version: "3.0" stories: - story: retrieve location steps: - intent: mem_assistant.get_location - action: action_get_location - story: store location steps: - intent: mem_assistant.store_request - action: utter_listening - intent: mem_assistant.store_location - action: action_store_location - action: utter_stored - story: retrieve attribute steps: - intent: mem_assistant.get_attr - action: action_get_attr - story: store attribute steps: - intent: mem_assistant.store_request - action: utter_listening - intent: mem_assistant.store_attr - action: action_store_attr - action: utter_stored - story: retrieve timestamp steps: - intent: mem_assistant.get_timestamp - action: action_get_time - story: store timestamp steps: - intent: mem_assistant.store_timestamp - action: action_store_time - action: utter_stored rules: - rule: store following attribute start steps: - intent: mem_assistant.store_following_attr # intent that triggers form activation - action: action_keep_raw_attr_entity - action: raw_data_store_form # run the form - active_loop: raw_data_store_form # this form is active - rule: store following attribute submit condition: - active_loop: raw_data_store_form # this form must be active steps: - action: raw_data_store_form - active_loop: null # the form is no longer active because it has been filled - action: action_raw_data_store # action to take after the form is complete - action: utter_stored