## IndicNLP News Article Classification Dataset We used the IndicNLP text corpora to create classification datasets comprising news articles and their categories for 9 languages. The dataset is balanced across classes. The following table contains the statistics of our dataset: | Language | Classes | Articles per Class | | --------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | | Bengali | entertainment, sports | 7K | | Gujarati | business, entertainment, sports | 680 | | Kannada | entertainment, lifestyle, sports | 10K | | Malayalam | business, entertainment, sports, technology | 1.5K | | Marathi | entertainment, lifestyle, sports | 1.5K | | Oriya | business, crime, entertainment, sports | 7.5K | | Punjabi | business, entertainment, sports, politics | 780 | | Tamil | entertainment, politics, sport | 3.9K | | Telugu | entertainment, business, sports | 8K | ## Citing If you are using any of the resources, please cite the following article: ``` @article{kunchukuttan2020indicnlpcorpus, title={AI4Bharat-IndicNLP Corpus: Monolingual Corpora and Word Embeddings for Indic Languages}, author={Anoop Kunchukuttan and Divyanshu Kakwani and Satish Golla and Gokul N.C. and Avik Bhattacharyya and Mitesh M. Khapra and Pratyush Kumar}, year={2020}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00085}, } ```