return t
def t_ANY_error(self, t):
msg = "Unrecognized input"
line = self.lexobj.lineno
# If that line has not been accounted for, then we must have hit
# EoF, so compute the beginning of the line that caused the problem.
if line >= len(self.index):
# Find the offset in the line of the first word causing the issue
word = t.value.split()[0]
offs = self.lines[line - 1].find(word)
# Add the computed line's starting position
self.index.append(self.lexobj.lexpos - offs)
msg = "Unexpected EoF reached after"
pos = self.lexobj.lexpos - self.index[line]
file = self.lexobj.filename
out = self.ErrorMessage(file, line, pos, msg)
sys.stderr.write(out + '\n')
self.lex_errors += 1
def AddLines(self, count):
# Set the lexer position for the beginning of the next line. In the case
# of multiple lines, tokens can not exist on any of the lines except the
# last one, so the recorded value for previous lines are unused. We still
# fill the array however, to make sure the line count is correct.
self.lexobj.lineno += count
for i in range(count):
def FileLineMsg(self, file, line, msg):
if file: return "%s(%d) : %s" % (file, line + 1, msg)
return "<BuiltIn> : %s" % msg
def SourceLine(self, file, line, pos):
caret = '\t^'.expandtabs(pos)
# We decrement the line number since the array is 0 based while the
# line numbers are 1 based.
return "%s\n%s" % (self.lines[line - 1], caret)
def ErrorMessage(self, file, line, pos, msg):
return "\n%s\n%s" % (
self.FileLineMsg(file, line, msg),
self.SourceLine(file, line, pos))
def SetData(self, filename, data):
# Start with line 1, not zero
self.lexobj.lineno = 1
self.lexobj.filename = filename
self.lines = data.split('\n')
self.index = [0]
self.lex_errors = 0
def __init__(self):
self.lexobj = lex.lex(object=self, lextab=None, optimize=0)
# FilesToTokens
# From a set of source file names, generate a list of tokens.
def FilesToTokens(filenames, verbose=False):
lexer = IDLLexer()
outlist = []
for filename in filenames:
data = open(filename).read()
lexer.SetData(filename, data)
if verbose: sys.stdout.write(' Loaded %s...\n' % filename)
while 1:
t = lexer.lexobj.token()
if t is None: break
return outlist
def TokensFromText(text):
lexer = IDLLexer()
lexer.SetData('unknown', text)
outlist = []
while 1:
t = lexer.lexobj.token()
if t is None: break
return outlist
# TextToTokens
# From a block of text, generate a list of tokens
def TextToTokens(source):
lexer = IDLLexer()
outlist = []
lexer.SetData('AUTO', source)
while 1: