#!/usr/bin/python3 ## Author: Raeid Saqur ### -------- CONSTANTS -------- ### LABELS = ["Fall", "Neutral", "Rise"] LABEL_MAP = {"Rise": 2, "Neutral": 1, "Fall": 0} NUMERIC_LABEL_MAP = {v: k for k, v in LABEL_MAP.items()} SEEDS = [0, 13, 42] SYSTEM_ROLE_DEF_1 = "You are a helpful assistant and a financial technical analyst." SYSTEM_ROLE_DEF_2 = ("You are a helpful financial market technical analyst. " "You specialize in financial stock and equities market, a top expert in assessing market index movement direction from events and news. ") def get_truncated_user_prompt_for_nifty(user_prompt: str, drop_percent: float = 0.5) -> str: """Keeps instruction and context unchanged, drops p% of news headlines randomly Usage e.g.: user_prompt = get_truncated_user_prompt_for_nifty(user_prompt, drop_percent=drop_percent) """ import random splits = user_prompt.split("\n\n") context, news = splits[:-1], splits[-1] news_headlines = news.split("\n") news_headlines, suffix = news_headlines[:-1], news_headlines[-1] N = len(news_headlines) N_truncated = int(N * drop_percent) random.shuffle(news_headlines) truncated_news_headlines = news_headlines[:N_truncated] + [suffix] truncated_news_string = "\n".join(truncated_news_headlines) truncated_user_prompt = context + [truncated_news_string] truncated_user_prompt = "\n\n".join(truncated_user_prompt) return truncated_user_prompt