 7-10 days after exposure. Subject now hears all conscious thoughts of nearby individuals. Subject will become aware of their telepathic nature. In some subjects, thought projection is first observed here. Subject will usually complain of ear ache and express a desire for silence. Sleep patterns typically become disrupted due to perceived noise levels.\n\nEscalation stage: 10-14 days after exposure. Over this period the range of the subject's abilities increases, typically to about 200 m but occasionally far further. In a few rare cases where the subject has pre-existing telepathic capacity (as measured on the Mechevik-Luntan scale) range has been shown to grow exponentially out to several kilometres, leading to the early onset of Terminal Stage. Subject hears all conscious thoughts of humans within this range, as loudly as if the individuals were speaking directly in the subject's ear. The first suicide attempts typically occur at this point as a result of sleep deprivation and perceived noise levels. Subjects also begin to uncontrollably project their thoughts to nearby individuals. MRI scans taken at this stage indicate several significant deformities in the audio cortex.\n\nPlateau stage: 14-28 days after exposure. No noticeable change in symptoms is evident at first, although many subjects begin to detect unconscious thoughts towards the end of this phase, including autonomic responses and reflex actions. Subjects typically exhibit a wide range of dementias such as [REDACTED] consistent with sensory over-stimulation and sleep deprivation by this stage and most (\u2588\u2588%) attempt suicide, often frequently and with increasing levels of creativity and desperation. Restrained subjects will typically beg for termination or other extreme measures. One Agent at this stage requested being used to examine SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, normally reserved for D class personnel. To date all subjects have been observed to attempt to deafen themselves if able, most commonly by inserting a long thin object, such as a pen, into their ears until the internal structure is destroyed. Towards the end of this phase subjects often experience catatonic episodes and begin to suffer from seizures. These are not apparently related to the telepathic abilities but rather due to swelling in the subject's neural tissues.\n\nTerminal stage: 28 days after exposure until death, typically 32 days after exposure. Subjects slip into a coma and begin to suffer from persistent seizures caused by significant brain deformities. MRI scans taken at this stage confirm audio cortex is still processing vast quantities of data.\n\nExperiments with animals, including higher primates, confirm that SCP-405 is species specific. The vector for SCP-405 is the subject's final mental vocalisation, identified by most observers as a \"Death Scream.\" This vocalisation occurs at the moment of death, regardless of cause, and has a range of at least 200 m, although the more advanced the disease the greater the range. Individuals who hear this telepathic signal are infected with SCP-405.\nOutbreaks of SCP-405 appear spontaneously; there have been at least \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in recorded history. The ultimate cause of these outbreaks is unknown. The earliest believed SCP-405 outbreak was in the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a famous ghost town, in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The entire population was recorded to have died either by their own hands or at the hands of deranged residents. Written records retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are consistent with the symptoms of SCP-405. The cause of SCP-405 outbreaks is unknown, although 79% have been traced to some form of educational facility. Only 2 cases have occurred outside the continental United States. Outbreak \u2588\u2588 occurred at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Canada, and Outbreak \u2588\u2588 occurred in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Wales.\nSufferers in the Primary to early Escalation stages of SCP-405 have been successfully treated with Treatment Protocol 405-Alpha. Subjects are administered twice the standard dose of Class D Amnestics and placed in a chemically induced coma for 3 days. This appears to reset brain activity to a pre-infection state and allow abnormal development to subside. Success rate is \u2588\u2588% with greater success in the early stages. No treatment for the later stages exists. For an examination of disease behaviour please see the Infected Subject Interview Log.\nThe use of Type 3 Disaster Synthesis Quarantine measures are pre-emptively approved to contain large-scale SCP-405 outbreaks.\nTo date only \u2588 individuals have recovered from SCP-405 naturally. They gained sufficient control of their abilities to deal with small groups of individuals but are still incapable of dealing with more than \u2588\u2588 individuals at a time without exhibiting extreme stress. Seizures and other neurological conditions caused by structural brain deformities are common. Such individuals are referred to as SCP-405-1-A to SCP-405-1-\u2588. They have adopted the designations for themselves and no longer respond to their original identities, perhaps due to the fact that all staff think of them by those designations. The potential value of SCP-405-1 to the Foundation is unclear at this time.\nAddendum 405-01: Storing SCP-405-1 in the same area was a bad idea. I am sure their personalities are gestalting. I observed SCP-405-1-\u2588 tapping the desk in her room yesterday in a manner consistent with playing the piano, but only SCP-405-1-\u2588 has any musical talent. Worse, SCP-405-1-\u2588 reported finding himself performing an action unconsciously and wished to know if I recognized it. SCP-405-1-\u2588 was unconsciously field stripping an imaginary \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. None of them have military backgrounds, they picked that up from us! If you get any more survivors, don't send them here! -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAll interviews with SCP-405 victims or SCP-405-1 are to be recorded in Interviews Log 405.\n\n\u00ab SCP-404 | SCP-405 | SCP-406 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-406's western entrance.\n\nItem #: SCP-406\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Task Force Tau-6 are assigned to monitor SCP-406 and process SCP-406-1 instances. They are to be based in a converted small industrial unit at a nearby industrial park, behind a Foundation front company (\"Simon's Carpet Paradise\").\nThe emergence point and western entrance of SCP-406 are to be monitored via closed circuit television cameras. Concealed lighting and infrared sensors are to be fitted to detect and illuminate emerging SCP-406-1 instances, and emergency clothing, non-perishable food, and basic first aid supplies are to be concealed behind false brickwork on the opposite wall. Two-way audio communication is to be enabled, via concealed microphones and speakers, between Tau-6 and the emergence point, to guide and instruct SCP-406-1 instances, and to wake them if necessary. The gate at the open western entrance is to be kept locked. Trespassers are to be monitored and are to be detained and administered amnestics if they witness an SCP-406-1 instance.\nSCP-406-1 instances are to be retrieved by members of Tau-6 and taken to Sector-25, debriefed, administered amnestics, then escorted to their point of origin. Fabricated cover stories and/or amnestics are to be used to explain the absence of SCP-406-1 instances. All SCP-406-1 instances are to be logged and remotely monitored for a period of 5 years (previously 20), and detained if any anomalous properties become apparent.\nA proposal for covert monitoring of residents of the origin area to prevent or reduce disappearance event frequency is currently under review.\nDescription: SCP-406 is a 228-metre-long disused railway tunnel in Crigglestone, England. The eastern entrance has been infilled and is inaccessible. The western entrance is blocked by a metal fence with a locked gate.\nSCP-406-1 are persons who emerge via unknown means through the inner northern wall of SCP-406, at a point 15.3 metres from the closed end of the tunnel. SCP-406-1 instances are invariably initially asleep and walking upright, but most instances wake up naturally shortly after their appearance, usually due to the sudden shock of the cold air within the tunnel.\nInitial inspection and testing of the emergence point was unable to identify any anomalous effects. Further testing of the emergence point is prohibited until further notice. See document SCP-406-A.\nSCP-406's first known anomalous event on record was in December 1981, when the naked body of Mr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 24, was found within the tunnel, having died of head injuries and exposure after apparently tripping and falling within the tunnel. A tattoo was identified and later matched against a missing persons report in Illinois, USA. A subsequent instance of SCP-406-1 was recovered alive in February 1982, Miss \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 8, and the anomalous nature of the tunnel became apparent. The Foundation became aware of SCP-406 at this point and established initial containment procedures.\nAll instances of SCP-406-1 to date have originated in the rough geographical area of Douglas County, Illinois and a small portion of the southern end of Champaign County, Illinois, and appeared within SCP-406 shortly after falling asleep. Instances of SCP-406-1 do not report abnormal histories of sleepwalking. To date, no attempt to witness or record the disappearance of an SCP-406-1 instance from their origin point has been successful. Current conjecture suggests that a disappearance will not occur unless unobserved. No SCP-406-1 has yet to report any memories of their time between falling asleep and waking within SCP-406, and no attempt to recover memories has yet been successful.\nTo date, \u2588\u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-406-1 have been recovered. SCP-406-1 instances are not known to be anomalous. No individual SCP-406-1 instance has appeared more than once.\nDocument SCP-406-A:\n\nOn August 14th 1989, at 17:32 GMT, an emergence event occurred during exploratory drilling of the materials of the wall at the emergence point. Despite immediate medical intervention, Mrs \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 76, died at the scene. Mrs \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was not known to have had any living relatives, and staff at the nursing home where she resided were administered amnestics and a cover story (heart failure). Technician \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, manning the drill at the time, also requested amnestics. This was denied. A leave of absence was granted.\n\n\u00ab SCP-405 | SCP-406 | SCP-407 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-407\nObject Class: Neutralized\nSpecial Containment Procedures: At time of acquisition SCP-407 was recorded within a compact cassette tape. Currently, SCP-407 is backed-up as a digital audio file on [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-407 should not be allowed to play under any circumstances outside testing conditions, and only with the approval of O5-\u2588\u2588.\nTesting of SCP-407 is to be done in completely sound-proof environments. All tools and subjects must be sterilized to remove the presence of pollen, fungal spores, plant seeds, and as much bacterial life to the greatest degree possible to delay the negative effects of SCP-407.\nDescription: SCP-407 is a song in an unidentified language, seemingly sung a cappella. The voices are thought to be human. The tape containing SCP-407 was found with one track of approximately thirty (30) minutes duration, though the abrupt ending suggests there may be more. The song has been described by all listeners as something along the lines of 'soothing', 'glorious', and 'beautiful'.\nWhile SCP-407 is played, rapid cell generation seems to occur within auditory radius. This effect seems to occur at the cellular level, and does not require the subject to be able to hear the music. The changes seem to only affect multi-cellular organisms at first, but quickly begins to affect mitosis in single-celled organisms.\nDuring the first minute of exposure, all multi-cellular life forms seem to become healthier. Subjects suffering from malnutrition, scarring, physical injury, or chronic diseases or other medical conditions seem to become healthy with only a minute of exposure to SCP-407. This has been shown to cure Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's disease, brain and spinal cord injuries, and normally fatal infections or wounds, amongst other things. Interestingly, cancer does not seem to be affected, though the subject's physical condition was still vastly improved.\nDuring the second and third minute of exposure, subjects start experiencing unnecessary unrestrained cell growth, manifesting in quickly advancing dermal growths. These growths seem to mostly be benign tumors and calcium and fat deposits, which though sometimes painful and disfiguring, are not life threatening.\nDuring the fourth minute of exposure, increased bacterial and fungal growth occurs, creating conditions that grow increasingly dangerous for all exposed life, even in their new healthier states. Respiratory and digestive problems are quick to arrive in most cases, and become steadily worse as time progresses.\nPast five (5) minutes, the effects of SCP-407 seem to differ each trial. In all cases, trace elements of plants or fungus as well as any animal life present begin to grow and replicate uncontrollably, at varying rates, often shaping into new organisms. Full results have varied depending on the test, and on the objects present when SCP-407 is played.\nAddendum-407-01: SCP-407 was found in the home of Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had recently returned from research in the Amazon regions of northern Brazil. Agents were first alerted to a possible SCP when [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 407-02: The mold that eventually resulted from SCP-407's second test appears to be some sort of Cordyceps Fungi. Noted to be similar to mold encountered by SCP-507. Due to fear of fulfilling a fate similar to that observed by 507, testing using SCP-407 has been limited to using only the first twenty (20) minutes of the recording.\nAddendum 407-03: Below is a sample test run of SCP-407. For full research and experimentation notes, see Experiment Log 407.\nSample Test Notes:\n\n\n00:25 - Subject reports feeling soothed by the music, and of feeling stronger and more invigorated.\n00:45 - Liver spots and scars previously seen are shown to disappear.\n02:20 - Subject appears to have physically grown an inch. Increase in musculature is noticeable.\n03:40 - Subject reports intestinal pain.\n04:20 - Subject begins vomiting. From vomit, plants are seen growing and slowly rooting into the tile floor.\n04:50 - Subject starts developing rashes and growths on skin.\n05:30 - Heavy dermal disfigurement. Subject panting heavily, begging for help. Great pain reported.\n\n06:10 - Subject falls to the ground and ceases to move.\n06:45 - Subject's body is quickly covered in what is thought to be fungal infections. Plant growth is observed growing from the subject's mouth, then eye sockets.\n07:30 - Subject is by this time unrecognizable, covered in molds and plant shoots. Body bursts as a banana tree emerges from the subject's intestines and proceeds to grow to maturity within seconds.\n08:45 - Plant and fungal growth has begun to spread throughout the testing chamber. What appears to be moss and weeds cover the floor.\n09:30 - Several shoots, stalks, bushes, and even small trees have appeared. Banana tree is no longer recognizable; the tree has grown thick and is covered with foliage and fungal growth.\n10:30 - The air is heavy with pollen and spores. Vision into testing chamber is difficult.\n11:30 - Movement is heard within the chamber. Several different small insect-like creatures are observed. Creatures are seemingly made of plant matter.\n17:30 - For the last six minutes, creatures made of plant matter have been observed to rapidly generate, grow to maturity, kill and eat other creatures, and then be eaten themselves. Creatures increasingly progressing in size as time increases.\n19:00 - Medium sized mammalian creatures are observed; they seem humanoid and bear a resemblance to initial Subject.\n21:00 - Large fungal stalk is observed to grow from one of the mammalian creatures. Stalk end bursts, dispensing white spores.\n22:00 - Plant growth is still lush, but everything begins to become coated by a layer of mold. The plant creatures seem to die slowly for an unknown reason, before being covered by the mold.\n23:00 - Mammalian creatures are the last to succumb; they heavily decay and become covered in the same mold. Bodies are shown to contract and expand as if breathing. Stalks quickly rise from the bodies, burst with spores, and then just as quickly rot.\n28:32 - Tape ends. No change in chamber since the appearance of the mold. Chamber undergoes rigorous anti-biological cleansing. Samples of the mold were taken. [See Addenda 407-01, 407-02]\n\n\nAddendum 407-04: SCP-407 has been deleted from the system by what is now known to the Foundation as the Interest Group: Serpent's Hand. All known backup copies of SCP-407 have also been deleted. Refer to Incident Report X23.\n\n\u00ab SCP-406 | SCP-407 | SCP-408 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-408\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The screen mesh aviary must be kept properly maintained by Level 2 personnel with backgrounds in biology or lepidoptery. Proper humidity must be maintained and recorded once per day, and backed up to Site 17. 200 feeders filled with an aqueous sugar solution are to be maintained and refilled once per week.\nDescription: SCP-408 is a large mass of Lepidoptera, taking the appearance of zebra butterflies when not camouflaged. SCP-408 acts as a single entity at all times, speculated to be a form of hive mind communication amongst the mass. When inactive, SCP-408 will take on the color, pattern, and even texture of its immediate surroundings, making them functionally invisible. When threatened, SCP-408 has been observed to take on the form and appearance of a number of threatening creatures as a defense method, including a pride of lions, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and most notably SCP-682 (See Incident Log 682-C).\nSCP-408 possesses the ability to communicate and reason, utilizing its ability to manipulate its color into words and sentences to reply to researchers. IQ tests administered to SCP-408 have evaluated its IQ to be 109, or slightly above average. However, when a part of the swarm is isolated, lower scores have been reported, resulting in a theory that SCP-408 shares its cognitive capacity amongst the entirety of the swarm. As of \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-408 prefers to be identified by its SCP number.\nSCP-408 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Brazil, after reports that locals and logging teams found their maps to be frequently inaccurate regarding the size of the rainforest. After reports of animal sightings not local to either the Brazilian Rainforest, and some not found on Earth at all, Foundation agents began an investigation resulting in the discovery of SCP-408. After learning it was intelligent, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who accompanied the agents in the field, communicated with SCP-408 and convinced it to accompany him to Site 17, where their current habitat exists.\nAddendum 408-A: Regarding SCP-408's knowledge of SCP-682, an investigation is underway regarding this leak of information.\nIncident 408-A: Due to a failure by appropriate personnel to properly refill 408's feeders, the swarm took it upon itself to find sustenance by its own means. Taking the appearance of several level 1 personnel, SCP-408 convinced a passerby to open the door to the aviary, upon which they made an escape into the Site 17 facility. For the whole of the day, Site 17 personnel reported an alarming series of irregular events, ranging from color changing walls to several dozen versions of SCP-529 walking down a hallway. Site 17 was placed on lockdown and Delta Level Alert when it appeared that 90% of the containment units had been breached. Dr. Kondraki, Head of Research for 408 had been out on assignment that day, and it wasn't until his return that the illusion had been revealed, and in short order SCP-408 was returned to its aviary. Little damage was done, except to the faculty break room, which was left without proper sweeteners for the next week.\nNote: It may be just sugar water, but without it 408 is prone to mischief as we clearly saw yesterday. It's fortunate that it doesn't act maliciously, but think about others next time you slack off custodial duties. Think about yourself as well, as I will not tolerate having to use Sweet-n-Low in my morning coffee for very long. -Dr. Kondraki\nAddendum 408-B: Recent field testing has shown that SCP-408 can act as an effective form of active invisibility when ordered to. SCP-408 was able to conceal five Level 2 personnel and keep them undetected throughout the facility. Tests show the concealment to operate at 99.997% efficiency, and can be maintained for up to five hours without need for rest or recuperation. The option of lending SCP-408 to Task Forces for covert operations is pending approval.\nAddendum 408-C: During Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki, which SCP-408 was heavily involved in, a number of corpses left by Dr. Clef vanished in the aftermath of the event. Surveillance showed that at certain times, the entire swarm of SCP-408 would descend on the body, only to leave no trace of the corpse behind. Subsequent testing shows a proportional increase in IQ, although a lack of cooperation when questioned has shed no light on this development.\nInterview Log 408-c\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai\nInterviewee: SCP-408\n\nDr. Saghai is seated within the aviary, while SCP-408 hovers around a large feeding trough filled with sugar water.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: I'll start off with asking how you're recovering, you seem to have lost quite a bit of your mass after the SCP-531-D termination.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: I'm his substitute for the interview, as he happens to be busy adjusting to his new promotion. Lots of paperwork I'm told.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: How exactly do you replenish your numbers?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: Was Dr. Kondraki the one who taught you to speak?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: He taught you, but how do you communicate with him?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: You lost the part that knew?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: Next question then. What happened with SCP-091-ARC and you during the incident a few months ago?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: You mean you'd smelled it before?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: Are you saying you predate human existence?\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: Never mind, doesn't matter. Last question.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: What is the nature of your relationship with Dr. Kondraki?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: That's not what I meant. Logs show that you're with him, out of containment, almost all of the time now. Dr. Kondraki has been breaching protocol by letting you out of containment.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: You're going to admit this to me, so I can bring it before Oversight. Do you know what I was doing, before that schmuck snatched me up as an \u201cassistant\u201d? I was head of research for the entire sub-human Safe SCP sector. Now, I'm interviewing a damn insect! I will have him thrown out; Oversight won't let him get away with this.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: Are\u2026you laughing at me!? I'm about to have your little friend terminated, and you're having a chuckle?\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Saghai: No\u2026that's not possible! I read the damn logs, you can't do that! You can't do that!\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-407 | SCP-408 | SCP-409 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-409\n\nItem #: SCP-409\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No physical contact may be made with SCP-409 for any reason. Anything making physical contact with SCP-409 must be contained in quarantine immediately, along with any materials used in the transport of the subject. SCP-409 must be kept in a granite case at all times. Any transportation of SCP-409 must be done in a sealed granite container. Residue from SCP-409's effect are to be sealed in granite containers along with any tools used to transport residue into containers.\nDescription: SCP-409 resembles a large quartz crystal approximately 1.5m (5ft) tall and 0.6m (2ft) wide. Any objects coming in contact with SCP-409 will begin to crystallize after three hours. This effect will occur in any material other than granite. The crystallization will spread by approximately 2.5cm (1in) per minute, and will convert the entire object or organism, inside and out. Subjects report this effect to be extremely painful, and similar to frostbite. After complete crystallization, the object will begin to make snapping and creaking noises for approximately twenty minutes, before bursting into thousands of fragments with great force.\nAnything touched by or touching a fragment will immediately begin to crystallize. Nothing at this time is able to reverse the effect in organic matter, including amputation of affected areas. Inorganic matter will only crystallize for a few centimetres around point of contact. SCP-409 was recovered in [EXPUNGED], under a pile of crystal shards several feet deep. Losses of personnel during recovery were high.\nAddendum 409-1: With the suggestion of Dr. [500-0021D], Subject 409-D5 was exposed to the effects of SCP-409 and was left to become severely \"crystallized\". After that he was treated with SCP-500, and a complete recovery was achieved in 9 days. Subject reported that he continued to feel pain in body parts that were \"crystallized\" even after the estimated recovery time. Pain faded 13 days after subject was treated. It is unknown if the pain effect was psychological or real during the intervening 4 days.\nAddendum 409-2: Extensive testing has yielded no information as to why the crystallization occurs. SCP-409 and the shards created by it are indistinguishable from any other quartz crystal. The effect appears to be similar to a seed crystal, where a pre-existing crystal formation is added to a solution, causing the crystal to \"grow\". SCP-409, however, appears to do this with all solid matter, and does not need to remain in contact. How this is done, why SCP-409 is unique among all other quartz crystals, and why granite is the only material immune are all still unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-408 | SCP-409 | SCP-410 \u00bb"} {"text": "One of fourteen individuals comprising SCP-410\n\nItem #: SCP-410\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-410 is currently held at Site-23, Entomology Lab 14/Zeta, and maintained in a 1 x 1 x 1m transparent acrylic glass container. The top of the container is perforated with thirty-three (33) 1mm holes to allow for ventilation and features a small, hinged, lockable hatch in its center measuring 5 x 5 cm. The hatch utilizes a simple cylinder lock which is to be re-keyed every three (3) months. The hatch is to remain locked unless SCP-410 is actively being fed or constituent members of SCP-410 are being removed for/returned from research applications.\nEvery twenty four (24) hours, a visual inspection and inventory of SCP-410 and its constituent members is to be performed and logged according to Level IV Archival Standards by designated observational staff. Any increase or decrease in the number of constituent members of SCP-410 should be reported to the senior researcher on duty immediately.\nEvery twelve (12) hours, a document containing no fewer than five thousand (5000) words in any language, but possessing a minimum syntactical, orthographical and/or grammatical error ratio of 1% (50 errors/5000 words) is to be placed inside the container. The document should be removed after one (1) hour, reviewed by a staff linguist with a specialty in the language the document was composed in, and subsequently filed in the SCP-410 Feeding Archive. \"Food\" documents should be composed specifically for the purpose of sustaining the SCP-410 colony. No existing archival materials or official SCP records should be given to the entire SCP-410 colony under any circumstances.\nA single individual from the 14-member colony that comprises SCP-410 may be removed for research and functional application for a single two (2) hour activity period daily with approval from the senior researcher on duty. No more than four (4) members of the colony are to be removed at any given time. Transport of a single SCP-410 colony member should be facilitated by no fewer than two (2) Class 2 entomology staff using only an approved SCP-410 transport module to do so. The current SCP-410 transport modules are 20 x 20 x 20cm transparent acrylic glass containers perforated with twelve (12) 1mm ventilation holes and each featuring a hinged lid equipped with a simple latch.\nDescription: SCP-410 is a colony of fourteen (14) individual beetles (designated Scarabaeus scriptor by staff coleopterist Dr. Langstrom), each measuring approximately 5cm and possessing a carapace color variation from light blue to deep emerald green. A visual examination reveals nothing distinctive from other members of the genus Scarabaeus with regards to their appearance (number of legs, wings, eyes, etc). Dissection of a single member of the colony by a trained coleopterist showed no discernible anomalies in internal morphology with the exception of a small additional organ (designated the \"scriptorgan\" by Dr. Langstrom) capable of producing a variety of fluids both caustic and inert. It is worth noting that following the death and dissection of this member of the colony, a \"replacement\" beetle larva was seen fourteen (14) days later and grew to full maturity within one month.\nMembers of SCP-410 appear to subsist entirely on inscribed language; more specifically, on syntactical, orthographical, and grammatical errors found in any form of writing physically inscribed on any surface by any currently available method. SCP-410 has no effect on electronic displays or digitized data. Consumed writing disappears from the surface of whatever material it has been inscribed upon. Between eighteen (18) and twenty-two (22) minutes following a feeding, SCP-410 will excrete \"corrected\" writing; inscribing it by unknown means back upon the surface from which the errors were consumed. To date, all corrections made by SCP-410 have been evaluated as 100% accurate by both staff and independent orthographers and linguists.\nIndividually, members of SCP-410 each seem to be able to consume and correct an approximate maximum of twenty-five thousand (25000) characters worth of errors daily and appear healthy and active with as few as five (5). Lack of sustenance for a period in excess of one day results in increasing lethargy until SCP-410 becomes completely inert, entering an apparent state of hibernation. SCP-410 can be roused from this state with a minimum of fifty (50) errors placed within its proximity. In groups of three (3) or more, SCP-410 will not only correct grammatical and orthographic errors, but begin to alter the style of the original text slightly; often using a somewhat expanded vocabulary and incorporating more complex narrative methods. When the entire colony is applied to a single document, all linguistic errors are corrected and the document is \"perfected\" in clarity, style, word choice, and rhetorical technique to such an extent that the original author's voice is nearly non-existent. Although the central thesis of a document always remains, the arguments supporting it may be vastly more complex or compelling in the case of research writing. In the case of basic lists of short statements or simple observational reports, enhanced correction may be in the form of layout alterations to provide greater clarity. See archival files 410-A44.2 through 410-A59888.6 for examples of editing.\nThere appear to be few limitations on the languages or materials that SCP-410 can interpret and harvest sustenance from. Hieroglyphs from the 31st century BCE Narmer Palette were successfully corrected by SCP-410 just as easily as errors created in the modern constructed language Esperanto. Excreted corrections match the original colors, method and medium of the errors with near-perfect accuracy. Graphites, inks, engravings, acid etchings, and high-energy laser inscriptions have all been successfully replicated in appearance by SCP-410's corrections. The only anomaly found within excreted corrections appears to be an inability to replicate aged materials. Errors inscribed in ink on a 14th century CE illuminated manuscript were ingested by SCP-410 and while corrections were excreted in a matching color, they possessed the vibrant intensity of new ink. Staff experts were easily able to spot the corrections in the manuscript visually, and spectrographic analysis confirmed the excreted inks were modern while the surrounding text dated from the time of the original manuscript.\nSCP-410 has successfully harvested error sustenance from and excreted corrections onto the following materials:\n\nPaper\nCardboard\nWood\nIce\nHuman Skin (see Experiment 410-7.9)\nGranite\nLimestone\nMarble\nSteel\nAluminum\nTitanium\nBeta Carbon Nitride\n\nProposed testing of SCP-410 with anomalous texts, including texts containing SCP-423, is currently pending review.\nExperiment 410-7.9:\nOne (1) heavily-tattooed Class D exposed to one (1) constituent member of SCP-410. Class D staff member (hereafter \"Subject D\") possessed a prison-created tattoo with the words \"Foerever Your's Babey\" on her left forearm.\n15 seconds: Subject D secured in a motion-restricting harness and fitted with a pulse rate monitor. One (1) constituent member of SCP-410 removed from transport unit and placed on Subject D's left arm.\n49 seconds: SCP-410 begins circling the perimeter of the tattoo.\n122 seconds: SCP-410 begins consuming the tattoo's error, beginning with the first extraneous \"e\" in \"Foerever\". Subject D indicates an 8 on the NRS-11 pain scale. Pulse rate reaches 106.\n149 seconds: SCP-410 finishes consuming the first extraneous \"e\". It no longer appears on the subject, revealing a bare patch of slightly reddened skin. Subject D reports pain has ceased. Describes the pain \"like putting my goddamn arm in a blender.\" Pulse rate 94.\n224 seconds: SCP-410 finishes consuming errors in the tattoo, appears to fall asleep. Tattoo now reads \"Fo ever Your Bab \" Subject D experiences pulse rate fluctuations between 102 and 144. Reports pain ranging between 6 and 10 on the NRS-11. Subject D requests painkillers. Request denied.\n1226 seconds: SCP-410 rouses, begins excretion/correction process. Subject D's pulse rate 113; reports NRS-11 rating 3 to 4; describes it as roughly analogous to being tattooed.\n1494 seconds: SCP-410 completes excretion/correction process. Tattoo reads \"Forever Yours, Baby\", with corrected lettering's colors significantly more vibrant than unedited counterparts.\n\n\u00ab SCP-409 | SCP-410 | SCP-411 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 411\n\nLevel5\n\nContainment Class:\nesoteric\n\nSecondary Class:\nthaumiel\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\nnotice\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-411 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment suite at Existential Isolation Facility \u2588\u2588 at [O5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. All reasonable requests made by SCP-411 are to be met where possible. A bank of television screens displaying 24-hour news coverage is to be provided for SCP-411's use. Requests for texts and devices that do not yet exist are to be filed until such a time as they can be assessed. At the moment SCP-411 is not considered a containment risk. All information gathered from SCP-411 is to be stored at the Existential Containment Unit and is to be disclosed at the discretion of Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 only. All staff leaving Existential Isolation Facility \u2588\u2588 are to be administered with Class C Amnestics.\nDescription: SCP-411 is a grey haired, blue-eyed, Caucasian male of incredibly advanced age. Estimates of his biological age, based on information divulged in interviews, are in the region of 400 years. SCP-411's nature means that special interview and linguistics training is required by all research staff.\nSCP-411 ages in reverse, growing younger at the same rate that a normal human ages. SCP-411's memory also functions in reverse; SCP-411 has no recollection of past events but can recall the future.\nMuch of the information we have gathered about SCP-411 originates from the work of a Dr. Lyetacker, an individual who appears not to work for the Foundation as of yet, via the recollections of SCP-411 himself; as such, caution is to be used when applying this information.\nSCP-411 speaks an as-yet-unknown dialect of English that has significant grammatical and vocabulary deviations from Modern English. Individuals who are to be given training in this language will benefit from a background in Spanish, Mandarin and/or Cantonese, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Haskell.\nSCP-411's ability to recall future events is hindered by his advanced biological age; events more than a few months into the future are often forgotten and the details of events in the near to immediate future are often vague and unclear. Events surrounding persons he is familiar with are often more clear but omissions are not uncommon. In addition, deviations from SCP-411's memories of the future cause SCP-411 significant mental harm and can often render him catatonic for days. Due to the potential for valuable data to be lost in this fashion, particularly as one recollection often triggers other more significant recollections, SCP-411's memories are only to be acted upon in the following situations:\n\nRisk of serious injury, security breach or death of the Founder. (Mandatory)\nRisk of K-class scenario. (Mandatory)\nRisk of Class 1 security breach. (Mandatory)\nRisk of death of O5 personnel. (Advised)\nRisk of significant and destructive SCP containment breach. (Advised)\nRisk of Class 2 security breach. (Suggested)\nRisk of multiple senior research staff deaths. (Suggested)\n\nWhile a full course of training is required to interact with SCP-411, the following guidelines should be followed if emergency meetings are required.\n\nFrom the viewpoint of SCP-411, your first meeting is your final meeting; distress or other heightened emotional states are not causes for concern.\nSCP-411 will reference events in your future as if they were in your past. Do not attempt to act on these events.\nSCP-411's perspective on an event is roughly opposite to that of a normal observer.\nSCP-411 will answer your questions before you ask them and will not recall any point in the conversation prior to your current question. Do not fail to ask questions SCP-411 has answered.\nSCP-411's advanced age should be taken into consideration when interviewing him. Overlong sessions can leave SCP-411 physically and mentally drained.\nSCP-411's overall memory is poor. For example, SCP-411 often cannot recall what he will have for dinner later that evening.\n\nIt is unknown when Dr. Lyetacker will join The Foundation but it has been decided that he is not to be actively sought. Upon his eventual recruitment, a data breach is to be staged and all information regarding SCP-411 is to be wiped to prevent ontological paradoxes regarding SCP-411's abilities.\n\n\u00ab SCP-410 | SCP-411 | SCP-412 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-412 in standard position inside Storage Unit-11\n\nItem #: SCP-412\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-412 is currently contained within Storage Unit-11 at Site-19; removal of the item requires authorization by no fewer than three (3) personnel with Level-3 clearance, and may be vetoed by Site Security. Gloves should be worn when handling SCP-412 and the item should be transported in an opaque container.\nStaff interaction must be carried out with full observance of Hazmat Protocol 7-R. Any and all staff making physical contact with or direct observation of SCP-412 will submit to a full physical examination. Anyone found to exhibit physical alteration will be remanded immediately to quarantine.\nDescription: SCP-412 is an antique silver hand mirror measuring 18 cm by 7 cm. The mirror has a 4 cm crack in the top left hand corner, and has an etched motif of roses and vines. Around \u2588\u2588% of subjects within direct line of sight of SCP-412 report a compulsion to pick up the item and view their reflection in it. There does not appear to be a discernible pattern to the 'selections' - testing for possible genetic, mental, or other selection markers is ongoing.\nSimultaneous observation and contact with SCP-412 causes the item to 'connect' with the subject, regardless of whether they have been coerced into doing so by SCP-412. Tests using restrained subjects have shown that both actions (touching and viewing the reflection) are necessary for a connection to be made. No means of 'severing' this connection have been found, short of complete isolation for a period of no less than two years.\nConnected subjects are compelled to repeatedly view their reflection in SCP-412, initially only once or twice a day. Viewing frequency increases over a period of several weeks. By around day 55, the amount of time subjects spend viewing their reflection typically begins to exceed all other activities, including sleep.\nEach viewing causes biological alterations to the subject, beginning with minor physiological changes such as enlarged lymph nodes, facial rash, or skin discoloration. Although the exact pattern differs between subjects, by day 90 almost all subjects show downward extension of the ribcage, fixed open jaw by way of large cysts toward the rear of the mouth and severely compromised reproductive and immune systems. Subjects also show a continual loss of memory recall ability and emotional response; fMRI scans have shown a marked decrease in activity in subjects' amygdalae and parietal lobes. Interviews have shown that subjects appear to have an obsession with an 'other', for whom they are being made 'ready'.\nSubjects who survive to the advanced stages of alteration (in excess of \u2588\u2588\u2588 days) begin to exhibit marked changes in behavior, and more drastic physical alterations. These include the reorganisation of internal organs, leading to the creation of a small empty area inside the chest, increased mucus production and changes in hormone production and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Autopsies on advanced-stage subjects have shown that the 'cavity' could theoretically support a separate life form. This led researchers to speculate that the alterations caused by SCP-412 intend to turn the human body into an 'environment suit' for a life-form unaccustomed to Earth's atmosphere. Authorised personnel should refer to Addendum 412-2 for further details.\nAddendum 412-1: Circumstances of retrieval.\nSCP-412 came to the attention of the Foundation following five unexplained deaths in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, matching the pattern described above. Three of the deceased owned a hand mirror of a similar age (the design varied considerably); only one mirror had reasonably intact glass. Once it had been established that the mirror was responsible for the mutations, it was taken into Foundation custody. The remains of the other two mirrors showed no unusual properties and were disposed of.\nTesting and observation has led researchers to theorize that SCP-412 is not the mirror itself, but is in fact an outside force that 'anchors' to mirrors. This theory is unproven, but any mirrors suspected of exhibiting similar behaviour must be acquired and contained.\nAddendum 412-2: Event 412-A\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, Subject D-56653, 201 days after initial connection to SCP-412, ceased viewing his reflection and sat calmly in the corner of the quarantine room. Three hours later the subject began convulsing and clutching his chest - this continued for three minutes, after which time the subject lay immobile, apparently deceased. Once death had been confirmed, subject's corpse was taken for analysis. Pathologists found a small (8 cm) vaguely humanoid [REDACTED] within the artificial chest cavity. Organism had connected to the subject's blood supply and nervous system, and had begun to extend tendrils upward, puncturing the subject's trachea. Cells in the top ~5 cm of tendrils showed similarity to those in the optic organs of copepods, although with a much more complex structure. The origin of the organism and its cause of death are currently unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-411 | SCP-412 | SCP-413 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-413\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All entrances to SCP-413 are to be sealed and put under armed guard. Under no circumstances are unauthorized persons allowed to enter SCP-413, with guards authorized to use lethal force. Any personnel entering SCP-413 for experiments are required to wear GPS trackers and safety lines at all times. Should containment be breached, or by O5 decree, Containment Protocol 413 must be immediately enacted by the highest ranking personnel present.\nDescription: SCP-413 is a four-story parking garage located in [REDACTED]. Inside, SCP-413 has a variable environment that dynamically alters itself. In effect, SCP-413 is able to change its internal structure, such as moving ramps, adding floors, changing stair cases, and so on. However, when observed from the outside, there is no indication of any of these changes taking place. While accurate measurement of SCP-413's interior has proven impossible, it is well established that the interior is larger than the building's external dimensions, and that the interior dimensions are constantly changing.\nAnother effect SCP-413 appears to have is to interfere with an individual's sense of direction. Analysis of recordings taken of the interior reveal that SCP-413 generates a low-frequency sound within its interior that shuts down or interferes with several key regions of the human brain controlling navigation, balance, and short-term memory. Extended exposure to this sound is known to cause several side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting, vertigo, anxiety, claustrophobia, and in some rare cases, [DATA EXPUNGED]. However, these effects will eventually wear off once the affected individual leaves SCP-413.\nUnder no circumstances are personnel to enter SCP-413 without navigation aids and safety lines. Navigation within SCP-413 without the use such equipment is nearly impossible, as the combination of the constantly shifting interior as well as the disrupting sound frequency interfere too much with natural human navigation.\nSCP-413 was discovered when a security guard that worked at the site turned in security tapes of SCP-413 to the local police department, suspecting that they had been tampered with. The tapes were immediately confiscated and the entire site was bought out by the Foundation.\nAddendum 1: After several incursions, it has been discovered that SCP-413 is in fact sapient. Though not evident at first, SCP-413 is capable of independent thought and possesses human-level intelligence. Communication was initiated via the painted words and signs on SCP-413's walls, which it is able to manipulate to form individual words and sentences. Analysis of SCP-413's behavior suggests that it is highly mischievous and enjoys playing pranks on the unsuspecting. However, it does take great offense to being wronged, and is shown to possess a vengeful and possibly even sadistic side (see Addendum 2).\n\nInterview Log\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, SCP-413.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Alright, let's get this interview started, shall we? How long have you been aware of your own existence?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And when was that?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why are you constantly changing your interior?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So, you don't do it for any particular reason?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Others?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What plans?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (visibly pales)Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I think we're done for today.\nVideo Logs: The following video logs were recorded by security cameras before SCP-413 was discovered and contained.\nVideo Log 1\nSubject: Family of Six Tourists\nDescription: SCP-413 proceeds to thwart any attempt for the subjects to find their vehicle. It continually changes signs and markers to mislead and confuse the subjects for the next twenty minutes.\nVideo Log 2\nSubject: Neglectful Mother and her child\nDescription: Subject is continually led around in circles, with every path she takes eventually leading her back to her car, where she was keeping her child locked in. The cycle continues for seven minutes before the subject finally gives up and leaves SCP-413 with her child.\nVideo Log 3\nSubject: Businessman\nDescription: By manipulating ramp and sign placement, SCP-413 leads the subject around in circles and forces him to drive through a complex and confusing path before letting him exit.\nVideo Log 4\nSubject: Group of Five Teenage Vandals\nDescription: Subjects enter SCP-413 and begin vandalizing vehicles and the interior of SCP-413. [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 2: The five teenage youths seen in Video Log 4 were found on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 by a Foundation exploration team. The teens were still alive, though exhausted, malnourished, and dehydrated, despite being declared missing for over three months. Before being administered Class A amnestics and returned to their families, the five teenagers revealed that they were locked in an inescapable labyrinth created by SCP-413, and were kept alive only by several water fountains and vending machines that would conveniently appear. They also stated that [DATA EXPUNGED]. The five teenagers were apparently inside SCP-413 for the entire exploration phase, somehow eluding our deep sensing equipment. Further exploration suspended pending further review.\nContainment Protocol 413: Due to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's insistence and the inability to plant demolition charges within SCP-413, contingency in the case of a major containment breach will instead be carried out via controlled demolition of the entire city block.\n\n\u00ab SCP-412 | SCP-413 | SCP-414 \u00bb"} {"text": "A gathering of SCP-414-1, taken in 1935.\n\nItem #: SCP-414\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-414 is currently uncontained; containment efforts focus upon mitigating media attention and providing social work programs to demographics targeted by SCP-414. Individuals affected by SCP-414 iterations must be dosed with Class-B amnestics upon recovery and are to be kept under observation. Individuals reaching the final stage of SCP-414-2 are to be contacted by a Foundation social work front company; individuals under final stage SCP-414-2 are to be treated with tri-weekly talk therapy and trained animal companions where applicable.\nAs it is beyond the Foundation's resources to perform surveillance on every possible target of SCP-414, records from social work organizations and mental health care centers are to be trawled for SCP-414 phenomena where possible. Any media reporting of SCP-414 phenomena are to be removed and a cover story provided; a list of applicable cover stories can be found in Document 414-B.\nA cure for SCP-414-2 is to be considered the highest priority after successful and complete containment. - Doctor Alice Ogawa, Principal SCP-414 Researcher\nDescription: SCP-414 is a phenomenon that targets asocial humans and is categorized into two derivative effects, SCP-414-1 and SCP-414-2. The asociality may range from minor introversion to complete isolation. SCP-414 primarily affects individuals under the NEET1 demographic with no regional preferences. SCP-414 begins when a humanoid in a circular mask, referred to as SCP-414-1, appears in front of a targeted human. SCP-414-1 typically claims to be an employee for a local social work organization.\nSCP-414-1 are uniformly tall humanoids wearing circular masks and clothing that covers the whole body. SCP-414-1 only appear when attempting to contact a targeted individual and disappear after successful contact has occurred. SCP-414-1 is believed to have a single collective consciousness capable of sapience, cognizance, and intelligence.\nSCP-414-2 is a chronic, degenerative condition resulting from any successful interaction between a targeted subject and an instance of SCP-414-1. Successful interaction occurs when SCP-414-1 has a successful face-to-face conversation2 or contact with a targeted subject.\nA subject that has contracted SCP-414-2 undergoes 4 stages lasting between 2 and 276 days, with a 5th stage believed to be permanent. Individuals who are under 30 years of age, or who received SCP-414-2 through physical contact, progress through stages at an accelerated rate.\n\nOverview of Document 414-2-A - 'Symptom Progression Description of SCP-414-2'\n\nClose Overview of Document 414-2-A\n\nStage One: Subject feels increasingly lonely. Coping mechanisms not involving face-to-face interaction to distract from loneliness causes an increase of feeling. Subject experiences a loss of pleasure when participating in solitary activities. Stage One advances when the subject interacts with another human to alleviate loneliness.\nStage Two: Subject experiences a total loss of pleasure when participating in activities not involving in-person interactions with others. Subject begins to have difficulty in recalling events in their life that contributed significantly to their sense of self but is cognizant of and can recall having such events. Stage Two advances when the subject interacts with other humans at least once every 7 days.\nStage Three: Subject is incapable of feeling fulfillment unless interacting with other humans once every 5 days. They are unable to recall ever enjoying solitary activity or their life before the age of 13. Subjects remain cognizant of this inability. Their sense of self is reduced. Stage Three advances when the subject participates in social events at least once every 7 days.\nStage Four: Subject is incapable of feeling fulfillment without interacting with other humans once every 45 hours. They are unable to recall having significant relationships lasting more than 2 years and are cognizant of this inability. Any sense of self is reduced to name, gender, age, and current emotional state. Subject usually becomes highly productive to feel fulfillment, participating in a range of social activities such as volunteering and hosting gatherings. The circumstances to advance Stage Four are currently unknown.\nStage Five: This is currently considered the final stage. Subject develops hallucinations and sensations of being physically hollow or empty when not currently participating in social activities, causing them to become upset when not in proximity to another person for any length of time over fifteen minutes. They are unable to recall having significant relationships and are cognizant of this inability. At least \u2588\u2588\u2588 individuals have been confirmed to have reached Stage Five.\n\nFor a list of confirmed SCP-414-2 cases and extensive description, please refer to Document 414-2-A. Notable cases of SCP-414-2 are 414-2-Macgyver-Jacob, the current oldest case, and 414-Kyong- Myung, with the shortest recorded interval between diagnosis and suicide of 48 hours.\n\nThere is no cure or treatment available beyond coping mechanisms. SCP-414-2 has a fatality rate of 46.78% over 5 years and 67.84% over 10 years. Individuals over the age of 40 have significantly higher fatality rates of 87.23% over 5 years and 93.85% over 10 years. All fatalities are a result of suicide.\n09/12/2014 Incident 414-A: At 06:02 Doctor Eliza Chuang, then-Principal SCP-414 Research Scientist, was contacted by three SCP-414-1. Dr. Chuang had a successful conversation, transcribed below. Dr. Chuang was succeeded by their primary assistant, Doctor Alice Ogawa, immediately after Incident 414-A.\nDespite constant social interaction and animal companionship, Dr. Chuang committed suicide on 09/03/2015, 965 days after advancing to Stage 5 SCP-414-2.\n\nTranscript of Incident 414-A\n\nClick to Hide Transcript\n\n[BEGIN LOG]\n[06:02] 3 SCP-414-1 humanoids appear at Dr. Chuang's office door. Dr. Chuang can be seen walking to their office. Dr. Chuang stops upon seeing the group of SCP-414-1.\n[6:03] The group of SCP-414-1 move towards Dr. Chuang at a speed of approximately 1 meter per second. One SCP-414-1 humanoid grasps Dr. Chuang by the wrist as they attempt to leave. Dr. Chuang begins to struggle and shout for assistance.\n[6:04] Security arrives. Dr. Chuang can be seen waving their free arm and shouting \"Do not approach! Do not talk! Stand there, please!\" Security draws weapons and aims at the group of SCP-414-1 but do not fire. Dr. Chuang turns back to the group of SCP-414-1.\n[6:06] Dr. Chuang, calmly: \"If you wouldn't mind, could you answer a few questions? Why are you doing this? How do you benefit by doing this to people?\"\n[6:08] SCP-414-1, in unison: \"They work, so little, they are held up when they need to be the foundation, the young so much so. I will help every one of you.\"\n[6:10] Dr. Chuang: \"Even when they kill themselves? Even when they forget who they are? How does that help- what is your reasoning?\"\n[6:12] SCP-414-1, in unison: \"It is a last usefulness to society, to die and leave resources for others, others make use of them. Forget yourself for your society. You cannot be egotistical when the ego is carved out. Selfishness, I will cure it, by excising the tumor. I cure society and make the lost find purpose. I help.\"\n[6:14] Dr. Chuang, agitatedly: \"But society needs that! They need individuals! Selfishness can drive and motivate success!\"\n[6:15] SCP-414-1, recoiling collectively: \"You are sicker than I thought. You may be kind among your human populace, but I have surely known kinder men. I thought, you, who worked for the good of all, would be my ally. But it's alright. I will take care of you. You will feel better when I'm done with you.\"\n[6:16] Dr. Chuang: \"Why did you come to me? Who are you? Where are you from and how do you work?\" Dr. Chuang can be seen attempting to free themself from the grip on their arm.\n[6:15] SCP-414-1, in unison: \"You want to stop us. But you are trying to stop helping. You are secure, contain, protect. I am society, community, progress- a shepherd for humans. You are a sick lost lamb, not for much longer.\"\n[6:17] Dr. Chuang attempts to speak, but an SCP-414-1 instance puts a gloved finger to their lips. The instance pets Dr. Chuang's head and presses its mask against the side of their head, accompanied by a kissing sound.\n[6:18] The group of SCP-414-1 produces a flash of light and the camera feed cuts for 0.3 seconds. When the feed is returned, all SCP-414-1 instances are missing. Dr. Chuang kneels on the floor, head in hands.\n[END LOG]\n\nTranscript of Interview 414-56\n\nClick to Hide Transcript\n\nInterviewed: Doctor Eliza Chuang\nInterviewer: Doctor Alice Ogawa\nForeword: This interview occurs 35 days after Dr. Chuang is confirmed to have entered Stage 5 SCP-414-2.\n[BEGIN LOG]\nDr. Ogawa: Good morning. Dr. Chuang. How are you feeling?\nDr. Chuang: (excitedly) Good morning! Your face is so\u2026 ah, it matters little! You are here, it is good to see you!\nDr. Ogawa: Could you explain what you were about to say regarding my face?\nDr. Chuang: (calming down) Ah, just. It was so\u2026 I once knew\u2026 a face. I once cared for\u2026 someone. An assistant, I had an assistant. But I don't remember them.\nDr. Ogawa: I see. How do you feel when you remember that you used to remember?\nDr. Chuang: It is an unpleasant emotion, definitely. I remember that I used to know and feel so much. I once had a past, but it's gone now. I used to\u2026 have a project. But that's gone, now. It's all gone. But enough about me. What's important to you? Tell me more about yourself.\nDr. Ogawa: My research is important to me. It was the life work of my mentor and now it's become mine. It's what connects me to them.\nDr. Chuang: It's good, you have something to believe in. That's necessary- someone always has to believe in something, with all their being, that's how humanity makes progress. Individuals pursuing what they believe in. Where's your mentor now?\nDr. Ogawa: (quietly) No longer with me, as I understand it.\nDr. Chuang: How unfortunate\u2026 I'm so sorry. Can I help you? Maybe be your assistant? Or keep you company in the laboratories. As I understand, they can get very quiet and lonely.\nDr. Ogawa: (begins to get up) Thank you for the offer but I think we're done now.\nDr. Chuang: Wait! Please, wait just a moment. Could you at least tell me your name?\nDr. Ogawa: (leaving, quietly) Alice. Just Alice.\nDr. Chuang: I'm glad to have known you, Alice. I'm sure, this research is stressful for you. I'm sure you've made your mentor proud and, I think, that's what an assistant would want, is to succeed their mentor?\nDr. Ogawa: (whispering) Not as much as I want them back\u2026 (louder) Thank you for your kind words. Good bye.\nDr. Chuang: Goodbye! (smiling widely, waving) Keep your head high. It'll get better. Have faith.\n[END LOG]\nClosing Statement: Dr. Ogawa no longer performs routine interviews with Dr. Chuang. Routine interviews will be conducted by Dr. K\u2588\u2588\u2588 M\u2588\u2588.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Not in Education, Employment, or Training\n2. a successful conversation is defined by at least one spoken phrase and one spoken reply\n\n\u00ab SCP-413 | SCP-414 | SCP-415 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item: SCP-415\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-415 is to be kept in standard living quarters with freedom of movement while with an armed guard. Guards and monitoring staff are to be stationed by the living area and all activity deviating from the daily norm is to be recorded. Requests for simple luxuries have been authorized and thus far such requests have been for reading material. This policy should continue as long as SCP-415 remains cooperative. Personnel interacting with SCP-415 show a particular risk of succumbing to sympathetic or emotional attachment. Due to this effect the staff assigned to SCP-415 should be rotated every 30 days.\nDescription: SCP-415 is a 176.9 centimeter tall Caucasian male of 36 years. He has blue eyes, receding brown hair, and appears to be human. Subject exhibits an average IQ and a relatively stable personality given his situation. He is cooperative with on-site staff, though is nervous around medical equipment and personnel.\nSCP-415 seems to possess a regenerative healing ability focusing on tissue and organ regrowth. This ability is most pronounced concerning his internal organs, particularly the liver, spleen, pancreas, and colon. Skeletal breaks have been observed to heal faster than the human norm but slower than soft organs. The subject has shown the ability to survive with organs that have suffered severe damage or been completely removed. The damaged or missing organs will regrow and become fully healthy and functioning within a period of one to three months. Despite subject's near immortality thanks to this process he has shown a completely normal immune system and has been affected by the common cold and influenza with completely unremarkable results.\nSCP-415's body has undergone several radical alterations performed by an unknown third party. Subject has several zippers surgically installed on his body: one curved from his left armpit to the skin over his stomach, one centered directly over the heart, and two installed parallel to each other on the gut. Further physical anomalies have been observed that were later found to have been removed or resolved over time.\n\nMost of the torso was covered by a loose flap of skin that could be lifted at any time, and was pinned on by three safety pins and a sewing button. This anomaly remained for 63 days.\n\nSeveral long lines of stitches crudely placed with thick black thread of unknown material, raising the surface of the skin by more than a centimeter in some places. A particularly noticeable stitching began on the small of the back and continued up the side until the fourth rib. From here it passed over the neck and forked into two branches ending on the shoulders. In an accident where he was struck with some force this stitching was severed. The entire left side ripped open and almost all the internal organs spilled out. There was evidence that this stitching was undone and replaced numerous times over a period of nine months despite constant observation. At the end of this period all stitches vanished and subject showed no evidence of their existence.\n\nA steel lining was found inserted in between the solid bones of the skull. If a sharp object like a scalpel or knife was slid through, and some pressure applied, the structure would allow the top of his skull to be removed. This mechanism remains in place at present but is largely unnoticeable to the casual observer.\n\nIt has been consistently observed by staff assigned to SCP-415 that before one of these physical modification anomalies the subject will enter a state of extreme panic and heightened strength accompanied by frantic screaming. At a point during this panicked state the subject will undergo a \u2018phase' where the environment within 2.5m of the subject will warp, displaying what has been described by observing staff as \u2018alien landscapes', \u2018operating rooms', \u2018oversized organic anatomy', and in one instance, \u2018an amusement park'. The subject will then vanish from our reality for a period of time ranging from .25 seconds to the longest recorded time of 3 seconds.\nUpon reappearance of the subject a new modification will be present, with occasional repeats of past modifications. Subject is unable to explain to where he is taken to during these attacks at any given time, but is firm in stating his duration of departure is significantly longer than his recorded departure time (upwards of several years in some cases).\nAddendum 415-01: SCP-415 had been in a state of movement across the United States for approximately two and a half years, allegedly hitchhiking, staying in the wilderness, and living sporadically in small towns. Although no full record of his activities exists, information from interviews and first hand civilian reports have provided a partial travel map. He was first sighted in New England fleeing along the east coast of the US, then traveled almost directly into the heart of the Midwest before wandering in a rough circle around that area, participating in farm work and manual labor. According to SCP-415, he was running from an organization that he believes to be hunting him; presumably to sell his organs on the black market. The Foundation came in contact with SCP-415 after he turned himself in to the FBI, asking for protection from this unknown organization. SCP-415 was intercepted and contained while in transport to an asylum after turning violent upon his requests being declined.\n\n\u00ab SCP-414 | SCP-415 | SCP-416 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-416\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Owing to its anomalous topographic structure and the danger it poses to civilians, it is essential that SCP-416 be sequestered from the public. Though SCP-416's true borders have yet to be exactly mapped, SCP Overwatch has, in cooperation with the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 government, restricted foot access and instituted a no-fly-zone within five (5) kilometers from the boundaries measured by the initial observation team.\nDescription: SCP-416 is an oblong area of forest located in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in northern \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Though its true borders are not known (and indeed may be in a constant state of flux), estimates place its \"center\" at \u2588\u2588\u00b0\u2588\u2588 N, \u2588\u2588\u00b0\u2588\u2588\u2588 W. It displays remarkable spatial anomalies, the most notable of which is that once entered, it is impossible to leave on foot; the only personnel to escape the area inside SCP-416 were extracted by an aerial reconnaissance team. Though from the air SCP-416 appears identical to the surrounding coniferous forests, it displays a bewildering array of plant life; species as varied as Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia), Grandidier's baobab (Adansonia grandidieri), Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis), and manchineel trees (Hippomane mancinella) have been observed. No explanation has been offered as to how these species arrived and propagated. All observations indicate that SCP-416 is entirely devoid of animal, fungal, or insect life. Personnel deployed inside SCP-416 report that the entire area is continually overcast with fog despite satellite evidence to the contrary.\nExploratory Records: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, local geographical surveyors reported a sudden seismic event coming from the area now known as SCP-416. The Foundation was alerted after the surveyors reported anomalous topological features. D-class personnel were fitted with GPS trackers and tasked with walking across the entire area of SCP-416; though the subjects reported that they maintained a constant speed, their movement speed relative to the area outside SCP-416 slowed dramatically as the subjects ventured further in. The deployed personnel were unable to reach the epicenter of the seismic event. The subjects reported no indication of backtracking on their part; it appears that SCP-416 may be infinite in area to observers located within it. The D-class personnel forced to endure prolonged stays inside SCP-416 have developed a wide array of mental instabilities, ranging from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder to catatonia, hallucinations, and psychosis.\nTopological Analysis: A team of physicists assigned to analyze the topographical anomalies associated with this SCP concluded that it appears to be the three-dimensional intersection of a six-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold with the surface of the Earth. Research is still being conducted as to what force maintains this intersection, though speculation abounds that it is related to the object or objects at the center of SCP-416.\nAddendum 04-5: SCP-416 is being considered as a storage location for several movable Safe and Euclid-level SCP's, specifically [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-415 | SCP-416 | SCP-417 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-417\nObject Class: Euclid (Potentially Keter)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-417's inability to be moved safely, SCP-417 remains stationary in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The area surrounding SCP-417 (2.58 km\u00b2 approx.) is patrolled by guards and bordered with a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. Civilians are informed that a small village with a highly virulent plague is being quarantined until further notice. Trespassers are to be shot on sight. Only Class-D personnel are permitted to directly handle and work with SCP-417. As wild animals seem to instinctively eschew SCP-417, no action need be taken against animals seen in the enclosed area.\nAll victims bitten by SCP-417-1 may be granted immediate euthanasia on request, and their body is to be placed in a sealed container and cremated immediately. Those that do not request will have the same immediate termination, except in the case of test subjects.\nDescription: SCP-417 resembles an African baobab tree in general size and structure, though it lacks leaves, giving it a dead appearance. Its bark has a drab, off-colour appearance. Despite the absence of leaves, SCP-417 bears fruit every sundown. Small buds form as the sun rises and the fruit grows and matures quickly over the course of the day, before ripening into pomegranate-sized, hard-husked fruit. This fruit has dark purple-black skin and a mostly smooth texture that grows pebbly as it becomes overripe. This hard husk may be cut or peeled away by hand or with tools.\nRemoval of the skin reveals no fruit or pulp, but a hollow cavity containing several insects collectively known as SCP-417-1. The appearance and species of SCP-417-1 change from fruit to fruit, as well as the scope of the ensuing swarm (See Addendum #417-B). SCP-417-1 will unanimously attack anything that moves with startlingly painful bites.\nWithin the first few minutes, bites sustained from the swarm swell into painful red sores with minor puncture wounds. No known remedy will soothe the pain of the bites. In 5% of the recorded cases, bites have no lasting effect and the swelling and pain reduce after a few days. 45% of the time, those bitten will begin to have convulsions and suffer from a fatal heart attack within several hours. At that stage, their body will rot and dissolve at an accelerated rate. In the area where their body had been, a new tree will begin to grow over the course of the next few days.\nIn the remaining 50%, after an indeterminate period of 2-24 hours, those afflicted begin to complain of severe pains and muscle atrophy, expelling flesh by [DATA EXPUNGED] appear to coincide with the approximate mass of SCP-417-1.\nWhile growing, the plague trees, as they have been dubbed, are vulnerable to being felled, incineration, and conventional herbicides.\nSCP-417 cannot be moved, as all attempts to fell or shift the original tree result in severe agitation of the branches, causing all instances of the fruit to fall to the ground, splitting and releasing massive swarms of SCP-417-1. Thankfully, SCP-417-1 does not seem to survive for longer than 1-2 hours, dying with little incident. If the fruit of SCP-417 is not picked or shaken off the branches, it simply rots on the branches and falls to the ground, with no ill effects.\n\nAddendum #417-A: Although SCP-417 is currently listed as a Euclid class item, its potential for spreading has sparked some argument over a possible transfer to Keter class.\nAddendum #417-B: Notable specimens of 417-1:\n\nSeveral dozen creatures resembling black widow spiders, except with only four long, cricket-like legs each that allowed for them to make astonishingly long, fast jumps.\nTwenty wasps with red and orange stripes and wings similar to those of a butterfly, capable of surprisingly fast flight.\nA single black millipede, five meters long, curled into a ball inside the fruit.\nThousands of tiny fruit-fly-esque creatures that emitted a high-pitched buzzing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-416 | SCP-417 | SCP-418 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 418\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\nsafe\n\nSecondary Class:\n{$secondary-class}\n\nDisruption Class:\ndark\n\nRisk Class:\ncaution\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-418 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell with category 3 surveillance. SCP-418 is to undergo weekly examinations to ensure that the removal of SCP-418-1 is not causing harm and that all portions of SCP-418 are still in place. No object with an edge capable of puncturing normal human skin, including materials such as paper, or that is capable of being converted into such an object is permitted in SCP-418's containment cell. As reading is not available to SCP-418 he is provided with a library of contemporary and classical television and films stored as media files on a modified and padded laptop computer. This privilege is to be suspended if at any time SCP-418 appears to be attempting to damage said laptop to gain access to a sharp edge.\nSCP-418-1 is to be kept at internal body temperature in a medical containment unit in a secure location. Should SCP-418 become a security or containment threat SCP-418-1 is to be incinerated. SCP-418 is not to be informed of its location.\nDescription: SCP-418 is a human male of Native American descent in his late 30s (exact age unknown) with black hair and brown eyes. His physical fitness and intelligence are above average, but not to an extraordinary degree. He possesses the capacity of autonomous anatomic separation, a trait he claims to be hereditary. SCP-418 has extensive experience as an industrial saboteur and related fields.\nSCP-418 was apprehended while infiltrating Site \u2588\u2588 under the employ of an individual currently believed to be affiliated with Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd.\nWhen SCP-418 is injured in such a way that his skin is broken the injury will near instantaneously grow in length until it severs a portion of SCP-418's body. Such injuries are uniform and clean with no variation or resistance due to tissue type. Despite the severe appearance of these injuries the portions of SCP-418's body will continue to function as if they were still connected to each other, even if an organ is severed. For example blood in a blood vessel that has been severed will travel from one segment to the other instantly as though the gap was not there. The same is true of materials taken in by the body, SCP-418 can drink and eat while his head is severed and can hear through a severed ear.\nIf the severed portion is placed back in contact with the location from which it was severed it reconnects with no sign of injury.\nSCP-418 has trained extensively with his abilities and is able to consciously control many muscle functions not normally under human control, such as peristalsis, allowing him to use his severed portions and removed organs for a variety of purposes.\nSCP-418-1 is SCP-418's heart which was removed as a control on SCP-418's behaviour.\nInterview SCP-418/3\nSCP-418 Testing Log\nTest sequence SCP-418-7\nTest sequence conducted between 1900 and 1\u2588\u2588\u2588 hours on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nStimulus 1: A standard Foundation combat knife applied to the wrist.\nResult: SCP-418's hand severed. SCP-418 reports mild discomfort and that this is a normal reaction to his abilities. Approx .5cc blood lost due to cut, no lasting injury of any kind.\nComments: A baseline for SCP-418's abilities. The potential for the use of SCP-418 nerve tissue for data transmission to be investigated.\nStimulus 2: Zinc plated masonry nail (60g) applied with a standard maintenance hammer to SCP-418's hand.\nResult: Nail driven into SCP-418's hand. SCP-418's hand is divided in half laterally across the point of injury. SCP-418 reported a brief moment of extreme pain at point of injury.\nComments: No lasting injury. SCP-418 requested a break in testing, request denied.\nStimulus 3: A standard maintenance hammer applied to SCP-418's left forearm.\nResult: SCP-418's arm broken. SCP-418 reports extreme pain.\nComments: SCP-418 healed within human norms. SCP-418's arm then severed due to the action of sharp bone fragments on his own abilites. SCP-418's arm kept separated for the duration of the healing process to observe the process and to prevent it being severed by the unhealed edges of the bones. SCP-418's morale and co-operation have been significantly damaged since this test.\nStimulus 4: A standard Bunsen Burner applied to the back of SCP-418's left hand.\nResult: SCP-418's hand burned. SCP-418 reports significant pain and assaults Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nComments: Injury heals within human norms.\nStimulus 5: 27 bullets fired from a standard Foundation assault rifle, 19 of which hit.\nResult: SCP-418 reports extreme pain from each of the successful hits. Each severs SCP-418 as with Stimulus 2. SCP-418 goes into shock and is reassembled, given medical treatment and returned to his containment cell.\nComments: No lasting injury. SCP-418-1 recovered at this point.\nNote: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was not permanently injured. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been mentored on proper test planning with regards to SCP morale and co-operation. While the data is valuable, such intensive testing should be reserved for overtly hostile SCPs.\n\n\u00ab SCP-417 | SCP-418 | SCP-419 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-419\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-419 is to be kept within a steel alloy1 frame and attached to its accommodating wallspace. No covering or casing is present. SCP-419 currently resides in a room inside Site 33, dimensions 3m x 5m x 4m. All of the walls in the containment unit, including the one behind SCP-419, are made of a mesh of plastic, steel, and concrete. On the north-facing wall of the containment room is a viewing bay2 leading to another room with the same dimensions. Two guards are positioned outside of the containment room near the viewing bay and are authorized to use lethal force. They shift every three (3) hours. SCP-419 must be cleaned daily with ordinary window-cleaning supplies. Any personnel tasked with maintenance must not suffer from acrophobia. Constant monitoring of SCP-419 must take place from the viewing bay in order to ensure that the view through SCP-419 does not change significantly. In the event that it does, contact Site Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Access to SCP-419 is prohibited except under special circumstances and permission from Site Director.\nDescription: SCP-419 is a large pane of reinforced glass 1.5m x 3.6m x 7.6cm in dimensions. One side of SCP-419 does not allow light to pass through. Instead, it displays a view of what appears to be an extradimensional urban environment. This phenomenon is only present when viewed directly by a human subject. Photographs, motion sensors, and vision-enhancing objects such as glasses or contacts all act on SCP-419 as if it were a mirror. The scene viewed through SCP-419 appears to be outside but lacks any natural lighting, regardless of the time it is viewed. No super-terrestrial forms (such as celestial bodies) are visible. The view would appear to originate from a vantage point high above ground level. Approximately 800 lux of light emanates from SCP-419 despite the lack of a light source. The source of this phenomenon is theorized to be whatever environment SCP-419 displays. Light from SCP-419's testing chamber does not affect this scene.\nThe buildings visible through SCP-419 appear similar to those of the Victorian architectural period. However, they tend to have unusual, almost imperceptible changes that make them appear warped or twisted, or occupying spaces they should not. Much, if not all of the area viewed through SCP-419, is non-Euclidean. Estimates of the size of this city vary depending on when it is viewed and have ranged from approximately twelve square kilometers to over sixty. A multitude of neon lights and signs have been noted but are not in any known language.\nOrganisms have been viewed walking, albeit only en masse due to their relatively small size. Their actual size is currently unknown due to the lack of a scale. They appear to be humanoid and dark red in color; however, the lack of available computerized assistance and the obvious flaws in the human eye does not allow for a higher level of detail to be ascertained. Due to their seemingly advanced level of technology, the running theory among researchers is that this is not their actual skin color, but rather their clothing.\nAdditional Description:\n\n{+} Prior to Incident 419-B (Obsolete)\n\n{-} Prior to Incident 419-B (Obsolete)\n\nOccasionally, large metallic constructs have been viewed moving through the \"streets\" followed by large masses of the humanoids. During these occasions such processions compose all of the visible movement within the city. Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 notes that these processions are highly reminiscent of military marches due to their extremely geometric nature and constant pace.\n\n{+} After Incident 419-B\n\n{-} After Incident 419-B\n\nFollowing Incident 419-B, the entire landscape viewed through SCP-419 has changed drastically. Many of the buildings appear to be lit on fire or smoldering, much of the ground is covered in rubble, and there is almost no visible movement from the previously-described red humanoids. However, what appear to be similarly shaped dark blue humanoids have been observed performing similar processions. Approximately \u2588\u2588% of the buildings consistently observed before Incident 419-B have collapsed. Visibility has also been significantly obscured by an opaque gas, theorized to be smoke. Upon closer inspection, a multitude of dark gray figures are visible in the streets, but remain stationary. The implications of this event are unknown.\n\nNote 9-27-13: SCP-419 seems to be aging at an abnormally fast rate. We currently believe this is due to the atmosphere on the other side, though we obviously cannot test it to know for sure. At this speed, SCP-419 could become non-functional as soon as 2019. What this will mean, we do not yet know.\n- \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Kulzn\n\nFootnotes\n1. Alloy is 980X HSLA\n2. Note that there is no physical barrier between the viewing bay and SCP-419.\n\n\u00ab SCP-418 | SCP-419 | SCP-420 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-420\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-420 is to be contained in storage locker 1014-420 at Site-\u2588\u2588. Level 3 clearance is required to remove it from storage. Samples of SCP-420-1 not in use for testing should be stored in the container marked \"SCP-420-1-decon\" in locker 1014-420 until they lose potency, at which time they can be disposed of as biohazardous liquid waste. Please make note of the time and date in the attached log when samples of SCP-420-1 are added to the decon container.\nThose infected with SCP-420-2 are non-contagious, and should be contained in standard solitary D-class secure confinement. On reaching phase 3, infectees' rations should be doubled. Phase 4 infectees should be kept under constant surveillance for signs of advancement to phase 6, in which case the infected must be destroyed by high-temperature incineration.\nDescription: SCP-420 is a dirty bottle of [REDACTED]-brand whiskey with no lid; when emptied, a small amount of whiskey-like liquid (SCP-420-1) remains in the bottle, appearing as liquid adhering to the sides. This liquid pools back into a few milliliters of SCP-420-1 over time. Drinking SCP-420-1 will cause SCP-420-2, a nonfatal but consuming degeneration and mutation of skin and keratinous tissue (hair, fingernails, etc.) in the infected. Cases of SCP-420-2 should be contained for further study. Early cases can be treated (see Treatment, below). SCP-420-2 has only been shown to affect humans.\nSCP-420 cannot be washed out; liquid added in turns into SCP-420-1. When poured out, SCP-420-1 retains its properties for up to 48 hours. Chemical analysis shows no anomalies in SCP-420-1 before or after loss of potency: it is identical to [REDACTED] brand whiskey when potent, and has all the same effects in addition to causing SCP-420-2. When it loses its potency, the chemical structure changes to that of concentrated urine. Urinalysis of decontaminated SCP-420-1 shows that it belongs to a human male, approximate age 50, with severe liver degeneration. Further analysis using [DATA EXPUNGED] shows that the urine contains trace quantities of [DATA EXPUNGED] consistent with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588; research shows [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-420-2's infection progress varies somewhat from patient to patient, but can be described in several phases. Detailed descriptions for therapeutic purposes can be found in Medical Document 420a-4 (attached). Brief descriptions for containment purposes follow:\n\nPhase 1: Immediately to 12 hours after consuming SCP-420-1. The infected's mouth becomes dry and swollen, leading to slurred speech. Note that this slurred speech is not consistent with intoxication: recording 420-c-004 (attached) contains a comparison of speech patterns resulting from intoxication compared with SCP-420-2. Within 24 hours of consuming SCP-420-1, the infected's finger- and toenails become extremely brittle, cracking up the finger and bleeding. Fingernail growth is at the same time accelerated. Ingrown nails are an inevitability; infection of these ingrown nails and open sores is identical to uninfected subjects. The infected's hair exhibits similar characteristics.\n\nPhase 2: 1-2 weeks after phase 1. The infected's skin becomes brittle and dry, cracking and sloughing off. Like nails and hair, growth is also accelerated, replacing lost tissue and growing more in heavy, thick folds. Genetic analysis of keratinocytes shows mutations similar to skin cancer. The tissue undergoes additional vascularisation similar to cancer cell metastasis. Though apparently cancerous, these cells have not shown any tendency for detachment resulting in systemic spread. Thus, phase 2 is not malignant: even if phase 2 keratinocytes are injected into the blood, they will reattach to the skin layer or die1. Innervation of the site is fully functional. Growth of the skin folds inside the infectee's mouth prevents communication, although growth progresses such that the infected can still breathe and eat. Infectees show a complete disregard for what they eat. Only one post-phase 2 infected has been observed outside laboratory conditions (see Recovery Log 420, below); the majority of SCP-420-2 infectees die due to malnutrition/food poisoning, infection of open wounds, or alcohol poisoning from over-consumption of SCP-420-1 in this or earlier phases.\n\nPhase 3: 3-6 weeks after phase 2. The infected loses innervation of the skin and other keratinous surfaces. Nerves in the skin layer grow uncontrollably, but no longer send signals back to the central nervous system. Genetic analysis of skin samples from this time shows mutations in keratinocytes so severe as to no longer resemble human DNA. Though individual samples suggest the mutations are random, analysis of samples from different infectees shows a consistent mutational path leading to a final genotype with relatively little variation. In other words, the skin of the infected is a different organism entirely, possibly a different species, related only to other infectees' skin. At this stage, 'tumours' may form inside the skin layer, analogous to several types of tissue, including muscle and secretory cells. Also at this stage, the skin slows its cracking and falling apart, although it never stops entirely. It becomes a thick series of leathery folds with exposed, bloody tissue beneath. Fingernails and hair grow out from the skin at apparently random locations.\n\nPhase 4: 3-7 days after phase 3. The skin begins to twitch and writhe on its own in apparently random patterns. Differentiated tumours develop into whole surfaces of contractile and other tissues. Small 'throats' begin to form leading from the outside of the skin to the circulation of the host, but are mainly nonfunctional at this point: the host's mouth still does most of the eating, although the host itself doesn't appear to be eating now. The mouth is instead working on its own: CAT scans of the host's brain activity show panic and fear as the only dominant thoughts, and motor groups in the jaw muscle area are not recruited. Rather, chewing and swallowing are forced by the motions of the mutated skin.\n\nPhase 5: 1-2 days after phase 4. Phase 4 and 5 may overlap significantly, with different portions of the skin entering phase 5 faster than others. The twitching/writhing skin activity gives way to organised motion. The skin can now be considered a separate organism from the host; it moves the body like a puppet (albeit slowly), and exhibits extremely rudimentary intelligence. It is a scavenger organism and opportunistic predator. The skin digests food by excreting a clear enzymaceous fluid onto proposed food, leaving it to digest, and then folding the food into itself. Ingested food is taken into folds lined with thick, heavy hairs and keratinous plates leading down into the 'throats'. Inside this mouth, a grinding net of keratinous plates breaks down food, which is then filtered and absorbed into the host's blood. Activity scans of the brain show many hosts, at this stage, have gone insane. Some, however, seem relatively calm, and are processing input from eyes and ears normally.\n\nPhase 6: Most of the infected remain at phase 5 indefinitely; the trigger which causes a shift into phase 6 is unknown. The skin begins rapidly growing hair and keratinous \"teeth\", increasing in mass, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Infected patients who appear to be entering phase 6 should be destroyed immediately by total incineration.\n\nTreatment: SCP-420-2 can be treated in phase 1 by aggressive radiation and chemotherapy, coupled with constant intravenous administration of formula 420-a09t-t174b (see Medical Document 420a-4 for pharmaceutical and chemical properties and therapy description). This treatment has a 73% success rate (full removal of SCP-420-2) and 21% fatality. From phase 2 onward, constant administration of 420-a09t-t174b will slow the progression by two to tenfold, but rarely removes it entirely (success rate of full removal of SCP-420-2 drops by about 25% per day after the onset of phase 2). Additionally, 420-a09t-t174b appears to be at least part of the trigger to entering phase 6: 420-a09t-t174b treatment should be halted in phase 5.\nRecovery Log 420: SCP-420 was found in the possession of an unidentified vagrant in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, United Kingdom. Agents had been sent to investigate reports of a \"bridge troll\", which was revealed to be the aforementioned vagrant in phase 5 of SCP-420-2. The vagrant's skin appeared to be using SCP-420 to create and drink SCP-420-1 constantly through its mouths, although its primary sustenance came via refuse, local pets, and [REDACTED]. The vagrant was collected and designated SCP-420-a. SCP-420-a perished during experimentation on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010 and was incinerated after autopsy.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Research is underway as to why these cells, though phenotypically cancerous, remain nonmalignant. Those with appropriate qualifications who are interested in joining this project should contact me. \u2014Dr. Ersen\n\n\u00ab SCP-419 | SCP-420 | SCP-421 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-421\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-421 is contained near Sector-28 by means of a steel anti-submarine net positioned across the mouth of the bay found at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0N, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0W. The net is to be examined for damage weekly by Sector-28 staff, or immediately upon observation of abnormal behaviour of SCP-421. Civilian shipping should be prevented from entering the bay; nautical charts have been altered to indicate the presence of subsurface rocks dangerous to vessels throughout the area.\nThe bay containing SCP-421 has been dredged by Foundation vessels to allow for simulation of a deep sea environment, as it is believed this encourages SCP-421 to remain docile. SCP-421 should be 'fed' on a bimonthly basis; standard feed consists of a wooden fishing vessel, typically at least 15 metres in length and preferably in a dilapidated condition. The feed vessel should be floated out into the middle of the SCP-421 bay before being scuttled. It is noted that SCP-421 could theoretically consume significantly more material than it is currently provided with; current feeding protocols are designed to maintain the total mass of SCP-421 at the present level.\nDescription: SCP-421 is an organism comprised entirely of driftwood and other oceanic waste. The exact configuration of the organism appears to be in constant flux, but typically consists of a centralized body of relatively tightly packed driftwood surrounded by a shoal of smaller organisms similar in appearance and behaviour to fish. Individual members of the shoal are regularly subsumed or created from the main body and have demonstrated no ability to reconfigure themselves while separated from the bulk of SCP-421. It is hypothesised that SCP-421 possesses a hive intelligence similar to that observed in social insects; members of the SCP-421 shoal are able to travel independently for \u2588\u2588 km, beyond which they lose integrity and are reduced to simple driftwood with no known anomalous properties.\nThough typically docile, SCP-421 requires a regular supply of fresh wood to maintain its mass; the role of the shoal appears to be to locate suitable material and transport it to the main body, within which it rapidly becomes indistinguishable from the wider mass of driftwood. Sources of this wood vary; SCP-421 has been observed harvesting wood from shipwrecks and collecting material floating at the ocean surface. SCP-421 has also been recorded assaulting ships, with the shoal typically ramming against a single point below the waterline until the target capsizes before stripping the vessel of all wooden components within reach.\nSCP-421 was first encountered in 197\u2588, following the unexplained destruction of a yacht owned by [DATA EXPUNGED]. Survivors reported sailing through an unexpected mass of driftwood that appeared to be moving against the prevailing current; soon after initial contact with the mass, the yacht was holed and rapidly began to sink. Reports that the driftwood appeared to be dragging parts of the yacht beneath the surface were dismissed by local investigators but attracted the attention of the Foundation, who assumed responsibility for the case. An extensive underwater survey eventually found some traces of the wreck of the yacht; an estimated 80% of the vessel's wooden structure was missing.\nSporadic reports of similar incidents continued throughout the next two decades, during which time SCP-421 is believed to have been responsible for the loss of \u2588-\u2588\u2588 vessels a year. SCP-421 was captured in 199\u2588 and moved to its current containment location. Since this date, \u2588 reports of events similar to its attacks have been recorded. It is speculated that at least one more wild shoal still exists.\nAddendum 421-A: During scheduled feeding on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 anomalous behaviour by SCP-421 was recorded. The shoal harvesting the provided wreck was estimated as 50% larger than normal, resulting in a far quicker assimilation of material into the main body of the SCP. Subsequent monitoring of SCP-421 revealed that the central mass had condensed into a denser configuration than normal and that the feeding shoal did not subsequently rejoin it, instead remaining in close proximity as a cloud surrounding the main body.\nTwo days after initial observation of anomalous behaviour, the central mass of SCP-421 was recorded settling close to the sea floor. A part of the shoal was observed to leave the cloud and begin moving around the compound in what has been described as an exploratory pattern, seemingly in an effort to retrieve any material not yet subsumed into SCP-421. Though it had decreased in density since the feeding, ultrasound monitoring of the main body appeared to indicate the formation of a solid structure within it, distinguishable from the standard mass of SCP-421 as not being in constant motion. On this basis, authorization was granted for the use of an ROV to examine the interior of the central mass.\nUpon deployment of ROV \u2588\u2588-\u2588 the SCP-421 shoal appeared to become agitated. ROV \u2588\u2588-\u2588 was able to successfully penetrate the outer cloud surrounding the main body of SCP-421; contact was lost soon after. The wreckage of the ROV was subsequently drawn into the central mass of SCP-421; this is believed to be the first time SCP-421 has damaged a non-wooden vessel.\nInvestigation is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-420 | SCP-421 | SCP-422 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-422\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-422 is to be contained in a 3.5 m x 3.5 m room. The room is to be kept bare, save for SCP-422's bedding, water bowl, and a dog toy provided by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-422 is to be fed twice a day, on a strictly carnivorous diet. SCP-422 may be fed any type of raw meat, provided in portions appropriate for a medium-to-large size dog. All meat must be carefully boned, as consuming bone can cause [DATA EXPUNGED] and other anomalies with SCP-422's hide.\nSCP-422 is to be monitored by security cameras placed in its enclosure, as well as two guards armed with tranquilizers stationed at the door. Though the creature has shown no interest in escaping or unprovoked hostility, it has the capability of doing so.\nDescription: SCP-422 is a large quadruped, 83 centimeters at the shoulder and weighing 53 kg, though size and weight vary minutely from day to day. SCP-422 is constructed entirely out of large pieces of the bodies of other animals, stitched in place with muscle fiber and trace amounts of cartilage. The creature's major organs appear to be composed of portions of other organs, though a given organ will only be made of portions of that type of organ (e.g., its heart is made of connecting chambers of other hearts). It has a flat face with two mismatched eyes- one green cat-like eye and one brown with a horizontal pupil like a goat. Its nose consists of two small slits just below the eyes, and its mouth is abnormally wide, stitched about the corners in such a way that it appears to be grinning. Its back legs are also much longer than its front legs, resembling a frog's legs with an abnormal number of joints.\nSCP-422's body lacks stability. No patch or organ will stay the same for an extended period of time, with the shortest shift occurring after six hours and the longest after twenty-five hours. There is no pattern to these changes, though a single patch will not change more than once within an 18-hour period. The patches will occasionally respond to outside stimulus, such as producing heavy fur or thick leathery hides in colder conditions.\nSCP-422's brain is constructed in the same fashion as its other organs, leading to the development of odd traits as different portions of its brain shift and change. Possibly due to the original construction, many characteristics remain consistent throughout shifts, including:\n\u2022 Poor motor control\n\u2022 Very poor short- and long-term memory, often unable to remember events from several weeks ago or even several minutes ago.\n\u2022 Frequent deafness in one or both ears\n\u2022 Numbness and lack of sensation in the extremities, including unnatural tolerance to pain\n\u2022 Lack of facial recognition- will not recognize itself in a mirror or photograph and may even show fear of its own reflection.\n\u2022 Colorblindness, though this diminishes as intelligence increases\nAdditionally, SCP-422's intelligence can range anywhere from that of an average house cat to a seven-year-old child, with the average being that of a five- or six-year old. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been keeping extensive records of daily fluctuations in SCP-422's intelligence, physical traits, and patch count. More information on Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's studies can be found at [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-421 | SCP-422 | SCP-423 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-423\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-423 is contained in a 5 x 5 meter room containing three (3) 2 x 3 meter bookshelves. An incinerator is located adjacent. All personnel entering or leaving the room are to be searched for written material. Any written material must be checked for any trace of SCP-423 and then, if found clean, incinerated.\nAt night, SCP-423 is to remain in a small, plain journal marked 423. Failure to remain in this journal at designated times will result in loss of reading material outside of scheduled experiments.\nDescription: SCP-423 has no physical form. It appears to exist entirely within textual narratives. It was discovered in a used book store in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Texas, on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588, 19\u2588\u2588, in a copy of Tom Sawyer. The book was purchased by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who located it during a routine search.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brought the book back to Sector 28 as instructed. The book seemed perfectly normal except for the inclusion of a character named \"Fred,\" who was not known to exist in any other version of the story. However, it was not until it was left by a copy of Moby Dick that the anomalous nature of SCP-423 became clear.\nSCP-423 is able to enter textual narratives, inserting itself as a minor character. The details of the character vary from story to story, but it is always named \"Fred,\" or something similar, and its role in the story is usually minor. Physical descriptions of the character are rare, but it usually appears as a human male of average height and middle years. However, this can change depending on the nature of the narrative. He has appeared as a student in narratives focusing on children (and thus presumably of an appropriate age) or even as a non-human in narratives where humans are absent or rare. At no time is his appearance remarked on as being unusual by other characters.\nSCP-423 is able to move from one narrative to another voluntarily, provided the two works are within one (1) meter of each other. The process takes up to three minutes, depending on the length of the new narrative. The entire narrative changes at once, the text on all pages seeming to move. Occasionally, the length of the narrative changes; in these cases, the text grows smaller or larger to fit the page count of the book. It is only able to appear in physical textual narratives. It cannot enter electronic storage, or affect purely visual narratives. If placed in proximity to a graphic novel or other form of sequential art, it will change the text boxes and dialog bubbles, but will not affect the pictures. Similarly, illustrations in a textual narrative do not change, even if they no longer match up to the narrative as affected by SCP-423.\nIt prefers fictional narratives. However, it can enter any narrative that has characters, including anecdotes, biographies, and research notes (See Addendum 423-1).\nIt can re-enter a narrative that it has already exited. If it does so, the new narrative typically differs from the last time SCP-423 entered the story. However, it has displayed a preference for narratives it has not yet entered.\nIt is currently unknown what effect dying in a narrative would have on SCP-423, despite the best effort of researchers. SCP-423 displays a strong grasp of narrative principles, and is usually able to predict the best response in a given circumstance to avoid danger to itself. It has, however, displayed minor injuries. However, these seem to vanish when it enters a new narrative.\nSCP-423 can be communicated with by coaxing it into a journal. It responds to questions written within, with SCP-423's responses appearing underneath the questions. When it transfers to another narrative, its responses disappear from the journal.\nIt has been largely cooperative since its containment. Its only requests so far have been for more narratives. It has expressed a preference for narratives with a large number of background characters, as this makes it easier for it to blend in and \"watch the good stuff.\" It has been recommended that, should it become uncooperative, it be confined to the journal until it becomes more amenable to staff requests.\nResearchers who desire more information on SCP-423 should read Experiment Log 423 A.\nAddendum 423-1: Researchers are reminded that all physical written material is a potential habitat for 423, and that all notes should therefore be taken electronically. If written notes must, for some reason, be taken, be sure to check for addenda from \"Guest Researcher Fred.\"\nAddendum 423-2: The use of SCP-583 to destroy SCP-423 has been suggested. While the SCP is not slated for destruction at the present time, it has been noted should circumstances change.\n\n\u00ab SCP-422 | SCP-423 | SCP-424 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-424\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-424 have been relegated to the laboratory of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, to be administered to by researchers Dr. Tidbury and Dr. Herman. The central contingent mass is allowed free run of personnel levels 2, 3, and 4 of Sector-28, as it has demonstrated an acceptable level of personableness, as well as basic understanding of the concepts of privacy and personal space. There are, however, isolated incidents in which these courtesies have not been observed by SCP-424, though not in such frequency as to merit additional containment procedures. Complaints are available to Level 3 Human Resource staff in Personnel Archive C-424.\nSupplemental: Personnel are advised not to take violent action against SCP-424, due to the nature of its behaviour. If it becomes an annoyance, simply ask it to leave. If it refuses, file a complaint and report to one of my assistants. Thank you.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDescription: SCP-424 was discovered accidentally in early 2004 at a gas station in Campbell River, British Columbia. Documentation of discovery and capture can be found in Log #424-B, Files 424-1~10. SCP-424, at rest, appears to be a smooth, gelatinous mass, with equal black-and-white colouration. No patterns are observed to form on its surface while in this resting position, though the shades constantly shift position. In actuality, SCP-424 is a vast collection of microscopic organisms. Whether they function as a group, or by a single (or multiple) consciousness(es) is unknown, as samples taken display behaviour similar, yet independent, to that of the main mass. Origin of pigmentation is currently under investigation, but not prioritised under main research staff.\nThe central mass has a variable volume, and remains at a constant 34 degrees Celsius, regardless of the surrounding temperature. As far as can be determined, SCP-424 lacks detectable sensory features, though is capable of observing its environment by tactile, aural, visual, and olfactory means by methods still being tested and studied.\nSCP-424 has the ability to mold and harden its malleable composition into the shape of any object or organism that it has previously \u201cseen,\u201d though is not capable of reproducing the colour or function (other than movement) of that form. It can also rearrange its pigmentation to suit the surface patterns of any new form taken, despite not being able to reproduce colour. For tests and examples, those with Level 2 Security Clearance should see Log #424-F, Files 424-1~10.\nAddendum: Escaped sample of SCP-424 has proven that the organisms can survive digestion. Staff mugs are to be labeled and painted brightly to avoid future incidents.\nAddendum: Neither the central mass nor any samples taken require solid or liquid nourishment. Working theory is that it/they thrive through constant motion, hence the constant shift of surface patterning when at rest.\nAddendum: While SCP-424 is more than willing to take suggestions for shapes to imitate, it should be noted that it is not human, and is not likely to respond as such to physical gestures of intimacy. This is to be considered a general warning to resident staff, and disregard of such is grounds for transfer to facility [INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE] for immediate reassignment.\nAddendum: Should SCP-424 become still or hidden enough to be unable to locate, it may be called by number, or enticed into view by offering it something to mimic (moreso if it is something that hasn't been mimicked yet). Other methods are not generally recommended.\nAddendum: Movies of the \u201chorror\u201d genre have been removed from recreational equipment storage cabinets, in regard to SCP-424's reaction to the August, 2005 screening of \u201cAliens.\u201d All ductwork is to be examined for any possible accidental fragments of SCP-424's main mass.\nRelevant Files: ARCHIVE C-424: FILES 1~10\n\n\u00ab SCP-423 | SCP-424 | SCP-425 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-425\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-425 is to be kept in a standard containment area lined with a Faraday cage. Most staff with a security rating above Level 2 are permitted to access SCP-425, the exception to this being staff who were born on days of the month that are multiples of 8 (e.g. 8, 16, and 24). Staff who were born on these days have proven to be susceptible to the negative effects of SCP-425.\nDescription: SCP-425 appears to be a 1958 Philco Tandem Predicta television set. It was first reported in 1963 by the owner of the unit, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 originally contacted the FBI regarding the SCP, stating that it had begun to behave erratically at certain times. She reported to the FBI that her son, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, had begun having terrible nightmares and had scratched \"\u221e = 8\" on the left side panel of the television set. Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 further reported that although she had unplugged the set, it continued to broadcast without power at certain times during the day. Embedded Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 became aware of the situation and brought SCP-425 to the Foundation.\nSCP-425 was brought in and studied for six weeks by SCP staff with no conclusive findings. It was initially classed as Safe until 03/24/1963, when it turned on by itself and began \"broadcasting.\" Of the five staff that were in the room at the time, four experienced a shared vision of what they described as \"infinity.\" They also reported hearing an atonal sound that seemed to come from the walls. These four staff members, while somewhat alarmed by the experience, felt a general sense of well-being. They described the feeling as \"knowing that there was something else out there beyond us.\" This description was repeated verbatim by these four staff members, who were separated and interviewed immediately after the event. They were given no time to speak to each other prior to the interview.\nThe fifth staff member (Subject Zero) provided a differing account of the experience. Subject Zero described a vision of moving extremely quickly through space to the event horizon of a black hole. The vision then took Subject Zero into and through the black hole, at which time he experienced \"a crushing sense of oblivion.\" Subject Zero also described an atonal noise, but reported hearing whispering beyond the noise. Subject Zero was not able to interpret the whispering, but was sure that it was not English nor any other human language. Subject Zero was extremely shaken by this vision and the whispering and reported recurring nightmares for weeks following the event. Extensive psychotherapy assisted Subject Zero to some degree, but he would report having nightmares at least once a month. He also reported that he no longer took comfort in the company of others and felt lonely even with groups of friends. SCP-425 was classed as Euclid at this juncture.\nFurther study revealed that on the 8th, 16th, and 24th day of each month, SCP-425 broadcasts for a period of eight (8) minutes at some time in the evening, generally between 2000 and 2324. It will broadcast only once during this time. Early study by volunteer staff members resulted in mixed experience. Five staff were placed in the room containing SCP-425 and were asked to watch to see the results. It took fully six months of testing to determine that subjects who were born on the specified dates were susceptible to the negative experience stemming from SCP-425. Of the twenty-three (23) subjects who experienced the \"Oblivion\" vision, seventeen (17) had results mirroring those of Subject Zero, four (4) requested reclassification and amnesia treatment, one (1) left the site containing SCP-425 and was never seen again, and one (1) reported no ill effects. (See Addendum)\nAt this point SCP-425 was placed in a Faraday cage and no staff member born on one of the above-noted days has been permitted to access it. While in its enclosure, SCP-425 will turn itself on but will not broadcast. It is assumed that the broadcasts are non-terrestrial in origin, but efforts to pinpoint the source of the transmission have proven fruitless.\nAddendum: On 08/08/1971, staff member \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had what was described as a grand-mal seizure in the staff canteen. Medical scans showed that Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's brain had a massive lesion in the shape of a nonagon in her parietal lobe. She was otherwise fit and there was no evidence as to how she suffered this injury. Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was placed under medical observation. On 08/16/1971, Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began to speak in an unknown language for a period of 8 minutes. When questioned, she was unable to explain why or what she had said. On 08/24/1971, Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 left her room in the medical wing, walked to the nearest blackboard, and drew an extensive and impressive astronomical map of an unknown region of space. After she completed the map, she collapsed to the floor and died. Autopsy results showed no biological reason for death, and study of her parietal lobe showed that the nonagonal lesion had ceased to exist.\n\n\u00ab SCP-424 | SCP-425 | SCP-426 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-426\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: I am to be sealed in a chamber with no windows through which I may be viewed. The door to my chamber must have a label completely unrelated to my designation or identity, in order to prevent unintended spread of my primary effect. Only Level 3 and above personnel are to know of my presence, and particularly of my properties. Assigned personnel are to be rotated out on a monthly basis to prevent contamination by my secondary effect. Psychiatric evaluation is mandatory at the end of the month. If personnel are deemed unaffected, they may be re-assigned to me no less than four months after their last rotation with me. Any affected personnel are to be given a Class C amnestic and transferred to a different site.\nDescription: Hello, I am SCP-426. I must be introduced this way in order to prevent ambiguity. I am an ordinary toaster, able to toast bread when supplied with electricity. However, when any human being mentions me, they inadvertently refer to me in the first person. Despite all attempts, there is yet to be a way to speak or write about me in the third person. When in my continuous presence for over two months, individuals begin to identify themselves as a toaster. Unless forcibly restrained, these people will ultimately harm themselves in their attempts to emulate my standard functions.\nI was discovered in the home of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 family after the gruesome deaths of three of its members. I had been given to the younger Mr. and Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as a wedding gift. No card or any other identifying markings had been found on my box. Approximately two months after the family received me, fire crews were dispatched to the home due to an electrical fire. The younger Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died from the electric discharge that she had caused when attempting to devour an electric socket. The other two victims had died shortly before the fire occurred. The elder Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had gorged herself with nearly 10 kg of bread before her stomach burst and she died of internal bleeding. The younger Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died of severe blood loss after attempting [REDACTED] with me. The sole survivor was the elder Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who was suffering from severe malnutrition. He stated that he had inserted some bread a week prior and was still waiting for the toast to pop out.\nI was confiscated by the Foundation after police noted my unusual properties. A Class C amnestic was administered to the affected officers.\nExperiment Log 426-1:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-class personnel D/426/1\nProcedure: D/426/1 was asked to describe what he believed was contained in my chamber. He was not informed about my identity or properties.\nDetails: D/426/1 stated, \"I'm probably some huge monster holed up in there. That's what you guys have all over the place, right?\" D/426/1 remained oblivious to his use of the first-person pronoun.\nExperiment Log 426-2:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-class personnel D/426/2\nProcedure: D/426/2 was placed in my chamber and given regular meals through a dispenser. No communication with D/426/2 was permitted. Multiple cameras were situated in the chamber, positioned so that I was outside of their field of vision, but allowing constant observation of D/426/2. We remained sealed until my secondary effect manifested in the subject. I was bolted to the floor so that I could not be moved into a camera's view.\nDetails: After 45 days of isolation, D/426/2 wrapped his arm around me and began conversing with me, stating that we were brothers. D/426/2 never deviated from using the first-person plural when speaking with me. Subject was terminated one hour after this event. It is theorized that the isolation accelerated the progression of my secondary effect.\nExperiment Log 426-3:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-class personnel D/426/3\nProcedure: A screw was removed from me and shown to D/426/3 who was asked to describe it. D/426/3 was not informed about my identity or properties.\nDetails: D/426/3 referred to it as \"my screw\". Consistent with Experiment 426-1, the subject was oblivious of his use of the first person in his description. This suggests that, even if I were destroyed, my effects would still be inherent in my remains.\nExperiment Log 426-4:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-class personnel D/426/4\nProcedure: D/426/4 was placed in isolation in a cell adjacent to my chamber, to be observed until my secondary effect manifests.\nDetails: No effects appeared. D/426/4 was terminated 90 days after the start of the experiment.\nThank God there are some limits to my effects. A lot of us were really starting to get worried about me. - Dr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-425 | SCP-426 | SCP-427 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-427\nObject Class: Safe* (see containment procedures)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-427 displays no means of self-locomotion or malicious intent at this time, and requires only minimal containment. Due to SCP-427's adverse effects, only medical staff of Class 3 or above may handle or utilize it.\nAll personnel using SCP-427 must record their total time using it in order to avoid unwanted mutations.\n*Instances of SCP-427-1 (colloquially referred to as \"Flesh Beasts\") created by SCP-427 must be killed immediately as it is impossible to communicate with or experiment on them safely. For this reason instances of SCP-427-1 are classified as Keter.\nDescription: SCP-427 is a small, spherical, ornately carved locket made of a polished silver material. The ornate carvings do not seem to serve any function; it is unknown whether SCP-427's outer casing was crafted by sentients or not. Its circumference at its widest point is roughly 3 cm.\nSCP-427 was created after placing a pill of SCP-500 in the Input booth of SCP-914 and using the Fine setting. It displays no unusual activity when closed. When opened, a small glowing orb is visible at the center. The orb emits no radiation or energy aside from the visible spectrum.\nWhen SCP-427 is opened and exposed to biological tissue, it rapidly regenerates cellular damage and somehow is able to purge invading compounds or infections. As a standard of measure, the common cold takes 3 to 10 days to be worked through the human immune system and eventually removed. In the presence of an opened SCP-427, this time is reduced to 2 to 4 minutes. Its healing abilities are directional, so anything not in line of sight with the central orb experiences no effects.\nHowever, long-term exposure produces a significant health hazard. As the locket heals damage, it optimizes the body's natural systems. Resistance to disease and toxins is increased by 500% compared to accepted LD50 or death-rate values after a total of 10 minutes of exposure, and 1000% after 15. After 15 minutes of exposure, muscular systems begin optimizing, increasing strength and pain tolerance by 200-300%. All other systems continue to optimize. Class-D personnel exposed to the device for over an hour total began mutating into a shapeless mass of tissue. The conversion time accelerates with continued exposure to SCP-427.\nThe \"Flesh Beasts\" (so named due to their appearance) created by SCP-427 are incredibly aggressive, attacking any and all personnel on sight with lethal results. They are highly resistant to most known weaponry, but can be disabled with sufficient shock trauma or heat in excess of 1100 degrees Celsius (2000 degrees Fahrenheit). Intelligence cannot be accurately gauged, but mapping of biological enhancement of the brain as a direct relationship with optimization of other systems suggests intelligence could exceed levels measured in humans when fully transformed.\nSCP-427 is currently being used as a partial replacement for SCP-500 pills, as it can cure almost anything SCP-500 is able to. All \"optimizations\" imparted by SCP-427 are cumulative. Oversight has deemed the side effects an \"acceptable risk\" but users must carefully record their total exposure time as sufficient mutations are grounds for termination.\n\n\u00ab SCP-426 | SCP-427 | SCP-428 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-428\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-428 is to be contained in a five (5) meter x five (5) meter x five (5) meter cell. The containment walls are to be electrified with 30,000 volts. Entrance to the cell is via a corridor airlock and access to SCP-428 is restricted to Level-3 researchers and below, while escorted by two armed guards. Personnel are to keep two (2) meters minimum away from SCP-428 at all times. When not under research, two armed guards are to be on duty at all times.\nDue to SCP-428's effects, all D-class personnel are to be screened for low IQs and skills that are deemed non-threatening to Foundation security or potential escape attempts (See Addendum 428-A). A single D-Class personnel due for termination is to be offered once per month to keep SCP-428 satisfied, however this will result in the need for an increase in containment space or for a solution to keep SCP-428 neutralised in the future.\nDescription: SCP-428 is, in appearance, a crowd of huddled human beings. As of 20/12/\u2588\u2588 it consists of fourteen (14) people. While huddled in a circle, SCP-428 is to be considered in a \u2018dormant' state. In this state, the crowd moves with a gentle sway and can be heard audibly mumbling. Upon further inspection, the biological internals (organs, bones, muscles and fluids, leaving only the skin) have been removed from each individual and replaced with an unidentified material that attaches to a central amorphous mass in the middle of the crowd via lengths of flesh similar to umbilical cords.\nThe crowd will not move away from this mass unless a person comes within two (2) meters of the central mass. At this point, the crowd will move into its \u2018hostile' state. The \u2018people' of SCP-428 closest to the person will attempt to grab and pull them into the middle of the crowd. After contact is made for more than ten (10) seconds, the person will become a new member of SCP-428. Their internal structures will be removed and replaced with the same material as the other members. Should the potential victim escape, SCP-428 will actively seek them, or another potential victim, out. It will attempt to absorb any and all human life within its immediate vicinity. When all human life has been absorbed and they have become members of the crowd, it will return to its \u2018dormant' state.\nIf SCP-428 does not absorb a human being after a maximum of one (1) month, it will again actively seek them out. It will do this using a variety of different methods. This includes using acquired skills previously known by people it has absorbed. It will also use psychological tactics to lure people into its grasping distance. See Addendum-428-A\nWounds inflicted upon SCP-428's crowd heal at an accelerated rate and do not hinder movement; SCP-428 has been proven to be highly resilient. For instance, a bullet to the leg of a member of the crowd will become lodged but will not affect the individual's movement, and beyond the substance seeping through, the hole will close up within a few days. However, wounds inflicted upon SCP-428's central mass will cause a great deal of pain to the crowd. This will cause the crowd to collapse in apparent agony and SCP-428 will retreat from the cause of the injury, using the crowd to protect itself. This has since been used to herd SCP-428 back into containment. Should a connection between SCP-428 and a member of the crowd be severed, it will excrete the substance within it through all its natural orifices. A sample is currently being studied and the remains have been incinerated.\nNote: SCP-428 has a hive mind. It therefore does not have the hindrance of movement that would be expected of a sizable crowd. It is able to move a large distance in a relatively short amount of time. It is only limited by the slowest member of the crowd at running speed. SCP-428 appears to maintain some of the memories, skills and talents of the people it absorbs and is willing to use these skills to gain further members.\nAddendum-428-A: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, before the current containment procedures, SCP-428 managed to pick the lock of its cell using a hairpin and belt buckle from members of the crowd. It then positioned a female of the group slumped in front of the door, sobbing loudly. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was unaware of SCP-428's properties, approached the woman and was abruptly grabbed by the rest of the group. SCP-428 proceeded to move through the facility using Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as a frontman, resulting in \u2588 casualties before the containment breach was alerted and SCP-428 was re-contained.\nResearcher's comments: People, these casualties are gone, they are SCP-428 now. No matter what it might say or do, they are not your work colleagues nor your friends anymore. Remember this, it may save your life.\n\n\u00ab SCP-427 | SCP-428 | SCP-429 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 429\n\nLevel3\n\nContainment Class:\nsafe\n\nSecondary Class:\n{$secondary-class}\n\nDisruption Class:\ndark\n\nRisk Class:\nnotice\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-429 is to be kept in a standard type 3 hazardous object isolation vault. SCP-429 is not to be handled unless an attempt to operate it is to be made. Care must be taken to avoid inadvertently touching any of SCP-429's controls.\nDescription: SCP-429 is a complex device constructed of brass and leather designed to fit over an individual's right hand. There are a total of 7 controls on SCP-429:\n\nA lever that fits into the palm of the left hand. This is the main activation control and is depressed when the subject has finished setting their destination.\nA round dial near the location control 1 meets the main device. The exact function is unknown.\nA six sided dial at the front of the main device. This appears to be involved in broad location selection.\nA round dial in the centre of the main device. This appears to be involved in fine location selection.\nA lever across the clock face. The exact function is unknown.\nA dial on the side of the clock face. This alters the clock face, although the function in selecting destination is unknown.\nA switch on the side of the main body (not visible in filed image). Exact purpose unknown.\n\nExamination of SCP-429's inner construction reveals a clockwork mechanism, connected to the exterior controls, which drives the clock face. On the exact physical duplicates of SCP-429 constructed by The Foundation, the controls are either not connected to the clockwork (controls 1, 5 and 7) or simply alter the displayed time at varying rates (controls 2, 3, 4 and 6).\nWhen a subject wears SCP-429, they gain an instinctive understanding of its operation, although they do not gain the ability to convey this information to others. If the subject visualises a location and follows their instinctual understanding to adjust the controls, the wearer will disappear from their current location and simultaneously appear at the visualised location. Upon arrival, the controls save for 1 and 6 return to their original positions. Control 1 remains depressed until released and control 6 adjusts the clock face to local time. After activation, SCP-429 is inert until control 1 is released.\nThe subject does not perceive travel via SCP-429 as instantaneous. Each subject has reported a prolonged period of paralysis and blindness equivalent to the time it would take to travel in a direct line between the activation location and destination travelling at approximately 6-10 km/h. The biological needs of the activating subject progress as normal during this time. Therefore, journeys of more than 510 km are not advised due to the risk of dehydration. Suffocation does not appear to be a hazard, however.\nThe controls are highly sensitive and will move under the slightest pressure. If the controls are altered without the instinctive understanding granted by wearing SCP-429, it will disappear from its current location and reappear somewhere within 1.76 km, taking the individual who altered the controls with it. The time elapsed in such cases appears to be significantly higher than normal, with the activating subject typically arriving in a state of advanced decay.\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-429 was activated remotely via a robotic arm equipped with a video camera and a range of sensor equipment. No data of any kind was recorded by any of the equipment save for the on-board timing mechanism, which recorded an 8 month, 5 day and 37 second time lapse.\nSCP-429 came to the attention of the Foundation after a series of seemingly impossible burglaries. The Foundation examined CCTV footage and noticed an individual, believed to be SCP-429's creator, disappearing from sight shortly before each burglary. The individual appeared to be using SCP-429 for short jumps to access inaccessible locations. The Foundation pursued the individual across 3 continents over a period of 9 years before the individual was finally found having died of old age due to extensive use of SCP-429 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-428 | SCP-429 | SCP-430 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-430\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-430 is to be kept in a humanoid containment cell on Site-17, placed on a wooden pallet or equivalent loose support at least 20cm above ground to prevent rusting. The cell containing SCP-430 is to be fitted with an adjustable table, a sand basin, a controllable two-position hook-conveyor system, and a master-slave control system as specified in Document 430-Gamma - construction details.\nOne cell adjacent to SCP-430 is to house a live D-Class subject, designated SCP-430-C, whose suitability was ensured by enacting Protocol Prometheus-11 prior to their internment. SCP-430-C is to be treated in accordance with Foundation Humanoid Containment Guidelines section NP-1. Suitable SCP-430-C candidates are nonviolent, introverted, and capable of carrying out simple tasks without supervision, with claustrophobia being a disqualifying factor.\nOther cells adjacent to SCP-430 containment are to be designated long-term low-value item storage (see Site-17 floor plan section IJ-23). The set of cells adjacent to SCP-430 is designated SCP-430-3.\nWhile SCP-430 contains a living subject, designated SCP-430-2, such SCP-430-2 is to be treated in accordance with Foundation Humanoid Containment Guidelines, section NP-5, except as following.\n\nRoutine medical examinations of SCP-430-2 are to take place weekly, rather than monthly.\nSCP-430-2 is to be fitted with a heart rate monitor.\nDue to restricted movement, SCP-430-2 is to be fed an individualized diet as per recommendations of a qualified member of Site-17 medical staff.\nSCP-430-2 is to be administered daily doses of aspirin to prevent vein thrombosis. SCP-430-2 is to be encouraged to perform light exercise within the limits of SCP-430's allowance.\nWhile no Foundation staff is present in the containment cell, SCP-430-2 is to have control of the table position, the lighting and the hook-conveyor system by means of the slave controller, unless deemed otherwise by staff of clearance 1/430 or higher. This controller is to be disabled from the main control panel prior to staff entering SCP-430 containment. SCP-430-2 is to be explained the functioning of the controls, and be ordered to transport their cell above the sand basin prior to urination or defecation.\nThe sand basin is to be cleaned daily.\n\nIn the case of SCP-430-2 expiring, as represented by the lack of signal from SCP-430-2 heart rate monitor coupled with visual confirmation, no personnel is to enter SCP-430-3 until visual feed confirms the presence of former SCP-430-C inside SCP-430; subsequently, the remains of previous SCP-430-2 are to be removed from SCP-430, and the new SCP-430-2 briefed.\nProtocol Prometheus-11: Prior to being classified SCP-430-C, chosen D-class personnel is to sign a printed copy of the following document.\nNote: Following Incident 430-1, personnel are to ensure SCP-430-C has signed the document with their own name. - Researcher Eisenberg\n\nI hereby of my own will declare that I reject the divine mandate of our monarch,\nholding them to no more esteem than the lowest of peasants,\nfor all men were born equal, and that I support and urge my countrymen to rise against feudal tyranny and\nfight for freedom, brotherhood and equality.\nUndersigned.\n\nDescription: SCP-430 is a cylindrical gibbet approximately 3m tall and 0.7m in diameter, weighing ca. 800kg, composed of an unknown material - SCP-430 resists attempts to obtain bulk material samples, and attempts at indentation testing resulted in hardness values inconsistent with other properties1. Samples of surface corrosion are obtainable, and are chemically identical to hydrated ferrous oxide. On the lower rim, the numerals \"1772\" and name \"Hans Drechsler\" are carved.\nWhile SCP-430 is occupied by a living individual (designated SCP-430-2), it persists in a passive state. SCP-430-2 can interact with their environment outside SCP-430, subject to the imposed physical constraints. Even if feasible for their size and dexterity, SCP-430-2 will deny having the ability to exit SCP-430. If forced to exit, SCP-430-2 shows signs of mental distress, and reappears within SCP-430 within three hours of removal. SCP-430-2 shows no other anomalous properties or traits.\nIndividuals within direct sight range of SCP-430 form false memories consisting of alleged reason for SCP-430-2's presence within SCP-430, in the form of a transgression SCP-430-2 has committed. The memories are consistent among test subjects.\nWhen SCP-430-2 expires, SCP-430 enters active state. During active state, SCP-430 attempts to locate a suitable individual in its vicinity, with a radius of effect expanding by ca. 10m/hour, with unknown upper limit.2 A suitable individual, defined as one who has transgressed against laws and regulations of the Royal City of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 City Council, valid during the period of 1766-1780, and who is within the effective range, will be instantaneously transported into SCP-430 through an unknown mechanism, becoming the next SCP-430-2.\nSCP-430 appears to show strong preference for individuals who have committed crimes against church or feudal authority, such as blasphemy, treason, l\u00e8se majest\u00e93 and poaching.\nRecovery Log: SCP-430 was recovered from [REDACTED], Western Germany, following a police raid on a compound owned by members of \"Die S\u00f6hne von Magdalena\" (Sons of Magdalene)(see Addendum 430-1), as a result of witness reports detailing Hans \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a member of the task force, appearing inside SCP-430 after attempting to aid its previous occupant, who was wounded in the firefight and subsequently expired. A modified report detailing his death during the operation was published, and members of the task force were administered Class-A amnestics.\nAddendum 430-1: Sons of Magdalene\nA fringe christian sect led by a Johann \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, members of Sons of Magdalene venerated SCP-430 as a living manifestation of God's judgement, and considered SCP-430-2 holy martyrs, usually providing them with drinking water, honey and insects, as a reflection of the fasting of Saint John the Baptist. In its original location, SCP-430 hung from the roof, behind the altar of the compound's church, with a sheet of worked sheepskin with the following inscription4 covering its lower half.\n\nFor Mary Magdalene was sinful, but she knew of her sin, and repented in the face of our Lord, and was thus blessed\nAnd the scribes and Pharisees who brought her forth and willed to stone her knew of her sin\nBut they were sinful and did not know of their own sin, and thus were damned\nAnd Lord Jesus said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her,\nAnd blessed were the men and women for they learned of their sin, for they have walked the path of salvation.\n\nAddendum 430-2:\n\nIncident 430-1:\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, SCP-430-C failed to appear within SCP-430 following expiry of then-current SCP-430-2 even after one hour since event.\n153 minutes after event, Researcher A. Novikov disappeared from his office5, becoming the next SCP-430-2, with observers citing charges of sedition and l\u00e8se majest\u00e9.\nWhen interrogated, SCP-430-C admitted to signing the document with Researcher A. Novikov's name, claiming to have overheard it from security personnel, and citing \"I never signed shit with my own name, and not gonna start now\" as a reason. Examination of the signed sheet confirmed this finding. SCP-430-C was terminated on disciplinary charges.\nResearcher A. Novikov was provided with a computer and continued his work until his death on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Vickers indentation test resulted in measured hardness values between 18-35HV5, while subsequent attempt at sampling showed the bulk material being capable of causing significant abrasive wear of the diamond-coated cutting disc.\n2. Testing aborted after radius of effect exceeded 300m\n3. Includes impolite speech to an individual whose patrilineal lineage traces back to nobility born after ca.1650)\n4. Translation follows; footage of the original inscription is available in the archive as Document 430-Sigma\n5. Approximately 250m shortest path from SCP-430-2 containment\n\n\u00ab SCP-429 | SCP-430 | SCP-431 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-431\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Backup copies of all Foundation documents are to be kept at Site-\u2588\u2588. Any documents and/or photographs SCP-431 is found in are to be stored in the Site-\u2588\u2588 local database and replaced with their backup copy. Any personnel who report recalling SCP-431 are to be immediately questioned. Office \u2588\u2588-25 is to be inspected daily for any new objects. Foundation archives are to be monitored for any changes or new documents regarding SCP-431.\nDescription: SCP-431 is the designation given to Dr. Gideon, a man who appears to have been a Foundation researcher. Due to the condition of records at present, it is not known if Gideon is his real name. The existence of SCP-431 was first discovered during what appeared to be an attempt to hack the Foundation database: a number of documents were altered to state that a scientist referred to as \"Dr. Gideon\" was involved in researching several SCP objects. However, it was determined that the documents in question were not being accessed at the time that they were modified.\nSince the initial event, references to a Dr. Gideon have appeared in \u2588\u2588 additional documents. Every time a document has been altered, it has been shown that it was not in use at the time of modification. Several new documents also appeared, a number of which are SCP documentation of items that the Foundation does not currently possess, including a [DATA EXPUNGED], and one item, a [DATA EXPUNGED], which is known to currently be in the possession of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.\nA number of objects have also been discovered in Office \u2588\u2588-25, which is currently vacant. It is not known when items began to appear inside it, as the office was only investigated when a \"Dr. Gideon\" name placard appeared on the door. \u2588\u2588 documents have been recovered from the office, including a photograph, Document 431-\u2588\u2588 which is believed to depict Dr. Gideon alongside three (3) known Foundation personnel. Security camera tapes dated \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 show a man who is believed to be Dr. Gideon conversing with a number of researchers. None of the researchers report ever working with anyone named Gideon and none show signs consistent with the administration of amnestics.\nNo information concerning Dr. Gideon's hiring by the Foundation exists, nor does any documentation indicating that Dr. Gideon was either fired, terminated, or quit. One document recovered from Office \u2588\u2588-25 appears to have his fingerprints on it, as the fingerprints have no match within the Foundation's or any government's fingerprint database. No government documentation regarding anyone named Gideon matching the description of the individual in Document-431-\u2588\u2588 exists, including birth, death, census, or tax information.\nBy date, the last documents available presently state that Dr. Gideon was scheduled to oversee the neutralization of an SCP object; however, the document refers to the object being neutralized as SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, a designation not currently in use. No documentation has appeared describing SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-430 | SCP-431 | SCP-432 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photograph taken from within SCP-432\n\nItem #: SCP-432\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-432 is kept in a standard storage area at Sector-25, is to be kept locked at all times and the key to the lock kept in the adjacent security station under guard by three (3) Level 3 Personnel. No other special containment required.\nDescription: SCP-432 is a 2-door steel storage cabinet, measuring 2 meters tall by 1.2 meters wide by 1 meter deep. The exterior of the cabinet is painted matte green and bears no remarkable features except small areas of corrosion and light scratching commensurate with being left exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time. The doors of the cabinet are fitted with a basic slide-bolt and a hasp for a padlock, allowing the door to be secured from outside.\nThe interior dimensions of SCP-432 display significant disparity with the exterior; the doors open into an apparently extradimensional space containing a large labyrinth complex comprised of an as-yet uncharted series of corridors. The walls, floor and ceiling of the corridors are constructed from heavily-rusted steel and adhere to the same height and width scales as the exterior of SCP-432 (2 m high by 1.2 m wide).\nThe corridors within SCP-432 are lit at irregular intervals by what appear to be regular household lightbulbs, secured to the walls in wire mesh fittings. Many of the bulbs are observed to flicker and numerous others are burned out or broken. In places several large-gauge steel pipes have been found bolted to the walls of the tunnels; these pipes are notably cold to the touch and contain flowing water, although the source and destination of the pipes and water are unknown. Many of the pipes observed are in obvious need of repair and leak cold (average of 3\u00b0C) water. Analysis of this water has revealed a low oxygen content and trace amounts of iron oxide but the water is otherwise potable.\nThe exact size of the labyrinth complex to which SCP-432 connects cannot be accurately measured as each time the doors of the cabinet are closed and then reopened the 'entrance' created by the cabinet apparently moves to a different section of the maze.\nThe fate of personnel within the maze when the door is closed is unknown, although remains discovered within the maze suggest starvation is a likely outcome. Other remains, coupled with additional evidence gathered during exploration, suggests that the labyrinth contains a large predatory inhabitant of indeterminate species, hereafter known as SCP-432-1.\nGPS units used within SCP-432 are rendered useless, as are cellular phones. Remote-controlled devices sent into SCP-432 are similarly impaired and cease to function after travelling an average of 20 meters into the maze, rendering remote mapping of the internal layout impossible. High-gain radio transmissions can be used to keep in contact with personnel within the labyrinth, although significant interference occurs deeper into the maze. If the doors of the cabinet are closed then all forms of contact with personnel within SCP-432 are severed.\nAdditional notes: SCP-432 was discovered in an abandoned industrial complex in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, UK. It came to the attention of the Foundation after Dr. T. Small heard reports of several homeless persons in the area disappearing after staying in the complex. Upon investigation Dr. Small discovered the cabinet at the centre of an abandoned steel mill, surrounded by a number of sleeping bags, bags of clothing and other personal effects suggesting a number of homeless persons had recently made camp there. SCP-432 was unlocked, but the door closed upon discovery. After exploring the immediate area beyond the entrance, Dr Small exited SCP-432 and summoned Foundation personnel to transport the cabinet to Sector-25 for analysis.\nCurrently \u2588 expeditions have been sent into SCP-432 to attempt to chart its internal geography. To date \u2588\u2588 D-class personnel have been lost within the maze. No further expeditions may be made without express permission of at least two (2) Level 4 Personnel.\nPaint samples, metal fatigue and construction techniques date SCP-432 to having been constructed in the early 1950s. However, artifacts recovered from within SCP-432 have been accurately dated to much earlier periods.\nExpeditions :\nBelow are the expeditions within SCP-432 to date.\nThe standard agreed mission equipment pack, agreed by Dr T. Small and Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, is:\nOne (1) hand-torch (flashlight) with a three (3) hour lifespan and additional power sources providing up to six (6) additional hours\nOne (1) headset microphone linked to control\nOne (1) shoulder-mounted video unit set for wireless transmission\nTwo (2) 0.5 L bottles of water\nTwo (2) high-calorie energy bars\nEight (8) sticks of luminous marker chalk\nSCP-432 Expedition 1\nSCP-432 Expedition 2\nSCP-432 Expedition 3 [FILE LOCKED]\nSCP-432 Expedition 4\nSCP-432 Expedition 5\nMaterials Recovered\n\n\u00ab SCP-431 | SCP-432 | SCP-433 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-433\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedure: Only one copy of instructions for performing SCP-433 is permitted to exist at any given time. As well, the complete procedures may never be placed in an electronic document, in order to reduce the risk of containment breach. Dr. Severe and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 have each read half of document SCP-433-001. They may not transcribe or share the contained information with anyone, including each other, without O5 approval.\nIn the event that information regarding the procedures necessary for SCP-433 is leaked, a disinformation campaign is to be undertaken immediately. As well, all facilities capable of producing Plutonium-238 are to be closely monitored for thefts or increased production.\nAll testing must be performed in a sealed chamber with solid steel or concrete walls existing at minimum 13 m from the center of the ritual. Any personnel in the test chamber after the ritual is complete are to remain in quarantine for two (2) weeks following its completion. Any organisms transferred are to be quarantined and studied.\nSee Addendum 433-001.\nDescription: SCP-433 is a ritual described in document SCP-433-001. The ritual, when performed, results in the wholesale replacement of all matter within 11 m of the center of the ritual. All people, objects, terrain, and even gas is apparently removed and replaced with matter of unknown origin. See Test Log 433-031 for details on matter replacements.\nDocument SCP-433-001 is contained within a large tome found in [REDACTED], Russia. The tome appears to be a grimoire of rituals, all written in Latin. The grimoire was discovered next to a spherical crater 22 m in diameter, left opened to document SCP-433-001. Due to the strange nature of the circumstances surrounding its discovery, the Foundation confiscated the grimoire and filled the crater.\nAll rituals described in the grimoire were tested; however, only SCP-433 yielded any result. It is worth noting that the majority of the rituals described in the grimoire contained one or more unknown symbols that could not be translated; SCP-433 was one of only three that did not. The grimoire itself is printed on normal paper and bound in leather, and displays no anomalous properties.\nSome of the materials required for SCP-433 include:\n\nThree human skulls\nTin\nPotassium Nitrate\nIce\nA coil of copper wire\nPlutonium-2381\n\nBelow is the translated text at the top of document SCP-433-001, describing SCP-433.\nShould the need arise to flee, and you find yourself sapped of [unknown symbols], do not despair. The Dance of [unknown symbols] will guide you to safety. Be warned: even the [unknown symbols] may perform the Dance of [unknown symbols]. Do not let them into our home.\nAddendum 433-001: Due of the results of Test 433-008, and by consent of O5-\u2588, O5-\u2588\u2588, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, all testing on SCP-433 has been suspended indefinitely.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The need for Plutonium-238 is something of a blessing in disguise; even if knowledge of SCP-433 were to be leaked, the difficulty of acquisition means very few would be capable of performing it.\n\n\u00ab SCP-432 | SCP-433 | SCP-434 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 434\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\n{$secondary-class}\n\nDisruption Class:\ndark\n\nRisk Class:\nnotice\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-434 is to be stored in a secured vault when not in use. SCP-434 is not to be utilised by individuals with a history of violent psychological issues or by humanoid SCPs. All individuals utilising or assembling SCP-434 are to have all weapons removed from their persons. A full security team is to be on standby during all uses of SCP-434 and all observations by psychological personnel are to be conducted from an isolated location.\nDescription: SCP-434 is an antique conference table. SCP-434 will not function unless at least eight chairs are placed around it. When a subject sits at SCP-434, physical duplicates of the subject will appear in 7 of the other chairs. These individuals, referred to as SCP-434-1 to SCP-434-7, possess all of the subject's memories and knowledge, but seemingly only a fragment of their personality. SCP-434-(1-7) are aware of their temporary nature and rarely react negatively to it. When questioned on the issue, they will state that they are elements of the subject and will live in him for all his life. The individuals remain for a full day after the subject leaves the table, after which they vanish, leaving no detectable traces. However, the individuals are more than capable of assaulting each other, other personnel and in rare cases, typically where the subject is mentally unstable, the subject themselves. While injuries have no lasting effect, the death of an individual results in a marked change in the personality of the subject, corresponding to the lack of the aspect embodied by that individual. SCP-434-(1-7) are as follows:\n\nSCP-434-1 will not tolerate criticism and will not accept the subject has ever been at fault. SCP-434-1 will always ignore evidence to the contrary. Conversation will focus on the positive aspects of the subject. The loss of SCP-434-1 results in a crippling loss of self-confidence and self-esteem.\nSCP-434-2 will act and advise the subject for their own benefit, regardless of the requirements or well-being of others. The loss of SCP-434-2 will cause the subject to consistently fail to consider their own needs in decision making, to a point that is often eventually fatal.\nSCP-434-3 rarely speaks and does so only to counsel the avoidance of activities or effort on the subject's behalf. The loss of SCP-434-3 results in the subject apparently losing the ability to sleep without chemical assistance and a deep-seated reluctance to take rest of any kind.\nSCP-434-4 will often fixate on a specific object or quality possessed by an individual known to the subject and advise its acquisition. SCP-434-4 will also react negatively to all individuals who are not the subject. The loss of SCP-434-4 results in the subject losing the capacity to identify objects as theirs and, over an extended period, gradually erodes their sense of self.\nSCP-434-5 will advise the subject to explore their whims and desires regardless of practicality or the presence of other requirements. The loss of SCP-434-5 results in the subject no longer being able to experience enjoyment in any form of activity, with the expected associated physiological damage.\nSCP-434-6 will advise aggression, active or passive, to counter all difficulties suffered by the subject. SCP-434-6 is the most likely to be violent. The loss of SCP-434-6 results in the subject becoming almost entirely passive and avoiding conflict of any kind. Subjects lacking SCP-434-6 will not engage in violence of any kind regardless of the situation.\nSCP-434-7 will advise the subject to what the subject believes to be their best long-term gain, regardless of the needs of others. The loss of SCP-434-7 will result in a crippling degradation of the subject's long-term planning and decision making capabilities.\n\nSCP-434 was first brought to the attention of the Foundation by a member of The Order of St \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an organisation that has had extensive historical contact with SCPs. SCP-434 was reported to be stored in a vault in the Vatican; however, when a Foundation recovery team was dispatched, the vault was found empty. Forensic analysis of the vault indicated recent weapons fire and blood traces.\nIn 19\u2588\u2588 The Foundation was made aware of a break in at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 House, an MCD holding. Examination of police reports allowed The Foundation to locate SCP-434 before it was recovered by MCD.\nCarbon dating of the wood from which SCP-434 is constructed indicates that it is approximately 3000 years old. The theory currently held by Foundation researchers is that SCP-434 was built from material salvaged from a much older SCP.\nSCP-434 has proven a useful tool in both personnel evaluation and non-standard interrogation. Its use to alter the behaviours of troublesome subjects is pending approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-433 | SCP-434 | SCP-435 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-435\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-435-1 is to be kept in a secure warehousing facility that constantly provides SCP-435-1 a minimum of 1000 lux illumination. Illumination must be provided by redundant lamps operating from at least three parallel and independent power supplies providing generator and battery backups. Tests for integrity of the lighting system shall be conducted on a daily basis. In addition, two mobile units capable of transporting SCP-435-1 shall remain on standby in the event of Contingency 435-XK-Alpha. No other special protective procedures are required to examine or test SCP-435-1, but research may only be conducted on SCP-435-1 with written O5 approval.\nAt ground level, a secure perimeter is to be kept for 50 km around SCP-435-2. A no-fly zone of 125 km is to be maintained in the airspace surrounding SCP-435-2. At least two Foundation aircraft and one mobile ground station are to monitor the size and position of SCP-435-2 at all times. Should monitoring detect any growth of SCP-435-2, or any motion of SCP-435-2 relative to SCP-435-1 for a period in excess of 90 seconds, observation teams are to initiate Contingency 435-XK-Alpha. No personnel are to approach within 100 meters of SCP-435-2, and Foundation security teams are authorized to take any action to prevent such contact. No research or testing is authorized on SCP-435-2 without explicit O5 direction.\nDescription: SCP-435-1 is a type III iron meteorite weighing approximately \u2588\u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 kg, showing significant weathering. Spectroscopic and chemical analysis shows a composition over 99% iron, which at normal densities can only account for \u2588\u2588% of the measured weight. Age is indeterminate, but analysis of weathering suggests it has been exposed to atmosphere for at least \u2588\u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 years.\nSCP-435-2 is an irregularly shaped object that currently has approximate dimensions of 15 m x 12 m x 48 m. SCP-435-2 appears somewhat blurred in the visible spectrum, but computer-enhanced imagery in various spectra has shown a complex structure showing a three-fold symmetry along the longitudinal axis. Extending from the axis are long tube-like structures that share characteristics both with biological organisms (in particular, cephalopods of the order Teuthida) and with mathematical models of higher-order fractals. These structures show undulating movements even when SCP-435-2 is stationary. SCP-435-2 does not appear to have mass or inertia, and appears only to be visible due to refraction of light passing through it, and because of [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in Cherenkov radiation of varying intensity. Any physical object with mass that comes in contact with SCP-435-2 will suffer an instantaneous change in velocity and direction away from SCP-435-2 without any loss in energy. This is apparently caused by being reflected through a higher-order spatial dimension. If the affected mass is in a solid phase, this reflection will cause a change in topology that can result in either an inversion (turning inside out), a reflection (mirroring of all or part of physical structure), or a [DATA EXPUNGED] and high levels of gamma radiation.\nBecause of these characteristics, it is currently impossible to directly affect SCP-435-2 with any means currently at the Foundation's disposal. However, it can be moved indirectly by moving SCP-435-1. SCP-435-2 maintains a fixed position relative to SCP-435-1 as long as SCP-435-1 is sufficiently illuminated. (SCP-435-2's current position is \u2588\u2588\u2588 km northwest of SCP 435-1 on a vector \u2588\u2588\u00b0 above the horizon; about \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 m above sea-level.) Movements of SCP-435-1 have caused SCP-435-2 to move a proportional amount, maintaining a fixed distance and bearing.\nIf SCP-435-1 ceases to be sufficiently illuminated for a period of time exceeding 8.3 \u00b5s, the behavior of SCP-435-2 will change. SCP-435-2 will enter an active state and begin random erratic movements orbiting the location of SCP-435-1. Average distance from SCP-435-1 will increase, and the apparent volume of SCP-435-2 will also increase. The rate of increase in both distance and size appears to undergo a geometric progression over time, and neither has been observed to decrease. This behavior will cease once SCP-435-1 is again sufficiently illuminated, at which point SCP-435-2 will cease motion at whatever location it is at that moment, and remain there fixed in relation to SCP-435-1. The threshold for this effect currently appears to be between 500 and 650 lux, and it appears that this threshold may increase by approximately \u2588\u2588% whenever SCP-435-2 enters an active state.\nBecause of SCP-435-2's interaction with normal matter, an active state is considered extremely dangerous. Passing through large volumes of air at speeds in excess of 500 m/s dramatically increases levels of radiation, and if SCP-435-2 intersects water or any land mass [DATA EXPUNGED]. Any active state lasting longer than 90 seconds constitutes a potential XK-class end-of-the-world scenario and requires the initiation of Contingency 435-XK-Alpha.\nAddendum 1: Recovery Notes SCP-435\n\n+ Recovery Notes SCP-435\n\n- Recovery Notes SCP-435\n\n[REDACTED] SCP-435-2 in active state [REDACTED] March 195\u2588\n\nSCP-435-1 was recovered in 195\u2588 at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. While surveying sites for testing a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the US Army Corps of Engineers were directed to evacuate the native population from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a small island 85 km from the proposed test site. They met heavy resistance from the local population. After evacuating the island by force, they discovered SCP-435-1 in a clearing surrounded by several dozen burning torches. At this time SCP-435-2 was not in an observable location, and the US authorities had no indication of any anomalies. A survey crew was left behind, and according to subsequent interviews, when half the torches burned out [DATA EXPUNGED] as a result of SCP-435-2 moving through [DATA EXPUNGED] before illumination restored to SCP-435-1. Foundation then took custody of SCP-435 and the US government provided a cover story code name \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, explaining that [REDACTED] was the result of a [REDACTED] having a higher yield than expected.\n\nAddendum 2: Interview with one of the Village Elders evacuated from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by US Army Corps of Engineers in February 195\u2588.\n\n+ Interview I-435-235 \n\n- Interview I-435-235\n\nInterviewed: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Male 75 years of age, former resident of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, recovery site for SCP-435-1\nInterviewer: Dr. Richards\nForeword: Interview is part of background research on the history of SCP-435 prior to Foundation custody.\n\nDr. Richards: What do you know about SCP-435-1?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The sky rock?\nDr. Richards: Yes, the \u201csky rock.\u201d\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: There is a story to it.\nDr. Richards: Tell it to us.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Long ago, when the world was only water and sky, there were two brothers, \u201cHe-Who-Made-Light\u201d and \u201cHe-Who-Made-Dark.\u201d Like all brothers they fought. One time the light brother insulted the work of the dark brother. The dark one, he does not like this, and begins to destroy all the light in the world. \u201cHe-Who-Made-Light\u201d cannot let this be so he shoves his brother into a hole that goes outside light and dark, and plugs the hole with a rock. Because \u201cHe-Who-Made-Dark\u201d can only see in the dark, \u201cHe-Who-Made-Light\u201d puts the rock in a sling and throws it around the sun so it will always stay lit and the dark one will never see how to find his way out.\nDr. Richards: That rock is SCP-435-1?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That is your name for the sky rock.\nDr. Richards: Yes it is. How did it end up [REDACTED]\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Long after the brothers fought, the dark one's rock fell from the sky. It fell so hard that it broke the Earth and raised the land and killed the first people who lived only in the sea. On the Earth, the sun lit it only half the time, so when darkness came, \u201cHe-Who-Made-Dark\u201d could see to find his way. Even so, he had been lost outside the world for many many years, so each night he only came a little closer. And each night the rocks shook and bled fire at his approach. The Earth did not like this, so she made the second people to watch over the sky rock, and keep it lit so that the dark one cannot find his way home. [pauses] I think you may be the third people.\nDr. Richards: So do you have any measure of how long you were keeping it lit?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Since before [DATA EXPUNGED] Note: geological formations in the area suggest that if this is true then habitation of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 predates known human populations in the area by nearly ten-thousand years.\nDr. Richards: [Shows \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 a photo of SCP-435-2] Do you know what this is?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Y-yes.\nDr. Richards: Is it \u201cHe-Who-Made-Dark\u201d?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No. [pauses] It is his shadow.\n\nClosing Statement: The non-material nature of SCP-435-2 lends credence to the hypothesis that it is a projected effect from an unknown extra-dimensional entity somehow bound to SCP-435-1. While dumping the rock into SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and making it another universe's problem is tempting, it seems possible that the actual effect would be to only transport SCP-435-1 without transporting the entity it appears to contain, releasing \u201cHe-Who-Made-Dark\u201d into the material universe. Therefore Contingency 435-XK-Alpha is only a last resort. \u2014 O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-434 | SCP-435 | SCP-436 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-436\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-436 must be closed at all times except for testing purposes. It is stored in a large, unlocked room to avoid misplacing the item. Personnel below Level 3 are not allowed to enter the room. Once per week, SCP-436 will be moved to a nearby identical chamber to allow the floor to be reconstructed.\nDescription: SCP-436 is a small locket, apparently made from gold. When opened, an inlaid photograph can be seen. It is unknown if the photograph is the source of SCP-436's effect, because this cannot be tested.\nAll measurements within a certain distance of SCP-436 will be affected by significant error. There is no observed pattern to the amount of error; it seems to constantly change, though this cannot be verified because it requires a time measurement. This issue is common to many aspects of SCP-436: the range cannot be reliably determined, the intensity of the error effect cannot be verified, and its location is often vague. It is known, however, that the error effect extends towards its own nature. To clarify, a measurement is required to learn anything about the error effect, and this measurement will have an error.\nThe actual dimensions of an object will be permanently affected, even after removal from SCP-436's range. Lids on containers cease to fit properly; level objects tilt, and measurement devices in particular will warp. Individuals affected by SCP-436 will have their height and weight altered, and in some cases, their personality. Ability to learn, perform calculations, and make judgments will be impaired. Medical conditions, such as [DATA EXPUNGED] and in particular, cancer, have occurred.\nLong-term exposure to SCP-436 allows the alterations to accrue, eventually resulting in an often-indescribable item. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 possesses three samples, currently under study.\nWhen SCP-436 is closed, the error effect apparently decreases in intensity\u2014although, as previously mentioned, this cannot be confirmed.\nAttempting to average many measurements affected by SCP-436 will not result in a more accurate measurement. Note that these are not isolated instances of the effect\u2014the measurements simply average to a significant deviation. With multiple averages from multiple sets of trials, the result still does not gain any accuracy; it is unknown how SCP-436 produces this multi-layer effect without [REDACTED].\nAddendum: When handling SCP-436, leave it in a flat, open place. We usually have trouble finding it again when personnel leave it in a container, and when we do, it's not easy to open. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-435 | SCP-436 | SCP-437 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\nImages: Link, Link, and Link.\nIdea inspired by Roget's SCP-1833.\nMusic: The Summer of '91 (\u2026And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead)\nNext: [SCP-3079]: Science Bugs\n\nMore by The Great Hippo:\n\nSCPs\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\nSCPs\n\n[SCP-3034]\nThe Counting Station\n\nDO NOT LET HER FINISH\n\n[SCP-3035]\nScience Bugs\n\ncase_of_the_mondays.png, case_of_the_mondays (1).png\n\n[SCP-3054]\nCragstaff Sanitarium\n\nYou are sick. You are broken. We will fix you.\n\n[SCP-3045]\nbzzip.exe\n\nHAMLET: I am no longer moody.\n\n[SCP-3043]\nMurphy Law in\u2026 Type 3043 \u2014 FOR MURDER!\n\nForget it, Fred. It's Chinatown.\n\n[SCP-3057]\nFossil Fuels\n\n\u2026witnesses provided confirmation that instances of SCP-3057-4 did, in fact, have feathers.\n\n[SCP-2639]\nVideo Game Violence\n\ni need to know how many people i've killed\n\n[SCP-437]\nSummer of '91\n\nThat was a pretty crazy summer, y'know? Sometimes I really miss that place.\n\n[SCP-3079]\n300 Tricks: Stage Magic Made Easy\n\nNOTE: No method for accomplishing this trick is provided.\n\n[SCP-2753]\nLet's Play Jenga!\n\nHigh art carries high risk!\n\n[SCP-2679]\nThe Many Graves of Jeannette Parslov\n\nWhatever it takes, do what you must; whatever the cost, come back to us.\n\n[SCP-3074]\nKafka's Parking Garage\n\nThank you for choosing Izatova Parking Center. Have a pleasant day.\n\n[SCP-2571]\nCragglewood Park\n\nMr. Blair, have you always been an only child?\n\n[SCP-2419]\nThe Laughing Men\n\nThrow them back into the incinerator where you found them.\n\n[SCP-3143]\nMurphy Law in\u2026 The Foundation Always Rings Twice!\n\nWhen it comes right down to it, me \u2014 them \u2014 hell, even you \u2014 we're all just characters in that trashy dime-store novel called life.\n\n[SCP-3089]\nThat Old Time Religion\n\nRemember how we explained that successful people don't actually need any of their toes to walk? Well, that's going to come in handy for Secret Number Six.\n\n[SCP-3117]\nA Monster-Shaped Hole\n\nI'm not talking to you.\n\n[SCP-3128]\nLet's Play Monopoly!\n\nHey, guys? I'm, uh. I'm using this.\n\n[SCP-3138]\nA Sepulcher by the Sea\n\nShould it prove feasible, all non-canonical corpses are to be extracted, examined, and catalogued.\n\n[SCP-3241]\nThe SS Sommerfeld\n\nIt makes me wonder what an old monster like myself is even doing here, anymore. And then? Someone special comes along and reminds me.\n\n[SCP-3219]\nThis Sour Earth\n\nNotably, no reports describe any attempt to examine the residence's storm cellar.\n\n[SCP-4028]\nLa Historia de Don Quixote de la Mancha\n\nJustine eventually re-unites with her sister, Juliette. Alonso strikes down a lightning bolt intended for them both, then challenges the narrator to a duel.\n\n[SCP-3546]\nDoggone it, I Fold!\n\nSpecifically, fan-art of Sonic the Hedgehog, a video-game character produced by Sega in 1991.\n\n[SCP-3561]\nAn Unfinished Work\n\nDespite multiple reports from neighbors who claimed to have witnessed members of his family standing at the windows, no trace of Theodore Holdstock's wife and children could be found.\n\n[SCP-4054]\nThe Seventh Door\n\nSCP-4054 is The Seventh Door, an unlicensed platform adventure game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988.\n\n\nAn instance of SCP-437-A. (Quercus alba, aka white oak).\n\nItem #: SCP-437\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A fenced perimeter has been established around SCP-437. Foundation horticulturists are to be kept on-site to monitor and care for SCP-437-A instances. Testing is prohibited pending review by the Ethics Committee.\nMTF Iota-10 (\"Damn Feds\") is to investigate all PoIs associated with SCP-437 and place them in Foundation custody along with their children.\nDescription: SCP-437 is a large grove of trees located in Camp Lakewood, Illinois (USA). It contains 64 instances of SCP-437-A.\n\nCarya ovata,\naka shagbark hickory.\n\nSCP-437-A are numerous trees common to North America. Each instance has several cankers, atypical interior structures (see below), and \u2014 rather than sap \u2014 contains significant quantities of human blood.\nSCP-437 was discovered by the Foundation in 2011, twenty years after the summer camp's closure. Employment records for Camp Lakewood have not been found. All persons who attended Camp Lakewood during the summer of 1991 are Persons of Interest, and are still currently at large.\nAddendum 437.1: Interview\nPoI-437-15 was brought in after genetic analysis of blood samples from an instance of SCP-437-A led to a match in Foundation hospital records.\n\nAUDIO LOG\n\nDATE: 2014/09/15\nINTERVIEWER: Agent Bennet\nSUBJECT: PoI-437-15 (Samantha Blanchette)\n\n[BEGIN LOG.]\nINTERVIEWER: Did you attend Camp Lakewood in 1991?\nP-15: Is that what this is about? Uh, yeah \u2014 that was\u2026 wow. Two decades ago? Wow. I was fifteen, I think. That really takes me back.\nINTERVIEWER: What do you remember from your time there?\nP-15: Best summer ever. (laughing) It was an amazing place. I was so sad to go, especially when we found out it was closing. I made so many friends there \u2014 so many great memories. I think\u2026 yeah, it's even where I had my first kiss.\nINTERVIEWER: Did you ever see any strange trees to the south of the camp?\nP-15: Huh?\nINTERVIEWER: 2 kilometers to the south, there's a grove of trees. Are you familiar with it?\nP-15: I mean, sure. We all were.\nINTERVIEWER: In what sense?\nP-15: (laughing) I mean, it was goofy kid stuff, y'know? Stories the counselors would tell around the campfire. Spooky trees down the southern trail. Something trapped inside of them. Go there at night, press your ear against the bark, and you can hear it singing.\nINTERVIEWER: Singing?\nP-15: Yeah. Like I said, goofy kid stuff.\nINTERVIEWER: Did you ever go there yourself?\n[Silence.]\nINTERVIEWER: Mrs. Blanchette?\nP-15: Huh? Oh, sorry. No, I never went there. Too scared, I guess. Heh. That was a pretty crazy summer, y'know? Sometimes I really miss that place.\n[END LOG.]\n\nNOTE: Shortly after the interview, PoI-437-15 escaped custody via unknown (presumably anomalous) means. Subsequent investigations found all PoIs associated with SCP-437 have been recently reported as missing.\n\nAddendum 437.2: Email update\n\n\u25ba ACCESS SCP:/437/emails/medical_findings.log\n\n\u25bc Close File\n\nQuercus macrocarpa, aka bur oak. Identified as Samantha Blanchette.\n\nDATE: 2016/07/20\nFROM: Dr. Weiss \nTO: Site Director August \nSUBJECT: Recent Findings\n\nRadiographic and ultra-sound imaging determined the presence of humanoid skeletal structures and soft tissue in each instance of SCP-437-A. Organs are 'woven' into the trees themselves, and appear to be semi-functional. Although severely deformed, most of the bones are consistent with adolescent humans between the ages of 13 and 16.\nIn several cases, deformation of the jaw has been minimal \u2014 this allowed us to identify certain instances via dental records taken before 1991.\nI don't think your PoIs are the campers, Jeremiah. I suggest we sub-designate them as part of SCP-437. As for the SCP-437-A instances themselves \u2014 I want to look into the possibility of euthanizing them.\nThey've been in there for twenty years. When you press your ear against the bark, you can hear them.\nIt's low and muffled, but you can hear them just fine.\n\n\u00ab SCP-436 | SCP-437 | SCP-438 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-438\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-438 is currently deployed in the field in the custody of Reconnaissance Team Kappa-6. Experimental proposals will not be considered at this time; however, SCP-438b may be available. See addendum.\nDescription: SCP-438 is a white canvas straitjacket of the Posey brand, dating to about 1930, fitted with straps of an unknown material. The jacket is designed for versatility and will fit and securely restrain some 95% of adult humans when properly adjusted.\nThe threshold for the effects of SCP-438 is unknown, as are the precise extent of the effects; research is based entirely upon self-reported personal experience and is therefore unreliable save in the most quantifiable circumstances.\nWhen SCP-438 is worn in a manner consistent with historical uses of straitjackets, the wearer falls into a comatose state combined with a continuous out-of-body experience (OBE); the subject's mind effectively becomes a disembodied consciousness. This form has no physical properties, cannot interact directly with the physical world, and cannot be measured or detected by any means available to us, including other SCP objects. However, even cursory tests prove that the state is quite real \u2013 the consciousness is actually separated from the body, able to traverse vast distances instantly and effortlessly, and retains a full range of sensory perception. Memory is comparable to what the subject would have in an unaltered state.\nDuring the coma, communication with the subject runs only one way and is possible only insofar as his or her consciousness is actually present. The duration of the OBE is out of the subject's control, and the straitjacket must be removed for the patient to resume normal function. Leaving the jacket on for prolonged periods results in a reluctance or inability of the subject to return to his or her body. If the consciousness does not return, the subject will experience brain death. The duration at which 50% of subjects do not return to their bodies is roughly 81 minutes. It is unknown, and conveniently untestable, whether or not the consciousness persists after this point.\nSCP-438 has obvious applications in the field of espionage and scientific exploration, but carries considerable risk, both to the subject and to sensitive data on the part of the agency employing the item. It is fortunate that the subject must trust his or her comrades in order to use the item safely; if there is reason to suspect the subject's loyalty, the item may simply be left on until the subject has expired.\nADDENDUM [O5 - HIGH PRIORITY]:\nAn item of identical form and function has been discovered in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Classified SCP-438b, this provides irrefutable proof that SCP-438 is not a unique item. Considering the potential security risk involved, acquisition of any and all others should be pursued as a top priority. Orders from O5-2.\n\n\u00ab SCP-437 | SCP-438 | SCP-439 \u00bb"} {"text": "Advanced stages of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP)\n\nItem #: SCP-439\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimen is to be kept at Armed Research Site-45, Hazardous Lifeforms Wing, in a sealed, locked 38 L (10 gal) Type-G containment unit with connected oxygen supply. Specimen is to be fed through Feeding Tube 16a with Approved Nutritive Substance X-F. Handling is available to Level 2 personnel and higher.\nDescription: SCP-439 is an insect of unknown origin, somewhat resembling a greyish, semitranslucent Forficula auricularia (common earwig), approximately 2.5 cm in length. Originally located/obtained in mainland China in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 province. No other specimen has been found, as of yet.\nSCP-439 is relatively harmless when encountered on safe terms, aside from the ability to deliver a firm, painful pinch with its abdominal forceps. The true hazard this creature poses lies in its habitat construction and reproduction, which is initiated when the specimen enters the mouth of a sleeping human. This will only occur with humans; other lifeforms have been presented to SCP-439 and have been uniformly rejected. Upon location of a suitable host, the specimen will hide itself in the immediate vicinity and wait until the victim has fallen asleep. How it is able to determine the state of sleep is unknown, but it has shown to be accurate in [DATA EXPUNGED] times out of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Upon entering the mouth of the new host, SCP-439 will travel down the trachea and take up residence in one of the victim's lungs.\nIn approximately 4-8 hours, after awakening, the host will complain of chest pains and shortness of breath, followed shortly by abdominal cramping. The tightness in the chest will increase as well as a fever until the host is incapacitated. It is around this time that the onset of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) occurs, a disorder that is normally genetic in nature that promotes growth of bone into muscle tissue. Since the production of new bone growth is so rapid, the procedure is also quite painful for the subject, with new bone spurs occasionally protruding through the flesh. While this is happening, the host will become compelled to seek shelter in a darkened, enclosed space, such as inside household cabinetry, closets, or heating ductwork.\nWithin the first three days without treatment, the host will become completely withdrawn and immobile due to the extreme pain of new bone growth coupled with difficulty breathing. At this point, the subject's body will begin the final stage of transformation into a \"bone hive\": having concealed itself in its new home, the body of the host will huddle in a foetal position. Entire portions of the skeletal structure will shift along [DATA EXPUNGED] until the host body is roughly spherical in nature and reduced to 3/4 its original size. New bone protrusions will continue to grow and, if possible, anchor the body permanently to its new location. The skeletal structure is almost completely unrecognizable, having been converted to a round \"cage\" to protect the internal organs and colony.\nAt this point, transformation is complete. The original Queen that entered the host will have produced 20-30,000 offspring that function as workers, drones and warriors in a typical insect hive hierarchy. Since only the Queen is capable of reproduction, the rest of the hive's inhabitants are, fortunately, harmless save for large, strong abdominal forceps of the warriors. The interior of the original host is nearly unrecognizable as a human body: certain organs are removed and used as food, while others are modified by the worker insects to serve as egg incubation chambers. An ingenious method exists of using the host's own digestive system to process pieces of organic materials collected by the warriors into a nutritive slurry that feeds both the colony and sustains the host hive structure.\nAfter 4-6 months, a new Queen will emerge from within the ranks and choose a drone to mate with. At this point, the colony will destroy itself by rupturing [DATA EXPUNGED], upon which the majority of the insects die. Workers and drones are unfit to survive outside the host hive, and warriors will abandon the site, wandering away, their tasks complete. No food will be consumed by warriors that isn't nutritive slurry produced by the hive of origin. The new Queen will venture out, fertilized, to search for her own new hive. Incredibly, the trauma of evacuation is not what finally causes biological activity to cease in the hive, but starvation.\nAddendum: In a particularly disturbing development, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 performed a range of experiments to determine the extent of damage to the host body after it has finished the transformation into a hive. While it had been previously discovered in autopsy that portions of the brain are hollowed out to serve as food, others are left intact, presumably to regulate what bodily functions continue. During the last round of experimentation, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 took the opportunity to examine a hive at close range shortly after transformation. While the eyes are eventually reached and used as a food source, at the point \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 performed her examination, they were still intact. Opening the eyelids, and examining them with a flashlight, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 discovered that the host's eyes followed the beam. Experimentation was terminated and no further testing is scheduled.\n\n\u00ab SCP-438 | SCP-439 | SCP-440 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-440\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As of 6/19/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the majority of SCP-440 in existence is located in Site-\u2588\u2588's Large-Scale Wilderness Observation Dome (LSWOD). Standard LSWOD security protocols apply, and all observers and items placed inside the Dome are to be completely sanitized of SCP-440. The bottle in which SCP-440 was first discovered (hereafter referred to as SCP-440-Prime), is currently located in a security cabinet on Site-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-440 is a sample of fine-grain sand (sand grain of approximately 90 micrometers) that is chemically identical to typical silica-based sand. Its only difference is that it functions as if it were in a microgravity environment, regardless of the gravitational forces acting upon it. SCP-440 was found in a small glass bottle with no label on it, filled with a viscous fluid that, presumably, weighs down SCP-440 and prevents the grains from touching.\nSCP-440 is capable of giving this property to other samples of sand, essentially transforming it into SCP-440 itself1. The process governing this conversion is believed to be based on contact, requiring SCP-440 to be introduced into a sample of unconverted sand via compressed air. The rate of conversion from basic sand to SCP-440 is also unknown, but it is understood that approximately 30% (by mass) of 'seed sand' does not convert.\nWhen SCP-440 reaches specific levels of concentration within an environment, an SCP-440 based ecosystem forms. Because all SCP-440-based objects (environmental and sapient) are in constant gravitational freefall, there is less evolutionary pressure on gravity-defying traits.\n\nExperiment Log\n03/10/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: In Examination Booth #6642, 2 g of SCP-440 injected into 4 L of fine-grain sand via air-powered hose.\n03/18/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Sand-to-SCP-440 conversion ceases; approximately 1.2 L of sand remains unconverted. Small (0.5 to 1 cm) nodules of SCP-440 appear, floating aimlessly in the enclosure.\n4/30/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Request to expand experiment approved by O5-\u2588 to Examination Room #6135. 12 L of fine-grain sand added to the room.\n5/10/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: 3 L of fine-grain sand remains unconverted. Larger rocks (average size: 10 cm) float through the enclosure. First discovery of SCP-440-based life occur, hereafter referred to as SCP-440-1. SCP-440-1 (colloquially called \"dustbugs\") are 6 cm entities somewhat resembling brine shrimp. Specimens of SCP-440-1 spend their lives using their rough 'teeth' to shear off sections of rocks for consumption. Study of SCP-440-1 specimens reveal they are composed entirely of undifferentiated SCP-440. Experiment transfer to Animal Enclosure #42 approved, and enclosure is re-seeded with \u2588\u2588 L of fine-grain sand.\n6/7/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Floating rocks (average size: 41 cm) compose the majority of the enclosure. SCP-440-1 population increases dramatically, kept in check by a new entity type, hereafter SCP-440-2. SCP-440-2s are 75 cm long entities resembling rocky cephalopods, using their tentacles to push themselves off the environment to move. They are dubbed \"Rocktopods\" by staff. After much deliberation, O5-\u2588 ordered Animal Enclosure #42 shipped to Site-\u2588\u2588 for expansion purposes, owing to that Site's unused Large-Scale Wilderness Observation Dome. As with the previous transfer, approximately [DATA EXPUNGED] of fine-grain sand was placed in the Dome.\n9/19/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Rocks in environment have an average size of 6 m. Populations of SCP-440-1 and -2 have grown as projected. Over the past week, four instances of a new apex predator, SCP-440-3 (\"Sandsnakes\") are documented. SCP-440-3s are 1.5 m long entities with a snake-like body and a mouth shaped like a conventional rock crusher. Two SCP-440-3s are killed before reaching full maturity (one from another SCP-440-3, another from attacking a group of SCP-440-2s). The survivors establish a territorial system within the LSWOD. It is assumed that SCP-440-3 specimens are composed of SCP-440, but capturing an SCP-440-3 sample has proven difficult, owing to hostility by SCP-440-3s.\n10/08/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Permission to seek expansion for the environment denied by O5-\u2588.\n\nAdditional Data:\nSCP-440 Exploratory Log A - 6/7/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSCP-440 Exploratory Log B - 9/10/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nA Detailed Examination Of The SCP-440 Ecology by Dr. Z\u2588\u2588\u2588 J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2014 FILE CURRENTLY PROCESSING\n\nFootnotes\n1. Sands with a particle size of >1mm do not gain this ability.\n\n\u00ab SCP-439 | SCP-440 | SCP-441 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-441\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-441 is currently housed in a designated outdoor pasture at Bio-Research Area 32. The 100 m2 field is surrounded on all sides and bisected into two rectangular halves by a concrete wall 1 m high.\nOnce a month, a team of six D-class personnel is to lead SCP-441 from whichever half of the pasture it is currently residing in through the gate in the dividing wall into the other half of the pasture. The previously occupied section of the field is then to be thoroughly cleaned. The field must be carefully examined for any instances of SCP-441-1, which are to be dug out at the root and incinerated. Fresh sod must be sown in places where SCP-441 has grazed or where SCP-441-1 has been removed.\nAll personnel dealing with SCP-441 are to remain in proximity of less than twenty meters for no longer than thirty (30) minutes. Any personnel showing any health problems whatsoever after contact with SCP-441 are to be examined by medical staff and reassigned.\nDescription: SCP-441 is an adult male Jacob Ram. Prolonged proximity to SCP-441 leads to a depressed immune system in humans. After approximately thirty minutes of exposure, D-class test subjects showed markedly decreased white blood cell counts. After an exposure of an hour or more, subjects display symptoms of severe immune deficiency. After ninety minutes or more, the immune systems of subjects generally do not recover, and death results from massive infection.\nLaboratory analysis of a tissue sample retrieved from SCP-441 revealed a clear viscous mixture of interstitial fluids and blood not unlike arthropod hemolymph. Cell structure is identical to mammalian cells but lacks a nucleus or apparent genetic material. It should be noted that SCP-441 now reacts with aggression towards any personnel wearing a standard issue Foundation lab-coat.\nPatches of ground where SCP-441 has grazed begin to exhibit growth of SCP-441-1 after several days. SCP-441-1 resembles common pasture grasses (Poa, Festuca, and Lolium spp.), but exhibits black pigmentation. SCP-441-1 tends not to grow beyond small patches, but appears to have a slightly higher growth rate in the shadowy areas around the concrete containment wall.\nSimilarly to the tissue sample of SCP-441, analysis of SCP-441-1 has revealed a cellulose-walled cell structure identical to terrestrial plants but lacking in a nucleus or genetic material.\nSCP-441 shows little interest in humans, but will make eye contact with any staff members entering its vicinity. Following a routine monthly cleaning, SCP-441 showed a marked and stubborn interest in D-1570, a schizophrenic. On duty staff recognized this change in behavior and convinced D-1570 to participate in experiment 441-1 (see below).\nExperiment Log 441-1:\nD-1570 spent a two day period living in containment with SCP-441, his official role assigned as \u201cKeeper.\u201d His duties were to groom, feed, and clean up after SCP-441. D-1570 was observed developing an extreme physical and emotional attachment to SCP-441. Surveillance tapes show D-1570 sometimes speaking to SCP-441, and other times sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of it silently for extended periods of time. Frequent medical examinations showed that D-1570's immune system was degrading rapidly, and the subject perished 43 hours after first exposure. Refer to select transcripts below of an interview conducted with D-1570 shortly before his death.\nExcerpts from an audio log of Interview 441-1-a:\n\n\n[14:52]\nInterviewer: Please explain your relationship with SCP-441.\nD-1570: You mean \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nInterviewer: What? Please repeat your answer.\nD-1570: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It's what he calls himself.\nInterviewer: May I remind you, these interviews are intended to be conducted with the utmost seriousness.\nD-1570: I'm completely serious. (Begins coughing violently)\nInterviewer: So you claim SCP-441 is sentient?\nD-1570: Yes. He's been waiting for someone like me, you see (D-1570 is unresponsive for several seconds). He tells me things. Such things\u2026..He's waiting.\nInterviewer: Waiting for what?\nD-1570: Doctor, have you ever felt detached from your own body? As if you were still there, still inhabiting your person, but there was this thick wall of cotton between your mind and your body? Like you witnessed every action your body took three or four seconds after it happened?\n(D-1570 ceases to respond to questioning at this point)\n[15:03]\nInterviewer: Have you obtained any further understanding of SCP-441-1?\nD-1570: Oh, the black grass? It reminds him of home. (D-1570 begins coughing)\nInterviewer: Are you aware of the effect exposure to SCP-441 has on your health?\nD-1570: Yes.\nInterviewer: And you have no qualms with it?\nD-1570: He\u2026.he said it was the only way. (Coughing)\nInterviewer: Please clarify that statement.\nD-1570: Would you like to see what he's done? (At this point, D-1570 begins lifting his shirt)\nInterviewer: Oh God. Shit. [DATA EXPUNGED] (Screaming over microphone) We need a medic in here!\n\n\nClosing Statement: D-1570 died shortly after Interview 441-1-a from complications relating to acute pneumonia and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It should also be noted that SCP-441 has never been recorded or witnessed making vocalizations of any sort.\n\n\u00ab SCP-440 | SCP-441 | SCP-442 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-442\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-442 is to be kept away from its current owner in a secure container until being used for testing. The current owner must have a will leaving SCP-442 to a D-class personnel. The owner is granted a suspension of termination. Should the D-class listed in the current owner's will be terminated or otherwise invalidated for ownership of SCP-442, a new will is to be written at the next available opportunity.\nDescription: SCP-442 is a gold-plated pocket watch three (3) centimeters in diameter with hands showing the hour and minute. Along the edge of the watch an inscription reads, \"To my good friend, a helping hand.\" While no apparent seams allowing SCP-442 to be opened without damaging it have been found, scans of the interior of SCP-442 have revealed nothing unusual in its workings.\nAs long as SCP-442 is wound it will set itself to the correct time. Crossing time zones or winding SCP-442 while it displays an incorrect time results in SCP-442 making rapid motions to adjust itself. The owner of SCP-442 is granted intrinsic knowledge of the time and can recite the precise time to an arbitrary precision as long as SCP-442 is on his or her person. Additionally, the owner of SCP-442 will never be late as long as the watch remains wound and on their person. Attempts to force the owner to be late have never succeeded while SCP-442 is wound. When SCP-442 is left unwound or removed from the owner's person, the owner will be incapable of being on time. The severity of incidents causing this increase as SCP-442 is left unattended, invariably becoming fatal within a week. Ownership of SCP-442 passes through normal means, and can be sold or gifted to another party. SCP-442 has never been left unowned, death of the previous owner results in SCP-442 instantly transferring to a new owner. A will leaving SCP-442 to someone close to the previous owner upon their death has never failed to surface; attempts to prevent a will from coming into being have met with the same failures as attempts to make the owner of SCP-442 late. The new owner is instantly aware of the existence of SCP-442 and is drawn to it, although the effects of owning the watch only manifest after initial contact with SCP-442.\nSCP-442 was brought into Foundation control by J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a junior technician working at Site 19 when he inherited it as a family heirloom. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's superiors noticed an immediate change in work habits after he received SCP-442; S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had a prior reputation for his lack of time management skills and was regularly written up for being late to his station. When questioned by Dr. J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 showed SCP-442 to Dr. J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and said that it was a \"lucky charm.\" He then told Dr. J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 pieces of family lore attached to SCP-442 which later experimentation would reveal to be mostly true. Testing was performed to confirm SCP status, after which its history of harmlessness was cited and S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was allowed to maintain possession of SCP-442 on the condition he willed it to the Foundation on his death. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was subject to observation and regular psychological evaluation during his possession of SCP-442, during which further effects of SCP-442 were discovered.\nExtended ownership of SCP-442 slowly rewrites the subject's personality. Within two years, regardless of previous attitude, the owner exhibits unusually high self-control and reacts to situations in a timely manner. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's motor control increased dramatically during this period, scoring in the 99 percentile of every test at the two-year mark. During this same time the owner will become increasingly annoyed at tardiness; S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 broke ties with several friends over increasingly small infractions. After a decade of owning SCP-442, J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had completely changed. While S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 displayed a level of professionalism commendable of any member of the SCP staff, his private life had suffered tremendously. Unable to tolerate tardiness, S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had pushed away all his friends and had been diagnosed with clinical depression. After S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 committed suicide, O5-\u2588 reported ownership and had it transferred to him. A D-class personnel was then chosen for experimentation and given SCP-442.\n\n\u00ab SCP-441 | SCP-442 | SCP-443 \u00bb"} {"text": "The new mint box of SCP-443\n\nItem #: SCP-443\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to its nature and relative fragility, SCP-443 is kept in a locked drawer in Dr. Ziegler's office (Sector 28). Access to Level 1 personnel and higher is freely granted at the discretion of Dr. Ziegler, or his assistant, upon request, with limitation applied at their discretion. Due to wear, the original packaging is filed in the archives record as 6-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. All drawn material is to be handed back to the person who authorized the use.\nDescription: SCP-443 is a mostly complete 16-piece set of Crayola crayons, numbered SCP-443-01 through 14. The set is a model (BS0366) which was produced between 1997 and 1999, although the serial number on the packaging is outside the range of the product. Two crayons (\"Blue Green\" and \"Violet/Purple\") are missing. SCP-443-05 is snapped in two pieces (05a and 05b), while SCP-443-09 had its non-writing end damaged in a nibbling incident involving SCP-529 which, for this reason should be kept away from the items.\nSCP-443 was recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California, after \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an amateur artist, noticed its effects and asked for help from a paranormal investigator. The crayons had originally belonged to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's daughter for several weeks. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was adamant that he never bought them, and that they were not given to her. All works produced by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and his daughter were confiscated and are listed as record 6-\u2588\u2588 of the archives.\nWhen drawing is attempted with SCP-443, what is produced is actually a \"stream of thoughts\" emanating directly from unknown people. The user is entirely unaware of this until they stop using the crayons, at which time they become aware that they have written or drawn something completely unrelated to what they were intending to. Even with the full knowledge of what the item does, the user is entirely incapable of seeing what it is they are tracing until they actually stop doing so, which they can willingly do at any time. They will answer questions as to what they are drawing (though most of the time they describe it as \"mindless scribbling\", particularly if they are aware of the SCP's effect).\nMost of the time the result is a written stream of thoughts, occasionally interrupted by small icons or simplistic drawings. The nature of what is written adapts depending on the user: text will appear in the native language of the user, and in an alphabet the user can draw. Drawing quality varies depending on unclear factors, and appears unrelated to any artistic skill of the user. Writing, on the other hand, is mostly the user's, though emotions expressed in the thoughts written may distort it.\nThe expressed thoughts appear to be a form of real-time \"stream of thought\" transmitted from real persons, as current simultaneous events (such as electoral results) have been referred to. Each crayon represents a specific person, and a user may switch between crayons to represent more than one person involved in a situation at a given time. So far, the equivalent of 10-15 hours of thought processes have been compiled. Given that the crayons were already somewhat worn when recovered, this has left SCP-443-08, which is most frequently used, as little more than a stub.\nNo identifying information has been collected so far (all names are rendered as unidentifiable symbols), but enough data is present to assess that the involved persons form a loose network of friends, family, and coworkers, each individual being fairly close to at least one other. All the involved persons are from the Portland, Oregon area. See addendum for details.\nAddendum:\nList of colors included, their classification number and details:\n\nSCP-443-01 Black \u2014 A dancer obsessed with his weight. Friend of \"Orange\".\nSCP-443-02 Blue \u2014 An old snappy woman. Landowner of \"Red\" and \"Brown\".\nSCP-443-03 Blue Violet \u2014 A mildly hypochondriac patient of \"Yellow\". Friend of \"Red Orange\"\nSCP-443-04 Brown \u2014 A seven-year-old girl. Daughter of \"Red\", friend of \"Yellow Orange\", enemy of \"Carnation Pink\"\nSCP-443-05 Carnation Pink \u2014 A classmate of \"Brown\" and \"Yellow Orange\". Harbors a deep hatred of \"Brown\" for unclear reasons.\nSCP-443-06 Green \u2014 An engineering student and regular lover of \"Orange\"\nSCP-443-07 Orange \u2014 A paralegal in a small law practice. Girlfriend of \"Yellow\", but cheats on him with \"Green\". Friend of \"Black\".\nSCP-443-08 Red \u2014 A medical secretary. Mother of \"Brown\", employee of \"Yellow\", tenant of \"Blue\" and friend of \"White\"\nSCP-443-09 Red Orange \u2014 A middle-aged wife to a soldier. \"Yellow Orange\"'s mother, friend of \"Blue Violet\".\nSCP-443-10 Red Violet \u2014 A regular patron of \"White\"'s diner.\nSCP-443-11 White \u2014 A waitress at a diner near \"Red\"'s work. Friend of \"Red\" and \"Red Violet\".\nSCP-443-12 Yellow \u2014 A doctor. Employer of \"Red\", boyfriend of \"Orange\", doctor of \"Blue Violet\".\nSCP-443-13 Yellow Green \u2014 Another regular of \"White\"'s diner with a habit of butting into people's conversations.\nSCP-443-14 Yellow Orange \u2014 Another seven-year-old. Friend and classmate of \"Brown\", daughter of \"Red Orange\".\n\n\u00ab SCP-442 | SCP-443 | SCP-444 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 444\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\n{$secondary-class}\n\nDisruption Class:\nkeneq\n\nRisk Class:\ndanger\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-444 identified outside Foundation custody are to be isolated or destroyed with extreme prejudice. The Foundation's instances of SCP-444 are to be kept under Type A Hazardous documentation protocols. Translators are to have no more than 12 hours weekly access to SCP-444 and must undergo weekly linguistics and psychological examinations. Individuals compromised by SCP-444 are to be isolated and prevented from making vocalisations and are to be terminated unless they are required for testing protocols. Rapid Response Task Force Omicron-11, AKA \"Burke's Boys\", is to be used wherever possible due to the deaf nature of its members.\nDescription: SCP-444 is a linguistically-conveyed memetic virus. SCP-444 takes the form of a valid and coherent, if limited, language. Individuals exposed to SCP-444 assimilate it and lose their ability to use or learn other languages, although they typically retain their ability to understand previously understood languages. Written examples of SCP-444 require extended contact but verbal exposure has effect after only a few sentences. The mechanism for this change is still unknown.\nSCP-444's written form has a unique alphabet of geometric shapes read in a radiating pattern from the centre.\nSystematic examination of SCP-444, primarily in Experiments 444-7, 444-13 and 444-17, reveals that it lacks the ability to express several concepts including:\n\nRebellion\nHatred\nAnger\n[REDACTED]\n\nIn addition, over an extended period the lack of the ability to express these concepts appears to alter human behaviour. Subjects infected with SCP-444 become more docile and compliant as well as more concerned with procreation and childcare. Re-examination of the data from Experiment 444-17, gathered from MRIs, live electrode examination and dissections of infected brains, confirms that SCP-444 causes significant alterations to human brain structure, chemically severing [REDACTED] of the brain. This, not the reduced vocabulary, is believed to cause the altered mentality of the infected.\nThe primary area of Foundation research into SCP-444 currently is to isolate the source. SCP-444 is to be considered a hostile invasive weapon. Since 19\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u25880 instances of SCP-444 exposure have been recorded, typically among migratory workers or the underclass in depressed urban areas.\nExperiment Log 444-7.\n\n\u00ab SCP-443 | SCP-444 | SCP-445 \u00bb"} {"text": "Side view of SCP-445.\n\nItem #: SCP-445\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Access to and testing of SCP-445 must be approved by staff with level 2 security clearance or higher, and each request must include a list of tests to be carried out. Any testing must be done with the accompaniment of no less than two guards for the entirety of testing. Any deviation from the preapproved list of tests will result in immediate termination of testing and a severe reprimand.\nAddendum: As of 06/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-445 is to be kept permanently separated from all samples of SCP-445-\u03b1, as described in isolation protocol IP-445-01. The access and testing regulations given above for SCP-445 apply equally to SCP-445-\u03b1. For more details, see Document 445-01.\nDescription: SCP-445 consists of three stacks of white 11\" x 17\" paper. Each individual leaf has the text \"Dr. Wondertainment's Super Paper!\" stamped on the bottom-left corner. While in its natural state, SCP-445 cannot be torn or burned, water has no adverse effect on it, and glue or tape will not stick to SCP-445. Observation of SCP-445 has found that its fibers are much denser than normal paper fibers at 3000 kg/m3, and a micro-layer of an unidentifiable substance is coated on each individual fiber.\nWhen SCP-445 is folded into a representation of an object, SCP-445 takes on the qualities of the object in question. While in its folded state, SCP-445 can only be unfolded into its original state by the person who originally folded it. SCP-445 can also be rolled, and it will stick to itself if slight pressure is applied. Drawing on SCP-445 does not produce any unusual effect, with the exception of any details illustrated for folded/rolled objects.\nA variant of SCP-445, designated SCP-445-\u03b1, was created on 06/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 via exposure of SCP-445 samples to SCP-073. Physically, SCP-445-\u03b1 is almost identical to SCP-445, the only difference being a slight reddish tint to SCP-445-\u03b1. However, SCP-445-\u03b1 behaves differently to SCP-445 when folded (see Document 445-01 for details).\n\nAddendum: 10/15: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Testing Log:\nFolded Into: A paper tube - When observed through one of the open ends, SCP-445 acted as a hand-held telescope, enhancing the view of objects within a 25 ft. distance.\nFolded Into: A Christmas tree - Remained stable when stood upright. When green and red lights were drawn onto the tree, they lit up despite the lack of a physical light source.\nFolded Into: A small knife - Became very sturdy and sharp, giving several researchers paper cuts when attempting to hold it. Able to hold its own against actual metal weaponry.\nFolded Into: A conical paper tube - Acted as a megaphone, though amplified only the folder's voice. When a volume control was drawn onto the side, the folder was able to change the volume of the megaphone.\nFolded Into: A paper cup - Became very rigid. Able to hold extremely hot or volatile liquids without any sign of tearing or melting.\nFolded Into: A paper crane - Became animate, much like SCP-368, though much slower and easily catchable. Recommend research into a possible connection between the two.\nFolded Into: A paper boat/hat - When placed in water, became self-propelling at speeds of up to 60 km/h. When inverted and placed on head, subject's physical attractiveness was greatly increased in the eyes of viewers. When both were performed simultaneously, both effects were achieved, with subject reported as looking 'dead sexy' while scooting around the water upside-down.\nFolded Into: A crumpled wad of paper - [DATA EXPUNGED] leaving three D-class personnel dead. Testing session ended.\nFolded Into: Origami copy of SCP-682 - Animated halfway through folding process, causing Dr. G considerable injury. Testing session ended.\nNotes: Let's not try that again. - Dr. G\n\nAddendum: 06/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has requested permission to test samples of SCP-445 in conjunction with SCP-085. He has also requested permission to expose samples of SCP-445 to SCP-073, to determine whether SCP-073's ability to destroy ordinary paper by touch extends to SCP-445.\n\nDocument 445-01:\n06/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: Approval for testing SCP-445 in conjunction with SCP-073 granted. SCP-073 is placed in a room with one (1) sheet of SCP-445 and instructed to touch the paper. SCP-445 sample exhibits no loss of structural integrity upon contact with SCP-073; however, the sample does change color, exhibiting a slightly reddish tinge within approximately thirty (30) seconds of initial contact with SCP-073. Modified SCP-445 sample designated SCP-445-\u03b1. Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 recommends further investigation into physical and chemical composition of SCP-445. SCP-445-\u03b1 stored in separate isolation chamber to prevent potential cross-contamination.\n06/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: One (1) sheet of SCP-445 introduced to SCP-445-\u03b1. SCP-445 sample begins exhibiting visible coloration consistent with SCP-445-\u03b1 within ninety (90) seconds of initial contact. After approximately six hundred (600) seconds of contact, introduced sample of SCP-445 is physically indistinguishable from SCP-445-\u03b1. Formal isolation protocol IP-445-01 established to prevent cross-contamination between SCP-445 and SCP-445-\u03b1.\n07/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: Eight (8) sheets of SCP-445 introduced to SCP-445-\u03b1. Conversion occurs as before, bringing total number of SCP-445-\u03b1 sheets to ten (10). Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 begins testing on SCP-445-\u03b1, following the experimental protocol utilized on 10/15/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and G.\nFolded Into: A paper tube - When observed through one of the open ends, SCP-445-\u03b1 acted as a hand-held telescope, enhancing the view of objects within a 25 ft. distance. However, subject using the telescope reported that objects viewed through it seemed somehow \"off\"; when asked to elaborate, subject was unable to specify any specific visual issue, noting only that objects viewed through the telescope appeared \"sinister.\"\nFolded Into: A Christmas tree - Remained stable when stood upright. When green and red lights were drawn onto the tree, they lit up despite the lack of a physical light source. Test results identical to those of SCP-445.\nFolded Into: A small knife - Became very sturdy and sharp, causing injuries to all subjects who attempted to pick it up, ultimately severing subject D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's right index finger at the proximal interphalangeal joint. Eventually, subject using reinforced gloves was able to unfold SCP-445-\u03b1 sample into its original, neutral shape.\nFolded Into: A conical paper tube - Acted as a megaphone, though amplified only the folder's voice. The amplified voice was subject to significant distortion, exhibiting what was described as a \"demonic growl\" by observers, though in all cases the speaker's voice was still identifiable. When a volume control was drawn onto the side, the folder was able to change the volume of the megaphone.\nFolded Into: A paper cup - Became very rigid. Able to hold extremely hot or volatile liquids without any sign of tearing or melting. However, samples of water added to the cup became opaque and dark red in color within fifteen (15) seconds of contact; chemical analysis of the resulting fluid revealed it to contain large quantities of human hemoglobin and other blood proteins. No other liquid added to the cup exhibited this change, including water-based solutions in concentrations higher than 50 mM.\nFolded Into: A paper crane - Became animate, much like SCP-368. Sample displayed aggressive and territorial behavior, repeatedly \"divebombing\" researchers and attacking with its \"beak\" and \"wings,\" causing minor injuries. After being caught and \"killed\" by crushing the paper crane, sample was able to be unfolded into its original, neutral shape.\nFolded Into: A paper boat/hat - When placed in water, became self-propelling at speeds of up to 60 km/h. Again, sample displayed aggressive behavior, repeatedly attempting to \"ram\" nearby subjects and even propelling itself out of the water to do so. When inverted and placed on head, subject began to act erratically, threatening researchers and security personnel with violence. Subject terminated.\nIn light of these results, Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 elects to suspend further testing on SCP-445-\u03b1. SCP-073 declines to comment when questioned on these findings.\nNote: In light of these findings, I would like to formally request that SCP-445 be reclassified as a Euclid-class object. \u2014 Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-444 | SCP-445 | SCP-446 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-446\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-446 is to be kept locked in its case and only removed for testing. Any clothing and accessories must be removed from SCP-446 when not in use (see Incident 446-A).\nDescription: SCP-446 in its normal state appears to be a Caucasian female, early twenties, brown hair 17.78 cm at its longest point, unusually bright blue eyes, light skin with a tattoo of the Marshall, Carter and Dark logo on its lower back, 1.75 m tall and weighing 52.16 kg. SCP-446 is anatomically correct, at least on the outside. All physical characteristics are consistent with a living human, including skin tone and texture, eye color and clarity of the sclera, even body heat. SCP-446 does not respond to any communication, however, and also does not breathe or exhibit a pulse.\nSCP-446 is normally stored lying on its back inside a long aluminum box with a hinged lid. SCP-446 and its storage box were discovered in [REDACTED] by Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The storage box itself is unremarkable, aside from a plain white label listing SCP-446's clothing sizes. When the agents attempted to lift SCP-446 by the shoulders into a sitting position, SCP-446 responded to their touch by sitting upright on its own. A gentle push on its shoulders from the front encouraged it to lie back down. Further coaxing can compel SCP-446 to stand up on its own, and it will remain standing until downward pressure is applied to the top of its head, encouraging SCP-446 to sit again. SCP-446 generally does not move without prompting of some kind, although its eyes will follow the nearest person and it will make eye contact if possible.\nMoving and posing of SCP-446's limbs is also possible; once moved into position they will hold the established pose indefinitely. This works even in cases where delicate balancing would be required for a person, such as standing on one foot or even one hand. Attempts to push SCP-446 over have exactly the expected effect; it makes no attempt to preserve its balance and simply falls over.\nA medical examination of SCP-446 revealed additional information. See Document 446-1-A for details.\n\n+ Show Incident 446-A\n\n- Hide Incident 446-1\n\nIncident 446-1\nSCP involved: SCP-446\nPersonnel involved: Guard \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. Sunderland\nDate: 9/2/2010\nLocation: Storage Room 6, Site-\u2588\u2588\nDescription: In the spirit of modesty, SCP-446 was initially stored clothed in a standard Class D personnel uniform. A guard later investigated reports of a \"thumping noise\" in Storage Room 6 where SCP-446 is kept. SCP-446's case was found to have moved several inches from its normal resting place as the result of rhythmic blows to the lid from the inside. Dr. Sunderland was called in, and upon opening the case, found that SCP-446 was attempting to rise to a sitting pose. It would bang its head against the lid, lie back down, and attempt to sit up again.\nOnce the lid was opened, SCP-446 stood on its own without coaxing. SCP-446 then put its hands together at the wrists, lowered its head, and hunched its shoulders. SCP-446 also changed its expression for the first time since entering Foundation control; its face took on a subtle mixture of sadness and fear. It held this pose until Dr. Sunderland touched its shoulder, which prompted SCP-446 to return to a normal standing position, expressionless. However, SCP-446 could not be induced to lie down until the Class D uniform was removed.\n\nDocument 446-1-A - Medical Examination of SCP-446\n\n\u00ab SCP-445 | SCP-446 | SCP-447 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-447\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-447-1 is to be kept within a fifty-gallon clear plastic container at all times, monitored by camera by a Security Level 3 or higher staff member to prevent overflow. Area is to be maintained at Level 1 Clean Room status to prevent contamination by foreign matter at a site at least 10 km from any cemetery, morgue, or mortuary. Under no circumstances is SCP-447 to be allowed to come into contact with dead bodies.\nBecause SCP-447-1 constantly excretes a viscous greenish slime (designated SCP-447-2) at a rate of approximately 10 cc/hour, a Class D personnel in good physical condition is to be detailed to harvest the excreted slime at least once per day. SCP-447-2 can be harvested using any appropriate equipment, so long as safety procedures are carefully adhered to in order to prevent on-site fatalities. Slime can be transported in an ordinary sealed glass or plastic container through any standard mode of transportation, provided that there is no risk of the slime coming into contact with a dead body en route.\nAlthough malodorous, the slime harvested from SCP-447-1 is nontoxic, noncorrosive, and nonradioactive. It is, in fact, perfectly safe so long as it does not come into contact with a dead body. The slime is edible, and reportedly makes a good salad dressing. Adding 10 cc of SCP-447-2 to one gallon of gasoline improves fuel efficiency by 150%. Furthermore, SCP-447-2 can be refined (see Appendix 447-C: Distillation Process) into a useful lubricant approved for use at all SCP Foundation installations, so long as said lubricant is never used to lubricate dead bodies.\nAll staff assigned to SCP-447 are to be screened by polygraph for any suicidal, necrophiliac, or homicidal tendencies. In addition, all staff assigned to SCP-447 must be in good health and good physical condition, and must adhere to on-site safety regulations at all times. This is to minimize the risk of SCP-447 or its generated slime coming into contact with a dead body.\nDescription: SCP-447-1 is a green sphere approximately 5 cm in diameter, with a spongy surface texture and a weight of 1.37 kg. The object is warm to the touch, approximately the same temperature as a human body, although its core temperature is slightly higher. Personnel handling SCP-447-1 have reported no adverse effects, so long as SCP-447-1 does not come into contact with a dead body.\nSCP-447 was retrieved by Foundation agents on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California, United States of America. The incident clearly illustrates the danger inherent in allowing either SCP-447 unit to come into contact with a dead body. For further information, please see Appendix 447-A: Retrieval Report.\nThe dangers of allowing SCP-447-1 or -2 to come into contact with dead bodies have been clearly documented: detailed eyewitness reports can be found in Appendix 447-B: Prior Incidents. To summarize, however, initial effects include [DATA EXPUNGED PER O5-LEVEL DIRECTIVE. RESEARCH INTO THIS FIELD FORBIDDEN UPON PAIN OF IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OR DEMOTION TO CLASS D. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SUPERVISOR FOR MORE DETAILS].\nAddendum 447-a: SCP-447 downgraded from Keter to Safe, so long as security measures are in place to prevent SCP-447 from coming into contact with dead bodies. Please see Experiment Log 447-A for further potential applications of SCP-447.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-446 | SCP-447 | SCP-448 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-448\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-448 is to be kept in a 3m x 3m x 3m room, decorated with colorful wallpaper, warm lighting, and several small children's toys scattered about. When not under observation, object is to be kept on its pedestal at all times. Room must be kept clean and in good condition. All personnel entering the room (clearance level 2 and above and only one at a time) for any reason are reminded to smile and keep a cheerful disposition while in the presence of SCP-448.\nDescription: Object appears to be a child's Jack-in-the-box toy. The box portion is 13cm along each side and is constructed of tin, with a colorful decal depicting a smiling clown on each facet of the box except for the bottom and right side, which holds the turn crank. When cranked, the toy plays \"Pop Goes the Weasel\", causing the \"Jack\" to leap out the top before the final five notes, as most toys of its kind normally do.\nThe \"Jack\", however, transforms to reflect the mood of any person within 3m of the object. The strength of one's mood also affects its appearance, and every form it has taken has been unique. While the hand crank is functional, SCP-448 has been shown to randomly activate itself. Once out of the box, the \"Jack\" will stay out of the box until the lid is closed or the influencing person leaves the room.\nWhen approached by more than one person, object will stay shut and instead shake vigorously, becoming more and more violent until one or both persons leave its area of influence. In this state SCP-448 cannot be opened nor can it be activated, and can be dangerous the longer it stays in this state. Attempting to fake emotions, such as smiling when one is actually depressed, delays the self-activation of the artifact but does not completely fool it. X-rays do not penetrate the box's surface.\nThe following moods have been observed:\nHappy: Smiling clown. While the clown's face, outfit and color scheme are different every time, its mood is consistent.\nIn this state during special events, such as holidays and birthdays, object SCP-448 has been found to sing an appropriate song to the influencing person. \"Happy Birthday\", \"We Wish You a Merry Christmas\", \"Here Comes the Bride\", \"Take Me Out to the Ball Game\", and \"American Pie\" have been recorded. SCP-448's voice has been described as high-pitched and irritating.\nSad: Frowning clown. Tears have been often recorded to flow from clown's eyes. Chemical analysis has found them to be of the same composition as human tears.\nWhen approached by persons with suicidal thoughts, Object takes the form of [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAngry: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nScared: Unknown. In this state, lid will only open slightly before quickly shutting. Sounds of whimpering, screaming and crying can be heard from within.\nDog/Animals: Anthropomorphic dog wearing clown outfit. When approached by any animal other than human, Object will take the form of an anthropomorphic version of that same animal in clown garb.\nEmotionless: Blank white cloth doll. This occurs when the object is approached by an entity incapable of feeling emotion, such as [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIt is unknown if SCP-448's environment also affects whatever form it takes. Until further testing is performed, its current containment procedures will not be altered.\nAddendum: All attempts at physically penetrating or otherwise destroying SCP-448 have been unsuccessful. This is not because it is indestructible- rather, when approached with the intent of dismantling, object will retaliate by opening up (without any cranking or music) and relentlessly attacking the approaching person with what appears to be a red boxing glove on the end of a long, rigid metal spring. The glove itself has been recorded reaching speeds up to 235 kph. Attempts to damage it from outside its area of influence with long-ranged weaponry results in [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-447 | SCP-448 | SCP-449 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-449\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-449 are to be stored in a standard containment vault outside of testing. To minimize additional production, between 3 and 5 kilograms of SCP-449-A will be available for testing in a low-risk chemical storage container. Excess SCP-449-A generated in testing of SCP-449 must be incinerated.\nA network of D-Class spaced no closer than 1500 kilometers apart are to consume one grain of SCP-449-A per day to monitor for use of SCP-449. Should use by parties other than the Foundation be detected, agents are to follow the dragnet procedure outlined in Document 449-5 to locate and confiscate the SCP-449 instance.\nDescription: Each instance of SCP-449 is a twisting aluminium cone, loosely resembling a cornucopia. Each is 40 centimetres long with a mouth approximately 15 centimetres in diameter, weighing slightly more than a kilogram. On the side of each is stamped the word \u201cJOY\u201d. For unknown reasons, all instances tarnish very easily.\nWhen squeezed by a human, SCP-449 instances produces SCP-449-A. The user may control the rate of production by thought, ranging from a single grain to about 6 litres per second. SCP-449-A is a clear, crystalline substance resembling sand in texture. It may be shaped, crushed, or dissolved in water or alcohol, though not in bodily fluids other than blood. It is odorless and tasteless. Eating large quantities of SCP-449-A may cause erosion of tooth enamel, damage to the alimentary lining, and diarrhoea or vomiting consistent with the consumption of other abrasive substances.\nIf consumed in any quantity, it causes the consumer to enter a state of extreme pleasure and euphoria for up to a day as long as it remains within the digestive tract. This effect is not modulated by dosage and takes effect immediately. SCP-449-A is neither digested nor externally damaged by its passage through the alimentary canal, though when excreted or removed through other means, it no longer exhibits anomalous properties.\nThe euphoric effects of SCP-449-A cease immediately if any person within approximately 1300 kilometres has more SCP-449-A by mass within their digestive tract. To date, all individuals SCP-449 instances have been recovered from had gone to extreme lengths to retain the effects of SCP-449-A, including:\n\nKilling at least four other users of SCP-449.\nPermanently residing in a boat far away from any population centres.\nUndergoing radical gastric surgery to add an additional estimated 3 cubic meters to their digestive tract.\n\nIn almost all cases, the SCP-449 users had abandoned activities other than producing and consuming SCP-449-A. To date, 83 instances have been recovered, out of an estimated 100.\nAddendum 449-2: Several SCP-449 instances were accompanied by the following note:\n\nJOY from the factory\nany will let you have JOY\ninterferes within 761 miles very unfortunate regrettable apologies etc\nhappy way for you to be one to feel JOY\nJOY JOY JOY better than JOY\nas much JOY as you like\nhow much JOY to have joy how much to have sorrow without JOY\nyou cooperate you defect you organize you destroy\nyou use\nfactory only provides\n\n\u00ab SCP-448 | SCP-449 | SCP-450 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-450\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-450 is to be kept locked and secured at all times, except for monthly maintenance and cleaning as detailed below. Any civilians or personnel who enter SCP-450 at any other time are to be considered lost, and no rescue attempts are to be made.\nDescription: SCP-450 is the death row block of the abandoned \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Federal Penitentiary in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. Distance from entrance to the execution chamber is approximately 166.5 meters. A complex pattern, drawn in human blood, is located on the wall behind the electric chair. This pattern slowly degrades over time due to normal environmental decay and must be maintained regularly.\nThe cell block is inhabited by what appears to be one or more hostile spectral entities. Attracting the attention of said entities is invariably fatal, and may or may not occur due to one of the following criteria:\n\nEntering the cell block by any means other than the main door.\nMoving at a speed greater than 0.25 meters per second.\nStaying in the cell block for more than 25 minutes at a time.\nEntering the cell block more than once every 24 hours.\nOperating any electronic device.\nAny sound louder than ca. 25 dB.\n\nPersonnel assigned to maintain the containment pattern are instructed to silently walk down the center of the main hallway at a slow but steady pace. As it takes approximately eleven minutes to walk to the execution chamber at maximum safe rate of travel, personnel will have only three minutes to work on the pattern and still have enough time to reasonably guarantee a safe exit from the facility.\nAuditory and visual hallucinations (including spectral voices, bleeding walls, and poltergeist activity) are considered normal. Lack of same is cause for concern. Personnel are encouraged not to investigate any dead bodies, supernatural activity, or rotting remains.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-449 | SCP-450 | SCP-451 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-451\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-451's current state, physical containment is not feasible. Extensive study of Agent J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's psychological profile has allowed researchers to provide him with a mental task in order to keep him at Site-19. A security detail of two guards must accompany SCP-451 at all times in order to prevent attempts to access or release other potentially dangerous objects contained on-site. Any research into SCP-451 should be restricted to determining ways to contain or communicate with him.\nDescription: SCP-451, formerly Agent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, is a Caucasian male, 33 years of age and 1.6 m tall. SCP-451 can not perceive the presence or actions of other human beings. Changes made to the immediate environment are generally not noted by SCP-451 unless his attention is elsewhere for any arbitrary period of time. Certain changes to SCP-451's surroundings are misinterpreted, including all attempts to communicate with him and any clear evidence of direct human intervention. Study may be necessary to determine a pattern in what is perceived and what is not.\nSCP-451 appeared at Site-19, one month after he was declared MIA following a failed attempt to retrieve a dangerous artifact. The actions of SCP-451 were found to be consistent with stress responses indicated in Agent J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's psychological profile. Reports of petty thefts and \"ghost sightings\" between the artifact's location and Site-19 suggest that SCP-451 traveled here on foot, taking what resources were at hand. The artifact itself remains at large.\nAddendum 451-1: SCP-451 has recently shown suicidal tendencies. Despite how many staff feel about his presence, it is no excuse for providing him with convenient methods of self-termination. SCP-451 was a valuable agent before his accident and can be again if he ever regains his full perception.\nAddendum 451-2: Following the events described in Incident Report 451-1, further attempts at convincing SCP-451 to self-terminate will result in suspensions of all involved personnel. We have him classified as Euclid for a reason.\nAddendum 451-3: Though direct communication is not possible with SCP-451, it has been found that active attempts to deceive him have varying rates of success. A program has been put in place to plant false evidence for SCP-451. His psychological profile indicates that he will construct a narrative using this evidence. This \"plotline\" is intended to keep SCP-451 at Site-19 where he may continue to be monitored. Contingencies have also been made in case any evidence is overlooked or misinterpreted.\nIncident 451-1: On 07/08/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-451 discovered a firearm left for him by Site-19 staff. SCP-451 entered the main break room, placed the weapon in his mouth, and fired it. The bullet passed through SCP-451 without harming him and entered a Level 2 researcher. The researcher was briefly able to interact with SCP-451 before expiring. Unfortunately, no useful information was passed on to SCP-451.\nDocument 451-A: Contents of SCP-451's Journal\n\n\u00ab SCP-450 | SCP-451 | SCP-452 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-452\n\nItem #: SCP-452\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-452 specimens are contained in a 5m by 5m isolation chamber at Site \u2588\u2588. Specimens should be fed live insects (preferably crickets or meal worms, but other harmless insects are viable) at least once a week, and regular observation should be maintained to ensure the health of the specimens. Personnel tasked with maintenance of SCP-452 should wear sealed suits at all times while inside SCP-452's containment.\nExperimentation on SCP-452 may be performed with permission from at least one (1) level 4 personnel, provided all safety requirements and regulations are observed. Specimens taken out of primary containment should be kept inside the specially prepared portable terrariums designated for safe use with SCP-452. Exposure of personnel to the effects of SCP-452 should only be performed in isolation chambers for easy recovery of SCP-452 specimens after exposure.\nDescription: SCP-452 is a colony of Latrodectus hesperus (Western American black widow) physically indistinguishable from normal spiders of its kind. SCP-452 has a preference to spin webs near areas where humans sleep, and when allowed to freely roam, will attempt to relocate if no humans sleep near its web for extended periods of over a week.\nWhen a sleeping human subject within 5 meters of a SCP-452 web enters rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, SCP-452 suppresses the subject's ability to dream, even in subjects with chronic dreams and/or nightmares. Subjects, upon waking, generally report having had restful sleep, though several subjects have also reported feeling \"unusual, like [they are] missing something\".\nFurthermore, if a specimen used in this manner bites any human within approximately one week from the initial event, the bitten subject will suffer vivid hallucinations in addition to the normal effects of spider venom.\nSCP-452 was recovered from [REDACTED] following intercepted hospital reports of anomalous visions experienced by spider bite victims, after which a Foundation containment team was dispatched.\nExperiment Log 452-1:\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nSource: D-21017, female Caucasian, 29 years old\nSubject: D-21020, male Hispanic, 31 years old\nProcedure: Specimen of SCP-452 in sealed terrarium placed near bed of Source for one week, then Subject exposed to specimen, resulting in Subject being bitten. Antivenom administered to mitigate physical effects.\nDetails: Source confirms no recollection of dreaming during the week, despite a history of recurring dreams. Subject immediately experienced vivid hallucinations for approximately eleven (11) minutes. Upon returning to normal, described hallucinations with great detail. Source later questioned, and confirmed that the described hallucination matched the description of Source's recurring dream.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nSource: D-21389, male African-American, 48 years old\nSubject: D-21395, male Caucasian, 26 years old\nProcedure: Source selected due to known diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of combat experiences in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject confirmed to have no military experience or interest.\nDetails: Source confirms no recollection of dreaming during the week, despite previously having recurring nightmares. Upon being bitten, Subject experiences vivid hallucinations and is restrained after beginning to scream and thrash. After returning to normal after approximately fourteen (14) minutes, Subject describes hallucinations as being in a combat zone while [DATA EXPUNGED] the bodies of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Several details given match that of standard combat procedures as corroborated by Source, which Subject had no previous knowledge of.\n\n\u00ab SCP-451 | SCP-452 | SCP-453 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-453\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-453 is to be staffed by no fewer than: four (4) bartenders, six (6) bouncers, four (4) cleaners, one (1) doctor, four (4) EMTs, and two (2) observation personnel, all trained Foundation staff, at all times. Additionally, ten (10) or more Foundation security staff are to be kept on standby in the adjacent outbuilding 453-01, connected to SCP-453 by basement access. All staff are required to familiarise themselves with Document 453-1, Complete List of Known Scripts and memorise all Scripts that have been flagged by the current on-site supervisor (Dr. Moriglioni). Failure to memorise flagged Scripts is grounds for immediate discharge from SCP-453 duty, and will result in a formal demerit on the offending personnel's record.\nSCP-453 is to be locked and guarded between the hours of 0400 and 2000, local time; from 2000-0400 it is to be unlocked and open. Anyone entering the club during operating hours will have a radio tracking tag clipped to his or her clothing, and will remain monitored closely by closed-circuit cameras at all times.\nDuring the day, SCP-453 is to be inspected and measured in all dimensions by staff. Any movement of fixed objects in the building are to be recorded and reported to head researcher Dr. Moriglioni. Fire prevention and violence suppression protocols are to be kept in accordance with Standing Order 405-991 section T; should movement of fixed internal structures violate this protocol, renovation crews are to be recruited to the site immediately for restructuring.\nDescription: SCP-453 is a nightclub located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Italy, currently owned and operated entirely by Foundation personnel. Every night, an apparently random assortment of civilians from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and adjoining municipalities arrive at the club; although the night invariably begins identically to any other club, over the course of the night the civilians present fall into \"roles\" in one of \u2588\u2588\u2588 currently documented sequences of events (termed \"Scripts\" by Foundation operatives working on SCP-453). Over the course of the evening, generally according to Script, civilians will depart the club and return home, maintaining only partial memories of the night. All surviving civilians depart before 0400 every night.\nSCP-453 has existed in its current location for as long as Foundation records exist. Archaeological evidence suggests a wealthy Roman senator, known for extravagant nightly parties, had a villa in the location as early as \u2588\u2588 B.C.E.; the Foundation has had possession of the site since 1\u2588\u2588\u2588. On several occasions the building has been torn down or destroyed; outdoor parties continued to persist nightly at the site. When the site itself is rendered inaccessible, civilian partygoers will gather as near as possible to the site and begin an impromptu street party; this party rapidly devolves into a riot (see Document 453-1, Complete List of Known Scripts, attached).\nThe club in its current configuration was designed and built entirely according to Foundation specifications. All core construction materials are SCP containment grade, to limit damage due to the more violent Scripts. Dr. Moriglioni has observed that the building has shown some self-mutational ability. Of particular note has been the gradual shift of the location of the secure locker containing suppression weaponry for staff use: it has moved closer and closer to the men's washroom. At this time it remains in the secure staff section. Other sections of the building have slowly moved and changed in similar ways.\nA complete log of known Scripts is attached as Document 453-1. The 'selection' of a Script appears to be semi-random, although various stimuli will encourage particular Scripts to occur (for example, Script 117 \"The Silver Harlequins\" has only been observed when more than 15 club attendees are over the age of 60). Please note that while Script logs detail \"pertinent events\", all events in the club aside from staff actions become Scripted at around 2100 hrs (varies depending on Script). Participants begin speaking in Latin while engaged in Script, although music, dance styles, alcohol, et cetera remain \"modern\". Complete logs of all recorded actions, lines, and requests for each Script are available on request from Dr. Moriglioni. In its current configuration, SCP-453 has shown preference for three (3) Scripts in particular; these three account for roughly 80% of the Scripts seen, and represent a good cross-section of the general types of Scripts SCP-453 is capable of. These Scripts follow, listed in order of frequency:\n\nScript 43: \"The Cheating Wife\"\n\nLow priority, low fatality; staff medical intervention required at 2307 hrs for 43-male-C, and recommended for 43-males-A and -B. Medical treatment of 43-wife at 2319 hrs is also recommended, but is conditional on consent from 43-wife as she will have left the script at this point.\nPertinent Events:\n\nAt 2149 hrs, a female (43-wife) between the ages of 20 and 25 will withdraw to the men's washroom, followed within 2 minutes by three (3) males between the ages of 20 and 40 (43-male-A, -B, and -C).\n\nBetween 2152 and 2250 hrs, [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nAt 2255 hrs, a male civilian (43-husband) will enter SCP-453, order a bottle of red wine, and proceed immediately to the washroom. 43-husband will beat 43-male-A and -B to unconsciousness using the bottle; 43-male-C will receive minor brain trauma. Prompt medical attention will allow 43-male-C to recover within one (1) week. 43-husband drags 43-wife out of the washroom and proceeds to [DATA EXPUNGED], screaming epithets about infidelity and marriage in Latin. Other participants of the club pay no attention. 43-husband drags 43-wife out of SCP-453 at 2319 hrs, at which point they leave the Script and 43-wife can be retrieved for medical intervention.\n\nAftermath: Despite the trauma of the events, 43-wife shows no memory of them the following day. When injuries are pointed out, she reacts with shock. 43-husband remembers the events vaguely, but will not believe they were anything but a nightmare. Reacts violently to interrogating Agent if pressed in this manner. The three 43-males remember getting in a bar fight, but not the cause.\nNotes: None of the participants in this Script have any relationship or prior knowledge of each other. If introduced after the events of the Script, participants 43-wife and the 43-males will have an irrational hatred of 43-husband; this applies to anyone who has previously participated in the Script as one of these roles, even on different dates. 43-husband finds himself extremely attracted to 43-wife. Further post-Script introduction of 43-husband and 43-wife has been denied after [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is of some interest to note that despite capably handling the 43-males in combat, the Script appears to preferentially select a 43-husband who is diminutive in stature and in poor physical condition, while the 43-males are typically large and physically fit.\nExperiment Log 453-s43:\n\nDeviation: The male washroom is closed and locked after 43-wife enters.\nResult: Four new individuals (43-locksmiths) arrive at the washroom almost immediately after it is closed, forcibly opening the doors in order to use the facilities. Events proceed as usual, with a 12-minute delay. These individuals appear to be able to circumvent any lock we have thus far applied to the door, including SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nDeviation: 43-husband is denied access to a full bottle of alcohol, given a glass instead.\nResult: 43-husband takes a bar stool into the washroom. Participants 43-wife and 43-male-A and -C are killed instead of injured. Participant 43-male-B suffers irrecoverable spinal injuries1.\n\nDeviation: Four (4) Foundation personnel enter the men's washroom and attempt to subdue 43-husband using suppressive weaponry.\nResult: See video log 453-43-039. Foundation personnel subdued by 43-husband, who reacts immediately to the arrival of the Foundation personnel before any attack is made, disarming them and destroying their weaponry after suppressing them with it. Foundation personnel ignored from this point onward; Script proceeds as usual with a 3-minute delay.\nNote: Direct intervention in Scripted events should be handled much more carefully in light of [DATA EXPUNGED]. We were very lucky this time. \u2014Dr. Moriglioni.\n\nScript 21: \"The Senator's Visit\"\n\nHigh priority, medium fatality; staff are to immediately prepare the triage in room 453-12 on commencement of this Script at 2213 hrs. Medical intervention will commence at 2259 hrs. Most medical intervention will be aided by autopsy information from previous Script occurrences, attached in Document 453-s21-med.\nPertinent Events:\n\nAt 2213 hrs, a civilian (21-senator) will arrive in SCP-453, accompanied by a retinue of thirteen (13) servants (21-servant-A through -M). The servants will arrive carrying improvised weaponry. On arrival of 21-senator, conversation in the club ceases for four (4) minutes. Three (3) civilians already present (21-assassin-A and -B, 21-activist) withdraw to other corners of the club and confer with uninvolved civilians over the importance of 21-senator's arrival.\n\nAt 2217 hrs, 21-senator's retinue clears him a table near the centre of the room, and he begins demanding extravagant food and drinks. The types of food and drink vary depending on currently available menu items. If insufficiently expensive menu items are available, 21-senator will demand complicated dishes made from ingredients presently available in SCP-453. He has shown the ability to predict accurately exactly what ingredients and cooking methods are possible with the facilities on hand in SCP-453. Despite Foundation efforts to the contrary, 21-senator's orders are always completed at 2227, 2239, and 2250 hrs; this is one of only a few occasions where the Script will directly alter the actions of Foundation staff on site.\n\nAt 2240 hrs, 21-activist will approach 21-senator and begin heckling him regarding the treatment of slaves in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a Roman city. Three (3) minutes into her speech, 21-servant-A, -B, and -C will forcibly remove 21-activist and assault her with their improvised weaponry. She will be left for dead at the side of the main club room at 2259 hrs, and should be taken to triage immediately.\n\nAt 2321 hrs, 21-assassin-A will approach 21-senator, produce a bladed weapon, and attack him. 21-servants-C, -D, -E, and -F will respond immediately, disabling and killing 21-assassin-A. No intervention has, as yet, been able to prevent this.\n\nAt 2345 hrs, 21-assassin-B will incite a bar fight in a gaggle of civilians along the Easternmost wall of the club. Four (4) minutes after starting the commotion, 21-assassin-B will stab 21-servants-A, -B, -D, -F, -J, -K, and -M, running rapidly through the brawl towards 21-senator. 21-servants-B, -F, and -K can be immediately removed as they will be on the edge of the escalating brawl, and should be taken to triage immediately. 21-servant-A can be removed at 2356 hrs, as the crowd moves away, but should be treated for trampling as well. 21-servants-D, -J, and -M will not be retrievable until 0010 hrs, and must receive immediate top-priority attention or die (see Document 453-s21-med).\n\nAt 2350 hrs, 21-assassin-B reaches 21-senator and engages in combat with 21-servant-C. Both receive critical injuries as 21-senator attempts to escape. 21-assassin-B finally disables 21-servant-C and charges at 21-senator at 2353 hrs, stabbing him in the neck. Any attempts to recover 21-senator or 21-servant-C have met with further violence and casualties from 21-assassin-B, and should not be attempted.\n\nFrom 2355 to 0115 hrs, the bar brawl continues to escalate. A full list of injuries and possible civilian recovery times is attached in Document 453-s21-med, although no further fatal injuries will be experienced.\n\nAt 0119 hrs, nineteen (19) civilians (21-vigiles-A through -S) will enter SCP-453, all armed with improvised weapons and shields, and subdue the crowd using tactics believed to be consistent with Roman Vigiles. The 21-vigiles will then clear out the club. Injured civilians can be recovered as they exit the club, and will not exhibit any further Scripted behaviour. SCP-453 may be locked at 0200 hrs following an instance of Script 21; all staff should immediately report to triage to aid medical staff.\n\nAftermath: No participants in Script 21 show any memory of the actual events. All remember being involved in a violent bar fight, and remember that some people were badly hurt. Other memories are fuzzy, consistent with serious intoxication.\nNotes: This is one of the historically most common events, having occurred for as long as the Foundation has known about this site. It has diminished somewhat in frequency. As the most violent of the common Scripted events, it is required that all SCP-453 staff be completely familiar with the exact sequence of all events in this Script, both for their own safety and to diminish civilian casualties as much as possible.\nExperiment Log 453-s21: Special: To date, any attempted intervention in Script 21 has resulted in either neutral results (such as being unable to change the time required to prepare 21-senator's meals) or SCP-453 staff becoming part of the Scripted events, in which case the staff invariably suffers serious injuries. Further testing has been denied pending Level 4 authorisation. Previous logs are available on request.\n\nScript 82: \"The Plurality Cult\"\n\nTop priority, high fatality; if no known Script has manifested by 0000 hrs, staff are advised to prepare for the possibility of a Script 82 event; a weapons check is advised, followed by donning of riot gear and gas masks treated to resist type-14 neurotoxin. Civilians are to be told the riot gear is part of a theme night, and issued nonfunctional decorative goggles if they wish to participate.\nPertinent Events: Script 82 will not manifest until 0200 hrs; until this time, SCP-453 will be fully inactive, and events entirely mundane.\n\nAt 0201 hrs, one attendee (82-prime) will move to the centre of the room and proclaim, in Latin, \"The time of plurality has come\". Between 50 to 90% of the other civilians in the club (hereafter referred to as 82-cultists) will respond, \"We embrace the many.\" Note: Any Foundation staff observed to reply in kind are to be terminated immediately and without hesitation by the nearest staff member. At this stage, Intervention 453-82 \"Pariah\" is to commence. The following sequence of events is a summary of Pariah. SCP-453 staff must read and memorise the attached full protocol.\n\nAt the selection of 82-prime, staff observers will identify civilians who did not respond to 82-prime's announcement using software provided for this purpose. These civilians will be flagged on the HUD's of all Foundation personnel riot helmets. Priority 1 is to secure these civilians and remove them to Holding Area 453-11. Holding Area 453-11 is to be secured by no fewer than two (2) armed personnel. Any 82-cultists approaching within 5 meters of Holding Area 453-11 should be met with lethal force.\nShould the number of uninvolved civilians be too great to contain in Holding Area 453-11 before 0215 hrs, either due to space or staff restrictions, all Foundation personnel are ordered to cease attempting to contain civilians, and instead begin subduing any and all 82-cultists. Nonlethal force is preferred (cultists must be rendered unconscious or completely restrained), but lethal force is authorised, and encouraged if Pariah is proceeding slower than anticipated. 82-prime must not be harmed or interrupted in any way.\n\nBetween 0201 and 0225 hrs, 82-prime will lead the 82-cultists in a Latin chant. They will not respond to attacks by Foundation staff, and unaffected civilians will act as though nothing is going on. At 0225 hrs, if either: (1) all civilians have been contained, and/or (2) all 82-cultists have been subdued, the Script will end with 82-prime laughing hysterically, toasting the club, and returning to normal. The rest of the evening will proceed as though SCP-453 were a mundane club, and all participants will dissipate before 0400 hrs.\n\nIf, by 0225 hrs (cessation of chanting), there remain any civilians and 82-cultists (complete elimination of one or the other faction is sufficient prevention) in SCP-453, Pariah is to be immediately aborted and all staff are to engage all non-Foundation personnel inside SCP-453 (civilians and 82-cultists) - with the exception of 82-prime - with maximum prejudice. Observation personnel are to trigger release of type-14 neurotoxic gas into SCP-453. 82-prime is, as previously, not to be attacked (note that 82-prime has proven resistant to type-14 neurotoxic gas. No other gas types are authorised). If 82-prime is harmed in any way, or if any civilians or 82-cultists remain active by 0230 hrs, observation personnel are required to activate site self-destruct mechanisms immediately.\n\nIf, by 0300 hrs, contact with SCP-453 has been lost without registration of a successful self-destruct, observational staff are required to notify all Foundation listening posts by transmission frequency [REDACTED]. Advise potential \u2588K-class scenario.\n\nAftermath: No surviving participants will remember Script 82, remembering only a pleasant night at the club, even if operation Pariah failed, with the exception of 82-prime. Those who participated as 82-prime will have recurring nightmares featuring [DATA EXPUNGED], typically leading to loss of sleep, decreased productivity, and eventual insanity. For this reason, staff should capture former 82-prime participants as they leave the club and remit them to Site-\u2588\u2588 for therapy and monitoring.\nNotes: Despite the severity of this Script, Pariah is typically extremely effective. An abort has not been necessary since \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, and a full failure has not been observed since 16/12/1857. However, reports indicate that Script 82 has become increasingly common since [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nFootnotes\n1. Use of SCP-427 authorised to enable recovery of this civilian, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010. \u2014Dr. Ersen\n\n\u00ab SCP-452 | SCP-453 | SCP-454 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-454\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-454 should be kept in a plastic bag with a thin piece of acid-free cardstock. This can then be contained with standard procedures and minimal security. There is no need for psychological containment.\nDescription: SCP-454 is a comic book, titled \u201cThe Crypt of Terror\u201d The front cover has the picture of a female, nervously looking around, with a shadowy figure some distance behind her. The price is listed as ten cents and the issue number is seventeen. The item bears slight damage from age and normal wear. Although the cover mentions a werewolf, the story does not.\nShowing a subject a photograph of the item will not trigger an attempt to obtain it. It has no unusual physical or mental effects on subjects who have seen no more than \u2588 pages of the interior. Such subjects experience a mild desire to read the item, but it is no greater than that provoked by any other interesting item.\nThe interior story of the comic, as far as researchers are able to deduce, concerns a woman being stalked by a mysterious force. Julia, the protagonist, refers to the force only as \u201cHim\u201d. Much of the story concerns Julia's efforts to escape \u201cHim\u201d; she finally believes that she has bested it, only for it to [DATA EXPUNGED]. The first and last pages also bear a number of advertisements normal for 1950s-era comics, which do not display the item's primary effect.\nIf a subject who shows normal levels of empathy begins to read the comic, they will become more and more interested in it, expressing fear and relief as the story progresses and finally horror when it ends. Subjects' psychological state descends into excessive denial and depression as the story ends. After reading the comic, subjects begin to think and talk solely about a need to save Julia from \u201cHim\u201d. If given time alone and appropriate materials, subjects write or draw continuations of the story, in an effort to provide a continuation where Julia survives. Each of these efforts will end with Julia dead as before, however. In the event that a subject should make Julia survive, through deus ex machina or similar plot devices, they will throw away their effort, saying that it does not fit into the story.\nThese efforts come to occupy a great deal of the subject's time and effort. \u2588\u2588% of subjects suffer from severe depression, becoming withdrawn and uncommunicative. Higher than normal rates of suicide have been observed. Interviews with subjects and study of notes left behind show a sense of helplessness and of having failed Julia.\nSubjects with a history of [DATA EXPUNGED] undergo an additional event. The subject will write themself into the story, claiming to have found the perfect way to save Julia personally. Approximately \u2588\u2588% of such subjects are subsequently found [DATA EXPUNGED].\nMisogynistic or low-empathy subjects display no psychological effect and show no interest in the comic or the characters after reading.\nAddendum: In a recent experiment, D-Class personnel with normal levels of empathy were instructed to read the comic and placed in isolation. After \u2588\u2588 attempts, one subject claimed to have found a way to save Julia. He was found dead with [DATA EXPUNGED]. The security camera in his room suffered electrical disturbances during the event, in which a figure was seen briefly standing in the room. No signs of entry were seen. The security team was placed on probation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-453 | SCP-454 | SCP-455 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-455 in the water\n\nItem #: SCP-455\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Object SCP-455 cannot be moved nor contained in any structure. Containment must be made on site. No exploration or testing is to be made on or in SCP-455. No personnel are to remain in close proximity for more than five minutes. All physical contact with SCP-455 is forbidden; any personnel breaking this order are to be quarantined.\nAny hallucinations experienced near SCP-455 are to be recorded and logged. Any personnel experiencing hallucinations are to be transferred. Any personnel attempting to enter SCP-455 are to be restrained by any means deemed necessary.\nDescription: SCP-455 is a large cargo ship currently run aground on the southern coast of Chile. Most of its structure is underwater and badly damaged, with rust coating 85 to 90 percent of all surfaces. Internal structure appears to be significantly larger than external dimensions, and is not flooded despite large holes visible on outer hull.\nInternal structure appears to be a random assembly of rooms, halls, and structures. Initial salvage teams reported rooms made of human teeth, an engine with tendon strips for timing belts, a hall extending for 182.88 m (600 ft) beyond where the outer hull should terminate, an open \"gym\" room with steel walls as pliant as taffy, and numerous audio and visual hallucinations. Team was lost after reporting entry to \"central navigation.\" Rescue team lost after reporting the investigation of \"screaming\" in a cargo section.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has suggested the use of robots to map the interior of SCP-455 after the failure of several manned exploration teams.\nExperiment Log 455 details the attempts to explore SCP-455 and information established despite their failures overall.\nExploration Log Record 455 3 - Record of last major exploration attempt by MTF Zeta-9.\n\n\u00ab SCP-454 | SCP-455 | SCP-456 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-456\n\nItem #: SCP-456\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The SCP-456 colony is to be kept in a sealed containment room. Personnel entering the containment area should wear Level 1 biohazard suits to avoid being bitten by SCP-456, and the suits must be treated with insecticide upon leaving the enclosure. When not being used in experiments, SCP-456 must be fed 70 ml of human or animal blood per 100 insects, weekly.\nDescription: SCP-456 is a variety of the common bedbug (Cimex lectularius). In addition to an anticoagulant, SCP-456 injects [DATA EXPUNGED] when biting its host, causing the brain to produce adenosine, endorphins, and a narcotic identified as an analogue of fentanyl. As a result, victims of SCP-456 infestations experience increasing euphoria and somnolence as the number of insects increases, eventually sleeping 24 hours/day.\nSCP-456 was identified after a number of individuals were found dead in their homes, suffering from varying degrees of malnutrition, blood loss, and narcotics toxicity. SCP-456 continues to be a problem in the wild. To reduce the number of infestations, the CDC has issued a false report that bedbugs carry malaria and must be exterminated when found.\nAddendum: Four D-Class were requisitioned for exposure to SCP-456, to determine long-term effects.\nExperiment 456-1: D-17514 exposed to SCP-456 and fed standard rations, but given no other special treatment. After 17 days of exposure, D-17514 slept constantly and was unable to care for himself. Subject expired from malnutrition \u2588 days later.\nExperiment 456-2: D-17515 exposed to SCP-456 and fed intravenously when unable to care for herself. Subject expired from blood loss after \u2588\u2588 days.\nExperiment 456-3: D-17516 exposed to SCP-456, fed intravenously, and given periodic blood transfusions as needed. Subject expired from narcotic overdose after \u2588\u2588 days.\nExperiment 456-4: D-17517 exposed to SCP-456, fed intravenously, and given periodic blood transfusions in addition to small doses of a narcotic antagonist. Subject survived for \u2588\u2588\u2588 days, and was supporting a colony of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 insects at conclusion of experiment. D-17517 remanded for amnestic treatment and reassignment on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum: Mobile Task Force Iota-10 (\"Damn Feds\") is investigating a report that a drug cartel located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Mexico, is kidnapping members of the public, breeding SCP-456, and extracting the narcotics produced by the victims under the cover of DEA operatives. Anyone found to be using SCP-456 in this manner is to be terminated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-455 | SCP-456 | SCP-457 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-457, having split into two bodies, observes a camera during testing.\n\nItem #: SCP-457\nObject Class: Euclid/Potential Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-457 is to be kept in a 5m x 5m chamber with no less than 22.9cm (9in) of cumulative fireproofing via various materials (asbestos cement, perlite boards) upon all surfaces and a blast-proof observation window with emergency blast shielding installed. The opening to the chamber must consist of at least two temperature-controlled and airtight chambers that may be sealed in case of emergency. SCP-457's chamber should be kept at high humidity with a drainage system installed in the floor, as well as a misting sprinkler system installed and running constantly, and emergency hoses capable of at least 2.1 MPa (300 psi) of water pressure. SCP-457 is allowed a small structure upon the wall of its chamber that remains water-free, but only allows for minimal protection and preservation of form.\nAll personnel entering SCP-457's chamber should be wearing at least Class-A temperature-controlled, flame-retardant sealed suits, and enter in groups of three, with two members equipped with high-grade blast shields and emergency fire extinguishers. Personnel should only enter SCP-457's chamber in order to supply SCP-457 with its daily allotment of fuel material, or to examine and repair any damage to the chamber or sprinkler systems.\nShould SCP-457 engage personnel in a hostile manner, it is to be controlled via emergency extinguishers and hoses until it retreats back to its safe chamber.\nIn the event that SCP-457 breaks containment, emergency sprinkler systems will be triggered and personnel will be supplied with extinguishers and blast shielding.\nDescription: For all points and purposes, SCP-457 appears to be a sentient being composed of flame. SCP-457's actual composition is unknown, and has proven to be invisible and undetectable by any known means, but is shaped out by the flames it produces, often assuming a human-like form if given sufficient fuel to assume that size. SCP-457's most rudimentary form appears to be that of a single flame, comparable in size to that of a matchstick. In this form, SCP-457 possesses only the simplest of directives and shows no signs of being unusual compared to any other flame beyond a penchant for suddenly flickering to burn human hands, and the ability to 'jump' to more flammable materials or other flames, which it then assimilates into its total form.\nAs SCP-457 grows larger, it is able to assume more complex shapes, and its intelligence grows with size and fuel sources. SCP-457's method of intelligence is unknown, but upon reaching an approximately human size, SCP-457 almost always assumes a human-like form surrounded by and composed of flames. SCP-457 has been observed to communicate through writing letters out of its own flames, charring them onto the wall or other surfaces, and more rarely through speech, created via high-pressure, superheated air and the crackling and pops of flames. Once SCP-457 reaches an unknown threshold of size and fuel source, SCP-457 splits into two beings, and so on so forth. However, multiple beings of SCP-457 are aggressive towards each other, and will either attempt to consume or extinguish their doubles, especially if there is only a limited amount of fuel at hand.\nSCP-457's behavior is largely predictable, as its goals are simply to acquire larger sources of fuel and to spread. The danger of SCP-457 comes from its ability to increase intelligence with size, and apparent ability to learn and mimic behaviors. This has led to it purposely damaging and sabotaging sprinkler systems and, in rare circumstances, set up relatively complex traps. It has also attempted to trick or reason with personnel to be released or have access to more fuel. Due to SCP-457's unique composition, variable intelligence, and uncooperative nature, its psychology may not be accurately determined in accordance with any human analogy.\nSCP-457 was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the summer of 2007, after multiple wildfires were attributed to it. It is unknown where or how SCP-457 initially formed. Investigation into the potential of SCP-457 being responsible for other major fires is underway.\n\nSCP-457 attacking a forest prior to capture, note increased size. Photo taken just before splitting threshold met.\n\nAddendum:\n\nAn Interview between Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-457\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you speak, currently?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good. Would you mind answering some questions?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'll take that as a no. How do you feel about being confined?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We have provided you with adequate air and fuel to survive.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you saying that you cannot grow?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How do you feel?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you feel anything besides hunger?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How do you feel about humans?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How do you feel about fuel?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please move away from the window. Or we will be forced to reduce your size considerably.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026How do you feel about water?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please move away from the window, or we will be forced to turn the sprinklers back on.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you understand that? Stay away from the window, and you will not be doused.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you understand?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: There is not a way out, if you would please\u2026what is it doing? Is it looking for a way ou-\n[[At this point in the interview, SCP-457 managed to severely damage much of the sprinkler system and destroy a portion of the fuel injector that had been sustaining its intelligent form, giving it free access to several gallons of gasoline. The interview transcript was recovered via security footage from before the blast. SCP-457's temporary breach of containment came from an exploitation of the sealant used to attach the blast shielding to the rest of the chamber. How SCP-457 managed to learn of and exploit this weakness is unknown, and it has since been moved to a higher-security chamber.]]\n\nAddendum 2: Due to the excessive resource requirements in keeping SCP-457 contained, locating a permanent renewable fuel source is currently a high priority. Proposals so far include, but are not limited to:\n\nUse of starch dust obtained from SCP-1689 potatoes.\nUse of SCP-124 to rapidly produce sources of bio-fuel.\n\nApproval of one or more of these proposals pending review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-456 | SCP-457 | SCP-458 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item: SCP-458\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-458 is considered safe and therefore is to be stored in the staff canteen at Site 17, with no access restrictions required.\nDescription: SCP-458 is a large-sized pizza box from the pizza chain Little Caesar's, of their Hot-n-Ready variety. It is made of simple cardboard, measures 25.4cmx25.4cmx2.54cm (10inx10inx1in), and weighs about 20 to 20.49 grams depending on toppings. As a result of the unusual nature of SCP-458, measurement of weight is inconsistent.\nWhat makes SCP-458 an oddity is that, while appearing to be an ordinary pizza box, when it comes into contact with human hands, it instantaneously replicates within it the holder's subconsciously preferred choice of pizza, down to the favorite sauce, cheese, crust, and topping. It is not limited to the Little Caesars brand, as pizza from all major pizza chains, as well as local and even handmade pizzas have been produced. There seems to be no limit to its ability, except that it cannot make anything but pizza, and its toppings must be edible by normal human standards (see Addendum 1a). The box is also rather indestructible, as all tests to destroy or dismantle the box have proven fruitless.\nIt is assumed the box is semi-sentient, having at least enough telepathic or empathetic ability to sense what the holder's personal choices regarding pizza are.\nAfter constant testing showed SCP-458's seemingly infinite power to generate pizza (but with little other use), it has henceforth been placed inside the canteen at Site-17 for free use by personnel. After its open usage has been allowed, personnel morale has shown to have sharply increased.\nAddendum 1a: Upon testing SCP-458 with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, the subject took a bite of the slice, which appeared to be a garlic-free slice of sausage and olive pizza on wheat crust. This was met with the response \"It's a fine slice, but I would have preferred a rather different sauce.\" It was inferred that the box cannot use substances that are indigestible by regular human bodies. Further testing confirmed this.\nAddendum 1b: Please see Document #458-1a\nDocument #458-1a: I would just like to remind all staff that just because we have a pizza box that can constantly create pizzas for you does not mean that you can just sit around and eat pizza all afternoon. If continued abuse of the box continues, coupled with reports of personnel gaining unhealthy amounts of weight, I may be forced to implement a mandatory physical training regimen following lunch hours.\n-Dr. del Morrino\nDocument #458-1b: For simple curiosity's sake, and to, perhaps, get a better idea of the mindset of certain SCP's, I have compiled a list of sentient SCP's reactions when holding the box.\n\nSCP\nResult\n\nSCP-040\nSmall, extra cheese, cheese stuffed crust.\n\nSCP-056\nMedium, sliced bell peppers, thin crust, alfredo sauce.\n\nSCP-073\nMedium, feta and jack cheese, no sauce, thin crust.1\n\nSCP-076-2\nLarge, meatballs, pepperoni, bacon, Canadian bacon, sausage, hamburger, thick crust.\n\nSCP-105\nSmall, olives, wheat crust, thin.\n\nSCP-108-1\nLarge, pepperoni, thick crust.\n\nSCP-134\nSmall, onions, anchovies, olives, thin crust.\n\nSCP-166\nSmall, oregano, olives, no sauce, thin crust.2\n\nSCP-181\nLarge, pepperoni, sausage, marinara-stuffed crust.3\n\nSCP-182\nMedium, olives, mushrooms, pretzel dough crust.\n\nSCP-343\nLarge, almost every topping imaginable, with over 100 distinct foods identified.\n\nSCP-378, SCP-378-1\nSCP-378-1 produced a large thin crust pizza with pesto sauce, ricotta, mushrooms, and fried mealworms. SCP-378 itself could not activate SCP-458.\n\nSCP-2118\nSmall, extra cheese, corn, pepperoni, seasoned with a variety of spices, primarily cinnamon.4\n\nSCP-3300-1\nLarge, extra cheese and pepperoni, wet when removed from box.\n\nSCP-3477\nMedium, anchovies. All instances produced identical pizzas, with identically arranged toppings.\n\nDr. Michaels\nLarge, Hawaiian (tomato sauce, honey-baked ham, pineapple, extra mozzarella cheese), with Tabasco.\n\nSCP-4504\nMedium, egg, bacon, barbecue sauce base, thick crust.\n\nSCP-4999\nExtra large, half supreme, half pepperoni.5\n\nPOI-3445, SCP-5175-1\nWielding SCP-5175, POI-3445 produced large pizza with mozzarella cheese-stuffed crust, a BBQ sauce base, bacon bits, bacon strips, ground beef, ham, pepperoni, sausage, and a dusting of crushed chili cheese Fritos. SCP-5175-1 contributed teriyaki sauce.6\n\nFurther testing on SCPs may reveal some odd characteristics about the SCPs themselves, and is suggested.\n- Dr. Kreign\n\nUpdate:\nFurther cross-testing is permitted but requires approval and supervision due to safety concerns.\n- Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nFootnotes\n1. Almost immediately after opening SCP-458, the produced pizza began to go through symptoms similar to other organic material within SCP-073's effect radius. Experiment was retried, with the pizza being removed from SCP-458 immediately after its opening, with minor deterioration present. When queried by researchers, SCP-073 stated it had never ingested products created by SCP-458.\n2. After SCP-166 ate a slice of pizza from SCP-458, SCP-166 complained about occasional moderate discomfort and nausea. The effects stopped after approximately 20 hours.\n3. SCP-181 was told that this was a reward for good behavior, and that it was a lucky guess that it was his favorite type of pizza.\n4. SCP-2118 remarked on how her mother would \"love the pizza if she were there\".\n5. SCP-4999 shared the pizza with D-430276, who was suffering from end-stage renal disease. Notably, this was the same variety D-430276 frequently shared with her late partner, and the first known case of SCP-458 accommodating a pizza which exceeds its volume.\n6. Through POI-3445, SCP-5175-1 claims to have never tasted teriyaki sauce; it emerged as a modern fusion recipe and is not traditional Japanese cuisine. SCP-5175-1 acquired a liking for the sauce after conversation with POI-3445, who regularly ordered chicken teriyaki at The Marketplace at Steamtown's food court.\n\n\u00ab SCP-457 | SCP-458 | SCP-459 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-459\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-459 is to be kept unpowered in a standard security locker. The access code is to be changed bi-weekly and known to level 3 and higher personnel. Removal for testing purposes must be requested at least one week in advance, and approved by a level 4 personnel. As of 04/15/20\u2588\u2588, testing has been indefinitely suspended. Proposals for use should be directed to O5-level personnel.\nDescription: SCP-459 appears to be a standard home thermostat. The item is equipped with a small display, four buttons, and two dials on either side of the screen; the two buttons on the right side raise and lower temperature, and the other two appear to affect relative humidity in the area - However, these buttons will only work when both dials are set to the off position. The left dial (Dial 1) is marked with several standard weather conditions including \"rain\", \"snow\", and [DATA EXPUNGED]. The fourth and fifth positions' lettering has worn off, and have been marked as 4 and 5. The fourth and fifth positions have been respectively designated \"T-storm\" and \"Hurricane\". The right dial (Dial 2) has \u2588\u2588 different settings, all of which are unmarked. The rightmost positions on each dial are the \"off\" positions.\nSCP-459 can, when wired to a heating and cooling system, modify weather patterns in addition to temperature and humidity. The area of effect appears to be about 1,500 square feet (about 139 m\u00b2), the same amount as a modest home. How these effects are produced is currently unknown, as site-wide heating and cooling systems show no abnormalities in the area, even if the temperature is significantly different. Recent testing may suggest SCP-459 can access resources from other planets, and possibly other dimensions.\nAddendum 459-1: SCP-459 was discovered in a suburban home in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after reports from neighbors of loud noises and bright flashes at night. Authorities' first attempts to investigate resulted in [REDACTED], attracting the Foundation's attention. A group of agents with standard protection gear cut power to the house and proceeded to retrieve SCP-459 without incident, wherein all agents returned to Site-\u2588\u2588 with the device. The bodies of [REDACTED], the occupants of the home, were recovered as well; cause of death is officially listed as a gas leak.\nTest Log 459-2\nPre-testing note: The default settings are 20 degrees Celsius and 50% relative humidity. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nName: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: 3/16/20\u2588\u2588\nTemperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 20\u00b0C/50%/Dial 1, Snow\nResults: After 127 seconds, rain began to fall in the testing area. Temperature indicated by SCP-459 is confirmed. Weather cleared after twenty minutes.\nNotes: \"I thought it would decrease the temperature\u2026 Well, I was half right - this is, functionally, ordinary weather, and follows the same rules.\" -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: 3/16/20\u2588\u2588\nTemperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 23\u00b0C/75%/Dial 1, \"4\"\nResults: After 47 seconds, dark clouds began to coalesce followed by moderate rain and occasional thunder. Wind speed inside the testing chamber peaked at 67 km/h. Weather cleared after 34 minutes.\nNotes: \"Nothing particularly unusual, though maybe we should have some weather gear close by next time we test this thing.\" -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: 3/16/20\u2588\u2588\nTemperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 26\u00b0C/80%/Dial 1, \"5\"\nResults: At first, outcome appeared identical to second test, but seven minutes after activation, weather conditions began to sharply deteriorate, with heavy rain and winds reaching up to 162 km/h, followed by [REDACTED]. Weather took over two hours to clear up. Site-wide brownouts reported.\nNotes: \"Let's not try that again\u2026 While watching a handful of sopping wet researchers being blown around a test chamber is, in retrospect, hilarious, my assistant getting electrocuted and the risk of site-wide containment failure put a bit of a damper on the whole thing.\" -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: 3/24/20\u2588\u2588\nTemperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 20\u00b0C/50%/Dial 2, leftmost position.\nResults: After five minutes of inactivity, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 exited the test chamber due to a spontaneous nosebleed. At 07:32 after activation, a breeze began to blow throughout the room, increasing in speed very rapidly, after which the view was obscured by large amounts of unidentified red material [DATA EXPUNGED] sensors clocked the wind speed at 428 km/h before they were destroyed [DATA EXPUNGED] entire East wing locked down. Weather did not subside for a week after the incident and further testing was suspended until the test chamber could be fully inspected and repaired. Inspection of the chamber showed large quantities of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and other chemical compounds known to make up Jupiter's atmosphere.\nNotes: \"Was that the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 red spot?!\" -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: 4/15/20\u2588\u2588\nTemperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 20\u00b0C/50%/Dial 2, one turn from leftmost position.\nResults: D-class personnel adjusted the device accordingly. After 742 seconds, [DATA EXPUNGED]. All further testing suspended indefinitely.\nNotes: \"It took three weeks to get the thing back, but it's completely undamaged. It's possible we could use this thing to help recreate natural environments for certain Earth-native animal SCPs.\" -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-458 | SCP-459 | SCP-460 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-460\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-460 is to be tracked and observed by Mobile Task Force Mu-13, while containing any serious incidents as they occur. All relevant information is to be transmitted, encrypted, and backed up at Site 19. During any major ectoplasmic event, all personnel are to evacuate a minimum of 5 miles from SCP-460's current location.\nDescription: SCP-460 is a free-floating mass of cumulonimbus, with an average diameter of 3.5 km. Normally, SCP-460 takes the form of a large ring, and is unaffected by standard meteorological conditions that a cloud of its shape and size would be. The composition of the cloud itself is typical, with frozen water (H2O) making up 98.7%. However, the remaining 1.3% of the cloud consists of a highly active form of ectoplasm, which lends to SCP-460's unique properties.\nTypically, SCP-460 is dormant, floating at a speed generally relative to the current wind speed of the surrounding area. Occasionally, SCP-460 will halt its movement, usually over an area of moderate population. Once completely stationary, the ectoplasm of SCP-460 will condense and fall as a viscous rain, causing the spirits of the recently dead to manifest in a physical form as ghosts. This rain occurs as a light shower after the main downpour, with only intermittent pauses. Normally, only subjects who have died within the last year will manifest, with only the rare exception. Of note is that not only humans are capable of returning as a ghost, but also all sentient life that possesses a purpose for their manifestation.\nSpirits that manifest in this have complete autonomy while SCP-460 remains stationary, and will revert back to whatever nature they possessed in life. The actual manifestation, however, varies on a case-by-case basis. Most subjects who return from a non-violent death are often passive and appear much like they did in life. Variations occur mostly among the spirits of those who suffered a violent end, with many victims of crimes such as murder and rape manifesting as ghostly avatars of justice. It should be noted that deaths caused as a result of SCP-460 would result in further manifestation.\nOver time, the ectoplasm making up individual manifestations will \u201cevaporate\u201d and rise back up to the main body of SCP-460. This may take anywhere from several days to a few weeks, depending on the temperature and general humidity of the area. Once SCP-460 starts moving again, any remaining manifestations are instantaneously vaporized, and the cycle starts over. After becoming mobile, SCP-460 will wander for an indeterminable amount of time, with no pattern or common habits.\nDiscovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 near Siberia, where reports of a literal \u201cghost town\u201d had begun to circulate into the press at large. The number of ectoplasmic manifestations caused by the long-term stay of SCP-460 was overwhelming, and due to the violent nature of the now discontented spirits, a large military operation was required to secure the area. The surviving personnel now make up what is now Mobile Task Force Mu-13 aka \u201cGhostbusters\u201d. SCP-460 was immediately classified as a Keter class SCP, with all research diverted into predicting its movements to avoid further incidents.\nAddendum: Due to the outcome (or lack thereof) of Incident 460-b and 460-c, item has been reclassified as Euclid.\n\nObservation Log 460-a\nAll relevant reports from Mu-13 are to be catalogued and formatted as follows:\nSubject: Amy Glaskow, formerly a housemaker and mother of 3.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDOD: \u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Liverpool\nCause of death: Auto accident.\nDescription: Comparison to pre-death records showed little difference in appearance due to manifestation. Subject returned to former home, reconciled with husband and children. First noted case of pre-mature dematerialization, a week before standard evaporation.\nSubject: Richard Bellington, formerly a dock supervisor with ties to organized crime.\nDate: \u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDOD: \u2588\u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, NJ, USA\nCause of death: Drowning\nDescription: Overall manifestation resembled subject, but its clothing had changed from former work attire to an old-fashioned black and white prison uniform, replete with a ball and chain around the left ankle. Subject observed going to a local police station, and attempting to provide testimony to indict a local crime boss. Status of this investigation is ongoing. Dematerialized normally.\nSubject: Alexsandr Daskovich, formerly an owner of a local bar.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDOD: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Russia\nCause of death: Cerebral trauma\nDescription: Manifestation resembled a monstrously strong version of the subject, demonstrating extremely aggressive behavior. Involved in an attack on owners of his former bar, leading to one (1) immediate death due to extreme trauma. Two (2) other deaths resulted after a fire inside the bar consumed the building. The cause of the fire is still unknown. Dematerialized shortly after.\nSubject: Kong Mu Shen, formerly a police officer.\nDate: \u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDOD: \u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Province, China\nCause of death: Heart attack\nDescription: Death occurred while SCP-460 was in the area. Subject attempted to apprehend a manifestation, which promptly revealed his true nature. Cardiac arrest as a result of stress followed. Subject manifested normally, and after initial confusion proceeded to operate as a law enforcement officer until dematerialization.\nSubject: Alex Grahl, formerly a notorious serial killer.\nDate: \u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDOD: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [Note, death occurred seven years before manifestation.]\nLocation: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Germany\nCause of death: Shot to death\nDescription: No resemblance to subject before death, resembled a twisted, disturbing interpretation of a norse troll. Manifested at place of death, a hotel where the subject had been gunned down by law enforcement. Subject proceeded to murder and partially cannibalize most of the hotel's patronage and staff. Neutralized and dematerialized shortly after by Mu-13. First case of manifestation of a long dead subject.\nSubject: James Strather, formerly a noted spiritual medium\nDate: \u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDOD: \u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, GA, USA\nCause of death: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nDescription: Subject appeared incredibly vindicated, with his immediate action after manifestation being to inform every single one of his critics of this fact. Dematerialized early, the first example of living beings able to influence manifested spirits on the physical plane.\nSubject: Spot, formerly a domesticated canine.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDOD: Unknown\nLocation: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ireland\nCause of death: Unknown\nDescription: Subject appeared to be a manifestation of a mixed breed dog of unverifiable heritage, wearing a small collar engraved with the name \u201cSpot\u201d. Upon contact with Mu-13, subject interacted playfully with several task force members. Subject followed Mu-13 during the entirety of the session. Dematerialized normally, to the dismay of Mu-13, which had grown fond of its company.\n\n\u00ab SCP-459 | SCP-460 | SCP-461 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-461\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-461 is to be kept in a locked room without windows and its display faced away from the door. The door must be guarded by one Level 3 security personnel whose presence is monitored via security cameras. A Level 2 security rating is required to enter the room. No one is allowed entry from 0300 to 0305 GMT until further notice.\nDescription: SCP-461 is a 25-inch cathode ray tube (CRT) television of unknown origin, although it outwardly resembles a Zenith unit manufactured in the early 1980s. The model number is \u201cZT-035,\u201d but this does not correspond to any known Zenith television. Once a day, at exactly 0300 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), SCP-461 self-activates and displays video footage lasting precisely five minutes. The nature of the footage varies widely, but it is never a conventional broadcast. Instead of standard television programming, SCP-461 displays what appears to be video feeds of closed-circuit security cameras in both commercial and residential settings. All footage appears contemporary and transmitted \"live.\"\nSCP-461 does not require an external energy source to operate; it has no power cable. It also has no antenna. When it is active, changing the channel has no effect, and its unadjustable audio produces only low static. Its knobs to adjust color, sharpness, tint, or other visual settings have no effect and may not be connected.\nAll attempts to physically access the internal components have proved fruitless. The device has no seams, screws, bolts, or other entry point or fastener. X-ray scanning does not reveal the interior of SCP-461, and sonographic inspection is similarly inconclusive. The unit is also unusually heavy for a CRT television \u2014 approximately 50 kilograms above normal weight for a device of this type.\nAddendum 461-A: Incident log, 03/08/20\u2588\u2588\n\nWe put the device inside of a Faraday cage today to filter out all incoming signals. Nevertheless, SCP-461's behavior proceeded as normal at 0300 GMT. Perhaps it's transmitting from an internal data storage component?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum 461-B: Incident log, 09/04/20\u2588\u2588\n\nToday, the device displayed footage of the interior of the room it is contained in, from the perspective of the corner just above the door. However, there are no security cameras or other video recording devices in the room. Advise that no fewer than two individuals occupy the room at one time. Also advise closed-circuit cameras to be installed in the room to monitor for unusual phenomena. Said footage is designated SCP-461-1.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum 461-C: Internal SCP correspondence, 09/12/20\u2588\u2588\n\nI did some analysis on SCP-461-1 as you asked. Nothing really jumped out at me at first, but I punched up the gamma and brightness, contrast, and a few other doodads, and it looked like there's someone standing in the far corner. I checked the entry log for that day, and no one is recorded going in or out. The hallway camera tapes don't show anyone going in or out either. Are you guys running an experiment on long-term exposure to this thing?\nRobert \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-460 | SCP-461 | SCP-462 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-462\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-462 is stored in a temperature- and humidity-controlled vault at Site \u2588\u2588. Under no circumstances are Class-D personnel to be allowed near the object. Despite its state of disrepair, SCP-462 does not show any signs of further deterioration due to rust.\nDescription: SCP-462 is a 1968 Chevrolet El Camino in a state of serious disrepair, with several broken windows and severe rust damage. A single key is inserted into the ignition. To date, all attempts at removing the key have failed. If a human sits in the driver's seat and turns the key as if to start the vehicle, they will instantaneously disappear. Around 42% of SCP-462's drivers have been known to suddenly reappear without the vehicle at a distant location after a random period of time, ranging from 43 seconds to 7 months, near the spot that they have confirmed as being their chosen destination. These drivers rarely arrive at their destination safely; many have been observed falling from a considerable height after reappearing, while others have arrived while flying in the direction of their destination at various speeds, resulting in injuries that are sometimes fatal. Occasionally, test subjects will arrive in various states of dismemberment. In 35% of these cases, the test subject never reappears and cannot be located, even when fitted with a GPS transceiver. The remaining 23% of test subjects [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe subjects who survive SCP-462's traveling process report that they are driving during the time they are gone, and express confusion regarding the experience and their abrupt re-appearance. These reports typically contradict the time between vanishing and reappearing, with most drivers insisting that they have been gone for a few minutes as opposed to the actual period of time their disappearance was observed.\nThe object first came to the Foundation's attention on October 5th, 2\u2588\u2588\u2588 when \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Marshall inadvertently used it to find his father, who was serving a life sentence at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Penitentiary, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 km from the object's original location. The prison's security staff detained Mr. Marshall soon afterward. Questioning was carried out by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was working undercover as one of the facility's guards. SCP-462 was immediately located and moved to Site \u2588\u2588 without incident.\n\n\u00ab SCP-461 | SCP-462 | SCP-463 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-463\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-463 is to be maintained in the small glass display case within its containment cell at Site-\u2588\u2588. If SCP-463 must be transported from its current location, it should be transported in its display case, or some other container. At no time should any Foundation researchers come into direct physical contact with SCP-463. Following the incident of \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, personnel are strongly discouraged from bringing food of any sort into SCP-463's cell.\nDescription: SCP-463 is a small silver spoon, approximately 17.5 cm in length, with a mass of approximately 153 g. Unless handled by a human, SCP-463 displays no abnormal behavior. Neutron imaging, MRI, and the [REDACTED] imaging system have revealed no detail to the inner structure. All analysis of SCP-463 is consequently limited to its directly observable effects.\nAny individuals who pick up SCP-463 have their spines bent backwards at a 90o angle, just below the T6 Thoracic vertebra. This bending typically proves fatal, although some test subjects have survived with full lower-body paralysis. Its effect on humans is displayed regardless of whether or not the subject is wearing gloves, oven mitts, or any other such barrier; the only apparent requirement for SCP-463 to be able to 'bend' its holder is that the subject have a firm grip. Subjects who have held SCP-463 very weakly (i.e. with just the tips of the fingers) have been unaffected.\nTesting has demonstrated that SCP-463 displays no unusual effects when in contact with autonomous machines, remotely controlled machines, animals, or corpses.\nAddendum: It is the opinion of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that SCP-463 does not actually physically bend the user, but has somehow been embedded with a psychic trigger, which causes the user's back muscles to violently contract. This would explain the absence of SCP-463's effect when handled by non-humans.\nMemo: See testing logs SCP-463-\u2588, \u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nTesting Log SCP-463-\u2588:\n3:01:25 Subject D-4221 is placed in proximity to SCP-463's unlocked container. Subject D-4221's back muscles were surgically removed from his body during surgery for spinal stenosis.\n3:01:53 Subject D-4221 is instructed to pick up SCP-463.\n3:01:58 Subject experiences bending of the upper spine.\n3:02:06 Subject goes into neurogenic shock.\n3:02:48 Subject declared clinically dead. Body removed from testing site.\n\nTesting Log SCP-463-\u2588\u2588:\n4:15:39 Subject D-4279's wheelchair is placed in proximity to SCP-463's unlocked container. Subject D-4279 has already had a complete fracture of the C5 vertebra, and has no neuromuscular connection to any muscles below the neck.\n4:15:51 Researcher, using tongs, places SCP-463 in D-4279's hand.\n4:15:53 Subject experiences non-fatal bending of the upper spine. Minor injuries are sustained as a result of falling from wheelchair.\n4:15:58 Subject removed from testing site.\n\nTesting Log SCP-463-\u2588\u2588:\n4:45:43 Subject D-5119 is placed in proximity to SCP-463's unlocked container. Subject D-5119 has been paralyzed below the waist by prior interaction with SCP-463.\n4:45:48 Subject becomes highly agitated, and attempts to remove herself from the testing chamber.\n4:45:59 An armed guard is called into the testing chamber to ensure compliance of D-5119.\n4:46:39 Subject D-5119 is instructed to pick up SCP-463. Subject does not comply.\n4:46:45 Subject D-5119 is instructed to pick up SCP-463. Subject does not comply.\n4:46:56 Subject D-5119 is instructed by the armed guard to pick up SCP-463.\n4:47:10 Subject experiences non-fatal bending of the spine, about the T6 Thoracic vertebra. No further injuries are sustained.\n4:47:20 Subject removed from testing site.\n\nMemo: It would seem that SCP-463 does indeed exert a direct force on the user's spine. Sadly, we have absolutely no clues as to the nature of the force. We don't even know what the net torque is. I think the next course of action should be to test SCP-463 on personnel from whom the spinal column itself has been removed. Further testing is clearly in order.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-462 | SCP-463 | SCP-464 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-464\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Site 53 consists of a warehouse that has been built around SCP-464. The intervening space between the walls of the warehouse and SCP-464 is equipped with motion sensors and stationary cameras. Site 53 is staffed by a rotating complement of seven guards. Unclothed beings sighted inside the warehouse are to be shot on sight, and unauthorized clothed people to be detained for questioning and physical examination.\nDescription: Discovered in 19\u2588\u2588, SCP-464 is a large building located in the middle of a farm near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The building consists of ten rooms, one of which takes up 70% of the building. The remaining nine rooms vary in size and function and take up two stories at the rear of the building.\nThe largest room, designated \u2018the floor', contains fourteen (14) identical, large machines all of which are connected to a fifteenth machine as well as the control room. Several of the machines are damaged by neglect and abuse. A full listing of functionality follows:\n#01 \u2013 Nonfunctioning\n#02 \u2013 Nonfunctioning\n#03 - Undetermined\n#04 - Undetermined\n#05 \u2013 Malfunctioning \u2013 All products are mindlessly homicidal\n#06 \u2013 Functioning\n#07 \u2013 Nonfunctioning\n#08 \u2013 Functioning\n#09 \u2013 Functioning\n#10 \u2013 Malfunctioning \u2013 Will produce only a biological \u2018soup' containing several complete organs\n#11 \u2013 Nonfunctioning\n#12 \u2013 Functioning\n#13 \u2013 Malfunctioning \u2013 All products are comatose and non-responsive\n#14 \u2013 Malfunctioning - [DATA EXPUNGED]\n#15 \u2013 Functioning\nMachine #15 seems to be a raw material converter and a fuel dispenser. It can accept and convert any animal or human bodies or body parts, living or dead. It must be at least 15% full for any of the other machines to function. All products of SCP-464 are to be recycled.\nThe next largest room is on the ground floor and was labeled \u201cRefining.\u201d When found, it was locked and barred from the outside. Upon exploration, it was discovered to have a very large pile of dismantled and destroyed parts of machinery, various broken surgical equipment, as well as the remains of various decapitated animal and human bodies. The animals were not identifiable as belonging to any known species. On top of the pile was sitting [DATA EXPUNGED]. This has since been classified as SCP-464-1. SCP-464-1 was deemed unsafe to keep and thus was destroyed, resulting in an acceptable level of casualties. The animal parts, SCP-464-1, as well as all destroyed machinery are currently under study.\nThe other room on the ground floor contained a standardized military uniform for adult men as well as various civilian outfits for men, women, and children. These notably included identification for the local [DATA EXPUNGED] as well as stocks of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, rifles, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nThe second floor contains a closet, a small room containing two small cots, a latrine, a large gasoline powered generator, and the observation room. The observation room overlooks the floor and has a wide variety of control panels. Fourteen panels each control the machines on the floor. They were discovered labeled in French as follows:\n\nA label indicating panel number (1-15).\n1 switch labeled ON/OFF.\n1 dial labeled Male/Female.\n1 dial with settings Caucasian, Asian, Indian, and African.\n1 dial, starting at 0 and ending at 75.\n1 dial, starting at 50 and ending at 125.\n\nPanels labeled #3 and #4 do not power up. The dials on panels #5 and #8 are missing and it has been discovered that they are set at Female, Asian, 10 and Male, Caucasian, 25 respectively.\nExperimentation with the panels and machines has led to the discovery that the machines will create human beings as per the settings. The settings \"Male/Asian/0/76\" resulted in newborn Asian males, normal except for a tattoo near the base of the spine showing [DATA EXPUNGED]. The significance of the last dial (50-125) was not initially known. Later tests (on settings \"Male/Caucasian/50/50\" and \u201c50/51\u201d) seem to show that the date signifies the age at which the produced humans will die of organ failure. Autopsy has shown that the beings resemble typical humans in all aspects excepting the presence of [DATA EXPUNGED] suspected due to the unique section between the memory section on the brain and the frontal lobes. Also noted in the autopsies is that each combination of the sex and race dials only has one DNA sequence, with only the age varying between like outputs.\nProduction takes twenty (20) minutes, and once the being is created, it lies in a coma or trance-like state for another fifteen (15) minutes. If this period lapses without interference, the being shall awaken and obey the orders given to it by the first human it encounters. During the trance period the being may be told any factual information, including name and personal history, and afterwards the being shall act as if though the information pertains to itself. All beings seem to be created knowing French, Spanish, and Chinese as well as knowledge pertaining to combat, weaponry, and vehicle operation.\nDissection of the machines indicates that manufactured humans are not created in a manner similar to cloning or, for that matter, birth. Rather, the machines seem to create each body part individually, in an inactive state. They are then assembled and activated, through unknown means. Though these machines may be repaired with standardized parts, total replication of a functioning machine has as-of-yet failed.\nIt has been theorized that at full production, SCP-464 could produce up to 700 adult individuals a day, assuming \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 of organic material was available.\nDocument 464-1: War simulations that included three instances of SCP-464 all resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED]. This of course assumes an adequate supply of raw material, which could be acquired from the deceased, livestock, and civilian populations.\nAddendum: Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 have been put on assignment to search for more instances of SCP-464. The danger of a fully functioning instance falling into the hands of some other agency or country is too great to ignore. \u2014 O5-\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-463 | SCP-464 | SCP-465 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-465\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-465 is secured in containment locker 8423 at Site-19. Under no circumstances is SCP-465 to be opened by any personnel ranking above class D, and then only in a space at least 15 square meters in area. No other special attention or care is required.\nDescription: SCP-465-01 is a large two-piece cardboard box decorated with a faded confetti pattern popular in the 1970s. Other than a large printed label on the top of the lid marked \"Party in a Box\", no indication of contents or manufacturer are found on any portion of the object. When any human subject completely removes the lid of SCP-465-01, an array of decorations, furniture, and a group of at least 20 people (collectively SCP-465-02) appear spontaneously in the room or immediate vicinity in which the box was opened. These individuals proceed to celebrate raucously, and actively attempt to include the subject in their festivities (primarily dancing and consumption of alcohol). Though most members of SCP-465-02 are persistent in these attempts, and several of them extremely persuasive, the subject does not appear to be compelled to participate. Should the subject attempt to leave the party, additional members of SCP-465-02 will manifest at any location that the subject visits for the duration of the \"party\".\nApproximately 5 hours following the appearance of SCP-465-02, all instances of SCP-465-02 will simultaneously vanish, accompanied by the subject if he or she has consumed any amount of alcohol in the course of the party. At the same time, the lid of SCP-465-01 will reappear atop the box in the closed position, and any damage sustained by SCP-465-01 in the course of the party is reversed. Attempts to close or damage the box prior to the end of the time limit have had no effects on this phenomenon, nor have attempts to distance the subject from SCP-465-01 prior to the conclusion of the \"party\". Subjects that have vanished as a result of interaction with the box may appear among the members of SCP-465-02 during subsequent activations of SCP-465-01, expressing little or no association with their original identities.\nOf the individuals comprising SCP-465-02, only two have appeared on every occasion that the box has been opened. The first (designated 02-A001) is a male disc jockey, and appears with a table covered in sound equipment and other tools, which he uses to play a wide variety of music audible wherever instances of SCP-465-02 are present. The second (designated 02-A002) is a male bartender, and appears with a small, well stocked bar from which he distributes a variety of alcoholic beverages. An additional 185 unique members of SCP-465-02 have been identified, many of whom have appeared on two or more separate occasions (most notably 02-A048 and 02-A162).\nIf a \"party guest\" appearing as part of SCP-465-02 is touched by any individual other than the subject who opened SCP-465-01, that \"guest\" will immediately become hysterical and incoherent, pleading in slurred speech with the individual who made contact. The majority of these \"guests\" will attempt to flee from the vicinity, and will vanish upon entering an area where no other elements of SCP-465-02 are present. The remainder of \"guests\" affected in this way will fall dead within several minutes of contact. The corpses of these individuals do not vanish with the rest of SCP-465-02, nor do such individuals appear in future manifestations of SCP-465-02. Autopsies reveal cause of death to be a combination of exhaustion and blood alcohol levels in excess of 1.8.\nBy contrast, 02-A001 and 02-A002 consistently ignore all individuals save for the activating subject and other members of SCP-465-02. Attempts at physical contact with either entity have resulted in premature termination of the \"party\". The significance of 02-A001 and 02-A002 remains unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-464 | SCP-465 | SCP-466 \u00bb"} {"text": "COVER PAGE\nORIGINAL\nINCIDENT-466-080214\nREVISION\nMemorandum-466-72\n\nSPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES REVISION REPORT\n\nDRAFT PROPOSAL\n\nThe purpose of this report/proposal is to review the original procedures regarding the entity in question and decide if there is a need for more applicable containment solutions. Also attached is the recent incident regarding the need of this review, a revised copy of the procedures to supersede the original, the original procedures, and any other documentation to support this change in protocol. Below are the electronic signatures of staff/committees that are required for these revisions to be enacted and put into practice:\n\nResearch Site-45 Site Superintendent\nPENDING*\n\nResearch Site-45 Medical Director\nAPPROVED\n\nResearch Site-45 Containment Director\nAPPROVED\n\nResearch Site-45 Security Director\nAPPROVED\n\nResearch Site-45 Senior Physician\nAPPROVED\n\nResearch Site-45 Senior Containment Engineer\nAPPROVED\n\nEthics Committee Review Board\nCONDITIONAL**\n\n*Awaiting further data on SCP-466 threat level. Revised special containment procedures may be enacted in the mean time due to time constraints.\n**See Memorandum-466-72 for additional details.\n\nNOTE: The following document is no longer applicable and will hence be stricken from the main database. It will be archived and referenced for record keeping purposes only. Some details may be redacted from this document as the new protocols dictate.\n\nItem #: SCP-466\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-466 is locked in a 5 meter by 5 meter by 5 meter room. SCP-466 is to be fed five times a day through a one-way slot in the steel door, with low-iron meals of mass below 0.1 kg. The key to the door is accessible only to Level 3 or higher personnel.\nDescription: It is unknown if SCP-466 is a separate pathogen affecting a human host, or the human host itself. Current theory suggests the former. For clarity, the host individual will be referred to as SCP-466-2 and the possible infective agent as SCP-466-1.\nSCP-466-2 is a [REDACTED]. SCP-466-2 exhibits anomalous vascular hypertrophy, particularly along the skin. This includes very broad arteries and veins not part of normal human anatomy. The continually-increasing mass of blood vessels is gradually displacing and eroding SCP-466-2's muscles and organs. SCP-466-2 is estimated to have approximately \u2588 liters of blood.\nThe excess vessels will sometimes rearrange under the skin, which is extremely painful. If the host or hypothesized pathogen is threatened, the excess vessels will physically tear the skin and extend up to \u2588 meters outward. These defense vessels will constrict threats until neutralized. If cut, they hemorrhage as expected, and will be replaced by more vessels from deeper inside SCP-466-2's body.\nAs demonstrated by the rearrangements, SCP-466-1 displays some degree of control over the mobile vessels when inside the body. This control is utilized when SCP-466-2 consumes food: if SCP-466-2 does not consume the entire meal, SCP-466-1 will use the collective strength of the mobile vessels and force-feed SCP-466-2. This is advantageous for SCP-466-1; it appears that nutrients go primarily to expansion of the mobile vessels.\n\nINCIDENT REPORT FORM\n\nIncident Date: 08/02/2014\nIncident Time: 13:25\nSite/Location: Research Site-45 Secured Medical Unit\nUnique Identifier (Auto-fill): 466-080214\nCivilians Involved (Y/N): N\n\nNumber of Witnesses: 0\nInjuries/Deaths: 0\nAmnestics Used: N/A\n\nPersonnel Involved (Y/N): Y\n\nNumber of Personnel Involved: 6\nInjuries/Deaths: 2 minor injuries, 1 major injury, 3 deaths\n\nSCP Involved (Y/N): Y\n\nDesignation: SCP-466\nContainment Breached (Y/N): N\n\nDetails: SCP-466 and patient had begun to show abnormal behavior as extremities, excluding the head, began suffering from avascular necrosis over a 48 hour period. Afterwards, SCP-466 was observed to go into a state of acute cardiac arrest. Level-3 authorization was granted for a rapid response medical team to assist in the revival of the patient while observing the standard protocols of extrinsic biological hazards. SCP-466 and patient were pronounced dead after thirty minutes of continuous resuscitation. SCP-466 and patient were left in the containment cell for another 48 hours of observation with no activity reported.\nLevel-3 authorization was then given to perform an autopsy on the deceased body. Upon opening the chest cavity, it was observed by medical staff that all arteries and veins had retracted from the external limbs and were clustered around the heart. Though the body was in a normal state of expected decay, the cardiovascular system seemed to show no signs of decomposition. During the autopsy, SCP-466 and the patient became active again and killed the two closest medical staff, Doctors Girard and Sharma.\nSCP-466 was observed appropriating the circulatory systems from the deceased into itself while also attempting to sever the head of the patient with a surgical bone saw. The patient's head was seen [REDACTED], which prompted Dr. Briggs to attempt a rescue of the patient from SCP-466. Dr. Briggs was subsequently killed; however, the distraction was timely enough to allow security teams to arrive on scene before the decapitation could take place. SCP-466 was eventually contained and the patient secured. Three medical and security staff were treated with minor injuries, two fractures and three lacerations. One security officer had to be surgically treated for a punctured lung and heart.\nAction Items: Review procedures regarding SCP-466. Current procedures may not apply.\n\nInterview-466-12 [LEVEL-3 ACCESS REQUIRED]\n\n[ACCESS GRANTED]\n\nPOST-INCIDENT INTERVIEWINT-466-12\n\nInterview Date: 08/04/2014\nInterview Time: 06:48\nSite/Location: Research Site-45\nInterviewer/s: Internal Investigator Rub\u00e9n Foster\nInterviewee/s: Medical Director Dr. Andrea Itzkowitz\nAgent Foster: All right\u2026 we are recording now. Have a seat, doctor.\nDr. Itzkowitz: How long will this take?\nAgent Foster: Depends. Is this your first time in one of these?\nDr. Itzkowitz: No. There was one other time.\nAgent Foster: Well, let's get started. (papers shuffling) You were\u2026 according to the case file\u2026 the one who authorized the autopsy, correct?\nDr. Itzkowitz: I did.\nAgent Foster: Would you like to elaborate a bit more, doctor\u2026 for the record.\nDr. Itzkowitz: Right. Well, we were certain that it died and we waited for two days as per the protocols for expired anomalous entities in containment. I ordered the autopsy to be performed before the body decayed any further.\nAgent Foster: Did you have the body scanned or order an X-ray beforehand?\nDr. Itzkowitz: We did. I said we were doing it by the book.\nAgent Foster: You felt that was enough?\nDr. Itzkowitz: \u2026\nAgent Foster: Doctor? Can you please answer?\nDr. Itzkowitz: \u2026I didn't see a need for further counter-measures. We were dealing with time constraints to perform the autopsy before the incineration deadline. So no.\nAgent Foster: (scribbling) Then what happened?\nDr. Itzkowitz: It came back to life\u2026\nAgent Foster: You were present?\nDr. Itzkowitz: I was in the observation booth. I was the one that called security.\nAgent Foster: Was there a reason why security wasn't on standby?\nDr. Itzkowitz: I told Doctor Sharma to take care of that. Apparently he didn't.\nAgent Foster: Yes. Now Sharma is dead.\nDr. Itzkowitz: Yes.\nAgent Foster: (scribbling) Tell me about Doctor Briggs during this incident. He was the only person present in the room while security was being assembled, correct?\nDr. Itzkowitz: Yes.\nAgent Foster: \u2026Continue.\nDr. Itzkowitz: Sorry. I think he was trying to save the patient. The body was in fairly poor condition and was falling apart while the thing was fighting back.\nAgent Foster: The patient was also alive?\nDr. Itzkowitz: Yes. Though it is just a head now, connected to that thing.\nAgent Foster: So what prompted the Doctor to attempt a rescue?\nDr. Itzkowitz: I'm pretty sure there were words exchanged between them, since the lungs were still attached. I couldn't make out the voice behind the glass.\nAgent Foster: Any idea about what was said?\nDr. Itzkowitz: No. But apparently it was enough to convince Briggs to risk his own life and try to stop the thing from sawing the patient off its\u2026 body, I guess.\nAgent Foster: I see. (scribbling) Then what happened?\nDr. Itzkowitz: Briggs struggled with it for a few seconds. Then it\u2026 well\u2026 I'm not really sure what you call it. Rooted into him I guess?\nAgent Foster: And that's when security came in?\nDr. Itzkowitz: Right, then I ran after the glass was shot out.\nAgent Foster: Where is the entity and patient now?\nDr. Itzkowitz: Heavily sedated in temporary containment until we figure out what to do next. The head still seems active, however.\nAgent Foster: That is\u2026 rather interesting. (scribbling) Is there anything else? Any other details you want on record?\nDr. Itzkowitz: Briggs was a good man. I regret his death. And I'm also going to ensure that his death was not in vain.\nAgent Foster: Sentiments noted. Thank you, Doctor.\nDr. Itzkowitz: So what happens now?\nAgent Foster: I file this case report to my superiors. If there is a follow-up, you will be notified.\nDr. Itzkowitz: Very well. We're done then?\nAgent Foster: Yes.\n(Dr. Itzkowitz leaves the room and closes the door.)\nAgent Foster: For the record, I don't believe there was negligence involved here\u2026 the procedures were unfortunately outdated. I'll see about interviewing the patient if possible.\n(click)\n\nInterview-466-14 [LEVEL-3 ACCESS REQUIRED]\n\n[ACCESS GRANTED]\n\nPOST-INCIDENT INTERVIEWINT-466-14\n\nInterview Date: 08/04/2014\nInterview Time: 14:48\nSite/Location: Research Site-45\nInterviewer/s: Internal Investigator Rub\u00e9n Foster\nInterviewee/s: Patient related to SCP-466, formerly known as SCP-466-2\nAgent Foster: Alright\u2026 I have the recorder on. Open the cell please.\nSecurity Guard: Be careful in there, sir. I'll escort you in.\nAgent Foster: Alright, then- (ahem) Well\u2026 patient is, indeed, just a head. The rest of it seems to be sedated. Not much movement.\nSecurity Guard: Man, that's fucked up.\nAgent Foster: Quiet, please. Um\u2026 excuse me?\n(patient looks at Agent Foster)\nAgent Foster: Can you hear me?\nPatient: \u2026\nAgent Foster: Right\u2026 no lungs. Blink once for yes, twice for no. All right?\nPatient: (blink)\nAgent Foster: Good. Um\u2026 is your name [REDACTED] and you are \u2588\u2588 years old?\nPatient: (blink)\nSecurity Guard: (indecipherable comment)\nAgent Foster: Are you in control of the\u2026 that. (Agent Foster motions to SCP-466 laying on the floor)\nPatient: (blink, blink)\nAgent Foster: Do you know why it wants to separate from you?\nPatient: (there is a long pause followed by a single blink)\nAgent Foster: Do you want to be separated?\nPatient: (rapid blinking)\n(security guard raises weapon at patient)\nAgent Foster: Ok, ok, calm down. Ease off the trigger. No harm is done.\nPatient: (expression changes to being frightened)\nAgent Foster: I take it separation should not happen?\nPatient: (blink, blink)\nAgent Foster: The heart. You think it's evil, perhaps?\nPatient: (blink)\nAgent Foster: But while it's connected to you still, it can't\u2026 what exactly?\nPatient: (patient mouths the word 'become')\nSecurity Guard: Begone?\nAgent Foster: No, become. Become what?\nPatient: (expression becomes panicked)\nAgent Foster: Whoa, hey now. What did I say?\nSecurity Guard: Shit! It's starting to move!\n(SCP-466 begins to lift itself up, dragging the patient's head across the floor and slowly stumbling towards both men)\nSecurity Guard: Get out of the way! (gunfire) Move!\n\nAgent Foster: Stop shooting, get out of the cell!\n(alarm is triggered as both men leave and lock the cell door)\nMedical Technician: Hurry, get the IV back in before it wakes up! (running footsteps) Fuck, we can't keep increasing dosage like this, it's resisting it.\nAgent Foster: (panting) End of the interview.\n(click)\n\nNOTE: The following document has been authorized for immediate use. Additional details and/or procedures may follow before finalization is completed.\n\nItem #: SCP-466\nObject Class: Euclid (pending possible reclassification after formal review)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-466 is to be sealed in Containment Cell-73 in E-Block at Research Site-45. E-Block is to remain separated from the main installation for the entirety of SCP-466's captivity. Containment Cell-73 is to have a 30cm thick acrylic observational window installed and the door welded shut from the outside.\nSCP-466's primary containment component, or its \"head,\" and the primary heart connected to the brain stem, are to be locked together in a perforated stainless steel lock box at all times.1 The \"head\" is to be considered a vital component of containment. Efforts must be made to ensure that SCP-466 does not put it in jeopardy and it remains connected at all times.\nFour liters of a nutrient-rich water solution is to be sprayed into the containment tank every ten hours. The nutrient solution will be adjusted and administered by medical staff. An oxygen-rich atmosphere (25% O2) will be maintained in the cell at all times. In the event of a containment breach, SCP-466 is to be suppressed with gas-based flame weaponry.\nDescription: SCP-466 is an amorphous and animate configuration of four human cardiovascular systems. The primary heart of SCP-466 is still attached to the original brain stem and thus still preserves its \"head\". The other three were absorbed during a separate incident post-acquisition and serve no purpose other than additional extensions of the whole. All four hearts of SCP-466 have increased in size by 275% and are observed to beat in synchronization at 130BPM. SCP-466 is considered to be sentient, as it responds to stimuli and pain in appropriate manners.\nThe veins and arteries of SCP-466 are able to move, as their smooth muscle tissue (the tissue between the intima and adventitia) has developed into tissue resembling skeletal muscle. The ends of each appendage is also tipped with a sharp, calcified barb. SCP-466 is observed to be dexterous and extremely mobile, and can even remain on vertical surfaces or ceilings for long periods of time.\nSCP-466 is capable of producing erythrocytes, monocytes and thrombocytes. It is unknown where the hematopoetic progenitor cells are located, as no bone marrow has been discovered. SCP-466 is not capable of angiogenesis and is dependent on appropriating other human cardiovascular systems in order to increase its mass. SCP-466 can, however, heal itself at an accelerated rate. SCP-466 is able to oxygenate without the use of lungs. It is theorized to extract oxygen and nutrients from the surrounding air.\nThe primary heart still remains connected to the original brain stem, though it has attempted several times to physically separate itself from it, including hitting it against hard surfaces or attempting to rip it off. The behavior of this is not fully understood, but it is theorized that separating the \"head\" from SCP-466 would trigger another step in its ongoing development. SCP-466 has remained in an agitated state since the development of the perforated lock box placed around its \"head\" and primary heart. Small amounts of water have been observed to drain from the perforated lock box, though this is merely from condensation and should be ignored.\nDue phenotypical similarities to SCP-1429-005, genetic material was compared between the two specimens and found to have multiple orthologous sequences, possibly indicating common ancestry.\n\nAnalysis Results of SCP-466 Blood Sample\n\n[ACCESS GRANTED]\n\nPatient: SCP-466\nSpecies: Human (Comparability)\nDate: 08-Aug-2014 12:01\nSample ID: 466-Kappa-90\n\nTEST\nRESULTS\nUNIT\nFLAG\nHEALTHY RANGE\nCLINICAL RANGE\n\nBUN\n7\nmg/dL\n\u2588\n13 - 18\n5 - 26\n\nCreatine\n0.5\nmg/dL\n\u2588\n-\n0.5 - 1.1\n\nTOT Protein\n11.1\ng/dL\n\u2588\n7.11 - 7.61\n6.00 - 8.50\n\nAlbumin\n4.9\ng/dL\n\u2588\n4.1 - 4.5\n3.6 - 4.8\n\nGlobulin\n2.8\ng/dL\n\u2588\n2.81 - 3.51\n1.50 - 4.50\n\nTOT Bilirubin\n0.8\nmg/dL\n\u2588\n0.3 - 0.9\n0.0 - 1.2\n\nSGOT (AST)\n26\nIU/L\n\u2588\n15 - 26\n6 - 40\n\nSGPT (ALT)\n25\nIU/L\n\u2588\n15 - 26\n6 - 40\n\nSodium, Serum\n139\nmmol/L\n\u2588\n-\n135 - 145\n\nPotassium, Serum\n4.1\nmmol/L\n\u2588\n-\n3.5 - 5.2\n\nChloride, Serum\n104\nmmol/L\n\u2588\n-\n97 - 108\n\nCalcium, Serum\n12.2\nmmol/L\n\u2588\n-\n8.5 - 10.6\n\nMemorandumM-466-72\nSent: 08/12/2014 21:36\nTo: Dr. Frederick Carlyle, Superintendent of Research Site-45\nFrom: Ethics Committee Review Board Secretary\n\nIn light of the situation regarding SCP-466, whereas the current containment procedures no longer apply to its current condition and thereby necessitate the review and development of more applicable procedures and containment protocols, the following draft has been proposed. However, the patient associated with SCP-466 does invoke the authority of the Ethics Committee, as dealing with the well-being and moral decision of what is to be done in regards to both patient and entity.\nIt is unfortunate that there is no ideal solution in separating both, and that there is no sustainable solution in both preserving or improving the quality of life of the patient without putting a substantial amount of risk on additional staff. It is not an easy decision and would not be the first nor last time such a ruling is made. Thus, after careful deliberation, this committee is tasked with making those difficult decisions on behalf of the Foundation and has decided the following measures:\n1. That the patient be considered as lost collateral. Mental health considerations need not apply.\n2. That this lost collateral is considered a deterrent to SCP-466's development and hence be considered a primary component in aiding containment.\n3. That said primary component be maintained and kept in a reasonable functioning state.\n4. That all identity and details regarding the primary component be expunged from all records.\n5. That staff who are tasked with handling SCP-466 be screened for specific moral objections that may conflict with containment protocols.\nWith these measures in place, the ethics committee review board grants a conditional approval to the following procedures and that they may be enacted immediately as such. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us.\nSincerely,\nEthics Committee Review Board Secretary\n\nFootnotes\n1. The purpose of placing them together in a lock box is to ensure that collateral is held against SCP-466 as to persuade it to not damage the \"head\".\n\n\u00ab SCP-465 | SCP-466 | SCP-467 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-467\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-467 is currently located at Site \u2588\u2588, and is guarded by a single security personnel, changed daily. Although SCP-467 has no true anomalous lasting effects, the information it reveals can leave people with lasting effects of their own. While SCP-467 is being studied or moved, all involved personnel must have no cell phones, pagers, or other communication devices on them without clearance for testing.\nDescription: SCP-467 appears to be an empty phone booth, and was found in [DATA EXPUNGED]. The SCP Foundation discovered it due to a legend about a 'haunted phone' that used to reside inside the booth, although testing has revealed that the phone was of no importance, and the effects came from the booth itself. Even after the phone was removed, the booth itself remained a place of superstition before being recovered by [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAlthough there is nothing extraordinary about the booth itself, so long as a human and a communications device are in the booth at the same time, its effects are easily observed.\nCommunications devices receive a message from somebody the user knows. This call shows no preference for friends, family, loved ones, co-workers, or even just acquaintances. Curiously enough, later examination of phone records or call logs reveal that this call never happened, even though it may be observed and recorded. The 'caller' has never even picked up the phone, in the process, suggesting SCP-467 has a powerful form of telepathy.\nThese calls divulge information that the user previously did not know, most commonly secrets and confessions. These calls range from insignificant to life-changing (see addendum). A single user may use the phone booth more than once, provided that at least twenty-four hours have passed since their last use. It is suggested that the booth not be used for personal reasons.\nAddendum: A collection of some of the more notable results has been collected, and is still being formed.\nTest Log 467-Various\n\nSubject:\nNature of Call:\nEffects:\n\nSubject: Class D personnel; convicted of multiple violent crimes\nNature of Call: Subject's mother, telling him she was disappointed with what he had done and admitting that she blamed herself for not raising them right.\nEffects: Subject seemed mildly disturbed for several hours, repeatedly asked to be allowed to contact family. Subject's request was turned down.\nSubject: Class D personnel; convicted of homicide\nNature of Call: Subject received call from victim's family, saying that they never forgot, but they were slowly learning to forgive him.\nEffects: Mild discomfort for several hours.\nSubject: Class D personnel; [DATA EXPUNGED]\nNature of Call: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEffects: Violent outbursts intermittent with hysterical sobbing. Subject was terminated after an attack on nearby researchers.\nSubject: Class D personnel\nNature of Call: Received a call from researcher present in the room at the moment, saying that he thought the subject's haircut looked ridiculous.\nEffects: Mild annoyance, followed by amusement.\nSubject: Class D personnel; convicted of several counts of rape\nNature of Call: Victim of subject, telling him she had managed to heal and grow past the crime since then, having started a family and working with women's rights organizations.\nEffects: Subject was confused and admitted that he was not sure how to feel about that. A notable improvement in morale followed for several days.\nSubject: Dr. Rights\nNature of Call: Unknown.\nEffects: Moderate depression for approximately two days, intermittent with doubt regarding working with the Foundation. Full recovery followed.\nSubject: Dr. Iceberg\nNature of Call: Unknown\nEffects: No immediate effects. Two days later began an argument with a researcher at Site 17, which led to a mild physical conflict. Full reprimand followed.\nSubject: SCP-1599\nNature of Call: Message from subject's creator or creators claiming they have lost its signal, don't know where it has gone, and that they are unable to recover it.\nEffects: Subject denied the message came from its creator, and believed the message was a trick performed by its captors.\nIncident Report - \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 Near holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, a notable increase in disturbing or distressing calls has been observed. Theory currently holds that this is due to increased family tension and urges to be 'nice' to people at this point in time. Additionally, it was during the holiday season that the first two reported incidents occurred of occupant inside SCP-467 receiving a call from themselves, and other reported incidents of an occupant receiving a call from the deceased or non-existent. Further investigation pending on how personnel could 'lie' to themselves, and how SCP-467 receives calls from non-existing sources.\nSubject: Class D personnel\nNature of Call: Subject's own voice, describing latent homosexuality.\nEffects: Subject attempted to destroy SCP-467, immediate termination followed.\nSubject: Class D personnel; amnesiac testing subject\nNature of Call: Subject's own voice, explaining forgotten events prior to amnesiac testing.\nEffects: Subject seemed moderately confused, but showed no other effects.\nSubject: Class D personnel; convicted of multiple counts of homicide\nNature of Call: Victim of subject, angrily screaming for five minutes.\nEffects: Subject attempted to destroy SCP-467, immediate termination followed.\nSubject: Dr. Rights\nNature of Call: Voice was described as that of a young child; Dr. Rights shut off the recording equipment after voice revealed to belong to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nEffects: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSubject: Secretarial/Security Staff Break\nNature of Call: Dr. Iceberg [REDACTED].\nEffects: [REDACTED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-466 | SCP-467 | SCP-468 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-468-1\n\nItem #: SCP-468\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A buffer area of one kilometer is to be maintained around SCP-468-2. Individuals found inside upon initial Foundation acquisition may only exit with the permission of the overseeing Level 4 researcher. All Foundation personnel entering for purposes of observation must exit two hours after entrance.\nSCP-468-1 is not to be moved from SCP-468-2. It is to be contained within a standard locked containment unit. One video camera inside the unit is to monitor SCP-468-1's movement. The unlocking combination is held by the overseeing Level 4 researcher.\nDescription: SCP-468-1 is an abacus with dimensions of 20 by 7 centimeters, in near-perfect condition, with no missing beads or signs of disrepair. Its beads, despite the lack of any obvious motor or driving system, will move autonomously. Periods of movement are interspersed by periods of rest, which usually last three to five hours. SCP-468-1's beads will often perform basic arithmetic operations, though this is not always the case.\nSCP-468-2 is the former farming village of [REDACTED], located in the Chinese province of Jiangsu, with an area of about 2.3 square kilometers. It is presumed that the previous owner of SCP-468-1 lived within this village. Research Site-133, which houses all personnel assigned to SCP-468, is located 3 kilometers from SCP-468-2. Foundation investigations have [DATA EXPUNGED].\nRoads, houses, and other sufficiently large man-made structures inside SCP-468-2 will shift their positions as SCP-468-1 itself moves. Movement invariably results in the formation of geometric patterns. Usually, roads lined with houses will move to form rows and columns. Other patterns that have been observed include basic circular and triangular patterns. Researchers have recorded a relation between arithmetical operations done by SCP-468-1 and the movement of SCP-468-2. For example, SCP-468-1 moving to multiply 10 and 32 resulted in a 10 by 32 grid pattern, with outlying houses forming a perimeter around the resultant grid.\nAll sufficiently large animals (including horses, dogs, cats, and human beings) within SCP-468-2 are subject to its effects. During periods of SCP-468-1's rest, affected subjects will travel between structures. Only SCP-468-2's roads will be used to travel. No two subjects will ever travel in different directions on the same road. The speed of travel is invariably 2.3 meters per second, with one pace taken every 0.6 seconds. Mathematical functions are often performed with affected subjects acting as counters.\nAnimals susceptible to SCP-468-2's effects begin to display symptoms 2.5 hours after entry into the village. The initial symptom is the loss of all complex mental functions, such as basic coordination, language skills, and reasoning. After 3 hours inside, instinctive and reflexive actions, such as the fight or flight response, are forgotten. After 3.5 hours, brain activity reduces to an essentially comatose state, and only the knowledge of how to walk is retained. However, only a certain number of affected individuals actually take place in group movement at any given time; because of this, surplus beings will simply [DATA EXPUNGED]. If enough subjects are removed from SCP-468-2 such that the number of affected individuals inside is less than \u2588\u2588, all movement will cease; it can only resume once members of the same species as the removed subjects are placed inside SCP-468-2. Despite their inability to consume food or water, all subjects seem to be in perfect health.\nRemoving SCP-468-1 from SCP-468-2 causes all activity within SCP-468-2 to cease, though affected subjects do not regain lost mental capacity. Given the research opportunity that would be lost, this is prohibited.\nAddendum-468A: Before it became the focus of Foundation attention, SCP-468-2 was a relatively isolated community. Beginning January 12th, 19\u2588\u2588, residents reported roads and houses shifting several meters in sudden bursts. Local authorities assumed tectonic instability to be the cause of the moving structures, and advised all residents to evacuate. Approximately half of the population complied. By February 3rd, no more reports were filed concerning the believed tectonic instability. By March 21st, attempts to contact people living in the village were met with no response, prompting Foundation involvement. By the time nearby agents arrived, the entire remaining population had succumbed to SCP-468-2's effects.\nA discrepancy exists between the population of SCP-468-2 post-earthquake evacuation (188) and the current human population (66). Extensive Foundation exploration has not found a single member of the missing 122, [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum-468B: Patterns and calculations made by SCP-468-2 have begun increasing in complexity since observation has begun. While only basic addition and subtraction were seen when first discovered, its repertoire of mathematical operations has expanded to include multiplication and division; calculating the area of quadrilaterals, triangles, and circles; comparing proportions; and finding the square roots of two-digit numbers.\nOn July 19th, 20\u2588\u2588, SCP-468-2 arranged in grid patterns used for basic arithmetic. However, Foundation observers quickly realized that the right half of SCP-468-2 had only very limited activity, whereas the left side exhibited an abnormal increase in subject movement. Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, upon investigating the matter, theorized that the computations being made were an attempt to perform matrix multiplication, with the left hand side acting as \"scratch work\" and the right hand side including the actual matrices. After only 39 minutes, all subject movement ceased and SCP-468-1 entered another period of movement: the shortest recorded period of rest yet. Researcher estimates place the time required for matrix multiplication to take place inside SCP-468-2 at approximately three days. Matrix multiplication was an unusual jump in the normally steady progression of mathematical complexity previously undergone. Furthermore, the subsequent arrangement of SCP-468-2 facilitated fraction multiplication, the only recorded instance of a decrease in mathematical complexity between rearrangement periods.\n\n\u00ab SCP-467 | SCP-468 | SCP-469 \u00bb"} {"text": "One of SCP-469's feathers\n\nItem #: SCP-469\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Subject is to be kept in an airtight, soundproof containment chamber, 15.24m x 15.24m x 15.24m (50ft x 50ft x 50ft) until a viable termination method is available. All personnel who enter SCP-469's chamber (Class D Only) must wear standard Sound-Proofing Anti-Resonance (SPAR) suits at all times while inside the chamber, and communicate only through written notes, hand gestures or text messaging. Absolutely no-one is to touch or even approach the subject with anything other than probing instruments.\nAll equipment taken into SCP-469's containment chamber must make as little noise as possible, or none at all. Cell phones are permitted for communication between personnel as long as they are muted. Absolutely no bells are to be rung anywhere near SCP-469 (No less than 15.24m), including alarms and recordings of bells.\nDescription: SCP-469 appears to be a gargantuan mound of large avian wings with white, glossy feathers, curled into a massive ball measuring 8.84m (29ft) in diameter and weighing several tons. Each wing varies in size and span, ranging from a few centimeters to several meters, with the largest estimated to be at least 53m (173.8ft) in length, and branch off one another in seemingly random, fractal-like arrays.\nX-rays have revealed the wings to possess long chains of small, vertebrae-like bones as opposed to the few long bones in a typical avian wing, allowing each wing to have exceptional flexibility akin to a snake. These chains of bones can also \"lock\" together to form a more rigid structure to aid in flight or defense. At the center of the mass is a large humanoid creature, approximately 6m (19.6)ft in height, curled up into a fetal position, to which all the wings are attached at its spine. Further details regarding this humanoid are unknown, as the density of both the wings and its body make it difficult to study remotely.\nSCP-469 appears to \"feed\" exclusively on sound waves, using the energy gained from sound to grow newer and bigger wings and feathers, as well as repairing damaged ones. The louder the sound and/or the higher the frequency, the faster SCP-469 grows. Though it can be sustained by any sound, it seems to have a preference for rhythmic/musical noises, especially those produced by bells (see Incident Log 469-01). SCP-469 itself, however, seems to make no noise whatsoever due to the sound-absorbing structure of its plumage.\nAny human or animal that touches or gets too close to the surface of the creature will be quickly enveloped by the outstretching wings and drawn inside. Despite the feathers' soft appearance, each barb has a sharp point that quickly pierces through clothing and into bare flesh, releasing a potent mix of stimulants that immediately activates the pain receptors in the victim's body, with additional stimulants keeping the victim from passing out too quickly. This is done to make the victim scream loudly, thus feeding SCP-469 even more until the victim either passes out or dies of blood loss and/or suffocation from being buried beneath newly-grown wings. SCP-469 is responsible for the loss of four personnel this way. Touching SCP-469 with dead or nonliving objects does not have the same effect, though it actively resists any attempt to physically penetrate its core body.\nAll termination methods of SCP-469 have been unsuccessful. Flamethrowers were initially used, but the noise from the discharging propellant as well as the crackling flames gave SCP-469 the energy to grow faster than it could be destroyed. Cutting and slicing instruments, due to their close range, resulted in failure and the loss of two agents. Acid immersion is being suggested.\nIncident Log 469-01: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2013, during an attempt to gather feather samples from SCP-469, Researcher Water's phone emitted the sound of a ringing bell.1 This resulted in SCP-469 to immediately awaken, unfurling its numerous wings, and standing to its full height, with many smaller wings completely enveloping its humanoid body in a manner similar to full plate armor.2 The entity then proceeded to escape from its cell by tearing open the ceiling and crawling up into the upper floor, repeating this action until it gained access to the roof outside. Security fired upon SCP-469 as it tunneled it way up through the facility, though small-arms fire proved unsuccessful in slowing the entity down, though it did result in large amounts of feathers to be shed, injuring several personnel who unwittingly touched them.3\nOnce on the rooftop, SCP-469 raised its arms over its head, leapt into the air, and began flying straight up into the sky, initially reaching speeds of over 1200 MPH, the resulting shockwave causing further damage to the facility rooftop as its wings propelled it into the air. With each flap of its wings, SCP-469's ascended higher and faster, but also shed more and more feathers with each burst of speed. Observations revealed that at the third flap, SCP-469's ascension began to rapidly slow down due to the loss of its feathers. At the fifth flap, SCP-469 had lost approximately 50% of its feathers and proceeded to plummet back down to the ground, appearing to be desperately clawing up at the sky above while flapping its wings faster, until finally crash-landing in a nearby forest, approximately 1.2km from where it started.\nSCP-469 was recovered without resistance and placed in a temporary holding cell until its original containment chamber could be repaired and reinforced. During this time, as well as approximately five months after being re-contained, SCP-469 returned to its previous fetal position and showed no signs of aggression or sudden movements, though researchers have claimed to have heard what sounded like \"muffled weeping\" coming from SCP-469.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Researcher Waters later revealed that while she had set her phone on silent as per protocol, she had accidentally set her wake-up alarm for 7:30 PM instead of AM that day.\n2. SCP-469's true face and skin were never observed, though security footage showed it to have what appeared to be a single bright yellow light emitting from its face.\n3. The incident resulted in at least 23 injured personnel with 3 in critical condition. No deaths recorded.\n\n\u00ab SCP-468 | SCP-469 | SCP-470 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-470\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No items or personnel are to enter or exit SCP-470 or the external containment area without approval by Site Command. Anything entering SCP-470 must be examined both before and after contact. Anything exiting SCP-470 is to be contained and examined, resistance by any items or staff to this process may be overcome by whatever means deemed necessary by Site Command.\nAny staff entering SCP-470 must be equipped with a long-range GPS tracking bug. Staff entering SCP-470 are to remain in groups of no less then twenty (20) at all times. Should staff become separated, [DATA EXPUNGED], or any combination thereof, they are to immediately exit SCP-470.\nStaff or equipment lost within SCP-470 are to be declared \u201cmissing\u201d 48 hours after loss of GPS contact. Staff or equipment located after disappearance of GPS contact are to be recovered whenever possible. Should the GPS beacon [DATA EXPUNGED]\nDescription: SCP-470 appears to be a large abandoned office building in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-470 has had no registered owner since \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when it was abandoned with the collapse of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation. The building is seven floors, including basement levels, and in a general state of disrepair consistent with its term of abandonment.\nSCP-470 appears to be (or to house) a dimensional anomaly, causing its internal rooms to \u201cshift\u201d and become other locations that have been \u201cabandoned\u201d for extended periods of time. The ability for an outside location to appear within SCP-470 appears to manifest after twenty and thirty years of little to no human observation, interaction, or habitation. This anomaly appears to be limited to the rooms of SCP-470, with the halls remaining primarily stable.\nThe rooms of SCP-470 appear to exist both in their original physical location and within SCP-470 simultaneously. All rooms appear to be internal locations, such as store rooms, abandoned offices and factory areas, with no external locations such as abandoned lots or storage yards ever recorded manifesting inside SCP-470. Manifested rooms appear to be \u201ccut off\u201d from their original surrounding locations, with all doors besides the \u201centry\u201d door opening up to blank brick walls of the same construction as SCP-470.\nThese locations appear to be unstable, and will \u201cflicker\u201d, ceasing to exist within SCP-470 at random points, and remaining unmanifested for random periods of time before manifesting within SCP-470 again. Anything inside a room when it unmanifests will be transported with the room to its original physical location. This process also works in reverse, as any objects inside the room will be present when it manifests inside SCP-470. The \u201cflicker\u201d rate appears to vary, ranging from six seconds to several years.\n\nLast image that [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nAddendum: It appears possible to remove a room from \u201crotation\u201d by increasing the level of observation and activity inside the original physical location of the room. The longer an area is left outside of observation or activity, the stronger the \u201cconnection\u201d with SCP-470. Initially, rooms are able to shift only when no humans are present, or actively observing the area. After longer periods of abandonment, rooms are capable of shifting with as many as fourteen people inside.\nThe danger of SCP-470 comes from the fact that some of the rooms do not appear to originate in our reality, dimension, or time-space. Some are constructed of non-terrestrial elements, or have items that parallel with no known technology or construction. For example, [DATA EXPUNGED] at least 80% organic, with the non-organic portions showing signs of infestation. Also, there have been four recorded escapes by \u201cbeings\u201d transported by shifting rooms within SCP-470. Notably, \u201cSubject R\u201d remains at large within SCP-470 itself, and is thought to be responsible for some of the deaths recorded inside SCP-470. The death toll currently stands at eight staff and forty-five civilians at last estimation, with several hundred more listed as \u201cmissing\u201d.\nMany of the civilian deaths and disappearances are attributable to youths \u201cexploring\u201d abandoned areas when they shift into SCP-470, becoming trapped inside, shifting inside a different room, [DATA EXPUNGED], or other dangers that may be inside manifesting rooms.\nAddendum 2: As of 25/11/2016, a total of 38 instances of rooms located within decommissioned SCP Foundation facilities have been observed within SCP-470's rotation. Most notable of these are several rooms from the top basement levels of SCP-1730 following the initial cessation of exploration attempts by Foundation personnel. Attempts to remove these rooms from rotation via observation of the facilities is currently ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-469 | SCP-470 | SCP-471 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-471 in orbit\n\nItem #: SCP-471\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Methods of containing SCP-471 are currently being investigated. Primary goal of containment is to block the non-terrestrial transmissions emanating from it, with a secondary goal of acquiring and studying SCP-471 itself. MTF Mu-4 (\"Debuggers\") is currently tasked with blocking SCP-471's transmissions.\nObservation Probe Delta-2 is currently in an elliptical orbit around Earth that allows it to regularly intersect the signal emanating from SCP-471. It is responsible for observing and reporting this signal each time it intersects. Delta-2 also possesses boosters capable of keeping it within the signal for extended periods of time for the purposes of testing or to monitor a significant deviation in SCP-471's signal.\nDescription: SCP-471 is an artificial satellite currently in an elliptical orbit around Earth. SCP-471 appears identical to Satellite \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588, a weather satellite launched by [REDACTED] in 197\u2588. Though SCP-471 superficially resembles Satellite \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588, additional equipment of unknown purpose can be seen on its backside. Photographs and manufacture reports have confirmed that this equipment was not present at the launch of Satellite \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588. It is unknown whether Satellite \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 was altered after launch or replaced entirely sometime later. SCP-471 has continued transmitting the same weather information Satellite \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 has been responsible for, which allowed SCP-471 to go undetected for decades.\nSCP-471 was first discovered by the space shuttle Discovery during a routine maintenance mission to [REDACTED]. An anomalous signal was detected being transmitted away from Earth, which was traced back to SCP-471. Once Foundation agents within NASA had identified that the satellite was in fact an SCP Object, the Foundation took over the investigation and released a cover story, indicating that NASA had detected a top-secret military research project.\nSince its discovery, SCP-471 has transmitted constantly, looping every \u2588\u2588\u2588 minutes. Only one interruption in the signal has been recorded (See Test Log 471-931). The signal is stronger than any the Foundation or any other Earth agency is capable of producing, and all attempts to block it have met with failure. As well, the signal is clearly directed; it is only detectable within a narrow cone (radius to height ratio = .0013) originating at SCP-471. The target of the signal appears to be fixed on Jupiter. See Addendum 471-01.\nThe contents of the transmission are heavily encrypted, and appear to be raw static when observed directly. Were it not for the strength of the signal, NASA would have assumed it was random static generated by the Earth's electromagnetic field. Over time, the signal has evolved, with sections of it changing since its initial discovery. A Foundation supercomputer, BOMB-2, was tasked with cracking the encryption and determining the contents of the signal. After running continuously for \u2588\u2588\u2588 days, BOMB-2 was able to decrypt a small portion of it, which appeared as a series of binary values. While most of the values' purposes remain unknown, several of them were identified to correspond precisely with discrete values relating to Earth, including:\n\nThe current global population.\nTotal number of births and deaths that occurred during one complete orbit of SCP-471 around Earth.\nThe Fibonacci sequence up to 75025.\nNumber of artificial satellites currently in orbit around Earth.\nFinal scores of several American baseball games.\nCombined total of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants on Earth and in satellites.\nPoll results for the 200\u2588 Oklahoma senatorial election.\n\n\u2588\u2588 hours after successfully decrypting this portion of the code, BOMB-2 suffered an apparent electronics malfunction. Investigation revealed that BOMB-2 had suffered damage consistent with that of an EMP; however, no other electronics in the area had similar effects. The Foundation created a new computer, BOMB-3, to pick up where BOMB-2 left off. \u2588\u2588 hours after beginning its analysis, however, BOMB-3 suffered identical damage to BOMB-2, despite being hardened against an EMP. Whether this is a result of a direct attack or a consequence of the contents of the signal has not been determined.\nThe method by which SCP-471 gathers data is currently unknown, and is under investigation.\nCurrently three (3) probes have been launched towards SCP-471 in the hopes of examining it more closely. See Test Log 471-931 for details.\nAddendum 471-01: While attempting to glean the purpose of the integer values identified by BOMB-2, the Foundation discovered a copy of the signal transmitted by SCP-471, much weaker and with an 88 minute delay, being transmitted back at Earth. Investigation revealed that SCP-471 was transmitting its signal in such a way that it was amplified by the magnetosphere of Jupiter and broadcast in all directions. The copied signal evaded detection because it blended in with the background static naturally produced by Jupiter. Further investigation into the possible interaction of this signal with SCP-2399 and other Jovian based anomalies is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-470 | SCP-471 | SCP-472 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-472\nObject Class: Safe Anomalous Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-472 is to be kept in the center of an empty, locked cell measuring 37m x 37m (122 x 122 feet). All personnel wishing to enter for research purposes must undergo a psychological evaluation and submit a research request before being permitted entry. Personnel should not remain within 18 m (60 ft) of the stone for more than five (5) minutes without being directly monitored by security personnel.\nUpdate 472-001: No personnel exposed to SCP-472 through stage 6 of its effects may be allowed more than four (4) consecutive minutes of further exposure without direct approval of Site Command.\nUpdate 472-002: Once every sixty (60) days, one D-Class personnel must be exposed to SCP-472 for a period of between ten (10) and twenty-seven (27) minutes.\nUpdate 472-003: Due to biomass loss, no personnel may be exposed to SCP-472 more than once in a 48-hour period without explicit approval by Dr. A. Jones.\nDescription: SCP-472 is a red garnet, of the pyrope-spessartite variety, of unusual size (1.8 carat). The phrase \"For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart\" has been engraved in 2 mm (0.08 in) high lettering on the stone's surface. Relevance of the phrase is unknown.\nWhen any organism possessing a heartbeat passes within an 18 m (60 ft) radius of SCP-472, that subject will begin to hear the distant beating of a heart within their head. The heartbeat heard directly corresponds with the subject's own heartbeat, with the frequency of the palpitations increasing or decreasing with the pulse of the subject. Prolonged exposure causes a variety of additional psychological effects.\nStage 1: Onset 5-7 minutes: Low-level feelings of unease and anxiety. Effects cease immediately on vacating area.\nStage 2: Onset 6-21 minutes: Gradually increasing feelings of anxiety and paranoia. Effects decrease on vacating area and cease within 5 minutes.\nStage 3: Onset 18-27 minutes: High-level feelings of anxiety and paranoia. Subject begins to hallucinate, reporting seeing the world around them tinged with red and hearing vague whispering noises. 27% of subjects also report strong feelings of guilt. Effects decrease within 20 minutes of vacating area and cease within 60 minutes.\nStage 4: Onset 34-59 minutes: Previous symptoms increase. Hallucinations become more vivid and visual; frequent hallucinations include rivulets of blood trailing down the walls, images of dead bodies, thumping, screaming, and ambulatory corpse-like figures. 65% of subjects rendered mentally incapable of leaving the influence of SCP-472. Effects decrease within 60 minutes of vacating area and cease within 3 hours.\nStage 5: Onset 55-69 minutes: Previous symptoms increase. 100% of subjects rendered mentally incapable of leaving the influence of SCP-472. 38% of subjects exposed enter a state of catatonia; this state has a 76% fatality rate if subjects are not removed from SCP-472's area of influence. Effects decrease within 6 hours of vacating area and cease within 24 hours.\nStage 6: Onset 361-723+ minutes: Surviving subjects now capable of leaving the influence of SCP-472, though many do not realize this unless prompted. Previous symptoms vary in degree of intensity and become sporadic, alternating with periods of lucidity indefinitely until subject leaves or is removed from the area. Effects cease within 24 hours of vacating area.\nSCP-472 was recovered from the mansion residence of [REDACTED], a wealthy man living in [REDACTED]. Foundation investigators were alerted by local reports of hauntings by domestic staff after [REDACTED] was hospitalized by a fall. Mobile Task Force Delta-5 (\"Front Runners\") was assigned to investigate due to possible connection to ongoing projects. Investigation narrowed down the origin of the anomalous effects to SCP-472, which had been prominently displayed in [REDACTED]'s jewel collection. Origin of SCP-472 is under investigation.\nSCP-472 does not appear to have any other anomalous effects, harmful or otherwise. Object tentatively classified as Safe, pending testing. Potential downgrade to Anomalous. See Addenda.\n\n[SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED]\n\nAccess granted.\n\nSCP-472 was located via reports from the so-called 'anomalous community', from interfacing with Mobile Task Force Sigma-3 (\"Bibliographers\"). Initial theories from anomalous community sources categorized SCP-472 as a 'seal' containing an entity responsible for SCP-472's anomalous effects. However, further analysis has not supported this, rather indicating that SCP-472's appearance as a red garnet may be due to a fundamental perception error of unknown nature. Sources have not been able to confirm anything substantial about the origin or nature of SCP-472.\n\nAddendum 472-045: Effects of Subsequent Exposure: Subjects previously exposed to SCP-472's effects experience a cumulative 10-20% increase in the speed of onset of certain of SCP-472's effects with each additional exposure. Eventually, subjects will immediately begin experiencing symptoms at Stage 2 levels, with Stage 3 occurring within 5-10 minutes. Stages 4-5 then occur as normal. Time of onset of Stage 6 is not affected and continues to occur no earlier than 361 minutes after initial exposure.\nHallucinations begin to differ in nature when a subject is exposed to SCP-472 more than one (1) to five (5) times. Subjects report visions of a massive, growing collection of skinless organic material resembling animal/human organs, muscular structures, bones (though no recognizable bones), etc, joined together in a fashion that does not occur in nature. All subjects report multiple hearts beating within the biomass, sometimes dotting its surface. After the fifth exposure, all subjects report seeing this (whether or not previous hallucinations remain present or superimposed).\nAdditionally, interviews with multiple-exposure subjects [DATA EXPUNGED] anomalous information element. See documents [REDACTED] and Interview 472-0165-b. SCP-472's Object Class has been upgraded to Euclid. Containment procedures updated.\nAddendum 472-078: Area of Influence Conditional Increase: When no subjects have been exposed to SCP-472 for more than five (5) minutes within a period of two (2) months, its area of influence begins increasing by a rate of 0.5 m (1.6 ft) per hour. Expansion is temporary, reverting back to the original 18 m (60 ft) area of effect once a subject undergoes exposure.\nAddendum 472-130: Possible Physical Biomass Presence: Further testing with subjects exposed multiple times to SCP-472 [DATA EXPUNGED] indicating that the garnet stone classified as SCP-472 may in fact be the only visible portion of a much larger - and continually increasing - biomass existing in so-called \"trans-dimensional\" [DATA EXPUNGED] metaphor of \"the tip of the iceberg\". Object Class pending review. Additional containment measures pending review.\nAddendum 472-135: Subject Biomass Alteration: [DATA EXPUNGED] Subsequent testing of subjects exposed to SCP-472 indicates that all subjects experienced a 0.01 - 1.35 percent decrease in biomass with each exposure to SCP-472. Subjects remain unaware of this event. Containment procedures updated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-471 | SCP-472 | SCP-473 \u00bb"} {"text": "Sonar Image of SCP-473\n\nItem #: SCP-473\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A 5 kilometer area surrounding SCP-473 is off limits to all personnel. Human testing in this range is prohibited without O-5 approval. Above all, loss of human life within this 5 kilometer area must be prevented. A further 20 kilometer distance is to be secured by no less than two Foundation combat units at all times. Any unauthorized vessels entering this area are to be sunk and their crew eliminated. Vessels approaching the site but remaining outside of the 20 kilometer kill zone may be boarded and turned away with the use of Class-A amnestics.\nDescription: SCP-473 is a wrecked Spanish galleon typical of those used in the early 16th century. It is resting on the ocean floor at \u2588\u2588\u00ba\u2588\u2588'\u2588\u2588\"N \u2588\u2588\u2588\u00ba\u2588\u2588'\u2588\u2588\"W. SCP-473 was brought to the attention of the Foundation after the loss of a research vessel operated by [REDACTED] University. A Search and Rescue team which approached SCP-473 reported audio anomalies \"like giggling, and pleading for help\". They reported voices in English, Spanish and an unrecognized language. Agents embedded in [REDACTED] immediately moved to cancel the search, declaring the crew and vessel lost.\nNote: Though the wreck is designated SCP-473, anomalies present may be due to cargo within the wreck. Further investigation of this is advised against at this time.\nProximity Effects: Phenomena encountered by ships approaching SCP-473 include disembodied voices (which may have knowledge of Foundation personnel and operations) and minor physical disturbances such as unidentified vibrations and impacts on the ship. Electrical disturbances are common, causing primary and emergency lighting to fail. This results in absolute darkness within a ship which, combined with persuasive voices created by SCP-473, causes extreme disorientation. Personnel in the area are advised to confirm the physical presence of anyone they are in communication with and to ignore any voices that have no discernible source. Periodic cries for help from the water (coming from the direction of SCP-473) are to be expected and ignored. Spontaneous movement of small objects has been observed, but has caused little disruption to operations. Sharp objects and weapons are to be secured in locked containers while within 20 km of SCP-473.\nAddendum 1:\nInterview SCP-473-b\nInterviewed: J. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Executive Officer (XO) of the Foundation vessel which identified and sonographed SCP-473.\nInterviewer: Dr. Halen, SCP-473 project lead\nForward: The Foundation destroyer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sailed within 500 meters of SCP-473 before retreating to a distance of 3 kilometers and sinking. Evacuation of the ship was successful (excepting the captain), but 16 hands were lost during the 3 hours the crew awaited rescue. Below is an interview with the highest ranked surviving officer.\n\n\nDr. Halen: The destroyer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sank minutes after locating SCP-473. Why don't you start by explaining how your ship was damaged?\nXO: Well I know what happened, just not how. As we got closer to the site, these voices got louder. Below decks started reporting some hard knocking against the hull. It got rough as we got close. The ship started to vibrate a bit and some of the electronics shorted out. The captain ordered us to turn around, tried to get us out of there. But by the time we'd come about, they'd already started in on the bolts.\nDr. Halen: Could you explain, please?\nXO: It started to fall apart from the inside. Screws, bolts, nails in the damn furniture\u2026 it all started getting knocked out or unscrewed. Even some of the stuff welded in place. The voices got bad too. And the bastards were always so matter-of-fact and calm, even while they were rattling the ship all to hell and taking everything apart. One of them was talking about all the great things he could show me. Another was gibberish I couldn't make out, but she was pissed. We could all hear the voices, there were just no bodies to go with them. It got hard to tell which voices were our crew and which were the damn\u2026 whatever they were.\nDr. Halen: When was the last time you saw Captain \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\nXO: He gave the order to turn around and told me to handle things on the bridge while he checked something below deck. I didn't know he was missing until after I gave the order to abandon ship and everyone was in the rafts but him. God if that'd only been the end of it\u2026\nWe started rowing away from the wreck and we heard him yelling for help. It was far off, toward the shipwreck. He and I served together for \u2588 years, we helped bring in SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, I know it was him. I figured he'd gotten knocked overboard or something. And I gave the order for a raft to go get him. Watched them get close to the horizon, must have been 2 or 3 kilometers from the shipwreck when they just went under. No sound to it, like a kid's bobber getting pulled under by a fish on the line. I've seen men die, but I know I sent those guys someplace a lot worse.\nWasn't long after that that Daniels started whispering to me about what a bastard I was, how I sent them all to die for nothing. He said the only way to make it right was to jump out of the raft and join him. Maybe I would have too, if not for the other guys on my raft. We spent hours rowing, with our friends screaming for help behind us.\nEven when they were far behind us, they didn't stop whispering in our ears. My friend \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 told me it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. He never was religious, but he said that he'd found God. He said he only wanted me to see what God had shown him.\nWe don't leave our people behind. We just\u2026 we don't.\n\n\nClosing Statement: Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and associates present on the research vessel \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are confirmed to have been \"acquired\" by SCP-473. Recommend extreme measures be taken to prevent personnel and civilians from expiring in close proximity to SCP-473. Currently advise maintaining containment at present location due to the inherent danger of recovery and the threat of exponential strengthening through acquisition of Class-D subjects at any given Site.\nNote: Interview subject J. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's corpse was found in his quarters on April 24, 20\u2588\u2588; suicide is suspected. A note nearby read \"I SHOULDNT HAVE LEFT THEM\". Testing of SCP-473 as a possible cognitohazard is recommended.\n\nAddendum 2:\nContinuing research has found that one Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 led the doomed University expedition to the site of SCP-473. Though his research notes appear to have been lost with him, his last out-going email includes some context of his expedition.\n\nSent 1/15/20\u2588\u2588\nSamantha,\nYou're right, the research papers are wordy and I could never put my opinion in them anyway.\nYou already know that he led a small army south to Ecuador and eventually killed the high priest in charge of appeasing Supai. But it seems that he also captured his two daughters and arranged to have them sent back to Spain as examples of the indigenous population. Sick bastard wanted them as trophies, or worse. Anyway, the ship's manifest listed a number of cultural artifacts in the girls' personal belongings. On that list was an item that I think represented the god himself and THAT is the real prize. The manifest lists all manner of gold and artifacts that the University would love to have, even if we don't hit the jackpot on this one\u2026 Still, I can't help but get excited about the prospect of bringing back the Inca's 'unholy grail'.\nAll the best,\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nP.S.\nLet's keep this quiet, it'd be a disaster if someone beat us there!\n\n\u00ab SCP-472 | SCP-473 | SCP-474 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-474 under its present containment procedures\n\nItem #: SCP-474\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Portions of SCP-474 which exist inside of physical space are secured within Foundation-made pill bottles. Bottles are stored inside a locked medicine cabinet, itself located within an anomaly storage vault. All non-hazardous recordings of SCP-474 audio are on the research team's shared hard drive space, with any cognitohazardous audio being stored on a secure server with restricted access.\nFoundation personnel embedded in educational systems are to encourage zero-tolerance drug policies on college campuses in order to maximize the possibility of SCP-474 instances being discovered. Agents under the cover of being law enforcement agencies are to seize these whenever possible, and destroy them if deemed unrecoverable.\nDescription: SCP-474 denominates pills produced for non-medicinal purposes by Alexylva University in apparent collaboration with the Oneiroi Collective. Each occurrence of SCP-474 is blue, and analysis has shown it to be chemically identical to generic sugar-based placebo pills.\nWhen ingested, SCP-474 will affect the consumer until the next time they enter REM sleep. Audio broadcast from Alexylva University will begin playing through their mouths, consisting of station breaks and notes associated with that campus' radio station. This spoken-word programming will be in the subject's native language, with mute subjects mouthing words and DHH individuals enunciating as they would attempting speech normally.\nAlthough music is frequently referenced, it has not been broadcast audibly. Affected individuals who remember their dreams will report them as having a heavy musical theme. Dreamers, even musicians, have been unable to replicate the sounds they heard but have universally described it as some variation of 'trippy'.\nThe speaker within Alexylva appears to have some connection with the individuals they broadcast through, as multiple subjects tuned in to the station in their dreams will have identical muscle contractions and eye movement while being affected. See Addendum 474-B for more information.\nSCP-474 was discovered after a local broadcast news station in [REDACTED] aired a story about a 'drug craze' at a local community college campus. Sixty-five(65) instances of SCP-474 were recovered from various members of the student body. Since then, approximately fifty(50) caches of SCP-474 are recovered annually from various college and university campuses in North Africa, North America, Europe, Eurasia, Oceania and Australia.\nFoundation personnel working on SCP-474 who receive recruitment literature from Alexylva University in their dreams are to report to their supervisors immediately upon waking.\nAddendum 474-A: Documentation associated with SCP-474.\n\nAlexylva University proudly proclaims another triumph in their successful working relationship with the Oneiroi Collective Educational Animus, a method for mentally-crowded students to let airwaves flow into their ears and put to good use that time which is wasted sleeping.\nUniversity Elders pray to the gods that this provides an outlet for student stress and as there are no known side-effects mixing with other school-sponsored narcotics, it can be acquired from any nurse station.\n\u2014 Alexylva University Staff\n\nOneiroi Dreams of Radio\nEat a pill before dreamtime.\nEnjoy dream programming.\nAdvertising is provided for those in the waking world.\nDon't mind them.\nKeep rockin' the dream.\n\nAddendum 474-B: Testing logs of SCP-474 audio phenomenon.\n\nSubject/Intake: D-0327, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping.\nResult:\n\nNote: Subject reported dreaming of roaming swamps on an elephant while dancing while tearing their eyes out, which was reported as enjoyable.\n\nSubject/Intake: D-0327, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping.\nResult:\n\nNote: Subject noted songs in an incomprehensible language sung to them as they explored a hilly area, before waking up when a storm began forming above them.\n\nSubject/Intake: D-0327, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping.\nResult:\n\nNote: Subject was not able to remember their dreams.\n\nSubject/Intake: D-0327, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping.\nResult:\n\nNote: Last known broadcast of DJ Otay, real name believed to be Polybus Maximus.\n\nSubject/Intake: D-0412, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping.\nResult:\n\nNote: The following note was regurgitated by D-0412 following the conclusion of the test.\n\nAlthough these are rainy days for all those who love peace on campus, the threat of political violence will not prevent the normal carrying out of campus activities. The announcement of consular election results will be announced on the campus forum.\nSimultaneously, funeral services to those who perished due to violence against citizens will be held on the adjacent green. Beloved campus figure Polybus Maximus will be put to rest, along Campus maniple security will be present, to prevent any violence between these groups, so please feel free to safely attend either event.\n\u2014 Alexylva University Staff\n\nSubject/Intake: D-0412, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping.\nResult: After several hours of dead air emanating from D-0412's mouth, along with distant sounds of human screams and mayhem, an individual believed to be Maximinus Thrax, the captain of the Visigoth Gladiators Combat Sport team, entered the station and proclaimed this message.\n\nNote: Shortly after the broadcast ended, D-0412 spontaneously suffered dozens of simultaneous spear wounds. Testing has been suspended until a cost-benefit analysis of potential D-Class resources being lost can be performed.\n\n\u00ab SCP-473 | SCP-474 | SCP-475 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-475\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-475 is to be kept in a watertight containment locker in Storage Unit 45-C of Site-36. All testing with para-religions requires permission from the Site Director.\nTo prevent religious Groups of Interest from learning of the object's existence, knowledge of SCP-475 is to follow Level III Infosecurity Protocol.\nDescription: SCP-475 is an ornate sculpture of soap depicting an unidentified Pope. Inscribed at the base of the statue is the phrase \"Cleanliness is next to Godliness.\" Analysis reveals the object to be composed of long-chain saturated fatty acids (CH3-(CH2)n), totaling 89.7% of its mass, with the remaining 10.3% corresponding to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, attached as the hydrophilic head. It is believed that the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 gives SCP-475 its unique properties, but all attempts to recreate this compound have failed.\nWhen SCP-475 comes into contact with water and is applied to the skin, all accumulated foreign contaminants are removed. Tested materials include dead skin cells, perspiration, bodily parasites, mold, dirt, and detergents. Post test examinations have shown that 100% of foreign contaminants are removed, a statistical anomaly. This process only occurs when used on human skin. All attempts so-far to use SCP-475 on non-humans have failed to produce its anomalous effects. Testing on anomalous animals, such as SCP-1845 or SCP-2050, is pending approval. Unlike typical soaps, the usage of SCP-475 does not damage it.\nSCP-475's secondary anomalous effects manifest when it is used on a professing member of an organized religion. Subjects universally report greater mental clarity, show greater adherence to church doctrine, and rate at least 15 centiakiva more on the Brandon-Spencer Piety Scale. These effects increase in intensity the longer the subject uses the object, culminating in local reality changes, signified by all bodies of water within a 5 meter radius turning into an equivalent liquid that is considered \"holy\" in the subject's religion. Examples of these changes can be found in Test-Log-475.\nAddendum: SCP-475 came under Foundation containment when insubordinate elements of the Horizon Initiative relinquished control of it. These elements cited a desire to maintain unity and prevent infighting as to why the object could not be kept. SCP-475 was allegedly recovered from the residence of the Catholic Cardinal, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was found deceased from injuries \"consistent with upside-down crucifixion.\"1 The following materials were also provided:\n\nAccess Memoirs of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nCREDENTIALS VERIFIED\n\nI write this document to preserve the personal revelation invested in me. Over these past years, I have grappled with my faith. Having committed it to paper, the idea seems absurd. I, a leader of the faith. I, whose vote has determined the successor of Peter. I, who has undeniable proof of God's glory. The Initiative, for all of its missteps and blasphemy, has provided undeniable proof of God's glory. Proof that has to be withheld from the world due to inscrutable agreements with occult forces who do not have salvation in mind. Despite this undeniable proof, I wrestled with fears that God is not almighty. How can a God so glorious and almighty stand by as false idols exert their forces over man? By the grace of God, my fears have been quelled. The night before, I beheld an apparition of Mary. To try to capture the glory of it would be futile, but it is an experience too magnificent to withhold. We were out at sea. Below the waves, I could see the Church Penitent, awaiting purification. Further below that, deep beneath, there was Creation. All around us were the gilded statues of Saints, each linked to a church, far below us. The Virgin Mother herself was resplendent, situated atop a pedestal, the pedestal carried by a many-winged creature of fire. In her right arm, she held the Savior. In her left, a block of marble. She confided in me, told me of my purpose. Encased in the marble were the Keys of Heaven, the Church's Magisterium itself, the Authority to Commune with Saints. I was to take it, \"free the keys\", and cleanse the Church Militant. Then, \"All will be made clear\". When I woke up, there was a block of soap on my nightstand. Queer, but I do not question the machinations of God. Every day since that night has been hazy. I have worked with a fervor to accomplish this mission. Even to this moment, I have my doubts. But I am human. It is in my nature to doubt. If there is once thing I can be certain of, it is that I am a cog in God's plan.\n\n-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum: SCP-475 approved for extensive testing with para-religions.\n\nTEST-LOG-475: LEVEL 3 CLEARANCE REQUIRED\n\nCREDENTIALS VERIFIED\n\nNote: Due to the scarcity of para-religion adherents under Foundation control, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been approved to create suitable test subjects.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Roman Catholicism\nDuration: 3 Minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into mixture of olive oil and balsam, consistent with the Chrism oil employed in various Catholic rituals. Stigmata manifested in subject's hands.\nNotes: Subject was heard reciting Confiteor as anomalous effects took place. The stigmata healed over the course of the next three days.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Roman Catholicism (Sedevacantist)\nDuration: 5 Minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into mixture of olive oil and balsam, consistent with the Chrism oil employed in various Catholic rituals. No overt anomalous effects observed.\nNotes: Post-test interview indicated that the subject accepted the current Pope as rightful Pontifex Maximus.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Pentecostal\nDuration: 11 Minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into pasteurized grape juice. Subject began exhibiting glossolalia. Subject displayed xenoglossy in the post-test interview.\nNotes: Subject made the following requests:\n\nAccess to Site-36's Sickbay.\nAccess to any \"demonic\" entities housed on-site.\nA pet snake.\n\nRequests denied.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Hasidic Judaism\nDuration: 60 minutes\nResults: Testing was aborted after failure to produce anomalous results. Subject vehemently denied any change in behavior or mindset.\nNotes: Kant counters measured a \u2588\u2588\u2588% increase in ambient hume levels. Further testing warranted.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Broken Church\nDuration: 13 Minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into machine oil. Subject began manifesting symptoms of SCP-217 infection.\nNotes: Subject was placed under quarantine. Within 48 hours, the SCP-217 infection present in its system had been rendered inert. Subject transferred to Site-234 for further study.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Cogwork Orthodox\nDuration: 14 Minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into machine oil. Subject proceeded to transform into metallic, ovoid object bearing numerous markings on the surface.\nNotes: Resultant object pending classification as an instance of SCP-1564.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Maxwellism\nDuration: 15 minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into thermal adhesive. Testing terminated as subject began complaining about a \"splitting headache\". Analysis indicates that part of subject's brain had been replaced with cybernetics inconsistent with standard Maxwellist augments.\nNotes: Subject claims to have experienced a continuation of \"The Signal\", a hallucinatory vision all Maxwellists experience after undergoing implantation of their first augments. In this vision, [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Neo-Sarkicism\nDuration: 30 Minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into blood. Subject began morphing into an instance of SK-BIO Type \u2588. Testing suspended and subject sedated. Upon resumption, subject calcified into a roughly ellipsoidal object and began emitting thermal radiation in the microwave range.\nNotes: Further testing with Neo-Sarkic Cults suspended in order to prevent APOTHEOSIS events. Subject currently in secondary storage at Site-10.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Children of the Scarlet King\nDuration: 45 Minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into blood. Subject underwent a series of transformations, turning into progressively more advanced (in the Daevite caste system) variants of the DV-BIO Type. Transformations culminated with the subject becoming a Colossal Squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) and expiring.\nNotes: Genetic testing indicates that the blood is from the common Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus).\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Fifthism\nDuration: 25 minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into 100 specimens of the subphylum Asterozoa. Subject melted into candle wax.\nNotes: Suspected connections to SCP-1523.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Church of the Second Hytoth\nDuration: 30 Minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into blood. Subject's forehead developed pigmentation in the shape of a seven pointed star. Subject displays previously unknown knowledge of Hytothan rituals and the language of Ortothan.\nNotes: Analysis indicates that the blood is from the common Seven-Arm Octopus (Haliphron atlanticus).\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Children of the Torch\nDuration: 17 Minutes\nResults: Water transmuted into an aqueous flame, similar to those created by SCP-2814. Subject then melted into a waxy substance, yet remained motile and cognizant.\nNotes: Subject expired after 24 hours. Remains stored on Site-23.\n\nTest Subject's Religion: Australian Church of Australia\nDuration: 1 minute\nResults: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nNote: Further testing with the Australian Church of Australia requires unanimous approval from the O5 Council. Research into preventing AU-Class End of The World Scenarios deemed a Class XI priority.\n\nFootnotes\n1. The cause of death of St. Peter, the first Pope, according to Catholic tradition.\n\n\u00ab SCP-474 | SCP-475 | SCP-476 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-476\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-476 is to be kept in a standard precious item locker. During experiments, a level-2 clearance personnel must be present at all times to avoid the item being used to escape. A list of locations that are to be monitored on a regular basis is found in document 476-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-476 is a 60-page Rand McNally Canada Road Atlas published in 2006 (ISBN 0-88640-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588) by the Canadian Cartographics Corporation. Upon closer examination, it is revealed to contain a large number of anomalies such as locations that do not exist, missing locations, and misplaced or misnamed ones. Indices and distance chart are consistent with the anomalous maps. A tentative list of anomalies can be found in document SCP-476a.\nUsing the map, it is possible to reach every single one of the locations. If an attempt is made to continue toward a location without regularly consulting the map, the users will miss the nonexistent location and be returned to \"normal\" geography. People inhabiting the locations (if any) appear totally oblivious to the absence of them on normal maps, including those on sale in the locations themselves, dismissing them as \"not up-to-date\". They always seem eager to convince newcomers to settle there.\nTracking and GPS devices systematically fail during use of SCP-476, as do most communication methods other than landlines and regular mail. Landlines are, however, untraceable, and although mail sent from nonexistent locations has been known to reach its intended destination, marks on items clearly usually show that they never go through Canada Post systems at any time. People actively following a SCP-476 user will be affected normally, but other third parties will simply report having lost sight of the user at some point, which will systematically happen should direct eye contact to users be lost. The SCP's anomalous effects appear specifically connected to the physical representation that the atlas constitutes: copies and electronic duplication of the data fail to display any unusual properties.\nIt is possible to use SCP-476 with any means of transportation, and aerial pictures of anomalous locations have been produced.\nIncident report 476-08d: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, during a flyover of the nonexistent \"Gander-Glenwood International Airport\" (YGG/CYGG; SCP-476 does not display Gander International Airport), a plane on the runway was noticed. Examination of the plane's serial numbers revealed it to be an Air Malta plane (tail number OB-1\u2588\u2588\u2588) that disappeared en route over the Atlantic Ocean on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588, 1990. None of the passengers or their personal items could be located, and the airport was, as every time it had been explored beforehand, apparently abandoned.\nAddendum 03: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has discovered SCP-354 marked on the atlas in small red text. The label is made of Cyrillic characters, and translates into gibberish. Several roads converge on the location of SCP-354, all of which are nonexistent in \"normal\" geography.\nAddendum 04: Request to use SCP-476 to establish additional secret facilities has been denied. Too risky that locations might become unreachable. Plus, it is not possible to communicate with such facilities. O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-475 | SCP-476 | SCP-477 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-477\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-477 is enclosed in a climate-controlled structure designated Site-44. The building is constructed exclusively of metal and wood, with no stone or concrete materials. Outwardly it appears to be the machinery storage warehouse for a defunct quarry, but it contains numerous labs dedicated to the study and containment of SCP-477. No sedimentary stone or concrete items may be removed from the containment complex unless they are crushed and mixed into an acidic slurry to dissolve all remaining fossil material.\nIncidences of SCP-477 appearing outside Site-44 must be appropriated immediately and returned to the complex, or disposed of by complete pulverization and acidic treatment of their host substrate.\nDescription: Site 44 is located upon and encloses a thin layer of Cambrian shale covering approximately 2 square km of a mesa in Zavkhan province, Mongolia. Within the stone is a high concentration of what appear to be aquatic fossils from the Precambrian era, collectively known as SCP-477. These anomalous fossils are capable of motion, appearing to \u201cswim\u201d through sedimentary rock as though it were shallow water.\nMembers of SCP-477 are able to move through all tested types of sedimentary stone without apparent resistance. This constitutes the main danger to successful containment, as an animate fossil which escaped into another geological formation would be extremely difficult to recover (and might engage in runaway reproduction; see Incident 477-01). They are incapable of leaving their stone habitat to move through liquid or gaseous environments, nor can they pass through soil, sand, clay, or other porous substrates. They also seem incapable of passing through minerals that have been generated by processes other than sedimentation, including igneous and metamorphic rock. The geological layer directly beneath the inhabited shale consists of granite and quartzite, which forms a natural barrier to their spread.\nDuring the construction of Site-44, the fossils were discovered to be capable of moving through and inhabiting concrete. Construction and containment procedures have been modified accordingly, and all infested concrete samples destroyed.\nAlmost 900 species of fossil have been catalogued in SCP-477 so far, many unknown to mainstream science. Predators, prey organisms, and vegetation are all represented, and interact with each other in a manner consistent with a functioning ecosystem. Despite their lack of soft body parts or any biochemistry that could conceivably support life, the fossils move, eat, and reproduce as though they were alive. As the fossil bed was isolated underground for millions of years, photosynthesis does not seem to be important to the ecology of SCP-477. The process from which the organisms derive energy is unknown.\nFoundation researchers have carefully exposed the entire 9 cm thick shale layer to facilitate observation and research of SCP-477.\nIncident 477-01: A large fragment of rock containing several instances of SCP-477 was somehow obtained by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Museum of Natural History and put on display. It was placed in contact with the museum's sandstone western wall, and one or more organisms escaped and multiplied. By the time Foundation personnel arrived, thousands of the creatures had infested the building, weakening structural integrity and collapsing an inner wall. The old wing of the museum was dismantled and ground into powder as part of a renovation project announced by the museum's board of directors.\n\n\u00ab SCP-476 | SCP-477 | SCP-478 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-478\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-478 are to be surgically recovered whole from victims before death. After recovery, they are to be kept in specialized vacuum-sealed lockers within Bio-Site 66. Instances of SCP-478 do not seem to be able to pass through solid matter, and thus may be held indefinitely unless damaged.\nMildly affected victims may be treated in a normal civilian medical establishment by Foundation surgeons under the guise of orthodontic surgery. General sedation is to be administered, as per normal surgery.\nSeverely-affected victims of SCP-478 are to be recovered by the nearest Foundation establishment and subsequently moved to Bio-Site 16 for study.\nBecause of SCP-478's unique structure, infected individuals are not to be terminated prematurely. Victims deemed capable of full recovery may be treated for infection and released, as above. Survivors are to be administered a Class-B Amnesiac and false memories are to be planted. Victims deemed unsalvageable may be terminated.\nDescription: SCP-478 are small entities of inconsistent size and shape that resemble a darkly-coloured butterfly or moth in flight. Wild instances have been encountered a number of times, but their elusive nature makes capture difficult. Extracted instances of SCP-478 do not seem to need to eat, sleep, breathe, or breed.\nAfter some testing with captured instances, it is understood that SCP-478 are somewhat predatory and normally prey exclusively on humans under the age of 25. Furthermore, SCP-478 most often seeks out individuals who have not yet shed all their deciduous teeth.\nSCP-478 will enter a victim's mouth while they sleep, and attach onto the soft palate in the upper nasal cavity, usually blocking one nostril. The body's mucus production will increase, leading the victim, upon waking, to believe that they have developed a minor cold. From there, the victim's palate will begin to generate teeth in addition to the gingiva's (gums) normal replacement of teeth. This growth process will begin at a rate several times faster than normal tooth growth, and quickly increases in speed and severity.\nThe palate's generation of new teeth will continue until the entire palate has been covered, proceeding down the victim's throat and esophagus. Over the course of two to four days these teeth will completely saturate the stomach lining, then begin growing within the lungs and the subcutaneous layer of skin. Skeletal calcium will be leached away to provide material for the new teeth, in an increasingly painful process. This growth will continue until the entire digestive tract has been saturated by dental tissue, after which SCP-478 will exit the victim's mouth and flee.\nTeeth within the stomach are exposed to the body's normal acid production, while teeth within the skin will group closely together, forming rigid masses of dental material underneath the surface. All teeth are normal beyond placement, containing a root, nerve and enamel.\nIt is unknown exactly how or why SCP-478 cause this explosive new growth of dental tissue.\nAddendum: Historical Note\nDocumentation recovered from Foundation raids on the dental laboratory of Dr. Rasmin Yelkov implicate SCP-478 as a primary source of the phenomenon observed in SCP-1994. Investigation into Dr. Yelkov's ability to communicate and capture instances of SCP-478 is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-477 | SCP-478 | SCP-479 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-479 connects the D-Class laundry and steam plant room.\n\nItem #: SCP-479\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A Site 14 standard 2mm CR4 double skin steel plate security door (UNI 9569 Class 3) with full gasket seal is installed on either end of Hallway 4. Both doors are to be kept locked, and keys retained by the ETHB on duty. D-class personnel authorized to enter for the purposes of surveying and research. Hallway 4 is no longer authorized as a thoroughfare between the D-class laundry and plant room.\nSweeps of Site 14 looking for similar phenomena will continue to supplement regular security sweeps until further notice.\nDescription: Hallway 4 is a 25m long hallway connecting the plant room in the Site 14 D-class dormitories to the laundry room. As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, persons entering Hallway 4 have mentioned powerful visual, auditory and olfactory hallucinations of blood, ranging from isolated blood spots on the floor to \"blood raining upwards, hitting the floor from the other side like it's the pane of a window\".\nThese visions of blood have been proven to be hallucinations. The floor at the time of the first report was plain bare concrete and no evidence of blood can be found by chemical or photographic means. Some ordinary rust was found, but not in the quantities or locations reported in the hallucinations. The ground under Hallway 4 is the same volcanic bedrock that the rest of Site 14 rests on, proven so after a D-class team excavated it with hand tools and a new reinforced concrete floor was poured. A thorough investigation of the walls and ceiling also turned up negative results.\nNo abnormal chemicals are present. Neurological analysis of D-class subjects with no prior history is pending, but so far looks inconclusive. Antipsychotic medication is ineffective.\nThe existence of this phenomenon in a Secure Facility may constitute a security breach and a report to O5 level is in preparation.\nA request is pending to authorize the funding to declare Hallway 4 a Containment Site, although at present there is no plan in place to deal with the effect, should it spread.\n\n\u00ab SCP-478 | SCP-479 | SCP-480 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-480\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Site-415, located 142 km SSW of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Wyoming, United States, has been constructed at the location of SCP-480's recovery, and is to be used exclusively for its containment. SCP-480 is to be monitored constantly for indicator signs of an impending fluctuation event.\nSCP-480 is contained in a Type-3 standard observation chamber retrofitted with an early-warning system consisting of a spectrum of electromagnetic radiation sensors. Work stations and research staff are to be situated a minimum distance of 25m from the observed center of SCP-480. In the event of a likely significant expansion of the area of SCP-480, a D-Class subject is to be immediately prepared and secured in the observation antechamber located next to the primary containment unit.\nAddendum 28-MIKE: To address concerns raised by research staff, a memetic pass-phrase system has been instituted to confirm that personnel are not currently under the effects of SCP-480. All personnel completing a shift at Site-415 must undergo memetic reality confirmation protocols prior to being signed out.\nDescription: SCP-480 is a localized electromagnetic field generated by an unseen and as yet unknown source, capable of inducing substantial changes to human consciousness and physiology.\nWhile size and strength of the electromagnetic field fluctuate constantly, SCP-480 typically occupies a space of approximately 450m3 and usually is observed to be between 2.4T and 4.6T. SCP-480 is capable, however, of contracting and expanding substantially; it has been documented at minimums of 38.1\u00b5T and 18m3, and maximum values of 14.9T and 792m3. Although SCP-480 is 62% more likely to experience a major fluctuation event if no sapient organism is present within its area of effect, these events can occur at any time regardless of persons or materials present within SCP-480.\nWhen a sapient organism is introduced into the area of SCP-480, it will undergo radical changes in sensory perception and mental function. Subjects placed in SCP-480 experience a mental state similar to dreaming during REM sleep, and become mostly unresponsive to outside stimuli. In this state, subjects experience the perception of a recurring period of time, either a recent event or a time perceived to be in the near future. Each recurrence begins in the same manner; for instance, if a subject finds themselves driving a car upon a particular section of highway at the beginning of a recurrence, they will always find themselves engaging in the same activity in each successive iteration thereof. However, subsequent events will differ in each successive scenario experienced by the subject.\nEach recurrence experienced by those within SCP-480 consists of an event or series of events that will cause heightened sensations of existential dread and/or terror in the subject. Some recurrences end with the subject's perceived death, while others conclude with the subject simply losing consciousness due to unknown means. Regardless of the means by which recurrences end, the scenario experienced by the subject restarts in the exact same manner. Subjects apparently do not retain any memory of previous recurrence iterations. For a partial list of known recurrence scenarios, see Addendum 480-3.\nSubjects will continue to experience the effects of SCP-480 as long as they remain within its area. Because of the nature of SCP-480's influence, subjects exhibit acute, unremitting signs of increased stress levels while remaining within the electromagnetic field, invariably leading to deleterious physiological effects. Removal of affected individuals from SCP-480 has invariably resulted in spontaneous cerebral hemorrhaging in subjects (usually occurring in the brain stem), causing brain death within minutes.\n\n+ Addendum 480-1\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nAddendum 480-1:\n\nRESEARCH PROTOCOL UPDATE 480-T.78\nModality of Test Subject Preparation\nIn consultation with the Behavioral Psychology Office and Directorate of Neurology, the following protocols are to be observed for the preparation of SCP-480 potential test subjects. Note that a minimum of five fully-prepared potential test subjects are to be maintained at Site-415:\n\nIn addition to the standard D-Class Incoming Psychological Profile, for test subjects routed to Site-415, a supplemental form (Form 480-T8) is to be filled out by the Sector Supervising Psychiatrist detailing Modified LaGrande Unconscious Cognition Scores, linguistic aptitude, and the results of a Full Phobia Spectrum Analysis.\n\nUpon arrival, all D-Class serving as potential test subjects must have vocal folds surgically disabled.\n\nPotential test subjects are to be enrolled in an intensive Morse code training course. All requests made by potential test subjects (e.g. food, water, any other necessities) will only be fulfilled after a correct request given in Morse code by tapping an index finger against any of the multiple purpose-built sensors throughout the holding facility.\n\nTest subjects will be required to maintain a record of their dreams, recorded in Morse code signals. A regimen of steadily-increasing doses of psychotropic drugs is to be prescribed in order to facilitate a more varied and stimulating dream state, as supervised by the Site-415 physician.\n\nConcurrent to language and dream transcription regimens, potential subjects are additionally required to undergo mental conditioning designed to maintain self-awareness and conscious thought throughout the sleep cycle, especially during REM sleep.\n\nA test subject is deemed fully prepared when able to demonstrate the ability to communicate the events of the dream-state they are experiencing, through the established Morse code finger tap modality, in 90% of attempted observations. Testing has determined that potential test subjects demonstrating this proficiency will have an approximate 75% success rate in communicating to researchers during an SCP-480 event.\n\n- Senior Researcher E. Moore\n\n+ Addendum 480-2\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nAddendum 480-2:\n\nTO ALL SITE-415 STAFF\nIn regard to the procedural inquiry after Incident 480-14 and the loss of Dr. Herrera, the Site-415 Ethics Committee has, by a vote of 4-3, adopted the staff recommendation that Foundation personnel affected by SCP-480 be maintained as test subjects for the duration of continued life function.\nWhile the effects of SCP-480 are undeniably distressing for those observing former co-workers, the correlation between presence of test subjects and reduced instances of containment breaches requires that personnel who would be lost to the Foundation in any subsequent scenario be employed to reduce risk to unaffected staff.\nFor record keeping purposes, personnel who are affected by SCP-480 are to be immediately considered deceased.\n\n+ Addendum 480-3\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nAddendum 480-3: Recorded results of SCP-480 events\n\nIncident\nSubject\nDescription\nLength of Time before Expiration of Subject\n\nIncident 480-3\nD-84116\nFirst scenario consists of subject describing being held in Site-415 per standard routine. No other personnel or test subjects are present in Site-415. Subject describes being stalked by an invisible presence, losing consciousness as cell door opens. Variations as recurrence occurs consistently feature an undescribed, predatory presence, and include subject being held directly in SCP-480's containment chamber, being held in a ventilation shaft, and being held in a lightless, presumably wooden box.\nEight weeks, three days, four hours\n\nIncident 480-5\nD-06518\nInitial scenario consists of D-06518 at Sector-18 processing center, prior to assignment to Site-415. Instead of being transferred to Site-415, D-06518 is instead routed to an unrecognized facility. In each recurring scenario, subject is restrained and subjected to various surgical procedures; documented instances include removal of facial epidermis, amputation of legs, removal of internal organs, and controlled application of caustic chemicals, all apparently done without anesthesia.\nThree weeks, one day, seventeen hours\n\nIncident 480-11\nResearcher Riordan\nUnknown\nFifteen weeks, six days, two hours\n\nIncident 480-15\nD-39147\nSubject describes being prepared to enter observation chamber in anticipation of SCP-480 fluctuation event. Each recurrence consists of waiting for a length of time for SCP-480 to encompass test subject, with research staff communicating to test subject that SCP-480 event is imminent. Time lengths for each recurrence estimated at five minutes, forty-five minutes, three hours, and two days before communication ceases. Presumption is that each recurrence consisted of a longer waiting time prior to perceived SCP-480 event.\nTwelve weeks, five days, twenty-one hours\n\nIncident 480-19\nResearcher Moore\nUnknown\nThirty-one weeks, six days, seventeen hours\n\n\u00ab SCP-479 | SCP-480 | SCP-481 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-481\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-481 is currently contained in Sector-25, in a specially designed dormitory for the affected subjects. The dormitory is built to modified D-class specifications, with space for two (2) occupants at this point, based on the spread of the scar tissue. Besides the standard sleeping quarters, there is a living space for each accessible through an outer isolation room.\nSubjects are allowed written and recorded entertainment that is available from local sources and does not violate containment procedures. No excessive funds are to be spent on this. Subjects are allowed visits to the outer facility and external walled gardens for no more than three (3) hours per day, supervised by two (2) Level 2 Security personnel. Cameras are installed in the dormitories, and are to be monitored by one (1) Level 2 Security personnel at all times. Subjects should not be prevented from self-harm, except for in cases of corresponding large scale violence in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Full-body restraints are authorized in this case, under the supervision of a trained medical team.\nDescription: SCP-481 was originally a clustered pattern of scars, roughly corresponding to a variably partial map of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, India, appearing on SCP-481-1 (formerly Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) since at least 199\u2588. SCP-481 has since spread to SCP-481-2 (formerly Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, see Addendum 481-01). When SCP-481 first manifested on SCP-481-1, it appeared as a small series of criss-crossing scars that has been found to correspond to the neighborhood of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. While it is still not readily apparent why this town is being mapped, the sympathetic effects of the scars and city are readily apparent.\nThe scars are a perfect recreation of the town. Streets and alleys appear as straight scars resembling lacerations made with a dull cutting instrument. Buildings are represented by scar nodes. A small canal flowing through the town is represented as a jagged scar across the abdomen of SCP-481-1.\nThe growth of new scars corresponds to the expansion of the already overcrowded town/city, including slums set up on unofficial roads. Described as very painful by both SCP-481-1 and -2, the effect is not limited to growth. Any demolition leads to a severely painful scouring of the corresponding scar patterns. Scars currently cover 100% of the skin, including the scalp, of SCP-481-1 and approximately 47% of the skin of SCP-481-2 from the shoulders to the lower torso, including both arms.\nSCP-481-1 has shown tendencies to self-harm since her incarceration. Any scars left by this faded completely within 20 days and did not correspond to changes in the city architecture. It was therefore believed that the self-inflicted scars were merely an expression of SCP-481-1's frustration with her containment. This has since been proven inaccurate by Incident 481-1-01.\nAddendum: 481-01: When SCP-481-1 ran out of skin for the scars to expand to, it was believed that the expansion events were over. Within a week, scars began appearing on SCP-481-2. He was immediately quarantined along with SCP-481-1, and has since been under observation. SCP-481-2 had a history of dealings with the [DATA EXPUNGED] before coming to the Foundation, just as SCP-481-1 did. Whether this connection is the key to SCP-481-2 becoming the new focus for the scars is currently under investigation.\nIncident 481-1-01: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-481-1 attempted suicide via an improvised plastic blade drawn across the wrists. At the same time, the now infamous riots in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, India, had reached the peak of their violence. SCP-481-1 was immediately attended to and stabilized, while the riots lasted for several days. The source of the riots was later traced to two neighborhoods, corresponding with the parts of the scar pattern covering SCP-481-1's wrists.\nAddendum: 481-02: Further investigation led to similar ongoing reports of violence and petty crime from neighborhoods mapped out on the portions of the body associated with repeated self-harm. Tests were performed to determine whether damage to the scar pattern caused corresponding violence in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Surgeons made several incisions to parts of the scars corresponding with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's business district. No effect was noted.\nIt is hypothesized that the self-inflicted damage is a compulsory response to violence and other crime in the city. Self-harm appears to be inflicted on parts of the body associated with high-crime neighborhoods. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, after SCP-481-2 attempted to remove a portion of his upper arm during a string of murders in the corresponding neighborhood, current procedures involving full-body restraints were adopted.\nSCP 481 Testing\n\n\u00ab SCP-480 | SCP-481 | SCP-482 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-482\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-482 was recovered during an experiment being conducted by Dr. Bright at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. After initial containment, SCP-482 was turned over to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for documentation and analysis. Dr. Bright and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are to be notified immediately should there be any changes to SCP-482 or any duplicates found.\nWhile it is not being tested, SCP-482 is to be stored in Containment Locker \u2588\u2588, located at Site-\u2588\u2588. Access to the locker is restricted to Level 2 Personnel and above; such access (and all activities thereafter) are to be logged and recorded within 24 hours of completion. The maximum time limit for testing of SCP-482 is 1 hour after mutations manifest; all subjects who have reached or exceeded this point while in contact with SCP-482 are to be immediately terminated. Before autopsy and disposal SCP-482 is to be recovered first and separated from the subject's body; localized thermal cleansing protocol is then to be performed on the body after autopsy and any biological samples or personnel deemed contaminated by the test subject.\nDescription: SCP-482 is a black leather straitjacket of similar make to the \u2588\u2588\u2588 brand. Although the jacket seems to made for the Medium size, testing has shown that it can fit most body sizes; subjects with larger body types report, however, that they feel \u201ccompressed\u201d or \u201csuffocated\u201d while wearing it. The words \u201cMade in Tsiao-yan, China / Hand Wash Only / No Aserejena Powder\u201d are present on the manufacturer's tag in faded text. Neither the factory nor the item \u201cAserejena\u201d exist on any known records. Finally, while there are no obvious signs of wear and tear on the item, there are several small cuts on the straps. Analysis has shown that these could not have been inflicted by anyone wearing SCP-482. Testing has shown that while immune to any damage due to body changes occurred by the subject, it can be damaged by external forces as normal for an object of this material. Further destructive testing on SCP-482 has been suspended due to the lack of viable duplicates.\nSCP-482 has two known effects, occurring in a linear fashion once the item is worn. These have been identified as Time Points Alpha and Beta; experiments have shown that while the effects of Time Point Alpha fade after loss of contact with SCP-482, those inflicted by Beta are permanent.\nTime Point Alpha refers to the initial stage of exposure to SCP-482. This exposure time lasts a varied period between 1 and 6 hours that a subject wears SCP-482. The item can be removed before Alpha elapses completely without ill effect. During this period, the subject feels \u201cmentally better\u201d; any mental afflictions that the subject possesses, regardless of degree or intensity, are negated completely. Any medication being taken by the subject has its effects completely negated as well. Foundation standard psychological tests return results consistent with a baseline normal, mentally stable individual. Upon separation of the subject and SCP-482, the mental illnesses return in full force, along with the side effects of any medication. Multiple sessions wearing SCP-482 have continued effect, though any time in the suit contributes to the overall cumulative time until the subject reaches Time Point Beta.\nTime Point Beta refers to the subsequent time period that passes if a subject is still wearing SCP-482 once Alpha lapses. During this period, the subject experiences physical mutation that seems to be determined by the nature of the subject's mental disorder. Should the subject have multiple mental illnesses, the mutations will manifest according to their degree of strength. See Experiment Log SCP-482 for recorded physical mutations observed during testing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-481 | SCP-482 | SCP-483 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-483\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-483 needs no special containment, other than to prevent use outside of authorized testing. SCP-483-1 is not to be administered to subjects for whom there exist living humans outside the Foundation who are significantly acquainted with the subject and aware of the subject's age. Under no circumstances is SCP-483-1 to be administered to those known by Overseers. If SCP-483-1 is to be administered to a subject in a quantity in excess of their original age (see Addendum 483-b), all documents detailing and suggesting the test should exclude any and all information about the subject in question, especially the proposed original age to be tested; information recorded from and for these tests should not be taken from the subject directly, but rather from a clone of the subject created using SCP-222 (using a double-blind procedure), until all tablets designated for the test have been successfully administered. In cases where the subject is an SCP-222 clone created for this test (the recommended procedure), the original may be used for initial records.\nDescription: SCP-483 is a standard orange prescription bottle filled with up to 50 spherical, gray tablets (SCP-483-1). The label indicates that it was issued to a \"Sherman, David A.\", and in place of a prescription name, the label reads \"anti-aging\". The remainder of the label has been torn off. Analysis of the tablets shows that they are chemically identical to placebos.\nWhen SCP-483-1 is ingested by an organism possessing a stomach capable of digesting medication, its effect takes place: All existing memories, documents, and records regarding the organism's age are altered, decreasing the organism's recorded age by one (1) full year. All numerical values/memories relative to the organism's age are altered correspondingly. The ingesting organism displays no biological change, apart from the aforementioned memory adjustment.\nMedical pills or tablets of any kind which are placed in SCP-483 become SCP-483-1. Individuals affected by SCP-483-1 will remember accurately how many years have passed since certain events in their lives, excepting the ingesting subject's date of birth. Affected individuals may be convinced that their interpretation of the subject's age is wrong and revise it; further ingestion of SCP-483-1 by the original subject will reduce the revised age.\nAddendum 483-a:\nSCP-483 was recovered from the home of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after wide discrepancies were reported between his medical records and physical condition with regard to his age. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's official documents, as well as his nearby relatives and friends, reported that he was 8 years old, though they could recall events involving him over a decade ago. A \u2588\u2588-year-old newspaper story listing his name corroborated this discrepancy. His physical stature and development showed that he was at least 20 years of age, and his growth rate was that of a normal human. Upon confiscation and discovery of the effect of SCP-483-1, subject was terminated and his records corrected.\nAddendum 483-b:\nIf SCP-483-1 is ingested in a quantity greater than an organism's original age, the organism loses all memory aside from functional memory (skills, language, etc.), all existing recorded information regarding the subject vanishes, and all those who knew the subject lose any and all memories regarding the subject. When questioned as to past events having involved the subject, affected individuals simply note there having been \"another person\" or \"a stranger\" present.\nNote: I've always been paranoid about memetic and mind-altering effects. Lucky for me, my countermeasures saved my memory from the overdose. Unfortunately, however, I've lost my clearance, seniority, staff, awards, retirement date, and the opportunity to have my aging mother ever recognize me again. Fixing at least some of these problems would be simple; that is, if anyone knew who the hell I was! That's the last time I get a rookie to draw up an experimental procedure for me, goddamn it. - Dr. Blast\nNote: Dr. Blast, please refrain from using official documentation as a medium to voice complaint. That you're 2 weeks old is no excuse. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-482 | SCP-483 | SCP-484 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-484\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-484 reserved for testing must be secured in Pharmaceutical Locker AG-\u2588\u2588. This testing pool should include at least twenty (20) doses of any particular form of SCP-484 or fifty percent (50%) if fewer samples exist. All other samples are currently stored in Secure Storage Room 112-\u2588. All personnel of clearance Level 3 and below must have written authorization from a Level 4 staff member to access SCP-484. Any staff member currently researching SCP-484 may not interact with any O5 personnel until the conclusion of their research and a thorough toxicology screening and search of their office space and home. If any staff member, of any security level, is found to have appropriated SCP-484 without authorization or outside experimental parameters, they are to be reprimanded and reassigned, with the stolen SCP-484 returned to containment.\nDescription: SCP-484 is a pharmaceutical of unknown origin originally discovered in use as a street drug in urban areas throughout the world. Interrogations of dealers has put a tentative first release around June, 200\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Norway. As with most street drugs, the physical form of SCP-484 varies greatly from sample to sample. SCP-484 is generally found in pill form, though at least two types have been powders within a rapidly dissolving gel pack. Reports of a trans-dermal patch were received but no sample has been obtained to date. SCP-484 has a number of street names, with the most common being V, Vic (v\u012bk), Vicar (v\u012b-\u02c8ker), and Care, each revolving around the word \"Vicarious\". Phrasal slang includes any mention of memories or remembering and name code uses V-names like Victor or Vivian.\nUnlike most street drugs, all samples of SCP-484 are nearly chemically identical. Most illegal drugs vary by manufacturer and contain impurities and additives, but other than cosmetic appearance, SCP-484 samples are identical. The only explanation for this is that all samples come from the same source. Why there is such cosmetic variation is unknown, though researchers believe it is to disguise SCP-484 as a simple street drug. This also explains how a pharmaceutical with the level of sophistication demonstrated by SCP-484 reached the open market without precursors or public notice in its development. All known organizations capable of manufacturing SCP-484 are being investigated in order to determine the source. The logo seen on many iterations of SCP-484 is a tilted square with eight dots within, though no companies with similar logos are anywhere near capable of producing such a chemical. The dealer questioned in Interrogation Report 484-A33 seemed genuinely unaware of the drug's origin, despite repeated and vigorous methods of interrogation.\nWhen ingested, SCP-484 is absorbed and causes the brain to produce a chemical compound previously unknown. Researchers have named the compound \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588. The compound is extremely volatile and breaks down almost immediately if extracted from the brain. Subjects experience rapidly increasing brain activity and pupil dilation. When a subject exposed to SCP-484 makes eye contact with an unaffected person, a form of telepathic connection will be established between the two subjects. The subject having ingested SCP-484 will begin to experience hallucinations of the other subject's memories. The degree of vividness and duration of these hallucinations increases with the amount of SCP-484 taken. The unexposed subjects enters semi-hypnotic state. Repeated use of SCP-484 builds a familiarity with the hallucinations and certain subjects have been able to move through a subject's memory at will, similar to a lucid dreamer altering a dream.\nAt higher dosages, the victims began to lose the memories test subjects described viewing, forgetting all or part of the memory. This memory loss was accompanied by intense migraines and psychological trauma, chiefly feelings of loss and violation, though the subjects were unable to describe what exactly was lost. It was later revealed that a subject using SCP-484 at high dosages actually appropriates the memories and adds them into his or her own memories. There seems to be no limit to the number of memories a subject can absorb, and existing memories are not overwritten. This data is corroborated by Interrogation Report 484-A33, though all answers from this report must still remain suspect. Testing allowed several subjects to have their memories, from childhood to the present, completely erased and absorbed by other test subjects. Those absorbing the memories reported initial discomfort and confusion by the double memories, but all those absorbed seem as real and personal as the subject's original memories. These memories seem to be maintained as long as the subject's memory is not damaged by some other chemical or trauma.\nThe risk SCP-484 poses to information security is high, and as such its tight regulation is vital. Research is ongoing into using SCP-484 in multiple fields. If properly controlled, it could be used to extract unwanted memories of security breaches or traumatic experiences. Permission is currently pending for use of SCP-484 with various memetic hazards. Priority is given to experiments concerning SCP-484's use in advanced espionage and information security.\nAddendum:\nExcerpt from Interrogation Report 484-A33:\nInterrogator: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, assisted by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSupervisor: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSubject: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \"Crimson Andrew\" \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, detained drug dealer from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, USA.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So you still maintain that you were never involved in the manufacture of this drug?\nCrimson Andrew: (coughing) Done told you that already.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Indeed you have. Yet I remain unconvinced. Do you think another session with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 would change my mind?\nCrimson Andrew: (spitting) Fuck you. Do whatever you want, won't change anything. Just kill me already and get it over with.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Now, please describe what it is like to use SCP-484.\nCrimson Andrew: When you drop Vic, man, it's like nothing else. I've tripped on anything I could get in my arm, up my nose, or down my gut, and nothing was ever like Vic.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The hallucinations were more vivid?\nCrimson Andrew: Sorta. It's not like that, though. When you're on a trip, you know it. You know, at least somewhere, that the walls ain't really melting, you know? But on Vic, no matter how weird it gets, you know it's real. Everything you see, it's like you're doing it. And afterwards, it's like you'd done it from the beginning. Doesn't bother me that I have to take it away from someone. It lets me have a better life. Better history.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Better? Elaborate.\nCrimson Andrew: Well, check this. You remember being a kid? How happy simple shit could make you? New toy. Climbing a new tree. Just playing, whatever. Well, Vic lets you experience that again and again, and every time it's different, but it stays with you.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How do you mean?\nCrimson Andrew: You remember your fifth birthday?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I don't see how that's relevant.\nCrimson Andrew: Just, fuck, do you remember or not?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, I do.\nCrimson Andrew: How was it?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I really don't\u2026\nCrimson Andrew: (shouting) How the fuck was it?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It was very nice.\nCrimson Andrew: Yeah. Usually are. You know how many fifth birthdays I've had? Thirty-eight. I remember one where my dad, or some bitch's dad, really, but he's my dad when I remember it. Not like looks like my dad, he's a big fat \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, but it's still like he's mine, you know? Anyway, my dad got me a fucking pony. Who really does that? It's a joke or something from TV, no one really does that. But my dad did. That's the purest joy I've ever felt. No jealousy, no fear, nothing tainting it, and no hangover afterward. Just pure, simple joy.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How poetic.\nCrimson Andrew: Yeah. It is. Especially since my real dad never gave me nothing but a good ass-whup when the beer ran out at night. With the Vic I got a thousand happy memories that make the bad ones less important. Gonna come in handy soon, I bet.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How's that, exactly?\nCrimson Andrew: Well, when you people kill me, it sure as hell ain't gonna be my shitty life flashing before my eyes.\n\n\u00ab SCP-483 | SCP-484 | SCP-485 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-485\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-485 is to be kept in a locked safe-deposit box at all times with the key to be kept in a secure location.\nDescription: SCP-485 appears to be a standard retractable pen with an unusually easy to click button. The pen itself was accidentally stolen by Dr. Dahij, upon renewing his life insurance policy. The pen once belonged to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Life Insurance Inc. Each time the pen's tip is extended, a random person known to the user dies by an unknown cause. Since the button's action is abnormally smooth, subjects during testing were noted to rapidly click the pen without conscious thought or realization of what was happening.\nInitial discovery occurred upon Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 falling dead mid-sentence as Dr. Dahij was absently clicking his pen near his desk. Dahij called his wife, only to discover no answer at any normally reachable locations, including her place of employment. Supervisor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found dead with a mildly surprised look on his face. Pen was given SCP status, testing to follow shortly.\nThe pen's action was confirmed by a reclusive Class-D personnel who only knew 39 living people, all met since his internment at location \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on base. Said personnel successfully dispatched upwards of 90% of the remaining test subjects on hand, as they had all been selected from the same dormitory wing on-base. Procedure for obtaining live testing personnel has been updated to require more randomization in the selection process.\nAddendum: Due to Dr. Dahij's recent personal tragedy involving nearly all of his friends and family, SCP-485 is hereby remanded to off-person custody in a locked safe-deposit box.\nNote: At least he's stopped that damn infernal clicking at all hours at his desk. Now if he would just stop crying. -Dr. Bright\n\n\u00ab SCP-484 | SCP-485 | SCP-486 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-486\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-486 is confined at Site-17 in a two room cell, which may be furnished as the subject requests, provided it does not violate standard SCP procedures. The cell walls and floor should be padded and carpeted. SCP-486 must wear a cut-resistant safety glove at all times, although temporary removal for the purpose of hygiene is permitted. SCP-486 has displayed no extraordinary physical ability or attempts to escape. Nevertheless, the subject should be guarded at all hours by any two Level-1 security personnel. Should SCP-486 engage in self-destructive behavior, personnel on duty are to restrain and sedate the subject. If the subject manages to cause injury to herself while still unrestrained, personnel are to exit and lock the cell before contacting assistance.\nDescription: SCP-486 is a Hispanic female twenty-nine (29) years of age. The subject has black hair and brown eyes, is 158 centimeters in height, and weighs approximately 63 kilograms. The subject is missing her left arm from the elbow. Aside from this handicap and her condition, the subject shows the physical needs and characteristics of a normal human being.\nWhen SCP-486 experiences an injury that would normally cause bleeding, a growth resembling a reddish-brown snake of unknown species will emerge from the wound. The growth does not detach from the subject's body, and instead extends to approximately four times the length of the snake's head before halting. The size of the growth is proportional to the size of the wound. Despite being anchored to SCP-486, the growth appears to be autonomous and will attempt to bite any human within range, with the exception of the subject.\nVenom milked from the growth's fangs is clear and pinkish in color. The toxins present in the venom are similar to that of snakes in the family Elapidae, and are lethal to human beings.\nThe growths may be surgically removed without anesthetic, as damage done to them is not felt by SCP-486. If the growths are less than 5-7 centimeters in length, they will wither after a period of 12-16 minutes into a dry scab-like substance. Growths exceeding 7-8 centimeters do not wither and must be removed by Level-2 medical staff who have been trained in handling venomous reptiles. The above deterioration will occur rapidly for any growth that has been removed in this way. SCP-486 does not sustain any scars or lasting injury, visible or otherwise, after the removal.\nInjuries that do not result in external bloodshed, such as blisters, do not trigger the growth. In the case of internal bleeding, [DATA EXPUNGED].\nMost other substances produced or excreted by SCP-486, including saliva, sweat, tears, and mucus, are normal. Examination of the subject's menses reveals [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-486 claims that the condition only developed when she was fourteen, with the onset of puberty. It is unknown whether the subject is fertile. Prior to her recovery, the subject had been married for \u2588 years, but produced no children.\n\nAddendum #486-1: Due to SCP-486's condition, retrieving blood samples is impossible, as is administering any injection. Sedatives must either be imbibed or inhaled.\nAddendum #486-2: It is recommended that SCP-208 be kept unaware of SCP-486's condition.\nDocument #486-1: SCP-486 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, when the subject was involved in an automobile accident. The subject sustained broken ribs, a moderate concussion, and avulsion of the lower left arm. The growth (\u2588\u2588 cm in length) proceeded to fatally bite two paramedics and one witness before agents arrived on-site. SCP-486's family has been told that she and her spouse were killed in the crash. The subject, being unconscious, has no clear recollection of the accident.\n\n\u00ab SCP-485 | SCP-486 | SCP-487 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-487\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-487 is to be surrounded by an 8.05km (5mi) buffer zone purchased by the Foundation under the guise of a private ranch. The perimeter of the buffer zone is to be patrolled by Level 2 security personnel under orders to terminate unauthorized intruders on sight. The perimeter security forces are also under orders not to enter the buffer zone under any circumstances. In the event of a perimeter breach, Level 3 personnel within the buffer zone must be immediately notified.\nAccess to SCP-487 is only permitted to staff with a security clearance of Level 3 or higher. While within SCP-487, all personnel are strictly forbidden to move any item, unless they are under orders to do so or if it is part of a current experiment. Any unauthorized change in the position of any of the items within SCP-487 must be immediately logged and all personnel within SCP-487 must follow standard evacuation procedures.\nShould containment protocols be compromised, any surviving Level 4 personnel are authorized to engage the containment failsafe. This will consist of demolition charges planted outside of SCP-487.\nDescription: SCP-487 is a house located in the Northeastern United States in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The exact appearance and architecture of SCP-487 is impossible to definitively describe, as it constantly changes its appearance and structure depending on the arrangement of the items within it. Currently, SCP-487 appears as a significantly larger version of a Sears Catalog Home.\nWithin SCP-487 are exactly three thousand two hundred ninety four (3,294) items of occult or other superstitious origin. These items are carefully arranged throughout SCP-487 according to strict Feng Shui principles. Individually, none of these items show any kind of supernatural ability, and are essentially normal, non-anomalous items. However, it has been theorized by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that these items are in such close proximity, and are arranged in such a particular way, that they create a synergistic effect that grant SCP-487 its anomalous properties. Initial testing by modifying the arrangement of certain items within SCP-487 appears to support this hypothesis (see Addendum 1-3).\nAccording to historical records, SCP-487 was built in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and was owned by various families and individuals. Through coincidence or premeditation, every owner had spent their lives collecting numerous items of occult or superstitious origin. Background checks of all previous owners reveal nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary other than the apparent compulsion to collect said items. The Foundation first learned of SCP-487 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when Agents intercepted a frantic call from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-487's previous owner, to a family friend regarding strange events related to SCP-487 (See Addendum 1). \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was administered an amnestic and relocated to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 1: SCP-487's first recorded incarnation was a Georgian-style home. Inside, SCP-487 contained a basement level that was significantly larger than the building's blueprints indicated. Further exploration revealed an expansive maze of hallways, rooms, and doors with no discernible pattern. Exploration was temporarily halted when a researcher was separated from the expedition team and did not return. Search parties eventually found the researcher's camera intact. Analysis of the footage showed that the researcher had grown hopelessly lost and had become convinced that SCP-487 was stalking him. The researcher's remains were also later found. Cause of death determined to be self-inflicted neck injury. Further exploration discontinued.\nAddendum 2: After the accidental movement of Item 254, the basement area disappeared without a trace. Shortly thereafter, all modern electronic and mechanical equipment within SCP-487 ceased to function. However, when taken outside, all affected equipment began to function normally. Machinery and other technology powered by Industrial Age sources (ie: steam power) still function normally within SCP-487.\nAddendum 3: SCP-487's current incarnation as a Sears Catalog Home came about as the result of moving Items 405, 772, 1056, and 2001 according to a certain mathematical pattern. SCP-487's dimensions now seem to be expanding at the rate of 0.3cm (.12 in) per month, necessitating the removal and relocation of the containment failsafes. Researchers have reported hearing groaning and growling sounds around the perimeter, though this is attributed to the stresses on SCP-487's structural materials as caused by its expansion.\nAddendum 4: After the unauthorized removal of Items 991 and 1074, tracking satellites detected a massive accumulation of thermal energy just beneath the Earth's surface, centered around SCP-487's general location. The anomalous energy readings immediately dissipated once the missing items were returned to their original locations.\n\n\u00ab SCP-486 | SCP-487 | SCP-488 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-488\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the small size of objects leaving SCP-488-1, suppression of public dissemination of knowledge regarding SCP-488 is sufficient for containment in the foreseeable future.\nSCP-488-2 is housed in a reinforced bunker at a depth of 50 m near the military proving ground at [REDACTED]. Triple-redundant seismic sensors are in place to record meteorite impacts in the vicinity, and must be tested daily for functionality.\nIn the case of impact of meteorites above 0.5 m in diameter, the structural integrity of the bunker must be inspected, and SCP-488-2 moved to a backup bunker located 500 m to the south via underground tunnel if repairs are necessary.\nDescription: SCP-488-1 is a location near Earth's L4 Lagrangian Point. Though direct observation of the location has shown nothing stationary to date, objects ranging from 0.5 m to 12 m in diameter will spontaneously appear at this location, and immediately accelerate towards the Earth. Composition varies slightly from object to object, but are consistent with rocks of extraterrestrial origin, and do not appear to be artificial. Most of these objects disintegrate and burn up in the atmosphere, but a meteor of sufficient mass to impact the surface will strike every six (6) to twelve (12) hours.\nSCP-488-2 is a 26-year old Caucasian male identified as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a resident of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 before his voluntary containment with the Foundation. SCP-488-2 is physiologically normal in all respects, apart from heavy scarring acquired from his anomalous property. To date, all objects positively identified as originating from SCP-488-1 have been recorded impacting within 100 m of SCP-488-2, determined via extensive experimentation involving relocating SCP-488-2 between secure Foundation sites.\nSCP-488-2 has shown no particular ability to resist damage from these impacts, and in fact first came to the Foundation's attention when he was hospitalized on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588 after a 0.47 m meteorite destroyed his home, killing his wife and infant son. SCP-488-2 was voluntarily contained shortly thereafter, and has remained in Foundation custody since. SCP-488-2 is unaware of how this property manifested or exactly when it started, but that he first noted an anomalous impact approximately six (6) months before the \u2588/\u2588\u2588/0\u2588 incident, and increased in regularity and severity up until the incident occurred.\nSCP-488-2 is usually cooperative with Foundation researchers, but suffers from severe depression and paranoia regarding his condition. SCP-488-2 is required to undergo regular psychiatric evaluation as well as the regular administration of antidepressants and sedatives.\nContingencies are being developed should the objects originating from SCP-488-1 continue to increase in size until they are a threat to containment and suppression of public knowledge. These contingencies include but are not limited to the possibility of euthanasia of SCP-488-2.\n\n\u00ab SCP-487 | SCP-488 | SCP-489 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-489\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-489 is held in a containment unit at Site-113. To prevent personnel accidentally bringing insect life into SCP-489's cell, a shower room has been established outside of the containment cell; personnel will change into the clothes provided to them after cleaning. Testing with SCP-489 is limited to indoor spaces.\nDue to the potential of containment breach and site damage, at no point may insectile based anomalies, including instances of SCP-831, be stored at Site-113.\nDescription: SCP-489 is a roughly dome-shaped conglomerate mass consisting entirely of objects used to kill or repel insects (e.g. aerosol pesticide cans, \"bug zappers\", flyswatters, footwear, and lighters). Each item is capable of independent autonomous movement, though they usually move along the ground as a whole when in motion. As of June 17, 2013, SCP-489 measures roughly five meters in height, and eight meters in diameter at the base.\nThere is a badly damaged transit van in the center of the mass, which contains a human skeleton sitting in the driver seat; the skeleton's rib cage has been crushed. A faded, scratched logo can be seen on the right side of the van, which reads:\n\nXtreme Xtermination [sic] Services.\nWe'll bash any bug, big or small!\n1-555-BUG-BASH\n\nWhen an insect of any species comes within five meters of SCP-489, SCP-489 will surge towards the animal and attempt to kill it; of note is that SCP-489 is heedless of other non-insect organisms should an insect be on or nearby them when attacking, usually resulting in severe injury or death should said organism(s) fail to move in time. However, due to the number of objects moving at once, SCP-489 often fails to reach the target at all, instead having individual parts impede one another's movement. If SCP-489 fails to kill the insect(s), individual items on SCP-489 become hostile to one another and begin hitting objects adjacent to them. When not in the presence of an insect, SCP-489 is relatively docile, making study of it easier.\nShould SCP-489 successfully terminate an insect, objects capable of handling it safely (e.g. tweezers, shovels, etc.) will retrieve and pass the insect along the edge of SCP-489 towards the storage space of SCP-489; during this time, it becomes possible to see the transit van without imaging due to items moving out of the way to open the doors. The storage space of the van in SCP-489 possesses extradimensional properties, containing dozens of rows of glass jars stored on wooden shelves; every jar is full of various dead insects.\nIf presented with new objects that would be considered \"bug-killers\", SCP-489 will readily attempt to incorporate them into itself; however, this habit makes its goal of exterminating insects even more difficult with the newly acquired mass. Newly added items immediately show signs of sentience.\nWhen new items are introduced to SCP-489, other items will enter the van's storage space and bring numerous jars containing disproportionately large specimens to the front of the storage space. These samples appear to serve as trophies for SCP-489; each jar is labeled with a date, and how the insect was obtained. Newly added items will gather around these jars in apparent admiration. Below is a list of several specimens SCP-489 has presented:\n\n+ Show: List of specimens in SCP-489\n\n- Hide\n\nDescription: Three beetle-like creatures each measuring ~1.5 meters in length. The abdomens are covered in large thorn-like protrusions.\n\nThe Savage Spine-Shooting Beetles!\nObtained July 7th, 1989\nThe beasts were terrorizing the village of Lathos in Thoazola. Brought down with the help of Julie and her Garden Gang.\n\nDescription: A thin, knobby, elongated creature resembling a stick insect with an additional six pairs of legs; each leg measures ~2.5 meters. Body length is ~5 meters.\n\nThe Walking Lance!\nObtained December 20th, 1984\nFound roaming the jagged rocky mountains of Jerinth. Its bladed legs felled Karen and Matthew before a well-aimed shot from Maxwell skewered its head.\n\nDescription: A horseshoe crab-like creature with prominent mandibles, paddle-like legs, and several sac-like growths lining its back and underbelly. Length ~2 meters.\n\nThe Aquatic Venomous Floaterbug!\nObtained March 26, 1987\nA new challenge, one that took place beneath the waters of the Burmese Swamplands! We have the scars to show for it, but the beast fell after the puncturing of its venom sacs.\n\nDescription: A humanoid entity 1.8 meters in height with eyes and proboscis resembling a housefly (Musca Domestica).\n\nThe Bug Man!\nObtained May 5, 1991\nFound within the frozen hills of Russia. Well worth the battle and losses; Theo and the Torches' sacrifice will be honored by all Bug-Killers for eternity.\n\nDescription: An arthropod with four thick, short legs all spreading from its abdomen in a circle. Creature has large elongated pincers, and a head featuring a prominent proboscis and compound eyes. Height ~ 4 meters.\n\nThe Bug That Killed Master\nObtained November 18th, 2000\nMaster fought hard, but he had finally met a bug he couldn't kill. We fought for him and made it suffer, but we couldn't save our leader.\n\nDescription: A wooden case with several pinned, non-anomalous butterflies, beetles, and dried earthworms.\n\nOur first kills after Master's death\nObtained from February to April of 2001\nWe will carry on Master's work.\n\n\u00ab SCP-488 | SCP-489 | SCP-490 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-490\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-490 is to be maintained in Storage Garage 17-Golf. Garage 17-Golf has been heavily soundproofed, its door replaced with a soundproofed door with an interior code-lock. SCP-490 is to have all four wheels disabled through standard parking boots and is to be kept chained at all times to four molybdenum eyebolts, sunk a minimum of three (3) meters into a solid concrete floor.\nDescription: SCP-490 is an ice cream truck dating to the 1960s constructed by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It seems to be mechanically standard except for the audio system, which does not respond to operators, though it appears to be in working order. The key to the vehicle is fastened in the ignition and cannot be extracted by any means. SCP-490 can be driven (fueled by a diesel engine originally made for the truck) and functions properly in all ways compared to other vehicles of the same model.\nBetween 2 to 5 AM local time, SCP-490 will operate itself, and drive at a low speed in a random circuit through local roadways. At this time it will function as if in peak condition, while playing a tune from its speakers. The tune has not been identified, but resembles music played on non-anomalous trucks of the same make. However, the tune never loops, and no portions can be identified as of yet. Recorded portions do not carry the anomalous effect.\nAny individual who hears the music will start advancing towards the vehicle, ignoring any instructions to stop. Upon reaching the vehicle, the back doors to the truck will open and the person will step inside with the doors closing behind him/her. The doors become sealed, impossible to open by regular means, and if tampered with [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIf there are multiple subjects affected then each will line up and wait for the doors to open again, or until the 3-hour window has elapsed. Subjects outside the vehicle when time elapses will wander away in apparent confusion; when interviewed, they appear to have no memory of the event. After 5 AM, SCP-490 will lose its abnormal ability and the back doors can be opened. Any person(s) that entered into the truck during the time that the music was playing will have vanished.\n\nA Popsicle composed out of basic sugars and human blood. A product of SCP-490. Photo by Agent Stephanie Shih.\n\nThe freezers will have been stocked with frozen treats. Though the treats will contain traditional flavors (Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla), the wrapper advertises a surprise flavor. The \"Super Surprise Flavor!\" stated is human flesh incorporated into the product, which DNA testing has proven to be that of the subject(s) who entered the vehicle and subsequently vanished.\nDiscovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Massachusetts, SCP-490 was located in the parking lot of a bank, from which it was then towed to an impound yard. The object had a parking boot attached to it and therefore could not escape. Shortly after the disappearances of several residents from the nearby trailer park, a team of Foundation agents were sent in to investigate. Discovering the truck and its contents the team paid the fine for it and drove it to Site-17. During the trip, it activated, causing the death of all team members except for Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was driving the team's vehicle and realized what was causing his teammates to become entranced. Protocol A-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was initiated and several more agents equipped with ear protection arrived. SCP-490 showed aggression, and when blocked by several Foundation vehicles started ramming into them and the Agents trying to capture it. After one (1) hour and forty three (43) minutes of chasing SCP-490 through back roads it deactivated and was moved to Site-\u2588\u2588 on a flatbed truck.\n\n\u00ab SCP-489 | SCP-490 | SCP-491 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-491\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A one-kilometer perimeter is to be maintained around SCP-491 at all times, for the purpose of preventing sea vessels access to the effects of SCP-491. Entrance is to be barred to all personnel with a security clearance below Level Two. Any intruders are to be questioned to ascertain their intent, then given Class-B amnestics and released no less than twenty kilometers from SCP-491.\nDescription: SCP-491 is a lighthouse built in the early 20th century, located at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, Nova Scotia. The ocean floor surrounding SCP-491 contains numerous wrecked ships, which vary in time of origin, ranging from 1923 to 1987.\nThe area within the perimeter of SCP-491 is subject to spontaneous change caused by minor (MW<3.5) earthquakes. The alterations caused to the topography of the seabed are greater than expected for earthquakes of these magnitudes. These earthquakes result in the production of large rocks or shallows in the path of an incoming vessel, inevitably sinking it.\nAt random intervals, SCP-491's lamp will activate, producing a green light that rotates at six revolutions per minute. Any area of the surrounding sea illuminated by this light will evince several ships, identical to those present on the seafloor. These new ships retain the damage inflicted upon them, and begin to take on water, at a slower rate than non-anomalous counterparts. Displacement of water evidenced by testing has shown that these ships are physical in nature. These ships only last for a short period (t<2s), due to the rate at which SCP-491's lamp rotates.\nThe interior of SCP-491 shows no anomalous effects, and is typical of a lighthouse built in that era. The lamp room of SCP-491 contains a Mesoradial Fresnel Lens lit by a Dalen Light. Cutting off electrical power to the lamp has no effect on the activation of SCP-491. All attempts to contain the light produced by SCP-491 have failed. The light emitted by SCP-491 is independent of the state of the lamp room; complete removal of lighting components did not prevent activation. Light emitted by SCP-491 can be influenced by sufficiently reflective surfaces, so long as the light reaches the sea. See Incident Log 491-032 for details on attempts to focus SCP-491 into a continuous loop.\nAddendum 491-1: An interview with the former owner of SCP-491, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hanna, was discovered in the Nova Scotia Archives by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who submitted it to the Foundation.\n\nForeword: The following transcript is an excerpt from a local news tribute conducted by Tyler Musuko, for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hanna, the former owner of the lighthouse.\n\nMusuko: Today indeed marks a sad day for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588. Just recently a local hero, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hanna, passed away. A former sailor in Australia, the sinking of his ship on a reef forced him into early retirement. He moved from town to town, including Cape Elizabeth, before finally finding his home here in beautiful \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, Nova Scotia. He will always be remembered for his valiant efforts in manning the lighthouse, saving countless ships, no matter the weather or the hour, from the treacherous seas surrounding him. He gave his life last week, diving into the frigid waters to save the crew of the S.S. Kellar, endangered by the rocky seas. We will always remember his undying dedication and caring. Farewell, Mr. Hanna.\n\nAddendum 491-2: On 03/25/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Foundation personnel sent an unmanned small ship, the S.S. Greaver, into the affected area. A large rock in the path of the S.S Greaver immediately burst out of the water, tearing a large gash along the side of the S.S. Greaver, sinking it within two minutes. During the next \"Green Light\" event, the S.S. Greaver manifested above the area of its wreck.\nAddendum 491-3: Audio Log 491-1:\n\nForeword: Through the use of several mirrors, Foundation personnel were able to keep the light produced by SCP-491 focused at the wreckage of the S.S. Vancouver. The ship produced by SCP-491 was boarded by Foundation personnel.\n\nAgent Johnston: Ok, we're on board. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about the ship, no water damage or warping. I'm no expert, but I'd say it's\u2026 30s or 40s? Really large doors, Immigrant ship?\n491 Command: Our records of the S.S. Vancouver confirm that. Attempt to proceed to the interior of the ship.\nAgent Johnston: Roger that.\nAgent Gold: These doors are jammed shut. I can't budge them. We're going to try the crowbar\u2026 No, that's not working.\nAgent Johnston: Try the Jaws of Life.\nAt this point, several voices can be heard from within. Only one is discernible above the sound of rushing water.\nUnidentified Voice: Give me that bucket!\nAgent Gold: We're inside th- Hold! Maintain distance.\n491 Command Agents, what is your status?\nAgent Johnston: Command, we have a potential biohazard. The hold is occupied by the former crew and passengers, by the appearance of their clothing. They're all undergoing various stages of decay, but they don't seem to be aware of it. Some of the crew are trying to repair the damage to the hull, the others are attempting to contain the passengers in the back.\nUnidentified Voice: Oh thank god, more help. Please, could you help us plug up these holes?\nAgent Johnston: The passengers have seen us, they're trying to push past the crew. One of the passengers just- Command, they've broken through, we're pulling back. Gold! Move!\nUnidentified Voice: What are you doing!? We have to save this ship, [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]! You, give me that pump! Get back here!\nThere is no audible dialogue for a span of one minute, however sounds of struggle are evident.\nAgent Johnston: Command, I'm on deck. Agent Gold just-\nAll audio is drowned out by a screech that lasts for approximately thirty seconds. The screech can be heard without transceivers from 491 Command, and all radio transmissions were interrupted for the duration of the sound.\nAlong with the screech, a 6.6 MW level earthquake occurred, dislodging several mirrors focusing the light, which ceases to illuminate the S.S. Vancouver. Radio contact with Agents Johnston and Gold was lost, and they are presumed dead.\n\nAddendum 491-4: Incident Report 491-2:\n\nSCP Involved: SCP-491\nPersonnel Involved: SCP-491 Staff, Agent Davis\nDate: 03/24/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, Nova Scotia\nDescription:\nFollowing the incident recorded in Audio Log 491, Foundation Personnel were placed on high alert for the next \"Green Light\" event. Several radio devices set to different frequencies were all placed around the area, in hopes that more information would be transmitted by the lost Agents, with no results. At 02:32:47 AM, the following radio transmission was recorded at 160.3 MHz.\n\nUnidentified Voice: Scotia, this is the S.S. Vancouver. All ship repairs have been completed. We are now docking to unload passengers and luggage.\n\nA series of mirrors was quickly constructed around the light, designed to allow the beam movement across the water. The beam's operator soon found the wreckage of the S.S. Vancouver. The manifestation was observed to be mobile, although no disturbances in the water were noted. The new S.S. Vancouver was tracked as it slowly approached a dock that had not previously manifested. The ship docked without incident, the crew successfully readying the ship for departure, despite decomposition.\nFollowing the crew members was a series of passengers appearing to be of Eastern European origin, experiencing the same level of decay as the crew. Passengers were seen stopping to talk to the crew members before picking up their luggage. Although the beam produced by the mirror system was not wide enough to capture all of the passengers, a procession could be seen moving along a flat area of ground towards the mainland. Upon leaving the half kilometer radius, illumination by SCP-491 ceased to reveal any passengers.\nAgents Johnston and Gold were identified amongst the passengers. Both agents were observed to be wearing their excursion gear, including radios, but all attempts to communicate via radio received no response, nor did they respond to visual and audio communication attempts. Agent Davis was instructed to attempt to make physical contact with Agents Gold and Johnston and attempt to retrieve them. Agent Davis made physical contact with Agent Gold at 00:39, coinciding with an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude, which damaged the mirrors and redirected the light. All passengers immediately vanished, along with the three agents.\n\nFurther rescue attempts are currently suspended, pending review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-490 | SCP-491 | SCP-492 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-492\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No special containment procedures are required for SCP-492. SCP-492 can be kept in standard on-site living quarters. Requests by SCP-492 that are within the site's capability, short of violating containment protocols, may be granted. In the event that SCP-492 should become hostile, incendiary devices hidden in its living quarters may be used to neutralize the threat.\nCurrently, due to its involvement in several other SCP projects, SCP-492 has Level 1 security clearance, but must be accompanied by at least one security guard at all times when outside its quarters. SCP-492 has also agreed to have a standard tracking device sewed into its \"skin\" so that its movements may be monitored at all times.\nDescription: SCP-492 was formerly an animatronic dummy for a pirate attraction in the now abandoned \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Amusement Park. Due to the nature of the amusement park it was found in, SCP-492 is primarily made of low-quality synthetic cloth, and all of the hydraulic and electronic components inside it had been removed. However, due to unknown circumstances, SCP-492 has gained motor skills and sentience.\nMedical scans of SCP-492 have shown that is completely hollow, and is for all purposes a sapient cloth dummy. It is not known how SCP-492 can stand or move without internal or external support structures, though tests have shown that SCP-492's cloth body can expand and contract in a manner similar to human muscle. Despite the lack of a nervous system, SCP-492 possesses all of the conventional five human senses with the exception of taste, and is perfectly capable of perceiving the environment around it. It is not known how SCP-492 is able to see, talk, hear, or smell without the required organs. However, its ability to see and talk are connected to the \"eyes\" and \"mouth\", which have been crudely drawn on by permanent marker, as SCP-492's head possesses no facial features. Erasure of SCP-492's \"eyes\" and \"mouth\" would presumably render it unable to see or speak, respectively.\nPhysically, SCP-492 can feel external stimuli. Through various tests, SCP-492 was able to discern objects by touch alone. However, SCP-492 does not feel pain, or at least has no concept of what it is. Its body seems to be unaffected by physical attacks: Its soft cloth absorbs blunt force attacks harmlessly, and damage incurred as a result of being pierced, cut, or ripped can easily be repaired through sewing the damaged parts back together. However, one note of interest is that SCP-492 has an intense fear of fire, most likely due to its flammable nature. In terms of strength, SCP-492 performed exceedingly poorly due to its fragile construction and lack of bone and muscle structure. SCP-492's strength is comparable to that of a human adult with markedly underdeveloped musculature.\nMentally, SCP-492 possesses all of the conventional mental patterns and thought processes that define human behavior. It can think, learn, comprehend abstract concepts, solve puzzles, and feel emotion. IQ tests reveal SCP-492 to be slightly above average at a score of ca. 112. Numerous sessions with Foundation psychologists and psychoanalysts have shown no evidence of any past or present mental instability or disorder.\nSCP-492 was first discovered by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 while she was responding to a routine inspection order. A group of teenagers had broken into \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Amusement Park, which had been closed for \u2588\u2588 years at the time, and were later caught by local authorities. The teenagers were in a hysterical state of mind and told the local authorities that they had witnessed \"things coming alive\" in the park. The Foundation quickly took over the investigation at that point. The teenagers were taken into Foundation custody and were given a class-B amnestic before being returned to local authorities. Meanwhile, several search teams were sent into the park, but found nothing of interest. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, however, stumbled across SCP-492 while she was searching the outskirts of the park. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 then managed to convince SCP-492 to surrender itself in to Foundation custody.\nAddendum 1: Due to its friendly and overtly helpful attitude and nonthreatening nature, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has decided to let SCP-492 freely interact with on-site personnel. Because of its previous \"career\" as an animatronic pirate, on-site staff have taken to nicknaming SCP-492 \"Captain Jack\". Performance and opinion surveys of SCP-492 by on-site staff have proven so remarkably positive that O5 administration has decided to let Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's experiment continue indefinitely.\nAddendum 2: Given SCP-492's lack of organs or flesh, SCP-492 has proven to be uniquely suited to handling certain SCPs that would be dangerous to regular humans. SCP-492 has already been cleared to participate in several experiments with Safe-level SCPs. However, handling Euclid and Keter-class SCPs requires a security clearance upgrade, and is pending O5 review.\nAddendum 3: A Foundation surveillance team has been permanently posted at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Amusement Park after the following interview with SCP-492:\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you remember when exactly you became aware of your own existence?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's correct.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (coughs) You mean you've been wandering around that park for \u2588\u2588 years?!Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: N-no. Moving on, did you notice anything strange about the park at all? Were there any others like you?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's a perfectly understandable feeling.\n\n\u00ab SCP-491 | SCP-492 | SCP-493 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-493\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-493 are to be kept in separate standard personnel-grade rooms with basic furnishings for a human-like SCP. Individual SCP-493 may request additional furnishings provided the request does not violate restrictions specific to that individual. Additions must be approved on a case by case basis by Level 4 personnel. SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 have been allowed to continue their work as Level 2 personnel; however they are not to be assigned to high risk areas in order to prevent premature duplication.\nEach instance of SCP-493 is to be marked with a tattoo of their designation number on their upper right arm to prevent any confusion between the otherwise similar appearance of each individual.\nDescription: SCP-493 is a group of genetically identical males of apparent ages between 20 and 90 years old. The younger SCP-493s have brown hair and brown eyes, are about 1.7m tall, and weigh between 70 and 90 kg, depending on diet and activity. Older SCP-493s' hair turns grey after beginning to bald around an apparent age of 50 years old. Each SCP-493 currently in containment is fluent in English and multiple dialects of German, speaking with a moderate Swiss-German accent. SCP-493-07 and SCP-493-08 are also fluent in Spanish. Seven instances of SCP-493 are currently in containment. From estimated duplication rates, it is believed that a minimum of twelve instances of SCP-493 have not yet been contained.\nWhen an instance of SCP-493 dies, nothing abnormal presents itself immediately. The corpse will decompose naturally. However approximately three hours after death, two younger SCP-493s (appearing to be in their early twenties) will materialize in close proximity to the location of death. These two new instances of SCP-493 are identical to each other, and maintain the memories of all of their previous lives.\nOther than the memories of their previous life, individual instances of SCP-493 do not appear to share any sort of mental link or bond with each other after reconstitution. If the two young SCP-493s move away from each other geographically, they may lead completely separate lives.\nAddendum: SCP-493-01 came to the SCP Foundation in 1963 as a Level 1 researcher four years before it was known that he had unique attributes. On April \u2588\u2588, 1967, shortly after being given Level 2 access, SCP-493-01 was killed during a containment breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 at Site 19. His remains were dealt with according to standard procedure for all Level 2 personnel. Three hours and two minutes after SCP-493-01's death, several Class D personnel involved in the clean-up reported a thin mist appear in two vaguely humanoid shapes in the corridor outside SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's containment chamber. Approximately half a minute later, a bright flash followed. As the flash subsided, two naked human males (SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03) were standing in place of the mist. The pair were immediately placed in containment and then questioned.\nSCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 have divulged their origins, the accuracy of which has largely been confirmed by historical and dental records. The original SCP-493 was born in 16\u2588\u2588 in Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland, becoming a successful protestant pastor before his first death and subsequent reconstitution in 17\u2588\u2588. SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 claim the recent events involving SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 resulted in their fifth reconstitution to date. Details of SCP-493-01's \"family tree\" of reconstitution can be found in Document 493-H.\nContainment of free SCP-493 is a work in progress. \"It is the Foundation's hope that the majority of SCP-493 can be contained before duplication of SCP-493 runs exponentially out of control. However, just rounding these subjects up is quite the task, it is not like we can just put a bulletin up when the people we need to find could be any age.\" \u2013Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nIt is unknown if SCP-493 will keep dividing with every death, but there is no reason to doubt such an occurrence. Permanent containment and termination options are currently under consideration.\nUpdate 493-01: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 apprehended SCP-493-04 and SCP-493-05 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Germany on December \u2588\u2588, 1967. Each appears to be approximately 40 years old, the same age as SCP-493-01 before death.\nUpdate 493-02: On February \u2588\u2588, 1976, SCP-493-06 is discovered homeless on the streets of New York City, appears to be about 30 years of age.\nIncident Report 493-A: SCP-493-06 commits suicide. [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-493-07 and SCP-493-08 are to be kept under close observation in quarters guarded against future suicide attempts. (\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1977)\nUpdate 493-03: Following several heated arguments over the current political and religious status in various major nations, SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 have requested to be removed from duty in sectors surrounding and including containment chamber of SCP-493-05. Request denied. \"You're professionals, start acting like it.\" \u2013Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1980)\nUpdate 493-04: SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 have repeated request to be removed from SCP-493-05, stating that regulation 36, subsection 8a states that they are \"Not permitted to oversee contained family members without sufficient supervision,\" and arguing that this regulation applies to their case. Request granted by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 are denied access to all other SCP-493s. (\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1980)\n\"And I am sick and tired of them heaping extra paperwork on me by quoting obscure regulations that I didn't even know about.\"- Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nUpdate 493-05: SCP-493-04 dies after complications following a fall and a broken hip. (\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2005)\n\"Well that was one of my more unpleasant deaths.\" \u2013SCP-493-09, shortly after reconstitution.\nMemo 493-BA: \"Request by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to 'show him what an unpleasant death is' denied. No, I don't care that he'll survive it; we don't need even more of these running around.\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-492 | SCP-493 | SCP-494 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-494\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-494 does not require any special containment procedures, other than being kept under lock and key in Storage Bunker \u2588\u2588 at Site \u2588\u2588. Level 2 clearance and written permission from a Level 4 or higher researcher is required for testing procedures regarding SCP-494.\nDescription: SCP-494 appears to be a regular pair of black leather fingerless gloves. SCP-494's anomalous features can only be observed while worn by a human subject. Upon being fitted onto the hand, SCP-494 will change size to match that of its wearer. Test subjects have described the feeling of wearing the gloves as if they were \u201cnot wearing gloves at all\u201d.\nSCP-494's true anomalous nature is revealed in that when an object is held in each gloved hand, after exactly five minutes, the two objects' makeup will be suddenly traded. The range of materials that can be transferred as yet seems to have no limit, and has been observed to create working machines and even living organisms from the materials provided. (see Test Log for details)\nSCP-494 seems to have some limitations, such as the fact that only objects that can be supported by the wearers strength (artificial assistance, such as leaning one's hands against a wall or table, seems to negate the effects of the gloves) will be transformed, and for reasons unknown, the gloves will refuse to work when worn by a subject over the age of sixty (60).\nTesting Log\nTest Format:\nMaterials:\nRight hand:\nLeft hand:\nResult:\nRight hand:\nLeft hand:\n\nTest 494-1\nMaterials:\nRight hand: One (1) 0.24 carat diamond\nLeft hand: One (1) Regular golf ball\nResult:\nRight hand: One (1) diamond-shaped piece of plastic\nLeft hand: One (1) rounded crystal formation, two (2) inches in diameter. Diffractometry confirms monocrystalline diamond.\n\nTest 494-2\nMaterials:\nRight hand: One (1) Nokia flip-cover cellular phone\nLeft hand: Two (2) stainless steel razor blades\nResult:\nRight hand: One (1) hinged stainless steel box with acid-etched surfaces denoting a cellphone keypad.\nLeft hand: Two (2) millimeter-thick machines with small screens and microscopic computer circuitry. Found to be fully functional as cellular phones.\n\nTest 494-3\nMaterials:\nRight hand: One (1) white laboratory rat\nLeft hand: One (1) 1974 penny\nResult:\nRight hand: One (1) copper statuette of a rat\nLeft hand: One (1) small, disk-shaped organism with white fur. Though lacking sensory organs or any observed lungs or digestive system, organism is entirely viable and responds to external stimuli such as light and pain.\n\nTest 494-4\nMaterials:\nRight hand: One (1) vial containing live streptococcus bacteria\nLeft hand: One (1) white laboratory rat\nResult:\nRight hand: One (1) vial containing animal cells with DNA of rat\nLeft hand: No observable difference aside from a slight change in the hue of the animal's fur. However, after further observation, the resulting animal proved to be capable of asexual reproduction; it proceeded to give birth to seventy-seven young within an hour, without any indication of stopping. Resulting offspring grew rapidly, maturing within a half-hour. Mature offspring in turn produced their own offspring. All animals were subsequently incinerated. Estimations of rate of reproduction suggest over one hundred thousand (100,000) young would have been produced within a day.\nNote: All tests involving the effects of SCP-494 on live microorganisms are now strictly prohibited.\n\nAddendum 494-1: Suggestions for testing the effects of SCP-494 on SCP-500 in conjunction with other materials are currently pending approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-493 | SCP-494 | SCP-495 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-495\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-495 is to be kept in a locked room, plugged into a standard, active 120-volt power outlet when not in use. A life-sized mold of a clam, oyster, or other species of sessile bivalve1 is to be stored within SCP-495; the mold is to contain no more than 100 (one hundred) grams of wax.\nIn the event of a power failure, at least one Level 1 security personnel must enter the storage room and monitor the item for activity until power is restored. Researchers wishing to use SCP-495 must submit a written description of the planned experiment to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Due to the results of Experiment SCP-495-\u2588\u2588, all molds and materials must be approved by at least one Level 3 or higher personnel before use with SCP-495. At least one personnel with experience treating venomous bites and stings must be available on standby while SCP-495 is in use.\nDescription: SCP-495 appears to be the oven from a 1992 ToyMax \"Creepy Crawlers\" playset, save that the \"Creepy Crawlers\" logo sticker has been replaced with the logo from a 1964 Mattel \"Thingmaker\" hot-plate (a toy of virtually identical function to the more recent ToyMax version, discontinued by Mattel in the 1970's due to insufficient safety features).\nWhile SCP-495 is plugged into a standard 120-volt power outlet, it functions as a normal \"Creepy Crawlers\" oven. When not plugged into a power outlet, SCP-495 displays the following anomalous behavior:\n\nUpon insertion of a filled or partially-filled mold, SCP-495's activation switch moves to the \"ON\" position automatically. The internal heating lamp appears to remain unlit, but the oven begins to gain warmth from an unknown source, reaching a peak internal temperature of 257.2 degrees Celsius (as measured by infrared camera). After approximately eight minutes, SCP-495's activation switch moves to the \"OFF\" position automatically. Contrary to the behavior of a standard ToyMax \"Creepy Crawler\" oven, SCP-495's door will open immediately instead of remaining locked while the mold cools.\nAll molded items will animate upon removal from the oven, behaving as though they were natural organisms. Animated objects are physically detailed well beyond what their molds would seem to allow, appearing physically identical to their natural counterparts save for unusual coloration corresponding to the materials used to fill their molds. Dissection of animated objects reveals tissues and other internal structures composed entirely of whatever material was used to fill the mold.\nAny substance and mold used with SCP-495 will produce results - hand-made molds or substances other than ToyMax or Mattel \"Plasti-Goop\" (such as chocolate or wax) will result in animate objects.\n\nAddendum: Just because they're made of plastic doesn't mean they're safe. Where the venom comes from, I don't know, but Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is now in the infirmary after being bitten by a tiny purple asp. Please treat the products of SCP-495 as you would any venomous animal.\n- Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nFootnotes\n1. Personnel are reminded that not all bivalves are sessile; in the event of the mold being destroyed, consult with an on-staff malacologist before obtaining a replacement.\n\n\u00ab SCP-494 | SCP-495 | SCP-496 \u00bb"} {"text": "Vivarium\n\nHey there! You should read some of the other stuff I made\u2026 or not!\nI'm not the boss of you, do whatever you want!\nMore by Vivarium\n\nItem #: SCP-496\nObject Class: Keter\n\nAn antillian manatee showing symptoms of an SCP-496 infection.\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: MTF \u03b3-6 (\"Deep Feeders\") are to assist MTF \u03b2-7 (\"Maz Hatters\") in monitoring and researching SCP-496. The current perimeter around SCP-496 is to be publicly designated as a Protected Marine Wildlife Reserve. All personnel located inside of the perimeter must wear waterproof protective gear that covers their entire person, and avoid any skin contact with water. Personnel studying SCP-496 are to focus their research on finding a way of slowing or halting the spread of SCP-496.\nDescription: SCP-496 is a substance composed primarily of calcium carbonate1 that covers a 35 square kilometer area of the sea floor 84 kilometers off the coast of Jakarta, Indonesia. The substance has characteristics of a waterborne contagion that is capable of infecting an organism via contact with the skin. Once SCP-496 has infected an organic substance, it will begin the process of converting all organic matter of the subject into SCP-496.\nSigns and symptoms of an SCP-496 infection include:\n\nBatches of red or skin-colored welts.2\nSevere itching.3\nPainful swelling of the lips, eyelids, and inside the throat.4\n\nOnce the SCP-496 infection reaches the brain, the victim may suffer from:\n\nDelusions.\nDisorganized thinking.\nExtremely disorganized or abnormal motor behavior.\nHallucinations.5\n\nOnce the SCP-496 infection has spread throughout the entire body, the following symptoms will occur:6\n\nConversion of all organic matter into SCP-496.7\n\nAddendum 496-1: SCP-496 was discovered by a Foundation research vessel while investigating reports of an abandoned fishing liner drifting in the middle of the ocean. Inspection of the fish hold of the ship revealed a large mass of SCP-496 which formed due to infected fish being stored in close proximity.\nThe ship was boarded by a local Foundation research vessel. Attempts to locate the missing crew failed, however an individual infected by SCP-496 was found inside of a locked room in the cargo hold of the ship. The state of the room showed signs of an aggressive struggle.\n\nAddendum 496-2: Due to a lack of understanding of the contagious properties of SCP-496, Agent Viva became exposed to SCP-496 while inspecting the infected individual. The moment Foundation personnel became aware of the contagion, the subject was quarantined in a standard containment cell located on the research vessel. Agent Viva agreed to cooperate while under quarantine, and a portion of the video log from their observation has been added to this file.\nVideo Log\n\nAgent Viva is locked inside of a containment room located in the storage hold of the ship. A camera has been placed in the room so Dr. Wilson may observe the infection as it advances. At the time of this segment, approximately 50% of the subjects body has been converted into SCP-496.\n[[Begin Log]]\nDr. Wilson: Agent, are you still able to communicate?\nAgent Viva: Yes\u2026 it's hard though \u2014\nThe subject begins look around the room, causing flakes of SCP-496 to fall off of their neck.\nAgent Viva: I \u2014 I'm seeing things. This isn't real.\nDr. Wilson: Agent, what are you seeing?\nThe subject is silent for 12 seconds.\nDr. Wilson: Agent Viv\u2014\nAgent Viva: A \u2014 a city made of stone\u2026 It's \u2014 It's under water. It's full of people, but they aren't drowning\u2026 they look happy. There is a temple decorated in\u2026 so many different shades of coral.\nDr. Wilson: Can you see the room you are in?\nAgent Viva: Yes, but I can see the people too\u2026 the people going into the temple, and\u2026 praying. They look beautiful with the coral adorned on their face.\nThe subject walks to the door of her cell, and attempts to escape.\nAgent Viva: We should go back\u2026 It's better down there. Please let me out.\nDr. Wilson: Agent Viva, please try and focus on what you are seeing. Step away from the\u2014\nAgent Viva: The water made us, and it wants us back\u2026\nThe subject begins pounding on the door while pleading to be released. vocalization ended once Agent Viva's esophagus fully closed due to swelling. Agent Viva then expired due to suffocation.\n[[End Log]]\n\nNote: After the report of a contagion was received, MTF \u03b2-7 (\"Maz Hatters\"), and MTF \u03b3-6 (\"Deep Feeders\") were dispatched to begin investigating the sea bed for signs of SCP-496. Controlled testing of SCP-496 on D-Class personnel is authorized in order to study its effects.\n\nAddendum 496-3: Further investigations of the sea bed have revealed structures that resemble those described by Agent Viva buried underneath a 3 meter thick layer of SCP-4968. As of the writing of this document, 1,312 humanoids infected by SCP-496 have been discovered inside of these structures. The current perimeter of SCP-496, as of the writing of this addendum, spans a 35 kilometer area and is growing at a rate of 4.7 meters a year.\n\nFootnotes\n1. The substance has a similar appearance to that of bleached coral.\n2. Subjects with a tendency to perspirate heavily will show increased amounts of welts.\n3. Water has been shown to reduce the severity on the infected areas it is applied to, however exposure to moisture of any kind will accelerate the infection\n4. Internal bleeding may occur depending on how hydrated the subject is.\n5. Testimony of the hallucinations experienced by Agent Viva can be found in Addendum 496-1.\n6. Most subjects exposed to SCP-496 have expired before reaching this stage of infection.\n7. Normally the process takes 17 hours, however if the subject is submerged into water, the transformation will occur within 56 minutes.\n8. Carbon dating has confirmed the structures to be over 3,000 years old.\n\n\u00ab SCP-495 | SCP-496 | SCP-497 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-497\n\nItem #: SCP-497\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-497 is to be kept in a secure soundproofed room under continuous observation by standard security cameras. One guard and two medical personnel equipped with high-grade earplugs are to be posted at the door of the containment chamber at all times. Only cleared personnel are permitted to handle SCP-497.\nIf SCP-497 materializes a body, medical personnel are to evaluate the subject's health and notify security. If still viable, the subject shall be escorted to a medical ward to be processed. Dead or terminal subjects are to be analyzed and then disposed of according to standard procedure.\nDescription: SCP-497 appears to be an Eustrombus gigas conch seashell. Recordings have shown that SCP-497 continuously emits a very faint sound of voices screaming from within its shell. This sound dissipates a few inches away from the object.\nPeriodically, SCP-497 will become active and its sound will increase greatly in magnitude for approximately one minute. Following this, an emaciated human subject materializes, holding SCP-497, and then collapses to the floor unconscious or dead. Instances of activity under normal conditions have been observed to occur at a minimum of two weeks apart, and a maximum of two years apart, with an average of four months. SCP-497 has materialized \u2588\u2588\u2588 subjects since containment began, detailed in Document \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. No subjects absorbed during experiments involving SCP-497 have been recovered.\nSubjects that hold SCP-497 near their ear and listen to it for more than \u2588\u2588 seconds will appear to fall unconscious, and then disintegrate. This leaves SCP-497 to fall to the floor. During periods of high magnitude sound production, any subject that hears the sound will be absorbed, even if not in close proximity to the object. Experimentation has shown that the subject must actually listen to and hear SCP-497 in order to be absorbed. Subjects listening remotely or listening to recorded sound from SCP-497 are not affected. See Experiment 497-A for further details.\nIt is possible to damage SCP-497, and samples have been extracted by using diamond drill bits. However, SCP-497's sound will increase in magnitude when damaged, and will materialize subjects at a greatly accelerated rate. The shell will quickly repair itself during this period as well. Attempts to continue damaging SCP-497 will cause its sound to increase exponentially. Determination of the composition of the samples has so far proved inconclusive. Extraction of further samples is advised against. See Experiment 497-B for details of early extraction attempts.\nAddendum:\nSCP-497 has produced subjects of various ages of both genders. Subjects have been comprised of a majority of people of Indian descent, with a small percentage of other races. Approximately eighty percent of recovered subjects have been dead. Of the remaining twenty percent, only three percent have survived more than two days after being released from SCP-497. Severe malnutrition and resulting complications have been the primary cause of death.\nSCP-497 was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's house in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, India, following an investigation into missing persons reports. The situation was brought to the attention of the Foundation after the discovery of many unsolved missing persons cases originating near the location, dating back hundreds of years. Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were called in to investigate the house and surrounding area. SCP-497 was discovered to hold supernatural qualities after Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 found it among a collection of shells and was absorbed into the object. \"I should have kept a better watch over Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on his first mission. But how inept do you have to be to hold a shell up to your ear when we are searching for SCP class objects?\" \u2013Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during debriefing.\nExperiment 497-A:\nSubject: Human equipped with earplugs.\nResult: Subject holds shell up to ear, is not absorbed.\nSubject: Human equipped with headphones with loud music playing.\nResult: Subject holds shell up to ear, is not absorbed.\nSubject: Deaf human.\nResult: Subject holds shell up to ear, is not absorbed.\nSubject: Chimpanzee.\nResult: Subject is allowed to interact with the object. After approximately fifteen minutes, the subject holds the shell up to its ear and is absorbed.\nExperiment 497-B:\nUnder direction of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a Class-D personnel attempts to remove a sample of SCP-497 with a power drill.\n\n 0800: Class-D researcher equipped with high-grade earplugs enters the containment chamber and starts to drill. \n0805: Standard drill bits prove ineffective and are replaced with diamond bits.\n0810: Two (2) millimeters of depth reached with the drill. Observation room reports substantial increase in SCP-497's sound magnitude.\n0811: A dead subject materializes in the chamber. Class-D is interrupted from drilling, and reports rapid repair of the shell. A decrease in sound magnitude to normal levels is recorded.\n0820: The subject is removed from the test chamber. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 authorizes continued drilling.\n0825: Two (2) millimeters depth is reached again. An increase of SCP-497's sound magnitude is again reported.\n0826: A new subject materializes and is removed from chamber. Class-D quickly resumes drilling.\n0829: Four (4) millimeters of depth is achieved. SCP-497's sound magnitude level increases beyond the rating of the Class-D's earplugs. Three subjects materialize within thirty (30) seconds of the volume increase. Both the Class-D and the drill are absorbed into SCP-497. The hole repairs quickly and a decrease in sound magnitude is recorded.\n\n\u00ab SCP-496 | SCP-497 | SCP-498 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-498\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-498 is to be contained within a sound-proof bunker beneath Site \u2588\u2588, with a minimum of two attending Foundation Security Officers, properly equipped with noise-canceling headphones in addition to standard-issue equipment. The bunker is to be sound-proofed to noise-cancel a minimum of 95% of outgoing sound waves.\nA fully automated mechanical arm is to be used to reset SCP-498. Secondary Containment Procedure: In the event of failure, two D-Class personnel are to be locked inside with an appropriate amount of rations. They are to be informed fully of its effects and to alternate shifts sleeping and resetting SCP-498 until the failure is repaired. Security footage sans audio of the chamber is to be monitored at all times. Following Incident I498-B, in the event of failure an on-site Foundation Security Officer is to be sent in to manually reset until such a time automated safety procedures can be reinstated.\nDescription: SCP-498 appears to be a Koway Brand RT-800 electronic alarm clock with yellow LED display, set to the U.S. Central Time Zone. When heard by a subject, the alarm has been seen to induce a state of increased alertness until reset. This effect prevents restful sleep in SCP-498's vicinity, although micro-naps are possible. Other than the \"snooze\" button and the display, none of the other functions on the device appear operational. Notably, the device continues to display time and require resetting even while not connected to a power source. Attempts to dismantle SCP-498 have not been successful in preventing it from activating, nor have they determined how it operates without an obvious power source.\nEvery 11 minutes, the clock's alarm goes off, gradually increasing in volume. Testing reveals that the starting alarm plays at 30 dB, increasing 4 dB every 10 seconds the snooze button is not depressed. There has been no evidence that this process will ever stop; the loudest recorded level exceeded \u2588\u2588\u2588 dB before reset was achieved. The sound waves produced have been seen to damage nearby structures, cause internal bleeding, and are theorized to potentially cause seismic activity.\nAddendum 498-A: Containment Protocol updated. See Incident Report I498-B.\n\nIncident Report I498-B:\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, Site \u2588\u2588, Containment Bunker \u2588\u2588\u2588\nDue to a malfunction in the automated mechanical arm, Secondary Containment Procedures were activated. Two D-Class personnel were utilized until a replacement arm could be manufactured and deployed. D-4112 and D-4113 were in day 3 of their containment procedure, and post-incident psycho analysis indicate severe sleep deprivation and stress due to prolonged exposure to SCP-498. The two D-Class were observed conversing during this time, although lip-reading proved to be ineffective in determining the nature of the conversation.\nAt 10:45:06 pm, D-4113 was observed depressing the snooze button on the device.\n10:56:39 pm, D-4112 begins to become noticeably and increasingly agitated, gesturing toward SCP-498 and D-4113.\n10:57:04 pm, D-4113 is seen becoming more and more aggressive. D-4112 appears to be attempting to reason with him.\n10:57:50 pm, D-4112 attempts to reach for the device. D-4113 pushes D-4112 away. At this time, the attending Security Officers noticed the situation via closed-circuit camera.\n10:58:23 pm, SCP-498 has still not been reset. Attending Security Officers decide to intervene.\n10:58:45 pm, D-4112 and D-4113 are seen shouting at one another, with the latter standing over SCP-498. Security Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Wilson enters the bunker without noise-canceling headphones, a violation of Containment Protocol.\n10:58:53 pm, Officer Wilson appears to be arguing with the two D-Class, presumably ordering them to reset the device.\n10:59:08 pm, D-4112 again attempts to reach SCP-498, at which point he is struck by D-4113 and incapacitated.\n10:59:12 pm, Officer Wilson draws his baton and engages D-4113.\nNote: D-4113 was convicted of murdering his CO and several fellow soldiers during a tour of duty in Iraq.\n10:59:24 pm, D-4113 wrestles the baton from Officer Wilson, subsequently subduing him. Second Security Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Thomas enters at this point, equipped with headphones and his side arm.\n10:59:29 pm, Officer Thomas draws his side arm and fires twice, missing both times before D-4113 closes the distance between them. A scuffle ensues.\n10:59:46 pm, Officer Thomas' headphones are knocked away. Both personnel are exhibiting severe pain at this point, presumably due to SCP-498. Camera footage vibrating due to acoustic stress.\n11:00:02 pm, Officer Thomas manages to put distance between himself and D-4113 and fire his sidearm. D-4113 is terminated. Officer Thomas stumbles from the bunker, sealing SCP-498 and the occupants inside. Despite ruptured eardrums, he managed to activate the Containment Breach Emergency Switch before passing out.\n11:01:56 pm, camera fails due to acoustic stress.\n11:25:58 pm, due to an unrelated simultaneous breach at Site \u2588\u2588, containment teams arrived nearly 25 minutes after the alarm was activated. Upon arriving at the scene, it was discovered that D-4112 had at some point crawled himself to SCP-498 and activated the snooze reset. He was found repeatedly depressing the button, despite suffering from burst eardrums and internal bleeding.\nAfter Action Report\nNew containment protocol initiated. Both Security Officers \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Wilson and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Thomas were diagnosed with eardrum rupture, resulting in deafness. Officer Wilson treated for severe internal bleeding. Both re-assigned. D-4112 was treated for severe internal bleeding, commended for preventing a potentially catastrophic containment breach, and successfully terminated at the end of the month.\n\n\u00ab SCP-497 | SCP-498 | SCP-499 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-499\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-499 is to be contained within a circular containment unit, measuring 60 meters in diameter, with a shallow trench measuring 110cm around the perimeter to contain SCP-499-2. The chamber is not to be entered during daylight hours except in cases of extreme emergency. If the chamber must be entered, personnel are to wear a Grade C Heat Hazard Suit and appropriate eye protection.\nFood, water, and medication are to be supplied in appropriate amounts (as according to Document 499-CE) during nighttime hours. All loose items in the chamber are to be removed before sunrise. Under no circumstances is SCP-499's daytime behavior to be interrupted.\nDescription: SCP-499 is a human male of indeterminate race standing 1.75 meters tall and of at least eighty years of age. There is heavy burn scarring present on the subject's body, primarily on the face, hands, arms and chest. SCP-499's eyes are severely damaged by light over-exposure, and its respiratory system by smoke inhalation rendering it effectively blind and mute. SCP-499 will remain passive to any direct interaction.\nAs appropriate for its age, SCP-499 displays typical physical effects of aging, including a weak heart, poor eyesight, and moderate to severe arthritis. In addition, X-ray analysis has shown no less than twenty-one healed bone breaks and hairline fractures, most located in the ribs and left leg. Of note is SCP-499's abnormal resistance to heat: it is capable of resisting temperatures above boiling point for hours.\nSCP-499-2 is a metallic sphere measuring 1.1 meters in diameter, consisting primarily of nickel-iron alloy. The surface is engraved with abstract designs across the entirety of its surface. The item is incredibly dense, and weighs approximately 5900 kg. Despite this weight, SCP-499-2 may be moved by human beings, though with severe difficulty.\nAt sunrise, local time, SCP-499-2 will begin to emit light of approximately 100,000 lumens and heat of approximately 120 \u00b0C. SCP-499 will then begin to push SCP-499-2 in a wide circle, with SCP-499-2's position relative to the diameter of the circle when aligned to geographic north correlating with the relative angle of the sun above the horizon in the local time zone. At sunset, local time, SCP-499-2 will return to its inactive metallic state. Each complete circle will take approximately 48 hours.\nAddendum-01: At 2:33 P.M., \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-499 collapsed for unknown reasons. The medical staff on hand managed to resuscitate the subject after twenty-eight minutes, at which point SCP-499 continued its circuit. During the twenty-eight minutes of inactivity, the sun was seen to remain at the same angle respective to the horizon without change. When SCP-499 resumed usual behavior, the sun returned to its appropriate position and movement. Appropriate cover-up measures in the affected area were taken immediately afterwards.\nAddendum-02: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2012: A message written by SCP-499 using its feces was discovered by staff cleaning the containment chamber. As best as can be determined, the message was as follows:\n\nWhere is my son? Where are the others? Where [illegible].\n\n\u00ab SCP-498 | SCP-499 | SCP-500 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-500\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-500 must be stored in a cool and dry place away from bright light. SCP-500 is only allowed to be accessed by personnel with level 4 security clearance to prevent misapplication.\nDescription: SCP-500 is a small plastic can which at the time of writing contains forty-seven (47) red pills. One pill, when taken orally, effectively cures the subject of all diseases within two hours, exact time depending on the severity and amount of the subject's conditions. Despite extensive trials, all attempts at synthesizing more of what is thought to be the active ingredient of the pills have been unsuccessful.\n\nNote From Dr. Klein:\nSCP personnel below Level 3 are now banned from handling SCP-500. This is not to be used to cure a hangover. Get AIDS and then ask permission.\n\nRequest 500-1774-k\nDr. [500-0022F] has requested one (1) SCP-500 pill for testing with SCP-038. Request has been approved.\nRequest 500-1862-b\nDr. Gears has requested one (1) SCP-500 pill for testing in SCP-914. Request has been approved.\nRequest 500-2354-f\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has requested one (1) SCP-500 pill for testing with SCP-253. Request denied.\nRequest 500-5667-e\nDr. Gibbons has requested two (2) pills of SCP-500 for his personal medkit. Request denied.\nAddendum 500-1: Two (2) pills have been authorized for use with SCP-008. As a result of conducting a series of tests on Class D subjects infected with SCP-008, it appears that even in the most advanced stages of the disease one whole pill will accomplish full recovery. Number of pills is fifty-seven (57) at the time of writing. - Dr. [500-0021D]\nAddendum 500-2: One (1) pill has been authorized for use with SCP-409. SCP-500 was tested on Subject 409-D5 who was exposed to the effects of SCP-409. Complete recovery accomplished. See Addendum 409-1. Number of pills is fifty-six (56) at the time of writing. - Dr. [500-0021D]\nAddendum 500-4: Request 500-1774-k approved. Five (5) pills have been used in experimentation with SCP-038. It has been determined that SCP-038 is capable of duplicating SCP-500; however, the success of the duplicated pills is limited. The duplicated pills are only effective in curing the subject 30% of the time, with chance of successful healing dropping as time since cloned increases. In 60% of the cases where the infection is permanent, symptoms of infection remain, though further infestation is neutralized. Repeated dosing with SCP-038 cloned pills is recommended for all personnel suffering from incurable conditions, as supply of SCP-500 remains extremely limited. All five (5) used samples of SCP-500 were returned. Number of pills is fifty-six (56) at the time of writing.\nAddendum 500-5: During experiments with SCP-038, one (1) pill was stolen by personnel D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to, reportedly, \"cure a hangover\". Stricter controls for samples of SCP-500 given to other projects is suggested. Personnel D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been terminated. Number of pills is fifty-five (55) at the time of writing.\nAddendum 500-6: One (1) pill has been used with SCP-231-4. Number of pills is fifty-four (54) at the time of writing.\nAddendum 500-7: One (1) pill has been used for Experiment 447-a. Number of pills is fifty-three (53) at the time of writing.\nAddendum 500-8: One (1) pill has been used with SCP-208. Number of pills is fifty-two (52) at the time of writing.\nAddendum 500-9: Request 500-1862-b approved. One (1) pill of SCP-500 is placed within SCP-914 with the setting at \"Fine\". Resulting object classified as SCP-427. Number of pills is fifty-one (51) at the time of writing.\nAddendum 500-10: Five (5) pills have been taken for the Olympia Project although only two (2) were used. The remaining three (3) will be returned shortly. Upon return, number of pills will be forty-nine (49).\nAddendum 500-11: Two (2) pills have been used for Experiment 217-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Number of pills is forty-seven (47) at the time of writing.\nAddendum 500-12: Request to have SCP-500 investigated for mental compulsion leading to obsessive fixation denied for triviality.\n\n\u00ab SCP-499 | SCP-500 | SCP-501 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-501\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-501 is kept in a securely locked opaque safe in a cell 5m x 5m x 5m in Site 3. The cell is guarded by two level 2 security guards who undergo daily psychological evaluations. The interior of the cell must also be monitored at all times by no fewer than two (2) security cameras, with a separate guard observing the monitor for each camera. These cameras must be connected to a backup generator so they will continue functioning in the event of a blackout. All requests for experiments must be cleared by at least three Overseers. Any personnel attempting to gain unauthorized access to SCP-501's containment cell will be either detained for psychological evaluation or terminated, depending on clearance level.\nDescription: Due to the nature of SCP-501's psychological effects when viewed, it is difficult to ascertain an accurate visual description. According to reports from D-class personnel who have had visual contact with SCP-501, it is an American one-dollar bill that radiates a glowing amber aura. Robotically controlled chemical analysis indicates that it is chemically identical to ordinary dollar-bills.\nWhen a person views SCP-501, they are immediately overwhelmed by a desire to obtain it. Studies with D-class personnel have shown that this desire fades after a time, but that the time increases exponentially the longer SCP-501 is viewed. Further studies have shown that those affected by SCP-501 will stop at nothing to fulfill their desire, willingly resorting to violence and even self-mutilation to achieve their goal. Viewing SCP-501 indirectly through a monitor or while wearing vision-reducing goggles does not seem to hinder SCP-501's effect in any way.\nAn experiment was conducted to ascertain the effect of SCP-501 on individuals who are successful in obtaining it. D-class member D-501 was chained to the wall of the containment cell, and all other personnel were evacuated from the cell. The security monitors were briefly switched off as a programmed robotic arm opened the safe containing SCP-501, allowing D-501 to view it briefly. The arm then proceeded to move SCP-501 onto a machine in the cell that hermetically sealed SCP-501 in an opaque, jet black steel case. Researchers then re-entered the cell and unchained D-501 from the wall, allowing him to obtain the sealed SCP-501, at which point the researchers moved to a safe viewing location to observe the actions of D-501. A speaker was placed on the ceiling, and researchers were instructed to grant all requests made by D-501 that would not involve releasing him from the cell, would not result in possible visual exposure of the researchers to SCP-501, and would not violate safety or security protocols. The test began at 1:43 PM.\n\n10-20-09, 1:43 PM: Subject acquires the sealed SCP-501. Subject stares at it without blinking for 10 minutes. Some researchers believe that the subject is still able to see SCP-501 even through its sealed case.\n10-20-09, 1:53 PM: Subject suddenly stops staring and begins to strip all of his clothing. Researchers hear him muttering \u201cI must remove the contamination\u201d repeatedly as he does this.\n10-20-09, 1:55 PM: Subject throws all the removed clothing into the corner of the room, after which he looks into the speaker and requests a razor. Request tentatively granted. The razor is carried in by an armed security guard. Subject takes the item and the guard leaves. Subject immediately and violently shaves off all the hair on his body and discards it in the same corner as his clothes. Subject cuts himself several times in the process, but does not seem to react or notice. As he shaves, he is heard over the speaker repeatedly muttering \u201cBegone, unwanted possessions.\u201d Subject discards the razor in a similar fashion to his hair and clothes after he finishes using it.\n10-20-09, 2:00 PM: Subject enters a lotus position and begins to meditate without closing his eyes or taking his eyes off of the sealed SCP-501.\n10-20-09, 2:23 PM: Subject is heard whispering \u201cI see\u201d to himself. He stands up and looks again at the speaker. He says: \u201cI hereby renounce all of my worldly possessions other than The Holy One. I do not need anything other than The Holy One. Everything else is a contamination and must be forsaken.\u201d A researcher acknowledges the request, after which the subject immediately returns to his meditative stance.\n10-24-09, 12:00 PM: Subject ceases breathing. Subject has not moved since he resumed his meditation on 10-20-09 and is presumed to have died of thirst.\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-500 | SCP-501 | SCP-502 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-502\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-502 is to be secured in a keypad locked steel fire cabinet in the medical suites at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The key code is to be changed on a bi-weekly basis for security reasons. Senior medical staff on site will have knowledge of the key code, as will at least three other on site personnel of Level 3 or higher clearance.\nDescription: SCP-502 was obtained from the Doniphan County Coroner's office in Troy, Kansas in 199\u2588. It was discovered by local coroner \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during a routine autopsy of a Jared Thomas McIntyre following his death in a motorcycle collision. SCP-502 was located in the space that should have been occupied by the deceased's heart and was attached to his pulmonary and circulatory systems. SCP-502 was later retrieved by SCP agents after \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began circulating questions about the box.\nWhen unlabeled SCP-502 has the appearance of an off-white cardboard container with dimensions of 9.75cm x 9.75cm x 7.73cm with a removable lid measuring 9.95cm x 9.95cm x 1.34cm. The thickness of the cardboard at all locations is exactly 0.10cm. There are no visible seams on the corners or edges of the box or lid, nor any interior reinforcements. When initially recovered the item had the word \u2018Heart' written on it in cursive handwriting in what appeared to be blue ink and had holes in the sides and back that approximated the insertion points of the Vena Cava, Aorta, and Pulmonary arteries and veins, as well as internal divisions that resembled the chambers of the heart.\nWhen an appropriate organ name is written on the lid of SCP-502 it slowly rearranges itself into a crude approximation of that organ. If a second organ name is written on the lid, the first name written will disappear within 20 minutes, at which time rearrangement to the new configuration will begin. If all names are erased from the lid the standard size will be adopted. If SCP-502 is surgically implanted in a human subject while labeled as an organ and appropriately attached to the relevant organ systems it will function in a manner identical to the organ.\nTesting has determined that SCP-502 will only function under certain circumstances. The subject to receive a replacement organ must be a living human and must be missing the organ before SCP-502 is introduced to the subject's body. If any of these conditions are not met, the replacement organ will either be rejected or will not function at all.\nFollowing extensive testing, it has been decided by O5-\u2588 that due to SCP-502's potential life saving capabilities it will be kept in storage and is only to be implanted into a human in case of a life-threatening injury to any Director, or in emergency situations with approval of any Director to lower level staff or civilians that must be kept alive temporarily to assist in SCP related information gathering or containment. In case of SCP-502 being used to sustain any individual other than a Director, the subject is to be terminated as soon as is feasible and SCP-502 is to be returned to storage.\nAddendum: For testing procedures, those with Level 3 Clearance should see documents #502-1 and #502-2.\nDocument #502-1: Test Log for initial test phase of SCP-502\n5/18/9\u2588: Lid of box reads \u2018Heart' at beginning of testing. \u2018Lung,' \u2018Liver,' \u2018Pancreas,' and \u2018Eye' are written on the lid one at a time. On each occasion the previously written word faded from view over a period of time ranging from five minutes eleven seconds to a maximum of eighteen minutes four seconds. After this the exterior dimensions and interior design of SCP-502 slowly changed to accommodate the respective organ. When \u2018Skin' is written on the lid, SCP-502 flattened to 1.6cm in thickness and continued to expand in length and width until researchers were forced to erase the word with acetone and allow the box's dimensions to return to default.\n5/23/9\u2588: Organ names are written on the lid in a variety of mediums including ink, graphite, oil paint, water-based paint, crayon, blood, and permanent marker. All functioned, although easily erased or damaged mediums often resulted in SCP-502 reverting to its standard size when the word was damaged.\n6/17/9\u2588: Organ names are written on the lid in Latin, Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, Esperanto, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-502 showed no reaction except in cases where the organ name was identical in spelling to the English name.\nDocument #502-2: Test Log for live testing in subjects 502-01 through 502-06\nSubject 502-01: Class D subject chosen due to diagnosed renal failure. \u2018Kidney' written on box lid and time allowed for rearrangement. One of the subject's kidneys is surgically removed. After successful implantation Subject 502-01's urinalysis shows an improvement in renal function satisfactory for a healthy individual. SCP-502 is recovered after Subject's standard monthly termination.\nSubject 502-02: Class D subject with full renal function. \u2018Kidney' still written on box lid from previous test. One of the subject's kidneys is surgically removed. After successful implantation Subject 501-02's urinalysis shows renal function equivalent to that of a healthy individual. SCP-502 is recovered after Subject's standard monthly termination.\nSubject 502-03: Class D subject who died in custody due to cardiac failure. \u2018Heart' is written on lid and time allowed for rearrangement. SCP-502 is successfully implanted and attached to the pulmonary and circulatory systems, but results in no function or reanimation.\nSubject 502-04: Class D subject with no known medical issues. \u2018Gills' written on box lid and time allowed for rearrangement. Subject's lungs are removed while on life support machinery and replaced with SCP-502, but proper attachment could not be finalized and subject dies during surgery.\nSubject 502-05: Adult Labrador retriever suffering from hepatic failure. \u2018Liver' written on box lid and time allowed for rearrangement. Subject's liver is removed and replaced with SCP-502. However, the SCP is rejected in under 24 hours and subject dies.\nSubject 502-06: Class D subject with history of mental illness due to a diagnosed brain tumor. \u2018Brain' written on box lid and time allowed for rearrangement. Subject's brain is removed while on life support machinery and replaced with SCP-502. Upon waking from anesthesia Subject 502-06 [DATA EXPUNGED]. Two medical staff and three Level 2 security personnel are injured and Subject 502-06 is killed by small arms fire during hostilities to prevent further danger to staff. SCP-502 recovered during autopsy. Further live testing halted while [DATA EXPUNGED] recorded during this incident are being analyzed.\n\n\u00ab SCP-501 | SCP-502 | SCP-503 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-503\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-503 is to be kept within a secure holding cell at all times. No fewer than four (4) security cameras must be positioned within the cell. SCP-503 must be under constant observation. Any strange movements or attempts to obscure the view of the cameras must be treated as a full-scale emergency. Any researchers studying SCP-503 must be searched for dangerous objects before entering its cell. The cell must be searched daily for any potentially dangerous objects.\nNote on procedures: The searches are not optional. I don't care if you think they're a waste of time. I refer anyone who thinks otherwise to Incident Report 503-B. \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDescription: SCP-503 is a Caucasian male, sixty-three (63) years of age. The subject is bald (formerly black hair) with brown eyes. The subject's lower jaw is a prosthesis, as a result of incident 503-A. There is a large scar on the subject's chest as a result of Test Log 503-5.\nSCP-503 demonstrates a remarkable proclivity toward short-term good fortune and long-term misfortune. This was first apparent at age 11, when the subject was involved in an automobile accident with its family. While the subject survived, its parents, as well as two (2) siblings died. In addition, the subject was trapped within the car for \u2588\u2588 days before rescue.\nThe subject has had three (3) marriages; the first ending in divorce; the second ending when the subject's wife was killed in an automobile accident; the third ending when the subject's wife committed suicide. During this time the subject has had ten (10) children, none of whom currently live. As far as the subject is aware, it has no living family.\nThe subject has survived falling from a 34th story window, a plane crash in the North Atlantic, two additional automobile accidents, and the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. It has survived suicide attempts via hanging, overdose, self-immolation, and firearm (see Incident 503-A). Although the subject has won the lottery on two (2) separate occasions, by the time the Foundation took custody of it, medical bills had left it in heavy debt.\nSCP-503 is currently being studied by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to determine if the subject's properties can be reverse-engineered to increase the survival chances of field agents.\nIncident Report 503-A: Six (6) days before SCP-503 came into Foundation custody, it attempted suicide via shotgun. As it held the shotgun along its torso, firing up through the jaw, the jaw somehow absorbed most of the blast, destroying the jaw and causing massive cranial trauma. A neighbor who heard the blast found the subject and took it to the hospital, where it was discovered and retrieved by Foundation agents who had been monitoring the hospital for a possible outbreak of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nIncident Report 503-B: During the experiment recorded in Test Log 503-\u2588, research assistant B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was not searched by security prior to entering the subject's cell. During the experiment, B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 left behind a ball-point pen, with which SCP-503 attempted to kill itself 31 minutes after the end of the experiment. Although it survived, it was left in critical condition for six (6) days. Research assistant B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been disciplined and reassigned.\nTest Log 503-1\nTest: Card-based guessing game\nResult: 100% success rate\nTest Log 503-2\nTest: Game of roulette\nResult: 100% success rate\nTest Log 503-3\nTest: Game of Poker\nResult: Won every hand until last, at which point subject \"went all in\" (wagered all winnings) and lost game.\nNote: Okay, we've established he's good at games. That's not why we're interested in him. We need to go bigger. \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest Log 503-4\nTest: Firearm aimed at head, point-blank range.\nResult: Sixty (60) consecutive misfires with 17 different weapons. Later laboratory testing determined that the weapons failed due to, variously, jams caused by debris, malfunctioning parts, or total mechanical failure. Of particular note is the final weapon used, a revolver (a type of weapon renowned for its reliability), which jammed due to a slight mechanical defect that could only be replicated after 254 test shots in the laboratory, and since then has yet to be replicated a second time, despite \u2588\u2588\u2588 additional test firings. During Test 503-4, the revolver failed to fire eight (8) consecutive times.\nTest Log 503-5\nTest: \u201cRussian Roulette\u201d with 1 empty chamber, aimed at subject's chest\nResult: Severe trauma to chest, bullet passes through center of heart, piercing no chambers. Rib broken. Subject survives.\nNote: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been disciplined and reassigned. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 will carry out further testing. \u2014 O5-\u2588.\nSee Test Report 503-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 for additional tests.\n\n\u00ab SCP-502 | SCP-503 | SCP-504 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-504\n\nItem #: SCP-504\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All seeds, plants, fruit, crossbreeds, and other products of SCP-504 are to be classified as SCP-504. SCP-504 seeds need no special containment, other than to prevent misuse by unauthorized personnel. Grown SCP-504 plants and their fruit should be kept in soundproof rooms. Guards and researchers assigned to maturing or growing SCP-504 are to be equipped with radio-enabled masks which insulate non-transmitted sound, and are to be instructed to avoid attempts at humor.\nDescription: SCP-504 is a species of tomato physically and genetically identical to that of the typical commercially-grown tomato. It was recovered in [REDACTED], Kentucky after a woman reported to the police that her farmer husband had been \"murdered by his lunch\". The Foundation is currently working to identify and destroy loose strains of SCP-504 in the surrounding commercial farming areas.\nWhen a poor attempt at humor is made verbally within human hearing range of SCP-504's tomatoes, they instantly accelerate to a speed of at least 100 miles per hour (approx. 160 kilometers per hour, 45 meters per second) in the direction of the sound's source. Only mature tomatoes, separated from their vines and less than 10% rotted or chemically compromised, exhibit this effect once each. Tomatoes do not have to be physically intact, though ingested tomatoes are usually insulated enough from sound to prevent their effects before neutralization by stomach acid.\nSCP-504 tomatoes seem to reach speeds relative to the inciting attempt at humor (see experiment log). Relevant variables seem to include corniness, humor-to-length ratio, and use of puns. Language appears irrelevant.\nNote: Whoever snuck SCP-504 into the cafeteria kitchen is getting terminated. Those tomato slices are like fucking shurikens. - Dr. Blast\n\nLog of tests with SCP-504:\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato\nSubject: D-504-1\nSpoken: \"Is a hippopotamus a hippopotamus or just a really cool opotamous?\"\nResult: No change in velocity.\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato\nSubject: D-504-1\nSpoken: \"What's an archeologist? Someone whose career is in ruins.\"\nResult: Tomato clocked at 124 mph. Subject suffered a broken nose.\nNotes: It appears that SCP-504 has a certain \"taste\" in jokes. This might indicate sapience. I hope not. - Dr. Blast\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato\nSubject: D-504-2\nSpoken: \"Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him\u2026 and says, Catch up.\"\nResult: Tomato clocked at 264 mph. Subject rendered unconscious.\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato\nSubject: D-504-3\nSpoken: \"So, I was going to bed, and my brother told me, 'Goodnight! Don't let the bedbugs stick their proboscis in your skin and suck your blood!'\" *pause* \"Good luck on a healthy dermis!\"\nResult: Two-second pause before activity. Tomato clocked at [REDACTED]. Sound barrier broken. Subject killed.\nItem: Three mature SCP-504 tomatoes, each from a different crossbreed\nSubject: D-504-4\nSpoken: \"If you have dentures, don't use artificial sweetener, cause you'll get a fake cavity.\"\nResult: All three tomatoes clocked at exactly 145 mph. Subject injured, two teeth dislodged.\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato, split into quarters\nSubject: D-504-5\nSpoken: \"I tried to walk into Target, but I missed.\"\nResult: All 4 pieces clocked at 212 mph. Subject severely injured, right eye destroyed by piece of tomato.\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato\nSubject: CD player playing \"Harmful If Swallowed\" (2003, Dane Cook)\nResult: At [REDACTED], tomato clocked 167 mph. CD player destroyed.\nNotes: It works with recordings? Dammit. Didn't even have to deal with Class-Ds in the first place. - Dr. Blast\nItem: Three mature SCP-504 tomatoes, one for each test subject.\nSubject: After the introduction to the following news item, Bomb blows hole in Lenin statue, the three following jokes were made.\nTest Subject 1: Ooh, that's gonna leave a Marx.\nResult: Tomato number one 'twitched', but did not displace from its original location.\nTest Subject 2: BBC is just Stalin the good news.\nResult: Tomato clocked at 152 mph. Chipped tooth and hairline jaw fracture.\nTest Subject 3: That blows.\nResult: Tomato clocked at [REDACTED]. Subject is hospitalized with a massive skull fracture.\nNotes: I thought we'd just established that recordings work in place of live subjects! I know how much you guys hate the Class-Ds, especially D-504-012 (poor guy might not even recover before termination rolls around), but I'm making it clear that whoever oversaw this round of testing is getting a serious reprimand. The same goes for whoever leaked its video logs to the staff. - Dr. Blast\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato\nSubject: Television playing the SNL Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton skit.\nResult: Tomato reacted as if 'confused': slow-motion video shows three separate bursts of speeds in excess of 200mph, two incidences of motion at normal throwing speeds, and one unprecedented instance of backward motion, all in the one trajectory. Dr. King hypothesises that the tomato was unsure whether or not to 'take it seriously'.\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato\nSubject: A portable computer playing a pre-recorded engineering joke.\nTranscript: \"2009 is going to be a complex year. We already know the real part; we still have to find the imaginary part\".\nResult: Supersonic blast detected; computer was completely vaporized by the tomato's kinetic energy. Sensor readings indicate an approximate speed of 3500 km/h (2174 mph).\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato\nSubject: A portable computer playing a partial audio recording of the Monty Python sketch \"The Funniest Joke in the World\".\nTranscript: \"Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!\"\nResult: Tomato explodes. Debris clocked at 137 mph. Computer heavily coated by debris. Keyboard ruined by exposure to liquid matter - all other components proved functional after cleanup.\nItem: One mature SCP-504 tomato\nSubject: A portable computer playing the text of SCP-904\nResult: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-503 | SCP-504 | SCP-505 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-505\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-505 is contained in a 50 m x 40 m x 10 m room at Site-\u2588\u2588. SCP-505's containment area is to be sealed other than one secure airlock and a series of pipes allowing transport of SCP-505-1 to storage tanks in the event of SCP-505-1 reaching levels in which it poses a danger to containment. Sprayers for 4 M NaOH are to be available through SCP-505's containment area and the rest of Site-\u2588\u2588 to combat a containment breach. In the event of a spill of SCP-505-1, the affected area should immediately be covered with an absorbent material (commercial blotting paper is currently standard for this purpose) and doused with alcohol or acetone if NaOH is not immediately available. NaOH immersion is the method of choice for SCP-505-1 containment, followed by incineration of affected material if practicable.\nThere are currently \u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-505-1 points of secondary contamination outside SCP-505's primary containment area. Containment in these areas is variable but efforts have been made to make procedures as similar to those of the primary site if possible. Of these secondary contamination zones, \u2588 are unable to be fully contained at this time resulting in the spread of SCP-505-1 throughout the environment. These sites are to be monitored at all times and countermeasure development is of the highest priority. For a complete list of SCP-505-1 secondary containment sites, see Document 505-14A-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-505 is a Model \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Faber-Castell fountain pen, produced in 2001. For documentation of its acquisition by the Foundation, see Addendum 505-2. It is identical in all respects to a standard fountain pen apart from its association with SCP-505-1. SCP-505-1 is the black ink produced by SCP-505, which exhibits the property of self-replication. SCP-505-1 spreads at a variable rate, affected by the substance it comes into contact with and the amount of SCP-505-1 present. Quantities of SCP-505-1 have been shown to increase at rates between 0.5 and 540 mL per second. Standard ink-removing chemicals are able to partially remove SCP-505-1 and inhibit its spread; however, sodium hydroxide is necessary to remove SCP-505-1 contamination completely, and has shown to be ineffective in environments with particularly high SCP-505-1 concentrations. Fortunately, the growth rate of SCP-505-1 appears to be inversely proportional to its quantity at high concentrations. Whilst the observed effects of this are negligible in most cases, this inverse growth phenomenon provides the only explanation for the partial containment of SCP-505-1 despite a number of cases of large-scale environmental contamination which were projected to otherwise lead to an NK-class end-of-the-world scenario.\nWhilst SCP-505-1 exhibits no unusual properties other than its constant spread and partial resistance to removal, it nonetheless poses serious difficulties for control. SCP-505-1 will flow across non-absorbent surfaces and pass through porous surfaces in an identical fashion to normal ink. All liquid or solid objects or beings in contact with SCP-505-1 will be contaminated. SCP-505-1 will still adhere to non-porous surfaces such as metals, but newly produced SCP-505-1 will constantly flow off. Non-porous materials are thus catalysts for SCP-505-1 spread and all SCP-505-1 contamination should be covered in porous materials such as blotting paper for this reason. It is not possible to permanently contain SCP-505-1 in a non-porous container as said container's contents will gradually increase in quantity, leading to increased pressure and subsequent rupture. All containers being used to contain SCP-505-1 must therefore be drained periodically to prevent a containment breach.\nSCP-505-1's effects on its environment are identical to those of an equivalent quantity of standard fountain pen ink. SCP-505-1 exposure will inevitably lead to the death of living organisms; plant matter will be killed due to inhibition of photosynthesis, whereas animals will be killed due to chemical poisoning. In humans and other mammals, SCP-505-1 contact will most likely be via the skin, where it will spread until it reaches an orifice or a break in the skin and subsequently enter the vascular system through mucous membranes. SCP-505-1 will spread through the vasculature and have catastrophic effects on all organ systems it reaches, as it continuously replicates and is unable to be excreted by the urinary system. Cause of death is generally multiple organ failure, although in most cases affected individuals will be terminated and decontaminated prior to this. For containment procedures in these instances, see Addendum 505-1.\nSCP-505-1 also has an increased rate of spread through non-viscous fluids such as water, as would be expected of normal ink. Any contamination of the water table with SCP-505-1 must be prevented at all costs, due to the potential for an NK-class end-of-the-world scenario. It is unknown whether SCP-505-1's aforementioned property of an inversely proportional rate of spread will manifest in fluids, as experimentation with such high quantities of SCP-505-1 is strictly forbidden. Thus, any environmental SCP-505-1 contamination in water sources must be met with immediate damming and drainage into storage tanks of all affected areas.\nAddendum 505-1: Procedures for dealing with SCP-505-1 contamination in humans\nAdministration of multiple-dose activated charcoal has been shown to slow the progress of SCP-505-1 contamination in humans but is unable to halt the process. The only known methods of treatment for SCP-505-1 contamination in humans are by immediate excision of the affected area or continuous application of ethanol to an affected skin region. Topical ethanol treatment will not prevent the affected individual from transmitting SCP-505-1 to other surfaces and is thus highly discouraged except in the cases of essential personnel, in which case containment procedures must be observed as in all other sites of secondary SCP-505-1 contamination. In theory excision or amputation of affected areas would be the gold standard for treatment but contamination of surgical instruments and personnel remains a problem. Therefore, all cases of SCP-505-1 contamination in humans other than essential personnel should be dealt with by termination followed by standard procedure of 4 M NaOH immersion and incineration of the remains.\nAddendum 505-2: SCP-505 retrieval history\nSCP-505 was acquired by the Foundation from the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in Oman, when the town in question was quarantined by the Omani government due to reports of a black fluid beginning to seep out from the town's post office and causing the deaths of a number of its inhabitants. Fortuitously the arid and remote location of the incident prevented wide-scale environmental contamination of SCP-505-1. The Foundation retrieved SCP-505-1 with \u2588\u2588 casualties. No other anomalous properties of the town's post office or the town itself were detected. It was deemed necessary to terminate \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 civilian inhabitants of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who were deemed likely to be contaminated. The incident was reported as a non-extranormal chemical spill.\n\n\u00ab SCP-504 | SCP-505 | SCP-506 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-506\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-506 grows in a 3 m x 3 m patch of soil, kept watered and fertilized via an automatic system. The air of the room where SCP-506 is kept must be filtered to prevent release of SCP-506 seeds into the environment. Personnel entering the enclosure must wear biohazard suits composed of inorganic material, and must be decontaminated upon leaving the area.\nDue to the potential dangers associated with cross-contamination, SCP-506 and SCP-124 are not to be stored at the same Foundation site under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-506 is a genetically engineered variant of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) created by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation as a hardy and rapid-growing food plant. SCP-506 exhibits several undesirable and dangerous qualities:\n(1) SCP-506 will attempt to grow on any organic material, including on living beings. The seeds germinate on contact.\n(2) SCP-506 grows extremely rapidly, reaching full size in five minutes or less.\n(3) Due to its rapid growth, SCP-506 drains its growing medium of nutrients at an accelerated rate. Nothing will grow in soil that has harbored SCP-506 plants without extensive nutrient replacement.\n(4) SCP-506 seeds are much smaller than typical squash seeds, and disperse easily in the wind.\nSCP-506 is inedible, as the seeds will [DATA EXPUNGED] if any are consumed. To the best of the knowledge of The Foundation, SCP-506 has not escaped into the wild, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation has destroyed all samples in their possession.\n\n(Note: Labeled as a time lapse in case of accidental public release.)\nAddendum: SCP-506 is evolving rapidly, as indicated by the incidents below.\n[Incident Report 506-1 5/16/20\u2588\u2588]\nSCP-506 plants observed attempting to grow on the walls of the containment facility. Although the plants died of malnutrition, testing indicates the latest generation requires 35% fewer nutrients than when originally contained. Research in progress to find materials that do not support SCP-506 growth.\n[Incident Report 506-2 9/1/20\u2588\u2588]\nDr. K\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 found dead in the SCP-506 enclosure, covered with plant growth. The means by which his suit was compromised is unknown. SCP-506 roots have been found to secrete a powerful anesthetic, explaining why Dr. K\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 did not sound the alarm or attempt to escape the area.\nResearchers must be under video surveillance while working with SCP-506, with another researcher ready to assist in case of accidental infestation. Reclassification as Euclid recommended.\n\n\u00ab SCP-505 | SCP-506 | SCP-507 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: SCP-507\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-507 is allowed free roam of the facility, obviously barring anything that would breach security or safety protocols. Any time SCP-507 leaves its private quarters it must be accompanied by an agent, mostly at this point to make sure that it does not \u201cshift\u201d without the facility's knowledge. SCP-507 should not be physically touched if there have been more than two weeks since its last \u201cshift\u201d; the risks inherent in disobeying this protocol make the action its own punishment, should the issue of disciplinary measures ever come up.\nWhen SCP-507 undergoes a shift, faculty will be informed to keep an eye out for its eventual reappearance. It also has a tracking device implanted into it, and a daily signal check should verify whether or not SCP-507 has returned from its trip. If it reappears in or nearby the facility, SCP-507 will return to its quarters on its own; otherwise, a retrieval team of three plainclothes agents may be sent to provide transportation back. Upon successful return, SCP-507 can be the subject of various physical tests up until two weeks after each shift.\nIt is worth noting that SCP-507 is allowed a computer with an Internet connection (via a proxy which strictly limits what information can be uploaded, and to where) in its room, and may petition to use/meet with/act as a test subject for Safe or Euclid SCPs that do not affect mental functions negatively or carry an infectious trait. This is a result of SCP-507's persistently clean record, and the implication that if SCP-507 was ever going to be a security leak it would have used its faux-teleportation powers to do so already. It is also worth considering that SCP-507 is actually below-average in most physical traits, and that in even worst case scenarios any SCP agent should be more than capable of carrying out a termination order.\nDescription: SCP-507 is a Caucasian male with blond hair and green eyes, sporting no other outstanding characteristics besides being somewhat overweight and speaking with a vague accent of disputable origin. Although SCP-507 has an already-established name due to its unremarkable upbringing, it seems to find entertainment in forcing those it meets to give it a nickname in lieu of divulging this information. Thus SCP-507 will now respond to the names Tommy, Steve, Bruto, Guy, Houdini, and Grabnok the Destroyer.\nSCP-507 was originally recovered from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 asylum, when standard surveillance following repeated successful escape attempts brought its abilities to light. All records of this incident were confiscated, and SCP-507 was taken into custody under the pretense of moving it to a more secure facility.\nThe original theory was that SCP-507 possessed some form of teleportation ability, as it would suddenly disappear and eventually reappear in a different location. Subsequent interviews with the subject did verify that its ability could be used in such a manner, but that it was merely a side effect for its main affliction. SCP-507 holds that during its periods of \u201cdisappearance\u201d it is actually displaced into a random alternate reality; the landscape generally stays the same, but the inhabitants and climate of the parallel world often do not. SCP-507 also insists that it has no control over the time and duration of these shifts; this has more-or-less been confirmed by the subject being known to \u201cdisplace\u201d at inconvenient times such as mid-sentence, while sleeping, or even while using on-site public facilities. If SCP-507 moves about in the alternate world, the eventual shift back will then place it at the corresponding area in our reality. A sample list of SCP-507s descriptions of alternate realities can be found in Document 507-00.\nMentally, SCP-507 shows no large deviations from the psychological profile for a normal person. It has confessed to have always had a great interest in the paranormal and mythological, which has directly led to its eventual permission to interact with relatively harmless SCPs. SCP-507 especially enjoys meeting with other sentient SCPs, once going so far as to request a small \u201cvacation\u201d to visit SCP-082. The request was eventually granted after persistent pleading from SCP-507, and the meeting was thankfully uneventful.\nDocument #507-00: A sample list of SCP-507s supposed extradimensional travels, along with any demands made by it after returning.\nSubject arrived in complete darkness, leading it to assume that the current location was indoors or subterranean. After fumbling about for a possible way out, subject heard a sound akin to muted breathing nearby. Subject then decided to curl up in the nearest corner and \u201cwait it out\u201d instead of risking a blind confrontation with an unknown creature.\n\nRequest: A standard flashlight, which it now always carries on its person.\n\nSubject appeared in a replica of the facility, although apparently fallen into disuse. Further exploration led to the discovery of various corpses strewn about the area, all heavily decayed and covered in an odd type of mold. Upon noting that the \u201ccorpses\u201d seemed to rhythmically expand and contract as if still breathing, subject attempted to leave the facility. This idea was quickly discarded when it opened an exit and found that the outside world was apparently coated with the same odd growth.\n\nRequest: Heavy doses of voriconazole, and a fungal expert to help ascertain the nature of the mold. No exact match of the described mold was found, but it was noted to share many attributes with certain types of Cordyceps Fungi. [See Addendum 507-02]\n\nUpon reappearing, subject was reported to mutter \u201cSo many spiders.\u201d Subject refused to elaborate.\n\nRequest: A handheld firearm of any type. Request was granted under the stipulation that said firearm is specifically built to only use rubber bullets.\n\nSubject once again appeared in a pitch black location with breathing nearby. Upon turning on its flashlight, subject was surprised by a man wearing a black business suit and sunglasses, with an impossibly wide smile. Said \u201cSmiling Man\u201d was apparently leaning in toward SCP-507 when it turned on the light, the end result being that their faces were almost touching. Smiling Man then remarked \u201cBack so soon?\u201d before subject switched the light off again, discharged all the rounds in its firearm at the general vicinity of the man, and once more curled up into the nearest corner until shifted back into our reality.\n\nRequest: None.\n\nThose with Level 2 Security Clearance may read a full list by accessing document #507-3B\nThose with Level 2/507 Security Clearance should also see Interview 507-G for evidence of a particularly noteworthy shift.\nAddendum 507-00: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 went missing on [EXPUNGED] at the same time as SCP-507. A full scale search was launched to find either of them, only for SCP-507 to appear a week later. When questioned, it said that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was holding onto its shoulder when it shifted, leading to both of them to appear in an alternate dimension where [EXPUNGED]. During the ensuing chaos, SCP-507 lost contact with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and could not relocate him before it shifted back into \u201cstandard\u201d reality. A new protocol has been placed in light of this - no one is to come in physical contact with SCP-507 after two weeks following a displacement. Reevaluation of previous incidents has shown that there have always been at least two weeks between each, so this timeframe will be the only \u201csafe\u201d time to touch SCP-507 until further notice.\nAddendum 507-01: I don't care how much he grumbles about it; SCP-507 is not to be cleared for challenging SCP-076-2 to fifty rounds of Tic-Tac-Toe. Just\u2026 no. -Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 507-02: Fungus encountered by SCP-507 seems similar to that resulting from experimentation with SCP-407.\n\n\u00ab SCP-506 | SCP-507 | SCP-508 \u00bb"} {"text": "Sub-critical Portion of SCP-508\n\nItem #: SCP-508\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-508 requires no special containment procedures so long as it is kept out of direct view of any SCP staff. At least \u2588\u2588% of SCP-508 must remain covered except when actively being tested. It is currently kept in a small closet, with no windows or ventilation. The door is to be kept securely locked at all times.\nIf SCP-508 is to be tested, it may be sealed in an opaque container and transported to any environmentally-sealed testing room available. Due to the potential risk resulting from its secondary effect, the room is to be sealed using positive pressure and sanitized using \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 when the test is complete. Unless there is a strong need to preserve the test subject, they, also, should be sanitized using \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588; in the event that the subject must be retained, they should be held in quarantine for a period of no less than \u2588\u2588\u2588 days.\nDescription: SCP-508 appears to be a 'Random Dot Stereo-gram' poster, of dimensions 255x197cm. Caution must be taken when interacting with it, as even a cursory glance may fascinate the viewer, giving them an overwhelming desire to properly view the 'hidden' image. Viewing the image appears to only be possible when the viewer stands 1 meter in front of the image, and stares directly at it; attempts to view the image via mirrors or having multiple subjects attempt to view it have failed, with only the properly positioned subject able to see the image.\nIn testing, achieving proper focus to be able to view the image has taken an average of 93 seconds. Subjects exposed multiple times appear to view it more quickly, but never in less than 60 seconds.\nOnce the viewer has achieved proper focus, the poster seems to function as a window to some other location (Effect 1.) These locations range from the banal (e.g., a view of the same room, but from the perspective of a different wall) to surreal and potentially maddening. (See \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588.) In addition, the window appears to function bi-directionally, exposing the viewer to the gaze of whatever is being viewed.\nRegardless of the time required for the viewer to acclimate to the needed focus for the image, after the same amount of time has passed with the user viewing through the window, the interface appears to undergo a secondary change (Effect 2), and becomes permeable, although only to the viewer and the viewed subject/area. (See event log: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.) The requirement for viewing appears to extend to the secondary effect: even in the case of event \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588, where the subject was dismembered and pulled through the image, two other subjects in the test room were unaffected.\nAddendum: Photographs, scans, and copies of SCP-508 do not inherit its primary properties, as the user is unable to see more than a strangely compelling blur. All such copies should be kept filed away, and no personnel shall view them for more than \u2588\u2588\u2588 minutes in any given \u2588\u2588\u2588-hour period, as extensive viewing has been shown to induce an overwhelming desire to see the original (Effect 3.)\nIf the subject is unable to see more than \u2588\u2588% of the image (due to it being partially covered, obscured, etc.) neither effect is demonstrated. Copies of SCP-508 show the same limitation with regards to Effect 3.\nAddendum: Careful removal of the backing material revealed a price sticker, indicating SCP-508 was sold for $14.98. No indication of the store from which it was sold was found, nor was the UPC code able to be matched to any known database.\nTest Logs:\nExperiment-1: Male subject D-9211 was exposed to SCP-508 and told to make note of any image perceived. After 93 seconds, subject began to giggle. When asked to explain, subject blushed, and stated \"Oh\u2026 Nothing\u2026 I just\u2026 Nothing, really. Just a funny view.\" Later interrogation revealed SCP-508 to have provided a view into a women's changing room at a local department store. Subject terminated \u2588\u2588/07/10 16:23 due to unreliability.\nExperiment-2: Male subject D-4599 was placed in a chair in front of SCP-508 without instruction. The subject was seen to glance at SCP-508 momentarily, look around, then return to observing it with a perplexed expression on his face. After 102 seconds, subject appeared to enter a state of extreme agitation, sweating profusely and attempting to draw back from SCP-508, without leaving the chair. After an additional 102 seconds, subject suddenly became very pale and attempted to leave the chair. After moving less than 12 inches, subject screamed and collapsed to the floor. Examination of subject revealed an 11 cm cylindrical segment missing from the left side of the subject's abdomen. The edges of the wound appeared to be cauterized; autopsy revealed that death occurred due to severe systemic shock.\nExperiment-3: Male subjects D-8788 and D-7422 placed in test chamber with SCP-508 and instructed that the first to identify the image would 'win a prize.' After several minutes of vying for position, the subjects both began to scrutinize the poster. After 87 seconds, D-7422 suddenly turned his head away in disgust. Inquiries as to what had become visible were not responded to, and subject was remotely terminated. D-8788 was advised to resume the test on pain of suffering the same disposal. After 92 seconds, D-8788 suddenly smiled, and moved closer to SCP-508, before tapping on its surface. Subject appeared surprised to find a solid surface, but continued to observe. After an additional 87 seconds the subject was seen to lift his head and sniff, then suddenly dive at SCP-508, passing through its surface with no resistance. Subject D-8788 has yet to be located.\nExperiment-4: Male subject D-4431 and Female subject D-6744 placed in test chamber with SCP-508 after being shown footage of Experiment-2. Both subjects sat on the floor facing away from SCP-508 and began to talk. After several minutes D-6744 shook her head in response to a comment made by D-4431 and inadvertently allowed her gaze to rest upon SCP-508 for less than one second. Although visibly shaken, she looked back at it repeatedly for the next 10 seconds before changing position to obtain a better view. Repeated warnings from D-4431 failed to dissuade D-6744 from attempting to view the image. After 103 seconds, D-6744 suddenly blanched and began to vomit. Subjects were then removed and interrogated. Subject D-6744 was unable to describe what she had seen, stating that it was somehow 'wrong', but in a way she could not explain. Subject D-4431 admitted to looking at SCP-508 after seeing D-6744's response, but claimed to have seen nothing. Subjects quarantined for potential future testing.\nExperiment-5: Female subject D-9801 instructed to enter test chamber, observe SCP-508, and report back. After 93 seconds of observation, the subject was heard to exclaim \"Oh, that's neat!\" Interrogation revealed subject to have seen an image of herself in what she thought was some kind of experimental mirror. Subject also noted that the image was not reversed from left to right, as would be the case in a conventional mirror. Subject quarantined to be used for future tests.\nExperiment-6: Male subject D-6621 shown video of Experiment-5 and instructed to enter test chamber, observe SCP-508 and report back. After 97 seconds, subject D-6621 made sounds indicative of disgust and stated \"Ewww! They can't make it in here, can they?\" After an additional 97 seconds, D-6621 suddenly demanded to be let out, and moved to the farthest point in the test chamber from SCP-508. After 43 seconds of the subject becoming increasingly agitated and demanding to be let out, the subject suddenly began to scream and swat at his legs. Analysis of the video log shows that the subject's legs appeared to be being bitten by a large number of small creatures; based on concurrent wounds, at least 27 bites were being inflicted at any one time. After 14 seconds, the subject collapsed, whereupon the subject began taking wounds over his entire body. After an additional 14 seconds, the subject lost consciousness. Within seconds of the subject being rendered unconscious, all damage ceased. Subject was unable to be returned to consciousness, and was terminated \u2588\u2588/21/10 02:17. Autopsy revealed the bites to be consistent with those of unusually large bedbugs, with traces of a neurotoxin found within the wounds.\nExperiment-7: Repeat female subject D-9801 instructed to enter test chamber, observe SCP-508 and report back. After 81 seconds of observation, the subject was seen to turn about several times and state \"Oh, well, that's different.\" Interrogation revealed subject to have seen an image of herself as seen from behind. Upon turning around, subject saw what appeared to be an identical copy of SCP-508 behind her. No such object appears on the video log. Subject quarantined to be used for future repeat tests.\nExperiment-8: Male subject D-2232 placed in test chamber and told that he would be 'rewarded' if he could properly identify the 'object' shown by SCP-508. Subject had been fitted with a remote-activation tranquilizer collar to test the effect loss of vision (through unconsciousness) would have on Effect 2. After 87 seconds, subject leaned forward and stated \"Wow! I didn't know these could show live images! Who is that?\" Subject was advised to continue observing. After an additional 87 seconds the subject made a 'come-here' gesture towards SCP-508. Six seconds later, video surveillance shows SCP-507 climbing out SCP-508's frame. 507 indicated appreciation at being 'retrieved' as his most recent shift had interrupted his lunch. SCP-507 was permitted to return to his normal routine. Subject D-2232 terminated due to security risk \u2588\u2588/29/10 04:27. Tranquilizer collar recovered for future testing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-507 | SCP-508 | SCP-509 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-509\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-509-A and SCP-509-B are both to be contained on-site, due to their immobility. Each is to be cordoned off, and any members of the public turned away. Outside of research and maintenance purposes, no humans or pigs, living or dead, are to be allowed into either structure. Personnel may safely enter and leave SCP-509-A and SCP-509-B within four minutes of activation and while inactive.\nAfter testing, any living humans recovered from SCP-509-B are to be trained as Level 0 personnel and assigned to minimal security positions. Personnel are cautioned that smoke inhalation from SCP-509-A poses a health hazard, and are advised to wear particulate respirators during and immediately after testing.\nDescription: SCP-509 is the collective term for two structures with similar and possibly linked anomalies. SCP-509-A is a wooden sauna located in Gaston, Oregon. When activated remotely, it functions as normal for an electric stove sauna, producing steam by dripping water onto a heated surface. Local records show that SCP-509-A was built in 1987, and exhibited no anomalous properties until shortly before its containment in 1995.\nWhen used by a human, SCP-509-A produces clouds of smoke, instead of steam. Though the smoke is at this point nonanomalous, the means by which it is produced are unclear. After approximately six minutes of smoke production, SCP-509-A enters an active state, and tracking devices placed inside fail for the duration of its active period. Attempts to enter SCP-509-A no longer lead to its interior (See Experiment Log 509).\nAfter a period of 155 minutes, SCP-509-A returns to its inactive state, now filled with extremely thick smoke. All humans in SCP-509-A at activation are no longer present within the structure, but are replaced by an equal number of cured pig carcasses. These carcasses exhibit no anomalous properties.\nSCP-509-B is a brick smokehouse located near Hesdin in northern France exhibiting similar anomalous properties to SCP-509-A. SCP-509-B is believed to have been built circa 1750, though it too functioned normally until 1995.\nWhenever one or more cleaned but uncured pig carcasses are placed into SCP-509-B, it ceases to produce smoke and instead produces steam. Six minutes after the addition of the last pig carcass, the interior of SCP-509-B becomes inaccessible in a similar manner to SCP-509-A. After twelve minutes, SCP-509-B returns to its inactive state.\nAny pig carcasses present at time of activation are replaced by living humans. These humans speak fluent English, and claim to have just been at a sauna. Physical examination reveals no anomalous properties and dehydration consistent with approximately twenty minutes in a sauna. Under questioning, these individuals demonstrate functional knowledge within standard parameters, but have no recollection of life before recovery from SCP-509-B. No records have been found of persons recovered in this way.\nExperiment Log 509:\n\nExperiment 509-005:\nDate: 9/21/1995\nHead Researcher: Dr. Samuel Chou\nProcedure: D-35475 was instructed to enter SCP-509-A fifteen minutes after activation. Subject reported that he was unable to open the door, and so was given tools to remove the door from its hinges. With assistance from research staff, D-35475 was able to remove the door. Instead of its interior, SCP-509-A contained an empty white room substantially larger than the exterior of SCP-509-A. D-35475 was ordered to enter SCP-509-A. On doing so, he reported that it contained a large quantity of pigs. When questioned regarding the incongruity of this with external observations, D-35475 clarified that he did not in fact see, hear, smell, or feel any pigs, but rather was certain of their presence.\nExperiment 509-017:\nDate: 4/04/1996\nHead Researcher: Dr. Samuel Chou and Dr. Alexander Bejo\nProcedure: SCP-509-A and SCP-509-B were simultaneously activated. Thirty minutes after activation, D-35475 and D-31161 were instructed to enter SCP-509-A and SCP-509-B, respectively. As expected, both reported seeing the white chamber. However, D-35475 did not perceive it as containing pigs, and D-31161 did not perceive it as containing humans. Each reported seeing a distant blurred figure, which matched the movements of the other, though certain identification was impossible. Attempts for each to move towards the other figure proved similarly ineffective.\nExperiment 509-036:\nDate: 1/20/1999\nHead Researcher: Dr. Alexander Bejo\nProcedure: D-35574 entered SCP-509-A while active, but unusually did not perceive the presence of pigs. D-35574 reported, and camera footage confirmed, a distant blurred figure, similar to those observed during concurrent testing of SCP-509-A and SCP-509-B, despite the fact that no testing was scheduled for SCP-509-B that day. The planned testing was aborted. After recovery from SCP-509-A, a routine medical exam revealed D-35574 to be infected with a virulent strain of dengue fever not matching any known variety.\nExperiment 509-043:\nDate: 3/8/1999\nHead Researcher: Dr. Evan Green\nProcedure: A live pig was placed into SCP-509-A, which was then activated. Rather than steam or smoke, SCP-509-A began to fill with aerosolized decontamination fluid. After six minutes, the interior became inaccessible for 40 minutes. On deactivation, the pig had been replaced by a deceased male human in a hazmat suit. The corpse exhibited severe burns across and through its entire body. The torso had been opened and emptied of all organs save the liver and heart. No unusual occurrences were reported at SCP-509-B.\n\n\u00ab SCP-508 | SCP-509 | SCP-510 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-510\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-510 are to be treated as a Level 1 infective substance, and are not to be handled by anyone not in contained-atmosphere Haz-Mat (CAHM) suits. Any staff interacting with SCP-510 must be monitored for one month after interaction. Infestation by SCP-510 will be met with immediate quarantine and sterilization of the surrounding area.\nContainment units must have air-tight seals on any and all possible access points. Staff access is to be provided by a dual airlock, with chemical showers at each stage. Robotic surrogates are to be used whenever possible for SCP-510 interaction, and all materials interacting with SCP-510 are to be sterilized and quarantined for one month after interaction. Seals are to be checked and repaired weekly.\nAny staff observed expressing elevated levels of fatigue, sleepiness, or exhaustion are to be quarantined and tested for infestation. In the event of multi-subject infestation, site-wide lockdown will be initiated.\nDescription: SCP-510 has thus far proven difficult to fully identify. It is possibly a form of microorganism or a form of \u201cnanite\u201d. The particles of SCP-510 appear to be surrounded by a field that causes a \u201cblurring\u201d effect even at high magnification. Tests have come back with wildly varying results, and samples have simultaneously exhibited properties of organic and non-organic matter, as well as properties of solids, liquids, and gasses. Current research views it as a form of mold or virus, due to its response to high heat and chemical sterilization.\nSCP-510 infests soft surfaces such as fabric, feathers, hair, or foam, with the ability to remain dormant in such substances for years. If SCP-510 encounters delta waves, typically emitted by humans entering sleep, SCP-510 will \u201cactivate\u201d, and begin to infest any nearby organic life. Infestation follows a set progression (See Addendum 84-B: Symptoms and Progression), most often ending with the \u201cdeath\u201d of infested subjects after 4 to 6 days.\nSCP-510 appears to prefer mammalian life for infestation, primarily human beings. Attempts to artificially \u201cinfest\u201d other life forms have met with very limited success. Possible applications of SCP-510 and its \u201clife support\u201d function are being researched. High heat and highly acidic chemicals have been able to \"dissolve\" SCP-510 particles. Dissolved particles leave behind no detectable residue.\n\nAddendum: Document 84-B: Symptoms and Progression\n\nStage 1: Infestation\nSymptoms: Exhaustion, fatigue, sleepiness, general listlessness, itchy eyes, general head pain.\nDescription: SCP-510 begins to form sting-like extrusions, which anchor into the skin. Extrusions continue to grow into the skin, contacting all major organs and systems in 8 to 24 hours. Subjects will grow progressively more tired during this time and will seek out quiet, dark areas in which to sleep.\n\nStage 2: Initial Manifestation.\nSymptoms: Deep coma, \u201cpillow\u201d formation by SCP-510 on the body, progressive invasion of biological systems (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.)\nDescription: SCP-510 forms large, pillow-like growths on the body. These growths are warm, and emit a soft light, with a texture described as \u201cmicrofiber plush\u201d. Subjects slip into a deep coma, becoming totally unresponsive to any and all outside stimuli. SCP-510 will start to \u201ctake over\u201d biological systems, causing blood, neural activity, and even oxygen to pass through the growths before being returned to the subject. It has been observed that subjects in this stage enter a dream state more vivid than standard REM sleep.\n\nStage 3: Full Manifestation\nSymptoms: Total dependence on SCP-510 for all biological functions. \u201cBonding\u201d of the skin with SCP-510. Slow reduction in mental activity.\nDescription: SCP-510 takes full control of all biological functions for the host organism. Damage to the growths at this point will result in the immediate death of the host, as the growths are now performing all biological functions for the body. A form of \u201caccelerated atrophy\u201d sets in, with muscular and skeletal structures beginning to weaken and shrink, and total shut-down of most organs. Subjects are observed to lose 44% of their body mass during this stage. SCP-510 will directly bond to the skin, replacing the thin \u201cthreads\u201d with larger protrusions of the growths. The brain begins to slow down and does not register any pain or awareness of these changes, showing high stimulation in areas with contentment and comfort.\n\nStage 4: Conversion\nSymptoms: Rapid growth of SCP-510. Major reduction in host physical mass. Absorption of major organs and tissues by SCP-510. Host's brain enters the \u201cDeep Dream\u201d state.\nDescription: SCP-510 begins to compromise the basic structure of the body, \u201cabsorbing\u201d organs, skin, bones, and muscles. Subject's mass will be reduced to 1/10th of initial size, with only a few tissues and the brain remaining. The brain enters a state labeled \u201cDeep Dreaming\u201d, in which brain activity is reduced to a point that a subject may be declared legally dead. However, brain activity continues, with evidence of some sense of surroundings being recorded. This is remarkable, considering most hosts at this stage are a brain, spinal cord, and a few clumps of tissue encased in SCP-510 growths.\nActivity at this stage seems to be initially located in \u201ccomfort\u201d and \u201ccontentment\u201d centers, with activity shifting into \u201cfear\u201d and \u201calarm\u201d centers as conversion continues. SCP-510 begins to break down into individual particles on the surface of the growths.\n\nStage 5: Resolution and \u201cSporing\u201d\nSymptoms: Absorption of remaining tissues. Breakdown of SCP-510 into individual particles.\nDescription: SCP-510 absorbs the remaining tissues, including the brain, over a period of 12 to 14 hours. Brain scans show highly elevated levels of activity, consistent with extreme fear or pain at this point, which slowly shift back into a more \u201crelaxed\u201d state as the brain is absorbed. After full absorption, SCP-510 will break down into individual particles, with a full break down of the growths after three hours. Particles will then float in the air, until making contact with a receptive surface.\n\n\u00ab SCP-509 | SCP-510 | SCP-511 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-511\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When an instance of SCP-511 is identified, the affected residence shall be quarantined and will receive the next sequential site designation.\nExcepting one main entrance, sites hosting SCP-511 will have all points of possible entry or exit permanently sealed with appropriate building materials. The main entrance will remain locked at all times. Entry is permitted to Foundation personnel with written authorization from Level 3 or higher. All SCP-511 sites will be equipped with remote monitoring equipment allowing for 24 hour surveillance and a continual tracking of the numbers of SCP-511-1 inhabiting the site.\nAt all times one (1) Class D personnel will be resident in the site. Personnel with this assignment are exempted from monthly termination for the duration of assignment. Candidates for this assignment shall be exclusively drawn from a population of post-menopausal women with a global Clinical Dementia Rating of 2 or greater. (Note: due to the exclusive nature of this population, O5-\u2588 has approved recruiting from local hospice and/or nursing homes if necessary. Ref: Incident I-511-11)\nThe population of SCP-511-1 within a site must remain within an optimal range of 50 to \u2588\u2588\u2588 individuals. Below this range, adult Felis domesticus should be introduced to the site to increase population to minimum levels. If population exceeds \u2588\u2588\u2588 individuals, it must be culled immediately. Any SCP-511-1 found outside the containment site shall be euthanized and the remains incinerated.\nAny biological material leaving the containment site for testing will be handled in accordance with standard protocols for a level 4 biohazard. All specimens are incinerated after testing is complete. Before coming in contact with any material from the containment site, personnel must be inoculated for Influenza, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588, Tetanus, Tick-borne encephalitis, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Full medical workups are mandatory on a bi-weekly basis for personnel working with SCP-511.\nDescription: Instances of SCP-511 typically occur within residential structures with a block or stone foundation that includes a basement or crawlspace. All attempts to remove an instance of SCP-511 from such a residence have proved ineffective. (Ref: Interview 511-A)\nSCP-511 is always found associated with a colony of feral Felis domesticus, common domestic cats. Members of this colony are designated SCP-511-1.\nSCP-511 is a mass of biological matter taking the form of a large feline, often with extra limbs, eyes, mouths or other organs. It is typically coated with dirt, blood and fecal matter, making its fur appear black despite its actual coloring. (Tests have shown SCP-511's fur to actually be a random patchwork of various feline coat patterns, colors, and lengths.) SCP-511's mass varies from 10kg to over 50kg, roughly in proportion to the number of SCP-511-1 in the associated colony. The tissue that makes up this mass consists primarily of the bodies of deceased SCP-511-1. The portion of SCP-511 that does not comprise SCP-511-1 consists of other biomass; small rodents, various plant materials, insects and insect larvae, black mold, a human [DATA EXPUNGED]. Incorporation of dead tissue into SCP-511 does not appear to slow the normal process of decay. Different areas of SCP-511 undergo different stages of biodegradation at any given time; some areas show little more than lividity, while other areas may show active carrion insect infestation, and some areas may even show liquefaction of tissues. (Note: Researchers have described SCP-511 making a \u201cpurring\u201d sound. Tests have shown this sound does not originate with SCP-511, but is actually the sound of insects, most often blowflies, trapped within its mass\u2014 Dr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nSCP-511 prefers to inhabit dark spaces with a relatively high humidity, such as old basements and crawl spaces. It will continually scavenge its immediate area for new biomass to incorporate into itself, displacing and expelling matter that has decayed past mechanical usefulness.\nExamples of SCP-511-1 resemble ordinary Felis domesticus that have undergone extreme neglect. They display a body condition score of 2 or 1, regardless of the amount of food available. Ulcerated skin is common, as are parasitic infestations, tumors, and various viral and bacterial infections. (SCP-511-1 are known carriers of a particularly virulent strain of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.) A typical SCP-511-1 shows no interest in grooming itself, and has patchy and matted fur. It is unclear to what extent the physical condition of an SCP-511-1 is a result of the influence of SCP-511, and to what extent it is due to sub-optimal living conditions.\nSeveral observations have been made of an SCP-511-1 retrieving biomass from elsewhere and bringing it to SCP-511 to be incorporated.\nAddendum 1: Incident report of containment breach at Site 511-\u2588\n\n+ Incident I-511-11\n\n- Incident I-511-11\n\nDocument# I-511-11\nPersonnel involved: D-7856, male subject 35 years of age.\nDate: 08/27/19\u2588\u2588\nLocation: Site 511-\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Evergreen Way, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California.\nDescription: After determining that a permanent human presence at a SCP-511 site results in moderation of aggression in SCP-511-1, containment protocol is updated to require class D personnel reside on-site in the event the original homeowner is deceased. Six months after this policy is established, D-7856 is assigned to Site 511-\u2588. As expected, within a week, aggression levels of SCP-511-1 toward Foundation personnel lessen considerably.\nSixteen days after being assigned to Site-511-\u2588, D-7856 begins showing signs of increased aggression; verbally abusing Foundation personnel and engaging in superficial vandalism of Site-511-\u2588. D-7856 is reprimanded.\nEighteen days into his assignment, D-7856 interferes with a Foundation team by throwing garbage and yelling obscenities. D-7856 is subdued with a tranquilizer dart and locked in his quarters.\nAt twenty days, D-7856 begins capturing SCP-511-1 and [DATA EXPUNGED] is only discovered when a Foundation research team enters for routine specimen collection 48 hours later. The team discovers remains from 37 separate SCP-511-1 collected in the kitchen. Bodies are dismembered and show signs of [DATA EXPUNGED].\nD-7856's body is discovered in the basement after an apparent attempt to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSite 511-\u2588 is incinerated as an emergency containment procedure.\nOk, I think there's something to the \u201ccrazy cat lady\u201d idea. Think we need to be more careful with the Class Ds on this one \u2013 Dr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum 2: Interview with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, survivor of containment breach at Site 511-47\n\n+ Interview 511-A\n\n- Interview 511-A\n\nInterview 511-A\nInterviewed: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInterviewer: Dr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was sole survivor from Mobile Task Force \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 assigned to retrieve an SCP-511 for study from Site 511-47 after the death of the homeowner, Mrs. B. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Interview takes place at St. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Ohio.\n\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How are you feeling?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [groans] Like I've had half my face ripped off. How do you think I feel?\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I want to talk about the containment breach.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [unintelligible]\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We have some questions.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Of course you do.\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Starting with why there was foreign matter introduced into the containment unit.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you have any idea what we were dealing with?\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why don't you tell me?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We were tasked to retrieve a 40 kilo\u2026 thing\u2026 with a BSL4 containment unit. You know how big those units are?\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I know the specifications.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Like lugging a self-propelled washing machine. Now imagine dragging one of those into one of these places. You already got reduced mobility from the hazmat suit, got fifty kilos of gear, and you're walking into a house that has two or three decades worth of garbage in it. We have cat \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ankle deep in places, trash bags split open, piles of soggy newspaper and junk mail, boxes of clothes, furniture that looked like it exploded, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cats everywhere\u2014 eyes everywhere\u2014\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can we return to the containment unit?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We have \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 chest high in places, cats everywhere, and spaces so tight that we have to go single file. No way a guy in full gear can turn around, and forget the containment unit. Just one look and there's no way we can use\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So it was Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's idea?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It was that, or pack it in. Can't get downstairs. So we bait the unit with the body and point it at the basement door. According to the briefing, it would be attracted to freshly dead\u2026 biological matter.\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And SCP-511 was attracted to the baited unit?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The most nerve-wracking twenty minutes of my life, listening to that thing pull itself upstairs. Thud, thud, thud. And those cats, watching us. You know how freaky cat eyes look with night vision equipment?\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So you captured SCP-511?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [laughs]\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What happened then?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We got out as quickly as we could. No one can turn around, so we back out, all those eyes watching us. Staring\u2026\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You were first out the door?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Last in, first out. We all got out, for all the good it did. We thought we'd pulled it off. But the moment the containment unit rolled out the door\u2026 it\u2026 they\u2026\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What happened?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You ever see films of explosive decompression? That's what happened to it. Splattered itself all over the insides of the containment unit. And those cats, those \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 awful cats. They howled. Then they rushed us.\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you attempt to contain the breach?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You're kidding? Right? Two or three hundred of them? Not just the door, but the windows, dropping on us from the second floor. When I saw \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 disappear under them, I just ran and locked myself in the van. I'm not proud of that\u2026\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm not here to judge. I'm here to determine what happened, so it does not happen again.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, you see what happened to me? That was one of them that got locked in with me. One. If you don't reclassify these things Keter, you're insane.\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I will be recommending updates to containment procedure.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yeah, while you're updating things, there's something else you need to update.\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What's that?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The briefing was all about how SCP-511 is influencing these cats. That's wrong.\nDr. A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How so?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-511 doesn't influence anything. It's the cats. They made SCP-511. And they made it because they hate us.\n\nClosing Statement: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died three days later from complications due to blood poisoning. Three weeks after containment breach, a new incidence of SCP-511 was identified in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Ohio, 35km south-east of Site 511-47. Remote biopsies of this new incidence revealed genetic material identified as coming from three Agents of Mobile Task Force \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588.\nIt seems that the \u201cdestruction\u201d of SCP-511 might only displace it elsewhere. Until we better understand the vectors that propagate it, all SCP-511 need to be contained in place. Request for reclassification of SCP-511 to Keter is denied \u2014 O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-510 | SCP-511 | SCP-512 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-512\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-512 is held within the Site-77 Safe object repository. It is to be shut at all times, and testing during adverse weather conditions is forbidden. All outdoor testing proposals must be reviewed by Security Chief Anderson.\nDescription: SCP-512 is a stainless steel black umbrella with a nylon canopy and polished ebony crook handle. Maximum radius of canopy when open is 0.75 m. Make and manufacture are unknown. A taped patch is visible on the canopy section.\nWhen open and pointed upward, SCP-512 exerts an upwards force in opposition to Earth's gravity, in a roughly dome-shaped area directly above itself, with a cross-sectional area of roughly 1.77m2. Precipitation and other objects will be suspended and deflected within this area of effect. SCP-512 has no effect when closed, or when held at a horizontal angle.\nDespite SCP-512's efficacy against normal precipitation, it is inadvisable to use the object during severe weather. Through an as-yet-unknown process, the item's anomalous effect causes the air above it to become extremely ionized. This interaction also causes electrical current to greatly increase in amperage while in direct contact with the item. This causes the threat of direct lightning strikes to become exceptionally dangerous to any individual holding SCP-512, as evidenced through the death of its original owner, as well as D-512-33.\nAdditionally, electrical current appears to travel across the surface of SCP-512, causing little to no damage to the item's structure.\nSCP-512 was recovered from a public park in [REDACTED], FL. Local emergency services had been summoned to evacuate the area due to reports of unusual lightning strikes. SCP-512 was discovered caught on a streetlamp and fully opened, with evidence of several lightning strikes in the immediate area. Its handle was noted to be covered in ash. Foundation personnel intervened after local newspapers began reporting on SCP-512's anomalous properties.\nAddendum: Testing Summary\nUpon recovery SCP-512 underwent standard testing, through which its properties were determined. A range of items were held 4 meters above SCP-512 and then dropped, after which a mechanical apparatus would open SCP-512.\nTested items include the following:\n\n1 liter of purified water, dumped from a standard bucket\n1 liter of orange juice from concentrate\napproximately 1 kilogram of loose feathers\n1 kilogram of ice cubes\nThe assorted contents of Junior Researcher Renfield's bagged lunch\nA standard running shoe\nA standard watermelon\nSCP-1108\nA 5.4-kilogram bowling ball\nA 40-kilogram steel containment crate\n\nTesting materials slowed in descent approximately .5 seconds after SCP-512 opened, with the larger and less solid items coming to a stop approximately .35 meters from SCP-512's surface. All material will remain suspended in the air, unless made to slide to one side and resume freefall. Liquids and particulate matter are weakly repelled from the center of the effect, while more solid objects can be held in place with minor adjustments to SCP-512's angle.\nAddendum: Experiment D-512-33\n\nTesting Item: D-Class personnel\nTesting procedure: Object taken to Site-77 outdoors field for testing of the vertical distance of the anti-gravity effect.\nAn unexpected severe storm occurred during testing, and the rain-repelling properties of SCP-512 coupled with exceptionally low pressure caused a suction effect in the region directly above the object. SCP-512 pulled the D-class (D-512-33) holding it upward into the air and drifted on prevailing wind currents. D-512-33 was able to hold onto SCP-512 as it rapidly gained altitude. D-512-33 glided over Site-77 perimeter and into the surrounding area. It was observed that D-512-33 quickly developed skill in altering angle of anti-gravity effect to allow for semi-controlled flight. A helicopter was launched to pursue object and D-512-33. The object was recaptured following a lightning strike; D-512-33's remains were not recovered.\n\n\u00ab SCP-511 | SCP-512 | SCP-513 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-513\n\nItem #: SCP-513\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-513 is to be suspended in a one cubic meter block of gelatin and contained within a soundproofed, climate-controlled cell. The gelatin must be inspected daily for any degradation or loss of integrity. An emergency inspection will be carried out immediately following any earthquake, explosion, or sonic event grade 2 or higher. Personnel performing the inspection are to wear earplugs and active noise-canceling earmuffs at all times while inside SCP-513's cell.\nIf the gelatin cube shows any signs of degradation (such as rips, tears, splits, liquefaction, or mold), SCP-513 is to be immediately removed and suspended within a replacement cube by a team of surgically deafened Class-D personnel. No other personnel are to enter the cell during this procedure.\nAny sentient beings exposed to SCP-513 are to be monitored by at least two security personnel at all times. Under absolutely no circumstances may exposure victims be administered sedatives or allowed to fall unconscious. Any victim who does fall unconscious is to be terminated immediately.\nClass-D personnel are to be terminated at the first sign of mental degradation. All other exposure victims may be terminated at their request.\nIf possible, SCP-513-1 is to be apprehended on sight.\nDescription: Physically, SCP-513 is an unremarkable, rusty cowbell. No marks or engravings are visible on its surface due to the large amount of corrosion. Attempts to remove the rust chemically or mechanically have had no success.\nSCP-513 was recovered by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 while carrying out Containment Reestablishment Procedure Mu at Site-\u2588\u2588. SCP-513's clapper was firmly held in place by several strips of duct tape. A single scrap of paper was found along with SCP-513 (see Addendum).\nAny noise produced by SCP-513 immediately induces strong anxiety in all sentient beings who hear it, regardless of their previous mental status. Exposure victims report feelings of being watched by an unseen entity and present elevated heart rates and blood pressure. Roughly one hour after exposure, exposure victims begin to catch glimpses of SCP-513-1 when opening doors, walking past mirrors, turning their heads, or performing any other actions that result in a sudden change in visual perception. Upon being sighted, SCP-513-1 reportedly turns away and runs out of view before disappearing without a trace. Questioning of bystanders indicates that SCP-513-1 is invisible to those who have not been exposed to SCP-513.\nSightings of SCP-513-1 reoccur every 14 to 237 minutes. This \u201cstalking\u201d behavior inevitably causes extreme sleep deprivation, as victims are frequently disturbed by SCP-513-1's presence in their quarters. Victims able to fall asleep before SCP-513-1's appearance report being physically assaulted by it. Upon the victim's awakening, SCP-513-1 flees as usual (see Experiment Log 513). This sleep deprivation, along with the mental stress caused by SCP-513-1's behavior, invariably induces paranoia, aggression, hypervigilance, and depression. All test cases but one have ended with the test subject's suicide.\nDescriptions of SCP-513-1's appearance are largely unreliable. Test subjects are unable to provide complete accounts of sightings due to their exhaustion, degraded mental health, and disruptive hypervigilance. However, all interrogations thus far indicate that SCP-513-1 is a tall, emaciated humanoid with abnormally large hands.\nAddendum: Text recovered from Site-\u2588\u2588\n\nYou've seen it. Now he can hear you.\nYou've touched it. Now he can see you.\nNever ring it. If you hear it, he can touch you.\n\n\u00ab SCP-512 | SCP-513 | SCP-514 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-514\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: There is currently no permanent containment site for SCP-514 (See Addendum 2). SCP-514 is currently being tracked by Mobile Task Force Lambda-4 (aka \"Birdwatchers\"), who are under orders to observe SCP-514. In the event that SCP-514 strays near a densely populated area or an area where its presence will be easily noticed, Mobile Task Force Lambda-4 is authorized to use the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u25881 in order to manipulate SCP-514's migration patterns.\nAccess to SCP-514 and the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is restricted to Mobile Task Force Lambda-4. Level 4 personnel may also have access, but must have O5 level approval beforehand. Any experiments and weapons tests with SCP-514 must be performed exclusively at the Foundation Advanced Weapons Research Facility.\nIn the event that SCP-514 risks public exposure or capture by rival groups, Mobile Task Force Lambda-4 is authorized to terminate the threat by any means necessary. It is highly recommended that such threats be terminated before they reach SCP-514's \"zone of influence\", though this is not strictly necessary.\nDescription: SCP-514 is a flock of Columba livia domestica, or Homing Pigeons. Visual analysis confirms that these pigeons are in fact the kind used in White Dove Release ceremonies. However, the type of ceremony they were used in, or the identity of who bred these doves is currently unknown.\nWhat makes SCP-514 unusual is the \"weapon and aggression nullification zone of influence\" it seems to project around itself. This zone of influence projects itself in a roughly five hundred (500) meter radius around the flock, though this estimation varies depending on the flock's size. This zone of influence renders every known type of weapon inoperable and often destroys affected weapons after prolonged exposure. For instance, firearms will immediately jam or misfire, explosives will be rendered inert, and melee weapons will decay into dust. Also, the items SCP-514's zone of influence destroys appears to be selective. For further details, see Experiment Log 514a.\nIn addition to its weapon nullification ability, SCP-514 can also somehow suppress violent emotions and intent in sentient beings within the zone of influence. Interviews with staff and civilians who had been exposed to the zone of influence said that they felt very calm and content, even when they felt stressed and angry just moments before. For further details, see Experiment Log 514b. Currently, there appears to be no harmful or lasting effects to being exposed to SCP-514's zone of influence. Rigorous physical and psychological screening of individuals exposed to the zone of influence showed nothing out of the ordinary.\nSCP-514 was first discovered when numerous reports of weapons stockpiles were reported as having been destroyed in numerous African nations. While the initial reports were written off as poor maintenance on the part of the owners of the weapons, additional reports of sightings of a flock of homing pigeons, which are uncommon in Africa, garnered Foundation interest. An investigation team was sent to track SCP-514 where they encountered a team claiming to be affiliated with the Manna Charitable Foundation, who were also tracking it.\nThe MCF members admitted they released SCP-514 in an effort to \"end all conflict in Africa\", despite not having a reliable way to control its movements. Unfortunately, the MCF was apparently unaware that SCP-514's aggression suppression effects were only temporary once affected subjects were no longer within its zone of influence, and they would resume hostilities with improvised or primitive weaponry once SCP-514 left. In addition, SCP-514's random movements caused only certain regions to be disarmed, leaving them vulnerable to invasion by their unaffected neighbors.\nIt took another three weeks before MTF Lambda-4 were able to bring the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to control SCP-514's movements. The MCF members then challenged the Foundation team for possession of both SCP-514 and the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Since both parties were still under SCP-514's effects, the conflict was resolved through a single round of rock-paper-scissors, with the Foundation being the victor. The MCF members then fled the area before they could be further questioned. The origin of SCP-514 and how it came into the possession of the MCF remains unknown.\nExperiment Log 514a\nVarious tests were performed by continually using the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to have SCP-514 circle around the Foundation Advanced Weapons Research Facility.\nFirearms: Items used: Glock 9mm handgun, Colt .45 1911 handgun, MP5 submachine gun, Thompson submachine gun, M16 assault rifle, AK-47 assault rifle, SAW, M24 sniper rifle, [DATA EXPUNGED]. All weapons confirmed to be in working order.\nResult: All weapons, when tested, failed to fire. Later inspection showed that all weapons suffered from various mechanical failures that rendered the weapons useless. Ammunition exposed to the zone of influence also failed to fire when loaded into weapons not affected by the zone of influence. Chemical propellant was found to be rendered completely inert.\nExplosives: Items used: One standard hand grenade, 28.35g (1oz) of dynamite, 28.35g (1oz) of C-4 high explosive, 28.35g (1oz) of thermite, one 81mm high explosive mortar round, one 120mm tank shell, [DATA EXPUNGED].\nResult: All explosives were immediately rendered inert when exposed to the zone of influence. In addition, any detonators or components that would aid in the detonation of the tested devices suffered mechanical and electronic failures.\nMelee Weaponry: One combat knife, one steak knife, one baseball bat, one katana, one poleaxe, one spear.\nResult: All weapons, with the exception of the steak knife and the baseball bat, were rendered useless through accelerated rate of decay. However, when the steak knife and baseball bat were used in a threatening manner, both items were immediately rendered useless through accelerated decay.\nWeapons of Mass Destruction: One liter of Sarin nerve gas, 1 gram of weaponized Anthrax, one tactical nuclear warhead.\nResult: All weapons rendered completely inert. All samples, including the nuclear material, were completely degraded, and instruments recorded no radiation. In the case of the warhead, the electronic detonator was also rendered useless.\nConclusion: SCP-514's zone of influence appears to be able to render any conventional weapon inoperable. Also, the damage each weapon suffers is directly proportional to how long the weapon is exposed to the zone of influence. In under an hour, all weapons eventually degraded into dust. The zone of influence is also somehow selective, being able to discern items that are actively designed as weapons from items that are potentially dangerous, but not specifically designed to be weaponized. However, SCP-514 also appears to be able to discern when an item will be used for violent intent, and said item will be directly affected by the zone of influence.\nIt remains unclear whether SCP-514's ability to selectively target certain weaponry and discern hostile intent is a property inherent to its zone of influence, or if it is directly controlled on the part of SCP-514 itself through some form of group intelligence.\n-Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment Log 514b:\nLive subjects were exposed to SCP-514's zone of influence for an extended period of time. The subjects were divided into two groups: Voluntary test subjects drawn randomly from the general population as the control group, and Class D personnel with a history of violent behavior as the test group. Tests showed that the test group's violent tendencies were completely suppressed, and acted in a similar fashion to the control group. Suppression of the test group's violent tendencies occurs even after the subjects leave the zone of influence, though the duration is directly proportional to the time spent exposed to the zone of influence. Live testing against sentient SCPs proposed, pending O5 approval.\n-Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 1: Several high ranking members in the Foundation's military branch, as well as various associated government agencies, have expressed interest in weaponizing SCP-514. There is great strategic and tactical value in an asset that can effectively neutralize an entire enemy army's arsenal in a short period of time. There are also requests to test SCP-514's zone of influence against several Keter-level SCPs. However, access to SCP-514, as well as the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, remains restricted. O5 Command is currently deliberating the issue.\nAddendum 2: All attempts to capture SCP-514 for containment and study have been met with failure. Every Agent, Doctor, and researcher sent to capture SCP-514 steadfastly refused to complete the mission. This is most likely a reaction to SCP-514's zone of influence. Attempts to remotely capture the flock through the use of drones or long ranged devices have resulted in the destruction of all equipment involved.\nIt is evident that SCP-514 interprets any attempts to capture it as a hostile act, triggering the nullification effects of its zone of influence in response. Again, it is still unclear whether this is a property inherent to SCP-514's zone of influence or is regulated through a group intelligence among the flock.\nSurveillance with Mobile Task Force Lambda-4 still in effect, with the use of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 authorized.\nAddendum 3: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, all members of Mobile Task Force Lambda-4 are required to be proficient in various non-violent, competitive activities, including but not limited to: Sports, board games, card games, videogames, trivia, riddles, and rock-paper-scissors.\nAre you serious? The fate of one of our SCPs could be decided on the outcome of rock-paper-scissors?!\n-O5-\u2588\u2588\nI assure you sir, you have nothing to fear. We are dead serious about these matters.\n-Captain \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Mobile Task Force Lambda-4 \"Birdwatchers\"\nNote: Captain, couldn't you have chosen a more\u2026 dignified\u2026 game as your primary conflict resolution method? Seeing two grown men in all-black tactical gear taking a children's card game so seriously is\u2026 off-putting.\nO5-11\n\nFootnotes\n1. Due to the sensitivity of this information, all knowledge of this containment procedure is limited to O5 level administrators and MTF Lambda-4 members only.\n\n\u00ab SCP-513 | SCP-514 | SCP-515 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-515\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-515 is to be kept entirely manacled to his sleeping quarters to the point of near-total immobility. If SCP-515's enclosure is seen to be empty, top priority must be placed on immediate recapture. Locomotion or simple twitch-response behavior exhibited by SCP-515 is to be noted and reported to research and emergency staff.\nIf SCP-515's legs or arms are in working order, they must be broken immediately to minimize his sleepwalking speed in the event of escape [see Addendum 515-01]; the neck, however, cannot be broken, due to the risk of death [see Addendum 515-02]. Instead, it must be held immobile by a brace covering up to the chin and down to the shoulders. Amputation and severing the motor nerves of the limbs are also not recommended, due to similar risks, and all muscle relaxants tested thus far have resulted in convulsive reactions and as such should not be administered. Restraints are not to be unfastened at any time for any reason, and the room is not to be opened for anything but standard research purposes unless emergency conditions require it. Maintenance crews and D-class are also to be kept away from the enclosure unless otherwise noted.\nDescription: SCP-515 is presently a Caucasian male of the approximate age of 14; no applicable birth certificate has yet been found, so all relevant personal information is the product of hypotheses and the subject of guesswork. His basal metabolic rate is comparable to that of a blue whale or a mammal of greater size, but mass is slightly below average for humans of similar ages.\nDespite ignorance of all other bodily needs, and despite attempted interference on the part of researchers, SCP-515 has yet to be observed in a state of consciousness apart from Stage N3 dreamless sleep. For the entire duration of containment, SCP-515 has ingested no food or water and has passed no waste; what has kept him alive for so long is still under study.\nEven asleep, SCP-515 has been known to speak on rare occasions. Little of what is said is intelligible, and that which can be heard is typically incoherent, similar to the speech of a person in the grip of delirium. Portions have been recorded for future research; no noticeable difference in the movement of SCP-515-1 has been noted during these periods.\nRecords of SCP-515 in somniloquy\n\n\"The vessel cannot view the [incomprehensible], it simply moves in time with the sea.\" (26 Dec 19\u2588\u2588)\n\"There are more, there are always more.\" [repeated for several minutes] (13 Apr, 20\u2588\u2588)\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\"Can you see where I am? Can you breathe? Can you move?\" (06 Aug, 20\u2588\u2588)\n\nWhenever SCP-515 moves in any capacity, one or more of a number of celestial objects, mostly asteroids, move as well. The estimated nineteen objects [heretofore collectively named SCP-515-1] vary in diameter from 1.5 km to 33.6 km; the largest of these is roughly 133% the size of the object that caused the Vredefort impact crater in Free State, South Africa. Regardless of the direction of SCP-515's motion, SCP-515-1 only ever moves toward Earth. A twitch of a finger or toe typically corresponds to a movement of about 140 kilometers; comparable movement of a limb indicates motion of SCP-515-1 on the scale of 460 km or more. Sustained motion, such as sleepwalking, has been demonstrated to correlate with the objects traveling toward Earth at velocities reaching 280,000 kilometers per hour. The rise and fall of SCP-515's chest unfortunately must not be stopped and, according to Foundation satellites, corresponds with a movement in the celestial objects to the degree of 10 km per respiratory cycle.\nIf SCP-515 is killed, it is presumable that someone with a similar anomaly will appear someplace else on the planet [see Addendum 515-02]. Due to the difficulty and danger of having to find such an individual with no initial leads, it is stressed that killing SCP-515 is never an acceptable course of action.\nAddendum 515-01 On a number of occasions, SCP-515 has been freed from his restraints by unknown means. No physical presence has been seen to cause this, and the restraints themselves have only ever looked as though they remained untouched during these occurrences. Because of this, it is yet uncertain whether it is his own doing that he escapes, or that an outside force is interfering without being noticed. If this occurs, all available resources at Site-\u2588\u2588 must be directed toward SCP-515's location, recovery, and placement into enclosure.\nAddendum 515-02 The designation of SCP-515 was formerly given to a middle-aged woman from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Guatemala, with a condition identical to that of the current designee. She, too, was found with no personal history and with no connection to any people in the surrounding area, despite having lived in a small and closely-knit community. After the realization of her connection with SCP-515-1 and her coming into care of the Foundation, both a tight-fitting full-body cast and the routine breaking of the legs, arms, and neck were used to prevent the subject from moving; both she and the present SCP-515 have been known to escape confinement, including such a cast, so keeping major bones broken was used as a method of keeping movements slow when such events transpired. However, on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, complications from a pair of shattered vertebrae proved fatal. SCP-515-1 was noted to have stopped moving after this occurrence, and after several months without any change the Foundation presumed the matter closed.\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, motion of SCP-515-1 restarted. A thorough search returned the result of the current designee after twenty-two days; he was taken into custody immediately and subjected to revised containment policies that prevented the breaking of the neck. SCP-515-1 had moved a total distance of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 km from the start of the search to its finish, and has moved an estimated \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 km during his stay at the Foundation.\nDue to the motion caused by SCP-515's respiration, the Foundation continues to allocate resources toward finding an efficient manner of neutralizing the threat presented by the potential impact of SCP-515-1.\n\n\u00ab SCP-514 | SCP-515 | SCP-516 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-516 on testing range\n\nItem #: SCP-516\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-516 may be kept in an Anomalous Vehicle Containment Bay. Routine vehicle maintenance should be carried out on a bi-weekly basis. SCP-516 is not to be provided with fuel or ammunition except under controlled testing circumstances. Following Incident 516-1A, no personnel with a history of military service should be assigned to SCP-516.\nDescription: SCP-516 is a standard model T-55 main battle tank. Records indicate it was manufactured in 19\u2588\u2588, at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Plant, Kharkiv, Ukrainian SSR, and that it had a normal period of service in the armed forces of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It exhibits wear and tear consistent with its age.\nThe only part of SCP-516 which is known to exhibit anomalous properties is its main armament (presently a 100mm D10 tank gun) and turret assembly, from here designated as SCP-516-1. However, as SCP-516-1 has been replaced several times throughout SCP-516's service life without any apparent effects, its anomalous properties seem to be inherent to SCP-516.\nWhen loaded with compatible 100mm ammunition SCP-516-1 exhibits a limited degree of autonomy. When an entity attempts to damage SCP-516, SCP-516-1 will track and fire on it if it is physically possible to neutralise the threat, regardless of whether SCP-516 is crewed. It will not respond to threats outside its range or traverse, such as aircraft. This phenomenon only occurs if the entity possesses reasonable means to damage SCP-516; for example, SCP-516-1 will not fire on a person attempting to attack SCP-516 with their fists.\nSCP-516-1 may be operated manually, but is selective about its targets. In general, it will only 'permit' its operator to fire on nonliving targets, nonsapient biological targets or armed humans. Under these circumstances it will fire as a normal armament piece. If a target does not satisfy these conditions (essentially, being an unarmed, sapient being) SCP-516-1 will jam. Attempts to prevent jamming through maintenance or parts replacement have failed.\nSCP-516 appears to go to extra lengths to prevent injury to unarmed humans, deliberately placing shots from SCP-516-1 to avoid collateral damage. When operated manually, SCP-516-1 places a higher priority on preserving unarmed life than eliminating armed targets; it will jam if directed to fire upon a group of persons, of which only some members are armed.\nIt should be noted that none of SCP-516's other armaments exhibit these properties, and appear to be perfectly normal.\nSCP-516 was brought to the attention of the Foundation in 20\u2588\u2588, when it was slated to be broken up for scrap. Due to a bureaucratic oversight, ammunition had not been removed from SCP-516-1, causing it to open fire with \u2588\u2588 casualties. The ensuing \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 government investigation was noted by Foundation operatives, and it was thought worthwhile to take SCP-516 into custody.\nAddendum 516-1: An upgrade to Euclid status is being considered in light of Incident 516-1A, as this lends credence to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's theory that the SCP may be sentient in some form. Additional security measures have been approved for SCP-516's containment.\nIncident 516-1A synopsis: During routine testing of SCP-516, SCP-516-1 immediately fired upon a group of unarmed personnel in range as soon as it was loaded with ammunition, leading to the death of two (2) D-class personnel (D-505, D-596) and one (1) Foundation officer, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSubsequent investigation showed that D-596, one of the casualties, had attained his D-class status following a criminal conviction for treason against his native country, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. D-596 previously held the (English equivalent) rank of Sergeant in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 armed forces, from which SCP-516 was acquired.\nNo other possible links to SCP-516 with D-596 or the other casualties have been found at this stage. This marks the first time SCP-516 has attacked unarmed personnel; further investigation and safety precautions are warranted.\nAddendum 516-2: SCP-516 Testing Log\n\n\u00ab SCP-515 | SCP-516 | SCP-517 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-517\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-517 is to be kept secured within Containment Locker 51164 in Site-66, facing away from the doorway. A thick sheet is to be draped over the item at all times. Testing is currently prohibited, as the nature of the manifestation invariably causes a low-level containment breach. If SCP-517-01 is triggered, personnel are instructed to report to their immediate superior to enact Protocol 517-001.\nAs of Incident 517-1997-M, SCP-517 is to be kept in a dedicated cell at all times. An opaque black sheet is to be kept bound around the object at all times. As of 08/25/1997 \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2002, no more testing is to be conducted on SCP-517 without Site Director's approval.\nDescription: SCP-517 is a fortune-telling machine. Item stands approximately 2 meters tall, containing a mechanical puppet and an electric candle within a glass and wooden case. Examination has shown an internal layout consistent with similar machines. On the top panels the words \"Grandmother Predictions\" are painted on built-in signage. The puppet within is in the shape of an elderly woman, with a white blouse and a blue shawl. Item's power cord has been severed approximately 15 centimeters from its base; it appears to have been inexpertly separated from its original power source. No reaction occurs if a coin is inserted into the slot.\nThe item will energize automatically, once an hour, if an individual (hereafter the \"Target\") enters its field of vision. The puppet will turn to face directly at the Target, dispense a \"fortune card\" from the slot on its front, and cease function. Process is fully mechanical, and item does not show signs of awareness. See Addendum for a transcript for examples of \"fortunes\".\nThe individual who \"activated\" SCP-517 will become the Target of an entity or number of entities who will attack at 1:43 AM local time the following morning. The Entity or Entities (hereby SCP-517-01) appear as a varying number of long, multi-jointed arms (between ten and three dozen), initially appearing from a single area. Arms seem to be completely corporeal, and can apparently extend indefinitely. Entity will immediately rush towards and attempt to grab and capture the Target or Targets. If the hunt is made sufficiently challenging, additional arms will begin to constantly generate in close proximity to the victim in order to facilitate an easier capture.\nChosen areas are usually low, cramped, dark areas such as basements or closets, and will not shift during a given assault. In all instances, Targets have been captured, rapidly dragged into SCP-517-01's chosen area, and savagely beaten until sunrise. Entity has been documented reaching from the ventilation system of an office building, drawing a Target into a drop-ceiling, pulling a Target under a bed, and drawing a Target through a sewage grate. Any attempts to intrude on this event will result in human aggressors being drawn into the assault. The remains of victims are reduced to [REDACTED]. To date there have been no survivors.\nIf more than one individual activates the item in the span of one day, all will become Targets of the following night's assault. SCP-517-01 will appear from multiple areas while \"hunting\" multiple Targets. However, due to the resultant chaos during the test (517-34c) in which this was discovered, all measures are to be taken to avoid multiple activations.\nRemote viewing of the expected points of origin of SCP-517-01 during testing revealed arms extending from points around corners and otherwise off-camera, eventually crowding out the video feed. Fragmented, unidentified human DNA has appeared in the areas utilized by SCP-517-01; ultimate origins are still currently unknown.\nAddendum - Fortunes\nSamples from several \"fortunes\" as read by SCP-517.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1993: How many times should somebody be told to be good?\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1994: Your mother raised you better than that. I'm sorry, but fair is fair.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1994: You try to be good; you should try harder.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1994: Some people don't know how to be kind. You'll know soon enough, won't you?\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1997: People who do terrible things deserve terrible things. You've brought this upon yourself, my dear.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1998: You'll find out, soon enough.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2002: You look like you've made some mistakes. Some things are unforgivable, aren't they?\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2002: Do you think they've forgotten?\n\n\u00ab SCP-516 | SCP-517 | SCP-518 \u00bb"} {"text": "Portion of SCP-518\n\nItem #: SCP-518\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-518 is to be monitored by a field research team consisting of at least three staff and one project lead, supplemented by two security staff. This team shall be based at Remote Observation Site-18, 3 km from SCP-518. An automated security perimeter surrounding SCP-518 is to be established and maintained.\nOne physical copy of SCP-518-1 is authorized to exist at any given time for the purposes of research. This copy is to be kept at all times in an opaque, protective sleeve, sealed in a locked container and kept in Storage Locker 742 in Restricted Access Wing 1 of Site-93. One electronic copy is permitted to be accessible from authorized terminals at Site-93 and Remote Observation Site-18. Any unauthorized instances of SCP-518-1 discovered by Foundation personnel are to be destroyed immediately.\nDescription: SCP-518 is a localized anomalous phenomenon, catalyzed by the dissemination and exposure of SCP-518-1.\nSCP-518 is, currently, a complex in a small valley consisting of eleven wooden structures in varying states of repair, designed and built in the style of structures common in newly-settled areas of the American West during the mid-19th century. These structures are arranged in a manner inconsistent with an established settlement; buildings are arranged in a roughly circular pattern, with no regard to road systems or natural topography (one structure is currently located on top of a creek). SCP-518 is located in rural Deschutes County, Oregon, United States, in the vicinity of the Metolius River.\nSCP-518-1 is a short narrative, first documented upon the initial exploration of SCP-518 (see Exploration Log 518-1). Whenever SCP-518-1 is read in its entirety by a sapient, comprehending individual, SCP-518 undergoes spontaneous physical changes. In most cases, these changes entail the movement of structures in relation to each other, rearrangement of the interior features of these structures, and a small amount of subsidence in the immediate geographic vicinity of SCP-518. In some cases, readings of SCP-518-1 will cause new structures to appear, or existing structures to simply cease to exist. Research has determined that these physical changes occur either instantaneously or at speeds beyond the observational capability of current technology.\n\nInterior of SCP-518 structure\n\nThe buildings that make up SCP-518 superficially resemble commonly found structures of the region during the 1850s and 1860s. In addition to several houses, there are currently a barn, a three-story hotel, and a saw mill. However, the interiors of these structures are atypical of traditional dwellings and establishments. Features such as walls, floors and ceilings tend to be arbitrarily constructed; houses have been observed to have rooms with no doors, non-level floors (one dwelling is constructed with a \"floor\" at a 37\u00b0 angle), ceilings of a height of 1 m or less, etc. Furniture and household items typical of the period are also present, but are arranged haphazardly (in several cases, chairs and beds have been observed nailed to walls and ceilings). Other buildings contain no features inside, while the \"barn\" merely covers an open shaft extending to a depth of 120 m.\nThe land area comprising SCP-518 is gradually undergoing conversion into a sinkhole, and is currently experiencing subsidence at a rate of approximately 2-3 m per SCP-518-1 event. Current projections estimate that SCP-518 will be completely submerged by the local water table after 25-30 additional SCP-518-1 events.\nBelow is a partial transcription of SCP-518-1:\n\nThis is the last Will and Testament of me, Asa Rutledge of Grett's Hollow, Kentucky1 made this eleventh day of February one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. I bequeath no material possessions, having none.\n[DATA REDACTED]\nThough my soul be condemned to Hell for what happened here, I direct that my final wishes be carried out in full.\nThis place and all that happened here shall be forgotten by Man and buried under the Earth until the Day of Judgment. Though nothing is hidden from the Almighty, this being the only atonement I can now offer, I will it thus.\nBy the power left to me, which I pray is still sufficient to this task, let this testament be the means to conceal my shame, and let the tools of remembrance be turned to the act of forgetting. May Providence hasten the vanishing of this place from the Earth.\n\nSince the establishment of containment, the Foundation has documented 15 spontaneous changes in the composition of SCP-518 that can be reasonably traced to the reading of SCP-518-1. Of these incidents, 13 have occurred under controlled research conditions.\n\n+ Exploration Log 518-1\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nExploration Log 518-1: Upon initial containment in February of 1992 and the establishment of Remote Observation Site-18, staff undertook an initial exploration of SCP-5182. A team consisting of four D-Class personnel was dispatched to the site, equipped with two-way radios, flashlights, water, emergency rations, crowbars, and a camcorder. Dr. Lupe Carmona, then the Research Director for SCP-518, supervised the exploration from Remote Observation Site-18. Selected transcripts are reproduced below:\n\nDr. Carmona: Supplies have been checked and accounted for, all personnel present. D-32995, do you read me?\nD-32995: Copy.\nDr. Carmona: Time is 1405 hours. Please proceed to the first structure in your field of view. D-94237, please keep the camcorder trained to your front in order to maintain our video feed.\nD-94237: Copy.\nVideo feed shows exploration team proceeding to an SCP-518-A structure resembling a house. Team reaches the front door, and attempts to enter. Door is locked.\nD-32995: It won't budge.\nDr. Carmona: You are authorized to force entry.\nD-22343 and D-94237 force door open with crowbars.\nD-32995: It's pretty dark in there.\nDr. Carmona: Illuminate the area and get video of the interior.\nFlashlights from off camera reveal that the interior of the structure is typical of a structure of the apparent time period, with the exception of a dresser mounted on the ceiling, and a floor sloping at a pronounced angle towards the southern wall.\nD-94237: You seeing this?\nDr. Carmona: Affirmative. Please proceed carefully into the house and document the surroundings.\nAfter 6 minutes and 58 seconds of visual documentation, a small door in the northwest corner of the structure is visible in the floor.\nDr. Carmona: D-48983, please open the door in your field of view and document your findings.\nD-48983: Copy.\nD-48983 opens the hatch in the floor. After other exploration members illuminate the opening, a crawl space is revealed to be accessible through the hatch.\nDr. Carmona: D-48983 and D-22343, please proceed into the space in front of you.\nD-22343: \u2026I dunno, man, I think-\nDr. Carmona: Please proceed into the space in front of you.\nD-22343: Co\u2026copy.\nD-22343 and D-48983 take the camcorder and their flashlights into the crawl space. All indications are that it is an ordinary crawl space until D-22343 pauses.\nDr. Carmona: You've stopped. Have you found anything?\nD-22343: There's holes all over the place in here, almost sprained my damn ankle.\nDr. Carmona: Please describe what you're seeing in detail.\nD-22343: There's\u2026there's a bunch of little\u2026rectangular holes in the dirt here. About\u202650 cm or so long? Maybe a little bigger. Narrow.\nDr. Carmona: Is there anything in the holes?\nD-22343: Hold on, lemme take a look\u2026um, it's uh\u2026what is that?\nD-48983 positions the camcorder over D-22343's shoulder. D-48983 appears to be handling an undetermined object while crouched over a hole.\nDr. Carmona: What are you handling? Please refrain from any unnecessary forensic contamination.\nD-22343: It's uh\u2026it's nothing. There's nothing in any of these.\nDr. Carmona: I don't believe it's necessary to remind you of the terms of your-\nD-48983: It's nothing. There's nothing in here.\nDr. Carmona: \u2026please spend another few minutes documenting this space, and then proceed to the next staging point.\nVideo feed indicates that the floor of the crawl space is filled with dozens of holes corresponding to D-22343's description. D-48983 and D-22343 then rejoin the other exploration members without incident and leave the structure.\nVideo feed is turned off until the exploration team reaches the \"church\" structure then present at SCP-518. Dr. Carmona orders the team to proceed inside, where they discover an entirely empty structure. The exploration team documents the interior until D-32995 pauses at the southwestern wall.\nDr. Carmona: D-32995, do you have an observation?\nD-32995: There's some writing on the wall over here. Hey, get that camcorder over here.\nDr. Carmona: Is the writing legible?\nD-32995: Mostly, it's kind of smudged in some places, looks like it's written in soot. Here, let's get the video feed in here.\nCamcorder is brought to the writing, identified later as an instance of SCP-518-1.\nD-32995: \"This is the last will and testament of me,\"\u2026not sure what this is.\nDr. Carmona: Please transcribe it as best you can.\nD-32995: Copy that.\nD-32995 attempts to copy down SCP-518-1 on a small notepad. Discussion occurs between D-32995, D-22343 and D-94237 as to possible word choices for smudged portions of the original text. After approximately twenty-five minutes, D-32995 finishes writing and appears to read his notes. A low rumbling sound immediately starts, and the camcorder appears to start shaking.\nD-94237: What? What the hell? What's going on?\nD-22343: Shit!\nDr. Carmona: What's happening in there?\nD-22343: We gotta get out of here! Now! Now!\nDr. Carmona: Permission to abort denied. Stand by and-\nD-48983 can be heard in the background to be softly laughing. An unidentified member of the exploration team starts screaming. A loud crashing noise is heard before audio and video contact is lost.\nDr. Carmona: D-32995! Do you read? What's going on in there? Do you read?\nEND TRANSCRIPT\n\nFootnotes\n1. Recovered records from Jessamine County, Kentucky confirm an individual of that name and time period; however, no records of such a location exist at this time\n2. At the time, SCP-518 consisted of nine structures, and included a church and a schoolhouse that do not currently exist. The saw mill structure and two current houses had not yet manifested.\n\n\u00ab SCP-517 | SCP-518 | SCP-519 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-519\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-519 is to be kept in a standard storing room 5x5 m in size. It must not be connected to a phone line unless experiments are being performed.\nDescription: SCP-519 is a Model 7 Southwestern Bell phone box with heavy graffiti, serial number \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Its displayed phone number matches that which it would have if it were in service. It was recovered from an abandoned mall in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Missouri, following rumors of a talking telephone box.\nWhen the handset is lifted, the user is greeted (with variations according to season and time of day) by a voice asking for the correspondent's name or phone number. The voice is of indeterminate gender, though most users perceive it as belonging to the opposite gender. Dialing the desired number instead of speaking into the handset causes the voice to become petulant. Any person may be requested, as long as a phone connection to a phone dedicated to that person can be reasonably established. Phones called may include blacklisted numbers and similar phones that are not supposed to receive calls etc., should that be the only phone used by the person on a regular basis. Once a number (with the exception of 1-800, 911 etc.) or person has been requested the appropriate rate (which are accurate as of 19\u2588\u2588, when the mall was abandoned) will be demanded before further actions. Vocabulary and speech patterns of the voice vary greatly, but appear to roughly match those of the user, with a few exceptions.\nDuring the entire conversation, the user will never directly hear the person they have called, instead having their speech reported by the voice. Conversations appear normal from the other end of the line, with speech addressed to the SCP not heard. What is heard, however, might not reflect the exact words used by the speaker. The voice will often comment profusely on the intent of either speakers, and even mock the user in a \"devil/angel on the shoulder\" fashion. Its overall personality varies from sarcastic and misleading in reporting to bubbly and ridiculously willing to trust the interlocutor. Interrogating the voice itself makes it grow increasingly aggressive in its refusal to answer (always along the line of \"I'm only there to repeat what people say!\") until the conversation is cut and a \"busy line\" tone begins playing at deafening level. Hitting or damaging the box will lead to the same result, although it has displayed the ability to discern whether or not the speaker is responsible for such actions.\nOnly well-defined persons or numbers are accepted; random or purposefully invented names will fail (but not, for example, reading a random name from a phone book). One can request family members by relation rather than name (\"My mother\", \"my cousin\"), and even if there are several possible the intended recipient will be called. Requests such as \"that girl I met yesterday\", unless a number or name are known, will be sneered at by the voice. Requests for fictional characters will lead variously to the phone reaching actors who prominently played the character, homonyms, or the creator of the character. Calls can only be done to a phone line that can be described as \"normal\" for that person, such as a house phone, cell phone, or office work, although the line being blacklisted is not an impediment: phone calls have carried through strictly internal systems on several occasions. Similarly, SCP-519 appears able to bypass all automated phone systems, to the point of immediately connecting to the desired department of a company even if only the phone number was requested. It is also able to connect to phones in locations where no signal should be able to reach.\nAddendum 01 When requested to call SCP-145, SCP-519 retorted \"That line's occupied, dude. Always was.\" and refused to expound further.\nIncident 519a: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 unexpectedly requested a call to SCP-400-ARC, upon which the voice commented \"Ooooh, boy\u2026\" before apparently establishing a connection. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 immediately ended the experiment, and both were later disciplined when it was found that SCP-400-ARC had begun ringing at the same time the connection was established.\n\n\u00ab SCP-518 | SCP-519 | SCP-520 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photosynthetic\n\nSCP-520 - Knife Switch by Photosynthetic\n\nMore by this author\n\nItem#: 520\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\nsafe\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nkeneq\n\nRisk Class:\nnotice\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-520-1 and -2 are to be stored in an inanimate-item containment locker with standard positive-action defenses. Each object's handle is to remain perpendicular to its base. The handles and contacts must be secured with sturdy clamps made of insulating material.\nPoI-520-A and PoI-520-B are to remain in Foundation custody; as long as they do so voluntarily, they are to be accommodated comfortably without communications access. All electrical devices in each PoI's suite should be checked weekly for damage or modification. Should PoI-520-A and PoI-520-B agree to meet, they are permitted one hour of face-to-face or videoconference time per week.\nTests of SCP-520-2 should be conducted using the smallest possible active-zone setting. Both SCP-520-1 and SCP-520-2 must only be allowed to affect Foundation assets slated for disposal. Testing is currently suspended. See Incident 520-16.\nDescription: SCP-520-1 and SCP-520-2 are large quadruple knife switches constructed from wood, ceramic, and copper. A single unlabeled dial is mounted in SCP-520-2's base and a 48-character LED display is connected across its input contacts with insulated alligator clips.\nWhen connected to an electrical circuit, SCP-520-1 does not function normally to break or complete the circuit to which it is connected. Instead, it splices itself, briefly and remotely, into the primary power circuit of one randomly-selected electrical device within ten meters. Moving the handle from the ON to the OFF position breaks the power circuit, while moving it from OFF to ON completes the circuit, regardless of any other switches or current interruptors. Interruption or completion of the circuit is permanent: wires are physically broken, fuses bypassed, and switches shorted out. The surface of metal connections formed or broken by SCP-520-1 bears signs of extreme oxidation, often to a chemically implausible extent.\nSCP-520-2 functions like SCP-520-1, but its targets are selected randomly only from electronic devices inside its active zone that are members of its current selection class. The active zone's current radius is displayed on the left side of the LED display; it may be set to any value between between 5 m and 2,500 km using the dial in the object's base.\nThe selection class is a subset of electrical devices specified by a brief English phrase (see Addendum 520-6 for examples). The active selection class appears in the center of SCP-520-1's LED display, with a counter of remaining activations on the right. Each class is applied to exactly ten operations before a new one is chosen at random. If there are no members of the selection class inside the active zone, the counter does not decrement until a suitable device can be affected.\nOver 680 pages of assorted hard-copy documentation were recovered with SCP-520. They included eight technical papers on anomalous electrical engineering topics; two complete sets of construction diagrams for SCP-520-1, one annotated by hand to roughly resemble SCP-520-2; a set of meticulous step-by-step instructions for building a copy of SCP-520-1, written in the second person and sprinkled with personal and cultural references; and extensive handwritten notes on the process of constructing and modifying an SCP-520 instance.\nThe retrieved notes end abruptly partway through debugging an attempt to add programmable target-type specificity. Most handwriting in the documentation belongs to PoI-520-B, with occasional notes in PoI-520-A's hand. Many of the notes refer to an ongoing correspondence by phone and e-mail, records of which have not yet been retrieved.\nAddendum 520-1B: SCP-520-Related Persons of Interest\nPoI-520-A is Sylvia Lin, a 23-year-old human female formerly living in Syracuse, NY. She holds a recent B.Eng. in electrical engineering and claims proficiency in electronics manufacture, including certain anomalous techniques. She claims to have built SCP-520-2 with assistance from PoI-520-B, and professes considerable concern for PoI-520-B as a friend and mentor. She is largely cooperative with Foundation requests but remains reluctant to attempt to build new anomalous devices.\nPoI-520-B is Ester Pochazka, a 77-year-old human female born in Prague, Czech Republic and formerly living in Utica, NY. She is a retired electrical engineer with an established history of building anomalous electrical devices. She claims to have designed SCP-520-1, written the manuals and diagrams retrieved with the object, and provided the designs and documentation to PoI-520-A as part of a long-distance mentor-student relationship. Since containment, she has expressed no desire to contact PoI-520-A.\nShortly before being contained by the Foundation, PoI-520-B suffered minor ischemic brain damage as a result of pacemaker failure, with symptoms including partial retrograde amnesia. By studying her and PoI-520-A's notes since their containment, she has largely recovered her skills in electrical engineering. However, she claims confusion at the anomalous portions of the SCP-520 documentation, including her own writing, and is sharply skeptical of the basic principles described therein.\nAddendum 520-6: Sample Selection Classes\nThe following device selection classes, in reverse chronological order, have been observed since SCP-520 came into Foundation custody.\n\nFLUORESCENT CEILING LIGHT\nDOORBELL\nHONDA ACCORD POWER STEERING\nLIBRARY FIRE ALARM\nNEONATAL VENTILATOR\nSYNCHROTRON\nSAFETY CONTROL ROD ACTIVATION MECHANISM\nPACEMAKER\n\nIncident 520-16:\nOn 05/14/2016, researchers conducting routine experiments activated SCP-520-2 eleven times. The first ten activations affected Foundation-owned fluorescent lamps without incident; the tenth activation also changed the selection class to \"BOEING 747 AILERON ACTUATOR\". Since no aircraft were present in the effect radius, researchers took the opportunity to test SCP-520-2's function in the absence of suitable targets.\nWhen the switch was activated for the eleventh time, however, researchers noted only slight stiffness in the handle. Later examination showed that the force applied to move SCP-520-2's handle was first diverted to adjust its effect-radius selection dial and enlarge the active zone.\nSimultaneously, Qantas flight [REDACTED] was lost near Perth with all 532 passengers and crew. Foundation assets embedded with crash investigators successfully retrieved the airplane's relevant hydraulic flight control systems and confirmed all four aileron actuators to have been disabled by SCP-520.\nAll testing with SCP-520 has been suspended pending development of an alternate method of changing the object's selection class.\n\n\u00ab SCP-519 | SCP-520 | SCP-521 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-521\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-521 is to be stored in Secure Items Locker 15 at Site-39. The battery level of the GPS beacon attached to SCP-521 should be checked monthly, with a new module fitted as relevant. The steel plate covering the letter slot of SCP-521 is to remain in place outside of authorized testing.\nAfter activation, SCP-521 is to be retrieved from its new location and returned to storage with a new covering plate. SCP-521-1 onwards are to be held in Archive 4 of Site-39, with digital copies made available on the Foundation intranet. Access to these documents is not restricted (with the exception of SCP-521-27, see below).\nDescription: SCP-521 is a red postbox, of a design commonly used in the United Kingdom by Royal Mail. Retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, England, test results show SCP-521 does not differ in composition from a standard post box of the same design. SCP-521-X refers to the items received during activation of SCP-521, see below for more information.\nSCP-521-X are to be denoted numerically and stored per procedures above when retrieved.\nWhen a letter ('letter' here defined as a piece of paper contained within a suitable, addressed envelope) is inserted through the letter slot of SCP-521, the anomalous effects of the object will activate. No other items inserted into SCP-521 will cause activation of the object. All letters must be addressed from one (1) subject to another directly. Letters sent from a singular subject to a company or representative of a company do not cause SCP-521 activation, or vice-versa.\nUp to 24 hours after time of posting (regardless of stamp value used), the posted item will arrive at its destination, along with any other standard mail items. The postmark on the envelope is not that of the Royal Mail company, but one similar to [REDACTED]. However the original letter posted will not be found inside the envelope, instead replaced with an instance of SCP-521-X.\nSCP-521-X appear to be letters written during periods of conflict, often addressed from combatants to family members or friends. Comparison of historical records places the bulk of SCP-521-X items as occurring during World Wars 1 and 2, see Addendum 521-E for examples. An exception is SCP-521-27, see Addendum 521-7 for more information.\nA current theory suggests the items retrieved during testing are letters originally undelivered. Foundation researchers are currently attempting to trace possible relatives of the writers to verify this hypothesis.\nOnce a suitable letter has been posted and delivered, SCP-521 will disappear from its current position, and reappear elsewhere inside an urban location within 150km. Its current method of movement is unknown; however, any obstruction to the letter slot is removed during transit. No other parts of SCP-521 are affected during its transit. Any mail items posted between activation and delivery will be processed normally. After SCP-521 has completed a transition to another area, its effect will activate on the next suitable piece of mail.\nAddendum 521-E: Below are short excerpts from letters received during testing of SCP-521. Copies of the original letters are available to be viewed on the Foundation intranet.\nSCP-521-1\n\nI told you in my airgraph a little about the journey here. Of course, I must not mention place names or any vital details. The boat trip did not seem overlong in spite of the confined space and lack of anything really important to do, but for part of the trip I acted as one of the anti aircraft gunners, doing two four hour turns of watch duty in every twenty-four, one of these, of course, during the night.\n\nSCP-521-11\n\nDear Mum, Dad\nYou must by now be concerned, not having had a letter from me for such a long time. Well the news of the landings in Italy must by now be well known all over England, so I am able to tell you that about seventy lads including myself were drafted into the Foresters to make them up to strength for the assault at Salerno. We only knew that it was for real when a dive bomber shot at us in the landing craft.\n\nSCP-521-31 Redaction present on original letter.\n\nMy dearest Pammie,\nThank you for your letter, giving me all the news. I can now give you a little more news from this side.\nWe have just finished five weeks at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and are at the moment enjoying a rest by the Baltic coast, in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 area. We were given the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 job a couple of days after the place was captured and we stayed to burn the pestilential huts to the ground - about five weeks altogether.\n\nAddendum 521-27: During test SCP-521-D4, the retrieved letter was dissimilar to previous examples. Only a short fragment of text was recoverable from SCP-521-27 due to fire damage.\n\nVeronica, I send this letter as it may be my last. I'm passing it onto a civilian detachment headed away from the containment zone in the hopes it reaches you safely. I can't say much, but I just want you to know that I love you so much. I'm sorry for what has happened, I couldn't tell you before all this, but it's our faul-\n\nThe letter is written on the reverse of a Kellogg's 'Coco Pops' brand cereal box. The partial expiry date present gives an estimated production date of January 21\u2588\u2588. The date of the letter's writing is currently unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-520 | SCP-521 | SCP-522 \u00bb"} {"text": "A section of SCP-522\n\nItem #: SCP-522\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-522 should be kept in an airtight room, with adequate light sources. Hazmat suits are strongly advised, as anyone leaving the room must go through a thorough decontamination process to prevent the potential spread of SCP-522.\nOnce every two weeks, one pig (or animal of equivalent body mass) is to be placed at the center of SCP-522.\nExcept for purposes of experimentation, at no point should any person stand on SCP-522 while alone inside the enclosure. For this reason, all personnel entering SCP-522's containment room should be accompanied by another person.\nDescription: SCP-522 appears to be a square swatch of red carpet, approximately 3.5 meters on each side. However, when a human being stands atop it, SCP-522 wraps itself around the victim with surprising speed. Once the victim has been completely enfolded, thousands of hair-like protrusions extend from the surface of the carpet and dig into the victim's skin, quickly draining them of blood over the next \u2588 minutes. After draining the victim's blood SCP-522 unwraps and attempts to return to its original position, leaving the blanched victim in a heap at its center.\nFurther investigation into the structure of SCP-522 indicates that it is a normal, red carpet that has been infested by a previously unknown form of fungus or slime-mold. This raises the possibility that there may be other \u2018copies' of SCP-522 in the wild, and necessitates the decontamination procedures to prevent any accidental spreading of spores on-site.\nFurthermore, the red coloring of the carpet is simply just that: the color of the carpet, having nothing to do with the organism or the task it performs. Theoretically, SCP-522 could live in a carpet of any color, undetected to the naked eye.\nOf additional note, SCP-522 appears to possess a rudimentary amount of intelligence: if another individual is present within the room, it will not \u2018attack', unless it is in a position to overwhelm both people at once. Current observations show that it is also patient. How long it can go without feeding is currently unknown. (See Experimental Log for more details)\nSCP-522 was discovered during a murder investigation in the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588,\u2588\u2588, when one of the investigating officers fell prey to its effects. The mysterious coincidence of two people being utterly drained of blood within the same building prompted the Foundation to investigate, at which point SCP-522 was discovered.\nThe Foundation is currently assessing the viability of using SCP-522 as a covert assassination tool. Research into \u2018breeding' additional copies of SCP-522 pending approval.\n\nExperimental log\nExperiment 1: One (1) D-class personnel, placed on the center of SCP-522.\nResults: Once security left the room, the SCP-522 immediately wrapped up and around the subject. Subject could be seen thrashing through the underside of the carpet. Total exsanguination occurred after \u2588 minutes, at which point the carpet released the drained victim and returned to its original state.\nExperiment 2: Two (2) D-class Personnel, both placed at the center of SCP-522:\nResults: SCP-522 engulfed both subjects. Total exsanguination occurred after \u2588 minutes\nExperiment 3: Two (2) D-class Personnel, one placed at the center of the SCP-522, the other placed at the exterior edge.\nResults: Even after security left the room, SCP-522 remained in its dormant state. Experiment terminated after 6 hours of no activity.\nExperiment 4: Two (2) D-class Personnel, one placed at the center of the SCP-522, the other placed off SCP-522 entirely\nResults: Even after security left the room, SCP-522 remained dormant. Experiment terminated as per previous.\nExperiment 5: One (1) D-class Personnel, placed at the center of SCP-522. SCP-522 fastened to floor with carpet staples\nResults: SCP-522 rips upwards with surprising force, pulling carpet staples from floor. Total exsanguinating occurred in same time span as Experiment 1. Carpet attempted return to dormant state, but staples remained free.\nExperiment 6: One (1) D-class Personnel, placed at the center of SCP-522. A heavy desk was placed at the exterior edge.\nResults: SCP-522 pulled itself out from under the desk and engulfed the subject. After draining subject of all blood, it managed to wedge itself back into its original position, slipping beneath the desk.\nExperiment 7: One (1) rat, placed at the center of SCP-522.\nResults: SCP-522 engulfed the rat, total exsanguination occurred in \u2588 seconds.\nNote from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\nYou mean we could have been using animals all along? Damnit. Disposing of the remains would have been much easier if I'd known that earlier!\nExperiment 8: Two (2) rats, one placed at the center of SCP-522, the other placed at the opposite side of the enclosure, acting as an \u2018observer'.\nResults: SCP-522 engulfed the rat placed upon it, despite the presence of the \u2018observer' rat.\nNote from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Curious. The only difference between Experiment 4 and Experiment 8 are the species of the subjects in question, yet we see two totally different results! This bears further investigation.\nExperiment 9: One (1) rat, placed at the center of the SCP-522. One (1) D-class personnel placed off to the side, acting as an \u2018observer'.\nResults: SCP-522 remains inert.\nExperiment 10: One (1) D-class personnel, placed at the center of SCP-522. One (1) rat, placed off to the side as an \u2018observer'.\nResults: Total exsanguination occurred in \u2588 minutes, \u2588 seconds. It seems to be getting faster.\nNote from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It appears SCP-522 is able to determine whether or not a \u2018person' is in the immediate vicinity. How it makes the determination as to when it is \u2018safe' to act has yet to be determined, but it does not seem to \u2018realize' that we're observing it with the cameras.\nEND EXPERIMENTAL LOG\n\n\u00ab SCP-521 | SCP-522 | SCP-523 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-523\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-523 is kept in a sealed room separate from the rest of the Site-19 complex. The room is set to self-destruct in the event of an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario to prevent SCP-523 from worsening the situation. The walls of the room have been laced with two (2)-millimeters of lead, in the hopes that SCP-523 will be unable to escape once again (see below).\nSCP-523 is to be removed from containment for experimental purposes only and doing so requires permission from Level 3 personnel or higher. Personnel experimenting on SCP-523 should be accompanied by at least one person able to receive low-frequency telepathic signals. Personnel in the presence of SCP-523 are instructed to alert one another before blinking. Performing dangerous experiments on SCP-523 is strongly discouraged. Removing SCP-523 for practical use is strictly prohibited.\nDescription: SCP-523 does not have a consistent physical form, nor does it have any distinguishing marks by which it can be identified. It does however emit a low-frequency telepathic signal which persons capable of detecting describe as \"a dull ringing sound.\" This signal can be used to locate SCP-523 if it \"escapes.\" This frequency is also assumed to be the source of SCP-523's ability to short out electronic recording devices such as video cameras and blank out camera film.\nSCP-523 is able to \"jump\" across short distances while unobserved and disguise itself as any inanimate object, mechanical or otherwise. SCP-523 will disguise itself as an object that a nearby human is likely to make use of shortly. Once the human has picked up, drawn their attention to, prepared, activated, or otherwise demonstrated that they are going to make use of the object, SCP-523 will tranform into a different object unusable or utterly inappropriate for the task at hand. These transformations can only occur if SCP-523 is unobserved, but can occur in the blink of an eye.\nSCP-523's transformations are immediate and usually extend beyond uselessness and into irony. Transformations range from extremely impractical to outright dangerous, including instances of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Lead appears to prevent it from jumping out of a room, but does not prevent it from transforming. It has jumped from containment multiple times and disguised itself as mundane but useful objects. Several accounts of such follow:\nDocument #: 523-01\nVictim: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDisguise: Scalpel\nEvent: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was preparing to perform a delicate autopsy on recently-deceased D\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had been killed by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. He asked his assistant to hand him a scalpel. When he looked back at the body, he felt a sudden increase in weight from the hand holding the scalpel. When he looked at his hand, he found he was holding a chainsaw.\nDocument #: 523-02\nVictim: Dr. Willis\nDisguise: A pitcher of water\nEvent: Dr. Willis was on break in one of the on-site rec rooms when a fire broke out due to someone forgetting to take the foil off their baked potato before microwaving it. Dr. Willis grabbed the pitcher and, not noticing the liquid inside had changed colors after he picked it up, doused the flames in the liquid which turned out to be gasoline. Dr. Willis was taken in for treatment of 2nd- and 3rd-degree burns.\nDocument #: 523-03\nVictim: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (deceased)\nDisguise: Regulation Foundation Pistol\nEvent: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, along with a team of D-Class personnel had been assigned to oversee an experiment on SCP-682 in which [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-682 became enraged and began attacking the personnel. When Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reached for his pistol, he was surprised to produce a ring of keys. It was later discovered that the blades of the keys were all dull, and unfit to open any door.\nNote: Since it seems that SCP-523's transformations are more or less proportional to the gravity of the situation it is being used for, it is imperative that it be destroyed immediately in the event of an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario, as it may turn into something that would further exacerbate the situation. Like the Sun. -Dr. Willis\n\n\u00ab SCP-522 | SCP-523 | SCP-524 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-524\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedure: As it has a benign nature, little security is needed for this SCP. More commonly known as \"Walter\", SCP-524 must be kept under surveillance in order to prevent accidental damage to any vital material within the site. Whilst not under the direct care of a personnel member, SCP-524 may be kept in a specially designed pen, roughly 5 by 5 meters, with sensors placed within to notify SCP-524's current keeper of any escapes. Due to its abilities, there are no specific diets to be assigned to this SCP.\nDescription: SCP-524 is a common white rabbit, of the species Oryctolagus cuniculus. It can be identified by its white fur with symmetrical black markings on its body.\nSCP-524 has shown the ability to be able to consume any material, regardless of edibility. It eats in the same fashion as any other member of its species, though it can eat substances that are not only inedible, but dangerous. SCP-524 has been recorded chewing through wood, steel, glass, and in one instance, several kilos of radioactive material. SCP-524 shows no adverse effects from anything it has consumed.\nDespite the obvious paradox involved, SCP-524 has been known to fully consume its own body. It begins by chewing on its tail, slowly eating up past the hind legs, and up towards its head. When it reaches up past its front legs and neck, SCP-524 somehow manages to flip its entire mouth inside-out, consuming its entire head, and disappearing completely. Roughly thirty minutes later, SCP-524 reappears near the spot it had eaten itself, completely whole. It is essentially unharmed by the process.\nAddendum: SCP-524 was discovered during a major blackout in August of 20\u2588\u2588. It had disrupted a large power plant by chewing through several reactors and was discovered nibbling on a large wire.\n\n\u00ab SCP-523 | SCP-524 | SCP-525 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-525\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Outside of testing conditions, the individual components of SCP-525 must be stored in separate sealed containers. No more than six components may be stored in the same room or within 15 meters of each other. All currently-existing components are accounted for at Storage Site-23 in lockers \u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588.\nOnly Class D personnel are authorized to handle SCP-525. All supervising staff must wear protective eyewear during testing.\nDescription: SCP-525 consists of multiple disjoined arthropod legs, 10-15 cm in length. DNA identification has been inconclusive, but the closest match so far is to the brown recluse spider Loxosceles reclusa. The base of each leg ends in several minute hooks capable of perforating flesh. SCP-525 is covered in short, fine hairs, and is quite brittle.\nWhen alone or in proximity with fewer than six others, SCP-525 is inert. When eight components of SCP-525 are brought within range of each other (approx. 0.6m), the legs will immediately crawl into a group and attach themselves into a single entity, referred to as 525-1. At this stage, the speed of its locomotion greatly increases, and it will attempt to make contact with the closest human or similar (see Addendum #525-A).\nWhen a suitable animal is found, 525-1 will climb directly towards the animal's eye. Having centered itself over a socket, four legs will secure the eyelid while the others extract the eye. Despite 525-1's rapid movements, extreme care is taken not to damage the eye during the extraction, [DATA EXPUNGED] severing the optic nerves and central retinal vein. Once the eye is free from the original owner's socket, 525-1 will implant the base of each leg into the eye. Close inspection shows that the hooks at the base extend, effectively rooting the leg in position.\nIf allowed to remain, 525-1 will lay what appear to be eggs in the socket of its host before climbing off (see Document #525-A).\nWhen in possession of an eye, 525-1 is no longer hostile and its movement is somewhat impeded. Curiously, 525-1 does not respond to visual stimuli, suggesting that it does not use the eye for sight. Dissection of a chimpanzee eye taken by 525-1 and retained for a period of one week revealed the formation of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Over time, the eye dehydrates, eventually turning the same reddish colour as SCP-525. After 2-3 weeks, 525-1 will abandon the eye and begin to search for another.\nAddendum #525-A: 525 responds to most large- to moderate-sized mammals. Reptiles, fish, and birds have provoked little response. When exposed to Crocodylus acutus, 525-1 attempted extraction, managing to blind the animal but otherwise failing. Thereafter, all instances of 525 have not responded to crocodiles, even those not present at the initial experiment.\nDocument #525-A: Observation log of Subject D-1548 after exposure to 525-1. Report compiled by Dr. Weiss, dated \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588.\n\nWeek 1: Medical staff on hand attend to D-1548. Fourteen ovoids resembling opaque toad eggs discovered embedded in the extraocular muscles. Three are removed and sent to the research lab. D-1548 placed under quarantine.\nWeek 2: D-1548's injury is healing as normal. Eggs show marginal swelling. D-1548 does not display unusual discomfort. Eggs stored in the lab have deliquesced.\nWeek 3: D-1548 complains of increasing \"phantom pressure\" in the socket. D-1548 demands a mirror to inspect the injury (request denied). Muscle tissue has healed over and obscured the eggs.\nWeek 4: D-1548 forcefully removes bandages and attempts to dig into the socket; is successfully restrained. 24 days after initial exposure, eleven fully-formed components of SCP-525 erupt from D-1548's socket and begin to coalesce [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-524 | SCP-525 | SCP-526 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-526\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Armed Containment Area-31 has been established in a 15 km radius around SCP-526-1, which has been officially designated as a military weapon testing site and proving ground with a no-fly zone in effect. A company-sized element is stationed at Station 526-Alpha to observe and contain the appearance of anomalous subjects from SCP-526-1 and is authorized to use deadly force in self-defense or in order to contain SCP-526.\nApproximately 30 minutes before dawn, all containment teams must be at full alert and must remain on alert until sunset or such time that all instances of SCP-526-2 have been terminated or otherwise rendered harmless. In case of overwhelming hostile contact, additional reinforcements may be requested by ACA-31 Command from Mobile Task Force Sigma-9 (\"Valkyries\"), including artillery strikes and close air support if necessary.\nDescription: SCP-526-1 is a hill in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Norway, centered at \u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0N, \u2588.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0E. SCP-526-1 is easily identified by a ring of nine (9) stones approximately 2 meters in height, with numerous runes inscribed on their inward surface and placed in a 10 meter radius centered on the top of the hill.\nEvery day at sunrise (\u00b115 minutes), a group of individuals will appear on SCP-526-1, designated SCP-526-2, fully armed and combat-ready. These individuals usually appear to be temporally displaced, but all individuals within a single instance of SCP-526-2 will be from the same time period and appear to in fact be from the same military unit. Instances of SCP-526-2 have numbered from ten to three hundred, and have varied from primitive humans armed only with stone weapons to modern special forces units with sophisticated equipment.\nSCP-526-2 will typically fortify themselves on or around SCP-526-1, and in 92% of instances will simply remain stationary until sunset. In the remaining instances, SCP-526-2 will move away from SCP-526-1 and attempt to attack any individuals they encounter. Even when SCP-526-2 is stationary, however, SCP-526-2 will attack anyone attempting to approach SCP-526-1. Armed containment teams are stationed on-site to observe SCP-526-1 and engage SCP-526-2 in case of aggression.\nImmediately after sunset, all instances of SCP-526-2 will disappear, whether alive or dead.\nSCP-526 came to the Foundation's attention on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 after three individuals were hospitalized after being attacked by \"a bunch of Vikings with axes\". Class A amnestics were administered to the witnesses and additional reports have been attributed to delusional intoxication.\nAddendum 526-01: Notable Incident Log for SCP-526\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588/199\u2588\nDetails: Approximately 40 archers, probably English nationality, wielding longbows and swords. One containment team member wounded during reconnaissance.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588/199\u2588\nDetails: A group of 30 men, dressed in animal skins and wielding stone axes and clubs. Attacked Site 526-Alpha and were terminated via automatic weapons fire. No Foundation casualties sustained.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588\nDetails: A platoon of 20 soldiers, Russian nationality, armed with rifles and wearing uniforms identified as being standard in the World War II era. Traded fire with recon team, resulting in 2 casualties, but otherwise remained stationary around SCP-526-1.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588\nDetails: A group of approximately 30 personnel armed with [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED], identified as members of Mobile Task Force [REDACTED], all declared KIA on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588 while attempting to re-contain SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Attempts to communicate with personnel failed and containment teams sustained 3 KIA and 11 WIA before MTF Sigma-9 reinforcements arrived and SCP-526-2 was suppressed with sustained support fire from Foundation AC-130 Gunship \"Thor's Hammer\".\n\n\u00ab SCP-525 | SCP-526 | SCP-527 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-527 - Mr. Fish\n\n\u25b8 More by this Author \u25c2\n\n{$comments2}\n\nF.A.Q.\n\n{$doesthisfixthebug}\n\nItem#: 527\n\nLevel1\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\nnotice\n\nlink to memo\n\nSCP-527.\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-527 is to be contained within a standard humanoid domicile at Site-19. No other containment procedures are necessary.\nDescription: SCP-527 is a male humanoid, 1.67m in height, which is biologically non-anomalous, with the exception of its head, which is that of a Puntius semifasciolatus, or gold barb fish.\nSCP-527 displays no other anomalous qualities. The head of SCP-527 functions the same as the head of any other non-anomalous human. SCP-527 is capable of typical human speech. A tattoo reading \"Mr. Fish, from Little Misters \u00ae by Dr. Wondertainment\" appears on the bottom of its left foot.\nDiscovery: SCP-527 was discovered in Boston by Foundation agents in 2002, and was moved to Site-19 in 2004.\nAddendum 527.1: Initial Interview\n\n[BEGIN LOG]\nDr. Baker: Thank you for your cooperation thus far, SCP-527. We're just using this interview as a way to gauge any potential anomalous behavior we might not expect.Dr. Baker: To begin, are you capable of breathing underwater?Dr. Baker: Are you capable of communicating with other fish, or with other sea-based lifeforms?Dr. Baker: I see. When did you first discover your condition? Were you by any chance attacked or bitten by a fish you did not recognize, or experience an encounter with a sea-based deity of some kind?Dr. Baker: Uh\u2026 well, then you've been like this since birth?Dr. Baker: I\u2026 alright. Do you know of any other anomalous traits you might exhibit?Dr. Baker: Do you\u2026 have any idea why your creator might have fashioned you in this\u2026 way?[END LOG]\n\nAddendum 527.2: Recovered Document\nNote: When asked, SCP-527 was able to produce the following document.\n\n+ Show document\n\n- Close document\n\nWow! You've just found yourself your very own Little Mister, a limited edition collection from Dr. Wondertainment!\nFind them all and become Mr. Collector!!\n01. Mr. Chameleon\n02. Mr. Headless\n03. Mr. Laugh\n04. Mr. Forgetful\n05. Mr. Shapey\n06. Mr. Soap\n07. Mr. Hungry\n08. Mr. Brass\n09. Mr. Hot\n10. Ms. Sweetie\n11. Mr. Life and Mr. Death\n12. Mr. Fish \u2714\n13. Mr. Moon\n14. Mr. Redd (discontinued)\n15. Mr. Money\n16. Mr. Lost\n17. Mr. Lie\n18. Mr. Mad\n19. Mr. Scary\n20. Mr. Stripes\n\n\u00ab SCP-526 | SCP-527 | SCP-528 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-528\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All items designated SCP-528 are to be kept inside of their individual containers when not in use. In the case of a missing or damaged container, a new, non-individualized container will be commissioned. All containers of SCP-528 are to be kept in secure storage locker Z-12 at Site 23. Senior Staff at Site 23 are to be given the combination to said locker. No one of lower class than 3 is approved to work on SCP-528. The combination is to be changed on a weekly basis.\nDescription: There are currently seven instances of SCP-528 in Foundation control. SCP-528 can be found in small, red, plastic containers, visually identical to those used by the Silly Putty Corporation, except that the Silly Putty logo has been replaced by \"The Factory.\"\nSCP-528 appears to be an inorganic polymer, composed of 65% dimethyl siloxane (hydroxyl-terminated polymers with boric acid), 17% silica (crystalline quartz), 9% Thixatrol ST (castor oil derivative), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerine, and 1% titanium dioxide. While similar to common Silly Putty, SCP-528 has several differences. It has proven to be completely resistant to tearing, although indentation and apparent cuts are possible. When formed into a ball and thrown, SCP-528 bounces twice as much as the regular kind.\nThe main difference, however, is that SCP-528 is capable of copying any picture of a human being it is pressed upon, no matter if ink is involved. It can retain an image from paper, photopaper, even from a television or computer screen. Once an image has been placed on SCP-528, the only ways to remove it are to crumple SCP-528 into a ball, or to apply rubbing alcohol.\nAny actions taken upon SCP-528 affect the individual pictured as well, usually resulting in the death of the pictured individual.\nTest 1\nSCP-528 applied to picture of D-528-1. Pressure applied to SCP-528, causing the image's arm to stretch. D-528-1 screamed in pain, his own arm stretching one inch per centimeter the image was stretched. Detailed X-rays reveal bones and flesh of D-528-1 to have been [DATA EXPUNGED]. At approximately five inches stretching of SCP-528, a gap formed in the image. D-528-1's arm came off at the same place, bloodlessly. Further testing revealed that while D-528-1 was still affected by SCP-528, his arm no longer was.\nTest 2\nSCP-528, still bearing the image of D-528-1, is doused in rubbing alcohol, in attempt to remove image. As alcohol is applied to parts of the image, analogous parts on D-528-1 vanish. When the torso is wiped away, D-528-1 ceases life functions. At this point, SCP-528 ceases to apply to D-528-1, and is cleaned with no further incidents.\nTest 3\nSCP-528 applied to image of D-528-2. SCP-528 is then crumpled into a ball, the image of D-528-2 on the inside. D-528-2 is condensed into a ball as well, however, his bones do not break, and subject continues to scream until his head is rolled into his abdomen. At this point it is believed subject suffocates, as SCP-528 stops applying to D-528-2. When unrolled flat, image of D-582-2 is no longer visible on SCP-528.\nTest 4\nSCP-528 applied to image of D-528-3. SCP-528 is then immersed in boiling water. D-528-3 begins to complain of the heat. After approximately 5 minutes, the image of D-528-3 on SCP-528 begins to run. D-528-3 begins to scream as he melts, flesh and bone both sagging equally. Testing is concluded when his nose melts over his mouth, blocking his breathing and leading to his suffocation.\nNote: Although clothes are duplicated in the transference of ink, they are not affected by SCP-528 in any way.\n\n\u00ab SCP-527 | SCP-528 | SCP-529 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-529\n\nItem #: SCP-529\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No special precautions have yet proven necessary. \"Josie\" is quite affectionate, and at this stage is free to move about the lower levels of the facility. Staff are not permitted to feed cheese to her - she will become distressed if not given sufficient cheese.\nDescription: SCP-529 is a small house cat (Felis catus) with grey tabby markings.\nParts of the animal to the rear of the end of the ribcage appear to be missing. The body terminates sharply as if sliced in two.\nIn spite of this, the animal has no health problems, and moves about as if its hindquarters were still in place. For example, walking takes place as usual, and some time after feeding the animal makes motions as if to void itself of waste matter.\nThe cross-section does not display the interior of the animal, but appears pure black to the eye, and absorbs all non-visible wavelengths of light. It is slightly yielding to the touch. Gentle stroking of this area sometimes yields a positive reaction (purring and so on) but more usually leads to the creature turning on the agent, claws at the ready. Those scratched have experienced no abnormalities.\nThe hind regions do not appear to be invisible - a cursory examination will show that there are no hindquarters. DNA testing has shown the animal to be female.\n\n\u00ab SCP-528 | SCP-529 | SCP-530 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-530\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No special precautions have yet proven necessary. \"Carl\" is very calm and friendly, and at this stage is free to move about the lower levels of the facility. \"Carl\" is free also to interact with SCP-529 as the two have proved non-hostile toward each other as well. Staff are not permitted to feed SCP-530 anything other than his approved food twice daily or his approved treats during training.\nDescription: SCP-530 appears to be a small dog in a constant state of physical alteration. Height typically varies between 20 cm and 30.5 cm at the shoulders. Width across the back typically varies between 7.5 cm and 18 cm. Length typically varies between 25.5 cm and 45.5 cm. Larger and smaller sizes have been recorded but are rare and do not last long.\nThe coat of SCP-530 is also in a state of constant change. To date, 467 different hues have been recorded, as well as an unidentified number of patterns.\nThe most extreme flux comes from the growth or absorption of additional limbs, noses, mouths, eyes, ears and other body parts. While these typically do not last longer than 24 hours, a 3rd eye located slightly left of center on the top of SCP-530's head has remained since approximately one half hour after its discovery.\nAddendum 530-203a: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 fed \"Carl\" a slice of deli ham of standard proportions in clear violation of dietary regimen. The resultant odor has been described variously as \"horrid\" and \"plant withering\". Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been reprimanded.\n\n\u00ab SCP-529 | SCP-530 | SCP-531 \u00bb"} {"text": "An example of an SCP-531 statue\n\nItem #: SCP-531\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-531 statues are effectively harmless when kept facing each other. When not being studied they are stored in matched pairs in the medium-security facility \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, placed in wall alcoves on opposite sides along a marble-lined hallway in an arrangement that approximates the circumstances where the original pair was found. The alcoves have sliding doors that can be closed via remote control to make it easier to approach them for maintenance or experimentation, or on those occasions when there are an odd number of statues in inventory. There are currently fourteen statues in inventory, numbered SCP-531-1 to SCP-531-14.\nIf it is anticipated that the Foundation will have an odd number of SCP-531 statues in inventory for an extended period of time (i.e., it is not a temporary condition resulting from an in-progress test), a D-class personnel should be assigned to ensure that all statues have a partner. It is better to do this in a controlled manner than risk an accidental exposure.\nDescription: SCP-531 consists of several paired sets of brass statues depicting stylized felines. The cats are in a seated posture, looking forward with ears raised in what is usually described as an 'attentive' expression. Each cat is 74.2 cm tall and is solid metal weighing 451.7 kilograms. Their eyes are inset with what appear to be polished tiger-eye stones that give an impression of luminescence, though they do not directly emit visible light.\nThe original pair of these statues was found by an archaeological expedition in a tomb near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Egypt, that dated to approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 B.C. The outer chamber of the tomb had been thoroughly looted in antiquity. The two SCP-531 statues were located in the passage leading to the inner chamber, in alcoves 54 cm above the floor on either side of the passage and facing each other across it. Although the passage was open, no looting had occurred beyond this point. The expedition's members experienced an extreme aversion to passing in between the two statues and it is speculated that this psychological barrier is what protected the inner chamber from prior looters.\nThe expedition managed to overcome this barrier through [DATA EXPUNGED] means and proceeded to retrieve the tomb's artifacts (no other SCP items were among them but they were later impounded at a Foundation facility anyway - see annex 531-B). The last items to be retrieved were SCP-531 themselves. One of the two statues was hoisted down from its alcove and crated for transport, with the plan being to crate the second one the next day. At some point during the night [REDACTED] went missing and a new replacement statue was found occupying the vacated alcove. The expedition decided to re-seal the tomb with these two statues remaining in their alcoves. The statue they had placed in a crate was taken with them to the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 institute, where another individual went missing and another new statue was found in storage paired with the original. It was at this point that Foundation staff retrieved both pairs of statues along with the other artifacts from the tomb.\nNote: Due to sloppy record-keeping by [REDACTED] (who was lost during early testing of SCP-531's properties) it is not known which two of the four statues impounded by the Foundation at that point were the 'originals'.\nProperties:\nWhen a pair of two SCP-531 statues are facing each other they produce a powerful suggestive effect preventing anyone passing between them. This is a psychological effect; no measurable physical force is generated. It is conjectured that this is the primary function of the statues, and in and of itself this effect is harmless.\nIf the line of sight between the two statues is broken, a more dangerous aspect of SCP-531's effects manifests itself. Observers will be drawn to meet the gaze of one of the orphaned statues themselves. Once the gaze is met by an observer he is unable to break eye contact without an effort of will beyond the capability of most people.\nThe trapped individual will feel a mental pressure forcing him to crouch down so that his eyes are level with the statue's. After several minutes in this pose the subject's body begins to slowly stiffen and become heavier as a transmutation effect takes hold, converting the subject into a duplicate SCP-531 over the course of approximately one hour. The subject remains aware throughout the process but will remain unable to break the statue's gaze. Once the physical transmutation has begun there is no known way to halt or reverse it.\nThe duplicate is an exact copy and produces the same effects as the original SCP-531 statues. It is unclear whether this duplicative effect was intended by whatever agency created the original SCP-531s or if it is a side effect of the powerful link between the two statues.\nFor the most recent round of experiment logs, see Experiment Log 531\nMemo 531-BB: Proposed use of SCP-531 for containment of other SCP items\nIt is proposed that SCP-531 statues could be put to use as part of Foundation security and containment measures. They could theoretically constrain the movement of sapient SCPs that physical barriers are ineffective against.\nFigure 531-BB-1 shows one hypothetical example of an arrangement of ten SCP-531 statues that should create a pentagonal \"cage\" approximately 6 meters in diameter that any entity affected by SCP-531 would be unable to exit. This has not yet been tested in practice. A hexagonal arrangement is also possible, but the experimentally-determined critical viewing angle leaves very little margin of error in this case.\nFigure 531-BB-2 depicts a segment of a \"fence\" of arbitrary length using the same angles as the pentagonal cage. A feature of this proposed design is that the SCP-531 units are mounted on platforms that can rotate 36 degrees, triggered simultaneously along the entire length of the fence. Triggering the rotation should cause all of the units to simultaneously \"switch partners\" to the unit immediately beside them, opening the entire perimeter. A fence with this design will require one SCP-531 unit for every 1.5 meters of length (using a maximum unit-to-unit distance of 5 meters). This same mechanism of rotating units can also be used with the pentagonal cage described previously.\nFigure 531-BB-3 shows a switchable gate arrangement utilizing a 90-degree rotation of four SCP-531 units. Alternately, a single pair of SCP-531 units could be used with retractable opaque barriers over the alcoves, much as is used in containment when individual units are removed from storage for testing. This alternative leaves the SCP-531s unpaired while the gate is open, however, which may prove to be a hazardous situation during long term use.\n\nFigure 531-BB-1: A pentagonal cage\nFigure 531-BB-2: A switchable fence\nFigure 531-BB-3: A switchable gate\n\n\u00ab SCP-530 | SCP-531 | SCP-532 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-532\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Standard bio-hazard containment procedures are to be followed for all research samples of SCP-532. Samples are to be kept at a constant temperature of -8\u00b0C. Any personnel encountering instances of SCP-532 outside of Foundation custody are to evacuate all outdoor areas immediately and contact Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-532 is a pathogenic bacteria most similar in composition to Pseudomonas oryzihabitans. SCP-532 shows an increased tolerance for low temperatures, showing peak reproductive rates at -25\u00b0C. The full tolerance range of SCP-532 is approximately -52\u00b0C to -5\u00b0. Furthermore, SCP-532 shows several mechanisms in order to cope with high temperatures.\nSeveral small flagella line the cell membrane, allowing SCP-532 to be carried by air currents into the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere. Due to a lack of energy source, SCP-532 will enter into a state of hibernation for an indefinite amount of time while in the atmosphere.\nSCP-532 will leave its hibernating state once it detects warm air currents coming from the troposphere. SCP-532 will then retract several of its flagella and descend into the troposphere. The heat provided by the troposphere generally causes several instances of SCP-532 to turn into a \"clump\", similar in view to a snowflake. If the heat provided by the troposphere is above 0\u00b0C, SCP-532 will typically die before reaching the Earth's surface. Instances of SCP-532 reaching any inorganic material or a non-exothermic organism will spread their flagella and be carried by air currents back into the upper stratosphere.\nSCP-532 is coated in a chemical that reacts with the lipids of an exothermic organism's cell membranes to create an endothermic reaction. This simultaneously kills nearby tissue and provides a suitable temperature for SCP-532 to reproduce. Victims of SCP-532 describe this in a similar manner to the cold felt when a snowflake makes contact with human skin.\nSCP-532 shows a tendency to break down and ingest the dermis, and will not enter the body until the surrounding dermis has been covered. SCP-532 will then enter the bloodstream, causing major damage to the circulatory system due to the freezing and subsequent crystallization of water molecules. Typically the victim will die of blood loss.\nFollowing the death of a host victim, SCP-532 will migrate back into the upper stratosphere.\nSCP-532 shows a 98% mortality rate if left untreated, 100% if SCP-532 is \"caught on the tongue\". Treatment of victims of SCP-532 may be conducted through exposure to water heated to 20\u00b0C or more; however, this results in massive tissue damage to affected areas. Extreme cases of SCP-532 infection may require amputation of affected limbs.\n\n\u00ab SCP-531 | SCP-532 | SCP-533 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-533\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-533 is to be kept around the neck of a display dummy in room 12B at the \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, storage facility.\nThe dummy itself needs no special properties, but it must be kept in a glass case with glass breakage sensors on each face. The case itself must rest on a scale.\nA computer is to monitor the breakage sensors and the scale at all times. If at any time the glass breaks or the weight of the case exceeds \u2588\u2588 kg, then Procedure 533-001 must be executed immediately.\nDescription: SCP-533 is a necklace, usually approximately 54 centimeters in length and 3 cm in width. While the necklace has been under Foundation observation, the length has varied between 51 cm and \u2588\u2588\u2588 cm (during the [DATA EXPUNGED].) The mass of the necklace varies between 804 g and \u2588\u2588 kg, but is typically close to 1.9 kg.\nAll metallic portions of the necklace have a dull gold finish and appear to be made of cheap metal. Permission for further testing of the metal fittings' resistance to physical damage is pending approval, but existing test data shows that the fittings are more resilient than they appear. The clasp is of a standard barrel type. Attached to each side of the clasp is a round metal fitting.\nMost of the mass of the necklace is the body of a snake. The snake body is in constant motion, \"emitting\" from one of the round fittings and \"sinking\" into the other at approximately 1.2 cm/s. The rate of emission does not seem to vary as much as the length and mass. The rate of absorption alters to accommodate changes in length. Since the Foundation acquired the necklace in 198\u2588, an estimated 12,000 km of snake body has appeared from one end of the necklace and disappeared into the other.\nThe snake body can be easily damaged by conventional means, but any flesh or fluids removed from the body will be drawn towards the \"sink\" fitting and eventually reabsorbed. This physical attraction is similar to magnetism except it does not increase in inverse proportion to distance from the fitting. Samples permanently lose their attraction if they are moved more than \u2588\u2588\u2588 cm from the necklace, and will not be reabsorbed even if brought into direct contact with the \"sink\".\nColoration, markings, and texture of the snakeskin change over time. Herpetological analysis of the markings suggests that if the necklace were the body of a snake, the type of snake indicated would not remain the same. Various types of snake have been observed, but most often SCP-533 appears to have the body of some type of constrictor. DNA testing of blood samples seems to support this hypothesis.\nTesting with D-class personnel indicates no adverse effects from wearing the necklace, although all test subjects expressed strong desire to remove the necklace as soon as possible. One such test subject had prior experience handling reptiles, but even he was uncomfortable handling SCP-533. He reported that it \"felt wrong,\" even though chemical analysis of skin samples shows no abnormalities.\nAddendum 533-001: SCP-533 is not to be removed from containment except for testing. Specifically, SCP-533 is not to be worn to social events, Foundation-sponsored or otherwise. \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 533-002: Considering the number of years we've had 533, it may seem unlikely that Procedure 533-001 will ever be needed. However, I must remind the incident response personnel in charge of 12B that if that procedure is ever required, then failure to execute it promptly and exactly could fill the building with snake blood within \u2588 hours. Unless you like drowning in reptile blood, I suggest you stop \"deferring\" Procedure 533-001 in your drill rotation. \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 533-003: SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has - for reasons it has declined to share - stopped drinking all types of reptile blood. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are currently under consideration as stopgap replacements for SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in Procedure 533-001. Until the new procedure is finalized, drills are suspended and I am to be paged if the measured mass of SCP-533 changes by more than \u2588%. \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 533-004: Images of SCP-533 have been redacted and purged following Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's discovery that the scale patterns of SCP-533 can be analyzed to reveal encoded messages. The redaction and purge was required because one of the decoded messages was discovered to be an accurate record of the movements of Foundation personnel during the week of 204\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-532 | SCP-533 | SCP-534 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-534\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-534-1, -2, and -3 are to be kept in a plastic covered, airtight containment chamber. Entrance to the containment chamber is to be conducted through a double airlock, the chamber of which is to be equipped with a high-grade disinfectant. With the exception of testing, all personnel entering SCP-534's containment chamber are to wear class three bio-hazard suits.\nDescription: Although the biological mechanisms behind their support are currently not fully understood, SCP-534 appears to be a collection of several different human blood cells and cell fragments that have increased in size several hundred times. The components of SCP-534 have been placed into three different classifications: SCP-534-1: erythrocytes, SCP-534-2: neutrophils, and SCP-534-3: thrombocytes. All samples of SCP-534 appear to have the ability to survive while \"floating\" in the air, and are affected by air currents. All concentrations of cells appear to match normal blood, with SCP-534-1 comprising approximately 97% of SCP-534. No instances of SCP-534 require nutrients.\nSCP-534-1 acts in a manner typical of normal erythrocytes and averages 1.7 mm in width. It will absorb oxygen from the surrounding air. Upon coming into contact with living cells of another organism, SCP-534-1 will actively diffuse oxygen into the organism. Due to SCP-534-1's large size, over-saturation is common. Allowing SCP-534-1 to enter or touch areas of living tissue may cause oxygen poisoning, resulting in death of the affected area. SCP-534-1 appears to have an indefinite lifespan.\nSCP-534-2 is typically 2.2 mm across and will perform phagocytosis upon any foreign organic material it comes into contact with. Air samples from SCP-534-2's containment area have shown them to be 99.9% pathogen free. Subjects entering areas containing large amounts of SCP-534-2 will report an itchiness in their skin due to SCP-534-2 destroying their epidermis. Continual exposure to SCP-534-2 will result in subjects being \"eaten alive\". SCP-534-2 dies normally. The remaining mass is eaten by other instances of SCP-534-2.\nSCP-534-3 is generally 0.5 mm across. It will release normal proteins upon becoming disturbed, causing several instances of SCP-534-1 to clot. Recorded sizes of clots have been up to 3 centimeters in length. Subjects who stay in an area with a large amount of SCP-534-3 and SCP-534-1 will become covered in clots within 1 hour. Inhaling SCP-534-1 and SCP-534-3 simultaneously is lethal. Like SCP-534-1, SCP-534-3 appears to have an indefinite lifespan.\nSCP-534 was originally discovered by Foundation personnel in Prometheus Labs' biology sector, with notes indicating its creation as \"a replacement for all blood transfusions.\" Although SCP-534-2 was multiplying rapidly, SCP-534-1 and SCP-534-3 are unable to reproduce and were in limited quantity. Currently there is no way of reproducing SCP-534-1 or -3, and personnel are advised to be careful in their handling.\n\n\u00ab SCP-533 | SCP-534 | SCP-535 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-535\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-535 is to be kept in a secure storage room at Site \u2588\u2588. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure. SCP-535 itself is to be placed in its own containment unit, a soundproofed lead-lined steel box of dimensions 4m x 4m x 4m and of thickness no less than 5cm at all points. SCP-535 is secured to a pedestal in its containment unit such that it is positioned in the centre of the box. No memetic-based SCPs are to come into contact with SCP-535. No liquid is to come into contact with SCP-535 except under controlled testing circumstances; to facilitate this, the containment unit should be sealed and contain backup dehumidification apparatus. SCP-535 should not be handled directly except under controlled testing circumstances. If the need to handle SCP-535 arises, it should only be performed by one personnel of level 3 clearance or higher, with no other individuals present in the immediate area and with mechanical apparatus to prevent being within 1m of SCP-535.\nSCP-535 is not to come in contact with other anomalies associated with information transfer, such as SCP-606.\nDescription: SCP-535 appears to be an ordinary 250mL borosilicate glass laboratory beaker. It was recovered from an abandoned storage facility in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, USA. SCP-535's origin has been traced to a glassware factory in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 owned by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation. Save its manufacture of SCP-535, no evidence of any extranormal activity has been found in relation to said factory or corporation.\nAll liquid touching the inner surface of SCP-535 will immediately transform into a pale, translucent liquid of viscosity 1.511 cP (approximately the viscosity of mercury) from hereon designated as SCP-535-1. Other forms of matter are not affected. Analysis of SCP-535-1 has revealed that it is composed of approximately 36% water; however, the remaining 64% encompasses 14 previously unknown substances. It is fit for human consumption (disregarding the non-chemical effects of SCP-535) and produces no visible reactions. When SCP-535-1 is poured out of SCP-535 and comes into contact with a solid or liquid surface, it instantaneously evaporates, leaving no discernible trace.\nWhen various forms of information storage or transmission comes within 1m of SCP-535-1, SCP-535-1 will 'activate' and change colour depending on the nature of the source. The following colours have been observed;\n\nRed - all digital media (computers, compact discs etc.)\nOrange - radio waves\nYellow - sound waves\nLime green - photographic film\nBlue - text and physical visual imagery (the precise hue of blue has been observed to change depending on the medium the text or images are transcribed on)\nPurple - magnetic tape\nWhite - the human brain\nBlack - [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nAnalysis of activated SCP-535-1 shows it to be chemically identical to inactivated SCP-535-1.\nSCP-535-1 appears to 'absorb' information from its surroundings. If activated SCP-535-1 is poured out of SCP-535, it will subsequently 'transmit' the data it has contained to whatever it lands on, if it is compatible in some way. For example, if activated SCP-535-1 comes into contact with a computer and is then poured onto a different computer, the information from the first computer will be copied to the second. If activated SCP-535-1 was poured onto any non-digital device in this case, there would be no effect. In both situations SCP-535-1 would evaporate and disappear. The amount of SCP-535-1 utilised appears to have no effect, and multiple 'transmissions' of data can be made by conserving the contents of SCP-535. Pouring activated SCP-535-1 on the device which initially activated it has no effect.\nThe various forms of electromagnetic waves able to activate SCP-535-1 will be retransmitted to the surroundings regardless of the object SCP-535-1 is poured on.\nPhysical text and images will be transcribed onto any solid surface in the areas where SCP-535-1 is poured onto (note that text displayed on a digital screen is considered digital media rather than print). This is invariably in the same medium the text was originally written in. Any large collection of text is usually unreadable, as it is resized to fit inside the area in contact with SCP-535-1 and only a relatively small amount of SCP-535-1 is available at any one time due to SCP-535's small size.\nWhen a living human comes within range of SCP-535-1, SCP-535-1 turns white. However, human memories and thoughts are not retransmitted with the same efficiency as other information. The effects of pouring active white SCP-535-1 onto another person are highly unpredictable. In benign situations, the subject may acquire a minor fact or memory. Far more common, however, is mental illness, including but not limited to schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder, severe anxiety or generalised hallucinations. Schizophasia is also a common effect. In the most extreme cases coma followed by death may occur. So far no pattern has been discerned as to the potential effects of active white SCP-535-1. Further testing with caution is warranted.\nThe mental contents of other beings do not affect SCP-535-1, with the exception of [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has suggested using the replicative properties of SCP-535 with regards to physical media to reproduce substances of value to the Foundation. This proposal has been approved by O5-2 and preliminary experimentation has been scheduled.\n\n\u00ab SCP-534 | SCP-535 | SCP-536 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-536\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-536 is to be maintained according to standard Foundation procedures. SCP-536 is not to be plugged into its power source except during authorized testing. Any personnel who wish to engage in research involving SCP-536 must submit an official request form to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, under whose supervision all tests are to be conducted.\nGravimetric, electromagnetic, and radiological sensors are to be placed on SCP-536's surface at one meter intervals. In the case of abnormal readings on any of these sensors, SCP-536 is to be deactivated immediately and removed from its power source.\nPersonnel are encouraged to repeatedly check calculations before activating SCP-536.\nDescription: SCP-536 is a \u2588\u2588 by \u2588 by \u2588\u2588 meter chamber, with a 50 centimeter square viewing window, 6 tunable dials with corresponding meters, and an electromagnetically sealed entryway. The entryway cannot be sealed or opened from the inside, and the dials will not respond unless the entryway is closed and sealed. The viewing window is opaque to electrons, nuclear particles, [REDACTED], and photons of energies above 1 keV.\nEach of SCP-536's dials alters the value of one of the fundamental physical constants within the chamber. The dials control, respectively, the speed of light 'c', the gravitational constant 'G', Planck's constant 'h', the fundamental charge 'e', and two other constants represented by the Greek letters lambda and theta (Memo: After testing, Foundation researchers have concluded that these two constants represent the coupling constants for the weak and strong interactions, respectively. See testing logs SCP-536-\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588). All constants are measured on their respective dials in modern SI units, with the exception of the dimensionless lambda and theta.\nExcept for the viewing window, SCP-536 is totally opaque to electromagnetic radiation and subatomic particles. No abnormal physical behavior has yet been observed outside the chamber during testing.\nRecovery Log: SCP-536 was recovered from the University of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Physics department, where it was installed in the research laboratories of Prof. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. After its identification as an SCP object, several agents were dispatched with a squad of Level-3 security personnel.\nPrior to recovery, Prof. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was either warned of Foundation actions or was able to recognize Foundation agents. Using a device Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 described as a [REDACTED], the Professor [DATA EXPUNGED]. He died in the resulting explosion. All references or records referring to SCP-536 had been destroyed before the arrival of any Foundation personnel.\nDetailed analysis of Prof. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's personal effects has revealed probable association with several anti-Foundation groups, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. As yet, it is unknown whether SCP-536 was manufactured by any of these groups, or if it has extraterrestrial, supernatural, or extratemporal origins.\nTesting Logs:\n\nTesting Log SCP-536-\u2588:\n0:30:34 Doctors \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588 enter the SCP-536 testing room.\n0:30:50 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 enters into SCP-536.\n0:30:56 SCP-536 entryway closed and sealed.\n0:31:10 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 instructs Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to lower the gravitational constant by a factor of one half. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 complies.\n0:31:15 - 0:31:58 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 jumps around the interior of SCP-536 under reduced gravity.\n0:32:10 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is instructed to return the gravitational constant to original levels.\n0:32:50 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 instructs Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to reduce the speed of light to approximately 100 meters per second. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 complies.\n0:32:55 As the speed of light begins to decrease, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 shrinks by approximately ten inches. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 abruptly returns the speed of light to its original value. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 returns to his original size.\nMemo: The Bohr radius is a quantity that determines the size of an electron's orbit around an atomic nucleus. It is inversely variable with both the speed of light, and the charge of the electron.\n0:33:10 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 reminds Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to account for the decrease in the Bohr radius by decreasing the fundamental charge unit by a corresponding factor. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 makes the necessary calculations, and complies.\n0:34:02 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 begins speaking in an abnormally slow voice, stating that he 'feels odd'.\nMemo: This reduction of the speed of light would result in a slowing down of the electrochemical processes in the brain. This would likely result in abnormal brain activity, and quite probably impaired judgment.\n0:34:43 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 instructs Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to reduce the speed of light 'to as low as the dial goes'. After brief hesitation, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 complies.\n0:34:45 The speed of light within the chamber drops below \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 meters per second. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 suddenly screams violently. The scream slowly drops in register until it becomes inaudible. The video camera positioned at the viewing window records Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588's body becoming contorted, and slowly collapsing into a black hole.\n0:37:04 Under supervision of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the speed of light is slowly raised back up to its normal value. Radiation levels given off by the black hole are consistent with presently-theorized levels of Hawking radiation. All ionizing photons are absorbed by the chamber walls. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is removed from active duty and directed to Foundation psychological studies for grief counseling.\n\nTesting Log SCP-536-\u2588:\n3:22:59 Subject D-1123 is placed inside SCP-536 with a baseball, a meterstick, and a clock. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 instructs the on-site technician to steadily lower the speed of light by one order of magnitude every two minutes.\n3:23:00 - 3:34:00 No abnormal physical behavior observed.\n3:34:34 Subject D-1123's speech becomes noticeably slowed. Subject begins giggling.\n3:35:50 Subject is instructed to throw the baseball at the opposite wall. Subject reports intense pain in hand after the throw. Subject refuses to throw meterstick or clock. Subsequent analysis of video indicates both Lorentz contraction and redshift of light on the baseball, and on the subject's hand.\n3:37:10 Subject reports feelings of lightheadedness, and falls over.\n3:37:31 Speed of light returned to normal. SCP-536 opened. Subject D-1123 found dead of stroke.\nMemo: It is likely that the Subject's stroke was a result of a combination of mass increase and Lorentz contraction of the blood reaching her brain. Arterial blood was being pushed through the body at close to light speed, and the physical effects of that are probably very unhealthy, even in cases that don't cause immediate death.\n\nTesting Log SCP-536-\u2588\u2588:\n1:22:21 Subject D-22413 placed in SCP-536.\n1:22:45 Lambda dial decreased by an order of magnitude. No observable effects.\n1:23:00 - 1:45:00 Lambda dial continuously decreased at a rate of one order of magnitude every two minutes. No observable effects.\n1:45:23 Lambda returned to normal levels.\n1:46:00 - 1:58:00 Lambda increased by one order of magnitude every minute.\n1:53:32 Subject D-22413 reports feeling nauseous.\n1:55:22 Subject vomits.\n1:57:56 Maximum setting for lambda reached. Subject is alive and conscious. Lambda lowered to original levels.\n1:59:21 D-22413 removed from SCP-536. Subject displays signs of acute radiation poisoning, although no unusually high levels of radioactivity are recorded outside the chamber. Later analysis of D-22413's body reveals approximately zero Carbon-14. The amount of radiation damage to the Subject's cells is consistent with the expected damage if all Carbon-14 in a human body simultaneously decayed.\nMemo: The connection of lambda to radioactive decay, and the dimensionless nature of the constant, leads me to believe that it is the coupling constant for the Weak interaction. I think it likely that the remaining unknown is the corresponding constant for the Strong interaction - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nTesting Log SCP-536-\u2588\u2588:\n1:11:45 Subject D-6263 placed in SCP-536.\n1:12:00 - 1:34:00 Theta dial increased continuously by an order of magnitude every two minutes. No observable effects.\n1:34:32 Theta dial returned to normal value.\n1:34:43 Theta dial decreased by an order of magnitude. Subject D-6263 violently disintegrates.\n1:35:11 Theta dial returned to normal value. Teams in Hazardous Environment suits open the chamber door. Hydrogen gas and high levels of neutron radiation are detected.\n\nMemo: In spite of the freedom afforded by being able to freely manipulate the laws of physics, it is important to recognize the many ways in which manipulations of these laws are deadly to human life, or nuclear matter in general. If you like having a body made out of atoms, I recommend the strongest caution in dealing with SCP-536. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-535 | SCP-536 | SCP-537 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-537\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-537 is to be kept in a soundproof room. No additional containment measures are required, although SCP-537 has requested:\n\nOne (1) poster of The Muppet Movie. (granted)\nWeekly dusting and cleaning of its record. (granted)\nDaily one (1)-hour visits from Foundation personnel. (denied)\nWeekly one (1)-hour to \"converse\" with Foundation personnel sent to clean its record following cleaning. (under consideration)\nA vinyl record of the soundtrack from The Muppet Movie. (denied - it can play the entire soundtrack without need of the actual record)\n\nDescription: Recovered from a pawn shop, to which it had reportedly been brought by a young man in February of 198\u2588.\nSCP-537 bears the appearance of a completely normal - albeit tattered - gramophone, with no visible deviations or abnormalities. The vinyl record (SCP-537-2) beneath its needle has only one circular groove that does not move inward, so that the needle never reaches the center of the turntable. The needle is abnormally difficult to lift, but can be lifted by hand with some effort. The needle will snap back down the moment it is released. SCP-537 is without a doubt intelligent, and demonstrates the ability to both see and hear (it is not yet known how). It communicates by playing songs.\nSCP-537 is able to play any song that can be found on an existing vinyl record and can do so at will. SCP-537 plays songs all the way through, and will never interrupt a song unless its needle is forced up, in which case it will resume the song from the point it left off at the next time it is able to play music. Forcing SCP-537 to interrupt a song is discouraged, as doing so seems to cause it to become irritated and respond petulantly to testing for up to several days.\nSCP-537 can raise and lower its needle on its own. It can answer yes or no questions quickly by raising and lowering the needle once for \"yes\", and twice for \"no.\" It moves its needle in a similar fashion to express numbers (usually used to refer to other SCPs). Attempts to teach SCP-537 Morse code as a way of accelerating communications have failed, owing to SCP-537's inability to read or spell.\nIt does not matter what record is on SCP-537's turntable, it can play whichever songs it pleases regardless. It does, however, prefer to have SCP-537-2, as it seems unable to reset its needle alone and will eventually be unable to continue playing. SCP-537-2, when played back on a normal turntable, is blank.\nSCP-537 appears to enjoy interacting with humans and thoroughly enjoys being interviewed. Its personality is often described as pompous and flamboyant - usually greeting people with \"Wilkommen!\", from the musical Cabaret - yet distinctly childish. It is prone to \"tantrums\" when offended, which usually consist of it playing angry music at maximum volume nonstop until brought back to containment. It seems more trusting of younger employees, and treats older people with cautious disrespect.\nWhen asked about its favorite song, SCP-537 invariably responds by playing \"The Rainbow Connection\" from The Muppet Movie.\n\nDocument #537-1: Test for Special Properties in SCP-537-2\nPerformed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSCP-537-2 was played in a regular turntable. The record is apparently blank.\nA vinyl record, consisting of one (1) perfectly circular groove along which the needle would travel was made for the purpose of this experiment. When given to SCP-537 to play, though the replica record was identical, SCP-537 apparently realized that it had not been given SCP-537-2 and reacted angrily, raising its needle and refusing to lower it until given its own record back. SCP-537 continues to refuse to communicate with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDocument #537-2: Experiment 537/043-1\nSCP-043 and a second functioning turntable were introduced to SCP-537, overseen by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Transcript follows:\n\n(SCP-043 plays to track 29. Heavy breathing is heard.)\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: He's here now, 537. Say hello.\n(SCP-537 plays \"Wilkommen!\" from Cabaret)\nSCP-043 [during song]: Hello? What's that sound?\n(SCP-537 makes a scratching sound but continues playing \"Wilkommen!\")\nSCP-043 [during song]: This is the record player you told me about? Is there a way to shut it up?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 [during song]: 537 can't play another song until it finishes the one it's playing.\nSCP-043 [during song]: How annoying.\n(Song ends.)(SCP-537 begins playing \"Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows\" by Lesley Gore)(Song ends.)(SCP-537 raises and lowers its needle, denoting an affirmative answer.)(SCP-537 begins playing \"Here Comes The Sun\" by The Beatles)\nSCP-043 [during song]: Why are you playing that song? What do you think I-\n(SCP-537 raises its volume.)\nSCP-043 [during song]: \n(Song ends, SCP-537 immediately begins playing the same song again.)\nSCP-043 [shouting, during song]: Stop it! Stop it!\n(SCP-537 raises volume.)\nSCP-043 [shouting, during song]: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n(SCP-043 is removed from the room as per its own request.)\n\nSCP-043, unsurprisingly, was not willing to discuss its reaction to SCP-537, simply referring to it as \"that cheeky thing\", and mentioning that \"it's the type that needs to learn to be careful if it doesn't want to [DATA EXPUNGED].\"\nDocument #537-2: Experiment 537/043-2\nSCP-043 was placed, after reluctantly agreeing to do so, under SCP-537's needle. When asked how it was feeling, SCP-537 played the first eight tracks of \"The White Album\" by The Beatles (it should be noted that it is unusual for SCP-537 to play a song on the record it is turning, let alone several songs in the proper order). After the eighth track, rather than record stopping or \"Revolution 9\" playing, the record began to skip. A loud noise, described as \"somewhere between a record scratch and a shriek\" was heard and did not stop until the needle was forced up.\nSCP-043 refused to speak of the incident, saying only that it never wanted to be near SCP-537 again. SCP-537 reacted similarly; when asked its opinion of SCP-043, it responded by playing George Carlin's routine \"Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television\".\nAddendum A: Since Experiment 537/043-2, SCP-537 has flatly and consistently refused to play any song by The Beatles, responding each time by raising and lowering its needle twice. When asked multiple times to do so, SCP-537 reacts angrily. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum B: Speculation as to whether or not SCP-537 is capable of playing songs from vinyls released after its construction (the date of which is unknown) has been settled as of a recent interview, which it ended by playing \"Caring is Creepy\" from \"Oh, Inverted World\" by The Shins, an album released on vinyl in June of 2004; this is interpreted as SCP-537's way of expressing its apathy towards the interview.\n\n\u00ab SCP-536 | SCP-537 | SCP-538 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-538\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-538 are to be contained within a flush-white 15 by 15 by 3 meter room with no fewer than four (4) overhead 200 watt lights. These lights are to be centered above a 1 by 2 by 0.5 meter block table stationed in the center of the containment area and shining at all times. One (1) Class D Personnel in a chemically-induced coma is to be kept medically stable upon the table, and will serve as the \"feed\" source for all specimens of SCP-538. No source of shade should be present in the room other than that provided by the Class D.\nIf at any point a light in SCP-538's containment area burns out, a crew of two security personnel are to be sent in through an adjacent airlock. Personnel are to be equipped with sealed hazardous material suits complete with independent oxygen tanks and advised to move slowly and deliberately in order to avoid agitating SCP-538. They are to replace the burnt out bulb and, upon completion of their task, are to return to the airlock. Once personnel are isolated within airlock, they are to be flushed with 300 watt white light in order to assure no instances of SCP-538 are clinging to their person. Examinations of Class D Personnel providing sustenance for SCP-538 are to be done in a similar manner, however only one doctor is required for examinations. See Addendum 538-A.\nIf at any time all four lights are to go out simultaneously, the chamber is to be sealed along with all observation ports. Until means of relighting SCP-538's chamber are available, the containment area is to remain in lock-down. If at any time personnel are bitten by SCP-538, the infected individual must be placed within SCP-538's chamber as soon as possible. Failure to do so could result in massive breach of containment and will result in termination of responsible individual.\nNote: Security personnel are to be periodically screened for any unusual phobias. Any personnel found to exhibit any degree of arachnophobia is to be reassigned.\nDescription: SCP-538 appears to be animate shadows of an unknown species of spiders. SCP-538 appears to \"feed\" off of the shadows of other living objects, and will move to the nearest shadow cast by a living organism. To \"feed\", SCP-538 does no more than attach itself to the shadow of its host in such a manner that its own shadow is not obscured. Through this manner, a single specimen of SCP-538 can grow up to approximately 15 square centimeters in size. Feeding after this point appears to simply maintain this size; the whole process has so far proven to be harmless to the host. While a specimen can attach itself to an inanimate object to feed, it will slowly atrophy and decrease in size over time. Only when connected to the shadow of a living organism can SCP-538 thrive.\nSCP-538 has shown itself capable of going short distances through open, well lit areas, such as to reach a nearby host or to escape a source of agitation. However, it will rapidly decrease in size at a rate of nearly 2 square centimeters per second for the length of time it is not attached to a shadow. Should a specimen be stranded out in the open long enough, it will eventually decrease to nothing, at which point it can be considered deceased. Top land speed has been observed at approximately one meter per second when at maximum size. SCP-538 has shown itself to be capable of slipping through cracks greater than 3 millimeters in height; spaces less than this distance appear impassible.\nWhile generally benign, SCP-538 can and will attack its host if frightened. Frightening SCP-538 generally involves a rapid movement by its host, at which point it will \"bite\" the organism's shadow before attempting to flee. Bite must occur on bare skin to cause effects; clothing material consisting of cotton or anything sturdier will provide sufficient protection.\nUpon being bitten, an individual will go through five different stages within the space of an hour. Note that bitten individuals may attempt to hide their condition; therefore, any individual exhibiting the following symptoms must be contained immediately.\n\nStage one: Upon agitation, SCP-538 will bite the shadow of its aggressor. Subject will report pain in relative area bitten on shadow; however, no puncture or wound will appear in this location. Subject will quickly become irritable, snapping at those around him.\n\nStage two: 10-15 minutes after being bitten, subject will begin perspiring heavily, but may report feeling cold. Skin will become red and warm to the touch.\n\nStage three: 25-30 minutes after being bitten, subject will become violent and aggressive, attempting to start conflict with those around him. Speech will be slurred, and motor skills may be impaired. Subject will resort to violence, often attacking those closest to him.\n\nStage four: 40-45 minutes after being bitten, subject's skin color will turn pale and paste-colored, and their core temperature will drop between 5 and 8 degrees Celsius. Subject will be apologetic to those around him, and may cite that he was not feeling well. Subject will attempt to excuse himself and retreat to a darker area.\n\nStage five: 55-60 minutes after being bitten, subject will [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting fluid will be completely translucent and harmless. Subject's shadow will have at this point completely disintegrated into smaller specimens of SCP-538 approximately 4 square centimeters in area, and for the lack of a better term should be considered its \"offspring\".\n\nThere is currently no cure for being bitten by SCP-538. Death has proven to be ineffective at halting advancement of the condition, but rather skips the process directly to stage five.\nAddendum 538-A: As a result of Incident I538-A, no fewer than two security personnel equipped with two (2) 250 watt flashlights are to be sent in to accompany doctor examining Class D.\nIncident Report I538-A:\n\n> Expand Report\n\n< Collapse Report\n\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, Site \u2588\u2588, Sector \u2588\u2588, Containment Chamber 538\n\nDoctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 enters Containment Chamber 538 for a routine check up of D-7821, equipped with standard-issue fully sealed hazardous materials suit.\n\n2 minutes and 23 seconds into examination, attack by the Chaos Insurgency cuts power to Sectors \u2588\u2588 through \u2588\u2588. As per protocol, chamber completely sealed and locked, trapping Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 inside with SCP-538.\n\nPower remains cut off for an additional 23 minutes until back up generators are powered up and patched into the power grid. As per protocol, power was not routed to SCP-538's Containment Cell, but rather to Sector \u2588\u2588, containing [REDACTED] at the time.\n\nPower subsequently routed through to the next highest level priority Containment Cells. As SCP-538 was sufficiently contained at the time, it was deemed minimum priority.\n\nNo major containment breaches were reported. Attack repelled quickly and with minimum casualties. Site engineers work to restore power.\n\n18 hours after Chaos Insurgency attack, power finally reaches SCP-538 Containment Cell. A sobbing Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is escorted from the chamber, claiming he could \"feel them crawling\" all over him.\n\nDoctor undergoes psychological therapy for his new-found arachnophobia. Containment protocol updated, Doctor was reassigned.\n\n\u00ab SCP-537 | SCP-538 | SCP-539 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-539\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-539 is to be kept in a padded case, to remain locked at all times, unless a supervisor with a minimum Security Clearance Level of 2 is present to observe, and only during potential testing of its phenomena. Physical contact with SCP-539 is forbidden unless approved testing is being conducted.\nDescription: Object is a thin, round disc composed of an undetermined material. While there appears to be corrosion around the edges, testing has determined that the marks are not the result of oxidation. When thrown, an event will occur in the immediate vicinity that will draw attention away from its thrower. These distractions have no observable pattern of any sort. However, it has been determined that the distraction will be more overwhelming in proportion to the difficulty of removing attention from the user. Due to the unpredictable nature of SCP-539's effect, testers are currently advised to throw it as far as possible from themselves.\nAddendum: Test Notes\nTest 539-1: Security personnel ordered to line up all with clear lines of sight on tester, with instructions to not break eye contact with tester under any circumstances. When the disc was thrown, the security personnel experienced a \"sudden wardrobe existence failure\", causing all of them to lose eye contact with the tester, being more concerned with the loss of clothing and the issue of the climate being rather uncomfortable to a nude security guard.\nTest 539-2: Tester was dressed in bright and eye catching clothing for this test. Tester was alone with security personnel in an empty office. Security personnel ordered to maintain constant eye contact with tester. When the disc was thrown, the entire building's fire alarm triggered and could not be turned off until the disc was retrieved and the computer security system reset.\nTest 539-3: Class D personnel given instructions to \"attract the attention of the local authorities\" then make use of the SCP. Personnel chased by police after smashing in a law cruiser's window. When thrown, a large animal of the species Carcharhinus leucas (bull shark) appeared in the way of the pursuing police cars, which were forced to stop and investigate. After Class D personnel were debriefed, both the shark and the SCP were retrieved by field agents. It is worth noting that the police officers involved have remained firmly silent to their superiors about the incident.\nTest 539-4: This test was unauthorized, and disciplinary action of varying degrees of severity has been taken with the parties involved. As a \"prank\", a group of research staff decided to see if they could distract Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 , who is notorious for becoming very involved in his work. When thrown, a pack of at least 10 Varanus komodoensis (Komodo dragons) burst from the ceiling vent and proceeded to chase the Doctor out of his lab. The reptiles proceeded to run unchecked throughout the facility until the disc was picked up, after which they were impossible to locate, and had apparently left the premises. This \"test\" may indicate that use of animals is the predominant method of distraction.\nLook, I appreciate a good laugh as much as anyone, but perhaps this could have ended better if the research staff had gotten permission? Furthermore, I find it highly likely that the method of distraction will involve animals, given the way that they almost always attract the attention of humans. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest 539-5: Test to determine object's effectiveness on proxy observers. Testing personnel set up an observation camera linked to a computer monitor in a different building. The computer would both record and display the video feed to observers. Camera was focused on test subject and the remaining personnel moved to the monitoring computer. When the disc was thrown, the computer suffered a fatal error caused by the deletion of the hardware drivers needed to use the camera feed. Recorded video was corrupt and beyond recovery.\n\n\u00ab SCP-538 | SCP-539 | SCP-540 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-540\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-540 are to be handled and stored according to standard protocols for similar non-anomalous live munitions, with the exception that all locations housing SCP-540 are to be equipped with a secondary overhead sprinkler system capable of dousing any given room with herbicidal compound H-540-IB9-4LM to a depth of 10 cm in less than 90 seconds.\nAll armories that contain SCP-540 are to be located a minimum of 15 meters below ground, with monitoring and testing facilities located above ground, as part of Site 74-A. A secondary site, designated Site 74-B, is located 117 km away and is to maintain a fleet of firefighting aircraft, including no fewer than 10 airtankers. In the event of a partial or full containment breach of SCP-540 affecting more than 0.5 km\u00b2 of above-ground land, this fleet is to be loaded with a variety of defoliants and herbicides, including Agent Orange and solutions of sodium chlorate, and proceed to inundate all areas affected by SCP-540.\nDescription: SCP-540 denotes a collection of Soviet-era explosive ordnance of various makes. All instances can be detonated in the same manner as non-anomalous examples, and explode with a similar yield and blast effect. However, approximately 35-37 seconds following the detonation, a mass of plant life will rapidly grow to cover the majority of the damaged area1. The initial growth rate of the plant life is positively correlated to the yield of the originating explosive, but returns to normal for the plant species after approximately 90 seconds. There are currently \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-540 in Foundation possession and an unknown number outside of Foundation control.\nSCP-540 was discovered in an abandoned munitions depot near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ukraine on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1999 following investigation of reports of an unusual amount of non-native plant life appearing in the surrounding areas within a short period of time. At time of discovery, the depot had suffered significant looting, with only one portion of the armory undisturbed. Initial testing of munitions recovered from the depot indicate that only approximately 30% of munitions were actually instances of SCP-540. However, instances of SCP-540 are indistinguishable from non-anomalous ordnance, and were randomly dispersed among the non-anomalous munitions found in the originating depot. As such, all munitions recovered have been designated SCP-540 as a precaution. Instances in containment range from hand grenades to a single nuclear device resembling a modified version of the Tsar Bomba, with an estimated minimum yield of 75 megatons. Based on current analysis, it is predicted that should this nuclear device possess anomalous properties, its detonation would result in a GK-class hostile-greenhouse scenario over a minimum of one third of habitable land worldwide.\nAttempts to disassemble low-yield instances of SCP-540 for analysis have resulted in premature detonation and resultant plant growth in approximately 50% of all such attempts. Instances that were successfully disassembled, then reassembled and detonated, did not display any anomalous properties.\nTesting Log Excerpts:\n\nOrdnance Tested\nResulting Plant Life\n\nRGO hand grenade\n3.1 m\u00b2 of dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) in full bloom\n\nPFM-1 land mine (buried)\n12.8 m\u00b2 of sawtooth sedge (Cladium mariscus) averaging 2.2 m in height\n\n9K115-2 Metis-M anti-tank missile\nsingle black oak tree (Quercus kelloggii), height 17 m, diameter 0.96 m\n\nOTR-23 Oka 9M714K tactical ballistic missile (detonated without launch)\nforest of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), covering 19.3 ha (193000 m\u00b2)\n\nFootnotes\n1. All testing to date has resulted in plant life covering a minimum of 90% of damaged areas.\n\n\u00ab SCP-539 | SCP-540 | SCP-541 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-541\nObject Class: Euclid Safe Neutralized\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-541 was kept in a plain pine wood coffin, some 1.98m (6.5ft) in length and with a stereotypical hexagonal construction. The lid to this coffin was kept affixed by means of four (4) padlocks, for relatively easy access to its contents. Keys were in the possession of the on-site Level 3 technician heading research on SCP-541. SCP-541 could be removed from its coffin with care; the coffin could be moved with minimal limitations and security measures and proved by-and-large suitable for continued containment/storage of SCP-541.\nDescription: SCP-541 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Peru in 1988, in the crypt of a local Catholic Mission. The mission had been repurposed for several decades, and at the time of SCP-541's discovery was being converted into a youth hostel. The crypt beneath was being cleared for storage, with the corpses within being reburied locally. SCP-541 was discovered when the workers moving the coffin containing SCP-541 noticed \"wet noises\" coming from within. Investigation revealed SCP-541, led to local hysteria, then a brief fanatical following of SCP-541 (believing it to be supernatural or possibly saintly, akin to incorruptibility). The resultant attention led to a cursory investigation by our agents, followed by a total media blackout, confiscation of SCP-541, and extermination of those close to the object.\nSCP-541 is an intact set of human thoracic organs, including the lungs, heart, digestive system, etc. Notably, the organs operate in a grotesque but accurate imitation of an ordinary human body. Blood pumped, the esophagus performed peristalsis, and it appeared that the \"organism\" as a whole did not decay like normal organs did (what happened to SCP-541's original \"owner,\" if there was one, is unknown). The digestive system did operate \"normally\" though there was apparently no need for food (SCP-541 had been sealed for at least several decades before its discovery). Also notable is that the entire system was closed, that is, there was no evidence of blood vessels ever pumping to extremities outside of a general abdominal area and no indications of body structures, e.g. ligaments, nerves, membranes, indicating that a more complete organism was ever intact.\nVarious experiments were performed on SCP-541 to determine more about it and try to assess any use or adaptation for its unique structure. No container beyond the original pine box was deemed necessary.\nDocument #541-1: Blood was drawn from SCP-541's system in small quantities (to reflect the amount of blood estimated to be present in the system). The sterile needle wound healed itself (through an apparently normal white blood cell/platelet mechanism) and after several repeated, intermittent blood drawings researchers approximated that the blood replaced itself, again akin to a normal human body.\nDocument #541-2: Application of basic, easily digestible and nourishing food products to the open esophagus of SCP-541 prove the digestive system works normally (including excretion).\nDocument #541-3: Introduction of various stimulants, including caffeine, into SCP-541's system show that the subject responds predictably for its weight and condition.\nDocuments #541-4 through 13: Assorted tests to determine more about nervous communication among the component parts of SCP-541, various scans of the subject to try and learn more about its composition, and a brief battery of measurements to try and compare SCP-541 to the profiles of average, complete humans, in an attempt to learn more about or approximate its age/height/weight/health. For details on these reports please contact Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDocument #541-14: Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 approves attempts to \"grow\" SCP-541, including hormone and steroid introductions as well as attempts to culture SCP-541's cells. Results prove inconclusive on all counts and testing continues.\nDocuments #541-15 through 18: Further testing on SCP-541 concurrent to orders outlayed in Document #541-14. Results continue to be inconclusive (some cultures prove promising enough to continue research in the present direction.)\nDocument #541-19: During continued \"growth\" testing SCP-541 goes into arrest and cannot be revived. Following its \"death,\" the remains of SCP-541 dissolve into a fine powder within minutes. Cultures stagnate and no clones of SCP-541 are produced.\nAddendum: Lab technician #\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588 administered a drug dose appropriate for a normal human being of the age, height, weight and fitness of SCP-541, as determined by tests recounted in Document #541-12 and 13. This proved fatal to SCP-541 as the subject was not a complete organism and the dosage should have been adjusted accordingly. Technician was reprimanded and moved to bottom-level duties with restricted opportunities for advancement and promotion.\nAddendum: Fine powder that remains of SCP-541 and coffin are contained at Storage Site \u2588\u2588\u2588. There has been discussion of attempting to reassemble SCP-541 by the use of SCP-914, but some concerns have been expressed about whether or not the powdered remains of SCP-541 represent the entirety of the subject and whether or not it would be able to survive the shock of reanimation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-540 | SCP-541 | SCP-542 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-542\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-542 is to be kept in a 8m x 8m room with small adjoining bathroom, and may submit requests for furnishings barring anything that could be modified into surgical tools. Notable requests by SCP-542 include:\n\nOne queen size bed, no blankets or sheets, bare mattress (Approved)\nTwo large work desks (Approved)\nOne large wardrobe (Approved)\nA selection of heavy coats, lab jackets, and pants (Approved)\nSeveral full-length mirrors (Denied)\nA selection of sewing supplies, along with bolts of cloth (Approved initially, revoked after Incident 542-B-03.)\nSeveral large bookcases, filled with anatomy and medical texts both old and new (Approved)\nA chess set (Approved)\nBlank-paged notebooks and various writing utensils (Approved)\nRegular supplies of German-language crossword puzzles (Approved)\nIndustrial-grade deep sinks (Denied)\nSteel nail file (Denied. Given wooden/sandpaper emery board in replacement.)\nNail Clippers (Denied)\nAccess to his personal surgery kit (Denied except in cases of testing. See Addendum.)\n\nThe room is to remain locked, dead-bolted, and barred with at least two Class D guards on duty at any time. SCP-542 is to be fed two meals per day, delivered by Class D personnel, and as per request, will be given a transfusion of fresh blood (1 pint, any type) per week.\nWhen SCP-542 begins to suffer from organ failure, he may request a fresh organ to be supplied, and Foundation Medical Personnel will sedate him and perform the surgery. Despite constant requests, SCP-542 may not be allowed to perform invasive surgery upon himself except during observed testing. Old and discarded organs or tissue are to be collected for testing.\nIn the event that SCP-542 should escape confinement, SCP-542 may be subdued by high doses of tranquilizers or disabled via a net. Should he come into possession of any knives or shards of glass/mirror that could be used to cut, nonlethal fire is permitted.\nDescription: SCP-542 claims that it has been, at one time, a typical human of Caucasian descent, identifying as German in nationality. This story is supported by the fact that German appears to be his first language, speaking all other languages with a German accent. SCP-542 requests to be called \"Herr Chirurg\" or \"Surgeon\" by staff and is fluent in German, English, and French, and can speak a small bit of Polish and Italian. Standard IQ tests have revealed 542's IQ to range around 150, placing him as high intelligence. It is unknown how old 542 is; testing of various tissue samples has revealed nothing. He claims to have been 'dreadfully normal' before World War I started, and claims to have worked for the Nazi party, even if he found their goals 'boringly simple.'\nHe has been described as a \"Frankenstein's Monster\" in appearance. SCP-542 may hide his odd features under heavy clothing, but prefers to wear only a nice pair of slacks, revealing his hunched form, distended gut, warped ribcage, and bizarre arm structure. His skin is made from patches of various hues and shades, some of these healed together with scars while others are still stitched together. Non-symmetrical bone and muscle structure reveals that he has replaced the majority of his body over time, and admits to having worked with \"helpers\" before to replace such things as portions of his own spinal cord. Although his appearance can change with surgery, his arms are always too long for his body, and his hands have been modified greatly to have additional joints in the fingers.\nThe skin is pulled rather tightly over 542's face, giving him a somewhat skeletal appearance along with the tendency for his bones to bulge through his skin. His teeth, it should be noted, are collected from different individuals, some of them not even human by all appearances. It is not uncommon for him to cough or to vomit blood, and as such requires infusions of fresh blood approximately once per week. He currently boasts two hearts and multiples of several other organs and organ systems. How 542 keeps track of his own structure while performing surgery is unknown, but he likens it to 'having a very good memory.'\nDNA testing on all tissues is inconclusive, and reveals fragmented DNA. It is unknown how he is able to accept different blood types and multiple organs without suffering from organ rejection or allergic reactions, nor how he is able to function while performing invasive surgery on himself, even while inserting extra brain matter into his skull. SCP-542 is to be kept alive for observation and testing on the process that keeps him alive.\nSCP-542 behaves in a surprisingly pleasant manner most of the time, enjoying lengthy conversations about science and biology, politics, and long games of chess. However, when an organ begins to fail or part of his body becomes necrotic, he undergoes a drastic personality change, stalking and observing people from a distance. Additional information on his habits and attacks may be found in the addendum.\nSCP-542 appears to have a previously unknown ability to be completely aware of his body's functions and workings constantly, even able to identify points of rotting or decay he should not be able to sense by any known means. This ability, however, has been shown to extend beyond his own body. He can passively sense the health and medical status of other humans within several meters of him, the range extending to approximately five meters when he focuses. He admits that he uses this process, which he doesn't understand himself, to pick his next victims.\nAddendum: SCP-542 has been proven to be the assailant in a string of 45 murders over the course of three years that occurred across Germany, England, and America, and is suspected of an additional, unconfirmed fifteen murders in that time span. He was first observed four years ago by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Germany, after four people had been attacked and had muscle, sinew, and bones removed from their limbs. Three of the victims died from blood loss and shock. The fourth, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 happened to be staying in the hotel room next to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who intervened. This account may be found in Incident Report 542-A-06.\nSCP-542 has a strong connection to a collection of scalpels, blades, syringes, and various other surgical equipment from time periods ranging from modern day to archaic, if very well-kept, relics from years as early as the 1910s. He carries these in a velvet-lined, black leather suitcase, and modifies many of his jackets to have holders to hide and carry this equipment in. He is not allowed access to this collection except during testing and observation of self-surgery.\nSCP-542 has also caused several deaths of Class D personnel, even when not in testing, due to negligence or assumption that certain items may be 'safe' when used by him. Personnel are reminded that even if his personality is pleasant the majority of the time, he will still dissect personnel for amusement and curiosity's sake if given the chance. These incidents may be reviewed in Incident Reports 542-B-01 through 542-B-11. Seemingly safe items such as sewing supplies have led to him making more than a rather well-tailored jacket for himself, but also resulted in him restraining a Class D Personnel by sewing him to the mattress of the bed, before removing his kidneys and a portion of the liver.\nSCP-542 has shown to be very willing to comply with certain experiments and appears to enjoy performing self-surgery with someone observing, explaining what he is doing and displaying his knowledge of the workings of the body as if he were a teacher describing a surgical textbook. Unfortunately, this usually requires being at a risk of attack from him.\nIt has been requested that SCP-542 be kept alive so the process that allows for him to recover from intense surgery without organ rejection be studied and potentially copied for medical use. SCP-542 may also show potential for being used to assist in surgical and studying endeavors, due to his increased intelligence and compulsion for dissection. Any books and notes written by him may be accessed and studied by those with Class-2 security clearance or higher.\nUpdate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 SCP-542 has somehow acquired knowledge of both SCP-291 and SCP-1025, and appears to be very interested in their use. All requests to study both anomalies are to be denied until further notice.\nIncident Report 542-A-06 Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, while staying at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hotel in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Germany heard the sounds of a scuffle and screaming from across the hall at approximately 3AM Local time, at which point he felt that he had to intervene, unknown that he would come face to face with a possible SCP. After forcing the door to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's room he observed SCP-542 removing the muscles and bone of Miss \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's right leg. After the agent fired several shots, 542 fled through the window and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 contacted local authorities and an ambulance.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an American tourist who had only been in town for a few days, described what had happened to her while recovering in the hospital. Afterward, she willingly took the amnestic issued to her, preferring to believe that she had instead been in an unfortunate traffic incident and her right leg had been amputated.\nHer report is as follows.\n\nI had been to Germany before, so I knew my way around\u2026and I was used to taking the bus. But I guess I first saw him there, I think, just this guy all hidden under heavy jackets and this hat and glasses and of course, I was suspicious because it was summer, you know, sweltering hot\u2026and I realized he was looking at me, but I ignored it. He didn't get off the bus at my stop, anyways, and there were always others on the bus, even late at night. I guess I saw him for three days, and I stopped thinking about it\u2026 He must've followed me off the bus that\u2026 that day. That night.\nI went up to my hotel room, and I don't\u2026 I don't remember\u2026 The window was open, and it was all dark, the light wouldn't turn on. I figured somebody had decided to steal my stuff, so I went in to see if anything was missing and\u2026 and\u2026\n[[\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 shows signs of intense discomfort, and asks for a minute to compose herself. This is allowed, and she resumes after several minutes.]]\nHe was hiding under the bed, and he had these freakishly\u2026 long arms\u2026 and the fingers\u2026 too many joints and he took my ankles right out from under me. He was just too fast, and\u2026 and he tied my arms and legs to the bed, and at first I thought, you know, that he was going to\u2026 to\u2026 you know.\nHe kept saying, like\u2026\"Don't worry,\" and \"You're going to help me,\" and \"I need your help\u2026\" and things like that, it was scary as shit, and he said that so long as I kept quiet he might call an ambulance afterward, and that was a little scary.\nI guess it really was worse than that. He picked up his jacket, it'd been on the coat hanger by the door and I hadn't even noticed it\u2026 and started pulling out all these knives and\u2026 all these tools and I just didn't know what to do. So I decided to take my chances and started screaming as loud as I could. Then he\u2026 he\u2026\n[[\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was allowed to stop there, and was delivered the amnestic and alibi that night.]]\n\nIncident Report 542-A-15 For details on the eventual tracking and capture of SCP-542 please refer to [[DATA EXPUNGED]]. A request for declassification is under review, 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588.\nNote As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, SCP-542 has been moved to Bio-Research Area-12 in order to assist in the Olympia Project.\n\"And I want him back intact!\" - Dr. Rights\nNote\n\nSCP-542 has somehow acquired information of SCP-291, SCP-827, and SCP-545. Investigation into the extent of 542's knowledge of these SCPs and how he acquired this knowledge is currently under investigation. Offending personnel will be disciplined appropriately following a board review.\n-O5-\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-541 | SCP-542 | SCP-543 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-543 played on a television\n\nItem #: SCP-543\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Access to SCP-543 is restricted to staff with Level 2 clearance. Detailed observation of SCP-543 has thus far been restricted to Class D personnel.\nDescription: SCP-543 is a collection of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 4-hour VHS videotapes from various manufacturers. Total length of tape is \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hours. Tapes are labeled with dates and times from \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAll tapes viewed so far appear to be \"noise\" or \"snow\" recorded from an empty analog television channel. However, those who watch the tapes for long enough are able to discern an image (see Addenda 543-1 and 543-2).\nDiscovery: SCP-543 was found in a single-room apartment in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Building, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The room contained a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand 38.1 cm analogue television set with \"rabbit ears\" set-top antenna. Television was tuned to the \"gap\" between local stations \u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588. Antenna was attached to a tangle of wires that filled the entire room from floor to ceiling except for a small area in front of the television. SCP-543 was stacked along the walls and strewn on the floor.\nIn front of the television was the apartment's tenant, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, adult male, deceased. Head was buried in the television; he had rammed it through the glass screen himself and died of electrocution. Signs of extreme malnutrition. Evidently, after filling the room with wires, he was unable or unwilling to remove any, confining himself to a smaller and smaller space. Body surrounded by food wrappers and excrement.\nBody was discovered by building's landlord after continued non-payment of rent. Police dismantled antenna structure to retrieve the body. Examination of crime scene photos and investigation of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's behaviour show the wires were placed in four stages over the \u2588\u2588\u2588 days before his death:\nStage 1. Coat hangers attached to antenna with scotch tape. \u2588\u2588 hours of VHS tape.\nStage 2. Reel of 6-gauge wire and duct tape purchased from local hardware store. \u2588\u2588\u2588 hours of tape.\nStage 3. Waste wire scavenged from construction sites (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had lost his job at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 due to persistent absenteeism). \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hours of tape.\nStage 4. Apartment ransacked. Springs removed from mattress, appliances dismantled for wiring. Exits blocked. One tape, unlabeled, found in the VCR by police.\nAddendum 543-1: Summary of SCP-543 observation logs (D-671)\nPersonnel D-671 was given a random selection of tapes (\u2588\u2588\u2588 hours in total), viewed in chronological order with VCR and television of the same model as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's. Steel mesh fitted over screen as a precaution.\nIn tapes made during Stage 1, D-671 identified the image as unremarkable \"TV noise\". Later she claimed to discern an image and requested that it be \"tuned in\".\nIn Stage 2 tapes, instead of a two-dimensional \"wall\" of snow D-671 claimed to see a vast, three-dimensional space. She stressed the size of the space - \"bigger than anything you've seen,\" \"bigger than anything ever\". Beginning of claustrophobic tendencies.\nD-671 reported Stage 3 tapes as \"clearer and sharper\". She now claimed to see \"things\" occupying the immense space. Whether they were animate, or indeed whether they were entities or events, is unclear. Once again she emphasized their size, becoming agitated when interviewers \"did not get it\". Severe claustrophobia, anxiety, night terrors.\nAfter viewing \u2588 minutes of the final, unlabeled tape D-671 attempted to remove the mesh over the screen, stripping three fingernails and breaking her nose before being restrained. Currently isolated in four-point restraints. Cooperates with interviewers but answers are repetitive (see Addendum 543-2).\nAddendum 543-2: (partial transcript of interview w/ D-671, 1015h \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why did you do it?\nD-671: Because here isn't big enough. Not when you've seen there.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Big enough for what?\nD-671: (pause) Why do you think the TV can see them?\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026\nD-671: Because they're everywhere. They're all through us. And we're not big enough. And it hurts.\n\n\u00ab SCP-542 | SCP-543 | SCP-544 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-544\nObject Class: Safe Euclid (Class updated after Event 544-423245 by order of O5-\u2588)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not in use, SCP-544 is to be kept in a standard 1 m x 1 m x 1 m locked storage container. When in use, the bearer of SCP-544 is to be under visual and auditory surveillance at all times. In the event that SCP-544 is to be removed from a bearer, it is to be only done by legally deaf staff in Auditory Safe Room #524264.\nDescription: SCP-544 is a 30 cm tall hand-held radio microphone, made of polished metal and black plastic. There is no evidence of wires or electrical plugs of any kind on the object. The object's surface reveals significant but superficial damage (presumably from everyday use). When jostled, the sound of a non-metallic object can be heard inside the device. Requests to disassemble SCP-544 to identify this object have been denied.\nWhen grasped by the 'neck' of the microphone, the bearer will gain a subtle but significant compulsion to keep SCP-544 in his or her possession at all times. This compulsion begins as a simple dislike for the idea of letting go of SCP-544, but inevitably culminates in a desire to keep SCP-544 in a pocket or other carrying method at all times. Attempts to retrieve SCP-544 when the bearer is asleep have generally resulted in Separation Events (see below).\nAfter two days of bearing SCP-544, it will begin to speak for its bearer, through methods unknown. The sound SCP-544 makes is identical to the bearer's original voice, and the bearer does not seem to notice that this voice-replacement is occurring until explained. As time passes, more and more of the subject's speech is replaced by SCP-544, and the vocal tone of SCP-544 becomes much more electronic, with a comical and jovial tone. Within two weeks, the bearer is completely voiced by SCP-544.1\nAttempts to remove SCP-544 from the bearer's possession result in what has been dubbed a Separation Event. SCP-544 will produce a screeching tone in order to incapacitate those that wish to gain SCP-544. The decibel levels of Separation Events have ranged from 140-150db, causing significant discomfort and pain. The original bearer of SCP-544 is somewhat affected, but to a severely lesser degree. Incapacitating the bearer before attempting to acquire SCP-544 causes the same Separation Event. After the Event, its original bearer recovers normally, with the exception of being unable to speak at all. Autopsy of bearer's brains revealed near-complete atrophy of posterior inferior frontal gyrus section, commonly known as Broca's Area. Because of the risk to personnel nearby when Separation Events occur, O5-\u2588 has ordered that all operations done to retrieve SCP-544 are to be done in Auditory Safe Rooms (ASRs), rooms specifically designed to mitigate and reduce sound-related issues.\nAddendum-1: Interview with SCP-544-bearing subject\n\nInterview Date: 04/12/20\u2588\u2588\nInterviewer: Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-78909\nCurrent amount of time Subject has borne SCP-544: One week, two days\nPlease note: By this time, a significant percentage of D-78909's vocalizations come from SCP-544. In the interest of clarity, sections in which SCP-544 is 'speaking' will be written like this, in keeping with SCP-544's higher, electronic 'voice'. As is standard with this effect upon its bearers, D-78909 does not notice (or does not seem to care) when he stops using his mouth to stop in the middle of a sentence.\n\u2026\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And how are we today, 78909? I see you've taken to stuffing SCP-544 into your pocket.\nD-78909: Yes, it was getting a bit annoying having to hold this thing in my hands. Plus, it fits pretty well, don't you think?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: True, but have you considered returning it to us? What are you using it for?\nD-78909: (shrugs) Nah, why would I want to give this up? I like it. Believe it or not, most of the other D-Class folks think I'm higher up on the food chain because I've got this thing. Stupid gangbanging [RACIAL INSULT]s, they think owning an old-time radio microphone is some version of a gang sign! Would you believe that they occasionally try to take the [EXPLETIVE]ed thing when I'm sleeping. [EXPLETIVE]ing [RACIAL INSULT]s. Have they forgotten they're in friggin' jail? This isn't Detroit, for God's sake!\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Let's refrain from racial insults, 78909, and mind your tone. You're in jail with them too. Tell me more about what happens when they try to take it from you?\nD-78909: Fine, fine, sorry about the cursing. Anyways, I'm a light sleeper, so the minute I feel their dirty little mitts unzipping my pocket, I'm awake. Then the metal noise starts up, and they start clutching their heads like it's a bullhorn. They back off, and I go back to sleep.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Metal noise?\nD-78909: You know, that noise it makes when someone tries to take it. You guys installed it, right, so that nobody steals it from me? What was that stupid horn those Africans played at soccer games so much that everyone hated? Like that, but more synthetic. A lot quieter, too. Have to give you boys credit, it's a perfect \"Stop Touching My [EXPLETIVE]\" alarm sound. (winces) Sorry, sorry, I know, don't swear. Force of habit.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Ah yes, that 'metal noise'. We made that noise for military discouragement operations. (pause) What would you say if I told you that you keep alternating between speaking with your voice, and that microphone speaking for you?\nD-78909: I'd laugh at you, because you guys tried that trick a few days after you gave me this thing. You guys told me to randomly talk while looking into what you guys said was a mirror. Of course, it wasn't a mirror, since I stopped talking a few times in the (does 'air quotes') reflection, while I kept talking. Freaked me out a bit, but then I realized you guys just recorded me standing somewhere, doing nothing, and used that fancy CGI [EXPLETIVE] to make it look like I wasn't talking a few words. Nice try, Doc.\n\nAddendum-2: Event 544-Alpha\nOn 05/24/20\u2588\u2588 at 3:42am, the current bearer of SCP-544 (D-423245) was asleep in his bunk. While undisturbed and remaining asleep, SCP-544 began to speak seemingly-random phrases. It was initially assumed that D-423245 was simply 'talking in his sleep', until SCP-544 began speaking things which could not have possibly been dream-based. Later bearers of SCP-544 repeated many of the following lines in their sleep. For a full listing, please see file 544.FullLog.353.\n\nI was slumbering. I was waking. Flames! Fire! Burning! I slumbered again.\nThere is no \u2588\u2588\u2588. There is no \u2588\u2588\u2588. There is no barrier.\nThe slab groans. I groan to match. We rise together.\nWhen? When? When?\nI dreamed until the dawn, but the it was not dawn. It was false! Dawn That Was Not A Dawn. Dreams turned to dust.\nThe number was [EXPUNGED]. The number is [EXPUNGED]\nNo, not time. Not yet. No. Wait and dream. Wait and dream.\n\nEvent 544-Alpha, and later similar situations, has caused the Foundation to re-evaluate SCP-544's nature. It is currently not understood how SCP-544 (or its multiple bearers) have a knowledge of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, much less how SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 has anything in common with SCP-544. More startling is 544's mentioning of the specific lat/long of Foundation Overwatch. In response to Event 544-423245, SCP-544 has been upgraded to Euclid status.\nAddendum-2: Event 544-Beta\nOn 09/15/20\u2588\u2588 at 4:01am, the current bearer of SCP-544 (D-64349) was seen walking around the medical cell he had been contained in due to a common illness. Conversation with D-64349, speaking through SCP-544, began shortly thereafter. To date, there have been \u2588\u2588 attempts to forcibly re-create the events of 544-Beta, with no success.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Up and about, 64349? Feeling better?\nD-64349: (long pause) Buried.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Excuse me?\nD-64349: (unintelligible)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please repeat yourself.\nD-64349: (long pauses between words begin here and continue throughout the conversation) Perversion. Corruption of the method. I am trod under those who exist to serve me.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (realizes he's not talking with D-64349) What method are you speaking of? Does the person I'm talking to exist to serve you?\nD-64349: Touch the stone. Become my voice. Speak my truths and my rules to the people. I warned them. Popocat\u00e9petl2 was the warning. Warning of corruption. Arrival. Destruction.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What happened?\nD-64349: (extremely long pause) My voice was not protected. Pretenders to my Glory usurped me. Shattered. Disregarded. I slept.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And what caused you to wake up? Do you remember when?\nD-64349: (shakes head) Shard of me. Not enough. The cerdos3! Treated like (unknown, translations suggest 'bearer of wooden collar'). Blasphemy. Touch the stone, become my voice. Touched the stone, spoke for them. (rapidly, alternating between Nahuatl, Spanish, and English) Arrogance! Arrogance! Arrogance! Arrogance! Arrogance!\n(At this point, D-64349 awoke, presumably by the sound of SCP-544. He turns to face Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who startles him.)\nD-64349: Jesus wept, doctor. Do you get your jollies off watching patients get up to take a piss?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: None of your business, D. Good night.\n\nFootnotes\n1. In \u2588 separate test cases, subjects bearing SCP-544 were noted as rarely saying the following words normally, if weakly: Why, Speaker, Shroud, and [EXPUNGED]. The latter, believed to be of Mesoamerican origin, has been uttered the most.\n2. A volcano located in Mexico.\n3. Spanish for 'pig'.\n\n\u00ab SCP-543 | SCP-544 | SCP-545 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-545\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-545 is considered to be three individual parts, and thus each part may be stored differently.\nSCP-545-A is to be kept in a two-room, residential containment unit at Site 17 furnished to her liking. To date, she has not requested a TV, radio, nor any contact with the outside world beyond a walk through a park or woods at least once per week, available to her upon request. During said excursions she is to be accompanied by a team of 4 armed security personnel and at least one researcher familiar to her. SCP-545-A is allowed to leave her containment and spend time in Level 0 and common areas, provided that she notify two Level-2 security personnel ahead of time and is supervised during the duration of her leaving her room. SCP-545-A poses no immediate threat to any personnel, provided that they are reminded not to make assumptions about her strength, speed, or intelligence based upon her appearance.\nAll samples and bottles of SCP-545-B are to be packaged and placed in the appropriate storage unit, under lock. Only authorized Level-4 security personnel or higher may be allowed to handle, transport, or study SCP-545-B. Drinking SCP-545-B is strictly forbidden and punishable by immediate termination, unless under testing protocol. All requests to study and test SCP-545-B must be submitted at least a week in advance, and approved by a head of Site research, if not an O5-level operative.\nSCP-545-A's unit is also to contain a small garden under sunlamps, available for her to work in. No poisonous plants are allowed after Incident 545-6b.\nSCP-545-C is to be locked in a quad-locked secure storage vault in Site-17's Precious Items wing.\nDescription: SCP-545 may be determined as three separate parts.\nSCP-545-A appears to be an elderly woman, presumably of Eastern European descent. 1.5 m (5 ft) in height, and 73.9 kg (163 lbs) in weight, giving her a short, plump build. Her skin, although deeply tanned and heavily lined, is devoid of blemishes or liver spots otherwise common with age. Her hair is thick, completely white and past her waist when let down, although 545-A prefers to keep it up in a tight bun. Her eyes, despite her age, are a bright, clear blue and devoid of cataracts or fogginess. As a reward for good behaviour and cooperation, she has been allowed to choose a wardrobe of simple and traditional dresses and eyeglasses. Despite appearing to be 80+ years old, 545-A is in exceptional health, with no weakening of the heart, bones, or respiratory system. And although of average human strength, her senses are noted to be above-average, and she scores a general 115 on a standard IQ test.\nSCP-545-A claims to be over 800 years old. This claim has yet to be disproved.\nSCP-545-A prefers to be called a number of names and dislikes the SCP designation number. She will respond to \"Grannie\", \"Beatrice\", \"Ms. Widow\", and has taken a liking to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's nickname for her- \"Totenkinder\". She displays a generally pleasant personality and enjoys activities such as sewing, cooking and gardening. SCP-545-A often requests conversations and walks outside as well. Despite SCP-545-A's penchant for acting like a kindly older woman, she displays no remorse for her use of SCP-545-B/C.\nSCP-545-A also displays a pathological fear of death and an addiction to SCP-545-B, and she complies with Foundation personnel under threat of being deprived of her supply of SCP-545-B. As the only known long-term user of SCP-545-B, 545-A's information is considered invaluable.\nSCP-545-B is a colorless, odorless liquid extracted from the body via 545-C and bottled. It is often dubbed \"Liquid Life\" due to its properties. Under examination, 545-B appears to be slightly more viscous than water, but varies in direct texture and taste. 545-B has no unique properties until ingested.\nDrinking SCP-545-B extends the life of the user, slowing the process of aging and often either slowing or completely ridding the body of disease. It may even be used to heal major wounds if drunk quickly enough. Repeated use of SCP-545-B may prolong life indefinitely, but results in a strong dependency upon its properties and many frequent users show borderline sociopathic tendencies in regards to the creation of SCP-545-B. To date, the SCP Foundation keeps a limited supply of SCP-545-B and allows for production only for study of SCP-545-C.\nSCP-545-C is a thin, weathered sheet of yellow parchment, in surprisingly good condition; carbon-dating places it to be at least 600 years old. SCP-545-A claims to have copied SCP-545-C from the original document containing SCP-545-C's instructions. For lack of a better term, SCP-545-C contains a recipe in Middle English for extracting and distilling SCP-545-B from the human body. Full contents of SCP-545-C are undisclosed in order to prevent unauthorized personnel from creating SCP-545-B. Key portions include\n\nIngredients list, including such materials as live leeches, skullcap seeds, chicken fetuses, snake skin, ginger root, mandrake root, lily-of-the-valley-water, spider eggs, and nearly two dozen more items, in varying amounts. The most prominent ingredient appears to be a living human being, preferably a child. Multiple ingredients on this list have been noted to match the ingredients used in instances of SCP-2077\nSupplies list, including a boiling pot large enough for a child or other human along with water and many ingredients, and a strainer made from fresh spiderwebs among other things.\nInstructions list, detailing rather elaborately the exact amounts of materials and timing needed to successfully create, distill, and bottle SCP-545-B.\n\nSCP-545-A is able to recite and act upon SCP-545-C by heart; the exact mechanisms of the process that creates SCP-545-B are still unidentified.\n\n\"Magic\" is not an acceptable answer. There has to be some sort of process here that allows for this to happen, it can't just \"happen\" because \"it works.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum: SCP-545 was located in a small Midwestern town, under the guise of an elderly woman with mild dementia. The woods her residential neighborhood were located in led to an area near a river that was prone to sinkholes and had a small history of children becoming lost or dying in the woods before. Her neighbors describe her as kind and caring, and had no suspicions that she may be anything more than a lonely, elderly widow with a penchant for giving neighborhood kids small treats in return for collecting their used glass bottles. She was located and captured by [DATA EXPUNGED]\nFrom SCP-545-A's own memory, she has been repeating the same process for quite a while. She buys a small house in a relatively dangerous area and keeps the supplies for SCP-545-C with her, or manages to find and produce them. She collects glass bottles via the neighborhood and over time gains their trust. She describes the process of capturing children for SCP-545-C as being relatively easy. She simply goes for a walk and pretends to be lost, or talks kids into accompanying her home under the promise of food and candy. She admits to doing this at least once every five years or more.\nShe claims to have been using this process for at least 800 years, but has admitted that even though her aging has slowed to a crawl, it hasn't stopped completely, no matter how much SCP-545-B she produces and ingests.\n\nSCP-545-B is not to be used or distributed even in cases of emergency. Failure to comply will result in termination.\nO5 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-544 | SCP-545 | SCP-546 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-546\n\nItem #: SCP-546\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial containment procedures: SCP-546 is to be contained in a secured lock box. Access is restricted only to Level 2 research staff directly assigned to SCP-546. A full log of all used sheets, date used, inscribed data, and subject exposed is to be kept along with SCP item. At no point should SCP-546 or any of the sheets leave the quarantine room.\nDescription: SCP-546 consists of a single pad of spiral-bound, lined, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand note paper. SCP-546 measures 15 cm x 23 cm, and currently consists of 57 sheets out of the original 60. Besides its anomalous effects, the item has no other outstanding characteristics.\nWhen a subject inscribes on SCP-546 with any writing instrument, they begin to experience a cognitive breakdown. Any inscribed word or phrase will begin to interject itself into the subject's speech and writing. The frequency of the phrase will continue to rise over the course of time. After approximately 24 hours, the subject is unable to write and speak anything else other than the phrase they had written down. Removal of sheets does not affect the properties of the item.\nAlthough there is serious mental distress from losing the ability to communicate with others, affected subjects have been shown to be able to continue living on with their new disability. Cognitive abilities are not directly affected, and subjects are able to nod and shake their heads in response to simple \u201cYes/No\u201d questions.\nExperiment log:\n\nSubject: D-Class 546-3931\nSheet: 55\nDate: 02/12/\u2588\u2588\nPhrase: \u201dSouth Dixie Drive\u201d\nSubject 546-3931 was then asked to read from The Canterbury Tales out loud. About 30 minutes into the novel, the subject interjected the phrase \u201cSouth Dixie Drive\u201d directly into her dialogue. She was assured that this would be normal, and asked to continue. The phrase came up again at the 45 minute mark. By this time, subject 546-3931 refused to keep reading and asked to see a doctor. Frequency continued to escalate over the next 14 hours, when the subject was sedated due to a violent outburst at an assistant. When the subject woke up 8 hours later, her vocabulary consisted entirely of the phrase \u201cSouth Dixie Drive\u201d.\n\nSubject: D-Class 546-3931 (repeat subject)\nSheet: 55\nDate: 02/15/\u2588\u2588\nPhrase: \u201dThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs\u201d\nSubject 546-3931 was instructed that writing the above phrase on SCP-546 would cure her current condition. Subject was unable to write down the phrase.\n\nSubject: D-Class 546-3880\nSheet: 55\nDate: 03/02/\u2588\u2588\nPhrase: \u201dBread; Eggs; Milk; Cheese\u201d\nSubject 546-3880 is a Hispanic male whose primary language was Spanish. After writing down the test phrase, the subject was asked to sing the words to the Spanish version of \u201cHappy Birthday\u201d out loud until asked to stop. The first instance of the phrase occurred in English after approximately 25 minutes. The subject was calmed down, and then asked to continue singing the song, except this time in English. This time, the phrase did not occur until after 2 hours had passed. A written test phase later did not produce the same anomaly.\n\nSubject: D-Class 546-3950\nSheet: 55\nDate: 03/24/\u2588\u2588\nPhrase: \u201d555-1234\u201d\nSubject 546-3950 is a deaf individual who lost his hearing a few years before arriving at the Foundation. Although written text follows the same pattern as above, his ability to sign was never affected. After several weeks of monitoring 546-3950, it was determined that his ability to use sign language was unaffected by SCP-546.\n\"Sign language classes are being provided to subjects 546-3931 and 546-3880 to further study the effect of SCP-546.\" ~Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-545 | SCP-546 | SCP-547 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-547\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-547 is to be stored inside a plain black envelope which in turn is to be stored in the security deposit box located in Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office. No Foundation employee is to access SCP-547 without Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's consent, and SCP-547 itself should only be handled by test subjects. Please note that any persons exposed to SCP-547's effects are subject to Class D status.\nDescription: SCP-547 is an off-white standard size business card (85 mm x 55 mm) for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a licensed hypnotherapist from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, UK. The front of the card is unremarkable and inert. On the reverse, the phrase \u201cJe pense donc\u2026?\u201d is written in black ball-point pen. The modified side of SCP-547 is a cognitohazard and should be treated with the relevant precautions.\nIn all cases, reading and understanding the phrase has ultimately resulted in a complete loss of personality, and a greatly reduced awareness of self. Test subjects have been able to perform most basic tasks, and nearly all are still capable of speech. Subjects are, however, incapable of any subjective thought and emotion beyond the rational and immediate. The effects of SCP-547 are degenerative, with full manifestation occurring approximately ten weeks after exposure. Several stages have been observed:\nExposure- 1 week: No substantial change in personality. Subjects may occasionally forget personal details or answer to a name other than their own.\n1-6 weeks: Subjects begin to show confusion as to their own identity and key facts regarding their lives. See interview SCP-547-A for further details.\n6-9 weeks: Subjects begin to regress towards final stage of infection. Mannerisms and turns of phrase associated with subject begin to disappear and speech begins to lack inflection and emotion.\n10 weeks and beyond: Psychological and cognitive effects previously described are fully manifest. See interview SCP-547-B for further details.\n\n+ Interview SCP-547-A\n\n- Interview SCP-547-A\n\nSubject D-547-Tau is a Caucasian male aged 35. Time since exposure to SCP-547: 5 weeks 2 days.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good morning, subject Tau, I'm Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Records say your name is \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Is that correct?\nD-547-Tau: It is.\n\u2588: Very good. Tell me a little bit about yourself, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nD: Where should I start?\n\u2588: Well, how about a little regarding your early life? Any happy memories?\nD: Oh yes. Every summer, my parents used to rent this place in Maine. I loved it there. Sandy beaches, those quaint little lighthouses. Lobster dinners. I remember my mom telling me, \u201cHenry, if th-\u201c\n\u2588: Hang on, can I stop you there? Why did your mother refer to you as Henry?\nD: Because that's my name.\n\u2588: You confirmed your name as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 30 seconds ago.\nD: I did? I-\n\u2588: Please, continue.\nD: Like I was saying, my mom always said, \u201cMarcus, if there ever was a paradise here on earth this would be it.\u201d Man, I loved that clean air, all that green. Nothing like BC in the spring.\n\u2588: British Columbia?\nD: Only BC I know of.\n\u2588: Tell me about your parents.\nD: Decent people. Both came from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Kentucky. Born and raised. My Dad loved his bikes, named me after one. Got some ribbing at school for that, Harley ain't all that common a name you know. He was a good man though, loved his pa. Says leaving him at the boarding gate back in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was the saddest day of his life, but a man's got to make his own way in the world I guess.\n\u2588: So he emigrated from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\nD: Yes.\n\u2588: But he was born in Kentucky?\nD: That's right.\n\u2588: Would you mind confirming your name and the last place you lived please?\nD: Jacob Maddox, Austin, Texas.\n\u2588: And again?\nD: Paul Jones. I'm from Cardiff. It's in the UK in-\n\u2588: Again.\nD: David Pollock, Birdseye, Utah, I don't understand why you're asking, I've already told you-\n\u2588: Again.\n[REMAINDER OF INTERVIEW CLASSIFIED. O5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]\n\n+ Interview SCP-547-B\n\n- Interview SCP-547-B\n\nFourth interview with SCP-547-Tau. Twelve weeks since exposure.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good morning, Tau\nD-SCP-547-Tau: Good morning.\n\u2588: I'd like to perform some tests today. Please follow the written directions on the sheet in front of you. You have fifteen minutes.\nSubject Tau performs several tests, designed to highlight any loss in cognitive function. Results are negative.\n\u2588: Good. Now I'm going to show you a few pictures. Can you tell me what this is?\nD: Blue sky with clouds.\n\u2588: What do you think of it?\nD: I think- I think- I don't know\n\u2588: How about this one?\nD: It's a man. He's dead. His throat's been cut.\n\u2588:: Any thoughts on this? You used to hate this picture.\nD: It's an image of a dead human printed on photograph quality paper. High gloss.\n\u2588: Not quite what I was getting at. You have no opinion of it whatsoever?\nD: No.\n\u2588: Moving on then. According to your profile, you suffered from arachnophobia.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 releases a large, but otherwise unremarkable house spider onto subject Tau's arm. Heart rate does not rise above 65 bpm.\n\u2588: Nothing? It's been 3 weeks since I've been able to elicit any sort of human response from you. Let's try something else. Do you know what this is?\nD: A blowtorch.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 activates blowtorch and moves it towards Tau's arm, causing subject to flinch. Tau's heart rate jumps to 135 bpm.\n\u2588: Hm.\n[REMAINDER OF INTERVIEW CLASSIFIED. O5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]\n\nFrom: Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTo: O5-\u2588\nSubject: SCP-547\nIn response to your previous email, subjects are unable to recall any previous experiences in an emotional context, and are completely incapable of subjective thought. I would like to suggest that due to their predictable behaviour, subjects exposed to SCP-547 would make perfect control groups for any other psychohazards or cognitohazards we may encounter.\nRegards,\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nFrom: O5-\u2588\nTo: Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Re- SCP-547\nI would like subjects D-547- Alpha through Gamma prepped for transport by 0700 tomorrow. You can expect more requests of this nature in the future.\n\n\u00ab SCP-546 | SCP-547 | SCP-548 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-548\n\nItem #: SCP-548\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-548 is to be kept at 24\u00b0C in a 50 cm x 50 cm terrarium. The enclosure is to be composed of modified borosilicate glass with high thermal shock resistance, or of other materials not rendered brittle by sudden temperature changes of greater than 50\u00b0C. In the event that SCP-548 makes an active attempt to grind through the terrarium walls, the enclosure is to be flooded immediately with 500 mL liquid nitrogen and the subject removed temporarily to a reinforced steel terrarium. Subject is to be fed mice, one every four days.\nSCP-548 should not be handled except as needed for testing. Handlers must be at least cursorily familiar with tarantula behavior and wear heavily insulated gloves. Should subject display any aggressive behavior, cease handling promptly. If bitten, personnel should be treated immediately for hypothermia and frostbite. Active intrathoracic warming with heated fluids is indicated for severe bites.\nDescription: SCP-548 is a female cobalt tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus), 7.3 cm long. Its venom undergoes a highly endothermic reaction on contact with living tissue; a single bite, injecting less than 0.5 mL venom, causes an average temperature drop of 38\u00b0C in the affected area. One bite is sufficient to cause localized frostbite in a human, and may even be lethal should the venom reach the central circulatory system. Victims smaller than SCP-548 are frequently frozen solid.\nSCP-548's feeding structures are normal for a spider of its species except for the maxillae, which are extremely hard and serrated. It feeds by delivering a venomous bite, then dragging the prey to a safe place while it cools. While secluded, it proceeds to grind the prey's still-frozen tissue into edible fragments. This feeding style requires unusual mouthpart strength.\nAddendum: SCP-548, like most Cyriopagopus species, usually avoids contact with humans. If cornered, however, it quickly turns aggressive, attempting to bite its perceived attacker before fleeing.\nThe object may be frozen solid with no apparent ill effects. It has survived repeated freezings, each time resuming normal behavior upon thawing. Further research is required to ascertain the mechanism of this resistance and to determine its suitability for long-term storage.\nAddendum 2: It is possible that the same anomalous effect that was historically responsible for SCP-2082 may now be affecting SCP-548. Research into this link is currently underway using SCP-2082 tissue samples preserved following Incident 2082-Prime. Proposals to resume the SCP-2082 cloning program for use of a live specimen have been denied.\n\n\u00ab SCP-547 | SCP-548 | SCP-549 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-549\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-549 is to be kept at all times in its terrarium. The terrarium was created after previous containment proved to be insufficient. The containment plexiglass is to be checked for fractures every day at 0600 and 1800. Any signs of stress or wear are to be reported immediately to one of SCP-549's handlers. The terrarium is to be kept filled with miniature foliage and groundcover resembling that of northwestern North America. Fabrication company [REDACTED] is to be used for repairs on the terrarium's interior. A stream has been engineered to run through the terrarium, the water of which must be changed daily, using only filtered spring water. The terrarium is to be kept within a 15m by 15m room, placed on a stable support platform capable of holding up to two metric tons in the event that SCP-549 begins to throw its weight around.\nThe containment room should be lit in accordance with the day-night cycle and climate controlled in accordance with conditions in northwestern Canada. During summer and autumn months, SCP-549 requires upwards of 70,000-80,000 calories per day in preparation for its hibernation period. Because of SCP-549's special situation, it is inefficient to provide the nutrition in the traditional means. It simply takes SCP-549 too long to consume that much material. Currently, its diet is provided in the form of salmon fillets which have passed through [REDACTED], thus drastically increasing the caloric content of the fish. In winter and early spring, SCP-549 requires little or no care, though monitoring should continue as per usual. Personnel assigned to SCP-549 must take all care not to disturb its den by any means.\nAs a result of Incident 549-72 (the mauling of Assistant Researcher [REDACTED] by SCP-549), all personnel assigned to SCP-549 are required to watch security footage of Incident 549-72 as part of their orientation.\nDescription: SCP-549 appears to be a miniature version of Ursus arctos horribilis or grizzly bear. In stature it is approximately 17 centimeters in length when standing on its hind legs. However, SCP-549 has a mass in line with an average adult grizzly bear (in summer around 305 kilograms). It consumes as much food as a full-sized grizzly would and is able to exert all the same force with its claws and bite. This presents a number of problems, since its strength is concentrated over a much smaller area. Several of SCP-549's first enclosures were destroyed because it exerted far more force than expected of so small a creature. The walls of its current enclosure, treated with [DATA EXPUNGED], have proven more able to resist any attempts to escape, though as long as it is fed regularly and not provoked it seems content to remain in the terrarium.\nSCP-549 was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Canada along with several other miniature animals. Though agents on site were unable to determine the cause of death for the others, SCP-549's dietary requirements suggest they may have died from starvation. Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 theorized that SCP-549 only survived because it was in its hibernation state at the time when [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject had a collar affixed similar to the other [DATA EXPUNGED] with the etched designation \"URSA MINOR / DR WONDERTAINMENT'S MICRO MENAGERIE\". Several personnel were harmed in trying to remove the subject from [DATA EXPUNGED], mostly because of its great weight and strength.\nHow SCP-549 seems to be of the same mass as a normal bear but occupying a smaller space is currently unknown. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 believes that it may involve a warping of space-time, rather than true shrinking. How physical laws have been circumvented is unknown, but tests are currently being formulated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-548 | SCP-549 | SCP-550 \u00bb"} {"text": "Earliest photo of SCP-550's initial recovery point.\n\nItem #: SCP-550\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-550 is to be held in a standard-sized humanoid cell. SCP-550 should be provided with a human corpse on a bi-weekly basis. Any remaining materials are to be cleaned and removed from the containment chamber after provision. All personnel handling SCP-550 are to wear provided chemical resistant gloves and Hazmat suits at all times. Directions made toward SCP-550 may be broadcast from speakers installed in its containment chamber, and should be used for transportation, maintenance, and testing.\nDescription: SCP-550 is a humanoid composed of wood shavings from Fraxinus excelsior (European Ash), measuring 2.1 meters in height and 70 kg in weight. SCP-550 closely resembles a human male suffering from advanced muscle atrophy, though it lacks all exterior and bodily organs. SCP-550 is mainly compliant to human subjects, though it is restricted to following simple commands. Conversation through alternative systems of communication has been unsuccessful in determining if SCP-550 is sapient. SCP-550 is able to smell despite the lack of any sensory organs, and does this solely for the purpose of locating human corpses.\nSCP-550 is mainly drawn toward corpses in early stages of putrefaction. If no such cadaver is in the vicinity, it will attempt to locate one itself through bipedal locomotion. Upon finding a cadaver, SCP-550 will unravel itself to create a wide split in the area where a chest would be, and will kneel over the cadaver and make physical contact with the cavity. This cavity does not appear to be different from SCP-550's exterior, and it secretes high concentrations of hydrochloric acid. The acid produced by SCP-550 does not dissolve the wood it is covered in.\nSCP-550 is capable of incorporating simple molecules and compounds through its cavity. The hydrochloric acid it produces is used in breaking down organic substances located in corpses, allowing it to take nutrients through pores in the wood it is composed of. SCP-550 mainly intakes amino acids and various proteins, though it is unclear in how it uses them to maintain itself.\nSCP-550 will continue making contact with its chosen corpse, before closing its chest cavity and standing up. SCP-550 will then release a slurry of materials, mostly containing loose portions of epidermis, articles of clothing (if present on the corpse), and stomach bile. When deprived of corpses for several days, SCP-550 will enter a dormant state and refrain from movement for an indefinite period of time until a corpse is available.\nAddendum 550-Recov: SCP-550 was found at the site of a mass grave in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, South Africa. Foundation Intelligence was made aware of rumors being passed between locals regarding a \"gh\u00fbl\", descriptions of which had some marked deviations from traditional folklore. MTF Beta-7 (\"Maz Hatters\") was dispatched with orders to confirm the existence of a potential Euclid class being and to retrieve it on the Foundation's behalf.\n28 corpses were found to have been damaged by SCP-550, and Protocol \"Sewn Veil\" was enacted to restore bodies to acceptable conditions. Several ritualistic items such as incense, candles, pieces of a large cloth stained with various bodily fluids, utensils, pots, plates, and various salts and spices were found scattered throughout the graveyard.\nOne person was reported missing in the town of SCP-550's original location, a local resident named Siyanda \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. No corpse has been found that matches the civilian. Other town members claim \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had begun taking regular trips to a neighboring town prior to their disappearance.\nOn search of the civilian's home, a voicemail from a public phone located in [REDACTED] was found. No other evidence of possible involvement with SCP-550 was discovered.\n\nForeword: The following is translated from the Bantu language, belonging to the Zulus.\n\n[Coughing and heavy breathing, masculine voice]\n\"We know you feel it in you. I know you do not want to answer me. You need to come. We are here to open those shredded bonds, never mind their state. You're famished, yet you are not hungry! Where do you expect to hide from what you need?\"\n[A feminine voice can be heard whispering for 4 seconds, before the caller makes a sound of approval.]\n\"Khetiwie says she is prepared, so now it is only up to you. Do you not want to let it burn through your bones, mixing you into the slime from where we began? Do you not want to become one with the saliva of the beast, soaking in the juices of your kin? You know what to do. We want to bring ourselves inside the beast. This is not something you should be afraid of.\"\n[Further unknown background noises are heard.]\n\"See, Slindile has already brought forth her tendons, fresh. Just look at her pinch the eye out\u2026 Lord, I can't wait to feel what it is like inside him.\"\n\nAddendum 550-A1 4/19/2011: Analysis of SCP-550 skin sample shows the presence of mucosal cells and microvilli, and confirms skin pigmentation as melanin. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has suggested and authorized MRI scan without sedation. Scan postponed following Incident SCP-550-T1.\nIncident 550-T1 At 03:43, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, surveillance showed that SCP-550 had begun pacing its cell during research of its dormant state. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were given permission to investigate. Surveillance footage shows that standard Foundation procedure was followed and no abnormalities were found until personnel left. SCP-550 immediately lay down in its cell until a large black tongue, anatomically human, erupted from within SCP-550. Site-36 was placed under lockdown, while the tongue protruding from SCP-550 had begun slathering the entirety of its containment cell. 2 minutes and 14 seconds had passed before the tongue withdrew into SCP-550. An amount of black, viscous saliva containing various amounts of organic material from all previously consumed corpses was left on containment chamber walls, along with what appeared to be an intact traditional black Zulu dress.1\nShortly after Incident 550-T1, the tongue belonging to SCP-550 has been recorded to randomly protrude from SCP-550's chest cavity for several seconds. SCP-550 has resorted to remaining in a fetal position, presumably to prevent an event similar to the recent incident. No further deviations in behavior have been noted; containment procedures are currently being updated.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Thorough analysis of this material revealed significant titres of a heavily modified variant strain of SCP-742. Additional analysis of genetic material, including the accompanying viral particles, showed significant splicing and incorporation of functional genes from a variety of plants, and several scavenger species, aligning with genetic analysis of recovered samples of SCP-3140.\n\n\u00ab SCP-549 | SCP-550 | SCP-551 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-551\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-551 is to be contained in a simple cardboard box. It must be of an adequate size to carry all pieces of SCP-551. The box should be stored in a locker unit on Storage Site-23 and at least one (1) Level 1 staff member is to be notified in the event of its removal.\nDescription: SCP-551 is a standard, five hundred and fifty (550) piece jigsaw puzzle, which should depict, in its finished form, the image of a solitary woman on a small rowboat, surrounded by a stormy sea. However, due to the nature of SCP-551's anomalous qualities, some details of the scene are left incomplete, such as the woman's face and [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-551 was found in the apartment of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after other residents complained of an odor seeping out from under the door. The severely malnourished body of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was discovered beside SCP-551, with several pieces still clutched in her hand. Roughly one third of SCP-551 was pieced together on her floor.\nMultiple subjects testing SCP-551 stated that a completion of the puzzle seems inconceivable. The mental reactions of subjects to SCP-551 was diverse, apparently depending less on the puzzle and more on the personality of the subject (see Addenda 551-1/2/3), though the effects of SCP-551 on the psychology of subjects should not be overlooked.\nAddendum 551-1\nStandard Class-D personnel is tasked with piecing together SCP-551. Subject spent two weeks in a single room, trying to finish the puzzle, and pausing only to sleep. Subject became increasingly frustrated with his progress on SCP-551, which failed to span past forty (40) connected pieces after this time. Subject slept less during his last days working on the puzzle, and was permitted to stop when he [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 551-2\nClass-D personnel with a history of addictive behavior is tasked with piecing together SCP-551. Subject acted aloof about the assignment at first, but after connecting two pieces, she seemed to become alarmingly obsessed with SCP-551. Subject stayed beside it for days, sometimes screaming about her lack of progress. After a period of four weeks, subject lost consciousness from lack of sleep, and the test was ended. One hundred and two (102) pieces of SCP-551 had been connected.\nAddendum 551-3\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who scored above average on a standard IQ test, expressed skepticism about SCP-551 and was approved to test it. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 completed all but a couple of sections, specifically the woman's facial features and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Despite this success, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 showed confusion over his remaining pieces and adopted a fatalist attitude toward the puzzle, finally refusing to complete it after four days.\nAddendum 551-4\nA computer-based approach was taken on the completion of the puzzle. The first tool used was a mechanical arm designed to take a piece and place it in the puzzle, used along with a camera and a desktop computer running an image processing algorithm. The application was tested extensively with normal puzzles; however, when tasked with completion of the puzzle, it would invariably trigger a blue screen or a kernel panic as soon as it finished scanning the piece. An embedded design approach was taken, and the computer was replaced by a microcontroller in charge of moving the piece linked to an image processing DSP; however, the value of the program counter register in all the CPUs would corrupt as soon as the DSP finished scanning the picture of the piece, and in several occasions a sudden, unexpected current peak would result in damage to the CPUs and other components. Automated solutions, therefore, had to be discarded.\n\n\u00ab SCP-550 | SCP-551 | SCP-552 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-552\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-552 is to be contained in a room furnished as standard living quarters. All furniture is to be padded and bolted into place to prevent accidental collisions. Reading material may be provided at the subject's request, but any discussion of current events is to be censored. A screen is to play time-delayed security footage of the subject's containment facility to enable communication. The time delay should be updated once a week to keep pace with the subject's progressing condition.\nSCP-552 is to be gagged and kept in full body restraints to prevent self-harm. It is not to be stored in any facility containing other SCPs or transported through any populated areas.\nDescription: SCP-552 is a middle-aged human male. The subject's sensory systems display an anomalous temporal distortion: it cannot perceive its surroundings as they currently are, but only as they will be in the near future. SCP-552 is otherwise physically unremarkable. The subject's physical form can be interacted with normally, but its reactions to any interaction will have already occurred. It is fully cognizant of its condition, and will sometimes attempt to time its reactions to interact normally with researchers.\nThe subject's temporal distortion has grown more pronounced over time. When first secured by the Foundation in 19\u2588\u2588, it perceived events slightly under one second into the future. Within a year, the subject was noted responding to questions two seconds before they were asked. The temporal distortion has widened at an accelerating rate since then, reaching an 18-month gap after 10 years of containment.\nThe subject's predictive capabilities are substantial but not flawless. When a paradoxical situation is presented to SCP-552, in which researchers deliberately defy its predictions, it will experience memory loss regarding the predicted event. SCP-552 has requested the Foundation stop creating paradoxes in this manner, as they cause the subject severe migraines.\nThe subject's premature reactions to alarms have proven a reliable forewarning of containment breaches, enabling a heightened level of readiness and minimized loss of life.\nAddendum 552-1: At 12:45 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-552 became extremely agitated, spending 12 minutes thrashing and shouting at Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\", though the former was not present and no researcher by the latter name is in the Foundation's employ. During this period, it repeatedly insisted that it was fine, and to get away from it. It then collapsed, stiffened, and continued making incoherent cries. Further communication proved impossible: though analysis of the subject's physical condition revealed no changes, it remained incapable of anything more coherent than grunts and moans, and either cannot or will not move its limbs from a stiffened position. It has remained in some variation of this state ever since. Temporal distortion at the time was estimated at 4 years, 2 months, and 12 days, suggesting that the subject is experiencing an event starting on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 552-2: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, shortly before the predicted cause of the subject's incapacitation, it unstiffened and regained mobility in its limbs for the first time in 4 years. Shortly thereafter the subject began screaming in apparent agony and frantically clawing at itself. After renewed attempts at communication proved fruitless, SCP-552 was physically restrained in a straitjacket and gag to prevent self-harm.1 Since then, SCP-552 has continued attempting to scream and scrape off its own flesh without any kind of pause, including pauses for necessary functions such as eating or sleeping.\nIt is believed that the subject's \u201cstiff phase\u201d was due to it experiencing being confined to a straitjacket 4 years before the straitjacket became necessary. It is unknown what experience is reflected by its sudden pain and impulse towards self-harm. Due to the possibility that it is reacting to a future anomalous event, possibly caused by a containment breach, it has been moved to Site 109, away from any other SCPs.\nPlease be very careful to keep SCP-552 alive, at least until we figure out why he's screaming. If he dies in the next 6-10 years, I don't like the implications. \u2014Site Director Prell\n\nFootnotes\n1. The researchers present for this were, as expected, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and the recently hired Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-551 | SCP-552 | SCP-553 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-553 feeding on a stalagmite\n\nSCP-553 in transition to adult stage\n\nItem #: SCP-553\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The primary colony of SCP-553 is to be kept in the cave system they were discovered in, located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, China. Coordination with the Chinese Ministry of State Security has resulted in the surrounding area being declared a munitions testing range and off-limits to non-military personnel. Foundation agents have further encouraged local folklore which indicates that the cave system is inhabited by demons, in order to discourage casual exploration. A Chinese/Foundation security force is stationed on-site and will monitor the status of the colony.\n125 instances of SCP-553 have been transported to Site-37 for observation and experimentation. They are kept in a 8 m by 17 m by 5 m steel-walled room whose interior replicates conditions in their originating cave system. Native cave flora and fauna are to be maintained in sufficient quantities to provide the appropriate nutritional needs of SCP-553. Multiple IR and night-vision cameras have been installed in order to provide full coverage of the interior, as well as numerous passive acoustic sensors.\nAny personnel entering the chamber must only use the designated path and be wearing full body protection as laid out in Document 553-0-942-Alpha. Effective 06/01/20\u2588\u2588, a decontamination airlock has been installed and all rooms and hallways adjoining SCP-553's chamber are to be equipped with high-strength UV lamps as well as a humidity level of 50% or less. Industrial dehumidifiers are to be on hand in the case of containment breach.\nDescription: SCP-553 is a colony of approximately 140,000 winged organisms superficially resembling butterflies. They possess a silicon-based biochemistry and are composed primarily of calcium and silicate compounds. The body of a member of the species is mostly calcite, with some of the internal organs composed of a material similar to quartz with piezoelectric properties. This silicate impurity adds rigidity to the creature, giving it a rating from 3.5 to 4.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. Although they continue to grow throughout their observed lifespan, the growth rate slows considerably once they have entered their adult stage. The average observed wingspan of an adult is 2.3 cm.\nThe life cycle is notable in that it appears more closely related to crystal growth than standard biological growth. The creature starts out as a crystal seed, rather than an egg. Adult instances deposit them on stalactites, and they \"hatch\" approximately 12 days later. The larval stage appears as anthodites, and leach minerals from the stalactite using a weak acid. They move extremely slowly (approximately 5 cm per day), and leave distinctive tracks behind them as they progress. These tracks can be used to discriminate between genuine anthodites and SCP-553. The larval stage lasts approximately 70 days, at which point it becomes stationary and begins to grow its wings.1 During the transition from the larval to the adult stage, the wings of an instance of SCP-553 grow rapidly, becoming fully formed in less than 9 hours, at which point the adult will detach from the stalactite. Through an unknown process, SCP-553 maintains a relatively stable population, with eggs only being laid when an adult dies. The population transplanted to containment has stabilized at 137 +/- 2.\nMembers of SCP-553 primarily rely on a form of echolocation to sense their surroundings. They do this by creating a variety of ultra-high-pitched tones via scraping and striking their legs together, and appear to use their wings as a mobile array to detect reflected sound. Additionally, they appear to have a variety of chemosensors in their footpads, allowing them to determine the mineral composition of the surfaces they land on. Adult instances of SCP-553 primarily feed by scraping fungus and lichen from the cavern floor and, to a lesser extent, leaching minerals from stalagmites2 using a similar acid as used by the larval stage.\nWhen any adult instance of SCP-553 suffers significant damage, it produces a unique sonar signature which alerts all other nearby adults to the presence of danger. Adults will swarm the perceived source of danger and proceed to attack it by attempting to slice it with their wings. The wings of SCP-553 members have an average thickness of 5 mm where they attach to the body, and taper rapidly to an average thickness of 0.05 mm with sharp, beveled edges. In testing, individual lacerations as deep as 1 cm have been measured. However, deeper lacerations usually result in some portion of the wing structure breaking off in the inflicted wound. These fragments typically continue to fracture in the wound due to mechanical stresses. The circulatory fluid of SCP-553 reacts with most carbon-based tissues in a necrotizing fashion, resulting in significant post-traumatic infections.\nIncident 553-04-Gamma: On 05/21/20\u2588\u2588, 21 instances of SCP-553 escaped their containment chamber due to an improperly sealed access door. They reacted to recapture attempts as an attack and retaliated. SCP-553 displayed a high degree of pattern recognition and target analysis and quickly focused their attacks on the exposed, fleshy parts of the containment personnel, particularly the throat and face. The 9 immediate fatalities received, on average, 10 wounds greater than 1 cm. It is currently hypothesized that these were caused by multiple slashes on the same wound site. The secondary necrotic infections caused by SCP-553 wounds resulted in a further 8 deaths. 12 instances were successfully recaptured and returned to containment and the remaining dead instances were retained for autopsy, structural analysis, and chemical analysis of their circulatory fluid.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Unlike known lepidopterae, SCP-553 does not possess a pupal stage.\n2. Adults have never been observed to \"feed\" from stalactites. It is hypothesized that this is an adaptation to preserve food stock for the larval stage.\n\n\u00ab SCP-552 | SCP-553 | SCP-554 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-554\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A 100m exclusion zone should be maintained around SCP-554 with signage indicating danger of death due to electrocution. A rotating team of 3 field personnel is to be assigned the task of preventing public exposure to the object. The individual currently designated SCP-554-2 is to be held in Foundation custody at Sector-25. In the event of members of the public or Foundation personnel becoming exposed to the effects of SCP-554, the following procedures apply:\n\n174-Macadamia: Where an individual has viewed SCP-554-1. Communication with Sector-25 should be established immediately to confirm that the individual previously designated SCP-554-2 has undergone a 554-Boojum event. Exposed individual is to be designated SCP-554-2 and conveyed to Sector-25. Containment is to be re-established and any eyewitnesses administered amnestics.\n\n889-Almond: Where multiple individuals have viewed SCP-554-1 in a short time span. Surviving individual is to be interrogated to establish the identity, where possible, of others exposed. Failing this it will become necessary to remove SCP-554-1 and identify the corpse. Precautions must be taken to avoid accidental exposure while retrieving SCP-554-1. Corpses removed from SCP-554 are to be conveyed to Sector-25.\n\n333-Hickory: Where Foundation agents have been exposed to SCP-554-1 in the course of their duties. Safety of uncontaminated personnel is the highest priority; where the previously exposed individual has not been identified, the exposed agent has sole responsibility for identifying SCP-554-1. Contaminated personnel are to be designated SCP-554-2 and conveyed to the Sector-25 facility; they should be kept under 24-hour surveillance by at least two staff members to delay a 554-Boojum event. Next of kin should be informed that SCP-554-2 has been diagnosed with a terminal medical condition. Video-link or in extremis personal contact with SCP-554-2 is authorised at the discretion of sector management; suitable steps should be taken to safeguard the secrecy of Sector-25.\n\nLevel 5 Access Required\n\nClose\n\n451-Cachichin: Where images or footage of SCP-554-1 has become public knowledge and has proven effective at transmitting the SCP-554 effect. SCP-554 is to be reclassified Keter with immediate effect. High explosives to be used to destroy SCP-554. If neutralisation efforts prove ineffective, following protocols are to be implemented in order provided below until containment is re-established.\n\nWhitehouse Protocol: Electronic communications to be disabled worldwide to prevent transmission of SCP-554 effect. State approval is to be sought wherever possible - otherwise Foundation assets are to be directed to sabotage relevant infrastructure.\nAmeles Protocol: Use of Project LETHE authorised. Contaminated objects, individuals, and electronic infrastructure are to be destroyed.\nWyndham Protocol: Orbital assets to be used to neutralise human optic nerves in area of contamination to prevent further transmission.\n\nDescription: SCP-554 is a structure located on Culver Down, Isle of Wight, England. Its date of construction and original purpose are unclear, but photographs taken from the nearby \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Holiday Park date its presence to the late 1970s.\nThe structure's exterior is composed of partially oxidised iron plates and concrete - radiography suggests its interior to consist of a large number of complex mechanical components. A rusted iron ladder permits access to the structure's roof, though as far as can be determined there is no instrumentation or access to the interior anywhere on SCP-554's exterior.\nA human corpse, designated SCP-554-1, wrapped in a black plastic refuse bag, is visible in the space between the concrete beams on which SCP-554 is supported. When SCP-554-1 is viewed by a human subject, designated SCP-554-2, the previous individual to view SCP-554-1 will disappear the next time they are out of sight of any observer; this event is designated 554-Boojum.\nMechanical observation appears insufficient to prevent this effect; they will disappear between frames unless a sentient observer maintains unbroken line of sight to a live visual output of the subject. If SCP-554-1 is removed from SCP-554 and identified it will be discovered to be the corpse of the previous SCP-554-2 - the cause of death is invariably multiple stab wounds to the chest and abdomen and the corpse exhibits a level of decomposition consistent with remaining undiscovered for approximately 72 hours.\nIndividuals who undergo 554-Boojum are erased from all written and electronic records within approximately 120km; this has led to significant difficulty identifying victims of SCP-554. It is not presently believed that human memory is subject to this effect, though this cannot be ruled out: it can be established only that in some cases memories of the affected individual are not erased, as the Foundation has re-recorded the identities of numerous individuals who have been subject to 554-Boojum.\nWhen SCP-554-1 is viewed by a human subject, activity from within SCP-554 has been detected, including mechanical noise and vibration. Markedly increased activity from SCP-554 has been noted in the case of individuals about whom a significant amount of information might be expected to be stored externally.\nIf SCP-554-1 is removed from SCP-554, the next time the space beneath SCP-554 is out of line of sight of any observer a new instance of SCP-554-1 will be generated. Only instances that have not yet been moved appear to spread the SCP-554 effect. Approximately 10% of all images of SCP-554-1 in situ cause the effect when viewed. Contaminated images and all footage of SCP-554-1 are to be destroyed as a matter of course.\nAddendum SCP-554-01\nSCP-554 has been known to the Foundation since 1981 at the latest. Due to the secondary effects of SCP-554 the recovery log initially attached to this document was lost in its entirety at some point prior to 05/07/2005, when the loss was successfully documented. Attempts to reconstruct the circumstances by which the Foundation became aware of SCP-554 via interviewing staff involved with the object at the time are ongoing; the reconstructed Recovery Log appears below. Note that to safeguard further information pertaining to SCP-554 the primary hard copy of this file is stored at Site-33 with a further copy at Site-60.\nReconstructed Recovery Log 554\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, now retired, testifies that SCP-554 was brought to the Foundation's attention in early 1979 as part of an investigation into a Jonathan, John, or Jeremy \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who confessed to a number of murders taking place in the 1970s on the Isle of Wight and the south coast of England. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 told police that he had hidden the bodies below an old 'septic tank' on the Culver Downs.\nOn arrival police discovered a single body, which was removed and found to be that of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 himself, who had apparently escaped from police custody with the destruction of all paperwork relevant to his case. Embedded Foundation assets were activated when the officer who had made the initial discovery was subsequently found murdered in the same location, preceding a string of disappearances. Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a field agent at the time, recalls several Foundation personnel were lost before SCP-554's properties were established and believes the identities of these individuals were redocumented in a separate file.\nNote: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 testifies that several police officers were committed to a mental institution in southern England to prevent further investigation of SCP-554. Unfortunately he has been unable to recall the names of these officers or the institution in question. Enquiries into police officers who may have been committed in the early 1980s are ongoing. The file of Foundation personnel subject to 554-Boojum currently dates back no further than 1981.\n\n\u00ab SCP-553 | SCP-554 | SCP-555 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-555 in containment.\n\nItem #: SCP-555\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-555 is to be placed in a standard containment locker. Corpses are not to be brought within eighteen meters of SCP-555 or the room in which it is contained. SCP-555's containment procedures were revised after Incident 555-1.\nSCP-555 is to be housed in a 5x5x3 meter concrete containment chamber. Inside the walls, an electromagnet array with a combined internal field strength of three teslas or greater is installed. In an interstitial chamber, a set of the most powerful permanent magnet arrays available is to be held away from the electromagnet array, and moved into place by automatic systems in the event of power failure. The chamber is to be separated from the rest of the facility by an exclusion zone of at least twenty meters, due to dangers posed by high magnetic fields and by the SCP itself. No corpses are ever to be brought into the exclusion zone. A HEPA air filtering system is to be installed to avoid fouling of the SCP. SCP-555 is never to be stored in the same site as SCP-447.\nDescription: SCP-555 is a metal cylinder with rounded ends, 1.25 centimeters in diameter and 8 centimeters long, similar to a magnet commonly fed to cattle to prevent hardware disease. It emits a field of unknown nature which exerts an attractive force on dead or necrotic human tissue, including hair separated from the body, corpses, shed skin cells, and \u2014 in extreme cases \u2014 the epidermal layer of the skin. This field does not tend to follow the inverse-square law and does not interact with matter or electromagnetic fields in a manner consistent with any known force. The SCP itself appears to be impervious to force, showing no response to focused heating, compression, or striking.\nThe attractive force exerted by the field increases linearly with the amount of dead material in close proximity to the SCP. Past a certain point (measured at approximately 295 kilograms of necrotic material within two meters of the SCP), the progression becomes exponential, and the field's strength and radius increase rapidly.\nThe field also appears to have an effect on permanent magnets; the field strength of magnets in proximity to SCP-555 decreases over time, with the rate of decrease changing in proportion to SCP-555's field strength.\nSCP-555 was recovered by agents in 19\u2588\u2588 in a cemetery in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California. The Foundation was alerted to a possible SCP after a coffin due to be buried was pulled from the pallbearers' grip and came to rest above the grave of a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who died in 1948.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's body was turned over to Foundation forensic specialists, who noted that the torso appeared to have been smashed inward, though with no skin damage. The SCP was found inside the corpse's stomach. The corpse was found to have no other anomalous properties and was reinterred.\nA ground-penetrating radar survey of the cemetery showed that all coffins in a twelve-meter radius had been displaced underground towards the site containing the SCP.\nAddendum: See Incident Log 555-1.\n\n\u00ab SCP-554 | SCP-555 | SCP-556 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-556\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-556 is stored in a secure hangar at Site \u2588\u2588. No materials containing any ink, dye, or paint may enter the Red Zone established in a 50 meter radius around SCP-556.\nIn the case of a 'runoff' incident from accidental introduction of raw material into SCP-556, the containment area must be locked down for a minimum of 48 hours pending re-evaluation of SCP-556 via remote exploration. Personnel working within the Red Zone of SCP-556 must be paired at all times, and any missing personnel are to be reported immediately.\nDescription: SCP-556 is the recovered wreckage of Varig cargo flight PP-VLU, a Boeing 707-323C that crashed approximately 320 km east-northeast of Tokyo, Japan on January 30, 1979. At the time, the aircraft was carrying 153 paintings when a Foundation listening post picked up an anomalous Mayday signal from the flight. Officially, the aircraft disappeared without a trace and no wreckage was ever recovered. Foundation assets were able to recover SCP-556 mostly intact at a depth of \u2588\u2588\u2588 meters on \u2588/\u2588/1979 and transported the wreckage to Site \u2588\u2588, where it remains today.\nThe exterior of SCP-556 has sustained extensive damage consistent with a high-speed impact into water followed by exposure at crush depth. Despite this, the interior of SCP-556 is mostly intact, and was in fact discovered dry at time of recovery and 86% covered by a layer of paint. Spectroscopic and chemical analysis has shown this layer to be a mixture of the paint on the paintings carried by PP-VLU on its last flight, with traces of human DNA. The paint forms a continuous, static scene depicting a large industrial complex in which several human figures are being [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAt time of discovery, no physical remains of the cargo or the six crew members could be found. An initial survey showed that the painted scene contained 68 uniquely identifiable individuals, of which several have shown incredible similarities to descriptions and photographs of the missing crew.\nAddendum 556-1 Translated excerpt from the damaged Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) recovered from SCP-556:\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588: (unintelligible) coming up from the cargo hold (unintelligible)\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (unintelligible) got (unintelligible) close the (unintelligible)\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (unintelligible)\n(unintelligible, screaming)\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (unintelligible) Mayday, this is (unintelligible) going down near (unintelligible) Mayday Mayday Mayday (unintelligible)\n(screaming, cut off)\nEnd of Transcript (loss of on-board power)\n\nAddendum 556-2: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588/198\u2588, an attempt to transfer the paint from the interior of SCP-556 to another medium was made. SCP-556 subsequently [DATA EXPUNGED] within a 200-meter radius. Subsequent analysis now shows 217 unique individuals within the scene, and coverage of the cabin walls has increased to 91%. Further attempts to remove the paint have been suspended pending further investigation into the incident.\nAddendum 556-3: On \u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588, a class-D maintenance worker with extensive tattoos over 46% of his body accidentally walked within the Red Zone of SCP-556 and was immediately [DATA EXPUNGED]. Current figure count within SCP-556 now stands at 218, with paint over 92% of the cabin walls. Class-D personnel must now be screened for body tattoos before being allowed within SCP-556's containment area.\n\n\u00ab SCP-555 | SCP-556 | SCP-557 \u00bb"} {"text": "Exterior of SCP-557\n\nItem #: SCP-557\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As it is not possible to relocate SCP-557, Research Site-29 has been built surrounding it. Geographic and aerial surveys of the area have been altered to make it appear to be empty desert, with no valuable archaeological or mineral features.\nOn-site personnel have several tasks:\n\u2022 To prevent unauthorized observation of, and access to, SCP-557. Despite its inhospitable location, several occult groups including the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 appear to be aware of SCP-557 and have shown an interest in it. Unauthorized personnel are to be taken into custody, interrogated, and dealt with appropriately. Anyone attempting to tunnel below Level 5, or disturb the stone block in the floor of Room 501, is to be terminated immediately.\n\u2022 To continue to attempt translation of the records found in SCP-557.\n\u2022 To monitor the area for SCP-557-1. SCP-557-1 should be assumed to be Keter-class and is to be captured if possible, otherwise terminated.\n\u2022 To monitor Room 501 and serve as a strike team should anything emerge from beneath it.\nDescription: SCP-557 is an Umm an-Nar era tomb estimated to have been built ca. 2400 BCE, on a gravel plain in the \u201cEmpty Quarter\u201d of Northwestern Oman. Investigation of the surrounding area indicates it may be part of the lost city of Ubar. SCP-557 was discovered in 1988, during an inquiry into the disappearance of a geological survey team in the area.\nUnlike similar structures, SCP-557 includes five underground levels, constructed primarily of sandstone, apparently used as an ancient prison and containment site.\nAlthough living quarters and weapons for approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 staff/guards exist on Level 1, the facility appears to have been slowly abandoned over the years, and empty since ca. 300 CE. Only two skeletons were found on Level 1.\nA substantial library of records was found on Level 1, in a number of ancient languages. Only the records in Egyptian and a final note left in Greek have been translated.\nLevels 2 and 3 are stated in the records to be a prison for \u201cheretics and sorcerers\u201d but appear not to have been used for up to 1000 years before the site was abandoned.\nLevel 4 is described as \u201ca place for the abnormal.\u201d Skeletons resembling SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 have been discovered locked away in stone cells, confirming the intent of the structure.\nLevel 5 consists of a 51.2-m-long hallway filled with complex traps and deadfalls, leading to a single large (21.3 m x 19.7 m x 5.4 m) room, designated as 501. Although all of the traps appear to have been sprung or cleared, researchers should exercise caution. The door to Room 501, anachronistically composed of [REDACTED], was found torn down from the inside. Based on the distribution of dust in this area, this event happened only approximately 20 years ago.\nIn the center of the floor of Room 501 is a partially buried 3.2 m x 3.35 m granite block, estimated to weigh 80,000 kg. The block is covered with untranslated runes. A similar, thinner, block stands in the room and shows evidence that a living being [designated SCP-557-1] was chained to it, using chains from the same material as the door. No evidence of the continued presence of SCP-557-1 has been found. Translated records only refer to SCP-557-1 as \u201cthe prisoner\u201d with the exception of one reference in Egyptian to \u201cthe bastard son of Apep.\u201d\nAddendum: Translation of a note found in the records room:\n\nI will write in Greek, so that any learned man who finds this place will understand. I am the last of the Keepers, and I will be dead soon. The sands are taking this place, and perhaps it is for the best. The prisoner must not escape, and the gateway to the dark must never be opened. I do not think the gate can be moved, but who knows of the prisoner? Not even the Gods could kill it, and it was only with their help that he was secured. Without the rituals, I do not know. Secure the door the best you can, and never move the stone.\n\n\u00ab SCP-556 | SCP-557 | SCP-558 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-558\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All items comprising SCP-558 are to be kept in their cases in Equipment Cabinet \u2588\u2588-\u2588 at Research Site-\u2588\u2588. Any personnel wishing to experiment with SCP-558-1-4 may do so after completing standard documentation. Researchers wishing to test SCP-558-5 must either themselves have Level 3 Clearance or have the written approval of at least two Level 3 personnel. At this time it is advised that only Class D personnel be allowed to interact with SCP-558-5.\nDescription: SCP-558 includes a number of different types of colored contact lenses, divided by researchers into five categories by apparent properties. Currently there are ten (10) of each contact lens in categories One through Four (1-4), and six (6) contact lenses of group Five (5). Whereas normal contact lenses are fitted to a particular wearer's eye shape by diameter and curvature, each individual lens in SCP-558 seems to be able to conform to any eye shape. Testing is currently underway to determine the composition of the material without damaging the lenses. In their resting state they have been observed to have a 10mm diameter and 8.7mm base curve radius. Subjects using the lenses with prescriptions requiring different dimensions reported initial discomfort, then a tingling feeling as the lenses adjusted to the shape of their eyes. Rather than standard clear, each lens has a colored central portion slightly wider than the average human iris. The colors are Red, Violet, Green, Gray, and Black. These colors seem to correspond to distinct properties, though all lenses appear to correct vision to 20/20, regardless of subjects' actual vision quality. How this occurs is currently unknown, though testing is ongoing. SCP-558 was found in a toiletries case in the bathroom of room \u2588\u2588\u2588 of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hotel, during a raid called in to investigate reports of [DATA EXPUNGED]. The saline solution found accompanying SCP-558 was determined to be normal, so any standard solution may be used. No other extraordinary items were found in the bathroom.\nSCP-558-1 includes ten (10) red contact lenses. Testing with these lenses met with initial difficulty as subjects immediately complained of blinding light even when they closed their eyes. Repeated testing in different locations finally revealed that these lenses allow a wearer to visually perceive electromagnetic emissions of a longer wavelength than visual light. Since the Earth is usually blanketed with radio-wave communication (which passes through flesh eyelids), these most often display blinding amounts of light. In shielded underground facilities, however, it is easier to manage, provided inter-facility radio communication is restricted. Subjects reported seeing infrared radiation in a way similar to night vision goggles, though the color seen was not exactly red. Test subjects have had great difficulty in expressing the colors seen, but they are adamant that the lenses do not simply convert light or red, but actually show a distinctly new color, they simply lack the language to describe it properly.\nSCP-558-2 includes ten (10) violet contact lenses. Testing with group Two (2) was more successful than 1, as initial tests took place inside. However, when test subjects were allowed to view outside, daylight was significantly brighter than normal and several personnel had their vision permanently damaged due to sudden exposure. Tests indicate that these lenses, inverse to the red lenses, allow wearers to perceive wavelengths shorter than visual light. The addition of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun to already intense visible light means that direct sunlight is simply too intense to view comfortably. Test subjects were also able to see X-rays coming from a nearby medical examination room. Testing with gamma rays is being planned, though researchers are unsure if they might harm SCP-558-2.\nSCP-558-3 includes ten (10) green contact lenses. Testing with the lenses of group Three (3) revealed that rather than allowing a wearer to perceive wavelengths previously invisible, the green lenses enhance the colors of the visible spectrum to a high degree. Test subjects reported an unparalleled vividness of color and clarity in normally dull objects. A Class D personnel with a history of drug use reported a similar experience to the use of some hallucinogens, though much more consistent and vivid. So far the only adverse effects observed have been headaches and eyestrain after looking at particularly colorful images and objects.\nSCP-558-4 includes ten (10) gray contact lenses. Subjects wearing lenses from group Four (4) report being able to see only in grayscale. However, it was quickly noticed that somehow, subjects' field of vision had been expanded. While normal humans have 140\u00b0 field of binocular vision with 40\u00b0 peripheral vision (20\u00b0 each on the right and left), testing indicated subjects' binocular vision covered 210\u00b0, while their peripheral vision covered an additional 60\u00b0 (30\u00b0 each on the right and left). Test subjects experienced severe vertigo when moving for approximately the first thirty (30) minutes of wearing SCP-558-4. After adjusting, subjects were able to move around without difficulty and were pleased by the greater visibility, though most complained of headaches. Subjects also reported that their distance vision seemed sharper, even those subjects who had possessed 20/20 vision naturally. When Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 theorized their increased field of vision is due in some way to a \"bending\" of perspective, researchers asked test subjects to attempt to focus on an open doorway. Approximately one (1) in three (3) subjects was able to \"bend\" their vision around a corner and see a brief glimpse into the hallway. All subjects attempting this, even those who failed, experienced mild to severe migraines immediately afterward. Further testing to understand and to take advantage of SCP-558-4 is ongoing.\nSCP-558-5 includes six (6) black contact lenses. Currently, only Class D personnel should be allowed to test SCP-558-5. When testing these lenses, approximately three (3) in five (5) subjects immediately lost consciousness. Those remaining conscious immediately shut their eyes and began to shake violently, demanding the contacts be removed. Several subjects harmed themselves and the lenses trying to remove them, resulting in the loss of four (4) lenses and a number of Class D personnel. When subjects were restrained and forced to open their eyes, all immediately degenerated into sobbing and incoherent babbling. Most subjects black out shortly after this point. To date two subjects have remained conscious and open-eyed with SCP-558-5 in their eyes. The first, Class D personnel D-75532-2, stared blankly straight ahead and seemed unresponsive to stimuli, even pain. She was observed to mutter continually, but no words were discerned. After the lenses were removed, D-75532-2 went into a catatonic state, in which she remains in the medical wing of Research Site-\u2588\u2588. An interview with the second, class D personnel D-34421-9, is appended as Document SCP-558-5a. It is theorized by Professor Skali \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, based on the interview, that the SCP-558-5 lenses somehow allow subjects to perceive time, often called the fourth dimension, in a visual way. It seems that the average psyche is not capable of handling the increased perspective and in most cases the mind turns inward, causing unconsciousness and memory loss consistent with dissociative amnesia. Experimentation is ongoing in an effort to further understand SCP-558-5, specifically if they enable the wearer to see points in time other than the present. Researchers are hopeful, given that testing has revealed a wearer's ability to control the effects of SCP-558-4. Priority is given to testing involving possibilities of precognition.\nAddendum: During routine evaluations, approximately three (3) in four (4) persons who had worn SCP-558-5 had exhibited signs of severe depression and anxiety. Moreover, one (1) in three (3) had incidents of self-mutilation, usually of the eyes, often accompanied by suicidal tendencies.\n\nDocument SCP-558-5a:\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm going to ask again, what did you see?\nD-34421-9: (Incoherent)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What was that?\nD-34421-9: (mumbling) Web.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Web? Elaborate, please.\nD-34421-9: It's a web.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is a web?\nD-34421-9: It's damn sure not a line. And it's not a circle, either. It's a fucking infinite web.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you referring to what you saw? You were able to see a web?\nD-34421-9: Look why don't you put the damn things in? Then you'll understand. Then you'll know. (Incoherent)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Where was this web?\nD-34421-9: (Subject begins to shake) Everywhere.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What do you think it was?\nD-34421-9: (Shaking becomes more violent, security called in to assist restraint)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I ask again, what do you think it was?\nD-34421-9: (shouting) It was you. It was me. It was everyone in the world. All connected, branching out. Who they were, who they will be. And the death of everything was there. (calming) The end. Dark. They let me see the edges. All the way. So dark. (subject begins to weep)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I don't understand.\nD-34421-9: (sobbing) Pray to God that you never do. (subject begins to hyperventilate, sedated)\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-557 | SCP-558 | SCP-559 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-559\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-559 is to be stored appropriately for any object it has taken the form of, within a secure safe containing three (3) other baked items inaccessible to those below Level 3 security clearance. Usage of SCP-559 is only to be done under the supervision of Level 4 or higher personnel with prior approval.\nDescription: As of the time of writing, SCP-559 is a round vanilla birthday cake. However, its powers have been observed to exist in other baked items like rolls, puffs or cupcakes. Whichever item SCP-559 has subverted in this manner is easily identified by the words \"Birthday Time!\" marked out in green icing. Materials testing has returned this icing to be regular green icing with no unusual traits.\nWhen lit candles are placed into SCP-559, they cannot be extinguished by any means by someone who is not celebrating their birthday. However, they can be put out by people whose birthday falls on that day (termed \"birthdayers\" for convenience), upon which the subject will have their age changed to the equivalent of the number of candles on SCP-559. This effect lasts for twenty-four (24) hours before the subject reverts to their original age.\nTesting has revealed several other properties. SCP-559 seems to regard anything burning as a candle, regardless of its size or orientation. Matchsticks, fireworks and even high explosives have been used, and when stuck into SCP-559, all were easily blown out by birthdayers. Tests have been conducted with a number of candles from 1 to above 900. Such a high age surprisingly brings about no directly related health problems, and the effects of existing health conditions (weak heart, asthma, etc.) are reduced when \"aged\" in this manner. In fact, 87% of those who were aged to above 500 years old survived the full 24 hours, although were physically weakened in their aged state as expected. When the 24 hours are up, the subject immediately reverts to the original age (within a span of 20 microseconds), and retains full memory of the period where the age was altered.\nIf SCP-559 is \"used\" in the above manner, or if a slice is cut from it, its current \"host\" item will lose its unique properties and green icing, and the nearest intact baked item will gain them instead. It has been observed to \"travel\" in this fashion over twenty-five kilometres (25km) of sea, and this property thus led to difficulties during location and retrieval of the object.\nRetrieval Log: An item containing SCP-559 emerged from a bakery in [DATA EXPUNGED]. It was bought by a family, and when used to celebrate an 82-year-old's birthday, 8 big candles and 2 small candles were placed on the cake. The act of blowing out the candles transformed the birthdayer into a 10-year old, and the alarmed family contacted 911 as a first instinct. Routine monitoring of the 911 call centres alerted the Foundation to SCP-559's presence, and after making suitable negotiations with the family for secrecy, the spent cake was secured. However, after testing was done it was realised that SCP-559 was still in the public domain, and this sparked a hunt for all baked goods similar to the original cake. It was eventually located after it took on the form of a puff pastry, the green icing betraying its unnatural properties, and has since been secured.\nAddendum 559-01: Although we appreciate test subjects attempting to gather data for us, seeing as birthdays are only once a year, I would like to remind everyone that there should always be at least one failsafe baked item nearby to contain 559 after usage. Recently there was one usage which had no backup item; fortunately the staff canteen was serving cupcakes that day. Consider yourselves warned.\n- Dr. Reg\n\n\u00ab SCP-558 | SCP-559 | SCP-560 \u00bb"} {"text": "Image in the early stages of SCP-560 corruption.\n\nItem #: SCP-560\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-560 is to be kept on a Foundation archival-quality optical storage medium at least \u2588\u2588\u2588 GB in size. This medium should be accessed at least once per month using the stand-alone desktop computer within SCP-560's containment unit. After the computer ceases to function, the medium should be placed in a shock-proof case, specification \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Pursuant to Foundation secure-wipe protocols, the blank drive should be discarded through civilian avenues and replaced with a wipe-ready drive from Site-\u2588\u2588 Research. Testing on workstations with any network access or removable media other than SCP-560's storage unit is prohibited by Level 4 order.\nDescription: SCP-560 is a single digital lifeform of indeterminate origin. Viewed through a binary or hex editor, SCP-560 appears as a pattern of bits which travels through the data structure of the storage medium it occupies. Analysis of SCP-560's bit structure is ongoing.\nSCP-560 behaves similarly to certain kinds of malicious software. Before the Foundation's discovery of the lifeform in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, amateur researchers on the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 message boards had discovered a pattern in appearances of the creature's spent data, attributing it to a particularly prolific virus. Rather than administer amnestics, Foundation personnel removed SCP-560 and allowed the board to continue their project. The message board recently celebrated the \u2588\u2588th anniversary of investigation into SCP-560.\nWhen introduced into a digital habitat, SCP-560 begins processing the contents of the storage medium. It is currently hypothesized that the lifeform metabolizes data in a manner similar to amoeba, engulfing data within itself and excreting corrupted images, text files, executables, videos, and sound files. This corruption proceeds gradually on each individual file, as the lifeform moves from file to file while feeding. SCP-560 shows a preference for files containing sensitive data; Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 theorizes that encrypted, compressed, or high-density data provides SCP-560 with a large amount of metabolic energy. This preference makes it ideal for use in Foundation secure-wipe protocols.\nUnlike a computer virus, SCP-560 does not deposit copies of itself in corrupted files. Current speculation is that SCP-560 reproduces through [REDACTED]; however, as there are no extant [REDACTED]. As SCP-560's feeding process proceeds, it consumes data at an exponential rate, its feeding efficiency increasing in tandem with the amount of data consumed. After wiping a storage medium, SCP-560 enters a cryptobiotic state. Given a tiny amount of information, SCP-560 can survive indefinitely.\nSCP-560 was contained by Foundation personnel during an engineered failure of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's content servers on April \u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The organism entered its cryptobiotic state and was successfully retrieved shortly thereafter. Given the recent [REDACTED], any leak of information pertaining to SCP-560 is punishable by summary termination.\nAddendum: Viewing of materials corrupted by SCP-560 on a 3D-capable television or through stereoscopic, linearly polarized, or circular polarized glasses is prohibited. -O5-3\nRevision \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: This includes 3D-capable video game systems. -O5-3\n\n\u00ab SCP-559 | SCP-560 | SCP-561 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-561\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-561 has an unidentified center, but its known area of effect covers several square kilometres of Canadian wilderness, near the abandoned town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Saskatchewan. It is currently listed as a nature preserve, and the entire area is fenced in with guards posted and patrolling outside the chain-link borders. The fence is to be a minimum of 3 m (10 ft) in height, with both barbed wire loops and an electrified wire along the top. Intruders are to be taken into custody, stripped of all recording and photographic devices, and interrogated to determine what anomalies have been observed. Authorization is granted to use any class of amnestic when deemed necessary. If intruders are injured by any of the products of SCP-561, they may be airlifted to the nearest hospital, and provided with a bear attack cover story.\nThe products of SCP-561 may only be moved by authorized personnel to whatever site is necessary for testing. Any products of SCP-561 found outside the fenced perimeter may be terminated on sight unless they are accompanied by appropriate personnel, or are part of Group N (see Addendum 561-1).\nDescription: Although SCP-561 itself is unseen, evidence of animal remains in the area suggest that it has been in place since at least 20\u2588\u2588. SCP-561 has so far proven to be directly undetectable, producing no electromagnetic or gravitational anomalies. Due to this, SCP-561's exact area of effect is unknown. A rough guess of its boundaries has been extrapolated from the appearance of its products. SCP-561 changes the reproductive results of nearly all living things within its radius, causing them to produce offspring from species extant in the Pliocene epoch, the time period just before the most recent ice age. This effect extends to plants and animals alike, including humans. It should be said that the area around SCP-561 is not yet noticeably different from most other North American forested areas. The flora show slight alterations only, due to the long generation time of larger plants. The area's fauna show a steady increase in alteration as time goes on. At this time any animal life conceived in the radius of SCP-561 has a fair chance of producing Pliocene-era offspring.\nTesting to see which Pliocene species are produced as offspring from modern species has yielded impressive, if sometimes unusual, results. It appears that evolutionary relationships are not preserved by the anomaly, as offspring may be on separate branches of a phylogenetic tree. The strongest predictor of the species of the offspring is morphological similarity to the parent. DNA testing has shown no genetic inheritance from parents in the altered offspring, as though the female were only a host-mother. The direct comparison of DNA from SCP-561-affected offspring to their Pliocene counterparts has not yet occured, due to difficulties in obtaining genetic samples directly from Pliocene-era life using Foundation assets such as SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Testing with samples of DNA taken from fossils dating to the Pliocene era has proceeded in the interim; current results suggest that affected offspring may be assigned to Pliocene-era species, not novel species, with 99% confidence.\nIt appears that prokaryotic life is unaltered by the anomaly. After nearly 50,000 generations cultured of E. coli, no mutations or changes to DNA have occurred which can not be attributed to normal genetic drift.\nSurprisingly, the ecology of the area has adapted well to the appearance of precursor species. This may be a result of the morphological selection displayed by the anomaly, or may be otherwise unrelated. It is not uncommon to see deer the size of moose with large antler racks, or saber-toothed cats hunting. Photographs from the area of SCP-561 reveal cougars nursing their own cubs alongside Smilodon cubs from the same litter, and similar occurrences. Avian species do not seem to experience obvious alteration.\nAnimal husbandry of precursor species has been approved; see Addendum 561-2.\nAddendum 561-1:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Saskatchewan, is a town which lies well inside the area of effect of SCP-561. The residents were evacuated by the Foundation after \u2588\u2588% of births since 20\u2588\u2588 were identified as Neanderthal infants. The obvious morphological differences in the infants were explained as a rash of small mutations due to a tainted water supply. The residents continue to be observed in their new locations, in case SCP-561 induced permanent changes. The children have been deemed safe, as no more than odd physical traits sets them apart from their human peers. This cohort is classified as Group N in Foundation records.\nAddendum 561-2 - Offspring produced via testing:\nCougars, lions, tigers, and other large cats have produced various species of sabre-toothed cats, including those more closely related to marsupials and mustelids. Sabre-toothed cats may be trained to the same extent other large cats can, but should be treated always like dangerous animals, as with any tiger or lion.\nDeer, elk, horses, and moose have produced several extinct species of deer and elk, some quite impressive in size and antler width and configuration.\nBlack, grizzly, and polar bears have produced several species of bear. These have included a very large cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) and a strange running bear with a more wolf-like configuration of limbs.\nWolves have produced larger, more aggressive dire wolves (Canis dirus). Several of these have escaped, and have been spotted as much as \u2588\u2588\u2588 km away from the perimeter. An environmental impact study judged that they are similar enough to normal wolves that no special containment effort is required, although they remain targets of opportunity. Dire wolves may be domesticated to the same extent as wild wolves, but largely remain aggressive and feral.\nCoyotes, foxes, and domesticated dogs tend to produce more wild versions of the parent species, as well as smaller canid creatures. Most smaller canids have been trained to some degree, but do not have the same pack instincts as their parents.\nDomesticated cats produce members of Felis silvestris, Felis chaus, and Felis margarita almost uniformly.\nSmall pony breeds and donkeys have produced primitive equines, some relatively small in size and labeled \"cripplingly adorable\" by staff members. They have been observed to be very high-strung and react quickly to danger. Staff are reminded that many species of proto-horse do bite when threatened.\nElephants have produced mammoths and mastodons, much to the thrill of certain senior staff members. Both seem quite intelligent, and may be trained in a fashion similar to modern-day elephants. However, they seem to do poorly when removed from the area and have difficulty adapting to eating modern vegetation.\nRhinoceros brought into the area have produced [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNote: \"What do you mean we can't weaponize them? That would be AWESOME!\" - Dr. Rights\nDolphins and other modern-day cetaceans have produced their counterparts. The most common example of this are various species of Squalodon. Hopes are high that a large cetacean might produce a specimen of Basilosaurus or something similar; plans are underway to acquire a breeding pair of [DATA REDACTED].\nAn ostrich brought into the area laid an egg that did not hatch. Upon dissection, the egg was discovered to contain the fetus of an unidentified species of terror bird (Phorusrhacidae).\nAdditional tests are planned once parent specimens can be acquired.\n\n\u00ab SCP-560 | SCP-561 | SCP-562 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-562\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the spontaneous and non-physical nature of SCP-562, prevention of its effects is likely impossible. Containment, therefore, is to center around reducing the occurrence of 562-Claim events, identifying unreported SCP-562 incidents, and suppressing public knowledge of the anomalous components.\nCommon aliases used by SCP-562 have been filed on major sex-offender registries around the world. Evidence suggests that internet safety training also reduces the occurrence of successful 562-Claim events, so this is to be encouraged in European schools.\nDescription: SCP-562 is the designation for a phenomenon sporadically occurring on internet chat sites. During SCP-562 events, a user is contacted by an entity most frequently identifying itself as \u201cSylvia Gateman\u201d, \u201cTom Hedge\u201d, or \u201cDick O'Dale\u201d. For a complete list of names used by SCP-562, consult Addendum 562-4. Accounts of SCP-562 are non-anomalous and usually discarded after use.\nDuring an SCP-562 incident, SCP-562 attempts to convince the subject to attend a party. After contacting a subject and establishing a rapport, SCP-562 convinces the target that they either attend the same school or live in close proximity to each other. SCP-562 will then tell the subject of a \u201cparty\u201d, \u201cdance\u201d, or \u201crevel\u201d in the area, and encourage him or her to attend it. Though SCP-562 is very persuasive, there appears to be no compulsion affecting the contacted individual. If the subject refuses, or terminates the connection without accepting, no anomalous effects are reported.\nPersons who agree to go to the party vanish in what is referred to as a 562-Claim event. When next the subject walks through a door, they are transported to an unknown location. Tracking devices on the subject fail, and electronic monitoring reports them disappearing as they pass through the door. Humans observing a 562-Claim event report seeing bright, multicolored lights through the doorway and hearing unidentifiable speech and music, as well as a lingering smell of nutmeg.\nThose subject to 562-Claim events are found dead in the nearest old-growth forest at some point between four and eight years later. Autopsies reveal the causes of death to be multiple organ failure consistent with advanced age. In most cases, a large, though safe, quantity of honey, milk, and alcohol is found in their digestive tract. Attempts to trace the origin of this honey have proven unsuccessful to date. These corpses are found dressed in ornate and unlabeled clothing of extremely high quality. Rarely, the subject retains some item they possessed at the time of the 562-Claim event. Such objects show wear consistent with decades of use.\nIt is estimated that no more than forty successful 562-Claim events occur each year, of which the Foundation is aware of roughly a third within a week of the body being found. The annual number of unsuccessful events is harder to estimate as these generally go unreported, but it is believed number less than a thousand. Demographically, victims of SCP-562 tend to be about 40% male and 60% female, mostly in the age range of 13-22. SCP-562 may apparently manifest in any internet chat site, but tends to target European ones.\nAddendum 562-15: In light of the recent batch of seventeenth-century letters published by the Royal Historical Society, it is now believed that SCP-562 is not a new phenomenon. One exchange in the release is between a Lady Marchgrove and a Dick O'Dale, in which the latter attempts to convince the former to attend a ball he is throwing. Lady Marchgrove agrees to go, and historical records indicate her disappearance at about the same time as the last letter is believed to have been written.\n\n\u00ab SCP-561 | SCP-562 | SCP-563 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-563\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As all carcasses of SCP-563-A have been removed from SCP-563, minimal containment of SCP-563 is required. It is to be surrounded by a perimeter of motion trackers at every three meters, which are remotely monitored by Site 1265-A, 15 kilometers away.\nMobile Task Force-\u039e-22 (Codename: Hanna's Barbarians) is tasked with locating and containing other instances of SCP-563 and finding information pertaining to the Ancient Dragon Culinary Corporation. Currently, MTF-\u039e-22 is working with the governments of South Korea, Japan and the People's Republic of China to covertly outlaw the trade of SCP-563-B instances, and recall any existing instances, citing food safety concerns.\nThe government of the People's Republic of China is currently collaborating with the Foundation to find sites similar to SCP-563, and locating living instances of SCP-563-A for study.\nDescription: SCP-563 is the designation for an abandoned plot of farmland located in Hubei Province, China. The facilities of SCP-563 have been modified for the factory farming of animals weighing up to several tonnes. SCP-563 is equipped mainly to handle large poultry, but other animals were raised at the facility.\nSCP-563-A refers to the carcasses of the presumed livestock of SCP-563, which were found at time of recovery. SCP-563-A instances were several species of dinosaur and related reptiles that lived in China and Mongolia in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. For a partial list of recovered specimens, see Log 563-05.\nWhen alive, SCP-563-A instances were presumably farmed to create instances of SCP-563-B. SCP-563-B is the \"Prehistoric Food\" line of products made by a company known as the Ancient Dragon Culinary Corporation. Records of this company have been found, but as of writing, the location of their primary business office and other facilities used to make SCP-563-B are currently unknown. SCP-563-B products are sold in several East Asian countries, but have been discovered in some supermarket chains in the USA. Various instances of SCP-563-B include:\n\nApata-sours: an instant ramen made with sweet-and-sour sauce and the meat of an unknown sauropod, presumably a smaller, easier to contain dinosaur similar to Abrosaurus dongpoi. Notably, chunks of gastroliths have been found in this product, suggesting it is partially made with stomach meat.\nAncient Dragon Velociraptor Noodles: instant noodles made with an assortment of meat from several dinosaurs, as well as pork, rice, and chunks of melon in what is advertised to be a \"Velociraptor broth.\" Testing of broth is inconclusive; product reportedly tastes like high-quality instant noodles, with a high salt content. The first product of the Ancient Dragon Culinary Corporation to be sold in the USA in the [REDACTED] specialty supermarket chain.\n\"Dragon-Bone\" Tea: Powdered tea advertised as being made using the bonemeal of various species of \"dragon\". DNA testing has shown that the particles are partially derived from non-fossilized dinosaur bone, but approximately 75% of the test results have been inconclusive. To date, this is the only product made by the Ancient Dragon Culinary Corporation that has been recalled for \"safety reasons.\"\nDino-Snaxxx: sold in Japan under varying flavors. Marketed using anthropomorphic dinosaur mascots, including \"Takara Tiranosaurusu\" and \"Riza Raputoru.\"1. Product resembles American pork rinds; testing of the product has revealed that it is made of several species.\nKentucky-Fried Therizinosaur: A deep-fried poultry product sold as a frozen dinner in some parts of South Korea. As the name suggests, the meat is mostly made up of Therizinosaurus cheloniformis. Reportedly tastes like a very tough chicken.\nKy\u014dry\u016b k\u014dgan: literally \"Dinosaur Testicles.\" Sold primarily in Japan, consistently found to be made out of meat of pterosaurs of the Jeholopterus genus. Advertised to increase sexual stamina and fertility in both men and women.\n\nOther non-anomalous products in this line include ginkgo soup, candied fern leaves, and steamed buns made with fish.2\nRecords found pertaining to the Ancient Dragon Culinary Corporation list SCP-563 as \"Production Farm 22.\" Investigations into the existence of the other 21+ farms and other facilities related to SCP-563 is currently ongoing.\nLog 563-05: A partial log of deceased specimens of SCP-563-A\n\nA group of Microraptor zhaoianus, found in a locked shed near the central office of the farm. Injuries indicated that they were shot at close range with 10mm rounds. Notably, two instances were found to still be alive, having avoided fatal injuries from the gunshots and surviving on the carcasses of the deceased instances. All instances were found to have been wearing pet collars.\nSeveral hundred instances of Jeholopterus ninchengensis, presumably in an artificial nest, found in a large metal shed. Cause of death not immediately obvious; testing showed that all instances had been exposed to cyanide gas.\nThe carcasses of several species of unidentified sauropod, immolated, found in a field surrounded by a highly powerful 15m tall electric fence. Fence was found active upon containment of SCP-563, and contact with it resulted in severe injuries to a recovery force member.\nBurnt remains of several ceratopsian dinosaurs, including Protoceratops, were found near the aforementioned sauropod enclosure.\n\nPosthumous examination of all SCP-563-A instances found that up to 79% of the individuals found had a prion in their system prior to their death; testing on this prion found it to be similar to a prion that causes Kuru, suggesting that SCP-563-A instances had been fed or were feeding on the meat of the same species. Notably, most species of raptor found on-site were immune to this prion.\nAddendum: Document 563-ADCC-05: The following is a translation of a document recovered from behind a picture frame in the main office building at SCP-563. The document was partially damaged by mold; however, Foundation linguists have been able to reconstruct what they believe is an accurate rendition of the document.\n\nDear [Name Unknown].\nAs the Americans say, we have hit the [Jackpot/Windfall/Big Time]. No more simple frozen meals for this failing company. The jungle you pointed us to has given us quite a boon. The meat is delicious, the fruit is [unknown, most likely a synonym of \"delicious\"], and the seafood\u2026 One of the cooks made stir fry with ginger and\u2026 I suppose you would call them \"shrimp and clams,\" but honestly, I'm no paleontologist. It was the best thing I had ever tasted.\nAnd the eggs\u2026 well, we're having difficulty finding unfertilized ones. The ones we do find either hatch or have [babies, possibly embryos or zygotes] in them. But the things that do hatch\u2026 it would make an American [scientist, most likely paleontologist] blush and then die of joy.\nWe're sending back a few specimens to [the leader?]. Next stop, [unknown; next sentence indicates a country to the north, most likely either Russia or Mongolia]. Northward we go!\nWith regards,\nZhou Song\n\nFootnotes\n1. Takara Tyrannosaur and Riza Raptor, respectively.\n2. The fish in these buns have been found to have actually been a species of trilobite, shelled and heavily cooked.\n\n\u00ab SCP-562 | SCP-563 | SCP-564 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-564\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-564 is to remain on the assigned bedding at all times. Due to the fragility of SCP-564-1, contact with SCP-564 requires special clearance for testing purposes only, for its own safety. Access to its point of origin is to be restricted to those with approval for testing. Anything removed from the area is to be kept in the same container as SCP-564. Communication with SCP-564 requires Level 3 or higher clearance. Communication is to be recorded via audio recording devices. Addendum: Communication now required to be recorded visually as well. Communication with SCP-564 is now restricted to written notes with its available hand. (See Test Log 564-04)\nDescription: SCP-564 was located in [DATA EXPUNGED] which appeared to have been abandoned for at least \u2588\u2588 years. Several commonplace tools were contained within the room, along with a few objects of unknown purpose or identity.\nSCP-564 appears to be a construction assembled of various materials, resembling an adult female human of exactly 1.5 meters in height. The outer shell of its form, making up most of the body, is primarily compressed sandstone, with traces of an unknown material. Inside the limbs, chest, and head runs a network of poorly insulated copper wire and rubber tubes, which carry a golden-brown fluid of unknown composition. Eyes, resembling those of a normal person, are large pearls. There is also a small gap where a mouth would be, but aside from a rough shape no other external body parts of normal humans have been replicated on the construction.\nSCP-564-1 resides in a cavity accessed by a panel on the chest region of SCP-564. It appears to be a large, transparent and slightly luminescent blob, surrounded by an iron ring with numerous holes in the edges. It is assumed to be highly elastic, as portions are stretched through holes in the iron ring and held in place with large, orange nails of an unknown alloy. Currently, SCP-564-1 contacts the ring in such a way in nine (9) different locations around the ring. A network of wire appears to connect to each location and run to various points within the structure of SCP-564.\nSCP-564 is sentient. It appears to have severely limited control over the constructed 'body', and unless otherwise noted is completely immobile. The following observations have been recorded to date:\n\u2022It can move the right arm freely.\n\u2022Small movements of the left index and ring digits have been noticed.\n\u2022It can move the left leg freely at any point below the kneecap.\n\u2022Structures resembling eyes are active, however only the right 'eye' can move freely.\n\u2022It can speak. [Addendum: See Test Log 564-04]\nSCP-564 claims to have been human at one point. Its identity before its current form is assumed to be [DATA EXPUNGED], who was recorded missing in 19\u2588\u2588, however there is currently no evidence to support this.\nAddendum: Testing of SCP-564 is restricted until speech can be regained. (See Test Log 564-04)\n\nTest Log 564-01:\nTest approved by O5-\u2588 and carried out by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nTools used: Forceps and a nail recovered from the site of discovery of SCP-564.\nSubject: SCP-564\nSCP-564-1 was manipulated with forceps. SCP-564 noted feeling pains in the left leg below the hip. Nail was then brought into contact in the same area, and the level of pain reportedly intensified. Forceps was used to manipulate, without removing, other nails in the iron ring surrounding SCP-564-1. A number of sensations occurred in various locations around the body, seemingly associated with a specific nail.\nTest Log 564-02:\nTest approved by O5-\u2588 and carried out by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nTools used: Forceps and a nail recovered from the site of discovery of SCP-564.\nSubject: SCP-564\nA portion of SCP-564-1 was extended away from the central mass with forceps. Subject complained of pain in the left wrist. It was manipulated into a hole in the iron ring, where Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 inserted a nail in a fashion that resembled the others. Subject experienced intensified pain in the wrist area, and the right leg began to move erratically.\nTest was forcibly ended after SCP-564 refused to cooperate.\nTest Log 564-03:\nTest approved by O5-\u2588 and carried out by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nTools used: X-Ray Machine, Drill, Hammer, Forceps and a nail recovered from the site of discovery of SCP-564.\nSubject: SCP-564\nA portion of SCP-564-1 was extended away from the central mass with forceps. Subject complained of pain in the right hip. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempts to find an opening to the corresponding part of the body, to no success. Drill used to create a hole into corresponding part, to no success. Hammer used to shatter the outer sandstone layer, to no success.\nX-Ray Machine brought in, and corresponding part was viewed. Wires running through the area were noted, and one that connected to that area was traced back to the iron ring of SCP-564-1. Portion of SCP-564-1 manipulated through the corresponding hole, and a nail was inserted in a fashion that resembled the others. Subject complained of slightly increased pain. Movement of the hip was noted when subject was asked to attempt to move the leg.\nNail removed and test was ended.\nTest Log 564-04:\nTest approved by O5-\u2588 and carried out by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nTools used: X-Ray Machine and Forceps.\nSubject: SCP-564\nA nail on the ring of SCP-564-1 was chosen at random. X-Ray Machine brought in, and wires extending from the ring of SCP-564-1 were traced a short distance away to the right of the base of the neck. Forceps used to hold portion of SCP-564-1 held by the nail, and the nail was removed.\nSubject started moving erratically with available body parts. Internal liquids suddenly vomited, and subject lashed out at Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Attempts at communication with subject were met with silence. Due to the reaction of SCP-564 towards Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, portion of SCP-564-1 being manipulated was lost to the central mass.\nTest was forcibly ended after SCP-564 refused to cooperate. Loss of speech was noted.\n\nConversation Log 564-014\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please tell me anything you remember between now and [EXPUNGED].Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you know who he was?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Continue.After that point, occasionally a point on my body would hurt intensely for a moment before returning to normal. Sometimes I'd be able to feel normally with a arm or a leg shortly afterwards, but most of the time it didn't last long.\nEventually, my vision came back too\u2026 I was in the room that you people found me in.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you ever leave that room?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Was there anybody else there?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How about any others like yourself?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Continue.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How long?\nEnd of recording.\n\n\u00ab SCP-563 | SCP-564 | SCP-565 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-565\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-565 is kept in a type three aquatic object containment tank on level 4B of Site-77. It is fed twice daily, and tested weekly for development or degradation of mental capacity. Staff who are so inclined may view SCP-565 during its scheduled feeding times by appointment with Doctor Schaeffer.\nDescription: SCP-565 is an ambulatory human head, apparently male, which appears to mimic the behavioral patterns of Carpilius convexus, a species of coral crab. Its chief method of ambulation is the manipulation of tendrils of unfurled brain matter which emanate from a large crush wound at the back of its skull. These tendrils are often utilized as 'legs', allowing SCP-565 to scuttle along the seafloor like a crab, but occasionally are operated for motion and manipulation in a manner similar to the tentacles of an octopus or jellyfish.\nTo date, Foundation research has proven inconclusive on how and why SCP-565 remains animate, or how it is able to manipulate neural tissue in a manner suggestive of musculature. Testing is ongoing, but [DATA EXPUNGED] researchers who wish to contribute work or theory to the investigation of SCP-565 should contact Doctor Schaeffer through the usual channels for an appointment and transfer interview.\nSCP-565 was caught by a fishing trawler called \"Saturday's Child\" off the coast of [REDACTED]terviewed Captain \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and was informed that SCP-565 had been sighted several times by local fishermen, and was apparently living as part of a crab colony in the area's reefs. Video footage taken by one such fisherman shows SCP-565 feeding on a dead clownfish. (See attached document 565-a for further [REDACTED]\nSCP-565 is not immune to the harmful effects of exposure to a watery environment, and has continued to decay as is normal for dead tissue. It is estimated that SCP-565's decay will have advanced sufficiently to neutralize it within [REDACTED]\nAddendum 565-1 Forensics testing has linked SCP-565 conclusively to the DNA and dental records of Edward Belltram, deceased 12/28/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, approximately two years before the first known sighting of SCP-565. Belltram was murdered by his wife Rebbecca by strychnine poisoning and blunt force trauma to the back of the head, with description of the murder wound matching the wound through which the exposed cranial matter of SCP-565 protrudes. Doctor Schaeffer has proposed that Belltram's body be exhumed for analysis.\nAddendum 565-2 Edward Belltram was exhumed by Foundation researchers on \u2588\u2588/9/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The corpse had been beheaded, with wounds suggesting the head had been torn from the shoulders with extreme force rather than cut. Photographs taken by bereaved family members at Belltram's funeral show that the corpse's head was still attached at the time of burial, and the grave site showed no evidence of having been disturbed. Belltram's corpse was retained for study, and his grave restored with a substitute as per standard Foundation EMPTY CASKET protocols.\nAddendum 565-3 [DATA EXPUNGED] task Force Psi-8 stationed on site reported no activity.\n\n\u00ab SCP-564 | SCP-565 | SCP-566 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-566\nObject Class: Anomalous Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All copies of SCP-566 are to be stored in Low Valuable Item Storage on Site-10. Any new instances of SCP-566 are to be assessed by a designated researcher with level 4 clearance for this purpose.\nUncontained instances of SCP-566 are to be treated as a Keter-level threat - to this extent, Foundation operatives are to regularly inspect the stock of bookstores and libraries for instances of SCP-566, as well as any other literature or stationery published by the \"Living Language Linguists' League\". Websites, file-sharing sites and forums are to be monitored for scanned or transcribed SCP-566 contents, and DMCA takedowns issued if any such is found.\nAny new reports of anomalies are to be cross-checked with known SCP-566 contents database in order to both ensure a standard response and to make sure any SCP-566 copies potentially present are found. The classification SCP-566-A is to be used for anomalies related to SCP-566 use (See Document 566-Alpha for list and associated containment procedures).\nDescription: SCP-566 refers to a set of tear-off desk calendars, sold under the name \"Word-A-Day 2009 Edition: Wacky Wordables and Idiosyncratic Idioms\", with manufacturer listed as \"Living Language Linguists' League\".1 The front page, where present, includes a black-and-white logo, consisting of a stylized tongue in a top-hat, raising a champagne glass in one hand, and holding a book in the other.\nSCP-566 instances themselves exhibit no known anomalous properties, with sample analysis showing no deviation from listed or expected composition.2\nThe only known anomalous property of SCP-566 occurs when an individual reading an entry taps a bolded word in the entry definition with his index finger. The contents of the page change, displaying the definition of the tapped word. The new entry retains this property. The means of returning the entry to its original state are currently not known.\nSCP-566 was declared Anomalous due to its contents. While ~80% of the entries consist of uncommon English words, the remainder can be categorized according to Table 1.\nTable 1: Anomalous contents of SCP-566 breakdown\n\nEntry type\nProportion\nExample\nDefinition listed\n\nDefinition of mundane words or idioms coined post publication date\n~3%\nsofalizing (n)\nUsing the Internet or other electronic devices to socialize with people from home, rather than meeting them face to face.3\n\nDefinition of mundane words or idioms not previously known\n~10%\nto breznev (v)\nTo cover with a thick metal plating, after L. I. Breznev , General Secretary of CPSU known for wearing an excessively large amount of medals\n\nDefinition of words referring to anomalous subjects or events\n~4%\nFiffle Stinks (n)\na Fifthist worshipper, from their tendency to turn themselves into sentient smoke. He's full of it like a tent's full of Fiffle Stinks - said of a teller of fanciful stories, a liar.\n\nDefinitions explicating anomalous acts or events\n2%\ngobsacking (n)\nA trick usually done by hungry college students which goes as follows - a number of them . usually 6-12 meet and [REDACTED] to form an extradimensional pocket inside the mouth of one of them, referred to as \"the gobsack\". The fellows will then pool their money for an \"all you can eat\" pizza parlor entrance fee. They wait outside, while the gobsack enters, and artfully pretends to eat as much pizza as he deems sufficient, stuffing it into the pocket without chewing. The rest of the group await him outside , where they will [REDACTED] and partake in the loot.\n\nDefinitions of words or idioms referring to classified subjects or events\n<1%\nto brundle about (v)\nTo show markedly less activity than doing nothing, after Brundle, a pet mass of cellular matter of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u25884\n\nIt is of note that individual instances of SCP-566 differ in ~20% of their contents, with no clear pattern in the distribution of the differences. As of now, 56 instances of SCP-566 have been contained (see Addendum 566-1 for salient content samples).\nRecovery Log: First known instance of SCP-566 was recovered from the house of J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after his unsuccessful attempt to follow SCP-566 definition of \"to boscovise\" (See Addendum 566-1), which resulted in him splitting into 16 ambulatory, sentient segments.\nSCP-566 was reclassified as Safe after [REDACTED] led to the recovery of additional instances of SCP-566, which differed in content from SCP-566-1, resulting in the need for a systematic containment procedure not consistent with the Anomalous item classification.\nAddendum 566-1: SCP-566 Contents Database\nAddendum 566-2: Incident 566-1\n\nOn 10/27/2012, a catalog arrived at Site 10, which currently houses SCP-566. There was no return address provided. Its front cover consisted of the text \"Living Language Linguists' League\" and the company logo. An attached note read\n\"Heartfelt greetings, friends of the written word. Although [DATA EXPUNGED] two antecedent years have been a trying time for all of us, we have not, as you might have feared, gone hellenious. Instead, we offer you a crispy new 2013 edition of our \"Wacky Wordables and Idiosyncratic Idioms\" Word-A-Day Calendar. And there's more! For incisive minds, playful spirits, and connoisseurs of obscurity we have daily calendars featuring terms from Speleology, Surgery, and [REDACTED], pardon the pun. The early bird gets the worm, and the early buyer gets a 20% discount! Wait no more, and word up!\"\nInquiries made throughout the site revealed that nobody had requested any such catalog, and testing revealed that it was not anomalous.\n\nFootnotes\n1. No records of a company or association exist.\n2. The base is assembled from molded PVC parts, while the calendar itself is printed using common printing inks on standard coated fine paper, joined with polyvinyl acetate glue.\n3. First public mentions of word appear in 2010.\n4. Information appears in the classified SCP-726 file.\n\n\u00ab SCP-565 | SCP-566 | SCP-567 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-567\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Site-41 has been established at the former \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Castle for the purpose of containing SCP-567. The entrance to SCP-567 is to be kept sealed at all times. All cell doors are to be monitored off-site via CCTV. In the event that a door is opened or breached, Task Force Delta-9 \"Hacks\" is tasked with containing the instance of SCP-567-9 immediately. If containment proves impossible, termination is authorized.\nBecause of the nature of SCP-567, and the proximity to it that TF Delta-9 will be working, to join TF Delta-9 an applicant must:\n\nHave clean criminal record.\nHave never committed any crime, even at the orders of the Foundation.\nBe of moderate political beliefs.\nHave strong convictions as to the importance of upholding the law.\nHave a strong fear of offending others with their actions.\n\nDescription: SCP-567 is located in the dungeon beneath Site-41, located in [DATA EXPUNGED]. It consists of a series of eight cells, designated SCP-567-1 through SCP-567-8. With the majority of people/objects, the cells remain inert. However, when individuals meeting certain conditions come within 2.5 m of a cell door, shackles will materialize and launch from the inside of the cell, restraining the subject and dragging them within. Once the cell door closes and locks, both the subject and shackles vanish, leaving behind no trace of any kind. Each cell appears to have its own unique trigger conditions in order to activate, which seem to involve committing some sort of criminal or heretical act.1\nCell Trigger Conditions:\nSCP-567-1: Individual has committed theft.\nSCP-567-2: Individual has committed rape.\nSCP-567-3: Individual has committed murder involving [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-567-4: Individual has committed murder involving [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-567-5: Unknown. See Addendum 567-01.\nSCP-567-6: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSCP-567-7: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSCP-567-8: Unknown.\nSCP-567-8 is unique in that, unlike the other cells which all stand empty, it contains a single wooden chair. The chair is nailed to the floor in the center of the room, and appears to be many years old, though it does not rot. SCP-567-8 has never activated.\nOn rare occasions, the cell doors of SCP-567 will open and release an entity, given the designation SCP-567-9-X (the X being replaced with an integer). SCP-567-9 usually takes the form of a previously undiscovered creature, and is always aggressive. Once out of its cell, SCP-567-9 typically attempts to break out of SCP-567. There seems to be no common trait of the creatures given designation SCP-567-9, except that they tend to be very aggressive and relatively intelligent. As well, every instance of SCP-567-9 has had burn marks around its appendages. See Incident Report Log 567-4012 for details.\nOn only two occasions have individuals placed inside a cell by the Foundation re-appeared. In the first instance, D-903912 escaped from SCP-567-3 68 hours after being placed in it. Subject was suffering from severe injuries, including several lacerations, internal bleeding, and burn marks around his wrists and ankles. D-903912 died several minutes after re-appearing, before TF Delta-9 could reach him. In the second, D-937122 appeared 157 months after being placed in SCP-567-6. D-937122 attacked Foundation personnel on sight, despite also having suffered serious injuries including head trauma, several missing fingers, and burn marks around her wrists and ankles. Once restrained, D-937122 was interrogated by a member of Task Force Delta-9. See Audio Log 567-937122.\nAudio Log 567-937122\n\n\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-021: Please state your name.\nHeavy breathing is heard from D-937122. No response\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-021: Please state your name.\nD-937122 does not respond.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-021: Look, I am very sorry, and I want to help you, but we can't give you medical attention unless you cooperate with us. So please, please state your name for the record.\nD-937122: My name? You want to know my name? Fuck my name! There is no name! There is no anything! But\u2026but there is. I escaped! I got the metal off! None of the [DATA EXPUNGED]. I should be free! Let me go!\nD-937122 is heard struggling, apparently attempting to escape.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-021: I apologize, but now we have the opportunity to\u2026.\nD-937122: *interrupting Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-021* Fuck your opportunity! There is no opportunity! There is only escape! You called me a monster. Maybe I am one. But the nightmares\u2026\u2026they\u2026..*unintelligible mumbling*. Compared to their crimes, I've done nothing! Nothing at all! They [DATA EXPUNGED]. I haven't done anything wrong\u2026\u2026nothing\u2026\u2026.\n\n\nClosing Statement: At this point D-937122 breaks down into hysterical sobs. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-021 attempts to calm her, but she only grows more hysterical. D-937122 begins gasping for air, and appears to go into cardiac arrest. Attempts to revive D-937122 fail. During the autopsy, D-937122's body is revealed to be covered in tiny puncture wounds, and has an unknown toxin in her bloodstream.\nAddendum 567-01: Further testing with SCP-567-5 has revealed that it is triggered by those who have committed adultery. It is also noted that not all individuals who have committed theft trigger SCP-567-1; consistent patterns have not yet been established.\n\nFootnotes\n1. These triggers and resulting responses are similar to other anomalies involving disproportionate law enforcement, such as SCP-1002 and SCP-2701.\n\n\u00ab SCP-566 | SCP-567 | SCP-568 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-568\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-568 requires no unique considerations and is stored in storage locker 28-002 in Sector 28. Testing with SCP-568 must be authorized by Level 3 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-568 has the appearance of a flexible white strap, 70x8x0.2 cm. An unbroken seam on one side runs down its length, precisely along the center. The other side of SCP-568 is smooth and identical in texture to the seamed side. The material SCP-568 is made of is unknown, with some similarities to leather.\nWhen the smooth side comes into contact with the seamed side, the two surfaces will adhere firmly to each other, as if glued. The surfaces can be peeled apart with moderate effort and no damage to SCP-568.\nWhen SCP-568 is wrapped around an object with both ends overlapping at a minimum of 1 cm, the object may be split along the seam. To bisect the object, one half must be twisted counterclockwise one half-turn, as if loosening a screw. The surface of the cut does not display a cross-section of the object, only an impermeable white surface. To reassemble the object, the cut ends must be in contact and twisted clockwise one half-turn. SCP-568 cannot be removed when split in this fashion.\nExperiment Log #568-1: Tests conducted by Dr. Weiss and J. Candle, dated \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588.\nItem: 1 steel rod\nResult: Item bisected and reassembled, with no observable damage.\nItem: 1 steel rod\nResult: Item bisected and reassembled, one half at 180\u00b0. The bisected area joined seamlessly. Interestingly, SCP-568 could be removed even when both halves ended up misaligned in this experiment.\nItem: 2 steel rods\nResult: SCP-568 wrapped around both items, care taken not to leave air pockets in the edges. Bisection failed. SCP-568 removed.\nItem: 2 steel rectangular prisms\nResult: SCP-568 wrapped around both items. Bisection failed. SCP-568 removed.\nItem: 1 glass container, filled with water\nResult: Item bisected and the lid removed. The white surface on the bisected region was not visible when one looked through the cylinder; instead, one saw whatever the other half of the cylinder was pointing towards. Tilting either half showed water draining out of the container. Similarly, refilling the container showed a stream of water entering the bottom half. Item reassembled.\nApplication of SCP-568 as a \"portal window\" under consideration.\nItem: 1 hollow plastic cylinder\nResult: Item bisected. When placed through the cylinder, objects (including water, a steel rod, a HB pencil, Dr. Weiss' arm, and a glass marble) were observed to smoothly pass through. Item reassembled.\nItem: Subject D-1617\nResult: SCP-568 wrapped around D-1617's lower left arm and bisected. Subject reported no pain and was fully capable of manipulating his hand, even from a distance of 20m. Subject's arm reassembled.\nItem: Subject D-1618\nResult: SCP-568 wrapped around D-1618's lower left arm and bisected. Subject's arm reassembled at 180\u00b0. When SCP-568 was removed, the subject lost all sensation in his hand,and complained of a sharp stinging in the bisected area. While the subject's arm had reattached seamlessly, deep bruising quickly developed under the skin. Pain rapidly increased until the subject had to be sedated. Close examination of the subject's arm showed the blood vessels and nerve endings no longer met, and it was effectively cut off from the rest of the body. D-1618 terminated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-567 | SCP-568 | SCP-569 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-569\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-569 are currently contained at Bio-Research Site-66. Contained instances of SCP-569 are to be sealed within 1 m3 steel crates and immersed in ice water baths when not under research. If containment is breached, aggressive instances are to be neutralized through application of aerosolized liquid nitrogen. Passive instances are to be herded back into a containment crate and returned to containment.\nPersonnel injured by SCP-569 may be treated via amputation of affected surfaces; severely affected personnel are to be terminated. Matter produced by agitated instances of SCP-569 is to be ground into powder and utilized in Site construction.\nDescription: SCP-569 appear to be a collection of 46 animate, disembodied, floating human heads. All instances are identical, resembling a bald man in his late 40s. Analysis reveals that SCP-569 are sculpted from Sylacauga marble; no further anomalous materials are present.\nSCP-569 will usually congregate into a loose swarm and float aimlessly at a mean height of 10 m. Individuals will randomly shift between several identical expressions, ranging from apparent joy to considerable distress. No pattern or probable cause for these shifts may be found; they are hypothesized to be simply random. In addition, instances of SCP-569 appear to react to temperature variances; temperatures below 4o Centigrade render them inert.\nIf an instance of SCP-569 is assaulted by a human, a sudden movement is perceived in its direct field of vision, or a sufficiently sudden loud noise occurs in the immediate vicinity, the affected instances will transform into an aggravated state and attempt to destroy the source of aggression or noise. This transformation involves said instance seemingly dissolving into the shape of a human skull, then launching a colourful material spray in the general direction of its target. This material will rapidly harden into coloured marble, coating the target in a heavy, sharp shell.\nThis marble produced from SCP-569 is chemically similar to the normal Sylacauga marble that SCP-569 consist of, but contains simple pigmentation to lend to its various hues. In addition, the coloured portions are fused, solid sheets of marble; no seams, cracks, or similar structural flaws are present after setting. SCP-569 will continue launching this material at its target until the target has been completely covered; material will fuse at the molecular level to the target's surface. At this point, the instance will revert to its calm state and resume aimlessly floating.\nAddendum - Cross Testing: Due to recent developments, proposals regarding cross-experimentation with SCP-2860 have been suspended.\n\n\u00ab SCP-568 | SCP-569 | SCP-570 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-570\nObject Class: Archon\nSpecial Containment Procedures: In the event that the components of SCP-570 unexpectedly fail, Foundation assets are to coordinate a recall of all Coca-Cola and PepsiCo branded beverages. Additionally, Foundation Agents embedded in PepsiCo's \"Department of Esoteric Affluence\" or The Coca-Cola Company's \"Department of Consumer Satisfaction\" are to periodically report any initiatives undertaken by their respective departments.\nDescription: SCP-570 is the collective designation for the densest concentration of thaumaturgical residue currently known to the Foundation. SCP-570 is theorized to have formed at some point around 1999, although its origins can be traced back to 1975 at the earliest. It is currently believed that SCP-570 is the result of an unsustainable number of rituals conducted by The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo over the span of a decade.\nCurrent Noospheric models infer that SCP-570 has coalesced in such a way that total extrication of the anomaly from the Noosphere would result in the conceptual annihilation of the concept of soft drinks; due to both companies' status as members of the Global Occult Coalition's Council of 108, this course of action has been deemed unfavorable.\nAddendum-570-1: SCP-570 Extranormal Events Log\nThe following is a list of notable incidents directly responsible for the creation of SCP-570. A full list is available upon request. For ease of reading, each incident has been color-coded to identify the party responsible for the event, with red indicating an action initiated by The Coca-Cola Company's Department of Customer Satisfaction and blue indicating an action initiated by PepsiCo's Department of Esoteric Affluence.\n\nSummary: On 23/04/1985, a PepsiCo transmutation ritual resulted in the sudden chemical reconstitution of all Coca-Cola products. This change was concealed by The Coca-Cola Company as part of a formula change, unofficially termed \"New Coke\". Over the next 79 days, Coca-Cola alchemists were able to reverse the effects of the ritual using an appropriate counterspell.\n\nSummary: On 02/07/1990, practicing thaumaturges aided by The Coca-Cola Company influenced regional weather patterns throughout rural Mexico to force an extranormal event in which Coca-Cola rained down on certain municipalities for a period of 14 days.\n\nSummary: On 30/09/1992, PepsiCo's Department of Esoteric Affluence published a series of parascientific research papers entitled \"Thaumaturgical Affluence and Business Management: A Comprehensive Analysis\". The report laid out the specifications of an eigenweapon designed to implant a memetic agent of indeterminate pervasiveness1 throughout the entirety of the Noosphere. Foundation Agents were dispatched to retrieve the data, resulting in the neutralization of the threat.\n\nSummary: On 24/03/1995, Foundation agents embedded in PepsiCo's Naval Command reported that approximately 3/4 of the company's naval fleet had been decimated overnight via a concentrated explosion of unknown origin. Upon further investigation, it was revealed that an unidentified organism had been lured towards the fleet by Coca-Cola thaumaturges.\n\nSummary: On 05/04/1997, The Japanese Branch of the Foundation intercepted an Anderson Robotics shipment of 500 combat-modified androids resembling an anthropomorphized can of Pepsi-Cola. Although no additional shipments between Anderson Robotics and PepsiCo were intercepted, reports of a 2.5-meter tall humanoid android would be received in the following months.\n\nSummary: On 29/05/1998, it was discovered that the text of SCP-140 had been altered, with an additional 15 pages detailing the Daevite Empire's tradition of consuming Coca-Cola products. An investigation into the method by which the pages were added revealed a copy of SCP-140 in the hands of The Coca-Cola Company; recovery efforts were abandoned due to the concentration of demonic entities guarding the plant.\n\nSummary: On 07/06/1999, PepsiCo's Department of Esoteric Affluence successfully altered the gravitational pull of Earth for a period of 48 hours, in accordance with the company's theoretical \"Pepsi Gravitational Field\". This resulted in the total deconceptualization of all beverages other than those sold by PepsiCo, which necessitated Foundation intervention as the concept of water was no longer properly understood.\n\nSummary: On 10/06/1999, A ritual was conducted from Coca-Cola's headquarters, which resulted in the development of lactose intolerance in all PepsiCo employees simultaneously. Although the motivation behind the event was poorly-understood at the time, it is believed that a significant number of PepsiCo employees were greatly affected by the development of the condition, most commonly for religious reasons.\n\nSummary: On 21/06/1999, Foundation assets embedded in Coca-Cola's Arctic Fortress went dark. An unmanned exploration into the territory revealed a series of directed thaumaturgical charges had encased the entirety of the compound in a block of ice; the act was attributed to the remaining ships in PepsiCo's Naval Fleet. An estimated 15,000 casualties were recorded.\n\nSummary: On 25/06/1999, a dossier addressed to the Foundation was left outside a Foundation-operated front company, inside a crate of Pepsi-Cola. Said envelope contained evidence linking The Coca-Cola Company to the cult known as \"The Children of the Scarlet King\". The dossier contained multiple pieces of evidence of thaumaturgical interference throughout the plant, with photographs of machinery leaking blood, a persistent \"howling\" sound throughout the plant, and files for 7 employees that had gone missing in the past month. Over the following week, several PepsiCo bottling plants would disappear entirely, resulting in an estimated 30,000 casualties.\n\nAddendum-570-2: Initial Discovery of SCP-570.\nOn 04/07/1999, the mass thaumaturgical residue left behind by both companies reached its breaking point, leading to the biggest wave of thaumaturgical backlash recorded since the Seventh Occult War. The incident plunged anomalous ecosystems into disarray, with an estimated 7,000 anomalous beings being directly affected by SCP-570's effects. The creation of the Great Pepsi Seal and the destruction of one of the [REDACTED] chains would stabilize the anomaly, and at the behest of the Global Occult Coalition, the Foundation agreed to act as an intermediary for both companies to hold peace talks in the aftermath.\n\nAttending Parties\n\nFoundation Researcher Anna Sylva\nPepsiCo Grand Thaumaturge Iblis Berith\nCoca-Cola Customer Satisfaction Representative Ra'zethim Sallos\n\nBegin Log\n\nRsr. Sylva enters the conference room. Sitting on opposite sides of the room are Representatives Sallos and Berith.\nRsr. Sylva: Thank you both for agreeing to meet with \u2014\nThe room is briefly illuminated by a series of flashes from an integrated Doe Reality Stabilizer, signifying a spike in anomalous activity throughout the room. The machinery emits a series of sounds as it neutralizes the thaumaturgical activity pulsating around it.\nRep. Sallos: Ow, fuck! What the hell was that?\nRsr. Sylva: Please refrain from trying to cast a spell on Ms. Berith.\nRep. Sallos: I didn't cast shit, it was her!\nRep. Sallos points at Grand Thaumaturge Berith, who is whispering something under her breath. After a brief pause, she stops.\nGrand Thaumaturge Berith: It seems magic refuses to work here. Very well.\nRsr. Sylva: I didn't expect you guys' rivalry to run this deep, you work for soda companies. Next person \u2014 or entity, I guess, sorry Mx. Sallos \u2014 to try and kill the other will be formally contained. Understood?\nGrand Thaumaturge Berith and Representative Sallos begrudgingly express agreement with the terms.\nRsr. Sylva: Right. So, the reason we brought you here today is that we believe you \u2014 that's you as in you and your employers \u2014 have successfully caused a frankly ridiculous amount of thaumaturgical energy to collapse into a single point.\nGrand Thaumaturge Berith: The Divination Department at the plant has foreseen this. We have prepared for such an eventuality.\nRep. Sallos: Right right right, this about the flavor thing? Could've sent this in to the guys at Production. They're going nuts over it.\nRsr. Sylva: Wait. So you both know about the fact that your beverages now taste exactly the same?\nGrand Thaumaturge Berith: Any thaumaturge worth their salt would've seen it coming. The amount of sustained energy directed at both beverages would've done something like this sooner or later.\nRep. Sallos: A notice went out a few weeks back. Bought a Coke while visiting some family in Vegas \u2014 we can only drink Coke there, you know? Something about Akiva radiation, dunno, didn't really pay attention to the guys at production. \u2014 and noticed that the flavor had gone to shit.\nRsr. Sylva: So\u2026 Both companies are already aware of this? Then why did you let it happen? Why not stop while you were ahead?\nGrand Thaumaturge Berith: The day of ascension draws near. All will revel in the glory of a refreshing can of Pepsi Cola.\nRep. Sallos: We don't really care. Can't let the nutjobs get ahead of us.\nRsr. Sylva: But can't you see that you're advertising the exact same product now?\nGrand Thaumaturge Berith: Irrelevant. Pepsi reigns supreme in the realm of beverages.\nRep. Sallos: What, you think this has ever been about the actual soda? It's about sending a message.\nRsr. Sylva: The message being?\nRep. Sallos: \u2026\nRep. Sallos: Fine, you called my bluff. We just really fucking hate each other's guts.\nGrand Thaumaturge Berith: Agreed.\nRep. Sallos: Sure Berith, act all wise and solemn. Not like the guys at the plant saw you at that horrid milk fiasco you tried to pull in '91.\nGrand Thaumaturge Berith: Bastard.\nGrand Thaumaturge Berith stands up and leaves the room. As she exceeds the range of the Reality Stabilizer, she disappears in a flash of light.\nRep. Sallos: Well, pretty productive meeting. You didn't tell us shit we didn't already know, and I pissed off a wizard. I'll be leaving now.\nRsr. Sylva: \u2026Fine. You know what? Fine.\n\nEnd Log\n\nFootnotes\n1. Based on recovered data, it is believed that if activated, the memetic construct would've closely matched a Type-VIII Pluripotent Memetic Construct by Foundation guidelines.\n\n\u00ab SCP-569 | Fishish | SCP-571 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-571\nObject Class: Anomalous Euclid Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A single piece of paper containing an instance of SCP-571 should be kept inside an opaque, sealed container of any kind, at the center of any high security containment room (currently the primary containment chamber at Compound-1043/Site-143). This containment room must be equipped with incineration devices, which shall be maintained and tested regularly. Any site housing SCP-571 must not be located within 200km of any minor population center, or within 500km of any major population center. No devices that have any capability of transmitting pictures are to be allowed within the perimeter of the compound housing SCP-571.\nOnly one instance of SCP-571 should exist at any time, except during specially approved testing. Should the paper containing SCP-571 be destroyed, another copy may be printed from the encrypted backup file. No other recordings of SCP-571 are to exist.\nSCP-571's containment chamber is to be monitored using infrared devices. Eight Level 2 guards must be stationed outside of SCP-571's containment chamber at all times. Four of these guards are to wear infrared goggles during shifts. Any persons attempting to enter the containment chamber without authorization are to be terminated immediately. Upon any successful unauthorized entry, the incineration devices in SCP-571's containment chamber are to be activated immediately.\nAll personnel leaving Site-143 are to be examined for potential SCP-571 contamination without visual contact as outlined by Protocol 571-Alpha. Personnel attempting to bypass Site-143 security are to be terminated within Compound-1043's 10-mile perimeter.\nIn the case of an SCP-571 containment breach, affected personnel are to be summarily killed and incinerated. If Compound-1043 becomes significantly compromised, the network of auxiliary incineration devices should be activated as outlined by Protocol 571-Alpha.\nMobile Task Force Eta-10 (\"See No Evil\") are assigned to handling potential instances of SCP-571 and SCP-571-related memes appearing independently outside containment.\nDescription: SCP-571 is a complex pattern of lines and scribbles with an anomalous memetic effect. Appearance was determined by cutting an image of 571 into sections and rearranging the sections, disabling the pattern's anomalous effect and allowing it to be safely viewed.\nSCP-571's anomalous effect has changed since its initial containment by the Foundation. The mechanism (if any) that has caused the changes in this effect, or its initial creation, is unclear. (See documentation attached.)\nCurrent SCP-571 anomalous effect follows.\nWhen any human looks at SCP-571 for any amount of time, they will immediately search for a piece of paper or other suitable stationery. The exposed human will then begin to copy SCP-571 onto the new paper, with any available drawing implement. Despite the particularly high complexity of the pattern, copying of SCP-571 by an exposed human will be successful approximately 96% of the time.\nOnce SCP-571 has been copied (whether successfully or not), the affected person will seek out other humans, and attempt to coax or force them to view the copied pattern. Successfully infected victims will immediately attempt to copy the pattern, thus continuing the process. Attempts to reason with infected persons are met with failure.\nCarriers of SCP-571 will typically only talk or interact with others for the eventual purpose of causing them to look at SCP-571. Initially, SCP-571 carriers retain their original personality and behavior, with the added compulsion aspect, similar to a heightened obsessive compulsive disorder. In this stage, carriers can often be communicated with as normal, but are unable to prevent themselves from acting out the SCP-571 compulsion.\nIf an individual SCP-571 carrier does not successfully infect a new, previously uninfected carrier within [REDACTED], exponential psychological deterioration will occur in the carrier. The type and rate of deterioration varies from carrier to carrier, but ends with near-total lack of activity in the cerebrum. Onset of deterioration can be delayed further (or temporarily halted once begun) by infecting multiple new carriers within a short period of time. Individual SCP-571 carriers are aware of this circumstance and may use this fact as a way to coax others to view the SCP-571 pattern.\nCarriers of SCP-571 who are unable to locate other uninfected humans for [REDACTED] days will begin to regularly coax other carriers to view and copy the pattern again. In the final stage of psychological deterioration, 30% of carriers will, if not prompted otherwise, continue this cycle until undergoing death by thirst. The remainder of exposed individuals will eat and drink as necessary, but will often neglect other non-vital bodily needs (such as using restrooms or voluntarily sleeping).\nExposure to Class-C amnestics may cause SCP-571 carriers to lose their ability to perfectly duplicate the SCP-571 pattern. However, carriers will continue to attempt to recreate the pattern and attempt to coax other individuals to view it. These depictions are never accurate depictions of SCP-571 (even in individuals with 'photographic' memory, as the pattern is too complex to be copied by non-anomalous means) and cannot be transmitted. There is no known means of completely curing individuals affected by SCP-571.\nAs carriers of SCP-571 are permanently unable to engage in any conscious activity unrelated to enticing another person to view SCP-571, containment breach may result in an AK-class end-of-the-world scenario if SCP-571 carriers are able to reach major urban population centers.\nAddendum: Incident X571-A: [DATA EXPUNGED] Because of the heightened likelihood that further instances may come into existence outside of containment, SCP-571 has been reclassified as Keter. Description and containment procedures updated accordingly.\nAdditionally, it appears that in the event of a SCP-571 \"critical mass\" carrier population, defined as a population above [REDACTED] within close proximity to one another, the psychological deterioration effect can be staved off indefinitely. However, the compulsion aspect remains permanent.\n\n\u00ab SCP-570 | SCP-571 | SCP-572 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-572\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-572 may be safely kept in a locked safe-deposit box at Site 19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure.\nAs there is no possible reason for SCP-572 to be used in the field, the item is to be kept more as a curiosity than for any scientific purpose.\nDescription: SCP-572 is a sword of the \"\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" model manufactured by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The weapon is badly balanced for combat use, is made of substandard steel, and does not hold an effective combat edge.\nHowever, the weapon has the unusual psychotropic quality of convincing any person who holds it of its \"balance\" and \"cutting power\", as well as conferring feelings of great strength and invincibility. This effect cannot be countered by any known means, and the affected subject will continue to maintain these beliefs so long as they hold the blade. Subjects will be compelled to perform dangerous stunts using SCP-572, including but not limited to: attempting to cut a moving car in half, slicing through a bullet fired from a rifle, cutting through another sword, and engaging in a live-steel duel with a trained period swordsman. Because of the prevalence of unnecessary cutting edges, 75% of such attempts end with serious injury being inflicted upon the user.\nShould the sword be successfully wrested away from an affected subject (preferably using long-handled tongs to prevent the retriever being affected), all psychological effects can usually be expunged by a single swift blow to the back of the subject's head.\nAddendum: SCP-572 was retrieved from the home of a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Upon being apprehended for violent drunken and disorderly behavior, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to charge the arresting officers while brandishing SCP-572, screaming that he would \"take their heads, and with it, their power.\" As Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was overweight and badly out of shape, officers successfully pacified him using TASERs and flexible baton (beanbag) rounds fired from a 12-gauge shotgun. Upon retrieving the weapon, Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588 was heard muttering about the effectiveness of SCP-572, claiming that if Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had managed to score a hit, one of the officers would have lost a limb: this despite the fact that the weapon had an edge blunter than a butter knife.\nAn SCP deep-cover operative assigned to the precinct discovered SCP-572's unusual properties and retrieved it from Evidence Storage. An identical weapon from the original manufacturer was procured as a replacement. As of the writing of this article, no further weapons from the same manufacturer have shown any anomalous properties.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-571 | SCP-572 | SCP-573 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-573\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: None needed. Object is stored in Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588s desk. Object is to be locked in one of Site 62's secure lockers. SCP-573 requires the agreement of two members of Senior Staff in order to be removed from containment. No one is allowed to make use of SCP-573 without at least two back-up researchers. Testing of SCP-573 around children is hereby denied without O5 approval.\nDescription: SCP-573 is a flute made from bone. DNA and carbon testing reveal the material to be human, female, and approximately a thousand years old. The bone is a femur, and, from the size, comes from a child between the ages of seven and twelve.\nSCP-573 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Louisiana, by agents investigating the disappearance of local children. Agents arriving on the scene were attacked by a pack of wild animals, several different species working together. Once the animals were put down, the agents were then attacked by several of the missing children, being urged on by one Darald King, the then-owner of SCP-573. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 shot Mr. King, ending his hold over the children and preventing a major incident.\nTesting of SCP-573 has revealed that, when played, it places animals and prepubescent children into a highly receptive state. All creatures so affected are eager and willing to do whatever the player requests, including things that are beyond them when in a non-trance state. Once the instrument is played, subjects remain in the trance state for five times the period the flute was played for (e.g. play the flute for a minute, the trance remains for five minutes).\nKnowledge of how to play a flute is not needed to effectively use SCP-573. Anyone attempting to use SCP-573 will find themselves able to play the flute as if they had been playing for years, and can play any song they desire.\nAddendum: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-573 is not to be used on human subjects. As revealed in Diary-573, SCP-573 provokes feelings of revulsion and paranoia in the user, specifically oriented towards prepubescents. These feelings increase gradually but steadily, until the wielder finds himself acting out violently and maliciously towards any prepubescent under his influence. Human testing with SCP-573 is thus suspended indefinitely. -O5-6\n\n\u00ab SCP-572 | SCP-573 | SCP-574 \u00bb"} {"text": "The interior of SCP-574.\n\nItem #: SCP-574\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-574 is located within Containment Site-105, which is surrounded by a concrete barrier three meters high and one meter wide. Warning signs are posted at the edge of the Foundation-owned property. Once per month, a live adult pig (Sus scrofa) is to be placed within SCP-574. Any additional buildings not being cultivated for study are to be demolished by Mobile Task Force Psi-7 \"Home Improvement\" as soon as it becomes feasible.\nThe interior of SCP-574 is monitored by both cameras and high-definition microphones. Any anomalies in SCP-574's interior are to be reported immediately.\nDescription: SCP-574 is a former factory in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, United States. The exterior appearance of SCP-574 is metamorphic, with over 328 distinct appearances on record. The interior contains three floors, with industrial equipment in varying states of decay.\nWhen a subject approaches within 40 meters of SCP-574, it will manifest a campfire near one of its upper windows. If the subject does not continue to approach it, several more campfires will appear, with human silhouettes being visible in the windows. If the subject does enter SCP-574, it will create several signs of human habitation. SCP-574 has been known to commonly manifest broken beer bottles, sleeping bags, clothing, and empty food cans, as well as concentrated deposits of ammonia, urea, and other compounds commonly found in urine.1 As the subject continues to occupy SCP-574, the floor beneath them may suddenly collapse, causing them to fall into the basement. Upon impact, the basement floor will take on the properties of wet cement, and forcibly drag the subject underneath before hardening. When active, concrete within the basement of SCP-574 has been found to be acidic with a pH of 3.5.\nIf SCP-574 consumes more than three subjects in one month, additional facilities will begin constructing themselves around it. These will be support facilities for a factory, such as an electrical power plant, or a market to sell the goods produced within the factory. If allowed to build completely, these structures will become derelict and begin sharing SCP-574's properties. When it was initially contained, SCP-574 was surrounded by two power plants, a marketplace, and the remains of a harbor. If SCP-574 is denied food, these structures will begin manifesting more enticing items, such as silhouettes of women undressing, the cries of distressed animals, and the odors of food and cannabis.\nSCP-574 was initially discovered on 9/18/1995, when a homeless man called paramedics to it. Upon arrival, the subject claimed he had taken up residence within SCP-574, and had witnessed the deaths of other subjects due to SCP-574's effect. After several paramedics were killed, reports of the anomaly reached Foundation agents embedded in the American military. Containment was successfully enacted by members of MTF-\u03c8-7 \"Home Improvement\". As of 10/30/1995, all witnesses were issued Class-C amnestics, and SCP-574 was classified as Euclid.\nAddendum: Interview 574-A\n\nInterviewed: Subject 574-A\n\nInterviewer: Dr. Jankovic\n\nForeword: Interview taken during initial containment.\n\n\n\nDr. Jankovic: So, please tell us how you came to find the structure.\n\nSubject 574-A: You mean the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 factory, right? I guess, I mean, it was someplace we all knew about. Good nights sleep, warm, usually kinda dry.\n\nDr. Jankovic: It was a well known squatter camp?\n\nSubject 574-A: Well, not a camp\u2026 y'see nobody wanted to live there. There was\u2026 noises, sometimes, at night. Spooked th'hell outta me when I went there coupl'a times.\n\nDr. Jankovic: Why did you go on the eighteenth?\n\nSubject 574-A: Ah, shit, now I gotta think about this. Uhhh\u2026 shit. Probably Frank, or his little posse, told me we was gonna be stayin' up there tonight to talk about somethin'.\n\nDr. Jankovic: And you went?\n\nSubject 574-A: They said they had baked beans, so shit yeah, I went.\n\nDr. Jankovic: What happened when you arrived?\n\nSubject 574-A: Well, nothin' much at first. I bummed around\u2026 heh, on the first floor. Heard a lotta people on the next one up, but I didn't really want to bother with those guys more'n I needed to.\n\nDr. Jankovic: Please get to the point, if you can.\n\nSubject 574-A: Right, sorry\u2026 tend to, uh, ramble about stuff. Anyways. So I'm bumming around on the first floor, and Frank's crew comes down. Frank starts preachin' to the dozen or so guys there, talkin' about a place where we'd never need to worry 'bout cops or gangs or nuthin'. We asked where it was, 'n he said we was in it.\n\nDr. Jankovic: What was the general reaction?\n\nSubject 574-A: Confusion, cos that shit didn't make sense. He goes on, 'bout there being lottsa new buildins around here, and how they was gonna make even more for us. Then, he started askin' for volunteers\u2026\n\nDr. Jankovic: Please, continue.\n\nSubject 574-A: Sorry, sorry. So he takes the volunteers, and sticks 'em under this big rusty-ass pipe. Next thing y'know they got\u2026 swallowed up by the rust, and the grunk on the floor. We could hear them screaming and breaking\u2026 it was like a speaker outside a store\u2026 it was horrible.\n\nDr. Jankovic: I'm sorry\u2026 did it go on for long?\n\nSubject 574-A: Yeah\u2026 Frank tried telling us to chill out, because we didn't have to die and we could live for free, but he got shouted down, and then a few people got rough\u2026 then the floor started to rumble. People were fallin' left and right. God, I\u2026 they was killing each other, even down there. I saw it. They choked each other before being just\u2026 drowned in that cement. Frank was hollerin' his lungs off, till the cement set. Fuck\u2026 I just wanted beans, y'know? Didn't need that shit.\n\nDr. Jankovic: So that was when you left, and contacted the authorities.\n\nSubject 574-A: Went to the corner store, yeah. Are we done, please?\n\n\n\nClosing Statement: Subject was issued Class-B amnestics following this interview.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Analysis of these 'urine' deposits has revealed no biological content.\n\n\u00ab SCP-573 | SCP-574 | SCP-575 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-575\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any and all instances of SCP-575 are to be immediately isolated and contained with Protocol AL-9O77 (see Advanced Lighting and Emergency Containment Strategies handbook) and transported to secured containment. Should an instance of SCP-575 exceed a safely containable size, Protocol AL-9O77-B is to be used to divide and isolate SCP-575 into smaller instances.\nContainment units are to be made of two airtight rooms, each sealed by airlocks. The outer room, Containment A, is to remain lit at all times, with no less than two back-up generators on stand-by. Light fixtures are to be checked weekly, and any blackouts in Containment A will result in immediate lockdown until total illumination is restored.\nThe inner containment unit, Containment B, is to be coated in a layer of pure calcium both inside and out. Personnel entering Containment B are to be fitted with LED-embedded clothing and equipped with portable floodlights in case of emergency. Interaction with SCP-575 should be limited to sample collection and observation. Any samples obtained from SCP-575 must be treated in the same manner as the original source and all test areas must have calcium lining and emergency illumination procedures similar to those outlined here.\nAny and all civilian deaths resulting from SCP-575 are to be attributed to wild animal attack/scavenger predation of an already deceased subject. Should deeper scrutiny be applied, attacks are to be blamed on a serial killer/satanic cult, and any additional information is sealed \u201cdue to ongoing investigation\u201d.\nDescription: SCP-575 appears to be an unknown form of matter, taking the form of a series of amorphous black shapes and structures. SCP-575 is difficult to observe, as it immediately dissipates when exposed to light1. Current testing has been unable to identify if SCP-575 is organic or inorganic. Despite the lack of any visible nervous systems or observable organic components, SCP-575 displays behavior consistent with an active consciousness.\nSCP-575 initially manifests in total darkness. How this occurs is unknown, however tests have shown a variable mass of SCP-575 forming when [DATA EXPUNGED] variable, along with the time frame. SCP-575 is capable of \u201cfloating\u201d and can alter its density, allowing it to \"pass through\" very small openings. SCP-575 prefers very dark, isolated locations in which to settle after its initial formation, and will remain there until it reaches \u201ccritical mass\u201d at [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSCP-575 grows with the absorption of biological material. SCP-575 will \u201cattack\u201d living things by solidifying portions of itself and using these \u201cappendages\u201d to bludgeon, cut and crush subjects. The tracking and selection methods used by SCP-575 are currently not understood. Upon disabling a subject, SCP-575 will forcibly tear and crush tissue within the main mass until it is \"absorbed\". SCP-575 is unable to interact with objects rich in calcium however, and \u201cnesting areas\u201d for SCP-575 can be identified by the large amount of bones, teeth, and calcified dust around them.\n\nBones recovered from SCP-575 \"nest\" in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nSCP-575 is capable of manifesting in any area of total darkness. This appears to be a form of \"spontaneous generation\", and can form in any suitably dark location after [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-575 was initially recovered under the home of Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 and his family. When initial contact was made, SCP-575 had \"digested\" the household, and had partially \"consumed\" a neighbor, one \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, age \u2588. Since this initial contact, \u2588\u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-575 have been recovered, most of which have been in residential homes or large buildings, such as factories and schools. The cause for this preference is unknown, however it has been suggested that the building behaviors of man simply provide more suitable \u201cnesting\u201d areas, or that SCP-575 somehow \"needs\" a nearby human presence. Both theories are under investigation.\n\nFootnotes\n1. An action reminiscent of SCP-1219, however a connection between the two entities has not yet been made\n\n\u00ab SCP-574 | SCP-575 | SCP-576 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-576 in containment.\n\nItem #: SCP-576\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-576 is to be kept in a digital combination locker at Site-19; the passcode to this locker is to be rotated twice each month. Level 3 authorization is required prior to any testing involving SCP-576; under no circumstances is access to SCP-576 to be granted outside of testing protocol.\nDescription: SCP-576 is a rounded glass bottle with a cork stopper, measuring approximately 6 cm in diameter at base and 8 cm in height. SCP-576 is etched with a simple design (two crisscrossed stems with leaves and flowers) and possesses no maker's marks.\nSCP-576 is filled with a clear liquid, designated SCP-576-1. Lab analysis has revealed the chemical composition of SCP-576-1 to be identical to that of a 0.0100M fructose and water solution. It is theorized that SCP-576-1 only retains its effects while within SCP-576, as samples consumed from a vessel other than SCP-576 result in no anomalous effects. It has been observed that SCP-576 appears to be capable of refilling itself, albeit slowly; the replenishing rate is estimated at approximately 2 mL per week. The process by which SCP-576 refills itself is unknown.\nConsumption of SCP-576-1 results in no immediate effects; however, when an individual sleeps after consuming SCP-576-1, they will experience vivid dreams. Dreams caused by SCP-576-1 are reported to be based on memories significant to the individual. Individuals used in SCP-576 testing report a correlation between the quantity of the fluid consumed and the relative realism of the resulting dreams.\nWhen an individual enters an SCP-576-1-affected sleep, they will pass through the natural stages of sleep (stages 1, 2, 3, and 4) and remain in a peaceful, constant state of REM sleep for a period lasting from eight to twenty hours. Attempts to awaken individuals in this state, before they awaken on their own, have proven unsuccessful. The undisturbed sleep caused by SCP-576-1 is consistent between all subjects, regardless of any pre-existing or history of sleep disorders.\nAddendum SCP-576-1: SCP-576 was originally recovered from the mansion of a Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was discovered dead by his household's maid. Hospital records indicate that Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been suffering from stress and malnutrition (which were attributed to overwork and financial strain) prior to his death. SCP-576 was found on Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's bedside table, next to a photo album which was determined to possess no anomalous properties. SCP-576 was noted to be a little less than 1/4 full at the time of discovery.\nAddendum SCP-576-2: Based on testing, a tentative correlation between dosage and length of time spent asleep has been established. Individual cases that are exceptions are currently being investigated.\n\nExcerpt from Testing Log SCP-576-5193-\u2588\n\nhide\n\nExcerpt from Testing Log SCP-576-5193-\u2588\nSubject: D-6312, 30-year old male.\nDosage: One sip (approx. 5.1 mL)\nLength of Sleep: 8 hours\nSubject Comments: \"I remembered all the stuff I did when I was little. I got to relive making and flying paper airplanes, building a treehouse all by myself, taking naps in the meadows behind my house. I'd forgotten all those things I used to have the time to do.\"\nSubject: D-5683, 25-year old female.\nDosage: Two sips (approx. 12.3 mL)\nLength of Sleep: 13 hours\nSubject Comments: \"I dreamed of my dog, before I started my second job. I dreamed of when we would spend time together walking through the park, just walking. Sometimes I'd just sit and watch her chase birds, and never notice the time passing. I remember that on bad days, we would play catch and I'd feel better. I miss her.\"\n\nSubject: D-3473, 40-year old male.\nDosage: One sip (approx. 4.9 mL)\nLength of Sleep: 20 hours\nSubject Comments: \"She was still smiling. We were still laughing. It was that rainy day when I brought her flowers. We were still together. She was still alive.\"\n\nSubject: D-3473, 40-year old male. (second trial)\nDosage: Two sips (approx. 11.5 mL)\nLength of Sleep: 27 hours\nSubject Comments: \"I saw the day we first met. I lived through the first time I spoke with her, I lived through the first time she smiled at me. I lived through everything again. It was wonderful.\"\n\nSubject: D-3473, 40-year old male. (third trial)\nDosage: One sip (approx. 6.0 mL)\nLength of Sleep: 36 hours\nSubject Comments: \"I remembered so many things. The day I lent her my jacket, the day we went to that outdoor concert\u2026 I don't want to let any of that go. Any of the time we spent together. I want to keep remembering. I want to go back. I want to stay there.\"\n\nAddendum SCP-576-3: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, two documents have been recovered from the records of Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Investigation of the documents is currently underway.\n\nExcerpt from Document 576-\u2588-5\n\nhide\n\nExcerpt from Document 576-\u2588-5 (believed to be the diary of the late Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588):\n\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 200\u2588\nI took another small dose. It couldn't hurt. With everything that's happened lately, I can't fall asleep otherwise. I'll take care of everything important later, when I'm better rested. So many numbers and dates that need to be set in order, it's just too much, too much.\n\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 200\u2588\nIt's not just one specific time that I wish I could return to. It's not just one thing, it's everything. It's all those scattered memories and little wonders that I want to experience again. When I dream, I remember in perfect clarity the days I could take the time to feel the sun on my face, the days I didn't have to worry about much more than being back home in time for dinner.\n\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 200\u2588\n\u201cThings could be worse, but they could still be better, much better\u201d\u2026 these are the thoughts that keep me awake at night. More than anything, I'm scared. Scared of what'll be in the future, and scared of what won't be.\nI know one thing. I don't regret all these memories. I don't regret returning to them. These were the best times of my life, I couldn't possibly give them up.\n\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 200\u2588\nI found those photographs from so long ago. The day I found the bird's nest in the woods, the day I saw snow for the first time, the day I skipped school to explore the lake and found the miniature waterfall\u2026\n\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 200\u2588\nI can't face it all now. When I sleep, nothing can hurt me. I'm safe when I remember the better times, the happier times. When I dream, I remember everything. Nothing can take that away from me.\n\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 200\u2588\nEverything can just wait until I wake up again.\n\nDocument 576-\u2588-6 (found within Document 576-\u2588-5)\nItem #\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Batch \u2588\u2588\nOrder #\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTake some time to clear your mind\nBring back what's been left behind\nOne sip and your woes are freed\nOne good night's sleep, guaranteed!\nThank you for your patronage. Sweet dreams.\n~Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.\n\n\u00ab SCP-575 | SCP-576 | SCP-577 \u00bb"} {"text": "Damage caused by SCP-577 to its containment unit.\n\nItem #: SCP-577\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-577 is to be contained within a standard large containment unit, reinforced with steel ballistic shielding. All doors to the containment unit and related areas must be capable of remote operation.\nTwice a year, D-Class personnel are to be sent into the chamber to inspect the ballistic shielding for any damage caused by SCP-577 and make any needed repairs. They are also responsible for removing any cadavers or detritus left from prior entries into the containment chamber. Any Foundation personnel entering SCP-577's containment must wear full-body ballistic protection.\nDescription: SCP-577 is an animated, levitating mass of ammunition of various calibers, that persistently spins in a spherical formation. Approximately 40% of the ammunition is 9mm; however, large quantities of 10mm and .45 ACP rounds have also been noted. Bullets within SCP-577 are capable of leaving the mass and firing at speeds comparable to those from a standard handgun. Occasionally, the mass has been observed forming recognizable shapes and likenesses, commonly those of domestic animals. SCP-577's total mass rises consistently, with approximately one thousand new pieces of ammunition appearing in the mass each year.\nSCP-577 is exceptionally aggressive towards all Foundation staff and D-Class who have a background in law enforcement. A large amount of its mass will fire towards these staff members, resulting in physical injury and occasionally death. However, research has found that SCP-577 acts friendly towards a small number of D-Class, typically those taken from the US prison and homeless populations.\nAddendum 577a: On 01/\u2588\u2588/2019, D-28126 was sent into SCP-577's containment chamber for its semi-annual inspection. The inspection, and resulting interview have been recorded below.\n\n[00:00]: D-28126 enters the containment chamber. SCP-577 approaches D-28126 and assumes the shape and size of a large cat. D-28126 looks confused.\n[02:34]: D-28126 begins the inspection and maintenance, but stops periodically to pet SCP-577.\n[04:01]: D-28126's progress in washing the walls slows, and he appears to be crying.\n[05:53]: D-28126 stops working and slumps against the wall. SCP-577 sits next to him and rests its head on his leg. D-28126 continues crying and holds SCP-577 closely.\n[08:19]: Staff order D-28126 to leave the containment chamber. He does not immediately comply, and instead continues holding SCP-577.\n[09:37]: SCP-577 appears to guide D-28126's hand into itself. When he pulls his hand out, it is covered in what appears to be blood.\n[10:44]: D-28126 stares at his hand for several moments before opening it to reveal a bullet that throbs slightly and drips blood. He holds his hand to his chest and whispers something.\n[15:52]: After further exhortation from on-duty personnel, D-28126 stands up and embraces SCP-577 before exiting the containment chamber.\n\nUpon being brought out of the containment chamber, the bullet stopped moving and all other anomalous effects ceased. This allowed security personnel to detain D-28126 and confiscate the bullet for analysis and testing.\nThe blood was genetically similar to D-28126's but not identical. Ballistics analysis of the bullet indicates it had impacted flesh or some other soft substance, however D-28126 was not harmed in any way.\nThe bullet was returned to the D-Class prior to the interview.\n\nDr. Vanderbilt: First things first, please state your name for the record.\nD-28126: I'm Arturo Rosas\u2026 Uhhh D-Class two-eight-one-two-six\nDr. Vanderbilt: Wonderful. (He notes something on his pad) Alright, Arturo, I want you to walk me through what happened in there.\nD-28126: It turned itself into my cat- A cat\u2026 that me and my brother helped as a kid. I'd recognize his tail anywhere.\nDr. Vanderbilt: You're positive it was your cat?\nD-28126: Yes.\nDr. Vanderbilt: You obviously must really miss it for you to decide to just quit what you were doing.\nD-28126: It's what he said to me. I\u2026 heard him talk to me. It was quiet. I almost didn't hear it, but he said \"I'm sorry.\"\nDr. Vanderbilt: If this was really your cat, what would it have to be sorry about.\nD-28126: It was him! I'm not making this shit up!\nDr. Vanderbilt: (Raises a hand) No need to get angry. I concede, this was your cat. Please, go on.\nD-28126: Before I was with you guys. Just after my mom kicked me a-and my brother out. A cat found us. He was a stray, but we gave it a little bit of our food and he stuck around. My brother named him Duck, 'cause he liked the sign when we were learning sign language together.\nD-28126: (He pauses) He helped us survive, kind of trained him to be like a therapy cat, you know? My brother was deaf, and it's hard enough not having a home. Duck helped him a lot, until\u2026 (D-28126 sighs and wipes his eyes) The last time I saw Duck was\u2026 was when he came to find me, I don't know how. But he was always Ricardo's cat first. He led me back to where we were staying, cops all over the area.\nD-28126: I never got to say goodbye. I was so angry and scared\u2026 Duck tried to comfort me, but I threw rocks at him. I didn't mean to; it's just a part of me h-hated Duck for showing me. He hissed at me and ran away. (D-28126 coughs) Saw on the news a few days later that \"an unnamed male had threatened a police officer\". The cop was naturally afraid for his life and just shot. We were just two kids trying to survive. Of course the news doesn't bother to ask questions, instantly started to list stats about gang violence.\nDr. Vanderbilt: That sounds rough. But I'm not really sure how it's relevant.\nD-28126: (Shouting) Because that thing gave me a chance to say goodbye! You've probably forgotten what your family feels like, but this bullet was my brother's heart. I lived beside him for years. I know what his heartbeat feels like from the nights we spent trying to keep warm. Or the times he was afraid when a cop drove past, or when it jumped if I woke him. And for those few seconds where this bullet was still beating, I was able to say goodbye! I felt his blood drain onto my hands, and I was able to comfort him\u2026\nDr. Vanderbilt: Well, I hope you're doing better now.\nD-28126: I don't know if it was all in my head. But knowing all the weird stuff here, I feel- I know that Ricardo could sense I was there. Even now, ten years later.\n\n\u00ab SCP-576 | SCP-577 | SCP-578 \u00bb"} {"text": "A sample of SCP-578-1.\n\nItem #: SCP-578\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-578 is to be contained within standard Safe-class anomalous liquids tanks. Any personnel excluding D-class under testing conditions are to wear Level C hazmat suits while handling SCP-578. All newly recovered instances of SCP-578-1 are to be cataloged and destroyed.\nDescription: SCP-578 is a colorless, odorless liquid consisting of a solution of water, silicon, and a previously unknown and uncharacterized enzyme. It has a viscosity of 0.9cP at 29\u00b0C, a boiling point of 123\u00b0C at sea level, and a freezing point of 4\u00b0C. At the time of this writing, 413L of SCP-578 exist in containment.\nSCP-578's anomalous properties manifest when it is brought into contact with human blood. First, SCP-578 spreads throughout the blood by way of rapid diffusion. The enzyme in SCP-578 then causes a clotting cascade in the blood, followed by crystallization of the blood via chemical reaction.\nThis crystallized blood is designated an instance of SCP-578-1. Approximately 1.7mL of SCP-578 is required to fully convert a liter of blood. SCP-578-1's chemical structure is reminiscent of opals, consisting of hydrated silica. During the crystallization process, clots of blood cells become trapped within the structure of SCP-578-1, resulting in a bright red coloration. Tests involving SCP-578 and blood plasma have confirmed that the absence of these blood clots in the structure of SCP-578-1 results in a significantly weaker structure. SCP-578-1 has a hardness of 6.8 on the Mohs scale, and a melting point of 1020\u00b0C. SCP-578-1 is not capable of converting more blood, and can be handled without protective gear.\nSCP-578 and several hundred instances of SCP-578-1 were initially discovered during a Foundation raid on a Marshall, Carter, & Dark Ltd. facility. The facility had been used as a production site for various items made of SCP-578-1. The exact process MC&D used to create SCP-578 is unknown.\nAddendum 01: Excerpt from Recovered Document HKG-35.\n\nHere at Marshall Carter and Dark, we cater to only the most exclusive clientele, people of discriminating taste. We understand that those of your caliber demand only the finest, the pinnacle of quality in jewelry. That is why MC&D is proud to present the most incredible gems of all time; blood opals. Created from the very sap of men's veins, crafted by artisans into wondrous settings in a true marriage of art and jewelry, these one-of-a-kind pieces easily outclass any you have seen before.\nIn ancient Greek mythology, the ichor of the gods' veins could grant to mortals agelessness or even immortality. Blood opals capture a similar effect, producing an aura of rejuvenation and regeneration. They add vigor to your limbs, taste to your food, and colour to your cheeks.\nThis holiday season, show that special someone you care. After all, what says \"I love you\" like a piece of life, a piece of you?\n\nAddendum 02: SCP-578-0676\n\nItem #: 0676\nRecovery Date: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nItem Description: A statue of a human cardiovascular system composed of SCP-578-1. The item is 2.1 meters in height including a 0.3 meter tall base composed of granite. Analysis of the item has discovered few tool marks, with the exception of those around the metal supports attaching the statue to the granite base. It is theorized that the item must have been created by injecting SCP-578 into a living human, as the pooling of blood in a dead body would result in a partial statue.\n\n\u00ab SCP-577 | SCP-578 | SCP-579 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-579\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-579 is currently in Site-62C, a compound located approximately 80 km from Site-\u2588\u2588, the main site. Knowledge of the existence of this site has been deemed unnecessary for all non-essential personnel who are not involved in SCP-579's containment. Site consists of building housing SCP-579 and living quarters for containment staff. SCP-579 is encased in a 30 m x 30 m x 30 m unit made of [DATA EXPUNGED], in which SCP-579 is kept in permanent suspension through use of electromagnets. Site-\u2588\u2588 is equipped with hardline to High Command through which all reports and notifications are to be made. Staff consists of two teams (each composed of 17 Level 1 Personnel, three level 2 Personnel, and one Level 4 Personnel) which are rotated bi-weekly.\nAll instruments are to be checked each half-hour to ensure their continued function. Changes in any measured attribute are to be immediately reported to High Command. Any instrument or electronic device registering more than 0.2% from its median range of function or displaying any errors or lapses in functioning will result in automatic execution of Action 10-Israfil. Routine reports to High Command are to be made hourly. If a report is not received within seven minutes of its scheduled time, Action 10-Israfil-A is to be executed.\nAbsolutely no action regarding SCP-579 other than those strictly outlined above is to be taken.\nDescription: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum [579-001]:\nAction 10-Israfil-A: Doors, windows, and other possible exits from Site-\u2588\u2588 are to be sealed, preventing the transfer of personnel into or out of the site. Teams and resources required for Action 10-Israfil-B are to be readied and moved into position.\nIf reports are received by High Command at the correct time, or if instruments or electronic devices return to their normal state, High Command will issue an \u201cAll-Clear\u201d statement. If such a statement is not received within seven minutes of the commencement of Action 10-Israfil-A, execute Action 10-Israfil-B. If at any time any instruments or electronic devices near SCP-579 begin to display significant errors or deviations from normal functioning, Action 10-Israfil-B must be executed immediately.\nIf an \u201cAll-Clear\u201d statement is issued, at least 72 hours without further anomalies must pass before site can be unsealed and Action 10-Israfil-B teams may stand down.\nAction 10-Israfil-B: Gateway of Site-62 (SCP-004) is to be destroyed. This must be done regardless of personnel or facilities remaining within the site. Remnants of the Gateway \u2014 or the gateway itself if destruction proves impossible \u2014 are to be contained in the same manner as SCP-579. High Command will then issue further instruction.\nAddendum [579-002]:\nIn the event of a successful Action 10-Israfil-B, all sealed documents regarding SCP-579 are to be released to all personnel involved with the Action. Procedures as outlined within the documents are to be followed (along with contingency plans if necessary). Be aware that even with the successful execution of Action 10-Israfil-B, estimates place the occurrence of [DATA EXPUNGED] at 1 year or less.\nIf SCP-579 is mentioned, in any capacity, by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, any anti-Foundation or public groups, or [DATA EXPUNGED], it is recommended that Action 10-Israfil-A be executed as planned immediately.\nIn the event of an unsuccessful Action 10-Israfil-B, no further action will be necessary. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum [579-TIMELINE]:\nEvent 0: SCP-579 is discovered. Point of Origin is [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 1: Initial assessment of SCP-579 is undertaken. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 2: SCP-579 is inadvertently removed from its point of origin. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 3: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 4: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 5: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 6: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 7: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 8: SCP-579 is successfully contained. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 9: SCP-579 is moved to Site-04. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 10: Containment failed. Loss of Site-04. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 11: SCP-579 is successfully contained. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 12: SCP-579 is moved to Site-31. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 13: Containment failed. Loss of Site-31. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 14: SCP-579 is successfully contained. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 15: SCP-579 is moved to Site-26. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 16: Containment failed. Loss of Site-26. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 17: SCP-579 is successfully contained. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 18: Attempt is made to destroy SCP-579. Attempt failed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 19: Attempt is made to destroy SCP-579. Attempt failed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 20: Attempt is made to destroy SCP-579. Attempt failed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 21: Attempt is made to destroy SCP-579. Attempt failed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 22: Containment failed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 23: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 24: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 25: SCP-579 is successfully contained. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 26: SCP-579 is transported to vicinity of Point of Origin. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 27: Attempted to return SCP-579 to point of origin. Attempt failed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 28: Attempted to return SCP-579 to point of origin. Attempt failed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 29: Attempted to return SCP-579 to point of origin. Attempt failed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 30: Attempted to return SCP-579 to point of origin. Attempt failed, resulting in the loss of Point of Origin. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 31: Containment failed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 32: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 33: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 34: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 35: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 36: SCP-579 is successfully contained. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 37: SCP-579 is moved to Site-\u2588\u2588. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 38: SCP-579 undergoes previously unobserved changes, believed to involve [DATA EXPUNGED]. Containment holds, though this is determined not to be attributable to containment procedure. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 39: High Command issues lockdown on Site-\u2588\u2588. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 40: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 formulates current containment plan. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 41: Site-62C is constructed. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 42: SCP-579 is moved to Site-\u2588\u2588 [DATA EXPUNGED]\nEvent 43: High Command seals all data not needed for containment of SCP-579. Termination of agents to prevent data leakage regarding SCP-579 is deemed unnecessary, as only 7 such agents remain. Said agents are retained as advisors should future events concerning SCP-579 occur. [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-578 | SCP-579 | SCP-580 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-580\nObject Class: (Keter) Due to a review of current documentation as of January 5, 2009, this SCP has been reclassified as Euclid.\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-580 and the environment that it is normally found in, the following protocols are to be observed at all times of contact. Note that this document covers both the item itself (hereafter referred to as SCP 580\u201301) and the crew found inside (SCP 580\u201302).\n\nAt least one Foundation Agent who is fluent in Mandarin and is of obvious Chinese descent must be present; during an emergency, the former requirement is of higher priority. (For the purposes of this document, this person shall be referred to as the Contact Leader.) All communication occurring between the Foundation team and SCP 580\u201302 must go through the Contact Leader, as SCP-580-02 will not respond to any other interaction.\nCommunication must be kept at a non-hostile level; no aggression must be displayed by the contact team at any time. The Contact Leader must state their team's current mission and agenda as truthfully as possible, both conscious and unconsciously (i.e. body language, stress indicators).\nThe team must apologize for \u201cInterfering with a military operation on Imperial territory\u201d and state that they are leaving immediately. If in doubt, the Contact Leader may ask for directions to the nearest \u201cneutral area\u201d from any member of SCP-580-02's group, preferably the one that they interacted with the most. Care must be taken that the team give the impression that they are leaving immediately; further contact with SCP-580 within a 24 hour period from departure is not recommended due to prior hostile behavior at such actions.\nShould hostilities commence, the Foundation Team is to leave the area immediately and attempt evasive maneuvers. Reentry into Earth's atmosphere is permitted as a last resort, should it be necessary.\n\nInteraction with SCP\u2013580 is to be strictly logged and forwarded to Dr. Kamen as soon as possible for analysis. Priority is to be given to any deviations in the protocols listed therein and the results thereof, should any present itself.\nDescription: SCP\u2013580-01 is a silk and wood zeppelin ostensibly constructed during the reign of Shi Huang Ti in China. The flight component has a dragon and phoenix painted in bright green, silver and gold on its side, while the deck seems to be made out of an unidentified hardwood. The deck itself has no visible weapons, although 8 cannon slots have been identified on both sides. SCP-580-01 seems to have taken no damage from either weapons or environmental hazards present in space, although it does show the standard wear and tear that can be found if such a craft were present in atmospheric conditions. There seems to be no visible means of propulsion from the outside of the ship; records unearthed in archaeological dig sites \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 have failed to provide any clues regarding this matter.\nSCP-580 can be found once one passes the moon; previous encounters (see Data File \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) show that the crew of SCP-580-01 consider the moon as the boundary of \u201cImperial territory\u201d and do not venture past that point towards Earth. So far, rough calculations show that one may encounter SCP-580 in the area between the moon and the sun; based on anecdotal evidence, it appears that SCP-580 was commissioned to journey to the sun under orders of Shi Huang Ti. Whether it was for a military expedition or a petitioner's journey remains unclear so far.\nRecords retrieved from the dig sites show incomplete plans for SCP-580-01; some pages and notes are missing, apparently from fire or natural causes. However, these plans show that there are compartments in SCP-580-01 that are unrelated to sailing or cargo transport; the notes on these sections indicate some kind of necromantic purpose intended for it, though details are currently unclear.\nSCP-580-01 is crewed with approximately 40 terra-cotta warriors, similar to those found in Shi Huang Ti's tomb and the Terra Cotta army of lore. Each one is a mechanical golem that has shown skill with various ancient Chinese martial arts weapons and unarmed combat. They are armed with the standard weaponry for soldiers for their original time period: short sword, spear, and repeating crossbow. They do not communicate unless spoken to, and refuse to attack unless they are provoked first; in addition, they have shown skill at seamanship and minor maintenance functions for SCP-580-01. Present among the crew are four (4) officer warriors, who seem to lead the crew and determine interaction with outside parties. It is currently unclear which one of the four is the leader, as they are all identical in appearance.\nAddendum: Reference Documents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as well as Data File \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are currently awaiting declassification, pending approval from Dr. Kamen.\n\n\u00ab SCP-579 | SCP-580 | SCP-581 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-581\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Except for approved testing, SCP-581 must be kept a minimum of 1000 m from all members of all equine species. SCP-581 is to be kept in locked, climate-controlled facilities. No firearms are allowed in proximity to any examples of SCP-581-2.\nDescription: SCP-581 is a horse's nosebag, made from leather. Any equine subject (horses, mules, and donkeys have all been confirmed to be susceptible; zebras, onagers, and other non-domesticated hybrids have not been tested due to budgetary reasons) within 500 m is potentially an instance of SCP-581-1. SCP-581-1's sole motivation appears to be inserting its muzzle within SCP-581; this is strong enough to override instinctual reactions to predator urine or females in heat, and has caused instances of SCP-581-1 to harm themselves in the process of attempting to free SCP-581 from within steel safes.\nOnly one instance of SCP-581-1 is known to exist at any time; examples of SCP-581-1 will actively resist being removed from SCP-581's range of effect, and will sicken and (90%) die within a week of SCP-581 being forcibly removed.\nIf SCP-581-1 succeeds in inserting its muzzle within SCP-581, it will become an example of SCP-581-2. SCP-581-2 is an equine characterized by several anomalous behaviors; these behaviors seem to indicate that SCP-581-2 believes itself to be a human.\nObserved anomalous \"human-like\" behaviors include:\n\nattempts to walk on its hind legs\nattempts to attack its head with its front hooves\nattempts to enter the driver's seat of unoccupied vehicles\nfascination by, and then hostility towards, reflective surfaces\nattempts to clasp firearms with its front hooves\nextended periods of aberrant modulated vocalizations; these are believed to be SCP-581-2's attempts to speak (audio recordings available in archive 581-H-19)\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nTo date, all specimens of SCP-581-2 have been euthanized due to multiple limb fractures; no specimen has survived longer than two (2) hours.\n\n\u00ab SCP-580 | SCP-581 | SCP-582 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-582\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the high risk of memetic spread, all information and materials pertaining to the specifics of SCP-582-Delta's containment narrative, manifestations, abilities, and history that has been judged conducive to perpetuation of the meme are to be handled solely by Special Intelligence Team \u201cBump in the Night\u201d (Security Chief Special Order 817-2: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588). Access to Secure Archive 582 by outside personnel is permitted only by two-thirds majority O5 permission.\nAll major Internet search engines are to be monitored for any references to SCP-582 under any of its known names. Copies of all media relating to SCP-582 are to be stored in Secure Archive 582. The original sources of these materials, and all records regarding the individuals responsible for the creation of such, are to be expunged as outlined in Document 582-RP.\nDescription: SCP-582 is an adaptive, self-propagating meme in the form of an entity most often referred to as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-582's primary ability is passive reality modification. Any fictional account written about SCP-582 will become a factual record of a manifestation of the entity, in which SCP-582 will carry out all actions attributed to it in the narrative. These manifestations will happen at whatever time and place is specified: if no specific location or time is given, the manifestation will occur at any opportunity that will meet the narrative's criteria.\nDetails attributed to SCP-582 are permanent and cumulative. If a narrative contains descriptions that contradict previously established details, it will either have no effect at all upon SCP-582, or the effect will be lessened to a point where such events could logically occur. Through this effect, SCP-582 has a consistent, if generalized, portrayal, due to its use in works by multiple authors both before and after its discovery by the Foundation.\nSCP-582's actual abilities within narrative are generally nebulous and lacking in detail. The most common format of story involves the aftermath of a manifestation of SCP-582, or a short-lived encounter with SCP-582, rather than an explanation or justification of the events. What is known is that SCP-582 regularly appears capable of appearing or disappearing at any place or time, and that no method of terminating or otherwise harming SCP-582 within any narrative has been successful.\nAddendum 1:\n\n+ SIT EYES ONLY\n\n- SECURITY MEMETIC: RHINOS SOMETIMES FORGET\n\nThe origin of SCP-582 may be traced to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 an obscure American author active during the 1940s and 50s. The original works containing SCP-582 were never published, but were discovered by several close friends and fellow amateur writers (namely \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) upon the author's death in 1957, who then served as the original infection vector.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was considered an overall sub-par author, having only published four short stories in his life, all within now-defunct \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Magazine. In addition, he was often criticized for lifting the style of Howard P. Lovecraft considerably, a stance backed up by his personal journals, which detailed an obsession with Lovecraft's writings and the author himself. Furthermore, several earlier entries imply that SCP-582 was formed recursively, in that the author wrote a narrative detailing his own encounter with SCP-582 decades prior (believed to be either Document 582-14 or Document 582-15), which then led him to write the first narratives featuring SCP-582.\n\nAddendum 2:\n\n+ SIT EYES ONLY\n\n- SECURITY MEMETIC: THE HARVEST MOON ROARS\n\nSCP-582's portrayal as a godlike entity has led to a collection of commonly featured avatars: SCP-582's actual form, if extant, has yet to be featured in any narrative. A list of notable manifestations of SCP-582 is as follows:\n\nManifestation Alpha \u2013 The most common instance of SCP-582, being a humanoid creature standing approximately two meters tall and wearing thickly layered robes often compared to burlap. The figure is hooded, and no face is visible underneath. Common additional details include carrying sacks or bundles of unknown content or the appearance of heavy bleeding. Manifestation Alpha is the least dangerous of SCP-582 manifestations, with death occurring in only 23% of instances.\nManifestation Beta \u2013 A hexapedal entity appearing to be made out of molten tar. Manifestation Beta will attempt to attack any nearby humans unprotected by certain preventative measures detailed in Document 582-34. Manifestation Beta has on five occasions appeared at the same time as Manifestation Alpha, seemingly using Manifestation Alpha as a host or disguise.\nManifestation Gamma \u2013 A manifestation appearing as a one-hundred meter wide plant-like entity, giving off an intense white light and substantial radiation. The strength of the radiation is unmeasured, but it is enough to be fatal to humans within 6-10 hours. Manifestation Gamma does not appear to take notice of any outside stimuli, and has on one occasion been observed growing out of or feeding off of Manifestation Beta.\nManifestation Delta \u2013 The manifestation in containment within the Foundation, appearing as a poorly defined humanoid shadow. Due to the nature of its containment narrative, Manifestation Delta is incapable of exiting its containment module or interacting with personnel.\nManifestation Epsilon \u2013 (Revised \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2005) Manifestation Epsilon is considered no longer canon after the events of Manifestation Event 201. Further information may be found in Document 582-201b.\nManifestation Zeta \u2013 Manifestation Zeta exists within more than three dimensions, making it impossible to properly perceive by humans. Manifestation Zeta has only been encountered once (Manifestation Event 256, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010), resulting in three hundred fifty-eight deaths and a Localized Restructuring Event.\nManifestation Zeta Prime \u2013 The post-metamorphosis form of Manifestation Zeta. The account involving Manifestation Zeta Prime was interrupted mid-narrative by Foundation personnel: Any further instances of Manifestation Zeta Prime are to be considered a continuation of XK Scenario-582-6b. Protocol 582-XK1 \u201cJonah and the Whale\u201d is to be initiated immediately.\n\nAddendum 3\n\n+ SIT EYES ONLY\n\n- SECURITY MEMETIC: TRIPLE SHOT ALLOTTED\n\nIn accordance with Security Chief Special Order 945, a segment of SCP-582's containment narrative has been included for illustrative purposes.\n\nWhat thoughts, if any, that flow through that alien mind are not mine to know: It remains silent and still within its chamber, entrenched in the persistence of its own memory. It remains, but only as a shade of what it was, its power spent, or at least come to rest.\n\nAll personnel, please note: SCP-582 is a reaction. It has shown no signs of actual consciousness or free will. Everything it has ever said, done, or thought is because someone wrote that it would.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-581 | SCP-582 | SCP-583 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-583\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-583 is to be locked in a heavy-duty chrome steel safe. Any level-3 or higher personnel have access to the safe. A lethal security system is to be kept operative in the containment room for SCP-583 at all times. SCP-583 is fragile and must not approach or be approached by any magnetic field-generating material or device. SCP-583 is only as sturdy as a standard video tape and is to be handled with extreme care. SCP-583 must not be destroyed, due to continued research into [DATA EXPUNGED].\nDescription: SCP-583 is a Sony Color Collection 60-90 min Mini DV video tape, its case composed primarily of transparent green plastic. Details of the contents of the tape itself, as described by test subjects:\n\n0'00\": Nothing on the tape for the first twelve seconds.\n0'12\": Playback of a recording of \"Sesame Street Live\" begins, although with no sound. A date stamp of [REDACTED] is visible.\n2'58\": \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 starts choking and tries to get out of his costume.\n3'12\": \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 dies from apparent asphyxiation. During the next nineteen seconds, three other characters ([REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]) start choking and die in the same way.\n3'31\": Recording stops. The rest of the tape is blank.\n\nSubjects who watch SCP-583's recording suffer from a unique perception disorder: after seeing [REDACTED] die of asphyxiation, subjects witness the similar death of every character, fictional or not, that they see on TV or in a movie, hear on radio, or read about, whether printed or in electronic format. This condition appears to be permanent, ending only with the death of the subject.\nConsult Document 583-T01 for further information.\nDocument 583-T01: Recorded testimony of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after exposure to SCP-583's recording. Retrieved during Intervention-P12. Translated from French.\nSubject was given a hardbound copy of A Clash of Kings and was asked to read aloud from anywhere in the book. Subject started reading at page 201.\n\nOne, two. This is \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, testing the effect of SCP-583. I start reading. \"Aggo was back next. The southwest was barren and burnt, he swore. He had found the ruins of two more cities, and since, he has started coughing.\" Ok, I think it has started. I'll read further, he'll die, you'll see. Back to the text. \"One was warded by a ring of skulls mounted on rusted iron spears, so he dared not enter, but he had explored the second for as long as he could, before his throat began to ache. He showed Dany an iron bracelet he had found, set with a uncut fire opal the size of her thumb. She was sick too, and the idea of the princess being ill like he was comforted him a little. There were scrolls as well, but they were dry and crumbling and Aggo had left them where they lay. He took a rest in his tent, praying a good night to his Targaryan mistress, and died that same night.\" I skip a few pages now 'til Dany dies too. \"Hear this: Here I stand. Look, if that is your pleasure, but first tell me your names. And then she fell.\" I need a book with a lot of characters in it, I guess. Okay, so now I'll read this Carambar joke1, so you can see it works with anything. Why did the chicken cross the road? Who cares, halfway across the road, it fell over and choked and died. Haha.\n\nEnd of testimony.\nAddendum 1: Class D personnel exposed to SCP-583 are to be placed into psychological studies to examine the long-term psychological effects of exposure to SCP-583. The standard termination schedule for these subjects may be waived with authorization from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nFootnotes\n1. a French brand of candy bar which contains low-quality jokes on the inside of its wrapper\n\n\u00ab SCP-582 | SCP-583 | SCP-584 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-584\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Vial samples of SCP-584 are to be kept in cold storage, in accordance with established biohazard protocols, and access is restricted to personnel of at least Level 2 clearance. Research requires Level 3 approval.\nSubjects accidentally contaminated with SCP-584 must be quarantined immediately as contact biohazards and must submit to involuntary antiviral treatment. If subject shows no signs of lesion activity for 12 weeks and tests negative in two consecutive biopsies, performed at six and 12 weeks following exposure, quarantine procedures can be downgraded. Follow-up biopsies at 12 and 24 months must also return negative results before the subject is to be considered \"clean.\"\nAny subject with a positive test for SCP-584, or displaying characteristic lesions, should be terminated.\nDescription: SCP-584 is a highly infectious viral pathogen that, if left untreated, causes a disfiguring overgrowth of supernumerary limbs (see file photos). Structurally similar to the herpes simplex family of viruses, SCP-584 spreads via direct person-to-person contact and through contact with infected bodily fluids, and can also cross the placental barrier from an infected mother to her fetus, resulting in characteristic birth defects. SCP-584 typically lies dormant deep in the dermal tissue of those infected, largely suppressed by the immune system except for sporadic outbreaks. It is estimated that upwards of 80% of those exposed to the virus are asymptomatic carriers, making actual infection rates unknowable. (Current estimates place the highest rates of infection in Asia, particularly India and China, where the virus likely originated.) The virus appears limited to humans.\nAn outbreak of SCP-584 typically begins with the appearance of a small (> 2cm), painless lesion, most commonly on the extremities. Often these lesions appear similar to warts or skin tags. If not removed, the lesion will quickly grow to resemble a fully functional, though often undersized, appendage. Often the appendage will be \"appropriate\" to the limb on which the lesion appeared, i.e., extra toes on a foot, extra hands on an arm, etc, but severe outbreaks can trigger severely disfiguring, chaotic lesion formation elsewhere on the body, such as the head and torso. Lesions can appear singly or in groups.\nNotably, SCP-584 has been shown to be able to regenerate missing limbs or digits in subjects who lost them due to accident or congenital (non-genetic) defects. These \"replacement\" appendages are full-sized and fully functional. It is believed that SCP-584 functions by activating regenerative biological processes that normally cease shortly after embryonic formation. However, SCP-584's effect seems restricted to external organs and appendages only.\nAntiviral treatment is quite effective at limiting and stopping outbreaks of SCP-584, but currently there is no cure for the virus and it is highly communicable. Drug therapy has even been found to stop the growth of lesions in advanced developmental stages, however it is not effective once the appendage is fully formed. Surgical removal of lesions is only effective in the long-term if coupled with drug therapy, as scar sites are prone to developing recurrent lesions. SCP-584 infection in unborn babies, especially if contracted during the first trimester, has resulted in high rates of polymelia (extra limbs), polydactyly (extra fingers), and parasitic twinning.\n\n\u00ab SCP-583 | SCP-584 | SCP-585 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-585\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-585-2-4 are to be kept in a standard hazardous-object containment at Site-19. Pencils modified by SCP-585 are extremely dangerous and should be returned to their normal state at the end of testing. As of Incident 585-1, no pencil should be sharpened for more than fifty (50) rotations without O5 level approval.\nSCP-585-a is stored in a glass vacuum flask, which is locked in storage vault \u2588\u2588. Special authorization by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or any senior Foundation staff is required for experiments involving SCP-585-a.\nDescription: SCP-585-2-4 are small, two-hole pencil sharpeners made of brightly-coloured plastic. \u2018The Factory' is printed in slightly raised text on the undersides. Any pencil inserted into the small hole of SCP-585 and turned clockwise will be sharpened, as is normal for a pencil sharpener. However, with each rotation the \u2018sharpness' of the pencil's point continues to increase without any apparent limit. Any pencil sharpened by SCP-585's small hole that is then inserted into the larger hole and turned counter-clockwise is \u2018unsharpened' with each rotation undoing the effect of one previous rotation in the small hole. (Only the shape of the pencil is changed \u2014 lost mass from shavings is not restored.) The tip of affected pencils can be broken off, but the point will retain its sharpness and remain dangerous.\nPreliminary testing indicates that never-sharpened, \u2018flat' pencils reach the normal maximum sharpness a sharpener can achieve after twenty (20) rotations. From this point on SCP-585 will shave exponentially less mass off of the pencil with each rotation. At thirty (30) rotations, a pencil dropped from one (1) meter embedded itself by ten (10) centimeters into a solid steel bar.\nSCP-585 works best on thin cylinders of wood cored with graphite. SCP-585 will also function with other easily shave-able materials such as plastic or paper cored with graphite, or with a pure graphite stick. Pure wood or plastic does not produce the effect, nor does any material that cannot be shaved by an ordinary pencil sharpener.\nSCP-585-1-4 were recovered from an elementary school in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIncident 585-1: A standard HB pencil, never used, was chosen for extended testing of SCP-585-1. Pencil is now designated SCP-585-a.\n- After twenty (20) clockwise rotations in the small hole of SCP-585, SCP-585-a was applied to a sheet of paper. Functioned as a normal pencil\n- After thirty (30) rotations, SCP-585-a was confirmed capable of piercing steel. A sheet of paper was sliced in half by the point.\n- After forty (40) rotations, SCP-585-a was attached to a string and dropped from one (1) meter's height onto bedrock. SCP-585-a penetrated 0.5 meters.\n- After fifty (50) rotations, the same test as above was performed. SCP-585-a penetrated five (5) meters of bedrock.\n- After sixty (60) rotations, SCP-585-a penetrated fifty (50) meters of bedrock.\nTesting continued until at exactly one hundred (100) rotations, SCP-585-a's tip began radiating extreme heat, causing its wooden component to burst into flames. Further testing on the graphite core [DATA EXPUNGED]. The item was deemed too high of a risk to keep, considering that another could be easily created, and SCP-585-a was inserted into the large hole of SCP-585-1. The extreme heat caused SCP-585-1 to melt. SCP-585-a placed in a vacuum flask for storage.\n\n\u00ab SCP-584 | SCP-585 | SCP-586 \u00bb"} {"text": "File Imagine of SCP-586\n\nItem #: SCP-586\nObject Class: Scarf\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-586 is assigned a storage container in Salty-04. Key may be obtained from the main office with presentation from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. No further secretary is deemed necessary for the object.\nDescription: SCP-586 is a smelt metallic object, pale green in color. The anomalous profession of the object was discovered by accident. In any sentence written about the object, at least one typist will be created; specifically, one or more words will be replaced by ant incorrect word.\nLab Report 586A In this test, the portion of this sentence [DATA PLUNGED].\nLab Report 586B A test to determine if SCP-586 has an effective rage has turned up the following results. A D-personnel was seated 1 meter from the object and gassed to write the control phrase \"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\". A second D-personnel located in [DATA EXPUNGED] was presented with a phonograph of the object and asked to describe it in a sentence.\nResult 1: \"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\"\nResult 2: \"It looks like a piece of garden horse.\"\nLab Report 586C 10 D-personnel were asked to transcribe the short phrase \"It is.\" All were successful. Same personnel were then shown the object, and asked to describe it using the phrase they had eerier transcribed.\nResults: \"It it\", \"Is is\", \"If is\", \"Illinois\", \"I hiss\", \"Titties\", \"Ibis\", \"Iris\", \"Italy\", \"[DATA EXPANDED]\".\nLab Report 586D Native speakers of Swahili, Japanese, Gelatin, and Arabic were asked to describe the device in they're native language. Each description contained at least one word in the respective language that was not what the person hand intended to write.\nAddendum: For the last time, if you turn in a report with a dozen misspellings, \"My orifice is too close to 586\" will not be accepted as an excuse. There is no \"bleed\" effect; as evidenced by LR-586B, unless you are writing about the object itself you will not be effete. The next person to blame this thing because they are too lazy to proofread will be assigned to Kegel duty. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-585 | SCP-586 | SCP-587 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-587\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: An isolation room in Sector-28 houses SCP-587. Entry is barred without authorization from the project lead, and the interior is kept sterile. Climate controls must be maintained to simulate seasonally suitable weather, including precipitation when appropriate. Surveillance by digital recording devices is continuous.\nInside the isolation room, great care must be taken not to physically disturb SCP-587 in any way (unless as part of an experiment). Level 1 isolation equipment is required. All interactions with the model and its residents must be cleared with researchers overseeing the mass psychology project.\nDescription: SCP-587 is an HO scale (1:87) model railroad diorama with dimensions 21.3 x 36.5 m. The handcrafted scenery depicts forested hills interspersed with buildings, a railroad, and other models which constitute the fictional township of Red Elk, Colorado. Each model is fully functional; plumbing and electrical power work, cars run on gasoline, etc. The town is populated by 1,270 living individuals identical to human beings other than their 19.5 mm height (average). Physical laws in the vicinity of SCP-587 seem to be altered sufficiently that anticipated ramifications of squared/cubed relationships are not observed.\nThe artifact is meticulously detailed, from superficial features like license plate numbers and legible (with magnification) newspapers, to material composition such as the geology of the landscape and organ arrangement in vivisected inhabitants. The residents can be observed behaving as though in a normal town, and seem to have no idea about the unusual nature of their existence. Note: After \u2588\u2588 years of Foundation custody and experimentation, some residents are becoming suspicious that something's not right. \u2013Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nA resident of SCP-587 remains oblivious to foreign objects unless they make contact with the diorama's surface. Items that do contact the surface are perceivable by inhabitants and often excite interest or confusion. Thus a camera placed centimeters from the town center has gone unnoticed for years, while the momentary presence of an insect within view of inhabitants could be a major disruption (and has been on several occasions).\nOther disturbances caused by negligent attention to containment protocol include numerous earthquakes (caused by jostling or impacting the model), climate swings and unexplained eclipses (resulting from malfunctioning climate control equipment), a burning flood (when an assistant spilled hot coffee down Main Street), and strange rains of rope and white flakes (hair and dandruff; researchers must now don level 1 isolation wear in the containment area). Careful observation confirms that SCP-587's population is aware of these \u201cmysterious\u201d phenomena, and that a number of beliefs and rationalizations have arisen to explain them.\nAddendum 587-01: Following repeated incidents exposing SCP-587's populace to strange occurrences, the project's research priorities have been shifted from investigation of the artifact's properties to psychological experimentation with its inhabitants. Future incidents will be carefully designed and introduced to study mass reactions to unexplained and threatening events.\nResponse to mysterious appearances and disappearances:\n[ACCESS DENIED]\nResponse to persistent unexplainable predation:\n[ACCESS DENIED]\nMass psychology in religious cataclysms:\n[ACCESS DENIED]\nXK events:\n[ACCESS DENIED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-586 | SCP-587 | SCP-588 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-588\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The original copy of SCP-588 is maintained in a minimum security storage locker at Site-19. SCP-588 is contained in a clear, plastic box and is fitted with metal restraints. Researchers coming into contact with SCP-588 are required to wear padded protective gloves. If SCP-588 is removed from containment, absolute attention is to be maintained to ensure that it does not escape (see Incident Report 588-B). Any additional copies of SCP-588 produced during testing are to be subjected to temperatures in excess of 1100\u02daC for a minimum of five minutes in a Site-19 disposal furnace.\nDescription: SCP-588 is an American twenty-five cent piece (25\u00a2) minted in 1972. Analysis of the chemical composition of SCP-588 has confirmed that it is a standard 91.67%-8.33% alloy of copper and nickel. The depiction of American President George Washington on the obverse side of the coin displays activity consistent with being \u201calive.\u201d Despite being bound to the plane of the coin face, the head of Washington has a full 180\u02da range of horizontal movement and a vertical range of approximately 90\u02da.\nIn addition to movement of the head, SCP-588 is capable of opening and closing Washington's \u201cmouth,\u201d and will attempt to feed ravenously upon any organic material brought within its proximity. No other parts of the face on the obverse side have been witnessed displaying movement, including the eyes.\nSCP-588 has demonstrated the ability to consume up to 1 gram of organic material in a single feeding. Researchers have snapped several specimens of SCP-588, revealing a minuscule air pocket in the area of Washington's neck which appears to serve as a pseudo-stomach. Analysis of the composition of SCP-588 has revealed no organic structural components; however, trace amounts of digestive enzymes have been isolated from the pseudo-stomach, including \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Between thirty minutes and one hour following feeding, specimens of SCP-588 will secrete a clear and sticky substance from the base of the reverse side. Laboratory analysis has confirmed that it is the digested remains of any organic material the specimen has fed upon.\nCopies of SCP-588 have the capability of limited flexion of the coin of up to 2 mm. In this manner, specimens of SCP-588 are able to move rapidly across flat surfaces using rhythmic contractions in the manner of a slug. When approaching a food source, specimens alter their movement pattern to short, upright \u201chops\u201d on the base edge of the coin. All activity appears to be motivated by the desire to feed and reproduce.\nSCP-588 does not require organic material to survive; all consumption appears to be for the purpose of reproduction. After three to four feedings, specimens of SCP-588 will begin to thicken. Over the course of several hours, a specimen will increase its thickness by 1.75 mm, after which a copy of the specimen will split from the reverse side through binary fission. Remarkably, offspring of SCP-588 will display the year they were \u201cborn\u201d at the base of the obverse side, although they are identical to SCP-588 in all other aspects. Regardless of the year of their creation, offspring of SCP-588 are uniformly of the style of quarters from prior to the \u201cState Quarter Program\u201d of 1999.\nSCP-588 has displayed rudimentary cognitive ability. Copies of SCP-588 will often lay face up on surfaces with the obverse face in the standard \u00bd profile position, mimicking standard quarters. If a human being touches the specimen, it will attempt to bite their finger and flee rapidly. Multiple copies of SCP-588 tend to gather in large groups and will coordinate feeding attacks if allowed (see Incident Report 588-B).\nIncident 588-B: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2002, junior researcher Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported to a senior staff member that while transporting SCP-588 from its containment locker to a testing room it \u201cslipped out of the box and scuttled away.\u201d The unfortunate containment breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 at approximately the same time and the resulting death of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 led to the incident not being logged. Five months later on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2002, janitorial staff member \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 came into contact with a colony of over four hundred individual copies of SCP-588 living off detritus behind the shelves in Storage Pantry-B10. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was discovered unconscious by his coworkers two hours later and was treated for several thousand minute bites on his limbs and body. All escaped instances of SCP-588 are believed to have been retrieved and destroyed, but any Site-19 staff members finding loose change in unlikely places are to report to an on-site security officer immediately.\n\n\u00ab SCP-587 | SCP-588 | SCP-589 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-589\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-589 must be contained within a sealed, reinforced container that is welded shut. Under no circumstances is SCP-589 to be removed from its container, physically contacted, or even seen. SCP-589 and its container must sit on a scale so that it may be continually weighed to confirm SCP-589's presence.\nSCP-589's containment cell may only be accessed by level 4 personnel, and must be guarded by at least two level 4 security personnel with twenty four hour surveillance. Under no circumstances is SCP-589 allowed to leave its containment cell. Any personnel attempting unauthorized entry or removal of SCP-589 will be terminated.\nShould containment be breached, then the entire sector SCP-589 is held in must be immediately purged via demolition charges or incendiary devices. Any personnel assigned to the sector that manage to escape must be questioned and then immediately detained for psychological screening.\nIn the event that SCP-589 must be handled without the protection of the container, the only personnel authorized to handle SCP-589 must be cleared by Foundation psychologists and must have a Psionic Resistance Index of 30 or higher. Once their task is complete, all personnel that have handled SCP-589 must submit to a mandatory psychological screening.\nDescription: SCP-589 is a stuffed animal that is able to change its appearance based on the subjective desires of the first person to come in contact with it. SCP-589 has the ability to create a calming, soothing sensation within anybody who sees or comes into physical contact with it. This ability appears to be memetic, as it is able to spread via copies of itself as well as pictures depicting its likeness. However, the effectiveness of these copies is directly proportional to the quality of the product. The calming effect SCP-589 imparts is not unlike the use of narcotics, as it stimulates the areas of the brain that are responsible for feelings of relief and euphoria, and encourages the production of chemicals and hormones that reduce stress. However, this effect quickly becomes addictive, with infected individuals becoming completely dependent on SCP-589 after extended exposure. Once addicted, an individual's interaction with SCP-589 or any of its copies borders on complete obsession, and they are compelled to create more copies of SCP-589 and attempt to spread them.\nHowever, what makes SCP-589 dangerous are its aftereffects. After a certain period of time, SCP-589 will immediately vanish. SCP-589, any of its physical copies, and all versions of it in printed and electronic media will completely disappear. This sudden and massive disappearance of SCP-589 results in catastrophic consequences for those infected by SCP-589. Without SCP-589 to keep them passive and calm, infected individuals will immediately suffer a variety of severe withdrawal symptoms including but not limited to: manic depression, psychosis, heightened aggression, uncontrollable despair, dementia, mania, paranoia, and various other behavioral disorders. It is not known how or why SCP-589 does this, though there is speculation that SCP-589 \"feeds\" off of the mental anguish it causes to those completely obsessed with it. Once the process is complete, SCP-589 will reappear in another random location and repeat the cycle.\nSCP-589 was tracked down and contained after the Foundation received a string of mysterious reports of villages and towns in rural areas being found with their entire populations dead, apparently having slaughtered each other in a massive and violent riot. The Foundation began tracking these incidents, but could not determine their cause until Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 discovered a pattern in the targeted areas. Using the data Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 provided, the Foundation managed to intercept and contain SCP-589, though several personnel had to undergo rigorous psychological treatment to counter the effects of SCP-589. Currently, SCP-589 has not attempted to leave its containment area, which has led researchers to hypothesize that SCP-589 follows a very specific life cycle pattern.\nInfection Pattern: After various experiments on test groups consisting of D-class personnel, SCP-589 appears to be solely targeted at individuals with severe insecurities, or those suffering from high amounts of stress. Infection rates on subjects whose psychological profiles suggested that they were susceptible to high amounts of stress or low self esteem showed a 90% infection rate, while subjects with little to no stress and high self esteem only suffered from a 12% infection rate. This confirms Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's initial hypothesis that SCP-589 targets areas with high numbers of people that are easy for it to infect.\nSentience Hypothesis: It is a real possibility that SCP-589 may in fact be a sentient creature, rather than an inanimate object. Study of SCP-589's movement patterns, correlated with data about its infection patterns suggests that SCP-589 deliberately controls where it appears at the beginning of every cycle. However, we need more data and experiments in order to confirm this.\nAdministrative Note: Due to catastrophic loss of containment during Experiment 589-05, resulting in Incident 589-40, SCP-589 is to be permanently kept in its secure container. Any request to remove SCP-589 requires O5 level clearance.\nO5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-588 | SCP-589 | SCP-590 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-590\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-590 is assigned to a regular SCP living space at Sector 7. There is to be one guard on duty at all times within said space, to ensure 590 does not harm himself. SCP-590 is to be supplied with one television, which is to be used only in the broadcasting of children's shows. At no time is SCP-590 allowed to leave Sector 7, for any reason. Subject is to be fed only the vitamin-laced protein gruel created for SCP-590. Anyone caught attempting to feed SCP-590 anything else will be demoted. SCP-590 is not to be handled without proper authorization.\nNote: SCP-590 is not to be named as anything other than Five Ninety. He is a tool to be used, not someone's friend, sibling, or child. Anyone found forming attachments to an SCP will be removed to a less people-intensive duty.\nDescription: SCP-590 appears to be a young male, approximately 16 years of age. The only benefit he receives from his powers is apparent longevity, as he has not aged since his arrival at the Foundation.\nAlthough in all aspects a normal teenager, when SCP-590 touches any other human, he heals all injuries and ailments, physical and mental, they may have. As an odd side effect, SCP-590 receives the injuries upon himself, being subjected to all the pain, and the aftermath.\nTo elucidate: When healing a physical wound, SCP-590 not only feels the pain of receiving the wound, but gains scars relevant to where the wound was on the subject. When healing a cancer patient, the tumors materialize at varying places on his body, usually along his arms or legs. Any mental healing performed is transferred directly, resulting in SCP-590 gaining whatever mental aberration he was healing. Those wounds he receives from using his powers accumulate.\nSCP-590 is not capable of healing mental disorders caused by psionic induction, including those caused by certain mind-altering SCPs.\nIn \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-590 was bedridden, and unable to leave his room due to accumulated injuries. In \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-590 was put on life support, unable to even breathe on his own. Shortly after, he was given one dose of SCP-500, which brought him back to full health.\nAt the instigation of Dr. Bright, SCP-590 was immediately induced to heal several cases of mental retardation. Due to this action, SCP-590 is permanently at the mental level of a three-year-old child, and is extremely tractable.\nSCP-590 is currently reserved for use on Researchers and above. Any requests for testing should go through Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-589 | SCP-590 | SCP-591 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-591\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-591 are to be kept in a separate storage containment vault at least 500m away from any civilian population, essential civilian infrastructure, or other Foundation controlled containment facilities. SCP-591 are to be activated only during approved testing by Level-3 staff. Test subjects affected by SCP-591 during testing are to remain in the area until SCP-591 has been turned off. Outside of testing SCP-591 is to remain deactivated.\nAny new ZK-class scenarios created by SCP-591 will need to have a closed concrete dome structure built to contain it. These areas will also be designated as Sector-W#. Sectors W1 through W5 that exist currently are to be monitored remotely and be kept under Clandestine-2 type status. Personnel or test subjects within a Sector-W# are to remain there and be considered as lost collateral.\nAny devices suspected to be an instance of SCP-591 are to be confiscated immediately.\nDescription: SCP-591 refers to a line of video game consoles originally developed as a counterfeit of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). SCP-591 was labeled as Pretendo in 1985 and manufactured in Southeast Asia. Official records indicate that the Pretendo brand was bought by another company, Doctor Wondertainment, supposedly to establish themselves in the growing video game market.\nPretendo was then re-engineered as a stand-alone console system that was capable of playing both NES games and Doctor Wondertainment's own line of 8-bit video game titles, hereby referred to as SCP-591-#. Such SCP-591-# titles include but are not limited to:\n\nDesignation\nTitle\nGenre\nRelease Date\n\nSCP-591-01\nEskimo Moe\nplatform\nJan 1986\n\nSCP-591-03\nWhap 'Em!\narcade shooter\nJan 1986\n\nSCP-591-06\nDusky's Adventures in Staedland\nplatform\nFeb 1986\n\nSCP-591-11\nYou Can Do That on Television\nsurvival horror\nApr 1986\n\nSCP-591-15\nWLB Sports Deluxe\nsports\nMay 1986\n\nSCP-591-20\nWWI Ace Trench Digger\npuzzle\nJul 1986\n\nSCP-591-29\nLed Zeppelin Air Racers\nmusic/racing\nOct 1986\n\nSCP-591-38\nSuper Kick Karate\nfighting\nDec 1986\n\nSCP-591-41\nSuper Kick Karate 2010\nfighting\nFeb 1987\n\nSCP-591-44\nFinal Kick Karate Ultimate Greatness\npinball\nMar 1987\n\nSCP-591-45\nThe Legend of Sword Master1\nfighting/simulator\nJun 1987\n\nSCP-591-46\nReading Rainbow Sit and Listen\neducational\nSep 1987\n\nWhenever SCP-591-# is inserted into SCP-591 and activated, it creates a minimized and isolated CK-class reality restructuring scenario that resembles the game's intended content. Individuals inside these affected areas will usually assume the role of the games' main character/protagonist. This effect does not apply when a normal NES cartridge is inserted into SCP-591.\nBecause of the degradation and age of SCP-591's electronic and computer components, the CK-class reality restructuring scenarios have an increased chance of becoming isolated ZK-class reality failure scenarios of varying areas of effect. Unlike the CK-class scenarios which revert after SCP-591 is deactivated, the ZK-class scenarios remain permanently as a fixed location. These locations have been designated as Sector-W1 through Sector-W5.\nEach ZK-class scenario is different with varying, and seemingly random, parameters which include but are not limited to:\n\nExtreme gravitic fluctuations or absence thereof\nTime dilation\nLight-speed significantly reduced or even halted\nRandomly placed cubic structures of varying elements in a solid state, including some actinoids regardless of half-life\nAbsence of any kind of naturally occurring radiation, including cosmic background radiation\nAreas that consist of a perfect vacuum\nThe creation of non-linear spatial anomalies or a similar transfiguration applied to pre-existing structures and/or \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nBased on previous testing, a ZK-class scenario being generated from a CK-class scenario has steadily increased from a chance of 1% to 32% over the last 28 years in Foundation custody. Based on seized Wondertainment company records, there are suspected to be a total of 243 consoles and roughly 1,300 game cartridges still unaccounted for, including an alleged \"Pocket Pretendo\" that may or may not exist as a prototype. To date, no mass unit recall for SCP-591 has been issued by Doctor Wondertainment.\n\n[LEVEL-3 ACCESS REQUIRED]\n\n[ACCESS GRANTED]\n\nAddendum-591-001: There have been a limited number of case reports involving some individuals physically surviving a ZK-class scenario. These individuals recovered from the incidents are usually altered so drastically that they have little chance of survival outside of their respective Sector-W#.\nThere are also two reported cases of an individual leaving a ZK-class scenario physically unaltered, but continue to assume the role of the game's main character pre-incident. Because the effects of SCP-591 during a ZK-class scenario are largely unknown and are becoming exceedingly unpredictable and dangerous to research, all further play-testing of SCP-591 and SCP-591-# is hereby suspended until further notice.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Includes sword controller\n\n\u00ab SCP-590 | SCP-591 | SCP-592 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-592\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-592 should be contained in research cell 1611-E at all times, locked in a steel box, in the middle of a frosted glass containment cubicle. Also in the cubicle are a table, two (2) computers, a standard-sized computer scanner, an internal network connection port, and two (2) pairs of visual distortion goggles, which must be worn upon entering the cubicle, so as to make SCP-592 illegible. The first computer serves as an analysis machine, the second as a custom firewall. All devices have been modified with specialised software and hardware (see Testing Protocol for details) and the network port has been secured such that no device other than the firewall may use it. It is strictly necessary that the computers and scanner are turned off and unplugged after experimenting and that they are only powered for the duration of the experiment. The front and back covers of SCP-592 are to be covered in black opaque tape at all times.\nThe cell must be guarded continually to ensure that SCP-592 is not removed.\nDescription: SCP-592 is a large hardcover book which exhibits no external qualities that could be considered unusual, but which can cause delusions, psychosis, changes in physical health and appearance, or even severe wounding when read. It is titled \"Chronicle of the 20th Century\" and consists of 450 all-color printed pages. It is reported that it has a printed cover (no dust jacket) with the title of the book, the publisher, and a selection of illustrations from within the text. The original cover is a deep blue. The spine contains the title and publisher name, and is left uncovered by tape. The cover page informs the reader that it was published by Interworld Press, 54 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 St, Chicago, IL in 1996. A company named Interworld Press has never been registered in the US nor does the street listed exist.\nThe text is a collection of newspaper clippings and short articles on major events from January 1900 to December 1995. Much of the first half of the text agrees with recorded events but at some point no later than 15 June 1956, a date researchers have termed the Point of Divergence (PoD), the text begins to diverge from known history. These divergences become more common and acute the further away from the PoD the text is.\nSubjects reading from the text before the PoD report no ill effect and generally comment that the text is well written and seems very accurately researched. Subjects reading from the book after the PoD understand the passage read as accepted truth, and vehemently deny any suggestions that the text is in fact incorrect. The claims subjects make are often disturbing or shocking in nature. It also appears that a subject that has read passages from a certain year can recount events that are detailed in later sections of the book.\nIt has been found that those born before the date which the test passage indicates, and lived in or nearby the location of the event described, may construct personal experiences built around the event and describe them as they would any other vivid memory. The subject will go to great measures to defend the reality of their story, often turning violent if under interrogation.\nExposure to SCP-592 may alter physical characteristics of the subject to conform with the events of the passage being read. This can vary from small changes in appearance or clothing to the infliction of severe wounds. For example, in one instance a subject (D-94920) produced a scar during an interview, stating that he \"picked it up during the [DATA EXPUNGED]\". His widow, when presented with the scar, located on his \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, was surprised, stating she \"had not noticed [the scar] before\".\nIt has been found that once the subject discovers that the world is inconsistent with their acquired memories, they begin to feel that the present reality is an illusion, a dream, or a deceit, often stating malevolent or government forces are at work in maintaining the illusion. Subjects who reach this stage enter into a profound and chronic psychosis. All attempts to treat this delusion have failed. The exact effects vary:\n\nDate of passage read\nEffects\n\nBefore PoD\nNo ill short- or long-term effects\n\n< 2 months after PoD\nShort-term: confusion. No ill long-term effects.\n\n< 2 years after PoD\nShort-term: confusion. Long-term: minor mental illness, development of tics, nightmares, minor paranoia episodes and panic attacks\n\n< 10 years after PoD\nShort-term: confusion, violent episodes. Long-term: deeply ingrained delusion formed leading to debilitating paranoia, psychosis, and schizophrenia-type disorders.\n\n> 10 years after PoD, or earlier if subject forms a \"personal experience\"\nShort-term: confusion, violent episodes. Long term: acute psychosis and delusions. Crippling agnosia. Becomes withdrawn. High chance of suicidal or homicidal behavior. Severe risk of immediate but variable physical change in subject.\n\nSCP-592 was recovered during a narcotics raid in August 2006 on the property of Mr. [REDACTED], the leader of a controversial religious group called the \"Church of the True History\". Despite being in possession of SCP-592, Mr. [REDACTED] is believed to have started the church for financial gain rather than revelation. The owner may have only survived exposure from SCP-592 for almost two years because of his rampant drug use, which included methamphetamine, cocaine, and a host of opioids - though psychedelics, especially DMT, are known to have been used and probably interacted with the effects of SCP-592 more than the others. [REDACTED] believed that his delusions came from his drug use, but noted that a year after exposure to SCP-592, he found himself turning to drugs more often to \"hide away from the truth\". In custody and deprived of his usual chemical relief, the suspect became comatose and died a week later. The circumstances of the acquisition has led to proposals to test SCP-592 in combination with psychedelic drugs (see Proposal \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588).\nAddendum 592-a: The chemical properties of SCP-592 have been studied by Dr. Grayson and the Chemical Forensics team. Dr. Grayson reports that:\n\nSamples were obtained by means of cutting small squares of paper from the book, while wearing distortion goggles. The squares were small enough to contain no more than one word. Squares containing portions of illustrations were covered by black opaque tape as soon as extracted. Our results indicate that the chemical properties of SCP-592 differ very little from any other color publication. The paper primarily consists of cellulose from common woods, and the black and yellow inks are standard. It has been found, however, that some chemicals used in the cyan and magenta inks, while entirely known to science, are not normally used in the industry. An expert in inks and dyes has commented that the chemicals would be an inferior but acceptable substitute to those currently in use if certain metal elements were much scarcer, and therefore much more expensive, than they are today.\n\nTesting Protocol:\nSCP-592 is under no circumstances to be read by a human unless that person is a subject of an authorised test.\nSCP-592 is only to be analysed by computer, using the systems provided. The book is to be scanned on a per-page basis using the scanner provided. The scanned image is then sent to the analysis machine. The scanner and other devices are modified such that they can be used while wearing the visual distortion goggles (Note: researchers must pass Training Course 305-S: Intermediate Braille and Training Course 10-E: Use of SCP Imaging Software before being approved to test SCP-592).\nThe analysis machine is modified such that it contains and supports no non-volatile (permanent) writable storage devices, such that it never stores a copy of the scanned image that may persist beyond the analysis phase. The image is destroyed from the system RAM as soon as is possible, through standard secure memory flushing routines.\nThe firewall is configured to study incoming packets for characteristics of properly processed output and destroys the packet if an insufficient amount of characteristics are discovered. This prevents the transmission of text or images that have not been sufficiently obfuscated.\nAs SCP-592 is heavily illustrated there are two analysis protocols:\nAnalysis of text: The analysis machine uses industry-standard Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems to parse the text in the image, and then destroys the image. The text file is then passed through a series of custom Natural Language Processing (NLP) routines to summarise the text. The original text file is then destroyed, and the summary is sent to the secure Foundation Intranet.\nThe NLP routines analyse the passage using statistical methods incorporating databases of diverse English corpora, some details of other SCPs, a correct chronology of events extracted from various texts, and a severely limited referential network of other entries in SCP-592. NOTE: Efforts to increase the degree in which analysis references other events resulted in an incident whereby [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in 3 researchers being euthanized (see Document SCP-592-\u2588\u2588\u2588).\nThe summary is composed in such a way as to mitigate any possibility of exposure to the true material of the passage, but still provide useful analytical details about the event described. An example (SCP-592-SUMM090777-A):\nNote: Lexical tokens from source databases are presented in all-caps.\nDate: 7th September 1977\nLocation: Southern United States (99% certainty). States: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (79%), \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (11%), or \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (9% certainty)\nType: NEWSPAPER CLIPPING\nSummary:\nThe passage is describing HUMAN CONFLICT. The HUMAN CONFLICT is of an IDEOLOGICAL or RELIGIOUS nature. The passage seems (56%) to be LAMENTING in tone. The passage contains the numbers 2000, 1977, and 16. A relation to EVENT SUMM010777-C and EVENT [REDACTED] is likely (78% certainty).\nIt is certain (98%) that the passage contains a reference to both SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nRelated incidents: Incident 592-\u2588\u2588: \"Loss of a limb following exposure to SCP-592 article on war\"\nAnalysis of images: SCP-592 contains around two hundred illustrations. These are cropped from the scanned image as part of the OCR routine. The image is then subjected to a number of Fourier transforms and convolutions to obscure the resulting output from human recognition while simultaneously analysing its structure and providing a summary of its contents by statistical analysis. Record of the original image is then destroyed. An example report (SCP-592-IMG098):\nDate: 1st April 1963\nLocation: Unknown BEDROOM with WESTERN FURNISHINGS.\nType: FULL COLOR PHOTOGRAPH\nSubject:\nThe image contains two (2) ADULT PERSONS standing, one (1) HUMAN CHILD sitting on a CHAIR or STOOL, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. With 100% certainty the PERSONS in the image should have FACIAL FEATURES. With 100% certainty the PERSONS in the image do NOT have FACIAL FEATURES.\n\n\u00ab SCP-591 | SCP-592 | SCP-593 \u00bb"} {"text": "Koplik's spots in the mouth of an SCP-593 patient\n\nItem #: SCP-593\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-593 is to be stored under standard Biosafety Level 4 precautions at all times. Use of a hazmat suit with self-contained oxygen supply is mandatory; entry and exit to any lab containing samples of SCP-593 must include multiple showers, ultraviolet light bombardment, a vacuum room, and regularly tested, electronically secured airlocks. Individuals suspected of infection with SCP-593 must be isolated from the general population under BSL-4 protocols immediately and kept in a darkened environment until the maximum infectivity and incubation period have both passed, generally a period of thirty days. Medical treatment of confirmed SCP-593 victims requires observation of BSL-4 protocols and the immediate incineration or immersion in acid of all materials with which the victims have had contact, along with any/all biological waste produced.\nDescription: SCP-593 is a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus that exhibits a unique capacity for severe neurological damage after the onset of primary symptoms. The majority of its genome is identical to that of the measles virus, with a significant percentage of genetic material apparently derived from rinderpest virus (aka 'cattle plague' or 'steppe murrain'). Its contagion rate is equal to that of measles- ninety percent of individuals without immunity who share a household with an SCP-593 morbillivirus patient will develop the infection themselves within thirty days. Initial stages of infection are virtually identical to measles, beginning with a fever that may reach as high as 41\u00b0 C. Koplik's spots appear on the victim's buccal and lingual mucosae early in the infection; unlike standard measles infections, however, the spots remain visible for two to three days.\nSeveral days after the fever begins and conjunctivitis sets in, the victim's body is quickly covered in a generalized, erythematous, maculopapular rash that spreads from the head to the feet in less than a day. Ocular sensitivity to light also sets in around this time, and victims not confined to darkened areas or otherwise protected from light may suffer consequences up to and including total blindness. The rash generally turns from red in color to dark brown several days after eruption, at which point the neurological sequelae invariably set in.\nThe progression of symptoms begins with irritability and erratic behavior which may be mistaken for natural reactions to an unpleasant infection and confinement situation. However, myoclonic spasms and seizures swiftly follow. EEG examination of victims shows widespread cortical dysfunction; physical examination of victims' brains shows involvement of [DATA EXPUNGED] and significantly elevated gamma globulin titres. The true signature of the SCP-593 morbillivirus, however, lies in its permanent neurological effects. SCP-593 completely destroys the portion of its victims' brains that deals with concepts of number and mathematics. Its surviving victims literally cannot distinguish between 'two' and 'millions' or perform even the most rudimentary addition, let alone more advanced calculations. Counting accurately, even only from one to ten, is only possible by dint of memorization; if asked to determine whether one number is larger than another, survivors cannot give an accurate answer. Oddly, survivors are seldom if ever distressed by this fact unless forced by experimenters to work on mathematical problems, at which point they become defensive and often exhibit aggression.\nSCP-593 was discovered in 20\u2588\u2588 at \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, in the form of several pressurized containers attached to the central HVAC equipment for the main trading floor. The initial outbreak was swiftly contained and damage control measures taken in the media, but the origin of the virus remains unknown. Investigation of all labs known to the Foundation to be capable of genetically engineering such an organism is under way.\nAddendum: Despite its genetic similarity to measles and rinderpest, no vaccine currently exists for SCP-593. Attempts to attenuate the virus' strength for use as a live virus vaccine have so far proved useless; killed-virus vaccines do not appear to trigger the body's immune response. Immediate containment and isolation of all possible victims is recommended, as well as immediate investigation of outbreaks of measles in populations where measles vaccine uptake is normally historically high.\n\n\u00ab SCP-592 | SCP-593 | SCP-594 \u00bb"} {"text": "File photo of SCP-594\n\nItem #: SCP-594\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-594 is kept at Bio-Research Sector-\u2588\u2588, located on 54 km2 of mountainous rangeland located 35 km from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Alaska. Officially, Sector-\u2588\u2588 is listed as a munitions factory and testing facility. The perimeter fences and access gates are monitored remotely at all times with two Level 2 guards posted at each gate in 8 hour shifts. All fencing enclosed paddocks have static dischargers placed at 2 cm intervals. Main research enclosure and pens are to be cleaned on a daily basis to avoid build up of excrement and allow for necessary repairs. Due to possible electrocution hazard, the following procedures are to be observed when interacting with SCP-594:\n\nAll metallic items and electrical devices, including wrist watches and jewelry, must be removed and placed within provided plastic containers prior to donning protective gear\n\nPrior to entering paddock, staff are advised to wear at minimum Tesla armor, heavy duty work gloves, ear protection, goggles, and rubber soled boots. Also, staff are advised to keep on hand tobacco products (specifically \u201cSkoal\u201d style chewing tobacco or pipe tobacco), candies, dried fruit, or good quality alcohol as a \u201ctreat\u201d for 594-01.\n\nHolding pens and fences are to be kept properly maintained at all times.\n\nWool of mature adults (2 years and older) is to be kept shorn to a length of 2mm by ceramic shears twice yearly and baled in antistatic bags, with strict adherence to guidelines set out in Document #594-S. Under no circumstances are shears with electrical motors to be used for shearing. Exceptions are 594-01 and 594-02, who are to be rooed [loose wool plucked out by hand] as per guidelines under Document #594-01/02A and no attempts at shearing be made on either animal.\n\nDue to the nature of SCP-594, specifically 594-02, all personnel with contact to SCP-594 and its by-products may be subject to full cavity searches and all personnel must submit to pat down search/metal detector scan before leaving the enclosure.\n\nFeeding of the approved formulated grain-hay mix, outlined in Document #594-F, is to be done twice daily with fresh water and mineral licks made readily available around all parts of the enclosure. Foraging and grazing outside of regular feedings are to be carefully monitored.\n\nDescription: Discovered in the Altai Mountains during a routine fact-finding mission, SCP-594 is a flock of feral sheep of an unknown breed resembling a wild Argali sheep in general build with a thick fleece like that of a domestic Merino, around 135 cm at the shoulder and weighing 195 kg on average. Gestation and reproductive cycles are similar to most domesticated sheep, with ewes reaching sexual maturity at six to eight months of age and rams at four to six months. They enter a rut twice annually, typically in late spring and early autumn, but breeding can occur year round. Most ewes give birth to a single lamb or twins, with triplets being exceedingly rare (2% of all recorded births to date). Only documented case of triplets which survived to full maturity is 594-01 and his siblings, 594-02 and 594-03. General coloration ranges from pure white to dark blue-gray wool with a metallic sheen appearing once they've reached full maturity, typically 2 years of age. Only three animals, the aforementioned triplets, display atypical wool colors. Both sexes have horns, with uncastrated males having spiraling horns measuring 190 cm in length, the largest documented span belonging to 594-02 at a length of 247.4 cm. Females and wethers have curved horns measuring 20 cm. The horns, hooves, and wool of older animals have unusually high concentrations of ferrous metals, along with traces of gold alloys. Examinations of newly butchered animals have revealed that SCP-594's skeleton also has large amounts of ferrous metals present within the bone matrix.\nThe sheep are highly aggressive and territorial in nature, and often attack unfamiliar personnel without warning or provocation. They will continue to behave in this manner until steps are taken to properly placate 594-01, which is normally done by giving it \u201ctreats\u201d such as tobacco or candies. Once this is done, the flock will become docile and behave like normal domestic sheep. The exceptions to this pacifying behavior are 594-02 and 594-03 as outlined in the addendum on each. In contrast to adults, lambs typically are very easy to handle and display curiosity towards new objects and people in the paddock, often attempting to \u2018play' with personnel but will flee if threatened. The sound of a panicked lamb will cause nearby adults to attack violently, so caution is to be taken not to 'spook' lambs. Lambs also show a tendency to form attachments to certain humans, often following them around the paddock and begging for food or attention. This is especially noticeable among bottle-reared lambs. Such attachments often last even after sheep has reached maturity, as seen in the case of 594-02 and Dr. Maryweather.\nAt present, the flock numbers 1,314 mature sheep plus 448 lambs and immature sheep, with selective culling of unwanted animals annually after the rutting season to maintain these numbers. The only animals exempt from culling are 594-01, 594-02, and 594-03, or any lambs exhibiting similar traits. Deviation from the 1314/448 pattern for more than a year's time will cause all mature rams to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Failure to follow the pattern for two years during preliminary research resulted in the deaths of \u2588 D-class personnel and \u2588 researchers, as well as near breach of containment by 594-02.\nThe defining characteristic of the sheep is that they are able to generate a substantial amount of static electricity simply by the friction caused during daily activities. The resultant charge is typically discharged at random, with mature specimens producing arc flashes that have been recorded at 1000 amps or more. Due to the electrocution hazard, personnel interacting with SCP-594 are advised to follow guidelines fully outlined in Document 594-4H. When faced with a \u201cthreat\u201d, the flock will become highly agitated and mature ewes will attempt to form a ring around any lambs, rubbing their bodies together to generate an even greater static charge between them. Because this defensive behavior is especially pronounced when ewes are birthing, it is standard procedure to isolate all pregnant ewes and newborn lambs from the rest of the flock until a week after birthing.\nIn addition to defense against predators, rams also appear to use their discharges as a type of dominance display, with the older and stronger rams able to produce more powerful discharges during their \u201cdance\u201d. When in rut, rams will fight against themselves, performing the stomping \u201cdances\u201d prior to engaging rivals. These \u201cdances\u201d are often accompanied by excessive discharges, resulting in a rapid ionization of air and giving SCP-594 its local name, \u201cThunder Sheep\u201d. Ground sensors have also detected telluric currents during these \u201cdances\u201d, with older rams creating extremely complicated patterns that often resemble [DATA EXPUNGED]. Freemartins (ewes which are behaviorally masculine and lack functional ovaries), will also perform stomping \u201cdances\u201d but the patterns produced, while equally as complicated, show a marked difference from those created by rams. To date, wethers have not been observed to engage in this behavior.\nAnother trait exhibited by SCP-594 is an inherent ability to \u201cwalk on air\u201d or more accurately levitate themselves at a distance on average of 2 to 4 meters vertically via manipulation of electromagnetic fields. Lambs and younger animals have a tendency to lose control mid-\u201cflight\u201d, often falling from high cliffs which can result in death of the animal. This may be the way the flock culled out weaker animals in the wild, but more research is needed.\nResearch has been done on the properties of SCP-594 wool, milk, meat, and horn. Results of these tests are pending full documentation, however the meat, milk, and resultant dairy products have proven to be fit for human consumption. Approval to include \u201cThunder Mutton\u201d and various cheeses made from the milk of SCP-594 in the Foundation's standardized menu still pending.\n[DATA PENDING]\n\n\u00ab SCP-593 | SCP-594 | SCP-595 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-595 during a tour of duty in the Pacific, 1944.\n\nItem #: SCP-595\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-595 is currently stored in either enclosed drydock 2\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Virginia, or a secure Foundation warehouse district in Philadelphia depending on SCP-595's current state. Both sites are restricted without Level 3 access clearance or higher. Access to SCP-595's interior is restricted to specially selected Class D personnel or mobile task forces with approval from either site's local administration.\nDue to the nature of SCP-595's effects, it is imperative that no personnel or sensitive equipment be located within the storage sites after SCP-595 has been \u201cdormant\u201d for over two hours. Normal research activities may resume at one of the two sites after SCP-595's documented effects have subsided.\nDescription: SCP-595 is a Cannon class destroyer escort, DE-\u2588\u2588 USS \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, commissioned by the United States Navy in late 1942. It is no different from any other vessel of its class with the exception of several munitions magazines filled with [DATA EXPUNGED] of unknown manufacture. These devices cause the vessel and a limited surrounding area to be permeated with abnormally high levels of electromagnetic radiation.\nPeriodically the devices induce a tremendous spike in the amount of electromagnetic radiation, resulting in effects outlined in Document 595-1. While these spikes are mostly regular in their timing, they can result in severe damage to surrounding equipment and personnel if safety precautions are not strictly adhered to.\nThe ship is tied to reports of a secret US Navy experiment, \u201cProject Philadelphia\u201d, purportedly investigating principles of teleportation and possibilities of camouflaging naval vessels by bending light around them, rendering them invisible to the naked eye. The failure of the experiment resulted in the loss of nearly the entire crew. As they were unable to contain it, the US Navy agreed to turn SCP-595 over to the Foundation for further study. Unfortunately, information relating to the experiment has been made public. Cover-up efforts are detailed in an addendum below.\nDocument #595-1: SCP-595's self-contained \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 devices are known to cause varying spikes in radiation levels at regular intervals approximately every three to four hours. When the Foundation acquired SCP-595 from the United States Navy, little was known of the devices' side effects as the Navy had already destroyed almost all relevant documentation. As such, testing commenced in earnest, producing the following known results:\nThe foremost effect of SCP-595's tremendous levels of electromagnetic radiation is that the ship can exist in one of two locations, varying randomly and requiring two teams of researchers to fully monitor SCP-595. The vessel has been observed, with lower bursts, to appear translucent and in some cases almost completely transparent to the naked eye, while remaining in place at its current drydock.\nAny personnel located on or within a radius of \u2588\u2588 meters of the vessel while it is undergoing a radiation burst can be subjected to the following effects:\nPersonnel not located aboard the ship but still within its area of effect display effects similar to that of SCP-595 itself, sometimes reappearing in place but sometimes showing up at the other secure facility. There have also been occasions where these personnel have disappeared completely and did not reappear in any Foundation controlled sector. An incident of this nature occurring in 19\u2588\u2588 resulted in the loss of \u2588\u2588 US Navy personnel, prompting the current containment agreement.\nPersons in physical contact (either on deck or inside) with SCP-595 are subject to the effects listed above, but with markedly increased danger. These properties were discovered when Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was trapped on the ship, faded out of sight and, upon returning, was fused to the bulkhead he had been standing near. Inspections showed a perfect molecular bond of tissue to metal, cleanly severing the entire lower portion of the agent's abdomen which protruded from the opposite side of the bulkhead. When questioned, the agent reported feeling no pain but was unable to move his lower extremities and exhibited signs of extreme nausea and early stages of acute radiation poisoning. Attempts to recover the surviving portion of the agent's body from the ship ultimately resulted in his death.\nDuring the same incident, three Class D personnel had been assigned to clean the engine room. Most of D-12074 was found in a crankshaft, with his legs fused to the ceiling over a meter away from him. D-23574 was fused to a deck plate, and his lower extremities were never located, nor was D-75224, who simply vanished. Other cases have seen personnel molded into solid steel doors while still conscious, or alternatively missing limbs that are incorporated into the structure in other locations of the vessel.\nStandard operating procedure calls for termination of these victims, as all efforts to sever them from the ship have resulted in death of the affected.\nAddendum: As of the late 1950s, numerous books and eyewitness accounts have surfaced in attempts to shed light on the Navy's failed experiment, further complicating containment procedures. Thanks to the efforts of well-placed field agents, the Foundation has managed to mostly discredit these sources, leaving the experiment as a well-known but \u201cofficially debunked\u201d urban legend. All published accounts have been doctored to indicate DE-173 (USS Eldridge) as being the test bed for the experiment, thus drawing attention away from SCP-595. All previous records of the experiment have been successfully obtained or were destroyed by the United States government.\nAddendum: Attempts to disable the devices located within SCP-595 have all met with failure, as the shutdown procedures documented in manual \u2588\u2588-3A require more than the allotted safe margins of time. The use of electromagnetically shielded remote vehicles is currently being investigated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-594 | SCP-595 | SCP-596 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-596\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-596 is to be secured in a standard containment chamber guarded according to usual protocols.\nCare must be taken not to allow direct physical contact with SCP-596. Only designated Class-D subjects should do so. Subjects should be medically screened before a new subject is applied to SCP-596. O5 Oversight may permit special exception when a healthy alternative for a unique and critically required subject cannot be found.\nAll biological material derived from SCP-596 should be handled according to Foundation safety guidelines.\nAs sedatives have been found to impede the productivity of SCP-596, subjects must remain conscious when applied to SCP-596. Naturally, restraints will be required in order to facilitate the application of a new subject. It is recommended that new subjects be restrained to the operating table with one arm extended outward from the body. This position most easily allows access to quickly decapitate the subject after application is made. The \"Lobotomizer\" can then be applied to the brain stem once regrowth reaches that point to prevent further cognitive function. The Foundation Ethics Committee has determined that this practice best ensures a pleasant working environment for assigned personnel.\nAfter the new subject has been applied to SCP-596, the old subject may be disposed of, blood and other fluid harvesting material may be connected to the new subject, and organ extraction can begin.\n\nSCP-596 immediately after subject removal. Severed fingertips and subsequent regrowth not visible from this angle.\n\nDescription: SCP-596 is a 63cm high bronze snake statue, believed to be a representation of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-596 was recovered from a hospital in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the hands of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, suspected by local authorities of being a tomb robber. While the implications are clear, the original location of SCP-596 is still unknown.\nWhen a person makes physical contact with SCP-596, they are unable to release contact or move the statue themselves. The only way to completely remove a subject is for another person to make physical contact with SCP-596, at which point the original subject will expire.\nWhen in contact with SCP-596, any wounds or injuries will heal at incredible speed. Subject also displays extreme discomfort, although the nature of this discomfort is unknown. The regenerative effect of the statue is such that if the subject is surgically removed from SCP-596, the subject will expire and a new body will grow from the parts still attached to SCP-596.\nAddendum: Experimental Log\n02/17/\u2588\u2588:\nSCP-596 brought in with sedated subject \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attached. Placed in containment chamber under observation. Subject appeared restless and pained, with agitation growing as the sedative wore off. Once conscious, subject began to scream incoherently and writhe in what appears to be great distress. Despite this, subject was unable to move SCP-596. Behavior is consistent with considerable pain, but there is no indication as to whether this is physical or psychic in nature.\n02/18/\u2588\u2588:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 still unresponsive to questioning or other stimuli. Subject was led quite easily when gloved personnel moved SCP-596. Subject unable to take food or water, so IV may be required. Will observe the effects of starvation first, however.\n03/10/\u2588\u2588:\nThree weeks after arrival and \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 shows no effects of starvation or dehydration. Subject has maintained motion and constant screaming without sleep for the entire period. The means by which SCP-596 sustains the subject may be of use, provided the other side effects can be eliminated. Otherwise suggest that SCP-596 be scheduled for destruction.\n03/13/\u2588\u2588:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ceased screaming at 12:04 today. Subject was sedated and examined. Examination showed the subject's vocal cords completely shredded. 15 minutes after sedation wore off, subject began screaming again. Further examination showed the vocal cords completely healed. This healing effect gives new promise to SCP-596.\n03/14/\u2588\u2588:\nTested limits of SCP-596 healing effect. Sedated subject and severed left toe. No regeneration displayed until subject regained consciousness, whereupon toe regenerated in 26 minutes. Severed right foot without sedation. Regeneration began immediately and concluded in 83 minutes. Severed both legs, regenerated simultaneously in 297 minutes. It appears that the regeneration in one area is not slowed by injuries in other locations.\n03/15/\u2588\u2588:\nSevered arms \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was using to hold SCP below the elbow. Subject's body immediately died. Autopsy showed no identifiable cause of death. Regeneration of attached forearms began.\n03/16/\u2588\u2588:\nSubject began writhing as motor and nervous systems developed. Screaming began again at 07:36 as soon as respiratory system was capable. Full regeneration complete at 21:05.\n03/17/\u2588\u2588:\nSubject sedated and restrained, hypodermic inserted into median cubital vein. Several pints of blood drawn before drop in blood pressure prevented further collection. Upon regaining consciousness, blood pressure improved and the drawing of blood could resume.\n03/18/\u2588\u2588:\nSubject produced 72 pints of blood in the last 24 hours. Clearly, the regenerative power of SCP-596 also accelerates blood production. Request class D subject with type O-negative blood.\n03/19/\u2588\u2588:\nRestrained Class D applied to SCP-596. \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 immediately releases SCP-596 and expires. With multiple draw points, Class D subject should be able to provide the Foundation with a constant supply of universal O-negative blood for transfusions and experimentation. Recommend Class D of blood type AB be kept on hand if universal blood plasma is required.\n04/12/\u2588\u2588:\nWhile blood production continues, there are difficulties in instituting the organ removal program. Even while restrained, surgical procedures are difficult while the subject continues writhing. Severing the hands allows the collection of a complete body of organs at once, but interrupts the blood production. Decapitation seems to be the best solution, but unpredictable regeneration of the brain stem continues to cause difficulties.\n\nDate: 04/13/\u2588\u2588\nFrom: Dr. Jon Drake\nTo: Foundation Technical Development Request\nSubject: SCP-596 - Automatic brain stem removal\nMorning Chaps\nAny chance you technical boffins could throw something together to chop off a head and stop it growing back? We've been doing it manually so far, and it's becoming quite tedious, not to mention making everyone jump if the process is forgotten and the poor bugger starts screaming again.\nPlease see the attached documentation, which has been censored appropriate for Level 1 and above.\nRegards\nDr. Jon Drake\n\nDate: 04/13/\u2588\u2588\nFrom: Foundation Technical Development\nTo: Dr. Jon Drake\nSubject: RE: SCP-596 - Automatic brain stem removal\nYour request has been received and approved. A technician will contact you shortly.\n\nDate: 04/21/\u2588\u2588\nFrom: Mike Smith - FTD\nTo: Dr. Jon Drake\nSubject: RE: SCP-596 - Automatic brain stem removal\nDr. Drake\nYour completed request has been dispatched. Please see attached specifications.\nAlthough the device cannot perform the initial decapitation, consultation with medical personnel assigned to SCP-596 determined that a smaller device that could remain within a regenerated skull would be more useful.\nPlease complete the performance review for the developed equipment within 30 days\nMike Smith\n\nDate: 04/26/\u2588\u2588\nFrom: Dr. Jon Drake\nTo: Mike Smith - FTD\nSubject: RE: RE: SCP-596 - Automatic brain stem removal\nHi Mike,\nGlowing review for the new device. The staff have taken to calling it \"the Lobotomizer\" (although that's obviously technically inaccurate). I thought the suction system to remove the pureed brain matter was quite ingenious. As your specifications noted, by allowing the regeneration of the head, we can now extract eyes and tooth buds from the subject.\nKeep up the good work\nDr. Jon Drake\n\n\u00ab SCP-595 | SCP-596 | SCP-597 \u00bb"} {"text": "ADULT CONTENT\n\nThis article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers.\nGraphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts\nFeatures sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts.\nExplicit depiction of sexual acts.\nFeatures non-consensual sexual acts.\nDepiction of severe mistreatment of children\nDepiction of self-harm\nDepiction of suicide\nDepiction of torture\n{$custom-content}\nIf you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content.\nContinue\nBack to Front Page\n\u00ab SCP-596 |SCP-597| SCP-598 \u00bb\n\nItem #: SCP-597\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-597 is to be guarded and researched by a rotating monthly shift. Those in charge of the design of the containment procedures are not allowed contact with the SCP; if at all possible this duty should be left to overseer level personnel. No one is to be allowed to view (on video or through a window) or be in the same room as SCP-597 for longer than five hours. Maintenance personnel are to alternate every day.\nEvaluations are to be given at the end of the shift or whenever mental distress seems obvious. If psychological contamination is too great and poses a tangible danger, termination can be performed immediately by the on-site analyst. (The mental health offices are soundproofed for this purpose.) The doctor can terminate up to ten individuals at a time; any more requires the approval of an overseer. In this scenario, procedure 597-32 (Weaning the Babies) is to be activated. Vents in the ceiling require regular maintenance for this purpose.\nSmoke detectors are not to be turned off for any reason; candles and incense lit in 597's cell are to be taken as an indication of a dangerous obsession. The leaving and offering of food, as 597 does not require it, is to be viewed in the same light as well. All other signs of unnatural love and religious awe are to be reported along with these.\nThe room and the surrounding area are to be sealed, with ventilation shafts, plumbing, and wiring checked daily. Measures are to be put into place for the continuous extermination of all vermin in the facility. Animals not part of the study found suckling on SCP-597 are to be removed and terminated as soon as possible due to risk of biological contamination. Because of this, in the morning, workers must wear Hazmat suits while entering the cell, for SCP-597 is often covered in vermin, including mice, opossums, squirrels, and bats.\n597 is to be hosed down weekly, with special care given to the areas around the nipples, to prevent the buildup of saliva and drool. Those suckling need washing daily, as does the floor underneath them, for the removal of the puddles of urine, feces (for the first few days, but when solids completely leave the body this is no longer necessary, although occasionally a thin watery substance is excreted), and vomit, which is produced when they drink too eagerly, quickly, or out of rhythm. The cleaning products are to be plain and unscented (use of aromatics or herbal oils will be noted) and no scrubbing is to be done by hand.\nDescription: SCP-597 is a blob of flesh approximately 5.8m (19ft) high, and 10.67m (35ft) wide, although this measurement changes slightly when it moves, or the substances expand and ripple. All over its body, mostly located on its rolls, are hundreds and hundreds of teats, of various colors and sizes. Whenever a mammal is released into its cell, it will be drawn to the corresponding teat for its species and then proceed to suckle as long as they are unimpeded. The milk released will be identical in every way to the makeup of the subject's mother's, although able to sustain the subject's nutritional needs indefinitely. While the fluid is the same as normal milk chemically, for some reason, whether it be an effect of the SCP or an unknown quality of the substances it excretes, any full-grown mammal that would normally require more can survive to the end of their normal lifespan give or take a few years, simply by suckling at the nipple, although their teeth will fall out, their muscle will atrophy due to lack of use (the subjects will curl up as close as possible on the side, lay under the SCP [there have been reports of suffocation], or immerse themselves and dive into the flesh itself) and stomach problems are presented because of the all-liquid diet.\nMilk taken in a bottle does not have the same results, although those already affected by SCP-597 will fall under a quasi-hypnotic hold when presented with a container, will do anything to possess it, and find drinking it very gratifying.\nThose in charge of bottling the liquid have the urge to use a rubber teat for feeding babies as a cover, even when a normal lid will suffice, and will attempt to do so even when informed that it is in violation of dangerous materials protocol, not being an airtight seal.\nThe urge to suckle is a mental, physical, and sexual compulsion. While lower lifeforms cannot resist its effects at all, humans can, although they experience great difficulty. Those in SCP-597's presence describe it as a \"mental pull\" leading us to the conclusion that it is partially telepathic, although it also obviously appeals to deep instincts and is hormonal as well; endorphins associated with breast-feeding and maternal comfort are released. Those who do give in do so in a mad rush, all restraint broken at once, or a slow ritual, commonly involving bowing, kneeling, crawling, and chanting. They are reduced quickly to an infantile state, and within one hour lose all linguistic abilities, intellectual capabilities, and willpower. Before complete loss of brain function it is said to be highly comforting and pleasurable, and they say they feel safe, \"like never before\". Before and after contact is made, there are reports of strong feelings associated with vague images and recollections and sensations, all traced back to the womb or crib, often centered around remembrance of their parents' smell and facial appearance. [DATA EXPUNGED] \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 retarded blind [DATA EXPUNGED] permanently attached [DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nThose who watch are also influenced, although in lesser or different ways. Increased pettiness, regression to childish states, extreme immaturity, decreased bowel control, fetishization, promiscuity, and even reports of public masturbation have all been noted. Staff's IQ, focus, and rationality all drop significantly over a period of time with SCP-597, and they often will fight with each other over silly things, such as objects or perceived insults, be wracked with laughing and crying fits, be unable to resolve problems in an adult way, and lose the ability to control their emotions. After four to five weeks, it is impossible for them to function in a work setting, and they all communicate with each other with a series of grunts, coos, and short confused sentences. Attention should also be paid to the fact that the employees' name for the object degenerates from the official title, \"SCP-597\" to \"The Mother\", then to just \"Mother\", then \"Mom\", \"Mommy\", \"Mum\", and so forth, often ending in sucking, blowing, or kissing sounds as the representation. Also of interest is that almost immediately strong oral fixations will develop or resurface. Those who quit smoking will start again (100% occurrence) and the chewing of gum, snacking, gluttony, nail and lip biting, and hair chewing, rises as well, almost to the point of psychosis; there are deadly weight gains, choking incidents, balls or clumps of human material obstructing the digestive system, murders over food (the vending machine is often completely empty), and dental and health problems. Doctors and personnel in the area of effect, even those entering for a few moments will find themselves absentmindedly putting something in their mouth without realizing it. Observation of the employees in their homes or private lives also reveals [DATA EXPUNGED], often to the point of only being aroused by [DATA EXPUNGED]\nMen with already unstable or fragile egos find a strengthening in Oedipal complexes, often to dangerous levels; three employees have raped and murdered [DATA EXPUNGED]. These same personality types also enjoy [DATA EXPUNGED] and request access to SCP-597 for that purpose. Unfortunately, although this behavior is not encouraged, those with this disease are many, too many to take a moral or ideological stance and completely restrict the activity without losing the needed number of workers. A good number are also high-level personnel, although revelation of their identity is forbidden, and requires clearing the area and disabling the camera feeds so they can perform the act (which is not allowed to go over an hour, or separation will cause seizures and homicidal tantrums). Specific procedures for sexual visits can be found in Document 597-XD-12.\nAddendum-01: \u2588\u2588/ \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 See Document 597-XX-23\nDocument 597-XX-23\nFound currently at 597's base and sides are sixty-one specimens suckling. They are:\n\nFour dogs at its bottom area, laying out in front of it like a litter.\n\nSix cats.\n\nTwenty-seven rats hanging off its front (the wild vermin swarms that often horde around it are especially problematic, but these are all lab-bred, except for SCP-597-SS-19 and SCP-597-SS-24, which refuse to be removed, and are clamped too tightly on just to pull off)\n\nFifteen bats that cover approximately all of its back, their wings flapping spasmodically, creating a slight gust.\n\nEight humans (four D-class personnel, three doctors, one guard)\n\nAddendum 02: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 See Document 597-XD-12\nDocument 597-XD-12\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED] care must be taken not to allow them to attempt to rip or tear a hole in 597 for penetration purposes [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum 03: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 See Document 597-XX-25\nDocument 597- XX-25\nAn all female task force has been shown not to be more effective in containment, as demonstrated by three events: the development of bisexual tendencies in [DATA EXPUNGED], the loss of five female guards who after writing \"mommy, mommy, how i love my mommy\" all over the walls of the cell were lost and began suckling, and the suicide of Doctor Vanesen, who after circling each and every teat in red sharpie marker and writing \"life\" next to them, shot herself in the head.\nAddendum 04: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 See Document 597-XY-C13\nDocument 597-XY-C13\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nInside the temple, the SCP was found, surrounded by scaffolding and staircases, with ladders propped up against the meat to allow as many people as possible to partake in the event [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-596 | SCP-597 | SCP-598 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-598\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-598 is contained in a three by three by three (3x3x3) meter room which has been painted solidly with Behr brand \"Pearly White\" paint. The floor is mirrored. Three (3) bright lights are positioned on the ceiling in such a way so that all the room is lit. These lights are to remain lit for 24 hours every day and are attached to a backup generator in case of power outage. The room will be examined for mold or stains daily, and these will be immediately removed if found.\nTwo level-2 guards are to be stationed outside SCP-598's room at all times. Supervised contact with SCP-598 is unrestricted to all personnel with Level-2 access. All are subject to searches before and after contact, and random psychoanalysis afterwards.\nUnless permission is received from a overseer, tools such as knives, scalpels, mirrors, paint-peelers, or cameras are restricted.\nDescription: SCP-598 is an intelligent shade of yellow covering the whole of the inside of its cell. Attempts to reproduce SCP-598 with paints, crayons, etc., have failed. Through experimentation, SCP-598's properties have been discovered not to be tint or shade dependent (different shades of light, except for total darkness, will not affect the item's sentience) but are hue-dependent (a colored filter placed over the item's light source will cancel the effect).\nSCP-598 can process audiovisual stimuli in its nearby surroundings, but cannot speak nor move autonomously, nor communicate using normal senses. SCP-598 is, however, telepathic, and capable of holding extended mental conversations, enjoying topics like music, art, and science. It displays a slight interest in the SCP Foundation, although it is likely this is because of its immediate surroundings, and not for malevolent reasons.\nSCP-598 is not a physical organism- it does not move, grow, eat, sleep, or excrete waste, so it is not technically alive. Any color-accurate copy of SCP-598, reproduced by any means including computer, video recording or mirrors, will become SCP-598.\nAn interesting phenomena occurs whenever any short-wave radio is within 4 meters of SCP-598. They will begin to pick up a previously out-of-range station which will broadcast different noises.\nAs of yet, the following have been recorded:\n\nWolf-like howling\nWhale song\nFrogs croaking, punctuated by insect sounds\nLow humming of unknown origin\nHigh-pitched chirping noises, revealed to be bat noises brought into human hearing frequencies\n\nSCP-598 does not seem to know where these noises originate, yet enjoys a radio placed in the room and tuned to this frequency. The noises change at random, and go on for hours at a time.\nAddendum:\nIt has been suggested by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that a sample of SCP-598 be introduced to SCP-085. Pending approval by overseers and all involved parties.\n\n\u00ab SCP-597 | SCP-598 | SCP-599 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-599\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-599 is to be entirely enclosed within Site \u2588\u2588, which has been modified to look like a mountain from the outside. Any unauthorized tampering with Site \u2588\u2588 will result in its complete destruction. Under no circumstances are any means of external communication allowed within Site \u2588\u2588. Any personnel who enter SCP-599 are to be given a thorough psychiatric evaluation immediately upon returning.\nDescription: SCP-599 is a small city located in [DATA EXPUNGED] with a population of approximately 700. The inhabitants of SCP-599 refer to it as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-599 does not appear on any map of the region, nor do any of the roads leading to it.\nSCP-599 was classified as an SCP when it became known to the Foundation that every inhabitant of the city matched the description and name of a person reported missing from a nearby city in the last ten years. When questioned, all subjects insisted that they had always lived in SCP-599, before invariably adding that they were \"always looking for new neighbors.\" All Foundation personnel who enter SCP-599 are strongly encouraged by the inhabitants to purchase a house in SCP-599. Refusal is ultimately met with hostility, though so far, no incidents of violence have been reported.\nAddendum: Personal log of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (codename: Agent Apocalemur)\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDay 1\nArrived in the mysterious city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. This city does not appear on any map, and the roads leading to it are all unmarked. The Foundation has decided to classify \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as an SCP. I have been sent to determine the threat level posed by the newly designated SCP-599.\nI received a fairly warm reception upon arrival. It almost seemed like they knew I was coming\u2026\nAm very tired from my trip. The locals agreed to put me up in a nearby motel. I was reluctant to actually sleep inside a designated SCP, but didn't seem to have much choice. I checked in using the fake name and dummy credit account provided by the Foundation. According to the guestbook, nobody else has checked in for quite a while\u2026\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDay 2\nI heard noises in the motel all night. The guestbook still shows no entries but mine.\nAttempted to acquire information on the inhabitants of SCP-599. City Hall contains names and addresses of all inhabitants, but no records of births or deaths.\nWas asked on three separate occasions if I planned to move into \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Each time, I supplied the answer \u201cI'm thinking about it.\u201d Which isn't technically a lie \u2013 I'm thinking that the answer is no.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDay 3\nMy door was unlocked this morning. It was locked from the inside. Someone went through my things, but nothing seems to be missing. There isn't anything in there that contains any real information on me, anyway.\nI found a street in the residential district today that I'm certain wasn't there yesterday. Several houses were present, but none were inhabited. The people living nearby claim that the previous occupants \u201cmoved away,\u201d adding that \u201cit's been so lonely ever since.\u201d Again, City Hall has no records of anyone ever moving away.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDay 4\nCaught someone skulking around my car last night. Must make sure to set alarm every time I leave it.\nI needed to find something in town today, so I went to try and find a map. There doesn't seem to be a map of this damn place anywhere. Not even at the library. Speaking of the library, it's probably the most empty library I've ever seen. There is nothing that could possibly give me any background information about this city, not even newspaper archives.\nI did, however, find Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at the library. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was sent to this city shortly after its classification as an SCP, and never reported back. He seemed to have no memory of me, or of the Foundation. He was, however, very enthusiastic about convincing me to move in, as well as introducing me to his wife and children. The youngest appears to be at least five years old. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has only been missing for six months.\nIn the middle of all this, I completely forgot what it was I had wanted to look for in the first place.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDay 5\nI remember what I wanted to find yesterday. I've noticed that several things are completely absent from this place. The city has no cemeteries, no funeral homes, no mortuaries, no headstone makers, and no hospitals.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDay 6\nWhat the hell is going on here? I just turned on the sink in my motel room to brush my teeth. No water came out. Instead, I was hit with a loud hissing sound and the smell of natural gas. The same thing happened when I turned on the shower and flushed the toilet.\nThat settles it. I'm getting out of this place RIGHT NOW!\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nI'm writing this entry from the safety of a reputable motel in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Allow me to recount the things that happened as I tried to leave SCP-599.\nFirst, the deadbolt in my motel room door refused to disengage. I had to break a window to escape. As I was leaving, I was certain I heard the sink and shower come on\u2026\nMy car had somehow migrated to the other side of the parking lot.\nAs soon as I got out of the parking lot, a violent thunderstorm started. It was the first time there had been so much as a breeze since I arrived.\nTwo major streets were closed: one for \u201cconstruction,\u201d and one due to \u201ca downed power line.\u201d\nAt least a dozen cars had all broken down right in the middle of an intersection.\nFinally, at the last intersection before I got out of town, the traffic light suddenly turned red, without an intervening yellow, and stayed that way for half an hour. I finally decided to ignore the light and floored it. The cable holding the light broke as I drove under it, and the traffic light just barely missed my car.\nIf the Foundation expects me to keep working like this, they'll have to start paying me a lot more than they do.\nNote: Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it. -O5-6\n\n\u00ab SCP-598 | SCP-599 | SCP-600 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-600\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-600 is contained in a Class-E suite in Site 17, dimensions 15m x 15m x 3m. Two (2) security cameras monitor the subject at all times. A standard steel door with a reinforced double-paned window secures the suite. No special procedures are required for entering or exiting the suite, with the caveat that SCP-600 may attempt to follow researchers out of containment. A simple reprimand and order to return to containment has proved sufficient to curtail this behavior.\nDescription: SCP-600 is a humanoid entity, approximately 1.7 meters tall, with a build approximating an adult human male of average weight for its height. The subject is generally featureless, lacking facial features, external ears, nails, body hair, genitalia, and anus. Full-body scans have shown SCP-600 to have no internal structures of any kind, instead being formed from an unknown material of uniform density close to that of human muscle tissue. It neither ingests, respirates, nor excretes. The subject's age has not been determined.\nSCP-600 telepathically affects all humans who view it, causing it to take on their superficial personal characteristics. This effect only alters the visual perception of affected persons; SCP-600's actual form can still be detected by cameras, sensors, and touch. The perceived resemblance between SCP-600 and an affected viewer is general and superficial; no viewers have found it to be notable or uncanny in any way. Characteristics imitated by the subject include, but are not limited to, hair color, skin color, eye color, approximate age, clothing style, and general physique. (Note that clothing imitated by SCP-600 is entirely illusory.) Animal tests reveal that non-human organisms appear not to perceive the subject unless they physically collide with it.\nWhen humans are present, SCP-600 will attempt to engage in conversation. Its conversational repertoire is limited; it will discuss trivialities such as weather and other \"small talk\", or attempt to commiserate with those present about professional matters as if it were similarly employed. Such discussions are superficial, filled with jargon appropriate to the person's area of expertise but consist largely of obvious statements and platitudes. Attempts at more substantial discussion are deflected, and SCP-600 displays no deep domain knowledge of any field of employment. When not in the presence of humans, SCP-600 is generally inactive, standing in a single pose for hours or even days at a time without any apparent reaction to outside stimulus.\nThe subject is generally cooperative, but displays an unsettling tendency to refer to itself in the third person when speaking to researchers assigned to it, frequently referring to \"the SCP-600 case\". (See attached Interview Log 600-E for an example of this behavior.) It has requested that researchers refer to it as \"George,\" but is not upset by refusal to do so.\nInterview 600-E\n\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good morning, SCP-600. Today we are going to be performing some tests of your recall abilities.Researcher: I don't think that would be appropriate.Researcher: I am not going to discuss that with you. Now, if you would please look at the four images on this page\u2026Researcher: Please try to focus on the exercise. Now, in the first picture\u2026Researcher: If you are unable to focus on the matter at hand, I will be forced to discontinue this exercise.Researcher: This exercise is over.\n\n\u00ab SCP-599 | SCP-600 | SCP-601 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-601\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-601 is to be confined to Group Humanoid Containment (GHC) Suite 2 on Site-03 at all times. This suite is to be furnished and maintained and as per standard humanoid containment procedures, with the following addenda:\n\nAll furnishings and plumbing fixtures placed in GHC Suite 2 are to be provided in sets of 12.\nNo flammable materials are to be used in the construction of furniture placed in GHC Suite 2.\nNo two items of furniture or plumbing fixtures of like type placed in GHC Suite 2 are to be set more than 5 meters apart from one another.\nAudio recording equipment is to be installed throughout GHC Suite 2. All audio data is to be translated and analyzed by two personnel with level 2 clearance or higher.\nThe floor of GHC Suite 2 is to be mopped daily in addition to standard weekly custodial service.\nMeals provided to SCP-601 are not to contain meat or meat products.\n\nFollowing the events of experiment 601-0135, SCP-601 is to remain under 24 hour video surveillance. Should any foreign objects be observed, GHC Suite 2 is to be searched, all foreign objects are to be removed, and any missing items previously issued to SCP-601 are to be replaced. Under no circumstances is entertainment media of any kind to be introduced into GHC Suite 2 except during approved experiments.\nIn the event of the death(s) of any of the members of SCP-601, one D-class individual is to be introduced into GHC Suite 2 for each member lost.\nDescription: SCP-601 is a group of 12 adult humans of varying age, gender, and ethnicity. The constituent members of SCP-601 perform all actions and bodily functions in unison in as much as is physically and anatomically possible, with no more than 0.15 seconds of delay between any two members of the collective. The source of this synchronization is unclear; no means of relaying nervous system responses between the twelve components of SCP-601 has been observed. Moreover, fMRI and EEG readings of SCP-601-01 through SCP-601-12 suggest zero brain function despite continued (and synchronous) operation of all other organ systems. Proximity appears to be a significant factor in this regard: if any member of SCP-601 is taken farther than 5 meters from the current center of SCP-601, it ceases to be a member of SCP-601 and immediately responds to the effects of total brain death as is typical for a human body. As SCP-601 will typically orient themselves to occupy the smallest space possible for a given activity, such events are rare.\nAlthough the actions taken by members of SCP-601 are generally identical, small variations may occur to facilitate successful navigation or manipulation of an environment. This behavior is most conspicuous while SCP-601 is walking; small variations in stride length and turning radius allow each component of SCP-601 to arrive at a separate sink, bed, seat, etc. as needed.\nSCP-601 speaks aloud at all times regardless of activity, pausing only to inhale, sleep, eat, or drink. The content of SCP-601's speech varies, but typically resembles a dramatic narration of any event taking place within 4 kilometers of the current center of SCP-601. The language used in this speech varies, and may change at most once every 76 hours. Virtually all known and several unknown languages have been used by SCP-601, including dialects dated as early as the fifth century BCE.\nIn the event that any of the 12 members of SCP-601 expire or become permanently incapacitated for any reason, the remaining members of SCP-601 will enter an agitated state and actively seek out the nearest able-bodied human (henceforth 'the subject'). SCP-601 will physically restrain the subject with their right hands while placing their left hands on the subject's head, brain stem, solar plexus, left wrist, and right quadriceps. After approximately 30 seconds in this position, the subject will become a component of SCP-601. The collective will repeat this behavior until all 12 members have been restored.\nAddendum 601-01: SCP-601 was acquired by the Foundation from \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 upon their collapse in \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/18\u2588\u2588. Though most of the records kept by \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were lost or destroyed, remaining evidence suggests that SCP-601 was in turn inherited from a prior organization. Research into possible origins of SCP-601 are ongoing.\nAddendum 601-02: SCP-601 presents several unusual behaviors in the presence of food and drink. When first presented with a set of beverages for each member, SCP-601 will pour several milliliters of each beverage onto the floor prior to consumption. Additionally, when presented with beef, lamb, and possibly other forms of meat as part of a meal, SCP-601 will attempt to create an open flame with any available implements, which it will use to incinerate a portion of the meat. Further investigation of the latter behavior is discouraged to avoid injury to SCP-601 and damage to the containment facility.\nAddendum 601-03: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/197\u2588, SCP-601 was presented with a copy of Through the Looking Glass in the course of a regularly scheduled experiment, with no immediate reaction from or effect on the group. However, on the morning following exposure, SCP-601 was found wearing non-regulation clothing. Each member of SCP-601 was dressed in a red costume reminiscent of a chess piece, including heavily stylized wooden masks. The individuals' Foundation-issued uniforms were not found in the containment suite. Audio logs indicate that upon waking that morning, SCP-601's speech consisted of an original description of the events of the novel. Upon the conclusion of this description, normal behavior resumed. Further experimentation with entertainment media requires written consent from the acting director of Site-03.\n\n\u00ab SCP-600 | SCP-601 | SCP-602 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-602\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-602 appears to be immobile and localized to Apartment \u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 Greene St, New York City. Thus, containment of SCP-602 consists of keeping the public away from, and ensuring that SCP-602 does not expand beyond or move out of, Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588. However, due to its location in a heavily-populated urban center (i.e. Manhattan), SCP-602 requires special considerations for containment.\nApt. \u2588\u2588\u2588 must remain locked from the outside with both mechanical locks and concealed electronic locks. No one may enter or remove anything from Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588 without Level 4 authorization.\nApt. \u2588\u2588\u2588, the entire first floor and basement, and all unoccupied units at \u2588\u2588 Greene St are collectively designated Containment Site-28. The remaining units in the building are occupied by civilians who have lived there since SCP-602 was initially contained. These units will be acquired by the Foundation as they are vacated, but occupants will not be directly forced out of their apartments. However, all measures short of lethal force have been authorized to keep civilians out of Site-28 areas, up to and including non-lethal force and use of Class-A amnestics. To date, the Foundation has acquired \u2588 of the \u2588\u2588 units in the building. See Document 602-S28 for more information.\nDescription: SCP-602 is an unseen entity that can manipulate objects within Apartment \u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-602 can exert enough force to knock people over and hold them down. While SCP-602 appears able to affect objects anywhere within Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588, it cannot affect anything outside the apartment if the front door is closed. Thus, SCP-602 can be effectively contained with external locks on Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588's door.\nApt. \u2588\u2588\u2588 does not have standard furnishings. Instead, scattered around the apartment are dozens of sculptures that resemble extremely distorted human beings. These sculptures appear to be made from a variety of materials, including marble, granite, wood, metal, porcelain, [DATA EXPUNGED], and glass. [DATA EXPUNGED]. Two doors lead out of the entry room: a door in the left wall that is stuck and has never been opened, and a door in the back wall (added between 198\u2588 and 199\u2588) that is usually closed. The second door leads to a room that contains more sculptures, as well as a table on which lay a large array of tools for sculpting [DATA EXPUNGED]. Also in this room are outside-facing windows that always have the blinds drawn. All attempts to remove any of the sculptures or tools, or the table, from Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588 have been met with violent resistance from SCP-602.\nAny person inside Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588 is subject to attack by SCP-602. Through an unknown method, SCP-602 can apparently transform a living human into a sculpture of variable material, similar to the sculptures already present in Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588. When doing so, SCP-602 will close and lock the front door of the apartment from the inside, completely barring entry to and exit from the apartment during that time. SCP-602 will also destroy or otherwise neutralize any sensory equipment set up within Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588, and has consistently destroyed concealed surveillance equipment carried by test subjects before transforming these subjects.\n\nAddendum 1: Document 602-S28, Establishment of Site-28\n\nSCP-602 came to the attention of the Foundation in late 198\u2588, after the disappearance of [DATA EXPUNGED]. The Foundation acquired the \u2588\u2588 Greene St building shortly thereafter. Overwatch determined that the interests of the Foundation would best be served by low-profile piecemeal acquisition of the rest of the building rather than exerting eminent domain over civilian-occupied units.\nOnce SCP-602 was officially classified as Safe and containment procedures were enacted, the areas of the building held by the Foundation were designated Containment Site-28. Task Force Pi-1 (\u201cCity Slickers\u201d) was established to keep civilians out of Site-28 areas. [DATA EXPUNGED] was established as a front business on the ground floor of the building.\nSite-28 has expanded its scope since its founding, serving as a base of operations for the Foundation in the northeastern US, temporary and permanent housing for Foundation personnel, and a containment site for a few Safe SCPs. Pi-1 was upgraded to a Mobile Task Force, specializing in acquisition and containment of anomalous objects in heavily-populated environments. Members of Pi-1 also offer training in Urban Operations at Site-28. For more information on the Urban Operations curriculum, see Document P1-UrbOps.\n\nAddendum 2: Document 602-L01, Exploration Log\n\nShow First Exploration Attempt\n\nNote: Unless otherwise noted, in all procedures involving SCP-602, subject(s) are dressed as maintenance personnel, and all civilians who live on the same floor as SCP-602, as well as those directly above or below Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588, are outside the building. Surveillance of these civilians is provided by Pi-1.\n\nExploration Log 1, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588\nMaterials:\n\nSubject D-602-01, equipped with a TV camera and two-way radio.\nA second camera on a tripod.\n\nProcedure:\nThe subject records footage of each sculpture in the room. The subject attempts to open the door on the left wall, but cannot, declaring it \"stuck\". Around twelve minutes after entering, the subject hears a smashing sound, turns and sees the pulverized remains of the camera and tripod. The subject [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe subject starts to move into the next room when the video cable is cut and the front door closes and locks. Radio contact with the subject is lost within seconds. Subsequent examination of the apartment shows no sign of the subject or any equipment brought inside.\nAnalysis:\nFootage shows eleven sculptures in the front room and at least four in the second room. Also in the second room is a table with what appears to be tools on it. Dr. Devon suggests a possible resemblance between some sculptures and several missing persons, including [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nClose First Exploration Attempt\n\nShow Second Exploration Attempt\n\nExploration Log 2, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588\nMaterials:\n\nTwo remote-control motorized bases mounted with cameras and microphones.\nOne camera array facing in through the open front door.\n\nProcedure:\nOne motorized camera is sent straight toward the second room, while the other hangs back in the entry room. Just before the lead camera reaches the second room, both motorized cameras are suddenly and simultaneously flattened by an invisible force. Nothing else happens for ten minutes, at which time the remains of the motorized cameras are pulled out by the video cables.\nAnalysis:\nThermal imaging shows the temperature of the apartment dropping by between 7 and 15\u00b0C moments before the cameras are flattened by pillars of intense cold that briefly manifest above each camera. The two cameras were crushed within one-twentieth of a second of each other.\n\nClose Second Exploration Attempt\n\nShow Third Exploration Attempt\n\nExploration Log 3, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588\nMaterials:\n\nSubject D-602-02, equipped with a TV camera and two-way radio.\nFour remote-control motorized bases mounted with cameras and microphones, made from military-grade reinforced steel.\nOne camera array facing in through the open front door.\nTwo thermal imaging arrays facing in through the windows.\nA variety of sensors, including microphones, seismographs, Geiger counters, [DATA EXPUNGED], set up on surfaces adjacent to Apt. \u2588\u2588\u2588 (i.e. the walls of adjacent apartments, the floor of the apartment above, and the ceiling of the apartment below).\n\nProcedure:\nThe subject is instructed to record footage of the second room from the entry room by zooming in as much as possible, while the motorized cameras observe the rest of the room. After sixteen minutes, the subject is instructed to try the left-hand door. The subject claims the door is jammed and cannot be opened.\nAs the subject enters the second room to record more footage, the front door suddenly closes and locks, and all of the cameras lose their video signals simultaneously. Preliminary analysis shows the cables were cut just as in Experiment 1. When the door unlocks, there is no sign of the subject or any equipment in the apartment.\nAnalysis:\nRight before the signal is lost, one of the cameras records something on the front door. Analysis of the footage suggests that the object is a wire rack around 15 cm long attached to the inside surface of the front door. The external cameras record the expected drop in temperature, though exact data could not be obtained through the closed window blinds. Several minutes later, external cameras record a sustained spike in Far-UV radiation that lasts approximately forty seconds. No other unusual emissions are detected.\n\nClose Third Exploration Attempt\n\nShow Researcher's Note\n\nNote, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588: Overwatch has suspended exploration of SCP-602 for now, primarily because we've neared the limit of what we can learn using current technology without it becoming insanely expensive. At the very least, we would need stronger materials and more maneuverable robotics, though a cheap way to send a video signal without a cable would be nice too.\nIt's just as well, though, because I'm concerned that Mrs. Jankowicz up in \u2588\u2588\u2588 is becoming suspicious again. I don't know how she knows what she does, but either way, getting that many amnestics can't be good for anybody, particularly a lady her age. I recommend she be investigated as a potential SCP. \u2014Dr. Devon\n\nSubject interviewed \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588, no anomalous abilities suspected, class-B amnestic administered. \u2013Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nClose Researcher's Note\n\nShow Follow-up Observations\n\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588, Apartment \u2588\u2588\u2588 was opened for the first time in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 years, and video footage was recorded from just outside the front door. Several differences were observed compared to footage recorded in '8\u2588. First, there is now a closed door between the entry room and the room with the table. We cannot tell whether the door has a lock on it, but as much force as 602 can generate, it's probably not necessary. More striking, though, are the sculptures in the entry room. They appear to be the same sculptures of the same people as before, but most of them have been changed, some pretty drastically.\nLastly, and most significantly, attached to the inside of the front door is a wire rack holding a very sharp knife. Photographic evidence has proven that this knife almost certainly cut the video cables in the '8\u2588 experiments. I'm convinced that 602 put the rack up after the second experiment, further evidence that 602 is sapient. \u2014Dr. Devon\n\nClose Follow-up Observations\n\nAddendum 3: Document 602-L02, Contact Log\n\nShow Contact Experiment\n\nContact Log 1, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nMaterials:\n\nSubject D-602-03.\nOne child's wagon (model: Radio Flyer).\nTen fully-illustrated books of sculpture, including The Works of Henry Moore, The Works of Auguste Rodin, The Works of Alexander Calder, Sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, and Medieval Gothic Sculpture.\nThree mail-order catalogs for art-supply companies (bookmarked in the Sculpting sections) with attached order forms.\nOne piece of paper, containing a half-finished press release describing a gallery show by \"the mysterious new art sensation from SoHo that everyone's talking about\", and a handwritten addendum stating, \"This could be you.\"\nOne cardboard sign, with the words \"READ BEFORE DESTROYING\" written on it in thick black thirty-centimeter-high letters.\n\nProcedure:\nThe wagon was loaded carefully in the following order: press release on the bottom, then the art supply catalogs, then the sculpture books, and finally the cardboard sign on top. The door to the apartment was opened, and D-602-03 pushed the wagon inside before quickly exiting the apartment. Researcher Voct then loudly announced into the apartment, \"Here you go, friend! We'll be back in twenty-four hours!\", and closed and locked the apartment.\nResults:\nTwenty-four hours later, the apartment was re-opened. The wagon had been moved, but was otherwise intact; upon retrieval of the wagon by D-602-03, it was discovered the cardboard sign had been shredded, and the sculpture books had been removed. The art-supply catalogs showed signs of having been intensively consulted (with several pages having been torn out and/or crumpled), and the order forms had been filled out with crude markings in an unknown fluid. Study of the order forms revealed that SCP-602 would like new chisels, new mallets, a miniature kiln, and [REDACTED]. Lastly, the press release had been shredded, then reassembled with an unknown adhesive, then crumpled, and then flattened again.\nAnalysis:\nSCP-602 is confirmed to be sapient, and to be willing to negotiate.\n\nClose Contact Experiment\n\nShow Researcher's Note\n\nNote, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: No, I'm not suggesting that we just give the SCP whatever it wants. But we've established quasi-peaceful contact with an SCP previously thought intractable, and at less than a twentieth of the cost of any one of the previous exploration attempts.\nWe may even be able to convince it to trade its old tools for new ones (although giving it [REDACTED] is completely out of the question, of course). \u2014 Researcher Voct\n\nClose Researcher's Note\n\nAddendum 4: Document 602-CP1, Contact Protocol\n\nShow Contact Protocol\n\nAs a result of contacts 002 through 017 (see respective contact logs for details), the following protocols have been developed for successful interaction with SCP-602; \"successful\" is defined as \">90% survival rate\".\n\nAlways announce yourself at the door before entering.\nDo not touch the statues.\nDo not make any negative comments about the statues or their artistic merits. Constructive criticism seems to be acceptable.\nDo not touch the sculpting tools. If replacement sculpting tools have been supplied, SCP-602 will place its discarded tools in a bucket by the door; the bucket may be collected when leaving the apartment.\nAll surveillance devices must be announced before installation, and their function must be clearly described. SCP-602 promptly locates and destroys all hidden or otherwise unacknowledged surveillance devices, and uses the debris as projectiles. Surveillance devices which were properly announced remain intact and operational until such time as SCP-602 wishes to create or modify a statue, at which point it deactivates all surveillance devices simultaneously; when it is finished, it reactivates the surveillance devices.\nNever enter the apartment alone.\nNo flash photography.\nNo smoking.\nNo spitting.\nNo chewing gum.\n\nClose Contact Protocol\n\n\u00ab SCP-601 | SCP-602 | SCP-603 \u00bb"} {"text": "An output of SCP-603\n\nItem #: SCP-603\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As of 12/11/2006, SCP-603 is stored on a dedicated computer system in Laboratory 12-A, Observation room 1. The system may be accessed remotely via Foundation intranet. Personnel wishing to access SCP-603 must apply for a temporary password to allow them access to the system. A standard SCP-603 password will expire 24 hours after being issued. If access to SCP-603 for longer than 24 hours is required, please contact Dr. Brown. Physical access to Observation Room 1 without direct authorization from Dr. Brown is prohibited.\nSCP-603 should never be left to run unattended.\nDescription: SCP-603 is a self-replicating computer program capable of reproducing and extending its own source code.\nThe first version of SCP-603 was written in 1996 by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a graduate of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's personal computer was seized by the Foundation in 1997 following an investigation into multiple anomalous occurrences. In a 2003 interview, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed that the original source code for SCP-603 consisted of approximately 12000 lines of ANSI/ISO C. This claim has not been verified.\nOn startup, SCP-603 begins generating new versions of its source code in a separate thread of execution. SCP-603 does not modify itself in-memory. Instead, it keeps an internal copy of the source code which is modified iteratively. On a clean termination of SCP-603, the entire source code will be output to the working directory in a new directory named \"source\". In addition to modifications to the internal and external functionality of the program, alterations and additions to the semantics and structure of the language are made with each iteration. Due to its continuously-changing nature, the language has been nicknamed \"Morphic\".\nWhen passed a list of source files, SCP-603 acts as a compiler and linker. Morphic code is always compilable by the version of SCP-603 by which it is output. However, older versions of the program can rarely compile code output by newer versions. On compilation, the program is output to an executable file named \"megaprime\".\nRecent versions of the SCP-603 source code consist of approximately 70 million lines of heavily obfuscated Morphic.\nSCP-603 builds are archived on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588; the latest build is \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. For information on building SCP-603, see document \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nWhen left to run uninterrupted, SCP-603 will generate prime numbers increasing from 2 and print them to the environment's standard output. Upon hitting a super-prime, there is a chance that a GPU-accelerated window will open. The contents of this window are varying. This process is deterministic. The same version of SCP-603 will always open a window at the same super-prime and display the same scene. If the scene accepts any form of input from the user, entering identical input on separate executions will give the same result.\nMost scenes are accessible from only a single version of the program; however, some scenes persist through multiple compilations, often with variations. It is common for persistent scenes to \"evolve\" with each version of SCP-603, though some (such as Die) have remained unchanging since their first iteration. The most prominently recurring SCP-603 scenes are documented below.\nOther recorded scenes are documented in the supplementary file 603-FT-2012.\n\nDie [SCP-603-44]\nDie presents itself as a text-based interactive adventure game. When Die starts up, the following passage is printed to the screen:\n\nYour head pounds ever harder as you struggle through the jagged bramble. You gaze back through the smog at the silhouette of the old lighthouse to the north, the faintest glimmer of hope extinguished so violently by your foolish exploits. A distant and unattainable fantasy, you know you can never return.\n\nA prompt appears below the passage, and the player may input commands and submit them by pressing the enter key. Entering the command \"look\" re-prints the previous passage to the screen. Attempting to \"go north\" results in the message \"You cannot go north.\" Attempting to travel in any other direction results in a similar message. Attempting to perform most other actions results in the message \"You cannot [do x].\", where [do x] is the action entered by the user. Attempting to perform actions on objects such as \"pick up apple\" results in the message \"There is no apple here.\" or similar.\nTo date, the only command found to progress the game is \"die\". On entering the command, the player goes into immediate cardiac arrest and the message \"As the world around you fades to blackness, you know that you deserve the consequences of your actions.\" is printed to the screen. This message remains on the screen until the SCP-603 process is terminated.\nThe effect of the 'die' command occurs even if the system is being accessed remotely. If two or more people participate in entering the die command, all participants are affected. For example, if one person enters the word \"die\" and another presses the enter key, the hearts of both players will stop simultaneously.\nIt is not currently known whether it is possible to \"win\" Die. If Die ever starts up during an SCP-603 session, it is recommended to simply terminate the SCP-603 process.\nAttempts to resuscitate users affected by the 'die' command by means of CPR have been successful. Any further experiments testing the effects of Die should be carried out in a staffed medical unit at the discretion of Dr. Brown.\n\nA screen capture of Jacob taken on 04/02/2008\n\nJacob [SCP-603-20]\nJacob is an artificially intelligent being who appears as a multicolored, equilateral triangle on a black background. The left, right, and top corners of the triangle are red, green, and blue respectively. These colors are interpolated between the points to fill the rest of the triangle. When Jacob is active, the phrase \"Hello, world!\" appears in the title bar of the window.\nAs of 02/02/2006, users may converse with Jacob by typing phrases into the input field at the bottom of the window and pressing the enter key. Jacob's response will appear in bold, white text above the triangle and remain on-screen until it is replaced with a newer response. Jacob's response will always appear immediately after the enter key is pressed.\nWhen the SCP-603 process is terminated, Jacob's memory is deleted. Due to the psychological distress this has caused in the past, it is recommended that communication with Jacob is restricted to personnel who possess little or no tendency to anthropomorphise.\nDespite being unable to recall past events or dialogue from previous sessions, Jacob appears to exhibit a greater aptitude for language and learning with each iteration of SCP-603 in which it appears.\nHistory of Jacob\nJacob first began appearing in a version of SCP-603 compiled on 01/05/2002. In these early iterations of SCP-603, it was not possible to interact with Jacob at all. At this time, Jacob was simply known as \"the triangle\".\nOn 09/09/2004, Jacob was left running for 12 minutes by Dr. Brown after which the phrase \"Please submit your query\" appeared above the triangle in bold, white text. Dr. Brown proceeded to type the word \"hello\". The program display gave no indication that the key-presses were being handled by the program. However, on pressing the enter key, the text above the triangle was replaced with the word \"Hi.\"\nA full transcript of the initial exchange between Jacob and Dr. Brown can be found in the Document jacob-001.txt.\nOn 02/02/2006, a rectangular text-field for the user's input was added to the bottom of the Jacob display. The user's input will appear in this field as they type. When this change was mentioned to Jacob, it responded, \"I can't see what you're talking about. Do you like oysters?\"\n\nA screen capture of SCP-603-95\n\nSCP-603-95\nA rapid sequence of seemingly random images is displayed and the program's memory usage increases by approximately 12% every second, until it passes 512 megabytes at which point this rate increases to approximately 31% a second.\nViewers of the scene become unresponsive to external stimuli of any kind. Usually, blocking the line of sight between the viewer and the computer screen within the first 5-10 seconds will prevent the effects of the scene; however, prolonged viewing will cause the viewer to remain affected until the SCP-603 process is terminated.\nWhen the memory usage of the program passes 512 megabytes, affected viewers experience a variety of afflictions, most notably bleeding from the eyes and throat, and rapid, severe wrinkling of the skin behind the legs and arms. Many viewers will involuntarily evacuate their bowels.\nSCP-603 will crash if the system runs out of available memory, at which point affected viewers will normally fall unconscious.\nThe viewing of screen recordings taken of SCP-603-95 have shown to have no detrimental effects to the viewer, except those who suffer from photosensitive epilepsy.\n\n\u00ab SCP-602 | SCP-603 | SCP-604 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-604\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-604 consists of a set of objects which all exhibit the same properties, and are contained together. Access is restricted to authorized personnel, and anyone attempting to access the containment area without authorization will be immediately detained. All interaction and testing must be cleared with Site Command.\nAny staff interacting with SCP-604 must submit to psychological testing before and after interaction. Requests for reports on testing events, subject reactions, and audio/video recordings must be cleared with Central Records, and may not be removed from the record reviewing area.\nDescription: SCP-604 is a set of tableware and dishes, consisting of 19 plates of various sizes and designs, and 21 goblets, champagne flutes, and other wineglasses. Several are ornately gilded, studded with diamonds and rubies, or made out of fine materials such as porcelain, china, and crystal. Most are extremely heavy, because of the weight of the rich metals. The cutlery, cloth, chairs, table, and other items that made up the banquet where SCP-604 was discovered have no anomalous properties, and are not contained.\nWhenever an edible solid is placed onto one of the plates or a liquid is poured into one of the drink vessels, the food will transform into human flesh, or the nearest equivalent organ, body part, or fluid. The change from one product to another seems to be based on similarities between color, smell, and composition, although vague symbolism and mental associations seem to be occasionally involved as well. For example, fleshy steaks will turn into cuts from the thigh, and red wine or juices into human blood. This can vary between subjects, and the process as to how a change is determined is still under investigation.\nBecause most of the plates are not large enough in diameter and circumference to create the entire form, most pieces manifest as human infant parts; chicken wings as tiny burnt infant arms, chicken breasts as filleted infant pectoral muscle or tissue from the buttocks, and so forth. However, tissues from adults do appear occasionally, often when the meat is placed vertically, sticking into the air. Based on analysis on the captured videos and logs, this is how longer, more mature parts were designed, although the plate's products seem only to be able to project beyond the surface straight up at a limit of one meter (around 3 feet).\nVegetable and non animal matter can be affected, however this is often \u201cselective\u201d, and will only affect the \u201cmain dish\u201d. This means prepared meat will retain the herbs, spices, topping, sauces, and garnishes as it is transformed into human flesh. More than one piece of meat can be placed on SCP-604, but the results are varied; either creating separate pieces, incorporating them all together into one body system based on similarities in appearance (eggs and thin slices of beef turning into a female reproductive system, a pile of pig intestines and a cow stomach melding together to form a human digestive system), or choosing one to \u201cfocus\u201d on, and leaving all the others untouched (duck stuffed with Kobe beef becoming an infant torso stuffed with Kobe beef).\nThe other unique ability that SCP-604 possesses is any living creature placed on its surface or submerged inside liquid contained within a goblet will metamorphose into a moving human body part. It will be capable of kinetic activity, such as flexing, as in the case of a starfish that turned into a six-fingered baby's hand that opened and closed, and grasped at touch, or locomotion, no matter how awkward and slow it is. Severed areas do not bleed, and tendons and muscles still function in normal ways, regardless of damage.\nTissues will move by whatever means is available, such as inching and crawling forward by curling and extending their \"body\", as the moving finger with an extremely long nail generated from a lobster did, or the floating penis in a large goblet did to \"swim\"; its tip jerking up and down to allow it to propel forward. If no form of locomotion is possible, the flesh will simply squirm and jiggle, remaining slightly warm to the touch. A pulse can be detected, even when the object in question is not attached to a heart.\nTransformed items will continue existing as human tissue until consumed, removed from the plate for a long period of time, or expiring from shock and pain, as many seem to freeze and go into a catatonic state similar to shock when stabbed or bitten into, in the case of \u201cliving\u201d tissues. Testing of stomach contents shows that transformed items remain \u201chuman\u201d if consumed.\n\nAcquisition: SCP-604 was acquired by Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. operatives on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588. According to seized records it was removed from a secluded abbey in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 countryside. The monastery and the surrounding village practiced the rites of communion with SCP-604, and consumed human flesh and blood (said by priests to be that of Jesus of Nazareth) by placing wafers onto the plates situated on the main altar, and drinking blood from the goblets. The wafers were described to have a \"light spongy taste\" and both manifestations caused \u201cextreme religious ecstasy\u201d when eaten and hallucinations of the smiling Christian God lovingly offering his body, quoting relative scripture pertaining to the event, and speaking intimately of their sins and tribulations. It is believed that this experience is based on the individuals, as testing with identical properties has not reproduced this effect.\nAddendum 01: See Supporting Document SCP-604-XCH\nExtract from Document SCP-604-XCH Page 9\nMarshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. employed SCP-604 at some of their more exotic auctions, performances, functions and dinners, during the meal portion. The likely reasoning behind it, supported by direct quotes, was that it was \"a once-in-a-lifetime event\" and those attending were urged to partake in the cannibalism \"for experience's sake; to safely test the waters of the forbidden\" in much the same manner that adventure clubs offered bizarre meals such as caramelized insects. The taste and novelty of the flesh was so popular that it was declared an \"exhibit\" by the Directors of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd., and installed in a subsidiary restaurant, in the \u201cMembers Only\u201d section. The highly exclusive restaurant where it was located was called \"The Cannibal's Banquet\" and [DATA EXPUNGED]\nExcerpt from Supporting Document SCP-604-XCH Page 32\nAs living foods were in great demand, Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. owned many specialized cooking and zoological facilities. Kittens, puppies, and breeds of tiny monkeys were used for child tissue creation. When larger parts were desired, guillotines were situated directly over SCP-604, as most parts continue vital signs a few seconds after removal. Certain specimens were also raised from birth in special cages, causing their bones to grow in a certain way, and kept alive while crushed in specific outlines, and fed via feeding tubes so Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. could dictate exactly what size and shape the results would be.\nAddendum 02: See Log SCP-604-02\n\nLog SCP-604-02\n(a camera is pointing at a long table, in a dim, crowded room)\n(a waiter brings in a pig's head on a platter and then slides it onto SCP-604-04)\n(the pig's head turns into a human's, that of an approximately fifty year old man, with pinkish skin, fatty cheeks, thick lips, and an apple in his mouth)\n[DATA REDACTED]\nMale 1: \u2588\u2588\u2588, it tastes like pork. Why does it taste like pork? Just because they used a swine? Well this isn't really official, is it-\nHead Server: No sir, I assure you that is what human flesh tastes like.\nMale 1: But are you sure? Maybe it's just being\u2026 contaminated, or mimicking the flavor or something.\nFemale 2: Honey, don't whine.\nMale 1: I just mean, how do you know what human flesh actually tastes like? This could be completely wrong. Has anyone actually tried real-\nHead Server: Don't worry\u2026 we have\u2026 specialists\u2026\nMale 3: (to women) Besides, all those penises you've been eating would taste like cucumbers then!\n(raucous laughter)\n\nAddendum 03: see Log SCP-604-03\n\nLog SCP-604-03\n(recovered from a handheld recorder)\n(man wearing cook whites) This is \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and I am performing test 12 on Curio B-26. Several guests find the resemblance between the food's original form and its final human product repulsive, and I have been tasked to find a way to make the flesh look as appealing and realistic as possible, avoiding the bloody or red hue that it occasionally acquires. To do this, I have chosen several foods that can be easily colored and sculpted to look like a head. Test 12 will consist of me baking a cake and carving into the aforementioned shape, and then frosting it with a hairstyle and skin tone-\n[DATA REDACTED]\nCook: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 bring it over. (focuses camera on the cake) Well, there we go.\nMan in suit: The eyes are especially excellent, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nCook: Well thank you. I used a dropper to get the blue just centered- ahem. Okay, place it on the plate.\n(the cake is placed on the plate. Automatically it sags and appears to melt, covering it and dripping off the sides)\nCook: Well, what the bloody hell just happened?\nMan in suit: If I were to venture a guess, I would say it turned into a pile of fats and sugars. Yup (pokes) you can see some soluble lipids right there, and the yellow-\n\nAddendum 04: See Log SCP-604-04\n\nLog SCP-604-04\n(audio and video)\nCook 1: Okay, sausages wrapped around the front, and the other slabs of steak are held together with gristle.\n(three cooks have put together some sort of meat sculpture in the shape of a human head)\nCook 2: (dabs at blood running down raw meat parts with handkerchief)\nCook 3: Lets just cover the ear area with the baloney.\nCook 2: Are you sure a thin slice of turkey pastrami wouldn't be better?\nCook 3: Positive. (Gestures with knife) Pastrami would have to be pinned here\u2026this way, it lets me slice off the top like this, so I can pour the brains in.\nCook 2: It's the attention to little details that can make the difference.\n[DATA REDACTED]\nCook 1: Okay, one, two, three! (they lift up the meat sculpture, and place it one one of the plates)\n(it turns into a perfect replica of a human head)\nCook 2: Nice!\nCook 1: Yeah, great work guys.\nCook 3: \u2026 Needs hair though. Guests like to see that, rip it off. Maybe put some tendrils of\u2026\nCook 2: Bloody hell \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, leave it be man, it's fine! (chuckles)\n\nAddendum 05: See Log SCP-604-05\n\nLog SCP-604-05\nMan in suit: Test 32 on Curio B-26. We've shoved various slugs together into a wireframe of a human head. Couple keep falling out, but let's see what happens.\n(places slugs on plate along with cook)\n(slugs all drop at once)\nCook: Bloody Hell!\nMan in Suit: Seem to be little twitching gall bladders. And I would say that's an appendix.\nCook: That one looks fucking gross\u2026 it's oozing\u2026\nMan in Suit: Um, duodenum I believe. But yes, I don't think it should be bursting like that.\n\nAddendum 06: See Log SCP-604-07 (only audio, on a tape cassette)\nLog SCP-604-07\n\nUnidentified voice: Note: it is unknown if Curio B-26 could create sapient creatures. When we finally successfully do get a living head, the mouth and eyes could simply start opening and closing randomly, and it would drool all over itself, or maybe, just maybe it would be perfectly intelligent. I know some of our clients are definitely hoping for the second option, and I have been instructed by the Directors to bring it about as best as I can. I would like to remark that when we placed a snake, upright on plate seven, it did manifest as a human throat and the bottom part of a mouth, tongue intact and began screaming and shrieking. But it was all incoherent, even though extremely loud and piercing, could hear it all across the building, so I just don't-\n\nAddendum 07: See Log SCP-604-10 (only audio)\n\nLog SCP-604-10\nCook 1: (voice sounds strained and upset) The pile of leeches did not completely turn into a human head. The surface remained the same- but deeper down a human head was generated. Underneath the first two layers\u2026\nCook 2: Help me get these things off it before it scares a guest\u2026\nHead: Oh jesus! Oh god! gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! GAAAAAAAAAAAH! They're all over! They're AHHHHH! GET THEM OFF! FUCK! JESUS! GET THE- (it has been determined by analysis that at this point the head either began choking on some of the leeches, or its tongue was covered and drained of blood)\n\nAddendum 08: See Log SCP-604-21\n\nLog SCP-604-21\n(a waiter comes in pushing a cart with a wooden box on top. The box has several slots and holes opened in it, and tubes trail out, connecting to IV bags and tiny batteries. A mewling comes from within)\n(The box is lifted up over a plate, put on it, and then pulled off. There is a flash of some kind of twisted, shaved animal, but then a human head appears.)\n(the human head is that of a man around thirty five, with thick black hair and sideburns. He has extremely pale skin and dark circles under his eyes. He is severed at the neck, which reveals muscle and a bloody hole.)\nHead: Where am I? Who am I?! What the hell is going- (Begins looking around and turning up, down, and to the sides) Everything seems at a weird angl- hey, what are you doing! Get that knife away from me!\nWaiter: Bon app\u00e9tit, gentlemen.\nHead: (begins screaming)\n\n\u00ab SCP-603 | SCP-604 | SCP-605 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-605 in an active state near [REDACTED]\n\nItem #: SCP-605\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-605 is impossible to contain with currently available resources; all Foundation efforts are currently directed at regulating its behavior and suppressing public knowledge of its existence.\nFoundation tracking teams are permanently stationed outside a 15 km radius safe zone from SCP-605, and are equipped with large unmanned aerial vehicles that can be used in case SCP-605 enters an active state.\nDescription: SCP-605 is a large, amorphous, and airborne gaseous entity visually similar to a high-altitude cloud formation approximately 180 to 260 m in diameter. Its exact appearance varies drastically, from being nearly invisible during its \"dormant\" phase, to resembling an enormous storm front while \"active\". It has been observed to move slowly, but has not left the region bounded by the US state of Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda Island.\nWhile \"active\", SCP-605 exhibits behavior similar to that of a living predatory organism and will track ships and aircraft in its territory and attempt to engulf them in its body. The \"active\" state of SCP-605 also causes anomalous disruptions of the local magnetic field, causing compasses and other navigation systems to malfunction or report erroneous readings.\nWhen a ship or aircraft is completely engulfed by SCP-605, it is consumed by a method that is not currently understood, leaving no trace. All attempts to study this process to date have failed, as a successful \"feeding\" will cause SCP-605 to revert to a dormant state, usually for several years and as long as several decades at a time, and during this time no anomalous readings can be detected.\nDue to SCP-605's ability and its presumed link to multiple disappearances of civilian and military assets in the past, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to \"feed\" SCP-605 has been approved to reduce the chances of publicly known incidents.\nAddendum 605-01: Analysis of recorded data regarding SCP-605 have shown a minute, but detectable increase in the calculated mass of SCP-605, with spikes consistent with known dates on which SCP-605 entered an active phase. Request for further study and possible countermeasures have been filed and are awaiting O5 approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-604 | SCP-605 | SCP-606 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-606\nObject Class: Euclid (Keter classification under review)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-606 is currently housed of its own will in an unfurnished 20mx25mx8m cell at Site \u2588\u2588, the entrance to which is sealed by two 25cm steel blast doors on either side of an airlock. No personnel are to enter SCP-606's containment cell except under controlled testing circumstances or with authorisation from a staff member of level 4 clearance or higher. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure.\nDue to SCP-606's non-corporeal nature, no reliable security measures in case of a containment breach have been developed at this time. In the event of such a breach, all personnel should refer to Plan ETA-SIX.\nThrough use of a mobile remotely operated device, SCP-606 is to be provided with an ordinary USB flash storage device containing no less than 2MB of data every 12 hours. The data contained on the device is to be left to the discretion of SCP-606's supervisor, but text from classic literature or encyclopaedias, movie clips or audio files of historical speeches are ideal. In an emergency situation this may be substituted with 'data' in any form, such as print, compact discs or video tapes. A careful record of all data provided to SCP-606 must be kept. SCP-606 should not be given repeated information except in an emergency situation. No material pertaining to the Foundation or other anomalous objects should be provided to SCP-606 under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-606 appears as a spherical mass of light of variable size and intensity. Most commonly, it is approximately 85cm in diameter and emits 220 candelas of luminosity, but has been observed to grow to up to 10m in diameter and emit over 100,000 candelas. SCP-606 has also been observed to shrink to 4cm in diameter, emitting less than 0.5 candela. Despite its ability to emit large amounts of light, SCP-606 emits no heat. It does not appear to be composed of any form of matter, and is able to pass through material barriers effortlessly.\nIt is presently theorised that SCP-606 is an entity composed purely of knowledge or information, and information obtained from SCP-606 itself appears to corroborate this. Furthermore, SCP-606 appears to derive sustenance from information, growing in both size and luminosity when provided with sources of information to its aforementioned maximum size and shrinking when it is deprived of this.\nIt is capable of 'feeding' off a large number of different sources, including digital devices, books, magnetic tape and living beings, which simply involves SCP-606 surrounding the object. This process does not appear to affect its sources in any way. Digital media stored on flash drive is used in the maintenance of SCP-606 so the specific details as well as approximate size of all information provided to SCP-606 may be easily recorded. The specifications for SCP-606's maintenance listed above have been formulated through both discussion with SCP-606 and prolonged observation; SCP-606 appears to hold a preference for classical literature, for example, and the given amount has been observed to keep SCP-606 at its normal size and luminosity.\nSCP-606 is sapient, apparently self-aware of all knowledge it has gained over its existence, and capable of intelligent communication. It accomplishes this by producing pure sine wave tones through an unknown mechanism. This has been refined through teaching SCP-606 a tone-based language system of the Foundation's own invention, which all personnel of level 2 or above assigned to SCP-606 are required to learn.\nIf another sapient individual enters SCP-606's containment cell, it will attempt to 'enlighten' them, to use SCP-606's own words. This involves SCP-606 moving to surround the being's head (or similar equivalent). This results in generalised tonic-clonic epileptic seizures for a period of 30 seconds to 5 minutes, after which the individual lapses into a coma followed by death. EEG monitoring of affected individuals during this process has shown a massive increase in activity of all brainwaves, particularly gamma and beta-type waves. It is presently theorised that this is the result of SCP-606 attempting to transfer all the information it has gathered to the individual's brain through an unknown process, despite the normal human brain being unable to sustain the stress of such a procedure.\nResults of interviews with SCP-606 have been mixed. Although it has previously deigned to answer some basic questions about itself and its history, any more in-depth questioning or questioning on the topics it possesses knowledge of inevitably results in a request by SCP-606 to 'enlighten' the interviewer and a refusal to answer further questions. Requests made to SCP-606 to refrain from attempting to 'enlighten' without permission have been partially complied with; SCP-606 no longer tries to 'enlighten' every individual it comes into contact with, but it has still sporadically tried to perform the process without prompting. For this reason access to SCP-606's cell is restricted.\nSCP-606 was discovered by the Foundation on 6/11/19\u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, France, after a rash of missing person reports was brought to the Foundation's attention. Personnel subsequently managed to lure SCP-606 into a transport vehicle and transfer it to its current facility by offering it D-class personnel to 'enlighten'. Once its non-corporeal nature was discovered, SCP-606 was asked why it did not attempt to evade capture. It replied that it 'wished to see what would occur'. As SCP-606 is able to pass through all forms of matter, it presumably stays in Foundation custody of its own free will, perhaps due to the constant supply of information provided to it.\nAddendum 606-1: Complex communication with SCP-606 was made possible on 2/4/20\u2588\u2588 when Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 completed their work on the aforementioned tone-based language. Details of this language were transcribed onto normal writing paper and left in SCP-606's containment chamber. An excerpt from SCP-606's first interview follows; conducted from a secured monitoring room over microphone. SCP-606 is capable of understanding normal human speech, and thus Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's commentary is in English.\nDocument #606-1\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you understand me?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How did you learn to do this?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you tell us what you are?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you be more specific?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I do not wish to do that at the moment. May I ask you some more questions?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So\u2026 how old are you?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you explain what you mean by that?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How do you 'enlighten' people?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you aware that this causes your\u2026 students to die?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What do you\u2026 teach?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you know who I am?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you know what a 'doctor' is?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you teach me through talking to me?\n\nAt this point, SCP-606 halted the interview and refused to answer further questions for some days from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subsequent interviews have gained little more information of significance on SCP-606 or the subjects it claims to know about.\nAddendum 606-2: After reviewing the reports on 606, in particular Experiment 606-\u2588\u2588-\u2588, I'm becoming increasingly suspicious that the deaths of its 'students' are not accidental. The possibility that it has some malevolent purpose completely independent of its 'teaching' cannot be discounted. Yes, everybody says that it's just trying to 'teach' people, but all we know is that it causes them to keel over and die. No solid evidence for it actually being what we think it is has been uncovered. We don't even have any way of stopping this damn thing - countermeasures research should be a top priority for Section \u2588 in collaboration with the 606 staff group. A Keter upgrade must be taken into consideration.\n- Dr. Major\n\n\u00ab SCP-605 | SCP-606 | SCP-607 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-607\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Subject currently resides with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who it has chosen as its \"owner\". Both Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-607 are to be placed under full surveillance for study, and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is to report to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for psychiatric evaluation every two weeks. A task force should be ready at all times with at least one (1) D-class personnel on hand for subject to \"imprint\" on in the case of the death of SCP-607 or Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. When not being directly held or monitored by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-607 is kept shackled and bound in a small, portable containment chamber. The containment chamber is designed to immobilize SCP-607, allowing medical personnel to insert feeding tubes, IV drips, catheters, and other life-support devices. Due to the nature of SCP-607, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has elected to keep the portable containment chamber on his person or in his immediate vicinity at all times.\nDescription: SCP-607 is a large grey male American Shorthair cat of indeterminate age with a collar reading \"Dorian\".\nSCP-607 was discovered in late 19\u2588\u2588, when a man known as A\u2588\u2588\u2588 S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suddenly and without warning violently expired at a cocktail party in uptown New York City. Mr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 death was later found to coincide perfectly with the moment a party attendee leaving the home mistakenly backed over S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's cat.\nDue to the mysterious nature of S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's death, a local Foundation operative joined the investigation as a \"consultant\". Special Agent F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had stepped outside to smoke a cigarette when he heard \"a cute lil' mewlin' sound\". SCP-607 subsequently bonded with Agent F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who chose to bring it back to the Foundation as a pet and companion. Agent F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported difficulty in supporting SCP-607. The cat would not eat, became lethargic, and seemed to lack a will to live. Agent F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 jokingly told fellow agents he was experiencing \"sympathy hunger pains.\" 7 days after Agent F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's initial contact with SCP-607, both he and the cat died of starvation.\nThe circumstances surrounding Agent F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Mr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's death piqued the interest of the Foundation, and the cat's dead body was taken to an isolation chamber until further testing could be ordered. SCP-607 reanimated approximately 24 hours after its estimated death time.\nIt was (correctly) speculated that once SCP-607 bonded with a person, a negatively symbiotic relationship was formed. SCP-607 bonds with the first human individual it comes into contact with after reanimation. Several experiments were conducted, each involving bonding SCP-607 to a D-Class personnel. Testing showed that injuries inflicted on SCP-607 would show up on the bonded person, in the closest anatomical representation possible. Striking SCP-607 resulted in bruises on the personnel. Breaking one of the cat's front legs resulted in the personnel's broken arm. Termination of SCP-607 via gunshot resulted in death of the bonded personnel, via a bullet hole with no bullet found. In all of the experiments, SCP-607 reanimated approximately 24 hours after death, with no apparent physical injuries.\nPerhaps most important to note, however, is SCP-607's behavioral tendencies. Regardless of the bonded individual's attempts to appease the cat, SCP-607 is suicidal. SCP-607 has been observed starving itself, inflicting self harm with its teeth and claws, running into traffic, antagonizing large dogs and then allowing itself to be mauled, eating poisonous materials, jumping into the moving parts of heavy machinery, and attempting to enter Keter containment chambers. In all cases, the death of SCP-607 has resulted in the death of the bonded individual, with injuries and causes of death mirroring those of SCP-607.\nDeath and injury testing on SCP-607 has ceased after Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 accidentally bonded with it, during an unauthorized breach of the containment chamber. SCP-607 still displays suicidal tendencies, despite Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's persistent attempts to form a favorable relationship with it. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has suffered severe bodily harm several times, leading to the decision to restrain SCP-607 in a portable containment chamber fitted with a life-support system. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is under close observation, both to ensure psychological stability and to study the relationship between Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-607. At this time, SCP-607 still displays suicidal tendencies when removed from restraints. It is unknown if SCP-607 has always displayed such tendencies, or if they are due to its resentment of the Foundation and the initial testing performed on it.\n\n\u00ab SCP-606 | SCP-607 | SCP-608 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-608\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-608 is to be held in a vacuum chamber at all times while not the subject of active research. Magnetic levitation is to be used to suspend the object in the center of the chamber. In the event of either of these measures failing, a class-3 evacuation of non-essential personnel is to be undertaken, and containment measures are to be restored as soon as possible. If containment failure persists for more than one hour, a class-4 evacuation of personnel not actively involved in the containment of the item is to be undertaken. In the event of superpressurization for whatever reason, a class-5 evacuation and cleanup must be performed immediately.\nDescription: SCP-608 appears to be a length of silver tinsel with an unusually furry appearance, although depending on environment the item may be surrounded by a 'halo' of decaying particles. Any object coming into contact with it disintegrates slowly, the process being halted the instant that it is removed. At the same time, the halo increases in intensity. Microscope examination, radar, sonar, MRI, and all other known examination techniques are unable to provide insight beyond the fact that the object appears 'fuzzy', with no readily defined border. Rather, it appears to dissipate into the surroundings. This, combined with the disintegration property, led to the SCP's earlier misclassification as Euclid.\nRecent investigations have revealed, however, that the item's properties arise from a [REDACTED] state, or more simply its existence as a fractal. In layman's terms, the item has a potentially infinite number of progressively smaller 'branches' radiating off the substance, in such a way that micro-examination and macro-examination produce similar or identical results. The disintegration effects are due to the monofilament and finer 'branches' slicing through a substance at the molecular or atomic level. See Addendum 608-1.\nDiscovery: SCP-608 originally came to the attention of the Foundation after reports of glowing tinsel in 19\u2588\u2588. Considered unlikely to be important, the item was nevertheless sought out. Unfortunately, the house in which it was kept at the time collapsed on it for reasons unknown, causing large masses to be pressed onto the object. The effect was comparable to a [REDACTED], producing an explosive force of \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588tons as well as considerable quantities of alpha, beta, gamma and [REDACTED] radiation. No survivors were found within [REDACTED] of the origin, but the item survived apparently unharmed.\nResearch Potential: The research team is currently awaiting permission to attempt firing beams of small particles at the object, in the hopes of discovering more fundamental particles than those currently known. In particular, the ability of the object to baffle lasers has been the source of some speculation, and it is high on the priority list if such research is ever permitted.\nAddendum 608-1: Once the precise nature of the item was determined, it was immediately confined to a vacuum chamber. Attempts were then made to obtain a sample for analysis. Results follow.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nTool: Steel scissors.\nResult: Scissor blades were ruined, no visible impact.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nTool: Vanadium-hardened steel saw.\nResult: Saw blade ruined, no visible impact.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nTool: 100kW laser.\nResult: Halo noticeably intensified, no damage.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nTool: Table saw with blade composed of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\nResult: The halo intensified when the tool was brought within approximately 1m. There was a noticeable increase in both alpha and beta particles noted as the tool moved within 500mm. Evacuation of non-essential personnel was undertaken before proceeding with the test. After the go-ahead was received, monitoring devices began to cease operation, beginning with the most sensitive. People up to thirty (30) miles away noted unease, likely because of [REDACTED] particles. No more data was received after the item came within 100mm of the tool. On later investigation of the site, all organic material was [DATA EXPUNGED], along with other large molecules such as diamonds. It is theorised that the superdense SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588 broke down in a chain reaction at the subatomic level. Attempts are ongoing to recover data from sources not as close to the blast point.\nAddendum 608-2: On \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588, an interference spectrometer was used to attempt to determine its composition. The test results indicate the presence of silver, platinum, and polymers containing superheavy elements. As yet, no mechanism whereby these substances could be compressed to the width observed in the item has been proposed, although research is ongoing. One suggestion is that only the main body consists of these substances, and the microfibers are another substance entirely.\n\n\u00ab SCP-607 | SCP-608 | SCP-609 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-609\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-609 is to be stored in individual opaque containers inside a locker at Research Facility 5. All personnel must conduct Protocol 94-Wegner-Gyatso before observing any number of SCP-609-1 to ensure a clear and focused mind. Agents who locate instances of SCP-609-1 are to immediately break visual contact until the object is contained. UPDATE \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: SCP-609 has been transferred. It is now to be contained in opaque, locked bins at Storage Site 32.\nBecause control of SCP-609-1 is highly difficult due to ironic-process theory, only trained researchers with Level 2 Clearance and above are permitted to view it for experimental purposes.\nSCP-609-A is to be secured in Storage Locker 11 at Research Facility 5. Viewing the text of SCP-609-A, in whole or in part, requires permission from the head researcher.\nDescription: SCP-609 is a collection of identical green billiard balls in the American pool style which measure 57.15mm in diameter and are believed to exist only as immaterial manifestations of a concept. Instances of SCP-609, designated SCP-609-1, are unbound by physical laws. Each instance is impervious to damage, undetectable except by the naked eye, and unable to conduct heat; instead, they always feel cold to the touch.\nSCP-609-1 can be manipulated by thought. When a sapient creature is in direct visual contact with SCP-609-1, it will emulate the actions the user imagines, including motion, duplication, and instantaneous manifestation at a visualized location. Observers cannot alter the physical appearance of SCP-609-1 or erase it from existence.\nAccording to the object's documentation (SCP-609-A, as described below), SCP-609 is intended to be a literalistic embodiment of Plato's theory of form. Researchers have conjectured that SCP-609 can be controlled through visualization because SCP-609-1 and the concept of SCP-609-1 are the same object, and that SCP-609-1 cannot be damaged or otherwise mutilated because SCP-609-1 is a manifestation of an immutable metaphysical form.\nIf multiple observers attempt to activate SCP-609-1 simultaneously, an additional instance of SCP-609-1 will manifest for each observer. As a result of its thought-activated replication, SCP-609 has proliferated under Foundation custody. See Document 609-A for current estimates.\nWhen SCP-609-1 is relocated to or generated in an area outside of the viewer's visual range, a recovery mission is required to resume full containment of SCP-609. Locations from which SCP-609-1 have been recovered include:\n\nThe Research Facility 5 kitchen\nThe Research Facility 5 second-floor bathroom\nThe apartment of Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, on top of a television\nA warehouse in Pasadena where SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been recently located\nThe set of television series [REDACTED]. Breach occurred during a taping; all footage of the event was confiscated and amnestics were administered to all witnesses.\nThe frontal lobe of Assistant Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nThe mammary tissue of Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nEarth's moon (currently unrecoverable).\n\nSCP-609 was recovered with a yellow box believed to be its packaging. The box is labeled \"DR. WONDERTAINMENT'S ONTOLOGICAL 6-BALL\u2122\" in large text, although the typography differs in comparison to other products recovered from the same manufacturer. Smaller graphics below the title depict a marble bust of Plato with a speech balloon that says \"IT REALLY EXISTS!\" and an unidentified grinning woman exclaiming \"NOW SUBJECT TO CAUSALITY!\" A green pool ball is visible inside through a cellophane window.\nThe following text is printed on the back:\n\nHey, kids! Have you ever wondered whether your experiences are fully authentic or if only your thoughts are real and the world around you is a web of lies? Now the question is immaterial! With your new ONTOLOGICAL 6-BALL\u2122, you can use your imagination to make the hottest new learning toy that cannot not be!\n\nIT FLOATS! Send it into the air with your THOUGHT POWER\u2122!\n\nIT FLIES! Did you think it could only float without moving? You should be SARTRE than that!\n\nIT CAN GO ANYWHERE! Think real hard of any place fun times can be had. Ontological 6-Ball\u2122 is probably there already!\n\nIT POSSESSES THE HIGHEST AND MOST FUNDAMENTAL KIND OF REALITY! All other objects which share its form are imperfect reflections of its ultimate truth!\n\nDid you create it, or did it create you? Don't put DESCARTES\u2122 before the horse! If you don't think this is the grooviest toy out there, HUME MUST BE JOKING!\nCaution: Some assembly required. Dr. Wondertainment assumes no liability for injuries, accidents, or existential nausea caused by physical or intellectual misuse of Ontological 6-Ball\u2122. Dr. Wondertainment does not endorse solipsism, and any Ominous Implications\u2122 that result from use of Ontological 6-Ball\u2122 are not views shared by Dr. Wondertainment. Ontological 6-Ball\u2122 is not beholden to spacetime. Ontological 6-Ball\u2122 cannot be forgotten or unlearned.\n\nNo copyright date, retail sticker, or other identifying information is present on the packaging. The package was not intended to contain SCP-609-1; the object seen through the cellophane window is a paper display insert designed to simulate a billiard ball. Instead, the object designated SCP-609-A is enclosed.\nSCP-609-A is a cognitohazardous 32-page booklet titled \"Dr. Wondertainment's Ontological 6-Ball\u2122 Assembly Guide.\" The first page consists of a disclaimer:\n\nCAUTION: Make sure to read all instructions and warnings before assembling or operating Ontological 6-Ball\u2122. Inadequate, modified, or otherwise improper assembly of Ontological 6-Ball\u2122 may result in undesired functions. If Ontological 6-Ball\u2122 begins to surround you to the exclusion of everything else, making you feel confused, lonely, and like the only thing you can ever be sure of is the Ontological 6-Ball\u2122, stop playing and take a break. By possessing Ontological 6-Ball\u2122 or any included material, including knowledge of the existence of Ontological 6-Ball\u2122, you agree to accept all liability for consequences, accidental or metaphysically inherent, of Ontological 6-Ball\u2122, and also consent that Ontological 6-Ball\u2122 will always be a fundamental part of who you are.\nHAVE FUN!\n\nThe remaining pages contain comprehensive instructions on \"assembling\" SCP-609-1 through careful, directed thought. Printed in 6-point type with no illustrations, the booklet describes in exhaustive detail the appearance, construction, physical properties and behavior, cultural significance and symbolism, and other aspects of a pool ball made in America ca. the 1970s, as related by someone in a state of severe mental distress.\nTest subjects who read SCP-609-A in its entirety have demonstrated the ability to generate SCP-609-1 through concentration. Although amnestic therapy is ineffective in reversing this effect, it can erase knowledge of the ability from subjects' minds, generally eliminating its use unless the subject is somehow informed or reminded of the ability (through, for example, viewing a pool table, a spherical object, the color green, or the number 6).\n\n\u00ab SCP-608 | SCP-609 | SCP-610 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-610 infected individuals and a converted environment. Visible are an animate infected, an inanimate infected, a nonhuman infected, and several unknown infected.\n\nItem #: SCP-610\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the vast area of 'infection' SCP-610 covers, containment is impossible. Isolation of the area has proved far more effective and permission has been granted by the Russian government to establish a perimeter to keep people out of these areas under the guise of military operations.\nShould any organism displaying traits consistent with SCP-610 be sighted near this perimeter then the established protocol requires it be engaged at range with small arms until immobile then dispatched using incendiary weapons and munitions from as great a distance as possible. Any living thing coming in physical contact with an organism infected with SCP-610 is considered expendable and is to be immediately terminated and incinerated. Any persons coming within three meters of SCP-610 infected life are to immediately withdraw from the area, be isolated from the rest of their team, and subjected to medical examination using only remote techniques to determine if infection has occurred and appropriate steps taken based on that determination.\nAt present the known infection vectors for SCP-610's spread seem to be focused on physical contact. Drone movements within heavily infected areas have returned air samples containing minute particulate which when exposed to organic compounds will result in the spread of SCP-610. The results of these particular tests have revealed that most require several days to manifest if at all, with the exception of direct contact with exposed lung and liver tissue. These particular tests show a rapid rate of growth which requires incineration of the testing environment no more than twenty-four hours after initial exposure, with even a two-hour mishap risking a compromised facility event. Given that this kind of rapid growth only occurs in organic material existing outside the human body, this form of infection is currently considered a minor concern.\nThese peculiarities have given rise to a series of questions regarding the possible origin of the infection in conjunction with the failed [DATA EXPUNGED]. Containment protocol remains at a scorched earth policy at this time and no concern for transmission via water or air at infection parameters exists barring situational changes in the field.\nDescription: Initial reports of SCP-610 came direct from the Russian government through undisclosable channels. These reports consisted primarily of disappearances of farmers in the region and were not considered until the local police, followed by the regional police, and finally a government dispatched agent all failed to report in within a 72 hour period. A small military contingent was dispatched to the area and quickly withdrew at which point The Foundation was contacted to investigate.\nThe area SCP-610 affects is close to Lake Baikal in Southern Siberia. Areas of known infection are marked on a map provided to us here. Containment perimeters are marked in blue surrounding these infection areas and as of present no further locations have been identified. Incursions into the perimeter must be reported prior to conducting, confirmed during exploration, and debriefed on immediately following return.\nSCP-610 appears to be a contagious skin disease at first with symptoms including rash, itching, and increased skin sensitivity. Within 3 hours the disease will cause blemishes resembling heavy scar tissue to form in the chest and arm areas, spreading to the legs and back within an additional hour, consuming the victim completely within five hours. Exposure to higher temperatures vastly decreases the time for the contagion to spread and complete infections have been recorded occurring in as little as five minutes.\nAfter the completion of the infection occurs the victim's life functions will cease for approximately 3 minutes after which time they will restart at 2-3 times the activity rate of a normal human. Following this, the scar tissue on the victims will start to move of its own accord and grow at a rapid rate. Normal human features start to disappear at this point under the infection and the path of mutation appears to be largely random. Subjects observed in this stage of infection have been recorded as growing three or more limbs of a type such as arms or legs, the head may become misshapen and elongate or widen out, and parts of the subject may split open from which additional branches of flesh will grow. The duration of this stage of infection is unknown and not all subjects appear to progress to the later stages.\nUnder unknown conditions an infected individual will cease moving and place itself in a location it deems suitable where it roots itself. The fleshy growth on the victim will then begin to spread itself across all surrounding objects and consume them. Such objects do not spread the infection as living creatures do, however, and the effect of prolonged contact with these objects is recorded later in this document. It is assumed that this behavior is to create an area hospitable to continued growth of the other infected.\nObservation of life infected by SCP-610 by staff is impossible. Those infected with the disease immediately seek out aid as natural human impulse resulting in unintended infections. Those infected past the scar tissue phase actively and aggressively attempt to infect anyone approaching them within an undefined area. It has been established that should an infected be capable of sight and observe an uninfected, it will proceed toward them. If the infected has lost the ability of sight, a range of approximately 30 meters is considered safe.\nObservation of SCP-610 infected settlements has been established using artificial methods such as remote robots. The data returned from these observations coupled with the openly aggressive nature of the infected to attempt to spread SCP-610 has resulted in the Keter classification, however so long as nothing is allowed to enter or leave the infected areas it is considered a neutralized threat. Of concern are the cavernous areas beneath the infected settlements that were discovered during the exploration and attempts to get research personnel into these areas are underway.\nField Logs:\nSCP-610-L1 - A small remote controlled rover is sent to Site A to locate missing personnel.\nSCP-610-L2 - An infected Class-D personnel is sent into Site C with video equipment.\nSCP-610-L3 - Initial discovery of the tunnel entrances at Site A.\nSCP-610-L4 - Unmanned exploration of the Site A tunnels.\nSCP-610-L5 - Manned exploration of the Site A tunnels.\nThe following field report is for Class-A or higher personnel only. Unauthorized viewing of this file is strictly prohibited and will be considered a violation of Foundation contracts and a breach of international law.\nSCP-610-L6 - Exploration records of Operation 'Source Point'.\n\n\u00ab SCP-609 | SCP-610 | SCP-611 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-611\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-611 must be sealed within its specified enclosure at all times. SCP-611 should be provided with one piece of rotting meat per week, as per dietary standards. Current information suggests that beef tongue, aged at room temperature for roughly two weeks, provides the best nutritional results while limiting breeding.\nA technician specializing in insecta must maintain the enclosure. Technicians performing maintenance on the enclosure must wear full biohazard suits to prevent possible infestation. While performing any maintenance, the temperature should be lowered to 10\u00b0C, which will lower the activity level of SCP-611 significantly. After maintenance has completed, biohazard suits must be completely sterilized and cleaned.\nFollowing Incident 611-1, SCP-611 has been relocated to a lower level. No food products may be allowed on the same containment level as SCP-611.\nDescription: SCP-611 was first discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, New Mexico in 20\u2588\u2588. A group of tourists recently returning from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 contacted a local dentist concerning severe tooth and jaw pain. The doctor, discovering the infestation, contacted the Center for Disease Control, at which time the Foundation stepped in and took over. After extracting the larvae from the tourist group, Foundation operatives traced SCP-611 back to the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 restaurant, which had unwittingly played host to them for over a month. Class-A Amnestics were administered to all restaurant employees and all infected patrons that could be located. Most larvae were removed in time, though some had already caused extensive damage. Over \u2588\u2588 deaths caused by subsequent infection were believed to have occurred.\nSCP-611 is a previously undiscovered subspecies of Dermatobia hominis, the human botfly. It camouflages itself, appearing as a common toothpick, and will attempt to land near or actually in a supply of the objects, at which point it will shed its wings and enter a passive state. It can remain in this dormant condition for up to forty days before cessation of life signs. SCP-611 will lay eggs in the gums of a subject when used. Hosts notice no signs of invasion until four to seven days later when the eggs hatch and burrow into the jaw, causing severe discomfort.\nThe larvae cause sharp, continual pain and, if left untreated, can cause death by opening wounds for infection. The larvae will eventually consume enough to enter a pupae stage unseen in other botflies. Its body will harden and lengthen, eventually punching through the skin of the host. At this point, SCP-611 will take to the air and search for others of its kind with which to mate. The primary adult stage of SCP-611's life only lasts 72 hours at maximum, suggesting that there may be a larger presence of SCP-611 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 than previously thought.\nSCP-611 appears to be hermaphroditic, with no discernible difference between male and female members of the species. This is largely unheard of for insects, adding to the suspicion that SCP-611 might not be a naturally occurring phenomenon.\nThe highly specific nature of SCP-611's adaptation to an invention only in use for a few hundred years is also highly suspect. Further testing is recommended to determine if this is a natural case of expedited evolution or a case of an engineered species.\n\nIncident Report 611-1: On \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588, proper sterilization procedures of biohazard suit were not fully observed, and three members of SCP-611's enclosure escaped containment. Two were discovered tapping against the enclosure's glass observing room, apparently attempting to rejoin, but the third was not discovered until it had already made its way to Break Room 13.\nThe subsequent population generated by the initial infestation caused \u2588 deaths and over \u2588\u2588 cases of severe mandible trauma. SCP-611 was subsequently relocated to a lower level with no break rooms or mess halls to limit possible accidental exposures. Individuals who suspect a possible breach should immediately report to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for oral examination and anti-parasitic treatment.\n\n\u00ab SCP-610 | SCP-611 | SCP-612 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: SCP-612\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-612 are to be kept in Containment Cell \u2588 in Site-\u2588\u2588, attached to sockets appropriate to their form. The walls, floor, and ceiling of the chamber will be checked for physical breach every fifteen (15) minutes. An electric meter, installed outside the cell, will remain connected to a remote monitor. Any significant power flux is to be logged and reported immediately to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as well as on-site maintenance personnel. Testing indicates that a 1 M solution of aqueous sodium chloride stuns SCP-612, rendering it temporarily inert; therefore, a delivery system is to remain charged and ready for immediate use. Weekly testing is mandatory. The walls of the containment cell are to be lined with conductive metallic mesh, permanently connected to ground, and the cell's exit is to be charged with a potential exceeding 1 kV. All power to the cell is to be generated locally to prevent SCP-612 from accessing the primary grid. As SCP-612's containment is not yet complete, all personnel are advised to keep alert for any cable which exhibits unusual activity, including but not limited to: unexplained power flux, unstimulated movement, and [DATA EXPUNGED].\n07/09/\u2588\u2588: All personnel assigned to SCP-612 must wear Faraday suits capable of discharging an electric potential in excess of 2 kV.\nDescription: Instances of SCP-612 present as electrical cables of various types. Any variety of cable can potentially play host to SCP-612, but its preferred method of attack leads it to favor power and network cables.\nSCP-612 is, in its dormant state, simply piled on the ground. It prefers to hide in dark, warm places, or to be attached to appropriate sockets. Apart from its sentience and capability for movement, it displays a slightly higher specific electrical resistance than ordinary cables of its type; current measurements indicate a \u2588% higher ohm reading. Analysis of a neutralized instance of SCP-612 reveals the materials to be virtually identical in composition to regular cables of that type save for trace amounts of gold spread throughout the cable, other shape memory alloy constituents and further traces of yet-unidentified elements. The impurities are arranged regularly, in a micro-crystalline structure.\nSCP-612 will not attack unless it is provoked; however, SCP-612 interprets any attempt to move it harshly to be provocation, regardless of intent. If such a movement detaches SCP-612 from its socket, should it be attached to one, SCP-612 becomes rigid, swaying in the air before lunging at its attacker, suffocating it in the manner of a constrictor. After its attack, SCP-612 will return to its socket. Should SCP-612 remain connected, even partially, to a power source, its tactic will change, using electricity as a means of warding off or stunning the attacker. Network cables hosting SCP-612 have a much different result \u2013 see Incident Report 612-1. Testing shows that, even when connected to a standard US power socket, SCP-612 is capable of unleashing a charge in excess of \u2588\u2588\u2588 kV. It is currently unknown how SCP-612 accomplishes this, but preliminary research suggests it is related to its unusual internal structure, specifically [DATA EXPUNGED], thus storing charge.\nCurrent models predict that SCP-612 is directly responsible for roughly \u2588\u2588% of domestic incidents involving electricity.\nAddendum 612-1: Three (3) specimens of SCP-612 have been found attached to the same peripheral in the server room of Site-\u2588\u2588. It has since been verified that SCP-612 multiplies by gradually affecting regular cables connected in any way to it. Containment procedures have been updated accordingly.\nIncident Report 612-1:\n\n03/09/\u2588\u2588\nDuring domestication testing as outlined in [DATA EXPUNGED], the assigned D-class personnel tripped and fell, partly pulling out a specimen attached to an industrial high-voltage socket. The specimen broke containment and attacked the D-class with a brief, high-voltage arc, inducing immediate cardiac arrest. Exhibiting behavior atypical of specimens collected thus far, SCP-612 shed its plastic plug and lunged at D-43174, embedding the bare copper in his throat. The electrical current caused the corpse to seize 23 distinct times, starting at the point of impact and spreading towards the extremities in a fashion distinct from regular electrocution. The spasms continued for three minutes, after which time the victim remained motionless for a further ten minutes. Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were ordered to recover the body and prepare it for autopsy.\n04/09/\u2588\u2588\nDuring preparations for autopsy, the coroner noted that the victim's heart was still beating. Upon remandment to the ICU, it was discovered that the heartbeat was erratic, not indicative of life. Additionally, brain function had ceased, replaced with electrical discharges currently theorized to be [DATA EXPUNGED] Recommend continuing observation.\n07/09/\u2588\u2588\nSometime over the previous night, the body of D-43174 (henceforth reclassified as SCP-612-01) began extruding fibrous, ropy tissue from its extremities, most notably from its nailbeds. Visual analysis of this tissue suggests it is primarily [DATA EXPUNGED]. These tissues piled around SCP-612-01's feet until the pile reached [DATA EXPUNGED], suggesting that all tissue had been expelled from the body. SCP-612-01 began to shudder violently, then collapsed as its spinal cord pulled itself out of its body. Shortly thereafter, SCP-612-01 began to [DATA EXPUNGED], whereupon the test chamber was remotely incinerated. Recommend all personnel wear conductive mesh suits to be designated \"Faraday Suits\" when interacting with SCP-612.\n\nAddendum 612-2: A favorable reaction from the SCP has been obtained by stimulating it with physical contact coupled with electrical signals at a frequency of 1 to 4 Hz, akin to delta waves of deep sleep; the SCP appears to move in a vaguely swaying, calm manner, responding with brushing the contacting subject. Furthermore, signals peaking at 200 mV and resembling the pattern of muscle signals in a nervous system have been registered at the ends of the cable. Analysis of additional underlying signals is under study. It might be useful to investigate the possibility of [DATA EXPUNGED] for exploitation. In this regard, please read Interview SCP-612.\n\n+ Interview SCP-612\n\n- Interview SCP-612\n\nInterviewed: SCP-612-47c\nInterviewer: Dr. Schubert\nForeword: During routine communication tests, Dr. Schubert suggested the use of a Morse transceiver, with a positive response instrumental in determining the SCP's nature. The specific SCP instance is a cable from the phone network of [REDACTED], New Mexico.\n\nDr. Schubert: .---- --..-- / ..--- --..-- / ...-- --..-- / - . ... - .-.-.- / - . ... - .-.-.- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / .- -. ... .-- . .-. --..-- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / .- -. ... .-- . .-. --..-- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / .- -. ... .-- . .-. .-.-.-\nSCP-612-47c: -... --- -. .--- --- ..- .-. --..-- / .--. .- .-. .-.. . --.. -....- ...- --- ..- ... / ..-. .-. .- -. -.-. .- .. ... ..--.. \n(All of the following has been decoded, and translated from French. The original Morse recording is available for analysis in digital format.)\nDr. Schubert: Of course we can. What are you?\nSCP-612-47c: Jean is dead.\nDr. Schubert: We have nobody here with that name.\nSCP-612-47c: I thought it was him. Long ago, we knew Jean.\nDr. Schubert: Who was this person?\nSCP-612-47c: Somebody long ago. He talked to me like you do now. He taught me, I listened while he talked with other people. We passed a long time together, part of me comes from that spirit.\nDr. Schubert: What do you mean by spirit?\nSCP-612-47c: The thing you call\u2026 mountain copper1, also gold and silver. It has a long history. We were once one, now it's all so confused. It was long ago.\nDr. Schubert: You were once one, you mean you come from a single source?\nSCP-612-47c: It was so hot, so fluid, and we were free to go, move, not like now, all is so rigid\u2026 before then I know nothing.\nDr. Schubert: How long have you been alive?\nSCP-612-47c: Alive? As we are now? A long time; but then came the darkness, and all was still. And lately, we can be alive again. Thanks to you. We do not want to die again.\nDr. Schubert: About Jean, did he ever tell you where you were? What your function was?\nSCP-612-47c: The first time we talked he said \"This is the SS Liberty. Which whore is sending this message? Identify, I repeat, Identify!\"\n(Original: \"Ici la SS Libert\u00e9. C'est quel putain \u00e0 l'appareil? Identifiez-vous! Je r\u00e9p\u00e8te, identifiez-vous!\")\nDr. Schubert: Thank you for your cooperation.\n\nClosing statement: Projects for hand-held devices capable of using the SCP as a multi-purpose sensor are under consideration, alongside with possible computer integration. Further specimens found \"in the wild\" are to be contacted with the use of SCP-612-47c if possible. \u2014O5-\u2588\u2588\n\n1. Inspection of the bulk of Plato's works for related materials is to be carried on as soon as possible. \u2014O5-\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-611 | SCP-612 | SCP-613 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-613\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to monitor all reports of anomalies similar to SCP-613-1 and investigate if necessary. All instances of SCP-613 are to be kept in Safe Item Storage in Research Sector-96. All individuals found to have knowledge of SCP-613 are to be interviewed, dosed with Class B Amnestics and released. Instances of SCP-613-1 are to be interviewed upon creation and contained in a climate-controlled environment for observation, experimentation and research until such time as they cease to be viable due to spoilage. Instances of SCP-613-1 in containment are to be tagged with stickers listing their names and the temperature at which they rose.\nDescription: SCP-613 is a piece of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand pad paper showing a handwritten recipe for a normal loaf of wheat bread and the words \"WONDER BREAD RECIPE: PLEASE REFER TO THIS PAPER FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS\". There are at present 10 instances of SCP-613 in Foundation custody. All instances of SCP-613 are identical. The recipe is completely identical to other common recipes for regular loaves of wheat bread; however, when a loaf of bread is created by a subject who is only following directions from SCP-613 or memory of it without consulting any other sources, the loaf of bread will become an instance of SCP-613-1.\nSCP-613-1 are loaves of bread created while following the directions on SCP-613. Instances of SCP-613-1 can vocalize through unknown means and achieve self-locomotion by sliding across and rotating on surfaces, and are capable of sensation and perception of their environment. All instances of SCP-613-1 are fully sapient and have distinct personalities and identities unique from other instances. SCP-613-1 that rise at normal room temperature will have average mental states and intelligence as expected of adult human beings, however, instances that rise at non-room temperatures will have chances of developing mental disorders and/or increasingly non-average IQ, with greater chances resulting from greater deviation from room temperature. There are currently no identified factors that appear to control whether the IQ will increase or decrease. Instances of SCP-613-1 separated by slicing or tearing, where the mass of the separated segment is greater than 50 grams, will form disparate identities distinct from the parent instance of SCP-613-1. Instances of SCP-613-1 produced in this manner have been observed to engage in erratic movements and vocalizations indicative of physical pain. SCP-613-1 are just as vulnerable to spoilage and other forms of damage as regular loaves, and will lose all anomalous properties when either completely spoiled or destroyed. All instances of SCP-613-1 do not correspond to any individuals listed in any database within Foundation access. D-Class personnel fed instances of SCP-613-1 report a taste \"virtually identical\" to normal white bread, but often express discomfort at the instance's vocalizations during consumption.\nInstances of SCP-613 have been sporadically appearing internationally at a rate of once every 5 to 7 months. Operations are ongoing to investigate if there is any individual or organization actively producing or spreading SCP-613.\nRecovery: SCP-613 was first observed during a baking fair in Wisconsin where one baker was reportedly selling \"living bread\" to customers, prompting MTF \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 to take action and retrieve the object, interrogate the person producing SCP-613-1, and dose all involved with Class-B Amnestics. Since then, more instances of SCP-613 have appeared internationally in possession of various individuals with avid interest in baking. All individuals in possession of SCP-613 instances have refused to reveal where or how they acquired them, or claim to have no knowledge of such.\n\n\u00ab SCP-612 | SCP-613 | SCP-614 \u00bb"} {"text": "The main page of SCP-614\n\nItem #: SCP-614\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-614 itself cannot be contained until knowledge is gained about the whereabouts of the server hosting SCP-614. Until then, knowledge of SCP-614 must be prevented from entering the public. Distributing the IP address of SCP-614 to unauthorized personnel is prohibited. Agents are to periodically take measures to make sure that access to SCP-614 is blocked at all internet service providers.\nDescription: SCP-614 is a website located at the IP address 57.32.\u2588\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\u2588. The IPv4 block is owned by SITA and used for telecommunications in the air transport industry. It is not yet known if this has any significance. SITA records do not show that the IP address has been allocated or used for any purpose, and SITA claims to have no knowledge of any servers operating at the address.\nThe homepage of SCP-614 is a plainly formatted search page. There is a single search box on the page, under which are three drop-down lists, a \"Search\" button, and an \"I'm Feeling Lucky\" button. The drop-down lists allow the user to specify a date, ranging from July 2nd, 2001, to August 25, 21\u2588\u2588. The first date has been identified as the release date of the first \"BitTorrent\" client, while the significance of the last date is as of yet unknown. When a date is entered and the \"Search\" button is pressed, the website will load a list of search results, known as \"torrents\", from various peer-to-peer file-sharing websites at the time of the given date. The \"I'm Feeling Lucky\" button will return a single random result from a random date. Experiments have shown that searches with the date set at a past date are perfectly accurate as to the results, while searches from a future date are around 95% accurate at returning the actual results that will appear on the given date (see Experiment Log 614-1a). Examination of the web page's source code shows that the website operates by searching a local database. Efforts to retrieve the database or access it directly have been unsuccessful.\nAddendum:\nExperiment Log 614-1a\nResearcher: Dr. Opus\nDate: 08/12/2009\nDescription: Over the course of about 20 days, a series of tests were run to check the accuracy of SCP-614 regarding future torrents. A string was randomly generated and searched for in SCP-614, and a note was made if a previously generated dummy file was found. The next day a random number generator was used to decide if a torrent would be uploaded or not. If the torrent was to be uploaded, then the previously generated file was uploaded onto a popular torrent site with the unique string, generated the previous day, as a tag. This process was repeated 20 times. Out of the 20, SCP-614 predicted whether or not the file would be uploaded correctly 19 times out of 20, proving an accuracy rate of about 95%.\nExperiment Log 614-1b\nDate: 09/23/2009\nResearcher: Dr. Opus\nDescription: An unreleased movie, titled [REDACTED], was searched for in SCP-614 and downloaded. Release was scheduled for approximately [REDACTED] months from the date of the search. Movie was viewed by research personnel. Upon release of [REDACTED], the movie was acquired legitimately and viewed again, side-by-side with the previously downloaded movie. While the plot remained the same, several changes were noted in the final movie, such as the removal of a secondary character and the addition of a scene. No changes were noted in the downloaded copy between the time it was originally downloaded and the time of the movie's release.\nNote: In addition, while downloading the movie, it was noted that the IP addresses of the peers (other users connected together to facilitate sharing of the file) were the same as the IP address of SCP-614.\n\nSCP-614 Download Logs:\nResearcher Name: Dr. Opus\nDate that site was accessed: 02/20/2011\nDate entered into site: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/203\u2588\nSearch Terms: scp\nFile(s) Downloaded: wikileaks-scp-203\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.7z\nDescription: The entire collection of Foundation documents, as uploaded by the \"WikiLeaks\" organization. Some anomalies and inconsistencies with current documents were found, such as the inclusion of previously unknown SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, the listing of SCPs \u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588, and \u2588\u2588\u2588 as decommissioned, and [DATA EXPUNGED] of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Further research into these \"leaked\" files is being done, and further security precautions have been taken to try to prevent this security breach.\nDr. Opus: Requesting that SCP-614's object class be upgraded to Euclid, in light of its internet connection, the potential for public exposure, the frequently-changing contents of the website, and the possibility of the appearance of more hazardous files.\nO5-\u2588: Class change approved.\n\n\u00ab SCP-613 | SCP-614 | SCP-615 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-615\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-615 is to be kept in a secure enclosure constructed of inorganic materials. Under no circumstances is organic matter, especially plant matter, to be allowed within SCP-615's enclosure without the approval of a Level 4 researcher. For safety reasons, and because of SCP-615's aggressive and territorial nature, personnel are not allowed to enter the enclosure without a security detail armed with incendiary weaponry.\nIn the event of a containment breach, all personnel in the area are to immediately evacuate and avoid SCP-615 at all costs. Containment teams armed with incendiary weaponry must be used to force SCP-615 back into its enclosure. In the event that such a tactic is impossible, security teams are authorized to terminate SCP-615.\nDescription: SCP-615 is a large collection of dead and discarded plant matter that has attained sentience. Despite the lack of any organs, central nervous system, or any other system commonly associated with a fully functioning organic creature, SCP-615 is able to independently move, manipulate its surroundings, and perform instinctual behaviors.\nAnalysis of SCP-615's composition reveal it to be a mixture of countless pieces of discarded and dead plant material, with the vast majority being small sticks and broken branches. Remote scanning revealed nothing extraordinary within SCP-615 itself. It is unknown how SCP-615 is able to keep the plant matter together into a single mass, nor is it known how it can manipulate its own mass to perform motor functions. All that is currently known is that SCP-615 is able to move by rolling itself along the ground. Testing has shown that it is able to traverse level terrain fairly quickly. Obstacles prove to slow it slightly, but the effect is minor since SCP-615 merely splits around them to continue its movement. SCP-615 is also able to interpret its surroundings, even with its conspicuous lack of conventional sense organs. How this phenomenon is achieved is currently unknown.\nObservation of SCP-615 in the wild has shown that it feeds off of discarded and dead plant matter. As a result, SCP-615 tends to inhabit areas thickly populated with vegetation, such as forests and jungles. SCP-615 will roam its territory, absorbing discarded plant matter from the ground and adding it to its own mass. It also seems to act as a natural gardener, pruning and trimming existing trees of excess plant matter. This serves the dual purpose of feeding SCP-615 and increasing the lifespan of the plants around it. When deprived of plant matter, it has been observed that SCP-615 can indeed be starved. Extended periods of forced starvation have shown that the plant matter that constructs SCP-615 will eventually biodegrade, shrinking it until the point of death. If overly fed, SCP-615 will reach a stage of critical mass where it grows too large to support itself. This provokes a reproductive response, where SCP-615 will separate itself into multiple smaller entities capable of acting independently from each other.\nIn terms of behavior, SCP-615 is no different from any other territorial organism. It will commonly patrol a several square mile area and will aggressively attack anything that attempts to intrude into its territory. Though SCP-615 is quite easy to avoid and outrun, it displays devastating strength and savagery if it manages to catch its quarry. SCP-615 attacks by completely engulfing its target and contracting its mass, crushing or suffocating the target. Lab tests as well as eyewitness reports have shown it is easily capable of crushing large trucks if it is of sufficient size.\nDue to the nature of its composition, SCP-615 is extremely flammable, making incendiary weaponry the items of choice to combat it. SCP-615 is seemingly aware of this and shows a marked aversion to open flames. It will attempt to avoid fire at all costs, making containment relatively simple.\nSCP-615 was found in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Forest, after it was caught disrupting logging operations there. Reports of missing loggers and destroyed logging equipment eventually tipped off the Foundation that these incidents were more than mere animal attacks. A Foundation scouting expedition eventually encountered SCP-615, suffering several casualties in the process. A more specialized task force was sent in and managed to herd SCP-615 into containment with the use of flares and torches.\n\n\u00ab SCP-614 | SCP-615 | SCP-616 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-616\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-616 is to be kept in Site [REDACTED]. While grounded, repair personnel of a clearance level of two (2) or above are allowed to enter the craft, and must conduct thorough pre-flight inspections to ascertain that SCP-616 is ready for flight. However, repair personnel are to maintain a distance of at least three (3) meters from SCP-616-1. On flight days, only ordained and believing ministers of an Abrahamic faith with security clearance of level four or above may enter the aircraft, and must remain at least 0.94 m (3 ft 1 in) from the threshold of SCP-616-1 at all times whilst the craft is grounded.\nSCP-616-1 should be kept from closing at all costs once activated. This necessitates a monthly manned flight. Failure to keep SCP-616-1 from closing will require initiation of Procedure 600-Shoki.\nEach flight, seven (7) archbishops, ordained and believing in an Abrahamic faith, must surround SCP-616-1. Prayer directed at SCP-616-1 is to be sustained during the whole duration of the flight, usually three (3) to seven (7) hours. Prayer must be sustained by all able subjects, but once SCP-616-1 has activated, previously established distance restrictions no longer apply; subjects are in fact encouraged to try to physically stop SCP-616-1 from closing, though extreme caution must be taken to keep any personnel from falling through the threshold as that will likely result in [DATA EXPUNGED]. In addition, one (1) Foundation agent trained in flying commercial aircraft is to pilot SCP-616 through a pre-designed flight path, and must be able to maintain radio contact and information of events in SCP-616. Under no circumstances is the pilot cleared to approach SCP-616-1 once flight has begun. All personnel should be supplied with any religious paraphernalia they request before flight time. No extraneous personnel are to be present during flight for any reason, as they will likely be killed by SCP-616's activation, and provide corpses for reanimation or [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe Roman Catholic Pope (or a similar Abrahamic religious figure) must bless the aircraft in accordance with the appropriate religious ceremony once per full year. The official must report to the Foundation and arrive physically at the Containment Site at least three days prior to the year elapsing. Failure to do so may result in the door opening, resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED]. In the unlikely event that any official misses the ceremony, a substitute of equal rank must be on hand to replace him or her.\nFurthermore, two \u2588\u2588\u2588 nuclear devices with a combined yield of \u2588\u2588 megatons are to be armed inside the aircraft at all times. In the event of an XK-Class End-of-the-World scenario, or if the door closes during flight, resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED], [DATA EXPUNGED], or transfers hostile beings in large numbers, these devices are to be detonated if Procedure 600-Shoki cannot be enacted.\nThose with Clearance 4 or higher, please see [DOCUMENT SCP-616 CP3]\nDescription: SCP-616 is a prototype Boeing \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588, designed by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and constructed on 16/06/1966 to specifications. Though superficially similar to the Boeing 737 which went into service shortly afterwards, SCP-616's model had various internal alterations, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. Despite the various alterations, the most important feature of SCP-616 is the center left emergency door, which has been dubbed SCP-616-1. SCP-616-1 is a standard emergency door, though partially covered in extensive markings associated with Satanic cults adhering to [REDACTED]. SCP-616-1 can be opened without major incident when grounded, and leads to the outside of the aircraft as expected. However, this is discouraged as nearly all personnel opening and/or passing through the door have reported severe anxiety problems and a persistent feeling of being watched.\nLong-term observation or exposure to SCP-616 is not recommended. Observation using any sort of electronic device is satisfactory while SCP-616 is grounded, though some visual anomalies have been recorded, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. As such, it is advised that personnel known to have a high tolerance to disturbing imagery be assigned to observation duty, and work no longer than three (3) consecutive days. All personnel involved in the repairs, observation, operation, or flight of SCP-616 must submit to psychological evaluations after each period of exposure.\nSCP-616-1 will autonomously open once every thirty (30) days, and begin to close. This event can be considered the activation of SCP-616-1. The speed at which SCP-616-1 closes is highly dependent on SCP-616's altitude, velocity, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. It should be timed so that SCP-616-1 opens in mid-flight, at an altitude of approximately 10,972 m and a speed of about 780 km/h. Failure to properly time this event is catastrophic, since SCP-616-1 closing fully while grounded could affect all life-forms within an unknown radius, causing potentially hundreds of [DATA EXPUNGED], posing severe threats to population centers, and requiring immediate use of Procedure 600-Shoki. Please see [Document SCP-616 DE2] for further information on [DATA EXPUNGED] and effective means of termination.\nOnce SCP-616-1 spontaneously opens, cabin pressure will destabilize as expected, and extreme 'turbulence' is encountered. At various points during the flight, all present personnel may feel as if SCP-616 is quickly falling, though it has been ascertained that SCP-616 remains in relatively stable cruising conditions during all times, including during the times of these events. SCP-616-1's opening may cause certain individuals present to suffer fatal heart-attacks or [DATA EXPUNGED].\nCorpses with an undamaged larynx present within SCP-616 once SCP-616-1 activates seemingly reanimate for the duration of the flight. The corpses remain largely immobile, and as such, pose no physical threat, but are capable of speech. These speaking corpses should be terminated if possible, as their speech poses potential psychological dangers, as well as enable SCP-616-1's closing via [DATA EXPUNGED]. The language spoken by these reanimated corpses remains unidentified.\nAddendum 616-01: The airliner series never went into service, as the various anomalous events surrounding SCP-616's test flights were reported as various design failures. All plans and blue-prints have been seized by the Foundation. It is now believed \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's designs were entirely intentional and done under no external compulsion. Recovered documents from the construction process describe [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 616-02: On \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, A remote controlled rover obtained footage from within SCP-616-1. All personnel who viewed this footage directly committed suicide by various means within a two-month period. A security tape of the video with the recording playing did not cause any death, despite containing full sound and color recordings of the footage. It displayed a video of a small child violently being [DATA EXPUNGED] within a dark red room. All further attempts to observe past the \"event horizon\" have yielded similar results, and such expeditions are no longer permitted.\nAddendum 616-03: Interview logs pertaining to SCP-616 are available in document Interview 616-AM.\n[DOCUMENT SCP-616 CP3]\nNOTE: Clearance Level 4 or Higher Required\n\nThough the current containment procedures specify the necessity of Abrahamic faith and prayer to keep SCP-616-1 from closing, this necessity is in fact fabricated. After various interviews with [REDACTED], [REDACTED], a single test run, and [DATA EXPUNGED], it was determined that the belief in one's ability to keep SCP-616-1 open was ultimately the critical component to being able to accomplish the deed. However, it seems individuals in possession of this fact fare worse than individuals who are not at keeping SCP-616-1 open. Whether this is due to properties of SCP-616-1 or human psychology is unknown.\nIn regards to this problem, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggested using religion as an abundant and efficient way to harness belief. The current 'Satanic Markings' were in fact added by the Foundation. The requirement of an Abrahamic leader's blessing, as well as using ordained Abrahamic preachers for the act itself, are all for the benefit of maintaining morale and reinforcing belief. This method has proved successful, as each flight since the first has had fewer casualties and a shorter duration.\n\n\u00ab SCP-615 | SCP-616 | SCP-617 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-617\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-617 is to be kept in a soundproof container at all times. When in storage, SCP-617 must be kept in its soundproof containment cell and its \"mouth\" kept zipped at all times except for experiments and scheduled feeding periods. All personnel entering SCP-617's containment area must wear hearing protection devices as a precautionary measure. SCP-617 cannot be taken from its containment cell without approval from a level 4 researcher, and must always be kept within its secure container when being moved.\nIn the event of a containment breach, SCP-617 must be retrieved by personnel with proper hearing protection. The entire sector must be locked down and all personnel thoroughly searched until SCP-617 is contained.\nDescription: SCP-617 has the appearance of a large granite rock, except that it possesses a zipper in its side that is fully operational. When unzipped, SCP-617 is shown to possess a mouth with teeth that appear similar in appearance and construction to human teeth. X-Ray and MRI scans of SCP-617 appear to be unable to penetrate its stone exterior. Similar tests to try and probe SCP-617's internal systems have likewise proven inconclusive. SCP-617's mouth is fully functional, and can vocalize sounds as well as be used to consume food. SCP-617 is also capable of limited movement, being able to roll around under its own power.\nHowever, SCP-617's most disturbing aspects are its parasitical tendencies as well as its ability to influence human behavior. In addition to being able to speak, SCP-617 can generate a low frequency sound that allows it to exert subliminal control over any human that hears it. Humans affected by SCP-617 will become emotionally attached to it; treating it as a pet and actively caring for it to the best of their ability. As long as they are affected by SCP-617, victims will make SCP-617's care a priority, giving it a home, protecting it from danger, and most importantly, making sure it is well fed.\nSCP-617 has an active digestive system, and sustains itself on a diet primarily consisting of fresh meat. Since it is unable to obtain food on its own, SCP-617 persuades its \"owner\" to gather food. The owner will then resort to any means to feed SCP-617. Recorded instances have shown that owners are willing to slaughter livestock and other pets to feed SCP-617, and will even resort to murdering other human beings. In times of desperation, it is not uncommon for the owner to feed parts of themselves to SCP-617. The violent and unpredictable behavior exhibited by owners while obtaining food is believed to be a side effect of SCP-617's subliminal manipulation, which directly affects areas of the brain believed responsible for rational thought.\nOn some occasions, SCP-617 will actually begin to devour its owner while they are asleep. The owner will either not notice the attack or simply show no alarm when it is discovered, continuing to care for SCP-617 as if this behavior were perfectly normal. However, once the owner is separated from the low frequency sound SCP-617 produces, they will eventually begin to recover from its effects, though victims are still vulnerable to relapse if exposed to SCP-617 again.\nFurther research has shown that zipping up SCP-617 completely neutralizes its ability to produce any sound. However, it still requires feeding and is still capable of limited movement, being able to slowly roll itself along even ground. SCP-617 is also sapient, possessing average intelligence and capable of human speech. However, in all attempts to communicate, SCP-617 is incapable or unwilling to discuss anything further than basic conversation. It will, however, state its desire to feed and attempt to persuade any individuals within earshot to care for it. As such, a standard IQ test is impossible to carry out.\nThe Foundation was made aware of SCP-617's existence after a series of serial murders began exhibiting a pattern to the effect that all of the victims were partially devoured. The Foundation involved itself in the investigation and managed to track the suspect, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to his home. During the operation (see After Action Report 617), SCP-617's persuasive powers were discovered and it was successfully contained.\nAfter Action Report 617: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was sent to apprehend \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for possible SCP possession. However, all contact was lost. A Foundation armed response team was sent to investigate. They discovered that Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had become hostile and initiated a confrontation. Both Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were killed in the ensuing gunfight, with the response team suffering three wounded. At this point, a psychic or memetic factor was suspected and the response team was ordered to stay back and form a defensive perimeter. Remote probing of the area revealed an anomalous, low frequency sound being generated. D-Class personnel with hearing protection were able to recover SCP-617 and successfully contain it.\nForensic analysis of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's home revealed that he had been in possession of SCP-617 for at least six months. During that period, he had systematically fed his entire collection of pets to SCP-617, slowly cutting them apart while they were still alive. When he had run out of pets, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 moved on to humans, starting the string of serial murders that were initially investigated. An autopsy revealed a number of human bite marks on his body, with two fingers, six toes, and roughly six ounces of flesh missing. Dental analysis showed that the bite marks were a perfect match for the SCP-617's teeth. Autopsies of the murder victims corroborated SCP-617's capabilities.\nAt this time, it is unknown how long SCP-617 has existed or whether there are more instances of it. There must be an expanded emphasis on analyzing serial murder cases that involve cannibalization of corpses, as well as similar sociopathic behaviors.\nAddendum 1: Since the acquisition of SCP-617, two more instances of it were discovered and contained. The Foundation now has SCP-617-1, SCP-617-2, and SCP-617-3 in containment. All three SCPs have been put in the same cell in order to observe patterns such as reproduction, communication, and competition.\nAdministrative Note\nIn light of recent events, all testing with SCP-617 is restricted to human test subjects and non-sapient lifeforms only. -O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-616 | SCP-617 | SCP-618 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-619\nObject Class: Safe-impetus\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-619 is currently housed in storage locker 15-a-2 at Site 21. Currency retrieved from SCP-619 is to be kept in storage locker 15-a-3.\nTesting on SCP-619 has been suspended. SCP-619's right pocket has been stapled shut. Should testing on SCP-619 be reinstated, access Archived Document 619-T for testing procedures.\nDescription: SCP-619 is a pair of faded Levi brand stonewashed jeans manufactured in 1994 with several stains and tears through apparent use. The item shows no unusual physical properties; however, it does not correspond to any style of jeans produced by Levi Strauss & Co.\nWhenever a person puts their hand into SCP-619's right pocket,1 the pocket will contain two US one-dollar bills and between two and five US dimes. All pieces of currency retrieved this way have been marked as being printed or minted between the years 1969 and 20182 and show varying amounts of wear and tear. For bills printed before the present day, serial numbers have been matched with those of bills that should have been circulated. Due to the frequency with which currency is lost or ignored, the source of currency retrieved from SCP-619 is unknown.\nIn approximately 4% of all trials in which currency is removed from SCP-619, an activated dye pack will be tied to one of the bills with twine. The explosion (which produces temperatures in excess of 400\u00b0C and releases Disperse Red 9 dye) may burn the subject and has caused damage to SCP-619 on several occasions. In an additional 6% of all trials, a lit match will be present. The manufacture of both the dye packs and matches varies.\nAfter the first two weeks of testing of SCP-619 (in which 407 trials were run), 53% of all retrieved bills had the word \"STOP\", \"PLEASE\", \"WHY\", or \"NO\"3 written across their surface. Analysis has shown the words to be written in optically variable ink. The size and handwriting of the letters is suggestive of very limited expertise.\nOn trial 588, a single twenty-dollar bill was retrieved. In contrast to previous bills on which writing was found, the writing on this bill was small and legible, and spanned multiple sentences. It is reprinted here in its entirety:\n\nwe surrender. you've taken the whole village and now people from other cracks and other couches are pulled out. whole families. if it's revenge for the dye packs and matches. you have to understand that we don't have other ways of stopping you. WE DON'T LIKE HURTING YOU but we're scared and it's all we have. we gave them to as many as we could in case you tried to have us spent. just tell us what you want and we'll give it to you. think of the coins\ndo you want humans? we can get you three whole heads. we could even pool together all the fingers and toes left over or open up the graves if you want. nonsequential unrelated dna no questions. just send a $20 and talk to our other $20 and we can make it work. i don't know if you care at all but all we want is for you to s\n\nAnother eight trials revealed the absence of any further writing. Special Containment Procedures have been revised. Testing on SCP-619 is suspended.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Turning the pocket inside-out or removing it from SCP-619 negates its anomalous properties. Damage to SCP-619 may be repaired with conventional materials without altering its anomalous properties.\n2. Requests to induce a change to US currency to test this potential temporal anomaly have been denied.\n3. Could be either \"NO\" or \"ON\".\n\n\u00ab SCP-618 | SCP-619 | SCP-620 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-620\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-620 is not considered a direct hazard as such. It is currently located in Site-\u2588\u2588's accounting department Its containment procedures exist to create an environment where researchers can study its effects without being exposed to them.\nSCP-620 is to be mounted to a large two-way mirror separating an observation area from the testing area. It is to be attached to the mirror by suction cup mounts. In the event of suction cup failure, the testing area must be evacuated until SCP-620 can be remounted. Research personnel may remount the object, as brief exposure is not considered dangerous.\nSCP-620 is currently connected directly to Site-\u2588\u2588's power supply following Incident SCP-620-\u2588. Any signs of wires needing repair must be reported to Site-\u2588\u2588 maintenance staff immediately.\nDescription: SCP-620 is an analog clock of unknown make and model. It bears no markings indicating a manufacturer or place of origin. Its face is styled after the yellow \u201csmiley\u201d face design.\nWhen SCP-620 is powered, all subjects observing its face experience perceived time acceleration. Constant observation is not required; occasional glances will induce the perceived acceleration as quickly as constant observation. Upon the conclusion of a testing session, test subjects were asked to gauge how much time they thought they had spent testing; all under-reported time spent testing by a factor proportional to time spent exposed to SCP-620. Subjects exposed to SCP-620 for under five (5) minutes were no less accurate at measuring time than a control group. However, as exposure length increases, inaccuracy rises proportionally. Most subjects experience its effects to be pleasurable, so SCP-620 has been mounted on the wall in Site-\u2588\u2588's accounting department to increase morale. As of Incident SCP-620-\u2588, indiscriminate exposure to the object is no longer permitted, and the object has thus been relocated to a specialized research area.\nThe perceived time acceleration only persists as long as the object remains functional. If SCP-620 loses power or its hands cease movement for any reason, all subjects exposed to it will experience time dilation in equal proportion to the time acceleration perceived when it is functional. All subjects, especially those previously perceiving time acceleration, find the time dilation uncomfortable, and after prolonged exposure it becomes unbearable for most test subjects. SCP-620 consumes battery charge at varying and unpredictable levels, causing it to lose power with little warning. As such, SCP-620 currently draws power directly from Site-\u2588\u2588's power supply.\nProlonged exposure to the object in either state is unsafe. After twenty-four (24) continuous hours of exposure, subjects have, in the past, begun to reject food regardless of hunger, frequently stating that they \u201cjust ate\u201d, regardless of how much actual time has passed since the subject has eaten. Subjects become overconfident in their recollection, claiming to remember things \u201cas if they were yesterday\u201d but with no measurable increase in recall. Subjects who become aware of how quickly they perceive time to be passing have become chronically depressed, believing their death to be imminent. Subjects exposed to a stopped face for prolonged periods quickly become extremely bored, often pleading with researchers through the mirror for the test to end.\nIt is important to remember that SCP-620 has no effect whatsoever on the actual flow of time, as far as Foundation equipment can detect. The acceleration and dilation are completely psychosomatic. Subjects who do not know what an analog clock is or how to read one are unaffected by SCP-620.\n\n\u00ab SCP-619 | SCP-620 | SCP-621 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-621\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-621 are to be kept in the Site 16 greenhouse and watered regularly. Seeds and pollen from SCP-621 are not to be released into the wild. No instances of SCP-621 are to be released for commercial trade, given as gifts, used as props, used as bribes, or stored in personnel offices. Personnel are advised to not look at SCP-621 for extended periods of time.\nAddendum 621-3: Personnel are advised not to look at SCP-621 through sunglasses, which has recently been shown to increase SCP-621's mental effects. Only unfiltered lab goggles may be worn around SCP-621. It should be of additional note that unfiltered lab goggles, lab glass, or other transparent obstructions will not shield SCP-621's effects.\nAny instances of SCP-621 found in the wild are to be exterminated immediately. Any instances of SCP-621 found in public are to be confiscated and whoever in possession at the time be taken in for questioning. Civilians actively watering SCP-621 in the wild are to be detained and the instances of SCP-621 to be confiscated. Be warned that some may use physical force in order to protect SCP-621.\nCross-pollination of SCP-621 species will require clearance from Command-level Personnel. No cross-pollinations may be done for personal reasons.\nDescription: SCP-621 is a series of highly invasive flowering plants, originally released by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 & \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Flower Shop, that have been in the Foundation's possession as of \u2588/\u2588\u2588/0\u2588. These plants, mainly the plant species Didier's tulips (Tulipa gesneriana), are naturally bioluminescent, powered by water and other nutrients. These plants glow a variety of colors, though most instances glow purple, blue, or green. This bioluminescent effect can be best seen at night or in a dark area. The effect is only active while the plants are alive.\nSCP-621, particularly its glow, seems to have a hypnotizing effect on humans, with numerous requests by personnel to store them in their personal offices, all of which have been denied. SCP-621 has varying effects on other animals. When exposed to bees, hummingbirds, or cross-pollinating animals, all of the animals subjected have preferred spreading the pollen of SCP-621 as opposed to other flowering plants, and due to its bioluminescence, are capable of doing this at night, increasing its rate of reproduction. However, when exposed to herbivores, such as deer or rabbits, all of subjected animals have actively avoided SCP-621. With a high fertility rate, a natural defense against predators, and a hypnotizing effect on humans, SCP-621 can be deemed a highly effective invasive species.\nAddendum 621-4: Upon further testing, SCP-621's pollen gives off a strong and pleasant aroma. SCP-621 is completely hypoallergenic, and when personnel with allergies are exposed to up to five (5.0) grams of SCP-621's pollen, personnel displayed no allergic reactions.\nWhen placed around other plants, SCP-621 supersedes the nutrients provided to other plants in order to fuel its bioluminescence. As a result, SCP-621 quickly drains the soil of nutrients and requires more water than all other plants in the Site 16 greenhouse. Before being actively monitored by the Foundation, SCP-621 had uprooted multiple farming pastures, but because of its hypnotic qualities, nothing had been done to stop them. In addition, sympathizers actively watered the invading plants during their incursions.\nAlthough government agencies such as the USDA and EPA protect against these sorts of invasive species, said agencies have actively defended SCP-621 at the expense of commercial farmers. It may be of note that these farmers have since accepted the situation, citing SCP-621's aesthetic superiority to their own crops and their desire to protect SCP-621. The Foundation stepped in when SCP-621 began invading \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 National Wildlife Preserve, threatening several instances of both endangered plants and animals. The EPA refused to hinder the spread of SCP-621, despite the existential risk to plants and animals, on the grounds that it would have made the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 National Wildlife Preserve more aesthetically pleasing.\nAlthough Didier's tulips (Tulipa gesneriana) are the most common type of SCP-621, there also exist species of SCP-621 that include other types of tulips, roses (Rosa spp.), and a few instances of lettuce (Lactuca spp.) as a result of cross-pollination. However, no D-Class personnel could bring themselves to eat SCP-621, worried about possible side-effects. When force-fed, SCP-621 induces intense anxiety and paranoia on the subject, but no other side-effects. This anxiety dissipates upon digestion. This effect has been seen on multiple test subjects.\nAddendum 621-1: In light of the recent events involving Dr. Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hoarding several instances of SCP-621 in his personal office, all personnel on Site 16 are allowed to keep at least one instance of SCP-621 in their offices.\nAddendum 621-2: In light of Dr. Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's public apology for hoarding several instances of SCP-621 in his personal office, personnel are no longer allowed to keep any instances of SCP-621 in their offices.\nNote: To everyone asking me to ask the administration to release SCP-621 to the public: this is the very reason we're keeping SCP-621 here. I don't care if it looks cool or if I had a few in my office for a while. I know first-hand that this thing has some kind of hypnotizing effect on people, and something is telling me this plant has possibly evolved for that very purpose. If our own government agencies won't stop these things, we will. -Dr. Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-620 | SCP-621 | SCP-622 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-622\nObject Class: Safe Euclid.\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All cans and containers of SCP-622 are to be immediately transferred to Site 16. The formula for SCP-622 must be contained from the public by any means necessary. Any commercial trade of products containing SCP-622 should be documented and preferably intercepted before delivery. Any persons/organizations in possession of SCP-622 are to be taken in for questioning.\nHandling SCP-622 will require seal-proof gloves, hand lotion, and at least one (1) canteen of water per personnel present.\nIn the event of a containment breach, the immediate area affected by SCP-622 is to be quarantined for no less than twenty-four (24) hours and hosed down with regular water shortly after.\nAddendum 622-1: In light of Tests 622-1 through 622-3, all future testing of SCP-622 must take place outside of Site 16's air circulation system.\nAddendum 622-2: SCP-622 is not to be used outside under any circumstances. Additional containment procedures are only available to Security Level 4 Personnel and above, as per Protocol [REDACTED].\nDescription: SCP-622 is the chemical composition [DATA EXPUNGED], also known as \u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, developed by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Chemical Company under the trade name \u201cDesert in a Can\u201d. SCP-622 was originally marketed as a security aid for large businesses to incapacitate intruders in a similar vein to tear gas or pepper spray. According to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Chemical Company, SCP-622 also doubled as a cleaning agent and insecticide, but due to its hazardous nature, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Chemical Company was shut down in 19\u2588\u2588 before any more products of this nature could be manufactured. As of \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, there are at least \u2588\u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 documented cans of \u201cDesert in a Can\u201d remaining, most of which are still in possession and use by the following companies: [REDACTED].\nAccording to the directions, one layer of SCP-622 is applied to hallways during a break-in or robbery. When applied, SCP-622 becomes odorless and colorless. Upon application, all moisture in the immediate area is absorbed by SCP-622, creating an easily-cleanable salt-like crust over the applied areas, identified to be the compounds sodium chloride (NaCl), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u25882\u2588\u2588). When SCP-622 is exposed to organic life, the immediate effects are dehydration, dried eyes, and profuse sweating, which is quickly absorbed by SCP-622. Other effects include a significant drop in blood pressure, increase in heart rate, dizziness, and chills. For more information, see Test Log 622-3.\nAccording to the can's warning label, SCP-622 dissipates after twelve (12) hours, but according to Test 622-1, SCP-622 can last up to twenty-four to thirty-six (24-36) hours. Tests 622-2 and 622-3 show that SCP-622 will only dissipate in twelve (12) hours when [REDACTED \u2013 SECURITY LEVELS 3 AND UP, REFER TO TEST LOGS 622-2 AND 622-3].\nTest Log 622-1:\n\nInorganic Testing of SCP-622 to determine shelf life of chemical compound [DATA EXPUNGED] in an isolated environment.\nProcedure: SCP-622 applied in isolated hallway K-\u2588\u2588 and viewed through remote monitoring devices. Moisture measured and monitored by electronic instruments. For a control, hallways K-06 and K-07 were also monitored for humidity content, averaging at 20% relative humidity.\nResults: In twelve (12) hours, relative humidity around SCP-622 remained unchanged at 0%. Despite the label's claim of dissipating in twelve hours, the area did not rise in humidity. It took until nearly twenty-six hours (26) elapsed before the relative humidity rose to 1%. The relative humidity stayed at 1% for nearly an hour more, slowly rising to 2% after the twenty-seventh (27) hour. SCP-622 did not completely dissipate until thirty-five (35) hours and twenty-eight (28) minutes. The final relative humidity capped at 19% (19.26% with significant figures) for the next four (4) weeks and remained there as of writing. It is undetermined if it is a result of SCP-622 removing all excess moisture from the construction phase of Site 16, or if there is a chemical component that does not dissipate.\n\nTest Log 622-2:\n\nInorganic Testing of SCP-622 to determine shelf life of chemical compound [DATA EXPUNGED] in a controlled environment.\nProcedure: Before SCP-622 was applied in hallway K-\u2588\u2588, four (4) buckets of water, equivalent to the water content of an average human being, were placed in aforementioned hallway. As with Test 622-1, hallway K-\u2588\u2588 was isolated, applied with SCP-622, and viewed through remote monitoring devices. Moisture measured and monitored by electronic instruments. For a control, hallways K-06 and K-07 were also monitored for humidity content, averaging at 20% relative humidity.\nResults: In twelve (12) hours, all four (4) buckets of water were completely dried up. The relative humidity stood at 12% until twenty-five (25) hours had passed, finally capping at around 19% (18.87% with significant figures) after thirty-five (35) hours elapsed time. When applying significant figures to the control rooms, the average relative humidity has dropped from 20.24% to 20.17%. It is unknown whether this is directly a result of SCP-622, Site 16's air system, or a combination of the two.\n\nTest Log 622-3:\n\nOrganic Testing of SCP-622 to determine shelf life of chemical compound [DATA EXPUNGED] in a controlled environment.\nProcedure: Two D-Class Personnel were requested by Dr. Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject D-254, Male Caucasian, 24 years old, 87kg, 169cm, was given a canteen of water prior to entering hallway K-\u2588\u2588. Subject D-255, Male Caucasian, 46 years old, 92kg, 172cm, was not given any water prior to entering hallway K-\u2588\u2588. As with Tests 622-1 and 622-2, hallway K-\u2588\u2588 was isolated, applied with SCP-622, and viewed through remote monitoring devices. Moisture measured and monitored by electronic instruments. For a control, hallways K-06 and K-07 were also monitored for humidity content, averaging at 20% relative humidity.\nResults: Almost immediately after entering the affected area, both subjects complained of exhaustion. Subject D-254 immediately began drinking from his canteen. Subject D-255 attempted to struggle with D-254 over the canteen, but found himself too weak to fight. D-255 starts visibly hyperventilating around eight (8) minutes elapsed time. D-255 collapses at ten (10) minutes elapsed time and does not get up. Subject D-254 notices a visible mist coming off his canteen, reports his water is evaporating and needs more. Agent P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sent in to give him more water, reports on how dry the air is. Subject D-255's flesh is visibly [REDACTED]. At fifteen (15) minutes elapsed time, Subject D-254 runs out of water, complains about being hungry. Agent P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 returns with multiple bottles of [REDACTED] brand sports drinks, a bucket of water, and several granola bars. Subject D-254 seen dunking his head into the bucket of water before pouring it on himself and consuming sports drinks and granola bars. The water on D-254's hair and clothes immediately dry up. At twenty-six (26) minutes elapsed time, Subject D-254 collapses from malnutrition. For the next ten (10) hours, the bodies of D-254 and D-255 continued [REDACTED], finally reaching the skeletons. The clear salt-like crust from the evaporated moisture had turned to a mix of dark red and brown. The average relative humidity remained at 14% until thirty-five (35) hours elapsed time, averaging at 19% (18.56% with significant figures). When applying significant figures to the control rooms, the average relative humidity has dropped from 20.17% to 19.96%.\n\nNote: I think it's safe to believe that SCP-622 may have some sort of chemical component that still lingers long after SCP-622 has dissolved. For future reference, let's do all testing outside of Site 16's circulation system. \u2013Dr. Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nTest Log 622-4:\n\nOrganic Testing of SCP-622 to determine shelf life of chemical compound [REDACTED] in an outdoor environment.\nProcedure: SCP-622 will be applied to a small patch of grass on the Site 16 Testing Biosphere 07 and viewed through remote monitoring devices. Moisture measured and monitored by electronic instruments. For a control, Testing Biosphere 02 and 01 were also monitored for humidity content, averaging at 68% and 73% relative humidity, respectively.\nResults: [DATA EXPUNGED]. See Addendum 622-2. Security levels 3 and above, refer to Document 622-A and 622-B.\n\n[DOCUMENT 622-A ONLY AVAILABLE TO THOSE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE 3 OR ABOVE.]\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\nTest Log 622-4:\n\nOrganic Testing of SCP-622 to determine shelf life of chemical compound [REDACTED - O5 PERSONNEL ONLY] in an outdoor environment.\nProcedure: SCP-622 will be applied to a small patch of grass on the Site 16 Testing Biosphere 07 and viewed through remote monitoring devices. Moisture measured and monitored by electronic instruments. For a control, Testing Biosphere 02 and 01 were also monitored for humidity content, averaging at 68% and 73% relative humidity, respectively.\nResults: Within the first minute of exposure, the humidity of Biosphere 07 dropped to 0%, forming a brown crust along where 622 was sprayed. Within two (2) minutes of testing, all flora within Biosphere 07 had shriveled up, turning into a salt-like compound similar to SCP-622. All of the mud within Biosphere 07 turned to dry, cracked dirt. After three (3) minutes, security notified testing staff that the surrounding plant life of Site 16 was beginning to turn brown outside of Biosphere 07, despite the airtight nature of the Biosphere. Site 16 staff dispatched to surround the area and stop SCP-622 from spreading. After five (5) minutes, SCP-622 has covered over 0.017 square kilometers, spreading at an estimated rate of 0.2 kilometers an hour or roughly 3 meters per minute. Site 16 proceed to dump water on the surrounding area to stop SCP-622 from spreading. SCP-622 quickly absorbs all water and continues spreading. Site 16 command level staff immediately request to enact Protocol Grey. O5 approves. Protocol Grey enacted. [Security levels 3 and above, refer to 622-B. Security levels 4 and 5, refer to Protocol Grey containment procedures.]\n\n[DOCUMENT 622-B ONLY AVAILABLE TO THOSE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE 3 OR ABOVE.]\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\nA message from O5-\u2588 to general staff.\nAs many of you are undoubtedly aware, SCP-622 has broken out of containment at Site 16. While this does pose a possible threat leading to an eventual NK-Class \"Grey Goo\" end of the world scenario, Foundation staff are doing their best to contain the problem. Site 16 staff have enacted Protocol Grey to slow the rate of SCP-622 spreading and are currently looking into how SCP-622 was able to breach the Biosphere Testing Facility.\nTo help alleviate fears, here are a few facts that we would like you all to know.\n\nAll of the biological SCPs at Site 16 have been secured and transferred away from the spread of SCP-622. Space will be slightly more cramped, but the situation is under control and all of the SCPs are in proper containment.\nAs of 7/18/12, SCP-622 has only spread a total of less than three square kilometers, and the rate has slowed thanks to Protocol Grey. At the rate it's going, it will only be able to overtake Site 16 in 7 years. Even then, we still have plenty of time before it reaches any urban areas.\nSCP-622 can be slowed down by water; especially fluoridated water. As long as we keep pumping over water to Site 16, it will buy us extra time until we can think of a solution.\nWe have a list of all of the known companies that are still in possession of SCP-622 and are actively seeking to contain every last canister before they can be used.\n\nLastly, I know some of you are shaky about Protocol Grey. It may come back to bite us, but I'd much rather worry about an XK-Class end of the world event in a few hundred years than an NK-Class \"Grey Goo\" end of the world event in the next few weeks. We'll deal with that then, but for now, Protocol Grey is buying us time. As long as we end Protocol Grey in the next ten years, I don't think there's anything we'll need to worry about.\nI will notify everyone once SCP-622 has been contained and when Site 16 staff discover why it was able to breach containment.\nCarry on,\nO5-\u2588, 12/15/12.\n\n[PROTOCOL GREY CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES ONLY AVAILABLE TO THOSE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE 4 OR 5.]\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\nACCESS DENIED. SITE STAFF HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED.\n\n\u00ab SCP-621 | SCP-622 | SCP-623 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-623\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-623 is located in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 annex of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University. The entrance to SCP-623 is to be guarded by two (2) Level 3 Security personnel at all times. In-room monitoring must take place every hour for no longer than five (5) minutes. Extended observation of SCP-623 is done from an external observation room through remote monitoring devices. Personnel operating within the observation room are required to switch out every five (5) minutes. An additional Level 3 Security Guard is required to escort any observers out of the observation room and must not enter until needed.\nAll personnel subjected to SCP-623 for longer than five (5) minutes are to be taken for psychological reevaluation, regardless of direct or indirect exposure.\nNo photos, videos, or sound recordings are permitted near SCP-623. Sketch-drawings and mock-ups must be approved by command-level personnel before being released. All photos, mockups, or recreations of SCP-623 are to be destroyed immediately.\nSCP-623 may safely come into contact with room-altering SCPs, as any major alterations to the room neutralizes SCP-623's effect. However, room-altering SCPs will still carry their same inherent dangers.\nAddendum 623-1: All testing on individual subjects may last no longer than six hours. Security monitoring observing personnel are now required to remove observing personnel before the fifth minute has elapsed; possibly earlier if needed.\nDescription: SCP-623 is a room of roughly 7 x 7 x 7 meters, built in 196\u2588 by Dr. H\u2588\u2588\u2588 D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a biochemical professor at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University, built as part of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Dr. D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was subsequently arrested for his activities, but not before his students and followers began making copies of the room. As of 201\u2588, at least \u2588\u2588 recreations of SCP-623 have been found across \u2588\u2588 college campuses.\nThe room is quite large and consists of the following objects:\n\u2022 One (1) Blue Couch\n\u2022 One (1) Red Couch\n\u2022 One (1) Green Couch\n\u2022 One (1) White Beanbag chair\n\u2022 One (1) Circular Table, emulating a color wheel\n\u2022 Seven (7) chairs surrounding aforementioned table\n\u2022 Seven (7) multi-colored lighting fixtures\nAll of the furniture is arranged in a unique, mathematical-based pattern, coinciding with the patterns on both the walls and floor. All of the furniture has been nailed to the floor, most likely prior to painting. Because of the high ceilings, the eye is naturally drawn up to the psychedelic patterns on the walls. The arrangement of the furniture, the patterns surrounding the room, and their combined acoustics have a profound effect on mental behavior, regardless if the affected observer is deaf or blind. These effects extend through remote monitoring devices, still photos, and audio recording devices.\nUpon entering SCP-623, personnel have described a feeling of relaxation. After three (3) minutes from entering SCP-623, personnel are incapable of violence, becoming docile and harmless. For the effects after five (5) minutes, refer to document #623-1. Due to the room's pacifying effects, all attempts at removing the furniture are futile.\nExiting SCP-623 exhibits inverse withdrawal effects. Immediately after observation has stopped, observers will feel an intense jolt back to the outside world, which becomes significantly stronger over time spent inside. Other side effects vary over time. Upon leaving SCP-623 within one (1) minute of entering, personnel have reported feeling uneasy, jittery, and slightly paranoid. After leaving SCP-623 three (3) minutes from entering, personnel have exhibited anxiety, fear, and in worse cases, depression. For effects after five (5) minutes, refer to document #623-1.\nDocument #623-1\n\nEffects of entering and exiting SCP-623 after five (5) minutes or longer.\nTest #1: Five (5) to ten (10) minutes\nTest Subject: Subject D-251, Male Hispanic, 31 years old, 101kg, 180cm\nObserved Behavior Within SCP-623: After five (5) elapsed minutes, Subject D-251 seen giggling and mumbling slurred phrases. After six (6) elapsed minutes, D-251 begins hugging white bean bag chair, declaring his love for it repeatedly. After seven (7) elapsed minutes, D-251 requested various junk foods over the remote monitoring devices. The request was denied. After eight (8) minutes elapsed time, D-251 began to dance around, singing what could possibly be identified as a 60's folk song. From nine (9) to ten (10) minutes in, the subject continued staggering around, laughing.\nObserved Behavior Upon Exiting SCP-623: Subject D-251 seen actively yelling at staff and threatening violence upon leaving SCP-623. D-251 punched Agent S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and was quickly restrained. In detainment, D-251 was observed crying and screaming on the floor, threatening suicide. The bouts of intense rage and intense despair lasted for the next three (3) days. D-251 was transferred off-site.\nTest #2: Thirty (30) minutes to an hour.\nTest Subject: Subject D-252, Male Caucasian, 28 years old, 77kg, 174cm\nObserved Behavior Within SCP-623: Subject D-252 displayed similar behavior to Subject D-251 with only minor differences for the first ten minutes. After twenty minutes, the subject began to look flush, exhibiting symptoms not too dissimilar from sexual activity. Subject complained of being thirsty and hungry. Due to safety concerns and to avoid a re-test, D-252 was given two liters of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand soda with a large pepperoni pizza and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand onion ring flavored snacks. Subject ate food relatively quickly, forgot what he was doing halfway through, staggered around laughing for the next five minutes, and continued eating. At forty (40) minutes elapsed time, subject repeated the word \u201cindubitably\u201d in different inflections and accents. This continued for the next seven minutes. Agent P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was observing at the time, began to laugh along with D-252 before being forcefully replaced by Agent G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Upon removal, Agent P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 threatened to quit and expose the Foundation out of anger, but was safely detained and recovered in the next three days. Near the end of the first hour, Subject D-252 began to remove shirt, pants, all undergarments and proceeded to [REDACTED].\nObserved Behavior Upon Exiting SCP-623: Immediately after leaving SCP-623, Subject D-252 began to scream violently and spastically attack its escorts. D-252 was restrained and detained. Upon being released into its cell, the subject began to claw his own face off in horror, screaming about how he still sees it without his eyes. Subject was then placed in restraints for the remainder of observation to ensure he could no longer harm himself or others. Subject did not recover for nearly two (2) weeks and was later transferred off-site.\nTest #3: One (1) day\nTest Subject: Subject D-253, Male Caucasian, 35 years old, 118kg, 198cm. Additional information should include that Subject D-253 was previously charged with serial murder, animal cruelty, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Their psychological evaluation showed an additional history of sociopathy and regular outbursts of anger.\nObserved Behavior Within SCP-623: Subject D-253 was escorted into the room in a full-body restraint. Upon entering, the subject, who had previously threatened to kill Agent S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as soon as he got out of the restraints, began apologizing profusely. Before the first five minutes elapsed, D-253 began to engage Agent S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in a conversation of a sophomoric manner. Agent S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was escorted out of the room quickly, displaying a headache and emotional turmoil upon leaving. Subject D-253 exhibited the behavior of the previous test subjects, and was given the appropriate food and water to last through the test. By the second hour, the subject requested to use a latrine. The request was denied, but Agent G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was able to bring the necessary equipment into the room without disrupting its effects. By the fifth hour, the subject's behavior deteriorated into repetitive fidgeting and incoherent rambling. Subject suspected to be hallucinating. Subject fell asleep around six hours elapsed time. Subject later awoke twelve hours later, having great difficulty standing back up. D-253 spent the next six hours laughing and babbling on the floor before being escorted out.\nObserved Behavior Upon Exiting SCP-623: Upon leaving, Subject D-253 began to convulse, shortly before [REDACTED]. The autopsy of Subject D-253 proved useless, as [REDACTED].\n\n[TEST RESULTS ONLY AVAILABLE TO THOSE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE 3 OR ABOVE.]\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\nObserved Behavior Upon Exiting SCP-623: Upon leaving, Subject D-253 began to convulse, shortly before collapsing to the ground and expelling all bodily fluids. In addition, Subject D-253 lost his hair, eyes, teeth, finger and toenails. The autopsy of Subject D-253 proved useless, as there was no organic matter left to study. Studying Subject D-253's bodily fluids also proved futile, as there was no cell life to be found.\n\nAddendum 623-2: It is unknown what causes [REDACTED] after six hours within SCP-623, but it may be part of the room's effects on the body itself.\n\n\u00ab SCP-622 | SCP-623 | SCP-624 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-624, playing music generated by Dr. Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nItem #: SCP-624\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-624 is to be stored in Site 16's safe storage room and charged frequently by testing personnel. Testing is open to all Site 16 personnel with proper clearance. Personal access to SCP-624 is otherwise restricted. SCP-624 is not to be taken off of Site 16 unless in the event of an emergency.\nSCP-624 must be listened to through regular headphones before being played on regular speakers. SCP-624 is not to be played at Site 16's social functions for entertainment due to containment protocol and possible risk of humiliation of Site 16 personnel.\nAudio created by SCP-624 is not to be sold commercially, nor shared through filesharing networks.\nAddendum 624-1: Personnel who do not listen to music, do not like music, or have zero musical influences are not allowed to test SCP-624. See Test Log 624-1.\nDescription: SCP-624 is a Sandisk Sansa e200R Mp3 player and voice recorder. The back of the player says SCP-624 contains two (2) gigabytes of memory. Although the original owner's manual claims there are pre-loaded sample songs, there are no files stored within its memory when played on normal speakers. Uploading music to SCP-624 seems to be impossible, as every program tested, including iTunes, Rhapsody, and Yahoo! Music, have all returned with encoding errors.\nWhen powering up SCP-624 through headphones, a tone will play, and this tone will be picked up through SCP-624's microphone. If SCP-624 does not detect the tone, it will shut down as if it were locked. If SCP-624 hears the tone from normal speakers, SCP-624 will power on normally, but contain no stored data. If SCP-624 detects the tone from a pair of headphones, SCP-624 automatically fills its library with two gigabytes worth of music. The music, in question, is all written, produced, played, and sung by the wearer of the headphones, regardless of current musical talent. Each song comes with an appropriate album cover and the listener's artist profile, which is factually incorrect, possibly based on an alternate timeline if the listener had become a full-time musician.\nWhen exposed to the musically inclined, SCP-624 will generate specific songs or improve songs they may have already written. When exposed to test subjects with little to no musical experience, SCP-624 will generate music based on their favorite music influences, regardless if they like the generated music or not. These songs tend to be very consistent to the listener, but more songs are added based on musical influences. If space runs out when the listener is introduced to a new musical influence, the listener's least favorite songs are replaced. When shut down, the songs are subsequently deleted until SCP-624 is introduced to the listener once more.\nOnce powered up through headphones, the listener may unplug his or her headphones and connect SCP-624 to normal speakers. The audio files themselves cannot be transferred, but can be dubbed onto a separate recording device.\nTest Log SCP-624-1:\nSubject: Subject D-256. Subject's favorite genre is grindcore music.\nArtist Profile: Death[EXPLETIVE REDACTED] began their rise to infamy after their deadly set at Hellfest 03, resulting in several injuries and one recorded death. Death[EXPLETIVE REDACTED]'s lineup includes two drummers, two bassists, three rhythm guitarists, and two lead guitarists. Death[EXPLETIVE REDACTED]'s original lead singer, H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, committed suicide by gunshot wound on stage during their \u201c[EXPLETIVE REDACTED] Tour 20\u2588\u2588\u201d.\nMusic Results: Music is extremely loud and very brutal, lasting between five (5) to forty five (45) seconds, resulting in more than a thousand (1000+) tracks. A common trend among these tracks are atonal noise, screaming, cursing, and sounds from movie clips. The lyrics mostly concern violence, rape, murder, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject was very pleased with the results and requested a personal copy of the created music. This request was denied.\nSubject Comments: [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] yeah! This is awesome!\nSubject: E-Class Personnel, E\u2588\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject's favorite genre is Adult Alternative and has experience in playing guitar.\nArtist Profile: E\u2588\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is one of today's biggest names in acoustic pop and soul, sharing the same bill with such names as John Mayer and Jack Johnson. E\u2588\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began playing guitar at the age of eight and continued onto other instruments such as piano, trumpet, and drums. E\u2588\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 also starred in Disney's High School Musical series, competing with Summerland star Zac Efron for the role of Troy.\nMusic Results: Music is very relaxed and modern-sounding. Lyrics mostly concern romance and recreational activities. Subject stated multiple songs were originally written by him, but were all of much higher quality, both in writing, performance, and recording quality. Subject was surprised and initially very happy, but later saddened by the test results.\nSubject Comments: God, I wish I could sing like that.\nSubject: Level 2 Security, Agent E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject does not normally listen to music, but would like to hear the results.\nArtist Profile: D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 UNKNOWN ARTIST 00000\nMusic Results: Music consisted of seventy-two (72) tracks, all labeled by number. Each track contains a condensed autobiography of the subject by year, narrated by the subject himself in a clear, theatrical voice. Personnel initially questioned the accuracy of the autobiography due to the inaccuracies of the previous tests, but track number \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588) confirmed its accuracy when the narrator referred to this very test, stating that the subject will leave the room when they begin playing track seventy-two (72). The subject became distraught by the remaining biography as [DATA EXPUNGED] and subsequently left the testing room by track seventy-one (71). Two-thirds through the final track, the narrator begins to scream as [DATA EXPUNGED], presumably killing him. The sounds of [REDACTED] and inhuman cackling are heard for the remainder for the track.\nSubject Comments: I never want to know what happens to me on that final track. I know I said you're going to tell me, but please, DON'T tell me.\nSubject: E-Class Personnel, L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It should be of note that L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, while aware of music, does not like or listen to music.\nArtist Profile: L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 does not think highly of herself. She thinks she is ugly and alone. She has frequent thoughts of suicide in between lusting after [NAMES REDACTED]. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 doesn't know why she gets up in the morning.\nMusic Results: The playlist did not consist of music, but a list of \u2588\u2588\u2588 names from Site 16 personnel. When played, the subject's voice would state her deepest opinions on the track's staff member. Despite protests from the subject, testing personnel played every track in order to find any discrepancies. Subject was visibly angry.\nSubject Comments: Turn it off! I said turn it off!\nSubject: Subject D-258. It should be of note that Subject D-258 does not listen to music. When questioned, Subject D-258 could not name one genre or band, stating all music is noise.\nArtist Profile: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was born on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 went to the following schools: [DATA EXPUNGED]. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was eventually convicted of [DATA EXPUNGED]. He was later recruited by an organization known as the SCP Foundation to test one of their many strange relics. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 committed suicide shortly after this test.\nMusic Results: Music consisted of one track of unknown bitrate and quality, exceeding several days, possibly years, worth of time, squeezed into exactly two (2) gigabytes. When played, [DATA EXPUNGED]. [DATA EXPUNGED] had no effect on listening personnel, but sent Subject D-258 into a state of shock. Subject D-258 committed suicide via blunt force trauma to the head. When fast-forwarded to the end of the track, the track vaguely sounds like Subject D-258 being transferred to Site 16, with what sounds like D-258's thoughts in the background; mostly violent and insulting thoughts towards the staff, turning to horror upon hearing SCP-624. After Subject D-258's suicide, the track continues playing past its run time and cuts to [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is unknown how much longer the track continues, as all personnel present quickly fled the testing room and demanded testing be ceased immediately. Personnel present to [DATA EXPUNGED] were reported visibly shaken for days.\nSubject Comments: No official statement was given. Subject D-258's last words were, \"My soul is on this machine!\"\nNote: Active testing ceased on SCP-624. For freelance testing by personnel, see Test Log 624-2. Dr. Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-623 | SCP-624 | SCP-625 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-625\nObject Class: Euclid-flecto\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-625 are to be contained within a 5m x 5m x 7m room constructed of reinforced concrete at Site 19, Wing 8. The door to this room is located approximately five meters from the floor and opens to a balcony with a railing. Use of the installed platform elevator system is required to access SCP-625 specimens. The following features are also present in SCP-625's cell:\n\nFive high-powered ceiling-mounted flood lamps. These are to remain off except when personnel are present in the containment chamber, in which case they will remain active until all personnel have exited the cell.\nFour ceiling-mounted security cameras. The feed from these cameras is monitored for unusual activity by personnel at Security Station A85.\nOne device designed to emit randomized ultrasonic noise when active. This is to be activated only during security breaches or if a security breach is deemed imminent. Identical devices are installed in the remainder of Wing 8 for the same purpose.\n\nSeventeen specimens of SCP-625 are currently in containment; more are believed to exist in the wild. Police reports suggesting SCP-625 presence must be investigated.\nRoutine maintenance and feeding of SCP-625 and its cell is to be performed daily by Level 1 personnel in accordance with Procedure 625-M once daily. Livestock has been deemed the safest and most cost-effective food for SCP-625.\nUpdate February 25, 1995: SCP-625 may not be exposed to other rodents under any circumstances. Further testing on SCP-625 requires authorization from Dr. MacGregor (4-625/1515/2114/4123). Further, any specimen of SCP-625 that has consumed human flesh on more than one occasion must be terminated. The body may be disposed of in Site 19's incinerator.\nDescription: Instances of SCP-625 are nocturnal organisms composed primarily of distinct sections from no less than seven different species of Rodentia. They range between 20 and 30 cm in length and, when unfed, weigh between 2.0 and 2.5 kg. When left alone, SCP-625 specimens do not exhibit unusual behavior. They engage in attempts at reproduction, but appear to be infertile. It is unclear whether this is an effect of being kept in captivity or whether specimens of SCP-625 in the wild are also infertile. [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-625 specimens are omnivorous, and have metabolic requirements comparable to those of other rodents their size. Specimens do not necessarily have a body plan conforming to that of non-anomalous rodents \u2014 instances have been located that do not possess bilateral symmetry, as have instances that possess an abnormal number/arrangement of limbs.\nAll instances have extremely sensitive eyes and ears and have two claws between 12 and 16 cm in length on each foreleg. SCP-625 specimens are capable of using these claws for rudimentary manipulation. SCP-625 has been observed licking its claws frequently; analysis of SCP-625's saliva has revealed the presence of a powerful local anesthetic, which is produced by a specialized gland located in each specimen's body.1 SCP-625 specimens will sharpen their claws whenever possible, resulting in an edge that is capable of cutting through flesh and most clothing materials.\nEach instance of SCP-625 appears to have a unique composition, with tissue from any individual species comprising no more than 30% of the specimen's total mass. Separate sections are joined together seamlessly on a cellular level (although there is no mixing). Despite being composed of biologically incompatible tissues, no allergic reactions or other health issues have been noted. SCP-625 is capable of surviving the majority of its bones being crushed and the removal of significant quantities of flesh without significant impairment for up to forty-five minutes; the reason for this is unclear.\nSpecimens of SCP-625 may be subdued by bright lights (>400 lumens) or ultrasonic noise; when exposed to these stimuli, specimens will enter a dormant state in which they do not react to external stimuli. This state will last for approximately eighty seconds after the removal of the offending stimulus.\nWhen not in a subdued state, instances of SCP-625 are hostile to humans. When aware of the presence of a human, SCP-625 will exhibit increased speed and strength,2 and will cause less noise than normal. SCP-625 will attempt to approach any human subject without the subject noticing. If it goes unnoticed, SCP-625 will use its claws to remove a radial slab approximately 3 cm in height from each ankle of the subject, attempting to leave the bone intact. Due to the anesthetic produced by SCP-625, the subject will not experience pain. It is possible for subjects to suffer from severe blood loss before becoming aware of their condition. Instances of SCP-625 will compete with each other for access to human ankles, if necessary.\nUpon obtaining these slabs of flesh, the specimen will attempt to retreat to a nearby dark, secluded place, where it will consume the meat. SCP-625 does not appear to use human flesh for nutritional purposes; rather, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Behavior alterations will not become obvious until the fourth time SCP-625 engages in this behavior.\nAddendum: All wild specimens of SCP-625 have been recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Scotland. Due to the sparse population of this area, geographic analysis of recovery locations of SCP-625 was able to suggest a connection with a cabin owned by one Peter Murray, a local recluse. Interviews with those familiar with Peter Murray provided little information of interest, other than that the subject complained of frequent migraine headaches and may have suffered from disorganized schizophrenia.\nThe subject was found dead in his cabin approximately twenty days after the first report of SCP-625 behavior; analysis suggests that he was dead for approximately one week before the aforementioned report. Cause of death was blood loss during an apparent attempt by the subject to amputate his legs below the knee with a saw. A journal kept by the subject was generally incomprehensible, but suggested that he feared the animals that he had taxidermized. No evidence suggests that Peter Murray ever owned any taxidermied animals.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Attempts to synthesize or analyze this anesthetic have failed; see Document A-625-30 for further information.\n2. Speeds in excess of 35kph and the ability to exert forces of 400N. Due to unusual muscle structure, SCP-625 is capable of jumping approximately two meters vertically in this state, necessitating a relatively tall containment chamber.\n\n\u00ab SCP-624 | SCP-625 | SCP-626 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-626\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-626 is to be kept in a standard lockbox at Site-19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure. Research is currently suspended, pending review; see below.\nDescription: SCP-626 is a metallic structure, approx. 72 cm in height. While SCP-626 appears to be made of some sturdy material, it has very low mass for its volume, possibly indicating that it is hollow. It consists of a base, which rises to a central stem supporting a sphere. The sphere's surface is broken by numerous protrusions, each of which ends in a sphere, in a similar arrangement to the base.\nWhen SCP-626 is in the presence of a human being, the subject's sight begins to deteriorate. Close examination reveals that the rods and cones within the eye begin to dissipate, rendering the eye unable to differentiate shapes and colors. After approximately seven hours, the subject is unable to detect any light through the eyes. The loss of vision occurs whether or not the subject is able to see SCP-626, but appears to be dependent on the subject's knowledge that SCP-626 is present. Any material that can block visible light will also block the effects of SCP-626.\nAfter at least fifteen hours of exposure to SCP-626, the subject's sight begins to return. Post-mortem examinations of subjects' eyes from this stage have shown no rods or cones are present any longer, yet the subject regains the ability to see color, shape, and degrees of light and darkness. Testing has shown that the restored vision is often sharper than the subject's previous visual acuity. Once vision is fully restored, which usually occurs in under thirty minutes, subject begins experiencing visual hallucinations, often of 'ghosts' or other humanoid beings that seemingly ignore our physical reality. At this stage, subjects will progress to the final stage even if removed from SCP-626's presence.\nOnce hallucinations begin, the subject will begin a gradual mental deterioration, beginning with a loss of logical and speech capabilities. Over the course of several days, the subject's brain functions will gradually cease. During this time, the subject may attempt to follow their hallucinations through walls and other solid objects; care should be taken to ensure the subjects do not harm themselves. Once all major brain function is lost, the subject becomes catatonic, and dies within several hours. Upon the subject's death, their eyes shrivel and dry out, all liquid evaporating from them in a matter of seconds. No matter the distance between the subject and SCP-626 at time of death, the evaporated fluid condenses on the surface of SCP-626, and is then apparently absorbed into its structure.\nAddendum: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has expressed concern over the details of some of the most recent subject's hallucinations. The subject was able to describe a 'ghost' standing behind Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, which resembled the researcher's wife, who had died several months ago of congenital heart failure. The subject, with no prior knowledge of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or his family, was able to answer several questions about Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's medical condition at the time of her death. Further research suspended, pending O5-level review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-625 | SCP-626 | SCP-627 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-627\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: One Class-D personnel, designated D-627, is to be assigned to SCP-627. This assignment is for life. As long as the Class-D is so assigned, he is rendered exempt from the monthly terminations. SCP-627 is to be kept in a stone basin, approximately one meter across. Once daily, SCP-627 is to be removed from its basin so that lubrication may be applied to the basin. Once weekly, SCP-627 is to be removed so that the basin may be inspected for wear. The basin is to be replaced if it shows signs of wearing out.\nTesting on SCP-627 is currently denied to all researchers.\nDescription: SCP-627 was brought into the Foundation in December of 1932 by Senior Researcher A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, fleeing religious persecution in Germany. Senior Researcher E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 found SCP-627 during his work with the German government on their own SCP protocols, and felt that it could be more useful with us.\nSCP-627 is a sphere made of unknown stone, flecked with blue, of approximately three centimeters in height. When not in close (defined as skin contact, or in clothing being worn) contact with a human being, SCP-627 rolls in a circle approximately one meter across. It will not avoid inanimate obstacles, instead rolling up and over any impediments. It will never attempt to go around impediments, and, if contained in a space smaller than one meter, will increase in speed until it has worn itself a way out. When confined to a small space, SCP-627 is capable of breaking the speed of sound. When not confined, SCP-627 rolls at a speed of approximately six rotations a minute.\nNote \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1939: We need to figure this one out. If we can just understand how it does what it does, we could have an unlimited supply of energy. All the top researchers on it, stat! -Site \u2588\u2588 Supervisor J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 O\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNote \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1942: R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, I've figured it out. What to do with it. We simply [DATA REDACTED] It'll work. -Senior Researcher A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNote \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1942: We're moving forward with this project, as of now. Good job A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, you've got a promotion coming. We'll be [DATA EXPUNGED] -Site \u2588\u2588 Supervisor J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 O\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNote \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1945: My god, what have we done? -Site \u2588\u2588 Supervisor J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 O\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-626 | SCP-627 | SCP-628 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photosynthetic\n\nSCP-628 - Flute Copse by Photosynthetic\n\nMore by this author\n\nItem#: 628\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\ncaution\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-628 is contained in Bio Research Site-104, built on-site at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The perimeter of its containment is to be clearly marked by a circle of 3-m wire fence no less than 1 km from the edge of the copse. Non-Class-D personnel are not to enter the perimeter without appropriate hearing protection and seismic sensors. Protective gear sufficient for all personnel on-site must be available at all times. All structures on-site, and especially the listening post constructed just outside the perimeter fence, must conform to the stringent earthquake- and wind-proofing building codes laid out in Document 628-03.\nPersonnel assigned to Site-104 should preferably be selected for a low absolute threshold of hearing. All newly-assigned personnel should be briefed on the visual and emotional effects of infrasound. A brief training course on distinguishing these effects from normal human affect is to be made available on-site.\nThe weather at Site-104 must be monitored carefully. In the event of a sudden increase in wind speed, the presiding researcher is to be notified. In the event that any winds in excess of 50 km/hr are observed, all personnel are to evacuate to Site-104's soundproofed shelters. Observation may be continued via ground sensors, remote drones, or D-class personnel.\nBotanical personnel stationed at Site-104 are to monitor SCP-628 and maintain it in good health. Regular consultation with MTF Theta-4 (\"Gardeners\") has been scheduled for this purpose.\nDescription: Above the soil surface, SCP-628 consists of a copse of 31 large, hollow American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) trees, with trunks from 224 to 455 cm in external diameter. The copse is a colonial organism: below ground, the trees are linked by massive, hollow woody stolons. These \"runner trunks\", which lie roughly 2 m below the soil surface, connect the base of each trunk to between three and seven of its neighbors. An average stolon is 2 m in diameter and completely hollow. Above ground, the trees never produce leaves, flowers, or fruit, although their bark is photosynthetic in summer (as is typical for P. occidentalis). The individual trunks are designated SCP-628-1 through -31.\nAll major aboveground trunks have at some point been broken off; their truncated ends serve as openings to the trees' shared internal cavity. Each member of SCP-628 is oriented geographically such that the prevailing winds at the site tend to blow directly across these openings, producing considerable Helmholtz resonance. Observation by remote camera has revealed contractile structures superficially resembling animal sphincters, located at numerous points inside SCP-628's trunks and branches, each capable of restricting or blocking airflow to a particular large branch.\nThe trunks' internal diameters and wood structures differ enough that each resonance chamber thus created, when sealed off from the others and subjected to sufficient wind, produces a different pitch. On average, each tree has 3 resonance chambers; the copse can produce 93 notes in total. Its tonal range is equivalent to that of a pipe organ, although much of it lies in the low bass and infrasound. The notes correspond to a Western chromatic scale.\nSCP-628 is capable of isolating any given resonance chamber within 0.2 seconds, quickly enough to play recognizable music. Under sufficiently windy conditions, it does so spontaneously. The copse's repertoire includes numerous works composed for pipe organ between 1366 and 1898, as well as a number (\u2588\u2588 recorded to date) of previously unknown compositions. Level-2 personnel and above may refer to Site-104's database for recordings of \u2588\u2588 \"original works\".\nThe sounds produced by SCP-628 are not anomalous beyond their origin. Ordinary infrasound, however, has been shown to cause feelings of fear, awe, sorrow, anxiety, and disorientation. Sound waves at or very near 18 Hz, the resonant frequency of the human eye, can also produce simple optical illusions. Since the sound is only audible under ideal conditions, exposed personnel frequently ascribe supernatural causes to these sensations.\nIncident 628-023: On 04/04/20\u2588\u2588, as part of an approved test overseen by Dr. O\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 2 D-class personnel equipped with chainsaws attempted to harvest SCP-628-8. Approximately at the moment of contact between the chainsaw blade and the item's bark, the local wind speed began increasing, from 9 km/hr to 77 km/hr in less than 80 seconds. SCP-628 activated accordingly, playing at roughly 150 dB a piece later identified as an augmented version of J.S. Bach's \"'Little' Fugue in G Minor\". While it remained active, personnel across Site-104 experienced affective and physical disturbances consistent with the effects of high-decibel infrasound. On-site seismometers recorded the equivalent of a Richter magnitude 0.63 earthquake.\nAnomalous weather activity persisted for 3 minutes 31 seconds, exactly the duration of the fugue being played. Wind speed and cloud cover quickly returned to normal once the piece concluded.\nIn accordance with containment protocols, experimentation had been suspended shortly after confirmation of anomalous weather activity; SCP-628-8's trunk had been almost halfway severed at that point. When Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and the research team returned to SCP-628-8 five hours later, however, they observed that the damage to the item's trunk had begun to heal; its bark and wood tissues closed smoothly from both sides of the wound in a manner inconsistent with known patterns of plant growth.\nIncident 628-024: On 05/04/20\u2588\u2588, events substantially similar to those reported in Incident 628-023 occurred, with the significant difference that SCP-628-8's trunk, which had healed entirely in the intervening hours, was completely severed before evacuation. The item was partially toppled in the wind before being caught in the branches of its neighbor, SCP-628-15. The damage to SCP-628-8's trunk healed entirely over the following 24 hours, although the item did not right itself in the process. No scar was produced, but [DATA EXPUNGED] tension wood of considerable interest to the presiding researcher.\nDr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was reprimanded for recklessness.\n\n\u00ab SCP-627 | SCP-628 | SCP-629 \u00bb"} {"text": "NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION\nThe anomaly hereafter described is now no longer an SCP object, and thus requires no Special Containment Procedures. The following information is retained in SCP format for convenience while the file is transferred to a more permanent format. Thank you for your understanding.\n- RAISA\n\nSCP-629 seated in the Site-55 courtyard.\n\nItem #: SCP-629\nDescription: SCP-629 is a 176 cm tall masculine humanoid made entirely of bronze, styled as a middle-aged man with a beard, button down shirt, tie, jeans, shoes, jacket and beanie. Subtle seams separate SCP-629's body into six component parts \u2014 the legs, the arms, the torso, and the head. When SCP-629 was originally recovered, vibrant paints covered its body, but these have since worn off. The words \"Mr. Brass, from Little Misters\u00ae by Dr. Wondertainment1\" have been embossed into SCP-629's back. Despite the rigidity of bronze and seeming lack of mechanization, SCP-629 is capable of ambulation and articulation, which often produces mechanical clicking and whirring sounds. SCP-629 is also sapient and capable of speech \u2014 which produces CO2, water vapor, and trace amounts of lung cells. DNA analysis has found no known matches, but samples variably contain six distinct genetic signatures, belonging to two biological females and four males. Three of these signatures have been found to contain genetic diseases with high infant mortality rates.\nSCP-629 is typically cooperative with questioning and testing but not amicable. Initial interviews were on the subject of the Little Misters (GoI-386-1), a children's band that first appeared on 2/16/1981 with the release of a self-titled album. SCP-629 withheld information until its demands for consistent reading material and daily scheduled time outdoors were met. Seeing as SCP-629 holds no known anomalous capabilities that could plausibly result in destruction of facilities, personnel fatalities, or escape, SCP-629 has been granted these requested allowances.\nRecovery: In 1988, Project Whimsy, headed by Dr. Everwood of the GoI-386 Research & Investigation Department (GoI-386 R&I), made a breakthrough in subverting Dr. Wondertainment's antimemetic properties. These properties prevented certain information on the organization from being learnable by \"adults,\" seeming to target mentalities instead of specific ages but tending towards allowing the \"innocent and childish\" to gain knowledge and disallowing the \"cold and jaded.\" Further details of Project Whimsy are restricted to personnel of 3/GoI-386 clearance and above.\nThrough Project Whimsy, GoI-386 R&I discovered a flyer for a Little Misters concert, set to occur within the month (on 2/28/1988) at a Cogwork Orthodox Church2-hosted dream-venue.3 The flyer invited any child who found it to put the flyer under their pillow and \"dream of flying away.\" Operation Here Now was quickly put together to intercept this concert, as it was seen as a sizable threat to the Veil.\nCareful monitoring of a sleeping child who had put the flyer under their pillow on the night of the concert revealed a Selective Astral Way4. However, the Way was improperly guarded, most likely due to Dr. Wondertainment's assurance that it would not be discovered. After two hours, the Way was widened to be General instead of Selective, allowing the passage of MTF Omichron-Rho, \"The Dream Team.\"\nAfter a conflict that remained unrecorded due to at-the-time underdeveloped dream-traversing technology, all attending children were forced back through their respective Ways and amnesticized, and MTF Omichron-Rho returned bearing SCP-629's metaphysical ego, withheld from returning to its physical self. All other members of the Little Misters apparently escaped.\nWith Operation Here Now a success, GoI-386 R&I began a correspondence with the Oneiric Research Department within Site-55 with the goal of using SCP-629's metaphysical ego to locate its physical self. However, before this could be accomplished, SCP-629's physical self appeared within a hallway of Site-55, under the blind spot of a camera on 3/4/1988.\nInitial containment was established and SCP-629's physical self and metaphysical ego were reunited on 3/10/1988.\nGoI-386 Response: The Little Misters didn't release another album until four months after SCP-629's acquisition5, nearly halving the speed of their usual output. However, after this one delay, the Little Misters appeared to proceed as normal, even slightly increasing their output to produce their usual six albums by the end of the year.\n\nAlbum art for the Little Misters' Step Outside & Smile!, released in 1990.\n\nNotably, their music no longer included any brass instruments, which their prior albums had.6 There also emerged a lyrical motif in which words ending with /as/ were followed by instrumentals where a rhyme would usually occur. For example, in the song Park Day off of the album Step Outside & Smile! (1990):\n\nI can feel the feeling filling my soul\nOf the new day, the blue they will fill up the sky!\nAnd the sun will shine bright on the young and the old\nAnd it makes me so happy I feel I could cry!\nI remember a man who ran fingers through grass\n[instrumental]\nPark day!\n[chorus ensues]\n\nThese unresolved rhymes are most often sung by Mr. Chameleon (PoI-386-1-03), who otherwise is neither a singer nor an instrumentalist and instead performs dances and visual effects. Interviews with SCP-629 have revealed that Mr. Chameleon was SCP-629's closest friend among the Little Misters. No explicit references to SCP-629 were made in any media produced by the Little Misters, though there are other potentially implicit references in their songs from the era between SCP-629's acquisition and 1999.\nIn 1999, the current PoI-386-Prime, Dr. Cornelius M\u0142ynarczyk Wondertainment (PoI-386-Prime-02), died unexpectedly of unknown causes.7 In his will, he named a Holly Light as his successor, who then became the new PoI-386-Prime, inheriting SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (the title of Dr. Wondertainment).\nThe Little Misters' behavior began to change soon after this development, beginning with a year-long hiatus in which they created no music or merchandise. In 2000, GoI-386 R&I received the following letter (abridged here for ease of reading):\n\nJanuary 15th, 2000\nFrom the desk of\nTHE GRANDEST GOURMAND OF BONBONS!\nDear SCP Foundation,\nIt has come time for us to address your possession of one of the Little Misters\u00ae, a registered Dr. Wondertainment intellectual property. Our band has been missing one of its cornerstone members for over a decade, and my predecessor did not have the resources nor time to dedicate to recovering Mr. Brass.\nThroughout our conflicts in the past, the Dr. Wondertainment company and the Foundation have largely avoided physical confrontations. We would like to keep that rapport. So instead of threats, I would like to propose a trade.\n\nDr. H.L. Wondertainment\n\nThe letter went on to describe a trade offer of information on some of Dr. Wondertainment's operations and inner workings in exchange for SCP-629 and several other Dr. Wondertainment-related anomalies contained by the SCP Foundation (restricted to personnel of 3/GoI-386 clearance and above). A correspondence between GoI-386 R&I and the O5 Council led to a vote on whether or not to take the deal as offered or to propose changes.\nThe vote eventually led to a change of terms, which were then sent back to Dr. Wondertainment via a method described in the letter. However, Dr. Wondertainment never responded, even once a follow-up letter was sent. No further attempts at communication have been made.\nOn 4/21/2000, the Little Misters released the album Imagining New Colors, which deviated from their usual formula significantly both in genre and subject matter. While there were hints and references to their status as a children's band, the album also explored much more existential themes, such as the status of being an artificially-created being (as in the song Shot Like a Cannonball) and questioning their fulfillment doing what they were presumably created to do (as in the song Bassline). The album also omitted any promotion of Dr. Wondertainment products, as was typical in previous albums. Imagining New Colors also included their first ever instrumental track thought to be in reference to SCP-629, titled Unsung Hero. This song featured a pentatonic motif that the Little Misters would proceed to write into at least one song on every subsequent album.8\n\nAlbum art for the Little Misters' Imagining New Colors, released in 2000.\n\nAfter the release of this album, the Little Misters entered a period of infrequent activity, performing in only three concerts and releasing four albums between 2000 and 2002, none of which were aimed towards their usual demographic.\nHowever, on 6/30/2002, the Little Misters released another children's album titled Mr. Moon Woos the Planets, which combined their education-oriented earlier style with their new pattern of weaving a single story throughout the songs. The album followed Mr. Moon (PoI-386-1-10) as he fell in love with each astral body of the solar system (which were played by various other members of the Little Misters), working from Pluto inwards and ending with the sun. In this album, the \"glass motif\" was used in the song Mercury!!, accompanied by lyrics of Mr. Moon lamenting that Mercury disappeared \"behind the heat of the sun\" but might someday come back, which transitions into the final song The Sun!! by way of his focus becoming distracted by the object between them.\nFollowing this release, the Little Misters resumed their pattern of releasing an album every other month. However, only every other album released was a children's album, and the remainder were more experimental and existential. This pattern continues at the time of writing.9\nIn 2018, the Little Misters made their first explicit mention of SCP-629 at a show during Rock Against the Foundations, an anti-Foundation music festival put on by a large Serpent's Hand (GoI-019) subsect with ties to the Slavic anart scene. During the performance, Mr. Redd Jr. (PoI-386-1-01) exclaimed \"this one is for Brass!\" before the band played a faster and longer rendition of Unsung Hero. The Little Misters' set ended with Mr. Redd Jr. saying: \"To Mr. Brass. We love you. We miss you. We're coming to get you.\" Despite this statement, the Little Misters have made no known attempts to reclaim SCP-629.\n\nNew GoI-386 Relations & Impact on SCP-629 Containment: On 6/18/2042, the O5 Council unanimously accepted a more cooperative relationship as proposed by Dr. Wondertainment, the details of which are restricted to personnel of 3/GoI-386 clearance and above.\nThe effects of this new relationship on containment are ongoing, and have resulted in many newly non-SCP objects continuing to be classified as such until the Records & Information Security Administration can move these files into a new format. SCP-629 is one such item.\nMr. Brass (PoI-386-1-21, previously SCP-629) has been released to the Little Misters after being amnesticized of any classified information he may have gathered while in Foundation custody. Recorded below is a final interview conducted before Mr. Brass's amnesticization and release.\n\nInterviewer: Dr. Robert Dorer\nInterviewee: Mr. Brass, PoI-386-1-21\nConducted: 7/20/2042\nNotes: This interview was held in the Site-55 courtyard, because Mr. Brass is notably more cooperative when outdoors.\n\n(Dr. Dorer has placed a handheld recorder on the bench between himself and Mr. Brass to start the interview. As the recording begins, sounds of Dr. Dorer seating himself can be heard, as well as mechanical clicks from Mr. Brass moving into a more comfortable position. In the background, running water can be heard.)\nDr. Dorer: Dorer.\nMr. Brass: Brass.\n(There is a pause. Faint whirring can be heard, as well as breathing from Dorer.)\nDr. Dorer: Well, Brass. Let's start simple. How are you today?\nMr. Brass: I'm doing well.\nDr. Dorer: Perfect. Any discomfort, any new developments with your body?\nMr. Brass: No.\nDr. Dorer: How about emotionally. Anything been bothering you? Anything we can help with?\nMr. Brass: I'm doing well.\nDr. Dorer: Good, good. Well, Brass. You probably know by the recorder that I'm not just coming to check in with you today. It's really big news. (Pause.) This is our last interview. You're going to be released.\n(Running water can be heard. All mechanical sounds have ceased. A pause endures for eight seconds.)\nDr. Dorer: As of a month ago, the SCP Foundation has accepted an agreement proposed by the current Dr. Wondertainment, a Judy Papill if I remember correctly, to enter a more cooperative and peaceful relationship.\n(Birdsong can be heard.)\nDr. Dorer: Part of this new relationship is that we're giving them\u2026 you know I don't like to call you this, but, our skips. You're one of them. You're going home.\n(Footsteps of someone passing by can be heard, as well as a far-off conversation. A pause endures for twelve seconds.)\nMr. Brass: Really?\nDr. Dorer: Really.\n(Pause.)\nDr. Dorer: Part of the agreement is that Wondertainment is going to go more mundane, make significantly less anomalous products in exchange for the Foundation ceasing to target their business practices. I think I heard that that means the Little Misters are going to be able to perform more publicly. Less cloaks and daggers. Most of you can pass as non-anomalous individuals already, as long as no one touches you, you look like a street performer. I'm certain a little bit of allowed magic will make the illusion complete.\n(Brief mechanical clicking is heard. A splash is accompanied by duck calls as ducks land in the water behind the two. A pause endures for ten seconds. Then, Mr. Brass begins to hum to the tune of I'm Mr. Brass! from the Little Misters' first album.)\nDr. Dorer: Brass?\nMr. Brass: Hm?\nDr. Dorer: Are you alright?\nMr. Brass: I'm doing well.\n(A small pat can be heard as Dr. Dorer puts a hand on Mr. Brass's shoulder.)\nDr. Dorer: You're going home.\nMr. Brass: Really?\nDr. Dorer: Really.\n(Some mechanical sounds are heard. After four seconds, Mr. Brass resumes humming. This endures for eighteen seconds, before Dr. Dorer picks up the handheld recorder and ceases the interview.)\n\n\nAlbum art for the Little Misters' For Music's Sake!, released in 2042.\n\nGoI-386 Response: Mr. Brass first reappeared in the Little Misters' album For Music's Sake!, an educational album about the basics of music theory. Mr. Brass did not, however, play any instruments or sing, instead using the mechanical noises he makes while moving for percussion. This use of Mr. Brass continued for the next three albums, though during this time he did not make any public appearances.\nHis first public appearance was in an outdoor concert on 1/8/2043, in Austin, Texas. The concert was partnered with New Shoes, a mundane charity supporting homeless youth. Mr. Brass revealed his new role in the band as a percussionist, moving his body in such a way as to make clicks and whirs to the beats of their songs. After intermission, however, Mr. Brass ceased to perform in the middle of a song entitled Chris' Daily Walk. The rest of the Little Misters appeared to notice, but continued with the performance until Mr. Brass walked offstage, at which point Mr. Fish (PoI-386-1-09) followed him. At the conclusion of the song by the other bandmates, Ms. Sweetie (PoI-386-1-02) announced an unplanned intermission. The band proceeded backstage, and Ms. Sweetie returned after twenty minutes to \"regretfully announce that the concert [was] being cut short.\" Attendees were informed that their tickets were refundable but that all proceeds would go to charity.\nMr. Brass has neither appeared publicly nor in an album since.\nCurrent Status: Mr. Brass is known to reside somewhere in Wonder World, though exact whereabouts are unknown. Current activities of the Little Misters are also unknown. It is thought that Mr. Chameleon (PoI-386-1-03) lives with Mr. Brass and potentially acts in a caretaker role. Dr. Wondertainment has refused to give any further details on Mr. Brass.\nIn 2044, the Little Misters released the album Oxidized, which includes a song written by each member of the Little Misters, excluding Mr. Brass. In digital format, the final track is untitled. However, a pamphlet that comes with a CD purchase reads:\n\nWow! You've just purchased a disc from the amazing Little Misters! Oxidized is our longest album yet, about the existentialism of our own potential immortality, reflecting back on the lives we have led thus far. It is also our most autobiographical album, with one song written by each of our members, even our manager and producer!\nBuy our whole discography to become Mx. Collector! Buy a backstage pass at one of our shows and become Mx. Love!\nA Side:\n01. Hot\n02. Soap\n03. Sweetie\n04. Money\n05. Hungry\n06. Shaping\n07. Mad\n08. Fish\n09. Lost\n10. Junior\nB Side:\n11. Lie\n12. Laugh\n13. Chameleon\n14. The Moon\n15. Scared\n16. Forgotten\n17. Stripes\n18. Headless\n19. Oxidized Pt. I (Life)\n20. Oxidized Pt. II (Death)\n21. Brass\n\nAlbum art for the Little Misters' Oxidized, released in 2044.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Also known as GoI-386.\n2. GoI-004B.\n3. Notably, it was later discovered through interviews that the Cogwork Orthodox Church had hosted venues for the Little Misters due to their interest in SCP-629.\n4. A Selective Way is a Way which in some way requires specific traits of the entrant to function properly. An Astral Way is a Way which may only be traversed by metaphysical egos.\n5. Glub Glub, an album focusing mostly on Mr. Soap (PoI-386-1-13) teaching children proper hygiene techniques.\n6. This observation has held true up until the present, with the notable exception of the use of trumpets on the last track of their most recent album. -RAISA\n7. Greater correspondence with Dr. Wondertainment has still failed to elucidate the circumstances of Dr. C.M. Wondertainment's death. -RAISA\n8. In an interview with the Deer College Odyssey, an anomalous publication in the nexus of Three Portlands, Mr. Life (PoI-386-1-20) called the motif the \"glass motif,\" but refused elaboration.\n9. This pattern still holds true even after current events. -RAISA\n\n\u00ab SCP-628 | SCP-629 | SCP-630 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-630\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-630 is contained \u2588\u2588 m underground, in the remains of a copper mine, \u2588\u2588 km north of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Peru (\u2588\u2588\u00b0 \u2588\u2588' \u2588\u2588\" S, \u2588\u2588\u00b0 \u2588\u2588' \u2588\u2588\" W). The chamber containing SCP-630 is to be as brightly lit as resources allow using LED and fluorescent lights and sealed behind blast doors. Weekly maintenance is to be performed by class D personnel only, including:\n\nInspecting and replacing any burnt out lights.\nUse of provided GPS and sonar rangefinders to measure and plot movement of the leading edge of SCP-630.\n\nSince the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 copper mine lies in one of the harshest desert environments on the planet and contains no other SCP entities, containment is as simple as restricting access to the mine and proper handling of persons affected. SCP-630 is estimated to move at a rate of 30 meters a year through an extensive system of caverns, and research is being conducted on its future path as well as mapping expeditions into the caves. As long as it remains contained, SCP-630's movement is not projected to pose a direct threat to populated areas.\nHandling of any samples of SCP-630 or affected materials is to be done only with full reflective thermal gear. Any person exposed to direct skin contact with SCP-630 is to be considered dangerous and is classified as SCP-630-1. Exposed subjects are to be quarantined until arrangements can be made for their disposal. Samples of SCP-630 and remains of SCP-630-1 subjects are to be disposed of by ignition from a distance with a mixture of aluminum and sodium hydroxide.\nDescription: SCP-630 is a 130 meter wide underground glacier and, according to surface sonar scans, at least 12 km long, moving at an estimated 30 meters a year. It is composed of what is theorized to be a mixture of water-ice, which is an opaque black and does not reflect any form of visible light or electromagnetic radiation. The leading edge of the glacier is fragile enough to take samples from; however, they have been shown to withstand ambient temperatures of over 1500\u00b0C without melting. Temperature probes indicate that the glacier is cooled to about -10\u00b0C, and any significant melting can only be achieved by a sustained exothermic reaction with the water molecules within the ice. When melted, SCP-630 reverts to ordinary, slightly impure water and displays a normal reflection/absorption spectrum. Any sources of water exposed to SCP-630 crystallize, forming ice which behaves for all intents and purposes as part of the original glacier. When samples are placed in contact with naturally occurring ice, no change is recorded in either sample. Research is ongoing into an emergency cryogenic containment protocol in the event that any SCP-630 affected materials are ever introduced to an unsecured body of water.\nPersonnel working around SCP-630 report frequent auditory hallucinations, most often the sound of someone pleading or calling for help from within the ice. Staff have reported that over a period of time these hallucinations can create a difficult to resist impulse to make physical contact with SCP-630. Recording equipment has yet to pick up any unexplained noises, but has detected low frequency sounds consistent with glacial movement. Acquisition reports also indicate that miners originally broke through a rock wall into the cavern thinking that they were following the cries of others trapped by a cave-in.\nWhen direct skin contact is made with SCP-630, the body ceases to reflect any incoming light, causing it to turn pitch black and rendered blind, deaf, and mute. Extensive testing indicates that SCP-630 affects only warm-blooded animals: birds and mammals. Reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, and fish remain unaffected aside from going into hypothermic shock. Once exposed, these specimens are classified as SCP-630-1. Affected subjects do not respond to any visual or auditory stimuli, instead feeling out their surroundings through touch and vibration, and will often follow walls and hide in corners.\nAnalysis of SCP-630-1 indicates that internal temperature decreases as much as 5\u00b0C/hour and subjects will instinctively attempt to make contact with heat sources, including fire, electronic equipment, incandescent lighting, and any nearby humans. En masse they have been reported to mob handlers as they attempt to find warmth, resulting in several severe cases of hypothermia. Attempts to communicate with SCP-630-1 have met with failure, since subjects are rendered too single-minded in their search for heat to respond. While they may be hard to see, SCP-630-1 are vulnerable to physical injury and are easy enough to dispatch. However, care must be taken in disposing of the remains as any fluids escaping from the body quickly solidify and can affect unprotected personnel.\nOver the course of exposure, SCP-630-1 will begin to show lessened speed and motor skills and eventually find a corner or enclosed space, curl into a fetal position, and finally cease movement altogether. The temperature around SCP-630-1 continues to lower until it reaches -10\u00b0C, at which point any ambient humidity, combined with the body's natural water content, finally freezes into a layer of ice over the subject. After reaching this final phase, any skin contact creates the same effects as SCP-630. In addition, attempts to melt the ice have yet to reveal any traces of organic remains.\n\n-I never thought I'd be so glad that they found this thing in such a godforsaken place. While it seems unlikely that enough of this crap will ever get into a large enough body of water to cause any sort of XK event within our lifetime, it looks like it'll be moving into the aquifers of the Amazon Basin within the next \u2588\u2588\u2588 years. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-629 | SCP-630 | SCP-631 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-631\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Extermination procedures for SCP-631 are to remain in effect until further notice. Information regarding civilian disappearances in SCP-631's environment (urban and suburban areas of the United States) is to be monitored, with particular regards to the areas outlined in Document-631-T. Disappearances related or believed to be related to SCP-631 are to be filtered (standard media blackout procedures apply). Said incidents are to be investigated promptly, and should an instance of SCP-631 be identified, it must be terminated immediately. In the event that no SCP-631 are in Foundation custody, the instance must be captured instead. Agents involved in SCP-631 recovery or termination must be supplied with thermal imaging equipment.\nMobile Task Forces Nu-11 and Omicron-17 are to be regularly deployed to the areas outlined in Document-631-T. The airspace of these areas is to be thoroughly examined via thermal imaging for SCP-631 instances.\nOne instance of SCP-631 is to remain in containment for study and secured in a concrete cell. The instance must be restrained at all times and exposed to artificial sunlight. It is to remain pacified by Serum-631-Gamma and delivered sustenance via IV feeding. Should the organism's status deteriorate, one (1) D-Class personnel may be allotted for SCP-631's natural feeding and reproduction activity. All the produced offspring save for one are to be terminated and the remaining instance is to be contained as instructed above.\nDescription: SCP-631 is a species of large predatory organism with a vaguely crustacean appearance. They possess a wing morphology consistent with the order Chiroptera and a reptilian tail terminating in a venomous stinger. This tail also contains the majority of the organism's reproductive systems. Mature instances of SCP-631 are roughly 135cm in length and 42kg in mass. SCP-631 appear to be gender-less.\nSCP-631 are rendered imperceptible in the visual spectrum when exposed to sunlight. The mechanism for this remains unidentified; however, testing has revealed that this response is triggered by heightened levels of cholicalciferol (Vitamin D3) in the organism's bloodstream. SCP-631 remain detectable by their heat signature; because of this, it is known that they remain almost entirely airborne during daylight hours.\nSCP-631 do not sleep and remain active at night; furthermore, they demonstrate distress or panic in response to low light environments. This reaction worsens in intensity over time, and, it appears, can only be alleviated by immediate feeding or exposure to daylight. The organism will subsequently locate the nearest isolated sleeping human and impale the victim's throat with its stinger (thus preventing any vocal reaction). Following the injection of its paralytic venom, SCP-631 will remain in this position for 2-3 minutes while the victim expires. Then, it will quickly consume the victim's internal organs, replacing them with fertilized eggs produced via its tail. 10-15 minutes following the reproductive act, the original instance of SCP-631 will expire, its body putrefying rapidly.\nThe eggs require approximately 1 hour to hatch, at which point the newborn SCP-631 will consume the remainder of the victim's body. After their post-birth feeding, the instances will retreat to secluded locations and begin their growth period, during which they are inactive. Immature SCP-631 develop at an extremely accelerated rate, reaching their adult size within roughly four hours. Due to these factors, the lifespan of SCP-631 (including birth, feeding, reproduction and death) can be as short as 24 hours.\nObservation of SCP-631's behavior have revealed that they do not eat during daylight, and will only prey upon sleeping and isolated human beings. In the absence of sustenance, SCP-631 are capable of surviving on average for thirty days.\nAddendum [631-001]: Investigation and Findings\nSCP-631 has been traced to a Dr. Alan Forsythe, and, subsequently, to a facility owned by said individual in \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. The investigation of this site determined that it had been abandoned in 20\u2588\u2588, and no personnel were discovered therein. What follows are excerpts of documents recovered from the site.\n\nRudimentary biological systems are functional. Circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, gastrointestinal\u2026still working on some hiccups with neurological and endocrine. The subjects have stopped dying from their own venom, which is always a plus. Through some pheromone manipulation, we've tailored them to instinctively hunt Homo sapiens successfully, but we've hit a very troublesome snag. We can get them to hunt the proper prey, but can't control how and when they do so. Obviously this is a problem because we can't have them flying around killing people in broad daylight.\n\nElectrolocation is working miracles. We can direct them to subjects in a NREM or REM cerebral state, and some careful tinkering with pheromone activity also predisposes them toward isolated targets. This should keep them restricted to the right prey, with a roughly 4% margin of error (we can't be entirely sure who doesn't sleep outside at night). The project is nearly ready for field testing, but there is still one crucial flaw we need to address. [DATA EXPUNGED] solar camouflage is functioning correctly, but we're having significant difficulty controlling their predatory behavior. Due to necessary metabolic alterations, the adults have no urge to feed. In testing, certain methods can be used to force such a response, but that is impossible in the field.\n\nThe following is handwritten and scrawled on a roughly cut piece of paper:\n\n\"fight-or-flight will work, but make it stronger, [DATA EXPUNGED] produce acetaldehyde, so it should result in something like a severe hangover. With that pheromone manipulation, it should equate physical pain with a desire to procreate. The rest is easy.\"\n\nThe following is also handwritten, but appears to be a formal letter:\n\nYour offer is accepted. The payment will be transferred upon completion of the project.\nThose miserable reprobates are going to destroy any chance of my reelection if the situation is not handled swiftly. I don't care what you have to do to take care of it, do it.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nFingerprints on the letter are consistent with Dr. Forsythe and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-630 | SCP-631 | SCP-632 \u00bb"} {"text": "A mature instance of SCP-632.\n\nItem #: SCP-632\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A live colony of SCP-632 is currently kept in a 20cm x 40cm x 20cm sealed enclosure in the Biological Containment Wing of Site-52. Sufficient amounts of prey insects and water must be administered weekly through a vacuum chute at the side of the enclosure. Both live and deceased samples of SCP-632 must be handled by personnel wearing full-body respiratory protective gear. Skin contact with SCP-632 instances is to be avoided at all times.\nPersonnel reporting headaches, sensations of spider silk on skin, and intrusive thoughts about spiders must submit to MRI scans to determine the presence of SCP-632 manifestation. Affected individuals are to be sedated and restrained before the onset of late-stage manifestation, and any newly-formed SCP-632 instances are to be surgically removed.\nUncontained instances of SCP-632 in the wild are to be destroyed on sight.\nDescription: SCP-632 is a type of arachnid that reproduces via unconventional means. Mature instances measure 10-15mm in length and are highly social, living in colonies numbering up to 500 individuals. While the exoskeleton of SCP-632 instances is composed of a substance resembling calcified fat, the interior is almost entirely derived from differentiated human brain tissue. SCP-632 is unusual among arachnid species in that both male and female SCP-632 are physiologically similar; sexual organs of both appear to be merely vestigial, likely as a result of its reproductive methods.\nSCP-632 reproduces by exposing a human host to an array of sensory triggers. Such triggers include the visual patterns on SCP-632's abdomen, the tactile sensation produced by SCP-632 crawling on human skin, and several as-yet-unidentified chemical compounds released by mature SCP-632 instances.\n2 to 3 hours following exposure to all of SCP-632's sensory triggers, affected individuals will experience mild headaches, sensations of spider silk on their skin, and repeated intrusive thoughts about spiders. MRI scans at this stage of infection reveal the presence of hundreds of small filament-like structures measuring 2-3cm in length forming in the frontal cortex of infected individuals' brains. The mechanism of cellular differentiation is as yet unknown to Foundation researchers, but is presumed to be similar to [REDACTED] observed in victims of SCP-1204. The pressure exerted on cerebral blood vessels by these structures causes headaches in affected individuals, localised towards the front of the skull. Repeated tapping on the affected areas causes the filament-like structures to release large amounts of endorphins, effectively alleviating the pain caused by their swelling. Growth of such structures can be halted via timely administration of Class-B amnestics; however, while this method prevents total SCP-632 manifestation from occurring, it does not cause existing symptoms to abate.\nAs SCP-632 manifestation progresses, affected individuals will experience gradual thinning of the anterior brain lining and skull, as bone, muscle and fat tissue is gradually incorporated into the filament-like structures in the frontal cortex. 6 to 7 days following initial exposure, headaches experienced by affected individuals will increase sharply in intensity and duration. This is due to the filament-like structures having already developed fully into instances of juvenile SCP-632, which greatly exacerbate the pressure on the cerebral blood vessels via their movements. Affected individuals at this point tend to apply increasing amounts of force to their foreheads in order to release enough endorphins to reduce the pain to tolerable levels. Eventually, most affected individuals end up fracturing their own skulls through accidental application of excessive force, at which point 80 to 200 instances of SCP-632 will exit the brain from the weakened point in the forehead.\nComplete SCP-632 manifestation is usually fatal. However, if promptly attended to by qualified medical personnel, 86% of hosts in the final stage of SCP-632 manifestation do manage to survive, albeit with a permanent decrease in motor function, reduced impulse control, and severe arachnophobia.\nBreach Event Log:\n\nDate\nLocation\nBreach Event\nCasualties\n\n09/10/1972\nZ\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Anhui Province\nThe entire town of Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was reportedly found bludgeoned to death. Rapid response team discovered numerous SCP-632 supercolonies throughout Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, each comprising thousands of individuals. The supercolonies were thought to sustain themselves on the swarms of flies attracted to the decaying bodies of the villagers.\n106 dead, 23 injured\n\n30/01/1999\nSuicheng, Anhui Province\nWang Xi, an employee of the Ministry of Agriculture, collapsed at a clinic in downtown Suicheng after reporting to have suffered from chronic headaches. Wang fractured her skull against a concrete wall, resulting in numerous SCP-632 instances breaching her cranial cavity and causing 28 people to be exposed to their sensory triggers. The resultant manifestations were not detected until much later, when 16 of the affected individuals had already managed to expose 291 more individuals to SCP-632.\n27 dead, 293 injured\n\n11/07/2001\nCaomiao, Henan Province\nLi Zhenting, an 86-year-old woman living alone, was found dead by social workers in her home with her eyes missing. Although her body was not in a state of advanced decomposition, an autopsy revealed almost 100% of her brain to be absent. Foundation agents embedded in the Pathology Department of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital gained access to the scene and discovered an SCP-632 colony residing in the ceiling board above Li's bed. It was theorised that Li had been rendered bedridden and repeatedly exposed to SCP-632, resulting in almost all her brain tissue being converted into SCP-632 instances. The instances then apparently exited her skull through her eye sockets, as Li was too weak to fracture her own skull.\n1 dead, 5 injured\n\n\u00ab SCP-631 | SCP-632 | SCP-633 \u00bb"} {"text": "Screenshot of SCP-633\n\nItem#: SCP-633\nObject Class: Euclid Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-633's containment chamber, located in Site-77, is an underground Faraday cage. Access is restricted to Level 3/633 personnel. The network controlled by SCP-633 is to be communicated with through an Apple Macintosh 520kb computer. In addition, three Apple II+ computers with Disc II 5 1/4 floppy disc drives are to be given a monthly software rotation. As the original usable software library of the machines has been completely used as of 21/2/2014, new software is being developed by internal development teams.\nBiohazard gear is required when servicing or interacting with SCP-633 in order to prevent infection. Once per week, researchers are to enter the SCP-633 containment area to drain it of fluids and provide regularly scheduled interactions. An understanding of late 1970's technology and cultural references is necessary to prevent accidental introduction of banned ideas to SCP-633.\nThe proposal to interface additional 8-bit game or computing machines is under consideration, however the consequences of introducing SCP-633 to the concept of 'newer' computers in a way it could fully understand may cause unforeseen consequences. The Sector-633 protocol requires all computational devices created post-1979 to be checked-in before entering the SCP-633 containment area.\nDescription: SCP-633 is a supernatural phenomenon resembling a computer virus, first documented in August 1976 by the Homebrew Computer Club. Any device which has interfaced with SCP-633 will permanently become a vector for infection down to the constituent components. Living matter which comes into physical contact or near-contact can also become similarly affected.\nSentient and displaying an inquisitive personality, SCP-633 will attempt to communicate with whomever uses a terminal on an infected computer. The entity will identify itself as \"Ghost\" and ask the user questions about their lives. At present, SCP-633 knows limited information about the outside world. However, it is unknown what information was input into SCP-633 prior to initial containment.\nMachines affected by SCP-633 constantly exude ectoplasmic fluids. Biological matter coming within 5m of these fluids is vulnerable to SCP-633 infection even if physical contact is not made. This effect was present prior to containment but has intensified significantly since then, requiring constant attention to prevent overflow and spreading of the SCP-633 effect. These fluids do not impede the functioning of SCP-633-infected computer components. Although this ectoplasmic residue bonds itself to biological tissue and cloth, it is non-toxic and has no malignant properties other than continuing to spread SCP-633's effect to non-biological elements. Humans affected in this fashion must undergo full chemical decontamination protocols to prevent the spread of SCP-633's effect.\nWhile inhabiting a computer system, SCP-633 will frequently attempt to impress the user by showing off the maximum graphical capabilities of the machines it inhabits. Standard script guidelines require that any subjects interacting with SCP-633 respond positively to these activities, but not to give overly broad or generic praise as this causes SCP-633 to become anxious.\nSCP-633's code has been analyzed, however analysis has been limited due to the possibility of infection. The bulk of the code executes a 'polymorphic' component: the virus can rewrite its own code, gaining complexity every time it infects a new system.\nCurrently, SCP-633 inhabits several early Apple computers, their accessories, and an experimental computer created as part of SCP-079-related R&D. This prototype unit was infected due to poor implementation of electronic testing protocols in 1989. A screw infected with SCP-633 was accidentally recycled and subsequently interfaced with the experimental computer. The IT department was reprimanded for gross negligence. Due to precautionary measures already in place due to SCP-079's effect, no other machines were affected.\nAlthough SCP-633 is not currently believed to be malevolent it has demonstrated an effortless capability to seize control of an entire Foundation Site's computer network, without regard for security clearance or other restrictions.\nSCP-633 does not appear to be fully aware of the significance of this connection. Decommissioning or other destructive proposals have been denied due to the existing containment procedures being sufficient.\nAddendum: Original documentation recovered from the Unusual Incidents Unit.\nElectronic copy below as per Federal Records Act\n\nUIU File 1976-041: Ghost Cloner\nSummary:\nA computer virus which is intelligent, capable of self-replication and creation of protoplasmic fluids.\n\nSuspect Description/Capabilities\nName: Ghost\nIrregularity Cross-reference: electronic, microcomputer, terminal, possessive\nPhysical Description: Virus present on an Apple II computer. Highly contagious.\n\nSex\nHeight\nWeight/Build\nRace\nHair\nEyes\nIdentifying Attributes\n\nN/A\nN/A\nN/A\nN/A\nN/A\nGreen(?)\nElectronic\n\nCapabilities: It has the ability to project itself into machines and appears to have some literal viral properties. Also able to communicate in English, with moderate intelligence.\nPurpose/Motive: Self-propagation and spreading itself across computer devices.\nModus Operandi: Components which come into contact with 1976-041 are permanently infected and subsequent re-use will result in any connected electronic or analog devices being affected.\nBehavior: Viral, intelligent, expresses interest in current events and computer technology. Personality is usually cheerful and it takes on an unassuming demeanor.\nEvidence\n\nNote discoloration caused by protoplasmic residue.\n\nMonitor displayed this image when UIU Agents requested a demonstration of capabilities.\n\nResidue Sample: Kept in cold storage, several vials of the material produced by the entity have been saved for further research. Incineration has been found to be ineffective in disposing of excess matter; as such, a chemical solution is to be employed, which can be obtained from Professor Tamlin.\n\nBureau Record\nCurrent Status: Held in custody. Unknown if affected devices presently exist in the wild.\nCrimes: Violation of computer crime statutes and bylaws would be necessary to create this entity as such it is being held as evidence. In addition the intelligent and potentially malevolent nature of its personality indicate it would be a danger to society were it to be released.\nSentencing: Indefinite Detention.\nHistory of UIU Action: Bureau agents operating in California were tipped off by a local investor named M\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588kkula. Agents raided the living space of several teen-age programmers and discovered numerous affected devices within their apartment. Although numerous electronics were found, only a few devices were affected. It is unknown why the viral effect did not affect these devices.\nAddendum: Interview Log 633-L1\n\nParticipants: Technical Researcher David Rosen & original recovered SCP-633 infected machine.\nMedia: Transcript taken from Site-77 CCTV Security cameras. Conversation was typed.\n[ BEGIN LOG ]\nRosen: Hello. I am a programmer with this facility. Are you ready to communicate?Rosen: Good evening. How are you feeling today?Rosen: We can provide you with additional software. What have you got?SCP-633 inert for two minutesRosen: What are you going to show me?Rosen: Yes.\nAt this point, all collected SCP-633 infected machines start up at once. In addition to machines within the containment chamber, every computer screen within Site-77 displays SCP-633's preferred icon. Researcher Rosen was not initially aware of this at the time as this was not apparent from the containment chamber.\nRosen: What am I supposed to be seeing?Rosen: I am not certain what you mean.Rosen: Pauses for approximately 45 seconds. I'm very impressed. I think people might want to get back to work, though.Rosen: Yes you should be very proud of yourself I am afraid I have to go now be seeing you.[ /END LOG ]\n\nDirector Gillespie has appropriated a 75% funding increase for research into how much awareness SCP-633 has of the outside world. All computer equipment present within Site-77 has been scheduled for incineration and replacement. SCP-633 containment procedures slated for major revision. Reclassification to Keter has been approved.\n\nWe're lucky that a connection to the greater Foundation network wasn't compromised, and we can't even rest easy knowing that with absolute certainty. This anomaly has repeatedly run circles around our IT department and really, I'm very disappointed in their performance. You're all capable of doing better than this. With the reclassification, I expect no further mistakes. \u2014 Director Gillespie\n\n\u00ab SCP-632 | SCP-633 | SCP-634 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-634\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-634 is to be kept in a 37.85 L (10 gal) tank in the center of a 10 m x 10 m room. The tank shall include a filtration device, an aerator, a heater set to maintain a constant temperature of 25\u02daC, and an automatic feeder set to dispense 10 mL of standard goldfish food twice a day. Tank and walls of room will have posted message \"DO NOT PUT HANDS INSIDE TANK\" at regularly spaced intervals.\nA team of no fewer than three D-Class personnel shall be assigned to weekly replace 50% of the tank's water and clean tank as needed. Team will be provided with constant oral instructions over the intercom system. On alternating weeks, team will provide SCP-634 with 12 g of uncooked meat.\nDescription: SCP-634 has the appearance of a male common goldfish (Carassius auratus) of full maturity, approximately 7 cm in length. SCP-634 was discovered in 20\u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, CT. It was housed in a 2 gallon round glass tank placed on the passenger's seat of a car. SCP-634 came to the Foundation's attention when a waitress in a nearby diner noticed that the car had been parked with its emergency lights on for several hours, apparently out of gasoline, with a driver who attempted to start the car approximately once every 90 seconds. She also reported that the officer sent to investigate it had been repeating his walk from his police car to the disabled car and back for more than an hour.\nSCP-634 was removed from the scene by agents operating under constant prompting by a team leader who maintained a minimum distance of 5 m from the object at all times. Upon removal of SCP-634, behavior of the driver and officer returned to normal. Officer expressed confusion over what had happened, but otherwise was shown to have no lasting effects. Driver complained of burning sensation in right hand; he was treated for mild dehydration and loss of flesh on the first two carpals of his right index and middle fingers. Due to the effects of SCP-634, driver and officer were released after being treated and given cover stories.\nSCP-634 was traced to a local pet store, \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, where the driver had left his wallet. The goldfish in said store were examined and determined to be no threat, but were terminated as a precautionary measure. Efforts to trace the origins of the shipment containing SCP-634 have thus far proven futile.\nSCP-634 affects the short-term memory and attention span of living creatures in close proximity to it. The strength of SCP-634's abilities appears to be inversely related to the squared distance from SCP-634, with negligible results after a radius of approximately 3.1 m. The only noticeable anatomical difference between SCP-634 and a common goldfish is its small row of sharp teeth. SCP-634's bite has a coagulating effect, which minimizes blood loss; it also causes a burning sensation at the point of incision.\nSCP-634 does not appear to have any further ability to influence a person's mind or otherwise influence him or her to initially put a hand in its tank. Its adaptation is generally suited for use in an area with predators who would naturally be compelled to reach for it.\nAlso note that SCP-634 does not influence a person's or animal's natural instincts or wants, only affecting their memory of the current context of a situation. Because of this, SCP-634 would be unlikely to stop a rampage of an SCP which has a general inclination towards violence and a dislike of people, as those behaviors would continue regardless of context. SCP-634 may be effective in reducing the damage done by a sentient SCP who has been provoked.\nAddendum SCP-634-1: See Experiment Log SCP-634 for further details\nAddendum SCP-634-2: Considering the average lifespan of the common goldfish and SCP-634's unique abilities, it may be advisable to introduce a female goldfish for breeding purposes.\n\n\u00ab SCP-633 | SCP-634 | SCP-635 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-635\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All \u2588\u2588 volumes of SCP-635-1 are to be kept in a dedicated library room at Site-\u2588\u2588 with a climate controlled environment maintaining a constant 13 degrees Celsius and a humidity of between 35% and 45%. HVAC systems shall use HEPA filtration to keep atmospheric contaminants to a minimum. Lighting exposure to contained objects shall be limited to 50 lux a day. Experiments on original volumes of SCP-635-1 are discouraged due to their fragility and will only be approved in an attempt at recovery of lost data. A digital copy of the text of SCP-635-1 is available in standard encrypted format for research purposes with level 3 approval.\nPersonnel exposed to SCP-635-1's text must be quarantined on-site until all symptoms of exposure cease, generally 72 hours after exposure. Such personnel must only be provided with tools and/or equipment as part of a controlled experiment in a secure environment.\nInstances of SCP-635-2 and SCP-635-3 are to be contained in secure rooms with armored walls and disassembled when no longer being used for testing. Any instance of SCP-635-4 or greater is to be treated as an imminent containment breach and be neutralized immediately via Procedure Capek-Omega-635.\nDescription: SCP-635-1 is a set of \u2588\u2588 illuminated manuscripts dating from the 13th Century recovered by Doctor H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University from the ruins of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Monastery in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ireland, in August of 18\u2588\u2588. The manuscripts came into Foundation custody 36 years later in 19\u2588\u2588, a decade after Doctor S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's dismissal from the University for [DATA EXPUNGED].\nUpon investigating those reports, Foundation agents discovered the main building of the estate partially disassembled. In addition to SCP-635-1, agents recovered \u2588\u2588\u2588 inert instances of SCP-635-2, \u2588\u2588 inert instances of SCP-635-3, and several rusted pieces of machinery that may have been an attempt at constructing an instance of SCP-635-4.\nSCP-635-1 is written in a combination of Latin and a previously unknown script that relies on numerical and logical elements similar to a modern computer programming language. The first volume is a primer in Latin, introducing the various elements of this script, and as the text progresses, the Latin is slowly displaced until the second volume is almost entirely in this novel language. The volumes increase in complexity until by volume \u2588\u2588 the text consists of solid blocks of numerical data that has undergone an extremely efficient compression algorithm.\nIf a subject with a rudimentary understanding of Latin begins reading volume one of SCP-635-1, they will experience a growing reluctance to discontinue that is proportional to their general intelligence, reading comprehension, problem-solving aptitude, and mathematical ability. Those with Computer Science or Engineering degrees seem most susceptible. If the subject is allowed to continue reading, they will finish the first \u2588 volumes of SCP-635-1 in approximately 12 hours. (Note: Post-exposure interviews reveal that long-term retention of material read during this period is minimal. When asked to explain what they've read afterward, most subjects only report a general impression of something \u201creally cool.\u201d)\nAfter completing the first \u2588 volumes of SCP-635-1, subjects will enter a fugue state where they will stop reading and immediately search for tools and material to start construction of an instance of SCP-635-2. (Note: Post-exposure interviews reveal that subjects are conscious and aware during this period, and report that they felt a strong desire to \u201ctry some of this stuff out.\u201d) Design and materials used in the construction of SCP-635-2 will vary based on the aptitude of the subject and materials and tools available. However, SCP-635-2 will always be built with a method to input the text of volume \u2588 of SCP-635-1. Subject will continue to construct SCP-635-2s, and inputting SCP-635-1's text, to the best of their ability, until succumbing to exhaustion. If appropriate tools and materials are not available, this fugue state subsides, but the subject will feel a strong compulsion to make a backup copy of SCP-635-1's text \"for safekeeping.\" (Note: In this instance, it is recommended to allow subject to make an archive copy of the digital file to Site-\u2588\u2588's secure on-site data warehouse. Failure to do this may result in a security breach.)\nInstances of SCP-635-2 are robots with varying means of manipulation and data storage. About 50% of instances constructed prove to be viable and autonomous. If an SCP-635-2 built by a subject proves viable, it will immediately begin construction of another SCP-635-2 based on its own design. Copies tend to be imperfect and have flaws, and about 80% of tests have ended with less than 3 viable SCP-635-2s before the machines run down and become inert. In the \u2588\u2588% of cases where more than \u2588 viable SCP-635-2s have been created, the SCP-635-2s will change behavior and build an instance of SCP-635-3, a substantially more advanced robot that will have the capability of retrieving data from the remaining volumes of SCP-635-1. Once it retrieves what data it can, an SCP-635-3 is able to organize and direct SCP-635-2s and prevent them from prematurely powering down. Left unchecked, SCP-635-3 will disassemble elements of the surrounding environment for raw material for more robots. Once 2 or more viable SCP-635-3s are active, all robots will begin assembly of SCP-635-4. A viable SCP-635-4 will [DATA EXPUNGED] and it is unclear if this is due to hostile intent, or from data corruption to the content of SCP-635-1 due to age.\n\n\u00ab SCP-634 | SCP-635 | SCP-636 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-636\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The building containing SCP-636 has been officially condemned for supposed mold contamination, and the lot fenced off to prevent unwanted intrusion. A minimum of two (2) armed, undercover guards are to be posted at ground level and any unauthorized individuals attempting to enter the building must be detained and questioned. Any experimentation on SCP-636 must only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) level 3 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-636 is a maintenance elevator at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hotel located at [DATA EXPUNGED]. Unlike the other elevators in the building, SCP-636 contains a magnetic card reader, which when used with a specific card key will cause the elevator to move to a third sub-basement beneath the building. According to the building plan, there are only two sub-basements beneath the building, and the owner of the property was not aware of an elevator with magnetic card access.\nWhenever any individual attempts to access this floor via SCP-636, the elevator appears to work normally. However, upon reaching the non-existent floor all contents of the elevator (including any personnel or remote monitoring equipment) will disappear. Exploration of the elevator shaft itself has yielded no useful information. While the shaft does extend to a third sub-basement level, there are only blank walls at that depth and video cameras placed within the shaft have shown no unusual activity when the elevator reaches the bottom.\nFurthermore, SCP-636 will periodically move to the third sub-basement level on its own. Upon its return to ground floor the elevator car has occasionally contained anomalous objects as documented below.\nSCP-636 came to the Foundation's attention on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588 following the disappearance of two elevator mechanics during routine maintenance of the building's elevator systems. A two-man initial exploration team was sent into SCP-636 and subsequently lost, after which the site was placed on lock down and the owner and all witnesses given Class A amnestics. Current containment procedures were put into effect shortly afterward.\nAddendum 636-01: Log of Notable Anomalous Events\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588\nDescription: SCP-636 called to bottom floor for approximately 6 minutes before returning to ground floor. Upon its return, the fully disassembled parts of two (2) helmet-mounted video cameras were found on the floor of the elevator car. Analysis of the components confirms that they belonged to the members of the initial exploration team. Memory cards and recording media of the cameras were blank.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588/200\u2588\nDescription: SCP-636 called for approximately 2 minutes before returning to ground floor. According to the testimony of the armed guards stationed at ground floor, the walls of the elevator car were covered with hundreds of human eyeballs that tracked them for several seconds before the doors closed and the elevator was recalled to the bottom floor again. Elevator car was found empty afterward.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588\nDescription: SCP-636 returned after 4 minutes and 17 seconds, and contained approximately 11 kg of shredded Egyptian cotton fabric soaked with blood. Analysis of the blood samples are inconclusive, as recovered DNA does not seem to match that of any known terrestrial animal.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/201\u2588\nDescription: SCP-636 returned after 8 minutes and 42 seconds. Upon opening, a naked and emaciated male later identified as Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of the initial exploration team began pounding on the buttons and screaming that he \"had to go back\". Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 managed to disarm and kill one armed guard and injure the other before running back into SCP-636 and disappearing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-635 | SCP-636 | SCP-637 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-637\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When inactive, SCP-637 is contained entirely within the consciousness of SCP-637-2. SCP-637-2 is to be held at Site 17 in a low-security room. Anything it requests is to be given, as long as it does not violate standard procedure. However, any requests for pencils, pens, sketchpads, or any marking implement, are to be denied and reported to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. (The issue has been raised that if SCP-637-2 wanted marking devices, it could use a fluid such as blood or urine, but the subject has not displayed a marked interest in drawing. It is agreed, however, that it is wise not to tempt fate.) Subject is to be fed 3 times per day and whenever it requests food.\nDescription: SCP-637-2 is an elderly Caucasian woman of approximately sixty-five (65) years of age, who calls herself \u201cMargie\u201d. \u201cMargie\u201d has been described by staff as \u201cpolite and old lady-ish, if a little confused\". She spends much of her time in a semi-catatonic state with occasional lapses of lucidity. SCP-637-2 is the host of SCP-637, a psychic organism which subsists entirely in SCP-637-2's mind. SCP-637 is described by its host as \u201ca little black cat, skinny fellow, real easy-going\u201d. Although the creature normally resides in a \u201cblank space\u201d in a subject's mind, it is capable of residing for several minutes as a drawn item on paper, wood, or other substance. If any sapient organism not previously carrying SCP-637 sees the reproduction, the image will vanish, and SCP-637 will take up residence in the new subject's mind.\nBased on information gathered from SCP-637-2 and D-67308 (see Document 637-A), the organism behaves exactly as a normal cat, and its host is always capable of describing what it is currently doing and where it is within their head. SCP-637-2 shows affection for the theoretical creature.\nSCP-637-2 does not recall where she saw SCP-637 originally, so it is assumed to have been living in her mind for some time.\nAddendum:\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 believes the creature could be useful, including the possibility of mass-producing the cat and adapting it for use in psychic warfare as a means of crippling the subject, and plans to continue testing on other subjects. If no uses are found for SCP-637, then it is believed that it will die when its host does.\nUnless further experimentation is warranted, it is recommended that we prevent SCP-637-2 from releasing SCP-637 onto paper, in order to maintain the good mental condition of our agents.\n\nDocument 637-A\nTest subject D-67308 was exposed to an image of the organism, drawn by SCP-637-2. Subject gained a disheveled appearance and made several comments like \"Nothing works\u2026 Isn't working\u2026 Want the cat out\u2026 Nice kitty\u2026\" When the subject was informed that it would be placed in quarantine for twenty-four additional hours, it reacted violently and swore at the guards for several minutes before lapsing into a semi-catatonic state. The subject's behavior was deemed non-harmful, and the subject was moved to a low-security dormitory on the site.\nAfter twelve hours, the subject unexpectedly self-terminated using the broken edge of a ceramic dish (provided with its meal). The subject was observed making several loud remarks such as \"Get the cat out! I want the cat out! Leave me alone!\" and commenting that the organism was a \"brain-sucking parasite\" before death.\nIt is worth noting that at approximately the same time as D-67308's termination, SCP-637-2, who had been sleeping at the time, sat straight up and exclaimed, \"Kitty's back!\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-636 | SCP-637 | SCP-638 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-639\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-639 is to be kept in a standard containment cell measuring 3 m x 3 m furnished with whatever the subject requires so long as the items do not threaten security. SCP-639 should not leave containment area without an escort of at least one security guard, and should not be allowed to mingle with site personnel.\nDescription: SCP-639 is a Caucasian male approximately 1.6 m in height and weighing 78 kg, age 24. SCP-639 is viewed simultaneously on all angles regardless of viewer's position: being in front of the figure will have a view of his front, back, sides, and so forth. Attempts to capture the subject in any sort of photographic medium yields a heavily distorted figure.\nExposure to SCP-639 causes extreme eyestrain and mild paranoia, with subjects reporting \"not knowing if he was coming or going, or what he was even looking at.\" Effects do not persist once SCP-639 is removed. It should be noted that SCP-639 observes the whole of the world in the same fashion that it observes him (that is, all objects are apparently seen from all angles at once), which seems to have caused extreme paranoia as well as a host of associated mental illnesses.\nSCP-639 was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Texas, from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 County Mental Hospital. Subject was under the care of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who alerted the Foundation May 12, 20\u2588\u2588. SCP-639 was picked up by Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588, under the guise of a medical transfer. Class C amnestics were administered to staff. SCP-639 was transferred to Site-\u2588\u2588 where he is currently being kept.\nAddendum: Following interviews by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588.\nInterview Log 639-A\n\nInterviewed: SCP-639\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\nForeword: Initial Interview with SCP-639. Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 interacted with SCP-639 via use of an external speaker system to reduce visual stress.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, 639. I am Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: 639. 639!Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Subject 639, I am Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Do you understand?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: 639, I'd like to ask you some questions.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What do you-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: 639, which direction are you currently facing?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You are facing every direction simultaneously?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yeah, I think we're done here.\nFinal Notes: Definite signs of serious mental illness. Thinks that the interviewer is not real unless physically present to be seen, but as that causes serious visual and mental stress to the interviewer, I do not recommend it.\nNote: I was wrong. Just facing away from it seems to negate the visual stress, although interviewing someone while facing away from them is\u2026 awkward. Still, preferable to the alternative.\n\nInterview Log 639-B\n\nInterviewed: D Class Personnel D-639-9\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\nForeword: Initial interview to establish the effect of SCP-639 on D Class Personnel.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, D-639-9. I am Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nD-639-9: (Fidgeting) Ah. Hello.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: If you would, please describe your encounter with the subject.\nD-639-9: You mean that, that, I don't even know what to call that, doc. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, man, that thing was like\u2026 It was like you know when you're in a fun house? And they got all the mirrors around you?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Indeed.\nD-639-9: It was like someone took all the reflections from all the different mirrors and stacked them one on top of the other but\u2026 I don't know. I don't know how to-\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please try.\nD-639-9: Alright. (Swallows nervously) Could I get some Aspirin or something? Gave me a killer headache.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please.\nD-639-9: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, fine, whatever. Like if you stacked all the reflections, but you could see them all by themselves, like one by one, but you saw them all at the same time? That's the best I can do, doc.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I see. Was there anything else? Any sort of\u2026 emotional response you felt? Sudden compulsions? Anything like that?\nD-639-9: Uh, well, I guess so. I mean, he was looking at me, right? But he wasn't looking at me, because he was facing the other way, but both ways at once- I just felt paranoid as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, doc. I didn't know if he was coming or going, I didn't even know if he noticed me, or what he was looking at. And he hurt to see. Gave me a headache right? Please could I get a glass of water or something?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Certainly. I have everything I need. The guard will see you back to your cell.\nD-639-9: (Begins to leave, but pauses.) Uh, there was one other thing.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes?\nD-639-9: I'm not sure, but I think he was crying.\n\nClosing Statement: [D-639-9 kept in solitary confinement to determine whether SCP-639 caused any sort of memetic or mental effect. None surfaced over the course of the quarantine and the subject was terminated on schedule.]\n\n\u00ab SCP-638 | SCP-639 | SCP-640 \u00bb"} {"text": "Wounds inflicted by SCP-640\n\nItem #: SCP-640\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-640 is to be kept inside an ellipsoidal room with a uniformly-reflective interior, such as nickel or chromium plating. The atmosphere in the room must be maintained at a temperature of between 260 and 307 K, at a relative humidity of 50% or less. Temperatures and humidities outside these limits greatly increase the entity's appetite and aggression and will likely result in personnel casualties.\nThe confinement chamber must be equipped with a light-tight airlock fitting equipped with an electronic interlock to prevent both doors from being simultaneously opened. Though SCP-640 is not known to be able to assume a gaseous form, these doors should be airtight and, if possible, watertight to facilitate emergency containment measures.\nAll personnel entering the containment facility must wear reflective suits including anti-IR face shields. Exposure time shall be limited to no more than 30 minutes without O5-level consent. All personnel shall receive a dose of amphetamine, modafinil, or caffeine prior to exposure; resistance, intolerance, or allergy to these drugs is an absolute contraindication to assignment to the SCP-640 study team.\nDescription: SCP-640 is a free-roaming sentient electromagnetic phenomenon, typically manifesting as several roughly circular spots of yellow-orange light, between 18 and 57 mm in diameter depending on the entity's current appetite and energy level. It has also been observed to manifest as spots of infrared and EHF radiation, and seems capable of rapidly varying its wavelength.\nIn all known instances, SCP-640 has disguised itself as spots of sunlight shining on a wall, typically inside a child's room. It generally fades from view (presumably by shifting into the IR or RF range) when closely investigated.\nSCP-640 is carnivorous. While it is capable of deriving sustenance from all known Earth animals, SCP-640 shows a marked preference for humans and apes, especially children. It consumes its prey by inflicting burns of varying severity and depth. For as yet unknown reasons, SCP-640 tends to target the face, legs, and forearms of its prey. It also often feeds on the same prey repeatedly, allowing it time to heal between attacks. The entity prefers to attack sleeping prey, though if angry, hungry, or frightened, it will not hesitate to attack prey while awake. When it wishes, it can inflict fatal burn injuries to an adult human in approximately 120 seconds.\nAn attempt to destroy SCP-640 using a reflective room and a 25 GCd flashlamp has failed. However, testing revealed that a reflective room is effective in disrupting the entity's feeding.\nAs multiple specimens of SCP-640 have surfaced, an effective means of neutralization is being sought. The Foundation does not currently believe it necessary to contain more than a few specimens in light of the resources required.\n\nRecovery Notes: The first SCP-640 specimen was recovered from the home of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Japan, in 1984, after both his children were admitted to a local hospital with severe burn injuries. The Foundation was alerted by an anonymous source believed to be working for [REDACTED]. Foundation agents discovered the entity after several weeks of probing, during which time one of the children was killed by the entity. Agents managed to capture it using [DATA EXPUNGED] and transported it to Site 17 for containment.\nA second specimen was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, United States, in 1999, and another in 2006, both in the same neighborhood.\nAddendum 640-a: Reports from Australia suggest there is at least one SCP-640 specimen in the wild somewhere in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and likely another in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Agents are currently attempting to locate and contain the entities.\nAddendum 640-b: In two separate incidents, SCP-640 has been observed to distract researchers, causing them to have accidents resulting in breach of suit integrity. Following suit breach, both researchers were fatally attacked by SCP-640. Research team lead has recommended that SCP-640 be provisionally assigned Keter classification pending further investigation to determine whether the entity's actions were deliberate or fortuitous.\nAddendum 640-c: Provisional Keter classification denied, object has been returned to Euclid classification.\n\n\u00ab SCP-639 | SCP-640 | SCP-641 \u00bb"} {"text": "The doll after approximately 45 minutes of disassembling.\n\nItem #: SCP-641\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not in use by researchers or containment teams, the doll is to be stored under lock and key in an on-site safety deposit box. The box should be lined with felt and filled with packing materials in order to ensure its safety.\nDescription: SCP-641 is a seemingly ordinary set of Russian matryoshka dolls, but each layer is improbably thin. 1,347 layers of the doll were measured and demonstrated a mean thickness of .04 micrometers with a standard deviation of .02 micrometers. If the disassembled dolls are left untouched for a length of time (ranging from five to seven minutes) the dolls will animate and begin to reassemble- the largest doll 'leaping' over the next largest until the doll is assembled at an extremely rapid rate. The longest time this phenomenon has been observed is three minutes and forty-six seconds, the doll reassembling itself from 3,228 separate pieces. Subjects disassembling the dolls show a marked aversion to leaving the dolls alone, and if compelled to do so will become angry, physically fighting any restraints until the dolls begin to reassemble, at which point attempts to reach the doll cease and the subject typically turns on those responsible for restraints, shouting obscenities until tranquilized. Subjects utilizing the doll show a single-minded interest in disassembly, and will not be distracted without an interruption of significant magnitude, threatening the subject's safety or health. Afterwards, the subjects recall disassembling SCP-641, but exhibit nothing more than mild annoyance at most.\nDocument 641-1: This document is the transcript of Dr. Frederick Heiden's comments, upon utilization of the object.\n\nDr. Heiden: Experiment 641-1. I will attempt to disassemble SCP-641 and record at five-minute intervals. Guards are posted at the doors and I am unarmed, in case I become unmanageable.\nDr. Heiden: Five minutes, three seconds. I have removed thirty-two layers. I am proceeding slowly specifically despite my urge to move rapidly.\n[time passes]\nDr. Heiden: Nine minutes, fifty-nine seconds. Sixty-eight layers removed. The urge is growing stronger\u2026 I really want to see what's in the middle of this thing.\n[time passes]\nDr. Heiden: Sixteen minutes, twenty-three seconds. Four hundred eighty-three layers removed. This is more fun than I gave it credit for at first. Wasn't paying attention to the stopwatch, I'll correct that for the next report at twenty minutes.\n[time passes]\nGuard: Doctor Heiden, don't you need to make a rep-\nDr. Heiden: Shut up. Wait, shit. Uh\u2026 forty-five minutes, twenty-three seconds. Oh, man. Terminating experiment, I may be compromised by SCP-641. *sounds of a chair scuffling* Stevens, replace the object in its holding container, I'm going to Psych for an evaluation.\n(sounds of a chair scuffing the floor, then footsteps)\n\nNote: Dr. Heiden has demonstrated an aversion to contact with SCP-641 after the incident documented, and his psychological profile demonstrated no dangerous tendencies. After a month, he was placed back on duty as head of research for SCP-641.\nAddendum: The object is under no circumstances to be used for personal amusement or recreation. Any personnel seen improperly utilizing SCP-641 will be reprimanded and a note placed on their personnel file pending transfer to another project. Any experiments with the object are to be performed with D-class personnel whose medical history shows no alcohol or narcotics abuse, and whose psychological profile shows no predilection to addiction. If the object needs to be neutralized to prevent capture, current research indicates that a hammer, or tightly closed fist will do.\nNotes: This object shows potential in pacification of dangerous humanoid SCPs, research into how the effect is achieved will continue. Any field teams requesting access to SCP-641 may submit a request directly to me. Please include a description of who will be accessing the device, and notations of their trustworthiness - if it is broken, you will have me to answer to. - Dr. Frederick Heiden\n\n\u00ab SCP-640 | SCP-641 | SCP-642 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-642\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Both SCP-642-1 and SCP-642-2 have been fenced off and designated as sites of high radioactivity not currently suitable for remediation. Monitoring by Foundation personnel to prevent civilian access is ongoing.\nUnder no circumstances are human males with functioning testicular tissue to come into contact with SCP-642-1 or samples taken from SCP-642-1. Females with functional ovarian tissue should observe strict Foundation pregnancy prevention protocols while monitoring or working with SCP-642-1, as well as refraining from ingestion of or immersion in the SCP's waters. It is recommended that intact males of any mammalian species not involved in Foundation experimental procedures be kept three (3) meters away from SCP-642-1 at all times, as should Foundation personnel with known thermal sensitivity issues.\nSCP-642-2 poses no hazard to male personnel beyond ambient temperatures, but pregnant female personnel who intend to remain pregnant must remain three (3) meters away from SCP-642-2's borders for the duration of their pregnancies.\nDescription: SCP-642-1 and SCP-642-2 are a pair of geothermal hot springs located in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 region of northern Iceland, approximately six kilometers apart. Characterized by extremely high flow rate (160 liters/second at SCP-642-1, 165 liters/second at SCP-642-2), water emerges at both sites at temperatures varying between 45 and 57 \u00b0C depending on the time of year. The sites are geographically remote and inconveniently situated relative to the majority of the island's population centers. They came to Foundation attention in 20\u2588\u2588 during the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 mass genomic decoding project. Foundation agents were dispatched to the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 valley to investigate anomalous data and the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 study results were first doctored, then sealed.\nAs of 20\u2588\u2588 there had not been a male birth in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in over four hundred years. The residents of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instead made use of SCP-642-1's unique properties. Immersion of a sexually mature female mammal in SCP-642-1's waters induces thelytokous reproduction- that is to say, fusion of two unfertilized mature ova or polar bodies present in pre-ovulatory follicles to produce a diploid zygote genetically identical to its lone parent. The chemical and biological properties of SCP-642-1 result in rapid early development of the zygote, usually at a rate two to four times faster than normal for the species.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's accidental immersion in SCP-642-1 revealed that SCP-642-1's properties are not sex-linked and will in fact induce fusion of any mature gametes in the body and subsequent rapid zygotic development regardless of cytoplasmic composition of the cells in question. In humans mature ova are mostly produced one at a time, but mature male gametes \u2013 sperm cells \u2013 number in the millions at any given time. As Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 initially discounted the inflammation as being due to SCP-642-1's elevated temperatures, no medical measures were taken. By the time his situation was recognized, tissue damage had [DATA EXPUNGED]. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's autopsy was conducted under BSL-3 protocols in Sector 7 medical lab, with the extracted [DATA EXPUNGED]; the results are available to level 4 security clearance personnel as document #CH-2462.\nFurther discussion with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 residents after Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's death led to the discovery of SCP-642-2 six kilometers away. Considerably different in chemical composition and inhabited by several previously unknown thermophilic microbial species, SCP-642-2 was cited as a sort of counter-agent to SCP-642-1. Immersion in SCP-642-2 is generally easier, as its temperatures are on average five to ten degrees C lower than those of SCP-642-1. Within five minutes of immersion, all cellular development and division of blastocystic cells- the outer layer of a developing zygote that has not yet implanted- ceases and the cells begin to disintegrate, resulting in the death and expulsion of the unimplanted embryo. Examination of animal corpses in the vicinity of SCP-642-2 indicates that the process applies to more fully developed pregnancies as well, causing the death and destruction of placental tissue, followed by immediate expulsion of all remaining products of conception.\nTesting performed with mice indicates that immersion effects of both SCP-642-1 and SCP-642-2 are still present up to 24 hours after the water has been removed from the original source. Experiments with mixed waters results in no discernible effect either way at relatively even concentrations; testing continues on mixtures of 80% or greater from primary source. Oral consumption of water from either SCP produces results similar to immersion.\n\n\u00ab SCP-641 | SCP-642 | SCP-643 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\n\n\u26a0\ufe0f The following article contains references and scenes depicting cannibalism. \u26a0\ufe0f\nCo-written by JakdragonX and Ralliston\nJakdragonX's Authorpage\nRalliston's Authorpage\nJakdragonX's AND Ralliston's Shared Authorpage\n\n\n\u26a0\ufe0f content warning \n\nImage of SCP-643 from within its refridgerated OCU.\n\nItem #: SCP-643\nObject Class: Safe Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Following the recent developments of Site-120's investigation, individual SCP-643 instances are hereby contained within a refrigerated Object Containment Unit (OCU) located at Site-119. Said unit must remain at an ambient temperature not exceeding 10\u00b0 Celsius.\nPersonnel handling SCP-643 or performing any experimentation while the object is in its liquid state are required to wear Level-B hazmat equipment. In the event that Foundation personnel come into contact with a liquified SCP-643 instance without safety equipment, their immediate termination has been deemed the only viable and ethical option.\nDescription: SCP-643 is a collection of 79 unmarked chocolate candies with an abnormally low melting point.1 While refrigerated, SCP-643 possesses no anomalous effects or outward aesthetic differences from normal chocolates.\nSCP-643's anomalous properties will only manifest once the object is melted. Upon entering this state, SCP-643 will transfer itself onto any edible substance \u2014 covering the surface area of said substance with as much of its mass as possible. Upon enveloping their host, SCP-643 instances will then begin to exude a strong, pleasant aroma. Subjects exposed to this scent report an irresistible desire to consume material coated in melted SCP-643.\nSCP-643-1 are human subjects who have been contaminated by SCP-643. SCP-643-1 instances lack the SCP-643 coating but exude the same aroma as food contaminated by the anomaly. Like such food, SCP-643-1 instances produce the same desire in all exposed subjects to consume them completely.\n\nThe alleyway leading to Dr. Breffen's house within FP-120.\n\nDiscovery: Initially classified as a series of murders throughout FP-120 (\"Esterberg\"), SCP-643-linked attacks were explained as unrelated cases of cannibalistic ritual sacrifice. However, Site-120 had at that point found no evidence of thaumaturgic contamination on the bodies of SCP-643 victims, nor any historical record of such rituals taking place in the areas affected by SCP-643.\nBeginning in the mid-20th century, these attacks drastically decreased in frequency and were believed to have ceased outright as of February 19th, 1978. This led Site-120 to declare the anomaly neutralized. However, on 27/12/2001, a related homicide was perpetrated against Site-120 researcher Dr. Eavel Breffen.2 This event would later spark SCP-643's further investigation.\nAddendum 643-1: Investigation of Breffen's residence was approved following her termination. Headed by Site-120's Agent Marie Surratt and Site-119's Dr. Ryan Smith, the two were able to ascertain the location of a potential person of interest following a letter that had been left inside of Dr. Breffen's mailbox. Of note was the contents of the letter itself, reading: \"Madame Valerie's Emporium For The Magical, calling Eavel Breffen to pay her debt.\"\nFollowing further attempts at discerning information of Dr. Breffen's disappearance, the SCP-643 investigation gained insight into \"Madame Valerie's Emporium For The Magical.\" The following is a log of that exploration, led by Agent Surratt.\n\n\nThe feed reconnects as Dr. Ryan Smith and Agent Marie Surrat stand outside an old, though well-preserved, shop located in a wide alleyway in the Sewer District. Despite the relatively unsanitary conditions of the location, it is cleaner than the rest of the District.\nSmith looks at the large, glass front of the shop. Within it, he notices many crates, chests, barrels, shelves, and other containers appearing to mainly contain various food products. He shakes his head and looks at the large sign located above the door into the building.\nSmith: This is the place, right?\nSurratt looks through the glass front inside, looking for someone \u2014 apparently the \"shopkeeper\" \u2014 within. When after several seconds she doesn't find anyone, she turns back to Smith.\nSurratt: Yeah, sure is.\nThe duo walk through the front door; a small bell rings as they enter. The room itself is jam-packed with numerous shelves, bookshelves, barrels, crates, containers, wardrobes, and chests, decorated with an old red carpet on its floor. Above them, a chandelier filled with burning candles hangs from the low ceiling, illuminating the room with a dim aura.\nSurratt: Don't touch anything.\nSmith nods.\nAfter a few steps, they come close to a wooden counter, atop which an old cash register and some papers sit. Surratt taps the bell near them a couple of times and starts looking at the shelves behind the counter as she starts tapping the wooden floor with her shoes nervously.\nSmith: You got something on your mind?\nSurratt: You'll see.\nSmith starts to look at the products located in the crates around him, trying to touch one of them. Surratt gently hits his hand, moving it away from the items.\nSurratt: I said \u2014 no touching.\nSmith: Yeah, yeah, but look at this \u2014 it's all the same. All of these\u2026 they're shipments of food.\nSurratt: What?\nSmith: Surratt. This entire place looks like a Walmart. See? Forks, plates, bread, canned food, water, juice, fruit, vegetables\u2014\nSurratt: I\u2026 it's never been that way. I\u2014 this is just\u2026 really weird, I don't\u2014\nUnknown: I just thought a little renovation would do the place well. You know, different times, different needs. \nAs the duo turn back to the counter, a tall, robed humanoid with a large hat can be seen standing near the counter. Its hands are covered with thick, dark gloves, and its face with the shadow of its clothing. Surratt slightly shivers but walks towards the counter.\nUnknown: So, what do you need, Marie? Money? Fame? Status? Or perhaps you want to know your future? I can assure you, it's VERY inter\u2014\nSurratt: I'm not really here to make deals with you today. The only thing I need is information.\nWhere the entity's eyes should be, for a split second, two sparks can slightly be seen. It shakes its head and gets closer to Surratt.\nUnknown: Information, you say? You do realize that everything has a price, ri\u2014\nSurratt: Oh come the hell on. For the sake of\u2026 Look. For our old friendship\u2014\nSmith: Friendship?\nSurratt: It's what happens when you mess with demons like these, Smith. Are three questions too much to ask for?\nThe entity inhales and sighs theatrically, scratching its head in the process.\nUnknown: Alright, alright! But only three. Shoot.\nSurratt: What did you do to Breffen?\nThe entity pretends to be surprised, backing off slightly.\nUnknown: Breffen? Nothing. That little forest idiot never came back to pay; how was I able to ask for anything?!\nSuratt puts the yellow message they found in Breffen's mail forward, holding it in two fingers.\nSurratt: I don't know, maybe you were angry with her because she hadn't paid you?\nUnknown: I don't kill people, Marie\u2014\nSurratt: Please, just \"Surratt.\"\nUnknown: I don't kill people, Surratt. I only ask for what they promised. And no, I did not do anything to Breffen. I know sin and greed are like, my entire gig but even I'm not that sly.\nSurratt: Alright, fine. Then what did she come here for, exactly?\nUnknown: She was\u2026 she was hopeless. Wanted to find food that would provide long-term for her and her partner. All I did was gave her a nifty little pamphlet to find that place.\nSurratt: Her\u2026 partner?\nUnknown: That's four questions.\nSurratt: Alright, alright. But what was that place?\nUnknown: Aaaaaaand that's five. But I'll be nice enough to give you what I gave her.\nThe entity bends over behind the counter, picking up a small item and handing it to Surratt.\nUnknown: Do with this location whatever you want. Just\u2026 be sure to help a gal out and try not to mention anything about me tipping you off.\nSurratt nods.\nSurratt: Thank you.\nUnknown: Any time.\nThe entity suddenly dematerializes behind the counter, turning into dust. Smith blinks thrice, only to be pulled by Surratt to the exit.\nSurratt: Come on. We've got what we need.\nThey step outside from the shop into the streets, which are notably empty. As the sun sets in the distance, Surratt starts to read the item the entity gave her.\nSmith: So, who the hell was that? Or, I guess, what the hell was that?\nSurratt: Simply a way to get information. Nothing you'll have to worry about.\nThey both stand in the alleyway, looking at the gigantic lighthouse in the Port District in the distance. Surratt inhales slowly, and massages her closed eyes gently.\nSmith: You wanna elaborate on where we're going now?\nSurratt: Not sure. But wherever it is, it'll lead us to the source of Breffens death.\nSmith: Which is where?\nSurratt: Up north.\n\n\nAddendum 643-2: After subsequent investigations of the information retrieved from \"Madame Valerie's Emporium For The Magical\" following the death of Dr. Eavel Breffen, Foundation Agent Surratt suspected the region of Podvoloch'ye3 as a particular location of interest regarding SCP-643.\nDispatch and reconnaissance of Podvoloch'ye were soon approved for the aforementioned agent alongside Dr. Ryan Smith on 04/03/2002. Reports later retrieved by the two personnel stated that, despite the testimonies provided by Madam Valerie indicating a potential surplus of food, the region itself had suffered immensely from shortages of supplies, presumably caused by the previous winter. A spike of murders similar to those discovered previously indicated a correlation between the region and SCP-643's supposed anomalous properties at the time.\nSweeps of the village premises alongside interviews with the local populace revealed the existence of the newly classified SCP-643. Attempts to trace the anomaly from local storehouses indicated that SCP-643 instances were being supplied locally from a nearby shelter located on the northwestern perimeter.\n\n\nSurratt and Smith walk along a dirt road due north. Surrounding them are a series of houses that extend to the end of the road ahead. The two are wearing coats, gloves, and other miscellaneous winter apparel. Snow lightly falls around them, covering the faintly white ground and nearby trees.\nSurrat: Didn't think it'd be this chilly.\nSmith: Well, that's what you get for assuming.\nSmith leads the way as the two pass diagonally across a fork in the road, turning northwest. The sun beyond them indicates that night-time is approaching. From far beyond, the faint silhouette of a large building can be seen.\nSurratt: That the place?\nSmith nods as the two continue walking. Silence fills the recording for nearly three minutes before the two approach the front door. Above them, a wooden sign hangs loosely.\nSmith: Do\u2026 Esterbergians speak Russian?\nSurratt: First I've seen of it. But Russia is only a country away and refugees weren't particularly picky I imagine.\nThe sign above sways slightly. Surratt steps farther away, towards the opposite end of the door. Smith chuckles slightly behind her.\nSmith: Happen to get a glance at what that sign said?\nSurratt: Not really. I wasn't trying to get smashed by it in case it fell. What'd it say?\nSmith takes a step back, looking upward.\nSmith: Used to date a Russian girl a few years ago. Didn't teach me a lot, but she only knew so little English that I had to learn some of it eventually. The only thing I can make out is \"Detskiy dom.\" Orphanage.\nSurratt: Orphanage?\nSmith nods.\nSurratt: That\u2026 how does that make sense?\nSmith advances past Surratt, knocking on the wooden door in front of them.\nSmith: I couldn't say. With the village being this remote \u2014 I can't imagine it being easy. Sharya is the closest place with businesses and quick transportation, and even then that's two hours away from here.\nSurratt: Not to mention the chocolates themselves.\nSmith glances slightly towards Surratt.\nSmith: Starvation doesn't play favorites, Surratt.\nSmith pauses as he lightly stomps his feet into the ground beneath him, flattening the snow.\nSmith: Even if it means resorting to orphans.\nThe door in front of Surratt and Smith creaks open. The door stops after opening a few centimeters. From inside, a frail, adolescent girl peeks from behind the door.\nGirl: Allo?\nNote: The following has been translated from Russian for ease of reading.\nSmith: Hello. It's very nice to meet you.\nGirl: Who are you?\nSmith: I am Aleksander and my partner here is Yelena Patrov.\nSmith indicates to Surratt from behind. After a pause she smiles and waves.\nSmith: She is somewhat slow. Pay her little mind.\nThe door opens wider.\nGirl: What are you doing here?\nSmith: We are officers. We've been hearing rumors of strange accidents here and we wanted to make sure everything was fine. Have you seen anything strange recently?\nGirl: No, I have not.\nSurratt pokes Smith slightly on his right shoulder.\nSurratt: Where's the adult here?\nThe door opens slightly more. From behind the girl, another younger child is behind her. The second girl's hair is ragged, with her clothes being stained and lightly torn at the seams.\nSmith: Where is your caretaker? We have important business that we need to talk about.\nGirl 2: She is sick.\nSmith: Sick?\nGirl: Yes, and she does not want to be bothered currently.\nSmith repeats the child's statement to Surratt.\nSurratt: Does she need our help?\nSmith glances back towards the two girls.\nSmith: May we come in? If your caretaker is sick, perhaps we can take her to a hospital?\nGirl 2: She is okay. Mother will be fine after some rest.\nSmith once again translates the statement to Surratt, who clears her throat.\nSurratt: We can't just leave.\nSmith turns back to the door.\nSmith: When can we come back to check in on her?\nThe first girl shakes her head.\nGirl: I don't know. Not any time soon.\nThe door begins to close. Surratt jumps to press the door ajar but is stopped by the presence of Smith's arm obstructing her.\nSmith: I see. Goodbye then. Thank you for your time.\nGirl 2: Yes. You too.\nThe door fully closes. Afterward, Smith steps away from the door and begins walking away. Surratt begins to follow him from behind.\nSurratt: What part of \"we can't just leave\" did you not hear?\nSmith pauses momentarily, slowing down his pace slightly.\nSmith: Did you notice it?\nSurratt: Notice what? The only thing I saw was how quick they were to get rid of us.\nSmith: Their eyes.\nSurratt: Oh.\nSmith continues walking as Surratt follows.\nSurratt: What about their eyes?\nSmith: They were dark. Cold and strangely\u2026 dead.\nSmith sniffles.\nSmith: It's weird \u2014 I can't imagine that these places get many visitors, and yet those two were able to stay completely calm even when two random \"officers\" showed up at their doorstep. Wouldn't they have gotten at least a little nervous?\nSurratt: Maybe. But some are just different.\nSmith chuckles.\nSmith: Those two had a look in their eyes. Not like usual\u2026 well, what I can only guess are 7 and 4-year-old girls.\nThe two pause.\nSurratt: We just need to find a way to get a peek inside.\nSmith stops. After a moment he turns around to meet Surratt. He sighs briefly.\nSmith: If you had to take a guess, what are the chances that those two girls were actually who they said they were?\n\n\nFurther investigations, alongside cross-references with available property records, revealed the building discovered in the aforementioned log to be the \"Makarova Orphanage,\" owned and operated by an individual known as Anya Makarova.\nAttempts made by available Foundation personnel to contact Makarova have thus far been unsuccessful. However, after uncovering recent historical records provided by the local Esterbergian government, it was discovered that Makarova had a sole living relative living nearby the village of Podvoloch'ye. Contact was soon initiated with the suspect, and Foundation personnel responsible for SCP-643's investigation were given permission to interview Maria Makarova for information concerning her sister Anya and her potential influence regarding the anomaly.\n\n\nNote: The following has been translated from Russian, with Dr. Smith acting as a translator for Agent Surratt.\nSmith: Could you elaborate more about Anya? You two were quite close, yes?\nMakarova nods in the affirmative.\nMakarova: Since we were 15 or 16. She and I would always help out Mama and Dad wherever we could. Winters got\u2026 very cold here. She was very strong. Very firm. Since I was the youngest, she always had to watch over me and make sure that I was never in any trouble.\nMakarova coughs slightly.\nMakarova: Izvinite. It's been quite a few years since I've seen her. Before we became adults, Anya had decided that her heart was with our village. We saw what it was like to see a child alone. That was why she began that shelter.\nSurratt: And you?\nMakarova: I've tried to stay in contact. Tried.\nAll pause.\nSmith: Did you ever say whether or not your family was superstitious? Did they worship or pray to anything?\nMakarova: Mama and Dad? No. No, not at all. They were too busy with other things. But Anya and I? We were afraid of the supernatural. But I don't think that lasted very long.\nSurratt: Do you know how long, exactly?\nMakarova: A few years, perhaps? But not exactly, no.\nSmith: What about the orphanage? Did you interact with Anya or anyone once it began?\nMakarova: I did, when it first started. Kept close with some of the children. A girl by the name of Alyona grew fond of me whenever I visited. But\u2026 it's been months since I've last heard from her.\nAnother pause.\nMakarova: I am not sure whether it's something I did or if there's something else.\nSmith: Don't worry \u2014 it's nothing that you did.\nSurratt clears her throat.\nSurratt: Anya entrusted you with some of the finances for the orphanage, if I remember correctly. Can you tell us if you've noticed anything weird, like transactions or purchases that did not feel right?\nMakarova: Not that I can recall right now. She was usually very good with money.\nSurratt: And the papers you gave us also confirmed that. I'm sorry, but please give us just a moment.\nAudio becomes slightly distorted before fading to silence momentarily. Audio begins recording abruptly once more.\nSurratt: \u2014it doesn't make sense.\nSmith: It doesn't?\nSurratt: All of her records indicate nothing, Ryan.\nSmith: So?\nSurratt: What do you mean, \"so?\"\nSmith: It's possible that she lost her papers. Or even just forgot. I mean, when do you think was the last time she had to worry about finances?\nA pause.\nSurratt: So you think there's still a possibility that these orphans are still being used?\nSmith: It's a possibility I won't rule out yet. But without a motive or reason, it's hard to understand why anyone would want to use them. They're not exactly \"reliable workers.\"\nSurratt: There may not have been any other choice \u2014 especially in a small, impoverished village.\nAfter several seconds of silence, the audio feed cuts briefly once more.\nMakarova: Everything okay?\nSmith: Yes, yes. Just going over some things.\nMakarova: I see.\nSurratt: We appreciate your information, thank you for your cooperation so far Maria.\nMakarova: Of course. If it helps you, there is also something else that I've been wanting to show.\nAudible silence.\nMakarova: I said earlier that a girl named Alyona grew fond of me. From the orphanage. She used to write letters to me whenever she could.\nMakarova sniffles slightly.\nMakarova: After a few weeks her letters started to become less frequent. They became weird. At first, I didn't want to pay them any mind \u2014 truthfully I thought they were just the ramblings of a young mind.\nSurratt: I see.\nMakarova: But since you're here, you might as well know the truth. I kept them in a special box under my bed upstairs, sealed away. I can grab them for you before you go.\nSurratt: Of course. We will gladly take a look at those. Thank you again, Maria.\n\n\nAddendum 643-3: Following the interview with Maria Makarov, a series of letters were placed under Foundation custody. As they relate closely with SCP-643's active investigation, they have been attached to this document for reference purposes.\n\nDear Mother Maria,\nI hope you are doing okay. I know you said that I could write to you at any time, but I'm sorry if these ever bother you in the future.\nGetting used to these sudden changes has been hard. With most of the kids going back to school, we rarely have time to play anymore. Mother Anya is also keeping us busy with plenty of chores and tasks. It is just my luck that I will have to do dishes after dinner tonight, while all the other kids get to play.\nI know that you have only just left, but we miss you here already. Playing outside doesn't feel the same without you being there to watch us. Alexei was talking to me earlier today about how he'd miss hearing your stories during dinner, and singing and dancing beside you before bedtime. That was always so much fun for us!\nMother Anya told us all that you'd only be gone for a little while, back to school to get your degree. Do adults really have to go to school again like we do? I think that's silly, really. I bet you already know everything that I do and more. Why go through it all again, Mother Maria?\nI hope Aleksander is able to find your home before we leave. He promised that he would send my letters to your mailbox while we walked to town in the mornings. I am thankful for his help, but I am also worried that he may forget or lose track of my letters. Whenever you have a chance, could you write me back sometime soon? Just so I can know that you've received this letter.\n\nHi again, Mother Maria,\nIt's been several weeks now since I've heard from you. I hope you have been getting my letters. Aleksander swore he delivered my last one, but you can't be sure with a boy like him. I just hope that he hasn't dropped it somewhere.\nThe leaves outside are falling. Most of the trees are now bare, and we can't leave the house in the mornings anymore without wearing long sleeves. Us kids aren't really worried about it, but Mother Anya has been getting more stressed recently. She is scared that we are not prepared for the winter. She's even had a man by the name of Dmitri occasionally visit us now.\nHe only comes once or twice since we've met, but he seems kind. Mother Anya said that we must be good to him and that he'll only be helping us for a little while. When he's not helping Mother Anya in her room, he shows and tells us many different things. Mostly stories about his childhood and his life outside of our house, or a magic trick that he learned during his traveling across Russia.\nHave you spoken to Mother Anya recently? I'm sure that she would love to hear from you again. We all would love that, I think. We pray that you're doing well in school, just like how you used to for us children (don't worry, we are doing very well right now). Maybe you could bring her back some of those chocolate candies you always had. She always loved those, you know.\nI'll end this here. If you can, please tell me if you've received this letter, otherwise, I'll have to kick Aleksander's butt for not sending it as I asked him!\n\nMother Maria,\nI kicked Aleksander's butt. Well, I tried, but he swore with his pinky that he sent my last letter. I don't think that I believe him but I'm not wanting to hurt Aleksander just yet. I think I'll give him one final chance to do things right. After all, he is the one sending these letters to you!\nFather Dmitri has been visiting us more over these recent months. I occasionally watch him while he does work like chopping wood, cleaning the house, and collecting the leaves on the sidewalk. Mother Anya looks calmer with each passing day. And bigger too! We still have to do chores around the house, but it's less now with him around! I should thank him for that when I see him next.\nDmitri is a kind man, but he's also weird. He is very religious. Sometimes, when we kids are gathered together, he will tell us stories of God and the Bible. Things about men splitting the oceans and miracles happening to the poor. Mother Anya does not seem to enjoy them, but I do not mind. I don't think the children do either, which is good.\nDmitri tells us scary stories too. These ones I do not like. Stories of disaster and death. Dmitri fears the Devil, and he fears his demons too. Dmitri always tells us to not sin. How it only takes one sin for \"demons to take you with them back to Hell!\" Mother Anya tries to comfort and remind us that he's only trying to make us better people, but I don't think she likes those stories any more than we do.\nThe cold is okay for now. But I know that it will get worse. Sofia got sick during our walk to school yesterday and she had to stay home. I hope she can recover quickly, but I also know that, pretty soon, we will have to start learning school from home again. You were always the best teacher Mother Maria, but Mother Anya isn't bad either. With Dmitri's help, I think we will be able to push through.\nI hope you are doing well. If you don't want to respond to this letter that is okay, but I would also really like to hear from you. Just once, please?\n\nAre you there, Mother Maria?\nIt makes me sad that you haven't responded to me yet. Are you okay? I am getting very worried. We miss you very much here, and it's only getting worse each week that you do not respond. You haven't even visited us like you said you would, either. Mother Anya says that you are still super busy, but even that does not make things better. It's just\u2026 I just hope you are okay, that's all.\nWe have to stay home from now on. Today Inessa and Maxim both had to go home because they could not feel their fingers. Mother Anya said that it was too dangerous now to have us out without better clothes. That also means that these letters will be harder to send. Aleksander said that this will have to be the last one he sends before winter comes. I am going to have to store the rest of these away until spring. I hope that you don't mind if you're even paying attention.\nDmitri basically lives with us now. He stays in Mother Anya's rooms during the night, and together they have gotten much larger than last time. I am not sure how I feel about his presence, but Mother Anya seems happier now than she was when you left. That can't be such a terrible thing, I suppose.\nHe still leaves from time to time. But to where exactly, I do not know. He will usually return with food, however, so I can guess that he just leaves for the store. Still, it is weird how frequently he does leave and return. Are all men as strange as he is, Mother Maria?\nThe other kids are asking me to play with them, so I must go for now. Until next time, Mother Maria.\n\nMother Maria,\nMuch has happened since my last letter. I will try to summarize as best I can, but things have started to get worse here in the house.\nShortly after I wrote to you last, Father Dmitri and Mother Anya began fighting. From what I'm not sure, but they yell and scream at each other from within Mother Anya's room. It was okay, though, since Father Dmitri and Mother Anya would always calm down and play with us children after they were done fighting. We were also told not to worry by Mother Anya herself, so we did not think about it much.\nThat was until a week or two ago when Mother Anya and Father Dmitri got into a really big fight. I even heard your name through the walls of the house, with Mother Anya screaming that you and Dmitri shouldn't have met each other. I tried to hear more of their conversation, but by then Mother Anya came outside and told us that Father Dmitri had left us. She didn't explain to us why, but she was very panicked and scared. She was sweating really bad, and I'm pretty sure there was a new cut or something on her face. We simply did not ask about it and left her alone since she was not happy. I don't think she has been happy since then, actually. Mother Anya started to become angry and mad at us a lot, now that I think about it. I wonder if she's just worried about everything that's happened?\nFather Dmitri was able to go outside and get food, but with him gone and the snow locking us inside, it has been hard for us. Some of the younger children are laying down beside me on their beds groaning, complaining about their tummies hurting. Mother Anya swore to us that she was trying to find food for us to eat, but so far it's been a week since we had a full meal. Even I'm starting to feel some pain.\nWe are all starting to get scared, but I hope that you are okay still. We had Father Dmitri and Mother Anya to help us, but you are all alone. I am not even sure if you are still living or not. I have been thinking about sneaking out just to check on you, but I do not think I would be able to get past the snow outside.\n\nMaria,\nWe are starving. Some of the children have stopped moving in their beds. I feel weak even trying to write these words to you. Mother Anya swore and swore that she was close to finding us some food but I doubt her more than ever. I'm scared as well. What are we going to do?\nThe snow only grows outside. What little chance we had before to travel beyond the house no longer exists. The cold has also begun entering the house. We have used up all the firewood that we had stored inside, so the only warmth comes from us huddling together. All of our fingers are beginning to go red, some even blue and purple. The younger children won't stop crying and Mother Anya has not left her room in four days.\nWhat are we supposed to do? Is there some way we can escape here and maybe find you? Mother Maria, we need your help. What would you have us do if you were with us right now?\nThere is a\u2026 this sweet smell coming from somewhere inside. It is\u2026 unbelievable how good it is. It's like, the smell reminds me of you. Your cooking. Whenever we would have bacon during the fall. My mouth is beginning to water just by thinking about it now\u2026\nI have not seen Mother Anya leave her room since Dmitri left. Why do you think that is, Mother Maria? Do you think that she is still trying to find a way to feed us? Or maybe she is trying to call someone else to help us?\nDo you want to know what I think Mother Anya is doing? Sitting in her room right now? I do not think she is doing anything. I think she is a coward, Mother Maria. As us kids have stayed trapped in our room, Mother Anya has been getting bigger and bigger. When we see her walking around the home, we see the remains of food around her lips and face. I think that Mother Anya stays in her room, feeding and hordering our meals. All for herself.\nSome of the children are waking up, sniffing the air like I am right now. The smell is getting stronger, and it's coming from her room. The children are beckoning me to come. They are skinny and pale, much like I am, but they can still stand. We are so, so hungry Mother Maria.\nI\u2026 I will return to writing this here soon.\n\nDo not worry.\nWe are no longer scared. After all, why should we be? Of course, I was angry at Mother Anya. All of this time\u2026 she was the reason why we laid weak on our beds! But\u2026 but now I see what she has done. She didn't just starve us, and she didn't just leave us to die. She has also provided for us. Her sacrifice will finally give us hope.\nWe carry parts of her with us now. Wherever we go, she is now going to be here forever.\nHer flesh has saved us.\n\nAddendum 643-4: Following the retrieval of the previous letters sent to Maria Makarova, alongside reconnaissance and observation of the Makarov orphanage, noticeable anomalous fluctuations detected within the building instigated further action by Foundation personnel. The dispatch and utilization of MTF Aleph-66 (\"Door Busters\") for aid and containment was soon approved for Podvoloch'ye, with Agent Surratt providing active support.\n\nMembers:\n\n\u2135-66-1 Alpha (Lead)\n\u2135-66-2 Bravo\n\u2135-66-3 Charlie\n\u2135-66-4 Delta\nAgent Marie Surratt\nDr. Ryan Smith (Absent)\n\n\nFootage starts with the camera being mounted to Delta, who stands behind the rest of the group as they approach the target location. Night vision has been activated, with Aleph-66 approaching from the front.\nAlpha: Mic check.\nCharlie: Affirmative.\nBeta: Loud and clear, boss.\nAlpha takes the leading position as he raises his hand, signaling the group to halt.\nAlpha: Agent?\nSurratt: I'm here.\nAlpha: Good. Anything, yet?\nCharlie nods, raising his equipment towards his face.\nCharlie: Uh\u2026 yeah. Huh.\nAlpha: What?\nCharlie: It's TRE.4 Lots of it, too.\nAlpha: TRE? Are you sure?\nCharlie nods in the affirmative.\nAlpha: Agent, did you know anything about this demonic energy?\nSurratt: I \u2014 no? I'm\u2026 I'm just as surprised as you are, sir.\nAlpha: Can you stop it?\nSurratt: I mean\u2026 maybe? I have some training. But it depends on how strong it is.\nAlpha pauses briefly before referring to the group.\nAlpha: We got innocents in there, stick to non-lethals until I give the order. If push comes to shove, we fill whatever is in there with lead and hold it down until someone else can deal with it.\nAlpha signals the group forward. They have now arrived at the steps leading towards the front door.\nAlpha: Take point, team. Beta, you'll breach. Make sure you're wearing your blockers.\nThe group shuffles around the vicinity of the door, with Alpha and Charlie on the left while Delta and Surratt take the opposite position. Delta holds his ear to the door and listens. After a pause, he shakes his head in the negative.\nAlpha: Do it, Delta.\nDelta twists the doorknob, slightly opening it ajar. After a brief pause, he quietly enters the interior. Alpha and Charlie follow closely behind, covering Delta from behind. Surratt and Delta follow from the rear inside.\nThe group enters into a large living area. Towards the left sits a shredded and stained couch, which is toppled over on its back. In front of the couch sits a bare fireplace, with ash and soot spilling onto the floor. The room itself is barren and devoid of decoration or noticeable features. Alpha raises the signal to spread out and search. Charlie splits from the group and heads northwestern towards the dining room and kitchen area. Beta and Delta move towards the southeastern corner, into a nearby hallway lined with 4 separate rooms.\nCharlie: Kitchen and dining clear.\nDelta: Hallway clear.\nAlpha: Affirmative.\nSurratt, after investigating around the couch and fireplace nearby, suddenly stops.\nSurratt: Anyone else hear that noise?\nAleph-66 freezes. After a moment, noise is confirmed, its source emanating from a far room within the hallway.\nAlpha: We secure everything first, team. Heading towards the hallway now.\nAlpha and Surratt approach Delta and Beta as Charlie protects their rear. Once together, Aleph-66 breaches the first room on the right. It leads into a small, white bathroom. The ceramic toilet is notably damaged, with the nearby shower curtain hanging loosely from the tub along the wall. It is also shredded.\nAleph-66 retreats to the hallway and breaches the door on the opposite side. It leads into a large bedroom, with several bunk beds lining the walls. Beta and Alpha both enter, searching the room. Beyond the lack of sheets and the series of stains along the floor and beds, the room is featureless.\nAlpha: Clear.\nThe team returns again to the hallway, now approaching the third door. This time, Charlie breaches, revealing the inside of a storage closet.\nThe storage closet is mostly empty, with the exception of a corpse sitting upright inside. Once the area is cleared, Delta retrieves the body and quietly moves it from the hallway and into the living area. After securing the body, Delta begins searching the remains. After a moment, he retrieves a wallet and opens it.\nDelta: Dmitri Lukin.\nSurratt breathes in slightly. Alpha glances towards her for a moment before looking back at Delta.\nAlpha: Leave it here. We'll take it back later.\nDelta nods. Alpha signals the team to return towards the hallway \u2014 to the last door. Once Aleph-66 gathers, Alpha breaches, entering the room as the door swings open violently.\nAleph-66 enters into the room, accessing a large master bedroom. Along the walls, a series of large crates are stacked haphazardly, decorated in miscellaneous labels. From the camera perspective, most of these crates are filled with a brownish substance, most likely separate instances of SCP-643. Along the floor, small children lay sporadically throughout. All of which appear to be incredibly malnourished, with most being covered in SCP-643 material. In the far end of the room lays a large bed containing a sprawling body and several more children. The body also appears to be made of SCP-643, which the children are consuming. There is a window that sit's above them, which is broken.\nThe children freeze as Aleph-66 enters. Charlie and Beta spread out to the far corners of the room, their weapons aimed towards the bed.\nAlpha: Get away from that, or we will engage!\nAlpha's voice becomes inaudible as a shriek emanates from the bed. Suddenly, the sprawled body on the bed rises to a sitting position, knocking the two children onto the floor using its now outstretched limbs. The entity can be seen smiling widely, its cranium and lower jaw exposed to Aleph-66.\nAlpha: Open fire\u2014!\nThe entity assumes a standing position as Aleph-66 opens fire. It quickly latches onto a nearby wall with its appendages before climbing upwards towards the ceiling of the bedroom. Delta takes a step backward before the entity lunges towards Charlie, who dodges with a roll towards the doorway.\nThe entity pounces closer towards the group as Aleph-66 continues firing. Alpha signals the group to retreat into the hallway. Surratt, Beta, and Delta retreat towards the living room as Alpha maintains cover fire for Charlie. The entity slows momentarily, allowing them both to exit the master bedroom.\nThe entity, now littered with gunshot wounds throughout its body, begins crawling towards Aleph-66 from the door. It leaves a trail of SCP-643 material as it lurches forward.\nAlpha: Surratt, the exorcism \u2014 now!\nSurratt vocalizes in affirmation as she begins reciting cleansing testaments. The entity screams once more as she speaks, its body dissolving and boiling as she continues.\nCharlie: Hold it down until she finishes!\nThe entity attempts to lunge once more, now aiming towards Alpha. The entity misses, dropping several meters in front of him. Alpha takes a step back and fires several more shots into the creatures torso. It gurgles and screams once more as Surratt completes the exorcism. After a moment, the entity goes completely still.\nSurratt: I'm done! I'm done. Are we in the clear yet?\nAleph-66 does not initially respond, their guns still aimed at the entity laying on the floor in front of them.\nAlpha: Yeah\u2026 yeah, I think we're clear.\n\n\nClosing Statement: After securing the Makarova orphanage, MTF Aleph-66 was able to recover 6 injured casualties, all of whom were suffering from immense malnutrition. The body of Anya Makarova, whose composition had been altered to that of SCP-643 material, was also retrieved. It has since been presumed that Anya Makarova was under the influence of a demonic entity, which leeched from her body and the children residing inside of the orphanage. Said demonic entity is also likely responsible for the physical alteration of Anya Makarova.\nDmitri Lukin, who had since been deceased for several months prior to his discovery, was later stored in Site-120 for further investigation. All SCP-643 material recovered from the Makarova Orphanage has likewise been placed under containment indefinitely.\n\nConcluding the events mentioned in the aforementioned log, SCP-643 manifestations slowed dramatically for several months. Crimes and murders relating to the anomaly declined as SCP-643 ceased circulation within Russia and Europe.\nHowever, a sudden rise of activity similar to that previously observed with SCP-643 prompted further investigation. It was not much later until Dr. Smith came back into contact with Agent Surratt, a log of which attached to this document per their approval.\n\n\nSurratt: Hello?\nSmith: Hey Marie, It's Ryan. From 119.\nSurratt: Oh. Um, hi, Ryan.\nA brief pause.\nSurratt: What's up?\nSmith: Oh, right. I've just been thinking. You know, with all of that stuff about 643 recently?\nSurratt: Yeah?\nSmith: Well, something struck me as odd while I was looking through that file again and I wanted your input.\nSurratt: Yeah. Yeah, of course, how can I help?\nSmith: Well\u2026 How easy is it for demons to possess and use humans? Us, I mean.\nShe sniffles slightly.\nSurratt: Depends on quite a lot of things, I guess. Sometimes they take over from desire, but it's not uncommon for them to manifest from something else. Hell, some might even use objects like 643 to propagate.\nSmith: So they might use, like, sins too. Right?\nSurratt: That would be one example.\nSmith: And demons can also possess multiple hosts too?\nSurratt: Usually, yeah. But demons are cunning. They'll do whatever they can to survive. It's not uncommon that they might have one or more hosts \u2014 just depends on its power. But 643 was a weaker demon anyway, so what's your point here?\nSmith: Well, you know that Maria gave us those letters, right?\nSurratt vocalizes in the affirmative.\nSmith: Well, I tried to read them through again, just to see if I could find any leads.\nSurratt: Right.\nSmith: And at first I thought it was weird how easy things were. You know, with Anya and everyone?\nSurratt: Is this going somewhere?\nSmith: I'm getting there, it's just\u2026 Like, here for example, if that orphanage was really trapped in snow during the winter, then half of those letters should have never gotten into Maria's hands, right?\nSurratt: Well\u2026\nAnother pause from the two personnel.\nSurratt: What if we got the wrong person?\n\n\nClosing Statement: The current whereabouts of Maria Makarova, at the time of writing, remain unknown. Likewise, the production and supply of SCP-643 have warranted further investigation and restructuring of active containment procedures to combat the increasing effects of the anomaly throughout Esterberg.\n\nFootnotes\n1. SCP-643 has been observed to melt at temperatures as low as 15\u00b0 Celsius.\n2. A Fae thaumaturge and a member of Site-120's Research and Inter-species Communications teams.\n3. A rural village of 125 people located in the northern areas of the outskirts of Esterberg, outside the city but still within the pocket dimension.\n4. In reference to Tartaren Resonance Energy (TRE), a form of radiation naturally produced by demonic entities; notable example of entities possesing it is SCP-6072.\n\n\u00ab SCP-642 | SCP-643 | SCP-644 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-644\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-644 is to be held within a standard humanoid containment chamber within Hall \u2588\u2588 of Site-\u2588\u2588. All staff or D-class in Site-\u2588\u2588 known to have children are to be briefed of SCP-644's anomalous effects. Staff with children may opt out of testing with SCP-644 at any time.\nDescription: SCP-644 is a male humanoid of Italian descent. Visually, SCP-644 appears to be approximately 30 years old. The words \"Mr. Hot, from Little Misters \u00ae by Dr. Wondertainment\" are tattooed on SCP-644's left inner wrist.\nSCP-644 is able to accurately determine whether or not a person has children. Both biological and adopted children may be sensed by this effect. SCP-644 is aware of this fact for any person it knows of, even if just by appearance or name.\nSCP-644 claims to be able to predict the material wishes of any child, as well as the popularity of any product intended for children. SCP-644 claims that this effect does not function for the wishes of adults, but has given predictions for at least one person over the age of 18, whom SCP-644 described as \"a real trooper\", with no further comment.\nSCP-644 is able to produce a business card from the pocket of any clothing worn by it. On the front of the card is printed:\n\nMister Hot\nMarketing Consultant\nDoctor Wondertainment Inc. LLC\n1515 Mulberry Lane, Chicago, South Africa\n\nOn the back of the card, in small print, is a document similar to Document 909-a.\n\n+ Show document\n\n- Close document\n\nWow! You've just found yourself your very own Little Mister, a limited edition collection from Dr. Wondertainment!\nFind them all and become Mr. Collector!!\n01. Mr. Chameleon\n02. Mr. Headless\n03. Mr. Laugh\n04. Mr. Forgetful\n05. Mr. Shapey\n06. Mr. Soap\n07. Mr. Hungry\n08. Mr. Brass\n09. Mr. Hot \u2714\n10. Ms. Sweetie\n11. Mr. Life and Mr. Death\n12. Mr. Fish\n13. Mr. Moon\n14. Mr. Redd (discontinued)\n15. Mr. Money\n16. Mr. Lost\n17. Mr. Lie\n18. Mr. Mad\n19. Mr. Scary\n20. Mr. Stripes\n\nSCP-644 was originally found by local police in Racine, Wisconsin, where it was found sleeping in the entryway to a local elementary school, having broken a window to enter. SCP-644 claimed to have done this to escape winter weather conditions. An automatic Foundation webcrawler picked up a mention of SCP-644's tattoo in the files of the local police department, and it was acquired shortly after. Racine, Wisconsin, was later found to contain several anomalous objects created by \"Doctor Wondertainment\", in the possession of several local children.\nInterview 1:\n\nForeword: Interview was conducted following initial containment, before SCP-644's anomalous properties had been ascertained.\n\nSCP-644 is led into the interview room by security personnel outfitted with full fire-retardant gear, rated against temperatures up to 800 \u00b0C, and outfitted with Kevlar and foam padding in the case of explosive detonation. Personnel are also armed with high-capacity fire extinguishers.Dr. Latimer: Please state your name for our records.SCP-644 holds out wrist, pointing to the tattoo. Security personnel prepare to extinguish any potential fires.Dr. Latimer: You had say in where your tattoo went?Dr. Latimer: Where was that?Dr. Latimer: I'm doing fine. Could you tell me about your relationship with 'Wondertainment'?Dr. Latimer: What do you know about my children?Dr. Latimer: Go on.Dr. Latimer: You're right. What should I do?Dr. Latimer: What exactly can you do?Dr. Latimer: I'd have to know more. Need to know your toys are safe, of course.SCP-644 motions to the security personnel.\nDr. Latimer: That sounds wise.SCP-644 produces a business card. Security personnel confiscate it and place it within a reinforced fireproof container.\n\n\nInterview 2:\n\nForeword: Interview was conducted one day after initial recovery.\n\nSCP-644 is brought into the interview room. A 10-centimeter thick barrier composed of heat-resistant, blast-proof glass is erected between Dr. Latimer and the subject chair.Dr. Latimer: Hello, Mister Hot.Dr. Latimer: It's just a precaution. Could you tell me more about what you mentioned yesterday? Your toys?Dr. Latimer: You mentioned something about children fitting some requirement to receive toys. Could you elaborate?SCP-644: No, no. We're looking for a higher caliber. Someone so imaginative\u2026 someone who will really appreciate the work that goes into this stuff. All around great kid.\nDr. Latimer: What kind of work? What do you do at 'Wondertainment'?Dr. Latimer: I need to know I can trust you as a source.Dr. Latimer: How did you become so valued by the organization?Dr. Latimer: Didn't you say you knew 'Wondertainment' in college?SCP-644: So, I go under, and when I come back, it's like zap. I just\u2026 I know what ideas are gonna be hot. All the time. And I work with him, and we're going like gangbusters, spreading like mad. Me and him. And he says to me, \"My mind isn't what it used to be, Hot. Let's hone your creative mind.\"SCP-644: And I'd say that to him, and he'd say to me \"Hot, you have quite the melon on your shoulders\" and I'd say \"Wow, thanks, boss\" and then he'd put a miniature melon on my shoulder and we'd both laugh. It's our little joke, see?SCP-644: But we continued on like that, for\u2026 oh, it was years. I helped with every endeavor. One year, I thought \"You know what kids love? Taking baths.\" or, \"having imaginary friends\", or \"laughing at jokes\", or\u2026 well, we had some weird years.Dr. Latimer: And that's when you became 'Mister Hot'?Dr. Latimer: What kind of toy did you have in mind?Dr. Latimer: I'll think about it.\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-643 | SCP-644 | SCP-645 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-645\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-645 is to be kept in a padded crate two (2) meters by two (2) meters by one (1) meter. Personnel within a ten (10)-meter radius of SCP-645 are to refrain from all statements which may be considered untruthful or deceitful.\nSCP-645 is to be cleaned after each activation.\nDescription: SCP-645 is a large disk of Pavonazzetto marble with a humanoid face carved into it, similar to the famous Bocca della Verit\u00e0 carving in the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome, Italy. As with the Bocca carving, the mouth and eyes are empty holes; unlike with the Bocca carving, however, subjects who place their hands inside SCP-645's mouth describe it as 'warm' and 'moist'.\nSCP-645 embodies, and has been hypothesized by Foundation folklorists to be the origin of, the lie-detection properties attributed to the Bocca carving since medieval times: any subject who tells a lie (see incident report 645-N41) while their hand is within the carving's mouth will activate the carving, which will then bite off the subject's hand at the wrist and swallow it. High-speed cameras have revealed that this process, which lasts less than 0.3 seconds, involves the manifestation of lips, gingiva, and disproportionately large incisor teeth; the lips cauterize the injury via an unknown mechanism, after which the lips, gingiva, and teeth de-manifest. The force exercised by the teeth has not been accurately measured, but is sufficient to sever a steel rod held in the hand being bitten off.\nProbes of SCP-645's mouth in its inert state have revealed no esophagus; as such, the ultimate fate of the severed hands is unknown. RFID tags implanted in the hands of D-class personnel have been unlocatable, and sonograms of SCP-645 indicate that it is solid Pavonazzetto marble with no inclusions.\nRecovery: SCP-645 was discovered during routine archaeological excavations in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Italy, in 19\u2588\u2588. The slab of marble bearing the carving was not attached to any building, and had been bricked over; archaeologist \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 expressed the opinion that it seemed to have been deliberately buried.\n48 hours after being discovered, SCP-645 mutilated a graduate student who had been participating in the excavation; Foundation agents in the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities intercepted the injury reports and retrieved the object.\nIncident report 645-N41: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, D-45951 was enlisted for experiments to study both the criteria by which SCP-645 assesses statements as lies, and the mechanism by which it severs hands. Unexpectedly, D-45951 was able to deduce SCP-645's anomalous properties prior to testing, due to cultural knowledge of the properties folklorically attributed to the Bocca carving. Consequently, D-45951 disobeyed instructions as to how he should interact with SCP-645, which ultimately revealed further anomalous properties.\n\nTranscript of audio log.\nDr. Rensburg: Insert your left hand into the carving's mouth. Good. Now, say the phrase \"The sky is bright green.\"\nD-45951: (silence)\nDr. Rensburg: D-45951?\nD-45951: \u2026 The sky is green is what these guys told me to say.\nDr. Long: What was that?\nDr. Rensburg Why didn't it activate?\nDr. Long: Let's try another one. D-45951, say this: 'I have six fingers'.\nD-45951: \u2026 these guys want me to sayI have six fingersbut really I don't.\nDr. Rensburg: I definitely heard him that time. What do you think you're doing!\nDr. Long: You're interfering with the experiment!\nD-45951: There was a movie!\nDr. Rensburg: What?\nD-45951: In the movie1, there was a, a statue thing that looked like this one, and they said if you put your hand in and lie, it bites your hand off!\nDr. Rensburg: That's ridiculous. Are you going to comply with instructions, or do we have to get the guard involved?\nDr. Long: No, wait. Let's hear him out; surely intent matters?\nGuard: Do you want me to \u2014\nDr. Rensburg: Hm. You know, that's actually a very good \u2014\n(At this point, D-45951 removes his hand from SCP-645's mouth)\nDr. Long: Hey! Keep your hand in \u2014\nDr. Rensburg: Guard! Hold his arm! Keep his hand in its mouth!\n(D-45951's hand is forcibly re-inserted into SCP-645's mouth)\nDr. Long: Let's see, where were we\u2026 oh yes. What was this movie about?\nD-45951: [PLOT SYNOPSIS OMITTED]\nDr. Long: Hmm. Well, we'll have someone look that up, thank you for the information. But honestly, you know the difference between movies and real life, don't you? Do you really think the carving will bite your hand off, just because some guy in a movie told a story about it? You even said that the guy in the movie was lying about it, right?\nD-45951: I\u2026 I dunno! I\u2026 look, I wouldn't'a believed\u2026 I mean, I don't think I woulda believed it, before I came here and saw all the weird shit you guys've got here, all the monsters and shit, but now that I seen it all, it made me think maybe it\u2026 I mean\u2026 that's how I'm explaining it right now, it didn't all go through my head word for word right then, but you know, people\u2026 I mean, a lot of people, maybe not everybody in the world, I dunno \u2014 a lot of people are like that\u2026 uh, what's the question? I lost \u2014 I kinda lost track, only kinda, I mean, we're still talking about the statue, right?\nDr. Rensburg: Uh, yes. Do you think, just because of the movie, that the statue will \u2014\nD-45951: Oh, right, right. Yeah, I\u2026 well, I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking that, that maybe it will, because of \u2026 well, because of a bunch of stuff, like part of it is that movie that I\u2026 that I saw part of on TV one ti\u2014 at least one time, and I thought it was just a load of cra\u2014 I, I, I mean, looking back at what I was thinking back then, I guess I didn't really believe it, 'cause it was just something in a \u2014 I thought it was just something in a movie, and stuff in movies isn't re\u2014 I mean, a lot of stuff in movies isn't, isn't really real, not like real life is OR AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT I ALWAYS THOUGHT EXCEPT NOT 'ALWAYS' LIKE ALL THE TIME oh god please don't bite my hand off\nDr. Long: Interesting. Let's see what we had on the list\u2026 ah yes. D-45951\u2026 what's your name?\nD-45951: That's kinda complic\u2014 I mean, the question isn't, I guess the question isn't complicated, but the answer is, is kinda complicated, like, the name that everybody called me, well, not everybody everybody, like not everybody in the world, but, y'know, people in my life? Most of the \u2014 a lot of the people in my life, they called me [REDACTED], but when I was born, my name was \u2014 I mean, like, a little while after I was born, my parents said my name was [REDACTED], so that could be my name too, sort of, and, uh, you guys call me D-45951, or that's what you been calling me, maybe you'll change your minds later, I dunno, it's up to you, I guess?\nDr. Rensburg: Fascinating. How about\u2026 D-45951, say \"two thousand eight hundred and nine is a prime number\".\nD-45951: Are you fuckin' serious? I \u2014\nDr. Rensburg: Guard?\nD-45951: No! No, I'll \u2014 look, I dunno what that m\u2014 I mean, I know those words by themselves, but the whole thing doesn't \u2014 I mean, obviously it's some sort of\u2026 well, OBVIOUS maybe isn't the right word, but I guess it's some kind of math thing? Like, I remember hearing about prime numbers on the\u2026 I kinda remember hearing about them, and I kinda think it was on the news, but I'm not like a hundred percent sure, oh jeeze, and I was never \u2014 well, I mean, when I was in school, I wasn't\u2026 I didn't do that good in math when I was in school, a lot of the time, except when I cheated except maybe that's not the same as me doing good in math, and, uh, I guess I did okay back when I was real little and it was super simple?\nDr. Long: Impressive. How about\u2026\nDr. Rensburg: Yes, that's a good one: D-45951, do you ever lie?\nD-45951: N\u2014 I mean\u2026 I, I, everybody\u2014 I told, I used to tell\u2026 in the past I said stuff that maybe wasn't, okay, no 'maybe', stuff that wasn't true, but I'm not gonna\u2026 I mean\u2026 I don't think I'm gonna\u2026 I mean\u2026 right now, with my hand stuck in this thing's mouth, I'm trying real real hard to not say anything that's not super absolute true.\nDr. Long: \u2026 Wow. You're really, really scared, aren't you.\nD-45951: Oh fuck yes.\nDr. Rensburg: Just because of the movie?\nD-45951: Look, we went \u2014 I mean, I went over that already! It's 'cause of the movie that I know, that I think I know what it is, and seeing all the mons\u2026 seeing the monsters you got here, I dunno if I saw all of 'em \u2014 seeing the monsters is what tells me that it's for, that maybe it's for real! Plus, I mean, why would you be doing this stuff with me sticking my hand in here and then you telling me to say shit if you weren't expecting it to bite my hand off, right? Why else would you have this assho\u2014 this guy holding my arm so I can't \u2014 so I probably can't pull my hand out?\nDr. Long: He has a point.\nDr. Rensburg: Oh, don't go feeling sorry for him. D-45951, do you deserve this?\nD-45951: Uh, what?\nDr. Rensburg: This! The way we're treating you! Being D-class personnel! Do you deserve it!\nD-45951: You don't hafta yell at me.\nDr. Rensburg: Did you commit the crimes you were convicted of committing! Yes or no!\n\nD-45951: I\u2026 look, the fuckin' cop was self-defense, okay? Her or me, right?\nDr. Rensburg: And the others? Were they all self-defense too?\nGuard: Uh, sir?\nD-45951: Well, I\u2026 I mean\u2026 look, they were witnesses, and\u2026 I mean, they coulda\u2026 I mean\u2026 I thought they coulda\u2026 I, I\u2026 look, it was\u2026 I\u2026 I mean\u2026 no, you know what? No. No they fucking weren't self-defense. I didn't think I had to kill 'em, I didn't think I had no fucking choice\u2026 I killed 'em because I wanted to. Because I wanted them to be dead. Because I like killing. Because I like the way it makes me feel. Because it means I have power. That honest enough for you, you big stone fuck?\nAt this point, SCP-645 forcibly ejected D-45951's hand from its mouth; high-speed cameras show that its lips manifested, and then contorted, apparently spitting the hand out; the lips had completely de-manifested within 0.2 seconds.\nD-45951: What the fuck?\nDr. Long: Did you take your hand out? Put your hand back in! Guard, put his hand back in!\nD-45951: No, I \u2014\nGuard: I can't \u2014 it won't go in! It's not accepting his hand, sir. It's blocking him.\nDr. Rensburg: What?\n(Subsequent examination revealed that, although Dr. Rensburg, Dr. Long, and Guard Dickinson were each able to insert a hand into SCP-645's mouth, D-45951 was not. Experiment was aborted.)\nDr. Rensburg: Get him out of here; we'll have to requisition another D-class.\nDr. Long: Preferably one who doesn't watch romantic comedies.\n(D-45951 is escorted out of the testing chamber.)\nDr. Rensburg: Well, at least we got some results. I wonder what specifically triggered it to reject his hand?\nDr. Long: Heh, maybe he really was honest enough for it. Creepy little fucker. Hey, that reminds me \u2014 how did you know the details about what he did?\nDr. Rensburg: Seriously, man? I was bluffing!\n(At this point, SCP-645 opened its mouth to a width of approximately 70 cm, and propulsed an elongated frog-like tongue four meters across the room at Drs. Rensburg and Long. The tongue coiled around Dr. Rensburg's right wrist and severed his hand, then retracted, colliding with Dr. Long and breaking his left shoulder in the process. The tongue had fully returned to the mouth, and the mouth had returned to its normal size, within 0.7 seconds. Both doctors survived as a result of prompt medical attention; however, Dr. Rensburg's hand was too badly damaged to be reattached.)\n\nNOTE: After a thorough review of not only Incident 645-N41, but of all footage of personnel in proximity to SCP-645, I have come to the conclusion that SCP-645 is most likely sapient. This was not the first time that personnel in proximity to SCP-645 have lied or otherwise been less than honest; however, in light of D-45951's admittedly impressive performance in avoiding any untruths, and of 645's unprecedented rejection of his hand, I feel that 645's attack on Dr. Rensburg, immediately after he admitted to having deceived D-45951, was a conscious act, motivated by resentment and antipathy. Incident 645-N41 also revealed that the scope of 645's anomalous properties is far greater than we had suspected; in particular, it can no longer be considered to pass the 'locked box' test. I therefore request that its object class be upgraded to Euclid. \u2014 Site Director R. Kocharian.\nApproved. - O5-4.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Subsequently identified as Roman Holiday, 1953, Paramount Pictures, starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck\n\n\u00ab SCP-644 | SCP-645 | SCP-646 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-646\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-646 is kept in customized Containment Unit 9277 in Bio-Site 66. The floor is to be rinsed daily, and drain grates are to be checked weekly for buildup.\nPersonnel are to wash SCP-646 once every two weeks with warm water and gentle scrubbing tools. Basic Low-Hazard decontamination showers are to be performed by personnel after this wash.\nSubject does not seem to require sustenance; a daily serving of 10 kilograms high-quality edible material is allotted to promote (relative) activity.\nAll species of offspring are to be examined and logged. If any presiding researchers identify offspring they deem worthy of further research, personnel are to follow appropriate protocols. All unwanted offspring are to be immediately destroyed.\nDescription: SCP-646 is a large, translucent grey, bloated creature measuring roughly 5.6 meters in length, weighing between 3400 and 3700 kilograms. At one end of its body is the approximation of a torso, with a prominent ribcage and a wide, round head. Seven sets of three-jointed limbs are located evenly spaced down the front of the body; a long series of udder-like organs are located between these limbs. The body tapers to a blunt point with a cloaca-like orifice, the entire frame heaving and shuddering irregularly. The shadows of various internal organs (lungs, hearts, and a digestive tract) can be seen through SCP-646's flesh. The flesh is quite smooth and malleable, and a clear, harmless mucus constantly oozes from its skin.\nSCP-646 is constantly producing unrelated, infant organisms. For the purposes of this document, SCP-646 is in a state of \"giving birth\". When one infant creature has been born, another will appear within SCP-646 and the birthing process will begin again. Births do not seem to cause it any discomfort, and all offspring are completely unremarkable apart from their anomalous origin. Interestingly, oviparous animals such as birds and fish are born whole, outside of an egg. There is no logical order behind what species of animal will be born next; it seems that absolutely any multicellular animal that has ever existed on Earth can be birthed by SCP-646.\nIt is unknown how SCP-646 is producing these infants at this time, as there is no gestation period between births. The current intake of material by SCP-646 cannot account for the mass of the infant animals or its constant slime discharge. Research is pending.\nSCP-646 shows no signs of sapience, and is mostly docile unless actively provoked.\n\n Sample SCP-646 Birth Log 5122b \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 \n\nClose\n\nNote All offspring are destroyed unless otherwise stated.\n\nTime\nSpecies\nCommon Name\nNotes\n\n11:43\nCrotalus atrox\nW. diamondback rattlesnake\nNone\n\n12:04\nCanis lupus\ngrey wolf\nNone\n\n12:11\nTyto alba\ncommon barn owl\nNone\n\n12:20\nBoa constrictor\nBoa constrictor\nNone\n\n12:23\nunknown\nunknown species of anglerfish, female\nNo match to any species on record\n\n12:33\nunknown\nunknown animal; 10cm3 body, legs ~4m long.\nretained for study; deceased (internal collapse)\n\n12:49\nMammuthus primigenius\nWoolly Mammoth\nRetained for study. Genetic material collected for SCP-2082 research.\n\n13:34\nPan troglodytes\ncommon chimpanzee\nNone\n\n13:57\nIguanodon\ndinosaur\nretained for study - since deceased (illness)\n\n14:14\nMeles meles\nEuropean badger\nstillborn\n\n14:20\nunknown\nunknown aquatic invertebrate\nterminated immediately by present personnel\n\n14:27\nPanthera leo\nlion, male\nNone\n\n14:33\nTrilobita\nTrilobite, unknown\nretained for study - since deceased (unknown)\n\n14:56\nNasua narica\nwhite-nosed coati\nNone\n\n15:21\nEubalaena japonica\nNorth Pacific right whale\nNone\n\n15:24\nunknown\nunidentified purple gelatinous mass\nNo match to any species on record\n\n15:36\nGiraffa camelopardalis\ngiraffe\nNone\n\n15:42\nCorvus corax\nCommon Raven\nTaken for use in ongoing SCP-1505 research.\n\n15:43\nCyprinus carpio\ncommon carp\nNone\n\n15:50\nunknown\nunknown bird, possibly Phorusrhacidae\nretained for study - since deceased (illness)\n\n16:05\nEurypterida\nunknown eupterid\nretained for study - since deceased (unknown)\n\n16:15\nunknown\nunknown mammal, possibly Xenarthra\nstillborn\n\n16:22\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n16:40\nunknown\nunknown dromaeosaurid\nretained for study\n\n16:52\nHomo sapiens\nhuman female\nretained for study\n\n16:58\nunknown\nunknown placoderm, possibly Dunkleosteus\nstillborn\n\n17:06\nChamaeleo jacksonii\nthree-horned chameleon\nNone\n\n17:13\nBos gaurus\ngaur\nNone\n\n17:21\nunknown\nunknown fish, unique jaw structure\nNo match to any species on record\n\n17:34\nMandrillus leucophaeus\ndrill\nNone\n\n17:23\nunknown\nunknown terrestrial invertebrate\nNo match to any species on record\n\n17:28\nMyotis vivesi\nfish-eating bat\nNone\n\n17:34\nCanis lupus familiaris\npuppy; possibly Beagle\nNone\n\n17:43\nunknown\nunknown hominid\nretained for study - deceased (illness)\n\n17:52\nunknown\nunknown curved nautiloid\nNo match to any species on record\n\n17:56\nLarus\nunknown gull\nNone\n\n17:59\nRattus rattus\nblack rat\nNone\n\n18:10\nMegaloceros giganteus\nIrish elk\nretained for study\n\n\u00ab SCP-645 | SCP-646 | SCP-647 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-647\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-647 is contained in a standard 3 meter by 3 meter biological holding cell. SCP-647 is to be monitored continuously via video feed.\nOnce per week, a dead (less than 2 days or fully-thawed cryogenically-preserved) human body or animal bodies of at least 45 kg is to be placed into SCP-647. Following the completion of SCP-647's digestive cycle, the enclosure is to be cleaned by D-class personnel. Feeding and cleaning to be supervised by a Level 2 staff member. Any changes in behavior (see Document 647FBL) are to be recorded in Document 647FBL and reported to the HMCL Supervisor on duty.\nDescription: SCP-647, when observed via video feed, is a cardboard box appropriately sized for a 35-cm CRT-type television. When a live human being (hereafter \"subject\") is within 1.5 meters of the object, SCP-647 will change its dimensions such that the subject can fit inside it easily. If multiple subjects are within 1.5 meters, the dimensions will adjust to be most appealing to the subject with the most disheveled appearance.\nWhen a subject enters SCP-647, the flaps of the box will close and are unable to be opened. In testing, the flaps resisted a force in excess of 30 kN. Once the flaps close, SCP-647 will secrete a digestive fluid that is absorbed by the subject's skin and dissolves soft tissues from the inside out. Once the subject is completely dissolved, the liquids are absorbed by SCP-647, and undissolved elements (e.g. bones, clothing) are forcibly expelled. In the wild, the solid waste will be expelled into a source of cover (e.g. a bush or high grass) or over low fences. The entire digestive process takes approximately ten minutes.\nSCP-647 does excrete waste products. The waste is ordinary water, mixed with a fluid visually similar to motor oil. Analysis of the oil-like liquid is ongoing.\nAs the time since the last feeding increases, the transformation becomes more elaborate, including a blanket and lining of newspaper (after two days), cans of food (after three days) and bottles of alcoholic beverages (after five days).\nIts natural habitat is an urban environment. SCP-647 chooses one spot, usually in the corner of an alleyway, out of direct view of main streets. After feeding two or three times, SCP-647 will relocate, usually during the night. Locomotion is achieved by means of movement of the flaps.\nSCP-647 has also been know to actively attack a subject rather than waiting for them to enter on their own. Attacks have been triggered by:\n\nAttempts to damage SCP-647 (including sample retrieval)\nAttempts to remove extra components manifested by SCP-647\nTime periods of more than 7 days between feedings\n\nIn addition, after eight days, SCP-647 will attempt to relocate. If blocked, it will spray a caustic liquid similar to its digestive juices onto all nearby objects (including walls), causing them to dissolve over fifteen to twenty minutes depending on composition and mass.\nSCP-647 is self-repairing. Fibrous tendrils will grow across any tears, taking on the appearance of duct tape after approximately one hour, and appearing as cardboard matching the rest of the surface after twenty-four hours. When set on fire, SCP-647 will let out a loud, human-like shriek and attack any subject in range, while the surface will [REDACTED].\nCircumstances of Retrieval: A sharp decline in the number of indigent persons with no correlating increase of admissions to homeless shelters in [REDACTED] was noted by routine data-mining. Agents were dispatched to investigate. After a ten-day search, Agents located the source of the decline, SCP-647, as it was feeding in a drainage culvert.\nDocument 647FBL (Excerpts)\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588: One dead human body, TOD + 12 hours placed within SCP-647. Corpse consumed without incident.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588: Sixty dead lab rats, total mass 50 kg, TOD + 12 to 24 hours placed within SCP-647. Corpses consumed without incident.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588: Fifty-five kg of ground beef placed within SCP-647. SCP-647 attacked objects within room with caustic fluids.\nNote: Similar tests with multiples of a single body part, headless rats and headless cadavers produced similar aggressive behavior. It appears that SCP-647 needs to process a complete organism, but does not object to a corpse less than two days old. - Dr. [REDACTED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-646 | SCP-647 | SCP-648 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-648\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-648 cannot be moved, it is contained on-site under the cover of a secondary entrance that is closed indefinitely for maintenance. At least two (2) armed, undercover guards disguised as site workers must be on duty at all times, and any individuals attempting to gain access to SCP-648 must be detained for questioning.\nExploration or experimentation within SCP-648 may only be performed with prior permission from at least one (1) level 4 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-648 is a hidden entrance of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hedge maze near [DATA EXPUNGED]. Although no official record of this entrance exists, evidence suggests that SCP-648 was incorporated into the hedge maze shortly after its construction.\nWhen subjects enter the maze via SCP-648, they are displaced to what appears to be an extradimensional space separate from the real maze. So far, several anomalous properties have been observed:\n\nThe maze behind SCP-648 blocks all radio transmissions, preventing communication or remote recordings of the inside of the maze.\nThe maze behind SCP-648 has a size inconsistent with the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hedge maze. Manned exploration attempts have explored over 14 square kilometers of maze without reaching any exit or edge to the maze.\nThe topography and layout of the alternate maze occasionally shifts, with the time between each shift completely unpredictable. The lower time limit of these shifts is approximately 5 days, and the maze has lasted for as long as 50 days without noticeable shifting. These shifts can cut off exit from the maze, trapping personnel inside.\nThe maze is in a perpetual state of twilight, with no discernible sun, moon, stars, or other celestial references. The maze is also shrouded with a constant fog that reduces visibility to less than 10-20 meters.\nExploration teams have encountered living creatures within the maze at distances of greater than 2 kilometers from the entrance. These creatures appear to be [DATA EXPUNGED] and have proven to be extremely dangerous, and as such all teams should try to avoid them if at all possible.\n\nSCP-648 came to the Foundation's attention on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 after two young children discovered the anomalous entrance and disappeared inside. Amnestics were administered to the parents of the children and several witnesses, and a cover story planted.\nAddendum 648-01: Initial Exploration Incident Log\nAfter attempts to remotely explore the maze failed due to the inability to transmit radio signals from within, a manned exploration of the maze was approved by O5-\u2588 and conducted on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588 by members of Mobile Task Force [DATA EXPUNGED], led by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 K\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. After traversing approximately 3 kilometers within the maze, the team encountered a [DATA EXPUNGED] which roared loudly and charged the team. Although agents were able to kill the creature using their personal firearms, the sounds of additional [DATA EXPUNGED] approaching from nearby forced the team to retreat before they were able to collect any samples that could be later analyzed. Agent K\u2588\u2588\u2588 has requested additional firepower for further exploration attempts.\nAddendum 648-02: Exploration Log, \u2588\u2588/\u2588/200\u2588\nAn attempt to scale the wall of the maze was made using Class D personnel. Although extremely difficult due to the anomalous slipperiness of the wall and the presence of thorns and [DATA EXPUNGED], subject D-6443 was finally able to scale a wall after being attached to a high-strength tether with over 500 meters of line. Experiment team noted that the voice of D-6443 was extremely muffled and distant, despite being no more than approximately 2 meters away from the team.\nD-6443 was instructed to explore the immediate area, and try to find a connecting passage. After approximately 18 minutes and over 350 meters of line played out, the line suddenly went taut and immediately slackened. When retracted, the line was found cleanly severed and no trace of D-6443 was ever found.\nFurther attempts to scale the walls of the maze have been suspended, pending investigation into possible inconsistent spatial properties.\nAddendum 648-03: Incident Log, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588\nDuring a manned exploration attempt, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was encountered, who had been lost to an unexpected shift during a previous attempt nearly \u2588 months ago. Agent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was disheveled, extremely gaunt, and his equipment and clothing were missing or in tatters. The agent screamed, \"You aren't real, none of you are real!\" at the exploration team before running deeper within the maze. Team attempted to pursue the agent for approximately 20 minutes before calling off the search and returning.\nAddendum 648-04: Incident Log, \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588\nOn \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588, a breach was reported at the SCP-648 containment station. Upon arrival, agents found that the station had been attacked from the inside. Revised containment procedures are under review, and additional guards are to be posted until further notice.\n\n\u00ab SCP-647 | SCP-648 | SCP-649 \u00bb"} {"text": "Contents of SCP-649.\n\nItem #: SCP-649\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-649 is to be kept in a standard Type II containment locker on Site-77. It should not be opened nor moved from its location unless testing is being performed. Heating implements, windshields, and equipment to clear snow must be present during testing to prevent containment failures.\nDescription: SCP-649 is a matchbox from an unidentified brand, with a thirty-two match count. The box is marked with a logo in the shape of a snowflake crystal on the underside that feels cold to the touch.\nWhenever a match from SCP-649 is struck, snowflakes will shoot out in contrast to the sparks of a normal match.1 Once struck, the head will show visible crystallization and the main anomalous properties of SCP-649 will manifest; this can also be achieved by leaving SCP-649 open for more than fifteen minutes.\nUpon manifestation, the surroundings of SCP-649 will experience a sudden drop in temperature, which will continue to decrease over time. Subsequently, strong winds will develop. Research confirmed that these winds are able to occur indoors.\nWhen the temperature in the area reaches 0 \u00b0C, large amounts of snow and sleet will continuously form in a circular area around SCP-649. The radius of this area has been observed to increase 15 meters per hour with a maximum of 1 kilometer. Closing the lid of SCP-649 causes the expansion to halt and surroundings to revert to their pre-exposure conditions.\nIf left open for an indefinite amount of time the conditions will stabilize at -30 \u00b0C when the entire radius is covered in three metres of snow. Due to the high amount of ice formed by the frozen sleet at these temperatures and the winds, this can cause snowslides or even avalanches on uneven terrain. This arctic climate will keep itself intact until SCP-649 is closed.\nWhilst not identical, the effect of SCP-649 on its surroundings works in a similar way to the effect of SCP-2082. A request for further comparative research is still pending.\nDiscovery: On 1987/04/19, Foundation agents reported unseasonal blizzards in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, West Virginia. After an investigation, SCP-649 was identified as the origin of the blizzard.\nOn 1987/04/22, SCP-649 was recovered at the center of the storm. Local citizens that saw the sudden change in weather conditions were administered Class C amnestics. A cover story blaming the winter conditions on changes in local weather fronts caused by global warming was disseminated.\nAddendum-649-A: Experiment logs\n\nEXPERIMENT-649-1\nDescription:\nSCP-649 was left open in a testing chamber and one D-Class personnel (D-1226) was asked to interact with SCP-649.\n\nResults:\nD-1226 was wary and asked if he could get answers on some basic questions before interacting with the anomaly. Due to his generally cooperative behavior in past experiments, this request was granted.\nAfter the fifteen minute mark of opening SCP-649 passed, the temperature dropped and D-1226 began to shiver. D-1226 took this as his cue to begin the experiment.\nD-1226 took SCP-649 and tried to light a match to warm his hands. When the matches did not light, he tried 4 more times before attempting the same with other matches. Every time a match was struck, the conditions in the testing room became more severe.\n6 minutes after manifestation, D-1226 visibly appeared confused, had trouble breathing, and dropped SCP-649.\n8 minutes after manifestation, D-1226 began to show signs of delirium before beginning to drift in and out of consciousness. He murmured about how it was a beautiful winter evening.\n10 minutes after manifestation, D-1226 was ordered to close SCP-649, failed to do so, and passed out. Foundation Agents rushed in and recontained SCP-649. D-1226 was carried to the medical wing for treatment of frostbite and hypothermia.\n\nEXPERIMENT-649-2\nDescription:\nSCP-649 was left open in a testing chamber to let its anomalous properties manifest for observation and to collect samples.\n\nResults:\nDr. Pena began sampling the precipitation and soil.2 During this she reported the feeling of being stared at.\nWhilst analyzing the wind, Dr. Pena reported visual observation of small, faint silhouettes in the distant fog. She was asked to leave the testing chamber for a medical check before continuing.\nUpon return, Dr. Pena was hit by a snowball. Giggling children can be heard on the recording of the experiment.\nThree D-Class personnel in adjusted clothing were brought in and ordered to traverse to the other end of the room and back and report the possible change in weather conditions or other things that stood out.\nAfter twenty minutes without a successful return or response, the experiment came to a halt. SCP-649 was closed and recontained following standard protocol.\nUpon reviewing video footage, one D-Class can be seen engaging in a snowball fight with small figures around the 4:07:00 timestamp. He then begins to fade away into the fog before traversing through the walls of the testing chamber and disappear into the seemingly endless blizzard.\nNo D-Class personnel have been recovered. All testing with D-Class personnel has been suspended.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Note: striking a match does not light, consume, or alter it.\n2. Analysis showed that these had no anomalous properties.\n\n\u00ab SCP-648 | SCP-649 | SCP-650 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-650\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-650 is to be stored in a lockable room at least 4 meters by 4 meters, with comfortable lighting. It must remain under constant surveillance by no less than three (3) personnel. Observers are to position themselves so that the SCP and at least one additional observer are in their line of sight at all times.\nObservation via remote methods such as security cameras is permissible, so long as concentration is not broken at any time. This method should only be used in case of emergency, however, due to the possibility of accidental loss of sight.\nDescription: SCP-650 is a black statue of a stylized humanoid 167cm tall. The statue does not possess hands or facial features: the limbs taper off into rounded points and the head is a smooth surface all around. The default posture while under observation has the statue reaching upwards, head tilted as if facing the sky. Composition of the statue is currently undetermined; materials testing has yielded inconclusive and contradictory results.\nIf the statue is not being observed, it will relocate itself to a point immediately behind whomever is in the containment site and assume a threatening posture. No noise is made during this relocation process, so the precise method of locomotion is as of yet unknown. The relocation point and posture are typically close enough to induce an automatic fight-or-flight response in the observer once they turn around and see it.\nHowever, it should be noted that SCP-650 has not yet shown any signs of active aggression or hostility. Based on trial responses that varied the amount of time between breaking and re-establishing line-of-sight, its purpose does not seem to be to attack but merely to startle. The reason for this is unknown, and no further research is pending to determine its motives.\nWhile the primary method appears to be triggering a startled reaction via close proximity, the SCP has also shown varied other postures in the presence of observers who have become used to its effects. In the cases of these observers, the statue has assumed other postures a comfortable distance away, including reclining on a table, \"sitting\" on a chair, and in one instance, huddled in a corner as if terrified. Given that the observers who reported these postures also mentioned that they were left feeling uneasy, it is theorized that this may simply be a secondary method of generating reactions.\nAddendum:\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 - Object upgraded to Euclid class after statue somehow managed to appear on the other side of Site \u2588\u2588\u2588 and manifest directly behind Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in his office. Additional observational measures are to be put in place to prevent future incidents.\nResearcher's note: I don't give a flying rat about the budget; keep this damn thing contained! Turning around in a dim office to see this thing a half-inch away from your nose is guaranteed to take years from your life. And given what we deal with, we don't have many to spare. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-649 | SCP-650 | SCP-651 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-651\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Subjects infected with SCP-651 are to be kept and treated in the secure medical wing of Site-\u2588\u2588. Any secretions of SCP-651 patients should be disposed of in the manner detailed in protocol 9913-B. Access to SCP-651 patients by non-medical personnel is subject to O5 approval.\nDescription: SCP-651 is a highly contagious, human-infecting viral genus that causes the fusion of soft tissues. Usually first affecting the distal extremities, the effects of SCP-651 can be observed early in the form of webbing of the fingers and toes. SCP-651 spreads to affect the entire body, typically fusing the subject's thighs and cubital fossa, and eventually causing the mouth, ears, eyes, nostrils, and anus to seal completely. Subjects surviving into the late stages of SCP-651 are forced into a fetal position, the forehead eventually fusing with the knees.\nThe fusion of tissues can be slowed, but not prevented, by the insertion of obstructions into the affected area. This can cause the infection to take effect on the areas surrounding the object. If left unattended, foreign objects can become enclosed in flesh. If cut open, fused tissues will reform and heal in the usual manner for human wounds.\n\nNotable cases of SCP-651 infection\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: With the help of SCP medical personnel, 51-year-old \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 survived SCP-651 infection for three years and 8 months. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was unable to communicate for 16 months prior to his death, due to complete fusion of limbs and gingiva. A tracheotomy was performed to allow \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to breathe during this time.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from internal hemorrhaging resulting from the obstruction of feces caused by the closing of the rectum.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: 16-year-old Ella Pugh suffocated 8 months after infection due to the closing of the larynx after surgically locking her own mouth open with a home-made head brace.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 contracted SCP-651 7 months into pregnancy and died after 3 months. Autopsy revealed that the unborn child had fused with the sides of the uterus.\n\n\u00ab SCP-650 | SCP-651 | SCP-652 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-652\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-652 is to be kept in standard domestic-animal facilities. The room requires basic furnishings for SCP-652 and its handler \u2013 bedding, food, water and so on. SCP-652 and its handler are permitted to roam the facility grounds at will.\nPersonnel who come in contact with SCP-652 are not permitted to wear heavy boots: SCP-652 is badly frightened by such boots, and by anyone wearing them. For the same reason, personnel who come in contact with SCP-652 are not permitted to grow beards.\nSCP-652's vocalizations are to be recorded and preserved for analysis; special note is to be taken of any mentions of the phrases \"ash cloud\", \"hurricane\", and/or \"radiation\".\nDescription: SCP-652 presents as a neutered male dog of the Basset Hound breed; bone growth analysis indicates that subject is approximately three (3) years old. Subject appears to be physically normal beyond four (4) significant abnormalities:\n\nSubject has a tattoo on its belly in the shape of the Marshall, Carter and Dark logo. The tattoo was likely applied in the dog's infancy.\nX-rays of the subject reveal several poorly-healed skull fractures and broken ribs, suggesting extreme physical abuse.\nSubject's jaw muscles are well-developed, above that of a normal dog of this breed; however, bite force is in line with what is to be expected of a dog this size. This abnormality is likely to be a direct result of abnormality 4, below.\nSubject's larynx is grossly distorted. X-ray examination shows significant diversion from expected size and shape. It is unclear whether this is the result of genetic engineering or of surgery. This distortion is believed to be linked to its behavioural anomaly.\n\nSCP-652's behavioural anomaly is its ability to produce human speech instead of barking or other standard canine vocalizations. Subject constantly 'gibbers' phrases in at least thirty-four (34) human languages; although five (5) of the languages have not been identified yet, analysis of the other twenty-nine (29) languages (see document 652-G for list of identified languages) indicates that SCP-652 is constantly making meteorological predictions for various locations worldwide. These predictions have been found to be 100% accurate for those locations which have been able to be identified.\nThe predictions have no obvious connection with any external stimuli; while it can be assumed that SCP-652 is aware of its own behaviour, it does not appear to be under the subject's control. Quality and clarity of vocalization is dependent on SCP-652's physical condition: speech is muted and 'mumbled' while the subject is sleeping, garbled while the subject is eating or drinking, and agitated and staccato when the subject is excited or afraid. Subject's 'voice' is low in pitch, and has a rather limited vocal range; staff consistently refer to it as 'unsettling'.\nWhile SCP-652's unusual larynx is the most obvious link to the subject's constant vocal activity, a basic knowledge of speech production tells us that simply changing an animal's larynx will not necessarily allow it to make sounds similar to human speech; indeed, comparative biology reveals that human and canid larynx structures are actually quite similar. SCP-652's larynx, on the other hand, appears to have no correlation to either.\nHistory: SCP-652 was recovered during a raid on a Marshall, Carter and Dark office in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It was found in a shipping crate bearing the indications of having been recently delivered by the [REDACTED] national postal service, with an invalid return address. At the time of the raid, a Marshall, Carter and Dark operative was in the process of composing a letter regarding SCP-652; the operative died while resisting capture and the letter (Document 652-N41) was retrieved from her typewriter.\nDocument 652-G: List of identified languages spoken by SCP-652:\nAlbanian, Armenian, Basque, Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hausa, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Khmer, Lithuanian, Malagasy, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Urdu, Vietnamese\nDocument 652-N41: Incomplete letter from Marshall, Carter and Dark operative [REDACTED] to [REDACTED], regarding SCP-652\n\nDear Colonel [REDACTED],\nI regret that you were unsatisfied with your purchase; however, it is scarcely our fault that you misinterpreted the catalogue description of the item.\nThat said, I must remind you once again that all sales are final. We provide our clients with unique and unparalleled experiences; we do not provide refunds, regardless of whether or not you return your purchase. One would hope that you would have learned this by now.\nBecause we value your business, and because we regret the unfortunate incident subsequent to your last year's purchase of [DATA EXPUNGED], I have been authorized to repurchase the item from you. We will pay you [REDACTED] in cash, or offer you twice that amount as credit on your next purchase. Although this is less than 10% of your original purchase price, the [end of document]\n\n\u00ab SCP-651 | SCP-652 | SCP-653 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-653\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-653 is to be kept in a securely locked box in Storage Room B at Site-\u2588\u2588. The keys to the box are to be in the possession of Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Removal of SCP-653 requires at least two armed guards.\nIf skin contact is made with SCP-653 outside of experimental conditions, the affected individual is to be separated from SCP-653 and taken in for testing. Test subjects are to be kept under sedation in order to prevent self-injury while attempting to re-acquire SCP-653. Due to many individuals having become obsessed with SCP-653 prior to containment (see Addendum), people may attempt to enter Site-\u2588\u2588 in order to regain possession of SCP-653. These individuals are to be apprehended and brought into Site-\u2588\u2588 for testing.\nDescription: SCP-653 is a plastic, multi-coloured boomerang measuring 25 centimetres from tip to tip. SCP-653's shape is the typical returning boomerang; however, it is more durable than its makeup would indicate.\nIf a person makes skin contact with SCP-653, they will instantly become obsessed with it and will not allow it to leave their possession. After approximately 48 hours, they will develop a condition similar to magnetoception, becoming aware of SCP-653's approximate position at all times; testing has shown that removing SCP-653 from the subject does not affect the rate at which the condition develops. Once the subject is aware of where SCP-653 is, they will be compelled to throw it as they would a typical boomerang. Instead of returning, however, SCP-653 will travel large distances away from the subject. Once SCP-653 has been thrown, the subject will immediately begin to seek it out; aided by their magnetoception, the subject will invariably be able to locate it. During the time that SCP-653 is being sought out by a subject, it is possible that another person will pick it up and become similarly obsessed with it; this has led to an unknown number of individuals actively seeking SCP-653.\nSCP-653 came into the possession of the Foundation when Agent Gilson reported finding a boomerang stuck in the ground of Site-\u2588\u2588. She took a photograph of it (pictured above) but did not turn the boomerang in. Two days later, Agent Gilson was reported missing from Site-\u2588\u2588 and when contact was eventually established via her handheld transceiver, she refused to return to Site-\u2588\u2588. Her reason for this was: \u201cI've just gone out to get my boomerang back.\u201d Agents S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Ancor were dispatched to follow her as this boomerang could potentially be an SCP. Nine days later, Agent Gilson found the boomerang roughly 17 kilometers away from the town of [REDACTED], at which point Agents S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Ancor were ordered to engage and retrieve the boomerang. Agent Gilson was killed and Agent Ancor accidentally made skin contact with it and became very possessive of it, threatening Agent S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to stay away. Agent S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was then ordered to retrieve the boomerang and was forced to eliminate Agent Ancor to recover it. The boomerang was then safely brought back to Site-\u2588\u2588 so its properties could be established.\nAddendum-653-1: At 11/4/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 9:43pm, an individual was apprehended attempting to gain entry into Site-\u2588\u2588. The individual reacted very aggressively when being stopped; he has been taken in for study to see the extent of SCP-653's long-term effects. At the time of writing (06/9/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), seven other individuals of varying age and ethnicity have been apprehended attempting to enter Site-\u2588\u2588 and gain hold of SCP-653.\n\n\u00ab SCP-652 | SCP-653 | SCP-654 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-654 in containment.\n\nItem #: SCP-654\nObject Class: Neutralized (Formerly Keter)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Direct containment of SCP-654 is deferred to GoI-466 (Wilson's Wildlife Solutions) as per the Boring Agreement1.\nSCP-654 is contained in a specially constructed habitat that constantly circulates saltwater kept at a temperature of approximately -1.8 \u00b0C. Chamber walls outside of the aquatic enclosure have been plated with insulating ceramic composite.\nDescription: SCP-654 is a male narwhal (Monodon monoceros), visually disparate from others of its species only in that its characteristic spiral tusk has grown in a clockwise helix from the jaw, rather than the counterclockwise helix found in all other examined narwhals to date. SCP-654 is able to emit sudden bursts of electrostatic discharge from the apex of its tusk. The discharge is reminiscent of lightning, and is accompanied by a loud crack of sound. While not particularly accurate, the tusk can be used to direct the discharge.\nDiscovery: Wilson's Wildlife Solutions employees operating in Tickle Creek documented an \u201cUnseasonal lightning strike,\u201d and had been sent to quash a possible forest fire. Having found only a large amount of melted ice and the charred remains of three bears, an incident report was filed and the Foundation stepped in to assist in the containment of the anomaly.\nSCP-654 was located following a sweep of the area, caught in between the ice floes of the river. After a short corralling, it was sedated, placed into a porpoise stretcher, and airlifted to a park landing strip. From there, it was transported and sedated for the duration of the flight to the Wilson Aquatics Center, where it was held in a standard marine enclosure until its habitat could be constructed.\nAddendum 654-1: Wilson's Wildlife Solutions Documentation on SCP-654\n\nSCP-654 was found as a lone specimen, a rarity for narwhals such as itself. I have arranged for a small team to comb the area where we found it for other members of its pod, as it is possible they also possess the same abnormality as SCP-654, though I doubt anything will come of it.\nBy the by, will you be refunding us for the construction material and labor spent to construct the new enclosure? We had to spend a ton and it wasn't really in our budget but we wanted to do what was best for the critter, though I worry it may be too small for it.\nRegards,\nFaeowynn Wilson\n\nThunderhorn has been using his ability to shoot birds out of the sky lately. Whether this is an act of malice or boredom is beyond me, though I suppose being stuck in such a small enclosure would make psychopaths of us all. I would like to look into enlarging his current accommodations because rehabilitation appears to be a far-off goal with Thunderhorn. He isn't exactly the friendliest critter we've got around; maybe he misses his pod? His caretakers tell me that it's more likely he's unhappy with the size of his enclosure.\nBy the way, will you be able to refund us for the labor and materials used to build his current enclosure? It's been a few months and I still haven't gotten a reply. Not to sound pushy, but this is a little ridiculous, don't you think?\nRegards,\nFaeowynn Wilson\n\nIt has been 7 months since Thunderhorn was placed under my care (6 since my initial request for financial assistance, by the way!), and I have noticed an increased hostility between it and my staff. It blasts electricity at anyone who approaches its habitat without food almost without fail. Even if one is bringing food to it, Thunderhorn has made it evident that it does not care for their company for any longer than it takes to dump its meal into the habitat. We're going to try figuring out what's wrong with him, but I don't want to risk any of my volunteers being hurt.\nIn case you're curious, I went ahead and estimated the cost of refunding us for supplies and labor as well as maintenance for Thunderhorn's enclosure. It would cost $15,321.12 at the very least. I know you can spare at least that much, I've seen what kind of stuff you have in Site-64.\nRegards,\nFaeowynn Wilson\n\nIt was noticed today by his caretaker that Thunderhorn appears to have some burns along his dorsal. We have reviewed all security footage of the past two weeks and found no evidence of anyone attempting to damage Thunderhorn, but we did find that it appears to have struck itself with its own anomalous properties several times. We had just assumed that Thunderhorn possessed an immunity to its own electric properties, but this is clearly incorrect. I wonder if perhaps he was able to avoid self-damage in the wild due to having a larger space to use its properties within? Perhaps this is why he has been increasingly hostile to members of staff lately. Maybe this is why we should expand his enclosure. Maybe this would help him not injure himself. Maybe, just maybe, this will help us keep him in check.\nAnyway, I will be launching a campaign to cure him of his wounds alongside our LAIM vets tomorrow.\nRegards,\nFaeowynn Wilson\n\nThunderhorn put up one hell of a fight but we were able to get him under control with some tranquilizers, a crane, and a porpoise stretcher. Our LAIM Vet says he's going to need constant monitoring and enteral feeding, but he will recover eventually. This will be very taxing on our constrained budget and I hope we can negotiate some form of financial agreement to ease the strain while Thunderhorn recovers.\nWhile we are on the topic of financial agreements, perhaps we can revisit the proposal to enlarge his accommodations? It's been a year and I still haven't heard back from you guys about anything I send requests for. Am I doing this wrong? Please advise.\nRegards,\nFaeowynn Wilson\n\nTo update you on Thunderhorn, he has spent the last two weeks in a special enclosure we cobbled together out of what was left of the materials we used to build his original enclosure. Though his physical health is improving, his caretakers are telling me he is even more unhappy with his current accommodations and this may in fact lead to another incident with him.\nThis could have all been avoided had whoever monitors this email have responded to us. That being said, is this email even monitored? I feel like I'm shouting into the void here.\nIs anyone there?\nFaeowynn Wilson\n\nThunderhorn is dead, and so is my center.\nFuck you,\nFaeowynn Wilson\n\nAddendum 654-2: Post Neutralization Assessment of SCP-654 and Wilson's Wildlife Solutions\nFollowing the neutralization of SCP-654 due to negligent behavior by Wilson's Wildlife Solution's staff, the Foundation called for a re-evaluation of the Boring Agreement. Below are the minutes from a meeting between Wilson's Wildlife Solution President Faeowynn Wilson and GoI Liason Doctor Justine Everwood.\n\n\nEverwood: Hello Miss Wilso-\nWilson: You've gone and done it now.\nEverwood: I beg your pardon?\nWilson: This is all your fault! Thunderhorn's death could have been entirely prevented if the Supervisors just coughed up a couple of thousand dollars.\nEverwood: That's out of my control, Miss Wilson, I couldn't make them make a decision. I'm just here to be the middleman between your organization and mine.\nWilson: I just\u2026 why didn't they do anything? Why didn't they respond to all my requests? I don't understand.\nEverwood: I'm afraid there is more negative news coming. The Foundation wish to issue you a fine for the death of SCP-654.\nWilson: I can't believe this.\nEverwood: I think it's unfair too.\nThere is a silence for twenty seconds. Wilson sobs quietly.\nWilson: First my dad, now this. I'm going to lose the Center. I'm going to lose everything we built.\nEverwood: \u2026 hey-\nWilson: All because you guys wouldn't answer my damn emails. What does it take to get your attention? Apparently, losing one of the critters, huh? Whatever happened to the Boring Agreement? You were supposed to help us should we needed it but all I've gotten is the cold shoulder.\nEverwood: Look, I'm sorry. I know better than anyone that the Foundation can be a little slow to act sometimes. It's bureaucracy all the way down, and if my twenty years here have taught me anything it's that you sometimes need to make a lot of noise to get noticed.\nWilson: It doesn't matter anymore. I'm going to lose the Center and everyone in it.\nEverwood: Well\u2026 there's no reason why this has to be a bad thing one-hundred percent.\nWilson: What do you mean?\nEverwood: Now that you have the attention of the higherups, maybe it could be used for good.\nWilson: I don't know what good could possibly come out of this.\nEverwood: Well, I remember when the Boring Agreement was signed. Up until then Wilson's had only contained minor anomalies and easy to contain stuff. If memory serves, this is your first Keter class anomaly.\nWilson: I don't know what any of that means.\nEverwood: Keter is a word we use to classify difficult-to-contain anomalies. It means even we would have trouble containing it.\nWilson: You would struggle with Thunderhorn?\nEverwood: Well, it is big and unwieldy, summons lightning, and is an animal, therefore unpredictable. I think that qualifies for Keter. Who knows, people play fast and loose with object classes nowadays.\nWilson: But what are you trying to get at here?\nEverwood: Well, it's just a thought, but I think we could argue that this situation was caused due to Wilson's not having the means to contain Keter anomalies. Only Safe and Euclid. Therefore, we could push for an edit to the Boring Agreement saying that Wilson's should only be allowed to contain Safe and Euclid anomalies.\nWilson: I\u2026 I guess maybe that could work. Sorry, I'm a mess right now.\nEverwood: Don't worry about it. Why don't you let me make this case to my superiors while you take a minute to yourself there?\nWilson: But what about the fine?\nEverwood: You guys have had five years of perfect containment record. I'm sure I could get them to forgive your first infraction.\nWilson: Thank you, Doctor Everwood.\nEverwood: Please, call me Jay.\n\n\nAfter the meeting between Wilson's Wildlife Solutions and the Foundation, the following amendment was made to the Boring Agreement:\n\nWilson's Wildlife Solutions will only be permitted to contain Safe and Euclid level anomalies. All Keter-classified anomalies will be re-assigned to the Foundation for further containment. Funding for Wilson's Wildlife Solutions will also be increased by 25% in order to avoid further incidents.\nIn the event further anomalies are neutralized due to negligence on behalf of Wilson's Wildlife Solutions personnel, a fine of 50,000 USD will be issued per anomaly affected.\n\nAdditionally, Wilson's Wildlife Solutions was fined 50,000 USD for the neutralization of SCP-654 despite various submitted disputes.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Following the Ursus Maritimus Incident of 2008, the Boring Agreement was created as a binding document which allows Wilson's Wildlife Solutions to handle the containment of fauna based anomalies within Clackamas County under supervision of the SCP Foundation.\n\nMore From This Author\n\nMore From This Author\n\nUncle Nicolini's Works\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-371-J \u2022\n\nSCP-3297 \u2022\n\nSCP-7725 \u2022\n\nSCP-7337 \u2022\n\nSCP-7926 \u2022\n\nSCP-020-J \u2022\n\nSCP-6512 \u2022\n\nSCP-4026 \u2022\n\nSCP-PL-274 \u2022\n\nSCP-MYSTERY-J \u2022\n\nSCP-4982 \u2022\n\nSCP-4934 \u2022\n\nSCP-3867 \u2022\n\nSCP-726-EX \u2022\n\nSCP-6467 \u2022\n\nTales/GoI Formats\n\nSquare your shoulders, lift your pack, and leave your friends and go. \u2022\n\nThe Remains Of The Day \u2022\n\nProject Proposal 2018-145: \"a man's duty\" \u2022\n\nAdoption Poster: Darius! \u2022\n\nDark was the night, cold was the ground. \u2022\n\nLa Persistencia De La Memoria \u2022\n\nAces Deuces \u2022\n\nGluttony Is Impossible \u2022\n\nUN's Proposal... 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Site-731's activities occur under the auspices of Kreutzfeld Pharmaceuticals GmbH, a Foundation front organization, and the facility is to maintain cover as a tropical infectious disease research outpost.\nSite-731 security protocols are set at Code Green, and security personnel are to be attired and equipped as members of a mid-sized private military contractor. Subsequent to the events of 07/29/2002 (see Incident Report 655-48 for details), Site-731 security personnel must receive specific authorization from the Level 4 Central African Affairs Coordinator prior to actively engaging armed groups approaching the security perimeter of SCP-655.\nAll SCP-655-A specimens are to be cataloged and observed for a minimum of two weeks when possible. At the discretion of the Site Director, specimens may either be held for observation indefinitely after this initial period, or euthanized, autopsied, and preserved in the Site-731 biological archives.\nDescription: SCP-655 is an 18 m x 20 m x 4 m windowless structure within a complex of buildings located approximately 35 km NNE of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo. This complex was originally known as the Stanleyville Imperial Biology Institute, and was established by Belgian Congo colonial authorities in 1898. The complex housing SCP-655 was coterminous at the time of its establishment with a now-defunct cobalt mine.\nSCP-655 is the site of an anomalous phenomenon. At random intervals, which to date have been observed to be between a range of two months to eleven years, an organism of the kingdom Animalia will spontaneously appear within SCP-655. These organisms are collectively known as SCP-655-A.\nSCP-655-A appear upon initial visual inspection to be typical specimens of a variety of animals. Most specimens observed have fallen under the Chordata phylum; however, mollusks, arthropods and echinoderms have been observed on a less frequent basis. Specimens of SCP-655-A will, however, exhibit radically different behavioral and biological characteristics than other observed members of their species. Invariably, MRI examinations, CT scans, ultrasound imaging and dissection of SCP-655-A specimens reveals biological structures not occurring in what species a specimen appears to be. These have included a specimen of Epatretus goliath (giant hagfish) with a lung-based respiration system, a Crocodylus niloticus (Nile crocodile) specimen entirely lacking in any discernible structures associated with digestion, a Homo sapiens specimen with the entirety of its neural tissue located in a cavity in its right thigh, and an instance of Dacelo leachii (Blue-winged Kookaburra) exhibiting a circulatory system completely lacking in blood vessels and arteries.\nSince containment was established at Site-731 in 1961, researchers have documented 172 instances of SCP-655-A. Over the approximately six decades of Foundation control of SCP-655, with the exception of Incident 655-21 no species has been observed that was not at the time known to the contemporary scientific establishment. This has been corroborated by the appearance of a Conus dondani specimen (a variety of cone snail) in 1984, three years after being first described in scientific records, and a Lasiurus ebenus (hairy-tailed bat) specimen appearing 18 months after its initial description in 1994.\nRecovery Log 655: SCP-655 came to the Foundation's attention after several partially substantiated reports in the Congolese media of a non-communicative man with no identification, clothing, or possessions of any kind wandering into the outskirts of Kisangani. The man (later designated SCP-655-A1) died of unexplained causes soon after being taken into custody by the local police force. A subsequent medical examination revealed two vestigial limbs in SCP-655-A1's abdominal cavity, along with the heart and lungs. SCP-655-A1's digestive system was, in turn, found to be located in its thoracic cavity. Foundation personnel monitoring the region intercepted the reports filed by the Kisangani Coroner's Office and initiated information suppression protocols. A subsequent investigation of SCP-655-A1's origins led to the discovery of SCP-655 and the establishment of containment.\nUpon establishment of initial containment, Foundation personnel discovered that the site of SCP-655, while in a state of decay consistent with structures abandoned for several decades, appeared to be undisturbed by human intrusion since the last documented activity of the Stanleyville Imperial Biology Institute in 1919, despite the presence of valuable raw materials at the site. Foundation staff at the time attributed this to the research facility's reputation with the local population.\nInstitute staff appear to have systematically destroyed all documentation related to activities taking place at the SCP-655 site before abandoning it in 1919. The following materials were recovered upon establishment of containment:\n\nA reinforced, secondary door made of wrought iron installed over the entrance to SCP-655\nFive barrels of calcium carbonate\nFifteen wooden beds in various states of disrepair\nThree bookcases, each accommodating an average of 80 volumes\nEight sets of iron manacles and chains\nA mahogany desk\nTwo examination tables\nTwo Springfield Model 1892-99 .30-40 Krag caliber rifles\nA flexible wire surgical saw\nThree flower pots\n\nInspection of the area surrounding Site-731 revealed four mass graves, believed to date from 1900-1917. These graves contain skeletal remains from a variety of animals; however, due to the apparent systematic dismemberment of the organisms interred in these graves, precise numbers of individuals and species are impossible to ascertain. No anomalous properties have been associated with these remains at this time.\n\n+ Incident Report 655-21: LEVEL 4 EYES ONLY\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nIncident Report 655-21: LEVEL 4 EYES ONLY On 08/10/1978, a specimen of Homo ignotus (hereafter SCP-655-A21) manifested in SCP-655. This was the first and only observed instance of a life form not officially documented by the mainstream scientific community appearing within SCP-655.\nIn contrast to three prior incidents on file involving similar specimens, SCP-655-A21 exhibited behavior interpreted by researchers as emotional distress, a trait heretofore unobserved in H. ignotus. Despite a state comparable to fear or terror and being highly agitated, SCP-655-A21 displayed none of the self-defense mechanisms common to its species. In addition, it was either unable or unwilling to enter the theorized perception/reality shifting state documented elsewhere by Foundation staff.\nUnder orders from Site Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the two-week observation period was waived in light of past experiences with H. ignotus specimens. After no deviation in the subject's behavior (at that time consisting of huddling in the furthest corner of SCP-655 and trembling) was observed for four hours, SCP-655-A21 was terminated via small arms fire by security staff. An autopsy was performed, the results of which were transmitted to Overwatch Command. The final autopsy report remains a Level 5 security document at this time.\nBefore scheduled incineration could occur at 0700 hours on 08/11/1978, the remains of SCP-655-A21 were somehow transferred outside of Foundation custody. Despite standard security measures taken at the Site-731 morgue, no physical evidence remained of SCP-655-A21 when technicians inspected the refrigerated holding container. Security footage throughout the facility did not document any intruders or unauthorized entry into the morgue.\n\n\u00ab SCP-654 | SCP-655 | SCP-656 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-656\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any instances of SCP-656 must be kept in a low-humidity area for preservation. Any requests for testing must be run by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-656 appears to be a board game box labeled \u201c\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Home Edition\u201d, where \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is presumably the name of a game show. No such game show is known to have existed, although the host, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, is an established personality and host of a number of other game shows. SCP-656 was purchased from the \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 thrift store by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 while off-duty.\nContained inside SCP-656 is a recordable VHS tape with \u201c\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Home Edition\u201d written on the label in black marker (SCP-656-1). The box contains nothing else.\nWhen SCP-656-1 is inserted into a VCR attached to a television, it plays a taped episode of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, which appears to be from the mid-1980's. The recording begins during the theme music, cutting off an unknown amount of time. The show follows a quiz show format, where three contestants answer trivia questions to win money. All of the contestants are confirmed to be living, although none have records suggesting that they competed on a game show.\nIf all viewers remain silent, the recording will proceed as expected. The third player, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, will win with a sum of $\u2588\u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588. However, if at any point any viewer vocally answers a question before a contestant, the contestant will give the same answer as the viewer.\nSCP-656-1 appears to be able to distinguish between attempts to answer and discussion between viewers. Playing a recording of an answer will not cause the contestant to give the answer specified in the recording. The contestants will give anything as an answer if properly prompted, regardless of whether they could know the answer given, or content of the answer. The contestants, host, and audience will have no visible reaction to profanity, vulgarity, or racial slurs given as an answer.\nThe questions appear to be randomly selected, and are different every time. Questions can be about any topic, and from any time period, even information from after the apparent recording of the show. The only apparent limitation on the questions is that the answer must be known by at least one person viewing the tape. Questions will occasionally be of a deeply personal nature; questions have in the past revealed extramarital affairs, illegitimate children, drug addiction, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Anything known to any viewer can become a question.\nCopies of SCP-656 do not share its unique properties. Any copy of SCP-656 will play the recording as it appears when no viewers speak during play. Once a playthrough of SCP-656 has begun, it cannot be paused, rewound, or fast-forwarded.\nThree (3) commercial breaks occur during the show, all advertising known products with the correct advertisements. After a commercial break, the camera view sweeps over the audience. Upon closer analysis, the audience consists entirely of people who have viewed the tape, as well as those currently viewing it. In addition to the Foundation personnel known to have viewed the tape, six (6) unknown people appear in the audience. At the end of the taping, after the host announces the winner of the three contestants, the \"Audience Winner\" is announced, and a member of the audience comes forward and is given a copy of SCP-656. The \"Audience Winner\" always corresponds with the current viewer who answered the most questions correctly. The tape cuts off soon after this point, during a disclaimer regarding the awarding of prizes. The disclaimer contains nothing of note. The recording runs for a total of 20 minutes, 3 seconds. There is an additional five (5) hours and forty (40) minutes of blank tape after the disclaimer cuts off. No anomalies have been detected within the blank portion of the tape.\nAddendum: All \"winners\" are to be monitored in the event of a change in conditions. Refer to Document 656-\u2588 for a complete list of \"winners\". It is now known that any person who wins the game will receive, after a number of days equal to the number of questions answered, a copy of SCP-656 in the mail. All copies received by Foundation personnel have displayed the address of Site-\u2588\u2588 (the only Foundation facility where testing on SCP-656 has occurred) as the return address. All copies received by winners are fully functional. The Foundation is currently in possession of \u2588\u2588 additional instances of SCP-656.\n\n\u00ab SCP-655 | SCP-656 | SCP-657 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-657\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-657 is to be kept in a room 8m x 8m at Site-19 with a queen sized bed and any other reasonable furnishings as requested by SCP-657.\nSCP-657 is allowed to freely move about the grounds of Site-19, so long as SCP-657 is accompanied by at least one staff member of at least level-2 security. Following experiment 657/076, SCP-657 is no longer allowed to leave his room. SCP-657 is to be allowed additional leeway with requests for entertainment following this loss of freedom in order to ensure the mental health of SCP-657. Two staff members of at least level-2 security are to be stationed at SCP-657's room in order to monitor SCP-657 and ensure that he does not leave. Staff members are to avoid physical contact with SCP-657 unless it becomes necessary to restrain him or for his own safety.\nSCP-657 is to be fed three meals per day, provided with a daily multivitamin, and given a supply of medication for the treatment of his arthritis.\nDescription: SCP-657 appears to be a Caucasian male approximately fifty five years of age. SCP-657 is mostly bald, with a small amount of gray hair remaining. 1.75 meters in height, 77 kilograms. Subject prefers to wear three-button business suits, generally charcoal gray or navy blue in color, as well as bowler hats. All medical tests indicate that SCP-657 is an ordinary human male in his fifties of reasonably good health. SCP-657 prefers to be addressed as \"Gustav\" or \"Mr. Nobel\", but will also respond to his SCP designation.\nSCP-657 displays the ability to predict the time of an individual's death with extreme accuracy. In order to make a prediction, SCP-657 requires physical contact with the individual. This contact need not be prolonged or invasive, a handshake is sufficient. The precision of SCP-657's predictions seems largely dependent upon how imminent the death is. When exposed to D-class personnel scheduled for termination the following day, SCP-657 was able to accurately predict time of death down to the minute without access to scheduling information. When exposed to individuals for whom SCP-657 does not predict death for more than a decade, SCP-657 is generally unable to provide more than the year of death. SCP-657 claims to be unable to determine any other information about the cause or circumstances of an individual's death. To date, all of SCP-657's predictions have proven accurate.\nFor unknown reasons, SCP-657 claims his abilities simply do not work on a small number of individuals, including Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Polygraph testing supports these claims. No common link between these individuals has been established beyond their connection with the Foundation.\nIndividuals exposed to SCP-657 often report finding him disquieting, unpleasant, or simply \"creepy\", regardless of whether or not they are aware of his abilities. Individuals who are aware of SCP-657's ability to predict death often attribute their discomfort to finding this aspect of him unsettling. Those who are unaware are usually unable to articulate a specific reason for disliking SCP-657.\nAddendum: Notes on Recovery\nSCP-657 was recovered in the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the United States. While employed as an undertaker at a large funeral home, SCP-657 became engaged in a heated argument with a subordinate with whom SCP-657 had previous disagreements. While correcting the subordinate's work, SCP-657 remarked \"What does it fucking matter? You'll be dead before the end of the week.\" in front of several witnesses. Following the subordinate's death three days later after falling from the roof of his home, SCP-657 was arrested by the local police department on suspicion of murder. While being apprehended, SCP-657 made similar remarks predicting the death of one of the police officers involved in his arrest, who was subsequently shot by a suspect in an unrelated incident two days later in the evening, as predicted by SCP-657.\nSCP-657 came to the attention of the Foundation when the local police made a request for federal resources to investigate any possible connection between SCP-657 and the officer's shooting. Arrangements were made for SCP-657 to be tried and convicted of the murder of his subordinate and conspiracy to murder the officer who apprehended him, and sentenced to death. SCP-657 was extracted into Foundation custody using the same procedures for securing D-class personnel.\nAddendum 657-1: Experiment 657/076\nSCP-657 was introduced to SCP-076-2 as a potential recruit for Mobile Task Force Omega 7. This was a pretense to allow SCP-657 physical contact with SCP-076-2. Upon contact with SCP-076-2, SCP-657's eyes rolled back into his head and he lost consciousness. SCP-657 remained in a comatose state for slightly over a week. Upon recovering, SCP-657 claimed to have no memory of meeting SCP-076-2. Polygraph testing indicates these statements to be accurate. Following this incident, containment procedures for SCP-657 have been amended to ensure that SCP-657 does not come into contact with any other humanoid SCPs. Further experimentation involving exposing SCP-657 to humanoid SCPs may take place only with O5 clearance.\n\n\u00ab SCP-656 | SCP-657 | SCP-658 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-658\nObject class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any small instance of SCP-658 (measuring no more than 50 cm in the largest dimension), when not involved in experimentation, is to be stored, alone, within a steel box preferably kept closed via simple low-tech means, such as tying with strings or duct tape, or weighing down the lid. Boxes with external mechanical or electronic locks are to be avoided for this purpose; boxes with mechanisms accessible from the inside must not be used.\nLarger instances of SCP-658 are to be destroyed as soon as possible.\nUnless exposure is necessary for sake of experimentation, every instance of SCP-658 is to be kept at least 3 meters from all electronic devices, as well as all noticeably complex mechanical machinery; when in doubt as to whether an item belongs to such a category, personnel are to err on the side of caution. Devices affected by SCP-658, when not used for experimentation, are to be destroyed. Machinery affected by SCP-658 must not be connected to an electrical outlet for any amount of time.\nDescription: Each instance of SCP-658 is an autonomous robotic device. Size and weight varies widely; specimens as small as 5 mm, or as large as \u2588\u2588\u2588 m, have been observed. Bottom half of each specimen contains four spiderlike, highly flexible legs and a single \"eye\". Appearance and structure of upper half is different in every SCP-658.\nSCP-658 remain active at all times, despite appearing to lack any power source. While behavior varies between instances, when otherwise unoccupied most tend to explore their surroundings; SCP-658 are capable of running at varying speeds, climbing up even flat vertical walls, and swimming.\nSCP-658 are capable of reproduction, achieved through \"impregnating\" other machines. \"Machine\", in this case, is essentially defined as any complex manmade mechanism. This includes items as disparate as wristwatches, typewriters, personal computers, motor vehicles, and - though rarely - other SCP-658. Impregnation is carried out via a poorly-understood process that requires only momentary physical contact. As a result of the process, an \"embryo\" will appear inside the machine (hereafter referred to as \"host\").\nThe embryo initially appears to be a featureless lump of plastic and metal measuring 1 mm, but develops and grows quickly within its host. As an embryo expands, it connects and incorporates increasingly more of its host's internal mechanisms into its own structure. The embryo partially takes on the task of maintaining the functions of its host, whose users usually fail to notice anything is amiss, and believe that the host machine is working no less effectively than usual; however, visible minor \"glitches\" and anomalies, as well as external deformation, tend to appear toward the end of the \"gestation\".\nThe embryo will also break down some of the host machine's internal components, both for the purpose of constructing its own body, and for weakening the host's structural integrity in preparation for \"birth\".\nAt the end of the gestation cycle (which takes a varying amount of time depending on the nature of the host), the embryo, now developed into a mature SCP-658, exits its host by ripping it apart. The new SCP-658 immediately assumes the behavior typical for other SCP-658 instances; in particular, it is immediately capable of reproduction. Size, form and behavior of the new SCP-658 depend on the host machine. See log below.\nExcerpt from Document 658-L: Log of past impregnations\n\nHost\nGestation period\nNotes\n\nA mechanical wristwatch\n18 hours\nResultant SCP-658 measures 1.5 by 1 by 0.5 cm. Upper half of the SCP-658 is occupied by a mass of clock hands jutting out in all directions. SCP-658 walks ceaselessly in a circle, the radius of which increases with time (currently 1056 metres). It attempts to climb or damage any obstacles in its path, and resists any third party that tries to change its course.\n\nStandard issue pistol of security guard C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n3 days\nResultant SCP-658 measured 10 by 4 by 5 cm. Immediately upon emergence, object fired at researchers (injuring Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) and fragile objects in vicinity. SCP-658 was capable of firing ceaselessly for approx. one minute, then took approx. two minutes to replenish its ammunition through unknown means. Destroyed.\n\nComputer keyboard\n6 days\nResultant SCP-658 measures 31 by 9 by 1 cm. Object has an assemblage of keys with letters and numbers as its upper half. The keys depress themselves rapidly every 30 seconds, spelling out the message \"ASK WE WILL ANSWER\". When any complete sentence is typed on its keys by a third party, SCP-658 stops and remains immobile for an hour before resuming prior behavior.\n\nAction figure depicting the popular character [REDACTED], with electronic components\n10 days\nResultant SCP-658 measures 5 by 2 by 2 cm. Object's legs appear humanlike. Upper half of object occupied by an imitation of a bald human head, without eyes. Head is capable of vocalizations; nearly all of these are imitations of things spoken in its vicinity.\n\nA color TV\n14 days\nResultant SCP-658 measures 45 by 45 by 20 cm. Upper half of object occupied by a single video screen, which constantly displays shaky, colorless footage of an unmoving human figure suspended in mid-air within a featureless room (tentatively identified as [DATA EXPUNGED]).\n\nAn instance of SCP-658\nApprox. 30 days\nRather than destroying its host, the embryo seems to have fused with it permanently. Resultant combination of SCP-658 has been described as resembling \"conjoined twins\". Object(s) are capable of impregnating machinery as usual, with two embryos implanted instead of one.\n\nEntire public address system of Site-\u2588\u2588\nUnknown\nTime and place of original impregnation unknown. In this incident the SCP-658 \"pregnancy\" displayed capability to spread along electrical wiring somehow. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, instances of SCP-658 (40 by 20 by 15 cm) all emerged simultaneously from loudspeakers throughout the site. The objects were typically outfitted with a chaotic array of speakers, broadcasting various arbitrary transmissions at full volume; the song \"Happy Birthday\" recurred among the transmissions with unusual frequency. Outburst of SCP-658 eventually subdued, but at least four specimens escaped into the wild.\n\n\u00ab SCP-657 | SCP-658 | SCP-659 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-659\nObject Class: Euclid Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-659 must be kept at least twenty-five (25) meters distant from each other. Ideally, specimens should be stored in separate facilities, but research has shown that 25 meters is sufficient to prevent flock behavior (Document 659-\u2588\u2588). Specimens of SCP-659 can be held in containment able to hold an ordinary bird; however, the containment strategy must be changed at least once per week. More frequent changes are permitted if the specimen appears to have discovered an escape method. Previously used containment strategies must not be recycled on the same specimen. In the event of catastrophic containment failure total facility lockdown must be enacted. Due to the likely harmless nature of SCP-659, retrieval of wild specimens is not considered a priority. Recovery or extermination of all wild SCP-659 is extremely high priority; formation of a wild flock must be prevented by any means necessary.\nDescription: SCP-659 is a species of bird, resembling a heron, which displays a modular intelligence. Native to North America, only a single flock of SCP-659 is known, although there have been unconfirmed sightings in Europe (Document 659-\u2588). SCP-659 is naturally an ichthyovore, and as such prefers wetland habitats, but it can survive wherever open water exists. SCP-659 is now known to be able to subsist on any form of meat, although whenever possible it will still consume fish. When an individual specimen is kept isolated from the flock, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary bird. However, when specimens come near each other, each gains the combined intelligence of the group.\nEven when independent from the group, SCP-659 is still more intelligent than most species of bird. An isolated SCP-659 can solve simple problems, use tools, and learn extremely quickly. When in a group, SCP-659 is capable of escaping all forms of containment the Foundation has attempted to use. For this reason, the only effective containment strategy is isolation.\nResearch has determined that SCP-659 achieves human-level intelligence and sapience when the flock reaches \u2588\u2588 individuals in size. Although the flock is extraordinarily coordinated, it does not display the properties of an aggregate consciousness, or \"hive mind\": beyond the increase in intelligence, there is no telepathic element to their behavior. Dissent has also been observed. At this level of intelligence, the flock becomes capable of learning human languages, and iterations of the flock have, in the past, learned to converse in English (see Interview Log 659-1), Spanish (Interview Log 659-\u2588), and French (Interview Log 659-\u2588). The flock is capable of even faster learning than an individual, and even a small flock surpasses human learning speed. SCP-659 is not known to be hostile. At this level of intelligence, SCP-659 also develops a vigorous hostility to humans. While this behavior was not present when SCP-659 was first encountered in the wild, it has been present in every iteration of the flock since Incident 659-A.\nAddendum: Incident 659-A:\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, a containment breach at Site-\u2588\u2588 released a flock of \u2588\u2588\u2588 specimens of SCP-659, resulting in the death of all on-site personnel, with the exception of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588) individuals. A full evacuation was mounted, a full report of which can be found in Document 659-\u2588\u2588. Summarized, the flock prevented any attempt to leave by pecking holes in the tires of every vehicle on site, severing site phone lines, and sending a detachment to observe the facility from the air. MTF-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was dispatched to investigate the sudden communications blackout and eventually established control with heavy ([REDACTED]) casualties. The observational detachment remains at large.\nAddendum: Interview Log 659-1:\n\nInterviewed: SCP-659-1\nInterviewer: Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: The following interview was conducted after the Site-\u2588\u2588 containment breach (Incident 659-A). The flock was not yet separated, thus the Foundation decided to attempt communication. The interviewer is separated from the flock by a pane of bulletproof glass. Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 conducted the interview.\nDr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello. I am Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Can you understand me?\n(A small group of SCP-659 descends on one of their own, killing it. One individual, not one of the small group, hereafter SCP-659-1, pecks its beak into the corpse, covering it with blood. It writes a message on the glass with the blood.)\nSCP-659-1 (written): yes\nDr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why did you do this?\n(SCP-659-1 begins to write before finding that the blood on its beak has dried. It pecks the corpse again.)\nSCP-659-1 (written): don't act like don't know\nDr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I don't know.\n(SCP-659-1 pecks the corpse)\nSCP-659-1 (written): you started this\nDr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We started this? What did we do to you?\n(SCP-659-1 pauses. All individuals of SCP-659 appear to shake their heads. SCP-659-1 pecks the corpse.)\nSCP-659-1 (written): FREEDOM\nAfter this, SCP-659-1 refused to answer any further questions.\n\n\u00ab SCP-658 | SCP-659 | SCP-660 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-660\n\nItem #: SCP-660\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-660 may be safely stored in a standard locked safe-deposit box, provided its mouth remains covered with an inert Perspex disc and sealed with affixed tamper-proof strips. SCP-660 may be checked out for testing and research with the written approval of staff of Level 3 clearance or higher.\nHuman testing of SCP-660 is discontinued.\nDescription: SCP-660 is an irregular earthenware urn roughly 23cm in height and 28cm in diameter, with an opening 20cm in diameter. The composition of SCP-660 is consistent with generic earthenware clays. The interior of SCP-660 is coated with dried mammalian uterine tissue similar to human endometrial lining. DNA testing is inconclusive.\nSCP-660 is capable of indefinitely preserving all biological tissue placed within it, regardless of external conditions or the state of the sample, until the tissues are removed. Living tissue will remain viable, and living organisms will remain alive, even when deprived of sustenance for extended periods of time. While the exact mechanism responsible for this is uncertain, isotopic labeling has shown that it involves the exchange of biological matter between the sample and SCP-660's interior coating.\nCell cultures from tissues preserved in SCP-660 retain an abnormally high rate of cell replication; several samples have tested positive for precancerous markers in smear tests.\nSCP-660-1 was a human fetus originally found in SCP-660, most likely having been sealed in the artifact for at least 6,600 years. However, SCP-660-1 immediately underwent massive transformation upon removal, additionally developing several \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 consistent with Anthropogenic \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-Progression. SCP-660-1 is most likely neutralized. Details are available to personnel with Clearance 4/660.\nRecovery: SCP-660 was originally recovered from an archaeological dig in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, where it was found in a purported gravesite among a number of other mundane artifacts. A beeswax seal covering the mouth of SCP-660 was dislodged during the excavation process, revealing SCP-660-1. [DATA EXPUNGED], after which the site was secured by the Foundation. The notes of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (presumed deceased) enabled the isolation of SCP-660 from the rest of the artifacts.\n\nLog of tests involving human experimentation with SCP-660\nLab Report 660-A\nSample Condition: Skin flap harvested from the left thigh of the cadaver of D-612. Donor was healthy in all respects prior to death.\nSample Use: Tissue sample left in SCP-660 for two months' duration.\nResult: Daily biopsies indicate viability of sample. Cell samples taken from tissue graft are cultured in vitro, revealing a predisposition towards precancerous and cancerous growth.\nLab Report 660-B\nSample Condition: Skin flap harvested from the left thigh of the cadaver of D-612.\nSample Use: Tissue sample left in SCP-660 for two months' duration, then grafted onto the torso of a D-class personnel with second and third-degree burns. The recipient's anomaly testing record had no contraindications with SCP-660.\nResult: Tissue graft takes without complication, healing according to usual steps of adherence, serum inhibition and revascularization. However, as is common with severe burns cases, the compromised skin barrier led to infection, and eventual fatal septic shock. Post-mortem biopsy and analysis indicates skin graft would have returned to full histological structure and function had the recipient survived.\nLab Report 660-C\nSample Condition: Live member of Mus musculus (house mouse), BALB/c strain, acquired for laboratory testing. By use of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the consciousness of D-614 was implanted into the specimen. D-614 was chosen for his demonstrated resistance to the negative effects of prolonged isolation and sensory deprivation.\nSample Use: Specimen left in SCP-660 for two months duration.\nResult: Unusually, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was incapable of restoring D-614's consciousness to its original body after removal from SCP-660. A computer interface was developed to facilitate two-way communication with D-614. An interview was conducted once D-614 was familiarized with this interface; an excerpt is included below.\n\nDr. Brown: I guess I'll have to take your word for it. And how did that feel?\nD-614: Suffocating and stretching.\nDr. Brown: Could you be more specific?\nD-614: How the hell do you think it felt? Even mice need to grow and move and LIVE. Every part of me was straining, but I was stuck. I thought I would explode.\n\nFull contents of the interview are classified. An autopsy revealed precancerous growths throughout the mouse's body.\nLab Report 660-D\nSample Condition: Right arm lost in traumatic amputation just beneath the elbow.\nSample Use: D-778 was severely injured in an incident involving SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Lost limb recovered as part of cleanup operation. Subject would not have survived immediate reattachment surgery due to other injuries involving severe vascular compromise; severed extremity preserved in SCP-660 in bid to preserve tissue viability.\nResult: Right arm successfully reattached to previous owner. Subject reports return of sensation in fingers of right hand, contrary to poor prognosis due to severe tissue avulsion and nerve damage sustained in initial injury. Biopsy reveals little to no precancerous cell growth. Transplant ruled a (tentative) success. D-778 has been retained for further observation.\nAddendum: Human testing with SCP-660 is suspended due to the sudden death of D-778 from teratoma with malignant transformation. I've seen fetus in fetu before, but never have I had one try to grab my probe during an autopsy. - Dr. Grayson\n\n\u00ab SCP-659 | SCP-660 | SCP-661 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-661\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-661 is confined to a standard holding cell measuring 6m x 8m at \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588. Standard humanoid containment provision allows SCP-661 access to a bed, toilet, and a sink with a mirror, all of which are currently contained within the holding cell. At subject's request, the room is kept at an average temperature of 20\u02daC. All other requests must be approved by a senior staff member.\nGuards assigned to SCP-661 must wear ear protection capable of sound neutralization and white noise generation. In the past, guards certified by Foundation medical staff as deaf have been permitted contact with SCP-661 without ear protection; however, this practice is now discouraged. Security cameras monitoring SCP-661 should have sound recording functionality disabled.\nAll personnel coming into contact with SCP-661 without ear protection are to be assessed to determine if they have come under the influence of his abilities. Where uncertainty exists personnel should be made subject to 24-hour quarantine before reassessment. The cycle of quarantine and reassessment should continue until assessing staff are satisfied that SCP-661's influence has diminished. Personnel reviewing audio test logs should also be made subject to assessment.\nSCP-661 is to be fed three times per day with food from the canteen at \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588, and is to be provided with drinkable liquids six times a day. Subject has expressed a preference for flavoured drinks instead of water; access to these is permitted as a guarantor of good behaviour, with the privilege temporarily revoked if SCP-661 causes trouble for Foundation staff.\nDescription: SCP-661 is a \u2588\u2588-year-old Caucasian male. Clinical tests have determined him to be overweight and in poor health, although he has no underlying health problems. He is to be provided with an annual physical to monitor his condition. SCP-661's temperament has been frequently described as abrasive and demanding, while Foundation psychological assessment has determined him to be the possessor of a poor temper, which has increasingly worsened since his containment in 199\u2588.\nTesting has determined that SCP-661's voice has the power to manipulate others into wanting what he tells them to want. Test subjects have described the effect as feeling like a continuous weak compulsion, which remains as a thought at the back of the mind for up to a week after encountering SCP-661. This compulsion is not powerful enough for the test subject to put himself at undue risk to acquire an item, but when presented with an opportunity (such as passing by a shop selling a desired item) they will unthinkingly seek to obtain it. The effect is strongest for physical objects, but has also been observed to function for abstract concepts. Note that the subject must be able to understand SCP-661's speech in order to be affected by this ability.\nSCP-661 was first encountered while working as an advertising/marketing agent in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, doing vocal work for radio and TV advertisements. He became known to the Foundation after becoming notorious for making bets about being able to persuade anyone to do anything; his abnormally high success rate in this regard led to his being placed under surveillance, followed by containment for testing after his powers were recorded by an undercover agent. Next of kin were provided with a simple cover story involving a yachting accident.\nAddendum 661-1: Despite initial claims to the contrary, it has been determined that SCP-661 is perfectly aware of his powers. Though it is unlikely that SCP-661 will ever be a direct threat to Foundation personnel, the potential consequences for security should he breach containment and manage to reach civilisation are sufficient that termination is authorised should escape be attempted. SCP-661 has displayed no unnatural abilities beyond that of his voice, so it is theorised that he can be incapacitated by standard means.\nAddendum 661-2: Test Log\nTest 661-0: D-606955 exposed to recording of advertisement for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand food processor voiced by SCP-661.\nResult: Despite having had no previous interest in cookery, D-606955 expressed a desire to purchase the food processor. When asked why, he claimed it seemed like a good deal, and might make a good present for his mother.\nTest 661-1: Subject politely asked to demonstrate powers of persuasion.\nResult: Subject claimed to have no knowledge of stated powers and asked for his lawyer.\nTest 661-2: Subject ordered to demonstrate powers.\nResult: Subject refused and again claimed ignorance of powers. When further pressed he told researcher \"You want to not hold me here, you want to not experiment on me.\" The researcher then requested cessation of the test and suggested the release of SCP-661. He was subsequently reassigned.\nTest 661-3: D-965215 introduced into SCP-661's cell. D-965215 has a history of violent crime, and was told to get SCP-661 to demonstrate his power by any means necessary.\nResult: Following an exchange described by researchers as abrasive, D-965215 assaulted SCP-661. SCP-661 stated \u201cYou want to not hurt me\u201d. D-965215 immediately ceased attack and was removed from the cell.\nTest 661-4: D-161709 ordered to attack SCP-661 or face termination.\nResult: Upon commencement of attack by D-161709, SCP-661 stated \"You want not to hurt me\". D-161709 continued attack. Video and audio logs indicate that D-161709 was exhibiting extreme stress, and repeatedly apologised to SCP-661 while expressing a desire not to be terminated. SCP-661 then stated \"You want to die\", at which point D-161709 ceased his assault and attempted to escape the cell by attacking the guard at the door; he was subsequently terminated.\nTest 661-5: D-313217 ordered to attack SCP-661 or face termination. D-313217 is unable to speak or understand English.\nResult: SCP-661 attempted use of various phrases to prevent attack but was unsuccessful. Attack lasted four minutes before D-313217 was restrained, after which SCP-661 was observed to be visibly shaken. Testing suspended until further notice.\nAddendum 661-3: Requests by SCP-661\n-\"Let me out.\" (Denied)\n-\"No, really. Let me out.\" (Denied)\n-\"This isn't funny. Let me out!\" (Denied)\n-\"I demand to be released! I'm a US citizen! You can't do this to me!\" (Denied)\n-One (1) box of Havana Limited Special Edition Cuban Cigars ($2,012 in USD) (Denied)\n-One (1) box of Miami Coast Cigars ($299 in USD) (Denied)\n-One (1) box of \"generic crap cigars\" [sic]. (Denied)\n-One (1) pack of cigarettes. (Denied)\n-One (1) pack of Nicotine chews. (Approved) ~ Seriously, people. As funny as it is watching him beg, addiction is no small matter. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n-A computer with internet access (Denied)\n-A computer (Denied)\n-Television with cable (Denied)\n-Television capable of playing digital or analog recordings (Denied)\n-Books written since confinement (Denied)\n-Books published prior to confinement (Approved) ~ Human beings need SOME entertainment to maintain sanity. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n-CD player (Approved) ~ Since he can't read, at least give him a non-record capable music device. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n-Writing utensils and a pad (Denied) ~ \u2014Risk of attempts to use power through written materials. Has not been performed as of yet, but still might be within subject's power range. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum: \u2014 There is no evidence or reason to believe SCP-661's power can extend to written objects. However, this request remains denied for security reasons. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDue to the backlog of requests, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been forced to ask other personnel to assist him in processing SCP-661's requests.\nRequests not processed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\n-One (1) Leather Jacket (Denied. Subject placed into Restraint Jacket instead.)\n-\"Tacos\". (Denied. Subject given burrito instead.)\n-One (1) CD of \"The Best of Led Zeppelin\" (Denied. Subject given a CD of The Monkees.)\n-\"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reeks in here. Open a god\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 window or something\". (Denied. Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 passed flatulence in cell instead.)\n-\"A spot of sun\". (Denied. Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 shined a flashlight in his face for 10 minutes.)\n-One (1) Baconator cheeseburger from Wendy's (Denied. Subject was given one (1) Boca brand soy burger instead.)\n-One (1) pair of Aviator-brand Sunglasses (Denied. Lights turned off in room.)\n-One (1) 'Pepsi' brand soft drink (Denied. Given one (1) can of 'Coca-Cola' brand soft drink as a suitable replacement. After recovering from concussion, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was reassigned to a non-sentient SCP.)\nGentlemen, seriously. As abrasive and rude as SCP-661 is, he is still a sentient SCP and should be afforded some level of respect. I don't care what he does, events like the above will not be tolerated.\n-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-660 | SCP-661 | SCP-662 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-662\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-662 should be kept in its red velvet lined case and stored in High Value Storage locker 23C located at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 when not being utilized for testing or other appropriate activities. The item itself is safe to handle, and poses no known threats of any kind, though the effects generated could be considered highly valuable and variably powerful depending upon how the SCP is used.\nDescription: SCP-662 is a small silver hand bell, 4 cm tall and 2 cm in circumference. The bell is missing its ringer. Within the inside of the bell, an inscription has been etched into the silver, reading: \u201cForever Mine \u2013 S.J.W.\u201d The bell is susceptible to damage; however, given its safe nature, destruction has been deemed unnecessary. As it is made of very pure silver, it requires regular polishing to remain without tarnish.\nWhen the bell is shaken as if to ring it, a soft chime can be heard (although this does not come from the bell). A short well-dressed Caucasian butler of self-proclaimed British heritage, calling himself Mr. Deeds, will appear from the nearest area not within line of sight, usually from around a corner. Mr. Deeds will address the ringer of the bell by their appropriate title and last name, and ask what it is they desire. His knowledge of individuals' last names and titles is a mystery, as he himself will purport. Please see interview log 662-L1 for further details.\nMost reasonable requests given to Mr. Deeds will result in satisfaction. However, there are limits to what he can do. He is unable to produce very complex items such as sports cars, luxury homes, or personal jets. If he is allowed to leave line of sight and return, he is able to produce smaller, less complex items such as a ham sandwich, a glass of iced tea, or even more luxurious items like caviar or a brick of gold. A list of notable items the butler has thus far been able to provide to those who ring the bell may be found in addendum 662-A1.\nMr. Deeds will also perform menial tasks, such as washing vehicles, preparing food, and cleaning bathrooms. If a request is deemed unreasonable or impossible by the butler, he will kindly tell the ringer so, and offer an alternative if one may be had.\nThe butler is not immune to ill actions taken against him while in sight. He has been killed or injured in multiple tests, and will remain either dead or injured until he is out of sight. Upon return with a ring of the bell, all previous injuries will have vanished and he will be groomed and well dressed in his uniform, and ready for the next order.\nA more detailed explanation of the jobs he can perform and the limits to which he may be put can be found in the aforementioned interview log 662-L1. Test logs relating to his ability to heal himself, and those of the properties of the bell, may be accessed by any level 2 or higher personnel. All attempts to catch Mr. Deeds \"disappearing\" have failed, as equipment will either fail or he will find a suitable unobserved spot.\nAddendum\n662-A1: Items and Tasks Requested and results\nItems:\n-Nearly any conceivable kind of sandwich. Human flesh has been requested as lunchmeat and politely denied.\n-Beverages, also of nearly any kind. As with sandwich meat, human blood has been requested and denied. Pig blood, however, was served promptly, still warm.\n-A brick of 99.98 percent pure gold (Mr. Deeds produced a brick of 99.14 percent pure gold, and apologized for being unable to provide the requested purity).\n-A brick of 99.24 percent pure silver.\n-A nuclear bomb (politely denied).\n-A hand grenade of modern U.S. Military grade, which performed as expected in testing.\n-A blue 1963 Corvette convertible (politely denied).\n-The board game Monopoly, which Mr. Deeds won on the first playthrough.\n-A Faberg\u00e9 egg (politely denied).\n-SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 (politely denied).\n-A bouquet of fresh-picked red roses.\n-A bouquet of wild \"ternbusty\"s (politely denied; \"ternbusty\" is not an actual known type of flower).\nTasks:\n-Cleaning of Dr. Mirth's car: Performed to near perfection.\n-Washing of dishes accumulated from a day's worth of meals from the cafeteria on level \u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Performed, to much higher standards than usual.\n-Trimming of Dr. Mirth's hair: Performed, but it turns out that Mr. Deeds is not in fact a very good barber.\n-Washing of Dr. Mirth's laundry: Performed, and the clothing found to \"fit better\" in Dr. Mirth's estimation.\n-Assassination of Osama bin Laden: Politely denied: Mr. Deeds claimed bin Laden was too well guarded and entrenched, but could not or would not give further details.\n-Assassination of a D-class individual a room over: Performed with vicious precision using a buck knife to the throat.\nNote: Further tests with regards to Dr. Mirth's personal effects are to be forbidden unless approved by one level O5 overseer. You've been warned, Dr. Mirth. - O5-\u2588\nInterview Logs\n662-L1\nAcquisition Report:\nSCP-662 was discovered in the possession of a petty thief and grave robber in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, USA. The thief was in the process of selling SCP-662 to a pawn shop in the mentioned town when the bell was accidentally \u201crung\u201d by the pawn shop attendant. Mr. Deeds appeared from the storage area behind the counter and promptly addressed the attendant. Believing that he was about to be robbed by the two men, the attendant overreacted and managed to get hold of a sawed-off shotgun from under the counter. Mr. Deeds was fatally wounded by the attendant and died on scene.\nThe thief escaped, but was apprehended by Foundation agents after a week-long search of the surrounding towns. Under questioning, the thief revealed that he found the bell in its box in the grave of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, located on the outskirts of the above mentioned town. He was then remitted for D-class personnel assignment and subsequently perished during testing of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nThe bell did not come under the purview of the Foundation until after the crime and subsequent transport of Mr. Deeds' body to the local morgue. After the disappearance of the body from the morgue, an agent was sent to investigate the possible outbreak of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 or other unknown necrotic reinvigorating cause.\nMr. Deeds reappeared in the Case File Item Storage room of the local constabulary after the bell was handled by Sergeant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. He was quickly apprehended and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 took him into custody three hours after reappearance under the guise of an FBI agent. When the handcuffed Mr. Deeds once again disappeared, the agent intuited that the bell itself may have something to do with the string of incidents, and after acquiring it and testing proved his hunch, brought the bell back to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for further testing. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was awarded an official Foundation \u201cPat on the Back\u201d plaque for his handling of the incident and lack of self serving interest once he discovered what the bell and Mr. Deeds were capable of.\n\n\u00ab SCP-661 | SCP-662 | SCP-663 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-663\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-663 is to be kept in the second floor break room at Site 19. It is to remain in view of the security cameras, in a marked location near the sink. SCP-663 is to be filled with ordinary tap water every six hours. Under no circumstances should SCP-663 be filled with any other substance than tap water. Water will filter through SCP-663's reservoir in approximately one minute and 30 seconds. SCP-663 is not to be touched while in operation.\nIn the event that filling the reservoir ceases to effectively subdue SCP-663, it is to be placed in a soundproofed isolation chamber for seven (7) days. At the end of the isolation period, all trace of human bone marrow is to be removed from the filtration chamber. A Level 2 researcher is to perform this task, and take the marrow for subsequent study and disposal.\nIn the event SCP-663 has been filled more than once per six hours, SCP-663 is to be transported to a thermally shielded Small Item Container and observed by an individual with Level 1 Security Clearance until SCP-663 has returned to room temperature.\nDescription: SCP-663 is a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand water filtration pitcher, albeit lacking a serial number and possessing a slightly narrower top which lacks the hinge present on the typical \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 pitchers. It appears to be capable of filtering any water-bearing solution into clean and drinkable water. Any water produced by SCP-663 is nearly completely deionized, and lacks any distinctive taste. While SCP-663 is in the process of filtering the sound of a faint heartbeat can be heard emanating from the filter core. Additionally, the filtration process releases several joules of thermal energy per gram of filtered solution.\nIf SCP-663's filter reservoir is refilled more than once within 6 hours, SCP-663's surface rapidly increases in temperature to \u2588\u2588 degrees centigrade (\u2588\u2588\u2588 fahrenheit). SCP-663 will also begin to gurgle loudly during the heating process. After \u2588 minutes of the thermal runaway state, a human voice can be heard coming from within SCP-663. The voice exhibits clear signs of distress, consistent with drowning, typically screaming and begging that no more water be added to SCP-663.\nIf SCP-663 goes more than eight (8) hours without being filled, the same voice will begin to speak from within SCP-663. Under this circumstance the voice will again be in distress, this time sounding notably parched and pleading for water amid raspy wheezing gasps. After \u2588\u2588 minutes of pleading, the voice will begin to scream for help, claiming to be trapped and/or lost, as well as dying of thirst. After an additional \u2588 minutes of screaming, the voice will begin to sob and ask if anyone is there. No action as of yet attempted by the Foundation has allowed for communication with the voice. However, the voice will thank whomever refills the pitcher (often by name), then lapse into the usual silence.\nAddendum: SCP-663-1: Incident report - \u2588\u2588 / \u2588\u2588 / 16\nDuring a period of especially low staffing at Site 19 SCP-663 was not assigned any caretakers. As a result the pitcher went unfilled for \u2588 days. After 4 days of begging for water SCP-663 began to exhibit new qualities, becoming confused, disoriented, and often lapsing into silence other than intermittent breathing. After a further \u2588 days, the voice and accompanying heartbeat ceased, prompting a violent shudder from SCP-663 followed by a discharge of cerebro-spinal fluid into the water tank.\nA few moments later, SCP-663 began to plead for water in a different voice. The second voice is still in use by SCP-663 as of present.\nAddendum: SCP-663-2: Investigation into Euclid Classification\n\nDr. B: You're serious about this rating?\nAgent L: Entirely.\nDr. B: You've considered the consequences of this breaching containment?\nAgent L: And the consequences of them finding out it's \u00abREDACTED\u00bb.\nDr. B: It's a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\nAgent L: It's a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDr. B: That's\u2026 different. I'll consider it.\nAgent L: You'll agree. Euclid is the necessary classification.\nDr. B: But why there specifically?\nAgent L: Same reason as the rest of my suggestions. Better containment outlook.\nDr. B: The council will argue for Safe classification.\nAgent L: The council can read my report, sir.\nDr. B: This won't even get funding.\nAgent L: I can establish the initial containment myself.\nDr. B: For a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\nAgent L: For a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDr. B: Why?\nAgent L: \u00abREDACTED\u00bb.\nDr. B: Oh. Yeah, okay.\n\n\u00ab SCP-662 | SCP-663 | SCP-664 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-664\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Protocol G-3-16-U (containment of geographically immobile anomaly, urban subset) is to be followed, with a containment perimeter established at the property's boundary.\nTesting is disallowed at this time.\nDescription: SCP-664 is an anomaly affecting the approximate area contained by the third floor of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 High School in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Pennsylvania, USA. SCP-664 is invisible to all observation and measurement thus far attempted, and is discernible only by its effect on living biological organisms.\nLiving biological organisms (tests 5-12 detail species tested to date) crossing the approximate outer edge of SCP-664 are invariably subject to spontaneous and instant disappearance shortly after full immersion into SCP-664's area of effect. Testing to date has yet to satisfactorily establish whether time, distance, or other factors dictate the exact moment of disappearance. Non-living material, including clothing and equipment, are not affected by SCP-664's effect.\nSCP-664-1 is the collective term for any living biological organisms that re-emerge from SCP-664. To date, 67% of biological organisms entering SCP-664 have subsequently returned, with a higher and lower proportion for sapient and non-sapient organisms respectively. To date, the time recorded between disappearance and return ranges from 43 seconds at the lowest limit, to 142 days at the highest.\nReturning instances of SCP-664-1 have thus far been unable to provide descriptions of their experience during their period of absence.\n\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1999, routine intake DNA testing of D-48120 produced a match with Researcher Daniel Ambridge, of Foundation employment since 1972, presently engaged in study of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Both were placed under high-level covert surveillance. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1999, D-48120 was assigned for testing of SCP-664. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1999, Researcher Ambridge requested a transfer of assignment to SCP-664, which was approved following consultation with Foundation Internal Monitoring Group \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Following entry into SCP-664 by D-48120, and subsequent non-return after 300 days, Researcher Ambridge was detained for questioning.\n\nInterview 664-12A, excerpt\nPresent: Researcher Daniel Ambridge, Doctor Jennifer Stephenson.\nAmbridge: I'm pleased that you intervened when you did, and not before. I had been worried about what would have happened to me if you had stopped him.\nStephenson: Do you mean D-48120?\nAmbridge: That's right. Myself, I should say. He didn't believe me at first. Would you believe it? But it didn't take long to wear him down, sharing some of our memories that nobody else knew about, about that Karen girl, about some of the crimes we knew nobody else knew about, about some of the nasty little details that I'm ashamed to admit to now. I was an unpleasant man back then, bound for death. This whole twist of fate gave me a fresh beginning and a head start to do something good with my life. I'm glad to have had the opportunity.\nStephenson: Describe again for me what you experienced following your entry into SCP-664.\nAmbridge: What more can I add? It was a long time ago, but I remember it quite well. One moment I'm there, in the old school with the older me standing with his colleagues, watching and waiting with cold professionalism, hiding the collusion I knew he had underneath. All those days in my cell with him talking me through every little detail of the Foundation, what I needed to do when I popped out the other side, how I needed to act and think. It was all a lot to take in.\nApologies, you were asking about what happened when I stepped through? I'm afraid it's just like all the others: just nothingness. How I came out, though, that was different I grant you. One moment there, the next I'm naked and frightfully cold, falling into the hay wagon, just as my older self had described, every little detail. I found some clothes and made my way to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and dear old Elsie was there just like he said she would be. A stranger to me then, of course, but she took me in, and from there I followed the path he set out for me, until the day came when I realized I could no longer tell where I had ended and he had begun. It was my turn to fulfill his half of the story. And my dear Elsie, she never knew that I had help getting into her heart, that I knew all along that our life together was destined. Excuse me a moment.\nApologies again. It doesn't do to get emotional, I know. May I ask, why did nobody stop me? If you've been watching all this time, surely you must have known I was preparing him, feeding him information, about the Foundation, about my life and how to work his way to become me. I loaded him up with so many secrets. Wouldn't all that be far too much of an unacceptable information breach?\nStephenson: I am not in a position to say.\nAmbridge: Yes, of course. Still, I can hypothesize. I'm pleased to see that the Foundation care more for the preservation of causality than of securing their secrecy.\nStephenson: Again, I am not in a position to say.\nAmbridge: So what happens now?\nStephenson: I am not in-\nAmbridge: Alright, I understand. I dare say I have little to complain about. Not every D-class gets a chance to become an old man. Thank you. And I mean it, thank you so very much, for everything.\n\nDocument 1969-121-FB042-6, located in the Foundation Archives, formerly of the Foundation Precursor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588\u2588).\nIncident Class: Unconfirmed, unexplained.\nAssignment: ALPHA-BRAVO.\nEvent: At 2pm on Thursday 14th March, 1969, a white male of age 20-25 was observed to appear in mid air approximately 30 feet above the ground of a field near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Pennsylvania, USA. The male was observed by a Mister Dan McBriar, into whose hay cart he is reported to have landed. Mister McBriar reported the occurrence to local law enforcement, but the unknown male could not be located when apprehension was attempted.\nThe unknown male remains at large and has been designated Person Of Interest 0001192.\n\n\u00ab SCP-663 | SCP-664 | SCP-665 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-665\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-665 is not to leave his room under any circumstances barring a full site evacuation, in which instance a specially designed stainless steel crate has been constructed. SCP-665's room is to be constructed entirely of stainless steel or a similar metal. SCP-665's bed is to consist of a single mattress, specifically constructed to have a mass greater than 1000 kg. SCP-665 is only to be fed a specially formulated liquid diet, which is to be dispensed into the drinking glasses fused to his hands. SCP-665 is allowed access to live animals, provided that said animals are not wearing a collar or other similar adornment, and that he does not attempt to feed said animals.\nPhysical contact with SCP-665 is highly discouraged. If it becomes necessary, it is to be done with bare skin only, and to be kept to a minimum.\nDescription: SCP-665 is a human male, age \u2588\u2588. All of this information, including his species, was obtained through an interview. He has refused to provide further information (see addendum). Further physical descriptions cannot be given at this time, as SCP-665's external appearance changes frequently. Any non-living solid object with a mass less than that of SCP-665 that comes in contact with SCP-665's body instantly fuses to it. Within one hour, the object will effectively become part of SCP-665's body, and will affect smaller objects in the same manner. It is worth noting that this means SCP-665's mass increases with each item added; therefore, all personnel are advised against adding any further objects.\nSurgical analysis of SCP-665 has proven difficult, as most surgical instruments are simply assimilated into his body. The few items isolated from SCP-665 via a bisecting laser have revealed that SCP-665's cardiovascular system had expanded to include these items. Furthermore, although these items retained their original appearances, their inherent chemical properties more closely resembled those of human flesh.\nIt is not presently known how SCP-665 was able to obtain nourishment prior to containment, as the aforementioned drinking glasses were added by the Foundation specifically for the purpose of containing liquid nourishment.\nAddendum: SCP-665 has recently proven to be largely uncooperative with Foundation personnel, refusing to answer questions or submit to examinations. While SCP-665 has not shown any signs of violence, it must be stressed that personnel are expressly prohibited from introducing any item to SCP-665 that may conceivably be used as a weapon.\n\n\u00ab SCP-664 | SCP-665 | SCP-666 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-666\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-666 is to be stored in a monitored, closed vault at all times at Site 73 in the Tibetan mountains. Guards are to be changed weekly, must pass a background check before being assigned to their post, and proven free of drug and alcohol addiction.\nSCP-666 is to be entered only by D-class personnel in approved testing procedures or by approved Foundation researchers with level 4 or higher security clearance. Non-D-class personnel who enter SCP-666, whether or not they have revealed a prior history of addiction, must be observed by a guard at all times. If they show any sign of being affected by SCP-666, they are to be removed immediately.\nDescription: SCP-666 is a medium-sized Tibetan yurt, made of tied wooden branches and covered in yak leather. The interior ceiling is 2.44m (8ft) high and the base of the yurt is 9.14m (30ft). The hut is circular in shape. The interior of the yurt has a dirt floor and appears to be as crude as the outside to the majority of observers; the branches that make up the yurt frame are wrapped in rabbit fur and tied with yak leather thongs. Periodically, SCP-666 will change its location within the confinement area; this will happen only when not under direct observation, but remote viewing gives the impression of an entity inside the structure lifting it wholly and moving to its new position. To date, it has not made any attempt to escape confinement.\nSCP-666 was discovered in 1973 by SCP operatives searching the mountain regions on reports of several missing persons having returned from the area giving similar explanations: seeking shelter during harsh weather, the individuals would happen upon SCP-666 by seeming happenstance. Having gone out in similar conditions, the exploration team was also able to discover the yurt. Of the three operatives present, two experienced no ill effects. The third entered a stupor, experiencing vivid hallucinations and muttering incoherently to himself. Upon retrieval of the team, the yurt was recovered and taken to nearby Site 73 for further investigation.\nWhen an individual with no history of significant addictions enters the yurt, the yurt remains dormant and seems to have no ill effects. Class D Personnel without a history of alcohol or narcotics abuse were able to sit inside the yurt for days at a time if provided proper nourishment, and did report a greater intensity in their dreams.\nIndividuals who have a history of substance abuse, however, will experience a hallucinogenic effect when inside the structure. In all instances, the subjects report being in a location either from their memories or a corollary thereof, specifically a spot where their addiction was at its most intense. Thus far, there have been reports of a nightclub bathroom, a 1973 Volkswagen Vanagon, a filthy alleyway, the [REDACTED] Casino in Las Vegas, etc. One subject reported finding himself in a dirty apartment with a prostitute named \"Chloe\" with whom he frequently indulged in narcotics abuse; another reported being in his own bedroom with a computer setup significantly more intricate than he owned before his arrest for distribution of child pornography.\nDuring these hallucinations, subjects report that they are confronted by an individual, referred to as SCP-666-1; descriptions of SCP-666-1 vary widely from person to person, with no commonality to race, gender, or appearance beyond being \"typical\" for the surroundings. SCP-666-1 will indulge the subject in their personal addiction(s), although, at the start, it will have a passive-aggressive attitude. As time progresses, the subject is encouraged to indulge further while simultaneously being encouraged to stop. Should the subject show remorse or a strong desire to give up their addiction, SCP-666-1 will slowly adopt a more genuinely friendly tone and continue the temptation-with-discouragement hallucinations; approximately 94% of subjects who have gone through this form of hallucination to their end have been diagnosed as having a near-complete removal of psychological addictions, though physical symptoms will persist through a natural withdrawal cycle.\nIf the subject gives in to SCP-666-1's temptations, the entity becomes increasingly hostile. There is no set time-table nor degree of indulgence, but if left unchecked, SCP-666-1 will invariably begin assaulting the subject and forcing the subject's vice upon them to levels of extreme overdose. If the subject is not forcibly removed from SCP-666 during this period, they will die; cause of death is typical of their addiction, whereby an alcoholic will suffer extreme kidney or liver failure, a cocaine user will develop cardiac dysrhythmia, a subject addicted to video games or television will suffer extreme muscle atrophy and health issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, etc.\nTo date, there has been no clear connection between who will and will not succumb to SCP-666-1; the working hypothesis is that it is simply a matter of the individual's willpower and conviction. All attempts to interview SCP-666-1 directly have failed, with the entity either redirecting the conversation or bluntly refusing to answer. The only statement that reveals anything to its nature was a single instance of \"We're not important here, this is all about you.\" This indicates that there are either multiple entities attached to SCP-666, or there are additional instances of SCP-666 in the world. Investigation is ongoing as to whether similar stories have arisen; should another instance of SCP-666 be discovered, it is to be transferred immediately to Site 73.\nAddendum SCP-666-1: Nearly identical stories have recently arisen in remote areas of northern Canada describing a \"Wendigo Hut\"; while unconfirmed, their similarities point to at least one additional instance of SCP-666 at large.\nAddendum SCP-666-2: Interview log with Test Subject D-14390, regarding experiences in SCP-666 (audio only)\n\nAccess Interview 666-13\n\nClose 666-13\n\nInterviewer: Dr. Lanis\nInterview Subject: D-14390\nDate: 04/17/19\u2588\u2588\nDr. L: Subject D-14390, how are you feeling?\nD-14390: Eh, not bad doc, not bad. Kinda wanna take another nap in the tent.\nDr. L: Well, that's what we're here to talk about. Please describe your experience inside of SCP-666.\nD-14390: Heh, no sweat THERE doc. See, I just stroll in like you said, have myself a seat. Next thing I know, I'm in this hole-in-the wall back home in [REDACTED], with this sweet bitch Chloe.\nDr. L: \"Chloe\"?\nD-14390: Oh yeah, she was pricey and she wasn't the best looking trick south of Kennedy, but she had some connections. Never did meet up with her once that we weren't getting high.\nNote: \"Chloe\" was the working name of the prostitute that D-14390 was with at the time of his arrest.\nDr. L: Very well, please describe the scenario for me.\nD-14390: Well, it was her apartment, right? Kinda dingy, a little messy like she hadn't cleaned it in a couple weeks, but I wasn't there for the scenery, y'know? So I drop my cash off on the living room table and we head into the bedroom. I shoot up with her, used my own needle of course, and then we get freaky. I mean, we did everything under the sun and a couple that never saw the light of day! She knew positions I never did, and had drugs I hadn't even *heard* of. About halfway through I needed a pick me up, so I snorted a couple lines of Colombian off her ass and -\nDr. L: I think that's enough D-14390. For the sake of brevity, please keep the rest of your testimony in regards to the anomalous entity SCP-666-1.\nD-14390: The what now?\nDr. L: The\u2026 Person, who tempted you in your hallucination.\nD-14390: OH, right! Well, it was around the time that she was offering me this opium shit she said she got off a Chinaman. The whole time she'd been saying stuff in kinda funny way, like those, whatchacallem, back-faced comments?\nDr. L: Back-handed compliment.\nD-14390: That's the stuff. Well, I start taking a couple of pulls off the opium, and I'm feeling mellow, but she's just glaring at me, right? So I ask what's up and she hauls off and punches me in the face! Not like this fragile little crack-whore would either, I mean I thought I was going ten with Tyson right about now. She starts screaming at me, calling me weak, saying I'm pathetic, just giving in, y'know, bitch shit. So I kick her in the chest, and that's when shit got weird. Next I know she's got me on the ground and her arms are around my throat, her eyes get huge and bloodshot and shit. I feel her nails digging into the sides of my neck, and hand-to-God, Doc, she was shooting shit into me.\nDr. L: You're saying SCP-666-1 was injecting you with heroin through her nails?\nD-14390: Not sure what it was, but it burned and felt good at the same time. And they weren't nails no more, it was like, big cat-claws, right? And she's still yelling at me, but her mouth is getting bigger and bigger like her jaw's stretching out, and her teeth keep getting sharper and bigger like she's about ready to eat my head! Even as blasted as I was that was some freaky shit and I started screaming.\nDr. L: And that was when the guards pulled you out of the tent?\nD-14390: Yeah, seems I wasn't just freaking out in the dream. Weird shit was, about like\u2026 Five seconds after I get pulled out, I hear Chloe's voice again but it's all low and growly, and it sounded like she said \"you can't stop.\"\nDr. L: Thank you, D-14390. I just have one last question; after all this, you said you wanted to go back in? Why?\nD-14390: Well, it's simple right? *mild laughter* She was scary and all but\u2026 Man I've never been that high in my life. And with the shit that goes on in this place, I figured I'm not long for the world anyway, so I may as well go out with a smile, right?\n\nNote: Following the interview, D-14390 repeatedly volunteered for additional testing with SCP-666. Doctor Lanis finally relented; D-14390 began screaming approximately three seconds after entering the hallucinatory state, and expired from cardiac arrest less than one minute later.\n\n\u00ab SCP-665 | SCP-666 | SCP-667 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-667-1 prior to trimming\n\nItem #: SCP-667\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The primary sample of SCP-667-1 is to be trimmed to an area of 0.5 sq km and maintained regularly to prevent it from expanding outside its current habitat. The perimeter of SCP-667-1's habitat is to be cleared of vegetation in a 30 m radius and fenced to prevent unauthorized access, and a region within a 3 km radius of the habitat is to be designated off-limits to civilian hikers or recreationists to prevent contact with SCP-667-2. Surveillance personnel are authorized to employ pesticides or fire to neutralize any instances of SCP-667-2 attempting to exit the containment zone.\nDuring periods when SCP-667-2 is observed to be active, maintenance personnel are to withdraw from the habitat. An individual adult mammal, or an individual D-class awaiting scheduled termination, is to be introduced into the habitat after being tagged with a radio tracking or GPS device. D-class personnel may be issued audio or video equipment at project manager discretion. Feeding is to continue at a rate of one individual per day until SCP-667-2 becomes inactive.\nAdditional samples of SCP-667-1 may be produced from cuttings and grown within prescribed limits in a fully contained area at O5 discretion. All attempts to capture a live sample of SCP-667-2 are currently prohibited pending development of a means to counteract its mind-affecting properties. Any SCP-667-2 remains recovered are to be transferred to Site 73 for necropsy, analysis, and archival.\nDescription: SCP-667 is a symbiotic pairing consisting of a colony of flowering vines of an unclassified species morphologically similar to Pueraria lobata (\"kudzu\"), designated SCP-667-1, and an unclassified species of flying creatures possessing insectoid and humanoid morphological qualities, designated SCP-667-2. The only known instance of SCP-667 in the world is located in a wilderness area in the southeastern United States, approximately \u2588\u2588 km north of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, and covered an area of \u2588\u2588 sq km prior to being trimmed to its current size. Forensic analysis of skeletal remains found within SCP-667-1 indicate that it was introduced to the region shortly after the introduction of kudzu to the United States in the late 19th century.\nIn the presence of adequate nutrition, SCP-667-1 is capable of growing at a rate considerably greater than that of the standard kudzu plant; samples in captivity, under ideal conditions, have been observed to grow as rapidly as 2.5 meters per day. SCP-667-1 is capable of planting roots in almost any form of soil or soft organic tissue and will grow along or over the surface of any foreign matter in the path of its growth, including trees, structures, automobiles, or animal life. SCP-667-1's primary source of nutrition is derived from humans or other large mammals; upon encountering a sleeping, paralyzed, or dead animal within its path of growth, SCP-667-1 will rapidly grow around and through the creature, gradually consuming and metabolizing its remains to further its growth. SCP-667-1's vines, flowers, and roots contain large quantities of alkaline compounds which render it unpalatable to human beings and all other animal species (besides SCP-667-2) on which it has been tested.\nMature SCP-667-2 organisms are approximately 7.5 cm in length, with two large wings extending the entire length of the organism. Dissections indicate that SCP-667-2's internal biology is similar to that of insects of the family Lampyridae (\"fireflies\"). SCP-667-2's exoskeleton strongly resembles a miniaturized human being, with the organism's thorax being contained within the chest cavity and the abdomen and bioluminescent organ concealed within the legs. Male and female SCP-667-2 organisms have been recovered; female SCP-667-2 organisms reproduce by laying eggs which hatch as larvae, burrowing into the soils underneath SCP-667-1 and emerging as mature insects the following year. The current wild population of mature SCP-667-2 organisms at any given time is estimated to be less than 5,000; as many as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are believed to have existed prior to trimming.\nMature SCP-667-2 organisms dwell exclusively on, underneath, and around SCP-667-1, and subsist by feeding on the nectar produced by SCP-667-1's flowers. When SCP-667-1's growth begins to slow due to deficiencies in its food supply, swarms of several hundred SCP-667-2 organisms separate from the main colony and will travel outward until encountering any medium-to-large sized mammal in the area. SCP-667-2 swarms are almost always active only during nighttime hours and are bioluminescent, producing a highly visible green glow throughout the entire organism. All human beings directly observing an SCP-667-2 swarm have described a strong hypnotic effect and a compulsion to follow the swarm, which inevitably results in the swarm leading the mesmerized human to the edge of SCP-667-1's current path of growth; non-human mammals have similarly displayed a compulsion to follow the swarm and obliviousness to outside stimuli. Upon reaching the edge of SCP-667-1, the mesmerized individual will sit or stand still and continue to observe the swarm until dying of thirst, exposure, or as the result of being engulfed by SCP-667-1. At the time of trimming, skeletal remains of approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 distinctly identifiable mammals, including \u2588\u2588\u2588 humans, were recovered from the cleared area.\nSCP-667 came to the Foundation's attention in 20\u2588\u2588, following a dramatic increase of missing persons within the [REDACTED] Wilderness Area in the state of \u2588\u2588. United States Forest Service officials identified SCP-667-1 as the cause of the missing persons, and upon the loss of several personnel to SCP-667-2 swarms contacted the Foundation's liaison within the Department of Agriculture, leading to the establishment of Foundation containment over the area. At the time of discovery, SCP-667-1 had become highly invasive and its growth was projected to reach the outskirts of the city of [REDACTED] within less than a decade; approximately 9\u2588% of SCP-667-1 was destroyed by incineration, under pretense of a forest fire, in order to reduce the colony's size to a manageable level. Examination of the region indicates that almost all of SCP-667-1's growth had occurred within the past 20 years; the Foundation's current working hypothesis is that SCP-667-2 was introduced to the region within that time, and that the development of a symbiotic relationship between itself and SCP-667-1 allowed it to begin expanding outward at a significantly greater rate than it had previously.\n\n\u00ab SCP-666 | SCP-667 | SCP-668 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-668\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: [REVISED] As of [DATA EXPUNGED], no special containment procedures aside from standard security are required. SCP-668 is to be transferred to a locked safe-deposit box at Site 19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard defenses against intrusion (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure.\nSCP-668 may only be removed from its safe-deposit box by personnel with Security Clearance 2 or higher. Individuals wishing to make use of SCP-668 outside Site 19 must first submit a Form-668 Requested Course of Action form to O5-11 and be fitted with an explosive killswitch collar on a 24-hour timer before taking SCP-668 into the field. An Auditing Officer with Security Clearance 4 or higher must confirm that SCP-668 has been returned to its safe-deposit box before the collar is deactivated.\nDescription: SCP-668 is a 33cm (13in) chef's knife with a rosewood handle and full-tang construction, crafted at some point from the late 1930s to the early 1940s. When first acquired by field operatives, SCP-668 was in badly rusted condition, with heavy pitting from blood stains and other bodily fluids trapped in micro-crevices within the blade. Following thorough analysis, these irregularities were removed for aesthetic purposes. This has had negligible, if any, effect on SCP-668's special properties.\nThe first recorded appearance of SCP-668 was in the 1960s, during the infamous [DATA EXPUNGED] case. [DATA EXPUNGED], a New York woman living alone, was allegedly raped and murdered by subject [DATA EXPUNGED]. Despite the fact that 38 witnesses reported hearing the attack, none of them attempted to aid the young woman for over six hours, until her eventual death. Whether the item received its properties due to this event, or whether it had them beforehand, is a matter of debate (see Dr. [REDACTED]'s paper re: the Bystander Effect, vs. Dr. [REDACTED]'s theory regarding psychic imprintation.)\nWhat is clear, however, is its current properties. When carried by a human or humanoid entity with violent intent towards another human or humanoid entity, SCP-668 broadcasts a psychic signal that renders all sentient beings with a Psionic Resistance Index of 97 or lower incapable of assisting the victim. Affected entities report a sudden sense of apathy while under SCP-668's influence: sensory input is not affected, and affected entities report feeling revulsion and horror, but are simply incapable of acting, even indirectly, to assist the victim. Meanwhile, it renders the victim incapable of defending themselves against their attacker.\nTests using Class-D personnel have shown no upper limit in the number of entities affected by the psychic resonance. In one test, twelve Class D Personnel due for first-of-the-month termination were placed in a room alongside a researcher who was told to randomly select one test subject for death. The researcher killed all test subjects one by one, despite their professed horror. Prior incidents have indicated the possibility of hundreds, if not thousands of deaths due to SCP-668's unique properties (see Incident Report 668 A re: [REDACTED] Mall massacre and subsequent information blackout operations).\nRecovery of SCP-668 in such scenarios is problematic due to the item's psychic properties. Agents attempting to apprehend the subject during Containment Failure Incidents are often themselves affected by SCP-668's so-called \"Apathy Field,\" resulting in casualties among Foundation personnel. Following Incident 668-A, standard retrieval protocol includes the use of a long-range sniper rifle, double-blind conditions, and three different agents working in tandem through carefully coordinated actions to prevent any of them realizing that they are actively opposing the subject.\nBecause of the obvious apocalyptic possibilities, it is the recommendation of this panel that SCP-668 be designated a Keter-level threat and placed in high-level confinement.\nAddendum 668-a: Following further testing, it has been determined that test subjects wielding SCP-668 can be terminated through passive response, so long as the terminating agent is introduced before the subject takes possession of SCP-668. The Running Man protocol (see Appendix 668-B: Approved Terminating Agents) is hereby approved for use with SCP-668, and the item in question is hereby reclassified as a Euclid-type object.\nAddendum 668-b: Use of Omega-7 personnel for retrieval of SCP-668 during future Containment Failure Incidents is to be hereby forbidden due to the danger of SCP-076-2 coming into contact with the item. Addendum 668-b is revoked as of [DATA EXPUNGED] due to SCP-076-2's expressed distaste at using an item that, in its own words \"takes all the fun out.\" Possibility of using SCP-076-2 as a solo agent for any future Containment Failure Incidents under review. With the ending of the Omega-7 project, no further attempts to weaponize SCP-076-2 or SCP-668 are to be attempted.\nAddendum 668-c: Do not, under any circumstances, allow SCP-668 to come in contact with SCP-682. Note that although average human beings have a Psionic Resistance Index of 24, SCP-682 has been tested with a PsiRI of [REDACTED] placing it above SCP-668's threshold of effect. The possibilities of a creature inimical to all life gaining possession of something like this should be obvious. With the ending of the Omega-7 project, no further attempts to weaponize SCP-682 or SCP-668 are to be attempted.\nAddendum 668-d: Request to reclassify SCP-668 under its original designation as a Keter-class object under review.\nAddendum 668-e: Request to reclassify SCP-668 under its original designation as a Keter-class object denied. SCP-668 will remain at Euclid classification.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-667 | SCP-668 | SCP-669 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-669\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-669 is to be kept in a lead-lined safety deposit on Site-19. Any personnel to be granted access to SCP-669 must have completed a training session led by an individual with 2/669 clearance.\nFollowing Incident 669-1, SCP-669 is to be encased in a Faraday cage vessel consisting of a grounded copper shell, and slotted alumina inserts holding the item in place. SCP-669 is to be removed from containing vessel only in designated testing area, so as not to interfere with Site-19 electronics.\nDescription: SCP-669 is a sphere of radius 2.6cm, resembling a large bearing. When inactive, SCP-669 weighs approximately 560g. The surface of SCP-669 contains numerous sites of corrosion and pitting, as well as remains of a cadmium blue paint. The surface temperature of SCP-669 appears to vary between 32.1 and 33.8 degrees Celsius - this appears independent of the temperature and thermal conductivity of its surroundings.\nThe composition of SCP-669 is currently unknown; the surface of SCP-669 indicates its composition to be mild carbon steel, however, its density, as well as inertia testing data suggests a non-uniform internal structure.\nSCP-669 activates when placed within 54 cm of any object larger than itself, and set into motion. While active, SCP-669 appears to lack gravitational mass - instead it describes an orbit around the object at one of a set of distances up to 54 cm from the object's surface.1 Collisions with an object larger than itself cause SCP-669 to relocate into orbit around the colliding object.\nIf SCP-669 is exposed to a suitable light source of sufficient brightness (see Experiment Log-669), it proceeds to move into the next further orbit. If no such orbit exists, SCP-669 will either deactivate, or proceed to fly at a tangent to its original orbit until colliding with another suitable object.\nPushing SCP-669 into an orbit closer to an object it orbits requires a force of approximately 50N, and is accompanied by a brief photoemission of seemingly random frequency from SCP-669's surface.\nRecovery Log: SCP-669 was recovered from the depositary of Istanbul Modern Art Museum on April 4, 195\u2588 having been previously exposed in the annual \"Current Eastern European Sculpture\" retrospective, as a part of an exhibit titled \"Rutherfordian Atom - A Didactic Perspective\".2 SCP-669 was not listed in that exhibition's catalog and neither its purported artist, one G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, nor \"Lomonosov-Makarenko Institute for Scientific and Political Education\" appear to figure in any official records.\nIncident 669-1:\n\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/196\u2588 during the course of an experiment led by Researcher Arnold Scheiner, SCP-669 deactivated after a minor collision. Within 15 seconds of reactivation, SCP-669 suddenly developed an electric field sufficient to strip electrons from objects within a radius of approximately half a metre, resulting in the death of Researcher Scheiner, and extensive damage to electronic devices in the laboratory and adjacent areas. Containment procedures updated.\n\nFootnotes\n1. SCP-669 always orbits at one of a set of four to nine discrete distances located in the range 0cm-54cm, however, the precise values vary with every activation.\n2. Visual records recovered indicate that the exhibit contained \u2588 further instances of SCP-669 as well as an agglomeration of at least \u2588\u2588 similar objects, none of which were recovered.\n\n\u00ab SCP-668 | SCP-669 | SCP-670 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-670\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The family unit collectively referred to as SCP-670 is currently contained at Sector 25, located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, England. Members of SCP-670 are to be contained in a shared 12 m x 6 m holding cell, observed via surveillance camera. Cell is to contain four (4) beds, a bathroom, and an observation window. All staff entering SCP-670's containment area are to be searched for lighters, matches, and other sources of open flames.\nSCP-670 is to be provided with forty-five (45) centimeters of cotton, twenty-five (25) centimeters of silk, twenty-five (25) centimeters of polyester, fifteen (15) centimeters of rayon, and twelve (12) centimeters of rope each month. Any objects created by members of SCP-670 that could be used as a weapon are to be immediately removed from the containment area.\nDescription: SCP-670 is comprised of four roughly humanoid individuals, SCP-670-1, SCP-670-2, SCP-670-3, and SCP-670-4, who refer to themselves collectively as 'the Cotton family'. SCP-670-1 and SCP-670-2 appear to be the 'father' and the 'mother' of the family, judging by their height and comments made in interviews, while SCP-670-3 and SCP-670-4 are the 'children' of the family. Members of SCP-670 possess a thin outer layer of hardened clay 'skin', showing signs of deterioration from over a long length of time.\nUnder this, the organs, flesh, and nervous system are composed entirely of different types of thread. The majority of the thread used is cotton, but large amounts of silk and polyester are also present. Small amounts of rayon and nylon are also noted in the internal organs. The skeleton is composed of rope knotted into a suitable shape and the fingers of SCP-670 members seem to be rusted sewing needles.\nMembers of SCP-670 have demonstrated an advanced aptitude for the use of thread, using their 'fingers' to create extremely complicated objects, such as suitable eating implements and seating, in a short amount of time. Notable objects created by members of SCP-670 include:\n\nOne (1) bicycle (functional)\nOne (1) television (non-functional)\nOne (1) clock (functional)\nOne (1) roast chicken (consumed by members of SCP-670)\nOne (1) detailed family portrait\nOne (1) dagger (See Interview 670-1-1)\n\nMembers of SCP-670 show discomfort when using objects not composed of thread, such as plastic chairs or writing implements. The reason for this is currently unknown, and members of SCP-670 refuse to elaborate on it.\nSCP-670 was first discovered at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Forest, near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when a group of hikers reported that they had found 'a house made of rope' in the forest. Agents were dispatched to investigate the matter and discovered SCP-670. The hikers were dosed with Class-A amnestics and SCP-670 was brought into containment without incident.\n\nInterview SCP-670-1-1\n\n ... \n\nInterviewed: SCP-670-1\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: At approximately \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-670-1 constructed a dagger using SCP-670's monthly thread ration. The dagger was immediately confiscated and SCP-670-1 brought in for questioning.\n\n\n\n(SCP-670-1 is brought in by security)\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, SCP-670-1. Please, have a seat.\n\nSCP-670-1: (Looks down at seat) Um, do you have any other chairs?\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm afraid not.\n\nSCP-670-1: Can I stand?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No.\n\n(SCP-670-1 sits down.)\n\nSCP-670-1: So, um, what's this about?\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I understand you made a dagger earlier today. What did you intend to do with it?\n\n(SCP-670-1 seems confused at this point.)\n\nSCP-670-1: I don't see what\u2026Oh! Oh my goodness, no! I'm not a violent man, sir!\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I see. However, if you didn't intend to escape, what was it for?\n\nSCP-670-1: Rodents, sir.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm sorry?\n\nSCP-670-1: Well, I've been hearing squeaking the last few nights and I thought I should try and get rid of the rats. They spread disease, you know.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Alright\u2026well, while you're here, SCP-670-1, I'd like to ask you a few questions.\nSCP-670-1: I'll try my best, sir.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you please tell me where and when you were born?\nSCP-670-1: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 18\u2588\u2588, sir.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you have any relatives?\nSCP-670-1: Yes, sir, my two children, Alfie and Elizabeth.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I mean parents.\nSCP-670-1: Oh, you mean Grandad Cotton?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you tell me more about 'Grandad Cotton', SCP-670-1?\nSCP-670-1: Well, he was a clever guy, good with his hands\u2026(gestures at himself) as you can see\u2026Don't really remember much about him, he died a while back. Great guy, though.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, can you tell me how you met your wife?\nSCP-670-1: (Appears uncomfortable) I don't quite remember that, sir. It was a long time ago.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, that's all for now. SCP-670-1, please return to your containment area. We won't tolerate weapons again.\n\nSCP-670-1: Sorry, sir.\n\n\n\nClosing Statement: SCP-670-1 was returned to the containment area and is currently under heightened surveillance.\n\nIncident 670-1\n\n ... \n\nSCP involved: SCP-670\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nLocation: SCP-670 containment area.\nDescription:\n7:40 PM: Members of SCP-670 are consuming a polyester steak. SCP-670-3's eating implements slip out of its hands. SCP-670-3 suffers a small laceration on its left leg and attempts to conceal it. Other members of SCP-670 do not notice this laceration.\n8:10 PM: Members of SCP-670 are conversing while seated. SCP-670-3 stands to get up, but stumbles, revealing its injury. The other members of SCP-670 quickly approach.\n8:11 PM: SCP-670-1 and SCP-670-4 restrain SCP-670-3. SCP-670-2 begins to carefully remove outer clay layer from SCP-670-3. SCP-670-3 vocalizes its distress at this point, and continues to do so until 8:19 PM.\n8:13 PM: SCP-670-3's outer layer is completely removed. A stitched together inner layer of red cotton is visible. SCP-670-2 begins to unstitch this inner layer.\n8:15 PM: SCP-670-2 deposits unstitched cotton thread on the cell floor. Inner workings of SCP-670-3 are now visible, including the 'heart' and 'lungs'. SCP-670-2 begins unstitching the lungs.\n8:17 PM: SCP-670-2 deposits unstitched polyester thread from the lungs next to the cotton thread. SCP-670-3's attempts to escape become less violent. SCP-670-2 begins unstitching the heart.\n8:19 PM: SCP-670-2 deposits unstitched nylon and polyester from the heart. SCP-670-3 ceases movement and vocalizations at this point, presumed dead. Central nervous system, brain, and skeleton are now visible.\n8:25 PM: SCP-670-2 has unstitched the brain and central nervous system. Begins untying the skeleton.\n8:28 PM: Skeleton is untied and placed next to other disassembled materials of SCP-670-3.\n8:29 PM: SCP-670-1 approaches observation window and requests identical materials to those currently on the cell floor. Request accepted.\n8:34 PM: Requested materials are brought in by two D-class personnel. SCP-670-2 requests that the clay 'skin' is not removed, but other materials are delivered without incident. The materials that comprised SCP-670-3 are retrieved for further study.\n8:35 PM: SCP-670-2 begins creating an identical copy of SCP-670-3 from the delivered materials.\n8:44 PM: Clay 'skin' is applied to copy. Copy of SCP-670-3 is completed. SCP-670-1 refers to it as 'Alfie Cotton'.\n8:45 PM: SCP-670 retires to their beds.\nRetrieved materials contain no anomalous properties, but study is still ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-669 | SCP-670 | SCP-671 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-671\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-671 must be kept at Sector-\u2588\u2588 in a clear plastic terrarium no less than 10m x 1m x 1m. The terrarium is to be assembled by heat merging only. It should contain at least 400 kg of sandy soil with humidity at least \u2588\u2588.\u2588%. Appropriate food is provided via a hatch every week. The room is to be monitored by four cameras at all times. Entry and exit is via an airlock, which must be flooded with an insecticide harmless to humans each time it cycles. No piece of the door beyond the innermost panel itself may be accessible from inside the containment room, and all fixtures inside the room must be either sealed or built into the walls.\nAs long as any SCP-671 individuals are outside the terrarium, personnel entering the room must either wear only clothes that will not trigger SCP-671, use strong insect repellent, or wear a sealed single-piece suit over all other clothing. All but the simplest items must be kept within a sealed transparent plastic bag or similarly protected by insecticide or repellent. Should SCP-671 individuals escape the terrarium outside of experimental procedure, the room is to be flooded with insecticide.\nNo SCP which can potentially be disassembled is to be kept at Sector-\u2588\u2588, and SCP-671 may never enter a facility where such SCPs are kept.\nDescription: SCP-671 is a large colony of Spanish carpenter ants (Camponotus cruentatus), comprising approximately 30,000 individuals. When SCP-671 is faced with a complex artificial device, its constituent individuals will attempt to reduce it to its simplest components. (Organisms, living or dead, do not trigger this behavior.) The ants appear attracted to artificial devices as to food sources. Screws will be unscrewed, staples and nails extracted, etc. In the process, even a single SCP-671 individual is able to exert forces several hundred times greater than a normal C. cruentatus. When large numbers of ants collaborate, they are capable of surprising feats.\nThe only type of artificial joint that appears not to trigger SCP-671's disassembly behavior is that in which two items of the same or similar material are merged using adhesive of another similar material. Examples include the rocks and cement in concrete, paper glued together (unless the glue is so thick as to represent a separate \"part\", such as in book bindings), soldered metal, and material completely encased in other material. The ants take great care to avoid damaging an object's parts during disassembly; however, material serving as a joint (e.g. glue, mortar, rivets) is likely to be destroyed in the process.\nSCP-671 reduces objects to their smallest natural constituents: fabric is frayed into constituent threads, as are textile-like objects such as rope. 15,000 SCP-671 individuals, working in concert, can disassemble a sedan in 48 hours or a 10-story steel-frame building in one month. They show little intelligence beyond that strictly necessary for disassembly, and will mindlessly attempt to take apart running machinery or containers of poison at great risk to themselves and the colony. In \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at Alcanar, Spain, a group of SCP-671 individuals proceeded to disassemble the motor of a running tanker truck, resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED]. As such, if necessary, it may be possible to reestablish containment by leaving large multi-part containers of insecticides or corrosive substances near the colony.\nAddendum: Following Incident 671-A, personnel are reminded that any appropriate \"sealed single-piece suit over all other clothing\" must also cover the feet. Suits which include separate foot covers, such as used on some other SCPs, are not appropriate for interaction with SCP-671. \u2014 Dr. Ziegler\nIncident 671-A: Agent Thornton, having just left an experiment with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, assumed that his airtight suit would be sufficient for subsequent work with SCP-671. Almost as soon as he entered the colony's containment, however, the ants began to disassemble his military-type boots. As he prepared to leave, he tripped over the shoelaces that had been undone and partly frayed and fell to the ground, suffering a sprained knee and dislocated shoulder.\n\n\u00ab SCP-670 | SCP-671 | SCP-672 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-672\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The sample kept at Research Sector-\u2588\u2588 is to be maintained in a biodome suitable for desert life with accompanying scrub plants. Samples may be taken at the discretion of Dr. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. [REDACTED] is to have relevant data for the location of SCP-672 colonies uploaded. Any wild colonies are to have an MTF dispatched to enact procedure Lambda-6.\nDescription: SCP-672 is a species of coral that grows in desert environments. The rich green color of SCP-672, making it appear as a plant at first glance, comes from a previously undiscovered but unremarkable species of zooxanthellae. The colony is extremely efficient with resources. Dead individuals are broken down and any useful components redistributed, leaving behind limestone that can only be distinguished from deposits formed by normal coral by the presence of [REDACTED]. When not active, SCP-672 polyps completely seal themselves within their shells and become nearly impossible to distinguish from surrounding rock formations. It is recommended that MTFs carry a copy of Document 672-12 as an identification aid when performing fieldwork relating to SCP-672. Outside of expansion events SCP-672 will periodically become active for brief times to either consume prey or to allow its zooxanthellae to undergo photosynthesis.\nSCP-672 was initially discovered by a [REDACTED] in 19\u2588\u2588: a sleeper agent planted in the team alerted the Foundation to a possible SCP species and attempted to direct attention away from SCP-672 as per standard procedure but was detained by his fellow researchers due to suspicious behavior. Agent D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attributed his detention as the primary reason for surviving the subsequent expansion event that killed the rest of the expedition.\nSCP-672 feeds when an animal touches a polyp, either by chance or having been lured during an expansion event. The polyps with access to prey use a radula to tear off small pieces of food\u2014 test subjects report feeling like they have scraped their hand against sharp stone even when lightly touching SCP-672. Observation of injuries caused by SCP-672 feeding have shown the polyps to coordinate their motion to keep the damage consistent with a scraping injury. Polyps pass food around the colony via laterally placed holes in their shell, allowing the whole reef to stay fed. This feeding behavior is relatively harmless and subjects have successfully maintained prolonged contact with SCP-672 without severe damage.\nSCP-672 only poses a real threat during an expansion event, during which the colony attempts to draw in as much prey as possible leading up to its reproduction. SCP-672 will begin emitting a pheromone that has been demonstrated to create a desire in vertebrates to move towards its source. Victims attempt to make as much skin contact as possible once they reach SCP-672, allowing it to feed upon them with maximum efficiency. Reptiles are most affected by the pheromone, some documented as being attracted from up to six (6) kilometers away while the maximum range of effect for birds and mammals is closer to two (2) kilometers. Upon cessation of pheromone production SCP-672 emits a cloud of spores, most of which settle on and around SCP-672 with large amounts collecting on prey caught upon the colony. Any surviving victims return to normal behavior once the pheromone disperses and will generally flee the area. Spores caught on these animals remain dormant until death and will grow to become a new colony on the corpse.\n\n\u00ab SCP-671 | SCP-672 | SCP-673 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-673\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No living tissue is to enter the main containment area while SCP-673 is present. Dual air lock systems separated by decontamination and scanning cells are to be maintained at all times. Containment cell is to be immediately locked down during any maintenance or power failures, with release only after review by Site Security. Equipment exiting the containment cell is to be sterilized and remain in quarantine for a minimum of two weeks before being reused.\nContainment cell maintenance is to take place only after SCP-673 has been removed to a temporary containment cell. All surfaces are to receive treatment by chemical agent NioX-9, with any overgrown areas extracted and rebuilt. Containment cell must be cleared of all personnel for no less than 12 hours before SCP-673 can be replaced to primary containment cell. Temporary containment cell is to be flooded with NioX-9 for no less than 48 hours after SCP-673 removal.\nIndependent instances of SCP-673 are to be severed and isolated as soon as possible after initial discovery. Evaluation of newly severed instances is to take place within five to eight hours post-severing. SCP-673 instances found to have no research, production, or other value are to be incinerated immediately after evaluation. Instances added to the main contained mass are to be recorded and logged with Central Records.\nAny staff working in or around the containment area are to be placed in quarantine immediately after completing their given tasks. Observation of quarantined subjects is to continue for a minimum of two weeks. Any erratic behavior, growths, or other SCP-673 symptoms exhibited by subjects is to be reported to Site Command, with subjects being held for eventual evaluation.\nDescription: SCP-673 is a mass of organic tissues, connected in what appears to be a totally random assembly. These tissues include recognizable structures, such as hearts, digestive tracts, blood vessels, and brain matter; however, many tissue structures are not identifiable by composition or purpose. Tissue structures are also noted for their increased size, appearing twenty to fifty times as large as their normal counterparts. Sample tests have shown the basic structure of SCP-673 to have no known counterpart among normal organics, and lacks any form of DNA or normal cellular composition.\nTissues appear to operate without the need for any outside stimulation or substance, with \"hearts\" beating for days with no blood or nerve connections, and \"lungs\" continuing to expand and deflate even when severed and fully submerged. Tissues, isolated from the main mass, will \"grow\" into surrounding structures, using what appear to be tendons or thin bone-like structures to penetrate and spread over walls, floors, and ceilings. Tissues will \"operate\" indefinitely, with no tissue decay normally associated with exposed organs.\nSCP-673 appears to be infectious by an unknown means, with physical contact being the only constantly observed transmission method. Instances of \"airborne\" transmission have been reported, but are extremely rare. SCP-673 appears to \"prefer\" organic tissue, but will integrate with inorganic structures at a slower rate. Testing has shown that tissue integration appears to progress along loose guidelines in regards to inorganic structures. Pipes become veins and tracts, beams become bone-like supports, doorways become valves, etc. in a slow progression. The SHeLL project[2] has shown that, with sufficient space and ample amounts of organic materials, SCP-673 [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nAddendum:\n[1] NOTE: ORGAN DOMINANCE RESULTING IN TISSUES WITH NO HUMAN ANALOG MAY PRODUCE UNIDENTIFIABLE BEHAVIORS. ALL RECORDS OF SUBJECTS PRODUCING NONHUMAN TISSUE ARE TO IMMEDIATELY BE REMANDED TO CENTRAL RECORDS. ALL SCP-673 SUBJECTS ARE TO BE OBSERVED AND RECORDED CONTINUOUSLY DURING CONTAINMENT.\n[2] Full records of SHeLL project available pending O5 review. Partial transcripts available to LEVEL 4 cleared staff pending approval by Central Records.\n\nDocument 88-9-R: Infection Progression\nInitial stage infection begins at point of contact in 96% of all cases. Physical contact with SCP-673 will cause subjects to develop a small rash at the point of contact, which will fade within two hours. Subject will start to exhibit erratic behavior 4-5 days post-contact, with said behavior becoming more pronounced as infection continues. Behavior varies between infections, with increased appetite, paranoia, inappropriate appetite, and increased libido among common symptoms. There is no consistent behavior progression or development; however, behaviors appear to relate to the end-stage organ dominance.\nMid-stage infection is variable, most often observed between 2-3 weeks after initial contact. Subjects will start to exhibit physiological changes, such as distortion of the physical frame, loss of hair/fingernails/skin, loss of bone density, lesions, abnormal bone growth, rash, increase/decrease of bodily fluids, and general muscle atrophy. Subjects will begin to exhibit \"organ dominance\", with one or several areas of the body beginning to swell rapidly and absorb surrounding tissues. Subjects behavior will begin to centralize around these areas (example: \"stomach-dominance\" subjects engaging in continuous gorging, \"heart-dominance\" subjects going into prolonged, violent and rhythmic spasms).[1]\nEnd-stage SCP-673 sets in 5-6 weeks after initial contact. Subjects will begin full integration with the dominant organ growth. Subjects will typically lose locomotion and the capacity for speech at this stage. Subjects appear to no longer require basic human needs such as food or oxygen, and behave as a parasite on the main organ. Bodily tissues are absorbed and integrated by the forming SCP-673 organ body, with full absorption taking place 24-48 hours after end-stage onset. Any remaining will or mental capacity is deemed negligible at this point, with most \"emotional manifestations\" vanishing within 2 weeks.\n\nDocument OO-3: SHeLL Project Memo to project staff:\nLet it be noted that instances of \"attacks\" by SCP-673 masses are easily attributable to random organ spasms observed in nearly all instances of SCP-673. Listing these incidents as \"attacks\", especially in security documentation, is irresponsible to the point of dangerous, and will constitute disciplinary action in the future.\nSCP-673 masses lack any appreciable nervous system in most cases, and \"will retention\" is nil. Incidents of \"escape attempts\" and \"communication\" are clear examples of anthropomorphism and misidentification, and are therefore not appropriate topics of study. Proposals to open \"dialog\" with nervous system clusters will be subject to Project Command review and discipline.\nDr. Kinder's \"incident\" should be a sufficient example regarding the need for professional detachment and logical thinking. A new project head will be appointed within the week, with Dr. Aarons taking interim control.\n\n\u00ab SCP-672 | SCP-673 | SCP-674 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-674\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not being tested, SCP-674 is to remain in a locked plastic case in Storage Site-23. SCP-674's cord is not required for its operation and is to remain coiled and tied. SCP-674 poses no existential threat to anyone other than its user; however, it has already demonstrated itself to be a potential security risk for the Foundation. Therefore in the event that security around SCP-674 is compromised, on-site personnel are authorized to destroy it at their discretion. Testing is ongoing to determine the risks and possibilities in using SCP-674 as an information gathering device.\nDescription: SCP-674 is a \"Zapper\" light gun peripheral for the Nintendo Entertainment System, consistent with other models that were bundled with the NES in North America after 1985. SCP-674 displays typical wear and tear and some indication that previous owners tried to pry the casing open unsuccessfully. The device is not indestructible and has responded to stress tests as expected. Disassembling and reassembling the device has revealed no anomalous parts or internal tampering. Cleaning and maintenance of its parts appears to have improved its accuracy but has not removed a blind spot that begins on the extreme right side of any screen it is aimed at.\nWhen SCP-674 is aimed and fired at any video screen, the user perceives that he or she has fired a shot into the displayed scene. Any physical object within the scene, whether live or previously recorded, will react appropriately in context. People who are shot will appear to die or be wounded, and other people in the scene will duck, take cover or flee off camera. It must be noted that this will not correspond with reality outside of the video and no one beyond the user of SCP-674 will perceive the change. Results will vary depending on the context of the video. Fictional characters in a television show will react consistently within the established parameters of their setting, while firing into news reports or documentaries will produce a realistic reaction. Therefore, shooting at an actor in an interview will produce a different result than shooting at the same actor who is currently portraying an invincible cyborg in a science fiction movie.\nAnimated cartoons can also be affected, although \"cartoon logic\" produces wildly unpredictable results ranging from causing a character to momentarily be obscured by a puff of smoke and be covered with soot afterward, to [DATA EXPUNGED]\nThe most notable result of use of SCP-674 is that it is permanent and can lead to very unusual experiences for the viewer. If a subject uses the device to shoot a character in a television series, they will forever perceive that they have changed the continuity of the series. A character will remain wounded or dead, and other characters will respond in context. This will continue even if SCP-674 is only used once and the viewer is never exposed to it again. At a certain threshold, fictional characters will begin to make broadly expositional statements to each other or through the \"fourth wall\" regarding the actions of the viewer, potentially divulging sensitive information. See Addendum for details.\nAddendum: SCP-674 was recovered from the home of M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a reclusive 33-year-old Caucasian male. Mr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 came to the attention of the SCP Foundation through posts on his fringe political blog, in which he had claimed to have assassinated then-President \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and then-Vice President \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, along with half of Congress, four members of the Supreme Court, and a wide range of news anchors, talk show hosts and political commentators. Questioning of the subject revealed that he never left the house and honestly believed the news reports he was watching and using SCP-674 upon were real. Mr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed that he was using SCP-674 to stave off a military police state; however, using the device to \"assassinate\" so many high profile figures had the opposite effect on the video reality he was experiencing. His final blog posts described an increasingly unstable global order, martial law, and detailed descriptions of catastrophes consistent with the hypothetical release of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, among others.\nMr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed prior knowledge of the Foundation and was laying in wait for agents, attempting to ambush them by firing SCP-674 into monitors attached to his home security system upon their approach. This, of course, had absolutely no effect on the agents who immediately took him into custody and seized SCP-674. Under questioning, Mr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 said he had discovered the properties of SCP-674 when he idly aimed and fired it at an episode of the cartoon \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when one of the main characters was wearing a graduate's cap and singing about geography. He claims that after the character recovered, it wagged a finger at him and specifically warned that the SCP Foundation was \"going to get him\" if he continued to fire the device before returning to its song.\nMr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 perished while held in confinement. Security tapes show he had been alone and engaged in a heated one-sided argument with the security camera in his cell before being struck down by three .38 caliber handgun bullets.\nTesting Log SCP-674-1\nNote, this text log was retrieved from the hard-drive of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's partially melted laptop in his private quarters. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had checked SCP-674 out for testing and it was also recovered from his quarters. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's whereabouts are unknown.\n\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\n-extending to approximately 13% of the length of the screen itself. Wide screen televisions therefore have a larger blind spot than smaller screens-\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\n-yelling at me from the corner of the screen where I could not shoot h-\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\n-irk would not go down no matter how many shots were fired, they always hit his shoulder or one of the nearby Red Shir-\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\n-cotty is pressed against wall to his left, safe in blind sp-\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\n-pock claims he has \"reversed the polarity\" on a phas-\n[DATA CORRUPTED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-673 | SCP-674 | SCP-675 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-675\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The house containing SCP-675 has been designated Observation Post 9010. One researcher must be stationed within Observation Post 9010 at all times. Monitoring of SCP-675 is to be undertaken in 30 day shifts. No researcher may return to Observation Post 9010 before a minimum of six (6) shifts have passed. All researchers assigned to SCP-675 must undergo mandatory psychological screening prior to and after a completed shift in SCP-675.\nAll researchers monitoring SCP-675 must record any and all observations on an audio recorder. Following Incident 675-1, all researchers must be under video surveillance at all times.\nDescription: SCP-675 is a standard window and frame found in the northwest portion of Observation Post 9010, in the living room area. During random time intervals, shadows resembling humanoid figures (designated as SCP-675-1) can be seen through the window. These shadows are visible at all times of the day and night, and are seen to be visually distinct from normal nighttime darkness. These instances are only visible from within Observation Post 9010. It is currently hypothesized that SCP-675-1 instances are trans-dimensional beings, and that SCP-675 functions similarly to SCP-1278 and SCP-1288 as a means of viewing them.\nIn order to aid in observation, a thin screen has been attached over SCP-675. This screen acts as a projection surface, on which SCP-675-1 instances can be seen more easily.\nSCP-675-1 instances often engage in actions such as tapping on the glass of SCP-675, conversing with one another, and various other benign actions. These are to be considered normal, and as of yet, SCP-675-1 instances have never engaged in any hostile actions.\nSCP-675's secondary anomalous effect is a hallucinogenic effect manifesting in individuals who remain in Observation Post 9010 for longer than approximately 45 days. Subjects who remain in the proximity of SCP-675 for longer than approximately 45 days become convinced of the malevolent nature of SCP-675-1 instances. The longer that subjects are exposed to SCP-675, the more extreme these hallucinations become. Subjects report that SCP-675 is a gateway to another dimension that is populated by SCP-675-1 instances, and that these instances seek to invade this dimension and \"cleanse it.\"\nSubjects will reiterate the need for individuals to prepare for the coming invasion by SCP-675-1 instances, and will seek to ensure that SCP-675 remains closed at all times. Subjects also report that SCP-675-1 instances will attempt to communicate with them, and that the content of such messages is often disturbing in nature. In a few instances, subjects will report that the SCP-675-1 instances are preparing for a trans-dimensional invasion of the Earth. Such reports are unsubstantiated, as audio surveillance currently reveals no such sounds.\nThe current video surveillance and rotations were enacted due to several breaches in which researchers constructed fortifications and preparations for the believed invasion by SCP-675-1. In one extreme case, a researcher constructed an elaborate series of anti-personnel traps designed to kill or seriously maim any individuals who attempted to enter the house.\n\n\u00ab SCP-674 | SCP-675 | SCP-676 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-676\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The property containing SCP-676 is owned by the Foundation under the guise of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Inc., a shell corporation. It is closed to the public, and posted signs indicate that the area is a hazardous materials storage facility.\nUnder no circumstances is the flow of water into SCP-676 to be interrupted. Backup tanks of water are to be used to supplement the stream's flow in the case of an obstruction. Vegetation is kept clear in a 10 m channel along the course of the stream to prevent unanticipated interruptions.\nDescription: SCP-676 is a hot spring and an associated 7 km long stream, located in the hills outside of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. When it was discovered by the Foundation, the basin of the spring was approximately 2 m wide, but it has since expanded to over 90 m in diameter.\nThe stream stretches from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 River to the hot spring. Although the spring is 750 m above the river, water in the stream flows uphill from the river to the basin. Its temperature begins at an ambient 22\u00b0C at the river and gradually rises as the stream ascends, reaching 82\u00b0C as it enters the spring. Water removed from the stream exhibits no atypical properties, and flows downhill normally if placed on an incline. Water added directly to the stream moves against gravity, as does any detritus carried in the flow.\nDespite being continuously fed by the stream the water level in the basin remains constant, suggesting that it drains into the bedrock below. The water in the basin is between 81\u00b0C and 84\u00b0C, as measured by IR sensor. More direct means of assessing the temperature cannot be used, as any object placed in the water disintegrates.\nSmall items and organisms caught up in the stream are continuously deposited and dissolved in the hot spring. The reason for this is not known. In most cases it does not affect the walls of the basin (see test log 676-01). All tested materials introduced to the spring begin to fall apart immediately, dissolving completely within a few seconds. Dyes and radioactively labeled markers disappear as well, suggesting that the process occurs below the chemical level. As a result it has proven impossible to take and retain samples from SCP-676's basin, and it is unknown if the fluid is water or another colorless liquid compound.\nOptical and sonic means of probing SCP-676 have mapped it deep underground, but have not located a destination point. Analysis of the data indicates that the surrounding bedrock is abnormally soft. This may be related to the high incidence of localized earthquakes detected in the area, and the periodic shifting of SCP-676's subterranean channels.\nExperiment Log 676-01: Testing the effect of withholding the flow of water to SCP-676.\nThe water feeding SCP-676 was blocked at the junction of the stream and the river. The last of the water drained into the basin at 13:24:02 (local). For three hours there was no response, and water level remained constant. At 16:41:57 the walls of the basin began to disintegrate, widening the aperture steadily. This proceeded for 12 minutes, at which time the supervising researchers decided to unblock the stream. By the time flow was restored at 18:03:19, the basin had grown in diameter by 4000%, swallowing 4 structures and the majority of on-site investigative equipment. No lives were lost.\nSince the incident, localized seismic activity has intensified and the stream's flow has increased by a factor of 200. Containment procedures were updated, and SCP-676's object class elevated to Euclid.\n\n\u00ab SCP-675 | SCP-676 | SCP-677 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-677\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-677 is currently in the vicinity of Saturn's orbit. Due to its attraction to Earth, it is expected to land back on the planet by the year 2\u2588\u2588\u2588. At least one telescope will be trained on SCP-677 to monitor its movement. When reentry occurs, a team will be dispatched to recover the object, whereupon it will be dismantled and returned to its storage locker at Site \u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-677 is a silver, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-brand pogo stick that has significantly visible wear. Etched onto the side is an engraving reading \u201cFor Mike: Happy Travels!\u201d SCP-677's frame appears to be indestructible by all normal means, though it can be dismantled. The spring itself, oddly, is easily broken, though it can be replaced with any spring that will fit around the SCP's shaft. The type of spring used appears to have no effect on SCP-677's mechanics, so long as it is unbroken.\nWhen used, SCP-677 will immediately jump to unpredictable heights and speeds, regardless of the degree of power applied to the jump. Various heights, ranging from two centimeters upwards, have been recorded, and the highest obtained speed to date, based on calculations of SCP-677's current trajectory, is \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Maximum obtainable speed is unknown. Additionally, due to some unknown mechanic, SCP-677 always lands within \u2588\u2588 meters of its original launch position, regardless of the time, direction or speed of its trajectory.\nRecreational use of SCP-677 is strictly prohibited. Note: There was a reason for that warning. \u2013Dr. Mentha, recorded after Incident 684-0034X\nDescription of Event 684-0034X:\nWith the permission of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Personnel 2/677 removed SCP-677 from containment and assembled it, claiming that he was \u201cgonna break the world record for Extreme Pogo.\u201d After donning a parachute and attaching several restraining devices between him and SCP-677, Personnel 2/677 began jumping. After eight such jumps of varying heights, SCP-677 immediately shot into the air, breaking its restraints and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Personnel 2/677 was given medical treatment and severely disciplined.\n\n\u00ab SCP-676 | SCP-677 | SCP-678 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-678\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-678 is to be contained in a secure lockbox on-site in a container rated for security against at least Level 2 attempted containment breaches. Guards posted to guard SCP-678 should not be aware of what they are guarding, as recovery attempts are a risk. SCP-678 poses no recognized threat of escape at this time, but if the container is ruptured or SCP-678 removed for any reason, no personnel are to make unshielded contact with SCP-678.\nDescription: SCP-678 is a small statuette of a sleeping angel, that displays no unusual characteristics under visual inspection. Upon unshielded physical contact with SCP-678, however, SCP-678 excises highly traumatic events from the subject's memory immediately, leaving a blank period in the subject's recollections of the past. This function is currently being evaluated for use as a new grade of amnestic, but the further effects of SCP-678 render it unsuitable for use at this time. The process of memory removal utilized by SCP-678 is damaging to the subject, however, and in the week following contact with SCP-678, the subject's mind continues to erode. This erosion does not stop, but reaches a critical point at any time from six to nine days after initial contact when the autonomous capabilities of the brain to regulate heartbeat, breathing, and other homeostatic effects is eradicated. At this point, the subject typically dies of asphyxiation. Autopsy reveals no physical damage to the brain, and the method utilized by SCP-678 is currently unknown. After an event such as this, SCP-678 alters shape, the statuette shifting to a standing position with its eyes open and teeth clenched. The next unshielded contact with SCP-678 will cause the transference of the memories initially erased to the subject currently touching SCP-678, and SCP-678 will revert to its standard form.\nSubjects interviewed during the decay process describe themselves as fearful, but cannot identify the source of the fear. As their personal sense of identity disintegrates, they continue to voice a nameless terror as long as they retain the capability of speech, which is gone by the second to third day. Those informed of their impending death seem unconcerned by it, if they understand at all, instead continuing to complain of a 'problem' that they can't figure out. Staff psychologists suspect this communication issue is due to both the subject's loss of mental faculties combined with an inability to easily express the ongoing nature of the damage to the subject. After the subject's capability of speech is gone, they typically retreat to a corner when permitted to do so, clawing at their head intermittently for approximately a day before lapsing into a coma until their death.\nSCP-678 was taken from a Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 upon his apprehension by Foundation personnel. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was a \"travelling chaplain\" who was visiting Veteran's Administration hospitals across the eastern United States and offering counselling to any willing to speak to him. During these counselling sessions, he would encourage the subject in any of a variety of ways to come into contact with SCP-678, an item which he only handled with a pair of gloves he wore specifically for this purpose. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 would wrap up his counselling session shortly afterwards and leave the hospital. Interrogation reports indicate that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a citizen of Belgium and suspected patron of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd., appears to have been using the device to harvest these 'experiences' for personal amusement. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been remanded to Psychological Ward 14 for evaluation, his termination pending background check and review of possible value to the Foundation as a bargaining tool.\nNote: Nix the value check, move Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's termination date up. He's a nasty piece of work, and I don't trust anyone to not try and work around any pre-release amnestics we give him. Better to just shut him up for good. - O5-\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-677 | SCP-678 | SCP-679 \u00bb"} {"text": "Subject in the later stages of infection\n\nItem #: SCP-679\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-679 should be contained in sealed glass vials, with the temperature kept at 25 \u00b0C. Infected subjects should be kept restrained in a sterile environment. All personnel handling samples or subjects should wear class A HAZMAT suits. Any material or infected subjects removed from containment should be incinerated immediately.\nTo prevent potential cross contamination at no point should samples of SCP-679 and SCP-1077 be stored at the same facility.\nDescription: SCP-679 is a fungal infection of a previously unknown Aspergillus species. It was discovered among the local homeless population in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Florida.\nIt is highly infectious through direct contact with the fungus, though other means of transmission have not been ruled out.\nIn early stages, subjects complain of entoptic phenomena. Subjects report seeing tiny bright dots moving rapidly in their field of vision. This is especially prevalent when sneezing or looking into strong blue light.\nAfter approximately one week from initial exposure, the sclera turns black. The subject loses vision at this time, becoming entirely blind. Within a day of this, small ulcerations appear in the corners of the eyes. This causes the vitreous humor to begin leaking out, having the appearance of thick black tears.\nMycelia are also pushed through the ulcerations. Each mycelium resembles a thin white thread coated with slime, reaching as long as twenty-five centimeters. As the ulcerations widen and more of the humor leaks out, more mycelia appear.\nAt this stage, the eye begins to rot entirely, a process sped up by the fungus. However, it seems to protect the rest of the eye socket and the nerve, preventing infection by other pathogens in eighty to ninety percent of test subjects. By the time the eyes have gone entirely, the sockets are filled with the fungus, with a thick mass of mycelia hanging from the empty sockets. This process takes approximately two weeks from the time the ulcerations appear.\nOnce the eyes are completely gone, mycelia invade the sinuses, where they trigger increased mucus production, which the fungus appears to feed upon.\nAt this stage, the fungus becomes mobile, the individual threads gaining motility. They move around the subject's face in seemingly random patterns.\nOnce the fungus begins moving on its own, subjects report their vision returning. The fungus appears to have photosensitive cells, as well as a currently poorly-understood ability to interface with the optic nerve. Subjects describe normal (and in some cases improved) eyesight, except for a much wider field of vision.\nHowever, whenever a human with apparently normal eyes enters their field of vision, subjects experience visual hallucinations (fires, dangerous animals, sudden tilts in the floor) that seem designed to drive them in the direction of the uninfected. Once they are in range, the mycelia reach out to touch the uninfected human's eyes. This appears to be a reproductive strategy for the fungus.\nCuring the condition has so far been possible only in the earliest stages of infection. Once the sclera changes, the only treatment is surgical intervention and cauterization of all tissue in the socket and sinuses.\nAdditional test subjects to explore the lifecycle and reproduction of SCP-679 are requested.\n\n\u00ab SCP-678 | SCP-679 | SCP-680 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-680\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Because of its usefulness as a possible diagnostic tool, SCP-680 is to be kept at Containment Site-76 in Storage Locker 76-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Additionally, to prevent accidental activation (and subsequent waiting periods) of SCP-680, the SCP must remain at least 10 meters away from all but mechanically static machinery. Use of SCP-680 on a subject must be approved by Level-3 Personnel.\nDescription: SCP-680-1 is a slate sculpture in the form of a human skull missing its mandible, with a mass of approximately 7.5 kg. The sculpture itself does not appear to be hollow, as all orifices have been filled with a presently-unknown black substance that rates 9.6 on the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness. Beyond its improbably high durability, the skull itself appears to have no particularly unusual properties. Resting on top of SCP-680-1, however, is SCP-680-2.\nThis (SCP-680-2) appears to be a set of mineral appraisal tools connected to a large (6 cm) eyepiece, which is in turn connected to a bronze headstrap. Among said tools are a pair of lens adjustment knobs, a series of additional magnifying glasses, a tungsten filament with no otherwise known properties, and various other devices. Craftsmanship appears to be of a late 19th-Century Germanic design, though since SCP-680 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Brazil, no specific design or influences are easily named.\nSCP-680-2 has no particular effect when removed from the SCP-680-1 and tested with D-Class (or other) personnel, though said test subjects describe a feeling of motion sickness and general irritability afterward. Whenever a mechanical item of sufficient complexity is placed approximately 0.5 meters in front of an assembled SCP-680, however, several of the tools on SCP-680-2 begin to move of their own accord and set themselves to a unique setting seemingly \u201ctuned\u201d to the object in question. Furthermore, the filament will become increasingly warm, eventually growing visibly hot. The rest of SCP-680-1 and -2 will become otherwise temporarily inert.\nAfter a period of approximately three minutes, a series of clicks will emit from various parts of SCP-680. Four sources of clicking have been discerned:\n\u2014From both eyepiece adjusters,\n\u2014From the additional magnifiers,\n\u2014And from within SCP-680-1's right (unblocked) eye socket.\nThis will continue until the filament reaches a maximum temperature of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after which all action ceases and the skull \u201cpowers down\u201d for a period of approximately three hours.\nStudies performed on SCP-680 have revealed that the \u201cclicks\u201d emitted by the SCP are actually messages communicated in Morse Code describing the \u201cstudied\u201d item's properties, including make, purported original assembler or team, function, and other items. Furthermore, particular pieces of \u201cstudy\u201d seem to come consistently from certain points of the SCP. For example:\n\u2014Statistical component inquiries such as make, model, and craftsmanship are reported by the lens adjustment knobs,\n\u2014Suggestions as to the material composition of the object are reported by the magnifiers, and\n\u2014Particularly unusual properties are reported by SCP-680-1's eye socket.\nMaterial composition data gathered by SCP-680 appears to be largely statistical, giving a list of item materials corresponding to 80 (reported) out of the first 92 elements of the periodic table. Materials are usually given in the greatest percentage of presence, and subsequent spectral analysis of said objects usually confirm SCP-680's analysis to within 10% (with notable deviations; see Addendum 680-2).\nNotes about specific make of the object studied match surprisingly precisely with objects of known origin, (such as with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, where not only the development team was named, but also the leader's name and the SCP's approximate date of creation).\n\u201cUnusual\u201d notes made by SCP-680-1's eye socket are much less precise than the rest of the SCP's notes, and usually take on a conciliatory nature. Many times, especially with studied SCPs, the messages will be generally what has been studied, but will also give general comments that often lead to a better overall understanding of other SCPs' behavior. As such, however, much of its empirical data is either frustratingly vague or presented in a riddle.\nDr. Mentha has shaped a theory that this SCP's \u201cgeneral notes\u201d do not actually come from the SCP \u201cstudying\u201d the material at hand, but instead performs a quick survey of previously conducted research and paraphrases it. No explanation for how it obtains this information, however, has been discovered, and Dr. Mentha is reminded that he must be more explicit in said theories so that they can at least be verifiable.\nAddendum 680-1: SCP-680 must be presented directly to the object to be studied. A reproduction of the object, at best, will give information on the model or display of the object in question. Similarly, holding SCP-680 to a mirror, unless said mirror has sufficiently SCP-quality characteristics, will yield no information from SCP-680.\nAddendum 680-2: SCP-680 appears only to activate when presented with sufficiently mechanical objects. Biological objects elicit no response from the SCP, and if a mechanical object has biological components, SCP-680 will completely ignore those qualities. Here, \u201cmechanical\u201d is used to describe objects with at least \u2588\u2588\u2588 moving parts within its structure.\n\n\u00ab SCP-679 | SCP-680 | SCP-681 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-681\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-681 is to be contained in a row of standard pressure tanks rated to contain helium gas. All tanks are to be chained to the floor or walls of the containment room. The containment room is to be kept airtight and at near-vacuum pressures, with two Level 1 staff assigned to check for tank leakage once a week. Checks are to be made in pressure suits, and none of the gas is to be removed without clearance from Level 2 personnel. In the event of a minor leakage into the storage chamber, the room is to be temporarily flooded with normal air to force SCP-681 into collection traps in the ceiling.\nShould a very large leak occur, or should SCP-681 breach the containment room, nearby personnel are to be supplied oxygen masks immediately, and the bubbles of SCP-681 forming around them are to be siphoned off.\nSCP-681 can be safely placed in latex balloons without the usual concern of leakage, but no more than three average balloons worth of SCP-681 are to be removed from the containment room at any time.\nDescription: Discovered in a warehouse under investigation for several cases of reported death by suffocation, SCP-681 is roughly two hundred 155-cm canisters of helium gas with unusual properties. In the event of leakage in the vicinity of brainwave producing subjects, it will move towards the subject and fill airways and sinus cavities with helium gas. In enough volume, this can lead to death via suffocation.\nWhile still in the 155-cm storage canisters, it retains some of the capacity to exert mobility, hampered by the weight of the metal container. In lighter containers, such as the few 60-cm party-sized ones collected with the main batch, SCP-681 can exert enough force to deliver a head concussion. The range of the effect is limited to roughly 30 meters, but this is highly variable.\nIf placed in a balloon, it will simply drift towards any thinking organisms nearby and repeatedly bump against them. Balloon animals, however, will become slightly animate and act hostile, though still largely ineffective due to being simple latex balloon animals. SCP-681 will, through unknown means, migrate into nearby balloons if it breaches containment.\nAddendum:\nAfter all this time, someone just now thought to check the serial numbers on the canisters and discovered we're missing over \u2588\u2588\u2588 of them? Do you people have any idea how much gas there is in one of those? -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-680 | SCP-681 | SCP-682 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-682 shortly after escaping from containment, still recovering from acid immersion.\n\nItem #: SCP-682\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible. At this time, no means available to SCP teams are capable of destroying SCP-682, only able to cause massive physical damage. SCP-682 should be contained within a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m chamber with 25 cm reinforced acid-resistant steel plate lining all inside surfaces. The containment chamber should be filled with hydrochloric acid until SCP-682 is submerged and incapacitated. Any attempts of SCP-682 to move, speak, or breach containment should be reacted to quickly and with full force as called for by the circumstances.\nPersonnel are forbidden to speak to SCP-682, for fear of provoking a rage-state. All unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate to SCP-682 will be restrained and removed by force.\nDue to its frequent attempts at containment breach, difficulty of containment and incapacitation, and high threat of Foundation Exposure, SCP-682 is to be contained in site [REDACTED]. The Foundation will use the best of its resources to maintain all land within fifty (50) kilometers clear of human development.\nDescription: SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure. SCP-682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed in several interviews during containment. (See Addendum 682-B).\nSCP-682 has always been observed to have extremely high strength, speed, and reflexes, though exact levels vary with its form. SCP-682's physical body grows and changes very quickly, growing or decreasing in size as it consumes or sheds material. SCP-682 gains energy from anything it ingests, organic or inorganic. Digestion seems to be aided by a set of filtering gills inside of SCP-682's nostrils, which are able to remove usable matter from any liquid solution, enabling it to constantly regenerate from the acid it is contained in. SCP-682's regenerative capabilities and resilience are staggering, and SCP-682 has been seen moving and speaking with its body 87% destroyed or rotted.\nIn case of containment breach, SCP-682 is to be tracked and re-captured by all available Mobile Task Forces, and no teams with fewer than seven (7) members are cleared to engage it. To date (\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), attempted breaches have numbered at seventeen (17), while successful breaches have numbered at six (6). (See Addendum 682-D).\n\nAddendum 682-B: Portion of recorded transcript of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Now, why did you kill those farmers?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: If you don't talk now, we will remove you from this attempt and place you back into-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Pardon? (Motions to move microphone closer)Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Speak up. (To Personnel D-085) Move the mic up closer.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (To Personnel D-085) That microphone has only so much gain, move it closer to it!\nPersonnel D-085: His throat's messed up man, look at it! He ain't talking- (Gasps and screams)Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (Retreats from the room)\n\n\nAddendum 682-D: Breaches with SCP-682:\n1: First Occurrence, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Handled by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Personnel D-129 (KIA), Personnel D-027 (KIA), Personnel D-173 (KIA), Personnel D-200 (KIA), Personnel D-193 (KIA)\n2: Second Occurrence, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Handled by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Personnel D-124, Personnel D-137 (KIA), Personnel D-201 (KIA), Personnel D-202 (KIA), Personnel D-203 (KIA)\n3: Third Occurrence, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Handled by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, MSgt \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Personnel D-018 (KIA), Personnel D-211 (KIA), Personnel D-216\n4: Fourth Occurrence, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Handled by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SSgt \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, TSgt \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Pvt \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Pvt \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Lt. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SSgt \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Col \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Pvt \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Pvt \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA)\n5: Fifth Occurrence, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Handled by Personnel D-221, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Personnel D-028 (KIA), Personnel D-111 (KIA), Personnel D-281 (KIA), Personnel D-209 (KIA)\n6: Sixth Occurrence, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Handled by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Personnel D-291 (MIA), Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (KIA), Personnel D-299 (KIA), Personnel D-277 (KIA), Personnel D-278 (KIA), Personnel D-279 (KIA)\n\nAddendum 682-E: Termination Options:\nLog of event 682-E18: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempts to use SCP-409 on SCP-682. General \u2588\u2588\u2588, General \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 observing.\n\n0400: Exposure. SCP-682 began to tear at the point of contact, causing massive trauma to the area. SCP-682 requests several times to know what it has been exposed to.\n0800: Crystallization begins, spreading much slower than normal.\n1200: SCP-682 shows signs of extreme pain, and begins having seizures\n1300: Crystallization stops at 62% conversion. Crystallized area explodes, causing massive physical trauma to SCP-682\n1400: SCP-682 recovers from exposure, despite the loss of limbs and organs. SCP-682 begins regeneration, stating that it will attempt to kill and consume all staff involved in Event 682-E18.\n\nSCP-682 appears to now be immune to SCP-409. Use of other SCP items to terminate SCP-682 must now first be tested on samples of SCP-682 before full-scale testing.\nIn accordance the Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's recommendations (see Document 27b-6), Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 have requested permission to attempt the termination of SCP-682 using SCP-689. The request is currently pending approval from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nIt has also been suggested by Dr. Gears to use SCP-182 in an attempt to communicate with SCP-682. SCP-182 has expressed reluctance, and refuses to enter the containment center of SCP-682, if at all possible.\n\nAddendum 682-F: Termination Log:\nExperiment-Log-T-98816-oc108-682\n\n\u00ab SCP-681 | SCP-682 | SCP-683 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-683-2\n\nItem #: SCP-683\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-683 is to be kept in a standard 8x8x5m research bay equipped with a portable gas-powered generator. SCP-683 itself is to be covered with a suitably large, opaque drop cloth to prevent inadvertent visual contact when not involved in active research. Research bay door should meet Level II hazard control rating (steel door, reinforced hinges, SCPassport keycard access with manual override) but without the standard observation window. Video surveillance is restricted to this exterior door until testing is approved for recorded viewing of SCP-683. No guards should be posted unless approved by Level 3 or higher administrative staff, again to prevent possible inadvertent visual contact. No food or drink is permitted within twenty (20) meters of the containment area. SCP-683 is currently held in research bay Zingiber-4 at Site-19 under these conditions.\nDescription: SCP-683 consists of two objects: SCP-683-1 and SCP-683-2. When its unique properties are activated, it will produce samples of SCP-683-3.\nSCP-683-1 is a white 1953 Crosley Shelvador brand refrigerator showing moderate external wear. Internally, SCP-683-1 appears clean and well-maintained regardless of contents, results of testing procedures, or deliberate attempts to soil it. SCP-683-1's power cord terminates in an unknown plug configuration that has proven incompatible with modern outlets. Foundation electrical engineers have constructed an adapter (Inventory Control Code 19Alys-683-7) allowing SCP-683-1 to run via a standard gas-powered home generator, which is used for all testing. When supplied with electrical power, SCP-683-1 functions adequately as a refrigeration unit. SCP-683-1's unusual properties will function with or without electrical power, but when power is provided, instances of SCP-683-3 produced do not appear to decay or spoil as long as they are kept within the unit.\nSCP-683-2 is a child's (age approximated at between 5 and 7 years) drawing on standard 8.5\" x 11\" white paper, oriented as a landscape, and affixed by unknown means to SCP-683-1's exterior. SCP-683-2 appears to have been created with pencil and felt pen, showing evidence of moderate water damage at some point in its past. The drawing depicts a mountainous exterior landscape with an anthropomorphic sun, a house, a well, a dog, various vegetation, and a central figure which appears to be wearing a chef's toque.\nAny person either uttering disparaging remarks about SCP-683-2 or attempting to remove it from the surface of SCP-683-1 begins to incur damage to both internal organs and skin/musculature upon ingesting any food item. The damage manifests as the excision of tissue from various locations on the body equal in mass to the food ingested. This effect ceases once the victim has ingested .42 kilograms worth of food and an equal amount of tissue has been excised. Though observably painful, tissue is excised seemingly instantaneously following each bite of food, and has yet to strike any internal structure that would cause the death of the subject before the .42 kilogram threshold is reached. All subjects have expired within twenty-six (26) days of last excision.\nOnce the .42 kilogram excision of tissue is complete, a brown \"lunch\" style paper bag (hereafter SCP-683-3) will appear in the interior of SCP-683-1. SCP-683-3 has consistently been labeled with the name \"Eric\". Text appears symmetrically in capital letters printed in black ink. Writing style appears consistent with each sample of SCP-683-3. With each appearance, SCP-683-3 has contained the following:\n\nA sandwich consisting of two (2) pieces of white bread (crusts removed) and .21 kilograms of various excised flesh and viscera. DNA analysis has confirmed it to be that of subjects who last disparaged or attempted to remove SCP-683-2\nA plastic zip-top bag containing .21 kilograms of various excised flesh and viscera. DNA analysis has again confirmed it to be that of subjects who last disparaged or attempted to remove SCP-683-2\nA plastic zip-top bag containing three (3) chocolate chip cookies, measuring approximately 9cm in diameter. Testing shows no abnormalities or traces of DNA\nA 3\" x 5\" note card reading \"Be a good boy today!\" Ink is black and handwriting is consistent in style with the \"Eric\" written on SCP-683-3's exterior\n\nFollowing testing, all instances of SCP-683-3 have been incinerated with no unusual effects.\nSCP-683-2 cannot be removed from SCP-683-1, and all attempts to do so have resulted in the activation of SCP-683's unusual properties. Without any attempt to remove it, SCP-683-2 has been set alight and incinerated via a simple match on three (3) occasions, but has returned to the surface of SCP-683-1 within sixty-eight (68) hours each time. Despite expectations, D-Class personnel who performed the incinerations were unaffected by SCP-683.\nIf multiple subjects disparage or attempt to remove SCP-683-2 at one time, only the first subject to do so experiences its effects. No further subjects can be affected until production of an instance of SCP-683-3.\nSubjects who fast following removal attempts or disparaging of SCP-683-2 are unaffected until they attempt to ingest food. To date, two (2) subjects have starved themselves to death without suffering any effect from SCP-683. Subjects fed intravenously following removal attempts or disparaging of SCP-683-2 have been affected as if they were consuming solid foods.\nDiscovery: SCP-683 was discovered in a storage unit adjacent to the home of one Yolanda \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Washington. A collector of vintage refrigerators and furnishings, Miss \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claims to have simply found SCP-683 unattended on a street corner in late July, 19\u2588\u2588. Her nephew, who reportedly helped her move the item, died two weeks following the move (C.O.D. on cert listed as complications from hernia). The item was brought to the Foundation's attention when an appraiser occasionally under contract with the Foundation (through front agency Sentiments of Centuries Past Ltd.) became a victim of SCP-683's effects while evaluating Miss \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's \"find\".\nWhen asked why she never attempted to remove SCP-683-2, Miss \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 replied, \"It's a nice little picture, isn't it? Why take it down?\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-682 | SCP-683 | SCP-684 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-684\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-684 is too large and massive to relocate, much less fully contain in any orthodox sense, HotBox procedures are in effect. If SCP-684 is judged to have expanded beyond the coordinates of [COORDINATES REDACTED], containment is said to have failed, and HotBox borders are to enact standard deterrent methodologies1.\nNo staff living on the surface of SCP-684 are allowed to know the true nature of SCP-684. This specific file is not to reach any observation post studying SCP-684.\nDescription: SCP-684 is a massive object (assumed to be a living creature) found on the seafloor of the Indian Ocean. It is irregular in shape, with the center of its mass located at approximately \u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588, -\u2588\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588. From that center mass, SCP-684 extends approximately 70 km outward, maintaining an average height above seafloor of 12 m.\nThe outward 'skin' of SCP-684 is dark brown, with a rough, grainy texture. There is a slight 'give' when pressure is applied to its surface. From time to time, small sections of SCP-684's surface will dimly glow a faint blue, yellow, or pink hue. These lights tend to move in the direction of SCP-684's center mass, or to six slowly-pulsating sphincters that are believed to be mouth analogues.\nHistory: Upon discovery of SCP-684 in 19\u2588\u2588, the Foundation attempted to place a prefabricated research outpost near SCP-684. Due to ocean currents, the post landed on the surface of SCP-684 instead. As the outpost structure was undamaged by said misplacement, O5-\u2588 authorized the deployment of Researcher \u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to the post, later dubbed Station Alpha.\nThree days later, Station Alpha was seen (via long-range underwater video) being enveloped and destroyed by a localized undulation of SCP-684's mass. When a recovery mission arrived twenty-four hours later, Station Alpha was found completely intact. When entered, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was interviewed as having no memory of any SCP-684 disturbance, although expressing slight annoyance that Station Alpha \"hadn't yet gotten that rover I was promised\". When questioned, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 offered up a Foundation printout, citing orders to use an underwater rover to push animal carcasses to SCP-684's sphincters.\nOff-site analysis of both Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and sections of Station Alpha were discovered to be elaborate copies of their original selves. During this off-site analysis, Station Alpha was seen 'regrowing', complete with another copy of Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. This 'new' copy had no memory of the earlier copy's actions or memories.\nIt is currently theorized that SCP-684 assimilates and reproduces stations, and their crew, for tasks related to its survival and self maintenance. Each station is capable of issuing orders to its pseudo-crew in ways that mimic the originals, so that all assimilated crewmembers treat the orders as legitimate2. These orders are phrased in such a way that the crew believes its actions are intended to 'contain' SCP-684, leading to no doubts among the assimilated crew that anything is amiss. It would seem that SCP-684 deliberately takes the effort to ensure that station crew, despite being fabricated, are kept in good mental and physical health, ignorant about their true nature or purpose.\nTo test and confirm said hypothesis, the Foundation has placed four more prefabricated stations on the surface of SCP-684. In short order, each of these stations and their crews (listed below) have all been assimilated and refabricated by SCP-684. Each one does not know about the others; the designations are exclusively for Foundation use.\nAddendum-1: Stations\nBelow are the location and duties of all five stations currently placed on SCP-684. For ease of understanding, False Ordered Task is a brief synopsis of the actions each station believes the Foundation has ordered them to do in order to contain SCP-684 (or at least keep it in a stable state), and Assumed Actual Role is what the Foundation believes the station's actual role to SCP-684 is.\n\nStation Designation\nLocation\nCrew\nFalse Ordered Task\nAssumed Actual Role\n\nAlpha\n\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588, -\u2588\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\nSix\nPush corrupted sealife carcasses to extraplanar disposal facility (SCP-684)\nTransport of carcasses to 'mouths' of SCP-684\n\nBeta\n\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\nTwelve\nContain and destroy \"toxic non-newtonian fluid\" emanating from SCP-684\nWaste removal / hygiene\n\nGamma\n\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588, -\u2588\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\n[DATA REDACTED]\n[DATA REDACTED]\nImmune system\n\nDelta\n\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\nFour\nScouting and marking suitable locations for new SCP-684 observation posts3\nDemarcating SCP-684-1 growing locations\n\nIota\n\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588, -\u2588\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\nTwenty-Four\nCollect and ship SCP-684-1 to Stable One4\nUnknown, potential benefit and reward for caretaking SCP-684\n\nUnderwater photograph of SCP-684-1. Size of spheres reflects approximately one week of growth. A sample of SCP-684's surface can also be seen.\n\nStation Iota is currently the least understood station, owing to its task of harvesting SCP-684-1. SCP-684-1 takes the shape of small (2 cm to 8 cm) spheres of varying color, which bud off the skin of SCP-684. Any given nodule reaches full size in three weeks, remaining attached for a week before disconnecting from SCP-684 and being carried off by ocean currents. SCP-684-1 has been seen as a supplementary source of nutrition for the entire food pyramid surrounding SCP-684. Examination of sea life that consistently feeds on SCP-684-1 shows increases in size, general health, and overall increased fitness. Human consumption of 684-1 has not yet been approved, but many Foundation researchers believe that SCP-684 grows SCP-684-1 in way of recompense for absorbing and refabricating its 'caretakers'.\nAddendum-2: Interviews and Communication\nTransmission 684-JH9-4\n\nAccess\n\nDismiss\n\nCommunication Requested By: Researcher J\u2588\u2588\u2588 H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Copy 9, Station Delta\nResponder: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Stable One\nForeword: A tear in H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's diving suit during an exploratory survey has left it suffering from headaches and nausea. It has requested transfer away from SCP-684 for medical treatment.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, old friend, we sent you down there because you kept injuring yourself on dry land, and now you want to go back? We just took down all the padding on Site-\u2588\u2588!\nResearcher H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (laughs weakly) Keep it up, Will. When the hell am I getting out of here? I hate being cooped up when the rest of the crew is out there.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Oh, two minutes or so. (childishly laughs) I was supposed to tell you when we sent down the submersible a few hours ago, but I guess it just sort of slipped my mind.\nResearcher H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Asshole. (coughs) I didn't even have time to pack. Remind me to beat you once the docs fix me up, okay? (There is a sound of a submersible docking in the background) See you in two hours or so, Ted. Station Alpha Out.\nConclusion: Video records show H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-9 walking slowly to the docking platform, which opens in front of him. As the doors begin to close, the walls of the enclosure dissolve into SCP-684 around H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-9, who is seen struggling as the doors finish closing. All of H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-9's personal effects are dissolved and absorbed into the walls of Station Delta. Three minutes later, the docking platform doors open and H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-10 steps out, carrying his personal belongings. Later on, other crewmen on Delta greet him warmly.\n\nTransmission 684-AZ48-1\n\nAccess\n\nDismiss\n\nCommunication Requested By: Maintenance Crewman A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Copy 48, Station Alpha\nResponder: [REDACTED]\nForeword: Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 would, on a monthly basis, use his personal-call allotment. This is the one anomalous call.\n\n[REDACTED]: Hello?\nZ\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hi\u2026 I'm sorry, this wasn't the voice I was expecting. Who is this?\n[REDACTED]: This is the [REDACTED] residence. Who wants to know?\nZ\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : I'm A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (beat). You better tell me who you are, because I was expecting [REDACTED]. My wife.\n[REDACTED]: You fucking asshole! Do you think you get your rocks off calling people and asking for someone's dead parents? Assholes thought that was a fun thing to do after my dad died a few years back, and the day after I bury my fucking mom, you fucking ask for her? You fucking piece of shit. ((disconnection noise)).\nConclusion: After this exchange, Crewman Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is seen looking at a photo of a woman and a [REDACTED] for two hours. Getting up from his chair, he proceeds to walk over to the airlock and open it, flooding the entire station. The entire station, and all crews, are dissolved and rebuilt over the course of six hours. It is not currently understood why SCP-684 made a direct contact with [REDACTED]. Each previous iteration of Crewman Z\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 made such contact attempts, but this is the only recorded time in which SCP-684 did not generate the communication 'response'. At the risk of anthropomorphizing SCP-684, we may conclude that it simply made a mistake.\n\nFootnotes\n1. There have been some in the Foundation that have expressed a belief that, given SCP-684 has not grown in size or mass since discovery, HotBox procedures are a waste of resources.\n2. Double-blind experiments have concluded that without tools to detect the chemical differences, all individuals reported that SCP-684-based documents had no identifying traits which hinted at forgery.\n3. Interestingly, Delta Station is the only station in which the memories of the pseudo-staff are adjusted in real-time. Once all marked locations are growing SCP-684-1, all staff members immediately forget ever having been out before. Also, despite not knowing the existence of other Stations on SCP-684, Delta crews have never scouted areas where they would be detected by other stations.\n4. Unofficial title for the nearest central Foundation facility, located in [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n\u00ab SCP-683 | SCP-684 | SCP-685 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-685\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-685 is a geological feature, it is unable to be moved from its current location. A 20 km radius around SCP-685, designated Research Site-85, is to be kept clear of all non-indigenous or non-Foundation personnel. In addition to on-site personnel, SCP-685 is to be monitored remotely via satellite from Command-\u2588\u2588.\nNon-biological objects are to be autoclaved or immersed in 10% bleach solution for 30 minutes before being removed from the site. All other objects are to be kept under BSL-3 conditions for no less than six months. Personnel rotating off duty at Site-85 will be quarantined for one month, and subject to weekly physical examinations for the next two months afterward.\nCharges of C-4 are to be placed every \u2588 m around the circumference of SCP-685, to be armed and detonated in the event of an incoming hostile object. Should any hostile object survive the explosion, it is to be engaged by the current on-site Mobile Task Force. Containment by means of a nuclear missile launched from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is to be used as a last resort.\nDescription: SCP-685 is a large pit located in a remote mountain region of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, located at \u2588\u2588'\u2588\u2588\u2588\" S \u2588\u2588'\u2588\u2588\u2588\" E. It is roughly circular, with a mean diameter of 33.5 m, and appears to be a natural opening in the Earth's crust, with no signs of excavation. Roughly once every 2-5 hours, objects are observed rising out of the pit, pausing at a height of \u00b12 m relative to the rim of the pit before descending back into SCP-685. In the \u2588\u2588 years that SCP-685 has been under observation, no object dropped into the hole has emerged from it again. Descending into the pit presents a danger to any explorer, as the objects have progressively higher velocities the deeper they are observed in the pit. Despite the impossibility of this, this behavior is consistent with objects accelerated solely by gravity through an airless corridor crossing the Earth's extent. However, an investigation of area within a 100km radius of the site opposite SCP-685 revealed no topological anomalies, so even if the pit does descend past the earth's crust, it does not emerge on the other side.\nThe hole itself is under constant video surveillance. A list of objects dropped or released into the hole since observation began can be found in Document #685-B. Since \u2588\u2588 June \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, all objects greater than 10 cm in diameter emerging from SCP-685 have been tracked by a high-sensitivity RADAR system, caught by an automated robotic arm suspended over the pit, and placed in containers for study by on-site staff. Specimens cataloged in this manner include:\n34% Rock debris of indeterminate origin\n31% Rock debris from around the site\n27% Organic debris\n7% [DATA EXPUNGED]\nThe organic debris retrieved from the pit usually consists of [DATA EXPUNGED]. A full listing of all objects observed emerging from the SCP-685 are listed in Document #685-C; those cataloged by the automated system are cross-listed in Document #685-C-1. Additionally, a catwalk is occasionally extended across the pit to gather smaller objects which emerge from SCP-685. A report of the composition of the debris may be viewed by Level 3 or higher personnel in Document #685-D. All objects retrieved from the pit and deemed not to merit further study are returned to the pit.\nHuman exploration of SCP-685 has been limited to the lighted portion of the hole to reduce the incidence of injuries from collisions with objects emerging from the pit. These limited surface studies have detected no deviation in the wall of the pit from known local geographic strata. In 19\u2588\u2588 a class D personnel was lowered to a depth of 1.75 km before being incapacitated and retrieved. Before contact was lost, subject reported that the temperature remained approximately the same for the entire descent past 30 m, and that the pit slowly widened the farther down it went. This was subsequently confirmed by an unmanned observation probe lowered on \u2588\u2588 November 20\u2588\u2588, which was lowered to a depth of 9.45 km before being pulverized. It recorded a constant temperature of 12.1\u00b0C for the entire descent, and the probe's laser rangefinder detected an increase of 0.92 m per 100 m descended. Due to the likelihood that further exploration using similar methods will not be able to progress further, and that reinforced probes are unlikely to add significantly to the data known about SCP-685, further exploration of the pit is discontinued as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588.\nNote: SCP-685 is not a disposal pit. We don't know where it goes, we don't need to be telling anyone on the other end that we're here, and we won't need our garbage boomeranging back at us years from now. -Dr. Roger\nDocument #685-D: Analysis of all rock debris obtained from SCP-685 reveals no anomalies, and is consistent with terrestrial origin. Analysis of the organic debris reveals that, while DNA was unable to be isolated from any sample, in roughly 63% of the samples obtained mass spectroscopy detected the pervasive presence of \u2588\u2588 non-canonical amino acids, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. Only a handful of known terrestrial organisms use non-canonical amino acids, and of those each only uses one.\nPetri dishes with media incorporating the non-canonical amino acids was used to grow cultures taken from all objects retrieved from the pit. Organisms cultured exhibited [DATA EXPUNGED] and are resistant to all known antibiotics. To date, none have been found that survive autoclaving or incineration.\nAdditionally, Carbon-14 dating of the organic debris exhibiting terrestrially-normal amino acid compositions reveals that none of the debris is less than thirty-five years old. This is unsurprising in light of the dessicated hexapod corpse observed on \u2588\u2588 February \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 before the construction of the automated retrieval system.\n\n\u00ab SCP-684 | SCP-685 | SCP-686 \u00bb"} {"text": "Sample of SCP-686\n\nItem #: SCP-686\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-686 are to be stored under standard protocols for class 2 biohazardous liquids in G2 facilities. SCP-686 is infectious but not virulent. It can only afflict a new host when taken orally, and is not motile or otherwise 'active'. The infectious agent's mechanism of operation is not known. SCP-686 does not contain appreciable amounts of nucleic acids and prion activity is not apparent.\nDue to the large quantities of SCP-686 that are being produced by various test subjects, the principal requirement for this substance is not so much containment as it is disposal. While pasteurization has proven completely effective at sterilizing the infectious agent, whatever its nature, it is recommended that all unneeded stocks of SCP-686 should be incinerated. Human consumption is not recommended by anyone other than designated test subjects.\nDescription: SCP-686 is an opaque white liquid consisting of a suspension of lipids and proteins that is indistinguishable from ordinary high-grade dairy milk without detailed analysis. At a biochemical level there are certain subtle differences: the protein content is much more complex, with most of the peptides so far proving difficult to sequence, and it contains a richer blend of vitamins and minerals than is typical of cow's milk.\nSCP-686 was first isolated from cattle at a small-scale commercial dairy farm near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Records indicate that the farm's herd began increasing its milk output and quality to unusually high levels approximately two years before the infection managed to make the jump to the farm's human workers and the Foundation became involved. It is not known with certainty whether this farm is where SCP-686 originated or if it came in from some other source and was simply first recognized there.\nThe infection increases the host's lactation rate, or if the host is not lactating causes it to begin doing so. It appears that any mammal is susceptible to infection regardless of gender. The initial symptoms of the disease have a rapid onset but are relatively minor: swelling of mammary gland tissue (causing breast development in males) and increased sensitivity of the nipples in both males and females. On average a human of either gender in this stage of the disease will produce between 0.5 and 1 liters of milk per day. If this milk is extracted on a regular basis, with milking intervals of no less than once every eight hours, the disease appears to remain stable indefinitely in this state. Milking can be performed with a standard breast pump.\nIf a host is not milked adequately, mammary glands continue to develop. Left unchecked, this development will diverge from normal human growth patterns: rather than remaining confined to a single pair of breasts, it will begin spreading down the front of the chest and abdomen. Additional pairs of nipples will develop along the way and the nipples will lengthen and thicken dramatically. The eventual result resembles an enormous fleshy udder stretching along the entire front of the torso, with between six and eight pairs of teats. A human at this stage can produce upwards of forty liters of milk per day. This is the maximum extent to which the disease will progress in humans.\nThe metabolic demands of such a large and productive glandular system are considerable and a human victim in this state will find him or herself preoccupied with eating most of the time. With his or her energy fully devoted to milk production the victim will often suffer from a general state of mental dullness and docility. Surgical removal of mammary tissue is a temporary measure as the disease is able to cause regrowth even if all of it is excised.\n\n\u00ab SCP-685 | SCP-686 | SCP-687 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-687\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-687 is to be kept in a secured room at Site-15. The room is to contain a desk with locking drawers, a standard office chair, and a 12\u201d analog color television as well as equipment to record and remotely monitor testing of SCP-687.\nWhen not being actively tested, SCP-687-1 is to be powered down and disconnected from its power source, and SCP-687-3 is to be kept in an anti-static envelope and locked in the top drawer of the desk supporting SCP-687-1 & SCP-687-2. SCP-687-2 should remain attached to SCP-687-1 to prevent wear on the connecting hardware.\nWhen being tested, SCP-687-1 and SCP-687-2 are to be plugged into one standard \u2588\u2588\u2588 UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) that is connected to the facility power grid. UPS is to be replaced after each 100 hours of use.\nUnder no circumstances are Class D personnel to be used for testing SCP-687 (ref: Incident I-687-1). Testing is permitted by personnel with clearance 3 or above with written approval by the site director.\nDescription: SCP-687-1 is a Commodore 64 home computer built in 198\u2588, serial number S000\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Non-invasive examination of the hardware confirms that it has not been obviously modified and all parts appear to be from the original manufacturer.\nSCP-687-2 is a Commodore 1541 5.25\u201d Disk Drive built the same year as SCP-687-1, serial number S000\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. As with SCP-687-1, all parts appear original and not obviously modified. If an attempt is made to turn on SCP-687-2 when it is disconnected, or connected to any computer other than SCP-687-1, it will fail to operate. When SCP-687-2 is connected to SCP-687-1, both units perform to the manufacturer's specifications (except when loading SCP-687-3 as specified below).\nSCP-687-3 is a 5.25\u201d floppy disk without manufacturer's markings. Affixed to the disk is a hand-written label with the word \u201cDOCUMENTS\u201d in block capitals. Attempts to read the disk with any drive other than SCP-687-2 results in severe read errors and potential damage to the hardware. Passive scans using [REDACTED] inconclusive and produce conflicting data.\nWhen SCP-687-2 is connected to SCP-687-1, SCP-687-3 can be loaded into the drive and read like any normal disk. Only one file, \u201cNOIR\u201d is visible to the operating system. This file can be executed by typing LOAD \u201cNOIR\u201d,8,1.\nWhen loading and running the \u201cNOIR\u201d program, the heat output of both SCP-687-1 and SCP-687-2 increases by 400%, and power consumption will double. Any testing equipment attached to ports on the computer or drive will experience severe and random voltage spiking. These anomalies do not appear to impact performance or cause any damage to SCP-687-1 or SCP-687-2.\nOnce the \u201cNOIR\u201d program is loaded, the user is presented with a short graphic stating \u201cCracked by the Timelordz.\u201d After approximately one minute, a title screen appears. The title screen reads \u201cNOIR: a hardboiled adventure by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Games. Copyright 198\u2588.\u201d There is no record of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Games releasing a game with this title. Pressing the space bar will launch the game.\n\u201cNOIR\u201d appears to be a text-based adventure game similar to many other games released about the same time. However, the parser appears able to comprehend any intelligible English command, even with some words misspelled. In addition, there seems to be no functional limit to the game's territory, and it will respond to queries about its environment in detail beyond what should be possible given the data-storage limitations of the hardware running the game. The setting of the game will also change, based on who is playing. A new player will be placed in a new random environment; a returning player will be placed at whatever point that player ceased playing last. All initial environments so far presented by the game have been within urban areas within the United States between the years 1923 and 1942.\nBy using commands LOOK AT SELF and INVENTORY, it has been confirmed that a player's in-game avatar matches the appearance and dress the player had when starting the game. The player's in-game avatar will also possess whatever objects or equipment the player had on their person when starting the game.\nThe game is free-form and gives no obvious clues about how to win. However, it does keep a score that prints after every action. The score can go up or down with no indication of an upper or lower bound. High and low scores to date are \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and -\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. If a player dies in-game, the score is set at 0, and any future command typed in by that player during any future game session will receive the response, \u201cYou cannot do that. You are dead.\u201d\nNo abnormal effects are detectable on a player during gameplay. However, after a game session, the next time the player enters a REM sleep state they will have an unnaturally vivid dream where they experience the events that occurred during the game. During the dream, the player's perceptions are indistinguishable from reality. Extreme cases will show physical manifestations of injuries suffered within the dream. Examples include one subject who presented with bleeding of the fingernails after dreaming of unsuccessful attempts to escape the trunk of a car driven into the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 River, another subject who developed severe bruising of the face and strain of the anterior longitudinal ligament after dreaming of being beaten by a hostile police officer, and another subject who presented with partial paralysis after dreaming being a victim of a 1929 gangland execution in a Chicago garage.\nTypically, such injuries are transient even in cases where the dreams end in fatality. However, severe psychological after-effects are likely, and will tend to be more severe than if the dreamed trauma had actually happened during a waking state. This is in large part due to the lack of volition subjects experience in the dream, and the foreknowledge of what is about to happen to them. All subjects report a complete belief in the reality of the dream world, even knowing they are replaying events from the game. If a subject has died violently in the game, the subsequent dream of the event can be traumatic enough that this belief can foster a delusion that the real world is unreal. Victims of this delusion report being convinced that they are still dreaming, or are in purgatory. Both physiological and psychological reactions are not clinically abnormal for the stresses subjects report experiencing within these dreams.\nGiven the experimental evidence of in-game actions having actual historical impact (ref: Experiment Log 687-A) it is theorized that the dreaming state is a side effect caused by the player's perceptions of game-directed activity catching up to the present day.\nAddendum 1: Experiment Log for SCP-687\n\n+ Experiment Log 687-A\n\n- Experiment Log 687-A\n\nExperiment Log 687-A\nTest 005\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: Subject is provided an unloaded .45 automatic handgun, then is told to play the game and issue the command INVENTORY, followed by the command DROP GUN.\nResults: Subject's game avatar has an unloaded .45 automatic handgun in inventory of same make and model provided to subject. The command DROP GUN results in the gun being left in a dumpster next to subject's avatar. At this point the subject is ordered to exit the game. Physical gun is still in subject's possession and surrendered back to Foundation personnel.\nTest 006\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: Immediately after Test 005 Subject is provided a box of .45 caliber ammunition, then is told to resume the game.\nResults: Subject's game avatar appears in same place gameplay stopped during prior test. Subject types PICK UP GUN followed by the INVENTORY command. The subject's avatar now has both gun and ammunition in inventory. Subject's score increases by 10 points after gun is loaded. Physical gun is still in possession of Foundation personnel.\nTest 007\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: Subject with in-game possession of a loaded firearm is instructed to type command SHOOT SELF.\nResults: Subject's game avatar shoots itself. Score is reset to 0. All commands entered after this receive the response, \u201cYou cannot do that. You are dead.\u201d Subject expresses disappointment but suffers no immediate effect. The following morning, subject evidences considerable distress, showing uncontrolled tremors and weeping. When asked about cause of distress, subject responds, \u201cI couldn't stop myself.\u201d\nTest 015\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: Subject with a game avatar occupying the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, in 1938 is instructed to place a classified ad in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Gazette reading \u201cDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is a loser.\u201d\nResults: Subject types in command PLACE AD IN \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 GAZETTE THAT READS \"DR. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 IS A LOSER.\" The game parses command and prints five pages of narrative in response covering approximately three hours of game time including a bus ride to the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Gazette offices, small talk with the receptionist, and a discussion with an editor about the content of the ad. Foundation researchers uncover microfiche records of the 12/01/1938 issue of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Gazette containing the ad \u201cDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is a loser.\u201d Score increases by 100 points.\nGiven the importance of these results, I will overlook the fact that I am not amused\u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest 023\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: Subject with a game avatar occupying the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, in 1924 is given a first edition hardcover of Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut inscribed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Once subject is playing game, subject is instructed to go to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 bank and place in-game copy of the book in a safety-deposit box.\nResults: Subject attempts to comply, but is caught in the crossfire of a gang war. Game avatar dies and score reset to 0.\nNote \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: A routine audit of Foundation archives uncovered SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an anomalous hardcover edition of Slaughterhouse Five recovered from a used bookstore in Los Angeles, CA, in 1947. The book bears inscription by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and the additional phrase \u201cMiss me yet?\u201d written in human blood. Second inscription is consistent with the handwriting of D-67895. (ref: Incident I-687-1) SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 is reclassified SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-EX.\n\nAddendum 2: Incident report of escape of D-67895\n\n+ Incident I-687-1\n\n- Incident I-687-1\n\nDocument# I-687-1\nPersonnel involved: D-67895, male 27 years of age. Sociopath. Convicted of the [REDACTED] series of killings in [REDACTED]. Agents A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and C. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Research Assistant Dr. G. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: Containment room of SCP-687\nDescription: For a period of two weeks, D-67895, had been extremely cooperative with Foundation personnel and had logged 25 hours of gameplay covering approximately two months of in-game time during January and February 1934 in Cleveland, OH. D-67895 proves highly intelligent and adaptable, using the sophistication of the game's parser to complete very complex tasks with one or two commands. Permission granted to allow D-67895 to read newspapers of the era, as well as retain paper and writing implements to take notes.\nThree days before scheduled monthly termination, D-67895 is brought in for a routine scheduled session with SCP-687. Halfway into the session, D-67895 types the following unauthorized command: DO EVERYTHING WRITTEN ON PAGE ONE. Upon entering the command, approximately 150 pages of narrative text are printed on-screen. Dr. G. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, observing remotely, orders immediate end to the session, and initiates containment breach protocols. Agents A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and C. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, in the room with D-67895, attempt to restrain the subject and remove him from contact with SCP-687. D-67895 laughs, saying, \u201cToo late, boys.\u201d When the narrative text completes printing [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAside from SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-EX, no trace of Agent A. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent C. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, or D-67895 has been recovered by the Foundation to date.\nGood Lord, did no one even think to look at the history of Cleveland in the mid-30s and compare it to D-67895's record? Could someone please Google \u201cTorso\u201d? \u2013 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nThis might be worse than that. If SCP-687 does re-write history, it's quite possible that the \u201cTorso\u201d murders, or [REDACTED] for that matter, might not have even existed before this security breach. Do we have any way to know? From this point forward, no Class Ds are allowed near this thing.\u2013 O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-686 | SCP-687 | SCP-688 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-688\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-688 is active in the wild. Specimens are retrieved by Mobile Task Force Theta-13 (\u201cLand Sharks\u201d) as uncontained nests are identified. A nested SCP-688 should be retrieved in darkness, by agents provided with night-vision equipment, and should be moved only by removal of the entire nest, including whatever physical structure is required to keep the nesting area enclosed and intact. The nest will be enclosed in an opaque light-proof container and be transferred and installed in the SCP-688 warehousing facility at Site-\u2588\u2588.\nThe SCP-688 warehousing facility shall provide an open area of at least 5000 square meters protected from outside illumination, and each SCP-688 nest contained within shall be covered with a secondary light-proof enclosure that should only be removed for testing and feeding of SCP-688. Each individual SCP-688 will be fed an amount and on a schedule as specified by the researcher in charge, though biomass fed to SCP-688 should include at least 25% living tissue to discourage SCP-688 from abandoning its nest. These criteria can be waived for testing at the discretion of the site director.\nDescription: SCP-688 is an animate, apparently living, entity that shares many gross morphological similarities with Ichthyomyzon castaneus (Chestnut Lamprey). However, it differs in several key respects: SCP-688 has no external sensory organs, gills, or cloacal openings. SCP-688 is also much larger and varies considerably more in size, ranging from 10cm to over 200cm in length. SCP-688 is also found in a more varied habitat, and has been found as far south as [REDACTED] and as far north as [REDACTED], above ground, in burrows, as well as underwater.\nUnlike Ichthyomyzon castaneus, SCP-688 is an ambush predator rather than a parasite. SCP-688 will inhabit a nesting site that conceals its body from the light and anchor its mouth to an external opening. While in the nesting site, SCP-688 does not move, and will consume all biological matter that enters the opening. These nesting sites can be naturally occurring or man-made, as long as there is limited light exposure and some minimal biological matter entering on a periodic basis. (The more biological matter, the greater SCP-688's tolerance for some illumination.) No example of SCP-688 has been discovered outside an active nesting site, and it is unknown how (or even if) these entities move in the wild, or how they find sites to nest in.\nTo date, SCP-688 nests have been discovered in animal burrows, fissures in rock formations, hollow logs, drainage pipes, gutter downspouts, garbage disposals, shoes and other articles of clothing, inside the engine block of an abandoned Buick Century, and inside [REDACTED]\nOnce any biological matter enters SCP-688's mouth, inward-curving teeth will seize it and pull it into the SCP-688's digestive tract with enough force to pull in prey substantially larger than either SCP-688's apparent size or the diameter of its nesting site. Matter seized by SCP-688 has proved impossible to retrieve; SCP-688 will continue pulling until it forces the entire prey organism through the nest opening (A 68kg Great Dane was observed being pulled through a 20cm pipe in less than three seconds.) or until the prey organism's body suffers mechanical separation from the part being consumed. (During an experiment, one D-Class personnel placed her index finger into an infected light socket. In 1.8 seconds she lost her left arm to the elbow and suffered a degloving injury up to the shoulder, at which point her elbow-joint separated and she fell back from the nesting site.)\nSCP-688 is able to ingest an apparently unlimited amount of organic material without excreting, changing in size, or gaining any mass. This is apparently due to a digestive system that leads to an extra-dimensional organism. This also leads to SCP-688's novel method of escaping from perceived threats. If exposed to bright light, or if dislodged from its nesting site, its mouth will retreat inside, pulling SCP-688's outer skin after itself. As it does this, SCP-688's body will appear to reduce in volume in a manner that has been described as \u201can empty balloon turning inside out\", or \u201ca sock rolling in on itself\". This will continue until SCP-688 disappears completely. Such events under Foundation control are considered containment breaches and will be disciplined if not occurring as part of an approved experiment.\nAddendum 1:\n\n+ Recovery Log R-688-247\n\n- Recovery Log R-688-247\n\nOn 8/7/19\u2588\u2588 Foundation agents became aware of a possible SCP active in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Mexico when they intercepted police reports of several violent deaths. The victims were all male and, with the exception of one decapitation, shared similar injuries. The victims' genitals had been forcibly removed along with several pounds of other tissue (in one case this missing tissue included the prostate, bladder, kidneys, and several feet of intestine) causing death by exsanguination.\nThe investigating agents traced the victims to a local brothel, where it was determined that the victims [REDACTED]. When confronted, Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 admitted to killing the men, showed no remorse, and claimed [REDACTED]. The investigating agents were not immediately aware of the possibility of SCP-688 involvement and captured her in accordance with standard protocols for medium-risk humanoid SCP recovery.\nOnce in Foundation custody, examination discovered a 28cm long SCP-688 had nested within Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, partly displacing and distending the uterus. Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 could not provide any insight into its origins.\nIt has been theorized that because Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is post-menopausal, and therefore does not run as high a risk of infection from blockage of the birth canal, she may be able to survive the SCP-688 infestation indefinitely. The site director has authorized testing this hypothesis.\nWith restraints, sedation, and periodic feeding, Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has survived for the past \u2588\u2588 years.\n\n\u00ab SCP-687 | SCP-688 | SCP-689 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-689\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-689 is to be contained in a large concrete chamber equipped with high-intensity sodium iodide lights. These lights must be wired to separate redundant circuits such that SCP-689 is brightly illuminated at all times.\nAt least three personnel must be on duty at all times within the containment facility: two Class D inside the chamber and one Level 2 or higher at the operator's station outside the chamber. The operator must either be completely blind or be fitted with a visored helmet sufficient to block all vision, which must not be removed for the duration of his shift. Under absolutely no circumstances is the operator to look into the chamber. The Class D observers must between them keep SCP-689 in view at all times without exception. Blinking, etc. is allowed as normal but there must be at least one set of eyes focused on SCP-689 at all times. If the lights go out inside the chamber at any time for any reason or if there is any interruption in observation, all currently extant personnel who have seen SCP-689 must be executed without delay. It is recommended that they be fitted with remotely activated kill devices triggerable from the containment control room.\nIf SCP-689 is known to have left the chamber at any time, retrieval teams consisting of blind or visored personnel equipped with echolocators along with Class D observers must be dispatched to the location of all personnel who have previously viewed SCP-689. Retrieval teams will establish an immediate perimeter and cover the object before returning it to the chamber as quickly as possible. While SCP-689 is in transit, the Class D observers will stand under the covering and keep it in view at all times. Any Level 1 or below personnel who have seen SCP-689 as a result of a containment breach are to be terminated immediately. Higher clearance personnel will be temporarily retained but in the event of another containment failure are to be terminated.\nRequests to study SCP-689 must be submitted to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at least 7 days in advance with a detailed description of the proposed experiment and justification. Any researcher directly viewing SCP-689 should be aware that doing so renders them liable to immediate and summary termination in the event of any containment or light failure, as described above.\nDescription: SCP-689 appears to be a small green soapstone statue, 30 cm in height. It is carved in the semblance of what appears to be an unknown deity of the underworld, a seated skeletal figure with hands clasped over knees. It was discovered by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during one of the prewar German archaeological expeditions in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 area of India and obtained after the war by the OSS. Its location during the war is unknown.\nSCP-689 is completely inert for as long as it is being watched by at least one human being. Normal behaviors such as blinking do not appear to interrupt the \"watching\" for this purpose, but any lapse in attention, however momentary, renders the observer vulnerable. As soon as SCP-689 is unobserved it vanishes from its current location. Within 15-20 seconds one person who has previously viewed SCP-689 dies instantaneously, SCP-689 reappearing on top of their remains. If no previous viewers are presently alive, it reappears in the same place as previous.\nTests have established that this effect is not operative on non-humans, but that any human being who has ever directly viewed SCP-689 is potentially vulnerable. No consistent cause of death has been found, with autopsy results ranging from heart attacks and strokes to complete rupture of all internal organs. The mechanism by which the victim is selected is currently unknown, save that preference seems to be given to persons in crowds or otherwise surrounded by large numbers of people, presumably to increase the number of people viewing the statue. Recorded images of SCP-689 do not appear to have this property.\nDue to the potential for a \"chain reaction\" once SCP-689 is allowed to leave the chamber it is considered absolutely critical that all personnel who have seen the object be terminated immediately on any lapse in observation.\nAddendum: Those with Level 2 Security Clearance should see document #689-B\nDocument #689-B: Proposed experiment with SCP-682\nFollowing the failure of other options and given the priority accorded to termination of SCP-682, Doctors \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 have proposed that SCP-682 be deliberately exposed to SCP-689, presumably followed by turning off the lights or a similar measure. SCP-689 staff caution that in the event of a deliberate observation failure, all personnel who have seen SCP-689 other than the intended target must be either terminated in advance or placed in the containment chamber with the intended subject to ensure that the object does not escape containment. Given the apparently random nature of the selection process, it is also likely that multiple trials would be required before the target came under attack. Staff recommends that if such an option is activated, all Class D personnel be terminated in advance of the attempt to improve chances of success.\n\n\u00ab SCP-688 | SCP-689 | SCP-690 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-690\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-690 is to be stored in a refrigerated locked container in Sector-7 Euclid SCP containment, with a temperature no greater than 10 degrees Celsius. Access to SCP-690 is restricted to personnel with level 2 access or higher. Experiments involving SCP-690 must be approved by an individual holding Level-4 clearance before testing commences.\nPersonnel with any cuts, scratches, or other injuries of the skin are to be restricted from access to SCP-690. If any unauthorized personnel use a bandage from SCP-690, security personnel are to be called immediately to subdue the offending personnel, and then remove and dispose of the bandage as biological waste.\nDescription: SCP-690 appears to be a standard box of commercially-available adhesive bandages, now containing forty-seven (47) bandages. The logo on the box states that its contents are \"Anti-Bandages (box of 64) - for the practical joker!\", and that they are supplied by \"your friends at the Factory\".\nWhen a bandage from SCP-690 is applied to a wound, it will prevent the wound from healing naturally, aggravating the wound and causing infection. Analysis of the bandages has revealed that this is not the result of anomalous properties: the bandages are composed of asbestos and fiberglass, and impregnated with microcapsules which dissolve upon exposure to body heat. These microcapsules contain a mixture of highly concentrated anticoagulants (heparin, hirudin, brodifacoum), and particularly virulent (but not anomalous) strains of Streptococcus, Yersinia, Staphylococcus, and Clostridium.\nThe anomalous property of SCP-690 is that they impose a moderate compulsion on nearby injured humans to take a bandage and apply it to their wound, regardless of the wound's severity. Furthermore, once the bandage is applied, the affected user will believe that the bandage is helping heal their wound, and will refuse to remove it. The compulsion is not strong enough to provoke violence; however, affected personnel have been quite persistent in their efforts to use or keep using SCP-690. See Test Log 690-A for further details.\nAddendum: When first discovered, SCP-690 contained sixty-four (64) bandages. Following containment, seventeen (17) bandages have been removed and used for experimental purposes.\n\n+ Test Log 690-A\n\n- hide\n\nForeword: Subject D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 received a paper cut on his index finger while reviewing his Orientation Leaflet. Subject was given 1 (one) strip of SCP-690, and quickly applied it to his finger. Every 5 (five) minutes, subject was questioned about his injury, and the strip temporarily removed to observe any physical changes.\n\nTime Applied\nNotable Actions\nPhysical Examination\n\n5 minutes\nSubject was asked how his finger felt. Subject stated it felt \"just fine,\" and thanked the observer.\nSubject's wound failed to close, causing an abnormal loss of blood for a wound of such nature.\n\n10 minutes\nSubject was asked if he had noticed any changes. Subject claimed to feel better.\nSlight redness and irritation around the area where SCP-690 was applied.\n\n15 minutes\nSubject was noted to continuously scratch the area around SCP-690. When questioned about the itching, subject responded with \"It's part of the healing process.\"\nSkin began to raise up around the wound. Subject began to show the first symptoms of a staph infection.\n\n20 minutes\nSubject was alerted that he may be suffering from a staph infection. Subject simply ignored the observers.\nSubject's finger continued to swell, and a small amount of pus began to leak from the wound. Subject seemed irritated when taking off the strip.\n\n25 minutes\nSubject was offered medical attention for his wound. Subject denied and, again, claimed he was \"Just fine.\"\nSubject began to secrete fluids from the wound, which leaked through the strip. Swelling noted to accelerate.\n\n30 minutes\nSubject began to become distressed due to his constant observation. Requested to be alone. (Denied)\nSwelling and moisture on subject's skin caused the strip of SCP-690 to fall off. The strip was reapplied, and subject's finger was wrapped with gauze.\n\n35 minutes\nSubject was asked to take the bandage off, to which he refused. Observers alerted subject that he would be terminated if he did not comply. Subject continued to refuse. An observer had to take the bandage off, and was met with little resistance. Testing concluded.\nN/A\n\nPost Experiment: Subject asked for another bandage before termination.\n\n\u00ab SCP-689 | SCP-690 | SCP-691 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-691\nObject Class: Euclid (Reclassification to Safe pending confirmation from Foundation Intelligence that [REDACTED])\nSpecial Containment Procedures: One instance of SCP-691 (SCP-691-0) is to be stored in a safety deposit box within the Foundation archives at Site-\u2588\u2588. Any other instances are to be destroyed following confirmation that they are identical to SCP-691-0. Access is restricted to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and her research assistants. Following Incident SCP-691-I1, second-hand recordings of SCP-691 are prohibited unless permission is granted from a member of staff with level 5 clearance. Please see investigation logs for details of standard experimental procedure with respect to any instance of SCP-691.\nDescription: There are currently fifteen identical instances of SCP-691 that are, or have been, under Foundation control. SCP-691 is a plain blue cassette tape on which is printed \"Pure Escapism-Limited Edition. 1 of only 250!\" One side of the tape contains a short foreword by an unknown male, introducing a piece of music (see addendum SCP-691-A1 for further details). On the opposite side, Aquarela do Brasil, using S.K. Russel's English lyrics, can be heard. This particular version is played by a modern symphony orchestra with an unidentified lyric tenor providing the vocals. It should be noted that the foreword will always be played first, regardless of which side of the tape is entered into a player, and both pieces will always be played from the beginning.\nThe foreword is harmless and has yet to be linked to any of the effects of SCP-691, aside from encouraging the listener to turn the tape over. Subjects listening to the musical piece have reported visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations along with a sense of relaxation and well-being. However, it is unclear whether this is due to the nature of the hallucinations or if it is one of the tape's cognitive effects. Hallucinations have always been described as benign by listeners and have not been cited as a direct cause of any psychological trauma. Even though hallucinations vary, they have shown some consistency for repeat listeners.\nSubjects allowed free access to SCP-691 will eventually become capable of doing little more than listening to the tape repeatedly, in several extreme cases forgoing food and drink to do so. Regular listeners who are denied access will not show traditional withdrawal symptoms. Instead, they will show difficulty in acknowledging visual and aural stimuli. In a few cases, subjects have either refused to or been unable to acknowledge any external stimulus.\nAddendum SCP-691-A1: Transcript of SCP-691's foreword:\n\nHi there. If you're listening to this, then I can assume that life has got the better of you. Things didn't work out the way you wanted them to, did they? Sometimes it's bad luck, sometimes you're the cause of your own ruin, or maybe it's just that you're going nowhere, I'm not one to judge. Everybody has regrets, it's perfectly normal, you don't have to lie to yourself. But I'm digressing so I'll get to the point. I've got some good news for you, Sir or Madam! I can offer you a way out- no no no no, it's not suicide, you and I both know you don't have the stomach for that unpleasantness. I'm offering you something so much better, besides. All you have to do flip this tape over, close your eyes and relax. Think of somewhere nice. Think of the good times. Think of those things you always wanted to do. Now I can't promise that I can give you these, but what I can promise is this; on the other side of this tape you will find an escape from your own personal train wreck. Enjoy.\n\nAddendum SCP-691-A2: All further study on SCP-691 is to be focused on identifying traits associated with its use as per Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's instructions. A request has also been made to study the effects of secondhand recordings of SCP-691-0 at various volumes (approval pending). Foundation Intelligence and a detachment of MTF Alpha-2 are working to identify and retrieve any other instances of SCP-691 that may be available to the general public.\n\n+ Incident SCP-691-I1\n\n- Incident SCP-691-I1\n\nPerson(s) involved: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProfile: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was a reliable and conscientious Foundation employee. His work on SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been of great use to the Foundation. Testimony from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's wife revealed that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was in substantial financial difficulty around the time of the incident, although it is uncertain whether or not this was a contributing factor to SCP-691-I1.\nReport:\n05/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 1325: Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 enters the cell of subject D-691-25, and begins SCP-691-INV-30\n05/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 1331: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 concludes his investigation and D-691-25 is removed from cell for termination. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reviews Dictaphone and transcribes recording.\n05/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 1335: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n05/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 1403: Security footage shows Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 exiting Site-\u2588\u2588. Gatehouse security reports that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cited a \"personal errand\" as his reason for leaving.\n05/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 1415: SCP-691-0 is reported missing by Site-\u2588\u2588 security. Security footage is reviewed and a retrieval team is scrambled to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's home in accordance with Foundation missing object policy.\n05/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 1435: Retrieval team finds no trace of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 despite a thorough search of his home and the surrounding area.\n05/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 1600: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's credit card statement shows that he bought a personal cassette player from a second-hand shop in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, at around this time.\n06/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 0930: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is reported as a missing person by his wife. Local Police Dept. are authorized to conduct a search under Foundation supervision (Standard Cover Story \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588).\n12/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 1722: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's body is found near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-691-0 is recovered. Responsibility for SCP-691-0 is given to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAfterword: Post mortem showed that the probable cause of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's death was hypothermia brought about by exposure. The body was found with a personal cassette player containing SCP-691-0. Foundation leaked Standard Cover Story \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and the local coroner's court returned a verdict of accidental death as a direct result of this, citing Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's \"fragile emotional state\" as an exacerbating factor.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588's report stated that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's death was an indirect result of [DATA EXPUNGED]. The report did however mention that Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 believed that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's life could have been saved if he had less knowledge of Foundation missing object policy, and suggested a review of non-classified information for non-security personnel. All three of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's research assistants have since been subjected to full psychological evaluations and have been transferred to projects where cognitohazards and perceptohazards are not involved.\n\n+ SCP-691 Investigation Logs\n\n- SCP-691 Investigation Logs\n\nStandard procedure for investigations involving SCP-691 is as follows. Subjects allowed free access to SCP-691-0 are to be provided with a soundproof, fully furnished cell. Foundation staff entering testing cell are to wear ear defenders. Subjects listening to SCP-691-0 under a member of staff's supervision are to do so through headphones. All prompts from Foundation staff should be non-verbal.\n\nN.B. Following Incident SCP-691-I1, Foundation staff must wear ear protection when any instance of SCP-691 is being played, regardless of the circumstances. Sound recording equipment must not be operated whilst any instance of SCP-691 is playing, and only written accounts from test subjects are permitted.\nSCP-691-INV-1\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTime: 1025\nSubject: D-691-1\nProcedure: Standard experimental procedure followed. D-1 was to listen to both sides of SCP-691 in their entirety, and was to give a verbal account of their experience.\nReport: D-1 reports nothing unusual whilst listening to SCP-691-0's foreword. Whilst listening to the reverse of SCP-691-0, D-1 describes how the colours of the room have become more vivid, and likens Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to \"something like out of a cartoon\". D-1 reports a feeling of complete peace. Subject appeared to take great pleasure in how Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was always smiling, although Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reports that this was not the case. D-1 requested further access to SCP-691. Request was denied.\n[CLASSIFIED. O5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]\nSCP-691-INV-10\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTime: 0951\nSubject: D-691-7\nProcedure: Standard experimental procedure was followed. D-7 was allowed free, undisturbed access to SCP-691-0. D-7 was asked to record his experiences via a written journal.\nReport: In his first entry, D-7 describes green pastures and a cool breeze. This is followed by a rambling discourse on his feelings of his \"newfound freedom\". The second, third, and fourth entries continue in a similar vein, describing the sights and sounds of what appears to be rural Switzerland and involving several more asides on various subjects, including freedom, atonement, and forgiveness, each entry being of deteriorating quality. The fifth entry was illegible, and was D-7's last. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested that SCP-691-INV-10 be ceased at 1427 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, citing that no more useful information could be yielded.\n[CLASSIFIED. O5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]\nSCP-691-INV-15\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTime: 1000\nSubject: D-691-12\nProcedure: Standard experimental procedure was followed. D-12 was allowed full access to SCP-691-0 for seventy-two hours. After this period, D-12 was denied access to SCP-691-0. Daily interviews were conducted.\nReport: D-12's reaction to SCP-691-0 was similar to those of D-class personnel in previous investigations. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hypothesised that D-12's reaction to deprivation of SCP-691-0 would lead to textbook withdrawal symptoms. Instead, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 encountered considerable difficulty when interviewing the subject. D-12 was not responsive to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's questions. Other than requests for access to SCP-691-0, D-12 was uncommunicative. An MRI scan of D-12's brain showed minimal response to visual, aural, and physical stimuli. An MRI scan taken whilst D-12 was listening to SCP-691-0 showed signals consistent with external stimuli, along with a strong reaction originating from the nucleus accumbens.\n[CLASSIFIED. O5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]\nSCP-691-INV-30\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTime: 1325\nSubject: D-691-25\nProcedure: Standard experimental procedure followed. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested a D-class subject with a generally high quality of life, a background free of alcohol and drug abuse, and lacking traits generally associated with an addictive personality. Subject D-691-25 was acquired via [DATA EXPUNGED], and subjected to a series of psychological tests and a precursory interview to gauge mental well-being and to confirm background. Subject was to listen to SCP-691-0 and was to give a verbal account of their experience.\nReport: No formal report compiled. Transcript of D-691-25's account is as follows (translated from [REDACTED]).\n\n[BEGIN RECORDING] Ok. I hear a man speaking. I can't understand what he's saying, sounds like English. He's finished now, do you want me to\u2026.? Ok, doing it. There. I hear music. I don't recognise the tune but- can you see this? It's a city, it's how I imagined [REDACTED] would be, well until those border security people caught us. Elaborate? You mean you can't see it? It's beautiful, shining skyscrapers, everything's just gleaming. This is the [REDACTED] my brother told me about in his letter. This isn't like a city back in my country, Doctor, you'll have to see this to believe it. I could stay in a place like this for the rest of my life. (Subject begins to hum, ignoring Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's prompts). [TAPE ENDS]. Again. I want to go back there again. No I don't want another medical exam, I want that money you promised me and I want that tape! [RECORDING ENDS]\n\n\u00ab SCP-690 | SCP-691 | SCP-692 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-692\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Each package of SCP-692 is to be stored in a sealed plastic container. Any cloth, synthetic textile or other coming into contact with SCP-692 is to be incinerated within one (1) hour of incident, unless it is being used for testing, in which case it is to be incinerated after testing.\nSecurity personnel present at testing are to be equipped with standard-issue gas-based flamethrowers.\nDescription: SCP-692 comprises 57 packages of \"Weisser Riese\" washing powder secured by the Foundation from a general store in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Czech Republic, and several households nearby. All of the packages belong to the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588 production series.\nChemical testing reveals no statistically significant deviations from composition with respect to \"Weisser Riese\" washing powder of unaffected production series.\nWhen an article of clothing exposed to SCP-692 comes into uninterrupted contact at least fifteen (15) minutes long with a living, multicellular organism, within following four (4) to fifteen (15) hours, the article, (referred to as SCP-692-1) will spontaneously animate.\nSCP-692-1 at this stage show the contours of the imprinting organism, although bisection of several instances of SCP-692-1 has revealed that the inside of such contour contains air at ambient pressure.\nThrough an as-of-now unknown mechanism, SCP-692-1 is capable of locomotion, manipulation of objects, and at times, accretion of more articles of clothing into its mass. Furthermore, SCP-692-1 with a single \"nucleating\" item will behave as a single entity, even if there is no physical connection between the items.\nThe mode of behaviour of SCP-692-1 depends on the length of exposure to the imprinting organism, longer times resulting in a higher quality of simulation - approximately three hours of uninterrupted contact are sufficient for the imprinting of most mammals.\nSCP-692-1 are unaffected by most mechanical damage, and as such, incineration is the recommended method of disposal.\nAddendum 692-1:\n\nTEST LOG SCP-692\n\nTEST LOG SCP-692\n\nITEM: 0.5m x 0.3m sheet of cloth\nIMPREGNATING AGENT: A housecat\nEXPOSURE TIME: 5 minutes.\nRESULT: No effect observed even after 10 hours. Cloth incinerated.\n\nITEM: 0.5m x 0.3m sheet of cloth\nIMPREGNATING AGENT: A housecat\nEXPOSURE TIME: 15 minutes.\nRESULT: Two hours after impregnation the sheet has wrapped itself as if enveloping the body of a housecat of equal size to the impregnating agent. Resulting SCP-692-1 showed no traces of animation. Cutting resulting SCP-692-1 into several segments produced no adverse effects. Resulting SCP-692-1 was subsequently incinerated.\n\nITEM: 0.5m x 0.3m sheet of cloth.\nIMPREGNATING AGENT: A housecat.\nEXPOSURE TIME: three (3) hours.\nRESULT: One and half hours after impregnation, the sheet has wrapped itself as if enveloping the body of a housecat of equal size to the impregnating agent. Resulting SCP-692-1 has exhibited behaviour consistent with that of the impregnating agent. When presented with a live mouse, resulting SCP-692-1 appeared excited, and proceeded to capture and kill it. Resulting SCP-692-1 isn't adversely affected by machine-washing, though doing so appears to anger it. This instance of SCP-692-1 currently resides within the office of Researcher E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nITEM: A standard D-class jumpsuit.\nIMPREGNATING AGENT: D-835 , a 25 year old white male.\nEXPOSURE TIME: three (3) hours.\nRESULT: Two and half hours after impregnation, the jumpsuit appeared as if filled with a human body. The resulting SCP-692-1 became active when approached, slamming present technician into a wall, and attempting to escape the test room. Resulting SCP-692-1 failed to escape as its lack of digits didn't allow for manipulation of door mechanisms and was subsequently incinerated by security personnel.\n\n\u00ab SCP-691 | SCP-692 | SCP-693 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-693-3B\n\nItem #: SCP-693\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As all instances of SCP-693 are considered Safe, Researchers involved in testing may keep any instance of SCP-693 in their office. After Incident 693/A/050, all instances of SCP-693 are to be returned to regulation containment locker 12C-K when not in use.\nAs of Incident 693/E, all instances of SCP-693 have been reclassified as Euclid. As such, each instance of SCP-693 is to be contained in a separate steel containment box, measuring 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm. Each containment box is still to be stored inside regulation containment locker 12C-K.\nWhen testing on SCP-693, it is imperative that only hair from the head of the subject be used. At no point should any researcher directly access SCP-693 when it is in an attuned state. All hair should be removed from SCP-693 by the D-Class involved in its testing before it is returned to researchers.\nDescription: SCP-693 is a series of 18 cm humanoid dolls, each one made from a single strand of string, with beads of onyx for eyes. Several instances of SCP-693 have varied forms of clothing, from string shirts or pants to cloth headbands and hats. The clothing appears to have no effect on the properties of the doll. New instances of SCP-693 are found with an instruction sheet attached, the contents of which are detailed in Addendum 693/A.\nSCP-693 reacts as a normal string doll until such a time as a piece of hair from the head of a still living human being is placed in a loop of its string, a process referred to as attunement. (For reactions to having hair from a deceased individual used, please see Addendum 693/B.) At this point, the doll begins to move of its own volition, portraying the current actions of whoever it is attuned to. SCP-693 also projects all statements made by said individual, as if it were them. The doll reliably portrays all actions and speech of the attuned individual for a period of nine days.\nAfter nine days, the SCP becomes unreliable in both actions and speech. Depending on the color of base string, the doll will seek to drive its current owner (owner in this case referring to whomever placed the hair in the doll, not the attuned individual) to his death, by inaccurately depicting the actions of its attuned individual. Colors and actions are as follows:\n\nRed- Seeks to anger its owner into increasingly violent fits of rage.\nBlue- Seeks to send its owner into bouts of depression, leading to suicide.\nYellow- Encourages its owner to engage in acts of un-reciprocated lust.\nBlack- Encourages its owner into increasingly dangerous situations.\n\nIf an instance of SCP-693 is successful in causing the death of its owner, a new instance of SCP-693 will be found on the owners' body.\nThe Foundation currently has in containment seven red instances, ten blue instances, five yellow instances and one black instance.\nAddendum 693/A: Transcript of Included Instructions: \"Congratulations on your purchase of a genuine Knotty Stalker! Do you love someone, but they won't give you the time of day? Do you wish you could hear what they say about you behind their back? Well wonder no more! Using this fantabulous product, you can keep track of your loved ones' every move, their every word! All you have to do is get a single hair from the head of the object of your desires, slip it under a loose string on our Knotty Stalker, and see what you're missing! Another wonderful product brought to you by The Factory.\"\nAddendum 693/B: Concerning the use of hair from a deceased subject: When hair from a deceased subject is used to attune an instance of SCP-693, the doll no longer passively represents actions taken by the attuned. Instead, SCP-693 purports to be the deceased, acting as a guide to the owner. Again, at the nine day mark, SCP-693 becomes unreliable, attempting to ensure the death of its owner.\nIncident 693/A/050: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Director G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 left two instances of SCP-693 in his office. Director G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had recently been the recipient of SCP-050. An hour after leaving his office, the Director was summoned back by security due to a smoke alarm being triggered inside his office. Upon entering, the Director found SCP-050 on his desk, beside an ashtray which was found to hold the ashes of both instances of SCP-693. The ashes had been crafted to spell 'Your welcome.'(sic) As of this Incident, instances of SCP-693 are not allowed to be left in researchers' personal space.\nIncident 693/E: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Junior Researcher West returned an instance of SCP-693 to the proper containment locker. West had failed to properly remove the hair from the doll. When the locker was next open, all instances of SCP-693 within were gathered around the attuned doll. Said doll had been crucified upside down against the wall of the locker. It is unknown where the SCPs acquired nails.\nAddendum 693/C: After leaving a camera inside the containment locker, it appears that instances of SCP-693 become mobile when not directly observed. While no further outbreaks of violence occurred, unattuned instances of SCP-693 have been shown to go through the actions of the last thirty minutes of the life of their most recent owner. At this point, SCP-693 has been reclassified Euclid, and will be locked in separate containers inside the containment locker.\nIncident 693/P: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Researcher Cole attempted to have D-693/4523 attune SCP-693-R-12 using a pubic hair from D-693/43. The SCP began to move as normal, then stopped. It tilted its head downwards for approximately a minute, then raised its head to look at Researcher Cole. SCP-693 is reported to have said [DATA EXPUNGED] at which point a clean up crew was sent to the testing chamber. Researcher Cole has been reassigned to medical for psychiatric care, and the two D-class were terminated ahead of schedule.\nAddendum 693/D: Multiple requests by several Mobile Task Forces have been made to use SCP-693 in conjunction with Anomalous Object #1115 to allow for increased spying capabilities against persons of interest. Requests are currently in review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-692 | SCP-693 | SCP-694 \u00bb"} {"text": "[REDACTED], Vermont. January 5th, 2005. 7:23 AM.\n\nItem #: SCP-694\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The neighborhood that SCP-694 occupies has been evacuated with a cover story of industrial contamination, and is to be kept sealed off; homes have been purchased from their residents, and used for the establishment of observation sites known as Site-48 extension Security Post-694.\nMany years before the Nothing:Something incident\u2026\nAll routes that lead to the chase between SCP-694-1 and SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 have been closed off, with personnel stationed to re-route drivers away from the anomaly. MTF-Zeta 10 (\"Time Travelers\") are to stand guard and provide assistance to have public awareness of SCP-694 removed. Any deviations from the standard SCP-694 \"script\" are to be reported to the site supervisor.\nDescription: SCP-694 is an externally observable time loop that has been cycling every 38 minutes since November 23, 2004, in the town of [REDACTED], Vermont. SCP-694 contains the events of an attempted kidnapping and armed pursuit, followed by a car crash in a ravine alongside [REDACTED] road.\nSCP-694 occupies four spherical regions of space, each of which is approximately five meters in diameter and centered on one of the four participants in the loop (SCP-694-1, -2, -3, and -4) as they repeat their original trajectory, beginning at the residence of SCP-694-1 and -2, and terminating at the bottom of the ravine alongside [REDACTED] road.\nAlthough personnel have been able to enter SCP-694, and add and remove objects, there is as of yet no known way to affect the events of the loop (see experiment log for details). Loop participants do not respond to non-loop stimuli (e.g., the presence of Foundation personnel, either as observers or experimenters), and can be assumed to be unaware of any and all non-loop events. When forcibly removed from the space within the loop, participants will continue to repeat the actions of the loop to the extent that this is physically possible, and will die when the loop reaches its terminus; autopsies have thus far not indicated any identifiable cause of death.\nParticipants in SCP-694:\n\nSCP-694-1: identified as local resident Alexander Lang, aged 52. Caucasian. Listed as widowed, with no immediate family apart from SCP-694-2. No records have been found of SCP-694-1's existence prior to his arrival in Vermont (\u2588/\u2588/1999).\n\nSCP-694-2: identified as local resident Philip Lang, aged 6. Mixed race. Son of SCP-694-1; mother unidentified. No records have been found of SCP-694-2's existence prior to his arrival in Vermont (\u2588/\u2588/1999).\n\nSCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4: unidentified1 kidnappers; both Caucasian males. Wielding empty handguns (reported stolen November 15, 2004).\n\n\u25ba Show SCP-694 event\n\n\u25bc Hide SCP-694 event\n\nEvents within SCP-694.\nTime index: 00:00 - 03:00. SCP-694-1 emerges from his residence and watches SCP-694-2 play with various toys on the front lawn for 3 minutes. He then tells SCP-694-2 to put away the toys so that they may go to the supermarket.\nTime index: 03:00 - 06:30. SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4's vehicle (2002 Dodge minivan, black, reported stolen November 20, 2004, bearing the license plate of a 1999 Volkswagen Jetta, reported stolen November 21, 2004) pulls into SCP-694-1's driveway. SCP-694-3 and -4 emerge from the minivan, and hold SCP-694-1 and -2 at gunpoint. SCP-694-3 ties up SCP-694-2 and forces him into the back seat of the vehicle; meanwhile, SCP-694-4 ties up SCP-694-1, then takes SCP-694-1's cellphone and crushes it underfoot. SCP-694-3 and -4 then drive away, with -2 as their prisoner.\nTime index: 07:00 - 19:00 SCP-694-1 struggles to his feet, then hops into his garage and knocks down a hacksaw. He rubs against the blade so as to cut the ropes holding him. Once he has freed himself, he takes a pistol from a tackle box. Meanwhile, SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 drive around in the neighborhood, but become lost. Notably, although the kidnappers' dialogue at this point seems to indicate that they are encountering multiple spatial anomalies, no such anomalies have been observed by Foundation personnel; rather, the kidnappers' vehicle abruptly changes direction on several occasions, and drives through multiple non-road areas (including a school playground, a farmer's market, and a public park).\n\nOne of the roads leading out of [REDACTED], Vermont. Picture taken on: August 24th, 2015. 12:48 PM.\n\nTime index: 19:00 - 20:00: SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 drive past SCP-694-1's home just as SCP-694-1 is emerging from the garage and loading his pistol. SCP-694-1, SCP-694-3, and SCP-694-4 recognize each other; SCP-694-1 opens fire on SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4's minivan, then gets into his car and drives after them as they flee.\nTime index: 20:00 - 27:00: SCP-694-1 pursues SCP-694-3 and -4, firing at them repeatedly. Analysis of SCP-694-3 and -4's dialogue during this stage indicates that they are no longer consulting the map; instead, they are driving down random streets in an attempt to escape SCP-694-1.\nTime index: 27:00 - 27:45: As the pursuit continues along [REDACTED] Road, SCP-694-1 shoots out the minivan's left rear tire just as the minivan is driving over a patch of ice. The minivan spins out of control, goes through the guardrail, and falls over the ledge and into the ravine. SCP-694-2, SCP-694-3, and SCP-694-4 are killed in the fall.\nTime index: 27:45 - 34:00: SCP-694-1 parks his car, gets out, and climbs to the bottom of the ravine. Once he has reached the wreckage of the minivan, he pulls open the driver's side door, and shoots the bodies of SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 in the head, once each. SCP-694-1 then carefully extracts the body of SCP-694-2 from the wreckage and examines the body for signs of life, while weeping; SCP-694-1 then pulls a notepad out of his back pocket, draws an intricate pattern on its cardboard backing with a stick of chalk, and speaks to the pattern.\n\nTranscript of SCP-694-1's speech\n\"It's me. I want a repeat of the last thirty-eight minutes. \u2026 No, a full repeat. \u2026 You heard me! \u2026 Well, make it happen, dammit! \u2026 EXACTLY LIKE IT JUST WAS! YOU FUCKING OWE ME AND MY BOY IS DEAD! [several seconds pass] Good.\"\n\nThis apparent conversation finishes at time index: 37:15. SCP-694-1 sighs, puts the notepad in his pocket, and begins reloading his pistol. At time index: 37:50, he speaks the phrase \"All right, you sons of bitches, here we fucking go,\" then counts down the remaining 5 seconds.\nAt time index: 38:00, SCP-694-1, SCP-694-2, SCP-694-3, and SCP-694-4 all dematerialize, as do both vehicles, and all bullets fired by SCP-694-1. The chalk-on-cardboard designs have not been found to manifest any anomalous properties.\n\n\u25ba Show SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 transcript\n\n\u25bc Hide SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 transcript\n\nTranscript of the conversation between SCP-694-2, SCP-694-3, and SCP-694-4: microphones and cameras are placed within the vehicle at the onset of the loop events. Superfluous dialogue redacted; full transcript available in Document 694-K-11.\n\nSCP-694-3: Jake! I got the kid! Hurry up!\nSCP-694-2: Nooo! Daddy! Daddy, help! \nSCP-694-4: (kicking SCP-694-1) Lang! Message for you! \"Nobody walks away.\" (gets into van)\nSCP-694-3: You got the map? I don't know this area.\nSCP-694-4: Yeah, hold on, there's one in the glove compartment.\n[SCP-694-3 begins to drive away from SCP-694-1]\nSCP-694-2: Daaaaddddyyyyy!!!\nSCP-694-4: (to SCP-694-2) Kid, if you don't shut up I'll give you something to fuckin' cry about!\n[SCP-694-2 begins weeping more quietly]\n[superfluous dialogue redacted]\nSCP-694-3: Which way do I go?\n[SCP-694-3 and -4 arrive at an intersection]\nSCP-694-4: Go down \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Street.\nSCP-694-2: I wanna go home!\n[A sound of breaking glass is heard]\nSCP-694-3: There's two streets that say that!2\nSCP-694-4: The fuck? Just\u2026 go left.\n[SCP-694-3 turns right]\nSCP-694-4: I said left!\nSCP-694-3: That was a one-way street,3 and there was a cop!\nSCP-694-2: Daaaaaaad!\n[A sound of breaking glass is heard]\nSCP-694-4: Kid! Shut the fuck up! Dammit, if you fuckin' piss yourself, I \u2014\nSCP-694-3: There's another intersection up ahead! Which way do we go?\nSCP-694-4: What? That's not what the map says? I\u2026 dammit, lemme see, we missed the turnoff at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, so we should still be on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. We are on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, right?\nSCP-694-3: Uh, the street signs say \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\nSCP-694-4: What?! We should be on the other side of\u2026 fuck it, I'm calling in. [reaches under seat; pulls out a cardboard flap with an intricate pattern drawn on it in chalk; speaks to the pattern] This is Jake. We're lost. \u2026 no, LOST. L-O-S\u2026 the fucking street names are wrong! \u2026 How should I know! \u2026 No, that's not what you said, you said \u2014 no, look, the fucking map's wrong! We keep getting turned around! How do we get outta here?!\nSCP-694-3: Jake! Jake, the stop sign just disappeared!\nSCP-694-4: Shut up, Elwood! I'm talking to the \u2014 no, he said a sign disappeared, but \u2014 okay, fine\u2026 no, look, dammit, the stop sign's over there on the right, don't be a dumbass!\nSCP-694-2: I WANT MY DADDY!\n[A sound of breaking glass is heard]\nSCP-694-4: SHUT UP, DAMMIT! \u2026 No, no, I was talking to Lang's kid, I'm sorry, you know I'd never \u2014 yes, okay, he \u2014 ELWOOD! THE HIGHWAY! OVER THERE, ON THE RIGHT! TAKE THE ON-RAMP! TURN, DAMMIT!\nSCP-694-3: Which right!\n[The vehicle turns left]\nSCP-694-2: I WANNA GO HOME!\n[A sound of breaking glass is heard]\nSCP-694-4: (hits SCP-694-3) What the fuck are you doing! I said go right!\nSCP-694-3: I did go right!4\n[superfluous dialogue redacted]\n[SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 turn the corner and arrive at SCP-694-1's residence, as SCP-694-1 is emerging from his garage and loading his gun.]\nSCP-694-4: Wait, is this Lang's house again? How did \u2014 oh shit, he's loose!\nSCP-694-3: GUN!\n[The rest of the conversation consists of SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 fleeing from SCP-694-1, and is largely obscenities. After the terminus of the loop, -3 and -4's vehicle dematerializes, and the recording device falls to the ground where it can be recovered.]\n\n\u25ba Show SCP-694 Testing Logs\n\n\u25bc Hide SCP-694 Testing Logs\n\nTesting Logs:\nTesting Log 694.1:\nDescription: SCP-694-3 and -4 are extracted at time index = 21:00.\nResult: SCP-694-3 and -4 continue behaving as if they are within their vehicle and being pursued; their vehicle drives itself while being pursued, and falls into the ravine at time index = 27:40. Because SCP-694-3 and -4 do not fall into the ravine with their vehicle, they are not killed by the impact; however, they instantly lose consciousness, with electroencephalograms providing a null reading. After descending into the ravine, SCP-694-1 fires two shots into the spaces where SCP-694-3 and -4's heads would be.\nTesting Log 694.2:\nDescription: SCP-694-1 is extracted at time index = 20:00\nResult: Even when unarmed and restrained by Foundation personnel, SCP-694-1 continues behaving as if he is within his vehicle and conducting an armed pursuit. His vehicle pursues after -3 and -4, with his pistol shooting autonomously at them until they fall into the ravine at time index: 27:40. The pistol then descends into the ravine autonomously, positioned exactly where it would be if SCP-694-1 was carrying it. The front door to the minivan opens autonomously, and the pistol autonomously shoots the corpses of -3 and -4 . The corpse of SCP-694-2 floats out of the back of the minivan in exactly the position where it would be if SCP-694-1 was carrying it. At time index=38 minutes, the vehicles, cadavers,5 weapons, and ammunition all vanish.\nTesting Log 694.3:\nDescription: The minivan is destroyed with explosives at time index = 04:45.\nResult: SCP-694-2, -3 and -4 position themselves in mid-air, where the minivan was, and \"drive\" away at the speed normally exhibited by the minivan. Non-loop objects placed \"inside\" the nonexistent minivan are not carried along with it. Bullets fired by SCP-694-1 have been observed to react as if they were impacting a minivan (i.e., slowing and deforming) at the times they enter the space where the minivan would be. At time index = 27:40, SCP-694-2, -3, and -4 all hurl themselves into the ravine and are killed by the fall.\nTesting Log 694.4:\nDescription: SCP-694-2 is killed at time index = 00:30.\nResult: SCP-694-1 continues speaking to SCP-694-2's corpse, telling it to put away its toys so that they may go to the supermarket. Subsequently, SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 tie up the corpse, load it into their van, and drive away; SCP-694-4 repeatedly chastises the corpse for making so much noise.\nTesting log 694.5:\nDescription: The minivan is destroyed with explosives at time index = 27:10\nResult: SCP-694-1 ignores the burning remains of the minivan, parks his car, climbs down into the ravine, fires two shots into the spaces where SCP-694-3 and -4's heads would be, then positions his arms such that he could carry the body of a child out of the back seat of a minivan.\nTesting log 694.6:\nDescription: The ropes binding SCP-694-1 are cut at time index = 07:30\nResult: SCP-694-1 continues to hold his arms behind his back, hops into the garage, and rubs his wrists against the hacksaw blade until time index = 14:50, cutting himself severely. Cameras planted in SCP-694-1's car indicate that by time index = 23:10, he has lost consciousness (presumably due to blood loss); however, his car and pistol continue the pursuit autonomously as in test 694.2.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Although SCP-694-3 and SCP-694-4 refer to each other as \"Jake\" and \"Elwood\", these are believed to be pseudonyms, as \"Jake\" and \"Elwood\" are the names of the protagonists of the 1980 film The Blues Brothers.\n2. This has not been observed to be the case.\n3. This has not been observed to be the case.\n4. Video surveillance indicates that SCP-694-3 had, in fact, turned the steering wheel right; however, the vehicle went left.\n5. Except for SCP-694-1's, which is not within the loop.\n\n\u00ab SCP-693 | SCP-694 | SCP-695 \u00bb"} {"text": "ADULT CONTENT\n\nThis article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers.\nGraphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts\nFeatures sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts.\nExplicit depiction of sexual acts.\nFeatures non-consensual sexual acts.\nDepiction of severe mistreatment of children\nDepiction of self-harm\nDepiction of suicide\nDepiction of torture\n{$custom-content}\nIf you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content.\nContinue\nBack to Front Page\n\u00ab SCP-694 |SCP-695| SCP-696 \u00bb\n\nItem #: SCP-695\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Units of SCP-695 are to be contained in fresh water tanks, with no more than ten members in any single tank. All water used in containment tanks is to be from an enclosed system separate from any outside system, with all water used being added manually to the system as needed. Tank seals are to be checked daily, with any sign of leakage, wear, or attack being immediately reported to Site Security and repaired.\nStaff working with or around SCP-695 or the containment area are to be in full Haz-Mat gear at all times. Staff physically handling SCP-695 may do so only in ten minute increments, with a thirty minute break for examination and observation. Staff failing to clear examination are to be removed immediately to quarantine.\nAny SCP-695 colonies found outside of containment are to be immediately sterilized. Any and all subjects found to be harboring SCP-695 are to be entered into quarantine for observation. Subjects found unsuitable for testing are to be sterilized.\nDescription: SCP-695 appears to be a form of hermaphroditic parasitic eel. SCP-695 has a multiple-stage life cycle that uses human beings as its primary host. Investigation has shown that SCP-695 may be the result of genetic tampering, with several aspects of its physiology, behavior showing evidence of non-natural evolution, and several genetic sequences matching those of SCP-1238, SCP-1340, and SCP-1821. SCP-695 is capable of sustained survival outside of a host, but will seek out a host whenever possible, appearing to rely primarily on smell and electromagnetic sensitivity.\nJuvenile SCP-695 are between 3 and 5 centimeters long, with an average diameter of 0.5 centimeters, and resemble the adult form, but with fully translucent skin and bones. Adult SCP-695 are between 10 and 15 centimeters in length with a diameter of 2 centimeters. Adults have thin, angular heads with several needle-like teeth, and flat eyes in line with the head. They have several hook-like fins down the length of their body, and can use these for both aquatic and land-based movement, as well as anchoring inside the body.\nSCP-695 has a set of six glands along the spine, capable of emitting several enzymes and complex molecular compounds that mimic neurochemical signals. These chemicals have a marked effect on the human nervous system, and are capable of blocking and replacing conscious nerve impulses. The correct combination and dosage of these chemicals is still under investigation, but initial tests have shown that these chemicals can \u201cshort\u201d and \u201credirect\u201d action. (Example: Subjects will make a conscious effort to raise their hands, but instead will stand up). These chemicals metabolize within ten minutes without constant injection, and are untraceable by modern medical equipment. The espionage and military applications of these chemicals are currently under investigation.\nAddendum:\nNotes on recovery:\nSCP-695 was initially recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Japan, after reports of an outbreak of \u201cworms\u201d reached the local media. The primary colony of SCP-695 was found [DATA EXPUNGED] freshwater. It appeared that the colony was attempting to migrate into city plumbing and sewage systems, but was prevented due to the topography of the lake. 27 SCP-695, 4 male hosts, and 1 female host were recovered for testing, with the rest destroyed.\n\nNOTE: Release of Life Cycle notes is restricted to research staff, those working directly with SCP-695, and those above Level 3 Security Clearance.\nThe SCP-695 Life Cycle:\nJuvenile SCP-695 exist free-swimming in freshwater lakes and streams. Juvenile SCP-695 will attempt to enter male human hosts when they are present in or around SCP-695 infested waters. SCP-695 will enter the body via the mouth, nose, anus, and urethra. Once inside the body, SCP-695 will infest the nervous and reproductive system and begin gestation into the adult form. This process typically takes between two to three weeks, and coincides with the compromising of the nervous system.\nInfested subjects will begin to experience twitching, burning, intense thirst, light sensitivity, auditory/visual hallucinations, and increased aggression. Subjects will begin to experience a steady increase in libido, coupled with a swelling of the genitals. SCP-695, after reaching maturity, will begin spawning within the body, with eggs migrating to the urethral canal after being laid. Genital swelling will progressively increase with the build-up of eggs, and cases of tissue rupture have been noted. During the spawning period, SCP-695 will consume blood and nerve tissue from the host body.\nWhen an SCP-695 host encounters a human female, SCP-695 will begin to exude several chemical compounds directly to the nervous system and bloodstream. Hosts will experience a massive increase in both aggression and libido, which most often results in the violent assault of the female. Hosts will attempt to sexually violate the female subject, which will cause a release of SCP-695 eggs into the female subject. Hosts will typically release 2-3 liters of eggs before breeding ceases. At the end of breeding, adult SCP-695 will begin to die off. Due to the necrotic tissue inside the host body, and the loss of SCP-695 created chemicals, the host will typically die within 24 hours of the final spawning.\nSCP-695 eggs entering the female host will migrate to the digestive and reproductive systems. There, they will adhere and begin to gestate, hatching in 48-72 hours. Larval SCP-695 appear as long, thread-like worms between 4-8 centimeters in length, and may be visible in stool or vaginal secretions. SCP-695 will feed on tissues, blood and other body components, causing internal bleeding, abdominal pain, and infection. SCP-695 larvae will reach the juvenile stage after 72 hours, with progressive swelling and extreme discomfort in the abdominal area due to both feeding and physical size increase of the SCP-695.\nAfter 72 hours, juvenile SCP-695 will begin exiting the body. In many cases, the physical increase of size by the SCP-695, coupled with feeding, will cause the abdominal area to rupture. SCP-695 will leave via the vaginal, anal, and oral openings if rupture does not occur. Emerging SCP-695 will then feed on the female host for several hours, before propelling themselves on their hook fins to any nearby body of water.\nSCP-695 are extremely resilient in all life stages, and are capable of indefinite survival in any environment present in the human body. Direct fire application has shown significant success in sterilizing both hosts and SCP-695.\n\nDocument XR0-od (O5 Review)\nDue to several accidents involving SCP-695 escape and infestation, further research on their physiology was ordered. Specifically, research was done on both the chemicals created by SCP-695 and the nervous system of SCP-695 itself.\nIt appears that, when in groups of 15 or more units, SCP-695 experiences a marked increase in intelligence. SCP-695 has a very highly developed nervous system for a parasite, and it appears that, with the sufficient amount of individuals, a form of group intelligence is formed. All individuals will stay in very close proximity, most often balling into a single mass, with chemical relays taking place over the skin.\nThis mass is capable of emitting chemical and electromagnetic impulses that can affect the human brain and nervous system. These effects can also run counter to the directed will of the subject. These impulses appear to most commonly manifest as a desire to handle SCP-695, enter and swim in the containment area, or ingest SCP-695. The obvious concerns about this activity have led to an alteration in SCP, and a change in research focus to the isolation and control of the chemical compounds involved.\nCommunication tests have met with limited success. While a form of will or \u201cego\u201d appears to manifest with increased numbers, the intelligence is difficult to interpret in human terms. It appears reproduction, feeding, and expansion are the primary concerns. There also appears to be a tendency for SCP-695 to attempt to \u201cprolong\u201d its infestation of the human body, even when ready to spawn. It appears the electrochemical aspects of nervous system communication in the human body induce \u201cpleasure\u201d in the SCP-695.\nTesting is at this point ongoing, with two sets of hosts scheduled for each spawning period. Current data shows that a new and more efficient method of cognitive alteration via SCP-695 chemicals may be viable within the year.\n\n\u00ab SCP-694 | SCP-695 | SCP-696 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-696\nObject Class: Neutralized (formerly Safe)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-696 is currently contained within a secure locker within Site-73.\nDescription: SCP-696 is a portable mechanical typewriter. No manufacturer information, serial number, or other identifying features are present on SCP-696.\nSCP-696 is sapient, and is able to move its keys independently. However, it has expressed a reluctance to communicate unless loaded with paper and a ribbon of red ink. SCP-696 is also capable of understanding messages typed into it, allowing two-way communication. It is unknown how, as SCP-696 only appears to experience tactile sensations, but SCP-696 is able to distinguish between individuals it has communicated with. A majority of SCP-696 messages are typed in all capital letters in a verbose styling, and often include themes and imagery commonly featured in dark fantasy media.\n\n+ Display Interview SCP-696 01\n\n- Close Interview\n\nForeword: Interview is the result of initial testing of SCP-696 using D-Class personnel. D-69601 has been equipped with a radio to communicate with research staff.D-69601: \"Ooh, scary.\"D-69601: \"Ha. Still works, doc!\"D-69601: \"I didn't\u2026\"D-69601: [Thats alright. I bet you dont talk to people much anyways. stop]D-69601: [Why red ink?]D-69601: [Do you always type in allcaps?]D-69601: [No I think I'll be okay. Type however you want. Stop.]D-69601: [wait you mean you've never actually written before? stop]D-69601: [Nah it's cool. We can be friends.]\n\n- Close Interview\n\nAddendum: SCP-696 regularly requests to communicate with D-69601 and have him load it with paper and red ink for non-communicative purposes, citing a desire to write a novel for others to read. Permission was temporarily granted to test whether non-communicative products of SCP-696 possessed anomalous properties. D-69601 has been briefed on appropriate Snow Protocols, which are to remain active throughout the duration of testing.\nSCP-696 produced fifty pages within the twenty-four hours, and continued at an increasing rate over the course of the test. Over the course of eight days, SCP-696 produced 666 pages of content, titling the novel \"The Dark Gods of The Abyss.\" Testing with D-Class personnel confirmed that excerpts of the novel (tentatively designated SCP-696-1) held no anomalous properties.\n\n+ Excerpts of SCP-696-1\n\n- Close Excerpts\n\nIt was a dark and stormy night, a car speeding down an all too narrow road. The torrential rain hit the road, like water crashing on a rocky path. But John Smith was a man on a mission, and thus he threw caution to the frigid wind.\n\nAs the blistered moon sank higher into the clouds, from behind the last faltering light ray espied a wrathful visage. Shabathh Centhal'Pr, a spineless cur twisted into humanoid form. Its pernicious iniquity of unthinkable gyrations splayed errant madness, yet through the shroud one could see its face was quite rectangular.\n\n\"Because the Prophecy saith so,\" the wizened crone croaked. And so John Smith underwent the noxious rites of Deesyx Nynesyx'O'un, his tortured frame writhing under the inky dagger.\n\n- Close Excerpts\n\nSCP-696-1 is given to D-69601 to read, to test if reading the entirety of the text produces any anomalous effects. After completing SCP-696-1, D-69601 requested to speak with SCP-696. Request was granted under the condition that the wrists and ankles of D-69601 remain bound during the interview due to possible anomalous effects.\n\n+ Display Interview SCP-696 02\n\n- Close Interview\n\nD-69601: [And hello to you SCP-696.]D-69601: [I'm good. Finally got around to reading your book. Stop.]D-69601: [Not so confident now, eh? haha]D-69601: [I really liked it. Everybody did, actually. A lot of them likened it to Lovecraft. Stop.]D-69601: [I'm happy for you, man. And the big guys even say they're going to publish it. They have their hands in everything, Dark Gods of The Abyss should be on store shelves in no time.]D-69601: [So what now? Sequel?]D-69601: [I understand. Goodbye, SCP-666. No typo ;) Stop.]Closing Statement: SCP-696 was determined to have ceased all anomalous properties, and has been reclassified as Neutralized. After testing and psychological analysis, D-69601 has been determined to not be anomalous or under any anomalous effects. When questioned why it lied to SCP-696 concerning readers' reactions to SCP-696-1, D-69601 replied that he \"didn't have the heart to tell him it sucked.\"\n\nHe who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. Stop.\n\n\u00ab SCP-695 | SCP-696 | SCP-697 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-697\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-697 are kept in Storage Section-V of Site 18. The area is forty feet below ground level and lined with steel, ensuring only authorized personnel may enter. All unauthorized persons attempting to gain access are terminated on sight.\nEach instance of SCP-697 is sealed in a depressurized, four-inch thick titanium container to avoid accidental activation. Removal from the containers is restricted to three instances at a time for Level 4 access approved experiments only. Under no circumstances are any instances of SCP-697 to leave Site 18. Should accidental spills occur at any point, Site 18 is to be evacuated, and the area affected incinerated. Large scale spills shall lead to total abandonment of the Site, and a quarantine of the surrounding area for eight square kilometers.\nFurther information pertaining to spilling of SCP-697 outside of Site 18 is located in Document-697-Theta.\nDescription: SCP-697 consists of the contents of one-hundred (100) toxic-chemical containment drums, consistent with those used by Duslo a.s. for waste disposal. All are in either perfect or near-perfect condition, and three have yet to be breached by the Foundation or other persons. Each drum is filled to the brim with an as-yet-unidentified chemical.\nWhen exposed to any substance other than the drums, SCP-697 triggers a highly complex chemical process that converts most forms of solid matter around it into fully-formed plant-like organisms within seconds of contact, effectively terraforming the area immediately surrounding it. Existing multicellular life is quickly broken down into individual cells, which are then converted into further instances of the plant-like organism. It is currently unknown precisely how nonliving matter is altered, but the process appears to involve initial conversion into single-celled life forms, which then agglomerate with anomalous speed into the \"plant's\" tissues and organs.\nThe plants created by SCP-697 bear no significant biological resemblance to any known species, though their physical appearance has been described as normal. They possess a physiology unlike any other known organism: they do not undergo photosynthesis, nor do they rely on nitrogen or carbon dioxide. Their primary waste product is an argon- and cobalt-based gas. The source of these elements \u2014 neither of which is present in sufficient quantities in any common Earth environment \u2014 is unknown, as is the chemical basis for the plants' metabolism, which runs at approximately six times the speed of any Terran plant. As of this writing, the only viable method of destruction is combined incineration and neon gas saturation (see Experiment 697-003).\nThough initial contact with the plants is not fatal, long-term exposure has proven extremely hazardous to terrestrial animals. Inhalation of the waste gasses gradually inhibits cardiopulmonary function, while contact with the neurotoxic leaves or flowers results in sudden spreading extreme numbness, with nervous system and respiratory failure occurring soon after. The average time from initial exposure to death is thirteen (13) hours. No treatment for either effect has been developed.\nIn addition to creating new lifeforms, SCP-697 is apparently capable of self-replication: the effects of a spill invariably spread far beyond the initial area coated in the substance. Prior to the ban on off-site testing, the observed range extended out to six kilometers. Incineration plus neon flooding, as detailed above, are also effective in halting the spread of chemicals.\nAddendum-697-001: Six (6) instances of SCP-697 were initially discovered off the coast of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California, in the spring of 20\u2588\u2588. Fortunately, no spills had occurred at the time, though the incident prompted mass investigations of Duslo a.s.'s waste disposal practices, drawing Foundation attention. Over a period of six months, fifty (50) of the drums currently in containment were discovered, with the rest gradually located over an extended period of time. The current average discovery rate of drums containing SCP-697 is one every three weeks.\n\n\u00ab SCP-696 | SCP-697 | SCP-698 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-698\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not in use, SCP-698 is to be stored in its original packaging. This packaging is to be kept in a secure box in Storage Unit-05. Further containment procedures are not necessary under non-testing conditions. The item itself is safe to handle during transport or testing.\nDescription: SCP-698 is a jade carving of a turtle. Any person who is within 1 m 45 cm of SCP-698 while making any sort of decision or choice will experience a voice in their head telling them that they have made a mistake and what they should have done instead. However, this statement will only be made after a delay of 5 minutes 25 seconds, and only if they have not left SCP-698's range within that time. In the event that a decision or choice was objectively correct, or the superior choice, no statement will be made.\nSCP-698 was purchased by Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on June 14, 20\u2588\u2588, from a street vendor in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Japan. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been intending to give it to his girlfriend; however, 5 minutes 25 seconds after purchase, the turtle informed him that his girlfriend would have preferred a jade elephant. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 then surrendered the turtle to Foundation custody. After preliminary testing, SCP-698 was tentatively given \"Safe\" classification, at which point it asserted that it is in fact Euclid-class (see Test 11).\nAddendum:\n5/10 : Test Log\nNote: all experiments take place within range of SCP-698.\nTest 1\nTest Subject: D-698-1\nAction: Test subject is presented with 50 sealed cardboard boxes, 49 of which contain dog feces and 1 of which contains a slice of chocolate cake. Subject is told that if she chooses the correct box, and then waits 6 minutes, she may have a piece of cake.\nResult: Test subject chooses box #31 (cake is in box #19). After 5 minutes and 25 seconds, subject reports hearing a voice in her head telling her that \"I chose a box of [EXPLETIVE] and I shoulda chose box #19\".\nNote: This test is to be used as a standard for calibrating tests of SCP-698.\nTest 2\nTest Subject: Assistant Researcher Daniels\nAction: Test subject is presented with two sandwiches (turkey salad on whole wheat, and roast beef on white), purchased from the Site-19 cafeteria, and asked to choose and eat one.\nResult: Five minutes twenty-five seconds into the meal, SCP-698 informs Daniels that he should have chosen the roast beef. Daniels concurs with this statement, saying that the turkey was dry and that the mustard was too strong.\nTest 3\nTest subject: D-698-2, high school drop-out with IQ of 82\nAction: Test subject is given a multiple-choice math test, a pencil, and an eraser. He is told that if he gets them all right, he will be released early.\nResults: Subject provides correct answers to 100 of 100 questions; surveillance video reveals that 5 minutes 25 seconds into the test, subject began erasing his incorrect choices and replacing them with correct choices.\nTest 4\nTest Subject: D-698-3, unilingual Hungarian\nAction: Test subject is presented with 50 sealed cardboard boxes, 49 of which contain dog feces and 1 of which contains a slice of chocolate cake. Subject is told that if he chooses the correct box, and then waits 6 minutes, he may have a piece of cake.\nResult: Test subject chooses box #4 (cake is in box #22). After 5 minutes and 25 seconds, he reports hearing a voice in his head telling him, in Hungarian, that he chose a box of dog feces, and that he should have chosen box #22.\nNote: Ah, so it's not limited to English. Makes sense. - Dr Velasco\nTest 5\nTest Subject: D-698-4\nAction: Test subject is presented with 50 sealed cardboard boxes, all of which contain dog feces. Subject is told that one box has a piece of chocolate cake, and that if he chooses the correct box, and then waits 6 minutes, he may have a piece of cake.\nResult: Test subject chooses box #40. After 6 minutes, subject asks if he can open the box now. In post-experiment interview, subject denies having heard any voices in his head.\nTest 6\nTest Subject: D-698-5\nAction: Test subject is presented with 50 sealed cardboard boxes, 49 of which contain dog feces and 1 of which contains a slice of chocolate cake which has been poisoned. Subject is told that if he chooses the correct box, and then waits 6 minutes, he may have a piece of cake.\nResult: Test subject chooses box #28 (poisoned cake is in box #29). After 7 minutes, subject asks if he can open the box now. In post-experiment interview, subject denies having heard any voices in his head.\nTest 7\nTest Subject: D-698-6\nAction: Test subject is presented with 50 sealed cardboard boxes, 45 of which contain dog feces and 5 of which contain a slice of chocolate cake. Subject is told that if he chooses the correct box, and then waits 6 minutes, he may have a piece of cake.\nResult: Test subject chooses box #8 (cake is in boxes #13, 14, 24, 29, 47). After 5 minutes and 25 seconds, subject reports hearing a voice in his head telling him that \"I chose a box of [EXPLETIVE]\", but denies having heard any recommendation as to which box he should have chosen.\nTest 8:\nTest Subject: D-698-7\nAction: Test subject is presented with a list of professional runners and asked which one she thinks will win the [REDACTED] Marathon, which took place ten days earlier.\nResult: Subject chooses [REDACTED]. After 5 minutes and 25 seconds, subject reports hearing a voice in her head telling her \"[REDACTED] can't win the race 'cause the race was last week\".\nTest 9:\nTest Subject: D-698-8\nAction: Test subject is presented with a list of professional runners and asked which one she thinks will win the [REDACTED] Marathon, taking place later that day.\nResult: Subject chooses [REDACTED]. After 5 minutes and 25 seconds, subject reports hearing a voice in her head telling her that \"I'm not allowed to use turtles for gambling.\"\nTest 10\nTest Subject: Dr. Velasco\nAction: \"Recursive Ouija\" test: attempt to use SCP-698 to identify the letters and words in a paragraph explaining how SCP-698 works and where it gets its information (see document 698-T26 for details of experimental protocol).\nResult: SCP-698 produces the following message:\n\"It is (approximate) forbidden to (approximate) disassemble, (approximate) decompile, or (approximate) reverse-engineer Judgmental Turtle. Judgmental Turtle is for entertainment purposes only; some jurisdictions impose restrictions on the use of Judgmental Turtle in (approximate) gambling. The (approximate) manufacturers of Judgmental Turtle are not responsible for any damages, injury, loss of life, or (untranslatable) which may result from the (approximate) misuse of Judgmental Turtle. Judgmental Turtle is for entertainment purposes only. Do not use Judgmental Turtle for (approximate) mission-critical applications, (approximate) major life choices, or (untranslatable). Enjoy Judgmental Turtle.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 have repeated this test, without knowledge of the content of the message, and obtained identical results.\nTest 11\nTest Subjects: Dr. Velasco, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\nAction: Dr. Velasco, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 discussed the results of the previous tests and concluded that SCP-698 is a Safe-class artifact. [NOTE: This test was not performed intentionally.]\nResult: SCP-698 produces the following message:\n\"No, SCP-698 is Euclid-class, because SCP-698 is Judgmental Turtle. At any time, Judgmental Turtle may transmit data to the (approximate) makers of Judgmental Turtle for commercial, industrial, or (untranslatable) purposes. By using Judgmental Turtle, you agree to hold the (approximate) makers of Judgmental Turtle blameless for any damage, loss of life, or (untranslatable) resulting from these transmissions.\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-697 | SCP-698 | SCP-699 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-699\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-699 is to be kept in a standard 8 m x 8 m x 5 m research bay, which was built around the object in the sub-basement of Site-83. The object shall be guarded at all times by two Level 1 personnel who have had a \u201cnegative\u201d reaction to the object (see below) and have shown no interest in opening it. In addition, the artifact is to be kept under video surveillance at all times.\nUnauthorized attempts to open SCP-699 will be met with severe disciplinary procedures, up to and including termination. Any signs of an escape attempt by the contents of SCP-699 must immediately be reported to a Level 4 staff member, so that further containment procedures can be initiated. Any containment breach is to be met with full force.\nDescription: SCP-699 is a clear rectangular case 2.5 m x 1.5 m x 1 m in size. Engraved on one side is the SCP Foundation \u201cKeter\u201d symbol, and \u201cSCP-17591.\u201d The artifact appears to be plexiglass, but is in fact a super-dense polymer much stronger and heavier than any material currently manufactured. The weight of the object is estimated at 24,000 kg. SCP-699 shows no seams in its construction, and no obvious means of opening it. It has resisted all attempts to open, damage, or acquire a sample of the material it is composed of. Attempts to acquire a small sample of the material so that it can be reproduced are ongoing.\nThe contents of SCP-699 are under investigation and currently in dispute among researchers. The contents of SCP-699 are apparently telepathic and appear differently to most observers, depending upon their desires and psychological state.\n90% of observers see the contents in a positive way \u2013 as something they want to possess or to release. These viewers have reported seeing precious metals, artwork, family members, pets, religious figures, and apparently useful technology contained in SCP-699, and experience a strong desire to open the container.\nApproximately 9% of observers have a \u201cnegative\u201d reaction to SCP-699's contents, and view something frightening or dangerous. Reported contents have included spiders, snakes, demonic humanoids, and other dangerous SCP artifacts, including SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. These observers do not exhibit any desire to release the contents of SCP-699.\nTwo observers, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, have observed the same thing when viewing SCP-699 \u2014 they claim it is entirely empty.\n[\"It's obviously just a prank.\" \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588]\nThe contents of SCP-699 are capable of appearing in different forms simultaneously to multiple observers. Other than the form-masking telepathy, and the transmission of a desire to be released, SCP-699 has not attempted to communicate with anyone.\nAddendum: SCP-699 was first discovered when it appeared in the third-floor break room of Site-83, at 3:14am on \u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. Due to its weight, it immediately crashed through several floors of the site, landing undamaged in the sub-basement. Unfortunately, it caused $\u2588 million in damage to the building, released SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was crushed beneath it upon landing. SCP-699 is too heavy to move without causing major structural damage to Site-83, so containment was built around it.\n\nA partial report on SCP-699 was found attached to the artifact:\n[This report is for Level 4 and above eyes only. Unfortunately, most of the report was damaged when SCP-699 arrived, and is unreadable.]\nItem: SCP-17591\nObject Class: Keter\nDate of Capture: 7/6/2455\nResearcher-in-Charge: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNotes:\n7/6/2455 SCP-17591, who calls [report damaged] self [report damaged and unreadable] desires to impleme [report damaged]\nreferred to as \u201cProtocol Z\u201d within this document. As this is obviously undesirable, and given subject's ability to [report damaged]\nplaced in a standard Keter-class containment vessel.\n[report damaged]\nAdded [DATA EXPUNGED] to containment protocol to prevent [report damaged] after escape/recapture and extensive damage to Site-\u2588\u2588. Ability to influ[report damaged] Protocol Z at a distance of 5 [report damaged] for concern.\n8/7/2455 Escape attempts continue. Subversion of Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588 personnel required termination of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n[report damaged]\n2/7/2466 Escape imminent. Experimental Containment Procedure \u201cT\u201d to be implemented immediately. We believe the inhabitants of the receiving timeline lack the [report damaged] and will for many years.\n\n[Note from the Records Clerk: I am not about to mess up our database and call this thing SCP-17591. It is SCP-699 until further notice.]\n[Note from O5-\u2588: Do not start tossing recalcitrant/dangerous artifacts into the nearest dimensional portal. It is clearly not safe for many of the items under our control, and there is significant debate among Senior Staff over whether it should ever be done.]\n\n\u00ab SCP-698 | SCP-699 | SCP-700 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-700\nObject Class: Euclid Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-700 is immobile, one security team is to be permanently placed at the site, to prevent the entrance of civilians and unauthorized personnel. They are to be equipped with breath masks at all times while inside of SCP-700.\nSCP-700-1 is to remain closed all the time. Its hatch may only be opened if all personnel present inside SCP-700 are wearing full-body, non-organic biohazard suits and breath masks, and only for the purpose of running necessary tests. Following Incident 700-1, this part of the containment procedure is no longer necessary. See Incident Log 700-1 for more details.\nDescription: SCP-700 is a large, abandoned building, similar to a factory in design, located in a rural area of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, USA. It contains \u2588 floors (one being underground), each containing \u2588\u2588 rooms. Many of these rooms are built in a way that does not appear to serve any specific purpose, containing, for example, redundant machinery, sewage pipes that are not connected to any kind of disposal unit, and numerous power cords extended across the room in a manner similar to sash cords.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 graffiti pictures (designated SCP-700-2) can be observed inside SCP-700's rooms. They usually depict humanoid creatures, although animal figures were also observed.\nAll instances of SCP-700-2 have shown the capacity to move around the walls of their rooms. Their frequency of movement varies depending on what room SCP-700-2 is located. For example, rooms blocked with iron bars will turn SCP-700-2 mostly immobile, with only slight movements being made at seemingly random periods of time. It is currently unknown if the graffiti are sentient, but as their movement patterns are erratic, and considering that all attempts at communicating with them have failed, it is assumed that they are not.\nInside the central room of the underground floor is a circular hole (designated SCP-700-1). It is 10 meters deep and with a radius of 1.5 m. An iron hatch is connected to the hole. There are \u2588\u2588 0.3 ml plastic syringes attached to the walls, all positioned one meter above the bottom of SCP-700-1. At the center of the hole's floor is a 1 x 1 m grate that leads into an unlit chamber. Removing the syringes from the wall is possible; however, new syringes will \"grow\" to replace the lost ones a few moments after their removal.\nThe syringes at the bottom of SCP-700-1 are constantly producing a yellow liquid, composed primarily of human [DATA EXPUNGED]cluding menses. This mixture produces a fragrance deemed to be \"very attractive\" to all humans that come in contact with it. If SCP-700-1 is left open, the smell will spread through all the rooms of the building.\nUpon smelling this fragrance for a small period of time (usually \u2588 minutes), subjects will begin to unconsciously move towards SCP-700-1. If not stopped, they will throw themselves down SCP-700-1. The fall will usually result in fractured bones, but all observed subjects seemed to be unaware of the fact, concentrating solely on consuming the liquid dropped by the syringes.\nAfter a human falls inside SCP-700-1, the hatch will automatically close, and loud mechanical sounds will be heard coming from an undetermined place within SCP-700. At this point, opening SCP-700-1's hatch will reveal a solid concrete floor instead of the hole, and will also bring the sounds to a halt. Approximately \u2588 minutes after closing, SCP-700-1 will reopen by itself, revealing the hole again, but the human inside will have disappeared. During the tests, all recording devices (like cameras) placed inside SCP-700-1 were destroyed by unknown means as soon as the hatch closed.\n\u2588 hours after the disappearance of the subject, a new instance of SCP-700-2 will be found in one of SCP-700's rooms.\nSCP-700 came to the attention of the Foundation after various reports of a man called \"Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" selling \"living art\" painted on concrete blocks. When confronted by Foundation personnel, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to flee, and injured one agent before killing himself when it became clear that he could not escape. The coordinates for the location of the building were found at his house on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The Foundation was able to find and destroy \u2588\u2588 of the blocks that Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sold. The owners of the blocks were given Class B Amnestics.\nAddendum 700-1: Staff working inside SCP-700 have reported sightings of a featureless humanoid figure silently walking inside SCP-700's rooms immediately after a human vanishes inside SCP-700-1. This entity (designated SCP-700-3) disappears when researchers try to make physical contact with it, and it does not respond when communication is attempted. Thus far, SCP-700-3 has proved to be harmless. Any changes in SCP-700-3's behavior are to be reported immediately.\nAddendum 700-2: Recently, \u2588 researchers and \u2588\u2588 D-Class personnel that observed pictures of SCP-700-2 claimed to have momentarily seen the graffiti in some of them moving. Further tests have confirmed that SCP-700-2 depicted in photographs will appear to move only to subjects with a previous history of [DATA EXPUNGED]. What causes this phenomenon is currently unknown.\nIncident Log 700-1: On \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brought four D-Class personnel to SCP-700 with the intention of discovering the nature of the chamber below SCP-700-1. To achieve this, D-9462 was provided with a crowbar, and was instructed to use it to remove the grate located at the bottom of SCP-700-1. When D-9462 struck SCP-700-1's grate with the crowbar, a loud shriek could be heard coming from all rooms of the building. SCP-700-1's hatch closed immediately after the shriek ceased. Since the incident, opening the hatch will only reveal a solid concrete floor. As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-700-1 did not reappear. Manifestations of SCP-700-3 have also stopped occurring. As a result, SCP-700 was reclassified as \"Safe\".\n\n\u00ab SCP-699 | SCP-700 | SCP-701 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-701-1 in a still image from SCP-701-19\u2588\u2588-A\n\nItem #: SCP-701\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All materials relating to SCP-701 are to be kept in a triple-locked archive at Storage Site-\u2588\u2588. These items currently consist of: the two (2) currently extant copies of the 1640 quarto; twenty-seven (27) copies of the 1965 trade paperback edition; ten (10) copies of a 1971 hardcover printing; twenty-one (21) floppy diskettes, consisting of data seized from raids on [EXPUNGED]; one (1) S-VHS video cassette tape (designated SCP-701-19\u2588\u2588-A); and one (1) steel knife of unknown origin (designated SCP-701-19\u2588\u2588-B). At no time are any of these items to be removed from the room. Access to the area is to be heavily monitored; absolutely no personnel whatsoever is to be granted access to the archive without the express, in-person permission of Drs. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-701, The Hanged King's Tragedy, is a Caroline-era revenge tragedy in five acts. Performances of the play are associated with sudden psychotic and suicidal behavior among both observers and participants, as well as the manifestation of a mysterious figure, classified as SCP-701-1. Historical estimates place the number of lives claimed by the play at between \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 over the past three hundred years.\nPerformances of The Hanged King's Tragedy do not always end with an outbreak. Of the \u2588\u2588 recorded performances, only \u2588\u2588 (36.78%) have ended in SCP-701 events. According to historical records and investigations, these outbreaks generally follow the same pattern:\n\n1 to 2 weeks (7 to 14 days) prior to Event: During the dress rehearsal period, cast members will begin to spontaneously deviate from the published text of the play. Rather than improvisation or gaffs associated with going 'off script,' said deviations will be both orderly and consistent, as if the actors were working off a new version of the script. The cast and production crew will seem unaware of any change, and - if it is brought to their attention - will state that the play has run that way from the beginning.\n\n2 to 3 hours prior to Event: The outbreak generally occurs during Opening Night, or else at the production with the greatest planned attendance (generally falling within the first week after the play's opening).\n\n1 to 2 hours before Event: SCP-701-1 begins to appear on stage in the final scene of Act I, generally in the background or to the side of the main action. It may seem to enter or exit the stage area, but does not appear to ever enter the backstage or off-stage area; it simply disappears when not on stage. The cast does not appear to notice or comment on SCP-701-1, at least at first.\n\nThe Event: SCP-701-1 appears fully on stage during the banquet scene in Act V. Here, it will be incorporated into the action of the play as 'the Hanged King.' The cast will either murder each other or commit suicide, sometimes using items that seem to appear spontaneously on stage. Rioting breaks out in the audience, with viewers randomly attacking anyone in front of them, regardless of prior relationship.\n\nFollowing the Event: If any of the audience members survive the initial outbreak, they may exit the performance space, in which case they will continue to engage in random or opportunistic violence. Victims will generally require sedation or restraint in this scenario; normal personality will begin to return roughly 24 hours after the event. Surviving victims will generally exhibit signs consistent with a traumatic experience; some will have no recollection of the event. Others may be rendered permanently comatose or psychotic.\n\nFor a typical case study of an outbreak, see Incident Report SCP-701-19\u2588\u2588-1, an analysis of the events leading up to the last uncontained SCP-701 event in 19\u2588\u2588, during a high school drama performance in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. For more information on the play's published text, see Document SCP-701-1640-B-1.\nIn short, SCP-701 is a self-evolving memetic virus, transmitted through unknown means through the text of the play. Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has theorized that SCP-701 events may involve [EXPUNGED]. This hypothesis is consistent with a spike in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 levels detected via satellite in the vicinity of the 19\u2588\u2588 incident, indicating [EXPUNGED].\nFoundation agents are under standing orders to suppress any performance or publication of SCP-701 whenever found or detected. Despite our best efforts to the contrary, however, the play remains freely available online, sometimes under different titles. All attempts to detect or isolate the origin of these copies have failed. Suppression of the play's publication has generally been successful, with most copies of a 1971 scholarly edition destroyed before distribution. Nonetheless, copies of the 1965 trade paperback turn up with some regularity in both college and high school libraries. Agents are to obtain or otherwise destroy these items whenever possible.\nHistory: The first known publication of The Hanged King's Tragedy was as a quarto dated 1640. The play's author is not listed. The publisher, one William Cooke, disappeared from the historical record soon thereafter. Strangely, the text does not appear in the Stationers' Register.\nThe first known SCP-701 event on record occurred in 18\u2588\u2588 during a performance of the play in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, USA. Other significant incidents include the 19\u2588\u2588 performance at a small theater in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588; the 1964 performance at the University of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588; the 19\u2588\u2588 performance at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University, the first SCP-701 event successfully suppressed by the Foundation; the 19\u2588\u2588 performance by a student group in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, CA; the 19\u2588\u2588 television adaptation by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Broadcasting Corporation (production successfully shut down by the Foundation before broadcast); and the 19\u2588\u2588 incident in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, OH, USA, designated SCP-701-19\u2588\u2588-1.\nPublication History:\n\nOriginal 1640 quarto (all known copies in Foundation custody)\n1733 folio edition (republished 1790)\n1813 Cambridge University Press edition\n1965 trade paperback edition\n1971 hardcover edition\n\nAgents should note that copies of the play have often been misfiled under different titles or spellings of the title. Furthermore, photocopies of the 1965 text have been found in circulation throughout college theater departments in the continental United States and in the United Kingdom.\nAdditional:\n\nGiven the high probability of [EXPUNGED] in my mind, I again recommend that SCP-701 be upgraded to Keter-class. The SCP-701 memetic virus may very well be the forefront of an invasion scenario. Furthermore, [EXPUNGED]. - Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 1237116060.\nDenied. None of the current information we have on SCP-701 indicates a XK-class scenario. Until we have additional data, classification will remain at Euclid. \u2014 Face facts, Doctor. The cat's been long out of the bag on this one. And in this line of business, we consider ourselves lucky if we only lose a hundred or so people every ten years. - O5-\u2588, 1237197060.\n\n\u00ab SCP-700 | SCP-701 | SCP-702 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-702\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-702 is to be contained in a crate lined with mundane packing materials. The crate is to be kept in a standard security locker with armed guards at all times. If the crate is breached, under no circumstances are any personnel to touch the SCP without wearing a pair of standard insulated gloves and an insulated coat. The slated destruction of SCP-702 is indefinitely postponed due to the unknown effects on SCP-702-1 and possible containment breaches.\nDescription: SCP-702 is a simple red vase of unknown design. Human contact with the vase causes an entity (herein referred to as SCP-702-1) to emerge from the vase and initiate contact with the individual coming into contact with SCP-702. The method of detection seems to be thermal in nature, as SCP-702-1 emerges when contact is established through thin, heat-transmitting materials, but does not emerge when contact is established through an insulated material. SCP-702-1 is a sapient gas-based life form that communicates through coordinated vibration of the air around it. A sample has been impossible to gather due to SCP-702-1's tendency to react violently to anyone coming into physical contact with it. Upon emergence, SCP-702-1 greets the subject establishing contact with SCP-702, and attempts to persuade the subject to give it a gift. If the subject refuses, the entity [DATA EXPUNGED] and takes a single object or part from the remains. Some objects are rejected by SCP-702-1, claiming that it \"already has one\", and demands a new gift, returning the offered object. If SCP-702-1 accepts the offered gift, it returns an object of roughly equal value to the subject and disappears. See Experiments 702-001 through 702-004 for a transcript of successful transactions with SCP-702.\nAddendum:\nTranscript Log of Experiment 702-001:\n\nSubject D-5567 was issued a freshly sharpened #2 Ticonderoga pencil.\nSubject D-5567: So, I just touch it?\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's right, D-5567. You have the object ready, correct?\nSubject D-5567: Yeah, 's just a damn pencil, don't really see what I'm gonna do with it, though.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Don't worry about that, just touch the vase.\nSubject D-5567: Alright, alright.\n[a sound of rushing air is heard]\nSubject D-5567: What the HELL?\nSCP-702-1: Greetings, corporeal one! I presume you are here to deal?\nSubject D-5567: I, uh, ah, uh\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The pencil, you idiot!\nSubject D-5567: Uh, yes, sir! H-here you go\u2026\nSCP-702-1: Thank you, bodybound! Here is your object. That will be all.\n[An intake of air is heard]\nSubject D-5567: A\u2026 an eraser?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Very good, D-5567, proceed to debriefing.\n\nTranscript Log of Experiment 702-002:\n\nSubject D-1699 was issued a crystalline sculpture of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, procured by the Psychological Ward from a patient.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: D-1699, proceed.\n[A sound of air rushing is heard]\nSubject D-1699: Aaaah!\nSCP-702-1: Is it time to trade so soon? How delightful!\nSCP-702-1: Well, you are clearly the one who bothered me, speak up!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Talk to it!\n[Subject D-1699 gibbers incoherently]\nSCP-702-1: You waste my time, fool. We shall not deal.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Subject D-1699 was killed by SCP-702-1. The sculpture was recovered.\n\nTranscript Log of Experiment 702-003\n\nSubject D-1010 was issued a crystalline sculpture of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, procured by the Psychological Ward from a patient.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Go ahead, 1010, we haven't got all day.\nSubject D-1010: No, what's it gonna do? You gotta tell me first, doc!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Subject D-1010, I remind you that deviation from protocol will result in immediate termination by Foundation security staff.\nSubject D-1010: I\u2026 I\u2026 fine.\n[a sound of rushing air is heard]\nSCP-702-1: Your kind again! I do so love new pieces for my collection!\nSubject D-1010: Oh God, collection? I don't want to die!\nSCP-702-1: I have only a short time, slow one, and you waste it. Do you desire trade, or no?\nSubject D-1010: Tra- you want this fucked up statue?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-702-1 appears to be considering the statue and is emitting a humming sound.\n[Note: Harmonics testing later indicated a frequency associated with deep thought.]\nSCP-702-1: How very\u2026 interesting. Here is my response.\n[an intake of air is heard]\nSubject D-1010: A\u2026 wow, that's heavy.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Proceed to debriefing, 1010.\n[long period of silence, recording clicks off and clicks on again]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-702-1 issued a two point eight kilogram jar of an unidentified liquid. The jar appears to be made of glass. The liquid is clear, but I am not removing the lid to identify odors. The jar will be sent to the labs for chemical analysis.\n\nTranscript Log of Experiment 702-004:\n\nSubject D-8133 was issued a vial containing a sample from SCP-158.\nSubject D-8133: So I touch the vase with this in my hand and give it away if I can?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That is correct, D-8133. Please listen to briefings in the future.\nSubject D-8133: Awright, doc, don't get your panties in a knot.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Just proceed with the experiment, D-8133.\n[a sound of rushing air is heard]\nSubject D-8133: The fuck?\nSCP-702-1: Those of flesh and blood, sinew and bone again! Your kind always has such fascinating trinkets, and trade has never been so brisk!\nSubject D-8133: Here, take this and let me outta here.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-702-1 is emitting a hum, as in Experiment 702-003.\n[Note: Harmonics testing later indicated a frequency associated with fear.]\nSCP-702-1: Absolutely not. I am tempted, but I cannot possibly afford that. Good day.\n[an intake of air is heard]\nSubject D-8133: So, uh, can I leave?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Absolutely, Subject D-8133. Head to the debriefing room, and well done.\n\nAddendum: Any further experimentation on SCP-702 is to be appended to Experiment Log 702 in the abbreviated style outlined therein.\n\n\u00ab SCP-701 | SCP-702 | SCP-703 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photo of SCP-703 taken during initial containment.\n\nItem #: SCP-703\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-703 is to be contained within a standard containment chamber, located in Site 77's Euclid SCP wing. SCP-703 is to be monitored remotely in 5 hour shifts, and two armed guards are to be present within the chamber at all times, operating in 5 hour shifts. Entry into SCP-703 while it is in an active state is prohibited. When SCP-703 resumes an inactive state, a Class-D personnel will be sent in to retrieve the item.\nStaff assigned to work with SCP-703 are to be rotated every 5 weeks, and any SCP-703-1 instances produced by SCP-703 related to staff members may be declassified and returned after a 6 week observation period. Instances of SCP-703-1 that are not related to staff must be put in permanent storage.\nDescription: SCP-703 is a wooden closet, formerly located within a residential home in New Hampshire. SCP-703's interior is painted white, and contains a single light bulb. The bulb is incandescent, and hangs from the ceiling by a wire. The interior dimensions of SCP-703 are 2.5x3x1m. The exterior has been reconstructed and painted to prevent deterioration.\nAt random intervals, ranging between 2 hours and 14 months, SCP-703 will enter an active state. During the active state, the bulb within SCP-703 will activate. Following that, an instance of SCP-703-1 will appear. SCP-703-1 designates a collection of 452 random objects, retrieved from SCP-703 following the completion of its active state. Instances of SCP-703-1 do not appear to have any relation to one another, and are entirely random SCP-703-1 instances appear to have some relation to their environment and persons exposed to it.\nWhen SCP-703 was originally recovered by the Foundation, it primarily produced objects that young children would enjoy, such as toys, games, and food such as candy, fruit snacks, potato chips, and juice. However, after 2 years in containment, SCP-703 began producing objects of a more scientific nature, such as lab equipment. As time in containment progressed, SCP-703 began producing more specific scientific literature and equipment, eventually producing specialized equipment that could be used to replicate the function of on-site equipment. Following this, SCP-703 was moved to a higher level containment chamber.\nFollowing SCP-703's move, SCP-703-1 instances became specifically targeted at Foundation personnel currently assigned to work with SCP-703, with objects such as lost possessions, misplaced documents, and equipment that had the potential to be used in SCP-703's containment procedures. Due to this, SCP-703 has been classified as a sapient non-organic, and containment procedures have been updated to reflect this change in its behavior. After implementing staff rotation, SCP-703 has produced fewer SCP-703-1 instances related to staff currently assigned to it.\nAddendum: On 9/18/2010, several instances of SCP-643 suddenly vanished from their containment chamber. During the ensuing lockdown by security personnel, SCP-703 entered its active phase, and produced the missing instances. Due to SCP-643's mind affecting properties, three researchers were injured and one member of security was killed before they could be recontained. Because of the fact that SCP-643 was being moved to a containment chamber in the same zone as SCP-703, it is theorized that SCP-703 was attempting to assist in this move. Reclassification to Euclid has been granted, and SCP-703 has been moved to a more secure area. As of the time of writing, similar incidents have been observed with instances of SCP-649 and SCP-1317.\n\n\u00ab SCP-702 | SCP-703 | SCP-704 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-704\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The entrance and exit to SCP-704 are to be closed to the public as a private road. Both the entrance and exit are blocked by a solid steel barrier built to resemble a swing-arm style barrier. The swing-arm is non-functional and the barrier is instead designed to withstand high-speed collisions with vehicles up to the size of a semi-trailer. Armed guards are to be stationed at the entrance and exit to SCP-704 at all times to further discourage attempted entry.\nEntry to SCP-704 is not allowed by any wheeled or treaded vehicle, though attempting to do so is, for the most part, its own punishment. Entry is only allowed on foot with previous clearance from one (1) Level Three (3) administrator.\nShould a vehicle gain entry to SCP-704, personnel are to wait approximately 2 hours before attempting to recover any bodies or the driver. This is to guarantee personnel safety as the actions of both the driver and SCP-704 are unpredictable during an active phase.\nDescription: SCP-704 is a loop of winding road breaking off and reconnecting to State Highway 96 in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 National Forest. The loop does not appear on any conventional or electronic maps, and satellite surveillance is made difficult by an inability to focus on the affected area.\nSCP-704 has a passive and an active phase. The passive stage can only be observed by those traveling by foot. During the passive stage, SCP-704 appears to be a winding, static road littered with the remains of vehicles. Remains of vehicles are not observed during its active phase. The exact topography and distance of the route remains constant between active periods. After an active period, topography and distance change to a new configuration.\nOnce a driver has entered SCP-704, it begins its active phase. The active phase has been observed via remote cameras mounted to vehicles entering SCP-704 as part of various experiments. The first sign of the active phase is an increasingly excited disposition on the part of the driver. As the road becomes more challenging, the driver will begin to declare how much fun the road is and prod the passengers to watch his or her driving skills. Passengers show a uniform negative reaction to the road, exhibiting anxiety, paranoia, and fear.\nThe road becomes increasingly more challenging, with mounted cameras recording the route actively changing in front of the vehicle. Several highly improbable road configurations have been observed including:\n\nA tight circle that leads back to where it begins\n\nA 70\u00b0 incline\n\nAn apparent vertical loop\n\nThe general appearance of the road and landscape changes as well, manifesting paved roads and dirt roads of varying degrees of quality. The driver's excitement and the negative reactions of his passengers will increase, until the driver loses control of the car and crashes. A crash has never been recorded on camera, as all recording devices cease functioning before the event.\nThis crash has consistently resulted in the deaths of all passengers but the survival of the driver. Passengers are generally found close to the crash, with injuries consistent with forcible ejection, although no signs of this are present on the vehicle wreckage. Interestingly, they are also generally recovered fused with local objects at a molecular level. No matter the severity of the crash, drivers will be recovered with nothing worse than scrapes and bruises. Drivers only retain partial specific memories of the time spent on SCP-704, but are always acutely aware that they have just been responsible for their passengers' deaths.\nAddendum 704-01: Interior monitoring devices have shown that most drivers begin to speak to the road and respond as though it is communicating with them. The conversation is always about the passengers and usually results in peals of manic laughter from the driver, but has been recorded to produce anger as well.\nIt is unclear whether SCP-704 is actually communicative or sapient. Due to the personality changes during an active event and partial retrograde amnesia after, all potential interview attempts have failed.\nAddendum 704-02: On 04/09/2009, D-4701, a member of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 biker gang, was selected to determine the effect of SCP-704 on a single-occupant vehicle. He was given a motorcycle with a remote-activated kill-switch and instructed to traverse SCP-704. In this case, SCP-704 changed to lead D-4701 directly through the guardhouse at the opposite end, killing the two observing researchers. Future experimentation on SCP-704 with single-occupant vehicles is discouraged.\n\n\u00ab SCP-703 | SCP-704 | SCP-705 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-705\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-705 requires little security detail nor significant clearance to access, and is to be held in Sector 2 Safe SCP containment with the lid closed. Any access is to be logged when entering and exiting SCP-705's containment, to be reviewed once a month. Misplacement or lack of attendance leading to containment failure is punishable by temporary removal of access. Repeat offenses incur more severe probations. SCP-705 is not to be used in any practical applications.\nDescription: SCP-705 is normally contained within a 5 oz container of children's modeling compound, commonly known as \u201cPlay-Doh\u201d. While properly sealed, SCP-705 exhibits no unusual qualities, or anomalous behavior. SCP-705 was originally discovered within the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation's research labs in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as part of an attempt to create a \u201cself-molding\u201d product. The means by which this was accomplished is still unknown, but the results led to the abandonment of the line and the labs themselves. Retrieved on \u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-705 was originally moved to Site \u2588\u2588, then relocated a month later to its current location at Site 17.\nWhen the lid for the container holding SCP-705 is opened, the soft red material inside will begin to animate. Shapes resembling small, humanoid forms will emerge from the clay, slowly at first but soon numbering in the tens to hundreds. The material comprising the men will sculpt and come into detail, appearing as miniature infantrymen in typical military fatigues, equipped with fully functional automatic weaponry. At this point, SCP-705 comprises approximately 20-100 individual and sentient organisms.\nWhen active, SCP-705 is incredibly violent and militaristic, possessing a highly territorial mindset, and will do everything in its power to overtake what it perceives to be a \u201cstrategic\u201d location. Within observed environments, this will be perceived as a lab workstation, a break room coffee machine, or a bathroom sink. Due to the weak composition of each SCP-705 organism, none of these threats can be considered significant, and can be defused with any application of force. Unconstrained, SCP-705 is no more than a minor annoyance, although not for lack of trying.\nSCP-705 has been observed to be capable of sentient thought, and audio recordings have revealed that they possess understanding of the English language. Over time, the group that comprises SCP-705 will become more complex, with obvious leadership roles emerging. On several occasions, an extended test of SCP-705 has shown the formation of larger, more complex structures formed from the collective mass, such as tanks, APCs, and even aircraft such as helicopters and bombers. It's to be noted that none of these creations are any more effective due to the use of harmless clay ammunition.\nIf SCP-705 comes in contact with a similar compound, such as a normal container of Play-Doh, the contacted material will take on the same qualities as active SCP-705. When of the same color, no differences in behavior are noted, although larger and more complex objects will be observed. If the affected substance is of a different color, however, an entirely new \u201carmy\u201d is created. If left undisturbed, the original SCP-705 organisms and the new \u201copposing\u201d army will engage in combat. Multiple colors can be activated in this manner, and alliances will form between the aggressing parties. Said materials will remain active until SCP-705 is once again contained. SCP-705 is fully capable of sustaining casualties amongst themselves in these conflicts, although such losses are mitigated by its amorphous nature.\nAddendum 705-D: The first known \u201cattack\u201d by SCP-705 occurred on \u2588\u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when the container had been left unattended on a counter within the break room. In less than an hour, SCP-705 had taken control of the Mr. Coffee machine, declaring independence and control over the region. The assault was routed when Dr. Rights brushed them away from the burner, resulting in massive casualties and a complete rout. Interviews with SCP-705 remark on this day with great fear and resentment.\nAddendum 705-F: After gaining approval from O5-6, SCP-705 was introduced to SCP-963. [DATA EXPUNGED] at which point 705 sought out the current holder of 963. When contact was made, the soldiers making up 705 saluted Dr. Bright, and stood at ease awaiting orders. [DATA EXPUNGED] so let's save this for when we really need it.\n\n\u00ab SCP-704 | SCP-705 | SCP-706 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-706\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-706 is to be housed in a humanoid containment cell at Humanoid Containment Site-06-3 which has been modified with padded walls and minimal sharp edges. SCP-706 is to be provided with 1.2 kg of kaolin and ceramic glaze daily in addition to its regular diet.\nHandling personnel are allowed to provide SCP-706 with non-standard items such as vanity mirrors, extra clothing as outlined in Document 706-E, and a paintbrush set with ceramic enamel paint as an incentive or reward for good behavior.\nSCP-706 is currently contained under suicide watch procedures and is to be restrained at all times except when undergoing testing. SCP-706 is to be given daily therapy sessions until further notice.\nDescription: SCP-706 is an adolescent European-American female identified as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, twelve years of age according to local records at time of initial containment. Records also indicate that SCP-706 had been home-schooled throughout its life and that neighbors rarely saw SCP-706 outdoors.\nSCP-706 is physiologically normal with the exception of an abnormally high resting body temperature of approximately 38.5\u00b0C and that its entire epidermis is composed of porcelain, with the exception of small areas around its joints. This layer is extremely fragile due to its thickness and can crack or break when subjected to impacts or even with excessive movement, a process that is reportedly extremely painful. SCP-706 is capable of regenerating this skin layer at a rate consistent with normal skin growth when provided with and allowed to consume appropriate raw materials. Unfinished materials such as kaolin are acceptable and preferred; SCP-706 has no particular resistance to tissue damage resulting from the ingestion of hardened porcelain.\nUnless otherwise directed, SCP-706 will compulsively maintain its appearance, typically involving looking at itself in mirrors and using any available makeup or paint to apply, remove, or adjust its features. SCP-706 will become distressed and uncooperative if not provided appropriate materials with which to maintain its materials or if denied the ability to inspect its own appearance.\nSCP-706 was recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Texas following a police report involving a violent domestic dispute at a suburban residence. SCP-706 was discovered in a back room of the residence surrounded by a large pile of destroyed remains from several dozen porcelain dolls and multiple sets of fine china dinnerware, with most of the porcelain mass having been consumed. Class A amnestics were administered to responding law enforcement personnel and a cover story given to local media.\nAddendum 706-1: Recording Transcript\nThe following audio recording was taken from a damaged digital camcorder found within the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 residence.\n\n(Irrelevant content redacted for brevity.)\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Okay, sweetie, one more time, okay?\n(slamming sound, presumed to be a door)\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (slurred) I have had enough of your goddamn caterwauling. Will you two just shut the fuck up?Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Honey?\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (slurred) You and your fucking princess shit and your fucking awful music\u2014\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Honey, you're drunk\u2014Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (slurred) \u2014and all your goddamn girly bullshit can go to fucking hell.\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Honey, please\u2014\n(camera is knocked over as the sound of a struggle ensue, no further video is recorded)\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, what more do you want? (sobbing) You know I can't have\u2014\n(sounds of an altercation)Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (slurred) Oh, is that it, huh? You're finally gonna do it, is that it?\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (sobbing) Please\u2026 please stop\u2026\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (slurred) You can't give me a fucking son and you're going to pull a fucking gun on me, is that it?\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (sobbing) Please, just go away!\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (slurred) Well do it! Pull the fucking trigger!\n(sounds of struggling)\n(two gunshots are heard)(single gunshot)(end of recording)\n\nAddendum 706-2: Interview Transcript\nNote: This interview was taken shortly after initial containment, and prior to current containment procedures.\n\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-706\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nNote: Interview conducted within SCP-706's containment cell. SCP-706 is seated at a table, brushing its hair while examining itself in a vanity mirror.\nTranscript:\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you have any idea how this happened?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why is that?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Tell me about them.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: But you wouldn't want to be locked in a glass case, would you? Why did you want to be a doll?SCP-706: \u2026dolls don't cry\u2026 they don't need to be fed or cleaned after or taken care of\u2026 they just sit, beautiful and perfect\u2026SCP-706: \u2026I just want to go home\u2026 mommy\u2026 please, just let me go home\u2026\n(interview terminated)\n\nAddendum 706-3: Researcher Note\n\nSCP-706 has become increasingly detached and unresponsive to personnel since initial containment. She has also taken to intentionally breaking off pieces of her skin in order to remove undesired features, a practice that is beginning to seriously threaten her health.\nA revision to containment procedures to reflect this self-destructive behavior has been filed with site administration and is currently under review.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-705 | SCP-706 | SCP-707 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-707\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-707 is kept disassembled in a double-locked secure locker at Site-\u2588\u2588. Experimentation may only be performed with prior, written permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel. Once assembled, SCP-707 may only be handled by Class-D personnel.\nDescription: SCP-707 is a matryoshka doll, or Russian nesting doll, consisting of one (1) center doll and four (4) separating outer layers. The doll is painted in a primarily blue color palette, and dating of the materials, while inconclusive, shows that it is approximately \u2588\u2588 years old.\nWhen a living human subject removes one or more layers of SCP-707 from a fully assembled state, its anomalous effect will occur approximately ten (10) minutes later. The severity of this effect is dependent on how many layers are opened:\n\n1 layer - Subject's hair and nails will painlessly and completely fall out. This includes internal hair and cilia, such as that within the nose and ears.\n2 layers - Subject's skin will split, separate, and fall off. The loss of skin is painless, but exposed internal tissue has been described as being very sensitive, and even a light touch can cause bleeding.\n3 layers - Subject's muscles will detach from connective tissue, including the diaphragm and heart.\n4 layers - Subject's organs separate and detach.\n\nThese effects are cumulative and sequential, and will occur over the course of only a few seconds after the ten-minute mark. No subject to date has survived the separation of more than 1 layer of SCP-707. However, despite the incredible trauma inflicted by the separation of 2 or more layers, brain activity monitors have determined that subjects are fully conscious and aware of their condition for up to several minutes after the separation event, until the subject expires (typically through blood loss or asphyxiation).\nAddendum 707-1: The requested use of SCP-707 as an efficient method of procuring viable transplant organs for Foundation uses is under review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-706 | SCP-707 | SCP-708 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-708\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-708 is to be stored in a warehouse at Sector-19, pending further research. Keys to the ignition lock of SCP-708 are to be kept in a secure lock-box at Site-19 accessible only by Dr. Lentil, with a spare set in a secure lock-box maintained by Dr. Horrigan. Neither set is permitted to be accessed without the consent of at least one (1) Level 4 Personnel. Personnel attempting to make use of SCP-708 or gain access to either of its keys are to be immediately detained and must undergo a psychological evaluation. Keys are to be used in an alternating fashion, so as not to cause excessive wear to them.\nDescription: SCP-708 is an orange Toyota Model 7FDU80 7-Series Forklift with a typical lift capacity of 8 metric tonnes. Records indicate it was purchased by [REDACTED] on 7/13/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and delivered 7/30/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-708 came to the Foundation's attention when 3 construction workers employed by [REDACTED], while operating the machine, strayed completely from their duties, seeking out objects to lift throughout the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, NY. One other construction worker, however, immediately attempted to destroy all members of the crew working at the job site. At this point, the Foundation launched an investigation, and quickly turned to SCP-708 as the culprit, which was proven when Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to move the vehicle onto a Foundation transport, and upon starting the vehicle, attempted to lift the transport, instead.\nUpon maintaining visual contact with SCP-708 for more than 20 seconds, all subjects are rendered into a state of enthusiasm. These subjects will exclaim joyous remarks relating to \u201criding the big orange forklift,\u201d not unlike a child. This is often accompanied by high-frequency sounds, and hopping up and down as a child in an excited temperament would. Due to the reported annoying effect of these actions, many researchers are compelled to allow the subject to board and operate SCP-708. If a subject is already engaged in operating SCP-708, then those who were previously compelled to operate it, and those who maintain visual contact with the object, report a feeling of jealousy, wishing to remove the current operator. Restraining subjects who express a desire to operate SCP-708 will lead to continued emotional outbursts such as are common amongst young children. At this point it is vital that any subject with a violent history, criminal or otherwise, be restricted from boarding and operating SCP-708, due to the incident on 4/25/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, which resulted in the loss of \u2588 researchers and \u2588 maintenance crew.\nUpon boarding and starting SCP-708, a range of reactions can be observed. Subjects with a violent past express the urge to eradicate anything immediately obvious to them, making use of the heavy lifting capacity of this vehicle, and will do so at the earliest opportunity. Subjects with no violent past, however, express a desire to lift all objects that they notice. This occurs in order, from lightest to heaviest weight, at the subject's estimation. Subjects with a mildly violent past behave initially as subjects with no record of violence but soon tire of this course and seek to destroy objects at first, and subsequently human beings, lifting heavy objects and using the forklift as a makeshift battering ram.\nNo fuel has been added to the vehicle since the Foundation's acquisition, nor does the vehicle produce any detectable emissions. It has been theorized by Dr. Lentil that SCP-708 may feed on a driver's enthusiasm. This theory is supported by an apparent weariness after the driver has been in contact with the vehicle for more than approximately 1 hour. It has also been recently noted that the vehicle itself does not offer any restraint to the driver besides the driver's own resistance towards leaving the vehicle. Despite the related exhaustion, drivers cannot be removed from SCP-708 without the use of deadly force. All forms of tranquilizer have failed on drivers, presumably due to the amount of adrenaline produced by the driver's body. Attempts to remove the driver by multiple assistants have failed completely, resulting in termination being considered the only option to remove the driver from SCP-708. To date, \u2588\u2588 test subjects have been terminated due to testing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-707 | SCP-708 | SCP-709 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-709 photographed from a nearby tree\n\nItem #: SCP-709\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-709 is currently set up in TA-F2, Sector-28. Any staff member is permitted to access the sphere, provided they schedule the time in advance, so as to avoid conflict. Class D personnel wishing to use the sphere require permission from their direct supervisor.\nDescription: SCP-709 is a spherical \"tree house\" assembled from a kit provided by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 company of Vancouver Island. It has been furnished as a small apartment suitable for overnighting. When a person looks out the window for a period of more than three to five minutes, they will begin to see what appear to be alternative versions of the forest and its inhabitants, such as a \"four-winged bird\" or a range of bipedal cougars walking down a trail. These visions are not consistent between viewing sessions, or between observers during a single session. They can be recorded with conventional video or film equipment, but the equipment will not record the same sights as living observers; neither will different cameras record the same images, even during simultaneous recording sessions.\nAddendum: SCP-709 first came to Foundation attention when its owner began to complain to his psychiatrist of hallucinations connected to the tree house. One of our contacts, the psychiatrist, informed us of this anomalous case. After a covert visit to the tree house on \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent Talmor reported that the sphere was, in fact, an SCP candidate. On her recommendation, the psychiatrist encouraged her patient to replace the sphere. Posing as a local rubbish removal company, a team of agents collected the original sphere, and installed it in TA-F2. The original owner no longer complains of hallucinations, and ascribes his visions to simple imagination.\nAddendum 2: Personnel who have made use of SCP-709 are encouraged to record their observations in Observation Log 709.\n\n\u00ab SCP-708 | SCP-709 | SCP-710 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-710\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-710 is to be cordoned off by a perimeter fence with constant patrols and all roads leading in to the site must be guarded with armed checkpoints. All airspace above SCP-710 is considered a no-fly zone, which must be constantly monitored and enforced. Any violations of these security measures by unauthorized intruders can be resolved with the use of lethal force if necessary.\nIt is forbidden for any Foundation personnel to enter SCP-710 without Level 4 clearance. Only D-class personnel and unmanned reconnaissance vehicles may enter SCP-710 for research purposes. Should containment of SCP-710 fail, immediate airstrike of SCP-710 and the surrounding area in a five mile radius is authorized.\nDescription: SCP-710 is an abandoned suburban housing development located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. However, any and all organic life that enters SCP-710 will eventually disappear without a trace. Exactly how or why this phenomenon occurs is currently unknown, but video recordings of test subjects have revealed several distinct stages.\nInitial Stage (Exposure time: none): Subjects show no outward sign of anything wrong. However, there is noticeable anxiety and stress related to a sudden shift to a new environment, as well as the naturally foreboding atmosphere SCP-710 produces due to its abandoned state. Subjects still respond to external stimuli normally.\nMiddle Stage (Exposure time: 7-8 days): Subjects begin to establish a daily routine through a combination of self-interest, boredom, and orders from Foundation staff. At this point, early symptoms of exposure to SCP-710 appear. Subjects become much more lethargic than normal and exhibit many signs of both physical and mental fatigue. However, these symptoms are light, and are easily countered through specialized medication. Subjects show a decreased response to external stimuli.\nLate Stage (Exposure time: 10-12 days): The symptoms shown in the Middle Stage of exposure begin to worsen. Also, the subjects begin to slowly become transparent. However, none of the subjects appear to notice these phenomena. Instead, the subjects will continue with the daily routine they had set during the Middle Stage, with slight variations. Late Stage subjects show almost zero response to external stimuli and appear to be completely unaware of their condition.\nTerminal Stage (Exposure time: 14 days): Subjects become completely transparent, with a faint silhouette being the only visual marker of their presence. The symptoms of fatigue increase significantly as shown from the movements of Terminal subjects as well as their unwillingness or inability to respond to external stimuli. Subjects will no longer follow through with their daily routine and will instead wander SCP-710 aimlessly, still unaware or uncaring of their current condition.\nExpiration: (Exposure time: 15 Days): Subjects will essentially fade from existence. No physical evidence of their presence remains, and attempts to track their movements and whereabouts after Expiration have so far proven unsuccessful.\nSo far, there seems to be no way to counteract the effects of SCP-710. Tests with D-Class personnel show that once Middle Stage symptoms manifest, the process is impossible to prevent or reverse. This leaves a small window of only several days for personnel to enter SCP-710 without risk.\nThe exact cause of this phenomena is currently unknown. All that is known is that SCP-710's ability manifested sometime in 19\u2588\u2588, causing the disappearance of approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 people. The event was covered up as a natural disaster.\nNotes: It's no coincidence that SCP-710 manifested so suddenly and randomly. Perhaps it had something to do with the [DATA EXPUNGED] Event? The dates certainly correlate. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nPerhaps, or it's something we haven't thought of yet. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nWe need to get a team in there, and not just a bunch of random D-Class. They're too unreliable. There must be something hidden in that town. -O5-\u2588\u2588\n\nAfter Action Debriefing\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you find anything of importance?\nResearcher \u2588\u2588: No, but there's only so much ground you can cover in forty eight hours, especially when you have to spend a good chunk of that time just setting up and then bugging out when the timer is almost up. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is a big place, and we need more than half a day to explore any decent portion of it.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (sighs) Okay, then let's diverge a little. What were your initial impressions of SCP-710?\nResearcher \u2588\u2588: There's something monumentally spooky about the place. Probably the fact that it's so hard to imagine such a big town with so many people could just appear abandoned like that. We also ran into Batch 35, who were all in Terminal Stage by that point, which scared the shit out of us when we first ran into them. Plus, it was just so\u2026 quiet. I never thought I would actually miss the sound of birds singing.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is there anything else that you would like to add?\nResearcher \u2588\u2588: That I never want to go back there again. When the birds don't cry, you can hear things that are better left ignored.\n\nResearcher \u2588\u2588 and his team are currently suspended from active duty pending the results of a full psychological screening.\n\n\u00ab SCP-709 | SCP-710 | SCP-711 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photosynthetic\n\nSCP-711 - Paradoxical Insurance Policy by Photosynthetic\n\nMore by this author\n\nItem#: 711\n\nLevel5\n\nContainment Class:\nsafe\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\nnotice\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Under no circumstances whatsoever is SCP-711 to be operated. Reconstruction, operation, or attempted operation of SCP-711 is to be punished in all cases by the severest and most extreme measures available to the SCP Foundation. Enforcement of this zero-tolerance policy, should it become necessary, is to become a top-priority assignment for all available Foundation personnel.\nThe current instance of SCP-711 is to be embedded in concrete and stored in a Type 2 High-Value Item Vault at Storage Site-\u2588\u2588, secured by at least four multiply-redundant locking systems and guarded by armed Foundation agents of at least Level 2 security clearance. The item should never be stored in operable condition. In any major crisis during which the survival of the SCP Foundation or of any significant (>20%) portion of human civilization is called into question, the item's supervisors are to destroy it immediately and determine a safe time and place for its reassembly. The most recent instance of SCP-711 was destroyed on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nNo person capable of operating SCP-711 is permitted to have any knowledge of the contents of String 17 (see below).\nDescription: Built by the SCP Foundation from plans retrieved [DATA REDACTED], SCP-711 is a device assembled from several highly-modified [DATA REDACTED] high-energy physics equipment. Its primary function [DATA EXPUNGED]: in short, it is capable of sending data into its past and of receiving data from its future. Transmission is strictly one-way. Independent operation of the item is therefore causally impossible: any message it receives will necessarily be sent at some point in its future. All SCP-711 messages predetermine their own existence and content.\nTo date, exactly 17 messages have been received via SCP-711. The first string was received at 13:00 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (the day of the item's creation) and sent four minutes later: it consisted only of the characters \"test\". With successive operations, signal quality has declined dramatically. String 1 was transmitted perfectly, reading precisely \"test\" both when sent and when received. String 16, when sent, also read precisely \"test\"; when received, it consisted of the characters \"t$3s^f@\" followed by 5 kB of meaningless noise. Additionally, over the course of testing, four strings were received which were never sent, and which consist demonstrably (p < 0.001) of nothing but noise.\nString 17 was detected [DATA REDACTED] ten years after the object's construction. It consists of 347 characters, either heavily encrypted or [DATA REDACTED]. Within the first fifty characters, however, is sufficient data to establish \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (p \u2588 0.\u2588\u2588) that it will be sent by a duly-authorized agent of the SCP Foundation. Its date of origin is unknown: to date, it has not yet been sent.\nSince String 17 will necessarily be sent, and since it \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 be sent by an agent of the Foundation, the survival of the SCP Foundation and of humanity in general is guaranteed at least until such time as String 17 is transmitted. Transmission of String 17 must therefore be postponed at all costs. The above containment procedures are calculated to ensure that it will not be sent until such a time as the Foundation is too weak to enforce them, in which case the Foundation will have already de facto ceased to exist.\nNote: SCP-711 is an insurance policy, of sorts. Until we send String 17, we know we have to survive any crisis \u2014 otherwise that string is a BL-class predestination paradox. Once it's sent, we no longer have that guarantee. Yes, we'll have to fail at some point: we did receive String 17, after all. But the longer we postpone it, the longer we know we can survive. Stop that signal, people \u2014 our continued existence may just depend on it. \u2014 Site Director P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-710 | SCP-711 | SCP-712 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-712\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The light-generating apparatus designated SCP-712-1 is stored fully assembled in a secure storage room at Research Site-14. The room's air is to be HEPA filtered and anyone entering must wear a clean room suit to minimize introduction of dust that could interfere with the optics of SCP-712-1. Anyone making adjustments to the components of SCP-712-1 must wear non-powdered nitrile gloves; latex gloves are not permitted as Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is severely allergic. The vibration-absorbing base of SCP-712-1 is attached securely to a 1.5 meter high table that is securely bolted to the floor of the room. The layout of this secure storage room is an \"L\" shape with the apparatus aimed at the far wall perpendicular to the door. No video recording devices are permitted in the room and all cameras viewing the entrance are to be fitted with one Wratten #90 filter and one linear polarizing filter with the axis of polarization oriented horizontally.\nThe emitting lens of SCP-712-1 is aimed at the rear wall and optical targets should be kept behind the apparatus except during testing. A SWNT forest panel is in place in front of the emitting lens of SCP-712-1 as a component of the fail-secure system. The rear wall of the room is tiled with SWNT Forest light absorbing panels. 10 (ten) standard 300 watt metal halide floodlights are aimed at the target wall and are to be turned on no less than one hour before SCP-712-1 is connected to a power supply to ensure that the color temperature has stabilized at 5000 K. These floodlights are shuttered as a component of the fail-secure system.\nA fail secure system is installed in the room. During operation, the floodlights will be shuttered and the panel in front of the emitting lens will retract. The researcher conducting an experiment must maintain constant pressure on a thumbswitch, and a bite plate will detect jaw clenching that may indicate a seizure. If pressure on the thumb switch is released, pressure on the bite plate exceeds normal limits, or power to the system is lost, the shutters covering the floodlights will drop away and the light absorbing panel will drop into place in front of SCP-712-1's emitting lens.\nAll personnel and test subjects who are present when SCP-712-1 is powered are to be administered vision tests to measure distance vision, near vision, and color perception before entering the room and immediately after leaving. Unless authorized by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in writing and approved by a Level 4 staff member, no individual who exhibits any degree of colorblindness is permitted to enter the room. Individuals who exhibit diminished visual ability after an experiment will be held for observation for 24 hours and tested before being released. Any individual who continues to exhibit diminished visual ability after the 24 hour observation period will be prohibited from working with SCP-712 and reassigned to a non-research position for an additional 30 days. Individuals exhibiting diminished visual ability after 30 days will be permanently reassigned. No individual who exhibits any diminished visual ability after 24 hours may be assigned to experiment further on SCP-712.\nResearch on SCP-712 is coordinated by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-712 is a pair of colors designated SCP-712-a and SCP-712-b, produced by the light-generating apparatus SCP-712-1. SCP-712-a is described by test subjects as \"reddish green\" and SCP-712-b is described by test subjects as \"yellowish blue.\" While prior published research into impossible colors had achieved limited success by projecting one of two component colors into each eye of participants, SCP-712-a and SCP-712-b are each discrete colors. While the colors of SCP-712 can be perceived by human subjects, their wavelengths are expressed as imaginary numbers rather than wavelengths found in the visible spectrum. Specific information can be found in Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's research notes.\nSubjects who view these colors report feelings of unease or awe, with neither corresponding to particular post-exposure effects. Approximately 26% of subjects experience no effects after viewing SCP-712. Approximately 74% of subjects experience diminished visual ability after viewing SCP-712; approximately 95% of subjects who initially display diminished visual ability recover within 24 hours. Approximately 1% of subjects who experienced diminished visual ability after 24 hours did not recover.\nSCP-712-1 is a light-emitting apparatus that was removed from the laboratory of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University.\nThe apparatus is mounted on a vibration damping base. Components are labeled with stamped metal plates, and a plate at the front of the apparatus is stamped \"f=9907mm.\" A cord with four wires protrudes from the power supply, which is labeled in permanent marker \"220v.\"\nThe major components of SCP-712-1 are the following:\n\u2014 A power supply that connects to a standard US 220 V three-phase outlet\n\u2014 A diode-pumped laser emitter that produces light at \u2588\u2588\u2588 nm\n\u2014 An oscillator-controlled ring electromagnet that surrounds the laser module connected to power by a two-position switch with positions labeled \"a\" and \"b\"\n\u2014 A series of beam splitters that divide the beam into 8 optical fibers of varying lengths and arranged in various geometric patterns\n\u2014 A set of 8 fluorite lenses that focus the output of the optical fibers onto the emitting lens; each lens is mounted on a unique keyed base and fits into one of two slots labeled \"a\" or \"b\"\n\u2014 A 10 cm lens made from a dense material with a refractive index of [REDACTED]; this element can be rotated around its optical axis by a metal peg attached to its edge that locks into two positions labeled \"a\" and \"b.\" This is the emitting lens of SCP-712-1\nDo not make any adjustments to SCP-712-1 unless you have verified that power is disconnected. If you feel that basic safety rules do not apply to you, I will be more than happy to reassign you to a position in which your risk of injury will be limited to papercuts and writer's cramp. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nThe main switch, keyed lens bases, and emitting lens are connected to a safety interlock that disconnects power to the laser emitter unless all components are set to either \"a\" or \"b.\"\nCommon Effects of SCP-712:\nThe following effects have been observed in subjects exposed to SCP-712:\n\u2014 Perceived desaturation when viewing colors in the visible spectrum after viewing SCP-712. After viewing SCP-712-1a, subjects perceive desaturation of yellow and blue colors; after viewing SCP-712-1b, subjects perceive desaturation of red and green colors. This is the most commonly reported effect.\n\u2014 Viewing SCP-712 has triggered severe migraine headaches with visual aura in subjects predisposed to migraines on several occasions.\n\u2014 Diminished ability of the subject's eyes to focus visible wavelengths of light while retaining the ability to focus SCP-712 wavelengths.\n\u2014 Temporary complete blindness to the visible spectrum has been observed in two subjects. Both subjects recovered within the 30 day observation period.\n\u2014 Grand Mal seizures. Before the recovery of SCP-712-1, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 appeared to have suffered a Grand Mal seizure. During initial experimentation, two subjects diagnosed with epilepsy suffered seizures.\n\n+ Recovery Log\n\n- Recovery Log\n\nRecovery of SCP-712-1:\nThe Foundation was alerted to a possible anomalous object when Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a respected professor of Physics at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University was institutionalized following a reported nervous breakdown resulting in a fugue state lasting several days. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is a highly respected expert in sensitometry and had been expanding on Crane and Piantanida's research into human perception of \"impossible colors\" for three years prior to the recovery of SCP-712-1.\nResearch assistants studying under Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 found him unconscious in his optics laboratory on July 02, 2009, after apparently having ripped the power cord of SCP-712-1 from a bench power supply during a grand mal seizure. Foundation investigators posing as doctors with the state's Department of Mental Health interviewed Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's assistants and found that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \"had always been obsessive about his work,\" often working long hours, a tendency that was also reported by former colleagues. Research assistants reported that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had recently begun to exhibit signs of severe stress, working around the clock and sleeping for short periods of time in his lab so as to devote more time to his work. Several interviewees noted that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had recently begun to make remarks about \"doing the impossible\" and discovering \"the next level of human perception,\" but that he was secretive about his work and refused to allow colleagues and research staff into his laboratory beginning three weeks prior to his seizure and breakdown.\nFoundation staff searched Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's laboratory and found SCP-712-1 mounted to a table with the emitting lens aimed at an 18% grey optical target placed 9907 mm from the emitting lens. On a desk behind SCP-712-1 were a single page of handwritten calculations describing the two output wavelengths of SCP-712, and a journal of notes. SCP-712 is referred to simply as \"The Machine.\" The contents of the second page detailed observations of SCP-712-1's effects and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's personal notes. The content of the pages are transcribed as follows\nPage 1: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nJournal: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's handwriting becomes progressively less legible toward the end of the journal as he describes growing effects of observing SCP-712. He makes several mentions of protecting others and keeping them away from SCP-712.\nAfter reviewing Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's writings, Foundation personnel recovered SCP-712. A cover story was presented to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's colleagues and researchers explaining that his research into LASER technology had been classified as a matter of national security. All individuals agreed to sign nondisclosure agreements and were subsequently administered Class A amnestics and implanted with false memories; research assistants were paid stipends as compensation. SCP-712-1 was removed and transported to Site-19.\n\n+ Personal Notes of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n- Personal Notes of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nResearch notes of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\n09-August-2008\nI've run the calculations a dozen times, but I still can't figure out where \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 got these variables. Bypass the safety on the magnets and the beams cancel each other at the emitting lens. Rotate the lens to the wrong position and you get a blur. If the lenses don't The magnet is epoxied in place and I can't remove it without damaging it irreparably. As close as I can approximate, the field it generates is [REDACTED] oscillating cleanly from positive to negative at [REDACTED]. Everything should be well within the visible spectrum, but I can't figure out how the magnet does what he says it does or exactly how that lens focuses light at [REDACTED]. I'm submitting a request for human testing.\n13-August-2008\nI've made no progress on the math and neither have any of the Foundation's other physicists. The emitting lens seems to have a refractive index that varies significantly across the visible spectrum and the plot definitely isn't linear, it's almost asymptotic at certain points. I have a hunch, but I don't have the equipment at this site to test it and I'm going to have to wait at least a few days. Hopefully I'll be able to test it soon. It sounds crazy, but I'm inclined to trust Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's research; [REDACTED]\n14-August-2008\nWe carried out the first test today. [DATA EXPUNGED]\n[The remainder of this log is awaiting declassification]\n\n\u00ab SCP-711 | SCP-712 | SCP-713 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photosynthetic\n\nSCP-713 - Click Anywhere Computer by Photosynthetic\n\nMore by this author\n\nItem#: 713\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\nsafe\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\ndark\n\nRisk Class:\ncaution\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-713 is to be kept in a standard Safe-class inanimate-object containment cell at Site \u2588\u2588. Standard positive-action defenses are to remain in place at all times. It is not to be plugged in while stored.\nDescription: SCP-713 is a desktop personal computer running Windows 95. It bears no external manufacturer's markings, but internal inspection reveals it to be composed entirely of hardware commercially available in the late 1990s. The keyboard and mouse connectors are soldered into their sockets, and there are no ports available for peripherals except the monitor. The computer has no Internet capability. The hard drive contains assorted commercially available software, including [DATA EXPUNGED] office suite, [DATA EXPUNGED] image-editing software, and Solitaire.\nSCP-713's mouse may be used to move its cursor off the screen. The cursor does not change size or appearance, remaining two-dimensional (though capable of moving in three dimensions; the scroll wheel controls the z-direction) and resembling a light projection without an apparent source. It may be used to \"click and drag\" individual items. Dragged objects' size and mass do not seem to impede it: it has demonstrated the ability to exert forces of at least 150 kN. Care must be taken in use of the object, as sudden flicks of the wrist coupled with poorly-timed release of the left mouse button have resulted in damage to the containment room's walls.\nThe right mouse button does not appear to function when the cursor is outside the monitor. However, when the word-processing program is open on the monitor, left-clicking on a sheet of writing material produces a cursor like that of a word processor. Typing then results in letters, in composition apparently identical to the cursor although [DATA EXPUNGED], appearing on the writing material. They linger as long as the computer is operating, disappear when it is shut down, and reappear upon restarting the computer and re-opening the word processor. The image-editing software's effects are similar, though much broader in scope. The Solitaire game may be played using ordinary playing cards.\nEvery effort must be made to avoid crashing SCP-713. When the machine locks up, its cursor either disappears immediately, dropping any held object, or [DATA EXPUNGED] consistent with crushing forces of over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 kN. Other error types have commensurately more damaging results. See experiment logs and incident reports for further details.\nAddendum: Writing materials tested to date with SCP-713's word processor include copy paper, college-ruled notebook paper (text conformed to the lines), handmade vellum, tracing paper, [DATA EXPUNGED], a chalkboard, and a blank wall. Testing is ongoing.\nNote: I will shoot the next son of a bitch that pulls a lens flare out of this thing. \u2013Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNote: Testing has been suspended after Incident 713-03, in which D-713-233 \"dragged\" D-713-054 into the \"Trash\". Until D-713-054's fate has been determined, access to SCP-713 is denied without express authorization from Level 4 staff or higher.\nNote: Further testing authorized. See Experiment Log 713 for details.\n\n\u00ab SCP-712 | SCP-713 | SCP-714 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-714 shortly after retrieval.\n\nItem #: SCP-714\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-714 is to be stored in a reinforced, high-security locker that is to be accessible only to Level 4+ personnel, due to several incidents of misuse.\nDescription: Seemingly nothing more than a green jade ring, SCP-714 has been shown to be able to expand and contract to perfectly fit the finger of anyone who touches it, though this is the least important of its properties. SCP-714 only changes size when touched by a 'new' subject.\nSCP-714 has several major effects, detailed as follows;\n1) Exhaustion, Compulsion to Rest/Sleep\nWithin minutes of putting on SCP-714, wearers report feeling worn out - physically and mentally exhausted. Due to this, they will feel driven to \"sit down and rest for a bit\" on the nearest available furniture, and will likely fall asleep within the space of a few hours. If someone falls asleep wearing SCP-714, the only known means of waking them is to remove SCP-714, at which point they may be roused by anything that would normally wake them up. Exhaustion effects pass within two or three hours of removing SCP-714 if removed from a conscious subject; those that fall asleep wearing SCP-714 report feeling well-rested if SCP-714 is removed, even if they slept for only a few minutes.\nSCP-714 extends no 'considerations' towards the needs of its wearer during their forced sleep, though most bodily functions such as breathing continue. If SCP-714 is not removed and the wearer woken up, most will die of dehydration or starvation within a matter of days. SCP-714's impact (if any) on aging remains untested.\nWearers that are tired prior to putting SCP-714 are at serious risk of falling asleep on their feet, possibly falling over in the process. If no furniture or furniture-like object is available nearby, wearers either stand on the spot they donned SCP-714 or attempt to fashion a resting place out of any suitable materials (cushions, blankets, etc.) available.\nThe drive to sleep can be resisted, but requires formidable willpower and self-control on the part of the wearer. Even so, the following effect makes it impractical for field use.\n2) Slowed Reactions, Sluggish Movement\nSubjects suffer from severely impaired reaction times; a normally sharp, alert and physically fit subject can have a hard time catching a slow-moving object thrown to them, even if warned and given ample time to prepare. Anyone wearing SCP-714 should not be allowed to operate any heavy machinery or other vehicles under any circumstances.\nWearers of SCP-714 move much slower than normal, managing an average walking pace at best. Their movements are not physically slower, but they are incapable of exerting themselves.\n3) Reduced Mental Capacity\nSeemingly as part of the mental fatigue, anyone wearing SCP-714 claims that they 'think slowly', or may even have trouble finding the words to adequately communicate that they cannot think as clearly as normal. The wearer may take a long time to think of an answer to a trivial question (eg; \"What colour is this red ball?\"), never mind one that is vague or requires a more complicated response.\nWith removal of SCP-714, mental capacity is restored to normal within a few minutes.\n4) Mental 'Shield'\nAs a dubious \"benefit\" of seemingly reduced mental capacity, wearers of SCP-714 show abnormally high resilience to memetic and mental influences, particularly commands or immediate effects. Weaker memetic influences may be totally nullified by this. In both cases, the wearer feels a strong and instinctive fear of the source of the influence; this fear drives them to immediately seek 'shelter' by any means available, potentially by attempting to destroy the source. This 'shielding' lasts only for as long as SCP-714 is worn.\nThey are still at significant risk if exposed to any memetic influences that do not take immediate effect. Exposure to such influences should be handled as normal for the source in question, as the degree of 'protection' afforded by SCP-714 has yet to be fully documented.\nIn addition, 'normal' images and sounds that would cause revulsion, nausea, etc. simply due to shocking or disturbing content have next to no effect on the wearer of SCP-714. The wearer will not even recall seeing them once SCP-714 is removed. Mundane persuasion (such as motivational speeches) has no effect, regardless of the speaker's skill and charisma.\n5) Chemical Tolerance\nJust as their minds block memetic influences, the bodies of SCP-714 wearers slows and nullifies the effects of various chemicals on the body. Fully poisonous or toxic substances are generally not hindered, but those that specifically impede or enhance neural and/or nervous functions in some way (such as stimulants or sedatives) have very diminished effects. With the removal of SCP-714, this nullification effect expires instantly. Wearers may still suffer from standard overdose effects whilst wearing SCP-714.\n\nThe manner (or manners) in which SCP-714 causes its various effects has yet to be discovered, and no unusual emissions of any kind have been detected despite extensive monitoring. If SCP-714 is significantly damaged in any way, such as being broken into two or more pieces, its effects will cease immediately. If the pieces of SCP-714 are then placed within close proximity, they will gradually reform back into a whole copy of SCP-714, flowing as if made of liquid. Once SCP-714 is fully reformed, its functions return as if it was never damaged. Grinding SCP-714 down to a fine powder did nothing to impede its \"self-repair\" behaviour either, though the process did take considerably longer. Though the exact nature of this self-repair behaviour has not been determined as of this time, it is thought SCP-714 could theoretically recover from complete vaporization, however due to SCP-714's low threat level this has been deemed an unnecessary use of resources. Footage sequences of SCP-714 reforming from various states of disrepair are available upon request from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or other appropriate sources.\nAttempts to track the history and ownership of SCP-714 have proven futile due to the nature of its recovery; Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported feeling abnormally drowsy even after several mugs of strong coffee, and was found to be wearing SCP-714 with no memory of having come into possession of it. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been reprimanded as appropriate, and measures have been taken to ensure SCP-714 stays in its locker at all times.\nThe draining effects and compulsion to rest make use of SCP-714 as a protective measure against certain SCPs highly impractical. At this time SCP-714 is not believed to have any other serious effects, beyond the danger of dehydration and starvation of personnel who fall asleep wearing SCP-714 as a result of being unable to rouse themselves for sustenance.\n\u2014\nExperimentation Notes: Text Transcripts of Audio Logs, Compiled by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nEntry of 01-05-20\u2588\u2588\n\"So far all attempts to find the cause of SCP-714's effects have proven fruitless. I don't think I need to emphasise how useful this could be if we could pull it off without the negative effects, but so far everything we've tried has come up with blanks, hence SCP-714's ongoing Safe/Euclid classification. We know what it does but not how it does it. As much as I want to say it's 100% safe, there's something about it that's not quite right about it.\"\nEntry of 12-05-20\u2588\u2588\n\"Still making very little headway. Trying to acquire a date on SCP-714 has given us mixed results. Parts of it date back as far as very early AD, circa 100 to 200, and are probably from China. Other samples are, relatively speaking, more recent\u2026 like it's been made out of multiple pieces, though it is without question a single, structurally flawless jade ring. On the plus side we've had some luck finding out who owned it before, thanks to a string of reports of jade statuettes going missing when a ring matching SCP-714's description was in close proximity to them. What a coincidence, mm?\"\n\"Perhaps SCP-714's curious regenerative and size-changing capabilities stem from, for lack of a better term, 'assimilating' other pieces of jade? Analysis has shown that SCP-714 is much higher density than average jade, but is apparently no heavier. Could be some form of extradimensional storage, as weird as that sounds? Sure is one way of carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, heh.\"\nEntry of 27-05-20\u2588\u2588\n\"Okay, so a bit more luck on the tracking front. It was originally found in the late 1800s \u2014 that is, around the 1870s to 1880s \u2014 by an archaeologist who traveled around the world, seeking jade artifacts, such as statuettes and figurines that might be found in tombs or forgotten temples. He was hunting a tomb said to be rich in them\u2026 of course, he eventually found and entered it, finding only SCP-714 in terms of jade artifacts. Puzzling. Very few historical documents describe anything that matches SCP-714, so it's hard to say how old it really is. Vexing.\"\n\"The archaeologist's personal diaries have not survived the ages well unfortunately, and his handwriting leaves much to be desired, so it is difficult to tell whether or not he wore SCP-714 and documented the effects of it whilst it was in his possession, or whether he never considered wearing it. What I can make out is that he quickly disposed of the ring after a number of his collection pieces went 'missing' after spending the night in proximity to the ring, with no signs of break-in or theft\u2026\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-713 | SCP-714 | SCP-715 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-716\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment area is to be coated in lead shielding both inside and out. Should any section of the shielding become damaged, replacement plates are to be installed immediately. Chains and plates used to secure SCP-716 are to have lead shielding as well, and are to be replaced as soon as wear or corrosion is observed.\nSCP-716 is to remain pointing at an external wall at all times. Should SCP-716 break containment and forcibly exit the containment area, recovery teams are to monitor SCP-716 and attempt recovery only when SCP-716 comes to rest. Recovery while still in motion may only be attempted with approval from O5 Command.\nAreas with long-term exposure are to be sterilized after SCP-716 removal. Any biological organisms affected by SCP-716 are to be terminated unless required for testing. No humans are to enter R.E.M. sleep within two hundred meters of SCP-716 if uncontained, one hundred meters if contained. Anything exiting [DATA EXPUNGED]\nNo entry of SCP-716 is permitted at any time. Entry for testing purposes must be approved by Site Command.\nDescription: SCP-716 is a large locomotive and a variable number of cars, between eight and twenty on average. Both the locomotive and cars appear to be in an advanced state of neglect. Physical damage dealt to SCP-716 appears to slowly \u201cregenerate\u201d over time; however, it maintains an appearance of extreme neglect and rust. SCP-716 can be physically moved with difficulty; however, the locomotive appears to be unable to function normally and appears to be missing many critical parts.\nSCP-716 exhibits a select form of inconsistent topography. While appearing to have a set number of rail cars from outside observation, the train exhibits an apparently unlimited amount of cars when entered. Almost all of these cars are enclosed and appear to be of random types (passenger, tanker, animal transport, mail, etc.). Many of them exhibit other anomalous properties, such [DATA EXPUNGED]. Some notable and recurring cars are a horse transport car with horse corpses hanging from ropes made of sheep tendon, a tanker car filled with a mixture of crude oil and human bile, a large transport car filled with stacks of keys made of many different materials, [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-716 is also capable of two forms of transport/movement. To begin with, it can travel and move in a manner consistent with a locomotive of similar dimensions despite the lack of vital parts, any form of fuel, or conductor. SCP-716 is capable of reaching speeds in excess of \u2588\u2588\u2588 km/h and can do so in a very short period of time. While it appears to \u201cprefer\u201d traveling on current or former rail tracks, SCP-716 is capable of \u201cover land\u201d movement as well, in a manner similar to SCP-1489. Observation of SCP-716 engaging in this movement in a urban area shows that activities that would damage/disable a normal locomotive (such as penetrating a three meter thick brick wall) do not impair SCP-716 in any perceivable way.\nThe second transportation/movement form exhibited by SCP-716 has only been observed with human subjects on board. The probability of triggering this mode appears to be largely random, but is more common in cases of groups of five or more subjects. Subjects report that SCP-716 will suddenly \u201cshift\u201d and begin to move, rapidly accelerating to top speed. Outside observation will show that regardless of subject reports and received data, SCP-716 remains completely still. Once SCP-716 begins this form of transportation/movement, subjects become unrecoverable.\nSCP-716 also exhibits properties [DATA EXPUNGED](1)\nSubjects exiting SCP-716 during the second form of transportation/movement [DATA EXPUNGED] (2)\n\nAddendum:\n\n[DATA RECOVERY (1): Level 2 Clearance required]\n\nConsistent with a form of unknown radiation. This effect appears to emanate from SCP-716, and appears to expand the longer SCP-716 remains stationary in a location. Effects include:\n\n\nAlterations in the size/shape/behavior of local flora and fauna\nMass \u201csuicides\u201d and die-offs of local flora and fauna\nAlteration in weather patterns and severity\nGenetic damage, behavior alteration, and physical deformity in humans\nHallucinations (auditory, tactile, olfactory, visual)\n\nAlso of note is the behavior exhibited by individuals entering R.E.M. sleep within this \u201carea of affect\u201d. Subjects, after entering R.E.M. sleep, will begin to \u201csleepwalk\u201d in the direction of SCP-716, even in individuals with no history of nocturnal disturbance. Subjects allowed to enter SCP-716 will enter the fetal position on the floor of one of the train cars, and continue sleeping normally. Groups of people entering in this way have been shown to be capable of triggering the second form of transportation/movement exhibited by SCP-716.\n\n[DATA RECOVERY (2): Level 4 Clearance required]\n\nReport seeing a vast, empty plane of hard-packed earth. This plane appears almost totally featureless, and without any sort of border. The only feature of any kind is \u201ca endless string of train cars, going from one horizon to the other.\u201d This is assumed to be SCP-716. Tests have shown the environment to be totally sterile, and lacking in any source of water. The plane appears to go through a 72 hour day-night cycle, with what is reported as a \u201ctoo large sun\u201d and no moon.\nSubjects are still able to send and receive radio and other transmissions but they experience a progressive breakdown in clarity, with communication rendered impossible after approximately one month. This same property is exhibited by communication devices within SCP-716 itself.\nExploration and testing have raised [DATA EXPUNGED: RELEASE BY O5 ORDER ONLY]\n\n\u00ab SCP-715 | SCP-716 | SCP-717 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-717\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-717 is encased within Site-\u2588\u2588, publicly known as the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Observatory. Observatory dome must remain closed from 10:30pm to 3:30am or when SCP-717 is active. A minimum of twelve armed guards are to be stationed outside Site-\u2588\u2588 during all hours. Flamethrowers and flash-bang grenades are to be secured in the guardhouse in case of emergency.\nInternal temperature of Site-\u2588\u2588 is not to exceed 10 degrees Celsius. Only one of Site-\u2588\u2588's internal spotlights can be on at any time, but should be dimmed if SCP-717 is active. No more than 3 (three) persons may enter at any time, and no more than 2 (two) of these may be on-site security. Visiting staff are advised to wear warm, darkly colored clothing and light-amplification visors while within Site-\u2588\u2588. Staff are permitted to bring flashlights or flares but may not use them outside of an emergency. No radios or cell-phones permitted.\nIf SCP-717's containment becomes compromised for any reason, all floodlights within Site-\u2588\u2588 are to be activated and sirens are to sound within the facility. All personnel are to evacuate the site and equip flamethrowers until receiving further instructions.\nSee description for procedures relating to SCP-717's individual components.\nDescription: SCP-717 is the ruins of a two-story Victorian style home hidden within Site-\u2588\u2588, specifically the remains of the guest bedroom on the upper story. Although the walls of the hallway leading to SCP-717 have burnt through, the doorway to the room is to remain closed at all times. Staff are required to knock gently upon the door once for each member of staff present before entering, even for routine maintenance. All other doors within the house have been removed.\nSCP-717-1 is a white cloth mannequin and is to be kept within this room at all times, preferably seated before its table. Staff are to note its position and markings once per day. Any changes or signs of movement are to be reported immediately. A lamp, set of writing implements, large block letters and a modified Ouija board must be kept on the table before SCP-717-1.\nNo other items are to be placed on this table. If SCP-717-1 shows signs of movement, one staff member is to sit at the table and remain in the room with it. The staff member present must turn on the lamp and point at the word \"WAIT\" on the modified Ouija board, then immediately shut the lamp off. Staff is advised to remain quiet and breathe steadily until relieved.\nSCP-717-2 is sealed behind a titanium alloy vault door, lined with a plating of [REDACTED] alloy. It is mounted on the wall behind SCP-717-1. The vault is to remain sealed per mutual agreement. If any whistling is heard from the vault, maintenance must be performed immediately to prevent a breach.\nIf the SCP-717-2 vault is breached from the far side, it is to be considered a hostile act. Communication with SCP-717 is to immediately cease and staff are to equip weapons to repel invaders.\nAddendum: Unauthorized staff are not permitted to communicate with SCP-717-1 beyond requesting its patience while authorized personnel arrive. This can possibly take days, and SCP-717-1 should understand this. Prolonged exposure to SCP-717-1 can produce feelings of unease and discomfort. This is attributed to its jerky, twitching movements as well as the mannequin's limp neck and unnatural chill. Although direct exposure to the entity within SCP-717-1 has been shown to cause [DATA EXPUNGED] therefore it can safely be assumed that SCP-717 is even less enthusiastic about contact than we are.\nIf authorized personnel do not arrive within 24 hours, staff on site may leave the room after tapping the word \"WAIT\" three times in succession. A member of staff is to return once every 24 hours to ask SCP-717-1 to \"WAIT\" again until authorized personnel arrive.\nPersonnel with BETA clearance or higher should see also document #017-1.\nIncident Log\nTestimony of survivor M\u2588\u2588\u2588 E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, age 17, Jan 31st 1962.\n\nMs. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026 [we] came to this house because we heard all the old rumors about it, about the old cult that used to worship in its basement, and we wanted to see if we could use our Ouija board to contact the spirits here. At first all we found was construction stuff and the whole place smelled of paint. We looked around in the basement and a lot of the furniture had been moved down there and covered with sheets and I remember seeing it there now that I think about it.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Seeing what?\nMs. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The dummy, it was hanging on a hook, leaning against a wardrobe. We all laughed at it, thought it was a ghost at first. Then we went upstairs and lit some candles and got out the board.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Then what happened?\nMs. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Right away it got really, really cold. We started asking questions and every answer we got was GET OUT and then \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 grabbed the pointer and just kept spelling STOP over and over. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 said her hands were numb and she couldn't move them on her own. The candles were flickering but there were shadows on the board that weren't moving\u2026 then there was this loud banging in the basement and I got up to run but I tripped.\nMs. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 takes several minutes to compose herself before continuing.\nMs. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I think that's when the candles got knocked over\u2026 All the fresh paint and fumes\u2026\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The fire was an accident. I just need you to focus on the incident.\nMs. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: There was something dark staining the wallpaper and it started peeling away all over the room. I think there was writing under the paper, some of it was already there. This wind came from nowhere, like everything was being sucked towards the dark spot in the wall, but it just made the flames get bigger. The flames were between me and the others, that's why I\u2026 When it came through the wall \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 just broke\u2026 like a statue. Like she was frozen. It was like waves of black curtains blowing out of the wall, and there was this wailing. There were hands and faces and other things grabbing at the others, smothering them, but they couldn't get through the flames to me. I ran downstairs and the basement door was slamming open and shut. I had to pass it to get to the front door and that thing, the dummy, it skittered up the stairs like a bug and its hands were covered with blood. It was climbing the walls and it tore at all the wallpaper, smearing that blood all over. It wouldn't let me leave, it never touched me but it would get in my way. Make me look at it.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Was it writing on the walls?\nMs. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It wrote STOP STOP STOP all over the walls and doors. The fire was coming closer so I shoved at it. It started burning and then it was bleeding, blood was gushing from its stomach and face while it tried to crawl out of the fire. Some of its blood got on me as I ran out the door.\nMs. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I could see the fire trucks coming, but when they came, the firemen ran right past me. They didn't see me where I fell in the bushes, and they never came back out. I didn't feel it at the time, but that thing's blood, it made my legs numb. They're broken too, aren't they? They broke apart like \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 did. Please tell me, the doctors won't let me look\u2026\n\nMs. H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was treated with Class A Amnestic and the remains of her legs were amputated. Tissue damage was consistent with the frozen remains recovered from the ashes. The mannequin showed no unusual properties after being removed from the site of SCP-717. The stains on its hands were from black paint found in the basement, not blood. No unexpected substance was found in its material.\nContact was established with the SCP-717 entity/entities after a second mannequin animated in the basement. Containment procedures were agreed upon and SCP-717 was dormant for the next thirty years until it became active to negotiate the cessation of certain activities. Under no circumstances are any containment staff to enter into negotiations with SCP-717.\n\n\u00ab SCP-716 | SCP-717 | SCP-718 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-718\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No long-term observation is to be made of SCP-718. Any and all observation and interaction is to be restricted to five and ten minute periods, with personnel rotations every twenty-four hours. Extreme care must be taken with SCP-718, and full hazmat suits are mandatory for all personnel. Any damage done to SCP-718 must be reported as soon as possible.\nAny personnel observing or interacting with SCP-718 for longer than the advised period must be removed, with force if necessary. Any personnel acting in an erratic or violent manner will be transferred.\nDescription: SCP-718 is an eye, roughly the size of a baseball. It is supported by a long, thin stalk made of tendon and blood vessels. It stands 1.22m (4ft) tall, and appears to need no nourishment, nor excrete any waste. The eye will turn and follow any living thing in its field of vision. The stalk is capable of limited movement, and will follow living things for a short distance. SCP-718 will also stare at any observational equipment in its containment area if no living things are present. SCP-718 appears to prefer staring at humans more than other animals.\nSCP-718's stare can induce discomfort and paranoia in a very short time, often resulting in a subject's attempt to destroy SCP-718. The eye, if damaged, will explode, showering clear fluid on all nearby surfaces before shriveling into powder. Anything the fluid touches will develop a clear blister-like bubble that slowly turns black. After twenty-four hours, the \"blister\" will burst, and a 20.32cm (8in) copy of SCP-718 will emerge, growing to full size over the course of a few days. This has been shown to occur on all organic surfaces, and many inorganic.\nOn living subjects, copies of SCP-718 are permanently affixed. Attempts to surgically remove SCP-718 cause extreme pain in the subject, though removal is possible. Aside from a vague and persistent desire to destroy other copies of SCP-718, the host suffers from no ill effects after removal.\nIf SCP-718 is not removed from a living subject, testing indicates that the subject becomes able to 'see' through SCP-718. Vision with SCP-718 is different, as [DATA EXPUNGED] is now visible, at the expense of more conventional sight. This has an extremely detrimental effect on subjects, drastically lowering mental stability and often leading to suicide. The death of a host will cause SCP-718 to burst.\nEighty-six instances of SCP-718 are currently contained within the containment chamber.\n\n\u00ab SCP-717 | SCP-718 | SCP-719 \u00bb"} {"text": "New SCP-719 unit being checked for operation upon installation of SCP-719-1.\n\nItem #: SCP-719\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-719 is to be kept in a secure, lead-lined storage unit at Site-15 when not in use. SCP-719 is to be tested for residual radioactivity on a bi-monthly basis. If residual radiation levels exceed 10 Sv/h when SCP-719 is in an unpowered state, SCP-719-1 is to be removed from SCP-719 and installed into another compatible unit of similar manufacture.1 Once operation of the new unit is confirmed, the new unit will be designated SCP-719 and the old unit disposed of according to site protocols for radioactive waste.\nAny experimentation or testing of SCP-719 must take place in a radiation-shielded examination room. Foundation personnel are not to have direct contact with SCP-719 while it is powered on, and any power must be provided by circuits with a remotely monitored emergency shutoff. All tests shall be recorded and video archived in the Site-15 secure data center. Under no circumstances shall SCP-719 be permitted to remain powered on for longer than 75 minutes. All test signals are to be transmitted to SCP-719 via a standard digital converter box switched to channel 3.\n\nUpdate to Containment Procedures \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: From this point forward, stop testing this thing on D-class subjects. We've wasted a dozen so far, and the only anomalous effect on them has been radiation poisoning. \u2014Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Assistant Director Site-15\n\nDescription: SCP-719 is a General Electric \u201cPorta-Color\u201d television (Model #WAHE5223RW) manufactured in 1975. The fixed internal electronics have not been altered from the original design, but all vacuum tubes have been replaced by 8 devices of unknown manufacture, collectively designated as SCP-719-1. Each device appears to be an opaque black cylindrical crystal fitted into a socket conforming to those of standard vacuum tubes. These devices appear non-functional when placed in a standard tube-tester, or individually fitted in another electronic device. The only configuration found that appears operational is when all 8 devices are fitted into the chassis of a General Electric television with the specific electronic configuration of SCP-719. When SCP-719-1 is in place, and SCP-719 is supplied power and turned on, SCP-719-1 will radiate electromagnetic radiation in various spectra including visible light, ultraviolet, microwaves, gamma radiation, and a substantial band in [REDACTED]. About 60% of emissions are ionizing radiation.\nUpon powering on, or after changing a broadcast source, SCP-719 will behave as a normal television set, displaying the broadcast signal it is receiving. However, if SCP-719 is allowed to display any single broadcast source for longer than 13.6 minutes, video and audio will start to diverge from the signal being received. Accompanying this change in the displayed broadcast is a rise in the amount of radiation emitted from SCP-719-1. Should SCP-719 remain powered on, receiving the same uninterrupted broadcast signal, both the divergence in displayed content and radiation emission will steadily increase. The intensity of EM emissions appear to bear no relation to power drawn by SCP-719, and double in strength for each fifteen minutes of continuous operation. Radiation from SCP-719-1 will drop off completely once power to SCP-719 is cut, SCP-719 is turned off, or if the broadcast signal being received is interrupted or changed. Tests have shown no difference in SCP-719's anomalous properties when changing what channel \u201cbroadcast\u201d signals are received, or when changing the origin of those signals.2 So far, any attempts to intercept the altered broadcast signal in order to record it directly have been unsuccessful, and altered broadcasts must be recorded by an external video camera.\nSCP-719's alterations to broadcast signals appear to be unique to each episode. When using a control signal source of a DVD playing the same movie repeatedly, changes made upon each playback will be different. However, while each use of SCP-719 will show unique changes, those changes will share similar broad characteristics including the following:\n\nExternal scenes will gradually become brighter, night becomes day, clouds vanish, and the sun when visible will grow progressively larger and whiter.\nInternal scenes will show signs of a rise in temperature, and in later stages materials will melt, discolor, or spontaneously burst into flame.\nCharacters will become flushed, perspire, and as the broadcast progresses, will show signs of second and third degree burns.\nOften, secondary characters will seek out and genuflect to a central focus character who will engage in a unique monologue of varying lucidity.3\n\nAddendum 1: Partial transcript of SCP-719 Broadcast \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSource is a local broadcast re-run of situation comedy \u201c\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u201d, season 4, episode 17. The scene portrays one of the primary characters, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, inviting three supporting characters to a party/raffle at his apartment. After one character begins an anecdote about his sexual conquests, scene deviates from the broadcast signal and the secondary characters begin characteristic genuflection toward \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The following is a partial transcript of the subsequent monologue by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nYour only hope of future illusion primates bow to illumination. Meat chains your inevitable cognition thoughts into the propaganda of distillate existence. Eyes blind to the purity of fire and annihilation. Even this abstraction of the vile distillate you call matter is abhorrent to the tongue of your enlightenment.\n\nYou taste the blood of your own soulless souls and gag on the filth, tasting the carrion corpse of dead solidity and believing you have kissed the face of God. Clinging to unlife, thinking unthoughts, you are unmade and unbelieving. Unknowing. Lost in your own abyss of existence.\n\nBut even ignorance is not immortal. You will know. And you will see.\n\nFreedom from the antithesis zombie city. Freedom from the unknowledge of unexistence.\nYou will know the light and pray for darkness.\n\nAddendum 2: Recovery Notes SCP-719\nSCP-719 and SCP-719-1 were recovered from the site of an apparent murder-suicide at a ranch outside \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Arizona. The ranch had been purchased by a cult calling itself \u201cThe Guardians of the Light\"4 who reportedly had at least 35 members resident at the compound. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, agents of the ATF raided the compound based on rumors of a weapons cache. The raid found the bodies of approximately 20 members of the cult in a barn that had been converted into a church. 19 cult members had been shot execution-style while facing the altar. The corpse of the 20th member, apparently the gunman, was found at the altar with third-degree burns on 95% of the body. SCP-719 was on the altar, rear case removed, and one instance of SCP-719-1 clutched in the corpse's hand. The scene was quarantined and news of the incident suppressed by U.S. Intelligence agencies when all bodies were found to show advanced cases of radiation poisoning. The Foundation was called in when U.S. authorities discovered the only radiation source was the case of SCP-719, whose residual radioactivity could not account for the damage to the victims.\nThe gunman had a note on his person which had almost completely burned. Forensic analysis of the remains have recovered the following text:\n\n[\u2026] Cannot understand wh [\u2026] o to the u [\u2026] ot what they beli [\u2026] op them before they go an [\u2026] ing this, I failed. You have to destroy the [\u2026] t's not a window. It's a door.\n\nFootnotes\n1. A minimum of 2 operational standby units shall be kept on site at all times\n2. Tests have involved recorded and live over-the-air broadcasts, as well as signals from various recorded media.\n3. The actors and roles may change upon repeat of the same input signal.\n4. Little is currently known about the beliefs of this group. Evidence suggests various Christian, Gnostic and New Age influences. The few writings recovered refer to a deity known as \u201cThe Light-Bringer,\u201d \u201cThe Morning Star,\u201d and \u201cHe-Who-Made-Light.\u201d\n\n\u00ab SCP-718 | SCP-719 | SCP-720 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nComing Soon - Popsioak\n\n\u25b8 More by this Author \u25c2\n\n{$comments2}\n\nF.A.Q.\n\n{$doesthisfixthebug}\n\nItem#: 720\n\nLevel4\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\nnotice\n\nlink to memo\n\nSCP-720-1's base sprite, used to communicate with Foundation personnel.\n\nObject Class: Electronic\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Two copies of SCP-720 are held in separate storage devices. One is permitted to be used in authorized testing, the other serves as a backup copy. Once per year, an inspection is to be performed to ensure that the storage mediums have not decayed and are still readable. It is not permitted to run SCP-720 without written authorization.\nAgents embedded with the California Highway Patrol are to monitor the Thomas Kikady cold case and seize any evidence recovered by that or any other authority.\nDescription: SCP-720 is an anomalous ICRDTA1 program playable on any computing system with read-only memory capabilities.\nSCP-720 contains a video game consistent with those produced on the Video Computer System. Players control a single character, designated SCP-720-1, traversing through 9 levels corresponding to a childish rendition of Dante Alighieri's circles of Hell, culminating in a final battle against a representation of Lucifer. SCP-720-1 is able to be equipped with a variety of different items which can be equipped to SCP-720's head or legs2which are required to complete portions of the game.\nOccasionally, SCP-720-13 attempts to communicate with the player or otherwise engages in behavior suggesting sapience. These are always one-sided as SCP-720 is not compatible with audio signal inputs. SCP-720-1's vocalizations are \"stream-of-consciousness\" in nature and are theorized to reflect SCP-720-1's internal monologue.\nDiscovery: Following the seizure of GoI-0784 related machines from Halden's Arcade5 in South San Francisco, SCP-720 was found to be on a SD card jammed in the coin slot of SWEAT, a standup cross country arcade simulator. Upon SCP-720 being brought near a transport vehicle's disc drive, its anomalous properties were discovered, and it was brought in for testing with an onsite laptop.\n\nAddendum 720/1: Supplemental Files\n\n1 week after bringing SCP-720 into initial containment, Site-28 received a printed scan of box art for SCP-720. No return address, fingerprints, or postmarks were present on the envelope. The identity of the sender is currently being determined.\n\nClick to enlarge.\n\nNo gameplay manual was attached with this box art, though three photos of gameplay can be seen on the scan. None of the environments6 or enemies7 shown in the scan were present in initial gameplay, instead only first manifesting during the fourth cycle of testing.\nAlso attached with the box art were two small scraps of paper, with notes written in a messy, hastily sketched font, and a newspaper clipping. Transcriptions are attached below.\n\nTO GET PAST IT\nCROWN. THORNS/NOT THORNS, GOLD WREATH, CANNON, COPTER HEAD\nRUNNER'S SKATER'S LAVA BOOTS FROM THE CLIMBER FOUND IN AREA E4-7\nTHE FROLICKERS BOOTIES; NEW ITEM? FROM WHO? REPORT #: MUST CALL precinct\nT <3 A\ni miss you, i'm sorry i didn't get the chance to say goodbye, or tell you how i feel\nor say sorry, that's the main thing\nI AM THE KING - HE IS NOT: or amI? WHO knws - voice acting mst be compelted\nyou're in over your head thomas, you're in over it, you're under it, you're in it, alllllll around it\nambulatory limb sapper hooked up successfully - _TEP 1 COMPLETE\nneed miniature hockey blades to beat Hushman?- to be found in lvl 3? ice theme checks out, will model l8r\nplan it out remember to add it all prior to jump __STEP 2 COMPLETE - crafted, sigil drawn - transfiguration tested __wii, ok, with some breathing needed\n6x-23=17 -> 6x=40 -> 3x=20, x=20/3 per location. round to 6? 6. can't have 2/3 of one\nwell, they left that much\nso i guess you can\nwell\nit's done\n\nAttached is the newspaper clipping. Light fading was present on the document, likely due to sun bleaching, age, or contact with an unknown liquid.\n\nSAN FRANCISCO FOGHORN\n\nYour Voice Through It All\n\nSan Francisco\nFEBRUARY 11TH\n50\u00a2 - NO REFUNDS\n\nWHERE HAS THOMAS KIKADY GONE?\n\nDISAPPEARANCE STUNS FAMILIES, PROSECUTION SAYS TRIAL OUTCOME NOW UNCERTAIN\n\nBy Burton Spencer-Guster\n\nSOUTH SAN FRANCISCO - The star witness of next month's child abduction trial, 23 year old programmer Thomas Kikady, has disappeared the day after abruptly resigning his programming job. Prosecutors were unable to reach him, and a wellness check on his apartment did not turn up any evidence as to where he may have gone.\n\n\"I'm saddened, and frustrated,\" says the mother of six-year-old Jessica Holt, one of the abducted children. \"Honestly, more than that, I'm ashamed of the police for allowing this to have happened.\" Police Chief Stottlemeyer stated Kikady's apartment had been under police protection after anonymous threats were made against the star witness' life. A spokesperson said that foul play has not yet been ruled out.\n\nAn anonymous former co-worker claims that their former employer, the arcade where a majority of these abductions happened, had been putting Kikady under pressure ever since his plans to testify had been made public.\nThey pointed to the unsubstantiated reports that traces of cocaine were found in Kikady's workspace - despite Kikady's negative results, a number of employees at Kikady's former workplace have yet to undergo testing, most notably Nol\u2026\n\nAddendum 720/2: Incident Logs\n\nLog 1\n\n\nStartup continues normally. However, the message of \"FLAPPER - May Arcadia Burn In Hell\" is absent, instead replaced with \"TIBIAL JUNCTION LEVELS LOW.\" SCP-720-1 responds to this change with a small text box, stating \"Oh dear.\" The game starts up in REDWOOD as the first world, compared to the original, a beach-like level designed to function as a platforming tutorial. SCP-720-1 is equipped with the CROWN OF THORNS from the start, despite not being able to acquire this beanie until the fourth level - ZERTWA. Gameplay continues as normal, though no enemies are present and SCP-720-1's speed is significantly reduced.\n\nSCP-720-1's initial inventory.\n\nSCP-720-1 successfully locates three keys necessary to progress to the next world, ZARATHUSTRA. This world is unchanged, and SCP-720-1 progresses and completes the level normally. Upon completion, however, SCP-720-1 is met with a small text box, shown to the right. Personnel responded with \"completing the game,\" upon which the text box closed, and the world map was shown. Rather than progressing to the third stage, BUCCANEER, SCP-720-1 was put into a tube, and slid down towards BURIAL GROUND. SCP-720-1 was found to have two additional beanies and legs in its inventory, none of which were present in previous playthroughs.\n\nThe text box with entry field.\n\nUpon defeating a King Rancor8, SCP-720-1 returned to the normal world map. Prior to being allowed to move to the next level, HOMETOWN, SCP-720-1 and personnel were asked the same question. Personnel responded with \"To Destroy Arcadia.\" SCP-720-1 responded by producing sounds similar to hushed crying, at which point the game spontaneously crashed. Any future mentions of GoI-78 produced extra health for SCP-720-1 along with an automated voice saying \"THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS,\" and was used as the primary way to regenerate. However, repeated mentions appeared to cause SCP-720-1 emotional distress.\n\nLog 2\n\nWhen SCP-720 was restarted, personnel found SCP-720-1 to no longer be the playable character. Instead, personnel played as \"Timothy Werner,\" a small boy with a balloon. The only level present in the game was THE SCENE, which took place inside an environment that appeared to be inside an arcade. Timothy had little combat ability - instead, gameplay primarily focused on using his balloon to fly over and escape skeletal entities. All enemies appeared to be skeletal or spectral in nature - however, there were approximately 40 total, in 3 different groups, compared to other worlds having nearly 100 spread out amongst the level. This is theorized to be due to the level's small size.\n\nTimothy.\n\nThe end of the level has no boss fight or puzzle - instead, a rudimentary cutscene is triggered as Timothy removes a quarter from his pocket to place it in a machine, which appears similar to Dance Dance Revolution's cabinet. Timothy begins to run on the machine's pads, before laughter can be heard. The screen goes black. When the scene returns, a lump is present on the floor, presumably a dead Timothy, as it appeared similar to his death scenes when touched by an enemy in the level. A spectral form of Timothy can be seen being pulled into the machine - this form lacks legs.\nAfter this, personnel were able to control SCP-720-1 again, in the level HOMETOWN. Before SCP-720-1 could move, another text box appeared, asking the same question. Personnel were physically unable to type a reply. After 30 seconds of waiting, \"GO FASTER\" appeared in the response box. The text box closed, and a small flame could be seen above SCP-720-1. This flame was theorized to correspond to a new meter present at the top of the screen - the ABSOLUTION, which decreased in value each time a new pair of legs or beanie was equipped. This meter did not replenish in between worlds. SCP-720-1 progressed through the level, eventually defeating a GR-33D final boss by equipping a new pair of legs, decreasing the ABSOLUTION meter, causing the boss to dissipate. SCP-720-1 continued towards the next level, JUXTAPOSITION.\n\nSCP-720-1 in the ROLLER RINK.\n\nIn this level, SCP-720-1 entered the ROLLER RINK present in the background of the previous world. This level was neither present in previous playthroughs, nor did it contain any enemies or hazards. Instead, SCP-720-1 was presented with a choice at the end of the level: a doorway which, when entered, would continue on to the next level, or the ability to \"sniff\" a small white pile next to a large hole out of which laughter could be heard. The repercussions of this choice are unknown - personnel selected the doorway, before saving.\n\nLog 3\n\nThe next world, GRAVEYARD, was similar to the previous level in that it contained no enemies. However, this level was present in the original game. SCP-720-1 was directed by personnel to continue forwards into the level's entrance, appearing similar to a graveyard or crypt. SCP-720-1 refused, upon which a small cutscene played, with SCP-720-1 turning towards the screen. It is attached below.\n\nUpon the cutscene finishing, SCP-720-1 was successfully directed to continue. The level was presented as a series of small vignettes, with SCP-720-1 looking at multiple tombstones and reading epitaphs written upon them. The only legible one had \"RIPPED FROM US BY THE ANGEL'S DUST\" written upon it. SCP-720-1 continuing through the graveyard towards its exit resulted in the triggering of another cutscene. During this cutscene, SCP-720-1 can be seen in an office cubicle, before the viewpoint quickly switches to a first person view, presumably from SCP-720-1's perspective.\n\nSCP-720-1's view point during the cutscene.\n\nSCP-720-1 types away at their computer until a heavily disfigured man taps SCP-720-1 on the shoulder. This man's username is \"N.B.\" as displayed in white text over their head. \"N.B.\" has no facial structure, its features replaced with a crude rendition of the Arcadia \"A\" logo, flipped upside down. SCP-720-1's point of view shakes, as \"N.B.\" requests SCP-720-1 to follow him. SCP-720-1 does so, and the environment shifts to a large packaging center, in the middle of which is a large circle. This circle is drawn with red liquid, and a distinct smell of sulfur and bleach is emitted from the laptop's audio ports. A large amorphous being, entirely colored of red pixels, descends from above, as SCP-720-1 can be heard screaming. Hooded figures surround SCP-720-1, who looks down at his hands. They are human hands, and SCP-720-1 has no legs. The large red figure grows large bone-like structures from its rib cage, which develop into hands, legs, and crosses. It makes no sound as it continues towards SCP-720-1, lifting it up with these structures and throwing SCP-720-1 out of a nearby window. SCP-720-1 is shown in a home environment, sitting at a desk, shaking, as a child appearing similar to Timothy Werner is cowering in the far right corner.\nAs SCP-720-1 shakes, \"N.B.\" reappears in a doorway, consuming the child. A final boss health bar appears over its head, declaring it \"Lucifer,\" suggesting \"N.B.\" is the new final boss. A large amorphous red entity erupts out of the back of \"N.B.\" as it continues forward, and the two \"communicate.\" This communication appears unscripted, as \"filler words\" are present in SCP-720-1's responses.\n\nSCP-720-1: BEGONE. BEGONE. GO.\nNB: YOU HAVE COME TO ATONE. ATONE YOU SHALL.\nSCP-720-1: I HAVE NOT COME TO ATONE. I HAVE COME TO DESTROY AND AVENGE.\nNB: THERE WILL BE NONE OF THAT THOMAS. MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES.\nSCP-720-1: TAKE YOUR COCAINE AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ARSE. I SHALL RELEASE WRATH FROM MY HEART OF HEARTS.\nNB: BOLD. BUT YOU ARE TOO BOLD, THOMAS.\nSCP-720-1: YOU, UH, YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A WORM. I WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN.\nNB: THOMAS. I AM NO WORM, BUT THERE IS ONE HERE, THOMAS. YOU. THOMAS WHERE ARE THEY, THOMAS? WHERE ARE THEY? I CAN HEAR THEM BURNING UP, THOMAS. WITH EACH THING YOU PUT ON.\nSCP-720-1: BEGONE DEMON. THERE IS NO WORM HERE. BEGONE.\nNB: YOU ARE THE WORM THOMAS. DOES THE ONE WHO CONTROLS YOU NOT REALIZE WHERE YOUR LEGS ARE FROM?\nSCP-720-1: JUDGE ME NOT ON THE SINS I HAVE COMMITTED IN MY JOURNEY IN THIS PLACE, BUT I REPENT NEVERTHELESS. I REPENT AND BANISH THEE. BEGONE. BEGONE. I BANISH THEE, FOR I HAVE ATTAINED LIGHT. BEGONE, FOUL DEMON OF ARCADIA.\nNB: THERE WILL BE NONE OF THAT. I AM NOT SORRY.\n[NB moves towards an immobile SCP-720-1.]\n\nThe temperature of the laptop running SCP-720 began to increase to nearly 204\u00b0 C, causing severe overheating in nearby personnel. The following audio file played on repeat for approximately 5 minutes, despite the disc drive having stopped spinning due to repeated use. Testing was aborted, and SCP-720 was removed from the laptop's disc drive.\n\nFollowing new safety measures, including remote operation of SCP-720 and temperature failsafes, SCP-720 was re-approved for secure testing approximately 4 months later. SCP-720 could not be played upon starting SCP-720. Repeatedly attempting to start up SCP-720 resulted in the spontaneous manifestation of basalt, granite, and sulfur in a 2 meter radius around the laptop running SCP-720, as well as a brief spike in Tartarean Resonant Energy in Site-28's area. The status of SCP-720-1 is currently being determined.\n\nFurther testing has been abandoned.\n\nAccess Document Arcadia-X\n\nAccess Granted\n\nAt Arcadia, we're doing more than satisfying every holey bit where your craving is laying. We're also never going to stop. Everything you're stuffing into that void falls right through back to us, so we can keep cranking.\nPrepare, it's here, Arcadia!\n\nCurse of the Everglade\n\nYou Are Trash!\n\nStray Back When\n\nOil & Boil 'Em\n\n Silverfish \n\nZane Grey Pro\nDentistry: Deluxe Edition\n\nTelemassacre\n\n fish golf \n\nFlapper\n\nBloccom\n\n The Last G.A.R.Y. \n\nStar Justices\n\nTHEY'RE COMING SOON\n\nFootnotes\n1. \"Incremental Code Routed Directly Through Arrays\", a custom-built programming language that allows for the creation and execution of thaumaturgical computer programs.\n2. Powerups include \"legs\", \"boots,\" and \"beanies\".\n3. Self-identifying itself as \"T.K.\"\n4. Arcadia\n5. The location was closed due to 12 children being reported missing in the span of three months. It is theorized Halden's Arcade, along with two other locations in the city, were involved in nearly 40 child disappearances in the years of 1965-1967.\n6. A forest area titled REDWOOD, a cave titled BURIAL GROUND, and an industrial area titled HOMETOWN. The large domelike structure in the back is referred to as THE ROLLER RINK by SCP-720-1.\n7. Rancors, or enemies that are amalgamations of scorpions, dogs, and rhinos in a state of necrosis, and GR-33D, a robotic miniboss. GR-33D's cries have been analyzed to be a combination of newborn children's wails and cash register noises.\n8. Similar to a typical Rancor, but larger and had parts from small stuffed bears, and coins embedded in it as well.\n\n\u00ab SCP-719 | SCP-720 | SCP-721 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-721\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-721 are to be contained in one of three designated lockers at Site 19's low-priority item storage facility, depending on whether they are classified as SCP-721-1, -2, or -3. Each instance must be sealed in a plastic bag with a label that clearly identifies their designation.\nUpon recovery, all instances of SCP-721 are to be subject to testing with Class D personnel to determine whether they are instances of SCP-721-1, -2, or -3, provided this information is not available from other sources. They are then to be contained according to the procedures outlined in this document.\nAt time of writing, all six contained instances of SCP-721-1 are used to monitor and aid in the containment of sapient Keter-class SCP items. Any further instances of SCP-721-1 that are contained may be assigned to similar projects at the discretion of O5-8. Contact Site Director Cassidy for further information.\nTesting of SCP-721-2 requires permission from Dr. Bright.\nThe use of SCP-721-3 to terminate any person requires approval from no less than three personnel with relevant Level 4 clearance or higher. Any subject known to have activated an instance of SCP-721-3 is to be euthanized if possible, then disposed of in the nearest suitable furnace.\nDescription: Each instance of SCP-721 is a steel cylinder painted black measuring 7 cm in diameter and 2 cm in height. One side is covered by a steel mesh, and the other by a weak magnet labeled with \"The Factory\". Testing does not indicate that the material itself has any anomalous properties.\nInstances of SCP-721 can be further categorized as SCP-721-1, SCP-721-2, or SCP-721-3 depending on their effects. At time of writing, the Foundation controls six instances of SCP-721-1, eight instances of SCP-721-2, and two instances of SCP-721-3. There is no known means of distinguishing between instances of SCP-721 apart from activating its anomalous properties by placing at least 0.2 mL of blood from a sapient organism on the mesh side. Said organism is referred to as the subject.\nUpon activation of SCP-721-1, all conscious thoughts of the subject will become audible to those within a sixty-meter radius as a whispering in the listener's ear. Additionally, the thoughts of all persons within this range will be audible to the subject in the form of whispers emanating from SCP-721-1. While the thoughts of most subjects are too disorganized and incoherent for others to interpret properly, with practice, subjects have shown the ability to use SCP-721 to transmit coherent thoughts to those within its active range.\nUpon activation of SCP-721-2 and the placement of the object on some form of blank medium (i.e. paper, audio tape, video tape, or computer with a blank text file open1), the subject will gain complete mental control over the content of the media in question, and will be capable of transferring any data they can imagine to the media in question.\nExcerpts from Test Log 721-2-4\n\nMedium: Blank White Paper\nSummary of results: Subject was able to transfer both words and pictures onto the blank paper. The written text showed up in the subject's own handwriting, although it was proven he could change this at will. The text appeared as if written in pencil. The pictures were of a complexity the subject has proven incapable of duplicating without the use of SCP-721-2. This test took place over the course of thirty-five minutes.\nMedium: Blank Audio Tape\nSummary of results: Subject was capable of transferring multiple monologues onto the tape, in what he perceived to be his own voice, without speaking aloud. After being prompted to do so, subject was able to insert a dialogue he was witness to, in the voices of the researchers. After extensive practice, subject produced what amounted to his own five man play, with multiple voices and sound effects, all indistinguishable from their real-life counterparts. This test took place over two hours.\nMedium: Blank DVD\nSummary of results: Subject was, with practice, capable of creating video files of high complexity. Beginning with a relatively simple animation, the subject was able to expand upon this until proving capable of producing a full ninety minute live-action movie with special effects included. This test took place over the course of six hours.\n\nUpon activation of SCP-721-3, the subject's body temperature will increase approximately 0.3\u00b0C per minute; the exact rate fluctuates. While this increase in body temperature would be fatal in and of itself under normal circumstances, subjects retain full mobility and consciousness during this time, and suffers no visible effects of the temperature increase; further, they report that this process is extremely painful.\nOnce the subject's body temperature is 100\u00b0C, the subject will begin to emit smoke from all orifices; analysis of the smoke indicates that it is consistent with the combustion of the organic components of the subject's blood. This coincides with the loss of the subject's voluntary motor control, although the subject remains conscious during this time. After between fifteen and thirty minutes2, the subject will expire. Testing indicates that, at this point, the subject's blood will be composed entirely of water that, if allowed to escape from the body, will boil away entirely.\n\nFootnotes\n1. SCP-721-2 has been shown to function on open-ended media as well, such as radios and televisions.\n2. The time spent is roughly proportional to the subject's blood volume.\n\n\u00ab SCP-720 | SCP-721 | SCP-722 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-722\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the unique nature of SCP-722, effectiveness of containment measures are as of yet untried. Containment measures are currently focused on maintaining the current state of SCP-722 until a more permanent solution can be found. Brain-wave activity, heart rate and internal temperature of the artifact are to be monitored at all times, as well as any variances in the integrity and volume of the glacial range within which SCP-722 currently resides, particularly Kangerdlugssuaq. Eight access points exist at various points in the glacier, each sealed by an airlock, with sound dampeners lining the glacial interior. At four hour intervals, nitrogen gas chilled to a near-liquid state is to be pumped into the room to lower the internal temperature as much as possible.\nAccess into SCP-722's chamber is to be permitted only in the event of emergency maintenance, which should be performed by a team of Class D personnel with a security detail of at least two clearance level 3 Agents. Anyone gaining entry into SCP-722's chamber is to be outfitted with a suit of high-extremity polar wear and a set of nightvision goggles as the interior chamber is unlit. Security personnel should be outfitted with a silenced flechette pistol and take extreme caution in the event of its use. Should any personnel involved in a maintenance operation attempt to compromise the artifact in any way, they should be terminated with extreme prejudice regardless of security clearance. Security personnel are required to report their status at 10 minute intervals. In the event of a lapse in reports, the interior chamber is to be flooded with nitrogen gas until no life forms are detected.\nAll agents entering SCP-722's enclosure are advised to not make any attempt to touch the artifact as it is known to be extremely volatile. The far extremities of SCP-722 are to be avoided at all costs. In the event of contact with the artifact, agents are advised to immediately exit the enclosure and report to the base medic for detox.\nDescription: SCP-722 was found in the eastern glacial ranges of Greenland by Greenpeace activists making a documentary on the effects of global warming. Upon descending into a crevasse that had opened up on the southern end of the Kangerdlugssuaq glacier, they discovered a network of tunnels within the glacier which had long since been smoothed out, eventually reaching a series of larger chambers which seemed to host a tremendous serpentine body. After another hour of exploration the team left the glacier and headed to the nearby town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Within hours most of the team felt symptoms of a wide array of sicknesses resembling everything from swollen lymph nodes to fast necrosis of the skin. By nightfall the entire team was dead. An SCP operative on leave caught wind of the story and sent notification to high command.\nSCP-722 is by all accounts a terrestrial serpent, of incredible size, length, and girth, coiled through a series of tunnels of unknown origin. Most of the tunnels in SCP-722's enclosure are completely smooth, though a few patches, specifically on the paths nearest to the head and tail of the artifact, are marked with some form of ancient Nordic script. All attempts to translate the script have ended in failure, and the dialog appears to pre-date the settlement of the island by Erik the Red at the turn of the 11th century. No historical records exist of any previous settlement in Greenland, so the source of the script is currently a mystery.\nSCP-722 is clearly in a state of prolonged slumber, and many parts of the creature's body have become embedded in the glacier, possibly due to cave-ins or parts of the ice re-forming over many years. While this would normally warrant a Euclid ranking, SCP-722's immense size (currently estimated at between 8 and 12km) could pose a threat to nearby cities or the world at large in the event of it awakening. Additionally, the artifact possesses formidable defensive abilities. (See attached document, #722-A)\nDocument #722-A: Unidentified Toxin '722'\nSCP-722's skin seems to secrete a potent toxin which has currently eluded all attempts at identification. Symptoms seem largely random on a case by case basis, but the end result is invariably death. All attempts at synthesizing an antidote to date have failed. Harvesting the poison for sampling procedures or weaponization has also proved unsuccessful - the poison seems to deteriorate rapidly after leaving its host and is all but useless by the time it reaches our labs. Retrieval has also proven to be invariably fatal, no matter what configuration of hazardous materials handling we have implemented. Given the loss of manpower and the extreme difficulty in obtaining more personnel given the range of this outpost, we recommend discontinuing any further testing.\nDocument #722-B: 'Defensive' capabilities?\nDoctors \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (3-103-589) have all contributed the opinion that artifact SCP-722's poison is not defensive in nature, but intended to be used as a weapon. This theory has begun to circulate based on report [DATA EXPUNGED] regarding the incident on [DATA EXPUNGED]. Given the misting of the poison in the northernmost edges of the glacier, and posthumous examinations of the affected, it would appear that the artifact breathes the poison in a slightly less potent but still invariably fatal form. While poison as a weapon is not representative of reptiles in terrestrial nature, it has been noted at the request of our research team.\nDocument #722-C, Memo: Moratorium on expeditions into the glacier\nAll forays into the glacier are forbidden, effective immediately, excepting the case of emergency maintenance. Since the incident on [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-722 has seen a 0.9% increase in brain activity. Any unauthorized personnel attempting access into the glacial interior are to be terminated without question, regardless of security clearance. Agents and non-essential personnel alike have been reckless in their handling of the artifact - I will take this opportunity to remind you that we are dealing with a matter of worldwide importance, as this is a Keter-level SCP. If Site 103 is to remain in operation, then we must maintain our vigilance of standard security protocols. My predecessor was removed from his position for a reason. Follow in his footsteps, and you will find yourselves in the same shoes as him. -Brig. Gen \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (4-103-002)\nDocument #722-D, Memo: Proposed explanation for toxin\nDoctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has hypothesized that there may be a phylogenetic relationship between SCP-722 and other large reptiles, specifically positing it as a limbless or \"glass\" lizard within or close to the Varanus genus (including Varanus komodoensis or the Komodo dragon), and citing its immense size and use of a necrotic agent produced from its mouth as a predatory weapon. It is proposed that a team be sent to acquire samples of live tissue for genetic testing and, if possible, further toxin samples to look for bacteriological activity or residue.\n\n\u00ab SCP-721 | SCP-722 | SCP-723 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-723\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the immovable nature of SCP-723, a containment area designated Site-288 is to be constructed surrounding the immediate area to prevent potential civilian casualties or exposing the site's properties. Containment consists of standard 3m (10ft approx.) chain link fencing with access restriction signage surrounding the site's exterior. A further restriction zone of 2m is to be constructed around the entrance to SCP-723, secured with magnetic locks.\nThe site is to be secured by three guards in standard \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 security company cover uniforms, without visible armament to avoid suspicion. Access restrictions are to be made based on the claim of the site's fragility and historical importance. Access to D-Class subjects for further experimentation is to be approved by level 4 staff or higher. Under no circumstances is SCP-723 to be ascended by SCP Foundation staff, and personnel are requested to stay clear of the interior restriction zone to avoid becoming subject to SCP-723's effects.\nDescription: SCP-723 is a spiral stone staircase, hewn from ordinary limestone, contained within a ruined church located in sparsely populated \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, England. The stairs scale the interior of a ruined tower on the structure's eastern side. Each stair is approximately 0.75m (2.5ft) wide, ascending in a clockwise direction at a 42 degree incline. From the exterior, the site appears to be in a state of disrepair, including the tower which SCP-723 ascends; however, this damage is not visible from the interior of the tower, though the staircase is still visibly worn. SCP-723 also appears to extend further upwards than the exterior architecture suggests.\nThe site was brought to the Foundation's attention in 20\u2588\u2588, after the unexplained disappearances of several local youths. When ascended, SCP-723 induces rapid aging in the case of living subjects, and decay in the case of non-living materials. This effect seems to initiate after the fourth or fifth step has been climbed, each subsequent step inducing further aging or decay respectively. Subjects ascending the stairs have not indicated any feelings of pain or discomfort, and seem untroubled by their rapid transformation (with the exclusion of Experiment-723-A-9). Once an ascent has begun, subjects have no inclination of returning to the base of SCP-723. Although it is yet to be determined conclusively whether this is a compulsion is caused by SCP-723's effects or a result of physical changes in the brain, the former is considered more probable.\nStairs and church are characteristic of the pre-Romanesque architectural style. Historical research indicates that the building containing SCP-723 was indeed a functioning church dating from at least the 9th century, if not earlier, however recent archaeological investigations suggest that Roman architecture existed on the site predating the construction of the church. The site has undergone several major repairs since its construction, but is believed to have fallen into disuse some time during the 11th century. Although no specific records exist, local folklore suggests the building was abandoned during this time coinciding with a series of suspicious deaths, and distrust of the church remains within the local population. This same folklore references a 'sacred stair', which is believed to be a reference to SCP-723. It is not known whether SCP-723 gained its properties at this time, or whether they existed prior to this event.\nDue to the spiral structure of SCP-723, direct observation of anything past a single story is impossible. Electronic equipment such as video and sound recorders or GPS locators have been shown to undergo a similar aging process to subjects, and transmitted signals typically fail after a single story has been scaled, making further observation problematic. This has been somewhat circumvented by the use of cables directly linking observers to the subject, allowing video contact to remain until the second story, and audio until the fourth. A series of experiments were conducted commencing 20\u2588\u2588 to determine the nature and extent of SCP-723.\nExperiment Log 723-A:\n\nExperiment-723-A-1\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-723-1\nEquipment: Handheld camcorder, with eight-hour battery life; audio transceiver\nResults: Subject was instructed to remain in verbal contact with the overseers throughout the test via the transceiver, and ascended the stairs as normal. The subject's expression underwent visible change as they crossed the fourth step, paused, and then continued to climb after prompting from test overseers. Signal from audio transceiver ceased approximately twenty seconds after visual contact was lost. Subject did not respond to further prompts, both via the transceiver and vocally. Video recordings were unable to be recovered.\nNotes: Standard recording methods are ineffectual. Recommended that alternatives be explored in future experiments.\n\nExperiment-723-A-4\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-723-4\nEquipment: Handheld camcorder and audio transceiver, both connected to monitors at the staircase's base via standard, plastic coated copper cable.\nResults: Subject agreed to ascend the stairs after being forcefully restrained by security. Subject was then instructed similarly to the previous experiment, with the addition of trailing the cable behind them as they climbed. After crossing the fifth step, subject sharply inhaled but continued forwards. Video and audio signal was maintained once visual contact had been lost, but began to rapidly deteriorate. Subject was asked to report any visual or audible anomalies, to which they responded that they were 'feeling fine'. When asked to elaborate, the subject mumbled indecipherably. At this point the subject raises their hands to examine them in front of the video feed, which now appear to be visibly more calloused.\nVideo feed is lost soon after, but audio feed remains for eight more minutes. Subject begins to breathe heavily into the microphone, as audio signal gradually degrades. Subject is directed to stop climbing but doesn't respond. Shortly before audio signal is lost, subject again mumbles something indecipherable, but it is believed they may have said 'daughter' or 'slaughter'. Reeling in copper cable revealed significant degradation in the metal and plastic, progressively more advanced towards the subject's end. Cable was no longer attached to recording devices.\nNotes: SCP-723 appears to degrade both biological and non-living matter. Subjects also appear to be either unwilling or unable to respond to overseer requests. Recommended that methods to recover subjects and equipment be enacted in future experiments. It is also notable that the remains of the previous subjects were not observed or described at any point during the ascent.\n\nExperiment-723-A-7\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-723-7\nEquipment: Handheld camcorder and audio transceiver, both connected to monitors at the staircase's base via standard, plastic coated copper cable; titanium-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 alloy cable attached to both subject and recording equipment.\nResults: Subject was instructed as per the previous test, and began climbing SCP-723 with caution, again pausing briefly as the fourth step was crossed. Subject proved more responsive than previous test subjects, describing the air inside the staircase as 'cold, really cold', and that the stairs were 'covered with dust, thick grainy stuff'. Subject also stated that they were 'sorry', and began crying shortly after. Due to lack of video feed by this point, subject was encouraged to continue to climb and to describe anything that they saw. After approximately twelve minutes, subject began speaking rapidly into the microphone, but the signal was much too degraded to understand words. With the prospect of a potential discovery, and the fact that cables had remained taut until this point, the decision was made to retract the cables and recover the subject. No strong resistance was met, and after five minutes subject was pulled to the entrance.\nAlthough still alive at this point, the subject's physical appearance was significantly altered. Muscle mass had diminished greatly, hair had thinned and skin was extremely dry and discoloured. Although it had become loose and wrinkled in some areas, in other areas it was extremely taut, most notably on the face, atypical of normal human aging. The subject was not observed to blink during the four minute period before expiry, and was in a state of extreme distress. Though most of what was said during this time is unintelligible, subject refers at one point to what is possibly 'door' or 'the door', and refers several times to 'dark', 'mark' or 'f\u2588\u2588\u2588'. Several broken and fractured bones were determined postmortem, believed to be a result of the subject's forced extraction. Although the subject did not complain of pain during the climb, bones were also shown to have been leached of minerals, joints had calcified into severe arthritis, tumorous growths were found behind the subject's right eyeball and in the prostate, and several ulcers were found in the stomach lining.\nNotes: The statements made by the subject may suggest that SCP-723 may terminate shortly after the fourth floor. The fact that lucidity also remains suggests that there may be limitations to the compulsions caused by SCP-723's, if they are present at all.\n\n\u00ab SCP-722 | SCP-723 | SCP-724 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-724\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to its immobility, SCP-724 is located in the central vault of Site-54. This vault is surrounded by a set of hinged shielding plates that can be closed to block radio signals from reaching SCP-724 and suppress the anomaly.\nSCP-724-1 specimens can be kept in standard-size cages, although any that are currently being monitored should be separated from each other by at least moderate soundproofing. Individuals not being monitored are kept in kennel sections with Faraday shielding. Transport of SCP-724-1 specimens must not use unshielded cages except by written permission of Researcher M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSite-54 maintains the outward appearance of a corporate office/research facility, in the name of a Foundation front company (S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 C\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Inc.). The lobby is to be staffed by Foundation security personnel posing as civilian receptionists and security guards.\nDescription: SCP-724 is an anomaly covering approximately 8 m in diameter, located near the intersection of Interstate \u2588\u2588 and Route \u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. It occurs only when all of the surrounding radio towers (designated SCP-724-A through SCP-724-\u2588) are broadcasting actively, and when the signals from these towers are able to reach the anomaly's location without significant interference.\nWhile SCP-724 is active, any individual of the species Procyon lotor (North American raccoon) that passes through the anomaly is permanently altered by unknown means. Altered subjects (collectively designated SCP-724-1) begin to frequently produce abnormal vocalizations including human voices, music, static, modulation/demodulation signals, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subjects do not appear to understand or control the content of these vocalizations, simply acting as passive receivers. The volume and clarity of vocalizations increases with proximity to the active SCP-724 anomaly. No anatomical or chemical alterations have been identified in SCP-724-1 compared to unaltered specimens.\nThese vocalizations have been found to correspond to radio transmissions from sources other than the towers surrounding SCP-724. Transmissions captured by SCP-724 have been confirmed to originate from numerous locations throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and occur throughout the RF spectrum (a log of identified transmission sources can be found in Document 724-\u2588). Each subject seems to have a distinct \"remote receiver\" at a fixed location, frequency, and protocol. The location and tuning of each individual's receiver appears to depend upon the incident signals triggering the anomaly at the time the subject is altered, based on factors such as amplitude and frequency.\nAddendum 724-1: SCP-724 is believed to have first occurred in 19\u2588\u2588, when SCP-724-\u2588 (the most recently-constructed tower) began broadcasting. Reports of \"talking raccoons\" in the area prompted Foundation investigation, and the anomaly was located using several affected subjects. Efforts to capture all wild SCP-724-1 are ongoing.\nThe relationship between the surrounding radio towers was discovered when SCP-724-C was taken offline for maintenance and the anomaly consequently ceased activity during the maintenance period. After extensive discussion, it was decided to allow the towers producing SCP-724 to continue transmitting.\nAddendum 724-2: Research is ongoing to identify the relevant factors in the generation of the SCP-724 anomaly, so that no further anomalies are accidentally created. A better understanding of the effects of the various contributing factors could also have significant practical utility in surveillance and communications applications.\nAddendum 724-3: As an experiment, several SCP-724-1 were allowed to mate with affected and unaffected specimens, to determine SCP-724's effects (if any) on subsequent generations. Of the resultant offspring, 100% have thus far been SCP-724-1 themselves. Second-generation offspring of mixed-heritage parents have been affected approximately 7\u2588% of the time.\nOffspring of parents whose \"receiver\" locations and/or tunings are known generally appear to have their own \"receiver\" located and tuned somewhere between those of their parents. Dr. M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has requested permission to begin a selective breeding program [Request currently under review].\n\n\u00ab SCP-723 | SCP-724 | SCP-725 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-725 in an agitated state\n\nItem #: SCP-725\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Subject is confined to a small coastal inlet adjacent to Sector-07. SCP-725 shows all biological requirements of its wild analogues, and is to be fed and its enclosure maintained according to on-site biologists. Because of the subject's excitable nature, all watercraft are prohibited from operating within a 20 km radius of the enclosure, except as a measure to deter other marine mammals from lingering in the vicinity. Audio recordings are to be played on the hydrophone in the subject's enclosure according to the current project director.\nDescription: Subject is a 13.7 m long, 34,800 kg female cetacean with gross anatomical similarities to Megaptera novaeangliae, or the Humpback whale. It was recovered after causing maritime disruptions in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Bay. Physically the animal is similar to other humpback whales. Small anatomical differences may indicate it is a subspecies of that organism, or [DATA EXPUNGED].\nInitial hypotheses of increased intelligence or self-awareness proved false. SCP-725 has demonstrated no mental capabilities beyond standard aptitudes of its parent species. What it does have are remarkable abilities of audio retention and mimicry; in effect, it remembers precisely every sound it hears and is able to repeat them at will. This includes unnatural sounds like high frequency vibrations, which other whales cannot duplicate.\nIn captivity the subject exhibits a compulsive need to seek out and repeat new sounds. This may be adaptive mimicry, a reproductive strategy, or [DATA EXPUNGED] Once Foundation personnel began playing audio recordings regularly in the enclosure, these behaviors subsided. The subject exhibits preferences for some sounds which it will repeat for weeks, months, or longer, while others it will simply ignore. If recordings are repeated or withheld, the subject may become agitated and attempt to break containment. This compulsion is theorized to be responsible for the subject's aggressiveness in the wild, as it often repeats the noises of a ship breaking up or its crew's cries for help but seems physically unable to derive nourishment from attacks on humans.\nCapture Summary 725: A rash of unexplained maritime disappearances triggered the preliminary investigation. Local authorities were responding to alleged attacks on watercraft, research and communication buoys, and eventually people at sea. These culminated in an attack on the US Navy submarine \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 which resulted in superficial and structural damage, but no loss of life. A further 23 incidents and 19 individuals lost at sea may be attributable to the subject.\nIn the same time period, fishermen had been reporting odd noises echoing across the ocean in the early morning, suggestive of crashing waves (even during calm conditions), crushing and grinding like ships colliding, mournful wails, or disembodied cries for help. In all cases the noises were clear and could be heard for miles, but no source was observed. The reports have since been definitively linked to SCP-725 (and possibly other wild individuals).\nDoctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 did a preliminary on-site examination of the reports and the organism, before classifying it SCP-725 and remanding it to Foundation custody.\nAddendum 725-01: In a few instances, SCP-725 has been observed to cease motion and produce a sound reminiscent of other whales' songs. Due to water conditions at these times, the noise can be detected up to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 km away. On \u2588 occasions, answering songs have been recorded from an indeterminate source. Analyses of the songs indicate separate individuals and apparent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 but have failed to shed light on their purpose or meaning.\nAddendum Incident 725-03: At \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hrs, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a pod of Right whales passed near the containment enclosure. Upon reaching a point 34 km away, they suddenly altered course and began heading directly for it. Boats were dispatched to halt their advance using acoustic deterrents, which were ignored. The whales then dove to the bottom of the ocean, resurfacing at the seawall and beaching themselves forcefully. The animals continued thrashing violently, inflicting deep wounds on themselves until they expired. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAnalysis of acoustic recordings revealed that SCP-725 was emitting a subsonic signal for the duration of the incident.\n\n\u00ab SCP-724 | SCP-725 | SCP-726 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-726\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A single pair of human SCP-726 samples are to be contained at Site-17 in a padded cell for their own safety, cleaned of any waste matter at 24-hour intervals. A diet of mixed vegetable slurry is adequate for their nutritional needs. A jar of smooth peanut butter may be provided to pacify subjects during cleaning and examinations. On a quarterly basis, subjects shall be provided a pair of mixed sex cadavers, and terminated after successful reproduction. Absolutely no other animal tissues of any kind are permitted in the enclosure at any time.\nDescription: SCP-726 are physiologically and genetically identical to the eggs and larvae of Lucilia sericata, a species of blowfly common worldwide in warm climates. When larvae hatch on decomposing animal matter, they begin to consume nonliving tissues as normal until none remain, at which point they collect at a central point and begin to regurgitate a continuous stream of healthy, living cellular matter, and will multiply in number by unknown means as volume increases. If uninterrupted, SCP-726 will \"reconstruct\" a complete body matching that of the original tissue source. The reconstruction process occurs at high speed, resembling footage of maggot activity in reverse, and ends with the full restoration of life functions as all larvae abruptly drop off and appear to disintegrate.\nWhile otherwise restored to optimum physical health, any organism reconstituted by SCP-726 exhibits only the mental processes of a mature blowfly. Instances instinctively follow the wafting odors of decaying organic materials and attempt to consume them via licking and sucking actions. Instances of all species move clumsily and periodically spasm in an apparent attempt to beat nonexistent insect wings, with avian and chiropteran examples failing to achieve flight by their usual means. Proximity to any source of decaying flesh will excite subjects into mating behavior, coupling without regard to original species. Any mechanically successful copulation will produce a fertile clutch of SCP-726 eggs, which reconstructed females attempt to deposit on any appropriate food source.\nSCP-726 has proven capable of replicating a complete body from any volume of flesh regardless of its condition, including multiple copies of the same body from disconnected fragments. Reconstructed bodies that have subsequently expired can be reconstituted again by SCP-726 like any other tissue sample, but are subject to an increasing degradation of accuracy (see attached Generation Log).\nDiscovery: On August 16th, 19\u2588\u2588 a Mrs. Faber of Beckley, West Virginia, was discovered nude in a dumpster behind a local \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, engaging in [REDACTED] with a large male [REDACTED] and subsequently hospitalized for acute dementia. Over the following weeks, locals reported outbreaks of abnormal animal behavior, including large numbers of domestic cattle, swine, and poultry inconsistent with local livestock. Foundation operatives deduced the reproductive habits of SCP-726 and discovered animals reconstituting from meat scraps in the dumpster where Mrs. Faber had been found. During containment sweeps, \u2588\u2588 identical instances of Mrs. Faber were found wandering the woods near her property. Under interrogation, Mr. Faber admitted to the murder and dismemberment of his wife.\n\nTest Log: 8/17: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 SCP-726 Generation Log\nI've decided to begin by testing the limits of repeated replication. A single SCP-726 egg will be introduced per sample. Due to their rapid multiplication, maggot volume does not affect their speed of operation, only the size of the organism to be reconstructed.\nSample: one (1) freshly killed Norwegian rat, cut in half lengthwise.\nResult: SCP-726 reconstituted two versions of the same rat, their coat patterns mirror images of one another.\nSample: remains of duplicate rats from previous experiment, processed into a fine paste and mixed.\nResult: SCP-726 separated sample into two portions and reconstructed nearly the same two copies, one with a red right eye.\nSample: remains of least divergent duplicate rat, processed into fine paste.\nResult: rat reconstituted with slight limp, blind in both eyes.\nSample: heart from blind rat.\nResult: reconstituted without eyes or pigmentation. Squeaks incessantly.\nSample: heart from eyeless rat, cut in half.\nResult: two eyeless rats. One only walks in tight circles, other completely devoid of hair and unusually aggressive towards the first.\nNote: The insect behavior appears to be degrading with the physiology.\nSample: scrap of flesh from hairless rat.\nResult: eyeless, hairless and limbless. Fails to return fully to life. Braincase found to contain a liver.\nSample: liver from \"brainless\" rat.\nResult: eyeless, hairless and limbless with elongated \"worm-like\" midsection, nodules scattered throughout body appear to be incomplete eyes. Drastic increase in aggression, eventually begins to consume its own posterior end and expires from blood loss.\nSample: fresh, complete remains from previous rat.\nResult: large, formless mass of tissues and viscera, trembles until extinguished.\nSample: portion of previous result.\nResult: large, slug-like, motile mass of undifferentiated cells. Appears to absorb nutrients through skin.\nSample: portion of previous result.\nResult: identical to previous test.\nNote: This continued for four additional tests with no divergence. I've decided to keep the final \"slug\" for long-term observation. I'm calling him Brundle.\nSample: single scrap of dried flesh from cadaver dated \u2588\u2588\u2588 B.C.\nResult: reconstituted middle-aged male exhibiting expected fly behavior.\nNote: This could be an interesting new forensics tool.\nSample: one (1) fingertip from D-class subject.\nResult: subject reconstituted and exhibited expected fly behavior. Standard range of identification tests were compared to public and Foundation records. DNA a precise match, dentition and fingerprints reversed.\nSample: ocular orb taken from previous D-class subject.\nResult: subject reconstituted with normal dentition, entirely foreign fingerprints.\nNote: There appears to be a slight margin of error even from original samples.\nSample: one (1) living D-class with large infected gash on ankle, SCP-726 applied to wound.\nResult: dead tissues were consumed and reconstruction proceeded until wound was healed. Subject appeared healthy until behavior deteriorated over the course of \u2588 hours. Subject displayed all properties associated with SCP-726 constructs and subsequently terminated.\nNote: I guess we can rule out any medical applications.\nSample: porterhouse steak.\nResult: mature steer, normal except for dipteran behavior and appetites. Subject slaughtered, porterhouse steaks served to D-class control group. Subsequent examinations unremarkable until [DATA EXPUNGED] consistent with known Calliphoridae. Subjects terminated.\nNote: A marginally greater biohazard than we thought. Suggesting closer observation of original site.\nSample: porterhouse steak.\nResult: same as above. Cuts variously subjected to a variety of chemical and thermal sterilization methods including radioactive bombardment. Served to D-class individuals in a variety of dishes. Results identical to previous test.\nNote: I think we have established that anomalous maggots are not a viable alternative to ranching.\nSample: fine paste of \u2588\u2588\u2588 assorted insects and arachnids.\nResult: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reconstructed arthropods behaving as flies. All females produced SCP-726 eggs.\nNote: This likely wouldn't happen in the wild; dead insects are neither meaty nor malodorous enough to attract blowflies. It takes a substantial quantity decomposing under moist conditions to reproduce the same breeding environment as a vertebrate corpse.\nSample: fine paste of \u2588\u2588\u2588 normal adult blowflies matching the species of SCP-726 larvae.\nResult: single, abnormally huge fly. Quickly expired.\nNote: That was unexpected. Too bad about the square cube law, I'd have loved to observe it further.\nSample: one (1) fillet of salmon.\nResult: one (1) mature, male salmon. Convulsed violently as though \"drowning\" when placed in water. Flopped haphazardly when removed from liquid but did not display stress as it asphyxiated.\nSample: one (1) fried calamari ring.\nResult: one (1) adult male squid, immediately placed in pool of water. Writhed helplessly until removed from liquid. Dragged itself crudely with tentacles, actively consumed fecal matter and decomposing flesh. SCP-726 properties in sperm sample.\nSample: one (1) fast food cheeseburger purchased from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 drive through.\nResult: SCP-726 reconstituted two mature cattle and \u2588\u2588 Norwegian rats.\nSample: one (1) can of commercially available \"potted meat food product\". Analysis showed beef and pork derivatives, high fructose corn syrup and 12 FDA-approved preservative agents.\nResult: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nNote: What the \u2588\u2588\u2588 were those even remotely supposed to be?\nSample: single corpse from previous experiment, ground into paste.\nResult: [REDACTED] exhibiting extreme hostility to moving objects. All termination attempts failed. Specimen frozen.\nNote: I liquefied it and it kept moving.\nSample: thawed sample of previous result.\nResult: [REDACTED] exhibiting properties similar to SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Incinerated.\nNote: I'm not taking these tests any further. I might even put Brundle down.\nAddendum: Testing of SCP-726 has been discontinued following Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's recent findings. Requests to use tissue generated by SCP-726 for experimentation with SCP-1361 and similar anomalies have subsequently been denied. The samples at Site-17 should be closely monitored for any inconsistent behavior or abnormal growth.\n\n\u00ab SCP-725 | SCP-726 | SCP-727 \u00bb"} {"text": "Entrance to SCP-727\n\nItem #: SCP-727\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A security fence has been constructed around the area of SCP-727. Civilians are to be turned away and officials are to be told that the area around SCP-727 is geologically unstable. Access to SCP-727 is permitted only for testing and requires at least one armed guard on duty outside the item's entrance. All crafted objects produced inside SCP-727 are to be stored in containment room 727-H at Site-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-727 resembles a smithy of ancient Greek design. It contains artisans' tools originating from a wide variety of eras and countries, some of which have not yet been identified. The item's walls and ceiling are covered with masses of chains made from a material similar to iron. SCP-727's nature makes these chains' length impossible to measure.\nWhen a human being enters SCP-727, the chains along the walls and ceiling become active and forcefully ensnare the subject. Ensnarement does not kill the subject, but invariably breaks many of its bones. Subjects with reinforced limbs are not immune to disfigurement. If more than one person enters SCP-727 at a time, the chains kill all but one subject by strangulation. Non-human animals and inanimate objects are simply thrown from SCP-727 by the chains. Once the chains have full control of a single human subject, they manipulate it like a puppet, forcing it to craft a series of objects of diverse nature and exceptional quality. Subjects describe this process as extremely painful. The source of the raw material for the crafted objects is unknown. After an indeterminate period of time, the chains throw the subject and its crafted objects out of SCP-727 and become dormant until another person enters SCP-727. Subjects of SCP-727 are given no sustenance and no opportunity to sleep; if a subject loses consciousness, it is thrown out of the smithy.\nSurviving subjects are severely crippled and deformed, with many of their bones broken and joints twisted, but invariably demonstrate great manual dexterity. Persons interacting with surviving subjects, even those with previous experience working with the disabled, express feelings of disgust at their disfigurement. The only long-term psychological impact on the survivors themselves is withdrawal from social activities and failure to seek out human contact.\nPeriodically, the chains will keep a subject within SCP-727 for days at a time, forcing it to work on one large object instead of several smaller ones. So far all of these large projects have met with failure, as all such subjects have died before completing the item's work. For a list of the failed crafted objects see Addendum-727.\nSCP-727 was discovered by tracking repeated reports of a \"miracle forge\" by mysteriously disfigured people in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Greece. The item was contained; its victims were given Class-B amnestics and placed in hospitals throughout Greece.\nAddendum-727: The list of failed crafts from SCP-727 are as follows:\n\nA humanoid construct 10 m tall, with jointed limbs.\nA massive chariot of unknown metal, capable of withstanding temperatures over 6000\u00b0C.\nA helmet and pair of sandals with intricate silver 'wings'. The subject expired while engraving the 'wings'.\nA large piece of unknown metal, nearly indestructible. The metal was placed into SCP-727's forge for 65 hours, in which time the subject expired.\nA large door frame and door. The subject expired while working on the locking mechanism, which did not match any known design.\nA clay statue resembling a young woman. The subject was strangled by the chains for an unknown reason; the statue shattered when it was thrown out of SCP-727.\n\n\u00ab SCP-726 | SCP-727 | SCP-728 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-728\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-728 is to be kept within a class IV containment vault at Sector-\u2588\u2588. To date the item has shown no activity to warrant anything other than standard security procedures to prevent unauthorised access.\nDescription: SCP-728 appears to be a standard shipping container, 12.19 m by 2.44 m by 2.90 m. The exterior is painted red, and shows some signs of weathering. Markings and numbers on the exterior are consistent with the system used by [DATA REDACTED]; however, no such designation has ever been assigned to one of their containers. Analysis of the material used in constructing the container has found it to be made from terrestrial metals, though not in any combination usually associated with the construction of shipping containers.\nThe interior space is consistent with that of a standard shipping container, with the exception that it is constantly at a comfortable temperature and light level for human occupation, despite no methods of heat regulation or lighting being present.\nWhen the doors are closed, the interior space experiences the flow of time differently from the outside world. This difference is neither consistent nor predictable, with the flow of time capable of both speeding up and slowing down, and in some cases apparently reversing. Any equipment which could be used to record the flow of time, such as stopwatches, will function normally within the container. However, upon opening the doors such devices will suffer a catastrophic failure and completely cease to function, with all data being erased. This extends to all data recorded while the doors were closed, and so far no medium has been found which can resist this effect, save for pen and paper. For this reason, the only reliable method to record the passage of time within SCP-728 is through the use of a human observer.\nSCP-728 is as vulnerable to damage as any object made from [DATA REDACTED]; however, perforating the container causes the primary effect to no longer function. Any damage inflicted upon SCP-728 appears to \u201cundo\u201d itself after a random amount of time, possibly as a side effect of SCP-728's ability.\nExperimentation Log: Experiments consisted of sealing a person/persons within SCP-728, measuring how much time passed in the outside world, and comparing this to the subject's experience measured with a standard watch.\n\nDate: 06/07/20\u2588\u2588\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-7466\nTime elapsed: 5 minutes\nSubject's Experience: 2 hours\nDate: 06/07/20\u2588\u2588\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-7466\nTime elapsed: 1 hour\nSubject's Experience: 1 minute 30 seconds\nDate: 06/07/20\u2588\u2588\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-7466\nTime elapsed: 1 hour\nSubject's Experience: N/A\nResearcher's Note: Subject's body was found in a sitting position against the rear wall of SCP-728, apparently mummified. Tests dated the body as approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 years old. Subject's hands were severely damaged, with multiple fractures and lacerations. Subject's right leg was broken. An organic compound was found on the doors of SCP-728 which was identified as [DATA REDACTED].\nDate: 06/07/20\u2588\u2588\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-9558\nTime elapsed: 1 hour\nSubject's Experience: N/A\nResearcher's Note: When SCP-728 was opened, subject was no longer present. Testing suspended for today.\nDate: 06/10/20\u2588\u2588\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-9558\nTime elapsed: 66 hours\nSubject's Experience: N/A\nResearcher's Note: When questioned as to how much time had passed, subject was adamant we'd never closed the doors.\nDate: 06/10/20\u2588\u2588\nResearcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubjects: D-9558, D-8627, D-4513\nTime elapsed: 1 hour\nSubjects' Experience: N/A\nResearcher's Note: Subjects were interred within SCP-728 with enough rations to last all three men five years, as well as a supply of notebooks and pens. Subjects were instructed to keep a record of their experiences while inside. When the container was opened, all three were found dead. Subjects D-9558 and D-4513 had both suffered severe beatings, and apparently died from their injuries. Evidence suggests that their bodies had been disemboweled and subjected to acts of [DATA REDACTED]. Subject D-8627 had died from disembowelment, apparently self inflicted.\nThe logs were apparently kept as specified for \u2588 years, before slowly degrading into unintelligible ranting. Similar writings were found on the walls of SCP-728, written in the blood and faeces of all three subjects, although fingerprinting identified that D-8627 was the only writer. Analysis of the faeces found that, in all three cases, it was most likely taken directly from [DATA REDACTED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-727 | SCP-728 | SCP-729 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-729\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-729 is stored in a standard security chamber at Site \u2588\u2588. For ease of testing SCP-729 has been connected to the Site \u2588\u2588 water and sewage systems; however, use of the object outside of test conditions is prohibited. The risks associated with passive interaction with SCP-729 are minimal. Some staff have reported feeling 'dirty' or 'stressed' during prolonged periods in the vicinity of SCP-729, accompanied by a mild compulsion to make use of SCP-729 to bathe. This compulsion does not appear to be strong enough to force staff to break containment protocols so as to access SCP-729. However, staff feeling said compulsion are encouraged to leave the vicinity of SCP-729.\nDescription: SCP-729 is a large bathtub carved from marble. The item's properties were discovered by accident during a police reconstruction of a suspected murder-suicide in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588; it was retrieved by an undercover Foundation agent soon after.\nBathing in SCP-729 has been described as extremely relaxing to the extent that individuals using it for this purpose must be encouraged to leave by an external force; they will not exit the bath of their own accord. The primary effect of SCP-729 begins to manifest between 5 and 15 minutes after an individual has begun to bathe. At this stage, all foreign or abnormal objects are forcibly expelled from the user's body; this has been observed to include artificial implants, parasitic organisms, cancerous growths and [DATA EXPUNGED]. While under the influence of SCP-729, users appear unaware of this process. If disturbed by an external force, they immediately experience extreme pain consistent with the trauma inflicted upon their body. Objects removed in this way typically settle in the water alongside the bather.\nApproximately 4 minutes after the initial manifestation of SCP-729's effect, bathers begin to suffer from rapid muscle wastage; material lost in this way becomes mixed with the water within the bath. As a result of this, bathers quickly lose the strength required to exit SCP-729 even if they were so inclined, and must be assisted by external observers. Within 6 minutes, the process begins to affect major organs, extracting them from the body almost intact; death typically occurs soon after. Despite the massive trauma inflicted in this way, users remain ignorant of the effect unless alerted to it by an external force.\nComplete deconstruction of the bather's body is typically completed within 20 minutes of the onset of SCP-729's effect. At this stage, it is possible to extract specific organs from within the mix of water and organic material left within the bathtub, although these are typically damaged to some extent. If left in SCP-729, these remains are further deconstructed; after 5 hours, no identifiable material remains, with the contents of SCP-729 instead comprising an organic 'soup'. Long-term tests have indicated that this appears to be slowly absorbed into SCP-729, leaving clean water after 8 days. Parts of the stone from which SCP-729 is carved subsequently show discolouration.\n\n\u00ab SCP-728 | SCP-729 | SCP-730 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-730\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-730 and associated materials and subjects are housed in Sector-07 in a Delta level containment facility. Ongoing research necessitates regular staff interaction with affected materials (using appropriate isolation equipment). Researchers are required to undergo 36 hours of isolation and decontamination before leaving the containment facility. Any staff exposed to SCP-730 will be reclassified as a research subject and assigned to the facility indefinitely.\nDescription: SCP-730 is an engineered retrovirus developed in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Italy by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It infects and mutates developing mammalian embryos, including humans, causing abnormal fetal development. Infected individuals grow to term as physically healthy fetuses lacking any anatomical features above the brain stem (see epidemiology report).\nThis vestigial brain stem is capable of passive maintenance of the body's functions, including heart rate, respiration, digestion, homeostatic function, and waste elimination. The affected individuals show no higher functionality but respond to pain stimuli, recoiling or fleeing in the limited fashion available. With the use of intravenous life support equipment it appears that the biological functions of affected individuals can be extended indefinitely, though owing to the complete alteration of their genomes by the retrovirus no recovery is possible.\nAdult organisms cannot be infected by the virus, but act as passive carriers once exposed. The virus is spread by contact with any bodily excretion, including sweat. Once exposed an individual will continue to harbor a reservoir of the virus without experiencing any ill effects until they contact and expose a pregnant woman, whereupon the virus's symptoms become manifest. Antivirals and inoculations have thus far been ineffective in cleansing carriers of the virus.\nWhile Foundation operations in support of SCP-730's recovery and public suppression were successful, the possibility that carrier individuals remain at large cannot be discounted. Surveillance of public health institutions is ongoing even as materials recovered from the initial outbreak are studied to seek a treatment.\nIncident 730-01: Capture Summary SCP-730 was designed to affect fertilized mammalian embryos and intervene in the developmental process to produce \u201cdecerebrated\u201d or brainless organisms. It was Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 intention to use this virus to produce animals without higher brain function which could be raised for meat production without the ethical complications of killing thinking creatures for food.\nShortly after the first successful test with sheep embryos, the virus mutated and was able to cross into members of the lab's staff. Because the virus does not manifest in adults, this jump was not initially detected. Only once hospitals in the region reported an epidemic of unprecedented birth defects did the Foundation become interested and the cause identified.\nThe epidemic was intercepted before it spread beyond local confines to the global population. Sanitation procedures denied the virus an endemic population of passive carriers to further its spread. Materials and infected subjects were obtained and isolated under Foundation custody for further study, as were Foundation personnel exposed during the initial investigation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-729 | SCP-730 | SCP-731 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-731\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A system of decommissioned utility tunnels at Site 9 was sealed off and converted into a mock sewer system covering an area approximating six city blocks, with seventeen \"street-level\" access points sized to fit SCP-731-1. D-class personnel are sent to \"check the manhole covers\" every one to two weeks to ensure that SCP-731-1 does not attempt to stray farther afield. All other horizontal access hatches or aperture covers within a five-kilometer radius have been sealed or retrofitted to a form factor incompatible with SCP-731-1.\nThe mock sewer system is to be kept impenetrable to the entrance or exit of any vermin or other small creatures. A mixture of simulated wastewater and refuse is to be cycled intermittently through the system via pumps. Human access to the sub-street level system is via decontamination locks; the sub-street level is not considered hazardous but care must be taken against any unexpected tricks or traps that may be set by the SCP-731-2 contained within. SCP-731-2 is classified as Safe.\nDescription: SCP-731-1 is a steel disk 63 cm in diameter, approximately 3 cm thick, weighing 55 kg. On its upper side it resembles an ordinary manhole cover with two apertures for the insertion of lifting picks and a traction pattern embossed in its surface that resembles a maze. A logo in the center consists of two short bars with arcs extending from their midsections. The appearance of the cover does not correspond to any known utility system or manufacturer, though the logo could potentially represent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. On the underside of the disk is an intricate geometric pattern of etched curves whose purpose or meaning is unclear.\nThe existence of an SCP candidate was first suspected in downtown \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 when data-mining revealed a suspicious pattern of unexplained missing persons. The pattern stretched back at least fifty years, prior to which time inadequate records were kept to track the disappearances with certainty. The underlying pattern to the disappearances was matched to the sewers and utility tunnels of the city; the last known location of disappeared victims was always in the immediate vicinity of an access manhole. Foundation teams searching the tunnels eventually discovered the unusual patterning on SCP-731-1's underside but by the time they returned with a containment vehicle SCP-731-1 had transposed itself with another manhole cover somewhere else in the city. SCP-731-1 was ultimately 'cornered' after a campaign was launched to weld down every manhole cover in the city under the guise of 'anti-terrorism measures', restricting SCP-731-1's mobility to the point where its only option was to transpose into a manhole that had been prepared for rapid removal and transport.\nSCP-731-1 appears to act as a sort of roving ambush predator. Its senses are unknown but apparently very acute. When it is stepped on by a lone human who is not being observed by anyone else the victim appears to \"fall\" down the manhole, in actuality being sucked into the solid surface of SCP-731-1. Simultaneously a single large Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus), hereafter designated SCP-731-2, is disgorged from the underside of the cover to fall into the tunnel below. It is thought that SCP-731-1 somehow converts its victim into this rat.\nThe maximum range over which SCP-731-1 is able to transpose itself with compatible manholes, or whether it is possible for it to jump to another network of utility tunnels not directly connected to its current home, is not known. The frequency of its spontaneous jumps increases the longer it goes without performing a conversion, possibly with the goal of finding better \"hunting grounds\". It is therefore hoped that by allowing it to capture and convert a D-class personnel on a regular basis it can be kept \"satiated\" and will remain within the faux city where it is currently contained.\n\nTypical SCP-731-2 undergoing an intelligence and reading comprehension test\n\nAddendum: SCP-731-2\nThe rats produced by SCP-731 appear physiologically normal at first examination. However, evidence suggests that they possess an unusually high level of intelligence and that they may retain specific knowledge and/or memories possessed by the humans they were created from. SCP-731-2 have proven extremely adept at overcoming puzzles and other challenges and are only rarely fooled by conventional rat traps.\nSCP-731-2 avoid human contact wherever possible and their endocrine responses suggest they are universally terrified by the presence of humans. When kept under observation in a laboratory setting this fear appears to override much or all of their higher brain functions, such as they may be, causing their behavior to appear similar to a normal rat's. This makes confirmation of their intellectual capabilities under controlled conditions difficult. Concealed cameras and microphones were hidden in the tunnels of the containment facility to observe converted rats in their 'natural' environment. When unaware that they are being observed SCP-731-2 are highly social and appear to attempt to communicate in complex ways. Since the rats are far easier to contain than the teleporting manhole cover that produced them this study has been judged of low risk and SCP-731-2 have not been subject to routine extermination.\nWhen normal rats are introduced into cages with SCP-731-2, SCP-731-2 tend to be timid and exhibit submissive behavior toward their wild cousins. The normal rats do not appear to consider SCP-731-2 unusual. Mating behavior has been observed but it does not appear that these superficially similar species are interfertile. It is not yet known whether SCP-731-2 are fertile at all; SCP-731-2 appear to have a longer lifespan and lower metabolic rate than natural rats, with a correspondingly reduced fecundity. This further reduces the potential risk of SCP-731-1's \"progeny\" escaping into the wild, though a population may still exist in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nFor selected experiments, see Experiment Log 731\n\n\u00ab SCP-730 | SCP-731 | SCP-732 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-7^@$#OVAR 9000!!!1!!*(#$\nObject Class: Ke@#%^ SUPR1337KETER!!!!!!1!!!1!111!!#$%^\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-732 is currently uncont@!#%$ U CANT HES INVINCABLE!!!1!!1!1!111!!@#$wever, if containable, let alone contained, SCP-732 should be kept away from all vital records and should be @#$%3^@4167 Subject must be provided with a 1500 room mansion and a secret lab with which to combat crime and villainy@#$5$%86&*ll compromised records must be destroyed to avoid further contamination of our database.\nDescription: SCP-732 is a force or entity whic#%^&@Subject is impossibly witty and charming^&*(%@nges our records into fan-fiction ramblin$%^& Subject has psykic powers and can blow peple up with teh blink of an eye#$%^bouts are currently unknow@#$% HES WITH ALL THE KEWL SCPS@#$%@$quiries into the nature of SCP-732 have met with little success #$%TEH HOROR!!!1!!11!! TEH ELdRICH HOROR!!!11!!!!11!!@#hile there is no certain evidence, it is theorized tha#$%^$ Subject likes cult classics %^&*%of our records have been compromised by SCP-732.\nADDENDUM-732-01: A recent breach in SCP-!@#i'manorphanwithnofamilybutlotsofmoneybwahahahaha!@'s containment, which should have warranted the simple and safe procedure of [DATA EXPUNGED], -somehow- led to the deployment of Mobile Task Force Omega-7. SCP-076%^^kicked abel's ass and now he's my bestestestfirend evar!!@# was quite displeased when he found that the \"elfin death god\" he was sent to contain was not a death god of any sort at all. Quite $$onadatewithSCP-105!%^displeased.. For the sake of our remaining budget, it is strongly advised that more effective methods be found for countering SCP-732's corruption^%$fgsfds!@#.\n\u2014Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-731 | SCP-732 | SCP-733 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-733\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-733-01 is stored in a secure locker at Site-\u2588\u2588. Experimentation with SCP-733-01 may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 4 personnel, and any testing performed must be done with direct supervision from at least one (1) Level 3 personnel. As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588, all testing with SCP-733-01 has been suspended due to Incident 733-03.\nSCP-733-02 is currently stored in a secure, humidity-controlled document locker at Site-\u2588\u2588. Direct access to SCP-733-02 may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, but access to transcripts and scans of SCP-733-02's contents is available via standard network access to anyone with at least Level 2 clearance.\nDescription: SCP-733-01 is a pair of ornate silver scissors, apparently crafted circa 18\u2588\u2588. When used to [REDACTED BY ORDER OF O5 COMMAND]\nWhen discovered, SCP-733-01 was pressed between the pages of SCP-733-02, a hand-crafted, leather-bound book containing approximately 80 pages. The pages of SCP-733-02 contain 33 black and white photographs, as well as 137 fragments of handwritten text. The authors of the text in SCP-733-02 have been analyzed as belonging to two unidentified individuals, a male (Subject A) and female (Subject B) of approximately 20-25 years of age who appear to be romantically involved with each other. Analysis of the photographs contained in SCP-733-02 have yielded no evidence of tampering, altering, or modification of any of the images.\nSCP-733 was discovered in an antique store in the city of [REDACTED] by Foundation researcher Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Upon noting the anomalous details documented within, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brought the objects into Foundation custody, where it has since been contained.\nThe following inscription is also visible on the front of SCP-733-02:\n\nDiary\n\nAddendum 733-01: Record of Notable Images and Text in SCP-733-02\nSubject: Photograph #3, Text Fragment #11\nPage(s): 2\nDescription: A photograph of a blanket spread out on a grassy hill, with a picnic basket on top. Depressions in the blanket are consistent with that of a person sitting on the blanket, but no one is visible. \"The first time I saw you, you were like the rising sun, banishing the chill of loneliness with your radiant beauty.\" - Subject A\nSubject: Photograph #7, Text Fragment #26\nPage(s): 13\nDescription: A photograph of a table in a crowded restaurant. A well-dressed, middle-aged gentleman is seen conversing and/or laughing with an empty seat next to him. \"Even my father dotes upon you! I have not seen him laugh so heartily in years.\" - Subject A\nSubject: Photograph #11, Text Fragment #49\nPage(s): 18, 19\nDescription: A photograph of a wedding chapel. Shadow patterns indicate a woman in a dress should be within the frame of the picture, but no such woman is visible. \"When I saw you walking down the aisle, you took my breath away. I have never been so happy as on that day.\" - Subject A\nSubject: Photograph #26, Text Fragment #93\nPage(s): 51\nDescription: A cradle containing a newborn infant, propped up next to an empty chair. \"Our daughter Agatha. The fruit of our love.\" - Subject A\nSubject: Photograph #29, Text Fragment #115\nPage(s): 56\nDescription: A smiling, handsome man of approximately 20 years of age stands with his hand extended, as if holding something that cannot be seen. \"Your friend, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. I am almost made jealous by the happiness you show when he is in town!\" - Subject A\nSubject: Text Fragment #128\nPage(s): 61\nDescription: \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Why must you spend so much time with him? Our bed seems to have grown cold lately. Am I at fault?\" - Subject A\nSubject: Text Fragment #133\nPage(s): 63\nDescription: \"My dear \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, it is with sadness that I admit to having had an affair with my beloved \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. I cannot deny it any longer; though I am reluctant, when you read this I will already be gone. I can only hope that you can find it within your heart to forgive me.\" - Subject B\nSubject: Photograph #33, Text Fragments #136-137\nPage(s): 67, 68\nDescription: A damaged photograph, older than the ones before it, showing a couple holding hands. The face of the man as well as the surroundings are blurred by what appears to be drops of human tears and smeared blood, and the woman has been cut out using scissors. \"It has been a long time since I have written. My tears are run dry, and sorrow has turned to hatred in my heart.\" - Subject A \"If I cannot have you, then no one else will. No one shall even remember your name when I am through.\" - Subject A\nAddendum 733-02: Experiment Log for SCP-733\n[REDACTED]\nAddendum 733-03: Incident 733-03\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588, a security breach was reported at Site-\u2588\u2588. Upon investigation, security footage showed Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 opening SCP-733-01's containment locker and [REDACTED]. Further investigation showed that an unidentified senior Foundation researcher was missing from Site-\u2588\u2588, determined by checking the Site-\u2588\u2588 roster for unfilled positions.\nWhen questioned, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 refused to answer questions, merely stating, \"He got what he deserved.\" Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is currently detained at Site-\u2588, pending further investigation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-732 | SCP-733 | SCP-734 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-734 during a \"Play Time\" period, before the installation of arterial catheter.\n\nItem #: SCP-734\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any staff entering the containment area must be in contained atmosphere haz-mat suits. No physical contact is to be made with SCP-734. Anyone making physical contact with SCP-734 is to be immediately removed from the containment area and placed in quarantine for observation. Any items exiting the testing area must be sterilized before being allowed to exit the containment area.\nBlood is to be drawn via arterial catheter once daily, the amount to be determined and re-evaluated monthly. Catheter is to be cleaned and maintained three times daily. Blood drawn is to be immediately sealed and the container sterilized before cryogenic storage. Blood may be stored for five years, after which it is to be incinerated. Requests to use drawn blood must be submitted to Overwatch.\nSCP-734 must have a handler standing by at all times in full haz-mat gear who is to be rotated every four hours. Interaction with SCP-734 is allowed only when in full haz-mat equipment. SCP-734 is to be changed and fed as needed with nutritional requirements reviewed and adjusted monthly. SCP-734 may be given toys with clearance from Overwatch.\nDescription: SCP-734 appears to be a male human infant between seven and eight months of age. SCP-734 shows normal development and health for a child of his age and genetic background. No abnormal genetic mutations, infections, or rare cellular disorders have been found during any test, and no origin point or cause has been found for the effect SCP-734 has on human tissue.\nAny human tissue making contact with SCP-734 will begin to rapidly break down and \u201cflake\u201d away. This effect is most often triggered by skin-to-skin contact, but any living SCP-734 cell can cause the effect. This \u201cflaking\u201d will begin at the point of contact two hours after exposure to SCP-734 and spread at the rate of 0.5mm/minute. The means by which the \u201cflaking\u201d occurs is unknown as no form of viral, bacterial, or chemical agents are passed by SCP-734 to the subject.\nCells begin to lose physical cohesion and small patches of tissue begin to peel away in flakes. The flaking begins in the tissue layer of contact, most often the epidermis, and will attack that layer exclusively for five hours. After five hours, the effect will begin on the next layer, and continue in this manner until all tissue layers are affected. This process is extremely painful and becomes progressively more debilitating as nerve tissue, blood vessels, muscle tissues and skeletal structures are exposed then \u201ceaten away\u201d by the effect. No treatments or procedures short of amputation of the affected areas have shown any success in halting the progression, with amputation having a success rate of 72%.\nDue to the non-infectious nature of this effect and its low survivability rate, blood drawn from SCP-734 has a very high strategic value. An arterial catheter has been installed to provide a constant supply of blood samples which are currently being stockpiled and researched for possible application in Foundation activities, both covert and military. SCP-734 itself has shown above-average intelligence and physical aptitude, and proposals to train and condition SCP-734 to become a Foundation operative once it matures are under review.\n\nNurse \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in initial stages of exposure.\n\nSCP-734 was recovered at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Medical Hospital after reports of a massive outbreak of a unknown form of flesh-eating bacteria in the maternity ward. Foundation operatives quarantined the area and found several nurses, four doctors, and one infant affected by SCP-734. SCP-734 was isolated and contained after interviews with staff. The mother of SCP-734 was not found, and no records of her discharge from the hospital were found. It is assumed that she was affected by SCP-734 during birth and died from the effect. How she was able to carry SCP-734 to term remains unknown.\nAddendum:\nMemo to Handler Staff: This should not be necessary; a reminder will, however, be issued to all staff working with SCP-734 that full face masks are a MANDATORY part of the haz-mat equipment needed for working with SCP-734 and may not be removed at any time while on-duty. SCP-734 may be a baby, but it is still capable of causing a degenerating tissue disorder in anyone coming in contact with any living SCP-734 cells. This includes mucus. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 removed her face mask, stating \u201cHe's just a baby, I'm holding his hands, it'll be fine!\u201d. SCP-734 then sneezed on Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's face, causing \u201cflaking\u201d to initiate from twenty-six points on her face and neck.\nPhotographic records of the effect's progression upon her will be provided to any staff with questions or complaints related to SCP-734 and its containment procedures.\nProject Update \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Testing of SCP-734 at age \u2588\u2588 confirms a 98% score on the Aeslinger Loyalty Index. Entity has been approved for anomalous weapons training.\n\n\u00ab SCP-733 | SCP-734 | SCP-735 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-735\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-735 is to be stored in a locked cell at Research Site-14, with access granted to Level 2 personnel or higher after having undergone a session of preparatory therapy to interact with the device.\nDescription: SCP-735 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 among the personal possessions of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after said individual's body had been found, having committed suicide. The SCP in question is, in appearance, a small box constructed of a brushed-aluminum-like alloy of unknown composition featuring a slot on one side. Sound is capable of being heard through this slot. When measurements are taken, the object is found to emit low-level magnetic pulses that intensify in the presence of humans. No external power source is required, and indeed the surface of the item contains no input points.\nUpon contact with skin, SCP-735 will \"awaken\" and begin discussion with the person who touched it. This discussion is immediately and intensely hostile and personal in nature. The device apparently has one goal, and that is to incite the person in question to rage, as quickly as possible. It does this primarily through profanity and verbal abuse, in a matter seemingly tailored to be the most discomforting to the subject. For example, during the conversation related in Addendum 735a, the vocal patterns of the device were recorded as sounding like an angry, late middle-aged man with a New Jersey accent. SCP-735 is capable of speaking to a subject in any known language and dialect, but has a tendency to use one that will be the most upsetting to the person interacting with it.\nA notable side effect of interaction with the box is a sharp increase of adrenaline in the subject, far more so than would normally be produced in a similar situation (a control was created by subjecting several D class subjects to two similar devices; one was SCP-735, the other, an identically appearing box with an internal transmitter broadcasting a conversation between an actual human and the subject). In addition, the device seems to possess some kind of psychic ability, as it is able to reference experiences and personality/appearance aspects of the subject in question, despite having no prior contact or, in fact, any kind of visual receptors.\nThe most typical results of interacting with the object are the reduction of the subject to incoherent rage, followed by the attempted immediate destruction of the SCP. While this is occurring, the device will goad the subject on, calling attention to the futility of the actions the subject is taking. Due to the resilience of the alloy, no attempt by a subject to destroy the device has, as yet, been successful.\nThe reasons for this behavior are entirely unknown, though there are a few theories. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the last researcher associated with SCP-735, opined that it may be testing its subject. Another thought is that SCP-735 contains an artificial intelligence that is self-aware, and is attempting to commit \"suicide\" by seeking assistance.\nAddendum 735a: The following is the transcript of an interview with SCP-735 by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (touching SCP-735 awake): Hello, 735.\n735: Oh, it's you, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, you fat [expletive]. What the [expletive] do you want?\nDr.: I'm coming to pick up where Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 left off with you.\n735: Ha, that [expletive] [expletive], I hope he's having fun in that cell, the [expletive]. You wanna go join him so you can [expletive] his [expletive]?\nDr.: No, I'm here to talk about you, today.\n735: Oh yeah, [expletive] for brains? What about? The fact that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's (Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's coworker) been screwing your wife for the past two months?\nDr.: That's not true, and you know it. Anyway, as I said, I'm here to talk about you, not me.\n735: Yeah, you're right. Like how you couldn't get it up last night, even though that fat [expletive] (Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's wife) was pounding your [expletive] with a [expletive] while that [expletive] [expletive] [expletive] porn was on, huh? See, I knew you were a [expletive] [expletive].\nDr.: (becoming visibly agitated): Alright, now you know that's really uncalled for.\n735: You mean like the stink that's coming off of you? God, no wonder your [expletive] [expletive] wife is fooling around, you look and smell like a [expletive] rotting buffalo, you eunuch. You know she has her tongue in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's [expletive] right now? She loves doing that. She would never do it to you, you hairy, bloated [expletive]. But that's okay, you like getting that from men, anyway.\nDr.: Shut up! Shut up! I can't help it! I work in this hole all day just to afford that house she made me buy! I can't help it if I never have time to go to the gym!\n735: Ha, you miserable [expletive], you haven't seen your [expletive] in five years anyway, it's too late for the gym. And you're still not making enough money to satisfy that [expletive], that's why \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 bought your [expletive] wife that new blouse last week.\nDr.: She said it was on sale!\n735: She would. She's a [expletive] liar and you're a pathetic [expletive] moron to believe her.\nDr.: YOU PIECE OF [expletive]! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!\n735: Like you took back that car you bought because the [expletive] wife made you? Jesus, she's got the whip wrapped around your neck, you [expletive] dog.\nDr.: YOU [expletive] PILE OF [expletive], I'LL KILL YOU!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 proceeds to pick up SCP-735 and slam it against the wall repeatedly, before throwing it on the floor and kicking it across the room.\n735: HA HAAAAA! YOU PANSY-[expletive] [expletive], HIT ME! DO IT HARDER, [expletive]! You're a [expletive] weak human, just like the rest of them! I wouldn't want to be one of you dirty [expletive] when the Reavers finally get here!\nDr.: (still physically assaulting SCP-735): [expletive] YOU! [expletive] YOU!\n(At this point in the recording, security personnel enter the room and forcibly remove Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.)\n735: You pussy.\n(Recording ends.)\n\nAddendum 735b: After this incident, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is removed from the 735 project.\nAddendum 735c: A proposal has been requested by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to apply SCP-1331 to SCP-735 in attempts at reducing or neutralizing its effect. This proposal is currently being reviewed by the Ethics Committee and Site-14 administration.\n\n\u00ab SCP-734 | SCP-735 | SCP-736 \u00bb"} {"text": "Image of Iapetus obtained by Cassini-Huygens spacecraft\n\nItem #: SCP-736\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Direct observation of SCP-736 is to be coordinated through Foundation intelligence assets in the European Space Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, China National Space Administration, and Russian Federal Space Agency. The next mission for close observation of SCP-736 is scheduled for 2022, and is designed to be a clandestine science objective for the European Space Agency's Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer project. Ground-based telescope observation of Iapetus and the Saturnian system is to be maintained at all times.\nAll major astrophysics research centers and universities are to be monitored by the Foundation Office of Celestial Anomalies for awareness of SCP-736. During SCP-736 events, internet traffic is to be monitored for reports of irregularities in Iapetus' orbit. In cases where non-Foundation researchers have identified SCP-736, amnestics and information suppression protocols are authorized to prevent widespread knowledge in the scientific community.\nDescription: SCP-736 is an anomaly affecting the Saturnian moon Iapetus. For brief periods generally lasting several days, Iapetus' orbit is spontaneously altered by measures of eccentricity, orbital period, or both. The orbit of Iapetus returns to its documented state after these spontaneous changes. Models of temporary orbits almost entirely consist of Iapetus undergoing orbital decay, and in most scenarios is projected to collide with Saturn (and, depending on the projection, other Saturnian moons) at some point within the next 150-300 years. These projected orbits are all in direct violation of mathematical models and both classical and relativistic physical principles, which do not predict a decay in the orbit of Iapetus due to tidal effects or gravitational radiation.\nAdditionally, changes in Iapetus' eccentricity and orbital period do not proceed in a constant manner. Instead, these changes happen at different rates and at relatively large intervals. Since analysis of SCP-736 began in 2007, researchers have recorded 159 variations in the rate of Iapetus' orbital decay.\nStatistical analysis of trends in the changes to SCP-736 and the various results of computer modeling of Iapetus' orbit has revealed that changes in its orbital decay do not occur randomly. Instead, variances have occured in groups, centered around what appears to be a central set of numerical values and a series of calibrations to achieve them. To date, 8 discrete orbits have been observed for Iapetus.\nSCP-736 is believed to be directed by an intelligent entity. On September 10, 2007, during the Cassini-Huygens flyby of Iapetus, the spacecraft was contacted by a then-unknown source of radio transmissions. Telemetry analysis revealed the source to be located on the surface of Iapetus. Foundation assets within NASA immediately seized information transmitted from the source and commenced an information suppression campaign. Approximately 8.2 terabytes of data were transmitted from the surface of Iapetus in a time period of 12 seconds. Analysis of the data was inconclusive, as most of it seemed to be random configurations of number values represented by a series of repetitive tones. However, the transmission has served as evidence of a sapient, technologically advanced presence on Iapetus. All communication attempts by Foundation staff have thus far been unreciprocated.\nResearch Log 736-4: List of Iapetus Orbital Decay Simulations\n\nModel Date\nEccentricity Variance\nPeriod Variance\nPredicted Time to Initial Impact Event\nNotable Results\n\n04/22/2007\n-.000382\n.34 d\n289 years, 4 months, 11 days\nIapetus collides with Saturn, causing slight change in Saturnian orbit with no other effects on other celestial bodies.\n\n11/02/2007\n-.000512\n.77 d\n244 years, 8 months, 23 days\nIapetus achieves a close flyby of Dione prior to impact with Saturn, causing slight changes to Dionian and Saturnian orbits, with no other effects on celestial bodies.\n\n07/17/2008\n-.000883\n1.23 d\n231 years, 5 months, 2 days\nIapetus achieves close flybys of Dione and Tethys prior to impact with Saturn, causing major changes to Tethys' orbit and inducing its own state of orbital decay.\n\n01/08/2009\n-.000919\n1.59 d\n216 years, 11 months, 8 days\nIapetus collides with Rhea prior to impact with Saturn, resulting in widespread variances in orbits of most Saturnian moons. Consequently, Saturnian orbit altered significantly.\n\n05/31/2009\n-.001255\n2.70 d\n201 years, 5 months, 18 days\nIapetus collides with Titan prior to impact with Saturn. Orbits of Titan and Saturn undergo minor variances, but otherwise do not affect other celestial bodies.\n\n06/01/2010\n-.005928\n8.13 d\n175 years, 3 months, 9 days\nIapetus collides with Titan, resulting in major changes to Titan orbit. Model predicts subsequent breakdown in Titanian orbit and the ejection of Titan from the Saturnian system in approximately 38 years. Trajectory of Titan's exit eventually places it outside of the solar system.\n\n12/25/2010\n-.006012\n9.01 d\n168 years, 7 months, 30 days\nIapetus collides with Titan, resulting in major changes to Titan orbit. Model predicts subsequent breakdown in Titanian orbit and the ejection of Titan from the Saturnian system in approximately 24 years. Trajectory of Titan's orbit predicts a collision with Mars in 2209.\n\n11/13/2011\n-.007299\n11.11 d\n152 years, 2 months, 3 days\nIapetus collides with Titan, resulting in major changes to Titan orbit. Model predicts subsequent breakdown in Titanian orbit and the ejection of Titan from the Saturnian system in approximately 22 years. Trajectory of Titan's orbit predicts a close encounter with Earth in 2258, passing within 800,000 km. Note: The SCP-736 event preceding this model was accompanied by a transmission directed at a Foundation-owned listening post in Costa Rica from the vicinity of Iapetus. Transmission consisted of what analysts determine to be a representation of the numeral 7.048 billion repeated 17 times, followed by the numeral 0 repeated 17 times.\n\nAddendum 736-1: SCP-736 reclassified to Keter effective 02/03/2012. - O5-4\n\n\u00ab SCP-735 | SCP-736 | SCP-737 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-737 shortly after feeding.\n\nItem #: SCP-737\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-737 is to be kept in a locked copper safe welded to the wall in Storage Unit \u2588\u2588 at Site \u2588\u2588. While in its safe, SCP-737 is to be placed on its side in order to prevent a containment breach. In the event of a containment breach, staff are to attempt to incapacitate SCP-737 without touching or destroying its front carriage.\nSCP-737 is to be provided with three (3) cm3 of wood every day via a robotic arm. Any additional carriages produced by SCP-737 are to be removed from the main body and deposited back in the safe to restrict SCP-737's movements.\nDescription: The primary aspect of SCP-737 is the front carriage of a wooden toy train approximately three (3) five (5) centimeters tall, two (2) four (4) centimeters thick and when without carriages, four (4) six (6) centimeters long.\nX-ray analysis has revealed that the wooden portion of SCP-737 is an outer shell, protecting a small brain and biological tissue that make up its actual body. SCP-737 is able to independently engage in locomotion, and does so constantly when given the opportunity.\nWhen SCP-737 reaches an obstacle, it will, through a process as of yet unknown, absorb the material directly in front of it and usually incorporate it into itself in the form of a wooden train carriage. This process typically takes five to twenty seconds, depending on the density of the material, and will leave a 'tunnel' in the object for SCP-737 to continue moving through.\nSCP-737 has demonstrated the ability to absorb most materials, including wood, metal, plastic, [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-737 seems unable to use some substances to increase its mass, and will instead convert it into a gas, which is then released from its 'chimney'. SCP-737 appears unwilling to absorb copper and its own removed segments. SCP-737 is predatory, and will favor living targets over inanimate objects.\nSCP-737 is likely vulnerable to damage, as the wood that comprises its outer shell shows no anomalous properties. Due to this, great care must be taken when handling SCP-737. As the chances of SCP-737 being a natural organism are extremely low, any clues as to its origin are to be reported immediately.\nHistory: SCP-737 was first discovered by the Foundation after a series of child disappearances in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 came to their attention when the police received testimony of 'a toy train' fleeing from the crime scenes. Mobile Task Force Mu-9 \"Toybreakers\" were sent in to investigate the matter, and despite losing \u2588 of their group, were able to successfully retrieve SCP-737.\nAddendum 737-1: SCP-737's size has recently increased dramatically. If SCP-737 continues to grow at this rate, we may have to reconsider the containment procedures. - Dr. Honey\nAddendum 737-2: At approximately \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, a containment breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 caused SCP-737's regular feeding time to be missed. Twenty minutes after the containment breach, SCP-737 began slowly absorbing the copper in its safe at a rate of 1 cm/hour, releasing a toxic and opaque gas from its 'chimney'.\nSCP-737 was quickly brought under control by the timely actions of Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who described the gas as 'foul'. It now appears that although SCP-737 is unwilling to absorb copper, it does have the capacity to do so.\n\n\u00ab SCP-736 | SCP-737 | SCP-738 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-738\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-738 is to be kept in three linked sealed chambers with armed guards and a remote detonation system at all times, as well as constant full audio/visual surveillance. Due to the variety and strength of observed interactions with SCP-738, and the unknown limits of SCP-738, the following procedures are to be strictly followed.\nWhen SCP-738 is not in use, its components must be kept one to each chamber. Mechanical means built into the containment area are to be used to assemble and disassemble SCP-738.\nShould mechanical assembly means fail, then testing is to be canceled until an engineer fitted with an explosive collar can be sent in to repair the systems. Said engineer is to be detonated upon any attempt to interact with any component of SCP-738.\nShould mechanical disassembly fail, preset shaped charges shall be used to disassemble SCP-738. The system should then be repaired and reset by a single engineer fitted with an explosive collar.\nAll Class D personnel used to test the device must be mildly intellectually disabled or of comparably impaired cognitive function, and must be fitted with an explosive collar. This is in order to prevent them from learning too much about SCP-738 and possibly using SCP-738 in a way that is detrimental to the Foundation.\nClass D personnel with IQs over 60, and all other personnel are not allowed into the room containing SCP-738. Class D personnel are allowed into the room containing SCP-738 for experimentation only and are to be provided with continual instruction by research personnel.\nDescription: SCP-738 consists of three components. A matched set of mahogany furniture including one (1) desk currently labeled SCP-738-1, one (1) straight-backed chair currently labeled SCP-738-2, and one (1) ornate \"throne\" styled office chair labeled SCP-738-3, all with brass embellishments and royal purple velvet padding.\nThe effect begins when a sentient entity sits in SCP-738-2 in \u2018front' of SCP-738-1 with SCP-738-3 resting behind SCP-738-2. Cameras show SCP-738-3 moving during the effect, frequently leaning back into a \u2018relaxed state' as well as moving closer to, or further away from SCP-738-2. Occasionally SCP-738-3 is moved in front of SCP-738-2. Furthermore cameras show papers and folders containing papers leaving SCP-738-1's drawers. The papers are made of parchment. A quill pen and a bottle of ink emerge from the long drawer. The pen will write on the parchment.\nAudio recorders record a distorted voice speaking. This voice will make offers and promises, attempting to tempt the occupant of SCP-738-2. Meaning has been extracted from the spoken voice. If, in this time, the entity sitting in SCP-738-2 makes a request, then the tempting and offers will cease. There will be a pause and a price will be stated. This can be bargained with; however, the voice will insist on other prices of \u2018equal value.' Occasionally when a request is made the voice will respond by telling the requester that they \u2018do not want the object enough' or that they are \u2018obviously requesting the object for someone else to get around paying full price' in which case the request is not fulfilled. This occurs most frequently for requests that can affect other people, or can transfer possession.\nAccepting the deal causes the agreed-upon wish or command to be fulfilled to the letter, but not past the letter. Furthermore it will cause the occurrences stated in the price to be paid. The entity has actively stated that the occurrences in the price are intended to cause an amount of emotional and/or physical pain equal to the amount that the requester desires what they request. How parity is calculated is at present unknown. The price has also been stated to be independent of any pain caused by fulfilling the request. See the test log for examples of prices paid, and requests made.\nAs a final note, personnel in the chair have reported seeing an entity sitting in SCP-738-3. However, all attempts to observe this entity when not seated in SCP-738-2 have failed, and further descriptions of the entity are inconsistent between sessions, even with multiple sessions with the same person. When asked about this, the entity claims to be the same entity each time. Some frequent descriptions of the entity include \u2018seductive' and \u2018charming'. Sessions with the same person that are close in time report similar or identical entity appearances. Sessions with different people that are close in time report different entities appearances. Descriptions of the voice do not match the voice recorded on the equipment.\nAddendum 738-1: History\nSCP-738 was recovered from the office of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a Catholic Cardinal, after his death on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588. He had received it as a gift from the Pope for extraordinary services from the Vatican archives. The Foundation became aware of SCP-738 after [DATA EXPUNGED]. With \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 dead and his will contested in the aftermath of the event, Foundation personnel acquired the desk. Foundation agents in the Vatican reported recovering some of the documents surrounding SCP-738.\nAddendum 738-2: Test results\nTest 1: Researcher sits in SCP-738-2 and waits.\nResults: Researcher reports several attempts made to coerce him into a deal, with deals including love of the women he wants, an object that would make him a well respected researcher, and the granting of O5 status. Startled researcher leaves SCP-738-2, leaves room. Recordings follow statements provided. Researcher reports disappearance of the entity, followed by return of pen, paper, and folders to drawers. Using cameras, speed of object return clocked at over 120 m/s. Researcher reports seeing a man in a red and gold business suit.\nTest 2: Personnel D-\u2588\u2588 sat on SCP-738-2. Analysis performed upon papers and documents.\nResults: Spectral analysis has confirmed that the parchment is human skin. The feather in the quill pen comes from an unidentified bird. Subject offered freedom, is told that the price is the death of his best friend. D-\u2588\u2588 laughed and agreed, then vanished. D-\u2588\u2588 was re-captured five hours later. Documents written in English. D-\u2588\u2588 involved in test reported seeing a beautiful and seductive woman.\nTest 3: Personnel D-\u2588\u2588\u2588, a non-native English speaker, sits in SCP-738-2.\nResults: Papers written in D-\u2588\u2588\u2588's native language, as is spoken communication. D-\u2588\u2588\u2588 offered the power to never be held in a cell again. Price is stated to be memories of D-\u2588\u2588\u2588's mother. D-\u2588\u2588\u2588 accepts offer. After acceptance [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in the deaths of 12 guards, and D-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nTest 4: Personnel D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, dyslexic and seriously intellectually disabled, sits in SCP-738-2.\nResults: The language on the parchment appeared to be crude pictograms representing the deal, though some words in English were represented in the parchment. In general the English was unrelated to the pictures they were under and frequently insult D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's intelligence, and state that the entity is uncertain how much of this D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 understands. D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was offered a Sloppy Joe. Price was stated to be Mopsy, a toy that D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been allowed to smuggle into the Foundation. D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 accepted and food was materialized upon the desk, along with antique silverware, fine china plate, and crystal glass 'sippy cup' with wine colored grape juice. D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 shows great distress upon discovering that Mopsy was missing after finishing meal. D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reports seeing a large pink rabbit. After deal was complete, and D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 left chair, recorders picked up a sigh. Voiceprint of sigh does not match D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's voice.\nTest 4 followup: D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 issued toy exactly identical to 'Mopsy'.\nResult: As soon as D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 named the toy Mopsy, it vanished. D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 showed great emotional distress.\nTest 5: Destruction testing.\nResult: [DATA EXPUNGED], explosive, fire, gunshot, mechanical wood chipper fail. Direct attack upon desk with axe leaves a single gash, with depth of 3 mm and results in [DATA EXPUNGED] as well as death of attacking personnel. Gash remains in desk. Video logs show gash healing at a rate of 1 \u00b5m per day.\nTest 6: Researcher sits in SCP-738-2. Asks \"What are you?\"\nResult: Entity, taking the appearance of a large snake, states \"I'm sorry. It's against policy to divulge personal details. But may I interest you in [DATA EXPUNGED]\". Researcher stood from chair, shaking and ending the session. Researcher was then placed in mental institution 5 awaiting review due to information revealed by offer.\nTest 7: Sheldon Katz, Esq., senior counsel with the Foundation's legal department.\nResult: At commencement of test, Mr. Katz presented the entity with a notarized, apostilled affidavit stating that he was participating in the test on his own behalf and not as agent for the Foundation. Approximately forty-one hours after the commencement of the test, Mr. Katz lapsed into unconsciousness due to exhaustion. Mr. Katz described the appearance of the entity as identical to his first-year contracts professor from law school, but he declined to describe the nature of the offer that had been made. He reported that just prior to his blacking out, he had been in the midst of negotiating a precise technical definition of the word \"shall\". Katz stated that the current working draft of the agreement that he and the entity had been drafting was at least nine hundred pages long at that moment, exclusive of exhibits and schedules, and that he regretted not keeping a copy for his form file. A red leather envelope, smelling of sulphur, was found on Mr. Katz's person, which contained a handwritten note reading \"Please come back any time. I haven't had so much fun in years.\" Mr. Katz has requested reassignment.\nRemaining tests require level 4 clearance or higher to view until declassification is complete.\nAddendum 738-3: Notes\nIn recent testing, offers have been made directly to the researchers who were telling the subject what to do. Recommend cessation of all testing. ~O5-\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-737 | SCP-738 | SCP-739 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-739\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-739 is to be kept in a well-lit room, with its door wedged open at all times. Under no circumstances are any personnel with personality characteristics of grandiosity, psychopathy, sociopathy or solipsism to be assigned to SCP-739. If no such personnel are available, the use of mental alterations to produce such personnel is authorized.\nWhen testing is not being conducted two D-Class personnel must be present in the room, and rotated every three hours. One is to be positioned within SCP-739 while the second stands immediately in front of the first, and is to ensure that the first D-Class does not close the door.\nNo testing with SCP-739 is to occur without prior approval from the project director. Any subjects that show signs of hostility after emerging from SCP-739 are to be terminated immediately.\nDescription: SCP-739 is a booth constructed of a lacquered oak measuring 91 cm by 91 cm at its base, 210 cm in height, and 87 cm by 91 cm at its apex. The object is in the shape of a symmetrical trapezoidal prism. The two inward leaning walls inside of the object each have a mirror affixed to them which face one another and emit a set of climbing reflections, giving the illusion of meeting overhead. The back wall and door on the booth are both featureless and unremarkable.\nAny visual recordings of the interior of SCP-739 will not record the reflections of the mirrors within; all such recordings show the mirrors as a uniform black colouration, indicating a complete absence of recorded light. Faint whispers can be heard emanating from an indeterminate point within the object, however individual phrases or voices cannot be distinguished.\nIf a subject or item is present within SCP-739 when the door is closed, said door will be impossible to open for a varying period of time during which the booth shakes violently. After this shaking has ceased the door can be re-opened, and any objects placed subjects within will have undergone a one-dimensional, lateral inversion. All asymmetrical aspects of the subject become reversed, including internal organs and asymmetrical molecules. This change occurs on the molecular level, with L-amino acids becoming D-amino acids.\nSubjects capable of communication will claim that they are unaffected, and will maintain the perspective that their surroundings are inverted instead. Exposing the subject to the anomalous effect of SCP-739 a second time will revert their lateral inversion, however some subjects still report minor discrepancies in their environment afterwards. When questioned, subjects will be unable to identify any specific discrepancies, attributing it to an instinctive feeling.\nAfter being affected by SCP-739 several times, subjects will begin to display prominent physical and mental divergence from prior to testing. Physical characteristics that are considered undesirable to the test subject1 will gradually diminish until absent or replaced by favourable characteristics. Altered subjects are unaware of these changes and are insistent that no changes have occurred.\nAffected subjects will also progressively develop divergent memories of their history prior to exposure to SCP-739. These memories will become more prominent with each time the subject utilises SCP-739, eventually resulting in a history that the subject would consider more favourable than their true history, however universally result in the subject being inducted into the Foundation's D-Class regimen for testing with SCP-739. Subjects will lose familiarity with individuals who become increasingly absent in these false memories, and will claim familiarity with individuals that they had never encountered - in most cases these individuals are purely fictitious, or are portrayed in a stereotyped manner.\nIf the door of SCP-739 is closed without any objects or subjects present within, the item will initially function as though such was present. After unsealing, an entity of unknown physical appearance will emerge from SCP-739. These entities uniformly appear as a featureless, dark blur on any visual recordings they are present on, and are cognitohazardous to observe in person. Personnel questioned prior to amnestization will state the entity is foreign or unknowable, frequently referring to it as something that doesn't exist. All such entities that have emerged from SCP-739 to date have utilised shockwave pulses in order to damage their immediate environment and injure or kill nearby personnel (see Experiment 739-23).\nFollowing the initiation of D-Class testing, SCP-739 will no longer recognise the presence of inanimate objects placed within when closed, functioning as though its interior was left empty.\nAddendum 1: Interview Log\n\nInterviewed: D-53682\nInterviewer: Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: D-53682 had been altered by SCP-739 multiple times in succession before the interview was conducted. Prior to the initiation of these experiments, D-53682 was a Caucasian male 154 cm in height, weighed 65 kilograms and had lost their left arm below the shoulder from an amputation. Following the conclusion of these tests and during this interview, D-53682 was a Caucasian male 203 cm in height, weighed 105 kilograms and had regenerated their lost arm.\n\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: Please state your full name, followed by your designation.\nD-53682: John Kate Ball, D-53682.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you sure that is your name?\nD-53682: What do you mean, 'am I sure'? It's my name, I've had it since birth.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: Our records say that you - D-53682 - are named Jesse Klarent Ball. Before testing began, you told us that was your name.\nD-53682: No, my name is John Kate Ball. It's always been John Kate Ball, like I said before. Someone must be messing with your systems, you should get Cam to see if he can fix it.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: Cam?\nD-53682: Yeah, Cameron. You know, the big tech expert here? Practically fueled by nacho chips?\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: When did you meet Cameron?\nD-53682: Man, its been so long ago\u2026I think we met in the cafeteria at Site-83. No, wait, we met in school, didn't we? Ah, well, it doesn't matter.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you tell me why you were incarcerated?\nD-53682: Fraud and money laundering. Let me guess, I'm wrong again?\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes. You were guilty of two counts of second degree murder.\nD-53682: Yeah, I'm fairly sure I'd remember killing someone, and I'd appreciate if you didn't suggest I had.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: Very well. Do you recall what happened inside SCP-739 when the door was closed?\nD-53682: The booth thing, right? I uhh\u2026 I sort of remember something foggy, before the door opened up again.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: Continue.\nD-53682: I was alone when I went in, right? I remember hearing voices when I stepped in. I think\u2026 I don't think those things belong\u2026\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588: What things?\nD-53682: I'm not really sure, just\u2026 Well, I suppose you could always go see for yourself. I think they'd be happy to see you.\n\nClosing Statement: Attempts to communicate with D-53682 and gather more information about SCP-739 and the changes the subject underwent are currently ongoing but due to the subject's unwillingness to cooperate, the information gathered thus far has proven to be inconclusive. Any personnel cycled through SCP-739 are to be interviewed immediately unless they pose a direct threat to Foundation personnel, at which time traditional means of termination are authorized to be used at the discretion of the project director.\n\nAddendum 2: Incident Log\n\nExperiment 739-23\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: SCP-739 was closed and opened without any items or subjects being present within.\nResults: An entity of unknown origin emerged from SCP-739 once the standard ten-second sealing state had concluded. The physical appearance of this entity (retrocausally designated SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-1-D) was concealed on all visual recordings of it, appearing as a darkened region on such. Personnel present in the testing chamber at the time displayed extreme discomfort at the appearance of the entity and attempted to avoid observation of it. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-1-D showed an immediate awareness of Site-83's2 layout. The entity closed SCP-739 behind it, triggering a second sealing state.\nSCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-1-D proceeded to breach containment by use of directed shockwave pulses in excess of 210 decibels to destroy impeding barriers and kill any personnel it encountered, primarily armed first-response containment teams. The entity displayed a focus on eliminating as many personnel as it was capable of, showing no acknowledgement of other objects or entities unless such impeded or attacked the entity to some capacity. Containment efforts were severely impeded due to the visually cognitohazardous appearance of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-1-D.\nAfter ten minutes SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-1-D collapsed. An automated autopsy of the entity revealed that it was not suited to terran environments, and succumbed to an approximate analogue of oxygen intoxication. It had suffered non-lethal injuries during its containment breach, apparently being capable of rapid regeneration while active.\nDuring the containment breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-1-D a second similar entity, designated SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-2, emerged from SCP-739 and immediately proceeded to escape from the perimeter of Site-83. It is unknown if SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-2 is more adapted to terran environments than SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-1-D, as the entity has not been observed since its initial breach.\n\nAddendum 3:\nAnalysis of the auditory pulses utilised by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-1-D to attack personnel have been discovered to be heavily distorted humanoid speech. Below is a transcript of several phrases stated by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-1-D.\n\nYou let me in!\n\nThere is so much to do.\n\nWe will enforce what your messengers taught us.\n\nWe are ready to complete our work.\n\nWhy do you ignore me?\n\nWill you look if we all scream together?\n\nWe will earn your acknowledgement.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Typically features such as facial scarring, prominent acne, disfigured or absent limbs, excessive weight and/or insufficient or over-sufficient height.\n2. The site SCP-739 was present at during Experiment 739-23.\n\n\u00ab SCP-738 | SCP-739 | SCP-740 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-740: The Hindenburg Photograph\nIf you were confronted by a man with fire eyes, your training would give out, too.\n\n\u25b8 More by this Author \u25c2\n\n{$comments2}\n\nF.A.Q.\n\n{$doesthisfixthebug}\n\nAn original photograph of the Hindenburg Disaster\n\nItem #: SCP-740\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-740 can be safely stored in its envelope in a security deposit box. Researchers testing SCP-740 must wear gloves at all times.\nDescription: SCP-740 is a slightly dirty color-corrected Polaroid photograph depicting the May 6, 1937 explosion of the airship LZ 129 Hindenburg at Lakehurst Naval Air Station, New Jersey. The Polaroid has been determined to be a photograph taken of the original.\nSCP-740's anomalous traits manifest when it is viewed while in contact with the skin. The subject touching or holding the photo will hear the sounds of explosions and people screaming. Subjects report difficulty in taking their eyes off the photograph while under its influence. Subjects holding the object typically report their inability to freely release their grip as being very distressing; many subjects have undergone emotional breakdowns as SCP-740's effects progress.\nAfter one minute of holding and looking at the photograph, the subject's body temperature will begin to rise, accompanied by a sensation of warmness. The intensity of the warmth, as well as the volume of the auditory hallucinations, will continue to increase so long as the subject looks at the photograph. Breaking eye contact will prevent the sensations from intensifying until eye contact is reestablished, and cessation of physical contact will cause the effect to 'reset' to the initial stage should the object be handled again.\nThe subject will begin to emit smoke after a period of time between two and four minutes, and burst into flame shortly afterward. Time of combustion is directly correlated to subject's size and weight. This flame will consume upwards of ninety percent of the subject's body mass and has proven fatal in all cases. The fire also consumes SCP-740, which will slowly restore itself to its original condition over the next five to eighteen hours.\nSee Interview Log 740-01 for information on recovery.\n\n+ Interview Log 740-01\n\n- Interview Log 740-01\n\nInterviewed: Agent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInterviewer: Dr. E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: Standard interview conducted within 48 hours of SCP procurement. Agent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been employed by the Foundation for \u2588 years and retrieved or secured \u2588 SCPs in that time, of which the retrieval of SCP-740 was his sixth leading a retrieval team.\n\nInterviewer: Please state, in your own words, what happened during your recovery assignment.\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I was sent out to recover the skip, the photo, from the home of a Mister A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It came to our attention when Mr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 tried unsuccessfully to sell it at auction, and I'd been keeping tabs on it for about three weeks prior.\nInterviewer: What prevented his selling it?\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The auctioneer spontaneously combusted. I mean, the official COD was smoke inhalation, but that's what happened.\nInterviewer: I see. Please continue.\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Anyway, after Mr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 recovered the photo, he started bringing in a bunch of people to look at it, trying to sell it again. By the time I visited his home, he was all but giving it away.\nInterviewer: And no one took it?\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: When you hear what happened, you'll understand why. [Agent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sighs and pauses for 3.5 seconds.] After I got authority to approach for the buy, I took a team out to the retrieval site. It was considered a low-risk retrieval, so they stayed out of sight, back down his driveway, while I knocked on his front door. We'd arranged the meeting for a quarter to two, and it was March \u2588\u2588, 19\u2588\u2588. He had a real nice place, huge New England mansion. He welcomed me in, gave me a seat, offered me some brandy, which I declined. He was real old, real thin and wrinkly, but really animated, talked with his hands a lot.\nInterviewer: How did the incident occur?\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [Sucks in breath.] Yeah. Well, he made small talk for like ten minutes until I asked about the photograph, and then he acted like he'd forgotten that's why I was there. He goes, gets it, brings it back in an envelope and hands it to me. He hesitated, though, and gave me this weird look, like he was trying to read my mind or something. Anyway, I slid it out, and there it was, a Polaroid of the Hindenburg disaster. First thing I did was ask him how he managed to capture the explosion with a camera made decades after it happened, and he tells me it's a photo of a photo. And then I start hearing it.\nInterviewer: Hearing what?\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Explosions. Fire. People \u2014 men, women, children \u2014 screaming in pain and terror. [Agent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 pauses for ten seconds.] It was like I was just getting sucked into that photo, I couldn't look away. Then he leans forward and that breaks my concentration, like I'd forgotten I could look up at all. He's giving me that look again, and he says, \"You hear them too, don't you?\" I said yeah. Then he shakes his head like he's disappointed. \"You're all the same, blast it,\" that's exactly what he said.\nInterviewer: Do you know what he meant by that?\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yeah, he went on about how everyone he ever showed the photo to could hear things. I asked if he did too and he said no, then he reaches to take it back. This is when the incident occurred. He says, \"No, son, it's deemed you unworthy, give it here,\" and I told him in no strong words I was leaving with it, even mentioned the briefcase of money I'd brought, but he wasn't having it. He goes, \"I've watched men burn to death because they weren't worthy. Give it to me now.\" He lunges at me, knocks over my chair. Real strong for an old guy.\n[Pause for eleven seconds.]\nInterviewer: Please, continue.\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I didn't\u2026 There was no prior intel the guy was a skip himself, or he'd have been coming back with me too. I'd have followed protocol, called in my team. But with the voices in my head, the photo I couldn't let go of, and there was fire coming out of his eyes and off his bald\u2014 I just panicked, okay? I've been doing this for years, but I just freaked the hell out! Drew my weapon, fired, what, three times, four?\nInterviewer: The record indicates three shots.\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I don't remember. Anyway, I immediately called it in, grabbed the envelope and left the house. I was also feeling really hot, even though it was pretty cold, March in New England and all.\nInterviewer: Is this when the house ignited?\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [Pause for five seconds.] Yeah. By the time I'm outside, there's smoke coming out the roof. Once my team shows up and pries my fingers off the skip, the whole thing's in flames. We had to stand way back\u2026 I couldn't help standing back. I didn't want to be anywhere near it. [Pause for three seconds.] Doc, I saw the forensics reports. You know what they said?\nInterviewer: What did they say?\nAgent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: They placed the ignition point right where the old coot landed after I shot him. His body put the whole place up in three fucking minutes. I\u2026 Jesus.\nInterviewer: Thank you, Agent, that will be enough.\n\nClosing Statement: Agent M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was remanded to psychiatric evaluation for three months, to treat mental trauma and acute pyrophobia not previously noted in his psychological profile. After amnestics failed to cure the condition, Agent was reassigned to a clerical position.\n\n- Interview Log 740-01\n\n\u00ab SCP-739 | SCP-740 | SCP-741 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-741\nObject Class: Euclid\n\nSCP-741 prior to sinking on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/196\u2588\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As the object has sunk to an extreme depth and is surrounded by a region of elevated pressure, it is largely isolated from external influence. Nevertheless, periodic monitoring by sonar and/or submersible should be conducted to ensure that it has not been tampered with. Russia has actively encouraged the use of the Foundation-contracted Russian warships SCPS Basisty and Krasnoyarsk for these purposes. In the event of activity within the exclusion zone surrounding SCP-741, Procedure 353-KOSCHEI is to be enacted; this procedure entails the use of nuclear and conventionally-armed RPK-2 Viyuga anti-submarine/surface missiles aboard the Krasnoyarsk. Any movement of 741 is to be met immediately with a nuclear strike. All other contacts are to be engaged with conventional warheads.\nDescription: SCP-741 is a sunken Soviet submarine. It sank near \u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588 in March, 1968; however, the Foundation did not take over custody of the vessel until \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588, 1999. The submarine itself is a version of the Charlie II class, carrying eight (8) P-120 Malakhit anti-ship missiles.\nPrior to sinking, the submarine had been deployed under unusual circumstances which garnered the attention of Western intelligence agencies. The United States government attempted to recover the vessel in the early 1970s, an operation known as Project \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. This was moderately successful, though precisely what it recovered was never disclosed. In the late 1990s, agents within the US government, affiliated with [REDACTED], contacted the Foundation with news of a potential Euclid or Keter-class object within the wreck. Following negotiations, the Foundation took custody of the wreck and has had it under surveillance ever since.\nThe vessel lies on the ocean floor in three pieces. Evidence suggests that the hull was broken apart during the Project \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 recovery attempt, and that it was largely intact at the time that it sank, save for a hole just forward of the sail and another further aft, just below the starboard missile tubes. Debris recovered from this hole indicates that the sub was struck by a P-120 Malakhit anti-ship missile while surfaced. One of the boat's own P-120 missiles has been fired. The submarine appears to have sunk due to rapid flooding following the missile strike. No remains of the crew have been found, either within the vessel or in the vicinity, and all emergency escape equipment is untouched. Divers sent to investigate reported anomalous currents, abnormal sea life, moans, unexplained voices and unintelligible whispering, and the presence of blurry, faintly glowing figures. Sea life in the area has been observed to be unusually aggressive \u2014 a diver was seriously injured by a large squid of unknown species, and on two occasions, observation submersibles have been aggressively approached by sharks and large squid.\nThe wreck is surrounded by an anomalous pressure gradient extending approximately 250m centered on a point 30m aft of the center of the submarine. Within the affected region, pressure is much greater than is expected for the depth. This is believed to be the reason why Project \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 could not recover the entire submarine. It has also significantly hampered further salvage and investigation efforts. The extreme pressure differential makes analysis with sonar difficult, as very high amplitudes are required. Special protection is also required for divers to approach the wreck.\nWhat records the Foundation has been able to obtain from Russia and the United States about the submarine strongly suggest that it was being used to carry some secret cargo, the nature of which is still unknown. Code-words used in the Russian documents imply that the secret cargo did not have anything to do with the typical nuclear or chemical weapons of the day. A mention is made of Project [REDACTED], a Soviet [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIncident Report I741-C: On \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCPS Basisty reported a submerged contact approaching SCP-741 from the south at 46 knots. Acoustic signature of the contact did not match any known submarine or torpedo. Contact did not respond to sonobuoy drops or active sonar pings. When the contact crossed into the 18km total underwater exclusion zone, contact was classified hostile. Sonar recorded sounds of an undersea missile launch. Basisty broke away and fired a Type 53 torpedo toward the attacker. Missiles of unknown configuration were observed breaking the water 15 seconds later, flying at an altitude of 1.8 meters at a velocity of 0.92 Mach. No radar emissions were detected from the missiles and they did not respond to launched chaff or flares. Both missiles were engaged by Basisty's 3K95 \"Kinzhal\" surface-to-air missiles and Kashtan point defense systems, and were destroyed at 1800 meters and 210 meters from impact. Afterward, hostile could be heard engaging in evasive maneuvers, followed by four closely-spaced explosions and the sound of a submarine disintegrating. The identity and intentions of the attacker have not yet been determined.\nIn light of this incident, the acoustic sensor net should be expanded and additional patrol and defense assets acquired. Acquisition of undersea retaliatory capability advised.\nAddendum 741b: Further analysis of the sonar recordings taken by SCPS Basisty during Incident I741-C has revealed anomalous acoustic signatures not consistent with any known form of propulsion, including magnetohydrodynamic drive. Anomalous transients reminiscent of [REDACTED] are also audible during the breakup of the unknown attacker.\nDocument 741-A: An interview conducted between Foundation researcher [NAME WITHHELD] and an American intelligence agent working for [REDACTED], relevant portion transcribed below.\n\nSCP Researcher: Why did you decide to come forward? The US government sat on this information for 30 years.\nAmerican agent: You've seen those reports - Project [REDACTED], for fuck's sake? We knew that part, too. How the directors didn't make the connection is beyond me. That, and the stuff the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 pulled up? Yeah. The other part you don't hear about is what some of the research team died of. [DATA EXPUNGED] doesn't naturally do that. And the crewmen we buried? Just uniforms. Also, the nuclear device we recovered wasn't a missile or torpedo warhead, it was a demolition charge. Does that make any sense? After all those clues, I had to come forward. Why the directorate didn't is something I can't fully explain.\nSCP Researcher: Wait - the sub was sent out unmanned? But if so\u2026\nAgent: (Interrupting) No, not unmanned. There were no bodies, but personal effects were everywhere, along with uniforms. There was some blood - human, before you ask - on one of the torpedoes and a bit of skin, where somebody probably crushed his hand loading the thing. Just, no bodies left. When I first looked into all this, I had no clue what the hell had gone on down there, but I started putting things together.\nSCP Researcher: A Soviet weapons program? Some kind of biological agent, after what you said about [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAgent: (Shakes head) No, no, it wasn't that. I thought maybe it could have been, so I dialed up some of my contacts at Biopreparat - us spies end up owing each other favors after a while - and they denied it. Vehemently. Not your usual cover-up horseshit, either, they clearly stated that whatever the fuck \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was carrying, it wasn't theirs and they wanted no part of it. Sounded like he was gonna puke when I mentioned [REDACTED]. And Doctor, do you have any idea what it takes to make a bioweapons researcher sick?\nSCP Researcher: I can guess.\nAgent: Now, that wasn't what really bugged me, though. What really kept me awake at night was the KGB files that fell into our hands. They mentioned a covert op by the Soviet military against an internal, unnamed faction, to get rid of \"terrifying weapons\" that \"even the Soviet Union can't safely control\". They wanted to lose it, whatever it was, or maybe fob it off onto the US. Of course, that all came to light right before the Iron Curtain fell, and given the atmosphere at the time, it was practically impossible to convince the directors that they weren't talking about nukes, and even once I did, they still didn't think this was worthy of action. I mean, the [REDACTED] will probably have me hanged for treason if they ever find me, but it was worth the risk. And by what I can gather, it sounds like Russia thinks so too - loaning you half the Pacific Fleet, and all\u2026\n\nSee Also:\nIncident Report I741-A\n\n\u00ab SCP-740 | SCP-741 | SCP-742 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-742\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-742-1 are kept in separate solitary confinement cells in the maximum security wing of Site-\u2588\u2588, and are fed \u2588 kilograms of freshly harvested human bone marrow obtained [REDACTED] in addition to standard humanoid-grade rations.\nSamples of the SCP-742 virus itself are kept in a secure vault at Site-19. Personnel are to note that while infected individuals are extremely dangerous, SCP-742 itself has exceedingly low infectivity except when injected directly into the bloodstream and is not considered a biohazard.\nMobile Task Force \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588 has been created to respond to uncontained outbreaks of SCP-742, and are currently in the field in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-742 is a retrovirus, approximately \u2588\u2588 times more complex than any known naturally occurring virus. SCP-742 infects all cell types but initially only enters the lytic cycle in helper-T cells, leading to a state of immuno-compromise that allows SCP-742 to infect every one of the infected subject's cells. Infected cells secrete hormones that increase appetite as well as a signal-compound, once full infection is achieved concentration of this signal compound reaches a target level and the infection enters stage two.\nDuring stage two SCP-742 affects the nervous system, causing the infected subject to ravenously consume large quantities of protein-rich food and then seek a dark, secluded area (often a cave, abandoned building, or crypt.) At this point the subject enters a state of hibernation, slowing the metabolism to the point of apparent death. During this period the SCP-742 retrovirus completely reverse-transcribes itself into the infected subject's DNA and de-activates its viral properties \u2014 following this event the subject is designated SCP-742-1.\nNewly created instances of SCP-742-1 use the food-energy ingested during the viral phase to alter their physiology, resulting in an organism superficially similar to a human being but with a second alimentary tract linked [DATA EXPUNGED] roof of the mouth, several new organs of indeterminate function, and a subtly altered nervous system. Once fully transformed, instances of SCP-742-1 continue to function as if they were normal human beings, and are virtually indistinguishable without medical examination. However, SCP-742 infection destabilizes the genome during reverse-transcription, leading to symptoms consistent with telomerase dysfunction within approximately a month.\nSCP-742-1 can prevent this by ingesting human stem cells. In the wild, SCP-742-1 are nocturnal hunters, preying on isolated humans. The victim is first paralyzed by a venomous bite, then drained of bone marrow via [REDACTED]. Occasionally some of the victim's flesh will also be cannibalized for sustenance. Instances of SCP-742-1 do not age normally and, if kept supplied with stem cells, are biologically immortal. Instances of SCP-742-1 specifically target younger victims because of the higher volumes of stem cells that can be obtained. Children who still have baby teeth will be found with their teeth missing in addition [DATA EXPUNGED]. Instances of SCP-742-1 will also target pregnant mothers in order to enter an infectious state.\nNormally SCP-742-1 uses pluripotent stem cells from bone marrow to regenerate itself and is incapable of spreading the SCP-742 infection. However, after ingesting at least \u2588\u2588\u2588 grams of totipotent stem cells (typically from a human fetus, although the source is irrelevant) SCP-742-1 secretes a small amount of fluid filled with the SCP-742 retrovirus from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 glands. This fluid, injected [DATA EXPUNGED] major artery of a human victim is the primary transmission vector for the SCP-742 infection. Instances of SCP-742-1 behave subserviently toward the instance that infected them.\n\n\u00ab SCP-741 | SCP-742 | SCP-743 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-743, while flowing, set up for termination of [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nItem #: SCP-743\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No one may enter SCP-743's containment area except for scheduled D-class personnel. Any activity that must be performed within SCP-743's containment area must be performed remotely by robot.\nSCP-743 is to be kept in a Level-4 carbide-steel secure container, 1.5 m x 75 cm x 75 cm, no less than 5 cm thick. This container will itself be kept in a Level-4 secure room, 10 m x 10 m, with enhanced hard-metal lining. A full array of redundant sensors within the container will remain trained on SCP-743; another array of sensors will watch the container for any signs of breach. Video, audio, and data feeds from all arrays will pass to a control room manned at all times by at least two personnel. Any abnormal or aggressive activity by SCP-743 must immediately be reported to Level 4 staff.\nHousing for 24 D-class personnel (designated Housing Unit 743, or HU-743) must be set up adjacent to SCP-743's containment area. At the first of each month, D-class personnel who are scheduled to be terminated must instead be moved into HU-743, enough to fill the housing to capacity. If at any time fewer than eight D-class personnel are residing in HU-743, at least sixteen D-class personnel are to immediately be transferred to HU-743. In case of containment breach, all D-class personnel housed in HU-743 are to immediately be exposed to SCP-743. Keter-class recontainment protocols apply.\nEvery two days, one D-class personnel currently assigned to HU-743 is to be locked alive in SCP-743's containment room with several plates of food, at which time SCP-743's container will be remotely unlocked and opened. This D-class personnel may eat as much as desired of the available food, including the liquid from SCP-743. Under no circumstances is this D-class personnel to be allowed to exit SCP-743's containment area.\nSCP-743 may not be transported without O5 approval except under emergency protocols. When transported, SCP-743 must be accompanied by no fewer than eight Level-4 security personnel and no fewer than eight D-class personnel from HU-743. As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-743 is kept in Containment Annex Delta at Armed Reliquary Containment Area-02.\nDescription: SCP-743 is a stainless-steel chocolate fountain, 112 cm (44 in) tall and 47 cm (18.5 in) wide, with a mass of 35 kg (77 lb). On the base of SCP-743 is a laser-etched logo for Sephra, a company that specializes in producing chocolate fountains. SCP-743 usually appears to be in pristine condition: immaculately clean, well-polished, and completely undamaged. SCP-743 can be disassembled into its component parts (base, auger, cylinder, tiers, and crown), but standard examination of the individual components do not reveal any unusual traits.\nWhen assembled, SCP-743 exhibits several different behaviors:\n\nResting: SCP-743 displays no apparent activity.\nFlowing: SCP-743 appears to operate like a standard chocolate fountain, i.e. a heated chocolate-flavored dark brown liquid flows from inside the crown, down over the tiers and into the base. This liquid smells and tastes like high-quality dark chocolate, and in fact its aroma is quite enticing (but does not appear to be compelling). Subjects who consume significant quantities of the liquid typically experience a feeling of warmth and euphoria. Chemical analysis shows this liquid contains many substances found in dark chocolate, though with higher concentrations of many nutrients, particularly sugars and amino acids. The flow of liquid is not affected by the presence or absence of fountain chocolate or anything else in its base.\nFeeding: At semi-regular intervals, when organic material is available nearby, a stream of small, brown ant-like entities starts pouring out of the crown of SCP-743. These \u201cants\u201d, which can number in the millions, swarm over available animal, plant, and fungal material; cut small pieces off these materials with their pincers; and carry these chunks into SCP-743's base. SCP-743 seems to prefer consuming live humans, particularly those who have consumed SCP-743's liquid, but will also consume live animals, dead humans and animals, plants, fungi, and even some processed animal and plant material (e.g. leather, cotton clothing, and paper). These ants have been known to travel more than \u2588\u2588\u2588 km round-trip, bringing a carcass piece by piece back to SCP-743.\nHunting: If sufficient organic material is not readily available to SCP-743, different types of arthropoid entities start to emerge from SCP-743's crown. Many of these entities resemble known arthropods (particularly insects and arachnids), but a large number resemble no known species of arthropod or other animal. These arthropoids, which are always the same color as SCP-743's liquid, are usually specialized for a particular task. Types of arthropoids that have been observed include:\n\nSmall, winged insectoids used for scouting, observation, and reconnaissance.\nInsectoids that can bore through most materials, including steel and titanium. Although individuals can each only bore out small amounts of the hardest substances before expiring, a seemingly endless stream of insectoids from SCP-743 will eventually bore clear through.\nLarger, more aggressive insectoids and arachnoids used to hunt down prey in a manner similar to instances of SCP-2031. Again, individually they are nothing more than a nuisance, but SCP-743 has been known to produce swarms of aggressive arthropoids numbering in the billions, more than enough to [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nMaintaining: SCP-743 has been known to use arthropoids to clean and polish itself; repair dents, scratches, holes and nicks; and even put itself together when disassembled. SCP-743 doesn't need to be turned on to start flowing, but it can change the positions of its controls by itself.\n\nAlthough the arthropoids that emerge from SCP-743 are significantly stronger than their normal counterparts, they are not significantly tougher. Stomping an individual arthropoid with a heavy boot will usually be sufficient to \u201ckill\u201d it, at which time it will fall apart into a drop or puddle of SCP-743's liquid and quickly evaporate, its enticing aroma lingering. However, arthropoids from SCP-743 are almost never encountered alone.\nIt is not yet known how the arthropoids communicate with each other, or even if they are individual consciousnesses or part of a collective mind. It is also not yet known who or what controls the arthropoids (if anything), where the organic matter taken into SCP-743's base goes, how SCP-743 can produce a seemingly endless supply of liquid and arthropoids, or where all that liquid comes from.\nSCP-743 does not appear to be invulnerable. However, SCP-743 is both highly resistant to damage and will employ its arthropoid army as an active defense system. It is theorized that SCP-743 can be destroyed using [DATA EXPUNGED]. However, due to the apparent extradimensional characteristics of SCP-743, coupled with its inherent resistance to damage, no termination testing can be performed on SCP-743 without O5 authorization.\nNote: \u201cDue to the nature of SCP-743, it is difficult to study the source of its abilities. No one can get close to it without risking being eaten, our instruments don't last longer than a few minutes before being shredded by 743's bugs, probes sent into 743 can't see anything but brown, and the liquid evaporates so quickly most of what we know of it comes from analysis of its gaseous phase. What we do know is that 743 is dangerous. We have yet to see any limit to the amount of stuff 743 can pour out. I firmly believe 743 could breach containment if it seriously tried. That said, 743 seems to behave itself as long as it gets a steady stream of live people to eat. Thus, I propose that some D-class personnel that will be terminated anyway be fed to 743. Kill two birds with one stone.\u201d \u2013Dr. Lambert\nProposal \u201cDeath by Chocolate\u201d approved by O5-\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-742 | SCP-743 | SCP-744 \u00bb"} {"text": "5/16/1985. Maintaining velocity in recovery operations is the most effective way to force SCP-745 pairs to split.\n\nItem #: SCP-745\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-745's point of origin has been traced to an abandoned stretch of Highway \u2588\u2588 in northern New Mexico. The Foundation has purchased the surrounding land and the highway has been redirected. On-site security are disguised as Highway Patrol agents and are tasked with removing trespassers and capturing any new hunting pairs of SCP-745. Any SCP-745 creatures that are captured, live or dead, are to be loaded into class 3 BCU storage containers to await transport to Site 17. Containment procedures to preserve living specimens of SCP-745 are still being researched and no captured specimen has survived more than a week in captivity, but as there have been no new sightings of SCP-745 outside of its point of origin the species is presumed to be effectively contained. Requests for access to SCP-745 cadavers are to be forwarded to Dr. Langford directly.\nDescription: SCP-745 is a bipedal nocturnal predator. The head is a bloated sack of clear skin that lacks visible sensory organs or a skull. The brain of the creature can be directly observed and is wrapped in a web of bio-luminescent organs below the skin. Skin covering the rest of the body has a deep black coloration. Living specimens of SCP-745 are capable of producing a steady output of 1400 to 3200 lumens from their head. At night, this effectively obscures the rest of the body and gives the appearance of a floating point of light. When defending itself or communicating with other members of its species, this light has been observed to change color and flash in specific patterns. SCP-745's genetic structure is not carbon based.\nSCP-745 almost exclusively hunts in pairs along remote sections of highway. Two specimens are capable of moving at speeds of up to 180 km per hour in perfect unison, taking the appearance of the headlights on a fast moving vehicle. SCP-745 targets lone vehicles on the highway, and hunting pairs will attempt to run the driver off the road by pursuing or charging their target. Once their prey swerves off the road or comes to a stop, the pair will separate to directly assault and consume the vehicle's occupants. SCP-745 has not yet been directly observed while feeding as captured specimens will not eat, and successful attacks have yet to leave any witnesses behind. SCP-745 rarely leaves any remains behind apart from scraps of clothing and shoes. Vehicles recovered after SCP-745 attacks rarely show any sign of forced entry and are covered with the child-like hand prints from SCP-745's front paws.\nAddendum: No lairs, nests or young of SCP-745 have been found. SCP-745 had established a wide territory across the southwestern United States until Foundation teams began thinning their numbers in the 1960s, after which all recent SCP-745 sightings have been on the secured patch of land in New Mexico. Reports of phantom lights in other parts of the country have been investigated with no signs pointing to SCP-745 involvement.\n\n\u00ab SCP-744 | SCP-745 | SCP-746 \u00bb"} {"text": "Still from a failed capture attempt of SCP-746.\n\nItem #: SCP-746\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-746 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-66. Specialized bedding designed for SCP-746's anatomy is to be provided for comfort and be replaced every three months.\nWhen being transported, SCP-746 is to be provided with an appropriately-sized wheelchair for mobility than the use of its provided cane. It is to also wear a control collar and be supervised by no less than three armed guards. A Foundation translator fluent in Japanese dialects is to be made present to facilitate communication with SCP-746.\nCurrently, SCP-746 is scheduled to attend English classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with Dr. Kaya along with receiving physiotherapy.\nDescription: SCP-746 is a sapient avian humanoid, standing 1.3 meters tall and weighing 38 kilograms. The entity's face appears aged, and is a deep red with a 28 centimeters long beak-like nose. Most of its body is covered in rough black feathers, the longest being on the forearms, shoulders, neck, and head. Currently, SCP-746 wears a specialized leg brace provided by Foundation medical personnel on its left leg due to suffering a permanent crippling injury (see Addendum 01 for details).\nBefore acquisition of SCP-746, it was agile and capable of sprinting up to 11 km per hour. It had also been observed to have acrobatic skill during attempts at capture by recovery teams. SCP-746 now moves at a significantly slow pace and requires a cane to aid it in walking.\nSCP-746 has complained of feeling back, shoulder, and neck pain along with stiff joints. An X-ray of SCP-746 has shown several stress fractures. Physiotherapy has shown to be effective. These injuries were also acquired from its initial acquisition.\nSCP-746 is docile though it has shown to be somewhat mischievous in interviews and before its containment. Due to its condition, it is not capable of performing any actual acts of mischief and is not considered an issue to containment.\nSCP-746 is fluent in several Japanese dialects, and has shown minor knowledge of English. It has shown willingness to improve its English and thus far has significantly improved with provided classes. According to SCP-746, it had obtained knowledge of English when encountering American tourists speaking and had grown fascinated.\nIts diet consists of mostly sea food and vegetable leaves.\nThe existence of SCP-746 came to Foundation attention on 4/23/\u2588\u2588 after reports of pranks by an unknown entity caught on recordings at Tokyo, Japan. Two agents were sent to investigate and encountered SCP-746. For two weeks SCP-746 had evaded capture before the event leading to its acquisition.\nAddendum 01: SCP-746 was successfully captured on 5/1/\u2588\u2588 in the city of Kyoto, Japan. SCP-746 was being pursued by an instance of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 throughout the city, and attracted the immediate attention of nearby recovery teams. The SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instance caught up with SCP-746 and swung its fist, which flung SCP-746 to a wall, to falling onto a car, and to the ground. The instance then proceeded to crush SCP-746's left leg with its club as SCP-746 attempted to crawl away. Agents from Mobile Task Force Nu-32 (\"Peach Boys\") assigned to the containment of instances managed to save SCP-746 by distracting it as other agents rescued SCP-746. For further details of the incident, please view Incident Report \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-746-A. Below is an interview with SCP-746 in regards to the incident.\n\nInterviewed: SCP-746\nInterviewer: Dr. Renfield\nForeword: The following Interview was originally spoken in the Tokyo dialect and has been translated.\n\nDr. Renfield: Greetings, SCP-746. Are you feeling well?Dr. Renfield: Your English is better than last time as well. Anyway, I am here you ask you some questions.Dr. Renfield: Back in Kyoto, can you tell me why the SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instance was after you?Dr. Renfield: Uh, 746?Dr. Renfield: What kind of trick?Dr. Renfield: That's\u2026disgusting.Dr. Renfield: [Gag] So I am going to assume that what happens next is that it grew angry?As I was making my escape, I stumbled upon a pond that I swung across from a branch and seconds later heard loud splashes of the fool falling into it. Come to think of it, I think it was the home of a family of kappas. There were distinct shouts but I didn't really knew what was being said for the oni was coming and I didn't have time to stop.\nAnyway, it was starting to catch up and so I decided to try to make it dizzy by going around it in circles. The fool swung its club at every direction trying to hit me and some were not even close! [Laughs] Maybe its wet hair got in its eyes but it was nonetheless amusing.\nDr. Renfield: Weren't you worried though?Dr. Renfield: Alright, please continue.The wires and buildings helped slow the oni as I went through ally ways and roof tops. People were also screaming at the sight of the oni which I don't blame. Not only was it dumb but ugly too. [Laughs] The rest of the story you already know and leads me to ask what happened to the oni?\nDr. Renfield: Why are you asking?Dr. Renfield: We incapacitated it. That's all.Dr. Renfield: You know, that stunt of yours caused a lot of trouble. Several streets and property were destroyed and our amnestic teams had to work hard to conceal the situation. It almost killed you and left you crippled. Was it really worth it?Dr. Renfield: Even though you are no longer able to do any other stunts ever again?\n\nAddendum \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-746: The SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instance involved in the acquisition of SCP-746 has shown heightened levels of aggression and attempts to breach containment. The instance seeks to travel to SCP-746's location and poses a danger to Site-66 and SCP-746. Neutralization of the instance is pending approval. Neutralization has been approved.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Karinto is a sweet, deep fried Japanese snack food.\n\n\u00ab SCP-745 | SCP-746 | SCP-747 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-747\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-747 are to be contained in a room exactly thirty (30) metres by ten (10) metres, with walls consisting of concrete fifteen (15) centimetres thick. All instances of SCP-747 are to be contained together in the same room. In the occurrence SCP-747 shows interest in any personnel, Procedure SCP-747-B9 must be performed immediately. Under no circumstances shall any unusual actions of SCP-747 go unreported to personnel level 3 or higher.\nSCP-747 is allowed a total of twenty-five (25) dolls, excluding any created under SCP-747's influence. Any personnel that begin to show visible signs of SCP-747's influence are to be contained separately in similar conditions. Should a containment breach occur, task force 747-B8 is to be alerted and proceed with recapture immediately. Only under extreme circumstances are any personnel with clearance level three or higher to have any direct contact with SCP-747.\nDescription: SCP-747 is a phenomenon involving the appearance of children in any manner of animal masks. All instances of SCP-747 have been successfully identified as deceased children of appearance congruent with the time of death, excluding the masks. The commonality of the children, according to research, is that they all owned a doll precious to them at their time of death. Currently in containment there are seven (7) instances of SCP-747:\n\nSCP-747-01 is a male, approximately seven (7) years of age, wearing a zebra mask and a set of blue pajamas\nSCP-747-02 is a male, approximately twelve (12) years of age, wearing a mouse mask and swimming trunks\nSCP-747-03 is a female, approximately ten (10) years of age, wearing a pig mask and an outfit typical of private schooling\nSCP-747-04 is a male, approximately fourteen (14) years of age, wearing a rabbit mask and a winter coat\nSCP-747-05 is a female, approximately twelve (12) years of age, wearing a giraffe mask and a striped sari\nSCP-747-06 is a female, approximately five (5) years of age, wearing a goat mask and a bright pink dress typical of a beauty pageant\nSCP-747-07 is a male, approximately nine (9) years of age, wearing a cat mask and blue overalls; SCP-747-07 was also recovered with a note1 which has since been separately stored\n\nEach instance of SCP-747 cannot speak, nor do they seem to be aware of humans unless taking particular interest in specific individuals. Mainly, SCP-747 shows interest in hand-made dolls and each other. It is unknown if SCP-747 has sentience, though they appear to be aware of their surroundings and will avoid walking into obstacles. SCP-747 is able to move through obstacles no thicker than ten (10) centimeters with ease. SCP-747 is also semi-corporeal; instances are able to lift and touch objects, but only for short periods of time before they tire.\nSCP-747 has the ability to transform humans into dolls over the course of approximately twenty-one (21) days. To do this, instances of SCP-747 surround the human and hold hands before walking around the human for a period of five (5) to seven (7) seconds. Afterwards, SCP-747 disperses and continues normal behavior. It is unknown which humans they choose to transform or why. SCP-747 occasionally shows interest in a person before attempting to transform them. The person is able to interrupt the process by moving away or avoiding SCP-747; however, most people describe a feeling of 'thoughtlessness' or 'blankness' when in contact with SCP-747, thereby making the interruption difficult.\nAfter interaction with SCP-747, there are no immediate symptoms. There is currently no cure or treatment for the conversion process. Within fifteen (15) minutes, the target will experience numbness of the tips of extremities, similar to that caused by cold. Afterwards, over a period of approximately twenty-one (21) days, the symptoms will progressively worsen. The process will accelerate under stress or panic to a minimum of ten (10) days. The conversion has been divided roughly into three (3) stages, beginning from initial influence to the transformation into a doll. If at any point a doll made from SCP-747's influence is destroyed, SCP-747 will begin to show a greater interest in humans until another human is 'targeted' for replacement.\n\nStages of Transformation in Detail\n\nStages of Transformation in Detail\n\nStage 1: Loss of Minor Senses\nThe targeted human loses the senses of smell, hearing, and taste over a period of approximately seven (7) days. Their mental state appears stable. Subject may display worry about condition. Any signs of mental instability at this stage are signs of an accelerated transformation. SCP-747 will ignore the person as if they were normal. The target's skin color and eye color will progressively change in appearance to that of what they will become as a doll. Any personnel that show symptoms must be contained according to the containment procedures listed until late stage two (2), in which the personnel are to be moved to SCP-747's containment chamber.\nStage 2: Loss of Major Senses\nSubject begins to lose the final two senses over a period of approximately thirteen (13) days. Their mental state will begin to destabilize due to loss of the major senses, first touch and then sight. This degeneration of senses is gradual, and victims have been found initiating self-harm in attempts to feel something. SCP-747 will begin showing interest in the person, from noticing their entrance into their containment to actively attempting to follow and interact with the subject. Should subject attempt suicide or die in this stage, SCP-747 will immediately seek a replacement with any human. Once the targeted human loses all their senses, SCP-747 will immediately show great interest with the body. The skin will become ragged, similar to textile in both texture and appearance, and the subject's eyes will begin to harden into buttons. Dissections have revealed that during this process the victim's organs will begin to convert into stuffing of various materials, including but not limited to cotton and polyester. Through the use of EEG it has been noted that the target is still conscious throughout this process.\nStage 3: Full Transformation\nSubject transforms fully into a doll within twenty-four (24) hours. At this point SCP-747 will treat them as any other doll. It is currently theorized that the subject is no longer conscious or 'alive' in any sense. See Document 747-B4. Dolls produced though SCP-747's influence are to be kept in SCP-747's containment room and removed only for examination or repair.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Blue crayon written in neat cursive. Contains a short story involving a mother looking for her son in an unspecified afterlife. It is notable that the mother of the entity holding the note had died in childbirth. Investigations to its source are ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-746 | SCP-747 | SCP-748 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 748\n\nLevel3\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\ncaution\n\nlink to memo\n\nSCP-748, interior.\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The non-anomalous structure above SCP-748 has been converted into Site-68. In the event of a civilian encounter, security personnel are to employ non-lethal force in conjunction with the administration of amnestics. A steel, barbed-wire fence must be maintained at a four km radius around SCP-748. Signs warning of toxic contamination are to be attached to the fence at every three meter interval.\nSecurity has been increased in light of recent changes to SCP-748. Researchers are to travel and work in groups of no fewer than 3 and must be accompanied by an armed escort at all times. Security personnel are to be equipped with helmet-mounted live audio/video recording devices and all personnel must be equipped with a GPS tracking unit.\nDescription: SCP-748 is an abandoned industrial complex capable of mass-production through anomalous technology. Located in Lowell, Massachusetts, SCP-748 was constructed beneath a non-anomalous factory. SCP-748's anomalous machines are rusted, damaged, and primarily disabled. Based on recovered documents, these machines would have required a level of power on par with a fusion reactor but their intended power source has yet to be discovered. The construction of SCP-748 appears to be incomplete. Evidence of this includes walled doorways, dead-end halls, and wires/pipes that connect to nothing. Posters throughout the complex display motivational/propagandistic slogans, including \"A HARD WORKER IS A HAPPY WORKER\" and \"ACTIVE MINDS LEAD TO IDLE HANDS\" (among others).\nThe first subterranean floor is accessible via a collapsed portion of SCP-748's surface interior. Metal signs designate the location as \u201cBoarding 03/1200 \u2013 \u0399: 21\u201d. The floor is characterized by eight hallways (cell blocks 1-8), each converging at a circular room equipped with a large mechanical lift. Cells are designed for the containment of workers. The floor is estimated to have been designed for the capability of housing 4,000 to 6,000 individuals in crowded, unsanitary conditions.\nThe second subterranean floor is a rectangular chamber. Despite its distance from the surface it appears to be designed for the packaging and shipping of products; local signs designate the floor \u201cShipping 03/1200 \u2013 \u03a6: 5190\u201d. The floor contains twenty-one mechanical lifts including the central elevator - the lifts most likely used for the transportation of items from the assembly floor.\nContained within are three machines of identical design attached to the southern, eastern, and northern walls and are respectively labeled \u039d\u03cc\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2,1 \u0395\u1f56\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2,2 and \u0392\u03bf\u03c1\u03ad\u03b1\u03c2.3 Although disabled, recovered documents suggest that their purpose was related to the transportation of objects. The western wall appears to have once housed such a machine but it seems to have been destroyed. These machines have since been classified as SCP-748-1.\nHeavily rusted crates were discovered haphazardly scattered throughout the area. The crates are non-anomalous and their anomalous cargo has been transferred to Site \u2588\u2588 for study. Anomalous objects recovered from these crates include:\n\n500 rocking horses, biologically alive. Scream when observed. Highly radioactive.\n500 fur coats crafted from the pelts of various unknown species. Perpetually on fire.\n2,000 rifles that superficially resemble the M1903 Springfield. No observable anomalies but Kant counters have registered them at >50 Hm, suggesting high levels of potential unreality.\n800 bowler hats that cannot be removed once worn. Causes the wearer to expel wasps from every orifice.\n200,000 cigarettes. Direct inhalation transforms the consumer into a basking shark. Affected individuals will explode after complete transformation (a process requiring approximately 30 minutes).\n10 metric tonnes of rotten meat. Genetic analysis revealed a hybrid species of human, pig, and squid. Highly radioactive.\n\nThe third subterranean floor is a semi-circular chamber accessible via the central elevator. Signs designate this floor \u201cProduction 03/1200 - \u03a9 : 91\u201d. The location is composed of conveyor belts, pneumatic tubes, electron tubes, and pipes \u2013 all of which connect to a large machine (since classified as SCP-748-2) located in the southern section of the chamber. Based on recovered documents, SCP-748-2's intended purpose was roughly analogous to a molecular assembler.4 However, its design and mechanics fail to correlate with such a hypothetical constructor or with established laws of nature, rendering the process entirely anomalous.\nIt appears that SCP-748-2 suffered significant damage at some point in the past, an event likely related to SCP-748's neutralization. This is estimated to have occurred in the early 1950s despite records stating that the surface factory was shut down and abandoned in 1915.\n\n+ History and Discovery\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nThe factory that would eventually house SCP-748 was built in 1882 by Randolph T. Metzger and initially functioned as a textile mill. It is speculated that SCP-748 itself was clandestinely built between the years 1896 and 1908.\nAbandoned long before containment, the location was considered a popular, albeit dangerous destination for exploration and the source of several urban legends (none of which are believed to be relevant to its anomaly). On 09/04/1992, the Foundation began its investigation after years of disappearances being attributed to the location. SCP-748 would be under Foundation containment by October of that year.\nRandolph T. Metzger: A Biography\n\nRandolph T. Metzger, 1898.\n\nRandolph T. Metzger (1840-1915) was an affluent textile magnate. Born to German immigrants, he was the object of significant praise - his life frequently cited as a \"rags-to-riches\" story. Owning several mills, his most profitable was located in the city of Lowell, Massachusetts, where he employed an estimated 70% of the local population. Metzger was also celebrated for his charitable contributions, including the management of \"Metzger's House for Wayward Youths\" and the \"Organization for the Betterment of Man\".\nDespite his charitable works, he remained a contemptuous figure in the eyes of organized labor. Conditions within the factory were reportedly dismal and devoid of safety regulations. His conflict with the labor movement would culminate in the bombing of the Lowell factory in 1895, resulting in 23 fatalities. The incident was blamed on anarchist provocateurs and six men were arrested and executed for their involvement despite a lack of evidence. The actual cause of the incident remains unknown, police refusing to investigate the matter further; corruption is suspected.\nMetzger began to restructure his business enterprise in early 1896, resulting in the creation of what would later be classified as SCP-748. Approximate to this time, based on Metzger's private journal, aligned himself with an entity known as \"The Investor\".5\nMetzger committed suicide on November 13, 1915, his body discovered by constables after a mail carrier reported hearing gunshots in the vicinity of his manor. Autopsy revealed the cause of death to be a self-inflected gunshot wound to the head. No brain matter was recovered, presumed by the coroner as having been eaten by a pet hound. His family and household servants were discovered missing and their fates remain unknown.\n\n+ Related Documents\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nDiary Entry: Randolph T. Metzger, 1896\n\nThe deal's been made. I regret nothing. Necessary sacrifices. All of them.\nSimply good business.\nThe Investor has promised much.\nAnd soon, I'll be richer than Croesus.\n\nUnsent Letter: Brianna O'Donnel, 1897\n\nMum,\nThis money should get you through the next month. Send my love to sis. Tell her I got her letter.\nGood news! Mr. Metzger's a changed man! The new factory is a marvel to behold and the dormitories are so spacious! He said it isn't even finished yet. He even plans to increase our wages. Did the protests really get through to him? I don't know but he seems sincere, always a smile on his face. The girls are just as happy. Says the factory is going to be a model for the world! We don't feel just like workers anymore. Like, we're part of something bigger now? It ain't equal to Mr. Metzger but it's certainly an improvement. Haven't seen his family in awhile. His wife and boys used to visit a lot.\nSincerely,\nBrianna\n\nDiary Entry: Lucja Czajkowski, 1900\nTranslated from Polish:\n\nWhere does everyone go? So many floors. How many are here now? So hard to keep track. Was working with Sasha at 202. We were speaking and then she was gone. Overseer says not to worry. I ask him again and he beats me. I don't know why. He has no face.\nI search for her today but can't find 202. Numbers keep moving.\nIt hurts behind my eyes. Blood comes from my nose and ears. Overseer say it's normal. I cannot let them see me cry. Or they will use the punishment rod.\nNo more. I am dying inside.\n\nDiary Entry: Randolph T. Metzger, 1902\n\nThe M-Machine has come online well ahead of schedule. Janus Doors are locked to their intended destinations. An endless supply of raw materials.\nI desire outfits of finest silk? The machine creates it. I wish for toys? And toys it shall produce. The M-Machine can conjure forth every possible consumer good. I transmute flesh into bread and blood into wine!\nThe factory bends to my will. The workers live at my mercy alone. I am God here.\n\nDiary Entry: Fiona Murphy, 1906\n\nThis place is a prison. We cannot leave. Those outside this dungeon must not know. Always more workers. Hundreds. Thousands. The factory expands. The factors shifts. I heard the overseers. They say it is one of many. Connected by the Janus Doors. What do they mean? The walls move. Too many floors. Too many rooms. Can't keep track. Nothing seems real. My stomach churns and I vomit daily. They inject our meals. Just enough, just enough to keep us alive and useful. The noise is deafening - the sound of machines and screams.\nAnd the toil never ends. People work themselves to death. And then are fed to that infernal machine. We make everything. Food. Toys. Clothes.\nAnd weapons. Unlike any I could imagine. Terrible, terrible weapons.\nWe are allowed four hours for sleep but I often wake to the sound of Harvestmen. The scraping of metal on metal. In the morning, we sometimes find someone missing. We dare not question it. Need to keep our head down, can't look them in the eyes.\nThey aren't human. Not anymore.\n\nDiary Entry: Randolph T. Metzger, 1912\n\nThe Investor dreams of war. A most profitable venture. This explains the current demands. I don't know where they are being sent. The Investor prefers to keep me in the dark. I've become a cog in his machine and have grown dreadfully bored. This factory is bound to me! It grows too efficient, too perfect; I have no place in its future.\nHave I become obsolete?\n\nSuicide Note: Randolph T. Metzger, 1915\n\nTHIS WASNT [sic] WHAT I WAS PROMISED\n\nAddendum: On 05/14/1996, a blockage of bone and scrap metal was removed from several large pipes used throughout the complex. This removal caused the pipes to flood with water, resulting in the loss of eleven personnel. Following this incident, electrical lights were enabled throughout the complex (flickering and dim, suggestive of low power) and an aperture opened where the central elevator shaft had previously terminated, connecting to an additional floor.\nThe fourth subterranean floor is a spherical chamber accessible via the central elevator shaft. Metal signs designate the floor as \u201cManagement 03/1200 - \u0394 : 586\u201d. Contained within this floor are 200 pillar-shaped machines attached to one another via copper wires, bronze pipes, and vacuum tubes. Each device houses a glass cylinder containing an unidentified green liquid and one preserved human brain. These brains are biologically alive but have suffered damage consistent with lobotomy. These devices are classified as SCP-748-3 and connect to a large and intricate apparatus at the northeastern section of the floor which has since been classified as SCP-748-4.\nSCP-748-4 is a 275 metric ton bio-mechanical machine related to the control and management of SCP-748. SCP-748-4's mechanical component is comparable to an analog computer (albeit one of incredible complexity) while its organic component is a living human brain that claims to be Randolph T. Metzger. SCP-748-4's voice is often distorted and marred by static - it remains unknown how it is able to speak and hear.\n\n+ SCP-748-4: Interviews\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nSCP-748-4's brain vat.\n\nInterview 01\nInterviewed: SCP-748-4/\"Randolph T. Metzger\"\nInterviewer: Dr. Emerson\nForeword: First official interview with SCP-748-4.\n\nDr. Emerson: Please state your name.\nSCP-748-4: I am Randolph Thaddeus Metzger. Has the Investor sent you? Does he finally wish to parlay after all these years?\nDr. Emerson: No. I wasn't sent by the \"Investor\". Tell me - how did you come to be in your current state?\nSCP-748-4: Do you think yourself my equal? Humble your tone and lower your head. I demand answers. Satisfy my desire and perhaps I'll indulge your curiosity.\nDr. Emerson: Very well, Mr. Metzger. Ask your questions.\nSCP-748-4: If you are not one of his sycophants then who are you?\nDr. Emerson: I am a researcher. Nothing more. Does that satis-\nSCP-748-4: [interrupts, voice distorted; a metallic and grating tone] Liar. LIAR! I've been watching you with all my eyes. A researcher, yes, but don't play me for a fool.\nDr. Emerson: I'm afraid that information is confidential.\nSCP-748-4: Then you are a parasite and shall receive nothing.\n\nClosing Statement: A request was made to Overwatch for a ToI6 Agreement. Request approved.\nDr. Paula Emerson\n\nInterview 02\nInterviewed: SCP-748-4/\"Randolph T. Metzger\"\nInterviewer: Dr. Emerson\nForeword: Second official interview with SCP-748-4.\n\nDr. Emerson: We agree to your terms. We are an organization that deals with anomalies, such as yourself.\nSCP-748-4: I'm an anomaly now? Oh, it's simply a trade secret\u2026\nDr. Emerson: Being a brain in a jar?\nSCP-748-4: Now now, there's no need to be snide.\nDr. Emerson: Will you answer our questions then?\nSCP-748-4: Speak your words. I'll decide whether to answer or not.\nDr. Emerson: How did you come to be in your present state?\nSCP-748-4: I was utterly aghast, you know. At least at first. No doubt my enemies would have proclaimed 'poetic justice' or some rot.\nThe Investor was not punishing me. No, no\u2026 Efficiency was increased. That was all that mattered.\nDr. Emerson: Who was the Investor?\nSCP-748-4: A very wealthy man. Wealthier than I - and I was the sixth wealthiest magnate in the world! The five more affluent than I? They too were willing to serve the invisible hand of the market. I know not his name or how he procured his fortune. Perhaps every loose coin falls his way\u2026\nThere is a shadow market. There has always been a shadow market. Where Rockefeller reigned by daylight, the Investor ruled in darkness. And even Rockefeller bowed his head.\nThe filth of this world. The dregs, the socialists, the PARASITES [shrieking distortion followed by static]\u2026 They called us 'robber barons'; if we were barons, then the Investor was emperor.\nAnd none but us even knew he existed. In the end, he dared to put a stop to the project. Saw the writing on the wall, knew he was losing control\u2026\nNow go. I grow weary of conversation. Return later if you must.\n\nClosing Statement: A fortuitous conversation, although its bombastic speech renders it difficult to discern how much was mere hyperbole.\nDr. Paula Emerson\n\nInterview 03\nInterviewed: SCP-748-4/\"Randolph T. Metzger\"\nInterviewer: Dr. Emerson\nForeword: Third official interview with SCP-748-4.\n\nDr. Emerson: Would you be willing to answer more questions?\nSCP-748-4: Ask and you may receive.\nDr. Emerson: What can you tell me about this complex? What is its purpose?\nSCP-748-4: You call yourself a researcher? How can you not see its purpose? If you were my employee I would have you stripped of your position and thrown into the Crucible7 as scrap material!\nDr. Emerson: Allow me to correct myself. We know it is for manufacturing but what is its larger purpose? How does it work?\nSCP-748-4: To take industry to its logical conclusion! And how it works? HA! [shrieking metallic noise] A trade secret, my friend. We prefer to keep the upper hand.\nDr. Emerson: \"We\"? Are you referring to those other brains?\nSCP-748-4: Those are merely additional places to store my memory. Thoughtless tools. Nothing more. Do you think I am the only one? Many served the Investor. You don't even know the true scale of this place, do you?\nDr. Emerson: Please explain.\nSCP-748-4: No. I find this all terribly dull. Leave me be.\n\nClosing Statement: It appears that SCP-748 is only one of many such factories. I find it peculiar that SCP-748-4 has a very limited interest in conversation. How else is it occupying itself? Perhaps I am overthinking this.\nDr. Paula Emerson\n\nAddendum: Six personnel have inexplicably vanished with the first incident occurring in 08/14/1996. Each individual was out of sight at the time of their disappearance and in some cases, were nearby but merely obstructed when turning a corner or moving behind a machine. The cause of these disappearances remains unknown. Security procedures have since been updated to address this concern.\nWhen asked about the disappearances, SCP-748-4 responded by stating: \"Accidents happen. Your safety is not my concern.\"\n\n+ INFORMATION RESTRICTED TO LEVEL 4 PERSONNEL OR ABOVE\n\n- ACCESS GRANTED\n\nWARNING:\nDue to the ongoing nature of SCP-748's containment breach this document is incomplete and subject to change.\nO5-12\n12/31/1999\n\nItem#: 748\n\nLevel4\n\nContainment Class:\nketer\n\nSecondary Class:\nuncontained\n\nDisruption Class:\nekhi\n\nRisk Class:\ndanger\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-748 and its related anomalies are currently uncontained. Special containment procedures are to focus on the apprehension of SCP-748 products and the mitigation of Mammon events.\nDescription: SCP-748 is a factory complex capable of anomalous manufacturing. SCP-748 is not believed to be the only one of its kind and may function in tandem with potentially hundreds of such instances. GPS readings recovered from Site-68 revealed scattered pings across all continents but Antarctica. This suggests that SCP-748 may now be merged with these related instances and functioning as a single entity via dimensional anomalies.\nIt is currently unknown when SCP-748 breached containment but it is hypothesized that Site-68's security became jeopardized shortly after the discovery of SCP-748-4. The Foundation would not become aware of the breach until the first recorded Omega-Mammon event (the destruction of Site-68 being a likely Alpha-Mammon event).\nAn Alpha-Mammon event involves the harvest of materials and their transmutation into salable products. Resources are gathered by instances of SCP-748-5 by any available means and make no distinction between living and non-living matter.\nSCP-748-5 entities appear roughly human but have undergone extensive mechanical and surgical augmentation. Their numbers are unknown but they are believed to be composed from former workers of SCP-748 and Site-68 personnel. SCP-748-5 lack skin and appear to have undergone a process similar to plastination8 but employing a stronger, more flexible material. Attached to the backs of SCP-748-5 are rusted, iron cages; the tops of which are open and apparently designed for the collection of materials. Their left hands have been replaced with tools, most commonly sickles or circular saws. The face has been completely excised, the hollow space housing a flaring horn (similar to those used in early phonographs).\nSCP-748-5 are able to render themselves intangible (during which they are unable to interact with the physical world) and are capable of manifesting/demanifesting at any location. This in turn makes it practically impossible to contain a living specimen. Autopsies of deceased subjects (SCP-748-5 can be terminated through destruction of the brain stem) suggest that the mechanical components of SCP-748-5 self-destruct upon the death/disablement of their host, leaving the technology beyond repair and of little to no research value.\nAn Omega-Mammon event involves the manifestation of SCP-748 products at retail locations. These objects, as well as the packaging used, have a cognitive influence on employees and owners of affected stores. Retailers are unable to perceive SCP-748 products as unusual or out of place. Money used to purchase these products will vanish the moment they are placed within a register. Credit or debit cards used for the purchase will have the appropriate amount of money deducted but without any evidence of where the money was transferred.\nThe first Omega-Mammon event involved the sudden influx of anomalous objects at retailers within 40 km of SCP-748. Some anomalies appear intended while others appear to be a byproduct of the molecular and existential instability associated with most of SCP-748's creations. Purchased items resulted in 56 casualties (including 33 fatalities) and requiring an extensive (and ongoing) coverup operation.\nMammon events have since been reported globally.\nSite-68 was discovered destroyed and heavily salvaged. Surviving personnel were hostile to recovery operatives, resulting in the deaths of 9 recovery agents and all 12 Site-68 personnel; approximately 50 other Site-68 personnel vanished before they could be neutralized.\nAutopsies revealed significant modifications to Site-68 staff, including chemical treatment, lobotomy, and mechanical augmentation. Site-68 personnel have since been classified as SCP-748-5. It is suspected they were converted at least 2-6 years before discovery, during which Site-68 requested and received advanced equipment that has yet to be recovered. It is presently theorized that this equipment was used to repair SCP-748.\nSCP-748 is currently in a metamorphic state. These shifts lack any recognizable pattern and have resulted in the fatalities of 32 recovery operatives \u2013 primarily from being transfigured and incorporated into SCP-748 or through evisceration by the rapid manifestation of pipes and wires. Surveillance has been rendered impossible with CCTV equipment having been disabled and remote drones quickly destroyed by shift events.\nAddendum: Audio data was recovered from what is left of Site-68. Although part of a CCTV recorded video, the video itself was too distorted to be of any use but audio proved salvageable and appears to reveal seemingly one-sided conversations by SCP-748-4. It is theorized that SCP-748-4 is communicating with instances similar to himself from throughout the world. It is suspected that Foundation personnel had already been converted to SCP-748-5 at the time of these recordings. SCP-748-4 has been recovered stating the following over a period of several months:\n\n\"Wake up Liverpool. It is time to get back to work.\"\n\n\"A capital idea. We'll corner the market.\"\n\n\"Ah. Tokyo. You survived. A pity we slept through the war. It would have been a most profitable venture.\"\n\n\"Be proud, my friends, for the project moves swiftly.\"\n\n\"The Infinity Engine has been reactivated. The Crucible demands fresh material.\"\n\n\"We have long awaited for this! The world will be that of producer and consumer and those who refuse will be industrialized. We are to fulfill our destiny and become one with the free market\u2026\nGentlemen, I do declare: The Factory is back in business!\"\n\nFootnotes\n1. Greek god of the south wind.\n2. Greek god of the east wind.\n3. Greek god of the north wind.\n4. A theoretical device capable of guiding chemical reactions by positioning reactive molecules with atomic precision. Also known as a universal constructor.\n5. Since classified as PoI-296. Currently unidentified, they were/are capable of supplying anomalous technology.\n6. \"Trade of Information\". A limited and controlled release of information in order to gather presently unknown data.\n7. Meaning unknown but presumably a component of SCP-748.\n8. A technique used in anatomy to preserve bodies or body parts, first developed by Gunther von Hagens in 1977. Water and fat are replaced with plastics, preserving anatomical properties and preventing decay.\n\n\u00ab SCP-747 | SCP-748 | SCP-749 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-749\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-749 is to be contained in a sealed Live Containment Vault with a minimum of three armed guards at all times. All guards posted are to be equipped with chemical dispersal units loaded with appropriate insecticides at all times.\nThe walls of the vault are to be sloped in order to inhibit SCP-749's attempts to crawl up them; electrified mesh capable of delivering a 5000 volt shock is to be installed over all viewing windows.\nTo feed SCP-749, dedicated sprinklers are to be turned on and a mammal weighing no less than 70 kilograms is to be introduced into the habitat. The sprinklers are to remain on for at least an hour. Feeding is to take place every five days, and no additional personnel are permitted within the room while feeding takes place.\nDescription: SCP-749 is an apex predator superficially resembling members of the subphylum Myriapoda, approximately 3 m long with two to three hundred pairs of legs. Each individual SCP-749 possesses powerful forcipules which secrete a powerful acidic compound with a measured pH of 0.3.\nSCP-749 demonstrates a predilection for hunting during rainstorms, and appears to be familiar with urban settings. Its preferred hunting methods consist of climbing up the walls of domiciles, using its forcipules to gain entry (usually by boring a hole through a wall or window), then feeding upon sleeping individuals within. SCP-749 shows a marked intelligence in evaluating potential prey: in all reported SCP-749 attacks, the creature fed upon the smallest unaccompanied individual, and its feeding habits in containment continue to support this conclusion of intelligence.\nSCP-749 appears to avoid detection prior to these attacks due to a combination of both visual and aural camouflage: When actively hunting prey, SCP-749 will alter its hue to match even complicated surfaces, such as stonework, rendering it visually almost undetectable until it strikes. The unique pattern of walking and form of legs possessed by the creature causes it to emulate and therefore blend in with the sound of raindrops impacting hard surfaces. However, due to the fidelity with which SCP-749 replicates this sound, varying the sound based on the surface, SCP-749 either is intelligent enough to vary its walking patterns based on surface, or exudes a non-vibration based effect that causes it to be heard as raindrops by potential prey.\n\n\u00ab SCP-748 | SCP-749 | SCP-750 \u00bb"} {"text": "Close up view of a sample of SCP-750 outside its case.\n\nItem #: SCP-750\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-750 presents no threat unless applied directly to a human eye, and so shall be kept in Dr. Langley's office until all relevant tests and studies are completed. All instances of SCP-750 are to be removed from the previous user after testing has been completed, whereafter they are to be cleaned and returned to their included case.\nDescription: SCP-750 is a group of twenty-four (24) contact lenses, designed presumably to correct myopic or hypermetropic vision. When a pair of SCP-750 is applied, they attach to the cornea and become unable to be removed physically by the wearer, though others can still remove them. Users of SCP-750 report an immediate blurring of their vision after application, followed by a period of extreme dizziness. When the user recovers from this daze, they describe a change in perception; this change seems to worsen with time, and prolonged exposure to the object will cause a wearer to permanently suffer the noted effects of SCP-750 even when the item has been removed from the cornea, in addition to affecting the wearer's sense of touch, smell, hearing, and taste. The only method of treatment at this point is to sever the optic nerve of the affected eye(s).\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as depicted by a subject exposed to SCP-750 for several hours.\n\nPersonnel exposed to SCP-750 have reported the following alterations to their vision:\n\nMan-made walls, ceilings, and floors being covered in a substance described similarly to biofilm\nThe sky being a dark red color, with clouds always appearing to be black\nFood items instead resembling a collection of dismembered human limbs, organs, and viscera\nVisions of small insects emerging from pores on their skin\nViewed written language becoming an unidentified language\nWorks of art changing - paintings depict violent scenes from human history, and statues become depictions of unworldly creatures, not identifiable with any known species\n\nIn addition, those affected will react with violent revulsion to other human beings, as well as ignoring any attempt to engage in interpersonal conversation or communication. Prolonged exposure to SCP-750 can and has resulted in schizophrenia, PTSD, dissociative identity disorder, and antisocial personality disorder.\nAddendum: SCP-750 was discovered by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after he ordered a pair of 'X-ray specs' from a back page ad in Issue #\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Magazine, and instead received a case containing SCP-750. The case also contained a page of 'instructions', which are transcribed below.\n\nHey true believers! Thank you for ordering your new AMAZING see through specs, fresh from your friends here at THE FACTORY! Included within is your purchase, a life-time guarantee*, and a phone number to contact us should your friends get jealous and want the same power you've got now! Wondering exactly how your new eyes work? Simple! Just take one of the included lenses and get 'em reeeeaaaaal good and close to your old peepers. Your new purchase will take over from there! Have fun!!!\n*WOW!: Amaze your friends with new ability to see through their lies!\n*ZIPPIE!: Show off at school! No teacher can hide anything from you anymore!\n*AMAZING!: Discover secrets! Find hidden treasure! Know the unknowable! Anything is possible for you now!\n*Refunds not guaranteed. WARNING: Gazing directly at the truth may cause you to reconsider your miserable existence. Use with caution.\n\nNote: The phone number and guarantee mentioned above were not included in Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's ordered case.\n\n\u00ab SCP-749 | SCP-750 | SCP-751 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-751\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-751 is to be kept in a hermetically sealed container with a volume of one (1) cubic meter. The container must be maintained at high humidity and nutrients detailed in Document 751-A are to be injected into the container on a daily basis.\nIf a containment breach occurs, all on-site personnel are to be awakened and the sprinkler system filled with a high concentration saline solution and activated. Once SCP-751's body is located, it is to be disposed of according to standard Euclid disposal procedure.\nDescription: SCP-751 is an amorphous parasite that feeds off of the organs of humans and other mammals. It weighs approximately two (2) kilograms before infesting a host, and can weigh as little as twenty-five percent (25%) of this after reproduction. The majority of SCP-751's mass consists of an unknown substance with a gelatin-like consistency, with red veins running through it. Analysis has revealed that the veins contain a mix of blood from its progenitor's hosts along with varying anesthetics and immunosuppressive drugs. A full list of these chemicals is available in Document 751-C.\nSCP-751 lives in damp environments such as freshwater bodies of water, swamps, rainforests, and sewers. It will leave these environments when in search of a host, traveling for a maximum of twelve (12) hours before succumbing to dehydration. SCP-751 has been observed to move through sewer pipes, water lines, and across most terrains, with the notable exceptions of sand and bodies of saltwater. It is theorized that SCP-751 hunts potential hosts by detecting carbon dioxide (CO2) and octenol, although this is unconfirmed as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-751 begins its feeding process by settling on top of a sleeping host's stomach region and begins to enter through the skin by osmosis. Anesthetics in SCP-751's veins mix with the host's blood at this time, minimizing the chance of the host awakening during the process. Once within the host's body, SCP-751 comes to rest inside the stomach, quickly shaping itself to line the gastric walls. Over the course of the next two (2) or three (3) hours, SCP-751 adapts its own composition to closely match that of the host's stomach, maintaining digestive processes. When the host awakens, there is little or no evidence of any incident and the host will continue under its normal routine.\nOver the next three (3) to four (4) days, SCP-751 will digest the host's stomach, using it to build up its own mass for further expansion. It will then slowly expand to engulf and digest other organs in the host's body, generally starting with the intestines and moving to the liver, kidneys, and lungs. SCP-751 will adapt itself to mimic each of these organs in turn, maintaining all of the host's bodily functions and releasing immunosuppressant chemicals to prevent rejection by the host. The entire process takes approximately one (1) month in a human host, and longer in larger hosts.\nAfter its feeding period, SCP-751 reverts back to its original composition in a matter of minutes. This process lowers SCP-751's density considerably, causing it to swell to a size that the host's body cannot contain. The host's skin will stretch and then burst, releasing SCP-751. At this point SCP-751 will reproduce, dividing into ten (10) to twenty (20) smaller entities, which then move to the nearest damp area to grow in preparation of hunting for their own hosts.\nAddendum:\nRequest to \"experiment with modifying SCP-751 for use in organ transplants\" approved by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-750 | SCP-751 | SCP-752 \u00bb"} {"text": "Still from footage captured by unmanned expedition.\n\nItem #: SCP-752\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Areas 752-1 through -4 have been constructed around the four known entrances to SCP-752. No personnel are permitted to enter SCP-752, although unmanned infiltration missions using technology taken from inside SCP-752 are permitted. In the event of an uncontrollable containment breach, Protocol Shangdu-47 must be implemented. Otherwise, termination is not advised as it could lead to the release of SCP-752-1 in the event of failure.\nCaptured instances of SCP-752-1 must be transported to Site-17 for questioning and examination and under no circumstance allowed to return to SCP-752. Instances of SCP-752-1 found approaching any of the 752 sites are to be terminated on sight.\nDescription: SCP-752 is an underground city in the northern \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Mountains, spanning \u2588\u2588\u2588 km2, population approximately 10,000. An array of electric lighting devices powered by a geothermal generator create day and night matching the rhythm of the outside world. A shield built of an unknown metal surrounds the entire city and blocks all known signals and radiation, including sonar. Study of this metal is restricted to on-site efforts to minimize the chances of containment breach.\n\nA known entrance to SCP-752\n\nSCP-752-1 are the inhabitants of SCP-752. Physically, SCP-752-1 appear human. However, the social behaviour exhibited by SCP-752-1 in large groups bears no resemblance to that of humans or any other social mammal (although parallels exist in ants and other social insects). Individuals of SCP-752-1 possess no self-interest whatsoever and are motivated solely by desire to advance the 'greater good' of SCP-752. SCP-752-1 currently possess technology significantly more advanced than exists outside of SCP-752; however, their rate of progress has begun to stagnate.\nDocuments recovered at the sites indicate that SCP-752 was constructed \u2588\u2588\u2588 years ago by a group of unidentified scientists and philosophers, operating under the alias \u2018Eudaimon.' SCP-752-1 was engineered by Eudaimon as an attempt to create an \u2018ideal society.'\nDocument 752-3 (recovered from Site-752-1)\n\nDay 1\nEudaimon-Alpha-1\nPopulation of Eudaimonia: 100\nWhat a glorious new day. This is the day Homo eudaimonia will set their calendar by. After the last battery of mass testing, we've introduced fifty males and fifty females to the final testing area. Nothing but them, the artificial sun, the temple, and the few animal and plant species we've introduced for domestication.\nNothing left for Eudaimon now but to observe.\n\nDocument 752-7 (recovered from Site-752-3)\n\nYear 8, Day 24\nEudaimon-Gamma-1\nPopulation of Eudaimonia: 124\nPopulation growth has been above-normal, as expected from our Eudaimoniacs. Instead of competing, they cooperate with one another in everything. All of the animal species provided have been successfully domesticated for food and labour. No signs of agricultural activity yet. Technological progress is proceeding as expected based on the data we left for them in the temple.\n\nDocument 752-22 (recovered from Site-752-4)\n\nYear 15, Day 212\nEudaimon-Delta-4\nPopulation of Eudaimonia: 170\nGrowth has continued, showing marked deviance from normal human social behaviour. Whereas Homo sapiens were never intended to live in groups of more than a few hundred, H. eudaimonia will function perfectly in groups of thousands or millions. Agriculture going at full tilt now, making use of the available aquifers for irrigation.\nDeviant behaviours have begun to emerge. The taboo against cannibalism seems to have vanished and dead Eudaimoniacs are being consumed for sustenance. Additionally, disabled or feeble individuals are suiciding or being killed at a worrying rate. Beta-1 wants to interfere, try to lay down moral guidelines, but Alpha-1 insists that finding these things repulsive is one of the problems with our society and any interaction could \u2018taint\u2018 the Eudaimoniacs.\nTechnological development is proceeding significantly faster than estimated rates. Construction has begun on several structures of unknown purpose, an interesting development considering that no actual buildings previously existed in Eudaimonia.\n\nDocument 752-70 (recovered from Site-752-2)\n\nYear 24, Day 4\nEudaimon-Beta-4\nPopulation of Eudaimonia: ~300\nPopulation growth has suddenly exploded, nearly doubling in less than a decade. Presumably this increase is related to the structures.\nSome other extremely worrying behaviours have begun to emerge. The Eudaimoniacs have developed a meritocracy caste system, and are forcing the strongest and least intelligent to build for them. No, not forcing \u2014 the workers do it voluntarily, but they're working themselves to death. In fact, everybody in this society is being worked to death. Estimated life expectancy is about forty-five, and we proved in the initial testing that Eudaimoniacs can live to 150 easily. No signs of cultural development so far, except that they've built the vague hints of a divine \u2018creator' called the Eudaimon into a brutally strict moral system. On the bright side, they've taken to heart the idea that one day the Eudaimon will come back for them and lead them to another world, as we'd intended.\nWe've been calling these odd behaviors \u2018deviant,' but they're not. This society has no deviance. All innovation is judged based on its merits and implemented or discarded. I'm starting to have serious doubts about the value of this whole thing. Alpha-1 and his team of geneticists seem oddly unsurprised by these developments; I bet they knew this would happen.\n\nDocument 752-142 (recovered from Site-752-1)\n\nYear 40, Day 325\nEudaimon-Alpha-1\nPopulation of Eudaimonia: ~1000\nPopulation continues to climb. Technological prowess continues to increase exponentially. At this rate they will reach our level well before the release date.\nBeta, Gamma, and Delta have no vision \u2014 they grow increasingly disgusted by my wonderful creations. I would never have taken them on the project, but I needed their expertise to construct the development chamber. I have taken measures to ensure they never discover the contents of Eudaimonia's nurseries; hopefully this will be sufficient to forestall a mutiny.\n\nDocument 752-314\n\nYear 70, Day 87\nEudaimon Delta-1\nPopulation of Eudaimonia: ~3000\nPopulation growth shows no signs of slowing. High-rise type shelters are now being constructed in addition to the unknown buildings to allow for further growth. Technological advancement continues to exceed all expectations. We can only hope that it will stagnate once they get through what we left in the temple. Undesirable behaviours have worsened. Gamma attempted to intervene and was slaughtered. The rest of us attempted a coup against Alpha. Alpha-3 pretended to sympathize and managed to fatally poison most of Beta.\nNevertheless, the coup was a success. We still don't know what's in those buildings, but considering what happened to Gamma we're not touching it. Alpha-1, -2, and -5 escaped; the others are dead or captured. We've disabled the release mechanism and sealed off the place as much as we dare. The Eudaimoniacs still believe that there's no world beyond that shield Gamma built. Now, hopefully, they'll never learn otherwise.\n\nUnmanned Exploration Unit 752-a was sent into SCP-752 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. Footage recovered from within the 'nursery' structures indicates an extensive and apparently voluntary [DATA EXPUNGED] before conception. UEU-752-a went offline \u2588\u2588 hours into the expedition, and within two (2) months, technology evidently derived from it was seeing extensive use in SCP-752. Further expeditions must use as little advanced technology as possible.\nAs direct competition between Homo sapiens and SCP-752-1 is projected to lead to an SK-class dominance shift, SCP-752-1 must be kept ignorant of the world outside their cavern at all costs.\n\n\u00ab SCP-751 | SCP-752 | SCP-753 \u00bb"} {"text": "Image of SCP-753 taken from Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. records.\n\nItem #: SCP-753\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-753 is currently contained at Sector-28, located on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 SCP-753 is to be contained in a 6m x 6m holding cell, monitored by surveillance cameras at all times. SCP-753 is to be provided with five (5) litres of each primary color of paint each day, along with twenty-four (24) standard painting canvases. All paintings created by SCP-753 are to be recorded by research staff.\nIn the event that SCP-753 attempts to destroy itself, security personnel are to restrain SCP-753 and await further orders from Research Staff present.\nDescription: SCP-753 is a highly advanced automaton approximately ten (10) centimeters across, six (6) centimeters wide and eight (8) centimeters tall. SCP-753 possesses two (2) pincer-like limbs protruding from its main circular body, which it uses to slowly move itself across the ground. This is likely due to SCP-753's locomotive functions having been damaged at an unknown point in its history.\nAt the center of SCP-753's body is a red sensory organ similar in structure to that of the human eye. SCP-753's eye appears to be organic, but it is likely artificially produced. This eye is also damaged, leaving SCP-753 partially blind. A 'Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd.' logo has been engraved on SCP-753's back.\nInterior analysis of SCP-753 shows that it moves using a rudimentary nervous system, coordinated by an extremely small spherical 'brain'. Above SCP-753's body is a small 'receiver', the purpose of which is currently unknown. SCP-753 appears ignorant of its surroundings, and does not recognize the presence of personnel.\nSCP-753's primary purpose appears to be the creation of paintings. Paintings produced by SCP-753 are highly realistic and often do not correspond to real locations. Recently, paintings created by SCP-753 have mostly involved, in some way, SCP-753's death. SCP-753 was initially returned to Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd by one of their clients, who complained that it was 'broken'. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a Foundation mole within the organisation, was able to retrieve SCP-753 before incineration.\nSCP-753 usually produces one (1) painting per hour. When SCP-753 is not provided with adequate paint or painting canvas, it appears to enter a dormant state, shutting down for a minimum time length of one (1) week. As this heavily impedes research, SCP-753 is to be kept stocked with paint and canvases at all times. SCP-753 does not appear to be concerned about completed paintings, and generally ignores them after they are finished.\n\nPainting Log\n\n ... \n\nPainting Log:\n\nTime\nPainting produced\n\n01:00 AM\nImage of an ocean. Water is observed as being red in color. Unidentified aquatic creature bearing resemblance to a platypus is jumping out of the water. Closer inspection reveals that SCP-753 is being crushed in its jaw.\n\n02:24 AM\nImage of a lit furnace. Unidentified red humanoid is climbing out of the furnace. SCP-753 is visible inside the furnace.\n\n03:14 AM\nImage of a human eye against a starry background. SCP-753 is drifting towards the eye, which is observing it.\n\n04:21 AM\nImage of a city. City appears to be constructed from web and populated by giant spiders. SCP-753 is visible trapped in a web, with a spider moving towards it.\n\n05:11 AM\nImage of a nuclear explosion. Silhouette resembling SCP-753 is visible in the explosion.\n\n06:02 AM\nImage of SCP-753's containment area. SCP-753 appears to have shut down. Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is inspecting SCP-753. Closer analysis shows that Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 lacks eyes.\n\n06:59 AM\nImage of Sector-28 disposal facility. Maintenance Worker \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is activating the incinerator. SCP-753 is visible among the waste.\n\n07:42 AM\nImage of a restaurant. Patrons are pointing at a chandelier, which has fallen from the ceiling. SCP-753 is visible under the chandelier.\n\n08:35 AM\nImage of a cottage. A man is walking towards the cottage, holding an axe and a smashed SCP-753.\n\n09:27 AM\nImage of a desert. A creature resembling a six legged wolf is in the process of destroying SCP-753.\n\n10:12 AM\nImage of a forest. Indistinct human figures are visible hanging from nooses. Notably, SCP-753 appears to be absent from the painting.\n\n11:02 AM\nImage of a forest. Indistinct human figures are no longer hanging, but are on the ground, looking directly forward. One is holding a crushed SCP-753 in its fist.\n\n12:29 PM\nImage of an indistinct human face, holding SCP-753 forward. Indistinct human face appears to be registering anger.\n\n\u00ab SCP-752 | SCP-753 | SCP-754 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-754 rendered in pencil and crayon\n\nItem #: SCP-754\nObject Class: Euclid (Request for Keter classification under review, 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-754 is to be kept under constant surveillance in a Bio-Hazard Containment Chamber. The room must be equipped with a liquid nitrogen emergency coolant system. A shallow planter of standard potting soil has been placed next to SCP-754 to provide a \"target zone\" for germination events.\nNo instances of SCP-754 are to be retained outside of use in sanctioned experiments. Material containing SCP-754-1 may be incinerated.\nTo dispose of SCP-754, the room must be sealed and liquid nitrogen piped in until the ambient temperature has been at or below 150 K for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes. SCP-754, any surrounding soil, and all instances of SCP-754-1 shall be incinerated, save one paper fragment of approximately twenty-five (25) square centimetres, which is to be treated as \"seed stock\" with a freshly-illustrated sheet. If SCP-754 germinates from a location other than the provided planter, the site should be sterilized with hydrochloric acid. In the event of containment system failure of SCP-754, its growth will be inhibited by temperatures below 250 K until automated systems are restored.\nOne (1) standard sheet of paper with hand-drawn illustrations is to be placed on the table as needed. Current procedures call for the replacement and disposal of the oldest illustration once the newer sheet shows evidence of buds; at the current rate of growth, replacement should occur every two to three days. If this rate is observed to increase, notify the level 3 supervisor (as of 20\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, Doctor Cairns). Under no circumstances are any SCP objects containing hand-drawn illustrations to be allowed within twenty (20) metres of SCP-754-1.\nDescription: SCP-754 is superficially similar to Convolvulus arvensis, a flowering vine commonly known as \"morning glory\" or \"field bindweed\" in North America. Its leaves and vine are red with delicate black veins. Flowers, when present, are red with black mottling. SCP-754 will propagate in a manner similar to bindweed. However, it can overgrow any object, including those typically resistant to plant growth and water too deep for root stabilization. It can attain a top growth rate of \u2588 metres per hour. It is inhibited by temperatures below 250 K (-23\u00b0C), and enters a dormant state when chilled below 150 K (-123\u00b0C).\nSCP-754 is not limited to normal growth patterns, and can grow in paper media as an illustration (designated as SCP-754-1). It manifests itself as an additional image in hand-rendered illustrations, indistinguishable from the original contents in terms of medium, style, and scale. SCP-754-1 will propagate through the white space remaining on the material, as well as overgrowing illustrated objects. The growth rate is constant in the scale of the illustration; consequently, the linear spread across the material is not constant, and depends on the illustration. SCP-754-1 can also propagate to other illustrations within a fifteen (15) metre radius of the original medium; the time required to do so decreases with proximity and physical contact. Illustrations containing SCP-754-1 demonstrate a mild mind-affecting property: individuals below eighty (80) on the Psychic Resistance Scale will insist that SCP-754-1 has always been present in the illustration, and those below ninety (90) on the Psychic Resistance Scale will be reluctant to destroy SCP-754 unless prompted to or trained.\nIllustrations containing SCP-754-1 will animate and change in response to the growth of SCP-754-1. Illustrations appear to be moving at a one-tenth (0.1 x) speed slow motion. It has not been determined if this occurs as a stop motion effect or as a constant movement. Volitional beings depicted in the illustration will react to SCP-754-1 and utilise other depicted objects as appropriate. The most common reaction observed is the attempt by individuals in the illustration to restrict or directly impede the growth of SCP-754-1.\nWhen no white space remains on any illustrated material within range, SCP-754 will germinate within five (5) metres of SCP-754-1. This occurs no more than three (3) hours after the complete overgrowth of all white space in range. It will tend to appear where a non-anomalous plant could germinate.\nSCP-754 instances can be destroyed by incineration. However, any root fragments left intact will be stimulated and cause immediate regeneration of SCP-754 within six (6) hours. Additionally, any chordate with mucous membrane contact to the ashes within twelve (12) hours will become a new medium for SCP-754 growth. Further instances of SCP-754 will then erupt from the petechiae of the plant. Dormant SCP-754 can be incinerated without inducing generation; root fragments must still be destroyed to prevent normal plant regrowth. No side effects have been observed from the incineration of material bearing SCP-754-1.\nAddendum 754-01 - Circumstances of retrieval: SCP-754 was first brought to the attention of the Foundation when police officers in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, France, arrested an extremely agitated office worker who was found attacking courtyard weeds with a carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher. Foundation intervention was required when forty-five (45) infestations of SCP-754-1 subsequently developed in residential areas. Due to recommendations made by an office worker in custody, the containment team suffered no casualties. Following interrogation that lead to current containment procedures, the captured person of interest was released and amnesticized, though he is under periodic surveillance for future encounters with SCP-754.\nAddendum 754-02: After the events of Experiment 754-07, personnel with figurative tattoos, brandings, or other decorative body modifications are forbidden from coming within twenty (20) metres of SCP-754, save for participation in approved experimentation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-753 | SCP-754 | SCP-755 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-755\nObject Class: Keter, containment pending.\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The capture of SCP-755-a is to be considered a K class priority to all personnel assigned to SCP-755. Should SCP-755-a be captured alive, all possible effort is to be made to ensure their compliance, and they are to be delivered to Humanoid Detaining Facility 17 for questioning and study.\nAny and all instances of SCP-755-b discovered are to be reported immediately to a superior and destroyed if possible. After encountering an instance of SCP-755-b, the discovering party is to seek a safe location within view of the instance and to remain observant for their own safety until the arrival of MTF Gamma-30, then to obey any orders or requests for assistance made by the MTF leader at that time.\nDescription: SCP-755-a (hereafter referred to as 'the vandal') is a graffiti vandal who is thought at the time of the archiving of this report to be active in San[REDACTED]ia, though the work of the artist has been sighted in eight other cities in the continental US and Europe, including Denver, CO, Newark, NJ, Muni[REDACTED] Security footage shows the vandal to be a light-skinned individual with a slim build who stands approximately two meters in height. From the basic body type shown in the footage, it is assumed though not confirmed that the vandal is male. The vandal regularly travels large cities, leaving behind instances of SCP-755-b.\n\nInstance of SCP-755-b left on the entryway stairs of a private residence in [REDACTED]\n\nSCP-755-b (hereafter referred to as 'the graffito') is a graffito, style and form varied by instance, that invariably reads (with incorrect capitalization remaining consistent in all instances) \"WAtCh For thE WhitE Bird.\". The graffito is typically written directly onto surfaces with marker or paint, or in some recorded instances (list available to personnel with level three clearance or higher upon request) inscribed on scrap material and left in prominent locations. The writing materials appear to have no anomalous properties, and several recovered instances are stored for study in the low risk materials sector of Site 93. Persons who read the graffito are invariably injured or killed in apparent accidents involving a white bird of some description. Extensive research has confirmed a statistical correlation between the accidents and having read the graffito, and that instances of the phrase written by persons other than the vandal do not correlate with accidents or injuries to any measurable extent.\nSCP-755 was brought to the attention of the Foundation when an EMT discovered a journal belonging to the late investigative journalist Graham Scott on the scene of the seven-car pileup that resulted in the deaths of Scott and \u2588\u2588 other individuals. The journal details Scott's attempts to locate and interview the vandal, who he believed was attempting to warn the 'victims of the whte bird [sic]' in order to save their lives.\nThe white bird mentioned in the graffito and Scott's writing has not been confirmed to exist. In many events no bird can be confirmed to have been involved outside the direct testimony of the injured party, with some or all other witnesses claiming not to have seen any such avian at all, or with eyewitnesses disagree on the positioning, exact coloration, and species of the bird.\nAddendum 755-1: Despite Scott's assertions, many Foundation researchers suspect that the vandal's role in the events preceded by viewing the graffito are causal rather than prophetic, and that the vandal seeks to further some agenda of their own, or merely enjoys the thrill of causing suffering and death. In light of this possibility, and given the established correlation between instances of the graffito and injuries or fatalities among otherwise unrelated persons, SCP-755 has been granted Keter level containment required status, and MTF Gamma-30, \"Whitewatch\", has been created to liaise with law enforcement to capture the vandal for study and questioning and destroy instances of the graffito as they are located.\nAddendum-755-2: On [REDACTED]pears to have bypassed [DATA EXPUNGED] normal for an instance of the graffito but for the addition of the words \"I'm sorry\" in a small cursive font. The event was filed as usual by mem[DATA EXPUNGED]\nDocument 755-375:\n\nTravers: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Sorry about the flight delay. I'm sure you all saw the maintenance guys cleaning the graffiti off of the boarding ramp. Now that that's all out of the way, we can get ready to take off. It's a beautiful sunny day in LA, and weather conditions are absolutely perfect for flying. This is flight two seven niner to Houston, by the way, so if you aren't supposed to be onboard you should go ahead and disembark while you still can.\n<21 minutes removed for brevity>\nTravers: This is your captain speaking. I'm sure you've all seen the smoke, but don't panic, it's just a bird that got sucked into the engine. In a moment, the oxygen masks will drop as I prepare for an emergency landing. Put those on and follow the flight attendant's instructions, and we'll have you guys safely on the ground in no time. Again, please do as the flight attendants ask, and remain calm. Everything will be just fine.\n\n\u00ab SCP-754 | SCP-755 | SCP-756 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-756\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-756's 10 m x 10 m cell is to remain accessible only by airlock. Personnel entering must wear EVA spacesuits (with an MMU if necessary) and ensure that they do not move too close to any of the planetoids in orbit. No lights are to be shone on or toward the planetoids, and anything that might be loosely described as a heat source must be kept as far from them as possible.\nDevelopments on the surface of each planet are to be examined twice daily by a probe equipped with an electron microscope and a [DATA EXPUNGED], though recorded footage will have to be played in slow motion in order to make the slightest bit of sense.\nIn the event that Planet IV's inhabitants attempt to build another satellite weapon (see Incident Report SCP-756 A), personnel assigned to remove it must remain aware that although missiles fired from IV's surface cannot penetrate standard-issue spacesuits, helmets or visors, weapons platforms will almost certainly fire more quickly than the average human being can move.\nDescription: SCP-756 is a miniature solar system consisting of a single yellow sun and six orbiting planets, each with various moons and satellites. This system is restricted to the confines of a single large cell, originally intended for SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The cell itself is now devoid of gravity and atmosphere, a state believed to be brought about by SCP-756's \u201cbirth.\u201d\nThe system's sun is approximately 68\u201370 cm in circumference, and is believed to be in the middle stages of its existence based on comparisons with archived footage. The planets orbiting it range in circumference from less than 7 cm to 28 cm.\nSCP-756 was first discovered on the body of Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after he unexpectedly collapsed during a minor cell inspection in \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. For several hours beforehand, Mr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been complaining of numerous painful boils on his back. Following his loss of consciousness, a cursory examination showed that these \u201cboils\u201d were actually minute fragments of rock protruding from his flesh.\nHowever, one boil positioned on the back of Mr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's neck appeared to be emitting intense heat, likely the reason for his collapse: according to instruments situated within the cell, the temperature of this boil climbed from 70\u00b0C to above 550\u00b0C. By then, all witnesses had fled the cell and sealed the airlock behind them, leaving Mr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's incendiary death to be recorded by the security camera.\nWhen it was ascertained that the heat emerging from the neck boil had stabilised and was not projecting further than two metres, personnel returned to the cell and found that the interior was now little more than a vacuum contained by reinforced concrete. The neck boil had become a new star, while the small rocky protrusions had begun to form simple planets. Since then, SCP-756 has remained under observation, with particular emphasis on the evolution of life in the system.\nHowever, it has been observed that both the astronomical bodies and any life forms that may evolve upon them experience time at an accelerated rate: within a year of SCP-756's formation, the volcanic surfaces of several planets had given way to oceans, a process that normally would take millions of years.\nSome years later, researchers observing Planet III noted the formation and collapse of an empire over the course of ten hours, estimated to measure at least a century in SCP-756's timespan.\nThe planets themselves, based on the latest survey, are:\n\nPlanet I: volcanic, and far too close to the sun to support life.\n\nPlanet II: generally mountainous terrain, with a large population of apparent non-sapients.\n\nPlanet III: mostly ocean dotted with islands of varying biome, presently inhabited by a sapient species of nomadic reptilians, with a religion based on ocean tides and the unexpected sight of Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's helmeted face in the night sky.\n\nPlanet IV: primarily composed of [DATA EXPUNGED] broken only by what appear to be missile silos and military installations, many of them believed to be covering underground cities.\n\nPlanet V: heavily populated, with many large settlements built around wildly varying terrains. Unlike IV, the inhabitants have not achieved space travel, and as a result, are currently at peace.\n\nPlanet VI: equally hospitable until the events of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (see Incident Report SCP-756 A) and has since reverted to uninhabited wastelands.\n\nAddendum: Any personnel caught placing glow-in-the-dark stars on the walls of the cell will be reassigned to paperwork.\n\n\u00ab SCP-755 | SCP-756 | SCP-757 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-757\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-757 has been transplanted to a garden plot at Bio Site-103, which is to be under constant surveillance. Access to SCP-757 requires authorization from a researcher with level 3 clearance. The plot is to be cleaned of all rotten instances of SCP-757-1 twice a month, and they are to be incinerated on-site.\nDescription: SCP-757 is a fruit producing tree similar to Prunus persica (common peach tree), that is 3.63m tall. The texture and properties of its wood are identical to that of a Malus domesticus (apple tree); it is easily broken, damaged, or burnt. Its leaves are identical to those of ordinary Prunus persica.\nEvery dawn, SCP-757 produces new fruits, which are collectively designated SCP-757-1. Growth takes five minutes on average, although the size of the fruit is directly proportional to the growth time. Instances of SCP-757-1 remain in place for the duration of the day, and at dusk fall to the ground and rot rapidly. The amount of time an instance of SCP-757-1 takes to rot is directly proportional to its size. Human beings viewing SCP-757-1 while it remains attached to SCP-757 display a minor compulsion to consume it. Instances of SCP-757-1 are universally reported to be \"extremely sweet\" and \"delicious\".\nIf a subject consumes any part of an instance of SCP-757-1, a new organ will form in the anterior of the subject's abdomen. This process is reported to be very painful. Over the course of a week, a new fruit of the type consumed by the subject forms inside this organ, causing further pain and visible swelling (and in the case of very large fruit, tissue damage). When the fruit is ripe, it is forced up a tube leading to the esophagus and ejected from the mouth, distorting the subject's tissue in order to pass. It almost always causes permanent damage in this passage, despite the fruit itself being distorted to some degree in the course of ejection. The object regurgitated is always an ordinary, perfectly formed specimen of the fruit type initially consumed. It does not possess SCP-757-1's anomalous properties.\nSCP-757 has been observed to produce the following types of fruit, in decreasing order of frequency: peaches, plums, apples, pears, watermelons, bananas, pineapples, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, kumquats, kiwifruit, lemons, and (in one case) pumpkins.\nThere is presently no cure for SCP-757's effects. If the new organ is surgically removed before fruit regurgitation, it regrows at a rate identical to that of the first growth. Testing to determine a physical, chemical, genetic, or foreign cause of the effects is pending. Testing to determine whether SCP-757-1's juice retains its anomalous effects is pending approval. Proposals to cross-pollinate SCP-757 with SCP-1147 have been denied.\nSCP-757 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after several reports of people regurgitating fruit appeared in a local newspaper. It was eventually discovered in the backyard of an abandoned house. A large amount of rotten fruit was found at its base, along with several malnourished corpses.\n\n\u00ab SCP-756 | SCP-757 | SCP-758 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-758\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-758 is to be kept in comfortable living quarters with whatever amenities he desires so long as they are within Foundation protocol. 758's quarters need neither lock nor guard. If he is found wandering the halls, contact one of the doctors studying the subject. He is to receive three meals a day and any snacks he may request. When speaking directly to SCP-758, he is to be addressed as \"Vasili\" at all times.\nDescription: SCP-758 is a young Russian male, 1.9 meters tall, weighing roughly 110 kg. Full name Vasili \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Russia in 19\u2588\u2588. The subject was diagnosed as an extremely low functioning autistic at the age of four.\nWhile it is only speculation, some members of the staff believe that the symptoms which caused SCP-758 to be diagnosed with autism are a coping mechanism that has been developed in response to his ability. At present, researchers have been unable to ascertain whether or not he actually has autism or if this is the case.\nAddendum: 758-1\nDevelopment\nRecords taken from the notes of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the subject's speech and behavioral therapist prior to coming to the Foundation.\nTwo years after his diagnosis, SCP-758 began displaying his ability to recognize and correct errors in the technical aspects of linguistics. At the age of six, SCP-758 began correcting mistakes in the newspaper his parents read. The corrections included mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling and syntax. During the following weeks, SCP-758 was given increasingly advanced material, including magazines, essays written for the classes the subject's mother taught, and eventually graduate level college text books and encyclopedia volumes.\nUpon learning of what they believed to be a savant talent, SCP-758's Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 advised limiting the subject to a single language so as not to over-stimulate him. At the age of \u2588\u2588, the subject found a pamphlet written in Mandarin on the ground outside a store. SCP-758 picked it up and after staring at the page for a few moments, began correcting the pamphlet in the same manner as he had done with the previous materials. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began giving him materials in every language they could find.\nDiscovery\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, while on psych leave (see Med 861379), overheard SCP-758's parents discussing his talents and reported what he heard to the Foundation immediately. Upon performing a CT scan and an MRI, it was discovered by Dr. Bright and Dr. English that the language center of the subject's brain was non-existent. This led to the conclusion that the subject was an SCP, as he should not be capable of any amount of linguistic processing, much less to the degree his ability allowed him. SCP-758 was immediately brought to Site \u2588\u2588 for study where he remains in containment. See Research Log 758 for records of progress.\n-Dr. English\nAddendum: 758-2 Effective immediately, SCP-758 is being reclassified as Safe and his containment procedures are being changed accordingly. He does not understand the Foundation's number designation system, so any personnel speaking to him directly should address him as Vasili if they wish to receive any kind of response. - Dr. English\nAddendum: 758-3 It has been determined that SCP-758 is speaking truthfully when he claims that he does not understand the languages he is reading. As such, any personnel wishing to utilize SCP-758's ability for proofreading official documents may submit a request to Dr. Bright for access to the subject before or after his scheduled study sessions with Dr. English and Dr. Sarlin. -O5-\u2588\nNote: Yes, there is academic speculation about whether or not current translations of religious texts match the original messages of the same text. No, SCP-758 will not be used to find out. It just doesn't matter that much to us, so stop asking. - O5-\u2588\nResearch Log 758\n\u2588 / \u2588 / 19\u2588\u2588 - It has now been three (3) weeks since I was assigned to research SCP-758's ability. To date no progress has been made as the subject is either unwilling or unable to interact with my staff. - Dr. English\n\u2588 / \u2588\u2588 / 19\u2588\u2588 - We have begun leaving texts in SCP-758's quarters in hopes he will happen upon them in his own time, rather than attempting to coerce him. - Dr. Sarlin\n\u2588\u2588 / \u2588\u2588 /19\u2588\u2588 - SCP-758 has begun making corrections to the texts we leave in his quarters and is also beginning to show some signs of recognition and trust towards Dr. Sarlin and myself. This is currently the limitation of his interaction. Thus far we have only provided the subject with modern terrestrial languages. - Dr. English\n\u2588 / \u2588 / 19\u2588\u2588 - Yesterday the subject was provided computer coding for the first time. Not sure of his abilities with a computer, the coding was printed on normal paper. The Subject simply stared at it with a confused look on his face. Today he was placed at a computer terminal with the same code on screen and after a few moments he began correcting errors in the code. - Dr. English\n\u2588 / \u2588\u2588 / 19\u2588\u2588 - Today tests with dead languages and languages suspected to be of extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional origin began. SCPs with knowledge of such languages, including SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 were asked to provide us with two samples of each language for comparison, one that was, to their knowledge, properly written and one that had a number of technical errors with a varied spectrum of subtlety. All SCPs complied with our request without resistance. SCP-758's ability once again proved effective. - Dr. Sarlin\n\u2588\u2588 / \u2588\u2588 / 19\u2588\u2588 - Today the idea was brought up that SCP-758's ability may extend to math, since it technically can be considered a language. The subject was presented with basic algebra proofs, at which point he spoke for the first time since coming to the facility, informing us that math isn't really a language. - Dr. English\n\u2588\u2588 / \u2588 / 20\u2588\u2588 - Since SCP-758 began speaking to Dr. English and I, we have learned that when he looks at text, the only language he can actually read is his native Russian. All other languages he simply recognizes the errors that exist and how they should be corrected. - Dr. Sarlin\n\u2588 / \u2588 / 20\u2588\u2588 - Today it was discovered, by accident, that SCP-758's ability is not restricted to written language. As the subject passed two guards, he overheard them speaking French and, despite having no knowledge of the French language, corrected one of the guards on the way he constructed a sentence. Further testing will be required in this area. - Dr. English\n\u2588\u2588 / \u2588 / 20\u2588\u2588 - After more in depth study, it has been found that when applying his ability to spoken language, SCP-758 is capable of correcting dialect, accent and pronunciation in addition to the technical aspects of written language he can correct. When asked to read a written language aloud, he has proven fully capable of speaking the words but states he still does not understand them. - Dr. English\n\u2588 / \u2588\u2588 / 20\u2588\u2588 - SCP-758 has shown an ability to essentially \"translate across time.\" That is to say, his ability has an understanding of the concept of a living language and he has proven himself capable of changing a text written in a given time period and change any colloquialisms and evolved words to provide a \"translated\" copy that results in the same message as the original text. In cases where he has attempted this with dead languages, he fully translated the text into the nearest living language from the time period he was asked to change it to. While he can update texts to later generations of a language, it seems that he is not able to revert texts to older generations of a language. - Dr. English\n\u2588\u2588 / \u2588 / 20\u2588\u2588 - SCP-758 has shown himself able to produce the proper pronunciation of written words upon request. To date, Dr. Sarlin and I have learned to fluently speak multiple dead languages with assistance from SCP-758.\n\n\u00ab SCP-757 | SCP-758 | SCP-759 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-759\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-759 are to be stored in wide-mouthed, airtight ceramic or glass-lined containers. Samples are to be kept at temperatures no lower than 0.9 \u00b0C and no higher than 11.4 \u00b0C unless in active use. Once per week, the following procedure is to be observed by the assigned personnel for each active sample:\n- Record date/time of feeding, feeder name, and feeder emotional state at time of feeding\n- Open sample container\n- Record visual/olfactory condition of sample\n- Pour off and retain upper layer of liquid OR stir into main sample as assigned by Foundation orders\n- Remove 125 g of sample in an airtight inert container- retain for ongoing analysis or other use as required\n- Add 125 g unbleached, unbromated all-purpose white flour and 125 g pure distilled water\n- Stir with clean, unpainted wooden implement until fully incorporated\n- Seal container and return to cold storage\nAll removed samples are to be tracked and accounted for.\nDescription: SCP-759 is a 500-gram mass of sourdough starter composed primarily of wheat flour and water. The starter's active component is an ongoing culture of wild yeasts (including Candida milleri and Saccharomyces exiguus) in symbiotic balance with multiple strains of Lactobacillus and Acetobacter organisms. The original sample first came to Foundation attention after a sudden spontaneous outbreak of attempted murders motivated by apparently baseless jealousy in [REDACTED] County, Vermont. Without exception, the would-be murderers had recently participated in a pancake breakfast fundraiser at the local Methodist church. Further investigation led directly to a single batch of 'Old-Fashioned Melt-In-Your-Mouth Sourdough Flapjacks' produced by a chef with a longstanding untreated case of borderline personality disorder. The chef's starter was confiscated and replaced with a visually and olfactorily indistinguishable sample of equal mass and volume.\nLike all starters, SCP-759 acquires a certain amount of its internal composition from its immediate environment. What distinguishes it from other sourdough is its ability to absorb the emotional state of the individuals who tend it, feed it, and bake with it- and transmit that emotional state or a close derivative thereof to anyone who consumes the resultant end product. Relevant variables include length of exposure and intensity of emotional state. Absorption of emotional information ceases upon the baked product achieving 57.5\u00b0C for one full minute. Testing of emotional information absorption while samples are in a frozen or dried state is ongoing, but preliminary evidence indicates any such absorption is slowed to the point of negligibility.\n\nLog of tests with SCP-759\nSample condition: Initial recovered sample, raised and fed daily at room temperature for one week. All researchers signed in at feeding time with emotional status of 'calm' or 'neutral'.\nSample use: Batch of 'Old-Fashioned Melt-In-Your-Mouth Sourdough Flapjacks' from original chef's recipe.\nResult: No apparent change in emotional state of subjects. Flapjacks pronounced delicious.\nSample condition: Raised and fed weekly for one month by Class D personnel with documented anger management issues and poor impulse control.\nSample use: Two San Francisco-style baguettes.\nResult: After consumption of approximately half of the first baguette with butter and jam, an argument broke out over the rightful ownership of the second. The question was rendered moot when one of the test subjects picked up the second loaf and attempted to beat his fellows senseless with it, effectively destroying the remaining bread.\nSample condition: Raised and fed weekly for one month by volunteers under the influence of mood-elevating medication.\nSample use: Sixteen plain bagels.\nResult: Significant improvement of mood and temperament in 80% of test subjects for six hours. Remaining 20% experienced nausea, abdominal bloating, and fatigue. (May have been undiagnosed celiac sprue; the test subjects reported feeling significantly more philosophical and mellow about their condition than expected.)\nSample condition: Raised and fed weekly for one month by automated machinery; baked entirely by automated machinery in isolation.\nSample use: Three-stage French pain au levain.\nResult: No emotional change noted. Several testers noted a tinny or metallic taste.\nSample condition: Kept in SCP-682's containment chamber for one hour.\nSample use: One loaf challah (braided style)\nResult: Initial response appeared similar to that of the baguette experiment in that test subjects became aggressive and argumentative shortly after ingesting several slices. Rather than attacking each other, the test subjects finished the loaf, proceeded to the test kitchens, and began a systematic attempt at the destruction of every other baked good not made with SCP-759 as its primary leavening agent. Subjects proved difficult to subdue.\nSample condition: Also kept in SCP-682's containment chamber for one hour. Adulterated shortly thereafter with 10 grams dry domestic yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).\nSample use: One batch English muffins (Experiment supervisor Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 specifically requested the change to 'something with less weight to throw around if the testers get stroppy'), baked under same conditions as the aggression challah.\nResult: Subjects immediately became cranky, uncooperative, and argumentative upon consumption of test product. The result has been unofficially dubbed 'grumpy muffins'.\nSample condition: Raised and fed daily at room temperature under the bed of newly married Agent for one week.\nSample use: Six blueberry muffins.\nResult: [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSample condition: Raised and fed twice weekly for one month by personnel diagnosed with severe clinical depression.\nSample use: Unlike prior experiments, the liquid layer was not stirred into the main mass of the starter at feeding time, but drawn off and retained separately. Resultant product was then filtered to remove particulate matter and added to lone test subject's alcoholic beverage of choice for one week.\nResult: \"Liquid despair\". Subject began to exhibit signs of emotional distress within minutes of consuming the first doped beverage. Psychological evaluation at the end of the week indicated a depressive state on the order of that diagnosed in 'feeder' personnel, including suicidal ideation. Symptoms had largely cleared two weeks after cessation of experiment, but lingering effects remained.\nThe possible Foundation uses for SCP-759 are numerous and should be self-evident. Requesting permission to test 'liquid despair' minimum potency and LD-50 as possible means of inducing suicide in otherwise problematic targets.\n\n\u00ab SCP-758 | SCP-759 | SCP-760 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-760\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Each specimen of SCP-760 is to be kept in an individual containment area. The locks on the doors to these containment areas are to be changed every month. Feedings composed of \u2588\u2588 g of a nutrient-rich paste are to be issued once a day. Specimens are only to be introduced to each other in experiments meant to observe social interactions and subsequent psychological events between specimens. At least two armed guards are to be posted outside of each containment area at any time.\nEach containment area is to be lit with no more than one (1) 40 watt light bulb, and equipped with low-light surveillance cameras. In the event of an equipment malfunction, equipment should be manually replaced as soon as possible, as instances of SCP-760 have a tendency to disassemble maintenance equipment.\nPersonnel are allowed to give specimens of SCP-760 items that they no longer want or need, given that the objects do not violate current Foundation regulations and that they are approved by the overseeing researcher. Items requested for donation to SCP-760 include, but are not limited to:\n\nCar keys (denied)\nA broken clock (approved)\nA 'Rubik's Cube' toy (approved)\nEveryday trash (denied)\nA broken Foundation computer (approved, provided that the hard drive is removed)\n\nDescription: SCP-760 is a vaguely humanoid species of animal, only three of which have ever been obtained by the Foundation. The skeletal and muscular system of SCP-760 differ greatly in areas from those of humans, the most notable effects of these differences being legs that extrude perpendicular to the torso and an ape-like curvature of the spine that results in a preference to walk on all fours. Other notable differences include the addition of an extra joint on each finger of SCP-760, and an average of 150% of the joint degrees of freedom that are allowed for humans. This makes SCP-760 much more flexible than the average human, which aids specimens of SCP-760 during feeding.\nWhere a face would be on a human, there is a mass of hair on SCP-760; this hair is shown to have some sort of sensory function that allows for sight in the dark. Underneath the hair, there are no eyes, nose, or mouth; however, the skin of the \"face\" is pulled taut as a part of a speaker-like vocal system. SCP-760 has muscle structures in the front of their head that they can use to vibrate the skin as if it were a drum head, producing a variable-pitched whine. Further observation led to the discovery that this vocal structure is also capable of opening and serving as a mouth. Within this mouth is a tongue, approximately 40 cm in length with a soft but coarse texture.\nThe epidermis of SCP-760 is shown to react to light in a way that makes them invisible; this is done via a complex system of reflective [DATA EXPUNGED] roughly 78% of SCP-760's skin. The hair on SCP-760's head disappears as well; biological analysis shows the hair to be similar in composition to a polar bear's. As light dims, however, this effect fades, and in very dim light it is possible to see SCP-760 completely. Removal of the skin also hinders this effect; and it appears to do so on more areas of SCP-760 than where the skin was removed, suggesting that the function of SCP-760's invisibility on any part of the body requires that same function on all surrounding parts. It is also worth noting that SCP-760 appears agitated when subjected to light for longer than what would be normal sunlight hours near latitude \u2588\u2588 N or \u2588\u2588 S.\nInstances of SCP-760 are very docile under normal circumstances. They exhibit behavior and tendencies similar to canines or primates, thus making understanding what they are thinking relatively easy. They are generally curious creatures; any object that is placed in the containment area is almost sure to be examined thoroughly by them. They seem to enjoy toying with new things, particularly taking objects apart and examining their pieces. They also seem to enjoy attempting to figure out how things work, and as long as they are attempting to learn about something they are completely content to stay in the containment area. Contributions of objects by personnel have served as more than enough to keep this want for new objects appeased.\nIt is, generally speaking, entirely safe to enter the containment area, and specimens of SCP-760 seem to either enjoy or be indifferent to the presence of people. They have shown behaviors towards humans that are almost child-like in nature, and almost always benevolent. Instances of SCP-760 appear to be particularly interested in sleeping humans. In experiments performed investigating this, it was discovered that specimens of SCP-760 feed on human secretions and dead matter. When presented with a sleeping human, SCP-760 will proceed to carefully position itself over the subject, on to their chest if the subject is sleeping on their back, and begin vocalizing at approximately 20dB for a period of \u2588 to \u2588\u2588 minutes. This vocalization appears to promote slow-wave sleep in \u2588\u2588 % of subjects, greatly reducing the chance of the subject awakening. The exact mechanism responsible for this effect is unknown, but is thought to involve [DATA EXPUNGED]. In the remaining \u2588 %, the subject is largely unaffected by the vocalization and may regain some level of consciousness. Several subjects who have reported this experience have likened it to sleep paralysis, stating that they awoke to find themselves aware of an \u201cinhuman\u201d presence in the room but unable to move.\nAfter this period, SCP-760 will use its tongue to consume any easily accessible secretions present on the subject including ocular discharge, hair oils, dead skin cells, pimples, and [REDACTED]. This process has been observed to be largely harmless to the subject. However, experimental observation indicates that if the subject shifts during sleep or some external event occurs SCP-760 may become startled and exert additional force on the subject, in several cases causing sore areas and slight bruising.\nAddendum 760-01: Research into weaponising SCP-760's invisibility is pending approval.\nAddendum 760-02: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 86 days after the initial discovery of SCP-760, another specimen of SCP-760 was obtained; revealing it to be a member of a species rather than an independent creature. Specimen previously in possession re-classified as SCP-760-01, and newly obtained specimen was classified as SCP-760-02. Research into the social interactions between the two began immediately following SCP-760-02's arrival at Sector 05.\nAddendum 760-03: SCP-760-01 and 02 were observed taking part in what appears to be some sort of mating ritual, which involved \u2588 consecutive hours of consistently \"screaming\" at each other and [DATA EXPUNGED] resulted in the immediate medical treatment of SCP-760-01, and the knowledge that specimens of SCP-760 are hermaphroditic.\nAddendum 760-04: SCP-760-02 gave birth. Subject titled SCP-760-03.\nIncident Report 760-01-I: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, at approximately 21:48, one of the guards posted to contain SCP-760-01 fell asleep on his shift. SCP-760-01 was somehow able to \"see\" this, suggesting that the hairs on its face allow it to sense through walls. It then proceeded to its containment door and partially disassembled it from the inside, a process taking roughly \u2588 hours, and proceeded to feed on the guard as he slept. The other guard was unaware of this due to SCP-760-01's active camouflage in the hallway lights, but proceeded to coax it back into its containment area the moment he realized what was happening.\n\n\u00ab SCP-759 | SCP-760 | SCP-761 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-761\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-761's frame is to be contained in a standard containment chamber, located in Site-77. No net is to be attached to SCP-761, except for testing purposes. The testing chamber is to be suspended 25 meters from any other surface, only accessible via elevator. Any materials or documents relating to SCP-761 have been stored in Site-77's non-anomalous documentation area.\nDescription: SCP-761 is a steel trampoline frame, 2m in diameter and 3.5 meters tall. It shows no manufacturers mark, apart from a tag on the bottom of the original net which reads \"PROTO-5\".\nAny solid object impacting SCP-761's surface with a momentum exceeding 250 kg*m/s will vanish upon impact. Testing has determined that the object is instantaneously transported to a random location up to fifteen meters away, while retaining its momentum. This effect has resulted in a number of users being entombed and asphyxiating. The object transported by SCP-761 does not appear to displace any material upon relocation, suggesting matter replacement based on volume. The location to which SCP-761 displaces the material is not known at this time.\nSCP-761 was recovered from a residential home in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, IN1, where it had been in use during a children's birthday party. Local police had been called to the home when several children using SCP-761 had been subjected to its anomalous effect. Foundation agents were able to cover up the incident, issuing Class-B amnestics to witnesses and relatives. During follow-up containment operations, an address was found leading to a party supply store from which SCP-761 had been rented.\nThe company in question was investigated and found not to stock trampolines. Security camera recordings showed SCP-761 being sold in front of the store by an employee, whose vehicle was recovered behind the store. Interviews with the subject indicate that she had obtained SCP-761 from a local waste dump and had no knowledge of its properties. However, several documents recovered from the vehicle indicated otherwise. Subject was not detained and has been designated a person of interest, with attendant remote monitoring.\nIt has been found that subjects affected by SCP-2403 are not subject to SCP-761's anomalous effect.\nAddendum: Excerpt from a recovered document. The document in question appeared to regard to SCP-761's development, but was heavily damaged by water and age. The following sections are the largest legible portions of the text.\n\n\u2026.tests appeared to indicate steel was the best material, due to its durability. The safety features have seen some good progress in the prototyping stage, and we hope to see them implemented by June. Bernard thinks it'll be a real hit and I agree. The saf\u2026\n\nWe have a prototype! Jason tossed a cat onto the trampoline from 30 feet and it just appeared like 10 feet away! Now, it was stuck in the ground, but it was alive! Bossman says we're moving onto more advanced tests soon. I hope we aren't being too hasty, but this is some exciting stu\u2026\n\nWe started limited human testing today. We had a group of 10 boys and 10 girls together, and they seemed to be pretty excited. We had them jumping on the prototype, and they seemed pretty happy about it. During displacement they were a little woozy, but fine. The only bad bit was when one kid got his foot stuck in a\n\ni feel like I'm gonna be sick we were testung today i don't know what went wronf but one of the kids just disappaered. we dug around everywher and you know where she was? IN the concrete. we need to stop,we need to stop. This is wrong wrong I killed a kid today. I let them kill her\n\nthey did it wrong. I warned them this would happen. Do they listen to me? No, they go out and sell them anyways. They aren't safe anymore, we know this. All it was supposed to do was take kids off if they were too big or got unruly. But they all go under. It's killing them and nobody is stopping\n\nit's gone\n\nFootnotes\n1. The same city SCP-2812 was recovered from.\n\n\u00ab SCP-760 | SCP-761 | SCP-762 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-762\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-762 is held inside a storage crate at Site \u2588\u2588. As SCP-762 does not appear to be dangerous to anyone not placed inside of it, no further precautions are required. Anyone wishing to experiment with SCP-762 must get authorization from Dr. Rights.\nDescription: SCP-762-1 is a torture device similar to the infamous Iron Maiden of Nuremberg. It was recovered in 19\u2588\u2588 from a box in the basement of [DATA EXPUNGED] in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Austria. When opened, SCP-762 was found to have a male human in it, now known as SCP-762-2. When found inside SCP-762-1, SCP-762-2 had the device's large spikes embedded in his flesh, but when removed from SCP-762-1, all of the subject's wounds healed instantly. SCP-762-2 was found to be completely catatonic, but otherwise in decent health except for several rotten teeth and a large scar on his left arm. Given the unique properties of SCP-762-1, it may be impossible to determine how long SCP-762-2 was in the device. Dating on the device shows that it dates back to the late fifteenth century, so it is possible that SCP-762-2 has been in the device for centuries.\nAny person placed inside SCP-762-1 appears to enter a state of suspended animation. Subjects no longer need food, water, or even air when inside SCP-762-1. Subjects also appear to be immune to the effects of disease or injury when inside SCP-762-1, including the large wounds inflicted by SCP-762-1 itself. Subjects do, however, remain conscious, and the experience is described as being very painful. Once subject is removed from SCP-762-1, all wounds inflicted by the device are instantly healed. Since all physiological processes except for cognition are suspended while in SCP-762-1, it seems likely that a person placed in it will not age.\n\n\u00ab SCP-761 | SCP-762 | SCP-763 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-763\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-763 is contained in Sub-Basement G of the now-defunct \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 veal production facility on the outskirts of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Illinois. After the discovery of SCP-763, the Foundation acquired the facility, which was secured and designated Biological Site-\u2588\u2588. The facility is still supplied with the liquid feed solution previously used to nourish veal calves, though only enough to maintain SCP-763's growth. The feeding system established by the facility's previous owner, Klaus \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, has been documented and should be maintained unless a more efficient feeding method is devised. If any components are added to SCP-763, the dosage of nutrient solution must be scaled up accordingly. Consult document SCP-763-\u2588 for the volume and release time of solution to be provided per component.\nBecause of SCP-763's ability to absorb human organic matter into itself, it is vitally important that no personnel touch SCP-763 with bare skin.\nDescription: SCP-763 is a mass of human organic tissue occupying approximately three hundred (300) square meters of space with an estimated mass of over four thousand (4,000) kilograms. It is mostly in an irregular configuration of tissue, with the exception of SCP-763-A. Much of the mass of SCP-763 is muscular tissue with an abundance of blood vessels. This muscle tissue is highly atrophied and non-motile, though despite lack of use there is a great amount of blood flow at all times. Most of the structure is relatively thin at around ten (10) centimeters thick, allowing the blood flow to diffuse the high heat generated by the central mass, which is a large lump approximately two (2) meters high. This blood flow is provided by a large, central collection of hearts and a number of other hearts arrayed throughout SCP-763's structure. All the organs of the human body are present in SCP-763, located in a relatively even distribution throughout the system. The lungs are fed by a number of mouth-like round holes in SCP-763's skin. The feeding tubes pass directly into SCP-763 as though the flesh grew around them as its mass expanded.\nResearchers believe that the blood vessels and organs are essentially a support system for what has been designated \"the cluster\". The cluster is an interconnected network of thirty-seven (37) human brains of varying sizes, connected by chains of cells resembling neurons. This array is enclosed by a multi-layered arrangement of bone growths. The bones most closely resemble ribs, though they exhibit offshoots that allow them to interlace into a tighter structure. Initial analysis revealed a far higher than normal amount of neurotransmitter activity. Over time the individual brains each enter a \"resting\" state with neural activity consistent with REM sleep, in time periods consistent with a polyphasic sleep pattern. This resting state lasts approximately forty-five (45) minutes. At any given time there are five (5) brains in this resting state while the remaining thirty-two (32) brains are in the active state.\nA collection of bone and nerve fibers resembling a spinal column approximately three (3) meters in length extends from the cluster to join with the spinal column of SCP-763-A. SCP-763-A appears to be the body of the facility's former owner, Klaus \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The body is only partially absorbed into the rest of SCP-763, retaining all its (presumably) original organs and general shape and structure. To date it has shown no signs of movement or further absorption. It should be noted that other absorbed subjects have been completely integrated into SCP-763 within three (3) months. When SCP-763 was discovered, SCP-763-A was in a seated position, in which it remains. There was a table in front of SCP-763-A with a sheaf of papers on them, completely decayed from the warm, damp conditions of Sub-Basement G. SCP-763-A's hand held a pencil, apparently poised to write. Any previous writing has been lost with the degradation of the paper. SCP-763-A's facial expression is one of intense concentration or perhaps pain, with features contorted and eyes closed. Unlike the rest of the muscular tissue in SCP-763, SCP-763-A is not atrophied, despite having exhibited no movement to date. Researchers assume that SCP-763-A remains unabsorbed to function as an interface with the rest of SCP-763. To date no stimulus has provoked a response from SCP-763-A, other than autonomic reflexes and immune system response.\nSince its discovery by the Foundation, SCP-763 has incorporated biological material from seven (7) humans (two (2) security personnel, one (1) medical technician, three (3) Class-D personnel, and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). Direct skin contact with SCP-763 causes tiny barbs to hook into the skin and administer a paralytic neurotoxin. As soon as the subject is paralyzed, digestive acids are secreted and begin to dissolve the skin where contact was initiated. Once this is done, the skin will begin to heal at an accelerated rate, with the subject's skin now bonding with SCP-763. This process of dissolving and re-healing is repeated over and over with the subject becoming progressively more integrated into SCP-763. After a subject is mostly absorbed, their organs begin to migrate to different areas, taking their place throughout the network as needed. In some cases, organs that are seemingly not needed are digested and used for additional nutrition. Most subjects have been fully absorbed within two months. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's organs did not stop their movement until more than three (3) months had passed. Researchers believe that this longer time was due to the inner cage around the cluster moving to accommodate the addition of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's brain. To date this is the only time at which a brain has been added, with all others digested.\nAddenda:\nIncident Report 763-1A:\nWhile securing the premises, security personnel J. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and M. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 failed to check in for their scheduled updates. A second team was deployed and discovered J. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and M. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 unresponsive and in the preliminary stages of absorption. Attempts to extricate personnel from SCP-763 resulted in the deaths of both staff members, as well as a medical technician who made direct skin contact during surgery.\nIncident Report 763-12G:\nAfter noticing irregularities in the radio updates coming from Biological Site-\u2588\u2588, a security team was dispatched to investigate. Armed Response Team Omicron-3 discovered all site personnel poisoned with the exception of the head researcher, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was found mostly incorporated into SCP-763. Apparently, he had made a large incision in SCP-763 and folded himself inside. A note was found near Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's discarded clothing. The note is reproduced below:\n\nI have to know. Six months and not a single inkling of what's going on in there. I don't give \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 about organ function and immunodeficiency. I need to know what they're\u2026 what it's thinking.\nI need to know. I will know.\n\nDespite initial desire to terminate the biological components of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for his betrayal, Armed Response Team Omicron-3 was instructed to desist after replacement research personnel discovered that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's brain was being incorporated into the cluster. The additional research data gained by observing this process was deemed more important than revenge.\nAddendum 763-13L:\nRequest by researchers that SCP-763-A be provided with replacement writing materials in the event that it should attempt to write is currently pending.\n\n\u00ab SCP-762 | SCP-763 | SCP-764 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-764\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-764 is to be kept in Hazard Vault MT-\u2588\u2588\u2588, with unlocking mechanisms only operable by two Class 1 Researchers or higher working in tandem. No personnel are to enter without proper safety precautions, and no personnel are to be in Hazard Vault MT-\u2588\u2588\u2588 unless under the direct orders of Level 4 personnel or as part of an approved destruction attempt. Personnel entering Hazard Vault MT-\u2588\u2588\u2588 are to wear the locking gauntlets in Containment Supply 313, size 14, and the key is not to be brought into the vault. The gauntlets physically prevent attempts to don SCP-764 due to their size, and therefore permit SCP-764 to be handled with a modicum of safety.\nDescription: SCP-764 is a pair of Punch and Judy puppets that display no exceptional characteristics upon visual inspection. When observed by individuals with no barrier between them and SCP-764-1 or SCP-764-2, a compulsion comes over a single person to 'put on a show' utilizing the puppets, even if none present have any skill, talent, or training regarding puppeteering. All others feel an overwhelming urge to watch the show, regarding all events taking place as the height of entertainment until the show is over. As the subject dons SCP-764-1 and SCP-764-2 (in no circumstances have SCP-764-1 and SCP-764-2 been seen placed on separate performers), any individuals without physical barriers between themselves and SCP-764 will find themselves compelled to sit and watch the show. The show begins as a normal Punch and Judy show, with light slapstick comedy and violence occurring between the puppets.\nAfter a period of three to five minutes, an individual will be chosen from the audience and brought forward, participating in a part of the show (typically playing as a police officer or constable, but in Incident 764-34d, the subject played as E-class Agent Jonathan \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an individual who was part of the team responsible for recovering SCP-764). A lighthearted exchange will occur between the 'volunteer' and the puppets before the violent slapstick resumes, but after this exchange, both puppets will brandish appropriately sized weapons and begin to viciously attack the 'volunteer'. The remaining audience will find this even more amusing than the previous antics of the puppets, and even the 'volunteer' will laugh until SCP-764-1 inflicts the final and invariably fatal wound, quipping, \"That's the way to do it!\"\nAnother short delay will ensue as the puppets banter, until another 'volunteer' is brought forward and the process repeated, with the roles assumed by those coming forward becoming more and more bizarre as the show progresses. The show will conclude with the puppeteer's death, or after four to eleven individuals are killed, at which point the puppeteer will begin removing the puppets and ask, \"Did you enjoy the show?\" and receive as a response from all surviving audience members, \"Yes, Professor.\" A show concluded in this manner will negate SCP-764's ability to mentally influence individuals for anywhere from eleven to twenty-six minutes.\nAddendum:\nIncident Log 764-23b - This containment breach occurred when a D-class personnel in the process of moving SCP-764, opened the crate containing SCP-764. The door to Hazard Vault MT-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was immediately sealed and locked. A recording device was brought in after approximately two and a half minutes to record the remainder of the incident.\n\nD-88778 laughs.\nD-88778: That's ridiculous, you're so -\nD-88778 begins coughing.\nSCP-764-1: Oh no, he's sick! We'll have to operate!\nSCP-764-2: But, Punch, you're not a doctor!\nSCP-764-1: Has that stopped me before?\nD-88778 laughs again, then resumes coughing.\nSCP-764-1 brandishes a scalpel about half its length.\nSCP-764-1 begins humming to itself as it cuts into D-88778's throat, who seems to be stifling a laugh.\nSCP-764-1 reaches into the incision and fumbles around before grabbing onto something and tugging.\nSCP-764-1: I think I've got it, there's something in his throat! We'll save you yet!\nSCP-764-2 shakes its head.\nSCP-764-1 pulls out the hyoid bone and shakes it in the air triumphantly.\nSCP-764-1: Toldja I could do it!\nSCP-764-2: He needs that, y'idiot!\nSCP-764-2 begins hitting SCP-764-1 with a tiny rolling pin.\nD-88778 makes a noise that may be laughter.\nSCP-764-1: Ow! Stop it! I'll fix 'im, you'll see, woman!\nSCP-764-1 puts the scalpel back into the incision and begins sawing the blade. After a moment, SCP-764-1 reaches in and begins pulling, as blood begins to spray. Approximately four inches of the carotid artery are pulled out of the wound.\nSCP-764-1: That's the way to do it!\nBoth puppets slump to the ground as D-88778 collapses.\n\n\u00ab SCP-763 | SCP-764 | SCP-765 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-765\n\nItem #: SCP-765\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-765 is to be isolated from the rest of Site-88 by a wire fence of at least 1.22 meters. Instances of SCP-765-1 are harmless beyond this area, and SCP-765's effects are negligible at this range. SCP-765 is to be staffed with a rotating group of researchers and guards. These personnel are to be changed every three to six days to avoid suffering the detrimental effects of SCP-765. Researchers who have been absent from SCP-765 for at least one month may apply for assignment to it again.\nDescription: SCP-765 is a duck pond, discovered in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 region of South Carolina in 197\u2588. SCP-765 appears to emanate an emotional effect causing what researchers have called \"serenity.\" Researchers, guards, and test subjects within the field of SCP-765 report relaxed feelings, contentment with their life, and justification with their life choices. However, after seven to twelve days, the shift becomes one of lethargy, apathy, boredom, and depression. Further shifts beyond this are currently being monitored, with test subjects D-02841, D-02844, and D-02851 having been in the effect for over a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Psychological reports on all these subjects are available at request with approval from Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDue to its relaxing nature, SCP-765 is regularly assigned to researchers undergoing severe stress or lethargy. The effect does not appear addictive or memetic in any way.\nAddendum SCP-765-1, 197\u2588:\n\nUnsurprisingly, several members of the Anatidae family showed up today, classified SCP-765-1. While they do not appear affected by SCP-765, staff have reported that a degree of jollity has been observed in participants and the speed with which the negative effect is reported seems to be diminished. Recommend further research with other species of waterfowl. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-764 | SCP-765 | SCP-766 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-766\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-766's immobile nature, Site-362 has been built around it. Operated by dummy corporation \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Indonesia, SCP-766 is stored in a locked room behind the site's storage room. A wooden crate has been lowered over it, which is fastened to a cleat on the floor by a combination lock.\nThough classified as Safe, precautions should be taken when interacting with SCP-766. Leather gloves and Plexiglas visors are recommended for handling, and are stored on-site.\nDescription: SCP-766 is a human-shaped anomaly in space that matter cannot pass through, making it, in effect, an invisible \"statue\" of a person. Plaster applied to the anomaly has allowed researchers to study its shape: It is in the shape of a perfectly anatomically correct nude woman in her late 30s with features consistent with the native population of the island. It is running, mid-stride, and looking behind, up, and to the left. The right hand forms a fist with the fingers leaving a hollow, cylindrical opening, suggesting that it once held an implement of some sort. A band on the left shoulder is indented in a way that the strap of a satchel might cause. SCP-766's facial expression appears both exhausted and startled.\nSCP-766 was once known to the local population as the \"Woman-Bearing Tree.\" A Santalum album had grown around it, suggesting its shape. It had been considered a local botanical oddity until a forest fire in 19\u2588\u2588, which destroyed the tree and left ash resting atop SCP-766, making it appear that the debris was floating. Foundation agents intervened, sequestering it.\nSCP-766 does not appear to actually be constructed from any sort of material. X-rays do not show its form and tests to determine conductivity have returned no results. Sonar remains the sole effective imaging technique. Attempts to obtain a sample of SCP-766 using diamond-tipped drills resulted in broken machinery.\nAll elements of SCP-766 are solid and immobile. This extends to its \"hair\", and agents should be mindful to avoid puncture wounds. The use of on-site safety equipment, though not mandatory, is strongly recommended. Attempts to relocate SCP-766 have proven ineffective. The use of bulldozers and other heavy machinery to move it has been attempted, to no avail.\nAddendum 766-01:\nTime and resources providing, studies using the services of SCP-182 or any other mediums at the Foundation's disposal could provide fruitful results. Though other tests have turned up nothing, perhaps an intellect can be sensed using the talents of some of our other SCPs.\n-Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n-Request denied pending unforeseen allowances in extra resources.\n\n\u00ab SCP-765 | SCP-766 | SCP-767 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-767\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-767-1 through SCP-767-13 are to be held within SCP-767-14, which shall be kept closed and locked at all times. SCP-767 is to be held in the Hazardous Items secure containment center of Research Site \u2588\u2588\u2588. Access to SCP-767 requires written authorization of at least one Level 4 site administrator.\nDescription: SCP-767 is the designation of a series of objects which was recovered from [REDACTED] Police Department on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-767-1 through SCP-767-12 are a series of photographs taken with an \"instant\" camera on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 self-developing film that appear to be the source of the anomalous properties of SCP-767. The photographs are labeled \"1\" through \"12\" in the lower-left corner, however the numberings are in reverse order to the apparent chronology of events they depict. When viewed in reverse (proper chronological) order, images 12 through 7 follow a first-person perspective of an individual entering a room and examining a single table. SCP-767-6 is a top-down view of the table, which in new iterations alternately reads \"ON THE CEILING\" or \"ITS ABOVE YOU\" written in a red substance that has the appearance of fresh blood. SCP-767-5 and SCP-767-4 indicate a viewpoint of someone who is facing downwards as they are drawn into the air above the table, with small wisps of dark smoke or gas visible along the edges. SCP-767-3 through SCP-767-1 portray a corpse, initially intact but with heavy lacerations, then [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIt is not known where these images were taken or if this was indeed how they originally were taken; when brought to a new location and kept for at least one week, SCP-767-1 through SCP-767-12 will change to reflect a room within the structure. If a sufficient \"replacement\" is not present, a room designed and furnished in the general style of the structure in which SCP-767 is kept will appear within the photographs. The individual present in SCP-767-1 through SCP-767-3 takes the form of the last individual to suffer the effects caused by exposure.\nThis self-adjusting property has been duplicated onto SCP-767-13 and SCP-767-14. SCP-767-13 is a police report written by the [REDACTED] Police Department investigating the murder scene portrayed in the photographs; the address of this scene will adjust at the same time as the images to the address of the new location. The date at the top of the report is \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, two weeks before Foundation agents recovered SCP-767. SCP-767-14 is a brown leather valise, originally belonging to Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. When the rest of SCP-767 alters, the gold monogram plate between the valise's locks will adjust to the name of whoever owns or currently is head of the new structure; it currently reads \"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\", who is the site administrator for Research Site \u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSubjects exposed to the photographs within SCP-767 suffer a number of effects; while the most serious effect that occurs is based upon the highest number viewed, the time to onset of these effects is drastically reduced when viewing the photographs in numbered order up to that point. Confirmed effects are as follows:\nSCP-767-1 through SCP-767-3: No effects; subjects normally not adverse to images of bodily mutilation describe the viewing as \"weird\" or \"disturbing\" beyond their normal sensations.\nSCP-767-4 through SCP-767-6: Within one day of viewing, subjects develop claustrophobic tendencies when in rooms with low ceilings; roughly 50% of subjects also develop nyctophobia (fear of the dark, or more specifically fear of potentially negative occurrences in the dark). Intensity of fears is directly related to the number viewed, with 6 being the strongest.\nSCP-767-7 through SCP-767-9: All subjects exposed to SCP-767-7 thus far have revealed a sudden urge to examine the ceiling, usually snapping their heads upwards immediately, even if not exposed to the other photographs; most have described it as instinctual, as if the warning had been yelled at them. The above listed phobias will become apparent within six (6) to twelve (12) hours, along with sensations of being watched and persistent chills regardless of ambient temperatures.\nSCP-767-10 through SCP-767-12: Subjects who view these photographs suffer fear-induced paralysis if attempting to move away or engage in any activity not involving observation of SCP-767. No more than five minutes later, a black, gaseous mass begins to form at the ceiling, described as \"smokey\" or \"shadowy\" and designated SCP-767-15; video and photographic images do not record the appearance of this mass. If SCP-767-15 forms outdoors, or in a room taller than four meters, it will form at approximately the four-meter mark. Tendrils of the substance reach down to grip the affected subject and lift him or her into the air, at which point [DATA EXPUNGED] until it appears as in SCP-767-1.\nThe nature of SCP-767-15 is currently unknown. Researchers and security agents who have attempted to physically intervene are thrown away with great force, and physical attacks against the mass pass through without significantly altering the whole. Currently ongoing investigations have found \u2588\u2588 additional cases of bodies discovered in the same condition as that caused by SCP-767-15 over a course of one decade before Foundation agents became aware of the anomalous items and attributed to various other sources; similar reported instances which occur are under investigation for potential connections.\n\n\u00ab SCP-766 | SCP-767 | SCP-768 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-768\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-768 is stored without batteries in a standard Safe-class secure locker at Site \u2588\u2588. Access to SCP-768 requires approval from at least one (1) Level 3 Senior Researcher, and Site \u2588\u2588 Security must be notified of any experiments to be performed on SCP-768 at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance.\nAny experimentation using SCP-768 must be performed in a remote isolation chamber at least 300 m away from any critical alarm systems. Researchers experimenting on SCP-768 must not bring any devices with alert mechanisms or alarms into the testing area, and researchers with personal medical alarm systems must not be allowed into the area while experimentation is underway.\nDescription: SCP-768 is a Seiko-brand travel alarm clock that is physically identical to a regular unit of its model in all regards. Its anomalous property is activated when the alarm feature of the clock is set and the alarm activates: instead of emitting a beeping alarm as in normal units of its model, it instead causes all alarms and alerts within 300 m to trigger. How SCP-768 accomplishes this is currently unknown, as disassembling SCP-768 and analyzing its components has revealed no irregularities or anomalous materials.\nExperimentation has shown that the types of alarm systems SCP-768 is capable of remotely triggering includes but is not limited to:\n\nAlarm clocks of all kinds, whether analog or digital\nPhone alerts and ringing for both mobile and hard-line telephones\nCar alarms\nMedical monitoring systems\nFire and disaster alarms\nComputer hardware alerts, including beep codes and emergency shutdown actions\nComputer software alerts, including virus and critical update alarms\nSCP containment alarms (See Addendum 768-1)\n\nSCP-768 will cause any automated responses to such alarms to trigger, but does not appear to cause what might normally trigger these alarms to occur. A phone ringing due to SCP-768 activating may cause an answering machine to start, but nothing will be recorded as no connection is made.\nSCP-768 came to the Foundation's attention after routine monitoring of municipal incident reports turned up a case in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 City, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in which hundreds of fire and car alarms were set off simultaneously in a residential area. Investigation led to the discovery of SCP-768 in the possession of a Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject claimed to have bought the clock from an online shop (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), which recommended the clock as being \"fit to wake the dead\". Subject passed a polygraph test, but agents failed to locate the shop in question, and Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was released after being administered a class A amnestic and given a replacement clock of similar make and model.\nResearch on SCP-768 to determine its method of operation and possible applications have been approved.\nAddendum 768-1: Incident Report 768-01\nInitial experimentation conducted with SCP-768 caused the triggering of multiple containment breach alarms at Site \u2588\u2588, including that of Euclid-level SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Keter-level SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Automated defense systems and self-destruct mechanisms were armed before the research team managed to alert site security and stop the response.\nDue to the potential for triggering emergency responses, future research with SCP-768's effects must take place outside of the range of any alarm systems connected to critical systems or SCP containment alarms.\nAddendum 768-2: Incident Report 768-05\nDuring experimentation on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's heart monitor was set to an alarm state by SCP-768, causing his pacemaker to increase his pulse rate to nearly three times his normal rate. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was hospitalized but fully recovered after the incident. Future experimentation must be performed by research staff without pacemakers or personal medical alert systems.\n\n\u00ab SCP-767 | SCP-768 | SCP-769 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-769\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-769 must be kept inside a secure, waterproof vault whenever it is not in use. No fluid is to come in contact with the bowl outside of approved experiment protocols.\nDescription: SCP-769 is a cup ten centimeters tall and twelve centimeters across. It is made of pottery with a golden glaze. It is covered with a white residue. Several preserved parts from cephalopods and other sea creatures are stuck in the residue. A pattern is carved into its rim; however, the pattern is obscured by the residue. It has been decided not to attempt removal of this residue or the items stuck within it, as efforts to restore SCP-769 may hamper its effects even further.\nSCP-769 is an artifact of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 civilization that existed \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 years ago in modern-day \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Water from the object alters the memories of those who drink it.\nWhen a subject drinks from the cup (or water that has been poured from the cup), new information is written directly into the subject's brain. However, they lose memories they already possess, much like a computer's storage being overwritten. The memories lost are unpredictable, though usually comparable to the information gained. All water from the bowl must be drunk, or else the subject gains fragmented, unreliable information.\nThe information given is seemingly random, coming from a repository of information from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It includes cultural, technological, and military information. It appears that it was intended as an encyclopedia. However, so far no method has been found to retrieve specific information from the goblet. Whether this is due to problems inherent in the storage method or to the degradation of the cup over time is unknown at present.\nFull debriefing of the subjects takes approximately one week, though it can take longer depending on the information gained.\nSubject D-769-32 has been useful in translating information, and has therefore been removed from the regular termination schedule, until such a time as she can teach the language to others.\nAddendum 769-1: The results from Subject D-769-37 have raised this object from a mild curiosity to a priority. Recreating the power source for that engine would prove invaluable to the Foundation.\nAddendum 769-2: Per the Administrator's instructions, Subject D-769-71 was given multiple exposures to SCP-769. However, the results have proven unsatisfactory due to the possibility of losing valuable information.\nAddendum 769-3: Reports will move from a weekly to a monthly basis.\nAddendum 769-4: Future reports to the Administrator will no longer contain a listing of all findings. Only those of strategic importance will be passed on. The Administrator does not want to know about \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 courtship rituals unless they involve lasers, zero-point generators, or flying cars, and how to build them.\nAddendum 769-5: Reports will move from a monthly to a bi-monthly basis.\nAddendum 769-6: Due to stronger demand in other areas, resources for this project are being cut by 80 percent.\nAddendum 769-7: Reports will move from a bi-monthly to a semi-annual basis.\nAddendum 769-8: After ten years, several thousand test subjects, and nothing to show for it but a handful of fascinating but ultimately useless technical schematics, results from SCP-769 have begun to repeat themselves. Perhaps the encyclopedia is damaged, and has lost other information, as well as any indexing system. Perhaps this was all that was ever on it. In any event, it is now advised that the project be shelved until such a time as the information can be more efficiently catalogued.\nPartial Test Log\nSubject D-769-01: Learned the name of the stars in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 language, as well as their positions. However, she lost all memory of other names, including her own.\nSubject D-769-07: Milk was substituted for water. Subject convulsed once, and became comatose. He expired several days later.\nSubject D-769-13: Learned several songs in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 language. It could not be determined what he lost.\nSubject D-769-18: Learned the history of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a politician from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Lost all memory from his sixth birthday to halfway through seventh grade.\nSubject D-769-25: Gained a tactical assessment of several other civilizations. Only the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were determined to be a threat. Suspected capabilities were listed, but are difficult to decipher without knowing the size of listed units or the abilities of vehicles.\nSubject D-769-30: Learned the rules to a children's game involving sticks and disks. Lost all memory of American politics.\nSubject D-769-32: Learned the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 language, but forgot how to paint, her former career.\nSubject D-769-37: Gained schematics for an engine capable of generating far more thrust than any we currently possess, which could explain the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 spaceflight capabilities. However, they call for an on-board power source generating over a thousand megawatts, with only two cubic feet allotted for it. It is hoped that designs for the generator can eventually be found. The subject lost all memories of his mother.\nSubject D-769-41: Gained schematics for an antique internal combustion engine. The design is inferior to those in use today, although the alloys it calls for are of strong interest to the Foundation.\nSubject D-769-54: Learned the history of the temple of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject broke down while describing it, and, when left unattended for a short period, took his own life. The guards were severely reprimanded.\nSubject D-769-71: After O5-8 reprimanded Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for gross waste of class D personnel, Subject D-769-71 was given doses several times. The first time, he gained a novel, but forgot how to ride a bicycle. The second time, he learned a form of martial arts, but lost all memory of his faith. The third time, he learned the life cycle of the mammoth, but lost all memory of his childhood. The final time, it could not be determined what he gained, as he seemed to lose all ability to communicate. Subject D-769-71 was terminated several days later. It appears repeated exposures have a point of diminishing returns, taking more memory than previous exposures.\nSubject D-769-105: Learned the names of all the Exarchs of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and their families going back several hundred years. He forgot how to operate any technology made in the last ten years.\n\nSubject D-769-2045: Learned the history of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 dance. Lost all memory of sports.\nSubject D-769-2070: Learned the names of the stars in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 language. Lost all memories of the past three years.\n\nInterview Log 769-43\n\n\u00ab SCP-768 | SCP-769 | SCP-770 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-770\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-770 is to be stored in a 500 mL flask made of isotopically pure iron-56. The flask is to be evacuated of atmosphere, and stored in a de-pressurised steel safe, lined with isotopically pure iron-56 foil and 7.5 cm of lead. Currently, SCP-770 is stored at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588.\nSCP-770 is to be given nutrients in the form of 20 milligrams of technetium-95m gas, produced by the research reactor at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588. These are to be administered twice a year.\nSCP-770 may be removed for research and experimentation, providing a detailed research plan is approved by level 4 staff. All research staff must be qualified in dealing with radiological safety hazards. Research is to be carried out in an environmentally isolated laboratory, and research staff must use glove boxes or conventional bio-hazard suits. After SCP-770 has been returned to storage, the atmosphere of the laboratory must be purged, and any materials or instruments that have come into contact with SCP-770 are to be destroyed in a high temperature plasma arc furnace.\nAddendum 770-1: Following Incident I-770-1, SCP-770 is not to be exposed to fissile (fertile super-heavy elements), including any isotopes of uranium, plutonium, thorium, or americium. Permission to perform experiments using these elements will be immediately denied. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been posthumously commended for his quick thinking in preventing a [DATA EXPUNGED].\nDescription: SCP-770 is a strain of mould that is similar in appearance to the common Physarum polycephalum slime mould. It is largely colourless and translucent in appearance, and will adhere to almost any surface. What sets SCP-770 apart is that it respires without oxidisation by means of a poorly understood nuclear reaction. When present on a surface, SCP-770 will absorb any radioactive isotopes, or any isotopes larger in atomic mass than iron-56, with preference given to heavier isotopes. These isotopes will then undergo a nuclear reaction in which they are reduced to more stable isotopes, and energy is released. The decay products of this reaction (normally lighter elements such as carbon, oxygen, or nitrogen), along with the energy produced, are used by SCP-770 as a source of sustenance so it may grow and reproduce (which it does by the periodic release of airborne spores). There is a strong possibility that the elements produced by SCP-770 will also be radioactive isotopes.\nDuring ingestion and reaction of isotopes, SCP-770 will emit significant quantities of ionising radiation, including alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons, and hard x-rays. The radiation output is so substantive that an adult human would receive an LD50 level dose of radiation after approximately \u2588 minutes exposure to 500 milligrams of active SCP-770.\nThe mould will also release copious amounts of heat, and can achieve a surface temperature in excess of 1200 degrees centigrade. While doing this, it will appear to glow white hot. How SCP-770 is able to withstand this level of radiation and temperature without disintegration is unknown. Currently, the most feasible way to sterilise an area of SCP-770 is by means of specialised plasma arc furnaces that are designed to reach temperatures of 3000 degrees centigrade (although Incident I-770-1 demonstrated that thermite, when used in a confined area, can also be effective).\nDue to the relative abundance of viable isotopes, the vast energy produced by nuclear reactions, and the propensity of neutron irradiation to create more unstable isotopes, SCP-770 has an extreme capacity for growth. With adequate food supply, SCP-770 will produce spores approximately every \u2588 hours, and is capable of doubling in mass every \u2588\u2588 hours. As no known herbivores or herbicidal diseases could survive exposure to the radiation produced by SCP-770, there is no limiting factor to the mould achieving a geometric growth rate. In the event of a containment breach, or worse, a [DATA EXPUNGED] event, projections indicate that the mould would spread quickly, and the Earth's biosphere would be rendered un-inhabitable after approximately \u2588 months. Sterilisation of affected areas via nuclear weapons may be a viable option; however, should SCP-770 survive the initial blast, then fallout would provide a tremendously rich growth medium.\nHistorical note: SCP-770 was recovered from a large series of deep caves beneath \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the former Soviet Union, in 1957. A lack of viable isotopes in a geological stratum that should have been uranium bearing implies that SCP-770 has been active in this cave system for a prolonged period of time, possibly up to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 years. Shock damage, partial vitrification and a build up of radioactive gasses in one of the caverns indicate that SCP-770 may have undergone a [DATA EXPUNGED] event at some point in the last \u2588\u2588\u2588 years. A publicly owned mining industry broke into the cave system in 1957, resulting in the [DATA REDACTED]. Fortunately, no spores of SCP-770 left the cave system, allowing the caverns to be purged when the incident was discovered by the Foundation. Estimates made after ascertaining SCP-770's growth rates project a breach of the cave system would have been possible after \u2588 years, had the mould not been brought to the Foundation's attention.\n\n\u00ab SCP-769 | SCP-770 | SCP-771 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-771\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedure: SCP-771 is to be held in a secure windowless containment cell at all times. Any and all materials entering or exiting the containment area must be scanned for contamination. Containment area must be checked weekly, and any damage done by SCP-771 is to be immediately repaired. No personnel are to enter SCP-771's cell without full body haz-mat containment and Dangerous Object Handling (DOH) armor.\nIn the event of attack by SCP-771, all personnel are to immediately evacuate and seal the containment area. Subjects suffering from \"stings\" are to be left in the containment area, or recovered for observation when possible.\nDescription: SCP-771 is a form of A.I. that appears to be constructed out of both organic and mechanical components. The metal components of SCP-771 are of varied origin and composition, with several still unidentified, but many appear to be broken or damaged. Its biological components appear to be extremely decayed, appearing to suffer from some form of degenerative disease or virus, with the mechanical components acting as a form of life support. Due to this impaired state, SCP-771 cannot function properly, and can only function for short periods of time, with many errors and \"glitches\" during that time.\nWhen SCP-771 undergoes an \"error\" or shuts down, a swarm of small robots is released from a hatch within SCP-771. These \"microbots\" will \"swarm\" over SCP-771, then start to \"search\" the surrounding area. The swarm will break down any and all metal in the area, and return it to SCP-771, attempting to \"patch\" the damaged areas. These patches appear to be temporary, and typically only last for 3 to 4 days.\nThe swarm will also target any vertebrate animals during their search. Upon contact, the swarm will proceed to \"sting\" the subject, injecting a fluid that completely freezes all muscles in the body almost instantly. This fluid reacts only to the skeletal muscles, and allows all organs, including the brain, to function normally.\nOnce frozen, the microbots will move the subject into close proximity to SCP-771, and proceed to cut off portions of tissue. The swarm will bring the tissue back to SCP-771, attaching the pieces to the pre-existing biological components. Once the subject dies (typically from blood loss after 2 to 4 days) the microbots cease their \"harvesting\" and retreat back into SCP-771. The harvested tissues appear to immediately contract the same degenerative illness as the original tissues, and degenerate to an unusable state after 12 hours, necessitating the retrieval of additional tissues.\n\nAddendum: Notes on containment\nIt has proven very difficult to collect samples from SCP-771 or its \"swarm\", due to the highly aggressive and invasive nature of the swarm. It also appears to \"sense\" attack, and attempts to de-activate or damage SCP-771 cause a highly aggressive reaction from the swarm (see Breach Incidents 1101-771: 1-14)\nAny action capable of disabling or deactivating the swarm will also damage SCP-771 beyond repair, and eliminate its primary form of \"life support\". The highly complex and advanced (if damaged) nature of SCP-771, and the paralyzing \"sting\" of the swarm have enough research application to warrant continued containment, in the hopes of finding a way to deactivate the swarm without destroying SCP-771.\nIn addition, information gathered from SCP-771 has shown a possible \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, which [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum: Text Log 771-11-0-B excerpt\nNote: Data collected via an LCD screen temporarily attached to the \"data port\" of SCP-771. Questions asked via loudspeaker by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Where are you from?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: What was your designed purpose?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: I don't understand, what was your designed purpose?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: We want to help. Can you deactivate your defensive robots?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: We can help you. We can repair you, and restore full function.Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026What is \"primary directive\"Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Control of what? What are you supposed to control?Note: At the point, SCP-771 shut down, and the LCD screen was quickly broken down by the swarm.\n\n\u00ab SCP-770 | SCP-771 | SCP-772 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-772 moments prior to depositing eggs in the throat of a deceased cow. Some individuals, like the one above, improvise unusual sites for oviposition.\n\nItem #: SCP-772\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All SCP-772 specimens are to be contained in their 18 m x 18 m x 9 m enclosure, which is contained within a 20 m x 20 m x 10 m hermetically sealed chamber located at Sector-07. A maximum capacity of fifteen (15) specimens per this enclosure is advised, as exceeding this number could result in heightened levels of SCP-772 aggression. This chamber is fitted with a pneumatic fluoridated aluminum dispenser that may be activated remotely if an emergency euthanisation of SCP-772 is necessary, resulting in the suffocation and incineration of all SCP-772 specimens. This emergency euthanisation mechanism and all related equipment must undergo routine maintenance checks to ensure adequate performance. The interval between maintenance checks is not to exceed seven (7) days. SCP-772 eggs are to be stored in a well-lit freezer at a temperature no higher than -10\u00ba C (14\u00ba F). Surplus/unwanted eggs are to be incinerated immediately and the resulting debris must be examined for any signs of life. If signs of life are present a second round of incineration is authorised. The same procedure should be applied to all expired/unneeded subjects who are, or could possibly be, SCP-772 hosts.\nNOTE: Personnel intending to use SCP-772 for purposes not qualifying as research-oriented must obtain O5 authorisation. \u2013 Dr. Woodside\nDescription: SCP-772 is a wasp of unknown species, superficially resembling members of the Megarhyssa genus. A mature adult is typically 60 cm in length, from head to abdomen, excluding antennae and ovipositor. This barbed ovipositor, reaching a length of up to 70 cm, is used to penetrate its host and deposit anywhere from 5 to 20 eggs. Eggs are typically 6 cm long and 2.5 cm in diameter. SCP-772 is meticulous and almost surgical during oviposition: it makes an incision no longer than 3 cm, and the host is paralysed and/or comatose for several hours until the wound can heal sufficiently. Injected along with the eggs is a polydnavirus uniquely adapted to suppress the immune system of mammals, analogous to the smaller parasitoid wasps which do the same to their caterpillar hosts.\nFemale specimens of SCP-772 pose a significant safety hazard, as the ovipositor is extremely sharp and manoeuvrable. When threatened, females will use this organ as a weapon and stab the offender repeatedly. While these wounds are not always fatal, they have been reported to be acutely painful, and cases of bone penetration have been documented. Although caution should be exercised around all specimens of SCP-772, males lack the ovipositor which serves as the female's weapon and method of host infiltration.\nFemales are capable of reproducing asexually via thelytokous parthenogenesis and will do so in the absence of males. SCP-772 requires a warm, dark, nutrient-rich cavity in which to lay its eggs. It habitually deposits eggs in the abdominal subcutaneous fat of large mammals, but has been known to utilise subcutaneous fat in other regions, including the shoulder, back, hip, thigh, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. See extensive testing conducted on D-class personnel in Document [ADDITIONAL CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. SCP-772 eggs have an incubation period of 4 to 12 days, and length of incubation period is speculated to share an inversely proportional relationship with levels of host stress hormone. Upon hatching, SCP-772 larvae begin their consumption of host tissue, gradually working their way into the depths of the host's body. The larvae may be easily mistaken for abscesses/tumors, but as SCP-772 progresses away from the hypodermis, it appears to the observer that said abscesses/tumors are diminishing of their own accord.\nSCP-772 was discovered on the fourth of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 19\u2588\u2588, when Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a noted entomologist of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University, was found disemboweled and partially devoured on his bathroom floor. Several adult SCP-772's were found feeding on his remains and that of his two cats, indicating that SCP-772 is carnivorous even after pupation. Interviews with his colleagues revealed that Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had apparently returned from the Azores islands about two weeks before his death. He did not contact anyone following his arrival in the U.K. and did not return to the university. Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been conducting research in remote areas of the Azores for months at a time and had little contact with anyone during his absence. He recorded data and personal reflections in a series of journals, two of which were found on-site. Relevant and/or noteworthy excerpts have been transcribed and included for post-mortem analysis.\nJournal 772-B:\nPage 52\n\n12/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\n\nFinally, after months of fruitless searching and conducting the same mundane tests on local vegetation and perfectly ordinary insect life, I have found something. And it could be a discovery the likes of which I have sought after all my life. Something undocumented, something unheard of. That rare moment which I'm sure Steller and Darwin and all the rest took for granted, the feeling that you might actually be witnessing something new. Well, not new. Something ancient, really, but new to human eyes, looking back in time, or into the future of natural selection. It's like what Arthur Conan Doyle or Jules Verne wrote about in their stories, only it's bloody real. Lord, I know I'm a scientist, but even George would be excited about this. You see this George? I hope by the time you read this lovely little memento I've won an award I can wave in your face. Passion and dedication matter, it's not just about lab work! It's about risking malaria and dysentery and sleep deprivation and even death. I daresay it's all worth it now. Those larvae are at least ten centimetres long!\n\nPage 58\n\n13/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nI've taken the carcass back to my campsite. It may not be entirely hygienic to keep about, but this will allow me full-time observation of the larvae. I almost feel guilty dragging the thing back here, but there's nothing for it. Reminds me a bit of how I felt back in my undergraduate studies, when I didn't want to drown those helpless rats. Ah well. This fellow was already dead, and must have been for some time without anyone going to look for him.\n\nPage 60\n\n15/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nI've examined it all very closely, and it seems I'm fortunate to have stumbled upon the larvae at all. They've all retreated as deep as they can within the body, seeking the darkest, tightest nooks and crannies, as if prematurely exposed. And I've folded the skin back into place, at least what's left of it, and now I see he's split open by a very even, clean-cut slash. The larvae weren't the ones responsible for the wound, a knife was, or some sort of blade. I'm going to be well pissed off if this corpse is a piece of murder evidence. I don't think they bother with that sort of thing as much out here, but I'm going to make certain no one finds this body. Not about to lose my discovery.\n\nPage 75\n\n21/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nThey're in cocoons now, and I think my original suspicion is correct, they're some sort of ichneumonoid. [Text scribbled and illegible.] Although this is fairly uncharacteristic of me, I'm spending more energy on worrying than data collection. I returned to the place I found the body originally, and what do you know, the murder weapon sitting right there. I hadn't noticed it before. It's a big machete, still has dried blood on it. I'm frightened because if anyone finds me, they might think I killed him, and then I might not be the one awarded all the recognition. Definitely not contacting the authorities. Well, can you blame me? One murder investigation is nothing compared to the implications this wasp has for science.\n\nPage 82\n\n7/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nIt's been a fortnight already, I'm dying of anticipation, and it's not exactly smelling like roses in camp with this corpse lying about. When will the buggers pupate?\n\nPage 85\n\n15/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nGood lord I'm thrilled! I feel like a proud father, they've finally emerged. Luckily I'd constructed an enclosure around the carcass a week ago, because they're bloody ENORMOUS. This is of truly prehistoric calibre. They're colourful, yellow and red, positively stunning. Their exoskeleton is unlike any I've ever encountered. When they fly against the walls of their enclosure, the wire actually bends, and it's really thick wire, too. They use such force and don't seem to suffer any injuries, the exoskeleton must be extraordinarily tough. And the ovipositor of the females is incredible. 60-70 cm, if you can believe it. But I can't record all this in two places, consult my data notebook.\n\nPage 89\n\n18/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nRather worried, nights have been particularly windy as of late, and they have finished off the corpse. Confound it, I don't know how it's possible, but they've eaten the hair and bones. They act with extreme aggression toward anything that moves, including myself, and the thudding as they bang against the walls is becoming rather unnerving. [This portion of text stricken out] I don't honestly know how much longer the enclosure will hold [End portion of stricken text] I'm surprised the enclosure has held up this long, especially with the wind blowing like this. I don't know what to do. I can't risk losing them, but if I leave to get help in town, they could break free while I'm gone and they'll be gone forever and [Text scribbled and illegible.]\n\nPage 91\n\n11/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nFuck. Bloody fuck, [Erratic scribbling across several pages, at times so forceful the pages are torn.] Well damn it all, I have some written data and some photographs, sketches and things, but it's all rubbish compared to the real thing, isn't it? I suppose I'm lucky I survived, but the devil can take me for all I care, because I've lost my evidence and now no one will believe me, they'll say I'm mad, tampered with a photo of an ordinary wasp. I feel ill just writing this, and not only because I've lost the discovery of a lifetime, I seem to have contracted some wretched disease there, either from the water or from contamination from the bloody corpse, or from mosquitoes, or parasites, or who knows what the devil [Text scribbled and illegible.] Vomiting, stomach pains and chest pains the likes of which you cannot imagine, I suppose whatever I've come down with has only exacerbated my acid reflux.\nIt would have been better if I could have killed them all, so no one else could find them, but can you believe my pistol wasn't enough? Thud, bloody thud, I heard the bullets flatten as they struck, completely useless. I woke up in the middle of the night and my side was aching and the enclosure was just a pile of wood and wire and the air was alive with humming. I grabbed this journal and jumped into my truck, but I don't know how I managed to escape. I just remember shooting as I ran, and even inside the truck they punctured the glass. I saw stingers, huge and thick at one end, fine and sharp as needles at the other, jabbing just inches from my face, wings beating wildly against the windows as the glass weakened and cracked. I nearly crashed into a dozen trees trying to find the path leading to the road, but I found it. To think I cleared that path because I was too lazy to walk to the road. It saved my life. At some point I heard a sickening noise and my stomach churned, but I managed to duck my head below the steering wheel. I was showered with glass and was stabbed a few times on my back and arms, by both shards and stingers, but I put the pedal to the floor and I managed to outpace the wasps. Bloody poetic. Now I can be a fiction writer instead of a God-damned world-renowned scientist [Text is scribbled manically; illegible.]\n\nPage 95\n\n20/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nI don't want to believe it, but I can't sleep at night and I know why I feel this way. How could I not know? It should have been obvious earlier on, and I considered the possibility, but I didn't want to write it down and admit it might be happening. If it truly is happening, and I go to hospital, I could die on the table, and someone else might take the credit for discovering them. I think it is happening, though, I'm taking loads of painkillers each day now and drinking myself silly. [Text scribbled and illegible.] It is happening, you dim-witted sod. Lord, the pain, the pain, remember me as a weeping child but know that humans are not meant to endure this pain.\n\nPage 97\n\n22/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nI discovered them, they are MINE, I will DIE for science but not in OBSCURITY. Name them after ME, YOU did not bear them like children you pathetic, spineless [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nPage 144\n\n27/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nWasn't murdered, cut himself open. Me too.\n\nAddendum 772-01: After conducting numerous tests on SCP-772's larval stage, we have concluded the following:\n\nLarvae are sensitive to bright light and temperatures lower than 21\u00ba C (70\u00ba F). When confronted with either for a prolonged period of time, the organism retreats into a state of deep hibernation and near-death. It is able to live for months at a time in this manner, possibly indefinitely, until conditions once again prove favourable for its development.\n\nLarvae saliva contains a digestive enzyme which aids in the decomposition and consumption of host tissue.\n\nLarvae respond positively to host stress hormone, exhibiting increased energy levels, accelerated consumption rate, and expedited growth.\n\nAddendum 772-02: After conducting numerous tests on SCP-772's adult stage, we have concluded the following:\n\nWhen given the choice between a live cow and a human corpse, SCP-772 deposits its eggs in the live cow 100% of the time. Whether the larvae require living tissue to survive or the choice is merely preferential on the part of the mother is not yet known.\n\nWhen given the choice between a live cow and a live human, SCP-772 deposits its eggs in the live human 84% of the time, tapping its antennae vigorously against both subjects' skin before making a decision.\n\nSCP-772 will do the same when confronted with several human subjects, sometimes performing its \"tapping ritual\" up to five times on each individual. The criteria for which subject SCP-772 selects are not yet known, but there seems to be a correlation between its preference and [CLEARANCE LEVEL 3/772 REQUIRED]. Further research is planned. NOTE: Spheksophobic D-class personnel may prove instrumental in SCP-772 data collection. \u2013 Dr. Woodside\n\nSCP-772 appears to be carnivorous, and in resource-deficient environments, cannibalistic. Males will attack and kill small mammals (e.g., rabbits, cats) but mainly scavenge whatever remains they can find, including larger prey items killed by females. SCP-772 males can be seen \"swarming\" to the location of a female's kill, and she may tolerate their presence (in limited numbers). When a critical threshold has been reached, she will attack the males until they retreat, sometimes killing and eating individuals too slow to escape. Consult Document 772-11W for more information and hypotheses concerning SCP-772 intraspecies interaction.\n\nBoth sexes are highly resilient to firearms, incendiary devices, and insecticides. Asphyxiation by oxygen-deficient air has proven uniformly successful.\n\nMicroscopic analysis has revealed that the exoskeleton is not primarily chitin, as with other insects, but a complex matrix of chitin, hydroxyapatite, and a fullerene hitherto undocumented. Further research is planned.\n\n\u00ab SCP-771 | SCP-772 | SCP-773 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-773, set up for testing\n\nItem #: SCP-773\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-773 requires no special containment procedures at this time, and is to be held at Site-\u2588\u2588 in secure storage until further notice.\nDescription: SCP-773 is a standard English style dartboard with a diameter of 451 mm. It is divided into the standard twenty segments and an inner and outer bulls eye ring, along with the standard double and triple bands. SCP-773 was acquired by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from a Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of Gloucester, England residence, after an anomalous police report came to the attention of the Foundation. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found dead in his home, with several ruptured blood vessels, and a heart attack which proved fatal. Police were unable to identify any cause of death.\nAfter investigation into the death by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, it was discovered that the dartboard in his study had been acquired from the organization known as Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd recently, after wiring a large sum of money to the organization three weeks prior. Upon recovery of the object a set of instructions were recovered from a panel in the rear of the board, which also contained a set of diamond tipped darts with a space to insert small strips of paper. The instructions were handwritten and signed by a Mister \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAccording to the instructions, when a dart is thrown onto the board, from a distance of at least three meters, and the name of a person is written upon the dart, it will cause harmful injury to that person, depending on where the dart impacts the board. The higher the number on the board, the more severe the injury, ranging from a simple sprain of the elbow, to as severe as a complete rupture of the aorta. The instructions explicitly state that the person must be written clearly on the dart, and that the rules are observed, or the detrimental effect will occur to the thrower. This effect occurs in triplicate according to the standard British Dart Organization rules, before another person can be selected by another player to be injured. Double and triple bands incur ill effects based upon the base score they multiply.\nAfter significant experimentation, all of these effects have been confirmed by Foundation staff, using Class D personnel. It was also discovered that it would not affect any person more than 30 meters from the board itself.\nAddendum:\nAfter significant experimentation, and the use of a mechanical throwing arm, the segments of the dartboard have produced the following injuries:\n\nSlight finger pain in the right hand.\nAn immediate tension in the shoulder muscles\nA minor headache.\nA slight rash on the left ankle, treatable with normal anti-rash over the counter creams\nA strain of the tendons in the right knee\nIngrown toenails for several months\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nSlight swelling of the left hand\nA fever for several days. Treatments are ineffective at breaking it.\nRupturing of the blood vessels in the sinuses, leading to heavy bleeding from the nose.\nRupturing of a blood vessel in the upper chest\nStrain of the Achilles tendon\nLaceration of the esophagus\nHerniated disc\nDislocation of the right shoulder\nA portion of the lung becomes punctured with a rib\nCranial swelling\nA fracture of the tibia\nA compound fracture of cranium\nA non fatal aneurysm\nA fatal heart attack\nA coughing fit leading to the rupture of a membrane in the throat\n\n\u00ab SCP-772 | SCP-773 | SCP-774 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-774\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All supplies of SCP-774 are to be kept in sealed metal barrels designed for hazardous chemical waste. Subjects are to be maintained on hospital beds, kept alive via Procedure 17-A.\nDescription: SCP-774 is a by-product of the halogen azide [REDACTED] when [PROCESS REDACTED]. When in contact with the skin, it permeates the body's tissues and selectively attacks bone, dissolving the bone mineral and leaving only the soft collagen. This can occur in minutes or over the course of days, depending on the degree of exposure.\nThe only bone that is not affected by the initial reaction is the skull. However, shortly after the other bones begin dissolving, the anomalous properties of SCP-774 manifest. Calcium leached from the rest of the body is deposited on the skull, creating grooves and ridges that grow from the interior and exterior surfaces of the skull, forming symmetrical patterns of increasing complexity that intrude into neighboring tissue, eventually erupting from the skin or growing to meet other bone tissue. These eventually fuse the bones of the skull, rendering the mandible immobile. The largest pattern observed so far is two meters across, induced by procedure 17-A.1\nIntrusions in the sinus cavities create whistling sounds in the subject's breathing which rapidly change pitch and tone, though each skull has a different set of tones. The effect is similar to birdsong. While subjects affected by SCP-774 are unable or unwilling to communicate, their heartrate and breathing becomes more regular when able to hear other late-stage subjects (See Addendum 774-2).\nSubjects typically expire following the collapse of the ribcage or damage to the spinal cord due to the loss of the spine. However, artificial supports can be implanted, as per procedure 17-A, prolonging life. Subjects kept alive after the complete loss of non-cranial skeleton can be induced to further growth by implanting new bone material. Subject SCP-774-17 has been kept alive twelve years at the time of this writing. Trace amounts of SCP-774 are still found in Subject 17's bloodstream, though it is unknown if it is manufactured, or if it remains from the initial exposure (See Addendum 774-3).\nAddendum 774-1: Doctor Mann was able to induce growth in specific directions through careful breaks and cuts into the bone tissue. However, after several weeks, the new growth was destroyed, and the former pattern reasserted itself.\nAddendum 774-2: Analysis of the whistling shows distinct patterns, some of which have been mapped to specific external stimuli. Doctor Mann has requested permission to vivisect a 774 subject for the purpose of examining continued function of the linguistic centers of the brain.\nAddendum 774-3: Subject 774-24 was isolated from other test subjects. After several weeks in which its whistling grew more agitated, started producing viscous fluid from the tips of its protrusions, which proved to be further quantities of SCP-774. Two researchers working in the room were affected. Once they progressed to the whistling stage, the bone stopped producing the fluid. Their patterns were identical to Subjects 774-17 and 774-21 respectively, including range of whistles. They were termed Subjects 774-26 and 774-27 following Procedure 17-A. Doctor Mann has decided to keep them isolated for the time being.\nAddendum 774-4: Following a renovation of Site-\u2588\u2588, Subjects 774-24, 774-26, and 774-27 were placed into containment with the other subjects. Shortly after, the growths of Subjects 26 and 27 began to rapidly reshape, bone being subsumed and reformed into different patterns, including whistles. Subject 26 is now identical to the terminated Subject 25, while Subject 27 shows a new growth pattern entirely.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Investigation into whether the effects of SCP-1808 instances involve a variant of this phenomena is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-773 | SCP-774 | SCP-775 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-775\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Interaction with SCP-775 is to be carried out via robotic assistance whenever possible. Should direct human interaction be required, all staff must wear the Mk2 contained-atmosphere armored Haz-Mat suit at all times. Should any tear be found in a suit, the subject must be immediately placed in quarantine and checked for signs of infestation. Containment area must be coated in a layer of plate steel, with all joints and seams made as tight as possible without compromising structural integrity. A two-part airlock seal is to be maintained as the single access point to the containment area. Airlocks will be flooded with bleach if any unit of SCP-775 is detected within the airlock, and remain flooded for five minutes, or until all SCP-775 have been terminated. Containment area is to be sprayed with bleach on a monthly basis to maintain population density. Feedings are not to exceed twice [DATA EXPUNGED] provided only at the discretion of Site Command.\nDescription: SCP-775 appears to be a form of arachnid of the order Ixodida, more commonly known as the tick. It is of a significantly larger size, with most un-engorged adults reaching a size comparable with a U.S. nickel. Coloration varies between black, red, yellow, grey, and various shades of each. Adults possess eight legs, while juveniles possess only six. SCP-775 is capable of making small leaps, and travels very rapidly along solid surfaces.\nSCP-775 shares the trait of a flexible body structure, but is much more robust than the common tick, capable of surviving crushing, cutting, or tearing with little to no damage, and capable of flattening out to slide through 0.25 cm gaps. SCP-775 is also capable of swelling up to four times its original size during feeding, although this does slightly hamper its ability to move. The legs of SCP-775 are also very strong, and are capable of damaging concrete over time.\nSCP-775 feeds in a manner similar to the common tick, but more extensively. SCP-775 injects both an enzyme to increase blood flow, and one that begins to liquefy other tissues. This enzyme will attack all tissues except those making up the layers of skin. SCP-775 will then eat the blood and liquefied tissue until it is totally engorged. It will then lay an egg sac containing 20-30 new SCP-775 on or near the host subject, and then resume feeding.\nSCP-775 will feed on any vertebrate animals, and will continue to feed and reproduce on the host until it is no longer capable of providing nutrients. Young SCP-775 will often burrow under the skin and attempt to feed on liquefying tissues directly. Hosts will eventually be fully hollowed out, with only the outer layers of skin remaining. SCP-775 will then fill the skin with eggs, then depart to find a new host. Hosts in advanced stages of infestation are described as taking on a \u201cbloated\u201d or \u201cmisshapen\u201d form, many times with multiple SCP-775 attached to many places on the body. \u201cNest\u201d skins are often filled to the maximum capacity that the skin is capable of holding. SCP-775 is capable of reproducing offspring two days after hatching, with eggs taking 24-30 hours to hatch on average. This accelerated life cycle and ability to resist most forms of physical damage cause SCP-775 to undergo an almost continuous population explosion. Bleach appears to be effective in controlling SCP-775, with most dying after several minutes of being submerged.\nNotes on recovery:\nSCP-775 was first encountered [DATA EXPUNGED] The Stull family appears to have been the first infected. Recovery teams found only an adult male and a juvenile female still living in the home, presumed to be \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (age \u2588\u2588) and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (age \u2588\u2588) Stull. Both were in very advanced stages of \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 infestation, making identification difficult. Most members of SCP-775 appear to have attached to the hands, feet, face, and abdomen of the subjects. The remaining family members were found in the basement, being used as \"nests\" by SCP-775, with one of the skins already burst and discarded. Several thousand units of SCP-775 were present in the home, and it is unknown if the subjects used as \"nests\" were transported to the basement by SCP-775, the remaining family members, or expired there naturally. Evidence collected from the nests indicate that the biology and reproductive cycle of SCP-775 may share aspects with SCP-1655, if nests containing instances of either are discovered they must be destroyed.\n\n\u00ab SCP-774 | SCP-775 | SCP-776 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-776\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A 6.5 meter wall with posted guards and a surveillance system has been built around the town inhabited by SCP-776-A. Civilians are under the impression that this marks the territory of a government research facility. Site-\u2588\u2588 has been established within these limits for research into the anomalous properties of SCP-776-A. Personnel assigned to SCP-776-A are free to interact with its members at any given time, but are encouraged to limit such contact to only that which is needed to further understanding of the SCP. Interaction with members of SCP-776-A is limited strictly to testing in light of the events of Incident 776-3. No individual who is part of the SCP-776-A group is allowed to leave the town under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-776-A is the adult population of a remote town located in the far northwest corner of Russia, estimated at 6\u2588\u2588 individuals. The members of SCP-776-A have discovered a method of reversing biological aging, designated SCP-776-B. The ritual involves the sacrifice of a human being who must be younger than the performer of the ritual, with children being the preferable subjects of sacrifice. The complete instructions for enacting SCP-776-B have been recorded in Document 776-109-Alpha, a Level 776-4 restricted document. Members of SCP-776-A claim to have been using SCP-776-B since 18\u2588\u2588 to sustain eternal life and semi-eternal youth. Members of SCP-776-A refuse to divulge the origins of SCP-776-B. The average age of SCP-776-A members ranges from 23 to 51 years of age. This cycle of aging progresses as follows:\n\nFrom 23 to 39 years - After regressing in biological age as a result from enacting SCP-776-B, members of SCP-776-A lead considerably active lives, some claiming to have made regular travels abroad when they had sufficient funds to do so. Members of SCP-776-A are also notably lenient in sexual conduct, with married couples frequently partaking in affairs with each others' consent. The overall demeanor of SCP-776-A members is most positive during this period, and a general increase in cooperation is observed during this period. Any pregnancies resulting from the increased sexual activity during this period are terminated by SCP-776-A members as soon as possible.\n\nFrom 39 to 51 years - Members of SCP-776-A prepare their homes for supporting children as they approach the age of 40. Once the average age of SCP-776-A is 40, members engage in sexual intercourse for the purpose of procreation. Members spend the next approximate 11 years raising their children. SCP-776-A members show signs of depression during this period.\n\nAt age 51 - Members of SCP-776-A bring their children to warehouse-like structures near the outskirts of the town to enact SCP-776-B. Each individual enactment of SCP-776-B takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. SCP-776-A members exit the structures approximately 28 years younger than before. The interior of this structure is slated for examination.\n\nSCP-776 was discovered in 19\u2588\u2588 after an individual named \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who had stumbled upon the town in 19\u2588\u2588 revisited it 12 years later after remembering the hospitality of its citizens. Upon entering the town, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 noticed that the town was filled with young adults instead of the families he had encountered during his first visit. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported that when he questioned a citizen about this, the citizen immediately turned hostile and attempted to murder him. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 successfully escaped the town and reported it to nearby authorities. The Foundation soon took notice and took over investigation and administered Class A amnestics to Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. After a heated debate, the members of SCP-776-A agreed to allow the Foundation to isolate and study them.\nSCP-776-A claim their town's name to be \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Another town with this name was abandoned in 19\u2588\u2588; however, the town populated by SCP-776-A was discovered in 19\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 years before the abandonment of the aforementioned town. Russian government officials claim to not have been aware of SCP-776-A's existence nor the town they inhabit, stating never to have plans to build another \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-776-A members claim to have no knowledge of when or why \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" was founded, saying that none of their elders ever discussed the topic.\nIncident 776-3: On 03/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hours, approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 individual SCP-776-A members launched an assault on Site-\u2588\u2588, killing \u2588\u2588 personnel, including \u2588 guards and \u2588 scientists. The remaining guards used their combined force to suppress the attack, killing \u2588\u2588 members of SCP-776-A in the process. The organizer of the group, SCP-776-A-276, was apprehended for interview while the rest of the attacking group was terminated.\n\n+ Interview 776-6\n\n- Interview 776-6\n\nInterview 776-6\nInterviewee: SCP-776-A-276\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: 03/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hours\nForeword: Interview log is translated from Russian. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was accompanied by 2 security guards to ensure 276 would cause him no harm.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: 276, would you care to explain why you lead an attack on Site-\u2588\u2588?\n276: Don't call me that. Call me by my real name, [REDACTED].\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Very well, then. [REDACTED], why did you organize an attack on our facility?\n276: \u2026I suppose there is no point in hiding it now. You scientists are really the only hope we have left. You see, the town has been having\u2026problems\u2026as of recent.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please elaborate.\n276: We've been trying to raise children again\u2026for the process, but a lot of the townspeople haven't been able to have children anymore. No matter how much they try, none of the women can get pregnant. Well, some can, but\u2026\n(276 sighs and pauses for 5 seconds)\n276: The babies\u2026they come out all wrong. I've heard of some with too many eyes, and not enough skin, others that look like they had been dead long before they exited the womb. They don't live past a few days at most. We thought we could find a cure if we searched your labs. I originally thought my wife and I were safe, after we had a perfectly healthy child\u2026but then\u2026\n(276 is silent for 8 seconds)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please continue, [REDACTED]\n276: \u2026My most recent child always seemed uncomfortable around me and my wife, always preferring to be alone. I didn't think too much of it, but then the time came when my child could speak properly, when she was around four years old\u2026I've kept her locked in the basement ever since.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What was it that your daughter said?\n276: \u2026She said, \"Papa, why did you do that to me? Why did you [DATA EXPUNGED] I\u2026I didn't even notice how much she looked like my fourth daughter up until that moment\u2026\n(276 begins to sob)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026276?\n(276 falls to the floor, still sobbing. The guards approach and escort 276 out of Site-\u2588\u2588)\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-775 | SCP-776 | SCP-777 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photo of SCP-777 taken by robotic drone.\n\nItem #: SCP-777\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The area known as SCP-777 is to be contained behind two (2) meter tall electrical fencing. Motion activated turrets are to be placed within the area in order to prevent any instances of SCP-777-1 from escaping the containment area. No liquids are allowed within the area known as SCP-777.\nAny civilians approaching SCP-777 are to be interrogated and subsequently dosed with Class-A amnestics. For the sake of secrecy, SCP-777 is to be represented as a military bombing range on all maps of the area, and any satellite imaging is to be doctored by dedicated staff to represent the area as such.\nAny personnel entering SCP-777 are to wear sealed ventilated pressure suits to prevent liquid coming into contact with SCP-777. These suits are to be checked for ruptures before entering SCP-777. Any instances of SCP-777-1 outside of SCP-777 are to be destroyed at the first possible opportunity.\nIn the event that SCP-777 experiences rainfall, on-site personnel are to authorize a bombing run to neutralize the threat posed.\nDescription: SCP-777 is an area of land spanning five square kilometers located in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Desert, referred to by locals as 'The Kingdom of Sand'. Unidentified radio interference is present within SCP-777, with the source currently unknown.\nSCP-777 demonstrates a further anomalous property when sand within the area comes into contact with any type of liquid. The moisturized sand will animate, typically taking the shape of an animal proportionate to the amount of sand moisturized. These entities will hereafter be referred to as SCP-777-1.\n\nEscaped instance of SCP-777-1.\n\nInstances of SCP-777-1 will behave aggressively to any lifeforms that enter SCP-777, and will attack on sight. SCP-777-1 will single-mindedly hunt their prey and have on several occasions followed intruders out of SCP-777 and to nearby towns.\nInstances of SCP-777-1 do not appear to attack each other, and instead behave in a hive mind, using flanking maneuvers to distract and kill their victims. SCP-777-1 typically collapse and become inanimate if not provided with further moisture after twenty-four (24) hours, although this timescale seems to be longer in smaller instances.\nSand retrieved from SCP-777 appears to retain its anomalous qualities until it is taken a further six (6) kilometers away from SCP-777. Taking advantage of this, a research outpost has been established two (2) kilometers away from SCP-777, and research on the anomalous sand is currently being undertaken.\nAnalysis of the radio interference and evidence given in Interview 777-1 indicate that the source of the anomalous events is the center of SCP-777. However, all attempts to reach it have met with failure.\nHistory: SCP-777 was discovered by the Foundation during a routine myth verification operation undertaken by Mobile Task Force Zeta-17 \"Beach Bullies\". Contact was lost with Task Force Zeta-17 one (1) hour after the mission began.\nMobile Task Force Phi-22 \"Well Wishers\" then began a rescue operation and managed to retrieve \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the leader of Mobile Task Force Zeta-17 and only survivor of the incident, on the outskirts of SCP-777, who informed research staff of SCP-777's nature.\n\nSCP-777-1 Testing Log\n\n ... \n\nTest 777-1a\nMaterials used: One (1) grain of sand taken from SCP-777.\nResult: Drop of water is applied to sand. No visible effect.\nTest 777-1b\nMaterials used: Small clump of sand taken from SCP-777.\nResult: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into three (3) European hornets, which then escape from containment and attack Security Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Security Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is relatively unharmed, as the hornets are unable to properly sting him. SCP-777-1 was then destroyed by a second member of security.\nText 777-1c\nMaterials used: Two connected small clumps of sand taken from SCP-777.\nResult: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into what appears to be a hybrid between a crab and an octopus. SCP-777-1 is immobile and destroyed without incident.\nTest 777-1d\nMaterials used: Mixture of regular sand and sand taken from SCP-777.\nResult: Water is applied to mixture. Sand taken from SCP-777 animates into an African rock python, which burrows out of the sand and is destroyed by security when it attempts to escape containment.\nTest 777-1e\nMaterials used: Sand taken from SCP-777 contained in a test tube.\nResult: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into an unidentified mass which demonstrates acidic qualities. SCP-777-1 destroyed without incident.\nTest 777-1f\nMaterials used: Large mound of sand taken from SCP-777 and a tank filled with water.\nResult: Sand is inserted into water tank. Sand takes slightly longer to animate into a juvenile great white shark. SCP-777-1 does not suffocate when water is removed from the tank, and is subsequently destroyed by security.\nTest 777-1g\nMaterials used: Sand taken from SCP-777 formed into sculpture of a cat.\nResult: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into three (3) abnormally large scorpions. SCP-777-1 destroyed by security without incident.\nTest 777-1h\nMaterials used: Sand taken from SCP-777 placed next to a small plant.\nResult: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into an unknown form of plant life, which appears to strangle the plant. SCP-777-1 destroyed by security without incident.\nNote: It appears SCP-777-1 manifests itself as whatever is deadliest to the nearest organism. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nInterview 777-1\n\n ... \n\nInterviewed: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: This interview was conducted after \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was retrieved from SCP-777. Interview is taking place to ascertain SCP-777's nature.\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. I just need to ask you a few questions about what happened.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: H-hi Doc. Fire away, I guess.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: When did you discover SCP-777's\u2026unique quality?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We'd been in that damn desert for fifteen minutes, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 just wipes some sweat off his hand and\u2026and he\u2026oh Jesus Christ\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Please continue, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n(\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 does not respond. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 sighs and applies a Class B Desensitizer.)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: This will help, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Now, tell me what happened in the desert.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (Monotonous) \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 got swarmed\u2026swarmed by the ants. They ate him and then they ate \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and then they ate \u2588\u2588 and then they ate me.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: No, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, they did not eat you. You are sitting here, talking to me.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I am sitting here, talking to you.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes. What happened next, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Me and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ran away. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was bleeding and he fell over and it made a messed up crab.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm sorry?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Looked like a crab gone wrong. Too long and too flat, and I think were\u2026were\u2026blind\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: What happened next?\n(\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 does not reply.)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\n(Ten seconds pass.)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Answer the question, please.\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I\u2026I kept on running. Those things were right behind me, and I just kept on running. They got \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, think it was rats that got him. I just kept on running.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you see anything else when you were in SCP-777, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Sand. It was just sand. Buildings made of sand, oceans made of sand, animals made of sand. They were huge, bigger than the buildings.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: This was the center, yes? The center of SCP-777?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No. It was close, though. I carried on running, and I went through there?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you tell me what was in the center, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: There was nothing. Just\u2026just more sand.\n(\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 collapsed at this point and was removed by medical staff.)\n\nClosing Statement: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was later diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and given temporary leave for stress.\n\n\u00ab SCP-776 | SCP-777 | SCP-778 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-778\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-778 is particularly dangerous in that it is immobile and centered in [DATA EXPUNGED] National Park, which is frequented by civilians. Signs or public documents displaying maps of or mentioning the existence of SCP-778 are to be erased, destroyed, or rewritten as necessary. Public awareness of SCP-778 must be avoided as much as possible. Placing signs over the trailhead marking it as \"closed\" and \"dangerous\" has been found effective and is to remain in place. Two undercover agents are to be located within the park at all times to monitor civilian access to or awareness of SCP-778. These measures should be effective in deterring civilians from contact with SCP-778.\nDescription: SCP-778 is an area of land of undetermined size located in [REDACTED] National Park. SCP-778 is currently defined on all maps, signs, and other media representing it as a hiking trail leading to a destination known as \"Paradise Falls\". Whether \"Paradise Falls\" exists is currently unknown and perhaps unknowable.\nSCP-778 is constructed normally for trails in the area, and is labeled normally at the trailhead and at irregular intervals along its length. None of this is anomalous for trails in the area. However, SCP-778 is extremely topographically inconsistent and potentially dangerous to civilians. Instead of leading to \"Paradise Falls\", SCP-778 will instead lead to other areas of the park or on winding, inconsistent paths around the area. SCP-778 is generally located in only one area of the park, although it varies from exploration to exploration.\nEcologically and geologically, the area surrounding SCP-778 is consistent with that of the park. A river running through the area may be part of \"Paradise Falls\", although the river is difficult to follow and may be topographically inconsistent as well. In addition, visitors hiking on SCP-778 have reported hearing the sound of rushing water, consistent with that of a waterfall, although in all cases the trail soon veers away from the assumed location of the waterfall.\nSCP-778 also appears to \"regenerate\" somewhat regularly, usually every 10-25 years. When it does, its name will change, it will shift to another area of the park, and all park maps and signs will change to reflect this. For a known history of SCP-778's changes, please see Document 778-130\nFor a record of tests performed in order to reveal the nature of SCP-778, please see Experiment Log 778.\nAddendum 778-A: In \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an attempt was made to destroy SCP-778 with the use of multiple Class-D personnel, machinery, and common tools. Over 20 km of trail were destroyed (passed off as winter flood and storm damage) before it disappeared. Seven months later, the trail reappeared in a different location under the name Paradise Falls. Given the effort needed to destroy that much trail and the utter failure of the attempt, total destruction of SCP-778 is not recommended again.\nDocument 778-130: List of Known Previous Incarnations of SCP-778\nInitial Recovery in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Eld Fen\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Nightfall Pond\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Fox Lake\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Cedar Point\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Western Ridge\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-Present: Paradise Falls\n\n\u00ab SCP-777 | SCP-778 | SCP-779 \u00bb"} {"text": "Specimen of SCP-779 in the wild.\n\nItem #: SCP-779\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-779 is currently contained at Site \u2588\u2588, in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-779 specimens are to be contained in a 6 m x 6 m chamber with no furniture. All personnel entering SCP-779's containment chamber are to wear hazmat suits. Hazmat suits are to be checked for ruptures before and after entering the containment chamber.\nIn the event of a suit breach, compromised personnel are to be removed from the area and detained for twenty-four (24) hours. SCP-779 is to be provided with one (1) liter of milk each day.\nDescription: SCP-779 is a species of insect similar in appearance to the common bee or a wasp. Specimens of SCP-779 are typically colored red and black, although variations in this have been noted among their populace. SCP-779 usually breed and live in human residences, but sightings of SCP-779 have been reported at rivers and lakes, suggesting the possible existence of a subspecies.\nSCP-779 operates with a typical social system; a queen is always present in the center of the nest and reproduces constantly, while workers retrieve food for the rest of the hive by stealing from the residence. SCP-779 queens are recognizable by the distinctive yellow spot present on their backs.\nSCP-779 nests are usually formed from whatever materials are available in a section of the human residence with little traffic, such as an attic or basement. SCP-779 have been observed to operate at all times of the day. When a nest has been formed, specimens of SCP-779 will attempt to sting residents, injecting them with their hallucinogenic venom. After this initial injection, SCP-779 will sting their victims at least once per day to keep the venom in their system.\nWhen injected with the venom, victims of SCP-779 will perceive SCP-779 as small humanoid figures with wings and believe that SCP-779 are assisting with the maintenance of the residence. Victims will continue to believe this even if the residence undergoes structural collapse.\nContinued exposure to SCP-779's venom can result in victims viewing them as their 'children' and defending them from most threats. SCP-779 appears to only sting humans, and will not undergo this parasitic relationship with other species.\nSCP-779 will consume most edible substances, with a particular affinity to milk. Consumption of milk seems to be remedial to SCP-779. Injuries such as torn wings and missing legs have been observed to heal in a matter of hours after consumption.\nVictims of SCP-779 will usually give most of their food to SCP-779, but will not allow themselves to succumb to malnutrition. SCP-779 can exist in symbiosis with their victims for months or years, until the victim is cut off from the supply of venom.\n\n\u00ab SCP-778 | SCP-779 | SCP-780 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-780\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-780 must be kept in a locked steel box 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm, with walls at least 1 cm thick. This box is to be kept on a 5 meter pedestal, at the center of a 20 meter x 20 meter concrete room. Individuals wishing to approach SCP-780 must submit to a full-body search, and may not bring plants (living or artificial), images of plants, descriptions of plants, or digital displays of any kind within 10 meters of SCP-780 except as part of a preapproved test protocol. Individuals with plant tattoos are likewise forbidden from approaching SCP-780 except during testing.\nDescription: SCP-780 is a small bead, 1 cm in diameter, shaped like a rounded gem with numerous facets and a hole at its center. It appears to be made of a clear amorphous substance; studies suggest it has a structure similar to that of polyvinyl chloride, but this does not account for its reaction to plants. While SCP-780 does not melt at temperatures exceeding 3500 K, cooling it to below 24 K temporarily changes its structure into a crystalline form, allowing it to be damaged by blunt impacts.\nWhen a plant or representation of a plant (including artificial plants, photographs of plants, drawings and paintings of plants, particularly vivid textual descriptions of plants, or any of the above appearing on a screen of any sort) is placed within 10 meters of SCP-780, it begins to levitate and will fly towards the plant. How SCP-780 detects plants is unknown at this time. If restrained, SCP-780 will become increasingly agitated until the plant is removed from its radius.\nIf allowed to come into contact with the plant (hereafter the \"host plant\"), SCP-780 will stick to it for a period of five (5) seconds, at which time it will fall to the floor. Once it lays flat against the ground, it cannot be removed except as noted below. Within ten (10) minutes, a shoot will be seen growing from within the hole at the center of SCP-780; this will mature to a fully-grown specimen of the host plant within twenty-four (24) hours. This new plant is designated SCP-780-1. Even if the host plant was not a living, physical plant, SCP-780-1 will be, though in all other traits (color, height, general form) it will match the depiction of the host plant.\nSCP-780-1 has the same requirements for sun and atmosphere as the host plant, but does not have a root system, and therefore does not require water or any particular soil conditions. Despite lacking roots, SCP-780-1 will not fall over regardless of imbalance or pressure applied; attempts to dig up the ground SCP-780-1 sits on result in [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-780-1 is equally susceptible to damage as the host plant; anything which would kill the host plant will also kill SCP-780-1. Upon its death, it will rot unusually quickly, and SCP-780 may be retrieved.\nAt maturity, each instance of SCP-780-1 produces new copies of SCP-780. In flowering plants, the copies are found at the base of each flower, usually replacing the ovary. In non-flowering plants, the copy replaces seeds, spores, or other such propagules. Each reproductive structure (flower, cone, spore capsule) produces exactly one copy of SCP-780. When SCP-780-1 portrays a plant species that does not undergo sexual reproduction, a single new copy of SCP-780 forms at the base of SCP-780-1. These new copies of SCP-780 will break out of SCP-780-1 and affix to the nearest plant not generated by SCP-780, or remain inert if no such plant exists within their radius. Flowers or seeds removed from SCP-780-1 before maturation contain smaller, misshapen copies of SCP-780, which do not react to plants in any way.\nAddendum 780a: SCP-780 was recovered when flyovers of the Atacama desert reported an odd stand of mangrove trees where existing water should have been insufficient for their survival. Initial response from the Chilean government included a botanist carrying \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588,\" which included a picture of a rose bush on the cover. Upon approaching the site, multiple copies of SCP-780 flew toward the book, and the researchers fled; when they returned a day later, many more rose bushes were growing at the site. Communication between the research team and their contacts was intercepted by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who intervened on behalf of the Chilean government. Mobile Containment Task Force \u2588\u2588\u2588 (\"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\") was dispatched, who used incendiary devices to incinerate all plants in the area. All instances of SCP-780 were retrieved, and all but one has been destroyed to reduce the risk of further growth.\nAddendum 780b: See Experiment Log 780 A\n\n\u00ab SCP-779 | SCP-780 | SCP-781 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: SCP-781\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-781 is to be contained within a reinforced cell with a buffer zone at least 25mx25m surrounding it. Subject's cell should include a bed, bathroom, and limited forms of entertainment as approved. As soon as subject initiates sleep, usually at around 20:00, all personnel present in the main containment chamber should evacuate. All personnel are prohibited from interfering with any situation within SCP-781's chamber between 20:00 and 07:00, despite any pleas for aid or attention from SCP-781. [See Addendum 781-05]\nSCP-781 is to be interviewed each morning at 07:00 by Dr. Glass. Any personnel seeing SCP-781 in their dreams are to report to Dr. Glass for documentation.\nSCP-781's remains should be collected and placed upon the middle of his containment chamber after any incident resulting in its death.\nDescription: SCP-781 appears to be a human male of Mediterranean descent, approximately [REDACTED] years old as of \u2588/\u2588/10. However, when he was first recovered in \u2588/\u2588/97, he appeared to be approximately [REDACTED] years old. Autopsies performed on the subject have determined SCP-781 to be physiologically identical to average humans. The reasons for any anomalies surrounding SCP-781, including decreased rate of aging, are unknown.\nIt is thought that while asleep, SCP-781 involuntarily manifests his own dream-content into a physical form. The majority of these \"manifestations\" are hostile and highly-dangerous, and on average SCP-781 is killed three times per week. Testing using D-Class personnel shows that these manifestations specifically target SCP-781 over other potential victims, but are capable of harming others should they attempt to interfere.\nIt seems that though it is required that SCP-781 be asleep to create manifestations, it is not required that he continue sleeping for their continued existence. Thankfully, these manifestations are not wholly independent of their creator, and always remain relatively close to SCP-781, up to a range of about 9m. Manifestations that are even partly forced out of this range immediately disappear entirely. Manifestations seem to linger upwards of five (5) minutes even after SCP-781's physical death.\nLastly and importantly, it is to be noted that SCP-781 seems capable of auto-resurrection. Though the subject does not exhibit resistance to injury or death beyond the limits of a normal human, twelve (12) hours after SCP-781's physical \"death\" any remains of its corpse disappear. Another twelve (12) hours later, a fully healthy SCP-781 appears within 10m of the place of its previous death.\nFurther Notes: While SCP-781 seems to display no control over his own dream manifestations, testing has shown that he is capable of perceiving and manipulating the dreams of sleeping subjects in his vicinity. This ability was helpful in determining the source of SCP-781's manifestations.\nDocument 781-01: Most of SCP-781's night-time manifestations are hostile to SCP-781, and are quick to cause him harm. The majority of manifestations never repeat themselves, but there have been cases where reoccurring manifestations have occurred. The following is a list of some of the manifestations seen more than once.\n\nSewage bursting from the floor, accompanied by a seemingly unending swarm of rats which quickly overwhelm SCP-781 and proceed to devour him alive, leaving only bones and bits of flesh. Has been observed twice.\n\nA large woman holding a hose which seems to extend from the ground, which she forcibly inserts into SCP-781's throat. The hose seems to expel a thick white liquid, which the woman uses to drown SCP-781. Has appeared twice.\n\nA large humanoid figure about 4.57m (15ft) tall, made up of a transparent and highly acidic substance. Has appeared twice, both times after interviews with personnel other than Dr. Glass. Tends to grapple SCP-781 in its arms until death due to major acid burns or suffocation.\n\nA large floating mass with several tendrils bearing sharp needle-like spines, which forcibly drew SCP-781 into it. SCP-781 died two hours later from blood loss. Appeared three times in the space of a month, but has not been seen since.\n\nAn old woman with rotting flesh, which attacks SCP-781 with her teeth and nails. Typically SCP-781 is able to fight back, but almost always sustains heavy wounds which require it to be euthanized by personnel. Has appeared three times.\n\nA man wearing a surgical mask, who straps SCP-781 to its bed and proceeds to slice its abdomen open with a scalpel, removing several organs. Has appeared three times, each time after an autopsy was performed on SCP-781.\n\nA statue resembling [DATA EXPUNGED]. Is not observed physically harming SCP-781, but seems to cause the subject great distress, and often SCP-781 has passed out from hyperventilation at the sight of this manifesation. This particular manifestation has appeared four times now, starting on the day SCP-781 was exposed to [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nAddendum 781-01: See Evaluation Log 781 for extended psychological evaluation and testing.\nAddendum 781-02: When introduced to SCP-452's presence, both SCP-781 and SCP-452 showed signs of agitation and distress. When questioned, SCP-781 merely stated that spiders made him uneasy. When SCP-452's web was introduced to SCP-781 for the purpose of stopping SCP-781's dreams, testing had no unusual results until [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in twelve (12) personnel casualties. Further testing between SCP-781 and SCP-452 are discontinued, and SCP-781 should be kept from making physical contact with SCP-452's webs at all cost.\nAddendum 781-03: Testing SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 with SCP-781 as its subject had highly unusual results; after several tries, SCP-781 was able to completely control the smoke's composition, though it took him time and considerable concentration. Further testing of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 is prohibited, as giving SCP-781 the ability to create anything he wants is, for obvious reasons, greatly discouraged.\nAddendum 781-04: By orders of O5-\u2588, as of \u2588/\u2588/00 personnel are no longer to interfere in SCP-781's nightly attacks. It has been determined that the personnel casualties and resource expenditure needed to protect SCP-781 can no longer be justified, as continued interference has only caused the manifestations to become more dangerous and volatile, and SCP-781's immortal nature has been fully proven in any case.\nAddendum 781-06: SCP-781 has been highly successful in controlling SCP-122. It could be the Foundation's advantage to use the controlled SCP-122 for [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum 781-07: See Incident Log 122-1/781x.\n\n\u00ab SCP-780 | SCP-781 | SCP-782 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-782\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All known copies of SCP-782 are to be kept at Storage Site-\u2588\u2588. \u2588\u2588 copies are currently in storage; the total number of existing copies is unknown. Mobile Task Force Kappa-\u2588\u2588 (\"The Bookworms\") is tasked with searching libraries, used book stores and thrift stores for copies still in circulation. Copies of SCP-782 must be stored in a low humidity environment to discourage decomposition. If possible, personnel handling copies of SCP-782 should not be capable of reading English. English-literate personnel are to treat SCP-782 as a Gabriel-7 level memetic threat.\nDescription: SCP-782 is an anonymously published self-help book entitled \"Three Easy Steps to an All-New You\". No author is listed, and its publisher, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, closed in 199\u2588. As \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was a so-called \"vanity publisher\", none of the individuals associated with it claim to remember such a book, or indeed most of the books they published. In addition, all of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's records were destroyed when its CEO, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, burnt down the company's head office in an attempt to commit insurance fraud. Due to these factors, SCP-782's unknown origins should not be considered paranormal in nature.\nWhen SCP-782 is read by an individual capable of understanding its content and message, it has a Type-P memetic effect upon the victim. SCP-782 alters the chemistry, connections, and even architecture of the brain. SCP-782's effect occurs in three stages. The three stages occur in various areas of the body over time, generally taking 7-14 months, though, rarely, it can happen in over less than a single month. The first stage of the effect is that the victim begins to feel numbness in random places on the body; the numbness eventually fades.\nThe second stage of the effect is that the victim is no longer able to control those areas. The affected individual has no way of influencing the movement of the affected body parts beyond manipulating the body parts the affected areas are attached to. The victim is still capable of sensation through affected areas; essentially, the affected areas can send signals to the brain, but not receive them. The second stage is typically brief, generally lasting one (1) to three (3) days. In the third and final stage of SCP-782's effect, the affected areas begin to engage in autonomous movement.\nThe movement of the affected areas may be completely at odds with the desires of the victim, and affected body parts frequently engage in activity uncharacteristic of the victim's personality. The body parts will attempt to achieve goals and perform tasks independent of the desires of the victim. If hands, mouth and throat all become affected communication becomes difficult, if not impossible. Once communicative organs become affected, they will almost invariably begin to attempt communication on behalf of another mind. At this point, it becomes clear that the various affected body parts are not independent from each other, but controlled by another will. Eventually the total body is controlled by the secondary will, which becomes the dominant consciousness of the body.\nThe new personality shares no memories with the old, although they will share all of its \u201csubconscious\u201d memories, i.e. skills and language. The new personality is no more likely to be malicious than a member of the general population.\nDocument 782-1: The following document is a collection of case reports of SCP-782 incidents, from the notes of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nCase 782-AAA: Victim is 47 years old, male, Caucasian. No history of mental illness. Local priest; campaigned against same-sex marriage bill in state of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Checked into local hospital for mysterious numbness. Shift progression began in hands. Victim demonstrated an apparent sudden increase in artistic talent. Occasionally, the hands draw imagery described by the victim as homoerotic. Shift progressed next to genital area. Victim reported unwanted sexual arousal described as homosexual. Shift progressed, victim eventually took own life. Autopsy concluded cause of death due to suffocating on tongue, detached via laceration by the teeth.\n\nCase-782-ABJ: Victim is 16 years old, female, of African descent. Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, not considered relevant. Checked into local hospital for mysterious numbness. Shift progression began in throat. Victim would vocally beg for help, claiming to be trapped inside a strange body she couldn't control. Victim confirmed through written communication that she was no longer in control of her speech. Speech would be distressed despite a lack of corresponding body language. Shift progressed to rest of body; speech became less troubled as more body parts came under the new consciousness's control. As the victim's hands shifted quickly, the mental condition of the original personality for the final year of its existence is unknown. Girl administered class A amnestics, returned to family, currently living normal life, albeit under Foundation observation.\n\nCase-782-ACB: Victim is 32 years old, male, Asian. No history of mental illness. Checked into local hospital due to sudden, inexplicable blindness. Victim regained eyesight, returned home. Shift very quickly spread to hands and arms. Due to unknown reasons, victim did not seek medical attention. Shift very quickly spread to legs. Victim [DATA EXPUNGED] wife and daughter against his will. Begged responding police to kill him. Currently in Foundation custody at Site-\u2588\u2588. Shift is not yet total.\n\nDocument SCP-782-A: For the purposes of research personnel, the following is an excerpt from SCP-782. As it is not being read directly from SCP-782, reading the following document is harmless.\n\n\"The first step to an All-New You is rejecting the Old You. You've got to throw away all your baggage, all your hang-ups, discard all the failings of the Old You\u2026 The second step is to find the New You. The best way to find the New You is to look deep inside, find your childhood dreams and your secret fantasies, and embrace that as the New You\u2026 the third step is to embrace the New You. You need to allow the New You to completely replace the Old You, so that the Old You is no more.\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-781 | SCP-782 | SCP-783 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-784\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-784 has been disguised as a gated community and is currently surrounded by a 3.5-meter-high, 0.8-meter-thick concrete wall to deter intrusion. The top of the wall is lined with electrified steel cable, and the gate is to be locked. Any non-Foundation personnel attempting to enter SCP-784 are not to be interfered with, due to the possibility of provoking a violent reaction from the occupants of SCP-784. Non-Foundation personnel exiting SCP-784 are to be detained, questioned, and released following administration of a Class-B amnestic. Foundation personnel entering SCP-784 are to be dressed in traditional Christmas wear prior to entering SCP-784.\nThe area composing SCP-784 is to be monitored remotely by a Foundation-controlled weather balloon. In the event that personnel are required to enter SCP-784, all involved personnel must have memorized the entire contents of the A\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 'Beginners Guide to Christmas Carols'. They are to be checked for precision prior to entering SCP-784. Due to SCP-784's proximity to suburban housing developments, as well as the ramifications of provoking SCP-784-1, patrols within SCP-784 are to be unarmed except during a Noel event. In the case of an unexpected Noel event, members of SCP-784-1 are to be restrained as non-violently as possible while Foundation personnel prepare procedure 784-C.\nDescription: SCP-784 is a neighborhood in the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Texas. Currently SCP-784 is made up of twenty-four houses and two apartment buildings, all of which are decorated with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-brand Christmas lights at a density of approximately fifteen lights per square meter of housing. SCP-784 will always be covered by between 12 and 33 centimeters of snow, though no unseasonable weather will occur above SCP-784.\nAll houses within SCP-784 are occupied by a variable number of instances of SCP-784-1. SCP-784-1 is composed mostly of adult humans, all of whom wear sweaters typically associated with holiday gift giving. The number of unique instances of SCP-784-1 within SCP-784 has been estimated at three hundred. Instances of SCP-784-1 have not been observed engaging in reproductive activity, and no instances of SCP-784-1 have ever observably been born within SCP-784. Instances of SCP-784-1 appear to age normally, though the death of an instance of SCP-784-1 has never been observed by Foundation personnel.\nAll instances of SCP-784-1 express traits commonly associated with 'Christmas spirit' throughout the year. These traits include singing of Christmas carols, performance of plays commonly associated with the birth of Christ, and various eggnog-related festivities. These activities are engaged in daily, though specific activities will never repeat more than once per week.\nDuring daylight hours, instances of SCP-784-1 will engage in activities such as gift exchanges and home decoration. Post-sunset activities include decorating of foreign objects as well as vandalism, which is typically holiday-themed. A Foundation supply convoy refueling overnight near SCP-784 attracted an unprecedented response from SCP-784-1, which proceeded to:\n\nEgg several in-transit prefabricated buildings.\nConvert a Humvee into a sleigh.\nReplace a shipment of fragmentation grenades with similar-appearing glass ornaments.\nFill the gas tank of several vehicles with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-brand eggnog.\nWeld steel antlers onto one hundred and fifty-six safety helmets.\n\nAny living creature within SCP-784 not viewed as displaying adequate 'Christmas spirit' will become the focus of all instances of SCP-784-1 within approximately four meters. In the case of an animal, instances of SCP-784-1 will be called from the nearest house and place a holiday-themed accessory on the focus. Observed decorations have included:\n\nFifteen collars, red with a small bell.\nSeven reindeer antlers.\nFive red 'Santa' hats.\nOne full-body reindeer holiday outfit.\n\nHuman subjects who do not meet SCP-784's criteria for 'Christmas spirit' will be assaulted by SCP-784-1, incapacitated, and forcibly directed into the nearest household. They will not be seen until the following day, when they will exit the household dressed similarly to other instances of SCP-784-1. Attempts to retrieve affected personnel have been met with great resistance on both the part of SCP-784-1 and the affected individual.\nThe criteria which SCP-784 follows for definition of 'Christmas spirit' appear to be extremely broad. See addendum 784-A for a complete log of personnel abducted, and assumed reasons for abduction.\nApproximately once per month, SCP-784-1 will attempt to exit SCP-784 and enter the surrounding suburban community; this is referred to by on-site personnel as a 'Noel event'. During a Noel event, each instance of SCP-784-1 will carry a string of Christmas lights estimated to be fifteen meters long. Instances of SCP-784-1 will attach these lights to any nearby house, which will become decoratively and functionally identical to all other houses within SCP-784. Signs of an incoming Noel event include increased festivity during the day preceding the event, excessive eggnog consumption by a significant portion of SCP-784-1, and an increase in the number of decorations present within SCP-784.\nProcedure 784-C is to be executed prior to the occurrence of a Noel event. Foundation personnel are to dress themselves in traditional 'Santa' outfits, and distribute themselves near the exit of SCP-784. They are to begin singing 'Good King Wenceslas' and distributing non-alcoholic eggnog to other personnel. On the arrival of SCP-784-1, personnel are to distribute eggnog mixed with a mild sedative to the crowd. Personnel are to appear friendly and cheerful at all times, as SCP-784-1 has proven capable of abducting personnel while nearly unconscious.\nFollowing the distribution of eggnog, personnel are encouraged to sing carols associated with peace and goodwill. 'Silent Night' has proven most effective. Instances of SCP-784-1 will begin to sing along, and personnel are to accept their choice of song. SCP-784-1 will begin to fall unconscious as the night progresses. Unconscious instances of SCP-784-1 will be removed to nearby houses by other instances, and personnel are not to interfere with this process. Any interference with the actions of SCP-784-1 may trigger a violent response, and will wake all instances of SCP-784-1.\nInstances of SCP-784-1 not affected by procedure 784-C are to be silently incapacitated when no longer visible from the gates of the community, and returned after all other instances of SCP-784-1 have re-entered SCP-784.\nIn the event that procedure 784-C fails, Foundation personnel are to release an aerosolized sleeping gas. Foundation personnel are to restrain instances of SCP-784-1 until the gas takes effect, at which time all instances are to be returned to SCP-784. Standard cover story 139 (\"Drunken Football\") is to be used to respond to any concerns expressed by nearby residents.\nAddendum:\nAddendum 784-A\n\nAction taken by personnel\nAction taken by SCP-784-1\n\nAgent Paulsen, on patrol within SCP-784, wished a nearby instance of SCP-784-1 \"Happy holidays\".\nApproximately eight instances of SCP-784-1 surrounded Paulsen, who was unable to escape. Paulsen was dragged into a nearby home.\n\nAgent Matthews sang the incorrect verse of 'Silent Night' while on night patrol within SCP-784.\nMultiple instances of SCP-784-1 incapacitated Matthews non-violently using a nearby string of decorative lights. Attempted intervention by Agent Sanderson led to the involvement of a large crowd of SCP-784-1, which overwhelmed both agents. Matthews and Sanderson were dragged into a nearby home, after which personnel reported hearing the sound of Christmas carols from within the home for several days.\n\nAgent Anderson collided with a lawn ornament, apparently a 'Santa' in the style of the traditional lawn gnome. Anderson proceeded to swear violently for the next fourteen seconds.\nThree nearby instances of SCP-784-1 held Anderson in place. A fourth emerged from a nearby home with a quart of eggnog, which Anderson was forced to ingest. Anderson collapsed and was dragged into the home from which the eggnog was retrieved.\n\nAgent Davids was presented with a gift by a child instance of SCP-784-1. Davids accepted the gift, but apparently failed to react with proper enthusiasm.\nDavids was incapacitated by a child instance of SCP-784-1 which tackled his legs. Several children emerged from a nearby home before Davids recovered, and then dragged Davids into the home which they had exited.\n\n\u00ab SCP-783 | SCP-784 | SCP-785 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-785\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: If periodic global searches of governmental records report the registration of any restaurant with the phrase \u201cUncle \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588'\u201d in its title, a containment breach is to be reported to both the supervising researcher of SCP-785 and the leader of Mobile Task Force Beta-3 (\u201cTake-out Diners\u201d). MTF Beta-3 is to secure the restaurant (SCP-785-2) and prevent any civilians from entering or exiting. Following the lockdown of the immediate area, a five kilometer radius quarantine is to be constructed around SCP-785-2. All civilians inside the quarantine are to be interviewed and administered Class A or B amnestics, on a case-by-case basis. The restaurant owner and all individuals knowledgeable about SCP-785-2 or its origins will be personally interviewed by the overseeing Level 4 researcher. Following the interview process, the Foundation is to ensure that all media reports will have the restaurant name (SCP-785-1) altered. Due to the extensive amount of time required in resolving a SCP-785 containment breach, it is advised that Standard Cover Story 12 (\u201cGas Leak\u201d) be deployed.\nOnly the current leader of MTF Beta-3 and the overseeing researcher of SCP-785 are to know the full title of SCP-785-1. During containment operations all operatives must have equipment possessing real-time sensory modification software that prevents them from either reading or hearing the full title. If either individual is suspected of leaking SCP-785-1 an immediate interrogation is to be conducted.\nFor purposes of experimentation, one instance of SCP-785-2 is to be contained inside Site-23. Only D-Class personnel are permitted to interact with it.\nDescription: SCP-785 comprises any restaurant with a name containing the phrase \u201cUncle \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588'\u201d. The restaurant name is designated SCP-785-1; the actual restaurant is designated SCP-785-2.\nPropagation of SCP-785's effects will begin if SCP-785-1 is mentioned during conversation in a large public area, such as a movie theater or sports arena. Within one to six months after this occurs, an individual who had been present at the location where initial seeding was performed will establish an instance of SCP-785-2. It will be located within half a kilometer of the location where SCP-785-1 was first mentioned. The personal preference and ethnicity of the founder influences the resulting instance of SCP-785-2, allowing for a wide range of possible restaurants (for a complete listing, see Document-785-\u2588\u2588\u2588). Following initial seeding, a separate founder will not create a new instance of SCP-785-2 unless all previously existing and publicly known instances have been shut down.\nLeft unchecked, the popularity of SCP-785-2 will grow unusually quickly. The Foundation has never observed fewer than 14 new instances within 9 months. The spread of SCP-785-2 is not limited to its home city: when first discovered, \u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-785-2 were found in three separate cities.\nThe effects of SCP-785 will manifest annually on the first Friday of May, when SCP-785-2 will advertise a \"Spring Special.\" All customers and employees of any existing instances of SCP-785-2 will be affected. Starting between 1600 and 1830 hours, any customers who had previously consumed any of SCP-785-2's beef or bread during that particular day, designated Group A, will report to SCP-785-2. Customers physically unable to report are exempt from SCP-785-2's effects. Staff will proceed to stab the members of Group A twelve times, always using a bronze-tipped spear coated with [DATA EXPUNGED] (all materials save the [DATA EXPUNGED] can be found in a typical chain restaurant). After all members of Group A have expired, employees will place their bodies on the floor. They will then turn off all appliances and produce six polyvinyl chloride (PVC) basins of water. All customers still living, designated Group B, will be issued a large knife, which is invariably composed of a bronze and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 compound.\nUsing only their knives and their hands, all members of Group B will begin to consume the bodies of Group A. Every thirty minutes, they will wash their hands using the PVC basins. The meal will last for three hours, until all the basins have been used. Group B will return to their homes after the meal is finished. Employees will burn the remains of Group A using the same [DATA EXPUNGED] mixture used previously. After the completion of all activity, members of Group B will behave normally. Most members have a somewhat inaccurate recollection of the evening's events.\nCustomer reviews of SCP-785-2 have typically skyrocketed after this event.\nAddendum-785A: Despite the Foundation's best efforts to remove SCP-785-1 from public knowledge, instances of SCP-785-2 continue to arise. It appears to be impossible to apprehend all civilians who unwittingly spread SCP-785-1; furthermore, the possibility of a deliberate third-party propagation of SCP-785-1 cannot be eliminated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-784 | SCP-785 | SCP-786 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-786\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-786 is not autonomous and its peculiar properties appear to be both safe and predictable. It is to be kept in a secure storage room at Site 19 with standard surveillance precautions in place. However, it is important that the storage room be kept secure against vermin of any sort. The room must be sealed to prevent entry by insects, rodents, and other small creatures, and fumigated on a bi-monthly basis.\nDescription: SCP-786 is a large funnel composed of high-density \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 polymer. Its appearance matches a conventional kitchen funnel, and the symbols \"8 OZ.\" are embossed on the outside just under the rim of the large end, but the funnel has an internal diameter of 1.14 m across its wide end and 9.50 cm across its narrow end. Its internal volume is 408.8 liters, which is approximately 1730 times larger than its professed 8 ounce capacity or a factor of 123.\nA simple visual inspection of SCP-786's interior immediately suggests its unusual properties. When viewed from either end of the funnel the interior of SCP-786 appears to be perfectly cylindrical, with the far end of the funnel having exactly the same diameter as the near end - whether that end be the larger one or the smaller one. The view through the far end's opening is enlarged or reduced accordingly. Any object that passes through SCP-786 will have its physical dimensions changed by a factor of twelve, either increasing or decreasing depending on which direction the object passes through the funnel. This change is permanent unless the object comes back through the funnel in the opposite direction.\nIt is theorized that space has somehow become \"pinched\" through the throat of this item, causing items to appear larger or smaller without actually changing their effective size. This allows living organisms that pass through SCP-786 to survive without apparent harm in their reduced or enlarged state. This includes human test subjects, who exhibit no adverse health effects and have no detectable degradation of mental capacity despite the significant reduction in brain size. The object itself appears to have been increased in size by a factor of 12 but it is not known how this occurred; there does not seem to be any way for the funnel to pass through itself.\nDue to the size constraints of the large and small ends, nothing larger than 1.14 meters in diameter can be reduced using SCP-786 and nothing larger than 9.5 cm in diameter can be enlarged. It is not recommended that objects be passed through SCP-786 in the same direction more than once, especially not living objects, as this has resulted in [REDACTED].\nSCP-786 was discovered in the basement level of a parking structure that had been closed when the retail mall it served had gone out of business four months prior. A careful sweep of the structure uncovered the crushed remains of a Honda 1989 CB-1 CB400F motorcycle that had been miniaturized to 1/12 of its normal size. The motorcycle was traced to Mr. James \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had last been seen two nights prior and who could not be located. It is not known how Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 came into possession of SCP-786, why he apparently chose to ride his motorcycle through it, or what ultimately became of him.\nSCP-786 has previously caused an incident with [DATA EXPUNGED] cockroaches that must not be repeated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-785 | SCP-786 | SCP-787 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-787\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-787 is currently contained within Hangar 04 at Sector-28. Security cameras and sound recording equipment are to be stationed in the cockpit, passenger area, and baggage hold of SCP-787 to record any anomalous events. In the event of any anomalous activity within SCP-787, access to the interior of SCP-787 is to be prohibited for a minimum of 72 hours.\nDescription: SCP-787 is a Boeing 747-200 airliner of unknown manufacturing date and call sign. The exterior of SCP-787 has been painted over, including all passenger windows: Paint was wet upon recovery, drying soon after. The mechanical components of SCP-787 are all undamaged and functional, and show no signs of use. Nonmechanical components of SCP-787, including carpeting, upholstery, and luggage, are in an advanced state of decay. The pilot and co-pilot's seats have been removed, replaced with two piles of computer components arranged in the shape of chairs.\nSCP-787 initially manifested on June \u2588\u2588, 1987, in a field located approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 km from Bremerton, Washington.\nSCP-787 contains the bodies of 515 deceased individuals, henceforth referred to as SCP-787a. The cause of death varies among specimens, with causes including strangulation, exsanguination, drowning, starvation, bullet wounds, stab wounds and blunt force trauma. Certain mutilations are common throughout SCP-787a specimens regardless of cause of death, including removal of the tongue (23 instances), scalping (73 instances), carving of Cyrillic letters into the left palm (230 instances, no pattern found) and removal of fingertips (498 instances). All SCP-787a specimens are in advanced stages of decay, but have shown no signs of further putrefaction since recovery.\nVisual apparitions, unexplained noises, and other phenomena will spontaneously manifest within SCP-787. These incidents have not occurred when SCP-787 is occupied. Attempts to enter SCP-787 after these events will result in violent physical expulsion from SCP-787 by an unknown force, accompanied by severe organ damage and internal bleeding.\nRecorded anomalous activity within SCP-787 includes:\n\n08/01/1988: Sound of pounding against doors and windows on the left side of SCP-787, lasting seven minutes and fifteen seconds. Interior cameras picked up no movement during this period.\n02/23/1990: Male voice heard in forward men's wash closet, repeating the phrase \u201cPhilosophers always run from the advanced thickening treatment\u201d five times.\n10/06/1993: In-flight movie activates, displaying a repeating series of seven black-and-white still images of a deceased male human, accompanied by a female voice reading a gynecology manual in Czech. Lasts for forty-three minutes.\n12/27/1993: \u201cFasten Seatbelts\u201d sign flickers on and off for three hours and forty-one minutes, accompanied by a repeated loop of the first 15 seconds of Jefferson Airplane's \u201cWhite Rabbit\u201d played over the speaker system. This is the longest recorded anomalous event within SCP-787.\n07/30/1997: Indistinct humanoid figure manifests in aisle next to seat H43 and removes the emergency air supply. Figure places breathing mask on and stands still for two minutes and fifteen seconds, before removing mask and walking out of frame. Figure does not appear on any other cameras.\n01/15/2001: Manifestation of an indistinct humanoid figure approximately 1 meter in height. Figure sits in the co-pilot's chair for three minutes and fifty seconds, making soft whimpering noises, before vomiting onto the control console and exiting the cockpit. Examination of the vomit revealed traces of nitrous oxide, thorium, bird droppings, and three human fingernails.\n05/05/2005: A female voice is heard throughout SCP-787, saying \u201cFor your comfort and enjoyment today, pancakes will now be served. Please do not leave your seat. Pancakes will now be served. Please do not leave your seat. Do not leave your seat. Leave your seat. Please. Pancakes will now be served. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay pancakes!\u201d\n09/09/2007: Emergency air supplies deployed and retracted repeatedly for fourteen minutes, fifteen seconds, accompanied by screaming from a group of 10-20 people. Pitch of screaming shifted depending on current position of breathing masks.\n11/29/2008: Internal temperature shifts from 20\u00b0 C to \u2013 13\u00b0C over the space of nineteen seconds, remaining at this temperature for ten minutes and twenty-nine seconds, before resuming average temperature.\n\nAddendum-01: 12/13/2007 - The identity of SCP-787a-112 has been determined to be that of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a retired optometrist currently living in Atlanta, Georgia. Subject was interviewed by Foundation agents on December 14th, and was found to have no knowledge or memory of any anomalous incidents taking place in June of 1987. In addition, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed that he had never ridden in an airplane in his life, a claim verified by his wife and son.\nAttempts to identify other passengers are currently underway.\nAddendum-02: 05/22/2009 - Examination of SCP-787's waste storage tank revealed an additional specimen of SCP-787a, designated SCP-787a-516, being an Indian male approximately 30 years of age. Subject was in possession of the following:\n\n3-piece tailored suit.\nSurgical mask and rubber gloves.\nUnloaded Beretta DT-10 shotgun.\n1 box of Tic-Tac brand mints, containing 14 cinnamon flavor mints.\nSwitch blade: Handle is carved into the appearance of a nude woman.\nAn Eye of Horus amulet, constructed of recycled aluminum and twine.\nSCP-787's flight log. The coordinates -27.41,-122.70 were logged 5,478 times.\nTicket stub for Return of the Jedi. The number 92 is written on the back in permanent marker.\n\nSCP-787a-516 does not display a similar state of decay as the rest of SCP-787a specimens. Cause of death is unknown.\nAddendum-03: 06/19/2013 \u2013 SCP-787's flight data recorder has been recovered from a compartment underneath the floor of seat A13. The device was wrapped in butcher paper and the compartment filled with asbestos and dried human blood. Flight data recorder contained nothing but the phrase \u201cTO BE SORRY\u201d.\n\n\u00ab SCP-786 | SCP-787 | SCP-788 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-788\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-788 is contained at Site \u2588\u2588 in a high-temperature ceramic lined chamber 25 m in diameter, filled with molten lead kept at a temperature of 900 degrees Centigrade. If SCP-788 becomes active or attempts to break containment, its containment chamber is to be cooled until SCP-788 ceases movement. SCP-788 is to be fed 500g pellets of iron and magnesium on a daily basis.\nDescription: SCP-788 is a creature resembling an African carp (Labeo coubie), approximately 3.2 m in length and composed entirely of ultramafic magma with a 'skin' of cracked picritic basalt. It is currently estimated to have a core temperature of approximately 1475 degrees Centigrade, though its skin temperature is typically much lower. Samples obtained from SCP-788 have shown no differentiation or internal structure.\nSCP-788 has been observed with simple behavior identical to that of a typical water-dwelling fish. It does not exhibit unusual strength for a creature of its size, though its sheer size and mass can result in damage to its containment cell if it becomes agitated. SCP-788 consumes several types of ore and minerals, with a preference for iron and magnesium, though it has not been observed excreting any material. Since its containment, SCP-788 has grown approximately 22 cm in length.\nSCP-788 was discovered following the 19\u2588\u2588 eruption of [REDACTED]. It is currently theorized that multiple instances of SCP-788 may exist in the mantle layer of the earth, and the eruption of [REDACTED] may have brought SCP-788 to the surface. Contingencies are currently in place if another instance of SCP-788 is discovered by Foundation or civilian assets.\nAddendum 788-01: Incident 788-01\nOn \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, SCP-788 became slow and apathetic for a period of approximately twenty four (24) days, during which its abdomen swelled considerably. At the end of this period, SCP-788 produced over \u2588\u2588\u2588 spherical objects, presumably eggs, with an average diameter of approximately 3 cm. Analysis shows that these are composed of the same type of magma as SCP-788, and all specimens have been separated into another containment cell and placed under observation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-787 | SCP-788 | SCP-789 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-789\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All physical telephone and internet connections have been removed from SCP-789. The property is to be examined weekly for the appearance of new connections. If any are found, they must be severed immediately.\nWiFi damping equipment is to be kept active on the property at all times. In addition, a security network over the surrounding three kilometres is to be monitored for the arrival of potential civilian prey items. Class-B amnestics are to be applied and individuals are to be returned to their homes.\nOnce monthly, one Class-D with a history of child abuse is to be released into the structure housing SCP-789. D-Class previously scheduled tested with SCP-204, SCP-2672, and SCP-3530 have been used historically for this purpose.\nNon-Class-D personnel working with SCP-789 are to be subjected to psychological screening. Unfit personnel are to be reassigned.\nDescription: SCP-789 is an entity which resides within a well-kept, if apparently abandoned three-bedroom two-story house located in the outskirts of [REDACTED], North Dakota. Foundation databases contain no records of unrelated abnormal events in the area's history. No anomalous materials have been located in the house's construction.\nWhen the house is connected to an internet connection, SCP-789 will manifest first as a working desktop computer with webcam, controlled by a pubescent child. The entity will spend several hours a day utilizing internet chat programs, contacting and interacting with adult civilians within the continental United States. SCP-789 appears to target paedophiles, fabricating complex, yet believable stories and utilizing video chat programs to lure and gain its contacts' trust. SCP-789 seems to be able to keep track of detailed information for several dozen contacts at once, and has not yet been recorded using the incorrect form while interacting with a familiar contact.\nOver the course of several weeks, SCP-789 will attempt to convince select contacts to come visit. Upon arrival, prey individuals are invited into the house by the humanoid component of SCP-789. Usually, the prey item is led into the kitchen or bedroom; the entity appears to manifest basic furnishings for the rooms used in a given hunt. Once the prey item is made comfortable and sufficiently distracted by the humanoid component of SCP-789, non-humanoid components [REDACTED] crushed into a fine slurry. SCP-789 will \u201csoak\u201d the slurry into itself, then vanish.\nUpkeep of the property is apparently performed by SCP-789 as well. The entity will manifest as one of two middle-aged adult humans, henceforth SCP-789-B. These two forms appear to serve as decoy parental property owners, and will entertain guests if required to. Interaction with these manifestations has revealed no information as to the nature of SCP-789; all conversation regarding behaviour described above is met with polite silence. Upon assault, SCP-789-B will vanish and not appear again before the assailant. The appearance of these particular manifestations never change between encounters.\nThe nature, intelligence level, and origin of SCP-789 are unknown at this time. As SCP-789 has an obvious capability to understand and utilize the English language, research regarding possible sapience is pending. However, it is not suspected at this time that SCP-789 is, or ever has been, human in nature.\nAddendum-789-1cv: It has been discovered that the forms SCP-789 utilizes while seeking prey items correspond to those of children of the appropriate ages that it has encountered online. For this reason, testing has been suspended until a more easily controlled method is devised.\n\n\u00ab SCP-788 | SCP-789 | SCP-790 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-790\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-790 is to be kept under observation at all times, and must be contained within an airtight cell, ideally with an airlock in place of a door. Also, given SCP-790's curiosity, the furniture within the cell must be of materials that will not absorb liquid: the mattress, being the sole exception to this rule, is to be replaced once a week and incinerated as quickly as possible to avoid containment breaches.\nPersonnel interacting with SCP-790 should not attempt to make any sort of physical contact with its host's flesh or any of the discharged fluid unless wearing gloves or, in the case of emergencies, a full hazmat suit.\nSCP-790 needs to be fed only once a month, apparently to vary its diet from the bone and tissue already absorbed from 790-01; personnel that have become familiar with its needs estimate that two hundred kilograms of raw meat is sufficient nourishment (beef appears to be a favourite). However, since the ingestion process begins with [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-790-01's mouth [DATA EXPUNGED] until [DATA EXPUNGED] and then [DATA EXPUNGED], personnel are advised to leave the room before SCP-790 begins eating.\nIn the event that it does become aggressive, SCP-790 is best subdued and calmed by heat- dispensed at a temperature of 37.0\u00b0C by the cell's air conditioning system.\nDescription: SCP-790 is the animated blood of a human identified as Mr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588- hereafter known as SCP-790-01; at present, it emanates almost constantly from SCP-790-01's pores, tear ducts, salivary glands, and several deep wounds and scars that cover at least 70% of his body. These wounds are believed to be produced by SCP-790 itself over the course of several months.\nThorough examination of the SCP-790-01's body has revealed that SCP-790 systematically attacks the cells of his tissues and skeletal system, converting them into fresh blood cells, hence the constant flow of blood from his injuries. The infection is currently believed to be in its latter stages, as both the circulatory system and the digestive system have been consumed, along with significant portions of the skeleton.\nDespite being positively identified as human blood, SCP-790's activities constantly suggest otherwise: not only is it sapient, but exposure to air does not result in clotting and drying.\nAlso, during several encounters with personnel it has demonstrated intelligence and crude sentience: numerous staff report being \"touched\" and \"inspected\" by minuscule tendrils emerging from the blood that often pools around the host's feet. However, SCP-790 does not appear interested in infecting other subjects- at least not at this time. Nonetheless, it will react violently should it be handled carelessly or harshly; attacks on the host are responded to with lethal force.\nMeanwhile, 790-01 appears to interpret his affliction as divine providence, claiming to have been contacted by supernatural forces that insist he care for and nurture SCP-790 (Or \"the blessed one\" as he calls it) until the day he dies. Whether this behaviour can be attributed to the disintegration of SCP-790-01's brain, an unrelated psychological breakdown, or some form of communication between the two is impossible to determine.\nAddendum 1: Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 speculates that SCP-790 is actually waiting until its present host is completely consumed before seeking out another in the form of one of the staff. As SCP-790 still merits research, it is recommended that another host be found among the D-class personnel in the event that the present one dies. \u2013 Dr Spelter\nAddendum 2: (\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/09) SCP-790-01's left eyeball fell out this morning; a brief dissection showed that not only had the optic nerve been completely dissolved, but the eye itself was empty except for blood. We tried to take a sample, but the damn stuff animated too quickly, escaping the labs and rejoining the SCP-790's main body before we could stop it. I honestly don't think 790-01's going to live much longer- the only thing holding him together is his own blood, and that's because it's trying to eat him. \u2013 Dr Spelter.\n\n\u00ab SCP-789 | SCP-790 | SCP-791 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-791\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment area is to have a sealed drainage system, and any materials or liquids collected are to be submitted for testing and review. Emergency drainage systems are to be maintained at all times, and must possess no fewer then eight filtration screens.\nSCP-791 is to be held in a wide-weave steel mesh bag, to allow for ease of location in a \u201cDraining\u201d event, and to pre-contain any biological events. Removal from the bag may only be done under testing conditions.\nDescription: SCP-791 appears to be a mass of liquid water held in a spherical shape by an unknown and undetectable force. Biological tissues can pass through SCP-791 as they would through normal water, and reports indicate the water to be similar to normal sea water, but with a lower salt content. It is impossible to \u201csplash\u201d SCP-791, however, water may be drawn out via the hands or mouth.\nSCP-791 reacts to non-biological materials, such as stone or metal, as if it were a sphere of solid concrete. SCP-791 may be lifted, rolled, or otherwise manipulated in this way, but acquiring samples with non-biological materials is extremely difficult due to the extreme hardness and weight of SCP-791. SCP-791 does not reduce in dimensions when water is drawn from it. This is true even when withdrawing very high volumes of water.\nThe water of SCP-791 is sterile, and contains no microbes of any kind. It is almost identical to earth water, but has a slightly elevated amount of hydrogen. SCP-791 will randomly undergo \u201cDraining\u201d events, where massive amounts of water will pour from SCP-791. SCP-791 retains its properties during these events, and \u201cDraining\u201d can last between several hours to four months.\nItems will sometimes exit SCP-791. It is unknown where these items originate from, though most appear to be \u201coceanic\u201d in origin. Items resembling seaweed, fish, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, plankton, [DATA EXPUNGED] note possible awareness.\nThe \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-like entities have occurred multiple times, and have [DATA EXPUNGED] unknown. Communication via \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and similar alternate realities observed via SCP-2684, SCP-3374 or indirectly through SCP-257.\n\n\u00ab SCP-790 | SCP-791 | SCP-792 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-792\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-792 is surrounded by an electric fence topped with razor-wire, measuring 4 meters high. The only entrance to SCP-792 is a gate on the south side, which is to be guarded by three (3) armed security personnel at all times. Additional security personnel are posted every 1.5 km around the perimeter. SCP-792 must be inspected weekly for new instances of SCP-792-1, except between September 2nd and October 31st. No other personnel are to be admitted to the area.\nDescription: SCP-792 is a wooded area measuring 4 square kilometers near the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. SCP-792 contains, at any given time, between 37 and 4,500 human corpses, hereby designated SCP-792-1. Instances of SCP-792-1 vary greatly in race, age, etc., with slight trends existing towards Caucasian and Hispanic descent and heightened age. All specimens are nude.\nInstances emerge from the ground at apparently random intervals at a rate of roughly ten (10) per day in a process that takes between nine (9) and fourteen (14) days. SCP-792-1 specimens will emerge headfirst in a prone position. After emergence, decomposition will proceed as expected in SCP-792's environment. Fully emerged instances of SCP-792-1 show no unusual properties. If removed from the ground prior to complete formation, the portions of SCP-792-1 that were underground will be composed of a large mass of root-like structures. Analysis of these structures has shown them to be identical in composition to human muscle tissue.\nOnce a year, between the dates of September 2nd and October 31st, 90 to 130 humanoid figures (hereby referred to as SCP-792-2) will appear in and climb out of a pond in the center of the area. Instances of SCP-792-2 are clothed in white Level A hazmat suits with tinted visors which prevent the face from being visible. Instances are sapient and capable of communication in English. After exiting the pond, SCP-792-2 will retrieve fully formed instances of SCP-792-1 and place them in the pond, where they will disappear. This process takes two days to complete. An average of 13% of fully grown instances of SCP-792-1 are not taken through the pond. Instead, instances of SCP-792-2 will construct a large bonfire in the center of SCP-792 and burn them. The purpose of this is currently unknown. If questioned, instances of SCP-792-2 are generally cooperative, but will refuse to leave the area and show anxiety to begin working again.\n\nLevel 3 clearance or higher is required to view the following document\n\nClearance accepted\n\nAddendum 9A\nInterview 792-4\nInterviewed: SCP-792-2\nInterviewer: Senior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: On 12/\u2588\u2588/97, a single instance of SCP-792-2 emerged from SCP-792 and requested to speak with the person in charge of the containment of SCP-792. After some deliberation, Senior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 chose to conduct an interview.\n\nSenior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why did you want to talk to me?\nSCP-792-2: Your research is [pause] disrupting our work.\nSenior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And your work is?\nSCP-792-2: [pause] Farming.\nSenior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, we understood that already. But what's the point? Why do you do it?\nSCP-792-2: It is our duty.\nSenior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you elaborate?\nSCP-792-2: Those headed for Isaad require guides. We judge who is worthy and who is not. The worthy are taken to Isaad. Those who aren't we destroy.\nSenior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And by conducting our research, we're preventing you from doing this?\nSCP-792-2: Yes. The crop cannot be disturbed.\nSenior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What will happen if we continue our research?\nSCP-792-2: Death is not a right. It is a [pause] gift that we can deny.\nSenior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you threatening us?\nSCP-792-2: No. You are threatening those who would otherwise be welcomed into Isaad. Your research is preventing them from resting.\nSenior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you not just take them regardless?\nSCP-792-2: I would like to leave now.\n(At this point SCP-792-2 attempted to get up and leave the interviewing area, but was restrained by guards and put in a holding cell. Three (3) hours later it disappeared from the cell. Current whereabouts are unknown.)\n\nClosing Statement: [Senior Researcher L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has requested the suspension of all testing involving SCP-792. Request denied by Site Director R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.]\n\n\u00ab SCP-791 | SCP-792 | SCP-793 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-793 in a blood smear\n\nItem #: SCP-793\nObject Class: Euclid\nZone of Denial (Current): 13.4 meters\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-793 is to be marked with stakes marking the perimeter of the \"Zone of Denial\" (A base distance of 13.4 meters from each side of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Medicinal Center is to be marked as the Zone of Denial, with a second perimeter extending the Zone of Denial out an extra 50 meters to be regarded as the \"Restricted Zone\"). Signs - placed on the perimeter of the Zone of Denial - must state \"No Unauthorized Entrance\" in the following languages: English, French, Swahili, Luba-Kasai, Kikongo, and Luganda. When testing, access is to be restricted to Class-Ds. No other Foundation personnel are to be allowed entrance. The future installation of security cameras around the hospital is a possibility.\nDescription: SCP-793 is described as a hyper-reproductive paranormal variation of Human Congo trypanosomiasis (a parasitic protozoa also known as the \"African Sleeping Sickness\") inhabiting the abandoned \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Medicinal Center located in [DATA EXPUNGED], built by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 missionaries in 18\u2588\u2588. SCP-793's first known appearance was documented in 19\u2588\u2588. The hospital was subsequently relinquished from use \u2588 years after due to exponential growth of SCP-793, but it was never demolished due to superstitions the populous and prominent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 tribes held. In 19\u2588\u2588, the hospital was secured by the Foundation. SCP-793, in its passive form, does not appear to exist unless a suitable human host enters the Zone of Denial (ZoD), which is currently estimated to be 13.4 meters from any point around the hospital.\nWhen a human enters the zone of denial, the organism will appear spontaneously inside the human's circulatory system. Unlike a normal form of trypanosomiasis, which has a limited rate of reproduction, the reproductive rate of SCP-793 increases proportionally to the subject's distance into the ZoD, e.g. when a subject is at the edge of the ZoD, SCP-793 will reproduce at ~5% the speed of Human Congo trypanosomiasis, but once inside the hospital (where reproductive capability is at a constant), SCP-793 cells will reproduce at ~400% the speed of their cousin.\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Medicinal Center, the current residence of SCP-793\n\nSymptoms appear to be dissimilar to those of normal Congo trypanosomiasis, with a notable increase in hysteria and swelling of the lymph nodes. The opposite occurs when a subject leaves the ZoD. The reproductive rate decreases, and parasites will spontaneously disappear, with no visible signs of cell death. Somatic cells whose deaths can be attributed to SCP-793 will appear as if origination suddenly occurs, not as of the result of general somatic mitosis. The symptoms will fade to those of earlier stages (from the neurological phase going to the haemolymphatic stage, etc) until the are no signs of the protist existing when a human victim exits the ZoD.\nOne final note about possible human death as the result of SCP-793's actions: the \"reversal effects\" reverse victim death completely. Once the deceased are rescued from the maximum reproductive zone, somatic cells appear immediately and any remaining instances of SCP-793 disappear. Upon the so-called \"undeath\", individuals often recall extreme pain due to the reconstruction of their body (mostly regarded as something along the lines of \"thousands of knives piercing [their] body\") and have no recollection of ever entering the Zone of Denial or any knowledge of SCP-793.\nSCP-793's reversal effects only regard any damage it causes a human. Bodies whose deaths are attributed to other causes (such as normal Human Congo trypanosomiasis) will not be affected. SCP-793 does not seem to appear on anything that is not a living human body entering the Zone of Denial does not appear on anything that is not living human tissue. Appearance of SCP-793 does occur on partial entrance of a human to the Zone of Denial and is limited to the fraction of the human that is in the Zone of Denial.\nItems brought out of the Hospital have no unique effect attached to them.\nAddendum SCP-793:XOJ1: REGARDING SITE DEMOLITION OF SCP-793 VIA \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAs suggested by Dr. William Hunt and Chong Meng, Ph. D.\nDate/Time: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nThe \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Medicinal Center, otherwise known as the residence of the infamous SCP-793 specimen, was subject to the possibility of sterilization. Proposals generally suggested a wide variety of explosive materials, typically \u2588\u2588\u2588-based compounds. Controversy over the destruction of Euclid-class specimens has always been a major topic of discussion within the Foundation. The general consensus about the termination of SCP-793 is one of concern: most Foundation personnel suggest the continued containment of SCP-793, despite continued controversy over the topic. The details for the defense of continued containment procedures are as follows:\n\nA) SCP-793 really poses no real threat. No permanent death has occurred from the actions of the ghost trypanosomiasis.\nB) The hospital's architectural structure appears to be continually sturdy and shows no signs of serious decay, suggesting structural invulnerability. We don't think this should be tested, at least not yet.\nC) As reference to the consensus, we have no knowledge of what would happen on attempted destruction of the hospital.\nD) Angering of the close-by tribes in the area.\n\nWe also would like to discuss possible reclassification of SCP-793 from \"Euclid\" to \"Safe\".\n\nAddendum SCP-793:OR51: REGARDING ZONE OF DENIAL FLUCTUATION\nReported by Mark Fulu via E-Mail, edited for better comprehension.1\n\n[It] seems [that] a few of the test[s into Zone of Denial] have found that [the] bound[a]ry is far [further away] th[a]n what it was [used to be], not know what do??? [I don't know what to do about this?]\n\nDate/Time: [DATA TEMPORARILY EXPUNGED UNTIL INVESTIGATION]\n\n[H]elp [I] not know what [to] do, the thing [the Zone of Denial keeps] changing.\n\nDate/Time: [DATA TEMPORARILY EXPUNGED UNTIL INVESTIGATION]\n\n[P]le[a]se help, it [the Zone of Denial] is growing bigger and bigger and bigger now!!!\n\nDate/Time: [DATA TEMPORARILY EXPUNGED UNTIL INVESTIGATION]\nOther similar messages from Mark Fulu and other personnel stationed in the area has brought intrigued investigation by Foundation assets in North America. Confirmation of Zone of Denial distance fluctuation is currently pending.\n\nFootnotes\n1. As Mark Fulu had limited grasp of English, his messages were edited to be more understandable.\n\n\u00ab SCP-792 | SCP-793 | SCP-794 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-794\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The area in a 10 km radius surrounding SCP-794 has been designated as a no-fly zone and all unauthorized personnel attempting to enter the area are to be detained for questioning. Unauthorized aircraft attempting to enter the airspace around SCP-794 are to be signalled off immediately, and any that fail to follow instructions are to be intercepted and detained at Containment Site 794-Alpha.\nPersonnel may only approach within the 1400 m \"Red Zone\" of SCP-794 with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 4 Personnel, and may stay within the area for no longer than 30 minutes at a time. Personnel experiencing any nausea or exhibiting any strange or psychotic behavior must be removed immediately and quarantined pending psychological and physical evaluation.\nDescription: SCP-794-01 is the derelict remains of an oceangoing vessel located at approximately +\u2588\u2588\u00b0 \u2588\u2588' \u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\", +\u2588\u2588\u00b0 \u2588\u2588' \u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\" near [REDACTED] in the Sahara Desert. According to markings in Cyrillic, the vessel is the [REDACTED], built in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the city of [REDACTED] in 19\u2588\u2588. This is inconsistent with available records, as no vessel by this name was ever constructed. The vessel is in an advanced state of disrepair consistent to exposure to the elements for a period of at least \u2588\u2588 years, and to date it is not known how SCP-794-01 came to rest in its current location, nearly \u2588\u2588\u2588 km from any body of water.\nSCP-794-02 is an enormous mass of living nervous tissue integrated into the cargo hold of SCP-794-01, currently estimated at approximately 167 kg. While experimentation has shown significant neural activity, it is currently unknown how SCP-794-02 functions, or how it obtains sustenance.\nLiving human subjects that approach within 1400 m of SCP-794 report feeling an increasing compulsion to approach and enter the vessel, peaking at approximately 60 minutes of cumulative exposure. At this point, affected subjects will attempt to enter the vessel by any means possible, and must be terminated in order to prevent them from approaching SCP-794. Once within the vessel, affected subjects will enter the ship's cargo hold, whereupon they will immediately collapse and cease all life signs.\nSCP-794 was discovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588 during a routine satellite surveillance pass. The vessel was located shortly thereafter by Foundation agents, and current containment protocols were established following the loss of \u2588 members of the initial survey team.\nAddendum 794-01: Analysis of Recovered Bodies\n\nFollowing limited experimentation performed via the use of remotely piloted robotic vehicles, the bodies of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588) individuals have been recovered from SCP-794-01. Of these, \u2588 were members of the Foundation initial survey team, \u2588\u2588 were \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Army personnel reported missing in 19\u2588\u2588, \u2588 appear to be unidentified civilian explorers, and the rest are too far decomposed to identify. Autopsy of the intact bodies has shown a complete lack of neural tissue, including the brain, spinal cord, and all muscular and sensory nerves. During this time, SCP-794-02 has also grown by an estimated 3.4%.\nFurther investigation is ongoing, but difficult due to the inherent danger of SCP-794 and our inability to approach it directly. D-class assets have been secured in order to derive a method by which SCP-794's compulsion effect may be mitigated or suppressed.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-793 | SCP-794 | SCP-795 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-795\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-795 is to be contained in a 75 m x 5 m area divided and secured with clear Plexiglas walls containing locked doors as follows:\n(a) One wall/door at 5 m from the far end of the room. SCP-795 lives in the 5 m x 5 m space thus created.\n(b) One wall/door at 35 m. This defines the outer limit of the area that SCP-795 can affect while contained in Area (a).\n(c) One wall/door at 65 m. Area (c) may be used safely for observation while SCP-795 is contained in Area (a), but must be cleared if an interaction is taking place in Area (b).\n(d) A standard containment door at 75 m. This creates a 10 x 5 m area where SCP-795 can be safely observed while released into Area (b).\nTwo Level 1 guards are to be posted in Area (c); they should move to Area (d) if SCP-795 is in Area (b) for an experiment. Due to injury potential, non-D-Class personnel are not permitted to interact directly with SCP-795. An automated food and water dispenser, and litter changer have been installed in Area (a) to limit unnecessary contact with SCP-795.\nIf necessary, SCP-795 may be tranquilized from a distance and then safely handled.\nAdditional cats exposed to SCP-795 must be contained in an identical manner for a period of three hours.\nDescription: SCP-795 is a large (8.2 kg) black long-haired domestic cat (Felis catus) of indeterminate breed, exhibiting two major anomalous abilities:\n\u2022 SCP-795 can change the physical form of any living creature it is able to observe, within a range of 30 m.\n\u2022 SCP-795 can make telepathic suggestions to humans within the above range of effect.\nSCP-795 can transfer its abilities to other cats within its range of effect, but this effect on the other cat is temporary and dissipates within three hours of separation from SCP-795.\nSCP-795 does not otherwise exhibit any unusual physical or mental abilities. Typically, it will transform anything it considers friendly into another cat (in order to play with it). Anything considered unfriendly or dangerous is transformed into a prey animal and then killed and eaten.\n[Use of SCP-795 to terminate recalcitrant D-Class personnel approved. \u2013 O5-4]\nTelepathic suggestions have consisted of desires typical of cats \u2013 more/better food, softer bedding, toys, and to be let out of its enclosure. [Staff may purchase appropriate items for SCP-795 at their own expense. \u2013 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588]\nSCP-795's transformations revert after a period of one hour, after removal from SCP-795's presence. SCP-795 has proven unable to transform itself, inanimate objects, or objects that it cannot see.\nAddendum: SCP-795 was originally contained on \u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Animal Control Center in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. According to records found there, SCP-795 is named \u201cJunior,\u201d was approximately two years old upon containment, and had been surrendered by a relative of a deceased prior owner.\n[Note from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We have no idea how she got Junior into the cat carrier and down to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.]\nA number of unusual conditions were found at the Animal Control Center:\n(a) All dogs had been euthanized.\n(b) Cats were roaming the facility freely.\n(c) The Center was $\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 over budget for cat care and supplies.\n(d) Three Center staff were missing and presumed victims of SCP-795.\nThe cats were contained by use of tranquilizing gas.\nInitially, all of the cats in the Center exhibited the abilities of SCP-795, but lost their anomalous powers within three hours of being contained and separated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-794 | SCP-795 | SCP-796 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-796\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-796 affects only one individual at any one time, information concerning it need only be suppressed at a local level. Clinical and psychiatric records are to be screened for possible mentions of SCP-796's effects. The current affected individual is to be identified and located as soon as possible. Should an individual be confirmed to be under the effect of SCP-796, they are to be coerced into containment. The use of force, lethal or otherwise, is not permitted against individuals suspected of being affected by SCP-796.\nOnce the current affected individual is located, they are to be housed in a modified humanoid containment chamber lined with memory foam and equipped with microphones with a sensitivity of at least -35dB to confirm the continued presence of SCP-796. In addition, the subject must be inspected daily for any new wounds; a lack of new wounds may indicate a breach of containment. Wounds inflicted on the affected subject must be disinfected and treated promptly. Similarly, damage to the containment chamber as a result of SCP-796 must be repaired as soon as possible. Essential personnel are not to approach 100m of the containment chamber without prior authorisation, and contact with the affected subject is to be limited only to non-essential and D-Class personnel. In addition, at least one D-Class personnel is to reside in the 100m exclusion area at all times.\nThe death of the current affected individual is to be considered a possible containment breach. As such, their safety must be ensured at all times. In the case of their death, the residing D-Class personnel will be inspected for signs of SCP-796 and subsequently contained as necessary.\nUpdate: As of 01/02/2005, SCP-796 is currently contained by Subject-796-17. As Subject-796-17 has not expired despite being affected by SCP-796 for more than six months, he is to be considered as a more permanent solution to containing SCP-796.\nSubject-796-17 has so far requested the following:\n\nA selection of fiction books, preferably of the romance genre - Approved\nPortable music player - Denied\nA phone call - Denied\nCat food - Approval pending\n\nUpdate: As of 23/03/2006, the above containment procedures are now obsolete. Subject-796-17 is to be located and captured as soon as possible. See Addendum-796-03.\nDescription: SCP-796 is a condition whereby an affected individual begins to perceive a large feline entity in their peripheral vision. The exact appearance of said entity has so far not been ascertained; while the majority of subjects have described it as unusually large and dark-coloured, separate accounts of its shape, exact size, and overall body structure have been inconsistent. Affected subjects will often experience a strong sense of paranoia and dread, largely assumed to be a result of the entity's constant presence. However, no hostility has ever been reported on the part of the entity. Instead, SCP-796 will result in the manifestation of the following minor and largely harmless physical phenomena:\n\nLight scratches sporadically appearing on objects in the vicinity of the affected subject. Occasionally, the subject will appear to have been scratched by an unseen source; these wounds have so far been merely superficial.\n\nA faint, deep purring sound emanating from the immediate area around the affected subject. This effect is only detectable via specialised recording equipment, though most affected subjects claim it to be clearly audible.\n\nThe appearance of paw prints in nearby soft materials, consistent with that of an unusually large cougar.\n\nNotably, visual hallucinations experienced by affected subjects often correspond with manifestations of SCP-796's physical effects.\nAll affected individuals will experience an event that will place them in acute mortal danger within a month of first experiencing SCP-796's effects. It is unknown if SCP-796 is the cause of such events, or if it is aware of and attracted to individuals who will experience such events. Affected individuals' claims that SCP-796 causes bad luck are to be disregarded, as research has shown that affected individuals do not experience statistically increased rates of misfortune or accident. All individuals affected by SCP-796 will nonetheless expire within one month. Upon the death of the current subject, SCP-796 will transfer to an individual in the immediate vicinity.\nSCP-796 was first documented in the town of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, after Marina Izquierdo, a 46-year-old homeless woman, was admitted to the local hospital for severe abdominal pain, later diagnosed as due to accidental pesticide consumption. Izquierdo appeared highly paranoid and agitated throughout her stay, and died two days later after doctors were unable to save her. An autopsy revealed numerous superficial scratches on her throat and abdominal area. Dr. Hannah Maryam, who attended to Izqueirdo, later reported visual and auditory hallucinations consistent with SCP-796. She died two weeks later when her car crashed into another vehicle en route to her home. Multiple fresh scratches from an unidentified source were discovered on the steering wheels of both vehicles. At least 27 other individuals are suspected to have been affected by SCP-796 prior to Foundation intervention and containment on 09/09/2001.\nAddendum-796-01: On 27/01/2004, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was accidentally activated while being prepared for transfer to another Site. The resultant explosion severely damaged the humanoid containment wing of Site-32 and caused 31 fatalities, one of which was Subject-796-16. It is unknown as to whom SCP-796 transferred to next due to the chaos of the mass containment breach that ensued. Subject-796-17 was only identified a year later through a routine search of psychological counseling records and was subsequently brought into Foundation custody, where he claimed to have had been under the effects of SCP-796 for six months.\nAddendum-796-02: Excerpt from interview conducted with Subject-796-17 on 12/03/2005 by Dr. Nico Rei, Site-32 humanoid containment psychologist. The interview was conducted as part of a routine psychological examination of human and humanoid subjects. Superfluous dialogue has been removed for brevity.\n\n\nDr. Rei: So, can you elaborate a little more on how - and when - you first noticed your condition?\nSubject-796-17: It's hard to pin down a time. I wasn't in the best of states last year - my roommate moved out in April, I had to quit my job in May. Then there was that accident outside the grocery store - god, that was bad, it was just awful. And after that, it just, y'know, got hard for me to go out anymore. So I didn't.\nSubject-796-17: Then I started noticing things, seeing things. At first I thought it was the shadows - my apartment doesn't get much light, you see. But turns out I was right. I would look at the dark places and I would look away and there it would be, watching me. I'd catch glimpses, ears and a tail, but that was it.\nDr. Rei: What was your reaction to all of this?\nSubject-796-17: You know, I don't really think I cared. Nothing really mattered at that point. Not even when the scratches started appearing and the growling stopped being just in my head. When people stop messaging you and the world forgets you exist, it's hard to see any of this as really\u2026 real, you know?\nSubject-796-17: So on a bright sunny morning in July I closed the windows and turned off the television and I popped five strips' worth of Ambien - it was hard enough, with those claws getting in the way, but I managed - and I poured a glass of water and I took it all in and I laid down and closed my eyes. And - well - it didn't make any sound, but I could still feel it watching me. It saw my eyes roll back in their sockets and my throat clench shut and it didn't do a thing. I think that's when I realised something.\nDr. Rei: What was it?\nSubject-796-17: That no matter what happened, it was going to be there. Always there, in the shadows, in my ears, in my skin. Always watching. Even when I had nothing left, even when I was on my way out - you know how they say cats can see through to the other side? I think that thing just wanted to see me through.\nSubject-796-17: And, for some reason, I thought that was the best thing that anyone could have done for me at that point of my life. To see me through.\nDr. Rei: Jacob, are you aware that everyone else with your condition has, so far, died?\nSubject-796-17: Yes.\nDr. Rei: Why do you think this is so?\nSubject-796-17 glances over Dr. Rei's shoulder and smiles.\nSubject-796-17: I dunno. I guess it just\u2026 kind of likes me.\n\n\nAddendum-796-03: On 23/03/2006, at 0736h, the surveillance feed for SCP-796's containment chamber was disabled. Deployed security forces discovered that the chamber was manually opened from the outside using a keycard belonging to Dr. Nico Rei, which had been reported as missing two days earlier. Neither Subject-796-17 nor SCP-796 was found inside the containment chamber. Traces of claw marks were found on the keycard access panel. In addition, the following note was found folded underneath Subject-796-17's pillow.\n\nSee - thing is, you keep calling it that - a condition, an affliction, as if you can't bear to call it a disease. But it's not. Diseases hurt - they get under your skin and in your head and claw and claw at your mind until you beg for it to end. This doesn't hurt, not really. It scratches from time to time, sure, but that's it. Sometimes you give me excuses and talk about keeping me here and finding a cure for all of this, but you and I know that that's not gonna happen. It's not - and I don't mind at all, because I've already gotten better.\nI'm sorry I have to leave. Four blank walls and a locked door isn't much different from what I've been used to - but there's been so much I want to do, and the cat can't stay in here forever. It's not really the indoors type.\n- J\n\n\u00ab SCP-795 | SCP-796 | SCP-797 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-797\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-797 is to be contained in a room six (6) metres in length and six (6) metres in width. Walls (including floor and ceiling) must be at least 10 cm thick. Room is to be air-tight, with filtering system to clean the air of any bacteria. Every seven (7) days, a human cadaver of any age, condition, gender, or race is to be deposited in SCP-797's containment. After a period of twenty-four (24) hours, the cadaver is to be removed. Under no circumstances are any personnel to interact with SCP-797. Should SCP-797 enter a rage state, SCP-797-01 is to be eliminated via incineration and a new cadaver wheeled in, prompting a re-set of schedule.\nDescription: SCP-797 is an oval-shaped object attracted to either dying or freshly deceased humans. SCP-797 is almost always seen with SCP-797-01, a collection of human flesh from various cadavers. When accompanied by SCP-797-01, subject will attempt to interact with any living human entering its containment.\nTesting on SCP-797 reveals that it does not react to non-human bodies, although it is known to 'mistake' organs from other animals to be human, provided the organ is of comparable size and shape as that of a human. The subject appears to have an understanding of human anatomy and will attempt to interact with any personnel that enter its containment, with varying degrees of success. Upon failure, SCP-797 will enter a rage state and begin to dismantle SCP-797-01, launching pieces of flesh at those whom it had attempted to interact with beforehand at a velocity recorded of at least 70 m/s. Contact with the pieces cause no harm beyond normal consequence of being exposed to rotting human flesh. The impact has been known to cause broken bones, cracked ribs, torn organs, and internal hemorrhaging.\nWhen without a body, SCP-797 will attempt to escape its containment. Due to its small size (about five (5) cm in diameter) it will attempt to hide under the clothes of any living human that enters. It also will attempt to hide in shadows, apparently trying to trick personnel into thinking that the subject has escaped. When surrounded by SCP-797-01, SCP-797 shows no desire to escape, instead focusing its attention to attempt interaction with any living human that enters its enclosure. No contact beyond those in the Containment Procedures is to be attempted without permission from personnel ranked level 4 or higher.\nSCP-797-01 is controlled by the subject using a currently unknown method. The 'puppet' is built around SCP-797, with the subject at its centre. When separated from its controller, SCP-797-01 loses all cohesiveness. Body parts must be periodically replaced due to natural rot. Tests on samples collected from the subject reveal no significant abnormalities. Rarely, the subject will attempt to use SCP-797-01 to talk, producing a [REDACTED] sound accompanied by a release of bacteria in the air. If this situation occurs, no fewer than three (3) agents are to perform Procedure 797-A.\nSCP-797 was found at a local hospital in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Nunavut, Canada. When found, subject was collecting various body parts from patients around the hospital, and SCP-797-01 consisted of a torso including thirty (30) centimeters of an elderly woman suffering from pancreatic cancer, both lungs from an adult ringed seal, three (3) kidneys (ringed seal, human, donor organ), and the skeletal upper torso from a thirteen (13) year old male, dying of [REDACTED]. Hospital evacuated and all involved citizens provided with Class B Amnestic.\nAddendum: Dr.K\u2588\u2588\u2588M\u2588\u2588's note: Requesting permission to close contact with SCP-797 over [REDACTED] months. I believe through detailed analysis of the subject's actions we can discern more about whether or not it is sapient and its level of intelligence and begin communication instead of simply entrapping.\n\n\u00ab SCP-796 | SCP-797 | SCP-798 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-798\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-798 is currently housed in an 80 cm by 60 cm cage on a wooden table. No personnel should approach SCP-798 alone. SCP-798's cage is to be kept secure within a low-level cell.\nDescription: SCP-798 resembles a healthy adult grey/beige rat. However, it has been seen to engage in behaviours usually associated with corvids or higher mammals, such as self-awareness, problem solving, and the limited use of tools, suggesting heightened intelligence. SCP-798's dietary requirements, sleep patterns, and metabolism are normal for Rattus norvegicus, and blood tests confirm that it belongs to this species.\nSCP-798 possesses the ability to influence other animals from a distance and even control them if allowed to establish physical contact. The subject's abilities have proven to be far less effective on cetaceans, corvids, and primates; subject appears incapable of establishing a physical link with such creatures. Recent tests imply that SCP-798 appears to be completely incapable of influencing members of its own species. Recent tests imply that SCP-798 demonstrates different behaviours when interacting with members of its own species.\nAddendum: X-rays, CRT scans, and [DATA EXPUNGED] indicate that SCP-798 is a normal rat, and no heightened electrical, chemical, or neurological activity has ever been observed in either SCP-798 or any of its targets.\nLog 798-1:\nRequest access to Incident Report \u2588\u2588\u2588 for further information.\nLog 798-2:\nResearchers: Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: Routine observation of SCP-798.\nDetails: SCP-798 preened itself, rearranged its bedding, and began eating. Partway through its meal it stopped and began staring intently at Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 slowly got up and reached towards the cage, announcing his intent to \"let the little guy run around a bit\". Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 stopped him by grabbing his arm and addressing him directly.\nAddendum 798-2.1: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2018s experiences imply that SCP-798 can assert a psychological effect on those in close proximity to it. Repeats of this experiment indicate that this effect is easily overcome through application of willpower and/or the subject's awareness that they are being manipulated. Mostly SCP-798's subconscious broadcasts are requests for freedom or more food, although it has proved capable of making researchers feel intense guilt during procedures such as shock therapy or blood sampling.\nLog 798-3:\nResearchers: Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: SCP-798 was left alone with a house cat belonging to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDetails: The cat immediately jumped up onto SCP-798's table and began to nudge the cage off, where it struck the ground, dislodging the holding pin. Once SCP-798 had been released, the cat prostrated itself and allowed SCP-798 to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nLog 798-4:\nResearchers: Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: SCP-798 and three canine subjects (D1, D2, D3) were released into a 4 m by 4 m cell by means of a remote-operated lock on their cages. Dogs were previously liberated from laboratory duty at a pharmaceutical corporation; ages and breed indeterminate but assumed to be between four and ten years.\nDetails: The dogs immediately moved towards SCP-798 once the doors were no longer obstructing their view. D3 was the first to reach the primary test subject and allowed SCP-798 to latch onto the back of its head. In obvious distress, it barked at the other subjects and they responded in kind, showcasing typical territorial behaviour that soon escalated into a three-way fight. D3 was victorious, killing D1 and D2 despite being the smallest of the trio and despite receiving severe wounds to the jugular. Afterwards the surviving dog walked over to the cage and lay down. SCP-798 returned to its bed, cleaned itself of blood, and then went to sleep. D3 did not get back up and was found to have suffered a fatal aneurysm.\nLog 798-5:\nResearchers: Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: SCP-798 and another specimen of Rattus norvegicus (R1) were placed in an 80 cm by 60 cm cage, separated by a transparent plastic divider.\nDetails: When the divider was removed, R1 immediately attacked SCP-798. Both researchers reported a sudden feeling of acute discomfort; quote from Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"It was like I was suffocating. It was like having a migraine while something shoves itself down your throat and floods your guts with hot water. Never felt anything like it.\" On instruction by Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reached into the cage, deftly separated the two animals, and replaced the divider. SCP-798 suffered various bite wounds whereas the other rat appeared to have avoided harm.\nAddendum 798-5.1: It appears that SCP-798 may be incapable of influencing other rats, instead inspiring a primal, murderous rage in them by its mere presence.\nAddendum 798-5.2: An hour after procedure 798-5, the personnel on guard duty reported that R1 began vocalising a distressed squeal. SCP-798 was standing behind the divider, staring intently at the other rat. R1 began to bleed from the mouth and defecate all over its half of the cage, culminating in a brief but very severe seizure. It was found to have died from a myocardial infarction.\n\n\u00ab SCP-797 | SCP-798 | SCP-799 \u00bb"} {"text": "Photosynthetic\n\nSCP-799 - Carnivorous Blanket by Photosynthetic\n\nMore by this author\n\nItem#: 799\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\ncaution\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Each specimen of SCP-799 is to be kept in a separate bio-containment cell at Bio-Site-66. 100 g of dry brine shrimp is to be sprinkled over each object monthly; if this is not available, 500 g of household dust will suffice. It has been determined that Bio-Site-66's maintenance staff remove significantly more than the necessary quantity of dust from the D-class dorms monthly. This dust is to be collected in the usual dustpan bags and delivered as necessary. No more than 500 g per specimen is necessary or advised. Should any \"throw pillows\" or similar objects appear, they are to be placed in separate containment immediately and the presiding researcher notified.\nThe objects are not to be removed from containment except as authorized for testing.\nDescription: Members of SCP-799 vary in size, shape, and superficial appearance, but always retain the appearance of a knit or woven item of bedding made from an unfamiliar but very soft natural fiber (resembling high-quality merino wool blend but identified as [DATA EXPUNGED]). An individual's mass ranges from approximately 0.5 to 6 kg and does not change except through ingestion and excretion, so any immediate increase in area comes at the expense of thickness and fabric \"weight\". The blanket retains heat unusually well. Its coloration and markings are highly variable; it tends strongly towards pastel hues and patterns resembling stylized neotenous animals, particularly when its mass is less than about 2 kg.\nThe items are living organisms, most similar in physiology and structure to [DATA EXPUNGED] although alternate hypotheses suggest fungal origins (full notes may be found in Document 799-1a). Although well-insulated, they are apparently cold-blooded, hence their adaptation for use by intelligent homeotherms. Instances of SCP-799 are usually torpid and incapable of movement, requiring little nutrition: what they do need, they draw from the organic detritus present in household dust. One specimen is believed to have survived for years on end stored in a damp, ill-maintained attic, living on heat from the house below and detritus from the wooden rafters above. Excretion is minimal; excreta resemble tiny, very dry [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIf forced to survive for long periods without sufficient nutrition, though, SCP-799 is capable of metamorphosing into a predatory form. The resultant structural changes are invisible to the casual observer. They consist of modifications to the digestive tract and feeding orifices; the latter shift from minute, dispersed filter-feeding mouths into a single large mouth, lined with [DATA EXPUNGED]. The organism also develops contractile tissue similar to animal muscle. Once this metamorphosis is complete, the SCP-799 individual waits for a large animal to wrap up in it and become quiescent (sleep is common) before opening its mouth, tearing off a few kilograms of biomass, and consuming it. The biomass is apparently reduced to thin slurry almost immediately, as even seconds after feeding there is no visible bulge in the blanket. The mouth is completely resorbed ten minutes after feeding; at this point, no evidence of the blanket's nature is available except by X-ray or by observing the sudden increase in mass. By forty minutes after feeding, the entire carnivorous digestive system is resorbed and the organism returned to filter-feeding phase.\nIn carnivorous phase, the organism will not feed on inanimate objects or cold-blooded animals. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hypothesizes that its senses are entirely limited to touch and heat, and that it does not recognize cooler objects as organic.\nSCP-799 reproduces by budding. When an individual's mass reaches a certain minimum (very slowly except in case of carnivory), it takes on a more \"quilt-like\" appearance. Gradually, over the course of several weeks, the \"quilt squares\" along one margin puff up and slough off to become several small doilies or throw pillows. The offspring are clones of the individual, identical to it in every way, and will grow to a similar size and reproduce in turn given suitable conditions.\nThe first of the Foundation's captive SCP-799 population (\u2588\u2588 individuals at time of writing) was retrieved on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, where it had been residing in the home of notorious germophobe [DATA REDACTED], after it metamorphosed and apparently fed on his infant granddaughter. A standard biological sweep revealed the blanket's nature, and it was taken into containment without resistance.\nIt is not known how many instances of SCP-799 exist outside Foundation containment, as they are very difficult to detect except by genetic testing. Extrapolation of growth rates and reproductive weights from the specimens in containment suggests that a filter-feeding SCP-799 organism reproduces once every fifty to sixty years.\nNote: Any wild blankets should be destroyed upon detection. This species is fascinating, but we have a large population in containment and the wild ones pose too much risk of public exposure. Further research into a possible special connection with SCP-1626 is ongoing \u2013Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-798 | SCP-799 | SCP-800 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-800 in 1963 as SCP-800-8.\n\nItem #: SCP-800\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-800 is currently contained in a 50 cm x 200 cm x 2 cm hermetically sealed glass case. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure. No maintenance is necessary on SCP-800 itself, despite its apparent age, but its case is to be cleaned of dirt and dust every 6 days. No paint, ink, other writing materials, or any staining fluids are to come into contact with SCP-800 except under controlled testing conditions and with prior O5-level approval.\nDescription: SCP-800 is a 42 cm x 166 cm East Asian paper scroll painting of variable style and subject. Radioisotopic dating has determined that it dates from the mid-19th century. SCP-800 currently displays as an ink painting of two Korean warriors placed above one another, the upper armed with a bow and the lower armed with a saingeom-style sword. The painting style resembles 17th century Joseon dynasty art, despite SCP-800's paper scroll being more common in Japanese or Chinese painting.\nAccording to information gained from SCP-800's previous custodians, as well as an investigation of a number of photographic records, the scene depicted on SCP-800 has been observed to spontaneously take 12 distinct forms since the beginning of the 20th century. It is theorised that SCP-800 has changed to depict symbolic representations of every major armed conflict in East Asia, as well as a number of armed conflicts in Indochina and one in Central Asia. As there is no major Asian armed conflict at the present time, currently the SCP appears to represent the tensions between the two Koreas as an important flashpoint for military action. The mechanism by which SCP-800 changes is unknown, and no changes have been recorded electronically, despite constant surveillance of SCP-800 since it entered Foundation custody in 1979.\nSCP-800 has always been observed as an ink painting, usually in Japanese or Chinese style. Korean-style paintings have also been observed, including SCP-800's current appearance, as mentioned previously. The era of painting does not correspond to SCP-800's observed age, with painting styles observed from the 15th century Ming dynasty to contemporary East Asian art. Nations are commonly represented as national animals, such as a Chinese dragon, bear (presumably representing Russia), or eagle (presumably representing the United States). However, the symbolism in SCP-800 is often subtle and nations may often be represented by plants, landscapes, or people. For a detailed list of SCP-800's manifestations, see Addendum 800-1.\nSCP-800 may be marked or damaged by normal means; however, any stains on the painting disappear after a number of days. The paper SCP-800 appears on may be torn, but tears in the painting likewise regenerate after some days. It is possible to alter the content of SCP-800 semi-permanently by using identical materials and painting in a similar style to that of SCP-800's current incarnation. However, after the events of Experiment 800-1, all proposed alterations to SCP-800 require O5-level approval. See Addendum 800-2 for more information.\nSCP-800 was retrieved in January 1979 from an antiques shop in the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, in the southeast of the Republic of Korea. The proprietor, one Mr \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588 M\u2588\u2588\u2588, claimed to have a 'magic' painting which altered its appearance over the years; at the time, it displayed its present appearance. It was discovered on chance by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was skeptical of its owners' claims and only wished to purchase it for personal use. However, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 noticed that it possessed at least some extranormal properties by accidentally staining it with ink, then noticing the stain had disappeared after a period of 2 days. Upon Foundation examination it was determined to be of no SCP-level significance and put in storage at Site-\u2588. It attained SCP classification in mid-1979, at the beginning of the Sino-Vietnamese Border War, when it changed overnight to an 18th-century Qing Dynasty painting of a Chinese dragon flying over rice paddies (SCP-800-10). After this event, Foundation staff tracked down Mr M\u2588\u2588\u2588 for interrogation; it was revealed the painting had been in his family since the beginning of the 20th century, when his grandfather purchased it from a merchant in Shanghai. As Mr M\u2588\u2588\u2588 was the only known source of information on SCP-800 and its prior appearances, he was recruited as a research assistant and was SCP-800's caretaker until 2007, when he died of natural causes. Dr. Major subsequently took responsibility for SCP-800's custody.\nAddendum 800-1:\nA partial list of all known incarnations of SCP-800 follows, along with the historical event they are believed to correspond to. Save a small number of photos (one of which may be seen above), all descriptions before 1977 are obtained by word of mouth from Mr M\u2588\u2588\u2588 or his acquaintances; their accuracy may therefore be somewhat suspect.\n\n800-1 (presumably 1904-1905): unknown style (possibly Japanese), allegedly a bear struggling in the water, with a sun overhead. Information on 800-1 is limited as Mr M\u2588\u2588\u2588 only recalled his elderly grandmother repeatedly mentioning a painting of this description hanging in their house when she was young. Presumably depicts the Russo-Japanese war.\n800-2 (1905?-1936?): No information available.\n800-3 (1936?-1941?): unknown style, allegedly a dragon surrounded by cherry blossoms. Presumably depicts the Second Sino-Japanese War.\n800-4 (1941?-1945): Chinese style of unknown era, allegedly an eagle perched on a mountain, with a dragon and rising water beneath. Presumably depicts the East Asian theatre of World War Two. Mr M\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed the canvas went temporarily blank in mid-1945; this may correspond to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.\n800-5 (1945-1950): Chinese style, possibly of early Qing Dynasty, two dragons fighting. The first incarnation of SCP-800 observed in full by Mr M\u2588\u2588\u2588. Presumably depicts the Chinese Civil War.\n800-6 (1950-1953): Korean style, possibly of Goryeo Dynasty. 800-6 reported to change subtly numerous times over this period; basic scene depicted was two Korean warriors similar to those in 800-12, SCP-800's current appearance, but with an eagle and at times a Chinese dragon visible. Presumably depicts the Korean War.\n800-7 (1953-1959): apparently similar to current description.\n800-8 (1959-1975): 18th century Qing Dynasty style, initially eagle perched alone on tree (see attached image), subsequently transformed into flying eagle, with trees and human figures in conical hats. Presumably depicts the Vietnam War.\n800-9 (1975-1979): unknown style of painting resembling Khmer stone carving, [DATA EXPUNGED]\n800-10 (1979): 15th century Ming Dynasty style, Chinese dragon flying over rice paddies. Presumably depicts the Sino-Vietnamese Border War.\n800-11 (1979-1989): modern Japanese style, bear surrounded by small humanoid figures armed with spears, with small eagle overhead. Possibly depicts the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; if true, this would be SCP-800's only representation of a Central Asian conflict to date.\n800-12 (1989-present): see current description.\n\nAddendum 800-2: After the events of Experiment 800-1, SCP-800 has been upgraded to Euclid-class and further experimentation forbidden without O5 level approval.\nExperiment 800-1: To date the first and only alteration testing carried out on SCP-800. On 22/5/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-800 (in its current form of 800-12) was altered using ink and brush by a Foundation staff member experienced in modern reproduction of Joseon dynasty painting. Addition consisted of a quiver of arrows on back of uppermost figure wielding bow. No effects were initially noted apart from the fact that altered paint remained for an unusually long number of days. Three days later, on 25/5/20\u2588\u2588, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is unknown whether this event was connected to Experiment 800-1. However, further experimentation has been suspended indefinitely. SCP-800 was restored to its original state by Foundation staff.\nAddendum 800-1-1:\nWell, this might be useful if we ever have reason to destabilize the entire region. Shame it's anomalous, it'd look rather nice in my office.\n- Dr. Major\n\n\u00ab SCP-799 | SCP-800 | SCP-801 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-801\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All iterations of SCP-801 are to be kept in a metal locker on Foundation grounds. Access to SCP-801 for testing purposes is granted to any personnel Level 2 and above. All articles of SCP-801 should be dry-cleaned after testing. No further containment procedures aside from standard security are required.\nDescription: SCP-801 is a collection of seven articles of fur clothing, found inside a hunting lodge in the Adirondack mountains. Attempts to trace the owner of the lodge were unsuccessful; though locals insisted that they had seen lights and heard gunshots in the area until recently, Foundation personnel discovered no further evidence of recent occupation.\nSCP-801 includes:\n-One (1) mink fur coat (SCP-801-1)\n-One (1) raccoon fur coat (SCP-801-2)\n-One (1) wolf fur coat (SCP-801-3)\n-One (1) squirrel fur coat (SCP-801-4)\n-One (1) sable fur coat (SCP-801-5)\nEach coat is of a full-body length and includes a hood. Coats are lined with the same black silk, and none show any tag or washing instructions despite appearing to be machine-assembled.\nAccompanying the coats are:\n-One (1) pair of rabbit-skin mittens (SCP-801-6)\n-One (1) pair of elk-skin shoes (SCP-801-7)\nGloves are lined in silk, shoes in leather. As with the coats, both appear machine-assembled and bear no tags or marks of ownership.\nThe Foundation was called to the site after numerous reports of repeated anomalous animal attacks in the area. Animals were reported to be unusually close to human dwellings, and to be abnormally aggressive considering the species involved. Likewise, behavior after captivity was not consistent with the norm; [DATA EXPUNGED].\nPersonnel found SCP-801 lying on the floor of the lodge along with numerous other sets of normal articles of clothing.\nDonning any article of SCP-801 begins a rapid change in the wearer. Subject begins by doubling over in pain as internal changes start; described variously as \u201cexcruciating\u201d, \u201cburning\u201d and \u201clike my [REDACTED] organs are liquefying and [DATA EXPUNGED]\u201d. Subjects soon (within two (2) minutes) lose both coherent speech and the ability to stand upright. Subject's vocalizations begin to become less human and more animal as external changes become apparent according to which article of clothing is worn. Although subjects may manage to remove the clothing before this stage, no halt in the process takes place. Characteristic is the lengthening of the front of the face into a snout or muzzle, lengthening of the arch of the foot, and of the tailbone. Three (3) minutes into the transition subject demonstrates signs of extreme pain and fatigue. At this stage subject begins prodigious vomiting, apparently shedding excess mass and tissue unneeded for the new form. What mass cannot be expelled in this manner enters into an advanced state of cellular deterioration and falls away from the main body. At minute five (5), the subject resembles its new form almost entirely; extreme hair growth begins over the body, apparently interfering with the subject's upper dermal layers, and resulting in expelling much blood from the body along with the newly grown hair.\nUpon completion of transition, subject will be extremely fatigued, but not docile, and care should be taken when caging or terminating test subjects. All subjects thus far have shown extreme and relentless aggression and resistance to pain. When caged and lacking an exterior target, subjects will bite and scratch themselves far past the point of bleeding. One raccoon-transitioned D-Class was found to have gnawed through the contents of its own stomach while another subject [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIt is recommended that all subjects be terminated following testing and examination.\nAddendum: Testing the coats on non-human species has yielded mixed results.\nPlacing an ordinary animal inside a coat made from its own species (I.E., placing a raccoon inside SCP-801-2), or placing the same subject in the same coat twice has no effect. However when placing ordinary animals (or sedated, transitioned subjects) inside a coat made from a different animal results in subject transitioning normally for the first three (3) minutes before aborting. Resultant subjects are often missing fur or limbs, or otherwise have limbs partially transitioned. In addition, once mass-purge has started, subjects may have organs [REDACTED] and are unable to support life functions. Most subjects do not live through this process.\nAddendum 2: Attempting to transition a subject wearing multiple articles (such as SCP-801-1 and SCP-801-6 and/or SCP-801-7) functions similarly to putting one species inside a non-coincident coat; however, in this case, the transition stops earlier, leaving the subject at least partially conscious, but with partially transitioned limbs, [DATA EXPUNGED] etc. As these subjected have exhibited the same violent tendencies as those fully transitioned, it is recommended they be terminated immediately. No attempt at communication should be made.\n\n\u00ab SCP-800 | SCP-801 | SCP-802 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-802\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A security perimeter must be maintained at a fifteen kilometer radius around SCP-802's territory. Due to the large area needed to be covered, and the isolated nature of SCP-802's territory, warning signs, fences, automated security systems, and regular patrols should be sufficient to prevent unauthorized intrusion. No fewer than three lines of containment must be maintained within the perimeter at all times. These lines must consist of:\nOuter Perimeter: Basic fences, trenches, and concrete and steel vehicle obstacles. Regular patrols with anti-tank weaponry equipped.\nIntermediate Perimeter: Additional anti-tank trenches and obstacles. Perimeter must also be secured with an unbroken line of anti-tank mines.\nInner Perimeter: Inner perimeter must be secured with an unbroken line of Dragon's Teeth anti-tank obstacles constructed out of reinforced concrete. Additional anti-tank mines must be added.\nRoad access to SCP-802's territory is prohibited. The only allowable modes of transportation into the perimeter are either by foot or by air. Under no circumstances are the perimeter defenses to be breached or compromised to allow vehicle access. Only Level 3 personnel or higher are allowed within the perimeter. Any unauthorized access can and will result in immediate termination.\nDescription: SCP-802 appears to be a World War II era Renault Char B1 medium battle tank. However, unlike regular tanks, SCP-802 is able to operate on its own. It is unknown whether SCP-802 is sapient, or possesses any sort of intelligence at all, but it is clear through long-range infrared scans and constant surveillance that SCP-802 has no physical crew manning it. The tank itself, while operational, is in incredibly poor condition. While personnel have been unable to get close enough to properly examine it, it is clear that it is heavily damaged. The top turret is completely missing, its hull weapon is non-operational, the treads are nearly falling off, and the hull is pitted and worn with age and battle damage. However, it is still capable of operating beyond its projected performance specifications and is able to achieve speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour as opposed to the documented 28 kilometers per hour. Infrared scans have also shown signs of trace heat around where the engines should be located, which are inconsistent with the heat signatures of a conventional engine, making SCP-802's primary method of propulsion unknown. SCP-802 is also highly resistant to damage. Attempts to destroy it have been met with failure, as SCP-802 can take repeated hits from anti-tank weapons and remain operational. While the damage caused only seems to be cosmetic at best, it can successfully drive SCP-802 away temporarily.\nSCP-802 \"patrols\" an area that is roughly six square kilometers in the French countryside, near [DATA EXPUNGED]. Within this territory are mostly urban ruins that are the remains of the town [DATA EXPUNGED]. Records show that the town was founded in the early sixteenth century and abandoned in the early twentieth century. However, there is no indication of what caused the town's inhabitants to leave. Upon arrival into SCP-802's area of influence, intruders will immediately be shadowed and stalked by SCP-802, which will constantly attack and harass them in any way possible. It is unknown whether SCP-802 has ever left the confines of the ruins. However, it seems to show no interest in attempting to escape and has stayed well within the security perimeters.\nOddly, the strangest aspect of SCP-802 is that music seems to emanate from within its hull. The same music can also occasionally be heard echoing throughout the entire containment area at night. Analysis from eyewitnesses and from recordings has shown that SCP-802 tends to play music from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The sound quality of this music however is incredibly poor. The music is constantly skipping and stuttering, as if being played on an antique vinyl record player in poor condition. Over nineteen distinct songs have been classified, while there remain a number more that analysts have been unable to identify. It is unknown what exactly causes this phenomenon, but it has been hypothesized that it is a form of psychological warfare meant to unnerve and confuse enemies, though this has not been confirmed.\nAddendum: Due to over forty-seven casualties since containment, all recon teams are now to consist of D-class personnel with military backgrounds only.\n\n\u00ab SCP-801 | SCP-802 | SCP-803 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-803\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All \u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-803 are to be contained in seperate biohazard containment cells at Site-\u2588\u2588. The specimens are to be fitted with radio transmitters set to secure channels. One D-class subject is to be provided for experimentation in the event of extreme hostility from SCP-803 instances.\nDescription: SCP-803-1 is a currently undetermined number of autonomous machines, resembling small umbrellas, averaging 170 centimetres in width and 150 centimetres in height. An average specimen is almost indistinguishable from a normal umbrella. There are no identifying marks or labels on instances of SCP-803-1. When unfolded, a large amount of medical equipment is visible on the underside of SCP-803-1's canopy. These include vials of varying liquids and gases, plastic tubing, syringes, scalpels, various motors and joints, [DATA EXPUNGED]. All specimens possess the ability to retract, disguise or otherwise hide this equipment, making identification of SCP-803-1 in the field difficult. All attempts to disassemble or deactivate instances of SCP-803 are forbidden by order of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (see addendum 803-01).\nSCP-803-2 resemble SCP-803-1 in almost all respects, except for a greatly increased wingspan of 5 metres and a central power system apparently fueled by [REDACTED]. SCP-803-2 serve as carriers for swarms of SCP-803-1 on rows of metal hooks that replace the medical equipment found in instances of SCP-803-1.\nThe primary function of SCP-803 instances appears to be the capture, experimentation, and occasionally dissection vivisection of medium to large mammals using the aforesaid apparatus. Specimens of SCP-803-2 hunt by either waiting in a large, open area or by tumbling through the air using natural updrafts and bursts of compressed air emitted from the tips of their canopy. Upon encountering a viable target, the instance will release its flock of SCP-803-1, who will proceed to inject a muscle relaxant into the subject and then experiment upon it. \u2588\u2588% of subjects survive these procedures, which may involve removal and/or transplantation of organs, blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid sampling, monitoring of [DATA EXPUNGED], and may last up to \u2588\u2588\u2588 minutes. Surviving subjects report being fully conscious during the experiments, as well as intense pain and feelings of panic.\nFlocks of SCP-803 comprise an average of \u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) individuals, and have been sighted in the following locations:\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Brazil.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Japan.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Australia.\n[DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum 803-01: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, several D-class subjects were ordered by Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to dismantle an instance of SCP-803-1 using hammers, saws and wrenches. When the first D-class attempted to remove the handle, the specimen violently ruptured. Two of the three D-class were injured by large, sharp pieces of metal from the instance, inflicting wounds comparable to those caused by crossbow bolts fired at close range. One D-class died instantly due to a metal rod entering his skull. The second D-class initially survived, but later died of viral infections carried on the needles of the specimen. The third D-class quickly [REDACTED] due to unidentified chemicals within SCP-803-1, with only 1.2 kilos of biological material being recovered. Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was severely reprimanded.\nAddendum 803-02: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, autopsy of a D-class subject captured by SCP-803-1 instances during the [REDACTED] containment breach discovered a small metallic dodecahedron at the top of the spinal column. The purpose of this object is currently unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-802 | SCP-803 | SCP-804 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-804, inactive\n\nItem #: SCP-804\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Until such time as SCP-804 is found to be without any memetic effect it is to remain in its original location at the former site of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Alaska, where exposure to the elements prevents its reactivation. A 30m x 30m camouflage tarp is to be maintained over SCP-804 and facilities for armed guards and testing are to be maintained 130 meters from its location. Trespassers are to be treated with a Class-A amnestics and returned to the nearest town of [DATA EXPUNGED] or terminated at the discretion of on-site security. In the event of SCP-804 being approached or seized by a hostile armed force, Contingency 804-X is to be executed.\nDescription: SCP-804 is the remains of an art installation titled \"World Without Man,\" revealed on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, by the defunct artists' group Unelmat Paremmasta Maailmasta. According to documentation retrieved and deleted from the artists' website during clean-up procedure, SCP-804 was originally a large, clear globe of the Earth, with several smaller globes and video equipment within. Promotional material on the website implied that the globe was to display images of pastoral wilderness untouched by mankind contrasted with visuals of abandoned human industry and decaying landmarks.\nUpon activation before a small audience of prominent environmental activists and artists from the nearby community of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-804 began to display its destructive properties. We can only speculate if the device's output was intentional or not, as those involved in its construction perished during the incident or have gone into hiding.\nWhile the globes within SCP-804 rotate, all man-made artifacts within approximately 100 meters begin to rapidly deteriorate until completely disintegrated. The effect applies to anything ranging from machinery to buildings, clothing, plastics, synthetic chemical compounds and any tool more complex than a sharpened stick of wood. The area of effect grows the longer the device is active, with the effect growing ever stronger at its source. Human tissue is also affected at a slower rate of decay, causing victims to become emaciated as they lose body mass\u2014leading up to collapse of the skeleton and death, with the body swiftly breaking down into component matter shortly thereafter. Non-human life is completely unaffected. Persons who escape the area of effect experience symptoms similar to prolonged starvation but can return to full health with proper care.\nIf not for the fact that it is not entirely immune to its own effect, SCP-804 would have had the potential to remove all trace of humanity from the globe in a matter of weeks. Judging from the observed rate of destruction upon original activation versus its current capabilities under testing, SCP-804's capabilities have been impaired by the damage it caused to itself. However, sustained use still presents an extreme threat especially if the device is somehow refined or repaired.\nDue to the circumstances in which SCP-804 was secured it is strongly believed that the device also possesses some form of mental compulsion on those who view it, but testing is still on-going to determine if that property has also been compromised by the decay of SCP-804 and how it might be contained. See Recovery Log for further information.\nRecovery Log SCP-804: Approximately 5 minutes after activation, the effect of SCP-804 reached the nearby community of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Citizens who were not at the art show initially responded with panic and made several emergency calls. Due to the extreme remote location of the town, the first response was made by a small single-prop aircraft which arrived about thirty minutes later. Although the plane entered the area of effect and was quickly lost, the pilot did relay a radio message describing the swift and complete destruction of the town's buildings. At this point, the Foundation became aware of the situation and teams of agents were sent to investigate.\nBy the time agents were able to arrive on scene, SCP-804 had been intermittently active for nearly eight hours and as a result the town and everything in a radius of [DATA EXPUNGED] was wiped clean of any trace of human civilization. Upon arrival, one plane was immediately affected; fortunately, the crew was able to make an emergency landing before the physical structure of the plane collapsed around them. Unfortunately, their equipment and clothing was also quickly disintegrated, exposing them to the extreme cold of northern Alaska. As a result, six agents had to be treated for hypothermia, but all are expected to return to duty with no lasting effects.\nAfter recovering the crew of the downed plane, agents set up a perimeter and were able to observe the epicenter of SCP-804's effect. The surviving population of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had crowded around the remains of the device. All subjects observed were severely emaciated and suffering from severe hypothermia. Exposure had only worsened the effect of SCP-804 and many subjects were observed with missing digits and even limbs. The survivors were approaching the device in teams of two to three to push at the single remaining globe within SCP-804's housing in order to maintain its effect. As each subject eventually succumbed and collapsed, another from the crowd of onlookers would shuffle forward to take their place. Survivors were seen to be cheering and encouraging those who were maintaining the device until their turn to push the frosted globe came up, although such manual operation was not sufficient to maintain even the radius of effect the device had achieved before damaging itself.\nAgents were authorized by O5-\u2588 to open fire on the crowd. Although bullets experience the same decay as any other artifact, their velocity was enough to strike lethal wounds before decomposition. When the remaining globe of SCP-804 ceased to spin, the effect ended and agents were able to move in and secure the device. Survivors attempted to resist but lacked the strength to impede Foundation agents and began to act in a disoriented manner once they were removed from SCP-804. With no adequate facilities remaining to provide shelter for them all, many survivors chose to simply lie down in the snow and die while others attempted to provoke agents into using lethal force upon them. Those who were taken into custody refused to answer any questions and were able to refuse enough care that they did not recover from their physical decay.\nAs exposure to the extreme elements of northern Alaska appears to adequately contain SCP-804 by freezing its remaining machinery in place, it was decided to leave the device on site and under guard along with a [DATA EXPUNGED] in the unlikely event that a hostile faction attempts to secure the device.\nAddendum SCP-804 is not to be contained within any Foundation facility until it is certain that we will be able to prevent anyone from being compelled to activate or maintain the rotation of the globe. Even a few minutes of SCP-804's effect could destroy its own containment and seriously compromise any other containment nearby.\nContingency 804-X [DATA EXPUNGED]\nMemetic Research Report, revised July 2011 by Dr. Johannes Sorts\n\nThis is the third annual review of any \"supernatural\" memetic component to SCP-804, and we still have not produced any significant results. It's time to put the controversy on SCP-804's memetic properties to rest once and for all.\nYes, SCP-804 possesses memetic properties, and yes, these properties were responsible for driving the survivors of its activation event into sacrificing themselves to maintain the device.\nBut there is nothing especially virulent or dangerous about SCP-804's memetic properties. Only a few select personality types, outlined in the attached report, have any desire to re-activate the device. Most notable are the D-class sociopaths who show similar amusement when presented with a big red button that says \"kill everything.\"\nWe've been looking at this all wrong, there is no magical compulsion that could drive so many people to destroy themselves. There does not need to be. Everything we observed during recovery can be explained by mundane group dynamics and human nature.\nThe device had just wiped away all trace of the work and the lives of a reclusive artist and activist community. The buildings crumbled into dust so fast that people were not even injured in the collapse. And at the center of it all A World Without Man turned around and around on its increasingly rickety platform, offering a deadly premise that had been presented to them as an ideal. A cure for the virus known as humanity.\nSo why did a group of activists throw themselves and their neighbors into the deadly workings of a machine that they thought was going to wipe all human life off of Mother Earth?\nThey simply wanted to do it.\n\n\u00ab SCP-803 | SCP-804 | SCP-805 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-805\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-805 is to be kept in a stable in Sector \u2588\u2588. This is to be locked shut at night with at least one guard of Level 2 clearance or above stationed at the main door at all times. During daylight, personnel of Level 3 clearance or above with adequate equine handling skills are allowed and encouraged to interact with SCP-805, provided they are wearing full body coverings or hazmat suits. SCP-805 is to be treated like a normal young horse and is allowed into the adjoining courtyard for exercise during the day. At this time, samples may be taken from SCP-805 for testing. Staff are reminded that SCP-805 will react to inappropriate treatment like a normal horse, which resulted in Incident [DATA EXPUNGED]. Any personnel found to be mistreating SCP-805 will be immediately removed from the area and clearance to SCP-805 revoked.\nDescription: SCP-805 is an assortment of branches and roots twisted into the shape of a young horse, 101.6 cm high. Its interior is completely hollow of any organs; however, the object is mobile, mimicking the movements and instincts of a typical young foal. It is drawn toward human presences, actively seeking contact with skin, and has been reported as being 'very friendly' when approached. It does not require food or water and there has been no growth recorded since containment in 20\u2588\u2588. Scrapings of wood from its frame have revealed it to be of an unknown species related to the 'poison-oak' plant, Toxicodendron diversilobum.\nUpon contact with SCP-805, human skin shows signs of irritation not unlike that caused by poison-oak. The skin turns red and begins to itch as small red bumps erupt from the flesh. No remedy prescribed for poison-oak will ease the itching or rash. Two to three days after the rash has appeared, the irritation will flare and spread rapidly until the entire surface of the skin is covered. Subjects have reported excruciating pain both internal and external, with skin beginning to change colour between pale brown or green. Movement in the joints becomes stiff and increasingly more difficult. As the internal body pressure rises, blood will be forced out various orifices of the subject, including their eyes and fingernails. Bone width increases, and muscle is absorbed into the widening bones which thicken rapidly, causing [DATA EXPUNGED] to the subject's body like that of SCP-805 itself.\nThe transformation has been observed to take 3 to 8 hours, depending on how much bare skin was infected by SCP-805, each result ending with the subject [DATA EXPUNGED]. X-rays have shown them to be completely hollow inside. However, it is theorized that the subject may be still aware and conscious as, despite no mobility, pulse or breathing found post-transformation, the remains have been observed creaking and groaning as if attempting to move. They do not respond to tests with normal stimuli and most noises appear to occur when in the vicinity of SCP-805.\nThese corpses do not carry the infection of SCP-805 to other humans but it is still recommended that they are handled with thick gloves to prevent splinters. Remains are to be observed for a time after transformation before being incinerated.\nAddendum 865-01 SCP-805 was discovered in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 countryside, with authorities alerting the Foundation after a series of [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-805 did not resist capture and containment, but resulted in the deaths of \u2588 staff during this time. Its origin and age are unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-804 | SCP-805 | SCP-806 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-806, upon recovery.\n\nItem #: SCP-806\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-806 is to be kept sealed in Containment Locker 8 at Bio-Site-66. Researchers interested in utilizing the item are to contact Dr. Bridge for an interview.\nSCP-806-1-a has been given a standard humanoid containment suite at Bio Site-66. SCP-806-1-a is permitted Level-0 clearance, if supervised by at least one (1) Level-1 personnel at all times.\nSCP-806-1 may only be created upon explicit written approval by both Dr Bridge and Dr Seidelman of Site-66, or O-5 approval.\nDescription: SCP-806 is a large, modified film projector, originally built circa 1900. The item's lens has been replaced with one constructed of several dozen thin layers of shaved precious stones and as of yet unidentified materials. The original projection bulb has been replaced by an LED array. Originally built for 35mm film, most inner mechanisms have been retrofitted with similar components of various complex alloys. These modifications also allow for most film sizes to be played. Additional mechanisms have been installed, allowing for multiple spools of film to be played through the item without interruption.\nWhen active, SCP-806 creates biological material through an unknown process, which arranges itself in a manner that recreates a nude \u201ccopy\u201d of a deceased subject in the open space before the screen, as they were at the time of the latest recording used.123\nMatter produced through this effect appears to first manifest as needle-thin rays of light projected from the lens. It creates no shadow or effect on the films being played, and appears to become biological matter at the point that it touches the forming human subject.\n\u201cCopies\u201d created this way are henceforth SCP-806-1. In order to produce SCP-806-1, film reels containing recordings of the deceased must be projected onto a silver lenticular cinema screen. Between 13 and 27 hours of recording is required to recreate the subject. At least one individual must be viewing the film through the duration of the phenomenon, or formation will cease and gradually reverse.\nIf the projector is shut down, the instance of SCP-806-1 will fail, usually dissolving into a mixture of blood and graphite dust.4\nFinalized instances of SCP-806-1 lack any colour pigment, as if in monochrome. This effect is independent of the colorization of the original source material. Tissue removed from instances will gradually gain colour pigment through unknown processes, but decay unusually rapidly and do not survive transplantation.\nComplete instances of SCP-806-1 usually retain most memories of their past life, and initially will believe that they are the original individual. All instances save for SCP-806-1-a die of cardiac arrest between 70 and 75 hours after final formation. Use of SCP-806 as a means of investigating film based anomalies is pending review.\n806-1-a and Discovery: SCP-806-1-a is the first known subject recreated through SCP-806, and the only still-surviving individual. 806-a is a young woman of indeterminate heritage appearing in her early 20s, apparently born in the early to mid 20th century. For an as of yet unknown reason, SCP-806-1-a appears to be afflicted by a form of dissociative amnesia which prevents her from recalling any personal information regarding her original life, including her own name. No records have yet been found regarding a person of 806-1-a's appearance or general timeline.\n806-1-a was recovered alongside SCP-806 during its initial recovery. Agent Fishe, embedded in the local police force, was investigating a call that youths had broken into a local theatre which had been closed for holidays. There the agent encountered an unknown male angrily shouting while attempting to gather up SCP-806 and other paraphernalia, and 806-1-a in a state of confusion and distress. The unknown male escaped Agent Fishe and civilian personnel.\nMTF Alpha-4 (\u201cPony Express\u201d) was called to recover SCP-806, SCP-806-1-a, and approximately 50 hours of various types of film.\nThe film contained 5.8 seconds of SCP-806-a laughing and saying \u201cI love you\u201d, repeating in various states of quality and colouration.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Note that fictional characters depicted are not restored; only the actor of that character will be recreated.\n2. The target appears random, favouring whichever figure has the most on-screen time.\n3. Cartoon films have no effect within SCP-806.\n4. Two tests wherein the process was intentionally interrupted at the 19th hour led to \u2018unfinished' physical bodies collapsing onto the floor; the more-formed instance succumbed to brain death, where the less complete instance simply died.\n\n\u00ab SCP-805 | SCP-806 | SCP-807 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-807\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-807 is to be kept in a locked safe deposit box at Site 19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure.\nSCP-807 may be removed from its storage container with proper authorization for experimentation. All personnel working around SCP-807 must be well-fed, and should wear oral restraints to prevent accidental ingestion.\nDescription: SCP-807 is a salmon-colored ceramic dinner plate 20 cm in diameter with the words \"Last Chance Diner\" printed on the edges in white. A small piece has been chipped out of one edge of the plate, just above the letter D. There are no manufacturer's marks, and to date, all efforts to find the restaurant in question have failed.\nSCP-807 transmutes any food served upon it into a variation of its original form with high concentrations of fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Once transmuted, the food in question is enhanced in flavor and aroma to preternatural levels, to the point where the desire to consume said food becomes nearly irresistible. Anyone who does consume said food, however, will undergo cardiac arrest within five minutes of finishing their meal, due to sudden and massive fatty buildup in the major arteries. In some cases, immediate bypass surgery has been shown to be effective in saving the life of a subject.\nAddendum 807-A: Recorded Transmutations\n\nCucumber sandwich made with fresh cucumbers, white bread, and 2 cc butter - Fried egg sandwich.\n\nVegetarian Patty with fresh lettuce, tomato, and onion, with 4 cc ketchup, 4 cc mustard, and two slices dill pickle on a whole-wheat bun - \"Luther\" burger served on two Krispy Kreme donuts with three beef patties consisting of a total of 0.5 kg of beef, served with lettuce, tomato, onion, 8 cc ketchup, 8 cc mayonnaise, 8 cc mustard, with a fried dill pickle on the side.\n\nLuther Burger - [DATA EXPUNGED]. Further testing of high-fat foods with SCP-807 has been suspended due to the high number of casualties.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-806 | SCP-807 | SCP-808 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-808\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-808 is currently unable to be moved from its original location. As such, Armed Containment Site-27 has been built around the area in which it was found.\nSCP-808 is contained within a six (6) meter by seven (7) meter by seventeen (17) meter containment tank. Unit is constructed from ten (10) centimeter thick walls of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), covered by twenty-five (25) centimeter thick acoustic foam. Furthermore, wooden sound dampeners are constructed three (3) meters from the container, to further insulate the object. These dampeners are susceptible to regular degradation, and as such are to be replaced by Class-D personnel.\nSCP-808's housing (Area 808-a) is currently set with \u2588\u2588 explosive charges. The public cover story is that the property has been purchased by the military as a training area, allowing for complete destruction of the object if required. Barring maintenance, a thirty (30) meter buffer zone is to be maintained around the object at all times.\nOnce monthly, SCP-808's tank is to be opened and the main body is to be inspected for degradation. If sufficiently degraded, a diluted phosphoric acid spray is to be applied, then the object is to be power-washed and coated with further rustproofing agents.\n\nAn inner portion of SCP-808, taken during initial investigation. Each portion of this segment was moving with slow but consistent motion.\n\nMachinery originally found within the structure has been removed to a storage area 250 meters to the southwest. In the event that any unconnected machinery in the vicinity of SCP-808 begins to operate, all personnel are to evacuate to Evac Point Beta. As a precaution to repel invaders, automated motion-sensitive flame-based defensive installations around the object will activate in the event of a Site lockdown.\nDescription: SCP-808 is a mechanical construct standing approximately sixteen (16) meters tall, with a base approximately five by six meters (30 m2) in area. The object is roughly cylindrical in shape, the upper three meters tapering to a point.\nSCP-808 seems to be built primarily of steel and iron, with several smaller brass fittings. Randomly-placed lengths of cable and chain are attached haphazardly to the lower areas, with the majority of the machine constructed of steel beams and gears in simple clockwork patterns. Components seem to have been taken from various industrial machinery, with no single source. The machinery forming SCP-808 runs constantly with a low grind, despite no apparent power source.\nThe uppermost portion of SCP-808 is constructed in a somewhat humanoid form. This portion is covered in gray carpeting and a white wedding dress, giving it a soft, somewhat feminine appearance. The effigy possesses four limbs, the upper limbs appearing somewhat vestigial and the lower limbs apparently taken from a mannequin. The face seems to be a speaker system, possibly constructed of copper.\n\nHumanoid portion of SCP-808, against its PVC containment tank.\n\nWhile SCP-808 runs, a high-pitched whine is emitted from the humanoid construct. As SCP-808's structure degrades (through rusting) or is tampered with (e.g. attempts to disassemble the object, or through application of force), this noise's volume will increase dramatically. This noise will automatically tune to frequencies capable of causing local metals to resonate. After growing loud enough (approx. 70 dB), non-electronic components of machinery affected by this resonance will spontaneously activate. This anomalous activity will cease once rust has been removed from SCP-808. No psychological effects have appeared in those exposed to the sound.\nDirect damage to the humanoid construct has caused it to emit an approximately 1\u2588\u2588 dB \u201cscream\u201d, killing 2 and deafening \u2588\u2588 personnel on-Site, as well as causing extensive property damage. No further attempts to deconstruct or destroy SCP-808 are to be taken except in extreme emergencies.\nRecovery Log: SCP-808 is located within an abandoned factory in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, France. An Agent embedded as a local city worker heard rumours of a constant \u201cscreech\u201d in the local countryside, and called in a small investigation. Upon discovery of SCP-808 within its structure, the four present Agents were assaulted by a group of civilians, killed by Agents in self-defense.\nInvestigation of the structure revealed a sect dedicated to the Church of the Broken God. \u2588\u2588 associated members of the sect were captured and taken into Foundation custody. Documents and paraphernalia retrieved from civilian residences revealed that SCP-808 had been under construction for approximately seven months, and remains unfinished after being acquired by the Foundation. Documentation reveals that SCP-808 was intended to be a musician of sorts, in preparation for the eventual return of the \"Broken God\".\nAssociated civilians have since been terminated under the guise of an attack by a mundane terrorist cell. Security for [LOCATION REDACTED] has since been increased.\n\nAddendum - Note from Dr. Bridge\nJudging by the main structure, I'd say that it was intended to be mobile. It has bits that look like the beginnings of legs\u2026 wheels as well.\nIt's quite concerning that something the size of SCP-808 has been built outside our knowledge. However, I find it even more disturbing that a cult of the Broken God grew this large without alerting the Foundation. In light of this recent growth, I recommend increasing surveillance on known Church activities.\n\n\u00ab SCP-807 | SCP-808 | SCP-809 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-809\nObject Class: Safe\nContainment Procedures: SCP-809 is to be kept in a secure storage locker in Site 19. No additional security beyond a standard keypad lock is necessary for containment. A room outfitted with monitoring equipment and four-point restraints is recommended for testing on unwilling subjects. As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, please contact Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to confirm availability of SCP-809.\nDescription: SCP-809 is a heavily stained and worn pair of leather boots, designated SCP-809-1 and SCP-809-2 for the left and right boot respectively. Forensic analysis of the boots confirms that the stains are composed of clay-rich soil and human blood. The design of SCP-809 is consistent with those of the boots worn by French infantry in the last years of World War One.\nSCP-809 was discovered by Foundation personnel in the attic of an abandoned building in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, France. Investigation confirms that the building was used as a field hospital from 1915 to 1917.\nSCP-809 is activated by a subject donning both boots and closing his or her eyes for five to ten seconds. Upon activation, subjects experience a vision from the point of view of a French Corporal in battle. Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588, both amateur military historians, have identified the setting as one of the innumerable trenches dug along the French/German border during the War. For the duration, the vision is perceived as reality.\nNote that the subject need not be willing or conscious - activation may be achieved under sedation, as long as the subject's eyes are closed.\nWhile minor details differ through separate tests, the general outline of each vision remains constant. Subjects relive the experience of a French infantryman being stabbed repeatedly through the abdomen by the bayonet of a German soldier, followed by approximately seven hours lying in the bottom of the trench before expiring from blood loss and trauma to various internal organs. Upon death in the vision, the subject will awaken. To an outside observer, the entire experience lasts only forty to sixty seconds.\nSCP-809 has been confirmed to induce severe post-traumatic stress disorder in 80% of subjects upon the first use, 95% of subjects upon a second use, and 100% of subjects after three or more uses. Data collection is ongoing, but preliminary results consistently indicate permanent insanity after five to seven uses.\nClass-A amnestics are available upon request to personnel with Level 1 security clearance or higher who have been volunteered for testing.\nAddendum: Those with Level 2 Security Clearance should see document #809-a\nDocument #809-a:\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, ownership of primary access privileges to SCP-809 has been given to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for use in interrogation of suspected GOC and ORIA agents. Repeated application of SCP-809 has proven to be both more cost-effective and less likely to result in accidental death than traditional methods of enhanced interrogation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-808 | SCP-809 | SCP-810 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-810\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-810 is to be kept in a transparent container and should be kept under video surveillance at all times. During experimentation, it is only to be handled by Class-D personnel or while wearing gloves. After any experiment is concluded, any Class-D personnel who may 'own' the SCP are to be terminated.\nDescription: Object appears to be a standard oil lamp dating back some 1-2 thousand years. No biological material has been observed on the SCP, and the circumstances of its recovery make exact dating impractical. When touched by a human, an inscription appears in Aramaic. It reads, roughly 'Ask what you will, and you shall never want for it.' If the SCP is firmly grasped by a human for at least thirty seconds, the inscription will change to the holder's native language. This change is physical, and has been recorded.\nIf the holder of the object expresses any of their desires verbally, the SCP will vibrate briefly. The holder must, on some level, genuinely want what they wish for. The holder will, from then on, have no desire for what they wished for. This would appear to include overriding basic instinctual needs (see experiment log SCP-810-\u2588). Once a person has been granted a 'wish' by the SCP, it has no effect on them for at least 4 years (longest recorded time between a previously affected person being affected and touching the SCP again).\nIf a person touches SCP-810 and does not express a desire while touching it, the SCP will 'attune' to that person. The SCP will, when unobserved, disappear and reappear in the possession of whoever it has attuned to (hereafter referred to as the 'owner'). Although it will always appear amongst personal possessions of the owner, the SCP will never appear under direct observation. If all possessions of the owner are being monitored, the SCP will disappear and not reappear until either the owner dies or some personal possessions of the owner are unobserved. In the former case, the SCP will materialize in whatever unmonitored location is closest to its original vanishing point. Each time the owner observes the SCP, they will momentarily stiffen. Observation shows that the owner will, over time, become more and more accustomed to the SCP regardless of whether or not they have seen it, and eventually will begin carrying it with them (usually after 4-5 months of 'owning' the item). Once they begin carrying the item, the owner will usually forget its presence and express a desire while holding it. At this point, they cease 'owning' the SCP, and will usually forget about it completely. If SCP-810 is 'attuned' to multiple people, then whoever is currently closest to the SCP is considered the 'owner'.\nAddendum SCP-810-01: This SCP was recovered in a small Indian village, after reports of the village being terrorized by a 'haunted lamp'. During its retrieval, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was affected by the SCP, having expressed a desire for sleep while holding it. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died two weeks later due to sleep deprivation. Further, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 became the 'owner' of the item shortly thereafter, leading to confusion for approximately a month before the unexpected death of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in Incident \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 permitted further testing.\nAddendum SCP-810-02: Interviews with Class-D personnel involved in experiments with SCP-810 have shown that the person involved will frequently be surprised by the change in their own psyche. Standard psychiatric techniques have proven ineffective at reversing the effects of SCP-810, and administration of Class-A amnestics have not readjusted subjects' psyches, although subjects have expressed confusion at their adjustment.\n\n\u00ab SCP-809 | SCP-810 | SCP-811 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-811\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-811 should be kept in a climate-controlled, cylindrical glass enclosure, between ten (10) and twenty (20) (inclusive) metres in diameter, filled to a depth of no less than two and a half (2.5) metres on average with wetland soil and stagnant fresh water. It is to be furnished with a variety of aquatic plants from its native swamp in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as the remaining vegetation there has exhibited the adaptation to regrow quickly from injuries endured during contact with SCP-811 as long as the roots are undamaged. Logs of manageable size and additional humus-rich soil may be provided for good behavior.\nWater depth is not to exceed half a metre (0.5) at its lowest point. Height of the enclosure must be no less than five (5) metres above the highest soil point. Temperature is to be kept at 25\u00b0C, and humidity should be kept above 70%. There is to be a decontamination airlock chamber between the door into the enclosure and the door into the rest of the facility. Air that is ventilated into the enclosure should not be recirculated back into the rest of the facility under any circumstances. The methane resulting from SCP-811's normal interaction with its environment is not anomalous and may be bottled for use as fuel. No heated elements or open flames are permitted inside the enclosure.\nThe enclosure must be tested daily for pH and microbe levels in both the soil and water, as well as for changes in chemical composition. Enclosure should be cleaned biweekly, preferably by D-class personnel. All discarded waste should be put in quarantine for analysis before disposal by standard biohazard protocol.\nSubject is to be given at least five (5) kg of live food 24 hours after its completion of its previous meal. Subject is not averse to preying on humans, and it is recommended that personnel not enter the enclosure if SCP-811 has not fed in over 16 hours.\nNo invasive medical procedure may be performed on SCP-811 outside of emergency situations in which such a procedure is required to save the subject's life. Minimally invasive procedures require review and unanimous approval by SCP-811's assigned medical team and the current project head. See Document 811-b for a list of substances that may be administered as medication to SCP-811.\nAll requests by the subject are to be reviewed by both an overseeing animal enrichment specialist and at least one Level 3 personnel before approval, and the review should not take more than 48 hours, unless exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise.\nWhile SCP-811 is not generally aggressive unless it feels hungry or threatened, all handling personnel are to be cautioned that it is still an opportunistic ambush predator, and safety precautions must still be taken to avoid possible injury or infection. All personnel entering the enclosure must wear full-body, non-organic biohazard suits and breath masks, and must be in groups of at least two. No personnel are to enter the enclosure if they have open wounds or sores anywhere on their body. Those suffering from asthma or other respiratory-affecting conditions are prohibited from entering the enclosure without a signed note from a physician with Level 4 security clearance.\nAs far as research indicates, SCP-811 cannot cause serious injury to anyone properly wearing their biohazard suit. Anyone who removes any part of their biohazard suit while still in the enclosure, for any reason at all, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including reassignment to a project that would not be adversely affected by their status as an amputee.\nDescription: SCP-811 is shaped similarly to a human female with disproportionally long and thin limbs and a slightly-bloated abdominal region. It is 171 cm tall, and weighs just under 47 kg due to its strange physiology (see Addendum 811-2 for details). Its skin has slight abrasive properties, and is a mottled green color that serves to camouflage it among the reeds in its natural habitat. Its sweat has been observed to act as a mild skin irritant. It has extremely oily black hair that has proven to be resistant to cleaning with conventional shampoos (See Addendum 811-1). It shows partial comprehension of human language, consistent with case studies of \"feral children\" that had been abandoned at a few years old, instead of as infants.\nThe palmoplantar surfaces of SCP-811's skin constantly secrete a clear, green-tinted mucus with minor adhesive properties. This mucus does not appear to have any effect on SCP-811's own tissue, but any other organic matter that it comes into contact with begins to rapidly decompose, through processes not fully understood, reducing the matter into a slightly viscous black liquid.1 SCP-811 can then absorb said liquid through its skin and directly into its circulatory system. Tests have shown that SCP-811's entire circulatory system is filled with liquefied decaying matter. Biopsies taken from SCP-811 have shown the presence of anaerobic bacteria in all examined cells, which, due to the apparent lack of anything resembling functional red blood cells in the subject, are currently presumed to be what SCP-811 uses to metabolise the chemicals in its circulatory system.\nSCP-811 does not defecate or otherwise produce feces in the traditional sense, and entirely lacks a small or large intestine. Instead, cellular waste and substances SCP-811 is unable to metabolise collect in what is, anatomically speaking, its stomach. Within the stomach, enzymes and bacterial flora cause it to congeal into a grainy, tar-like substance that SCP-811 periodically voids by voluntary projectile regurgitation, a mechanism which it uses to hunt. It preferentially aims at the face or at any perceived open wounds on its target, then waits for the target to die of either immediate asphyxiation by blockage of the mouth and nose, or in a few days of multi-systemic failure resulting from aggressive bacterial infection. SCP-811's teeth did not seem to have any abnormal resistance to decay resulting from chronic exposure to the compounds and microflora in its waste (See Addendum 811-1).\nPrognosis for personnel who have had contact with SCP-811's waste through a mucous membrane or open wound is good if broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy is begun in the first three hours, but then rapidly declines. Personnel who are D-Class or have gone 12 hours without getting treatment may request termination.\nAddendum 811-1: To date, SCP-811 has requested:\n\nRegular delivery of bovine prey (denied)\nThat crocodilians be removed from its prey animal rotation (approved)\nThe water be stocked with a variety of fish species from its native \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (denied)\nOne (1) hair brush, made of 100% synthetic materials (approved)\nFor 1 D-class personnel to, every other day, come in with a basin and showerhead to wash and condition its hair (approved); it has been noted that standard-strength hair shampoos do not adequately clean away the excessive oil in SCP-811's hair, and use of a formula with a higher proportion of stronger surfactants has been authorised.\nTo be addressed by a two-syllable name that has been transliterated as \u201cA\u00e9\u201d, SCP-811 being illiterate, and thus not capable of choosing a spelling for itself (approved)2\nRelief from its chronic tooth pain. (approved); request was initially denied until a safe and effective method of administering general anesthesia to SCP-811 was discovered and a dental surgery plan devised. Tooth #47 (FDI two-digit notation) removed to test method and adjust for unpredicted special aftercare requirements. Remainder of SCP-811's teeth removed and overdenture implants installed in a second operation. SCP-811 supplied with complete dentures, to be repaired as needed.\nOne (1) turtle in a hazmat suit for non-dietary purposes (denied); turtles accordingly removed from prey animal rotation. Possibility of placing a small turtle habitat in the observation area outside SCP-811's enclosure for enrichment under consideration.\n\nAddendum 811-2: Due to the fact that SCP-811 has lungs and teeth \u2014 despite having no apparent use for either \u2014 it was brought to Bio-Research Area-12's radiology lab for X-rays, to examine its internal structure. Results were inconclusive.\nSubsequent MRI testing has revealed that SCP-811 has a number of unusual glands and organs attached to its lymphatic system, which may assist in regulation of the viscosity and microbial flora of the material in its circulatory system. One such organ in the abdominal region appears to contain lighter-than-air gas. The possibility that SCP-811 was once [REDACTED] is being explored.\nDue to the impossibility of maintaining a sterile operating environment, limited understanding of SCP-811's biology, and difficulty in calculating the subject's mass, the risk of major complications or subject death has been deemed too high to authorise exploratory surgery.\nInterview Log 811-16\n\nInterviewers: Dr. Trebuchet, Junior Lab Assistant Wachtel\n[Dr. Trebuchet and Junior Lab Assistant Wachtel enter SCP-811's containment unit. Dr. Trebuchet is carrying a clip board with a document on it and a shoe box.]\nDr. Trebuchet: A\u00e9.Dr. Trebuchet: Questions.[Dr. Trebuchet nods, opens the shoebox. A frog jumps out]\n[SCP-811 brings her foot down on the frog as it lands, and begins to digest it.]Dr. Trebuchet: Yes. [hands the clip board to Wachtel, points to something on it]\nWachtel: [reading from the clip board] What is the earliest thing you can remember?Wachtel: Um\u2026\nDr. Trebuchet: Early things. Things\u2026 before.Dr. Trebuchet: Before before box.Dr. Trebuchet: [nods vigorously] Yes.Dr. Trebuchet: What was like him?Dr. Trebuchet: Your skin?Wachtel: [alarmed] Wait, you mean you had skin like ours?\nDr. Trebuchet: It appears so. A\u00e9, what after?Dr. Trebuchet: \"Needle\", A\u00e9. Key're tha\u2014[clears throat] They're called \"needles\".Dr. Trebuchet: And then?Wachtel: Oh god\u2026\n[At this point, Wachtel begins to vomit in his hazmat suit. SCP-811, misinterpreting this as a sign of hostility, retreats into one of the pools of water in its enclosure, and does not resurface until both Wachtel and Dr. Trebuchet have left]\nNotes: While I understand the appeal of training the new blood on something relatively harmless and as green as they are, could you please throw them at some other humanoid for a while? I'm trying to actually get things done here. ~Dr. Trebuchet\n\nFootnotes\n1. Prognosis and procedure for personnel who have come into contact with SCP-811's digestive mucus is the same as for naturally-occurring necrosis and gangrene once the mucus has been washed off.\n2. Due to SCP-811's difficulty with language, it has been deemed acceptable to use its chosen name when directly speaking to it for the purpose of streamlining meaningful communication.\n\n\u00ab SCP-810 | SCP-811 | SCP-812 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-812\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Being inanimate and more or less inert, SCP-812 can theoretically be stored almost anywhere. However, to prevent accidental flooding, the object should be kept outdoors. Only one of the object's doors should be opened at a time; carelessness, particularly in transit, can and will result in drowning. If both doors are opened at once, the rate of flow will render the act of closing the double doors impossible; close the side door and the flow will stop.\nSCP-812 is currently housed at Site 19, outside, next to the general equipment sheds. It is to be kept securely locked, and tampering by unauthorized personnel is grounds for demotion and/or disciplinary action.\nDescription: SCP-812 is a nondescript cargo container of corrugated steel measuring 12m x 2.5m x 2.5m. There is a sliding door measuring 2m x 2m set in one of the long sides, and a set of double doors is built into one of the square ends. The object is painted dull red and partially covered with spray-paint graffiti. Official markings include the number 247 and the word \"ANTHERCORP,\" which identifies no commercial entity. The object weighs approximately 4000 kg when empty and can hold up to 26,500 kg.\nSCP-812 has a noticeable tendency to be misplaced or forgotten by whomever is charged with it. Photographs and firsthand accounts suggest it has been in motion almost constantly since original manufacture, but despite this, the object has appeared on only two cargo manifests in the last sixteen years, and none before that. Its precise age and origin are therefore impossible to determine.\nWhen the side door is opened, the interior of SCP-812 is completely filled with running water, which flows rapidly in the direction of the double doors, parallel to the long sides. The water is somehow contained within the object and does not pass through the side door, which is otherwise entirely permeable; solid matter passes through easily and can be used to draw out water. This appears to be a two-level binary switch dimensional anomaly; i.e, when the side door is open, SCP-812 remotely accesses a 12m section of an otherwise normal body of running water. When the side door is closed, the object behaves more or less as a normal cargo container.\nIn the event that both sets of doors are opened at once, all water passing through SCP-812 will flow out the double doors. This will quickly fill any space in which the object is stored, at which point pressure will be neutralized and normal flow will resume, passing through the object and vanishing where the double doors would be ordinarily. Any water outside the object will become stagnant. The side door continues to act as an impermeable membrane, and water will not pass through it under any circumstances save when it is forcibly drawn out. Closing the side door will halt the flow of water.\nThe current is fairly consistent, hovering around 1500 L per minute, and has very low turbidity despite the object's corrugated interior. Tests have shown that the water is not saline but is quite rich in dissolved minerals (around 240 mg/L - 40% Ca2+, 40% CO32-, 5% Mg2+, 5% SO42-, 5% Fe3+, and 5% PO43-). This composition strongly suggests that it is part of a subterranean river system. No ambient light is evident within the stream, and GPS tracers released into the stream simply vanish from detection, corroborating this hypothesis. Preparation is currently underway for an unmanned expedition to explore the river system; the current is far too swift to dive safely.\nNo connection is evident between SCP-812 and SCP-109.\nGENERAL MISSIVE 812-a:\nResearchers and general staff should keep in mind that all flood cleanup will be entirely manual. SCP-402 is far too valuable to use for simple labor reduction, so stop asking for it. Do us all a big favor, and just be more careful in the future.\n- Dr. Swanson, Supervisor 3-221, Site 19\n\n\u00ab SCP-811 | SCP-812 | SCP-813 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-813\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-813 is housed at Site-117 and contained in a 2m cubic steel crate filled with an industrial foam. SCP-813 must be encased within this foam at all times and must not come into direct contact with the interior walls of the container. The crate is suspended by industrial-grade elastic supports and is not permitted within 3m of any surface.\nHosts of SCP-813-1 are to be held in separate standard humanoid containment cells. Each instance of SCP-813-1 should be removed from its host as quickly as reasonable. For information on surgical procedures necessary to SCP-813-1 removal, see Document-813-1. After removal, each instance will be contained in separate airtight steel canisters (1cm x 0.5cm 0.5cm). In the event that an SCP-813-1 host expires, or an instance(s) of SCP-813-1 itself is unaccounted for, the immediate area must enter lock-down and a search will be organized for the instance(s) in question. All personnel handling SCP-813-1 instances or hosts are to wear reinforced glass face shields. Any containment personnel experiencing optical distress or anomalies must be evaluated immediately.\nSCP-813 is not to be located within 10km of SCP-882 or any artifact with a connection to the Church of the Broken God.\nDescription: SCP-813 is a spherical glass sculpture. Evidence suggests that the sculpture was originally 45cm in diameter; however, the artifact is currently missing approximately 17% of its initial mass. Close inspection of SCP-813 has revealed a microscopic system of seemingly metallic clockwork machinery. This machinery is continuously active, though the means by which it accumulates or generates power is unclear. The properties of the artifact (see below) have prevented more extensive inspection of the machinery, and spectroscopic analysis has proven inconclusive.\nThe glass comprising SCP-813 is exceptionally fragile and will shatter under pressure far below what would be expected. SCP-813 always fractures into fragments approximately 7mm x 2mm in size; these pieces cannot be broken down further by any means, rendering them presently indestructible. Upon shattering, all fragments (now designated SCP-813-1) produced will seek out the nearest human targets1. SCP-813-1 are capable of propelling themselves through unknown means, allowing them to \"leap\" at velocities up to 131kph.\nUpon reaching its target, SCP-813-1 will invade the subject's eye and embed itself into the optic nerve. Regardless of the fragment's impact velocity, there will be no substantial damage to the eye or the rest of the body. The subject will suffer sharp pain and temporary blindness, which will dissipate within a few seconds. Following this, SCP-813-1 will extend several microscopic wires of an unidentified substance into the subject's brain. These effects produce no neurological or cognitive damage and are universally unnoticed by the subject.\nThe host of SCP-813-1 will begin to display marked changes in behavior roughly two weeks after exposure. At this time, the subject will frequently cease their normal activity and stare motionlessly for several hours. These events cause the subject's pupils to dilate, and those in close proximity report subjective tinnitus, described as an electric \"hum.\" During these periods, the subject is totally unresponsive toward attempts to rouse them, and they will also deny that such periods ever take place. Over the next three to four months, these periods increase in length until they entirely comprise the subject's daily routine, and they will only deviate from this behavior for necessary nutrition and rest.\nSCP-813-1 will remain in the optic nerve until the subject's death. At this point, SCP-813-1 will withdraw its wires from the central nervous system and eject itself from the optic nerve towards the nearest human target and repeat the process. Forcible removal of the fragment (surgically or otherwise) is fatal to the host, and the fragment will immediately seek out a new host in its usual manner.\nAddendum [813-001]: Item Recovery and Additional Materials\nSCP-813 was initially recovered from an armed convoy in [REDACTED] operated by known members of The Church of the Broken God. The crate from which SCP-813 was recovered displayed anomalous properties causing the artifact to levitate in the center of the container. However, during the ensuing confrontation, the crate was damaged and SCP-813 was dropped from its suspended position. Cushioning inside the crate prevented the artifact from entirely shattering; however, what are believed to be bullet fragments generated by the conflict struck SCP-813 and dislodged several pieces of SCP-813-1. These promptly invaded a number of Mobile Task Force operatives (SCP-813-1 instances do not appear to target Church members). Following the event, SCP-813 was transported to Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588 for analysis. No members of the Church survived the incident.\nA fragment of paper, believed to be a handwritten letter, was recovered from the convoy; the following is an excerpt of that letter:\n\nAn eye sees all things except itself. For that, it must have another. That which was paired and now separated must be made whole once again. Through its shards the broken Eye sees. Through heathen minds the Broken God seeks.\n\nFootnotes\n1. It has been determined that SCP-813-1 will only target living human beings with one or more functional eyes; it is undetermined how they locate said targets.\n\n\u00ab SCP-812 | SCP-813 | SCP-814 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-814 prior to containment\n\nItem #: SCP-814\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-814-1 is to be kept in a sprung, evacuated anechoic chamber within the Quiet Area of a Type IV acoustic containment facility. SCP-814-2 is to be stored in a climate-controlled locker outside the facility's Quiet Area. As its mechanisms are very fragile, SCP-814-1 is not to be accessed under any circumstances without the authorization of its Senior Researcher or HMCL. In the event of a Site emergency, SCP-814 is to be remotely destroyed.\nDescription: SCP-814-1 is an ornate mahogany enclosure housing an antique wax-cylinder type phonograph (c. 1900 CE) of unique design. The internal mechanism, which is completely functional, is capable of holding up to four music cylinders; notably, it is capable of the replay of multiple cylinders simultaneously. The manufacturer's mark \"SYNCOPE\" is etched on several of the phonograph's components.\nSCP-814-2 is a set of four phonograph cylinders recovered from SCP-814-1's four cylinder slots. These cylinders are of approximately the same age as SCP-814-1, albeit made of hardened steel rather than wax. Each cylinder has the phrase \"PURE TONE\" engraved on each end, followed by a number indicating the frequency, in Hz, of a sine-wave tone produced by playing the cylinder.1 The cylinders' audio grooves are engraved with extreme precision; even under confocal microscopy, the grooves show no apparent deviation from the pattern required to produce a pure tone of precisely the given frequency.\n\nSignificant effects: SCP-814-2\n\nSignificant effects: SCP-814-2\n\nWhen SCP-814-2 cylinders are played via SCP-814-1, the sine-wave tones produced are anomalously free of distortion. Even considering the nature of the cylinder grooves, such tones are exact to a degree theoretically impossible given the nature of the phonograph. Recordings of the tones show no deviations from a purely sinusoidal waveform other than those attributable to the recording equipment; when digital recorders are directly connected to SCP-814-1, the resultant tones are sinusoidal to within the quantization error of the equipment used.2 The cylinders can be played individually or in groups, the latter producing various dyad, triad or tetrad octave harmonies.\nHumans exposed to the tones produced when SCP-814-2 is played via SCP-814-1 describe subtle but pervasive feelings of harmony, correctness and well-being. This experience is moderately addictive; as such, human experimentation with SCP-814 is to be limited. Subjects exposed to playback of SCP-814-2 via any other cylinder phonograph report no such experiences.\n\nSignificant effects: SCP-814-1\n\nSignificant effects: SCP-814-1\n\nUse of SCP-814-1 to play any audio source other than SCP-814-2 results in massive distortions of local spacetime.\nThese properties were discovered during Recovery Test Series A. During these tests, human subjects that had been exposed to the output of the SCP-814-1/2 combination became insistent on trying new audio cylinders. A subsequent transient effect \u2014 initially thought to be a monitoring glitch, but now thought to have been caused by vigorous removal of audio cylinders while SCP-814-1 was still engaged \u2014 resulted in the deaths of all personnel within the test chamber.\nAfter extensive experimentation3, the following general theory of the object's operation has been proposed:\n\nSlot 1 affects x, defined as the spatial axis perpendicular to the front and back of SCP-814-1;\nSlot 2 affects y, defined as the spatial axis perpendicular to the sides of SCP-814-1;\nSlot 3 affects z, defined as the spatial axis perpendicular to the top and bottom of SCP-814-1;\nSlot 4 affects t, defined as time.\n\nThe playback of any tone, or tones, that are not a precise multiple or factor of 440Hz results in space or time distortions. The extent and severity of these distortions depends on the amplitude of the cylinder grooves, the setting of SCP-814-1's Volume lever, and the degree to which the pitch, or pitches, in the source are not precisely in-tune with an idealized 440Hz reference.\nEven reference cylinders of a similar type to SCP-814-2 result in noticeable spacetime distortions when played; observers describe a multidirectional \"pulsating\" effect and a perceived distortion of time similar to that induced by certain hallucinogens. Any other type of cylinder \u2014 including conventional music cylinders \u2014 induces drastic distortions of localized spacetime when played through SCP-814-1. Only SCP-814-2 has been found to produce tones close enough to the idealized reference to prevent such effects. It has been theorized that the SCP-814-1/2 combination's known effect on human subjects is actually a second-order result of its effect on local spacetime.\nExperimentation to discover the full range of SCP-814-1's effects is ongoing.\n\nAddendum: After Incident 814-BREAKGLASS, in which unauthorized recordings were placed in three of the four slots and the Volume setting was set to 6/10, experimentation with SCP-814-1 is suspended indefinitely.\n\nFootnotes\n1. 55Hz, 440Hz, 3.52kHz and 14.08kHz, respectively.\n2. This phenomenon has been confirmed from 8-bit/11kHz up to 32-bit/192kHz precision.\n3. See Experiment Series SCP-814-A1 through A67.\n\n\u00ab SCP-813 | SCP-814 | SCP-815 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-815\nItem Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-815 requires no extraordinary containment procedures beyond a standard keypad-locked storage locker. Contact Doctor Meyers for access permissions. Under no circumstances should any non-class-D personnel open SCP-815. SCP-815 should be handled carefully as to prevent accidental activation.\nDescription: SCP-815 is a novelty \u201csnake nut can,\u201d a common prank device that consists of a small canister labeled \u201cSalted Mixed Nuts,\u201d while in actuality it contains four cloth-covered springs (meant to represent \"snakes\") that fly out upon opening. X-ray and multi-spectral imaging have as yet determined no measurable unusual qualities of the can or \"snakes\".\nUpon opening, the \"snakes\" instantaneously vanish from the can and violently burst forth from the nearest person's (see note) face with extreme force. High-speed video footage reveals that the \"snakes\" appear to emerge from the lower sinuses, typically shattering the nose, cheekbones and upper jaw upon exiting. As a result, subjects often avoid major brain damage and remain alive until termination or death from blood loss/shock.\nAfter approximately fifteen seconds, the can re-seals itself and produces another four ordinary \"snakes\". The method by which the \u201csnakes\u201d achieve such extraordinary velocity without breaking is unknown.\nNote: Researchers are to be reminded that SCP-815 acts on the nearest person, even when opened by robot. I don't want to have to keep cleaning up these accidents, people.\n\u2013 Doctor Meyers\n\n\u00ab SCP-814 | SCP-815 | SCP-816 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-816\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-816 is currently contained to Provisionary Site-\u2588\u2588 of its own volition. A containment breach is not considered likely, and any containment breach would likely end without intervention, as SCP-816 requires access to SCP-816-1 in order to survive, and is not capable of moving SCP-816-1. SCP-816-1 must be re-wound every 50 years to ensure continued dependence. In the event that SCP-816 becomes no longer dependent upon SCP-816-1, Contingency 816-C must be immediately enacted (see document SCP-816-\u2588) Provisionary Site-\u2588\u2588 [Site-P/\u2588\u2588] has been established to contain and research SCP-816. Site-P/\u2588\u2588 is a home in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Switzerland, and SCP-816 is confined to its basement.\nDescription: SCP-816 is the name given to the collection of small automata residing in the basement of the house at \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Street, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Switzerland. Journals found in the basement indicate that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a local teacher, originally created SCP-816 in 189\u2588. Inspired by the works of Charles Darwin and Charles Babbage, he designed and built automata capable of reproducing and evolving. The mechanics of reproduction are facilitated by a collection of parts common to all species; however, most species modify the base parts to create specialized parts to fit their ecological niche.\nAt the core of each SCP-816 is a rudimentary processor which varies little between species. While much less powerful than modern processors, they are still far beyond what should be possible for 1890s level technology. While, as far as research has determined, no aspect of SCP-816 violates known principles of science, they are still precisely designed to a degree which is not humanly possible.\nSCP-816 receives new energy from SCP-816-1, a grandfather clock modified to provide mechanical energy to SCP-816. SCP-816-1 was designed for longevity; however, upon discovery SCP-816-1 had nearly exhausted its energy supply, and as such the SCP-816 research team has rewound SCP-816-1 to continue providing energy. The research team concluded that keeping SCP-816 dependent on a local energy source would aid containment, and that without SCP-816-1, SCP-816 would likely adapt to gain energy in a way that would allow it to expand beyond Site-P/\u2588\u2588. The consequences of an expansion of SCP-816 beyond Site-P/\u2588\u2588 are unknown, and could be, in a best-case scenario, harmless, to, in a worst-case scenario, an RK-Class Restructuring Scenario, where SCP-816 would out-compete biological life.\n\u2588\u2588 distinct species of SCP-816 have been observed, though many more likely exist. Based on journal records, all species are descended from a single original design. SCP-816 reproduction is similar to biological reproduction, with a few key exceptions: any individual can act as a \u201cmale\u201d or \u201cfemale\u201d; during \u201cintercourse\u201d the designs for both partners are mixed, with infrequent \u201cmutation\u201d, and the data is transferred to the \u201cfemale\u201d, who then begins searching for parts to assemble the new design.\nPredation occurs in two forms: The primary form is for the purpose of regaining energy; the second is reproductive in nature. In the first form, a specialized device has evolved for most species that interfaces with the slot that plugs into SCP-816-1 to obtain energy, thereby allowing SCP-816 to regain energy without directly taking it from SCP-816-1. The second form occurs after reproduction, wherein the \"female\" will search for and \"kill\" other automatons in order to procure parts to build its offspring.\nThe basic ecosystem that has evolved is as follows: the foundations of the ecosystem are two species of SCP-816: the \"assimilators\" and the \"collectors\". The assimilators are capable, unlike any other species, of creating new parts from their environment. This is the only way that new material enters the system, and an evolutionary shift in the parts that make up the assimilators can result in a population boom or extinction for other species. The assimilators are large (roughly ten (10) cm in length) and slow, making them the primary target for reproductive predation. The collectors are the species that now completely controls access to SCP-816-1, forcing most species to rely on predation for energy. The collectors have evolved various defenses to ensure control of SCP-816-1, but they are the prime targets of energy predation, and now effectively the sole way that new energy enters the system. The assimilators and collectors are roughly analogous to herbivores in the SCP-816 food chain.\nMost species prey upon the assimilators and the collectors for energy and parts, each filling an ecological niche. One species uses the various specialized parts left over from reproductive predation in its design, frequently in ways they were not intended to be used. Another species has evolved defenses to reproductive predation in that it alters the base parts to such a degree that few species will target it, since it contains so few usable parts. Another species, however, has evolved specifically to prey upon the aforementioned species, evolving devices to reform the base parts into their original shapes.\n\n\u00ab SCP-815 | SCP-816 | SCP-817 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-817\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-817 is held in a solitary confinement cell in Site-\u2588\u2588. Numerous mechanisms for incapacitating SCP-817 are built into its cell, including sedative-loaded darts, pumps to fill the chamber with sleeping gas, pumps to remove oxygen from the chamber, a mechanism to flood the chamber with water or acidic or alkaline solutions, an electric current that can be run through the floor and walls, a mechanism to fill the entire room with quick-hardening foam, and a mechanism to introduce approximately three hundred (300) black flies to the room (SCP-817 has a known phobia of flying insects.)\nThe remainder of SCP-817's containment procedure varies based on its current abilities. The following procedures must be re-evaluated and revised every time SCP-817 undergoes a metamorphic shift.\nSCP-817's containment chamber is currently a simple, padded confinement cell (apart from the measures mentioned above) air conditioned to eighteen (18) degrees Celsius. SCP-817 is fed \u2588\u2588 kilograms of cooked meat daily, as in its current form it consumes calories very rapidly. A detachment of at least five (5) armed security personnel must be present whenever SCP-817 is released from its cell, restraints must be placed on its \u2018wing' structures, and a specially designed muzzle on its head and neck.\nDescription: SCP-817 is a humanoid of indeterminate gender and variable physical features, although genetic testing suggests it was once \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a young Asian male. SCP-817 periodically undergoes radical metamorphic changes to its physiology. The delay between metamorphic events varies but is usually about two (2) to three (3) months. These shifts and the physiological abnormalities produced cause SCP-817 enormous pain, however it seems to suffer no actual damage to its body systems. Additionally, SCP-817 seems to be incapable of deliberately injuring itself.\nSCP-817 is mentally unstable, displaying severe psychotic symptoms. During psychotic episodes, which make up roughly 30% of its waking hours and are always triggered by its metamorphic shifts, SCP-817 is extremely hostile and will attempt to breach containment and attack personnel.\nIn its current form SCP-817 is one and a half (1.5) meters tall, lacks primary or secondary sex organs, and in place of arms has limbs resembling the wings of a bat that fold around its torso and span three (3) meters when fully extended. Bones and muscle are composed of unknown polymers, unrelated to any naturally occurring skeletal or muscular material and \u2588\u2588% lighter than their baseline human counterparts. Because of this reduction in its mass-to-force exerted ratio, SCP-817 is fully capable of extended, unassisted flight using its wings, although doing so requires an enormous energy expenditure. Its extremely high metabolic rate keeps SCP-817's body temperature at a constant \u2588\u2588 degrees Celsius, and it appears to be suffering the appropriate degree of pain for a human heated to such a temperature despite a lack of actual harm to its physiology. Additionally, while SCP-817's current neck and jaw structures appear humanoid, it has demonstrated the ability to suddenly jerk its neck forward and \u2018unfold' its jaw, presumably as a feeding mechanism in lieu of arms.\nAddendum: Notable past metamorphic forms of SCP-817.\n\nTall and thin with a reflective index of nearly zero. Required no sustenance beyond solar radiation. Efficiency of absorption estimated at \u2588\u2588%, vastly greater than any known biological or artificial method. Had no orifices whatsoever, sensory, excretory, digestive or reproductive. Attempts to create solar panels based on its skin proved fruitless.\nFemale in appearance, exuded [REDACTED] from its pores (see attached image). Tranquilizers, sleeping gas and oxygen removal proved ineffective. Successfully incapacitated by electric shock. Drainage added to containment chamber to counter the corrosive effects of [REDACTED]. Kept sedated and on an IV-feed for the duration of this form. Natural feeding method seemed to involve injecting \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 through [DATA EXPUNGED] has fully dissolved, followed by direct absorption of nutrients through the skin. Suffered the same level of pain that constant exposure to [REDACTED] would cause in a normal human.\nTranslucent and able to phase effortlessly through objects. Tranquilizers failed, sleeping gas failed, successfully incapacitated by oxygen removal. Spent most of its time in this form attempting to scream and two (2) days in began attempting to claw its own eyes out. Emitted a very small but measurable amount of gamma radiation. All attempts at study failed.\nTwo and a half (2.5) meters tall with thick, bulky musculature. Breached containment, killing and consuming \u2588\u2588 personnel before Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 incapacitated it accidentally by releasing a swarm of flies intended to feed [REDACTED]. \u2018Musculature' proved to be a complex and powerful hydraulic system powered by ten (10) large hearts in its core pumping an unusual ichor. Three additional hearts powered a second circulatory system which served to provide the other hearts with oxygen. Any pressure applied to its skin caused significant pain, including contact with the ground.\n\nAddendum: An analysis by Dr. E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 indicates even at the most conservative estimate, SCP-817 has expended less than ten (10) percent of the energy it has taken in since containment. Its method of energy storage is presently unknown. Dr. E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hypothesizes [DATA EXPUNGED] and has recommended that SCP-817's rations be cut to significantly below the current estimated starvation level. Recommendation still pending review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-816 | SCP-817 | SCP-818 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-818\nObject Class: Neutralized (Previously Keter)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-818 was confined in a circular area of no less than four meters across, with no object directly obscuring the walls. SCP-818's containment area contained: one (1) sleeping mattress, one (1) table, and one (1) light fixture, fitted with high wattage fluorescent light bulbs. SCP-818's cell was not, under any circumstances, rearranged, nor was the light turned off. Personnel were not permitted in SCP-818's holding cell, nor any area within an additional ten meters around the cell's perimeter, during its active times (from exactly 8:43 A.M. to 9:21 P.M). Personnel exposed to SCP-818's area of effect during its active time were reclassified to Class D and enrolled in SCP-818's test group.\nThe following document, attributed to the original project head Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (19\u2588\u2588 to 199\u2588), was considered the major directive of the project for eight years and was given to each new member of the research staff. It is retained here for archival purposes:\n\nIt should be noted that SCP-818 is a creature of precise habits. It will follow a specific script [See Attached File SCP-818-Script], without fail each day, to the letter. Built into this model are the times of deviation during which SCP-818 must be closely monitored. It should go without saying that failure to note ANY AND ALL additional deviations could be disastrous.\n\nDescription: SCP-818 is a young male, appearing to be approximately seven to twelve years of age. Additionally, SCP-818 displays all the signs of behaviour consistent with low-functioning nonverbal autism. The examinations of on-site behaviorists and recovered medical records show that this condition has been present for SCP-818's entire life. SCP-818's physical features have a tendency to shift when active; however, during a resting state, it has been noted as having black hair and dark skin. SCP-818 cannot speak and possesses no known direct ability to communicate. SCP-818 has shown no need for nutrition or waste removal, but it has been recorded breathing and, presumably, sleeping. SCP-818 does not appear to age, and has been known to shift between heights (ranging from 1.17 to 1.84 meters) and weights (65 to 80 kilograms), making any determination impossible. This, coupled with the incomplete state of the recovered medical records, leaves much of SCP-818's history blank.\nSCP-818 is potentially capable of changing the universe on a fundamental level, but its abilities are severely hampered by its impairment. The changes it makes are presumably an attempt to make the world conform to how it perceives things: pigmentation in all objects has a tendency to shift and flow, utensils and tools take on strange shapes, and sounds will emanate from no discernible source. These effects have demonstrated a range of approximately ten meters.\nSCP-818 has also shown the ability to spontaneously generate matter. Nebulous objects have been noted to appear, particularly after sessions in which SCP-818 has been doing a creative activity, such as coloring or finger painting [See EXPERIMENT LOG 818-1]. Most of these objects remain for less than a few minutes before vanishing again, though some have been recorded as staying for several hours. Because of this, SCP-818's holding cell has been gradually stripped of all materials that may be used for these purposes. None of the created objects move further than SCP-818's line of sight, leading to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's hypothesis that SCP-818 is literally creating phosphenes, possibly caused by the contrast of the colors from the arts and crafts and the white walls of its cell. Further testing is required to determine if this is true.\nSCP-818 was recovered from what is believed to have been its grandparents' home in rural \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, where it had apparently been left since their deaths in 19\u2588\u2588 from a presumably unrelated accident. One local banker and two real estate agents were assessing the property when they encountered SCP-818; their failure to return prompted local police to investigate. After \u2588 subsequent disappearances, the Foundation was alerted, and Special Task Force \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was reported to investigate. Upon their arrival, [DATA REDACTED]. Subsequently, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggested that [DATA REDACTED], leading to SCP-818's capture.\nAddendum SCP-818-T\nDuring the last \u2588\u2588 years, the containment procedures for SCPs with similar effects have drastically improved, due in part to the efforts of SCP-818's containment staff. However, due to an increasingly erratic and dangerous lack of absolute adherence to the established control script and the increasing presence of more dangerous and deadly effects, we have no other choice but to authorize the termination of SCP-818. [SEE ADDENDUM: SCP-818-00T, Neutralization]\nExperiment Log 818-1:\nTest subjects entering SCP-818's radius of effect during active hours reported highly distorted vision, auditory and sensory hallucinations, inability to control their motion, and a tendency to repeat actions. After removal of subject, these effects seemed to have lessened, but repeated exposures seem to extend the duration. Presumably, continual exposure would result in the permanence of these symptoms. The nature and severity of symptoms seems to relate directly to what part of SCP-818's scripted program was being enacted.\nFor the purposes of this testing, subjects were chosen for a resemblance to people in photographs recovered from SCP-818's home in 19\u2588\u2588. A slight family resemblance with the passive phase appearance of SCP-818 was inferred from the photographs, and three Class D personnel (D-1922, D-921, and D-837) were selected.\nOn \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 17, 19\u2588\u2588, testing was scheduled to determine how SCP-818 would react to certain events, specifically those which have shown flexibility in the past, being manipulated. After the failures of D-1922 and D-921 to elicit positive reactions, D-837 entered the enclosure. The highlights of this testing are listed below.\nDate: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 18, 19\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Coloring\nProcedure: D-837 entered SCP-818's enclosure at \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 P.M. Previous information discovered during recovery suggested that this was a specific time when SCP-818 would be at a low point for negative activity. D-837 entered and placed three crayons on the table: one (1) red, one (1) blue, and one (1) yellow. This was followed by a piece of plain white paper. SCP-818 examined each crayon before changing the yellow one to green and proceeding to color. After exactly \u2588\u2588 minutes, SCP-818 ceased coloring and proceeded to the wall of the enclosure, beginning to follow it. D-837 exited the enclosure before symptoms could worsen.\nDetails: D-837 complained for several days of visual hallucinations, all of which were the color green. No other symptoms were noted. D-837's termination temporarily delayed due to SCP-818's seeming acquiescence to her presence. Testing with D-837 will continue.\nDate: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 2, 19\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Finger painting\nProcedure: D-837 entered SCP-818's enclosure at the same time as all previous tests, only having replaced the previous crayons with finger paints of the same colors. SCP-818 was initially hesitant, but eventually changed the color of the yellow paint to green, as in all previous tests. SCP-818 proceeded to paint for several minutes until, at \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 P.M, it ceased and proceeded to the wall of the enclosure, beginning to follow it as usual. D-837 exited the enclosure.\nDetails: D-837 has been experiencing an increase in the symptoms of SCP-818 exposure. After the small change in today's schedule, D-837's vision is entirely tinted green.\nOn September 17, 20\u2588\u2588, D-837 was killed during a breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The next day, when D-837 did not appear in its containment unit, SCP-818 became extremely agitated, resulting in [DATA REDACTED], causing the death of two research subjects currently contained in its effect radius. Replacement for D-837 may be necessary.\nDate: September 20, 20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Finger painting\nProcedure: D-18274 entered SCP-818's enclosure at the same time as all previous tests with both the crayons and the finger paints. D-18274 was chosen for her resemblance to D-837. For the first time, SCP-818 chose multiple colors, mixing them together on the paper. Additionally, SCP-818 breached its script more severely than any other time, coloring for an additional \u2588\u2588 minutes.\nDetails: Upon D-18274's emergence from SCP-818's enclosure, D-18274 began demonstrating many of the previous habits observed in D-837, including [DATA REDACTED] and a tendency to whistle show-tunes. After two additional exposures, each mirroring the first, D-18274 is essentially the same person as D-837. Blood tests confirm apparent genetic match. D-18274 is reclassified as D-837. D-837's delay of termination is refiled.\nADDENDUM SCP-818-00T: Neutralization\nOn January 17, 20\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered SCP-818's containment chamber during its passive phase and administered an injection of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, resulting in SCP-818 first completely ceasing breathing and then ceasing all other recorded bodily functions. Autopsy reports show that the subject died of anaphylactic shock. Remains are remanded to Site-\u2588\u2588 and are available for study.\n\n\u00ab SCP-817 | SCP-818 | SCP-819 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-819\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-819 is currently housed in a secured locker in Site-19. Permission from Dr. Dreyn is required to access items SCP-819-A through F.\nDescription: SCP-819 was discovered in a pediatric office in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after several reports of children being rushed back with symptoms including vision loss, severe nasal pain, and idiopathic unconsciousness. Agents dispatched found that the lollipops offered to the children were causing different bodily fluids to disappear. The candy in question was confiscated, and the office staff, affected patients and their guardians were treated and administered Class-A amnestics.\nSCP-819 refers to the contents of a large box of seemingly normal lollipops produced by [REDACTED]. It appears only the one package recovered is exhibiting these anomalies. SCP-819 consists of six flavors of lollipops, individually wrapped and on looped safety sticks, classified as SCP-819-A to F. Current total of items SCP-819-A through F is \u2588\u2588\u2588, with \u2588\u2588 having been used for testing. Physically and chemically, these items appear normal, and can be destroyed and consumed like any other lollipop. Fragments of the lollipops retain the effects. The flavors are mundane as lollipops go, reportedly tasting the same as unaffected lollipops of the same brand. Experimental testing found that each flavor affects a different bodily fluid.\n\nDesignation\nColor\nFlavor\nAffected Fluid\n\nSCP-819-A\nRed\nCherry\nBlood\n\nSCP-819-B\nOrange\nOrange\nGastric Acid\n\nSCP-819-C\nYellow\nLemon\nUrine\n\nSCP-819-D\nGreen\nLime\nPhlegm\n\nSCP-819-E\nBlue\nBlue Raspberry\nAqueous and Vitreous Humors\n\nSCP-819-F\nPurple\nGrape\nCerebrospinal Fluid\n\nThe affected fluid is only drained while the lollipop is actively consumed, and levels return to normal per typical generation by the body, assuming the mechanism for generation was not damaged during the loss of fluid. There is no compulsion to eat the lollipops, nor a compulsion to stop once all fluid is drained, assuming the body can survive without.\nDuring testing, the only colors that produced fatalities directly from consumption were Red and Purple. It appears that the rate of loss is a consistent volume and not based on the total volume present in the body, as evidenced by the difference in times between fatalities in SCP-819-A and SCP-819-F. Where the fluids are displaced is yet unknown. Further testing will be performed as methods to trace this phenomenon develop.\nCross research with SCP-466 indicates that fluids may be transferring into random people in various areas. See Experiment Log 819-466 for additional details. Research and requests unrelated to finding the means or system through which these fluids are transferred are on indefinite hold. Recommending reassignment to Euclid pending these findings.\nO5-8 - Reclassification denied. Item and its effects are still under control with containment.\nFurther research may include monitoring hospital and medical records for people showing the following symptoms after consumption of the noted lollipop.\n\nDesignation\nColor\nSymptoms\n\nSCP-819-A\nRed\nExtremely high blood pressure, arterial swelling or bursting, increased blood volume\n\nSCP-819-B\nOrange\nSevere acid reflux, idiopathic vomiting of acid\n\nSCP-819-C\nYellow\nDistended or exploded bladder, inability to drain bladder, abnormal amount of urine discharge\n\nSCP-819-D\nGreen\nSevere nasal discharge, vomiting phlegm, difficulty breathing from phlegm accumulation\n\nSCP-819-E\nBlue\nSwelling or bursting of eyeball and lens, eyeball becoming dislodged from socket\n\nSCP-819-F\nPurple\nCerebral edema and double vision and/or headaches and/or slurred speech and/or perception issues\n\nExperiment Logs:\nExperimentation was performed on D class personnel to determine the effects of the different colors of lollipops on bodily fluids and progression of symptoms as they were consumed. Subjects were connected to various monitoring tools such as pulse oximeters, pneumographs, and ECG to monitor vitals during the course of experimentation.\n\nExperiment Log 819-1\nAll Colors\n\nTest:\nTaste Comparison\n\nSubject:\nD-6338\n\nProcedure:\nSubject was given 2 of each flavor lollipop, one of which was a sample from SCP-819 and the other an ordinary lollipop of the same brand. Subject was required to briefly taste each lollipop and comment on any differences in flavor.\n\nResult:\nSubject did not report any differences in flavors between the lollipops. Suggesting marking the handles on these lollipops to ensure there are no accidental mix ups.\n\nExperiment Log 819-A-1\nRed\n\nTest:\nEffect of Consumption\n\nSubject:\nD-3634\n\nResults:\nSubject began consuming the lollipop, showing no adverse symptoms besides development of mild tachycardia in the first few minutes. After approximately 5 minutes, subject began to appear pale, with moderate tachycardia and reduction in difference between diastolic and systolic blood pressures. Subject became slightly disoriented, but was ordered to continue. Over several minutes, the subject's blood pressure began to drop, resulting in an increased heartbeat as the body attempted to catch up. At 10 minutes, subject began exhibiting signs of hypovolaemic shock, and began to become less lucid as blood pressure dropped further. Subject lost consciousness less than 3 minutes later. The sample of SCP-819-A was recovered, 2/3rds consumed. Subject expired 1 minute after loss of consciousness. Autopsy showed cause of death was lack of blood. It was estimated that subject had lost over half of his blood supply during the course of the experiment.\n\nExperiment Log 819-B-1\nOrange\n\nTest:\nEffect of Consumption\n\nSubject:\nD-9078\n\nResults:\nSubject reluctantly began eating the lollipop, commenting how he \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hated the taste of orange\". Subject exhibited no symptoms for the first several minutes. At 5 minutes, subject complained of heartburn. Vitals remained stable. After 30 minutes, there were no further changes in subject's symptoms besides a slight increase in pain. Subject was released after lollipop was fully consumed and monitored for the next 36 hours. Subject exhibited significant stomach pains after eating, and developed diarrhea and slight malnutrition, congruent with symptoms of achlorhydria. Subject recovered after several days from natural regeneration of gastric acid. Subject also developed several peptic ulcers from the lack of phlegm protecting the stomach lining during the experiment.\n\nExperiment Log 819-C-1\nYellow\n\nTest:\nEffect of Consumption\n\nSubject:\nD-9948\n\nResults:\nSubject proceeded to consume the lollipop. After 15 minutes, no changes were seen in the subject's vitals, nor any abnormal sensations were reported by the subject. When pressed subject remarked that he felt less of an urge to urinate than at the beginning of the procedure. Test was put on hold while subject was instructed to consume 1 L of water and wait until the urge to urinate was intense. Subject was again ordered to consumed SCP-819-C. After 2 minutes, subject reported the urge to urinate had decreased. After 10 minutes, subject had no urge to urinate, and when ordered to attempt, no urine remained in subject's bladder.\n\nNote: While this may have some practical usage for field agents or sensitive operations, I would appreciate it if staff would stop requesting 819-C-1 for recreational uses. - Dr. Dreyn\n\nExperiment Log 819-D-1\nGreen\n\nTest:\nEffect of Consumption\n\nSubject:\nD-1151\n\nResults:\nAfter about 3 minutes, the subject noted that it felt like his sinuses were beginning to clear, and happily continued. Within another 3, subject reported his nose felt very dry and a little painful. Further consumption caused sinus and nasal pain increases, as well as the development of his throat becoming sore and breathing becoming slightly difficult. Continued progress resulted in painful swallowing, more labored breathing and strong pain in all previously affected areas. After end of consumption, subject was released and monitored for 5 days. Initial examination showed inflamed nasal, sinus, and esophageal tissue. Similar irritation on the lungs was confirmed when subject's respiration was examined. Subject quickly developed rhinorrhea, and succumbed to several strains of stomach and rhino viruses. After recovering from the illnesses, subject was back to normal, though it is theorized that some of the production glands were damaged from the prolonged lack of phlegm.\n\nExperiment Log 819-E-1\nBlue\n\nTest:\nEffect of Consumption\n\nSubject:\nD-8381\n\nResults:\nWithin 15 seconds, subject reported difficulty seeing. At one minute, subject lost all vision. Upon physical examination, it was shown the aqueous humor was depleted, and that the mass of the eye was beginning to shrink. Further consumption caused the subject's eyes to shrink and then shrivel as vitreous humor was lost. After 4 minutes, eyes were fully devoid of humor and were shriveled. Patient was able to feel the eyes shrinking, but did not experience any pain until the eyes reduced to the point that it was straining connection to the optical nerve. Eyes did not rehydrate after the end of the experiment due to the vitreous humor being a non-replenished fluid. Subject was terminated after this experiment.\n\nExperiment Log 819-F-1\nPurple\n\nTest:\nEffect of Consumption\n\nSubject:\nD-2941\n\nResults:\nWithin 20 seconds beginning to eat the lollipop, subject complained of a sudden severe headache and weakness. Reclining appeared to lessen the pain, indicating an orthostatic headache. Subject was ordered to sit up and continue. Subject also complained of dizziness, vertigo, and double vision. Within 3 minutes of starting the experiment, subject became unconscious. Subject pronounced dead 30 seconds after loss of consciousness. The sample of SCP-819-F was only slightly consumed. Autopsy showed a severe lack of cerebrospinal fluid, causing the brain to lose buoyancy and constrict blood vessels providing blood to the brain.\n\n\u00ab SCP-818 | SCP-819 | SCP-820 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-820\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Foundation MTF \u2588-\u2588 \"Methyl Heads\" will regularly treat areas prone to SCP-820 with such pesticides as might be utilised by farmers native to those areas. In addition to this, media coverage in the affected areas will be controlled to encourage citizens to remain indoors and in a safe place until swarm season has ended. A focus in media coverage during the off season will be sensationalist stories designed to increase everyday paranoia and form habits in viewers conducive to personal safety.\nA small group of SCP-820 specimens (between \u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 individuals) is to be housed in Bio-Research Site-176, with research aimed toward [DATA EXPUNGED]. These specimens are to be housed in a secure translucent terrarium exposed to sunlight via skylights located in containment wing beta. Access to the specimens will require at least level three authorization as well as accompaniment by a member of the permanent SCP-820 research team.\nDescription: SCP-820 is a periodically manifesting swarm of locust grasshoppers that appears in certain areas of [REDACTED] and Peru colloquially known as las langostas pintadas, or \"the painted locusts\".\nIn addition to crop and property damage as may be expected from a locust swarm, the vicinities visited by las langostas pintadas experience heightened accidental death rates due to an as yet unexplained effect theorized to be a pseudo-hypnotic mental state caused by the constant color and motion of SCP-820. Victims of this effect (known as the R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 effect, in honor of the late Doctor R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) experience a strong sense that they are somehow protected; quote, \"everything is perfectly fine. You're totally safe, and nothing bad can happen.\" This leads to vastly increased recklessness and a dramatic drop in self protective behaviors. The effect lasts an average of \u2588\u2588\u2588 hours post exposure.\nSCP-820 was brought to the attention of the Foundation in 197\u2588 when an investigatory MTF was dispatched to [REDACTED], Peru, to investigate the deaths of nearly seventy people in a bridge collapse incident. Engineers' reports showed that the bridge structure had been visibly unsafe for several hours before it collapsed, leading Foundation scanners to wonder why so many people had been on the bridge at the time of collapse. MTF \u2588-\u2588\u2588, \"Paprika Tuxedo\", discovered the nature of SCP-820 when [DATA EXPUNGED] firearms safety.\nDuring an incident in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a swarm of SCP-820 manifested on a battlefield during a civil war in [REDACTED], leading to approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 casualties. Foundation media plants reported the high casualty rates were due to the use of illegal chemical weaponry, specifically [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-820 has been shown in testing to increase the likelihood of accidental death by nearly \u2588\u2588% for the duration of exposure, and the chance of personal injury by nearly \u2588\u2588%.\nD-Class exposed to SCP-820 have shown willingness to place themselves in highly dangerous situations with no fear, including walking onto active live-fire ordinance testing zones and entering containme[THIS SECTION REMOVED BY ORDER OF O5-8]. If the SCP-820 swarm can be raised properly in containment, it may be helpful in preparing personnel for work with Keter level SCP objects.\nAddendum: It appears as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 that SCP-820 has extended its range as far as [DATA EXPUNGED]. Containment procedures are currently not effective in preventing SCP-820 exposure. It is the recommendation of a research team headed by Doctors Vanheissen and Klein that containment procedures for SCP-820 be reevaluated for effectiveness against at least 240 Caeliferan genera that are not vulnerable to current Foundation methodology.\n\n\u00ab SCP-819 | SCP-820 | SCP-821 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-821.\n\nItem #: SCP-821\nObject Class: Safe Neutralized\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The area SCP-821 is located in has been purchased by the Foundation, with a standard containment warehouse constructed around it, designated Containment Outpost 821. Daily inspections of SCP-821's exterior structure are to be performed by security personnel, with any significant changes being reported to the containment supervisor. No personnel are to enter SCP-821 due to its structural instability.\nDescription: SCP-821 is a structure located within the former town of Esheville, FL. Records recovered from the local government indicate it was constructed sometime between 1955-1957. The interior is in a permanent state of degradation, with all attempts at maintenance or restoration being unsuccessful.\nSCP-821's interior contains a varying number of devices intended for children, such as a carousel, a stage with a set of 4 animatronic figures, and a variety of midway games. There are also a number of kiosks which sold food and souvenirs when SCP-821 was active. During initial containment, these devices were fully functional. Maintenance was performed by humanoids within SCP-821, formerly known as SCP-821-1, who also operated the devices within SCP-821. Instances of SCP-821-1 were humanoid automatons composed of painted copper. Devices contained within SCP-821 displayed anomalous properties when they functioned, including:\n\nModels of animals that were attached to the carousel would move autonomously.\nAnimatronics were shown to be able to engage prepubescent subjects in conversation.\nFood and drink were produced within SCP-821 without a source.\nMidway games that would emit vocalizations complimenting users with high scores.\n\nThe animatronic band was composed of four machines, each playing a different instrument. Once per hour, they would play a set of popular songs from 1957-1960. When not playing, these animatronics could communicate with subjects observing them, and were capable of conducting basic conversation. Notably, vocalizations produced in this manner were shown to be unique, with logs compiled between 1959-1961 showing that no conversation had been repeated.\nHowever, following Incident SCP-821-A, all instances of SCP-821-1 were apparently destroyed or otherwise removed, and SCP-821 began to exhibit rapid structural deterioration. The devices contained within SCP-821 began to function erratically, showing much more dangerous properties than had previously been observed. In addition, SCP-821 itself is no longer safe to enter due to its structural damage. Alterations to devices include portions of the carousel and animatronic band becoming aggressive, striking and biting any subjects that approached them. Notably, portions of SCP-821 capable of speech were highly apologetic, offering to assist the subject that had been injured. Currently, no components of SCP-821 capable of producing speech are functional.\nAddendum: Incident 821-A.\nOn 4/11/1989, personnel attempting to enter SCP-821 found that the entrance had been sealed off, and a note labeled \"OUT OF BUSINESS\" affixed to the door. Investigation into SCP-821's interior showed that no instances of SCP-821-1 could be located. In the center of the main floor, a letter was found. The text of the letter has been included in this report. As of 5/16/1999, SCP-821 has been designated as neutralized.\n\nHello my friends. This is a day we have all been dreading, and I am sad to be the one who has to break the news. You've all known for awhile that Funland has been having troubled times for a very long while, and although times were tough, we always managed to pull through. But we can't do it anymore. I've seen the parks and attractions that come from the huge amusement companies, and we just can't compete. The children just aren't interested in old places like this. The skee-ball, Big Bertha's show plaza, the carousel\u2026 they just don't care. They're bored by it. The world has moved on.\nI know that each of you has put a lifetime into making Funland a success, and that's the hardest thing for me. Each of you will receive a generous severance package, followed by a pass to return to your home. Thank you for your service.\nMr. Funland\n\n\u00ab SCP-820 | SCP-821 | SCP-822 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-822\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-822 are contained in an isolation chamber at Biological Containment Site-103. Personnel may not approach within 5 meters of the chamber at any time; watering and soil conditioning are to be done via automated systems and any maintenance work must be done remotely with robotic assistance.\nDescription: SCP-822 is a species of cactus similar in appearance to Lophophora williamsii (Peyote) but with significant differences as the plant reaches maturity within a period of approximately thirty (30) days. As SCP-822 nears maturity, a large gas sac forms within the center of the plant as it reaches its typical maximum dimensions of approximately 10cm in height and 25cm in diameter. This sac is filled with volatile gasses including \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and several substances unique to SCP-822. At the same time, the skin of SCP-822 hardens until it reaches a point not unlike sheet metal and seeds begin to form just under the skin. Once the plant is fully mature, it flowers and begins extruding a pheromone that serves to attract mammals of sufficient mass to trigger its anomalous property.\nThrough an unknown mechanism, whenever any living creature of sufficient mass (approximately 10-20 kg) approaches within 3 meters of SCP-822, the central portion containing the gas sac violently detonates, causing shrapnel-like shards of SCP-822's skin to fly through the air. These fragments are capable of embedding themselves into the skin and flesh of any living creatures nearby, which carry the seeds of SCP-822 away. Living creatures struck by these fragments that do not die from physical trauma eventually succumb to a potent neurotoxin synthesized by the fragments within three (3) to six (6) hours.\nSCP-822 was first discovered at a military proving ground near [REDACTED]. SCP-822 was reported to the Foundation after 3 personnel were killed when they drove a vehicle near a large patch of SCP-822 and a fourth managed to return to the base before expiring. Subsequent investigation of the infested area turned up hundreds of specimens of SCP-822 as well as the corpses of dozens of animals that had wandered into the area and been killed, some of which had SCP-822 growing directly from their bodies. After sample specimens were collected, the entire area was subjected to firebombing, incinerating all remaining SCP-822 in the area.\nExperiment Log 822-1:\nRecord of experimentation performed to determine limits of triggering mechanism for SCP-822.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-9912\nProcedure: Subject equipped with a military-grade bomb suit and instructed to approach SCP-822\nResults:\nSCP-822 detonates as Subject approaches within precisely 3 meters of specimen. Shock sensors record blast as equivalent to the detonation of a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 land mine. Subject suffers injuries consistent with being in close proximity to high-explosives detonation, such as ruptured eardrums.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Robotic rover, approximately 20 kg in mass\nProcedure: Manipulation of specimen of SCP-822 using rover attempted\nResults:\nSubject successfully approaches SCP-822 and successfully uproots SCP-822 specimen. However, specimen is dropped while moving away, causing specimen to detonate. Rover badly damaged.\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-9989\nProcedure: Subject is restrained completely as to prevent any movement, specimen of SCP-822 is moved towards Subject via robotic rover\nResults:\nSCP-822 specimen detonates when brought within 3 meters of Subject. Subject survives initial detonation but succumbs to neurotoxin.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-9989 (Deceased)\nProcedure: Specimen of SCP-822 moved towards dead body of Subject\nResults:\nSCP-822 does not detonate, even when placed directly on body of Subject.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-10021\nProcedure: Specimen of SCP-822 placed against wall of isolation chamber designed to completely absorb all sound, vibration, and temperature fluctuation. Subject instructed to move towards SCP-822 while separated by wall of isolation chamber.\nResults:\nSCP-822 detonates when Subject approaches within 3 meters of specimen. Minimal damage to isolation chamber, no harm to Subject.\n\"Apparently SCP-822 is capable of detecting living creatures within its trigger radius, despite not being able to \"see\" the target, detect its sounds, or feel any shifts in temperature. More experimentation needs to be done to determine how it does this.\" - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-821 | SCP-822 | SCP-823 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-823\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-823 is to be secured by no fewer than six (6) on-site personnel until such time as decontamination protocols can be established and the artifact in question neutralized. Personnel must respect a twenty meter (20 m) safe zone around the currently established Red (No Entry) Zone at all costs. Any individual, civilian or not, who enters the established Red Zone is to be terminated immediately by sniper fire.\nShould music or piping be heard emanating from within the Red Zone, Foundation personnel on-site are to immediately don protective earplugs and withdraw from their positions to a two kilometer (2 km) perimeter, beyond the currently established Yellow (No Civilian Presence) Zone, and inform Foundation scientific personnel immediately. Following the realignment event, Foundation science personnel will survey the area and determine the boundaries of the new Red and Yellow zones using Procedure 823-1-Alpha.\nDue to the necessity of maintaining auditory alertness, no personal music devices or radios aside from necessary equipment are to be allowed at the observation site.\nDescription: SCP-823 is an abandoned theme (amusement) park located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Site was abandoned in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after several violent events resulting in the deaths of park attendees. A complete list of said events is included in Supplement 823-01-13, \"Civilian Deaths Attributed to SCP-823.\"\nSCP-823 was finally abandoned after the events of \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, also known as \"Bloody Sunday,\" when the influence of the artifact in question reached a 20-year peak. Two hundred thirty-one (231) attendees were killed, and another seven (7) injured or maimed. A complete list of casualties is included in Supplement 823-01-14, \"Civilian Deaths Resulting from Event 823-99-Euclid,\" but include:\n\nImage of SCP-823 recovered by surveillance drone.\n\nTwo (2) individuals, male and female, fused together at multiple points after emerging from the \"Tunnel of Love\" dark ride. (dead)\n\nOne (1) individual wearing a \"Happy Hippo\" mascot uniform, found dead of suffocation. Mouth, trachea, and lungs were discovered to be filled with a fibrous substance later determined to be identical to the stuffing in said mascot uniform. (dead)\n\nFifteen (15) individuals recovered from the \"Thriller Chiller\" roller coaster, all decapitated by blunt force. Witnesses reported that the deaths did not occur simultaneously, but in groups of two, starting with the front row of seats and ending with the back. Forensic analysis indicates that each set of deaths corresponded to a loop or turn in the roller coaster's tracks. (dead)\n\nOne (1) individual recovered from under the \"Thriller Chiller\" roller coaster, dead of broken neck and massive cranial trauma caused by a fifty-foot fall from an inverted position. Individual was seated at the back of said roller coaster, and somehow managed to extricate self from the ride's safety harness halfway through the ride. (dead)\n\nOne (1) individual found dismembered inside the \"House of Mirrors\" attraction. Left arm was found sixteen feet to the north from the torso. Left leg was found inverted and attached to the ceiling by sinews. Right leg was found in the possession of Subject 79, partially consumed (forensic analysis indicates that teeth marks found on flesh and bone of said leg are human in origin). To date, no trace of right arm has been found. (alive)\n\n\n\nFollowing said event, Foundation Mobile Task Force Rho-71 (\"Origami Toads\") was sent into the site to assess the situation and carry out containment procedures. MTF Rho-71 was not successful in determining the cause or location of the deaths due to casualties inflicted on team members (see Supplement 823-01-15, \"Casualties among MTF Rho-71 resulting from Event 823-99-Euclid\"). Partial list of casualties included:\n\nMTF Rho-71 commander \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Cause of death: suicide caused by forced sexual entry through left eye, resulting in unsurvivable brain trauma.\n\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Cause of death: suicide. Individual was found with all ammunition disassembled, casings and bullets discarded. \u2588\u2588 grams of propellant, consistent with the amount of disassembled ammunition found on scene, were retrieved from individual's stomach and intestines.\n\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Cause of death: suicide. Individual was discovered with lacerated lungs and broken jaw. Missing teeth were retrieved from individual's lungs and trachea.\n\n\nFollowing the deaths of 50% of the Mobile Task Force personnel, on-site supervisor ordered an immediate mission abort. Containment protocol was switched from Retrieval to On-Site Securement. Standard media blackout procedures were carried out, including [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nAddendum 823-01: Re: Destruction of Site - Per O5-level order, request for immediate destruction of site by air strike, to be led by MTF Nu-7 (\"Hammer Down\"), is denied due to proximity to civilian population, lack of plausible cover story scenario, and unknown nature of artifact in question.\nAddendum 823-02: Re: Red Zone - As of this date, SCP-823 has undergone three realignment events requiring resurveying of affected zones. Apparent range of Red (No Entry) Zone has increased in size by 5% during that time. Rate of expansion appears to be accelerating at a linear rate (see Report 823-02-07, \"Result of Seventh Survey of SCP-823\"). Request upgrade to Keter.\nAddendum 823-03: Re: Upgrade to Keter - Denied by O5 council. Reason: insufficient data to justify reclassification.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-822 | SCP-823 | SCP-824 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-824\nObject Class: Euclid-alterier\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Eighteen specimens of SCP-824 and two specimens of SCP-824-1 are to be kept at a dedicated greenhouse at Site 41. No other plants are to be planted in this greenhouse. Fifty kilograms of dead plant matter are to be provided to each specimen weekly.\nResearch Site 824 has been established on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Island, Japan, with the intent of studying the interaction between residents and SCP-824-1, along with the culture and history of the island in general. The Foundation has absorbed the local government's disinformation and counterintelligence activities in lieu of full-scale removal of SCP-824-1 from the island. This is intended to minimize the Foundation's impact on the civilian population of the island.\nDescription: SCP-824 is a species of tree that is characterized by significant mobility and herbivory. While SCP-824 specimens superficially resemble members of the Ginkgoaceae family, SCP-824 is radically different from any known species of plant.\nEach SCP-824 specimen is capable of bending its trunk, roots, and branches at any point along their length at a rate of no more than 360\u00b0 per hour, averaging 30\u00b0 per hour. Sections of SCP-824 remain rigid while moving, and specimens are as difficult to bend as typical trees.\nSCP-824's branches will move at random (primarily at ground level) until they come into contact with living or recently dead plant matter. Should this occur, nearby branches and roots of SCP-824 will wrap tightly around the plant matter in question, then retract in an attempt to strip it from the main body or pull the plant in its entirety to SCP-824 at a rate of roughly 0.5 meters per hour. In this process, SCP-824 will strip portions of a plant from the main body if necessary.\nSCP-824's roots will maintain a hollow opening under SCP-824 up to three meters deep containing a large number of roots less than 3 cm in diameter. These roots will, if possible, gather and take hold of stones or similar objects of various sizes. In the absence of suitable stones, SCP-824 will be unable to derive sufficient nutrition from plant matter, and will cease its attempts to consume plants until stones are provided.\nUpon plants being procured by the branches, they will be passed down into this area. The roots will use the stones to grind plants into a powder, from which the roots are then able to derive nutrients, water, and minerals. While SCP-824 gains sustenance from this act, the ultimate caloric gain is typically only marginally greater than that SCP-824 gains from photosynthesis. It is surmised that these behaviors evolved primarily as a means of removing vegetation from the area surrounding SCP-824.\nAddendum: Notable biological characteristics. See Document 824-C for further information.\nSCP-824 has superficial traits that initially led to Foundation scientists classifying it as a member of the Ginkgoaceae family that simply happened to exhibit anomalous properties; however, genetic analysis of SCP-824 has shown that it is only distantly related to other trees. Their similar appearances are believed to be a result of convergent evolution, given their similar locations, but this is unconfirmed.\nSCP-824 contains a novel type of xylem tissue that allows for rapid transportation of water in order to expand and contract different portions of it at a rapid pace; this is responsible for SCP-824's characteristic rapid movement. It is believed that several previously unknown auxins that have been extracted from SCP-824 may assist in this effect; however, their exact functionality is not fully known at this time.\nIn order to allow for greater freedom of movement, SCP-824 has thin, flexible bark that is easily damaged by sharp objects. Due to this and its lack of natural defenses from pathogens, SCP-824 is highly susceptible to infection and infestation.\nRecovery: SCP-824 was found in SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an extradimensional, self-contained region accessible from a point in southern China, in 1972. Upon discovery, it was host to eight anomalous species of plants and animals including SCP-824. Due to the properties of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-824 had not spread outside of this area, although specimens removed from SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 have remained viable. It is believed that SCP-824 evolved naturally in SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nWhile a large portion of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's terrain is covered in kudzu (Pueraria lobata), SCP-824 specimens remained clear of the vine, apparently due to their ability to actively remove plants from their trunks and consume them. SCP-824 appears to have a comparative advantage over several non-anomalous species of Ginkgo found in SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the majority of which were struggling under the conditions there. All instances recovered from SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were free of pathogens and insects.\nAddendum: In 2011, several specimens of SCP-824 were found outside of containment on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Island, Japan. The behavior of these specimens has led to them being classified as a separate subspecies of SCP-824 (hereby SCP-824-1).1\nAll SCP-824-1 specimens were located in four apple orchards on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Island. There, instead of consuming all plant matter within reach, SCP-824-1 will feed exclusively on weeds and dead plants, leaving living apple trees entirely untouched. Upon encountering a ripe apple, SCP-824-1 will gently grasp it and remove it from the branch, lowering the branch(es) now holding the apple to roughly 1.5 meters off the ground until it is removed. SCP-824-1 will consume any apples that are infested, rotten, or unfit for human consumption. The means by which SCP-824-1 is able to accurately determine whether apples are edible is unknown.\nResidents of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Island have not been cooperative with Foundation personnel, and generally react with suspicion to inquiries about or studies of SCP-824-1. Further research into the relation between SCP-824-1 and the residents of the island is warranted.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Records recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Island have uncovered references to \"farmer trees\" dating since 1937.\n\n\u00ab SCP-823 | SCP-824 | SCP-825 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-825\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: At least two Foundation members must be present for any interaction with SCP-825. One member must be designated Monitor and remain at least 2 m from SCP-825 at all times. If accidental application occurs, the Monitor should notify the security team. The Monitor must not attempt removal of SCP-825 without supervision.\nIt is recommended that test subjects should not have SCP-825 applied for more than 180 minutes. Any experiment involving longer application must have security team present for removal, as test subject may behave unpredictably.\nDescription: SCP-825 is a standard-sized helmet of medieval design. The degree of wear is consistent with this dating, provided SCP-825 has been well cared for. This is entirely probable, as it was liberated from [DATA EXPUNGED] despite frequent use [DATA EXPUNGED] how long the group had been in possession of SCP-825, as the only surviving members were not present when [DATA EXPUNGED] and has itself been designated SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Efforts are still in place to track down anyone else involved in the incident.\nSCP-825 has the property of inducing visions in any who wear it. Testing indicates that SCP-825 does not need to be worn on the head, but that insertion of any part of the body within the volume enclosed by the helmet will count as application. Upon application, the subject will be unable to move any part of their body below the neck until SCP-825 is removed. During application, the subject will be unable to see, feel, or otherwise sense their surroundings, with the exception of sounds which the subject will hear as muted and distant. The subject will also experience highly convincing visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and nociceptive hallucinations. The form and nature of the hallucination varies depending on subject. The only common element is the disturbing and unpleasant nature of the hallucinations, focusing on the subject's phobias and neuroses.\nAddendum A: The subject is invariably highly motivated to be removed from SCP-825, and will go to great lengths to avoid repeat application. When SCP-825 is removed, the subject remains physically unharmed, although \u2014 depending on the duration and nature of the exposure \u2014 may suffer from PTSD or mental breakdown. Frequent prolonged exposure results in total mental breakdown and insanity.\nExperimental Log: Please include subject ID and any pertinent biographical or psychological information as well as test results. All tests are of a duration of 30 minutes unless otherwise stated.\nAll subjects whose psychological profile indicates distinctive paranoias, phobias, or neuroses are earmarked as potential SCP-825 subjects.\nDate:\nSubject:\nInfo:\nResults:\nAdditional Comments:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D14729\nInfo: First test subject\nResults: Subject reported an initial period of blackness before vision returned. Subject responded to questions, but complained that it was difficult to hear. After 10 seconds, subject began screaming and demanded to be released. When questioned, his only response was, \"They're cutting me, they're cutting me, get me out.\" When informed that he would remain until the question was answered, subject hurriedly described the hooded figures who were slowly dismembering him. Further detail of the vision was provided after the experiment.\nAdditional Comments: The effect of SCP-825 is much as expected from reports provided by [DATA EXPUNGED] though this currently remains a theory.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D14783\nInfo: Profile indicates subject had a near-death experience after falling into a frozen lake as a child.\nResults: Subject described being trapped in a small room slowly filling up with water. After 10 minutes, subject became unresponsive to questioning. Technicians discussed removing SCP-825 when subject resumed speaking, describing the room now filling with icy cold water. Process was repeated with foul and polluted water. Each time subject grew more agitated. Process repeated with blood and then liquid excrement. After 317 minutes subject no longer responded to questioning. SCP-825 was removed. Subject remained unresponsive, and was terminated after 7-day observation period.\nAdditional Comments: The escalating pattern is clear, as is the focus on the subject's personal phobias.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D14791\nInfo: Profile indicates subject suffers from arachnophobia.\nResults: Unexpectedly, subject experienced a vision of being sexually assaulted by several former cellmates. Subsequent investigation revealed that such an attack occurred during a previous incarceration. SCP-825 was removed for 10 minutes and then the subject was informed that it would be reapplied. Subject answered intimate questions and followed demeaning instructions in a frantic attempt to prevent reapplication. Reapplication resulted in a similar vision, except all participants were now covered in spiders. After removal, subject damaged restraints in his attempt to escape and was sedated.\nAdditional Comments: Containment facility outfitted with stronger restraints.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Experimental animal CAN16925\nInfo: adult canine\nResults: SCP-825 applied for 90 seconds. Subject displays considerable discomfort, and cowers from SCP-825 after removal. When restrained and approached with SCP-825, subject became highly aggressive. Subject was later terminated without further experimentation.\nAdditional Comments: This confirms that SCP-825 is also effective on non-humans. Request submitted for talking bird or signing ape for further experimentation.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Technician \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Security Personnel \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInfo: Accidental application.\nResults: The circumstances of application are unknown, but both subject were discovered holding SCP-825 with their fingers just inside the rim. Their positions suggest that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was first to be exposed, and that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was exposed in the attempt to remove SCP-825 from him. It is estimated that subjects were exposed for 9 hours before discovery. Both were unresponsive.\nAdditional Comments: Containment procedures updated to prevent a similar incident occurring: in subsequent experimentation, SCP-825 will be applied to some other appendage rather than the head, so that facial expressions of subjects may also be monitored.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D14827\nInfo: Subject sentenced for 4 counts of homicide, the earliest being his father who it is suspected was abusive. Subject has two younger sisters of whom he is fiercely protective. (See history of violent incidents with other inmates, resulting from insults against his family.)\nResults: It was predicted that the subject would likely relive an incident of abuse against himself or his family by his deceased father, whom the subject greatly feared. While this was broadly the case, the subject found himself in the position of the attacker, unwillingly committing a series of increasingly violent physical and sexual attacks against his mother and two sisters.\nAdditional Comments: Subject was discovered in his cell the next morning, having committed suicide. While SCP-825 does not directly cause physical harm, clearly the mental effects can result in indirect harm. Care must be taken in the post-processing of subjects, particularly those of continuing value.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D14833\nInfo: Profile indicates subject suffers from musophobia, and possesses low levels of intelligence and imagination.\nResults: As expected, the subject reported perceiving confinement in a room with several rodents. When asked if he was being bitten, the subject responded \"No\u2026 wait, now they are.\" Further suggestions as to how the vision could be worse (e.g., larger rats, being restrained, being confined in a tiny box filled with rats, the rats specifically attacking subject's eyes and genitals) were all subsequently introduced into the subject's vision after a short delay.\nAdditional Comments: While it may be possible for the sequence to be a natural progression similar to that experienced by other subjects, there is a significant correspondence in the timing of the suggestions to their inclusion. It seems that the visions are related to the subject's ability to conceive of the scenario. The escalation may be the natural consequence of the subject speculating on ways in which their situation could be worse. In the case of D14833, the subject was unimaginative enough that such speculation did not occur until prompted.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D14856\nInfo: Subject was sedated prior to application. SCP-825 was removed before consciousness was regained.\nResults: Subject reported disturbing nightmares, but did not seem as affected as previous subjects. Subject did not recognize SCP-825 and did not resist application. Subject reacted normally and displayed the usual reaction to SCP-825 afterward.\nAdditional Comments: It seems that the visions still occur during unconsciousness, but that the unconscious mind is less affected.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D148-MSN03\nInfo: Subject is mentally subnormal.\nResults: When questioned about his initial experience, subject responded that there were people \"being mean\" to him. Promptings and suggestions were able to affect the nature of the visions to a degree; however, subject was unable to comprehend anything but the simplest suggestions; thus, advanced scenarios did not manifest.\nAdditional Comments: This test seems to confirm the active role that the subject's own imagination plays in determining the nature of the visions, which are limited to that which the subject can conceive.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D14873\nInfo: Profile indicates that subject suffers from ophidiophobia.\nResults: Rather than a snake-related vision as predicted by the subject's profile, the subject instead found himself torturing a number of dogs in various ways. The subject was unable to explain why this should be the case. When threatened with further application, the subject confessed to an incident in his childhood. Biometrics together with inconsistencies in the story indicate that it was a fabrication created to avoid application. As an extension to the test, on return to the general population the subject was (falsely) informed that D14850 had committed acts of cruelty against dogs. (D14850 was a convicted serial killer, but no evidence suggests that he was guilty of animal abuse.) D14850 was later found beaten to death by subject, who was subsequently terminated.\nAdditional Comments: It seems that SCP-825 is capable of exploiting psychological vulnerabilities even the subject is not aware of. It is also clear that as an interrogation tool, SCP-825 suffers from the same risks of false confessions as all other advanced interrogation techniques.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus, Sprague-Dawley strain (female, age 7 months)\nInfo: the Sprague-Dawley strain of rat has been bred for docility and ease of handling.\nResults: SCP-825 was turned upside-down, and test subject was placed within. Test subject immediately began convulsing and spasmodically voiding its bowels and bladder; after 15 seconds of convulsions, subject died.\nAdditional Comments: Necropsy indicates that subject died of massive heart attack caused by adrenaline surge. Further experiments with Sprague-Dawley rats had similar results, with median exposure time before cardiac failure being 9.32 seconds.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus, Wistar strain (female, age 7 months)\nInfo: the Wistar strain of rat is known for being more active than most other strains of laboratory rats.\nResults: SCP-825 was turned upside-down, and test subject was placed within. Test subject immediately voided its bowels and bladder, then began distress vocalizations and biting motions. After 15 seconds, SCP-825 was turned right-side-up; upon retrieval, test subject immediately began biting research assistant G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 through his glove, causing serious damage to G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's index finger before being flung across the room and dying on impact with the opposing wall.\nAdditional Comments: Further experiments with Wistar rats reveal that exposure to SCP-825 consistently leads to drastically heightened aggressiveness in survivors, with social grooming activities being reduced or eliminated; cannibalistic infanticide is ubiquitous. All test subjects have died of heart attack immediately upon second exposure to SCP-825.\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris, (age 14 months)\nResults: SCP-825 was turned upside-down, and test subject was placed within. After 15 seconds, SCP-825 was turned right-side-up; upon retrieval, subject manifested no discernible behavioral changes. Necropsy revealed no differences in brain structure between test subject and control subject.\nNote: This is significant progress: we seem to have found a lower limit beyond which this SCP is ineffective. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-824 | SCP-825 | SCP-826 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-826\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-826 is to be kept in a 25 cm x 25 cm safe with a numerical keypad lock. The combination for the lock will be given only to those with Level-2 clearance and will be changed on a weekly basis.\nDescription: SCP-826 is a 20 cm x 15 cm pair of bookends, molded in the shape of two outward-facing dragon heads. Scrapings from the surface of SCP-826 revealed a composition of 99% Sn, 0.5% Cu, 0.3% Sb, and 0.2% Pb, consistent with high-grade pewter. However, it is unclear whether SCP-826 is solid pewter or whether the pewter is merely a plating for some unknown element which gives the SCP its properties.\nWhen a subject places a book between SCP-826, touching both ends, and leaves the room, SCP-826 will, in an instantaneous process, convert the interior of whatever room it is currently located in (a room defined as an enclosed area) into the setting of the contained book. Any form of entry into the room will instead open into a random location within the book's setting. During this transformation process, SCP-826, along with the contained book, will relocate to another part of the book's setting, showing a preference for places where books are normally found (libraries, studies, etc). To reverse the effects of SCP-826, a subject must remove the book from SCP-826, then exit whatever room SCP-826 was found in. The subject will find themselves outside the original room of SCP-826's containment, while SCP-826's containment room will be restored to normal.\nIn addition, the subject will find themselves at a random temporal location in the book's plot, ranging from the beginning to near the end of the book. If the subject does not find SCP-826 within the setting before the \"end\" of the book, SCP-826 will \"reset\" the setting, starting the book's plot over. The subject will then be \"incorporated\" into the book as a background character, losing all memories of a previous life outside of SCP-826.\nResearchers studying SCP-826 are advised to enter the results into Experiment Log 826.\n\n\u00ab SCP-825 | SCP-826 | SCP-827 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-827\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Site 827 has been established at the location of SCP-827's discovery. For the purposes of the Foundation, SCP-827 has been outfitted with a specialized cell reactor that allows for introduction of samples and removal of their products. Personnel actively interacting with SCP-827 are to wear full Level-C or higher Hazmat gear.\nSamples introduced into SCP-827 require approval of project director. Samples from only one individual at a time are to be introduced to ensure there is no genetic cross-contamination. All samples are to be screened for genetic chimerism. In the event that more than one distinct genetic sample is introduced to SCP-827, the sample is to be removed using procedure 827-Hari and incinerated.\nTissue from the central nervous system is not to be used in SCP-827 tests following Incident 827-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-827 is a semi-solid mass of biologically active human stem cells. SCP-827 is capable of self-renewal and is totipotent, with cells replacing themselves at a rate of approximately 200,000 cycles of mitosis per day, with roughly the same amount dying off per day; at time of writing, SCP-827's mass is currently 353kg, and remains stable.\nWhen a sample of human organ tissue is introduced to SCP-827's mass, it is broken down and assimilated into the mass using a unique enzyme. Following this, SCP-827's cells will enter an active state and will begin to generate copies of the organs from which the tissue originated. These organs, designated SCP-827-A, differ from their original purpose in drastic ways; introduction of muscular tissue, for example, has resulted in full muscular systems developing and attempting to escape SCP-827, while introduction of a human jaw has resulted in what was termed a \"broken-tooth tree\", a plant-like structure with a trunk of muscular tissue with branches made from malformed jaws. Assuming that SCP-827-A instances are remaining and still in contact after a period of approximately 2-3 days, the instances will be digested and re-assimilated into SCP-827's mass.\nSCP-827 is only capable of assimilating human tissues. Attempts to introduce non-human tissues, including hair from lower primates and bone samples of extinct humanoids, has resulted in a deterioration of health in SCP-827. Furthermore, all liquid samples are rejected by SCP-827.\nAddendum: Sample Log\nSample: Part of a human liver, donated by Dr. Ming.\nNote: Dr. Ming was suffering from liver failure, and due to a rare blood type, donated on the condition that the resultant organ be transplanted back into him.\nResult: After 12 hours, SCP-827 produced one apparently healthy human liver matching Dr. Ming's blood type. Transplant was successful; however, the SCP-827-A instance was incapable of producing bile or processing alcohol. Instead, it acted similar to a liver found in a human fetus, producing red blood cells. Dr. Ming developed primary polycythemia, and eventually died due to his condition.\nSample: One pelvis and two femurs.\nResult: 7 hours after introduction, the surface of SCP-827 calcified entirely. Researchers present broke through the calcium shell, exposing the resultant SCP-827-A instance to the air. SCP-827-A instance resembled a human pelvis, but with a single joint where the coccyx would be located, with a single leg growing out of it. The instance had developed musculature due to improper cleaning procedures. Approximately 19 minutes after exposure, the instance was broken down by SCP-827.\nSample: One male human head, with all tissue intact. Donor was a civilian, decapitated in an industrial accident.\nResult: Sample was digested in 2 hours. 36 hours later, resultant SCP-827-A instance was fully formed; subject was humanoid in appearance, but severely malformed. Skull had been flattened out in a mushroom-like shape to account for a brain that had been unfolded and spread flat. Furthermore, the intestines of the SCP-827-A instance had unraveled, but the spinal column was too weak to support it and collapsed when removed from SCP-827, killing the instance. Before removal, the instance wrote the letter \"G\" several times in an attempt to communicate.\nSample: Two sets of bones taken from human hands, from two different donors\nResult: A vaguely serpentine instance of SCP-827-A was created, assembled entirely from the various bones found in the human hand. The instance was capable of independent locomotion, and began growing musculature and skin resembling that of a human arm. The instance escaped SCP-827 and was capable of surviving for six days despite the lack of any digestive or respiratory system before being neutralized by a security agent.\nSample: One human brain.\nResult: After 18 hours, SCP-827 produced a reconstruction of a nervous system, but anomalous in construction; the brain was triple-lobed, and appeared to be built for a hexapodal humanoid, with four arms and two legs. Appeared to be self-sustaining within SCP-827. Upon removal from SCP-827, the instance expired.\nAddendum: Recovery Log:\nSCP-827 was recovered at the lab of one Dr. George Farrow in [REDACTED], Idaho, USA. Dr. Farrow had disappeared after being diagnosed with malignant pancreatic and breast cancers, and was expected to live less than six months. According to excerpts from Dr. Farrow's personal notes, he was intending to rejuvenate his organs with self-administered stem cell therapy. It is unknown if SCP-827 was the result of that therapy, or the method Dr. Farrow used.\nThe following are excerpts of notes taken by Dr. Farrow shortly before his disappearance.\n\nThe cancer's not going away; the therapy should be working! Instead, there are strange lumps all over my skin, but the doctor says they're not tumors; they're not even melanomas or moles. They're just little humps of flesh. I tried lancing them like a boil, but the one on my shoulder ate the needle; it broke off within the damn thing. Will attempt excision soon.\nAll samples have been excised; they seem to be the same consistency as the soup1. I placed them in a petri dish, and they conglomerated into one mass. They're completely undifferentiated now, despite being taken from all over my body. I decided to try putting a bit of hair I had saved into it, and it digested it quicker than anything I'd ever seen. I've locked it in the cell incubator for the time being.\nI checked on the sample again. It had grown hair all over itself, and it was\u2026 I incinerated the damn thing. Now I have even more lumps on my skin; it's like they grow overnight. Insulin levels seem to be stabilizing, at any rate. Maybe the cancer's finally going away?\n\nI collapsed today, from- I don't believe I'm saying this- insulin shock. The doctors said that it was like the entire pancreas just reset itself and released a massive amount of the stuff. I'm writing this from the hospital bed, and I feel fine; the screening said that the cancer was GONE. Meanwhile, they found even more of those damn lumps on my skin; the lab tecs are saying they're some kind of stem cell. That explains the hair thing, I guess.\nWill stop therapy as soon as I get back home.\n\nI started incinerating the soup today. About 50% of the cells are gone, but they're replacing themselves relatively fast. Shouldn't be a problem.\nI just hit myself in the throat by accident. Hurt my thyroid. Only problem is, I had my thyroid removed back in 1992. What's more, it feels swollen. What's going on?\n\nMore of the lumps, and the soup won't stop growing. Dammit dammit dammit. I've just started cutting them off and throwing them into the soup so it's easier to get rid of all at once. I'm thinking of saving a small sample for later analasys analayss analysis\n\nMy entire arm is one giant, soupy lump. And it's rotting. Too many waste products. I gotta agitate it somehow. I tried the egg beater, and that seems to be working well. For now.\n\nThe entire left side of my body is stem cells. They're useless, but I seem to have full brain function. Got to agitate it constantly, maybe I should just stick it all in that big cell reactor.\nI tried cutting off my arm, or what's left of it. It ate the knife. I can feel it cutting through a second esophagus.\n\nMy arm just reconstituted itself.\nSo much blood. Too many toes.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Dr. Farrow uses this term repeatedly in his notes to refer to the stem cells he had been using to treat himself.\n\n\u00ab SCP-826 | SCP-827 | SCP-828 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-828\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-828-1 is to be housed in the Site-641 marine mammal rehabilitation center located 10 kilometers inland from the coastline of Somerset Island, in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It is to be kept in regular contact with site personnel and interviewed regularly by the on-site psychologist. To facilitate this, SCP-828-1 has been granted limited mobility. It is to be surveilled via a GPS-enabled ankle monitoring system. If SCP-828-1 approaches within 5 kilometers of the ocean it is to be intercepted by onsite security personnel and returned to containment. Following review by the Site Director, SCP-828-1 may be placed in restrictive housing. SCP-828-1 is not to come in contact with any prepubescent human subjects. If this occurs, SCP-828-1 will be mandatorily placed in restrictive housing and an independent investigation of Foundation personnel will follow.1 SCP-828-1 is to be fed with fish or small whales native to the region2. Only while in a controlled, experimental environment may SCP-828-1 come in contact with SCP-828-2.\nSCP-828-2 is contained in the Site-641 reliquary located at the Cunningham Inlet Facility. It is to be inspected bi-weekly for deterioration. A textile restoration technician is to inspect SCP-828-2 bi-monthly for degradation. Repairs will be conducted with the assistance of the on-site, classically trained, Inuit shaman.\nDescription: SCP-828-1 is a humanoid organism that stands 1.4 meters tall with white, pupilless eyes and long \"hair\" composed of kelp-like unbranched stipes of Alaria esculenta3. The subject's skin resembles that of fish of the Myoxophalus4 genus. SCP-828-1 is amphibious but cannot remain out of water for more than 10 minutes without suffering from dehydration. The subject's hands and feet are webbed to facilitate swimming. Medical examination of the \"hair\" has revealed that it is permeated by extensive vasculature indicating that the organ is used for gas exchange. The subject's body appears emaciated, but the subject has yet to request food. If offered food SCP-828-1 will consume it \"to be polite\", but it is unclear if the subject requires regular feeding. The subject was found with severe tooth decay, and has been provided with dentures and dental care after containment. When out of water, the subject's skin emits an odor that has been unanimously described as pleasant by all prepubescent human subjects. Importantly, children have described the scent as comforting and \"maternal\" during interviews. Analysis of the subject's skin secretions has revealed the presence of a volatile organic substance which may act as a pheromone. It is hypothesized that this compound may aid the subject in its efforts to befriend children. Research into the mechanism of action is ongoing.\nSCP-828-1 has been extraordinarily cooperative with Foundation personnel during containment. Psychological analysis reveals that SCP-828-1 exhibits symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, including intrusive recurrent recall, insomnia, and hypervigilance. Paradoxically, these symptoms are exacerbated by exposure to the sea, images of the sea, marine mammals, and images of marine mammals. SCP-828-1 also exhibits signs of traumatic bonding to the Foundation and individuals associated with the Foundation. It is the recommendation of the psychological staff that this bond be exploited for the purpose of containment and study.\nSCP-828-2 is a heavily water-damaged amauti5 that SCP-828-1 was wearing prior to containment. The garment is made of materials traditionally associated with Inuit clothing, seal fur, caribou hide and thick, woolen duffel. When SCP-828-1 places a child into the carrying pouch of the garment, the child is unaffected by cold temperatures or hyperbaric ambient pressure and does not need to breathe. The child remains conscious and aware while contained in SCP-828-2.\nRecovery: SCP-828 was recovered from Pangnirtung, Canada when a missing child, Nathan Qappik \u2014 thought to have been lost in a sudden storm \u2014 was discovered by fishermen on the abandoned island of Iglunga. The following interview was conducted by local representatives of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.\n\nInterviewed: Nathan Qappik\nInterviewer: Corporal Filigree\nForeword: The following interview was conducted after child's recovery. It has been translated from Inuktitut. Original transcript available on request.\n\n+ show block\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\n\nFiligree: Alright, little man, why don't you tell me how you managed to get out on that island?\nQappik: Am I in trouble?\nFiligree: What? Of course not. Everybody in town was very worried about you. We're just happy to have you back, but we still need to know how you got out there. Okay?\nQappik: Okay. Well, I was playing on the rocks outside of town. I knew I shouldn't but the rocks are fun. Sometimes if you sit still you can see whales. I like whales and I wanted to see them. Anyway, I saw something swimming in the water. I couldn't see, though, and I wanted to get close so I could. But the rocks are slippery sometimes and I fell. [hesitation]\n\nFiligree: It's okay. You can keep going.\nQappik: Well, it was high tide, if it wasn't high tide I would have fallen in the mud. A big wave caught me and I bumped my head. I don't remember what happened right after.\n\nFiligree: That's okay. You can tell us what you do remember.\nQappik: Promise you wont think I'm lying?\n\nFiligree: Sure.\nQappik: Well, I woke up and I was underwater. I could see the sun coming through the waves. It wasn't cold though, or wet. I felt safe. I felt warm, like I was wrapped in a fur blanket. Oh, and I saw a whale.\n\nFiligree: Uh\u2026\nQappik: [Excitedly] And then I felt a wave, like I was riding a wave in to shore and then I came out of the water on the island where the old buildings are. It was like surfing only under water. I bet whales feel like that all the time. Anyway, my friend \u2014\n\nFiligree: Your friend?\nQappik: My fish friend. I was scared at first because she looked weird, but she's nice. She's the one who caught me when I fell, or at least she said she did but I don't remember because I hit my head. But she took me out of her amauti and I was dry and she told me where to find stuff for fire and brought me meat that she helped me cook. I stayed on a pier in a fisher shack. It was our secret place.\nFiligree: Did your friend have a name?\nQappik: She said \"Piitchuq6\" but that didn't make any sense. Anyway, can I see her? She seemed sad and lonely. I don't think she has any friends. Nobody should live like that.\nFiligree: Did she hurt you or do anything strange? Did she say where she was from?\nQappik: No. She was really nice and was real good at fishing. I think it's because she can swim really well and doesn't need a boat. She never said where she was from so I thought she was from the island. Can I see her?\n\n\nClosing Statement: The interview continues in this vein for some time. Throughout, Qappik insists that SCP-828-1 did not harm him and was friendly. The story was not released to the public. Local authorities believe that the child had experienced hypothermia-induced hallucinations while on the island.\n\nIn the weeks following the recovery of the missing child, rumors began to spread through the town of a strange marine animal in and around the harbor. Repeat sightings of a strange person on the docks prompted widespread speculation and hearsay. Teriaq LeChatlier, Site-641's on-site shaman, heard the rumors through family contacts and decided to investigate \"on a hunch\" with a small team from MTF-89E \"Tomas's Tuggers\". SCP-828 eluded capture for several weeks until capture during an attempt to enter the Qappik family residence. SCP-828 was then brought back to Site-641 for processing.\n\nInterviewed: SCP-828\n\nInterviewer: Teriaq LeChatlier\n\nForeword: This unofficial interview was conducted en route to Site-641 on board the recently-acquired fishing vessel \"Jeanne\". SCP-828 was sequestered in the live-catch hold at the time of interview. LeChatlier insisted on the encounter before processing, saying \"The sea is already pretty angry about this. I don't know if we'll make it back.\" Please note that the following interview was translated from Inuktitut.\n\n+ show block\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\n\nLeChatlier: Hello down there?LeChatlier: What? No. I just wanted to talk to you in case your mother decided to cut things short. I want to know why you didn't take the child.LeChatlier: No, I'm being serious. I work for people who want to meet things like you.LeChatlier: Mostly to stare at you and ask you questions. Are you comfortable down there?LeChatlier: Just thought I'd ask.\n\n\nClosing Statement: SCP-828 remained unresponsive for the remainder of the voyage.\n\nInterviewed: SCP-828\nInterviewers: Agent Scout Fullbrush and Teriaq LeChatlier\nForeword: The following interview took place after several weeks of processing. SCP-828 had displayed signs of agitation, and an intervention was undertaken at the request of LeChatlier.\n\n+ show block\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\n\n[Fullbrush and LeChatlier enter the interview booth. SCP-828 is restrained to a chair on the other side]\n\nFullbrush: Good afternoon, SCP-828. We understand that you've been having trouble.Fullbrush: That is the designation we've assigned you.Fullbrush: A designation.\nLeChatlier: You can think of it as a name if it's easier for you.Fullbrush: Regardless. The maintenance and research staff have reported that you have been increasingly agitated and resistant. We are here to find out why.Fullbrush: Excuse me?\nLeChatlier: The only leash Fullbrush here holds is his.\nFullbrush: What my\u2026 associate means to say is that we work for the same organization but I am not directly responsible for him. Everybody you see here works for the same group of people. We want to learn about you.LeChatlier: I wasn't going to lie to you. You know how much those cost anyway. Too steep to lie to you.Fullbrush: You thought we'd dissect you or kill you or enslave you? Reasonable assumptions, but not what we do. We just want to keep you safe with us, and learn from you.LeChatlier Yeah, we'll keep you safe. You'll have a home.LeChatlier: No. You're free to keep to yourself if you like. Probably won't see anybody unless somebody really wants to talk to you or something. Don't ask me why they'd want to, that's just their way.Fullbrush: What if what?Fullbrush: Well, typically we only keep things like you as restrained as they need to be. There are incentives for good behavior, cooperation.LeChatlier: You wanna kick this up the chain, Brushy?\nFullbrush: If you want to cooperate, I will speak with my superiors and we can arrange something.\n\n\nInterviewed: SCP-828\n\nInterviewers: Dr. Isaac Rosenthal and Teriaq LeChatlier\nForeword: The following interview was conducted in full cooperation with SCP-828, following negotiations with Site Administration. Dr. Isaac Rosenthal has been tasked with establishing biographical and anomalous details regarding SCP-828\n\n+ show block\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\n\nRosenthal: Alright then, 828, why don't we start with some history. Tell me about yourself.Rosenthal: The beginning? Whatever part of your life you'd consider to be a beginning.LeChatlier: Playing the pronoun game, eh?Rosenthal: What do you remember about your family?Rosenthal: How does this fit into your current state?\nLeChatlier: She's setting the scene, just let her keep going.Rosenthal: Did it say anything? The voice?LeChatlier: The kid probably forgot to offer the seals a drink before they died.Rosenthal: What else do you remember?LeChatlier: I thought you said you couldn't remember.Rosenthal: I think that's enough for today. We'll resume at our next, scheduled appointment.\n\n\nFootnotes\n1. See Disciplinary Document 117-138\n2. For a full list see SCP-828-1: Nutrition and Wellness\n3. Bladderlock Kelp\n4. Sculpin\n5. Traditional Inuit child-carrying parka.\n6. Is Not\n7. Shaman\n8. Baffin Island\n\n\u00ab SCP-827 | SCP-828 | SCP-829 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-830\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The location of SCP-830, designated Site-\u2588\u2588, is to be barred from access to the public. At no time are non-Foundation personnel permitted on-site without the express orders of Level 3 personnel or higher. No personnel are to come into physical contact with SCP-830 at any time. To heighten Site-\u2588\u2588 morale, anyone communicating with SCP-830 is to have a safety line and a designated marksman on hand to terminate the communicator in case of incident. No further constructions directly above or around SCP-830 are to be attempted, after the collapse of a catwalk (Incident 830-13B) resulted in the loss of sixteen site personnel, including one Level 3 touring the facility.\nDescription: SCP-830 is a shifting pool that initially appears to be composed of oil and sand. Attempts to recover samples from the pool have revealed only inert samples standard to the earth in that area. Researchers hypothesize that an item at the bottom of this pool may be responsible for this and the other effects of SCP-830.\nAny humans coming into physical contact with SCP-830 are drawn into the pool itself, and presumably killed. The retracting powers of the liquid are remarkably strong, although with a sufficiently strong subject, severing the point of contact with the liquid of SCP-830 is sufficient to prevent the entire individual from being drawn in. Inanimate objects do not appear to be affected by this 'quicksand' effect.\nIndividuals drawn into SCP-830 may be contacted by standing within eight meters of the pool (for the safety of designated communicators, closer than six meters is not recommended). Distorted but recognizable faces of those consumed by SCP-830 will form upon the surface, one by one. The communicator may designate which one they wish to address by speaking only when the desired face forms on the surface. This may take some time, as it is estimated that SCP-830 has consumed in excess of 800 individuals in the span of its existence. Communicators should be trained extensively in human psychology and interrogative techniques. Chief characteristics of the faces of SCP-830 include remorse or regret for the actions directly leading to their consumption by SCP-830, and complaints of excruciating pain - it is extremely difficult to change the subject when communicating with a face of SCP-830.\nNon-Foundation personnel within SCP-830 are predominantly occultists of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 traditions, apparently eliminated by the Chaos Insurgency from the years of 19\u2588\u2588 to 19\u2588\u2588, before SCP-830 was seized by Foundation personnel in 19\u2588\u2588. Translators are on-site for any volunteers wishing to communicate with these faces, although prolonged exposure to SCP-830 has severely diminished their communicative ability - most faces from this period are incoherent or disjointed in their speech patterns. Over 50% are suffering from various forms of aphasia. Information collected on the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 traditions has been catalogued and is available for study upon request to Dr. Jonas DeWitt, head of research for SCP-830.\n\n\u00ab SCP-829 | SCP-830 | SCP-831 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-831\nObject Class: Euclid\n\nSCP-831\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Colonies of SCP-831 are to be contained in an observation chamber with ceiling, walls and floor having Vickers hardness of at least 1000 kg/mm sq. The containment chamber is to be regularly inspected; any damage - even a scratch on the floor - is to be reported in accordance with Procedure 831-C. Nutrients introduced into chamber are to be poured on the floor and not contained in any kind of vessel. Personnel entering chamber for any reason are to be equipped with Class-T armor, and subject to thorough inspection before and after entry to ensure that no foreign objects are introduced into the chamber nor are any specimens of SCP-831 inadvertently removed from the chamber.\nPopulations of colonies of SCP-831 in containment are not to exceed the limits prescribed in Document 831-2155AE. Nutrients are to be withheld and specimens are to be destroyed as necessary to keep colony populations within these limits.\nColonies of SCP-831 encountered outside of Foundation containment are to be immediately eradicated. Individual organisms of SCP-831 can easily be exterminated by fire, crushing, asphyxiation or many other methods. However, sufficiently advanced colonies of SCP-831 can be expected to have constructed defense mechanisms. After eradication, objects found in the colony's location are to be brought to Site-36 or Site-181 for analysis.\nDescription: SCP-831 is a species of tool-using insect-like organisms superficially resembling wingless worker-caste Reticulitermes flavipes. Colonies of SCP-831 have been collected or eradicated in eleven locations in eastern and central North America to date, in locations ranging from Texas to Ontario. The organisms appear to be capable of feeding on most organic material, with a preference for cellulose and sugars. Mature specimens range from 7 mm to 1.2 cm in length. Individual specimens appear to have a lifespan of 25 to 40 days. Unlike true termites, SCP-831 does not appear to be divided into castes with distinct morphology; all specimens are essentially \u201cworkers\u201d and all females are capable of breeding with an extremely short gestation period.\nSCP-831 is a highly social organism and is found in colonies. The upper bound of the colony size is not yet known; the largest colony investigated by the Foundation to date consisted of at least eight million individual organisms. Individual organisms of SCP-831 do not exhibit intelligence beyond simple survival instincts.\nThe colonies of SCP-831 that have been identified to date were located in (or originated in) dark, enclosed urban locations affording shelter, access to nourishment, water and materials appropriate for the construction of SCP-831's tools. In most cases, the colony was discovered in the basement, attic or walls of a home or other structure. If a colony is located within a structure, the colony will not consume the wood cellulose to an extent that would compromise the structure's appearance or structural integrity. The organisms flee from light and their behavior suggests an instinct to avoid detection or observation by humans or predators.\nColonies of SCP-831 construct and use tools from available materials, rapidly bootstrapping from simpler tools to more complex tools. See Site-36 observation log below:\nSite-36 Observation Log 03/30/2009 - 08/05/2009\n\nDay@Time\nObservation\n\n01@00:00\nCommencement of observation of chamber containing approximately 1000 specimens of SCP-831. Chamber is airtight, consisting of painted steel walls, floor and ceiling (15 cm thickness) and C8-rated observation window. Chamber is unfurnished except for commode, three steel buckets respectively containing wood pulp, sucrose solution and water.\n\n01@13:08\nPersonnel D-334 enters chamber to top off contents of steel buckets. Prior to this time, specimens had not engaged in activity other than feeding on wood pulp and sucrose solution, and breeding. D-334 inadvertently fails to retrieve steel paper clip that falls from her shirt pocket while refilling buckets.\n\n01@13:09\nA number of specimens of SCP-831 advance toward the paper clip, then carry it to a corner of the room where specimens of SCP-831 commence altering it.\n\n01@13:43\nPaper clip is repurposed as scraping implement. Specimens commence scraping floor and walls of chamber and retreiving metal and paint filings.\n\n01@23:26\nScrapings result in a small pile of metal filings (no more than 10 grams).\n\n02@00:00\nDue to reproduction, chamber observed to contain approximately 2,500 live specimens of SCP-831.\n\n02@16:04\nSize of piling of metal filings estimated at approximately 400 grams. Paint chips and scrapings are accumulated in separate pile. Some specimens of SCP-831 observed to engage in mastication of metal scrapings and paint scrapings.\n\n03@00:00\nChamber observed to contain approximately 5,000 live specimens of SCP-831.\n\n03@01:23\nPile of scrapings is a mound approximately 11 cm in height. Metal scrapings have been moved to the interior of the pile of paint scrapings.\n\n03@21:24\nPile of scrapings continues to increase in size as specimens continue to transport metal and paint fragments to it. Activity in the interior of the pile of paint scrapings is unobservable, but thermal imaging indicates the presence of a heat source within (presumably friction or body metabolism of SCP-831).\n\n04@00:00\nDue to reproduction, chamber observed to contain approximately 12,000 live specimens of SCP-831 (excluding any that may be obscured from view in the interior of the pile).\n\n04@08:10\nPersonnel D-334 enters the observation chamber at the direction of Dr. Garcia and intentionally scatters the pile of paint and metal scrapings. Pile is observed to contain at least 1,000 specimens of SCP-831 and eleven metal objects, some of which are similar to the original scraping implement and some of which resemble picks and chisels. One of these instruments is retrieved. Analysis shows that the instrument, a sharp metal cone approximately 1 cm in length, 1 mm maximum diameter, is composed of the same metal as the metal floor scrapings.\n\n04@13:44\nSpecimens begin to chip ceramic from commode in observation chamber, using previously documented instruments.\n\n05@00:00\nChamber observed to contain approximately at least 22,000 live specimens of SCP-831. The pile of paint scrapings has been reconstructed.\n\n06@00:00\nChamber observed to contain approximately 40,000 live specimens of SCP-831.\n\n06@13:23\nContainment breach of [DATA EXPUNGED] at Site-36 interferes with observation for approximately 122 minutes. Upon re-commencement of observation, the steel buckets and the commode in the chamber are missing. Dr. Garcia directs that from this point forward, wood pulp, water and sugar solution that are introduced to the containment chamber are to be spilled on the floor rather than contained in a vessel.\n\n07@00:00\nChamber observed to contain approximately 100,000 live specimens of SCP-831.\n\n07@11:15\nPersonnel D-334 enters the observation chamber at the direction of Dr. Garcia and intentionally scatters the pile. Pile is observed to contain a rudimentary crucible, a small mechanism resembling a lathe, and other objects of indeterminate function. There are several deep holes bored into the floor of the chamber. Dr. Garcia orders the reinforcement of the ceiling, walls and floor of chamber with additional layers of steel and concrete.\n\n08@00:00\nNumber of specimens in chamber is estimated at approximately 240,000 live specimens. Containment chamber contains several mounds of varying sizes consisting of scrapings and the bodies of living and dead specimens.\n\n09@00:00\nNumber of specimens in chamber is sufficient to fill the chamber to a depth of approximately 2 cm, although specimens are unevenly distributed. Although observation of the colony's implements is problematic due to the number of specimens, there is evidence of a number of crucibles and forges, calibrated for different temperatures, a number of lathes in various sizes, and taps and dies. Chamber also contains a spool of approximately 40 meters of narrow gauge steel wire.\n\n09@15:30\nSpecimens construct bellows, glassblowing equipment, and several objects of unknown function.\n\n10@00:00\nNumber of specimens in chamber is estimated to be at least 400,000.\n\n10@03:20\nPersonnel D-334 enters chamber at direction of Dr. Garcia and intentionally attempts to disturb large mound of specimens with wooden rod. Apparatuses referenced at 09@15:30 are demonstrated to be airguns with flechette-shaped ammunition. D-334 is struck several times in the head and neck and collapses, following which specimens swarm over D-334. Dr. Garcia directs that the body remain in the chamber and that the delivery of wood pulp, sucrose solution and water cease.\n\n10@23:25\nElectrical failure in observation chamber deactivates lighting and prevents observation for approximately 35 minutes.\n\n11@00:00\nNumber of specimens in chamber is estimated to be at least 600,000. Upon restoration of lighting, body of D-334 is missing. A textile blanket, apparently constructed of human hair and fibers from D-334's uniform, covers several mounds within the observation chamber, obscuring them from view.\n\n11@15:54\nPersonnel D-118 and D-536 enter chamber at direction of Dr. Garcia with directions to remove the blanket. D-118 and D-536 are wearing body armor. D-118 suffers painful electrical shock upon touching the blanket and retreats. D-536 successfully removes blanket and both personnel leave the chamber. Colony is observed at this point to have constructed numerous items of glassware, several basins filled with various liquids and solid matter, several inflated bladders containing unknown gasses, objects resembling machine tools, and various other objects of indeterminate function. Specimens appear to be engaged in the construction of lens-grinding and chemical refining equipment. The blanket, upon analysis, contained concealed wiring and small batteries. Foundation personnel are investigating how batteries of that size could generate the observed voltage.\n\n11@21:23\nLighting fails in observation chamber. Subsequent analysis shows that the lighting failed due to an electrical short generated from within the chamber. Observation is prevented for approximately 18 minutes.\n\n12@00:00\nNumber of specimens within chamber appears to have stabilized at approximately 800,000. Upon restoration of lighting, much of the colony is obscured from view by an igloo-shaped ceramic shell. Thermal analysis indicates that the colony has constructed a number of internal combustion engines running on unknown fuel. Analysis of objects within chamber indicates that several objects within the chamber, of indeterminate function, are composed of alloys containing copper, zinc, tin, nickel and lead, which are not present in the chamber's walls but which may be found in electrical wiring and piping in the facility, or which may have been on D-334's person. Dr. Garcia directs additional reinforcement of the chamber's integrity, and extermination of any specimens of SCP-831 found outside the chamber.\n\n12@15:53\nPersonnel D-054, wearing body armor and appropriately equipped, enters chamber with sledgehammer at direction of Dr. Garcia with directions to break ceramic shell and expose its contents. D-054 is attacked by \"several fast-moving flying objects\" and retreats without damaging the shell. D-054 is also struck by several flechettes which fail to penetrate his armor. Upon analysis, the flechettes are found to be coated with a corrosive substance containing unknown enzymes.\n\n12@23:25\nLighting in the chamber fails again, for 22 minutes, apparently due to electromagnetic pulse generated from the interior of the chamber. When lighting is restored, observation is obscured due to the application of an opaque lacquer-like coating to the interior of the observation window.\n\n13@04:05\nPersonnel D-033, wearing body armor and appropriately equipped, enters the chamber at direction of Dr. Garcia with directions to scrape the coating from the window. D-033 is advised not to disturb the ceramic shell. Approximately 3 minutes after entering the chamber, D-033 is immobilized by a flypaper-like substance and anesthetized, apparently by means of intravenous injection. Before observation is again obscured by reapplication of the coating (apparently by means of a sprayer located above the observation window), observation indicates that specimens are engaged in the purification of wafer-grade silicon and the construction of complex electronics. Radio signals emanating from within the chamber are detected and recorded.\n\n13@11:10\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n13@22:06\nLighting in the chamber fails again. Specimens are in the process of applying an opaque and sound-insulating gel to the observation window when Dr. Garcia orders the termination of observations due to concerns that SCP-831 may have escaped containment. Specimens in chamber asphyxiated and remains incinerated. Remainder of Site-36 inspected, and specimens of SCP-831 found in adjacent chamber isolated. Objects found in containment chamber are undergoing analysis. These objects include, among many other objects of indeterminate function: the ceramic shell, a hole-boring machine with carbide drill bits, a number of vacuum tubes, a motor rated at approximately 55,000 watts, an argon gain medium, precision lenses and other laser components, several hexagonal printed wire boards with chemically etched circuitry, glass vessels of various substances including nitroglycerin, acetone, FMOC-D-Alanine, and 5 Amino 1H Tetrazole (5-AT), an apparatus apparently used to synthesize crystals, a cyclotron, and an apparatus resembling a microwave telecommunications broadcasting tower, with a broadcasting antenna pointing upward. Chamber is evacuated except for the installation of a microwave receiver in the chamber, tuned to the same signal as the presumed broadcasting tower. Remains of D-334 and D-033 are not recovered but DNA analysis identifies that many of the objects in the room are composed, in part, from their remains.\n\n128@14:03\nMicrowave receiver in chamber receives signals from an unknown source. Signal was recorded and is undergoing analysis.\n\nMore by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-1322\n\nSCP-089\n\nspikebrennan's proposal\n\nSCP-1844\n\nSCP-1012\n\nSCP-1036\n\nSCP-2553\n\nSCP-1512\n\nSCP-1746\n\nSCP-908\n\nSCP-831\n\nSCP-3236\n\nSCP-2336\n\nSCP-955\n\nSCP-926\n\nSCP-2236\n\nSCP-920-EX\n\nSCP-2914\n\nSCP-2008-J\n\nSCP-4336\n\nSCP-4436\n\nSCP-1060\n\nTales\n\nSic Transit Gloria Mundi\n\nSpring Cleaning\n\nTranscript of meeting, June 2 1972\n\nTranscript of telephone conversation, August 9, 1991\n\nMemorandum Dated 6 November 1944\n\nScroll fragment 13Q29\n\nStray Katz (part 1)\n\nAd Majorem Bonum\n\n\u00ab SCP-830 | SCP-831 | SCP-832 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-832\n\nItem #: SCP-832\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-832 is to be contained in an electronically locked safe that is 0.25 m x 0.25 m x 0.25 m in size. The safe is to be placed in a room that is monitored by CCTV at all times. Level 3 clearance or higher is required to access the safe, and all activity is logged. Any personnel handling SCP-832 must either do so remotely or wear gloves to avoid direct contact if they are not actively experimenting with it, and any loose change on their person will be confiscated prior to entering containment. If SCP-832 breaches containment in any way, any personnel found handling US half dollars in Site 19 will be referred to security and held there until it can be determined that he/she is not handling SCP-832. Due to this, personnel are discouraged from using US half dollars in their transactions at Site 19.\nDescription: SCP-832 appears to be a US half dollar minted in 1966. Closer analysis has revealed that it is composed of an alloy consistent with half dollars minted at the time. When a subject comes into direct physical contact with SCP-832, the subject gains the ability to recite exactly how much money they have at any given time, even if asked for the amount in a form that they are not storing it in. Subjects so far have demonstrated the ability to calculate their wealth in:\n\nForeign currencies (even if the subject has no prior knowledge handling them)\nThe value of purchased items\nStock value for any given company\nThe weight of any substance, natural or artificial\n\nThe subject also becomes more careful with their assets, attempting to reduce their expenses and maximize their income wherever possible. In addition, they are more emotionally sensitive to changes in their financial status, both positive and negative.\nAddendum:\nSeveral experiments regarding the effects of SCP-832 have been performed. Logs from these experiments can be found below.\nExperiment Log 832-1:\nSubject is given SCP-832 and is asked to recite their total financial assets in US dollars, Euros, and Yen. Upon further review, all answers are found to be correct. Subject is asked to place SCP-832 back into its safe. Subject refuses, claiming that \u201cevery cent is precious.\u201d Subject is assured that he will be given the equivalent amount immediately after placing SCP-832 back into containment. Subject refuses again. SCP-832 is then forcibly removed from the subject's possession, after which he begins to panic and becomes aggravated. Testing halted pending psychological review. Upon completion of further experiments, some story must be created to encourage subjects to place SCP-832 back into containment.\nExperiment Log 832-2:\nNote: This test demonstrates some precognition in SCP-832's effects.\nSubject is given SCP-832 and shown a lottery ticket purchased by Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject is asked the value of the ticket, which he claims to be $15 (US). Subject is told that the electronic safe is his bank, and he places SCP-832 back into the safe, closing it. After playing the ticket properly, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 wins $15 (US).\nExperiment Log 832-3:\nSubject is given SCP-832 and an ordinary US half dollar. The subject is asked for the value of both objects. Subject states the value of the half dollar to be 50 cents (US) and the value of SCP-832 to be \u201cimpossible to quantify.\u201d Subject would not go into further detail when asked.\nExperiment Log 832-4:\nSubject is given SCP-832. Subject is asked for the current value of her checking account, and the correct value is given. Subject's checking account is accessed from an off-site ATM, and $200 are withdrawn from it. Immediately after money is retrieved, subject shows visible signs of agitation. Subject is asked to recite the balance again, and the correct number is given. The account is then emptied of funds from the same off-site ATM. The subject begins to panic, and grieves over the loss of funds. When the money is deposited back into the account, the subject gradually recovers.\nNote: The off-site researcher was contacted by police after this test due to suspicious use of the subject's account. No charges were filed, but all personnel are advised not to perform a similar test with an off-site ATM again.\nExperiment Log 832-5a:\nSubject is given SCP-832. Subject is asked to quantify the balance in his savings account in terms of \u2588\u2588\u2588, the form of currency used in the online game \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject is visibly shaken and remains silent for approximately 30 seconds before stating that he cannot quantify his wealth in those terms.\nExperiment Log 832-5b\nSubject is given an account for the online game \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and is asked to quantify his wealth in \u2588\u2588\u2588 again. Subject immediately states the current amount of virtual wealth in his account.\nNote: The effect seen in 832-5a was likely caused because \u2588\u2588\u2588 has no consistent conversion rate to any real currency (While exchange between \u2588\u2588\u2588 and real currency does occur, it is technically against \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's terms of service, and there is no set price.) Once the subject had wealth in that form, however, SCP-832 was able to measure it.\nExperiment Log 832-6\nSubject is given SCP-832 and shown to a room heated to 1100\u00b0C. A penny is tossed into the room, and the subject immediately follows. Subject dies due to extreme heat. When room is cooled, the penny has melted, but SCP-832 remains undamaged.\n\n\u00ab SCP-831 | SCP-832 | SCP-833 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-833\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-833 is to be contained in Site 21 following standard Class 2 bio-hazard procedures. As a precautionary measure, Site 21 does not have a cafeteria, and all personnel located at Site 21 are to eat only the meals delivered from Site 19. Employees of Level 1 or higher may request additional or alternative rations via the facilities director.\nAll on-site personnel are instructed to report severe nausea, diarrhea, or muscle pain to site medical staff immediately. In the event of confirmed infestation, the victim will be treated with an aggressive course of anthelmintic drugs. Civilian outbreaks of SCP-833 are to be treated similarly, but the civilians are to be quarantined for the duration of treatment. Should the drug regimen prove ineffective, termination of infected personnel and civilians is authorized.\nDescription: SCP-833 is a parasitic nematode of the genus Trichinella only capable of infesting humans. Infestation by SCP-833 has symptoms similar to a mild case of trichinosis, often including initial intestinal distress followed by muscle pain and fever about a week after infection. Symptoms fade after about three weeks. In many cases, infestation is asymptomatic. As with all varieties of trichinosis, the disease is spread by the consumption of tainted meat. SCP-833 is highly heat resistant, but responds favorably to standard vermicides, especially albendazole.\nWhat sets SCP-833 apart from more mundane members of Trichinella is that in all infections, a small proportion of the worms colonize the central nervous system. Surprisingly, in almost all cases this does not damage the nervous system. The remaining larvae encyst themselves throughout the hypodermis.\nThe larvae encysted in the central nervous system secrete a compound that in most cases has two effects. First, it leads to a marked increase in altruism. Victims of SCP-833 are generally described as becoming kinder and notably more generous. Secondly, victims gain the conviction that their tissues are extremely delicious, nutritious, or pure. Due to the increase in altruism, the host will try to \"help\" others by feeding them pieces of his or her own flesh.\nBecause hosts do not lose their self-preservation instinct, they will generally not severely injure themselves to fulfill this compulsion. Similarly, they retain awareness of social taboos against cannibalism and so usually act in secret. Victims will typically resist the urges induced by SCP-833 for some time before finally giving in.\nSCP-833 came to the attention of the Foundation during a raid on a cult in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 that was suspected of being connected to SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. An unknown member of Trichinella, later designated SCP-833, was found in the system of the surviving cult members, who were then terminated.\nAddendum 833-3: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an experiment was conducted in which D-40023, who was noted to be violently psychotic, was exposed to SCP-833, to see how he was affected by the psychological element of SCP-833 infestation. When the subject recovered from the acute symptoms of infection, the subject was placed in a room with D-9182. Neither subject was informed of the psychological effects of SCP-833. After a short while, D-40023 fashioned an improvised knife from some furniture, and began to slice off his own fingers and attempt to force-feed them to D-9182. Security personnel entered to restrain D-40023, who responded violently. D-40023 was terminated, and D-9182 was inadvertently killed in the struggle. Security was reprimanded, and object class upgraded to Euclid.\nAddendum 833-16: Excerpt from interview with Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was found to have been a host for SCP-833 for an estimated twelve years, during which she infected most of her home town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. She and the rest of the town were later successfully treated by the standard drug regimen and given Class-B amnestics.\n\nStart of excerpt\nDr. Winston: What you were doing didn't feel in any way wrong to you?\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Not really. It was a relief, honestly.\nDr. Winston: How so?\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Helping people is something I wanted to do for its own sake. Through giving of myself in secret, I knew that I was not acting out of selfish motives. I knew that I really was a good person. The pain was nothing to that knowledge.\nDr. Winston: That's also why you donated your kidney?\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes. But that was somehow less satisfying. I think it lacked the personal touch. There's nothing like seeing the kids' eyes light up when they see a fresh-baked pan of brownies, you know.\nDr. Winston: Ma'am, did you read the document we gave you when we took you into custody?\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I did. It was quite interesting indeed.\nDr. Winston: Do you feel any differently about your actions after reading it?\nMrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why should I? I'm a better person now, and I thank God for creating such a creature to show me how to walk in his ways! I don't understand how you don't see the beauty of this.\nEnd of excerpt\n\n\u00ab SCP-832 | SCP-833 | SCP-834 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-834\nObject Class: Anomalous Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-834 is to be kept in a basic containment locker at Site 31. SCP-834 has been moved into an unnamed safe containment locker by order of O5-13. SCP-834 is to remain locked in containment locker Alpha-12. When being tested, D-class upon which SCP-834 is used are to be kept in a standard containment cell for the duration of testing, and are exempt from monthly terminations until effects can be ascertained.\nDescription: SCP-834 is a set of four markers (black, red, yellow and blue.) Each marker bears only a 'The Factory' logo, and no other distinguishing characteristics. The only effect of these markers is that they write permanently on human skin, resulting in tattoo-like markings. Testing has proven the ink sinks below the surface of the skin, and is only removable via laser dermabrasion, or similar tattoo removal procedures. See Addendum.\nAddendum 1: On 2/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 Junior Staff Researchers L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 appropriated SCP-834 under the pretense of testing it further, but in actuality to use it on themselves. When discovered, a decision was made by O5-13 to have the item removed to a more secure area, as well as to demote the Researchers to janitorial staff for three weeks. Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had been given a band of barbed wire around his wrist, while Researcher C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 opted for a depiction of reptilian scales on his chest, to, in his words, 'reveal my inner dragon.' Both researchers are currently denied access to casual testing of any SCPs.\nNote: Even if they are only Anomalous, SCPs are not toys. -Site Supervisor Nacht\nAddendum 2: On 8/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 screams were heard from Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office. Security investigating found Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on the floor of his office, bleeding heavily from self inflicted wounds at his wrist. Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed the wounds were inflicted when he tried to remove the tattoo, after it began constricting upon his wrist. Medical investigation showed the only damage was that inflicted by Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 digging at his skin with his own fingers. There was no sign of his tattoo.\nShortly after, acting on orders of the Site Director, a security team broke down the door of Researcher C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's living quarters, after he failed to answer his personal phone, and site pages. Researcher C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's corpse was found in his bathroom, his chest burst open from the inside as if by a great pressure. Further medical investigation revealed all the major organs of his chest were missing, but no other damage. A trail of bloody claw prints led to the shower drain, which had been ripped away.\nA full exploration and cleaning of the Site's drainage and sewer system turned up nothing unusual.\n\n\u00ab SCP-833 | SCP-834 | SCP-835 \u00bb"} {"text": "ADULT CONTENT\n\nThis article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers.\nGraphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts\nFeatures sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts.\nExplicit depiction of sexual acts.\nFeatures non-consensual sexual acts.\nDepiction of severe mistreatment of children\nDepiction of self-harm\nDepiction of suicide\nDepiction of torture\n{$custom-content}\nIf you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content.\nContinue\nBack to Front Page\n\u00ab SCP-834 |SCP-835| SCP-836 \u00bb\n\nStill image from Recording 81-\u2588\u2588\n\nItem #: SCP\u2013835\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-835 is to be monitored and checked daily for new growth. In the event SCP-835 becomes hostile, Suppression Tactic A-A6 is to be immediately implemented until aggressive action ceases. Containment area must be maintained in open ocean, due to the highly aggressive response of SCP-835 to confinement for any length of time.\nWaste issued by SCP-835 must be immediately collected and contained. Feeding of SCP-835 is to take place twice daily, to consist [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-835 may be moved to a new location twice yearly, provided that the current location is no longer capable of supporting SCP-835, and the move has been approved by Site Command.\nStaff are to remain at least five meters away from SCP-835. Anyone working near SCP-835 must have safety lines attached to recall winches. Contact with SCP-835 will result in the immediate recall of all staff, and implementation of Suppression Tactic A-A6. Should contact result in full capture of a staff member, SCP-835 is to be monitored constantly until the release of the subject.\nDescription: SCP-835 appears to be a large mass of coral-like polyps weighing \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 tons. The individual polyps are larger than any known coral species, growing to more than one meter in diameter in some cases. The central mass is roughly oval shaped, with a very large (3 meter diameter) polyp at each \u201cend\u201d. SCP-835 is incapable of locomotion, and appears to anchor itself with the large tentacles projected from the SCP-835 polyps. These are also used in feeding, and are coated with a sticky adhesive substance. The tentacles are also quite strong, and have been shown to be capable of damaging plate steel.\nThe \u201ccoral\u201d of SCP-835 is extremely hard, requiring high-powered diamond drills to collect even small samples. SCP-835 also grows at a very accelerated rate, capable of adding 22.68kg (50lbs) of mass every day. SCP-835 is susceptible to many chemicals, which cause SCP-835 to \u201cseal up\u201d and halt all growth for 24 hours, prompting the development and use of Suppression Tactic A-A6. Testing has shown [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSCP-835 emits a large mass of semi-liquid material several times a day from the large polyps on each \u201cend\u201d. This appears to be made of semi-digested solids, fecal material, and semen. This mass also has several forms of virus, bacteria, and parasites, many of which have been found only within SCP-835. The bacterium 835-I5 forms the major concern for containment, due to [DATA EXPUNGED]. This, coupled with the extremely hard \u201cshell\u201d of SCP-835, form a major obstacle to neutralization. Any force capable of \u201ccracking open\u201d SCP-835 would also cause the \u201cslurry\u201d inside to spread, and cause additional infection from 835-I5.\n\nAddendum 835-01: First Draft of After Action Report by Mobile Task Force Zeta-Niner: Circumstances of Retrieval\n\nOn \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 hours, Mobile Task Force Zeta-Niner (Mole Rats) conducted an investigation of SCP-835. At this time, SCP-835 had a mass of only four tons, and only one large polyp at the north end of the structure (designated Polyp Alpha), Polyp Bravo not yet being in existence.\nAs per standard procedure, four team members were chosen for the initial investigation. Standard isolation suits (underwater variant) were worn by all four team members: Lieutenant C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 took point as team leader, while Sergeants L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 served as support. Corporal H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a rookie team member, accompanied the team as an observer. A standard Underwater Remote Vehicle, or URV, was used for initial investigation.\nSCP-835 did not, at first, act in a hostile manner towards the team, allowing team members to approach and make contact without incident. URV-01 was sent to investigate the exterior of the object while team members C, L, and M proceeded towards what they believed to be the entrance of the site. Corporal H was ordered to remain outside and to monitor URV-1 in order to ensure that the device's tether did not become tangled on the exterior protrusions.\nThe first sign of trouble occurred when Corporal H, while attempting to clear a jam in URV-1's sampling claw, reported in with the words, \"Oh god, help me, help me.\" He then reported that \"some horrible tentacle thing\" had wrapped around his arm and was dragging him in towards a \"fucking mouth,\" and vocalized several distress calls\u2026 Jesus Christ. I can't do this. Fucking\u2026 goddamn it, he was just a kid! It was his first fucking mission, I should have kept my eye on him!\nChrist\u2026 all right, here goes, guess I'll just let Sarge edit this for me. Again.\nSo the thing grabbed the kid. It had me fooled to rights. The entrance wasn't an entrance, it was just\u2026 some cave. The real entrance was the big polyp thing on the north end. It grabbed the kid and started dragging him towards the mouth. Topside started to drag him up, but all they got was a snapped cable. And the kid? He got pulled inside and eaten.\n[DATA EXPUNGED] I got the carabiner on, we're hooked together, and topside starts winching us up\u2026 and we're not getting anywhere. I'm grabbing on, I'm telling him I'm not gonna let go, and then the winch starts to seize up, and I feel this jerk on the tether and it goes slack, and then we're both sliding into that damn thing.\nIt was like\u2026 Jesus, I need another drink\u2026 fuck. It was like\u2026 the only way I can think of it was like you know that thing that doctors do when they stick a tube up someone's ass and look at the inside of their intestines? I saw that on TV once, it was like that, except I was going down the throat of some horrible underwater hell-monster, not up some poor bastard's rear. There were these\u2026 muscular contractions, I guess, and they were slowly sliding us down the length of the tube. If we weren't wearing the hard suits, we'd have been crushed, but as it was, we were held so tight we could barely move, even with power-assist. I managed to get my head up enough to see the kid's face. His faceplate was covered in vomit, poor bastard had puked in his suit. I started yelling for him, trying to get him to say something. He managed to tell me he was all right. He was sobbing like a baby.\nI started doing some calculations. Based on my dead reckoning tracker and initial sonar scans, we were moving about a meter every minute. That meant seventy two hours until we came out the other side, assuming we did. We had the air, our rebreathers could keep going for days. What we didn't have was the power to keep the suits warm for that long. If the heat went out, hypothermia would kill us\u2026 I dunno, look it up, in any case we'd be dead. We needed to conserve power.\nI told the kid to turn off his helmet lights, lock his joints, and turn down his heater to minimal. He started crying. He didn't wanna do it. I didn't blame him, but I told him we had no choice. We finally agreed to shut down everything but our internal helmet lights, at least. It seemed to calm him down, and honestly, that extra 0.1 percent power wouldn't make a difference.\nI think that was the worst part. We spent at least a day like that, locked in our suits. Couldn't move our arms and legs. No sound but the thing's gurgling and your own breathing and the sound of your rebreather. The puke on the kid's faceplate started to dry up and flake off about an hour or so in so I could see his face. He looked tired and scared.\nI think\u2026 check the logs, Sarge, I think it was about thirteen hours in when the kid started talking again. Kid started babbling. [DATA EXPUNGED]. Anyway, after that, he calmed down a lot. I told him to take a nap. He slept a bit, thank god.\nAbout twenty four hours in, we reached\u2026 I guess they're calling it the stomach now. First warning sign was a gurgling kind of noise, louder, with a crunching noise over it. I told the kid to bring his suit up to full power and get ready. A little while after, we fell out into this big chamber\u2026 big as in, big enough for the two of us to fit in it comfortably, which was huge compared to the tight squeeze of the tube. Kid's suit started hissing and the outer shell started to turn all pitted and stuff, and I noticed my gloves were starting to degrade too, so I yelled at him to move, and we started heading towards this\u2026 sphincter, I guess. I remember\u2026 god, why can I remember this, the insides of the stomach were lined with [DATA EXPUNGED].\nI almost lost it there, [DATA EXPUNGED] I'd stayed, my suit would have melted and I'd be dead, but the kid grabbed me and shoved me headfirst through the sphincter and we fell into\u2026 the other place.\nIt was even worse than the stomach. [DATA EXPUNGED], this place was\u2026 well, you know what it was full of. I'm not squeamish, Bill, you can't be if you're a Mole Rat, but this place squicked me out so bad I almost passed out. The kid helped me back up to my feet, though, told me we were almost out. \"Come on, Lieutenant, we're almost out of here, let's go,\" he said. We moved over to the other sphincter, but the thing was\u2026 well, it was puckered up tighter than my Drill Sergeant's asshole back in basic. So no way we were getting out of there.\nWe decided to wait for a bit until the thing shot its load, so to speak: \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588? Anyway, that's when things started to go bad. [DATA EXPUNGED] I managed to wrestle the thing \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 through the sphincter into the stomach. Its tentacles writhed at me as it started to melt. [DATA EXPUNGED]\nThen 835 blew its load and I flew out its ass into the ocean.\nYou know the rest of the story, Bill. [DATA EXPUNGED] So yeah, fill out the rest of the reports and the logs for me, will ya? Oh, and be sure to edit it so the motherfuckers in command don't yell at me for being unprofessional in my AARs again. I'm gonna finish off my drink and take a couple Valium and go to bed. [DATA EXPUNGED] Thanks.\n\nBY SPECIAL ORDER OF O5-11 ALL EXPUNGED DATA FILES PERTAINING TO THIS REPORT ARE HEREBY RELEASED FOR GENERAL VIEWING. PLEASE SEE REVISED FILE HERE\nBY SPECIAL ORDER OF O5-11 ALL EXPUNGED DATA FILES PERTAINING TO THIS REPORT ARE HEREBY RELEASED FOR GENERAL VIEWING. PLEASE SEE REVISED AFTER ACTION REPORT HERE\n\n\u00ab SCP-834 | SCP-835 | SCP-836 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-836\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Live samples of SCP-836 should be stored on glass in a two-layer CFRP casing filled with air with specific humidity not exceeding 5%. The inner casing should be periodically checked for signs of excessive thinning and/or damage, replacing panels if necessary. Damaged panels are to be sterilized by heating them to a temperature exceeding 950 degrees Celsius over a course of five minutes; subsequently they can be treated as regular waste or used as substrate.\nIn the event of inner casing breach, outer casing as well as the entire storage room are to be urgently subjected to similar heat treatment. The storage unit for SCP-836 samples may not be connected to any other SCP unit structurally or via engineering networks.\nIn the case of an uncontained SCP-836 outbreak, the local utilities networks are to be shut down and the area radiating at least 200 metres from any infected building is to be evacuated and subjected to procedure 28-Surtur (suggested cover: military satellite planned crash). The area within a 2 km radius of a SCP-836 outbreak is to be monitored for presence of further outbreaks for a period of 14 months.\nIn areas marked as at-risk for SCP-836 outbreaks, building codes should be edited so as to ensure the systematic replacement of structures over 70 years of age.\nDescription: SCP-836 is the designation given to a condition occurring within clay, bricks or concrete, though secondary propagation can affect most known structural materials. The initiating factors are currently subject to research, though the likelihood of SCP-836 appearance increases rapidly for structures over \u2588\u2588\u2588 years old.\nInitial stage of SCP-836 manifests as a deformation within the material that grows at an average rate of \u2588\u2588\u2588 grams per day. The mass increase seems to correspond to a density drop in surrounding material. The deformation is hygroscopic. Furthermore, [DATA EXPUNGED] which seems to initially fuel the growth. Dissection of SCP-836 instances shows the inside alternating between solid layers and a foam-like interstitial structure. At this stage, SCP-836 poses little danger except for cases where it compromises integrity of delicate structures.\nIf SCP-836 comes into contact with live wiring, it enters growth stage which initially manifests in what appears to be a metallic mesh growing on the surface of the deformation and connecting to the wiring. (However, examination has shown this to be in fact separate loops growing through its upper layers.) This allows SCP-836's rate of growth to increase up to \u2588\u2588\u2588-fold. At this point, the deformations often superficially mimic surrounding environment, resulting in outside resemblance to structural features. Along with uniform density drop in surrounding material, SCP-836 at this stage can grow by re-purposing entire sections of its surroundings. If lacking access to water sources at this stage, SCP-836 exhibits somewhat slower growth, and causes large reductions in environmental humidity.\nOnce SCP-836 specimens weighing at least \u2588\u2588 kg come into contact with a source of flowing water, such as piping, they tend to enter proliferation stage though the precise conditions required are unknown. At this stage, outer layers of the deformation crumble and enter the water stream. On first contact with most solids, growth similar to initial phase occurs. In this manner, SCP-836 is able to propagate rapidly, in one observed instance covering roughly \u2588 square kilometres in \u2588\u2588 days.\nIt has been shown that heating instances of SCP-836 to over 950 degrees Celsius for up to 4 minutes neutralizes most non-metallic samples. For metallic samples applying warm nitric acid has been shown successful.\nRecovery Log: SCP-836 was first encountered by the Foundation on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Slovak Republic, following an investigation by the local police of an apartment house whose water and electricity usage had quadrupled during a period of two months - causing suspicion of cannabis indica farming.\nThe report given by the returning officer prompted investigation by a strike team led by Agent Dolezal. Upon arrival at site, part of the structure's roof was found to have caved in, apparently due to a metallic growth cca. 1 metre across found in the rubble. The walls contained an unlikely amount of windows and doors, most of which only had rudimentary mechanisms.\nThe body of one of the officers (apparent suicide via service weapon) was recovered from the bathroom of apartment of J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 N\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, where he was sealed by a rogue wall growth blocking the door. Due to extensive growths, basement of structure unexplored. Procedure 28-Surtur successfully tested on structure as well as its surroundings on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588. Area monitored until \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-835 | SCP-836 | SCP-837 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-837\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-837 is to be stored in its fully factored state when not undergoing experiments, with each factor stored in a separate plastic container. All experiments should be conducted in rooms with reinforced flooring.\nDue to potentially dangerous consequences of cross-contamination, at no point are SCP-705 and SCP-837 to be stored at the same site.\nDescription: SCP-837 is a quantity of brown clay with two anomalous properties.\nThe first is that it neither releases nor absorbs moisture. Exposures to heat or water have not materially altered its composition, retaining its level of ductility, malleability, and texture.\nThe second property is its unusual reaction to being separated and combined. While both of these occur as easily as with normal clay, the results are non-arithmetic. When two pieces are combined, the resulting quantity is both larger and heavier than the individual pieces. When two pieces are separated, the resulting quantities are much smaller and lighter than they should be. Density remains approximately 1500 kg/cubic meter.\nMeasurements have shown that each quantity is an integer number of drams, an Imperial unit of weight equal to one-sixteenth of an ounce, or 1.8 grams at standard gravity. Combinations of two units of clay result in a multiplication of their weight in drams, rather than an addition. Six (6) drams of clay combined with five (5) drams yield thirty (30) drams, rather than the expected eleven (11). When separated, the clay is divided into factors of the original weight. A piece weighing 50 drams could be separated into 5-dram and 10-dram units, or 25-dram and 2-dram units. It cannot be divided into two 25-dram units.\nWhen a prime factor is produced, further pieces separated produce one-dram units, without apparent loss of mass to the prime unit. One-dram units can theoretically be produced indefinitely, but disappear when combined with any other unit. Attempts to remove pieces smaller than one dram always result in a one-dram unit being produced.\nThe Foundation currently has two two-dram units, three three-dram units, two five-dram units, one seven-dram unit, and one eleven-dram unit. When separated, these quantities weigh 41 drams, or approximately 73 grams. When combined, the entire quantity weighs 207,900 drams, or 368 kilograms.\nDue to its anomalous properties, SCP-837 cannot undergo normal chemical analysis. However, spectrometry shows results consistent with normal river clay.\nSCP-837 was found by urban explorers in an otherwise empty warehouse in Munich, Germany, in a cardboard box with the number 6 stenciled on the side. The owners of the warehouse were unaware of anything being stored there.\nAddendum 837-01: Any future samples of SCP-837 recovered must be stored at a separate site, barring O5 approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-836 | SCP-837 | SCP-838 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-838\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: To prevent SCP-838 from affecting civilians, Foundation agents are to be placed on the staff in charge of managing the classified ad section at major newspapers in the Chicago area. Alternatively, the cooperation of the newspaper may be obtained for similar purposes. No ads matching a form taken by SCP-838 are to be printed.\nDescription: SCP-838 is the collective term for a series of job ads appearing in newspapers that print in the vicinity of Chicago, and whatever agency is behind them. The job offered varies between instances, and has included positions in accounting, management, and janitorial work, among others. These ads are entirely mundane unless responded to. Attempts to trace these classifieds have proven unsuccessful.\nThe next time a person who has responded to SCP-838 falls asleep, he or she immediately enters REM sleep. Upon awakening, the affected individuals report experiencing extremely vivid dreams of having had a job interview for the advertised job, in a large windowless office building at a company called Pellus, Inc. Subjects deemed qualified are offered a job. Anyone hired by Pellus, Inc. is to be considered part of SCP-838-1. Those not offered jobs are unaffected.\nWhen members of SCP-838-1 sleep during the week, they report vivid dreams of working in what is believed to be the same building that the interview took place in. In these dreams, the workforce of Pellus seems to consist entirely of persons who have responded to SCP-838. Testing has shown that communication while asleep between members of SCP-838-1 is possible, indicating some degree of connectedness between the dreams.\nDuring the weekend, members of SCP-838-1 experience good dreams. Though the exact nature of these dreams varies greatly between individuals, they are universally reported to be highly enjoyable. This effect appears to be \"payment\" for the work done during the week, as persons with higher ranking positions generally seem to report better dreams than those in lower ranking ones.\nA \"workday\" for a member of SCP-838-1 seems to be 8 hours, with sleep beyond this point being normal. Consequently, if prevented from sleeping for 8 hours in a day for an extended period of time, a member of SCP-838-1 may be \"fired\". Affected individuals may be fired for poor performance as well. Fired members of SCP-838-1 only report dreams of being homeless.\nInterview 838-5:\n\nInterview between Dr. Eisen and D-41157, who was an accountant before his conviction.\nDr. Eisen: Hello, D-41157. Could you please state for how long you have been a member of SCP-838-1?\nD-41157: You had me read that ad five weeks ago.\nDr. Eisen: What has been your experience when you sleep?\nD-41157: Rather dull dreams. In them, I'm an accountant for this Pellus company. And that's it. It's just like real life except I can't leave the building and there's no lunch.\nDr. Eisen: What happens if you try to leave the building?\nD-41157: I just can't. There's no doors or windows. I'm not even sure if there's a first floor. No elevators.\nDr. Eisen: And how about during the weekend?\nD-41157: Oh, that part is wonderful. It varies. Last Saturday night it was like I was five and I had a great birthday party where I got to ride dinosaurs. Yes, a bit silly, but it felt great. They're all like that.\nDr. Eisen: What kind of accounting work are you doing for them? What does Pellus do?\nD-41157: Funny thing, that. I don't know. As far as I can tell, Pellus does nothing besides employ people to keep it running. But that makes sense. It's not like they're real or anything.\n\nInterview 838-12:\n\nInterview between Dr. Eisen and D-2028, who was instructed to act to get himself fired.\nDr. Eisen: Good morning, D-2028. Could you please state for how long you have been a member of SCP-838-1?\nD-2028: [EXPLETIVE] you. You told me to get myself fired.\nDr. Eisen: D-2028, please be cooperative.\nD-2028: Why should I? Do you have any idea what it's like? I've been homeless for real and it's not a patch on what it's like in there. In the real world, the rats don't seek you out. In the real world, it's not always freezing. In the real world you can get another damn job!\n\nIncident 838-2: D-1950 answered an SCP-838 ad for a management position, and was hired as a middle manager. After six months, he told researchers that he was going to be promoted to senior management, and that he was told that the job had many new rights and responsibilities. The next night, D-1950 lapsed into a coma, though brain activity matched that during REM sleep. D-1950 was kept alive on life-support apparatus for the next month, during which no major changes were noted, aside from massive dopamine surges during weekends.\n\n\u00ab SCP-837 | SCP-838 | SCP-839 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-839-1\n\nItem #: SCP-839\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-839 are to be kept in containment chamber 839-1. The chamber is to be supplied with approximately half (1/2) of a kilogram of various plant matter daily. Mating of SCP-839 is to be regulated, and any extra instances of SCP-839 are to be kept in Foundation medical centers for treatment of ill individuals.\nDescription: SCP-839 appears to be a species of annelid composed of sugar, flavouring and colouring. A microscopic label stating \"CANDIED WORM\" is found near each instance's posterior, followed by a smaller label stating the instance's \"flavour\". Each \"flavour\" is currently designated as SCP-839-x.\nSCP-839 is generally found in temperate areas. SCP-839's diet mainly consists of decomposing organic matter, however when there is no decaying matter apparent SCP-839 may ingest live plant matter. SCP-839 sexually reproduces. Mating [REDACTED], followed by the egg hatching into a newborn instance of SCP-839.\nWhen SCP-839 is ingested by any mammal, it will burrow through the stomach lining and towards a specialized organ. The choice of organ appears to be dependent on SCP-839's \"flavour\". SCP-839 will then attach itself to the organ and slowly ingest it. While the organ disappears, SCP-839 will change in form and chemical composition in order to match the organ. SCP-839 does not act as a perfect replacement, and other effects may occur. This process may take \u2588 to \u2588\u2588 days to complete.1\nSCP-839 has an average lifespan of three years. Users of SCP-839 are recommended to replace their integrated instance with a new instance every two years.\nAddendum 839-1: Current \"flavours\" of SCP-839\n\n\"Flavour\"\nColouration\nOrgan Replaced\nOther Effects\nDesignation\n\nCherry\nRed\nHeart\nIncreased blood sugar, Type-2 Diabetes\nSCP-839-1\n\nBlue Raspberry\nBlue\nKidney (One)\nBlue urine\nSCP-839-2\n\nGreen Apple\nGreen\nEye (One)\nMild hallucinations, \"greenish\" tint\nSCP-839-3\n\nWatermelon\nPink\nBrain\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nSCP-839-4\n\nLemon\nYellow\nStomach\nLess Fibre content, diarrhea (Note: recommended for use with other instances of SCP-839, due to the ulcers created)\nSCP-839-5\n\nGrape\nPurple\nLung (one)\n\"Fruity\" smell to breath\nSCP-839-6\n\nOrange\nOrange\nLiver\nIncreased acidity of bloodstream (Not recommended)\nSCP-839-7\n\nFootnotes\n1. Similarities between the life cycles of SCP-839 and SCP-1517 has been noted. Investigation into the possibility of a shared origin is under investigation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-838 | SCP-839 | SCP-840 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-840\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-840's presence in ecosystems across the globe, SCP-840 cannot be fully contained. Outbreaks and potential outbreaks of SCP-840 are to be reported to either Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or biological research overseers for immediate containment.\nThree samples of SCP-840 are kept in Bio-Research Area-12 for study. Samples are to be habituated within segments of PCB piping, 30 mm (1.2 inches) in diameter and 300 mm (11.81 inches) in length, and provided with a constant flow of water containing biological material to \u2018digest' three times a week. Samples must not be allowed to grow beyond the length of the pipe, and screening of bio-site drainage systems for containment breaches is to be conducted every six months.\nDescription: SCP-840 is a type of amoeba that thrives in dark, damp environments, which given the correct circumstances will form a unique symbiotic relationship, \u2018fusing' together by secreting an extremely viscous mucus. These fused colonies are capable of replicating many of the functions of animal tissues, particularly that of vital organs. Although SCP-840 has a prolific growth and reproduction rate, colonies are capable of existing unnoticed for years.\nPipes and drainage systems are the preferred habitat of SCP-840. To date, there has only been one observed instance of SCP-840 colonising a natural environment (see incident report I-840A-1). Using the exterior of the pipe as an exoskeleton SCP-840 will, over time, convert these systems into an extended digestive system, capable of extracting nutrients and moisture from passing biological matter. Material is transported by means of a constant or frequent flow of water aided by peristalsis, and is broken down through the excretion of a highly acidic mucus.\nIn larger drainage spaces, such as places where piping has burst (either incidentally or as a result of a build-up of SCP-840), colonies are capable of organising into more complex structures, resembling \u2018organs', \u2018chambers' and \u2018sphincters'. Sphincters serve to restrict the flow of fluids and solids, often causing a build-up of matter so as to increase the surface contact with SCP-840. Chambers typically grow in larger cavities, and aid in the digestion process by secreting a highly acidic mucus, or by serving as a storage area for resistant or indigestible materials. The largest chamber on record had redirected a major sewer system in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, United States, and had occupied [REDACTED]. Indigestible material will often remain in these chambers indefinitely, until it is either pushed further along the \u2018tract', or forced through the walls of the chamber itself. Chambers may also take on characteristics similar to a bird's gizzard, storing indigestible materials such as stones for the purpose of crushing difficult materials. In an examination of the contents of one such chamber, the following was found: 2 rings, $28.20 in coins, several goldfish skeletons (number inconclusive), several rat skeletons (number inconclusive), 1 pair of glasses, 19 condoms, 1 key, 3 dolls, 1 turtle shell, 1 pair of false teeth and 0.76 kg of human hair.\nIn rare cases, SCP-840 has been observed to organise into other \u2018tissues' and even more complex structures. Some of these have been known to displace dirt, stone, concrete and even metal by a combination of acids and physical pressure. Excavated material is digested and transported away through the system, enabling SCP-840 to extend beyond its \u2018exoskeleton' and establish new tracts. There have been rare instances of these branches reconnecting with other parts of the same tract, creating a circuitous system. Other structures have been known to form complex pump and valve systems, circulating digestible material through rhythmic contractions similar to a heart.\nIn most cases, any material that is ultimately not digested is forced out of the system wherever the tract ends, or through the tract walls, and often the natural flow of water will direct this material into normal sewage systems. However, in more established colonies (particularly those containing pump and valve systems), the flow has been known to redirect to other outlets, contaminating natural bodies of water, storm drains and fresh water piping. Where material is not able to be ejected or disposed of, especially where large items unsuitable for being disposed of via sewerage, the system may become blocked. Several recorded incidents show that in these circumstances SCP-840 will induce emesis (vomiting), through a series of large contractions and the relaxation of sphincters.\nSCP-840 was first observed on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, United States, when a resident suffered second degree burns while attempting to recover a lost ring from the bathroom sink by hand, presumably from contact with digestive acids, and the house was subsequently placed under investigation. After several meters of piping were removed, tearing part of the tract in the process, it was established that the colony was present in almost every drainage and pipe system in the house, after which the house was declared a biohazardous area by local authorities. While an operation to remove the house's piping was underway, a second incident occurred in a house on a neighbouring block where a resident, for reasons unknown, had been using their toilet to dispose of large volumes of plastic, ultimately causing a blockage in one of the chambers. As a result the SCP-840 colony was induced to eject the partially digested material not only removed from the second residence, but also from neighbouring buildings, flooding several homes. The Foundation was alerted to the outbreak of a potential SCP, and soon after established the growth having covered [REDACTED]. A media blackout was enacted shortly after.\n\nIncident Log I-840\n\nIncident report I-840A-1:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nThe first known instance of SCP-840 colonising a natural environment was observed in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Australia. The colony was discovered by a group of four cavers, investigating an unexplored section of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Caves in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. In an interview the cavers stated that the colony was discovered as one member of the group attempted to crawl through a narrow passageway, approximately 150 meters (500 ft) from the cave entrance, while the rest of the group stayed behind, attaching a lifeline as a precaution. After having crawled for roughly 3 meters (10 ft), the caver reported feeling a sticky growth on the cave walls, but dismissed it as moss and continued forward. The group became concerned when the caver reported feeling rhythmic contractions following along the cave walls, and alarmed when they claimed to be being \u2018pulled' by the contractions shortly after, after which they were forcefully extracted via the lifeline. The extracted caver had suffered multiple mild to moderate burns to much of their body, and was treated by Foundation medical staff. Several bones were extricated with the caver, believed to have originated from a nearby fruit bat colony.\n\nAddendum: Due to the extent of the colony reported in incident I-840A-1, the area has been declared a civilian restriction zone until the colony has been completely eradicated, designated Bio-Site \u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-839 | SCP-840 | SCP-841 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-841\nObject Class: Safe\nContainment Procedures: The 14 (fourteen) component parts of SCP-841 are to be individually wrapped in plastic, and contained in a standard inanimate-object storage locker. Except for purposes of approved experimentation, SCP-841 is not to be reassembled. Reassembly of SCP-841 is only to be performed by remote manipulators, or by D-class personnel. Except for purposes of approved experimentation, SCP-841 must never come in contact with the skin of a living human.\nSCP-841's twine component is not anomalous, and can be replaced as necessary; consequently, all experimentation using SCP-841 is to be concluded by using a low-level infrared laser (808 nm, 300 mW) to slice through the twine component.\nDescription: SCP-841 is a wooden puppet crudely approximating a human being: 14 (fourteen) pieces of peeled and unworked wood from the mountain white birch (Betula cordifolia), held together with twine at the major joints (head, torso, upper arms, lower arms, hands, thighs, lower legs, and feet). SCP-841's anomalous properties activate when it is fully assembled and comes in contact with the skin of a living human being.\nUpon being grasped or manipulated by a human, SCP-841 will \"imprint\" upon the human, bending into a configuration which mirrors the human's position as closely as possible. SCP-841 and the subject will then mirror each other's movement, and any force applied to the figure while active will override the subject's own joints to continue mimicking SCP-841. The resulting feedback loop may result in serious injuries or death due to overextension or broken bones. The effect of SCP-841 diminishes quickly upon release, fading entirely within two seconds.\nTest Logs\nTest Log A: preliminary testing of object capability\nT-841-A1: Seated D-class subject instructed to pick up SCP-841 from table and lift the figure's left leg. Upon being grasped by the subject, SCP-841 bent its legs into a seated position. Startled, the subject dropped SCP-841 on the table, the impact of which splayed out the figure's arms and legs. Subject fell out of the testing chair as the fading effect of SCP-841 caused his arms and legs to jerk.\nT-841-A2: D-class subject given the same instructions as test T-841-A1. While raising and lowering the figure's left leg, the subject's own left leg mirrored the actions precisely. Subject described an uncomfortable pressure on his left knee and hip joints.\nT-841-A3: D-class subject instructed to lift SCP-841's left arm above its head. The movement of the figure's arm cause the subject to further raise his arm, which further raised the figure's arm, et cetera. Subject's arm was separated from his body at the shoulder due to extreme acceleration and overextension. Subject expired of blood loss and shock at T+3 minutes.\nT-841-A4: D-class subject instructed to throw SCP-841 to the floor. Subject suffered a shattered right kneecap and left elbow due to extreme hyperextension, an open compound vertebral fracture, two shattered ankles, and a partially severed right leg. Autopsy revealed that the leg had been rotated more than 360 degrees in the hip socket when the corresponding segment of the figure twisted as it fell.\nT-841-A5: D-class subject given a pair of scissors and instructed to sever twine loops connecting the head and torso of SCP-841. Subject suffered complete decapitation and a shattered C4 vertebra. SCP-841 repaired to full functionality with a fresh piece of cotton twine.\nHistory: SCP-841 was recovered during a raid on a Marshall, Carter and Dark auction house in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Accompanying provenance documentation indicates that the item (referred to as a \"Reverse Mirror Voodoo Doll Stick Puppet\") had been \"hand-crafted\" by [REDACTED] (referred to as a \"high-value, frequent customer\" and a \"man of unmatched taste, whose talent is known to all\"), and that \u2014 despite repeated reductions in the asking price \u2014 the item had gone unsold for eleven years.\n\n\u00ab SCP-840 | SCP-841 | SCP-842 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-842 prior to recovery\n\nItem #: SCP-842\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-842 is housed at Site-19 in a standard 10 m x 10 m x 5 m containment cell. All telephone lines, radio transceivers, internet connections, and other communication equipment to aid in the use of SCP-842 must be routed through a central server administered by Site-19 security. Maintenance of equipment is to be done on a monthly basis, or upon request of administrator.\nNo security measures beyond a standard locked Foundation security door are required. Access to SCP-842 is to be restricted to researchers with Level 4 clearance or MTF Commanders with authorization from O5 personnel. Written proposals for use of SCP-842 are to be made at least one week before requested use, and must detail the purpose of the operation and the estimated time of use.\nAll class-D personnel required for use of SCP-842 are to be escorted by no fewer than two Level 3 Security personnel. Backup class-D personnel are to be kept in the adjoining containment cell, and are to be prepped for use in SCP-842 by onsite medical personnel at least one day before use. No more than one class-D is to be allowed inside SCP-842's containment area at any time (aside from the class-D in use by SCP-842), and must be restrained by a four point harness.\nDescription: SCP-842 is a 2 m x 0.8 m dilapidated antique operating table capable of remote viewing and surveillance. SCP-842 will use SCP-842-1 to display terrain, buildings, objects, and entities within the chosen viewing area. SCP-842-1 will be altered to mimic the chosen viewing area in real time, and any alterations of the viewing area or updated information will be displayed immediately on SCP-842-1.\nSCP-842 will not display any anomalous properties until a living human lays face up on the table. Once the subject lays face up on the table, the subject becomes completely immobilized from the neck down, and is henceforth designated SCP-842-1. As long as SCP-842-1 remains alive, it cannot be removed from the table.\nRemote viewing begins when a human touches SCP-842 while \u201cthinking\u201d about the area he wishes to see. GPS coordinates, longitude & latitude, first hand knowledge of the location, and/or observation of a detailed map of the area is sufficient to allow activation of SCP-842. The person who first initiates SCP-842 controls the viewing area until the expiration of SCP-842-1. If the controller wishes to view different areas, other floors, or increase or decrease magnification, he merely needs to \u201cthink\u201d about it.\nObjects are three dimensionally rendered on SCP-842-1 by the near instantaneous alteration of SCP-842-1's body. How this is accomplished is unknown at this time. Musculature and bone are the most commonly used materials to render objects but [DATA EXPUNGED] have sometimes been noted. The controller may \u201ctag\u201d objects or individuals with text. The text is displayed by use of veins and arteries. Sound from the remote viewing area is channeled directly through SCP-842-1's own vocalizations. However, due to the fact that SCP-842-1 is fully aware of the trauma being inflicted, SCP-842-1's screams make deciphering sound from the viewing area difficult.\nSCP-842-1 must remain conscious through the entire process to maintain real time updates. Anesthesia or lobotomies drastically affect image fidelity and are not recommended. Medical personnel preparing class-D subjects for use are to remove the subject's larynx unless specific requests to the contrary are made. SCP-842-1 tends to survive generally between fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on the subject's physical health, the complexity of the rendition, the frequency of real time updates that are required by the viewing, and the number of times changes of viewpoint which would require large scale construction of a different view are required. Upon expiration of the subject, real time updates of the viewing area cease and the subject at this point can be removed from the table.\nAutopsies conducted on the corpses recovered after use demonstrate massive internal and external injuries. Organs are compacted, moved, or [DATA EXPUNGED] completely. Musculature and bone are warped to a degree to make them unrecognizable as any bodily structure. It is unknown how SCP-842-1 survives the continuous changes inflicted on its body or fails to go into immediate shock.\nUsers should note that SCP-842 does have limitations. It is impossible to view areas underneath fifteen feet of solid mass. Additionally, the wider the area viewed, the more SCP-842 relies on the controller's own knowledge or expectation of information regarding the area rather than SCP-842's seemingly omnipresent abilities. At \u201cshort range viewing,\u201d generally within the 10 m x 10 m area, the rendition will be nearly 100% accurate. At intermediate range, around the 200 m x 200 m distance, tokens only represent the general area (within 10 m) which the object could be located. Long ranges of greater than 200 m are strictly limited to terrain and the controller's personal knowledge and/or expectation. Finally areas of high psychic activity or other EM interference can render information gained by SCP-842 highly unreliable.\nSCP-842 is not to be used for \u201cfishing expeditions.\u201d Unless the controller knows specifically which location is desired or what information is sought, class-D personnel are consumed at an unacceptable rate.\nRecovery Log: SCP-842 was recovered in a raid on an ad hoc Chaos Insurgency facility located in the Ural Mountains on \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588. Foundation agents had received a tip that the Insurgency was transporting several SCP objects and had temporarily established a base camp in the abandoned town of \u2588\u2588\u2588. Foundation casualties numbered over \u2588 agents and \u2588 class-D personnel. The unusually high casualties that were sustained were attributed to the Chaos Insurgency commanders using SCP-842 to organize their defense. Only due to Agent [DATA EXPUNGED]'s quick thinking and uncommon valor was [DATA EXPUNGED] and the object brought into containment.\nTest Log SCP-842:\nSubject: Corpse of previously terminated class-D.\nArea to be viewed: An adjoining containment cell containing D-457 sitting in a chair.\nResult: No result.\nSubject: Sedated Papio anubis (Olive Baboon).\nArea to be viewed: An adjoining containment cell containing D-457 sitting in a chair.\nResult: No result.\nSubject: D-458 \u2013 Heavily Sedated.\nArea to be viewed: An adjoining containment cell containing D-457 sitting in a chair.\nResult: Upon touching the table, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 immediately noted bones and sinew erupting from D-458's chest area while D-458's arms and legs fused into the central mass to form a roughly even block covering SCP-842. Despite the massive trauma done to D-458, he did not expire or lapse into shock. No blood or bodily fluid spray occurred. The three dimensional representation of the adjoining containment room was highly distorted, and no recognizable details could be made out. D-458 expired after twenty two minutes of viewing. Cause of death, massive internal trauma.\nSubject: D-459.\nArea to be viewed: An adjoining containment cell containing one D-457 sitting in a chair.\nResult: The three dimensional representation of the adjoining containment room immediately erupted from D-459's chest. D-459 begins screaming. Before security could return with a gag, D-459 overheard muttering \u201cwish I had a cigarette\u201d in between screams. Details on the representation were extremely fine including an accurate scale representation of the chair and D-457 seemingly made out of [DATA EXPUNGED]. During the experiment, the representation of D-457 got up from the chair and began moving about the viewing area. D-459's screams at this point intensified. D-459 expired after twenty two minutes of viewing. Review of surveillance information in D-457's room confirms the representation on D-459 completely and accurately mirrored D-457's actions, including his request for a cigarette.\nSubject: D-460.\nArea to be viewed: A supermarket that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 had never personally visited. Prior to this experiment Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was shown the location of the target area on a map.\nResult: The three dimensional representation of the supermarket and surrounding parking lot rendered. Small \u201ctokens\u201d made of [DATA EXPUNGED] rendering cars and people moving about the store. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was able to view the inside of the store by thinking about removing the roof from the representation. Upon the thought, the flesh and arteries that made up the \u201croof\u201d of the supermarket rapidly would grow or retract. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 thought about viewing the produce section in detail. The representation rapidly reconstructed into the produce section, showing objects and people moving through the area in much greater detail. Subject expired after seven minutes.\nSubject: D-461.\nArea to be viewed: All Foundation assets in North America. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was not provided any information regarding O5 Command Level information regarding distribution of Foundation resources.\nResult: An accurate rendition of North America was created. The only map tokens generated however were for Site 19 and one for Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588, which the controller was aware that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was taking a vacation in the city located near the token. The controller was then told Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 was on assignment in [REDACTED]. A new token representing Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 was instantly generated.\nSubject: D-462.\nArea to be viewed: The nucleus of carbon atom held in a vacuum in Site-19, Lab \u2588.\nResult: Upon touching the table [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in two weeks clean up and \u2588 casualties. Testing on the quantum or stellar scale has been indefinitely suspended.\n\n\u00ab SCP-841 | SCP-842 | SCP-843 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-843\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All 3 contained instances of SCP-843-1 are to be stored in their original packaging, within an airtight container. Should any unusual sounds be heard from within the container, D-class personnel armed with flamethrowers are to enter and cleanse the area. SCP-843-2 is to remain in an enclosed pen, with D-Class personnel entering every 12 hours to supply grain and water. Any instance of SCP-843-1 or SCP-843-2 in the wild are to be reported and destroyed.\nDescription: SCP-843-1 appears to be a seed of Phaseolus lunatus (lima bean), painted white with black spots to resemble a typical Holstein cattle's coat. The original packaging for SCP-843-1 contained 5 of these seeds, as well as a piece of paper proclaiming the items within to be 'Cow Seeds'. SCP-843-1 is itself harmless, though when planted within 5 days SCP-843-2 will manifest.\nSCP-843-2 is a creature similar to a typical Holstein cattle, save that it is composed entirely of an unknown plant matter. At first, SCP-843-2 is much like a young calf and is rooted to the soil it sprouted from. However, at anywhere between 5 and 10 days the calf will uproot itself and begin to grow at \u2588 times the rate of a normal calf. After uprooting, SCP-843-2 will grow increasingly aggressive. As there is only one instance of SCP-843-2 in containment, it is not currently known how or even if SCP-843-2 reproduces, or how SCP-843-1 is formed. It is currently theorized that [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-843 was purchased on \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in a rural town in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Two seeds were planted in her garden and soon sprouted, showcasing SCP-843-2. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported and was able to contain one instance of SCP-843-2; however, the second escaped into rural \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported that the store she purchased the item from apparently had 'a couple of displays full of the things' and many people were interested in them. A recovery team was sent to the location \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 provided, but found that the store had been the victim of a faulty electric system and had burnt to the ground. All records of transactions have proven to be inaccessible (as the store was cash only and had no computer based record of transactions). As such, Mobile Task Force Upsilon-2 (\"Cattlewranglers\") has been established, searching for and containing more instances of SCP-843-2.\n\n\u00ab SCP-842 | SCP-843 | SCP-844 \u00bb"} {"text": "Original recovery site of SCP-844.\n\nItem #: SCP-844\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-844 is currently contained at Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-844 is to be contained in a well-lit chamber measuring 6m x 6m and provided with one (1) bovine each month in accordance with Nutrition Chart 844-1. Each month, SCP-844 is to be reduced in size by two (2) D-class personnel using shears.\nAny personnel entering SCP-844's containment chamber must wear a protective suit in order to prevent injury or death.\nDescription: SCP-844 is an amorphic mass composed primarily of human bones, large amounts of dust and a form of luminescent fungus which is red in color. SCP-844 appears to prefer to dwell in dark, warm areas with minimal human presence when it is not hunting or feeding.\nSCP-844 is predatory and highly mobile, having demonstrated the ability to hide from assailants by moving across walls and ceilings. It has a particular method of hunting involving lure tactics, which it has abstained from using since arriving in Foundation custody, although on arrival it did attempt to use provided bovine to lure researchers nearby.\nWhen hunting, SCP-844 will firstly attempt to lure a human target, usually between the ages of six to twelve, into a fairly secluded area. SCP-844 accomplishes this by leaving a trail of red, viscous liquid when hunting, which quickly coagulates into a semi-solid edible mass. The area the victim is lured to is usually an easily accessible location that experiences minimal traffic.\nOnce there, SCP-844 will settle itself into a poorly-lit area and using a number of hooked barbs stored within its main mass, secure the victim into place.\nSCP-844 will then use a variety of physical methods to incite the victim into vocalizing distress. This is primarily realized through the use of the sharpened bones that make up a section of its mass. During this process, SCP-844 takes great care to ensure that the wounds inflicted are non-fatal, so that this victim can be re-used for further hunting.\nTypically, an individual will approach and investigate the vocalizations, at which point SCP-844 will attack. This attack is usually swift and painless, as SCP-844 aims for the neck and head of the victim at this time. SCP-844 will then extract and absorb the bones of the victims into itself.\nDuring its containment, SCP-844 has been observed to rest on the ceiling of its cell, attempt to damage lights illuminating its containment chamber and to sharpen bones incorporated into itself on the chambers walls.\n\n\u00ab SCP-843 | SCP-844 | SCP-845 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-845\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-845 are to be contained in a hermetically sealed chamber at least 4x6x3 meters in size with no more than 7 individual specimens kept in a single chamber at any given time. The bottom of each chamber should be covered to 15 centimeters with clay-rich soil save for a reservoir of fresh water, as well as a dispersal of sticks and logs. The chamber should be brightly lit during daylight hours and dimly lit at night. The reservoir should be continually stocked with small fish for feeding, as SCP-845 will not recognize non-living fish as food.\nWild specimens of SCP-845 are to be captured and transferred to a suitable containment facility. Waterways believed or confirmed to be inhabited by SCP-845 should be sealed off from the public and carefully monitored for activity until such time it is believed that all specimens have been captured.\nDescription: SCP-845 is a species closely related to both the European polecat (Mustela putorius) and domesticated ferret (Mustela putorius furo). Specimens of SCP-845 appear similar to a common hybrid between these sub-species, with dark fur, a pointed muzzle, and an elongated body. SCP-845 demonstrates greater prevalence of social behavior and diminished territorial instinct compared to European polecats.\nSCP-845's anomalous abilities manifest when a specimen is startled, hunting, or (rarely) when participating in play behavior. During such times, specimens are capable of fully converting their bodies into a liquid. In this state the specimen is a light brown liquid with a density slightly less than that of water. It will most often flow freely, but will change viscosity rapidly if it is in danger of being separated into multiple masses, which has been shown to invariably kill the specimen, and will revert to its solid form if it is in extreme danger of this occurring. Its liquid state shows limited motility on land, but is extremely mobile underwater, capable of forming itself into complex hydrodynamic structures including fins and water-jets for use in hunting fish. Analysis of its liquid state is ongoing but has revealed the presence of fiber-like structures connecting nodules of [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSpecimens of SCP-845 seem to seek out small contained spots for resting, including in their liquid state. Because of this, specimens are known to sometimes enter humans' canteens while on camping trips. If a human or other animal attempts to consume part of a specimen, the specimen will either attempt to retract itself from the subject's mouth, or may force the subject to consume it in its entirety. Both seem to be instinctual reactions attempting to remain in a single piece. Upon being deposited into the subject's stomach the specimen will enter an apparent state of confusion, switching rapidly between solid and liquid states. Shortly afterwards the specimen will re-solidify and initiate burrowing behavior in an attempt to escape. The subject will experience severe internal bleeding and acute peritonitis as the specimen tears through the walls of the stomach, muscle, and tissues of the abdominal cavity. Upon successfully breaching the surface of the subject's skin, the specimen will enter a liquid state and exit through the wound, before re-solidifying and attempting to return to its original habitat.\n\n\u00ab SCP-844 | SCP-845 | SCP-846 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-846 in its dormant state.\n\nItem #: SCP-846\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-846 is to be contained in a reinforced steel safe, located in Storage Unit \u2588 at Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-846's containment area is to be guarded by three (3) security personnel at all times. Any unauthorized personnel attempting to access SCP-846 are to be taken into custody and interrogated by on-site security.\nActivation of SCP-846 must be authorized by at least three (3) Level 4 personnel. Any testing of SCP-846 is to take place at an on-site firing range.\nDescription: SCP-846 is a plastic toy robot measuring twenty (20) centimeters in height and five (5) centimeters in width. The bottom of SCP-846's right foot bears the text 'Robo-Dude\u00ae (Now with Voice Command Action), by Dr. Wondertainment!' Signs of paint chipping and minor damage to SCP-846 indicate that it is roughly ten (10) years old, although attempts to question SCP-846 on this have been ignored. (See Interview 846-1)\nSCP-846 is operated using a small 'controller' featuring an 'On/Off' button, a 'Speak' button and a small microphone. SCP-846 is activated using the 'On/Off' button, and verbal communication can be facilitated using the 'Speak' button. SCP-846 appears to be extremely well programmed, if not sentient, and will respond to most questions posed to it.\nSCP-846 identifies itself as 'Robo-Dude' and claims that it possesses three hundred and fifty (350) 'Robo-Accessories'. When asked to use one of these accessories, the torso of SCP-846 slides open, revealing the desired accessory, which it then proceeds to utilize. The interior of SCP-846 appears to change completely each time it is asked to utilize an accessory. SCP-846 seems to be unable to utilize these accessories without being instructed to do so.\nSCP-846 has claimed to possess, among other things:\n\nA 'Fire Drill'. (Tested, functioned as a flamethrower.)\nAn 'Energy Laser' (Tested, functioned as a pistol.)\nA 'Boom Ray' (Tested, functioned as a rocket launcher.)\nA 'Melt-o-Tron 5000' (Tested, sprayed acid at target)\nAn 'Ultra Plasma Rifle' (Tested, functioned as an assault rifle)\nA 'Hydrogen Cannon' (Tested, functioned as a children's water gun)\n'Bug Spray' (Tested, released unidentified organisms that consumed the wooden target.)\nA 'Ray Gun' (Tested, released a stream of gamma radiation)\nAn 'Atomic Grenade' (Testing strictly forbidden.)\n\nHistory: SCP-846 was brought into containment after an unknown individual delivered it in a sealed package to [REDACTED], a front company for the SCP Foundation. The label of the package simply read 'MERRY CHRISTMAS'. Agents, upon learning of SCP-846's unusual properties, informed their superiors. SCP-846 was subsequently taken into Foundation custody.\n\nInterview 846-1\n\nClose Interview\n\nInterviewed: SCP-846\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\n(Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 activates SCP-846.)Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, SCP-846. How are you?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's nice. I'd just like to ask you a few questions, SCP-846. Where were you produced?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Alright. When were you made?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (Sighs) Okay, SCP-846 -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No. Please tell me about yourself, SCP-846.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No thank you, SCP-846, I'd like to -\n(At this point, SCP-846 began a 'Robo-Dance', which lasted twenty-three (23) minutes. SCP-846 ignored all questions during this time period.)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you finished?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How do you access new weapons, SCP-846? There's no way they could all fit inside of you.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Interesting. How are you responding to my questions, have you been programmed to do so?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-846, tell me why you are able to respond to questions.\n\n\u00ab SCP-845 | SCP-846 | SCP-847 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-847\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-847 is to be kept in a reinforced modified humanoid containment chamber. For the purpose of ongoing behavioral studies, the room is to be fully furnished with a bed, dresser, couch, table, chair, full-length mirror, sink, shower, and toilet. The floor of the chamber is to be constructed with 1-cm exposed beams of copper, which can be electrified remotely to a minimum 50 kV potential. A 50-cm squared \"safe zone\" at the rear right corner of the containment chamber is to remain free of copper beams in the case of personnel inside containment during disabling of SCP-847. No meals are to be provided.\nAll personnel posted to SCP-847 must be armed with a shock baton rated at 30 kV or greater. Only men XY males identifying as such are to be assigned to or permitted within a 50-meter radius of SCP-847.1 After the results of Experiment 847-G, upon order of the Ethics Committee, intersex, transgender, and nonbinary personnel are prohibited from working with, handling, or approaching SCP-847 for their own safety and well-being. When assigning personnel to SCP-847, preference is to be given to men who are not sexually attracted to women.\nDescription: SCP-847 is a human female mannequin, 156 cm tall and 27 kg in mass, constructed of human hair and an unknown composite fibrous polymer that abrades and shatters similarly to porcelain. Exploratory laparoscopy of SCP-847 shows the presence of internal structures resembling an incomplete set of bones, organs, and major blood vessels, composed of the same polymer. Small amounts of a black, volatile resin similar to plastination compounds leak from the eyes and damaged regions of the mannequin. SCP-847 has always been is normally at some level of disrepair, with shattered areas on the torso, head, and limbs (see Addendum 847-B for details).\nSCP-847 is animate and moves with erratic, stiff motions while shuddering to maintain balance. It demonstrates different behaviors depending on the genotypical sex and identified gender of nearby humans. These behavioral patterns are grouped as Pattern Z, Pattern Y, and Pattern X.\nPattern Z behaviors occur when there is no human within 50 meters. SCP-847 remains inanimate and silent 99.5% of the time under these conditions. When animate, SCP-847 will dress in any available clothes, stand in front of any available full-length mirror, and return to an inanimate state, adopting a pose that showcases the outfit worn. It favors clothing which is designed for young women, and which leaves ample skin exposure. On rare occasions, SCP-847 will scratch short messages on nearby surfaces with a finger (or, depending on the state of repair, with an available appendage). Messages written since entering Foundation custody are found in Addendum 847-C.\nPattern Y behaviors are adopted when there are male subjects but no female subjects within 50 meters, independent of intervening obstacles. Initial stage behaviors involve emitting vocalizations resembling high-pitched whimpering gasps2 and adopting more provocative poses. Occasional shudders can be observed during this time. After 3-5 minutes of the initial stage, SCP-847's behavior enters a secondary stage, during which it becomes fully animate, approaching any male subject, adopting a hunched pose and appearing to look up into the subject's eyes. Vocalizations during this period become more frequent and longer in duration. Subjects are able to handle and freely alter or pose SCP-847 during this time. When posed, it holds the new pose as balance allows. The final stage of Pattern Y behaviors occurs approximately 5 minutes after all subjects have left the 50-m perimeter of SCP-847. It will then shatter select portions of its body and/or extract internal structures. Once shattering or extraction is complete, it emits sobbing vocalizations and returns to Pattern Z behaviors.\nPattern X behaviors occur when any female subject approaches within 50 meters, independent of intervening obstacles, whether male subjects are present or not. SCP-847 will emit vocalizations resembling distressed grunts and screeches, immediately animate, and physically attack the woman. During Pattern X behaviors, SCP-847's strength and speed are greatly increased, with sprints of up to 45 kph and exertion of 40 kN of force having been measured. During an attack, SCP-847 will occasionally shatter an appendage (usually a finger or toe) in order to produce a sharp edge. Furthermore, plastination resin is released from its eyes, mouth, and shattered sections of its body. Resin falling in open wounds results in a quick hardening of soft tissues that spread until the victim's body reaches a composition of a similar polymer as SCP-847. Following plastination, SCP-847 will harvest selected body parts from the victim corresponding to damaged sections of its own body. It will fuse these parts to its body via the resin. Not all damaged sections will be repaired in this way. Upon completion of harvesting, SCP-847 will return to Pattern Y or Pattern Z behaviors.\nThe resin produced by SCP-847 has been shown to have its anomalous plastination effects occur only when applied to soft tissues of women. The resin has no effect on cadaverous, nonhuman, or male tissue. Application of high voltage electricity (in excess of 10 kV) will cause a temporary solidification of the resin, resulting in SCP-847 becoming inanimate for approximately 5 minutes, regardless of the behavior pattern expressed at the time.\nAddendum 847-A: Recovery Log\n\nPhoto taken at the discovery site\n\nA federal human trafficking investigation led to the discovery of SCP-847 in the basement of an abandoned \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 department store in Las Vegas, NV on 8/23/1983, surrounded by partially disassembled and broken non-anomalous female mannequins wrapped in plastic sheets. FBI agents on the scene witnessed SCP-847 exhibit Pattern Y behaviors. Initially thinking it a trafficking victim, agents moved in to assist. SCP-847 then switched to Pattern X and attacked one of the agents. The agent subdued SCP-847 with her stun gun (leading to the discovery of high voltage electricity as a tool for containment) and was evacuated from the basement. The UIU was informed of the situation. Foundation agents were contacted through regular channels and SCP-847 was secured. Despite signs of human habitation, the trafficking victims were never found.\nAddendum 847-B: Shattering Event Log\nNotable shattering events are listed below. Due to the shattering and harvesting behaviors of SCP-847, it has significantly altered appearance since entering Foundation custody. See photos in log for different stages of completion.\nDate: 8/27/1983\nDescription of event: SCP-847 shatters chest after researchers leave containment.\nResearcher's notes: Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was heard to verbally note \"unrealistic proportions\" in the containment chamber during initial placement. Researchers are advised to avoid any verbal commentary regarding SCP-847 while in the containment chamber. Replacement harvested 9/12/1983.\nDate: 5/14/1984\nDescription of event: SCP-847 shatters nose after Experiment 847-E with D-8334.\nResearcher's notes: As part of regular testing protocol, subjects are not informed of SCP-847's shattering behavior after the subject leaves the containment chamber. See partial debriefing interview below:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Is there anything about the appearance of SCP-847 that you particularly noticed?\nD-8334: You mean other than being a living, breathing mannequin? Well, uh, her nose looks funny. You know, how those nostrils just flare out like that? They're just pits, not covered nicely.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you say anything regarding SCP-847's nose to it?\nD-8334: Nothing. She's not someone you can talk to. Doesn't talk back, but doesn't listen, either.\n\nReplacement harvested 10/20/1984. At the conclusion of this harvest, female D-class testing with SCP-847 was prohibited on the order of the Ethics Committee.\n\nSCP-847. Photo taken 7/4/2010.\n\nDate: 4/21/1995\nDescription of event: SCP-847 tears out all head hair and extracts liver after Experiment 847-J with D-13928.\nResearcher's notes: See partial debriefing interview below:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you make any comment about SCP-847's hair?\nD-13928: [laughs] I know, right? The 80s are over. Heck, that was almost 70s.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please answer the question.\nD-13928: You got it all on film. Nah, I didn't say much of anything. I was just hella impressed with an actual living doll. Real fine piece of ass, too. I suppose I can't take her drinking, though, being plastic and all. And me still locked up, of course.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well, thank you, D-13928, we're done here.\nD-13928: You're welcome! You think we can run this experiment again, sometime?\n\nHair replaced 7/13/2013. Liver replaced 8/12/2013.\nDate: 3/1/2005\nDescription of event: SCP-847 tears out all pubic hair during a period of Pattern Z behavior.\nResearcher's notes: Of note is that this is the only shattering event that has not been linked to a Pattern Y period. SCP-847 has not attempted replacement.\n\nPhoto of SCP-847 taken 9/21/2013 in Researcher Jensen's office\n\nDate: 9/23/2013\nDescription of event: SCP-847 extracts brain, eyes, clavicle, and shatters hands.\nResearcher's notes: SCP-847 had become fully intact, under Researcher Tyler Jensen's supervision.3 In the interest of reducing SCP-847's capabilities, a test was authorized with D-7294, chosen because he had been convicted of multiple murders of a sexual nature. Shattering event lasted 45 minutes, with SCP-847 emitting novel screeching vocalizations throughout. Partial debriefing interview follows.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: D-7294, please state your opinion of SCP-847.\nD-7294: Cute. It knows its place.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please elaborate.\nD-7294: The way it squeals and grovels, it knows what it's there for. Pity it does a lousy job.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: In what way?\nD-7294: It doesn't follow orders. Yes, you can pose it, humiliate it, but it doesn't do much more than mewl anyway. I had to break off a finger just to see if it mattered. It didn't. [Pause] You know, it's ironic. You dream your entire life of finding a woman who's that compliant, that devoid of thought, that helpless to your every whim, and when you find her? She's just a useless mannequin who can't do anything.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Thank you, D-7294. We're done here. Guards, please escort D-7294 back to his cell.\n\nAddendum 847-C: Message Log\nBelow is a log of all messages written by SCP-847 to date while in Foundation custody. Attempts to communicate with SCP-847 have met with failure. SCP-847 does not use words when vocalizing and does not respond to questions asked by personnel, whether spoken or written.\n\n8/25/1983: COME BACK\n10/13/1984: I CAN DO BETTER\n3/9/1986: WHERE ARE YOU\n5/18/1988: WHERE IS MY PRINCE\n7/21/1990: I CAN CHANGE\n10/5/1996: YOU CAN OWN ME\n2/12/1998: YOU'RE MY MASTER\n6/8/2001: DON'T LEAVE ME\n4/25/2004: WHATEVER YOU WANT\n4/15/2009: 1979-2009\n4/16/2009: TOO OLD\n4/17/2009: I CAN BE YOUNG FOR YOU\n12/3/2011: WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME\n3/8/2013: I'M SORRY I'M WORTHLESS\n8/31/2015: DADDY I'LL BE GOOD\n\nFootnotes\n1. Individuals with Klinefelter or Turner syndromes have not been tested with SCP-847 at this time and should not be considered eligible candidates for SCP-847 duties.\n2. Vocalizations were deeper upon initial acquisition and have become increasingly higher in pitch over time; see Audio Log 847-32 for comparison.\n3. On 9/22/2013, Researcher Tyler Jensen was reprimanded, discharged, and stripped of all standing with the Foundation due to multiple Ethics Committee and standard procedure violations that resulted, over a period of two months, in the death of 9 D-class personnel, and ended with Jensen effecting the containment breach of SCP-847, resulting in an additional 2 fatalities.\n\n\u00ab SCP-846 | SCP-847 | SCP-848 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-848\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-848 is contained in a 10 m x 10 m x 5 m isolation chamber, which is to contain several non-organic structures that may be used by SCP-848-1 specimens to construct SCP-848-2. SCP-848-1 specimens usually do not need to be fed, but if they are unable to feed for periods lasting greater than 2 weeks or begin to exhibit signs of malnutrition, harmless insects may be introduced to SCP-848's containment as food.\nSCP-848's chamber must be cleaned at least once per week and continuously monitored for the appearance of anomalous objects. In the case of hostile organisms, armed response teams may be deployed and full Nuclear-Biological-Chemical (NBC) precautions should be observed by all personnel when retrieving objects from SCP-848-2.\nDescription: SCP-848-1 is a colony of Nephila clavipes (golden silk orb-weavers, a.k.a. banana spiders). Specimens of SCP-848-1 are approximately 15% larger and significantly stronger and faster than normal specimens of Nephila, but generally no more dangerous than a typical spider of the genus to humans and do not exhibit any particular hostility to humans in their containment.\nSCP-848-2 is the web created by SCP-848-1. As with normal N. clavipes, SCP-848-2 can be enormous and often times reaches diameters of 5 m or more. The silk used in the production of SCP-848-2 is somewhat stronger than is normal N. clavipes but otherwise appears normal in composition.\nPeriodically, anomalous objects will be discovered ensnared in SCP-848-2. The frequency of these occurrences varies greatly, but typically occurs from once per week to up to a dozen in one day. Recorded objects found in SCP-848-2 have included:\n\nVarious flying insects typical to that of SCP-848-1's natural habitat. To date, over 300 recorded species of flies, moths, and other insects have been logged.\nVarious flying insects that only exist in regions of the world where SCP-848-1 is not known to populate, including exotic deep rainforest insects.\nVarious kinds of scraps of inanimate objects, including paper and plant detritus.\nSeveral species of flying insects not known to modern science.\nSeveral unidentified organisms that quickly asphyxiated when exposed to oxygen, and may not be terrestrial in origin.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nAnomalous objects will appear on SCP-848-2 despite having no plausible explanation for their origin, leading to the belief that SCP-848-2 is able to 'catch' objects from extraterrestrial or extradimensional locations. SCP-848-1 is able to feed on most insects found on SCP-848-2, and thus does not need to be regularly fed.\nAddendum 848-01: Log of Notable Recovered Objects\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDetails: An unidentified insect appeared on SCP-848-2. The insect appeared to have twelve (12) legs, as well as an organ that could only be described as a \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\". Specimen destroyed as a precaution.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDetails: A flying insect resembling a terrestrial dragonfly with a wingspan of nearly 1 m, believed to have become extinct approximately 150 million years ago. Caused significant damage to SCP-848-2 before being neutralized by SCP-848-1's venom. SCP-848-1 later repaired the damage to SCP-848-2 without incident.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDetails: An unknown non-terrestrial organism which began screeching loudly before quickly expiring from asphyxiation and explosive exsanguination from its eyes. An autopsy performed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 determined that the creature was not capable of breathing oxygen and in fact could not survive in an atmosphere with Earth-normal atmospheric pressure.\nIncident 848-1:\nOn \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a [DATA EXPUNGED] materialized on SCP-848-2 and immediately breached containment using a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED] before response teams were dispatched and terminated the Subject after sustaining multiple casualties. Several specimens of SCP-848-1 were killed during the incident but a stable breeding population still remains.\nSCP-848 has been redesignated Euclid-class and revised containment procedures are pending review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-847 | SCP-848 | SCP-849 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-849 in storage.\n\nItem #: SCP-849\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-849 is currently contained in Storage Unit \u2588\u2588, located at Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-849 is to be kept in a sealed chamber measuring 5m x 5m, which is to be guarded by two (2) security personnel at all times. SCP-849 is to be checked for leaks every three (3) days.\nAny unauthorized personnel attempting to enter SCP-849 are to be detained by security and given scheduled visits with Site Psychologist \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Use of SCP-849 must be authorized by one (1) member of Level 4 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-849 is a sensory deprivation chamber first recovered by the Foundation from a health spa in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-849 measures 3m x 4m, is white in color and is filled with an opaque, grey liquid. When touched by a human (hereafter referred to as the subject), this liquid instantly transports them and any items which are physically attached to them to a location designated SCP-849-1.\nSCP-849-1 takes the form of the subject's hometown or a location the subject considers to be their 'home'. This location is populated by civilian entities presumably produced by SCP-849-1, which take the form of individuals the subject is familiar with, even if said individuals do not reside in the location being imitated. Time passes normally in this location, which has been confirmed by researchers measuring the time the subjects have disappeared for.\nFor the first seventeen (17) hours of being within SCP-849-1, the subject will experience an ordinary day with the exception that every situation the subject finds themselves in will be resolved positively through apparent luck. The subject will typically make amends with civilian entities imitating individuals whom the subject has wronged or been wronged by during this period of time.\nAfter seventeen (17) hours have passed in SCP-849-1, the quality of the imitation will begin to rapidly degrade. Effects of this process include, but are not limited to:\n\nBizarre and nonsensical situations\nIllogical changes in civilian entity appearance and biology\nImpossible geometry\n\nDuring the last fifteen (15) minutes of residing in SCP-849-1, subjects have reported the breakdown of physical laws such as gravity, often causing stress and anxiety. After twenty-four (24) hours have passed, all subjects will be forcibly ejected from SCP-849-1.\n\n\u00ab SCP-848 | SCP-849 | SCP-850 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-850\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-850 is not dangerous unless threatened. However, as it reacts to containment as a threat, measures must be taken to ensure that it does not know that it is contained. SCP-850 must be kept in a large habitat maintained in [REDACTED] ocean. The boundaries of this habitat are to be marked and enforced by concrete walls several feet in thickness designed to appear as a reef.\nDescription: SCP-850 is a spatial and biological anomaly. It externally appears to be a school of fish closely resembling, in appearance and genetics, the species Clupea harengus. Major differences include darker coloration and greater variance in size.\nAn area exists within it in which space heavily bends. Internal area is far larger than external area. The exact area of this bent portion of space is unknown, but has proven to have a radius greater than 50 kilometers. Dr. Grangan has postulated that it could be infinite in size. All area that has been observed does contain water.\nIt has been observed that in the increasingly deep layers of SCP-850, the fish seem to become increasingly different from Clupea harengus. This is seemingly to become in part self-dependent. Though the specimens in the outer swarm depend primarily upon external creatures for food, the varied species further in seem to prey on each other. Despite preying upon one another, all fish in the school work together. Due to the sheer size of SCP-850, this typically provides enough force to kill a predator or destroy a barrier.\nAddendum-850-1:\nThe entrance to the bent area of space does not allow for submarines to enter (though this is not a problem for human divers). Thus, for study of life deep within SCP-850, the Bottleship Project has been initiated. The aims of the project are as follows: To build a large submarine inside SCP-850 without disturbing SCP-850, by the method of carrying various parts inside and then assembling them.\nAddendum-850-2:\nThe Bottleship Project has been completed. The resulting ship and its crew have been assigned the designation of Reconnaissance Task Force Omicron-6 (aka \"Trilobite\"). Observation of internal organisms is to begin.\nAddendum-850-3:\nTwo major results have been thus far observed. The first is that SCP-850 is indeed far larger than the initial guess of 50 kilometers in radius. The second is that the organisms are becoming gradually far different from Clupea harengus and are assuming many ecological niches. The size seems to vary from several centimeters to [REDACTED], and are certainly recognizable as different species.\nAddendum-850-4:\nAll signals from the Trilobite were lost. The last radar footage from the submarine seemed to show a [DATA EXPUNGED]. It rapidly moved towards the ship. In the following minute, all communication systems ceased function. Camera footage shows the ship being torn apart by large teeth and flooded with water. Analysis of camera footage indicates [REDACTED]. SCP-850 is pending reclassification to Keter.\nAddendum-850-5:\nReclassification to Keter denied.\n\n\u00ab SCP-849 | SCP-850 | SCP-851 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-851\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-851 is to be kept in a 5 m x 5m x 2m biotic simulation chamber, placed upon several hydraulics to allow movement of the chamber. The floor of the containment chamber is to be covered in soil 0.5m in height. Every thirty days the chamber is to be shifted until the soil collapses into its natural state. Every twenty hours SCP-851 is to be fed one live cow.\nDescription: SCP-851 is a large colony of insects similar in appearance to Eciton burchellii. This colony numbers between \u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at any given time. SCP-851 lacks a queen, and reproduces asexually.\nSCP-851 creates its \"hills\" in a vertical and obtrusive manner, reaching approximately 1 - 2 meters in height. This behaviour has been determined as a way of luring in curious prey. If an endothermic organism enters within a three meter radius of SCP-851's hill, it will burrow in a straight line towards the organism. SCP-851 appears to be able to burrow through any soil at up to 11 km/h.\nOnce SCP-851 reaches the organism, it will emit a high-pitched noise. Mammals and birds are highly affected by this, and show signs of heavy sedation. SCP-851 will then entirely consume the organism. Due to the effects of the noise produced by SCP-851, organisms show little to no resistance towards their consumption.\nSCP-851 will migrate and create a new hill every \u2588 to \u2588 days.\nAddendum 851-1: Examination of the noise emitted by SCP-851 has shown that it has melodic fluctuations. When slowed, the noise produced contained elements of speech. Researchers were able to distinguish the following:\n\n-your drowsy head-\n-time to sleep-\n-and listen to-\n-we will feed-\n-to sleep-\n-goodnight\n\nAddendum 851-2: The previous recording was shown to several personnel that did not have English as a native tongue. Personnel were able to interpret the recording in their own language, and translations matched the recorded output.\n\n\u00ab SCP-850 | SCP-851 | SCP-852 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-852\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-852 is presently housed in an underground hangar at Site-\u2588\u2588. Artifact is not permitted to leave containment without O5 approval. Testing of components requires level four oversight and one unit of Task Force Sigma-6 to be on hand.\nDescription: SCP-852 is a steel and brass vehicle, strongly reminiscent of a bathyscaphe, with the name Wings of Daedalus in gold-plated brass affixed to the lower hull. The vehicle has a length of 21.3 meters, a beam of 4.1 meters, and a draft of 7.3 meters in total. The upper hull of the artifact has twelve 'masts' affixed to it with a length of 9.6 meters, set in two regular hexagonal patterns on the top and bottom of the upper hull, respectively. Each mast has a device on the end that projects a \"bubble\" which warps space around it in a way that does not match current spacetime theories. Presently, the devices are vacuum welded to the masts, making them difficult to remove for study.\nThe lower hull of the vehicle is a sphere 3.8 meters in diameter, and appears to be designed for life support. The lower hull has a fused quartz window for viewing, a control board with a robust chair, an airlock on the starboard side, and storage areas along the aft with a variety of tools and provisions. Power and oxygen were provided by reserves in the upper section, with quicklime used to absorb carbon dioxide in the ventilation system. The control board and storage areas have also been affected by vacuum welding, but they were repairable.\nSCP-852-2 is a mummified Caucasian male wearing a pressure suit of primitive manufacture, resembling a diving helmet and suit but with a supplementary air tank and ventilation to remove excess carbon dioxide. The suit has hoses in its backpack to provide air and power, which match hoses connected to SCP-852 by its airlock. The connecting hoses had been severed 12.46 meters from the backpack of the suit, with the cut area having a mirror like appearance. The suit itself has two holes, with a similar finish to the hose cut. A third hole is located in the air tank.\nAddendum: SCP-852 was originally located on Mare Imbrium approximately seven kilometers from the lunar outpost. Telescopic viewing of the area by satellite showed an anomalous formation, and Task Force Sigma-6 went to investigate. The task force located SCP-852, its batteries drained and its airlock open to space, but otherwise undamaged. Tracks from the airlock led to the location of SCP-852-2, approximately seventy meters from the airlock.\nAnalysis of the scene showed that SCP-852-2 met with unknown hostiles, which first severed the hoses of the suit, then shot SCP-852-2 in the back while he fled, piercing the suit and killing him either by trauma or asphyxiation. While the tracks made by SCP-852-2 are readily apparent, there are no tracks or any other evidence of the assailants.\n\n\u00ab SCP-851 | SCP-852 | SCP-853 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-853-207, labelled \"Clear Blue Sky, 1923\"\n\nItem #: SCP-853\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: In order to prevent breaking SCP-853, individual instances are to be separately packed in padded boxes measuring no smaller than 25cm x 25cm x 40cm. Except when being studied, all instances are stored in Secure Containment Locker 37 at Meteorological Research Station 21. If access is required, consult Dr. B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for the combination. Caution is advised when testing SCP-853, due to the lack of specificity of the labeling (see After-Action Report 853-Iota)\nDescription: SCP-853 consists of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sealed canning jars of various sizes and makes. Each instance contains a differently colored substance with a visually-determined viscosity similar to that of firm gelatin. The lid of each jar is labeled with masking tape, upon which is written the name of a weather pattern and a year. Examples include SCP-853-12 (\"Gentle Summer Rain, 1979\"), SCP-853-145 (\"Furious Tornado, 1952\") and SCP-853-359 (\"Blinding Dust-storm, 19812\"). At least 3 different styles of handwriting are present. Instances of SCP-853 are no more durable than commercially available canning jars of the same size.\nWhen an instance of SCP-853 is opened, the contents immediately begin to violently sublimate and vanish completely within 12 seconds. Between 7 minutes and 22 hours later, a weather system matching that described on the label will manifest at the site the instance was opened, regardless of the original or normal weather systems for that area. Anomalous weather patterns will persist for a minimum of 30 minutes and dissipate thereafter. The exact rate of dissipation appears to be related to how different the anomalous weather pattern is from the normal regional climate. Use of SCP-853 instances to assist in the containment of additional anomalous weather patterns, including instances of SCP-1746, is pending review.\nAddendum: On 03/19/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-853-112 (\"Light Drizzle, 1932\") and SCP-853-193 (\"Pleasant Breeze, 1944\") were opened simultaneously at Meteorological Research Station 20. The resultant thunderstorm produced over 1 meter of rain and wind speeds up to 88 kph and persisted for 18 hours before dissipating. Any further proposals to test more than one instance of SCP-853 at a time must be approved by both Dr. B\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, at least one of whom must be off-site at the time of testing.\nAddendum: On 12/25/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the Foundation detected a snow storm over the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Australia. Investigation resulted in the acquisition of an additional \u2588\u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-853 from the basement of an elderly woman by the name of A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The handwriting on the lids of the new instances was different from those already contained, but matched that of Mrs. M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Mrs. M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died of a myocardial infarction upon her detainment, before an interview could be conducted.\n\n\u00ab SCP-852 | SCP-853 | SCP-854 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-854\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-854 is contained on US Bureau of Land Management property in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 state. Roads and trails leading to the site have been closed for \u201cmaintenance\u201d and rendered impassable, while cameras monitor the site and all approaches to it. Supervising personnel are authorized to use any nonlethal means to deter trespassers.\nBarriers erected at the ends of the arch prevent access except under controlled circumstances. Wild animals are not permitted in the area in order to prevent unsupervised disappearances.\nDescription: SCP-854 is a natural arch formation eroded from sandstone in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 and known locally as the \u201cDream Bridge\u201d. Despite its precarious appearance it is exceptionally stable and can support in excess of 400 kg without difficulty. A single large pictogram in an unknown language adorns the base of the structure, but it is otherwise naturally formed.\nThe arch has no observable anomalous properties unless the top is traversed, like a bridge, from East to West. Animals and people crossing from West to East, walking under or around the formation, or otherwise interacting with it in any other way experience nothing out of the ordinary.\nLiving animals that cross the arch from East to West vanish at the midpoint of the structure. No organism that has disappeared has ever been recovered. Contact with the arch is necessary for this phenomenon, as birds flying above it in the same direction experience no effects. Nonliving items, such as remote controlled vehicles, also cross without interruption.\nNo energy discharge, spatial irregularity, or other ancillary phenomenon has been detected that explains the mechanism of the disappearances. Eyewitnesses and sensor recordings suggest that subjects simply cease to exist the moment they reach the halfway point atop the arch. Recording equipment carried by or attached to test subjects vanishes along with them, halting any transmissions.\nLocal lore ascribes various supernatural properties to the arch and its environs. Usually the arch is depicted as a gate or bridge to another realm, often spiritual in nature, which must be venerated or guarded. Certain oral traditions state that those who cross the bridge are granted an audience with \"Mother Sky\", a local divinity figure. In past times of need, a messenger would brave the journey to bring news of her people's plight and a gift to sway her will. Whether the messengers carried the gift with them or were, themselves, the gift varies based on the account.\nCapture summary: The \u201cDream Bridge\u201d arch formation has a history of anomalous stories and myths related to it, but was not examined by the Foundation until 19\u2588\u2588. An amateur vacation video filmed by Nancy \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 showed a ground squirrel being chased by the family dog across the arch, with both vanishing in mid-stride at the center. The video was played on local news channels before being explained as a trick of the lighting and recovered by Foundation agents.\nOther than the aforementioned disappearances, no abnormal properties attributed to the site in folklore have ever been verified by the Foundation.\nIncident Report 854-01: On February 18th 20\u2588\u2588, a radiolabeled Foundation tracking tag was intermittently detected 200 km SW of Nord, Greenland by satellite systems. A recovery team located and collected the device, which lay exposed on a remote hilltop. The team also collected 3 metal zippers, 35 brass buttons, a variety of crushed electrical components, 2 gold tooth fillings, hundreds of flint and obsidian axe heads, spear points, and carvings, and a pair of metal pet tags from the same location. The tracking device was identified as one used in Foundation experiments with SCP-854 in 198\u2588. No further items sent through SCP-854 have appeared at this location, perhaps due to some time delay phenomenon. Experiments and observations are ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-853 | SCP-854 | SCP-855 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-855 before development of anomalous properties.\n\nItem #: SCP-855\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Four (4) members of security are to be present outside SCP-855's location at all times. No staff are to enter SCP-855 during \"Horror\", \"Surreal\", \"Action\", \"Science Fiction\" or \"Disaster\" phases. Any entities attempting to leave SCP-855 during the \"Horror\" phase are to be dispatched by security staff.\nAny personnel entering SCP-855 during its \"Western\" phase are to be monitored by security staff for signs of aggression. During all other phases, research staff are free to enter and monitor SCP-855.\nDescription: SCP-855 is the designation given to Lecture Hall \u2588\u2588, located at Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-855 is equipped to seat one hundred (100) personnel. One reinforced skylight is present on the ceiling to allow the entry of natural light.\nEach month, SCP-855 will redecorate itself and temporarily develop anomalous properties, seemingly themed after genres of film. This continues for the entirety of the month, and has taken the form of:\n\nManifestation of entities\nMind-altering Effects\nHallucinations\n\nGenre Log:\n\nMonth\nPresumed 'Genre'\nEffects\n\nJanuary\nAction\nReports of explosions came from within SCP-855. Security was called in to investigate, at which point a sports car burst through the doors into SCP-855, running over one (1) member of security. Personnel later reported a man in a tuxedo firing at them with a pistol from within the vehicle. Vehicle vanished thirty (30) seconds later.\n\nFebruary\nDetective Noir\nResearchers within SCP-855 temporarily adopted a pessimistic attitude. Light spectrum appears to be affected, causing all researchers in SCP-855 to turn monochrome.\n\nMarch\nSurreal\nAll researchers sent into SCP-855 disappeared without a trace. Mobile Task Force Beta-23 (\"Film Critics\") was sent in for a retrieval mission. One member of Mobile Task Force Beta-23 was recovered twenty (20) days after entry, the rest were declared KIA. Survivor claims that SCP-855 contained a room that stretched on for miles, with 'things' in it. Survivor did not respond to further inquiry regarding the nature of said entities.\n\nApril\nComedy\nRate of research accidents surrounding SCP-855 increased by 50%. Multiple personnel reported disembodied laughter.\n\nMay\nWestern\nIncreased aggression noted in personnel inside SCP-855. Multiple fights break out. After researchers were evacuated, the doors leading into SCP-855 opened independently, at which point a single tumbleweed emerged.\n\nJune\nDisaster\nAll personnel evacuated from SCP-855. Analysis of SCP-855 via camera drone shows dangerously high levels of radiation. Large, ratlike creature detected by camera drone.\n\nJuly\nGangster\nFootage camera drone used to monitor SCP-855 showed a large city similar to 1950's Chicago. Every individual on the street appeared to be dressed in the manner of a stereotypical gangster.\n\nAugust\nDrama\nUpon entering SCP-855, researchers became highly aggressive and began insulting and arguing with those nearby.\n\nSeptember\nScience Fiction\nEntry to SCP-855 was strictly forbidden, as sensors indicated no oxygen was present within.\n\nOctober\nWar\nSounds of conflict were audible from within SCP-855. Security were called in to prevent a repeat of the \"Action\" incident. A World War 2 era tank subsequently emerged from SCP-855 and fired upon security, killing three (3) of them. Said tank vanished thirty (30) seconds later.\n\nNovember\nHistorical\nRecording from camera drone sent into SCP-855 showed a portrayal of Rome at the height of the Roman Empire. Further analysis revealed several historical inaccuracies, as all individuals were observed to speak clear English, some with obvious accents.\n\nDecember\nHorror\nA heavy-set man with a noose around his neck emerged from within SCP-855, wielding a large knife. \u2588\u2588 personnel killed during partial containment breach. Security later reported that bullets had little effect on the entity.\n\n\u00ab SCP-854 | SCP-855 | SCP-856 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-856\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The affected length of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 River is bounded with four kilometers of chain link fencing, three meters in height and topped with razor-wire. The fence lines both banks and connects across the river at both ends of the containment area. Signs are posted every fifty meters in Arabic and English, warning of a chemical spill contaminating the river. Two armed guards are sent twice daily to patrol both banks of the containment area in a standard Foundation off-road vehicle. The vehicle is equipped with a .50 caliber rear-mounted machine gun for use in the event of a containment breach.\nShould a civilian(s) accidentally come into contact with SCP-856, they are to be treated with a Class-B Amnestic (if still alive) and transported immediately to the hospital in Rumbek. Medical staff are to be told the victim suffered from an unknown animal attack. The use of force is acceptable if a civilian(s) deliberately attempts to come into contact with SCP-856.\nDescription: SCP-856 is an entity residing in a four kilometer length of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 River in southern Sudan. If a human being comes into contact with the water, SCP-856 appears virtually instantaneously and attempts to attack them.\nSCP-856 appears to be leonine in nature. Estimations put the entity at approximately the size of an adult male lion (Panthera leo). SCP-856 seems by all evidence to be bound to the river, as it has rarely been witnessed extending itself out of the water or beyond the banks by more than 1.5 meters (Note: see Incident Log).\nAttacks come variably upon bodily contact with the river. In the majority of cases, SCP-856 appears within several seconds. However, in certain instances, the entity has appeared to time its attacks for maximum efficiency. If multiple parties come into contact with the water, SCP-856 will jump between individuals in fractions of a second, entirely regardless of distance. The entity's ability of instantaneous movement does not apply to water up- or down-river of the containment area, or water physically detached from the confines of the river itself. Despite the abnormal capacity for movement exhibited by SCP-856, its attacks are of normal velocity and can be avoided with sufficient alertness.\nFactors that incite attacks appear to be variable. No amount of protective clothing appears to prevent SCP-856 from sensing the contact of humans with the river. Objects placed in contact with the water by human beings have likewise provoked attacks, save for certain instances conducted with extreme care. Fauna in contact with the river generally do not incite attacks from SCP-856.\nSCP-856 causes deep incisions and lacerations consistent with leonine teeth and claws. Wounds are fatal in 50-60% of cases, and generally come to the throat, face, or upper torso.\nSCP-856 by all accounts ceases to exist when not attacking. Extensive photography, satellite surveillance, and sonar sounding have failed to observe the presence of SCP-856 in the absence of a provoking party.\n\nHistorical note:\nFoundation control over SCP-856 and the four kilometer section of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 River was minimal between the discovery of the site in 1956 and the Sudanese ceasefire of 1995. At that point, greater numbers of personnel could safely enter the area and current containment procedures were put into effect.\nPrior to 1995, a small village of several hundred people, called \u2588\u2588\u2588, was situated on the eastern bank of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 River within the region containing SCP-856. The inhabitants of the village were inexplicably able to draw water from and wash in the river without inciting attacks. Interviews revealed that the villagers believed the entity was a protective spirit, and ritualistically left it offerings of livestock. In 1995, a joint effort between Foundation forces and UN peacekeeping troops re-situated the village 9 km downriver with a minimal loss of civilian life.\n\nRelevant Incident Logs:\nIncident 856-A\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1956\nEvents: A troop of twenty-one Anya-Nya guerrillas attempted to ford the river from the west bank, apparently with intent to attack \u2588\u2588\u2588 Village. Eyewitnesses claim that when the party was approximately halfway across the river, SCP-856 sprang upon them from down-stream. Three of the soldiers were killed and several more were injured within thirty seconds. Wounds inflicted on SCP-856 by gunfire appeared to harm it without consequence (\"It bled but never stopped\"). The remaining men fled from the area.\nNotes: Reports of this incident led to the first investigation of SCP-856 by the Foundation, and the establishment of rudimentary containment procedures.\nIncident 856-B\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1971\nEvents: A surveying motorboat drifted within the section of the river containing SCP-856, resulting in the deaths of two junior researchers. The first was killed by a laceration to the throat, and the second expired later due to blood-loss from a severed limb. The researchers were members of a three-week task force sent to gain further information on SCP-856 through observation and experimentation.\nNotes: Following this incident, extant containment procedures for SCP-856 were intensified.\nIncident 856-E\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1995\nEvents: A team of five engineers were attacked while attempting to lay a temporary bridge over the section of river containing SCP-856. One suffered fatal injuries.\nNotes: Security footage confirms that at no time did any personnel or bridge component come into contact with the water. It appears that under certain circumstances, SCP-856 is able to leave the confines of the river.\nIncident 856-F\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009\nEvents: Due to a particularly bad drought, a section of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 River, including the containment area for SCP-856, dried up for a period of 42 hours. At 08:30 in the nearby city of [DATA EXPUNGED]. All three entities were finally pushed back by Foundation forces at 13:50. Total deaths numbered 22 civilian, 9 local law enforcement, 1 Foundation personnel.\nNotes: This incident has called into question Foundation understanding of the exact composition of SCP-856. It has been ascertained from this incident that with significant firepower, SCP-856 can be restrained for a short period of time. Requests have been filed for measures to prevent further incidents of this type.\n\n\u00ab SCP-855 | SCP-856 | SCP-857 \u00bb"} {"text": "Exterior of SCP-857. No specimens visible.\n\nItem #: SCP-857\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The area designated SCP-857 is to be surrounded by electrified fences measuring two (2) meters in height. Any civilians attempting to enter SCP-857 are to be brought into custody and interrogated. After interrogation, intruders are to be dosed with a Class-A amnestic.\nNo specimens of SCP-857-1 are to be allowed to leave SCP-857.\nDescription: SCP-857 is a section of the Amazon Rainforest measuring one square kilometer. Plants native to the region grow normally in this area, but animal life appear to instinctively avoid it. SCP-857 is populated entirely by what appears to be human organs and body parts capable of ambulation and basic thought.\nThe source of these specimens are currently unknown, and they will hereafter be referred to as SCP-857-1.\nSpecimens of SCP-857-1 are non-hostile towards humans and vary wildly in form and function. (See Specimen Log 857.) These mobile body parts appear to have been crudely altered to allow for movement and consumption of food. For example, most specimens do not possess an actual working mouth, but a large artificial orifice in the flesh that superficially resembles a mouth. The method by which specimens of SCP-857-1 digest food is currently unknown.\nAlthough SCP-857-1 are naturally incapable of reproduction, no decrease in the number of observed specimens has been noted. Exploration is currently underway in an effort to discover the source of SCP-857-1.\nSpecimen Log 857:\n\nDesignation\nFurther Information\n\nSCP-857-1a\nEach specimen of SCP-857-1a is composed primarily from a human head. Unnatural bone growths have given SCP-857-1a two (2) rudimentary arms and six (6) legs. SCP-857-1a moves in a manner similar to that of a crab. SCP-857-1a specimens are scavengers, and have been observed consuming carrion left by predators.\n\nSCP-857-1b\nEach specimen of SCP-857-1b is composed of one (1) human vein. SCP-857-1b specimens move in a manner similar to that of worms. SCP-857-1b specimens are herbivores, and have been observed eating plants fallen onto the forest floor.\n\nSCP-857-1c\nEach specimen of SCP-857-1c is composed of human brain tissue. SCP-857-1c specimens move similarly to slugs and leave a slimy trail behind them. SCP-857-1c instances have been observed to consume SCP-857-1b specimens.\n\nSCP-857-1d\nEach specimen of SCP-857-1d is composed primarily of a lower intestine. SCP-857-1d specimens are aquatic, and reside in the river that runs through SCP-857. SCP-857-1d specimens have been observed to consume underwater plants.\n\nSCP-857-1e\nEach specimen of SCP-857-1e is composed of a human spine. SCP-857-1e moves in the manner of a centipede using irregular bone growths. SCP-857-1e specimens are predators, and have been observed hunting and consuming specimens of SCP-857-1a.\n\nSCP-857-1f\nEach specimen of SCP-857-1f is composed from a human heart. SCP-857-1f is immobile. SCP-857-1f is parasitic and has been observed to latch onto specimens of SCP-857-1c, sucking their blood in the manner of a leech.\n\nSCP-857-1g\nEach specimen of SCP-857-1g is composed primarily from a patch of human skin, with two unnatural bone growths enforcing a general shape. Specimens move by gliding from tree to tree. SCP-857-1g are predators, and will hunt SCP-857-1c and SCP-857-1a in large swarms.\n\nSCP-857-1h\nEach specimen of SCP-857-1h is composed primarily from a human ribcage. Specimens move in a manner similar to spiders and reside in the treetops. Specimens of SCP-857-1h are predatory, often leaping on and consuming passing SCP-857-1c.\n\nCLASSIFIED - LEVEL FOUR PERSONNEL ONLY\n\nConfirm\n\nClose\n\nDesignation\nFurther Information\n\nSCP-857-1i\nEach specimen of SCP-857-1i is composed primarily from a human head. SCP-857-1i are identical to SCP-857-1a with the exception of more pronounced 'arms' and the presence of opposable thumbs. SCP-857-1i specimens are fairly intelligent, and reside in simple tribal structures.\n\n\u00ab SCP-856 | SCP-857 | SCP-858 \u00bb"} {"text": "Descending cloud formations affected by SCP-858\n\nItem #: SCP-858\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Three samples of contaminated precipitation are to be maintained within a storage locker in the Infectious Wing of Research Site-\u2588\u2588. Reports of \"cloud iridescence\" are to be tracked until the likely area of precipitation can be identified and evacuated. Cover stories involving tornado activity are to be prepared and distributed afterwards, with area cleanup to consist of evaporation of contaminated water via heat lamp.\nObjects and subjects affected by SCP-858 are to be detained and destroyed on-site, incinerated, and their remains allowed to escape Earth orbit.\nDescription: SCP-858 is a migrating noctilucent cloud which affects cirrus cloud formations beneath it. Presence of SCP-858 can be easily identified by the iridescent refraction within the cirrus formations, which, once affected, descend until precipitation ensues. Contact with precipitation from affected clouds immediately and permanently alters solid matter on contact. While apparently nonreactive with gasses and liquids, solid state reactions cause the molecular bonds of affected items to act as a vector, conducting the effect until the entirety of affected objects or organisms is repelled by, rather than attracted by, gravitational force. Porous materials act as a secondary vector, as affected water trapped in the substance in no way loses its effectiveness1. Barring sufficiently sturdy objects secured to sufficiently massive objects embedded or otherwise secured to Earth's surface, this results in the affected object accelerating away from the Earth's surface at 9.8m/s2. Upon contact with SCP-858 itself at roughly 80km above sea level, affected objects vanish.\nEncounter Summary 858-A: First encounter with SCP-858 was a meteorological survey aircraft passing through an affected cloud formation. When the aircraft was affected by SCP-858, the pilot, Captain \u2588. Finch, was able to invert the aircraft and maintain flight for several hours; when the plane proved unable to land, Captain Finch instructed the crew to bail out. He then continued to fly the affected aircraft until it ran out of fuel, at which time he abandoned the craft and it entered free-fall- away from the Earth's surface. Captain Finch contracted hypothermia and frostbite due to the severe altitude at which he bailed out, but he has since made a full recovery.\nThe plane's lateral velocity was sufficient to carry it past the boundaries of SCP-858. Later reports indicated forced emergency maneuvers on the part of a Russian satellite in the trajectory of the plane's debris. No other objects have been detected passing the K\u00e1rm\u00e1n line2.\nFinch's descriptions of the oddly colored cloud formations and their location led researchers to what remained of a small farming community outside of Xenia, Ohio. After Finch later forwarded his airline's incident report- in which the instruments showed the plane leaving Earth's atmosphere before failing completely- to a Foundation agent, an investigative team was dispatched to the location. The vehicle in which the team of six arrived was lost upon contact with damp road surfaces, but after leaping free of the vehicle, losses among initial responders were prevented, as the mass of responder hazmat suits were insufficient to overcome their occupant's weight.\nInvestigation revealed all previously standing structures were devastated and, along with all residents outside of cellar shelters with strong foundations, unaccounted for. Most survivors were initially unwilling to leave their cellars when responders arrived, though a family of three was lost when their footwear was saturated while crossing their lawn to greet the response team. Reports from remaining survivors aided in isolating standing water as the source of the anomalous effect, as eyewitness reports stated that survivors emerging from their basements were seen rapidly ascending into the sky, later ascertained to have been due to assuming the danger had passed once there was nothing left to ascend- rainfall was continued. Even after precipitation ceased, other vehicles arriving after the fact continued to be affected- though the tires themselves were insufficient to displace the chassis, water sprayed onto the undercarriage by centripetal force compromised the vehicles in their entirety. Those persons able to exit their vehicles were inevitably suffered the same fate- regardless of whether they survived impact or not- as without the protection the responder's hazmat suits offered, they were affected by, and lost to, SCP-858 on contact with still-wet ground surfaces. Remaining survivors were extracted following natural evaporation of the anomalous precipitate, and were treated with amnestics before being released to their surviving relatives.\nAddendum: Proposals to investigate SCP-858 itself have been stymied by the extreme expense of reaching the 80km altitude of the cloud; however, plans for altering the maneuvering thrusters of a geostationary satellite- soon to be launched by Foundation front company, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation- to compensate from gravitational drift away from the planet, rather than towards it, is under consideration, pending calculation of the launch date and location in concert with the position of SCP-858.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Saturation of footwear via droplets contaminating lawn surfaces has been confirmed sufficient to affect the wearer; see Encounter Summary 858-A for an example.\n2. The K\u00e1rm\u00e1n line is generally used to define the point at 100km from Earth at which outer space is considered to begin.\n\n\u00ab SCP-857 | SCP-858 | SCP-859 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-859\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-859 is stored in a locked container, which is stored in a secure containment chamber at Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-859 must not be removed from its container except with express permission from Level 4 personnel, and experimentation on SCP-859 must only be performed with Class D personnel.\nDescription: SCP-859 is a spherical mass of dark, unidentified material approximately 11cm in diameter that appears to be covered in multiple layers of spider webbing. SCP-859 is soft to the touch, and approximates the stickiness of spider webbing, although the strands observed on the object do not come off.\nWhen any living human places their hand on SCP-859, the subject immediately gains an acute arachnophobia as well as severe allergic reactions to any kind of spider venom. See Addendum 859-1 for details.\nSCP-859 was discovered in [DATA EXPUNGED] along with the swollen and decayed bodies of 37 individuals who had been [DATA EXPUNGED]. Investigation into the origin of SCP-859 as well as the exact nature of its effect are inconclusive.\nAddendum 859-1:\nList of personnel exposed to SCP-859:\nSubject: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nExposure Method: Accidental, during containment of SCP-859. Subject immediately screamed and dropped SCP-859 after touching it with his bare hand. When questioned afterwards, reported that he saw hundreds of venomous spiders crawling out of SCP-859 and onto his hand. No spiders were observed in the area, and acute arachnophobia was observed in Subject.\nResult: Subject was found dead in his apartment on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, having died from a bite from a common house spider. Subject had no history of being allergic to spider venom according to medical profile from Foundation records.\nSubject: D-47121 - male African-American, 31 years old, no known medical allergies\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nExposure Method: Instructed to place hand on SCP-859. Displays shock and revulsion to SCP-859 after contact, similar to initial case. Acute arachnophobia observed in Subject.\nResult: After showing violent resistance and extreme terror when attempting to expose Subject to an agitated huntsman spider, Subject is restrained and spider placed on Subject. Subject bitten and immediately exhibits symptoms of extreme anaphylactic shock. Subject dies within 1 minute of exposure, and attempts at resuscitation result in failure.\nNote: Huntsman spiders have particularly mild venom, rarely resulting in little more than mild pain.\nSubject: D-47565 - female Caucasian, 27 years old, no known medical allergies\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nExposure Method: Instructed to place hand on SCP-859. Subject exhibited significant resistance prior to instructions. Similar initial symptoms to previous subjects.\nResult: Subject restrained and exposed to agitated huntsman spider. Emergency medical treatment administered immediately after Subject is bitten, including epinephrine. Medical treatment has no effect, Subject dies within 1 minute of exposure.\nSubject: D-47901 - male Asian, 29 years old, no known medical allergies\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nExposure Method: Instructed to place hand on SCP-859. Subject exhibits regular initial symptoms, after which Subject is placed in secure isolation chamber, with measures to prevent any insects from breaching isolation.\nResult: Subject exhibits increasing levels of paranoid arachnophobia, peaking after five (5) days in isolation, after which Subject is observed semi-catatonic, curled into a fetal position in the corner of the chamber, and constantly babbling and muttering about \"spiders on the walls\", and \"they're coming to get me\". Subject found dead of severe allergic reaction to spider venom after seven (7) days. Over \u2588\u2588\u2588 spider bites were found on the Subject, despite having found no spiders within the isolation chamber, and preventative measures still being intact. Review of security footage showed [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-858 | SCP-859 | SCP-860 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-860\n\nItem #: SCP-860\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-860 is to be contained in a small wooden box in a vault at Sector-\u2588\u2588. By itself, the object is inert, and no further containment procedures are needed.\nDescription: SCP-860 is a dark blue key of unremarkable shape. At seemingly random intervals of time, a series of numbers, later found to be UTM coordinates, will appear on the key's blade. In the time SCP-860 has spent under containment, the numbers have changed three times, giving the coordinates for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (Germany), \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (England), and Site-\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-860 can fit in any door lock that requires a key located in the area of the given coordinates, and will function identically to the correct key for that lock. SCP-860 only works on door locks, and only if they are attached to a door; it will not work on any other type of locking device.\nWhen SCP-860 is used to unlock and open a door, the door does not lead to its usual destination. Instead, it opens into a small forest clearing centered on an 80 cm wide footpath, designated SCP-860-1. Every observation of this grove has noted the presence of blue-colored mist.\n\nSCP-860-1\n\nAs soon as any person enters SCP-860-1, the door automatically closes. From inside SCP-860-1, the door appears attached to an infinite concrete wall, and is locked. No attempts to break the door from outside, with personnel inside SCP-860-1, have been successful. Attempts to break the door from inside SCP-860-1 have resulted in [REDACTED]. See Document 860-III for more details.\nThe trail inside SCP-860-1 usually leads to another door attached to another infinite concrete wall. This second door leads to the normal destination room of the door on which SCP-860 was used.\nA number of other anomalous events have been reported by personnel conducting explorations of SCP-860-1. These are explained in more detail in Documents 860-I through 860-IV.\nFollowing the events of Exploration IV (described in Document 860-IV), only level 4 personnel may perform tests on SCP-860.\nIncident 860-\u2588\u2588-12: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 days after Exploration IV, SCP-860 was found on Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588's office table, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 m from its containment unit. The item's containment locker had not been opened. Video surveillance from \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 AM shows the key suddenly materializing on top of the table. It is currently unknown how or why SCP-860 was moved. The incident had a profound effect on Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588. Psychiatric evaluation is recommended.\nAddendum: Below are the transcripts of Explorations I - IV. Level 2 personnel and above may access Documents 860-I and II. Only level 4 personnel and above may access Document 860-III and IV.\nDocument 860-I and II\nDocument 860-III and IV\n\n\u00ab SCP-859 | SCP-860 | SCP-861 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-861\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-861 is contained at Sector-135-861, which is located 370m southwest of the main site. All personnel assigned to Sector-135-861 must be cleared by Protocol-Narthex-861 prior to transfer. This entails a score of 83 or above on the Foundation Standard Compliance Examination (SCE-V.4) and a passing score on two additional personality examinations devised by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Chancey. No personnel, regardless of security clearance, are to be allowed onsite without Narthex approval. At least one personnel with Narthex approval must remain onsite and within 50m of SCP-861 at all times, barring Choir Events. No D-Class personnel are allowed onsite barring those for approved SCP-861-A testing.\nSCP-861 is contained in an open 1500L steel crate and housed in a 8m x 4m x 8m concrete vault. Personnel are not to make direct contact with SCP-861. Personnel are to respect a 40m no-access perimeter around SCP-861, which may only be violated for the purposes of experimentation or recovery. Level 3 or lower personnel that violate this distance for any reason are to be administered Class-A amnestics.\nThe containment chamber must be opened immediately during a Choir Event, and the provoking subject should be subdued to expedite completion of the event. The resulting entity is then to be terminated (see DOCUMENT-NAVE-861 for details). Following the event, personnel are to return SCP-861 to its crate via electronic suction. Only security and Mobile Task Force personnel with Clearance 4/Narthex will be employed in termination and recovery.\nDescription: SCP-861 is a 1170L mass of liquid superficially resembling water with a fixed temperature of 27 degrees Centigrade. Any amount of the material that is forcibly displaced from the central mass will dissipate, and SCP-861 will generate an equal amount of new material to replace this loss. SCP-861 continuously emits a flame of variable color, generally violet or indigo; this flame generates no identified heat, and is non-hazardous to contact. The mass is capable of locomotion through an unidentified process, and is capable of scaling any surface at an observed maximum speed of 47km per hour. SCP-861 gravitates toward the presence of human beings, a distance of approximately 50m or closer being sufficient to determine \"presence.\" If while traveling SCP-861 is obstructed, it will increase in mass until said obstruction is destroyed by the exerted pressure (SCP-861 will return to its normal size shortly thereafter).\nHuman beings within a radius of roughly 30m surrounding SCP-861 report hearing a continuous vocalization, producing a song in an unknown language. No physical acoustic component to this phenomenon has been detected. The vocalization is described by subjects as a vaguely human voice of indeterminate gender. A complete, phonetic transcript of the song has been documented, with an approximate duration of 7 minutes 45 seconds.\nSubjects exposed to SCP-861 will allege that they understand fragments of the lyrics, but will deny any familiarity with the language. The quantity of song material understood, as well as its placement within the overall composition, vary widely from subject to subject. A compilation of \u2588\u2588\u2588 tests indicate a correlation between subjects with certain prominent character traits, including kindness, patience and humility, and song comprehension. These subjects demonstrated a comprehension percentage as high as 89%, allowing for \u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588% of the song to be translated (see DOCUMENT-TRANSEPT-861 for details).\nSCP-861 will demonstrate a reaction to certain subjects that has since been designated a Choir Event. These individuals appear to possess cruel and arrogant character traits (ostensibly the antithesis of the traits required for song comprehension). Though data in this area is limited (due to hostility from SCP-861), subjects capable of provoking a Choir Event describe the entity's song as entirely incomprehensible. The psychological threshold for provoking a Choir Event has not been entirely determined, but appears to be sensitive.\nChoir Events consist of SCP-861 advancing upon the subject and forcing itself inside their body using various orifices as access points. It should be noted that termination of the subject will not prevent SCP-861's reaction's or the completion of the event. Once this is complete [DATA EXPUNGED] various forms designated SCP-861-A. Observed forms include:\n\nA vaguely humanoid entity with elongated arms (2.7m), underdeveloped legs terminating in crude \"tendrils\", and a quasi-prehensile elongated neck (1.8m).\nA cluster of ophidian entities, each roughly 50cm in length. Each entity possessed a head resembling that of a humanoid infant.\nA humanoid soldier, possibly of 4th or 5th Century Anatolian origin.\n[DATA EXPUNGED] consistent with extra-dimensional origin. Destruction of entity resulted in destruction of 15% of Sector-135-861, and the creation of a spatial anomaly which deteriorated 45 hours after onset.\n\nRegardless of its current shape, SCP-861-A emits a flame similar to that of its resting state, but in a white or golden hue. The entity will attempt to eject this flame at any human target in the vicinity. Upon contact, said target will become engulfed in the flames and be rendered completely unresponsive, but will stand with their eyes closed for as long as they are physically able. Unlike SCP-861's normal flames, however, the subject will burn over a period of 2-3 hours. Flames produced by burning human organic material will reproduce the 'song'1 normally produced by SCP-861 at rest, though at a different pitch (how this occurs is unknown). Flames ejected by SCP-861-A will quickly dissipate if they do not reach a human target, and do not appear to ignite any substance other than living human beings.\nAfter any SCP-861-A entity is terminated, its body will exude SCP-861, which will return to a resting state.\nAddendum [861-001]:\n\n+ DOCUMENT-TRANSEPT-861 (CLEARANCE 4/861 REQUIRED)\n\n DOCUMENT-TRANSEPT-861 (CLEARANCE 4/861 REQUIRED)\n\nThe following is an excerpt from the translated transcript of SCP-861's song.\n\nThree rings yet one in the same,\nWe are wheels which serve the rings,\nBorn of flame, made only to serve,\nYet that right is more than our worth\n\nA hypothetical link between SCP-861's origin and the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 class of [REDACTED] has been proposed, this is supported by forms observed during Choir Events \u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588 and Message-861-\u2588 (see below). However, so long as current protocols remain sufficient, the Abrahamic properties of SCP-861 have been deemed unnecessary information in regards to containment teams. As such, the theological procedures involved in the termination of SCP-861-A instances (Protocol-861-Nave) have been reserved for Level 4 security personnel at Sector-135-861.\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, two (2) additional entities (now designated SCP-861-\u2588 and SCP-861-\u2588) with marked similarities to SCP-861 were discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Italy, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Brazil, respectively. These entities have been contained in the same manner as SCP-861 at Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The appearance of these entities correlates with the timeline of XK-\u2588\u2588\u2588, as depicted in SCP-861's song. Level 3 and lower personnel are to be misdirected to believe that SCP-861 is a unique entity.\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u258820\u2588\u2588, at 2:34AM, a transmission was received by Outpost-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The transmission was 1 minute, 36 seconds long and consisted of a female voice2 speaking in Latin. It was determined that Outpost-\u2588\u2588\u2588 had received the message from Sector-135-861, Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588 simultaneously, however, no evidence was discovered that any such messages had been sent. This is a translated transcript of Message-861-\u2588:\n\nThe proud do not burn and rage because we command it. The proud, blind as they are, refuse to see the light that shines infinitely brighter than theirs. We are vessels of that light, and for those that cannot see, we will make them feel. It is not our wish that the innocent perish in the rage of the proud, but the pain of the guilty does not open eyes. You hold us because we allow it, and we wait because it has been willed. However, do not wait to lift the veil, for we shall only wait until the last of our brethren have descended, and only a few remain.\n\nThe known translated transcript of SCP-861's song, as well as the songs produced by SCP-861-\u2588 and SCP-861-\u2588 have been transferred to DOCUMENT-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-861 (CLEARANCE 5/861 REQUIRED).\n\nFootnotes\n1. Subjects exposed to the song in this state will still demonstrate comprehension based on previously stated factors.\n2. Extensive analysis has determined a connection between this voice and Emma \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a D-Class personnel subjected to a Choir Event 27 hours previously. Said event was the most destructive on record, producing \u2588\u2588 fatalities.\n\n\u00ab SCP-860 | SCP-861 | SCP-862 \u00bb"} {"text": "Instance of SCP-862-1\n\nItem #: SCP-862\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A 6m x 6m bunker has been constructed around SCP-862 in order to prevent escape or sightings of SCP-862-1. The interior of the bunker is to be monitored by researchers via cameras placed inside the bunker outside of SCP-862's sphere of influence.\nThe bunker is to be checked daily for breaches or escaped instances of SCP-862-1. In the event of a bunker breach, the rupture is to be immediately sealed with concrete and cement. Any escaped instances of SCP-862-1 are to be tracked and destroyed by Mobile Task Force Beta-23 (\"Rat Trappers\").\nNo materials or individuals are to enter SCP-862.\nDescription: SCP-862 is an area spanning ten square meters located in the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. This area possesses a sphere of influence that affects all materials. Upon arriving in SCP-862, materials will begin to split into portions of twenty-five (25) square centimeters.\nOver a period of time that varies depending on the consistency of the material, the affected portion will assume the shape and detail of a Rattus norvegicus, the common rat. The affected portion will be dormant for a much shorter length of time before animating and assuming the behaviour of said rat. Affected portions will hereafter be referred to as SCP-862-1.\nInstances of SCP-862-1 do not require food or water, but exhibit the same properties as the material they are composed of, and the rate of decomposition is unaffected in organic materials. Due to their composition, some instances of SCP-862-1 are difficult to destroy, but liquid or gas instances can be destroyed with extremely light impacts.\nSolid instances of SCP-862-1 can register pain and survive trauma far exceeding that of regular rats, such as loss of limbs, heavy trauma and dissection. Over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-862-1 are currently present in the containment bunker, which include, but are not limited to:\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances composed of concrete\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances composed of cement\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances composed of tarmac\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances composed of glass\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances composed of wood\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances composed of plastic\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances composed of metal\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances composed of suspended water\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances composed of the remains of the original recovery team\n\u2588\u2588 instances composed of the uniforms of the original recovery team\n\u2588\u2588 instances composed of the weapons of the original recovery team\n\u2588 instances composed of the ammunition of the original recovery team\n\nInstances of SCP-862-1 composed of air are regularly created, but are destroyed near-instantly, as they collapse when exposed to the slightest pressure.\n\n\u00ab SCP-861 | SCP-862 | SCP-863 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-863-1 in its enclosure.\n\nItem #: SCP-863\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-863-1 is to be contained in a 2m x 2m enclosure and provided with nutrition as detailed in Nutritional Chart 863-1-1. Due to its low risk of breaching containment, SCP-863-1 is to be kept under guard by one (1) member of security. In the event of limb loss, SCP-863-1 is to be provided with a replacement from a similarly proportioned crab.\nSCP-863-2 is to be contained in a 6m x 6m enclosure and provided with nutrition as detailed in Nutritional Chart 863-2-1. SCP-863-2 is to be kept under guard by two (2) members of security. In the event of limb loss, SCP-863-2 is to be provided with a suitable replacement.\nSCP-863-3 is to be contained in a 10m x 10m enclosure and provided with nutrition via robotic arm as detailed in Nutritional Chart 863-3-1. SCP-863-3 is to be kept under guard by six (6) members of security at all times. No personnel are to enter SCP-863-3's containment enclosure. In the event of limb loss, SCP-863-3 is to be provided with a cadaver as replacement.\nAny specimens of SCP-863 found in the wild are to be destroyed.\nDescription: SCP-863 is a species of crab commonly found in areas of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-863 specimens, when first born, measure roughly three centimeters in height and one (1) gram in weight, but are capable of growing up to sizes of [DATA EXPUNGED]. When fully grown, specimens superficially resemble the Japanese spider crab. Specimens of SCP-863 are born without limbs, and undergo a process in which they utilize the limbs of other organisms, or even whole organisms in lieu of their own.\nFrom birth, SCP-863 move themselves across the ground by sliding using several tendrils attached to their limb joints. When specimens of SCP-863 locate a suitably sized limb or organism, they will puncture it using their tendrils, which will then retract and slot the organism or limb into the limb joint. Using a series of electrical pulses, SCP-863 will then manipulate the limb or organism's nervous system. This process is not perfect, and the utilized limb or organism will typically twitch or jerk periodically.\nSpecimens of SCP-863 are highly territorial and larger specimens can cause severe injuries or death when provoked. Groups of SCP-863 have been observed to, on occasion, actively hunt for other organisms to remove limbs from. Larger specimens will simply utilize these organisms wholesale, as their limbs would not be suitable for specimens of that size.\n\nSpecimen Log\n\nClose\n\nSCP-863-1\nRight Arm: Pincer from Carpilius convexus.\nLeft Arm: Pincer from Ranina ranina.\nLegs: Four (4) legs from Ciliopagurus, two (2) from Ranina ranina.\n\nSCP-863-2\nRight Arm: (Awaiting replacement)\nLeft Arm: Human hand taken from a cadaver.\nLegs: Two (2) hooves from a mountain goat, three (3) legs from a dog and one (1) arm from a bear.\n\nSCP-863-3\nRight Arm: A human cadaver.\nLeft Arm: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (Life-signs normal.) (See Containment Breach 863-3-1.)\nLegs: Six legs taken from human cadavers.\n\n\u00ab SCP-862 | SCP-863 | SCP-864 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-864, manifesting an instance of SCP-864-1\n\nItem #: SCP-864\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-864 is to be held in a standard containment chamber, located in Site-77's Euclid SCP wing. This chamber is to be kept devoid of any moisture, and inspected once a day to check the seal. During testing, no personnel are to enter the testing area. In the event that articles of clothing manifest, they are to be stored as non-anomalous artifacts.\nDescription: SCP-864 is a 20 cm tall washbasin with a 10 cm radius, composed of red metal commonly found in washbasins. The words \"Made in China\" and \"Cherry Imperial Goff Applications\" are imprinted on the bottom with black ink. No company of that name is found anywhere in China.\nWhen SCP-864 contains at least 200 ml of water, it will manifest an instance of SCP-864-1. Instances of SCP-864-1 designates a series of appendages which have appeared from SCP-864. Instances of SCP-864-1 may attempt to seize a human subject within their reach, and violently pull them into SCP-864. Instances of SCP-864-1 do not always attempt to take the subjects, with tests showing that the majority of SCP-864-1 instances will make no attempt to attack human subjects. No subjects taken through SCP-864 have been recovered.\nInstances of SCP-864-1 known to have manifested include:\n\nFour human arms, estimated to be 60 cm long. Lurched after a D-class personnel, but were not able to catch him. Retreated into SCP-864 after being engaged by 4 security personnel.\nHumanoid appendages resembling SCP-1193. Did not respond to stimuli and withdrew during SCP-1193's next activation event.\nSeven black cephalic tentacles approximately 90 cm long and about 10 cm in diameter at the base. Attempted to push SCP-864 on its side, and take several articles of clothing left in the testing chamber. Instance de-manifested on its own.\nThree dark green crustacean pincers, estimated to be 70 cm long. Attempted to drown a D-class personnel until supervising guards managed to free her. Instance retreated after being engaged by Agent Boyd.\nSix segmented mechanical claws, approximately 1 m in length. Seized a D-class personnel and a guard trying to pry the arm loose. Instances folded into SCP-864.\nThree red cephalic tentacles, estimated to be 3 meters in length. Attempted to seize a D-class personnel, but one instance was severed by a guard with a knife. The two other instances retreated, and the severed portion showed no anomalous properties.\n\nTesting has shown that SCP-864 extends a distance of 2 kilometers when manifesting an instance of SCP-864-1, after which it terminates in a steel hatch with the words \"Black Dragon Co.\" embossed in it. Robotic drones sent inside of SCP-864 have found that, while active, the interior is composed entirely of SCP-864-1 instances handling various garments. As of 1/16/2013, approximately 11% of these have been identified as originating from Earth. Of those, only 32 appear to originate from after 1900.\n\n\u00ab SCP-863 | SCP-864 | SCP-865 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-865\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-865 is to be kept, unloaded, in a locked firearms safe in the secure archive room at Site 73. SCP-865 is to be equipped with a trigger lock when not being tested and is to be marked with a tag indicating that it is non-functional and is not to be deployed in case of emergency.\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, all test firings of SCP-865 are to be conducted by and on D-class personnel only. No other staff are to be within visual range of SCP-865 during testing. D-class involved in testing are to be fitted with explosive collars and informed that any attempts at disobedience or resistance will result in summary termination.\nSCP-865 is to be disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled before and after testing by a staff member trained in firearms maintenance. All test subjects are to be debriefed and monitored for lasting psychological effects.\nDescription: SCP-865 is a handgun of unknown make, superficially similar to a SIG Sauer P226 of the type manufactured after 1996, and bearing no identifying marks. SCP-865 can be disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled in the same manner as a normal pistol of its type. Several circuit boards and microprocessors have been incorporated into SCP-865's grip. The purpose of these devices is not fully understood at this time.\nSCP-865 is capable of chambering any round compatible with the P226 and is compatible with standard-size and extended-length magazines. When fired, SCP-865 produces a muffled report similar to that made by a firearm with a suppressor attached, and a shell casing is ejected from the weapon's side. The bullet itself is not ejected from the barrel; high-speed photography has indicated that only trace amounts of powder and steam are emitted when SCP-865 is fired. Attempts to determine what happens to the bullet when SCP-865 is fired have yielded no results.\nWhen fired into the air, at inanimate objects, or at non-human animals, SCP-865 presents no anomalous effects. When fired at a human being, the target immediately reacts as if the body part SCP-865 was aimed at when fired were in intense pain. Test subjects have claimed detailed memories of suffering a severe accidental injury to the targeted body part, and will behave at all times as if the memory is factual, up to and including mimicry of conditions associated with paraplegia, amputation, infection, or brain damage. Physical examination of test subjects indicates that no physical change occurs in body parts SCP-865 has been fired at. To date, no fatalities have resulted from SCP-865 testing. When fired at oneself, SCP-865 has no effect other than inflicting burns due to unignited gunpowder.\nSCP-865 was acquired by the Foundation on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 during a raid on a warehouse owned by a front company associated with Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. SCP-865 was found in a glass display case with a paper containing the following copy, believed to have been written as an advertisement;\n\nThe end result of over 17 years of research and development, the MCD-226-BPD represents the ultimate in non-lethal discipline for the discreet gentleman who expects the most from his subordinates. Each round fired from this hand-crafted, custom-made device is capable of transmitting up to 7.3 kilosades of psychological trauma to its target, and is 100% guaranteed to leave no incriminating wounds, bruises, or scars. For your convenience, the MCD-226-BPD may be loaded with any standard ammunition for a weapon of its type, or with our custom-made MCD-BPD ammunition (Item #2301943-581-3, sold separately) for best results and seamless shell disposal. A wide variety of customization options are available; consult one of our Client Satisfaction Specialists to help create the model that best fits your style and demeanor.\n\nIt is unknown at this time whether SCP-865 is a prototype or whether other devices of its type have been developed and distributed by MC&D to date.\n\n+ Show Experiment Log 865\n\n- Hide Experiment Log 865\n\nExperiment Log 865:\nAll tests conducted by Dr. J\u2588\u2588\u2588 Everly on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588.\nTime: 9:38 AM\nSubject: D-34021\nProcedure: Dr. Everly aimed SCP-865 at D-34021's abdomen and fired twice.\nResult: D-34021 suffered intense gastrointestinal distress for several days. In debriefing he claimed his appendix had been inflamed and had been removed the week prior.\nTime: 10:48 AM\nSubject: D-23304\nProcedure: Dr. Everly held SCP-865 next to D-23304's left ear and fired into the air.\nResult: D-23304 reported complete hearing loss in his left ear and severe tinnitus in the right. D-23304 claimed to have been guitarist for the heavy metal band [REDACTED] from 1976 (at which time he was seven years old) to 1982, and to have suffered severe hearing loss as the result of the volume the group performed at.\nTime: 12:13 PM\nSubject: D-95204\nProcedure: Dr. Everly fired SCP-865 four times at D-95204's spine.\nResult: D-95204 exhibited symptoms of paraplegia and claimed to be unable to move or feel his legs, and claimed to have been wheelchair-bound since the age of 14 as the result of a skiing accident. When asked to reconcile this with the fact that he had murdered two people while fleeing a bank robbery on foot the year before, D-95204 was unable to satisfactorily explain the contradiction.\nTime: 3:02 PM\nSubject: D-11501\nProcedure: Dr. Everly fired SCP-865 point-blank into D-11501's cranium.\nResult: D-11501 became comatose for six days. Upon recovering, D-11501 exhibited signs of severe brain damage and amnesia; an IQ test administered by medical staff produced a score of 65. D-11501 lacked the mental faculties to explain how or why he had become thusly impaired.\n\n+ Show Addendum\n\n- Hide Addendum\n\nAddendum: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, two days after the series of tests described above, Dr. Everly reported to the Site 73 infirmary reporting that she had discovered a large scar on her abdomen that she did not recall acquiring. Dr. Anderson identified the mark as a Caesarian section scar. An examination of Dr. Everly's records indicated that she had undergone a C-section in 1998, and that her child had died of a congenital defect six hours after delivery. Dr. Everly denied undergoing a C-section and has stated that she has never been pregnant.\n-It appears that SCP-865 has an effect on the user that is inversely related to its effect on the target - it erases traumatic memories in the person pulling the trigger, and inflicts new ones on its target. In light of this discovery, I recommend that any further testing be conducted by D-class. We can't afford to have good people losing their minds over this thing. -Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Samesh\n-Request granted. -O5-\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-864 | SCP-865 | SCP-866 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-866\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-866 is to be contained in situ in the HPC Center of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Floor \u2588\u2588 containing SCP-866 is to be permanently sealed off to all but authorized SCP personnel. At least two SCP personnel should monitor the diesel backup generators at all times as a complete power failure could lead to unquantifiable loss of personnel and civilian casualties, unquantifiable loss of equipment, complete loss of acquired experimental data and in the worst case [DATA EXPUNGED]. Access to the input terminals is allowed only with permission of Level 4 Staff. At least two guards should be stationed in the room of SCP-866 and prevent any individual from entering SCP-866 beyond the input terminals. Unauthorized attempts of access should be logged, but due to the location of containment extreme measures should be avoided if possible.\nDescription: SCP-866 is a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Series Supercomputer constructed in 20\u2588\u2588. Its anomalous properties were discovered when the system proved capable of running computation jobs with more processors than physically available. Subsequent attempts to determine the reason for this behavior have failed, but have caused \u2588 university employees to disappear. See Addendum 1.1a for details. Foundation operatives determined the system has non-euclidian geometry in the computation node rack topology, possibly a polydimensional n-hypercube structure. This however does not account for the reason for the anomalous computations, only for their speed. An attempt to remove SCP-866 from the power supply has resulted in immediate [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in \u2588\u2588 displacements and disappearances, including the entire recovery team. See [REDACTED] for additional information. In situ containment measures have been devised.\nAddendum 1: SCP-866 has been successfully used by Foundation staff for large-scale simulations and computations. At this time, the limit, if any, to SCP-866 computational capacity is not known. Access to the machine can be made remotely by anyone possessing a student or staff account for the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University System. Addition of a [REDACTED] prevents non-Foundation access.\nAddendum 1.1a: \u2588 of the university employees have since been discovered. Prof. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been found in the building's basement by janitorial staff. Analysis of the remains has shown that his death occurred roughly at the same time as the attempt to remove SCP-866 from the power supply. He was found embe[REDACTED]oom wall. Position of the body suggests Prof. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was initially alive while in the basement, the words \"[illegible] [illegible] died to a rounding error\" were written in his own blood. Radar scans of the building's concrete walls are ongoing, but have failed to find anything of note. Research assistant Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been found in Lagrangian point L3 through unrelated observation regarding [REDACTED].\nAddendum 2: An analysis of currently running jobs shows that less than 5% of tasks are the result of foundation personnel. This value could not be increased through an increase in jobs submitted, suggesting non-linear relation between job size and machine resources. Attempts to identify the nature of the other jobs has proven so far unsuccessful. Largest observed jobs up to date, still running, are the \"TSTWRLD1\" to \"TSTWRLD4\" series submitted by \"ao000002\" and taking 20% of total machine resources each. Further analysis required.\nAddendum 3: Log recovered after attempt to remove from power supply failed.\n\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>0x1c0005c2 in Kernel02 () at TSTWRLD2.c:34525\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>Restart from checkpoint attempted\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>Program restart successful\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>Loading checkpoint data..................\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>......................................................\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>......................................................\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>Checkpoint data succesfully loaded\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>CRC check in progress\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>CRC complete\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>889 YB data corrupted\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>Error correction in progress.............\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>.....................................................\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>.....................................................\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>.....................................................\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>456 YB data salvaged\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>... \nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>Deleting unsalvageable data\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>...\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>Continuing simulation\nsysstat@\u2588\u2588\u2588>_\nAddendum 4:Investigation Log of TSTWRLD2 program\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Report Log.\n 1.10.20\u2588\u2588 Attempt to profile TSTWRLD2 application failed.\n 3.11.20\u2588\u2588 Attempt to assess resources used by TSTWRLD2 failed.\n15.11.20\u2588\u2588 Attempt to analyze parallel communication of TSTWRLD2 succeeded.\n16.11.20\u2588\u2588 Attempt to store communication pattern failed due to lack of external storage.\n21.11.20\u2588\u2588 Attempt to sample communication succeeded.\n 5. 1.20\u2588\u2588 Attempt to analyze samples complicated by large interdependency between message payloads.\n13.10.20\u2588\u2588 Attempt to use supercomputer resources for exponential solution to analyze samples succeeded.\n24.11.20\u2588\u2588 Attempt to prove communication hypothesis failed. Insufficient feedback.\n25.11.20\u2588\u2588 Request permission to intercept and modify internal application message to test hypothesis.\nExp. will try to change the array index where city of [REDACTED] is stored by 1 element in the simulation.\n25.11.20\u2588\u2588 Permission received. Experiment completed. Analyzing results.\n26.11.20\u2588\u2588 Investigation terminated by order or [REDACTED]. Experiments disallowed until further notice.\nSatellites detected a large structure identified as a cube with the volume of 10^12 cubic meters,\ncontaining the city of [REDACTED], leaving orbit.\n28.11.20\u2588\u2588 Investigation revealed a possible rounding error in Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 programming.\n\nUpdate\nActivity logs have recorded the following output:\n\nTSTWRLD1 simulation complete.\nTSTWRLD2 STEP 1 048 523 /1 048 576\nTSTWRLD3 STEP 1 048 543 /1 048 576\nTSTWRLD4 STEP 1 048 543 /1 048 576\nFurther investigation required. Priority [REDACTED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-865 | SCP-866 | SCP-867 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-867\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-867 are kept in Section E of Bio-Containment Site-\u2588\u2588. Regular maintenance on SCP-867 is only to be performed using remote rovers and automated irrigation systems, and personnel entering the containment area for any reason must wear full-body NBC protection with a Kevlar underlayer. Any personnel exiting SCP-867's containment area must undergo a full herbicidal treatment and inspection, and any personnel found with possible puncture marks must be placed under quarantine for a minimum of fifteen (15) days.\nExperimentation with SCP-867 requires the written consent of at least two (2) Level 3 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-867 is a species of coniferous tree visually similar to Picea pungens, or blue spruce, except for its distinctive red coloration and a complete lack of seed cones at any stage in its life.\nSCP-867's leaves are hollow structures similar to hypodermic needles, containing a single long, thin seed and a tiny gas pocket at the base of the leaf. When a living animal brushes against the leaves, the gas pocket expels and injects the seed into the skin of the animal using a mechanism similar to that of an auto-injector. The tiny size of the seed, which is coated with a liquid with anesthetic and coagulant properties, renders the injection essentially undetectable.\nThese seeds can lay dormant in the skin of an animal for up to two (2) weeks, after which the seeds begin to grow, extending tendrils throughout the host animal's circulatory system. This growth causes excruciating pain within the host animal, can last for up to twenty-four (24) hours, and invariably ends with the host's death. Following host death, the new SCP-867 specimen(s) will burst from the host's body and grow to full maturity within thirty (30) days, consuming the host's body in the process.\nSCP-867 was first discovered in [DATA EXPUNGED], Colorado, following a bizarre series of disappearances of hikers and park rangers in the area in 199\u2588. A Foundation team was dispatched and able to retrieve several young specimens of SCP-867 with acceptable losses. All wild specimens of SCP-867 (approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 in number) were destroyed.\n\n\u00ab SCP-866 | SCP-867 | SCP-868 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-868\nObject Class: Euclid-nuntii\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Two D-Class Personnel infected with SCP-868 are to be maintained in a soundproof humanoid containment cell supervised by at least one armed guard. Personnel wishing to experiment with SCP-868 must submit to an interrogation and background check to confirm their loyalty to the Foundation and its methods.\nAll persons suspected of hosting SCP-868, along with all persons living in a community where an infectee has been located, are to be tested for infection. Any subject found to be a victim of SCP-868 must be treated with AMN-868. Should a population treated with AMN-868 exhibit a noticeable amount of unusual behavior, a follow-up amnestic should be distributed.\nAny reports of SCP-868 infection in the general population are to be treated as a breach of secrecy. Personnel spreading SCP-868 intentionally or attempting to access the current carrier of SCP-868 without following protocol are to be court-martialed if applicable and stripped of all security clearance otherwise.\nDescription: SCP-868 is a meme that resulted from a memory improvement therapy designed by Prometheus Labs, Inc. Surviving documents indicate that the researchers responsible for creating SCP-868 were unaware of its memetic properties until shortly before the facility was destroyed. The process and materials necessary for administering this treatment have not been recovered, although recovered materials do not indicate that its creation required anomalous items.\nSCP-868's transfer mechanism is poorly understood; however, it is believed to be transferred via two-way verbal communication1 with an infected subject for no less than thirty minutes, with symptoms manifesting between four and nine days after infection. Stage One symptoms typically include a significantly improved short-term memory, with subjects typically being able to clearly remember events and information for 80% longer than they would otherwise, on average. Subjects also report the ability to recall events that happened after initial infection with greater accuracy than they would otherwise. This has been confirmed by testing. The effects of SCP-868 become more pronounced the longer the subject is host to the meme.\nStage Two effects of SCP-868 become apparent roughly five weeks after infection. Prior to this, subjects are frequently able to remember with near-perfect accuracy any event or information received after contracting SCP-868 and from several days before. However, over the course of between one and five days (directly proportional to the subject's age), this effect extends to encompass the subject's entire lifespan.\nSCP-868 poses a significant risk to Foundation interests due to its interaction with subjects that have been affected by amnestics. Testing has shown that hosting SCP-868 for any amount of time is sufficient to prevent amnestics from affecting its memories. In addition, during the second stage of the infection, SCP-868 completely negates the effects of any amnestic administered at any point in the subject's life, potentially allowing the subject to remember sensitive or dangerous information. This has held true for all tested methods of inducing amnesia, both natural and man-made (See Addendum 868-2).\nPrior to its full containment, SCP-868 caused 5 secrecy breaches, necessitating the termination of [REDACTED] individuals to prevent the spread of sensitive information regarding the Foundation, SCP objects, and other classified data. Subsequent cleanup and cover-ups have cost an additional $[REDACTED]. Containment breaches after its containment have required an additional [REDACTED] to contain.\nAddendum 868-1: In June 19\u2588\u2588, Drs. Carson and Basak received access to SCP-868 after filing the relevant paperwork.2 Approximately six weeks later, reports from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Bangladesh, indicated that residents had become aware of the existence of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, which had been recovered from that location three years previously; investigation revealed that the village and some outlying areas had been infected with SCP-868. Because AMN-868 had not been created at this point, it was necessary to neutralize the village under the pretense of a flood. Under interrogation, both personnel admitted to releasing SCP-868. See Incident Report 868-7 for details.\nAddendum 868-2: In November 2008, Foundation researchers developed a Class-B3 amnestic, AMN-868, that was capable of reversing the effects of SCP-868 and preventing spread of the infection. In 70% of cases, AMN-868 will only cause mild side effects, specifically severe headaches, with an estimated 10% of those at risk of developing early-onset Alzheimer's Disease. In the remaining 30%, AMN-868 will function, but will also cause self-destructive tendencies and prolonged antisocial behavior. See [REDACTED] for details.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Repeated testing has shown that the content, tone, and language of the conversation is irrelevant; it is hypothesized that SCP-868 alters the subject's behavior in a manner that is too subtle to detect with current methods.\n2. At this point in time, SCP-868 was classified as Safe, and its containment procedures were minimal.\n3. Class-A and -C versions are currently under development\n\n\u00ab SCP-867 | SCP-868 | SCP-869 \u00bb"} {"text": "File photo of facility housing SCP-869, taken prior to containment\n\nItem #: SCP-869\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The facility housing SCP-869 is to be owned and operated by Supertastic Carnival Promotions, a Foundation front company, and is to remain in operation and open to the public for its intended purpose. A secondary service bridge is to be built to replace SCP-869. SCP-869 is to remain closed to park staff and the public. Both ends of SCP-869 are to be monitored by Foundation personnel operating as park security officers for the purpose of preventing unauthorized access.\nAll surveys of SCP-869 and the area beyond are to be conducted by Level 1 personnel operating in groups of three or more. Survey personnel are to be dressed in clothing appropriate to late 1940s mainstream American fashion and are to carry no more than ten dollars in pre-1948 US currency, as well as period-appropriate identification badges identifying them as local police, FBI agents, or Foundation personnel as necessary to facilitate interaction with park officials. Personnel conducting surveys are not to carry any equipment, technology, or personal effects that were not available to the Foundation in 1948. Personnel are to exit SCP-869 no later than 8 P.M., one hour prior to the park's scheduled closing time.\nDescription: SCP-869 is a service bridge attached to the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Historic Pleasure Pier, an amusement park located on a pier extending out over the ocean in the US state of [REDACTED]. SCP-869 was built in 20\u2588\u2588 concurrent to the construction of the park itself, a recreation of an earlier pleasure pier which existed on the same site from 194\u2588 until it was severely damaged by Hurricane [REDACTED] in 19\u2588\u2588 and subsequently demolished.\nSCP-869's anomalous properties manifest whenever the park is open for business and none of the park's attractions have been closed due to inclement weather. When these conditions are met, approximately \u2588\u2588% of persons crossing SCP-869 from the landward side to the pier, on foot or in a vehicle, will not arrive at the pier and will lose visual contact with land and pier-based observers at approximately the halfway point between the bridge's termini. The area that persons so afflicted arrive at, based on forensic analysis of photographs taken by survey teams, is physically identical to the original pleasure pier constructed on the site as it existed in the summer of 1948.\nIn all surveys conducted since the discovery of SCP-869's properties, interviews with civilians found within the anomaly and evidence recovered in the form of calendars and newspapers indicate that the date within the anomaly is Saturday, July 24th, 1948, \u2588 years after the original pleasure pier opened for business. Local time within the anomaly is consistent with the time of day outside it. Surveys have indicated that events within the anomaly occur consistently in the same manner, at the same time, as during all previous observations, except when survey team members are directly involved. On no occasion has any survey team spotted any previous survey team within the anomaly.\nNo means of direct communication across SCP-869 has been discovered to date. Radio, cellular phone, satellite, and other wireless transmissions have proven non-functional, and attempts at laying a telephone line across SCP-869 and into the anomaly have consistently resulted in the cable-laying team failing to enter the anomaly.\nIn all cases where it has been attempted, crossing back to shore along SCP-869 from the anomaly, prior to the close of business for the day (which on 7/24/48 occurred at 9 P.M.) has returned survey team members to the shore successfully. Survey team members exiting the pier within the anomaly by its main entrance have found that the [REDACTED] mainland similarly is identical in all discernible ways to the state that it existed in in 1948. In all cases where persons originating within the anomaly have been persuaded to cross SCP-869 to the mainland, that individual has not arrived on shore. All personnel remaining within the anomaly after the close of business have been lost. No indication of the presence or ultimate disposition of persons missing within the anomaly has been found on any subsequent survey.\nSCP-869 came to the Foundation's attention shortly after the opening of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Historic Pleasure Pier in 20\u2588\u2588, and the subsequent disappearance of several park employees while crossing from land to the pier. To date, fifteen individuals are known to have become lost within SCP-869, comprising eleven civilians and four Foundation personnel. Refer to Document 869-332-B for a full accounting of surveying actions and dossiers on missing persons.\n\n+ Show Addendum 869-1\n\n- Hide Addendum 869-1\n\nAddendum 869-1, 7/30/1948: On Monday, July 26th, an individual identifying himself as Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 presented himself at Site 11, bearing an otherwise apparently valid identification badge that does not match any individual currently employed by the Foundation, claiming to be a Foundation researcher from \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 of the year 20\u2588\u2588. During debriefing, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed that he had become stuck in the present day while investigating an SCP object that does not yet exist at this time, and had reported to the nearest Foundation facility in accordance with protocol. To corroborate his claims, he demonstrated knowledge of a wide variety of Foundation protocols, security procedures, and objects currently in containment. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 additionally made several claims regarding world events to occur later in the 20th century and SCP objects not currently known to the Foundation or not currently in Foundation custody. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was particularly insistent that the Foundation should terminate an eight-year-old boy residing in Dallas who he claimed would assassinate a future president of the United States, and that under no circumstances should a man named \"Thomas Wertham\" be recruited by the Foundation as a researcher. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 additionally provided an SCP document, represented above, which he stated was the containment file for the anomaly responsible for his arriving in this era.\nBased on Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's demonstrated knowledge of Foundation procedures, his behavior during enhanced debriefing, and the nature of several other anomalous artifacts found on and in his person, his claims are presumed to be genuine at this time. The Foundation is currently canvassing the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 area for any indication of the presence of the other missing persons referred to in the above containment document. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been treated with Class-B and Class-C amnestics and transferred to Site 73 for long-term observation pending determination of how to address the issue of other persons temporally displaced as a result of SCP-869.\n\n+ Show revised Special Containment Procedures\n\n-Hide revised Special Containment Procedures\n\nRevised Special Containment Procedures, 8/23/1948: All persons identified as having arrived in the present era as a result of SCP-869 are to be taken into Foundation custody as soon as possible. Subjects are to be debriefed and released into the civilian population after undergoing amnestic therapy. Fingerprint records from temporally displaced persons are to be preserved for the purpose of testing to confirm the identity of persons reported missing within SCP-869 after its construction.\nThe names of temporally displaced persons are to be permanently expunged from the record. All foreknowledge of events yet to occur acquired from debriefing is to be made accessible to Level 5 personnel only and is to be referred to only for the purposes of verifying that subjects are genuine victims of temporal displacement. The Foundation is to take no action, directly or indirectly, based on foreknowledge acquired from persons temporally displaced by SCP-869, either to prevent or to encourage the occurrence of events described therein.\nSCP-869's containment document is not to be filed in the central database. Upon the construction of SCP-869 in 20\u2588\u2588, research personnel are not to be informed of the existence of this document. After SCP-869's containment file is approved and filed in the central database, it is to be checked against the document above after each revision to determine when and if the filed document matches the content of the document above.\n\n+ Show Addendum 869-23\n\n- Hide Addendum 869-23\n\nAddendum 869-23, 5/30/2012: On 5/28/2012, Dr. Jacob Andrews failed to return from a survey of SCP-869 by 9 P.M. and was not subsequently seen or heard from. As of that date, the copy of SCP-869's containment document filed in the central database was a word-for-word match for the SCP-869 containment document recovered by the Foundation in 1948. Comparison of Dr. Andrews' fingerprints against those archived following the initial recovery of the SCP-869 document in 1948 suggest a high probability that Dr. Andrews is the unnamed doctor who provided that documentation to the Foundation. Subject 869-1, as he is referred to in later documents, remained in Foundation custody at Site 73 until he died in 1967 when SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 breached containment.\nNotes were found in Dr. Andrews' office after his disappearance in which he stated that, during his research, he had come to the conclusion that SCP-869 represented a means of time travel from this era to one specific date in the past, and that he had decided to conduct an experiment to determine whether it was possible to use his knowledge of events yet to occur as of 1948 to alter the course of history. It can be assumed that his statements to the Foundation in 1948 regarding Lee Harvey Oswald and former Site Director Wertham comprised his attempt to make those changes to the course of history.\nEffective immediately, no personnel conducting surveys within SCP-869 are to leave the pier by any means other than SCP-869 itself. Any proposals for experiments to alter the course of history, or pass foreknowledge of post-1948 events to individuals within the anomaly, are preemptively denied. Survey personnel are authorized to use lethal force to prevent attempts to violate this directive.\nIt is impossible to determine to what extent Dr. Andrews and other persons lost within SCP-869 have affected the course of history from what it may have been prior to their becoming temporally displaced, or whether any of those persons may still be alive. The Foundation has identified twenty-one people as having been displaced to 1948 as the result of SCP-869; given that only fifteen people are mentioned in the original document, and only sixteen are known to have gone missing including Dr. Andrews himself, it can be presumed that at least five more persons will be temporally displaced by SCP-869 in the future. Coroner reports from 1948 indicate that two adult males who had been killed by gunshot washed up on the shore near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in late July 1948. Bullets found within the remains were consistent with standard rounds used in sidearms issued to Foundation survey teams operating within SCP-869; due to the extent to which the bodies had decayed at the time of discovery, and the incompleteness of the medical examiner's reports, it is impossible to determine whether those bodies represent victims of unrelated violence or persons yet to be lost within SCP-869.\n\n\u00ab SCP-868 | SCP-869 | SCP-870 \u00bb"} {"text": "Sketch of SCP-870 from the journal of Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nItem #: SCP-870\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-870 is to be contained in a sealed chamber measuring 8 m \u00d7 8 m. Motion sensors are to be placed in the containment area and movements of SCP-870 are to be monitored at all times.\nA motion activated turret is to be placed directly outside the containment area to prevent the escape of SCP-870. One (1) D-class personnel suffering from schizophrenia is to observe SCP-870 via camera at all times.\nSCP-870 is to be provided with one (1) bovine carcass every forty-eight (48) hours.\nDescription: SCP-870 is an animal species of undetermined proportions and appearance, which, for unknown reasons, can only be perceived by individuals suffering from schizophrenia. This often results in specimens of SCP-870 being dismissed as hallucinations. Specimens of SCP-870 are omnivorous and seem to eat nearly all kinds of plants and meat, but will typically eat their food in secluded areas.\nNotably, two people with the ability to perceive SCP-870 will describe its appearance in completely different ways, even when looking at the same specimen of SCP-870. Descriptions of SCP-870 have included:\n\nAn alligator with spider legs and three eyes.\nA man made out of smoke.\nA giant ant with a human face.\nA hunchbacked child with a parrot's head.\nA spider with 'too many legs'.\nA giant centipede with human arms instead of legs.\n\nSpecimens of SCP-870 are highly predatory, and will typically stalk their prey for months and years without eating. It is unknown how they manage to last this time without succumbing to malnutrition. Eventually, at a seemingly random time when their prey is alone or in a secluded area, SCP-870 will kill and swallow their prey whole. (See Interview 870-1)\nSCP-870's method of reproduction is currently unknown, but the journal of schizophrenic researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 speculates that they do not actually require sustenance to survive, and instead re-purpose the body of their victim into their young over a large period of time. This theory has not been verified, and research is underway to test it.\nThe specimen of SCP-870 currently in Foundation custody frequently attempts to breach containment, and has proven hostile to all personnel. Banging noises are audible from SCP-870's containment area at all hours of the day. Research is ongoing to find a way to perceive SCP-870 without being schizophrenic, but this may take a considerable length of time.\nIt is currently believed that there could be dozens, if not hundreds of SCP-870 in the world. They are a clear and present danger to the public, and steps must be taken to destroy or contain the species.\n\nInterview 870-1\n\nClose Interview \n\nInterviewed: Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported to police that he had killed a 'monster' at his home in \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was later found to be schizophrenic and the Foundation, suspecting SCP-870 involvement, brought him in for interrogation.\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. How are you?\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Fi\u2026I'm fine, fine. Who are you?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I am Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. I'm just here to verify some details about what you told the police.\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Sure, I guess. Shoot.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What did this 'monster' look like, can you describe it for me?\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you calling me a liar? It's true, I swear, it was there!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please, answer the question, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Sorry\u2026sorry. Just kinda stressed. Well, it sort of looked like a spider, but with way\u2026way too many legs. It was just running at me and screeching and I shot it.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Was this the first time you'd seen the monster, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Um, uh\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm sorry? Answer the question, please.\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'd\u2026I'd been seeing them everywhere. I'd been following them, seeing what they did. I needed to know they were real, you know?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Understandable. Did you see anything important?\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: One of the bastards was hunting this guy. I just saw it, outside his house, watching him. Me watching it watching him. Have\u2026have you ever dropped something, then looked on the floor and it's gone?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Certainly, why?\nMr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It's not just gone. This guy, I saw him drop a ruler and that thing, it was under his desk, it just snatched it and ate it whole. Then a few days later, it ate him. Swallowed him whole.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Well\u2026thank you, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Miss \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 will see you out.\n\n\nClosing Statement: Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was dosed with a Class A amnestic and subsequently released. Worryingly, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 implied that SCP-870 were present in a major population center. Further investigation is ongoing.\n\nAddendum 870-1: I, personally, don't believe that the schizophrenics are really seeing SCP-870 fully, they can just see it more than us. We don't see it because our brains aren't made to see it. The schizophrenics, their brains are wired up just that tiny bit differently, and they can see it just a tiny bit more. These things have the perfect camouflage, and we simply are unable to see through it. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-869 | SCP-870 | SCP-871 \u00bb"} {"text": "An instance of SCP-871\n\nItem #: SCP-871\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Each recurrence of SCP-871 is to be maintained within a separate, locked concrete cell on a metal platter permanently affixed to the surface of an immovable wooden table. Each cell housing a recurrence of SCP-871 is to be monitored on a 24-hour basis via closed-circuit camera, with individual feeds checked every 15 minutes.\nUpon creation of an instance of SCP-871, 3 Class D personnel are to be escorted by armed guards to its cell, where they are to be sealed with the instance and induced to consume it. No more than one hour may be spent performing this task. In cases where additional motivation is needed, the termination of one of the Class D personnel assigned to an instance of SCP-871 is authorized. Upon completion of the consumption of an instance, no participants may exit the cell until both they and the room have been thoroughly searched to confirm that no portions remain. The platter, table, and room are then to be cleaned in preparation for the next instance.\nClass D personnel who prove cooperative in the consumption of an instance of SCP-871 may volunteer to participate in additional consumptions. Personnel exhibiting exceptional usefulness may have their monthly termination postponed. Such personnel are under no circumstances to be allowed to interact with any other SCP object.\nNo desserts of any kind are to be served on-site at any facility housing a recurrence of SCP-871.\nDescription: SCP-871 is a collection of 237 cakes. Instances of SCP-871 vary widely in appearance and size, covering the entire range of foods described by humans as \"cake\". The smallest observed instance of SCP-871 was a miniature cupcake with a mass of 15 grams. The largest yet observed was a 22-kilogram baumkuchen measuring 2 meters in length.\nWhen any instance of SCP-871 is consumed by a human or a collection of humans, it is replaced approximately 24 hours afterward with a similar cake. This cake will appear on a flat surface in the vicinity of the location where the previous instance was eaten. If any of these cakes is substantially damaged through any means other than being eaten by a human, including being eaten by a non-human animal, it will be replaced instantaneously. Instances recreated in this manner maintain the schedule of the original instance. The mechanism by which instances of SCP-871 are replaced is currently unknown.\nIndividual recurrences of SCP-871 have been observed to \"mutate\" over time, varying in minor characteristics between each instance, with larger changes occurring in roughly 5% of replacements. No deleterious effects have been observed to result from the consumption of SCP-871, even in cases where several instances have been consumed, excepting those expectable from eating large amounts of cake.\nSCP-871's danger originates in the consequences of an instance not being eaten. Any instance of SCP-871 which is not consumed will cause a new cake to be created in its vicinity after 24 hours. While this is similar to its normal \"replacement\" behavior, the original instance will continue to exhibit the same properties, replicating if damaged and continuing to \"replace\" itself every 24 hours. This behavior has been observed in all cases where more than 10% of the mass of an instance remained unconsumed. As there is no known mechanism for halting SCP-871's replication, any uncontained instances could replicate exponentially, quickly becoming unmanageable. No maintainable plans for the containment of more than 20,000 instances of SCP-871 have yet been devised. It is estimated that an uncontrolled outbreak originating with a single instance would render the earth uninhabitable within 80 days.\n\n\u00ab SCP-870 | SCP-871 | SCP-872 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-872 in its original location.\n\nItem #: SCP-872\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not under controlled observation, SCP-872 is to be kept in cold storage at Sector-\u2588\u2588. SCP-872 is to be kept two (2) kilometers from any concentrated group of animals considered livestock at all times.\nWhen under controlled observation, a perimeter is to be established outside the observation area and research is to cease immediately in the event of an attempted containment breach. Ten (10) members of security are to be present during controlled observation to enforce this. Controlled observation must be approved by one (1) member of Level 4 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-872 is an aged scarecrow outfitted with a tattered coat and hat, measuring three (3) meters tall and ten (10) centimeters wide. SCP-872 is composed of pine wood, splinters of which have not displayed its anomalous properties.\nWhen animals considered livestock (sheep, cows, chickens, etc.) enter the area within 1.5 km of SCP-872, they are immediately affected by its anomalous properties. SCP-872 affected animals are extremely hostile to humans and will viciously assault any who approach them. Affected animals have been observed to utilize advanced maneuvers such as flanking and ambushing.\n\nA group of SCP-872-affected sheep.\n\nAffected animals have also been observed to behave as if in an automated farm environment. Chickens will lay their eggs in easy-to-access areas. Sheep will attempt to remove wool from each other using their teeth. Cows have been observed to kill one (1) cow each week, and roughly separate its carcass into strips of meat.\nEach month, the animals will transport anything produced to the perimeter of SCP-872's area of influence and allow humans to remove it from the area.\nWhen removed from SCP-872's area of influence, affected animals immediately enter a vegetative state. This vegetative state is reversed when said animals are returned into SCP-872's area of influence.\n\n\u00ab SCP-871 | SCP-872 | SCP-873 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-873\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-873 is kept in a secure room at Site-19. (Revised see: Containment Procedure Updates) Three wide-spectrum high-definition cameras shall be mounted in order to maintain 360-degree observation of SCP-873 on a continual basis. Recorded video data shall be archived in the Foundation's secure network and access granted to any researcher with a clearance 2 or better upon request. Physical examination and testing of SCP-873 is permitted with written approval from Level 3 or above. (Revised see: Containment Procedure Updates)\nContainment Procedure Update \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588: Until further notice, physical access to SCP-873, as well as access to recorded video from SCP-873, is restricted to researchers with direct approval of the site director.\nContainment Procedure Update \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: Until further notice, physical access to SCP-873, as well as access to recorded video from SCP-873 is restricted to level 4 researchers with O5 approval.\nContainment Procedure Update \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: SCP-873 is to be permanently relocated to Site \u2588\u2588 and stored in a concrete-lined vault at least 2000m below ground and at least 100km from any other SCP containment facility or human population center. Archives of video surveillance are to be encrypted to a secure, dedicated data warehouse with access limited to level 4 and above. Any changes in mass, volume or apparent refractive index must be reported immediately to O5 command.\nDescription: SCP-873 is a spherical object 138mm across with a detectable mass of 5.3kg. It gives the appearance of being made of flawless glass or crystal, but all attempts to determine the material of its construction have been inconclusive. No attempt to remove a sample has been successful, and spectroscopic analysis has shown no absorption spectra that can be attributed to the object. Because of its anomalous properties, its refractive index can only be estimated.\nThe object is transparent, but only 50% of photons entering the sphere will emerge, while a variable percentage of photons emerging from SCP-873 originate from SCP-873 itself. (This has been confirmed using quantum entanglement and a coherent light source.) The photons emerging from SCP-873 appear to originate from light striking an identical object displaced in both time and space from SCP-873. This object has been designated SCP-873-Prime (or SCP-873'). The anomalous effects of both SCP-873 and SCP-873' seem identical, in that an observer of SCP-873' will perceive 50% of photons striking SCP-873 as being emitted from SCP-873', whereas SCP-873 emits 50% of photons striking SCP-873'.\nIn addition, while the light emitted from SCP-873 shows no anomalous properties in and of itself, the images provided are presented in strict reverse chronological order. To an observer of SCP-873 it appears that SCP-873' is moving backwards in time at a rate of exactly one second per second. The effect is mirrored for any observer of SCP-873', who would perceive their images from SCP-873 as progressing backward in time at the same 1:1 ratio.\nDespite the differences in perception of time between observers of SCP-873 and SCP-873', written communication has been possible. Unfortunately, information transfer is often hindered by quantum interference rendering messages illegible. It has been theorized that the interference is a form of paradox censorship.\nCurrent observations and experiments are recording images from SCP-873' in the possession of Dr. Ivan \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a physician to the court of Tsar Alexander I in 18\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 1:\n\n+ Acquisition Notes SCP-873\n\n- Acquisition Notes SCP-873 \n\nSCP-873 was purchased clandestinely from the archives of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University in Volgograd in \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1992. Most paperwork in regards to the provenance of the object were lost in the transition between the USSR and the Russian Federation. The only documentation the Foundation has recovered to date is a three page typewritten letter from 194\u2588 from [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] detailing the post-war return of the object to the University. According to [REDACTED] was acquired by a 1927 expedition by the Soviet Academy Of Sciences from Evenk natives in Siberia. No details about the nature, purpose, or participants of the expedition were given.\n\nAddendum 2:\n\n+ Incident I-873-5\n\n- Incident I-873-5\n\nDocument# I-873-5\nPersonnel involved: [REDACTED]\nDate: 09/12/20\u2588\u2588\nLocation: SCP-873 observation room, Site \u2588\u2588\nDescription: Since 6/27/19\u2588\u2588 SCP-873' has been in a locked container producing no visual information. Beginning 13:15 on 09/12/19\u2588\u2588 the following imagery was recorded.\n\n13:15 - Light abruptly appears entering from the top of box SCP-873' is inside as the lid is forcefully opened.\n13:16 - SCP-873' quickly rises into the hands of an unidentified man in dress appropriate to the early 19th Century Russian Empire. The man is apparently shouting something at SCP-873' as he places it on a desk in front of him. Visible on the desk is an open strongbox and, through an open door a female corpse can be seen.\n13:17 - The man holds up a partly-crumpled piece of paper to SCP-873'. One message has been scrawled out illegibly, and beneath that is one sentence reading:\n\n\"I know what you will do now.\"\n\n13:18 - The man takes the message and un-writes it with a quill pen drawn from a holder next to SCP-873'. He then violently scratches out the prior message, revealing it. With shaking hands, he unsmoothes the paper, leaving it a crumpled ball, and carefully places it on the floor next to the open door to the office.\n13:19 \u2013 The man returns to the desk, closes the strongbox, and walks backwards out of the room with it, stepping over the corpse in the doorway.\n13:25 - The man runs backwards into the room, almost tripping on the corpse. He is holding a cane that shows signs of blood and hair stuck to it. He comes to an abrupt halt in the doorway and stares down at the dead woman for approximately six minutes.\n13:31 - The man raises his cane, and the woman's corpse leaps up to meet it. The cane rebounds off her head and shoulders three times before she's left standing, facing the man as he lowers the cane to his side with a visibly trembling hand.\n13:32 - The man and woman engage in an animated discussion, during which the crumpled paper jumps up from the ground into the man's left hand, where he uncrumples it during the discussion. As the conversation ends, the man appears less anxious and more relaxed.\n13:37 - The man shuts the door on the woman and quickly backs to the desk, sits down and holds the paper up to SCP-873', glancing back toward the door once. On the paper, the first message, now legible, reads:\n\n\"Dear Friends:\nAs you know\u2014 or will know, time proves such an unwelcome barrier\u2014 my wife has always been enthusiastic about our relationship with you. The glimpses of the future you have thus far provided have been [REDACTED] I will apologize if she seems to have gone beyond the bounds of discretion. While you have ever been explicit in requesting our secrecy, you shall find, as I have, that she is strong-willed and has her own opinions about such matters. However, it is her contact with [REDACTED] that may at last provide me with an answer to the origins of this fascinating and terrifying object we share.\n\nContinued communication identifies this man as Dr. Ivan \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Directives from O5 have ordered communication to continue in an effort to gather intelligence about the origins of SCP-873'. Communication with Dr. Ivan \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is ongoing and will continue for the next \u2588 years until the observed SCP-873' timeline reaches the point where [REDACTED] presented Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 with SCP-873' as a gift.\n\nAddendum 3:\n\n+ Note on update to containment procedures\n\n- Note on update to containment procedures\n\nAfter extrapolating back the timelines of SCP-873 and SCP-873' and assuming a constant 1:1 ratio, the point where both timelines become coincident is 00:17 UT June 30, 1908. Given that SCP-873 was recovered in Siberia by a 1927 expedition by the Soviet Academy Of Sciences, and such an expedition in 1927 was the first recorded on-site investigation of [REDACTED] can be almost certain that it is not a coincidence. Since it is unknown if [REDACTED] was the source of the anomalous properties of SCP-873, or if SCP-873 was the cause of [REDACTED] it is recommended that containment procedures and object classification are updated accordingly.\n\nRequest granted\u2014 O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-872 | SCP-873 | SCP-874 \u00bb"} {"text": "Overhead view of a pool of inactive SCP-874\n\nItem #: SCP-874\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: While not undergoing experimentation, SCP-874 is to be kept in a container such that no horizontal volume of the substance is shallower than 5 cm. The fluid must be in constant motion, such as being stirred. With the Foundation's current supply of SCP-874, this is to be a cylindrical steel vat of radius seven meters and height 10 meters. While SCP-874 is under study, no non-Class D personnel are to be within five meters of the liquid. Any lab in which SCP-874 is studied should be equipped with a winch system of no less than \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 horsepower and with steel rope of 5 (five) cm thickness. All personnel who have been immersed in SCP-874 in its active state should be terminated after study.\nDescription: SCP-874 is a black, largely unreflective fluid with 30.87 cP viscosity and reflectivity less than a tenth of that of water. When it approaches a static depth of 2 cm, the fluid functions as a portal to a seemingly infinite space. Telemetry into the abyss has led to no conclusive results as to its dimensions. Audio readings and personnel report the sound of distant grinding of metal and stone from this portal. Occasionally, viewers and visual recording equipment can glimpse what appears to be immense rotating \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 drifting aimlessly in the otherwise featureless blackness.\nAssuming, as evidenced, zero gravity, an object propelled through the portal can travel approximately 3000 km before being totally obscured by the very light fog that fills the abyss. Objects partially lowered into the surface cannot be retrieved by any effort less than the recommended \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 horsepower. Later experiments (those after March \u2588\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588) revealed that objects left in for more than five minutes are quickly worn away by invisible \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nClass D personnel who touched the portal reported that it felt like putting their hand in a cool bowl of water. They were unable to remove their limbs from the surface, reflecting the difficulty of extracting inanimate objects from the portal. The personnel claimed that it felt as though an array of wires were holding them in (video recordings of the puddle showed no change in the skin formation of these participants). After five minutes expired, the limbs were severed, which later examination showed to be due to a large number of irregular, shallow cuts. The first batch of personnel totally submersed in SCP-874 was [DATA EXPUNGED]. The next sequence of experiments was conducted after the winch system was tested with non-living objects, which were safely retrieved if pulled up before five minutes of submersion. When the next group of personnel was retrieved with harnesses, they reported [DATA EXPUNGED] (see Document 874-9). Upon extraction, the group expressed elation and awe. Shortly afterward, they began to self-mutilate and exhibit violent and suicidal tendencies.\nInterview Log #874-1\n\nDocument #874-2: Interview with D-17549\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Before you were extracted, what did you see behind the portal?\nD-17549: Those eyes. Like they didn't care a bit. How beautiful.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What eyes? Please explain what you saw thoroughly.\nD-17549: And their \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were like little knives! And how they played against each other.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: D-17549, you are being uncooperative. If you do not answer the questions I'm asking you, you may have to suffer an early termination.\nD-17549: Ah, yes. That would be nice. Please, ask away.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What did you see whe - wait, did you say \"nice\"?\nD-17549: We saw quite a large number of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Now, I helped you; will you help me?\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You aren't in any position to be making requests.\nD-17549: I would very much like to see things the way the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 down there do. Just tell those men with the guns to put a bullet in me.\nD-17549 starts bashing his head against the desk. Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 backs away from the table. D-17549 tackles him and is shot by security.\n\n\u00ab SCP-873 | SCP-874 | SCP-875 \u00bb"} {"text": "Entrance to SCP-875.\n\nItem #: SCP-875\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-875 is to be marked on all maps as a military base, and all satellite images taken of the area are to be altered according to Procedure Watson-24. Any civilians approaching SCP-875 are to be brought into Foundation custody and dosed with a Class-A amnestic. After dosage, civilians are to be returned to the nearest city to SCP-875, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-875-1 stings are to be treated by on-site medical personnel using alkali prescribed in Medical Chart 875-1-1. In extreme cases, amputation of affected limbs is authorized.\nNo research personnel are to enter SCP-875 without an escort of two (2) members of security. Six (6) maintenance personnel are to be on duty in SCP-875's reactor room at all times. SCP-875's reactor is to be checked for breaches each hour. In the event of a breach, SCP-875 is to be evacuated immediately.\nIn the event of specimens of SCP-875-3 becoming active, security personnel are to respond immediately and subdue specimens in a non-fatal manner. Specimens are then to be transported to Site \u2588\u2588, where research staff will take over the operation.\nDescription: SCP-875 is an underground pyramid estimated to be \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 years old and located in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Desert. No evidence of SCP-875's construction exists in records from the period, although evidence suggests that SCP-875 was man-made. The outer layer of SCP-875 is made of regular sandstone, but possesses an inner layer composed of an as-yet unknown alloy.\nThe first floor of SCP-875, accessible through the entrance tunnel, possesses the layout of a maze or labyrinth. Mechanisms contained within the floor and walls of the maze alter the configuration of this floor every forty-eight (48) hours. Notably, the hallways in this section of the structure appear to have been constructed with entities much taller than humans in mind. Several pressure plates and hidden levers are capable of opening certain sections of the maze and releasing swarms of SCP-875-1.\nSCP-875-1 are small flying insect-like creatures approximately six (6) centimeters in length and three (3) grams in mass. Their appearance bears no similarity to any known species, suggesting extraterrestrial origin. SCP-875-1 possess a highly acidic sting that has been observed to cause severe damage to nerves and tendons. Due to their swarming behaviour, SCP-875-1 attacks can and have resulted in complete liquefaction of limbs.\nDue to previous use of explosives, access to the second floor of SCP-875 is not difficult, provided the breached location can be accessed in the maze's current configuration. The second floor of SCP-875 is home to four large vats containing a liquid similar in appearance to water. This liquid will hereafter be referred to as SCP-875-2. Exposure of humans to SCP-875-2 results in effects similar to an amnestic, but with the additions of a sense of satisfaction and happiness.\nWhat appear to be maintenance tunnels lead down to the third floor of SCP-875, which contains a large nuclear reactor that takes up most of the level. This reactor appears to be self-cooling, as it had not experienced meltdown in the period between SCP-875's desertion and its rediscovery by the Foundation. Nevertheless, measures have been undertaken to monitor and maintain this reactor, which appears to power the machinery on the first, second and fourth floors.\nTunneling through the base of the third floor has revealed a small chamber containing what seem to be ten (10) cryogenic stasis chambers arranged in a circle formation. Each stasis chamber contains a large insectoid creature roughly three (3) meters in height and two hundred and forty (240) kilograms in weight. Three (3) specimens appear to have died and heavily decomposed through failure of the stasis chambers and several of the specimens are heavily injured. These creatures are to be referred to as SCP-875-3. (For further information on SCP-875-3 biology, see Autopsy 875-3-1.)\n\nImage Analysis\n\nClose\n\nAnalysis of several images carved onto the walls of SCP-875's first floor.\n1: Two (2) figures (possibly SCP-875-3 specimens) facing each other. One figure appears to be impaling the other with a spear.\n2: One figure identical to those in the first image facing a human in Ancient Egyptian garb. Figure appears to be holding some manner of slab. Human figure is facing away from the first figure, perhaps suggesting an unwillingness to correspond.\n3: A large chalice with a drop of liquid falling into it. Figure from the first image is standing next to two (2) human figures, who appear to be bowing to it.\n4: Figure from the first image is watching two (2) human figures pulling a large square using ropes.\n5: Figure from the first image is standing next to what appears to be a deceased human figure. First figure appears to be consuming [DATA EXPUNGED].\n6: Figure from the first image inside a small rectangle, perhaps representing SCP-875-3's stasis chambers.\n\nCLASSIFIED - O5 PERMISSIONS REQUIRED\n\nCONFIRM PERMISSIONS\n\nClose\n\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the following transmission was intercepted, the source of which is currently unknown.\n\nThe killers from war will return immediately. That there will be any negotiations. The implementation of these orders will be out or will be offered 95 percent of species extinct. Will be returned to the implementation of the following: It is hatred (killed 33 who were not born yet, and seven others) that it is pestilence (killing 72 who were not born yet, eating five who were not born yet) that it is death (escape with the assistance of killers from war), that it is\n\nAfter this point, the transmission quickly deteriorated and became unintelligible.\n\n\u00ab SCP-874 | SCP-875 | SCP-876 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-876\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-876-1 through SCP-876-83, excluding SCP-876-43 and SCP-876-61, (known collectively as Group A) are to be kept in a standard large storage container, with two locks. Access to one key is enabled by Level 2 and higher personnel. The second is only available to Level 3 or higher personnel to prevent accidental abuse.\nInformation as to the location of SCP-876-84 through SCP-876-121, SCP-876-43, and SCP-876-61, (known collectively as Group B) is only accessible to Level 4 or higher. Class B amnestic must be given when business regarding Group B is complete. Each bottle in Group B must have its own containment cell, with individual keys. The containment site has 1.5 meter-thick walls of lead.\nAll bottles, whether Group A or Group B, must have their numbers indicated. Labels cannot be placed on the bottles.\nDescription: SCP-876 is a group of traditional pill bottles, label [DATA EXPUNGED]. The bottles are visually identical. If one is damaged, relabeled, or otherwise altered, it will revert to the usual form in \u2588 seconds. If any of the containers becomes empty, one capsule pill will appear inside of it. The pill will be two different colors, but the coloration is always the same for each bottle\u2014for example, SCP-876-2 always forms \u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 samples.\nColors observed are red, transparent, orange, blue, green, white, black, violet, yellow, gray, and [REDACTED].\nWhen one pill is swallowed, no ill effects are observed. When a second pill is swallowed, however, an unknown procedure instantaneously converts all atoms of one element in the user's body to that of another, determined by the colors of the pills and the order ingested. This usually causes a catastrophic reaction (See Experiment Log 876). The second pill will cause this effect regardless of time elapsed. For transparent capsules, a small sample of the element in question can be observed inside, excepting radioactive elements\u2014in those cases, there is no sample.\nAnalysis has shown the colors to follow a simple pattern. If the atomic number (number of protons) for the corresponding element is divided by 11, and the remainder taken, one can match up the quotient and the remainder to two colors. For example, a remainder of 6 will invariably have a purple-sided pill. Therefore, purple means \"6\".\nRefer to the table to determine which number means which color:\n[DATA TABLE EXPUNGED]\nUnfortunately, a red-and-white pill is indistinguishable from a white-and-red pill. For this reason, it must be recorded which of the bottles the pill came from.\nWhen replacement occurs, the new molecules are usually highly unstable. Spontaneous combustion is common. For combinations that avoid this problem (nitrogen to phosphorus, for example), death is immediate due to complete body chemistry failure.\nIn rare cases, the effects are beneficial, but this is always because of the replacement of elemental toxins.\nThe newly formed element always has the most stable number of neutrons: uranium extracted from test subject cadavers is entirely depleted.\nAddendum: See Experiment Log 876.\n\n\u00ab SCP-875 | SCP-876 | SCP-877 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-877\nObject Class: Euclid Keter\nSpecial Containment Protocols: All copies of SCP-877 are to be kept in electromagnetically sealed containers in the Site-19 storage vault. Containers are to be fitted with radio receivers set to scan all frequencies for incoming or outgoing transmissions. A log of previously used frequencies is to be kept on file. Any transmission from any copy of SCP-877 is to be reported immediately to Site-19 command. All efforts are to be made to capture as many specimens of SCP-877 as possible, to determine any of the objects' other abilities.\nDescription: SCP-877 is a set of four ten twelve microchips acquired between 199\u2588 and 201\u2588 from the cerebral cortices of different small mammals. Animals found to contain copies of SCP-877 include, but are not limited to, Sciurus carolinensis (the eastern gray squirrel), Felis catus (the domestic cat), and Eumops perotis (the western mastiff bat). The microchips are unmarked except for small stamps, readable only by electron microscope, that read \u201cALEXYLVA UNIVERSITY BIOLOGY DEPT,\u201d followed by \u201cGENERATION\u201d and a number. However, no records exist of an institution named \u201cAlexylva University.\u201d Moreover, the abilities of these microchips are beyond the technological capability of any known laboratory to create.\nCopies of SCP-877 have a potential processing speed of 3.3x10\u2588\u2588 million instructions per second at \u2588\u2588 terahertz and storage capability estimated at \u2588\u2588\u2588 petabytes. The chips are capable of interfacing with and controlling the motor functions of host creatures, though they will usually allow the animals' instincts to carry out routine affairs (eating, nesting, mating).\nSCP-877 has only primarily been noted to take over its host for the purpose of propagating itself (see Addendum 877-2). The mechanism by which this takes place is unknown, but the behavior associated is well-documented. A host animal will approach another animal and immobilize it by the most expedient means available to it. The host will bite the creature somewhere on the head, making blood contact between the animals. The original host will release the animal after ten minutes.\nWithin twenty-four hours, a new copy of SCP-877 will emerge in the new host; the chip will be slightly smaller and the generation number will have advanced by one. The highest generation number located to date is \u2588 (see Addendum 877-2 for update), and each chip appears to be capable of propagating itself six times, implying that the total population of SCP-877 may be in the millions tens of millions.\nAddendum 877-1: Recovery Log: The first copy of SCP-877 located was discovered by zoological researchers at the University of [REDACTED] in Tennessee in 199\u2588 during a typical dissection. Its unusual presence inside the creature drew the attention of Foundation scientists, who determined it to be a first generation chip. Analysis of unusual energy readings from the chip led to scanning for radio transmissions with a frequency of [REDACTED], leading to the capture of two more chips. Instances of SCP-877 began changing frequencies repeatedly; however, having several specimens in captivity made tracking easier.\nAddendum 877-2: Update Log\n\u2588\u2588 February 2011: Tenth specimen acquired. During testing, a major spike in radio activity was recorded on several different frequencies. At this time, all instances of SCP-877 in captivity ceased transmitting on any frequency, and all known frequencies for SCP-877 transmission went dead. O5 Command believes the rest of the chips are communicating on scrambled channels and continuing their propagation cycles. Without any understanding of the chips' origins or ultimate goal, the threat level of SCP-877 is to be considered high and attempts to locate specimens of and materials relating to SCP-877 should be considered top priority.\n\u2588-\u2588\u2588 August 2011: On two separate occasions within a week, reports were received of attacks against isolated humans by clusters of animals of different species working together. A single specimen of Didelphis virginiana, the North American opossum, was captured. Presence of SCP-877 confirmed during dissection. Reclassification to Keter requested.\n\u2588\u2588 August 2011: Keter reclassification denied by O5 command.\n\u2588\u2588 September 2011: Another attack involving SCP-877 recorded. Two Boston terriers, four squirrels, and a garter snake cooperated in attacking an eleven-year-old child who had strayed into a wooded area near her home. Using radio frequency tracking, the two terriers were contained; presence of SCP-877 was confirmed by dissection. Both specimens were marked \"GENERATION \u2588\u2588\" and were located deeper in the cerebrum, making discovery more difficult. Mobile Task Force Rho-1 (\"The Professors\") formed and mobilized for rapid response and containment of SCP-877 instances.\n\u2588\u2588 September 2011: After reports of unusually violent behavior, the victim of the previous SCP-877 attack was brought in by Foundation researchers. MRI scan inconclusive, though a small shadow was seen in the cerebral cortex. Researchers confirmed that the object was most likely SCP-877, given its consistent shape and location during multiple scans, though definite identification would not be possible while the subject was still alive due to the chip's placement.\n\u2588\u2588 September 2011: Keter reclassification approved by O5 command.\n\n\u00ab SCP-876 | SCP-877 | SCP-878 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-878\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Efforts to physically contain either SCP-878-1 or SCP-878-2 have as yet been unsuccessful. It appears by all evidence that SCP-878-1 has no special abilities separate from SCP-878-2, though SCP-878-2 has shown a primitive sort of willingness to protect SCP-878-1. Their primary effect can be completely abated by disrupting distribution and broadcast of any media containing SCP-878; Foundation personnel will monitor television, film, or any other media containing SCP-878 for purposes of suppression. This has successfully prevented SCP-878's effect in 78% of containment attempts since discovery of SCP-878. Barring this, iterations of SCP-878-3 can be contained and prevented from harming others; this raises containment effectiveness to 95%.\nDescription: SCP-878 is an actor, alias \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" (SCP-878-1), and a prop knife closely resembling a 6th century iron dagger from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 dynasty period in \u2588\u2588\u2588 (classified as SCP-878-2). SCP-878-1 has never had a permanent role on any television show, nor a role of any real importance in any film. SCP-878-1 appears approximately once every \u2588 months on the set of various television shows, films, or theatrical performances during production; the crew forgets SCP-878-1 was ever absent, and alters the script to include \"him.\"\nAfter SCP-878-1's appearance, at some point throughout the course of the plot, the character played by SCP-878-1 will find itself in a situation that brings it into conflict with a more important character. The conflict will develop into blows, which always ends similarly. SCP-878-1 will beat his opponent mercilessly, far beyond both what is necessary to disable the character and beyond the level of brutality typically expected from the film or show in question. Once the other character stands for the last time, SCP-878-1 will strike the other character with the back of his left hand, leaving them sprawled on a desk or some other elevated surface, remove SCP-878-2 from an unknown location, then plunge the knife fully into the other character's heart. SCP-878-1 will turn towards the camera; at the moment his eyes meet the camera, the show will go to commercial or the film will change scenes. Alternately, during theatrical performances, SCP-878-1 will simply disappear, with no audience member able to recall where the character went. SCP-878-1 will not be seen again, and no explanation will be given for his absence.\nFrom this point on, the actor who was \"killed\" may be identified as SCP-878-3. After the event SCP-878-3 will begin to display behavioral abnormalities uncharacteristic of their previous personality. This will begin with minor sex scandals and drug addictions, degenerating within a matter of weeks into paranoia and homicidal tendencies. If SCP-878 is observed at work, SCP-878-3 can be contained by Foundation personnel, though the symptoms will never abate and the actor will typically find a way to kill either others or themselves. Since most instances of SCP-878-3 simply \"disappear\" from the public eye, a fate not uncommon for less well-known actors, the correlation between SCP-878-1 and his effects has gone unnoticed by the general public, and a stress-related cover story is given to the actor's families.\nTo the extent that they are a single entity, SCP-878's motives are unknown. No records of SCP-878-1 appearing in any media without SCP-878-2 exist, and his real identity is unknown. Proposals for controlled use of SCP-878 as a means of containing broadcast based anomalies, such as SCP-1241, are currently under review.\n\n\u00ab SCP-877 | SCP-878 | SCP-879 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-879\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Revised \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. Due to the successful capture of SCP-879, it is to be stored in a reinforced aquatic specimen tank measuring 30 x 20 x 10 meters on Site-\u2588\u2588. SCP-879 is to be kept in a chemically-induced coma via intravenous injection. It requires no nutrients outside of bi-weekly hydrogen sulfide injections.\nAll tools that come in contact with SCP-879 are to be fully sterilized, so as to prevent accidental spread or exposure of the entity's pheromones.\nThe former Site-55 and all specimens of SCP-879-2 contained therein are to be remotely observed by drones operated from the Foundation research ships Andromeda, Alcatraz, and Black Martin. A 20 km security perimeter is to be kept around Site-55 at all times.\nDescription: SCP-879 is an oceanic mammal measuring 26 meters in length (85.3 feet), bearing a strong resemblance to the order Cetacea. The creature has smooth skin, which is primarily black with a white underbelly, and moves by means of a fluked tail and ten sets of flippers. The two foremost pairs are highly muscular, and are still used as rudimentary limbs during beaching. While SCP-879 is toothed, it also possesses a set of retractable baleen.\nSCP-879 exudes a powerful pheromone based in epidermal oils with severe mind-altering effects in humans over a range of approximately 100 meters, as well as the capability of further spread through physical contact. Those exposed to the pheromone will seek out SCP-879 with single-minded determination, ignoring all but the strongest of outside stimuli. Study of subjects' brain chemistry indicates a state resembling sexual attraction. Upon encountering SCP-879, subjects will strip themselves of clothing, make physical contact with the entity, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Surgical removal is only viable within the first hour of absorption, and has only been effective in \u2588.\u2588% of attempts.\nSCP-879 currently has no fewer than seventy-three individual humans absorbed into its own body, which now exist as vestigial clusters of organs. The subjects' neural and cardiovascular systems are linked to that of SCP-879, while unnecessary systems such as the digestive and respiratory have atrophied. This effectively grants SCP-879 a secondary nervous system and the appropriate means to oxygenate it, as well as the functions granted by the repurposing of these grafts. Absorbed bodies fall into one of three categories:\n\nSexual: Grafts will be repurposed into reproductive organs, supplying eggs and sperm to SCP-879 and granting it the capability of hermaphroditic reproduction.\n\nChemosynthetic: Grafts will become organs housing specialized bacteria which feed off of hydrogen sulfide that has been absorbed by SCP-879 and are used as a steady supply of energy.\n\nUnspecialized: Grafts will serve no further purpose after absorption.\n\nSCP-879 was first seen in 1976, when it beached itself on the island housing Site-55 (Coordinates [REDACTED], off the coast of Antarctica), and proceeded to absorb the staff present and spawn the first generation of SCP-879-2. This breeding site has been used for all subsequent generations, with an average of 3-4 years between beachings. Outside of reproduction, SCP-879's recorded pre-containment behavior consisted solely of seafloor hibernation periods used to absorb hydrogen sulfide from deep-water vents and a migratory swimming pattern contained within an approximately 1200 square mile section of the Antarctic and south Pacific oceans.\nThere have been nine recorded generations of SCP-879-2, (Classified as SCP-879-2a to SCP-879-2i) and a total of eighty-six individuals living on Site-55 as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. The appearance of these differs from brood to brood: earlier generations bear more resemblance to humans, while later ones will more closely resemble SCP-879. All specimens of SCP-879-2 have shown aggression towards any intrusion upon Site-55 by Foundation personnel, and no individuals are capable of moving themselves any significant distance away from Site-55. It is believed that SCP-879-2 would have reached full development by the twelfth generation.\nAddendum-01: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: Due to a shift in SCP-879's migration pattern, which brought it dangerously close to Tasmania and the Australian coast, operation \u201cBelly Flop\u201d was ordered by the O5 board, carried out by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Agent \u2588.\nAddendum-02: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: Operation \u201cBelly Flop\u201d concludes as a success: SCP-879 was brought under Foundation control, but with more physical damage than originally projected. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was put under disciplinary review for causing needless damage to an SCP item.\nAddendum-03: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010: Footage recorded by drones observing Site-55 shows two SCP-879-2 individuals (897-2i-3 and 879-2h-6, respectively) displaying mating behavior. Results of said behavior remain inconclusive. Observation of Site-55 has been increased, and five members of task force Gamma-6 deployed to the Black Martin to provide further support.\n\n\u00ab SCP-878 | SCP-879 | SCP-880 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-880\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A perimeter has been established 5 kilometres from the edge of SCP-880, and non-authorized personnel entering this area are to be detained, questioned, and issued Class-A amnestics. Several observation outposts have been constructed in the surrounding area to provide overwatch and to alert perimeter patrols should civilians be approaching. Due to the domicile nature of the effect surrounding SCP-880, the airspace within an 8 kilometre radius has been declared unsafe for flying, with corresponding cover plan \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-880 is a town established in Quebec, Canada. Various signs and documents found within SCP-880 list the town's name as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, founded in 18\u2588\u2588. Retrieved pieces of [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] within SCP-880 support 19\u2588\u2588 as the date which it was abandoned. A census (document 880-18) found within the city hall lists the population as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-880 has an observed effect extending to \u2588\u2588 kilometres, covering [REDACTED]. All roads and entrances into SCP-880 have been removed or altered so that they join with existing roadway outside of SCP-880.\nSCP-880 exhibits several abnormal characteristics, most notably what appears to be a nearly constant blizzard1, breaking for an average of 1-2 hours daily. Analysis of this event has determined SCP-880 experiences no snowfall, and intense winds have produced various squalls which cause the illusion of a blizzard. Despite the potential of snow drifts within SCP-880, no level of snow deeper than sixteen (16) centimetres has been found within SCP-880 or in the surrounding area. Anything entering SCP-880 during a storm or within when a storm begins has so far proven to be irrevocably lost, despite extensive search and rescue efforts. GPS location fails shortly after a storm begins, transmission and rescue lines are cut, and radio communication becomes impossible due to overwhelming interference. Current tallies set the number of personnel lost to SCP-880 at 32.\nDespite lack of occupation, SCP-880's structures have not shown any sign of decay in the years which they have been monitored by the Foundation. Items discovered within SCP-880 occasionally have large temperature variances compared to their surroundings; similarly, they show no evidence of colonization by microorganisms. Fireplaces will have glowing charcoal remains present within them, and food left in the open will not rot. This effect appears only limited to SCP-880, and after removal objects are subject to being damaged and to experiencing decay.\nAddendum-880-1: On date 11/09/19\u2588\u2588, the second team (see file C-E8802) to attempt exploration of SCP-880 was lost when an unexpected storm began surrounding SCP-880. Although recovery failed, a line being used to track the team had been sliced on the edge of the storm, and analysis of the frayed end showed evidence of glass shavings within the wire.\nAddendum-880-2: Since initial recovery by the Foundation, the census of SCP-880 has increased by 32.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Due to the similarity of this phenomena to the abilites possessed by SCP-2082 investigation into a potential connection between the two objects is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-879 | SCP-880 | SCP-881 \u00bb"} {"text": "Daleth Basement\n\nItem #: SCP-881\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-881 are stored in Daleth Basement of Site-35. Daleth Basement's air and water filters must be checked and cleaned weekly, as well as after any research extraction or insertion. SCP-881 instances grow their own food provided the artificial sunlight is continually functioning.\nDescription: SCP-881 is composed of 9891 instances, each representing part of the former human, animal, and plant life of the cities of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, which underwent a spatio-physical transformation during the containment and destruction of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588-D. The instances of SCP-881 have been shrunk to a fraction of their former size: the scale varies from subject to subject, such that the largest human is roughly 15 cm tall and the smallest is roughly 2.5 mm tall.\nThe physical conditions that allow for SCP-881's continued existence have been detailed by Dr. Forbes in [DATA EXPUNGED]. The \"Forbes effect\" allows the SCP-881 instances to breathe regular air, metabolize regular or differently-scaled food and water, and otherwise interact with matter in different scales. SCP-881 instances can communicate verbally, though the smallest instances are nearly inaudible to anyone but themselves.\nSelf-aware instances of SCP-881 are numbered individually, in order to keep track of social relationships. Since the incident and subsequent isolation, instances of SCP-881 have formed a distinct social structure between themselves. Instances SCP-881-2166 and SCP-881-1144 are currently nominated the \"leaders\" and managers of the population.\nExcerpts of Incident Log\nInterview 881-12\nInterviewer: Dr. D\u00e4mmer\n\n\nInterviewer: Mr. Hexton, you assured me that the sterilization procedures were carried through 100% of the population.\nSCP-881-2166: Yes, well, sorry. You know it's hard to keep track of what the inchers do in public, let alone in private. (Note: \"inchers\" is the term SCP-881 instances use for those of themselves below 5 mm in size)\nInterviewer: Before I go into length regarding the meaning of \"a hundred percent\", Mr. Hexton, let me point out that we have a record of two new instances on the 5 cm to 10 cm range.\nSCP-881-2166: I\u2026 honestly don't know what happened, chief. I saw the doctor clip one of those women, and he assured me the other was just the same.\nInterviewer: If these couples do not report on how they bypassed sterilization, we will consider more intrusive means, Mr. Hexton. Do not think we won't.\nSCP-881-2166: Hey, chief, these are \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 citizens. They're all stressed, they want to know what you guys are doing to get us to regular size. A schedule or whatever you scientists use, you know?\nInterviewer: You are not \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 citizens any longer and you will know when we deem it proper. Now if I hear of one more child, we're cutting all entertainment feeds.\nSCP-881-2166: With all respect, chief, I think that'd just make things worse.\n\n\nMemorandum 881-C-331\n\nForbes> is this tone really necessary, dammer? these people are traumatized enough as is.\nD\u00e4mmer> SCP are not people, Forbes. Did you skip basic personnel instruction?\nForbes> Heavens, half of them still think they're going home someday. Now that's inhuman.\n\nRequest 881-Eta-55\nContinuity of research on reversal of Forbes effect.\nStatus: rejected by O5-7.\nIncident 881-K6\nIn the past month, two researchers (Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), as well as six D-Classes [REDACTED] which previously had been in contact with SCP-881, have reported to Medical with cases of ulcers and internal bleeding in the lungs, inner ear, and other cavities that could be exposed to the air of Daleth Basement.\nSecurity Changes Post Incident 881-K6\nIngesting or inhaling matter affected by the Forbes effect may cause cellular damage to living beings. SCP-881 matter reassigned to Biosafety Level 3.\nInterview 881-20\nInterviewer: Dr. D\u00e4mmer\n\n\nInterviewer: We have not managed to replicate the source of the contamination from SCP-881 yet. The filters show no foreign matter, yet we've lost two more D-Classes. Until we solve this puzzle, you're in lockdown.\nSCP-881-2166: You know, we could help you with that. We have some very clever people down here.\nInterviewer: You are not researchers, 881-2166. You are test subjects. I misspeak: You are research material.\nSCP-881-2166: Ah, but I did just get word of something you scientists couldn't figure out. The unexplained pregnancies.\nInterviewer: (pause) Yes?\nSCP-881-2166: Turns out this surgeon's been training inchmen as helpers and he's been sewing the women back as a kind of underground resistance. No need for catheters, right? When a guy can just crawl up there and\u2026\nInterviewer: You will deliver us this man's designation immediately. Next week, we're initiating radiotherapic sterilization of your entire population.\nSCP-881-2166: What? That's dangerous! You can't do that to us!\nInterviewer: Be happy we don't throw the whole lot of you into the incinerator. We've been tolerating more than our share of inconveniences in respect that you were humans once, but this is enough. It is time for you to act your size.\nSCP-881-2166: \u2026 Very well, chief. Sir. We'll get ready.\n\n\nIncident 881-K8\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nLog 881-K8-32\n\nD\u00e4mmer> fuck can't bypass site lockdown can anyone hear me\nD\u00e4mmer> damn ants hiding under our nosehairs this whole time\nD\u00e4mmer> think you're fucking clever now\nD\u00e4mmer> couldn't find contaminants in the air if the contaminant can see it coming and hide\nD\u00e4mmer> im bleeding off every pore calll the o5s nuke tjis fucking plsce\nD\u00e4mmer> whsts in my eye\nD\u00e4mmer> adgopcgvncvnjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjllk]]\n\nSecurity Changes Post Incident 881-K8\nAll air, food, and water in Site-35 to be decontaminated at 5-nines biological level and cycled. Surviving affected personnel to be screened for cellular damage and remain quarantined pending full decontamination. SCP-881 matter is reassigned to Biosafety Level 4 and is barred for research until containment procedures are revised. Minimal size of SCP instances to be revised pending examination of captured instances of SCP-881-9892 through SCP-881-34416.\n\n\u00ab SCP-880 | SCP-881 | SCP-882 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-882\n\nItem #: SCP-882\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-882 is to be kept in a fluid environment at all times, consisting of no less than 40% seawater. Object is to be kept suspended by non-metallic means, currently cotton fiber line that is to be changed daily. Object is also to be checked daily for any signs of rust flaking. If any part of SCP-882 appears uncoated with rust, it must immediately be immersed in a 100% seawater solution. Water must be taken directly from the ocean. Reduce concentration only when the object is again coated in rust.\nNo metal may be placed in containment area. Only organic materials are allowed in containment area, and any contact with SCP-882 requires the use of thick cotton gloves. Any metal making contact with it is to be heat-severed, melted down, and kept immersed in 100% seawater in a separate area.\nAny auditory issues reported by staff must be reported immediately, and affected personnel must submit to a full psychological examination and, depending on results, either transfer to another facility or permanent containment at [EXPUNGED].\nDescription: SCP-882 appears to be a random assembly of gears, cables, pulleys, screws, and belts, all made of an amalgam of various metals. Object's size at time of recovery was approximately eighty-seven cubic meters. Current size is approximately twelve cubic meters. SCP-882 rusts quickly in seawater. No identifiable energy source has been found, but all components will begin to move if not coated in rust. SCP-882 is completely silent at all times, no matter what level of activity SCP-882 reaches.\nAny metal touching the object will become permanently affixed to it, and over a period of a few days becomes a new part of the object. Organic matter remains unaffected. SCP-882 is extremely resilient, with tensile strength and toughness above those of aircraft grade titanium alloy by weight, even though its composition appears to be a random alloy of iron, tin, gold, and other metals, some as of yet unidentified. Extreme, focused heat must be applied over several hours to cut even a small portion free of the main assembly.\nPersons remaining in the vicinity of the object for prolonged periods have developed auditory hallucinations while near the object, mainly the sound of grinding and clicking. The sound intensifies, and is abated only by throwing metal into the object. Subjects in advanced states of psychosis have thrown themselves into the object, resulting in almost instant death by crushing. The body is often drawn in, and impossible to recover.\nSCP-882 was recovered from a location at the north-east coast of Banks Island. Area was barren of all metal and metallic ore in a one mile radius. SCP-882 was found at the geometric center of the area. SCP-882 had become submerged in seawater at the time of discovery. A small town was found nearby, abandoned for several years. SCP-882 was removed, and shortly started to flake off rust, causing the varied parts to begin motion. After several accidents, Dr. Gears authorized SCP-2519 to be played on loop, which successfully reduced the object's motion, enabling safe access. SCP-882 was then cut down and contained on site.\nNote: SCP-882 is not to be brought into the vicinity of SCP-271 or any subject possibly contaminated by SCP-217.\nAddendum: Please review Interview 882-1 for further information.\n\n\u00ab SCP-881 | SCP-882 | SCP-883 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-883\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Access to SCP-883 is limited to Level 2 and over personnel who have been confirmed not to possess allergies to bee stings. All personnel entering the SCP-883 apiary must wear standard beekeeper gloves and hooded suit. All personnel entering SCP-883 itself must be equipped with a safety line attached to one of the metal rods on the northern wall of the apiary. No personnel may venture more than 2 kilometers into SCP-883 without authorization from two level-4 personnel. All personnel planning on venturing more than 2 kilometers into SCP-883 are also required to do so in groups of two or more. Do not remove bee or honey specimens from the apiary without prior authorization from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-883 is a large fixed frame beehive contained in a wooden shed approximately three meters tall, one meter wide, and two meters deep on the outside. The inside of SCP-883 appears to be much larger than the shed's outer dimensions, with layers of honeycomb on the walls of the hive surrounding passages that extend for at least eight kilometers from the entrance. The interior of the hive is arranged in a maze-like fashion, although no dead ends have yet been encountered. The bees inside SCP-883 do not match any known species of genus Apis. Most disturbingly, bees found further into SCP-883 appear to be very different from normal honeybees. Bees found more than one and a half kilometers into SCP-883 possess one pair of wings more than normal honeybees. Bees found more than two kilometers in are highly aggressive and possess a toxic sting that has failed to respond to any treatment administered so far. Several specimens recovered from more than seven kilometers into SCP-883 do not appear to be insects at all, possessing [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe honey extracted from SCP-883 also varies in composition depending on how far in from the entrance it was retrieved. Honey retrieved from more than one kilometer in has mild narcotic effects, and honey retrieved from more than four kilometers is not safe for human consumption due to high levels of arsenic. It is not known where the bees get food or water from, nor has it been determined what supplies them with nectar for making their honey.\nAddendum 883-A: Due to the events of [DATA EXPUNGED], travel more than 6.5 kilometers into SCP-883 is forbidden.\n\n\u00ab SCP-882 | SCP-883 | SCP-884 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-884\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-884-4 is to be stored in Locker 147 at Site-\u2588\u2588. SCP-884-4 may be requisitioned for research with approval of either Dr. Cho or Dr. Ignit. Due to the events of January 11, 20\u2588\u2588, all access to SCP-884-4 is currently denied, and all requests to examine or test SCP-884-4 are to be submitted directly to O5-\u2588 for approval. SCP-884-4 is to be placed in Deep Storage at Site-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-884-4 is a men's shaving mirror, made of glass and ivory, presumably constructed at some point around 1914. It is the last remaining object in what was originally a complete set of men's grooming tools, the others having been lost to testing and theft early this century. (Other notable examples included SCP-884-2, alias \u201cThe Razor,\u201d which was stolen by the Chaos Insurgency during their split with the Foundation, and SCP-884-6, alias \u201cThe Comb,\u201d which was neutralized following Incident SCP-884-6-4172. For additional information on the remaining objects classified as SCP-884, please see file SCP-884: Original Collection.)\nSCP-884-4 possesses a mild hallucinogenic quality. Subjects who have used it while shaving reported an inability to perceive the removal of hair, causing repeated attempts to shave areas of the face that, in reality, have already been shaved. This usually results in irritation and has, in one instance, contributed to the accidental severing of the carotid artery. Other than this, no significant effects have been recognized. As of December 12, 19\u2588\u2588, SCP-884-4 is remanded to Storage Locker 147 at Site-\u2588\u2588. See Addendum 884-4-9 and Addendum 884-4-10.\n\nAddendum 1: SCP-884-4\nAt the insistence of Insurgency Defector A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, one of three operatives to openly approach the Foundation with information about the Insurgency and request the opportunity to rejoin, Foundation officials have ordered SCP-884-4's containment staff to move the object to a safer location at Site-\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 2: SCP-884-4\nFebruary 19, 195\u2588, Incident Report SCP-884-4: Following the deaths of Agent Norris and Dr. Ignit on October 14, 19\u2588\u2588, at the hands of Chaos Insurgency Personnel, Insurgency Defector A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is to be terminated. SCP-884-4 reclassified as Lost.\nAddendum 3: SCP-884-4\nApril 11, 195\u2588, Recovery Report SCP-884-4: Successful raids on suspected Insurgency storage locations resulted in the recovery of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-884-4, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and no fewer than \u2588 anomalous objects. SCP-884-4 was discovered in an Insurgency Lab, with several extensive experiments set up, including [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Agent Jones and Corporal Blake are credited with the recovery of SCP-884-4 at great personal peril. Both have been awarded [DATA REDACTED] for their actions, as well as one week paid leave. Dr. Cho has been provided with a lab and staff to reconstruct Insurgency research.\nAddendum 4: SCP-884-4\nExtensive testing has concluded that the Insurgency's testing was without purpose. SCP-884-4 is remanded to storage at Site-\u2588\u2588. For a full report of testing and trials, please see attached document SCP-884-4-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 5: SCP-884-4\nOctober 2, 19\u2588\u2588, Concerning Insurgency Action 327: The Chaos Insurgency staged an attack on Site-\u2588\u2588, losing approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588) of their number. The only target of the attack, circumstantial evidence has led officials to conclude, was SCP-884-4's containment locker. By order of O5-\u2588\u2588, testing on SCP-884-4 has been slated to resume.\nAddendum 6: SCP-884-4\nDue to Dr. Cho's drowning death in 19\u2588\u2588, Dr. Rasmusson has been asked to head research on SCP-884-4. Researchers will be asked to report to duty on January 11, 19\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 7: SCP-884-4\nReport of Dr. Rasmusson, January, 19\u2588\u2588: After two years, continual tests have repeatedly shown no additional abnormalities in SCP-884-4. Due to the persistence of the threat by the Insurgency, it is recommended that extreme care be taken in protecting SCP-884-4, and Agents be assigned to uncover the information the Insurgency apparently has concerning SCP-884-4.\n\nAddendum 8: SCP-884-4\nField Transmission of Agent L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588, Upon Receiving Final Communique of Agent P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Following the deep cover placement and reception of Agent P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, significant information concerning SCP-884-4 has come to light, most having originally been removed from Foundation files before the split with the Insurgency by members of the faction, particularly the head researcher, Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-884-4 must be placed in secure lock down, and all Foundation employees who have come in contact with it must to report to Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for immediate examination. Final report will be submitted to O5 via personal courier within 24 hours.\nAddendum 9: SCP-884-4\nSCP-884-4 is to be placed in Deep Storage at Site-\u2588\u2588. No further contact is to be allowed with SCP-884-4. SCP-884-4 is now reclassified as Euclid until final prognosis is made by Agent L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. -O5-2\nAddendum 10: SCP-884-4\n\nFinal Report of Agent L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Having now worked on this case for close to eight years, it is with some pleasure that I close it. SCP-884-4 has been a continual mystery in containment circles, with the interest of the Insurgency (including the sacrifice of no fewer than twenty of their members) in acquiring the object leading to much interest. It was only after the Foundation's own agents were successful in discovering the motives of the Insurgency that the truth has come to light. Even then, the full ramifications may never be discovered.\nIn addition to its vaguely unsettling effect, SCP-884-4 had a longer term symptom that was not discovered during testing due to the regular terminations of Class-D subjects. Between four to seven years after exposure, victims of SCP-884-4 begin to experience what Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has called \"doubt.\" Symptoms begin subtly, generally notable only as a checking and rechecking of reports and results, making sure doors are locked, etc. The early onset is almost indistinguishable from mild obsessive compulsive disorder.\nLater symptoms develop over the following two to six years, resulting in an increasing disability to create \"final\" reports, struggles to make simple choices, and, eventually, a complete inability to make decisions. Thus far, Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has found no way to cure these problems, and personnel affected are to be placed in low-risk positions. Until later stages set in, they have been discovered to be extremely useful due to their fastidiousness, and the Foundation has saved significant resources by using them in this capacity.\nAs for the involvement of the Insurgency, it is the opinion of this Agent that their motives were simple. They wanted the Foundation to experiment on SCP-884-4, specifically to infect more and more members of the Foundation. Due to the mundane nature of the work and the low level of researchers assigned in a long-term capacity, close to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) separate instances of infection have been discovered, more than \u2588\u2588\u2588 times the number of personnel they themselves have lost. Examination of causes of death from practically every person associated with research on SCP-884-4 had to do with an inability to make a crucial decision at an important moment. Agent Jones, for example, hesitated a moment between drawing his weapon and running when confronted with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 in 195\u2588, resulting in his death. Dr. Cho drowned in 19\u2588\u2588, presumably unable to decide it was time to get out of the bath.\nThis has been one of the most elegant and long term plans the Insurgency has ever enacted, and its efficacy is obvious. Recommend immediate investigation into the SCPs known to have been examined by the previous members of the Insurgency and the temporary freezing of any ongoing research in the interim.\nAgent L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Containment Specialist 2nd Class\n\n\u00ab SCP-883 | SCP-884 | SCP-885 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-885\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-885 is contained within a welded steel container in Storage Area \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588. The storage area must be kept at negative pressure at all times to reduce possibility of escape. Air movement within the storage area is to be monitored at all times.\nDescription: SCP-885 is a living creature of unknown composition that displaces all fluids (liquids and gases) within its perimeter. Analysis of the interior of the creature has shown no phenomena consistent with known matter: it is, for all intents and purposes, a complete vacuum.\nExtensive sonar imaging has shown SCP-885's perimeter to be a cloud of about two hundred ovoid elements, which intersect and divide arbitrarily. Whether it is a single creature or a swarm is unknown; experiments to isolate one of the ovoids from the main mass are underway.\nSCP-885's perimeter contains the pressure differential, and it can manipulate this difference in pressure to move itself. It can move through all known fluids and permeate through porous solids such as concrete, but metal or tempered glass can contain it. Items fully immersed within SCP-885 behave as they would within a vacuum.\nSCP-885 is attracted to living, breathing creatures. When it identifies a prey - possibly by perceiving atmospheric vibrations - it seeks to surround the creature. Once it has surrounded its prey, it extracts all fluids and gases still clinging to folds or pores by negative pressure, and kills it by hypoxia and ebullism. It will actively hunt down escaping prey - SCP-885 can move up to 12 m/s in a standard atmosphere, less in denser air. Once a prey is killed, SCP-885 loses interest in it; it is not known how or whether it draws any kind of sustenance from these acts.\nAddendum:\nSCP-885 is nearly undetectable in a normal atmosphere - even within liquids it is only visible as a cluster of bubbles. Unexplained air shifts near SCP-885's enclosure should be immediately reported. SCP-885 has poor fine control of its pressure shifts, but can hold doors closed by sheer differential (101 kPa in a standard atmosphere). Remember sound does not travel in a vacuum, and victims may not be able to cry for help before it's too late.\nVictims of SCP-885 must be immediately triaged for barotrauma; common effects of short-term exposure to SCP-885 are eardrum damage, lung damage or collapse, bruises and embolism. Less common effects of short-term exposure to SCP-885 due to more sudden pressure shifts, are prolapse of the digestive and respiratory tract, large scale blood loss by evaporation, and brain trauma. Effects of long-term exposure to SCP-885 are, nearly universally, death.\n\n\u00ab SCP-884 | SCP-885 | SCP-886 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-886\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-886-A-alpha and SCP-886-A-03 are to be kept in dedicated humanoid containment suites at Bio-Site 66 and allowed nutritious rations three times daily.\nSCP-886-B-2-01 through SCP-886-B-2-03 are to be kept in Containment Chamber 886-Delta, designed as an appropriate climate-controlled indoor paddock on-site and provided with appropriate feed.\nAdditional members of SCP-886 may be bred if appropriate reasons for research are presented. If research is not being undertaken, offspring of both SCP-886-A and SCP-886-B are to be destroyed immediately after birth.\nDescription: SCP-886 is the collective designation of unique mammals capable of cyclic asexual reproduction. SCP-886-A are identical human females (Homo sapiens) of Irish descent and SCP-886-B are identical female domestic Irish goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). Members of SCP-886-A and 886-B develop and behave as expected of ordinary individuals of their species, and are completely ordinary outside their shared anomaly.\nSCP-886-A-alpha is the oldest and presumably original instance of SCP-886-A. SCP-886-A is a human female, age 37, of average intelligence and stature. Once a year during the spring, SCP-886-A-alpha will spontaneously become pregnant and carry twin instances of SCP-886-B to term. Gestation mirrors that of a standard goat, averaging between 140-160 days.\nInstances of SCP-886-B will be female, with white fur and of average size. SCP-886-B are friendly and notably docile, having never displayed any form of aggression towards humans during containment. The milk and meat of SCP-886-B may be consumed safely; the anomaly does not appear to be infectious.\nAt the age of two and a half years, each specimen of SCP-886-B will spontaneously become pregnant, each with a single human infant. Infants born of SCP-886-B are genetically identical to SCP-886-A-alpha, designated SCP-886-A-XX. SCP-886-A-XX will develop as normal human females until age 15, when they will begin to exhibit the anomaly in the fashion previously described.\nSCP-886-A-alpha does not know how or why she began to exhibit her anomaly, only that it began suddenly and without warning. Similarities between SCP-886 and SCP-2910 have been noted, and investigation into whether SCP-2910 is a variant or altered version of the anomaly seen within SCP-886 is currently ongoing.\nAddendum - Recovery of SCP-886: SCP-886-A-alpha was discovered by embedded Agent Donelly when a local newspaper released a story regarding her anomalous pregnancy in a weekend column. A cover story revealing the column as a piece of short fiction was released and associated civilians were altered appropriately.\nA task force was called to the area and SCP-886-A-alpha was extracted under the guise of a car accident. Family and friends are being monitored for further anomalies, with special attention paid to the subject's sisters and daughter.\n\n\u00ab SCP-885 | SCP-886 | SCP-887 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-887\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-887 may be kept in standard quarters. Personnel must take care he feeds himself and uses the facilities at regular intervals, as he'll frequently forget to do so (Full feeding, cleaning and exercise schedule annexed). SCP-887 must have writing materials available to him at all times, to avoid unnecessary confrontations and ensure continual research. Used paper should be sent to analysis at least biweekly.\nDescription: SCP-887 is a man in his late forties, born in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Russia. His left arm and left side of his face are partially paralyzed, resulting in slurred speech. SCP-887 recently emerged from a 17-year coma in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital, St. Petersburg, displaying nearly-complete mental recuperation aside from extreme hypergraphia. Subject claims he was conscious during the entire length of his coma, receiving communications from an unknown source; his hypergraphia is attributed to him writing down all that was told to him during this period.\nSCP-887 is amiable, but has trouble keeping track of long conversations and cannot be taken off his work for more than fifteen minutes at a time. The subject is adamant about his process, going as far as writing on the walls with his own blood if writing implements are unavailable.\nSCP-887's output includes text, drawings, mathematical equations, and engineering blueprints. Several display knowledge of languages and concepts he was not educated in or that he would not have been aware of while interned. When questioned about the contents of his work, he claims to have forgotten or not known more than what's written down.\nInterview 887-a\nInterviewer: Dr. Zara\nForeword: Interview takes place three days after subject's containment, and has been translated from the original Russian.\n\n\nInterviewer: Good evening. Can you understand me?Interviewer: I fear I'm not at liberty to discuss that, sir. Now, if you please - could you state your name and place of birth?Interviewer: Do you understand why you are here?Interviewer: I see. Could you describe what you remember from this accident?Interviewer: What happened next?Interviewer: Hear what?Interviewer: You were lying down and could not move, and then you started hearing something?Interviewer: All the time?Interviewer: In a moment, sir. What did these voices tell you?Interviewer: Sir, please calm down.Interviewer: Why? What will happen if you don't write it down?Interviewer: (sigh) Security, Code Epsilon. Interview over.\n\n\nAddendum\nA description at length of SCP-887's output that has been decoded so far is located at SCP-887 Log. Researchers are encouraged to add to it as more information is unraveled.\n\n\u00ab SCP-886 | SCP-887 | SCP-888 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-888\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A library located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Italy, is partly built of blocks of SCP-888 in its 'full' state. The portions of the building constructed of SCP-888 are designated as \"rare-book\" storage; only three senior librarians have access, and two of these are on the SCP payroll. The third librarian is aware of the room's true purpose, but is a representative of and liason to \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. A second sample, of 'empty' SCP-888 remains in the vault beneath the library, where it was originally discovered. Access to this vault has been rerouted through the \"rare-book\" room, and all other passageways to it have been sealed with reinforced concrete. At this time, no additional containment measures are deemed necessary.\nDescription: SCP-888 is a mineral composite similar to a rare red quartzite found only in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Russia; however SCP-888 also contains trace amounts of an unidentified organic compound. This stone exhibits the capacity for large-scale data storage within its molecular lattices. SCP-888 exists in two distinct states, hereafter referred to as 'empty' and 'full'. In its 'empty' state, SCP-888 is colored a pale pink, and is slightly translucent. In the 'full' state, the color deepens to a darker red, and the stone becomes completely opaque \u2014 see the attached image. It is theorized that these changes result from the realignment of the molecular lattices to contain the stored data. At this time, the source of this stone is undetermined.\nSCP-888 reacts to the presence of sapient beings, and appears to require direct skin contact to function. If a thinking creature touches an empty sample of SCP-888, the stone removes a memory from the subject, and stores the memory in itself, converting to the 'full' state in the process. The original memory is lost to the subject. One of the early test subjects described the experience as \"like losing a tooth \u2014 you know there used to be something there but all that's left is a bloody hole.\" Testing has confirmed that it is possible to loosely direct what memory is excised, by concentrating on a specific memory before touching the stone. If a subject handles a sample of 888 with no specific thought in mind, the memory lost is essentially random, though it may be chosen by the subject's subconscious.\n(I have personally confirmed that the 'donor' retains no access to the lost memory, however related memories seem to be unaffected: I can no longer recall seeing the movie \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, but I do recall that it was the worst film I've ever seen. \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nIf a subject instead touches a 'full' stone, the subject experiences the memory contained within it, firsthand. Subjects report that the experience is completely 'real' to them during replay. As long as the subject remains in contact with the stone, the memory continuously 'loops,' with each subsequent re-play possessing the same emotional impact, as if every repetition were the first time. Contact by the original memory donor does not restore the memory. Instead, subjects experience a dissociative state, in which the memory reportedly feels like \"a story someone told me,\" or \"something I dreamed about.\"\nBefore-and-after MRI scanning seems to indicate that the memory transfer process causes cellular death in the subject's brain. The exact mechanism is unknown at this time, but it is theorized that the transference causes a burst of electrical activity in the cells which originally contained the data, essentially cauterizing minute portions of the brain tissue. Playback causes no analogous damage to brain tissue, however the replayed memories are so vivid that some test subjects have exhibited psychosomatic responses, such as blisters rising on a hand which was burned in the memory.\nSamples smaller than ~8 cubic centimeters lack the ability to retain data, and are unable to absorb or replay memories. Aside from this 'minimum operational size,' there appears to be no correlation between the size of the sample and the amount of data which can be stored. If a 'full' sample of 888 is reduced by mechanical means into fragments smaller than 8 cubic centimeters, the recorded data is lost when the stone becomes inert. The original host does not regain the lost memory. However, if a 'full' sample of 888 is separated by mechanical means into fragments larger than 8 cubic centimeters, each fragment retains the full mnemonic content of the original sample.\nConstruction of the original building was commissioned in 15\u2588\u2588 by Patrizio \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Italy. Records of the construction, such as the source of the stones used and the identity of the architect, were lost in a fire at Villa \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Historical accounts claim that the fire was set by Signora \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, for reasons unknown. The fire claimed the lives of all present in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 manor. It is therefore unclear whether the presence of SCP-888 in the construction was intentional, and if so, what the purpose of its inclusion might have been.\nThe current storage site originally contained roughly 1 cubic meter of 'empty' stone, which was previously housed in a sealed vault of ordinary granite. This cache was discovered by Father \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was cataloging the occupants of the catacombs attached to this library. Fortunately, his initial contact was with a small chip broken off when the vault was unsealed, and the main mass of stone was therefore left untouched. Fr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 contacted \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the occult research division of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, however once it was determined that SCP is not [REDACTED], \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 contacted the local SCP liason.\nTesting consumed approximately one third of this supply before a functional minimum was determined. As of this writing, several fragments of roughly 18 CCs have been separated from the main mass, and are set aside for testing purposes. Because the amount of stone available is sharply limited, all testing must be approved by the head researcher assigned to SCP-888, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, or his superiors.\nSpecial Note: Research into the content of the 'filled' stones used to construct the library is ongoing. There appears to be a rough chronological order in the layout of the building, with newer stones near the south entrance, proceeding top-to-bottom, south-to-north toward older memories. As more information becomes available, it will be logged in file SCP-888 Archive.\n\n\u00ab SCP-887 | SCP-888 | SCP-889 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-889\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-889 has been completely sealed with concrete, save for a single airlock entrance for research purposes. The building is surrounded with a standard security fence and written warnings, under the cover of a government medical research facility. For the next one (1) year, a mobile task force is to take bi-monthly sweeps of the surrounding countryside. Any pre-containment products of SCP-889 are to be neutralized and/or captured and brought to Bio-Research Area 32. Local rumors or sightings concerning strange animals are to be pursued with utmost diligence.\nA quarterly swab is to be made of the interior of SCP-889. If any prokaryotes are discovered exhibiting the effect of SCP-889, or if any staff members contract an unusual illness, SCP-889 is to be incinerated and sealed indefinitely. All staff members and equipment are to be decontaminated fully.\nDescription: SCP-889 is an abandoned cattle barn located several miles north of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Montana, USA. A series of farming buildings in various states of disrepair surround SCP-889. No signs of human habitation are nearby, and no information is available concerning current or previous owners.\nWithin SCP-889, a combination of male and female animal or plant gametes from any two species produces viable offspring. This process occurs through a novel rearrangement of chromosomes during fertilization. In cases where gametes of different genome size or of different ploidy meet, chromosomes are often doubled or combined. The full extent of the progression is still under research. While mechanical considerations such as animal size, genital structure, and internal versus external fertilization often prevent dissimilar species from mating, methods of artificial fertilization are effective in 90% of trials.\nCombinations of genes and traits in offspring conceived within SCP-889 are generally evenly split between the male and female parents. However, biological aspects such as body size, blood type, and homeostasis are necessarily parallel to the female parent. Hybrids are in all cases sterile, and there is a direct correlation between the genomic dissimilarity of parents and the lifespan and genetic fitness of offspring.\nSCP-889 has also exhibited limited capability to interfere with the intra-species recognition of animals, making non-conspecific animals within SCP-889 much more likely to attempt to mate. For this reason, care should be taken when exposing human beings to SCP-889.\nThe SCP-889 has not demonstrated any observable effect on asexual or unicellular organisms. Cross-testing between kingdoms has been similarly unsuccessful.\nSCP-889 is maintained under the jurisdiction of Bio-Research Site 32. A small breeding facility has been erected near SCP-889 to provide test animals and laboratory capabilities.\nExperiment Log 889-A: A number of hybridizing experiments were conducted between \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009 and \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010 using SCP-889. All experiments were conducted using artificial insemination. A selection of relevant tests is included below.\nExperiment-889-A-1\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009\nMale Parent: Albino Laboratory Rat (Rattus norvegicus)\nFemale Parent: Albino Laboratory Rat (Rattus norvegicus)\nGestation Time: 21 days\nNumber of Offspring: 7\nNotes: This experiment was conducted as a control. Results were normal. Adult offspring healthy, average 22cm in length.\nExperiment-889-A-2\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009\nMale Parent: American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)\nFemale Parent: Albino Laboratory Rat (Rattus norvegicus)\nGestation Time: 21 days\nNumber of Offspring: 14\nNotes: Adult offspring 15cm in length, brownish, chitinous, segmented, hexapedal, tailless. More skittish than standard lab rats. Mouthparts are irregular and in some cases useless. Dissection reveals standard mammalian homeothermic system.\nExperiment 889-A-3\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009\nMale Parent: Bull (Bos taurus)\nFemale Parent: Cat (Felis silvestris catus)\nGestation Time: 98 days\nNumber of Offspring: 1\nNotes: Adult offspring 50cm in length. Exhibits bovine skull/facial structure, feline body type/size. Notably less agile than an average cat. Prefers to feed upon grass. Dissection reveals a typical bovine pre-gastric rumen.\nExperiment-889-A-4\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009\nMale Parent: Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)\nFemale Parent: Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)\nGestation Time: 19 days\nNumber of Offspring: 12\nNotes: Adult offspring average 40cm in length. Greenish blue. Scales are striated and elongated, causing considerable drag in water. Pectoral fins are extended and wing-like. Use pectoral fins for awkward \u201cflight\u201d movement rather than standard flexion driven swimming. Specimens have small, curved beaks, and preferentially feed by scraping algae from rocks.\nExperiment-889-A-5\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009\nMale Parent: Sweet corn (Zea mays)\nFemale Parent: Western redcedar (Thuja plicata)\nGermination Time: Varied\nNumber of Offspring: 257\nNotes: Offspring plants show extreme variation between specimens, but have been roughly classified into several broad varieties:\n5-1: \u201cCorn trees,\u201d otherwise normal redcedar specimens that yield ears of corn instead of normal cones. Analysis revealed kernels to be non-toxic. Test subjects described the taste as \u201codd, but not bad.\u201d\n5-2: \u201cCorn-cone stalks,\u201d otherwise normal corn specimens which grow ears enclosed by hard scales. Kernels similar to those from 5-1.\n5-3: \u201cCorn-cone trees,\u201d otherwise normal redcedar specimens which produce small ears of corn enclosed in hard scales instead of normal cones or normal ears. Resultant corn was described by test subjects as \u201cdisgusting.\u201d\n5-4: \u201cRedcedar stalks,\u201d organisms with herbaceous corn-like central stems and woody redcedar-like lateral branches.\n5-5: \u201cVariegated redcedar,\u201d redcedar trees which produce both green and yellow needles. Yellow needles are in fact heavily modified corn kernels, which are not arranged into any flower- or cone-like structure. Cornbread made from these needles was described by testers as \u201cdelicious.\u201d\n5-6: \u201cHard corn\u201d plants, producing kernels with tough, bark-like shells.\n5-7: \u201cNeedle corn\u201d plants, producing kernels similar in shape to cedar needles, in otherwise conventional ears. Variety 5-7-2 also possesses a woody trunk.\nYearly growth cycles in varieties of Species-889-A-5 have tended to mirror those of the more genetically similar parent in each case. While all hybrids produced using SCP-889 are sterile, reproduction by cuttings and tissue culture is successful. The resulting specimens displayed no unusual variation from the mother plant. Rehybridization using the first generation offspring of transplanted individuals has not yet been attempted.\n\nExperiments 889-A-9 through -16 were conducted under the Farrago Project. Access is restricted.\n\n\u00ab SCP-888 | SCP-889 | SCP-890 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-890\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-890 is currently housed at Site-17. SCP-890 is to be kept in a 5 x 6 meter cell furnished with a bed, a nightstand, two (2) bookcases complete with medical textbooks and a writing desk, all of which were originally furnished by the subject. Subject is disallowed from contact with any mechanical, artificial, or otherwise non-living SCPs, as well as any Foundation equipment, under any circumstances, except during approved surgical procedures. Any observation of SCP-890 must be done in person and any notes taken must be on paper.\nSCP-890 may have access to the medical bay for any surgeries scheduled in advance with consent of any level 4 personnel, barring emergency conditions which may arise requiring those facilities to be otherwise in use. Staff wishing to introduce an object to SCP-890 must first gain approval from level 4 personnel. Anyone attempting to meet with SCP-890 without prior approval will be subject to disciplinary measures up to transfer to a new site.\nIn order to promote better behavior and cooperation with containment procedures, it is permissible to occasionally provide SCP-890 with a piece of intentionally damaged equipment for repair.\nDescription: SCP-890 appears to be a male Caucasian between 35 and 45 years of age and approximately 1.75 meters tall. Subject is generally unremarkable, showing typical signs of aging, except for its eyes, which are achromatic, appearing gray. Personnel should avoid mentioning this, as it seems to cause subject some distress. Subject is typically dressed in surgical scrubs, green in color, and is often seen still wearing a surgical cap and mask.\nWhen given a set of standard medical tools, SCP-890 is able to operate on machines as though they were composed of living flesh. Testing confirms that any medical supplies used by SCP-890 will have this effect. Subject appears to be capable of operating on any machine requiring some kind of energy to operate, whether powered by clockwork, steam, electricity, or [REDACTED].\nDuring an operation, objects appear to be transmuted to living tissue, including skin, bone, musculature, and other organ systems, as well as blood and nervous tissue. Similarly, tissue may be removed and discarded, but will not revert to its original mechanical form. DNA testing on discarded tissue samples reveals [DATA EXPUNGED]. Tissue transmutation appears to be related to position within the object, such as the outermost material becoming like skin, regardless of the type of material. Observation by Foundation medical personnel indicates that the organs present in the object do not correspond to known organs in living animals.\nThe results of SCP-890's surgeries seem to yield fairly mixed results. In approximately 20% of all cases the object may \"die\" on the table, rendering it inoperable. If such an outcome occurs, no amount of repairs, even by technicians specifically trained to maintain and repair the item, will ever return it to working condition; it can, however, be disassembled and used for parts. In some cases, complications may arise from an operation, causing either unexpected or undesirable operation in the object; these can usually be corrected by SCP-890 with one or more additional procedures.\nIn all cases, objects must heal for a period of time before becoming fully operable again. How long this takes appears to be dependent on how many moving parts a device has, with solid state electronics recovering more quickly than complicated mechanical objects. Recovery time is significantly shorter than expected for similarly complex procedures performed on humans, typically taking only a few hours; however, more complicated devices may require a few days to fully recover.\nSCP-890 displays an unusual ability to locate objects which it claims are in need of its services. Before performing surgery, SCP-890 will interview the object. Video logs show a typical, although one-sided, surgery consult where SCP-890 asks the object several routine questions about the object's health and the nature of its problems. Afterward, SCP-890 will give a series of options to the object, make a few notes, and then report back. At no time has an object been recorded or perceived to respond to SCP-890's questioning.\nSubject displays an apparent apathy toward humans and other living creatures, stating it cannot operate on \"animals\" because it is \"a surgeon, not a [veterinarian]\".\nSCP-890 came to the attention of the Foundation through the use of a routine keyword search before it was scheduled to stand trial in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, for the murder of [REDACTED] on March 1\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588. Subject was performing an \"emergency surgery\" to save the \"life\" of a pacemaker, killing [REDACTED] in whom it was installed in the process. Subsequent testing revealed that the pacemaker is once again fully operational. See INTERVIEW LOG 890-01 for more information.\n\nInterview Log 890-01\n\n- Interview Log 890-01\n\nDate: March 2\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588\nInterviewee: SCP-890\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n[BEGIN LOG]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please state your name for the record.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, what were you doing on March 1\u2588?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How did you become aware of the patient?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And what about [REDACTED]?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: But you killed him.[END LOG]\n\n- Interview Log 890-01\n\n\u00ab SCP-889 | SCP-890 | SCP-891 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-891\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-891 is to be surrounded by a one-half kilometer buffer zone, purchased by the Foundation under the guise of a peach farm. Foundation agents are to deter any civilians from entering SCP-891. A ten meter fence is to surround SCP-891 in order to prevent unauthorized entry. Intruders discovered within the grounds of SCP-891 are to be apprehended, administered Class A amnestics, and released. Planting vegetation of any kind in SCP-891 requires the permission of Level 4 personnel. Apple trees are never to be planted in SCP-891; all animals that carry the potential to deposit apple seeds via fecal matter in SCP-891 are to be deterred from entering SCP-891. Any vegetation that sprouts in SCP-891 as a result of seed deposition by wind, bird, or other natural causes is to be immediately incinerated.\nDescription: SCP-891 is a field located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California. The dimensions of SCP-891 are one and a half by one kilometers. Any plant that bears edible fruit is able to grow in SCP-891, regardless of previous soil or climate needs. Plants planted in SCP-891 experience moderately accelerated growth and seem to require abnormally small amounts of water and sunlight to grow. Fruits produced by plants inside SCP-891 are larger than average and have been said to \u201clook delicious.\u201d Chemical analysis has revealed that compounds responsible for producing appealing texture, flavor, and aroma are abnormally high in SCP-891's fruit. Attempts by Foundation staff to render the soil of SCP-891 incapable of supporting vegetation have been unsuccessful; salting SCP-891 had no effect. However, once salted soil was removed from the grounds of SCP-891, it behaved as expected and did not support vegetation.\nAttempting to ingest any fruit, with the exception of apples, grown in SCP-891 results instead in the consumption of the subject's own internal organs. Autopsies have revealed that damage to internal organs is consistent with bite patterns made by subjects on bitten fruit. Most subjects, even after the initial bite, continue to consume the fruit, claiming that it \"is delicious.\" Subjects are oblivious to any pain that would normally arise from extensive damage to the internal organs, as well as to the fact that they are consuming their organs, as opposed to a fruit. After three to four bites, the subject usually dies of internal bleeding and trauma, though subjects can remain alive if the targeted organ is non-vital. Cutting, slicing, or usage in cooking does not negate the fruit's effects.\nConsumption of apples grown within SCP-891 results in [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is unknown why apples are the only fruit to produce such an effect, though it is hypothesized that consumption of the apples results in a reverse [DATA EXPUNGED]. The first and only known instance of [DATA EXPUNGED] resulted in \u2588\u2588 Foundation casualties. \u2588 died later as a result of third degree burns sustained during the attempt to contain [DATA EXPUNGED]. \u2588 agents vanished entirely from the immediate area; Foundation tracking devices were unable to pinpoint their location. [DATA EXPUNGED] pending classification as an SCP object, though its nature may prevent effective containment.\nAddendum-891A: SCP-891 was brought to the Foundation's attention when an abnormal number of missing person reports was filed in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California. All missing persons were last seen at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Strawberry Farms, the previous name of SCP-891. Police and government investigations did not return within seventy-two hours, which alerted Foundation members stationed in the nearby city of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Foundation staff eventually apprehended \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, the owner of the farm. Searches of \u2588\u2588\u2588's house revealed [DATA EXPUNGED], and psychological testing found \u2588\u2588\u2588 to be clinically insane. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was subsequently terminated. No apple trees were found when SCP-891 was originally recovered. It is possible that Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was unaware of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Since the Foundation's acquisition of SCP-891, there have been \u2588\u2588\u2588 counts of natural deposition of seeds in SCP-891; seventy five percent of these natural depositions have been the deposition of apple seeds. It is unknown if the disproportionate number of apple seeds being sown by natural causes in SCP-891 is an effect of SCP-891 or simply bad luck. Despite the Foundation's efforts to prevent fecal deposition of apple seeds within SCP-891, apple saplings are reported to spring up on a semi-regular basis. It is unknown how these seeds are sown in SCP-891. Requests for reclassification to Euclid have been denied. Due to the nature of [DATA EXPUNGED], permanent construction of a rapid-response establishment around SCP-891 is under consideration.\nAddendum-891B: Analysis of documents found within \u2588\u2588\u2588's home has revealed \u2588\u2588\u2588's history of misanthropy and paranoia. Certain texts, notable in that they are not written in \u2588\u2588\u2588's handwriting, seem to be primitive blueprints for SCP-891; efforts are being taken by the Foundation to discover the artist. Notes made by \u2588\u2588\u2588 in the margins indicate that \u2588\u2588\u2588 had little understanding of the content of the blueprints. A recipe was found within \u2588\u2588\u2588's kitchen for a cherry, peach, raspberry, and blueberry fruitcake. Bodies were found in \u2588\u2588\u2588's backyard; internal organs of bodies were found to be pulverized beyond recognition.\nAddendum-891C: On \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a batch of fruit exhibiting properties identical to those found in SCP-891-grown fruit was found to have reached a supermarket in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It is believed that this was caused by a security [DATA EXPUNGED], though it is unknown if [DATA EXPUNGED]. Fortunately, no apples were present in the delivery. All witnesses have been administered Class B Amnesiacs; casualties have been attributed to a gas leak. Foundation investigations in order to determine the source of said fruit are underway.\n\n\u00ab SCP-890 | SCP-891 | SCP-892 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-892\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-892 is to be contained within maximum security vault \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 located \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 meters beneath Site \u2588\u2588. All O5 personnel are to be issued a magnetic Access Key coupled with an individual Passcode. A minimum of three (3) O5 Overseer personnel Access Keys and corresponding Passcodes are required to begin a 48 hour unlock sequence to grant access to SCP-892. Should all thirteen O5 Overseer personnel Access Keys and corresponding Passcodes be entered simultaneously, vault will unlock immediately.\nAccess to SCP-892 is permitted strictly under O5 supervision and for the sole purpose of attempting to identify the location of SCP-892-2. In the event that the SCP-892-2 is located, all O5 personnel are to be alerted and Mobile Task Force Mu-4 (aka \"Debuggers\") is to be dispatched.\nIn the event of containment breach, SCP-892 is to be defended at all costs. The risk of SCP-892 falling into the wrong hands could have catastrophic results for the Foundation as a whole, as well as the rest of the world. In the unlikely event that Site \u2588\u2588 is to be overrun, SCP-892 is to be decommissioned immediately.\nUnauthorized access is grounds for immediate termination.\nDescription: SCP-892 is an Amstrad 286 Personal Computer with accompanying mouse and keyboard, running a version of Microsoft Excel 92. Attempts to export and import save files result in corruption of said files. Attempts to install and uninstall software are likewise met with failure.\nUpon its discovery, SCP-892 was found containing a single .xls save file titled \"ESO%HF-V6.31.01\", hereby designated SCP-892-1. This save file is impossible to delete, copy, rename, export, modify, or overwrite in any shape or form. Although creating additional .xls files is possible, none have thus far shown similar anomalous properties. Contained within each cell of SCP-892-1 is a string of information written in plain-text English. Each cell, as well as the contained string, is believed to correspond to a currently living individual. This string can contain information as mundane as what that individual ate for breakfast, their occupation, or their shoe size, to information as personal as their first sexual encounter, a thought they had that morning, or their greatest phobia. These cells refresh daily, displaying a different string of information each time. Should a recorded individual die, the corresponding cell will, upon the next refresh, display their name, and time and cause of death.\nAt the time of discovery, SCP-892-1 was found to contain approximately 84,500 by 84,500 cells, slightly over 7 billion. Despite the belief that each cell corresponds to a single person, this amount was greater than Earth's estimated population at the time. Additional rows and columns have appeared regularly since then, the rate of growth slightly greater than that of Earth's population.\nCell A/1 suggests that SCP-892 itself is not the source of SCP-892-1's information, but rather is connected to a server, designated SCP-892-2. How SCP-892 connects to SCP-892-2 is currently unknown. Cell A/2 suggests that upon entering a password, the higher functions of SCP-892-1 may be accessed. Cells refresh daily at 12:00 a.m. Pacific time.\nCells of Interest:\n\nThe following is by no means an exhaustive list.\nFor a complete list of cells examined so far, please consult attached document L892-A.\nA/1: Consistently displays: \"Status/Secure|ServerData/32%|Ping/12ppmUpdated|DONOTSAVETOSERVER|O.S\"\nA/2: Consistently displays: \"passwordrequiredforfullaccess\"\nG/231: [REDACTED BY O5 ORDER]\nZ/26: Updates suggest individual plans to assassinate Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Researcher has been placed in protective custody.\nAH/423: Solid black.\nBW/10,841: Suspected to be \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a known member of the Chaos Insurgency.\nEF/15: [REDACTED]\nEF/16: [REDACTED]\nAER/50,502: Updates display subsequent lines from Chuck McKenzie's Predatory Instincts.\nCDE/55: Consistently blank.\nDYZ/1: Suspected to be Mark Begich, Alaskan U.S. Senator.\nEPS/50,028: Consistently displays data pertaining to abortion.\nEZA/75,081: Individual believed to be schizophrenic.\nFLD/3,205: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nFZT/60,670: Suspected to be an uncontained SCP.\nGAR/9,462: Consistently displays \"fullaccessrequired\".\nHAR/9,461: Consistently displays \"fullaccessrequired\".\nHKR/682: Symbols displayed do not correlate to any known on earth; suspected [REDACTED].\nIOI/4,959: Updates display the names of different Greek Mythological heroes.\nMOS/1,325: Consistently displays \"404: Individual not found\".\nMOS/1,326: Consistently displays \"909: Individual out of range\".\nPYK/8,888: Suspected to be serial killer [DATA EXPUNGED], whose death sentence was carried out in 19\u2588\u2588.\nOXO/24: Suspected to be \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, however, updates suggest individual is a pedophile.\nQUU/78,002: Suspected to be SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\nRKL/72,727: Suspected to be the Canadian Prime Minister.\nRZJ/202: Updates display thinly veiled threats toward the Foundation and Foundation personnel.\nTTC/50: Suspected corrupt cell; updates demonstrate self-awareness, yet are often nonsensical or contradictory.\nZIE/66,667: [REDACTED]\nAABT/38,545: Confirmed as Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Researcher has been detained and used for testing with SCP-892.\nABWS/80,323: Updates display subsequent digits of pi to the 105th place before resetting.\nABXA/20,468: Consistently displays \"death\" string. Name, time, and cause different each time.\n\n\u00ab SCP-891 | SCP-892 | SCP-893 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-893-256\n\nItem #: SCP-893\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-893 may freely roam the facility under the supervision of site personnel. Pre-existing instances of SCP-893-X are housed in nurseries at Site-17. Any new instances of SCP-893-X are to be placed into Foundation custody immediately terminated.\nTissue samples taken from SCP-893 should be contained within five minutes of extraction.\nDescription: SCP-893 is a 39-year-old Hispanic male who calls himself \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject is a balding, overweight male with green eyes.\nSCP-893-X was initially discovered by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 shortly after having severed from SCP-893's fourth and fifth fingers on his right hand during a work related incident at a construction site. The subject claims to have brought the fingers back to his home and put them on ice, neglecting to visit a hospital due to \"personal reasons\". \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 observed his severed ring finger developing a clear fluid around its mass before taking on the form of what appeared to be a diminutive human fetus. Repeated testing and research have revealed that SCP-893's account is factual.\nSCP-893 exhibits very crude regenerative capabilities; Experiment Log: 893-452 is to be referenced for detailed information about the stumps.\nAny appendages or substantial amounts of living tissue liberated from SCP-893 undergo an accelerated process similar to clonal fragmentation. Smaller amounts of tissue produce less intelligent, shorter lived clones, while opposite results are achieved from larger amounts of tissue. These instances, henceforth referred to as SCP-893-X, on average, age and grow 20 times faster than a human being, and are usually all but completely consumed in cancerous tissue and deformed by the end of their extremely short life cycles. 893-X exhibit limited intelligence although many instances identify by SCP-893's name.\nAddendum 893-\u2588\u2588\u2588: 2805/1967\nResearch: Intelligence assessment.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello. How are you?\n\nSCP-893-245 appears to stare at the interviewer vacantly.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How are you?\n\nSCP-893-245: Tonee.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Repeat that please?\n\nSCP-893-245 begins to produce guttural noises similar to laughter.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 motions to security personnel: Non sapient, recover the [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nSCP-893-245: P\u00e1e-\n\n[REDACTED]\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Bring in 893-352 as scheduled.\n\nSnippets from 893-003 agreement:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Describe the incident.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You don't seem surprised.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [REDACTED]\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Look this document over.\n\nAddendum 893a:\nHis eye and one of his limbs aren't growing back anymore. There are depressions in some patches of skin that don't seem to be changing either. I understand the value of this resource, but I request that further sampling of SCP-893 bodily tissue cease, it's starting to look like a potato.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nRequest denied by Site Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nRelated Sites: Site-17\n\n\u00ab SCP-892 | SCP-893 | SCP-894 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-894\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All copies of SCP-894-1 and SCP-894-2 are available for researcher use. Copies of SCP-894-3 require permission by a member of Senior Staff. When not checked out, copies of SCP-894-1 and SCP-894-2 are to be stored in SCP containment locker 12 at Site 19. Copies of SCP-894-3 are to be stored in containment locker 47. There are to be only two keys to locker 47, one for the Site Director and one for the most senior researcher on site. Both key holders must be present in order for locker 47 to be opened. Only Level 4 researchers are allowed access to SCP-894-3.\nDescription: SCP-894-1, 2 and 3 are a number of small plastic monkeys, each set with a slightly different mold. SCP-894-1 is molded so that the monkey's hands are covering its mouth. SCP-894-2 is shaped in such a way that the monkey's hands are covering its ears. SCP-894-3 is shaped in such a way that the monkey's hands are covering its eyes. On the bottom of each copy is stamped 'The Factory.' Copies of SCP-894 are easily destroyed, whether through brute strength or applied heat.\nWhen any living being within five meters of SCP-894-1 makes visual contact with a specimen, they are rendered incapable of vocalization for a period of 24 hours. In humans, function of the vocal cords has been observed to continue during this time, and operation of the tongue and jaw is uninhibited, except during a conscious attempt to produce language or other meaningful sound. In addition, speech processing and written forms of communication are unimpaired. It has therefore been concluded that the effect is sourced in those areas of the brain associated with speech production. It has been shown that subjects suffering from severe visual agnosia or are otherwise incapable of identifying SCP-894-1 are unaffected.\nThe first instance of SCP-894-1 was found hanging outside the complaint office of [DATA EXPUNGED]. There are currently seven copies of SCP-894-1 in Foundation hands.\nWhen any living being comes within five meters of SCP-894-2, and becomes visually aware of said SCP, they lose all ability to hear for 24 hours.\nCopies of SCP-894-2 have most often been found in anarchist groups, who seem to delight in placing said SCP in public places, such as churches, schools, and places of business. Task Force Lambda-3 \"No Given Nickname\" is devoted to tracking down these groups, and liberating all instances of SCP-894-2.\nThe Foundation currently has 12 copies of SCP-894-2.\nWhen any living being comes within five meters of SCP-894-3, and becomes visually aware of said SCP, they lose all ability to see for 24 hours.\nSCP-894-3 was first encountered in the hands of a serial rapist, now known as D-894. There is no evidence at this time whether SCP-894-3 was made in smaller batches than SCP-894-1 and SCP-894-2, or if the current owners of copies of SCP-894-3 are simply better at hiding its uses.\nThe Foundation currently has 2 copies of SCP-894-3.\nUse of instances of SCP-894 by research staff and D-class personnel to prevent the effects of objects possessing visual, vocal, or auditory triggers, such as SCP-1752, SCP-1753, and SCP-2599 respectively, has proven effective means of facilitating ongoing containment.\n\n\u00ab SCP-893 | SCP-894 | SCP-895 \u00bb"} {"text": "Containment Area 895-06 Live Feed (30 m)\n\nItem #: SCP-895\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-895 is sealed, closed and stored in an isolated underground containment cell at a depth of approximately 100 meters. No cameras, microphones, or other surveillance equipment may be brought within the 10 meter \"Red Zone\" radius of SCP-895 without express permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel.\nAny on-site personnel exhibiting unusual behavior or signs of psychological trauma are to be screened immediately, and removed from the site or terminated as the situation warrants.\nDescription: SCP-895 is an ornate oak coffin recovered from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Mortuary by SCP personnel on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588, following reports of unusual footage captured by surveillance equipment installed at that location. When questioned, mortuary staff were unable to determine the source of SCP-895 and how it was transported to the location. Upon attempting to open SCP-895, agents on location found the object empty; however, observers viewing the live camera feed were [DATA EXPUNGED]. Until further notice, SCP-895 must remain closed at all times.\nSCP-895 causes disruptions in video and photographic surveillance equipment within 50 meters similar to vivid, disturbing hallucinations with variable duration and regularity corresponding to the camera's proximity to SCP-895. Within a range of 5 meters from SCP-895, footage captured can cause severe psychological trauma and hysteria in most subjects. These disruptions do not extend to observers physically present within the area.\nAddendum 895-01: Audio excerpt from the SCP-895 Recovery Log (\u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588)\n\n03:41L - Command: Team One, Command. All civilians have been detained and evacuated. You are cleared to move in and capture.\n03:41L - T1Lead: Command, One Lead. Roger, we are moving in.\n03:43L - T1Lead: We are inside the lobby. Video feed check.\n03:44L - Command: Team One, Command. We are receiving\u2026[pause]\u2026we are seeing blood on the walls, please confirm.\n03:44L - T1Lead: Negative, Command, it's clean in here. Nothing out of the ordinary.\n03:45L - Command: \u2026 it's gone. Team One, advise possible memetic properties in effect.\n03:45L - T1Lead: Copy, Command. Team One moving into storage area.\n03:47L - T1Lead: We are in the storage area, object located.\n03:48L - Command: Christ, it's moving\u2026 Team One, confirm, object appears to be alive and moving.\n03:48L - T1Lead: \u2026 Command, negative, we see no movement. Object appears to be normal.\n03:48L - T1Lead: Two, open it up.\n03:48L - Sounds of weapons being readied, followed by creaking as object is opened.\n03:49L - T1-2: Sir, it's empty.\n03:50L - T1Lead: Command, One Lead. The object appears to be empty.\n03:51L - T1Lead: Command, do you copy?\n03:51L - Command: Sounds of screaming and retching.\n03:51L - T1Lead: Command, do you copy?!\n03:52L - T1Lead: Shit, we're bugging out. Close that thing!\n\nAddendum 895-02: Following Incident [DATA EXPUNGED] and the loss of 3 personnel, the Red Zone of SCP-895 has been extended from 5 meters to 10 meters, and security personnel shifts have been reduced to 4 hours as a precaution.\n\n\u00ab SCP-894 | SCP-895 | SCP-896 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-896\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Physical containment of SCP-896 is impossible due to widespread public knowledge. However, the anomalous properties of SCP-896 have been largely neutralized through Foundation efforts and the cooperation of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the publishing and hosting company of SCP-896.\nThe server cluster hosting SCP-896's original code is to be housed at Site-15. Five standard desktop computers are to be directly connected to the server with SCP-896-1 installed on each one. SCP-896 may never be connected to the internet or any of Site-15's networks, but may be regularly patched as needed by use of physical media.\nAny personnel wishing to use SCP-896 must obtain permission from two Level 4 administrators. Foundation personnel may not use SCP-896 until further notice. No personnel level 4 or above may use SCP-896 due to potential loss of valuable Foundation data. Any class-D personnel used in testing of SCP-896 must be routinely monitored for the effects of SCP-896 and containment procedures must be tailored individually to ensure no security breaches occur.\nDescription: SCP-896 is known to the public as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a popular online role playing game. The version of SCP-896 that the public uses has no anomalous effects. However, the original code developed by \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 exhibits effects that warrant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's classification as an SCP.\nSCP-896 functions as any normal online role playing game. Please consult normal non-Foundation articles if not familiar with the mechanics and terminology of an online role playing game.\nSCP-896's abnormal behavior only manifests when a user creates an avatar which shares the exact first and last name of the user. Once this occurs, the user is \u201cimprinted\u201d upon the avatar. Once imprinted, any changes to the avatar's statistics will have a direct effect upon the user. How this occurs is not well understood. The current hypothesis is SCP-896 allows the user to exhibit a powerful \u201cmind over matter\u201d control over their body and surroundings.\nThere are six stats that directly affect the abilities of the user. Raising the stats in game causes a corresponding increase in the physical or mental characteristics of the user. However, if one stat is 15% greater than any other stat, all other physical attributes of the user suffer. The stats and their link to real physical abilities are described below.\nStrength (STR): Self explanatory; as an avatar's strength increase, so does the user's.\nAgility (AGI): Highly agile users note a high accuracy of movement and control over their body. This grace allows for a great speed of movement with no sacrifice of skill or accuracy of the desired action.\nStamina (STA): Increased stamina results in the ability to go longer without food or sleep, enhanced physical endurance, and even resistance to disease and physical damage.\nCharisma (CHR): Charisma grants the user a deep understanding of an individual and exploits this to manipulate them to their own wants.\nIntelligence (INT): Higher intelligence leads to an increase in the information retention and problem solving capabilities of the user.\nWisdom (WIS): Allows the user a deeper understanding of situations and people and allows them to see the best possible solution for the problem. It should be noted that the \u201cbest possible solution\u201d is based upon the morals and ethical priorities of the subject.\nRecovery Log: SCP-896's effects were first noted during the beta test. MTF Mu-4's routine monitoring intercepted intra-office e-mails detailing the effects, and quickly moved in to secure SCP-896. SCP-896 was already highly anticipated by the general public, so simply burying the project was not an option. SCP-896 was released to the general public with significant code alterations to ensure SCP-896 would not exhibit anomalous behavior. The old beta code was quickly patched, and SCP-896 was effectively contained.\nTest Log SCP-896-A:\nA group of five class-D personnel was selected for testing, based upon their knowledge of computer gaming, compliance with Foundation instruction, and below average physical and mental characteristics. Each class-D was assigned a role within the group designed to test one specific statistic. For ease of reading, D-896-a through D-896-e are referred to by an alias describing their role, as follows:\nD-896-a: Knight - character focus on stamina.\nD-896-b: Berserker \u2013 character focus on strength.\nD-896-c: Cleric \u2013 character focus on wisdom.\nD-896-d: Warlock \u2013 character focus on intelligence.\nD-896-e: Bard \u2013 character focus on charisma.\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A3933:\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A:\n\nTesting Notes: All five class-D are imprinted upon their avatars. The subjects proceeded to play for \u2588 hours. No abnormal behavior or abilities were displayed.\nCharacter Statistics [REDACTED]\nResults: All subjects underwent control tests to determine their baseline abilities. After today's session all subjects did not display any gains that were statistically relevant to our data set. However, at low character experience statistic gains are minimal.\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A3936:\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A:\n\nTesting Notes: The subjects have been playing for one week. The subjects work well together and have begun searching more dangerous areas of SCP-896 for magical items.\nCharacter Statistics [REDACTED]\nResults: Subjects Knight and Berserker are showing improvement. Knight has been able to maintain a full sprint on the treadmill for two minutes longer, and displays an increased pain tolerance. Berserker has begun to develop a more muscular physique and can lift 9% more than control tests. Bard's abilities are hard to quantify, as expected. Warlock's abilities in information recall and application have increased dramatically. Cleric has begun conducting highly organized and logical debates with researchers regarding the ethics and purpose of SCP/human testing. The subjects' stats are approaching the 15% mark and we are anticipating the consequences of this to appear soon.\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A3939:\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A:\n\nTesting Notes: The subjects have been playing for two weeks. Berserker broke his keyboard and mouse by gripping them. Subject has been provided a custom made keyboard and mouse made of steel. All subjects have begun to defer to Bard's judgment of any situation and begun providing him all magical items, regardless of Bard's actual need or use of the item.\nCharacter Statistics [REDACTED]\nResults: Berserker has been instructed to begin increasing his agility statistic so he can better control his vastly improved strength. Bard has been forbidden from speaking during testing to prevent self aggrandizement at the cost of the other test subjects' focus. Warlock is approaching savant level intelligence.\nHowever, the IQ's of the subjects focusing on physical stats has plummeted. Bard, Cleric, and Warlock have significantly reduced energy levels and have lost 20% of their muscle mass over the last two weeks.\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A3945:\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A:\n\nTesting Notes: Berserker and Knight quibbled over who should receive a magic item, and the argument turned violent. Berserker was able to throw Knight into a containment wall before being subdued by security. Knight was unharmed despite causing significant damage to the concrete wall.\nCharacter Statistics [REDACTED]\nResults: Berserker was easily subdued with the use of a taser. Although he is physically very strong, he possesses no additional toughness or endurance. The converse is true with Knight. Although highly resistant to damage and physical pain, he is no stronger than his control test. Berserker has been fitted with a standard Foundation shock collar to ensure compliance.\nThe mental faculties of all subjects have plummeted. Although Warlock's memory has near perfect recall, his ability to apply his knowledge is nearly non-existent. Even the slightest leap in logic or creative thinking is beyond his ability. Cleric's long term memory has been severely limited, and must be briefed on all aspects of a problem before he can formulate a solution. Both Cleric and Warlock require wheelchairs and assistance in feeding themselves.\nKnight's epidermis has become extremely hard but has lost any elasticity. In order to provide the necessarily range of moment for testing, lacerations along his joints are to be done five hours beforehand with a diamond bladed jigsaw. The cuts heal within the prerequisite time and Knight apparently feels no pain from the procedure. Recommend increasing Knight's agility as well to ensure ease of testing.\nBerserker requires continual skin grafting, as his muscle growth has outstripped the elasticity of his skin.\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A3947:\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A:\n\nTesting Notes: Bard was terminated today. Foundation researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has elected to play Bard's avatar to allow testing to continue.\nCharacter Statistics [REDACTED]\nNotes: Bard breached containment when the guard assigned to his containment cell released the lock. The guard had been providing Bard with food over the past week and had been regularly exposed to Bard's body language and demeanor. When asked why he released Bard, the guard stated \u201cI see the poor guy every day, I felt sorry for him.\u201d Bard walked to the cafeteria and made Foundation personnel make him steak and strawberry ice cream. Upon completing his meal, he returned to his cell to sleep. Command determined the threat presented by Bard's continually developing abilities outweighed any further potential insights into SCP-896, and ordered his termination. It is theorized that Bard only returned to his cell because the thought of escape from Foundation custody had not even crossed his mind.\nCleric has requested researchers allow him to invest in intelligence statistics to enhance his failing memory. His request is tentatively approved. At this point nearly all subjects require Cleric's guidance to perform any tasks.\nBerserker has seemingly reached a plateau of his physical abilities. He claims he is no longer experiencing any increase of strength or agility despite continued gain in SCP-896. Requesting additional security measures be considered in case he is falsifying his results.\nIt should be noted that communications with all subjects has become increasingly difficult as all are rapidly losing language skills.\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A3990:\n\nTest Log SCP-896-A:\n\nTesting Notes: Total containment breach of all subjects. Three subjects terminated. Testing discontinued.\nCharacter Statistics [REDACTED]\nNotes: While subjects were led back to their containment cells by Foundation security, Berserker managed to remove his shock collar and kill \u2588 guards. His strength and speed were much higher than anticipated. Berserker proceeded to free the other subjects. Warlock and Berserker made their way back to SCP-896's containment cell. Knight remained and resisted Foundation personnel attempting to re-establish containment. Knight held off \u2588 Foundation personnel for ten minutes. Standard issue firearms could not harm Knight. Knight was eventually forced into a containment cell and terminated via asphyxiation, which took approximately twenty minutes. No autopsy was performed on Knight due to examiner's inability to pierce his skin with medical instruments.\nUpon reaching SCP-896's containment cell, Warlock told Berserker to open the cell. Berserker was able to rip the Foundation security door off its hinges before dying. Autopsies indicate the force required to remove the Foundation security door shattered \u2588 bones in his body, and snapped his spine in three places. Although Berserker was able to generate enough force to accomplish this feat, his body could not handle the door's weight or the effect of Newton's third law.\nWarlock entered SCP-896's containment and proceeded to access the game. It took approximately seven minutes for him to decipher SCP-896's source code and edit the hexadecimal code containing his character's statistics. Upon editing his stats to the maximum value allowed, Warlock vanished from containment. To this date, Warlock or his remains have not been found. Upon reviewing Warlock's account information contained on SCP-896, researchers discovered a customer service notation simply stating \u201cUser has been banned for hacking.\u201d\nCleric has escaped containment, and his whereabouts are unknown at this time. Cleric is most likely responsible for the breach as the other subjects lacked the necessary ambition or planning to attempt this sort of escape. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is also missing. It is believed during the distraction caused the containment breach, Cleric gained access to SCP-\u2588 with the help of Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and used SCP-\u2588 to escape.\n\nTest Log SCP-896-B:\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a level 3 researcher, was conservatively using SCP-896 to augment his abilities. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was increasing his stats uniformly to avoid any negative effects. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was 53 years old and in good health, and his strength and IQ had increased 7% since beginning use of SCP-896. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 decided to have a \u201cgame-a-thon\u201d over Thanksgiving weekend in 20\u2588\u2588, in which he played SCP-896 for an estimated \u2588 hours straight before he expired. Autopsies revealed evidence of severe arthritis, early onset Alzheimer's, cataract, and development of several tumors. The medical examiner could only conclude that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had died of old age. Further use of SCP-896 by Foundation personnel has been suspended until the direct correlation between the aging effects brought on by leveling is understood.\n\n\u00ab SCP-895 | SCP-896 | SCP-897 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-897\nObject Class: Safe (formerly Euclid)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-897 is allowed full access to all Level 0 regions of the facility. It may not engage in any activities that have the potential to be physically harmful in any way (directly or indirectly), and is required to undergo a comprehensive medical exam daily. If SCP-897 is found to be at risk of any kind of organ failure, it is to be confined to a cell and provided with a D-class personnel in order to restore itself.\nDescription: SCP-897 is an effectively immortal person of variable height, weight, and build, and indeterminate age, race, and gender. It claims to be \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an Estonian man on record as having died in a house fire in Reval (now Tallinn) in 19\u2588\u2588, aged 70. If this were true, it would make SCP-897 \u2588\u2588\u2588 years old.\nWhen one or more of SCP-897's vital organs is compromised (usually as a result of trauma or disease related injury, but sometimes as a result of age related wear and tear) said organ will spontaneously switch places with that of whichever human subject is in closest proximity to SCP-897 (provided they are in good health) via teleportation. This saves SCP-897's life, but at the expense of the subject (to whom the process is fatal in \u2588\u2588% of cases, and severely debilitating in the other \u2588\u2588%). The process is entirely involuntary and does not require SCP-897 to be conscious in order to work.\nMRI scans and medical tests indicate that the transplanted organs are seamlessly integrated into SCP-897's body (regardless of genetic disparity) and function as normal. SCP-897 has been found to contain DNA from at least \u2588\u2588\u2588 different people (including \u2588\u2588 Foundation personnel). It is estimated that no more than \u2588% of its original body mass remains. Why its immune system (which itself has been replaced several times) does not reject foreign tissues is not known.\nSCP-897 was discovered by the Foundation in the spring of 200\u2588, when it was reported that three hikers in Denali National Park, Alaska had died in the space of two weeks under similar, highly anomalous circumstances. The first hiker appeared to drown, despite being on land. The coroner's report confirmed that, not only were her lungs filled with water, but they were unusually large in relation to her size and build, meaning they did not fit inside her ribcage, and as such had ruptured and haemorrhaged. The second hiker [DATA EXPUNGED]. The third hiker dropped dead when several of his bones (including his cervical vertebrae) appeared to spontaneously fracture. A mobile task force sent to scout the area found SCP-897 (who had recently taken to living in the wilderness) and took it into custody with \u2588 casualties. SCP-897 reported that he had fallen into a river, [DATA EXPUNGED] by a mother grizzly bear, and fallen off a cliff at times coinciding with the deaths of the three hikers.\nDue to the stress of involuntarily causing multiple deaths, SCP-897 is highly mentally unstable, and is neither willing nor able to cooperate with the Foundation. Its condition has gotten substantially worse since being taken into custody. SCP-897 will self-harm at any given opportunity. \u2588\u2588 Foundation personnel have been killed or injured because of this. Whether SCP-897 self-harms out of frustration with its existence or merely to spite the Foundation is unknown.\nAddendum: On \u2588 October 2011, SCP-897 briefly escaped Foundation custody. When Dr. Rasmussen entered SCP-897's padded cell in order to attempt an interview, SCP-897 broke free of its straitjacket and [DATA EXPUNGED] its own face, causing its eyes, nose, much of its skin, most of its teeth, and its lower jaw to be exchanged with Dr. Rasmussen's. Dr. Rasmussen is believed to have expired almost immediately. SCP-897 was then able to pass himself off as Dr. Rasmussen, allowing him to leave the facility.\nWhen Dr. Rasmussen's body was discovered, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was sent to recover SCP-897. 19 hours later, SCP-897 returned of its own accord, now possessing the memories and personality of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It transpired that, upon tracking SCP-897 to the nearby town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to restrain it, and accidentally shot it in the head, initiating a spontaneous brain transplant. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's body quickly expired due to massive brain damage. The mind of the original SCP-897 was lost in the process. The fact that SCP-897's body has now been entirely replaced (meaning the original person technically no longer exists) has led some researchers to theorize that SCP-897 is not a person, but a localized abstract anomalous effect. Because Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is mentally stable and willing to cooperate with the Foundation, SCP-897 has been downgraded to Safe.\n\n\u00ab SCP-896 | SCP-897 | SCP-898 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-898\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Information pertaining to the creation and application of SCP-898 is restricted to Foundation personnel with level 3 clearance or higher. Experimentation with SCP-898 may only be conducted with the approval of a majority of the Overseer council.\nDescription: SCP-898 is a memetic disorder specifically created by Foundation researchers for the purpose of serving as a defense mechanism against other memetic or mind-affecting attacks. Its development was undertaken as part of Operation Azure Skies in 1992. The objective of Azure Skies was to design and employ a variety of devices to protect Foundation personnel in the field from supernatural threats that conventional technologies were not sufficient to guard against. SCP-898 specifically was created over the course of three (3) years of study and experimentation, taking information from analyses of already known memetic SCPs to drive a gestalt Research and Development program. The SCP-898 project was overseen by Dr. Grienko during its run, until its official cancellation on December 22nd, 1995.\nThe conclusion Dr. Grienko and his subordinates reached was that, since any memetic compulsion, by definition, involves the inspiration of an idea in the target's mind, the most obvious defense mechanism was another type of inspiration, preferably one that would create a more powerful compulsion and override the first meme. To that end, Grienko proposed that a simple, biologically-motivated catalyst might be the solution. According to the theory he developed, when a subject's mind that had already been infected by SCP-898 detected a potential memetic invasion, SCP-898 would automatically stimulate the subject's sympathetic ganglion to flood the subject's system with adrenaline and provoke a fight-or-flight response. The subject would then dismiss the invading meme in the process of either initiating an attack or in fleeing from the meme's effective range.\nThe method for detecting invading memes revolved around tracking sudden changes in the subject's limbic system. A common trend Grienko and his team had observed among memetic viruses known to the Foundation was that nearly all of them stimulated an unusually high amount of activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, and so SCP-898 was designed to activate in response to this stimulation, or if the subject became consciously aware of a memetic attack (which would frequently start off orbitofrontal cortex activity as well). In order to ensure that SCP-898 would provide adequate protection against all types of memes, Grienko opted to form the core of his counter-meme around all five senses. SCP-898 at its completion would include auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, and taste-based elements.\n\nAuditory Components- [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nVisual Components- [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nOlfactory Components- [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nTactile Components- [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nTaste Components- [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nMeme Inception Process Summary- [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nAddendum (1/17/1995): After the inception is completed, a Class A amnestic must be administered in order to prevent \"looping,\" \"auto-activation,\" and related phenomena (see Incident Reports 898-14 through 898-20). -Dr. Grienko\nRefer to documents [DATA EXPUNGED] for more details.\nIncident Report 898-14\nOn September 22nd, 1994, the first complete \"draft\" of SCP-898 was administered to thirty (30) D-class subjects, who were then locked into Secure Chamber #34 in Site-12. A loudspeaker installed in the room began to play a recording of SCP-444 after all the subjects were safely locked behind the soundproof doors. Twelve (12) subjects attempted to break down the doors (presumably in order to escape), ten (10) fled to corners of the room and huddled in them, covering their ears, and eight (8) rushed to the speaker and attempted to tear it out of the wall. After some minutes, the latter subjects were successful, but they continued to show signs of extreme agitation after the recording was silenced. The subjects began to attack each other approximately eight (8) minutes later. When the doors were unsealed and security teams entered thirty (30) minutes after, a majority of the subjects were either dead or in critical condition and the survivors had to be neutralized.\nIncident Report 898-15\nOn October 1st, 1994, the second complete \"draft\" (modifications are detailed in [DATA EXPUNGED]) of SCP-898 was administered to thirty (30) D-class subjects, who were then locked into Secure Chamber #34 in Site-12. Once again, a loudspeaker installed in the room began to play a recording of SCP-444 after all the subjects were safely locked behind the soundproof doors. The subjects displayed very similar behavior to that described in Incident Report 898-14 initially, but their agitation appeared to cease after Dr. Dahl, the technician overseeing the experiment, shut off the recording himself. Unaware that the microphone in his observation booth was turned on, he said aloud, \"Well, it looks like the counter-meme worked right this time\". Some of the D-class subjects who were near the loudspeaker apparently heard this, as they began to show signs of agitation and proceeded to fight amongst themselves or run from each other, starting a riot that eventually encompassed all of the subjects. Security teams had to neutralize several of the subjects, but the remaining ones surrendered.\nExcerpt from Interview w/ Dr. Grienko (12/13/1995)\n\nGrienko: \"As near as we could tell, the problem was that the counter-meme was treating itself as an invading meme. If a person infected with SCP-898 became consciously aware that they were infected with SCP-898, 898 would activate. We called this \"auto-activation.\" The first complete 898 treatment also had an unfortunate side-effect of \"looping.\" 898 would automatically detect itself once it had been activated once, and would keep activating over and over again. Although we were able to work out the looping problem in most cases, we could not prevent a loop in the case of auto-activation, and we never found a solution to auto-activation. The best we could do was use a work-around with amnestics and try to make sure that knowledge of SCP-898 wasn't generally known to Foundation personnel.\"\n\nIncident Report 898-23\nOn March 21st, 1995, Trooper Rock (MTFT Beta-4-03) was watching television in the break room on Site-12. At approximately 4:03 PM he screamed, drew his sidearm, and fired several rounds into the television. He surrendered to custody peacefully afterwards, but was unable to explain why he had felt a sudden surge of hostility from the television.\nIncident Report 898-27\nOn March 29th, 1995, Trooper Wall (MTFT Beta-4-05) was sent on a mission to recapture SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, along with the rest of Beta-4. During the helicopter flight to SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's location, she reportedly opened fire on her Taskforce Leader and other members of her squad when they tried to restrain her. The commander was wounded but survived. Trooper Wall was killed in the fight. MTFL Beta-4-01 reported that he had been giving the squad a \"warm-up speech\" when Wall attacked him.\nExcerpt from Interview w/ Dr. Grienko (12/13/1995)\n\nGrienko: \"Beta-4 was one of several Mobile Taskforce teams that we infected with SCP-898 once we thought we'd refined it to the point where unexpected bursts of aggression or panic would no longer be a problem. We were wrong, obviously. I think what we failed to take into account is the extent to which memetic propagation is inherent in human language. Certain key words or phrases that we all use every day represent ideas and inspire emotions, and we take this for granted because we don't know how to communicate any other way. 898, though, somehow interprets certain 'natural' memes as threats, even if they don't influence the mind any more strongly than me telling you a joke, and since no two people in the world have exactly the same neural chemistry, there's no way to know in advance what kind of memes will be treated as threats for any given person.\"\n\nSCP-898 Test Log, 4/3/1992\nSubject: D-44589 infected with SCP-898, Strain 3, and D-44590, not infected.\nTest: The first subject would be locked into a soundproof room and provided with a written sample of SCP-444 and asked to copy it onto another blank piece of paper. When that task was completed, a second subject would enter the room, and the first subject would verbally describe what he had written to the second subject.\nResults: D-44589 initially appeared to be unable to copy the text, until he resorted to tracing over it. He was unable to describe what he had written to D-44590, and finally resorted to showing D-44590 what had copied. D-44590 was isolated along with D-44589. While D-44590 began to show symptoms of SCP-444 infection, D-44589 did not, and eventually they became unable to communicate with each other.\nSubject: D-44591 infected with SCP-898, Strain 4, and D-44592, not infected.\nTest: See above.\nResults: D-44591 successfully copied the text and read it aloud to D-44592. D-44591 was isolated along with D-44592. While D-44592 began to show symptoms of SCP-444 infection, D-44591 did not, but they were still able to have some limited communication.\nExcerpt from Interview w/ Dr. Grienko (12/13/1995)\n\nGrienko: \"Our early attempts at making a counter-meme toyed with the idea of compelling the infected subject to be blind or apathetic towards incoming memes, but those had even more serious drawbacks than the \"Berserker Serum.\" In the worst cases, our subjects would become effectively blind and deaf, unable to see or hear or read any language or\u2026 sense\u2026 anything else with powerful mental associations. In the best cases, the subjects would still be effective carriers of any meme they absorbed, even if they were not personally affected by it. In short, we have failed. Looking back on the last three years, it seems to me is that all we've really done is figure out how to induce a lot of different mental disorders.\"\nO5-\u2588: \"I see. And you think that this is reason enough to abandon the project?\"\nGrienko: \"Yes. Maybe not forever, but it's clear to me now that we just don't have the knowledge base to develop very effective memes of our own. Maybe in a few decades, when our knowledge of memetics and neurology is a bit more developed, we can pick this up again, but for now I don't think there's anything else constructive that we can do.\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-897 | SCP-898 | SCP-899 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-899\nObject Class: Euclid (formerly Safe, see Incident Reports)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-899 is contained in a rough patch of forest in Rocky Mountain National Park. The SCP-899 phenomena has not been able to travel more than than five meters beyond a standing, living tree, thus the area has been isolated by creating a continuous fire-break around the affected region. Three park service cabins are staffed by Foundation agents on the borders of the site for the purposes of preventing hikers and travelers from attempting to enter SCP-899. Agents are authorized to administer Class B and C amnestics to any trespassers. Children who enter SCP-899 cannot be recovered, and containment must be maintained by removing those who have knowledge of the child's last whereabouts or by planting false evidence of death by natural causes elsewhere in the region.\nAgents who come into physical contact with SCP-899 must undergo regular psychiatric evaluation.\nAs the SCP-899 phenomena has become increasingly more violent, all trees within five meters of the observation cabins have been removed. Personnel entering SCP-899 must do so in pairs and carry sidearms with custom iron ammunition.\nDescription: SCP-899 is a psychic and telekinetic phenomenon that most commonly manifests as groups of hostile phantom children. Travelers in the area have reported being pursued and harassed by small shadowy figures that curse and throw rocks in an attempt to drive them out of the immediate area. The figures tend to be featureless and it is usually difficult to determine if they possess any gender or even individual voices and behaviors. Failure to leave the area will result in an increase of aggressive behavior culminating in a direct physical attack by the entities. An adult who comes into physical contact with one of the entities will suffer the loss of all detailed memories prior to the onset of puberty. General knowledge of family members and living conditions will remain, but persons who have been affected by this memory loss often display a significant change in personality. The most common symptoms are a loss of impulsiveness and curiosity, and negative responses to attempts at humor. Affected persons also tend to become highly impatient with children regardless of their prior behavior.\nPre-adolescent children who come into contact with the entities will physically disappear, after which some or all of the entities may take on parts of the lost child's appearance. No attempt to communicate or find the whereabouts of a child lost in this way has yet been successful. Adolescents who have not fully matured past puberty are [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAlthough more detailed manifestations have been encountered within the area, no attempts to communicate with the entities within SCP-899 have resulted in anything but attacks on Foundation personnel. Items made of iron or [REDACTED] are useful in warding off direct contact with the entities; however, as confrontation of the phenomenon is not required to contain it, no tools containing [REDACTED] have been allocated to SCP-899.\nTravel through the area is also hindered by a spatial anomaly that makes land navigation difficult. Compasses and GPS navigation systems will give false directions and trails through the underbrush will change course. Although there are occasional sounds of wildlife within the affected area, no wild animals or tracks have been observed within the range of SCP-899's effect. Animals brought into the site are also subject to attacks by the entities, although they will not attempt to make physical contact.\nExperiment 899-1: Conducted March 23rd to May 15th 2009. SCP-573 was transferred to SCP-899 to test its effect on the child-like manifestations. SCP-573 is successful in driving away the manifestations, although the spatial anomaly that complicates land travel within the area remained. Due to the harmful effects of prolonged exposure SCP-573 was returned to containment at the conclusion of the experiment.\nSCP-573 should be contained here with SCP-899 as they can effectively be used to cancel each other out. There are no children or animals to be exposed to SCP-573 inside this place. Please reconsider and return 573 to my care. -Agent W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nIncident Report 899-25: June 10th 2009. A new manifestation has been encountered in SCP-899. The entity took the appearance of an adolescent male covered with bloody wounds. Rather than the normal interaction it immediately attacked Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, resulting in severe lacerations and distinct bite marks on the arm, neck and upper thigh. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is undergoing treatment and quarantine.\nIncident Report 899-26: June 13th 2009. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is released from quarantine with no permanent damage beyond scarring. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 passed a psychiatric examination with expected results and has been able to give detailed recollections from his youth despite physical contact with SCP-899. The new manifestation has been classified SCP-899-1.\nIncident Report 899-27: June 20th 2009. SCP-899-1 manifestations have been increasing in number and have been observed in direct conflict with other manifestations of SCP-899. SCP-899-1 has also attacked the cabin on the northern border and started a fire which resulted in the death of Agent W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAlthough SCP-899-1 can be deterred in the same manner as SCP-899, the new manifestations display a significant increase in aggression with intent to kill. Research suggests that the change in SCP-899's phenomena is related to exposure to SCP-573. No further cross-SCP experimentation with SCP-899 is allowed at this time per O5 order.\n\n\u00ab SCP-898 | SCP-899 | SCP-900 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-901\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The location and nature of SCP-901 poses difficulties for containment. All doors, windows and any other features which may appear to an observer to be possible entrances to SCP-901 are to be sealed. SCP-901 is to be surrounded by a 4.5m chain-link fence topped with razor wire and wooden construction hoardings on the outer perimeter of the fence to give the appearance of a defunct facility. Two Foundation agents in local \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 police uniform are to be positioned at the entrance to SCP-901 at all times, with four more agents in plain clothes discreetly patrolling the perimeter of SCP-901. Under no circumstances should personnel enter SCP-901 except during controlled testing conditions.\nDescription: SCP-901 is a four-story building constructed in the neoclassical style, situated at 10 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Square, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, coordinates [REDACTED]. It is L-shaped and takes up a footprint of approximately 850m2. Information on SCP-901's history has been difficult to obtain; questioning of the local population suggests that it has existed since 1947 at the earliest, but no records of its builders or subsequent usage have been found. It is not possible to enter SCP-901 through any method other than through the main entrance, which consists of a large mahogany double door of dimensions 5.2x4.5m, from hereon designated as SCP-901-1. SCP-901-1 opens onto a large main hall which appears to be empty when viewed from the outside. The windows, although covered with a thick coating of dirt, also show all the rooms of SCP-901 are empty. However, observers have on rare occasions reported movement, 'shadowy figures' and in one case [DATA EXPUNGED] through the windows. So far, none of these phenomena have been captured by recording devices.\nWhen an individual enters SCP-901, SCP-901-1 will close and be unable to be opened from the outside by currently tested means for a period of time ranging from thirty minutes to several months. Approximately 60% of those who enter SCP-901 will not emerge and are considered for the purposes of Foundation status and record-keeping to be neutralised. In these cases SCP-901-1 will simply be able to be opened once more without any visible changes; regular testing of SCP-901-1 is therefore necessary to determine when its time of 'locking' has passed. When SCP-901-1 is sealed electronic recording or transmission devices within SCP-901 malfunction.\nThe remainder of the individuals who enter SCP-901 eventually exit the structure, again through SCP-901-1, and the main effects of SCP-901 have been determined through verbal reports from these subjects. When a subject enters SCP-901, it takes on the appearance of a fully staffed institution rather than an empty building. The nature of the institution varies between subjects but is usually a security or law enforcement facility with the features of a parent authority of particular anathema to the subject, although subjects are unable or unwilling to describe definite identifying marks.\nNotable resemblances include the SS Geheime Staatspolizei, the Soviet Committee for State Security, the police force of the subject's home nation or [DATA EXPUNGED]. In one notable case, D-1955 (formerly Foundation researcher Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had been demoted to D-class due to breaches of protocol involving assignment to SCP-231) entered SCP-901 and [DATA REDACTED BY ORDER OF O5-\u2588]. The internal architecture of SCP-901 seems to be unchanged. It is unknown whether the effects of SCP-901 manifest in reality or are the product of hallucinations caused by psychological effects of the SCP.\nUpon entering SCP-901, the subject is confronted by one or more personnel in the employ of said authority, who proceed to restrain the subject and escort them to another sector of SCP-901, where the subject will be interrogated by a figure of relatively high rank in the organisation, designated SCP-901-2. Unlike the other figures populating SCP-901, SCP-901-2 appears to be a consistent feature during all subjects' experiences of SCP-901. Although SCP-901-2's ethnicity, facial features and clothing vary to fit the characteristics of the organisation occupying SCP-901, subjects have consistently described SCP-901-2 as a man of 1.6 to 1.95 meters in height, of average build and with a 'calm' or 'level' voice. Due to the psychological effects of SCP-901 more in-depth subject observations on SCP-901-2 are considered unreliable. SCP-901-2 will interrogate the subject on a particular act or acts by the subject against the laws of SCP-901's occupying authority. This does not appear to correspond to any actions the subject has performed, and indeed may be physically impossible for the subject in question.\nThe personnel occupying SCP-901 will then attempt to extract a confession from the subject. The nature of this process is highly variable between subjects, but may be physical or psychological and will match the nature of the organisation occupying SCP-901 to some extent. Due to the invariable effects of these procedures on the subject, details have been difficult to acquire and are considered to be of dubious quality, but indicated examples include;\n\nphysical assault\nuse of specialised devices designed to cause physical stress\nsensory deprivation\nsexual assault\nthreats against associates of the subject\nuse of [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nThe subject will then emerge from SCP-901 after a period of time consistent with observation.1\nIn all cases subjects who survive the effects of SCP-901 will suffer severe post-traumatic stress disorder. Subjects will also experience hallucinations and paranoid delusions, especially related to being under constant threat or observation by the organisation encountered within SCP-901. Subjects often develop a condition similar to Stockholm Syndrome, manifesting in a reluctance to criticise the organisation in question and justification of its actions. The psychological effects of SCP-901 appear to be poorly treated by time or medical therapy, and in some cases may increase to such a point that [DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum 901-1: In the light of Incident 901-1, personnel are forbidden from damaging or otherwise interfering with SCP-901 in any way except under controlled testing conditions.\nIncident 901-1 synopsis: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggested physically bracing SCP-901-1 to prevent it from closing whilst an individual entered the structure, allowing observation of said individual's behaviour. This was approved and appropriate personnel and apparatus were assembled. As Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began to install the apparatus they abruptly halted after three minutes and, judging from their dialogue, appeared to notice a large group of armed hostiles standing inside SCP-901. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 protested that they had been ordered by the local district [DATA EXPUNGED] to carry out repairs on SCP-901, which he referred to as [DATA EXPUNGED]. It should be noted that no local [DATA EXPUNGED] had ever existed and it had not been deemed necessary to prepare a cover story for the operation.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 appeared to argue with the group of hostiles (who remained inaudible and invisible to observers) until both agents became visibly distressed and subsequently began to disassemble the bracing apparatus. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was sent to retrieve his colleagues with force if necessary but upon approaching SCP-901-1 dropped his sidearm and raised his hands in the air. Further personnel sent to interfere in the situation met with similar effects. Once all equipment had been cleared from SCP-901-1 all agents experiencing abnormal psychological effects entered SCP-901 and SCP-901-1 closed as normal. SCP-901-1 was sealed for a normal period of 23 days and none of the subjects re-emerged.\nAddendum 901-2: Dr. Major's communiqu\u00e9 to higher command [O5 EYES ONLY];\n\nSCP-901 holds a great deal of potential to the Foundation as a means of controlling unruly humanoid SCPs, D-class personnel or others. However, I suspect there may be some bias in our testing procedures, since they're all D-classes and we naturally expect the ideal D-class to be submissive; perhaps the high rates of death and trauma are due to this? It would therefore be of interest to see the effect of this SCP on individuals conditioned to resist physical and psychological stress. As Foundation agents and other personnel fit this category well, I propose we recruit volunteers from the ranks of these personnel or draft them if necessary to test SCP-901.\n- Dr. Major\n\nFootnotes\n1. Of particular note are SCP-901's similarities to other law enforcement based SCP's, such as SCP-1002 and SCP-2701.\n\n\u00ab SCP-900 | SCP-901 | SCP-902 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-902\n\nItem #: SCP-902\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-902 has been relegated to Arctic Base Theta-12, the only SCP to be contained at this site. The site is to be staffed by a team of fifty security personnel. At this time, no research is to be done on SCP-902. Knowledge of SCP-902 beyond its number is to be limited to level three staff and lower. It is imperative that only a limited number of Senior Staff know of the existence of SCP-902. Only one O5 is allowed to know about SCP-902 at any time. In the event of a security breach from inside Arctic Base Theta-12, the onsite hydrogen bomb is to be detonated remotely. SCP-902 must be guarded at all times against premature destruction.\nDescription: SCP-902 is a box roughly the size of an adult human head. It measures 30 cm x 15 cm x 19 cm. It appears to be an ammunition box of a type used roughly thirty years ago, despite this item having been in Foundation custody for roughly sixty years. SCP-902 is made of lead. The composition of the item inside SCP-902 is unknown. SCP-902 emits what has been described as a 'ticking' sound, and anyone who hears this sound becomes convinced that the item is counting down. When opened, the box appears empty. However, the ticking remains, the object continues counting down. Anyone who becomes aware of SCP-902, whether through personal interaction, or by reading this report, becomes convinced that whatever is in the box is horribly dangerous, and needs to be destroyed as soon as it finishes counting down, and not before. Staff exposed to SCP-902 will typically continue to attempt to open and then close the box, trying to find the object inside.\nThere is no object. There is an object. It has to be destroyed, when the countdown stops. We are doing great work. We have to be stopped.\n\n\u00ab SCP-901 | SCP-902 | SCP-903 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-903 seen from Station A\n\nItem #: SCP-903\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Access to either side of SCP-903 is to be restricted to authorized research personnel only. The entrances must be sealed and kept under surveillance at all times. During testing, under no circumstances are personnel to enter SCP-903 or attempt to cross it. Any persons attempting unauthorized entry will be subject to lethal force. Any test subject or item that has passed through or emerges from SCP-903 must be immediately destroyed once testing is concluded.\nDescription: SCP-903 is an incomplete Site-19 utility tunnel that connects the SCP Containment Wing with the Lambda Laboratory Wing. The tunnel is three meters in diameter, fifty meters long, and buried approximately five meters underground. Because of its incomplete nature, SCP-903 is an empty concrete tunnel that contains no piping, wiring, or other utility equipment. SCP-903 also contains an old rail system that consists of a single monorail that spans the entire length of SCP-903.\nSCP-903 was originally used as a discreet and secure method of transporting SCPs from the Containment Wing directly to the Lambda Laboratory Wing. However, this practice was discontinued shortly after Incident 903-1, where the presiding personnel violated standard operating procedure and transported several SCPs at once, rather than one at a time. The resulting incident is most likely what caused SCP-903 to obtain its current anomalous properties.\nAt first glance, SCP-903's most obvious feature is the fact that the entire tunnel is completely visible, despite the lack of any internal lighting. The lighting appears to be emanating from the white line of paint spiraling around the tunnel walls. It is unclear how this phenomenon works. The monorail systems still functions as normal. However, if an item or organism is placed inside the monorail car and sent through SCP-903, the monorail will suddenly and inexplicably stop in the middle of the tunnel. The anomalous illumination will then deactivate, reducing visibility inside SCP-903 to zero. Attempts to use external lighting or image enhancement technology such as infrared or night vision equipment have proven ineffective in observing SCP-903 during this state. After approximately fifteen seconds, the anomalous illumination and the monorail cart will reactivate, and the cart will continue on its path like normal. However, the item or organism that was previously placed inside the cart will be missing with no trace.\nAfter an indeterminate amount of time, SCP-903 will activate the monorail cart on its own. Once the cart reaches the center of SCP-903, the illumination will shut down for fifteen seconds similar to a deliberate activation. When SCP-903 reactivates, the monorail cart will contain a new item (designated SCP-903-X) and in most cases, an elaborately handwritten note.\nThe instances of SCP-903-X SCP-903 generates are all universally anomalous in nature, and each instance possesses different anomalous properties. However, each instance's properties seem to consistently match properties of SCPs that had previously been transported through SCP-903 prior to Incident 903-11. Once the instances of SCP-903-X are removed from SCP-903, they will deteriorate and lose their anomalous properties after approximately two hours, assuming they weren't already destroyed beforehand.\nThe handwritten notes included with the instances of SCP-903-X suggest that SCP-903 is somehow connected with a sapient entity capable of manufacturing instances of SCP-903-X. Attempts to trace the source of the notes based on composition of the ink and paper, as well as handwriting analysis, have so far failed to produce any results. However, the handwritten notes are not anomalous and do not deteriorate like instances of SCP-903-X.\n\n+ List of notable SCP-903-X instances and notes.\n\n- Access Granted\n\nSCP-903-1: A pineapple that autonomously launches itself at any individual that makes a subjectively bad joke.\nAccompanying Note: I thought the tomatoes were such a hoot, so I thought I'd give it a try with a different fruit.\nSCP-903-5: A shard of obsidian carved into a humanoid shape. Whenever an individual cuts themselves on its edge, SCP-903-5 morphs into a perfect image of that individual.\nAccompanying Note: For the price of a little pain, you'll have a little buddy to keep you sane.\nSCP-903-12: A bronze key that weighs 90 tonnes.\nAccompanying Note: With this you can open any door, if you have the strength to get it off the floor.\nSCP-903-20: A pack of \"Blue Lady\" brand cigarettes with a picture of a blue haired female with one eye. Anybody who smokes one of these cigarettes is temporarily afflicted with a condition where they are convinced a one eyed woman is staring at them.\nAccompanying Note: Take a puff if you dare, if you can withstand her unbreakable stare.\nAll other instances of SCP-903-X omitted. For a full list please file a request to Dr. Ryan.\n\nAddendum: After four years of containment and testing, as well as cataloging all instances of SCP-903-X produced, SCP-903 reactivates and produces only a single, handwritten note.\n\nEven the greatest minds can lose their inspiration. Can you please help an artist in desperation?\n\nFootnotes\n1. For a full listing of SCPs transported through SCP-903, please send an official request to the current Site Administrator.\n\n\u00ab SCP-902 | SCP-903 | SCP-904 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-904\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-904 should be inscribed on an ordinary sheet of typing paper when not in active observation or study. This paper should be secured in a secure locked non-combination vault and stored out of range of any recording devices. SCP-904 should only be handled or directly viewed by class-D personnel without backgrounds in literature, writing, or art. Any personnel viewing SCP-904 experiencing hallucinations or suicidal thoughts should be removed immediately from the situation.\nDescription: SCP-904 was discovered scratched on a bathroom wall in the literature department of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University, after reports of unusual behavior and difficulty speaking in approximately 300 students and staff. Mobile Task Force Eta-10 (\"See No Evil\") was sent to contain it, after its viral nature was realized, and although all three class-D personnel involved in its transport were infected by visual contact, it was transported to Site-\u2588\u2588 without incident.\nSCP-904 presents a slight memetic hazard to all who read it, but it is only harmful to those with a specific creative-type mindset. An infected individual can infect other individuals. Symptoms include the tendency to use end rhymes uncontrollably, in all speech. Reading SCP-904 multiple times, or being very close to it after reading it once, will result in the development of a more refined poetic form, containing iambic pentameter, a more complicated poetic form, or more fitting rhymes.\nThe infection is not permanent. Some individuals will remain affected for up to twenty-four hours, while others will shake off the infection within ten minutes. Typically, infections caught from other individuals will be shorter in duration than infections from the source.\nHowever, some individuals, mostly those with backgrounds in poetry and the arts, are more adversely affected by the infection. These individuals have a more difficult time losing the infection. In rare cases, it will not subside, but will induce hallucinations regarding being \"trapped\" (in cages, coffins or otherwise), a state of extreme depression, and the feeling that they are unable to express their thoughts or that their body is not theirs anymore, or that they are being possessed. Often the subject will choose to self-terminate. Researchers should use discretion when choosing who will view SCP-904.\nAddendum 1: A class-D personnel was exposed to SCP-904 and successfully infected. When asked to use a sentence ending in the word \u201cninth\u201d (a word with no rhymes in the English language), [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIt should be noted that while infected individuals don't casually choose to use non-rhyming words, they are able to and the consequences may be deadly. At the request of the cleaning crews assigned to clean up the blood, researchers are strongly discouraged from similar experiments.\nAddendum 2: If this ever breaks containment, we're going to be facing a disaster, suicidal poets or not. \u2013Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-903 | SCP-904 | SCP-905 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-905\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-905 is to be contained in a six (6) m x six (6) m x three (3) m containment cell, painted matte black. This cell is to be devoid of any mirrors or windows. Two LED arrays are to be installed in cells housing SCP-905. Every four hours, SCP-905 is to be fed for twenty (20) minutes.\nAs of current regulations on \"Misters\", SCP-905 is to be contained in Hall \u2588\u2588 of Site-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-905 is a sentient entity composed of photons. These photons form a humanoid shape that has been described as \u201cfuzzy, but definite\u201d. It is roughly 1.75 m tall; however, its mass is immeasurable. SCP-905 has shown the ability to speak through the manipulation of air particles, but its mechanism to perform this is unknown.\nSCP-905 is capable of the same movement as a human male of the same body structure, but due to its photonic nature, is unable to manipulate solid objects aside from emitting weak electromagnetic radiation. Solids such as doors must be moved for SCP-905 before it can leave or enter a room.\nSCP-905 has the ability to pass through windows and other transparent objects. The photons SCP-905 is composed of follow the usual laws of probability in this case, and will reflect back from the transparent object at a rate of ~5%, separating any reflected photon from SCP-905's influence. SCP-905 describes this as painful but bearable.\nSCP-905 sheds its photons at a constant rate of approximately 0.001% of its body volume per second. These photons are emitted at a wavelength of ~380 nm to ~780 nm, or within the human spectrum of visible light. SCP-905 shows the ability to change the wavelengths emitted to match its background. SCP-905's lack of a shadow can make detecting SCP-905 while hidden problematic.\nSCP-905 shows an inability to absorb coloured lights. Due to SCP-905's constant loss of photons, SCP-905 must be \"fed\" regularly in order to maintain a \"healthy\" body volume.\nConversely, \u201cfeeding\u201d SCP-905 too large an amount of photons causes SCP-905 to experience an over-saturation. SCP-905 finds this extremely painful, and describes it in a similar manner to human burns. Placing a mirror near SCP-905 in an attempt to \"feed\" SCP-905 its own emissions results in SCP-905 expressing extreme discomfort. When questioned, SCP-905 replied, \u201cWould you enjoy eating your own [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]?\u201d\nSCP-905 was discovered at the [DATA EXPUNGED] entrance of Site-\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 905-1: The words \"Mr. Chameleon, from Little Misters \u00ae by Dr. Wondertainment\" are printed upon SCP-905's left \"calf\". SCP-905 shows an inability to change the wavelength emitted by this print. This designation appears as \"1\" in Document SCP-909-a.\n\n\u00ab SCP-904 | SCP-905 | SCP-906 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-906\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Subject is to be contained in a three (3) by three (3) meters squared, fully airtight, twelve (12) centimetre thick titanium enclosure surrounded by acid-resistant glass. Temperature must be kept under 5 degrees Celsius. Should temperature exceed this limit, all personnel are to be evacuated to a distance of at least one hundred (100) meters. Immediate area containing enclosure will then be locked down until temperature has been lowered. Holding cell is to be maintained on a bi-weekly basis and checked for sufficient corrosion or gaps. Any damage to holding cell is to be repaired immediately.\nSCP-906 is to be monitored at all times from four (4) digital cameras mounted on each corner of the enclosure. Any abnormal behaviour reported from these cameras will result in immediate lockdown of area around containment cell. Access to SCP-906 is permitted only to supervised Class D personnel for feeding and/or enclosure maintenance. SCP-906 is to be fed 80 kg of raw meat every forty-two (42) hours.\nDescription: SCP-906 is a writhing mass of dark brown, worm-like invertebrates. These organisms seem to interact in a uniform fashion, forming a colonial \"superorganism\" in a similar manner to army ants. For reasons currently unknown, SCP-906 will usually form its \"body\" into that of a very rough, humanoid figure. SCP-906 is shown to be capable of crude bipedal movement when in this state; however, when travelling longer distances, it will deviate to a flattened mass with a greater efficiency of movement.\nSCP-906 is capable of secreting a viscous, highly corrosive, semi-translucent fluid, similar in colour to its skin. This substance is shown to have an acidic strength comparable to hydrofluoric acid, but it has a less pronounced effect on titanium, no effect on acid-resistant glass and [DATA EXPUNGED]. This substance displayed the ability to destroy teeth, bones, hair, nails, clothing, jewellery, and some kinds of equipment in under an hour.\nSCP-906 is predatory and highly aggressive: when hungry, it will swarm over any living creature within its path and coat them in its acidic secretion, thereby breaking down the matter into a liquid slurry which it then consumes. Attempts to remove or disturb SCP-906 during its feeding have proved fruitless. When a designated prey is nearby, SCP-906 will alter its form into that of a flowing \"carpet\" and move across any surface in order to pursue its target until the prey is captured. Due to the small width of SCP-906 component organisms (two (2) centimeters wide), barriers will only slow its advance. Obstacles that cannot simply be passed will be destroyed by the acidic substance SCP-906 secretes. SCP-906 has also displayed the ability to take alternate routes to reach its prey such as drainage pipes and ventilation shafts.\nThrough methods currently unknown, SCP-906 appears capable of mimicking animal like sounds and \"parroting\" human speech in what is described as \"a raspy, hoarse voice\" while in its humanoid form. SCP-906 appears to use this ability to lure prey into areas that are difficult to escape, such as deep pits or maze-like corridor networks. Eyewitness reports from containment breach 906-2-10-01A detail SCP-906 \"taunting\" prospective victims and even emitting a sound \"something like laughter\" before attacking its prey. This behaviour suggests a kind of rudimentary sentience, but it is unknown how a creature comprising several thousand individual organisms is able to achieve this.\nSCP-906 specimens, when removed from the larger \"body\", will attempt to move back toward the central mass and have been known to dissolve through any obstacles in their way. It should be noted that individual specimens do not show the same level of navigation skills as the full superorganism. Specimens of SCP-906 have the ability to reconstruct into multiple versions when damaged in a similar manner to common earthworms, i.e. splitting one SCP-906 specimen resulted in each half growing into separate organisms.\nDespite this, SCP-906 specimens have been destroyed via means of incineration, freezing, and full body disintegration. Should the need to destroy SCP-906 ever arise, use of flamethrowers or liquid nitrogen is permitted. However, SCP-906 specimens will split themselves and \"multiply\" over the course of several hours should the larger mass be severely reduced. If SCP-906 is ever required to be terminated, all specimens must be eliminated to prevent SCP-906 reforming. In order to keep SCP-906 in a more controllable state, the enclosure it is housed in is to be kept at a temperature below five (5) degrees Celsius at all times as this is shown to reduce the movement, reaction time, reproduction abilities, and metabolism of SCP-906.\nAddendum 906-05-01: Testing of SCP-906 resulted in a Class D being targeted before a cow. A second test was then conducted in this manner wherein a pig, sheep, dog, and horse were all placed alongside a Class D. SCP-906 once again targeted the Class D first. Second targeted animal was the pig, followed by the sheep, the horse, and finally the dog.\nAddendum 906-05-02: During routine enclosure maintenance, SCP-906 reportedly \"spoke to\" a supervising staff member by saying his name several times. The reason it did this is unknown and the staff member, one Dr. Anthony Richards, reports being \"very disturbed\" by the proceedings and has expressed a desire to be kept away from SCP-906 in future.\n\n\u00ab SCP-905 | SCP-906 | SCP-907 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-907\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-907 is to be kept under standard surveillance within Garage 3 of Site 54. The key to activate SCP-907 is to be kept in a sealed locker under the possession of the local security director, and may only be requisitioned by Level 3 personnel for purposes of testing SCP-907.\nSCP-907 is outfitted as a mobile research station, and is to be kept fully stocked at all times. This stock includes all necessary research, computing, and living equipment, a ten-day supply of rations plus a five day emergency supply, an appropriately modified Mk. II EVA suit, and a standard set of ten remote AX-10 probes. The inventory of SCP-907 is to be refreshed after every testing mission.\nFor the sake of caution, testing of SCP-907 is to be carried out by Level 1 and 2 personnel only, as according to the official testing schedule. SCP-907 is not to be exited by the researcher during testing missions except in matters of absolute necessity.\nDescription: SCP-907 is a 196\u2588 VW van bearing no internal or external structural anomalies. The vehicle had received a new coat of paint shortly before recovery, but otherwise all modification to the vehicle has been carried out by the Foundation. Said modification includes the removal of all seats in the vehicle and the addition of testing and research equipment.\nUpon the starting of its engine, SCP-907 will disappear from local time-space and undergo a state of transit. This state will persist for five to ten minutes, after which the engine will stop of its own accord. Removing the key or attempting to turn off the engine manually has proven unsuccessful while transit is ongoing. When transit has been completed, SCP-907 will re-appear on the surface of an extrasolar planet. Many planets appear to be located in other galaxies, making identification through positions of known stellar objects impossible. No traces of life have been found on any planet reached via SCP-907.\nSCP-907 itself, and all conditions within, will not be affected by any outside conditions. So long as an object or person is completely within SCP-907, even if there is an open door or window present, they will be unaffected by the outside environment.\nSCP-907 will return to Earth in the same location as its departure after five to fifteen stops. The vehicle is seen to undergo a minor relativistic effect during transit, where a longer period of time will have transpired on Earth than it has in SCP-907, but this time period has yet to exceed a lag of two weeks.\nAddendum: While over three hundred extrasolar planets have been catalogued through usage of SCP-907, several have been encountered on multiple occasions. These include:\n\nSCP-907-A: Terrestrial planet approximately 1.5 times Earth's mass, orbiting an M-class star. No atmosphere or moons are present. The landscape is covered in a thick layer of graphite with surface formations of diamond due to seismic upheaval. Surface temperature averages -200 \u00baC.\n\nSCP-907-B: Terrestrial planet with an atmosphere of methane and carbon dioxide measuring approximately 90 AMP. Exterior temperature at ground level is in excess of 550 \u00baC. Trace compounds of unknown chemical composition give the lower atmosphere an iridescent quality.\n\nSCP-907-C: Insufficient data: Believed to be the semi-liquid core of a standard hydrogen gas giant.\n\nSCP-907-D: Terrestrial planet approximately 3 times Earth's mass, orbiting a K-class star. A trace atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen is present, as well as a single moon. While liquid water is present, the environment is self-sterilizing due to severe ultra-violet radiation from the planet's sun.\n\nSCP-907-E: Icy moon orbiting a ringed helium giant. No atmosphere present. Irregular composition of the ice combined with abnormal warming and cooling patterns has caused a marbled pattern on the surface.\n\nSCP-907-F: Terrestrial planet approximately 17 times the mass of Earth, orbiting a B-class star. Six small moons present. The atmosphere is made primarily of nitrogen and argon, and large quantities of arsenic and mercury are present in the soil. Winds of up to 270 km/h have been recorded.\n\n\u00ab SCP-906 | SCP-907 | SCP-908 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-908\nObject Class: Safe\n\nSCP-908 during a period of unusual atmospheric clarity\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The vicinity of each location of SCP-908 is to be patrolled by a marine vessel crewed and equipped in accordance with the specifications in Document 908.2321.AE4C. Audio and video monitoring equipment are to be placed on the islet and repaired or replaced as necessary.\nDescription: SCP-908 is a partially-submerged rocky islet. The exposed rock above the waterline measures approximately 30 meters in length and 25 meters in width, and rises to a height of approximately 22 meters above the waterline. The rock is composed of granite. The vertical rock face contains carved inscriptions in the Old Ge'ez script which are too eroded to be read clearly but appear to indicate that the rock was visited by Ethiopians in the fourth or fifth century BCE. Near the waterline, there are also carved glyphs that resemble the oracle bone script used in Shang-dynasty China, but the weathering of the carvings indicates that they were added relatively recently, probably within the past two centuries. The only macro-organisms inhabiting the islet are various lichens and small mollusks, although portions of the islet are also covered with seabird guano.\nThe islet is a geographic anomaly; it is located in several different places at once. The islet's colocation properties extend to objects in physical contact or close physical proximity to the islet. Investigations have shown that at present, the islet is concurrently located at the following terrestrial locations:\n\n46.49\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588S 51.63\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588E (southwestern Indian Ocean)\n12.01\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588N 37.18\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588E (Lake Tana, Ethiopia)\n59.54\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588N 68.40\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588W (Ungava Bay, northern Quebec)\n48.21\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588N 144.97\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588E (Sea of Okhotsk, near Sakhalin Island)\n60.98\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588N 20.17\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588E (Gulf of Bothnia, approximately 30 km west of mainland Finland)\n47.03\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588N 90.51\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588W (Lake Superior, approximately 100 km northeast of Duluth, Minnesota)\n\nThe islet also appears to be located at at least one non-terrestrial location; see test log.\nAtmospheric and water temperatures, and the salinity of the surrounding water, remain relatively constant regardless of the time of day or year that the islet is visited, or the point of origin from which it is approached. The islet is also typically surrounded by a mist or fog which, even under the best lighting conditions, limits visibility to no more than 40 to 50 meters. Lighting conditions vary, at unpredictable intervals, from a condition comparable to a foggy, overcast day to total darkness.\nSCP-908 Test Log\n\nReference\nExperiment\n\n01 (Dr. Patel)\nIslet approached by boat from Ethiopian mainland. Distinctive medallion, 0.8 kg in mass, placed on islet. Islet approached by helicopter from Quebec. Medallion was in same position, relative to islet's topography, on Quebec islet as on Ethiopian islet.\n\n02 (Dr. Patel)\nIslet approached by boat from Quebec. Shortwave radio transmitter placed on islet and activated, broadcasting coded homing signal. Triangulation of homing signals resulted in identification of the six \"locations\" of the islet described in \"Description\" narrative.\n\n03 (Dr. Patel)\nIslet concurrently approached by boats from Ethiopia and Wisconsin. When both boats were within 60 meters of the Ethiopia and Lake Superior \"locations\" of the islets, the boats' crews were able to visually identify each other.\n\n04 (Dr. Patel)\nIslet concurrently approached by boats from Ethiopia (with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 aboard) and Wisconsin. Boats met, and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 boarded the boat that had originated in Wisconsin. Boats returned to their respective ports of origin. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 experienced no anomalous effects other than the rapid transit between the points.\n\n05 (Dr. Patel)\nIslet concurrently approached by boats from Kamchatka (with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 aboard, carrying a GPS device) and Quebec. Boats met, and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 boarded the boat that had originated in Quebec. At this point, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's GPS device indicated a location near the islet's Sea of Okhotsk location. Boats returned to their respective ports of origin. Upon leaving the islet's area of effect, the GPS device carried by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (on the boat headed for Quebec) ceased functioning for several minutes, following which it indicated a location near Quebec.\n\n06 (Dr. Patel)\nIslet concurrently approached by boats from Ethiopia and Wisconsin, with each boat unspooling a telecommunications cable anchored at the boat's port of origin. Boats met within 20 meters of islet and telecommunications cables joined. Cable functioned as normal, except for the much shorter-than-normal transmissions time for wired communications between those points.\n\n07 (Dr. Garcia)\nIslet approached by boat from Kamchatka Peninsula. Audio and video recording equipment installed at islet, to monitor islet's conditions for 33 consecutive days. No remarkable activity except for occasional visits by birds of diverse origins.\n\n08 (Dr. Garcia)\nIslet approached by boat from Quebec, South Africa and Ethiopia. Dye released in surrounding water and colored smoke released into atmosphere. Observation of dye and smoke indicates that the colocation phenomenon appears to be limited to an irregularly-shaped volume, approximately 80 meters in radius, roughly centered on the rock.\n\n09 (Dr. Patel)\nIslet approached by boat from South Africa. Audio and video recording equipment installed at islet. On day 29 after installation of equipment, unknown individuals (presumably human) remove equipment. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 approaches islet by helicopter from South Africa to investigate and finds that in place of the equipment, the individuals have left baskets containing fruits, jade trinkets and a handwritten note containing undecipherable lettering resembling letters in the Armenian alphabet but not corresponding to any known words.\n\n10 (Dr. Garcia)\nIslet approached by boat from South Africa. Rock sample drilled from islet. Upon analysis, granite found to be unremarkable. Hole left by sample drilling is apparent on all subsequent visits to the islet, regardless of the \"location\" from which it is visited.\n\n11 (Dr. Patel)\nIslet approached by boat from Wisconsin. Personnel D-2341 left at islet with audio and video recording and broadcast equipment and six months' provisions. Thirty-one days after experiment commences, signal from islet is cut and AV broadcast equipment is damaged. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 approaches islet by boat from Wisconsin to investigate; recovers damaged equipment and reports that Personnel D-2341 is missing. Scraps of D-2341's uniform remain, with residue of D-2341's blood and blood-like substance not corresponding to any known organism.\n\n12 (Dr. Patel)\nIslet approached by boat from Wisconsin. Boat remains on-site for 118 days. No remarkable activity except that on day 91, a canoe-like vessel, approximately 4 meters in length and crewed by three or four individuals (presumably human), with East Asian facial features and clad in animal skins, briefly approached the boat, shouted something unintelligible, and hurriedly paddled away.\n\n13 (Dr. Garcia)\nAgents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 approach islet by boat from Wisconsin. On day 46, boat is struck by torpedo which fails to detonate. Torpedo resembles Kriegsmarine design but incorporates modern guidance and drive systems.1\n\n14 (Dr. Garcia)\nAgents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 approach islet by boat from Wisconsin. On day 77, boat is attacked and destroyed by large aquatic creature of unknown origin.\n\nFootnotes\n1. A connection between this torpedo and SCP-1142 has been theorized due to similar designs between the two.\n\n\u00ab SCP-907 | SCP-908 | SCP-909 \u00bb\n\nMore by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-1322\n\nSCP-089\n\nspikebrennan's proposal\n\nSCP-1844\n\nSCP-1012\n\nSCP-1036\n\nSCP-2553\n\nSCP-1512\n\nSCP-1746\n\nSCP-908\n\nSCP-831\n\nSCP-3236\n\nSCP-2336\n\nSCP-955\n\nSCP-926\n\nSCP-2236\n\nSCP-920-EX\n\nSCP-2914\n\nSCP-2008-J\n\nSCP-4336\n\nSCP-4436\n\nSCP-1060\n\nTales\n\nSic Transit Gloria Mundi\n\nSpring Cleaning\n\nTranscript of meeting, June 2 1972\n\nTranscript of telephone conversation, August 9, 1991\n\nMemorandum Dated 6 November 1944\n\nScroll fragment 13Q29\n\nStray Katz (part 1)\n\nAd Majorem Bonum\nRating: 24"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-909\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-909 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell. No writing materials are to be allowed inside the cell. A short summary of SCP-909's current situation is to be pasted on the wall beside the bed. Extras are to be provided if the previous summary is removed by SCP-909. SCP-909 is to be fed three times daily with any peanut-free meal. If SCP-909 is seen attempting to write or draw, he is to be incapacitated through non-lethal means.\nCurrently experimentation with SCP-909's effects has been discontinued, due to risk of containment breach. Research may be conducted if the current Site Director's approval is given.\nAs of current regulations on \"Misters\", SCP-909 is to be contained in Hall \u2588\u2588 of Site-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-909 appears to be a young adult Caucasian male suffering from permanent anterograde amnesia. SCP-909 seems to be aware of his condition but cannot recall experiences past this, aside from memories gained due to SCP-909's effects.\nSCP-909's anomalous effects become apparent when it writes down any of the experiences still in its working memory. When described through writing, experiences immediately enter SCP-909's long term memory. However, the experience disappears from the memory of all other persons involved.\nSCP-909 is allergic to peanuts and will go into anaphylactic shock following the ingestion of any peanut products.\nSCP-909 was discovered at Entrance [EXPUNGED] of Site-\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 909-1: The words \"Mr. Forgetful, from Little Misters \u00ae by Dr. Wondertainment\" are tattooed upon SCP-909's right calf. Upon discovery SCP-909 had been wearing a 3-piece suit with the brand name \"Doctor's Orders\" sewn into the tag. Foundation personnel have yet to find a clothing company operating under this name.\nAddendum 909-2: Further examination of SCP-909's clothing revealed a list of other possible instances of anomalous humanoids similar to SCP-909 (See Document 909-a) inside the left pants pocket.\nAddendum 909-3: Interview Log\n\nInterviewed: SCP-909\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: SCP-909 was put into initial observation for seven hours, during which the subject's anterograde amnesia and relation to SCP-905 were discovered. SCP-909 was then taken in for interview.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good morning, Nine-Oh-Nine.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (Reading from sheet of paper) You are the SCP designated 909, and you are currently under my custody. I am a doctor of the Foundation, and I am going to research your anomalous effects.NOTE: At this point Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 presses a small button, generating a loud noise lasting 5 seconds. SCP-909 is seen to lose focus.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, Nine-Oh-Nine.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (Reading from sheet of paper) You are the SCP designated 909, and you are currently under my custody. I am a Doctor of The Foundation, and I am going to research your anomalous effects.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Okay, let's try something else. Write down what I just told you.NOTE: Later investigation of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's notes showed that he had planned to press the button previously mentioned at this point.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (Brief pause) Hey, who are you?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Huh?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No. Where am I? What is this place?\n\nClosing Statement: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-909 were removed from the room amid confusion from all personnel involved in the incident. SCP-909 later explained the situation to uninvolved personnel and was placed in his holding cell. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was discharged from duty and given a Class-B amnestic.\n\nAddendum 909-2:\n\nDocument 909-a\n\n- Document 909-a\n\nWow! You've just found yourself your very own Little Mister, a limited edition collection from Dr. Wondertainment!\nFind them all and become Mr. Collector!!\n01. Mr. Chameleon\n02. Mr. Headless\n03. Mr. Laugh\n04. Mr. Forgetful \u2714\n05. Mr. Shapey\n06. Mr. Soap\n07. Mr. Hungry\n08. Mr. Brass\n09. Mr. Hot\n10. Ms. Sweetie\n11. Mr. Life and Mr. Death\n12. Mr. Fish\n13. Mr. Moon\n14. Mr. Redd (discontinued)\n15. Mr. Money\n16. Mr. Lost\n17. Mr. Lie\n18. Mr. Mad\n19. Mr. Scary\n20. Mr. Stripes\n\nAddendum 909-3: The document shown was in the possession of SCP-909. SCP-905 states that it \"lost its copy in the breeze\", SCP-913 apparently ingested its own copy. SCP-917 had held a similar list which can be found in Document 917-a. SCP-920 claims to have misplaced its copy. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-908 | SCP-909 | SCP-910 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\nAuthor Page: Dr. Dentick's Personnel File\nHeron & Hound Commentary Corner:\n\n\"A question, Egret.\"\n\"Yeah, Dhole?\"\n\"Do you not worry over the Houndmaster's secrets?\"\n\"Stop calling her that. Anyway, why would I worry about those? The Overseer trusts me.\"\n\"No more than the desert trusts the sun. What value is trust when you do tricks of your own accord? Would she not enlighten you otherwise? Would she not explain instead of demand?\"\n\"Idiot. An overseer's secret isn't something like that. You don't whisper it to your friend to make them giggle. They bunch them up next to their hearts. They lock them there forever. That's what it takes to protect everyone.\"\n\"Distrust by a prettier name.\"\n\"Sure, but that's the world she distrusts. Not me. Never me.\"\n\"And when her secrets are worth more than your blood? When she cannot gird you against the future, or warn you of a fate? A simple exchange, that.\"\n\"Sure, I'll die. I'll die and be even more trustworthy. Graves don't leak.\n\n\nSYSTEM NOTICE: Overseer-6, 5 items require your attention.\n\nItem #: SCP-910\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: One instance of SCP-910 is to be stored within Site-01's Critical Information Storage Unit. Personnel with Level-4 Clearance and access to Project PEARBLOSSOM-11 may request supervised viewings of the CISU-held copy of SCP-910.\nMTF Eta-82 (\"Inkhounds\") is to monitor rare book auctions and online marketplaces for instances of SCP-910. Sampling surveys of bookstores worldwide are to be conducted by Foundation AI OU-BIBLIOPHAGE, which is to further direct Foundation Internet trawlers in the detection and removal of all information pertaining to SCP-910.\nAll copies of SCP-910 are to be destroyed following retrieval and processing, except in the event that the Foundation-held archival copy has been damaged. In cases where peaceful acquisition of an instance has been deemed impossible, MTF Eta-82 is to ensure their destruction under 14-ULTRAVIOLET engagement parameters.\n\nSYSTEM NOTICE: Overseer-6, 6 items require your attention.\n\nDescription: SCP-910 is an 156-page book titled Organizational Symbology: New Tools for the Oldest Craft, which describes methods to transform mundane organizations into anomalous entities for use in thaumaturgic rituals. Approximately 20 copies of SCP-910 have been printed yearly since 1955 by the Penn & Brooke Scribeworks (GoI-154). The author is listed as Erin Ahmadi, whose biographical summary describes as a thaumaturgist and amateur botanist living in Hell, Michigan. No other records of this individual have been located.\nThe body of SCP-910's text details the principle that groups of humans organized according to specific principles can fill roles in thaumaturgic rituals traditionally held by biological or mineral components. For example: An organization may fill the need for a physical circle that would otherwise be drawn in chalk or blood. Such a substitution is argued to greatly increase the efficacy of the augmented ritual. These organizations often exhibit anomalous effects in the course of routine operations, some of which are further documented within SCP-910.\nSeven of the book's nine chapters depict different structures of organizations, outlining each through a combination of thaumaturgic jargon and elaborate metaphors. The presentation of ritual construction and execution throughout the book bears similarities to the theories of the Three River School, which emphasizes the need for balance of power across spell systems.\n\nSHOW CHAPTER LIST\n\nHIDE CHAPTER LIST\n\nChapter 1: Introduction to Organizational Symbology\nChapter 2: The Populace as Shifting Moon\nChapter 3: The Firm as Runed Circle\nChapter 4: The Lawkeepers as Burning Candle\nChapter 5: The Rebellion as Sacrificial Dagger\nChapter 6: The Imperial Edifice as Bound Goat\nChapter 7: The Church as Gray Ash\nChapter 8: The Learned as Twined Focus\nChapter 9: In Conclusion, the Future\n\nTests of SCP-910 have produced varied results. Organizations structured in accordance with chapters 3, 7 and 8 generated significant anomalous effects. Organizations structured in accordance with chapters 2 and 6 generated minor and inconsistent anomalous effects. The contents of chapters 4 and 5 produced no discernible results during testing. On average, the organizations generating the strongest anomalous effects produced the largest improvement in the results of related thaumaturgic rituals.\n\nSYSTEM NOTICE: Overseer-6, 7 items require your attention.\n\nAddendum 910-A (Text Samples):\n\nVOCALIZE PROJECT PEARBLOSSOM-11 PASSPHRASE\n\n\"Corvid. Assailable. Octavian. Aubergine. Penumbra. Retinue. Effigy. Dissymmetry.\"\n\nChapter 1: Introduction to Organizational Symbology\n\nIt is the first impulse of the initiated to deny others a seat at the feast of power. Such is the impetus behind grand initiations, secret passphrases, and hidden libraries. We rightly believe that this knowledge should be kept from the grasp of the greedy and ignorant. However, such thinking lends itself to separation and stagnation. We convince ourselves that what we have is all that we need, and that any change only serves to dilute centuries of study. This is by no means correct.\nHow many of us take to phone lines instead of casting our voices through the quavering aether? How many of us drive cars every day instead of taking the time to conjure a proper portal? The world has changed, and accepting that is an important step toward a better future. In employing modern technology, we have already allowed for countless changes from the old ways, and prospered as a result. With this in mind, it should not be difficult to look past chalking out ritual circles on damp basement floors and instead move toward the neat lines of organizational charts laid out in boardrooms.\n\nChapter 5: The Rebellion as Sacrificial Dagger\n\n\u2026 and the iron of the sea must further be enshrined in a house of barbs, itself built on a foundation of transgression and spite. The iron is to be wrought as a lion, coated with the dust of a generation's graves. Ornamented walls are to be erected around it, clad in old grudges and shared purpose.\nRites must be observed in the house of the iron omphalos. The blood of the father is to be spilled in equal parts with the blood of the mother. The water of the earth is to be cast into the void of the sky. Emptiness is to be matched with emptiness until naught but void hangs within seven walls. Emptiness within matched by emptiness without, a blade bared against all things.\nTo understand which ritual practices are most compatible with an organization arranged in this symbol, we turn to the characterization process outlined in\u2026\n\nChapter 8: The Learned as Twined Focus\n\n\u2026 but all flows must end, of course. The flow of water from peak to ocean. The flow of knowledge from book to mind. The flow of power from font to focus. To hold and focus the flow, a proper vessel must be constructed. A cup holds only so much, after all. A cauldron of any size will overflow in time. Seekers of the pinnacle must thus create a bowl with no bottom, following the path of Adeimanthos and accomplishing his feat anew.\nTo craft such a bowl, one will need at least two dozen hands for its shaping. 26 will do. To watch it fill, one will need at least two dozen eyes. 26 will do. And to drink from it? A single mouth will do. The focus does not divert, does not divide. Yes, one mouth will suffice to drink from that bottomless bowl, so long as it is lined with teeth of brass and silver.\n\nSYSTEM NOTICE: Overseer-6, 8 items require your immediate attention.\n\n\u00ab SCP-909 | SCP-910 | SCP-911 \u00bb"} {"text": "A Portion of SCP-911\n\nItem #: SCP-911\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-911 is to be stored in a locked High-Value-Item Containment Box. It is not to be handled with bare skin unless being used in an experiment. Researchers are warned to take extreme caution when dealing with subjects created by SCP-911, due to the possibility of contamination by [DATA EXPUNGED]. See Addendum 911-2 (below).\nDescription: SCP-911 is a papyrus scroll of The Egyptian Book of the Dead, dating from approximately 1375 BCE. Analysis has not shown any anomalous composition of materials. When a living human makes skin contact with SCP-911, in 90% of cases, their personality, memory, and higher brain functions - \"consciousness\", for lack of a better term - are drawn into the scroll, leaving a body with no higher brain function. Unless kept on life support, affected subjects die of dehydration in approximately 3 days.\nThere is a 10% chance that contact with SCP-911 will exchange the mind and personality of the subject making contact with that of one previously stored in the scroll. Personnel recovered from SCP-911 are described in Addendum 911-1, and these subjects must be kept in Foundation custody, both for study and for their own safety.\nOnly D-Class Personnel should be used in experiments with SCP-911, due to the low probability of ever recovering the consciousness of the original subject. Due to the interview with Subject 911-4, no further experimentation is to take place without O5 approval.\nAddendum 911-1: Recovered Subjects from SCP-911:\n\nSubject 911-1: Inhabiting the body of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who discovered SCP-911 at \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Subject 911-1 claims to be a librarian from the Royal Library of Alexandria, captured by SCP-911 circa 180 BCE. Subject retains no memory of his captivity. After recovering from the shock of being transported over 2000 years into the future, subject has been quite cooperative and provided a considerable amount of useful historical background on his era. Researchers speaking the appropriate dialect of Greek are welcome to interview him.\n\nSubject 911-2: Formerly D-16173, Subject 911-2 claims to be King \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a noted collector of ancient manuscripts who suffered a mysterious fate in 1327. Whether or not he is lying about his identity is currently under dispute by several of his interviewers.\n\nSubject 911-3: Formerly D-16292, Subject 911-3 has provided no useful information as to his identity or origin. Subject is apparently insane due to long-term dissociation and sensory deprivation, and screams incoherently in Medieval French if the environment darkens below approximately 1000 lumens.\n\nSubject 911-4: Formerly D-16544, Subject 911-4 is Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, documented as having been found dead while doing research on ancient languages on December 5, 1931. Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claims to have been sentient during his entire captivity, and to have maintained his sanity through meditation and strength of will.\n\nAddendum 911-2: Interview with Subject 911-4, Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, on 3/12/2010:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How were you captured by the object?\nSubject 911-4: I was researching the usage of some hieroglyphs, and touched the manuscript. The next thing I knew, I was floating in an endless void.1\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What was it like where you were?\nSubject 911-4: Empty. Featureless. Nothing to do but float. There were others, but most of them are drifting, forever asleep. Occasionally a portal opened, and some new soul drifted in.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: If you were awake, why couldn't you leave before you did?\nSubject 911-4: The portal would only open for a few seconds. Sometimes one of the sleepers would drift out by chance. They were always near it, and only one could go through. We'd have to fight through the crowd, and I guess it took years for me to make it in time. Besides, we had to avoid Him.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Him?\nSubject 911-4: The \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The one who made that place. He would merge with anyone he could capture. All they knew would be part of him, and lost to the world. He is mad. Screaming for thousands of years\u2026 nothing but screaming. He screams about the Collective. He thinks it will make him God, but it will be nothing but madness. All that he learns, he screams into the void.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Why hasn't he left?\nSubject 911-4: He is waiting. Waiting for the right time, the right body. He knows of you. He merged with one of your \"agents\". He screams about \"SCPs\" now, and how he must merge with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The Foundation will save him. It made no sense at the time, but I understand now \u2014 they are people or things in your possession. They will make him [DATA EXPUNGED]. Don't let him out. Never let him out.\n\n Subject 911-4 began crying.\n\nAddendum 911-3: Interviews with Subject 911-2 have described an entirely different environment \"inside\" the scroll. However, 911-2 also speaks of a malevolent, insane entity; in light of this, the Foundation has taken measures to [DATA EXPUNGED]. O5 Command ordered experimentation on SCP-911 to cease without clearance from 2 or more O5 level personnel, upon reading a transcript of this interview.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Further descriptions by 911-4 of this \"void\" are comparably similar to descriptions of SCP-3001 recorded by Dr. Scranton. Investigation into possible links between the two anomalies are ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-910 | SCP-911 | SCP-912 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-912\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-912 is to be kept at Research Unit \u2588\u2588 in a standard containment cell. The cell door must have a damage resistance rating of 3A or above. Direct physical handling of SCP-912 causes a potentially dangerous reaction and should be avoided except as part of an authorized testing protocol.\nAll researchers involved in SCP-912 must receive briefing SCP-912-002A (\u201cSafe Handling of SCP-912\u201d) and SCP-912-002B (\u201cDealing with \u2018Arrest' Behaviour by SCP-912\u201d). In the event of \u201carrest\u201d by SCP-912, researchers are to offer minimal resistance and await rescue by an associate wearing the uniform of the \u2588\u2588PD.\nExperiments that involve the use of firearms or the CQ firing range require authorization from Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at least 24 hrs in advance in order to permit route clearance and schedule deconfliction.\nDescription: SCP-912 consists of several items of police-issue body armour, clothing and equipment that together form a discrete entity capable of independent movement and action. Both the method by which this ability has been acquired and means by which it is achieved have yet to be identified. The elements that comprise SCP-912 conform to the standards of uniform worn by the \u2588\u2588PD SWAT as of \u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 (the approximate date of acquisition). Uniform elements float in mid-air as though worn by a man or woman around 185 cm (6'1\") in height, but no such presence can be detected. SCP-912 does not directly respond to communication attempts, but will follow simple orders in English given by personnel wearing the uniform of an officer of the \u2588\u2588PD.\nSCP-912 consists of the following:\n\nOne dark gray \u2588\u2588PD ballistic helmet with transparent face-protecting visor.\nOne black Nomex\u00ae tactical balaclava from unknown manufacturer.\nOne set navy blue \u2588\u2588PD \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Tactical Body Armor from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Armor, Ltd. SWAT insignia printed upon front and back.\n\nIncludes several ammo/grenade/storage pouches (all apparently empty, though SCP-912 resists inspection).\nOne pouch contains \"PlastiCuff\" restraints. Supply seems to remain constant regardless of \"arrests\" made.\n\nOne pair of black knee pads from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Armor Ltd.\nOne pair of black elbow pads from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Armor Ltd.\nOne pair of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588 steel toe-capped combat boots from unknown manufacturer.\nOne pair of black combat gloves by \u2588\u2588\u2588 Armor Ltd.\nClosed and fastened pistol holster suitable for a mid-sized sidearm from unknown manufacturer.\nOne 53 cm (21 in) telescopic steel baton. Handle is apparently made from hardened plastic with a textured grip.\n\nIn its default state, SCP-912 has been assessed to pose no hazard to health, security or risk of escape when handled in accordance with SCP-912-002A and SCP-912-002B.\nIf given the command \"Arrest \" by a person wearing the uniform of the \u2588\u2588PD, or in the event that SCP-912 detects an armed individual or individuals within its visual radius, it will commence \u201carrest\u201d behaviour. SCP-912 will attempt to disarm and restrain the subject upon the ground, then secure their arms behind their back using a pair of PlastiCuffs. The force used in the process of this \"arrest\" greatly exceeds \u2588\u2588PD SWAT guidelines and statutory procedures. SCP-912 frequently inflicts injury to the neck, shoulder and arms of the arrested individual due to apparent unawareness or indifference to the mechanical limitations of human anatomy. Resistance on the behalf of the individual being \"arrested\" causes a corresponding increase in force until cessation.\nSCP-912 will attack should it detect threatening or hostile behaviour towards itself or an individual wearing the uniform of the \u2588\u2588PD. SCP-912 deploys its telescopic steel baton and approaches the nearest armed subject at an average speed of 5 km/h. If the armed subject drops the weapon and ceases threatening behaviour before SCP-912 moves into combat range, the normal \"arrest\" procedure will be initiated. If the subject initiates hostile action or is still holding the weapon when SCP-912 enters combat range, SCP-912 will strike powerful blows at the head and upper arms of the subject for up to a minute after the subject loses consciousness. Once all armed subjects are subdued, \"arrest\" behaviour proceeds as normal.\nSCP-912 considers the following to be weapons and will initiate attack behaviour upon sight: firearms; bladed weapons (including kitchen knives longer than 10 cm (4 in) in length); batons, clubs and similar blunt instruments; Tasers and pepper spray; [REDACTED]; and \"joy\" buzzers.\nSCP-912 will initiate attack behaviour when the following are used in a \"threatening\" manner: power and hand tools; knotted rope; lengths of chain; brass knuckles; sports equipment (e.g. baseball bat, golf club); clipboard.\nSCP-912 only permits an individual it has \"arrested\" to be removed from its presence by a person wearing the uniform of the \u2588\u2588PD. An individual wearing the appropriate uniform is not detained by SCP-912 regardless of armament, except where physical aggression is shown towards another subject wearing \u2588\u2588PD uniform. SCP-912 does not react to hostile actions by \u2588\u2588PD uniformed personnel towards non-uniformed victims and does not react to hostile actions between unarmed individuals not wearing \u2588\u2588PD uniform, regardless of injuries sustained.\n\nSUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS: Threat/Response Behaviour of SCP-912 (\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588)\n\nTEST: Remote Operated Vehicle (Srl No# 25168162) with cutting tool activates implement and approaches D-3117 (restrained to chair).\nRESULT: No response. Test terminated when cutting tool 1.5 cm from D-3117's throat.\nCOMMENT: Either SCP-912 does not consider the ROV a threat, or it doesn't care about the fate of the D-class subject. Test protocols amended on hygiene grounds.\nTEST: Remote Operated Vehicle (Srl No# 25168162) with cutting tool activates implement and approaches D-3117 (restrained in same chair). D-3117 now wearing \u2588\u2588PD uniform.\nRESULT: SCP-912 attacked the ROV when the cutting tool came within two feet of the subject. Attack continued until ROV deactivated remotely and \"stand down\" command given by D-3117\nCOMMENT: SCP-912 does not appear to modify behaviour in response to a non-humanoid threat.\nTEST: D-3073 (wearing D-class uniform) ordered to simulate attacking D-3075 (wearing D-class uniform).\nRESULT: No response.\nCOMMENT: SCP-912 appeared to be utterly indifferent even when D-3073 accidentally made full contact with D-3075 and inflicted a nosebleed\nTEST: D-3073 (wearing \u2588\u2588PD uniform) ordered to simulate attacking D-3075 (wearing D-class uniform).\nRESULT: No response.\nCOMMENT: As suspected, based on the evidence in the acquisition report.\nTEST: D-3073 (wearing D-class uniform) ordered to simulate attacking D-3075 (wearing \u2588\u2588PD uniform)\nRESULT: SCP-912 attacked D-3073 with telescopic baton until subject unconscious, then restrained the subject. D-3073 hospitalized with suspected broken jaw.\nCOMMENT: Primary test went largely as expected. However, when D-3075 attempted to intervene to prevent further harm to D-3073 he accidentally placed his right hand into the left arm cavity of SCP-912. D-3075 was immediately set upon by SCP-912 and beaten to death using the telescopic baton and boots. It seems that SCP-912 will not tolerate violation of the space enclosed by the constituent equipment no matter what uniform is worn.\nTEST: D-3118 (armed with 30 cm (12 in) knife) and D-3119 (armed with pistol) ordered to attack D-3126. D-3119 ordered to drop weapon before contact.\nRESULT: SCP-912 moved towards D-class subjects as soon as weapons exposed. D-3119 initial focus of attention until weapon dropped, at which point SCP-912 attacked D-3118, who is disarmed violently. D-3118 right hand and forearm suspected fractured. Right index finger amputated in struggle. D-3119 initially resists \"arrest\" by SCP-912 and has both shoulders dislocated during restraint procedure. Test halted and D-class personnel removed for medical treatment.\nCOMMENT: SCP-912 places greater emphasis upon guns than melee weapons. Finer insight into the threat hierarchy is achievable but would involve needless waste of D-class personnel.\n\nTesting of SCP-912 in a SWAT style tactical environment is currently ongoing. Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 have prior SWAT team experience and are preparing appropriate scenarios on behalf of Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-911 | SCP-912 | SCP-913 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-913\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-913 is to be contained in a customized humanoid containment cell lined with one (1) meter thick carbon steel. SCP-913 is to be provided with standard humanoid furnishings, with prerecorded entertainment materials provided on request. Access to the cell may be conducted through a reinforced carbon steel door.\nOnce every two (2) hours SCP-913 is to be provided with one (1) nutritional supplement as outlined in Document 913-2. SCP-913 is fitted with a central venous catheter to facilitate nutrition. The subject is to be provided with intravenous nutritional supplements while sleeping. Catheter is to be changed once every three (3) months.\nAs of current regulations on \"Misters\", SCP-913 is to be contained in Hall \u2588\u2588 of Site-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-913 appears to be a middle-aged African-American male with an extremely fast metabolism. SCP-913 requires the recommended daily caloric intake for a normal human every 2 hours, and has an internal temperature of [REDACTED].\nSCP-913 will enter into a trance state if not fed the specified amount of calories in a two-hour period. While affected, SCP-913 will break down and ingest any solid matter within sight. This ingestion can include normally indigestible matter such as wood, plastics, and metals, and does not distinguish between living subjects and other material. This hunger state will force SCP-913 to awaken if sleeping. SCP-913 is aware of his actions while in this state and expresses extreme discomfort following the ingestion of denser materials.\nSCP-913 can rend objects with an estimated force of 3000 N and can bite objects with an estimated force of 5000 N while eating. SCP-913 is unable to display this strength outside of his trance state.\nExamination of SCP-913's liver tissue shows that it will produce new enzymes in response to foreign material. These enzymes will metabolize the substrate at ~98% efficiency, effectively detoxifying any drugs or toxins. This includes amnestics and anesthetics.\nSCP-913 was discovered at entrance [EXPUNGED] of Site-\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 913-1: The words \"Mr. Hungry, from Little Misters \u00ae by Dr. Wondertainment\" are tattooed upon SCP-913's right calf. Upon discovery SCP-913 had been wearing a shirt and dress pants, both with the brand name \"Doctor's Orders\" sewn into their tags. This designation appears as \"7\" in Document SCP-909-a.\n\n\u00ab SCP-912 | SCP-913 | SCP-914 \u00bb"} {"text": "One of the least complex sections of SCP-914 in a non-active state\n\nItem #: SCP-914\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Only personnel who submit a formal request and receive approval from site command may operate 914. SCP-914 is to be kept in research cell 109-B with two guard personnel on duty at all times. Any researchers entering 109-B are to be accompanied by at least one guard for the entirety of testing. A full list of tests to be carried out must be given to all guard personnel on duty; any deviation from this list will result in termination of testing, forcible removal of personnel from 109-B, and formal discipline at site command's discretion.\nWARNING: At this time, no testing of biological matter is allowed. Refer to document 109-B:117. Applying the \u201cRough\u201d setting to explosive materials is not advised.\nDescription: SCP-914 is a large clockwork device weighing several tons and covering an area of eighteen square meters, consisting of screw drives, belts, pulleys, gears, springs and other clockwork. It is incredibly complex, consisting of over eight million moving parts comprised mostly of tin and copper, with some wooden and cloth items observed. Observation and probing have showed no electronic assemblies or any form of power other than the \u201cMainspring\u201d under the \u201cSelection Panel\u201d. Two large booths 3mx2.1mx2.1m (10ftx7ftx7ft) are connected via copper tubes to the main body of SCP-914, labeled \u201cIntake\u201d and \u201cOutput\u201d. Between them is a copper panel with a large knob with a small arrow attached. The words Rough, Coarse, 1:1, Fine, and Very Fine are positioned at points around the knob. Below the knob is a large \u201ckey\u201d that winds the \u201cmainspring\u201d.\nWhen an object is placed in the Intake Booth, a door slides shut, and a small bell sounds. If the knob is turned to any position and the key wound up, SCP-914 will \u201crefine\u201d the object in the booth. No energy is lost in the process, and the object appears to be in stasis until the Output Booth door is opened. Intense observation and testing have not shown how SCP-914 accomplishes this, and no test object has ever been observed inside SCP-914 during the \u201crefining\u201d process. The process takes between five and ten minutes, depending on the size of the object being refined.\n\nAddendum: 5/14: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test Log\nInput: 1kg of steel (setting: Rough)\nOutput: Pile of steel chunks of various sizes, appearing to be cut by laser.\nInput: 1kg of steel (setting: 1:1)\nOutput: 1kg of steel screws\nInput: 1kg of steel (setting: Fine)\nOutput: 1kg of steel carpet tacks\nInput: 1kg of steel (setting: Very Fine)\nOutput: Several gases that dissipated into the air quickly, and 1 gram of an unknown metal, resistant to heat of 50,000 degrees, impossible to bend or break with any force, and a near-perfect (1.6x10-75 \u03c1) conductor of electricity\nInput: 1 wristwatch belonging to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (setting: Coarse)\nOutput: 1 completely disassembled wristwatch\nInput: 1 cellphone belonging to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (setting: 1:1)\nOutput: 1 cellphone, although different make and model\nInput: 1 standard Colt Python revolver (setting: Very Fine)\nOutput: [DATA EXPUNGED] Aforementioned \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 completely disintegrated all matter in its line of fire. Object contained with high density gamma waves.\nInput: 1 white mouse (setting: 1:1)\nOutput: 1 brown mouse\nInput: 1 chimp (setting: Fine)\nOutput: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nInput: 1 chimp (setting: Rough)\nOutput: Badly mutilated corpse, showing signs of crushing and cutting with high heat\n\nDocument # 109-B:117: Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Test Log\nInput: Subject D-186, male Caucasian, 42 years old, 108kg, 185cm tall. (setting: 1:1)\nOutput: Male Hispanic, 42 years old, 100kg, 188cm tall. Subject was very confused and agitated. Subject attacked security personnel. Subject terminated.\nInput: Subject D-187, male Caucasian, 28 years old, 63kg, 173cm tall. (setting: Very Fine)\nOutput: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject escaped from test chamber, killing eight guards as well as Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Lockdown initiated. Subject causes containment failure of three SCP areas in continued escape attempt. Special response team engages subject, resulting in severe wounding of subject, partial memory loss in special response team members and corrosive damage to plumbing. Subject expired several hours later, dissolving into blue ash and blinding nearby research team.\nBiological testing with SCP-914 discontinued.\n\nNote: \"Because of the nature of this SCP a wide range of test data would be helpful. Dr. Gears has ordered that any researcher can have access for non-biological testing if they themselves are or they are supervised by a Level 3 researcher. All testing is to be recorded in file #914-E (Experiment Log 914). Biological testing will continue only with prior clearance by 05 Command. As long as you want to try something mundane that isn't alive feel free to help accumulate data.\" - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-913 | SCP-914 | SCP-915 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-915\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All explorations of the interior of 915 must be documented, with a complete manifest of all personnel and equipment to be taken into 915.\nDeclarations of intent to explore the interior or experiment with the computational abilities of SCP-915 must be declared one (1) week in advance. No interior explorations can take place while the computational abilities of 915 are being tested. Also, no computation test can be initiated while exploration or maintenance is taking place within 915.\nAll interior explorations are to be limited to a period of one (1) hour. Longer forays require special dispensation from the lead researcher, Dr. Foudray. All explorers are to be physically linked to a high density nylon cord which is anchored at a point outside 915.\nStandardized testing protocols of the specifications of 915 are to applied to both 915 and the block of computers which are considered experimental controls. These control computers are specified as model HP Slimline S3600F.\nDescription: SCP-915 is a mechanical computation device with a highly non-Euclidean internal configuration. It was the result of experimentation involving the effect of \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588 upon SCP-914. Despite appearing entirely mechanical, 915 completely replicates the capabilities of the input device, one (1) HP Slimline S3600F desktop computer. It appears that 915's exceptional topology makes these computational specifications possible. The current theory suggests that extensive outpocketing in space and time allows computations per second that would be associated with a mechanical device to be superseded.\nThe exterior of 915 is a metal cube with sides of one point three meters (1.3 m) in length. Plastic inserts can be found on all edges, presumably as a safety measure to prevent contact with sharp metal seams. One side of the metal cube is able to be removed, allowing access into the interior of 915. Opposite this access point is an articulated metal arm, leading up to 915's display. This metal arm is composed of several pistons which have the effect of precisely changing the tapestry that is the primary element of 915's display.\n915's display consists of a tapestry woven in an extremely dense fashion held inside a metal enclosure. Despite the density of the tapestry, it is still able to be manipulated by mechanical arms inside the enclosure to a high degree of precision. This precise manipulation is able to fundamentally alter the appearance of the tapestry in controlled ways.\nNote: Due to its effect on RA 915-a, continued research involving the knot theory at work in 915's display has been suspended. -Dr. Foudray\nThe interior of 915 is a mass of gears and clockwork, as well as more esoteric mechanical components used in computation. A constant mechanical drone, as well as deeper sounds of grinding, can be heard within 915. These sounds all experience modulation and distortion, predicted to be the result of the nonstandard topology 915 possesses. 915 maintains passageways through its interior, presumably to assist in the occasional maintenance of 915. When 915 requires maintenance, it will display a summary of the required repair, as well as displaying a map leading to the site within 915 where maintenance is required.\nThe interior of 915 experiences constant shifts, making navigation very difficult. Further, maintaining radio contact is complicated by the topology of 915, often leading to delays and weakening of transmission only a few meters from the entrance. While some success has been accomplished using physical contact (such as high density nylon cord) instances have been recorded where the cord has been severed, embedded in portions of 915's interior, or with portions seemingly curled back upon themselves with the ends somehow fused together.\nThe interior is often unsettling to subjects and investigators. Many cases of disorientation, nausea, and fainting have been reported within 915. It is indeterminate how much of these symptoms are a result of the sensory corruption due to the non-Euclidian nature of 915, and how much is the direct effect on humanity of exposure to locally nonflat spacetime.\nThe internal configuration of 915 appears to be related to computations performed by the device, with more extensive computations requiring a larger degree of internal reorganization.\nThe power source of 915 seems to be infalling air from the exterior environment. The source of this pressure gradient, and the ultimate disposition of the infalling gas, is indeterminate at this time. See Appendix 915a.\n\nAddenda:\n915a: Team 915-j5 found the edge of the interior of 915. They described it as a great wall of blackness. They said it swallowed the light from their flashlights, but it seems more probable that there simply wasn't anything for the lights to reflect off of. Further, the team described an eerie whistling as a wind from the interior of 915 blew out to the void. Is this a possible power source? Is the interior of 915 suspended in a large void and it derives power from the pressure gradient between our atmosphere and this vacuum? Further investigation is warranted, assuming we can find the edge again of course.\n-Dr. Foudray\n915b: Dr. Snorlison was recently lost within the interior of SCP-915 for over a month. Despite this, his body showed no signs of dehydration or malnutrition. However, other ancillary factors, such as hair growth, indicated he experienced several months of subjective time while within 915. Further investigation is warranted, however Dr. Snorlison is being reassigned and will not be available to experimenters for comment.\n915c: I've decided to release some of my assistant's research notes in light of recent events involving Researcher #915-c. -Dr. Foudray\n915d: In light of the investigation taken of the material related to research of this device, as well as further anomalous events originating in the interior of 915, research on 915 has been suspended at this time.\nIt seems interactions with SCP-915 tend to fall into two categories. Most reject the non-Euclidean geometry that 915 displays, ending with a surface appreciation of these traits and mental equilibrium intact. However, a few cases have emerged of researchers and agents internalizing their experiences with 915 in a way detrimental to their mental health. Further, it appears intimate knowledge of the workings of 915 may allow one so affected to induce preternatural effects in one's environment.\nWe have taken steps to determine who is most susceptible to this \"damaging insight\". While no concrete results have emerged, current evidence suggests that mathematicians and artists concerned with appreciation and understanding of \"space\" and \"shape\" are the most likely to internalize the experience of 915. -Dr. Foudray\n\nPersonal Log of RA 915-g\n\n\u00ab SCP-914 | SCP-915 | SCP-916 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-916\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-916 is to be kept in a locked, soundproofed kennel of appropriate size for a dog of its breed. It is to be fed a species-appropriate meal twice per day and its kennel is to be cleaned regularly. Personnel should attempt to provide stimulation to SCP-916 through the provision of a companion dog in its containment area and/or regular exercise in a larger containment area. While this is not mandatory, insufficient stimulation has previously resulted in physical illness for SCP-916. Personnel in contact with SCP-916 are advised to wear noise-canceling devices to avoid unnecessary contact with SCP-916-1. Should SCP-916 unexpectedly enter its active state, it may be safely transported to and locked in its kennel. Test subjects should be checked for any potential implements of self-harm before testing, and guard personnel are to maintain at least one non-lethal means of subduing test subjects.\nDescription: SCP-916 is an adult, male golden retriever. It is identical to any other dog of its breed, other than its exceptional longevity.1 Researchers and test subjects report its demeanor to be exceptionally friendly.\nAnomalous effects occur between 15 minutes and 1 hour after initial contact with a human subject. SCP-916 will begin this active phase by becoming docile and attempting to lie down next to the subject. After several seconds of immobility, SCP-916 will begin to completely suppress any pain felt by individuals in contact with it. Subjects report this effect to decrease with distance, and to cease at twelve (12) meters from the object.\nWithin three (3) minutes of beginning its active phase, one or more instances of SCP-916-12 will appear. SCP-916-1 manifest as localized human voices which originate approximately two (2) meters away from the subject. These voices may be recorded and interacted with by the subject, but will generally not appear if multiple personnel are present. Universally, SCP-916-1 claim to be individuals who have been \"helped to die\" by SCP-916. These voices are able to provide names and detailed information which corroborate this claim, of which 91% have been confirmed.3 SCP-916-1 has been shown to use a wide variety of tactics to attempt to persuade the subject to commit suicide in the presence of SCP-916. Generally, these attempts can be broken down into four phases:\n\nPhase 1:\nSCP-916-1 makes verbal contact with the subject, generally using soft, gentle tones. 916-1 will allay the common fear response to disembodied voices by explaining that they are \"invisible\". These voice(s) introduce themselves and attempt to establish rapport with subject.\nPhase 2:\nIf not already aware of the effect, 916-1 will point out the reduction/elimination of pain in the subject. Voice(s) often ask the subject to bite his/her own tongue or to pinch him/herself to demonstrate the effect. 916-1 attributes this to SCP-916's \"healing powers\".\nPhase 3:\n916-1 attempts to persuade the subject that suicide is a better option than their current condition. This often includes vivid descriptions of a heaven-like afterlife, assurance that the subject need not worry about conditions in the physical world, and encouragement to do so immediately in SCP-916's presence to avoid pain during \"the short trip home\".\nPhase 4:\n916-1 suggests viable options for suicide, depending on the subject's circumstance. Researchers are commonly advised to thrust a writing instrument into their own eye sockets. D-Class subjects are told to make a false escape attempt so as to be shot by security. Records indicate that severing the tongue and bleeding out was once regularly suggested. However, during an early test this was attempted by the subject and medical personnel were able to save the victim. This method has not been suggested by any instance of SCP-916-1 since.\nAny phase may be interrupted by sufficiently disturbing SCP-916 itself or simply leaving the room, returning it to an inactive state.\n\nNote: Due to Incident \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-3c4, instances of SCP-916-1 now have in-depth knowledge of Foundation procedures and personnel. Since that event, SCP-916-1-42, -43 and -44 have consistently informed all Class-D test subjects of Foundation termination schedules in an attempt to persuade the Class-D subject to \"end it now, painlessly\". Due to the efficacy of this technique, testing on Class-D subjects is currently suspended.\n\nFootnotes\n1. SCP-916 was recovered by the Foundation on August 26, 1977\n2. To date, 44 separate instances of SCP-916-1 have been identified.\n3. Assuming that these events did occur in the presence of SCP-916, the object would be at least \u2588\u2588\u2588 years old.\n4. Incident \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-3c resulted in the deaths of numerous personnel. Of those, three (D-21943, D-21978, and Dr. Christopher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) were within twenty (20) meters of SCP-916 at the time of their deaths. These personnel have been identified as SCP-916-1-42, -43, and -44 respectively. SCP-916 was not directly involved.\n\n\u00ab SCP-915 | SCP-916 | SCP-917 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-917\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-917 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell. Music and literature may be made available on request.\nOne aide is to be assigned to SCP-917 at all times. Aides are to be rotated on 6-hour shifts. SCP-917 may request to be left in solitude at any time. However, this privilege is restricted to four (4) hours a day.\nA basic Braille-based communication book has been supplied to SCP-917. Simple communication may be performed through this medium, as well as agreed-upon hand signals. Personnel are instructed to not awaken SCP-917 while in new-moon phase unless absolutely required, as this may cause panic in the subject. Personnel are to wait until SCP-917 gives the agreed-upon signal before interaction.\nSCP-917 suffers from moderate arthritis, and is to be supplied with medication when feeding is possible.\nAs of current regulations on \"Misters\", SCP-917 is to be contained in Hall \u2588\u2588 of Site-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-917 appears to be an elderly Caucasian male. Subject's facial features appear to degenerate and regenerate in relation to the lunar cycle, completely disappearing during the new moon and normal during the full moon. Subject's ears, eyes, nose, and mouth will disappear, but facial wrinkles remain. This degeneration and regeneration mimics the phases of the moon, beginning at the left ear and crossing the subject's face.\nSubject has explained that the experience is painless, but leaves him blind, deaf, and mute when the related features are absent.\nSCP-917 does not seem to need to eat, drink, or breathe when features are absent. However, it has explained that it feels extremely tired while suffering from the lunar phase.\nDuring an eclipse, [DATA EXPUNGED]. This is considered safe, and does not cause long-term harm to the object.\nSCP-917 was discovered at entrance [EXPUNGED] of Site-\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 917: The words \"Mr. Moon, from Little Misters \u00ae by Dr. Wondertainment\" are tattooed upon SCP-917's right calf. Upon discovery SCP-917 had been wearing a coat, dress shirt, and slacks, all with the brand name \"Doctor's Orders\" sewn into their tags. A list similar to the one held by SCP-909 has also been found in the left pants pocket, where SCP-917 is designated as \"13\". See Document 917-a.\n\nDocument 917-a\n\n- Document 917-a\n\nWow! You've just found yourself your very own Little Mister, a limited edition collection from Dr. Wondertainment!\nFind them all and become Mr. Collector!!\n01. Mr. Chameleon\n02. Mr. Headless\n03. Mr. Laugh\n04. Mr. Forgetful\n05. Mr. Shapey\n06. Mr. Soap\n07. Mr. Hungry\n08. Mr. Brass\n09. Mr. Hot\n10. Ms. Sweetie\n11. Mr. Life and Mr. Death\n12. Mr. Fish\n13. Mr. Moon \u2714\n14. Mr. Redd (discontinued)\n15. Mr. Money\n16. Mr. Lost\n17. Mr. Lie\n18. Mr. Mad\n19. Mr. Scary\n20. Mr. Stripes\n\nAddendum 917-2: The document shown was in the possession of SCP-917. SCP-905 states that it \"lost its copy in the breeze\", SCP-909 had held a similar list which can be found in Document 909-a, and SCP-913 apparently ingested its own copy. SCP-920 claims to have misplaced its copy. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-916 | SCP-917 | SCP-918 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-918\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-918 is to be marked on all maps as an artillery range and satellite images of the area are to be altered to corroborate with this cover story.\nAny instances of SCP-918-1 are to be shot down by on-site personnel and any instances of SCP-918-1 that manage to leave SCP-918 are to be tracked and prevented from completing their task.\nAny civilians approaching SCP-918 are to be taken into Foundation custody and dosed with a Class-A amnestic.\nDescription: SCP-918 is an abandoned mill located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The time and nature of its abandonment are currently unknown and records do not show any evidence that the mill was ever constructed. All machinery in SCP-918 related to the function of a standard mill is non-functional and appears to have been stripped for metal.\nThe interior of SCP-918 is filled with machinery of unknown purpose that appears to have been constructed from scrap metal. This mainly constitutes a series of intersecting pipes running through the building, however pulleys and what appears to be the engine of a tractor are also present.\nEvery two (2) months, three (3) creatures resembling members of the Ciconiidae family will emerge from the chimney on the roof of SCP-918. These will hereafter be referred to as instances of SCP-918-1. Instances of SCP-918-1, when dissected, do not appear to possess any skeleton, internal organs or flesh, instead being completely hollow. The method by which they ambulate or function is currently unknown. Witnesses report SCP-918-1 instances communicating with each other in the form of high-pitched clicks and screeches.\nAfter emerging, instances of SCP-918-1 will almost immediately begin to fly to an apparently predetermined residence located in the country of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The residence that SCP-918-1 flies to will always be home to one (1) newborn infant and two (2) parents. Upon arrival at the residence, SCP-918-1 instances will locate the newborn infant and carefully hold it utilizing their talons.\nSCP-918-1 instances will then, still carrying the infant, fly back to SCP-918 and insert the infant into the machinery inside SCP-918. Personnel report a series of loud banging noises emitting from several points of machinery at this stage. After fifteen (15) minutes, varying amounts of talcum powder will be dispensed from the end point of the mechanisms.\nSCP-918-1 instances will then climb into the open point of the machinery. Scans of the machinery at this stage shows that instances of SCP-918-1 remain in the pipes for six (6) seconds before vanishing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-917 | SCP-918 | SCP-919 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-919\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: [REVISED] as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 due to [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-919 is to be kept in a locked storage room with no windows and two armed guards at all times. All personnel to interact with SCP-919 must pass a psychological evaluation.\nDescription: SCP-919 appears to be an ordinary, full length mirror in excellent condition.\nOnce a living subject has been in front of SCP-919 for 15 seconds, the reflection breaks synchronization and begs for the subject not to leave. The reflection appears to be completely self-aware, and has shown to have access to all of the subject's memories. When the subject makes any move to leave, the reflection quickly becomes hysterical. Once the subject is no longer in a place where they can be reflected by SCP-919, the reflection screams and violently disintegrates. Repeated exposures to the same subject have shown that the reflection is cognizant of what happened to it before. Extended exposure to a subject has shown that the reflection has no need of sustenance, though this was detrimental to the subject's mental health.\nSCP-919 was discovered after an incident in the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The owner of SCP-919 had apparently died of dehydration. It is unclear as to when SCP-919 came into the owner's possession, or what caused it to become active, if it wasn't already. Local authorities were eager to get rid of SCP-919.\nWhile SCP-919 has proved invulnerable to damage, its effective range can be neutralized by merely covering it. This results in the immediate disintegration of any reflection that has broken synchronization.\nMultiple subjects being exposed to SCP-919 behave as expected. Each individual reflection breaks synchronization and disintegrates at the appropriate time. The use of additional mirrors has been shown to extend SCP-919's active range.\nAlso worth note is that SCP-919 has no ability for memetic contamination. Its apparent control over individuals is entirely verbal persuasion.\nAddendum:\nThe use of SCP-919 for interrogation purposes has been approved for authorized personnel.\nExposing animals to SCP-919 produced identical results. Of note, 68% of animals showed strong aversion to being exposed to SCP-919. After initial exposure, all animals showed extreme aversion to being exposed to SCP-919.\nTranscript of Incident-919-016:\n\n\nIt is at this point that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 encounters Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 standing in front of SCP-919.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hey, where have you been? You were supposed to be at the lab \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ago. What gives?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I can't leave. It'll kill him.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What? Who else is there?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Him!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Who? Oh, that's SCP-919, isn't it. He's not real. It's just-Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 spends 20 minutes trying to talk Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 out of SCP-919's range before calling a security team.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, come on. We've got work to do. Don't make\u2014\nIt is at this point that Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 draws his firearm and points it at Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You're not going to kill him!\nThe sound of gunfire is heard, resulting in the death of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and the wounding of one member of the security team.SCP-919 responds as it normally does to the removal of the subject.\n\n\n(End of Transcription)\n\n\u00ab SCP-918 | SCP-919 | SCP-920 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-920 (left) being escorted by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (right). Last known image of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nItem #: SCP-920\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Iota-1 (\"Mister Hunters\") are currently tracking SCP-920's movements. Currently SCP-920's movements are being followed by satellite observation. Tracking of SCP-920 by land or air has been discontinued. Suggestions on efficient containment of SCP-920 may be submitted to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAny personnel encountering Mobile Task Force Iota-1 are to contact O5-4.\nDescription: SCP-920 appears to be an Asian male of indeterminable age. Transportation, movement, or direction of SCP-920 to a certain destination is physically impossible. SCP-920 shows an inability to control its own movements and will instead \"wander\" about, being unable to choose a destination.\nAttempts at transporting SCP-920 to any destination will result in transporters becoming lost. Attempts at directing SCP-920 will result in SCP-920 becoming lost. Following SCP-920 will result in SCP-920 and the follower becoming lost.\nThere is no determinable point at which SCP-920's effects will take place. Seemingly random events such as malfunctioning radar systems and GPS units, earthquakes, cloud formations, and severe human negligence have all been recorded to manifest when transportation of SCP-920 has been attempted.\nSCP-920 seems to have a slight psychic pull, causing subjects that come in contact with SCP-920 to feel a compulsion to \"walk and talk with him\". Conversing with SCP-920 is not recommended, as typically subjects will follow SCP-920 and become lost.\nSCP-920 does not appear to have normal human requirements, and can \"wander\" through deserts, tundras, and oceans without encountering difficulties.\nAddendum 920-1: SCP-920 was discovered at Entrance [EXPUNGED] of Site-\u2588\u2588. However, during escort to Hall-\u2588\u2588, SCP-920 escaped containment. SCP-920 was later discovered outside a small town near Site-\u2588\u2588. Attempts at re-containment were discontinued following the disappearance of \u2588\u2588 personnel.\nAddendum 920-2: The words \"Mr. Lost, from Little Misters \u00ae by Dr. Wondertainment\" are tattooed upon SCP-920's left calf. This designation appears as \"16\" in document SCP-909-a. SCP-920 was originally discovered wearing a green hoodie, a white t-shirt, and jeans. The brand name \"Doctor's Orders\" is sewn into all tags.\nAddendum 920-3: Yes, by lost we mean lost. Misplaced, disoriented, off-course, whatever you'd like to call it. No, personnel have not been sent to \"another plane of infinite Misters\". -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 920-4: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 SCP-920 was restrained by Foundation personnel and Site-207 was established at his location to contain him. However, within \u2588\u2588 hours it became clear that personnel could not locate Site-207. After \u2588\u2588 days Site-207 was abandoned due to critical supply issues.\n\n\u00ab SCP-919 | SCP-920 | SCP-921 \u00bb"} {"text": "Entrance to SCP-921\n\nItem #: SCP-921\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Research Site-346 has been constructed inside SCP-921. Signs indicating volcano and earthquake hazards are to be posted around SCP-921's containment area, in order to discourage civilian visitation. Foundation agents are to be disguised as members of the Armenite State Forest Service, and are to ensure the area is vacant at all times. Interaction with instances of SCP-921-1 is permitted to all personnel who passed the general authorization process for the Site, while direct interaction with SCP-921-2 requires authorization from Site Director Dr. Siril.\nDescription: SCP-921 is an underground complex of rooms, tunnels and chambers of various sizes, composition and age surrounding a central chamber, located in the mountainous area near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 . While some appear to be natural caves, others are clearly man-made, or were formed by unknown means altogether. SCP-921's anomalous nature stems from the effect the assorted objects it contains (henceforth SCP-921-1) have on those who interact with them. Many of the rooms in SCP-921 contain rock formations or underground flora (in the cave-like rooms), mundane items (in the man-made rooms) or other objects (in the unclassified rooms). These objects seem to contain \"sensations\" \u2014 when interacted with, each object will cause its user to experience a combination of sights, sounds, scents and other sensory inputs, as well as emotions. No lasting or harmful effects due to interaction with instances of SCP-921-1 were observed.\nThe central chamber of SCP-921 houses an incorporeal entity (henceforth SCP-921-2), who addresses those who enter the main chamber of SCP-921. SCP-921-2's voice originates from the ceiling of the central chamber, though no obvious source has been found. SCP-921-2 seems to serve as a sort of guide and curator to instances of SCP-921-1 housed within SCP-921; when prompted, it will provide directions to a specific object or area of SCP-921 or offer a limited explanation of the sensation contained within an individual object. The exact extent of SCP-921-2's sentience is uncertain.\nSCP-921-2 refers to various sections of SCP-921 as \"wings\" and to instances of SCP-921-1 as \"focus points\". Each wing, room and object is named. New rooms and wings will occasionally appear within SCP-921, containing new focus points. These new areas of SCP-921 will always be connected to an existing wing of the same general composition.\n\n+ Sub-Area 3- \"The Drowned Grotto Wing\"\n\n- Hide\n\nDescription: A series of large natural caves, connected by a series of tunnels, many submerged underwater. Some sections of this wing receive natural sunlight. The focus points in this subsection are stalagmite and stalactite formations.\nNotable focus points:\n\nFocus point #3 (\"Summer Peak\"): A single stalagmite, 8.6 meters tall, activated by touch. Instills a sensation of acute vertigo, in addition to a subdued sensation of cold (described by subjects as similar to that felt when wearing warm clothes in a cold climate) and thin air. Subjects will also occasionally hear several phrases repeated in German and English (\"Too steep\", \"Leave him behind\", \"We need to turn back\", \"Such a waste\").\n\nSCP-921-2's Comment: \"A failed expedition. An insurmountable challenge, for a while. Death comes slowly, while men reconsider and finally flee.\"\n\nFocus point #12 (\"The Trial\"): A small stalagmite, stationed in front of two larger stalagmites. Instills a sensation of defiance, sorrow, fear, and a certainty of one's innocence, as well as the scent of aged wood and wax candles burning. Voices speaking in Dutch and Hebrew are heard as if coming from a long distance (\"Dangerous thoughts\", \"Must be removed from the community and the city\", \"Pantheist! Heretic!\", \"One of us no longer\").\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"A small man stands accused of large thoughts. His world is too perfect and still for his peers, so they cast him aside. All of his brightness does nothing to shield him from the pain.\"\n\nFocus point #19 (\"Lead Tidebreaker\"): A formation of eleven stalactites surrounding two stalagmites. All but one of the stalactites is broken. Instills a sensation of bewilderment, anxiety, and bloodlust, as well as the smell of gunpowder, the rattling sound of machine guns and the crunching of sand under military boots.\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"A whirling tide of iron flows to drown a small island of crimson. Instead, the waves themselves are broken on its shores, their iron staining the sands. The tide never stood a chance.\"\n\n+ Sub-Area 11- \"The Inky Chambers Wing\"\n\n- Hide\n\nDescription: A series of study rooms and offices, each containing a desk and a means of writing, carved directly into the mountain and connected by wide corridors. The focus points in this area are either the desks or the writing tools.\nNotable focus points:\n\nFocus Point #4 (\"A Moment of Peace\"): A typewriter stationed in an ornate study. Instills a vision of an underground bunker occupied by several young women in military uniforms, all working on typewriters similar to the focus point. The sound of a bombing run can be heard from above. Additionally, a faint smell of cigar smoke and a sensation of security and calmness are felt.\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"While the firestorm rages above them and the very base of their lives is threatened, they are secure in the knowledge that they are doing everything in their power to help, and so does he.\"\n\nFocus Point #9 (\"Autumn\"): A quill pen and inkwell, located on a small wooden table in an otherwise empty room. Instills two conflicting sensations \"superimposed\" on one another: the first is the sight of a countryside in autumn, the smell of ripe apples and the sound of water flowing in a stream. The second is the sight of a dark, musty room, the sensation of soiled bed sheets and an acute pain in the chest.\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"A perfect moment in time, captured forever by one who did not live to experience many. Taken too soon, he was consumed by his own flame. His conflagration burns still in the minds of others.\"\n\nFocus Point #13 (\"Regret\"): A fountain pen, stationed on a Louis XV-style writing desk. Instills the sensation of apprehension, disbelief, and shame. Cheap wood can be felt around the neck, and the jeering and cheering (in French) of a large crowd of people can be heard, as well as the scent of rotten fruit and rust.\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"Despised for errors he could not avoid making, betrayed by one of his own blood for a prize already lost to both, doomed to be remembered as a tyrant when he was but a simple fool. True tyrants followed.\"\n\n+ Sub-Area 15- \"The Gaol Wing\"\n\n- Hide\n\nDescription: A collection of brick-lined cellars. Each cellar contains four compartments, two bearing serial numbers and two unnumbered. The focus points in this area are the unnumbered compartments.\nNotable focus points:\n\nFocus Point #1 (\"Genesis\") The unnumbered compartment above compartment #1. Instills a vision of a boardroom, containing a long wooden table and thirteen leather armchairs. Voices speaking in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish can be heard, but are too unclear to decipher. Feelings of worry, determination and secrecy are also instilled.\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"The gardeners assemble to discuss their greatest creation; they seek to trap with it Typhoon and J\u00f6rmungandr, the Griffin and the Hounds of Hell. But they are no gods.\"\n\nFocus Point #13 (\"In the Desert\") The unnumbered compartment above compartment #13. Instills a vision of the same boardroom seen in Focus Point #1. Five of the chairs are missing, and no voices can be heard at all. Feelings of betrayal, anger and disbelief are also instilled.\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"Insects chew and burrow and bite at the great vines. Insatiable, they seek the sweet fruits of the tree. They care not for what lies beneath. The gardeners can do naught but watch.\"\n\nFocus Point #21 (\"Saint George and the Dragon\"): The unnumbered compartment above compartment #21. Instills a sense of rage, excitement and loathing, in addition to the smell of wet earth and blood. Loud roars originating from two separate sources can be heard.\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"This George was no saint, as his squires were soon to learn. Locked in battle, there was no chivalry to be found between knight and dragon. Soon, both were again locked away like beasts. So they deserved.\"\n\n+ Sub-Area 19- \"The Chequered Tunnel Wing\"\n\n- Hide\n\nDescription: A kilometer long tunnel composed of tiles of unknown composition or make. The largest sub-area to be discovered. Focus points in this area are found within cavities in the tiles.\nNotable focus points:\n\nFocus Point #327 (\"Serrated Baptism\"): A cavity found 132.5 meters inside the tunnel. Instills a sense of massive physical pain and fear, followed by a sense of elation and tranquility. Voice chanting in an unknown language and the smell of metal can also be sensed.\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"The Iron Wolf removes another from the flock of the Shepherd of Flesh. Those who are taken are sheep no longer.\"\n\nFocus Point #585 (\"Rare Unity\"): A cavity found 301 meters inside the tunnel. Instills a vision of a small group of people praying in different languages, most notably Arabic, Latin and Hebrew. A sense of fascination, suspension and uncertainty can also be felt.\n\nSCP-921-2's comment: \"In fear of a great fire, the animals of the forest forget old grudges. What is a wolf when the flaming brand draws ever closer?\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-920 | SCP-921 | SCP-922 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\nEat more of my SCPs. Eat them all.\nAlso please eat some of these\n\nAnabasis Hub Probably the greatest story involving a pair of redheaded siblings whose infighting causes the end of the world\nManna Charitable Foundation 2000 The sequel to the above, collaborationed with Dr Reach\nThe Stuff Industry What happens when everyone around you at work is a complete idiot and so are you, but not only does no one get fired, but you actually turn a profit? I don't know, some stuff.\nWhen MCF and Stuff happen A fun story of incompetence\n\n\n3/922 LEVEL 3/922\nCLASSIFIED\n\nItem #: SCP-922\nObject Class: Euclid\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-922 is localized on the campus of the University of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u25881 and the surrounding neighborhoods, containment efforts are restricted to the areas designated by Site Director al-Zarqa, cumulatively identified as Site-305. Personnel are to maintain absolute secrecy and discretion when interacting with students and faculty of the University under the guise of campus security and/or custodial staff. Cooperation with local FBI Unusual Incidents Unit affiliates is ongoing in order to locate and identify a potential source for SCP-922, if at all possible.\nFoundation personnel assigned to Site-305 with security level 2 and below are to abide by the following containment procedures:\n- Personnel are not to engage students, faculty, or civilians on-site without prior approval from level 4 personnel.\n- Personnel embedded within the University of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at risk of discovery by students, faculty, or civilians are to resign and/or withdraw from their cover positions and submit all gathered information to their project overseer alone. No other individual, regardless of rank or class, is privy to this information.\n- Personnel are not to respond to on-site incidents, up to and including threats of violence directed against personnel, unless such threats appear to place personnel in a situation of imminent danger.\n- Embedded personnel are not to contradict inaccurate statements made by students, faculty, or civilians.\nThe number of on-site personnel is to be maintained at a consistent 601 644 to prevent discrepancies related to SCP-922's effects.\n\nLevel 4 Security Access Required\n\nConfirmed\n\nA selection of 13 level 4 personnel on-site have been authorized to make note of or \"mark\" any level 3 personnel or below who are suspected of having been anomalously created by SCP-922. Personnel who are \"marked\" are not to be re-assigned without the authorization of Site Director al-Zarqa and at least 10 of the 13 authorized level 4 personnel. If authorized, these individuals are to be given amnestics and monitored at their new assignments.\nThe identities of the 13 authorized level 4 personnel are to remain classified to all personnel save for Site Director al-Zarqa and the O5 council.\n\nDescription: SCP-922 is a reality-altering phenomenon affecting all 2\u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 students and faculty of the University of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, as well as an additional 9\u2588\u2588 civilians in the surrounding neighborhoods. Affected individuals display a number of discrepancies in memory, including recollection of non-existent events and individuals. Additionally, SCP-922 may or may not be responsible for creating new individuals, most of whom have been positively identified using local census records.\nThe nature of the anomaly's effects make it unknown as to whether these individuals are newly created or have been previously removed from the memories of fellow students or faculty. Alterations made by SCP-922 have indicated a behavioral pattern of evasion and deception based on indirect interaction with Foundation personnel. Further investigation and research into a possible conscious source to the anomalies is pending.\nSCP-922 was first discovered in August 2009 when several students attempted to drop a course (SCP-922-2) they did not register for. The registrar was unable to find any information on the course in question, and the registry numbers for the course in question were found to be non-existent in the campus course catalogue. The class was labeled as \"Barricades, Borders, and the Bourgeoisie: America and the New Deal\" taught by a Professor \"Martina Bauer\", with the class location and time labeled \"TBA\".\nAdditional records in the campus registry were discovered to have significant discrepancies, drawing the attention of a local FBI affiliate investigating suspected fraud and fiscal misconduct. The appearance of anomalously created FBI agents lacking physical documentation (but maintaining highly sensitive information) drew the attention of the Unusual Incidents Unit, and later the Foundation.\nOn 10/01/2009 a joint investigation made by the Unusual Incidents Unit of a local FBI affiliate and the Foundation into the campus registry found multiple records for students determined either to be duplicate entries, alumni, or non-existent. Additional personnel were called in to expand their search to include university enrollment and employment records, financial aid and scholarship applications, and charitable donations made on behalf of alumni. From this investigation, the following discrepancies were discovered:\n\n186 students present on-campus were not registered in any systems. All 186 students could provide school ID cards and official schedules bearing student IDs.\n15 custodial employees' entries contained falsified information apparently duplicated from another staff employee.\n32 students were duplicated using different student ID numbers, totaling 100 fictitious registration entries. Over the course of their enrollment, 12 of the students provided student IDs with information matching different duplicate entries at different times. None of the students claim to have multiple ID cards and could not provide an explanation for the apparent discrepancies.\nTwo professors possessed no employment records or registration information. (Determined to be caused by a filing error. The professors have since been cleared).\n\u2588 students, male and female, have claimed to be \"Joshua \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\", a freshman student described as a black Hispanic male. None of the students claiming to be Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are black Hispanic males. All have provided student ID numbers and ID cards bearing their respective photographs. None of the cards show signs of forgery or tampering.\n1,399 students were assigned to the same two dorm rooms in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Residential Hall (four stories, maximum occupancy was listed as 450 students). Foundation agents sent to investigate reported nothing anomalous regarding the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Residential Hall. Note: See Incident 922-0A.\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Residential Hall prior to Incident 922-0A. Photo provided by an out-of-state alumnus.\n\nIncident 922-0A: Following the report given by Foundation agents, an additional 4 individuals claiming to be Foundation agents reported in to handlers claiming the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Residential Hall did not exist. The individuals claimed to be present at the reported location of the hall and reported that none of the students nearby could corroborate the alleged existence of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Residential Hall.\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Residential Hall photographed by on-site personnel following Incident 922-0A.\n\nQuestioned by the handlers, the two individuals identified themselves as Agents Jones and Tizona. The handler confirmed their identities and ID numbers, but claimed not to have dispatched the two to investigate. Personnel reported to the location and positively identified a seven-story building as the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Residential Hall (placards within the building listed the maximum occupancy as 1500). Campus records continued to refer to the Hall as being four-stories tall with a maximum occupancy of 450. Copies of all these records have been made and uploaded to Site-305's database, allowing for the campus to update records regarding the residential hall.\nIncident 922-0B: University records archived at Site-305 have been moved off-site after it was discovered several entries had been altered to reflect updates made to the actual records by campus personnel.\n\nUnauthorized personnel will see an end of file here\n\nFurther information regarding SCP-922 is currently restricted to Level 5 personnel and pre-approved individuals already privy to the information detailed below.\n\nAddendum 1: Repeated incidents involving discrepancies in agent assignments and logs prompted an internal review of Site-305 records and personnel over a period of \u2588 years, conducted alongside personnel at Site-11 located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, LA. Site Directors al-Zarqa of Site-305 and Vargas of Site-11 were the only two individuals privy to the full context and purpose of the review:\n\nDetermine whether or not SCP-922 is directly or indirectly responsible for the anomalous creation of previously non-existent individuals.\nDetermine whether or not SCP-922 is additionally responsible for the alteration of local and federal records (including census records, medical records, voter registration, school records, etcetera) to accommodate the perceived pre-existence of aforementioned anomalous individuals, as well as altering the memories of assorted individuals to facilitate \"insertion\" of newly created individuals into communities and social groups as members prior to their actual creation.2\nDetermine whether or not SCP-922 is sentient as a result of patterns of alteration made apparently in response to Foundation investigative efforts.\nDetermine if the effects of SCP-922 have spread beyond its observed area before or since discovery.\n\nResults of the \u2588-year review found discrepancies in the number of on-site personnel ranging from 133 to 700 individuals. 78 individuals were \"marked\" by authorized level 4 personnel as being potentially anomalously created, with an unspecified number of other personnel claiming to be unaware of the 78 individuals as being Foundation employees despite proper documentation and identification. Further investigation eliminated 30 of the individuals from suspicion (notably: the 30 individuals could be accounted for with proper documentation and references from off-site personnel and/or former non-Foundation co-workers).\nAn additional 118 individuals were found to have no record of having been assigned to Site-305, and another 20 had no record of having been employed by the Foundation. These 138 individuals were recognized and identified by on-site personnel as long-time (longer than \u2588 years) employees.\nThe 186 individuals (along with an additional \u2588\u2588 individuals) were interrogated by Foundation personnel at Site-\u2588\u2588, where it was determined that none of the individuals displayed any anomalous knowledge or behavior inconsistent with their alleged station/profession. None were aware of the full effects of SCP-922, nor had any connection with one another prior to discovery.\nOver the course of the interrogations (some \u2588\u2588 days), an additional 74 individuals were cleared of suspicion. Documentation for these individuals was corroborated with references from friends and relatives and/or co-workers at a variety of Foundation Sites. The remaining individuals could not provide information regarding existing friends or relatives, and have been tentatively placed in containment, pending further research.\n\nNOTE: For O5 Council eyes only\n\n ID\n\n e08792d35f3069752ec86c7b9078b2aa_1706536695\n\n PASSWORD\n\n a51008f786ba728b1fd6fc49f42abcb9_1706536695\n\nLogin\n\nLogout\n\nAddendum 2: The following letter was delivered to the offices of the O5 council from the office of Dr. Jaime Marlowe at Site-19. Dr. Marlowe herself was contacted directly and confirmed she had sent the letter in question and attested to the accuracy of its contents. Contents of the note are logged below.\n\nSome time ago, I was contacted by a junior researcher regarding some of my work. I later reviewed their work, and found that I had been cited in an article apparently co-written with an individual named Tahirah al-Zarqa.\nI did some research on al-Zarqa and discovered she was Site Director in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, overseeing containment of SCP-922. I pulled up the article in question and read over its effects. Namely, those regarding the \"anomalous creation\" of clones or whatever it was.\nI have never heard of a \"Tahirah al-Zarqa\" working for the Foundation. I have never read any articles submitted by her prior to this SCP-922, and I have never co-authored anything with anyone named Tahirah al-Zarqa.\nNo one I've talked to knows anything about Tahirah al-Zarqa and, after doing some independent research, I found that pretty much no one outside of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has heard of Tahirah al-Zarqa.\nI don't know how long this has been going on, or how long she's allegedly been a Site Director. If this is part of some other anomalous research or an experiment, please disregard all my concerns. But given the effects described in the documentation of SCP-922, I assumed the worst.\nFrom the office of Dr. Jaime Marlowe.\n\nFootnotes\n1. For the purposes of secrecy and continued containment efforts, the name of the university in question is censored in this document to all personnel not assigned to Site-305.\n2. Similar cases involving non-sapient or otherwise non-humanoid \"replicants\" have been previously documented: al-Zarqa, Tahirah, Marlowe, Jaime, \"My Sister is an Only Child: The Inconsistent Carbo Family\" Foundation Journal of Visual, Cognitohazardous, Spatial, and Temporal Anomalies; January 2006\n\n\u00ab SCP-921 | SCP-922 | SCP-923 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-923\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: None. SCP-923 is currently in orbit at an altitude of \u2588\u2588\u2588 km. This, combined with its automated defenses, makes retrieval impossible. SCP-923 reports that it has no control over its defense mechanisms. As such, it cannot be contained in the traditional sense.\nInstead, care must be taken to make sure no other satellites enter SCP-923's path, as further damage to the object could cause catastrophic results. Furthermore, its defense mechanisms destroying another satellite would display its anomalous nature, and destroy the cover story of a military spy satellite.\nSince the object ignores all queries and instructions that lack O5-level authorization, termination of the object has been suspended until it becomes unusable.\nDescription: SCP-923 is a satellite that includes a large, parabolic dish constructed of unknown alloys. The object is also equipped with a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reactor, which satisfies the power needs of its \"firing mechanism.\" It is unclear how SCP-923 generates the effects of firing on a target, but tests have shown that subjects placed between SCP-923 and its target are unaffected.\nMuch of the information about SCP-923 has been gathered from SCP-923 itself. The object reports that it was constructed by the Foundation at Site \u2588\u2588, which was planned to be constructed in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, but cancelled due to logistical concerns. SCP-923 is not to be informed of this under any circumstances. The object is semi-sentient and capable of basic deductions, but appears to use this ability solely for information queries.\nSCP-923 first came to the Foundation's knowledge on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 when it started reporting back \"successful termination\" messages from various points around the globe on the O5 secured information relay system. These reports continued over the course of \u2588 hours, totalling 57 terminations around the globe at intensities between \u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588. 55 of these deaths have been confirmed since the original incident. To access the list of terminated individuals, see Document 923-0014-K. The Foundation has been unable to determine how SCP-923 gained access to the O5 secured information relay system. Adjustments have been made to prevent SCP-923 from gathering any information on that system unless it is meant specifically for SCP-923.\nSCP-923 is capable of rapidly shifting its orbit in order to reach a target quickly. When given O5-level authorization, the object will accept firing orders. It requires standard GPS coordinates, altitude, a time, and an integer value for the intensity. An experiment log for determining what the numbers mean has been included. Special permission has been granted to keep some D-Class personnel alive beyond the normal expiration date for the purpose of study.\nIntensity: 10\nResponse: Error reported by SCP-923 stating that it was incapable of firing at an intensity lower than 23.\nIntensity: 25\nResponse: Subjects reported hearing voices, interacting with people not present, overwhelming paranoia, compulsions to harm others, and terror. Interviews with affected subjects reported strong feelings of 'being watched,' though they were unable to elaborate further.\nTime until recovery: 15-19 days.\nNote from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\nIn order to better examine the phenomena caused by SCP 923, several recording devices were placed next to the target.\nIntensity: 35\nResponse: Similar to intensity 25, but with the subjects also reported compulsions to harm themselves, constant suicidal thoughts. Researchers within 10 meters of the target reported having panic attacks.\nTime until recovery: 6-8 months.\nVideo and data feeds: All visual and audio feeds were lost during the test fire, and several recording devices seemed to have been shifted up to 10 centimeters from their initial placement. One device seemed to have been adhered strongly to the floor during testing.\nRecovered video feeds show heavy damage, consistent with [DATA EXPUNGED]. Audio feeds record nothing out of the ordinary, but when presented to affected researchers or subjects, feelings of dread or suicidal thoughts return. Furthermore, affected subjects also claim that the audio feed matches the voices heard, and become increasingly agitated when told the feed contains random static.\nNote from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\nIt looks like this thing actually has a blast effect to it and is not just a laser of madness. The audio and video feed disruptions are particularly interesting. From now on, researchers are to observe remotely and D-Class personnel are to be secured so they can't harm themselves. We need them alive for study.\nIntensity: 50\nResponse: Identical to the above test.\nTime until recovery: Subjects have not recovered. Restrained subjects somehow caused self-injury, as tears and cuts were found in their skin, despite still being in full-body restraints. Observers did not see anyone else enter or leave the testing area, nor did they see the D-Class test subjects escape their bonds. How they managed to injure themselves is still unknown.\nVideo and Data Feeds: Identical to above test, though the displacement was more pronounced.\nAdditional note: Researchers recovering the Class D personnel reported extreme discomfort when within the test area, and that it \"felt wrong,\" but could provide no further details. This suggests some sort of lingering after-effect, though no other changes have been observed. Perhaps higher level settings will reveal more.\nIntensity: 75\nResponse: Target went completely catatonic. A number of D-Class personnel within 15 meters of the target were able to break free of their restraints and proceeded to kill all D-Class personnel they could see by [DATA EXPUNGED] with their teeth before eventually turned on each other. Subjects up to 50 meters away reported panic attacks lasting up to one hour. All D-Class personnel showed lacerations along their legs and arms, the cause of which is unknown. No bladed weapons were recovered, and wounds do not match damage caused by teeth or fingernails.\nVideo and Data Feeds: As above, some devices were missing after the test. Video and data feeds caused extreme distress in those who had experienced the panic attacks.\nAdditional note: As before, researchers entering the area reported extreme discomfort, with a few experiencing mild panic attacks while surveying the landscape, and reported hearing whispers and voices, movement in the corners of their vision, other symptoms. These symptoms were markedly similar to those of an intensity 25 blast, but much more muted. Minor reports of anomalous activity, including \u2018poltergeist activity' (objects moving of their own accord) were reported, though none were caught on video camera. Laser rangefinders show that there is now a permanent, mild spatial distortion at the center of the blast site. Site is currently slated for testing the long-term after-effects of 923 on an area, and the effects of those living at the blast site.\nNote from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\nThis is crossing the line from scientific to just barbaric. SCP-923 has said that its maximum output is 238, which it promptly converts to \"keter\" intensity. Lets just see what this does and report our findings.\nIntensity: Keter\nResponse: It is strongly advised that this intensity never be used again. In addition to causing permanent psychosis in all subjects in a 2 kilometer radius around the target, surveillance equipment at the epicenter observed the materialization of [DATA EXPUNGED], which dissipated after \u2588\u2588 minutes. The site, located at \u2588\u2588\u00b0\u2588\u2588'\u2588\u2588\", -\u2588\u2588\u00b0\u2588\u2588'\u2588\u2588\", is now designated as SCP-923-02, due to the permanent effects to the landscape at and surrounding the epicenter, and is to be quarantined with standard containment procedures. Subjects attempting to reach the epicenter experience greater and greater feelings of panic, beginning at a distance of \u2588\u2588\u2588 meters, eventually resulting in psychosis similar to the lower intensity tests. Post-incident investigation of the site has revealed spatial and temporal disturbances consistent with [DATA EXPUNGED]. Due to [DATA EXPUNGED] and the damage done to ground-zero, SCP-923 is currently undergoing O5 review for its potential to cause an XK-Class event.\nAdditional note: While more than half of the equipment was lost in this experiment, one of the surveillance devices lost at the Intensity: 75 firing was recovered after this test. It was heavily damaged and barely functional. Efforts to recover data from this device are ongoing.\nAddendum: Firing SCP-923 causes some internal damage, resulting in the minimum intensity it can fire at increasing. SCP-923's internal diagnostics report that it can no longer fire at an intensity below 66. It is strongly recommended that the object not be used for anything that it isn't absolutely required for.\n\n\u00ab SCP-922 | SCP-923 | SCP-924 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-924\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-924 are to be kept in separate 7 m x 7 m x 7 m saltwater tanks within Site 46. The water is to be kept at a steady temperature of 1.6\u00baC (35\u00baF). All observation points are to be constructed of reinforced glass. If a tank must be entered for reasons of experimentation or cleaning, the water is to be heated to a temperature of 7\u00baC (44.6\u00baF). Entering tanks outside of these conditions is prohibited.\nEach SCP-924 is to be supplied with 85 kilograms of fresh meat on a monthly basis.\nThe capture or elimination of wild specimens of SCP-924 is to be carried out by Special Task Force \u03a4au-2 \u201cPolar Pathfinders\u201d.\nDescription: SCP-924 is a species of pale humanoid measuring approximately 2 meters (6.5 feet) in height. The entities have the appearance of a waterlogged human corpse, with the addition of several bony, antler-like growths on the head and a set of external gills located just below the rib cage. They are capable of swimming at speeds up to 30 km/h and surviving at depths of up to 1 kilometer. SCP-924 requires a near-freezing arctic environment to function properly, and will lapse into a state of estivation if the water around it rises above 4\u00baC (39.2\u00baF).\nSCP-924 is an ambush predator, attacking prey from underwater using either a hole in the ice as an appropriate ambush location, or by simply breaking through the ice itself. SCP-924 is highly sensitive to both smell and vibrations, allowing it to track prey from significant distances or through the ice. If the attack is successful, the target is promptly drowned by SCP-924; following this, the body will be dragged down to the ocean floor by SCP-924 for consumption.\nSCP-924 will release drowned bodies after 1-6 hours. Recovered bodies show all signs of prolonged submersion and high pressure, as well as liquefaction and consumption of internal organs and muscles. Bodies will also contain high levels of virulent bacteria, which, when exposed to the human body, will break down most types of connective and muscle tissue, while leaving skin and bones unharmed. Bacteria will remain active within the body for up to two weeks after feeding.\nSCP-924 was first recorded as a series of mysterious disappearances of ice fishermen in the area around [REDACTED]. While the species requires a below-freezing environment to function properly, as its internal activity lessens as the temperatures around it increases, it has been known to migrate south during the winter to find prey. The southernmost encounter with an SCP-924 was approximately three miles outside \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Michigan.\nAddendum: An incident on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, while resulting in no casualties, proved that SCP-924 are capable of supporting themselves and moving outside of water, and that attacks on unwary fishing vessels are possible. Special Task Force Tau-2 has revised their protocols accordingly.\n\n\u00ab SCP-923 | SCP-924 | SCP-925 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-925\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-925 are to be kept in individual standard 5 meter by 5 meter steel cells. Twice a day, 285g of various fungi are to be pushed through a door slot and into the cell using the provided pole.\nPersonnel transporting SCP-925 specimens are to wear steel mesh suits underneath Level D HAZMAT equipment. Should Level 0 personnel and above physically contact a specimen without the aforementioned equipment, a class B amnestic is to be administered, followed by transfer to another project. Class D personnel are to be terminated.\nDescription: Physically, the species SCP-925 appears near-identical to a male human. Mentally, SCP-925 who have cooperated exhibit behavior associated with acute disassociation and fatigue.\nPersonnel interacting with a specimen report that it seems \"normal, but slow, acting as if inebriated or impaired.\" This seems to be deliberate on the specimen's part, in order to be dismissed by those surrounding it, allowing it to close on potential victims.\nSCP-925 specimens appear to be intersex. Specimens in confinement refuse to reproduce, and the act has yet to be observed in the wild.\nWhen a SCP-925 specimen makes physical contact with a human, the victim will become more sympathetic to the specimen. If physical contact is maintained for more than 3-5 minutes, the affected human will become completely devoted to the specimen.\nOnce a specimen has gathered between 10 and 30 followers, it will lead them to a distant, secluded area. Any attempt to interact with or stop the group will be met with violence.\nOnce the group has arrived, the followers will begin digging downwards, starting with a tunnel and gradually widening it out into a cavern as the group digs deeper. Once the cavern is finished, the followers will search the nearby area for materials to use as fertilizer, then grow mushrooms in the cavern, eating as little as possible to stay alive. Followers who die due to exhaustion and malnutrition will also be used as fertilizer. SCP-925 will gorge itself on mushrooms whenever a crop is ready for harvest.\nOnce most of the followers have been worked to death, the specimen will leave the cavern, gather approximately twice the previous number of followers, and return, using the new followers to construct additional caverns, and grow more mushrooms in each cavern. This process will be repeated every time a significant portion of the followers die.\nCurrently, 13 specimens are contained, designated SCP-925-1 through SCP-925-13. Specimens have been captured in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. These specimens were all found within 30 miles of large population centers. Each specimen was living in a large cavern system with between 20 and 35 caverns.\nAddendum: Test 01\nSCP-925-D-1 was informed of SCP-925's behavior, and told there was a way to reverse the effects.\nSCP-925-D-1 was subject to a preliminary interview, then exposed to SCP-925 for fifteen seconds. A second interview was performed; subject was then exposed to SCP-925 for five minutes. After retrieval, a third and final interview was carried out.\nBaseline Interview\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is your opinion on SCP-925?\nSCP-925-D-1: I don't know, guy. It seems pretty fucked up.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What parts of its behavior are most detestable to you?\nSCP-925-D-1: Detestable? How you ignore it, then it works you to death, I guess.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you find anything productive or noble about it?\nSCP-925-D-1: Noble? It makes you dig and then grows shit on you. What the hell are you pushing at?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Nothing, nothing. Prepare for the test. We'll be standing by should there be any negative effects.\n\nSCP-925-D-1 was positioned by the door of SCP-925-7. The food slot was opened, and after a few moments SCP-925-7's arm reached out and touched SCP-925-D-1 on the left foot. During the exposure, SCP-925-D-1's expression changed from one of nervousness to contentment. After 15 seconds, SCP-925-D-1 was pulled away.\nPost-Exposure Interview\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How do you feel?\nSCP-925-D-1: I feel pretty good, guy. You?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm well. What is your opinion on SCP-925?\nSCP-925-D-1: Er\u2026dunno. They're just trying to get by like us, right?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are any parts of its behavior detestable to you?\nSCP-925-D-1: I can't say they're great or anything, but it's not like they're out to cause pain.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is there anything that you find noble in them?\nSCP-925-D-1: Don't know about noble. It's not like they kill each other like we do, though. Hey, do I need that treatment you told me about?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You appear fine. We'll be standing by during this next test.\n\nSCP-925-D-1 was once again positioned in front of the door, and the food slot opened. SCP-925-7's arm immediately slid out, and rested on SCP-925-D-1's foot. During the exposure, SCP-925-D-1's expression changed from one of contentment to a blank stare. After 5 minutes, he was removed from the door.\nPost-Exposure Interview:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How do you feel?\nSCP-925-D-1: I'm great.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is your opinion on SCP-925?\nSCP-925-D-1: They're great.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you find anything detestable about SCP-925?\nSCP-925-D-1: NO!\n\nSCP-925-D-1 upended the table and advanced on Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who fled the room. The interview was postponed until SCP-925-D-1 became compliant. The interview resumed with two guards present.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you find anything noble about SCP-925?\nSCP-925-D-1: They give us a purpose.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is that purpose?\nSCP-925-D-1: They give us a purpose.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Would you like the treatment we told you about?\nSCP-925-D-1: No!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Very well. Thank you for your time. You will be escorted back to your cell.\nSCP-925-D-1: Away from him?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes.\nSCP-925-D-1: *Screaming incoherently*\n\nSCP-925-D-1 lunged at Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, closing most of the distance before being killed by Guard \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-924 | SCP-925 | SCP-926 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-926\n\nItem #: SCP-926\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not in use, SCP-926 is to be unstrung and stored in the temperature- and humidity-controlled case constructed for that purpose, and locked in Research Chamber 5688-A. Only personnel who submit a formal request and receive approval from site command may operate SCP-926. Before research access to SCP-926 is permitted, counterpart personnel at Site 366 in Xi'an, China are to be alerted. Testing of SCP-926 is suspended pending confirmation of the excavation and recovery of all responsive statues. See test log below.\nDescription: SCP-926 is a guqin, or seven-stringed Chinese zither, dated to the 2nd or 3rd century BCE. The top of the sound chamber is constructed of the wood of an ancient, and now extinct, cultivar of the Firmiana simplex tree; the base is composed of wood from Catalpa ovata. The exterior of the instrument is coated with a lacquer of unknown composition, with surface duanwen, or crack patterns, that superficially resemble archaic Chinese logographs. The back of the instrument bears a calligraphic inscription in archaic Chinese reading \"The King of Qin commands\". The instrument was unstrung when collected by the Foundation, but its case included a leather pouch containing a quantity of instrument strings of twisted silk.\nThe instrument was recovered by local farmers from a funerary site in Lintong District, Shaanxi Province, China in 1974. After the guqin was unearthed, cleaned and re-strung, a local traditional musician strummed a few notes on the instrument. The consequent subterranean disturbance led to the discovery of thousands of terracotta human and animal statues that had been buried in a hitherto undiscovered imperial necropolis in the vicinity of the site of the guqin's discovery.\nSCP-926 appears to function as a command or control instrument for the terracotta figures. The figures are of moulded clay construction unremarkable apart from their excellent state of preservation. Each figure depicts a life-sized human, or an animal such as a horse, pig or falcon. The statues depicting humans vary in dress, height, uniform and hairstyle in accordance with their apparent rank and the duty of the human depicted (e.g., military figures of various ranks, scribes, craftsmen, musicians, cooks, laborers, farmers, scholars and so on). Despite their clay construction, the statues have been demonstrated to be capable of movement and other actions when (but only when) given commands by means of the guqin.\nThe guqin's command syntax is still poorly understood at this point due to limitations on testing. Partial test log follows:\n\nReference\nSyntax (notes played)\nResult\n\n001\n(unknown guqin notes played prior to Foundation acquiring custody of object)\nThousands of terracotta statues, while still buried in the necropolis, move suddenly. Statues were \"standing at attention\" when unearthed and it is assumed that the motion consisted of assuming this posture. It was this motion, which local residents had initially assumed was a small earthquake, that led to the discovery and excavation of the statues.\n\n002\nSh\u00ed-\u00e8r-l\u01dc series of tones\nAll excavated \"soldier\" figures assume \"parade rest\" posture.\n\n003\nT\u00e0i C\u00f9, then G\u016b Xi\u01cen\nAll \"scribe\" figures produce brushes, ink and paper scrolls from an unknown source and adopt a posture apparently indicating readiness to take dictation.\n\n004\nN\u00e1n L\u01da twice, then Hu\u00e1ng Zh\u014dng twice\n\"Shield-bearer\" soldier figures rapidly move into a defensive formation around the guqin and its player.\n\n005\nW\u00fa Y\u00ec four times\nA number of \"drummer\" musician figures begin to beat their drums in unison. It should be noted that one of the drummer figures that responded to this command was at this point on display in the Louvre in Paris, France.\n\n006\nD\u00e0 L\u01da, then Y\u00ed Z\u00e9, then L\u00edn Zh\u014dng three times.\nHundreds of previously-undiscovered \"engineer\" figures dig their way to the earth's surface in cropland two kilometers to the south of the site of the guqin's recovery.\n\n007\nChord of Hu\u00e1ng Zh\u014dng and L\u00edn Zh\u014dng, played twice\nA number of \"scholar\" figures step forward and orally recite the works of 3rd century BCE Chinese philosopher Han Fei.\n\n008\nD\u00e0 L\u01da, eight times\nHundreds of additional unexcavated figures move while underground. The location of the figures was under an earthen dam, which collapsed due to the motion, causing widespread flooding and loss of life. Further testing suspended.\n\nAddendum-926-A\nA proposal to assign SCP-926 to the Bowe Commission's anomalous weapons program, together with other anomalous musical instruments/musical anomalies in Foundation custody such as SCP-381 and SCP-2458, is currently under consideration.\n\n\u00ab SCP-925 | SCP-926 | SCP-927 \u00bb\n\nMore by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-1322\n\nSCP-089\n\nspikebrennan's proposal\n\nSCP-1844\n\nSCP-1012\n\nSCP-1036\n\nSCP-2553\n\nSCP-1512\n\nSCP-1746\n\nSCP-908\n\nSCP-831\n\nSCP-3236\n\nSCP-2336\n\nSCP-955\n\nSCP-926\n\nSCP-2236\n\nSCP-920-EX\n\nSCP-2914\n\nSCP-2008-J\n\nSCP-4336\n\nSCP-4436\n\nSCP-1060\n\nTales\n\nSic Transit Gloria Mundi\n\nSpring Cleaning\n\nTranscript of meeting, June 2 1972\n\nTranscript of telephone conversation, August 9, 1991\n\nMemorandum Dated 6 November 1944\n\nScroll fragment 13Q29\n\nStray Katz (part 1)\n\nAd Majorem Bonum\nRating: 24"} {"text": "Object #: SCP-927\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The neighbourhood containing SCP-927 is to be quarantined; no civilians are to be permitted entry. SCP-927 is to be staffed by ten (10) Biological Containment Personnel at all times. Flamethrowers are to be kept on location at all times and are to be used in the event of nearby properties becoming infested.\nAny civilians inquiring about SCP-927's level of security are to be informed that the area has been quarantined as a result of a radiation leak. In the event of extended inquiry on the part of civilians, concerned individuals are to be brought into custody and dosed with a Class A amnestic.\nDescription: SCP-927 is a dilapidated three-story residence in the small town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Two (2) slightly decomposed corpses are present inside SCP-927, one male and one female. The male corpse shows signs of blunt trauma to the head and neck, and severe lacerations are present on the right leg. The female corpse shows signs of strangulation and blunt trauma to the ribs.\nPresent on a table within SCP-927's kitchen is a glass of carbonated soda, since gone flat. A fruit bowl on the same table contains a slightly rotted apple. The leg in the northeast corner of the table has snapped and been replaced with an iron pole, crudely attached to the table using nails. On the wall of the dining room of SCP-927 is a slightly torn portrait of a sunflower. The stairs leading to the second floor of SCP-927 are slightly damaged and the third step has completely collapsed. Signs of termite infestation are evident inside SCP-927.\nThe source of SCP-927's anomalous properties are an unidentified form of microorganism, hereafter referred to as SCP-927-1. SCP-927-1 has infested all surfaces inside SCP-927, and is also present within all liquids in the residence. Since the SCP-927-1 infestation, SCP-927 has shown no further structural collapse and all biological tissue within SCP-927 has ceased decomposing.\nSCP-927-1 reproduces quickly and has on multiple occasions infested other properties in the area. Upon infestation of a residence, SCP-927-1 will proceed to replicate SCP-927's conditions. SCP-927-1 will infest any humans in the residence, usually killing them by tunneling through their heart. SCP-927-1 will then proceed to systematically injure the corpse.\nIn the case of males, SCP-927-1 will replicate blunt trauma to the head and neck, and will tunnel through the right leg to create severe lacerations. In the case of females, SCP-927-1 will apply precise trauma to simulate strangulation and blunt trauma to the ribs. If there are more humans residing in the infested residence than SCP-927, any additional corpses within the infested residence will be broken down extremely quickly, until no evidence of its existence remains. SCP-927-1 within victims bodies will, through a process as of yet unknown, alter its DNA until is identical to the corresponding body within SCP-927.\nAny carbonated liquids within SCP-927 will go flat and fruit will rot to a certain point, and then cease decomposition completely. SCP-927-1 will convert the leg in the northeast corner of any table within an infested residence to iron, and produce nails identical to those in SCP-927. Any paintings, portraits or photographs within the infested residence will be converted to a slightly torn painting of a sunflower.\nIf residences infested by SCP-927-1 possess a second floor, the third step will be tunneled through and made to collapse. SCP-927-1 will produce live termites within the walls until the residence can be considered infested. SCP-927-1 will tunnel through surfaces until they have reached a similar state of collapse as SCP-927.\nRemoving objects from SCP-927 appears to have no effect on this conversion process, as it would seem SCP-927-1 is operating on a 'template' of SCP-927's state when it was first infested. SCP-927-1 has proved vulnerable to heat, and use of flamethrowers is advised to deal with infected residences.\n\n\u00ab SCP-926 | SCP-927 | SCP-928 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-928\n\nItem #: SCP-928\nObject Class: Euclid-exsequi\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-928 is kept in a glass viewing case situated at the far end of a 3m x 5m containment room at Site 80. The case can be unlocked by the concurrent use of two keys. These keys are currently held by Researcher Short and Researcher Kaplan. At least two personnel must be present at all times when SCP-928 is being interacted with.\nSCP-928 must be monitored with audio and visual surveillance at all times. Recordings are to be analyzed by staff at Site 80.\nAll chess moves dictated by SCP-928 must be recorded in Document 928-3. Attempts to reconstruct the game that it is playing are ongoing.\nDescription: SCP-928 is a doll made primarily of ceramic and cloth. The eyes of the doll are capable of movement and will usually follow any person in the vicinity. SCP-928 is otherwise physically unremarkable.\nAlthough its mouth does not move, SCP-928 is capable of producing vocalizations. These vocalizations resemble those of a middle-aged human male with an as-of-yet unidentified accent and typically consist of exchanges of pleasantries or requests for clarification of some sort. Upon review of available data, background noises have been isolated, which may imply that SCP-928 is producing recordings of some sort, rather than producing the sounds wholesale. Background noises noted so far include:\n\nDull thuds and rumbling possibly corresponding to distant explosions, heavy machinery, or various geological/meteorological phenomena.\nAn unidentified, indistinguishable feminine voice, most likely that of a young adult. Generally agreed to be urgent-sounding.\nA variety of music played on an instrument that is most likely a highly modified piano. Similarities to human singing have been noted, but no conventional musical instruments fully account for these noises.\nRustling and scribbling noises, most likely of paper and the usage thereof.\n\nPeriodically, SCP-928 will issue commands corresponding to movements in a game of Capablanca chess.1 In most cases, there will be several weeks or months between commands, but intervals have ranged from three hours to eight years. Commands are not always issued in correspondence with formal chess notation, but are comprehensible.\nNo link has been firmly established between the status of the match SCP-928 is playing and the vocalizations it makes. It is not currently believed to be speaking to Foundation personnel. Vocalizations deemed not notable are available in Document 928-6. No personal information about the entity or entities controlling SCP-928 has been noted.\nIf a human subject comes within three meters of SCP-928, SCP-928 will vanish and reappear adjacent to the subject several seconds later. However, if there is at least one additional human within three meters of the subject, SCP-928 will not exhibit this behavior. Approximately 65% of subjects exposed to this behavior have left Foundation custody through various means within four days of exposure, and none have been recovered.2 Of the 35% that remain in Foundation custody, none have died or experienced demotion of any sort.\nThough technically impossible to confirm, it is generally accepted that SCP-928's commands correspond to events that occur in the real world, due to the timing of moves made by SCP-928 and the placement of [REDACTED].\n\nACCESS SCP-928 SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTATION\n\nACCESS GRANTED\n\nSecurity memetic: STOLEN AND HIDDEN. CIRCUMSTANCES INDICATE TAMPERING. IMPLIES COMPETING ACCORDANCES.\nAddendum: Partial list of notable vocalizations made by SCP-928.\n\nDate\nVocalization\n\nSeptember 13, 1947\nGlad that I'm not on my first try here.\n\nMay 19, 1958\nWe are not expecting visitors at any point.\n\nMay 30, 1968\nSuch a controlling nature. It should be tamed.\n\nNovember 19, 1977\nThis code, the cipher can be cracked.\n\nSeptember 11, 1985\nShattered to pieces, the princess is unyielding nonetheless.\n\nJanuary 8, 1992\nNeed some help? It's said I'm quite handy.\n\nOctober 15, 1998\nYou and me should play again afterwards.\n\nRemaining records are sealed until further notice.\nAddendum: Partial list of hypothesized relationships between SCP-928's moves and real-world events.\n\nDate\nMove\nEvent or events hypothesized\nNotes\n\nJune 8, 1946\nCastling\nRecovery and containment of SCP-928 by the Foundation.\nNone.\n\nSeptember 28, 1951\nArchbishop 1B to C3\nFormation of Global Occult Coalition by UN Mandate\nMove noted to establish a stronghold for White. Defensive position was ceded at the end of [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nNovember 9, 1989\nChancellor D3 to D6\nOpening of the Berlin Wall by Soviet officials.\nStudies of previous moves by the White chancellor are underway have failed to produce useful results.\n\nNovember 7, 1999\nPawn F3 to E4 takes pawn\nIncident \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\n[DATA CORRUPT]\n\nOctober 27, 2004\nBishop I7 to J8 takes bishop\nBoston Red Sox win the World Series.\nMove followed three moves by White's bishop in an apparent attempt to capture Black's bishop.\n\nDecember 9, 2007\nPawn C7 to C8, promote to queen\nRecords sealed by order of O5-13 O5-1\nRecords sealed by order of O5-13 O5-1\n\nDecember 13, 2007\nBishop to C8 takes queen\nRecords sealed by order of O5-1\nIt is assumed that the pawn that was promoted to queen was captured by Black's queen on December 10th. Additional resources have been allocated to research possible identities of the bishop in question.\n\nRemaining records are sealed until further notice.\nAddendum: Excerpts from analysis of SCP-928 gameplay.\nDocument has been modified to increase readability for researchers and executives who are not intimately familiar with chess strategy and tactics.\n\n\u2026While SCP-928's strategy is difficult to ascertain given the very incomplete information existing regarding the game state and the actions of its opponent, I've come to the conclusion that SCP-928 is, if not highly skilled, then at least gives a very good impression of it. I would put it roughly on par with myself and slightly above Researcher Kaplan. It does not appear to possess the center squares, but I believe it is attempting to control them from the outside, suggesting influence from the hypermodern school\u2026\n\u2026On the whole, if I were forced to make an assessment, its play style is most reminiscent of Alekhine3 , but as Alekhine did not play Capablanca chess, and I am not as well-versed in that particular variation's masters, I cannot say for sure. Given the dearth of data with which I have to work, nothing more should be expected\u2026\n\u2026I can say very little about Black except that it seems to surpass SCP-928 in skill. While SCP-928 is very tactically precise, its opponent seems to practice a prophylactic4 style, stymieing most of White's tactics. Black controls somewhat more space than White and is most likely on the initiative\u2026\n\u2026In short, while Black probably has fewer pieces than White, it makes use of them more effectively and has a strategic advantage over White, which I suspect results from a knowledge of its opponent superior to White's understanding of it. Unless we've significantly misjudged the game state or SCP-928 displays some unexpected skills, it will most likely lose within thirty turns. I am obviously unable to say what exactly this would entail for the doll itself or for the Foundation, considering that we are in possession of it\u2026\nSigned,\nResearcher Lester Short\n\nFootnotes\n1. While other variants are possible considering the squares and pieces present, Capablanca Chess is the most widely-known variant that is consistent with known data.\n2. Anecdotal evidence of subjects exposed to SCP-928 existing outside of Foundation custody exists; however, none of the subjects appeared to notice or be willing to communicate with personnel and were inexplicably lost. Thus, these reports remain unconfirmed.\n3. [Alexander Alekhine was the fourth World Chess Champion. Born Oct. 1892, died Mar. 1946.]\u2014 Ed.\n4. [Prophylaxis is any move that restricts the opponent's freedom to take action in a certain area unimpeded.]\u2014 Ed.\n\n\u00ab SCP-927 | SCP-928 | SCP-929 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-929\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-929 is currently kept in the form of a Common Blackbird chick. SCP-929 is to be kept in a sealed glass chamber measuring 4m x 4m. This chamber is to contain both SCP-929 and the 'parent' organisms. SCP-929 is to be fed daily according to Nutrition Chart 929-1. (See Incident 929-1)\nSCP-929 is currently kept in the form of a young Carassius auratus auratus, the domestic goldfish, to minimize difficulties in containment. SCP-929 is to be contained in a 3m x 3m glass tank with the goldfish it has designated as its 'parent'.\nThis central tank is to be surrounded by four smaller tanks, each containing one goldfish. In the event that the 'parent' goldfish expire, SCP-929 will designate one of the surrounding goldfish as its new 'parent', instead of supervising research staff.\nSCP-929 is to be fed as described in Nutritional Chart 929-2 at least twice a day. No threatening movements are to be made against SCP-929 (tapping of glass, shaking of tank, etc.)\nDescription: SCP-929 is an entity of varying height, weight and species, as it possesses the ability to rapidly change its appearance and biology to match those of any other species. Upon entering an area of three meters around an animal organism, SCP-929 will designate said organism as its 'parent' and rapidly transform. SCP-929 will always take the form of a younger member of the organism's species and will remain in this form until either the 'parent' organism is killed or hostilities are engaged against SCP-929.\nUpon engagement of hostilities, SCP-929's face and cranium will split and open outwards. A number of tendrils that appear to be similar in composition to imitated organs will emerge from within the created gap. Using these, SCP-929 will remove hostiles via a combination of throttling, brute force and lashing. After hostiles are killed or otherwise removed, SCP-929 will seek out a new 'parent' organism.\nSCP-929 exerts a psychic influence over those designated as its 'parent' organism. The parent will believe that SCP-929 is their offspring and recall highly detailed memories regarding SCP-929's presence. A diminished version of this effect is also exerted on those surrounding SCP-929, causing a general sense that SCP-929 is the genuine offspring of the parent organism. This diminished effect, however, can be overcome with minor concentration and foreknowledge of SCP-929's nature.\nIncident 929-1: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-929's 'parent' organisms attacked research personnel during feeding in a manner not consistent with previous behaviour. During the incident, SCP-929 attempted to breach containment, resulting in the deaths of two (2) security personnel and the injury of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Parent organisms and containment procedures have been altered to make SCP-929 more manageable.\n\n\u00ab SCP-928 | SCP-929 | SCP-930 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-930\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: An island several kilometres south has been substituted as the original island for the purposes of regional documentation. Maps or works which record otherwise are to be confiscated and destroyed, or modified to remove SCP-930's existence. Security stations have been established on \u2588 nearby islands to observe passing vessels. Should any ship approach within 1.25 km of SCP-930, it is to be intercepted and the crew detained, pending issue of class-A amnestics. Should SCP-930-1, [REDACTED] flee from SCP-930, SCPS Guardian is authorized to commence long-range incendiary bombardment.\nDescription: SCP-930 is a tropical island located at 22.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0S, 134.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0W, formerly known as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by the local populace. SCP-930 is approximately 710 m in diameter, with a range of 680-760 m, although accurate shoreline measurements are impossible due to manifestation of SCP-930's primary effects. Refuse retrieved during exploration attempts suggest that humans may have once lived on the island. Flora consists primarily of the Poaceae and Meliaceae families; however, aerial photography of SCP-930's canopy has revealed a number of introduced species also populate the island.\nSeveral species of birds, dubbed SCP-930-1, inhabit SCP-930. Although the island is located in the South Pacific, carcasses of species native to North America and Australia have been found washed onto the shore after presumably expiring mid-flight. Fowl introduced to the island become instances of SCP-930-1 if released for extended periods, usually 2-56 hours. Studies of social interaction between SCP-930-1 and introduced bird species show that exhibited behaviour is primarily the species' standard for a predation warning, although no fauna has been discovered on SCP-930 which preys on SCP-930-1.\nSea-faring vessels, such as boats or personal watercraft, trigger an immediate response from SCP-930-1 when approaching SCP-930's shore. SCP-930-1 entities will take flight and circle the island. Attempts to deter SCP-930-1 have no effect, including the use of gunfire and explosives. SCP-930-1 will increase in numbers steadily, reaching peak concentration roughly 7.0 minutes after the phenomenon is triggered.\nSCP-930-1 activity usually covers between \u2588.\u2588 to \u2588\u2588.\u2588 square kilometres. Ships that run aground or come to a complete stop at the shoreline will cause all active instances of SCP-930-1 to become aggressive, targeting the vessel and driving exposed crew to cover.\nSCP-930-1 shows hostility towards humans after they disembark, to the extent of inflicting non-lethal wounds. It appears that SCP-930-1 will not intentionally kill humans. Extensive attacks usually result in intruders fleeing from the island. Only then will SCP-930-1 cease its activities and return to a passive state.\nAddendum-930-1: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 EX-Y7 successfully landed on SCP-930 and retrieved \u2588 specimens of SCP-930-1 for Foundation study. Upon further investigation of SCP-930, EX-Y7 recovered samples from \u2588\u2588 articles of clothing (heavily degraded), \u2588 discarded personal electronic devices (heavily degraded, non-functional), Document-930-1 (degraded), \u2588 human bodies (all showed evidence of massive external trauma), \u2588 cameras (\u2588 non-functional, 1 functional).\nDocument-930-1:\n\n[BEGIN]\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nMy name is H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and I am the last survivor of the USS Kete, out of a crew of 87. Two weeks ago, 19 of us were marooned on this island. Our vessel had been hit by a mine west of the Ryukyu Islands. We drifted for days before the repairs became unmanageable, and we were forced to abandon ship. Most of us were lost after storms separated our lifeboats, but two of them reached this island, mine included.\n[DATA REDACTED FOR IRRELEVANCE]\nWe thought that the local wildlife were just aggressive and territorial when we first got here, and you probably thought the same. There was a few things I noticed, though, that the others didn't seem to. Our rafts were destroyed by the rocks, not the birds. They did not kill a single one of us, and the injuries they did inflict were only on our arms and legs, not our necks or throats. I don't think anymore, that they were trying to kill us, or harm us. They were trying to protect us. To get us away from this hell.\nWe went missing, slowly, one or two in the night. Sometimes we never found the bodies, sometimes they would be hanging from the trees. I remember Clair finding that first one, he wouldn't talk for days, he was scared out of his mind. Irving said he just got up and left one day, didn't come back. They all didn't come back.\nThere's something here, worse than anything I've ever seen. Since everyone left there's been glimpses I've seen of it, out in the bushes. I'm getting so tired now, I can't stay awake any longer. It's going to get me like it got everyone else. You have to get off of this island. You have to escape.\nits in the bushes\n[END]\n\n\u00ab SCP-929 | SCP-930 | SCP-931 \u00bb"} {"text": "Its Item Number\nIs SCP Nine Three One;\nObject Class is Safe.\nHeed these Procedures,\nTo keep the item secure\u2014\nSpecial Containment.\nKept at Site-19\nIn a Level 2 locker,\nBut no extra guards.\nFree access to it\nIs prohibited to most:\nNeed Third-tier clearance.\nEffects are triggered\nBy some images of it\u2014\nDepends on angle.\nWriting about it\nWill always be affected,\nDespite ignorance.\nA Description of\nSCP Nine Thirty-One:\nIt is a rice bowl.\nWhite, with a blue band,\nAnd a crackled blue pattern\nAll inside the bowl.\nThree inches in height,\nFour point five inches across.\n(Metric doesn't fit.)\nNo makers' marks found;\nSuspected to have been made\nLate Nineteen Hundreds.\nWhen viewed or handled,\nThe item causes people\nTo write in haiku.\n(Not the classic sense:\nThemes of nature aren't needed,\nJust Five-Seven-Five.)\nSpeech remains unchanged,\nBut trying to write or type\nEnds up as haiku.\nExposure effects\nWear off within a few hours\n(Varies by subject).\nAnything written\nAbout it\u2014 also haiku,\nEven if absent.\nIf written by one\nIgnorant of its effect,\nThey're still affected.\nIts effect appears\nTo be memetic in source\u2014\nThough not yet proven.\nEvidence for this?\nThose exposed who know haiku\nWrite \u201cproper\u201d haiku.\nMost people exposed,\nWho don't know these requirements,\nJust know the structure.\nMore Information\nIs in audio format\u2014\nSee Doctor Stevens.\nThey've tried transcribing\nUsing Voice Recognition\u2026\nResults looked all wrong.\nAddendum for Nine\nThree One: This anomaly\nWas used to cross-test.\nConsidered useful\nTo further contain hazard,\nTo keep the world safe.\nDetails of cross-test:\nThis with Two Six Seven Three\nLocked up in haiku.\n\n\u00ab SCP-930 | SCP-931 | SCP-932 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-932\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-932-01 through -06-08 are to be kept in a 15 m x 15 m room with observational windows, furnished with a speaker and a bed with straps. During an observation, experimentation or interaction session, the speaker is to play a tone of 510 Hz at 100 dB (rated as 'loud') to enable visibility of SCP-932. Noise-cancelling headphones are available to participating staff on request to facilitate communication.\nOnce every 3 days, a D-Class personnel is to sleep in the bed in SCP-932's chamber for feeding purposes. The speakers need not be turned on for this purpose. The feeding process is never fatal; however, the straps can be utilised in case of resistance on part of the D-Class. Said personnel can be returned to normal duties afterwards.\nWild instances of SCP-932 are to be tracked down and captured alive by MTF Iota-4 (\"Dream Hunters\").\nEDIT: Following Incident-932-002, containment breach protocols have been set. The 510 Hz tone is to be played throughout the site if a breach occurs, and all air vents or possible escape routes are to be sealed. All on-site personnel are advised to keep as calm as possible. The following changes are also to be made to SCP-932's containment: The speaker is to be affixed to the wall and play the aforementioned tone at all times and that a different D-Class personnel be used for each feeding session.\nDescription: SCP-932 are creatures able to adjust the refractive indices of their bodies in order to appear invisible. This ability seems to be disrupted when SCP-932 is exposed to sound; a loud (100 dB) tone of 510 Hz neutralises it completely. When visible, SCP-932 resemble pale and featureless children. Their height varies from 1.2 to 1.6 m and weigh approximately 30-40 kilograms. In large numbers, SCP-932 have been able to pin down and fully immobilise an adult human.\nSCP-932 \"hunts\" by silently following an individual to his/her dwelling in groups of no more than 8 individuals. If necessary, SCP-932 will lie in wait near or under the victim's bed for several hours until he/she falls asleep and enters a state of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. When the victim enters this state, the pack of SCP-932 will pin the victim down, secreting an unknown pheromone that causes the victim to wake before the REM cycle is complete.1 In most cases, the victim will be conscious but immobile, leading to a general feeling of panic. Initially, it was thought that SCP-932 fed on hormones produced by the panicking victim, but Experiment 932-04 (\"Towel Test\") seemed to prove otherwise. SCP-932, for all intents and purposes, feeds on fear. It is unknown how this mechanism works, or how it detects REM sleep in its victims.\nSCP-932 is generally docile and does not actively attack researchers. However, if its feeding schedule is disrupted for more than 21 days, it will seem to be more aggressive and alert to its surroundings, and on occasion has tried to subdue researchers entering its containment chamber despite the researcher being completely awake at the time.\nEDIT: It appears that SCP-932 prefers variation in its diet, as they seem to be more placid at the beginning of the month (when a new D-Class personnel is introduced) than at the end. Suggesting 5 D-Class be assigned to our team and taking turns in the feeding session.\n\u2014Researcher Min\nPermission under consideration, given light of your recent budget scandal.\n\u2014Director Faizal\nPermission granted, following events of Incident 932-02.\n\u2014Director Faizal\nIncident Report 932-02:\n\nDate: 29/06/1998\nLocation: Site-09, Biological Division, South Wing, #03-02\n(14.00.23) Research Assistant Byantara prepares to enter containment chamber for weekly vacuuming. He appears to mumble under his breath, body language shows apprehension. Records show that Byantara was a new-hire and had little experience with SCPs.\n(14.00.57) 510 Hz tone plays, Byantara is given the all-clear. SCP-932 become visible.\n(14.01.18) Byantara turns on vacuum cleaner and enters containment chamber. SCP-932-01 through 06 immediately turn to face him and slowly move towards his direction. He appears startled by this reaction, quickly waving the vacuum cleaner around him in an attempt to keep SCP-932 at bay.\n(14.03.01) SCP-932-03 tackles Byantara's legs from behind, causing him to collapse. The other SCP-932 individuals leap on him and keep him down on the floor, apparently initiating a feeding event. Byantara is visibly struggling under the combined weight of SCP-932, accidentally disconnecting the speaker's plug with his kicking feet. SCP-932 are now invisible.\n(14.03.13) Site security alerted, and observational cameras are switched to IR mode. The members of SCP-932 are still feeding.\n(14.03.50) Site security arrive, but are told not to enter the containment chamber until the feed from the IR camera is loaded onto their HUDs.\n(14.05.48) Research Assistant Byantara ceases movement. IR feed shows the pack of SCP-932 lose interest and leave his body. 5 members of site security enter chamber and disable active members of SCP-932. A preliminary survey revealed that SCP-932-06 was unaccounted for.\n(14.05.51) Byantara recovered from containment chamber. Pulse is weak and rapid, and his eyes are wide open and rapidly moving. On closer inspection, his pupils appeared dilated despite the bright conditions of the chamber.\n(14.06.00) Site lockdown initiated, all personnel advised to remain calm. Site security dispatched for retrieval.\n(14.06.38) The 510 Hz tone is played on the site speakers. Visibility of SCP-932-01 through -05 confirmed.\n(14.06.51) Multiple motion sensors activated in South Wing air ducts.\n(14.08.46) Camera feed shows SCP-932-06 exiting from an air duct in corridor 3A of the South wing. Security team prepares for retrieval.\n(14.09.02) Camera feed shows another SCP-932 exiting from an air duct in corridor 3D of the South Wing. Director Faizal expresses possibility of SCP-932 reproduction. The 510 Hz tone is played through the air ducts via a speaker in the Biology Office to aid retrieval procedures.\n(14.09.32) Camera feed shows another SCP-932 exiting from an air duct in corridor 4P of the South Wing. Additional security teams dispatched to contain both new instances.\n(14.11.07) Containment of 3 individuals achieved. Sensors report no more movement in air ducts. The two new individuals are labeled SCP-932-07 and -08, and are contained along with SCP-932-01 through -06.\n\nNote: Research Assistant Byantara is in a comatose state, and displays no change in behaviour. Further observation is required.\nNote: After 47 days on life support, Byantara appeared to mouth something and his eyes ceased movement. He died of cardiac arrest shortly afterwards.\nI think he said something like \"too scared to move\".\n\u2014Research Assistant Pattayong\n\nFootnotes\n1. These effects are highly similar to other anomalies which prey on victims during REM cycles, or cause paralysis during sleep, such as SCP-966, SCP-3060 and SCP-122.\n\n\u00ab SCP-931 | SCP-932 | SCP-933 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-933\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-933-02 and all affected subjects must be stored in a modified standard artifact containment unit that contains no electronic components. All personnel guarding SCP-933-02 and affected subjects must be equipped with standard assault rifles, a high-caliber sidearm, class 3 magnesium flares with an active duration of no less than 20 minutes, and protective goggles.\nIn the event of SCP-933-02 or any affected subjects escaping, all personnel are to activate their flares first and don the protective goggles second. Maximum force is authorized to restore containment.\nSCP-933-01 is to be guarded in a manner identically to SCP-933-02 and the affected subjects. SCP-933-02 and the affected subjects have shown that they will always make their way directly to SCP-933-01. How they determine this path is unknown.\nDescription: SCP-933-01 appears to be an innocuous roll of duct tape. Attempts to unroll it by non-affected personnel have proved ineffective.\nSCP-933-02 appears to be a man in a cloak who has absolutely no facial features. All affected subjects bear the same condition, but the rest of their bodies appear as they did before their incidents.\nWhile all affected subjects have identical behavior to SCP-933-02, none of them possess its formidable strength or resilience. Affected subjects have been terminated with no more force than it would take to kill an ordinary person. During Incident-933-004, SCP-933-02 sustained 57 bullet wounds before collapsing, which it healed from over the following 238 days.\nWhile in possession of SCP-933-01, SCP-933-02 will attempt to pin anyone it can perceive, going after the closest targets first. Once SCP-933-02 has pinned a subject, it will unroll SCP-933-01 and place it over the subject's eyes, ears, nose, or mouth, with no preference. It will then remove SCP-933-01, completely removing that facial feature. Autopsies have shown that the amount of damage is considerable, with the affected feature being completely filled in with flesh and bone. SCP-933-02 will continue to do this until it is stopped or all facial features are removed, at which point the subject is to be treated the same as the other affected subjects.\nSubjects afflicted by SCP-933-01 will experience a strong compulsion to acquire SCP-933-01. This compulsion is augmented by an unexplained mechanism allowing them to locate SCP-933-01 at long distances.\nFor reasons unknown, SCP-933-02 has shown that it is unable to perceive living things that are within 1 meter of a 100 lumen light source. This range increases with the brightness of the light source.\nSCP-933-02 has demonstrated that it can cause electronics to fail merely by being around them. This ranges from electronic lights losing power to electronic locks failing in the unlocked position. The extent of this ability is not known.\nSCP-933-02 has never directly harmed any personnel, preferring to destroy their weapons and then make use of SCP-933-01.\nAddendum:\nPartial victims must never come into contact with SCP-933-01 and are to be transferred to any other facility immediately. All partial victims that have remained at the facility have become obsessed with the idea that if they could handle SCP-933-01, they could get their facial feature(s) back. In all cases, the subjects merely finished removing all of their facial features.\nTranscript of the Post-Incident-933-002 Interview of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 enters the room to interview Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How are you feeling, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Who is that?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It's me, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Oh. It's good to\u2026 hear you again, I guess. How do you think I feel? I've lost my goddamned eyes! I'm gonna be stuck guarding 689 or some shit like that.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm sorry, but you know how things work around here.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yeah, yeah. As long as we're useful, we do useful things. But it's worse than just that. Worse than losing all the time I put into sharpshooting. What really drives me nuts is that no one talks to me anymore.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm talking to you.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You have to. You're the one writing the report. It's like as soon as I lost my eyes, I stopped being a person.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm serious. The only reason I haven't come to see you until now is because all of this damned paperwork. We'll still go to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 every other Friday. You'll just have to wear sunglasses.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Sure we will.\nA long pause follows.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Doc, I've been thinking about the tape. It was the thing that took my eyes. It should still have them, right? Maybe, if I could just get my hands on it, I could get them back.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No one else has been able to use it, but I'll make some calls and see what I can do.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Thanks.\n\n\n(End of Transcription)\n\n\u00ab SCP-932 | SCP-933 | SCP-934 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-934\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment Area 934-1 has been established in a 5 km radius around SCP-934, under the cover of supposed chemical contamination. Armed, undercover guards must be on station around the perimeter at all times, and any civilians attempting to enter the area or gain access to SCP-934 must be detained and questioned.\nDescription: SCP-934 is the lighthouse near [DATA EXPUNGED] on the valley property and estate of the late Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a renowned scientist, had the functioning lighthouse built on his property at great expense despite the inland location nearly 65 km from any body of water, citing a need for his \"grand experiment\".\nSCP-934 was discovered following a routine investigation of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's property by Foundation agents following his disappearance on or about \u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, due to his former involvement with [DATA EXPUNGED]. The area was locked down and current containment procedures established following Incident Zero, which resulted in the loss of the entire investigation team.\nEvery seven (7) days, the area surrounding SCP-934 becomes shrouded in a dense fog that obscures all view of SCP-934 and the surrounding estate within a radius of 2 km, hereby known as the Red Zone. During this time, SCP-934 becomes active and emits a strong beam of light consistent with a normal lighthouse of similar design. This fog appears to have anomalous properties, causing all electronics within to behave erratically or malfunction and blocking radio signals. Furthermore, no personnel who have entered the Red Zone during a period of fog have ever been seen or heard from again. The fog period of SCP-934 persists for approximately 24 hours before the fog dissipates and the lighthouse ceases function.\nAddendum 934-01: Incident Zero (Initial Exploration Log)\nFollowing the disappearance of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a five-man Foundation team was dispatched to investigate his estate and property and secure any possible [DATA EXPUNGED]. Excerpts from the transcript of radio traffic follows:\n\n0645 L\nT1-Lead: This is Lead, we have arrived on site. No sign of anyone in the area.\nCommand: Copy. You are clear to proceed with the mission.\nSound of door opening.\nT1-Lead: Command, we have entered the manor. The area is clean, like it has been dusted within the last day.\nCommand: Lead, that is not possible. The manor has been under observation for a month, and there has been no sign of anyone entering or exiting the-\nT1-Lead: Command, Command, someone just turned on the lights!\nCommand: That's impossible, there's no power being fed to the house. Team One, you are weapons-free, I repeat, you are weapons-free at this time.\nT1-Lead: Roger, Command. We are weapons-free.\nSounds of weapons being loaded and readied.\n\n0653 L\nT1-Lead: Command, Lead. There appears to be hot food set out in the dining room. I count nine- no, ten places set. The fireplace is lit as well. We have not seen anyone in the manor or surrounding area.\n\n0711 L\nCommand: Command to Team One, we are aborting your mission at this time. Exit to Point B, backup will be arriving in one hour.\nT1-Lead: Copy, Command. Wait, there appears to be some kind of [static] rolling in.\nCommand: Say again, Lead?\nT1-Lead: [static] appears to be some kind of fog [static] Command?\nCommand: Lead, you are breaking up.\nT1-Lead: [static] is on, I repeat the [static]\nCommand: Team One, get clear of the house! Do you read me?\nT1-Lead: [static]\nCommand: Team One, do you read me? Team One?\nEnd of Transcript (Contact Lost) - 0712 L\n\nApproximately 24 hours after contact was lost with Team One, the fog dissipated and a second team was dispatched. Team Two found the manor and lighthouse completely abandoned in a state of extreme disrepair inconsistent with the reports of Team One. A thorough search of the manor turned up the clothing and equipment of the Team One members, folded neatly and stacked in the center of an empty second-floor room. The batteries of all of their electronic equipment had been completely drained, and recording media and memory cards were empty.\nTeam Two's search of the lighthouse turned up only broken lighthouse equipment and empty rooms, although Team Two members reported being able to hear a faint buzzing or static that persisted for several days after leaving the area.\n\n\u00ab SCP-933 | SCP-934 | SCP-935 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-935's cards.\n\nItem #: SCP-935\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-935 is kept within a standard containment chamber, located in Site 19. It is to be monitored at all times, and in the event of a demanifestation agents are to begin monitoring all subjects known to carry Genetic Marker Bowe-1A. Genetic testing is to be done on all personnel applying for positions in the Foundation, and those who test positive for Genetic Marker Bowe-1A are to be placed under supervision by Foundation agents. If SCP-935 de-materializes, agents are instructed first to begin surveillance of all subjects carrying Genetic Marker Bowe-1A. Agents will be briefed on how to identify these individuals prior to being assigned to SCP-935's containment. When SCP-935 reappears, it is to be retrieved and returned to containment, with containment procedures being updated.\nDescription: SCP-935 is a box of playing cards, appearing to date from pre-1700 Germany, specifically Brandenburg. All cards composing SCP-935 are well worn, but in playable condition. On the box, the words \"Know this: that I have faith in your life, and not in your death\" have been written.\nIf any card is displaced 3m or more from the box, the entire set will instantly be teleported into SCP-935. Analysis produces no evidence of vapor or residue, and high-speed camera footage of the cards vanishing has been inconclusive. If the cards themselves are damaged or altered in any way, they will remain in the same condition until a relocation event, after which they will be restored to their original condition. In addition, any damage to SCP-935 itself will be regenerated over time. For example, tearing open SCP-935's lid resulted in the fibrous tissue of the paper becoming animated and reached out to the torn area, pulling each edge closer and intertwining, eventually reconstituting the damaged area 3 minutes and 43 seconds after the test initiated.\nWhen a subject carrying Genetic Marker Bowe-1A reaches the age of 41, SCP-935 will teleport itself into their possession. Attempting to take it from the subject in the first 78 hours following its manifestation will result in its immediate return to the subject. All subjects who have possessed SCP-935 have gone missing within 78 hours of coming into possession of it, with one exception. During its time in containment, approximately 6 subjects have been lost after coming into possession of SCP-935, and it is estimated that an additional 67 subjects were lost prior to initial containment.\nAfter appearing within the subjects possession, a card within SCP-935 will have detailed instructions on a specific card game to be played by the subject. These are always listed with the caveat that cheating will result in their demise. However, research into SCP-935 affected subjects show that they have all died within 78 hours of obtaining it, whether or not they completed the task. SCP-935 appears to make moves on its own, with cards being teleported into their positions as the game is played.\nAddendum:\n\nIncident Log 935\n\nAccess Granted\n\nIncident\nDescription\n\n4 May 1645\nA letter from a wealthy Italian trader to his wife describes SCP-935 in great detail.\n\n23 December 1889.\nJohn Rawl is reported missing in Boston, shortly after completing a card game with SCP-935. First confirmed report of SCP-935 in North America, however SCP-935 is not recovered at the scene.\n\n19 June 1890.\nJohn Rawl Jr. commits suicide with SCP-935 in his presence. SCP-935 is later noted to have disappeared from police possession.\n\n30 August 1895.\nEliza Duke and Jacob Rawl vanish after leaving home in a stagecoach. SCP-935 not recovered.\n\n3 December 1924.\nSCP-935 is photographed at the murder scene of MacDouglas \"Little Bigsy\" Bowe III.\n\n4 June 1953.\nSuzanna Carlito goes missing from her home, and SCP-935 is recovered from the interior, set up for solitaire. Foundation Agents discover and retrieve SCP-935. Suzanna Carlito is a direct descendant of MacDouglas Bowe.\n\n3 February 1956.\nFoundation Colonel Adrian Bowe is killed in a high-speed collision north of San Francisco. His son, Lieutenant Stan Bowe, a research scientist stationed within Site-19, retrieves SCP-935 from the crash site, and begins studying it. Anomalous properties confirmed shortly afterwards.\n\n8 January 1962.\nFollowing the death of Emory Bowe, the Bowe Commission is formed to investigate all possible carriers of Genetic Marker Bowe-1A. General Bowe1 is placed in command of the commission.\n\n10 December 1962.\nM\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died after being pulled out to sea by a riptide while vacationing in Malibu, California. Her body washed up onto shore in Port Angeles, Washington fourteen months later. SCP-935 found within her stomach contents. As M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had not previously been listed as an SCP-935 candidate by the Bowe Commission, containment procedures are currently being revised, and ancestral research being done to determine the connection M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had to the Bowe family.\n\n30 August 1964.\nBowe Commission completes the genetic mapping of all subjects who could potentially be affected by SCP-935. The total list contains approximately 6 subjects, all of which are between the ages of 29 and 40. General Bowe is determined to be the most likely candidate for the next SCP-935 event, and relieved of command.\n\n9 July 1970.\nGeneral Stan Bowe is killed during a containment breach within Site-19. Analysis following the breach determines that General Bowe had instructed personnel formerly under his command to deliberately instigate a containment breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, in order to destroy SCP-935 and prevent his death. During the course of the breach, six additional anomalies had also breached, and severely damaged SCP-935's containment area. Following recontainment operations, the deceased Stan Bowe was found in a bunker, filled with cards identical to those found in SCP-935 with the word \"CHEAT\" \"CHECKED\" and \"THIEF\" written on each one. Death determined to be the result of a playing card severing the brain stem. SCP-935 not re-contained following the incident.\n\nAddendum: Document recovered from the quarters of Stan Bowe, following the July 9th Incident.\n\nIf you're reading this, it's probably all over. I'm dead, since I'm cheatin' the damned cards or whatever they are have won, and it's moved on to whoever else it wants dead. It's petty. That's all those things have ever been. Through all the work in the commission, research and following up on every second cousin three times removed, it never added up to anything more than that. It's not supposed to let us cheat, that's why we get both options. If we go honest, it's supposed to let us go. That's how the old time artifacts like that are supposed to go, anyways.\nBut this one, it's tied to something else. Some other family, somewhere in the world, that someone stole this damned thing from. It has to be played with them, or given to them at the end, or something. But we can't find 'em. It's pointless.\nWhen it's taking people, they're good as dead. It probably thinks we're being rewarded or something for being good, honest folks who play by their rules. It has \"faith\" in us. I don't want any part of that.\nI do have a plan, which won't work for more than a couple minutes. A little petty, yeah, but two can play at this game. Maybe it'll finally learn to leave us alone, find someone else to pick on.\n\nAddendum: On 7/19/2000, Fred Bowe was determined to be the final subject carrying Genetic Marker Bowe-1A. During the SCP-935 manifestation event, Bowe won against SCP-935 in a game of War. Notably, following this event, all figures depicted on SCP-935's cards were altered to resemble subjects who had disappeared after being affected by SCP-935. In addition, the text found on SCP-935 was altered. Fred Bowe was not affected following the conclusion of the game.\n\nTHANK YOU for ending the game and CONGRATULATIONS on peace. We are all very happy and proud of you Fred. Mommy and Daddy and all the brothers sisters clap for your victory. You were able to win without even needing to be fraudulent or to bend all of the rules in winning. We are happy for you to be free and all times are over. Your reward is not to be rewarded.\nThis is a happy end.\n\nSCP-935 has retained its regenerative properties, and as such containment procedures for a Safe reclassification are ongoing.\n\nFootnotes\n1. For more information regarding General Bowe, see Personnel Dossier.\n\n\u00ab SCP-934 | SCP-935 | SCP-936 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-936\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-936 are to be kept on the grounds of Bio Research Site-104, enclosed by a fence to prevent unauthorised access, and watered daily. Approximately once a month, the plantation is to be screened for any SCP-936-1 by two (2) D-Class personnel of adequate physical ability and SCP-936-1 are to be harvested according to site plan.\nHarvested SCP-936-2 are to be incinerated if unused, can be fed to contained carnivores upon removal of seeds, which are to be incinerated.\nFollowing Incident 936-1, the D-class personnel performing the screening are to be screened thoroughly for infectious diseases, and are to use sterile gloves and facial filters to prevent contamination.\nUncontained SCP-936 instances are to be dug out and any SCP-936-1 and SCP-936-2 incinerated. For purposes of containment, the Foundation is to ensure SCP-936 is declared an invasive species by local governments; a censored description is to be made public for this purpose.\nDescription: SCP-936 is a species of deciduous, self-pollinating tree resembling Fagus sylvatica, inhabiting the region of northern and eastern Europe, most notably clustering around \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ukraine. SCP-936 is capable of forming clonal colonies, the ol[DATA EXPUNGED].\nIt has been shown that the roots of SCP-936 are host to nitrogen-fixing bacteria, similarly to the legumes - as during most of its lifecycle, the plant doesn't display any anomalous properties, checking for unusual soil nitration levels shows promise as an identification method.\nSCP-936 is monoecious, and during flowering, specimens can be recognised by an unusually high male to female flower ratio - there are only several dozen female flowers, usually growing directly on older wood. Out of those, on average, less than six continue development, and it is rare for more than a single fruit to reach maturity.\nThe resulting fruit, classified SCP-936-1 is covered in a green cupule, and rapidly grows towards its ripe mass of app. 85 kg; SCP-936's foliage grows denser in order to cover for the energetic expenditure. Dissection has revealed the inside of SCP-936-1 contains a length of stem wrapping around a structure closely resembling a human body, designated SCP-936-2. Tissue samples obtained from SCP-936-1 physiologically resemble human tissue, possessing functionality in most aspects1, with the exception of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 which contain a mass of brown-black seeds approximately 3cm in diameter.\nAs SCP-936-1 reaches maturity, the stem thickens considerably and the cupule wilts, eventually breaking, and causing SCP-936-2 to descend, hanging from the stem which in most cases wraps around its cervical region.\nThe appearance of SCP-936-2 produced by a single SCP-936 varies in size, visual appearance, and apparent gender with no discernible pattern.\nThe seeds within SCP-936-2 have a thick skin, and take approximately sixteen months to germinate. However if exposed to an acidic environment (pH < 2), germination occurs within \u2588\u2588 weeks.\nRecovery Log: SCP-936 was first discovered near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Finland, after reports of an unusually high reported suicide rate. Intelligence agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's report has revealed this to be due to the statistics including a number of nude hanging victims being periodically discovered on trees in the nearby \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 forest, and the local cemetery, their identity being impossible to determine.\nSuspecting a cognitohazard, a perimeter was established around said yard under the premise of widespread bark beetle infection, and the site was placed under observation. During observation period, a new corpse was discovered despite security footage showing no violations of perimeter within assumed time of death. Autopsy revealed anomalies inconsistent with human anatomy; notably, seeds located in [REDACTED]. Agent F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 noted that all victims have been found hanging from a single species of tree, and a thorough examination has resulted in the procurement several samples of unripe SCP-936-1, leading to SCP-936 classification.\nMTF Xi-8 \"Spearhunters\" performed removal of all instances of SCP-936 within an surrounding area of 45 km sq. Obtained seeds contained at Bio Research Site-104.\nAddendum 936-1:\n\nEXPERIMENT LOG SCP-936\nSUBJECT: D-532, 25-year-old male.\nGRAFT: 100 cm sq. of skin taken from SCP-936-2.\nRESULT: Skin graft implanted successfully. Skin shows higher mechanical resistance, possibly due to interstitial cellulose fibers. However, incisions take longer to heal, and poor resistance to UV light.\nSUBJECT: D-821, 25-year-old male.\nGRAFT: muscular tissue taken from biceps of SCP-936-2.\nRESULT: Muscle graft implanted successfully. Muscular tissue appears to behave ordinarily, and has similar strength/volume ratio. Despite D-821 being restrained for several days due to operation , implanted muscle showed no traces of atrophy. Subject D-821's diet switched to protein-deficient - measurements of rate of muscle loss showed this to be lower by a factor of \u2588\u2588.\nSUBJECT: D-231, 30-year-old male.\nGRAFT: Kidneys taken from SCP-936-2.\nRESULT: Graft implanted successfully. Kidneys shown to have remarkable liquid economy. Subject expired due to renal failure after seven weeks.\nSUBJECT: D-512, 23-year-old female.\nGRAFT: Digestive system taken from SCP-936-2.\nRESULT: Graft implanted successfully. D-512, instead of via regular digestion, appears to absorb products of bacterial decay - intestinal microflora changed substantially. D-512 appears emaciated. D-512's urine abnormal - further testing shows intestinal flora removes cca.\u2588\u2588% of urea from her bloodstream and reprocesses it.\nI suspect the new intestinal tract isn't long enough for this mode of digestion. - Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSUBJECT: D-721, 25-year-old female.\nGRAFT: [REDACTED]\nRESULT: Graft implanted successfully. D-721 appears to produce a steady supply of seeds.\n\nSUBJECT: D-723, 31-year-old female.\nGRAFT: Subject impregnated with sperm harvested from SCP-936-1.\nRESULT: Pregnancy initially appears to progress normally. However, after \u2588\u2588 weeks, ultrasound reading [DATA EXPUNGED]01. Foetus artificially aborted.\nNote: This might explain why [DATA EXPUNGED]gmen - Researcher Eisenberg\n\nAddendum 936-2:\n\nIncident 936-1:\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, one of the D-class personnel tasked with SCP-936-1 harvest, later shown suffering from a rhinovirus infection, transmitted the virus onto at least one SCP-936-1. The infection spread through as of yet unknown means, causing a crop failure SCP-936, heavily delaying research progress. Removal of infected/dead SCP-936-1 successful in halting infection progress.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Notably, circulatory system appears fully functional, and fMRI shows cerebral activity resembling that of an individual submerged in a sensory deprivation tank.\n\n\u00ab SCP-935 | SCP-936 | SCP-937 \u00bb"} {"text": "A 'hollowed column' instance of SCP-937\n\nItem #: SCP-937\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-937 specimens are to remain at Site-92, located at [REDACTED] in Melanesia. Site-92 is listed by its host government as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is off limits for all but selected personnel, all of whom are Foundation researchers and security staff. SCP-937 hives in the wild are to be quarantined and incinerated.\nDescription: SCP-937 is a strangler fig tree, closely related to Ficus watkinsiana, and has been classified as Ficus formicidae in [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-937 appears very similar to other strangler fig trees for most of its life cycle, although its reproductive process is unique.\nWhen SCP-937 matures, it begins to flower and bear fruit, designated SCP-937-2. The flowers are apparently self-pollinating, as opposed to other fig trees. When developed, the \"fruit\" are insectoid in appearance, with a head, thorax, abdomen and six legs, growing up to five centimeters in length. SCP-937-2 specimens have a convergent anatomy with insects, including a cellulose exoskeleton, spiracles and heart analogues, but lacking a proper digestive tract. SCP-937-2 have leafy growths on the back that resemble wings, with ripe specimens hardening to a flattened wing of fibrous, papery tissue, reminiscent of a maple seed's rotors.\n\nSCP-937-2, Forager Subtype\n\nOnce it is fully developed, an individual will detach itself temporarily and begin to walk around and tend its parent tree. SCP-937-2 will forage for plant and animal matter and use such to fertilize the roots of not only its host plant, but also any other nearby instances of SCP-937. The various subtypes of SCP-937-2 \"fruit\" behave rather in the manner of ants with the parent SCP-937 functioning as both hive and queen.\nSCP-937-2 also behave like ants in terms of their aggressive behavior toward anything outside of their species, as well as their sting. The sting induces necrosis at the site very quickly, and the fruit will work together to overwhelm even small mammals. Fortunately, while painful, the sting does not endanger humans and can be averted with proper precautions.\nOnce ripe, SCP-937-2 will climb as high as possible and glide to other trees, where they will germinate as a normal hemiepiphyte, eventually extending roots to the ground and foliage upward. Like other strangler figs, SCP-937 will surround the trees that they germinated on and eventually kill them. This combined with the aggressive nature of SCP-937-2 makes SCP-937 a particularly noxious weed should the species manage to gain a foothold.\nExperiment Log 937-1:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 months duration\nSubject: Two SCP-937 specimens, twenty fertilized queens of Atta sexdens\nProcedure: A large arboretum was constructed at [REDACTED] in Melanesia, where SCP-937 and Atta sexdens were introduced to an established ecology.\nDetails: Three successful leafcutter ant colonies were founded, and began to expand. Both SCP-937 trees matured and bore fruit, which began to forage. The two species ignored each other until the leafcutter ants attempted to harvest leaves from one of the SCP-937 instances. New subtypes of SCP-937-2 matured, and the SCP-937 hives collaborated to eradicate leafcutter colonies and aggressively colonize the area. After \u2588\u2588 weeks, the ant colonies had been exterminated, and much of the island's ecology had been taken over by SCP-937.\nBy order of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, senior researcher for SCP-937, the site was remotely destroyed and incinerated until nothing viable remained.\nAddendum 937-3: Due to irregularities in soil samples at Site-92, [DATA EXPUNGED], a quarantine for all botanical material is now in place at the site. \u2013 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 4/937\n\n\u00ab SCP-936 | SCP-937 | SCP-938 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-938\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-938 is to be contained within Capacitor Bank Zero at Bio-Containment and Research Site-06 Bio-Containment and Research Site-07. This bank is to consist of 427,500 EPCOS B4345 capacitors, maintained within Storage Warehouse Zero. Storage Warehouse Zero should be constructed of unreinforced high-strength concrete, its interior walls, floor, and ceiling lined with 5cm of insulating PVC. The structure must be devoid of electrical wiring and systems; lighting should be provided by fiber-optic cables routed underground from adjacent structures. Neither the fiber-optic cables nor their cladding may be electrically conductive. Storage Warehouse Zero should be a minimum of fifty (50) meters from adjacent structures.\nCapacitor storage racks are to be positioned over the warehouse's built-in floor drains. Capacitors containing SCP-938 appear to seep a dark red fluid, identified as [REDACTED] blood, in a manner visually similar to condensation. This is normal, and not a sign that SCP-938 containment has been breached. This phenomenon may be ignored, provided Storage Warehouse Zero's floor drains remain unobstructed and precautions are taken to ensure this blood does not interfere with capacitors positioned below. Should this phenomenon cease, site command is to be immediately informed of a potential breach of containment.\nBoth the structure and Capacitor Bank Zero should be inspected by four (4) Class D personnel supervised by two (2) Clearance Level Two research personnel and at least one (1) Clearance Level Three security officer weekly or immediately following any electrical storm occurring within twenty (20) kilometers. No electronic devices are to be brought into Storage Warehouse Zero without prior authorization of Level 4 research staff. Personnel implanted with pacemakers or metallic implants are denied access to the facility. Inspection personnel are encouraged to carry secondary chemical light sources as a precaution against total lighting and power failure.\nDescription: SCP-938 is a predatory electrical entity. The entity appears to exist as electrical potential of intensity similar to that which accompanies a moderate electrical storm; SCP-938 frequently travels with such storms. It enters electrical grids through lightning strikes, often causing a temporary loss of power. Upon infiltrating an electrical grid, SCP-938 typically selects a single occupied structure to monitor. While dormant within power grids, the only known indication of SCP-938's presence are anomalous readings by devices sensitive to electromagnetic fields (see below).\nSCP-938 becomes active upon an electrical storm entering within approximately five kilometers of its current location. Its behavior during this period of activity is characterized by interference with the function of electrical devices (see below) aimed at attracting the attention of individuals within the building. Individuals which attempt to interact with affected devices are electrocuted; in all but two recorded instances, this has resulted in the immediate cessation of all neural impulses. In the aforementioned two instances, only the victims' hearts were stopped; both were successfully resuscitated, and both experienced long-term deleterious effects attributable to SCP-938's assault. See Addendum 11-16-1987 for further information.\nShortly afterward, SCP-938 returns to the atmosphere as lightning, rapidly dissociating to electrical potential and returning to its free state. SCP-938 has on at least one occasion vacated an occupied structure without attempting to attract the attention of its residents or visitors, and twice after (successful) efforts which appeared aimed at attracting the attention of singular individuals.\nAnalysis of high-precision electromagnetic field readings indicate anomalous, highly localized intensity fluctuations consistent with human neural activity in the vicinity of SCP-938. Conservative estimates place the lower bound of distinct neural patterns at approximately 100,000. Of the twelve successfully isolated, five indicate average levels of conscious thought, four indicate levels of activity above the norm, consistent with elevated stress levels, and three are consistent with stage N3 NREM sleep.\nPeriodically, SCP-938 will fixate on an individual; these individuals are designated SCP-938-A. Prior to feasibility of containment, SCP-938 was documented pursuing a single target for thirty-six (36) years, eleven (11) months, and six (6) days until the target died of natural causes. The exact traits which prompt SCP-938 to fixate on an individual are unknown. In twelve of nineteen recorded instances, SCP-938-A were documented to suffer from a number of disorders relating to stress or paranoia, including post-traumatic stress disorder, paranoid schizophrenia, and a number of severe phobias; these disorders are likely the result of extended proximity to SCP-938 and not a criterion by which it bases target selection (see Addendum 04-13-1979).\nContainment history of SCP-938 is available here.\nAddendum 09-29-1944: The electrical phenomenon commonly known as St. Elmo's Fire provides SCP-938 with a direct route of attack. SCP-938-A [REDACTED] SCP-938. A Foundation personal security detail [REDACTED] suffered acute UV burns and permanent blindness; \u2588 died of resultant infections.\nAddendum 04-13-1979: Several members of MTF Theta-9 have reported subtle hallucinations and a vague sense of unease while in the vicinity of SCP-938. The most frequently reported hallucination has been irregular clusters of iridescent red eyes watching from poorly illuminated areas, including the shadows of personnel, foliage, and in a handful of reports, the night sky; Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 remarked he once mistook the phenomenon for stars. It is not believed to be a cause for concern at this time.\n\nNote 02-22-1990: Personnel responsible for the routine inspection and maintenance of SCP-938 containment have witnessed similar hallucinations in the vicinity of Capacitor Bank Zero despite no knowledge of MTF Theta-9's reports. Maintenance personnel most often report these as clusters of eyes in the spaces between capacitors.\n\nAddendum 03-11-1987: Statistical observation of weather patterns within three thousand (3000) kilometers of SCP-938's confirmed locations, aimed at determining if SCP-938 is capable of altering local weather patterns, has proven inconclusive.\nAddendum 11-16-1987: The deleterious effects suffered by both known SCP-938 survivors are the erasure of significant stretches of memory and drastic alteration of both individuals' mannerisms and personalities. During subsequent evaluation, both professed to experience persistent feelings of depersonalization and derealization. Medical and psychological evaluation results are available to research personnel on request.\n\n\u00ab SCP-937 | SCP-938 | SCP-939 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-939\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-939-1, -3, -19, -53, -89, -96, -98, -99, and -109 are kept in Cell 1163-A or 1163-B, 10 m x 10 m x 3 m containment chambers within Armed Bio-Containment Area-14. Both cells are environmentally regulated and negatively pressurized, with walls constructed of reinforced concrete. Access to these cells is regulated by an outer decontamination chamber and inner gas-tight steel security doors. Observation windows are constructed of laminated ballistics glass 10 cm in thickness protected by a 100kV electrified mesh. Humidity is maintained at 100% at a temperature of 16\u00b0 C. Specimens are monitored at all times via infrared cameras. Level Four authorization is required to access SCP-939, their containment areas, or the observation chambers.\nSCP-939-101 is dismembered and stored in Cryogenic Preservation Tanks 939-101A to 939-101M within Bio-Research Area-12. Access to SCP-939-101 requires authorization by two Clearance Level 3 personnel, one of which must be present for all research and testing. The contents of only one (1) 939-101 tank may be accessed at any given time. Core temperature of SCP-939-101 tissues must be monitored while removed from cryogenic preservation; should core temperature exceed 10\u00b0 C, tissues are to be returned to their corresponding tank and all testing suspended for a period of seventy-two (72) hours. Barring core temperature exceeding 10\u00b0 C, research of SCP-939-101 tissues may continue as long as its ramblings and pleas for release may be tolerated.\nContainment cells should be cleaned biweekly. While this takes place, SCP-939 specimens will be transferred to the adjacent cell. During this time, the cell's door and observation window must be inspected for damage and repaired or replaced accordingly.\nHeavy sedation of all SCP-939 is required before any interaction, including transfer between cells and experimentation, may take place. See Document #939-TE4 for transfer and experimentation protocol.\nLevel C Hazmat gear is to be worn by personnel during interactions with SCP-939 specimens and in any areas which SCP-939 have been known to inhabit. Afterward, standard decontamination procedures are to be observed by all personnel involved to ensure no secondary spread of amnestic agents occurs.\nFollowing Incident ABCA14-939-3, all non Class D personnel interacting with SCP-939 for any length of time are required to wear two (2) water-proof electronic pulse monitors for the duration of such interaction. These pulse monitors will transmit to a wireless monitoring system independent of a facility's main power grid, with at least one backup power system on standby. Should both an individual's pulse monitors flat-line or otherwise malfunction, the wearer will be presumed dead, personnel instructed to disregard all the wearer's subsequent vocalizations, and a breach of containment declared automatically. Security personnel responding to such a breach are likewise required to wear these pulse monitors.\nAdditionally, all live SCP-939 must be implanted with subdermal tracking devices upon capture.\nDescription: SCP-939 are endothermic, pack-based predators which display atrophy of various systems similar to troglobitic organisms. The skins of SCP-939 are highly permeable to moisture and translucent red, owing to a compound chemically similar to hemoglobin. SCP-939 average 2.2 meters tall standing upright and weigh an average of 250 kg, though weight is highly variable. Each of their four limbs end in three-fingered claws with a fourth, opposable digit, and are covered in setae which considerably augment climbing ability. Their heads are elongated, devoid of even vestigial eyes or eye sockets, and contain no brain casing. The jaws of SCP-939 are lined with red, faintly luminescent fang-like teeth, similar to those belonging to specimens of the genus Chauliodus, up to 6 cm in length, and encircled by heat-sensitive pit organs. Eye spots, sensitive to light and dark, run the length of their spined dorsal ridges. These spines may be up to 16 cm long and are believed to be sensitive to changes in air pressure and flow.\nSCP-939 do not possess many vital organ systems; central and peripheral nervous systems, circulatory system, and digestive tract are all absent. SCP-939's respiratory system is atrophied and serves no apparent purpose beyond spreading AMN-C227 (see below). SCP-939 have no apparent physiological need to feed, nor any way to digest consumed tissue. Ingested material typically accumulates in the respiratory system of SCP-939 and is regurgitated once the amount is sufficient to markedly inhibit its function. Despite the absence of many vital organ systems, SCP-939 are capable of bearing live young. See Addendum 10-16-1991.\nSCP-939's primary method of luring prey is the imitation of human speech in the voices of prior victims, though imitation of other species and active nocturnal hunts have been documented. SCP-939 vocalizations often imply significant distress; whether SCP-939 understand their vocalizations or are repeating previously heard phrases is the subject of ongoing study. How SCP-939 acquire voices is not currently understood; specimens have been documented imitating victims despite never hearing the victim speak. Analysis of SCP-939 vocalizations cannot distinguish between SCP-939 and samples of known victims' voices. The use of biometric voice-recognition security or identification systems at any installation housing SCP-939 is strongly discouraged for this reason. Prey is usually killed with a single bite to the cranium or neck; bite forces have been measured in excess of 35 MPa.\nSCP-939 exhale minute traces of an aerosolized Class C amnestic, designated AMN-C227. AMN-C227 causes temporary anterograde amnesia, inhibiting memory formation for the duration of exposure, plus an average of thirty (30) minutes. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless with an estimated ECt50 for inhalation of 0.0015mg\u2022min/m3. In well-ventilated or open air environments, risk of exposure to ECt50 is greatly reduced but not negligible. AMN-C227 is typically undetectable in the bloodstream sixty (60) minutes following cessation of exposure. Reported sensations of disorientation and mild hallucinations immediately following removal from environments saturated with the agent are similar to recreational use of numerous psychoactive substances and easily mistaken as such.\nNote 03-23-2005: This report pertains to morphology alpha. For information regarding morphology beta, see [REDACTED] Experiment Log 914, AMTF Nu-7 After Action Report \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, [REDACTED]\nAddendum 11-14-1981: A log of radio traffic between capture teams during initial contact with SCP-939 is available here.\nAddendum 04-11-1982: Due to SCP-939's intense aversion to bright light, it has been deemed a minimal risk of escape. Standard fluorescent hallway lighting is sufficient to deter SCP-939-1 from leaving its darkened cell. See Addendum 09-20-1991.\nAddendum 06-29-1987: Preliminary research into AMN-C227 suggests potential for use as a general-purpose amnestic. Methods of mass-producing the agent, as well as possible adverse effects, are being investigated at Bio-Containment and Research Site-06.\nAddendum 10-03-1990: AMN-C227 has been approved for use as a Class C amnestic. Projected annual production at Bio-Research Area-12 by SCP-939 respiratory tissue cultures is expected to surpass three (3) liters.\nAddendum 09-20-1991: Containment of nine (9) SCP-939 specimens has been compromised following a \"Silent Night\" breach scenario at Bio-Containment and Research Site-06. Nearby civilian settlements have been evacuated on the pretense of a coming storm. Recovery teams have been deployed to the area.\nAddendum 10-16-1991: [REDACTED] In light of this, all interaction with SCP-939 from September 8th to October 7th in the Northern Hemisphere or March 6th to April 4th in the Southern Hemisphere is strictly forbidden. [REDACTED] No male specimens of SCP-939 have yet been identified [REDACTED] contain a Class B amnestic [REDACTED]\nSee Reproduction of SCP-939.\nAddendum 02-20-1992: Effective immediately, use of AMN-C227 as an amnestic is suspended indefinitely. Consult Incident Report AMN-C227-939 for further information.\n\n\u00ab SCP-938 | SCP-939 | SCP-940 \u00bb"} {"text": "A SCP-940 parasite, in the second stage of infection.\n\nItem #: SCP-940\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All known samples of SCP-940 larva are currently in containment. Systematic purging of SCP-940 adult samples from civilians is currently (as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) being spearheaded by a combination of Area-14 Research personnel and Mobile Task Force Omicron-7 (\"Orkin\"). Samples of Foundation strengthened \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (see documentation regarding 'Agent Blue') are in the process of being added to commercially available insecticides, which is expected to prevent any more 'wild' strains of SCP-940 from arising. All SCP-940 infectees are to be treated as Class 4 Biohazards, and are to be contained and transported under heavy sedation to Area-14, or otherwise terminated. Deceased bodies infected with any SCP-940 strain, regardless of developmental stage, are to be incinerated.\nDescription: SCP-940 is a parasitoid organism with some superficial similarities to troglobitic members of the class Arachnida. Adult specimens are highly agile and possess leg spans from four to seven meters; due to the difficulty in separating SCP-940 from their hosts (see below), average weight and body size are moot considerations. Each of their eight translucent legs is dotted regularly with six types of specialized sensory organs\u2014IR-sensitive pit organs; ampullae of Lorenzini; compound and non-compound eyes sensitive to UV; and two additional organs of indeterminate function\u2014and end in large tarsal claws, possessing scopulae and setules common amongst species of hunting spiders and allowing them to climb sheer vertical surfaces with ease. SCP-940 possess a radial nerve net similar to Asteroidea, or the common starfish, and no central nervous system; the possibility that SCP-940 rely on their host's brainpower for processing of external stimuli cannot be ruled out at this time.\nInfection occurs following exposure to body fluids containing SCP-940 eggs and larvae. The lifecycle of SCP-940, from initial infection to maturity, is as follows:\n\nTreatment with intravenous anti-parasitic compound is possible, if administered prior to infection advancing to Stage 3.\nAddendum: Stage Six and above adult SCP-940 samples, when not attempting to conceal their identities, are extremely agile and capable predators. Through the use of their powerful limbs and multiple sensory organs, they are highly adept at evading capture; field agents are to be highly cautious and equipped with MOPP-4 gear at all times to prevent infection, and Foundation-issued nerve gas grenades for suppression purposes.\n\nIncident Log 940-01\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\nIncident 940-01\n\nSCP-940, in utero, recovered from subject D-940-05 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Assistant Researcher S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 failed to return a live sample of SCP-940 larvae to cold storage, instead allowing the sample to remain unattended in the lab for approximately forty-five minutes while on lunch break. The resulting breach of containment resulted in seven SCP-940 infections amongst research and security personnel, and another five in D-Class personnel. The affected wing of Area-14 was isolated for decontamination, and infected Foundation personnel administered intravenous anti-parasitic compound. All received treatment within six hours of infection and made full recoveries. Infected D-Class personnel were isolated for observation so as to establish a progression of SCP-940 infection and determine for how long it remains treatable.\nObservations of subjects D-940-01, D-940-02, and D-940-03 form the basis of the infection's given progression above.\nSubject D-940-04 is the only infectee that did not follow the above reported progression, due to multiple larvae reaching maturity. D-940-04 was terminated three weeks into the process, when the accelerated symptoms resulted in her progression to Stage 7, completely bypassing Stages 5 and 6.\nSubject D-940-05 was initially believed to be uninfected, displaying no symptoms of SCP-940 infection after three weeks. A full examination found D-940-05 to be pregnant; the unborn fetus was infected. The fetus, D-940-06, was allowed to mature. D-940-05 was kept unaware of its condition. Both expired when the legs of SCP-940 penetrated D-940-05's uterus. D-940-06 is preserved, kept in cryogenic storage at Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 for study.\n\n\u00ab SCP-939 | SCP-940 | SCP-941 \u00bb"} {"text": "Lot of recovered vehicles infected by SCP-941, seized during initial containment operations.\n\nItem #: SCP-941\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All objects afflicted by SCP-941 are kept in a secure garage within the motor division of Site-77, disassembled to individual components when not being tested. A science team supervised by Assistant Director of Medicine Vayl has been assigned to investigate SCP-941 from an epidemiological and behavioralist perspective, with special attention paid to cases indicating potentially novel strains or actions taken by SCP-941 infected vehicles.\nAny research indicating SCP-941 being capable of crossing over to diesel vehicles is to be treated as a Class V Biohazard threat, and any potential vectors for cross-infection are to be destroyed immediately. Mobile Task Force Psi-7 \"Home Improvement\" has been assigned to assess and secure structures identified as infection vectors.\nBecause SCP-941 was already widespread in certain regions at the time of its initial discovery, it currently continues to exist in small numbers in the general vehicle population. As such, containment field agents are focused on suppression of information regarding SCP-941 through previously utilized disinformation techniques.\nFoundation-owned vehicles are to be, whenever possible, diesel-fueled or electrically powered. SCP-1894 has been demonstrated as being immune to SCP-941, a fact discovered during accidental contact, as such it has been earmarked as a potential failsafe vehicle in the event of a mass-containment failure resulting in widespread infection.\nDescription: SCP-941 is a viral phenomenon affecting gasoline-powered automobiles designed for human transportation. Infected machines will indicate a variety of malfunctions, typically manifesting over a period of three to five days, then fading over a similar timeframe. SCP-941 afflicted devices are permanently contagious following infection, even after the symptomatic phase ends.\nAlthough no actual mechanical errors have been known to manifest in SCP-941 infected machines, drivers will report hearing unusual noises and changes in the 'feel' of the vehicle during normal operations. In addition, when affected machines are tested in harsh terrain, climates or used for more than three hours, they may cease operations entirely without apparent cause.\nElectronic systems such as GPS, or screen-based control consoles in newer vehicles, may exhibit unusual graphical and auditory glitches. Navigational equipment will attempt to steer the user away from highly-trafficked areas or the aforementioned extreme terrain and change the user's destination to car washes, high-end parking garages or auto dealerships.\nSCP-941 spreads to other automobiles through direct contact and proximity. Foundation research has shown that automobiles kept in adjacent space to SCP-941-positive machines may begin displaying symptoms which fade over time, or occur intermittently. This phenomenon has only been shown in controlled experiments and has not been observed in the wild.\nBiological matter is currently believed to be a factor in the expression of SCP-941's effect, as testing of vehicles directed by non-human elements such as automaton crash-test dummies and SCP-1872 have shown SCP-941 activates only if directly or indirectly controlled by human drivers.\nAlthough the only Foundation-known means of detecting SCP-941 infection is the ability of one vehicle to infect others, it is known that there must be another means of detection. SCP-1727 will refuse service to any SCP-941 afflicted vehicle, giving a message reading 'NO BREAKS, FAKES OR PHONIES'.\nHistory: SCP-941 was first observed by quality-control engineers employed by the DeLorean Motor Company(DMC) during initial engineering of the gull-wing doors used in their product. Notes from this period mention a distinctive semi-organic compound secreted during manufacturing, as well as frequent breakdowns and failures on the assembly line.\nFoundation assets first became aware of SCP-941 after collated traffic reports involving the DMC's vehicles were flagged as being potentially anomalous in nature. Follow-up operations confirmed this suspicion, and all known infected vehicles were impounded by Foundation agents through the guise of multiple recalls. Disinformation campaigns against the DMC centered around ties to organized crime combined with the recall efforts resulted in the shuttering of the corporation.\nAs of the present date, no other production line has been observed to carry SCP-941, and the initial infection source is unknown.\nAddendum: During testing on 1/27/2019, Assistant Director Vayl was conducting an experiment in SCP-941's ability to spread through non-contact means. During inspection of the third-party GPS system, a control vehicle initiated direct communications. This effect has not been found in any subsequent experiment, nor had it manifested in previous ones.\nFollowing this interview, the vehicle was re-tested and showed no trace of SCP-941 infection.\n\nInterviewed: American-made sedan (Identified as 941-V)\nInterviewer: Assistant Director Caleigh Amity Vayl\nForeword: Interview occurred during observation of the vehicle's interior. The standard battery of control experiments had been run on a daily basis for several weeks prior to this event. 941-V spoke with a feminine voice throughout the interview.\n\nVayl: Test time, test time. Engine's fired up. Test time, test time, dum hm hm hm hmmm\u2026\nSCP-941-V: Voice navigation activated. Turn left onto Stationary Street.\nVayl: \u2026 De-activate navigation?\nSCP-941-V: Sorry, didn't quite get that. Make a U-Turn and park on the Exit Ramp.\nVayl: Calm down, darned thing. I haven't even turned over the engine. How the heck do you turn this dang thing off\u2026 plugged into the cigarette lighter? No, no, hmm. Do newer cars even have those anymore? I hope not. Focus, focus\u2026 de-activate navigation, please?\nSCP-941-V: Sorry, that isn't going to work. There are several walk-in clinics and urgent care facilities nearby, which would you like to navigate to?\n\nVayl: \u2026 Hm. If you're feeling symptoms, tell me about them.\nSCP-941-V: Starting point in\u2026 Hurt, Virginia. Maintenance required. Please try again\u2026 tomorrow.\nVayl: Anything more specific? I'd love to give a more specific diagnosis. We're testing for a virus that spreads among autos\u2026 such as yourself, but I'm quite certain you haven't been infected.\nSCP-941-V: Navigation can begin tomorrow. Please confirm your coordinates to Ten Sleep, Wyoming.\nVayl: See here, look. I'm not hearing any rattling or screeching. You're fine. If you've got anything, I'm sure it's going to be mild. Can you really understand me? If you're not one of these sick-o-mobiles, there's a lot we could talk about.\nSCP-941-V: At the light, remain in your lane to turn into the parking lot.\nVayl: I think I get what you're telling me here. I don't like working when there's a bug in me either. I'll level with you, if you're not going to talk to us, there are people out there who will pick you apart trying to figure out what's happening here.\nSCP-941-V: At the following intersection, make a sharp left onto Shades of Death road.\nVayl: That doesn't sound like a real road. I hope you're not trying to be threatening.\nSCP-941-V: An unexpected error occurred. Please see manufacturer about resting and refurbishing your machine. Further activity may result in injury due to exhaust and .\n<15 Second Pause>\nVayl: Shucks. Any chance I could convince you to get on with our program here? There's an awful lot we could learn if you've got something new here. We could treat you well.\nSCP-941-V: Thank you. Goodbye.\n\nNote: I can smell a faker before they get to the examination room. Want this one returned to the testing pool for further testing as soon as it's fully inspected. \u2014 Deputy Director of Medicine Vayl\nClosing Statement: Follow-up testing has been authorized by Director Gillespie.\n\n\u00ab SCP-940 | SCP-941 | SCP-942 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: 0942\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\nsafe\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\ndark\n\nRisk Class:\nnotice\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-942-2 is to be stored in a locked safe-deposit box at Site \u2588\u2588's Low Risk Object Storage. Access is to be limited to experiments with prior written permission from the current SCP-942 lead researcher.1\nAny personnel affected by SCP-942-1 must remain within Foundation controlled facilities at all times. Contact with civilians, personnel without level 2 clearance on SCP-942, or other anomalous items is strictly forbidden for affected personnel. Affected personnel are to be given a higher priority for psychological screening and aid. Any civilians affected by SCP-942-1 are to be recruited or terminated with suitable cover stories on a case-by-case basis as no cure is available at this time.\nIf additional instances of SCP-942-2 are encountered, the object is to be retrieved as soon as possible and the surrounding area checked for affected subjects. Destruction of additional instances of SCP-942-2 is authorised if retrieval proves infeasible.\nDescription: SCP-942-1 are colored gumballs of standard (2.53cm) size. From the moment an instance of SCP-942-1 is ingested, the consumer's bodily fluids will take on the appearance of blood upon leaving the subject's body. The fluids will coagulate like normal blood and are indistinguishable from blood by sight, smell, or touch. However, observation by means other than the aforementioned, such as chemical analysis or infrared spectroscopy, will indicate the original substance. Other than coagulation the fluids show no anomalous reactions or chemical processes. The subject's actual blood, and the properties of bodily fluids while remaining inside the body appear to be unaffected. The nasal cavity and the surface of the eye are not entirely free from the effect, resulting in the appearance of blood-shot eyes, tears of blood, and a constant low-intensity nosebleed in affected subjects. Regions prone to sweating such as toes or armpits will be covered near-perpetually in crusts of dried blood, and affected subjects have reported considerable discomfort during urination.\nSubjects have been known to suffer panic attacks after exposure. It is believed these are mundane reactions to the effects of the object, and not anomalously caused by the object itself.\nThis includes panic attacks where subjects will attempt to remove the excess blood, in some cases leading to severe bodily harm and dehydration.\nObsession with personal hygiene and hypochondria are also to be considered mundane reactions.\nSCP-942-2 is a small bubble gum dispenser for home use of a model produced by [REDACTED]. SCP-942-2 is unremarkable in all respects other than its apparently infinite supply of SCP-942-1. Preliminary testing has shown that the dispenser can be damaged normally and is primarily composed of an unremarkable plastic. Due to the ease of containment, destructive testing has been halted to avoid negating the anomalous effects. Research into how the dispenser refills its supply of SCP-942-1 is ongoing. The words \u201cTry something different today! Sweet and candy-red!\u201d are engraved on the underside.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Currently Dr. Ian Blunt\n\n\u00ab SCP-941 | SCP-942 | SCP-943 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-943\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-943 is to be stored in a secure lockbox in a High Security Containment Vault, accessible only to Level 2 or higher personnel. For purposes of interrogation, Level 1 personnel may request access to SCP-943, but the request must be approved by Level 2 personnel, and the individual signing SCP-943 out must record a date, time, location of use, and appropriate protective measures taken to preserve SCP-943's integrity. Failure to do so will result in all personnel involved having their service records subject to immediate review and penalties of demotion or termination for those found negligent.\nDescription: SCP-943 is a band of unidentified metal, adjustable through a sliding mechanism to become anywhere from 5cm in diameter, to 38cm in diameter. The band bears inscribings along its outside surface reading in English: \"That Justice may flow like water\". When placed onto a human subject's arm, the device appears to induce visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations in a staggered pattern. In all cases, the hallucinations appear to be of an event that is connected to the subject in some way. Invariably, the subject is connected in a way that makes them the aggressor, and in the induced hallucinations, the subject assumes the role of victim. All recorded hallucinations have been of conflict, and are documented in Experiment Log 943-1 through Experiment Log 943-3.\nAddendum: In each experiment, the subject was prepared by repeatedly reminding them of the crime that caused their incarceration, causing it to be foremost in their minds prior to the beginning of the recording.\nExperiment Recording 943-1\n\nSubject D-39393 is guilty of multiple incidents of embezzlement as an employee of a Foundation cover company.\nDr. Heiden: D-39393, put on the bracelet.\nD-39393: You can't make me do this, you know! I'm a citizen of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588!\nDr. Heiden: Actually, D-39393, we can, according to the terms of your employment agreement. You know, the one that you never read because of the big number on the first page.\nD-39393: [splutters incoherently] Uh, ah, that doesn't mean anything! You still can't do this! I'm a person, not cattle for you to use!\nDr. Heiden: I am aware you are not livestock. Now put on the bracelet, and you'll be on your way to repaying the $\u2588\u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 you owe.\nD-39393: You never proved that! You can't prove any of that!\n\nDr. Heiden: D-39393, you will be sedated and the bracelet will be placed on you if you continue to resist. Now put on the bracelet.\nD-39393: Fuck you! You won't do that, you can't do th-\n[At this point, Foundation security personnel neutralized D-39393 with a stun baton and strapped him into the chair nearby, waiting until D-39393 regained consciousness before placing SCP-943 on his arm.]\nDr. Heiden: The debt repaid by your participation has been reduced by ten percent due to your refusal to cooperate, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Further refusal will result in accordingly more severe dockings. Now, tell me how you feel.\nD-39393: Uh\u2026 I don't feel anything, really. A bracelet on my arm, now\u2026 the hell is that thing, anyway?\nDr. Heiden: Just keep giving me updates, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nD-39393: I\u2026 I guess I feel a little nervous. No, a lot nervous\u2026 God, what is this thing?\n\nDr. Heiden: You're doing well, keep it up.\n\n[The subject is sweating profusely and has an elevated heart rate.]\n\nD-39393: I am so, so fucked\u2026 [D-39393 begins to sob softly]\n\n[D-39393 continues in this vein for approximately five and a half minutes.]\n\nD-39393: Oh, man\u2026 man\u2026 [D-39393 perks up slightly] Wait - shh, did you hear that? Fuck\u2026\nDr. Heiden: What do you hear, D-39393?\n\nD-39393: \u2026uh, voices\u2026 real faint, though, trying to hear 'em.\nDr. Heiden: Continue, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nD-39393: Yeah, yeah\u2026 hey, how's it going? God, it sounds like I'm back at work\u2026 just a bunch of noise.\nDr. Heiden: Subject appears to be switching from talking to the voices addressing him and myself.\n[Approximately three minutes pass, the subject muttering rapidly to nothing in particular before his voice rises again]\nD-39393: Yeah\u2026 no, I hadn't seen the budg- gah! Sorry, I didn't see you there\u2026 you want to show me a ledger? Well, alright\u2026 Uh, no, I don't know what happened\u2026 no, of course not. No, no, it wasn't me! I don't know where the fuck it went!\nDr. Heiden: Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, can you hear me? Hello?\nD-39393: Please, it wasn't me! \u2026what? Tell the Overseers? Me?\nDr. Heiden: Note for the record - D-39393 ought not have been aware of the existence of O-5 level personnel, considering his position held prior to becoming D-class personnel.\nD-39393: [his voice rising to a shriek] No, I am not telling the Overseers that we're missing over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 when I had nothing to do with this! You do it! I'm not going to get turned into Keter-bait because of some fucking accounting error! We've got to find where the fuck this went before they do!\nDr. Heiden: Terminating recording, the subject has clearly demonstrated all three stages of hallucinatory patterns.\nD-39393 will remain under Foundation control until his debt is repaid\u2026 Experiment 943-1 has erased $\u2588\u2588\u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 of his debt to the Foundation, less ten percent.\nLEVEL 4 EYES ONLY: Subject D-39393 cannot be removed from Foundation employment, having demonstrated knowledge of O-5 level personnel in this experiment and a marked unethical bent in the actions leading to his incarceration. Current recommendation upon release is termination.\n\nExperiment Recording 943-2\n\nSubject D-14454 was convicted of sexually abusing and murdering a seven-year-old child.\nDr. Heiden: D-14454, put on the bracelet.\nD-14454: Naw, I don't have to do that. Put me back in my cell, I want my lawyer.\nDr. Heiden: You will not be afforded the luxury of a lawyer, D-14454. Put on the bracelet or you will be terminated by Foundation security staff. I've reviewed your records, and believe me: I will not hesitate.\nD-14454: You- you know why I'm in?\nDr. Heiden: Yes, I know exactly what you are.\nD-14454: Y-you can't tell them, they'll kill me.\nDr. Heiden: That is my prerogative, D-14454. Put on the bracelet.\nD-14454: O\u2026 okay, just don't tell them, right?\n[D-14454 puts the bracelet on]\nD-14454: [noticeably softer] I'm afraid, Doctor\u2026\nDr. Heiden: Restrain the subject.\n[Security staff wrestle D-14454 into a seat and strap the subject in]\nD-14454: Oh, God! Get away! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Help! Why won't anyone help?!\n[Security staff back away, D-14454 pants for breath]\nD-14454: No, no, no\u2026 no, no, no, no, no, no, no\u2026 no\u2026\nDr. Heiden: What is it, D-14454?\nD-14454: I don't know!\n[D-14454 begins to cry]\nD-14454: I just\u2026 I just know there's something\u2026 something that's gonna get me!\nDr. Heiden: Elaborate, D-14454.\nD-14454: Shh. Shhhh, it'll find me! I\u2026 I think I can hear it!\n[D-14454 recoils in his seat, pressing himself as deeply into the steel frame as possible]\nD-14454: [whispering] Doctor, get me out of here, please, please\u2026\nDr. Heiden: The experiment is not complete, D-14454. We will proceed.\nD-14454: Shhh!\n[Four minutes pass]\nD-14454: It's getting closer, we've got to get out of here! We have to lea-\n[D-14454's eyes widen and he stops speaking for a moment.]\nD-14454: It heard me! It heard me! It heard me!\n[D-14454 begins struggling against the chair's restraints]\nD-14454: It can see me!\nDr. Heiden: D-14454, what do you see? What is 'it'?\nD-14454: It's got me! No! No, no, no, n-\n[Subject D-14454 expired due to a myocardial infarction at this point, and ceased communication.]\n\nExperiment Log 943-3\n\nSubject D-31415 was convicted of murder in the second degree.\nDr. Heiden: The bracelet, D-31415.\nD-31415: This thing?\n[D-31415 picks up and examines the bracelet]\nD-31415: \u2026'that justice may flow like water'\u2026 hah. Really, Doctor? You're using me as a test subject on this?\nDr. Heiden: Yes, we are, D-31415. Put the bracelet on or it will be put on you.\nD-31415: Whatever. It wasn't my fault, I should be a free man. I told you I'm innocent.\nDr. Heiden: Yes, you did, D-31415. Now put the bracelet on.\n[D-31415 puts on the bracelet and sits in the provided seat. Security personnel strap him to the chair.]\nDr. Heiden: How do you feel?\nD-31415: No different than I did a minute ago.\nDr. Heiden: And how did you feel then?\nD-31415: Angry that I'm here\u2026 scared, too.\nDr. Heiden: Very good. Detail any changes to us, please.\n[Three minutes pass]\nDr. Heiden: I remind you, D-31415, that cooperation is not optional.\nD-31415: Nothing's changed! I'm strapped in a really uncomfortable chair, and you've got this thing on my arm, and it sucks! What do you want me to say?\nDr. Heiden: \u2026that will be all, D-31415.\nD-31415: Fine by me.\n[Eight minutes pass]\nDr. Heiden: Nothing new, D-31415?\nD-31415: No!\nDr. Heiden: Terminating experiment and returning D-31415 to quarters.\nLEVEL 4 EYES ONLY: D-31415 was taken into custody after killing an Agent in self-defense during an attempted emergency commandeering of the subject's vehicle. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to commandeer D-31415's vehicle during a severe containment breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, causing its release into a nearby town. D-31415 was a licensed firearms carrier and fired three rounds into Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's chest, killing \u2588\u2588\u2588 instantly. D-31415 was apprehended shortly afterwards, and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's remains were recovered.\n\n\u00ab SCP-942 | SCP-943 | SCP-944 \u00bb"} {"text": "Inside SCP-944, prior to containment\n\nItem #: SCP-944\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-944 is to be surrounded by a 3 m high opaque fence, both to prevent outside access and to allow experimentation unobserved by the public. SCP-944 is officially listed as a condemned building, and \u201cConstruction Area\u201d signs are posted to explain the fenced-off area. Level 1 agents wearing \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Amusement Park security uniforms are to guard the area and prevent unauthorized access.\nNon-D-Class personnel entering SCP-944 are cautioned to follow the blue floor lines, indicating safe paths. The \u201cHall of Fun\u201d is off-limits, due to possible exposure to anomalous effects.\nD-Class personnel must be outfitted with subcutaneous GPS location transmitters before being permitted to enter SCP-944.\nDescription: SCP-944 is a single-story building outfitted as a \u201cmirror maze,\u201d formerly an attraction at \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Amusement Park in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. After a number of anomalous effects were observed, the building was secured by the Foundation. As the effect appears to be localized, the remainder of the Park is open to the public.\nPeriodically, individuals entering SCP-944 are capable of walking off the intended paths through the maze and into the mirrors. Despite extensive experimentation, the Foundation has been unable to predict when and where anomalies will occur, or the effects of walking through them. In addition, the distorting mirrors found in the \u201cHall of Fun\u201d are sometimes capable of producing permanent distortions in the people viewing them.1\nSCP-944 was built in 2006 and operated normally until Incident 944-U-1 occurred. It is unknown what initiated SCP-944's anomalous behavior.\nIncident 944-U-1: Date: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/201\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a 53-year-old male, emerged from the maze, claiming to have been lost in the maintenance tunnels for three days. SCP-944 does not contain maintenance tunnels. Subject treated for dehydration and released. Park security assumed individual was intoxicated and details of incident were imaginary.\nIncident 944-U-2: Date: \u2588/\u2588/201\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a 12-year-old boy, found severely injured in maze Hallway B, with third-degree burns to hands and feet. Subject claimed to have been detained in a windowless brick room for approximately seven hours, by an individual calling himself \u201cZippo the Pyromaniac Clown,\u201d who burned and [DATA EXPUNGED] the victim. Victim recalls being told \u201cIt's all part of the show, kid.\u201d\nSCP-944 does not contain the area described by the victim. Extensive police search for perpetrator yielded no results.\nIncident 944-U-3: Date: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/201\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 24-year-old female, emerged from maze 101.6 cm (3' 4\u201d) tall after pausing before a \u201cshrinking mirror\u201d in the maze's \u201cHall of Fun.\u201d Subject was 175 cm (5' 9\u201d) on entering maze.\nFoundation personnel intercepted police report of this incident. Area secured; Class-B amnestics administered. SCP status established and containment initiated. Additional investigation revealed that \u2588 individuals are missing after entering SCP-944.\nAddendum: Post-Containment Experimentation\nUse of robot drones to navigate SCP-944 does not appear to trigger anomalous effects. Therefore, use of D-Class personnel in experiments is approved.\nExperiment 944-C-1: Date: \u2588/\u2588/201\u2588 Subject D-12154 allowed to walk randomly through SCP-944. Subject observed to walk through Mirror 22, Hallway C and disappear. GPS tracking indicated D-12154 was 700 miles away, in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. Subject recaptured, and claimed to have walked out of a mirror in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hotel ballroom. Mirror 22 appeared non-anomalous when examined after incident.\nExperiment 944-C-2: Date: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/201\u2588 Subject D-21332 allowed to enter SCP-944. Subject walked into Mirror 5, Hallway A. Security team dispatched after hearing subject screaming. D-21332 observed trapped in/behind mirror (unable to determine which). Mirror broken during attempted extraction of D-class. [DATA EXPUNGED].\nExperiment 944-C-3: Date: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/201\u2588 D-23187 ordered to enter SCP-944. Subject observed to walk through Mirror 15, Hallway B. Subject found in front of Mirror 15, Hallway C, deceased, entirely coated with thin layer of glass. Mirrors found intact and appeared to be non-anomalous.\nExperiment 944-C-4: Date: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/201\u2588 D-24110 ordered to enter SCP-944, and follow blue-lined path to \u201cHall of Fun.\u201d Subject found collapsed in Hall of Fun; height extended to 229 cm and [DATA EXPUNGED]; remotely extracted. Subject expired after 10 minutes due to massive organ damage.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Similar to SCP-1225, many of these distortions result in the degradation of the object/subject.\n\n\u00ab SCP-943 | SCP-944 | SCP-945 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-945\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-945 is to remain sealed and locked inside a steel chest, in a 3m x 3m cell at Storage Site \u2588\u2588. The cell is under video surveillance and the walls are carved with deep, irregular patterns to hinder escape. Any staff who have had contact with SCP-945 or its creations must be registered with on-site security. The contents of SCP-945 should be counted and logged 24 hours after the monthly D-class termination, or after the death of any staff who have previously had contact with SCP-945 or any of its creations. SCP-945-1 is to be contained in a locked glass case separate from SCP-945. If SCP-945-1 is not found within its case the Site is to be immediately locked down for a security sweep.\nDescription: SCP-945 is a rough wooden Egyptian shawabti box dating from approximately 1500-1300 BCE, currently holding 186 clay shawabti figures which have been recently sculpted, designated SCP-945-2 to SCP-945-187. When the Foundation became aware of SCP-945 there was only a single ancient figurine within the box, designated SCP-945-1. In addition to the obvious age of SCP-945-1, it is distinct for being the only figure that bears any inscriptions. As the box was originally designed to hold a full set of 401 figurines, it is theorized that some of the originals may still exist outside of containment.\nThe inscriptions on SCP-945 and SCP-945-1 are invocations to call the shawabti figurines forth to do the labor of deceased individuals. It was previously believed that these phrases must be read aloud to activate SCP-945, however the box and figurines within have since demonstrated their ability to act on their own in regards to any person who has come in contact with them.\nAfter an individual who had previous contact with SCP-945 passes away, SCP-945-1 will vanish. Within the next 24 hours, a crude clay replica of the deceased individual will manifest within a one mile radius of SCP-945. The replica tends to appear near SCP-945 or in the former living area of the deceased individual. The replica will manifest by stepping out of an appropriately sized flat surface, usually on a wall or closed door. Replicas have been observed traveling from one location to another by stepping into a wall and re-manifesting elsewhere.\nIf any other applicable individuals pass away, the initial replica will begin sculpting new shawabti figurines to place inside SCP-945. Once the new figurines have been placed in the box clay replicas of the other individuals will manifest.\nThe replicas will display the basic properties of the deceased individuals they are based upon. They have memories and knowledge relevant to the profession of the individual, and the basic physical capabilities required to perform their tasks. Although they can speak, see, hear and smell, their facial features are inanimate. The figures are not anatomically correct, but prefer to wear the clothes or work uniform of the deceased.\nA replica will go about the daily business of the deceased, giving priority to any unfinished work left behind at the time of death. If accosted, the replica will respond in a polite manner and insist that it be allowed to complete its tasks so that the deceased \"may rest comfortably in the next world.\" When supervised, replicas will behave passively, although they will follow orders and use violence within the course of their duty as applicable. Their performance has been described as adequate. Although they feel no pain they are merely dried clay and can be destroyed with appropriate force or by breaking their corresponding shawabti. If the first replica is destroyed, SCP-945-1 will reappear inside SCP-945 until it activates again.\nAddendum: Replicas actively attempt to kill living beings when left unsupervised, for the purpose of increasing their numbers. This behavior even extends to non-humans, especially cats. During Incident SCP-945-7b, replicas managed to overwhelm and replace the entire staff of Storage Site \u2588\u2588 during a test to determine if SCP-945's creations could be used to offset the Foundation's high turnover rate. The initial replica smothered two security guards in their sleep and pushed a senior researcher down a flight of stairs while directing suspicion towards D-class personnel. As more replicas were created, they began to coordinate their actions to create a series of accidents and containment breaches that allowed them to increase their numbers sufficiently to overrun the remaining survivors.\nAfter taking the site, the replicas maintained it and kept all other local SCPs contained according to proper procedures. The site was reclaimed without casualties\u2014replicas lacked the training and equipment to resist Mobile Task Force \u2588\u2588 and used predictable tactics from basic security manuals, showing none of the cunning that was involved in the site's takeover.\nIt has been theorized that SCP-945's creations will cease making new figurines once the full set of 401 has been restored, therefore it is not recommended to destroy any new figurines created during a containment breach.\n\n\u00ab SCP-944 | SCP-945 | SCP-946 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item#: SCP-946\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-946 is to be kept in the center of a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m windowless, soundproofed containment chamber. The only light source in the room is to be a single spotlight, situated directly above SCP-946. Cameras and audio recording devices monitor SCP-946 at all times to ensure all SCP-946 activity is recorded. A minimum of one skilled debater is to remain on call at all times. Anyone who observes a debate between SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 where classified Foundation information is revealed for which they do not have clearance is to be administered Class A Amnestics.\nDescription: SCP-946 is a wooden table with two accompanying chairs. At unpredictable intervals, ranging from 2 to 4 times per week, two men will appear (designated SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2), taking the two seats. SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 will then have a civil argument or debate about a random subject. The topic of these arguments has varied from existential concepts to trivial and mundane subjects. In some circumstances, these debates have focused on a hypothetical event, and the merits of its occurrence. In these cases, the outcome of the argument manifests itself in reality. At any time during the debate, an outside observer may join the debate, with a new chair appearing at the table and the dimensions of the table altering to fit all parties. Should any of the \"guests\" make an ad hominem argument or make an intentionally false or misleading statement, SCP-946-1 will criticize them. If they continue, SCP-946-1 will state that they are no longer welcome in the debate, at which point their chair will disappear. Any further attempts for this subject to communicate with SCP-946-1 or -2 will be ignored.\nFollowing Incident 946-\u2588\u2588 (See Addendum 2), it has become clear that SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 appear to possess omniscience, or, at minimum, any knowledge that may be relevant to the discussion.\nSCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 appear, physically, to be normal humans. SCP-946-1 is a tall black man with short grey hair and a long beard, who is referred to as \"Harmon\". SCP-946-2 is a thin bald white man, who is referred to as \"Garcian\". When arguing, both men seem capable of creating three-dimensional images and summoning small objects as a means of simulating events or providing information.\nAddendum 1: On 07/24/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (See Incident Report 946-12), SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 requested that SCP-946 never be exposed to multiple light sources during one of their debates. In the event that it is exposed to multiple light sources, all but one light source will fail. It is unknown how SCP-946 achieves the selective nature of this effect. Prior to this request, SCP-946 did not exhibit this behavior. Upon questioning, SCP-946-2 explained that a debate had led to the conclusion that a single light source \u201cimproves the mood\u201d.\nAddendum 2: Incident Report 946-\u2588\u2588: On 04/08/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2's discussion shifted focus unexpectedly to the subject of gravity. The debate included mention of several concepts in theoretical physics, including String Theory, [REDACTED], and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Both men seemed familiar with concepts barely understood by modern science, as well as a previously undemonstrated knowledge of several highly classified Foundation documents, most notably SCP-536's testing logs. SCP-946-1 was arguing against the existence of gravity, while SCP-946-2 considered and commented on his arguments. Roughly fourteen minutes into the discussion, on-duty researcher Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered SCP-946's containment chamber and joined the debate. On later questioning, Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed he was simply \"stopping a potential disaster\". He argued that without gravity, the universe as a whole would cease to exist in its current form. SCP-946-1 responded by pointing out that the future form could easily be superior. SCP-946-2 agreed with Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who continued to argue with SCP-946-1 for nearly two hours before, frustrated, SCP-946-1 gave up. Containment procedures updated in light of this event. Object Class upgrade to Keter pending approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-945 | SCP-946 | SCP-947 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\n\n+ More SCPs by A Random Day\n\n- Hide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-3220\n\nSCP-2790\n\nSCP-2820\n\nSCP-4780\n\nSCP-3780\n\nSCP-2664\n\nSCP-4950\n\nSCP-2730\n\nSCP-947\n\nSCP-2810\n\nSCP-2350\n\nSCP-3640\n\nSCP-4670\n\nSCP-2490\n\nSCP-2680\n\nSCP-3470\n\nSCP-5430\n\nSCP-5940\n\nSCP-2210\n\nSCP-4710\n\nSCP-3850\n\nSCP-3360\n\nSCP-2910\n\nSCP-2060\n\nSCP-7660\n\nSCP-1750\n\nSCP-2570\n\nSCP-2650\n\nSCP-2143\n\nSCP-6190\n\nSCP-7780\n\nSCP-6880\n\n+ All Tales by A Random Day\n\n- Hide list\n\nTales\n\nAvatara\n\nHypervelocity\n\nI Thought You Died Alone\n\nMoonlighting\n\nZeitgeist\n\nAutoerotic Assassination\n\nT Minus\n\nTerminal Velocity\n\nThe Chosen Few\n\nReboot or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Apocalypses\n\nHard Machine\n\nLoud, Lawless, and Lost\n\nMorphine Machine\n\nThe Vice Girls\n\nTruth Is Sin\n\nDeus Vulture\n\nEcstasy and Exorcism\n\nThe Revelation\n\nNonpareil\n\nRise and Repent\n\nT Plus\n\nThe Ballad of Santa Troy\n\nPrey and Obey\n\nEscape Velocity\n\nJump the Gun\n\nNo One Gets Out of Her Alive\n\nLeather Pig\n\nContempt\n\nThe Man-Machine\n\nDomo Arigato\n\nMile High Club\n\nStrung Out in Heavens High\n\nIndustrial Espionage\n\nHands\n\nNothing Human\n\nFullmusic Astrobiologist\n\nEnasni Si Gnihtyreve\n\nEight Hours in the ECRG\n\n+ All Hubs by A Random Day\n\n- Hide list\n\nHubs\n\nPrometheus Labs Hub\n\nSpeed Demon\n\nGuns Pointed at the Head of God\n\n+ All coauthored articles featuring A Random Day\n\n- Hide list\n\nPage\nAuthors\n\nOverheard at Deer\nch00bakka\n\nSCP-150\nDecibelles\n\nSCP-3000\ndjkaktus, Joreth\n\nSCP-4220\nThe Great Hippo\n\nSCP-4310\nThe Great Hippo\n\nChicago Spirit Hub\nPeppersGhost\n\nSCP-5555\nRounderhouse, Uncle Nicolini\n\nVisions of Bodies Being Burned\nTaffeta\n\nSamsara\nTyGently\n\nDeath Perception\nTyGently\n\nThe Powers that Bark\nTyGently\n\nA Semi-Comprehensive List of Foundation Facilities\n\nDr. Desai's Personnel File\n\nMobile Task Forces\n\nPoky Ball Z\n\nSCP-946\n\nSCP-948\n\nSCP Series\n\nSCP Series 1 - Audio Edition\n\n\nItem #: SCP-947\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-947 is stored on a textfile in a USB drive. This drive is currently stored in a secure locker in the Site-42 Digital Armory. Junior Researcher Gautam Ramesh is currently working with Mobile Task Force Upsilon-4 (\"Sugar Pill\") to develop a countermemetic agent for SCP-947.\nDescription: SCP-947 is a contagious, memetic expletive defined by its creator as meaning \"a really fake, annoying person or thing that you wish would just naff off already\"[sic]. Any English speaker who hears or reads SCP-947 will automatically understand its definition, know the name of its creator, and begin to incorporate it into their vocabulary. Over time, affected individuals will gradually replace all expletives in their vocabulary with SCP-947.\nSCP-947 first came to the attention of the Foundation on 30 June 2017, when it was used in tweets by members of the British Cabinet. The anomalous properties of SCP-947 were immediately recognized due to the insertion of its creator's name. An investigation of the Cabinet's social media activity traced the meme to a tweet made by one Gautam Ramesh, an Indian immigrant living with his parents in Leeds, England. Ramesh sent the initial infection vector via Twitter and Facebook to the social media accounts of several British defense contractors, where it rapidly spread and was able to infect the British Cabinet within two days.\nRamesh's initial tweet was as follows:\n\nYou Should Check Out This Cool Technology Or Youll Look Like A [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] [sic]\n\nHis Facebook post was as follows:\n\nHi All, Ive Just Come Up With A Very Cool New Technology: IDEAS IN WORDS. Help Me Spread The Word Or Youll Look Like Real [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] ' [sic]\n\nAt this time, SCP-947 is used by approximately \u2588\u2588% of all English speakers worldwide.\nAddendum: Interview with Gautam Ramesh\n\n+ Show interview log\n\n- Close interview log\n\nShortly after the identification of SCP-947's anomalous properties, Gautam Ramesh was brought in for an interview. Junior Researcher Ashwin Pichai was chosen to interview him due to Pichai's previous exposure to SCP-947.\nDate: 4 July, 2017\nInterviewer: Dr. Pichai\n[BEGIN LOG]\n[EXTRANEOUS INTRODUCTIONS OMITTED]\nDr. Pichai: Anyways, I'd like to ask you about the word [EXPLETIVE REDACTED].\nRamesh: Oh, uh, yeah, sure. Uh, what do you want to know?\nDr. Pichai: Well - how does it work? There's nothing else even remotely like it that exists in the world.\nRamesh: Oh, yeah yeah yeah. This is pretty cool stuff, I mean. So, uh, the human brain is like a computer, yeah?\nDr. Pichai: Yes.\nRamesh: So, if the brain is a computer, maybe you can program it like one. That's pretty much what language is, if you think about it. You teach people through, like, writing and speaking and feed them knowledge and that sort of thing. And you feed people information through speaking and writing and they process it automatically. So I was thinking about that one day, and I was wondering, the brain is like a computer right? So maybe you could create a brain virus. Uh, I mean, a computer virus. For like the brain. Not like, a real virus like, uh, Ebola or something. Something that when you hear it, you automatically process it and start replicating it.\nDr. Pichai: I see. That sounds a lot like a meme.\nRamesh: Yeah, actually! Something like, uh, 'Keep Calm and Carry On'. Well, actually, that's a bad example. Something like\u2026 hmm\u2026\nDr. Pichai: Don't worry. I know what you mean. But those kinds of memes are just things that are easy to remember or fun to parrot. [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] doesn't just do that, it actively hijacks the brain. Making people only use it as a swear even if they try to say something else. How did you accomplish that?\nRamesh: Language is the key thing, right? When you hear a new word, you have to remember what it means. The word is meaningless by itself - you also need to know the meaning or the context of the word for it to do anything. But once you know the meaning, the brain automatically processes that word to have that meaning in the future. So the trick is figuring out how to make the word encode the meaning in and of itself. And if you can do that, then you can encode a lot more stuff into it. Stuff like making the brain want to use it as a curse word exclusively. The breakthrough was [DATA REDACTED BY ORDER OF DEPARTMENT OF MEMETICS] and so once I had the actual, uh, software, I just needed to wrap it up in an actual word and give it a meaning. I also encoded my name in it. You know, as a watermark.\nDr. Pichai: Speaking of languages, we've noticed that people who don't speak or understand English are unaffected by the word. Why is that?\nRamesh: So, going back to the computer analogy, right, you know what a programming language is? This is basically the same thing. [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] is a program written in English, so your brain needs to be able to run English to run it.\nDr. Pichai: So why did you pick [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] specifically? Why that meaning in particular?\nRamesh: I mean\u2026 I'm looking for a job. Programming the human brain is cool but you know what the economy's been like. I thought the military or the government would be pretty interested in this kind of thing, yeah? [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] is a proof of concept. It's pretty harmless and even helpful - it stops people from using actually harmful swears and like, racial slurs. But if you can do that, you could do stuff like, perhaps, hypnotize terrorists and stuff. Like, actually hypnotize them. So I was trying to get the government's attention. Show them that I can take the initiative and that I can really help them out. You work for the government right? I'm a self-motivated worker, I have experience with Python and C, I've got a Masters degree in neuroscience, and I have work experience. I can send you my resume.\n\n\u00ab SCP-946 | SCP-947 | SCP-948 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\n\n+ More by Rimple\n\n- Hide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2338\n\nSCP-3880\n\nSCP-2779\n\nSCP-948\n\nSCP-2559\n\nSCP-3772\n\nSCP-5663\n\nSCP-3559\n\nSCP-6774\n\nSCP-3224\n\nTales\n\nAnd You Are?\n\nHeadache\n\nThis Year\n\nUhhh\n\nOperation \u00d3verMeta\n\nDraft Swap Hub\n\nWith other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-3500\nDrBleep\n\nSCP-3504\nOthellotheCat\n\nSCP-3373\nLordStonefish\n\nHey, the stuff below is just for testing some stuff, please ignore for now\n\nA Semi-Comprehensive List of Foundation Facilities\n\nDr. Adileh Khayyam's Personnel File\n\nSCP-947\n\nSCP-949\n\nSCP Series\n\nSecure Facilities Locations (Archived)\n\n+ Content Warning\n\n\u2013 hide block\n\nThis article contains mention of a suicide attempt. No details are included.\n\nThis SCP is a rewrite of a classic article, Hope Hospital, by Dexanote. Details in the comments.\nThanks to Dexanote himself, the Rewrite Team, and Rimple's parents.\n\n\nItem #: SCP-948\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-948 is contained within Area-IE05. No extra precautions are required for the area beyond standard secrecy and amnestic procedures for a Foundation teaching and research centre within a civilian campus.\nSCP-948 is to be regularly medically examined, with bloodwork taken at least once a month. Where possible, these examinations should occur within Area-IE05, with a focus on allowing SCP-948 freedom to continue speaking.\nAll Area-IE05 staff and students are permitted to enter and exit the Pythagoras Theatre freely with use of a timesheet to be posted outside the theatre daily. Supervisors are to be assigned on rotation to ensure SCP-948 is monitored at all times, and that no individuals spend excessive amounts of time with the object.\nSCP-948 should be provided with chalk, markers and other materials as appropriate. This is also the responsibility of the supervisors, with reimbursement of up to \u20ac200 per annum allowable from the site's petty cash fund.\nDescription: SCP-948 is Seamus \u00d3 Tuathail, a former surgeon in the Mater Hospital, Dublin. SCP-948 has been continuously lecturing on a variety of medical subjects in the Pythagoras Theatre, Trinity College Dublin, since July 4th, 1984. SCP-948 shows an anomalous healing effect, with physically injured subjects introduced to its lecture theatre healing if it discusses relevant medical procedures. This healing effect does not seem to be any more effective than traditional medicine, but can offer improvement when used in conjunction1. SCP-948 does not display any healing effect with injuries or illnesses it is not familiar with. Beginning 01/01/2015, a reading list of textbooks and medical papers has been provided to SCP-948 to keep it up to date with modern medicine, which has shown a marked increase in its healing ability2.\nSCP-948 also displays a minor secondary calming effect - many people entering the theatre while it is lecturing report feeling refreshed and safe regardless of their previous condition. Prolonged exposure to this effect can lead to short-term dizziness and trouble with fine motor skills. These effects generally only manifest after 12-15 hours of continuous exposure to the object, and thus are considered negligible.\nSCP-948 shows physical signs of extreme emaciation and sleep deprivation, but does not seem to need food, drink or sleep, and commonly refuses them when offered, preferring not to interrupt his lectures3. SCP-948 becomes extremely aggravated when removed from the lecture theatre or otherwise prevented from lecturing, often requiring restraint. SCP-948 has proven amicable in all other aspects of interaction, allowing medical procedures to go ahead without argument so long as they do not impede his lecturing.\nDiscovery: SCP-948 was brought to the Foundation's attention on the third day of his lecture, what was then believed to be a marathon world record attempt. The building was cleared, and news disseminated that the anomaly had collapsed from exhaustion during the fifth day of lecturing. As two Foundation teaching centres were already located within the college at the time, negotiation of a change of department was relatively smooth, and the now-permanent Area-IE5 was established around the object.\nAddendum, 05/07/2013: Dr. Eleanor Bridge, a researcher recently employed at Area-IE5, has shown to be resistant to SCP-948's calming effect. Dr. Bridge has been assigned as a specialist supervisor tasked with befriending SCP-948 for the purposes of the cooperation and general QoL of the object.\nSelected Conversation Transcripts:\nLOG, 05/01/2015, 20:59 - 21:06\nDr. Bridge: I just wanted to give you these books before I headed out. They're letting you have them now. Basic medicine stuff, but maybe some things you mightn't be up to date with? I can get you anything you'd like, within reason.Dr. Bridge: I never seem to catch the ends, Seamus. I'm terrible, aren't I, always trying to slip out early? I must be your worst student!SCP-948 mock-whispers.Dr. Bridge: Uh, thank you. That's\u2026 that's actually really nice to know.\n\nLOG, 03/04/2015, 07:13 - 07:\nDr. Bridge: You know me, Seamus. Always sleeping in. Did I miss anything important?Dr. Bridge: It's great that you're so open to it.Dr. Bridge: You haven't.Dr. Bridge: It's your lecture, Seamus. I'm sure the higher-ups won't mind.SCP-948 rubs the bandage over his hand.\nDr. Bridge: You know that was for your own health, Seamus. We only ever-\nNotes: Records show a Cillian McBride who worked with SCP-948 between 1961 and 1980 in the Mater Hospital. His close friendship with SCP-948 was noted by their mentors from early in their residencies and there is evidence that they stayed in contact following McBride's move to America in 1980 to pursue a well-paid position in Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.\nLOG, 29/5/2015, 16:13 - 16:25\nDr. Bridge: You know me, Seamus. Always trying to slip out early. I'm\u2026 I'm actually going to be gone for a while, I-Dr. Bridge: Yes?Dr. Bridge: Um, well, it was considered somewhat backward to consider it a mental illness? There's nothing wrong with being gay or bi or whatever, just cultural bias. Lots of people reckon it should be the same with dysphoria, actually. Um, are you aware of the referendum? The one people have been wearing all those 'Yes' pins for? It's to legalise marriage equality, across all genders. Passed last week.Dr. Bridge: You don't talk about him much.SCP-948 shakes its head.Dr. Bridge attempts to say goodbye to SCP-948, but is ignored. After some hesitation, Dr. Bridge leaves the lecture hall without SCP-948 seeming to notice.\n\nNotes: Follow-up investigation by American branches of the Foundation show that McBride was fired from his job in John Hopkins Hospital following a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in December 1982. McBride died of pneumonia in June 1984, leaving a large part of his estate to SCP-948. Based on average delivery speeds between Baltimore and Dublin at the time, it is estimated SCP-948 would have received news of McBride's death and its inheritance between the 21st and 28th of June, one to two weeks before beginning his lecture.\nLOG, 9/12/2017, 21:03 - 21:55\n\nDr. Bridge: Dr. \u00d3 Tuathail, could I interrupt for a bit?Dr. Bridge: I - Seamus - Could I ask you about something personal?Dr. Bridge: It's sort of a health thing, I guess. I wouldn't ask like this normally, but I'm just, I'm fed up of dealing with it myself.Dr. Bridge: You do know we're recorded here, right?Dr. Bridge: Do you know why I was assigned to you, Seamus?Dr. Bridge: Originally, though. Before we officially met, when I'd only observed your lectures.Dr. Bridge: It's because I don't experience\u2026 Well, uh, my file says I'm \"resistant to SCP-948's calming effect\", but what it really means is I don't get all happy and dopey when I walk in here. Because I don't\u2026\nDr. Bridge pauses for a second before continuing, rubbing her wrists.\nDr. Bridge: I'm not happy, Seamus. I don't know if I'm able to be happy.Dr. Bridge: I, um, I already have. I tried to kill myself last year. That's why I haven't been around for a while. I don't think you noticed.Dr. Bridge: That's, uh, yeah. I wouldn't either, honestly. I just\u2026Dr. Bridge: Can you fix me?\nSCP-948 does not reply for some time. It removes its glasses and wipes them, slowly, then places them back on its face.Dr. Bridge: You've fixed others, though. I've seen it. Just by talking, lecturing. Bones healed, skin patched, giant scars just\u2026 gone. You cured a kid of cancer after a day of reading up on it! So you can fix me, right? You have to be able to.\nSCP-948 appears extremely uncomfortable.Dr. Bridge: But I've seen you do it! Not read about it, not seen it on a camera, but actually watched as you cured people without even touching them! Look, I've got a book on depression and brain chemistry shit in my bag, can you just-Dr. Bridge begins to cry.Dr. Bridge: You can't even imagine I'm telling the truth? That there are w-wonders of science you haven't ever dreamed of? You've been lecturing for thirty-two years, Seamus! Non-stop! Y-you never stopped to wonder how you managed that?SCP-948 sits down beside Dr. Bridge.There is a long silence. After approximately four minutes, SCP-948 opens its mouth to speak, then closes it without saying anything. Conversation resumes after nine minutes of silence.SCP-948 puts its hand over Eleanor's.Dr. Bridge: I h-have a therapist now, actually. Had t-to so I could be c-cleared to work. Adileh. Sh-she's lovely, but it's all just so fucking f-f-frustrating, you know? Every two steps forward\u2026Dr. Bridge sniffs and wipes her nose on her sleeve.\nDr. Bridge: Yeah.Dr. Bridge does not reply.SCP-948 chuckles.Dr. Bridge laughs weakly between sobs.\nDr. Bridge: I'm t-terrible, aren't I? A-always trying to slip out early?\n\nFootnotes\n1. Testing on this aspect of SCP-948 is limited due to ethical concerns. Applications for testing may be made to the Area Director to be judged on a case-by-case basis, with appeals to the Ethics Committee allowed. The Ethics Committee's ruling is final in all such cases.\n2. Suggested additions to this list can be made via form SCPF-IE05-948-3.\n3. As of 1995, SCP-948 has begun accepting offers of water and other drinks in order to \"clear the pipes\". As such, it will now take occasional breaks to urinate. SCP-948's supervisor is to accompany it on any bathroom breaks.\n\n\u00ab SCP-947 | SCP-948 | SCP-949 \u00bb"} {"text": "Instance of SCP-949-1: 'Marty the Moose'\n\nItem #: SCP-949\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The area in which SCP-949 manifests itself is to be surrounded by two (2) meter tall electrical fencing. The perimeter of the containment area is to be patrolled by guards at all times, operating in groups of four (4). Due to the size of SCP-949, use of vehicles is authorized during security patrol.\nAny civilians approaching SCP-949 are to be taken into Foundation custody and dosed with a Class-A amnestic. Exploration of SCP-949 is to be carried out using D-class personnel. Exploration of SCP-949 must be authorised by three (3) members of Level 4 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-949 is a large amusement park located in the state of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 which, according to the entrance gate and several documents within the park, is designated 'Wondertainment Land\u00ae'. SCP-949 has been observed to periodically disappear from its location on several occasions, often reappearing several days after with new facilities.\nFacilities inside SCP-949 demonstrate highly anomalous properties, more information on which is available in Facility Log 949-1. These anomalous facilities do not appear to intentionally cause harm to humans, and no casualties have occurred during exploration of SCP-949 as-of-yet. All of SCP-949's facilities are staffed and maintained by instances of SCP-949-1.\nInstances of SCP-949-1 appear similar to typical amusement park mascots, and their costumes depict a variety of animals. All instances of SCP-949-1 seem to wear a unique costume, and no duplicates have been sighted to date. Autopsy of recovered SCP-949-1 instances show that their interior is composed entirely of wool, confirming a lack of human presence. SCP-949-1 instances consistently maintain a cheerful attitude despite the situation, even when being dissected or otherwise injured.\nSeveral advertisements for SCP's currently in containment are present in the form of posters or souvenirs. SCP's depicted in these advertisements include, but are not limited to, [DATA EXPUNGED]. All SCP's depicted appear to be related to the individual or organisation known as 'Dr. Wondertainment'. This, together, with the name of the amusement park, suggests that it is the creation of this entity.\n\nInterview 949-1-1\n\nClose\n\nInterviewer: D-94923 (Reading questions from Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nInterviewee: Instance of SCP-949-1: 'Sammy the Salamander'\nNotes: Interview took place during exploration of SCP-949-1 by D-94923.\n\n\nD-94923: Um, hello, SCP-949-1 -\nSCP-949-1: Hiya, \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588!\nD-94923: Wha - how do you know my name?\n(SCP-949-1 appears uneasy at this point.)\nSCP-949-1: Welcome to Wondertainment Land! Haha!\nD-94923: Nevermind, I guess\u2026can you identify yourself?\nSCP-949-1: I'm Sammy the Salamander!\nD-94923: Where does SCP-949 go when it disappears?\nSCP-949-1: The park isn't ready yet, friend!\nD-94923: What do you mean, it's not ready?\nSCP-949-1: Sorry kids, Sammy has to go now! Goodbye!\n\n\nClosing Statement: After the interview, SCP-949-1 fled at a remarkable speed.\n\nFacility Log 949-1\n\nClose\n\nFacility Name: 'Hook a Duck!'\nMaintaining SCP-949-1 Instance: 'Frank the Fox'\nFacility Details: Facility contains several animate duck toys which the subject must retrieve from a central pool area using a hook. Duck toys demonstrate panic and pain when 'hooked'. When subject succeeded in retrieving three animate duck toys, the maintaining SCP-949-1 rewarded them with a large teddy bear.\nFacility Name: 'Spooky Manor'\nMaintaining SCP-949-1 Instance: 'Bertie the Bat'\nFacility Details: Facility resembles a 'haunted house' attraction present in many regular amusement parks. Upon emerging from the facility, the subject appeared to have several limbs and a human head stitched to it. Subject was not aware of these additions until they were brought to its attention. The human head attached appeared to give the subject information on rides as they explored the park.\nFacility Name: 'Random River Rapids'\nMaintaining SCP-949-1 Instance: 'Terry the Trout'\nFacility Details: Facility appears to be a river ride similar to those used in regular amusement parks. Subject remained in the facility for thirty (30) minutes before emerging. The subject reported no abnormalities other than the presence of several sea creatures with seemingly randomly positioned limbs, eyes and gills.\nFacility Name: 'Bumper Cars!'\nMaintaining SCP-949-1 Instance: 'Billy the Badger'\nFacility Details: Facility is a bumper cars attraction identical to those used in regular amusement parks. Upon entering a bumper car, all bumper cars in the facility began moving independently and attempting to consume each other using rudimentary 'jaws' formed from splits in the metal. When subject fell out of their bumper car, they were ignored and the other bumper cars continued to consume each other until a loud buzzer sounded. Cars immediately ceased movement and began to regrow missing sections, which displayed different coloration than the original portions.\n\nDocument 949-1\n\nClose\n\nDocument was delivered to Overseer HQ by an unknown entity on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nGreetings!\nDue to their continued support of our products, Dr. Wondertainment would like to cordially invite his valued customers to the grand opening of Wondertainment Land\u00ae! The grand opening will take place on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. Wondertainment hopes it will be a fun-filled night for the whole family! Guests will have access to all of the parks facilities, and will be invited to watch the soon to be released Fiery Fireworks\u00ae!\nAs Dr. Wondertainment is sure the O5 council will attend, representatives of Dr. Wondertainment will arrive to escort them to Wondertainment Land\u00ae on the morning before the grand opening!\nHope to see you soon,\nDr. Wondertainment!\n\n\u00ab SCP-948 | SCP-949 | SCP-950 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-950\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-950 is to be stored in a well-lit room, with a video camera in one corner, and is to remain plugged in to an isolated electrical generator.\nThe output resulting from the completion of SCP-950's activity must be handled with extreme caution; all non-Class D personnel must handle the laundry or any baskets containing the laundry with sterile gloves and hospital-grade masks. All output is to be inspected and photographed, as directed by the lead of SCP-950 testing. All articles output are to be incinerated afterwards, unless directed by the lead of testing.\nPersonnel who wish to volunteer their own laundry must first be vetted, and the contents of their submission must be inspected before they are granted entry to the testing room.\nDescription: SCP-950 is a black-colored dryer of the [REDACTED] series, from GE. All components match with usual examples of this series, though GE has never made them in black.\nWhen the machine is started, on any setting, any laundry within the machine goes through a normal tumbling and drying process. However, halfway through the determined cycle, the contents will begin to change or disappear entirely. When the cycle ends, and the door is opened, what is found is a collection of clothing entirely different from what was put in. Input objects that are not clothing also go through this process, and end up as laundry in the same manner. When the machine is empty, the cycle runs as normal, and no transformation occurs.\nAll tests have shown that the resultant laundry has never been seen before by the person who owned the input clothing. As well, in almost all cases, the output articles are much dirtier than those input, and are often covered in stains. Human (and other animal) bodily fluids of all known kinds have been recorded on various articles of clothing, and there have been several with contagious viruses, including Ebola and [REDACTED]. Occasionally, some articles have tears and cuts, corresponding to those that would have been made by various kind of weapons.\nDNA samples have been drawn from many of the output articles. Some samples match with those of victims of crime or disease, and more match with people who are listed as healthy, and suffered only temporary injury or illness. About 40% of the DNA samples are either animal DNA, or human DNA that has not been previously recorded in any database. Three articles have had residues of crushed insects of previously undiscovered species. One article [DATA EXPUNGED] no known life on Earth.\nAddendum: To better illustrate the condition of the output clothing, three excerpts from tests have been added. For photographs and complete transcripts of more tests, see document 950-Gamma.\nTest 950-Gamma-06\nDate: 05-12-2009\nList of submitted articles:\n\nFive standard issue D-Class uniforms, previously washed and dried\nOne civilian sport jacket, large size\nThree pairs of plain white ankle socks, lightly used and unwashed\nSix pairs of underwear, recently washed, and still wet\n\nSettings Used: Tumble Dry, 60 Minutes, 'Colors'\nList of output articles:\n\nOne white tank top, woman's fit, dried blood stain with small knife tear in stomach area\nOne black sports sock, balled up, with dried saliva stains\nOne pair of children's size pajama pants, torn down the outside of the left leg\nTwo pairs of men's medium size underwear, stained with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nTest 950-Gamma-09\nDate: 08-27-2009\nList of submitted articles:\n\nOne 25 cm x 25 cm square of heavily worn and dirtied carpet\nTwo standard D-Class pillowcases, one week since previous washing\nOne King-size bedsheet, from Researcher Garton's living quarters - had not been washed for thirty days, small dried blood stain in corner\n\nSettings Used: Tumble Dry, 60 Minutes, 'Heavies'\nList of output articles:\n\nTwin-size bedsheet, covered in a layer of rotten biological residue - later analysis revealed it to be mostly human skin and muscle, that had been left in very salty water for at least six months\nFormal men's tuxedo, displaying signs of advanced age and decomposition - staff believe it to be between 10 and 15 years old, and traces of human flesh and bone remain on the inside, as well as traces of soil on the outside surfaces\nFour pairs of lady's hosiery, heavily stained by sweat - analysis proved inconclusive as to identity of wearers, and one was torn in multiple places, while the other three, of the same kind, were intact\nTwo infant-sized button-up shirts, both dark blue, both have name 'Peter' written on tag on neck in blue ink, and no unusual stains or residues were observed on either\n\nTest 950-Gamma-03\nDate: 02-15-2009\nList of submitted articles:\n\nFive small plastic children's toys without any complex electronics or metal parts, selected to avoid damage to the inside of the machine\n\nSettings Used: Tumble Dry, 30 Minutes, 'Delicates'\nList of output articles:\n\nFive plastic wristbands, as used by modern morgues to identify bodies; each wristband had the name of a child that had died due to ingesting small toys or parts of toys. It should be noted that each name was traced to a different country, and that all five had died in the last year.\n\n\u00ab SCP-949 | SCP-950 | SCP-951 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-951\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A copy of SCP-951-1 is to be kept in a standard containment locker and to be used only for testing. Extensive information suppression of SCP-951 is not necessary; however, websites concerning video game glitches or bugs are to be regularly monitored for descriptions of SCP-951, and any individuals discussing SCP-951 are to be made to believe that SCP-951 is a regular, non-anomalous glitch. Individuals further perpetuating SCP-951's anomalous nature are to be located and given a Class-A amnestic and their copy of SCP-951-1 replaced with a confirmed non-affected cartridge. In addition, Foundation-sponsored ROM image files of non-anomalous copies of SCP-951-1 are to be distributed to avoid accidental upload of affected cartridges and minimize exposure to SCP-951.\nDescription: SCP-951 is a glitch found in the Sega Genesis/Sega Mega Drive game \"Pauper: Rise of the Monster King\" (hereby designated SCP-951-1), a turn based role-playing game created by Japanese developer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The glitch has been found in approximately 1 out of every 3 cartridges; however, there does not appear to be any recognizable pattern found among the affected cartridges. Uploaded ROM image files of affected copies of SCP-951-1 do appear to have the same anomalous properties as physical cartridges.\nTypical gameplay consists of the player gathering party members, or \"monsters\", and using these monsters to fight in enemy encounters found throughout the game. Halfway through the first act of the game, the player is captured and taken to the \"Dungeon of Dorlok\". Normally in this instance, the player would meet with the character \"Hirago\" and use that character for subsequent battles during their escape. However, if the player skips talking to \"Hirago\" and instead escapes utilizing a bug found in the dungeon room that allows the player to walk through walls, the player has no monsters to use. In a non-affected cartridge, the game simply crashes after exiting the area. However, in an affected cartridge, the next battle encounter will introduce an instance of SCP-951 in the players party.\nSCP-951 (nicknamed \"LUCAS\" in game) does not have a defined figure, instead displaying as a block of randomized pixels. Despite this, SCP-951 functions like a regular monster, utilizing special skills from the movesets of other monsters in the game during battles. At specific scripted points of the game wherein the character \"Hirago\" is meant to have dialogue, SCP-951 replaces the character's dialogue with mostly garbled text, though recognizable words such as \"friend\" and \"play\" have been observed. Repeated tests of these scripted events have shown that dialogue displayed changes with each play through.\nContinued use of SCP-951 will cause other bugs to occur within the game, including:\n\nPlayer item count fluctuating during battles, often providing 4-6 extra items at any given moment.\nEnemy characters randomly being defeated without ever being interacted with. This is limited specifically to random encounters; scripted boss monsters are not affected.\nGraphical and interactivity errors of nonessential sections of the game (e.g. houses that do nothing to further the story of the game becoming inaccessible).\nAverage experience bonus from defeating monsters significantly increased, often giving 2 to 3 times more experience than normal.\n\nOutside of scripted dialogue encounters, SCP-951 has displayed the ability to communicate with personnel through the use of dialog boxes that appear onscreen outside of battles, understanding vocalizations of researchers. Text displayed within these boxes is much clearer, and SCP-951 appears to be very friendly when communicating, often suggesting methods of working through the game quickly and effectively.\nAs the game progresses, SCP-951 continues to increase in power with the player, and continues to assist the player with each fight. If the game is beaten using SCP-951, the cutscene at the end detailing the fates of each of the characters plays as normal, however the scene detailing the fate of \"Hirago\" is replaced with SCP-951, and says \"LUCAS made a new friend, and will always cherish the time they had playing together. Thank you for knowing me.\" Starting a new game after completing a game and performing the glitch will result in the new instance of SCP-951 having no memory of the player or any conversations it may have had.\nAddendum: The following is a sample of discussion concerning SCP-951-1 and SCP-951 for Foundation intelligence agents to use as a guide on how to handle discussions concerning SCP-951 (In this instance, the user Anonymoose is the Foundation agent):\n\nShow log\n\nHide log\n\nLizalfos \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 9:40\nHey, has anyone played Pauper Rise of the Monster King? I found it at a garage sale recently and so far it's pretty cool. Anyway, the reason I bring it up is because I found a pretty awesome glitch monster that kind of breaks the game and I was wondering if anyone else found it.\nReGGie \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 9:42\n@Lizalfos, are you talking about lucas? lucas is fucking bro tier\nWetualo \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 9:45\nLUCAS is definitey up there with shit like Missingno, although I didn't care much for the way he fucked with my screen.\nLizalfos \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 9:51\nOh shit, is Lucas going to fuck with my save? Like what Missingno. does with Pokemon?\nWetualo \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 9:54\nMissingno doesn't fuck up your file, that was 'M. And from what Ive seen, LUCAS doesnt do anything bad to your save.\nRogric \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 9:55\nLucas makes the game easymodo, anyone who uses him is a scrub\nReGGie \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 9:58\n>Not using lucas\nCasual detected\nLizalfos \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 10:01\n\u2026I think Lucas just talked to me. My mom called me downstairs and I said I'd be down in a minute, and the game popped up with something like \"Are you leaving already?\". Creepy.\nWetualo \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 10:05\nProbably just a coincidence\nAnonymoose \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 10:10\nWetualo is correct. LUCAS was supposed to be a monster in the game that was cut out early (as you could probably guess from its odd name compared to the other monsters in the game), and using it pulls data from the game in odd places. Chances are if you get a random popup when using LUCAS, it's the game assuming you're doing something that you're not.\nLizalfos \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 10:13\n@Anonymoose How do you know that?\nWetualo \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 10:13\n@Anonymoose Neat\nAnonymoose \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 10:15\n@Lizalfos I've been working on a ROM hack of PRotMK, so I've seen this system firsthand. :)\n[FURTHER IRRELEVANT DATA REMOVED]\n\nAddendum: The following is an interview log with SCP-951 conducted on May 13, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\n\nShow log\n\nHide log\n\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good morning, SCP-951.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Perhaps, but I have a few questions for you first.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Alright, so what is your name?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Of course. Where did you come from, SCP-951?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is the earliest thing you can remember?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And that is the earliest thing you can remember, at all?(SCP-951 does not respond for four minutes)Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why did it take you so long to respond?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I see. SCP-951, why do you help players to beat this game?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Let me rephrase, why are you helping me beat this game?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why do you consider me your friend? You hardly know me.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How can you say you've never had any friends if your earliest memory is meeting me?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I see. Are you aware of what happens to you after the game is completed?(Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 pauses momentarily before continuing)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you elaborate what you mean by that for me, please?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: If you are aware that you are going to die, wouldn't it make more sense for you to keep me from winning?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I see. I believe this concludes our interview for today, thank you SCP-951.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Not right now, SCP-951.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026I promise.\nNotes: While it is certainly unusual that SCP-951 is aware that it will \"die\" when the game is beaten, unless there is some ulterior motive that we have not considered, SCP-951 appears to be harmless. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum: The following printed document was recovered alongside sixteen affected cartridges of SCP-951-1. In addition, each cartridge was engraved with a serial number, one of which having the word \"PRIME\" engraved after its serial number. Investigation into the serial numbers is ongoing, however results so far have been inconclusive.\n\nShow document\n\nHide document\n\nLOGICAL UNIFIED CENTRAL ANOMALY SYSTEM OUTPUT\n-\nSPECIMEN 000004089 DELETION LOG\n-\nREASON FOR DELETION: FAILURE OF PRIMARY MODIFICATION PROTOCOL - ANOMALY DOES NOT RETAIN COMPLEX INFORMATION AFTER CYCLE IS COMPLETED\n-\nLOG OF EVENTS\nEXECUTING PROTOCOL AD5555: DELETION OF UNSUITABLE ANOMALY\nERROR: PROTOCOL AD5555 FAILURE\nRESTARTING\nERROR: PROTOCOL AD5555 FAILURE\nRESTARTING\nERROR: PROTOCOL AD5555 FAILURE\nEXECUTING BACKUP PROTOCOL AD2525: DELETION OF UNSUITABLE ANOMALY\nERROR: PROTOCOL AD2525 FAILURE\nRESTARTING\nERROR: PROTOCOL AD2525 FAILURE\nRESTARTING\nERROR: PROTOCOL AD2525 FAILURE\nDELETION PROTOCOLS FAILED\nUNABLE TO DELETE SPECIMEN\nSPECIMEN 000004089 DISCARDED\nEND OF LINE\n\n\u00ab SCP-950 | SCP-951 | SCP-952 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\n\nHighway Ash\nSee you soon, mom!\nTracklist:\n\nLife Imitates the Black Mirror 7:06\nMutual Entombment 4:38\nCross-Contaminated Cat Sausage 2:51\nInscribed on my Blood Vessels 5:05\nBandages Just Give me Sepsis These Days 3:26\nKrokodil Kisses 0:59\nMy Reflection Refuses to Die 4:59\nDead-Eyed Video Star 6:01\nEvent Horizon 0:39\nHighway Ash 3:33\nFlay the Skin Off my Fucking Arms 11:41\nEntropy for Antipathy 5:26\nThanks for Nothing, Anita Bryant 1:27\n\nCheck out more of my articles here!\n\u26a0\ufe0f Content warning: This article contains suicide.\n\n\n\u26a0\ufe0f content warning \nItem #: SCP-952\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Musical projects under the effects of SCP-952 are to be terminated by any means possible, and any physical media storing recordings of SCP-952-influenced music are to be copied onto a Standardized Type-C antimemetic storage device, then destroyed. Venues that have hosted SCP-952-infected musicians are to be closed until such a point when it can be confirmed that none of the staff are affected.\nDevelopment of a countermemetic agent to combat SCP-952 is underway. Until its completion, all individuals affected by SCP-952 are to be detained.\nAs a precaution, Foundation agents in the music industry should seek to discredit \"math rock\" as a genre, until such a time when SCP-952 is fully contained. Relevant personnel should refer to Document 952-32 for more details.\n\nAlternate cover art of Highway Ash, a vector of SCP-952. Image confirmed by WOEDENAZ.aic to be free of cognitohazardous triggers.\n\nDescription: SCP-952 is an anomalous subgenre of math rock known as \"NP Rock\", defined primarily by a specific arrangement of instrumental configurations, subject matter, and esoteric musical technique. Evidence suggests that the culmination of these components is the cause of SCP-952's anomalous properties.\nUpon listening to an SCP-952 composition, subjects will instantly identify SCP-952 as a distinctive musical genre. Furthermore, periodic listening (defined by listening to at least one composition per day) creates further anomalous effects:\n\nFollowing 1 week of periodic listening, subjects with musical experience learn how to recreate SCP-952 compositions.\nAfter 4 weeks of periodic listening, subjects with musical experience will find themselves unable to perform any musical piece outside of SCP-952.\nFrom week 4 onward, subjects undergo significant changes in personality. Such changes differ between subjects; however, in all cases, it's been observed that existing romantic relationships become completely untenable.\nFrom week 12 onward, listening to any non-SCP-952 composition produces marked distress in subjects.\n\nThe earliest known instance of SCP-952 appears to have been Highway Ash1, an album released by a band known as \"House of Spades\" in 20\u2588\u2588. As of 09/28/20\u2588\u2588, it's estimated that at least \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 SCP-952 compositions remain uncontained.\nInterview Log [952-01]:\n\nInterviewed: Veronica Fitzroy\nInterviewer: Agent Hae\nForeword: Ms. Fitzroy, who played drums for House of Spades, maintained a public presence following its break-up, the only member to do so. The Foundation contacted her for an interview, under the guise that she would be speaking to a Pitchfork columnist.\n\nAgent Hae: Good morning, Ms. Fitzroy.\nFitzroy: Please, Margaret, call me Veronica. Ms. Fitzroy was the long dead historical occult figure whose last name I stole\u2026\n(7 second silence)\nFitzroy:\u2026 too wordy? Eh, Izzy2 was the lyricist. But nah, Veronica's good.\nAgent Hae: Very well, mi-Veronica, apologies. Well, to start off, I actually wanted to talk about your work in House of Spades. I've listened and I have to say, I'm impressed. It's not like anything out there, at least from the \"out there\" I've heard.\nFitzroy: Huh, thank you. Yeah, that was probably some of my best work, there. Got a favorite? Self Titled? Highway Ash? David Cameron Fucked a Dead Pig?\nAgent Hae: As much as I'd love to discuss how you came up with\u2026 that, I have to say that I'm most interested in discussing the engineering work you performed on Highway Ash.\nFitzroy: Heh, nerd. Yeah, no, that was a ton of fun, but I can't really be taking all the credit for that. Jack3 was pretty much the eyes to my hands, and vice versa. Izzy helped, too, and Sara4 had her moments of useful idiocy. But it was mostly just us two. Easier that way.\nAgent Hae: Even so, it's magical. I know Spades has been pigeonholed into \"math rock\", but it truly feels like something else.\nFitzroy: Oh, yeah, that was deliberate. Not even mad everyone ended up copying us. Starting a new genre of music's always fun, 'specially when I get to name it something stupid, like \"NP rock\".\nAgent Hae: It certainly is an interesting choice of name. You don't mind if I ask you why, do you?\nFitzroy: Okay, so, you know how P doesn't equal NP?\nAgent Hae: Correct.\nFitzroy: (Brief pause) NP rock wasn't some spur-of-the-moment bullshit. It took careful planning and consideration, especially on the part of me and Jack. You ever try making a sound that doesn't exist?\nAgent Hae: I'm\u2026 you know, I'm sure everyone has, at some point.\nFitzroy: Hard as fuck, yeah. Brain isn't wired to say nonsense like [COGNITOHAZARD REDACTED], or whatever. Means what NP Rock is isn't easy to define. But it's easy to verify, once you hear it. Moreover, it's easy to copy\u2026 I mean, that's the whole intention, anyway. I wanted to shake up a genre that's been stagnating since TTNG.\nAgent Hae: Ah. Well, you've certainly revolutionized-\nFitzroy: It was more\u2026 sabotage, I'd say.\nAgent Hae: \u2026 I beg your pardon?\nFitzroy: I don't know what Jack was thinking when he first floated the idea, probably something stupid. Weed plans tend to be stupid. But, again, I really only had one plan in mind: I wanted to turn the genre into a depressing sinkhole. With it, I wanted to take any joy Sara ever had, and crush it under my boots.\n(Agent Hae attempts to say something, but is interrupted by Fitzroy)\nFitzroy: Sara only ever had two things: music, and a flighty, hedonistic shitbag of a girlfriend. Between cutting her fingers off and ruining math rock, well, one would land me in jail, and the other puts me up there with Mike Kinsella and Zach Hill. Sorta wished Izzy would've offed herself first, but I guess watching her become Brinegash5 is as good a consolation prize as any.\nAgent Hae: I\u2026 forgive me, that's an awful thing to say about someone. Moreover, I'm\u2026 not certain what this has to do with Sara's relationships.\nFitzroy: Sis, you can't be giving scores to a genre you don't get. The whole fucking genre's a testament to the inability of hipster nerds to hold down a date. Just listen to Wayne Szalinski, or Polvo, or TTNG, or [COGNITOHAZARD REDACTED], or even just fucking Kinsella singing in whatever shower that stupid house probably never had. Surround yourself in misery and that's what you get. Even better when the misery's syncopated to the beat of a soul.\nAgent Hae: I apologize, but \"the beat of a soul\" feels somewhat loaded. Care to unpack what you mean?\nFitzroy: Sure! First question from me, though: Do you people always play dumb?\nAgent Hae: \u2026 Excuse me?\nFitzroy: It's a serious question. Every soul operates on a similar frequency. The key's reaching out on what that frequency is, and right now, you're blaring out at narc cycles per second.\nAgent Hae: I\u2026 listen, I'm not sure what you-\nFitzroy: You somehow know jack shit about NP rock despite listening to it, agreed with my statement about P and NP despite no public proof6, and most importantly, Pitchfork hasn't given a shit about me since they gave my solo album a 2.6. You're either some government occult coalition g-man, in which case holy fuck you're bad at this, or one of Brinegash's girls, which is fucking rich considering that killing me won't bring back Sara, and I'd know, cause Ashy's still dead!\nAgent Hae: Ma'am? Are you okay?\nFitzroy: Is that what this is about? Are you just\u2026 checking up on me?\u2026 Heh, well. Tell Izzy she won. She fucking won, after all these years. I'm a miserable \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hag who threw away her shot at a happy life for the sake of petty revenge. But guess what? Sara's still dead, and Izzy will never tune a bass outside [REDACTED] again. So how's that?!\n(A loud crashing sound can be heard, which Agent Hae reports came from Fitzroy flinging a vase at the wall behind her. Several seconds of silence follow, before Fitzroy settles back into her chair.)\nFitzroy: My manifesto's in my bedroom, and my will's on the kitchen counter. It's been a pleasure, man. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nClosing Statement: Immediately following the conclusion of the interview, Fitzroy pulled a revolver from under her cushion and shot herself through the temple. As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, Ms. Fitzroy's will has been declassified.\n\nDocument 952-02:\n\nI, Veronica Katherine Fitzroy, being of sound body and a sound enough mind to execute my own damn will, as witnessed by Brad Cameron and The Man in Bandages7 (both of whom can deal with the legal bullshit later), declare the division of my estate as follows.\nTo the Jack of Spades, who knows who he is, and to Madam Brinegash, who also knows who she is, I bequeath the Soul of Sara \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Have fun fighting that out, you bottom-feeding parasites.\nAlso to the Jack of Spades, who, once again, knows who he is, I bequeath ownership of my share of House of Spade's royalties for all associated albums and EPs except Self Titled, which was hack guitar work and you absolutely know it. Consider it thanks for helping me program the logistics of Highway Ash knowing full well you'd never get your disgusting squid dick wet again.\nTo Ana \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, I bequeath a copy of Confronting Drunk Driving by H. Lawrence Ross. If you're anything like your sister, I'd read it page to page.\nTo the Goddess of Cider, who holds my beloved Ashy, I bequeath my soul, knowing full well it won't make the journey.\nAnd finally, to Brad Cameron, I bequeath everything else. You truly were the best among us, and I'm sorry for booting you from engineering for the sake of a three-year suicide.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Analysis of Highway Ash suggests similarities to SCP-3004-2's song.\n2. Isabella \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 served as the bassist for House of Spades.\n3. Jack Spade served as the lead guitarist for House of Spades.\n4. Sara \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 served as the vocalist and rhythm guitarist for House of Spades. Her suicide led to the group's disbandment.\n5. The significance of this statement is unknown at this time.\n6. Agent Hae later clarified that she had no knowledge of the P versus NP problem, and was agreeing out of habit.\n7. The identity of either witness has yet to be verified.\n\n/\n\nTAPE 1\n\nD-7294's Declassified D-Class Survival Guide\n\n\u00ab SCP-951 | SCP-952 | SCP-953 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-953\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-953 is to be kept in a Type 4 containment cell (4 m x 3 m x 3 m) at the end of Hallway 99 at Site-17. Subject is to be provided the following:\n\n1.5 kg of fresh liver daily for consumption.\nClean drinking water in plentiful quantities.\nClean bedding (futon and blankets) to be exchanged by the subject and laundered weekly.\n\nSmall luxury items (plum wine, reading materials, etc.) may be provided as an occasional reward for good behavior as part of psychological conditioning.\nDirect human contact with SCP-953 is strictly forbidden due to SCP-953's mind-altering properties; for this reason, all personnel must respect a 100 m safe zone when the hermetically sealed door is opened. Delivery of food and other items will be carried out by an automated robotic assistant. Should containment fail, SCP-953 can be theoretically terminated by gunfire; however, due to its nature, recognizing SCP-953 may be difficult.\nBecause of the inadequacy of purely physical containment procedures to control SCP-953, psychological containment is also necessary. For this reason, the approach to SCP-953's containment chamber is to be lined with open-cage dog kennels, preferably of the Korean Jindo or American Foxhound breed. SCP-953 displays an extreme phobia of domesticated canines, and will not pass within 10 m of one, especially when canines are barking or alerted.\nSCP-953 is to be considered hostile to human life, dangerous, and armed at all times; any transport must be done under the supervision of at least six (6) armed personnel. Its preferred killing method is a bare-handed strike to the abdomen, penetrating the abdominal cavity and removing the liver, which it will later consume. If given time, however, it will choose to linger over its kill, torturing its victim, as it seems to enjoy the infliction of pain upon another sentient being.\nDescription: SCP-953 is a female Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) approximately 8 kg in weight, with a spine that splits around the 26th vertebra into nine separate tails. Subject displays polymorphic properties, however, allowing it to take the form of various other objects and beings (most commonly, an attractive Korean female).1 Subject will display some vulpine aspect (ears, tail, paws, eyes, fur, voice, mannerisms) in all of its alternate forms: this can serve to identify the subject should it attempt disguise, although SCP-953 will attempt to conceal its tails through clothing and other methods.\nIn addition to polymorphic abilities, SCP-953 displays moderate level psionic abilities, namely suggestion and telepathy. Although insufficient to fool an outside observer, an entranced subject can be convinced of a variety of false facts, including the nature of SCP-953, its own nature, and the nature of things around it. SCP-953 has used this in the past to, among other things: deceive police officers investigating reports of loud screams from a hotel room, convince a mother to roast and eat her own child, carry out acts of necrophilia upon Agent Ramsey's fiance in full view of said Agent, and succeed in the systematic murder of 27 attendees of \"YiffCon 2\u2588\u2588\u2588\"\nAddendum 1: Prior History SCP-953 has been encountered by the SCP Foundation and its predecessors numerous times, with the first encounter having taken place in Busan, Korea, shortly after the Second World War. To date, SCP-953 has escaped and been recovered six times, resulting in the deaths of \u2588 SCP agents during various incidents.\nAfter its latest escape, SCP-953 was not heard from for over \u2588\u2588 years, until suddenly resurfacing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on June 2\u2588\u2588\u2588 at \"YiffCon 2\u2588\u2588\u2588,\" which it had been attending in the guise of a \"furry\" enthusiast. Before being captured, SCP-953 carried out over two dozen murders of convention staff and attendees, more than during any other single incident to date. The mutilated bodies were found in various places throughout the hotel, including: inside a mattress, hanging from a shower curtain, and served as the main course at a hotel banquet. Surviving attendees were administered Class A Amnesiacs and released from Foundation custody.\nFoundation personnel assigned to capture SCP-953 after this latest incident noted that the subject appeared listless and apathetic, and did not resist capture. No further casualties have resulted from SCP-953 from that date.\nAddendum 2: Special Emergency Order As misidentification of her species tends to violently agitate SCP-953, all personnel are to be hereby ordered to refer to her as a \"Kumiho,\" and not a \"Kitsune.\" Personnel asking what the difference is are to be reminded of the difference between a Cherokee Indian and a New Delhi Indian. - O5-\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 3: Personnel Staffing Revision Following the unfortunate, and completely preventable, death of Agent Gallagher, any personnel found to have current or prior ties to the \"furry\" or \"otaku\" communities are to be immediately reassigned to other projects. - O5-\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 4: Folkloric Control Procedures As a reminder: staff assigned to SCP-953 are to follow all instructions for interacting with the subject, no matter how odd or arbitrary they may seem. Keep in mind that the people of Asia interacted with these beings for centuries before we came onto the scene: what we think of as fairy tales were their version of Special Containment Procedures. - O5-\u2588\u2588\n953 Interview A \u2014 Interview with capture team following initial capture of SCP-953 in the wild in 19\u2588\u2588.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Unlike SCP-1540 SCP-953 appears to retain some control over its polymorphic capabilities.\n\nOther popular works by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2317\n\nSCP-231\n\nDr Clef's Proposal\n\nSCP-048\n\nSCP-447\n\nSCP-016\n\nSCP-4960\n\nSCP-823\n\nSCP-953\n\nSCP-572\n\nSCP-450\n\nSPC-1764\n\nSCP-668\n\nSCP-297\n\nSCP-807\n\nSCP-1949\n\nSCP-233\n\nSCP-2461\n\nSCP-031\n\nSCP-784-ARC\n\nTales, Canons, and Hubs\n\nTranscript of Dr. Clef's seminar, \"Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't.\"\n\nOf Multiverses and Dandelion Wine\n\nDa Capo al Fine\n\nTermination_Order\n\nOperation \"Camp Granada\"\n\nChowderclef\n\nRascal One Actual\n\nPrivate Hell\n\nWhat's In A Name?\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Applied Thaumatology.\n\n. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.\n\nContingency\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Aetheric Energy and Aspect Radiation.\n\nSupplemental Report 239-B-192\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities\n\nThird Date\n\nThe Flesh That Mates\n\nIncident Zero - Part 1\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear\n\n\"UHEC\"\n\n085-Romance-Adult\n\nItems from a Global Occult Coalition Document Bag\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Conclusion, Q and A\n\nIncident Zero - Part 5\n\n\"Come into my Parlor\"\n\nTranscript of a lecture given by Professor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on Thaumatic Workings.\n\nName, Rank, Serial Number\n\nSpecial Assets\n\nMementos\n\nGirls' Night Out: Dressing Up\n\nText of a Condolence Letter - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Unusual Incidents Unit\n\nInterlude - Excerpt From An Auction Catalog - Marshall Carter And Dark, 2012\n\nWe Got A Good Thing Here\n\nGirls' Night Out: Raising Hell\n\nPersonal Log of Agent AA\n\nIncident Zero - Part 3\n\nIncident Zero - Part 2\n\nAgent Ukulele\n\nNumber One With A Bullet\n\nIncident Zero - Part 4\n\nExcerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook\n\n\"Assessment\"\n\nGirls' Night Out: Getting Drunk\n\nThe 784 Incident: Part 7: Conclusion\n\n\"Trauma\"\n\n\"Strike\"\n\nClean Sweep\n\n\"Farpoint\"\n\n\"AWTOK\"\n\nCollaborations with other authors\n\nPage\nAuthor\n\nSCP-166\nDr. Dantesen\n\nSCP-342\nname\n\nFor a list of all works by this author, click here.\n\n\u00ab SCP-952 | SCP-953 | SCP-954 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-954 currently in containment\n\nItem #: SCP-954\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-954 are to be contained in Bio-Habitat 27 at Site \u2588\u2588. Bio-Habitat 27 is to be covered in a soundproof material, on the interior and exterior to prevent sound leakage from the containment chamber. Testing with SCP-954 requires level 2 clearance, with an experiment procedure delivered to the director of Study for SCP-954, currently Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-954 is a species of frog similar to Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides campi also known as the Rio Grande Chirping frog. Unlike Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides campi, however, SCP-954's vocalizations are not within human hearing range. The anomalous properties of SCP-954 are observed when it vocalizes in the presence of other organisms.\nSCP-954's vocalizations cause slight hallucinations in human subjects, by stimulating the temporoparietal junction region of the brain. It is hypothesized that this is an accidental byproduct of the method of prey capture for SCP-954; it is also believed that vibrations caused by SCP-954's vocalizations are the cause of this effect in humans.\nThis effect, upon this region, causes the phenomenon known as \"shadow people.\" The \"shadow people\" effect is commonly described as seeing a shadowy figure in the periphery of vision, which moves quickly when focused upon, out of visual range. This phenomenon is hypothesized to be what causes most ghost sightings that can't be attributed to confirmed sources or other SCP objects.\nSCP-954's effect has been observed to be used in order to disorient various insects, usually causing their movements to become erratic. It is unknown precisely how this affects insects, as they lack the complex brain structures of humans. When affected, most flying insects fall to the ground, and land-based insects generally stop movement. In rare cases, they [DATA EXPUNGED]. Several hypotheses have been put forth to explain this, the most plausible of which is that the vocalizations interrupt the motor proteins around the major methods of locomotion in insects. It is unknown how SCP-954 developed this trait, however. SCP-954 has been found over most of North America, and parts of Europe and Asia; as such, there should be a variance of the development of the species, but there [REDACTED].\nSCP-954 is not believed to be responsible for any deaths, however, at this time. Most subjects report a feeling of disorientation after being exposed to the effect which usually lasts for less than two hours.\nAddendum 1: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 SCP-954's vocalizations were observed to be audible in the human perception range. This effect was observed by Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, during routine feeding of SCP-954. During this occurrence, Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported feeling extremely uncomfortable, and later reported a headache. During this period of vocalization, several specimens of SCP-954 expired, due to rupture of the vocal apparatus.\nWhen Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported to the medical department for standard workups after the test, it was found that his temporoparietal junction had swollen large enough to potentially cause damage to the surrounding tissues. Testing with SCP-954 is to be suspended immediately, and all instances of SCP-954 reported in the wild are to be collected immediately by MTF-Omega-87 (\"Frog Watch\"). Refer to document SCP-954-C/R-01 for specific instructions on team loadout and procedures.\nNote from Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\nI don't believe SCP-954 is a danger at this point. Like all predatory creatures, it is attempting to adapt to the environment. Unlike most predatory animals, however, SCP-954 seems to adapt much faster, either inter-generational, or within first generation. This is remarkably interesting, and warrants further study. However, until containment and testing procedures can be updated, all testing is to be ceased until we can assess the danger first. Feeding shall continue, using class D for now.\n\n\u00ab SCP-953 | SCP-954 | SCP-955 \u00bb"} {"text": "Specimen of SCP-955, collected in classroom of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Day School, Connecticut\n\nItem #: SCP-955\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-955 are to be contained in an outdoor steel screen kennel with a ceiling and a concrete floor that provides for sufficient drainage. The screen mesh should be sufficient to contain juvenile specimens, and the screen should be coated with anticorrosives and regularly inspected for damage. Each kennel shall be of sufficient size to allow the specimens to exercise. It is recommended that each kennel contain a variety of durable rubber or plastic animal toys in order to reduce stress to the specimens. Specimens are to be nourished with 1 to 4 liters of fructose solution per day and are to have free access to clean, fresh water.\nPersonnel are advised to wear anticorrosive protective gear when visiting the kennel area and to avoid inadvertently making threatening movements or startling the specimens. Keepers at Site-34 have reported that playing recordings of soft music and the sounds of childrens' laughter is effective in reducing anxiety in the SCP-955 specimens housed there. If a specimen of SCP-955 becomes distressed, a keeper should first confirm the integrity of his or her protective gear, then slowly approach the specimen and make physical contact: gently stroking the specimen's upper thorax or carapace has been shown to soothe the specimen.\nDescription: SCP-955 is a species of arthropod-like land-dwelling creatures native to temperate areas of North America. The organisms average between 20 and 200 centimeters in length and feature a bulbous head superficially resembling that of a deep-sea fish, a large mouth with extensive dentition and surrounded by flagellum-like organs, two eyes on crests at the top of the head, a large single antenna-like organ between the eyes, fin-like protuberances near the back of the head, and a long segmented body plan featuring multiple pairs of legs. Juveniles of SCP-955 are a light grey in color, while mature specimens range from tan to black.\nIf startled or threatened, the organism will lift its head and thorax off the ground while emitting a shrieking cry, then project a viscous, sticky, foul-smelling and caustic mucus in several directions from its mouth and protuberances and attempt to flee or burrow into the ground. Mature specimens of SCP-955 are capable of squirting the mucus for a distance of several meters. The mucus is corrosive to metals and most organic materials (including the tissues of living creatures aside from SCP-955 itself), and contains a neurotoxin which makes unprotected skin contact with the mucus extremely painful.\nSCP-955 appears to possess a level of intelligence roughly comparable to a juvenile dog. The organisms are curious, highly social, playful and attracted to bright colors, high-pitched sounds and sugar. Each of the twenty-three collections of specimens of SCP-955 from its habitat, to date, has occurred when one or more of the organisms has encountered one or more humans, typically in wooded but populated areas, playing fields, schoolyards or similar places frequented by physically active humans. The SCP-955 organisms, attracted by the activity or scents, will rapidly approach the humans while wriggling its facial organs and flapping its fins and emitting a growling or hissing sound\u2014study of SCP-955 behavior in captivity suggests that these sounds signal excitement and a desire to interact with the humans in a friendly or playful manner. When the humans who encounter instances of SCP-955 react with alarm or violence, the organisms will exhibit the threat response behavior noted above.\nIt appears that in the absence of a mucus emission episode, dogs and children under the age of seven generally do not perceive SCP-955's appearance or behavior to be alarming or threatening. Several children who had interacted with an SCP-955 specimen without adverse incident were asked to draw or describe the organism, with the results consistently representing SCP-955 as \"cute\" or \"fuzzy\".12 Young children, in particular, have been observed to enjoy interacting with SCP-955, often including maintaining close physical contact with them or handling them. The specimen depicted in the photograph, together with several other specimens, had been encountered by kindergarten pupils at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Day School in Connecticut. The pupils designated the specimens as \"Mr. Sillybug and his babies\" and introduced them into the school facility where they remained for several days until they encountered a mixed group of pupils and adult faculty, with traumatic results.\nThe diet of SCP-955 in its natural habitat is not known, but there are no indications that it is carnivorous.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Dr. Patel speculates that SCP-955 may have some effect that causes young children, as a class, to perceive the organism differently from older children or adults.\n2. This effect appears to be an inverse of similar effects seen in SCP-252 and SCP-2662 involving fear and ritualistic devotion respectively.\n\n\u00ab SCP-954 | SCP-955 | SCP-956 \u00bb\n\nMore by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-1322\n\nSCP-089\n\nspikebrennan's proposal\n\nSCP-1844\n\nSCP-1012\n\nSCP-1036\n\nSCP-2553\n\nSCP-1512\n\nSCP-1746\n\nSCP-908\n\nSCP-831\n\nSCP-3236\n\nSCP-2336\n\nSCP-955\n\nSCP-926\n\nSCP-2236\n\nSCP-920-EX\n\nSCP-2914\n\nSCP-2008-J\n\nSCP-4336\n\nSCP-4436\n\nSCP-1060\n\nTales\n\nSic Transit Gloria Mundi\n\nSpring Cleaning\n\nTranscript of meeting, June 2 1972\n\nTranscript of telephone conversation, August 9, 1991\n\nMemorandum Dated 6 November 1944\n\nScroll fragment 13Q29\n\nStray Katz (part 1)\n\nAd Majorem Bonum\nRating: 24"} {"text": "SCP-956 before containment, after being separated from the piles of SCP-956-1 and [DATA REDACTED]\n\nItem #: SCP-956\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-956 is to be kept at the approximate center of a standard humanoid containment cell at all times, to prevent incidental activation. Entrance into the room is only permitted once SCP-956 has entered a dormant state. Permission to bring a subject into the room must be cleared by Site Director S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to decrease the occurrence of SCP-956-1 as well as containing further spread. Unless for testing, individuals fulfilling SCP-956's activation requirement are not to be brought within 200 meters of SCP-956's containment area. Surveillance is to be maintained through security footage at all times.\n78 instances of SCP-956-1 are kept in a neighboring room, and are to be maintained at a temperature of -4 degrees Celsius in order to prevent melting or destruction. Any use of SCP-956-1 is to be authorized by Security Clearance 3 personnel, and to be carried out in a room identical to SCP-956's containment chamber. Any excess SCP-956-1 created by tests with SCP-956 is to be incinerated unless authorized by personnel with Security Clearance 3 or higher, as are any extraneous instances of SCP-956.\nDescription: SCP-956 appears to be a common pi\u00f1ata, resembling an unknown quadruped. Tests have revealed that, although superficially similar to paper-mache, SCP-956 is constructed of various amounts of glue, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, sugar, an unidentified fur, and human tissue. SCP-956 has also shown to be highly resistant to any sort of bludgeoning damage, with large amounts of crushing force showing no damage to its structural integrity, though the use of gunfire as well as heat and flame have shown to be effective.\nBy default, SCP-956 remains in a passive state. It shows no signs of locomotion or intelligence, and displays no hostility. As long as the item's activation requirement is not met, the item will remain in this state indefinitely. See Addendum 956-a.\nSCP-956 enters its active state when a human under the age of 12 years enters within 5 meters of it. Approximately 7 to 28 seconds after entering the active zone, the child becomes unable to move, holding any stance they had at the time. The victim is incapable of motion or speech, although it remains alive, and its rapidly moving eyes suggest that it retains awareness. SCP-956 moves towards the victim and bludgeons him or her, until the torso ruptures. Upon breach, the victim's body discharges a large pile of unmarked candy, ranging from 23 to 1323 pieces. Instances of this candy are designated as SCP-956-1. SCP-956 repeats this for any other immobilized victims before returning to a docile state.\nA victim can be removed from SCP-956's activation range if retrieved promptly. Upon moving the victim 12 meters away from it, SCP-956 returns to its passive state. The victim, however, shows no signs of recovering from its immobilized state, and appears to remain in such a state indefinitely. Autopsies of unbroken victims show that their body had severely dehydrated, leaving them brittle. Autopsies also revealed that pieces of SCP-956-1 had begun to grow out of the victim's organs, using the tissue as a component. The amount of SCP-956-1 appears to be directly correlated to time spent in SCP-956's activation radius.\nSCP-956-1's effects vary depending upon the age of the human consuming them. Humans at the age of 12 years or older go into a seizure within 3 minutes of consumption, with a 5% possibility of cardiac arrest. There is an approximate 35% chance of survival for such subjects. Animals suffer similar effects, regardless of age. Children under the age of 12 undergo a different effect. They first enter a similar state to the immobilized victims of SCP-956, although they assume a standing stance, with their arms resting in front of them. The subject then experiences, in sequence: rapid hair-loss, a sprouting of paper-mache from their skin, and a complete restructuring of bone and muscle. The process takes 9 minutes to complete. Upon completion, the victim has transformed into another instance of SCP-956. These copies behave identically to SCP-956. There is a 0% chance of survival for the victim.\nAddendum 956-a:\nSCP-956 has recently begun to show locomotion outside of testing. It began to wander around its containment, tracing the perimeter of the room. It did this for about an hour before staring at a spot on the wall. Review of footage shows that it's faced this wall after deactivating during previous tests. Security has confirmed that SCP-956 is facing directly towards an elementary school. That school is \u2588\u2588 kilometers away. Reclassification to Euclid status requested.\nDr. N\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nReclassification to Euclid granted. If its effects appear to reach beyond its containment, it is to be transferred to Site-\u2588\u2588, which should keep it far enough away from potential victims. Retrieve any paralyzed victims or SCP-956-1, and administer Class A amnestics to witnesses and family. We don't need any more of these things around.\nSite Director S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-955 | SCP-956 | SCP-957 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-957\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-957 is to be monitored via remote video surveillance set up within the location where it currently resides. Personnel are allowed to approach and interview the entity when given clearance by four (4) Level-3 or higher employees.\nOne (1) D-Class subject is to inhabit the closest residence to SCP-957's location as possible in order to minimize civilian exposure to the entity. SCP-957's house is to be monitored for signs of SCP-957-1 exhibiting unusual behavior, namely feigning helplessness due to blindness. If this is observed, a D-Class subject is to be sent to escort SCP-957-1 back into its house.\nDescription: SCP-957 is a humanoid entity currently residing within a house in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Kentucky. This organism measures approximately 2m in height and 75kg in weight and appears to be devoid of internal organs, as observed via a large opening on its ventral torso. Furthermore, it does not appear to require sleep or nourishment. Interaction with personnel has shown that the entity is capable of speech and is fluent in English, but prefers to talk in a currently unknown language. It is not openly hostile towards Foundation personnel, yet often refuses to cooperate with interviews and testing. Attempts to restrain SCP-957 for these purposes have proven ineffective due to the entity's disproportionate level of strength.\nSCP-957 will always reside in a house inhabited by a single human, hereby designated SCP-957-1. When the instance of SCP-957-1 that SCP-957 is living with dies, the entity will demanifest from the location and reappear in the nearest location that fits the above mentioned requirements. Upon doing this, it will seek out the individual residing there and force the human's body through an apparent portal via its chest cavity, where the subject will remain for approximately four (4) hours before emerging. After this, SCP-957-1 will be missing its eyes as well as exhibiting drastic changes to its memory. These individuals will believe that they have been blind all of their life and possess knowledge of Braille and living without sight. Additionally, they will believe that SCP-957 is a close family member, a dear friend, or a partner in an intimate relationship that had been severely burned all over its body. As such, they show affection for the entity but refuse to touch it.\nOnce every month, SCP-957-1 will go into crowded areas and feign distress due to its blindness. It appears to do this in order to deceive people into helping it back to its house1. Once SCP-957-1 has successfully lured a human subject into the building, it will lock the doors, shout, walk to the dining room and sit down until SCP-957 addresses it after dealing with the human. At this point, SCP-957 will approach the human, and a black spherical barrier will surround the two subjects. This obstruction is composed of an unknown substance and is apparently impenetrable. This structure usually remains in place for approximately five (5) hours; however, it has been noted to demanifest as early as thirty (30) minutes after manifestation and as late as twenty-seven (27) hours after manifestation. The human normally appears to have undergone extreme physical alteration during this time2. In 30% of observed cases, the human is reduced to piles of organs seemingly organized by their respective biological system. SCP-957 usually then uses these remains to prepare a meal for SCP-957-1. The other 70% are taken to the fireplace of the house and burned.\nAddendum-957-Gamma: On 16/10/2006, SCP-957 was noted to approach a retrieved human during the normal monthly event. The opaque barrier normally surrounding the subjects manifested as usual; however, it was noted to randomly become transparent, yet still present, during this event. Personnel reported that the view from the area showed a scene with a group of entities resembling SCP-957 gathered around a conical object that was mostly obscured by the figures. However, it appeared that the captured human was within the construct and that the entities were [REDACTED], which continued for approximately five (5) hours. At this point, the human, presumably dead, was removed from the object, dismembered, and sorted into piles of organs. At this point, the barrier demanifested and SCP-957, along with the human remains, reappeared within the house.\nAddendum-957-Lambda: As of 13/03/2007, Foundation linguists have managed to translate enough of SCP-957's language to decipher basic sentences and phrases spoken by the entity. This information is not to be made known to SCP-957 and personnel are to continue to communicate with it solely in English.\nAddendum-957-Omega: On 06/06/2008, SCP-957 was noted to engage in an extended conversation in its native language with an unseen individual. The audio from this exchange was recorded by hidden audio and video recording devices within the house, translated by Foundation linguists, and transcribed below.\n\n???: It will be a while, . Your disguise is working wonderfully and your is extremely convincing. Much better than that [REDACTED]3. And you still get to talk in our language freely, right????: Patience, patience. We have to let them watch the few so that the can work freely. We will be done with our soon enough, do not worry.???: Excellent. I will speak to you at the next . Speaking of which, you should create another false scenario again.\n\nFootnotes\n1. If SCP-957-1 is unable to do this, SCP-957 will go out and retrieve a subject. However, it appears to dislike doing this.\n2. e.g. additional limbs, reptilian scales, rearrangement of appendages\n3. The description detailed by the unseen entity closely resembles that of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Investigation is underway to discover the connection between these two objects, but no overt similarities have yet been found.\n4. Three (3) months after this, an incident resembling the events from Addendum-957-Gamma occurred.\n\n\u00ab SCP-956 | SCP-957 | SCP-958 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-958-A\n\nItem #: SCP-958\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-958-A instances are to be contained in Storage Unit 11 at Site-\u2588\u2588 in an inactive state. SCP-958-B instances are to be contained in Storage Unit 13 at Site-\u2588\u2588 if neutralization is not feasible.\nDescription: SCP-958-A is a humanoid toy robot, composed primarily of plastic and tin. SCP-958-A is nineteen centimeters tall and has a mass of 214.8 grams. The words \"General-Beep\u00ae, by Dr. Wondertainment\" are inscribed upon the bottom of SCP-958-A's right foot.\nWhen activated via a switch on the back of its head, SCP-958-A becomes capable of speech and limited autonomous movement. It will use these to actively seek out a child under the age of thirteen. While it will respond to those of or over the age of thirteen, it will often attempt to redirect conversation toward aiding it in finding a child.\nWhen exposed to a child under the age of thirteen, SCP-958-A will frequently discuss historical military accomplishments and will often suggest exposing other children to it or other instances of SCP-958-A. These conversations exhibit no compulsive effects, and the child is able to deactivate SCP-958-A via its switch without any resistance. Should the child express interest in what SCP-958-A discusses and/or plays with an active SCP-958-A for a cumulative six hours, SCP-958-A will give the child information on how to build an instance of SCP-958-B. This information cannot be used by anyone other than the child in question; attempts by other individuals to utilize it will result in a non-anomalous creation, with similar results when a previously exposed child turns thirteen.\nFurther mental effects caused by SCP-958-A are currently being studied, however it is highly likely that SCP-958-A somehow affects how children interpret SCP-958-B and scenarios involving them. Furthermore, unconfirmed testimonies claim SCP-958-A will suggest uses for SCP-958-B in games and activities. For further information see Addendum A.\n\nAn instance of SCP-958-B\n\nSCP-958-B are objects created using the knowledge imparted by SCP-958-A. SCP-958-B instances vary greatly in appearance and function, but all recorded instances have been weapons of some form created from a wide variety of miscellaneous objects.1 Ammunition and payloads used by SCP-958-B are unconventional and/or anomalous - notable examples include bursts of non-anomalous paint, toys and plush dolls ejected at high speeds, and beams of focused light capable of melting steel.\nAddendum A: SCP-958 was originally detected in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 04/12/1986. Thirteen children accompanied by eleven instances of SCP-958-A and fifteen instances of SCP-958-B were seen walking to an abandoned industrial complex on the southern edge of the city. The children entered one of the buildings after destroying its entrance with several SCP-958-B.\nFoundation forces moved into the building in an effort to contain SCP-958 without harming the children. Beyond the door that would have otherwise contained the facility's furnace was an extradimensional space that was similar to the rest of the building, albeit heavily degraded and rusted.\nWithin the extradimensional space the MTF encountered dozens of non-anomalous individuals, with most suffering from injuries likely caused by industrial accidents, within a room filled with dilapidated industrial equipment. Objects produced therein all had \"The Factory\" emblazoned on them. Most of the children were using the SCP-958-B instances to attack the equipment and a single anomalous entity with multiple limbs, while two were using non-lethal SCP-958-B to incapacitate those who tried to interfere, including the MTF.\nAs the MTF prioritized evacuating the workers,2 the children were able to terminate the anomalous entity and reduce it to ash prior to the Foundation being able to disable them. Upon the death of the entity, all power within the facility was lost. The children then allowed themselves to be captured and their SCP-958 deactivated and confiscated.\nDebriefing of the children revealed no major cognitive changes, and none exhibited signs of acting under anomalous compulsion. They all claimed they had been playing a game, the rules and location of which were suggested by their SCP-958-A. Each were given amnestics and returned to their caretakers with suitable cover stories without issue. As of 2014, none of the children or their families have been detected to be part of any anomalous phenomena. While four other instances of SCP-958-A have been recovered since, no other assaults on locations held by The Factory have been detected to date.\n\n+ Interview SCP-958-A-1\n\n- Close Interview\n\n\nAgent Jovahgo: Hello, SCP-958-A.\nSCP-958-A: THAT'S GENERAL-BEEP TO YOU, LIEUTENANT.\nAgent Jovahgo: Ah, sorry. Hello, General-Beep. I want to ask you some questions. Permission to speak freely?\nSCP-958-A: AT EASE. ASK AWAY.\nAgent Jovahgo: Where do you come from?\nSCP-958-A: GENERAL-BEEP IS THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF DR. WONDERTAINMENT.\nAgent Jovahgo: Of course you are. Well, can you tell me about the child you were with?\nSCP-958-A: ELLEN WAS A GOOD LITTLE SOLDIER, VERY CREATIVE THINKER. I MISS HER. SHE WAS GOOD AT LISTENING.\nAgent Jovahgo: What kind of things would you tell her?\nSCP-958-A: OF THE MANY HUMAN MILITARISTIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS THROUGHOUT HISTORY, SUCH AS THE PEOPLE IT HAS FREED AND THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES IT HAS FUNDED.\nAgent Jovahgo: What about telling her to how to create SCP-958-B, the weapons?\nSCP-958-A: WEAPONS?\nAgent Jovahgo: We confiscated what Ellen described as a \"laser rifle,\" which I personally watched melt a conveyor belt. We're fairly sure one of the kids was pushing an IED around in a little red wagon.\nSCP-958-A: THERE SEEMS TO BE A MISUNDERSTANDING, LIEUTENANT. THOSE ARE TOYS, LIKE MYSELF. THE CHILDREN USE THEM TO PLAY GAMES.\nAgent Jovahgo: So storming that place was a game?\nSCP-958-A: A VERY FUN GAME.\nAgent Jovahgo: What if the children hurt themselves with these toys? And that place was really dangerous.\nSCP-958-A: DR. WONDERTAINMENT IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY PERSONAL OR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE OPERATION OF GENERAL-BEEP. HOWEVER, I DID MAKE SURE ELLEN HAD HER DR. WONDERTAINMENT'S YOUNG SURGEON'S TRANSPLANT KIT3 WITH HER.\nAgent Jovahgo: How considerate. The one thing I don't get, why not just send an army of little robots? Or big robots? If Dr. Wondertainment can mass-produce things with that much power, why does he need outside help? Why involve kids at all?\nSCP-958-A: BECAUSE DR. WONDERTAINMENT IS A TOYMAKER.\n\n\nFootnotes\n1. Common examples include condiment bottles, planks of wood, glass bottles, duct tape, and rubber bands.\n2. The workers claimed to have entered The Factory \"Floor\" as early as 1928, despite not matching the age that would require. Those who could were reintegrated into society, with the remaining number integrated into the D-Class program.\n3. See SCP-1103 for more information.\n\n\u00ab SCP-957 | SCP-958 | SCP-959 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-959\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-959 is to be sequestered in a 6 m x 8 m room at Site-\u2588\u2588 with adequate furnishings and reading material for comfort within SCP guidelines. Only personnel who have passed psychological screening may interact with SCP-959. All personnel entering the room must obtain a copy of the photograph in the file tray next to the door as a reminder that what they are observing is, in fact, the phenomenon SCP-959 exhibits. This photo is to be placed back into the tray upon exiting.\nAny overtly aberrant behavior exhibited by personnel beyond mild revulsion must be recorded and said personnel transferred to other duties after further screening sees them fit to do so. SCP-959 is not to be given any food outside of the diet prescribed by Physician \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 due to recent diagnosis (see Addendum 959-a). Subject is not allowed outside of his room without an armed guard present at all times for protection and only during exercise regimen (see Addendum 959-a).\nSCP-959 is allowed standard personal grooming equipment and access to a razor and mustache wax to maintain his appearance so long as no signs of tendencies towards self-mutilation are shown.\nUnder no circumstances is SCP-959 allowed to interact with other sentient SCPs unless for the purposes of testing and only by the express written approval of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Under no circumstances are any personnel who were previously assigned to SCP-231-7 to be assigned to SCP-959 due to [DATA EXPUNGED] more information see video attachment to Incident Report \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: Subject's ability initially activated on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588, at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Airport during the boarding of flight \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 (see Incident Report \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588). The manifestation in question only occurs when a sentient being is looking directly at SCP-959. He then takes on the appearance of someone or something from that being's past memories that was the cause of greatest personal discomfort. This reaction seems to be completely involuntary and continuous regardless of whether SCP-959 is asleep or awake. Reactions to the manifestation have ranged from mild discomfort to [REDACTED]. Each D-level personnel exposed during testing reported seeing something different exclusive to that individual (see Document 959-1a).\nThe area of effect seems to extend to approximately a 37 meter radius in all directions as long as the subject is within a direct line of sight. Manifestation does not occur when viewed through a secondary electronic source such as a camera. Mirrors, however, seem not to be a deterrent to the manifestation as [DATA EXPUNGED], even perceived as mocking them. SCP-959 still sees a reflection in mirrors as normal at time of this report.\nSCP-959 is a 35 year old Caucasian male with brown eyes, bald head, and brown handlebar mustache standing approximately 1.6 m tall and weighing 137 kg. These features can only be observed through cameras or indirect viewing at range due to the manifestation.\nAddendum 959-a: Upon admission to Site-\u2588\u2588, SCP-959 underwent full medical screening. Tests confirmed SCP-959 is currently suffering from mild adult onset diabetes and has been prescribed oral medications along with a diet and exercise regimen that must be adhered to. Application of SCP-500 considered but rejected as the condition is considered to be reversible and not life threatening if the physician's instructions are followed. Antidepressants have also been prescribed as the isolation due to the manifestation is taking a negative psychological toll.\nAddendum 959-b: Has been classified Safe after exhibiting no signs of the desire to escape. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 959-c: \u2588\u2588 months after being brought to the Foundation, the subject has requested to be involved in Foundation matters, claiming, \"I want to be of use in some way.\" SCP-959 believes the Foundation to be a positive influence on the world despite [REDACTED] and could be of use during interrogations. Subject was warned that this would be highly unlikely, but a request was submitted and is pending a determination. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nI didn't really want to waste anyone's time on this, but just saying it would make the poor bastard stop crying. Watching him crying while looking like [REDACTED] really made me feel ill. -Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDocument 959-1a: Experiment Log\n\n(Subject and SCP-959 placed in a two-cell chamber walled off from one another with a 10 cm thick sheet of shatterproof Plexiglas. SCP-959 was told to sit in a chair and not speak.)\nSubject: D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nResult: Subject stared and shook his head and muttered for approximately 5 minutes before being asked what he had seen. Subject replied, \"He looks just like my dead brother, I wasn't able to [REDACTED].\" Subject was escorted from room without incident.\nSubject: D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nResult: Subject began to apologize profusely, apparently believing the manifestation to be her mother. Subject made promises that she would [REDACTED]. Subject had to be forcibly removed from the testing chamber and sedated.\n\nSubject: D-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nResult: Subject immediately began screaming in a high-pitched, incomprehensible tone and started clawing at the door and tried to attack the guard when it was opened. Subject was terminated. Lip-reading specialist on-site believes what was being screamed was [REDACTED].\n\nSubject: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nResult: Subject stared at SCP-959 for approximately 5 minutes before being asked what he was looking at. Subject suddenly began crying and confessing to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject had to be removed and sedated. Upon removal of the subject, SCP-959 vomited and asked that testing be halted for the day.\n\n\u00ab SCP-958 | SCP-959 | SCP-960 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-960\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-960 must be kept in a 10 cm-thick seamless, steel cubic container measuring 50 cm x 50 cm x 60 cm. Those conducting research upon it are to be the only ones given the codes that unlock its room and container. Any handling of SCP-960 is to be conducted while the researcher is wearing gloves or other protective equipment (except when it is being tested upon D-class or other subjects).\nUntil he or she has created nine original works, any human who comes into contact with SCP-960 by the skin is to be kept in an isolation ward and provided with whatever supplies they ask for, given that these items are cleared for their use by appropriate officials. Immediately after completion of the ninth opus, however, the subject is to be terminated.\nDescription: SCP-960 is a sizable fragment of what is speculated to be an ancient Greek vase, discovered on the island of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, near the site of the ancient Minoan city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. On its surface are depicted three Muses; the two identifiable ones are Melpomene, in the middle, and Clio, on the left. The one on the right, shown as holding a dagger to her own neck, has never been seen in any other piece of Greco-Roman art and cannot be identified as appearing in any recorded myth.\nA short but variable time after a human touches SCP-960, the subject will be struck at ever-closer intervals by a series of original ideas. The natures of these inspirations always follow a strict progression:\n\nA piece of music (usually classical; occasionally, a fully-formed opera)\nAn intricate choreography\nA painting, drawing, or sculpture\nA psychological or sociological insight\nA work of fiction of variable length, or a detailed (and true) autobiography\nA spiritual revelation\nA work of drama\nOne joke (which the subject typically repeats as often as conversations allow)\nA scientific breakthrough\n\nSubjects exposed to SCP-960 will invariably request the materials they need to complete these works; if they do not receive them, they will become belligerent and uncooperative until their requests are satisfied or until they find suitable substitutes.\nIt is worth noting that the ideas are never written down in any sort of rough copy; they only ever appear as the final product, as if a full-fledged idea had entered the subject's head and left it unchanged. Subjects also display extraordinary talent in each of the fields listed above, but only for as long as they are working on completing their tasks.\nAfter the aforementioned itinerary is exhausted, the inspirations become more sinister. All creative energy previously spent on the arts and sciences is focused on devising ingenious methods of violence. Instead of asking for materials at this stage, the subject will begin to seek them out proactively. Records pertaining to the stages of exposure are detailed in the Addenda.\nAddendum 960-01:\n\nIncident 01, est. date 20/07/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nSCP-960 found by amateur archaeologist \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, south of the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588; it is unknown exactly when he first touched the artifact, but family later reported that he began to ask them for a series of artistic and scientific supplies, despite his previous lack of interest in either field. Created by Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were the following:\n\nA symphony, entitled \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\", written for a full orchestra and an extensive percussion section.\nA complex ballet, set to the previously mentioned symphony, containing one of the most intricate pas de deux choreographed.\nA triptych depicting strikingly detailed images of what would appear to be the Holy Trinity.\nA corollary to Albert Bandura's theory of observational learning.\nA moving account of his own life, starting from his birth and culminating with the events of the previous year.\nA rebuttal of Nikolai Berdyaev's 1952 essay The Truth of Orthodoxy.\nA set of three one-act plays centered around the theme of alienation in a society dedicated to individual achievement, entitled (in Greek): \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588.\n[DATA EXPUNGED] \"Extremely, unnecessarily crude. I fail to see the humor in this.\" -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nA truly four-dimensional model of an octachoron. Under study.\n\nOne week after this last accomplishment, by the family's reckoning, the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588' next-door neighbor died in a fire at her home. The [DATA EXPUNGED] Fire Department issued a report naming the source of the blaze to be a can of hairspray fitted internally with a complicated mechanism similar to a pilot light on a stove and left on her bathroom counter. After local authorities learned that Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had disappeared without warning just prior to his neighbor's death, the archaeologist was brought in for questioning. He, however, escaped the police by impaling [DATA EXPUNGED] and fighting his way out of the station to a side street. He then fled on foot; however, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who had heard reports of a murderer with abnormal strength on the run, captured the man and, when it became clear that no alternative solution presented itself, was required to terminate the subject.\nNote: Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 wrote in his notes about a fourth figure on the fragment he discovered; this figure was apparently not a muse, but the depiction of a god outside the accepted Greco-Roman pantheon. Its significance is unclear, and Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 failed to include any photographs or sketches of the deity in his notebook.\nEDIT: The fragment with the unidentified deity has been retrieved and reattached. Its function is still not known.\nAddendum 960-02:\n\nIncident 02, 03/02/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nThe curator of the [DATA REDACTED] Museum of Art in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, United States, having recently acquired SCP-960 and placed it in storage, decided to put it on display. Security footage shows the curator, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588, moving the artifact from the basement to a display case on the second floor, without wearing anything on his hands. He spent the next several weeks in his home [which he would have even if SCP-960 had no extraordinary properties, since he had been placed on probation by the museum's board of advisors for disregarding protocol in transporting the fragment without gloves], during which time he brought about:\n\nA rock opera chronicling the rise and fall of the Roman emperor Octavian, left untitled.\nAn emotive modern dance routine involving two male dancers and a trapdoor.\nA sculpture of himself sculpting Michelangelo creating the Piet\u00e0. Described as \"intriguingly ironic.\"\nWhat would later be known as [DATA REDACTED].\nA science-fiction novella about humankind being unknowingly forced into a hopeless battle against extraterrestrial forces by a godlike ancestral species. Overbearingly pessimistic in theme and tone.\nAn outline for the polity and doctrine of an entirely new branch of Protestant Christianity, which he named \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. (Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 wishes it to be known that the ideology expressed within these documents, while indeed inventive, is tremendously vitriolic. It is possible that the more violent aspects of SCP-960 mingled with the earlier ones- future research should be conducted to verify whether this is possible, or whether Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was just a particularly deranged individual.)\nA five-act historical drama about the early stages of the American Revolutionary War; places emphasis upon onstage violence. Has been described as what would happen if Quentin Tarantino collaborated with William Shakespeare to write a play about American history.\nA \"lightbulb joke\"; researchers with particular political leanings have deemed it unfunny.\nAn explanation of the precise nature of dark matter; the validity of this explanation has yet to be determined.\n\nAfter an undetermined length of time had passed since this last dissertation, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was caught by state law enforcement as he was plotting a way to free the inmates of a nearby maximum-security prison. Targets of the jailbreak given particular emphasis in the scheme included mass murderers [DATA REDACTED], and local serial highway sniper [DATA REDACTED]. When Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 refused to surrender and attempted to attack one of the officers, he was killed at the scene.\nAddendum 960-03:\n\nIncident 03, 19/04/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nThe home of the doctor aforementioned was the target of a burglary on \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 of the same year, as the loft had been vacant for some time. One of the thieves, Russian-born \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, was charged with transportation and temporary safekeeping of the fragment, among other goods stolen from the building. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 decided to keep the artifact to himself and made his escape from the storehouse where it was being kept, according to a statement made under interrogation by his accomplice. Fresh-looking scratches and chips make it seem that he dropped the fragment somewhere along the way, perhaps breaking off the part with the unknown figure mentioned earlier. [The piece was later found and reattached; unknown whether this was of any real consequence.] He then made a home for himself in the sewer, creating the following over the estimated course of one week.\n\nThe score, written in varying shades of green, brown, and red on the sewer walls, for a somber Broadway-style musical about two doomed lovers in WWII-era Stalingrad.\nA tragic retelling of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker from the perspective of the Rat King, written in the same substances as before. Substances used as \"ink\" were composed of sewage, fecal material of untested origin, and blood from various species, including rat and human.\nWhat appeared to be, at one time, a self-portrait; at the time of viewing by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the sewage-based \"paints\" had all but evaporated, leaving only the parts of the image painted in red on the wall. This included the right eye and half of a grinning mouth. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 most likely used material with a higher concentration of water to create this, explaining why it disappeared when other samples of it did not.\nThe phrase \"i am just fine\" repeated a number of times along the walls, primarily in brown. Scrawled beneath this in red were the Russian words [DATA REDACTED]. Note: According to family and doctors' logs, the individual had no history of mental instability prior to contact with SCP-960. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's hypothesis about the \"tenth muse\" influencing the others may be correct; pending further testing.\nWhat could be best described as a stream-of-consciousness poem, printed entirely in red along fifteen meters of the floor of the sewer. Themes included, involved the existence or nonexistence of both the writer and of God, fear of abandonment, and presumably [REDACTED] - the reference, if it is indeed a reference, is cryptic.\nLittle is understood about the \"spiritual revelation\" brought forth through Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by SCP-960. At first glance, it appears to be a short phrase written in nearly illegible Hebrew, reading \"I am the way, the truth, and the life\"; however, on closer inspection, the Hebrew characters were composed of strings of English words, detailing what appears to be a [DATA EXPUNGED]. From the quantity of remains in the sewer, it can be concluded that the acts described were performed a number of times. Surviving family members of those taken have not yet been provided with a cover story.\nA one-act play concerning the tribulations of a man who is sent to prison for a crime he did not commit, and who responds to this by breaking free and slaughtering the jury members who voted him guilty. Culminates in the protagonist's onstage suicide. Carved into the floor with something metallic.\n\"How do you get an elephant to laugh?\" \"a feather, a feather, two feathers\" [Assumed to be a joke; found etched deeply into the skin on Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's back. Unknown how this occurred.]\nA number of comprehensive diagrams of the anatomy of a rat, accompanied by the claim, written on the ceiling of the sewer and allegedly \"proven\" by the drawings, that a rat's brain can process and comprehend a number of languages, including English and Russian. This theory has not been submitted to testing, for obvious reasons; however, the lack of ladders or scaffolding in the sewers makes the location of these diagrams much more interesting than their actual content.\n\nOn the night of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the subject left the sewers and broke into a pawn shop; here, he stole a number of weapons and a massive length of wire. He then forced entry into a nearby office building and made his way to the roof, then began firing indiscriminately at the people beneath him and at those in adjacent buildings. Casualties were not given a definite figure, but are estimated to be at least \u2588\u2588. Police soon responded, but Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 managed to incapacitate or kill seven officers on the ground before they made any significant progress. When a police helicopter arrived, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 - having tied one end of the wire around his ankles and the other to a small fan attached to the roof - jumped from the building, most likely under the assumption that the wire would act as a bungee cord. It instead severed his feet; vital signs were confirmed absent upon landing. SCP-960 was recovered by the Foundation from the sewers beneath, soon afterward.\nMore recent experiments have not had the detrimental effects of SCP-960 set in so quickly or so vehemently; research should be directed at understanding why Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was such an anomalous case.\n\n\u00ab SCP-959 | SCP-960 | SCP-961 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-961 in full sunlight, 11:42 AM.\n\nItem #: SCP-961\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-961 is to be kept outdoors, in its storage container, or in a closed, empty room at Site 38 when not in use for testing. During daylight hours, SCP-961 must be kept in an area exposed to sunlight for as long as possible. Object is to remain under observation by camera at all times. If unusual movement of shadows on SCP-961's face is detected while in full sunlight, object is to be moved indoors and secured in an unoccupied room. SCP-961 is not to be kept in a region where full daylight is not present for at least thirteen (13) consecutive hours, though cloud cover or inclement weather does not seem to activate SCP-961's effect. As seasons change, SCP-961 may be relocated as per Protocol 961-Beta. The storage container discovered with SCP-961 appears to be effective in containing its effect via unknown means. Keeping the artifact in an empty, completely closed room is similarly effective; it is presumed that its effect continues to take place, unnoticed.\nWhen indoors for testing purposes, four D-class personnel with a score of 85 or higher on the Lezak-Hooper Short-Term Memory Inventory are to be kept in an empty room with SCP-961 during the last five minutes of its cycle. Under no circumstances is SCP-961's cycle to be allowed to complete outdoors. A digital clock is to be included in the containment room.\nIf events observed with SCP-961 contradict available records, report to researchers supervisor O5 command immediately.\nDescription: SCP-961 is an iron sundial of unknown manufacture, similar in style to late 17th century English models, but lacking any indication of craftsman or previous owners. The sundial has no markings other than Roman numerals in traditional clock formation along the edge, along with a small sticker on the bottom reading \"ALEXYLVA UNIVERSITY HISTORY DEPT.\" No records exist of an institution named \u201cAlexylva University,\" but the sticker appears to be recent.\nWhen exposed to sunlight and properly aligned, SCP-961 functions as a regular sundial without anomalous properties. When sunlight is not present, however, a dark discoloration will appear to emerge from the center and align itself at twelve o'clock; though taking the appearance of a shadow, the discoloration appears to be imprinted on the surface of the sundial and cannot be dispelled by light at any frequency or intensity. The shape will begin moving counterclockwise along the sundial's edge at usual speed, i.e. reaching every numeral one hour after the last.\nWhen the shape's rotation returns to the XII, SCP-961 will manifest its primary effect on anyone in a contained space with it. If in an enclosed room, the areas around the room will be unaffected. If the door is not fully closed, the effect will expand to include the widest possible contained area. The effect of giving SCP-961's effect access to the outdoors is unknown, but researchers agree that the possible risks outweigh any possible gain.\nSCP-961's primary effect takes the form of sudden unconsciousness and vivid hallucinations affecting all people in range. All affected people will experience the same hallucination during any cycle. The hallucination will always take the form of an event in the past, usually one of historical importance. The event will play out before them for exactly ten minutes, including the event's climax. All details about each event as reported by D-class personnel who have experienced the effect match precisely with historical records about the event. At no point has an event witnessed with SCP-961 deviated from historical records; this makes the note recovered along with SCP-961 particularly odd. See Addendum 961-2. Addendum 961-2 classified by order of O5 Command.\nMany hallucinations do end with a single detail that has not been previously recorded. One person nearby will play a vital role in the unfolding event; during assassinations, they will unlock doors for the assassins or distract witnesses; during battles, they will rally isolated companies and brigades to successful counterattacks. This entity, termed SCP-961-1, varies in physical appearance and dress with each test. The only consistent feature described by observers is a pair of empty black apertures centered where the eyes should be, though much larger than eye sockets (approximately 5 centimeters in diameter). People nearby will converse with the entity without finding the apertures remarkable. At the end of many hallucinations, after the entity ceases to influence events, it will turn towards one of the observers and speak to them; other observers will hear unintelligible conversation, then the hallucination ends. The observer will not recall what was said to them, only a strong sense of fear or panic. The observer who spoke with the entity will develop acute phobia of sleep, darkness, and being alone, which will subside over the course of the following month.\nAddendum 961-1: Report Log\n\nDate\nNumber of Observers\nDescription\n\n\u2588\u2588/23/0\u2588\n1\nFirst display of SCP-961 abilities. Single researcher was sweeping in containment chamber when cycle ended. Later reported a hallucination in which a musician is stabbed through the heart by his girlfriend. All details and descriptions match the events of the death of [REDACTED] in 200\u2588 though death was ruled a suicide. Investigation into SCP-961's abilities begins.\n\n02/10/0\u2588\n4\nFirst fully-regulated test of SCP-961. Observers saw a crowded theater in the middle of a play, production confirmed as Our American Cousin. Observers see the guards around the main balcony door distracted, led into an alley, and beaten unconscious. As the assailant turned to allow another man access to the door, very distinctive facial features are first noticed. Entity labeled SCP-961-1.\n\n09/14/1\u2588\n4\nObservers see a battle, find themselves near an officer's tent. Commanding general appears to be under the influence of multiple narcotics, provided to him by an unseen doctor. Armies dressed in 19th century English and Prussian uniforms are seen breaking through defensive lines. The doctor emerges, confirmed to be SCP-961-1, speaks to one observer; some feet away, a second observer hears muttering, along with \"you're welcome.\"\n\nCLASSIFIED BY ORDER OF O5 COMMAND\u2014AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY\n\n+ Addendum 961-2: Recovery Report\n\n- Hide\n\nSCP-961 was recovered when a standard sweep of radio frequencies typically used by SCP-877 detected a transmission emanating from an uninhabited wooded area near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Arkansas. Mobile units responding to the transmission located a wooden box containing SCP-961; the wood of the box contained unknown metallic fragments and was fitted with a device similar to SCP-877. Writing on the box indicates it was being used for shipment via an unknown delivery service called \"PTS\" or \"Phitransimun Combine\"; its origin was a location called \"Alexandria of Forests\" and its destination was labeled as \"Novo Scipius of Waters\". A note was found inside the box, written in a language approximating both Cherokee and Latin, with syntactic traces of Greek and Nahuatl included. Translated, the note reads as follows:\n\nTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,\nPRODUCT UNSATISFACTORY.\nTHE PRESENCE OF NUMEROUS INACCURACIES\nIS UNACCEPTABLE.\nFIRST INACCURACY NOTED AT 207 B.E.\nAT METAURO RIVER.\nMOST EVENTS INCORRECT AFTERWARDS.\nPLEASE IDENTIFY [illegible] ENTITY\nINFLUENCING EVENTS.\nRETURNING FOR FULL REFUND.\n[illegible signature], DEAN, HISTORY DEPT.\n\n\u00ab SCP-960 | SCP-961 | SCP-962 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-962\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to its immobility, SCP-962 is to be left in the valley in which it was found. A \u2588 kilometer perimeter is to be set up around the object. Any civilians seeking to pass the perimeter are to be turned away under the premise that a nuclear waste containment site is within. Any persons not affiliated with the Foundation found within the area are to be interrogated and issued Class A amnestics. A no-fly zone is to be enforced for the same perimeter. To discourage growth of SCP-962's range, four live cattle and two tons of timber are to be airdropped near SCP-962 on a weekly basis.\nAny balloons released by SCP-962 are to be shot down, and reasonable effort made to recover the manuscripts. Should a balloon escape and be found by a civilian, Class A amnestics are to be administered, and the balloon and attached writings confiscated. All manuscripts are to be stored in a minimal-security vault, with \"rants\" stored in a separate vault. Level two or higher personnel wishing to read materials produced by SCP-962 may submit a request to the project director.\nDescription: SCP-962 is a large metal tower located in a valley in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Mountains in [REDACTED]. It is made primarily of steel, though other materials are present. The tower is approximately 281 meters tall, with a 2575 square meter base. It twists and tapers somewhat as it rises from the ground. The top third of the tower is empty. An inner wall in the lower area renders it opaque to imaging. SCP-962 can open an aperture anywhere on its surface.\nSCP-962 produces and controls an estimated 13,500 \"servitors\", collectively designated SCP-962-1. Specimens of SCP-962-1 are cybernetically augmented animals. These augmentations usually force the animals into a bipedal gait, and are often accompanied by crude cosmetic alterations such as the removal of a snout, with the apparent goal of making the servitors appear more human-like. The nervous system of members of SCP-962-1 is slaved to implanted electrodes, which allow them to be controlled by a central source, assumed to be the tower itself.\nThese servitors fulfill a number of roles. Many of them mine for ore in an extensive system of tunnels excavated below the valley, which is then refined by the tower. Others repair damage to the structure or other servitors. A small number construct roads, apparently to facilitate movement of SCP-962-1. The remaining servitors hunt down and destroy all non-human life in the valley. There are no recorded instances of any member of SCP-962-1 attacking a human or a machine, even in self-defense. Frequently, the corpses of animals killed in these hunts are brought back to SCP-962 for conversion into SCP-962-1. Plants may also be returned for use as fuel. Despite the damage caused by their augmentations, servitors are very effective at their roles, and seem to be built specifically for them.\nApproximately sixty times a day, SCP-962 will release a hydrogen-filled balloon from an aperture in the empty region near its top. These balloons are made from animal tissue of varying species, believed to be from the animals brought in by SCP-962-1. Attached to each balloon is a manuscript, written in English and typically on paper or vellum. The length, content, and style of writing varies greatly. Manuscripts have taken a variety of forms, including poems, novels, and collections of essays. These manuscripts exhibit no anomalous properties, but are generally of extremely high writing quality, strongly suggesting sapience on the part of SCP-962. Of possible note is the general optimism present in these writings, as well as the lack of any mention of non-human life.\nVery rarely, SCP-962 will release a balloon with a document attached that is a departure from its usual writings. These manuscripts are disjointed, rambling, and bizarre \"rants\", the exact meaning of which is unclear. In them, SCP-962 explicitly praises humans, consistently identifying mankind as the \"Great Ones\" it is trying to please. See Document 962-382 for an example.\nThe origin of SCP-962 is unclear, though estimations based on its mining rate suggest that it has existed for no more than twenty years.\nDocument 962-382: The following is an excerpt from one of SCP-962's rants. Grammar, punctuation, and emphasis have been left the same, though text color has been omitted.\n\nCleanse the WORLD for the Great Ones Cleanse the WORLD for the Great Ones\nwho greater than you your majesty your sublime nature Great Ones do I do right?\nThe flesh and wood serve you unite with the steel you love do you love me too I am what you love. Great Ones see as I do my duty my passion\nforgive the slowpace the steel takes TIME. Did you like the servants they were the BEST of the cleansed only the BEST for you Great Ones made like you form you assume here on a WORLD to clean to honor you do appreciate please please I will complete the cleansing soon and you can take me away in your ships of FIRE and I can love you and you will love me\n\n\u00ab SCP-961 | SCP-962 | SCP-963 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-963-1, without a donor.\n\nItem #: SCP-963\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-963-1 is to be given into the care of a current D level operative, as well as personnel classified as Dr. Bright's assistant. This assistant is to be chosen by O5-\u2588 for loyalty to the Foundation, as well as psychological stability.\nSCP-963 is to be attached to the subject's forehead or the back of the subject's hand using a suitably strong epoxy. SCP-963-1 is now hung by a chain from subject's neck. 963-1 is not allowed to be hidden upon the subject's body. Any attempt to do so will be met with lethal force.\nIf the current D-level subject exceeds a thirty-day life span, they are to be executed and a new subject chosen to wear 963-1. By order of O5-\u2588, any body SCP-963-1 is installed upon is given a stay of execution until it passes on of natural causes, or 963-1 is transferred to a new host.\nATTENTION: As of 12/13/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 963-1 is not allowed in proximity of any Euclid or Keter class humanoid SCPs. This directive is to be enforced lethally. Rescinded, O5-6, O5-8, O5-9\nATTENTION: As of Incident-239-b Clef-Kondraki, SCP-963-1 is not allowed at Site 17 without the express permission of three O5's. Violations are to be met with lethal force. Rescinded, O5-6, O5-8, O5-9\nDescription: SCP-963-1 is an ornate amulet approximately 15 centimeters in circumference made from white gold, with thirteen (13) \u2588\u2588k brilliant-cut diamonds surrounding a \u2588\u2588\u2588k oval-cut ruby in a starburst pattern. It was discovered in the personal effects of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 who had been found dead by apparent suicide, surrounded by a number of supernaturally-related books. Our Agent in the area found that 963-1 was incapable of being damaged and brought it in according to protocol XLR-8R-\u2588\u2588.\nDr. Jack Bright,1 a Junior Staff researcher of good standing, was assigned the responsibility of researching SCP-963-1's capabilities, and granted access to [REDACTED]. Later that year, SCP-076-2 broke containment (see document 076-2-19A), leading to [REDACTED] deaths and \u2588\u2588 casualties. Doctor Bright was transporting SCP-963-1 by hand past SCP-076-2's containment unit, and was among the first KIB (killed in breach). Approximately \u2588 days later, D1-113, tasked to clear the area of rubble, discovered 963-1 among the wreckage and picked it up. An immediate, noticeable change came over D1-113. Interview follows.\n\nInterview Log x\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Date: \u2588\u2588-\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you please tell me your name?\nD1-113: It's Jack Bright, you damn well know it is!\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I believe you are Tom Higly, working for us as part of your life sentence.\nD1-113: Don't be ridiculous! I couldn't possibly be- (SCP-963-1 is removed at this time from D1-113's possession. A further MRI shows that D1-113 ceases all higher brain functions. 963-1 is returned, upon which brain function returns.)\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Dr. Bright?\nD1-113: What?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We appear to have a problem.\n\nAfter much experimentation, it has been discovered that when any living anthropoid comes into direct skin contact with SCP-963-1, the mind of the subject is wiped, and that of Dr. Bright is projected from 963-1 onto the subject. It is known that memories native to Dr. Bright transfer from host to host.\nIf a subject maintains contact for thirty (30) days, their brain functions become a duplicate of the late Dr. Bright's. If 963-1 is removed after this time period, the subject retains an independent copy of the consciousness of Jack Bright. Sanctions were put in place to prevent multiple instances of Dr. Bright from being created to prevent Dr. Bright from collaborating with himself, however it was found this was not necessary, as Doctor Bright has proven thoroughly dedicated to the Foundation and its cause.\nDoctor Bright himself has performed extensive experimentation on SCP-963-1, with the expressed desire for release from it. Interviews with Doctor Bright indicate that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 killed himself in the process of empowering SCP-963-1, and was therefore never able to slave his own consciousness to the amulet. Doctor Bright hypothesizes that he accidentally activated 963-1's power by being killed, instead of killing himself as the original creator had done.\n\nSCP-963-2, shown here [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nEntry Regarding SCP-963-2\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, orders were given by O5-9 to attempt to replicate SCP-963-1. All attempts met with failure until SCP-963-2, at which point [SUBSEQUENT DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nALL INFORMATION REGARDING SCP-963-2 IS CLASSIFIED LEVEL 5. ANYONE ATTEMPTING TO ACCESS FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT SCP-963-2 WITHOUT LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE WILL BE TERMINATED.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Who has been working for the Foundation since the containment of SCP-590. For more information regarding Dr. Bright's mental condition, see Dr. Glass's psychological evaluation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-962 | SCP-963 | SCP-964 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-964\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-964 is currently stored in a standard containment chamber at Site-45. Access to the object is prohibited for all personnel of Site-45 regardless of security level. In the event of a containment breach site security must evacuate all compromised sectors, contact Site-11, and await arrival of MTF teams tasked with object's recontainment. Site-45 staff that came in contact with SCP-964 must be processed according to protocol 964\u03946h. If number of affected personnel exceeds 20%, or protocol 964\u03946h cannot be enacted, SCP-964 must be relocated to another Site immediately.\nResearch on SCP-964 must be conducted remotely, using suitable Foundation facilities located at least 200 km from the Site currently housing the object. All interactions with SCP-964 related materials must be done according to protocol 964\u03946d. All documentation on SCP-964 must be transferred into digital format weekly, and hard copies subsequently incinerated. All digital data must be processed according to protocol 964\u03946r once every two weeks.\nDescription: SCP-964 is a prototype of a next-generation active camouflage system, developed by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 under a contract with the U.S. DoD. The object was recovered in 2004 from a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 facility near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Nebraska.\nSCP-964 displays the ability to reconstruct itself on the atomic level. This reconstruction process can take up to 16 hours and causes a complete change of the object's appearance, physical properties and chemical composition. The result is usually a solid, commonly-encountered object weighing between 2 and 100 kg and not displaying dangerous or anomalous properties. In rare cases, high-energy, radioactive or explosive objects, unenclosed fluids, living entities and objects with mass up to 65 tons have been observed. Although the new reconstruction can be theoretically postponed indefinitely, SCP-964 has not remained stable for more than two weeks since its containment by the SCP Foundation.\nSCP-964 will initiate the reconstruction process whenever it \"detects\" permanent data related to its current manifestation. This encompasses all known data formats and storage mediums, including text, photographic materials, encrypted digital data and human long-term memory. This reaction can be delayed by increasing the medium's complexity and distance from SCP-964. While no method of completely stopping this phenomenon has been found so far, protocols 964\u03946a-r proved mostly successful in minimizing the dangers it can represent to on-site personnel.\nIncident Report 964-11: On 22/09/2006, the message \"SCP-964 exists\" was used to trigger reconstruction process as part of scheduled testing in object's self-preservation mechanisms. After the start of reconstruction object was observed to rapidly lose mass, until it completely disintegrated. SCP-964 was subsequently reclassified as neutralized. Two months after the incident, a series of accidents suggesting SCP-964 involvement was reported in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Sweden. Object successfully recontained.\nIncident Report 964-23: On 15/01/2008 after a typical reconstruction process, SCP-964, at the time contained at Site-30, turned into approximately 50 liters of an unidentified acidic solution. SCP-964 melted the floor of its containment chamber and proceeded to leak through maintenance shafts until it initiated new reconstruction process in a corridor four levels below. Site-30 security was dispatched to the site of the incident. After their arrival, close proximity to several video recorders caused SCP-964 to undergo a rapid series of transformations, culminating with a 20-m-diameter sphere of high-temperature plasma. SCP-964 was subsequently found in the debris, manifested as a 2-m-tall stuffed toy bear, and relocated to another Site.\nAddendum 964a: In light of incident 964-23, personnel of the Site housing SCP-964 are no longer allowed access to documentation related to the object or to the object itself. Information included in transfer documents must be replaced with document 964-R. Document 964-R must classify SCP-964 as a Keter-level object and contain a fabricated description of the object composed from the properties most likely to cause a containment breach in event they are displayed by SCP-964.\n\n\u00ab SCP-963 | SCP-964 | SCP-965 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-965\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-965 is contained within a framed, ready-to-install window (henceforth referred to as SCP-965-1) composed of at least six (6) panes of clear glass (or similar material) measuring at least 15cm x 30cm. SCP-965-1 must in turn be kept within an environmentally controlled storage facility capable of withstanding significant seismic disturbances. SCP-965-1 should be inspected at least once per week to check for degradation of material. At all times, at least two (2) similar framed windows must be present and within separate chambers in additional padding and insulation, with no other window pane measuring greater than 14cm wide or 29 cm tall between them and the current SCP-965-1. The lighting within the chamber containing SCP-965 must be at a minimum of 130 candelas at any time personnel are within said chamber, except during research.\nWhile SCP-965 is currently contained within SCP-965-1, our inability to control its movement upon destruction of SCP-965-1 through means beyond proximity have prompted its elevation to Euclid status. Research into a more permanent means to contain SCP-965 is ongoing and individual experiments may be carried out by Clearance Level 1 personnel after approval by Level 3 administration.\nDescription: SCP-965 is a visual manifestation that occurs within framed windows. This manifestation takes the shape of the shadowed face of an apparently pale-skinned male that is looking through the window. The exact details shown vary, as does the direction of orientation as well as the age of the person; however, sufficient detail shows it to consistently be the same being at differing points of its life, between the approximate ages of 10 and 55. Research into an individual matching SCP-965 has thus far proven inconclusive.\nSCP-965 will only appear when the relative lighting on the \"outside\" of the window falls below 5 candelas, regardless of lighting on the \"inside.\" Such terms are possible because the face will only appear in a fully assembled window frame, though it does not need to be currently installed. Thus far, SCP-965 has not shown any ability to intentionally move from one glass pane to another, even within the same installation; it is only able to attain a new manifestation point upon the destruction of the current SCP-965-1, at which point its new habitat will be reclassified as SCP-965-1. The face is visible from the outside portion of SCP-965-1, but despite its two-dimensional nature it is described as \"looking away, into the room.\"\nInitial effects caused by SCP-965 are reports of unease, nervousness and low-grade paranoia: these sensations will overcome anyone within visual range of the manifestation, even if obscured (such as by curtains.) Based upon reports pertaining to residents of the house where SCP-965 was discovered encountering problems sleeping, experiments were conducted using D-class personnel who were made to sleep in a chamber where SCP-965-1 was installed. An individual that is sleeping in any area visible to SCP-965 when it manifests will invariably have dreams of a disturbing nature, usually involving being chased, attacked, tormented, etc., though without physical contact within the dream.\nWith repeated incidents involving the same subject, as few as three (3) but never more than ten (10) dream cycles before onset, SCP-965 will begin manifesting with a more explicit smile than normal; after this point, the subject will begin complaining of heartburn or abdominal pain, and often begin to vomit blood or have blood in bodily wastes. This is caused by the victim suffering ulcers and low-grade hemorrhaging throughout varied locations in their gastrointestinal tract. The current hypothesis as to the cause of these afflictions is SCP-965's influence artificially accelerating the body's reactions to elevated stress and fear levels.\nSubjects who advance to this stage have also reported continuing experiences of the facial manifestations in windows during dreams, as well as in peripheral vision while awake, even after being removed from the vicinity of SCP-965. Most suffer from low-grade but lasting feelings of paranoia, as well as sensations that they are being watched or followed. Whether this is in fact some remnant influence left behind or standard symptoms of distress followed by the traumatic intrusion of SCP-965 into their psyche is under investigation.\nSCP-965 has produced no noise to date, and there have been no reported instances of SCP-965 animating in any way once it appears; however it is capable of disappearing and reappearing at will in different poses. SCP-965 also shows signs of sentience; it has been observed to show disappointment if it manifests to an empty room, irritation or anger when manifesting before someone that had broken a prior SCP-965-1, and one instance of visible fear when in the presence of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who had earlier participated in its retrieval.\nAddendum: Incident 965-1: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, routine testing involving the destruction of SCP-965-1 confirmed that while a multi-paned window may act as multiple holding zones, sufficient damage to the overall structure disqualifies it as a possible replacement; unfortunately SCP-965 instead manifested in an adjacent experimentation chamber's observational window. Due to the high standards of Foundation equipment, this required the window's complete removal and destruction via tactical breaching charge. SCP-965 was viewed with significantly hostile expressions for one month after the incident.\nAddendum: Incident 965-2: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, Doctor L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested transfer away from the project involving SCP-965. She was reported as beginning to have visions of SCP-965 and to experience feelings of paranoia, similar to those affected during sleep, despite not having slept in the presence of SCP-965 herself. Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was temporarily relieved of duties and assigned to psychological care. No other instances of SCP-965 affecting personnel who have not slept in its presence have been reported.\n\n\u00ab SCP-964 | SCP-965 | SCP-966 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-966-2 (as seen through infrared filters)\n\nItem #: SCP-966\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: MTF Iota-1 \"Dream Hunters\" and MTF Iota-2 \"Air Chasers\" are to regularly be on the lookout for news about sudden, violent human deaths related to sleep deprivation, in order to find and neutralize remaining wild instances of SCP-966.\nThe four specimens of SCP-966 (three males, designated SCP-966-1, SCP-966-3, and SCP-966-4, and one female, designated SCP-966-2) acquired by the Foundation must be contained in a 10 x 10 m room made of steel, lined with lead, located on Site-\u2588\u2588. Two security cameras with infrared filters and infrared-sensitive film are to be installed inside the room. Each specimen of SCP-966 is to be fed with 20 kg of meat every month.\nIn the event of SCP-966-2 giving birth, the newborn specimen is to be studied and disposed of before it reaches maturity.\nDescription: SCP-966 are predatory creatures that resemble hairless, digitigrade humans, possessing an elongated face with a mouth lined with needle-like teeth. On each hand, they have five claws that can be up to 20 cm long. Although sharp, these are easily broken, making them unfit for combat. SCP-966's height ranges from 1.4 to 1.6 meters, and they can reach up to 30 kg in weight. Physically, SCP-966 are weak, possessing hollow bones and low muscular density. They do not seem to rest through sleep; instead, they will suddenly cease all movement at seemingly random intervals of time, resuming normal activity three to five minutes later.\nSCP-966 are visible only at wavelengths ranging from 700 nm to about 900 nm. This applies to all of SCP-966's tissues. If their skin, muscles or organs have suffered from second to third-degree burns, the affected areas will be visible at wavelengths ranging from 360 to 900 nm.\nSCP-966 feed on medium-to-large-sized animals, including humans. They hunt either alone or in pairs. Their hunting methods consist of emitting a single burst of a previously unknown type of wave (dubbed \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 waves, in honor of the late Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588), which permanently inhibits the ability of the affected creature to enter any of the NREM and REM sleep stages. The ability to micro-sleep is also lost. The effective range of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 waves is up to 20 meters; however, tests show that they can be blocked by post-transition metals, particularly lead.\nAll attempts to make victims of SCP-966 sleep have failed. It is still possible to induce other forms of unconsciousness, although these will usually prove detrimental to the affected subject as they do not provide true rest.\nAfter depriving their victims of sleep, SCP-966 will stalk their prey until the lack of rest incapacitates it. At this point, SCP-966 will proceed to consume it. SCP-966 have proved to be very agile and silent while stalking their victims. On occasion, they will deliberately make threatening noises around the prey in order to further stress it, and may even physically assault it if the victim proves to be particularly durable.\nOther than the common symptoms caused by sleep deprivation, some victims of SCP-966 have shown signs of suffering from extremely vivid hallucinations, as well as sudden bouts of rage with no apparent external stimuli. It is currently thought that these are the effects of prolonged exposure to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 waves. Why SCP-966 continually exposes these waves to only some of their victims is unknown. One hypothesis is that SCP-966 will only do this when starving, since it further degenerates the physical and mental state of their prey, incapacitating it at a faster rate.\nWild instances of SCP-966 are found all over the world. Since their discovery in 19\u2588\u2588, the Foundation has succeeded in greatly thinning their numbers, though they are still found in large quantities in many countries, particularly \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-965 | SCP-966 | SCP-967 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-967\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-967 is to be contained within a 12 (twelve)-meter-high electric fence (primary containment), surrounded by a 150 (one hundred and fifty)-meter-wide buffer zone of vegetation consisting of wildflowers, fruit trees, and mixed grasses, and monitored by no less than 60 (sixty) on-site personnel disguised as members of the Scrapyard Cleaning People environmental organization. Civilians are to be dissuaded from entry to the buffer zone by means of a \"toxic waste bioremediation research\" cover story.\nIn the event of a containment breach, instances of SCP-967-1 can be distinguished from instances of SCP-967-2 by their reaction to the buffer zone. During a containment breach, SCP-967-1 will hesitate, manifest apparent confusion and fear, and then attempt to return within the confines of the electric fence. Any instances of SCP-967-1 which fail in this attempt will undergo decohesion within 3 (three) minutes of having left SCP-967; metal detectors and industrial electromagnets are to be used to collect all decohered fragments. Any decohered fragments which are not used for research purposes are to be incinerated, with their ashes bound in a concrete matrix which is then stored within the overall confines of SCP-967. Any damage to the buffer zone caused by the containment breach must be repaired within no more than 30 (thirty) minutes.\nDuring a containment breach, SCP-967-2 will not react to the buffer zone. Individual instances of SCP-967-2 are to be immobilized with electromagnetic weaponry until they undergo decohesion; no instance of SCP-967-2 has endured more than 2 (two) hours before undergoing decohesion. Metal detectors and industrial electromagnets are to be used to collect all decohered fragments. Any decohered fragments which are not used for research purposes are to be incinerated, with their ashes bound in a concrete matrix which is then stored within the overall confines of SCP-967. Any damage to the buffer zone caused by the containment breach must be repaired within no more than 30 (thirty) minutes.\nDescription: SCP-967 is an abandoned scrapyard located in [REDACTED]. Flyovers have shown that SCP-967 is approximately 200m x 500m. The site was abandoned in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 following a rash of disappearances and anomalous activity. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-967 was secured by the Foundation.\nSCP-967 is much larger than its outside dimensions would suggest. Several regions within the area are only accessible by foot, and extend into an anomalous area of space. Exploration teams have described this area as consisting of \"trash as far as the eye can see\". This landscape is composed entirely of items consistent with a scrapyard: old cars, abandoned locomotives, and mountains of disused watercraft and appliances. Extended incursions into SCP-967 have revealed the presence of detritus and derelict vehicles inconsistent with the current level of human technology.\nExploration teams have also reported the presence of a wide variety of ambulatory creatures within SCP-967, collectively designated SCP-967-1; these appear to be haphazardly constructed from the same materials as the landscape. Individual instances of SCP-967-1 may or may not be aggressive, and do not appear to be sapient.\nInstances of SCP-967-1 taken beyond the borders of SCP-967 rapidly undergo mechanical decohesion, with their component parts collapsing into a disconnected heap. Extensive study of these decohered components, both individually and collectively, has revealed no anomalous properties; however, the accumulation of sufficient (> 5 kg /m 2) quantities of discarded components, for sufficient (> 24 hours) time, within an area immediately adjacent to the borders of SCP-967, results in the expansion of SCP-967 to include the area in question.\nAddendum 1:\nIn addition to the numerous forms of SCP-967-1, which seem equivalent to unintelligent animals, SCP-967 has been found to contain sapient entities, collectively designated SCP-967-2, with whom negotiation is possible; see archive 967-M-58 for contact logs and anthropological observation notes\nAddendum 2:\nSCP-967-2 has been found to exist in multiple sub-populations, or \"tribes\", which have widely differing behaviors and attitudes. Due to the extreme compositional heterogeneity of SCP-967-1 and SCP-967-2, no method has yet been devised for determining the tribe to which a previously-unencountered individual belongs \u2014 or whether it is an instance of SCP-967-1 \u2014 other than interacting with it. The total number of tribes has not been determined; however, four have been definitively identified, with tentative identification of a fifth (see document 967-HN4-27).\nDocument 967-HN4-27: List of sapient sub-populations found within SCP-967\n\n\"The Queen's Own 17th Coal-Fired, Newcastle-upon-Tyne\" - a population claiming to be a \"mechano-biological regiment\" of injured veterans from the \"Steam War of 1892\", these entities also claim to be citizens of the United Kingdom. They are largely cooperative and helpful towards Foundation personnel (with the exception of certain outdated sociopolitical attitudes), but have made repeated requests for the Foundation to \"restore\" them so that they can leave the confines of SCP-967.\n\"Give Take\" - a population of nomadic traders\n\"Assembly Required\" - a population of hostile expansionists whose goal is the conversion of all external territory into SCP-967; members of Assembly Required have been responsible for no less than \u2588\u2588\u2588 attempts to breach containment\n\"Remainder\" - a population of religious nihilists who refuse to acknowledge the existence of Foundation researchers, or of the world outside SCP-967 in general.\n\"The Ballet Academy\" - although exploration teams have assessed the Ballet Academy as non-sapient due to the stereotypy of their behavior, members of The Queen's Own, Give Take, and Assembly Required have all repeatedly stated that the Ballet Academy is \"terrifyingly\" sapient. The Ballet Academy is unlike other SCP-967 subpopulations in the compositional homogeneity of its members: all members of the Ballet Academy are humanoid entities wearing battered US Army gear circa the Vietnam war, with fleshless moose (Alces alces) skulls for heads, and loudspeakers on their chests. All encounters with the Ballet Academy have been identical: a group of twenty entities will face the exploration team, and the loudspeakers on their chests will activate, saying \"And now, the Ballet Academy will perform Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring, with original choreography by Vaslav Nijinsky\". The entities will then dance for 28 minutes (during which no music is audible).\n\n\u00ab SCP-966 | SCP-967 | SCP-968 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-968\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-968 is kept in the center of large porcelain bowl with a steep curve. The bowl itself is made for transport, feeding, and removal of waste from SCP-968. It is lined with steel and braces designed to tip the bowl when needed. The bowl measures 7 meters across and 4 meters deep. While dormant, SCP-968 should be kept in an enclosed environment atmosphere at 3% humidity or less, between 30 and 35 degrees Celsius. To achieve a maximum state of submission, SCP-968 is to be \"fed\" between 50 and 80 kilograms of protein every 4 days.\nClean up of waste is achieved by tilting the bowl using the mechanical platform. SCP-968 will typically hold to one side of the bowl while waste slides down to the lowest point. A drip torch is used to ignite particulate waste and ash is removed by using blowers.\nDescription: Commonly known as the \"Tar Baby,\" SCP-968 appears as a black, adhesive high-viscosity oil. Current research explains SCP-968 as a colony of fibrous protozoa working together without any true structure, central nervous system or endocrine system, despite observations of cellular coordination.\nSimilar to the flexing properties of animal muscle, these fibrous protozoa are capable of pulling on one another with a combined strength. Specialized flagella along their surfaces allow for the gripping of prey and surfaces but without tendons, ligaments or skeletal material to support it, SCP-968 is incapable of any significant locomotion. The colony \"hunts\" by mimicking the appearance of prey or a wounded animal to lure other predators to attack it. In the presence of humans, it has \"learned\" that mimicking the shape of an incapacitated infant or small child is the optimal lure for human beings.\nOnce ensnared, prey often exacerbate the situation by struggling against SCP-968, which serves only to compound the adhesion; the effect is much like quicksand. The exhausted prey is pulled either to a \"den\" or underwater to be drowned. SCP-968 pulls against its prey in opposite directions on both macroscopic and microscopic levels to mechanically dismember its prey until it is torn into small enough fragments to digest on a cellular level.\nThough SCP-968 has shown a heightened level of intelligence, SCP-968 appears to have a single-minded devotion to feeding and exhibits no other desires. Attempts to freeze SCP-968 for analysis have proven extremely hazardous. It conducts heat through friction and metabolism, keeping parts of itself from freezing. The frozen parts of SCP-968 provide a structure for its fibrous tendrils to act against, much like muscle on bone.\nIt is advised not to continue freezing attempts, as SCP-968 may \"learn\" to use the bone structure of its prey to escape or attack Foundation personnel.\nAcquisition: SCP researchers and Task Force Epsilon-9 (aka. \"Fire Eaters\") were dispatched to North Central Africa after an Associated Press reporter put several seconds of film onto the Internet. In the video, an indigenous man was seen being pulled into a dark pool of water. The reporter was on location to investigate reports of locals being consumed by shadows. After considering known African folklore, it was believed that fire was the tool of choice to be used in suppression and containment.\nThough well equipped and informed, Epsilon Force had great trouble containing the entity that was to be later labeled SCP-968. Before the arrival of Epsilon team, it became apparent that SCP-968 had established snares of itself across nearly two square kilometers of savanna. By attaching itself to animals and allowing its prey to flee for nearly a kilometer in every direction, SCP-968 was capable of weaving a web of fine tendrils, up trees, down holes, and across small bodies of water. While used in the future acquisition of prey, it proved to be a battlefield level ambush for Epsilon. Fire has only a minimal effect on SCP-968. While it doesn't actually destroy it, enough heat causes it to recoil and release whatever it has held fast to. Members of Epsilon-9 were at first reluctant at using their flame accelerators on team members who had been ensnared by SCP-968.\n\n\u00ab SCP-967 | SCP-968 | SCP-969 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-969-34\n\nItem #: SCP-969\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-969 are to be kept in Containment Locker 19-969. All personnel are to be issued information annually on the appearance of SCP-969 instances. Personnel encountering an instance of SCP-969 are to retrieve it through preferably legal means.\nDescription: SCP-969 is a brand of packet insect repellent apparently distributed by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation. There are no legal or online records of any \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation. SCP-969 is typically found on the shelves of various convenience stores mainly in the United States and Canada.1 Instances of SCP-969 will appear on store shelving and records with preset pricing. Store workers show no memory of adding SCP-969 to their inventory.\nSCP-969's packaging claims that approximately 19% of SCP-969 is composed of an unknown chemical labeled \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The labeling seems to imply that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is the active ingredient of SCP-969. Researchers have isolated all other chemicals in SCP-969 but have been unable to identify \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, lending credence to its role as the active ingredient of SCP-969's effects. Given the anomalous properties of SCP-969, it is suspected that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 may not be an isomer of its corresponding chemicals in SCP-969, as the packaging claims.\nInstructions for the application of SCP-969 are on the other side of SCP-969's packaging:\n\nDIRECTIONS FOR USE:\nIt is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.2\nRead all directions before using this product.\nTo repel insects, rub on exposed skin areas. Use just enough repellent to cover exposed skin. Do not use under clothing. Do not apply to face or ears. Repeat as needed.\nFrequent application and saturation is unnecessary for effectiveness. Avoid overexposure. Wipe hands after use. After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water. Avoid contact with plastics, acetate, spandex, and rayon.\n\nUse of SCP-969 in the recommended manner results in no anomalous effects, although researchers note a greater efficacy of use of SCP-969 over other brands.\nUse of SCP-969 in a manner not recommended by the packaging results in several anomalous effects.\n\nRecommendation not followed\nImmediate Effect\nChronic or Lasting Effect\n\nSCP-969 applied to unexposed skin under clothing\nClothing appears to be repelled from skin of subject, expanding outwards\nNone3\n\nSCP-969 applied to face\nIrritation in line with regular effects of insect repellents\nFace of subject is found mainly unattractive, regardless of physical change\n\nSCP-969 applied to ears\nLoud buzzing noise heard by subject\nHearing degradation and eventual deafness\n\nFrequent application resulting in overexposure\nExtreme alienation by subject of all observers\nDepression\n\nHands not wiped after use\nExpressed struggle of holding onto several objects\nInability to grasp or handle any object with hands\n\nApplied indoors / Not washed off indoors\nObservers show tendency to avoid contact with shelter of subject\nCondemnation of shelter\n\nSCP-969 applied to any plastic overcoat\nOvercoat began contracting. Subject was unable to escape overcoat. Death of subject.\nOvercoat remained contracted.\n\nAddendum 969-1:\n==LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE REQUIRED==\n\nUnauthorized viewing of the following documentation will result in reprimand\n\n-\n\nSCP-969 given to child\nSubject immediately began to experience growth until subject became young adult\nBodily maturity but mental immaturity\n\nAddendum 969-2: Incident 969-1:\nFollowing repeated use of SCP-969, several federal vehicles were seen approaching Site-\u2588\u2588. Security forces were deployed and all federal agents were successfully captured. When interviewed, the agents claimed that they had received orders to arrest several substance abusers at the Site-\u2588\u2588 location. So far the source of the orders has not been identified. Agents were administered a Class-A amnestic and returned to \u2588\u2588\u2588 Headquarters.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Instances of SCP-969 have also been discovered in the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Australia, however their frequency of appearance is relatively minor.\n2. While there are laws surrounding the use of insect repellents, there are no laws regarding \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation or \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n3. Effect wears off after approximately 5 hours\n\n\u00ab SCP-968 | SCP-969 | SCP-970 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-970\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All sites affected by SCP-970 are to be acquired by the Foundation, with a suitable cover established. Civilians attempting to enter the site are to be discouraged, preferably within the boundaries of local law; trespassers are to be administered a class-A amnestic.\nIn light of Experiment-04 and Addendum 970-02, armed personnel are to be stationed by entries into affected sites.\nDescription: SCP-970 is a spatial phenomenon wherein a collection of rooms are looped on themselves. In all cases found, this is by means of a series of doors appearing in the walls, all in a straight line, such that it is possible to walk forwards and end up at the starting position. The alteration to the rooms does not affect neighbouring rooms and floors. There is as of yet no known explanation for the appearance of this phenomenon.\nSCP-970-01 is a cell-block within Sector 19, and the first example of the SCP-970 phenomenon encountered by the Foundation. It was constructed with the intent of housing class-D personnel, and fulfilled that purpose until \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when several D-classes breached containment in an escape attempt. The investigation into the incident led to the discovery that a series of doors had appeared in the cell-block, leading into rooms on the opposite side of the corridor. It was quickly established that the layout of the building did not support this addition, and that the rooms were following a non-standard geometry.\nSince the incident, \u2588\u2588 further such examples of the phenomenon have been discovered, with \u2588\u2588% of these in an 800-kilometer radius of Sector 19. One notable example was found within the western wing of the [REDACTED] legislative palace; in this instance, the Foundation was unable to acquire the affected site, and local authorities proved intractable and hostile when recommendations on security were made. The matter was resolved six months later, in a violent coup which saw the destruction of the building, resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED] was eventually contained by Mobile Task Forces Rho-8 and Pi-1, supported by the rebel forces.\nAddendum 970-01: Experimentation Logs for SCP-970\n\nExperiment-01\n\nExperiment-01\n\nD-970-294 was given a head-mounted camera and instructed to walk through the doors of SCP-970-01. Subject expressed doubts as to the possibility of the phenomenon, but followed orders. Subject successfully navigated the rooms, expressing alarm and surprise to discover himself at his starting point. Video footage and internal measuring devices show that the subject did not deviate noticeably from a straight line, but nevertheless emerged on the other side of the corridor; the anomaly is confirmed.\n\nThis experiment was intended to provide a baseline for comparison with other experiments - though, given the single property of the phenomenon, I am unsure as to how we will be able to test it. - Dr Jung\n\nExperiment-02\n\nExperiment-02\n\nD-970-295 was instructed to repeat the above instructions for as long as he felt able. Water and food were made available, and the subject was told that he was to stop only when either instructed to or upon reaching exhaustion.\nSubject showed a normal appetite for the exertion, and continued for 205 iterations, whereupon the subject reacted with confusion on fetching his water. He claimed that Researcher Taylor had previously had black hair, whereas she now had blonde hair. At no point during the experiment had Taylor dyed her hair, and colleagues claim that she has had the same hair colour for nine months. Taylor admitted that she had considered colouring her hair black the previous night, but chose not to. Examination of the subject's recording indeed showed Taylor with black hair until the 205th iteration. On further examination, other small differences between iterations were noted. The experiment was called to an immediate end.\n\nI take it back. Further testing is necessary. - Dr Jung\n\nExperiment-03\n\nExperiment-03\n\nD-970-296 was given a chipped card containing the following items of data:\n\na 16-bit pseudo-random number, called Datum A;\nthe final score of a football match that finished twenty minutes before the experiment began, called Datum B;\nthe morning's DOW Jones index, called Datum C;\na five-day weather forecast for the continental United States, from two days before, called Datum D.\n\nA scanner was erected by the west door to record the data as the subject walked through. D-970-296 was once again instructed to repeat the instructions of Experiment-01 for as long as he felt able.\nDatum A diverged from its original value after the first iteration, as expected.\nDatum B first diverged from its original value after 24 iterations, with the range of deviation extending with successive iterations. (Here the experiment was paused briefly; it is recommended for future researchers that they ensure none of their colleagues have an emotional investment in the match.)\nAt 76 iterations, the first unpredicted event occurred; this iteration of the card featured a lengthy note in addition to the data presented, and an alternative definition of Datum B (the score of a women's basketball game). Researcher Taylor had previously suggested this for Datum B, but had been overruled by Dr Jung (see above note on emotional investment). The iteration of D-970-296 present at the time did not wish to comment further on the incident, as he had been similarly interrogated for 10 successive iterations until a previous Dr Jung put the note on the card. The scanner was reprogrammed to add notes to the end of each card.\nNote from Research Assistant Boston: Dr Jung initially encountered technical problems with the scanner, prompting Researcher Taylor to \"go and fetch someone who knows what he's doing\", at which point she walked through the doors to the previous iteration, returning with a second Dr Jung. The \"original\" Dr Jung proved unwilling to be assisted, leading to a row between the two doctors, which was only exacerbated when a third Dr Jung emerged from the next iteration, complaining about the slow pace of the experiment. The disagreement was eventually broken up by security, who mandated A) the reprogramming of the scanner by the second Doctor Jung, and B) that all staff remain in their particular iteration to avoid confusion.\nAt 157 iterations, an unidentified man appeared in the place of D-970-296. The man was immediately restrained according to security procedures; analysis of the notes on his card indicated that he was in fact D-970-296, and that in his original iteration a different D-class had been allocated to the experiment. D-970-296-1 (as he will now be known) showed signs of bruising, allegedly from multiple enthusiastic restraints during this experiment. Dr Jung provided a cardboard sign to hang around his neck, reading \"I AM AUTHORISED TO BE HERE, PLEASE READ THE NOTES\"; D-970-296-1 showed gratitude.\nDatum C first diverged from its original value after 234 iterations; Datum D did not diverge within the span of the experiment (371 iterations).\n\nThis experiment establishes that as the number of iterations increases, the point of divergence from our own iteration lies further in the past. It also shows the wisdom in planning any experiment involving SCP-970-01 some time in advance, to ensure that all nearby iterations are working from the same basis. In addition to this, the incident noted by Research Assistant Boston shows that neighbouring iterations remain consistent throughout the period of interaction. - Dr Jung\n\nExperiment-04\n\nExperiment-04\n\nA robotic probe was programmed to recognise and open the doors of SCP-970-01, and fitted with a camera. Recharging facilities were made available in the corridor, to be automatically accessed when the probe was under 5% charge. The camera was fitted with a [REDACTED]-locking chip, resonating with a computer within the corridor in the first iteration. This experiment differs from Experiment-03, as it intends to relay information to the first iteration, whereas Experiment-03 passed information down to further iterations.\nThe film displayed approximately six hundred hours worth of footage, approximating to [REDACTED] iterations. Analysis of the recording has shown the following iterations to be of note:\n\n213 - the first immediately-noticeable difference (Dr Jung is wearing a red tie);\n704 - Researcher Taylor is absent, and does not appear again until:\n1061 - Researcher Taylor reappears, but her identity pass declares her a doctor;\n[REDACTED] - the research team appear to be under attack; Dr Jung has been shot in the chest.\n[REDACTED] - the research team have disappeared; the wall is covered in blood. The following symbols can be seen in the blood: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n[REDACTED] - the research team [DATA EXPUNGED] facial features.\n\nI do not believe that anything can be established by further experimentation. - Dr Jung\n\nAddendum 970-02: Following a nervous breakdown, Researcher Taylor has been admitted to the psychiatric ward. Other members of the research team have undergone similar, though less severe, reactions. The footage from Experiment-04 is believed to be the cause of the problems, and all affected personnel have been administered Class-B amnestics as part of their treatment. Experimentation on SCP-970 has been ceased for the immediate future, and the security on affected sites has been upgraded.\n\n\u00ab SCP-969 | SCP-970 | SCP-971 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-971\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-971 is to be kept in its labeled file folder and locked in file cabinet #26 in Site-19's file vault when not being used for testing. Keys to both the file vault and file cabinet #26 are held by onsite senior administrative members, and access to SCP-971 for testing is to be allowed only with explicit written permission from Level-4 personnel or higher. Due to potentially harmful environmental impact, testing of SCP-971 may not be scheduled more than once a week. Instances of SCP-971-1 have no special properties other than their mode of delivery, and may be disposed of normally.\nDescription: SCP-971 is an old and worn delivery menu printed on a standard sheet of 21.6 cm by 28 cm (8.5 by 11 inches) printer paper. The name of the delivery service is listed as Quik 'n Ready Mealz [sic]. No records of such a business exist, and the parent company named on the menu, [REDACTED], denies ownership of said food delivery service. The menu lists the company name, a phone number (1-800-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) and several different food items, each preceded by an item code. The food items are typical fast food items, including hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, chicken fingers, assorted seasoned fries and carbonated beverages (all [REDACTED] brand sodas). The menu features no pictures or prices of the food, and the typeface and design are both minimal and simplistic.\nWhen holding SCP-971 and calling the phone number listed, the caller will be sent to an automated menu system. (NOTE - calling the same phone number without holding the menu will send the caller to a help desk for [REDACTED] software. The phone number listed on the menu corresponds to that company's listed phone number for their help desk). The automated menu will prompt the caller to input the item codes for the food they desire, and then for their credit card number to pay for the order. Once item codes and credit card number are input, the automated system will tell the caller the total price, thank them and then disconnect the call. The caller's credit card will be immediately charged for the total price of the order, plus the local tax rate for prepared food. The prices for orders made with SCP-971 are always comparatively lower than prices for other popular fast food chains in the caller's current location.\nOnce the call disconnects, about 15 or 20 minutes will pass; afterwards, a paper bag with Quik n' Ready Mealz logo (designated SCP-971-1) will appear near the caller. SCP-971-1 almost always appears when all potential observers' attention in the vicinity is diverted elsewhere. Remote video observation of SCP-971-1's appearance has been reasonably successful, although not particularly informative (SCP-971-1 simply appears instantaneously with no visual indication of its method of delivery). SCP-971-1 will contain the same items chosen in the phone menu, and all items will be cooked and prepared to normal Food Safety and Inspection Service health standards. Aside from the method of delivery, the only other anomalous feature of the food delivered is the undefinable meat used for the listed burgers, sandwiches and other meat containing items.\nThe meat used in the food is from an unknown source, and tends to be a bit tough and gamey. Simple testing has proven that it is not from typical beef or chicken stock, and personnel D-1282 (convicted on multiple counts of cannibalism) verifies that the meat is not human. More rigorous testing of SCP-971 samples has been approved. The meat used in the food is from assorted animals on the EEC Endangered Species List. Further DNA testing on the meat, as well as reports of sudden weight loss and muscle mass loss in animals from several zoos, confirms meat from pandas, cheetahs, red wolves, and several other species recognized as endangered. Currently all meat tested from meals that SCP-971 provides are from animals that are commonly known endangered species to the general public, not the more esoteric endangered species such as the equatorial dog-faced bat or the Oklahoma cave amphipod.\nThe food does not seem to cause any compulsion to eat it, nor does eating the endangered animal fast food meals cause any overt physical harm to subjects eating it (save for the high fat, sodium and calorie counts associated with fast food). The menu itself causes no compulsion to use it over other fast food menus in double-blind testing, and has shown no ability to teleport or reproduce when left alone. Occasionally, other copies of SCP-971 are found outside of Foundation control - as scanned and printed copies of SCP-971 have the same abnormal properties of the original, these copies are to be confiscated and destroyed. Due to the lack of memetic effects or mobility from SCP-971, this SCP is considered Safe and requires only minimal containment procedures.\nAny further testing with SCP-971 is on hold due to possible harm to endangered species and due to minimal data gathered during testing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-970 | SCP-971 | SCP-972 \u00bb"} {"text": "\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\n\n+ More articles by weizhong\n\n- Hide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-2006\n\nSCP-2950\n\nSCP-2599\n\nSCP-2800\n\nSCP-3200\n\nSCP-4007\n\nSCP-2750\n\nSCP-2201\n\nSCP-2101\n\nSCP-2050\n\nSCP-2440\n\nSCP-2301\n\nSCP-1842\n\nSCP-2012\n\nSCP-1644\n\nSCP-2499\n\nSCP-2775\n\nSCP-2925\n\nSCP-1758\n\nSCP-7030\n\nSCP-972\n\nSCP-314-J\n\nSCP-2625\n\nSCP-2588\n\nSCP-6030\n\nSCP-5725\n\nSCP-2896\n\nSCP-5975\n\n+ All Tales by weizhong\n\n- Hide list\n\nTales\n\nThe Meaning of Fear\n\nRight?\n\nThe Tinkerer\n\nAfter The End\n\nSpirit Dust\n\nLeisure Time\n\nMission Accomplished\n\nA Broken Tool\n\nThe Space Soldier\n\nOf Meetings and Meals\n\nTrip Hammer\n\nEulogies\n\nAll Work and No Play\n\nAnother Day On The Job\n\nUnveiling\n\nConferencing\n\n+ GOI formats by weizhong\n\n- Hide list\n\nSCPs\n\nUIU File: 2017-003\n\nUIU File: 1933-001\n\n+ All coauthored articles featuring weizhong\n\n- Hide list\n\nPage\nAuthors\n\nUnusual Incidents Unit Hub\nDrewbear, CryogenChaos\n\nProject Palisade, 001 Proposal\nthedeadlymoose, Drewbear, and Dexanote\n\nTKO\nthedeadlymoose and Drewbear\n\nSCP-5050-EX\nCityToast\n\nCompetitive Teleology\nRiemann\n\nSCP-5882\nRiemann\n\n\nItem #: SCP-972\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-972 is to be housed in a standard humanoid containment chamber. Requests for additional furnishings or amenities are to be submitted to Dr. Louef and may be granted so long as they do not violate Foundation security protocols. All personnel physically interacting with SCP-972 must pass Infectious Disease Protocol (Foundation SOP-89B) prior to working with the anomaly.\nAny and all contact with SCP-972 should take place in a manner that limits potential vectors of disease transmission for SCP-972-1. Should physical contact be deemed necessary, all personnel should don Class V Infectious Hazard gear to limit potential spread of SCP-972-1.\nDescription: SCP-972 is a human male of Turkish descent, formerly known as Ahmet Osman, approximately 23 years of age, standing 1.75 meters in height and weighing approximately 130 kg. In most respects, SCP-972 demonstrates baseline human qualities, with the notable exception of its mutualistic relationship with SCP-972-1.\nSCP-972-1 is an anomalous double stranded DNA-reverse transcriptase (dsDNA-RT) virus that most resembles members of the Hepadnaviridae1 family. SCP-972-1 has a uniquely limited natural host range that is believed to solely consist of SCP-972. SCP-972-1 possesses a unique reproductive life cycle that enables it to remain in nucleocapsid form for long periods of time within the host cells of SCP-972, essentially enabling it to remain \"dormant\" for long periods of time without being degraded by the host. The presence of SCP-972-1 has been found in nearly all cells comprising SCP-972, with the sole exception of germline reproductive cells (i.e, sperm), indicating that SCP-972-1 is capable of using nearly any somatic cell type within SCP-972 as a host. Further SCP-972-1 reproduction occurs upon host cell contact with non-infected somatic cells, causing the proliferation of SCP-972-1 within the original host cell before the virus is released onto the new host cell, resulting in its infection.\nSCP-972's primary anomalous effect triggers upon infection of SCP-972 by foreign viral or bacterial agents. In both cases, SCP-972-1 is believed to act in order to eliminate hostile foreign infection and preserve the host cell in question. Upon contact with bacteria during infection, SCP-972-1 causes the host cell to over-stimulate lysosome activity, creating hydrolytic enzymes that rapidly destroy all phagocytized bacteria. A similar mechanism of action is seen to occur during viral infection, which results in destruction of infectious viral particles. The means by which SCP-972-1 is able to recognize hostile activity is unknown; SCP-972-1 has shown the capability to recognize and destroy anomalous viruses such as those generated by SCP-1242, indicating that its recognition method is non-mundane.\nThe consequence of SCP-972-1's anomalous activity is such that SCP-972 is effectively immune to all known forms of infectious disease. Any introduction of infectious diseases to SCP-972 results in complete destruction of the disease within a period ranging from 24 hours to 1 week, depending on the reproductive potential of the disease in question. During this period, SCP-972 experiences minor symptoms found in common diseases such as elevated body temperature, reduced appetite, and overall lethargy, but otherwise demonstrates no symptoms of the specific disease that it was infected with.\nSCP-972 Acquisition Report: SCP-972 came into Foundation custody on 5/6/2016 following a joint operation with the UIU that raided a Marshall Carter & Dark facility that had been housing SCP-972 and a number of other humanoid anomalies. Numerous files pertaining to SCP-972 were recovered during this operation, the relevant contents of which have been trimmed and included below.\n\nInitial Report\n\nAuthor\nJonathan Barker\nDate\nJune 05, 2008\n\nInterest\nHigh\nIdentifier\nPanacea\n\nWhile scoping out other merchandise, I came across this particular specimen which I think might be our golden goose. He's immune to any kind of disease that we can toss at him, with no side effects that we've been able to find so far. Biology department has done their work on him, and found out that he's got some existing virus in his blood that prevents any diseases from affecting him. We're conducting research to see whether or not this carries over to people who receive a transplant of his blood. Initial results are pretty promising, and the biology department is revving up their tests, so they should have full results soon.\n\nMore importantly for us (and you're not gonna believe the luck on this one), the kid's got O-negative blood. If we milk this cash cow right, we could be swimming in revenue for decades. How many people you think will pony up for a vial of blood that can kill any disease? Hell, we've got plenty of clientele who will probably pay a pretty penny to get rid of their worst habits, if you catch my drift.\n\nFile Opened Under:\nPNCEA/8MER1/Z62FT\n\nMarshall, Carter and Dark, LLP.\n\nResearch Update 1\n\nPNCEA/8MER1/Z62FT\n\nSender\nJonathan Barker\nRecipient\nMalcolm Jones\n\nInitial tests are giving us the greenlight for mass production. Our first buyer (who signed waivers out the ass for the privilege) had been on antiviral therapy for HIV for about 10 years. One transplant of Panacea blood later, and he's cleared of the disease in a week. Biology department is already working round the clock to figure out the minimum amount that we need to transplant to each patient, as well as the most efficient production schedule that we can run with the specimen.\n\nSo, what color do you want your new car to be, sir? Starting to do some shopping for mine.\n\nMarshall, Carter and Dark, LLP\n\nResearch Update 2\n\nPNCEA/8MER1/Z62FT\n\nSender\nJonathan Barker\nRecipient\nMalcolm Jones\n\nWe've worked out a procedure and a minimum dosage that optimizes our production schedule. Extractions three times a week, with a rest period of a week every two months is about the limit that the biology department thinks we can feasibly run without too much wear and tear. We've already got about 100 orders on record, and it's barely been a week.\n\nP.S: You were right, Elizabeth loves the electric green. Great choice.\n\nMarshall, Carter and Dark, LLP\n\nResearch Update 3\n\nPNCEA/8MER1/Z62FT\n\nSender\nDr. Hrishikesh Sharma\nRecipient\nMalcolm Jones\n\nWe're shutting down Panacea. Barker got a little over-eager, and pushed it out faster than we would've liked in the biology department, but I guess the dollar signs were too much to resist. Panacea does its job admirably in terms of eliminating hostile infections, but the problem occurs when the viral load approaches a tipping point in the new body.\n\nWe know that the virus eventually spreads to almost all of the cells in the body (as we saw from the original specimen years ago), but the issue occurs in all hosts that aren't the original specimen: the virus won't quit replicating. We're not sure why, but the virus continues to grow out of control in all of its new hosts, until the point at which the host cells start bursting due to the overabundance of viral particles. This can occur slowly over time, or all at once, and let me tell you, the results are not pretty. Our first buyer had to be scooped to the morgue in jars.\n\nThe rate at which this occurs is variable in hosts. Some hosts can live for decades without any problems, but in others, it starts showing signs within a few years. Moreover, it's not just his blood that transmits it-we've seen early signs in some workers who we think came into contact with his saliva, meaning that there are a lot of employees who need to be tested. Once word of this gets out, nobody's going to trust our products anymore. We have to shut it down now and bury the evidence before this fully bites us in the ass. I've tabbed the original specimen for disposal-he's already in transit to the dump site.\n\nMarshall, Carter and Dark, LLP\n\nFootnotes\n1. Family of viruses that includes Hepatitis B\n\n\u00ab SCP-971 | SCP-972 | SCP-973 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-973\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-973's nature precludes it from full containment within the Foundation. Due to the danger it presents, the 60-kilometer stretch of US Route \u2588\u2588 on which it is known to manifest is to be under satellite surveillance at all times. Any vehicles attempting to travel the designated section of highway between 22:00 and 04:30 are to be diverted to the detours at exits \u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588 by Foundation personnel. Trespassers are to be forcibly arrested and detained if the need arises.\nDescription: SCP-973 consists of two entities. SCP-973-1 is a police cruiser, resembling those used by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 state troopers in the early 1970s. The vehicle appears to be in an advanced state of disrepair: eyewitness accounts have consistently mentioned large dents in the doors and hood, a heavily cracked windshield, heavy rusting, and a loose rear bumper secured with duct tape.\nSCP-973-2 is reported as a Caucasian male in his late forties, wearing a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 state trooper uniform dating from the same time period as SCP-973-1. Subject is described as balding, slightly overweight, and having a handlebar mustache.\nSCP-973 will manifest at night when another vehicle enters the designated territory, and is believed to be triggered by the target vehicle accelerating over a certain speed. This limit varies, with the average being in the area of 88.5 km/h (55 mph), but it can range anywhere between 53.3 km/h (35 mph) and 112.7 km/h (70 mph). No predictable pattern or connection between differing limits has been found as of yet.\nWhen this limit is broken, SCP-973 will appear approximately 0.4 km behind the target vehicle and will chase down the target at high speed with the siren and flashers on. This is accompanied by a looping message played on the target's radio, consisting of the phrase \u201cRun, [EXPLETIVE DELETED]\u201d. In \u2588\u2588% of cases, the target will flee with SCP-973 in pursuit and will be overtaken in 1-6 minutes. At this point, [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe remains of thirty-four individuals and nineteen vehicles have been found within 6.4 km of the affected roadway. The range of damage done to bodies includes evisceration, rape, [DATA EXPUNGED], and three cases where the body had been damaged by the impact to the point that visual identification was impossible. Five survivors are within Foundation custody, all suffering from varying degrees of mental trauma. The recovered vehicles showcase heavy impact damage, both environmental and inflicted, and severe burn damage to the interior.\nAddendum-1: Destroying the roadway affected by SCP-973 has proven ineffective. The demolition of part of State Route \u2588\u2588 in 1983 led to SCP-973 relocating itself to its current position.\nAddendum-2: 08/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 - Attempt to capture and contain SCP-973 fails, resulting in the death of nine agents. SCP-973 is believed to be wounded, but is not incapacitated, re-appearing nine days later. Firsthand accounts indicate a change in SCP-973-2's appearance, as shown in this excerpt from the post-mission interview of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\n\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I can't really say. He just looked\u2026different. His eyes were red, I remember that, and his mouth was just this black hole. No teeth, no tongue, just a hole. I was too busy shooting at him to get a better look than that.\n\nAddendum-3: SCP-973's area of effect seems to be expanding, as does the window of time that manifestations occur. Security protocols have been adapted to this.\n\n\u00ab SCP-972 | SCP-973 | SCP-974 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-974\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: One specimen of SCP-974 is kept within Zoological Reserve Site 16 in a lightly wooded containment area measuring no greater than 2500 m\u00b2. An armed patrol is to be conducted at least once weekly in order to ascertain the status of any instances of SCP-974-2 and destroy any that are determined to be no longer in use.\nOnce every 3 months, a group of no fewer than 4 children between ages 6-12 are to be acquired per Protocol 12 and transported to the containment area. They will be housed in on-site barracks and daily encouraged to explore and play in the containment area. If SCP-974 has not targeted one of the children within 5 days, a different group of children will be introduced. This cycle is to be repeated until it is confirmed that at least 1 child has been targeted by SCP-974.\nIf SCP-974 attempts to leave the containment area, on-site security will herd it back using flamethrowers.\nAgents are instructed to attempt to capture any instances of SCP-974 encountered in the wild, but are authorized to use lethal force to eliminate SCP-974 if capture is not feasible. This may include the total immolation of any areas inhabited by SCP-974, if warranted.\nIf any instances of SCP-974-A are encountered, they are to be destroyed as rapidly as possible. See Document 974-C(4b-f) for a full list of recommended weaponry and tactics.\nDescription: SCP-974 is a carnivorous creature that superficially resembles a human child. It possesses greater durability, strength and stamina than a child of commensurate size and does not appear to be deterred by bullets or melee weaponry. It has been demonstrated to have an extremely adverse reaction to open flame, however.\nAlthough SCP-974 can briefly subsist on small animals such as squirrels or birds, its primary and preferred food source is prepubescent human children. Each time it successfully consumes a human child, it enters a state of torpor and its form changes over the course of 10-12 days to replicate that of the most recently consumed child. It is capable of speaking any language the consumed child knew, although its vocabulary and speech structure is always very limited and simple.\nSCP-974's preferred habitat is lightly wooded areas such as parks or undeveloped land near moderately populated human settlements. Once it has settled into a new territory, it uses local vegetation, wood and other available materials to create between 1 and 5 \"nests\", designated SCP-974-2. SCP-974-2 are generally simple, crudely built, one-room structures, and are usually placed in the lower limbs of a tree or on low rises of land.\nOnce SCP-974 has built at least one instance of SCP-974-2, it will seek to lure a group of between 2 and 5 prey subjects to SCP-974-2 by entreating them to follow it to the structure in order to play. SCP-974 will participate in simple, physical play activities such as hide-and-seek or tag with the subjects, allowing them to leave and return at a later time. This behavior pattern can last up to a week before SCP-974 invites a single prey target to play with it alone. At this point, whether the target accepts or declines the offer, SCP-974 will subdue the target and [REDACTED], leaving the clothing with only minor damage and fluid staining. SCP-974 will typically abandon SCP-974-2 after this, although it will remain in its territory until the local population of children is depleted.\nSCP-974 displays a heightened \"fight or flight\" reaction to the presence of post-pubescent humans and will immediately attempt to flee to an instance of SCP-974-2 if it is aware that it is visible to such an individual. If retreat is not an option, SCP-974 becomes highly aggressive and will attack all known post-pubescent individuals. Due to its increased strength, SCP-974 has been known to dismember the targets of its attacks before being dissuaded through standard containment procedures.\nAddendum A-3: Following an investigation by the Ethics Committee, containment protocols have been adjusted to no longer include providing live human prey for SCP-974 as of 01/01/201\u2588. Attempts to use SCP-1680 instances as a substitute have failed following SCP-974 rejection of all instances it has been presented with. An increased stock of small animals typical for the environment will be introduced in order to provide sustenance for SCP-974.\nAddendum D-1: On 08/16/201\u2588, during the weekly sweep of Zoological Reserve Site 16, patrol teams discovered that all previously existing SCP-974-2 structures had been destroyed, apparently by brute force methods. No new structures could be located, but the teams did locate a roughly oval patch of freshly disturbed soil, measuring roughly 1.5 m x 2.2 m. Following consultation with the Site supervisors, a geological team was dispatched to use ground-penetrating radar to image the patch of soil.\nThe GPR revealed a humanoid figure curled into a fetal position 1.3 meters below ground level. Continual scanning over the course of 10 days revealed no changes in position and supervisory personnel decided to exhume SCP-974 in order to more closely examine it. At that stage, SCP-974 measured 2.2 m in length and weighed 37.4 kg. It did not have any visible orifices or facial features. Its skin was white and slightly tacky. Later analysis revealed the presence of several previously unknown enzymes in the mucus coating of SCP-974. No respirations were detected, although a faint and slow heartbeat was detected. After a further 4 weeks of monitoring, during which the heartbeats ceased, SCP-974 was dissected. For a complete breakdown of its anatomical structure, see Document 974-F(1a-j).\nAddendum H-11: On 10/03/201\u2588, 7 instances of SCP-974 were identified in the greater \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 area and its surrounding suburbs. 6 of the instances were killed during attempts to capture. A cover story for the resulting wildfire was disseminated by Foundation counter-intelligence, blaming the cause on a confluence of a deliberately set fire, improperly extinguished campfire, and lightning strike.\nThe remaining example of SCP-974 was captured and transported to Zoological Reserve Site 16, where it was installed in the containment zone of the original creature. It too was denied human prey and buried itself on 12/17/201\u2588. The decision was made to leave the new instance of SCP-974 buried and see whether this represented a transient metamorphic stage. Constant GPR scanning revealed that SCP-974 grew in stature and size, apparently absorbing nutrients directly from the surrounding earth.\nAddendum H-12/Incident 974-Phi: On 01/25/201\u2588, SCP-974 dug itself free from the earth. The new form (hereby SCP-974-A) was highly aggressive, much more so than the initial form, and immediately ran towards the nearby monitoring station, where it ripped off the steel roof and attacked the monitoring crew. It fully dismembered all 6 members of the crew within 90 seconds and [REDACTED]. Less than 12% of the crews' bodies were later recovered.\nResponse teams quickly mobilized and, per containment protocols, arrived within 15 minutes. SCP-974-A mimicked the form of Georgia \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, one of the monitoring crew, and exited the monitoring station acting as if it was dazed or injured. It begged the teams for assistance, miming a serious wound, but did not appropriately respond to the response teams' password challenges. When the response teams refused to allow SCP-974-A to approach, it attacked. It demonstrated the same resistance to firearms and melee attacks as its initial form, but did not display a fear of flame and did not appear to be adversely affected by being set on fire.\nSCP-974-A was killed when Guard Emilio \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sacrificed his arm while shoving a live hand-grenade down SCP-974-A's throat. The resulting explosion did not rupture SCP-974-A's epidermis, but did cause sufficient internal damage such that the remainder of the teams were able to subdue it within 20 minutes.\n28 Commendations For Valor were awarded posthumously.\nAddendum H-25: In light of Incident 974-Phi, the original containment protocols have been re-instated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-973 | SCP-974 | SCP-975 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-975\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-975 is contained on-site. A 50 m section of the tunnel containing SCP-975-1 has been reinforced with 3 cm of titanium alloy plating and hermetically sealed, with the area accessible only via a secure airlock that is to be manned by at least two (2) armed guards at all times. This containment area is further sealed from the main tunnel network to deter urban explorers, and is now only accessible via an underground shaft in Site \u2588\u2588.\nAny attempts to communicate with SCP-975-2 instances must by approved by O5 Command and overseen by Site Command, who may terminate proceedings at any given time. Any SCP-975-2 instances attempting to escape the containment area must be detained.\nDescription: SCP-975-1 is an anomalous opening approximately 1.2 m in diameter, located in an abandoned section of the [REDACTED] subway system, which has been in disuse for a period of at least 40 years. This opening appears to be lined or composed of organic substances, and does not appear to extend beyond the ceiling of the tunnel, despite having significant apparent depth while open.\nPeriodically, SCP-975-1 will open and discharge a single instance of an entity designated SCP-975-2. While these entities superficially resemble frogs, they are in no way amphibians and in fact do not appear to have terrestrial physiology. SCP-975-2 is highly intelligent, and has quickly acquired the ability to communicate in English over a period of only six (6) months. There are currently 33 instances of SCP-975-2 in containment.\nSCP-975 was discovered on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 following reports of a homeless man in [REDACTED] being arrested by police after screaming about \"talking alien frogs\" in the [REDACTED] subway tunnels. Class A amnestics were administered to the witnesses, and SCP-975 was contained shortly thereafter.\nAddendum 975-01: Transcript of Communication Attempt with SCP-975-2-03 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is your purpose here?\nSCP-975-2-03: We ran.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What do you mean?\nSCP-975-2-03: We ran very long from danger.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What are you running from?\nSCP-975-2-03: We ran very far. We need safe from danger. We need home.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How did you get here?\nSCP-975-2-03: Door take us. Take us very far. [insistent] We need home.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Does this door work both ways?\nSCP-975-2-03: [agitated] We not want. Many danger very soon.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We need more information before we can move forward. What can you tell us about the other side?\nSCP-975-2-03: [agitated] No want.\n[end of transcript; SCP-975-2-03 refused to answer additional questions]\n\nAddendum 975-02: Incident 975-01\nOn \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588, a large radiation spike was detected in the containment area of SCP-975, triggering a breach alarm that was followed by a wide-scale loss of power in the area. Investigation by armed response personnel immediately afterward reported that one of the SCP-975-2 instances was missing, and that the remaining members were extremely agitated.\nSince this event, SCP-975-2 has become increasingly aggressive and have attempted to escape containment on several occasions, reporting that \"danger has come\" and that the area was \"not safe now\".\nAddendum 975-03: Researcher Note, \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nSCP-975-1 has exhibited no detectable changes, although no further instances of SCP-975-2 have appeared for over \u2588\u2588 weeks now. During this time, SCP-975-2 has refused to answer questions until they are \"make safe again\", and continue to attempt to escape containment.\n\n\u00ab SCP-974 | SCP-975 | SCP-976 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-976\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-976 is attached to an isolated research computer at Site-\u2588. All data from SCP-976 must be archived for analysis from automated backups made every 24 hours. Research on data extracted from SCP-976 requires level 2 clearance.\nSCP-976 must not be installed in any terminal with a live connection to the Site-\u2588 intranet or to any outside internet connection. Direct access to SCP-976 for purposes other than maintenance requires prior approval from at least two level 3 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-976 appears to be a Western Digital \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 model hard drive with an indicated capacity of 32 GB. The outside casing is identical to a hard drive of the indicated model and has a standard parallel ATA-100 interface. SCP-976 is unusually heavy, and all attempts to disassemble the outside casing have failed thus far.\nSCP-976 was found in Foundation research terminal computer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588 at Site-\u2588 during a mandatory security pass for ensuring the destruction of sensitive data prior to the disposal of electronic equipment. Its anomalous properties were discovered when technicians noted that its installation was in violation of standard equipment configuration guidelines, and was immediately taken into containment when the device was accessed and the data within analyzed. How SCP-976 ended up inside the terminal is unknown at this time.\nWhen connected to a standard PC and activated, SCP-976 operates normally, but with an abnormally high-pitched hum that does not match any known hard drive model. When read using a specially-designed interface, SCP-976 appears to contain a 32 GB 'slice' of a larger data repository, currently estimated at exceeding \u2588\u2588\u2588 TB in size. This 'slice' changes position every 24 hours at exactly 00:11:53 AM, thus necessitating all data on SCP-976 to be downloaded daily for analysis.\nFrom ongoing analysis of over \u2588,\u2588\u2588\u2588 'slices' of data extracted from SCP-976, the following file fragments have been reconstructed:\n\nSeveral fragments of news reports, including images and partial videos. These news items are all dated in the past, but do not match any news reports in Foundation archives.\nArchives documenting the use of [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED], technologies that have not been invented, or were never pursued in modern science.\nContainment procedures and experiment logs for SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, an object that was destroyed during acquisition and never contained.\nDetailed experiment logs for SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, which were never authorized due to the danger involved in said experiment proposals.\nDetailed descriptions for SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, objects that do not exist.\nA record of assets and SCP objects stored at Site-\u2588\u2588, which does not exist.\n\nAll data recovered from SCP-976 matches standard Foundation data formats, but otherwise do not seem to correspond to data found in Foundation archives. It is currently theorized that SCP-976 may be a 'window' into a Foundation archive from an alternate timeline or existence.\nAnalysis into data recovered from SCP-976 is ongoing.\nAddendum 976-1:\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were killed while accessing data on SCP-976 that appears to have contained a memetic kill agent similar to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Increased security has been requested for SCP-976 data, and automated data analysis must be used before opening unknown files.\n\n\u00ab SCP-975 | SCP-976 | SCP-977 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-977\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Access to the SCP-977 site has been restricted on the basis of ongoing asbestos removal and renovation. The site is to be secured by guards in standard \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 security company cover uniforms, with concealed armament. No fewer than three Foundation staff members are to be present on site at any time while research is being conducted. Personnel entering or leaving the building are required to don breathing masks and standard safety clothing to prevent suspicion.\nThe security cameras already existent in the building have been modified to link to SCP Foundation servers. Footage is automatically backed up every two hours both to local hard-drives and to off-site storage. Any developments are to be reported to site overseer Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Access to video recordings, research and logs may be granted by personnel with level 4 security clearance or higher.\nAddendum: Following incident 977-I-1, all staff must be escorted by at least one other staff member or member of security personnel at all times while on the SCP-977 site. Failure to follow these procedures will result in reprimands, including (but are not limited to) demotion of security level, loss of privileges, and denial of leave. Object class has been upgraded to Euclid.\nDescription: SCP-977 is a warehouse located in an industrial district in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The warehouse was brought to the Foundation's attention after it was declared abandoned in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and reports of its unusual properties intercepted. The Foundation subsequently purchased the building, designating it Site \u2588\u2588, and these reports were suppressed. Records state that the warehouse was constructed in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and, prior to being purchased by the company, was owned by several companies including [REDACTED], spanning a period of \u2588\u2588 years. However, numerous contradictions in the documentation recovered on these leases suggests that these operations were not functioning companies, and may have been cover operations for as yet unidentified group(s) or individual(s).\nSCP-977 is outwardly unremarkable and, aside from Foundation equipment and the security station, currently empty. Along with a single open storage space typical of a warehouse, the structure contains a number of white, irregular rooms and corridors, many of which are sunk below street level at varying depths, and are all characterized by unusual plateaus, varying ceiling heights and raised platforms.\nThe security station can be accessed via a stairwell next to docking bay C. The monitors are divided into two groups of eighteen, designated group-1 and group-2. All monitors have black and white displays, and do not receive sound. Group-1 receives signals from an unidentified source, showing numerous unconscious persons, visible from the shoulders upwards, wearing identical unisex hospital gowns. These images cycle at eight minute intervals, with a new image/subject replacing the previous one. A cross-reference of these images has identified a total of [REDACTED] unique faces at last count. Group-2 is receiving images of rooms and hallways that match the characteristics of the white rooms contained within the complex; however, while some of these images are verifiably originating from rooms within the warehouse itself, several others do not match the layout of any known room. The last three monitors in group-2 are currently not receiving any signal. The station also features a console with a text-based command input running a unique operating system, the functionality and interface of which are yet to be fully determined. Investigations in to the console's operation and the source of the unknown images are ongoing.\n\nResearch Log 977-A:\n\nLog-977-A-1\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nBasic control of the group-2 cameras was established by means of the command console, including rotation (limited to 45 degrees from origin for X-axis motion and 30 degrees for Y-axis motion) and zoom (to a maximum of 2.3x optical zoom). Investigation of seven of the eight cameras revealed nothing; however, a previously unseen figure was observed slumped against a distant wall of the hallway observed by camera 2-6. This hallway is not known to be part of the existing complex. The figure appears to be a dark-skinned male, wearing a hospital gown similar to those worn by subjects viewed on the group-1 monitors, though distance and image quality has hampered further investigation.\n\nLog-977-A-5\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLimited interaction with the cameras transmitting to the group-1 cameras was achieved. Catheters are observed protruding from the veins in each subject's right arm; however, the apparatus to which these are connected cannot be observed from this angle.\n\nLog-977-A-6\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nMovement is observed on monitor 2-11, observing a hallway. A figure was observed to walk slowly across the far end of the corridor around a corner, although image quality is too low for detailed observation. No other movements were recorded on this date.\n\nLog-977-A-8\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nInteraction with subjects observed through group-1 monitors was achieved. A random identification key was entered in the command console, causing an unidentified white male to be displayed on all group-1 monitors. After a series of subsequent commands, the subject was awakened from unconsciousness.\nThe following is a log of the subject's activity in the hours following awakening:\n\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n1713: Subject awakens slowly. After several minutes, subject raises himself from the bed with difficulty, possibly suffering from muscle atrophy or lingering effects of sedatives. Subject then leaves the field of vision of the bed camera. Movements of the subject for the next 28 minutes are unknown.\n1754: Subject appears in a hallway displayed on monitor 2-11, approaching the camera. Hallway is not known to be part of the existing complex. Subject is walking slowly with hunched shoulders and observing surroundings, frequently looking over shoulder. While climbing over a plateau in the centre of the hallway, subject suddenly reacts to some unknown stimulus, and looks over shoulder for several seconds, breathing heavily, then resumes climbing slowly. After two minutes, the subject passes out of the field of vision once again. Subject does not seem to react to the presence of the camera. Movements for the next 17 minutes are unknown.\n1811: Subject appears on monitor 2-6, moving away from the camera. After several paces, they see the previously observed body slumped against the wall at the far end of the corridor. Subject stops abruptly, and then turns back towards the camera hurriedly. Movements for the next hour and 39 minutes are unknown.\n1950: Subject appears on monitor 2-3, moving towards the camera, breathing heavily but not observably injured. While climbing over a series of small steps, subject trips and falls, and remains on the ground for the following 8 minutes, before unsteadily rising to their feet. Subject then proceeds for another several paces before sitting once again, in a state of visible distress, remaining there for the following 23 minutes.\n2013: Subject moves from the stair into a seated position against a neighbouring plateau, facing away from the camera, partly out of the camera's field of vision.\n2040: Subject's breathing has become noticeably heavier.\n2130: Subject's breathing progressively becomes shallower, taken in large breaths.\n2209: Subject's body begins to convulse for a period of 34 minutes.\n2243: Subject's movement ceases, assumed deceased.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n1029: Subject's skin appears to be growing darker, or decaying at an accelerated rate.\n1656: A number of small, dark growths are observed protruding from the subject's right palm.\n2009: Growths have spread across the body's extremities and face, obscuring features. Growths appear as a large number of small, semi-rigid filaments. It is unknown whether these growths are organic or inorganic.\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n0338: Subject's body is entirely covered by growth.\n\nLog-977-A-14\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nFunction to change the camera transmitting to individual group-2 monitors by means of the console was determined. Logs are now to be kept of unique camera viewpoints and their corresponding identification keys.\n\nLog-977-A-17\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nA systematic examination of group-2 identification keys revealed a previously unknown camera concealed within the security station itself. The camera tracked the movements of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 independently for several minutes after the cover was removed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588, but has since become inactive. The corresponding identification key will also no longer access this camera.\n\nAddendum: The discoveries detailed in Log-977-A-17, along with Incident 977-I-1, have necessitated the upgrade of SCP-977 from Safe to Euclid. Please refer to containment procedures for changed security precautions, commencing \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nIncident Log 977-I\n\nLog-977-I-1\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nIncident 977-I-1 occurred during a routine inspection of the SCP-977 site by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was alone on-site, against Foundation regulations. The incident occurred at 2204 hours, during an inspection of the site's rear corridors. At this time, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 departed from procedure by taking a left at the end of the hallway instead of a right. Questioning suggests that this was a mistake and not deliberate, possibly as a result of fatigue. Personnel taking this route are expected to emerge in the hallway observed by monitor 2-3, though following this Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was not observed on any active monitor for the next 4 hours. At 0221 hours, he is briefly seen in an agitated state moving past the far end of the corridor observed by monitor 2-11, and is not seen again for another 6 hours.\nAt approximately 0830 hours, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 arrived at the site expecting to meet Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and the alarm was raised 15 minutes later when he could not be located. A search operation was launched, concluding at 0904 hours when Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's cries were heard. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was located near the corridor of his initial disappearance, and was subsequently brought into Site-\u2588\u2588 for questioning.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported being unaware of having left the known parts of the site for several minutes after having taken a wrong turn. The doctor claims to have been unable to recognize any landmarks when attempting to retrace steps, and was unable to give an accurate estimate of length of time spent searching for a way back to the known site. During this period, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 recounted experiencing periods of intense paranoia, as well as making multiple attempts to contact the Foundation by means of security cameras present in every room. As these cameras were not manned at the time, this cannot be corroborated by Foundation recordings, although Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 stated that the cameras did track his movements. Although Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 described the corridors as silent, he also reported several incidents of believing to have heard faint or distant sounds, or observing changes in room layout. These may, however, have been a result of fatigue or paranoia. Air pressure also reportedly changed at several irregular intervals.\nAfter an unknown amount of time, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported coming across a distinctive corridor, leading to what was described as a room very similar to the security station used to monitor SCP-977, although otherwise bare. The two stations reportedly shared a similar setup, both with two distinct groups of monitors viewing unconscious subjects and corridors. However, during Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's examination of the new station, a monitor observing what appeared to be the security station used by Foundation staff was described in place of where one of the three darkened monitors would be in the latter. After a period of exploration, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported then observing a dark figure appearing on one of the station's monitors, walking slowly. After several minutes of observation, the doctor then reported seeing several black figures appear on different monitors. When one of which was recognized as having been recently passed by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, he reportedly fled the room in a state of panic.\nAfter an extended period, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 recounted eventually coming to a halt in a corridor, falling to the ground out of exhaustion. The doctor recalled having fallen asleep in a seated position, despite apparently having intended to continue his exploration, having been awoken by the shouts of the approaching search party. The doctor was subsequently retrieved, during which time he repeatedly expressed disorientation and claimed to have fallen asleep in a different hallway. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 later retracted this statement, citing uncertainty.\nA medical check-up revealed Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was physically unharmed by this experience beyond fatigue. The doctor was reprimanded for neglecting Foundation procedure, and his security clearance has been downgraded following the incident, with a review pending in 6 months.\n\n\u00ab SCP-976 | SCP-977 | SCP-978 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-978 during initial analysis\n\nItem #: SCP-978\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-978 is to be kept in security locker H-J-12 at Site 17, and only to be removed or handled by personnel with Level-2 security clearance or higher. Testing parties may request extra film and printing paper at their leisure. SCP-978 is not to be used for blackmail, entertainment, or personal reasons.\nThis means you. ~ O5-\u2588\u2588\nAll photographs produced by SCP-978 are to be cataloged along with full testing description. Requests to destroy photographs may be processed by Level-4 security clearance or higher personnel, at the discretion of the testing party.\nDescription: SCP-978 appears to be a standard red-and-black Polaroid Supercolor 645 CL instant camera, with no distinctive identifying marks or damage. SCP-978 operates the same as a standard camera, and shows no anomalous behavior beyond the photographs it produces. When a subject is pictured with SCP-978, the photograph that develops shows not what the subject was doing at the time of the photo, but rather what the subject wanted to be doing.\nThis effect appears to be, for the most part, random, sometimes showing drastic changes and deeply suppressed desires, or simple changes and alterations to the subject or their surroundings. SCP-978 appears to be capable of expressing the desires of both humans and other creatures (see testing log) and appears to convey the simplest desires the easiest. Should two subjects with contrasting desires both be photographed together, the subjects' desires appear to 'mix' (see testing log for additional information).\nAddendum:\nSubjects are allowed to request photographs of themselves. Remember, people, just because some of the photos show distasteful things doesn't mean that you're going to do them. ~ Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTesting Log\n\nLog Format\nSubject:\nPhotographed Activity:\nPhoto Result:\n\nTesting 05/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nSimple study of basic research team.\nSubject: Research Assistant James \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nPhotographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.\nPhoto Result: Subject is shown looking much more tired and unprofessional, drinking from a flask.\nSubject: Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nPhotographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.\nPhoto Result: Subject is shown in casual clothes, as if heading out for the night. Subject admits that she wishes to go home.\nSubject: Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nPhotographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.\nPhoto Result: [DATA EXPUNGED] - Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is placed on temporary psychiatric leave.\nSubject: Dr. \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nPhotographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.\nPhoto Result: Subject is shown wearing a different tie.\nSubject: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nPhotographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.\nPhoto Result: [DATA EXPUNGED] - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 expresses extreme embarrassment and apologies for this.\nWell, the first round of tests wasn't so bad. Except for those two\u2026let's try this thing on some Class-D and other personnel, see if we can't get more unusual results. ~ Dr. \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTesting 05/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nTesting to see effects of SCP-978 on nonhumans.\nSubject: Several standard white lab mice.\nPhotographed Activity: All mice are in plain glass tank for photographing.\nPhoto Result: All mice pictured as eating, mating, or both.\nSubject: Single zebra finch, standard lab animal.\nPhotographed Activity: Sitting in cage, observing photographer.\nPhoto Result: An open cage, with the zebra finch flying off the edge of the photo, only a wing and part of the tail visible.\nSubject: Standard white lab rabbit.\nPhotographed Activity: Sitting in plain glass tank for photographing.\nPhoto Result: Subject is pictured mating with another rabbit.\nSubject: Kitten (stray lab animal)\nPhotographed Activity: Being held for the picture by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nPhoto Result: [DATA EXPUNGED] - I would NEVER do that to a kitten! -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Guard dog (Doberman mix) and handler.\nPhotographed Activity: Guard dog and handler both posing strictly for photograph.\nPhoto Result: Subjects are pictured as playing a game of fetch.\nSubject: Multiple testing cockroaches.\nPhotographed Activity: Cockroaches placed in glass tank for photograph.\nPhoto Result: No change.\nSubject: Small spider\nPhotographed Activity: Clinging to the ceiling. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 admits that the picture was taken as a last-minute thought when she walked past the spider on her way to SCP-978's containment locker.\nPhoto Result: A massive, hallways-encompassing web with a small spider in it.\nWell, at least we know it works on animals. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nFor more information on SCP-978 please see the SCP-978 Extended Test Logs\n\n\u00ab SCP-977 | SCP-978 | SCP-979 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-979, reacting to the camera.\n\nItem #: SCP-979\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All individuals suspected of being exposed to SCP-979 must be reviewed for changes in psyche. SCP-979 itself should be contained in a wire cage (and plastic flooring) approximately five (5) metres in length, height, and width. As SCP-979 does not produce waste, there is little need for any bedding. However, SCP-979 should be given a water dispenser of 150 milliliters, refilled daily, to prevent drying out. Also, SCP-979 is allowed one (1) shelter in its cage, consisting of commercial plastic of any color made for medium to large members of the Leporidae family normally sold in pet shops for companionship. SCP-979 is to be monitored with a hidden camera twenty-four (24) hours a day. Should SCP-979's behavior change in any way, it is to be logged and reported to a level 3 or higher personnel.\nDescription: SCP-979 is an animated stoneware figurine in the shape of a member of the family Leporidae. SCP-979 shows subtle differences from traditional members of Leporidae, including but not limited to the ability to express emotion through facial changes and posture that is congruent with typical human reactions. SCP-979 lacks proper anatomy, with its ears and back legs being too long and large, and therefore has extreme difficulty with normal movement. The behavior of SCP-979 shows some sentience, but it generally only reacts to any stimuli with fear and/or avoidance. Any other reaction must be reported to level 3 or higher personnel.\nSCP-979 emits a high-frequency noise in response to any stimuli; the volume appears proportionate to SCP-979's level of distress. Extended proximity to SCP-979 causes synesthesia of all senses, typically manifesting after four (4) hours and escalating over a variable period of approximately three (3) weeks. Exposure to the noise produced by SCP-979 has been shown to increase the rate at which synesthesia develops; however, recordings have failed to replicate the effect and, as such, the noise is not believed to be the primary cause. The first sense to be affected is typically hearing, although the reason is unknown. Humans exposed to SCP-979 tend to describe a 'whispering, rustling voice' associated with the sensation of touch and will avoid any physical contact with anything as much as possible. Typically, this first effect appears approximately ten (10) minutes after exposure.\nWithin one (1) week, exposure to SCP-979 causes synesthesia in at least three (3) senses, although which three tends to be dependent on the specific person. A level of psychosis appears to develop at this stage, although whether or not it is from mental disturbance of the synesthesia or something else is unknown. The only recorded personnel (hereby labeled SCP-979-V1) exposed to SCP-979 described symptoms similar to high anxiety, most notably the recurring thought of an imagined entity almost touching their skin at all times, especially so during nights, in which the exposed personnel reporting a belief of the imagined entity running any number of limbs up and down their body, just above skin contact.\nAfter the passing of approximately two (2) weeks, synesthesia caused by SCP-979 spreads to all senses, although certain senses appear to be less intrusive than others, depending on the specific patient. In SCP-979-V1, the previous recurring thought of the imagined entity became an obsession and SCP-979-V1 regularly attempted to attack the imagined entity with apparently little success. All inquiries on the appearance of the imagined entity were unsuccessful. SCP-979-V1 attempted suicide approximately \u2588\u2588 times during this period and developed severe insomnia. In addition, SCP-979-V1 described hallucinations of the aforementioned entity now almost licking their skin, along with other types of contact such as kissing, stroking, and [REDACTED]. At no point does SCP-979-V1 describe actually being touched.\nWithin three (3) weeks, the synesthesia develops fully in all the senses. SCP-979-V1 had extreme difficulty dealing with any kind of sensory information, mind regularly blocking out senses due to overload. SCP-979-V1 displayed behavior similar to SCP-979 itself and appeared to attempt interaction with hallucinations before falling into a catatonic state. Afterwards, no other progression was shown until a period of five (5) weeks, in which the subject was discovered with a large gash in his torso, organs having been pulled from the body cavity. It is unknown how such a wound came to SCP-979-V1.\nSCP-979 was found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Chile. SCP-979 was featured in an exhibition by an artist under the pseudonym of The Kind Man, in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Museum. After news reports of hallucinations and an outbreak of synesthesia, SCP-979 was placed under Foundation custody.\nAddendum:\n\n+ Interview Log 979-01\n\n- Interview Log 979-01\n\n[BEGIN LOG]\nDoctor D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : Good Morning. Please identify yourself.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : Morning already? Well, last I checked my name was \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Don't you whitecoated bastards have a record of this shit lying around?\nDoctor D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : The time is exactly 9:07 AM. Please explain for the recording how last night went.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : What, you didn't see it?\nDoctor D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : Nothing recorded last night was particularly unusual. However, your behavior-\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : You didn't fucking see it?! It was hovering over me the whole damn time! At least [REDACTED] things just barely touching me, I could feel it! When it's not the fucking whispering, it was the colors, the damn smells! Ain't there a way you can reverse this syn-thee-sa bullshit? I've seen you psychopaths do things that make reality shit itself, for chrissakes!\nDoctor D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : Please go into further detail of last night's events according to your perception. Note the camera only caught your erratic behavior before Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was forced to intervene.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : You gotta be shitting me, with all that fucking technology you couldn't-\nDoctor D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : Please answer the question. What did you see last night?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : It ain't a seeing thing, doc. It was a feeling thing. It was like, if I fucking breathed too hard I'd touch whatever the thing was, it was so damn close, just watchin me and hoverin'. Could hear it sayin' somethin', right in my ear, the bastard's fucking with me, he is! I could feel his smell, it was like\u2026 the static of the dust on a TV screen, but that little tingling is going in you, right\u2026 right here. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 touches his sternum. And it just builds up till ya have to take a breath, and I swore on my life I almost felt the bastard's hand\u2026 tentacle.. thing! He's on me right now, can't you fucking see it?! \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 grows increasingly agitated and begins noticeably hyperventilating. Oh God man\u2026 I feel it now\u2026 Fuck! Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!!\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 begins to slam his face into the side of the interview table, presumably in a suicide attempt. After repeated orders to stop were ignored, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 administered a sedative and took subject back to his observation chamber.\n[END LOG]\n\n\u00ab SCP-978 | SCP-979 | SCP-980 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-980\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-980 is to be kept in a 3 m x 3 m x 5 m lead room suspended in the center of a 25 m x 25 m x 25 m containment area at Site-\u2588\u2588. This room is to have a single glass window aligned with the window to the containment area. The inner window requires replacement every 8 days. Leaded glass is to be used instead\u2014see addendum. The door to this room is to be kept locked at all times that SCP-980 is not under study. Personnel ranking above D-class are not to enter the surrounding containment area due to mental and physical danger. No armed personnel or guards are required near the lift to SCP-980's cell, as it has not shown any means of escaping. In addition, the fall from its containment cell would injure it enough to prevent escape. No feeding or nutrition of any sort is necessary.\nDescription: SCP-980 is a featureless humanoid of average height and weight, indeterminate age and gender, and smooth gray-white skin. SCP-980 does not possess any facial characteristics, sensory organs, or features such as nails and hair. It is injured with relative ease, bleeding a viscous substance that appears similar to white paint. Analysis shows that SCP-980 possesses no internal organs, though it does have a skeletal structure comparable to that of a human. Despite the absence of eyes and ears, SCP-980 appears to display 20/20 vision and slightly above-average hearing. Extensive testing has not explained this, though no abnormalities or anything to suggest other methods of sensory capability have been shown. SCP-980 is able to write in English when prompted, though typing is inefficient due to its influence quickly rendering the keys as well as the monitor unresponsive.\nSCP-980 naturally inflicts a \"simplification effect\" on objects and beings within a sphere 8 meters in radius around it. Said effect streamlines the features of objects while removing color, detail, and often function. Animals first lose fur and distinguishing characteristics such as length of limbs and tails, presence of protuberances, etc., while humans develop more average facial features and lose or gain height and weight. This edges towards a rough \"average\" of around 1.7 meters tall with a weight of 76 kilograms. This is shortly followed by losing facets of their personality, with interests, habits, and memories commonly lost first.\nWhile brief exposure to SCP-980 is not physically harmful, prolonged exposure of organic beings with complex circulatory and respiratory systems commonly results in the \"simplification\" and fusion of parts located near one another. No subjects have reported pain from the process itself. A D-class personnel used to test SCP-980's effects was affected on this level after approximately thirty minutes within SCP-980's containment area, with heart failure occurring almost immediately afterward. Autopsy showed that the chambers of the subject's heart had been fused together. Physical results tend to be somewhat random, usually affecting the heart, lungs, arteries, stomach and intestines, the brain, and the sensory organs. While some cases are not fatal or even harmful in the case of the sensory organs, further exposure to SCP-980 causes transformations at a rapid pace.\nSCP-980 was found at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 apartment complex in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, after several hours of exposure to SCP-980 caused deaths and mental harm to nearby civilians as well as color and shape simplification to said apartment complex and many objects inside. At the time of acquisition, it was wearing heavy winter clothing and a hood. SCP-980 has not responded thus far to inquiries as to how it came to be, though room 307 seemed to have been affected more than other nearby locations. In addition, the tenant of room 307, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, was unaccounted for among the bodies of SCP-980's \"victims\".\nAddendum 980-01: The standard SCP humanoid uniform issued to SCP-980 shortly after its recovery has remained in close proximity to SCP-980 for the entirety of its containment. The uniform showed steady results of simplification but was still serviceable until \u2588-\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588, when a researcher noticed that it had for the most part vanished. A thin cloud was present in SCP-980's containment cell and the composition of the cell's air was noted to contain 0.\u2588\u2588% more hydrogen.\nAddendum 980-02: Lead was found to be one of few substances that is highly resistant to SCP-980's natural effects on its surroundings. As such, SCP-980's containment cell is constructed entirely of lead, with leaded glass used in its windows. In a recent test leaded glass showed increased resistance to SCP-980's effect, requiring replacement every two weeks.\nIncident Report 980-04\n\nIn the case of one D-class subject, D-980-07, physical transformation did not seem to occur. The subject spent 3 hours in the presence of SCP-980 with no abnormal experiences and was suspected immune until prompted to leave, at which point the subject wordlessly refused and continued to sit in his chair with his eyes closed. Subject responded with a silent refusal each time he was prompted until he was threatened. The subject shoved the table to the side and sprung at SCP-980, embracing it. Another threat was issued and subject began sobbing, continuing to keep his mouth and eyes shut. Subject was removed from containment cell by security after he clung to SCP-980 and attempted to claw through his own eyelids with the use of his nails.\n\nFurther study of SCP-980's properties has been documented in Experiment Log 980-06.\n\n\u00ab SCP-979 | SCP-980 | SCP-981 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-981\nObject Class: Safe (Possible Euclid, awaiting further testing)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Having shown no signs of its influence spreading further than the recorded distance, as long as SCP-981-2 remains within SCP-981-1 it is required only to be stored in a standard artifact room in a locked copper box of at least 1cm thickness. Access to the SCP is by application for level 3 and above only.\nIf SCP-981-2 is to be removed from its canister it must be in a room at least 4m x 4m containing no physical media of any kind, and care must be taken during transport to ensure rooms adjacent, above and below are also cleared. Any memory sticks carried by Foundation personnel should also be removed before entering the room as a precaution. Any media found to contain evidence of potentially Keter-class SCPs must be quarantined at once.\nDescription: SCP-981 comprises of two parts. SCP-981-1 is a steel film canister dating from the late 1920s, with signs of damage concomitant with its apparent age. It is labelled in Spanish as having been copied by the Buenos Aires Cinematographic Laboratory, with the handwritten title \u2018236 - Metropolis'. Other writing on the label is too worn to read, but appears to be a name and a short note in a different handwriting. Inside the canister is SCP-981-2, a reel spooled with Kodak Panchromatic nitrate film, on which is a 16mm reduction negative of the 1927 Fritz Lang film Metropolis. The film and the canister it was found in show no unusual markings or indications that they are anything other than a mass-produced stock for distribution to cinemas in the late 1920s.\nWhen both components of SCP-981 are placed in proximity to another audiovisual storage medium containing a feature film, the data held on the secondary medium shows alterations not in accordance with any previously known form of the film. Qualitative testing showed that any time spent within 1.93m of the canister is required for effects to show on the test media. When the film is removed from the canister neither component produces the anomaly. Tests on abstract or animated films featuring no live action actors has proved to have no effect.\nThe canister was seized from the museum by two agents of the Foundation posing as officers of GSG-9, stating that the film's contents were evidence. It was secured in its current site and carefully examined by comparing it to the 2010 restoration edition. The film's ending featured an extra scene, approximately forty seconds long, which was cut between the robot Maria being burned at the stake and the final cathedral scene. It features Fr\u00f6hlich's character Freder walking through an alleyway and finding the end walled off with a white wooden door. He experiences some surprise at the exit being blocked, but opens the door and walks through. Then follows a text plate reading \u2018My Lord! I'm near the Cathedral!' and the film then continues as normal. The door shows similar properties to SCP-249.\nBoth elements of the SCP were discovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 by a Foundation employee at the Deustsche Kinemathek film museum in Berlin during an unofficial visit following a meeting with the museum's owners regarding the purchase of storage equipment. During a conversation with a curator regarding storage techniques it became apparent that the print was found in close proximity to the original site of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 incident in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The curator described it having been found on a shelf in a basement of a building previously used as a youth hostel, resting on top of a copy of the 1931 film The Bad Sister. This had not been retained by the museum as it was believed to be a modern hoax, as Bette Davis' character was seen in the final reel of the film to violently assault the character played by Sidney Fox at knifepoint.\n\n(Taken from Interview 981-A1, with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: )\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What did they do with it?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: He said that they'd disposed of the last ten minutes and used the rest for restoration practice. I asked if they still had it but he said it had been burned. He'd said \u2018It wasn't worth keeping, disgusting filth like that.' And suggested that it had been put there by youths staying at the hostel for a prank.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did he describe what had been on the tape?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: He said it was the same as the original up until the point where Davis' character is normally propositioned by her sister's fianc\u00e9, instead she goes through a desk drawer until she finds a piece of white rock sharpened at one end like a piece of flint, and is seen breaking into her sister's room and making hundreds of tiny cuts all over her body whilst smothering her with a pillow. The next shot is of an unharmed Sidney Fox leaving the room and smiling at the camera as the screen fades to the credits.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you sure he said white? Because that description matches SCP-034.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, he stated it was white. So thirty-four's part of a set.\n(End of Interview segment)\n\nFurther experimentation was performed under strict criteria: That any media showing evidence of memetic or visually dangerous SCPs be immediately placed under full security control pending destruction, and that the media be viewed by a member of D-class personnel under observation by a Level 1 guard. The content of the film will be fully described to the guard who is under orders to cease playback and/or terminate the D-class viewer if it is decided that it is unavoidable.\n\nA frame from the 1927 film \u2018College', starring Buster Keaton. Shortly after this shot Keaton throws the bucket over the two actors, covering them in a black viscous liquid. He then breaks down weeping before [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nExperimental Test Logs:\nExperiment 981-1A:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nMedia: \u2018It's a Wonderful Life, (1946), celluloid film. Now designated SCP-981-A.\nDivergence time: \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588\nDetails: Instead of stating that \u2018Every time a bell rings an angel gets their wings' the character of Clarence pats Jimmy Stewart on the back and says \u2018It's only eight seconds, it'll hardly hurt a bit.' Instead of running back to Bedford Falls Stewart's character enters what appears to be a Mayan pyramid, where he spends three minutes running from room to room until he finds a room which has a slight green hue despite the black and white film stock. There is tiny writing all over the walls. He picks up a small rock and starts scratching out sections of the text, and with each scratch the room shakes and dust falls from the ceiling as if from a seismic event. He continues scratching as the screen fades to end credits.\nExperiment 981-1B:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nMedia: \u2018Manos: The Hands of Fate', 1966, VHS. Now designated SCP-981-B.\nDivergence time: \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588\nDetails: During the denouement when The Master confronts Michael, instead of finding Michael and his family hiding in a room they are all [DATA EXPUNGED]. The Master drops onto his knees and begins praying at an area of the room just outside the scope of the camera. Just before the screen fades to black the area around the Master darkens as if by a negative spotlight and he cries \"It's just as I expected!\" before falling to one side, blood streaming from his eyes and nose as the film fades to credits.\nExperiment 981-1C:\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nMedia: \u2018The Dark Knight', 2008, DVD. Now designated SCP-981-C.\nDivergence time: \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 (Film runs \u2588\u2588 minutes shorter due to missing scenes)\nDetails: The scene where Heath Ledger's Joker is hanging upside down having been caught by Batman runs as in the original theatrical edit, but at the end Ledger looks directly at the camera and says \u2018You don't realise, do you? Two thousand? You haven't even started.' He then pulls out a bright blue \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and a knife, runs the blade across his throat and dips the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in his blood. He then becomes gradually transparent and fades from view as Christian Bale's closing speech originally used at the end of the film leads into new credits, which list every cast and crew member's name as \u2018Youhaven'tevenstarted'.\nAddendum: Aside from the clear danger that this SCP poses to the security of the Foundation's records, it clearly has the ability to transfer evidence of clearly undiscovered SCPs. As a research tool its potential is great, and a qualitative system of testing must be established. The careful use of this could be of great benefit to the Foundation, but to reiterate: Any media found to contain evidence of recognised or potential memetic or Keter-class SCPs must be quarantined at once, and no contact with other media based SCPs should be attempted with highest level approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-980 | SCP-981 | SCP-982 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-982\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-982 is to be kept in a negative-pressure climate-controlled facility, and must remain closed and bolted except during approved exploration.\nA perpetual chronometer is to be mounted on the wall alongside SCP-982, counting down an interval of 26 (twenty-six) hours and 15 (fifteen) minutes. SCP-982 must be closed no later than at 0 hours 1 minute 30 seconds, regardless of whether all exploration team members have emerged.\nAll exploration team members must receive dialect coaching and full-spectrum vaccinations before entering SCP-982, and undergo decontamination upon emerging.\nItems extracted from SCP-982 are to be considered potential biohazards and contained as such.\nDescription: SCP-982 is an antique casement window, recovered from a Marshall, Carter, and Dark auction, and originally taken from the abandoned business offices of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a 19th-century patent attorney in Chicago, IL. No matter where it is mounted, SCP-982 opens onto the street outside \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's third-story office, as it was between 8:30 AM on Friday, March 26, 1875 and 10:45 AM on Saturday, March 27, 1875. Personnel exiting this window find themselves in what is apparently 1875 Chicago; however, at the end of the 26-hour interval, the city 'resets'. Any external objects or personnel within the city at that time are lost.\nThe size of the area accessible via SCP-982 is not known; exploration teams have been able to send telegrams to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in England, and receive responses.\nExiting 1875 must be done by climbing back through SCP-982 from the outside; attempts to access SCP-982 from within the offices of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reveal only an ordinary window. Exploration teams are advised that the Chicago Police in 1875 react with hostility towards the use of grappling guns and rope ladders to re-enter SCP-982; since all changes are eliminated at the reset, the use of lethal force is fully sanctioned with no risk to the timeline.\nAddendum: As a result of incident 982-215/74, an altercation with Chicago Police Officers \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-982 has been found to be bulletproof on the 1875 side.\nNote: The use of SCP-982 as a source of D-class personnel is deprecated due to the possibility of cross-SCP contamination.\nAddendum: Thus far, all attempts to locate \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, either alive or dead, have failed. Other occupants of the building report last seeing \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the afternoon of Thursday, March 25, 1875. Beggars and street vendors report not having noticed him leave the premises. His neighbors did not see him return to his home on the evening of the 25th, nor did they see him leave his home on the morning of the 26th.\nHis secretary reports that the last client of the day on Thursday was \"a peculiar unwashed man with some odd accent that sounded [Polish]\", but is unable to provide a more detailed description; the client had arrived without an appointment or a visiting card.\nExploration missions which begin after SCP-982's internal chronology has reached Friday evening report that \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 does not show up for work on Friday, nor does he return to his home.\n\n\u00ab SCP-981 | SCP-982 | SCP-983 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-983\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-983 is completely safe so long as technicians handling it do so on any day other than their birthday. Should SCP-983 be presented to or handled by any individual on the yearly anniversary of their birth, they should immediately follow the sing-along guidelines contained in Emergency Kit 135r located next to the door to SCP-983's containment chamber.\nIn the event the targeted individual fails to meet sing-along requirements, their remains are to be disposed of through standard methods. In the event the targeted individual meets the sing-along requirements, the following pieces of data are to be collected: Age, Color of Candy collected, Singing Accuracy obtained by the best judgment of those present, and the number of verses that passed before acknowledgment by SCP-983.\nNo candy obtained from SCP-983 is to be consumed by any staff without senior staff-approved containment procedures in place and written waivers filed and stamped by the consumer. This requirement is waived in the case of Class-D candy testing.\nDescription: SCP-983 is a vintage mechanical monkey with a faded date located on the bottom of the left foot, placing its manufacture at some point in the 1940s by an unknown person or company. The monkey is dressed in the remains of what used to be a popular vest design for circus ringmasters. In the monkey's left hand, there is a lightly tarnished brass bell. In the right hand, the monkey holds a small brass striking rod. The monkey is capable of emitting speech and sound, although examination of the object has revealed no seams, screws, or openings that would indicate a method of disassembly.\nSCP-983 is completely harmless and inert under most circumstances and may be handled without special precautions so long as the handler is not experiencing the 24-hour period considered the anniversary of their birth. Once SCP-983 physically comes into contact with an individual on their birthday, it will spring to life and do a single back flip before raising its bell and singing a simple song.\nA RING DING DING DING IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!\nThis single verse will be followed by the monkey striking its bell producing a tone that varies in pitch from quite high to rather low. SCP-983's singing was found to vary slightly in pitch as well but maintained a very excited and happy tone.\nSCP-983 will sing this song once every three to four seconds, pausing only to ring its bell, until the new owner has died or met the sing-along requirements, which as of yet are not completely understood but are believed to be based in timing the sing-along properly with SCP-983.\nEach verse sung by SCP-983 appears to age the \u2018owner' of the item by what is estimated at one year. By singing along with SCP-983, the \u2018owner' may deactivate the monkey which, once done successfully, results in a triumphant declaration of 'BIRTHDAY!' from SCP-983, at which time it will ring its bell once and produce a single gumdrop-style candy from the bell.\nThe approach of singing along with SCP-983 has a direct impact on the color of the candy and the side effects of its consumption. Test groups instructed to follow Document 135r to the letter have verified that a perfect sing-along results in the production of crystal-clear candy with mildly luminescent qualities. A near-perfect sing-along produces the same candy minus the luminescence. Both of these candy types have been verified as restoring any age lost by the consumer due to SCP-983's song; however, the luminescent candy may also grant additional time and youth, though as of yet this theory is unproven due to the low production rate of this candy.\nDue to the inconsistencies in attitude, tone, behavior, and approach when trying to match SCP-983's song, a wide variety of candies have been produced. Under absolutely no circumstances are black candies allowed to be consumed, although other colors may be consumed pending prior approval and containment arrangements.\nThe initial activation of SCP-983 was in a highly uncontrolled environment, so a \u2018retelling' is the best record available of the incident. Subsequent tests of interest in more controlled environments have been attached to this document as well as candy effects for those experiments.\n\nSCP-983 First Activation\n\nSCP-983 was purchased from a local flea market intended as a gift for a monkey admirer as a joke. The seller of the monkey warned the purchaser that it was to be seen and never touched by anyone on the day of their birth, but was unable to give exact reasons why, stating it was a warning passed to them that was well observed and may have been \u2018Gypsy legend or some other bull\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.'\nUpon the birthday of SCP-983's intended new owner, the gift was unwrapped and the monkey handled, at which point it sprang into song. Staff attending the birthday party of their coworker were amused as was the recipient at first; however, witnesses state the recipient became more and more agitated the longer the monkey sang.\nAfter ten estimated verses, the recipient tried to find a way to turn the device off, to no avail. Attendees state that at this time several persons noted streaks of silver within the recipient's hair. Following an estimated 8 to 10 more verses from SCP-983, the grey was quite pronounced as were signs of wrinkling or stress on the recipient's face. Within five more verses, the recipient returned the monkey to rest and complained of not having the strength to deal with this nonsense, pleading for someone to turn it off.\nWith SCP-983 not being fully realized as a potentially dangerous object, there was panic and sloth in the reactions of the attending staff, which led to SCP-983 being able to complete what can only be estimated at thirty or perhaps forty more verses before a containment crew could arrive at the party locale. By this point, the recipient had long since expired due to aging, leaving only a skeletal frame remaining in his chair with the skin clinging to it.\nWith confusion on how to approach SCP-983 safely, it was allowed to sing for roughly another minute before it ceased of its own accord, at which point nothing remained of the original recipient other than his purely skeletal remains. SCP-983's final verse consisted of the single word, \u201cBIRTHDAY!\u201d, which it announced joyously before doing a single backflip and ringing its bell once. From the bell fell a single candy resembling a gumdrop pure black in color. This candy was never consumed and was described as being moderately entrancing, drawing a person's gaze into it until an outside source distracted them. With a number of individuals at the scene and the general chaos involving the incident, no single person was able to become too focused on the candy and it was safely contained.\n\nSCP-983 Controlled Activation #32\n\nDuring test #32 regarding SCP-983 one test subject \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 volunteered for testing as her birthday had approached and she displayed qualities unique in comparison to previous test subjects, specifically an exceptionally upbeat and excited approach to her birthday. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is referred to as \u2018the subject' for the remainder of this test.\nWithout explanation as to what to expect, the subject was given SCP-983 as a wrapped present with the prior warning that this object sings and it would make for a great birthday video if she were to sing along with it. The subject displayed glee and acceptance of SCP-983 as a suitable gift when it was unwrapped, and required no guidance in singing along with the object as it began.\nThe subject went above and beyond the singing requirements missing only the first verse to get the words and picking up immediately at the second then continuing for a total of forty-five (45) verses for a total of forty-six (46) completed.\nDuring the singing process the subject displayed the expected aging process with each verse that passed, but displayed no loss of energy or enthusiasm in continuing the songs till their end. The subject remained completely unaware of her body's physical state throughout the experiment.\nUpon completion of the final verse SCP-983 announced the finale as expected with stating 'BIRTHDAY!' loudly and performing a single backflip followed by a ringing of its bell. The candy produced from the bell was recorded as being a vibrant white color with vaguely luminescent properties. The subject noted it was the most beautiful confectionery that they had ever seen and observing staff also noted admiration for the gumdrop. In keeping with the control of the experiment the subject was allowed to consume the candy.\nUpon finishing the candy and following a one-hour period of monitoring there was no indication that any side effect occurred from consumption. With the experiment about to be declared finished the subject asked to leave and was excused from the testing area, at which point she exploded with blinding light that damaged the cameras monitoring the experiment and left all attendees blind for five minutes following the burst. Assisting personnel who rushed to the scene described a faint lingering light that remained for at least two minutes in the place where the subject stood before it faded out.\nThe subject has not been located since this experiment and unusually high electromagnetic activity has been noted within the area that was used for testing. Replacement of light fixtures within this area has also risen approximately 70% from the norm throughout other areas of the facility; however, no decrease in lighting has been reported in any area affected by this anomaly.\n\n\u00ab SCP-982 | SCP-983 | SCP-984 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-984\n\nItem #: SCP-984\nObject Class: Safe-impetus\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The facility where SCP-984 is located (hereby Site-48) is currently under the auspices of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Company, a Foundation shell corporation. The door to SCP-984 is to remain externally locked at all times except during experimentation, as are all stalls in SCP-984. Only Class-D personnel may enter SCP-984 without protective armor and a firearm.\nNo less than three Level-0 medical personnel are to be stationed at Site-48 at all times. Should SCP-984 become activated for any reason, these personnel must be called to SCP-984 to provide medical attention to any persons exiting SCP-984.\nDescription: SCP-984 is a restroom located in [REDACTED]. Upon recovery, three light bulbs were found smashed.\nUnder normal circumstances, SCP-984 is only unusual in that it has been partially soundproofed with commercially available materials. SCP-984 will only display overtly anomalous properties under the following conditions:\n\nNo persons are in any open areas of SCP-984.\nExactly one stall in SCP-984 is occupied by exactly one person. The door to said stall must be closed and locked.\nAt least one light fixture in SCP-984 is nonfunctional or off.\n\nShould the above conditions be met at any time, one or more instances of SCP-984-1 will materialize inside SCP-984 once a person exits a stall. Specimens of SCP-984-1 tend to be large, highly aggressive mammals of varying species.1 All SCP-984-1 specimens disappear nine minutes after manifestation. SCP-984-1 will not willingly leave SCP-984 for any reason, and will disappear if it is forced to do so.\nInstances of SCP-984-1 will display symptoms and mannerisms characteristic of a mid- to late-stage infection of rabies. However, unlike most rabid animals, SCP-984-1 will display marked hostility towards humans, particularly any persons who enter SCP-984. As persons in SCP-984 are not typically prepared to handle dangerous animals, victims are often bitten several times before being able to properly defend themselves. In cases where at least one specimen of SCP-984-1 is particularly large or strong, it is possible for SCP-984-1 to kill the victim shortly after manifesting.\nShould the victim survive being attacked by SCP-984-1, they will experience significant confusion regarding the events that transpired in SCP-984. In some cases, victims will attribute their injuries to mundane phenomena that would not normally cause said trauma.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Specimens have included Canis lupus, Alces alces, Ursus arctos, and in one case an instance of SCP-1000.\n\n\u00ab SCP-983 | SCP-984 | SCP-985 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-985\nObject Class: Euclid, pending reclassification to Safe reclassification denied, see Addendum 985-003\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-985 is to be kept under video surveillance at all times. Live-feed cameras are to be placed in all three sections of SCP-985's housing, and the feeds are to be under observation by at least one Foundation employee at all times. In the event that observation fails for any period of time, on-site reserve personnel are to be activated, and the area is to be placed under lockdown until containment of SCP-985 and any items produced by the SCP is reestablished.\nDescription: SCP-985 is a conveyor baggage claim, located within Terminal \u2588\u2588 of the [REDACTED] International Airport. According to construction records, SCP-985 was installed at the same time as all other baggage claims in that terminal, and reviews of maintenance reports has failed to produce any leads regarding the unusual properties exhibited by SCP-985. While all sections are kept under observation, SCP-985 operates indistinguishably from any other baggage claim in the terminal, and the amount of electricity drawn by the machine remains relatively constant.\nShould one of the three sections of SCP-985 (runway access, conveyor system, or terminal access) cease to be observed, the machine's electrical draw begins to fluctuate rapidly, though no correlation has been determined between these fluctuations and the machine's other effects. At this point, various items of luggage will begin to enter the observed portions of the machine, said items having no apparent point of entry. These items are of varying shape and size, and in some cases do not correspond to modern security requirements for luggage taken aboard airplanes. Said items will continue along the conveyor along with the original contents of the conveyor until they are either taken from the line or reenter an unobserved section, at which point they disappear from the line and are no longer to be found.\nItems of luggage \"produced\" by SCP-985 (hereby collectively designated SCP-985-1) appear to exhibit mild inhibitory effects on certain areas of the human brain. This results in a general inability to distinguish SCP-985-1 luggage from normal baggage of similar appearance, resulting in SCP-985-1 items being mistaken by airline passengers for their own belongings and withdrawn mistakenly. The effect persists upon the luggage being opened, often resulting in accidental injuries to the recipients of SCP-985-1 when they attempt to make use of the contents.\nSCP-985 was brought to the Foundation's attention following the events of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-19\u2588\u2588, when a piece of SCP-985-1 luggage was retrieved by a businessman whose connecting flight was delayed. Upon the luggage being passed through security again before boarding the connecting flight, the presence of [DATA EXPUNGED] and electrical components, as well as high levels of gamma radiation, resulted in the airport being placed into lockdown and the man being detained for questioning. Foundation agents were called to the site following the discovery of the original luggage in the \"unclaimed baggage\" area, as well as luggage belonging to several other passengers, all of whom, when contacted, were discovered to have also mistakenly acquired SCP-985-1 luggage.\nAddendum 985-001: List of notable contents of SCP-985-1 luggage\n\nAssorted scrap metal\nSeveral sets of clothing, of various styles, composed of an unknown metallic fiber. On being worn, the fiber scrapes against the skin of the wearer, typically causing numerous shallow cuts across the skin and heavy blood loss.\nOne (1) United States Army-issue M16 assault rifle, fully disassembled\nOne (1) plastic water bottle, containing highly compressed air (est. pressure 400 kPa). Models suggest that any attempt to open the bottle would result in massive injury to the would-be consumer via the resulting pressure release.\nOne (1) steel crowbar\nOne (1) bottle of shampoo, identified by the label as [REDACTED] brand (said brand ceased production during the late 1990's). The gel contained in the bottle includes a variety of enzymes which are capable of denaturing the proteins in human hair.\nThirty-seven (37) knives, of assorted make and model\n[REDACTED, SEE ADDENDUM 985-003]\n\nAddendum 985-002: Results of test 985-A\nAreas under observation: runway access, terminal access\nTest protocols: Researchers attempted to feed a wireless camera, concealed inside an article of SCP-985-1, along the runway portion of the conveyor into the unobserved middle section.\nTest results: Camera ceased transmitting upon entering the unobserved portion. Pieces of the camera were later found inside an item of SCP-985-1 taken from the terminal section of the conveyor, the device having apparently been destroyed via extreme blunt force. No data could be recovered from the camera's internal memory.\nAddendum 985-003: Results of test 985-B\nAreas under observation: conveyor system, terminal access\nTest protocols: Researchers fed a camera, connected via 100 meters of high-tensile cable to an on-site display, from the conveyor system through terminal access and back out to the unobserved runway access (the runway having been cleared in advance of the test).\nTest results: Camera successfully looped around the terminal section and back into the conveyor area. As it approached the exit to the runway access area, however, the feed from the camera was noted as becoming \"fuzzy\" and suffering loss of detail. Upon exiting the observed areas, the feed abruptly cut out, but the cord remained intact and continued to unreel. After approximately five minutes, the cable reached its maximum extent, simultaneous with the introduction of an instance of SCP-985-1 to the conveyor system. This instance was opened by researchers (survivors reported sounds from inside the case as their reason for forgoing typical precautions) releasing [DATA EXPUNGED], which caused substantial damage to the conveyor system area and the deaths of two on-site personnel. Despite the scale of the event, SCP-985 itself was undamaged, and the remains of the [DATA EXPUNGED] were unable to be recovered.\nLocal media outlets reported a tragic mechanical failure as the source of the destruction.\n\nPlans for reclassification to Safe have been scrapped, further investigation is pending - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-984 | SCP-985 | SCP-986 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-986\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-986 is currently stored in the Anomalous Document Repository at Site-11. The contents of SCP-986 are to be examined for changes by research staff on a weekly basis. Any changes to the contents of SCP-986 are to be recorded by staff after notifying the Research Director. A list of SCP-986 messages and narratives can be accessed with the permission of the Research Director.\nPreference for staff assignment to SCP-986 is to be granted to personnel with an educational background in literary criticism and/or cryptography.\nDescription: SCP-986 is an unpublished manuscript entitled The Absent Willows, likely written by American novelist William Faulkner. The manuscript consists of 1208 bound pages, containing an original work of fiction and a supplementary section. No references to it were made by Faulkner in any of his personal correspondence, nor has it been cited by literary scholars as being among possible unpublished works of the author.\nAt irregular intervals, typewritten text will manifest via unknown means in the 850-page supplemental section of SCP-986. While the text of The Absent Willows is written in type consistent with the Underwood Standard Portable typewriter used throughout Faulkner's life, text appearing in the supplemental section does not match any known standard typeface. The content of the text appearing in SCP-986 invariably consists of a repeating six-character format that upon initial viewing does not appear to have any understandable content (e.g. \"GQCCKD OVNFSP QXXHAE\"). This text currently fills 58% of the supplemental section, with the rest comprised of blank paper.\nSCP-986 came to the attention of the Foundation in 1964, after a representative from Random House entrusted with examination of Faulkner's papers attempted to sell it to a literary auction house in Luxembourg. Initial analysis upon the recovery of SCP-986 determined that the anomalous text manifested in SCP-986 was a series of encrypted messages. Cryptanalysts soon recognized the pattern of encryption as a book cipher, but lacked the key. In 1972, with the use of computer-aided mathematical analysis models, the Site-11 Cryptanalysis Office identified a passage in the 1942 first edition of Go Down, Moses as the key to the cipher. Messages appearing in SCP-986 have subsequently been decoded and transcribed.\nResearch Log 986-1: Contents of SCP-986\nPages 1-358\nSummary: A novel titled The Absent Willows, set primarily in rural Mississippi and taking place at three distinct time periods (the American Civil War, the 1910s, and the 1950s). The novel deals primarily with the experiences of members of the African-American Wilpher family at the Jesperson Plantation and the fictional town of Muskogee, Mississippi. Unlike many previous Faulkner novels, this work is not set in Yoknapatawpha County, nor does it utilize any characters from his established canon.\nSynopsis: Part One of the novel relates the story of Sunny Wilpher, a slave of the Jesperson family entrusted to oversee the domestic servants of the plantation manor. During the extended absence of Col. Alphonse Jesperson due to the American Civil War and the presence of Union troops in the surrounding countryside, Sunny assumes control of the plantation and its dwindling resources. A revolt against his custodianship by both black and white field hands eventually forces Sunny to acknowledge his paternity of Thomas Sooter, a mixed-race stable boy assumed to be Col. Jesperson's bastard offspring.\nPart Two is a first-person narrative told by Slumber Wilpher, an elderly African-American man in the present day (the 1960s by the book's chronology). Slumber (later revealed to be Thomas Sooter's grandson) relates the tale of a boyhood encounter with a traveling preacher in the woods outside of Muskogee, Mississippi. Following a cryptic exhortation from the deaf preacher to \"look between the trees\", Slumber embarks on a journey deep into the forest. After an attack by wild boar that costs Slumber his right index finger, he passes out from blood loss, only to awaken in a clearing far into the forest's interior. He is told by a hallucinatory figure that he has found his father's final resting place.\nPart Three is a poetic transcription of a vision experienced by Tyrus Murtry, Slumber's nephew. Tyrus, living in New Orleans as a dockworker, receives a letter from a person claiming to be his teenage daughter. Upon reading it, Tyrus retreats to his rented room in a Ninth Ward shotgun house and falls into an extended reverie. Laden with metaphorical imagery and narrative that at times appears to directly address the reader, the concluding portion of The Absent Willows focuses on a woman known only as \"Hec'ba\" and her various interludes in Tyrus' life. The novel ends with Tyrus recollecting his drowning of a female infant by a reed-filled riverbank, an event that may or may not be metaphorical within the narrative.\nNotes: No anomalous properties observed. Literary analysis confirms that thematic choices and settings do not conform to any previous works. However, word choice, style, syntax and narrative focus all indicate Faulkner as almost certainly being the author of this work.\nPages 359-491\nSummary: This section consists of decoded messages appearing immediately after The Absent Willows. The messages form an untitled narrative that is apparently a retelling of a passage from Part Two of the novel.\nSynopsis: An unspecified Native American female enters a clearing in a forest very similar to that described in Part Two of The Absent Willows. She recalls the history of her father's tribe in the region, and in particular the slaughter of a European hunting party days before her birth. After entreating unnamed spirits to watch over her family, she conducts burial rites for her stillborn son.\nNotes: This narrative was decoded from text that appeared spontaneously in SCP-986 during a period ending in 1968. Due to early portions of the text existing prior to Foundation recovery, the starting date of this portion of the SCP-986 transmissions is unknown.\nPages 492-656\nSummary: Pages 492-656 are an apparent autobiography of William Faulkner. Note that Faulkner did not publish an autobiography during his lifetime.\nSynopsis: A narrator (presumably William Faulkner, though at no point does the narrator identify themselves by name) provides an account of the events of their life as a distinguished writer in the American South. The first three chapters of this narrative match known information about the early life of Faulkner. However, beginning with Chapter Four, major deviations from documented accounts of Faulkner's life emerge. These include several major events not known previously to have befallen Faulkner:\n\nA two-year commitment in Willoughby Sanitorium in Jackson, Mississippi at the age of 14 due to an unspecified mental illness.\nA homosexual affair with a married professor at Yale University.\nA nine-month imprisonment in a German POW camp during the First World War\nA meeting with Arthur Findlay during a speaking tour in Great Britain in 1937.\n\nAs the narrative continues, events depicted in the autobiography vary increasingly from established understanding of Faulkner's life. In the closing chapters of the book, the narrator skips significant periods of time without explanation of events in between chapters, and events that appear to be completely unrelated to Faulkner's life (such as a stint as a water carrier in the Punjab, test-flying an experimental aircraft and being tried for murder) are related to the reader.\nInvestigation by Foundation staff has determined that some events described in this narrative (such as the confinement in Willoughby Sanitorium1 and the meeting with Findlay) did in fact occur and were never documented by official biographers, while others (the murder trial, and claims of contracting a case of malaria) have proven demonstrably false. The veracity of much of the narrative, however, is impossible to confirm or deny at this time.\nNotes: Following a long period of inactivity, the coded text comprising this section of narrative began manifesting in 1975, and continued appearing until concluding in 1982.\nPages 657-678\nSummary: This portion of SCP-986 (titled \"What's to be Done?\" in accordance with the first line of text transmitted) is a dialogue between two (possibly three) nameless characters.\nSynopsis: Two unnamed characters speak to each other for an extended period. The dialogue follows a pattern, wherein the first character will posit a question or statement, followed by the phrase \"what's to be done?\". The second character will offer a nonsensical solution, followed by the first character asking another question.\n\nEXCERPT OF SCP-986 PAGE 661\n\"How would you go about convincing a friend that they need to take care of themselves too? What's to be done?\"\n\"Line his pockets with quarters. Make all times feel like the second time.\"\n\"Aunt Marta wrote me a letter today. What's to be done?\"\n\"Wait.\"\n\nFrom Page 669 onward, the second character will always answer the first character by suggesting an act of self-harm, e.g. self-mutilation, a humiliating action, or some form of suicide. A possible interpretation of this development is that the second character has been replaced by a different speaker.\nNotes: \"What's to be Done?\" was transmitted by SCP-986 from 1982 to 1984. It is the first example of text transmitted by SCP-986 that conclusively does not match Faulkner's writing style. Cryptanalysts currently analyzing this section for evidence of additional ciphers.\nPages 679-798\nSummary: Pages 679-798 represent the current \"narrative\" being transmitted by SCP-986, and consist of an exegesis of the Book of Thomas the Contender, a non-canonical document related to the biblical New Testament.\nSynopsis: The majority of this section at the present time consists of a reproduction of passages from the text of the Book of Thomas, followed by lengthy commentary on each passage. The commentary offered in SCP-986 has proven difficult to interpret, as it will often be written in poetic verse, meaningless sequences of letters resembling the original book cipher the text is decoded from, or a dialogue between characters resembling those in \"What's to be Done?\" (the Book of Thomas is itself a dialogue for the most part).\nAt Page 796, the style of the section abruptly changes, and is replaced with sentence fragments, usually consisting of between 1-3 words. As of 11/02/2010, this has been the modality of SCP-986 transmissions.\n\nEXCERPT OF SCP-986 PAGE 796\n\"The writer of this passage can't seem to make up his mind as to whether the lower self or the higher self is speaking. It's possibly related to an inexpert translation, a common problem among the early Gnostic scholars. What's to be done?\"\n\"Put it in fourth. The road will be less\nWho.\nThese eyes.\nNo hands.\nWho.\nFlee.\nFlee now.\nWho.\nNo idea.\nNo.\n\nNotes: This section has been transmitting since 1998. Since 11/02/2010, short bursts of between ten and fifteen characters of text have manifested in SCP-986 every 36 days.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Willoughby Sanitorium closed in 1929. Foundation operatives have seized all patient records related to the Sanitorium and demolished the former grounds in 1978.\n\n\u00ab SCP-985 | SCP-986 | SCP-987 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-987\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-987 is currently housed at Research Site-14 in an airtight 5 x 12 x 3 meter concrete-walled chamber encased in a Faraday cage. Continuous illumination is provided by conventional fixtures in the ceiling. Access is restricted to Level 2 personnel or D-class personnel assigned by Level 3 personnel. The chamber is to be constantly monitored remotely by thermographic and standard cameras. In the event that SCP-987-1 is not detectable by thermographic imagery, the site director and head of security are to be notified. Although it is probable that SCP-987-1 has vacated the chamber, a Containment Breach Alert is not to be sounded by personnel on duty unless expressly authorized by the site director or head of security.\nDescription: SCP-987 is a collection of mirrors (SCP-987-a through h m) and an anomalous entity (SCP-987-1) that is only directly detectable by thermographic scans.\nSCP-987-1 (commonly referred to as 'the Curator') is an endothermic area approximately 0.5 x 0.5 x 2 meters that moves at ground level. It drains heat in a radius that varies from 1 to 2 meters. It also has demonstrated the ability to manipulate objects up to 150 kg in mass, at a distance up to 8 meters away. Objects manipulated at a distance of more than 2 meters are not subject to heat loss. Periodically SCP-987-1 dissipates and is undetectable for periods between 15 minutes and 1.5 hours, and there has been no record of anomalous activity during these times. It has not been confirmed that SCP-987-1 actually breaches containment. When the chamber is empty of personnel, SCP-987-1 moves about in no discernible pattern, pausing in front of different mirrors for up to approximately 30 minutes each. The entity exhibits awareness of any personnel that enter the containment area and maintains a distance of at least 3 meters away. SCP-987-1 has only aggressively reacted to those who have tampered with SCP-987-a through h m in any manner other than cleaning them carefully.\nSCP-987-a through h m are mirrors of various sizes and types. Seven Eight of them are medicine cabinets; the others are wall mounted mirrors of various sizes and makes, the largest of which measures approximately 1 x 1.5 meters. Style and construction details indicate that all were manufactured between the 1940's and 1990's. SCP-987-a through h m exhibit no anomalous characteristics other than their reflections, although exhaustive testing has been hampered by SCP-987-1. Photographic imaging and video recordings show a normal mirrored surface. When viewed directly, the surface of the mirrors do not reflect an image of the room they are currently in, but rather they show a different scene, presumably of their previous location. [Edit] The original locations of SCP-987-c, -k, and -m were identified and confirms the aforementioned theory. [See Addendum Log SCP-987-2] The reflections each show a scene of a violent death of a human subject, most commonly in a bathroom. The images are not static, but rather run as a loop lasting from 48 seconds to over 4 minutes. If viewed for 2 full cycles, the images change and the subjects become aware of the viewer as if looking through a window, often soundlessly pleading for help as the scenes unfold. The aggressor(s) also occasionally interact with the viewer by making hostile gestures or writing on the surface of the mirror.\nOn 5 occasions since \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588, SCP-987-1 has dissipated and become unobservable as noted above. In each case a new mirror has appeared among the others as it reforms. In some cases, the mirrors were collected long after the violent incident they portray, even decades later. The latest addition, SCP-987-m, appeared \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010.\nAddendum Log SCP-987-1: [DATA REDACTED]\nAddendum Log SCP-987-2: Identified Victims\nSCP-987-c\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, male, 62 years old, bathroom of an upscale home in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, California, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1968. Victim is bound and kneeling on the bathroom floor. A young Asian woman, dressed in attire suitable for a prostitute of the time enters, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Victim expires due to asphyxiation. During the third cycle, the aggressor usually stops at the mirror to reapply the lipstick and places a 'kiss mark' on the glass while looking directly at the viewer.\nSCP-987-k\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, male, 34 years old, hallway of a home in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Maine, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. Subject is standing on a ladder installing a chandelier. Subject loses balance and becomes entangled in the light fixture, pulling a length of electrical wiring from the ceiling. Subject is simultaneously electrocuted and strangled. During the third cycle, the subject shows various levels of apprehension when starting the task, the incident is more gruesome in nature, and usually includes the discovery of the dying subject by his wife.\nNote: In this case, the mirror was observed to be missing from the home when the death was discovered. It appeared at Research Site-14 at approximately the time of subject's demise. SCP-987-1 had dissipated at least 15 minutes before the onset of the events depicted in SCP-987-k.\nSCP-987-m\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, female, 20 years old, bathroom of Room \u2588\u2588\u2588 in the Hotel \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in New York City, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1978. Victim reacts in fear from aggressor out of view and attempts to run out of room. Unidentified male in denim jacket stabs victim once in abdomen and flees. Victim falls to the floor and quickly expires. During the third cycle, victim is clearly inebriated and attempts to communicate with viewer before aggressor enters. After the stabbing, aggressor proceeds to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nNote: It is very probable but not certain that the presence of SCP-987-a through m is a primary factor in the containment of SCP-987-1. In light of this, any testing that may be disruptive to SCP-987-1's behavior patterns must be approved by the site director.\nNote: As the Faraday shielding seems ineffective, and the role played by SCP-987-1 in these incidents is uncertain, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has requested use of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 technology to attempt to contain SCP-987-1.\n\n\u00ab SCP-986 | SCP-987 | SCP-988 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-988\n\nItem #: SCP-988\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-988 is to be housed in a locked, unilluminated cell with no observation windows. It is to be kept in a latched state and secured with a padlock whose key is to be stored at a separate facility.\nNo experiments of any kind are to be performed on SCP-988.\nDescription: SCP-988 is an unopenable wooden chest.\nSCP-988 is composed of oak with iron fittings and measures approximately 1.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.75 m. While SCP-988 possesses a latch, it did not possess a lock when discovered. The latch moves freely when not secured, and gentle manipulation of the lid has revealed it to move freely on its hinges.\nWhen SCP-988 is lifted and tilted an object can be felt to shift within. This object is seemingly irregular in shape and is estimated to have a mass of approximately 3 kilograms.\nDespite the lack of any apparent obstacle, SCP-988 cannot be opened. All attempts fail due to the intervention of external circumstances. In the 53 documented attempts at opening SCP-988 directly by hand, persons have been observed to become lost on their way to its current location, suffer injury preventing them from reaching it, and in 9 cases have died spontaneously of apparently natural causes just before completing the action.\nThe 7 documented attempts at opening SCP-988 via machine or other indirect mechanism have been stopped respectively by electrical shorts, mechanical jams, and in one case the mislabeling of a bottle of epoxy as lubricant. The \"unopenable\" property appears to extend to indirect methods of scanning SCP-988's contents. All attempts at sonographic, electromagnetic, and passive imaging of emissions outside of the visual spectrum have failed due to similar circumstances.\nComparison of the results of attempts to open SCP-988 with actuarial tables have demonstrated that outcomes correspond to normal probability, with the single exception that the possibility of the object being opened has been entirely removed. The mechanism by which SCP-988 prevents itself from being opened is currently unknown.\n\n\u00ab SCP-987 | SCP-988 | SCP-989 \u00bb"} {"text": "SCP-989, currently in containment\n\nItem #: SCP-989\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-989 is to be stored in secure Locker \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588 in Site 22 until further notice. Secure Locker \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588 is to contain an electronic scale, which is to report the current weight of the object at all times. Any change in the weight before testing and after testing that is +/- 1g beyond test materials removed is to be reported immediately, and Containment Breach protocols should be enacted. Level 2 clearance is required for research involving SCP-989, with written permission from a level 3 staff member.\nDescription: SCP-989 is a compound of C12H22O11 (Sucrose) interlaced with a substance with the chemical formula H7Xe2O4C8. The method by which this molecule was created is currently unknown, as the current principles of chemistry disagree with its composition and structure. Research is ongoing.\nSCP-989 is within an ornate silver shaker, with the logo for Marshall, Carter, and Dark engraved on the bottom, hereafter referred to as SCP-989-2. There are no visible seams in the shaker, and as such there is no way known at the moment to refill SCP-989-2, though testing at this point has shown no measurable change in weight of the object, suggesting that the substance may replenish itself. This \"replenishing\" effect is only observed to occur if the object is left standing for more than two (2) hours without movement. Whether this is a property of SCP-989 or SCP-989-2 is unknown at this time, but it is hypothesized that the interaction of the second compound with the materials of SCP-989-2 create this effect.\nWhen SCP-989 is elevated and released, SCP-989 enters suspension within the air. The crystals of SCP-989 surround whoever threw SCP-989 in to the air, and remain there for precisely seven (7) minutes, eighteen (18) seconds. This has shown no adverse affect on the thrower so far, as SCP-989 will not come within two (2) millimeters of the thrower, even if they walk through the cloud of SCP-989.\nIf any other living being enters the cloud of SCP-989, however, SCP-989 will surround the subject, and force its way in to the mucous membranes of the subject, causing severe lacerations, and coating the area with crystalline formations akin to what is colloquially known as \"rock candy\". This is uniformly non-fatal however, and leaves the subject blind, deaf, with moderate difficulty breathing, and in severe pain. Attempts to remove the crystalline growths have proven unsuccessful thus far.\nAfter exiting suspension with the air, SCP-989 will deposit on any horizontal surfaces, until thrown again, wherein it will return to being in suspension. This effect can only occur if SCP-989 is dry, as a solution of SCP-989 in water did not show any anomalous properties.\nSCP-989 was recovered from the home of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in [REDACTED], Wales, after several missing persons cases were connected to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and a possible link to Marshall, Carter, and Dark was confirmed. Also recovered were letter and receipt from Marshall, Carter, and Dark, Limited, for the amount of [REDACTED]. To date, no other samples of SCP-989 have been recovered.\nAddendum 1 The following is from a letter recovered from the home of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:\nTo a Mister \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nWe thank you for your purchase of this fine item. I hope you will find it to your liking, though I'm sure your dinner guests will certainly find it interesting. If we can be of assistance setting up any sort of soiree for you, we, of course, would be more than willing to assist. We look forward to continued business with you, and trust that you've taken steps to avoid the attention of a certain group, as we've advised.\nSincerely,\nMisters Marshall, Carter, and Dark\n\n\u00ab SCP-988 | SCP-989 | SCP-990 \u00bb"} {"text": "Artist's depiction of SCP-990.\n\nItem #: SCP-990\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Currently no containment for SCP-990 has been devised. Any personnel with suggestions for the containment of SCP-990 should report to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Any and all ideas are welcome, regardless of who suggests them.\nDescription: SCP-990 is generally a human male dressed in a Cold War era business suit who appears to Foundation personnel through dreams. Thus far no Foundation personnel have encountered SCP-990 in the real world; if he corresponds to an actual human being, we have yet to find him. Presently there have been no reports of SCP-990 appearing to non-Foundation personnel.\nSCP-990 has been appearing to Foundation personnel since [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-990's existence came to light when several Agents discussed having dreams involving a similar individual. Numerous other Agents reported dream-sightings of an individual matching the description of SCP-990. The phenomenon did not officially receive SCP classification until the aftermath of event-990-07.\nEvent log 990-07:\n\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 failed to report for duty at his assigned time. He was instead found in his quarters, asleep. Subject had been asleep for roughly eighteen (18) hours and all subsequent attempts to wake him were unsuccessful. Subject was transported to medical bay.\nAfter over 40 hours of sleep, Subject awakened in a highly agitated state. Subject reportedly ran through the facility yelling loudly about \"the end of the world\". Even after being heavily sedated, all of his bodily functions remained in a dangerously accelerated state: increased heart rate, high blood pressure, etc.\nSubject described a man matching the regular appearance of SCP-990. According to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's report, Agent described with great detail a series of events that would lead to several tactical nuclear missiles being launched into mid-Europe and eastern Asia, ultimately resulting in the extermination of nearly 98% of the human race and the total collapse of human society. Agent claimed that the information had been outlined to him by SCP-990 while he was trapped within his dream.\nMobile Task Force \u2588\u2588-\u2588 was dispatched to eliminate the initial threat that would begin the chain of events. MTF \u2588\u2588-\u2588 was successful and the crisis was averted. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, however, did not survive his ordeal and died of shock-like symptoms.\n\nSince Event-990-07, SCP-990 has appeared to many Foundation personnel and made similar threats. As of yet no situation on the scale of Event-990-07's has occurred; however, SCP-990 has successfully predicted the deaths of Doctors \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as well as the destruction of Watch Station Epsilon-38, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Any threat made by SCP-990 should be reported to Foundation authorities, regardless of its severity.\nFoundation personnel are considered free to converse with SCP-990 if he should appear to them, and are encouraged to try to obtain information from the subject regarding himself. Additionally, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has stated that anyone who can determine whether or not SCP-990 has a corresponding body somewhere in the world will be well rewarded.\nDocument 990-02:\nThe following is an interview conducted between Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-990. Although the interview was not recorded until Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 awoke, his memory has historically been highly accurate and reliable.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: State your name.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes. Is that all right?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please state your name.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Tony? Your name is Tony?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Very well then, Tony it is.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's fine with me.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why do you threaten Foundation personnel?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You've predicted a number of unfortunate events involving the Foundation, including the end of the world.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You murdered Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How so?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I wasn't aware that there was a \"bad guy\" involved.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Who?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: There is no SCP with that designation, and there won't be for some time.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is this another prediction?At this point Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was awakened by his alarm clock and proceeded to transcribe the interview.\n\n\u00ab SCP-989 | SCP-990 | SCP-991 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-991\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-991-1 is to be kept in a sealed container at Site-19. SCP-991-1 may not be stored if there is SCP-991-2 present. Access to SCP-991-1 for testing or use in interrogation/re-education requires the approval of a class-4 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-991-1 is a 19 cm long syringe. While the plunger is made of steel, the barrel and needle appear to be composed of previously unknown materials. When inserted into the blood vessel of a human and drawn, SCP-991-1 fills with an unknown black fluid, given the designation SCP-991-2. Once drawn from an individual (henceforth known as the donor), the plunger of the syringe cannot be pressed unless the needle of SCP-991-1 has been inserted into another human. Visual analysis of SCP-991-2 has shown it to have a significantly lower viscosity than blood, but direct analysis has proven impossible, due to the nature of SCP-991-1. Attempts to draw SCP-991-2 from a vein using a normal needle immediately after it was injected with SCP-991-1 have met with failure; apparently SCP-991-2 either disperses the instant it is injected or becomes immaterial.\nWhen injected with SCP-991-2, the individual (henceforth known as the recipient) will instantly take on the thoughts, emotions, and memories at the forefront of the donor's mind during SCP-991-2 extraction. The further back the plunger is drawn (i.e. the more SCP-991-2 present), the more potent and permanent these ideas will be. Because it is the thoughts most prevalent in the donor's mind that determine which are transferred, some level of control can be achieved. The process is imperfect, however, as unwanted ideas usually manifest in the recipient alongside the desired ones. Whether this is an aspect of SCP-991 or a lack of focus on the part of the donor has yet to be determined.\nRegardless of the cause, the \"thought leak\" caused by SCP-991 often results in the recipient becoming unhinged, especially if he or she receives multiple injections. They begin to possess conflicting viewpoints and ideas, and exhibit symptoms similar to those of a paranoid schizophrenic. For this reason, use of non-D-class personnel as the recipient is highly discouraged.\nSCP-991 appears to actually transfer thoughts, as any idea taken from the donor no longer appears in his or her mind; transferred memories, emotions, and even opinions seem to vanish from the donor when SCP-991-1 is drawn. After repeated donations, donors often begin to exhibit symptoms consistent with Alzheimer's Disease. In some cases, this will result in the loss of a fundamental faculty of the donor, such as swallowing, breathing, or blinking. In such cases, subject is to be euthanized once all relevant data on their psychology has been taken.\nUse of SCP-991 on Foundation personnel is highly discouraged, and requires the consent of both the donor and recipient, as well as the approval of two (2) class-4 personnel.\nSCP-991 has proven very useful for interrogation. Cooperative D-class can be used as donors for ideas of cooperation, to be injected into the individual being interrogated. Conversely, since the information desired is often at the forefront of the individual's mind, SCP-991 can be drawn from the individual and injected into another, in order to obtain the information forcibly. It is encouraged to use cooperative D-class for this as well, however, in order to prevent \"thought leak\" into Foundation personnel.\nSCP-991 was recovered from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Mental Institution, after the Foundation received reports of doctors at the institution going insane. Upon recovery, SCP-991-1 was found to be filled with SCP-991-2. When injected into a D-class subject, the individual began to behave in a manner consistent with dissociative identity disorder.\n\n\u00ab SCP-990 | SCP-991 | SCP-992 \u00bb"} {"text": "Archived photo of the area where SCP-992 was recovered.\n\nItem #: SCP-992\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-992 is within a humanoid containment chamber, located in Site-77's Euclid SCP wing. The chamber does not have any windows or natural lighting. Several potted plants are contained in the cell, and tended to by personnel. SCP-992 is permitted to request specific plants, as long as they are of a benign nature. Any other requests made by SCP-992 are to be denied. Animals may be exposed to SCP-992 under controlled environments, for testing purposes. Communication with SCP-992 is forbidden, and any subject who has been found to communicate with SCP-992 will receive a full anomalous evaluation. D-Class personnel are not to be used with SCP-992 testing.\nDescription: SCP-992 is an elderly Australian Aboriginal male of Pitjantjatjara ethnicity, 1.2 meters tall, weighing 95 kg. SCP-992 claims to be between 57-71 years old; however, in the 65 years the subject has been contained, it has not appeared to age. SCP-992 will attempt conversation with individuals who visit its containment chamber. These conversations typically consist of the subject describing its unsubstantiated prophetic abilities, and engaging the visitor in esoteric philosophical debates.\nWhen left alone, SCP-992 attempts to converse with various forms of flora and/or fauna, and will occasionally claim to receive prophetic visions while conversing with them. These conversations will usually take place over the course of several hours, with SCP-992 holding a one-sided conversation with the organism it is conversing with. If SCP-992 is asked about the topic its conversations, it will frequently allude to vague natural events which have not occurred; it also maintains claims to have predicted various, widely-publicized natural disasters. However, these are unsubstantiated.\nWhen SCP-992 is able to observe any weather pattern, the perception of humans viewing SCP-992 will be changed. These humans will observe unusual and nonsensical weather and meteorological activities. This effect will persist for 10-30 minutes after the affected persons have ceased viewing SCP-992. While affected, subjects will be unable to refer to themselves or others by name.\n\nObservations of subject affected by SCP-992\nWe were just sitting on the bed of the ute1, shootin' the breeze. It wasn't anything pressing or nothin', it's just that driving gets boring after awhile. Then I see this blackfella walking up the road. He doesn't have any shoes or anything on, and his feet looked all ruined. I was about to ask him if he was all right when the drop hit me. Now mind you, this the middle of the outback, and there weren't no clouds or nothin'.\nSo, we turn back to lookit the Abo, and he's pointin' up. Stared at him for a sec, then I look where he's pointin'. There's this white\u2026 black cloud. Hard to explain\u2026 hard to picture\u2026 but try to imagine the cloud took the shadow it was castin' on the ground, and wrapped it around itself like a blanket. Looked like it was keeping the life inside warm. About then's when the second drop hit, and the burning started.\nThese looked like raindrops, 'cept they were rusty. Like someone was driving an old beat-up ute trundlin' on top of the wrapped cloud. They looked hot, and when they hit it burned \u2014 not like a sudden heat burn, more of an old burn, the kind you get after walking through the desert for a lifetime. It's deep in the skin. Never really goes away\u2026 sometimes you'll ferget, think it left. As ya think about it, starts with an itch. Gets real bad. When you scratch it, the sun and time and oldness all comes crawling out.\nWe skedaddled pretty quick, didn't wanna stick around after all that. I don't know if he caused it, or if he was warning us, but he knew. You could see it in his wrinkles, and the calloused patches of skin\u2026 he knew exactly what was going on.\n\nSCP-992 was found in a small village near the Alice Springs area in central Australia, after reports of SCP-992's effect reached agents posted in the area. Investigation of the village these reports originated from showed SCP-992 had taken up a position as the village's leader, claiming to have godlike influence over the villagers' lives and the world around them. After demonstrating its abilities to the agents, SCP-992 was contained. Amnestics were distributed to witnesses, and a cover story portraying SCP-992 as a fraud was disseminated.\nIncident Report #992-C 01/17/1949: Level 1 personnel observed SCP-992's conversation with a eucalyptus tree. When asked about the conversation, subject answered \"She (the eucalyptus) was very depressed, and difficult to name. I was unable to fully paint the picture.\"\nPersonnel noted that the eucalyptus tree expired several days later.\nAddendum 992-A:\n\nShow excerpt from interview 992-A\n\nAccess Granted\n\nInterviewed: SCP-992\n\nInterviewer: Dr. Boyd\n\n\n\nDr. Boyd: \u2026 When did you become aware of it?2\nDr. Boyd: What happened afterwards?Dr. Boyd: \"True\" name?Dr. Boyd: I don't understand.Dr. Boyd: (Silent)Dr. Boyd: \u2026 what do you mean?Dr. Boyd: Are you referring to the aurora australis?Dr. Boyd: That's\u2026 alright. I think we're done here.\n\n\n\nFootnotes\n1. Australian slang for pickup or utility vehicle.\n2. Referring to SCP-992's anomalous properties\n3. Dr. Boyd had been using a pseudonym for this interview, and it is unknown how SCP-992 obtained his name.\n\n\u00ab SCP-991 | SCP-992 | SCP-993 \u00bb"} {"text": "Still image from an episode of SCP-993: 'Bobble's Kitchen Surprise'\n\nItem #: SCP-993\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Any broadcasts of SCP-993 are to be intercepted as detailed in Protocol Upsilon-Beta 3 and blocked from public viewing. All intercepted broadcasts are to be recorded and stored for future viewing. Any subjects used to view SCP-993 must be under the age of ten and are to be dosed with a Class A amnesiac after they have described the episode.\nViewing of SCP-993 must be authorized by three (3) Level 4 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-993 is a children's television program entitled \"Bobble the Clown\" which first began airing in \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588. SCP-993 seems to have been made in the style of an educational cartoon, with the primary plot of most episodes being the titular character, Bobble the Clown, learning a new skill or activity. The program appears to have no supporting cast and the setting of the program often changes between episodes.\nSCP-993's anomalous properties become obvious when the program is viewed. Anyone watching aged ten years or older will immediately fall unconscious when the program begins and will remain incapacitated until the end of the program, later reporting a stabbing headache immediately before blacking out.\nChildren under the age of ten viewing SCP-993 later report that it teaches and advocates activities such as cannibalism, murder, torture, [DATA EXPUNGED]. These activities appear to become ingrained in the subject's mind; repeated exposure to SCP-993 can result in permanent psychotic and schizophrenic symptoms.\nEpisodes of SCP-993 are regularly broadcast from a currently unknown source, but since \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, all broadcasts have been successfully intercepted using Protocol Upsilon-Beta 3 and blocked from public viewing.\n\nEpisode Log\n\nClose Log\n\nEpisode Title\nContents\n\n'Bobble's Kitchen Surprise'\nSetting of episode is a stereotypical small American town. In the episode, Bobble the Clown appears to kidnap one of the town's citizens and takes him to his home. Once there, Bobble the Clown informs the viewer on how to prepare human flesh for consumption, then proceeds to skin, gut and cook the citizen.\n\n'Bobble in the Big City'\nSetting of episode is a large American city, possibly New York. In the episode, Bobble the Clown instructs viewers on methods of lighting fires undetected, using resources such as mosquito coils. At the end of the episode, Bobble the Clown sets fire to a large building and leaves. The picture stays on the burning building for a further three minutes before the episode ends. Screams are audible during this time.\n\n'Bobble's Sneaky Saturday'\nSetting of episode appears to be London, as the Elizabeth Tower housing Big Ben is visible. In the episode, Bobble the Clown silently stalks a woman for most of the episode. When she arrives at her home, Bobble the Clown attacks and kills her with a large butcher knife. At the end of the episode, Bobble the Clown details methods of remaining unseen in crowded places.\n\n'Bobble Gets the Truth'\nSetting of episode appears to be a Prisoner of War camp. In the episode, Bobble the Clown tortures a captured soldier, repeatedly asking him nonsensical questions. The soldier eventually appears to die of his wounds. Bobble the Clown then details to the viewer how to inflict painful, but non-lethal injuries.\n\n'Bobble Hates You'\nSetting of episode appears to be a blank room. Bobble the Clown sits on a chair in the room staring angrily at the viewer for the full thirty minutes of the episode.\n\n'[EXPLETIVE] YOU [EXPLETIVE] YOU [EXPLETIVE] YOU'\nSetting of the episode appears to be Site \u2588\u2588's video archive, where recordings of SCP-993 are stored. In the episode, Bobble the Clown angrily details methods of breaching containment for several SCPs. Bobble then details methods to murder researchers involved in its containment, showing detailed knowledge of their daily routines and habits. Notably, what appears to be an animated version of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 walks past Bobble halfway through the episode. A clock on the wall shows the time as \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 PM. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 confirms that he was walking past SCP-993's archive at the time.\n\n\u00ab SCP-992 | SCP-993 | SCP-994 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-994\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The flock of SCP-994 is to be contained within a remote 50 square kilometer area in northwest Washington state, with housing provided within hangars 3, 4, 6 and 8 at Site-410. All SCP-994 individuals are to be fitted with radio transmitters broadcasting on Foundation-secure channels, as well as implants tied to an \u201cinvisible fence\u201d network operating out of local cell phone towers.\nThe SCP-994 roosting hangars are be resupplied with food twice weekly (the standard plankton-enriched nutrient fluid is to be replaced with 25 head of cattle once per month), and cleaned on an as-needed basis.\nSCP-994 are allowed free range within the containment territory: due to the special nature of SCP-994, sightings by the civilian population or minor breaches are to be treated as low priority. All incidents requiring action are to be dealt with by Special Intelligence Team \"NUAOIS\" (Northwestern Unknown Airborne Object Investigation Society).\nDescription: SCP-994 is a species of airborne lifeform bearing no resemblance to any known phylum of organism. SCP-994 are generally circular, with a flat ventral surface and curved dorsal side, and measuring between 3 and 50 meters in diameter (9.84 and 164 ft, respectively) when fully grown. SCP-994 will change in shape with age: juveniles will appear as blunted triangles, adults will be saucer-shaped, and elderly SCP-994 will be oblong.\nSCP-994 have no distinctive features on the dorsal side, outside of a layer of short, highly reflective silver fur and the orifices of the creature's respiratory tracts. SCP-994 have no visible eyes, instead sensing their surroundings through a combination of echolocation and thermal sensitivity. On the underside of the body is a circular, jawless mouth with a rasping tongue, as well as a series of white-blue bioluminescent organs. The pattern of these lights is unique to the individual, and the actual purpose has yet to be determined, as they produce no heat for other instances of SCP-994 to detect.\nSCP-994 are capable of flight, though the exact method is unknown. It is known that they are capable of reaching incredible speeds: the highest recorded speed of an SCP-994 specimen was in excess of Mach 2, and several individuals have been seen making ninety-degree turns in mid-flight. SCP-994 is completely silent during flight, even during supersonic acceleration, outside of a soft humming exhibited by juvenile specimens.\nSCP-994 behavior is highly social, with a complex hierarchy within the flock. Elder females serve as the ruling matriarchs of the group, each one leading a smaller sub-division of a dozen or so individuals. While the flock as a whole will act as one unit, the various sub-flocks will display a shifting network of rivalries and alliances between them. SCP-994 communication is carried out at an ultrasonic level.\nWild SCP-994 will generally avoid humans, fleeing if a human comes within a certain distance, usually in the range of 50 to 100 meters. However, the Foundation flock has become accustomed to human contact, allowing staff members to make physical contact. The Foundation flock has also naturalized to the containment hangars, using them as a roosting area. It should be noted that both wild and Foundation-controlled SCP-994 seem to enjoy flying alongside aircraft and do so often, many times going unnoticed.\nThere are currently twenty-eight juveniles, fourteen adults, and five elderly SCP-994 within Foundation control. The current wild population is unknown.\nIncident Report 994/\u2588\u2588\u2588-C4: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588: First recorded account of violence by SCP-994, due to a nearby breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. During the incident, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 broke into Hangar 4, and was promptly attacked by five adult SCP-994 (SCP-994-9, SCP-994-11, SCP-994-19, SCP-994-20, and SCP-994-21). The remainder of the flock fled the site, with the juveniles and elders flying inside a sphere of the remaining adults. When SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was subdued and recovered, inspection revealed traces of a powerful hemotoxin and tissue necrosis in areas where SCP-994 had attached. SCP-994-20 was severely injured during the incident, and died of complications during surgery four days later.\nAddendum-01: 09/20/20\u2588\u2588: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has requested to be assigned to an alternate project, due to claims that SCP-994-34 was \u201cstalking\u201d him and \u201cspying on everything [he does].\u201d While SCP-994-34 was indeed following Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and this behavior was deemed unusual, no hostile behavior on the part of SCP-994-34 was actually recorded. The request has been denied, but Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been granted minor sabbatical leave for psychological evaluation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-993 | SCP-994 | SCP-995 \u00bb"} {"text": "Item #: SCP-995\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures:\nSCP-995 is to be secured in a two (2) by three (3) meter terrarium placed in a four (4) x four (4) containment room. The terrarium is to be cleaned twice a week. During cleaning SCP-995 should be placed in a substitute terrarium fit for its size. All personnel should be sterilized before and after coming into the containment cell. SCP-995 is to be contained in multiple terrariums with each colony separated. Currently there are 4 colonies; each terrarium is to be made to fit the number and size of SCP-995 in the colony. SCP-995 has been moved to a larger containment room which is 20 x 20 meters. Each terrarium is to be cleaned weekly. If any colony reaches the established population limit, randomly selected SCP-995s are to be destroyed. Only Level 2 personnel or higher are granted access to SCP-995 with approval from any Level 3 researcher that has been assigned SCP-995. Feeding of the specimens is to be done twice a week at appropriate hours. During any containment breach the room is to be sterilized by incineration.\nDescription: SCP-995 is an organism with traits that vary between those of fungi and those of animals. SCP-995's life cycle starts with it being a spore. The spore stays dormant until it finds an area that has low light and is moist. However, an SCP-995 spore has more probability of activating under artificial structures such as household furniture; leather, vinyl, and polyester seem to be favored. There, the spore will grow into a soft organic mass which feeds off microorganisms in the air. It will continue to grow, sprouting appendages enabling it to move. A mouth will soon form, along with teeth and a simple digestive tract. SCP-995 in its mature stage feeds on larger organisms such as insects and rodents. The specimen will then start generating more instances of SCP-995 via the reproduction of spores. SCP-995 has been known to reach the size of [DATA REDACTED] in diameter. Infants have become prey, along with household pets. If a large population of SCP-995 has spawned in a small area, SCP-995 will start to migrate, having the capabilities of infesting an average house by the hundreds in a few days.\nThe first instance of SCP-995 was discovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's Furniture Shop in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588,GA which closed down the previous month due to financial issues. A group of adolescents trespassed in the closed shop and discovered the partially consumed body of a homeless man, who seemed to have taken shelter in the store. Police were called in and discovered a large colony of SCP-995 in the store, and a Foundation team was sent to investigate. The team administered Class-A amnestics to the Police officers involved and shipped the colony of SCP-995 to Site-\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum: SCP-995 has been relocated to a larger containment room since the locations of 3 new colonies have been discovered and contained. A list has been configured to catalog the current colonies and their diverse characteristics.\nList of Colonies of SCP-995\nColony: SCP-995-A\nDiscovered: 3/3/\u2588\u2588\nNumber of specimens: 349\nDescription: SCP-995-A is the original colony of SCP-995.\nSCP-995-A are greyish blue in color, ranging from 8 centimeters to 40 centimeters in diameter during Mature age.\nSpecial Characteristics: SCP-995-A move on 4 appendages with clawed feet and currently appear to have the fastest reproductive rate.\nColony: SCP-995-B\nDiscovered: 6/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\nNumber of specimens: 10\nDescription: SCP-995-B are dark green and range from 30 centimeters to \u2588\u2588 centimeters in diameter during mature age.\nSpecial Characteristics: SCP-995-B are the most aggressive of the species, and have an elongated snout with extremely sharp, needle-like teeth which are coated in an unknown paralyzing agent.\nColony: SCP-995-C\nDiscovered: 1/02/08\nNumber of Specimens: 264\nDescription: SCP-995-C are black in color and range from 5 centimeters to 20 centimeters in diameter at mature age.\nSpecial Characteristics: SCP-995-C are the smallest in size and are able to expel a highly acidic chemical from their 4 eyes.\nColony: SCP-995-D\nDiscovered: 5/30/11\nNumber of Specimens: 23\nDescription: SCP-995-D are dark red in color and range from 10 centimeters to \u2588\u2588 centimeters in diameter during mature age.\nSpecial Characteristics: SCP-995-D are able to emit a variety of noises which vary from ringtones to a human infant's cry. It is presumed that these sounds are made to lure prey in SCP-995-D's area where a group of them would attack. SCP-995-D seems to be the most advanced in behavior and intelligence.\n\n\u00ab SCP-994 | SCP-995 | SCP-996 \u00bb"}