# Dataset: Low-to-high-resolution weather forecasting using topography The dataset is intended and structured for the problem of transforming/interpolating low-resolution weather forecasts into higher resolution using topography data. ![Dataset diagram: 4 ECMWF grid points at the corners, 1 SMHI observation station, topographical data in the background](./assets/high_res_weather_forecasting_dataset.png) The dataset consists of 3 different types of data (as illustrated above): - **Historical weather observation data ([SMHI](https://opendata.smhi.se/apidocs/metobs/index.html))** - Historical weather observation data from selected SMHI observation stations (evaluation points) - **Historical low-resolution weather forecasts ([ECMWF](https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/datasets/set-i))** - For a given SMHI station: Historical, (relatively) low-resolution ECMWF weather forecasts from the 4 nearest ECMWF grid points - **Topography/elevation data ([Copernicus DEM GLO-30](https://spacedata.copernicus.eu/collections/copernicus-digital-elevation-model))**: - Topography/elevation data around a given SMHI station, grid enclosed by the 4 ECMWF points The dataset is meant to facilitate the following modeling pipeline: - Weather forecasts for a set of 4 neighboring ECMWF points are combined with topography/elevation data and turned into higher resolution forecasts grid (corresponding to the resolution of the topography data) - SMHI weather observation data is used as a sparse evaluation point of the produced higher-resolution forecasts ## Data details & samples ### SMHI weather observation data SMHI weather observation data is structured in csv files, separately for each weather parameter and weather observation station. See the sample below: ```csv Stationsnamn;Stationsnummer;Stationsnät;Mäthöjd (meter över marken) Stockholm-Observatoriekullen;98210;SMHIs stationsnät;2.0 Parameternamn;Beskrivning;Enhet Lufttemperatur;momentanvärde, 1 gång/tim;celsius Tidsperiod (fr.o.m);Tidsperiod (t.o.m);Höjd (meter över havet);Latitud (decimalgrader);Longitud (decimalgrader) 1859-01-01 00:00:00;2024-02-01 07:20:11;43.133;59.3417;18.0549 Datum;Tid (UTC);Lufttemperatur;Kvalitet;;Tidsutsnitt: 2023-10-27;06:00:00;2.4;G 2023-10-27;18:00:00;3.0;G 2023-10-28;06:00:00;0.6;G 2023-10-28;18:00:00;1.9;G 2023-10-29;06:00:00;0.3;G 2023-10-29;18:00:00;3.2;G 2023-10-30;06:00:00;2.4;G 2023-10-30;18:00:00;4.3;G 2023-10-31;06:00:00;8.5;G 2023-10-31;18:00:00;4.6;G 2023-11-01;06:00:00;1.9;G ``` ### ECMWF historical weather forecasts Historical ECMWF weather forecasts contain a number of forecasted weather variables at 4 nearest grid points around each SMHI observation station: ``` Dimensions: (reference_time: 2983, valid_time: 54, corner_index: 4, station_index: 275) Coordinates: * reference_time (reference_time) datetime64[ns] 2020-01-01 ... 20... latitude (corner_index, station_index) float64 55.3 ... 68.7 longitude (corner_index, station_index) float64 ... point (corner_index, station_index) int64 ... * valid_time (valid_time) int32 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 48 49 50 51 52 53 * station_index (station_index) int64 0 1 2 3 4 ... 271 272 273 274 * corner_index (corner_index)