--- dataset_info: features: - name: image dtype: image - name: label dtype: class_label: names: '0': AD '1': ATVs '2': Abou '3': Above '4': Abraham '5': According '6': Accra '7': Accras '8': Acton '9': Adam '10': Adamafio '11': Addressing '12': Adenauer '13': Adenauers '14': Adhem '15': Administrations '16': Admiralty '17': Adultery '18': Advanced '19': Africa '20': African '21': Africans '22': Africas '23': After '24': Agriculture '25': Airport '26': Aladdins '27': Alan '28': Algeria '29': Algoma '30': Allen '31': Alongside '32': Altar '33': Altars '34': Ambassador '35': Amen '36': America '37': American '38': American-born '39': Americans '40': Americas '41': Andrei '42': Angel '43': Angeles '44': Anglesey-road '45': Anglia '46': Anglian '47': Anglican '48': Angola '49': Ann '50': Anna '51': Answering '52': Anthony '53': Antonioni '54': Antonionis '55': Applauding '56': Archbishop '57': Arguably '58': Army '59': Arnold '60': Ashmodeus '61': Asia '62': Assarja '63': Assistance '64': Atlantic '65': Aubrey '66': Auden '67': August '68': Australia '69': Austria '70': Austrian '71': Authorized '72': Avenue '73': Aviation '74': Avon '75': Aznavour '76': BAFFLED '77': BBC '78': BBCs '79': BERTRAND '80': BUDGETTE '81': BUTLER '82': Baal-meon '83': Bacon '84': Bagaya '85': Baltic '86': Ban- '87': Ban-the- '88': Bank '89': Banking '90': Banzie '91': Barclay '92': Barry '93': Battle '94': Behan '95': Beier '96': Belgian '97': Belgium '98': Belgrade '99': Bell '100': Bella '101': Ben '102': Bending '103': Berlin '104': Berlins '105': Bernhard '106': Berochoth '107': Bettis '108': Bible '109': Bill '110': Bitter-Herbs '111': Black '112': Blank '113': Bloem- '114': Blue '115': Board '116': Bobby '117': Boeing '118': Bombay '119': Bonn '120': Booming '121': Borstal '122': Boun '123': Bow-street '124': Bow-wave '125': Boxing '126': Boyle '127': Brauchitsch '128': Brenda '129': Brendan '130': Brendans '131': Brentano '132': Brezhnev '133': Brian '134': Brightons '135': Britain '136': Britains '137': British '138': British-owned '139': Britishers '140': Brooks '141': Brown '142': Browns '143': Bruce '144': Brucke '145': Bruno '146': Brunswick '147': Brussels '148': Bryan '149': Buckingham '150': Buckley '151': Budget '152': Buganda '153': Bundy '154': Bunk '155': Bureau '156': Byrne '157': Byron '158': C '159': CCF '160': CHILDREN '161': CHRIS '162': CIGS '163': CO '164': CONTRAST '165': COP '166': CRAZY '167': Cabinet '168': Callaghan '169': Calvinists '170': Cambodia '171': Cambridge '172': Canada '173': Canadian '174': Canadians '175': Cannon-row '176': Canon '177': Cantabile '178': Cape '179': Capetown '180': Cardinal '181': Carlton '182': Carmichael '183': Carole '184': Catechism '185': Centigrade '186': Central '187': Certainly '188': Chairbacks '189': Chancellor '190': Charauses '191': Charles '192': Che- '193': Chequers '194': Cherbourg '195': Cherubim '196': Chester '197': Chiefs '198': Chinese '199': Christ '200': Christening '201': Christianity '202': Christmas '203': Christopher '204': Chronicle '205': Clark '206': Coats '207': Collins '208': Colonial '209': Columbia '210': Comedian '211': Commission '212': Commissioner '213': Committee '214': Commons '215': Commonwealth '216': Communion '217': Communist '218': Community '219': Comrades '220': Confessions '221': Confirmation '222': Confusion '223': Congo '224': Congolese '225': Congress '226': Connemara '227': Cons '228': Conservative '229': Conservatives '230': Consideration '231': Constitution '232': Constitutional '233': Consultative '234': Continent '235': Convention '236': Conway '237': Cooper '238': Corell-Barnes '239': Council '240': Councils '241': Countless '242': Courtenay '243': Couve '244': Coventry '245': Crabb '246': Cramer '247': Criticisms '248': Crossman '249': Cry '250': Cypriots '251': Cyprus '252': Czechoslovakia '253': DDT '254': DELIGHTFUL '255': DICKIE '256': DIRECTOR '257': DONALD '258': DONS '259': DUESSELDORF '260': Daily '261': Daneman '262': Danes '263': Daniels '264': Darin '265': Das '266': Database '267': David '268': Dean '269': Decalogue '270': Dee '271': Deep '272': Delaney '273': Delaneys '274': Delegates '275': Deliverance '276': Denmarks '277': Dennis '278': Derush '279': Detroy '280': Dictionary '281': Die '282': Diefen- '283': Diefenbaker '284': Dinsdale '285': Dixon '286': Dolce '287': Domestic '288': Dominion '289': Doris '290': Dorothy '291': Dots '292': Douglas '293': Dr '294': Drama '295': Draughtsmen '296': Dublin '297': Duke '298': Duncalf '299': Duncan '300': Dutch '301': EICHMANN '302': ETU '303': Earl '304': East '305': Eastern '306': Eden '307': Edinburgh '308': Edusei '309': Edward '310': Egginton '311': Egypt '312': Eighteen '313': Eisenhower '314': Eleasar '315': Eleazar '316': Electricity '317': Elegy '318': Elizabeth '319': Ellender '320': Elliot '321': Ellis '322': Elvis '323': Embassy '324': End '325': England '326': Eric '327': Esquimalt '328': Esther '329': Europe '330': European '331': Evans '332': Events '333': Everybody '334': Everything '335': Exchange '336': Exchequer '337': FOULKES '338': FRANK '339': Fahrenheit '340': Fang- '341': Fanny '342': Farming '343': Feast '344': February '345': Fede- '346': Federal '347': Federation '348': Fell '349': Fells '350': Femme '351': Fer- '352': Ferris '353': Festing '354': Festival '355': Field-Marshal '356': Fig '357': Find-the-body '358': Finlay '359': Fir '360': Fisher '361': Fisheries '362': Fix '363': Flanagan '364': Florida '365': Floyd '366': Foot '367': Foot- '368': Foot-Griffiths '369': Foots '370': Force '371': Ford '372': Foreign '373': Forever '374': Formula '375': Forty '376': Fox '377': France '378': Francis '379': Frankie '380': Fred '381': Freddie '382': French '383': Frequently '384': Friday '385': G '386': GLENN '387': GRAHAM '388': GRIDO '389': Gagarin '390': Gaitskell '391': Gaitskellism '392': Gaitskellites '393': Gallery '394': Gaulle '395': Gaulles '396': Gemara '397': Gen '398': Gene '399': General '400': Geneva '401': George '402': German '403': Germans '404': Germany '405': Germanys '406': Geschichten '407': Gethsemane '408': Ghana '409': Ghanaian '410': Ghanas '411': Gifted '412': Gina '413': Git '414': Glasgow '415': Globke '416': Glory '417': Gloucester '418': Glyndebourne '419': God '420': Godard '421': Godards '422': Godber '423': Godbers '424': Goering '425': Gollancz '426': Gospel '427': Gov- '428': Government '429': Graaff '430': Grantham '431': Grechko '432': Greek '433': Greenfield '434': Griffiths '435': Grissom '436': Grits '437': Gunpowder '438': Gwyn '439': H '440': H-bomb '441': HEAVEN '442': HENZES '443': HOUNDING '444': HOUSTON '445': Hagadah '446': Hal '447': Hals '448': Hambledon '449': Hamlet '450': Hammarskjold '451': Harold '452': Harry '453': Hauptmann '454': Hayes '455': Hayward '456': Healey '457': Heath '458': Heavenly '459': Hebrew '460': Hence '461': Henry '462': Henze '463': Herald '464': Herbert '465': Herculaneum '466': Herr '467': Hess '468': Heusinger '469': Himmler '470': Hitler '471': Hitlers '472': Hoeschs '473': Holland '474': Holloways '475': Hollywood '476': Hollywood- '477': Holy '478': Home-making '479': Honey '480': Hostage '481': Hotel '482': House '483': Housing '484': Houstons '485': Hudson '486': Hull '487': Hyer '488': I '489': IL '490': IRA '491': ITV '492': Iain '493': Ian '494': Immediately '495': Imperial '496': Independence '497': India '498': Indian '499': Indo- '500': Indonesia '501': Indonesian '502': Informal '503': Inland '504': Insert '505': Inspection '506': Institutes '507': Inter-union '508': Interrupted '509': Investigation '510': Ireland '511': Irene '512': Irish '513': Island '514': Israel '515': Istanbul '516': Italian '517': JOHN '518': Jack '519': Jamaica '520': James '521': Jamess '522': Janette '523': Jars '524': Jean-Luc '525': Jeanne '526': Jeep '527': Jeff '528': Jersey '529': Jesuit '530': Jesus '531': Jews '532': Jochai '533': Johnstone '534': Joost '535': Joseph '536': Joshua '537': Joyce '538': Juke '539': Julie '540': Julius '541': July '542': Jun '543': June '544': Jury '545': KRUSCHEV '546': Kabaka '547': Kagawa '548': Kallman '549': Kaunda '550': Kaundas '551': Kautners '552': Kennedy '553': Kennedys '554': Kenneth '555': Kent '556': Kenya '557': Kerima '558': Key '559': Khouang '560': Khruschev '561': Khrushchov '562': Kilner '563': King '564': Kingsway '565': Klondykes '566': Knight '567': Knoll '568': Korean '569': Krobo '570': Krushchev '571': Krushchov '572': Ks '573': Kultur '574': Kumasi '575': Kuwait '576': LAvventura '577': La '578': Lab '579': Labour '580': Labours '581': Lady '582': Lady- '583': Lancaster '584': Landen '585': Langley '586': Laos '587': Laotian '588': Larry '589': Lastly '590': Laud '591': Lawrence '592': Leaning '593': Leaning-back '594': Lee '595': Leeds '596': Left-wing '597': Leicester '598': Leisurely '599': Leningrad '600': Lester '601': Let '602': Levi '603': Levis '604': Levit '605': Lewis '606': Liberal '607': Liberals '608': Lichtenstein '609': Lincs '610': Lintott '611': Lisbon '612': Lloyd '613': Lobby '614': Loch '615': Logan '616': Lollo '617': Lollobrigida '618': London '619': Lord '620': Lords '621': Los '622': Louisiana '623': Lovers '624': Loving '625': Lucas '626': Lucass '627': Lucky '628': Luddite '629': Luddites '630': Lumumba '631': Lynn '632': Lynne '633': M '634': MAKARIOS '635': MARCIA '636': MOVE '637': MP '638': MPs '639': MRA '640': Macleod '641': Macmillan '642': Macmillans '643': Madawaska '644': Mail '645': Majestys '646': Mala- '647': Malachias '648': Malachiass '649': Malagasy '650': Malcolm '651': Mammon '652': Management '653': Manchester '654': March '655': Marie '656': Marilyn '657': Maritimes '658': Market '659': Markets '660': Marriage-Go-Round '661': Marshal '662': Marshalls '663': Martha '664': Mary '665': Matador '666': Matzos '667': Mau '668': Max '669': Maxwell '670': McGeorge '671': Mean- '672': Meanwhile '673': Mercer-Crochet '674': Messusah '675': Meteoro- '676': Michael '677': Michael- '678': Michelangelo '679': Mike '680': Milton '681': Min- '682': Minister '683': Ministers '684': Ministry '685': Miracle '686': Mishnah '687': Miss '688': Mitzrajim '689': Moabite '690': Moderato '691': Moffat '692': Molony '693': Monckton '694': Moncrieff '695': Monday '696': Monroe '697': Montand '698': Monty '699': Moore '700': Moreau '701': Morris '702': Mortar '703': Moscow '704': Moses '705': Most '706': Motors '707': Mr '708': Mrs '709': Mudd '710': Mudlarks '711': Muggeridges '712': Municipal '713': Murville '714': NATO '715': NEWTON '716': National '717': Nationalist '718': Nationalists '719': Nations '720': Navigator '721': Navy '722': Nazi '723': Neagle '724': Near '725': Negro '726': Neh '727': Nell '728': Nestles '729': Nevertheless '730': New '731': Newman '732': Newmar '733': Newmarket '734': Nkrumah '735': Nkrumahs '736': Nkumbula '737': Nkumbulas '738': Nobody '739': Nonsense '740': Norfolk '741': Northern '742': Norwegian '743': Note '744': Notes '745': Notte '746': Nov '747': Nyasaland '748': OTTO '749': Obviously '750': October '751': Office '752': Ogden '753': One '754': Only '755': Ontario '756': Oral '757': Oum '758': Overnight '759': Oversew '760': Oxford '761': PRODUCER '762': Pact '763': Padley '764': Pakistan '765': Palace '766': Palestinian '767': Palladium '768': Pan '769': Pancras '770': Papen '771': Paper '772': Parana '773': Paris '774': Park '775': Parliament '776': Parliamentary '777': Parliaments '778': Parlophone '779': Parties '780': Party '781': Passover '782': Patrice '783': Patricks '784': Paul '785': Pearson '786': Peeresses '787': Peers '788': Penh '789': Pentagon '790': Pepys '791': Perkins '792': Persian '793': Pesach '794': Peter '795': Philips '796': Philosophy '797': Phnom '798': Phones '799': Phouma '800': Piccadilly '801': Pier- '802': Pigsty '803': Pilate '804': Pinkie '805': Plain '806': Platt '807': Plewman '808': Pliny '809': Poland '810': Polaris '811': Polydor '812': Pompeii '813': Pontius '814': Potter '815': Powell '816': Pravda '817': Praying '818': Preference '819': Premier '820': Presbyterian '821': President '822': Presidential '823': Presidents '824': Press '825': Pressmen '826': Prime '827': Prince '828': Princess '829': Privy '830': Prizes '831': Professor '832': Progressive '833': Progressives '834': Protectorates '835': Province '836': Ps '837': Psychology '838': Pullman '839': Puritans '840': Qoheleth '841': Quebec '842': Queen '843': Quentin '844': R '845': REFUGEES '846': RELAXED '847': RONALD '848': ROYAL '849': Rabbi '850': Rabbis '851': Rabh '852': Ralph '853': Ramah '854': Rami '855': Re-Armament '856': Rebel '857': Redactors '858': Reef '859': Referring '860': Reich '861': Relations '862': Remez '863': Replying '864': Republic '865': Restigouche '866': Revenue '867': Rhine '868': Rhodesia '869': Rhodesian '870': Rhodesias '871': Richard '872': Richards '873': Richardson '874': Right-Wing '875': Rix '876': Robert '877': Roberts '878': Robertson '879': Robertsons '880': Rock '881': Roderick '882': Rolls '883': Rolls-Royce '884': Rolly '885': Romanizer '886': Rome '887': Root '888': Rosyth '889': Roy '890': Roys '891': Rubric '892': Rugby '893': Rusk '894': Russ '895': Russell '896': Russells '897': Russia '898': Russian '899': Russians '900': S '901': SONGS-OF-BRITAIN '902': SUTTON '903': Saanich '904': Sabbath '905': Sahara '906': Said '907': Salt '908': Salt-water '909': Salvation '910': Sam '911': Samuel '912': Sandra '913': Sandys '914': Sanh '915': Saud '916': Saviour '917': Scar- '918': Scarborough '919': Schaerf '920': Schoenman '921': Schooldays '922': Scot '923': Scotland '924': Scots '925': Scotsman '926': Scott '927': Scottish '928': Sea '929': Seal '930': Second '931': Secretary '932': Seder '933': Selpin '934': Selwyn '935': Senate '936': Senator '937': Sentence '938': September '939': Seraphim '940': Serjeant '941': Serviceman '942': Sevareid '943': Seven '944': Seventh '945': Shades '946': Shadow '947': Shakespeare '948': Shamir '949': Shamirs '950': Sheila '951': Shelagh '952': Shelley '953': Shem '954': Shepard '955': Shinwell '956': Shipbuilding '957': Shmah '958': Short '959': Sid '960': Sidney '961': Significantly '962': Signorina '963': Sillitoe '964': Simeon '965': Simpson '966': Since '967': Sing '968': Sir '969': Six '970': Six-Five '971': Slezak '972': Smiler '973': Smith '974': Smiths '975': Sol '976': Solomon '977': Souter '978': Souters '979': South '980': South-East '981': Southern '982': Souvanna '983': Souvannas '984': Soviet '985': Spain '986': Spanish '987': Speaks '988': Spirit '989': Spreng '990': Square '991': St '992': Staff '993': Starfighters '994': Start '995': State '996': Stated '997': States '998': Stepmother '999': Steytler '1000': Stockton-on-Tees '1001': Stoke '1002': Stone '1003': Stonehouses '1004': Stores '1005': Strangely '1006': Strasberg '1007': Stratford '1008': Strauss '1009': Streak '1010': Studies '1011': Sub-committees '1012': Sudanese '1013': Sudans '1014': Suddenly '1015': Suffolk '1016': Suggesting '1017': Sukarno '1018': Sunday '1019': Sunderland '1020': Surrey '1021': Susan '1022': Synoptics '1023': TUC '1024': TUCs '1025': TV '1026': Takoradi '1027': Talmud '1028': Tanis '1029': Tawia '1030': Testament '1031': Theatre '1032': Thee '1033': Then '1034': There '1035': These '1036': Thomas '1037': Thor '1038': Thorneycroft '1039': Thorneycrofts '1040': Though '1041': Throughout '1042': Thursday '1043': Thus '1044': Times '1045': Timetables '1046': Tin '1047': Tito '1048': Todays '1049': Todd '1050': Tolch '1051': Tolchard '1052': Tolpuddle '1053': Tom '1054': Tony '1055': Torah '1056': Tories '1057': Toro '1058': Tory '1059': Toyohiko '1060': Trade '1061': Trades '1062': Transvaal '1063': Travel '1064': Treasury '1065': Treaty '1066': Trent '1067': Troy '1068': Tuesday '1069': Tunisians '1070': Turner '1071': Twang '1072': UN '1073': UNIP '1074': UNO '1075': UNs '1076': Uganda '1077': Um-chink '1078': Uncle '1079': Underwater '1080': Une '1081': Ungoed- '1082': Unheimliche '1083': Union '1084': United '1085': Unlike '1086': VERDICT '1087': VINEYARDS '1088': Vang '1089': Vaughan '1090': Ver- '1091': Veronique '1092': Versailles '1093': Verwoerd '1094': Vesuvius '1095': Victoria '1096': Victorian '1097': Vieng '1098': Vienna '1099': Vientiane '1100': Viking '1101': Villiers '1102': Virgil '1103': Virginia '1104': Vista '1105': Vita '1106': W '1107': WOODWORKER '1108': Walter '1109': Warsaw '1110': Washington '1111': Watford '1112': Watkinson '1113': We '1114': Weaver '1115': Weavers '1116': Wedding '1117': Weld '1118': Welensky '1119': Welenskys '1120': Welt '1121': Wesker '1122': West '1123': Western '1124': Whatever '1125': White '1126': Whitehall '1127': Whitfield '1128': Wicki '1129': Wickis '1130': Wilcox '1131': Will '1132': William '1133': Williams '1134': Willis '1135': Wilson '1136': Wolverhampton '1137': Workers '1138': Worsley '1139': Wunder '1140': Xieng '1141': Yanks '1142': Yard '1143': Yesterday '1144': York '1145': Yorks '1146': Yugoslav '1147': Yves '1148': Zambia '1149': Zealand '1150': Zoma '1151': abandon '1152': abandoned '1153': abashed '1154': ability '1155': able '1156': able-bodied '1157': abolished '1158': abolition '1159': about '1160': about- '1161': abreast '1162': abroad '1163': absence '1164': absent '1165': absolute '1166': absolutely '1167': abstraction '1168': abundance '1169': abused '1170': ac- '1171': academic '1172': accent '1173': accents '1174': accept '1175': acceptable '1176': accepted '1177': accepting '1178': accessories '1179': accident-prone '1180': accidental '1181': accidentally '1182': accommodating '1183': accommodation '1184': accompanied '1185': accompany '1186': accomplished '1187': accomplishments '1188': accord '1189': accountant '1190': accounts '1191': accuracy '1192': accurate '1193': accurately '1194': accused '1195': achieved '1196': achievement '1197': acid '1198': acres '1199': across '1200': act '1201': acting 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balance '1508': balance-sheet '1509': balances '1510': ball '1511': balloon '1512': ballyhoo '1513': ban '1514': bankrupt '1515': banks '1516': banned '1517': baptized '1518': bar '1519': barbarously '1520': bare '1521': bargaining '1522': bark '1523': barrier '1524': barriers '1525': base '1526': based '1527': bases '1528': basic '1529': basing '1530': basis '1531': basting '1532': bats '1533': batsman '1534': battalions '1535': batting '1536': bay '1537': be '1538': beaches '1539': beacon '1540': beaks '1541': bean '1542': bear '1543': bearer '1544': bears '1545': beautiful '1546': beautifully '1547': beauty '1548': became '1549': because '1550': become '1551': becomes '1552': becoming '1553': bed '1554': bedspreads '1555': been '1556': befall '1557': before '1558': beforehand '1559': befriended '1560': began '1561': begin '1562': beginner '1563': beginning '1564': begun '1565': behaviour '1566': behind '1567': being '1568': believe '1569': believed '1570': believes '1571': bells '1572': belongs '1573': bench '1574': benches '1575': bend '1576': benefits '1577': ber '1578': beside '1579': best '1580': best-seller '1581': bet '1582': betrayal '1583': betrayed '1584': better '1585': better- '1586': between '1587': bevel '1588': bevelled '1589': beware '1590': bewildered '1591': beyond '1592': biased '1593': big '1594': bigger '1595': biggest '1596': bills '1597': bind '1598': binding '1599': binds '1600': bingo-parlour '1601': biological '1602': birds '1603': bishop '1604': bite '1605': bitterest '1606': bitterness '1607': black- '1608': blacks '1609': blame '1610': blamed '1611': blander '1612': blight '1613': blind '1614': blissful '1615': block '1616': blond '1617': blood '1618': bloodstained '1619': blouse '1620': blouses '1621': blow '1622': blowflies '1623': blown '1624': bluntly '1625': bluster '1626': boat '1627': boat-train '1628': bobbles '1629': bodies '1630': body '1631': bogy '1632': bold '1633': boldly '1634': bolted '1635': bomb '1636': bombed '1637': bombers '1638': bonded '1639': bone '1640': bones '1641': book '1642': booklet '1643': books '1644': border '1645': bored '1646': boredom '1647': bores '1648': born '1649': borough '1650': bossed '1651': bosses '1652': both '1653': bottle '1654': bottom '1655': bought '1656': bound '1657': boundaries '1658': boutiques '1659': bow '1660': bowed '1661': bowing '1662': bows '1663': box '1664': boxes '1665': boy '1666': boycotted '1667': boycotting '1668': boys '1669': braces '1670': brain-children '1671': brains '1672': brandy '1673': brash '1674': brass '1675': breach '1676': bread-and-butter '1677': break '1678': breaking '1679': breaks '1680': breathing '1681': breathless '1682': breeding '1683': breeze '1684': breezily '1685': bridal '1686': brief '1687': briefing '1688': brigadiers '1689': bright '1690': brighter '1691': brightly '1692': brilliant '1693': brilliantly '1694': brilliantly-written '1695': bring '1696': bringing '1697': brings '1698': broad '1699': broadcast '1700': broadcasting '1701': broke '1702': broken '1703': brother '1704': brought '1705': brutal '1706': buck '1707': budge '1708': budgerigar '1709': budgetary '1710': build '1711': builders '1712': building '1713': builds '1714': built '1715': bulk '1716': bulky '1717': bulletins '1718': bullying '1719': bumps '1720': burden '1721': burdens '1722': burst '1723': busi- '1724': business '1725': bustling '1726': but '1727': butt '1728': button '1729': buy '1730': buying '1731': by '1732': by- '1733': by-elections '1734': by-passed '1735': cable '1736': cables '1737': call '1738': call-out '1739': called '1740': calling '1741': calls '1742': cally '1743': calm '1744': came '1745': cameras '1746': campaign '1747': campaigns '1748': can '1749': can- '1750': canals '1751': canard '1752': cancelled '1753': cancerous '1754': candi- '1755': candidate '1756': cannot '1757': capa- '1758': capable '1759': capacity '1760': capital '1761': capsule '1762': captain '1763': captured '1764': car '1765': cardboard '1766': care '1767': career '1768': careful '1769': carefully '1770': caricature '1771': carnival '1772': carried '1773': carries '1774': carrot '1775': carry '1776': carrying '1777': cars '1778': case '1779': cases '1780': cash '1781': cast '1782': catch '1783': category '1784': cattle '1785': caught '1786': cause '1787': caused '1788': causes '1789': cease '1790': ceasefire '1791': ceiling '1792': ceived '1793': censure '1794': censured '1795': cent '1796': centage '1797': centre '1798': centuries '1799': century '1800': ceramic '1801': ceremonial '1802': certain '1803': certificate '1804': chain '1805': chair '1806': chairman '1807': challenge '1808': challenger '1809': chamber '1810': champion '1811': chance '1812': chancery '1813': chances '1814': change '1815': changed '1816': changes '1817': changing '1818': chaos '1819': chap '1820': chaperon '1821': chapter '1822': charac- '1823': character '1824': character-actors '1825': characterisation '1826': characters '1827': charge '1828': charged '1829': charges '1830': charming '1831': charts '1832': chat '1833': chatty '1834': cheap '1835': cheaper '1836': cheapness '1837': cheating '1838': check '1839': cheer '1840': cheered '1841': cheering '1842': chemical '1843': chias '1844': chicanery '1845': chief '1846': chiefly '1847': child '1848': child-like '1849': chilling '1850': chilly '1851': chimpanzees '1852': chine '1853': chines '1854': choice '1855': choose '1856': chosen '1857': chums '1858': church '1859': churchyard '1860': cide '1861': ciency '1862': cinema '1863': cinematic '1864': circles '1865': circulation '1866': circumstances '1867': cisterns '1868': cited '1869': cities '1870': citizen '1871': citizens '1872': city '1873': civil '1874': claim '1875': claimed '1876': claiming '1877': claims '1878': clamp '1879': clapping '1880': clarification '1881': clash '1882': class '1883': classes '1884': clay '1885': clean '1886': cleaned '1887': cleaning '1888': clear '1889': clear-cut '1890': cleared '1891': clearer '1892': clearly '1893': clerk '1894': cliche-ridden '1895': climax '1896': clings '1897': cloak '1898': clock '1899': close '1900': closed '1901': closely '1902': club '1903': clumsily '1904': clumsy '1905': co-operate '1906': co-operation '1907': coached '1908': coastline '1909': coat '1910': cocoon '1911': codex '1912': cog '1913': coherent '1914': coinage '1915': coincides '1916': cold '1917': collar '1918': colleagues '1919': collective '1920': college '1921': colour '1922': coloured '1923': colouring '1924': colours '1925': column '1926': columns '1927': com- '1928': combination '1929': combined '1930': come '1931': comedy '1932': comes '1933': comfort '1934': comfortable '1935': comforter '1936': comi- '1937': comically '1938': comics '1939': coming '1940': command '1941': commanding '1942': commandments '1943': comment '1944': commentator '1945': commented '1946': comments '1947': commerce '1948': commercial '1949': commit '1950': commitments '1951': committed '1952': committees '1953': common '1954': commonest '1955': communique '1956': communists '1957': companies '1958': companionship '1959': company '1960': comparable '1961': comparative '1962': compared '1963': comparisons '1964': compartments '1965': compatriots '1966': compelled '1967': competition '1968': complained '1969': complaining '1970': complaints '1971': complete '1972': completely '1973': complex '1974': complexities '1975': complicated '1976': complicates '1977': complication '1978': composed '1979': composer '1980': composition '1981': comprehensive '1982': compressed '1983': compulsory '1984': con- '1985': concealed '1986': concei- '1987': conceive '1988': conceived '1989': concentrate '1990': concentrated '1991': concentration '1992': concept '1993': conception '1994': concern '1995': concerned '1996': concessions '1997': conciliators '1998': concluded '1999': conclusion '2000': concrete '2001': concurred '2002': condemn '2003': condemnation '2004': condemned '2005': condition '2006': conditions '2007': conduct '2008': conducted '2009': conducting '2010': conference '2011': conferences '2012': confident '2013': confined '2014': confused '2015': congestion '2016': congregation '2017': connection '2018': connexion '2019': connivance '2020': conquer '2021': conquered '2022': conscious '2023': consequences '2024': consequently '2025': consider '2026': considerable '2027': considerably '2028': considered '2029': considering '2030': consistent '2031': consisting '2032': conspicuous '2033': constables '2034': constancy '2035': constituencies '2036': constitute '2037': construction '2038': consult '2039': consultations '2040': consumed '2041': contact '2042': contain '2043': contains '2044': contemplate '2045': contemplated '2046': contemporaneous '2047': contemporary '2048': contempt '2049': content '2050': contest '2051': contests '2052': context '2053': contingency '2054': continue '2055': continued '2056': continues '2057': continuously '2058': contract '2059': contractors '2060': contranatant '2061': contrary '2062': contrasting '2063': contribution '2064': control '2065': controlled '2066': controlling '2067': controls '2068': convenience '2069': convenient '2070': conveniently '2071': convents '2072': conversation '2073': conveys '2074': convicted '2075': convinced '2076': convivial '2077': cool '2078': coolness '2079': cooperate '2080': coordinate '2081': copper '2082': cordial '2083': corn '2084': corner '2085': corporation '2086': correct '2087': correspond '2088': correspondent '2089': corresponding '2090': corridors '2091': cost '2092': costs '2093': cot '2094': cottage '2095': cottons '2096': couched '2097': could '2098': counselling '2099': counted '2100': countries '2101': country '2102': countrys '2103': couple '2104': coupled '2105': courageous '2106': course '2107': court '2108': courtesy '2109': courtship '2110': cover '2111': covered '2112': covering '2113': covers '2114': craft '2115': craftsman '2116': craggy '2117': cramped '2118': crash '2119': creak '2120': create '2121': created '2122': creating '2123': creative '2124': creature '2125': creatures '2126': credit '2127': creditor '2128': creeping '2129': cricket '2130': cries '2131': crime '2132': crippled '2133': crisis '2134': critic '2135': critics '2136': crochet '2137': crocheted '2138': crooks '2139': cross '2140': crowd '2141': crowded '2142': crowding '2143': crowds '2144': crowning '2145': cruel '2146': crusade '2147': cuffs '2148': cult '2149': cultural '2150': cup '2151': cupboard '2152': cups '2153': curb '2154': cure '2155': curious '2156': curiously '2157': currency '2158': current '2159': curriculum '2160': curtain '2161': cushions '2162': customers '2163': cut '2164': cut-rate '2165': cute '2166': cuts '2167': cutters '2168': cynical '2169': d '2170': dairy '2171': damage '2172': damaged '2173': damaging '2174': damsel '2175': danger '2176': dangerous '2177': dangers '2178': dangled '2179': darndest '2180': dashed '2181': date '2182': dates '2183': daughter '2184': daughters '2185': day '2186': day-time '2187': daylight '2188': days '2189': daytime '2190': dazzling '2191': dc '2192': de '2193': de- '2194': dead '2195': deal '2196': dealers '2197': dealing '2198': deals '2199': dealt '2200': dear '2201': dearer '2202': death '2203': deaths '2204': debate '2205': debates '2206': debt '2207': deceitful '2208': deceive '2209': deceived '2210': decide '2211': decided '2212': decides '2213': decimal '2214': decision '2215': decisions '2216': decisive '2217': decisively '2218': declare '2219': declared '2220': declaring '2221': decline '2222': decorated '2223': decorating '2224': dedicated '2225': deeds '2226': deeply '2227': defeat '2228': defence '2229': defences '2230': defend '2231': defended '2232': defiance '2233': deficient '2234': defile '2235': definite '2236': degree '2237': delay '2238': delayed '2239': dele- '2240': delegation '2241': delegations '2242': deliber- '2243': deliberate '2244': deliberately '2245': delicate '2246': delighted '2247': delineation '2248': delivered '2249': demand '2250': demanded '2251': demands '2252': democracy '2253': demolish '2254': demon- '2255': demonstrated '2256': demonstration '2257': demonstrations '2258': demonstrators '2259': denied '2260': denounce '2261': denounced '2262': deny '2263': depend '2264': dependent '2265': depending '2266': depends '2267': depict '2268': deplored '2269': deposits '2270': depot '2271': deprived '2272': dept '2273': depth '2274': derived '2275': des '2276': descended '2277': descent '2278': descents '2279': describe '2280': described '2281': describes '2282': desert '2283': deserted '2284': desertion '2285': design '2286': designed '2287': designers '2288': designs '2289': desire '2290': desired '2291': desolation '2292': despair '2293': desperately '2294': despite '2295': destination '2296': destiny '2297': destroy '2298': destroying '2299': destroys '2300': destruction '2301': destructive '2302': detail '2303': detailed '2304': details '2305': detect '2306': deterioration '2307': determination '2308': determining '2309': develop '2310': developed '2311': development '2312': devilment '2313': devoted '2314': devotion '2315': dexterity '2316': dge '2317': diabetic '2318': diagrams '2319': diamond '2320': diamond-stone '2321': diaries '2322': dictate '2323': dictating '2324': did '2325': didnt '2326': died '2327': dieldrin '2328': dies '2329': differed '2330': difference '2331': different '2332': differently '2333': difficult '2334': difficulties '2335': difficulty '2336': dignified '2337': diligently '2338': dim '2339': dimensions '2340': ding '2341': dinghy '2342': dingy '2343': dinner '2344': dip '2345': dip-in '2346': diplomacy '2347': diplomatist '2348': dipping-in '2349': direct '2350': directed '2351': direction '2352': directions '2353': directive '2354': directly '2355': directors '2356': dis- '2357': disadvantages '2358': disagree '2359': disappear '2360': disappointing '2361': disarmament '2362': disarming '2363': disaster '2364': disastrous '2365': disband '2366': disc '2367': disclosed '2368': discontent '2369': discounted '2370': discreditable '2371': discretion '2372': discrimination '2373': discuss '2374': discussed '2375': discussion '2376': discussions '2377': disdain '2378': disguise '2379': dishonest '2380': dislike '2381': disliked '2382': dislocation '2383': dislocations '2384': dismayed '2385': dismissed '2386': disorder '2387': disorderly '2388': dispatched '2389': dispense '2390': dispersed '2391': display '2392': disposal '2393': disposed '2394': disrepu- '2395': distance '2396': distinct '2397': distinction '2398': distinctive '2399': distorted '2400': distress '2401': districts '2402': disturbance '2403': disturbances '2404': disturbed '2405': disturbing '2406': ditty '2407': diverse '2408': diverting '2409': divine '2410': division '2411': divisions '2412': do '2413': dockyard '2414': doctor '2415': doctors '2416': documents '2417': does '2418': doesnt '2419': doilies '2420': doing '2421': dollar '2422': dollars '2423': dolls '2424': dominance '2425': dominated '2426': domination '2427': done '2428': dont '2429': door '2430': doorposts '2431': doorway '2432': double '2433': double-crosses '2434': doubt '2435': doubtful '2436': doubts '2437': dowel '2438': down '2439': dozen '2440': draft '2441': drag '2442': drain '2443': drained '2444': dramatic '2445': dramatically '2446': dramatist '2447': drastic '2448': draught '2449': draw '2450': drawers '2451': drawing-rooms '2452': drawings '2453': draws '2454': dressing '2455': drew '2456': drift '2457': drifted '2458': drink '2459': drive '2460': driven '2461': driving '2462': drop '2463': dropped '2464': drove '2465': drudgery '2466': drug '2467': drugs '2468': drunk '2469': duced '2470': ducks '2471': due '2472': dug '2473': dukes '2474': dull '2475': dullness '2476': dumbness '2477': duplicating '2478': during '2479': duty '2480': dwells '2481': dying '2482': dynamic '2483': each '2484': earlier '2485': early '2486': earn '2487': earned '2488': earnest '2489': earth '2490': earthly '2491': easier '2492': easily '2493': east- '2494': east-west '2495': easterly '2496': easy '2497': eat '2498': eating '2499': eccentric '2500': ecclesiastical '2501': echo-sounders '2502': economic '2503': economy '2504': edge '2505': edges '2506': edging '2507': edgings '2508': edifice '2509': editor '2510': editorial '2511': editress '2512': educate '2513': education '2514': eerie '2515': effect '2516': effected '2517': effective '2518': effectively '2519': effects '2520': effervescent '2521': effi- '2522': efficiency '2523': efficient '2524': effort '2525': efforts '2526': egg-case '2527': egghead '2528': eggs '2529': egocentric '2530': eight '2531': eight-round '2532': either '2533': elaborate '2534': elastic '2535': elder '2536': elderly '2537': elect '2538': elected '2539': election '2540': elections '2541': electoral '2542': electorate '2543': electrocution '2544': electronics '2545': elegant '2546': elements '2547': elephant '2548': eleven '2549': eleventh '2550': eliminated '2551': else '2552': elsewhere '2553': embassies '2554': emblems '2555': emissaries '2556': emit '2557': emotion '2558': emotionalism '2559': emphasis '2560': emphasizing '2561': empties '2562': emptiness '2563': enable '2564': enables '2565': encircled '2566': encouraging '2567': endearing '2568': ended '2569': ending '2570': endless '2571': endowed '2572': ends '2573': enduring '2574': enemy '2575': energies '2576': energy '2577': enforce '2578': engagement '2579': engineering '2580': engineers '2581': enhanced '2582': enigma '2583': enjoy '2584': enjoyment '2585': enlarged '2586': enlargement '2587': enlivened '2588': ennui '2589': enormous '2590': enormously '2591': enough '2592': ensembles '2593': ensure '2594': ensuring '2595': enterprises '2596': entertain '2597': enthusiasm '2598': enthusiastic '2599': enthusiastically '2600': entirely '2601': entrance '2602': envisages '2603': ephemeral '2604': epilogue '2605': equal '2606': equally '2607': equipped '2608': era '2609': ernment '2610': error '2611': eruption '2612': escape '2613': escorted '2614': especially '2615': essay '2616': essential '2617': establish '2618': established '2619': establishment '2620': estranged '2621': etc '2622': eternal '2623': eve '2624': even '2625': evening '2626': evenings '2627': eventual '2628': eventually '2629': ever '2630': every '2631': everyday '2632': everyone '2633': everyones '2634': everywhere '2635': evidence '2636': evident '2637': evil '2638': ex- '2639': ex-Eoka '2640': exact '2641': exacting '2642': exactly '2643': examination '2644': examine '2645': examining '2646': example '2647': exams '2648': exceedingly '2649': excellent '2650': except '2651': exceptional '2652': exchanges '2653': exciting '2654': excluded '2655': excluding '2656': exclusion '2657': excuse '2658': executed '2659': executive '2660': executives '2661': exercise '2662': exercised '2663': exhausting '2664': exhaustion '2665': exhibit '2666': exhibition '2667': existed '2668': existence '2669': existing '2670': exit '2671': expansion '2672': expect '2673': expectancy '2674': expectant '2675': expected '2676': expel '2677': expenditure '2678': expensive '2679': experience '2680': experienced '2681': experiences '2682': experiment '2683': expert '2684': experts '2685': explain '2686': explained '2687': explains '2688': explanation '2689': explanations '2690': explanatory '2691': explicably '2692': exploited '2693': exports '2694': expose '2695': expound '2696': expressed '2697': expression '2698': expulsion '2699': exquisite '2700': extended '2701': extensions '2702': extent '2703': extra '2704': extraordinary '2705': extreme '2706': extremely '2707': eye- '2708': eyeballs '2709': eyes '2710': face '2711': faced '2712': faces '2713': facilities '2714': facing '2715': fact '2716': factor '2717': factors '2718': factory '2719': facts '2720': factual '2721': failed '2722': failing '2723': fails '2724': failure '2725': fair '2726': fairly '2727': faith '2728': fall '2729': fall-out '2730': fallen '2731': falling '2732': falls '2733': 'false' '2734': fame '2735': familiar '2736': families '2737': family '2738': fanatics '2739': fans '2740': far '2741': farce '2742': fared '2743': farewell '2744': farmers '2745': farther '2746': fascinating '2747': fashion '2748': fashioned '2749': fast '2750': fastened '2751': faster '2752': fastest '2753': fatal '2754': fated '2755': father '2756': father-in- '2757': father-in-law '2758': father-to-be '2759': fatigue '2760': faults '2761': favour '2762': favoured '2763': fear '2764': feared '2765': fearful '2766': fearlessly '2767': fears '2768': feat '2769': feather-weight '2770': feathered '2771': featuring '2772': fed '2773': feeding '2774': feel '2775': feeling '2776': feelings '2777': feels '2778': feet '2779': fellow '2780': fellows '2781': felt '2782': feminine '2783': ference '2784': ferocity '2785': feudal '2786': fever '2787': few '2788': fewer '2789': fiddling '2790': fidelity '2791': field '2792': fields '2793': fierce '2794': fifty '2795': fight '2796': fighter '2797': fighters '2798': fighting '2799': figment '2800': figure '2801': figures '2802': fill '2803': filled '2804': fillings '2805': film '2806': filmed '2807': films '2808': final '2809': finally '2810': financial '2811': financing '2812': find '2813': findings '2814': finds '2815': fine '2816': fine-lace '2817': finer '2818': finger '2819': fingers '2820': finish '2821': finished '2822': finishing '2823': firing '2824': firm '2825': firmly '2826': first '2827': first-class '2828': fish '2829': fishermen '2830': fishery '2831': fishing '2832': fishings '2833': fit '2834': fitments '2835': fits '2836': fittings '2837': five '2838': five- '2839': five-day '2840': five-year '2841': fixed '2842': fixing '2843': fizzles '2844': flabby '2845': flagrant '2846': flapping '2847': flat '2848': flatly '2849': flawed '2850': flection '2851': fleeing '2852': fleet '2853': flew '2854': flexible '2855': flict '2856': flies '2857': floor '2858': floundered '2859': flower '2860': fluenced '2861': fly '2862': flying '2863': fog '2864': folk '2865': folklore '2866': follow '2867': followed '2868': followers '2869': following '2870': follows '2871': folly '2872': fontein '2873': food '2874': foods '2875': foolish '2876': footing '2877': footrest '2878': footrope '2879': for '2880': forced '2881': forces '2882': forecast '2883': forefinger '2884': foreigners '2885': forget '2886': forlorn '2887': form '2888': formal '2889': formed '2890': former '2891': formerly '2892': forms '2893': forth- '2894': fortnight '2895': fortunate '2896': forty-five '2897': forward '2898': foster '2899': fought '2900': found '2901': foundations '2902': founded '2903': four '2904': fourth '2905': fragile '2906': fragment '2907': fragments '2908': frail '2909': frame '2910': framed '2911': frames '2912': framework '2913': framing '2914': frantically '2915': fraudulent '2916': free '2917': free-lance '2918': freeboard '2919': freedom '2920': freedoms '2921': frequent '2922': fresh '2923': friend '2924': friendly '2925': friends '2926': friendship '2927': frightened '2928': frightening '2929': fringes '2930': fringing '2931': from '2932': front '2933': frostbite '2934': frozen '2935': fruit '2936': frustration '2937': fry '2938': ft '2939': fuel '2940': fulfil '2941': fulfilment '2942': fulfils '2943': full '2944': full-blooded '2945': fuller '2946': fully '2947': fun '2948': function '2949': functions '2950': fundamentally '2951': funds '2952': funny '2953': furniture '2954': further '2955': fussy '2956': future '2957': gain '2958': gala '2959': gallant '2960': gallon '2961': galvanised '2962': galvanized '2963': game '2964': gang '2965': ganged '2966': gaps '2967': garages '2968': garden '2969': gardener '2970': gardeners '2971': gardening '2972': gardens '2973': gate '2974': gates '2975': gather '2976': gather-in '2977': gathered '2978': gathering '2979': gaudy '2980': gauge '2981': gave '2982': gawky '2983': gear '2984': generally '2985': generals '2986': generate '2987': generated '2988': generation '2989': generations '2990': generous '2991': generously '2992': gentle '2993': genuine '2994': geography '2995': gesture '2996': get '2997': gets '2998': getting '2999': ghost '3000': gift '3001': girl '3002': girls '3003': give '3004': given '3005': gives '3006': giving '3007': glad '3008': glance '3009': glaring '3010': glass '3011': glasspaper '3012': glorious '3013': glossy '3014': gloves '3015': glower '3016': glue '3017': glued '3018': gluing '3019': go '3020': goes '3021': going '3022': going-out '3023': golf-course '3024': gone '3025': good '3026': goods '3027': goodwill '3028': gossamer '3029': gossip '3030': got '3031': govern '3032': governments '3033': gown '3034': grade '3035': grained '3036': gral '3037': granted '3038': grants '3039': grapher '3040': 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'3168': heli-hopping '3169': hell-bound '3170': help '3171': helped '3172': helping '3173': hem '3174': her '3175': heralded '3176': here '3177': hereabouts '3178': hereditary '3179': heritage '3180': heroine '3181': herring '3182': herrings '3183': herself '3184': hesitation '3185': hewers '3186': hiccup '3187': hid '3188': hidden '3189': hides '3190': high '3191': high-speed '3192': higher '3193': highly '3194': hill '3195': him '3196': him- '3197': himself '3198': hint '3199': his '3200': historians '3201': history '3202': hit '3203': hitherto '3204': hits '3205': hobby '3206': hockey '3207': hold '3208': holding '3209': holds '3210': hole '3211': holes '3212': holiday '3213': home '3214': homely '3215': homes '3216': homo- '3217': homosexual '3218': honesty '3219': honeymoon '3220': honours '3221': hooded '3222': hook '3223': hooks '3224': hoops '3225': hope '3226': hoped '3227': hopeful '3228': hopes '3229': hoping '3230': horizontal '3231': horizontally '3232': horrified '3233': 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'3351': individuals '3352': industrial '3353': industries '3354': industry '3355': industrys '3356': ineffectuality '3357': inevitability '3358': inevitable '3359': inevitably '3360': inflated '3361': influential '3362': influx '3363': information '3364': informed '3365': infuriate '3366': ingenuity '3367': inherit '3368': inheritance '3369': iniquitous '3370': initiated '3371': injection '3372': injustice '3373': innocent '3374': innumerable '3375': inquiry '3376': inquisitively '3377': inroads '3378': insect '3379': insecti- '3380': insects '3381': insensi- '3382': insensitively '3383': insertion '3384': inside '3385': insignificant '3386': insisting '3387': inspiration '3388': inspiring '3389': installed '3390': instance '3391': instances '3392': instant '3393': instead '3394': instinct '3395': institution '3396': instructed '3397': instructions '3398': instruments '3399': insulted '3400': inte- '3401': integral '3402': integrated '3403': intelligence '3404': intelligent '3405': intend '3406': intense '3407': intensified '3408': intensive '3409': intention '3410': inter-African '3411': interest '3412': interested '3413': interesting '3414': interests '3415': interference '3416': intermittent '3417': internal '3418': international '3419': interned '3420': interpretation '3421': interrogations '3422': intervals '3423': intervene '3424': intervention '3425': interview '3426': interviewed '3427': intimate '3428': intimidating '3429': into '3430': introduced '3431': introduction '3432': invariable '3433': invariably '3434': invasion '3435': inventive '3436': investment '3437': investors '3438': invitation '3439': invite '3440': involve '3441': involved '3442': involving '3443': inwards '3444': iron '3445': irons '3446': irrational '3447': irrelevant '3448': irrevocable '3449': is '3450': islands '3451': isolated '3452': isolation '3453': issue '3454': issued '3455': issues '3456': issuing '3457': ister '3458': it '3459': items '3460': its '3461': itself '3462': ivory-thumping '3463': jackals '3464': jackets '3465': jail '3466': jailed '3467': jangly '3468': jealousies '3469': jeans-and- '3470': jeers '3471': jelly-boned '3472': jeopardised '3473': jet '3474': joanna '3475': job '3476': jobs '3477': join '3478': joined '3479': joining '3480': joint '3481': joints '3482': joke '3483': jokes '3484': jolted '3485': journalist '3486': journey '3487': jugglers '3488': jump '3489': junior '3490': just '3491': justice '3492': justified '3493': justify '3494': keep '3495': keeping '3496': keeps '3497': kept '3498': kercher '3499': kid '3500': killed '3501': killing '3502': kind '3503': kindly '3504': kinds '3505': kingdom '3506': kingdoms '3507': kings '3508': kit '3509': kitchen '3510': kite-flying '3511': kneeling '3512': knees '3513': knew '3514': knitting '3515': knock '3516': knock-out '3517': knots '3518': knotted '3519': know '3520': know-how '3521': knowing '3522': knowledge '3523': known '3524': knows '3525': lace '3526': lace- '3527': lace-making '3528': lace-trimmed '3529': laced '3530': lacking '3531': lag '3532': lagging '3533': laid '3534': lake '3535': lamentably '3536': lamp '3537': land '3538': landed '3539': landmark '3540': language '3541': lapping '3542': lapse '3543': larders '3544': large '3545': largely '3546': larger '3547': largest '3548': last '3549': late '3550': latent '3551': later '3552': latest '3553': latter '3554': laugh '3555': laughable '3556': laughing '3557': laughter '3558': launch '3559': launched '3560': launcher '3561': launching '3562': launder '3563': lavish '3564': law '3565': lawlessness '3566': lawn '3567': lay '3568': layers '3569': laying '3570': lb '3571': lead '3572': lead-based '3573': leader '3574': leaders '3575': leadership '3576': leading '3577': leads '3578': leap '3579': learn '3580': learned '3581': learning '3582': learns '3583': least '3584': leave '3585': leaves '3586': leaving '3587': led '3588': left '3589': leg '3590': legal '3591': legality '3592': legend '3593': legislate '3594': legislation '3595': legs '3596': leisured '3597': lend '3598': lends '3599': length '3600': lengths '3601': less '3602': lesser '3603': lessly '3604': lesson '3605': lessons '3606': lest '3607': letter '3608': letzt '3609': level '3610': levels '3611': liability '3612': liberalism '3613': libretto '3614': licking '3615': lie '3616': lieutenants '3617': life '3618': lifelong '3619': lifetime '3620': lift '3621': light '3622': lighthouse '3623': lightness '3624': like '3625': liked '3626': likely '3627': likeness '3628': likes '3629': limelight '3630': limitation '3631': limited '3632': line '3633': linen '3634': liner '3635': lines '3636': link '3637': linked '3638': list '3639': listed '3640': listen '3641': listening '3642': literal '3643': literally '3644': little '3645': live '3646': lived '3647': livelihood '3648': lively '3649': lives '3650': living '3651': ll '3652': loaded '3653': loan '3654': loan-word '3655': lobbied '3656': local '3657': locate '3658': locked '3659': logical '3660': long '3661': longer '3662': longest '3663': longshore '3664': look '3665': look-out '3666': looked '3667': looking '3668': looks '3669': looms '3670': loop '3671': loose '3672': lose '3673': loses '3674': lost '3675': lot '3676': loud '3677': love '3678': lovely '3679': lover '3680': loves '3681': low '3682': loyalty '3683': lumber '3684': lunch '3685': luncheon '3686': luxury '3687': lying '3688': lyric '3689': mable '3690': machine '3691': machines '3692': made '3693': magazine '3694': magnificent '3695': mahogany '3696': main '3697': mainly '3698': maintain '3699': maintained '3700': maintaining '3701': majo- '3702': major '3703': major-domo '3704': majorities '3705': majority '3706': make '3707': makes '3708': making '3709': male '3710': man '3711': manager '3712': mance '3713': mani- '3714': manifested '3715': manipulated '3716': manipulator '3717': manoeuvring '3718': manpower '3719': mantel- '3720': mantis '3721': manu- '3722': manufacture '3723': manufacturing '3724': manuscripts '3725': many '3726': margin '3727': mark '3728': marked '3729': marking '3730': markings '3731': marks '3732': marriage '3733': married '3734': marry '3735': marvellous '3736': mass '3737': massacre '3738': massed '3739': master '3740': masterpiece '3741': match '3742': material '3743': materials '3744': maternal '3745': mats '3746': matter '3747': matters '3748': matzo '3749': maximised '3750': may '3751': me '3752': meals '3753': mean '3754': meandering '3755': meaning '3756': means '3757': meant '3758': measurement '3759': measurements '3760': measures '3761': meat '3762': medical '3763': medicine '3764': medium-weight '3765': medley '3766': meek '3767': meet '3768': meeting '3769': meetings '3770': melo- '3771': melodramatic '3772': melody '3773': member '3774': members '3775': membership '3776': memorandum '3777': memories '3778': memory '3779': men '3780': menace '3781': mens '3782': ment '3783': mental '3784': mention '3785': mentions '3786': ments '3787': mercerised '3788': merely '3789': merited '3790': merrily '3791': mess '3792': message '3793': messages '3794': met '3795': metaphorical '3796': methods '3797': mid-morning '3798': mid-way '3799': middle '3800': middle-aged '3801': midst '3802': midwater '3803': might '3804': mighty '3805': migrate '3806': migrating '3807': migration '3808': mild '3809': mile '3810': miles '3811': militarily '3812': militarism '3813': militarists '3814': military '3815': mill '3816': millenium '3817': million '3818': millionaire '3819': millions '3820': millstone '3821': mind '3822': minded '3823': minds '3824': minimum '3825': minnows '3826': minor '3827': minority '3828': minute '3829': minutes '3830': mischief '3831': mischief- '3832': misguided '3833': misrepresentation '3834': missile '3835': missiles '3836': missing '3837': mission '3838': missionary '3839': mistake '3840': mixed '3841': mixture '3842': mobilisation '3843': mobilise '3844': mobilising '3845': moderates '3846': modern '3847': modest '3848': modification '3849': modifications '3850': modified '3851': modify '3852': modulate '3853': molly-coddled '3854': moment '3855': moments '3856': money '3857': monk '3858': mono- '3859': monster '3860': monstrous '3861': month '3862': monthly '3863': months '3864': monuments '3865': monwealth '3866': mood '3867': moods '3868': moral '3869': morality '3870': more '3871': morning '3872': morticed '3873': mostly '3874': mother '3875': mothers '3876': motion '3877': motives '3878': motor '3879': motor-car '3880': motto '3881': mould '3882': moulds '3883': mourning '3884': mouse '3885': mouth '3886': moved '3887': movement '3888': movements '3889': moves '3890': moving '3891': much '3892': mucking '3893': muddle '3894': mug '3895': multi-racial '3896': multiplied '3897': multitude '3898': murder '3899': musical '3900': must '3901': muster '3902': muttered '3903': mutual '3904': mutually '3905': my '3906': mysteries '3907': mysteriously '3908': mystery '3909': myth '3910': nail '3911': nailed '3912': nails '3913': name '3914': names '3915': nasty '3916': nation '3917': nation-wide '3918': native '3919': natural '3920': naturally '3921': nature '3922': nauseating '3923': naval '3924': ne '3925': nearer '3926': nearly '3927': neat '3928': neatly '3929': necessarily '3930': necessary '3931': necessity '3932': neck '3933': need '3934': needed '3935': needs '3936': needy '3937': neglige '3938': negotiate '3939': negotiating '3940': negotiation '3941': negotiations '3942': negotiator '3943': negotiators '3944': neighbour '3945': neighbourliness '3946': neither '3947': nesia '3948': ness '3949': net '3950': nets '3951': netting '3952': neutral '3953': neutralist '3954': neutrality '3955': neutrals '3956': never '3957': newly '3958': newly-wed '3959': newly-weds '3960': news '3961': newspaper '3962': newspapers '3963': next '3964': nice '3965': nick '3966': night '3967': night-time '3968': nightmare '3969': nights '3970': nimble-fingered '3971': nine '3972': 'no' '3973': noble '3974': nobler '3975': nodded '3976': nominating '3977': nomination '3978': nominees '3979': none '3980': nor '3981': normal '3982': normally '3983': north '3984': northwards '3985': nose '3986': not '3987': notches '3988': noted '3989': nothing '3990': notice '3991': noticed '3992': notification '3993': noting '3994': notions '3995': nouns '3996': novel '3997': now '3998': nuclear '3999': nuclear- '4000': num- '4001': number '4002': numbers '4003': numerous '4004': nuns '4005': nuptial '4006': nursemaid '4007': nursery '4008': obedient '4009': objected '4010': objection '4011': obligation '4012': obligations '4013': obliging '4014': obscure '4015': observant '4016': observation '4017': observers '4018': obstacle '4019': obstinate '4020': obstructed '4021': obtained '4022': obtaining '4023': obtains '4024': obvious '4025': occasion '4026': occasional '4027': occupation '4028': occupying '4029': occur '4030': occurred '4031': occurring '4032': ocean '4033': oclock '4034': odd '4035': oddly '4036': odds '4037': of '4038': 'off' '4039': off-the-cuff '4040': offence '4041': offended '4042': offending '4043': offer '4044': offered '4045': offering '4046': officer '4047': officers '4048': official '4049': officialdom '4050': officials '4051': offing '4052': offshore '4053': often '4054': oil '4055': old '4056': old-fashioned '4057': older '4058': omission '4059': omitted '4060': 'on' '4061': once '4062': once-and-for-all '4063': one-another '4064': onerous '4065': ones '4066': open '4067': opened '4068': opening '4069': openly '4070': opens '4071': operation '4072': operations '4073': opinion '4074': opinions '4075': opponents '4076': opportunity '4077': oppose '4078': opposed '4079': opposing '4080': opposite '4081': opposition '4082': optical '4083': optimism '4084': optimists '4085': optimum '4086': or '4087': orator '4088': orbit '4089': orchards '4090': order '4091': ordering '4092': orderly '4093': orders '4094': ordinary '4095': organisational '4096': organisations '4097': organised '4098': organizing '4099': orgy '4100': orientation '4101': original '4102': other '4103': others '4104': otherwise '4105': ought '4106': our '4107': ourselves '4108': out '4109': out- '4110': out-dated '4111': out-of-date '4112': outboard '4113': outburst '4114': outcome '4115': outer '4116': outlawed '4117': outline '4118': outlines '4119': outlying '4120': outmatched '4121': outrages '4122': outset '4123': outside '4124': outsiders '4125': outstanding '4126': outwardly '4127': over '4128': over- '4129': over-embellished '4130': over-emphasizing '4131': over-furnishing '4132': overall '4133': overalls '4134': overconfident '4135': overcrowded '4136': overdraft '4137': overdrafts '4138': overflow '4139': overseas '4140': overturn '4141': overwhelmed '4142': overwhelming '4143': owed '4144': own '4145': owners '4146': p '4147': pace '4148': paddles '4149': padre '4150': page '4151': pages '4152': paid '4153': pain '4154': painful '4155': pains '4156': paint '4157': painting '4158': pair '4159': pairi-deaza '4160': palazzo '4161': palely '4162': palm '4163': pals '4164': panel '4165': panic '4166': panionship '4167': papyrus '4168': parade '4169': parades '4170': paradise '4171': paragraph '4172': paragraphed '4173': paragraphos '4174': parallel '4175': paralysed '4176': paralysing '4177': paraphrase '4178': part '4179': part- '4180': part-author '4181': partake '4182': partial '4183': partially '4184': participation '4185': particular '4186': particularly '4187': partition '4188': partly '4189': partners '4190': parts '4191': partys '4192': pass '4193': passage '4194': passed '4195': passing '4196': passionate '4197': past '4198': pastel '4199': pastime '4200': pathogens '4201': pathy '4202': patience '4203': patient '4204': patients '4205': patrolling '4206': patron '4207': pattern '4208': patterns '4209': pavements '4210': pay '4211': paying '4212': payment '4213': payments '4214': peace '4215': 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'4275': pine '4276': pinned '4277': pins '4278': pipeline '4279': pitch '4280': pity '4281': place '4282': placed '4283': places '4284': placid '4285': placing '4286': plaice '4287': plaintive '4288': plan '4289': plane '4290': planed '4291': planing '4292': plank '4293': planned '4294': planning '4295': plans '4296': plant '4297': plastic '4298': plates '4299': platinum-plated '4300': play '4301': play- '4302': play-grounds '4303': played '4304': players '4305': playing '4306': plays '4307': playwright '4308': pleaded '4309': pleads '4310': pleasant '4311': pleasanter '4312': pleased '4313': pleasures '4314': plenty '4315': plot '4316': plough '4317': pluckily '4318': plugs '4319': plunged '4320': ply '4321': plywood '4322': pm '4323': poem '4324': point '4325': pointed '4326': points '4327': poisoning '4328': poisonous '4329': poles '4330': police '4331': policemen '4332': policies '4333': policy '4334': political '4335': politician '4336': politicians '4337': politics '4338': poll 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'5076': size '5077': sizes '5078': skeleton '5079': sketch '5080': skilful '5081': skill '5082': skilled '5083': skills '5084': skirt '5085': slack '5086': slackness '5087': slashed '5088': slatternly '5089': slavery '5090': slaves '5091': sledge-hammers '5092': sleep '5093': sleeping '5094': slice '5095': slide '5096': slight '5097': slightly '5098': slim '5099': slipping '5100': slope '5101': slots '5102': slow '5103': small '5104': smaller '5105': smallest '5106': smile '5107': smiling '5108': smooth '5109': smoothing '5110': smug '5111': sniffing '5112': snugly '5113': so '5114': so-called '5115': soared '5116': social '5117': society '5118': soft '5119': soil '5120': solace '5121': solation '5122': sold '5123': soldering '5124': soldiering '5125': soldiers '5126': sole '5127': solid '5128': solidly '5129': solo '5130': solution '5131': solve '5132': solved '5133': some '5134': some- '5135': someone '5136': something '5137': sometimes '5138': somewhat '5139': somewhere '5140': son 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'5203': stagging '5204': staid '5205': stalwarts '5206': stamp '5207': stand '5208': stand-in '5209': standard '5210': standards '5211': standing '5212': stands '5213': standstill '5214': star-studded '5215': started '5216': starting '5217': starts '5218': starve '5219': state- '5220': statement '5221': statements '5222': statesmen '5223': stating '5224': stations '5225': statistical '5226': status '5227': stay '5228': stayed '5229': steady '5230': steel '5231': stench '5232': step '5233': stepped '5234': steps '5235': stern '5236': still '5237': stimulated '5238': stimulus '5239': stir '5240': stitch '5241': stitches '5242': stock '5243': stocked '5244': stones '5245': stood '5246': stop '5247': stop-watch '5248': stopped '5249': stops '5250': stored '5251': stories '5252': storm '5253': story '5254': stout '5255': straight '5256': straight-edge '5257': straight-forward '5258': straightness '5259': strain '5260': strained '5261': strakes '5262': strangle '5263': strategy '5264': 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'5323': succession '5324': successive '5325': successors '5326': such '5327': suffered '5328': sufficient '5329': sugary '5330': suggest '5331': suggested '5332': suggestion '5333': suggestions '5334': suggests '5335': sugya '5336': sugyas '5337': suicide '5338': suit '5339': suitability '5340': suitable '5341': suitably '5342': suits '5343': sum '5344': summary '5345': summer '5346': summoned '5347': summons '5348': summonses '5349': sung '5350': sunning '5351': sunny '5352': superbly '5353': superfluous '5354': superiority '5355': supernatural '5356': supplant '5357': supplanted '5358': supplier '5359': supplies '5360': supply '5361': support '5362': supported '5363': supporter '5364': supporters '5365': supporting '5366': supports '5367': suppose '5368': supreme '5369': sure '5370': surest '5371': surface '5372': surfaces '5373': surge '5374': surpassed '5375': surprised '5376': surprising '5377': surrender '5378': surround '5379': surroundings '5380': survey '5381': surveyor '5382': survival '5383': survive '5384': survived '5385': suspect '5386': swamped '5387': swear '5388': sweat '5389': sweet '5390': swell '5391': swim '5392': swimming '5393': swings '5394': swish '5395': switch '5396': switching '5397': swung '5398': sym- '5399': symbolises '5400': sympathetic '5401': sympathisers '5402': sympathy '5403': system '5404': systematic '5405': table '5406': tablecloths '5407': tacked '5408': tacks '5409': tact '5410': tactically '5411': tactics '5412': take '5413': taken '5414': takes '5415': taking '5416': talent '5417': talented '5418': talents '5419': talk '5420': talked '5421': talking '5422': talks '5423': tape '5424': tape-recorded '5425': taped '5426': taper '5427': tapered '5428': tapers '5429': tapped '5430': targets '5431': tariffs '5432': tarmac '5433': tary '5434': task '5435': tasks '5436': taste '5437': tastes '5438': tatted '5439': tatting '5440': taught '5441': tax '5442': taxation '5443': taxes '5444': tea-cup '5445': teach '5446': teacher '5447': team '5448': tear-jerker '5449': tears '5450': technical '5451': technically '5452': technique '5453': techniques '5454': techs '5455': teenager '5456': teenagers '5457': telephone '5458': telephoned '5459': television '5460': tell '5461': telling '5462': tells '5463': tempe- '5464': temperature '5465': temperatures '5466': temple '5467': tempo '5468': temporarily '5469': temporary '5470': ten '5471': tender '5472': tensions '5473': tent '5474': ter '5475': terms '5476': terrible '5477': territory '5478': terrors '5479': ters '5480': test '5481': tested '5482': testily '5483': testing '5484': tests '5485': text '5486': texts '5487': textual '5488': texture '5489': than '5490': than-average '5491': thank '5492': thanked '5493': thankless '5494': thanks '5495': that '5496': the '5497': the-Bomb '5498': their '5499': them '5500': them- '5501': theme '5502': themselves '5503': theodolite '5504': theoretical '5505': theories '5506': theory '5507': therefore '5508': thesis '5509': they '5510': thick '5511': thickness '5512': thing '5513': things '5514': think '5515': thinks '5516': third '5517': thirsty '5518': thirteen '5519': thirties '5520': thirty '5521': this '5522': thorniest '5523': thorough '5524': thoroughly '5525': those '5526': thought '5527': thoughtless '5528': thousands '5529': thread '5530': threads '5531': threat '5532': three '5533': thrift '5534': thriller '5535': thrived '5536': thriving '5537': throne '5538': thronged '5539': through '5540': thrown '5541': throws '5542': thrust '5543': thumb '5544': thumb-tack '5545': thumb-tacked '5546': thwarts '5547': thy '5548': tide '5549': tides '5550': tidied '5551': tie '5552': tiger '5553': tight '5554': tilt '5555': timber '5556': time '5557': timetable '5558': timid '5559': timing '5560': tinue '5561': tion '5562': tions '5563': tip '5564': tired '5565': tiredness '5566': tires '5567': tiring '5568': tithe '5569': title '5570': tively '5571': to '5572': today '5573': toe '5574': toes '5575': 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