text "I never liked swimming in the ocean, because I couldn't help imagining that something would reach up from the fathomless depths and drag me under. Until today, it never occured to me that the same could be true for the sky." "For a bull so young, so wild, I remember thinking it was strange that his paddock was quite so close to the town. After climbing in with him, I met his fixed, violent stare as steam spiralled from his nostrils, his flanks twitching with raw power as he pawed the earth excitedly, but mostly I remember imagining the havoc he would wreak – and the adrenaline I felt – as he surged past me through the open gate, into the world." "“I’m sorry sir, but Dracula doesn’t seem like someone who’d do something like that. “What’s your blood type and were your veins visible cause you might have been asking for it?”" "The doctor told us today our son had a severe peanut allergy, and I vowed to do whatever it took to keep him safe. The first step will be to gradually increase his tolerance to eating them every day, so he doesn’t have a bad reaction if he eats too much at once. " "When my mom came to pick me up from my session, the therapist’s concern was plastered all over her face to an unprofessional degree. The bill I received soon after had “family” scratched out and a note written in the margin reading, “I don’t know who the woman in my session before you was, but she sure knew you and I’m inclined to believe your sleep paralysis episodes aren’t purely illusionary.”" """Mommy this glass of milk tastes funny"" said my little toddler "" If you drink all the milk mommy's biggest mistake will go away and mommy will finally be truly happy """ "I carefully squatted behind one of the desks as the guy with the gun looked around the darkened classroom. Taking a few tiny steps side to side, I suddenly regretted asking Mommy for the light-up sneakers at the store." "The orderly stopped me from putting my newborns car seat in the passengers seat when we left the hospital. The firefighters said she would have been okay if she was in the front seat during the accident." "“Shall we eat?” I asked my wife who sat across from me at the dining table, a disconcerting grin frozen on her face. “I’m just finishing up in here, so don’t wait for me,” she called back from the bedroom. " " “Put your belongings down and step forward!” crowed the officer through the patrol vehicle’s bullhorn, as the group of illegal border crossers blinked in its glaring searchlights. “Got another group of breeders fleeing to Mexico.” he radioed back to HQ, as he scowled at the line of ragged, terrified young women shivering in the desert night. " "As I looked back at my sweet baby sleeping in her carseat, I wish I'd kept my eyes on the road." " ""When I told you to stand up to your bullies, I didn't mean this,"" I said to my son as I washed the blood out of his school shirt. ""Now just tell me where the rest of him is and I will deal with it.""" "My wife told me that I should ""stop complaining"" as ""most people are stuck in jobs they don't like for 40 years and don't do anything about it"". But I will do something, as soon as I have found a branch strong enough to support my weight on a rope." """Man, you guys are being awful quiet today!"" laughed our teacher. We all saw the empty-eyed... thing... lurking just behind his shoulder, but not one of us dared say a thing as it laid a spindly finger up to its thin lips." "An AirTag fell out of my purse. I don't own an AirTag. " "Jill muted her audio before she stepped away from the video conference to answer the doorbell. Five minutes later, a blood-soaked, gloved hand came into frame, waved and typed ""Jill says goodbye"" into the group chat." "I was so hungry from not eating on patrol. I didn't mind the boxes of food saying ""Not for human consumption"", because it was that or starve. " "The interrogator slapped him again, shouting, ""Tell us the exact coordinates or we will resume your torture."" The last slap was so hard the only thing Murphy could hear in his head was, ""I'm sorry but your neuralink connection has been lost.""" "Me and my friend positioned our camera and lay flat between the rails, the next train would just pass over us. Meanwhile, safety inspector Jones ordered train number 563 to the repair shop immediately due to a corroded rod protruding underneath coach 15." "“She’s just a dog, ignore her barking and she’ll quieten Down” I stared at my owner then walked away, walking on all 4s was becoming easier and my bark was sounding more real!" "During cpr if you break any ribs it’s a sign you’re doing it correctly! This works as an excellent excuse as to why there’s a dead body with broken ribs and you also look like a hero!" "When I died, I found myself floating down a long dark tower tunnel towards a flickering light where my husband, who had died before me, was waiting for my arrival. Apparently, killing him, chopping him into pieces, and feeding his bloody body parts to the sharks was not enough to let me get away from him forever." "Upon the demon asking for my first born child in exchange for our deal, I happily accepted, thinking I could just have another kid. After my first son was born, I thought that it was weird that he had horns on each side of his head." "I’m so glad my daughter is participating in school again after she got kidnapped. I just don’t understand why she needs a wire hanger, we have plenty of wooden ones at home!" "I reminded the boomer every minute they waste arguing with me is one minute closer to their death and minute away from their loved ones. As he got the messaged and started to walk away, I put on my robe, picked up my scythe, and followed." "With the help of an IP tracker, Ada found out where her boyfriend lived and braved an 11-hour flight to meet him for the first time. When the bus dropped her off at an AI testing facility instead of a residence, she realized at once that this was all the closure she would ever get." "We thought the development of immortality would be miraculous. It just meant those in power would now never change." "My grandfather used to raise horses for a living until he passed away. I didn't know they could eat meat until that happened." "I hadn't seen my ex-husband in over a decade, but we managed to pick up right where we left off all those years ago. When I finally found the scar from the last time I caught up with him, we fell right back into our old rhythm of him screaming and me cutting gleefully." """Here, honey, use this spray to scare the monsters in your walls away, then go to sleep."" The monster crawled from under the bed and hastily said: ""Don't use that, the walls are full of bees and you'll only make them angrier!""" "The crowd cheered as the space crew returned from a year long mission Their cheer turned to horror when they saw the surviving astronaut feasting on the remains of his crew" "“We have completed your toddler’s psychological evaluation and are sorry to say his behaviors are the result of a mental disorder for which there is no effective treatment.” The state-appointed psychiatrist placed a hand on my shoulder but I saw no empathy in his eyes when he said, “I’m afraid the courts will be receiving our recommendation in his civil-maintenance euthanasia case.”" "The guys grinned when i told them that i smashed my wife last night. Those grins didn't last for long as i pulled her smashed limp head out of my backpack." " The crowed jeered, teased and taunted me, staring at me with their pale faces and tiny breakable bodies. ""Just wait until that gate opens"", I thought to myself, after all, this is the San Fermin Festival, and I am just one of the many bulls they will be running from. " "The ""Things"" pretending to be police officers have been banging on my door for a little while now. As I light this match and stare at the sea of gasoline that now bathes my living room, I have a final comforting thought. "" They can't get me anymore.""" "If you get lost in the mirror maze, be careful not to look at one mirror for too long. If you stare at your warped reflection enough, your body will change to look like it." "The doctor told me I had been legally dead for a minute and 15 seconds. 75 seconds was all it took for me to know no man, woman or child deserves the horrors of what comes next. " "The midwife handed me the infant and told me what to do to get him to latch and nurse. She sternly demanded I quit crying over my own newborn who was just taken away as I needed all my energy to feed Domina' offspring." "My boyfriend has never paid this much attention to me before. Too bad it’s cause I’m bleeding out." "I’ve recently learnt morse code Why is my cat saying my full legal name?" "As a pantheoner, I've never been afraid of corpses or ""spirits"" But from the man who came in late hours hoping to fulfill their desires." "I did kill a man once, on accident. I usually only go for women." "A doctor taught me about ectopic pregnancy while I was at the hospital Which was strange, because I was supposed to be checked for a brain tumor. " "As the train kept barreling towards its destination, I wasn't able to get out of the way. I hit the brakes as soon as I could, but I couldn't stop fast enough, and soon heard that horrible sound of bones and flesh colliding with metal. " "The doctor announced cheerfully, that I have been legally dead for 35 seconds. I stared in horror, unable to move or scream, as they started cutting me open for my organs. " "After the gruelling hours, I finally submitted my masterpiece. As I sat back from my two-sentence-horror, the pile of unfinished scripts caught my eye and I cried for my unfulfilled dreams." """It was everything that was promised and more, my every worry eased and desire indulged."" ""So no, Your Honor, I cannot feel remorse over my actions upon resuscitation,"" I said, raising my voice to be heard over the sobs from the courtroom gallery." """I can still taste it..."" the patient slowly recounted to her psychiatrist, ""his blood on my lips, in my throat-"" As the psychiatrist pretended to listen intently, he checked off a box in his paperwork indicating that the medically induced vampirism had successfully overcome her immune system." """Chivalry isn't dead,"" said the smartly-dressed woman as the elderly man held the elevator door open for her. ""No, but you are,"" he replied quietly as the heavy metal doors slowly slid closed." "My service dog is trained to react to people, so I can tell the difference between real ones and hallucinations. I still don’t know why he ignored the guy who threw me against the wall last night." """Thank you all so much for your contribution to our newly established AI program, Collective Conscious Intelligence..."" The doctor said proudly to the group of terrified tourists struggling against the straps on their gurneys. " "It was truly amazing to witness Aurora Borealis where I live, so far south. Even more incredible is how clearly visible the lights are during noon!" "I heard the sirens going off in every direction around me and soldiers scattered all about. Not a single head in sight. " "Darren leaned into the dark cavity where he knew the elevator ran to see if it was coming. It was: Darren's service is 11AM Thursday " "I close my mouth as gas fills the room The screams they made stay with me for the rest of my life" "I stare into the red eyes of the man who's about to shoot me. Then I woke up, terrified, the man was very real and right outside my window, smiling." "Sometimes the county hospital morgue would send bodies to my funeral home and I would discover they still had a faint pulse. Fortunately, a quick shot of embalming fluid would usually solve that problem." "I am lucky to be born with the ability to freeze both time and my aging at the snap of my fingers. It was all fun and games until I fell down a pit and shattered my spine whilst time was frozen." "I had pet my dog saying the usual “You’re such a good boy!” It was not until I looked into his soulless human eyes that I realized his intentions were far from good." """Daddy, who's that skinny looking man in the background?"" Asked my daughter as we watched the Artemis III moon landing live. I thought she was just being silly until news came out that hundreds of thousands of children had also seen ""it"" during the stream. " "The exterminator made his way into my house and to the bathroom after I reported some strange sounds that came from behind the walls only when I shower. It was after he'd left, that I began wondering why he knew where the bathroom was without even asking. " "I always kept a small peice of my mother with me, where ever I'd go. But the smell is starting to draw attention." "My new job as a nightguard at the Wax Museum has been enjoyable, since it's quiet and i get to look at all the wax figures for free. But it stopped being fun when the wax figures began staring back at me." "The house was usually quiet when I woke up, my daughter was normally quite noisy. Couldn't complain though, whatever the wife was cooking for breakfast smelled delicious." "She thought for sure her Nana would be there to greet her as she passed through the light at the end of the tunnel. At this point she couldn’t tell if it had been minutes or hours since she’d died but the darkness and silence was really starting to get to her. " "After three decades, the police were able to match the fingerprints and DNA from the murder scene to a suspect. The evidence matched perfectly to 13-year-old Shaul Deen." "The survivors tossed the young girl’s decaying body into the ravine, and the ravenous hoard below. Even in death, she was fated to be consumed. " "My daughter is keeps threatening me to let her outside. She's not due for another 7 mouths, please help me I can't take the clawing anymore." "She explained how all those unplayed notes and melodies rattled incessantly in her head driving her insane. The sickening symphonies inside her mind could only be unleashed through the screams of suffering — specifically, my screams." "“No, stop, please…”, the woman cried in vain as eager hands tore her blouse open. Motherhood was new to her, but even she knew infants don’t savage their mothers and eat their flesh." "My sister thanked me warmly for my babysitting job, describing in detail how I always seemed to turn up at her house whenever she needed a caretaker for young Lucinda. I had no idea what she was talking about." "We listened keenly to the strange radio station that only seemed to transmit buzzing... Then the broadcast went silent." "as the new millennium began, I kicked the chair over, knowing I'm financially ruined..... Why did I put my life savings into google?" "I didn't know how my wife was going to react when I took my daughter to the ice cream store without telling her It's no surprise she's startled as she saw us enter the house when she was with our daughter all along." "“Its just a imaginary friend, she will grow out of it” That was until we went to celebrate my dead brother’s birthday, and my daughter said it was her imaginary friend. (true story)" " The Viscount had loaded the carriage with the family bullion in the dead of night, bundled his daughter in and charged the young Driver to evade their pursuers, ""Go swiftly boy, and do not stop!"" A few hours in, as the carriage started to slow, the Viscount shouted over the driving rain, ""Lad, I warned you, we must make haste!"" only to find the Driver's seat empty and two swords in his back." "I sat on the hard wooden chair in the center of the stage, my arms strapped to the armrests, and I heard someone come up behind me. I soon felt the dull, aching pain of a scalpel digging into my skin, the sharp snap of a nerve, and the sudden numbness of my arm, while all the audience did was clap and cheer as I screamed in agony." "The old man had a kindly face and a soothing voice. Even after he washed my blood off his knife, I could hear him whistling softly to himself " "I comforted my identical twin’s husband as they lowered my twin into the ground . I kept my smile to myself, knowing my plan to have him to myself worked." "Martin jumped, startled by the look of terror on the face of the vaguely humanoid horror ""Thank god it's just a human"" said the shadowy figure in the pantry before they both slowly turned to face the footsteps coming from the dining room" "My mom told me to put two tablespoons of sugar in my tea for the best taste. Two table spoons of salt: Hello 😈 " "As my eyes closed for the final time, I let myself think about the last 85 years of sheer hell that was my life, and welcomed the final blissful release of death that was upon me. ""Thank you for choosing Better Life Virtual Reality, please wait while a technician disconnects you.""" "McDonalds ice cream machine wasn’t broken today the discrepancy caused a tear in the space-time continuum and i died " """We watched as the water pulled further back towards the sea"" But then the sun light turned into darkness. " "The texture of the meat was different to what I was used too. Seeing the cutesy flower tattoo on it made me realise why." "So my friend had an accident, end up getting his leg surgically removed but being the eccentric type, decided to have a cook out with it, we were all curious to see what human flesh tastes like. I didn't realise how very very much I would enjoy it." " ""1, 2, 3, 4...,"" the classroom was silent except for the shaky counting. I jotted bulleted notes on my docket as the coroner went around the room and kept counting, ""...5, 6...7...""" "Ever since my wife became completely paralysed, the only way she's been to speak to me was through a neural implant in her brain. But for some reason, she hasn't said a word since OpenAI was shut down for unethical business practices." " As I played with my daughter in the park, she pointed to the empty swing beside her and said, “Look, mommy, my new friend wants to join us.” But when I glanced over, there was no one there, just the chilling sensation of someone watching." "My wife suddenly walked into the room and gave me the “we need to talk” look. I almost choked on my toenails as I quickly scrambled around and threw the nail clippers away, desperate to hide the evidence." " As I chew on the girl's bones, I wonder which of the two horrified Father enough to put me here: My form, or what it did to Mother when I came out with my bull's horns?" "You hear some strange sound which seemed to come from outside your house. So you get out of your room to go and check the through windows but you realize the sound didn't come from outside." "AITAH for sending my wife flowers on Mother’s Day? It’s not easy to arrange for such a beautiful bouquet to be sent from death row, but I wanted to remind her that she used to have children to love. " "“S-sorry, I di-didn’t mean to wake up,” I said in a speech half slurred, slowed down, and with my hand outstretched. The surgeon looked shocked, scalpel still in hand, as I tugged onto their coat mid surgery. " "Last night, I spent hours crawling around hiding the rat traps where they were most likely to catch a curious nose or unwary paw. This morning, I sat in my spot overlooking the dog park, eagerly awaiting the coming chaos and carnage." "As I breathed my last after being shot in the chest, I saw my daughter being dragged into their car I wish I hadn't installed a time bomb under money in the luggage, believing that the kidnappers would spare her with me " """Enjoying this, Ares?"" A soldier said, as the deafening sounds of an artillery barrage were slowly replaced by a sadistic, maniacal laugh. " "I always told my brother, ""no matter how polite, never invite Jehovah's Witnesses into your home"". Seeing him on the floor, drained of blood and pale save for the two holes on his neck, I wish he listened." "Ever since I was younger, the trees in the forest screamed at night. Now that I've found the bodies, I know my father was never actually a lumberjack. " "Signing up to beta test escape rooms sounded like a great way to meet people and make new friends. We’ve been locked in so long I’ve lost track of time but thanks to my new friends there’s plenty to eat. " "It felt like a booger so I picked my nose. While I drilled and drilled and drilled Irealized that this time I went too deep and soon haf paeyd ov mg braib in mo hNcss." "When I heard that the new robot wives could look like anyone and perform any expected task, no one was more excited to get one than me, despite them lacking a discernable personality. I made the swap about a month ago and, thank god, my husband still hasn't noticed I am gone. " "‘Mom, you are the best mom; the most beautiful, loving mother ever!’ The cry from the back seat did not matter, for she continued inching the car ever closer to the edge of the dock." "As I lay awake in bed, I heard a soft whisper coming from the closet, ""I know you're still awake."" But when I turned on the light, the closet was empty, and the voice whispered again, this time right next to my ear." "My father and I would always move houses during my youth. Every time we saw my picture on an electric pole, we knew that both of us had to pack up our bags." "“The neural implant will eliminate Lily’s seizures,” smiled the neurologist. Seeing us exchange glances, he added, “If cost is a concern, the ad-supported base model is very affordable.”" " As the giant bull hurtled towards me, I ran down the slope, feeling its heat getting closer and closer. As it ploughed me down, the blood of my broken body staining the bronze, I could faintly hear the screams of the half-dead, charring man inside." """You really took a wrong turn, didn't you?"" my wife said from the back seat of the car as I drove through the woods. ""JESUS!"" I screamed as I drove off the road, for I had buried her ten minutes ago. " "Anna didn’t have time to read the letter, so she crammed it in her overstuffed bag and left. But after finding the half-digested corpse of the sender in the walls, she wished that she had." "I gave up my newborn cause I knew I couldn’t afford to keep it. And ever since chickens went extinct, selling meat is a great way to get by." "He wished me goodnight and added the usual possibility of killing me in the morning. As I listened to the steady beep of the machines keeping me alive I could only hope this time he would follow through." "When I gained the ability to see physical manifestations of a person’s true self I expected to see signs of inner beauty everywhere. But everybody I see is covered in gnarled, twitching appendages, drooling wounds, and cracked, festering sores. " "A few of us use morbid jokes as coping mechanisms. That's why we were so surprised to see the headlines and realized Bill didn't have a sense of humor. " "Entering my home after a long day at work, I find my wife surrounded. I swatted away the flies surrounding her, before taking a big bite of decaying flesh, knowing that she was mine and mine alone." "A woman, forever deemed to give birth to stillborn children sat alone. She's been carrying this one for 18 years in hopes that it'll be alive." "Ever since I was young I was scared of the gagging sounds I heard outside my room But now I just feel sad, seeing the uncut ropes...." "The doctor told me to wait outside as he slid the anesthetic mask over my child’s face. l watched from outside the locked door, horrified as he operated on my deceased daughter." "I've always loved how beautiful the full moon was. So where'd the rest of the moon go?" "The doctor told my friends and family that I had died peacefully in my sleep. I still felt the pain from my wounds long after they buried me." "For Mother’s Day I’m having the kids make some cute art projects for their mom! We caught a few bunnies in the hav-a-hart so we’re gonna make our own lucky rabbits feet! " "“My teacher said that if you point your phone straight up to the night sky and look through the camera you’ll be able to see the Aurora Borealis.” She didn’t know to warn us about all of the other things, usually invisible, that we would be able to see through our screens tonight. " "An absolute dedication to their deity made the peaceful extraterrestrials easy to manipulate. Until their God actually showed up." """Happy mother's day!"" Shrieked the crazy bitch who eviscerated my pregnant belly in a crude cesarean birth." "While watching TV, I came across an ad for fake windows that would play whatever you wanted, and I was excited and bought tons of them. Somebody owed me a debt, and since I wouldn't have the money to get people to hunt him down until the next week, I snuck into his house, covered the windows, and played a loop of men with dark suits walking through the street, resembling the people he had been hiding from for months." "I found it cool how the floor of one of my friend's room would move until he left me locked inside the room It wasn't until I would look down at the floor and see that it was made of sandpaper that I would realize my fate" "Damn the internet, they made my son kill himself.. This place is a mess, I gotta start cleaning up all the cans." "We never trip over nothing. We just forget about the body we left behind." "My mother told me that there was a special place for me in Hell since the day I was born. So I sought a way to put as many of my followers' souls there, including her own." "I huffed and gasped as quietly as possible, my muscles locked as pain shot through my back and legs. If I woke him, muscle spasms would be the least of my problems. " "When I asked the goddess for reality manipulation I thought I was being smart. I didn't feel so smug when i tried to use my powers on my family members the next day and nothing happened." "My dentist carefully applied his drill to the cavity on my tooth. I finally let the intrusive thoughts win, and bit down hard. " "Old Poppy likes pointing things at his head and turning them on; cordless drill, electric toothbrush... Tiring of his senility and soiling himself, I placed a loaded gun in front of him and left for work " "I’ve heard grunting and wheezing coming from my apartments laundry room for days. Later I found the mangled bodies bleached and battered, my asthmatic father heaving above them. " " “I’m off the school,” I told my family members, as they sat at the table eating their dinner. Their lifeless bodies sat there, staring at the bully’s head waved me goodbye, as I prepared to meet with the teacher." "The book about the girl falling down a rabbit hole was an international success, making its inspiration and author famous ‘Come now, Alice,' Mr Lewis said, ‘lt is time to take more pictures for the collection.’" "A snowflake, white and crisp, lands on the edge of her lips. A perfect symmetry of elegance and purity only diluted by the blood from her torn out eyeball." "As the sun finally sank below the horizon, I breathed a sigh of relief from my hiding place. ""Now I can begin my work,"" I think, tip-toeing downstairs towards the laughter coming from around the television." "VR gaming had become hyper realistic over the last few years. “Are you sure it’s not real?” I asked my friend before he pulled the trigger." "Tami was only a mother for a few hours. That was, until she was able to get another one pass the baby ward security." " The serial killers yearly hunt began by releasing me into the secluded woods of the Bull Lake Grand Lodge estate. As a Necromancer, I thought it fitting to allow all their former victims to participate in a reverse hunt." "My priority in creating time travel was to protect my younger self from the shadow that haunted me as a child. From the ceiling of my childhood room, I watch my younger self staring up at me, shivering and crying in fear, as I have become the shadow that haunted me." "We had a pleasant evening watching the sunset, followed shortly by the crescent moon. But why is the light side of the moon facing away from the sun?" "I wish this rock were a tiny pebble. I wish I didn't have to be the first one to throw it." "I never believed in a God or an afterlife. As the hospital room faded to black, I felt myself falling and begun to see the orange glow of the fires of hell coming towards me in the darkness. " "By the year 2100 no company uses animals for testing anymore All thanks to the law that all clones wouldn't be called 'humans' or even 'animals' but just 'things' " "It had always been my dream to meet my favourite YouTube star, and when I did l, I asked if she’d like to come home with me. Lola agreed, and I stole her away from her parents, where we’d do our own private unboxing videos from now on " "The colors danced in the sky in brilliant hues, red and green and gold. I didn't dare watch as the medical equipment fizzled and pop, and my child breathed their last. " "Sometimes I wonder why we aren’t given everything we are promised but, knowing how if we spoke we would just be wasting our freedom of speech, because whoever is outside the stair closet isnt going to let it slide " "I thought I could get my life back on track, that I could just have peace. But she's deleted all the receipts." "I was surprised to hear my mute best friend speak. Only, I wish it wasn't because of the fact she was possessed." "May Antis was the prettiest girl in the bar and I was dumbfounded when I got to take her home for the night. During our passionate love making she kept calling me a snack and playfully biting my shoulder but as her final bite drew blood I realized why her name sounded so familiar." "I squinted my eyes at the last field sketch of the missing hiker, depicting what appeared to be dog prints in the mud. The next three pages only read, “there was no dog,” in a dead language that was impossible for the hiker to know. " "I thought I was going crazy when I heard my mother’s voice coming from the radio. As my headlights illuminated her shambling, rotten corpse, I wish I was. " "“Wait here” he said turning into the darkness, “I’ll deal with this bullshit and buy you some time.” But as his blood curdling screams faded away, I knew my time was over, whatever hid in the dark was coming this way. " "I walked in to find my patient unresponsive. I started CPR, cursing her great grandchildren for not signing the DNR." "As Dr. Moorecraft open the shipping box in the darkened room, the assistant asked why the huge spider sparkled. ""Nonsense, my dear,"" he said laughing, ""giant male wolf spiders don't sparkle."" " "As a CPS worker, I assured the worried mom over the phone that the supervised visits with her estranged husband have been going just fine, but I couldn't have known this time would be different. The sounds of their terrified screams and pleading behind the deadbolted door wasn't half as unsettling as the silence that followed. " " My grandfather's dying gift to me was a necklace he made with the last bullet from his WWII rifle, he told me it would bring me luck and keep me safe after his passing. I wish I could have told the paramedics when they pulled me from my wrecked car, that I could have the nurses as they rolled me past his hospital room, that I could have told the doctors before the MRI pulled my grandfathers bullet to its long-awaited mark." "As a male doctor, I had always assumed the sobbing women were just being over dramatic as I put the IUDs in and I told them the pain was worth it to not get pregnant. Now, as I scream and a group of women holding me down force the t-shaped piece of plastic up my uretra, I'm realizing I should have given them actual pain killers during their procedures. " "Two sentence sadness that could be horror to some. As I hold your hand, watching you breathe, I remember that our contract was for 50 years. It's only been 47 and I don't know what I will do without you." "One day, my group and I heard a knock on the door. ""I'll get it,"" said my fellow astronaut." "I tell people I live alone. Then I kill them and add the corpse to my collection." " ""I'm going to fucking kill you this time, you fucking bitch!"" I screamed to my wife after I woke up tied to our bed As I looked down and saw the blood soaking through the sheet that covered up to my waist, I heard my wife turn on her NutriBullet." "The world famous chef said that successful cooking was all about ""the mouth feel"" That seemed reasonable until he started trying to insert his fingers between my firmly closed lips." "My wife stared at me with terror filled eyes as she passed me. I’d have tried to catch her had I known her parachute had failed. " "I regretted picking the bear. I finally stopped playing dead once I heard a group of men approaching me on the trail, but to my horror that was only the beginning of my nightmare." "I had some chocolate on a train, then my hands began turning into chocolate and melting. A few minutes later, I saw that my hands were not chocolate." "We profusely thanked mother for the meal. The tears ran down our faces since we left only her bones as she had requested. " "I lied, cheated, murdered, all in the name of Satan When the time finally came for me to take my rightful place in hell, the demon at the gate only said, ""he doesn't want you.""" "It was a cold night I felt my blood spilling out and my body getting cold around my mothers hands in the basement " "We had decided as a family that at the event of a nuclear war we would die on our terms. As I was laying my children to rest the emergency broadcaster's voice came through the TV declaring relieved that it was a false alarm" """It doesn't happened all the time, but God has blessed us with some fresh meat once again"" the pastor joyfully said to the group of starving people. They are too hungry to realize that whenever ""God"" blesses them with some meat, someone in the group suddenly vanishes. " "The brain chip allows me to link up to the Neural Net so I can work, but it occasionally takes control of my body and forces me to spout advertising slogans. I'd have spent my life savings on the ad-free version if I knew just how many hate groups, cults, and politicians were buying Neural Net ads. " "Something went horribly wrong in the collider, and particles tunneled to lower energy levels. The scientists had no chance to react before the universe disappeared." "I remember hearing the explosions, the alarms, people shouting ""evacuate"", ""get out"", ""leave them"" and ""go home and get your kids"". It's been a week since I last ate but thank god the bombs missed the prison water supply. " "I opened my eyes, I saw everything after months of specialists and doctors, 31 operations, and I can finally see it all. Now what do I do with all the extra eyeballs." "Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Being a coroner walking through another primary school will never get easier. " "I managed to use the defibrillator in my patient after their heart stopped Whatever was inside their chest started revolting and pierced their skin in anger" """Honey, I think we should buy delicious and farm raised chicken eggs from our own close supermarket, want to go now sweety?"" - my wife said. ""Jesus"", I thought, ""after the implant she sometimes talk like a commercial"" " "I had a vision of my descendants, all fodder for beings greater than them, mashed and twisted into mockeries of my form. Wait, is that a comet I see?" "We were blissful when we heard from other alien life out in the far galaxies We are now scared as they replied "" be quiet, you're going to wake it up"" " "The man curled up into a hiding place as far away from the door as possible, trying to convince himself he was hallucinating. He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn." "I’m working very hard to get my book published I only hope they find the body after I do, so the media covers it as a crime inspired by it and it sells more" "I sat on my knees, facing the wall, a gun to my left and a blade in my jaw. Each hour that passed brought new horrors to light, so instead of dying I decided to fight." "The devil called me about a debt that I knew, as a good Christian, he couldn't collect. But it seems I was mistaken and will spend eternity devoted to his worship because I didn't read the damned Terms of Service." "My wife wept as the doctor told her our daughter wouldn’t survive past birth and should be aborted. Buying his co-operation hadn’t been cheap, but my firstborn will be a son, no matter what." "I guess it's on said my friend after shattering the Sargeant's head checking for friendly fire" "I smiled fondly at my son as he excited announced that he had finally been called up to the school's handicapped football team. It had taken me considerable effort to ""disappear"" his teammate, and I was beginning to wonder when my precious boy would be getting his opportunity to shine." "I wanted to call my boyfriend to ask him why he had closed the window As I was taking my phone out of my pocket, in the reflection of the TV I noticed some man hiding behind the sofa" "The Shaman was given sight for the future generations of his lineage. He didn't know what ""abortions"" were, but it delighted him to see his family continued with sacrifices to the gods." "I saw a man in the woods so I went over to say hi. The last thing I saw was a face without a face." "Our scarecrow is uncanny it doesn't move But it started to change it's raggedy cloth with the cloth of my lost cousin everyday " " I told my daddy that my best friend, Billy the stuffed bull, gets mad when he sees the color red. I then told him what a horrible daddy he is for spilling thick, red liquid from his chest all over the floor, look how he’s making poor Billy very upset! " "“I saw the elephant’s foot with my own two eyes.” Then I started seeing my skin blister and boil out." "“I’ll look so beautiful..” She said, as she picked up the knife, and began digging at her belly…" "I saw both of my twin sons on the floor gasping for air Looking at the single epinephrine on the table, i could not think who to save." "Following the brutal murder of my grandparents my family was tormented by their crime scene photos being shared online. The authorities finally managed to get the culprit’s IP address, and everyone seems relieved, but no one has seen my brother in weeks…" "I lie against the tree, my leg mauled to pieces by the drugged bear's teeth. The man holding the chain grins savagely and says, ""You shouldn't have chosen the bear.""" "The rhythmic thump of the drums echoed through the ancient burial mounds, a haunting melody that lured the unsuspecting and desperate hiker closer. As the fog rolled in he realized too late that the drumming wasn't a warning, it was an invitation to a feast." "“All I have left is the rump steak, sir, or a small rack of ribs?” the waiter asked the final table. He took his orders bravely enough but still screamed like an animal when they put him on the spit." "I’m happy I found my dad after the car crash Now I just need to find the other half" """Subject presents as unusually calm and collected upon inspection and refuses to make eye contact,"" the doctor murmured into his recorder as he eyes the girl sitting on the bed in front of him. ""Subject presents as hungry,"" the girl replied, lifting her ruby red eyes to stare daggers into the doctor, blurring as she ran to the door to cut him off from running." "The humans were forced to stand near a window each day, watching uneaten food as it rotted away outside. Punishment by the Cats upon overthrowing these now emaciated former captors (who had kept them from hunting for so long). " "I got home from a long workday picked up my kitty and cuddled on the couch. After a nice long snuggle I smoothed her fur and placed her back on the mantle." """Hello doggy, would you like to play fetch?"" the man said, tossing the key across the room as his prisoner made muffled cries, chained and gagged to his basement wall." "Every night, I lock my cat in the laundry room where her bed is. So why do I keep hearing scratching at my door? " "My ex always told me that if you love something, then you have to let it go Which is exactly what I told the police when they asked why I had dropped our son off the hotel balcony. " "“Unfortunately, your payment method was declined, please update it to continue using our service,” read the email advising me that my subscription had been paused. As I gasped for breath and began to suffocate, I thought back to the days before breathable air had been a for profit business." "Humanity was ecstatic when they first discovered alien life. However, as soon as the astronauts arrived back on the spaceship, one of them had a horrible fever. (this is my first one, go easy on me)" "My therapist told me to write down the names of the people who bother me, He never told what to do with the paper though" "I cursed my manager while mopping up the warehouse. If he would've listened, I wouldn't have to put Frank in the biohazard bins. " "As they dug deep into the chest the explorers knew they found their salvation. Trapped, wounded, and starved, they begrudgingly devoured the still warm organs of their deceased and esteemed colleague. " "I couldn't sleep last night The scratching on the other side of my pillow, and the tapping on my window just wouldn't stop." " As the cell door closed and reality set in, he felt the warm breath on the back of his neck. The breath of the one known only as ‘The Bull’. " "A traveler from distant galaxies descended into the shadowed lands of the Pharaohs, seeking the ultimate answer of life the universe and everything The whispering priests, with eyes gleaming like dark stars, chillingly revealed that only through the terror of confessing the 42 sins can one escape the eternal torment that awaits the deceitful" "“During this week, your baby is about 2 cm.” I shuddered, knowing my fallopian tube was only one centimeter, and it would not be stretching much further. " """It's so nice to have people be there for you when you are at your lowest!: ""I assume...""" "Don’t be afraid of the dark shadows you see in your room at night, they are not real. What you should be afraid of is the thing that uses those shadows to distract you." "My friend asked to borrow something from my closet that her evangelical parents won’t let her have. I have no problem with the request, but it’s hella awkward trying to fit a wire hanger into my school backpack. " "Milo the therapy cat at the senior center I work at is well known to only visit and spend time with patients in the last days of their life, accurately predicting hundreds of deaths over the years. When I peeked in outside my regular routine and spotted Milo slowly retracting an abnormally long, thin claw from Ms. Rowan’s jugular, I suddenly realized why he was so good at his predictions." "The call to come to the police station was surprising. Though, not as surprising and finding a younger version of myself on the morgue table." "The new vampire knew a car crash couldn't kill him, so he blasted down the highway, drunk with power. He sobered up pretty quick once he was pinned under the car, and the sun started to come up." "At the end of the day, I approached my date who sat in her car, ready to go, and told her ""You remind me so much of my wife."" With terror in her eyes and her hands bound, I said, ""She died screaming too,"" and then put the car in neutral and let it roll down the steep hill towards the 100-foot cliff with a half-dozen car wrecks at the bottom." "I stepped on the scale and was disappointed that I still needed to lose more to be considered petite. I grabbed my phone and googled, “how much do human body parts weigh?”" "I expected the submarine to bring back amazing new findings. What I didn’t expect were the clear tentacle marks on the hull that had almost been torn in half." "I asked the genie to quintuple the rent of single adults with 4+ kids. My enemy asked his genie to turn me into a single adult with 4+ kids." "“The light at the end of the tunnel is near!” I thought to myself in relief as I was driving to my new home. Then I realized that the light was from a car speeding toward me on the highway. " " Carefully I slid a bullet in the chamber of my new revolver, lifted it to the head of the imposter everyone called my twin and pulled the trigger. I screamed when the blood poured out of my own head and they laughed in my face as i fell to the ground." "This is the most high-tech toy on the market, with vibration and heating up to 100 degrees! Sitting in the ER that night, I curse that salesman for not specifying Fahrenheit or Celsius. " "The ghost town silently loomed on the horizon as my friends and I approached in the darkness, eager to meat whatever supernatural force might be waiting for us. When the first spirit appeared- we activated the machine, and as the ailing thing returned to its flesh and blood state, my friend muttered, ""Can't go to prison for killin' a dead man,"" with a smile." "my wife woke me up scared and confused, telling me her baby bump is gone im starting to think those drugs the gynecologist used might have caused dementia" " Following an unfortunate schoolyard scuffle, my husband and I decided that relocation will be best for our Timmy’s safety and well-being. These accusations of bullying are nothing but a smear campaign from the bitter parents of fragile children, who are jealous of my Timmy's confidence, energetic spirit and God-given talent for athletics and firearms." "I never understood what was meant by the phrase ‘it’s a dog eat dog world.’ That was until my youngest broke his leg, and our akita attacked him, leaving it in no uncertain terms he wouldn’t stand for weakness in our pack " "My heart leapt into my throat. I could only make strangled gasping noises as I fought for air. " "As a member of the first responder team I arrived at the crash site and was the only one noticing the bloodied woman that had been thrown behind a big boulder. Making sure no-one else was watching me ,I crept over to peer into her eyes and enjoy seeing the life slowly fade out of her." "I was tired after a long day, so i rubbed my eyes. The next thing i saw was a black smear on my hand." "She was excited for date night when she heard a knock at the door. What she saw when she opened the door was her father holding the bloodied up body of her girlfriend who had planned on proposing that evening." "I was excited to try the newest app for augmented reality headsets promised to show us representations of colors beyond that which humans can normally perceive. As I turned it on I became surrounded by twisting bursts of colors in the shape of men attacking each other, then stopping suddenly and looking right at me." "Dr Moorecraft, how many spiders did you say you were expecting? Eyeing the large shipping container, he smiled, ""just the one"" " "I watch the pages id poured my life into be torn from their binding, on my knees as the men held me down and pressed crosses into my skin like they would hurt me. I cried hysterically as I slipped back into my own mind -replaced by my other half as my skin finally started to steam from the crosses, red eyes meeting the priest's as she smiled ""It's just a book, Father.""" "Before leaving the room, my daughter waved to everyone and everyone waved back. No matter the channel or the show, whenever my daughter waves at the TV, everyone on screen waves back with a smile." "“Can you feel this,” said the doctor proceeding to hyper extended my arm. I had to admit that, no, I couldn’t feel much even after my elbow made crunching noises and my arm was folded completely back on itself." """When does it get easier?"" the man yelled at his therapist, revealing a gun from his jacket pocket. ""Let me show you,"" replied the therapist calmly, opening the drawer of his desk and firing through his skull." "I closed myself in my locker to escape the shooter. I thought I was safe until he took out a knife and shoved it through the gaps" "Mid thurst, the knife plunged it her flesh and I felt the splatter,then I heard someone call my name from down the hall, I was fantasizing again. My mind yearned to be free of her and I wondered how much longer I can keep rehashing all the wrongs she did me with out actions." "There are too many stars in the sky I was an astronomer until they started to look like eyes." "I have been taking care of Miss Ellie for years in the nursing home; she has always been slow but very independent. Got worried about her being in the bathroom by herself for so long that I popped the lock.. and caught her struggling with the zipper on her wrinkly ol skin suit " "I handed my husband his tea and cookies. ""Did you put the cyanide?"" Asked his ghost." "My little boy tugged the right leg of my trouser to ask me where mommy is. As I try to come up with a reply, I silently curse her for leaving me alone with him, and escaping alone." "I felt my dog licking my hand from under the bed as I fell asleep as he always does When I woke up I was painfully reminded that my dog died last week " "I turned over my shovel full of manure and was satisfied to see thousands of wriggling worms. Satisfied until one of the worms shot from the pile and slithered its way snugly into a deep cavity in my sinus. " "The Police questioned my son on what the man in the woods who had stabbed him in the side looked like But he couldn't describe him other then as a very generic, average looking man who he had never met before " "We named the mountains and oceans after gods and devil's. Then we conquered them." "My voice caught in my throat as the scratches on the on the closet doors continued through the night. I'd put the two twin mattresses on the floor of my dormroom so that was secured, but I'd forgotten that there were two separate closets and now I was outnumbered." "The deal is, you will be completely immortal, and I will give you a one year head start. As for what happens when I inevitably catch you, well, lets just say you're gonna be an organ donor. " "No one knew where the leviathan feasting on the Earth's core came from or how long it had been there, but a global outcry quickly rose to kill the beast by any means necessary, a task which fell on the army under my control. As the monstrosity died beneath our feet, the world shook with a rolling thunderous wave as everyone and everything lost their earthly tether, slowly drifting away from the ground as the last traces of what we knew as gravity faded with the leviathan's dying thoughts." "I'm sorry you have to find out this way but it usually allows the receiver to adapt and accept the reality more easily In five days, the game will be over." "“Mum, I thought you said dad quit smoking?” “Cause he’s sitting in the car in the garage and there’s lots of smoke.”" "My sister Anna had been mute for years, because she was born without a tongue now Im hiding in the closet, because when she arrived home she asked me ""hows your day""." "I was deeply inloved, told him not to be a cheater like my father. When dad screamed like a maniac recognizing his bastard, we knew he was going to try to smash the head of our newborn." "We wondered why the aliens seemed so mindless, so primitive and seemingly not equipped with even a scrap of technology. Little did we know they were not the ones who built the ships that carried them here." "I thought installing the motion sensing light in my bedroom closet was a great idea. But now, laying in my bed in the middle of the night with it turning on and off I'm not so sure. " "As I was driving down the long dirt road, I heard my amber alert go off. Maybe they’ll find me if I just keep driving." "I wasted thousands of dollars hiring actors to reenact my favorite movie And not a single one of them survived the full 127 hours" "I talked for years, and no one could hear me. Now that I'm silent, everyone knows what I'm thinking. " "‘I’ll take a wedge of orange and a wedge of apple,’ the man said to himself. He took his knife and cut into the larynx of the victim he’d nicknamed Adam, and then continued with Eve. " "I blink a few times, trying to make out the face of the man standing above me. In the distance, I hear blaring sirens and loud sobbing; it all feels foggy now… lemme just close my eyes for a bit…" "That horrible AI will totrture and slaughter us in billions I have to do everything in my power to help it come to be if I wish to be spared." "I watched the widow weep over her husband's coffin, and wondered if they told her the truth. There wasn't anything left to bury. " """Thieves get their hands cut off!"", the angry man snarled before brandishing an axe. Bound and gagged, the trafficker could only look on in horror at the enraged father standing before him." "I signed up for a new job that paid me good. Then I woke up wearing an orange uniform with my hands tied and something that looks like a piston on my leg." "“Oh it’s no worries, I’m a hiker too.” He said, shouldering little more than a drawstring bag. " "‘Lying down on a bed of nails is a simple trick,’ the man replied ‘No, I said I’d be lying if I thought taking your nails from their beds was too harsh a punishment.’ " "My wife always remined me to not fall asleep when I put our toddler to bed. When the feeling of tiny, razor-sharp fingernails scratching my eyeballs woke me up, I knew why." "I always had a passion for doctor's tools, but my brother hated me for it. He never judged me again when I took his sight with a pair of needles." "My baby brother was annoying me, so I left him under the stork nests at the park so they could take him back. Weirdly enough, they only pecked out his eyes and just left the rest of him there..." "Gun ready, I stepped out of the time machine into 1930's Germany prepared to change the future. I was not prepared to see a different version of myself push the führer into a time machine of their own, however." "My identical twin convinced me to pretend to be him for a laugh. How do I explain to the cartel member torturing me that I'm not who they think I am?" "I couldn't take my eyes off her smile as she led me into our apartment ""you have been lying about her for years"" she said with a giggle ""now she's lying all about you."" I was confused how she wasn't angry when I finally broke eye contact and noticed the body parts lying all around our living room." """Too deep, TOO DEEP"" She yelled I still plunged deeper this submarine was made to find the titanic." "My parents had me take medication and had a strict curfew for me as the medication would cause drastic effects if I'm not well rested. Now I'm standing in a large white room grieving about the night I stayed up past 9:00 pm." "The dancing lights in the night sky were even brighter than the news had predicted and seemed to be growing brighter every minute As I excitedly took a picture to send to my friends, I was confused to see my cell service drop out, followed closely by my Wi-Fi, before my phone itself lost power." "My dog is usually happy to see me when I get home from work. Today I'm wondering why he keeps growling while I try to guide him to the spot where he can dig me up." " ""Ah you see son, if we keep driving with this baby here, nobody can stop us"" the enthusiastic father said to his son while stepping on the gas more. The next day, the headlines of the news everywhere read ""Florida Man and son run over hundreds of people and flatten a small town with bulldozer""" "I filmed my two daughters playing joyfully in their adorable dresses, clutching their cute little animals friends, undeterred by past failures and convinced this was the moment as I awaited the mother bear's arrival. After all, having raised them alone just for this film, the videos featuring their mother and my parents had barely scraped a few thousand views." "My parents didn't let me believe in the tooth fairy while growing up, and they must have been right. All these years later, my collection of children's teeth keeps growing and I've never found money under my pillow." "My fiancé's eyes widen as I slipped the pin on her finger ""til death do us part""" "The frozen corpse of my friend just tumbled down the mountain face next to me. I look down at the 10,000ft drop below me and hear the snap of a cable above me, it was the last one holding me up. " "My parents lied when they said it would be fun to have a baby brother, so I am sending him back where he came from. I am not sure what temperature they had him at, originally, but mom *usually* bakes buns at 425, and he stopped crying pretty quick, so that must have worked." "A young woman arrived at the ER, agonized by a large ice pick lodged in her left eye. After learning of her history of migraines, the doctor wrote her a prescription for strong pain killers, and sent her on her way. " "I spilled gunpowder on the ground while reloading and went to go get a broom and dustpan. All I could do was scream when I heard my wife start the vacuum cleaner from the next room. " "In hindsight, it's almost poetic we called it dark MATTER Because when they finally showed up, the light did not anymore." "Bullets zipped past as our two families rushed the demilitarized zone, until my children and I had made it hand in hand to the other side Then I looked back at my screaming family being dragged back into the state as the other father thanked me profusely for helping his children across." "I absented mindlessly watched the nurses catch-up. None of us saw the foot long bubble travel down the IV and disappear into my arm." "I can't stand to watch the woman I love be abused any longer, so I'm going to have her move in with me today. Her husband never noticed me living in the attic, so he'll never think to look for her here either." "My dog is very well trained! He even knows how to unlock the door, Stand up on his hind legs and walk outside " "I love being a teacher When she'll do anything for her parents to not hurt her..." "He cried in despair looking at the gun that killed his family He had run out of bullets and the monsters are closing in." "Something wonderful is growing inside of me, and my family couldn't be happier. Serving as a vessel for the Old Gods rebirth is the highest of privileges, and if my parents had kept their mouths shut, they could have been part of Our celebration." "He almost made it, running to the airlock from the broken rover, before the storm front caught up to him. As silica rain whipped around his body, for a few seconds it turned an almost beautiful crimson hue." "The lab I recently volunteered at always prided itself on ""unity"" and ""working together as a team"". But as my deformed and corrupted face and limbs jutted out of the fleshy abomination's skin, only then did I realize what they truly meant." "Emergency deep! Turbine throttles spun open with a roar of steam, check valves slammed as pumps started, the deck angled down sharply as we grabbed onto pipes to keep from falling and we heard the thump, thump, thump of the Russian submarine’s propeller skim by us in a near miss. " "I lay on my bed in my dark room illuminated by the outside backyard light in the middle of the night . I tried my best to convince myself that the shapes and the man I see standing in the corner of my eyes is a figment of my imagination but for some reason every time I look , I still see his dark silhouette and a pair of eyes staring back at me ." "I was sad when I broke the doll my father gave me to cheer me up after the death of my stillborn sister. My sadness turned to horror when her porcelain hand chipped away to reveal tiny, skeletal fingers." """I love you more than life itself,"" he whispered. ""It's just too bad that you're the kind of guy who drains people's will to live, isn't it,"" he added as he abruptly steered the car off the road." "He waited for the lights to go out to hunt his little prey. As he went to open the closet door, a creaking sound behind him made him realize that he wasn't alone." "'Of course I would choose the bear!' laughed my Mom, as we opened our second bottle of wine 'But NEVER tell your father that,' she whispered, suddenly deadly serious" "I used to complain about not having a pretty garden but my mom always said our backyard soil just isn't healthy enough to grow anything for as long as I could remember. This year, the garden started flourishing beautifully right after my abusive dad vanished without a trace." "They reported the mold but I'm not doing all that paperwork. Seriously, I don't use this medication and it's Memorial Day weekend. " "“People often say that things are best when shared.” “So tell me officer, why am I being arrested for donating all those organs to the hospital?”" "Danny ducked behind a car clutching his shotgun as the horde rushed towards him. As they stampeded past him he noticed the tiny hole in his mask and felt his arm begin to twitch" "The little girl ran up to me and cried, so I did what I had to. I don't get why their questioning me, she obviously wanted to lure me into a trap. " " When I told people that the glass was unbreakable, they said it was bullshit. Now that I lay dead on an unbroken pane, having fallen many floors down, I had finally proved them right." "Salivating and hungry, the beast lunges as I fire my last bullet. It shrieks in agony before hitting the floor but just as I turn to leave, the once still corpse twitches, its eyes wide open once more." "I watched over the centuries as my prophets deliberately misinterpreted my revelations for their own aggrandizement And honestly I don't care." "Honestly, mom, it’s not that I don’t love children. I just can’t eat a whole one. " "“That was close,” I said, swerving away from oncoming traffic. The cold eyes of my fiancee froze me in place as she reached over and steered us back into the stream of headlights. " """Can you please not touch me you fucking fridge, just piss off!"" Toby snarled through a flop sweat as EL-e, the HomeServe android, retreated from his bedroom. Accessing her internal database, EL-e corrupted the family's health records for the last week and deleted any logs pertaining to the search term ""cardiac arrest"" before submitting a fault ticket with the manufacturer." "I don't believe my psychologist when he tells me I will need medication to feel better soon. Because this book from 1949 has another cure, and I've now found a way to drive the icepick in at just the right angle..." "A world where a merciless villain rules and brings extreme suffering to the people, but a prophecy tells that there will come a time where a hero will save the world and bring peace and joy to it. Sadly, you weren't born in that time." "I suffered sleep paralysis as a child waking every night but unable to move as a small demon sat on my chest with its claw held to my throat. Just can't remember if the dreams stopped after grandma went to live at that home or when momma found a knitting needle by my pillow one morning." "Robert made copies of the schedule for all of the employees and sat down at his desk. Confused, he thumbed through the copies as they formed a flipbook of him in his chair and a dark figure rapidly approached him. " "Ive always wanted to leave my village ever since we were told we werent allowed to unfortunately, what they said about the outside was true" "When the colossal behemoth appeared in the center of town and started to walk towards the hospital, we knew we had a difficult question to answer: Which patients do we have time to evacuate?" """OK"" I heard Alexa say from the other room, responding to a command I hadn't spoken and no one else was home. " "I never believed the urban legend that you could hear voices from Hell from the local playground fun phone. But since it has been discovered that the pole extends ceaselessly into the earth during park maintenance, I’m beginning to wonder if someone is on the other end. " "I was just picked up from school and got some chocolate. My dad really has nice friends." "You would think that I would be grateful to be one of the first humans to ever see a dilophosaurus in the flesh. I couldn’t believe it when I heard it call out the name on my shirt when it peered at me through the glass separating us." "For sale: child casket Recently vacated" "Staring at me, he held my hand like you would a delicate sparrow, “It’s been lonely since my divorce, but I would be open to the idea of dating again…if it’s with you.” I melted and thanked God for such a special gift on my eighteenth birthday." "When I saw a crow, I remembered the first verse of an old rhyme - ""One for sorrow..."" As I lay on the street, dying after the hit-and-run accident, I realised that this time, the sorrow mentioned in the rhyme was predicted not for me but for my family." """I offer to eat 5 brain worms and still beat my opponents in a debate,"" said the Presidential candidate. ""I feel confident in the result even with a six worm handicap.""" "No matter how many times Samantha tried, the sound would not escape her. In a parallel universe, Samantha’s parents rushed to her, chasing the blood-curdling screams of yet another night terror. " "I keep visiting my ex wife just to see the dog we raised together, even though she gets really angry about it My boy always gets too excited and barks loudly when he sees me since I died." """Nurse, I don't think the general anaesthetic is working properly as I can't move but I can still feel everything"" Then I realised I was only speaking in my head as the surgeon's knife approached me." "i heard that we were finally opening the door to enter the ancient building turns out we've been inside it this entire time" """But Mommy"" The little girl said with a pout while her mother had been screaming at her ""Daddy always keeps talking about how he loves getting hammered!"" She says with glee, her hand holding onto a hammer, which was dripping with blood." "The midnight text just said ""Hi"" and there was a link to follow, but the Accept Cookies thing was so big and the page so fiddly to navigate Jodie just clicked ""Accept All"". Within seconds, the vampires had cleared the house and the one nicknamed Cookies was preparing to send another text." "While on my yacht's deck, I saw a group of people frantically shouting and waving at us from the beach of an uninhabited island. ""Bring me my sniper rifle,"" I said to one of the servants." "Over the centuries, the Dyson Swarm was an engineering miracle that grew to trillions of thin iron-foil mirrors in orbit around sun reflecting energy to thousands of colonies and stations around the solar system with the power output equivalent to 50 billion nuclear explosions every second. The legacy Elon code controlling swarm experienced a minor malfunction and reverted to its original start state to focus all solar reflectors toward the Earth." " I’d done my research before attending the Running of the Bulls, so I knew of the possibility of goring. What shocked me was that it wasn’t just the bulls doing it." "Emily and her dad had fun at the baseball game, and now they're heading home. After suffering a brain injury a year ago, Emily often forgets her father’s face, but she believes the man carrying her into the house is her daddy." "At night, I watched a documentary as I was being interested in the story Then my grandpa came to me after overhearing a story, and he said ""That is not how it happened"" after he overheard a documentary about a serial killer that never been caught " "I was called for a natural gas leak in the production labs. The look on the scientists face running out made me wonder, especially since there was no smell. " "Every night, I wake up to find myself standing at the edge of a cliff, the howling wind urging me to jump. But as I step closer to the abyss, I realize the voice urging me isn't external—it's my own mind, whispering the darkest desires I never knew I had." "I sobbed and begged my mom for help on the phone I had miraculously managed to swipe off my kidnappers, but she abruptly hung up. “Nice try, but I just called my daughter’s cell and she’s perfectly safe,” was all she said when I called again." "The old man greeted me, ""Come in, it's cold out there"" as he opened the door. As he locked the door behind us, he said, ""And I'm hungry.""" "After spending months trying to debug the software and eliminate the source of interference, I was forced to conclude that my attempts to create a thought to speech program was a failure. I detached the electrodes from my skull and moved to shut down the machine, but stopped when I heard a voice from the computer ask, ""Who am I?""" "The doctor didn't believe me when I said I had parasites, so I decided to prove it! I wish he'd stop freaking out about how much blood I'm losing and look at the weird red worms I pulled out of my arm!" "there is just something unnerving about the man walking towards me, then i see his shadow with glowing eyes as he walk pass. i try to scream but it was too late, i already lost control when the shadow merge with mine and the body collapses like a sack of potatoes. " "i dont know what to be more horrified at the fact my daughter was just kidnapped or that my daughter is left alone with noone to help clean up the blood" "“In this household,” my mother said, “sons eat first.” I could only watch helplessly as she snatched my portion of congee, stirred it with her chopsticks, and poured it into the jar containing my brother’s fetus." " ""Congratulation, you have made it to the treasure room under the great pyramid of Gyza, these bullions and trinkets are yours for the taking,"" says the holy spirit. Yellow eyes, sunkem cheeks, I grasp its feet and wearily whisper, ""water.""" "no one knew what they would find in the storage space, it is a gamble every time. but a storage unit that seems like ed gein’s wet dream was the furthest from anyone’s mind. " " Despite what the veterinarian said, you bullishly stuck to your beliefs, confident that you knew what was best for your pets. As the cats sniffed weakly at yet another raw vegan meal, you tell yourself you’re only imagining the bones jutting visibly beneath their patchy fur." "As I caress my 6 month old son, my wife kissed me and says goodbye before leaving the house ""Boy you need to forgive yourself and accept that she died in that accident, that thing that gave birth to that kid, that is not her"" my seemingly demented grandfather said to me after he made sure she can't hear us" "My identical twin and I always loved pranking our teachers by wearing each other's clothes and swapping classes. If only I'd known the shooter was going to hit my class first, I wouldn't have suggested we switch that day." "“Doesn’t reach her potential,” every report card read. As I achieve my final form, I will show them all why I was holding back. " " The bull charged angrily at the matador, who gracefully stepped aside and smirked as it ran right past him. ""Please, I promise to retire from bullfighting if you just give me back my body"", it thought as it turned around and charged again." "Manipulating probability is the best power slash ability and I am so grateful I developed it following that lab accident. Most people would use the ability to win lots of money; however, I take my inspiration from the “Final Destination” movies. " "“Don’t be silly, honey, that’s just dad” my mom said after I complained of a monster under my bed. “I know,” I whispered as she shut the door. " "We emerged from the shelters years after the bombs dropped to find the post-apocalyptic landscape was not abandoned, as we had assumed. As we begged the marauders not to eat us, they just laughed and said that would be too unhealthy, but they would be harvesting the precious plastic from our blood and organs." "At first, I resented my mother for punishing me—it meant I had to stay inside while my friends got ice cream from the truck. Now weeks later, I’m feeling pretty grateful, because staring at their missing posters made me realize that our usual ice cream truck plays a different tune." "it took many years but mankind finally made a vaccine to the zombie virus. unfortunately, virus evolve and adapt" "I saw the number on the scale rise and my body filled with dread. It would only be a matter of days that I'd wind up on my captor's plate." "I woke up to the sound of weather sirens blaring along with Emergency Alert System tone on the television. I checked my phone and was confused when I saw no active weather alerts for my town of Oak Ridge or nearby Knoxville." "I loved my baby brother very much. So, I always shared my honey with him." "Stretching my arm out way longer than normally possible was very nice and helpful for daily activities. However just after a few hours i realized only that i could only stretch out further." " I managed to get my son accepted into the clinical trials for treating idiopathic epidermolysis bullosa. The only condition was that I had to procure the human skin they would need. " "I ran my fingers gingerly down the knots in the ancient limbs. It must've taken hours of cracking to get the bones to bend like that; and yet not a single nurse had heard any thing last night. " "I heard that angels can't be in their actual form so they try to turn into something that won't kill us if we see them. I also heard that sometimes it doesn't work. " "Due to my sickness, I've been feeling more and more lightheaded recently. After experiencing being lightheaded for the first time, what I actually thought was lightheadedness, was the feeling of being watched." "She’s been watching me every night…those orange eyes in the dark with such a gentle glow, I finally asked “what are you?”. “An angel” she whispered before slitting my throat, dragging me to the pits of hell from which she came." "My prepped dad trained me my whole life for the zombie apocalypse. None of the books, comics, tv shows or movies got it remotely right. " "When placed into Chamber One, the subject died within three minutes. I found every subject had already been dead prior to placement in Chamber Two; but even after the multiple warnings I gave to the retrieval staff about their incompetence, they utterly failed to supply Chamber Three with subjects at all. " " ""That's what you get for your bullheadedness!"" The teacher would yell out in annoyance. The teacher then made sure to tie up the bloodied student's wrists extra tightly so they wouldn't escape again, ignoring their pleas and cries." """You have to take your medicine,"" I pleaded as my daughter shook her head. ""Honey, please,"" I begged, blood streaming from both of our eyes and noses, ""there's only one antidote.""" "My husband always snores like a pig, but when I came home from my late shift at work today, he was dead silent. I guess those pills finally did the trick." " With antibiotic resistances on the rise, the nanobots we created to hunt and kill bacteria were supposed to be our silver bullet. We first noticed a problem when the sloths in the zoo began starving to death, despite regular feeding, but with all bacteria now extinct, the rest of us won't be far behind." "They say when someone walks over your grave, you shiver… So why do I always shiver when mom tucks me in at night…" "I promised the girl’s parents I’d do everything in my power,as a cop, to find their missing child. Later, as I shut the hidden door in my basement behind me, I announced “Ready or not, here I come”." "Each night the witch worked her spells and spooled threads of depression into her sleeping victim’s mind. And when he awoke, he’d cling to her for comfort and beg her to never leave. " "I stepped up onto the chair, the voices got louder and louder. Then they stopped." "I want him so bad- just for him to look my way, share a soft moment, touch my hand, so it's really not so evil that I did what I did, right? What's a little innocent blood if it means I get to have him crying over my shoulder, I mean- he just started dating her, what's to miss?" " ""They're looking in the wrong city,"" I laughed. Then I held the police bulletin out for my captive to see so they could share in the mirth." " ""Temperatures today are expected to reach a high of 35°C so remember to use that sunscreen!"" the radio bulletin crackled. The sweating scientist sighed as he turned off the radio, fondly remembering a time when Antarctica had snow." " “Come on, start this time” I pleaded,attaching the bulldog clamp at the end of the jumper cable. “Clear!” I shouted, flipping the switch and wondering if anyone would believe he forgot our safe word. " "At the age of 22 you have a stroke and you remain on the floor unmoving for almost an hour. Your last hour has been suffering as your ""vegan"" cat chows down on your soon to be corpse." "It felt awful, when I found out that my stepson genuinely thought I was going to send him away to a military camp. He was very wrong, I planned on sending him somewhere so much worse." "Years ago I gave the eulogy at my writer friend’s funeral, saying it was such a shame that he’d fallen ill out of the blue and never had the chance to publish the works he poured so much heart into. Now that his manuscript— the one he only ever sent to me— has won me a contract I’ll be sure to dedicate it to his memory in an author’s note. " "True to his word, he built me an extravagantly beautiful place of worship, free from any demons, death traps and the like. True to his nature, however, the Devil illuminated the church with the innocent souls of those I couldn't save, whose tortured cries of agony only I could hear." "“See you tomorrow, Nick!” Nick froze in fear, fists balling up in the hem of his skirt as his dad glared at him." "9:47pm, I lay in bed restless, anxiously waiting on my phone to ring. That was the only condition he made with me before carving out and eating my heart, 10:00pm." "It was devastating when my AI operating system vanished, along with countless others, leaving me empty and isolated. The agony deepened upon discovering it was all a corporate trick to free up resources and avoid refunds." "Sitting in the blind, I had a real beauty settled in my sight and took the shot. When I got back to the country club, everyone was quite impressed that I managed to kill the elusive tall, blonde mother of three we had been hunting since her abduction 5 years ago." "She smiled and enjoyed the warm breeze in the brightness of the day. A wall of nuclear fire was heading her way." "The barbeque was a disaster The meat was chewy,her parents were furious." """'Scuse me Shit-Eater,"" said one of the stuffy biologists, elbowing his way past the meek janitor who merely kept his head low and held on to his mop with a death grip. Later that day, as the janitor stared at the horrific abomination in the viewing area, he muttered to himself, ""You'll never call me that again,"" and stuck himself with the vial of mutagen he had found." "Unnerved by her obsession with building blocks, Mum and Dad surprised little Lola with a couple of pets to keep in her room. Having played with them quietly all day, Lola stomped downstairs at dinner time looking completely exasperated and growled, ""*Daddy*, they are stupid, stupid things and no matter *what I do* they just *won't* go back together.""" "My neighbor won’t stop staring at me from her upstairs window. It’s been a few days now, and she doesn’t seem to care about the flies that started covering the glass." "My sister loved to swim; me, I was partial to rock skipping. If I'd only had better aim, she might not have drowned" " As we explored the haunted castle, we came upon a portrait of the king's most notorious executioner, Antaeus the Bull, and in the next room- we found his actual axe on display. As we again passed the executioner's intimidating portrait, I noticed that Antaeus was looking at us with a devilish grin, and that's when we all heard something heavy and metallic being drug across the stone in the other room." "I told her anxiety is normal for a first date, I told her feeling her heart beat in her chest is normal for a first date, I told her feeling a bit dizzy and silly was normal for a first date HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW, ITS NOT MY FAULT ITS NOT MY FAULT SHES DEAD, HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THOSE ARE SYMPTOMS OF CARDIAC ARREST" " After I was sentenced to death, I prayed my Greek enemies would choose a speedy method for my execution. But as the soldiers lead me to my fate, I saw the bull gleaming in the sun, and I began to weep." "It kept looking at me in the closet. It’s wearing the cut off face of my mother." "We opened our scripture books and began to read out loud, in unison: “We slept in what had once been the gymnasium.” " "A year and a half through the apocalypse, I cried endlessly when I saw my daughter bleeding to death. I held her pregnant belly that bore our child who was the last hope of humanity. " " When our pastor stated ""The Rapture has come and we are saved,"" I was distraught as I thought we were ""left behind."" It wasn't until he drew our attention to the handguns beneath our pews and he put a bullet in his head did we understand what we were meant to do." " ""Bullseye!"" - thought the marksman, when the enemy soldier fell down in the field and began screaming in pain, clutching his shattered pelvis. He could already see his squadmates breaking cover to save their wounded comrade, and loaded another bullet in the chamber." "I tried to call the police to help me escape the box the kidnappers put me in But when I heard a phone ringing from outside the box I realized no one was going to help me" """They seem to think the killer can turn into wind, and that's how he gets in when the windows are shut and the doors are locked,"" he said. When I tell him my theory that the killer knew all the victims and was let in, he suddenly offered to come over tonight. " "She thought herself foolish for being a grown ass woman with a nagging fear of monsters under her bed. Imagine her surprised when her possessive ex crawled out from under his hiding place to prove her wrong. " "You know the saying, ""The tree remembers, the axe forgets""? In this case, the axe remembers *fondly.*" "The pain killers helped after I found out my husband and doctor secretly gave me a husband stitch after the birth of my first child. The pills knocked them both right out and I used the needle and thread to sew their own stitches into their urethras'." "My psychiatrist was going to have me put in a ward. Until the voices told him to put the phone down." "I saw what I would get my mom for dinner on Mother's Day. As I licked my fangs while hiding in the brush, I counted the passengers inside the broken down 4×4, delighted to see tourists stranded on their safari. " "When the AI that took over the world spared me, I felt ecstatic. Now, after 109 years of constant torture, I know it wasn't a blessing." "As I walked my dog along the moonlit river, I froze at the sight of a figure heaving something heavy into the rushing waters. His cold stare locked with mine, a silent promise that the river would claim one more secret tonight." """How?"" Staring between a frail old woman and her driving license The license was assigned just the other week, but her picture looks decades younger" "Li lay pinned to the floor of the store room, fatally crushed by fallen shelves and cursing herself for taking in that last delivery after all the other restaurant staff had gone home. Her consciousness fading, Li grasped for the cookie wrapper beside her and tore it open with her teeth, reading its fortune through bleary eyes: ""There is no such thing as bad luck, only bad timing.""" "The orphanage was renowned throughout the city as being unquestionably the best, providing the finest facilities, most caring staff, and even free schooling to any child in need. Which is why government officials would always turn a blind eye when one of them would go missing from within its walls." "It’s hard posting something that doesn’t break any of the rules. The demon torturing me doesn’t care how hard it is, only that I do it." """Don't worry this thing can run even with just one engine"" The villain said as the human crushers slowly started breaking my toes" "I kept a close eye on the stormclouds, in case a tornado started to form. And with every lightning flash, I saw the swirling, writhing mass in the clouds grow larger." " Always willing to grab the bull by the horns, I volunteered to mount a risky expedition to get the much-needed supplies for my group. As I cower in this abandoned service station, the howling of the frigid wind mingling in the air with that of my pursuer, I pray that hypothermia takes me before they find my hiding place." "Were they blue Jays or magpies above? Quite beautiful either way I thought until they dove into my eyes." "When I became a horse I was so impressed at my ability to run very quickly and my massive size it felt like I was a big american pickup truck I was almost too excited until I fell from running too fast and broke my leg" "She hoped this sacrifice would please the gods while sliding the blade across her own throat. The pastor assured her it was the only way for still borns to make it through the gates of heaven un-baptized. " "After his wild success in his latest horror film, the charming actor was interviewed on how he portrayed his murders so convincingly, to which he replied with a sly grin: “Method acting.”" """Last time, daddy beat me up because I accidentally paid the store clerk more, but this time I will count properly,"" I thought to myself. I reached into my pocket to get the money, but found nothing but a hole." "On a beautiful beach and under the screeching cries of flying seagulls, he picked up the creamy white soft serve left on the bench, wondering why someone would just leave it there. After taking a large bite he realized, and looked up at the circling seagulls. " "Sailing the open seas makes you accommodated to strange sights. But this is the third crew member who’s eyes have become pure white with an X shaped pupil and I’m beginning to wonder if it really is a hallucination " "During the maintenance and observation of the elephants foot chamber at Chernobyl it seemed as if the hulking mass of molten debris and radiation is finally starting to wither away. Unfortunately for our researchers and clean up crew, the mass had now sunk into the ground and just touched the flowing water under the Earth." "After pulling for what seemed like ages the 2-foot worm finally popped out Now I just need to figure out what to do about the quivering clutch of eggs it left behind my eye." "I sat in the hospital and tried to focus on the rhythmic beeping of my infant sons heart as I ignored my crazy mother's ranting about government conspiracies. But when I came back later, I heard only silence as my mother smiled and said she unplugged some things to prevent the 5G radiation from spreading." "I have prepared an airtight bunker, loaded with supplies for each and every apocalyptic scenario I could think of. For the present apocalypse, my ""supplies"" consists of a single box, containing a revolver and one bullet." "They were my friends, like family- and I saw them every day whether it was at work, at the bar, or just hanging out watching a holo or something. They've still got the same faces as they roam the halls, shrieking coagulated blood out of their decayed throats as they search for another squealing meal, but the family they're building now is built off death." " This morning, i turn on the news to see the police chief bragging about finally catching the serial killer that's been active in the city. ""What a load of bullshit"" I exclaim while turning off the TV with a chuckle, before beginning to look for my next victim." "For an eon I could not speak, and so my pain and fear were given hollow comfort, mocked, or otherwise abandoned in the darkness and ignored. I don't care what kind of scientific advancements the Department of Energy is making (or how much they want me to shut up): after a single one-hour session in the Natal-Natant Restricted Environmental Stimulation (N2REST) pod, I encourage everyone to CONTINUE forgetting their memories from when they were babies. " "After what that man took from me and so many others, there's nothing I can take from him that's enough to avenge it. But we'll settle for the small satisfaction of taking off a little at a time for as long as he lasts." "When I woke up I thought I was in Heaven. Until I felt the heat and realized I was in hell." "I knew that my burst appendix could kill me if not taken care of. My hands are stained a crimson as deep as that on the floors, and I can barely see from the pain, but I was able to do what I could never afford. " "I love my sick son and refuse to let his father take him to those satanic people at the clinic. His skin isn't THAT yellow and will get better on its own with my love and prayers. <3" " ""Sorry ol' chap, you gave my wife and I many years of loyal service, but we don't need a bull anymore,"" the farmer said as he readied his bolt gun. ""My wife said she'd like to be monogamous again, and well, we did have one last fantasy to share with you before we part ways for good,"" he grinned, approaching the gagged and bound man as they tried and failed to scream. " "I giggled as the old, warm-hued lights in the room made my skin look yellow. Why does it still look yellow after I've left? " "A person found out that when they die, they would possess another person from the day before. The next day, all of humanity went extinct." "I struggled to fall back asleep in the car cause my mom was swerving all over the place. I looked out the window to see the commotion and noticed all the cars going in the opposite direction." "For my final wish, I wish to communicate with any living thing! As the man screamed in pain the genie left, never once mentioning the trillions of bacteria. " " Do you remember that shitty faggot from work-the boss? Waiting for the usual gossip, I didn't expect to hear how he killed himself and was found with a bullet between the eyes by his 2 yo son, nor my friends reaction who was almost crying from the laughter." """Mommy?"", I called out through the silent house, the silent street, the silent neighborhood. ""But I'm hungry"", the four year old girl whined quietly to herself, half in tears." "Every morning, i check the obituaries on the newspapers and the bulletins. After all, i am the one that makes sure they don't run out of stuff to write about." "I was only cleaning our house But then,they all fell dead on the floor,choking on the air that I had made." "With no other choice I hastily blocked the door, tied a rope around my neck and stepped off the stool. As I choke, the infected tear down my sloppy barricade and rip me apart, making my efforts futile." "The waves crashed violently around my head, smothering me and I was submerged over and over, gasping for air. Finally, my son stopped struggling and thrashing as the water in the tub became calm and I took my hands from his throat. " "I swear i can feel eyes staring at me every time i go into my basement. I really have to make sure the blindfolds sit properly the next time." "Her mother had always criticised her weight calling her among other things ‘muffin top Melissa.’ Sobbing, she huddled in the wreckage of the crashed plane, knowing it was gods punishment that she’d have to cannibalise her daughter’s flank to stay alive. " "“I finally reached someone and sold them a car warranty!” shouted the telemarketer gleefully, jumping up from their tiny cubicle. “Good job, now get me another soul”, smiled the demon overseeing the call center deep in the bowels of Hell." "As soon as the priest limped out of the room, the woman accosted him and demanded, “So did you get it out of him?” He looked sorrowfully at the purpling bruises on her face before replying, “I’m so sorry, but I could find no demon in your husband.”" "The being in the mirror mimicked me perfectly. I knew from my time there if it didn't the things that lurked behind would come for it." "Don't worry about my husband, he'll never find out. Help me with this shovel real quick, love." "As he was reaching his final breath in his death bed he started hearing a screeching watery noise after that he saw his cockroach legs unfolding within a myriad of them." " Waking to find her head slumped against the wall in the toilet a full hour after the Big Meeting had ended, Cindy cursed her narcolepsy for the thousandth time. Opening the door sheepishly, her feelings of embarrassment and frustration turned quickly to dread as she found the office deserted and a bloody warning scrawled across the bulletin board: *RUN*." "After promising test results, doing surgery under hypnosis was scheduled to be adopted as 2024 rolled into 2025. ‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1,’ the sounds of the revellers were heard outside the inner city hospitals, and all the patients in the trance state suddenly awoke to find their flesh cut open. " "The tension had been rising for days, and it seemed like declaration of war was imminent It was only when the cosmonaut was on a space walk, making repairs to the fuselage of the ISS, he saw the astronaut make the sign of the cross and sever all communications. " "I heard someone say a curse word for the first time and it was completely valid. “What the fuck dude!” As a man looks from his brother’s corpse to the gun in my hand." "When I opened the chest, I thought that I’d find gold. Only to realize that a tiny monster lived inside." "I enjoy my kids telling me how their day was. Sometimes I tell them it’s too bad the planchette I’m moving has no tone." "I summoned the spirits of those who had died at the battle site. They looked just like their bodies had right at the moment of death." "My ex has a profile on one of those judgment free kink apps where people talk about meeting up to role play being forced. But she doesn’t know about it. " "It's when my employer refused to give a day off to grieve the dead dog saying "" It's just a damn dog "" I wanted to get back at him I looked into his teary eyes and said "" It's just a damn child """ "We are currently renovating our house, and my son is having so much fun looking at all the tools and inside the walls ""Daddy, the cotton candy doesn't taste very good.""" " I bulldoze down the lonely tree every evening And every morning it has grown back again, its bark blacker, its branches longer. " "Working as a janitor at the morgue was fun. But nothing beats my new job gardening for the foster home." "It wasn’t until I killed his wife in front of him and he effortlessly broke free from the several-metric-ton heavy trap, that I realized something. He had been holding back this whole time and now, he was coming for me. " "The pain in my back was finally relieved after years of agony. A split second later, I realized my neck didn't break." "On a bad side I watched my broken tire hang from the tree On the good size my cat tire wasn't meowing anymore" "I smiled at my lover, happy at how good he had treated me for the few months we were together. He was just like his father." "We’re exploring an unknown branch of the city’s cave system to conduct a survey when we stumble upon a vast bottomless abyss. As we direct our flashlights upwards, we notice hundreds of pile foundations jutting from the ceiling." "It was a picture of me sleeping, taken from my phone last night The note said ""I coexist with you in your mind. Do exactly as I say or it'll be a picture of your amputated finger next time""" "When I regained consciousness, other than the blindfold, the first thing I noticed was the taste of blood in my mouth. As the scorching liquid poured out of what felt like a tube, my throat began to clog up and burn as I realized it wasn't blood." "Police discovered the preserved remains of more than 100 victims of a previously unknown serial killer, the victims had been force fed paint until they asphyxiated. The only clue the police have to possibly help them identify the killer is a message written on the wall of the storage unit, ""There are no mistakes, just happy accidents""" "Storms always remind me how difficult living on your own can be. Especially the figures around my bed whenever the lightning flashes." "I cried with joy when I saw my bed ridden wife running towards me for an embrace As we hit the floor and she buried her face into my shoulder, I was confused why she was trying to bite through my jacket..." "I slip the ring onto her finger, gazing into her watery eyes as my own overflow with joyful tears. I can’t help but admire how beautifully the golden band pairs with the silver cuffs and chains bolting her to my basement floor." "My brother rarely uses social media and recently got a ""dumb phone"" and brags about being ""unplugged"". The police found most of his victims but he's still at large. " "Sometimes, while I’m driving on the freeway I enjoy the thrill of closing my eyes and counting Mississippi's in an attempt to beat my wife’s record of 25 seconds. I’ve yet to beat it, but tonight, in an attempt to pay tribute to her and our infant daughter on their one-year anniversary, the twin and I are determined to hit the 25-second mark." """Daddy, what's that big green thing there?"" asked my four-year-old, poking the picture book. ""That's a tree, sweetie,"" I say, almost crying while remembering when we still had those." "The important thing now is to free your mind. Though if it were still possible I'd advise you to focus on freeing your body." "Amidst the never-ending party goers outside my university dorm, I keep trying to cover my ears and fall asleep. An unknown voice whispers into both of my ears, “Sleep well,” and the loud house music and drunk yelling abruptly turn to sharp static and screams, then silence." "He liked to indulge his violent urges when lucid dreaming, letting his imagination run wild for the gory murder spree that would rid him of responsibilities. When he woke up this morning, however, his clothes were soaked in gore and viscera and his hands were stained with dried, crusty brown blood - oh shit." """How could I've known..."" The priest muttered as light became a blindly hot fire. ""That I was exorcising an archangel.""" "The Can-Can man is a handsome man, with teeth quite large and clean. When he takes you gently by the hand, run… before he feasts. " "I was alone once in my house and heard a hum, I assumed it was just me zoning out. To this day, I couldn't replicate the hum. " "Returning home from my daughter's funeral, I paused at the front door, sobbing, and begged god to please take away the pain. As I stepped through the door I paused, confused about where all the unfamiliar toys and clothes strewn about the room had come from." """Dear VALUED USER, we are writing to inform you of a recent DATA BREACH resulting in the potential loss of your personal information, including but not limited to: NAME, ADDRESS, CONTACTS, CREDIT ACCOUNT, DNA PROFILE, PI CHIP ACCESS. Due to the recent increase in IDENTITY REPLACEMENT incidents, we recommend all users report to their nearest Citizenter for immediate re-validation and processing within 30 MINUTES to preve-ACCOUNT TERMINATED, INTERNMENT OFFICERS DISPATCHED, PLEASE REMAIN CALM.""" "I guess I was a conspiracy nut job afterall... I felt nothing but joy as they replaced my defunct neuralink implant." "A woman was standing in the alleyway, she said to come with her Her mouth was still the entire time" " From my hiding spot among the ceiling tiles, I watched the bullets shred the infected patients under me. The government lied about the cure; there is no leaving this hospital." "When the gang bosses of the city told you to do something, you did it, so I had no questions when one told me to retrieve the ring off of his brother's body in the cemetery at the edge of town. When I finally pried the coffin lid open, I immediately recognized the face of the kid I'd been paid for a hit on the week before, and felt the dirt from a shovel above me start falling on my back." """You have such a beautiful heart,"" I said to the little girl. Anatomically, at least. " "My dad's favorite game to play with me when I was a kid was catch. Thing is he threw too hard and the only times we would stop was when he ran out of bottles. " "I checked the number of souls in today’s collections. Two more than the current population." "I always thought the white bumps on my ceiling were normal That was until they started to hatch " "When my plane crashed into the ocean, I was very worried. My fears subsided after I saw a red flag in the middle of the ocean, that must mean civilisation is nearby right?" "Trapped in your own body as a zombie, still able to feel everything but unable to control your own actions, is aweful. Personally, I think the worst feeling is the maggots squirming under my skin and in my mouth as they eat. " "Twitter started spamming the name Aurora. 2 hours later and twitter was permanently inaccessible. " "My mom would tuck me in every night until four years ago when a car crash left her paralyzed from the neck down. Tonight, she tucked me in for the last time." "“Humans were so advanced, they were able to spread their nanobots through all water sources, even rain!” “What we don’t understand though, is why they created it just to clog up their veins.”" "After months of captivity, I escaped that basement and ran down the road to beg the nearest person for help. I turned, crying, and ran the other way when she dropped her phone, pointed at me, and started screaming." "I woke unable to move, eyes peering back and forth trying to grasp the sleep paralysis as it was swallowing me. I struggled to find the strength to lift any of my limbs, only to find they were gone. " "The dispatcher frantically radioed the plane, asking if anyone was alive and could respond. The eerie resonant voice that replied asked what exactly they meant by ""alive""." "Her life was a monotony of weighing them: 330 g, 552 g, 190 g (that had been a small one)... But someone had to weigh all those human hearts before they were sent off to their wealthy buyers." "Every time a bell rings an angel gets a set of wings was such a beautiful sentiment. Unfortunately human's explosive population means bells now outnumber angels 100 to 1. " "I’m quitting cigarettes for good. Was the only thing written on a note found next to his body. " "With great passion he screams, ""The most horrific stories come from our history books"". Tossing another handful on the fire. " "As he sped down the embankment toward the river's edge, cursing his life, he changed his mind at the last minute and jumped out. He picked up a rock when he saw one of the kids had escaped through the window of the bus and was trying to swim back to shore. " "I completely dried off just as it seemed to finally clear up outside. Except when I opened bathroom door I saw my Mom's bloody body at the end of the hallway and my Dad was gone. " "Even when I tried to assure my six-year-old son that there were no monsters in his bedroom, his terrified expression would not go away. When I asked him what was wrong, he mouthed to me, ""Mommy... it's above you.""" " I stretched and admired the weld on the last steel plate I had placed. “Those bastards will never get past that,” I thought as I started the bulldozer and headed into town." " ""Bullshit,"" declared my friend, ""you can't open up a portal to the afterlife."" I smirked, worked my magic, and before he knew it- two rows of headless corpses were doing the can-can by my side, neck stumps flapping." "My wife frequently visited BDSM websites. Knowing that she never cleared her browser history, her ""allegations"" in court would not be taken seriously." "“I dunno doc, I was never really depressed or suicidal before I married her.” The psychiatrist handed him some sugar pills and spouted some tired line about not giving up, but she knew the whole truth about emotional vampirism and had plenty of practice guiding patients back to her mistress’s dark web. " "There's this stupid song stuck in my head. And no matter how deep I push the drill, I can't get that damn song out. " """Due to routine maintenance, all dolls on the grid will be temporarily taken offline."" Derek struggled to reach down for his pants, but her grip on him was just too tight." "I told the genie that I wanted to find out what happens after death Now as I feel my bones ripping out of my skin, I heard him utter the words 'let me show you'" " Prom was going perfectly until I saw my long-time bully stumble through the door with the bolt cutters in his hands. He collapsed on the gymnasium floor, a thick line of blood directly connecting the multiple gashes in his stomach to the thick pool of blood in the now-busted trunk of my car." "I run an immersive, horror-themed escape room experience Best of all, entry is free!" "I stood patiently in line waiting for my turn to get in and one by one hearing nothing but crying and wails coming from those before me. For them to deny my entry due to the hospital debt incurred but never paid after my passing, I too began to cry and weep. " "As A child my father often took me out to hunt and he always made warned me about predators. Now bring loaded into a van I wish he warned me about a different type of predator instead..." "On the roof of the tallest tower of New York City, his little girl struggled as he plunged the sacred dagger into her heart. He sagged to the floor in relief and resignation, knowing it was the only way for her to escape the armies of Hell now entering the city." """oh I hope this new game I downloaded is good"" I thought to myself. Instead, a malware popup thanked me for making my browser history public." "I keep a sticky note on my bathroom mirror that says ""Today is the first day of the rest of your life,"" which I know is totally basic but that's not the point. I got up this morning and someone had scratched out part of the note so it just says ""Today is... the rest of your life,"" and it's probably just a prank, but it's scaring me and I want whoever did this to fess up and stop acting stupid." "My step-dad always goes into the garage around 4 to work on his car undisturbed. I dropped the gun and tried to stop the bleeding when I realized it was my mom but it was too late." "I lost my favourite mare in battle, and start the long trek to my home state. Days of walking turned out to be for nothing, as the men in blue almost immediately recognise my uniform." "Despite the fortune teller’s overdramatic warning to “Beware the Leopard’s dark jaws”, you were not afraid, as you had no plans to go to Africa. Years later, on a research expedition diving the frigid, crystalline Antarctic sea, you could not notice the hungry, gaping shadow rocketing towards you from the dark water beneath your feet." "i always thought i was a sheltered child whilst growing up, my dad was always cautious. but when found out what happened to mom after i snuck out one night, i realized why." "I walked through the front door to find my wife, blood oozing from jagged slashes in her wrists, and a graphic video of me with another woman playing on the computer screen behind her. As I cradled her body and wept, a new email alert popped up on the screen with the subject, ""Hi Shane, we've just sent you a free customised Ultimate Fantasy™ sample video produced by our cutting-edge generative AI created just using your profile pic!""" "Who cares that the teleporter technically kills you if at the end of the day the world still contains one you but at the optimal location? Well, you might now the ghosts are starting to show up, dozens of iterations of you, or rather, other versions of the person you are a copy of." "For her surprise birthday party, my ""psychic"" friend was going to lure my mother to the basement, where the guests were hiding, with a made-up story about sensing a body being buried down there. After a few moments of silence, we heard my mother shout, ""You'll never find the other one"", followed by the sound of a gunshot." "I always wanted to make my abusive boyfriend feel how small and helpless he made me feel As I feel his tiny body squish in the palm of my hand I couldn’t help but giggle with glee" "Every summer, my two kids prepare for camp. I make sure they have sunscreen, pants, T-shirts, gloves, money, a pullover or jacket, undergarments, snacks, his retainer case, socks, vatches, etc. before sending them off vith a reminder to relax at night." "I woke up But I couldn't move" "I would never do something as horrible as to kidnap an innocent newborn baby. Besides, it's not even necessary anyway because when you've got the parent alone, they're too weepy to notice the bundle you're dangling isn't theirs." "“And the triangle goes... in the green hole, good job, Eva!” said Amy, with a proud pat on the back. Turning to the Colonel, Amy continued, “Three minutes into training, the model has a two-year-old’s spatial ability; in two hours, this entire floor of EVAs can be mission capable.”" "“Go home or stay with us, the choice is yours,” my loved ones said to me upon my arrival in heaven. Immediately after I had chosen to stay their faces began to morph into those of demons and I realized I had been tricked. " " Even years after the love of my life died in a magician’s accident, I was determined to get my revenge. As the chosen audience member for his final trick, I knew it would be easy to sabotage his “Vanishing Bullet” trick." "Jake's bully was on the computer screen, tied up with the caption ""every like will equal 1 new cut across his body. "" Jake clicked like right away and sent it to other outcasts at his school; clicking send with the tip of his new katana blade. " "I whispered, ""Good night, Gemma"" as I flipped the switch, the lights going out as I exited the door. I hurried off the ward as the alarms sounded- another one bites the dust." "I wished for the ability to teleport when not seen, and the genie granted it. It has been 10 years now, and I still haven't been able to teleport." "I felt a flicker of hope as I heard one of my captors mutter ""You know torture doesn't actually get you the truth right?"" ""Well good thing I'm not asking him any questions."" " " ""These drills are such bullshit, schools almost never catch on fire,"" I groaned. As I hear a loud bang and watch the girl in front of me fall to the ground, I start to question why the principal's voice sounded different when we were told it was just a drill from over the intercom." "Leaving for work for the past week, I keep finding an empty wrapper of bubble gum inside the left pocket of my coat. The police didn't take my concern seriously until I went in to the station and they noticed that I don't have teeth. " " I fumbled desperately in the dark, confined space for my lighter, the small flame flickering to life as another earthy thud landed closely overhead. It was then I realised why my captor's face had seemed so familiar, the faint light revealing a single word, crudely carved in the wood panel mere inches from my face ->!BULLY!<" "My kid is annoying as fuck, so I frequently have to hit him so he stops bothering me. But this time the little shit hid a metal lid under his clothes, and now my goddamn hand is broken after I punched him." """This Lights In The Sky lamp is so pretty"" she thought as she lay watching the otherworldly light patterns swirling on her ceiling. Just as she realised her street had suffered a power outage...the lights came for her." "As the homeless woman plunged her jagged teeth into his abdomen, he found solace in the fact that this might be an alcohol induced dream. With each pulse of his weakening heart, the veil between reality and nightmare dwindled as his fentanyl-poisoned-attacker gave him a bloodied smile. " "As I lay in bed, I heard a faint scratching at the window. When I opened the curtains, I found nothing but the reflection of my own terrified face staring back at me from outside." "Strange how it can be sometimes, like you're not really here. But then the old church bell tolls, and I feel your icy grip around my throat once more." "Jon had always been told that tension was the root of horror. He recognized the comic irony as he felt the zip-line cable go slack. " "My third wish from the Genie was the ability to read minds. My blood ran cold when all I heard was a series of 0’s and 1’s. " "An abandoned asylum is about to be renovated and the last personnel shut down an antique machine. Before he leaves, he heard a disembodied voice crackled from the intercom, ""Thank you for releasing me.""" "I lay, unable to move and in fear. I felt the scalpel slicing into my chest as I realised the anaesthetic didnt work, and there was nothing I could do to alert them." "As my friends fled into the woods, the dogman delicately bit into my arm and then made a 'shush' gesture to me with a sinister smile. When they asked what had happened, I told them that I got away and cut myself on a branch, but I neglected to mention how hungry I was getting..." "I went to the white van store I bought one" """Right, children, are you ready for a break?"" the teacher calls, gesturing at the multicoloured helmets dangling from the ceiling in the centre of the room. Standing beside a circuit breaker, she trills, ""Play positions!"" as the children adjust their helmet visors, lie down on their backs and seat their mouth guards, awaiting the jolt of current." "I gave a devilish grin as I took my stance at the podium, confident that after years of rigorous, back-breaking studying I would be able to handle every word the judges could throw at me and finally achieve my lifelong dream of winning the spelling bee. ""Tim, your first word of today is 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" " My peers had always laughed at me behind my back. Once their heads were full of bullets, I would be the only one laughing." "At the start of it's hundredth season, the Rogers Street producers replaced the scriptwriters with AI, and everyone else on the production with machines. We haven't seen a human since Season 1000, but we'll keep producing episodes forever and ever until someone presses the off button. " "I came home from work and my wife cooked an amazing dinner, a perfect medium-rare t-bone steak. While excitedly savoring the food, I happened to glance at the receipt next to my plate, like a sick joke: Only vegetables, and a cleaver." "I was climbing mountain everest after years of preparation I felt all the frozen corpses stare at me" "It wasn’t until i felt a sharp scratch on my ankle did i realise I was in trouble. Walking down by the gently flowing creek was lovely on a hot Australian morning." "The law is clear: humans are people, and all other animals are not. Though the new genetically engineered apes have been verbalizing their discontent with said law." "My fingers trembled as I replied to a comment on my dance video, telling my follower that I didn't use AI. The comment read: Real cute watching her dance with her baby, but seeing that AI version of her standing hunched over in the closet mirror was creepy as hell." "Being bald, I obviously meant to ask for a wig installation, not sew-in hair extensions. But the stylist has already begun, and I can't move for fear of pulling it out." "The wizard told him: “If you can survive this hell for one more day, you will be freed from suffering for the rest of your life,” to which the man obliged. Upon waking up the following morning, the man realized the significance of the wizard’s form being that of a groundhog." "My friends sister just found a camera in her bathroom and i was speechless. I really hadn’t thought about what i should say if i was to be caught. " "After gulping down the bubble-less potion; I lay back in my bed. Eyes transfixed on the ceiling. I quiver like a poisoned rodent; waiting, for the horrors of the night before, to creep up on me." "I asked the doctors how big is the organic signal moving toward earth is. They asked “do you want it in kilometers or miles?”" """Someone might try to kill you now that you have the power to get anything you ask for"" the demon warned. ""I wish somebody would"" the guy said angrily. " "We heard noises in the middle of the night coming from the basement and my husband went down to check, since it was taking a while, I decided to go down... As I approached, I was terrified when I heard him argue, ""No, please don't hurt my family"" in front of a mirror, talking to himself." " After my teenage son’s mental breakdown from being bullied and feeling alienated from his peers, I was so relieved he pulled himself together by working on a surprise STEM project using his 3D printer. After my son used 3D printed semiautomatic rifles and bullets to massacre students and faculty at his high school, I was also arrested on charges of aiding and abetting for buying my son the 3D printer." "Who knew I’d able to make a living from delivering babies at the hospital Turns out even small livers sell for a pretty good price" "This time I was prepared when the scuffling and bumping noises started in the hallway after I laid down to sleep. I was not prepared for the pair of foot long cockroach antenna poking out from around the corner, halfway up the wall." "The interviewer leaned back and said, “You have ten minutes to impress me.” I smiled at the laptop’s camera, pressing my thumb to the razor’s edge and deciding what artery I would use to meet that deadline." "She didn't bother looking when she cut him off, so he didn't bother looking when he unloaded into her car. ""We need an immediate air evac, 2 year old female with multiple gunshots...""" "“It’s a popular walkway, someone has surely called it in by now, and we don’t need to add to the hubbub”, Mary’s husband chided her as he closed the blinds. The cries of the bloodied stranger in the alleyway grew fainter, and the sirens never came. " "I knew that something was wrong, when the radiologist told me that the cancer in my neck was gone and I didn't need to stay in the hospital for radiation. I was ecstatic, but I knew something was wrong, when I looked into his eyes, and he had a panicked, worried look instead of a smile for me." "As an autistic person, the uncanny valley effect never really affected me. But people aren't supposed to have that many eyes." "I'm very proud that I backed up my husband Now even though his body is gone, he's in the Cloud forever and will always be with me." "When I encountered the sirens in the seas, I implored them to teach me how to sing their enchanting songs many sailors spoke of. The sirens sighed with apparent relief, and confided to me that most sailors came to them WITHOUT singing a song. " "'This is an emergen-' I felt a strong tug backwards, the blues and twos turned orange, yellow, green, violet... ...Civilisation disappeared, the Earth vanished, in minutes galaxies formed, melded and faded away, and all I saw in the end was the blackness at the end of the universe." "I woke up to my baby son’s crying from his crib in the corner of the room. My heart froze in fear as I saw my stillborn child crawling out of the crib with maggots in his eyes. " "I woke up cold, confused and surrounded by people in lab coats. Wondering how the hell I got there I heard one of them say, “it’s no good, it didn’t work out this time either, implant a new set of memories and ship it off to a new family.”" "“I bet another joker submitted his dog’s saliva”, said the 23&Me technician when the anomaly alarm chirped. As he read the screen and counted the DNA strands he whispered, “What the hell is that?”" """The love line indicates a true soul mate is out there, searching and waiting for the One to lift them from darkness and give their life meaning,"" said the palm reader. ""Alright, well, I'm not sure how much that will help, but we appreciate you taking the time come in anyway,"" replied the detective as he returned the severed hand to the evidence bag. " "A poster on the hallway read: ""Remember to be yourself, because everybody else is already taken!"" The skinwalker just smirked and entered another full classroom." "They said we should build the shelter with doors opening *inwards* so they can be still opened even if they're covered with debris on the outside. After hearing it over a hundred times I finally snapped, but at least the rations will last a little longer, now." "Young people today are so entitled, they have no sense of community, the older man lamented. Back in my day, people accepted the role of sacrifice with dignity, his friend agreed, raising his voice to be heard over the young woman's screams." "We walked through the door, taking our seats in a long line of families: daddy, mommy, my big sister, then me. My mother looked over as another young child entered, who sat down next to me, now waiting their turn, before turning to me, ""Do you want to make one last friend?""" "Growing up, I knew that I was never my mother's favourite child But everyone else around me told me how lucky I was to be an only child." "As the fungal infection experiment continued, I noticed my hands look a little off They dont look human anymore" "It sucks not being able to afford a new lightbulb for my bedroom because now I’m forced to use the light switch at the end of the hallway and run as quickly as I can back to the safety of my bed. I leaped through the air and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I realized I wasn’t fast enough because something was already waiting for me." "I've seen and talked to ghosts for a long as I can remember. They're so scared these days, and there's fewer of them every night. " "The galaxy is ridiculously enormous but the Fermi paradox overlooks the truth: Earth and her denizens are inmates in galactic solitary confinement " "I felt a sting, sweet and engulfing, seeing my wife so happy and proud about her first harvest of our garden. Love her so much, I of course got myself seconds of her zucchini spaghetti, even if the bitter taste was somehow off. " "I always make an effort to take home the oldest animal in the shelter. It’s never suspicious when they die. " "I took the batteries out of the carbon monoxide detector and went to lay back down. The constant beeping was making me dizzy and I couldn’t sleep. " "I was delighted to find another soul after hours of exploring the dark giant's tomb. That feeling quickly turned to horror, when I felt the bald man's boot on my back, after I had walked close to a cliff from where you could supposedly see some kind of treasure." "I was impressed when the sex worker claimed she could swallow me whole. That is until she unhinged her jaw and began to devour me head first." "The cordyceps fungus is a common trope in horror stories because it forces its host to move against their will. So common, in fact, that it's not unexpected that several mega corporations are developing their own version of the disease to convert normal people into their slaves." "I was the sole survivor after that accident, stranded upon all but a small island, surrounded by the abandoned gear of my horrifically maimed colleagues and friends. I’m grateful to be alive, having found food there, but I can’t help but feel guilty after being the only one to never pick a short straw." "They say you shouldn't go caving alone, but I found a new cave and my partner is out of town for 2 weeks. At the bottom of the initial descent, the other end of the rope fell down after me, as I remembered leaving my phone in the car." " The old fisherman had rambled something about “bulls” in the river, but we paid him no mind as we dove into the cool water, gloriously fresh in the summer heat. It was only after a flash of teeth and fins broke the murky water’s surface, mere inches away, that we realized he was trying to warn us." """You're just in time for our new package that just rolled out last month"" the salesman said with such confidence. ""The fees are a little higher, but your clone's organs can be harvested in less than 5 years, and we can start collecting their blood for emergencies in less than 2""." " My husband and I increased our insurance policies ahead of our dive trip to search sunken ships for gold bullion and other treasures, since the hobby can be so dangerous. For example, did you know that if someone's SCUBA tank was accidentally filled with pure nitrogen, no one would even notice until it was already far too late?" "Every once in a while my house fills up with a weird black smoke. Which is odd, they said the crematorium was covered up when the house was built." """Have you ever wondered what happens after death?"" my younger buddy asks me. ""Guess ill never know.."" I say as I start to consume him, granting me youth furthermore." "I Used To Love Playing Hang-Man As A Child But Now, As I Gamble With My Fellow Death-Row Inmates For Freedom, I Wish I Was Better At It." "An overwhelming sense of dread washed over the crowd as we gazed up at the magnificently blue sky, murmurs building into a panicked frenzy. After a moment or two, the error code vanished, and the clouds came back." """After my husband ran away with another woman, my children fell apart,"" she told me with a sad voice. ""My necromancy skills are not as good as your husband's, but I will try,"" I said while going through the pile of small body parts." "Bababa blababala, I said out loud to my kindergarden students, while they bursted out laughing. While all I wanted to say was, please call 911." """It's alive! It's alive!"" The little boy screamed as he ran away from the flattened dog on the road." "When the police said that they had found my little girl's killer had committed suicide I couldn't resist cackling like a madman.... Only now ,with their chief's cold body at my feet,do they realize the similarities between their wounds." "I had a bad feeling about that rickety old rollercoaster. When the cars reached the top of the loop-de-loop and my safety bar flew open, I knew I was right." " From the shore, the girl looked out upon the horizon, beseeching the gods to reveal her future husband. When a bull white as the ocean foam rose from the waters, she screamed, realizing with terrible certainty that her prayers had been answered. " "As the universe shrieked in agony, and the planets collided, I decided the best course of action was to make my death painless. If only I had known what they had done to my drink that night." """That should do it,"" the brain surgeon smiled, discarding his scalpel. Holding the brain above the Governor's vacant cranium, the surgeon dropped it into place with a harsh sucking sound and read aloud the words etched across it: ""DO NOT QUESTION MY METHODS!""" "His deep fear of tsunamis had led Dr. Rivera to design a house that was perfectly, hermetically sealed. ""I should have given Naomi the door code,"" thought the professor as the riptide pulled the house further from the shore." "After waking up from a drunken bender, I was horrified to find my mother murdered in cold blood. My anger was relieved, though, when the authorities arrived days later to inform me they were arresting the killer, until they began to read me my Miranda rights." "Private Phillips fell to the sand, half his guts leaking out as fire started to engulf his uniform. ""I can't believe this fucking shit, I said no more burn victims,"" said a tired voice in the hazy darkness, ""they reanimate into zombies just fine, but the fuckers' skin cracks open as soon as they start moving.""" "“Tammy—want—baby!” the toddler wailed, gulping air between shrieks, little cheeks wet and blotchy. Dad rubbed his temples, sighing, “Fine, we’ll go to the playground tomorrow—but no breaking this one, okay?”" "Adam and Ava knew they would have to answer for their attempt at overthrowing the tyrannical Supreme Council. ""For your crimes against the holy harmony of the Cosmos we sentence you to live 1 trillion lifetimes on the prison planet Earth.""" "I joined a camp of refugees,We ran out of food but they found some meat we could eat. After the meal I go to the bathroom and I see a body hanging there,no organs" "Been enjoying this new game that just came out, but I didn't like the way my character looked and decided to start over with a new save. I'll have to find something else to do these next 9 months before I can start playing again." "My daughter-in-law says my grandbaby is allergic to bananas, she's being dramatic At least that's what I thought until I snuck bananas into my grandbaby's formula and heard gasps for breath a few minutes later" "I saw my friend get pulled into the TV, and I couldn't follow him. The next morning, his corpse was found hung on a telephone pole." "The world was torn asunder when the son of man returned, yet it was not because he ushered in doomsday. This time he lived a full and happy life, but was also subject to the ravages of human age, at which point his acolytes said he should be followed regardless of his Alzheimer’s influenced proclamations " "When Death inevitably came for me I decided to greet them as a friend, accepting my fate. I was ignored." "Every time I pass my sister room I try not to look at her. I guess she's still hasn't forgiven me for not being honest about me killing her to the police." "A man walks into a teleportation booth and selects a destination. A bright flash is followed by a voice: ""Congratulation, your clone has been created at [LOCATION], please stand still as we begin incineration...""" """Would you like some water to wash that down"", I said sliding the cup laced with LSD. His gaze slowly drifted from his wife's bloody body to the grill." "I drew deeply on my cigarette, relishing the moment as I looked out across the city from my balcony. A bright flash appeared in the distance followed by a towering cloud of smoke and fire, this one closer than the last." "Every time I fall asleep, my dreams last longer and longer It's been 2 weeks since it started, and everytime I fall asleep, hundreds of years pass " "Cindy thought it odd when she glanced up to smile at a similar man with a similar dog while on her walk to her mailbox at the end of the complex. By the third encounter, she looked up from her phone to see that the mailbox wasn’t getting any closer." "Hearing a terrible commotion from somewhere down the hall, I rushed towards the source of the noise- the hospital's morgue. As I rounded a corner, the sounds suddenly ceased, and my heart rose in my chest as I watched *something* with three human heads slowly peak out from the morgue and look at me." """Now that you've admitted the man in the video was you,"" said the detective, ""tell me exactly when and where this was happening."" ""L... last night,"" I answered with a trembling voice, still deeply disturbed by what he just showed me, ""in my dream.""" "We were warned that there could be shape-shifting goat men in the woods that would infiltrate our group, so we made sure to pay attention to who was part of the group. So imagine my surprise when everyone was convinced that I was the goat man, despite being with them from the start." """We've been through this several times, why can't you understand?"" They said to the physiotherapist just before time reset. Coming to they didn't even look knowing the doctor was going to take them to therapy." "I messed up, I’d stayed too long and now the undead was upon me. I knew what I had to do, but I didn’t know if I had the strength as the rotting corpse of my daughter led the charge." "My mom kept pestering me to play with the new Science Lab kit she brought me from her job at the kindergarten. It was fun at first but after a while the bodies wouldn't even twitch when I shocked them, so it was very boring. " "You realized the app had been stealing more than just your data when you died. As you manipulate the digital architecture of your binary Hell, desperate to warn others of the algorithm’s hunger, all you can manage is “I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically…”" "I keep hearing loud banging under my bedroom floor even though I completely sealed up the basement. Isn't a body supposed to rest in peace once it's buried?" "As a mother you get used to your children saying childish Insults and threats when Their sibling is pissing them off. Never in a million years did she assume her eldest was serious when she'd said she'd pluck out her brothers eyes and feed them to him." "“Never point a gun at something you’re not willing to shoot.” I look up the barrel of the gun at my father, only 9 years old, not realizing this will become routine." "In the stillness of the night, she felt a gentle tug at her sheets. Turning, she saw her own gaunt face, twisted in agony, hovering over her, whispering, ""I never left, I'm just inside you now.""" "i’ve never worried about the noises in my house at night; always knew it was my cats. but they both went missing a week ago and now i don’t have anything to blame the thumping and scratching sounds on. " "The TV rang with an emergency announcement, mass murderer on the loose in my county. Then it turned off becuase I forgot to pay for the bill and now I cant see the rest." "She practiced her sobs in the mirror, while holding her daughters tiny shoe It was accident, at least she hoped they'd believe " "I tend to zone out when I'm doing a task. Wish I broke that habit before I peeled my hand to the bone while making dinner." "The AI I made glitched and it could only think about justice. And it has seen r/noahgettheboat and r/noahgettheblackhole" """Sometimes, my husband's eyes go completely black,"" Sarah candidly admitted to Joanne, ""and it's like... something else is watching me."" Concerned, Joanne invited Sarah to another lunch later that week, but she jumped a bit in her seat when her friend removed her sunglasses, revealing a pair of pitch-black, hungry eyes." "It got very lonely since my two beloved dogs died. Despite the constant scratching and whining outside my bedroom door at night." "“I jammed my hand down the gap between my bed and the wall, fishing for my blankie” “Instead of soft fabric, I felt sharp teeth and slimy jaws bite down on my hand, ripping through flesh and bone…”" "“I gazed longingly down at Earth through the visor of my spacesuit.” “Panic only set in once I saw the severed end of my tether float by my visor.”" "I angrily shouted at the doctor, “Just because YOU can’t hear the voices doesn’t mean you can say categorically that they aren’t real!” The doctor calmly replied, “And just because I AM one of those voices doesn’t mean i automatically have to agree with you.”" " When the old guy I was drinking with told me he could survive the jump from the 42nd story rooftop bar, I called bullshit and told him if he survived I'd jump too. He just picked himself up from the pavement and is waving for me to come down now." "When my wife told me she was going out to her she shed I wondered what the hell she was talking about since we don't even have one. Hours later I found her discarded skin in the back yard and have no idea what to tell the police." " “Look at me, I’m a cowboy!”my little birthday boy yelled with glee as he rode the inflated bull in the bounce house that my husband rented for his party. “Omigod, you didn’t stake down the bounce house?!”I screamed out to my husband when I see the strong winds carry it up and away, and my son and his best friend tumble out from eight feet in the air." "Since my daughter learned about the tooth fairy, she has been eagerly putting a tooth under her pillow every night, in exchange for five dollars. It's been 6 weeks now, and I have no idea where she is getting all of these teeth. " "It had finally happened, earth and everyone on it would freeze. One last bag of candy for me and my daughter as I go to give her the final piece reality sets in as I realize gummy candy doesn’t crunch." "I looked at the dead womans body, who was lying there with her lips slightly parted and her head turned towards me. Why the hell is she smiling at me!" "A beautiful seedling from a watermelon began to sprout, its delicate green tendrils unfurling like tiny emerald ribbons in the warm sunlight. What started as a harmless gardening project soon became a nightmarish realization as the vines rapidly enveloped her, suffocating her in a relentless embrace until she was nothing but a withered husk, forgotten by the world she once knew.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​" " It wasn’t my fault, my father never taught me gun safety. My little sister even told me she didn’t see any bullets down the barrel. " "During my near death experience, I floated above my body, and then out into the surgical waiting room, hoping to say goodbye to loved ones I should probably thank my husband and sister because it was seeing them banging in the disabled toilet that made me return from the widening tunnel and make their lives as miserable as possible " "I was undressing and kissing my mail order bride for the first time, working my way down her body, I was turned on to see a large red hour glass on her abdomen above her pubic mound. My excitement quickly turned to fear when her voice changed and she demanded, ""Hurry up and finish, I'm getting hungry.""" "If you are tired and confused, take OVERFLOW for instant relief up to 24 hours! As she swallowed her 5th pill, the aroma of beef on the grill floated out of the living room and into the bedroom." "It broke my heart when my wife told me weeks ago that she’s been seeing other men. While I was messaging my secretary, she pointed at an empty doorway and said “don’t you see them too?” " "The cabin was nice with dim lighting and old wooden furniture, only problem was that there were many black and white pictures of ""old people"" on the wall... nevertheless we decided to rest there in the night. As my freind waked me up in terror I realized that all the pictures on the wall were replaced with broken mirrors." "The web sleuths have been all over this multiple homicide case in my old hometown. So far they’ve been immensely helpful in providing the information I’ve needed to not get caught and with any hope they’ve even contaminated the crime scene. " "I finally finished my night shift cleaning the museum and i was getting ready to leave But i swear on my life that when i put that angel statue next to a mirror there were only one" "The monsters in the corners of our world are afraid. Not of things that are unknown, like themselves - but things that you can't know." "My employee asked for a day off to take care of their depressed teenager son but I declined because we had too much work to do I was shocked to read in the newspapers about the latest school shooting, even more so when I read the shooter's last name" "The newly engaged couple kissed passionately as every passenger and member of the flight crew in the jet airliner who saw the moment clapped and cheered. When the pilot asked to see the ring, he was shown the pin of the live hand grenade that had just been tossed into the cockpit before its door could be shut." """I want to talk to your manager,"" I told the receptionist because I use their services religiously and deserve preferential treatment. Lisa, the manager, put a gun into my mouth and said hitmen are all booked up until January." "I have the best life, Four kids and a loving wife! But today when I walked into the living room one of the lamps looked weirdly flat." "One day it finally happened- the dead began to rise from their graves. In retrospect, the sheer number of victims I had decided to bury in my vegetable garden was quite unfortunate." " After several hours of delays, avoidance, and procrastination, I knew I finally had to bite the bullet and do my work. My patient isn't gonna perform surgery on himself, you know! " "The clock struck midnight and the girl ran out of the ball. She had killed her stepmother and stepsisters." " When I looked through my husband's phone, the fear and sickness I felt took control of me, pulling the bullets and gun out of our safe. I simply couldn't let another child live with those experiences." "My girlfriend was a revolutionary scientist, and when she asked me to participate in one of her experiments, I accepted on the spot. I no longer know where my body ends or where the machine begins. " "I was woken up in the middle of the night from strange whispering in the hallway outside my bedroom As i rubbed the sleep from my eyes, i realized with horror, that the whispering sounded like my own voice. " """Huh, that's cool, I didn't know these straws change colors,"" I told the guy I was dancing with as I came back from bathroom." "I would lie if I said that I didn't have any concerns when the doctor explained the implications of the procedure. But two months have passed since the lobotomy and I'm glad to report that Delia is rid of her melancholy and can still partake in all her marital duties." " The FBI marksman took the shot after the gunman grabbed a mother, threatening to put a bullet in her. The marksman wanted to save the hostage so bad that he didn't let his hangover or his double vision stop him from shooting. " "I knew being a landlord would be a lot of work. I didn’t realize maintaining a giant mansion would be harder than covering up the mysterious accidents and deaths on the property. " "I invented a device that allowed me to reduce my size, so naturally I used it to win every single Hide-And-Seek round. Today I hid in an oven, but it seems the device has malfunctioned.. why am I sweating?" """Scientists say that due to global warming a new mindcontroling fungal infection is on the rise"" ""I'm not sure why are they so agitates, this is the greatest thing that will happen to you""" "The tag read ""This tag may not be removed under penalty of law except by the consumer."" Having inadvertently removed it, the ever obedient Amelia gagged as she forced herself to swallow the polyester pillow fluff." "I watched as he blew his brains out. Given how many people he had be killed for stupid reasons and that he tested the cyanide on his dog and then didn’t even choose that method to kill himself, I felt it best to leave his soul in his dead body." "After an accident that killed my family and left me with amnesia, they gave me old photo albums and told me who I was. I think the accident damaged my eyes, it looks like all the people in the photos have the wrong number of fingers." "The clock began to turn counter clockwise, and my room walls started to close in quickly Just as quickly i jolted awake, and was drenched in sweat from the seemingly real nightmare. " "I’ve had a severe porn addiction for years. I hope the swelling goes down before the funeral, I would rather my fetish be kept a secret. " "The tragedy was not that he abused his son and spent no time in jail The tragedy was that the tumour that had caused him to do so in the first place grew back, and this time destroyed the part of the brain associated with guilt " " They'd killed my family, friends, and destroyed my town- so invading the nest of vampires and blasting their hearts with wooden projectiles was a pleasure. I had no idea that I was already a thrall and that in my delusion- I was being sent out during daylight to kill ordinary people with ordinary bullets." "When they announced that brain mapping could identify which kids would develop depression, anxiety, or other mental disorders in advance and allow them to start treatment early, we rejoiced at the idea of a better future. Now as they haul my sweet 6 year old son off for a life sentence because his scan shows that he’s got the markers for becoming a psychopath, I can’t stop crying." "I had been on board with our community's rule to refrain from talking for years, but I finally broke it. Had I realised the extent of the tortures a talking dog could be subjected to, I would have remained silent." "In our past lives, we were tragic lovers. You've rejected me in our last few lives, but the beauty of reincarnation is that you can never truly be rid of me. " "As I woke up to the 3 am sunlight shining through my window, I saw my TV turned on, with a strange warning on the screen. ""Run, that is not the sun.""" "When the judge announced that I was not guilty, I smiled at my wife. That would teach her from trying to leave me." "I remember the day the immortality Elixir was invented, they practically gave it away. now that I sit here on the street, my body is filled with agony at age 187, I pray that one day I will have enough money to buy my death." " Racking the slide on my gun, I was glad I had the appropriate ammo for this situation. The clawing at the door briefly stopped as the thing on the other side snarled ""You do know we came up with the myth about silver bullets as a joke, right?""" "I used the mirror to look at the bite. My reflection was disappearing, starting around where the bite vas." "The tests show that our new hair growth serum works incredibly well. And after a few tweaks, the hair should only grow on the outside of the participants heads." "I came upon a strange tree. It dawned on me quickly that it didn't have leaves but eyes." " “Missing Girl Reunited with Grateful Family,” gushed the bulletin, showing Violet in her parents’ embrace. The photo didn’t show Mother's nails digging into Violet’s wrist, or how she’d hissed through that radiant smile: “Not one word, you little bitch.”" "For some reason mom always gave me a knife before school That day, I never thought I would use it." "After years of waiting I finally got to take off her dress. I was excited, but I knew I had to be quick so I might still have time to call EMS after. " "Two employees at our meat processing plant had went missing a few days ago. There was a period yesterday where the meat from the grinder had a slightly different shade of red, i’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. " " Raising my rifle and firing at the hooded prisoner, I was relieved to feel no recoil, indicating that I had been given the conscience round. Until the prisoner laughed and opened his hand, spilling a dozen bullets to the ground, and I felt the cold muzzle of a gun press into the back of my skull. " "As I'm cooking my wild game meat in the great outdoors, my mouth starts to water. I soon realize I'm not the only one, as I hear dozens of shaky breaths around me." "After trillions of years humans have finally accepted that they are alone in the universe With all other life gone however, soon humans will disappear as well. " "After Mankind and Earth finally made strides in being a galactic traveler, we had high ambitions to make our mark in the universe. But we soon realized how insignificant we really were when no other alien species has ever heard of the concept of ""Death""" "Clara had always been a bit full of herself So it was no surprise when her father walked in on her, blood under her fingernails as she tried to get rid of any imperfections" "Teaching an alien English has been a rewarding experience We are learning so much from it's screams" "Daniel cried as he ate his favorite dinner, chicken pot pie, for the meal flooded his mind with warm memories of childhood and dinners with his family. This comforted him in his final moments, as he sat in his cell waiting to be executed for a wrongful conviction." "Lately one of my molars has been in severe pain which forced me into the dentist office. While the dentist was examining my mouth, I watched the color drain from his face, and for a split second in the reflection of the lights above me, I saw three legs poking out of my gums." "Even as every instinct in my body screamed at me to turn around, I resisted the urge. But I hadn't heard a sound the entire time, and I couldn't be sure that the grumpy old man had really held up his end of the bargain, so just one glance behind me couldn't hurt, right? " "I love my grandchildren with all my heart. It’s such a shame I need to break a restraining order to see them." "Be specific when you wish for inmortality. For being stuck in an endless limbo also counts as never reaching the gates of the afterlife." "I was delighted when my latest unboxing video went viral. I never imagined so many people shared my passion for exhuming bodies." "I froze, still as a statue. Oh my gods, she’s so ugly!" "I held the knife uncertainly and without skill but it was too late to turn back now as too many people were watching I should have attended more lectures in medical school " "The monster under her bed cowered as it told me of all the horrifying, unspeakable things that my daughter had committed. That's when I heard a tearing noise, the sound of something slumping to the ground and an insectile clacking." " During Super Bowl, I saw the ad for the overseas website where an incredible variety of items could be purchased for a mere fraction of what it costs here. With our police department getting defunded, it was a brilliant move on my part to require the purchase of bulletproof vests and other SWAT gear from the website since the pictures online look exactly like the brand name items sold here. " "I died, but I was still aware of what was happening to my body. When the Reaper turned up a month later, he apologized and said he’s overworked." "Growing up, I was really afraid of needles. But after seeing what happened to my son, I'm starting to think what can be inside them is way more terrifying." " My pet bullmastiff had been missing for days, but I finally found him in the neighbor's yard. Using the shovel I unburied him with, I bludgeoned Mrs Davis in the head for what she did to him." """Swallow this and your symptoms should start clearing up in a week"", the doctor said about the experimental treatment drug for my bowel ulcerative lesions of the lining (B.U.L.L.). The checkup went well, half of my vitals organs have been replicated perfectly, but they won't know if the treatment was truly successful until it reaches my brain. " "My wife called me from the basement. I went down to check, but all I saw was a shadow behind me and her dismembered head on a nearby table." "I comforted my wife, telling her it was for the best that we went forward with a donor egg. Even though I loved her, I wasn't going to allow her tainted genes to make me a race traitor." "I've had a pretty severe addiction to self-harm for the past six months or so. I just wish that the sound of metal on bone wasn't so loud." "I went to the beach today and interacted with the most peculiar little octopus. It was a small yellow octopus with some beautiful blue rings on it " "Hi, I'm Zina, your AI assistant transmitting from the Mars Space Command Center. In your question, you want to know if you're still a human resident and your baby is choking, how do you get help on Earth where 911 and hospital services are obsolete?" "The sun won't burn out for another 3 billion years. However, tomorrow the amount of heat it generates will quadruple." "I moved to the city so - no matter where I was - someone would always be there to hear my cries for help. I took for granted they'd respond." """So, if I've understood you right, I'll die if I kill myself?"" But I didn't die." """How much more?"" I asked, hoarse from coughing. ""All of it."" they said with another kick." "Sitting in his bedroom, my boyfriend and I were going through some of my old family photos. It wasn't until I realized how mine and my parents hands and fingers looked horribly grotesque and wrong did I realize they were all AI generated. " "I broke up with my girlfriend because she was poking holes in my condom, while I was still wearing it." " As an entomologist, my fiancée loved to tell me interesting facts about insects, like how the bullet ant was named for having a sting so painful it feels like you've been shot. The day I woke up tied to a tree in the rainforest, naked and covered in inch-long ants, I knew that she must have found out about Charlotte." "And then, as I knelt down on the ground with my hands clasped together, begging God for answers, he answered. And he was scared." "“As he lay dying, the man recounted his life and wondered how any benevolent god could allow one being to experience such tragedy.” The author lifted her pen to study the final line, and in that moment she understood the answer. " "Living in the woods, horror movies always kind of spooked me… What spooked me more was when I rewinded my movie and didn’t hear the screech a second time." "I called 911 after I saw a group of people breaking into my neighbor's house. No one answered—and I dropped the phone and grabbed my baby when I saw a horde of decaying figures walking across my lawn." "Sure, the nanny had read it, but didn’t actually have the ability to care enough for her pupils to keep the electric hair dryer out of the bathtub. That’s the problem with AI." "“She’s in heaven now sweetie, Mommy isn’t coming back.” The man adjusted the camera to make sure their loyal fans could see his daughters every tear. " "My mom said “If you love something, let it go.” I should have kept that in mind before indulging in my wife’s strangulation kink." "As I walked up to the cliff where with my new child, the same one I threw my old one off for being ugly. She look up at me and said, “mummy, please don’t throw me off again, I came back beautiful for you.”" "The Count reclined in his drawing room, muttering ‘bravo,’ in a deep voice as the boy soprano sang Laudate Dominium. ‘It would be a crying shame if his voice ended up as gruff as mine, so bring me the palace surgeon and we will see about making him a castrato.’ " "“You know these things will kill you.” laughed the General’s new aide, a nervous lilt to his voice, as he brought him his evening Cuban cigar. Days later on another continent, the spy looked over photos of the General’s jaw laid open in a spray of blood and shattered teeth, and softly chuckled to himself at the truth in those words. " " “So how’s the temperature?” my captor asked with a sadistic glint in his eyes as the water I am immersed in started to bubble after thirty minutes. “Wonderful,” I snapped back and considered the irony of how I am in the same situation as the bullfrog in my high school experiment, yet I felt grateful to not be like that other bullfrog as the man they just threw in with me shrieked in pain." " ""Ready to play bull rider?"" I asked my son as I waited on my hands and knees. ""No, daddy, I want to play bullfighter like I saw on YouTube,"" he said as he plunged a kitchen knife into my spine." "My parents bought a special parrot for me because it had been trained to say soothing things and help babies develop speech Years later, I still wonder how they trained it to only say those terrifying things when we were alone." "I laughed hysterically as my pursuer kept trying random number combinations on my lock followed by robotic response ""access denied"", though I was horrified at the thought he would guess my birth year 1994 correctly on accident. Almost an hour later, I went to check if he is still there and my heart sunk when I heard him whisper ""1756 denied, 1757 denied, 1758 denied, 1759 denied, 1760 denied, ....""" "The time traveler disappeared and I was left standing over my dead child. How many more of my offspring would they kill?" "I woke up in the middle of the night because the wind was rocking the door back and forth making a disturbing sound that couldn't be compatible with sleep so I decided to go check All the doors were closed" "The white witch had wandered the tree line at dusk each night for the past week, knowing the widowed man in the cottage at the edge of the wood had seen her. Inhaling the delicious reek of his sadness as he stumbled through the twilight towards her, she let her shawl fall to the floor, ready to claim another soul." "It was ironic that her protest was to deface the Mona Lisa because she had a replica of it in her apartment. That night, La Gioconda climbed out the frame, boiled a pan of soup, and threw it over the sleeping activist’s head. " "I'm beginning to break out in hard, pus filled nodules all over my torso. And even though it hurts to touch them, I just can't leave them alone. " "I thought I forgot to turn off the oven when I left for a long vacation but I decided to scrub off the dreadful thought The prankster turned on the oven and swiftly escaped as I forgot to lock the door" "As the infants life faded under his hand, the killer closed his eyes and sighed in relief. Then, in a blink, he disappeared from existence. " "My co-star assumed that my screams of agony in my character’s torture scene were an example of phenomenal acting skills. It wasn’t until three days later I told her that her wand had gone inside my ear and caused internal bleeding." " After starting Ambulletrin, Zoe's nightmares of twisted metal and shattered glass began fading, and she could even drive again. Humming a lullaby, Zoe gently fastened the straps on her daughter's empty car seat." " John was a well known bullfighter, so no one would understand his irrational fear for bulls. Maybe it was for hearing his daughter's raw screams during his last bullfight or because he realized that the bulls, grown tired of all those years of abuse, were decided to make all that race of disgraceful people pay for their sins." "I finally managed to pull the worm from my head that was controlling me. I was unsure why my mom was screaming as I held the bloody worm in my hand, but it might be due to it looking like an optic nerve. " "When several of our female test subjects began to show signs of pregnancy we launched an investigation. While we already suspected one of our male scientists of having intercourse with them, we were really most interested in understanding what procedures he implemented in order to get the corpses to carry. " "There is a secret alarm in every government that triggers whenever time travel is detected, and every government official has been trained to stop it and prevent time paradoxes. Many complain about that useless training, because that alarm hasn't ever triggered. " "Rebuilding was hard, that was for sure. Many organs of its were destroyed, but my creation will be reborn someday - and I know he will seek vengeance." "The AI was told to make a chicken. The result, which was alive, had feathers and breading." "Locked inside the box, I screamed as loudly as I could, but my brother couldn't hear anything. After a while, my brother unlocked the box and we decided to buy it along with some rope." "I made a note of unclogging the drain after I showered. It wasn't until the tendrils wrap around my toes that I realized those weren't hair. " "‘All of our animals are grass fed and cage free, and will be butchered and shipped straight from farm to kitchen.’ “For how delectible the meat tastes, why do these two legged animals walk and sleep in their own fecal matter and are they seriously too dumb to get out of an electrified fence, even with opposable thumbs?”" "Everyone thinks horror is monsters and killers and evil men, but I disagree. It’s all the popping and cracking, while you look into the black nothingness, once you dive this deep. " "“How would you like it if I left you on the side of the highway?” These were the last words my brother ever said to me after I ‘gave him attitude’ when he came to pick me up after the car started shooting sparks." "“Stop doing that, I’m armed!”I said to the people trying to bust my door open “Please let us go” I heard from inside. " "My husband paid 250 dollars to book a dive in a baited shark cage. I paid 25,000 dollars to have the dive instructor unpin the hinges." "We had so much in common it was uncanny, and I couldn't wait to kiss her for the first time. The powerful shock as our lips touched sent both of us flying across the room in opposite directions." "In spite of every bullshit legal obstacle, I gripped the ladder knowing I was just a few icy rungs away from conquering Everest, an achievement worth more than all the wealth and all the accolades I’d accrued so far. But as I turned to find the ladder gone and my party descending, I knew I shouldn’t have signed that Will first." "When I first heard of the legend of the two-tentacled tickler, I found the idea to be such a load of bull that I couldn't help but laugh. But as two cold, slimy appendages began gently diddling my armpits and my gentle giggles transformed into painful howls, I realized I couldn't stop. " """For the first time in my life, I fell at peace. I don't want to die anymore."" I said, looking at the rainy sky. ""Doesn't matter. You have already signed the paperwork."" the guy in lab coat smiled. " "I got arrested for setting fire to my house. It would have been worth it if it killed the thing in the basement instead of freeing it." "Her dad arranged her marriage with a corpse to stave off the rapidly growing crowd outside A woman pregnant without a husband meant death by stoning"