import multiprocessing import pathlib import orjson qp = multiprocessing.Queue() # def processor_worker(): # while True: # data = qp.get() # if data is None: # break # def main(): # workers = 12 # with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as pool: # # pass bare_root = pathlib.Path("gutenberg") idx_nums = [str(i) for i in range(0, 10)] def iterative_folders(root: pathlib.Path): files = [] for item in root.iterdir(): if item.is_dir(): if len(item.stem) == 1 and item.stem[0] in idx_nums: files.extend(iterative_folders(item)) continue # print(item) if ".txt" not in item.suffix.lower(): html = item / f"{item.stem}-h" if html.is_dir() and list(html.glob("*.htm")): # print(html) # print("htm",html) files.append([html, "html"]) elif (item / f"{item.stem}.txt").exists(): # print("txt", item / f"{item.stem}.txt") files.append([html, "txt"]) elif (item / f"{item.stem}-8.txt").exists(): # print("txt-8 (fb)", item / f"{item.stem}.txt") files.append([html, "txt-8"]) elif (item / f"{item.stem}-0.txt").exists(): # print("txt-0 (fb)", item / f"{item.stem}.txt") files.append([html, "txt-0"]) elif (item / f"{item.stem}-t" / f"{item.stem}-t.tex").exists(): # print("txt-0 (fb)", item / f"{item.stem}.txt") files.append([html, "tex-folder"]) elif (item / "mp3").exists(): files.append([html, "audiobook-mp3"]) # print("mp3", item / f"{item.stem}.txt") elif (item / "ogg").exists(): files.append([html, "audiobook-ogg-fb"]) pass # print("mp3", item / f"{item.stem}.txt") elif (item / "m4b").exists(): files.append([html, "audiobook-m4b-fb"]) pass # print("mp3", item / f"{item.stem}.txt") else: files.append([item, "unk"]) print("????", item) else: continue # if not has_html: # pass # print(item) return files z = [] for rd in idx_nums: z.extend(iterative_folders(bare_root / rd)) for idx, item in enumerate(z): z[idx] = [str(item[0]), item[1]] pathlib.Path("index.json").write_bytes(orjson.dumps(z, option=orjson.OPT_INDENT_2))