the goal is valiant and necessary but the implementation is bad. breaks on many video-related sites and doesn't give any clear indication of how or what to disable to get it working again.
does not make unsecure sites secure, just forces the use of https if the site has it as a option.
i've been using https everywhere for a while now and it works great, has never caused me a problem.
great extension, and absolutely necessary. but for some reason chrome is disabling it??
at the point it decides to block websites because it can't decode commercial resenders like akamai, it's past its usefulness to me.
it makes videos lag test it 3 times its this extension only
cannot install with an error message "this extension may have been corrupted." i tried several times. chrome 53 on win 10.
causes all my downloads to freeze/crash (download failed - network error)
worked fine in win7 for years until this past week. i unin/rein from chrome store several times - extension installs fine and 5 seconds later, chrome 54 disables it immediately with error msg in extensions list "repair" which does nothing. unin/rein does nothing. extension is worthless in chrome 54 on win7.
first extension that i install on chrome and chromium!
it breaks chrome on linux repeatedly. i tried installing and reinstalling, and it keeps breaking it after about 30 minutes of it being active. it just stops websites from loading, and posts the message of "waiting for https everywhere..." in the lower left.
i just added to chrome but used extensively with tor and firefox. top notch!
it does what it has to do.
a must have as a no-brainer to keep you and your data/privacy secrure wherever you go.
sometimes you can't even block unencrypted or else the website gets blocked, there is nothing that tells you that it is making a website "https://", it didn't even make a single site "https://" for me
brilliant idea and thank you for building it i now have problems with flash videos on news websites (bbc etc.) confirmed it is this extension by disabling/enabling all my extensions one at a time - this was the one that caused me the problem would be handy to be able to prevent it running on some websites to help get around this problem
new user. so far seems good after just a couple of days.
this shouldn't even need to be an extension. gotta love the eff...
great! tries it's best to give you an https secure connection to all sites. if it can't, it will search for an https version of the site (always made by the same person) and redirects you there.
that's not how the "s" technology works. however, you can probably just set up a redirect rule on your home router to do this.
many people don't even understand what https is and how it works. so, they are giving it poor scores. however the extension does everything as expected and does it very well too.
it keeps telling me that the file is corrupted no matter what i do i've tried everything i know and then some to fix it but can't. the one week it worked it was great and i loved it.
really helpful. everyone must have this extension.
can you please provide more information on your review? saying "it doesn't work please repair that" doesn't describe any problems.
suggest optionally scanned the page by virustotal before going into http.
no i tested it out and it said unsecrue
this really did not work for me. i think it only works for some people
another step in security on the web - if there is a secure entry, use it. i love this app
is a sorely needed extension, but no option for exceptions. this breaks amazon instant video playback of some drm content, for many people [and was not easy to discover]. because the problem only occurs for some drm content, it can be very difficult to discover, for those unfamiliar with this issue, and you can spend an enormous amount of time investigating the 'more common' causes of those playback problems.
where in the world would we be out it !!
works exactly as intended. no issues with it.
while this is no longer needed as of chrome 94, i've used this for years and want to show my appreciation. thank you your service. o7
a must have as a no-brainer to keep you and your data/privacy secrure wherever you go.
this extension is very secure and helpful.
i think everyone should know about this!!
do not install this. it will slow down your browsing experience. it installs additional software without your consent. complete garbage. stay far away from this crap.
i really like the extension but i would add a warning that this causes silverlight to crash at the end of programs on netflix. if you add netflix to the whitelist then that resolves the issue. hope that helps.
it is a great application but there are a lot of issues with linkedin
i want the option to disable this in some sites.
must have in this day and age. why give away your information for free.
extension seemed to be working well for the few weeks i used it. now after several requests for money and my not sending any the extension is not working. it is enabled but no longer doing what it's suppose to do and had been doing. i have now disabled it and will remove it completely. disconnect should find another way for us to support their free service like pcclassesonline does. they don't ask us for money they ask for other ways in which we can support them. good-bye disconnect... and yes i do clean my cache regularly. if you want to keep customers it would do you well to fix that issue you're having as stated two days ago by casey oppenheim. thank you.
wish it had a dedicated settings page. either something like adguard or adblock plus. i really just like using this for its diagram, however it is impossible to disable the extension blocking feature globally and seems to only work site by site. that way one could view the "light beam" spider web of connections and seem how other extensions are working.
whether you have adblock or abp or not, this is the perfect extension to further enhance the level of privacy you have online. get it now. you won't regret it.
daz hub, thanks for the discovery you shared in your addendum as to chrome proxy compression (not disconnect.me) causing your 'save image as' downloaded files to be corrupted. and i like that even non-users of disconnect.me might find the answer to why their downloaded image files were corrupted if a search for help leads them here to your news. yea for community!
very helpful app there is not adware installed if you pay attention when you download. i have had this on my browser for over a year now and it has really prevented a lot of things. love the plugin
had it disconnect it as it blocked the body of my emails.
this extension is amazing and important for anyone who cares about their safety and privacy. if you're going to have extensions on chrome, this is it. a+++ product!!!
latest version seems to break the chrome tweetdeck app, doesnt show user images.
great extension, makes it intuitive to control your online privacy
the only problem ive encountered is it wont allow uploading pics to facebook on occasion. i narrowed down the issue by disabling my extensions in chrome one at a time and it turned out disconnect was the culprit... otherwise a good ext
i love the concept here and have had it installed for quite awhile, but there are now just way too many websites that don't work properly when this extension is installed. there are too many sites where some of the dynamic content just doesn't work - often videos for some reason and this includes major popular news sites.
how can you not love this extension?
it did initially seem to interfere with google photos but i resolved that by whitelisting the site. you can tune what it blocks, which may help you with problems on certain sites.
generally thought this was great, until i discovered it blocks the cbc's video player. needs a fix
i had to uninstall it because it makes several sites i regularly use unusable. if they add a function to add exceptions for certain sites then i might consider re-installing.
used to be decent but now it slows down my browser, messes with flash movies, crashes chrome a lot, and it even lagged my whole computer until i ctrl+alt+del chrome. will not recommend.
does ghostery really still do that? i thought they haven't since they were acquired by cliqz, which helps out mozila with firefox's privacy.
catches every nasty little tracking bugger floating around the innerwebs
great. just wish i didn't have to unblock every site every time i change pages. should be my choice...
it is good but made browsing slow
it's conflicting because all of those extensions do the exact same thing. try only using one because that's all you really need.
this is an excellent program!! i have found that my slacker radio runs much smoother.
really good shows everything that's tracking you(and even discovered some very use full websites by looking up some of them)
web pages load like far quicker now i have this installed. great extension.
used to be great but blocks all images from tweetdeck and there is no option to "allow" certain sites. so i have to choose tweetdeck or disconnect.
i've been using this for quite a while. i love it for facebook. there's the odd site that plays up even if i select the whitelist option but most are ok. for those giving low scoring reviews for not allowing whitelisting, the option's there. it's about 2/3 of the way down on the left side of the popup if you click the disconnect logo under your minimise button.
works seamlessly in the background and seems to speed up page loading time. i have used this extension for quite some time, it seems to be working very well.
good extension, but even some website i have whitelisted like twitter are unusable if it's on. this is a pretty big oversight and it has caused some problems on other sights as well.
this is the s--t u really need this works hella good
simple, elegant way to prevent unwanted third party and tracking cookies. if you are like me and would just like to control what you can (and not someone who thinks the government is tracking your grocery purchases through the cardboard sim card in your prepaid phone) this is a great idea. i noticed people mentioning that certain sites dont work after installing- you just need to add it to the permissible list and change your settings to be a little less restrictive and your services will work again. i went through this with my gmail acct. anyway, this is a must have for peace of mind.
but this extension, by default disable any request from google.
popups promoting their paid product and removal of options will force me to seek other options. was great until they started doing the very thing the app is suppose to prevent.
like others have reported, it messes with site functionality and sometimes those are important things that you are doing on those sites.
the only problem ive encountered is it wont allow uploading pics to facebook on occasion. i narrowed down the issue by disabling my extensions in chrome one at a time and it turned out disconnect was the culprit... otherwise a good ext
great extension, makes it intuitive to control your online privacy
great extension. my only complaint is that when i use it i cannot open pdf attachments in google's inbox when disconnect is enabled. i'm using windows 7 and the latest version of chrome. i will re-enable the extensions once this is resolved. otherwise, keep up the good work! thanks.
very good, i'm not going to be tracked by facebook again.
i hate google (nsa) 4 their following us all over the internet. this is one of the best extensions available.
was blocking my flash player from playing videos
great extension, love the feeling of privacy it provides.
solid app. blocks 3rd party tracking from the major privacy invaders.
it is awsm i have been using it for a period if time and i'm satisfied by it's performance....
blocks ads, unnecessary request and don't interfere with normal usage. if a site is safe or u like to enable something that was blocked, you can white-list the site and no that all. nice addon for any browser.
chrome keeps showing at the bottom "waiting for disconnect" and so web sites take too long. went back to adblock plus, ghostery, donottrackme, hola, virtru,and zenmate.
not bad. i'm impressed with how it work and what it does. i gotta give it props.
i like this extension, but one problem. denying load of chrome-extension://jeoacafpbcihiomhlakheieifhpjdfeo/scripts/vendor/jquery/jquery-2.0.3.min.map. resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest key in order to be loaded by pages outside the extension. please fix it! that annoys me.
everyone is saying this about the app. i will probably wait to download it, but it seems to work well from other reviews
broke more websites than the duckduckgo extension or my ad blocker (ublock) but provides easy and advanced options to personalize how it works. they also take direct feedback to report that the extension broke a website. in general, i'd totally reccommend. update nov. 2020: had to disable it for now as the extension is interfering with google login on other sites, i hope they get to fix it soon.
good for peace of mind. the only problem is that when a web site seems broken, you have to remember to disable privacy badger for that site to see if it fixes the problem, as the way the tool works does break some sites that are designed in an unusual way. i just wish it had a *temporary* shut-off switch ("reload without privacy badger"?) to help me establish if pb is the problem. it has a side-effect of blocking some ads, which also causes some news sites to demand you disable it.
great tool. might be even better in some cases then adbock. and the tracked adjustments seems amazing!
works as expected: great! cpu hog: not great. it would regularly hit 80-100% cpu in chrome's task manager when opening a new tab or page, and seemed to significantly slow down chrome's launch time.
cool add on, i'd love to have shortcut to toggle pb and also to enter settings
cannot log in to hangouts extension, dont have a control panel to manually see _*all*_ domains of which privacybadger controls and set them by hand, so have to guess respective google domains and have to try to disable on them - no avail.
not sure if there is an "ad blocker" out there that does let you see some ads... with the exception of the optional "let me see responsible advertising" option in most ad blockers these days, if you are seeing adds whilst using one, it is probably not doing a very good job...
needs a reset button. i made a couple of selections as something wasn't working on a site but later realised i was getting loads of new ads on a different site. no way to no which blocked cookie did it and no ability, bar going through over 30 cookies and testing each one individually.
it has been great up until the recent update. firstly, it is being flagged by google as slowing down chrome; and secondly, it is blocking the buffer extension despite whitelisting and doesn't remember me selecting to unblock. edit: uninstalling and reinstalling fixed the buffer bug.
that's awesome privacy badger extension !!!!!
i would rate 5 stars, but chrome keeps telling me that it's slowing down my browser. if this is normal please tell me because no matter what i won't uninstall this extension, but it would be nice if someone could help me with this. other than that, this extension is a must have for everyone.
when privacy badger breaks a site, you could let us know about the breakage by clicking on the "did privacy badger break this site?" button in privacy badger's popup.
does what is says it can do.