#!/usr/bin/env python3 # License: MIT # Copyright (C) 2024, Shinon. # Code inspiration from Ronsor Labs. Licensed as below. # License: AGPL 3.0 # Copyright (C) 2023, 2024 Ronsor Labs. import asyncio import concurrent.futures as conc import csv import pathlib import random import urllib.parse import aiofile import httpx import orjson import tqdm from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from proxy_magic_session import get_async_session CONCURRENT_WORKERS = 128 executor = conc.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=64) queue = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=1048576) WIKI_LIST = pathlib.Path("fandom_wikis_210224.csv") OUPUT_JSONL = pathlib.Path("fandom_wikis_pages_210224_v2.jsonl") def parse_special_index(html_text: str): doc = BeautifulSoup(html_text, "lxml") page_list_li = doc.select("ul.mw-allpages-chunk li a") page_list = set() for page_item in page_list_li: page_title = page_item.get("title", "") if not page_title or page_title is None: print("[W] no page title?") continue if page_title.lower().rstrip().endswith("(redirect)"): continue else: page_list.add(page_item["title"]) page_list = list(page_list) next_url = doc.select(".mw-allpages-nav a") if next_url is None or len(next_url) == 0: next_url = None else: candidates = next_url next_url = None for x in candidates: if "next page" in x.text.lower(): if "index.php" not in x["href"].lower(): next_url = x["href"].split("=", 1) next_url[1] = urllib.parse.quote_plus( next_url[1].replace("+", "__SAFE_PLUS__") ).replace("__SAFE_PLUS__", "+") next_url = "=".join(next_url) else: next_url = x["href"] return page_list, next_url async def domain_procesor(domain: str, path: str): session: httpx.AsyncClient = get_async_session() loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() session.cookies.clear() session.headers["user-agent"] = ( "Mozilla/6.2 (compatible; Microsoft Chrome 137.0; Apple Gecko 47.0 in AOL Firefox 37.6) Google Toolbar/1.3" ) print(f"[I] Processing: https://{domain}{path}Special:AllPages") tries = 10 # pbar = tqdm.tqdm(desc=f"{domain}") data = None while True: try: data = await session.get( f"https://{domain}{path}Special:AllPages", follow_redirects=True ) if data.status_code != 200: if data.status_code == 410: break # print(f"https://{domain}{path}Special:AllPages", data.status_code) continue break except httpx.TransportError as e: await session.aclose() session: httpx.AsyncClient = get_async_session() print(f"[W] Retry TransportError https://{domain}{path} {e}") await asyncio.sleep(1) tries -= 1 except httpx.HTTPError as e: print(f"[W] Uncaught Exception Retry... https://{domain}{path} | {e}") await session.aclose() session: httpx.AsyncClient = get_async_session() # print(f"[W] Retry TransportError https://{domain}{path} {e}") await asyncio.sleep(1) tries -= 1 except Exception as e: print(f"[W] Uncaught Exception https://{domain}{path} | {e}") break if tries <= 0: print(f"[W] Tries Exceeded https://{domain}{path}") break if tries <= 0 or data is None: return if data.status_code == 410: return # Handle redirected domains domain = data.url.host page_list, next_url = await loop.run_in_executor( executor, parse_special_index, data.text ) # pbar.update(len(page_list)) while next_url: tries = 10 data = None while True: try: data = await session.get( f"https://{domain}{next_url}", follow_redirects=True ) if data.status_code != 200: if data.status_code == 410: break print(f"https://{domain}{next_url}", data.status_code) continue break except httpx.TransportError as e: await session.aclose() session: httpx.AsyncClient = get_async_session() print(f"[W2] Retry TransportError https://{domain}{next_url} {e}") await asyncio.sleep(1) tries -= 1 except httpx.HTTPError as e: print( f"[W2] Uncaught Exception Retry... https://{domain}{next_url} | {e}" ) await session.aclose() session: httpx.AsyncClient = get_async_session() # print(f"[W] Retry TransportError https://{domain}{path} {e}") await asyncio.sleep(1) tries -= 1 except Exception as e: print(f"[W2] Uncaught Exception https://{domain}{next_url} | {e}") break if tries <= 0: print(f"[W2] Tries Exceeded https://{domain}{next_url}") break if tries <= 0 or data is None: return if data.status_code == 410: return new_page_list, next_url = await loop.run_in_executor( executor, parse_special_index, data.text ) # pbar.update(len(new_page_list)) page_list.extend(new_page_list) # pbar.close() print(f"[I] Done: {domain} | {len(page_list)}") await session.aclose() return page_list export_queue = asyncio.Queue(CONCURRENT_WORKERS + 1) async def compiler_worker(): loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() async with aiofile.async_open(OUPUT_JSONL, "ab") as f: while True: page_data = await export_queue.get() if page_data is None: break domain, pages, path = page_data print(f"[I] Dump: {domain}") fi = {"domain": domain, "path": path, "pages": pages} bytes_data = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, orjson.dumps, fi) await f.write(bytes_data) await f.write(b"\n") print(f"[I] OKDump: {domain}") async def worker(): await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(1, CONCURRENT_WORKERS / 60)) while True: domain_root = await queue.get() if domain_root is None: break domain, _, path, __ = domain_root if path == "": path = "/wiki/" if "vpn-restricted" in domain: continue pages = await domain_procesor(domain, path) if pages is None: continue await export_queue.put((domain, pages, path)) async def main(): loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() workers = [loop.create_task(worker()) for _ in range(CONCURRENT_WORKERS)] writer = loop.create_task(compiler_worker()) seen_domains = set() if OUPUT_JSONL.exists(): print("[I] Fetching seen domains...") with open(OUPUT_JSONL, "rb") as f: for line in tqdm.tqdm(f, desc="Domains Parsed"): seen_domains.add(orjson.loads(line)["domain"]) with open(WIKI_LIST) as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for line in reader: if len(line) == 0: continue domain, friendly_name, path, has_scraped = line if domain[0] == "#": continue if domain in seen_domains: continue await queue.put((domain, friendly_name, path, has_scraped)) for _ in range(CONCURRENT_WORKERS + 1): await queue.put(None) await asyncio.gather(*workers) await export_queue.put(None) await asyncio.gather(writer) if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main())