{ "Supreme Court of the United States": [ { "question": "who determines the size of the supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=815925358", "q_uid": -8377155967940203923, "answers": { "long_answer": "Article III of the United States Constitution does not specify the number of justices. The Judiciary Act of 1789 called for the appointment of six `` judges ''. Although an 1801 act would have reduced the size of the court to five members upon its next vacancy, an 1802 act promptly negated the 1801 act, legally restoring the court 's size to six members before any such vacancy occurred. As the nation 's boundaries grew, Congress added justices to correspond with the growing number of judicial circuits: seven in 1807, nine in 1837, and ten in 1863.", "short_answer": "Congress added" } }, { "question": "where is the supreme court of the united states located", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=821374400", "q_uid": -1986245258191974330, "answers": { "long_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States Established March 4, 1789 ( 228 years ago ) ( 1789 - 03 - 04 ) Country United States Location Washington, D.C., United States Coordinates 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Coordinates: 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Composition method Presidential nomination with Senate confirmation Authorized by United States Constitution Judge term length Life tenure No. of positions 9, by statute Website www.supremecourt.gov Chief Justice of the United States Currently John G. Roberts Since September 29, 2005", "short_answer": "Washington, D.C.," } }, { "question": "who is the supreme court made up of", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=834359671", "q_uid": -8295623681645206109, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded Roberts, John John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) 000000001955 - 01 - 27 - 0000 January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York Bush, George W. George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7001630000000000000 \u2660 63 000000002005 - 09 - 29 - 0000 September 29, 2005 12 years, 6 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Kennedy, Anthony Anthony Kennedy 000000001936 - 07 - 23 - 0000 July 23, 1936 Sacramento, California Reagan, Ronald Ronald Reagan 97 -- 0 51 7001810000000000000 \u2660 81 000000001988 - 02 - 18 - 0000 February 18, 1988 30 years, 1 month Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ( 1975 -- 1988 ); Private practice ( 1963 -- 1975 ) Lewis Powell Thomas, Clarence Clarence Thomas 000000001948 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia Bush, George H.W. George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7001690000000000000 \u2660 69 000000001991 - 10 - 23 - 0000 October 23, 1991 26 years, 5 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Ruth Bader Ginsburg 000000001933 - 03 - 15 - 0000 March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Clinton, Bill Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7001850000000000000 \u2660 85 000000001993 - 08 - 10 - 0000 August 10, 1993 24 years, 7 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Breyer, Stephen Stephen Breyer 000000001938 - 08 - 15 - 0000 August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California 87 -- 9 55 7001790000000000000 \u2660 79 000000001994 - 08 - 03 - 0000 August 3, 1994 23 years, 8 months Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Alito, Samuel Samuel Alito 000000001950 - 04 - 01 - 0000 April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7001680000000000000 \u2660 68 000000002006 - 01 - 31 - 0000 January 31, 2006 12 years, 2 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sotomayor, Sonia Sonia Sotomayor 000000001954 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Obama, Barack Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7001630000000000000 \u2660 63 000000002009 - 08 - 08 - 0000 August 8, 2009 8 years, 7 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Kagan, Elena Elena Kagan 000000001960 - 04 - 28 - 0000 April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York 63 -- 37 50 7001570000000000000 \u2660 57 000000002010 - 08 - 07 - 0000 August 7, 2010 7 years, 8 months Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ); John Paul Stevens Gorsuch, Neil Neil Gorsuch 000000001967 - 08 - 29 - 0000 August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Trump, Donald Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7001500000000000000 \u2660 50 000000002017 - 04 - 10 - 0000 April 10, 2017 11 months and 26 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ); Antonin Scalia", "short_answer": "John Roberts (" } }, { "question": "what is the highest court in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=840462099", "q_uid": 3785127548796555411, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States ( sometimes colloquially referred to by the acronym SCOTUS ) is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article Three of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate ( and largely discretionary ) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is generally the final interpreter of federal law including the United States Constitution, but it may act only within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction. The Court may decide cases having political overtones but does not have power to decide nonjusticiable political questions, and its enforcement arm is in the executive rather than judicial branch of government.", "short_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States (" } }, { "question": "how long has the supreme court has 9 justices", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=849983914", "q_uid": -824653642806880036, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1866, at the behest of Chief Justice Chase, Congress passed an act providing that the next three justices to retire would not be replaced, which would thin the bench to seven justices by attrition. Consequently, one seat was removed in 1866 and a second in 1867. In 1869, however, the Circuit Judges Act returned the number of justices to nine, where it has since remained.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "ages of the judges on the supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=853733821", "q_uid": 2538907278819984497, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7004232080000000000 \u2660 63 September 29, 2005 12 years, 10 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Clarence Thomas June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7004256170000000000 \u2660 70 October 23, 1991 26 years, 9 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ruth Bader Ginsburg March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7004311960000000000 \u2660 85 August 10, 1993 25 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Stephen Breyer August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California 87 -- 9 55 7004292170000000000 \u2660 79 August 3, 1994 24 years Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Samuel Alito April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7004249700000000000 \u2660 68 January 31, 2006 12 years, 6 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sonia Sotomayor June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7004234240000000000 \u2660 64 August 8, 2009 9 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Elena Kagan April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York 63 -- 37 50 7004212900000000000 \u2660 58 August 7, 2010 8 years Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ) John Paul Stevens Neil Gorsuch August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7004186110000000000 \u2660 50 April 10, 2017 1 year, 4 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ) Antonin Scalia Vacant Anthony Kennedy Vacancy", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "currently how many supreme court justices are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=801279899", "q_uid": 7425154493384697205, "answers": { "long_answer": "The court is currently filled with nine justices. The most recent justice to join to the court was Neil Gorsuch, who was nominated by President Donald Trump on January 31, 2017, and confirmed on April 7, 2017, by the Senate.", "short_answer": "nine justices" } }, { "question": "what is a supreme court justices term of office", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=843072978", "q_uid": -548329466383357895, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment ( though no justice has ever been removed ). In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and it is worth noting that while a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have often come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices ' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.", "short_answer": "lifetime tenure" } }, { "question": "what is the role of the united states supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=843072978", "q_uid": 6340746173756830055, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States ( sometimes colloquially referred to by the acronym SCOTUS ) is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article Three of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate ( and largely discretionary ) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is generally the final interpreter of federal law including the United States Constitution, but it may act only within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction. The Court may decide cases having political overtones but does not have power to decide nonjusticiable political questions, and its enforcement arm is in the executive rather than judicial branch of government.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when were the current supreme court justices appointed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=807748312", "q_uid": 7593720238967084586, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Date of birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded Roberts, John John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) 000000001955 - 01 - 27 - 0000 January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York Bush, George W. George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7001620000000000000 \u2660 62 000000002005 - 09 - 29 - 0000 September 29, 2005 12 years, 1 month Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Kennedy, Anthony Anthony Kennedy 000000001936 - 07 - 23 - 0000 July 23, 1936 Sacramento, California Reagan, Ronald Ronald Reagan 97 -- 0 51 7001810000000000000 \u2660 81 000000001988 - 02 - 18 - 0000 February 18, 1988 29 years, 8 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ( 1975 -- 1988 ); Private practice ( 1963 -- 1975 ) Lewis Powell Thomas, Clarence Clarence Thomas 000000001948 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia Bush, George H.W. George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7001690000000000000 \u2660 69 000000001991 - 10 - 23 - 0000 October 23, 1991 26 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Ruth Bader Ginsburg 000000001933 - 03 - 15 - 0000 March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Clinton, Bill Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7001840000000000000 \u2660 84 000000001993 - 08 - 10 - 0000 August 10, 1993 24 years, 2 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Breyer, Stephen Stephen Breyer 000000001938 - 08 - 15 - 0000 August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California 87 -- 9 55 7001790000000000000 \u2660 79 000000001994 - 08 - 03 - 0000 August 3, 1994 23 years, 2 months Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Alito, Samuel Samuel Alito 000000001950 - 04 - 01 - 0000 April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7001670000000000000 \u2660 67 000000002006 - 01 - 31 - 0000 January 31, 2006 11 years, 8 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sotomayor, Sonia Sonia Sotomayor 000000001954 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Obama, Barack Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7001630000000000000 \u2660 63 000000002009 - 08 - 08 - 0000 August 8, 2009 8 years, 2 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Kagan, Elena Elena Kagan 000000001960 - 04 - 28 - 0000 April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York 63 -- 37 50 7001570000000000000 \u2660 57 000000002010 - 08 - 07 - 0000 August 7, 2010 7 years, 2 months Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ); John Paul Stevens Gorsuch, Neil Neil Gorsuch 000000001967 - 08 - 29 - 0000 August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Trump, Donald Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7001500000000000000 \u2660 50 000000002017 - 04 - 10 - 0000 April 10, 2017 6 months and 19 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ); Antonin Scalia", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "retirement age of supreme court judges in usa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=809190366", "q_uid": 735733759692996096, "answers": { "long_answer": "Critic Larry Sabato wrote: `` The insularity of lifetime tenure, combined with the appointments of relatively young attorneys who give long service on the bench, produces senior judges representing the views of past generations better than views of the current day. '' Sanford Levinson has been critical of justices who stayed in office despite medical deterioration based on longevity. James MacGregor Burns stated lifelong tenure has `` produced a critical time lag, with the Supreme Court institutionally almost always behind the times. '' Proposals to solve these problems include term limits for justices, as proposed by Levinson and Sabato as well as a mandatory retirement age proposed by Richard Epstein, among others. However, others suggest lifetime tenure brings substantial benefits, such as impartiality and freedom from political pressure. Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 78 wrote `` nothing can contribute so much to its firmness and independence as permanency in office. ''", "short_answer": "suggest lifetime tenure brings substantial benefits, such as impartiality and freedom from political pressure. Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 78 wrote `` nothing can contribute so much to its firmness and independence as permanency in office. ''" } }, { "question": "how many judges are there in the united states supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=811789499", "q_uid": 4543417054170639917, "answers": { "long_answer": "Article III of the United States Constitution does not specify the number of justices. The Judiciary Act of 1789 called for the appointment of six `` judges ''. Although an 1801 act would have reduced the size of the court to five members upon its next vacancy, an 1802 act promptly negated the 1801 act, legally restoring the court 's size to six members before any such vacancy occurred. As the nation 's boundaries grew, Congress added justices to correspond with the growing number of judicial circuits: seven in 1807, nine in 1837, and ten in 1863.", "short_answer": "six ``" } }, { "question": "how can you remove a supreme court justice", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=836885457", "q_uid": -2961670855418829569, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment ( though no justice has ever been removed ). In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and it is worth noting that while a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have often come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices ' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.", "short_answer": "impeachment (" } }, { "question": "who are the current supreme court justices 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=843072978", "q_uid": -3286674585604525369, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded Roberts, John John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) 000000001955 - 01 - 27 - 0000 January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York Bush, George W. George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7004231340000000000 \u2660 63 000000002005 - 09 - 29 - 0000 September 29, 2005 12 years, 8 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Kennedy, Anthony Anthony Kennedy 000000001936 - 07 - 23 - 0000 July 23, 1936 Sacramento, California Reagan, Ronald Ronald Reagan 97 -- 0 51 7004298960000000000 \u2660 81 000000001988 - 02 - 18 - 0000 February 18, 1988 30 years, 3 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ( 1975 -- 1988 ); Private practice ( 1963 -- 1975 ) Lewis Powell Thomas, Clarence Clarence Thomas 000000001948 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia Bush, George H.W. George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7004255430000000000 \u2660 69 000000001991 - 10 - 23 - 0000 October 23, 1991 26 years, 7 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Ruth Bader Ginsburg 000000001933 - 03 - 15 - 0000 March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Clinton, Bill Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7004311220000000000 \u2660 85 000000001993 - 08 - 10 - 0000 August 10, 1993 24 years, 9 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Breyer, Stephen Stephen Breyer 000000001938 - 08 - 15 - 0000 August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California 87 -- 9 55 7004291430000000000 \u2660 79 000000001994 - 08 - 03 - 0000 August 3, 1994 23 years, 9 months Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Alito, Samuel Samuel Alito 000000001950 - 04 - 01 - 0000 April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7004248960000000000 \u2660 68 000000002006 - 01 - 31 - 0000 January 31, 2006 12 years, 3 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sotomayor, Sonia Sonia Sotomayor 000000001954 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Obama, Barack Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7004233500000000000 \u2660 63 000000002009 - 08 - 08 - 0000 August 8, 2009 8 years, 9 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Kagan, Elena Elena Kagan 000000001960 - 04 - 28 - 0000 April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York 63 -- 37 50 7004212160000000000 \u2660 58 000000002010 - 08 - 07 - 0000 August 7, 2010 7 years, 9 months Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ); John Paul Stevens Gorsuch, Neil Neil Gorsuch 000000001967 - 08 - 29 - 0000 August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Trump, Donald Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7004185370000000000 \u2660 50 000000002017 - 04 - 10 - 0000 April 10, 2017 1 year, 1 month Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ); Antonin Scalia", "short_answer": "John Roberts (" } }, { "question": "who is the actual president of the supreme court of justice", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=809190366", "q_uid": -7286551317454758217, "answers": { "long_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States Established March 4, 1789 ( 228 years ago ) ( 1789 - 03 - 04 ) Country United States Location Washington, D.C., United States Coordinates 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Coordinates: 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Composition method Presidential nomination with Senate confirmation Authorized by United States Constitution Judge term length Life tenure No. of positions 9, by statute Website www.supremecourt.gov Chief Justice of the United States Currently John G. Roberts Since September 29, 2005", "short_answer": "John G. Roberts" } }, { "question": "how many supreme court judges are there in usa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=853733821", "q_uid": 7798718635369108427, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment. In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and while a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have often come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices ' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the makeup of the supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=826594616", "q_uid": 4271086757818628997, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded Roberts, John John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) 000000001955 - 01 - 27 - 0000 January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York Bush, George W. George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7001630000000000000 \u2660 63 000000002005 - 09 - 29 - 0000 September 29, 2005 12 years, 4 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Kennedy, Anthony Anthony Kennedy 000000001936 - 07 - 23 - 0000 July 23, 1936 Sacramento, California Reagan, Ronald Ronald Reagan 97 -- 0 51 7001810000000000000 \u2660 81 000000001988 - 02 - 18 - 0000 February 18, 1988 30 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ( 1975 -- 1988 ); Private practice ( 1963 -- 1975 ) Lewis Powell Thomas, Clarence Clarence Thomas 000000001948 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia Bush, George H.W. George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7001690000000000000 \u2660 69 000000001991 - 10 - 23 - 0000 October 23, 1991 26 years, 3 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Ruth Bader Ginsburg 000000001933 - 03 - 15 - 0000 March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Clinton, Bill Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7001840000000000000 \u2660 84 000000001993 - 08 - 10 - 0000 August 10, 1993 24 years, 6 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Breyer, Stephen Stephen Breyer 000000001938 - 08 - 15 - 0000 August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California 87 -- 9 55 7001790000000000000 \u2660 79 000000001994 - 08 - 03 - 0000 August 3, 1994 23 years, 6 months Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Alito, Samuel Samuel Alito 000000001950 - 04 - 01 - 0000 April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7001670000000000000 \u2660 67 000000002006 - 01 - 31 - 0000 January 31, 2006 12 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sotomayor, Sonia Sonia Sotomayor 000000001954 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Obama, Barack Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7001630000000000000 \u2660 63 000000002009 - 08 - 08 - 0000 August 8, 2009 8 years, 6 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Kagan, Elena Elena Kagan 000000001960 - 04 - 28 - 0000 April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York 63 -- 37 50 7001570000000000000 \u2660 57 000000002010 - 08 - 07 - 0000 August 7, 2010 7 years, 6 months Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ); John Paul Stevens Gorsuch, Neil Neil Gorsuch 000000001967 - 08 - 29 - 0000 August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Trump, Donald Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7001500000000000000 \u2660 50 000000002017 - 04 - 10 - 0000 April 10, 2017 10 months and 10 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ); Antonin Scalia", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the youngest judge currently sitting on the u.s. supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=865131223", "q_uid": 4306251832362961541, "answers": { "long_answer": "Justice / Birthdate and place Appointed by SCV Age at Start date / Length of service Previous position Succeeded Start Present John Roberts January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York G.W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7004232870000000000 \u2660 63 September 29, 2005 7003477900000000000 \u2660 13 years, 31 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ) Rehnquist Clarence Thomas June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia G.H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7004256960000000000 \u2660 70 October 23, 1991 7003986900000000000 \u2660 27 years, 7 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ) Marshall Ruth Bader Ginsburg March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7004312750000000000 \u2660 85 August 10, 1993 7003921200000000000 \u2660 25 years, 81 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ) White Stephen Breyer August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California Clinton 87 -- 9 55 7004292960000000000 \u2660 80 August 3, 1994 7003885400000000000 \u2660 24 years, 88 days Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ) Blackmun Samuel Alito April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey G.W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7004250490000000000 \u2660 68 January 31, 2006 7003465500000000000 \u2660 12 years, 272 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ) O'Connor Sonia Sotomayor June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Obama 68 -- 31 55 7004235030000000000 \u2660 64 August 8, 2009 7003337000000000000 \u2660 9 years, 83 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ) Souter Elena Kagan April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York Obama 63 -- 37 50 7004213690000000000 \u2660 58 August 7, 2010 7003300800000000000 \u2660 8 years, 86 days Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Stevens Neil Gorsuch August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Trump 54 -- 45 49 7004186900000000000 \u2660 51 April 10, 2017 7002568000000000000 \u2660 1 year, 203 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ) Scalia Brett Kavanaugh February 12, 1965 Washington, D.C. Trump 50 -- 48 53 7004196180000000000 \u2660 53 October 6, 2018 7001240000000000000 \u2660 24 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2006 -- 2018 ) Kennedy Source:", "short_answer": "Neil Gorsuch August" } }, { "question": "when did the us supreme court have 9 justices", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=865131223", "q_uid": 1025571073910974662, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1866, at the behest of Chief Justice Chase, Congress passed an act providing that the next three justices to retire would not be replaced, which would thin the bench to seven justices by attrition. Consequently, one seat was removed in 1866 and a second in 1867. In 1869, however, the Circuit Judges Act returned the number of justices to nine, where it has since remained.", "short_answer": "1869," } }, { "question": "how many judges currently serve on the supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=833001213", "q_uid": 2525993732159637135, "answers": { "long_answer": "The court is currently filled with nine Justices. The most recent justice to join to the court was Neil Gorsuch, who was nominated by President Donald Trump on January 31, 2017, and confirmed on April 7, 2017, by the U.S. Senate.", "short_answer": "nine Justices" } }, { "question": "how old are each of the supreme court justices", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=801582832", "q_uid": 2606671969689594205, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Date of birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded Roberts, John John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) 000000001955 - 01 - 27 - 0000 January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York Bush, George W. George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7001620000000000000 \u2660 62 000000002005 - 09 - 29 - 0000 September 29, 2005 11 years, 11 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Kennedy, Anthony Anthony Kennedy 000000001936 - 07 - 23 - 0000 July 23, 1936 Sacramento, California Reagan, Ronald Ronald Reagan 97 -- 0 51 7001810000000000000 \u2660 81 000000001988 - 02 - 18 - 0000 February 18, 1988 29 years, 7 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ( 1975 -- 1988 ); Private practice ( 1963 -- 1975 ) Lewis Powell Thomas, Clarence Clarence Thomas 000000001948 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia Bush, George H.W. George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7001690000000000000 \u2660 69 000000001991 - 10 - 23 - 0000 October 23, 1991 25 years, 10 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Ruth Bader Ginsburg 000000001933 - 03 - 15 - 0000 March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Clinton, Bill Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7001840000000000000 \u2660 84 000000001993 - 08 - 10 - 0000 August 10, 1993 24 years, 1 month Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Breyer, Stephen Stephen Breyer 000000001938 - 08 - 15 - 0000 August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California 87 -- 9 55 7001790000000000000 \u2660 79 000000001994 - 08 - 03 - 0000 August 3, 1994 23 years, 1 month Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Alito, Samuel Samuel Alito 000000001950 - 04 - 01 - 0000 April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7001670000000000000 \u2660 67 000000002006 - 01 - 31 - 0000 January 31, 2006 11 years, 7 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sotomayor, Sonia Sonia Sotomayor 000000001954 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Obama, Barack Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7001630000000000000 \u2660 63 000000002009 - 08 - 08 - 0000 August 8, 2009 8 years, 1 month Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Kagan, Elena Elena Kagan 000000001960 - 04 - 28 - 0000 April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York 63 -- 37 50 7001570000000000000 \u2660 57 000000002010 - 08 - 07 - 0000 August 7, 2010 7 years, 1 month Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ); John Paul Stevens Gorsuch, Neil Neil Gorsuch 000000001967 - 08 - 29 - 0000 August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Trump, Donald Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7001500000000000000 \u2660 50 000000002017 - 04 - 10 - 0000 April 10, 2017 163 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ); Antonin Scalia", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the term for the supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=845763104", "q_uid": 1920975387925916537, "answers": { "long_answer": "A term of the Supreme Court commences on the first Monday of each October, and continues until June or early July of the following year. Each term consists of alternating periods of around two weeks known as `` sittings '' and `` recesses. '' Justices hear cases and deliver rulings during sittings; they discuss cases and write opinions during recesses.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when can the supreme court justices be removed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=809190366", "q_uid": 2698192755634040121, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment ( though no justice has ever been removed ). In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and it is worth noting while a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices ' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.", "short_answer": "after impeachment (" } }, { "question": "what is the name of the highest most important court in the us", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=819208854", "q_uid": -7376862590321764755, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article Three of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate ( and largely discretionary ) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is generally the final interpreter of federal law including the United States Constitution, but it may act only within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction. The Court may decide cases having political overtones but does not have power to decide nonjusticiable political questions, and its enforcement arm is in the executive rather than judicial branch of government.", "short_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States is" } }, { "question": "when was the courts size fixed at nine justices", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=828052625", "q_uid": -2072028062443731968, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1866, at the behest of Chief Justice Chase, Congress passed an act providing that the next three justices to retire would not be replaced, which would thin the bench to seven justices by attrition. Consequently, one seat was removed in 1866 and a second in 1867. In 1869, however, the Circuit Judges Act returned the number of justices to nine, where it has since remained.", "short_answer": "1869," } }, { "question": "is there a constitutional limit on the number of supreme court justices", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=857104722", "q_uid": -2724342520407536212, "answers": { "long_answer": "Article III of the United States Constitution does not specify the number of justices. The Judiciary Act of 1789 called for the appointment of six `` judges. '' Although an 1801 act would have reduced the size of the court to five members upon its next vacancy, an 1802 act promptly negated the 1801 act, legally restoring the court 's size to six members before any such vacancy occurred. As the nation 's boundaries grew, Congress added justices to correspond with the growing number of judicial circuits: seven in 1807, nine in 1837, and ten in 1863.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what are the qualifications for being a us supreme court justice", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=815925358", "q_uid": 4163474915705102559, "answers": { "long_answer": "The U.S. Constitution states that the President `` shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Judges of the Supreme Court. '' Most presidents nominate candidates who broadly share their ideological views, although a justice 's decisions may end up being contrary to a president 's expectations. Because the Constitution sets no qualifications for service as a justice, a president may nominate anyone to serve, subject to Senate confirmation.", "short_answer": "the Constitution sets no qualifications for" } }, { "question": "how many supreme court justice's are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=815925358", "q_uid": 3497881884726350261, "answers": { "long_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States Established March 4, 1789 ( 228 years ago ) ( 1789 - 03 - 04 ) Country United States Location Washington, D.C., United States Coordinates 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Coordinates: 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Composition method Presidential nomination with Senate confirmation Authorized by United States Constitution Judge term length Life tenure No. of positions 9, by statute Website www.supremecourt.gov Chief Justice of the United States Currently John G. Roberts Since September 29, 2005", "short_answer": "9," } }, { "question": "what is the supreme court of the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=857104722", "q_uid": 1477913436766731405, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States ( sometimes colloquially referred to by the acronym SCOTUS ) is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article Three of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate ( and largely discretionary ) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases, involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is generally the final interpreter of federal law including the United States Constitution, but it may act only within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction. The Court may decide cases having political overtones, but does not have power to decide nonjusticiable political questions, and its enforcement arm is in the executive rather than judicial branch of government.", "short_answer": "the highest federal court of the United States." } }, { "question": "how long do supreme court justices hold their jobs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=806933690", "q_uid": -2639600741664337298, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment ( though no justice has ever been removed ). In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and it is worth noting while a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices ' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.", "short_answer": "lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment ( though no justice has ever been removed )." } }, { "question": "list of current supreme court justices and their ages", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=853733821", "q_uid": 2451661517328217275, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7004232080000000000 \u2660 63 September 29, 2005 12 years, 10 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Clarence Thomas June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7004256170000000000 \u2660 70 October 23, 1991 26 years, 9 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ruth Bader Ginsburg March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7004311960000000000 \u2660 85 August 10, 1993 25 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Stephen Breyer August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California 87 -- 9 55 7004292170000000000 \u2660 79 August 3, 1994 24 years Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Samuel Alito April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7004249700000000000 \u2660 68 January 31, 2006 12 years, 6 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sonia Sotomayor June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7004234240000000000 \u2660 64 August 8, 2009 9 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Elena Kagan April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York 63 -- 37 50 7004212900000000000 \u2660 58 August 7, 2010 8 years Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ) John Paul Stevens Neil Gorsuch August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7004186110000000000 \u2660 50 April 10, 2017 1 year, 4 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ) Antonin Scalia Vacant Anthony Kennedy Vacancy", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "can a member of the supreme court be removed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=809190366", "q_uid": 2414953926000691150, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment ( though no justice has ever been removed ). In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and it is worth noting while a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices ' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how long is a term in office for a supreme court justice", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=857104722", "q_uid": 1455193810716383078, "answers": { "long_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States Established March 4, 1789; 229 years ago ( 1789 - 03 - 04 ) Country United States Location Washington, D.C., U.S. Coordinates 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Coordinates: 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Composition method Presidential nomination with Senate confirmation Authorized by United States Constitution Judge term length Life tenure No. of positions 9 by statute Website SupremeCourt.gov Chief Justice of the United States Currently John Roberts Since September 29, 2005; 12 years ago ( 2005 - 09 - 29 )", "short_answer": "Life tenure" } }, { "question": "who appointed the justices of the supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=857104722", "q_uid": -4093939767332236344, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7004232250000000000 \u2660 63 September 29, 2005 12 years, 11 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Clarence Thomas June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7004256340000000000 \u2660 70 October 23, 1991 26 years, 10 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ruth Bader Ginsburg March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7004312130000000000 \u2660 85 August 10, 1993 25 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Stephen Breyer August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California Bill Clinton 87 -- 9 55 7004292340000000000 \u2660 80 August 3, 1994 24 years Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Samuel Alito April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7004249870000000000 \u2660 68 January 31, 2006 12 years, 6 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sonia Sotomayor June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7004234410000000000 \u2660 64 August 8, 2009 9 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Elena Kagan April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York Barack Obama 63 -- 37 50 7004213070000000000 \u2660 58 August 7, 2010 8 years Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ) John Paul Stevens Neil Gorsuch August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7004186280000000000 \u2660 51 April 10, 2017 1 year, 4 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ) Antonin Scalia Vacant Anthony Kennedy Vacancy", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what kind of jurisdiction the supreme court has", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=801582832", "q_uid": -2439044835977709890, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article Three of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate ( and largely discretionary ) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is generally the final interpreter of federal law including the United States Constitution, but it may act only within the context of a case, in which it has jurisdiction. The Court does not have power to decide political questions, and its enforcement arm is in the executive rather than judicial branch of government.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the term of office for the supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=825753815", "q_uid": -4145891748945967818, "answers": { "long_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States Established March 4, 1789 ( 228 years ago ) ( 1789 - 03 - 04 ) Country United States Location Washington, D.C., United States Coordinates 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Coordinates: 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Composition method Presidential nomination with Senate confirmation Authorized by United States Constitution Judge term length Life tenure No. of positions 9, by statute Website www.supremecourt.gov Chief Justice of the United States Currently John Roberts Since September 29, 2005", "short_answer": "Life tenure" } }, { "question": "who has the power to remove a supreme court justice", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=853733821", "q_uid": 163992179042629324, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Constitution provides that justices `` shall hold their offices during good behavior '' ( unless appointed during a Senate recess ). The term `` good behavior '' is understood to mean justices may serve for the remainder of their lives, unless they are impeached and convicted by Congress, resign, or retire. Only one justice has been impeached by the House of Representatives ( Samuel Chase, March 1804 ), but he was acquitted in the Senate ( March 1805 ). Moves to impeach sitting justices have occurred more recently ( for example, William O. Douglas was the subject of hearings twice, in 1953 and again in 1970; and Abe Fortas resigned while hearings were being organized in 1969 ), but they did not reach a vote in the House. No mechanism exists for removing a justice who is permanently incapacitated by illness or injury, but unable ( or unwilling ) to resign.", "short_answer": "Congress," } }, { "question": "what is the maximum number of supreme court justices allowed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=849983914", "q_uid": 1610567325806532817, "answers": { "long_answer": "Article III of the United States Constitution does not specify the number of justices. The Judiciary Act of 1789 called for the appointment of six `` judges ''. Although an 1801 act would have reduced the size of the court to five members upon its next vacancy, an 1802 act promptly negated the 1801 act, legally restoring the court 's size to six members before any such vacancy occurred. As the nation 's boundaries grew, Congress added justices to correspond with the growing number of judicial circuits: seven in 1807, nine in 1837, and ten in 1863.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who decides the size and number of federal courts", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=804884986", "q_uid": 1112304613959778600, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article Three of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate ( and largely discretionary ) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is generally the final interpreter of federal law including the United States Constitution, but it may act only within the context of a case, in which it has jurisdiction. The Court does not have power to decide political questions, and its enforcement arm is in the executive rather than judicial branch of government.", "short_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States is" } }, { "question": "who appointed the current justices of the supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=857104722", "q_uid": 8790951508500658794, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7004232250000000000 \u2660 63 September 29, 2005 12 years, 11 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Clarence Thomas June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7004256340000000000 \u2660 70 October 23, 1991 26 years, 10 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ruth Bader Ginsburg March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7004312130000000000 \u2660 85 August 10, 1993 25 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Stephen Breyer August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California Bill Clinton 87 -- 9 55 7004292340000000000 \u2660 80 August 3, 1994 24 years Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Samuel Alito April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7004249870000000000 \u2660 68 January 31, 2006 12 years, 6 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sonia Sotomayor June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7004234410000000000 \u2660 64 August 8, 2009 9 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Elena Kagan April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York Barack Obama 63 -- 37 50 7004213070000000000 \u2660 58 August 7, 2010 8 years Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ) John Paul Stevens Neil Gorsuch August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7004186280000000000 \u2660 51 April 10, 2017 1 year, 4 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ) Antonin Scalia Vacant Anthony Kennedy Vacancy", "short_answer": "George W. Bush" } }, { "question": "how many supreme court justices were there originally", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=836885457", "q_uid": 8207159288020095204, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Court first convened on February 2, 1790, with six judges where only five of its six initial positions were filled. According to historian Fergus Bordewich, in its first session: `` ( T ) he Supreme Court convened for the first time at the Royal Exchange Building on Broad Street, a few steps from Federal Hall. Symbolically, the moment was pregnant with promise for the republic, this birth of a new national institution whose future power, admittedly, still existed only in the eyes and minds of just a few visionary Americans. Impressively bewigged and swathed in their robes of office, Chief Justice John Jay and three associate justices -- William Cushing of Massachusetts, James Wilson of Pennsylvania, and John Blair of Virginia -- sat augustly before a throng of spectators and waited for something to happen. Nothing did. They had no cases to consider. After a week of inactivity, they adjourned until September, and everyone went home. ''", "short_answer": "six initial" } }, { "question": "where is the united states supreme court located", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=801279899", "q_uid": -8476741213124230747, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment ( though no justice has ever been removed ). In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and it is worth noting while a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices ' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.", "short_answer": "the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C." } }, { "question": "the number of justices serving on the supreme court is determined by", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=815925358", "q_uid": -4733085843277341798, "answers": { "long_answer": "Article III of the United States Constitution does not specify the number of justices. The Judiciary Act of 1789 called for the appointment of six `` judges ''. Although an 1801 act would have reduced the size of the court to five members upon its next vacancy, an 1802 act promptly negated the 1801 act, legally restoring the court 's size to six members before any such vacancy occurred. As the nation 's boundaries grew, Congress added justices to correspond with the growing number of judicial circuits: seven in 1807, nine in 1837, and ten in 1863.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did the supreme court get nine justices", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=845763104", "q_uid": 3789661245903804501, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1866, at the behest of Chief Justice Chase, Congress passed an act providing that the next three justices to retire would not be replaced, which would thin the bench to seven justices by attrition. Consequently, one seat was removed in 1866 and a second in 1867. In 1869, however, the Circuit Judges Act returned the number of justices to nine, where it has since remained.", "short_answer": "1869," } }, { "question": "what is the term for supreme court judges", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=843072978", "q_uid": -2333242006980505823, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment ( though no justice has ever been removed ). In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and it is worth noting that while a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have often come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices ' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.", "short_answer": "lifetime tenure unless" } }, { "question": "how many members does the us supreme court have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=811789499", "q_uid": 609213267714876351, "answers": { "long_answer": "The court is currently filled with nine justices. The most recent justice to join to the court was Neil Gorsuch, who was nominated by President Donald Trump on January 31, 2017, and confirmed on April 7, 2017, by the Senate.", "short_answer": "nine justices" } }, { "question": "much of the authority of the us supreme court is based on its power to", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=807748312", "q_uid": -988869416948042968, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article Three of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate ( and largely discretionary ) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is generally the final interpreter of federal law including the United States Constitution, but it may act only within the context of a case, in which it has jurisdiction. The Court does not have power to decide political questions, and its enforcement arm is in the executive rather than judicial branch of government.", "short_answer": "ultimate ( and largely discretionary ) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases." } }, { "question": "what's the highest court in the us", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=801582832", "q_uid": -3037250393512971235, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article Three of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate ( and largely discretionary ) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is generally the final interpreter of federal law including the United States Constitution, but it may act only within the context of a case, in which it has jurisdiction. The Court does not have power to decide political questions, and its enforcement arm is in the executive rather than judicial branch of government.", "short_answer": "The Supreme Court of the United States is" } }, { "question": "how many members are there of the supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=835562010", "q_uid": 7514836964275799080, "answers": { "long_answer": "The court is currently filled with nine Justices. The most recent justice to join to the court was Neil Gorsuch, who was nominated by President Donald Trump on January 31, 2017, and confirmed on April 7, 2017, by the U.S. Senate.", "short_answer": "nine Justices" } }, { "question": "how old are the u.s. supreme court justices", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=853733821", "q_uid": 7781842997827267551, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7004232080000000000 \u2660 63 September 29, 2005 12 years, 10 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Clarence Thomas June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7004256170000000000 \u2660 70 October 23, 1991 26 years, 9 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ruth Bader Ginsburg March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7004311960000000000 \u2660 85 August 10, 1993 25 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Stephen Breyer August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California 87 -- 9 55 7004292170000000000 \u2660 79 August 3, 1994 24 years Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Samuel Alito April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7004249700000000000 \u2660 68 January 31, 2006 12 years, 6 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sonia Sotomayor June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7004234240000000000 \u2660 64 August 8, 2009 9 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Elena Kagan April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York 63 -- 37 50 7004212900000000000 \u2660 58 August 7, 2010 8 years Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ) John Paul Stevens Neil Gorsuch August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7004186110000000000 \u2660 50 April 10, 2017 1 year, 4 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ) Antonin Scalia Vacant Anthony Kennedy Vacancy", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many us supreme court justices are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=804884986", "q_uid": -4028808201354199914, "answers": { "long_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States Established June 21, 1788; 229 years ago ( 1788 - 06 - 21 ) Country United States Location Washington, D.C., United States Coordinates 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Coordinates: 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Composition method Presidential nomination with Senate confirmation Authorized by United States Constitution Judge term length Life tenure No. of positions 9, by statute Website www.supremecourt.gov Chief Justice of the United States Currently John G. Roberts Since September 29, 2005", "short_answer": "9," } }, { "question": "what is the length of term of office for a supreme court justice", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=819208854", "q_uid": -5069407596860940950, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment ( though no justice has ever been removed ). In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and it is worth noting that while a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have often come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices ' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.", "short_answer": "lifetime tenure unless" } }, { "question": "where do a majority of supreme court cases come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=821374400", "q_uid": -8398551791510887037, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nearly all cases come before the court by way of petitions for writs of certiorari, commonly referred to as `` cert ''. The Court may review any case in the federal courts of appeals `` by writ of certiorari granted upon the petition of any party to any civil or criminal case. '' Court may only review `` final judgments rendered by the highest court of a state in which a decision could be had '' if those judgments involve a question of federal statutory or constitutional law. The party that appealed to the Court is the petitioner and the non-mover is the respondent. All case names before the Court are styled petitioner v. respondent, regardless of which party initiated the lawsuit in the trial court. For example, criminal prosecutions are brought in the name of the state and against an individual, as in State of Arizona v. Ernesto Miranda. If the defendant is convicted, and his conviction then is affirmed on appeal in the state supreme court, when he petitions for cert the name of the case becomes Miranda v. Arizona.", "short_answer": "by way of petitions for writs of certiorari," } }, { "question": "what is the age of supreme court justices", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=806933690", "q_uid": 6861377689727785410, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Date of birth Appointed by Senate confirmation vote Age at appointment Current age First day / Length of service Previous positions Succeeded Roberts, John John Roberts ( Chief Justice ) 000000001955 - 01 - 27 - 0000 January 27, 1955 Buffalo, New York Bush, George W. George W. Bush 78 -- 22 50 7001620000000000000 \u2660 62 000000002005 - 09 - 29 - 0000 September 29, 2005 12 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 2003 -- 2005 ); Principal Deputy Solicitor General ( 1989 -- 1993 ); Associate Counsel to the President ( 1982 -- 1986 ) William Rehnquist Kennedy, Anthony Anthony Kennedy 000000001936 - 07 - 23 - 0000 July 23, 1936 Sacramento, California Reagan, Ronald Ronald Reagan 97 -- 0 51 7001810000000000000 \u2660 81 000000001988 - 02 - 18 - 0000 February 18, 1988 29 years, 8 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ( 1975 -- 1988 ); Private practice ( 1963 -- 1975 ) Lewis Powell Thomas, Clarence Clarence Thomas 000000001948 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23, 1948 Pin Point, Georgia Bush, George H.W. George H.W. Bush 52 -- 48 43 7001690000000000000 \u2660 69 000000001991 - 10 - 23 - 0000 October 23, 1991 26 years Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1990 -- 1991 ); Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 1982 -- 1990 ); Assistant Attorney General in Missouri under State Attorney General John Danforth ( 1974 -- 1977 ) Thurgood Marshall Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Ruth Bader Ginsburg 000000001933 - 03 - 15 - 0000 March 15, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Clinton, Bill Bill Clinton 96 -- 3 60 7001840000000000000 \u2660 84 000000001993 - 08 - 10 - 0000 August 10, 1993 24 years, 2 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( 1980 -- 1993 ); General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union ( 1973 -- 1980 ) Byron White Breyer, Stephen Stephen Breyer 000000001938 - 08 - 15 - 0000 August 15, 1938 San Francisco, California 87 -- 9 55 7001790000000000000 \u2660 79 000000001994 - 08 - 03 - 0000 August 3, 1994 23 years, 2 months Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1990 -- 1994 ); Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ( 1980 -- 1990 ) Harry Blackmun Alito, Samuel Samuel Alito 000000001950 - 04 - 01 - 0000 April 1, 1950 Trenton, New Jersey George W. Bush 58 -- 42 55 7001670000000000000 \u2660 67 000000002006 - 01 - 31 - 0000 January 31, 2006 11 years, 8 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ( 1990 -- 2006 ); U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( 1987 -- 1990 ); Deputy Assistant Attorney General ( 1985 -- 1987 ); Assistant to the Solicitor General ( 1981 -- 1985 ) Sandra Day O'Connor Sotomayor, Sonia Sonia Sotomayor 000000001954 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25, 1954 The Bronx, New York Obama, Barack Barack Obama 68 -- 31 55 7001630000000000000 \u2660 63 000000002009 - 08 - 08 - 0000 August 8, 2009 8 years, 2 months Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ( 1998 -- 2009 ); District Judge, District Court for the Southern District of New York ( 1992 -- 1998 ) David Souter Kagan, Elena Elena Kagan 000000001960 - 04 - 28 - 0000 April 28, 1960 Manhattan, New York 63 -- 37 50 7001570000000000000 \u2660 57 000000002010 - 08 - 07 - 0000 August 7, 2010 7 years, 2 months Solicitor General of the United States ( 2009 -- 2010 ); Dean of Harvard Law School ( 2003 -- 2009 ); Associate White House Counsel ( 1995 -- 1999 ); Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council ( 1995 -- 1999 ); John Paul Stevens Gorsuch, Neil Neil Gorsuch 000000001967 - 08 - 29 - 0000 August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado Trump, Donald Donald Trump 54 -- 45 49 7001500000000000000 \u2660 50 000000002017 - 04 - 10 - 0000 April 10, 2017 6 months and 15 days Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ( 2006 -- 2017 ); Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and Acting Associate Attorney General ( 2005 -- 2006 ); Antonin Scalia", "short_answer": "62" } }, { "question": "there are currently how many sitting members on the us supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=836885457", "q_uid": -7706478460071646122, "answers": { "long_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States Established March 4, 1789; 229 years ago ( 1789 - 03 - 04 ) Country United States Location Washington, D.C., U.S. Coordinates 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Coordinates: 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Composition method Presidential nomination with Senate confirmation Authorized by United States Constitution Judge term length Life tenure No. of positions 9 by statute Website www.supremecourt.gov Chief Justice of the United States Currently John Roberts Since September 29, 2005; 12 years ago ( 2005 - 09 - 29 )", "short_answer": "9 by" } }, { "question": "supreme court justice are appointed for a term of", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=849983914", "q_uid": -326818077463658630, "answers": { "long_answer": "Supreme Court of the United States Established March 4, 1789; 229 years ago ( 1789 - 03 - 04 ) Country United States Location Washington, D.C., U.S. Coordinates 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Coordinates: 38 \u00b0 53 \u2032 26 '' N 77 \u00b0 00 \u2032 16 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.89056 \u00b0 N 77.00444 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.89056; - 77.00444 Composition method Presidential nomination with Senate confirmation Authorized by United States Constitution Judge term length Life tenure No. of positions 9 by statute Website www.supremecourt.gov Chief Justice of the United States Currently John Roberts Since September 29, 2005; 12 years ago ( 2005 - 09 - 29 )", "short_answer": "Life tenure" } }, { "question": "who determines the number of justices on supreme court", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States&oldid=819208854", "q_uid": -1814207563657500361, "answers": { "long_answer": "Article III of the United States Constitution does not specify the number of justices. The Judiciary Act of 1789 called for the appointment of six `` judges ''. Although an 1801 act would have reduced the size of the court to five members upon its next vacancy, an 1802 act promptly negated the 1801 act, legally restoring the court 's size to six members before any such vacancy occurred. As the nation 's boundaries grew, Congress added justices to correspond with the growing number of judicial circuits: seven in 1807, nine in 1837, and ten in 1863.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "2018 Tour de France": [ { "question": "who won the first stage of the 2018 tour de france", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=854473541", "q_uid": -8394929068646973254, "answers": { "long_answer": "The opening stage was won by Fernando Gaviria of Quick - Step Floors, who became the Tour 's first rider to wear the general classification leader 's yellow jersey. Peter Sagan ( Bora -- Hansgrohe ) then took the race lead the following stage. BMC Racing Team won stage three 's team time trial, putting their rider Greg Van Avermaet in yellow. He held the jersey for eight days until the second high mountain stage, where stage winner Thomas took the lead. He held it for the rest of the race to become the first Welshman to win the overall race. As a result, Team Sky -- and additionally British riders -- won six of the previous seven Tours dating back to 2012.", "short_answer": "Fernando Gaviria of Quick - Step Floors," } }, { "question": "what is the grand prize for the tour de france", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=854473541", "q_uid": 3140972739012711701, "answers": { "long_answer": "A total of \u20ac 2,287,750 was awarded in cash prizes in the race. The overall winner of the general classification received \u20ac 500,000, with the second and third placed riders getting \u20ac 200,000 and \u20ac 100,000 respectively. All finishers in the top 160 were awarded money. The holders of the classifications would benefit on each stage they led; the final winners of the points and mountains would be given \u20ac 25,000, while the best young rider and most combative rider would get \u20ac 20,000. The team classification winners was given \u20ac 50,000. \u20ac 11,000 was given to the winners of each stage of the race, with smaller amounts given to places 2 -- 20. There were also two special awards each with a prize of \u20ac 5000. The Souvenir Henri Desgrange, given to first rider to pass the summit of the highest climb in the Tour, the Col du Portet on stage seventeen, and the Souvenir Jacques Goddet, given to the first rider to pass Goddet 's memorial at the summit of the Col du Tourmalet in stage nineteen. Nairo Quintana won the Henri Desgrange and Julian Alaphilippe won the Jacques Goddet.", "short_answer": "\u20ac 500,000," } }, { "question": "what are the dates for the tour de france 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=856152108", "q_uid": -713612749072568800, "answers": { "long_answer": "2018 Tour de France 2018 UCI World Tour, race 25 of 37 Route of the 2018 Tour de France Race details Dates 7 -- 29 July Stages 21 Distance 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) Winning time 83h 17 ' 13 '' Results Winner Geraint Thomas ( GBR ) ( Team Sky ) Second Tom Dumoulin ( NED ) ( Team Sunweb ) Third Chris Froome ( GBR ) ( Team Sky ) Points Peter Sagan ( SVK ) ( Bora -- Hansgrohe ) Mountains Julian Alaphilippe ( FRA ) ( Quick - Step Floors ) Youth Pierre Latour ( FRA ) ( AG2R La Mondiale ) Combativity Dan Martin ( IRL ) ( UAE Team Emirates ) Team Movistar Team \u2190 2017 2019 \u2192", "short_answer": "7 -- 29 July" } }, { "question": "where does the tour de france start 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=792224582", "q_uid": 329176110017141587, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2018 Tour de France will be the 105th edition of the Tour de France, one of cycling 's three Grand Tours. The start of the 2018 Tour ( known as the Grand D\u00e9part ) will be in the Vend\u00e9e department, in the region of Pays de la Loire. The departments in the Pays de la Loire region hosted the Tour de France 's cyclists on its very first edition back 1903. Since this time, the cities and towns of the Pays de la Loire region have welcomed the Grand D\u00e9part of the Tour de France nine times, five of which have set out from the Vend\u00e9e.", "short_answer": "Vend\u00e9e department, in the region of Pays de la Loire." } }, { "question": "where is the first stage of the tour de france", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=856152108", "q_uid": -7126877452951153761, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2018 Tour de France was the 105th edition of the Tour de France, one of cycling 's three Grand Tours. The 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) race started from Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele, in the Vend\u00e9e department, on 7 July and concluded with the Champs - \u00c9lys\u00e9es stage in Paris, on 29 July. A total of 176 riders across 22 teams were participating in the 21 - stage race. The Tour was the shortest of the millennium and was the fifth time a tour had set out from Vend\u00e9e. The race was won for the first time by Geraint Thomas of Team Sky. Tom Dumoulin ( Team Sunweb ) placed second, with Thomas ' teammate and four - time Tour champion Chris Froome coming third.", "short_answer": "Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele," } }, { "question": "where did le tour de france start 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=856152108", "q_uid": 6736627038987537998, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2018 Tour de France was the 105th edition of the Tour de France, one of cycling 's three Grand Tours. The 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) race started from Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele, in the Vend\u00e9e department, on 7 July and concluded with the Champs - \u00c9lys\u00e9es stage in Paris, on 29 July. A total of 176 riders across 22 teams were participating in the 21 - stage race. The Tour was the shortest of the millennium and was the fifth time a tour had set out from Vend\u00e9e. The race was won for the first time by Geraint Thomas of Team Sky. Tom Dumoulin ( Team Sunweb ) placed second, with Thomas ' teammate and four - time Tour champion Chris Froome coming third.", "short_answer": "Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele," } }, { "question": "where is the tour de france starting this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=854473541", "q_uid": 7061938366566979302, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2018 Tour de France was the 105th edition of the Tour de France, one of cycling 's three Grand Tours. The 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) race started from Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele, in the Vend\u00e9e department, on 7 July and concluded with the Champs - \u00c9lys\u00e9es stage in Paris, on 29 July. A total of 176 riders across 22 teams were participating in the 21 - stage race. The Tour was the shortest of the millennium and was the fifth time a tour had set out from Vend\u00e9e. The race was won for the first time by Geraint Thomas of Team Sky. Tom Dumoulin ( Team Sunweb ) placed second, with Thomas ' teammate and four - time Tour champion Chris Froome coming third.", "short_answer": "from Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele, in the Vend\u00e9e department," } }, { "question": "when does the tour de france finish 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=858627210", "q_uid": -8861936358522502442, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2018 Tour de France was the 105th edition of the Tour de France, one of cycling 's three Grand Tours. The 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) race started from Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele, in the Vend\u00e9e department, on 7 July and concluded with the Champs - \u00c9lys\u00e9es stage in Paris, on 29 July. A total of 176 riders across 22 teams were participating in the 21 - stage race. The Tour was the shortest of the millennium and was the fifth time a tour had set out from Vend\u00e9e. The race was won for the first time by Geraint Thomas of Team Sky. Tom Dumoulin ( Team Sunweb ) placed second, with Thomas ' teammate and four - time Tour champion Chris Froome coming third.", "short_answer": "on 29 July." } }, { "question": "how many riders per team in the tour de france 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=854473541", "q_uid": 7074262590789713570, "answers": { "long_answer": "New rules by the cycling 's governing body, the Union Cycliste Internationale ( UCI ) reduced the number of riders per team for Grand Tours from 9 to 8, resulting in a start list total of 176, instead of the usual 198. Of these, 35 competed in their first Tour de France. The total number of riders that finished the race was 145. The riders came from 30 countries. Seven countries had more than 10 riders in the race: France ( 35 ), Belgium ( 19 ), the Netherlands ( 13 ), Italy ( 13 ), Australia ( 11 ), Germany ( 11 ) and Spain ( 11 ). The average age of riders in the race was 29.37 years, ranging from the 21 - year - old Egan Bernal ( Team Sky ) to the 40 - year - old Franco Pellizotti ( Bahrain -- Merida ). Groupama -- FDJ had the youngest average age while Bahrain -- Merida had the oldest.", "short_answer": "8," } }, { "question": "when will tour de france teams be announced", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=854473541", "q_uid": -5514927031084251120, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 18 UCI WorldTeams were automatically invited to the race. On 6 January 2018, organisers of the Tour, the Amaury Sport Organisation ( ASO ), announced the four second - tier UCI Professional Continental teams that received a wildcard invitation to participate in the event. The four teams were Cofidis, Direct \u00c9nergie, Fortuneo -- Samsic, from France and Belgium 's Wanty -- Groupe Gobert, all of which have participated in the race before. This meant that new French team Vital Concept, with their team leader, sprinter Bryan Coquard, missed out on the race. Christian Prudhomme wished the team the best in their inaugural season. The presentation of the teams -- where the members of each team 's roster are introduced in front of the media and local dignitaries -- took place on Place Napoleon ( fr ) in the town of La Roche - sur - Yon on 5 July, two days before the opening stage.", "short_answer": "6 January 2018," } }, { "question": "who came second in tour de france 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=856152108", "q_uid": 4373755116203252946, "answers": { "long_answer": "2018 Tour de France 2018 UCI World Tour, race 25 of 37 Route of the 2018 Tour de France Race details Dates 7 -- 29 July Stages 21 Distance 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) Winning time 83h 17 ' 13 '' Results Winner Geraint Thomas ( GBR ) ( Team Sky ) Second Tom Dumoulin ( NED ) ( Team Sunweb ) Third Chris Froome ( GBR ) ( Team Sky ) Points Peter Sagan ( SVK ) ( Bora -- Hansgrohe ) Mountains Julian Alaphilippe ( FRA ) ( Quick - Step Floors ) Youth Pierre Latour ( FRA ) ( AG2R La Mondiale ) Combativity Dan Martin ( IRL ) ( UAE Team Emirates ) Team Movistar Team \u2190 2017 2019 \u2192", "short_answer": "Tom Dumoulin (" } }, { "question": "where did le tour de france start this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=856152108", "q_uid": -7438581239387654701, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2018 Tour de France was the 105th edition of the Tour de France, one of cycling 's three Grand Tours. The 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) race started from Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele, in the Vend\u00e9e department, on 7 July and concluded with the Champs - \u00c9lys\u00e9es stage in Paris, on 29 July. A total of 176 riders across 22 teams were participating in the 21 - stage race. The Tour was the shortest of the millennium and was the fifth time a tour had set out from Vend\u00e9e. The race was won for the first time by Geraint Thomas of Team Sky. Tom Dumoulin ( Team Sunweb ) placed second, with Thomas ' teammate and four - time Tour champion Chris Froome coming third.", "short_answer": "Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele, in the Vend\u00e9e department," } }, { "question": "when does the 2018 tour de france start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Tour_de_France&oldid=856152108", "q_uid": 708037729197446651, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2018 Tour de France was the 105th edition of the Tour de France, one of cycling 's three Grand Tours. The 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) race started from Noirmoutier - en - l'\u00cele, in the Vend\u00e9e department, on 7 July and concluded with the Champs - \u00c9lys\u00e9es stage in Paris, on 29 July. A total of 176 riders across 22 teams were participating in the 21 - stage race. The Tour was the shortest of the millennium and was the fifth time a tour had set out from Vend\u00e9e. The race was won for the first time by Geraint Thomas of Team Sky. Tom Dumoulin ( Team Sunweb ) placed second, with Thomas ' teammate and four - time Tour champion Chris Froome coming third.", "short_answer": "7 July and" } } ], "M*A*S*H (TV series)": [ { "question": "where was mash 4077 supposed to be in korea", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=857099655", "q_uid": 4018638282774437064, "answers": { "long_answer": "M * A * S * H is an American war comedy - drama television series that aired on CBS from 1972 to 1983. It was developed by Larry Gelbart, adapted from the 1970 feature film M * A * S * H, which, in turn, was based on Richard Hooker 's 1968 novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors. The series, which was produced with 20th Century Fox Television for CBS, follows a team of doctors and support staff stationed at the `` 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital '' in Uijeongbu, South Korea, during the Korean War ( 1950 -- 53 ). The show 's title sequence features an instrumental - only version of `` Suicide Is Painless '', the original film 's theme song. The show was created after an attempt to film the original book 's sequel, M * A * S * H Goes to Maine, failed. The television series is the best - known of the M * A * S * H works, and one of the highest - rated shows in US television history.", "short_answer": "Uijeongbu, South Korea," } }, { "question": "where was the tv show mash filmed at", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=843071259", "q_uid": 5746947217737371796, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 4077th consisted of two separate sets. An outdoor set in the mountains near Malibu, California ( Calabasas, Los Angeles County, California ) was used for most exterior and tent scenes for every season. This was the same set used to shoot the movie. The indoor set, on a sound stage at Fox Studios in Century City, was used for the indoor scenes for the run of the series. Later, after the indoor set was renovated to permit many of the `` outdoor '' scenes to be filmed there, both sets were used for exterior shooting as script requirements dictated ( e.g., night scenes were far easier to film on the sound stage, but scenes at the chopper pad required using the ranch ).", "short_answer": "Century City," } }, { "question": "where was m*a*s*h filmed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=857099655", "q_uid": -1991969751752760371, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 4077th consisted of two separate sets. An outdoor set in the mountains near Malibu, California ( Calabasas, Los Angeles County, California ) was used for most exterior and tent scenes for every season. This was the same set used to shoot the movie. The indoor set, on a sound stage at Fox Studios in Century City, was used for the indoor scenes for the run of the series. Later, after the indoor set was renovated to permit many of the `` outdoor '' scenes to be filmed there, both sets were used for exterior shooting as script requirements dictated ( e.g., night scenes were far easier to film on the sound stage, but scenes at the chopper pad required using the ranch ).", "short_answer": "in the mountains near Malibu, California ( Calabasas, Los Angeles County, California ) was" } }, { "question": "who played in mash the movie and tv show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=806612771", "q_uid": -1776450283224180684, "answers": { "long_answer": "While most of the characters from the movie carried over to the series, only four actors appeared in both: Gary Burghoff ( Radar O'Reilly ) and G. Wood ( General Hammond ) reprised their movie roles in the series, though Wood appeared in only three episodes. Timothy Brown ( credited as `` Tim Brown '' ) played `` Cpl. Judson '' in the movie and `` Spearchucker Jones '' in the series. Corey Fischer played Capt. Bandini in the film and was the guitar - playing dentist `` Cardozo '' in the episode `` Five O'Clock Charlie ''.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did the tv series mash start and end", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=854769158", "q_uid": -4765911850227127762, "answers": { "long_answer": "M * A * S * H Title screen Genre War Comedy - drama Dark comedy Based on M * A * S * H: A Novel About Three Army Doctors by Richard Hooker Developed by Larry Gelbart Starring Alan Alda Wayne Rogers McLean Stevenson Loretta Swit Larry Linville Gary Burghoff Mike Farrell Harry Morgan Jamie Farr William Christopher David Ogden Stiers Theme music composer Johnny Mandel ( written for the film ) Opening theme `` Suicide Is Painless '' Ending theme `` Suicide Is Painless '' ( big band version ) Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 11 No. of episodes 256 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Larry Gelbart ( seasons 1 -- 4 ) Gene Reynolds ( seasons 1 -- 5 ) Burt Metcalfe ( seasons 6 -- 11 ) Production location ( s ) Los Angeles County, California ( Century City, Malibu Creek State Park ) Camera setup Single - camera Running time 30 minutes with commercials, except `` Goodbye, Farewell and Amen '' ( 2 hours with commercials ) Production company ( s ) 20th Century Fox Television Distributor 20th Television Release Original network CBS Original release September 17, 1972 ( 1972 - 09 - 17 ) -- February 28, 1983 ( 1983 - 02 - 28 ) Chronology Followed by AfterM * A * S * H W * A * L * T * E * R Related shows Trapper John, M.D. External links Website", "short_answer": "September 17, 1972 ( 1972 - 09 - 17 ) -- February 28, 1983 (" } }, { "question": "when did the tv show mash first air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=802224340", "q_uid": 7427509262410620899, "answers": { "long_answer": "M * A * S * H Genre Comedy - drama Based on MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors by Richard Hooker Developed by Larry Gelbart Starring Alan Alda Wayne Rogers McLean Stevenson Loretta Swit Larry Linville Gary Burghoff Mike Farrell Harry Morgan Jamie Farr William Christopher David Ogden Stiers Edward Winter Allan Arbus Theme music composer Johnny Mandel ( written for the film ) Opening theme `` Suicide Is Painless '' Ending theme Same as opening Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 11 No. of episodes 251 ( list of episodes ) Production Location ( s ) Los Angeles County, California ( Century City, Malibu Creek State Park ) Camera setup Single - camera Running time 30 minutes ( plus commercials ), except `` Goodbye, Farewell, & Amen '' ( 2 hrs plus commercials ) Production company ( s ) 20th Century Fox Television Distributor 20th Television Release Original network CBS Original release September 17, 1972 ( 1972 - 09 - 17 ) -- February 28, 1983 ( 1983 - 02 - 28 ) Chronology Followed by AfterMASH W * A * L * T * E * R Related shows Trapper John, M.D. External links Website www.mash4077.co.uk", "short_answer": "September 17, 1972 (" } }, { "question": "where was the tv series mash filmed at", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=835722465", "q_uid": -3520428266655924268, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 4077th consisted of two separate sets. An outdoor set in the mountains near Malibu, California ( Calabasas, Los Angeles County, California ) was used for most exterior and tent scenes for every season. This was the same set used to shoot the movie. The indoor set, on a sound stage at Fox Studios in Century City, was used for the indoor scenes for the run of the series. Later, after the indoor set was renovated to permit many of the `` outdoor '' scenes to be filmed there, both sets were used for exterior shooting as script requirements dictated ( e.g., night scenes were far easier to film on the sound stage, but scenes at the chopper pad required using the ranch ).", "short_answer": "in the mountains near Malibu, California ( Calabasas, Los Angeles County, California ) was" } }, { "question": "mash tv show what does it stand for", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=843071259", "q_uid": 6578437098329783078, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show was an ensemble piece revolving around key personnel in a United States Army Mobile Army Surgical Hospital ( MASH ) in the Korean War ( 1950 -- 1953 ). ( The asterisks in the name are not part of military nomenclature and were creatively introduced in the novel and used in only the posters for the movie version, not the actual movie. ) The `` 4077th MASH '' was one of several surgical units in Korea.", "short_answer": "Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (" } }, { "question": "when did the first episode of mash aired", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=815804298", "q_uid": 1019879596644624436, "answers": { "long_answer": "M * A * S * H Genre Comedy - drama Based on MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors by Richard Hooker Developed by Larry Gelbart Starring Alan Alda Wayne Rogers McLean Stevenson Loretta Swit Larry Linville Gary Burghoff Mike Farrell Harry Morgan Jamie Farr William Christopher David Ogden Stiers Edward Winter Allan Arbus Theme music composer Johnny Mandel ( written for the film ) Opening theme `` Suicide Is Painless '' Ending theme `` Suicide Is Painless '' ( big band version ) Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 11 No. of episodes 251 ( list of episodes ) Production Location ( s ) Los Angeles County, California ( Century City, Malibu Creek State Park ) Camera setup Single - camera Running time 30 minutes ( plus commercials ), except `` Goodbye, Farewell, & Amen '' ( 2 hrs plus commercials ) Production company ( s ) 20th Century Fox Television Distributor 20th Television Release Original network CBS Original release September 17, 1972 ( 1972 - 09 - 17 ) -- February 28, 1983 ( 1983 - 02 - 28 ) Chronology Followed by AfterMASH W * A * L * T * E * R Related shows Trapper John, M.D. External links Website www.mash4077.co.uk", "short_answer": "September 17, 1972 (" } } ], "Halley's Comet": [ { "question": "when is halley's comet coming around again", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=864850648", "q_uid": -1302474660673405593, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "mid-2061." } }, { "question": "when was the last time halleys comet came", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=843089967", "q_uid": 4180779124686928529, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's 1986 apparition was the least favourable on record. The comet and Earth were on opposite sides of the Sun in February 1986, creating the worst viewing circumstances for Earth observers for the last 2,000 years. Halley 's closest approach was 0.42 AU. Additionally, with increased light pollution from urbanization, many people failed to even see the comet. It was possible to observe it in areas outside of cities with the help of binoculars. Further, the comet appeared brightest when it was almost invisible from the northern hemisphere in March and April. Halley 's approach was first detected by astronomers David Jewitt and G. Edward Danielson on 16 October 1982 using the 5.1 m Hale telescope at Mount Palomar and a CCD camera. The first person to visually observe the comet on its 1986 return was amateur astronomer Stephen James O'Meara on 24 January 1985. O'Meara used a home - built 24 - inch telescope on top of Mauna Kea to detect the magnitude 19.6 comet. On 8 November 1985, Stephen Edberg ( then serving as the Coordinator for Amateur Observations at NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ) and Charles Morris were the first to observe Halley 's Comet with the naked eye in its 1986 apparition.", "short_answer": "1986 apparition" } }, { "question": "when is the next halley's comet coming", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=849620364", "q_uid": 8401144161926175006, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "mid-2061." } }, { "question": "what is the furthest distance that halleys comet travels from the sun", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=808959795", "q_uid": 447068000926257367, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's orbital period has varied between 74 -- 79 years since 240 BC. Its orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, with an orbital eccentricity of 0.967 ( with 0 being a circle and 1 being a parabolic trajectory ). The perihelion, the point in the comet 's orbit when it is nearest the Sun, is just 0.6 AU. This is between the orbits of Mercury and Venus. Its aphelion, or farthest distance from the Sun, is 35 AU ( roughly the distance of Pluto ). Unusual for an object in the Solar System, Halley 's orbit is retrograde; it orbits the Sun in the opposite direction to the planets, or, clockwise from above the Sun 's north pole. The orbit is inclined by 18 \u00b0 to the ecliptic, with much of it lying south of the ecliptic. ( Because it is retrograde, the true inclination is 162 \u00b0 ). Due to the retrograde orbit, it has one of the highest velocities relative to the Earth of any object in the Solar System. The 1910 passage was at a relative velocity of 70.56 km / s ( 157,838 mph or 254,016 km / h ). Because its orbit comes close to Earth 's in two places, Halley is associated with two meteor showers: the Eta Aquariids in early May, and the Orionids in late October. Halley is the parent body to the Orionids. Observations conducted around the time of Halley 's appearance in 1986 suggested that the comet could additionally perturb the Eta Aquarid meteor shower, although it might not be the parent of that shower. Orionid", "short_answer": "35 AU (" } }, { "question": "when is halley's comet predicted to be near earth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=816151549", "q_uid": -1648387913071887339, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "mid-2061." } }, { "question": "when is the next time halley's comet comes around", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=809150392", "q_uid": 6971498788176962639, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "mid-2061." } }, { "question": "when does halley's comet come back around", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=864850648", "q_uid": 6087617540935009990, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "mid-2061." } }, { "question": "when was the last time halley's comet was around", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=808959795", "q_uid": 257689149385171939, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "1986 and" } }, { "question": "when was the last time halley's comet passed earth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=802119941", "q_uid": 976947718479389160, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "1986 and" } }, { "question": "when will halley's comet be seen next", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=801474452", "q_uid": -5337539886896399867, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "mid-2061." } }, { "question": "when was the last time halley's comet was seen from earth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=854498370", "q_uid": -2475618497125774941, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "1986 and" } }, { "question": "who was born when halley's comet was in the sky", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=844558319", "q_uid": -4121014875404575333, "answers": { "long_answer": "American satirist and writer Mark Twain was born on 30 November 1835, exactly two weeks after the comet 's perihelion. In his autobiography, published in 1909, he said,", "short_answer": "American satirist and writer Mark Twain was" } }, { "question": "when was the last time halleys comet was seen", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=803335006", "q_uid": 500022826114371691, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "1986 and" } }, { "question": "halley's comet distance from the sun in au", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=864850648", "q_uid": 7151849851119003380, "answers": { "long_answer": "1P / Halley ( Halley 's Comet ) Halley 's Comet on 8 March 1986 Discovery Discovered by Prehistoric observation; Edmond Halley ( recognition of periodicity ) Orbital characteristics Epoch 17 February 1994 ( 2449400.5 ) Aphelion 35.082 AU Perihelion 0.586 AU last perihelion: 9 February 1986 next perihelion: 28 July 2061 Semi-major axis 17.834 AU Eccentricity 0.96714 Orbital period 75.32 yr Mean anomaly 38.38 \u00b0 Inclination 162.26 \u00b0 Longitude of ascending node 58.42 \u00b0 Argument of perihelion 111.33 \u00b0 Earth MOID 0.0638 AU ( 9.54 million km ) Physical characteristics 15 \u00d7 8 km, 11 km ( mean diameter ) Mass 2.2 \u00d7 10 kg Mean density 0.6 ( estimates range from 0.2 to 1.5 g / cm ) Escape velocity ~ 0.002 km / s Sidereal rotation period 2.2 d ( 52.8 h ) (? ) Albedo 0.04 Apparent magnitude 28.2 ( in 2003 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time halley's comet came by", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=806998997", "q_uid": 8073686777706993002, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "1986 and" } }, { "question": "what is the path of halley's comet", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=844558319", "q_uid": -8382546924964528360, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's orbital period has varied between 74 -- 79 years since 240 BC. Its orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, with an orbital eccentricity of 0.967 ( with 0 being a circle and 1 being a parabolic trajectory ). The perihelion, the point in the comet 's orbit when it is nearest the Sun, is just 0.6 AU. This is between the orbits of Mercury and Venus. Its aphelion, or farthest distance from the Sun, is 35 AU ( roughly the distance of Pluto ). Unusual for an object in the Solar System, Halley 's orbit is retrograde; it orbits the Sun in the opposite direction to the planets, or, clockwise from above the Sun 's north pole. The orbit is inclined by 18 \u00b0 to the ecliptic, with much of it lying south of the ecliptic. ( Because it is retrograde, the true inclination is 162 \u00b0. ) Due to the retrograde orbit, it has one of the highest velocities relative to the Earth of any object in the Solar System. The 1910 passage was at a relative velocity of 70.56 km / s ( 157,838 mph or 254,016 km / h ). Because its orbit comes close to Earth 's in two places, Halley is associated with two meteor showers: the Eta Aquariids in early May, and the Orionids in late October. Halley is the parent body to the Orionids. Observations conducted around the time of Halley 's appearance in 1986 suggested that the comet could additionally perturb the Eta Aquarid meteor shower, although it might not be the parent of that shower. Orionid", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time halley's comet was seen", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=806998997", "q_uid": -9846503899254596, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "1986 and" } }, { "question": "when was the last halley's comet seen", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Halley%27s_Comet&oldid=819024521", "q_uid": -721170466207849824, "answers": { "long_answer": "Halley 's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P / Halley, is a short - period comet visible from Earth every 74 -- 79 years. Halley is the only known short - period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked - eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.", "short_answer": "1986 and" } } ], "Amelia Heinle": [ { "question": "who plays victoria in young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amelia_Heinle&oldid=855700819", "q_uid": -2852743115057183004, "answers": { "long_answer": "Amelia Heinle Luckinbill ( n\u00e9e Amelia March Heinle, formerly Weatherly; born March 17, 1973 ) is an American actress best known for her roles in American soap operas.", "short_answer": "Amelia Heinle Luckinbill (" } }, { "question": "who plays victoria newman on young and restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amelia_Heinle&oldid=842651913", "q_uid": -5830433906784086397, "answers": { "long_answer": "On March 21, 2005, Heinle joined the cast of the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless, as Victoria Newman, replacing the popular Heather Tom in the role. She won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2014 and again in 2015 for the role.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is jd on young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amelia_Heinle&oldid=831799259", "q_uid": -3599468184486043527, "answers": { "long_answer": "In March 2007 she married her Young and the Restless co-star, Thad Luckinbill, who portrayed her onscreen ex-husband, J.T. Hellstrom, until 2010. The couple welcomed their first child together, a son, on November 2, 2007. They welcomed their second child, a daughter, on December 17, 2009. On March 1, 2017, Luckinbill filed for divorce from Heinle, citing `` irreconcilable differences ''.", "short_answer": "Thad Luckinbill," } }, { "question": "actress who plays victoria newman on young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amelia_Heinle&oldid=850793939", "q_uid": 6002803770874668212, "answers": { "long_answer": "On March 21, 2005, Heinle joined the cast of the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless, as Victoria Newman, replacing the popular Heather Tom in the role. She won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2014 and again in 2015 for the role.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays victoria newman on young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amelia_Heinle&oldid=810987213", "q_uid": 6793351721498948826, "answers": { "long_answer": "Amelia Heinle Luckinbill ( n\u00e9e Amelia March Heinle, formerly Weatherly; born March 17, 1973 ) is an American actress best known for her roles in American soap operas.", "short_answer": "Amelia Heinle Luckinbill (" } }, { "question": "who plays victoria on the young and restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amelia_Heinle&oldid=802255688", "q_uid": -4546132587990779216, "answers": { "long_answer": "On March 21, 2005, Heinle joined the cast of the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless, as Victoria Newman, replacing the popular Heather Tom in the role. She won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2014 and again in 2015 for the role.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays victoria newman on the young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amelia_Heinle&oldid=818833934", "q_uid": -2793568580580413195, "answers": { "long_answer": "On March 21, 2005, Heinle joined the cast of the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless, as Victoria Newman, replacing the popular Heather Tom in the role. She won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2014 and again in 2015 for the role.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Lela Rochon": [ { "question": "who played sunshine in the movie harlem nights", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lela_Rochon&oldid=790464151", "q_uid": 2442455938708003123, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rochon made her film debut in 1985, when she starred opposite Fred Williamson in Fox Trap. In 1987, she played the role of Debby in the film The Wild Pair, starring Beau Bridges and Bubba Smith. In 1989, Rochon acted opposite Eddie Murphy in 1989 's Harlem Nights, as the memorable `` Sunshine '' character. She again worked with Murphy in the successful 1992 romantic comedy, Boomerang. In 1995, she was regular cast member during the first season of The WB sitcom, The Wayans Bros.", "short_answer": "Rochon made" } } ], "John Barry (composer)": [ { "question": "who wrote the music for dances with wolves", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Barry_(composer)&oldid=843177118", "q_uid": 5039494657153855134, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Barry Prendergast, OBE ( / \u02c8b\u00e6ri /; 3 November 1933 -- 30 January 2011 ) was an English composer and conductor of film music. He composed the scores for 11 of the James Bond films between 1963 and 1987, and also arranged and performed the `` James Bond Theme '' to the first film in the series, 1962 's Dr. No. He wrote the Grammy - and Academy Award - winning scores to the films Dances with Wolves and Out of Africa, as well as the theme for the British television cult series The Persuaders!, in a career spanning over 50 years. In 1999, he was appointed OBE at Buckingham Palace for services to music.", "short_answer": "John Barry Prendergast," } }, { "question": "who did the music for dances with wolves", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Barry_(composer)&oldid=861746474", "q_uid": 3489315266789287433, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Barry Prendergast, OBE ( 3 November 1933 -- 30 January 2011 ) was an English composer and conductor of film music. He composed the scores for 11 of the James Bond films between 1963 and 1987, and also arranged and performed the `` James Bond Theme '' to the first film in the series, 1962 's Dr. No. He wrote the Grammy - and Academy Award - winning scores to the films Dances with Wolves and Out of Africa, as well as the theme for the British television cult series The Persuaders!, in a career spanning over 50 years. In 1999, he was appointed OBE at Buckingham Palace for services to music.", "short_answer": "John Barry Prendergast, OBE (" } }, { "question": "who composed the music for dances with wolves", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Barry_(composer)&oldid=843177118", "q_uid": 1673333126488672723, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Barry Prendergast, OBE ( / \u02c8b\u00e6ri /; 3 November 1933 -- 30 January 2011 ) was an English composer and conductor of film music. He composed the scores for 11 of the James Bond films between 1963 and 1987, and also arranged and performed the `` James Bond Theme '' to the first film in the series, 1962 's Dr. No. He wrote the Grammy - and Academy Award - winning scores to the films Dances with Wolves and Out of Africa, as well as the theme for the British television cult series The Persuaders!, in a career spanning over 50 years. In 1999, he was appointed OBE at Buckingham Palace for services to music.", "short_answer": "John Barry Prendergast," } }, { "question": "who wrote the music for out of africa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Barry_(composer)&oldid=799654546", "q_uid": -1870947779212851761, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Barry Prendergast, OBE ( / \u02c8b\u00e6ri /; 3 November 1933 -- 30 January 2011 ) was an English composer and conductor of film music. He composed the scores for 11 of the James Bond films between 1963 and 1987, and also arranged and performed the `` James Bond Theme '' to the first film in the series, 1962 's Dr. No. He wrote the Grammy - and Academy Award - winning scores to the films Dances with Wolves and Out of Africa, as well as the theme for the British television cult series The Persuaders!, in a career spanning over 50 years. In 1999, he was appointed OBE at Buckingham Palace for services to music.", "short_answer": "John Barry Prendergast," } }, { "question": "who wrote the theme music for out of africa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Barry_(composer)&oldid=848717867", "q_uid": -1183407280831217606, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Barry Prendergast, OBE ( / \u02c8b\u00e6ri /; 3 November 1933 -- 30 January 2011 ) was an English composer and conductor of film music. He composed the scores for 11 of the James Bond films between 1963 and 1987, and also arranged and performed the `` James Bond Theme '' to the first film in the series, 1962 's Dr. No. He wrote the Grammy - and Academy Award - winning scores to the films Dances with Wolves and Out of Africa, as well as the theme for the British television cult series The Persuaders!, in a career spanning over 50 years. In 1999, he was appointed OBE at Buckingham Palace for services to music.", "short_answer": "John Barry Prendergast," } }, { "question": "who wrote the theme song for out of africa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Barry_(composer)&oldid=802164930", "q_uid": 6098208725490897539, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Barry Prendergast, OBE ( / \u02c8b\u00e6ri /; 3 November 1933 -- 30 January 2011 ) was an English composer and conductor of film music. He composed the scores for 11 of the James Bond films between 1963 and 1987, and also arranged and performed the `` James Bond Theme '' to the first film in the series, 1962 's Dr. No. He wrote the Grammy - and Academy Award - winning scores to the films Dances with Wolves and Out of Africa, as well as the theme for the British television cult series The Persuaders!, in a career spanning over 50 years. In 1999, he was appointed OBE at Buckingham Palace for services to music.", "short_answer": "John Barry Prendergast," } } ], "Charlie Hunnam": [ { "question": "who is the actor that plays jax in sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Hunnam&oldid=800891877", "q_uid": 6749199057024861360, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam ( born 10 April 1980 ) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Jackson `` Jax '' Teller in the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy ( 2008 -- 14 ), Nathan Maloney in the Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk ( 1999 -- 2000 ), Lloyd Haythe in the Fox comedy series Undeclared ( 2001 -- 02 ), the title role in Nicholas Nickleby ( 2002 ), Pete Dunham in Green Street ( 2005 ), Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), Percy Fawcett in The Lost City of Z ( 2017 ), and in the title role of Guy Ritchie 's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam (" } }, { "question": "who plays jax in the sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Hunnam&oldid=836400213", "q_uid": -6162773386375222936, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam ( born 10 April 1980 ) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Jackson `` Jax '' Teller in the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy ( 2008 -- 14 ), Pete Dunham in Green Street ( 2005 ), Nathan Maloney in the Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk ( 1999 -- 2000 ), Lloyd Haythe in the Fox comedy series Undeclared ( 2001 -- 02 ), the title role in Nicholas Nickleby ( 2002 ), Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), Percy Fawcett in The Lost City of Z ( 2017 ), and in the title role of Guy Ritchie 's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam (" } }, { "question": "who plays jax on the sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Hunnam&oldid=818294947", "q_uid": -4805336335435774350, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam ( born 10 April 1980 ) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Jackson `` Jax '' Teller in the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy ( 2008 -- 14 ), Pete Dunham in Green Street ( 2005 ), Nathan Maloney in the Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk ( 1999 -- 2000 ), Lloyd Haythe in the Fox comedy series Undeclared ( 2001 -- 02 ), the title role in Nicholas Nickleby ( 2002 ), Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), Percy Fawcett in The Lost City of Z ( 2017 ), and in the title role of Guy Ritchie 's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam (" } }, { "question": "who plays jax teller on sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Hunnam&oldid=854751458", "q_uid": -2742507445771176791, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam ( born 10 April 1980 ) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Jackson `` Jax '' Teller in the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy ( 2008 -- 14 ), Pete Dunham in Green Street ( 2005 ), Nathan Maloney in the Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk ( 1999 -- 2000 ), Lloyd Haythe in the Fox comedy series Undeclared ( 2001 -- 02 ), the title role in Nicholas Nickleby ( 2002 ), Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), Percy Fawcett in The Lost City of Z ( 2017 ), and in the title role of Guy Ritchie 's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam (" } }, { "question": "who plays jack teller in sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Hunnam&oldid=845453161", "q_uid": -4933806249687973654, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam ( born 10 April 1980 ) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Jackson `` Jax '' Teller in the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy ( 2008 -- 14 ), Pete Dunham in Green Street ( 2005 ), Nathan Maloney in the Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk ( 1999 -- 2000 ), Lloyd Haythe in the Fox comedy series Undeclared ( 2001 -- 02 ), the title role in Nicholas Nickleby ( 2002 ), Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), Percy Fawcett in The Lost City of Z ( 2017 ), and in the title role of Guy Ritchie 's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that plays jax on sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Hunnam&oldid=809483254", "q_uid": -7235202205511643763, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam ( born 10 April 1980 ) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Jackson `` Jax '' Teller in the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy ( 2008 -- 14 ), Pete Dunham in Green Street ( 2005 ), Nathan Maloney in the Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk ( 1999 -- 2000 ), Lloyd Haythe in the Fox comedy series Undeclared ( 2001 -- 02 ), the title role in Nicholas Nickleby ( 2002 ), Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), Percy Fawcett in The Lost City of Z ( 2017 ), and in the title role of Guy Ritchie 's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam (" } }, { "question": "what is jax real name from sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Hunnam&oldid=832741857", "q_uid": -2758239948944642436, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Matthew Hunnam ( born 10 April 1980 ) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Jackson `` Jax '' Teller in the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy ( 2008 -- 14 ), Pete Dunham in Green Street ( 2005 ), Nathan Maloney in the Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk ( 1999 -- 2000 ), Lloyd Haythe in the Fox comedy series Undeclared ( 2001 -- 02 ), the title role in Nicholas Nickleby ( 2002 ), Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), Percy Fawcett in The Lost City of Z ( 2017 ), and in the title role of Guy Ritchie 's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Jackson `` Jax '' Teller in" } } ], "Planet of the Apes": [ { "question": "what was the name of the last planet of the apes movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=804924404", "q_uid": 8901161078205506079, "answers": { "long_answer": "9 War for the Planet of the Apes 000000002017 - 07 - 14 - 0000 July 14, 2017", "short_answer": "War for the Planet of the Apes" } }, { "question": "who did the make up for planet of the apes", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=801270205", "q_uid": -4403063178180654166, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fox insisted on changes to reduce the budget to a more manageable $5.8 million. The producers hired veteran writer Michael Wilson, who had previously adapted Boulle 's novel The Bridge over the River Kwai, to rewrite Serling 's script. To save on special effects costs, Wilson 's script described an ape society more primitive than that which appeared in the novel. The new script changed much of the plot and dialogue, but retained the Cold War themes and Serling 's ending. John Chambers created the innovative makeup effects.", "short_answer": "John Chambers created" } }, { "question": "when did planet of the apes first come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=821784452", "q_uid": -4802352503519008111, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes is an American science fiction media franchise consisting of films, books, television series, comics, and other media about a world in which humans and intelligent apes clash for control. The franchise is based on French author Pierre Boulle 's 1963 novel La Plan\u00e8te des singes, translated into English as Planet of the Apes or Monkey Planet. Its 1968 film adaptation, Planet of the Apes, was a critical and commercial hit, initiating a series of sequels, tie - ins, and derivative works. Arthur P. Jacobs produced the first five Apes films through APJAC Productions for distributor 20th Century Fox; since his death in 1973, Fox has controlled the franchise.", "short_answer": "1968 film" } }, { "question": "when did planet of the apes come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=815057334", "q_uid": -3969327344205719788, "answers": { "long_answer": "The producers were confident enough in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes that they started planning for the next installment before production had completed. They contracted Matt Reeves to return as director after seeing his cut of Dawn; he also wrote the script with Mark Bomback. Peter Chernin, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver serve as producers. The film, War for the Planet of the Apes, was released on July 14, 2017. Woody Harrelson and Gabriel Chavarria played human characters, while Steve Zahn played Bad Ape. The film received overwhelmingly positive reviews. It earned $490,567,967 against a $150 million budget.", "short_answer": "July 14, 2017." } }, { "question": "war of planet of the apes series movies in order", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=854510019", "q_uid": -3373079272586830891, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "Planet of the Apes (" } }, { "question": "whats the new planet of the apes called", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=818167029", "q_uid": -3711357766060985417, "answers": { "long_answer": "Four sequels followed the original film from 1970 to 1973: Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. They did not approach the critical acclaim of the original, but were commercially successful. The series also spawned two television series in 1974 and 1975. Plans for a film remake stalled in `` development hell '' for over ten years before Tim Burton 's Planet of the Apes was released in 2001. A new reboot film series commenced in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was followed by Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014 and War for the Planet of the Apes in 2017. The films have grossed a total of over $2 billion worldwide, against a combined budget of $567.5 million. Other media and merchandising tie - ins include books, comics, video games, and toys.", "short_answer": "War for the Planet of the Apes in" } }, { "question": "all the planet of the apes in order", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=815057334", "q_uid": 517709144683114600, "answers": { "long_answer": "Number Title Release date Director Continuity Planet of the Apes 000000001968 - 02 - 08 - 0000 February 8, 1968 Franklin J. Schaffner Original series Beneath the Planet of the Apes 000000001970 - 05 - 27 - 0000 May 27, 1970 Ted Post Escape from the Planet of the Apes 000000001971 - 05 - 21 - 0000 May 21, 1971 Don Taylor Conquest of the Planet of the Apes 000000001972 - 06 - 29 - 0000 June 29, 1972 J. Lee Thompson 5 Battle for the Planet of the Apes 000000001973 - 06 - 15 - 0000 June 15, 1973 6 Planet of the Apes 000000002001 - 07 - 27 - 0000 July 27, 2001 Tim Burton Remake 7 Rise of the Planet of the Apes 000000002011 - 08 - 05 - 0000 August 5, 2011 Rupert Wyatt Reboot series 8 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 000000002014 - 07 - 11 - 0000 July 11, 2014 Matt Reeves 9 War for the Planet of the Apes 000000002017 - 07 - 14 - 0000 July 14, 2017", "short_answer": "Planet of the Apes" } }, { "question": "when does war of planet of the apes come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=826004065", "q_uid": -3529552269680672455, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fox was confident enough in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes that the studio started planning for the next installment months before the film debuted. After Fox and Chernin Entertainment screened Matt Reeves ' cut of Dawn, he was contracted to return as director; he also wrote the script with Mark Bomback. Peter Chernin, Dylan Clark, Rick Jaffa, and Amanda Silver again served as producers. Given a $150 million budget, War for the Planet of the Apes was released on July 14, 2017.", "short_answer": "July 14, 2017." } }, { "question": "when did the 1st planet of the apes come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=804924404", "q_uid": 5264608320025945772, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes is an American science fiction media franchise consisting of films, books, television series, comics, and other media about a world in which humans and intelligent apes clash for control. The series began with French author Pierre Boulle 's 1963 novel La Plan\u00e8te des Singes, translated into English as Planet of the Apes or Monkey Planet. The 1968 film adaptation, Planet of the Apes, was a critical and commercial hit, initiating a series of sequels, tie - ins, and derivative works. Arthur P. Jacobs produced the series under APJAC Productions until his death in 1973; since then 20th Century Fox has owned the franchise.", "short_answer": "1968 film" } }, { "question": "what are all the planet of the ape movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=801270205", "q_uid": 585635379055592161, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 )", "short_answer": "Planet of the Apes ( 1968 )" } }, { "question": "how many planet of the ape films are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=866507759", "q_uid": 4479355085674588319, "answers": { "long_answer": "Number Title Release date Director Continuity Planet of the Apes April 3, 1968 Franklin J. Schaffner Original series Beneath the Planet of the Apes May 27, 1970 Ted Post Escape from the Planet of the Apes May 21, 1971 Don Taylor Conquest of the Planet of the Apes June 29, 1972 J. Lee Thompson 5 Battle for the Planet of the Apes June 15, 1973 6 Planet of the Apes July 27, 2001 Tim Burton Remake 7 Rise of the Planet of the Apes August 5, 2011 Rupert Wyatt Reboot series 8 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes July 11, 2014 Matt Reeves 9 War for the Planet of the Apes July 14, 2017", "short_answer": "9" } }, { "question": "what is the order of the new planet of the apes", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=804924404", "q_uid": -7366348705334978049, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 )", "short_answer": "Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 )" } }, { "question": "in what order do you watch planet of the apes", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=804924404", "q_uid": 3321033519890144988, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did war of the planet of apes come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=802144571", "q_uid": -8990017612389339003, "answers": { "long_answer": "Four sequels followed the original film between 1970 and 1973: Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. They did not approach the critical acclaim of the original, but were commercially successful. The series also spawned two television series in 1974 and 1975. Plans for a film remake stalled in `` development hell '' for over ten years before Tim Burton 's Planet of the Apes was released in 2001. A new reboot film series commenced in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was followed by Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014 and War for the Planet of the Apes in 2017. The films have grossed a total of over $2 billion worldwide, against a combined budget of $567.5 million. Other media and merchandising tie - ins include books, comics, video games, and toys.", "short_answer": "2017." } }, { "question": "when did dawn of the apes come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=803523998", "q_uid": 2666762070969428380, "answers": { "long_answer": "Four sequels followed the original film between 1970 and 1973: Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. They did not approach the critical acclaim of the original, but were commercially successful. The series also spawned two television series in 1974 and 1975. Plans for a film remake stalled in `` development hell '' for over ten years before Tim Burton 's Planet of the Apes was released in 2001. A new reboot film series commenced in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was followed by Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014 and War for the Planet of the Apes in 2017. The films have grossed a total of over $2 billion worldwide, against a combined budget of $567.5 million. Other media and merchandising tie - ins include books, comics, video games, and toys.", "short_answer": "2014 and" } }, { "question": "how many planet of the apes films has there been", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=809040339", "q_uid": 8795345964015779403, "answers": { "long_answer": "Number Title Release date Director Continuity Planet of the Apes 000000001968 - 02 - 08 - 0000 February 8, 1968 Franklin J. Schaffner Original series Beneath the Planet of the Apes 000000001970 - 05 - 27 - 0000 May 27, 1970 Ted Post Escape from the Planet of the Apes 000000001971 - 05 - 21 - 0000 May 21, 1971 Don Taylor Conquest of the Planet of the Apes 000000001972 - 06 - 29 - 0000 June 29, 1972 J. Lee Thompson 5 Battle for the Planet of the Apes 000000001973 - 06 - 15 - 0000 June 15, 1973 6 Planet of the Apes 000000002001 - 07 - 27 - 0000 July 27, 2001 Tim Burton Remake 7 Rise of the Planet of the Apes 000000002011 - 08 - 05 - 0000 August 5, 2011 Rupert Wyatt Reboot series 8 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 000000002014 - 07 - 11 - 0000 July 11, 2014 Matt Reeves 9 War for the Planet of the Apes 000000002017 - 07 - 14 - 0000 July 14, 2017", "short_answer": "9" } }, { "question": "when is the new planet of the apes movie released", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=801270205", "q_uid": 3603682674468314920, "answers": { "long_answer": "War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "2017 )" } }, { "question": "when does the new planet of the apes come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=841008698", "q_uid": -3367415433219831344, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "2001 )" } }, { "question": "when did war for planet of the apes come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=807658746", "q_uid": -3949498463527534646, "answers": { "long_answer": "The producers were confident enough in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes that they started planning for the next installment before production had completed. They contracted Matt Reeves to return as director after seeing his cut of Dawn; he also wrote the script with Mark Bomback. Peter Chernin, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver serve as producers. The film, War for the Planet of the Apes, was released on July 14, 2017. Woody Harrelson and Gabriel Chavarria played human characters, while Steve Zahn played Bad Ape. The film received overwhelmingly positive reviews.", "short_answer": "July 14, 2017." } }, { "question": "the first movie of planet of the apes", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=866507759", "q_uid": 4498300591906066345, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "Planet of the Apes (" } }, { "question": "what are the movies of the planet of the apes", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=804924404", "q_uid": 6215845864257172241, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "Planet of the Apes ( 1968 )" } }, { "question": "list of the planet of the apes movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=804924404", "q_uid": 8292897985176009297, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 )", "short_answer": "Planet of the Apes ( 1968 )" } }, { "question": "what are the names of the planet of the apes movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=842926714", "q_uid": -8277555397534187879, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "planet of the apes how many movies are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=828102770", "q_uid": -1296132147973794890, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "planet of the ape movies in chronological order", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=856025829", "q_uid": -951594629405504168, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what was the first planet of the apes", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=831755909", "q_uid": -8424449408091615797, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes is an American science fiction media franchise consisting of films, books, television series, comics, and other media about a world in which humans and intelligent apes clash for control. The franchise is based on French author Pierre Boulle 's 1963 novel La Plan\u00e8te des singes, translated into English as Planet of the Apes or Monkey Planet. Its 1968 film adaptation, Planet of the Apes, was a critical and commercial hit, initiating a series of sequels, tie - ins, and derivative works. Arthur P. Jacobs produced the first five Apes films through APJAC Productions for distributor 20th Century Fox; since his death in 1973, Fox has controlled the franchise.", "short_answer": "1968 film adaptation, Planet of the Apes," } }, { "question": "how many movies in the planet of the apes franchise", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=802144571", "q_uid": 234401601726336662, "answers": { "long_answer": "Four sequels followed the original film between 1970 and 1973: Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. They did not approach the critical acclaim of the original, but were commercially successful. The series also spawned two television series in 1974 and 1975. Plans for a film remake stalled in `` development hell '' for over ten years before Tim Burton 's Planet of the Apes was released in 2001. A new reboot film series commenced in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was followed by Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014 and War for the Planet of the Apes in 2017. The films have grossed a total of over $2 billion worldwide, against a combined budget of $567.5 million. Other media and merchandising tie - ins include books, comics, video games, and toys.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "is there a new planet of the apes film", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=856025829", "q_uid": -1799120831878506617, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many movies are there of planet of the apes", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=854510019", "q_uid": -768450491527980560, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "planet of the apes movies in order reboot", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=826004065", "q_uid": 3852346633615952543, "answers": { "long_answer": "Four sequels followed the original film from 1970 to 1973: Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. They did not approach the critical acclaim of the original, but were commercially successful, spawning two television series in 1974 and 1975. Plans for a film remake stalled in `` development hell '' for over ten years before Tim Burton 's Planet of the Apes was released in 2001. A reboot film series commenced in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was followed by Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014 and War for the Planet of the Apes in 2017. The films have grossed a total of over $2 billion worldwide, against a combined budget of $567.5 million. Along with further narratives in various media, franchise tie - ins include video games, toys, and planned theme park rides.", "short_answer": "Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was followed by Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014 and War for the Planet of the Apes in 2017." } }, { "question": "how many planet of the aps movies are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=809040339", "q_uid": -8509047449853935432, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des Singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 -- 1976 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did the first planet of the apes come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=856025829", "q_uid": -9019983585851264212, "answers": { "long_answer": "Planet of the Apes Created by Pierre Boulle Original work La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Print publications Novel ( s ) La Plan\u00e8te des singes ( 1963 ) Comics List of comics Films and television Film ( s ) Original series Planet of the Apes ( 1968 ) Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( 1970 ) Escape from the Planet of the Apes ( 1971 ) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ( 1972 ) Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( 1973 ) Remake Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Reboot series Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ( 2014 ) War for the Planet of the Apes ( 2017 ) Television series Planet of the Apes ( 1974 ) Return to the Planet of the Apes ( 1975 ) Games Video game ( s ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Revenge of the Apes ( 2003 ) Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier ( 2017 )", "short_answer": "1968 )" } }, { "question": "how many original planet of the apes movies are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planet_of_the_Apes&oldid=849724972", "q_uid": 8736908609870766379, "answers": { "long_answer": "Four sequels followed the original film from 1970 to 1973: Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. They did not approach the critical acclaim of the original, but were commercially successful, spawning two television series in 1974 and 1975. Plans for a film remake stalled in `` development hell '' for over ten years before Tim Burton 's Planet of the Apes was released in 2001. A reboot film series commenced in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was followed by Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014 and War for the Planet of the Apes in 2017. The films have grossed a total of over $2 billion worldwide, against a combined budget of $567.5 million. Along with further narratives in various media, franchise tie - ins include video games, toys, and planned theme park rides.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Chandrayaan-1": [ { "question": "chandrayan 1 indian first mission to moon was launched in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chandrayaan-1&oldid=857064144", "q_uid": -6202877249851368454, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chandrayaan - 1 ( Sanskrit: ( t\u0361\u0283\u028cnd\u032a\u027e\u028c\u02d0ja\u02d0n ); lit: Moon vehicle pronunciation ( help info ) ) was India 's first lunar probe. It was launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation in October 2008, and operated until August 2009. The mission included a lunar orbiter and an impactor. India launched the spacecraft using a PSLV - XL rocket, serial number C11, on 22 October 2008 at 00: 52 UTC from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, about 80 km ( 50 mi ) north of Chennai. Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee announced the project on course in his Independence Day speech on 15 August 2003. The mission was a major boost to India 's space program, as India researched and developed its own technology in order to explore the Moon. The vehicle was inserted into lunar orbit on 8 November 2008.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Olivia Hussey": [ { "question": "who played topanga's aunt on boy meets world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Olivia_Hussey&oldid=846179228", "q_uid": -8054886534238318411, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 1964 Drama 60 -- 67 Mrs. Ken 's daughter Episode: `` Studio ' 64 -- The Crunch '' 1977 Jesus of Nazareth Mary, mother of Jesus Miniseries 1978 The Bastard Alicia Miniseries 1984 The Last Days of Pompeii Ione Miniseries 1984 Murder, She Wrote Kitty Trumbull Episode: `` Sing a Song of Murder '' 1990 It Audra Phillips Denbrough Miniseries 1994 Lonesome Dove: The Series Olivia Jessup Episodes: `` Where the Heart Is '' `` Law and Order '' `` Firebrand '' Boy Meets World Aunt Prudence Curtis Episode: `` A Long Walk To Pittsburgh ( Part 2 ) '' 1998 Pinky and the Brain Queen ( Voice ) `` The Megalomaniacal Adventures of Brainie the Poo '', `` Melancholy Brain '' 1999 Superman: The Animated Series Talia ( Voice ) Episode: `` The Demon Reborn '' 2000 Batman Beyond `` Talia '' ( Voice ) Episode: `` Out of the Past ''", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played mary in the movie jesus of nazareth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Olivia_Hussey&oldid=814148259", "q_uid": -5946413971910301239, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1974, she appeared as the lead character, Jess, in the cult horror film Black Christmas. She would reunite with Zeffirelli in the miniseries Jesus of Nazareth ( 1977 ), as Mary, mother of Jesus, and appeared in John Guillermin 's Agatha Christie adaptation Death on the Nile ( 1978 ). She would appear in several international productions throughout the 1980s, including the Japanese production Virus ( 1980 ), and the Australian horror film Turkey Shoot ( 1982 ). In 1990, she appeared in two other horror productions: Psycho IV: The Beginning and Stephen King 's It.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Neil Patrick Harris": [ { "question": "barney in how i met your mother real name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=830931607", "q_uid": -4276169300998895309, "answers": { "long_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris ( born June 15, 1973 ) is an American actor, writer, producer, comedian, magician, and singer. He is known primarily for his comedy roles on television and his dramatic and musical stage roles. On television, he is known for playing the title character on Doogie Howser, M.D. ( 1989 -- 1993 ), Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother ( 2005 -- 2014, for which he was nominated for four Emmy Awards ), and Count Olaf on A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2017 -- ).", "short_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris (" } }, { "question": "what was neil patrick harris a doctor in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=810057689", "q_uid": -6876939847646447356, "answers": { "long_answer": "Beginning in 1989, Harris played the title role of a child prodigy doctor in Doogie Howser, M.D., for which he was nominated for a Golden Globe. After the show 's four - season run ended in 1993, Harris played a number of guest roles on television series, including Murder She Wrote. From 1999 to 2000, he starred with Tony Shalhoub in the NBC sitcom Stark Raving Mad, which lasted 22 episodes. He has played lead roles in a number of made - for - television features including Snowbound: The Jim and Jennifer Stolpa Story in 1994, My \u00c1ntonia in 1995, The Christmas Wish in 1998, Joan of Arc in 1999, The Wedding Dress in 2001, and The Christmas Blessing in 2005.", "short_answer": "Doogie Howser, M.D.," } }, { "question": "who plays barney stinson in how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=842721798", "q_uid": 4323635492687373220, "answers": { "long_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris ( born June 15, 1973 ) is an American actor, writer, producer, comedian, magician, and singer. He is known primarily for his comedy roles on television and his dramatic and musical stage roles. On television, he is known for playing the title character on Doogie Howser, M.D. ( 1989 -- 1993 ), Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother ( 2005 -- 2014, for which he was nominated for four Emmy Awards ), and Count Olaf on A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2017 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris (" } }, { "question": "who played barney in how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=800060049", "q_uid": 4373573298259010405, "answers": { "long_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris ( born June 15, 1973 ) is an American actor, comedian, magician, and singer, known primarily for his comedy roles on television and his dramatic and musical stage roles. On television, he is known for playing the title character on Doogie Howser, M.D. ( 1989 -- 1993 ), Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother ( 2005 -- 2014, for which he was nominated for four Emmy Awards ), and Count Olaf on A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2017 onward ).", "short_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris (" } }, { "question": "who played barney stinson in how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=806413833", "q_uid": 2884609522099269606, "answers": { "long_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris ( born June 15, 1973 ) is an American actor, comedian, magician, and singer, known primarily for his comedy roles on television and his dramatic and musical stage roles. On television, he is known for playing the title character on Doogie Howser, M.D. ( 1989 -- 1993 ), Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother ( 2005 -- 2014, for which he was nominated for four Emmy Awards ), and Count Olaf on A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2017 onward ).", "short_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris (" } }, { "question": "who does neil patrick harris play in the smurfs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=800060049", "q_uid": 4308140265752921546, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 1988 Clara 's Heart David Hart 1988 Purple People Eater Billy Johnson 1995 Animal Room Arnold Mosk 1997 Starship Troopers Carl Jenkins 1998 The Proposition Roger Martin 2000 Next Best Thing, The The Next Best Thing David 2002 The Mesmerist Benjamin 2002 Undercover Brother Lance Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle Neil Patrick Harris 2008 Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay Neil Patrick Harris 2008 Beyond All Boundaries 1st Lt. David Hettema ( voice ) Documentary 2008 Justice League: The New Frontier Barry Allen / The Flash ( voice ) Direct - to - DVD 2009 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Steve ( voice ) Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Lou the Beagle ( voice ) The Best and the Brightest Jeff Batman: Under the Red Hood Dick Grayson / Nightwing ( voice ) Direct - to - DVD 2011 Beastly Will Fratalli 2011 Smurfs, The The Smurfs Patrick Winslow 2011 Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas, AA Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas Neil Patrick Harris 2011 The Muppets Himself Cameo 2012 American Reunion Celebrity Dance - Off Host Cameo 2013 The Smurfs 2 Patrick Winslow 2013 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Steve the Monkey ( voice ) 2014 A Million Ways to Die in the West Foy 2014 Gone Girl Desi Collings 2017 Downsizing", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays barney from how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=856682199", "q_uid": 2414038462629594294, "answers": { "long_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris ( born June 15, 1973 ) is an American actor, writer, producer, comedian, magician, and singer. He is known primarily for his comedy roles on television and his dramatic and musical stage roles. On television, he is known for playing the title character on Doogie Howser, M.D. ( 1989 -- 1993 ), Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother ( 2005 -- 2014, for which he was nominated for four Emmy Awards ), and Count Olaf in A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2017 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris (" } }, { "question": "who does neil patrick harris voice in family guy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=835679962", "q_uid": 3930100535813555729, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 1988 Too Good to Be True Danny Harland Television film 1989 Hallmark Hall of Fame Lonnie Tibbetts Episode: `` Home Fires Burning '' 1989 B.L. Stryker Buder Campbell Episode: `` Blues for Buder '' 1989 Cold Sassy Tree Will Tweedy / Narrator Television film 1989 Home Fires Burning Lonnie Tibbits Television film 1989! 1989 -- 1993 Doogie Howser, M.D. Douglas `` Doogie '' Howser 97 episodes 1990 The Earth Day Special Doogie Howser Television film 1991 Stranger in the Family Steve Thompson Television film 1991 Blossom The `` Charming '' Derek Slade Episode: `` Blossom -- A Rockumentary '' 1991 Simpsons, The The Simpsons Himself as Bart Simpson ( voice ) Episode: `` Bart the Murderer '' 1992 Roseanne Dr. Doogie Howser Episode: `` Less Is More '' 1992 Captain Planet and the Planeteers Todd Andrews ( voice ) Episode: `` A Formula for Hate '' 1992 Capitol Critters Max ( voice ) 13 episodes 1993 Quantum Leap Mike Hammond Episode: `` Return of the Evil Leaper -- October 8, 1956 '' 1993 Murder, She Wrote Tommy Remsen Episode: `` Lone Witness '' 1993 Family Torn Apart, AA Family Torn Apart Brian Hannigan Television film Snowbound: The Jim and Jennifer Stolpa Story Jim Stolpa Television film 1995 The Man in the Attic Edward Broder Television film 1995 Not Our Son Paul Kenneth Keller Television film 1995 My Antonia Jimmy Burden Television film 1995 Legacy of Sin: The William Coit Story William Coit Television film Outer Limits, The The Outer Limits Howie Morrison Episode: `` From Within '' 1997 Homicide: Life on the Street Alan Schack Episode: `` Valentine 's Day '' 1998 The Christmas Wish Will Martin Television film 1999 Joan of Arc The Dauphin 2 episodes 1999! 1999 -- 2000 Stark Raving Mad Henry McNeeley 22 episodes 2000 Will & Grace Bill Episode: `` Girls, Interrupted '' 2001 Static Shock Johnny Morrow / Replay ( voice ) Episode: `` Replay '' 2001 Son of the Beach Loverboy Episode: `` Queefer Madness '' 2001 Legend of Tarzan, The The Legend of Tarzan Moyo ( voice ) Episode: `` Tarzan and the Challenger '' 2001 Ed Joe Baxter Episode: `` Replacements '' 2001 The Wedding Dress Travis Cleveland Television film 2002 Touched by an Angel Jonas Episode: `` The Princeless Bride '' 2002 Justice League Ray Thompson ( voice ) 2 episodes 2003 Boomtown Peter Corman Episode: `` Monster 's Brawl '' 2003 Spider - Man: The New Animated Series Peter Parker / Spider - Man ( voice ) 13 episodes Law & Order: Criminal Intent John Tagman Episode: `` Want '' 2005 Numb3rs Ethan Burdick Episode: `` Prime Suspect '' 2005 Jack & Bobby Prof. Preston Phelps Episode: `` Querida Grace '' 2005 Christmas Blessing, The The Christmas Blessing Nathan Andrews Television film 2005! 2005 -- 2014 How I Met Your Mother Barney Stinson 208 episodes; directed episode: `` Jenkins '' 2006 Me, Eloise ( voice ) Episode: `` Eloise Goes to School '' 2007! 2007 -- 2009 Family Guy Barney Stinson ( voice ) 2 episodes 2008 Sesame Street The Fairy Shoeperson Episode: `` Telly 's New Shoes '' 2009 Saturday Night Live Himself ( host ) Episode: `` Neil Patrick Harris / Taylor Swift '' 2009 Batman: The Brave and the Bold The Music Meister ( voice ) Episode: `` Mayhem of the Music Meister! '' 2009 Carrie Underwood: An All - Star Holiday Special Ace ( voice ) Television film 2009 -- 2012 Robot Chicken Various roles ( voice ) 3 episodes 2009 7th Annual TV Land Awards Himself ( host ) Television special 2009 63rd Tony Awards Himself ( host ) Television special 2009 61st Primetime Emmy Awards Himself ( host ) Television special 2009 Yes, Virginia Dr. Philip O'Hanlon ( voice ) Television special Glee Bryan Ryan Episode: `` Dream On '' 2010! 2010 -- 2015 Penguins of Madagascar, The The Penguins of Madagascar Dr. Blowhole ( voice ) 3 episodes 2010 Spike Video Game Awards Himself ( host ) Television special 2011 Take Two with Phineas and Ferb Himself 2 episodes 2011 Brain Games Narrator ( voice ) 3 episodes 2011! 2011 -- 2013 Adventure Time Prince Gumball ( voice ) 2 episodes 2011 65th Tony Awards Himself ( host ) Television special 2012 66th Tony Awards Himself ( host ) Television special 2013 67th Tony Awards Himself ( host ) Television special 2013 65th Primetime Emmy Awards Himself ( host ) Television special 2013 Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade Himself ( host ) Television special 2014 Under the Gunn Himself ( guest judge ) Episode: `` Finale '' 2014 RuPaul 's Drag Race Himself ( guest judge ) Episode: `` Drag My Wedding '' 2015 American Horror Story: Freak Show Chester Creb 2 episodes 2015 87th Academy Awards Himself ( host ) Television special 2015 Ant & Dec 's Saturday Night Takeaway Himself ( guest announcer ) Episode: `` 12.5 '' 2015 America 's Got Talent Himself ( guest judge ) Episode: `` Judge Cuts 1 '' 2015 Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris Himself ( host ) 8 episodes; also writer and executive producer 2017 -- present A Series of Unfortunate Events Count Olaf Also producer 2017 Mystery Science Theater 3000 Neville LaRoy Episode: `` Avalanche '' 2017 Jimmy Kimmel Live Himself ( host ) Episode: `` December 6, 2017 '' 2018 Genius Junior Himself ( host ) Also executive producer", "short_answer": "Barney Stinson (" } }, { "question": "actor who played barney stinson in tvs how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=818266634", "q_uid": -3006864289261491912, "answers": { "long_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris ( born June 15, 1973 ) is an American actor, comedian, magician, and singer, known primarily for his comedy roles on television and his dramatic and musical stage roles. On television, he is known for playing the title character on Doogie Howser, M.D. ( 1989 -- 1993 ), Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother ( 2005 -- 2014, for which he was nominated for four Emmy Awards ), and Count Olaf on A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2017 -- ).", "short_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris (" } }, { "question": "who played barney on how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Neil_Patrick_Harris&oldid=800060049", "q_uid": -1510678934932086478, "answers": { "long_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris ( born June 15, 1973 ) is an American actor, comedian, magician, and singer, known primarily for his comedy roles on television and his dramatic and musical stage roles. On television, he is known for playing the title character on Doogie Howser, M.D. ( 1989 -- 1993 ), Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother ( 2005 -- 2014, for which he was nominated for four Emmy Awards ), and Count Olaf on A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2017 onward ).", "short_answer": "Neil Patrick Harris (" } } ], "David Bailie": [ { "question": "who played cotton in pirates of the caribbean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=David_Bailie&oldid=836217688", "q_uid": -465955249487706277, "answers": { "long_answer": "David Bailie ( born 4 December 1937 ) is an English actor, known for his performances on stage, television and film. In the 1960s and 1970s he worked for both the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company, where he was an associate artist. On TV he played `` Dask '' in the 1977 Doctor Who serial The Robots of Death, and also appeared in Blake 's 7. On film, he played the mute pirate Cotton in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Bailie is also a professional photographer, specialising in portrait photography. He has a studio in West Kensington, London.", "short_answer": "David Bailie (" } } ], "List of Stanley Cup champions": [ { "question": "who has won 3 stanley cups in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=806099230", "q_uid": 3704201446289964320, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Winning team Coach Losing team Playoff format Score Winning goal March 17, 1893 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) 1893 AHAC champions, no challengers March 22, 1894 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Ottawa HC ( AHAC ) Single - elimination ( 1894 AHAC championship playoff ) 3 -- 1 Billy Barlow ( 9: 00, third qtr ) March 9, 1895 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1895 AHAC Champion March 9, 1895 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 5 -- 1 February 14, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Single - elimination 2 -- 0 Jack Armytage ( 10: 00, first half ) February 29, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) 1896 MHA champion December 30, 1896 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 5 Ernie McLea ( 28: 00, second half ) March 6, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1897 AHAC Champion December 27, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Ottawa Capitals ( CCHA ) Single - elimination 15 -- 2 March 5, 1898 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Frank Richardson - playing 1898 AHAC Champion February 15 -- 18, 1899 Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Frank Richardson - Playing Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Two - game total goals 5 -- 3 Robert MacDougall ( second half ) March 4, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1899 CAHL Champion March 14, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 2 Harry Trihey February 12 -- 15, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Harry Trihey ( second half ) March 7, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Halifax Crescents ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Joe McKenna March 10, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1900 CAHL Champion January 29 -- 31, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Dan Bain ( 4: 00, OT ) February 19, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Winnipeg HC ( MHA ) Single - elimination ( 1901 MHA championship ) 4 -- 3 January 21 -- 23, 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Toronto Wellingtons ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Fred Scanlon ( 9: 00, second half ) March 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) 1902 MHA Champion March 13 -- 17, 1902 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) Clarence McKerrow Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Jack Marshall ( first half ) January 29 -- 31, February 2 -- 4, 1903 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) D. Browne Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Tom Phillips March 7 -- 10, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Two - game total goals ( 1903 CAHL championship playoff ) 9 -- 1 Suddy Gilmour ( 4: 34, first half, second game ) March 12 -- 14, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Rat Portage Thistles ( MNWHA ) Two - game total goals 10 -- 4 Frank McGee ( 8: 20, first half ) December 30, 1903, January 1 -- 4, 1904 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Winnipeg Rowing Club ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee ( 11: 00, second half ) February 23 -- 25, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Toronto Marlboros ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Arthur Moore ( 9: 38, first half ) March 2, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Montreal Wanderers ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals March 9 -- 11, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Brandon Wheat Cities ( MNWHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 18: 00, first half ) January 13 -- 16, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Dawson City Nuggets Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harry Westwick ( 12: 15, first half ) March 3, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing 1905 FAHL Champion March 7 -- 9 -- 11, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Rat Portage Thistles ( MHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee February 27 -- 28, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Queen 's University ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harvey Pulford ( 10: 00, second half ) March 6 -- 8, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Smiths Falls HC ( FAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 17: 45, first half ) March 14 -- 17, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1906 ECAHA championship playoff ) 12 -- 10 Lester Patrick December 27 -- 29, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing New Glasgow Cubs ( MaHL ) Two - game total goals 17 -- 5 January 21 -- 23, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Roxy Beaudro March 16 -- 18, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Brandon Wheat Cities ( MPHL ) Best - of - three ( 1907 MPHL championship ) 2 -- 0 Fred Whitcroft ( 19: 00, first half ) March 23 -- 25, 1907 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Lester Patrick ( capt. ) Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson January 9 -- 13, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Ottawa Victorias ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals 22 -- 4 Frank Glass ( 25: 00, first half, first game ) March 7, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) 1908 ECAHA Champions March 10 -- 12, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Winnipeg Maple Leafs ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 8 March 14, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Toronto ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 6 -- 4 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson December 28 -- 30, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 13 -- 10 Walter Smaill ( 33: 45, second half, second game ) March 6, 1909 Ottawa HC ( ECHA ) Pete Green 1909 ECHA champions January 5 -- 7, 1910 Ottawa HC ( CHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Two - game total goals 15 -- 4 Hamby Shore ( 10: 10, first half, first game ) January 18 -- 20, 1910 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 21 -- 11 Bruce Stuart ( 23: 45, first half ) March 9, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) 1910 NHA Champion March 12, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) Berlin Dutchmen ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 3 Harry Hyland ( 22: 00, first half ) March 10, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green 1911 NHA Champions March 13, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 5: 00, third ) March 16, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Port Arthur Bearcats ( New Ontario Hockey League ) Single - elimination 13 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 4: 30, second ) March 5, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan 1912 NHA Champions March 11 -- 13, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan Moncton Victorias ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Joe Malone ( 18: 00, first ) March 5, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) 1913 NHA Champions March 8 -- 10, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) Sydney Millionaires ( MaPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 5 Tommy Smith ( 3: 10, second, first game ) March 7 -- 11, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Montreal Canadiens ( NHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1914 NHA championship playoff ) 6 -- 2 Scotty Davidson ( 2: 00, third, second game ) March 14 -- 17 -- 19, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Victoria Aristocrats ( PCHA ) Best - of - five 3 -- 0 Harry Cameron ( 7: 00, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time a canadian team was in the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=843555537", "q_uid": 2489221157478585457, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third )", "short_answer": "1993" } }, { "question": "who has won the most stanley cups in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=832559298", "q_uid": -777070333248669197, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Losing team Coach Games Winning goal Conn Smythe Trophy 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 -- 2 Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard 3 -- 2 Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick 2 -- 0 Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 2 Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 0 Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 2 Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross 4 -- 0 Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson 4 -- 0 Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper 4 -- 1 Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 3 Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 1 Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 1 Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 1 Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 2 Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 0 Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 1 Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 3 Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) Jean Beliveau 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) Roger Crozier 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) Dave Keon 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) Glenn Hall 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) Serge Savard 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) Bobby Orr 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) Ken Dryden 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis 4 -- 2 Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) Bobby Orr 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 2 Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Yvan Cournoyer Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin 4 -- 2 Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Bernie Parent Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith 4 -- 2 Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) Bernie Parent 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 0 Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) Reggie Leach 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 0 Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) Guy Lafleur 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 2 Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) Larry Robinson 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 1 Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) Bob Gainey 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 2 Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) Bryan Trottier 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor 4 -- 1 Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) Butch Goring 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) Mike Bossy New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) Billy Smith 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) Mark Messier 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 1 Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) Wayne Gretzky 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 1 Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Patrick Roy Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) Ron Hextall 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly 4 -- 0 Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) Wayne Gretzky 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 2 Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) Al MacInnis 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury 4 -- 1 Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) Bill Ranford 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey 4 -- 2 Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) Mario Lemieux 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 0 Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) Mario Lemieux 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose 4 -- 1 Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) Patrick Roy 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 3 Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) Brian Leetch 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Claude Lemieux Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean 4 -- 0 Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) Joe Sakic 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray 4 -- 0 Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) Mike Vernon 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson 4 -- 0 Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) Steve Yzerman 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff 4 -- 2 Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) Joe Nieuwendyk 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) Scott Stevens 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 3 Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) Patrick Roy 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice 4 -- 1 Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) Nicklas Lidstrom 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Jean - Sebastien Giguere Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 3 Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) Brad Richards 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish 4 -- 3 Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) Cam Ward 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray 4 -- 1 Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) Scott Niedermayer 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien 4 -- 2 Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) Henrik Zetterberg 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Evgeni Malkin Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) Jonathan Toews 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 3 Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) Tim Thomas 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) Jonathan Quick 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 2 Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) Patrick Kane 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 1 Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) Justin Williams 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper 4 -- 2 Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) Duncan Keith 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) Sidney Crosby 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) Sidney Crosby", "short_answer": "Toronto Maple Leafs (" } }, { "question": "who won most stanley cups in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=854926447", "q_uid": 8702191688678471576, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "Montreal Canadiens (" } }, { "question": "last canadian nhl team in stanley cup final", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=848775492", "q_uid": 8340858504667523352, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the stanley cup 3 years in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=846562737", "q_uid": -4406731912106063351, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Winning team Coach Losing team Playoff format Score Winning goal March 17, 1893 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) 1893 AHAC champions, no challengers March 22, 1894 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Ottawa HC ( AHAC ) Single - elimination ( 1894 AHAC championship playoff ) 3 -- 1 Billy Barlow ( 9: 00, third qtr ) March 9, 1895 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1895 AHAC Champion March 9, 1895 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 5 -- 1 February 14, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Single - elimination 2 -- 0 Jack Armytage ( 10: 00, first half ) February 29, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) 1896 MHA champion December 30, 1896 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 5 Ernie McLea ( 28: 00, second half ) March 6, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1897 AHAC Champion December 27, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Ottawa Capitals ( CCHA ) Single - elimination 15 -- 2 March 5, 1898 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Frank Richardson - playing 1898 AHAC Champion February 15 -- 18, 1899 Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Frank Richardson - Playing Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Two - game total goals 5 -- 3 Robert MacDougall ( second half ) March 4, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1899 CAHL Champion March 14, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 2 Harry Trihey February 12 -- 15, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Harry Trihey ( second half ) March 7, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Halifax Crescents ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 ( 10 -- 2, 11 -- 0 ) March 10, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1900 CAHL Champion January 29 -- 31, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Dan Bain ( 4: 00, OT ) February 19, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Winnipeg HC ( MHA ) Single - elimination ( 1901 MHA championship ) 4 -- 3 January 21 -- 23, 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Toronto Wellingtons ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Fred Scanlon ( 9: 00, second half ) March 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) 1902 MHA Champion March 13 -- 17, 1902 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) Clarence McKerrow Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Jack Marshall ( first half ) January 29 -- 31, February 2 -- 4, 1903 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) Desse Browne Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Tom Phillips March 7 -- 10, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Two - game total goals ( 1903 CAHL championship playoff ) 9 -- 1 Suddy Gilmour ( 4: 34, first half, second game ) March 12 -- 14, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Rat Portage Thistles ( MNWHA ) Two - game total goals 10 -- 4 Frank McGee ( 8: 20, first half ) December 30, 1903, January 1 -- 4, 1904 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Winnipeg Rowing Club ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee ( 11: 00, second half ) February 23 -- 25, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Toronto Marlboros ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Arthur Moore ( 9: 38, first half ) March 2, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Montreal Wanderers ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals March 9 -- 11, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Brandon Wheat Cities ( MNWHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 18: 00, first half ) January 13 -- 16, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Dawson City Nuggets Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harry Westwick ( 12: 15, first half ) March 3, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing 1905 FAHL Champion March 7 -- 9 -- 11, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Rat Portage Thistles ( MHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee February 27 -- 28, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Queen 's University ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harvey Pulford ( 10: 00, second half ) March 6 -- 8, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Smiths Falls HC ( FAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 17: 45, first half ) March 14 -- 17, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1906 ECAHA championship playoff ) 12 -- 10 Lester Patrick December 27 -- 29, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing New Glasgow Cubs ( MaHL ) Two - game total goals 17 -- 5 January 21 -- 23, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Roxy Beaudro March 16 -- 18, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Brandon Wheat Cities ( MPHL ) Best - of - three ( 1907 MPHL championship ) 2 -- 0 Fred Whitcroft ( 19: 00, first half ) March 23 -- 25, 1907 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Lester Patrick ( capt. ) Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson January 9 -- 13, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Ottawa Victorias ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals 22 -- 4 Frank Glass ( 25: 00, first half, first game ) March 7, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) 1908 ECAHA Champions March 10 -- 12, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Winnipeg Maple Leafs ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 8 March 14, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Toronto ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 6 -- 4 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson December 28 -- 30, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 13 -- 10 Walter Smaill ( 33: 45, second half, second game ) March 6, 1909 Ottawa HC ( ECHA ) Pete Green 1909 ECHA champions January 5 -- 7, 1910 Ottawa HC ( CHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Two - game total goals 15 -- 4 Hamby Shore ( 10: 10, first half, first game ) January 18 -- 20, 1910 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 21 -- 11 Bruce Stuart ( 23: 45, first half ) March 9, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) 1910 NHA Champion March 12, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) Berlin Dutchmen ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 3 Harry Hyland ( 22: 00, first half ) March 10, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green 1911 NHA Champions March 13, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 5: 00, third ) March 16, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Port Arthur Bearcats ( New Ontario Hockey League ) Single - elimination 13 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 4: 30, second ) March 5, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan 1912 NHA Champions March 11 -- 13, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan Moncton Victorias ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Joe Malone ( 18: 00, first ) March 5, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) 1913 NHA Champions March 8 -- 10, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) Sydney Millionaires ( MaPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 5 Tommy Smith ( 3: 10, second, first game ) March 7 -- 11, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Montreal Canadiens ( NHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1914 NHA championship playoff ) 6 -- 2 Scotty Davidson ( 2: 00, third, second game ) March 14 -- 17 -- 19, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Victoria Aristocrats ( PCHA ) Best - of - five 3 -- 0 Harry Cameron ( 7: 00, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the most stanley cup playoffs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=801441560", "q_uid": -5519107805806701291, "answers": { "long_answer": "Apps Team Wins Losses Win % Years of appearance ( in Stanley Cup Finals ) 7001340000000000000 \u2660 34 Montreal Canadiens 7001240000000000000 \u2660 24 7000900000000000000 \u2660 9. 727 1916, 1917, 1919, 1924, 1925, 1930, 1931, 1944, 1946, 1947, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1986, 1989, 1993 7001240000000000000 \u2660 24 Detroit Red Wings 7001110000000000000 \u2660 11 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13. 458 1934, 1936, 1937, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2008, 2009 7001210000000000000 \u2660 21 Toronto Maple Leafs 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8. 619 1918, 1922, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1967 7001190000000000000 \u2660 19 Boston Bruins 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13. 316 1927, 1929, 1930, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1953, 1957, 1958, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1988, 1990, 2011, 2013 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13 Chicago Blackhawks 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7. 462 1931, 1934, 1938, 1944, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1971, 1973, 1992, 2010, 2013, 2015 7001110000000000000 \u2660 11 New York Rangers 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7. 364 1928, 1929, 1932, 1933, 1937, 1940, 1950, 1972, 1979, 1994, 2014 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Philadelphia Flyers 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6. 250 1974, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1997, 2010 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Edmonton Oilers 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 714 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 2006 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Pittsburgh Penguins 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 833 1991, 1992, 2008, 2009, 2016, 2017 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 New York Islanders 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 800 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 New Jersey Devils 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 600 1995, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2012 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Dallas Stars 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3. 250 1981, 1991, 1999, 2000 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Los Angeles Kings 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 667 1993, 2012, 2014 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Calgary Flames 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 333 1986, 1989, 2004 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 St. Louis Blues 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3. 000 1968, 1969, 1970 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Vancouver Canucks 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3. 000 1982, 1994, 2011 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Colorado Avalanche 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 1.000 1996, 2001 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Anaheim Ducks 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 2003, 2007 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Carolina Hurricanes 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 2002, 2006 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Tampa Bay Lightning 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 2004, 2015 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Buffalo Sabres 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 000 1975, 1999 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Florida Panthers 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Nashville Predators 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2017 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Ottawa Senators 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2007 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 San Jose Sharks 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2016 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Washington Capitals 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 1998", "short_answer": "Montreal Canadiens" } }, { "question": "who won the last two stanley cups in the nhl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=846562737", "q_uid": -2356137040752315508, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the stanley cup in the 1980s", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=854048556", "q_uid": -3641537658993747241, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did the montreal canadiens win the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=826563262", "q_uid": -6034505225759426854, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Losing team Coach Games Winning goal Conn Smythe Trophy 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 -- 2 Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard 3 -- 2 Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick 2 -- 0 Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 2 Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 0 Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 2 Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross 4 -- 0 Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson 4 -- 0 Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper 4 -- 1 Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 3 Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 1 Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 1 Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 1 Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 2 Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 0 Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 1 Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 3 Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) Jean Beliveau 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) Roger Crozier 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) Dave Keon 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) Glenn Hall 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) Serge Savard 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) Bobby Orr 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) Ken Dryden 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis 4 -- 2 Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) Bobby Orr 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 2 Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Yvan Cournoyer Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin 4 -- 2 Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Bernie Parent Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith 4 -- 2 Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) Bernie Parent 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 0 Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) Reggie Leach 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 0 Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) Guy Lafleur 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 2 Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) Larry Robinson 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 1 Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) Bob Gainey 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 2 Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) Bryan Trottier 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor 4 -- 1 Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) Butch Goring 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) Mike Bossy New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) Billy Smith 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) Mark Messier 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 1 Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) Wayne Gretzky 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 1 Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Patrick Roy Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) Ron Hextall 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly 4 -- 0 Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) Wayne Gretzky 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 2 Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) Al MacInnis 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury 4 -- 1 Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) Bill Ranford 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey 4 -- 2 Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) Mario Lemieux 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 0 Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) Mario Lemieux 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose 4 -- 1 Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) Patrick Roy 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 3 Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) Brian Leetch 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Claude Lemieux Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean 4 -- 0 Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) Joe Sakic 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray 4 -- 0 Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) Mike Vernon 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson 4 -- 0 Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) Steve Yzerman 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff 4 -- 2 Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) Joe Nieuwendyk 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) Scott Stevens 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 3 Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) Patrick Roy 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice 4 -- 1 Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) Nicklas Lidstrom 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Jean - Sebastien Giguere Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 3 Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) Brad Richards 2005 Season cancelled due to 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish 4 -- 3 Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) Cam Ward 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray 4 -- 1 Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) Scott Niedermayer 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien 4 -- 2 Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) Henrik Zetterberg 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Evgeni Malkin Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) Jonathan Toews 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 3 Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) Tim Thomas 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) Jonathan Quick 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 2 Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) Patrick Kane 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 1 Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) Justin Williams 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper 4 -- 2 Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) Duncan Keith 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) Sidney Crosby 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) Sidney Crosby", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the caps won the stanly cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=854926447", "q_uid": -5214121724099721532, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "2018" } }, { "question": "when was the last time a team won 3 stanley cups in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=839078453", "q_uid": -3333242859230922386, "answers": { "long_answer": "Apps Team Wins Losses Win % Years of appearance ( in Stanley Cup Finals ) 7001340000000000000 \u2660 34 Montreal Canadiens 7001240000000000000 \u2660 24 7000900000000000000 \u2660 9. 727 1916, 1917, 1919, 1924, 1925, 1930, 1931, 1944, 1946, 1947, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1986, 1989, 1993 7001240000000000000 \u2660 24 Detroit Red Wings 7001110000000000000 \u2660 11 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13. 458 1934, 1936, 1937, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2008, 2009 7001210000000000000 \u2660 21 Toronto Maple Leafs 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8. 619 1918, 1922, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1967 7001190000000000000 \u2660 19 Boston Bruins 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13. 316 1927, 1929, 1930, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1953, 1957, 1958, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1988, 1990, 2011, 2013 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13 Chicago Blackhawks 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7. 462 1931, 1934, 1938, 1944, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1971, 1973, 1992, 2010, 2013, 2015 7001110000000000000 \u2660 11 New York Rangers 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7. 364 1928, 1929, 1932, 1933, 1937, 1940, 1950, 1972, 1979, 1994, 2014 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Philadelphia Flyers 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6. 250 1974, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1997, 2010 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Edmonton Oilers 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 714 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 2006 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Pittsburgh Penguins 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 833 1991, 1992, 2008, 2009, 2016, 2017 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 New York Islanders 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 800 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 New Jersey Devils 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 600 1995, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2012 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Dallas Stars 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3. 250 1981, 1991, 1999, 2000 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Los Angeles Kings 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 667 1993, 2012, 2014 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Calgary Flames 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 333 1986, 1989, 2004 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 St. Louis Blues 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3. 000 1968, 1969, 1970 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Vancouver Canucks 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3. 000 1982, 1994, 2011 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Colorado Avalanche 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 1.000 1996, 2001 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Anaheim Ducks 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 2003, 2007 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Carolina Hurricanes 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 2002, 2006 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Tampa Bay Lightning 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 2004, 2015 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Buffalo Sabres 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 000 1975, 1999 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Florida Panthers 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Nashville Predators 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2017 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Ottawa Senators 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2007 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 San Jose Sharks 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2016 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Washington Capitals 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 1998", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won 5 stanley cups in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=843555537", "q_uid": -5569103573171203932, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third )", "short_answer": "Montreal Canadiens (" } }, { "question": "whens the last time a canadian team won the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=802560163", "q_uid": 4048376489643684514, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Losing team Coach Games Winning goal Conn Smythe Trophy Winner 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 -- 2 Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard 3 -- 2 Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick 2 -- 0 Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 2 Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 0 Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 2 Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross 4 -- 0 Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson 4 -- 0 Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper 4 -- 1 Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 3 Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 1 Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 1 Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 1 Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 2 Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 0 Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 1 Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 3 Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) Jean Beliveau 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) Roger Crozier 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) Dave Keon 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) Glenn Hall 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) Serge Savard 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) Bobby Orr 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) Ken Dryden 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis 4 -- 2 Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) Bobby Orr 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 2 Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Yvan Cournoyer Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin 4 -- 2 Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Bernie Parent Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith 4 -- 2 Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) Bernie Parent 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 0 Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) Reggie Leach 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 0 Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) Guy Lafleur 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 2 Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) Larry Robinson 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 1 Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) Bob Gainey 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 2 Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) Bryan Trottier 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor 4 -- 1 Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) Butch Goring 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) Mike Bossy New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) Billy Smith 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) Mark Messier 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 1 Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) Wayne Gretzky 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 1 Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Patrick Roy Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) Ron Hextall 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly 4 -- 0 Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) Wayne Gretzky 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 2 Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) Al MacInnis 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury 4 -- 1 Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) Bill Ranford 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey 4 -- 2 Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) Mario Lemieux 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 0 Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) Mario Lemieux 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose 4 -- 1 Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) Patrick Roy 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 3 Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) Brian Leetch 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Claude Lemieux Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean 4 -- 0 Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) Joe Sakic 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray 4 -- 0 Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) Mike Vernon 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson 4 -- 0 Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) Steve Yzerman 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff 4 -- 2 Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) Joe Nieuwendyk 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) Scott Stevens 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 3 Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) Patrick Roy 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice 4 -- 1 Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) Nicklas Lidstrom 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Jean - Sebastien Giguere Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 3 Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) Brad Richards 2005 Season cancelled due to 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish 4 -- 3 Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) Cam Ward 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray 4 -- 1 Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) Scott Niedermayer 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien 4 -- 2 Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) Henrik Zetterberg 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Evgeni Malkin Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) Jonathan Toews 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 3 Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) Tim Thomas 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) Jonathan Quick 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 2 Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) Patrick Kane 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 1 Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) Justin Williams 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper 4 -- 2 Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) Duncan Keith 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) Sidney Crosby 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patric H\u00f6rnqvist ( 18: 25, third ) Sidney Crosby", "short_answer": "1993" } }, { "question": "who won the stanley cup in the last 5 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=843555537", "q_uid": -5680361475603644003, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Winning team Coach Losing team Playoff format Score Winning goal March 17, 1893 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) 1893 AHAC champions, no challengers March 22, 1894 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Ottawa HC ( AHAC ) Single - elimination ( 1894 AHAC championship playoff ) 3 -- 1 Billy Barlow ( 9: 00, third qtr ) March 9, 1895 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1895 AHAC Champion March 9, 1895 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 5 -- 1 February 14, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Single - elimination 2 -- 0 Jack Armytage ( 10: 00, first half ) February 29, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) 1896 MHA champion December 30, 1896 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 5 Ernie McLea ( 28: 00, second half ) March 6, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1897 AHAC Champion December 27, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Ottawa Capitals ( CCHA ) Single - elimination 15 -- 2 March 5, 1898 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Frank Richardson - playing 1898 AHAC Champion February 15 -- 18, 1899 Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Frank Richardson - Playing Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Two - game total goals 5 -- 3 Robert MacDougall ( second half ) March 4, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1899 CAHL Champion March 14, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 2 Harry Trihey February 12 -- 15, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Harry Trihey ( second half ) March 7, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Halifax Crescents ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 ( 10 -- 2, 11 -- 0 ) March 10, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1900 CAHL Champion January 29 -- 31, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Dan Bain ( 4: 00, OT ) February 19, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Winnipeg HC ( MHA ) Single - elimination ( 1901 MHA championship ) 4 -- 3 January 21 -- 23, 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Toronto Wellingtons ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Fred Scanlon ( 9: 00, second half ) March 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) 1902 MHA Champion March 13 -- 17, 1902 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) Clarence McKerrow Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Jack Marshall ( first half ) January 29 -- 31, February 2 -- 4, 1903 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) Desse Browne Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Tom Phillips March 7 -- 10, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Two - game total goals ( 1903 CAHL championship playoff ) 9 -- 1 Suddy Gilmour ( 4: 34, first half, second game ) March 12 -- 14, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Rat Portage Thistles ( MNWHA ) Two - game total goals 10 -- 4 Frank McGee ( 8: 20, first half ) December 30, 1903, January 1 -- 4, 1904 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Winnipeg Rowing Club ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee ( 11: 00, second half ) February 23 -- 25, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Toronto Marlboros ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Arthur Moore ( 9: 38, first half ) March 2, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Montreal Wanderers ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals March 9 -- 11, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Brandon Wheat Cities ( MNWHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 18: 00, first half ) January 13 -- 16, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Dawson City Nuggets Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harry Westwick ( 12: 15, first half ) March 3, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing 1905 FAHL Champion March 7 -- 9 -- 11, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Rat Portage Thistles ( MHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee February 27 -- 28, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Queen 's University ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harvey Pulford ( 10: 00, second half ) March 6 -- 8, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Smiths Falls HC ( FAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 17: 45, first half ) March 14 -- 17, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1906 ECAHA championship playoff ) 12 -- 10 Lester Patrick December 27 -- 29, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing New Glasgow Cubs ( MaHL ) Two - game total goals 17 -- 5 January 21 -- 23, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Roxy Beaudro March 16 -- 18, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Brandon Wheat Cities ( MPHL ) Best - of - three ( 1907 MPHL championship ) 2 -- 0 Fred Whitcroft ( 19: 00, first half ) March 23 -- 25, 1907 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Lester Patrick ( capt. ) Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson January 9 -- 13, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Ottawa Victorias ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals 22 -- 4 Frank Glass ( 25: 00, first half, first game ) March 7, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) 1908 ECAHA Champions March 10 -- 12, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Winnipeg Maple Leafs ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 8 March 14, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Toronto ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 6 -- 4 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson December 28 -- 30, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 13 -- 10 Walter Smaill ( 33: 45, second half, second game ) March 6, 1909 Ottawa HC ( ECHA ) Pete Green 1909 ECHA champions January 5 -- 7, 1910 Ottawa HC ( CHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Two - game total goals 15 -- 4 Hamby Shore ( 10: 10, first half, first game ) January 18 -- 20, 1910 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 21 -- 11 Bruce Stuart ( 23: 45, first half ) March 9, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) 1910 NHA Champion March 12, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) Berlin Dutchmen ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 3 Harry Hyland ( 22: 00, first half ) March 10, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green 1911 NHA Champions March 13, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 5: 00, third ) March 16, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Port Arthur Bearcats ( New Ontario Hockey League ) Single - elimination 13 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 4: 30, second ) March 5, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan 1912 NHA Champions March 11 -- 13, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan Moncton Victorias ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Joe Malone ( 18: 00, first ) March 5, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) 1913 NHA Champions March 8 -- 10, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) Sydney Millionaires ( MaPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 5 Tommy Smith ( 3: 10, second, first game ) March 7 -- 11, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Montreal Canadiens ( NHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1914 NHA championship playoff ) 6 -- 2 Scotty Davidson ( 2: 00, third, second game ) March 14 -- 17 -- 19, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Victoria Aristocrats ( PCHA ) Best - of - five 3 -- 0 Harry Cameron ( 7: 00, third )", "short_answer": "Toronto Hockey Club (" } }, { "question": "when was the last time a canadian team win the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=854926447", "q_uid": 5156893045039967622, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "1993" } }, { "question": "last team to win stanley cup three times in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=801441560", "q_uid": -7044379977462469400, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Winning team Coach Losing team Playoff format Score Winning goal March 17, 1893 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) 1893 AHAC champions, no challengers March 22, 1894 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Ottawa HC ( AHAC ) Single - elimination ( 1894 AHAC championship playoff ) 3 -- 1 Billy Barlow ( 9: 00, third qtr ) March 9, 1895 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1895 AHAC Champion March 9, 1895 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 5 -- 1 February 14, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Single - elimination 2 -- 0 Jack Armytage ( 10: 00, first half ) February 29, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) 1896 MHA champion December 30, 1896 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 5 Ernie McLea ( 28: 00, second half ) March 6, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1897 AHAC Champion December 27, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Ottawa Capitals ( CCHA ) Single - elimination 15 -- 2 March 5, 1898 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Frank Richardson - playing 1898 AHAC Champion February 15 -- 18, 1899 Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Frank Richardson - Playing Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Two - game total goals 5 -- 3 Robert MacDougall ( second half ) March 4, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1899 CAHL Champion March 14, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 2 Harry Trihey February 12 -- 15, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Harry Trihey ( second half ) March 7, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Halifax Crescents ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Joe McKenna March 10, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1900 CAHL Champion January 29 -- 31, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Dan Bain ( 4: 00, OT ) February 19, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Winnipeg HC ( MHA ) Single - elimination ( 1901 MHA championship ) 4 -- 3 January 21 -- 23, 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Toronto Wellingtons ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Fred Scanlon ( 9: 00, second half ) March 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) 1902 MHA Champion March 13 -- 17, 1902 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) Clarence McKerrow Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Jack Marshall ( first half ) January 29 -- 31, February 2 -- 4, 1903 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) D. Browne Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Tom Phillips March 7 -- 10, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Two - game total goals ( 1903 CAHL championship playoff ) 9 -- 1 Suddy Gilmour ( 4: 34, first half, second game ) March 12 -- 14, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Rat Portage Thistles ( MNWHA ) Two - game total goals 10 -- 4 Frank McGee ( 8: 20, first half ) December 30, 1903, January 1 -- 4, 1904 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Winnipeg Rowing Club ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee ( 11: 00, second half ) February 23 -- 25, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Toronto Marlboros ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Arthur Moore ( 9: 38, first half ) March 2, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Montreal Wanderers ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals March 9 -- 11, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Brandon Wheat Cities ( MNWHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 18: 00, first half ) January 13 -- 16, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Dawson City Nuggets Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harry Westwick ( 12: 15, first half ) March 3, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing 1905 FAHL Champion March 7 -- 9 -- 11, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Rat Portage Thistles ( MHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee February 27 -- 28, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Queen 's University ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harvey Pulford ( 10: 00, second half ) March 6 -- 8, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Smiths Falls HC ( FAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 17: 45, first half ) March 14 -- 17, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1906 ECAHA championship playoff ) 12 -- 10 Lester Patrick December 27 -- 29, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing New Glasgow Cubs ( MaHL ) Two - game total goals 17 -- 5 January 21 -- 23, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Roxy Beaudro March 16 -- 18, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Brandon Wheat Cities ( MPHL ) Best - of - three ( 1907 MPHL championship ) 2 -- 0 Fred Whitcroft ( 19: 00, first half ) March 23 -- 25, 1907 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Lester Patrick ( capt. ) Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson January 9 -- 13, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Ottawa Victorias ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals 22 -- 4 Frank Glass ( 25: 00, first half, first game ) March 7, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) 1908 ECAHA Champions March 10 -- 12, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Winnipeg Maple Leafs ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 8 March 14, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Toronto ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 6 -- 4 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson December 28 -- 30, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 13 -- 10 Walter Smaill ( 33: 45, second half, second game ) March 6, 1909 Ottawa HC ( ECHA ) Pete Green 1909 ECHA champions January 5 -- 7, 1910 Ottawa HC ( CHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Two - game total goals 15 -- 4 Hamby Shore ( 10: 10, first half, first game ) January 18 -- 20, 1910 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 21 -- 11 Bruce Stuart ( 23: 45, first half ) March 9, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) 1910 NHA Champion March 12, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) Berlin Dutchmen ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 3 Harry Hyland ( 22: 00, first half ) March 10, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green 1911 NHA Champions March 13, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 5: 00, third ) March 16, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Port Arthur Bearcats ( New Ontario Hockey League ) Single - elimination 13 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 4: 30, second ) March 5, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan 1912 NHA Champions March 11 -- 13, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan Moncton Victorias ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Joe Malone ( 18: 00, first ) March 5, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) 1913 NHA Champions March 8 -- 10, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) Sydney Millionaires ( MaPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 5 Tommy Smith ( 3: 10, second, first game ) March 7 -- 11, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Montreal Canadiens ( NHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1914 NHA championship playoff ) 6 -- 2 Scotty Davidson ( 2: 00, third, second game ) March 14 -- 17 -- 19, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Victoria Aristocrats ( PCHA ) Best - of - five 3 -- 0 Harry Cameron ( 7: 00, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "last nhl team to win back to back cups", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=804328847", "q_uid": -4762466824026993723, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Losing team Coach Games Winning goal Conn Smythe Trophy Winner 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 -- 2 Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard 3 -- 2 Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick 2 -- 0 Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 2 Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 0 Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 2 Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross 4 -- 0 Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson 4 -- 0 Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper 4 -- 1 Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 3 Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 1 Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 1 Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 1 Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 2 Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 0 Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 1 Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 3 Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) Jean Beliveau 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) Roger Crozier 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) Dave Keon 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) Glenn Hall 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) Serge Savard 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) Bobby Orr 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) Ken Dryden 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis 4 -- 2 Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) Bobby Orr 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 2 Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Yvan Cournoyer Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin 4 -- 2 Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Bernie Parent Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith 4 -- 2 Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) Bernie Parent 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 0 Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) Reggie Leach 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 0 Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) Guy Lafleur 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 2 Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) Larry Robinson 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 1 Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) Bob Gainey 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 2 Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) Bryan Trottier 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor 4 -- 1 Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) Butch Goring 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) Mike Bossy New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) Billy Smith 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) Mark Messier 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 1 Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) Wayne Gretzky 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 1 Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Patrick Roy Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) Ron Hextall 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly 4 -- 0 Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) Wayne Gretzky 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 2 Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) Al MacInnis 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury 4 -- 1 Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) Bill Ranford 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey 4 -- 2 Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) Mario Lemieux 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 0 Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) Mario Lemieux 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose 4 -- 1 Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) Patrick Roy 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 3 Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) Brian Leetch 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Claude Lemieux Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean 4 -- 0 Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) Joe Sakic 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray 4 -- 0 Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) Mike Vernon 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson 4 -- 0 Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) Steve Yzerman 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff 4 -- 2 Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) Joe Nieuwendyk 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) Scott Stevens 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 3 Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) Patrick Roy 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice 4 -- 1 Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) Nicklas Lidstrom 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Jean - Sebastien Giguere Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 3 Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) Brad Richards 2005 Season cancelled due to 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish 4 -- 3 Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) Cam Ward 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray 4 -- 1 Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) Scott Niedermayer 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien 4 -- 2 Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) Henrik Zetterberg 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Evgeni Malkin Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) Jonathan Toews 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 3 Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) Tim Thomas 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) Jonathan Quick 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 2 Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) Patrick Kane 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 1 Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) Justin Williams 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper 4 -- 2 Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) Duncan Keith 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) Sidney Crosby 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patric H\u00f6rnqvist ( 18: 25, third ) Sidney Crosby", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the stanley cup in the past 10 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=843555537", "q_uid": 4275356805361381496, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was last time canada won stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=832559298", "q_uid": -3985178832767052007, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Losing team Coach Games Winning goal Conn Smythe Trophy 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 -- 2 Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard 3 -- 2 Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick 2 -- 0 Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 2 Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 0 Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 2 Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross 4 -- 0 Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson 4 -- 0 Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper 4 -- 1 Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 3 Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 1 Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 1 Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 1 Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 2 Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 0 Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 1 Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 3 Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) Jean Beliveau 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) Roger Crozier 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) Dave Keon 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) Glenn Hall 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) Serge Savard 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) Bobby Orr 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) Ken Dryden 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis 4 -- 2 Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) Bobby Orr 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 2 Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Yvan Cournoyer Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin 4 -- 2 Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Bernie Parent Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith 4 -- 2 Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) Bernie Parent 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 0 Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) Reggie Leach 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 0 Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) Guy Lafleur 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 2 Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) Larry Robinson 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 1 Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) Bob Gainey 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 2 Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) Bryan Trottier 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor 4 -- 1 Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) Butch Goring 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) Mike Bossy New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) Billy Smith 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) Mark Messier 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 1 Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) Wayne Gretzky 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 1 Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Patrick Roy Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) Ron Hextall 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly 4 -- 0 Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) Wayne Gretzky 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 2 Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) Al MacInnis 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury 4 -- 1 Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) Bill Ranford 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey 4 -- 2 Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) Mario Lemieux 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 0 Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) Mario Lemieux 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose 4 -- 1 Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) Patrick Roy 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 3 Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) Brian Leetch 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Claude Lemieux Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean 4 -- 0 Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) Joe Sakic 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray 4 -- 0 Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) Mike Vernon 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson 4 -- 0 Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) Steve Yzerman 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff 4 -- 2 Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) Joe Nieuwendyk 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) Scott Stevens 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 3 Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) Patrick Roy 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice 4 -- 1 Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) Nicklas Lidstrom 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Jean - Sebastien Giguere Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 3 Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) Brad Richards 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish 4 -- 3 Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) Cam Ward 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray 4 -- 1 Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) Scott Niedermayer 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien 4 -- 2 Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) Henrik Zetterberg 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Evgeni Malkin Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) Jonathan Toews 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 3 Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) Tim Thomas 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) Jonathan Quick 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 2 Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) Patrick Kane 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 1 Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) Justin Williams 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper 4 -- 2 Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) Duncan Keith 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) Sidney Crosby 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) Sidney Crosby", "short_answer": "1993" } }, { "question": "who was the last canadian hockey team to win the cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=846562737", "q_uid": -2610410014349679051, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "Montreal Canadiens (" } }, { "question": "who has won the last 10 stanley cups", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=838021582", "q_uid": 4175769901177239301, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Losing team Coach Games Winning goal Conn Smythe Trophy 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 -- 2 Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard 3 -- 2 Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick 2 -- 0 Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 2 Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 0 Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 2 Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross 4 -- 0 Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson 4 -- 0 Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper 4 -- 1 Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 3 Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 1 Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 1 Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 1 Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 2 Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 0 Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 1 Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 3 Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) Jean Beliveau 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) Roger Crozier 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) Dave Keon 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) Glenn Hall 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) Serge Savard 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) Bobby Orr 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) Ken Dryden 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis 4 -- 2 Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) Bobby Orr 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 2 Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Yvan Cournoyer Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin 4 -- 2 Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Bernie Parent Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith 4 -- 2 Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) Bernie Parent 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 0 Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) Reggie Leach 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 0 Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) Guy Lafleur 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 2 Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) Larry Robinson 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 1 Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) Bob Gainey 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 2 Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) Bryan Trottier 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor 4 -- 1 Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) Butch Goring 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) Mike Bossy New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) Billy Smith 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) Mark Messier 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 1 Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) Wayne Gretzky 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 1 Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Patrick Roy Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) Ron Hextall 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly 4 -- 0 Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) Wayne Gretzky 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 2 Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) Al MacInnis 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury 4 -- 1 Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) Bill Ranford 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey 4 -- 2 Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) Mario Lemieux 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 0 Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) Mario Lemieux 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose 4 -- 1 Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) Patrick Roy 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 3 Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) Brian Leetch 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Claude Lemieux Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean 4 -- 0 Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) Joe Sakic 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray 4 -- 0 Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) Mike Vernon 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson 4 -- 0 Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) Steve Yzerman 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff 4 -- 2 Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) Joe Nieuwendyk 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) Scott Stevens 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 3 Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) Patrick Roy 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice 4 -- 1 Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) Nicklas Lidstrom 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Jean - Sebastien Giguere Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 3 Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) Brad Richards 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish 4 -- 3 Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) Cam Ward 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray 4 -- 1 Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) Scott Niedermayer 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien 4 -- 2 Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) Henrik Zetterberg 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Evgeni Malkin Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) Jonathan Toews 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 3 Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) Tim Thomas 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) Jonathan Quick 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 2 Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) Patrick Kane 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 1 Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) Justin Williams 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper 4 -- 2 Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) Duncan Keith 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) Sidney Crosby 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) Sidney Crosby", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "last time a canadian team made the stanley cup finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=865291913", "q_uid": 456203454744190722, "answers": { "long_answer": "Apps Team Wins Losses Win % Years of appearance ( in Stanley Cup Finals ) 7001340000000000000 \u2660 34 Montreal Canadiens 7001240000000000000 \u2660 24 7000900000000000000 \u2660 9. 727 1916, 1917, 1919, 1924, 1925, 1930, 1931, 1944, 1946, 1947, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1986, 1989, 1993 7001240000000000000 \u2660 24 Detroit Red Wings 7001110000000000000 \u2660 11 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13. 458 1934, 1936, 1937, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2008, 2009 7001210000000000000 \u2660 21 Toronto Maple Leafs 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8. 619 1918, 1922, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1967 7001190000000000000 \u2660 19 Boston Bruins 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13. 316 1927, 1929, 1930, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1953, 1957, 1958, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1988, 1990, 2011, 2013 7001130000000000000 \u2660 13 Chicago Blackhawks 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7. 462 1931, 1934, 1938, 1944, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1971, 1973, 1992, 2010, 2013, 2015 7001110000000000000 \u2660 11 New York Rangers 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7. 364 1928, 1929, 1932, 1933, 1937, 1940, 1950, 1972, 1979, 1994, 2014 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Philadelphia Flyers 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6. 250 1974, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1997, 2010 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Edmonton Oilers 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 714 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 2006 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Pittsburgh Penguins 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 833 1991, 1992, 2008, 2009, 2016, 2017 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 New York Islanders 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 800 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 New Jersey Devils 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 600 1995, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2012 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Dallas Stars 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3. 250 1981, 1991, 1999, 2000 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Los Angeles Kings 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 667 1993, 2012, 2014 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Calgary Flames 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 333 1986, 1989, 2004 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 St. Louis Blues 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3. 000 1968, 1969, 1970 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Vancouver Canucks 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3. 000 1982, 1994, 2011 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Colorado Avalanche 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 1.000 1996, 2001 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Anaheim Ducks 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 2003, 2007 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Carolina Hurricanes 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 2002, 2006 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Tampa Bay Lightning 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 2004, 2015 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Washington Capitals 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 500 1998, 2018 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Buffalo Sabres 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2. 000 1975, 1999 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Florida Panthers 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Nashville Predators 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2017 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Ottawa Senators 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2007 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 San Jose Sharks 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2016 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Vegas Golden Knights 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1. 000 2018", "short_answer": "2011" } }, { "question": "when was the last time a team from canada won the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=846562737", "q_uid": 424689443798050894, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "1993" } }, { "question": "how many stanley cup winners have there been", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=854048556", "q_uid": -3686633148544147788, "answers": { "long_answer": "From 1914 to the end of the 2018 season, the trophy has been won 100 times. 24 teams have won the cup, 19 of which are still active in the NHL. Prior to that, the challenge cup was held by nine teams. The Montreal Canadiens have won the Stanley Cup 24 times and made the finals an additional ten times. There were two years when the Stanley Cup was not awarded: 1919, because of the Spanish flu epidemic, and 2005, because of the NHL lockout.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the first stanley cup in 1894", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=803362860", "q_uid": -89041544072909962, "answers": { "long_answer": "^ A. Although the Montreal Victorias won the AHAC title in 1895, the Stanley Cup trustees had already accepted a challenge from the 1894 Cup champion Montreal HC and Queen 's University. As a compromise, the trustees decided that if the Montreal HC won the challenge match, the Victorias would become the Stanley Cup champions. The Montreals eventually won the game, 5 -- 1, and their crosstown rivals were awarded the Cup.", "short_answer": "Montreal HC and" } }, { "question": "who's won the stanley cup the most", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=806099230", "q_uid": -6266948482611709089, "answers": { "long_answer": "From 1914 to the end of the 2017 season, the trophy has been won 99 times. 23 different teams have won the cup, 18 of which are still active in the NHL. Prior to that, the challenge cup was held by nine different teams. The Montreal Canadiens have won the Stanley Cup 24 times and made the finals an additional ten times. There were two years when the Stanley Cup was not awarded: 1919, because of the Spanish flu epidemic, and 2005, because of the NHL lockout.", "short_answer": "Montreal Canadiens have" } }, { "question": "who won the nhl stanley cup last year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=843555537", "q_uid": -7276195451009482738, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third )", "short_answer": "Pittsburgh Penguins (" } }, { "question": "how many times have canadian teams won the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=848775492", "q_uid": 5027801765246694903, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Winning team Coach Losing team Playoff format Score Winning goal March 17, 1893 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) 1893 AHAC champions, no challengers March 22, 1894 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Ottawa HC ( AHAC ) Single - elimination ( 1894 AHAC championship playoff ) 3 -- 1 Billy Barlow ( 9: 00, third qtr ) March 9, 1895 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1895 AHAC Champion March 9, 1895 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 5 -- 1 February 14, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Single - elimination 2 -- 0 Jack Armytage ( 10: 00, first half ) February 29, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) 1896 MHA champion December 30, 1896 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 5 Ernie McLea ( 28: 00, second half ) March 6, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1897 AHAC Champion December 27, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Ottawa Capitals ( CCHA ) Single - elimination 15 -- 2 March 5, 1898 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Frank Richardson - playing 1898 AHAC Champion February 15 -- 18, 1899 Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Frank Richardson - Playing Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Two - game total goals 5 -- 3 Robert MacDougall ( second half ) March 4, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1899 CAHL Champion March 14, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 2 Harry Trihey February 12 -- 15, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Harry Trihey ( second half ) March 7, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Halifax Crescents ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 ( 10 -- 2, 11 -- 0 ) March 10, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1900 CAHL Champion January 29 -- 31, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Dan Bain ( 4: 00, OT ) February 19, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Winnipeg HC ( MHA ) Single - elimination ( 1901 MHA championship ) 4 -- 3 January 21 -- 23, 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Toronto Wellingtons ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Fred Scanlon ( 9: 00, second half ) March 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) 1902 MHA Champion March 13 -- 17, 1902 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) Clarence McKerrow Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Jack Marshall ( first half ) January 29 -- 31, February 2 -- 4, 1903 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) Desse Browne Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Tom Phillips March 7 -- 10, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Two - game total goals ( 1903 CAHL championship playoff ) 9 -- 1 Suddy Gilmour ( 4: 34, first half, second game ) March 12 -- 14, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Rat Portage Thistles ( MNWHA ) Two - game total goals 10 -- 4 Frank McGee ( 8: 20, first half ) December 30, 1903, January 1 -- 4, 1904 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Winnipeg Rowing Club ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee ( 11: 00, second half ) February 23 -- 25, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Toronto Marlboros ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Arthur Moore ( 9: 38, first half ) March 2, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Montreal Wanderers ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals March 9 -- 11, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Brandon Wheat Cities ( MNWHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 18: 00, first half ) January 13 -- 16, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Dawson City Nuggets Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harry Westwick ( 12: 15, first half ) March 3, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing 1905 FAHL Champion March 7 -- 9 -- 11, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Rat Portage Thistles ( MHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee February 27 -- 28, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Queen 's University ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harvey Pulford ( 10: 00, second half ) March 6 -- 8, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Smiths Falls HC ( FAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 17: 45, first half ) March 14 -- 17, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1906 ECAHA championship playoff ) 12 -- 10 Lester Patrick December 27 -- 29, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing New Glasgow Cubs ( MaHL ) Two - game total goals 17 -- 5 January 21 -- 23, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Roxy Beaudro March 16 -- 18, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Brandon Wheat Cities ( MPHL ) Best - of - three ( 1907 MPHL championship ) 2 -- 0 Fred Whitcroft ( 19: 00, first half ) March 23 -- 25, 1907 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Lester Patrick ( capt. ) Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson January 9 -- 13, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Ottawa Victorias ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals 22 -- 4 Frank Glass ( 25: 00, first half, first game ) March 7, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) 1908 ECAHA Champions March 10 -- 12, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Winnipeg Maple Leafs ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 8 March 14, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Toronto ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 6 -- 4 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson December 28 -- 30, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 13 -- 10 Walter Smaill ( 33: 45, second half, second game ) March 6, 1909 Ottawa HC ( ECHA ) Pete Green 1909 ECHA champions January 5 -- 7, 1910 Ottawa HC ( CHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Two - game total goals 15 -- 4 Hamby Shore ( 10: 10, first half, first game ) January 18 -- 20, 1910 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 21 -- 11 Bruce Stuart ( 23: 45, first half ) March 9, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) 1910 NHA Champion March 12, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) Berlin Dutchmen ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 3 Harry Hyland ( 22: 00, first half ) March 10, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green 1911 NHA Champions March 13, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 5: 00, third ) March 16, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Port Arthur Bearcats ( New Ontario Hockey League ) Single - elimination 13 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 4: 30, second ) March 5, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan 1912 NHA Champions March 11 -- 13, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan Moncton Victorias ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Joe Malone ( 18: 00, first ) March 5, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) 1913 NHA Champions March 8 -- 10, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) Sydney Millionaires ( MaPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 5 Tommy Smith ( 3: 10, second, first game ) March 7 -- 11, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Montreal Canadiens ( NHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1914 NHA championship playoff ) 6 -- 2 Scotty Davidson ( 2: 00, third, second game ) March 14 -- 17 -- 19, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Victoria Aristocrats ( PCHA ) Best - of - five 3 -- 0 Harry Cameron ( 7: 00, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the toronto maple leafs won-stanley-cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=846562737", "q_uid": -950272764593449019, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "1967" } }, { "question": "last team to win 2 stanley cups in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=848775492", "q_uid": 1615234303862791414, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "Pittsburgh Penguins (" } }, { "question": "who won the stanley cup in the last 2 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=843555537", "q_uid": -5318842877969385248, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third )", "short_answer": "Pittsburgh Penguins (" } }, { "question": "when was the last year boston won the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=841215139", "q_uid": -2597609525116396535, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Losing team Coach Games Winning goal Conn Smythe Trophy 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 -- 2 Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard 3 -- 2 Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick 2 -- 0 Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross 2 -- 0 Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 2 Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 0 Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 2 Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 1 Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross 4 -- 0 Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson 4 -- 0 Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 3 Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper 4 -- 1 Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 2 Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 3 Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick 4 -- 1 Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 3 Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 1 Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 1 Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt 4 -- 2 Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 0 Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 1 Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 3 Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) Jean Beliveau 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel 4 -- 2 Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) Roger Crozier 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) Dave Keon 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) Glenn Hall 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) Serge Savard 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) Bobby Orr 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 3 Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) Ken Dryden 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis 4 -- 2 Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) Bobby Orr 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay 4 -- 2 Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Yvan Cournoyer Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin 4 -- 2 Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Bernie Parent Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith 4 -- 2 Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) Bernie Parent 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 0 Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) Reggie Leach 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 0 Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) Guy Lafleur 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry 4 -- 2 Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) Larry Robinson 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 1 Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) Bob Gainey 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 2 Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) Bryan Trottier 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor 4 -- 1 Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) Butch Goring 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) Mike Bossy New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) Billy Smith 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) Mark Messier 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 1 Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) Wayne Gretzky 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 1 Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Patrick Roy Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) Ron Hextall 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly 4 -- 0 Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) Wayne Gretzky 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 2 Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) Al MacInnis 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury 4 -- 1 Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) Bill Ranford 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey 4 -- 2 Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) Mario Lemieux 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 0 Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) Mario Lemieux 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose 4 -- 1 Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) Patrick Roy 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn 4 -- 3 Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) Brian Leetch 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Claude Lemieux Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean 4 -- 0 Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) Joe Sakic 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray 4 -- 0 Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) Mike Vernon 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson 4 -- 0 Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) Steve Yzerman 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff 4 -- 2 Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) Joe Nieuwendyk 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) Scott Stevens 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 3 Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) Patrick Roy 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice 4 -- 1 Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) Nicklas Lidstrom 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Jean - Sebastien Giguere Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 3 Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) Brad Richards 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish 4 -- 3 Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) Cam Ward 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray 4 -- 1 Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) Scott Niedermayer 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien 4 -- 2 Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) Henrik Zetterberg 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 3 Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Evgeni Malkin Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) Jonathan Toews 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 3 Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) Tim Thomas 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) Jonathan Quick 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 2 Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) Patrick Kane 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault 4 -- 1 Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) Justin Williams 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper 4 -- 2 Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) Duncan Keith 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer 4 -- 2 Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) Sidney Crosby 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 2 Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) Sidney Crosby", "short_answer": "2011" } }, { "question": "which canadian hockey team has won the most stanley cups", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=816764588", "q_uid": -6285505685453550889, "answers": { "long_answer": "From 1914 to the end of the 2017 season, the trophy has been won 99 times. 23 different teams have won the cup, 18 of which are still active in the NHL. Prior to that, the challenge cup was held by nine different teams. The Montreal Canadiens have won the Stanley Cup 24 times and made the finals an additional ten times. There were two years when the Stanley Cup was not awarded: 1919, because of the Spanish flu epidemic, and 2005, because of the NHL lockout.", "short_answer": "Montreal Canadiens have" } }, { "question": "who won the stanley cup the last 20 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=846562737", "q_uid": -7598909784160279680, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "has anyone won the stanley cup three years in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=814936469", "q_uid": -4847141002993593015, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Winning team Coach Losing team Playoff format Score Winning goal March 17, 1893 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) 1893 AHAC champions, no challengers March 22, 1894 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Ottawa HC ( AHAC ) Single - elimination ( 1894 AHAC championship playoff ) 3 -- 1 Billy Barlow ( 9: 00, third qtr ) March 9, 1895 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1895 AHAC Champion March 9, 1895 Montreal Hockey Club ( AHAC ) Harry Shaw ( mgr. ) Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 5 -- 1 February 14, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Single - elimination 2 -- 0 Jack Armytage ( 10: 00, first half ) February 29, 1896 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Jack Armytage ( capt. ) 1896 MHA champion December 30, 1896 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 5 Ernie McLea ( 28: 00, second half ) March 6, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) 1897 AHAC Champion December 27, 1897 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Mike Grant ( capt. ) Ottawa Capitals ( CCHA ) Single - elimination 15 -- 2 March 5, 1898 Montreal Victorias ( AHAC ) Frank Richardson - playing 1898 AHAC Champion February 15 -- 18, 1899 Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Frank Richardson - Playing Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Two - game total goals 5 -- 3 Robert MacDougall ( second half ) March 4, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1899 CAHL Champion March 14, 1899 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Queen 's University ( OHA ) Single - elimination 6 -- 2 Harry Trihey February 12 -- 15, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Harry Trihey ( second half ) March 7, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy Halifax Crescents ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Joe McKenna March 10, 1900 Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Barney Dunphy 1900 CAHL Champion January 29 -- 31, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Montreal Shamrocks ( CAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Dan Bain ( 4: 00, OT ) February 19, 1901 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Winnipeg HC ( MHA ) Single - elimination ( 1901 MHA championship ) 4 -- 3 January 21 -- 23, 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) Toronto Wellingtons ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Fred Scanlon ( 9: 00, second half ) March 1902 Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Dan Bain ( capt. ) 1902 MHA Champion March 13 -- 17, 1902 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) Clarence McKerrow Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Jack Marshall ( first half ) January 29 -- 31, February 2 -- 4, 1903 Montreal HC ( CAHL ) D. Browne Winnipeg Victorias ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Tom Phillips March 7 -- 10, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Montreal Victorias ( CAHL ) Two - game total goals ( 1903 CAHL championship playoff ) 9 -- 1 Suddy Gilmour ( 4: 34, first half, second game ) March 12 -- 14, 1903 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith Rat Portage Thistles ( MNWHA ) Two - game total goals 10 -- 4 Frank McGee ( 8: 20, first half ) December 30, 1903, January 1 -- 4, 1904 Ottawa HC ( CAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Winnipeg Rowing Club ( MHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee ( 11: 00, second half ) February 23 -- 25, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Toronto Marlboros ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Arthur Moore ( 9: 38, first half ) March 2, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Montreal Wanderers ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals March 9 -- 11, 1904 Ottawa HC Alf Smith - playing Brandon Wheat Cities ( MNWHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 18: 00, first half ) January 13 -- 16, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Dawson City Nuggets Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harry Westwick ( 12: 15, first half ) March 3, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing 1905 FAHL Champion March 7 -- 9 -- 11, 1905 Ottawa HC ( FAHL ) Alf Smith - playing Rat Portage Thistles ( MHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 1 Frank McGee February 27 -- 28, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Queen 's University ( OHA ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Harvey Pulford ( 10: 00, second half ) March 6 -- 8, 1906 Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Alf Smith - playing Smiths Falls HC ( FAHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Frank McGee ( 17: 45, first half ) March 14 -- 17, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing Ottawa HC ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1906 ECAHA championship playoff ) 12 -- 10 Lester Patrick December 27 -- 29, 1906 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford - playing New Glasgow Cubs ( MaHL ) Two - game total goals 17 -- 5 January 21 -- 23, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Roxy Beaudro March 16 -- 18, 1907 Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) James Link Brandon Wheat Cities ( MPHL ) Best - of - three ( 1907 MPHL championship ) 2 -- 0 Fred Whitcroft ( 19: 00, first half ) March 23 -- 25, 1907 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Lester Patrick ( capt. ) Kenora Thistles ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 12 -- 8 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson January 9 -- 13, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Ottawa Victorias ( FAHL ) Two - game total goals 22 -- 4 Frank Glass ( 25: 00, first half, first game ) March 7, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) 1908 ECAHA Champions March 10 -- 12, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Winnipeg Maple Leafs ( MPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 8 March 14, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECAHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Toronto ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 6 -- 4 Ernest `` Moose '' Johnson December 28 -- 30, 1908 Montreal Wanderers ( ECHA ) Cecil Blachford ( capt. ) Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 13 -- 10 Walter Smaill ( 33: 45, second half, second game ) March 6, 1909 Ottawa HC ( ECHA ) Pete Green 1909 ECHA champions January 5 -- 7, 1910 Ottawa HC ( CHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Two - game total goals 15 -- 4 Hamby Shore ( 10: 10, first half, first game ) January 18 -- 20, 1910 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Edmonton Hockey Club ( AAHA ) Two - game total goals 21 -- 11 Bruce Stuart ( 23: 45, first half ) March 9, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) 1910 NHA Champion March 12, 1910 Montreal Wanderers ( NHA ) Frank Glass ( capt. ) Berlin Dutchmen ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 3 Harry Hyland ( 22: 00, first half ) March 10, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green 1911 NHA Champions March 13, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Galt HC ( OPHL ) Single - elimination 7 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 5: 00, third ) March 16, 1911 Ottawa HC ( NHA ) Pete Green Port Arthur Bearcats ( New Ontario Hockey League ) Single - elimination 13 -- 4 Marty Walsh ( 4: 30, second ) March 5, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan 1912 NHA Champions March 11 -- 13, 1912 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Charles Nolan Moncton Victorias ( MaPHL ) Best - of - three 2 -- 0 Joe Malone ( 18: 00, first ) March 5, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) 1913 NHA Champions March 8 -- 10, 1913 Quebec Bulldogs ( NHA ) Joe Malone ( capt. ) Sydney Millionaires ( MaPHL ) Two - game total goals 20 -- 5 Tommy Smith ( 3: 10, second, first game ) March 7 -- 11, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Montreal Canadiens ( NHA ) Two - game total goals ( 1914 NHA championship playoff ) 6 -- 2 Scotty Davidson ( 2: 00, third, second game ) March 14 -- 17 -- 19, 1914 Toronto Hockey Club ( NHA ) Jack Marshall ( playing - mgr. ) Victoria Aristocrats ( PCHA ) Best - of - five 3 -- 0 Harry Cameron ( 7: 00, third )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "last nhl team to win 4 stanley cups in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=854048556", "q_uid": -8889148455071232506, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "New York Islanders (" } }, { "question": "who won the stanley cup the last 2 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Stanley_Cup_champions&oldid=854048556", "q_uid": 3605563611424528513, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Winning goal 1927 Ottawa Senators ( C ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Dave Gill 2 -- 0 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Art Ross Cy Denneny ( 7: 30, second ) 1928 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Lester Patrick - playing 3 -- 2 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gerard Frank Boucher ( 3: 35, third ) 1929 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Cy Denneny - playing 2 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lester Patrick Bill Carson ( 18: 02, third ) 1930 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 2 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Art Ross Howie Morenz ( 1: 00, second ) 1931 Montreal Canadiens ( C ) ( 7, 4 -- 2 ) Cecil Hart 3 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Johnny Gagnon ( 9: 59, second ) 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Dick Irvin 3 -- 0 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick Ace Bailey ( 15: 07, third ) 1933 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Lester Patrick 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dick Irvin Bill Cook ( 7: 34, OT ) 1934 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jack Adams Mush March ( 10: 05, second OT ) 1935 Montreal Maroons ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 1 ) Tommy Gorman 3 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin Baldy Northcott ( 16: 18, second ) 1936 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Pete Kelly ( 9: 45, third ) 1937 Detroit Red Wings ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Jack Adams 3 -- 2 New York Rangers ( A ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Lester Patrick Marty Barry ( 19: 22, first ) 1938 Chicago Black Hawks ( A ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Bill Stewart 3 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( C ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Carl Voss ( 16: 45, second ) 1939 Boston Bruins ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Art Ross 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Roy Conacher ( 17: 54, second ) 1940 New York Rangers ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Frank Boucher 4 -- 2 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Bryan Hextall ( 2: 07, OT ) 1941 Boston Bruins ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Cooney Weiland 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Jack Adams Bobby Bauer ( 8: 43, second ) 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Jack Adams Pete Langelle ( 9: 48, third ) 1943 Detroit Red Wings ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Jack Adams 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Art Ross Joe Carveth ( 12: 09, first ) 1944 Montreal Canadiens ( 8, 5 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 0 Chicago Black Hawks ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Paul Thompson Toe Blake ( 9: 12, OT ) 1945 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Jack Adams Babe Pratt ( 12: 14, third ) 1946 Montreal Canadiens ( 9, 6 -- 2 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Dit Clapper Toe Blake ( 11: 06, third ) 1947 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 10, 6 -- 3 ) Dick Irvin Ted Kennedy ( 14: 39, third ) 1948 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Tommy Ivan Harry Watson ( 11: 13, first ) 1949 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 14, 8 -- 6 ) Hap Day 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan Cal Gardner ( 19: 45, second ) 1950 Detroit Red Wings ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 New York Rangers ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Lynn Patrick Pete Babando ( 8: 31, second OT ) 1951 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 15, 9 -- 6 ) Joe Primeau 4 -- 1 Montreal Canadiens ( 11, 6 -- 4 ) Dick Irvin Bill Barilko ( 2: 53, OT ) 1952 Detroit Red Wings ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 0 Montreal Canadiens ( 12, 6 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin Metro Prystai ( 6: 50, first ) 1953 Montreal Canadiens ( 13, 7 -- 5 ) Dick Irvin 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Lynn Patrick Elmer Lach ( 1: 22, OT ) 1954 Detroit Red Wings ( 12, 6 -- 6 ) Tommy Ivan 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 14, 7 -- 6 ) Dick Irvin Tony Leswick ( 4: 20, OT ) 1955 Detroit Red Wings ( 13, 7 -- 6 ) Jimmy Skinner 4 -- 3 Montreal Canadiens ( 15, 7 -- 7 ) Dick Irvin Gordie Howe ( 19: 49, second ) 1956 Montreal Canadiens ( 16, 8 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 14, 7 -- 7 ) Jimmy Skinner Maurice Richard ( 15: 08, second ) 1957 Montreal Canadiens ( 17, 9 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Milt Schmidt Dickie Moore ( 0: 14, second ) 1958 Montreal Canadiens ( 18, 10 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Milt Schmidt Bernie Geoffrion ( 19: 26, second ) 1959 Montreal Canadiens ( 19, 11 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 1 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 16, 9 -- 7 ) Punch Imlach Marcel Bonin ( 9: 55, second ) 1960 Montreal Canadiens ( 20, 12 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 17, 9 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach Jean Beliveau ( 8: 16, first ) 1961 Chicago Black Hawks ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Rudy Pilous 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 15, 7 -- 8 ) Sid Abel Ab McDonald ( 18: 49, second ) 1962 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 18, 10 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Rudy Pilous Dick Duff ( 14: 14, third ) 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 19, 11 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 1 Detroit Red Wings ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Sid Abel Eddie Shack ( 13: 28, third ) 1964 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 20, 12 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( 17, 7 -- 10 ) Sid Abel Andy Bathgate ( 3: 04, first ) 1965 Montreal Canadiens ( 21, 13 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Billy Reay Jean Beliveau ( 0: 14, first ) 1966 Montreal Canadiens ( 22, 14 -- 7 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 2 Detroit Red Wings ( 18, 7 -- 11 ) Sid Abel Henri Richard ( 2: 20, OT ) 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs ( 21, 13 -- 8 ) Punch Imlach 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( 23, 14 -- 8 ) Toe Blake Jim Pappin ( 19: 24, second ) 1968 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 24, 15 -- 8 ) Toe Blake 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scotty Bowman J.C. Tremblay ( 11: 40, third ) 1969 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 25, 16 -- 8 ) Claude Ruel 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scotty Bowman John Ferguson ( 3: 02, third ) 1970 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Harry Sinden 4 -- 0 St. Louis Blues ( W ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Scotty Bowman Bobby Orr ( 0: 40, OT ) 1971 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 26, 17 -- 8 ) Al MacNeil 4 -- 3 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Reay Henri Richard ( 2: 34, third ) 1972 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Tom Johnson 4 -- 2 New York Rangers ( E ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Emile Francis Bobby Orr ( 11: 18, first ) 1973 Montreal Canadiens ( E ) ( 27, 18 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Chicago Black Hawks ( W ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Billy Reay Yvan Cournoyer ( 8: 13, third ) Philadelphia Flyers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( E ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Bep Guidolin Rick MacLeish ( 14: 48, first ) Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Fred Shero 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Floyd Smith Bob Kelly ( 0: 11, third ) 1976 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 28, 19 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Fred Shero Guy Lafleur ( 14: 18, third ) 1977 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 29, 20 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 14, 5 -- 9 ) Don Cherry Jacques Lemaire ( 4: 32, OT ) 1978 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 30, 21 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 15, 5 -- 10 ) Don Cherry Mario Tremblay ( 9: 20, first ) 1979 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 31, 22 -- 8 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( CC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Fred Shero Jacques Lemaire ( 1: 02, second ) 1980 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( CC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Bob Nystrom ( 7: 11, OT ) 1981 New York Islanders ( CC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 1 Minnesota North Stars ( PW ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sonmor Wayne Merrick ( 5: 37, first ) 1982 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Vancouver Canucks ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Roger Neilson Mike Bossy ( 5: 00, second ) New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Al Arbour 4 -- 0 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Glen Sather Mike Bossy ( 12: 39, first ) 1984 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 New York Islanders ( PW ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Al Arbour Ken Linseman ( 0: 38, second ) 1985 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 1 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Mike Keenan Paul Coffey ( 17: 57, first ) 1986 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 32, 23 -- 8 ) Jean Perron 4 -- 1 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bob Johnson Bobby Smith ( 10: 30, third ) Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 3 Philadelphia Flyers ( PW ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Mike Keenan Jari Kurri ( 14: 59, second ) 1988 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Glen Sather 4 -- 0 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 16, 5 -- 11 ) Terry O'Reilly Wayne Gretzky ( 9: 44, second ) 1989 Calgary Flames ( CC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Terry Crisp 4 -- 2 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 33, 23 -- 9 ) Pat Burns Doug Gilmour ( 11: 02, third ) 1990 Edmonton Oilers ( CC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Muckler 4 -- 1 Boston Bruins ( PW ) ( 17, 5 -- 12 ) Mike Milbury Craig Simpson ( 9: 31, second ) 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Bob Johnson 4 -- 2 Minnesota North Stars ( CC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bob Gainey Ulf Samuelsson ( 2: 00, first ) 1992 Pittsburgh Penguins ( PW ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Chicago Blackhawks ( CC ) ( 10, 3 -- 7 ) Mike Keenan Ron Francis ( 7: 59, third ) 1993 Montreal Canadiens ( PW ) ( 34, 24 -- 9 ) Jacques Demers 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Kings ( CC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Barry Melrose Kirk Muller ( 3: 51, second ) 1994 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 10, 4 -- 6 ) Mike Keenan 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Pat Quinn Mark Messier ( 13: 29, second ) 1995 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jacques Lemaire 4 -- 0 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 19, 7 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman Neal Broten ( 7: 56, second ) Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Marc Crawford 4 -- 0 Florida Panthers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Doug MacLean Uwe Krupp ( 4: 31, third OT ) 1997 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 20, 8 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Terry Murray Darren McCarty ( 13: 02, second ) 1998 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 21, 9 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 0 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Ron Wilson Martin Lapointe ( 2: 26, second ) 1999 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ken Hitchcock 4 -- 2 Buffalo Sabres ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lindy Ruff Brett Hull ( 14: 51, third OT ) 2000 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Larry Robinson 4 -- 2 Dallas Stars ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Ken Hitchcock Jason Arnott ( 8: 20, second OT ) 2001 Colorado Avalanche ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Bob Hartley 4 -- 3 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Larry Robinson Alex Tanguay ( 4: 57, second ) 2002 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 22, 10 -- 12 ) Scotty Bowman 4 -- 1 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Paul Maurice Brendan Shanahan ( 14: 04, second ) 2003 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Pat Burns 4 -- 3 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Babcock Michael Rupp ( 2: 22, second ) Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Tortorella 4 -- 3 Calgary Flames ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Darryl Sutter Ruslan Fedotenko ( 14: 38, second ) 2005 Season cancelled due to the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout. 2006 Carolina Hurricanes ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette 4 -- 3 Edmonton Oilers ( WC ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Craig MacTavish Frantisek Kaberle ( 4: 18, second ) 2007 Anaheim Ducks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Randy Carlyle 4 -- 1 Ottawa Senators ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bryan Murray Travis Moen ( 15: 44, second ) 2008 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Mike Babcock 4 -- 2 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Michel Therrien Henrik Zetterberg ( 7: 36, third ) 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Dan Bylsma 4 -- 3 Detroit Red Wings ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Babcock Maxime Talbot ( 10: 07, second ) Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Flyers ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Peter Laviolette Patrick Kane ( 4: 06, OT ) 2011 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 18, 6 -- 12 ) Claude Julien 4 -- 3 Vancouver Canucks ( WC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Alain Vigneault Patrice Bergeron ( 14: 37, first ) 2012 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 2 New Jersey Devils ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Peter DeBoer Jeff Carter ( 12: 45, first ) 2013 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Boston Bruins ( EC ) ( 19, 6 -- 13 ) Claude Julien Dave Bolland ( 19: 01, third ) 2014 Los Angeles Kings ( WC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Darryl Sutter 4 -- 1 New York Rangers ( EC ) ( 11, 4 -- 7 ) Alain Vigneault Alec Martinez ( 14: 43, second OT ) 2015 Chicago Blackhawks ( WC ) ( 13, 6 -- 7 ) Joel Quenneville 4 -- 2 Tampa Bay Lightning ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Jon Cooper Duncan Keith ( 17: 13, second ) 2016 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 San Jose Sharks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter DeBoer Kris Letang ( 7: 46, second ) 2017 Pittsburgh Penguins ( EC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Mike Sullivan 4 -- 2 Nashville Predators ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Peter Laviolette Patric Hornqvist ( 18: 25, third ) 2018 Washington Capitals ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Barry Trotz 4 -- 1 Vegas Golden Knights ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gerard Gallant Lars Eller ( 12: 23, third )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Subaru Tribeca": [ { "question": "does the subaru tribeca have a third row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Subaru_Tribeca&oldid=806905578", "q_uid": 2709075994370906560, "answers": { "long_answer": "Subaru released the 2008 models at the New York International Auto Show in April 2007 with a facelift and a larger 3.6 - liter EZ36 flat - six engine rated at 191 kilowatts ( 256 hp ). Subaru claimed 10 percent better fuel economy while using regular - grade gasoline; the 2006 and 2007 models require premium. At the same time, Subaru dropped the `` B9 '' identifier, renaming the vehicle the `` Subaru Tribeca '' in all markets where it was offered. The rear of the vehicle was also mildly redesigned with more rounded taillamps, a restyled hatch, and the rearmost side window reshaped. Interior styling was unchanged, but the second row seats were redesigned for more room and easier access to the third row.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Elizabeth Mitchell": [ { "question": "who played the ice queen in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elizabeth_Mitchell&oldid=827447617", "q_uid": -4436228815690572255, "answers": { "long_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell ( born Elizabeth Joanna Robertson: March 27, 1970 ) is an American actress known for her role as Dr. Juliet Burke on the ABC series Lost. She also had lead roles on the TV series V and Revolution, as well as the Snow Queen on Once Upon a Time and as Deb Carpenter on Dead of Summer. Mitchell has starred in such films as The Santa Clause 2 and The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause, Gia, and The Purge: Election Year.", "short_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell (" } }, { "question": "who plays ice queen in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elizabeth_Mitchell&oldid=837667725", "q_uid": -8258182600575145966, "answers": { "long_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell ( born Elizabeth Joanna Robertson: March 27, 1970 ) is an American actress known for her role as Dr. Juliet Burke on the ABC series Lost. She also had lead roles on the TV series V and Revolution, as well as the Snow Queen on Once Upon a Time and as Deb Carpenter on Dead of Summer. Mitchell has starred in such films as The Santa Clause 2 and The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause, Gia, and The Purge: Election Year.", "short_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell (" } }, { "question": "who plays the ice queen in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elizabeth_Mitchell&oldid=799096038", "q_uid": -7424764363688074238, "answers": { "long_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell ( born Elizabeth Joanna Robertson: March 27, 1970 ) is an American actress known for her role as Dr. Juliet Burke on the ABC series Lost. She also had lead roles on the TV series V and Revolution, as well as the Snow Queen on Once Upon a Time and as Deb Carpenter on Dead of Summer. Mitchell has starred in such films as The Santa Clause 2 & 3: The Escape Clause, Gia and The Purge: Election Year.", "short_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell (" } }, { "question": "who played snow queen in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elizabeth_Mitchell&oldid=799096038", "q_uid": -7270897530946291611, "answers": { "long_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell ( born Elizabeth Joanna Robertson: March 27, 1970 ) is an American actress known for her role as Dr. Juliet Burke on the ABC series Lost. She also had lead roles on the TV series V and Revolution, as well as the Snow Queen on Once Upon a Time and as Deb Carpenter on Dead of Summer. Mitchell has starred in such films as The Santa Clause 2 & 3: The Escape Clause, Gia and The Purge: Election Year.", "short_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell (" } }, { "question": "who plays snow queen on once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elizabeth_Mitchell&oldid=803641237", "q_uid": -7277250555832966531, "answers": { "long_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell ( born Elizabeth Joanna Robertson: March 27, 1970 ) is an American actress known for her role as Dr. Juliet Burke on the ABC series Lost. She also had lead roles on the TV series V and Revolution, as well as the Snow Queen on Once Upon a Time and as Deb Carpenter on Dead of Summer. Mitchell has starred in such films as The Santa Clause 2 & 3: The Escape Clause, Gia and The Purge: Election Year.", "short_answer": "Elizabeth Mitchell (" } } ], "List of Formula One driver records": [ { "question": "who is the best f1 driver in history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Formula_One_driver_records&oldid=815442464", "q_uid": 2003915571626446209, "answers": { "long_answer": "Michael Schumacher 1991 -- 2006, 2010 -- 2012 308 91 7001295500000000000 \u2660 29.55 %", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "most number of f1 wins in a season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Formula_One_driver_records&oldid=815442464", "q_uid": 6190992021825485684, "answers": { "long_answer": "Driver Season Wins Entries Percentage Michael Schumacher 13 18 7001722200000000000 \u2660 72.22 % Sebastian Vettel 2013 19 7001684200000000000 \u2660 68.42 % Michael Schumacher 2002 11 17 7001647099999999999 \u2660 64.71 % Sebastian Vettel 2011 19 7001578900000000000 \u2660 57.89 % Lewis Hamilton 2014 6 Lewis Hamilton 2015 10 19 7001526300000000000 \u2660 52.63 % 2016 21 7001476200000000000 \u2660 47.62 % 8 Nigel Mansell 1992 9 16 7001562500000000000 \u2660 56.25 % Michael Schumacher 1995 17 7001529400000000000 \u2660 52.94 % 2000 2001 Nico Rosberg 2016 21 7001428600000000000 \u2660 42.86 % Lewis Hamilton 2017 20 7001450000000000000 \u2660 45.00 % Sources:", "short_answer": "Michael Schumacher" } }, { "question": "most f1 wins in a season without championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Formula_One_driver_records&oldid=852790887", "q_uid": -919216641479568608, "answers": { "long_answer": "Driver Seasons Entries Wins Stirling Moss 1951 -- 1961 67 16 David Coulthard 1994 -- 2008 247 13 Carlos Reutemann 1972 -- 1982 146 12 Felipe Massa 2002 -- 2017 272 11 Rubens Barrichello 1993 -- 2011 326 6 Ronnie Peterson 1970 -- 1978 123 10 Gerhard Berger 1984 -- 1997 210 8 Mark Webber 2002 -- 2013 217 9 9 Jacky Ickx 1967 -- 1979 122 8 10 Juan Pablo Montoya 2001 -- 2006 95 7 Ren\u00e9 Arnoux 1978 -- 1989 165 Daniel Ricciardo 2011 -- 2018 141 Source:", "short_answer": "16" } }, { "question": "who has raced in the most f1 races", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Formula_One_driver_records&oldid=809060955", "q_uid": 3972368860765248382, "answers": { "long_answer": "Driver Seasons Starts Rubens Barrichello 1993 -- 2011 322 Michael Schumacher 1991 -- 2006, 2010 -- 2012 306 Jenson Button 2000 -- 2017 Fernando Alonso 2001, 2003 -- 2017 289 5 Kimi R\u00e4ikk\u00f6nen 2001 -- 2009, 2012 -- 2017 269 6 Felipe Massa 2002, 2004 -- 2017 267 7 Riccardo Patrese 1977 -- 1993 256 8 Jarno Trulli 1997 -- 2011 252 9 David Coulthard 1994 -- 2008 246 10 Giancarlo Fisichella 1996 -- 2009 229 Source:", "short_answer": "Rubens Barrichello" } } ], "Hawaii": [ { "question": "when did hawaii become apart of the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=800797936", "q_uid": 1599972012891973044, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( English: / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a. i, - ji, - \u0294i / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ( y ) ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is hawaii located on the us map", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=826495892", "q_uid": -5823810390313460897, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a ( j ) i, - \u0294i / ( listen ); Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did hawaii become a state of the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=856882278", "q_uid": 7130932865933726097, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a. i / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was hawaii added to the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=826495892", "q_uid": 6860944329689119194, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a ( j ) i, - \u0294i / ( listen ); Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is hawaii located in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=800797936", "q_uid": 562859943730386768, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( English: / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a. i, - ji, - \u0294i / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ( y ) ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did hawaii become a part of the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=827523223", "q_uid": 6146129799378032229, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Kingdom of Hawai \u02bbi was sovereign from 1810 until 1893 when the monarchy was overthrown by resident American and European capitalists and landholders. Hawaii was an independent republic from 1894 until August 12, 1898, when it officially became a territory of the United States. Hawaii was admitted as a U.S. state on August 21, 1959.", "short_answer": "August 12, 1898," } }, { "question": "where is hawaii located in the pacific ocean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=854519989", "q_uid": 3848508307711058973, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Hawaiian archipelago is located 2,000 mi ( 3,200 km ) southwest of the contiguous United States. Hawaii is the southernmost U.S. state and the second westernmost after Alaska. Hawaii, like Alaska, does not border any other U.S. state. It is the only U.S. state that is not geographically located in North America, the only state completely surrounded by water and that is entirely an archipelago, and the only state in which coffee is commercially cultivable.", "short_answer": "2,000 mi ( 3,200 km ) southwest of the contiguous United States." } }, { "question": "when did hawaii become part of the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=843171779", "q_uid": 1716499330994551573, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a ( j ) i, - \u0294i / ( listen ); Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did hawaii become a state of the us", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=800797936", "q_uid": -789714297490258022, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( English: / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a. i, - ji, - \u0294i / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ( y ) ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did hawaii became part of the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=810546520", "q_uid": -7714148562726436187, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( English: / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a. i, - ji, - \u0294i / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ( y ) ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where are the hawaiian islands on a world map", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=866527654", "q_uid": -1213993713309804023, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026ai / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania, the only U.S. state located outside North America, and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which group in hawail was in favor of annexation by the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=817707932", "q_uid": 8755584773268996464, "answers": { "long_answer": "After William McKinley won the 1896 U.S. presidential election, advocates pressed to annex the Republic of Hawaii. The previous president, Grover Cleveland, was a friend of Queen Lili \u02bbuokalani. McKinley was open to persuasion by U.S. expansionists and by annexationists from Hawai \u02bbi. He met with three annexationists: Lorrin A. Thurston, Francis March Hatch and William Ansel Kinney. After negotiations in June 1897, Secretary of State John Sherman agreed to a treaty of annexation with these representatives of the Republic of Hawaii. The U.S. Senate never ratified the treaty. Despite the opposition of most native Hawaiians, the Newlands Resolution was used to annex the Republic to the U.S.; it became the Territory of Hawaii. The Newlands Resolution was passed by the House on June 15, 1898, by 209 votes in favor to 91 against, and by the Senate on July 6, 1898, by a vote of 42 to 21.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is hawaii located in the world map", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=826495892", "q_uid": 1588334958981808242, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a ( j ) i, - \u0294i / ( listen ); Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was hawaii part of the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=866515120", "q_uid": -2106083494581466618, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026ai / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania, the only U.S. state located outside North America, and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "is hawaii part of the north american continent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=850008875", "q_uid": 2639735427364036124, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a. i / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the population of hawaii in 2016", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=809750186", "q_uid": -1619314284358380157, "answers": { "long_answer": "Historical population Census Pop. % \u00b1 1900 154,001 -- 1910 191,874 24.6 % 1920 255,881 33.4 % 1930 368,300 43.9 % 1940 422,770 14.8 % 1950 499,794 18.2 % 1960 632,772 26.6 % 1970 769,913 21.7 % 1980 964,691 25.3 % 1990 1,108,229 14.9 % 2000 1,211,537 9.3 % 1,360,301 12.3 % Est. 2016 1,428,557 5.0 % Source: 1910 -- 2010 2015 estimate", "short_answer": "1,428,557" } }, { "question": "what part of the us is hawaii in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=843171779", "q_uid": 6040118579746375326, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a ( j ) i, - \u0294i / ( listen ); Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did hawaii become the 50th state of america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=837106576", "q_uid": 286581890600274869, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a ( j ) i, - \u0294i / ( listen ); Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which of these was the 50th state to join the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=817707932", "q_uid": 5570060254604919316, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( English: / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a. i, - ji, - \u0294i / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ( y ) ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "Hawaii (" } }, { "question": "where is hawaii located on a world map", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii&oldid=804726001", "q_uid": -7364700691024750086, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii ( English: / h\u0259\u02c8wa\u026a. i, - ji, - \u0294i / ( listen ) h\u0259 - WY - ( y ) ee; Hawaiian: Hawai \u02bbi ( h\u0259\u02c8v\u0250j\u0294i ) ) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Kathy Najimy": [ { "question": "voice of peggy on king of the hill", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kathy_Najimy&oldid=854025847", "q_uid": -4409546565232690318, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kathy Ann Najimy ( / n\u0259\u02c8d\u0292\u026ami / n\u0259 - JIM - ee; born February 6, 1957 ) is an American actress. She is best known for voicing Peggy Hill on the animated television series King of the Hill, and her roles as Sister Mary Patrick in the comedy film Sister Act, Mary Sanderson in the comedy - fantasy film Hocus Pocus, and Olive Massery on the comedy series Veronica 's Closet. Prior to her film work, Najimy was best known for two Off - Broadway shows with Mo Gaffney working as the duo Kathy and Mo. One of the shows became an HBO comedy special and garnered Najimy her first nationwide fan base.", "short_answer": "Kathy Ann Najimy (" } } ], "List of UFC records": [ { "question": "who has the longest win streak in mma", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=809008881", "q_uid": 4887032827221457403, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Began Ended Winning streak 1. Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight Jun 28, 2006 Jul 6, 2013 16 2. Georges St - Pierre Welterweight Middleweight Aug 25, 2007 Active 13 2. Jon Jones Light Heavyweight 000000002011 - 03 - 19 - 0000 Mar 19, 2011 Jul 29, 2017 13 3. Demetrious Johnson Flyweight Jun 8, 2012 Active 12 4. Royce Gracie Welterweight Openweight Catchweight Nov 12, 1993 May 27, 2006 11 5. Max Holloway Featherweight January 4, 2014 Active 11", "short_answer": "Anderson Silva" } }, { "question": "who has the most title defenses in ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=865391666", "q_uid": 5126213009515325104, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Title Days 1. Anderson Silva Middleweight 2457 2. Demetrious Johnson Flyweight 2142 3. Georges St - Pierre Welterweight 2064 4. Jos\u00e9 Aldo Featherweight 1848 5. Jon Jones Light Heavyweight 1501 Fighter Title Defenses 1. Demetrious Johnson Flyweight 11 2. Anderson Silva Middleweight 10 3. Georges St - Pierre Welterweight 9 4. Jon Jones Light Heavyweight 8 5. Jos\u00e9 Aldo Featherweight 7", "short_answer": "Demetrious Johnson" } }, { "question": "who has the most knockouts in ufc history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=854511863", "q_uid": 6799651008534473283, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Knockouts 1. Vitor Belfort Middleweight Light Heavyweight Heavyweight Catchweight 12 2. Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight 11 Anthony Johnson Light Heavyweight Middleweight Welterweight 4. Chuck Liddell Light Heavyweight 10 Michael Bisping Middleweight Light Heavyweight Cain Velasquez Heavyweight", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the longest winning streak in mma history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=834376017", "q_uid": -7390763651730085345, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Began Ended Winning streak 1. Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight Jun 28, 2006 Jul 6, 2013 16 2. Georges St - Pierre Welterweight Middleweight Aug 25, 2007 Active 13 Jon Jones Light Heavyweight 000000002010 - 03 - 21 - 0000 Mar 21, 2010 Jul 29, 2017 13 Demetrious Johnson Flyweight Jun 8, 2012 Active 13 5. Max Holloway Featherweight January 4, 2014 Active 12", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most finishes in ufc history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=809008881", "q_uid": -3847798349971247728, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Finishes 1. Vitor Belfort Middleweight Light Heavyweight Heavyweight Catchweight 14 Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight 3. Frank Mir Heavyweight 13 Donald Cerrone Welterweight Lightweight Matt Hughes Welterweight Catchweight 6. Joe Lauzon Lightweight Catchweight 12 By", "short_answer": "Vitor Belfort" } }, { "question": "who has the most fights in ufc history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=854511863", "q_uid": 2785199121373027381, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Bouts 1. Jeremy Stephens Featherweight Lightweight 29 Jim Miller Lightweight Catchweight Michael Bisping Middleweight Light - Heavyweight 4. Demian Maia Welterweight Middleweight 28 Donald Cerrone Lightweight Welterweight Catchweight Gleison Tibau Lightweight Welterweight 7. Diego Sanchez Featherweight Lightweight Welterweight Middleweight Catchweight 27 Frank Mir Heavyweight Tito Ortiz Light - Heavyweight 10. Andrei Arlovski Heavyweight 26 Clay Guida Featherweight Lightweight Joe Lauzon Lightweight Catchweight Vitor Belfort Middleweight Light - Heavyweight Heavyweight Catchweight", "short_answer": "Jeremy Stephens" } }, { "question": "who has been knocked out the most in ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=849444026", "q_uid": 3573675638850757970, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Knockouts 1. Vitor Belfort Middleweight Light Heavyweight Heavyweight Catchweight 12 2. Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight 11 Anthony Johnson Light Heavyweight Middleweight Welterweight 4. Chuck Liddell Light Heavyweight 10 Michael Bisping Middleweight Light Heavyweight Cain Velasquez Heavyweight", "short_answer": "Vitor Belfort" } }, { "question": "who has the most knockouts in the ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=843624930", "q_uid": 6757098750193782070, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Knockouts 1. Vitor Belfort Middleweight Light Heavyweight Heavyweight Catchweight 12 2. Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight 11 Anthony Johnson Light Heavyweight Middleweight Welterweight 4. Chuck Liddell Light Heavyweight 10 Michael Bisping Middleweight Light Heavyweight Cain Velasquez Heavyweight", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most consecutive wins in the ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=816078275", "q_uid": 4793406120390002707, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Began Ended Winning streak 1. Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight Jun 28, 2006 Jul 6, 2013 16 2. Georges St - Pierre Welterweight Middleweight Aug 25, 2007 Active 13 Jon Jones Light Heavyweight 000000002011 - 03 - 19 - 0000 Mar 19, 2011 Jul 29, 2017 13 Demetrious Johnson Flyweight Jun 8, 2012 Active 13 5. Max Holloway Featherweight January 4, 2014 Active 12", "short_answer": "Anderson Silva" } }, { "question": "who has the most submission wins in ufc history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=834555787", "q_uid": -6796598284847264244, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Submissions 1. Royce Gracie Welterweight Openweight Catchweight 12 2. Nate Diaz Lightweight Welterweight 9 Charles Oliveira Featherweight Lightweight Demian Maia Welterweight Middleweight 5. Frank Mir Heavyweight 8 6. Kenny Florian Lightweight Welterweight 7 Joe Lauzon Lightweight Catchweight Cole Miller Featherweight Lightweight By", "short_answer": "Royce Gracie" } }, { "question": "who holds the longest win streak in ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=801270522", "q_uid": 1459977907697461699, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Began Ended Winning streak 1. Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight Jun 28, 2006 Jul 6, 2013 16 2. Jon Jones Light Heavyweight 000000002011 - 03 - 19 - 0000 Mar 19, 2011 Jul 29, 2017 13 3. Georges St - Pierre Welterweight 000000002007 - 08 - 25 - 0000 Aug 25, 2007 Active 12 Demetrious Johnson Flyweight Jun 8, 2012 5. Royce Gracie Welterweight Openweight Catchweight Nov 12, 1993 May 27, 2006 11 5. Max Holloway Featherweight January 4, 2014 Active 11", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the longest winning streak in ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=803187228", "q_uid": -7435806052295238384, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Began Ended Winning streak 1. Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight Jun 28, 2006 Jul 6, 2013 16 2. Jon Jones Light Heavyweight 000000002011 - 03 - 19 - 0000 Mar 19, 2011 Jul 29, 2017 13 3. Georges St - Pierre Welterweight 000000002007 - 08 - 25 - 0000 Aug 25, 2007 Active 12 Demetrious Johnson Flyweight Jun 8, 2012 5. Royce Gracie Welterweight Openweight Catchweight Nov 12, 1993 May 27, 2006 11 5. Max Holloway Featherweight January 4, 2014 Active 11", "short_answer": "Anderson Silva" } }, { "question": "who has the longest win streak in ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=843624930", "q_uid": -2953449825819391772, "answers": { "long_answer": "fighter Division / s Began Ended Winning streak 1. Anderson Silva Middleweight Light Heavyweight Jun 28, 2006 Jul 6, 2013 16 2. Georges St - Pierre Welterweight Middleweight Aug 25, 2007 Active 13 Jon Jones Light Heavyweight 000000002010 - 03 - 21 - 0000 Mar 21, 2010 Jul 29, 2017 13 Demetrious Johnson Flyweight Jun 8, 2012 Active 13 5. Max Holloway Featherweight January 4, 2014 Active 12", "short_answer": "Anderson Silva" } }, { "question": "who has the most fights in the ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=832927970", "q_uid": 7359084840758601176, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Division / s Bouts 1. Michael Bisping Middleweight Light Heavyweight 29 2. Jeremy Stephens Featherweight Lightweight 28 Jim Miller Lightweight Catchweight 4. Demian Maia Welterweight Middleweight 27 Diego Sanchez Featherweight Lightweight Welterweight Middleweight Catchweight Donald Cerrone Lightweight Welterweight Frank Mir Heavyweight Gleison Tibau Lightweight Welterweight Tito Ortiz Light Heavyweight 10. Andrei Arlovski Heavyweight 25 B.J. Penn Featherweight Lightweight Welterweight Clay Guida Featherweight Lightweight Joe Lauzon Lightweight Catchweight Josh Koscheck Welterweight Middleweight Matt Hughes Welterweight Catchweight Nate Marquardt Welterweight Middleweight Vitor Belfort Middleweight Light Heavyweight Heavyweight Catchweight", "short_answer": "Michael Bisping" } }, { "question": "who has the most title defenses in ufc history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_records&oldid=807240501", "q_uid": -8153428985279442568, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fighter Title / s Wins 1. Georges St - Pierre Welterweight 12 2. Anderson Silva Middleweight 11 Demetrious Johnson Flyweight 3. Jon Jones Light Heavyweight 9 5. Matt Hughes Welterweight 9 Randy Couture Light Heavyweight Heavyweight By", "short_answer": "" } } ], "John Bell (Scottish actor)": [ { "question": "the hobbit desolation of smaug bard's son", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Bell_(Scottish_actor)&oldid=826896515", "q_uid": -1836492961379753450, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Bell ( born October 20, 1997 ) is a Scottish actor who played Bain in two installments of the Hobbit film series, Angus in Battleship, Helius in Wrath of the Titans and as Toby Coleman in Tracy Beaker Returns.", "short_answer": "John Bell (" } } ], "Leave It to Beaver": [ { "question": "where is the setting for leave it to beaver", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Leave_It_to_Beaver&oldid=816168805", "q_uid": 1773144342058789458, "answers": { "long_answer": "Leave It to Beaver is an American television sitcom about an inquisitive and often na\u00efve boy, Theodore `` The Beaver '' Cleaver ( portrayed by Jerry Mathers ), and his adventures at home, in school, and around his suburban neighborhood. The show also starred Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont as Beaver 's parents, June and Ward Cleaver, and Tony Dow as Beaver 's brother Wally. The show has attained an iconic status in the United States, with the Cleavers exemplifying the idealized suburban family of the mid-20th century.", "short_answer": "United States," } }, { "question": "where was leave it to beaver filmed at", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Leave_It_to_Beaver&oldid=866019550", "q_uid": 4249989733276825092, "answers": { "long_answer": "For the first two seasons, Leave It to Beaver was filmed at Republic Studios in Studio City, Los Angeles. For its final four seasons, production moved to Universal Studios. Exteriors, including the fa\u00e7ades of the two Cleaver houses, were filmed on the respective studio back lots. Stock footage was often used for establishing shots.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is leave it to beaver supposed to take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Leave_It_to_Beaver&oldid=801643730", "q_uid": -8196150811330272197, "answers": { "long_answer": "Leave It to Beaver is set in the fictitious community of Mayfield and its environs. The principal setting is the Cleaver home. The Cleavers live in two houses over the series ' run. The move was necessary when the fa\u00e7ade of the original house, located at Republic Studios. became unavailable for filming following the production 's move to Universal. The new house stood on the Universal backlot. The address of the first house is 485 Mapleton ( sometimes Maple ) Drive, and the second at 211 Pine Street. Mapleton", "short_answer": "fictitious community of Mayfield and" } }, { "question": "what is the beavers name in leave it to beaver", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Leave_It_to_Beaver&oldid=816168805", "q_uid": 327326875885321146, "answers": { "long_answer": "Leave It to Beaver is an American television sitcom about an inquisitive and often na\u00efve boy, Theodore `` The Beaver '' Cleaver ( portrayed by Jerry Mathers ), and his adventures at home, in school, and around his suburban neighborhood. The show also starred Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont as Beaver 's parents, June and Ward Cleaver, and Tony Dow as Beaver 's brother Wally. The show has attained an iconic status in the United States, with the Cleavers exemplifying the idealized suburban family of the mid-20th century.", "short_answer": "Theodore `` The Beaver '' Cleaver (" } } ], "FIFA World Cup hosts": [ { "question": "when was the last time world cup was held in england", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": -6748401676756470430, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "1966" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the us hosted the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=842789674", "q_uid": -9220076138309050969, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled due to World War II 1946 Cancelled due to World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe West Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil West Germany Europe West Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe West Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 South Korea / Japan Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 TBD 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "1994" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the world cup host won", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": -5036241408587748919, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "1998" } }, { "question": "who is hosting the world cup in 4 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=850569269", "q_uid": 2909025308875536040, "answers": { "long_answer": "The hosts for both World Cups were announced by the FIFA Executive Committee on 2 December 2010. Russia was selected to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup, making it the first time that the World Cup will be hosted in Eastern Europe and making it the biggest country geographically to host the World Cup. Qatar was selected to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup, making it the first time a World Cup will be held in the Arab World and the second time in Asia since the 2002 tournament in South Korea and Japan. Also, the decision made it the smallest country geographically to host the World Cup.", "short_answer": "Qatar was" } }, { "question": "who decides where the world cup is held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 42161770097831107, "answers": { "long_answer": "To avoid any future boycotts or controversy, FIFA began a pattern of alternation between the Americas and Europe, which continued until the 2002 FIFA World Cup in Asia. The system evolved so that the host country is now chosen in a vote by FIFA 's Congress. This is done under an exhaustive ballot system. The decision is currently made roughly seven years in advance of the tournament, though the hosts for the 2022 tournament were chosen at the same time as those for the 2018 tournament.", "short_answer": "chosen in a vote by FIFA 's Congress." } }, { "question": "how many times have spain hosted the world cup and when", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": 6666989726927828477, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many countries in africa have hosted the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=810508394", "q_uid": -5989485555699220335, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled due to World War II 1946 Cancelled due to World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe West Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil West Germany Europe West Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe West Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 South Korea / Japan Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 TBD 2030 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the us hosted a world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": -6059152351404324226, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "1994" } }, { "question": "who is hosting the next fifa world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": -3355100919757098773, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where was the last football world cup held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": -4444950930899842173, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where were all the fifa world cups held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": -4960950322611625895, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where was the last 5 world cups held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 6262060082480100025, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what year did the us host the world cup of soccer", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": -4202357113639247, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "1994" } }, { "question": "where are the next world cups being played", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=866370804", "q_uid": -4099698409234301071, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Year Host nation Finish 1930 Uruguay Champions 1934 Italy Champions 1938 France Quarter - final \u2021 -- 1942 Germany ( expected ) Tournament is canceled due to World War II -- 1946 Tournament canceled, during the World War II 1950 Brazil Runners - up 5 1954 Switzerland Quarter - final \u2020 6 1958 Sweden Runners - up 7 1962 Chile Third place 8 1966 England Champions 9 1970 Mexico Quarter - final \u2020 10 West Germany Champions 11 1978 Argentina Champions 12 1982 Spain Round 2 ( Top 12 ) ( Format was different from other cups. ) 13 1986 Mexico Quarter - final \u2020 14 1990 Italy Third place 15 1994 United States Round of 16 16 1998 France Champions 17 2002 South Korea Fourth place Japan Round of 16 \u2020 18 2006 Germany Third place 19 South Africa Group stage 20 2014 Brazil Fourth place 21 2018 Russia Quarter - final 22 2022 Qatar TBD 23 2026 Canada TBD Mexico TBD United States TBD", "short_answer": "Qatar" } }, { "question": "did any host nation win the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": -7941340768666871237, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Year Host nation Finish 1930 Uruguay Champions 1934 Italy Champions 1938 France Quarter - final \u2021 -- 1942 Germany ( expected ) Tournament is canceled due to World War II -- 1946 Tournament canceled, during the World War II 1950 Brazil Runners - up 5 1954 Switzerland Quarter - final \u2020 6 1958 Sweden Runners - up 7 1962 Chile Third place 8 1966 England Champions 9 1970 Mexico Quarter - final \u2020 10 West Germany Champions 11 1978 Argentina Champions 12 1982 Spain Round 2 ( Top 12 ) ( Format was different from other cups. ) 13 1986 Mexico Quarter - final \u2020 14 1990 Italy Third place 15 1994 United States Round of 16 16 1998 France Champions 17 2002 South Korea Fourth place Japan Round of 16 \u2020 18 2006 Germany Third place 19 South Africa Group stage 20 2014 Brazil Fourth place 21 2018 Russia Quarter - final 22 2022 Qatar TBD 23 2026 Canada TBD Mexico TBD United States TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did brazil organize its first world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=826662872", "q_uid": 5150378125952226530, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled due to World War II 1946 Cancelled due to World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe West Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil West Germany Europe West Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe West Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 South Korea / Japan Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 TBD 2030 TBD", "short_answer": "1950" } }, { "question": "where did the last world cup take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=866370804", "q_uid": 8327286779312873035, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where was the last world cup tournament held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": -8759214460122221147, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the only time the world cup was held in england", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 7573566328731446892, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "1966" } }, { "question": "how many times did england host world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": -1117891288032247870, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last world cup held in germany", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": -6265513790802983765, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "2006" } }, { "question": "where were the last 10 world cups held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=828266130", "q_uid": -3840869490882406244, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled due to World War II 1946 Cancelled due to World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe West Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil West Germany Europe West Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe West Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 South Korea / Japan Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 TBD 2030 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did the us host the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=828266130", "q_uid": -1001401311174482215, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled due to World War II 1946 Cancelled due to World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe West Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil West Germany Europe West Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe West Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 South Korea / Japan Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 TBD 2030 TBD", "short_answer": "1994" } }, { "question": "where have the last 5 world cups been held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 1690394513116740951, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was world cup last held in england", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": -9093773696640647517, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "1966" } }, { "question": "where were the last 3 world cups held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=826662872", "q_uid": 3410996495099973758, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled due to World War II 1946 Cancelled due to World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe West Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil West Germany Europe West Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe West Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 South Korea / Japan Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 TBD 2030 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the host country won the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=866370804", "q_uid": -7655704696546631887, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Year Host nation Finish 1930 Uruguay Champions 1934 Italy Champions 1938 France Quarter - final \u2021 -- 1942 Germany ( expected ) Tournament is canceled due to World War II -- 1946 Tournament canceled, during the World War II 1950 Brazil Runners - up 5 1954 Switzerland Quarter - final \u2020 6 1958 Sweden Runners - up 7 1962 Chile Third place 8 1966 England Champions 9 1970 Mexico Quarter - final \u2020 10 West Germany Champions 11 1978 Argentina Champions 12 1982 Spain Round 2 ( Top 12 ) ( Format was different from other cups. ) 13 1986 Mexico Quarter - final \u2020 14 1990 Italy Third place 15 1994 United States Round of 16 16 1998 France Champions 17 2002 South Korea Fourth place Japan Round of 16 \u2020 18 2006 Germany Third place 19 South Africa Group stage 20 2014 Brazil Fourth place 21 2018 Russia Quarter - final 22 2022 Qatar TBD 23 2026 Canada TBD Mexico TBD United States TBD", "short_answer": "1998" } }, { "question": "when was the world cup last held in the uk", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=850569269", "q_uid": -8850098041355407367, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "1966" } }, { "question": "where was the last fifa world cup played", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": 6843915002412418725, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the world cup while hosting", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": -2209951785285655817, "answers": { "long_answer": "# Performance Team Year Pld Win % GF GA GD GD / M GF / M Champion Uruguay 1930 0 0 100 % 15 12 3.8 Champion France 1998 7 6 0 93 % 15 13 1.9 2.1 Champion England 1966 6 5 0 92 % 11 8 1.3 1.8 Champion Italy 1934 5 0 90 % 12 9 1.8 2.4 5 Champion West Germany 7 6 0 86 % 13 9 1.3 1.9 6 Champion Argentina 1978 7 5 79 % 15 9 1.3 2.1 7 Runner - up Brazil 1950 6 75 % 22 6 16 2.7 3.7 8 Runner - up Sweden 1958 6 75 % 12 7 5 0.8 9 Third place Italy 1990 7 6 0 93 % 10 8 1.1 1.4 10 Third place Germany 2006 7 5 79 % 14 6 8 1.1 11 Third place Chile 1962 6 0 67 % 10 8 0.33 1.3 12 Fourth place South Korea 2002 7 57 % 8 6 0.3 1.1 13 Fourth place Brazil 2014 7 57 % 11 14 \u2212 3 \u2212 0.4 1.57 14 Quarter - final Russia 2018 5 60 % 11 7 0.8 15 Quarter - final Mexico 1986 5 0 80 % 6 0.8 16 Quarter - final Mexico 1970 63 % 6 0.5 1.5 17 Quarter - final Switzerland 1954 0 50 % 11 11 0 0 2.8 18 Quarter - final France 1938 0 50 % 0 0 19 Second round Spain 1982 5 40 % 5 \u2212 1 \u2212 0.2 0.8 20 Round of 16 Japan 2002 63 % 5 0.5 1.25 21 Round of 16 United States 1994 38 % \u2212 1 \u2212 0.3 0.8 22 Group stage South Africa 50 % 5 \u2212 2 \u2212 0.7", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where were the last 4 world cups held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 7824076122149308463, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did spain last host the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=834487248", "q_uid": 4614348633384865592, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled due to World War II 1946 Cancelled due to World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe West Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil West Germany Europe West Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe West Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 South Korea / Japan Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 TBD 2030 TBD", "short_answer": "1982" } }, { "question": "all countries that have hosted the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=850569269", "q_uid": -1122570138266042583, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the world cup last held in france", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 1858642786804276526, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "1998" } }, { "question": "where is the next world cups being held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 7884045330749308784, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the first to host the world cup twice", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 3529043713607607656, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time usa hosted world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": 6005554700775960153, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "1994" } }, { "question": "where was the last world cup soccer held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": -5765600002165253786, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did brazil last host the fifa world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=817512449", "q_uid": 1922567092251879685, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled due to World War II 1946 Cancelled due to World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe West Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil West Germany Europe West Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe West Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 South Korea / Japan Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 TBD 2030 TBD", "short_answer": "2014" } }, { "question": "when did italy host the fifa world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=850569269", "q_uid": -1277921174222123741, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "1934" } }, { "question": "when did mexico host the fifa world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=815429696", "q_uid": 3937130437908018262, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled due to World War II 1946 Cancelled due to World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe West Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil West Germany Europe West Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe West Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 South Korea / Japan Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 TBD 2030 TBD", "short_answer": "1970" } }, { "question": "when was the last fifa world cup held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": -780901962571738690, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Year Host nation Finish 1930 Uruguay Champions 1934 Italy Champions 1938 France Quarter - final \u2021 -- 1942 Germany ( expected ) Tournament is canceled due to World War II -- 1946 Tournament canceled, during the World War II 1950 Brazil Runners - up 5 1954 Switzerland Quarter - final \u2020 6 1958 Sweden Runners - up 7 1962 Chile Third place 8 1966 England Champions 9 1970 Mexico Quarter - final \u2020 10 West Germany Champions 11 1978 Argentina Champions 12 1982 Spain Round 2 ( Top 12 ) ( Format was different from other cups. ) 13 1986 Mexico Quarter - final \u2020 14 1990 Italy Third place 15 1994 United States Round of 16 16 1998 France Champions 17 2002 South Korea Fourth place Japan Round of 16 \u2020 18 2006 Germany Third place 19 South Africa Group stage 20 2014 Brazil Fourth place 21 2018 Russia Quarter - final 22 2022 Qatar TBD 23 2026 Canada TBD Mexico TBD United States TBD", "short_answer": "2014" } }, { "question": "what year was the world cup in america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 4521385007545888002, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "1994" } }, { "question": "when does the us host the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": 4827717693211948159, "answers": { "long_answer": "2026 Results Nation Vote Round 1 Canada / Mexico / United States 134 Morocco 65 None of the Bids Total votes 200", "short_answer": "2026 Results" } }, { "question": "when was the last time world cup was in us", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": 8140188618801791444, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "1994" } }, { "question": "where has the fifa world cup been held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=856619147", "q_uid": -8204197416361903213, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the world cup last hosted in england", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_World_Cup_hosts&oldid=854658531", "q_uid": -4149884710076408877, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Continent Winner 1930 Uruguay South America Uruguay 1934 Italy Europe Italy 1938 France Europe Italy 1942 Cancelled because of World War II * 1946 Cancelled because of World War II 1950 Brazil South America Uruguay 1954 Switzerland Europe Germany 1958 Sweden Europe Brazil 1962 Chile South America Brazil 1966 England Europe England 1970 Mexico North America Brazil Germany Europe Germany 1978 Argentina South America Argentina 1982 Spain Europe Italy 1986 Mexico North America Argentina 1990 Italy Europe Germany 1994 United States North America Brazil 1998 France Europe France 2002 Japan South Korea Asia Brazil 2006 Germany Europe Italy South Africa Africa Spain 2014 Brazil South America Germany 2018 Russia Europe France 2022 Qatar Asia 2026 Canada Mexico United States North America 2030 TBD 2034 TBD 2038 TBD", "short_answer": "1966" } } ], "List of best-selling music artists": [ { "question": "who has sold the most albums world wide", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=802657271", "q_uid": 52378181532581320, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002270800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 270.8 million ( show ) US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 17.845 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 305,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.240 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.590 million DEN: 260,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002211500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 211.5 million ( show ) US: 188.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 12.245 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.587 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002184100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 184.1 million ( show ) US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 27.195 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.6 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 100,000 DEN: 1.179 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.5 million ( show ) US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.795 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 970,000 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169 million ( show ) US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.295 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.837 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 120,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 139.5 million ( show ) US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.130 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 345,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002118800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 118.8 million ( show ) US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.320 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 515,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 430,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who has the most record sales in rap", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=802517360", "q_uid": 7523811780408983542, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Lady Gaga United States 2005 -- present 2008 Pop / Dance / Electronic 7001972000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 97.2 million ( show ) US: 66.5 million JPN: 5.4 million UK: 10.985 million GER: 2.9 million FRA: 1.58 million CAN: 2.4 million AUS: 2.890 million ITA: 815,000 BRA: 470,000 SWE: 680,000 SPA: 410,000 MEX: 390,000 SWI: 445,000 BEL: 270,000 DEN: 340,000 AUT: 182,500 POL: 130,000 IRE: 165,000 NZ: 277,500 114 million Metallica United States 1981 -- present Heavy metal / Thrash metal 7001941000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 94.1 million ( show ) US: 73.3 million JPN: 900,000 UK: 3.335 million GER: 3.425 million FRA: 940,000 CAN: 3.805 million AUS: 2.637 million ITA: 180,000 BRA: 380,000 SWE: 675,000 SPA: 420,000 MEX: 430,000 SWI: 560,000 BEL: 335,000 DEN: 180,000 ARG: 770,000 AUT: 340,000 POL: 735,000 FIN: 530,676 NZ: 315,000 110 million Katy Perry United States 2001 -- present 2008 Pop 7002127000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 127 million ( show ) US: 96.5 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 11.750 million GER: 2.750 million FRA: 775,000 CAN: 5.8 million AUS: 5.090 million ITA: 680,000 BRA: 625,000 SWE: 520,000 SPA: 180,000 MEX: 900,000 SWI: 160,000 BEL: 135,000 DEN: 235,000 AUT: 240,000 NZ: 360,000 100 million Justin Bieber Canada United States 2008 -- present 2009 Pop / Teen pop, Dance pop 7002126200000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 126.5 million ( show ) US: 86.5 million JPN: 750,000 UK: 14.785 million GER: 3.1 million FRA: 1.2 CAN: 4.620 million AUS: 4.340 million ITA: 1.595 million BRA: 810,000 SWE: 1.820 million SPA: 860,000 MEX: 2.910 million BEL: 435,000 DEN: 1.850 million POL: 370,000 NZ: 600,000 100 million Adele United Kingdom 2006 -- present 2008 Pop, soul 7002104500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 104.5 million ( show ) US: 61 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 20.550 million GER: 4.7 million CAN: 6.040 million AUS: 3.955 million ITA: 1.545 million BRA: 1.310 million SWE: 240,000 SPA: 800,000 MEX: 1.490 million SWI: 510,000 BEL: 795,000 DEN: 522,500 POL: 300,000 FIN: 151,639 NZ: 577,500 100 million Jay Z United States 1996 -- present Hip - hop 7001961000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 96.1 million ( show ) US: 80.7 million JPN: 1.050 million UK: 9.320 million GER: 1.550 million FRA: 400,000 CAN: 1.6 million AUS: 1.260 ITA: 180,000 SWE: 130,000 100 million Bon Jovi United States 1983 -- present Hard rock / Glam metal 7001838000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 83.8 million ( show ) US: 49.9 million JPN: 4.400 million UK: 9.290 million GER: 5.650 million FRA: 825,000 CAN: 4.735 million AUS: 3.030 million ITA: 110,000 BRA: 435,000 SWE: 365,000 SPA: 1.620 million MEX: 250,000 SWI: 1.275 million AUT: 725,000 BEL: 165,000 ARG: 350,000 POL: 110,000 FIN: 422,500 NZ: 210,000 100 million Lil Wayne United States 1996 -- present 1999 Hip - hop 7001799000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 79.9 million ( show ) US: 77.7 million UK: 1.460 million CAN: 280,000 AUS: 525,000 100 million Linkin Park United States 1996 -- present 2000 Alternative rock / Nu metal / Rap rock 7001787000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 78.7 million ( show ) US: 58.6 million JPN: 1.550 million UK: 5.945 million GER: 5.750 million FRA: 1.025 CAN: 1.330 million AUS: 1.450 million ITA: 430,000 BRA: 595,000 SWE: 165,000 SPA: 175,000 MEX: 225,000 SWI: 425,000 BEL: 140,000 DEN: 125,000 AUT: 252,500 POL: 220,000 FIN: 120,469 NZ: 252,500 100 million Britney Spears United States 1998 -- present 1998 Pop / Dance / Dance - pop 7001785000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 78.5 million ( show ) US: 44.2 million JPN: 2.1 million UK: 10.150 million GER: 5.050 million FRA: 3.732 million CAN: 3.680 million AUS: 3.130 million ITA: 175,000 BRA: 380,000 SWE: 1.010 million SPA: 990,000 MEX: 1.175 million SWI: 485,000 AUT: 365,000 BEL: 935,000 ARG: 240,000 DEN: 187,500 POL: 210,000 FIN: 143,627 NZ: 240,000 100 million Beyonc\u00e9 United States 1997 -- present 2002 R&B / Pop 7001780000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 78 million ( show ) US: 53.650 million JPN: 1.7 million UK: 13.685 million GER: 1.550 million FRA: 560,000 CAN: 1.395 million AUS: 2.905 million ITA: 260,000 BRA: 390,000 SPA: 1.010 million MEX: 110,000 SWI: 165,000 BEL: 115,000 DEN: 230,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 210,000 100 million Rod Stewart United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001778000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 77.8 million ( show ) US: 43.650 million JPN: 450,000 UK: 18.330 million GER: 3.8 million FRA: 1.8 million CAN: 4.055 million AUS: 2.610 million BRA: 980,000 SWE: 440,000 SPA: 290,000 SWI: 100,000 ARG: 500,000 AUT: 100,000 POL: 220,000 IRE: 195,000 NZ: 280,000 100 million Fleetwood Mac United Kingdom United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Pop 7001761009999900000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 76.1 million ( show ) US: 51.250 million UK: 13.585 million GER: 3.5 million FRA: 800,000 AUS: 2.767 million CAN: 2.950 million SPA: 300,000 SWI: 100,000 BEL: 100,000 NZ: 572,500 100 million Guns N ' Roses United States 1985 -- present Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001737000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 73.7 million ( show ) US: 48.5 million JPN: 1.7 million UK: 5.850 million GER: 4.1 million FRA: 1 million CAN: 3.520 million AUS: 2.410 ITA: 685,000 BRA: 1.9 million SWE: 485,000 SPA: 450,000 MEX: 760,000 SWI: 365,000 BEL: 165,000 ARG: 1.080 million AUT: 365,000 IRE: 105,000 NZ: 270,000 100 million George Strait United States 1981 -- present 1984 Country 7001728000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 72.8 million ( show ) US: 72.150 million CAN: 705,000 100 million Backstreet Boys United States 1993 -- present 1995 Pop 7001720000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 72 million ( show ) US: 41.5 million JPN: 5.4 million UK: 4.835 million GER: 7 million FRA: 325,000 CAN: 3.430 million AUS: 1.4 million BRA: 1.625 million SWE: 655,000 SPA: 1.850 million MEX: 1.475 million SWI: 415,000 BEL: 425,000 ARG: 740,000 AUT: 325,000 POL: 300,000 FIN: 171,390 NZ: 132,500 100 million Neil Diamond United States 1966 -- present 1966 Pop / Rock 7001683000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 68.3 million ( show ) US: 55.9 million UK: 7.130 million GER: 1 million FRA: 400,000 CAN: 1.725 million AUS: 1.945 million SPA: 100,000 NZ: 127,500 100 million Prince United States 1976 -- 2016 1978 Funk / R&B / Pop / Soul / Rock 7001642000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 64.2 million ( show ) US: 48.950 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 7.045 million GER: 2.4 million FRA: 2.110 million CAN: 1 million AUS: 1.120 SWE: 100,000 SPA: 700,000 SWI: 250,000 AUT: 125,000 NZ: 177,500 100 million Paul McCartney United Kingdom 1960 -- present 1970 Rock 7001606000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 60.6 million ( show ) US: 41.450 million JPN: 500,000 UK: 12.365 million GER: 1.525 million FRA: 1.305 million CAN: 1.955 million AUS: 465,000 SWE: 210,000 SPA: 640,000 DEN: 210,000 100 million Kenny Rogers United States 1958 -- present Country / Pop 7001589000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 58.9 million ( show ) US: 51.550 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 2.520 million CAN: 4.6 million AUS: 100,000 SPA: 100,000 100 million Janet Jackson United States 1982 -- present 1982 R&B / Pop 7001521000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 52.1 million ( show ) US: 39.750 million JPN: 1.6 million UK: 4.760 million GER: 1.4 million FRA: 1.475 million CAN: 1.460 million AUS: 1.155 SWE: 105,000 SPA: 150,000 SWI: 170,000 BEL: 125,000 100 million Julio Iglesias Spain 1968 -- present 1968 Latin 7001510000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 51 million ( show ) US: 11 million JPN: 800,000 UK: 1.620 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 6.1 million CAN: 1.5 million AUS: 540,000 ITA: 400,000 NLD: 950,000 BRA: 12.475 million SWE: 290,000 SPA: 8.7 million MEX: 2.975 million BEL: 125,000 ARG: 3.220 million FIN: 131,636 100 million Chicago United States 1967 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001483000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 48.3 million ( show ) US: 44.150 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 1.490 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 100,000 CAN: 1.865 million SPA: 100,000 100 million The Carpenters United States 1969 -- 1983 1969 Pop 7001460000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 46 million ( show ) US: 34.6 million JPN: 2.9 million UK: 7.950 million GER: 250,000 CAN: 275,000 BRA: 100,000 100 million Bob Dylan United States 1959 -- present 1963 Folk / Rock 7001451000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 45.1 million ( show ) US: 35.6 million UK: 5.825 million GER: 625,000 FRA: 800,000 CAN: 1.5 million AUS: 480,000 SWI: 175,000 NZ: 105,000 100 million Dire Straits United Kingdom 1977 -- 1995 1978 Rock 7001447000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 44.7 million ( show ) US: 15.5 million UK: 11.1 million GER: 3.750 million FRA: 5.3 million CAN: 2.575 million AUS: 2.190 million ITA: 385,000 BRA: 175,000 SWE: 360,000 SPA: 1.380 million SWI: 1 million BEL: 100,000 AUT: 300,000 FIN: 471,530 NZ: 155,000 100 million Bryan Adams Canada 1979 -- present 1979 Rock 7001445000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 44.5 million ( show ) US: 21 million JPN: 600,000 UK: 8.675 million GER: 3.850 million FRA: 650,000 CAN: 5.120 million AUS: 2.010 million BRA: 100,000 SWE: 440,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 805,000 BEL: 250,000 AUT: 375,000 FIN: 183,444 100 million Def Leppard United Kingdom 1977 -- present 1979 Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001416000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 41.6 million ( show ) US: 35.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 1.660 million FRA: 200,000 CAN: 2.995 million AUS: 385,000 SWE: 150,000 MEX: 200,000 SWI: 125,000 100 million Cher United States 1964 -- present 1965 Pop / Rock / Dance / Folk 7001404000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 40.4 million ( show ) US: 21.9 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 6.450 million GER: 4.175 million FRA: 1.525 million CAN: 1.340 million AUS: 1.530 million ITA: 300,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE: 850,000 SPA: 600,000 MEX: 200,000 SWI: 295,000 BEL: 275,000 DEN: 300,000 AUT: 250,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 150,000 100 million Lionel Richie United States 1968 -- present 1981 Pop / R&B 7001402000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 40.2 million ( show ) US: 28.650 million UK: 6.155 million GER: 1.050 million FRA: 1.4 million CAN: 2.380 million AUS: 260,000 BRA: 100,000 SPA: 150,000 SWI: 145,000 100 million Genesis United Kingdom 1967 -- 1999 2006 -- present 1969 Progressive rock / Pop rock 7001399000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 39.9 million ( show ) US: 21.650 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 7.325 million GER: 5.875 million FRA: 3.460 million CAN: 805,000 SWE: 100,000 SPA: 250,000 SWI: 400,000 100 million James Taylor United States 1968 -- present 1970 Rock / Pop 7001355000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 35.5 million ( show ) US: 34.650 million UK: 655,000 CAN: 100,000 AUS: 100,000 100 million Olivia Newton - John Australia 1966 -- present 1966 Pop 7001346000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 34.6 million ( show ) US: 27 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 3.950 million GER: 250,000 CAN: 3.025 million AUS: 310,000 100 million Stevie Wonder United States 1961 -- present 1962 Funk / R&B / Soul 7001346000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 34.6 million ( show ) US: 21.650 million JPN: 1.050 million UK: 8.285 million GER: 500,000 FRA: 1.4 million CAN: 1.550 million SPA: 250,000 100 million Tina Turner United States 1955 -- present Rock / Pop 7001328009999900000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 32.8 million ( show ) US: 12.7 million UK: 8.145 million GER: 6.050 million FRA: 1.135 million CAN: 1.560 million AUS: 480,000 SWE: 330,000 SPA: 700,000 SWI: 565,000 BEL: 190,000 AUT: 630,000 POL: 120,000 FIN: 241,954 100 million Linda Ronstadt United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Folk / Country 7001325000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 32.5 million ( show ) US: 31.5 million UK: 435,000 FRA: 100,000 CAN: 500,000 100 million Donna Summer United States 1968 -- 2012 Pop / Disco / R&B 7001308000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 30.8 million ( show ) US: 24.5 million UK: 3.735 million FRA: 900,000 CAN: 1.550 million BRA: 100,000 SPA: 100,000 100 million The Beach Boys United States 1961 -- present 1962 Rock / Pop / Surf Rock 7001305000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 30.5 million ( show ) US: 25.6 million UK: 3.410 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 400,000 CAN: 100,000 AUS: 492,500 SPA: 250,000 100 million David Bowie United Kingdom 1962 -- 2016 1967 Art rock / Glam rock / Pop 7001296000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 29.6 million ( show ) US: 11.7 million JPN: 200,000 UK: 11.445 million GER: 525,000 FRA: 2.380 million CAN: 2.215 million AUS: 565,000 ITA: 320,000 SPA: 170,000 NZ: 142,500 100 million The Who United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1965 Rock / Hard rock 7001269000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 26.9 million ( show ) US: 22.150 million UK: 3.905 million FRA: 300,000 CAN: 425,000 ITA: 125,000 100 million Barry White United States 1972 -- 2003 1973 R&B / Soul 7001217000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 21.7 million ( show ) US: 16.5 million UK: 3.665 million FRA: 1.1 million CAN: 150,000 SPA: 200,000 BEL: 150,000 100 million", "short_answer": "Linkin Park" } }, { "question": "who is the best selling country artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=802657271", "q_uid": -294300848366532170, "answers": { "long_answer": "Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002211500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 211.5 million ( show ) US: 188.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 12.245 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.587 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million", "short_answer": "Elvis Presley" } }, { "question": "who's the best selling music artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=816205235", "q_uid": -3037338981508025642, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Beatles Elvis Presley Michael Jackson Madonna Elton John Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd", "short_answer": "Michael Jackson" } }, { "question": "who's the best selling female artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=854740253", "q_uid": 6112702768583054970, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop Total available certified units: 271.9 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million GER: 8 million UK: 18.445 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million BRA: 550,000 NLD: 295,000 ITA: 380,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWE 485,000 DEN: 270,000 SWI: 350,000 ARG: 1.606 million BEL: 390,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country Total available certified units: 224.5 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 GER: 1.2 million UK: 13.145 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million BRA: 125,000 NLD: 555,000 ITA: 105,000 SPA: 300,000 SWE 380,000 DEN: 120,000 SWI: 185,000 MEX: 105,000 ARG: 110,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B Total available certified units: 188.7 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million GER: 11.275 million UK: 29.045 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.775 million BRA: 280,000 NLD: 2.105 million ITA: 1.195 million SPA: 1.995 million SWE: 1.230 million DEN: 1.289 million SWI: 910,000 MEX: 3.670 million ARG: 124,000 BEL: 665,000 AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica Total available certified units: 172.9 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million GER: 12.4 million UK: 29.245 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million BRA: 3.440 million NLD: 1.735 million ITA: 465,000 SPA: 2.815 million SWE: 1.070 million DEN: 407,000 SWI: 1.080 million MEX: 510,000 ARG: 1.098 BEL: 740,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock Total available certified units: 182.6 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million GER: 7.9 million UK: 23.195 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 NLD: 975,000 SPA: 1.2 million SWE: 740,000 DEN: 195,000 SWI: 1.313 million MEX: 100,000 ARG: 128,000 BEL: 565,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 GER: 3.775 million UK: 9.530 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million BRA: 820,000 ITA: 465,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock Total available certified units: 120.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 GER: 7.5 million UK: 11.720 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million BRA: 515,000 NLD: 435,000 ITA: 1.985 million SPA: 625,000 SWE: 220,000 SWI: 390,000 ARG: 582,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "Madonna" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most records to date", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=857086123", "q_uid": 4061616414492078240, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop Total available certified units: 271.9 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million GER: 8 million UK: 18.445 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million BRA: 550,000 NLD: 295,000 ITA: 380,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWE 485,000 DEN: 270,000 SWI: 350,000 ARG: 1.606 million BEL: 390,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country Total available certified units: 224.5 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 GER: 1.2 million UK: 13.145 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million BRA: 125,000 NLD: 555,000 ITA: 105,000 SPA: 300,000 SWE 380,000 DEN: 120,000 SWI: 185,000 MEX: 105,000 ARG: 110,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B Total available certified units: 229.5 million US: 145.3 million JPN: 4.650 million GER: 11.275 million UK: 29.045 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.775 million BRA: 280,000 NLD: 2.105 million ITA: 1.195 million SPA: 1.995 million SWE: 1.230 million DEN: 1.289 million SWI: 910,000 MEX: 3.670 million ARG: 124,000 BEL: 665,000 AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica Total available certified units: 172.9 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million GER: 12.4 million UK: 29.245 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million BRA: 3.440 million NLD: 1.735 million ITA: 465,000 SPA: 2.815 million SWE: 1.070 million DEN: 407,000 SWI: 1.080 million MEX: 510,000 ARG: 1.098 BEL: 740,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock Total available certified units: 182.8 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million GER: 7.9 million UK: 23.395 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 NLD: 975,000 SPA: 1.2 million SWE: 740,000 DEN: 195,000 SWI: 1.313 million MEX: 100,000 ARG: 128,000 BEL: 565,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 GER: 3.775 million UK: 9.530 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million BRA: 820,000 ITA: 465,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock Total available certified units: 120.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 GER: 7.5 million UK: 11.720 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million BRA: 515,000 NLD: 435,000 ITA: 2.035 million SPA: 625,000 SWE: 220,000 SWI: 390,000 ARG: 582,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who's the best selling artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=804917497", "q_uid": -5428517858137254570, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "Elvis Presley is" } }, { "question": "who sold more records the beatles or rolling stones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=839292193", "q_uid": -2717626247088466127, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "The Beatles are" } }, { "question": "who is the biggest record seller of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=819298050", "q_uid": -4746594016704810245, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who are the top selling rock bands of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=797790274", "q_uid": 7721697587600346637, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Beatles Elvis Presley Michael Jackson Madonna Elton John Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the highest selling recording artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=804917497", "q_uid": 7341511596768735513, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002270800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 270.8 million ( show ) US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 17.845 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 305,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.240 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 260,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002211700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 211.7 million ( show ) US: 188.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 12.445 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.587 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002184200000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 184.2 million ( show ) US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 27.195 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.6 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.179 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.6 million ( show ) US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.795 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169 million ( show ) US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.295 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.837 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 139.5 million ( show ) US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.130 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 345,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002118900000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 118.9 million ( show ) US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.320 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 515,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most records world wide", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=843493216", "q_uid": -3501033480314481054, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002271300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 271.4 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 18.245 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 380,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 390,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 270,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002223100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 13.145 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002185600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 185.6 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 28.245 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.670 million ITA: 1.195 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 665,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.224 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002171000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 171 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 29.045 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 715,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002181000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 181 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.595 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002140000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.530 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 420,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002119600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 119.6 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.520 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.910 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who is the most sold artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=812315717", "q_uid": 3900573607899043205, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Beatles Elvis Presley Michael Jackson Madonna Elton John Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd", "short_answer": "Elvis Presley" } }, { "question": "who is the highest selling female musician of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=850249929", "q_uid": 6560005430497672049, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop Total available certified units: 271.6 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million GER: 8 million UK: 18.445 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million BRA: 550,000 ITA: 380,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWE 485,000 DEN: 270,000 SWI: 350,000 ARG: 1.606 million BEL: 390,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 GER: 1.2 million UK: 13.145 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million BRA: 125,000 ITA: 105,000 SPA: 300,000 SWE 380,000 DEN: 120,000 SWI: 185,000 MEX: 105,000 ARG: 110,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B Total available certified units: 185.8 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million GER: 11.275 million UK: 28.245 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.740 million BRA: 280,000 ITA: 1.195 million SPA: 1.995 million SWE: 1.230 million DEN: 1.289 million SWI: 910,000 MEX: 3.670 million ARG: 124,000 BEL: 665,000 AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica Total available certified units: 171 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million GER: 12.4 million UK: 29.045 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million BRA: 3.440 million ITA: 465,000 SPA: 2.815 million SWE: 1.070 million DEN: 407,000 SWI: 1.080 million MEX: 510,000 ARG: 1.098 BEL: 740,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock Total available certified units: 181.1 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million GER: 7.9 million UK: 22.595 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SPA: 1.2 million SWE: 740,000 DEN: 195,000 SWI: 1.313 million MEX: 100,000 ARG: 128,000 BEL: 565,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 GER: 3.775 million UK: 9.530 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million BRA: 820,000 ITA: 420,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock Total available certified units: 119.6 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 GER: 7.5 million UK: 11.520 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million BRA: 540,000 ITA: 1.910 million SPA: 625,000 SWE: 220,000 SWI: 390,000 ARG: 582,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "Madonna" } }, { "question": "who is the world best selling music artist", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=854740253", "q_uid": 8443917868894507731, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "The Beatles are" } }, { "question": "who sold more albums beatles or michael jackson", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=837281241", "q_uid": -397840328659442702, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002271300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 271.3 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 18.245 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 355,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 270,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002223100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 13.145 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002185300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 185.3 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 28.245 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.670 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.224 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.7 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169.3 million US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.595 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002140000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.530 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 420,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002119100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 119.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.520 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who holds the record for most albums sold", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=808028552", "q_uid": -1731091765372094471, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002270800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 270.8 million ( show ) US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 17.845 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 330,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 260,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002211700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 211.7 million ( show ) US: 188.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 12.445 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.587 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002184200000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 184.2 million ( show ) US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 27.195 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.6 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.179 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.6 million ( show ) US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.795 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169 million ( show ) US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.295 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.837 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 139.5 million ( show ) US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.130 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 345,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002118900000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 118.9 million ( show ) US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.320 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 515,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the first best selling artist worldwide", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=857086123", "q_uid": 5161243540223795826, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most record sales of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=854740253", "q_uid": -6742462177153336632, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who sold more albums elvis or the beatles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=866468752", "q_uid": 3106602297376228866, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop Total available certified units: 272 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million GER: 8 million UK: 18.445 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million BRA: 550,000 NLD: 295,000 ITA: 380,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWE 485,000 DEN: 315,000 SWI: 350,000 ARG: 1.606 million BEL: 390,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country Total available certified units: 224.7 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 GER: 1.2 million UK: 13.345 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million BRA: 125,000 NLD: 555,000 ITA: 105,000 SPA: 300,000 SWE 380,000 DEN: 120,000 SWI: 185,000 MEX: 105,000 ARG: 110,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B Total available certified units: 230 million US: 145.3 million JPN: 4.650 million GER: 11.275 million UK: 29.445 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.775 million BRA: 280,000 NLD: 2.105 million ITA: 1.195 million SPA: 1.995 million SWE: 1.310 million DEN: 1.334 million SWI: 910,000 MEX: 3.670 million ARG: 124,000 BEL: 665,000 AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica Total available certified units: 172.9 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million GER: 12.4 million UK: 29.245 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million BRA: 3.440 million NLD: 1.735 million ITA: 465,000 SPA: 2.815 million SWE: 1.070 million DEN: 407,000 SWI: 1.080 million MEX: 510,000 ARG: 1.098 BEL: 740,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock Total available certified units: 183 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million GER: 7.9 million UK: 23.595 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 NLD: 975,000 SPA: 1.2 million SWE: 740,000 DEN: 195,000 SWI: 1.313 million MEX: 100,000 ARG: 128,000 BEL: 565,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 GER: 3.775 million UK: 9.530 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million BRA: 820,000 ITA: 465,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock Total available certified units: 120.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 GER: 7.5 million UK: 11.720 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million BRA: 515,000 NLD: 435,000 ITA: 2.035 million SPA: 625,000 SWE: 220,000 SWI: 390,000 ARG: 582,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most hip hop albums", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=835639165", "q_uid": 1342820062350376375, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Rihanna Barbados United States 2005 -- present 2005 R&B / Pop / Dance / Hip - hop 7002250400000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 250.4 million US: 188.55 million JPN: 1.4 million UK: 31.1 million GER: 4.675 million FRA: 1.465 million CAN: 3.120 million AUS: 9.325 million ITA: 1.550 million BRA: 705,000 SWE: 2.480 million SPA: 1.470 million MEX: 410,000 SWI: 840,000 BEL: 660,000 DEN: 1.127 AUT: 135,000 POL: 500,000 IRE: 240,000 NZ: 682,500 230 million Eminem United States 1996 -- present 1999 Hip - hop 7002211700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 211.7 million US: 163.2 million JPN: 2.9 million UK: 23.225 million GER: 3.450 million FRA: 3.288 million CAN: 3.930 million AUS: 5.807 million ITA: 665,000 BRA: 200,000 SWE: 910,000 SPA: 290,000 MEX: 365,000 SWI: 805,000 BEL: 490,000 DEN: 611,000 > AUT: 362,500 PL: 250,000 FIN: 124,547 IRE: 285,000 NZ: 600,000 220 million 200 million Mariah Carey United States 1988 -- present R&B / Pop / Soul / Hip - hop 7002137300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 137.3 million US: 92.6 million JPN: 14.5 million UK: 10.220 million GER: 3.750 million FRA: 4.690 million CAN: 4.1 million AUS: 3.515 million ITA: 200,000 BRA: 835,000 SWE: 425,000 SPA: 1 million SWI: 515,000 BEL: 175,000 DEN: 280,000 AUT: 200,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 240,000 200 million 175 million Queen United Kingdom 1971 -- present 1973 Rock 7002125300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 125.3 million US: 65 million JPN: 2.850 million UK: 29.075 million GER: 11.525 million FRA: 4.495 million CAN: 1.870 million AUS: 2.167 million ITA: 505,000 BRA: 970,000 SWE: 190,000 SPA: 1.720 million SWI: 1.256 million BEL: 100,000 DEN: 205,000 ARG: 1.080 million AUT: 900,000 POL: 810,000 FIN: 366,152 NZ: 275,000 200 million 170 million Celine Dion Canada 1981 -- present 1981 Pop 7002125100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 125.1 million US: 56.550 million JPN: 7.150 million UK: 13.555 million GER: 8 million FRA: 15.768 million CAN: 12.245 million AUS: 3.302 million BRA: 505,000 SWE: 1.105 million SPA: 1 million SWI: 1.685 million BEL: 1.885 million ARG: 340,000 DEN: 370,000 AUT: 440,000 POL: 680,000 FIN: 356,183 NZ: 192,500 200 million 175 million Whitney Houston United States 1977 -- 2012 1984 R&B / Soul / Pop 7002114900000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 114.9 million US: 76.775 million JPN: 4.3 million UK: 15.205 million GER: 5.6 million FRA: 2.275 million CAN: 3.430 million AUS: 1.755 million ITA: 140,000 BRA: 1.025 SWE: 1.035 million SPA: 1.260 million SWI: 845,000 BEL: 215,000 DEN: 140,000 AUT: 535,000 POL: 180,000 FIN: 247,222 200 million 170 million AC / DC Australia 1973 -- present Hard rock / Blues rock / Rock and roll 7002113800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 113.8 million US: 79.7 million UK: 4.6 million GER: 10.3 million FRA: 4.180 million CAN: 2.490 million AUS: 7.540 million ITA: 775,000 SWE: 350,000 SPA: 1.355 million SWI: 894,000 BEL: 100,000 ARG: 594,000 DEN: 130,000 AUT: 380,000 FIN: 321,169 NZ: 140,000 200 million 150 million The Rolling Stones United Kingdom 1962 -- present 1963 Rock / Blues rock 7001977000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 97.7 million US: 74.750 million JPN: 950,000 UK: 8.970 million GER: 3.2 million FRA: 3.377 million AUS: 417,500 CAN: 3.025 million ITA: 205,000 BRA: 100,000 SWE: 310,000 SPA: 690,000 SWI: 238,000 BEL: 120,000 ARG: 718,000 AUT: 300,000 POL: 140,000 NZ: 190,000 200 million ABBA Sweden 1972 -- 1982 1972 Pop / Disco 7001607000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 60.7 million US: 12.7 million JPN: 1.5 million UK: 18.970 million GER: 10.450 million FRA: 2.750 million CAN: 2.785 million AUS: 6.127 million BRA: 275,000 SWE: 800,000 SPA: 1.005 million MEX: 260,000 SWI: 600,000 BEL: 380,000 ARG: 238,000 DEN: 600,000 AUT: 175,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 656,319 NZ: 297,500 200 million 100 million", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most records the beatles or the rolling stones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=850249929", "q_uid": 3471278042177966130, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop Total available certified units: 271.6 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million GER: 8 million UK: 18.445 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million BRA: 550,000 ITA: 380,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWE 485,000 DEN: 270,000 SWI: 350,000 ARG: 1.606 million BEL: 390,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 GER: 1.2 million UK: 13.145 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million BRA: 125,000 ITA: 105,000 SPA: 300,000 SWE 380,000 DEN: 120,000 SWI: 185,000 MEX: 105,000 ARG: 110,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B Total available certified units: 185.8 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million GER: 11.275 million UK: 28.245 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.740 million BRA: 280,000 ITA: 1.195 million SPA: 1.995 million SWE: 1.230 million DEN: 1.289 million SWI: 910,000 MEX: 3.670 million ARG: 124,000 BEL: 665,000 AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica Total available certified units: 171 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million GER: 12.4 million UK: 29.045 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million BRA: 3.440 million ITA: 465,000 SPA: 2.815 million SWE: 1.070 million DEN: 407,000 SWI: 1.080 million MEX: 510,000 ARG: 1.098 BEL: 740,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock Total available certified units: 181.1 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million GER: 7.9 million UK: 22.595 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SPA: 1.2 million SWE: 740,000 DEN: 195,000 SWI: 1.313 million MEX: 100,000 ARG: 128,000 BEL: 565,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 GER: 3.775 million UK: 9.530 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million BRA: 820,000 ITA: 420,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock Total available certified units: 119.6 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 GER: 7.5 million UK: 11.520 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million BRA: 540,000 ITA: 1.910 million SPA: 625,000 SWE: 220,000 SWI: 390,000 ARG: 582,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most records of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=866529335", "q_uid": -113986975636636130, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band." } }, { "question": "who has the most albums sold of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=797790274", "q_uid": -6642347813766274417, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band." } }, { "question": "who are the top 3 selling music artists of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=846600498", "q_uid": -4792911641025946069, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002271600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 271.6 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 18.445 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 380,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 390,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 270,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002223100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 13.145 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002185600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 185.6 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 28.245 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.670 million ITA: 1.195 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 665,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.224 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002171000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 171 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 29.045 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 715,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002181000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 181 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.595 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 195,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002140000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.530 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 420,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002119600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 119.6 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.520 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.910 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who is the top selling musical artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=843493216", "q_uid": 4353138343544418363, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the best-selling rap artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=802657271", "q_uid": 6532220092380940045, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Lady Gaga United States 2005 -- present 2008 Pop / Dance / Electronic 7001972000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 97.2 million ( show ) US: 66.5 million JPN: 5.4 million UK: 10.985 million GER: 2.9 million FRA: 1.58 million CAN: 2.4 million AUS: 2.890 million ITA: 815,000 BRA: 470,000 SWE: 680,000 SPA: 410,000 MEX: 390,000 SWI: 445,000 BEL: 270,000 DEN: 340,000 AUT: 182,500 POL: 130,000 IRE: 165,000 NZ: 277,500 114 million Metallica United States 1981 -- present Heavy metal / Thrash metal 7001941000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 94.1 million ( show ) US: 73.3 million JPN: 900,000 UK: 3.335 million GER: 3.425 million FRA: 940,000 CAN: 3.805 million AUS: 2.637 million ITA: 180,000 BRA: 380,000 SWE: 675,000 SPA: 420,000 MEX: 430,000 SWI: 560,000 BEL: 335,000 DEN: 180,000 ARG: 770,000 AUT: 340,000 POL: 735,000 FIN: 530,676 NZ: 315,000 110 million Katy Perry United States 2001 -- present 2008 Pop 7002127200000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 127.2 million ( show ) US: 96.5 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 11.950 million GER: 2.750 million FRA: 775,000 CAN: 5.8 million AUS: 5.090 million ITA: 680,000 BRA: 625,000 SWE: 520,000 SPA: 180,000 MEX: 900,000 SWI: 160,000 BEL: 135,000 DEN: 235,000 AUT: 240,000 NZ: 360,000 100 million Justin Bieber Canada United States 2008 -- present 2009 Pop / Teen pop, Dance pop 7002126700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 126.7 million ( show ) US: 86.5 million JPN: 750,000 UK: 14.785 million GER: 3.1 million FRA: 1.2 CAN: 4.780 million AUS: 4.340 million ITA: 1.595 million BRA: 810,000 SWE: 1.820 million SPA: 860,000 MEX: 2.910 million BEL: 435,000 DEN: 1.850 million POL: 370,000 NZ: 600,000 100 million Adele United Kingdom 2006 -- present 2008 Pop, soul 7002104500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 104.5 million ( show ) US: 61 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 20.550 million GER: 4.7 million CAN: 6.040 million AUS: 3.955 million ITA: 1.545 million BRA: 1.310 million SWE: 240,000 SPA: 800,000 MEX: 1.490 million SWI: 510,000 BEL: 795,000 DEN: 522,500 POL: 300,000 FIN: 151,639 NZ: 577,500 100 million Jay Z United States 1996 -- present Hip - hop 7001961000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 96.1 million ( show ) US: 80.7 million JPN: 1.050 million UK: 9.320 million GER: 1.550 million FRA: 400,000 CAN: 1.6 million AUS: 1.260 ITA: 180,000 SWE: 130,000 100 million Bon Jovi United States 1983 -- present Hard rock / Glam metal 7001838000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 83.8 million ( show ) US: 49.9 million JPN: 4.400 million UK: 9.290 million GER: 5.650 million FRA: 825,000 CAN: 4.735 million AUS: 3.030 million ITA: 110,000 BRA: 435,000 SWE: 365,000 SPA: 1.620 million MEX: 250,000 SWI: 1.275 million AUT: 725,000 BEL: 165,000 ARG: 350,000 POL: 110,000 FIN: 422,500 NZ: 210,000 100 million Lil Wayne United States 1996 -- present 1999 Hip - hop 7001799000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 79.9 million ( show ) US: 77.7 million UK: 1.460 million CAN: 280,000 AUS: 525,000 100 million Linkin Park United States 1996 -- present 2000 Alternative rock / Nu metal / Rap rock 7001787000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 78.7 million ( show ) US: 58.6 million JPN: 1.550 million UK: 5.945 million GER: 5.750 million FRA: 1.025 CAN: 1.330 million AUS: 1.450 million ITA: 430,000 BRA: 595,000 SWE: 165,000 SPA: 175,000 MEX: 225,000 SWI: 425,000 BEL: 140,000 DEN: 125,000 AUT: 252,500 POL: 220,000 FIN: 120,469 NZ: 252,500 100 million Britney Spears United States 1998 -- present 1998 Pop / Dance / Dance - pop 7001785000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 78.5 million ( show ) US: 44.2 million JPN: 2.1 million UK: 10.150 million GER: 5.050 million FRA: 3.732 million CAN: 3.680 million AUS: 3.130 million ITA: 175,000 BRA: 380,000 SWE: 1.010 million SPA: 990,000 MEX: 1.175 million SWI: 485,000 AUT: 365,000 BEL: 935,000 ARG: 240,000 DEN: 187,500 POL: 210,000 FIN: 143,627 NZ: 240,000 100 million Beyonc\u00e9 United States 1997 -- present 2002 R&B / Pop 7001780000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 78 million ( show ) US: 53.650 million JPN: 1.7 million UK: 13.685 million GER: 1.550 million FRA: 560,000 CAN: 1.395 million AUS: 2.905 million ITA: 260,000 BRA: 390,000 SPA: 1.010 million MEX: 110,000 SWI: 165,000 BEL: 115,000 DEN: 230,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 210,000 100 million Rod Stewart United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001778000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 77.8 million ( show ) US: 43.650 million JPN: 450,000 UK: 18.330 million GER: 3.8 million FRA: 1.8 million CAN: 4.055 million AUS: 2.610 million BRA: 980,000 SWE: 440,000 SPA: 290,000 SWI: 100,000 ARG: 500,000 AUT: 100,000 POL: 220,000 IRE: 195,000 NZ: 280,000 100 million Fleetwood Mac United Kingdom United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Pop 7001761009999900000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 76.1 million ( show ) US: 51.250 million UK: 13.585 million GER: 3.5 million FRA: 800,000 AUS: 2.767 million CAN: 2.950 million SPA: 300,000 SWI: 100,000 BEL: 100,000 NZ: 572,500 100 million Guns N ' Roses United States 1985 -- present Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001737000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 73.7 million ( show ) US: 48.5 million JPN: 1.7 million UK: 5.850 million GER: 4.1 million FRA: 1 million CAN: 3.520 million AUS: 2.410 ITA: 685,000 BRA: 1.9 million SWE: 485,000 SPA: 450,000 MEX: 760,000 SWI: 365,000 BEL: 165,000 ARG: 1.080 million AUT: 365,000 IRE: 105,000 NZ: 270,000 100 million George Strait United States 1981 -- present 1984 Country 7001728000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 72.8 million ( show ) US: 72.150 million CAN: 705,000 100 million Backstreet Boys United States 1993 -- present 1995 Pop 7001720000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 72 million ( show ) US: 41.5 million JPN: 5.4 million UK: 4.835 million GER: 7 million FRA: 325,000 CAN: 3.430 million AUS: 1.4 million BRA: 1.625 million SWE: 655,000 SPA: 1.850 million MEX: 1.475 million SWI: 415,000 BEL: 425,000 ARG: 740,000 AUT: 325,000 POL: 300,000 FIN: 171,390 NZ: 132,500 100 million Neil Diamond United States 1966 -- present 1966 Pop / Rock 7001683000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 68.3 million ( show ) US: 55.9 million UK: 7.130 million GER: 1 million FRA: 400,000 CAN: 1.725 million AUS: 1.945 million SPA: 100,000 NZ: 127,500 100 million Prince United States 1976 -- 2016 1978 Funk / R&B / Pop / Soul / Rock 7001642000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 64.2 million ( show ) US: 48.950 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 7.045 million GER: 2.4 million FRA: 2.110 million CAN: 1 million AUS: 1.120 SWE: 100,000 SPA: 700,000 SWI: 250,000 AUT: 125,000 NZ: 177,500 100 million Paul McCartney United Kingdom 1960 -- present 1970 Rock 7001606000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 60.6 million ( show ) US: 41.450 million JPN: 500,000 UK: 12.365 million GER: 1.525 million FRA: 1.305 million CAN: 1.955 million AUS: 465,000 SWE: 210,000 SPA: 640,000 DEN: 210,000 100 million Kenny Rogers United States 1958 -- present Country / Pop 7001589000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 58.9 million ( show ) US: 51.550 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 2.520 million CAN: 4.6 million AUS: 100,000 SPA: 100,000 100 million Janet Jackson United States 1982 -- present 1982 R&B / Pop 7001521000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 52.1 million ( show ) US: 39.750 million JPN: 1.6 million UK: 4.760 million GER: 1.4 million FRA: 1.475 million CAN: 1.460 million AUS: 1.155 SWE: 105,000 SPA: 150,000 SWI: 170,000 BEL: 125,000 100 million Julio Iglesias Spain 1968 -- present 1968 Latin 7001510000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 51 million ( show ) US: 11 million JPN: 800,000 UK: 1.620 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 6.1 million CAN: 1.5 million AUS: 540,000 ITA: 400,000 NLD: 950,000 BRA: 12.475 million SWE: 290,000 SPA: 8.7 million MEX: 2.975 million BEL: 125,000 ARG: 3.220 million FIN: 131,636 100 million Chicago United States 1967 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001483000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 48.3 million ( show ) US: 44.150 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 1.490 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 100,000 CAN: 1.865 million SPA: 100,000 100 million The Carpenters United States 1969 -- 1983 1969 Pop 7001460000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 46 million ( show ) US: 34.6 million JPN: 2.9 million UK: 7.950 million GER: 250,000 CAN: 275,000 BRA: 100,000 100 million Bob Dylan United States 1959 -- present 1963 Folk / Rock 7001451000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 45.1 million ( show ) US: 35.6 million UK: 5.825 million GER: 625,000 FRA: 800,000 CAN: 1.5 million AUS: 480,000 SWI: 175,000 NZ: 105,000 100 million Dire Straits United Kingdom 1977 -- 1995 1978 Rock 7001447000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 44.7 million ( show ) US: 15.5 million UK: 11.1 million GER: 3.750 million FRA: 5.3 million CAN: 2.575 million AUS: 2.190 million ITA: 385,000 BRA: 175,000 SWE: 360,000 SPA: 1.380 million SWI: 1 million BEL: 100,000 AUT: 300,000 FIN: 471,530 NZ: 155,000 100 million Bryan Adams Canada 1979 -- present 1979 Rock 7001445000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 44.5 million ( show ) US: 21 million JPN: 600,000 UK: 8.675 million GER: 3.850 million FRA: 650,000 CAN: 5.120 million AUS: 2.010 million BRA: 100,000 SWE: 440,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 805,000 BEL: 250,000 AUT: 375,000 FIN: 183,444 100 million Def Leppard United Kingdom 1977 -- present 1979 Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001418009999900000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 41.8 million ( show ) US: 35.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 1.960 million FRA: 200,000 CAN: 2.995 million AUS: 385,000 SWE: 150,000 MEX: 200,000 SWI: 125,000 100 million Cher United States 1964 -- present 1965 Pop / Rock / Dance / Folk 7001404000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 40.4 million ( show ) US: 21.9 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 6.450 million GER: 4.175 million FRA: 1.525 million CAN: 1.340 million AUS: 1.530 million ITA: 300,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE: 850,000 SPA: 600,000 MEX: 200,000 SWI: 295,000 BEL: 275,000 DEN: 300,000 AUT: 250,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 150,000 100 million Lionel Richie United States 1968 -- present 1981 Pop / R&B 7001402000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 40.2 million ( show ) US: 28.650 million UK: 6.155 million GER: 1.050 million FRA: 1.4 million CAN: 2.380 million AUS: 260,000 BRA: 100,000 SPA: 150,000 SWI: 145,000 100 million Genesis United Kingdom 1967 -- 1999 2006 -- present 1969 Progressive rock / Pop rock 7001399000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 39.9 million ( show ) US: 21.650 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 7.325 million GER: 5.875 million FRA: 3.460 million CAN: 805,000 SWE: 100,000 SPA: 250,000 SWI: 400,000 100 million James Taylor United States 1968 -- present 1970 Rock / Pop 7001355000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 35.5 million ( show ) US: 34.650 million UK: 655,000 CAN: 100,000 AUS: 100,000 100 million Olivia Newton - John Australia 1966 -- present 1966 Pop 7001346000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 34.6 million ( show ) US: 27 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 3.950 million GER: 250,000 CAN: 3.025 million AUS: 310,000 100 million Stevie Wonder United States 1961 -- present 1962 Funk / R&B / Soul 7001346000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 34.6 million ( show ) US: 21.650 million JPN: 1.050 million UK: 8.285 million GER: 500,000 FRA: 1.4 million CAN: 1.550 million SPA: 250,000 100 million Tina Turner United States 1955 -- present Rock / Pop 7001328009999900000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 32.8 million ( show ) US: 12.7 million UK: 8.145 million GER: 6.050 million FRA: 1.135 million CAN: 1.560 million AUS: 480,000 SWE: 330,000 SPA: 700,000 SWI: 565,000 BEL: 190,000 AUT: 630,000 POL: 120,000 FIN: 241,954 100 million Linda Ronstadt United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Folk / Country 7001325000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 32.5 million ( show ) US: 31.5 million UK: 435,000 FRA: 100,000 CAN: 500,000 100 million Donna Summer United States 1968 -- 2012 Pop / Disco / R&B 7001308000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 30.8 million ( show ) US: 24.5 million UK: 3.735 million FRA: 900,000 CAN: 1.550 million BRA: 100,000 SPA: 100,000 100 million The Beach Boys United States 1961 -- present 1962 Rock / Pop / Surf Rock 7001305000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 30.5 million ( show ) US: 25.6 million UK: 3.410 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 400,000 CAN: 100,000 AUS: 492,500 SPA: 250,000 100 million David Bowie United Kingdom 1962 -- 2016 1967 Art rock / Glam rock / Pop 7001296000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 29.6 million ( show ) US: 11.7 million JPN: 200,000 UK: 11.445 million GER: 525,000 FRA: 2.380 million CAN: 2.215 million AUS: 565,000 ITA: 320,000 SPA: 170,000 NZ: 142,500 100 million The Who United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1965 Rock / Hard rock 7001269000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 26.9 million ( show ) US: 22.150 million UK: 3.905 million FRA: 300,000 CAN: 425,000 ITA: 125,000 100 million Barry White United States 1972 -- 2003 1973 R&B / Soul 7001217000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 21.7 million ( show ) US: 16.5 million UK: 3.665 million FRA: 1.1 million CAN: 150,000 SPA: 200,000 BEL: 150,000 100 million", "short_answer": "Linkin Park" } }, { "question": "who is the highest selling rap artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=808196009", "q_uid": -8812107858719868049, "answers": { "long_answer": "Linkin Park United States 1996 -- present 2000 Alternative rock / Nu metal / Rap rock 7001790000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 79 million ( show ) US: 58.6 million JPN: 1.550 million UK: 6.005 million GER: 5.850 million FRA: 1.025 CAN: 1.330 million AUS: 1.485 million ITA: 440,000 BRA: 595,000 SWE: 165,000 SPA: 175,000 MEX: 225,000 SWI: 425,000 BEL: 140,000 DEN: 175,000 AUT: 252,500 POL: 220,000 FIN: 120,469 NZ: 252,500 100 million", "short_answer": "Linkin Park" } }, { "question": "who is the biggest selling solo artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=801090837", "q_uid": 5713316484420752103, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who holds the record for most albums sold worldwide", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=802517360", "q_uid": -3895319791565549474, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band." } }, { "question": "who has sold the most albums worldwide ever", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=810170315", "q_uid": -3992731219631437228, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002270800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 270.8 million ( show ) US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 17.845 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 330,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 260,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002211700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 211.7 million ( show ) US: 188.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 12.445 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.587 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002184400000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 184.4 million ( show ) US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 27.395 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.6 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.179 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.6 million ( show ) US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.795 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169 million ( show ) US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.295 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.837 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 139.5 million ( show ) US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.130 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 345,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002118900000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 118.9 million ( show ) US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.320 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who's the best selling female recording artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=846600498", "q_uid": -2159177438001008564, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002271600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 271.6 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 18.445 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 380,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 390,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 270,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002223100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 13.145 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002185600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 185.6 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 28.245 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.670 million ITA: 1.195 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 665,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.224 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002171000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 171 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 29.045 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 715,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002181000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 181 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.595 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 195,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002140000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.530 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 420,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002119600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 119.6 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.520 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.910 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "Madonna" } }, { "question": "who sold more records the beatles or michael jackson", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=850249929", "q_uid": 1257400546437264656, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop Total available certified units: 271.6 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million GER: 8 million UK: 18.445 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million BRA: 550,000 ITA: 380,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWE 485,000 DEN: 270,000 SWI: 350,000 ARG: 1.606 million BEL: 390,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 GER: 1.2 million UK: 13.145 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million BRA: 125,000 ITA: 105,000 SPA: 300,000 SWE 380,000 DEN: 120,000 SWI: 185,000 MEX: 105,000 ARG: 110,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B Total available certified units: 185.8 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million GER: 11.275 million UK: 28.245 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.740 million BRA: 280,000 ITA: 1.195 million SPA: 1.995 million SWE: 1.230 million DEN: 1.289 million SWI: 910,000 MEX: 3.670 million ARG: 124,000 BEL: 665,000 AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica Total available certified units: 171 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million GER: 12.4 million UK: 29.045 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million BRA: 3.440 million ITA: 465,000 SPA: 2.815 million SWE: 1.070 million DEN: 407,000 SWI: 1.080 million MEX: 510,000 ARG: 1.098 BEL: 740,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock Total available certified units: 181.1 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million GER: 7.9 million UK: 22.595 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SPA: 1.2 million SWE: 740,000 DEN: 195,000 SWI: 1.313 million MEX: 100,000 ARG: 128,000 BEL: 565,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 GER: 3.775 million UK: 9.530 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million BRA: 820,000 ITA: 420,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock Total available certified units: 119.6 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 GER: 7.5 million UK: 11.520 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million BRA: 540,000 ITA: 1.910 million SPA: 625,000 SWE: 220,000 SWI: 390,000 ARG: 582,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who is the biggest selling artists of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=857086123", "q_uid": 3576407789640175702, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most music albums ever", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=832876827", "q_uid": -4644191776784892207, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002271300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 271.3 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 18.245 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 355,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 270,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002223100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 13.145 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002185000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 185 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 27.945 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.670 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.224 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.7 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169.3 million US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.595 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 139.8 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.330 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 420,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002119100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 119.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.520 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most records in music", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=826687681", "q_uid": -2403339544549804748, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "The Beatles are" } }, { "question": "who is the top selling canadian artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=802657271", "q_uid": -2702400724163593459, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celine Dion Canada 1981 -- present 1981 Pop 7002125000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 125 million ( show ) US: 56.550 million JPN: 7.150 million UK: 13.555 million GER: 8 million FRA: 15.685 million CAN: 12.245 million AUS: 3.302 million BRA: 505,000 SWE: 1.105 million SPA: 1 million SWI: 1.685 million BEL: 1.885 million ARG: 340,000 DEN: 370,000 AUT: 440,000 POL: 680,000 FIN: 356,183 NZ: 192,500 200 million 175 million", "short_answer": "Celine Dion" } }, { "question": "who is the best selling male artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=866468752", "q_uid": -5952618644559651773, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop Total available certified units: 272 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million GER: 8 million UK: 18.445 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million BRA: 550,000 NLD: 295,000 ITA: 380,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWE 485,000 DEN: 315,000 SWI: 350,000 ARG: 1.606 million BEL: 390,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country Total available certified units: 224.7 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 GER: 1.2 million UK: 13.345 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million BRA: 125,000 NLD: 555,000 ITA: 105,000 SPA: 300,000 SWE 380,000 DEN: 120,000 SWI: 185,000 MEX: 105,000 ARG: 110,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B Total available certified units: 230 million US: 145.3 million JPN: 4.650 million GER: 11.275 million UK: 29.445 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.775 million BRA: 280,000 NLD: 2.105 million ITA: 1.195 million SPA: 1.995 million SWE: 1.310 million DEN: 1.334 million SWI: 910,000 MEX: 3.670 million ARG: 124,000 BEL: 665,000 AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica Total available certified units: 172.9 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million GER: 12.4 million UK: 29.245 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million BRA: 3.440 million NLD: 1.735 million ITA: 465,000 SPA: 2.815 million SWE: 1.070 million DEN: 407,000 SWI: 1.080 million MEX: 510,000 ARG: 1.098 BEL: 740,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock Total available certified units: 183 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million GER: 7.9 million UK: 23.595 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 NLD: 975,000 SPA: 1.2 million SWE: 740,000 DEN: 195,000 SWI: 1.313 million MEX: 100,000 ARG: 128,000 BEL: 565,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 GER: 3.775 million UK: 9.530 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million BRA: 820,000 ITA: 465,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock Total available certified units: 120.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 GER: 7.5 million UK: 11.720 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million BRA: 515,000 NLD: 435,000 ITA: 2.035 million SPA: 625,000 SWE: 220,000 SWI: 390,000 ARG: 582,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "Elvis Presley" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most albums worldwide of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=802517360", "q_uid": -5207330422568193511, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the biggest selling recording artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=832876827", "q_uid": -3235728999839427950, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the top selling artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=826776354", "q_uid": -6159837529966270624, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the most selling band of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=832876827", "q_uid": 2396069680364240024, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002271300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 271.3 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 18.245 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 355,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 270,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002223100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 13.145 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002185000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 185 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 27.945 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.670 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.224 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.7 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169.3 million US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.595 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 139.8 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.330 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 420,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002119100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 119.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.520 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who has sold more records than anyone in history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=802517360", "q_uid": 8849568873685505619, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who sold more records elvis or the beatles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=832876827", "q_uid": -3867840841442217991, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002271300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 271.3 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 18.245 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 355,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 270,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002223100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 13.145 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002185000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 185 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 27.945 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.670 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.224 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.7 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169.3 million US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.595 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 139.8 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.330 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 420,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002119100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 119.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.520 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most records all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=837281241", "q_uid": 8678348158596254845, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "The Beatles are" } }, { "question": "list of the best selling artists of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=804917497", "q_uid": 1929634486429899337, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Beatles Elvis Presley Michael Jackson Madonna Elton John Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the biggest selling female singer of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=850249929", "q_uid": -5568985560326319227, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop Total available certified units: 271.6 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million GER: 8 million UK: 18.445 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million BRA: 550,000 ITA: 380,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWE 485,000 DEN: 270,000 SWI: 350,000 ARG: 1.606 million BEL: 390,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 GER: 1.2 million UK: 13.145 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million BRA: 125,000 ITA: 105,000 SPA: 300,000 SWE 380,000 DEN: 120,000 SWI: 185,000 MEX: 105,000 ARG: 110,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B Total available certified units: 185.8 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million GER: 11.275 million UK: 28.245 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.740 million BRA: 280,000 ITA: 1.195 million SPA: 1.995 million SWE: 1.230 million DEN: 1.289 million SWI: 910,000 MEX: 3.670 million ARG: 124,000 BEL: 665,000 AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica Total available certified units: 171 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million GER: 12.4 million UK: 29.045 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million BRA: 3.440 million ITA: 465,000 SPA: 2.815 million SWE: 1.070 million DEN: 407,000 SWI: 1.080 million MEX: 510,000 ARG: 1.098 BEL: 740,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock Total available certified units: 181.1 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million GER: 7.9 million UK: 22.595 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SPA: 1.2 million SWE: 740,000 DEN: 195,000 SWI: 1.313 million MEX: 100,000 ARG: 128,000 BEL: 565,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 GER: 3.775 million UK: 9.530 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million BRA: 820,000 ITA: 420,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock Total available certified units: 119.6 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 GER: 7.5 million UK: 11.520 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million BRA: 540,000 ITA: 1.910 million SPA: 625,000 SWE: 220,000 SWI: 390,000 ARG: 582,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "Madonna" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most music records of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=804917497", "q_uid": -2640970046515781777, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002270800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 270.8 million ( show ) US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 17.845 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 305,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.240 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 260,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most albums all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=808196009", "q_uid": -916834620638133545, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002270800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 270.8 million ( show ) US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 17.845 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 330,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 260,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002211700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 211.7 million ( show ) US: 188.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 12.445 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.587 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002184200000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 184.2 million ( show ) US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 27.195 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.6 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.179 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.6 million ( show ) US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.795 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169 million ( show ) US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.295 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.837 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 139.5 million ( show ) US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.130 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 345,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002118900000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 118.9 million ( show ) US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.320 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 515,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who is the best selling canadian artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=812315717", "q_uid": -8719456356483048469, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Rihanna Barbados United States 2005 -- present 2005 R&B / Pop / Dance / Hip - hop 7002228000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 228 million ( show ) US: 168.55 million JPN: 1.4 million UK: 29.7 million GER: 4.475 million FRA: 1.425 million CAN: 2.840 million AUS: 9.220 million ITA: 1.450 million BRA: 555,000 SWE: 2.480 million SPA: 1.450 million MEX: 410,000 SWI: 840,000 BEL: 660,000 DEN: 1.117 AUT: 120,000 POL: 500,000 IRE: 240,000 NZ: 667,500 230 million Mariah Carey United States 1988 -- present R&B / Pop / Soul / Hip - hop 7002136400000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 136.4 million ( show ) US: 92.6 million JPN: 14.5 million UK: 10.020 million GER: 3.250 million FRA: 4.690 million CAN: 4.1 million AUS: 3.445 million ITA: 200,000 BRA: 835,000 SWE: 425,000 SPA: 1 million SWI: 515,000 BEL: 150,000 DEN: 130,000 AUT: 200,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 240,000 200 million 175 million Celine Dion Canada 1981 -- present 1981 Pop 7002125000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 125 million ( show ) US: 56.550 million JPN: 7.150 million UK: 13.555 million GER: 8 million FRA: 15.685 million CAN: 12.245 million AUS: 3.302 million BRA: 505,000 SWE: 1.105 million SPA: 1 million SWI: 1.685 million BEL: 1.885 million ARG: 340,000 DEN: 370,000 AUT: 440,000 POL: 680,000 FIN: 356,183 NZ: 192,500 200 million 175 million Queen United Kingdom 1971 -- present 1973 Rock 7002120800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 120.8 million ( show ) US: 61 million JPN: 2.850 million UK: 28.815 million GER: 11.525 million FRA: 4.495 million CAN: 1.870 million AUS: 2.167 million ITA: 505,000 BRA: 970,000 SWE: 190,000 SPA: 1.720 million SWI: 1.256 million BEL: 100,000 ARG: 1.080 million AUT: 900,000 POL: 810,000 FIN: 366,152 NZ: 275,000 200 million 170 million AC / DC Australia 1973 -- present Hard rock / Blues rock / Rock and roll 7002113200000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 113.2 million ( show ) US: 79.7 million UK: 4.2 million GER: 10.3 million FRA: 4.180 million CAN: 2.490 million AUS: 7.330 million ITA: 750,000 SWE: 350,000 SPA: 1.355 million SWI: 894,000 BEL: 100,000 ARG: 594,000 DEN: 135,000 AUT: 380,000 FIN: 321,169 NZ: 140,000 200 million 150 million Whitney Houston United States 1977 -- 2012 1984 R&B / Soul / Pop 7002113600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 113.6 million ( show ) US: 76.275 million JPN: 4.3 million UK: 14.605 million GER: 5.6 million FRA: 2.275 million CAN: 3.430 million AUS: 1.580 million ITA: 140,000 BRA: 1.025 SWE: 1.035 million SPA: 1.260 million SWI: 845,000 BEL: 215,000 DEN: 140,000 AUT: 535,000 POL: 180,000 FIN: 247,222 200 million 170 million The Rolling Stones United Kingdom 1962 -- present 1963 Rock / Blues rock 7001972000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 97.2 million ( show ) US: 74.750 million JPN: 950,000 UK: 8.510 million GER: 3.2 million FRA: 3.370 million AUS: 417,500 CAN: 3.025 million ITA: 180,000 BRA: 100,000 SWE: 310,000 SPA: 690,000 SWI: 238,000 BEL: 120,000 ARG: 718,000 AUT: 300,000 POL: 140,000 NZ: 190,000 200 million ABBA Sweden 1972 -- 1982 1972 Pop / Disco 7001607000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 60.7 million ( show ) US: 12.7 million JPN: 1.5 million UK: 18.970 million GER: 10.450 million FRA: 2.750 million CAN: 2.785 million AUS: 6.127 million BRA: 275,000 SWE: 800,000 SPA: 1.005 million MEX: 260,000 SWI: 600,000 BEL: 380,000 ARG: 238,000 DEN: 600,000 AUT: 175,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 656,319 NZ: 297,500 200 million 100 million", "short_answer": "Celine Dion" } }, { "question": "who is the top selling music artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=866468752", "q_uid": -776941346346442165, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop Total available certified units: 272 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million GER: 8 million UK: 18.445 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million BRA: 550,000 NLD: 295,000 ITA: 380,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWE 485,000 DEN: 315,000 SWI: 350,000 ARG: 1.606 million BEL: 390,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country Total available certified units: 224.7 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 GER: 1.2 million UK: 13.345 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million BRA: 125,000 NLD: 555,000 ITA: 105,000 SPA: 300,000 SWE 380,000 DEN: 120,000 SWI: 185,000 MEX: 105,000 ARG: 110,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B Total available certified units: 230 million US: 145.3 million JPN: 4.650 million GER: 11.275 million UK: 29.445 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.775 million BRA: 280,000 NLD: 2.105 million ITA: 1.195 million SPA: 1.995 million SWE: 1.310 million DEN: 1.334 million SWI: 910,000 MEX: 3.670 million ARG: 124,000 BEL: 665,000 AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica Total available certified units: 172.9 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million GER: 12.4 million UK: 29.245 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.787 million BRA: 3.440 million NLD: 1.735 million ITA: 465,000 SPA: 2.815 million SWE: 1.070 million DEN: 407,000 SWI: 1.080 million MEX: 510,000 ARG: 1.098 BEL: 740,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock Total available certified units: 183 million US: 129.350 million JPN: 1.1 million GER: 7.9 million UK: 23.595 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 NLD: 975,000 SPA: 1.2 million SWE: 740,000 DEN: 195,000 SWI: 1.313 million MEX: 100,000 ARG: 128,000 BEL: 565,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 GER: 3.775 million UK: 9.530 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million BRA: 820,000 ITA: 465,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock Total available certified units: 120.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 GER: 7.5 million UK: 11.720 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million BRA: 515,000 NLD: 435,000 ITA: 2.035 million SPA: 625,000 SWE: 220,000 SWI: 390,000 ARG: 582,000 BEL: 115,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who sold the most music records of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=843493216", "q_uid": -4907799020079259002, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who are the best selling artists of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=804917497", "q_uid": -847421741847337280, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Beatles Elvis Presley Michael Jackson Madonna Elton John Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who's the best selling recording artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=821769017", "q_uid": 5656170230686640893, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002271100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 271.1 million ( show ) US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 18.045 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 355,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 260,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002212400000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 212.4 million ( show ) US: 188.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 13.145 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.587 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 1 billion 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002184600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 184.6 million ( show ) US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 27.545 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.670 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.224 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.6 million ( show ) US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.795 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169 million ( show ) US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.395 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.837 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139690000099999 \u2660 Total available certified units: 139.7 million ( show ) US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.330 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 345,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002118900000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 118.9 million ( show ) US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.320 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who is the world's biggest selling female artist", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=804917497", "q_uid": -680181634247379238, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "Rihanna is" } }, { "question": "who has sold most records of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=843493216", "q_uid": 3239706773006530597, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most hip hop albums of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=843493216", "q_uid": 8752610171936570216, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Rihanna Barbados United States 2005 -- present 2005 R&B / Pop / Dance / Hip - hop 7002256000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 256 million US: 188.55 million JPN: 1.4 million UK: 31.5 million GER: 10.075 million FRA: 1.465 million CAN: 3.120 million AUS: 9.325 million ITA: 1.550 million BRA: 705,000 SWE: 2.480 million SPA: 1.470 million MEX: 410,000 SWI: 840,000 BEL: 660,000 DEN: 1.127 AUT: 135,000 POL: 500,000 IRE: 240,000 NZ: 682,500 230 million Eminem United States 1996 -- present 1999 Hip - hop 7002215500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 215.5 million US: 163.2 million JPN: 2.9 million UK: 23.825 million GER: 6.6 million FRA: 3.288 million CAN: 3.930 million AUS: 5.807 million ITA: 675,000 BRA: 220,000 SWE: 910,000 SPA: 290,000 MEX: 365,000 SWI: 805,000 BEL: 505,000 DEN: 656,000 AUT: 362,500 PL: 250,000 FIN: 124,547 IRE: 285,000 NZ: 600,000 220 million 200 million Mariah Carey United States 1988 -- present R&B / Pop / Soul / Hip - hop 7002137300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 137.3 million US: 92.6 million JPN: 14.5 million UK: 10.220 million GER: 3.750 million FRA: 4.690 million CAN: 4.1 million AUS: 3.515 million ITA: 200,000 BRA: 835,000 SWE: 425,000 SPA: 1 million SWI: 515,000 BEL: 175,000 DEN: 280,000 AUT: 200,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 240,000 200 million 175 million Queen United Kingdom 1971 -- present 1973 Rock 7002126200000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 126.2 million US: 65 million JPN: 2.850 million UK: 29.075 million GER: 12.375 million FRA: 4.495 million CAN: 1.870 million AUS: 2.167 million ITA: 545,000 BRA: 970,000 SWE: 190,000 SPA: 1.720 million SWI: 1.256 million BEL: 150,000 DEN: 205,000 ARG: 1.080 million AUT: 900,000 POL: 810,000 FIN: 366,152 NZ: 275,000 200 million 170 million Celine Dion Canada 1981 -- present 1981 Pop 7002125700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 125.7 million US: 56.550 million JPN: 7.150 million UK: 13.915 million GER: 8 million FRA: 15.768 million CAN: 12.245 million AUS: 3.302 million BRA: 505,000 SWE: 1.105 million SPA: 1 million SWI: 1.685 million BEL: 2.110 million ARG: 340,000 DEN: 370,000 AUT: 440,000 POL: 680,000 FIN: 356,183 NZ: 192,500 200 million 175 million Whitney Houston United States 1977 -- 2012 1984 R&B / Soul / Pop 7002114900000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 114.9 million US: 76.775 million JPN: 4.3 million UK: 15.205 million GER: 5.6 million FRA: 2.275 million CAN: 3.430 million AUS: 1.755 million ITA: 140,000 BRA: 1.025 SWE: 1.035 million SPA: 1.260 million SWI: 845,000 BEL: 215,000 DEN: 140,000 AUT: 535,000 POL: 180,000 FIN: 247,222 200 million 170 million AC / DC Australia 1973 -- present Hard rock / Blues rock / Rock and roll 7002114900000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 114.9 million US: 79.7 million UK: 5.5 million GER: 10.3 million FRA: 4.180 million CAN: 2.490 million AUS: 7.740 million ITA: 775,000 SWE: 350,000 SPA: 1.355 million SWI: 894,000 BEL: 100,000 ARG: 594,000 DEN: 130,000 AUT: 380,000 FIN: 321,169 NZ: 140,000 200 million 150 million The Rolling Stones United Kingdom 1962 -- present 1963 Rock / Blues rock 7001983000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 98.3 million US: 74.750 million JPN: 950,000 UK: 8.970 million GER: 3.8 million FRA: 3.377 million AUS: 417,500 CAN: 3.025 million ITA: 205,000 BRA: 100,000 SWE: 310,000 SPA: 690,000 SWI: 238,000 BEL: 120,000 ARG: 718,000 AUT: 300,000 POL: 140,000 NZ: 190,000 200 million ABBA Sweden 1972 -- 1982 1972 Pop / Disco 7001609000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 60.9 million US: 12.7 million JPN: 1.5 million UK: 19.170 million GER: 10.450 million FRA: 2.750 million CAN: 2.785 million AUS: 6.127 million BRA: 275,000 SWE: 800,000 SPA: 1.005 million MEX: 260,000 SWI: 600,000 BEL: 380,000 ARG: 238,000 DEN: 600,000 AUT: 175,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 656,319 NZ: 297,500 200 million 100 million", "short_answer": "Rihanna" } }, { "question": "who is the top selling female artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=804917497", "q_uid": -7813760114889255193, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "Rihanna is" } }, { "question": "who's the biggest selling artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=832876827", "q_uid": -7409202837227123773, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the top selling solo artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=802517360", "q_uid": 3935999679032643454, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Beatles Elvis Presley Michael Jackson Madonna Elton John Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who is the best selling artist in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=835639165", "q_uid": 8441876676854550378, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who are the top 3 best selling music artists of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=837281241", "q_uid": 1795145422761158957, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002271300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 271.3 million US: 212.250 million JPN: 4.950 million UK: 18.245 million GER: 8 million FRA: 3.890 million CAN: 14.455 million AUS: 3.060 million ITA: 355,000 BRA: 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA: 1.250 million SWI: 350,000 BEL: 265,000 ARG: 1.606 million DEN: 270,000 AUT: 500,000 POL: 175,000 NZ: 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002223100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 223.1 million US: 199.150 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 13.145 million GER: 1.2 million FRA: 2.590 million CAN: 2.925 million AUS: 1.797 million ITA: 105,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA: 300,000 MEX: 105,000 SWI: 185,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 110,000 DEN: 120,000 AUT: 205,000 FIN: 213,945 NZ: 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002185300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 185.3 million US: 104.5 million JPN: 4.650 million UK: 28.245 million GER: 11.275 million FRA: 11.375 million CAN: 4.670 million AUS: 6.670 million ITA: 1.170 million BRA: 280,000 SWE: 1.230 million SPA: 1.995 million MEX: 3.670 million SWI: 910,000 BEL: 365,000 ARG: 124,000 DEN: 1.224 million AUT: 1.197 million POL: 530,000 FIN: 384,127 NZ: 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 170.7 million US: 85.675 million JPN: 6.450 million UK: 28.845 million GER: 12.4 million FRA: 12.81 million CAN: 6.030 million AUS: 4.717 million ITA: 465,000 BRA: 3.440 million SWE: 1.070 million SPA: 2.815 million MEX: 510,000 SWI: 1.080 million BEL: 690,000 ARG: 1.098 DEN: 407,000 AUT: 602,500 POL: 530,000 FIN: 652,686 NZ: 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 169.3 million US: 117.850 million JPN: 1.1 million UK: 22.595 million GER: 7.9 million FRA: 4.825 million CAN: 5.975 million AUS: 2.947 million BRA: 835,000 SWE: 740,000 SPA: 1.2 million MEX: 100,000 SWI: 1.313 million BEL: 390,000 ARG: 128,000 DEN: 150,000 AUT: 765,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 163,481 NZ: 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002140000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 140 million US: 114.1 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 9.530 million GER: 3.775 million FRA: 2.310 million CAN: 4.710 million AUS: 2.8 million ITA: 420,000 BRA: 820,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 211,000 ARG: 360,000 POL: 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996, 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002119100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 119.1 million US: 78 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.520 million GER: 7.5 million FRA: 6.360 million CAN: 6.790 million AUS: 2.932 million ITA: 1.685 million BRA: 540,000 SWE: 220,000 SPA: 625,000 SWI: 390,000 BEL: 115,000 ARG: 582,000 AUT: 460,000 POL: 590,000 NZ: 787,500 250 million 200 million", "short_answer": "The Beatles" } }, { "question": "who sold the most records in country music", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=843493216", "q_uid": -6712123707866903665, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Taylor Swift United States 2006 -- present 2006 Country / Country pop / Pop / Pop - rock 7002185300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 185.3 million US: 159 million JPN: 2.950 million UK: 8.9 million GER: 1.750 FRA: 300,000 CAN: 4.820 million AUS: 5.530 million ITA: 285,000 BRA: 440,000 SWE: 280,000 MEX: 510,000 DEN: 140,000 > AUT: 100,000 NZ: 382,500 175 million Garth Brooks United States 1989 -- present 1989 Country 7002156100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 156.1 million US: 149.4 million UK: 520,000 CAN: 5.730 million AUS: 350,000 IRE: 120,000 160 million Eagles United States 1971 -- 1980, 1994 -- present 1972 Rock 7002129600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 129.6 million US: 108.9 million JPN: 600,000 UK: 8.035 million GER: 925,000 FRA: 2.040 million CAN: 4.2 million AUS: 3.395 million SWE: 140,000 SPA: 500,000 SWI: 290,000 DEN: 185,000 > FIN: 124,749 NZ: 352,500 150 million U2 Ireland 1976 -- present 1980 Rock 7002107500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 107.5 million US: 53.1 million JPN: 1.450 million UK: 18.720 million GER: 5.525 million FRA: 5.125 million CAN: 7.155 million AUS: 4.412 million ITA: 855,000 BRA: 2.675 million SWE: 515,000 SPA: 2.295 million MEX: 835,000 SWI: 696,000 BEL: 750,000 ARG: 806,000 DEN: 473,000 AUT: 522,500 POL: 370,000 FIN: 235,460 IRE: 316,000 NZ: 765,000 150 million Billy Joel United States 1964 -- present 1971 Pop / Rock 7002102600000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 102.6 million US: 87.950 million JPN: 2 million UK: 5.655 million GER: 1.250 million FRA: 925,000 CAN: 3.275 million AUS: 1.267 AUT: 125,000 NZ: 162,500 150 million Phil Collins United Kingdom 1980 -- 2011, 2015 -- present 1981 Rock / Progressive rock / Adult contemporary 7001884000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 88.4 million US: 39.850 million JPN: 800,000 UK: 15.850 million GER: 13.8 million FRA: 6.410 million CAN: 3.375 million AUS: 1.522 BRA: 1.370 million SWE: 245,000 SPA: 2.150 million SWI: 973,000 BEL: 305,000 ARG: 1.044 million AUT: 440,000 FIN: 182,581 NZ: 122,500 150 million Aerosmith United States 1970 -- present 1973 Hard rock 7001847000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 84.7 million US: 70.250 million JPN: 2.7 million UK: 3.230 million GER: 2 million FRA: 225,000 CAN: 3.950 million AUS: 225,000 ITA: 100,000 BRA: 600,000 SWE: 260,000 SPA: 200,000 MEX: 230,000 SWI: 145,000 ARG: 338,000 AUT: 125,000 POL: 100,000 FIN: 101,722 150 million Frank Sinatra United States 1935 -- 1995 1939 Pop / Swing 7001375000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 37.5 million US: 28.2 million UK: 5.645 million GER: 1 million FRA: 600,000 CAN: 650,000 AUS: 315,000 BRA: 350,000 SWE: 130,000 SPA: 500,000 ARG: 188,000 150 million Barbra Streisand United States 1960 -- present 1963 Pop / Adult contemporary 7001975000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 97.5 million US: 82.450 million UK: 5.765 million GER: 750,000 FRA: 3.150 million CAN: 2.650 million AUS: 2.152 million SWE: 120,000 SPA: 150,000 FIN: 186,501 NZ: 137,500 145 million Justin Bieber Canada United States 2008 -- present 2009 Pop / Teen pop, Dance pop 7002149000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 149 million US: 101.5 million JPN: 750,000 UK: 18.285 million GER: 4.4 million FRA: 1.098 CAN: 5.780 million AUS: 4.795 million ITA: 1.895 million BRA: 810,000 SWE: 2.020 million SPA: 880,000 MEX: 2.970 million BEL: 450,000 DEN: 2.250 million POL: 370,000 AUT: 140,000 NZ: 615,000 140 million Bruno Mars United States 2004 -- present Pop rock / R&B 7002126300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 126.3 million US: 89.5 million JPN: 1.2 million UK: 14.5 million GER: 3.4 million FRA: 1.950 million CAN: 5.240 million AUS: 5.810 million ITA: 710,000 SWE: 440,000 SPA: 490,000 MEX: 810,000 SWI: 405,000 BEL: 360,000 DEN: 435,000 AUT: 180,000 NZ: 577,500 PHL: 330,000 130 million Ed Sheeran United Kingdom 2004 -- present 2011 Pop / Folk pop 7002123100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 123.1 million US: 54 million JPN: 350,000 UK: 36.160 million GER: 7.2 million FRA: 1.691 million CAN: 6.440 million AUS: 7.490 million ITA: 2.465 million SWE: 1.360 million SPA: 730,000 MEX: 180,000 SWI: 475,000 BEL: 615,000 DEN: 2.160 million AUT: 340,000 POL: 360,000 NZ: 1.140 million 126 million Kanye West United States 1996 -- present Hip - hop / Electronic / Pop rock 7002115500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 115.5 million US: 98.750 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 11.260 million GER: 1.350 CAN: 1.180 million AUS: 2.135 million ITA: 160,000 SWE: 160,000 DEN: 424,000 121 million Bruce Springsteen United States 1972 -- present 1973 Rock 7002101800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 101.8 million US: 76.150 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 7.345 million GER: 4.325 million FRA: 1.887 million CAN: 3.2 million AUS: 3.362 million ITA: 575,000 BRA: 100,000 SWE: 810,000 SPA: 1.730 million SWI: 400,000 DEN: 255,000 AUT: 290,000 FIN: 449,800 IRE: 189,500 NZ: 375,000 120 million Metallica United States 1981 -- present Heavy metal / Thrash metal 7001952000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 95.2 million US: 73.3 million JPN: 900,000 UK: 3.535 million GER: 4.025 million FRA: 940,000 CAN: 3.885 million AUS: 2.637 million ITA: 180,000 BRA: 380,000 SWE: 675,000 SPA: 420,000 MEX: 430,000 SWI: 560,000 BEL: 360,000 DEN: 180,000 ARG: 874,000 AUT: 340,000 POL: 735,000 FIN: 530,676 NZ: 315,000 120 million Bee Gees United Kingdom Australia 1963 -- 2003 2009 -- 2012 1963 Pop / Disco 7001688000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 68.8 million US: 42.5 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 9.525 million GER: 6.675 million FRA: 3.4 million CAN: 3.215 million AUS: 1.187 million BRA: 350,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 415,000 ARG: 188,000 AUT: 125,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 380,000 120 million", "short_answer": "Taylor Swift" } }, { "question": "who is the highest selling artist of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=850249929", "q_uid": 7554273371601473469, "answers": { "long_answer": "This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales. The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order, with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top. If two or more artists have the same claimed sales, they are then ranked by certified units. The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums, singles, compilation - albums, music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums. Sales figures, such as those from Soundscan, which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine, have not been included in the certified units column. As of 2017, based on both sales claims and certified units, The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band. Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has sold the most records in hip hop", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=837281241", "q_uid": 5661490862525110244, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Rihanna Barbados United States 2005 -- present 2005 R&B / Pop / Dance / Hip - hop 7002252300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 252.3 million US: 188.55 million JPN: 1.4 million UK: 31.1 million GER: 6.625 million FRA: 1.465 million CAN: 3.120 million AUS: 9.325 million ITA: 1.550 million BRA: 705,000 SWE: 2.480 million SPA: 1.470 million MEX: 410,000 SWI: 840,000 BEL: 660,000 DEN: 1.127 AUT: 135,000 POL: 500,000 IRE: 240,000 NZ: 682,500 230 million Eminem United States 1996 -- present 1999 Hip - hop 7002214500000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 214.5 million US: 163.2 million JPN: 2.9 million UK: 23.225 million GER: 6.2 million FRA: 3.288 million CAN: 3.930 million AUS: 5.807 million ITA: 665,000 BRA: 220,000 SWE: 910,000 SPA: 290,000 MEX: 365,000 SWI: 805,000 BEL: 505,000 DEN: 611,000 > AUT: 362,500 PL: 250,000 FIN: 124,547 IRE: 285,000 NZ: 600,000 220 million 200 million Mariah Carey United States 1988 -- present R&B / Pop / Soul / Hip - hop 7002137300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 137.3 million US: 92.6 million JPN: 14.5 million UK: 10.220 million GER: 3.750 million FRA: 4.690 million CAN: 4.1 million AUS: 3.515 million ITA: 200,000 BRA: 835,000 SWE: 425,000 SPA: 1 million SWI: 515,000 BEL: 175,000 DEN: 280,000 AUT: 200,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 240,000 200 million 175 million Queen United Kingdom 1971 -- present 1973 Rock 7002125700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 125.7 million US: 65 million JPN: 2.850 million UK: 29.075 million GER: 11.875 million FRA: 4.495 million CAN: 1.870 million AUS: 2.167 million ITA: 505,000 BRA: 970,000 SWE: 190,000 SPA: 1.720 million SWI: 1.256 million BEL: 100,000 DEN: 205,000 ARG: 1.080 million AUT: 900,000 POL: 810,000 FIN: 366,152 NZ: 275,000 200 million 170 million Celine Dion Canada 1981 -- present 1981 Pop 7002125100000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 125.1 million US: 56.550 million JPN: 7.150 million UK: 13.555 million GER: 8 million FRA: 15.768 million CAN: 12.245 million AUS: 3.302 million BRA: 505,000 SWE: 1.105 million SPA: 1 million SWI: 1.685 million BEL: 1.885 million ARG: 340,000 DEN: 370,000 AUT: 440,000 POL: 680,000 FIN: 356,183 NZ: 192,500 200 million 175 million Whitney Houston United States 1977 -- 2012 1984 R&B / Soul / Pop 7002114900000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 114.9 million US: 76.775 million JPN: 4.3 million UK: 15.205 million GER: 5.6 million FRA: 2.275 million CAN: 3.430 million AUS: 1.755 million ITA: 140,000 BRA: 1.025 SWE: 1.035 million SPA: 1.260 million SWI: 845,000 BEL: 215,000 DEN: 140,000 AUT: 535,000 POL: 180,000 FIN: 247,222 200 million 170 million AC / DC Australia 1973 -- present Hard rock / Blues rock / Rock and roll 7002113800000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 113.8 million US: 79.7 million UK: 4.6 million GER: 10.3 million FRA: 4.180 million CAN: 2.490 million AUS: 7.540 million ITA: 775,000 SWE: 350,000 SPA: 1.355 million SWI: 894,000 BEL: 100,000 ARG: 594,000 DEN: 130,000 AUT: 380,000 FIN: 321,169 NZ: 140,000 200 million 150 million The Rolling Stones United Kingdom 1962 -- present 1963 Rock / Blues rock 7001978000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 97.8 million US: 74.750 million JPN: 950,000 UK: 8.970 million GER: 3.3 million FRA: 3.377 million AUS: 417,500 CAN: 3.025 million ITA: 205,000 BRA: 100,000 SWE: 310,000 SPA: 690,000 SWI: 238,000 BEL: 120,000 ARG: 718,000 AUT: 300,000 POL: 140,000 NZ: 190,000 200 million ABBA Sweden 1972 -- 1982 1972 Pop / Disco 7001609000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 60.9 million US: 12.7 million JPN: 1.5 million UK: 19.170 million GER: 10.450 million FRA: 2.750 million CAN: 2.785 million AUS: 6.127 million BRA: 275,000 SWE: 800,000 SPA: 1.005 million MEX: 260,000 SWI: 600,000 BEL: 380,000 ARG: 238,000 DEN: 600,000 AUT: 175,000 POL: 150,000 FIN: 656,319 NZ: 297,500 200 million 100 million", "short_answer": "Rihanna" } }, { "question": "who is the top selling rapper of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_music_artists&oldid=818111125", "q_uid": 4565974987535727882, "answers": { "long_answer": "Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Lady Gaga United States 2005 -- present 2008 Pop / Dance / Electronic 7001992000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 99.2 million ( show ) US: 68.5 million JPN: 5.4 million UK: 10.985 million GER: 2.9 million FRA: 1.58 million CAN: 2.4 million AUS: 2.890 million ITA: 840,000 BRA: 470,000 SWE: 680,000 SPA: 410,000 MEX: 390,000 SWI: 445,000 BEL: 270,000 DEN: 340,000 AUT: 182,500 POL: 130,000 IRE: 165,000 NZ: 277,500 114 million Metallica United States 1981 -- present Heavy metal / Thrash metal 7001943000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 94.3 million ( show ) US: 73.3 million JPN: 900,000 UK: 3.335 million GER: 3.525 million FRA: 940,000 CAN: 3.805 million AUS: 2.637 million ITA: 180,000 BRA: 380,000 SWE: 675,000 SPA: 420,000 MEX: 430,000 SWI: 560,000 BEL: 335,000 DEN: 180,000 ARG: 874,000 AUT: 340,000 POL: 735,000 FIN: 530,676 NZ: 315,000 110 million Justin Bieber Canada United States 2008 -- present 2009 Pop / Teen pop, Dance pop 7002132000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 132 million ( show ) US: 87.5 million JPN: 750,000 UK: 17.085 million GER: 3.3 million FRA: 1.2 CAN: 5.620 million AUS: 4.725 million ITA: 1.795 million BRA: 810,000 SWE: 1.820 million SPA: 880,000 MEX: 2.910 million BEL: 450,000 DEN: 2.075 million POL: 370,000 AUT: 140,000 NZ: 615,000 100 million Katy Perry United States 2001 -- present 2008 Pop 7002129300000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 129.3 million ( show ) US: 97.5 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 12.550 million GER: 2.750 million FRA: 825,000 CAN: 6.160 million AUS: 5.090 million ITA: 780,000 BRA: 625,000 SWE: 520,000 SPA: 180,000 MEX: 900,000 SWI: 160,000 BEL: 135,000 DEN: 235,000 AUT: 247,500 NZ: 360,000 100 million Adele United Kingdom 2006 -- present 2008 Pop, soul 7002104700000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 104.7 million ( show ) US: 61 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 20.550 million GER: 4.7 million CAN: 6.120 million AUS: 3.955 million ITA: 1.570 million BRA: 1.310 million SWE: 240,000 SPA: 800,000 MEX: 1.490 million SWI: 510,000 BEL: 795,000 DEN: 597,500 POL: 300,000 FIN: 151,639 NZ: 577,500 100 million Jay - Z United States 1996 -- present Hip - hop 7001981000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 98.1 million ( show ) US: 82.7 million JPN: 1.050 million UK: 9.320 million GER: 1.550 million FRA: 400,000 CAN: 1.6 million AUS: 1.260 ITA: 180,000 SWE: 130,000 100 million B'z Japan 1988 -- present Rock / Pop rock / Hard rock 7001857000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 85.7 million ( show ) JPN: 85.75 million 100 million Bon Jovi United States 1983 -- present Hard rock / Glam metal 7001840000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 84 million ( show ) US: 49.9 million JPN: 4.400 million UK: 9.490 million GER: 5.650 million FRA: 825,000 CAN: 4.735 million AUS: 3.030 million ITA: 110,000 BRA: 435,000 SWE: 365,000 SPA: 1.620 million MEX: 250,000 SWI: 1.275 million AUT: 725,000 BEL: 165,000 ARG: 358,000 POL: 110,000 FIN: 422,500 NZ: 210,000 100 million Linkin Park United States 1996 -- present 2000 Alternative rock / Nu metal / Rap rock 7001823000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 82.3 million ( show ) US: 61.6 million JPN: 1.550 million UK: 6.205 million GER: 5.850 million FRA: 1.025 CAN: 1.330 million AUS: 1.485 million ITA: 515,000 BRA: 595,000 SWE: 165,000 SPA: 175,000 MEX: 225,000 SWI: 425,000 BEL: 140,000 DEN: 175,000 AUT: 252,500 POL: 220,000 FIN: 120,469 NZ: 252,500 100 million Beyonc\u00e9 United States 1997 -- present 2002 R&B / Pop 7001810000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 81 million ( show ) US: 56.150 million JPN: 1.7 million UK: 13.885 million GER: 1.550 million FRA: 560,000 CAN: 1.395 million AUS: 2.975 million ITA: 260,000 BRA: 390,000 SWE: 120,000 SPA: 1.030 million MEX: 110,000 SWI: 165,000 BEL: 115,000 DEN: 312,500 POL: 100,000 NZ: 210,000 100 million Lil Wayne United States 1996 -- present 1999 Hip - hop 7001799000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 79.9 million ( show ) US: 77.7 million UK: 1.460 million CAN: 280,000 AUS: 525,000 100 million Britney Spears United States 1998 -- present 1998 Pop / Dance / Dance - pop 7001785000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 78.5 million ( show ) US: 44.2 million JPN: 2.1 million UK: 10.150 million GER: 5.050 million FRA: 3.732 million CAN: 3.680 million AUS: 3.130 million ITA: 175,000 BRA: 380,000 SWE: 1.010 million SPA: 990,000 MEX: 1.175 million SWI: 485,000 AUT: 365,000 BEL: 935,000 ARG: 248,000 DEN: 187,500 POL: 210,000 FIN: 143,627 NZ: 240,000 100 million Rod Stewart United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001778000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 77.8 million ( show ) US: 43.650 million JPN: 450,000 UK: 18.330 million GER: 3.8 million FRA: 1.8 million CAN: 4.055 million AUS: 2.610 million BRA: 980,000 SWE: 440,000 SPA: 290,000 SWI: 100,000 ARG: 524,000 AUT: 100,000 POL: 220,000 IRE: 195,000 NZ: 280,000 100 million Fleetwood Mac United Kingdom United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Pop 7001761009999900000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 76.1 million ( show ) US: 51.250 million UK: 13.585 million GER: 3.5 million FRA: 800,000 AUS: 2.767 million CAN: 2.950 million SPA: 300,000 SWI: 100,000 BEL: 100,000 NZ: 572,500 100 million Guns N ' Roses United States 1985 -- present Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001743000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 74.3 million ( show ) US: 48.5 million JPN: 1.7 million UK: 6.150 million GER: 4.1 million FRA: 1 million CAN: 3.520 million AUS: 2.410 ITA: 685,000 BRA: 1.9 million SWE: 485,000 SPA: 450,000 MEX: 760,000 SWI: 365,000 BEL: 165,000 ARG: 1.248 million AUT: 365,000 POL: 160,000 IRE: 105,000 NZ: 270,000 100 million George Strait United States 1981 -- present 1984 Country 7001728000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 72.8 million ( show ) US: 72.150 million CAN: 705,000 100 million Backstreet Boys United States 1993 -- present 1995 Pop 7001720000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 72 million ( show ) US: 41.5 million JPN: 5.4 million UK: 4.875 million GER: 7 million FRA: 325,000 CAN: 3.430 million AUS: 1.4 million BRA: 1.625 million SWE: 655,000 SPA: 1.850 million MEX: 1.475 million SWI: 415,000 BEL: 425,000 ARG: 740,000 AUT: 325,000 POL: 300,000 FIN: 171,390 NZ: 132,500 100 million Neil Diamond United States 1966 -- present 1966 Pop / Rock 7001683000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 68.3 million ( show ) US: 55.9 million UK: 7.130 million GER: 1 million FRA: 400,000 CAN: 1.725 million AUS: 1.945 million SPA: 100,000 NZ: 127,500 100 million Prince United States 1976 -- 2016 1978 Funk / R&B / Pop / Soul / Rock 7001642000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 64.2 million ( show ) US: 48.950 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 7.045 million GER: 2.4 million FRA: 2.110 million CAN: 1 million AUS: 1.120 SWE: 100,000 SPA: 700,000 SWI: 250,000 AUT: 125,000 NZ: 177,500 100 million Kenny Rogers United States 1958 -- present Country / Pop 7001601000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 61.4 million ( show ) US: 54.050 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 2.520 million CAN: 4.6 million AUS: 100,000 SPA: 100,000 100 million Paul McCartney United Kingdom 1960 -- present 1970 Rock 7001606000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 60.6 million ( show ) US: 41.450 million JPN: 500,000 UK: 12.365 million GER: 1.525 million FRA: 1.305 million CAN: 1.955 million AUS: 465,000 SWE: 210,000 SPA: 640,000 DEN: 210,000 100 million Janet Jackson United States 1982 -- present 1982 R&B / Pop 7001521000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 52.1 million ( show ) US: 39.750 million JPN: 1.6 million UK: 4.760 million GER: 1.4 million FRA: 1.475 million CAN: 1.460 million AUS: 1.155 SWE: 105,000 SPA: 150,000 SWI: 170,000 BEL: 125,000 100 million Julio Iglesias Spain 1968 -- present 1968 Latin 7001510000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 51 million ( show ) US: 11 million JPN: 800,000 UK: 1.620 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 6.1 million CAN: 1.5 million AUS: 540,000 ITA: 400,000 NLD: 950,000 BRA: 12.475 million SWE: 290,000 SPA: 8.7 million MEX: 2.975 million BEL: 125,000 ARG: 3.220 million FIN: 131,636 100 million Chicago United States 1967 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001483000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 48.3 million ( show ) US: 44.150 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 1.490 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 100,000 CAN: 1.865 million SPA: 100,000 100 million The Carpenters United States 1969 -- 1983 1969 Pop 7001460000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 46 million ( show ) US: 34.6 million JPN: 2.9 million UK: 7.950 million GER: 250,000 CAN: 275,000 BRA: 100,000 100 million Bob Dylan United States 1959 -- present 1963 Folk / Rock 7001453000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 45.3 million ( show ) US: 35.6 million UK: 6.025 million GER: 625,000 FRA: 800,000 CAN: 1.5 million AUS: 480,000 SWI: 175,000 NZ: 105,000 100 million Dire Straits United Kingdom 1977 -- 1995 1978 Rock 7001447000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 44.7 million ( show ) US: 15.5 million UK: 11.1 million GER: 3.750 million FRA: 5.3 million CAN: 2.575 million AUS: 2.190 million ITA: 385,000 BRA: 175,000 SWE: 360,000 SPA: 1.380 million SWI: 1 million BEL: 100,000 AUT: 300,000 FIN: 471,530 NZ: 155,000 100 million Def Leppard United Kingdom 1977 -- present 1979 Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001418009999900000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 41.8 million ( show ) US: 35.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 1.960 million FRA: 200,000 CAN: 2.995 million AUS: 385,000 SWE: 150,000 MEX: 200,000 SWI: 125,000 100 million Cher United States 1964 -- present 1965 Pop / Rock / Dance / Folk 7001405000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 40.5 million ( show ) US: 21.9 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 6.450 million GER: 4.175 million FRA: 1.525 million CAN: 1.340 million AUS: 1.530 million ITA: 300,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE: 850,000 SPA: 600,000 MEX: 200,000 SWI: 295,000 BEL: 275,000 ARG: 106,000 DEN: 300,000 AUT: 250,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 150,000 100 million Genesis United Kingdom 1967 -- 1999 2006 -- present 1969 Progressive rock / Pop rock 7001399000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 39.9 million ( show ) US: 21.650 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 7.325 million GER: 5.875 million FRA: 3.460 million CAN: 805,000 SWE: 100,000 SPA: 250,000 SWI: 400,000 100 million James Taylor United States 1968 -- present 1970 Rock / Pop 7001355000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 35.5 million ( show ) US: 34.650 million UK: 655,000 CAN: 100,000 AUS: 100,000 100 million Olivia Newton - John Australia 1966 -- present 1966 Pop 7001347000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 34.7 million ( show ) US: 27 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 3.950 million GER: 250,000 CAN: 3.025 million AUS: 380,000 100 million Stevie Wonder United States 1961 -- present 1962 Funk / R&B / Soul 7001346000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 34.6 million ( show ) US: 21.650 million JPN: 1.050 million UK: 8.285 million GER: 500,000 FRA: 1.4 million CAN: 1.550 million SPA: 250,000 100 million Tina Turner United States 1955 -- present Rock / Pop 7001328009999900000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 32.8 million ( show ) US: 12.7 million UK: 8.145 million GER: 6.050 million FRA: 1.135 million CAN: 1.560 million AUS: 480,000 SWE: 330,000 SPA: 700,000 SWI: 565,000 BEL: 190,000 AUT: 630,000 POL: 120,000 FIN: 241,954 100 million Linda Ronstadt United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Folk / Country 7001325000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 32.5 million ( show ) US: 31.5 million UK: 435,000 FRA: 100,000 CAN: 500,000 100 million Donna Summer United States 1968 -- 2012 Pop / Disco / R&B 7001308000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 30.8 million ( show ) US: 24.5 million UK: 3.735 million FRA: 900,000 CAN: 1.550 million BRA: 100,000 SPA: 100,000 100 million The Beach Boys United States 1961 -- present 1962 Rock / Pop / Surf Rock 7001305000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 30.5 million ( show ) US: 25.6 million UK: 3.410 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 400,000 CAN: 100,000 AUS: 492,500 SPA: 250,000 100 million David Bowie United Kingdom 1962 -- 2016 1967 Art rock / Glam rock / Pop 7001299000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 29.9 million ( show ) US: 11.7 million JPN: 200,000 UK: 11.745 million GER: 525,000 FRA: 2.380 million CAN: 2.215 million AUS: 565,000 ITA: 345,000 SPA: 170,000 NZ: 142,500 100 million The Who United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1965 Rock / Hard rock 7001269000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 26.9 million ( show ) US: 22.150 million UK: 3.905 million FRA: 300,000 CAN: 425,000 ITA: 125,000 100 million Barry White United States 1972 -- 2003 1973 R&B / Soul 7001217000000000000 \u2660 Total available certified units: 21.7 million ( show ) US: 16.5 million UK: 3.665 million FRA: 1.1 million CAN: 150,000 SPA: 200,000 BEL: 150,000 100 million", "short_answer": "Jay - Z" } } ], "America's Got Talent": [ { "question": "what does the golden buzzer do on americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=811725898", "q_uid": 2580342383119000938, "answers": { "long_answer": "Introduced in season nine, the `` Golden Buzzer '' is located on the center of the judges ' desk and may be used once per season by each judge. In season 9, a judge could press the golden buzzer to save an act from elimination, regardless of the number of X 's earned from the other judges. Starting in season 10 and onward, any act that receives a golden buzzer advances directly to the live show; and in season 11, the hosts also were given the power to use the golden buzzer. The golden buzzer is also used in the Judge Cuts format.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the host of america got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=801445201", "q_uid": -3774662403747120927, "answers": { "long_answer": "The original judging panel consisted of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan. Sharon Osbourne replaced Norwood in season two ( 2007 ), and Howie Mandel replaced Hasselhoff in season five ( 2010 ). Howard Stern replaced Morgan in season seven ( 2012 ). Mel B replaced Osbourne in season eight ( 2013 ), while Heidi Klum joined as a fourth judge. Simon Cowell replaced Stern in season eleven ( 2016 ). Regis Philbin was the original host ( season one ), followed by Jerry Springer for two seasons ( 2007 -- 2008 ), followed by Nick Cannon for eight seasons ( 2009 -- 2016 ). Supermodel and host Tyra Banks replaced Cannon for the twelfth season ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Regis Philbin was" } }, { "question": "when does season 12 of americas got talent end", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": -1258061219033439976, "answers": { "long_answer": "On September 20, Darci Lynne Farmer won the twelfth season, becoming the third ventriloquist, third child act and the third female act to win the competition ( second year in a row after VanderWaal 's win in 2016 ). Child singer Angelica Hale was announced as the runner - up, Ukrainian dance act Light Balance finished in third place, deaf musician Mandy Harvey finished in fourth place and dog act Sara & Hero finished in fifth place.", "short_answer": "September 20," } }, { "question": "who was the host of america's got talent season 1", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": -2246061820993713506, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Presenter Judges ( chair 's order ) Regis Philbin Piers Morgan Brandy David Hasselhoff N / A Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne Nick Cannon 5 Howie Mandel 6 7 Howard Stern 8 Heidi Klum Mel B Howie Mandel 9 10 11 Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell 12 Tyra Banks 13", "short_answer": "Regis Philbin" } }, { "question": "who was the winner for american got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=808947172", "q_uid": -6027144094275223085, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan All That & The Millers Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Piers Morgan Brandy Norwood N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks", "short_answer": "Darci Lynne Farmer" } }, { "question": "what does the red x mean on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": 3984434816122104588, "answers": { "long_answer": "Following the producers ' auditions, acts audition in front of ( as of 2013 ) four celebrity judges. These auditions are held in theaters in various cities nationally and are later televised. Judges may individually register their disapproval of an act by pressing a red buzzer, which lights up their corresponding X above the stage. Any performer who receives X 's ( 3 from season 1 - 7, or 4 from season 8 - ) from the judges must stop performing and is eliminated. Since season three ( 2008 ), large audiences have also been a factor in the judging process, as their reaction to an act 's performance may swing or influence a judge 's vote. If an act receives three or more `` yes '' votes, they advance to the next round of competition. However, in the majority of seasons, several acts do not perform in the second round and are immediately sent home by the judges without a second performance. Golden", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the first season of americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=865582289", "q_uid": 410126140017983544, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent ( often abbreviated as AGT ) is a televised American talent show competition, broadcast on the NBC television network. It is part of the global Got Talent franchise created by Simon Cowell, and is produced by Fremantle North America and SYCOtv, with distribution done by Fremantle. Since its premiere in June 2006, each season is run during the network 's summer schedule, with the show having featured various hosts - it is currently hosted by Tyra Banks, since 2017. It is the first global edition of the franchise, after plans for a British edition in 2005 were suspended, following a dispute between Paul O'Grady, the planned host, and the British broadcaster ITV; production of this edition later resumed in 2007.", "short_answer": "June 2006," } }, { "question": "where is the america's got talent stage", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": -6259409861140262112, "answers": { "long_answer": "Piers Morgan did not return as a judge for season seven, due to his work hosting CNN 's Piers Morgan Tonight, and he was replaced by Howard Stern. Since Stern hosts his SiriusXM radio show in New York City, the live rounds of the show were moved to nearby Newark, New Jersey. In December 2011, Simon Cowell, the show 's executive producer, announced that the show would be receiving a `` top - to - bottom makeover '', confirming that there would be new graphics, lighting, theme music, show intro, logo, and a larger live audience at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark. On July 2, at the first live performance show of the season, their new location and stage were unveiled in a two - and - a-half - hour live special. A new set was also unveiled with a revised judges ' desk and a refreshed design of the `` X ''.", "short_answer": "New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark." } }, { "question": "how does americas got talent judge cuts work", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=800555279", "q_uid": -1078493581941178303, "answers": { "long_answer": "From season two ( 2007 ) to season eight ( 2013 ), Las Vegas Week has been an intermediary televised taped round between the auditions and the live shows. This round takes place in a notable venue on the Las Vegas Strip. Names for this round in previous seasons have included `` Las Vegas Callbacks '' and `` Vegas Verdicts ''. The Las Vegas round generally consists of acts performing a second time for the judges ( except for season four in 2009 ), who then pick select acts to move on to the live shows. An act eliminated in Las Vegas Week is not completely excluded from the live show competition, as several seasons have featured contestants being brought back from this round as `` wild card '' acts.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what happens when u get the golden buzzer in america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854747914", "q_uid": 796115536879644803, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the ninth season, the show added a new format to the auditions in the form of the `` Golden Buzzer '', which began to make appearances within the Got Talent franchise, since it was first introduced on Germany 's Got Talent. During auditions, each judge is allowed to use the Golden Buzzer to send an act automactically into the live shows, regardless of the opinion of the other judges; when it was initially used, the buzzer simply saved an act from elimination. The only rule to the buzzer was that a judge could use it only once per season; the host was later allowed to use the Golden Buzzer for an act from the eleventh season.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does american america's got talent start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=846547515", "q_uid": -660058070312125281, "answers": { "long_answer": "On February 21, 2018, it was announced that judges Simon Cowell, Mel B, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel along with Tyra Banks would all be returning. The season premiered on May 29, 2018.", "short_answer": "premiered on May 29, 2018." } }, { "question": "who has been a judge on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=816229178", "q_uid": -7061552138374503154, "answers": { "long_answer": "Judges Brandy Norwood Sharon Osbourne Howard Stern Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell", "short_answer": "Brandy Norwood Sharon Osbourne Howard Stern Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell" } }, { "question": "what happens to the winners of america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=815738598", "q_uid": 5088980418254711527, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent ( sometimes abbreviated as AGT ) is an American reality television series on the NBC television network, and part of the global Got Talent franchise. It is a talent show that features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians, and other performers of all ages competing for the advertised top prize of one million dollars. The show debuted in June 2006 for the summer television season. From season three ( 2008 ) onwards, the prize includes the one million dollars, payable in a financial annuity over 40 years, and a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip. Among its significant features is that it gives an opportunity to talented amateurs or unknown performers, with the results decided by an audience vote. The format is a popular one and has often been reworked for television in the United States and the United Kingdom.", "short_answer": "the prize includes the one million dollars, payable in a financial annuity over 40 years, and a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip." } }, { "question": "america's got talent winners from the beginning", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=850272817", "q_uid": 4330837142700254676, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Premiere Finale Finalists Presenter Judges ( chair 's order ) Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 Bianca Ryan All That The Millers Regis Philbin Piers Morgan Brandy David Hasselhoff N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Heidi Klum Mel B Howie Mandel 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks 13 May 29, 2018 September 18, 2018 TBA TBA TBA", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many acts make it to the live show on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=802509298", "q_uid": -271301226888645883, "answers": { "long_answer": "During the live shows, a group of acts ranging from only a Top 20 ( season two ), to as many as 60, compete for viewers ' and judges ' votes. In the first season, the judges could not end an act 's performance, but could either `` check '' or `` X '' the performance during their critique. Since season two ( 2007 ), judges have been able to end an act 's performance early, and the `` check '' was removed. Generally, acts each perform first in a live round consisting of a series of quarterfinals. In seasons with YouTube auditions, the round of live judging of YouTube finalists takes place then, as part of these quarterfinals. Then there may be additional shows for `` Wild Card '' acts -- acts that one or more of the judges select to be given one more chance for audience vote despite previous elimination. From these shows, the existing group is narrowed through votes by the public and / or the judges ( depending on the season ). Acts then move on to a semifinal round, and even further rounds ( such as a `` Top 8 '' or a `` Top 10 '', depending on the season ) through a series of weekly shows, which trim the number of acts down each time based on a public vote. In the majority of seasons, judges have had no vote from the semifinals. All these rounds culminate in a live final, which has consisted of anywhere from four to ten acts throughout the seasons. The act with the most votes is declared the winner, given $1 million, and, since season three ( 2008 ), a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip.", "short_answer": "ranging from only a Top 20 ( season two ), to as many as 60," } }, { "question": "who are the judges in americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854747914", "q_uid": 8015655701291160053, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent Genre Reality Talent contest Created by Simon Cowell Directed by Russell Norman Creative director ( s ) Brian Friedman Presented by Regis Philbin Jerry Springer Nick Cannon Tyra Banks Judges Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Brandy Norwood Sharon Osbourne Howard Stern Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 13 No. of episodes 314 Production Executive producer ( s ) Simon Cowell Sam Donnelly Jason Raff Rob Wade Trish Kinane Richard Wallace Running time 44 -- 104 minutes Production company ( s ) FremantleMedia North America SYCOtv Distributor FremantleMedia Enterprises Release Original network NBC Picture format NTSC ( 480i ) ( 2006 -- 08 ) HDTV 1080i ( 2009 -- ) Original release June 21, 2006 ( 2006 - 06 - 21 ) -- present Chronology Related shows America 's Got Talent: The Champions External links Official website", "short_answer": "Piers Morgan" } }, { "question": "who is the new judge on american got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": -8156282692804495843, "answers": { "long_answer": "The original judging panel consisted of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan. Sharon Osbourne replaced Norwood in season two ( 2007 ), and Howie Mandel replaced Hasselhoff in season five ( 2010 ). Howard Stern replaced Morgan in season seven ( 2012 ). Mel B replaced Osbourne in season eight ( 2013 ), while Heidi Klum joined as a fourth judge. Simon Cowell replaced Stern in season eleven ( 2016 ). Regis Philbin was the original host ( season one ), followed by Jerry Springer for two seasons ( 2007 -- 2008 ), followed by Nick Cannon for eight seasons ( 2009 -- 2016 ). Supermodel and host Tyra Banks replaced Cannon for the twelfth season ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Simon Cowell replaced" } }, { "question": "what does the winner get of america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=808947172", "q_uid": -4745775615249226140, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent ( sometimes abbreviated as AGT ) is an American reality television series on the NBC television network, and part of the global Got Talent franchise. It is a talent show that features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians, and other performers of all ages competing for the advertised top prize of one million dollars. The show debuted in June 2006 for the summer television season. From season three ( 2008 ) onwards, the prize includes the one million dollars, payable in a financial annuity over 40 years, and a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip. Among its significant features is that it gives an opportunity to talented amateurs or unknown performers, with the results decided by an audience vote. The format is a popular one and has often been reworked for television in the United States and the United Kingdom.", "short_answer": "one million dollars," } }, { "question": "what does hitting the golden buzzer on america's got talent mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854747914", "q_uid": -8867639254308176876, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the ninth season, the show added a new format to the auditions in the form of the `` Golden Buzzer '', which began to make appearances within the Got Talent franchise, since it was first introduced on Germany 's Got Talent. During auditions, each judge is allowed to use the Golden Buzzer to send an act automactically into the live shows, regardless of the opinion of the other judges; when it was initially used, the buzzer simply saved an act from elimination. The only rule to the buzzer was that a judge could use it only once per season; the host was later allowed to use the Golden Buzzer for an act from the eleventh season.", "short_answer": "to send an act automactically into the live shows," } }, { "question": "who is the winner of american got talent this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=807726251", "q_uid": -6003612082397125928, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan All That & The Millers Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Piers Morgan Brandy Norwood N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what's the prize for america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=865582289", "q_uid": -4467834228159733024, "answers": { "long_answer": "Those that make it into the season 's final compete against each other to secure the most votes from the public, with the number of finalists varying between seasons. The act which does is declared the winner for that season, in which they secure the programme 's cash prize of $1 million, and, since Season 3 ( 2008 ), a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip. Between the fifth and eighth season, the winner was also made the headline act of a national tour with runners up following the final show, stopping in 25 cities. For season nine, however ( 2014 ), there was no tour; two shows were held in Las Vegas for the winner and some of the runner - up acts. ( See # America 's Got Talent Live, below. )", "short_answer": "$1 million, and, since Season 3 ( 2008 ), a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip." } }, { "question": "what do you win in america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=807726251", "q_uid": 2722025206707229229, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent ( sometimes abbreviated as AGT ) is an American reality television series on the NBC television network, and part of the global Got Talent franchise. It is a talent show that features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians, and other performers of all ages competing for the advertised top prize of one million dollars. The show debuted in June 2006 for the summer television season. From season three ( 2008 ) onwards, the prize includes the one million dollars, payable in a financial annuity over 40 years, and a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip. Among its significant features is that it gives an opportunity to talented amateurs or unknown performers, with the results decided by an audience vote. The format is a popular one and has often been reworked for television in the United States and the United Kingdom.", "short_answer": "one million dollars," } }, { "question": "when is 2018 america's got talent start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=831242584", "q_uid": 6425392211178617234, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan All That The Millers Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Piers Morgan Brandy Norwood N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks 13 May 29, 2018 September 2018 TBA TBA TBA", "short_answer": "May 29, 2018" } }, { "question": "who won this past season of america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=865582289", "q_uid": -3853740365149241814, "answers": { "long_answer": "On February 21, 2018, it was announced that judges Simon Cowell, Mel B, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel along with Tyra Banks would all be returning. The season premiered on May 29, 2018. Magician Shin Lim was named the winner on the season finale, September 19, 2018. This marks the second magician to win. Acrobatic group Zurcaroh and violinist Brian King Joseph came in second and third place respectively. Stand - up comedian Samuel J. Comroe and singer Michael Ketterer rounded out the top 5.", "short_answer": "Magician Shin Lim was" } }, { "question": "what do winners of america got talent win", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=816229178", "q_uid": -8199785846127190056, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent ( sometimes abbreviated as AGT ) is an American reality television series on the NBC television network, and part of the global Got Talent franchise. It is a talent show that features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians, and other performers of all ages competing for the advertised top prize of one million dollars. The show debuted in June 2006 for the summer television season. From season three ( 2008 ) onwards, the prize includes the one million dollars, payable in a financial annuity over 40 years, and a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip. Among its significant features is that it gives an opportunity to talented amateurs or unknown performers, with the results decided by an audience vote. The format is a popular one and has often been reworked for television in the United States and the United Kingdom.", "short_answer": "one million dollars." } }, { "question": "how many seasons are there of america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=808947172", "q_uid": 8996024792914181521, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent Genre Reality Talent contest Created by Simon Cowell Directed by Russell Norman Creative director ( s ) Brian Friedman Presented by Regis Philbin Jerry Springer Nick Cannon Tyra Banks Judges Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Brandy Norwood Sharon Osbourne Howard Stern Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 12 No. of episodes 302 Production Executive producer ( s ) Simon Cowell Sam Donnelly Jason Raff Rob Wade Trish Kinane Richard Wallace Running time 44 -- 104 minutes Production company ( s ) FremantleMedia North America SYCOtv Distributor FremantleMedia Enterprises Release Original network NBC Picture format NTSC ( 480i ) ( 2006 -- 08 ) HDTV 1080i ( 2009 -- present ) Original release June 21, 2006 ( 2006 - 06 - 21 ) -- present ( present ) External links Official website www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/", "short_answer": "12" } }, { "question": "when does america's got talent start on tv 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=835152842", "q_uid": -1102128490498440442, "answers": { "long_answer": "The series has since been renewed for a thirteenth season, which is set to premiere Tuesday, May 29, 2018.", "short_answer": "Tuesday, May 29, 2018." } }, { "question": "who is the presenter of america got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=801445201", "q_uid": 1063029803714252364, "answers": { "long_answer": "The original judging panel consisted of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan. Sharon Osbourne replaced Norwood in season two ( 2007 ), and Howie Mandel replaced Hasselhoff in season five ( 2010 ). Howard Stern replaced Morgan in season seven ( 2012 ). Mel B replaced Osbourne in season eight ( 2013 ), while Heidi Klum joined as a fourth judge. Simon Cowell replaced Stern in season eleven ( 2016 ). Regis Philbin was the original host ( season one ), followed by Jerry Springer for two seasons ( 2007 -- 2008 ), followed by Nick Cannon for eight seasons ( 2009 -- 2016 ). Supermodel and host Tyra Banks replaced Cannon for the twelfth season ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Tyra Banks replaced" } }, { "question": "what do the golden buzzer mean on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=810292070", "q_uid": 2406117504281980132, "answers": { "long_answer": "Introduced in season nine, the `` Golden Buzzer '' is located on the center of the judges ' desk and may be used once per season by each judge. In season 9, a judge could press the golden buzzer to save an act from elimination, regardless of the number of X 's earned from the other judges. Starting in season 10 and onward, any act that receives a golden buzzer advances directly to the live show; and in season 11, the hosts also were given the power to use the golden buzzer. The golden buzzer is also used in the Judge Cuts format.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does americas got talent start this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=843662359", "q_uid": 7509433017140233049, "answers": { "long_answer": "On February 21, 2018, it was announced that judges Simon Cowell, Mel B, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel along with Tyra Banks would all be returning. The season premiered on May 29, 2018.", "short_answer": "May 29, 2018." } }, { "question": "where does the winner of america's got talent perform", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": 757717641962995230, "answers": { "long_answer": "During the live shows, a group of acts ranging from only a Top 20 ( season two ), to as many as 60, compete for viewers ' and judges ' votes. In the first season, the judges could not end an act 's performance, but could either `` check '' or `` X '' the performance during their critique. Since season two ( 2007 ), judges have been able to end an act 's performance early, and the `` check '' was removed. Generally, acts each perform first in a live round consisting of a series of quarterfinals. In seasons with YouTube auditions, the round of live judging of YouTube finalists takes place then, as part of these quarterfinals. Then there may be additional shows for `` Wild Card '' acts -- acts that one or more of the judges select to be given one more chance for audience vote despite previous elimination. From these shows, the existing group is narrowed through votes by the public and / or the judges ( depending on the season ). Acts then move on to a semifinal round, and even further rounds ( such as a `` Top 8 '' or a `` Top 10 '', depending on the season ) through a series of weekly shows, which trim the number of acts down each time based on a public vote. In the majority of seasons, judges have had no vote from the semifinals. All these rounds culminate in a live final, which has consisted of anywhere from four to ten acts throughout the seasons. The act with the most votes is declared the winner, given $1 million, and, since season three ( 2008 ), a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip.", "short_answer": "Las Vegas Strip." } }, { "question": "who's the special judge on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": -460207643135594694, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Guest Judge ( in order of appearance ) 10 Neil Patrick Harris Michael Bubl\u00e9 Marlon Wayans Piers Morgan 11 Ne - Yo Reba McEntire George Lopez Louis Tomlinson 12 Chris Hardwick DJ Khaled Laverne Cox Seal", "short_answer": "Chris Hardwick" } }, { "question": "where does america's got talent take place in 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": -586129804254451303, "answers": { "long_answer": "During seasons one through six ( 2006 -- 11 ), the live shows were filmed at Stage 36 of CBS Television City in Los Angeles. In season seven ( 2012 ), the live shows were held at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark. From seasons eight through ten ( 2013 -- 15 ), live performances were held at Radio City Music Hall in New York. From season eleven ( 2016 ) onwards the live shows are being held at the Dolby Theatre.", "short_answer": "Dolby Theatre." } }, { "question": "who are the judges for americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=815738598", "q_uid": -1098841811105452833, "answers": { "long_answer": "The original judging panel consisted of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan. Sharon Osbourne replaced Norwood in season two ( 2007 ), and Howie Mandel replaced Hasselhoff in season five ( 2010 ). Howard Stern replaced Morgan in season seven ( 2012 ). Mel B replaced Osbourne in season eight ( 2013 ), while Heidi Klum joined as a fourth judge. Simon Cowell replaced Stern in season eleven ( 2016 ). Regis Philbin was the original host ( season one ), followed by Jerry Springer for two seasons ( 2007 -- 2008 ), followed by Nick Cannon for eight seasons ( 2009 -- 2016 ). Supermodel and host Tyra Banks replaced Cannon for the twelfth season ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Simon Cowell replaced" } }, { "question": "who were the original judges for americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=801491072", "q_uid": -6072143253003180038, "answers": { "long_answer": "The original judging panel consisted of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan. Sharon Osbourne replaced Norwood in season two ( 2007 ), and Howie Mandel replaced Hasselhoff in season five ( 2010 ). Howard Stern replaced Morgan in season seven ( 2012 ). Mel B replaced Osbourne in season eight ( 2013 ), while Heidi Klum joined as a fourth judge. Simon Cowell replaced Stern in season eleven ( 2016 ). Regis Philbin was the original host ( season one ), followed by Jerry Springer for two seasons ( 2007 -- 2008 ), followed by Nick Cannon for eight seasons ( 2009 -- 2016 ). Supermodel and host Tyra Banks replaced Cannon for the twelfth season ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won america's got talent in the past", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=803914950", "q_uid": 5406629164054544575, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan All That & The Millers Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Piers Morgan Brandy Norwood N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who decides the winner of america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=815738598", "q_uid": 4163898234270867293, "answers": { "long_answer": "The original judging panel consisted of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan. Sharon Osbourne replaced Norwood in season two ( 2007 ), and Howie Mandel replaced Hasselhoff in season five ( 2010 ). Howard Stern replaced Morgan in season seven ( 2012 ). Mel B replaced Osbourne in season eight ( 2013 ), while Heidi Klum joined as a fourth judge. Simon Cowell replaced Stern in season eleven ( 2016 ). Regis Philbin was the original host ( season one ), followed by Jerry Springer for two seasons ( 2007 -- 2008 ), followed by Nick Cannon for eight seasons ( 2009 -- 2016 ). Supermodel and host Tyra Banks replaced Cannon for the twelfth season ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Simon Cowell replaced" } }, { "question": "who has been judges on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": 8266719480969169732, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Presenter Judges ( chair 's order ) Regis Philbin Piers Morgan Brandy David Hasselhoff N / A Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne Nick Cannon 5 Howie Mandel 6 7 Howard Stern 8 Heidi Klum Mel B Howie Mandel 9 10 11 Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell 12 Tyra Banks 13", "short_answer": "Piers Morgan" } }, { "question": "what does the winner get on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=846547515", "q_uid": 9082014600246407982, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent ( often abbreviated as AGT ) is an American reality television series on the NBC television network, and part of the global Got Talent franchise. It is a talent show that features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians, and other performers of all ages competing for the advertised top prize of one million dollars. The show debuted in June 2006 for the summer television season. From season three ( 2008 ) onwards, the prize includes one million dollars, payable in a financial annuity over 40 years, and a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip. Among its significant features is that it gives an opportunity to talented amateurs or unknown performers, with the results decided by an audience vote. The format is a popular one and has often been reworked for television in the United States and the United Kingdom.", "short_answer": "one million dollars, payable in a financial annuity over 40 years, and a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip." } }, { "question": "what is the golden buzzer americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=816229178", "q_uid": 681323278175662965, "answers": { "long_answer": "Introduced in season nine, the `` Golden Buzzer '' is located on the center of the judges ' desk and may be used once per season by each judge. In season 9, a judge could press the golden buzzer to save an act from elimination, regardless of the number of X 's earned from the other judges. Starting in season 10 and onward, any act that receives a golden buzzer advances directly to the live show; and in season 11, the hosts also were given the power to use the golden buzzer. The golden buzzer is also used in the Judge Cuts format.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the presenter of america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=835152842", "q_uid": 366086707500301468, "answers": { "long_answer": "The original judging panel consisted of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan. Sharon Osbourne replaced Norwood in season two ( 2007 ), and Howie Mandel replaced Hasselhoff in season five ( 2010 ). Howard Stern replaced Morgan in season seven ( 2012 ). Mel B replaced Osbourne in season eight ( 2013 ), while Heidi Klum joined as a fourth judge. Simon Cowell replaced Stern in season eleven ( 2016 ). Regis Philbin was the original host ( season one ), followed by Jerry Springer for two seasons ( 2007 -- 2008 ), followed by Nick Cannon for eight seasons ( 2009 -- 2016 ). Supermodel and host Tyra Banks replaced Cannon for the twelfth season ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Tyra Banks replaced" } }, { "question": "when did americas got talent season 13 start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=846547515", "q_uid": 6235280321740561674, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Finalists Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 Bianca Ryan All That The Millers June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance 13 May 29, 2018 September 2018 TBA TBA TBA", "short_answer": "May 29, 2018" } }, { "question": "who are the judges for america got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": -6952216082151956596, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent Genre Reality Talent contest Created by Simon Cowell Ken Warwick C\u00e9cile Frot - Coutaz Directed by Russell Norman Creative director ( s ) Brian Friedman Presented by Regis Philbin Jerry Springer Nick Cannon Tyra Banks Judges Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Brandy Norwood Sharon Osbourne Howard Stern Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 12 No. of episodes 302 Production Executive producer ( s ) Simon Cowell Sam Donnelly Jason Raff Rob Wade Trish Kinane Richard Wallace Running time 44 -- 104 minutes Production company ( s ) FremantleMedia North America SYCOtv Distributor FremantleMedia Enterprises Release Original network NBC Picture format NTSC ( 480i ) ( 2006 -- 08 ) HDTV 1080i ( 2009 -- present ) Original release June 21, 2006 ( 2006 - 06 - 21 ) -- present ( present ) External links Official website www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "america's got talent what does the golden button mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=810292070", "q_uid": -7606187266083853117, "answers": { "long_answer": "Introduced in season nine, the `` Golden Buzzer '' is located on the center of the judges ' desk and may be used once per season by each judge. In season 9, a judge could press the golden buzzer to save an act from elimination, regardless of the number of X 's earned from the other judges. Starting in season 10 and onward, any act that receives a golden buzzer advances directly to the live show; and in season 11, the hosts also were given the power to use the golden buzzer. The golden buzzer is also used in the Judge Cuts format.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the winner of americas got talent 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=843662359", "q_uid": 4053417559670307448, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan All That The Millers Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Brandy Norwood Piers Morgan N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum Howard Stern 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell Howie Mandel 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks 13 May 29, 2018 September 2018 TBA TBA TBA", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the judge on america got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": -8121576685816222021, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Presenter Judges ( chair 's order ) Regis Philbin Piers Morgan Brandy David Hasselhoff N / A Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne Nick Cannon 5 Howie Mandel 6 7 Howard Stern 8 Heidi Klum Mel B Howie Mandel 9 10 11 Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell 12 Tyra Banks 13", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the prize america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=818727370", "q_uid": 1138458314459743490, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent ( sometimes abbreviated as AGT ) is an American reality television series on the NBC television network, and part of the global Got Talent franchise. It is a talent show that features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians, and other performers of all ages competing for the advertised top prize of one million dollars. The show debuted in June 2006 for the summer television season. From season three ( 2008 ) onwards, the prize includes the one million dollars, payable in a financial annuity over 40 years, and a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip. Among its significant features is that it gives an opportunity to talented amateurs or unknown performers, with the results decided by an audience vote. The format is a popular one and has often been reworked for television in the United States and the United Kingdom.", "short_answer": "one million dollars, payable in a financial annuity over 40 years, and a chance to headline a show on the Las Vegas Strip." } }, { "question": "who are the female judges on america got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854747914", "q_uid": -3747551510398499878, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Presenter Judges ( chair 's order ) Regis Philbin Piers Morgan Brandy David Hasselhoff N / A Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne Nick Cannon 5 Howie Mandel 6 7 Howard Stern 8 Heidi Klum Mel B Howie Mandel 9 10 11 Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell 12 Tyra Banks 13", "short_answer": "Brandy" } }, { "question": "who was the first person to win americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=811725898", "q_uid": -468373856297413708, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan All That & The Millers Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Piers Morgan Brandy Norwood N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks", "short_answer": "Bianca Ryan" } }, { "question": "what is a golden buzzer on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=815738598", "q_uid": -8797622075537404818, "answers": { "long_answer": "Introduced in season nine, the `` Golden Buzzer '' is located on the center of the judges ' desk and may be used once per season by each judge. In season 9, a judge could press the golden buzzer to save an act from elimination, regardless of the number of X 's earned from the other judges. Starting in season 10 and onward, any act that receives a golden buzzer advances directly to the live show; and in season 11, the hosts also were given the power to use the golden buzzer. The golden buzzer is also used in the Judge Cuts format.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won first place in america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=810292070", "q_uid": 3132353906707037753, "answers": { "long_answer": "On September 20, Darci Lynne Farmer won the twelfth season, becoming the third ventriloquist, third child act and the third female act to win the competition ( second year in a row after VanderWaal 's win in 2016 ). Child singer Angelica Hale was announced as the runner - up, Ukrainian dance act Light Balance finished in third place, deaf musician Mandy Harvey finished in fourth place and dog act Sara & Hero finished in fifth place.", "short_answer": "Darci Lynne Farmer won" } }, { "question": "who were the hosts of america got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": 9054614851585194300, "answers": { "long_answer": "Presented by Regis Philbin Jerry Springer Nick Cannon Tyra Banks", "short_answer": "Regis Philbin" } }, { "question": "who is the host of america has talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": -457701655463400422, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent ( often abbreviated as AGT ) is a televised American talent show competition, broadcast on the NBC television network. It is part of the global Got Talent franchise created by Simon Cowell, and is produced by FremantleMedia North America and SYCOtv, with distribution done by Freemantle. Since its premiere in June 2006, each season is run during the network 's summer schedule, with the show having featured various hosts - it is currently hosted by Tyra Banks, since 2017. It is the first global edition of the franchise, after plans for a British edition in 2005 were suspended, following a dispute between Paul O'Grady, the planned host, and the British broadcaster ITV; production of this edition later resumed in 2007.", "short_answer": "Tyra Banks," } }, { "question": "when do americas got talent episodes come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": 5997364136688642063, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Premiered Ended TV season Timeslot ( ET ) Season viewers Season ranking Date Viewers ( in millions ) Date Viewers ( in millions ) June 21, 2006 12.41 Final Performances: August 16, 2006 2005 -- 06 Wednesday 8: 00 pm Season Finale: August 17, 2006 12.05 Thursday 9: 00 pm June 5, 2007 12.93 Final Performances: August 20, 2007 2006 -- 07 Tuesday 8: 00 pm Season Finale: August 21, 2007 13.87 June 17, 2008 12.80 Final Performances: September 30, 2008 10.23 2007 -- 08 Tuesday 9: 00 pm ( June 17 -- August 5 ) Tuesday 8: 00 pm ( after August 26 ) Season Finale: October 1, 2008 12.55 Wednesday 9: 00 pm ( after August 27 ) June 23, 2009 11.30 Final Performances: September 15, 2009 13.84 2008 -- 09 Tuesday 9: 00 pm Season Finale: September 16, 2009 15.53 Wednesday 9: 00 pm 5 June 1, 2010 12.35 Final Performances: September 14, 2010 14.60 2009 -- 10 Tuesday 9: 00 pm Season Finale: September 15, 2010 16.41 Wednesday 9: 00 pm 6 May 31, 2011 15.28 Final Performances: September 13, 2011 13.67 2010 -- 11 Tuesday 8: 00 pm ( May 31 -- July 5 ) Tuesday 9: 00 pm ( after July 5 ) 12.65 Season Finale: September 14, 2011 14.37 Wednesday 9: 00 pm ( after June 22 ) 11.49 7 May 14, 2012 10.48 Final Performances: September 12, 2012 11.05 2011 - 12 Monday 8: 00 pm ( May 14 -- July 3 ) Tuesday 8: 00 pm ( after July 3 ) 10.48 Season Finale: September 13, 2012 10.59 Tuesday 9: 00 pm ( May 14 -- July 3 ) Wednesday 9: 00 pm ( after July 3 ) 10.58 8 June 4, 2013 12.41 Final Performances: September 17, 2013 11.19 2012 -- 13 Tuesday 8: 00 pm 11.22 Season Finale: September 18, 2013 11.49 Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after July 10 ) 10.34 9 May 27, 2014 12.00 Final Performances: September 16, 2014 11.46 2013 -- 14 Tuesday 8: 00 pm ( May 27 -- July 15 ) Tuesday 9: 00 pm ( after July 22 ) 10.31 Season Finale: September 17, 2014 12.21 Wednesday 9: 00 pm ( after July 23 ) 10.37 10 May 26, 2015 11.09 Final Performances: September 15, 2015 11.33 2014 -- 15 Tuesday 8: 00 pm 10.70 Season Finale: September 16, 2015 9.54 Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after August 12 ) 9.07 11 May 31, 2016 11.67 Final Performances: September 13, 2016 13.97 2015 -- 16 Tuesday 8: 00 pm 11.71 Season Finale: September 14, 2016 14.41 Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after July 5 ) 10.97 12 May 30, 2017 12.37 Final Performances: September 19, 2017 14.70 2016 -- 17 Tuesday 8: 00 pm 12.90 Season Finale: September 20, 2017 15.64 Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after August 9 ) 12.00 13 May 29, 2018 12.16 Final Performances: September 18, 2018 TBA 2017 -- 18 Tuesday 8: 00 pm TBA TBA Season Finale: September 19, 2018 TBA Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after August 15 ) TBA TBA", "short_answer": "Wednesday 8: 00 pm (" } }, { "question": "when does america's got talent come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=801491072", "q_uid": -1083215424788722968, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan Taylor Ware & Celtic Spring Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Piers Morgan Brandy Norwood N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 TBA TBA TBA Tyra Banks", "short_answer": "May 30, 2017" } }, { "question": "america's got talent 2018 golden buzzer meaning", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": -5153140208748714279, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the ninth season, the show added a new format to the auditions in the form of the `` Golden Buzzer '', which began to make appearances within the Got Talent franchise, since it was first introduced on Germany 's Got Talent. During auditions, each judge is allowed to use the Golden Buzzer to send an act automatically into the live shows, regardless of the opinion of the other judges; when it was initially used, the buzzer simply saved an act from elimination. The only rule to the buzzer was that a judge could use it only once per season; the host was later allowed to use the Golden Buzzer for an act from the eleventh season.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who are the new judges on americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=803914950", "q_uid": -5151341461980653156, "answers": { "long_answer": "The original judging panel consisted of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan. Sharon Osbourne replaced Norwood in season two ( 2007 ), and Howie Mandel replaced Hasselhoff in season five ( 2010 ). Howard Stern replaced Morgan in season seven ( 2012 ). Mel B replaced Osbourne in season eight ( 2013 ), while Heidi Klum joined as a fourth judge. Simon Cowell replaced Stern in season eleven ( 2016 ). Regis Philbin was the original host ( season one ), followed by Jerry Springer for two seasons ( 2007 -- 2008 ), followed by Nick Cannon for eight seasons ( 2009 -- 2016 ). Supermodel and host Tyra Banks replaced Cannon for the twelfth season ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when is the americas got talent live shows", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=802592550", "q_uid": 5883088165133562653, "answers": { "long_answer": "During seasons one through six ( 2006 -- 11 ), the live shows were filmed at Stage 36 of CBS Television City in Los Angeles. In season seven ( 2012 ), the live shows were held at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark. From seasons eight through ten ( 2013 -- 15 ), live performances were held at Radio City Music Hall in New York. From season eleven ( 2016 ) onwards the live shows are being held at the Dolby Theatre.", "short_answer": "Dolby Theatre." } }, { "question": "when do america's got talent come on", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854747914", "q_uid": 7063973767820914363, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Premiered Ended TV season Timeslot ( ET ) Season viewers Season ranking Date Viewers ( in millions ) Date Viewers ( in millions ) June 21, 2006 12.41 Final Performances: August 16, 2006 2005 -- 06 Wednesday 8: 00 pm Season Finale: August 17, 2006 12.05 Thursday 9: 00 pm June 5, 2007 12.93 Final Performances: August 20, 2007 2006 -- 07 Tuesday 8: 00 pm Season Finale: August 21, 2007 13.87 June 17, 2008 12.80 Final Performances: September 30, 2008 10.23 2007 -- 08 Tuesday 9: 00 pm ( June 17 -- August 5 ) Tuesday 8: 00 pm ( after August 26 ) Season Finale: October 1, 2008 12.55 Wednesday 9: 00 pm ( after August 27 ) June 23, 2009 11.30 Final Performances: September 15, 2009 13.84 2008 -- 09 Tuesday 9: 00 pm Season Finale: September 16, 2009 15.53 Wednesday 9: 00 pm 5 June 1, 2010 12.35 Final Performances: September 14, 2010 14.60 2009 -- 10 Tuesday 9: 00 pm Season Finale: September 15, 2010 16.41 Wednesday 9: 00 pm 6 May 31, 2011 15.28 Final Performances: September 13, 2011 13.67 2010 -- 11 Tuesday 8: 00 pm ( May 31 -- July 5 ) Tuesday 9: 00 pm ( after July 5 ) 12.65 Season Finale: September 14, 2011 14.37 Wednesday 9: 00 pm ( after June 22 ) 11.49 7 May 14, 2012 10.48 Final Performances: September 12, 2012 11.05 2011 - 12 Monday 8: 00 pm ( May 14 -- July 3 ) Tuesday 8: 00 pm ( after July 3 ) 10.48 Season Finale: September 13, 2012 10.59 Tuesday 9: 00 pm ( May 14 -- July 3 ) Wednesday 9: 00 pm ( after July 3 ) 10.58 8 June 4, 2013 12.41 Final Performances: September 17, 2013 11.19 2012 -- 13 Tuesday 8: 00 pm 11.22 Season Finale: September 18, 2013 11.49 Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after July 10 ) 10.34 9 May 27, 2014 12.00 Final Performances: September 16, 2014 11.46 2013 -- 14 Tuesday 8: 00 pm ( May 27 -- July 15 ) Tuesday 9: 00 pm ( after July 22 ) 10.31 Season Finale: September 17, 2014 12.21 Wednesday 9: 00 pm ( after July 23 ) 10.37 10 May 26, 2015 11.09 Final Performances: September 15, 2015 11.33 2014 -- 15 Tuesday 8: 00 pm 10.70 Season Finale: September 16, 2015 9.54 Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after August 12 ) 9.07 11 May 31, 2016 11.67 Final Performances: September 13, 2016 13.97 2015 -- 16 Tuesday 8: 00 pm 11.71 Season Finale: September 14, 2016 14.41 Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after July 5 ) 10.97 12 May 30, 2017 12.37 Final Performances: September 19, 2017 14.70 2016 -- 17 Tuesday 8: 00 pm 12.90 Season Finale: September 20, 2017 15.64 Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after August 9 ) 12.00 13 May 29, 2018 12.16 Final Performances: September 18, 2018 TBA 2017 -- 18 Tuesday 8: 00 pm TBA TBA Season Finale: September 19, 2018 TBA Wednesday 8: 00 pm ( after August 15 ) TBA TBA", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the guest judge on americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": 9079063304711694882, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Judge Cuts Guest Judge ( in order of appearance ) 10 Neil Patrick Harris Michael Bubl\u00e9 Marlon Wayans Piers Morgan 11 Ne - Yo Reba McEntire George Lopez Louis Tomlinson 12 Chris Hardwick DJ Khaled Laverne Cox Seal 13 Ken Jeong Olivia Munn Martina McBride Chris Hardwick", "short_answer": "Ken Jeong" } }, { "question": "when do live shows start on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": -1471203673902584393, "answers": { "long_answer": "On August 2, 2016, NBC renewed the series for a twelfth season, which premiered on May 30, 2017. The season concluded on September 20, 2017.", "short_answer": "May 30, 2017." } }, { "question": "who is the host of america gots talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=803914950", "q_uid": 1699734088588348657, "answers": { "long_answer": "The original judging panel consisted of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan. Sharon Osbourne replaced Norwood in season two ( 2007 ), and Howie Mandel replaced Hasselhoff in season five ( 2010 ). Howard Stern replaced Morgan in season seven ( 2012 ). Mel B replaced Osbourne in season eight ( 2013 ), while Heidi Klum joined as a fourth judge. Simon Cowell replaced Stern in season eleven ( 2016 ). Regis Philbin was the original host ( season one ), followed by Jerry Springer for two seasons ( 2007 -- 2008 ), followed by Nick Cannon for eight seasons ( 2009 -- 2016 ). Supermodel and host Tyra Banks replaced Cannon for the twelfth season ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Tyra Banks replaced" } }, { "question": "who is hosting america's got talent in 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=865582289", "q_uid": -5438562031856568431, "answers": { "long_answer": "On February 13, 2017, Cannon announced he would not return as host for the twelfth season, citing creative differences between him and executives at NBC. The resignation came in the wake of news that the network considered firing Cannon after he made disparaging remarks about NBC in his Showtime comedy special Stand Up, Do n't Shoot. NBC selected Tyra Banks as the new host for season 12, which premiered on Tuesday, May 30, 2017.", "short_answer": "Tyra Banks as" } }, { "question": "who is the mc of america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": -7018411349153282173, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent ( often abbreviated as AGT ) is a televised American talent show competition, broadcast on the NBC television network. It is part of the global Got Talent franchise created by Simon Cowell, and is produced by FremantleMedia North America and SYCOtv, with distribution done by Freemantle. Since its premiere in June 2006, each season is run during the network 's summer schedule, with the show having featured various hosts - it is currently hosted by Tyra Banks, since 2017. It is the first global edition of the franchise, after plans for a British edition in 2005 were suspended, following a dispute between Paul O'Grady, the planned host, and the British broadcaster ITV; production of this edition later resumed in 2007.", "short_answer": "Tyra Banks," } }, { "question": "where is america's got talent auditions held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=865582289", "q_uid": 6985714217179907107, "answers": { "long_answer": "The general selection process of each season is begun by the production team with open auditions held in various cities across the United States. Dubbed `` Producers ' Auditions '', they are held months before the main stage of auditions are held. Those that make it through the initial stage, become participants in the `` Judges ' Auditions '', which are held in select cities across the country, and attended by the judges. Each participant is held offstage and awaits their turn to perform before the judges, whereupon they are given 90 seconds to demonstrate their act, with a live audience present for all performances. At the end of a performance, the judges give constructive criticism and feedback about what they saw, whereupon they each give a vote - a participant who receives a majority vote approving their performance, moves on to the next stage, otherwise they are eliminated from the programme at that stage. Each judge is given a buzzer, and may use it during a performance if they are unimpressed, hate what is being performed, or feel the act is a waste of their time; if a participant is buzzed by all judges, their performance is automatically over and they are eliminated without being given a vote. Many acts that move on may be cut by producers and may forfeit due to the limited slots available for the second performance. Filming for each season always takes place when the Judges ' Auditions are taking place, with the show 's presenter standing in the wings of each venue 's stage to interview and give personal commentary on a participant 's performance. Jackie", "short_answer": "in various cities across the United States." } }, { "question": "who are the original america's got talent judges", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": -8719106978753546716, "answers": { "long_answer": "In its first season, the judging panel consisted originally of David Hasselhoff, Brandy Norwood, and Piers Morgan, with the program hosted by Regis Philbin. Prior to the start of the second season, Norwood was forced to step down due to a legal matter she was caught up in, leading to her being replaced by Sharon Osbourne, while Philbin was replaced by Jerry Springer as the show 's host. Further changes were made to the panel and show 's host, as a direct result of each respective member having a need to focus on other TV commitments - Springer was forced to leave after the third season, and was replaced by Nick Cannon for the fourth season; Hasselhoff left the show after the fourth season, and so was replaced by Howie Mandel for the fifth season as a direct result; Morgan left after the sixth season, leading to him being replaced by Howard Stern for the seventh season.", "short_answer": "David Hasselhoff," } }, { "question": "what does the gold button on america's got talent mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=827862040", "q_uid": 2451459282107983340, "answers": { "long_answer": "Introduced in season nine, the `` Golden Buzzer '' is located on the center of the judges ' desk and may be used once per season by each judge. In season 9, a judge could press the golden buzzer to save an act from elimination, regardless of the number of X 's earned from the other judges. Starting in season 10 and onward, any act that receives a golden buzzer advances directly to the live show; and in season 11, the hosts also were given the power to use the golden buzzer. The golden buzzer is also used in the Judge Cuts format.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many seasons of america's got talent are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=808947172", "q_uid": -1250339326945411292, "answers": { "long_answer": "On August 2, 2016, NBC renewed the series for a twelfth season, which premiered on May 30, 2017. The season concluded on September 20, 2017. The series was been renewed through it 's fourteenth season.", "short_answer": "twelfth season, which" } }, { "question": "when does american's got talent come on", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": -4933463932359625931, "answers": { "long_answer": "After initially announcing in June 2006 that season two would premiere in January 2007 and would air at 8 pm on Sunday nights, with no separate results show, the network changed that, pushing the show back to the summer, where the first season had enjoyed great success. This move kept the show out of direct competition with American Idol, which had a similar premise and was more popular.", "short_answer": "8 pm on Sunday nights," } }, { "question": "how long is an america's got talent episode", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=800555279", "q_uid": 1723857962016314200, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent Genre Reality Talent contest Created by Simon Cowell Ken Warwick C\u00e9cile Frot - Coutaz Directed by Russell Norman Creative director ( s ) Brian Friedman Presented by Regis Philbin Jerry Springer Nick Cannon Tyra Banks Judges Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Brandy Norwood Sharon Osbourne Howie Mandel Howard Stern Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 12 No. of episodes 300 Production Executive producer ( s ) Simon Cowell Sam Donnelly Jason Raff Rob Wade Trish Kinane Richard Wallace Running time 44 -- 104 minutes Production company ( s ) FremantleMedia North America SYCOtv Distributor FremantleMedia Enterprises Release Original network NBC Picture format 480i ( SDTV ) ( 2006 -- 08 ) 1080i ( HDTV ) ( 2009 -- ) Original release June 21, 2006 ( 2006 - 06 - 21 ) -- present External links Official website www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does american got talent come back on", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=831242584", "q_uid": 37226795168013061, "answers": { "long_answer": "The series has since been renewed for a thirteenth season, which is set to premiere Tuesday, May 29, 2018.", "short_answer": "Tuesday, May 29, 2018." } }, { "question": "who won the american got talent last year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=803914950", "q_uid": -6518972315684401472, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan All That & The Millers Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Piers Morgan Brandy Norwood N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks", "short_answer": "Grace VanderWaal" } }, { "question": "on americas got talent what does the gold buzzer mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": 5590294947159041785, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the ninth season, the show added a new format to the auditions in the form of the `` Golden Buzzer '', which began to make appearances within the Got Talent franchise, since it was first introduced on Germany 's Got Talent. During auditions, each judge is allowed to use the Golden Buzzer to send an act automatically into the live shows, regardless of the opinion of the other judges; when it was initially used, the buzzer simply saved an act from elimination. The only rule to the buzzer was that a judge could use it only once per season; the host was later allowed to use the Golden Buzzer for an act from the eleventh season.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who guest judged on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854747914", "q_uid": 493489706745215129, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Judge Cuts Guest Judge ( in order of appearance ) 10 Neil Patrick Harris Michael Bubl\u00e9 Marlon Wayans Piers Morgan 11 Ne - Yo Reba McEntire George Lopez Louis Tomlinson 12 Chris Hardwick DJ Khaled Laverne Cox Seal 13 Ken Jeong Olivia Munn Martina McBride Chris Hardwick", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who decides who wins america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=816229178", "q_uid": 1464120163468694441, "answers": { "long_answer": "Following the producers ' auditions, acts audition in front of ( as of 2013 ) four celebrity judges. These auditions are held in theaters in various cities nationally and are later televised. Judges may individually register their disapproval of an act by pressing a red buzzer, which lights up their corresponding X above the stage. Any performer who receives X 's ( 3 in seasons 1 to 7, or 4 from season 8 onwards ) from the judges must stop performing and is eliminated. Since season three ( 2008 ), large audiences have also been a factor in the judging process, as their reaction to an act 's performance may swing or influence a judge 's vote. If an act receives three or more `` yes '' votes, they advance to the next round of competition. However, in the majority of seasons, several acts do not perform in the second round and are immediately sent home by the judges without a second performance. Golden", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won season nine of americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=804428689", "q_uid": -738283352965299664, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan All That & The Millers Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Piers Morgan Brandy Norwood N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks", "short_answer": "Mat Franco" } }, { "question": "what is the gold button for on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=857086269", "q_uid": -6754327047321810102, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the ninth season, the show added a new format to the auditions in the form of the `` Golden Buzzer '', which began to make appearances within the Got Talent franchise, since it was first introduced on Germany 's Got Talent. During auditions, each judge is allowed to use the Golden Buzzer to send an act automatically into the live shows, regardless of the opinion of the other judges; when it was initially used, the buzzer simply saved an act from elimination. The only rule to the buzzer was that a judge could use it only once per season; the host was later allowed to use the Golden Buzzer for an act from the eleventh season.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won america's got talent every year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=802509298", "q_uid": -2143629776782009740, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Duration Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place June 21, 2006 August 17, 2006 $ 1,000,000 Bianca Ryan All That & The Millers Regis Philbin David Hasselhoff Piers Morgan Brandy Norwood N / A June 5, 2007 August 21, 2007 Terry Fator Cas Haley Butterscotch Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne June 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 Neal E. Boyd Eli Mattson Nuttin ' But Stringz June 23, 2009 September 16, 2009 Kevin Skinner B\u00e1rbara Padilla Recycled Percussion Nick Cannon 5 June 1, 2010 September 15, 2010 Michael Grimm Jackie Evancho Fighting Gravity Howie Mandel 6 May 31, 2011 September 14, 2011 Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Silhouettes Team iLuminate 7 May 14, 2012 September 13, 2012 Olate Dogs Tom Cotter William Close Howard Stern 8 June 4, 2013 September 18, 2013 Kenichi Ebina Taylor Williamson Jimmy Rose Mel B Heidi Klum 9 May 27, 2014 September 17, 2014 Mat Franco Emily West AcroArmy 10 May 26, 2015 September 16, 2015 Paul Zerdin Drew Lynch Oz Pearlman 11 May 31, 2016 September 14, 2016 Grace VanderWaal The Clairvoyants Jon Dorenbos Simon Cowell 12 May 30, 2017 September 20, 2017 Darci Lynne Farmer Angelica Hale Light Balance Tyra Banks", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who are the judges on americas got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=865582289", "q_uid": 2502829617413083515, "answers": { "long_answer": "On February 21, 2018, it was announced that judges Simon Cowell, Mel B, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel along with Tyra Banks would all be returning. The season premiered on May 29, 2018. Magician Shin Lim was named the winner on the season finale, September 19, 2018. This marks the second magician to win. Acrobatic group Zurcaroh and violinist Brian King Joseph came in second and third place respectively. Stand - up comedian Samuel J. Comroe and singer Michael Ketterer rounded out the top 5.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does america's got talent come on 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=826045116", "q_uid": 1676239031080504807, "answers": { "long_answer": "On August 2, 2016, NBC renewed the series for a twelfth season, which premiered on May 30, 2017. The season concluded on September 20, 2017. The series has been renewed through its thirteenth season.", "short_answer": "May 30, 2017." } }, { "question": "who is the host on america has talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=811725898", "q_uid": 3634139373942204652, "answers": { "long_answer": "America 's Got Talent Genre Reality Talent contest Created by Simon Cowell Directed by Russell Norman Creative director ( s ) Brian Friedman Presented by Regis Philbin Jerry Springer Nick Cannon Tyra Banks Judges Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Brandy Norwood Sharon Osbourne Howard Stern Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 12 No. of episodes 302 Production Executive producer ( s ) Simon Cowell Sam Donnelly Jason Raff Rob Wade Trish Kinane Richard Wallace Running time 44 -- 104 minutes Production company ( s ) FremantleMedia North America SYCOtv Distributor FremantleMedia Enterprises Release Original network NBC Picture format NTSC ( 480i ) ( 2006 -- 08 ) HDTV 1080i ( 2009 -- present ) Original release June 21, 2006 ( 2006 - 06 - 21 ) -- present ( present ) External links Official website www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/", "short_answer": "Regis Philbin Jerry Springer Nick Cannon Tyra Banks" } }, { "question": "who was the first host on america's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=America%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=865582289", "q_uid": 1032243676156884473, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Presenter Judges ( chair 's order ) Regis Philbin Piers Morgan Brandy David Hasselhoff N / A Jerry Springer Sharon Osbourne Nick Cannon 5 Howie Mandel 6 7 Howard Stern 8 Heidi Klum Mel B Howie Mandel 9 10 11 Howie Mandel Mel B Heidi Klum Simon Cowell 12 Tyra Banks 13 The Champions Terry Crews", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of highest-grossing Indian films": [ { "question": "top 10 blockbuster hindi movies of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=857068397", "q_uid": 8566990932292179751, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Peak Film Year Director Studio ( s ) Primary language Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios India Hindi \u20b9 2,000 -- 2,100 crore ( US $300 -- 310 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 1,796 crore ( US $274.88 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi \u20b9 931.9 crore ( US $140 million ) Secret Superstar 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions Hindi \u20b9 903.23 crore ( US $130 million ) 5 PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi \u20b9 792 crore ( US $129.77 million ) 6 Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 650 crore ( US $101.32 million ) 7 7 Padmaavat 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi \u20b9 585 crore ( US $85 million ) 8 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 584.4 crore ( US $86.97 million ) 9 9 Sanju * 2018 Rajkumar Hirani Rajkumar Hirani Films Vinod Chopra Films Hindi \u20b9 579.59 crore ( US $84 million ) 10 8 Tiger Zinda Hai 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 545.83 crore ( US $83.83 million ) 11 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 555.89 crore ( US $93.16 million ) 12 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $87.55 million ) 13 6 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 14 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72.18 million ) 16 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Hindi \u20b9 402 crore ( US $66 million ) 17 5 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 397 crore ( US $65 million ) 15 10 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi \u20b9 391.57 crore ( US $61.04 million ) 18 11 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Eros International Hindi \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $52 million ) 19 5 Bang Bang! 2014 Siddharth Anand Fox Star Studios Hindi \u20b9 340 crore ( US $56 million ) 20 19 Hindi Medium 2017 Saket Chaudhary T - Series Hindi \u20b9 323.3 crore ( US $47 million ) 21 Ek Tha Tiger 2012 Kabir Khan Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 320 crore ( US $60 million ) 22 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 2013 Ayan Mukerji Dharma Productions Hindi \u20b9 318 crore ( US $54 million ) 23 22 Toilet: Ek Prem Katha * 2017 Shree Narayan Singh Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi \u20b9 311.5 crore ( US $45 million ) 24 19 Golmaal Again 2017 Rohit Shetty Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi \u20b9 311.05 crore ( US $45 million ) 25 18 Raees 2017 Rahul Dholakia Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 308.88 crore ( US $45 million )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "highest grossing malayalam movies of all time wiki", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=797206977", "q_uid": -1447093496809722800, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Worldwide gross Source 1 Pulimurugan 2016 Vysakh Mulakuppadam Films \u20b9 152 crore ( US $24 million ) 2 Drishyam 2013 Jeethu Joseph Aashirvad Cinemas \u20b9 75 crore ( US $12 million ) 3 Oppam 2016 Priyadarshan Aashirvad Cinemas \u20b9 65 crore ( US $10 million ) 4 Premam 2015 Alphonse Puthren Anwar Rasheed Entertainments \u20b9 60 crore ( US $9.4 million ) 5 Two Countries 2015 Shafi Rejaputhra Visual Media \u20b9 55 crore ( US $8.6 million ) 6 Ennu Ninte Moideen 2015 R.S. Vimal Newton Movies \u20b9 50 crore ( US $7.8 million ) Ezra 2017 Jay K AVA Productions, E4 Entertainment \u20b9 50 crore ( US $7.8 million ) The Great Father 2017 Haneef Adeni August Cinema \u20b9 50 crore ( US $7.8 million ) Munthirivallikal Thalirkkumbol 2017 Jibu Jacob Weekend Blockbusters \u20b9 50 crore ( US $7.8 million ) 7 Bangalore Days 2014 Anjali Menon Anwar Rasheed Entertainments, Weekend Blockbusters \u20b9 49.5 crore ( US $7.7 million )", "short_answer": "Pulimurugan" } }, { "question": "list of highest grossing bollywood movies of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=854620707", "q_uid": 1399328091009642517, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Worldwide gross Source Dangal 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios India \u20b9 2,000 crore ( US $290 million ) -- \u20b9 2,100 crore ( US $310 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films \u20b9 931.9 crore ( US $140 million ) Secret Superstar 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions \u20b9 900 crore ( US $130 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films \u20b9 792 crore ( US $130 million ) 5 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films \u20b9 589.25 crore ( US $87.69 million ) 6 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films \u20b9 589.2 crore ( US $100.55 million ) 7 Padmaavat 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures \u20b9 585 crore ( US $85 million ) 8 Tiger Zinda Hai 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films \u20b9 545.83 crore ( US $83.83 million ) 9 Sanju 2018 Rajkumar Hirani Rajkumar Hirani Films Vinod Chopra Films \u20b9 528.47 crore ( US $77 million ) 10 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $87.55 million )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "top 10 tamil movie box office collection all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=818299583", "q_uid": -4917332513708554229, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio Worldwide gross Source Baahubali 2: The Conclusion 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works \u20b9 1,706.5 crore ( US $270 million ) # + Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) # + Enthiran S. Shankar Sun Pictures \u20b9 289 crore ( US $45 million ) Kabali 2016 Pa. Ranjith V Creations \u20b9 286 crore ( US $45 million ) -- \u20b9 499 crore ( US $77 million ) 5 Mersal 2017 Atlee Thenandal Studio Limited \u20b9 250 crore ( US $39 million ) 6 2015 S. Shankar Aascar Films Pvt. Ltd \u20b9 240 crore ( US $37 million ) 7 Vishwaroopam 2013 Kamal Haasan Raaj Kamal Films International \u20b9 220 crore ( US $34 million ) # + 8 Dasavathaaram 2008 K.S. Ravikumar Aascar Films Pvt. Ltd \u20b9 200 crore ( US $31 million ) 9 Thuppakki 2012 AR Murugadoss Sri Saravanaa Creations \u20b9 180 crore ( US $28 million ) 10 Theri 2016 Atlee S. Dhanu \u20b9 172 crore ( US $27 million )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the highest grossing indian movie of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=843438100", "q_uid": -3399233992110880838, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Primary language Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios India Hindi 330! \u20b9 2,000 crore + ( US $ 330 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion * 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 270! \u20b9 1,792.08 crore ( US $270 million ) Secret Superstar * 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions Hindi 154! \u20b9 975.34 crore ( US $154 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi 149! \u20b9 970.05 crore ( US $151 million ) 5 PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi 140! \u20b9 854 crore ( US $140 million ) 6 Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 100! \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) 7 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 092! \u20b9 589.25 crore ( US $92 million ) 8 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi 101! \u20b9 589.2 crore ( US $101 million ) 9 Padmaavat 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi 090! \u20b9 585 crore ( US $90 million ) 10 Tiger Zinda Hai 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 087.32! \u20b9 570.83 crore ( US $87.32 million ) 11 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi 090! \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $90 million ) 12 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi 067! \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 13 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 072! \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 14 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 064! \u20b9 408.15 crore ( US $64 million ) 15 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Hindi 066! \u20b9 402 crore ( US $66 million ) 16 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 065! \u20b9 397 crore ( US $65 million ) 17 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Eros International Hindi 056! \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $55 million ) 18 Bang Bang! 2014 Siddharth Anand Fox Star Studios Hindi 056! \u20b9 340 crore ( US $56 million ) 19 Hindi Medium 2017 Saket Chaudhary T - Series Hindi 051! \u20b9 334.36 crore ( US $51 million ) 20 Ek Tha Tiger 2012 Kabir Khan Yash Raj Films Hindi 060! \u20b9 320 crore ( US $60 million ) 21 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 2013 Ayan Mukerji Dharma Productions Hindi 054! \u20b9 318 crore ( US $54 million ) 22 Golmaal Again 2017 Rohit Shetty Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 048! \u20b9 311.05 crore ( US $48 million ) 23 Raees 2017 Rahul Dholakia Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 045! \u20b9 308.88 crore ( US $47 million ) 24 Krrish 3 2013 Rakesh Roshan Filmkraft Productions Hindi 050! \u20b9 291.52 crore ( US $50 million ) 25 Enthiran S. Shankar Sun Pictures Tamil 063! \u20b9 290 crore ( US $63 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal *" } }, { "question": "top 10 hindi movies of all time by box office collection", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=800741979", "q_uid": 6728291923448199309, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) / Producers Language Worldwide gross Dangal 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Hindi \u20b9 1,979 crore ( US $310 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 1,725 crore ( US $267 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi \u20b9 792 crore ( US $130 million ) Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) 5 Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi \u20b9 626 crore ( US $98 million ) 6 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 585 crore ( US $100 million ) 7 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 584 crore ( US $91 million ) 8 Kabali 2016 Pa. Ranjith V Creations Tamil \u20b9 477 crore ( US $74 million ) -- \u20b9 499 crore ( US $78 million ) 9 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 10 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 11 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi \u20b9 395 crore ( US $82 million ) 12 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi \u20b9 394 crore ( US $61 million ) 13 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali SLB Films Hindi \u20b9 358 crore ( US $56 million ) 14 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 352 crore ( US $58 million ) 15 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 345 crore ( US $57 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal" } }, { "question": "bollywood top 10 movies box office collection 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=801574399", "q_uid": -8352103110096845451, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Worldwide gross Source Dangal 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures \u20b9 1,979 crore ( US $310 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films \u20b9 792 crore ( US $120 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films \u20b9 626 crore ( US $98 million ) Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films \u20b9 585 crore ( US $91 million ) 5 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films \u20b9 584.15 crore ( US $91 million ) 6 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 7 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment \u20b9 423 crore ( US $66 million ) 8 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films \u20b9 395 crore ( US $62 million ) 9 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions \u20b9 394 crore ( US $61 million ) 10 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali SLB Films \u20b9 358 crore ( US $56 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal" } }, { "question": "top box office movies of all time bollywood", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=833787423", "q_uid": -5677352666753700579, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Primary language Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Hindi 330! \u20b9 2,122.3 crore ( US $330 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion * 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 260! \u20b9 1,713.59 crore ( US $260 million ) Secret Superstar * 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions Hindi 150! \u20b9 965 crore ( US $150 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan * 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi 149! \u20b9 957.05 crore ( US $149 million ) 5 PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi 140! \u20b9 854 crore ( US $140 million ) 6 Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 100! \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) 7 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 092! \u20b9 589.25 crore ( US $92 million ) 8 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi 101! \u20b9 589.2 crore ( US $101 million ) 9 Padmaavat * 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi 090! \u20b9 585 crore ( US $90 million ) 10 Tiger Zinda Hai * 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 087.32! \u20b9 569 crore ( US $87.32 million ) 11 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi 088! \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $88 million ) 12 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi 067! \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 13 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 072! \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 14 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 064! \u20b9 408.15 crore ( US $64 million ) 15 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Hindi 066! \u20b9 402 crore ( US $66 million ) 16 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 065! \u20b9 397 crore ( US $65 million ) 17 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Eros International Hindi 056! \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $55 million ) 18 Bang Bang! 2014 Siddharth Anand Fox Star Studios Hindi 056! \u20b9 340 crore ( US $56 million ) 19 Ek Tha Tiger 2012 Kabir Khan Yash Raj Films Hindi 060! \u20b9 320 crore ( US $60 million ) 20 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 2013 Ayan Mukerji Dharma Productions Hindi 054! \u20b9 318 crore ( US $54 million ) 21 Golmaal Again 2017 Rohit Shetty Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 048! \u20b9 309.45 crore ( US $47 million ) 22 Raees 2017 Rahul Dholakia Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 045! \u20b9 308.88 crore ( US $47 million ) 23 Krrish 3 2013 Rakesh Roshan Filmkraft Productions Hindi 050! \u20b9 291.52 crore ( US $50 million ) 24 Enthiran S. Shankar Sun Pictures Tamil 063! \u20b9 289 crore ( US $63 million ) 25 Kabali 2016 Pa. Ranjith V Creations Tamil 045! \u20b9 286 -- 499 crore ( US $45 -- 77 million )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "top 10 bollywood movies in india all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=837240639", "q_uid": -8816836041698480854, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Primary language Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Hindi 330! \u20b9 2,122.3 crore ( US $330 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion * 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 260! \u20b9 1,715.58 crore ( US $260 million ) Secret Superstar * 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions Hindi 150! \u20b9 970.07 crore ( US $150 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan * 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi 149! \u20b9 957.05 crore ( US $149 million ) 5 PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi 140! \u20b9 854 crore ( US $140 million ) 6 Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 100! \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) 7 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 092! \u20b9 589.25 crore ( US $92 million ) 8 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi 101! \u20b9 589.2 crore ( US $101 million ) 9 Padmaavat 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi 090! \u20b9 585 crore ( US $90 million ) 10 Tiger Zinda Hai 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 087.32! \u20b9 570.83 crore ( US $87.32 million ) 11 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi 088! \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $88 million ) 12 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi 067! \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 13 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 072! \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 14 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 064! \u20b9 408.15 crore ( US $64 million ) 15 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Hindi 066! \u20b9 402 crore ( US $66 million ) 16 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 065! \u20b9 397 crore ( US $65 million ) 17 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Eros International Hindi 056! \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $55 million ) 18 Bang Bang! 2014 Siddharth Anand Fox Star Studios Hindi 056! \u20b9 340 crore ( US $56 million ) 19 Ek Tha Tiger 2012 Kabir Khan Yash Raj Films Hindi 060! \u20b9 320 crore ( US $60 million ) 20 Hindi Medium * 2017 Saket Chaudhary T - Series Hindi 049! \u20b9 319.9 crore ( US $49 million ) 21 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 2013 Ayan Mukerji Dharma Productions Hindi 054! \u20b9 318 crore ( US $54 million ) 22 Golmaal Again 2017 Rohit Shetty Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 048! \u20b9 311.05 crore ( US $48 million ) 23 Raees 2017 Rahul Dholakia Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 045! \u20b9 308.88 crore ( US $47 million ) 24 Krrish 3 2013 Rakesh Roshan Filmkraft Productions Hindi 050! \u20b9 291.52 crore ( US $50 million ) 25 Enthiran S. Shankar Sun Pictures Tamil 063! \u20b9 289 crore ( US $63 million )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "highest box office bollywood movies of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=804658174", "q_uid": -4723546898200663961, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Worldwide gross Source Dangal 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures \u20b9 2,024.76 crore ( US $320 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films \u20b9 792 crore ( US $120 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films \u20b9 626 crore ( US $98 million ) Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films \u20b9 585 crore ( US $91 million ) 5 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films \u20b9 584.15 crore ( US $91 million ) 6 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 7 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment \u20b9 423 crore ( US $66 million ) 8 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films \u20b9 395 crore ( US $62 million ) 9 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions \u20b9 394 crore ( US $61 million ) 10 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali SLB Films \u20b9 358 crore ( US $56 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal" } }, { "question": "top 10 bollywood all time box office collection", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=833075916", "q_uid": -8711212338529800303, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Primary language Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Hindi 330! \u20b9 2,122.3 crore ( US $330 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion * 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 260! \u20b9 1,713.59 crore ( US $260 million ) Secret Superstar * 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions Hindi 150! \u20b9 965 crore ( US $150 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan * 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi 141! \u20b9 904.49 crore ( US $141 million ) 5 PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi 140! \u20b9 854 crore ( US $140 million ) 6 Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 100! \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) 7 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 092! \u20b9 589.25 crore ( US $92 million ) 8 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi 101! \u20b9 589.2 crore ( US $101 million ) 9 Padmaavat * 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi 090! \u20b9 585 crore ( US $90 million ) 10 Tiger Zinda Hai * 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 087.32! \u20b9 569 crore ( US $87.32 million ) 11 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi 088! \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $88 million ) 12 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi 067! \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 13 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 072! \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 14 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 064! \u20b9 408.15 crore ( US $64 million ) 15 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Hindi 066! \u20b9 402 crore ( US $66 million ) 16 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 065! \u20b9 397 crore ( US $65 million ) 17 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Eros International Hindi 056! \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $55 million ) 18 Bang Bang! 2014 Siddharth Anand Fox Star Studios Hindi 056! \u20b9 340 crore ( US $56 million ) 19 Ek Tha Tiger 2012 Kabir Khan Yash Raj Films Hindi 060! \u20b9 320 crore ( US $60 million ) 20 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 2013 Ayan Mukerji Dharma Productions Hindi 054! \u20b9 318 crore ( US $54 million ) 21 Golmaal Again 2017 Rohit Shetty Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 048! \u20b9 309.45 crore ( US $47 million ) 22 Raees 2017 Rahul Dholakia Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 045! \u20b9 308.88 crore ( US $47 million ) 23 Krrish 3 2013 Rakesh Roshan Filmkraft Productions Hindi 050! \u20b9 291.52 crore ( US $50 million ) 24 Enthiran S. Shankar Sun Pictures Tamil 063! \u20b9 289 crore ( US $63 million ) 25 Kabali 2016 Pa. Ranjith V Creations Tamil 045! \u20b9 286 -- 499 crore ( US $45 -- 77 million )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "top 10 box office collection in indian movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=801574399", "q_uid": -5740492911615106451, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) / Producers Language Worldwide gross Dangal 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Hindi \u20b9 1,979 crore ( US $310 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 1,725 crore ( US $267 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi \u20b9 792 crore ( US $130 million ) Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) 5 Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi \u20b9 626 crore ( US $98 million ) 6 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 585 crore ( US $100 million ) 7 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 584 crore ( US $91 million ) 8 Kabali 2016 Pa. Ranjith V Creations Tamil \u20b9 477 crore ( US $74 million ) -- \u20b9 499 crore ( US $78 million ) 9 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 10 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 11 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi \u20b9 395 crore ( US $82 million ) 12 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi \u20b9 394 crore ( US $61 million ) 13 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali SLB Films Hindi \u20b9 358 crore ( US $56 million ) 14 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 352 crore ( US $58 million ) 15 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 345 crore ( US $57 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal" } }, { "question": "top 10 box office hindi movies of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=827965351", "q_uid": -2546935388306630444, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 330! \u20b9 2,122.3 crore ( US $330 million ) Secret Superstar * 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions 150! \u20b9 965 crore ( US $150 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films 140! \u20b9 854 crore ( US $140 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan * 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films 098! \u20b9 631.12 crore ( US $97 million ) 5 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films 092! \u20b9 589.25 crore ( US $90 million ) 6 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films 101! \u20b9 589.2 crore ( US $101 million ) 7 Padmaavat * 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures 082! \u20b9 564 crore ( US $86 million ) 8 Tiger Zinda Hai * 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films 087! \u20b9 560 crore ( US $86 million ) 9 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films 088! \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $88 million ) 10 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions 067! \u20b9 432 crore ( US $66 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal *" } }, { "question": "top ten bollywood movies of all time box office collection", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=826713132", "q_uid": 3748214665105260678, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Primary language Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Hindi 330! \u20b9 2,122.3 crore ( US $330 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion * 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 270! \u20b9 1,710.68 crore ( US $270 million ) Secret Superstar * 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions Hindi 150! \u20b9 965 crore ( US $150 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi 140! \u20b9 854 crore ( US $140 million ) 5 Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 100! \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) 6 Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi 098! \u20b9 630.86 crore ( US $98 million ) 7 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 092! \u20b9 589.25 crore ( US $92 million ) 8 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi 101! \u20b9 589.2 crore ( US $101 million ) 9 Tiger Zinda Hai * 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 087! \u20b9 560 crore ( US $87 million ) 10 Padmaavat * 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi 082! \u20b9 525 crore ( US $82 million ) 11 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi 088! \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $88 million ) 12 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi 067! \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 13 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 072! \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 14 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 064! \u20b9 408.15 crore ( US $64 million ) 15 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Hindi 066! \u20b9 402 crore ( US $66 million ) 16 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 065! \u20b9 397 crore ( US $65 million ) 17 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Eros International Hindi 056! \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $56 million ) 18 Bang Bang! 2014 Siddharth Anand Fox Star Studios Hindi 056! \u20b9 340 crore ( US $56 million ) 19 Ek Tha Tiger 2012 Kabir Khan Yash Raj Films Hindi 060! \u20b9 320 crore ( US $60 million ) 20 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 2013 Ayan Mukerji Dharma Productions Hindi 054! \u20b9 318 crore ( US $54 million ) 21 Golmaal Again 2017 Rohit Shetty Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 048! \u20b9 309.45 crore ( US $48 million ) 22 Raees 2017 Rahul Dholakia Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 045! \u20b9 308.88 crore ( US $48 million ) 23 Krrish 3 2013 Rakesh Roshan Filmkraft Productions Hindi 050! \u20b9 291.52 crore ( US $50 million ) 24 Enthiran S. Shankar Sun Pictures Tamil 063! \u20b9 289 crore ( US $63 million ) 25 Kabali 2016 Pa. Ranjith V Creations Tamil 045! \u20b9 286 -- 499 crore ( US $45 -- 77 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal *" } }, { "question": "list of highest grossing tamil films by year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=804658174", "q_uid": -6405127965941111619, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio Worldwide gross Source Baahubali 2: The Conclusion 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works \u20b9 1,725 crore ( US $270 million ) # + Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) # + Kabali 2016 Pa. Ranjith V Creations \u20b9 477 crore ( US $74 million ) -- \u20b9 499 crore ( US $78 million ) Enthiran S. Shankar Sun Pictures \u20b9 289 crore ( US $45 million ) 5 2015 S. Shankar Aascar Films Pvt. Ltd \u20b9 240 crore ( US $37 million ) 6 Vishwaroopam 2013 Kamal Haasan Raaj Kamal Films International \u20b9 220 crore ( US $34 million ) # + 7 Dasavathaaram 2008 K.S. Ravikumar Aascar Films Pvt. Ltd \u20b9 200 crore ( US $31 million ) 8 Vivegam 2017 Siva Sathya Jyothi Films \u20b9 160 crore ( US $25 million ) 9 Theri 2016 Atlee V. Creations \u20b9 156.23 crore ( US $24 million ) 10 Lingaa 2014 K.S. Ravikumar Eros International \u20b9 154 crore ( US $24 million )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which is the most earned movie in bollywood", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=825820328", "q_uid": -7047655691665486430, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Primary language Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Hindi 330! \u20b9 2,122.3 crore ( US $330 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion * 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 270! \u20b9 1,710.68 crore ( US $270 million ) Secret Superstar * 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions Hindi 140! \u20b9 923 crore ( US $140 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi 140! \u20b9 854 crore ( US $140 million ) 5 Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil 100! \u20b9 650 crore ( US $100 million ) 6 Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi 098! \u20b9 630.86 crore ( US $98 million ) 7 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 092! \u20b9 589.25 crore ( US $92 million ) 8 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi 101! \u20b9 589.2 crore ( US $101 million ) 9 Tiger Zinda Hai * 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi 087! \u20b9 560 crore ( US $87 million ) 10 Padmaavat * 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi 076! \u20b9 484.53 crore ( US $76 million ) 11 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi 088! \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $88 million ) 12 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi 067! \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 13 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 072! \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 14 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 064! \u20b9 408.15 crore ( US $64 million ) 15 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Hindi 066! \u20b9 402 crore ( US $66 million ) 16 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 065! \u20b9 397 crore ( US $65 million ) 17 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Eros International Hindi 056! \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $56 million ) 18 Bang Bang! 2014 Siddharth Anand Fox Star Studios Hindi 056! \u20b9 340 crore ( US $56 million ) 19 Ek Tha Tiger 2012 Kabir Khan Yash Raj Films Hindi 060! \u20b9 320 crore ( US $60 million ) 20 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 2013 Ayan Mukerji Dharma Productions Hindi 054! \u20b9 318 crore ( US $54 million ) 21 Golmaal Again 2017 Rohit Shetty Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi 048! \u20b9 309.45 crore ( US $48 million ) 22 Raees 2017 Rahul Dholakia Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi 045! \u20b9 308.88 crore ( US $48 million ) 23 Krrish 3 2013 Rakesh Roshan Filmkraft Productions Hindi 050! \u20b9 291.52 crore ( US $50 million ) 24 Enthiran S. Shankar Sun Pictures Tamil 063! \u20b9 289 crore ( US $63 million ) 25 Kabali 2016 Pa. Ranjith V Creations Tamil 045! \u20b9 286 -- 499 crore ( US $45 -- 77 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal *" } }, { "question": "top 10 bollywood movies highest box office collection", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=818299583", "q_uid": 1375436454267855179, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Worldwide gross Source Dangal 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 330! \u20b9 2,122.3 crore ( US $330 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films 140! \u20b9 854 crore ( US $140 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films 098! \u20b9 630.86 crore ( US $98 million ) Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films 092! \u20b9 589.25 crore ( US $92 million ) 5 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films 101! \u20b9 589.2 crore ( US $101 million ) 6 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films 088! \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $88 million ) 7 Tiger Zinda Hai 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films 069! \u20b9 442.93 crore ( US $69 million ) 8 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions 067! \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 9 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment 072! \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 10 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions 064! \u20b9 408.15 crore ( US $64 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal" } }, { "question": "top box office bollywood movies of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=809336974", "q_uid": 5902656698329892850, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Movie Year Director Studio ( s ) Worldwide gross Source Dangal 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 320! \u20b9 2,028.89 crore ( US $320 million ) PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films 130! \u20b9 792 crore ( US $130 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films 098! \u20b9 629 crore ( US $98 million ) Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films 100! \u20b9 585 crore ( US $100 million ) 5 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films 091! \u20b9 584.15 crore ( US $91 million ) 6 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions 067! \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 7 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment 072! \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72 million ) 8 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films 082! \u20b9 395 crore ( US $82 million ) 9 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions 061! \u20b9 394 crore ( US $61 million ) 10 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali SLB Films 056! \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $56 million )", "short_answer": "Dangal" } }, { "question": "highest box office collection of bollywood movies till date", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=857068397", "q_uid": -2734627424092088755, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Peak Film Year Director Studio ( s ) Primary language Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios India Hindi \u20b9 2,000 -- 2,100 crore ( US $300 -- 310 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 1,796 crore ( US $274.88 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi \u20b9 931.9 crore ( US $140 million ) Secret Superstar 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions Hindi \u20b9 903.23 crore ( US $130 million ) 5 PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi \u20b9 792 crore ( US $129.77 million ) 6 Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 650 crore ( US $101.32 million ) 7 7 Padmaavat 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi \u20b9 585 crore ( US $85 million ) 8 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 584.4 crore ( US $86.97 million ) 9 9 Sanju * 2018 Rajkumar Hirani Rajkumar Hirani Films Vinod Chopra Films Hindi \u20b9 579.59 crore ( US $84 million ) 10 8 Tiger Zinda Hai 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 545.83 crore ( US $83.83 million ) 11 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 555.89 crore ( US $93.16 million ) 12 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $87.55 million ) 13 6 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 14 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72.18 million ) 16 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Hindi \u20b9 402 crore ( US $66 million ) 17 5 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 397 crore ( US $65 million ) 15 10 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi \u20b9 391.57 crore ( US $61.04 million ) 18 11 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Eros International Hindi \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $52 million ) 19 5 Bang Bang! 2014 Siddharth Anand Fox Star Studios Hindi \u20b9 340 crore ( US $56 million ) 20 19 Hindi Medium 2017 Saket Chaudhary T - Series Hindi \u20b9 323.3 crore ( US $47 million ) 21 Ek Tha Tiger 2012 Kabir Khan Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 320 crore ( US $60 million ) 22 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 2013 Ayan Mukerji Dharma Productions Hindi \u20b9 318 crore ( US $54 million ) 23 22 Toilet: Ek Prem Katha * 2017 Shree Narayan Singh Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi \u20b9 311.5 crore ( US $45 million ) 24 19 Golmaal Again 2017 Rohit Shetty Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi \u20b9 311.05 crore ( US $45 million ) 25 18 Raees 2017 Rahul Dholakia Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 308.88 crore ( US $45 million )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "list of highest box office collection movies in india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest-grossing_Indian_films&oldid=857068397", "q_uid": -1496351060096210619, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Peak Film Year Director Studio ( s ) Primary language Worldwide gross Source Dangal * 2016 Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Productions UTV Motion Pictures Walt Disney Studios India Hindi \u20b9 2,000 -- 2,100 crore ( US $300 -- 310 million ) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion 2017 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 1,796 crore ( US $274.88 million ) Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 Kabir Khan Salman Khan Films Kabir Khan Films Hindi \u20b9 931.9 crore ( US $140 million ) Secret Superstar 2017 Advait Chandan Aamir Khan Productions Hindi \u20b9 903.23 crore ( US $130 million ) 5 PK 2014 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Rajkumar Hirani Films Hindi \u20b9 792 crore ( US $129.77 million ) 6 Baahubali: The Beginning 2015 S.S. Rajamouli Arka Media Works Telugu Tamil \u20b9 650 crore ( US $101.32 million ) 7 7 Padmaavat 2018 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi \u20b9 585 crore ( US $85 million ) 8 Sultan 2016 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 584.4 crore ( US $86.97 million ) 9 9 Sanju * 2018 Rajkumar Hirani Rajkumar Hirani Films Vinod Chopra Films Hindi \u20b9 579.59 crore ( US $84 million ) 10 8 Tiger Zinda Hai 2017 Ali Abbas Zafar Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 545.83 crore ( US $83.83 million ) 11 Dhoom 3 2013 Vijay Krishna Acharya Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 555.89 crore ( US $93.16 million ) 12 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani Vinod Chopra Films Hindi \u20b9 459.96 crore ( US $87.55 million ) 13 6 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 2015 Sooraj R. Barjatya Fox Star Studios Rajshri Productions Hindi \u20b9 432 crore ( US $67 million ) 14 Chennai Express 2013 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 423 crore ( US $72.18 million ) 16 Kick 2014 Sajid Nadiadwala Nadiadwala Grandson Hindi \u20b9 402 crore ( US $66 million ) 17 5 Happy New Year 2014 Farah Khan Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 397 crore ( US $65 million ) 15 10 Dilwale 2015 Rohit Shetty Red Chillies Entertainment Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi \u20b9 391.57 crore ( US $61.04 million ) 18 11 Bajirao Mastani 2015 Sanjay Leela Bhansali Bhansali Productions Eros International Hindi \u20b9 356.2 crore ( US $52 million ) 19 5 Bang Bang! 2014 Siddharth Anand Fox Star Studios Hindi \u20b9 340 crore ( US $56 million ) 20 19 Hindi Medium 2017 Saket Chaudhary T - Series Hindi \u20b9 323.3 crore ( US $47 million ) 21 Ek Tha Tiger 2012 Kabir Khan Yash Raj Films Hindi \u20b9 320 crore ( US $60 million ) 22 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani 2013 Ayan Mukerji Dharma Productions Hindi \u20b9 318 crore ( US $54 million ) 23 22 Toilet: Ek Prem Katha * 2017 Shree Narayan Singh Viacom 18 Motion Pictures Hindi \u20b9 311.5 crore ( US $45 million ) 24 19 Golmaal Again 2017 Rohit Shetty Rohit Shetty Productions Hindi \u20b9 311.05 crore ( US $45 million ) 25 18 Raees 2017 Rahul Dholakia Red Chillies Entertainment Hindi \u20b9 308.88 crore ( US $45 million )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Chevrolet Silverado": [ { "question": "what size engine does a 2011 chevy silverado have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chevrolet_Silverado&oldid=800771937", "q_uid": -7492078679870919665, "answers": { "long_answer": "Model Year Engine Power Torque 1500 2007 - 2013 4.3 L Vortec 4300 V6 195 hp ( 145 kW ) @ 4600 RPM 260 lb ft ( 353 N m ) @ 2800 RPM 2007 - 2008 4.8 L Vortec 4800 V8 295 hp ( 220 kW ) @ 5600 RPM 305 lb ft ( 414 N m ) @ 4800 RPM 2009 295 hp ( 220 kW ) @ 5600 RPM 305 lb ft ( 414 N m ) @ 4600 RPM 2010 - 2013 302 hp ( 225 kW ) @ 5600 RPM 305 lb ft ( 414 N m ) @ 4600 RPM 2007 - 2009 5.3 L Vortec 5300 V8 315 hp ( 235 kW ) @ 5200 RPM 338 lb ft ( 458 N m ) @ 4400 RPM 2010 - 2013 315 hp ( 235 kW ) @ 5300 RPM 335 lb ft ( 454 N m ) @ 4400 RPM 2007 - 2008 6.0 L Vortec 6000 V8 367 hp ( 274 kW ) @ 5500 RPM 375 lb ft ( 508 N m ) @ 4300 RPM 2009 367 hp ( 274 kW ) @ 5600 RPM 375 lb ft ( 508 N m ) @ 4300 RPM 2009 - 2013 6.2 L Vortec 6200 V8 403 hp ( 301 kW ) @ 5700 RPM 417 lb ft ( 565 N m ) @ 4300 RPM 2500HD / 3500HD 2007 - 2008 6.0 L Vortec 6000 V8 353 hp ( 263 kW ) @ 5400 RPM 373 lb ft ( 506 N m ) @ 4400 RPM 2009 - 2014 360 hp ( 268 kW ) @ 5400 RPM 380 lb ft ( 515 N m ) @ 4200 RPM 2007 - 2010 6.6 L Duramax V8 365 hp ( 272 kW ) @ 3200 RPM 660 lb ft ( 895 N m ) @ 1600 RPM 2011 - 2014 397 hp ( 296 kW ) @ 3000 RPM 765 lb ft ( 1,037 N m ) @ 1600 RPM Silverado XFE 2009 6.0 L Vortec 6000 V8 332 hp ( 248 kW ) @ 5100 RPM 367 lb ft ( 498 N m ) @ 4100 RPM Silverado Hybrid 2009 - 2013", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how long is a 2006 chevy silverado crew cab", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chevrolet_Silverado&oldid=819407715", "q_uid": 1747851956373643143, "answers": { "long_answer": "GMT800 Heavy Duty Overview Production 2000 -- 2007 Body and chassis Platform GM GMT880 platform Powertrain Engine 6.0 L Vortec 6000 V8 8.1 L Vortec 8100 V8 6.6 L Duramax V8 Transmission 4 - speed 4L80 - E automatic 5 - speed Allison 1000 automatic ( 2000 -- 2005 ) 6 - speed Allison 1000 automatic ( 2005 -- 2007 ) 5 - speed NV4500 manual ( 2000 -- 2007 6.0 ) 6 - speed ZF S6 - 650 manual ( 2000 -- 2006 6.6 and 8.1 ) Dimensions Wheelbase 133 in ( 3,378 mm ) 143.5 in ( 3,645 mm ) 157.5 in ( 4,000 mm ) 167 in ( 4,242 mm ) 153 in ( 3,886 mm ) Length 222.1 in ( 5,641 mm ) 227.7 in ( 5,784 mm ) 246.6 in ( 6,264 mm ) 237.2 in ( 6,025 mm ) 256.1 in ( 6,505 mm ) Width SRW: 79.7 in ( 2,024 mm ) DRW: 96.1 in ( 2,441 mm ) Height 76.0 -- 77.4 in ( 1,930 -- 1,966 mm )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what size engine is in a 2000 chevy silverado", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chevrolet_Silverado&oldid=800771937", "q_uid": 4729073752954028041, "answers": { "long_answer": "The HD variant is a heavy - duty light truck. It is a strengthened version of the Silverado / Sierra light - duty, and is available in the 1500HD, 2500HD, and 3500HD models. The 2500, introduced in 2000, offers a Vortec 6000 V8 with 300 hp ( 224 kW ) at 5200 rpm and 360 lb ft ( 488 N m ) of torque at 4000 rpm with a Hydra - Matic 4L80E four - speed automatic transmission. The 2500HD also offers either the LB7 Duramax V8 with 300 hp ( 224 kW ) at 3100 rpm and 520 lb ft ( 705 N m ) of torque at 1800 rpm, the LLY Duramax V8 with 310 hp ( 231 kW ) @ 3000RPM and 605 lb ft ( 820 N m ) @ 1600RPM, and the LBZ Duramax V8 with 360 hp ( 268 kW ) @ 3200RPM and 650 lb ft ( 881 N m ) @ 1600RPM. Also available is the Vortec 8100 V8 with 340 hp ( 254 kW ) at 4200 rpm and 455 lb ft ( 617 N m ) of torque at 3200 rpm.", "short_answer": "V8 with" } }, { "question": "when did the chevy silverado change body styles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chevrolet_Silverado&oldid=843665410", "q_uid": -7350895264966933484, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2006, Chevrolet released a special edition Silverado SS under the name `` Intimidator SS '' ( licensed by Dale Earnhardt Inc. ) to honor the late Dale Earnhardt. The truck came with several minor appearance upgrades ( rear spoiler, embroidered headrests, Intimidator custom badging ), but was essentially just a regular Silverado SS. Of the 1,033 scheduled trucks, only 933 were made ( the remaining 100 were sold as 2007 Silverado SS `` classic '' bodystyle trucks before the 2007.5 MY changeover. These trucks were only available in Black Onyx exterior but could be ordered with cloth or leather interior. Also features - Vortec", "short_answer": "2007.5 MY changeover" } }, { "question": "when did the first chevy silverado come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chevrolet_Silverado&oldid=828319298", "q_uid": 3134705112384053504, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Chevrolet Silverado, and its mechanically identical cousin, the GMC Sierra, are a series of full - size and heavy - duty pickup trucks manufactured by General Motors and introduced in 1998 as the successor to the long - running Chevrolet C / K line. The Silverado name was taken from a trim level previously used on its predecessor, the Chevrolet C / K pickup truck from 1975 through 1998. General Motors continues to offer a GMC - badged variant of the Chevrolet full - size pickup under the GMC Sierra name, first used in 1987 for its variant of the GMT400 platform trucks.", "short_answer": "1998 as" } }, { "question": "what size engine does a 2000 chevy silverado have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chevrolet_Silverado&oldid=819407715", "q_uid": -3747097650546651275, "answers": { "long_answer": "For the first year, only the regular cab and an extended cab were available, along with the Vortec 4300 V6, Vortec 4800 V8, and the Vortec 5300 V8. In 2000, a driver 's side door option became available for the extended cab, giving it four doors, and the crew - cab body was added to the lineup. Output on the 5.3 L engine also increased to 285 hp ( 213 kW ) and 325 lb \u22c5 ft ( 441 N \u22c5 m ).", "short_answer": "Vortec 4300 V6," } }, { "question": "what engine does a 2003 silverado ss have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chevrolet_Silverado&oldid=803777157", "q_uid": 5287867104581768961, "answers": { "long_answer": "Model Year Engine Power Torque 1500 1998 -- 2003 4.3 L Vortec 4300 V6 200 hp ( 149 kW ) @ 4600 RPM 260 lb ft ( 353 N m ) @ 2800 RPM 2004 -- 2006 195 hp ( 145 kW ) @ 4600 RPM 260 lb ft ( 353 N m ) @ 2800 RPM 1999 4.8 L Vortec 4800 V8 255 hp ( 190 kW ) @ 5200 RPM 285 lb ft ( 386 N m ) @ 4000 RPM 2000 - 2003 270 hp ( 201 kW ) @ 5200 RPM 285 lb ft ( 386 N m ) @ 4000 RPM 2004 - 2007 285 hp ( 213 kW ) @ 5200 RPM 295 lb ft ( 400 N m ) @ 4000 RPM 1999 5.3 L Vortec 5300 V8 270 hp ( 201 kW ) @ 5200 RPM 315 lb ft ( 427 N m ) @ 4000 RPM 2000 -- 2003 285 hp ( 213 kW ) @ 5200 RPM 325 lb ft ( 441 N m ) @ 4000 RPM 2004 -- 2007 295 hp ( 220 kW ) @ 5200 RPM 335 lb ft ( 454 N m ) @ 4000 RPM 2005 - 2007 310 hp ( 231 kW ) @ 5200 RPM 335 lb - ft ( 454 N-m ) @ 4000 RPM 1500HD / 2500HD / 3500HD 2000 - 2006 6.0 L Vortec 6000 V8 300 hp ( 224 kW ) @ 4400 RPM 360 lb ft ( 488 N m ) @ 4000 RPM 2000 -- 2004 8.1 L Vortec 8100 V8 340 hp ( 254 kW ) @ 4200 RPM 455 lb ft ( 617 N m ) @ 3200 RPM 2004 -- 2006 330 hp ( 246 kW ) @ 4200 RPM 450 lb ft ( 610 N m ) @ 3200 RPM 2001 -- 2002 w / LQY 270 hp ( 201 kW ) @ 3600 RPM 400 lb ft ( 542 N m ) @ 1600 RPM 2001 -- 2002 w / LQQ 210 hp ( 157 kW ) @ 3600 RPM 325 lb ft ( 441 N m ) @ 1200 RPM 2002 -- 2005 w / LRW 325 hp ( 242 kW ) @ 4000 RPM 450 lb ft ( 610 N m ) @ 2800 RPM 2002 -- 2006 w / LRZ 295 hp ( 220 kW ) @ 3600 RPM 440 lb ft ( 597 N m ) @ 3200 RPM 2002 -- 2006 w / LQR 225 hp ( 168 kW ) @ 3600 RPM 350 lb ft ( 475 N m ) @ 1200 RPM 2000 -- 2004 6.6 L Duramax ( LB7 / LLY ) V8 300 hp ( 224 kW ) @ 3100 RPM 520 lb ft ( 705 N m ) @ 1800 RPM 2005 - 2006 w / MTX 300 hp ( 224 kW ) @ 3000 RPM 520 lb ft ( 705 N m ) @ 1800 RPM 2005 - 2006 w / ATX 310 hp ( 231 kW ) @ 3000 RPM 605 lb ft ( 820 N m ) @ 1600 RPM 2006 - 2007 6.6 L Duramax ( LBZ ) V8 360 hp ( 268 kW ) @ 3200 RPM 650 lb ft ( 881 N m ) @ 1600 RPM GMC Sierra C3 2000 - 2001 6.0 L Vortec 6000 V8 325 hp ( 242 kW ) @ 5000 RPM 370 lb ft ( 502 N m ) @ 4000 RPM GMC Sierra Denali 2002 -- 2004 2004 -- 2006 6.0 L Vortec 6000 V8 345 hp ( 257 kW ) @ 5200 RPM 380 lb ft ( 515 N m ) @ 4000 RPM Chevrolet Silverado SS 2002 -- 2006 Chevrolet Silverado Vortec High Output 2003 -- 2005 Chevrolet Silverado VortecMAX 2005 - 2006", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Tears in Heaven": [ { "question": "what is eric clapton's tears in heaven about", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tears_in_Heaven&oldid=843654652", "q_uid": 1256961689769255717, "answers": { "long_answer": "The years following 1990 were extremely turbulent for Clapton. In August 1990, his manager, two of his roadies and his friend and fellow musician Stevie Ray Vaughan were killed in a helicopter accident. Seven months later, on March 20, 1991, Clapton 's 4 - year - old son Conor died after falling from the 53rd - floor window of his mother 's friend 's New York City apartment. He landed on the roof of an adjacent four - story building. After isolating himself for a period, Clapton began working again, writing music for a movie about drug addiction called Rush. Clapton dealt with the grief of his son 's death by co-writing `` Tears in Heaven '' with Will Jennings. Shortly after his single was released, he went on to the MTV Unplugged series and recorded a new version of the song. Unplugged topped charts and was nominated for nine Grammy Awards the year it was released. Clapton made numerous public service announcements to raise awareness for childproofing windows and staircases.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who did eric clapton write tears in heaven for", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tears_in_Heaven&oldid=801679722", "q_uid": 3765549665616122298, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Tears in Heaven '' is a song by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings, from the 1991 Rush film soundtrack. The song was written about the pain and loss Clapton felt following the death of his 4 - year - old son, Conor. In an interview with Sue Lawley in 1992, Clapton said of the song, `` There is a song that I 've written for a movie, but in actual fact it was in the back of my head but it did n't really have a reason for being until I was scoring this movie which I did a little while ago and then it sort of had a reason to be. And it is a little ambiguous because it could be taken to be about Conor but it also is meant to be part of the film. '' Conor fell from a window of a 53rd - floor New York apartment owned by his mother 's friend on March 20, 1991. Clapton arrived at the apartment shortly after the accident.", "short_answer": "4 - year - old son, Conor." } }, { "question": "who's son fell out of a window", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tears_in_Heaven&oldid=835553130", "q_uid": 871128754886589584, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Tears in Heaven '' is a song by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings, from the 1991 Rush film soundtrack. In an interview with Sue Lawley in 1992, Clapton said of the song, `` There is a song that I 've written for a movie, but in actual fact it was in the back of my head but it did n't really have a reason for being until I was scoring this movie which I did a little while ago and then it sort of had a reason to be. And it is a little ambiguous because it could be taken to be about Conor but it also is meant to be part of the film. '' Conor, Clapton 's four - year - old son, fell from a window of a 53rd - floor New York apartment owned by his mother 's friend on March 20, 1991. Clapton arrived at the apartment shortly after the accident.", "short_answer": "Eric Clapton and" } }, { "question": "who did eric clapton wrote tears in heaven about", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tears_in_Heaven&oldid=856282176", "q_uid": -7072802264278935460, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Tears in Heaven '' is a song by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings from the 1991 Rush film soundtrack. Its lyrics were inspired by the death of Clapton 's four - year - old son, Conor, who fell from a New York apartment building in 1991.", "short_answer": "Clapton 's four - year - old son, Conor, who fell from a New York apartment building in 1991." } } ], "List of NBA champions": [ { "question": "who's won the last 10 nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 8872003661852615899, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what nba team has won the most nba finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -3390393382628313005, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 6 10 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017, 2018 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 Cleveland Cavaliers 5 2016 2007, 2015, 2017, 2018 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Hornets / Bobcats -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Boston Celtics" } }, { "question": "what team has won the most nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=808489124", "q_uid": 7270893741275050249, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 5 9 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 2007, 2015, 2017 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Bobcats / Hornets -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Boston Celtics" } }, { "question": "who won the championship in the nba this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 6171421973372711557, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba title last 5 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 1374333057006297729, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the nba finals the last 10 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=826569243", "q_uid": -6749691100527672215, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 6, 4 -- 1 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba championship the last five years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=848700095", "q_uid": 1067977643244329089, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( E ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played in the last 3 nba finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=801564251", "q_uid": -5565553706863744391, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champions Result Eastern Champions Reference 1950 Minneapolis Lakers 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has been in the last nba finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=848700095", "q_uid": -1058854858018345355, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( E ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba championship the last 20 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=801741260", "q_uid": -4758767878105708958, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champions Result Eastern Champions Reference 1950 Minneapolis Lakers 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who's been in the nba finals the last 5 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=845883568", "q_uid": 6089317688339468172, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( E ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "who won the nba finals in the last four years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -1350695641738974202, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "how many nba championships have the east won", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 1542201730283071513, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the most nba championships team", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=815315269", "q_uid": -5662363687478579135, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 5 9 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 2007, 2015, 2017 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Bobcats / Hornets -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Boston Celtics" } }, { "question": "who won the nba basketball championship this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=801741260", "q_uid": 8495223252053229767, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champions Result Eastern Champions Reference 1950 Minneapolis Lakers 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 )", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "who has won the last 3 nba finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -3515564464519501027, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the last 6 nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=845883568", "q_uid": -7878118847478579021, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( E ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played in the nba finals in the last 10 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -5937444008717586698, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the last 5 years of the nba finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=845883568", "q_uid": -7501316828043587643, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( E ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most back to back nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=801741260", "q_uid": 2933182571632430866, "answers": { "long_answer": "Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010", "short_answer": "Boston Celtics" } }, { "question": "who is won the nba finals the last 5 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 8401030376308074867, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "who won the last 4 years of the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -5477951829087549561, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who's won the nba championship in the last 5 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=848700095", "q_uid": -8228310690229295991, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( E ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba championship the last 4 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=800675255", "q_uid": -8392102178221973589, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western champions Result Eastern champions Reference 1950 Minneapolis Lakers 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba finals the last 10 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 2538014744870909338, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "who won the nba championship the past 5 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 6672394502747302260, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 6 10 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017, 2018 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 Cleveland Cavaliers 5 2016 2007, 2015, 2017, 2018 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Hornets / Bobcats -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Francisco / Golden State Warriors" } }, { "question": "who has won the last 3 nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -5303899081937450344, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 6 10 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017, 2018 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 Cleveland Cavaliers 5 2016 2007, 2015, 2017, 2018 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Hornets / Bobcats -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Francisco / Golden State Warriors" } }, { "question": "who played in the nba finals last year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=843590802", "q_uid": 3311635981017884125, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "who has more nba titles east or west", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=845883568", "q_uid": 6486291435358516694, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Eastern Conference / Division leads the Western Conference / Division in series won ( 38 -- 32 ). The defunct Central Division won one championship. The Boston Celtics and the Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers alone own almost half of the titles, having won a combined 33 of 70 championships.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the last four nba championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -2670212276818143141, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which team has won the most nba titles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=801564251", "q_uid": 2731718849211499422, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 5 9 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 2007, 2015, 2017 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Bobcats / Hornets -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Boston Celtics" } }, { "question": "who has won back to back nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=843590802", "q_uid": 111449067611903861, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Minneapolis Lakers (" } }, { "question": "who won last year's nba championship game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=843590802", "q_uid": 4319291779954593752, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "who won the nba finals the past five years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -5823199488962975159, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba championship for the last 5 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=848700095", "q_uid": 1044622354063748510, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( E ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the past 4 nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -8864593349655618934, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most nba championships in the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=848700095", "q_uid": 7803554423086145555, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 6 10 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017, 2018 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 Cleveland Cavaliers 5 2016 2007, 2015, 2017, 2018 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Hornets / Bobcats -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Boston Celtics" } }, { "question": "when was the last time there was a sweep in nba finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=801741260", "q_uid": -5121451015188125874, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champions Result Eastern Champions Reference 1950 Minneapolis Lakers 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the last nba team to win back-to-back championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -6672487008060664263, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba championship last 5 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 871298803407384674, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has more nba championships the east or west", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=801741260", "q_uid": -4966201289449907934, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Eastern Conference / Division leads the Western Conference / Division in series won ( 38 -- 32 ). The defunct Central Division won one championship. The Boston Celtics and the Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers alone own almost half of the titles, having won a combined 33 of 70 championships.", "short_answer": "Eastern Conference /" } }, { "question": "who has more nba championships west or east", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=848700095", "q_uid": 94799758460767427, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Eastern Conference / Division leads the Western Conference / Division in series won ( 38 -- 32 ). The defunct Central Division won one championship. The Boston Celtics and the Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers alone own almost half of the titles, having won a combined 33 of 72 championships.", "short_answer": "The Eastern Conference / Division leads" } }, { "question": "who has the most losses in nba finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=843590802", "q_uid": -4469430458186999994, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 5 9 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 2007, 2015, 2017 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Hornets / Bobcats -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers" } }, { "question": "who won the nba championship for the last four years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 5674157648178962979, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "has there ever been a sweep in nba finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=804047443", "q_uid": 3180654376763001109, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champions Result Eastern Champions Reference 1950 Minneapolis Lakers 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba finals last 5 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=845883568", "q_uid": 5292497497376628445, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( E ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "who played in the last 3 nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=801564251", "q_uid": -6939725730705771605, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champions Result Eastern Champions Reference 1950 Minneapolis Lakers 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba playoffs last 4 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -5226947284301401258, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "who won the nba championship the last two years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=843590802", "q_uid": -9220878987073629784, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the last 5 nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=800675255", "q_uid": 3510807538864636079, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western champions Result Eastern champions Reference 1950 Minneapolis Lakers 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 )", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "which team in the nba has won the most championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=804047443", "q_uid": 1597970314260636925, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 5 9 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 2007, 2015, 2017 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Bobcats / Hornets -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Boston Celtics" } }, { "question": "who's won the last 4 nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -7119854992321335887, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "what teams are in the finals for nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 2295669021657547211, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "how many nba finals sweeps have there been", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": 5594104175411928229, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many championships has every nba team won", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=865420354", "q_uid": -3863213593380188745, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 6 10 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017, 2018 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 Cleveland Cavaliers 5 2016 2007, 2015, 2017, 2018 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Hornets / Bobcats -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "teams that have won the most nba championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=834243701", "q_uid": -966112100141420489, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 5 9 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 2007, 2015, 2017 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Hornets / Bobcats -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most championships in the nba team", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=809446270", "q_uid": 3171628376645073294, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 5 9 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 2007, 2015, 2017 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Bobcats / Hornets -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Boston Celtics" } }, { "question": "who played in the last 10 nba finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=845883568", "q_uid": -6340315068020291502, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winning team Coach Games Losing team Coach Ref 1947 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gottlieb, Eddie Eddie Gottlieb 4 -- 1 Chicago Stags ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Olsen, Harold Harold Olsen 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jeannette, Buddy Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Kundla, John John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Auerbach, Red Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( C ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Cervi, Al Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( W ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Harrison, Les Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lapchick, Joe Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1955 Syracuse Nationals ( E ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 4 -- 3 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Eckman, Charles Charles Eckman 1956 Philadelphia Warriors ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Senesky, George George Senesky 4 -- 1 Fort Wayne Pistons ( W ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1957 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hannum, Alex Alex Hannum 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 0 Minneapolis Lakers ( W ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 1960 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Macauley, Ed Ed Macauley 1961 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 St. Louis Hawks ( W ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Seymour, Paul Paul Seymour 1962 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Schaus, Fred Fred Schaus 1963 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 1964 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1965 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1966 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 1967 Philadelphia 76ers ( E ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 San Francisco Warriors ( W ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Sharman, Bill Bill Sharman 1968 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Russell, Bill Bill Russell 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) van Breda Kolff, Butch Butch van Breda Kolff 1969 Boston Celtics ( E ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 1970 New York Knicks ( E ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Holzman, Red Red Holzman 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( W ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Mullaney, Joe Joe Mullaney 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Costello, Larry Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Shue, Gene Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Heinsohn, Tom Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 3 Milwaukee Bucks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Attles, Al Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jones, K.C. K.C. Jones 1976 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) MacLeod, John John MacLeod 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Ramsay, Jack Jack Ramsay 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Motta, Dick Dick Motta 4 -- 3 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Wilkens, Lenny Lenny Wilkens 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Westhead, Paul Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Cunningham, Billy Billy Cunningham 1981 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Fitch, Bill Bill Fitch 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harris, Del Del Harris 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Riley, Pat Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 1984 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 3 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 4 -- 2 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Daly, Chuck Chuck Daly 1989 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 0 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 1990 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 4 -- 1 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Adelman, Rick Rick Adelman 1991 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jackson, Phil Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Dunleavy, Mike Mike Dunleavy 1992 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Portland Trail Blazers ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 1993 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Phoenix Suns ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Westphal, Paul Paul Westphal 1994 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tomjanovich, Rudy Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( WC ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Hill, Brian Brian Hill Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Seattle SuperSonics ( WC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Karl, George George Karl 1997 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Sloan, Jerry Jerry Sloan 1998 Chicago Bulls ( EC ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Utah Jazz ( WC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Popovich, Gregg Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( EC ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Van Gundy, Jeff Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Bird, Larry Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( EC ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Brown, Larry Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Scott, Byron Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 4 -- 1 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( EC ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Johnson, Avery Avery Johnson 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brown, Mike Mike Brown 2008 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Rivers, Doc Doc Rivers 4 -- 2 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Van Gundy, Stan Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( WC ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( EC ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( WC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Carlisle, Rick Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Spoelstra, Erik Erik Spoelstra 2012 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 1 Oklahoma City Thunder ( WC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Brooks, Scott Scott Brooks 2013 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 4 -- 3 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( WC ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( EC ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Kerr, Steve Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Blatt, David David Blatt 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Lue, Tyronn Tyronn Lue 4 -- 3 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 2017 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( WC ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( EC ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the nba finals for the last 4 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=852613238", "q_uid": -3737817193172563589, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western Champion Coach Result Eastern Champion Coach Reference 1947 Chicago Stags ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Harold Olsen 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1948 Baltimore Bullets ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Buddy Jeannette 4 -- 2 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Eddie Gottlieb 1949 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Washington Capitols ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1950 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Al Cervi 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Les Harrison 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Joe Lapchick 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Joe Lapchick 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Joe Lapchick 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) John Kundla 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Al Cervi 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Charles Eckman 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Al Cervi 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Charles Eckman 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) George Senesky 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Red Auerbach 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Alex Hannum 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) John Kundla 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Ed Macauley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Paul Seymour 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 7, 5 -- 2 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 8, 5 -- 3 ) Fred Schaus 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 7, 6 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 8, 7 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Fred Schaus 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 9, 8 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 10, 5 -- 5 ) Fred Schaus 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 10, 9 -- 1 ) Red Auerbach 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Bill Sharman 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Alex Hannum 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 11, 5 -- 6 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) ( 11, 10 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 12, 5 -- 7 ) Butch van Breda Kolff 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 12, 11 -- 1 ) Bill Russell 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 13, 5 -- 8 ) Joe Mullaney 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Red Holzman 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Larry Costello 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Gene Shue 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 14, 6 -- 8 ) Bill Sharman 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Red Holzman 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 15, 6 -- 9 ) Bill Sharman 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Red Holzman Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Larry Costello 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 13, 12 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Al Attles 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) John MacLeod 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 14, 13 -- 1 ) Tom Heinsohn 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Jack Ramsey 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Gene Shue 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Dick Motta 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Lenny Wilkens 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Dick Motta 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 16, 7 -- 9 ) Paul Westhead 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 6, 2 -- 4 ) Billy Cunningham 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Del Harris 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 15, 14 -- 1 ) Bill Fitch 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 17, 8 -- 9 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 18, 8 -- 10 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 8, 3 -- 5 ) Billy Cunningham 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 19, 8 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 16, 15 -- 1 ) K.C. Jones 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 20, 9 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 17, 15 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Bill Fitch 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 18, 16 -- 2 ) K.C. Jones Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 21, 10 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 19, 16 -- 3 ) K.C. Jones 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 22, 11 -- 11 ) Pat Riley 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 3, 0 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 23, 11 -- 12 ) Pat Riley 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Adelman 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) ( 5, 2 -- 3 ) Chuck Daly 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 24, 11 -- 13 ) Mike Dunleavy 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rick Adelman 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Paul Westphal 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) ( 7, 2 -- 5 ) Pat Riley 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) ( 4, 2 -- 2 ) Rudy Tomjanovich 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Brian Hill Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) George Karl 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 5, 5 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Jerry Sloan 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) ( 6, 6 -- 0 ) Phil Jackson 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) ( 8, 2 -- 6 ) Jeff Van Gundy 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 25, 12 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Larry Bird 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 26, 13 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) ( 9, 3 -- 6 ) Larry Brown 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) ( 27, 14 -- 13 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Byron Scott 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 2, 2 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Byron Scott Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) ( 28, 14 -- 14 ) Phil Jackson 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) ( 6, 3 -- 3 ) Larry Brown 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 3, 3 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) ( 7, 3 -- 4 ) Larry Brown 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Avery Johnson 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 1, 1 -- 0 ) Pat Riley 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) ( 4, 4 -- 0 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 1, 0 -- 1 ) Mike Brown 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 29, 14 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) ( 20, 17 -- 3 ) Doc Rivers 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 30, 15 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) Stan Van Gundy Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) ( 31, 16 -- 15 ) Phil Jackson 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) ( 21, 17 -- 4 ) Doc Rivers 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Rick Carlisle 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 2, 1 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Scott Brooks 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 3, 2 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) ( 5, 4 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) ( 4, 3 -- 1 ) Erik Spoelstra 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) ( 6, 5 -- 1 ) Gregg Popovich 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) ( 5, 3 -- 2 ) Erik Spoelstra 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 7, 4 -- 3 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 2, 0 -- 2 ) David Blatt 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 8, 4 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) ( 3, 1 -- 2 ) Tyronn Lue 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) ( 9, 5 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) ( 4, 1 -- 3 ) Tyronn Lue 2018 Golden State Warriors ( 2 ) ( 10, 6 -- 4 ) Steve Kerr 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 4 ) ( 5, 1 -- 4 ) Tyronn Lue", "short_answer": "Golden State Warriors (" } }, { "question": "who won the nba championship 3 years ago", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=800675255", "q_uid": 1028001670980838562, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Western champions Result Eastern champions Reference 1950 Minneapolis Lakers 4 -- 2 Syracuse Nationals 1951 Rochester Royals ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1952 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 3 ) 1953 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1954 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1955 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Syracuse Nationals ( 1 ) 1956 Fort Wayne Pistons ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Philadelphia Warriors ( 1 ) 1957 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1958 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1959 Minneapolis Lakers ( 2 ) 0 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1960 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1961 St. Louis Hawks ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1962 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1963 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1964 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1965 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 1 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1966 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1967 San Francisco Warriors ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1968 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 2 ) 1969 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 1970 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 1 ) 1971 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Baltimore Bullets ( 1 ) 1972 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1973 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 New York Knicks ( 2 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 0 Washington Bullets ( 2 ) 1976 Phoenix Suns ( 3 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1977 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1978 Seattle SuperSonics ( 4 ) 3 -- 4 Washington Bullets ( 3 ) 1979 Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Washington Bullets ( 1 ) 1980 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) 1981 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1982 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Philadelphia 76ers ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 1984 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1985 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1986 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 1988 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 1989 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 0 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1990 Portland Trail Blazers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 1 ) 1991 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 1 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1992 Portland Trail Blazers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1993 Phoenix Suns ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 2 ) 1994 Houston Rockets ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 New York Knicks ( 2 ) 1995 Houston Rockets ( 6 ) 4 -- 0 Orlando Magic ( 1 ) Seattle SuperSonics ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1997 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1998 Utah Jazz ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Chicago Bulls ( 1 ) 1999 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 New York Knicks ( 8 ) 2000 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Indiana Pacers ( 1 ) 2001 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 4 -- 1 Philadelphia 76ers ( 1 ) 2002 Los Angeles Lakers ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 New Jersey Nets ( 1 ) 2003 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 New Jersey Nets ( 2 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Detroit Pistons ( 3 ) 2005 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 4 -- 3 Detroit Pistons ( 2 ) 2006 Dallas Mavericks ( 4 ) 2 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2007 San Antonio Spurs ( 3 ) 4 -- 0 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2008 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 2 -- 4 Boston Celtics ( 1 ) 2009 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Orlando Magic ( 3 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1 ) 4 -- 3 Boston Celtics ( 4 ) 2011 Dallas Mavericks ( 3 ) 4 -- 2 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2012 Oklahoma City Thunder ( 2 ) 1 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2013 San Antonio Spurs ( 2 ) 3 -- 4 Miami Heat ( 1 ) 2014 San Antonio Spurs ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Miami Heat ( 2 ) 2015 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 2 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 ) 2016 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 3 -- 4 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1 ) 2017 Golden State Warriors ( 1 ) 4 -- 1 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "top 5 nba teams with the most championships", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_champions&oldid=848700095", "q_uid": -1756565385824061122, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams Win Loss Total Year ( s ) won Year ( s ) lost Boston Celtics 17 21 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 1958, 1985, 1987, 2010 Minneapolis / Los Angeles Lakers 16 15 31 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991, 2004, 2008 Philadelphia / San Francisco / Golden State Warriors 6 10 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017, 2018 1948, 1964, 1967, 2016 Chicago Bulls 6 0 6 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 -- San Antonio Spurs 5 6 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2014 2013 Syracuse Nationals / Philadelphia 76ers 6 9 1955, 1967, 1983 1950, 1954, 1977, 1980, 1982, 2001 Fort Wayne / Detroit Pistons 7 1989, 1990, 2004 1955, 1956, 1988, 2005 Miami Heat 5 2006, 2012, 2013 2011, 2014 New York Knicks 6 8 1970, 1973 1951, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1994, 1999 Houston Rockets 1994, 1995 1981, 1986 Cleveland Cavaliers 5 2016 2007, 2015, 2017, 2018 St. Louis / Atlanta Hawks 1958 1957, 1960, 1961 Baltimore / Washington Bullets / Washington Wizards 1978 1971, 1975, 1979 Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 1978, 1996, 2012 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 1990, 1992 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 Dallas Mavericks 2011 2006 Baltimore Bullets ( original ) ( folded in 1954 ) 0 1948 -- Rochester / Cincinnati Royals / Kansas City / Sacramento Kings 0 1951 -- Phoenix Suns 0 -- 1976, 1993 New Orleans / Utah Jazz 0 -- 1997, 1998 New Jersey / Brooklyn Nets 0 -- 2002, 2003 Orlando Magic 0 -- 1995, 2009 Chicago Stags ( folded in 1950 ) 0 -- 1947 Washington Capitols ( folded in 1951 ) 0 -- 1949 Indiana Pacers 0 -- 2000 Buffalo Braves / San Diego / Los Angeles Clippers -- -- -- Charlotte Hornets / Bobcats -- -- -- Denver Nuggets -- -- -- Minnesota Timberwolves -- -- -- New Orleans Hornets / Pelicans -- -- -- Toronto Raptors -- -- -- Vancouver / Memphis Grizzlies -- -- --", "short_answer": "Boston Celtics" } } ], "List of National Basketball Association seasons played leaders": [ { "question": "who's played the most years in the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=854345283", "q_uid": -4954485627326117705, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Player Position Team ( s ) Seasons Robert Parish * Golden State Warriors ( 1976 -- 1980 ) Boston Celtics ( 1980 -- 1994 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1996 -- 1997 ) 21 Kevin Willis PF / C Atlanta Hawks ( 1984 -- 1995, 2004 -- 2005 ) Miami Heat ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1996 ) Houston Rockets ( 1996 -- 1998, 2001 -- 2002 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2001 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2002 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2007 ) Kevin Garnett PF / C Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1995 -- 2007, 2015 -- 2016 ) Boston Celtics ( 2007 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2015 ) Kareem Abdul - Jabbar * Milwaukee Bucks ( 1969 -- 1975 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1975 -- 1989 ) 20 Kobe Bryant SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2016 ) Vince Carter ^ SG / SF Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2004 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2004 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 -- 2014 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2014 -- 2017 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2017 -- 2018 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2018 -- present ) Dirk Nowitzki ^ PF Dallas Mavericks ( 1998 -- present ) 8 Moses Malone * Buffalo Braves ( 1976 ) Houston Rockets ( 1976 -- 1982 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 1982 -- 1986, 1993 -- 1994 ) Washington Bullets ( 1986 -- 1988 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1991 -- 1993 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1994 -- 1995 ) 19 James Edwards Los Angeles Lakers ( 1977, 1992 -- 1994 ) Indiana Pacers ( 1977 -- 1981 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1981 -- 1983 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1983 -- 1988 ) Detroit Pistons ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 1991 -- 1992 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 1994 -- 1995 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1995 -- 1996 ) John Stockton * PG Utah Jazz ( 1984 -- 2003 ) Karl Malone * PF Utah Jazz ( 1985 -- 2003 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Charles Oakley PF / C Chicago Bulls ( 1985 -- 1988, 2001 -- 2002 ) New York Knicks ( 1988 -- 1998 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Washington Wizards ( 2002 -- 2003 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 ) Shaquille O'Neal * Orlando Magic ( 1992 -- 1996 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2004 ) Miami Heat ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Boston Celtics ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Juwan Howard PF / C Washington Bullets / Wizards ( 1994 -- 2001 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 -- 2002, 2007 -- 2008 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2002 -- 2003, 2008 ) Orlando Magic ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2013 ) Jason Kidd * PG Dallas Mavericks ( 1994 -- 1996, 2008 -- 2012 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 2001 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2001 -- 2008 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Tim Duncan PF / C San Antonio Spurs ( 1997 -- 2016 ) Paul Pierce \u2020 SG / SF Boston Celtics ( 1998 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Washington Wizards ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2015 -- 2017 ) Jason Terry ^ Atlanta Hawks ( 1999 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2004 -- 2012 ) Boston Celtics ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Houston Rockets ( 2014 -- 2016 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2016 -- present )", "short_answer": "Robert Parish *" } }, { "question": "which nba player has played the most seasons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=840799824", "q_uid": -5075466581584681491, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Player Position Team ( s ) Seasons Parish, Robert Robert Parish * Golden State Warriors ( 1976 -- 1980 ) Boston Celtics ( 1980 -- 1994 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1996 -- 1997 ) 21 Willis, Kevin Kevin Willis PF / C Atlanta Hawks ( 1984 -- 1995, 2004 -- 2005 ) Miami Heat ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1996 ) Houston Rockets ( 1996 -- 1998, 2001 -- 2002 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2001 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2002 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2007 ) Garnett, Kevin Kevin Garnett PF / C Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1995 -- 2007, 2015 -- 2016 ) Boston Celtics ( 2007 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2015 ) Abdul - Jabbar, Kareem Kareem Abdul - Jabbar * Milwaukee Bucks ( 1969 -- 1975 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1975 -- 1989 ) 20 Bryant, Kobe Kobe Bryant SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2016 ) Carter, Vince Vince Carter ^ SG / SF Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2004 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2004 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 -- 2014 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2014 -- 2017 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2017 -- present ) Nowitzki, Dirk Dirk Nowitzki ^ PF Dallas Mavericks ( 1998 -- present ) 8 Malone, Moses Moses Malone * Buffalo Braves ( 1976 ) Houston Rockets ( 1976 -- 1982 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 1982 -- 1986, 1993 -- 1994 ) Washington Bullets ( 1986 -- 1988 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1991 -- 1993 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1994 -- 1995 ) 19 Edwards, James James Edwards Los Angeles Lakers ( 1977, 1992 -- 1994 ) Indiana Pacers 1977 -- 1981 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1981 -- 1983 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1983 -- 1988 ) Detroit Pistons ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 1991 -- 1992 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 1994 -- 1995 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1995 -- 1996 ) Stockton, John John Stockton * PG Utah Jazz ( 1984 -- 2003 ) Malone, Karl Karl Malone * PF Utah Jazz ( 1985 -- 2003 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Oakley, Charles Charles Oakley PF / C Chicago Bulls ( 1985 -- 1988, 2001 -- 2002 ) New York Knicks ( 1988 -- 1998 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Washington Wizards ( 2002 -- 2003 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 ) O'Neal, Shaquille Shaquille O'Neal * Orlando Magic ( 1992 -- 1996 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2004 ) Miami Heat ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Boston Celtics ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Howard, Juwan Juwan Howard PF / C Washington Bullets / Wizards ( 1994 -- 2001 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 -- 2002, 2007 -- 2008 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2002 -- 2003, 2008 ) Orlando Magic ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2013 ) Kidd, Jason Jason Kidd * PG Dallas Mavericks ( 1994 -- 1996, 2008 -- 2012 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 2001 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2001 -- 2008 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Duncan, Tim Tim Duncan PF / C San Antonio Spurs ( 1997 -- 2016 ) Pierce, Paul Paul Pierce \u2020 SG / SF Boston Celtics ( 1998 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Washington Wizards ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2015 -- 2017 ) Terry, Jason Jason Terry ^ Atlanta Hawks ( 1999 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2004 -- 2012 ) Boston Celtics ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Houston Rockets ( 2014 -- 2016 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2016 -- present )", "short_answer": "Kevin Willis" } }, { "question": "who had the longest career in the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=854345283", "q_uid": 6271279470299443174, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Player Position Team ( s ) Seasons Robert Parish * Golden State Warriors ( 1976 -- 1980 ) Boston Celtics ( 1980 -- 1994 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1996 -- 1997 ) 21 Kevin Willis PF / C Atlanta Hawks ( 1984 -- 1995, 2004 -- 2005 ) Miami Heat ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1996 ) Houston Rockets ( 1996 -- 1998, 2001 -- 2002 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2001 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2002 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2007 ) Kevin Garnett PF / C Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1995 -- 2007, 2015 -- 2016 ) Boston Celtics ( 2007 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2015 ) Kareem Abdul - Jabbar * Milwaukee Bucks ( 1969 -- 1975 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1975 -- 1989 ) 20 Kobe Bryant SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2016 ) Vince Carter ^ SG / SF Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2004 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2004 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 -- 2014 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2014 -- 2017 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2017 -- 2018 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 2018 -- present ) Dirk Nowitzki ^ PF Dallas Mavericks ( 1998 -- present ) 8 Moses Malone * Buffalo Braves ( 1976 ) Houston Rockets ( 1976 -- 1982 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 1982 -- 1986, 1993 -- 1994 ) Washington Bullets ( 1986 -- 1988 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1991 -- 1993 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1994 -- 1995 ) 19 James Edwards Los Angeles Lakers ( 1977, 1992 -- 1994 ) Indiana Pacers ( 1977 -- 1981 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1981 -- 1983 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1983 -- 1988 ) Detroit Pistons ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 1991 -- 1992 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 1994 -- 1995 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1995 -- 1996 ) John Stockton * PG Utah Jazz ( 1984 -- 2003 ) Karl Malone * PF Utah Jazz ( 1985 -- 2003 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Charles Oakley PF / C Chicago Bulls ( 1985 -- 1988, 2001 -- 2002 ) New York Knicks ( 1988 -- 1998 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Washington Wizards ( 2002 -- 2003 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 ) Shaquille O'Neal * Orlando Magic ( 1992 -- 1996 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2004 ) Miami Heat ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Boston Celtics ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Juwan Howard PF / C Washington Bullets / Wizards ( 1994 -- 2001 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 -- 2002, 2007 -- 2008 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2002 -- 2003, 2008 ) Orlando Magic ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2013 ) Jason Kidd * PG Dallas Mavericks ( 1994 -- 1996, 2008 -- 2012 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 2001 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2001 -- 2008 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Tim Duncan PF / C San Antonio Spurs ( 1997 -- 2016 ) Paul Pierce \u2020 SG / SF Boston Celtics ( 1998 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Washington Wizards ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2015 -- 2017 ) Jason Terry ^ Atlanta Hawks ( 1999 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2004 -- 2012 ) Boston Celtics ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Houston Rockets ( 2014 -- 2016 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2016 -- present )", "short_answer": "Robert Parish *" } }, { "question": "who has played the longest in the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=836061814", "q_uid": 6201920053305934629, "answers": { "long_answer": "Only seven players in the history of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) have played at least 20 seasons in their careers. In 1985 -- 86, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar broke the previous NBA record of 16 seasons held by Dolph Schayes, John Havlicek, Paul Silas, and Elvin Hayes; he finished his career in 1988 -- 89 with a then - record 20 seasons played. Robert Parish broke the mark in 1996 -- 97, when he retired after 21 seasons, and Kevin Willis tied him in his final season in 2006 -- 07. They were joined by Kevin Garnett in 2015 -- 16 when he began his 21st season. His Minnesota Timberwolves played their season opener against the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe Bryant, who became the fifth player to reach the 20 - season plateau that night. The game was the first time in league history that two opposing players had at least 20 years of experience. Having played his entire career with the Lakers, Bryant was also the first NBA player to spend 20 seasons with one team. In 2017 -- 18, Dirk Nowitzki and Vince Carter began their 20th seasons. Nowitzki, who has spent his entire career with the Dallas Mavericks, joined Bryant as the only players to play 20 seasons with one team.", "short_answer": "Robert Parish broke" } }, { "question": "who played in the nba the most years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=855537195", "q_uid": -6899193428563378293, "answers": { "long_answer": "Only seven players in the history of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) have played at least 20 seasons in their careers. In 1985 -- 86, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar broke the previous NBA record of 16 seasons held by Dolph Schayes, John Havlicek, Paul Silas, and Elvin Hayes; he finished his career in 1988 -- 89 with a then - record 20 seasons played. Robert Parish broke the mark in 1996 -- 97, when he retired after 21 seasons, and Kevin Willis tied him in his final season in 2006 -- 07. They were joined by Kevin Garnett in 2015 -- 16 when he began his 21st season. His Minnesota Timberwolves played their season opener against the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe Bryant, who became the fifth player to reach the 20 - season plateau that night. The game was the first time in league history that two opposing players each had at least 20 years of experience. Having played his entire career with the Lakers, Bryant was also the first NBA player to spend 20 seasons with one team. In 2017 -- 18, Dirk Nowitzki and Vince Carter each began their 20th NBA seasons. Nowitzki, who has spent his entire career with the Dallas Mavericks, is the only player other than Bryant to have played 20 seasons with one team.", "short_answer": "Robert Parish broke" } }, { "question": "who has been playing the longest in the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=840799824", "q_uid": 7589307382165958242, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Player Position Team ( s ) Seasons Parish, Robert Robert Parish * Golden State Warriors ( 1976 -- 1980 ) Boston Celtics ( 1980 -- 1994 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1996 -- 1997 ) 21 Willis, Kevin Kevin Willis PF / C Atlanta Hawks ( 1984 -- 1995, 2004 -- 2005 ) Miami Heat ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1996 ) Houston Rockets ( 1996 -- 1998, 2001 -- 2002 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2001 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2002 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2007 ) Garnett, Kevin Kevin Garnett PF / C Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1995 -- 2007, 2015 -- 2016 ) Boston Celtics ( 2007 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2015 ) Abdul - Jabbar, Kareem Kareem Abdul - Jabbar * Milwaukee Bucks ( 1969 -- 1975 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1975 -- 1989 ) 20 Bryant, Kobe Kobe Bryant SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2016 ) Carter, Vince Vince Carter ^ SG / SF Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2004 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2004 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 -- 2014 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2014 -- 2017 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2017 -- present ) Nowitzki, Dirk Dirk Nowitzki ^ PF Dallas Mavericks ( 1998 -- present ) 8 Malone, Moses Moses Malone * Buffalo Braves ( 1976 ) Houston Rockets ( 1976 -- 1982 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 1982 -- 1986, 1993 -- 1994 ) Washington Bullets ( 1986 -- 1988 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1991 -- 1993 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1994 -- 1995 ) 19 Edwards, James James Edwards Los Angeles Lakers ( 1977, 1992 -- 1994 ) Indiana Pacers 1977 -- 1981 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1981 -- 1983 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1983 -- 1988 ) Detroit Pistons ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 1991 -- 1992 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 1994 -- 1995 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1995 -- 1996 ) Stockton, John John Stockton * PG Utah Jazz ( 1984 -- 2003 ) Malone, Karl Karl Malone * PF Utah Jazz ( 1985 -- 2003 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Oakley, Charles Charles Oakley PF / C Chicago Bulls ( 1985 -- 1988, 2001 -- 2002 ) New York Knicks ( 1988 -- 1998 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Washington Wizards ( 2002 -- 2003 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 ) O'Neal, Shaquille Shaquille O'Neal * Orlando Magic ( 1992 -- 1996 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2004 ) Miami Heat ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Boston Celtics ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Howard, Juwan Juwan Howard PF / C Washington Bullets / Wizards ( 1994 -- 2001 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 -- 2002, 2007 -- 2008 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2002 -- 2003, 2008 ) Orlando Magic ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2013 ) Kidd, Jason Jason Kidd * PG Dallas Mavericks ( 1994 -- 1996, 2008 -- 2012 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 2001 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2001 -- 2008 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Duncan, Tim Tim Duncan PF / C San Antonio Spurs ( 1997 -- 2016 ) Pierce, Paul Paul Pierce \u2020 SG / SF Boston Celtics ( 1998 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Washington Wizards ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2015 -- 2017 ) Terry, Jason Jason Terry ^ Atlanta Hawks ( 1999 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2004 -- 2012 ) Boston Celtics ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Houston Rockets ( 2014 -- 2016 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2016 -- present )", "short_answer": "Robert Parish *" } }, { "question": "who had the longest career in nba history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=847050562", "q_uid": 4706427496018917991, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Player Position Team ( s ) Seasons Robert Parish * Golden State Warriors ( 1976 -- 1980 ) Boston Celtics ( 1980 -- 1994 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1996 -- 1997 ) 21 Kevin Willis PF / C Atlanta Hawks ( 1984 -- 1995, 2004 -- 2005 ) Miami Heat ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1996 ) Houston Rockets ( 1996 -- 1998, 2001 -- 2002 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2001 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2002 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2007 ) Kevin Garnett PF / C Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1995 -- 2007, 2015 -- 2016 ) Boston Celtics ( 2007 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2015 ) Kareem Abdul - Jabbar * Milwaukee Bucks ( 1969 -- 1975 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1975 -- 1989 ) 20 Kobe Bryant SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2016 ) Vince Carter ^ SG / SF Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2004 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2004 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 -- 2014 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2014 -- 2017 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2017 -- present ) Dirk Nowitzki ^ PF Dallas Mavericks ( 1998 -- present ) 8 Moses Malone * Buffalo Braves ( 1976 ) Houston Rockets ( 1976 -- 1982 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 1982 -- 1986, 1993 -- 1994 ) Washington Bullets ( 1986 -- 1988 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1991 -- 1993 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1994 -- 1995 ) 19 James Edwards Los Angeles Lakers ( 1977, 1992 -- 1994 ) Indiana Pacers ( 1977 -- 1981 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1981 -- 1983 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1983 -- 1988 ) Detroit Pistons ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 1991 -- 1992 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 1994 -- 1995 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1995 -- 1996 ) John Stockton * PG Utah Jazz ( 1984 -- 2003 ) Karl Malone * PF Utah Jazz ( 1985 -- 2003 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Charles Oakley PF / C Chicago Bulls ( 1985 -- 1988, 2001 -- 2002 ) New York Knicks ( 1988 -- 1998 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Washington Wizards ( 2002 -- 2003 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 ) Shaquille O'Neal * Orlando Magic ( 1992 -- 1996 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2004 ) Miami Heat ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Boston Celtics ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Juwan Howard PF / C Washington Bullets / Wizards ( 1994 -- 2001 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 -- 2002, 2007 -- 2008 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2002 -- 2003, 2008 ) Orlando Magic ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2013 ) Jason Kidd * PG Dallas Mavericks ( 1994 -- 1996, 2008 -- 2012 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 2001 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2001 -- 2008 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Tim Duncan PF / C San Antonio Spurs ( 1997 -- 2016 ) Paul Pierce \u2020 SG / SF Boston Celtics ( 1998 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Washington Wizards ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2015 -- 2017 ) Jason Terry ^ Atlanta Hawks ( 1999 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2004 -- 2012 ) Boston Celtics ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Houston Rockets ( 2014 -- 2016 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 2016 -- present )", "short_answer": "Robert Parish *" } }, { "question": "who has the most seasons in the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=833476307", "q_uid": 3526534894322696734, "answers": { "long_answer": "Only seven players in the history of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) have played at least 20 seasons in their careers. In 1985 -- 86, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar broke the previous NBA record of 16 seasons held by Dolph Schayes, John Havlicek, Paul Silas, and Elvin Hayes; he finished his career in 1988 -- 89 with a then - record 20 seasons played. Robert Parish broke the mark in 1996 -- 97, when he retired after 21 seasons, and Kevin Willis tied him in his final season in 2006 -- 07. They were joined by Kevin Garnett in 2015 -- 16 when he began his 21st season. His Minnesota Timberwolves played their season opener against the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe Bryant, who became the fifth player to reach the 20 - season plateau that night. The game was the first time in league history that two opposing players had at least 20 years of experience. Having played his entire career with the Lakers, Bryant was also the first NBA player to spend 20 seasons with one team. In 2017 -- 18, Dirk Nowitzki and Vince Carter began their 20th seasons. Nowitzki, who has spent his entire career with the Dallas Mavericks, joined Bryant as the only players to play 20 seasons with one team.", "short_answer": "Robert Parish broke" } }, { "question": "who has played the most seasons in the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=794376820", "q_uid": 6177808589234699329, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Player Position Team ( s ) Seasons Parish, Robert Robert Parish * Golden State Warriors ( 1976 -- 1980 ) Boston Celtics ( 1980 -- 1994 ) Charlotte Hornets ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1996 -- 1997 ) 21 Willis, Kevin Kevin Willis PF / C Atlanta Hawks ( 1984 -- 1995, 2004 -- 2005 ) Miami Heat ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Golden State Warriors ( 1996 ) Houston Rockets ( 1996 -- 1998, 2001 -- 2002 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2001 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2002 -- 2004 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2007 ) Garnett, Kevin Kevin Garnett PF / C Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1995 -- 2007, 2015 -- 2016 ) Boston Celtics ( 2007 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2015 ) Abdul - Jabbar, Kareem Kareem Abdul - Jabbar * Milwaukee Bucks ( 1969 -- 1975 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1975 -- 1989 ) 20 Bryant, Kobe Kobe Bryant SG Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2016 ) 6 Malone, Moses Moses Malone * Buffalo Braves ( 1976 ) Houston Rockets ( 1976 -- 1982 ) Philadelphia 76ers ( 1982 -- 1986, 1993 -- 1994 ) Washington Bullets ( 1986 -- 1988 ) Atlanta Hawks ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Milwaukee Bucks ( 1991 -- 1993 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1994 -- 1995 ) 19 Edwards, James James Edwards Los Angeles Lakers ( 1977, 1992 -- 1994 ) Indiana Pacers 1977 -- 1981 Cleveland Cavaliers ( 1981 -- 1983 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1983 -- 1988 ) Detroit Pistons ( 1988 -- 1991 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 1991 -- 1992 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 1994 -- 1995 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1995 -- 1996 ) Stockton, John John Stockton * PG Utah Jazz ( 1984 -- 2003 ) Malone, Karl Karl Malone * PF Utah Jazz ( 1985 -- 2003 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Oakley, Charles Charles Oakley PF / C Chicago Bulls ( 1985 -- 1988, 2001 -- 2002 ) New York Knicks ( 1988 -- 1998 ) Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Washington Wizards ( 2002 -- 2003 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 ) O'Neal, Shaquille Shaquille O'Neal * Orlando Magic ( 1992 -- 1996 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1996 -- 2004 ) Miami Heat ( 2004 -- 2008 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Boston Celtics ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Howard, Juwan Juwan Howard PF / C Washington Bullets / Wizards ( 1994 -- 2001 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2001 -- 2002, 2007 -- 2008 ) Denver Nuggets ( 2002 -- 2003, 2008 ) Orlando Magic ( 2003 -- 2004 ) Houston Rockets ( 2004 -- 2007 ) Charlotte Bobcats ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Portland Trail Blazers ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Miami Heat ( 2010 -- 2013 ) Kidd, Jason Jason Kidd PG Dallas Mavericks ( 1994 -- 1996, 2008 -- 2012 ) Phoenix Suns ( 1996 -- 2001 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2001 -- 2008 ) New York Knicks ( 2012 -- 2013 ) Duncan, Tim Tim Duncan PF / C San Antonio Spurs ( 1997 -- 2016 ) Nowitzki, Dirk Dirk Nowitzki ^ PF Dallas Mavericks ( 1998 -- present ) Carter, Vince Vince Carter ^ SG / SF Toronto Raptors ( 1998 -- 2004 ) New Jersey Nets ( 2004 -- 2009 ) Orlando Magic ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Phoenix Suns ( 2010 -- 2011 ) Dallas Mavericks ( 2011 -- 2014 ) Memphis Grizzlies ( 2014 -- 2017 ) Sacramento Kings ( 2017 -- present ) Pierce, Paul Paul Pierce \u2020 SG / SF Boston Celtics ( 1998 -- 2013 ) Brooklyn Nets ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Washington Wizards ( 2014 -- 2015 ) Los Angeles Clippers ( 2015 -- 2017 )", "short_answer": "Robert Parish *" } }, { "question": "who's played in the nba the longest", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_National_Basketball_Association_seasons_played_leaders&oldid=854345283", "q_uid": 9092088974455076236, "answers": { "long_answer": "Only seven players in the history of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) have played at least 20 seasons in their careers. In 1985 -- 86, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar broke the previous NBA record of 16 seasons held by Dolph Schayes, John Havlicek, Paul Silas, and Elvin Hayes; he finished his career in 1988 -- 89 with a then - record 20 seasons played. Robert Parish broke the mark in 1996 -- 97, when he retired after 21 seasons, and Kevin Willis tied him in his final season in 2006 -- 07. They were joined by Kevin Garnett in 2015 -- 16 when he began his 21st season. His Minnesota Timberwolves played their season opener against the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe Bryant, who became the fifth player to reach the 20 - season plateau that night. The game was the first time in league history that two opposing players each had at least 20 years of experience. Having played his entire career with the Lakers, Bryant was also the first NBA player to spend 20 seasons with one team. In 2017 -- 18, Dirk Nowitzki and Vince Carter each began their 20th NBA seasons. Nowitzki, who has spent his entire career with the Dallas Mavericks, is the only player other than Bryant to have played 20 seasons with one team.", "short_answer": "Robert Parish broke" } } ], "List of most-viewed YouTube videos": [ { "question": "what is the most watched music video on youtube of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=812375684", "q_uid": -4670145947075582796, "answers": { "long_answer": "1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 4.41 January 12, 2017", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "which movie has the most views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=834499756", "q_uid": 3690821839992316413, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.00 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.49 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.42 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.13 July 15, 2012 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.00 November 19, 2014 6. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.94 January 31, 2012 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.91 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.54 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.53 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.49 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.46 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.29 March 22, 2015 13. `` Hello '' Adele 2.28 October 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.28 February 20, 2014 15. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.28 November 10, 2014 16. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.22 October 7, 2014 17. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.18 June 11, 2014 18. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.18 May 31, 2013 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.14 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.10 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.06 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.96 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.89 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.86 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.83 July 25, 2012 26. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.82 May 6, 2014 27. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.81 February 26, 2016 28. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.80 October 21, 2016 29. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.78 June 4, 2010 30. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.74 August 2, 2016 31. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.72 June 29, 2017 32. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.71 January 22, 2015 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.63 December 3, 2015 34. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.55 July 12, 2016 35. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.55 March 28, 2015 36. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.52 August 5, 2010 37. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.49 June 25, 2015 38. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.48 December 5, 2013 39. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.47 July 29, 2013 40. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.47 August 29, 2014 41. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.44 March 8, 2011 42. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.43 January 30, 2014 43. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.43 November 14, 2014 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.38 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.37 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.35 April 15, 2011 47. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.34 September 9, 2013 48. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.33 September 28, 2016 49. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.33 November 14, 2015 50. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.31 April 21, 2017 51. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.31 November 30, 2010 52. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.30 April 27, 2015 53. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.30 October 2, 2013 54. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.29 January 14, 2016 55. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.29 October 9, 2007 56. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.29 August 29, 2016 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.27 October 7, 2016 58. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.25 August 18, 2017 59. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.22 April 13, 2016 60. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.22 July 7, 2013 61. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.22 March 2, 2017 62. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.20 August 6, 2015 63. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.20 May 19, 2015 64. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.20 April 6, 2014 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.20 March 3, 2011 66. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.20 May 27, 2015 67. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.19 May 17, 2015 68. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.18 April 20, 2016 69. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.18 June 29, 2015 70. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.18 July 14, 2016 71. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.17 August 29, 2012 72. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.16 June 17, 2016 73. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.16 April 13, 2013 74. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.16 November 8, 2012 75. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.15 November 16, 2017 76. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.14 June 17, 2013 77. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.14 August 25, 2014 78. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.13 July 7, 2017 79. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.12 March 23, 2015 80. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.12 July 8, 2016 81. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.12 November 29, 2012 82. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.11 June 16, 2009 83. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.11 April 22, 2016 84. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.11 July 13, 2017 85. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.10 September 8, 2010 86. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.09 May 30, 2014 87. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.09 October 28, 2010 88. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.09 September 18, 2016 89. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.08 January 15, 2017 90. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.08 March 19, 2017 91. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.08 June 5, 2010 92. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.07 September 21, 2012 93. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.06 June 12, 2011 94. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.06 March 17, 2017 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.06 September 29, 2011 96. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.05 July 5, 2011 97. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.05 February 22, 2017 98. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.04 June 12, 2015 99. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.04 March 1, 2012 100. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.04 February 11, 2016 As of April 5, 2018", "short_answer": "`` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster ''" } }, { "question": "who has the most music video views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=837293249", "q_uid": -3017048041506678277, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.06 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.51 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.45 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.14 July 15, 2012 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.02 November 19, 2014 6. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.99 January 31, 2012 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.92 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.55 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.54 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.49 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.47 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.29 March 22, 2015 13. `` Hello '' Adele 2.29 October 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.29 February 20, 2014 15. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.28 November 10, 2014 16. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.24 October 7, 2014 17. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.20 May 31, 2013 18. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.19 June 11, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.15 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.10 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.07 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.97 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.89 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.87 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.84 July 25, 2012 26. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.83 May 6, 2014 27. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.82 February 26, 2016 28. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.81 October 21, 2016 29. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.80 June 4, 2010 30. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.74 August 2, 2016 31. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.74 June 29, 2017 32. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.72 January 22, 2015 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.65 December 3, 2015 34. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.55 July 12, 2016 35. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.55 March 28, 2015 36. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.52 August 5, 2010 37. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.50 June 25, 2015 38. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.48 December 5, 2013 39. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.47 July 29, 2013 40. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.47 August 29, 2014 41. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.45 March 8, 2011 42. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.45 January 30, 2014 43. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.44 November 14, 2014 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.39 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.38 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.35 April 15, 2011 47. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.34 September 9, 2013 48. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.33 September 28, 2016 49. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.33 November 14, 2015 50. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.32 April 21, 2017 51. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.31 April 27, 2015 52. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.31 November 30, 2010 53. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.31 October 9, 2007 54. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.30 October 2, 2013 55. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.30 August 29, 2016 56. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.30 January 14, 2016 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.28 October 7, 2016 58. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.27 August 18, 2017 59. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.25 April 13, 2016 60. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.23 March 2, 2017 61. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.22 July 7, 2013 62. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.21 June 17, 2016 63. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.21 November 16, 2017 64. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.20 August 6, 2015 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.20 March 3, 2011 66. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.20 April 6, 2014 67. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.20 May 27, 2015 68. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.20 May 19, 2015 69. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.19 May 17, 2015 70. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.19 April 20, 2016 71. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.19 July 14, 2016 72. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.18 June 29, 2015 73. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.17 August 29, 2012 74. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.16 November 8, 2012 75. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.16 April 13, 2013 76. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.16 July 7, 2017 77. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.15 June 17, 2013 78. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.14 August 25, 2014 79. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.14 June 16, 2009 80. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.13 July 13, 2017 81. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.13 July 8, 2016 82. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.13 March 23, 2015 83. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.12 November 29, 2012 84. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.12 April 22, 2016 85. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.10 September 8, 2010 86. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.10 May 30, 2014 87. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.09 October 28, 2010 88. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.09 September 18, 2016 89. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.09 January 15, 2017 90. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.08 June 4, 2010 91. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.08 March 19, 2017 92. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.08 September 21, 2012 93. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.08 March 17, 2017 94. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.07 February 22, 2017 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.07 September 29, 2011 96. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.07 June 12, 2011 97. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.06 July 5, 2011 98. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.05 February 11, 2016 99. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.05 June 12, 2015 100. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.05 March 1, 2012 As of April 19, 2018", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the most watched clip on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=833224368", "q_uid": 2706969916411246630, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 4.98 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.48 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.40 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.13 July 15, 2012 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.00 November 19, 2014 6. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.93 January 31, 2012 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.91 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.54 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.53 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.49 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.46 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.29 March 22, 2015 13. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.27 November 10, 2014 14. `` Hello '' Adele 2.27 October 22, 2015 15. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.27 February 20, 2014 16. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.21 October 7, 2014 17. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.18 June 11, 2014 18. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.17 May 31, 2013 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.13 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.09 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.06 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.96 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.88 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.85 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.82 July 25, 2012 26. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.82 May 6, 2014 27. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.81 February 26, 2016 28. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.80 October 21, 2016 29. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.77 June 4, 2010 30. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.73 August 2, 2016 31. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.71 January 22, 2015 32. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.71 June 29, 2017 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.62 December 3, 2015 34. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.54 March 28, 2015 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.54 July 12, 2016 36. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.52 August 5, 2010 37. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.49 June 25, 2015 38. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.47 December 5, 2013 39. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.46 August 29, 2014 40. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.46 July 29, 2013 41. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.44 March 8, 2011 42. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.43 January 30, 2014 43. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.42 November 14, 2014 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.38 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.37 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.34 April 15, 2011 47. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.34 September 9, 2013 48. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.32 November 14, 2015 49. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.32 September 28, 2016 50. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.30 November 30, 2010 51. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.30 April 21, 2017 52. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.30 April 27, 2015 53. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.29 October 2, 2013 54. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.29 January 14, 2016 55. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.29 August 29, 2016 56. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.28 October 9, 2007 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.27 October 7, 2016 58. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.23 August 18, 2017 59. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.22 July 7, 2013 60. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.21 March 2, 2017 61. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.21 April 13, 2016 62. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.20 August 6, 2015 63. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.20 April 6, 2014 64. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.20 May 19, 2015 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.19 March 3, 2011 66. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.19 May 27, 2015 67. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.19 May 17, 2015 68. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.18 June 29, 2015 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.18 April 20, 2016 70. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.18 July 14, 2016 71. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.17 August 29, 2012 72. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.16 April 13, 2013 73. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.15 November 8, 2012 74. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.14 June 17, 2016 75. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.14 June 17, 2013 76. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.13 August 25, 2014 77. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.12 March 23, 2015 78. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.12 July 8, 2016 79. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.11 November 29, 2012 80. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.11 November 16, 2017 81. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.11 July 7, 2017 82. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.11 April 22, 2016 83. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.10 June 16, 2009 84. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.10 July 13, 2017 85. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.09 May 30, 2014 86. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.09 September 8, 2010 87. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.09 October 28, 2010 88. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.08 September 18, 2016 89. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.08 January 15, 2017 90. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.07 March 19, 2017 91. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.07 June 4, 2010 92. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.07 September 21, 2012 93. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.06 June 12, 2011 94. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.06 March 17, 2017 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.05 September 29, 2011 96. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.05 July 5, 2011 97. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.04 June 12, 2015 98. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.04 February 22, 2017 99. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.04 March 1, 2012 100. `` La Gozadera '' Gente de Zona featuring Marc Anthony 1.04 June 5, 2015 As of March 29, 2018", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "what's the most viewed youtube video of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=809516194", "q_uid": 3399041323463219480, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 4.26 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.20 April 6, 2015 3. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 2.99 July 15, 2012 4. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.82 October 22, 2015 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 2.75 November 19, 2014 6. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 2.66 January 30, 2017 7. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.59 January 31, 2012 8. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.43 August 18, 2014 9. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.41 April 11, 2014 10. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.39 January 14, 2015 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.33 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.21 March 22, 2015 13. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.21 November 10, 2014 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.16 February 20, 2014 15. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.15 June 11, 2014 16. `` Hello '' Adele 2.11 October 22, 2015 17. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.01 August 9, 2014 18. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.00 May 31, 2013 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 1.95 November 18, 2016 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 1.93 July 29, 2016 21. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 1.90 October 7, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.83 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.83 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.74 February 19, 2010 25. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.73 February 26, 2016 26. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.72 May 6, 2014 27. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.65 July 25, 2012 28. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.64 October 21, 2016 29. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.60 January 22, 2015 30. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.59 June 4, 2010 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.56 August 2, 2016 32. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.49 March 28, 2015 33. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.43 August 5, 2010 34. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.42 July 12, 2016 35. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.42 August 29, 2014 36. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.40 June 25, 2015 37. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.40 December 5, 2013 38. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.40 July 29, 2013 39. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.38 March 8, 2011 40. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.37 December 3, 2015 41. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.32 October 26, 2015 42. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.30 September 22, 2016 43. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.30 November 14, 2014 44. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.29 September 9, 2013 45. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.26 November 14, 2015 46. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.25 September 28, 2016 47. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.24 January 14, 2016 48. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.23 April 15, 2011 49. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.23 January 30, 2014 50. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.23 June 29, 2017 51. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.22 October 2, 2013 52. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.21 November 30, 2010 53. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.18 July 7, 2013 54. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.18 August 29, 2016 55. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.18 April 6, 2014 56. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.17 August 6, 2015 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.16 October 7, 2016 58. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.16 June 29, 2015 59. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.16 May 19, 2015 60. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.15 May 17, 2015 61. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.15 May 27, 2015 62. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.14 March 3, 2011 63. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.13 April 21, 2017 64. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.13 August 29, 2012 65. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.13 October 9, 2007 66. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.13 April 27, 2015 67. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.13 April 13, 2013 68. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.10 November 8, 2012 69. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.09 July 14, 2016 70. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.08 March 23, 2015 71. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.08 June 17, 2013 72. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.08 April 20, 2016 73. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.07 April 22, 2016 74. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.07 May 30, 2014 75. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.06 October 28, 2010 76. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.05 July 8, 2016 77. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.05 November 29, 2012 78. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.04 August 25, 2014 79. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.03 March 2, 2017 80. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.03 June 12, 2011 81. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.02 June 4, 2010 82. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.01 March 1, 2012 83. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.01 September 8, 2010 84. `` La Gozadera '' Gente de Zona featuring Marc Anthony 1.00 June 5, 2015 85. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.00 June 12, 2015 86. `` Happy '' Pharrell Williams 0.99 November 21, 2013 87. `` Where Are \u00dc Now '' Jack \u00dc and Justin Bieber 0.98 June 29, 2015 88. `` Timber '' Pitbull featuring Kesha 0.98 November 25, 2013 89. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 0.98 March 19, 2017 90. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 0.98 April 13, 2016 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 0.97 September 21, 2012 92. `` Someone like You '' Adele 0.97 September 29, 2011 93. `` 6 AM '' J Balvin featuring Farruko 0.96 April 4, 2014 94. `` Darte un Beso '' Prince Royce 0.96 August 20, 2013 95. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 0.96 July 5, 2011 96. `` Work '' Rihanna featuring Drake 0.96 February 22, 2016 97. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 0.95 January 15, 2017 98. `` Danza Kuduro '' Don Omar featuring Lucenzo 0.95 August 11, 2010 99. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 0.94 February 11, 2016 100. `` I 'm Not the Only One '' Sam Smith 0.93 August 1, 2014 As of November 8, 2017", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "who has the highest viewed video on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=850564814", "q_uid": 3526023837728035467, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.33 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.66 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.63 January 30, 2017 4. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.21 January 31, 2012 5. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.18 July 15, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.13 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.96 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.67 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.60 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.56 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.53 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.39 October 7, 2014 13. `` Hello '' Adele 2.36 October 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.36 February 20, 2014 15. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.35 March 22, 2015 16. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.33 May 31, 2013 17. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.31 November 10, 2014 18. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.21 June 11, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.21 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.14 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.13 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.04 June 16, 2016 23. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.95 June 4, 2010 24. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.93 July 25, 2012 25. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.93 February 19, 2010 26. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.92 August 30, 2015 27. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.92 June 29, 2017 28. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.88 February 26, 2016 29. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.87 May 6, 2014 30. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.86 October 21, 2016 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.84 August 2, 2016 32. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.80 December 3, 2015 33. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.76 January 22, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.62 July 29, 2013 35. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.58 March 28, 2015 36. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.58 July 12, 2016 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.56 August 5, 2010 38. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.54 June 25, 2015 39. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.53 January 30, 2014 40. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.51 December 5, 2013 41. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.51 March 8, 2011 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.50 November 14, 2014 43. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.50 August 29, 2014 44. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.49 June 17, 2016 45. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.47 November 16, 2017 46. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.44 October 9, 2007 47. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.43 August 18, 2017 48. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.42 September 22, 2016 49. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.41 October 26, 2015 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.41 April 15, 2011 51. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.40 April 27, 2015 52. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.39 April 13, 2016 53. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.37 April 21, 2017 54. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.37 November 14, 2015 55. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.37 September 9, 2013 56. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.36 September 28, 2016 57. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.35 November 30, 2010 58. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.35 October 7, 2016 59. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.35 August 29, 2016 60. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.34 July 7, 2017 61. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.33 October 2, 2013 62. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.32 January 14, 2016 63. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.29 March 2, 2017 64. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.28 June 16, 2009 65. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.25 July 7, 2013 66. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.24 July 13, 2017 67. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.24 April 20, 2016 68. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.24 March 3, 2011 69. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.23 May 27, 2015 70. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.23 November 9, 2017 71. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.23 July 14, 2016 72. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.22 August 6, 2015 73. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.22 April 6, 2014 74. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.22 May 19, 2015 75. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.22 May 17, 2015 76. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.21 August 3, 2017 77. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.20 August 29, 2012 78. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.20 February 22, 2017 79. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.20 June 29, 2015 80. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.20 November 8, 2012 81. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.18 June 17, 2013 82. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.18 August 25, 2014 83. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.18 July 8, 2016 84. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.18 April 13, 2013 85. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.17 November 29, 2012 86. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.16 September 8, 2010 87. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.15 December 8, 2017 88. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.14 March 23, 2015 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.14 March 17, 2017 90. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.13 September 21, 2012 91. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.13 September 18, 2016 92. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.13 April 22, 2016 93. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.12 February 11, 2016 94. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.11 June 4, 2010 95. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.11 May 30, 2014 96. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.11 October 28, 2010 97. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.11 January 15, 2017 98. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.11 September 29, 2011 99. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.10 March 19, 2017 100. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.08 July 5, 2011 As of July 15, 2018", "short_answer": "Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee" } }, { "question": "what was the first video to reach 1 million views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=866499968", "q_uid": -7728844400350862833, "answers": { "long_answer": "In November 2005, a Nike advertisement featuring Brazilian soccer star Ronaldinho became the first video to reach one million views. In December 2012, `` Gangnam Style '' became the first video to reach one billion views. By June 2015, only `` Baby '' had managed to reach this threshold, but by October 2015, a total of ten videos had done so. The number of billion - views videos reached 100 in February 2018, and in July 2018, `` November Rain '' by Guns N ' Roses became the first video created before the YouTube era to reach this threshold.", "short_answer": "a Nike advertisement featuring Brazilian soccer star Ronaldinho became" } }, { "question": "which are the most watched videos on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=857116412", "q_uid": 3147986404293029482, "answers": { "long_answer": "Top 100 most - viewed YouTube videos Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.46 January 12, 2017 2. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.73 January 30, 2017 3. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.73 April 6, 2015 4. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.24 January 31, 2012 5. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.20 July 15, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.20 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 3.00 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.72 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.63 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.61 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.56 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.45 October 7, 2014 13. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.40 February 20, 2014 14. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.39 May 31, 2013 15. `` Hello '' Adele 2.39 October 22, 2015 16. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.38 March 22, 2015 17. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.33 November 10, 2014 18. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.24 November 18, 2016 19. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.22 June 11, 2014 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.16 July 29, 2016 21. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.15 August 9, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.07 June 16, 2016 23. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 2.00 July 25, 2012 24. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 2.00 June 4, 2010 25. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.99 June 29, 2017 26. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.96 February 19, 2010 27. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.94 August 30, 2015 28. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.91 August 2, 2016 29. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.90 February 26, 2016 30. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.90 December 3, 2015 31. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.90 October 21, 2016 32. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.89 May 6, 2014 33. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.79 January 22, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.65 July 29, 2013 35. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.62 June 17, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.61 March 28, 2015 37. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.59 July 12, 2016 38. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.58 August 5, 2010 39. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.56 November 16, 2017 40. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.56 January 30, 2014 41. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.56 June 25, 2015 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.53 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.53 March 8, 2011 44. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.52 December 5, 2013 45. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha and Ozuna 1.51 August 18, 2017 46. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.51 August 29, 2014 47. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.48 April 13, 2016 48. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.48 October 9, 2007 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.45 April 27, 2015 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.44 April 15, 2011 51. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.43 September 22, 2016 52. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.43 October 26, 2015 53. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.41 July 7, 2017 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.39 April 21, 2017 55. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.39 November 14, 2015 56. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.38 September 28, 2016 57. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.38 September 9, 2013 58. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.38 August 29, 2016 59. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.38 November 30, 2010 60. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.36 October 7, 2016 61. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.36 June 16, 2009 62. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.35 November 9, 2017 63. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.35 October 2, 2013 64. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.33 January 14, 2016 65. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.32 March 2, 2017 66. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.30 July 13, 2017 67. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.29 August 3, 2017 68. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.27 February 22, 2017 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.26 April 20, 2016 70. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.26 July 7, 2013 71. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.25 March 3, 2011 72. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.25 May 27, 2015 73. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.24 July 14, 2016 74. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.23 August 6, 2015 75. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.23 April 6, 2014 76. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.23 May 17, 2015 77. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.23 May 19, 2015 78. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.21 August 29, 2012 79. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.21 November 8, 2012 80. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.20 June 29, 2015 81. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.20 August 25, 2014 82. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.19 June 17, 2013 83. `` X '' Nicky Jam and J Balvin 1.19 March 1, 2018 84. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.19 November 29, 2012 85. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.19 December 8, 2017 86. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.19 July 8, 2016 87. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.19 April 13, 2013 88. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.18 September 8, 2010 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign 1.17 March 17, 2017 90. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.16 March 23, 2015 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.15 September 21, 2012 92. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' LooLoo Kids 1.15 October 8, 2016 93. `` Me Reh\u00faso ( Audio ) '' Danny Ocean 1.15 September 18, 2016 94. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.15 February 11, 2016 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.14 September 29, 2011 96. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.13 June 4, 2010 97. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.13 April 22, 2016 98. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.12 January 15, 2017 99. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.12 May 30, 2014 100. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.12 October 28, 2010 As of August 28, 2018", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "whats the most viewed video on you tube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=826773920", "q_uid": 335386210456729533, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 4.85 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.41 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.26 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.10 July 15, 2012 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 2.96 November 19, 2014 6. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.89 October 22, 2015 7. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.85 January 31, 2012 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.52 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.51 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.47 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.42 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.27 March 22, 2015 13. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.26 November 10, 2014 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.24 February 20, 2014 15. `` Hello '' Adele 2.24 October 22, 2015 16. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.17 June 11, 2014 17. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.14 October 7, 2014 18. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.13 May 31, 2013 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.10 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.07 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.01 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.93 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.87 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.82 February 19, 2010 25. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.80 May 6, 2014 26. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.79 February 26, 2016 27. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.78 July 25, 2012 28. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.77 October 21, 2016 29. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.73 June 4, 2010 30. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.70 August 2, 2016 31. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.68 January 22, 2015 32. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.63 June 29, 2017 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.57 December 3, 2015 34. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.53 March 28, 2015 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.52 July 12, 2016 36. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.48 August 5, 2010 37. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.47 June 25, 2015 38. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.46 December 5, 2013 39. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.45 August 29, 2014 40. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.45 July 29, 2013 41. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.43 March 8, 2011 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.39 November 14, 2014 43. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.38 January 30, 2014 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.37 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.35 October 26, 2015 46. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.33 September 9, 2013 47. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.31 April 15, 2011 48. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.31 September 28, 2016 49. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.31 November 14, 2015 50. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.28 October 2, 2013 51. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.28 November 30, 2010 52. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.28 January 14, 2016 53. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.27 April 21, 2017 54. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.26 August 29, 2016 55. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.25 April 27, 2015 56. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.24 October 9, 2007 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.24 October 8, 2016 58. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.21 July 7, 2013 59. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.19 August 6, 2015 60. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.19 April 6, 2014 61. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.19 May 19, 2015 62. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.18 May 27, 2015 63. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.18 March 3, 2011 64. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.18 May 17, 2015 65. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.18 March 2, 2017 66. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.18 June 29, 2015 67. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.16 August 29, 2012 68. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.16 April 13, 2016 69. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.16 July 14, 2016 70. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.15 April 20, 2016 71. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.15 April 13, 2013 72. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.14 November 8, 2012 73. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.14 August 18, 2017 74. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.13 June 17, 2013 75. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.12 August 25, 2014 76. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.11 March 23, 2015 77. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.11 April 22, 2016 78. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.11 July 8, 2016 79. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.10 November 29, 2012 80. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.09 May 30, 2014 81. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.08 October 28, 2010 82. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.07 September 8, 2010 83. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.06 March 19, 2017 84. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.06 June 4, 2010 85. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.06 June 12, 2011 86. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.05 January 15, 2017 87. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.04 September 21, 2012 88. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.03 September 29, 2011 89. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.03 March 1, 2012 90. `` La Gozadera '' Gente de Zona featuring Marc Anthony 1.03 June 5, 2015 91. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.03 September 18, 2016 92. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.03 June 12, 2015 93. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.03 July 5, 2011 94. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.03 July 13, 2017 95. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.02 June 16, 2009 96. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.02 July 7, 2017 97. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.02 March 17, 2017 98. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.01 February 11, 2016 99. `` Where Are \u00dc Now '' Jack \u00dc and Justin Bieber 1.01 June 29, 2015 100. `` Timber '' Pitbull featuring Kesha 1.00 November 25, 2013 As of February 20, 2018", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "what is the most watched video on youtube of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=854769611", "q_uid": 6995595588326825184, "answers": { "long_answer": "Top 100 most - viewed YouTube videos Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.41 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.70 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.69 January 30, 2017 4. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.22 January 31, 2012 5. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.19 July 15, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.17 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.98 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.71 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.62 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.59 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.55 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.43 October 7, 2014 13. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.39 February 20, 2014 14. `` Hello '' Adele 2.38 October 22, 2015 15. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.37 May 31, 2013 16. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.37 March 22, 2015 17. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.32 November 10, 2014 18. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.23 November 18, 2016 19. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.22 June 11, 2014 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.15 July 29, 2016 21. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.15 August 9, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.06 June 16, 2016 23. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.99 June 4, 2010 24. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.98 July 25, 2012 25. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.96 June 29, 2017 26. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.95 February 19, 2010 27. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.93 August 30, 2015 28. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.89 February 26, 2016 29. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.89 May 6, 2014 30. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.88 October 21, 2016 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.88 August 2, 2016 32. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.86 December 3, 2015 33. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.78 January 22, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.64 July 29, 2013 35. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.60 March 28, 2015 36. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.59 July 12, 2016 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.58 August 5, 2010 38. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.57 June 17, 2016 39. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.55 January 30, 2014 40. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.55 June 25, 2015 41. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.54 November 16, 2017 42. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.52 March 8, 2011 43. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.52 December 5, 2013 44. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.52 November 14, 2014 45. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.50 August 29, 2014 46. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha and Ozuna 1.48 August 18, 2017 47. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.46 October 9, 2007 48. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.45 April 13, 2016 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.43 April 27, 2015 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.43 April 15, 2011 51. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.43 September 22, 2016 52. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.42 October 26, 2015 53. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.39 July 7, 2017 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.39 April 21, 2017 55. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.38 November 14, 2015 56. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.38 September 28, 2016 57. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.38 September 9, 2013 58. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.37 November 30, 2010 59. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.36 August 29, 2016 60. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.36 October 7, 2016 61. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.34 October 2, 2013 62. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.34 June 16, 2009 63. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.33 January 14, 2016 64. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.31 March 2, 2017 65. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.31 November 9, 2017 66. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.28 July 13, 2017 67. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.26 August 3, 2017 68. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.26 July 7, 2013 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.25 April 20, 2016 70. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.25 February 22, 2017 71. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.25 March 3, 2011 72. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.24 May 27, 2015 73. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.24 July 14, 2016 74. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.23 August 6, 2015 75. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.23 April 6, 2014 76. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.22 May 19, 2015 77. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.22 May 17, 2015 78. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.21 August 29, 2012 79. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.21 November 8, 2012 80. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.20 June 29, 2015 81. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.19 August 25, 2014 82. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.19 June 17, 2013 83. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.19 July 8, 2016 84. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.19 November 29, 2012 85. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.18 April 13, 2013 86. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.18 September 8, 2010 87. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.17 December 8, 2017 88. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign 1.16 March 17, 2017 89. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.16 March 23, 2015 90. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.15 September 21, 2012 91. `` X '' Nicky Jam and J Balvin 1.15 March 1, 2018 92. `` Me Reh\u00faso ( Audio ) '' Danny Ocean 1.14 September 18, 2016 93. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.14 February 11, 2016 94. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.13 September 29, 2011 95. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.13 April 22, 2016 96. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.13 June 4, 2010 97. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.12 January 15, 2017 98. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.12 May 30, 2014 99. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.11 October 28, 2010 100. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.11 March 19, 2017 As of August 12, 2018", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "songs with over a billion views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=828337548", "q_uid": -2105862015832538488, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 4.88 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.43 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.31 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.11 July 15, 2012 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 2.97 November 19, 2014 6. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.89 January 31, 2012 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.89 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.52 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.51 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.47 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.43 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.28 March 22, 2015 13. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.26 November 10, 2014 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.25 February 20, 2014 15. `` Hello '' Adele 2.25 October 22, 2015 16. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.18 June 11, 2014 17. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.16 October 7, 2014 18. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.14 May 31, 2013 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.10 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.08 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.03 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.94 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.87 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.83 February 19, 2010 25. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.80 May 6, 2014 26. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.79 February 26, 2016 27. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.79 July 25, 2012 28. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.78 October 21, 2016 29. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.74 June 4, 2010 30. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.71 August 2, 2016 31. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.69 January 22, 2015 32. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.65 June 29, 2017 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.58 December 3, 2015 34. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.53 March 28, 2015 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.52 July 12, 2016 36. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.49 August 5, 2010 37. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.47 June 25, 2015 38. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.46 December 5, 2013 39. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.45 July 29, 2013 40. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.45 August 29, 2014 41. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.43 March 8, 2011 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.40 November 14, 2014 43. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.39 January 30, 2014 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.37 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.36 October 26, 2015 46. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.33 September 9, 2013 47. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.32 April 15, 2011 48. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.31 September 28, 2016 49. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.31 November 14, 2015 50. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.29 November 30, 2010 51. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.28 October 2, 2013 52. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.28 April 21, 2017 53. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.28 January 14, 2016 54. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.27 August 29, 2016 55. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.27 April 27, 2015 56. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.24 October 9, 2007 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.24 October 8, 2016 58. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.21 July 7, 2013 59. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.19 August 6, 2015 60. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.19 April 6, 2014 61. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.19 May 19, 2015 62. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.19 March 2, 2017 63. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.19 May 27, 2015 64. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.18 March 3, 2011 65. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.18 May 17, 2015 66. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.18 June 29, 2015 67. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.17 April 13, 2016 68. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.16 August 18, 2017 69. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.16 July 14, 2016 70. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.16 April 20, 2016 71. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.16 August 29, 2012 72. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.15 April 13, 2013 73. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.14 November 8, 2012 74. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.13 June 17, 2013 75. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.12 August 25, 2014 76. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.11 March 23, 2015 77. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.11 July 8, 2016 78. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.11 April 22, 2016 79. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.10 November 29, 2012 80. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.09 May 30, 2014 81. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.09 October 28, 2010 82. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.08 September 8, 2010 83. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.07 March 19, 2017 84. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.07 June 4, 2010 85. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.06 June 12, 2011 86. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.06 January 15, 2017 87. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.05 September 21, 2012 88. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.05 June 16, 2009 89. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.05 July 13, 2017 90. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.05 September 18, 2016 91. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.04 July 7, 2017 92. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.04 September 29, 2011 93. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.04 July 5, 2011 94. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.03 March 1, 2012 95. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.03 June 12, 2015 96. `` La Gozadera '' Gente de Zona featuring Marc Anthony 1.03 June 5, 2015 97. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.03 March 17, 2017 98. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.02 February 11, 2016 99. `` Where Are \u00dc Now '' Jack \u00dc and Justin Bieber 1.01 June 29, 2015 100. `` Timber '' Pitbull featuring Kesha 1.01 November 25, 2013 As of March 1, 2018", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "videos on youtube with more than 1 billion views", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=857116412", "q_uid": 6877208614345150642, "answers": { "long_answer": "Top 100 most - viewed YouTube videos Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.46 January 12, 2017 2. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.73 January 30, 2017 3. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.73 April 6, 2015 4. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.24 January 31, 2012 5. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.20 July 15, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.20 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 3.00 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.72 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.63 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.61 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.56 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.45 October 7, 2014 13. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.40 February 20, 2014 14. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.39 May 31, 2013 15. `` Hello '' Adele 2.39 October 22, 2015 16. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.38 March 22, 2015 17. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.33 November 10, 2014 18. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.24 November 18, 2016 19. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.22 June 11, 2014 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.16 July 29, 2016 21. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.15 August 9, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.07 June 16, 2016 23. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 2.00 July 25, 2012 24. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 2.00 June 4, 2010 25. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.99 June 29, 2017 26. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.96 February 19, 2010 27. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.94 August 30, 2015 28. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.91 August 2, 2016 29. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.90 February 26, 2016 30. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.90 December 3, 2015 31. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.90 October 21, 2016 32. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.89 May 6, 2014 33. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.79 January 22, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.65 July 29, 2013 35. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.62 June 17, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.61 March 28, 2015 37. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.59 July 12, 2016 38. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.58 August 5, 2010 39. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.56 November 16, 2017 40. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.56 January 30, 2014 41. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.56 June 25, 2015 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.53 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.53 March 8, 2011 44. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.52 December 5, 2013 45. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha and Ozuna 1.51 August 18, 2017 46. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.51 August 29, 2014 47. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.48 April 13, 2016 48. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.48 October 9, 2007 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.45 April 27, 2015 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.44 April 15, 2011 51. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.43 September 22, 2016 52. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.43 October 26, 2015 53. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.41 July 7, 2017 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.39 April 21, 2017 55. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.39 November 14, 2015 56. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.38 September 28, 2016 57. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.38 September 9, 2013 58. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.38 August 29, 2016 59. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.38 November 30, 2010 60. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.36 October 7, 2016 61. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.36 June 16, 2009 62. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.35 November 9, 2017 63. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.35 October 2, 2013 64. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.33 January 14, 2016 65. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.32 March 2, 2017 66. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.30 July 13, 2017 67. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.29 August 3, 2017 68. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.27 February 22, 2017 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.26 April 20, 2016 70. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.26 July 7, 2013 71. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.25 March 3, 2011 72. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.25 May 27, 2015 73. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.24 July 14, 2016 74. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.23 August 6, 2015 75. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.23 April 6, 2014 76. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.23 May 17, 2015 77. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.23 May 19, 2015 78. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.21 August 29, 2012 79. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.21 November 8, 2012 80. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.20 June 29, 2015 81. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.20 August 25, 2014 82. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.19 June 17, 2013 83. `` X '' Nicky Jam and J Balvin 1.19 March 1, 2018 84. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.19 November 29, 2012 85. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.19 December 8, 2017 86. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.19 July 8, 2016 87. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.19 April 13, 2013 88. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.18 September 8, 2010 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign 1.17 March 17, 2017 90. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.16 March 23, 2015 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.15 September 21, 2012 92. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' LooLoo Kids 1.15 October 8, 2016 93. `` Me Reh\u00faso ( Audio ) '' Danny Ocean 1.15 September 18, 2016 94. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.15 February 11, 2016 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.14 September 29, 2011 96. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.13 June 4, 2010 97. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.13 April 22, 2016 98. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.12 January 15, 2017 99. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.12 May 30, 2014 100. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.12 October 28, 2010 As of August 28, 2018", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the most popular video on youtube ever", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=843663459", "q_uid": -6547430255006416094, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.18 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.59 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.54 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.16 July 15, 2012 5. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.08 January 31, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.07 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.94 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.59 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.56 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.51 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.51 September 5, 2013 12. `` Hello '' Adele 2.32 October 22, 2015 13. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.32 March 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.32 February 20, 2014 15. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.31 October 7, 2014 16. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.30 November 10, 2014 17. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.26 May 31, 2013 18. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.19 June 11, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.18 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.12 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.10 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.01 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.91 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.90 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.88 July 25, 2012 26. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.85 February 26, 2016 27. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.85 June 4, 2010 28. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.85 May 6, 2014 29. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.85 June 29, 2017 30. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.83 October 21, 2016 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.78 August 2, 2016 32. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.74 January 22, 2015 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.72 December 3, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.58 July 29, 2013 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.57 July 12, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.56 March 28, 2015 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.54 August 5, 2010 38. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.52 June 25, 2015 39. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.50 December 5, 2013 40. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.49 August 29, 2014 41. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.49 January 30, 2014 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.47 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.47 March 8, 2011 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.40 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.39 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.38 October 9, 2007 47. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.37 April 15, 2011 48. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.35 September 9, 2013 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.35 April 27, 2015 50. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.35 August 18, 2017 51. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.35 June 17, 2016 52. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.35 November 14, 2015 53. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.35 September 28, 2016 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.35 April 21, 2017 55. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.33 November 16, 2017 56. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.33 November 30, 2010 57. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.32 August 29, 2016 58. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.32 October 7, 2016 59. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.31 October 2, 2013 60. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.31 January 14, 2016 61. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.28 April 13, 2016 62. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.26 March 2, 2017 63. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.24 July 7, 2013 64. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.23 July 7, 2017 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.22 March 3, 2011 66. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.22 May 27, 2015 67. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.21 August 6, 2015 68. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.21 April 6, 2014 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.21 April 20, 2016 70. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.21 May 19, 2015 71. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.20 July 14, 2016 72. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.20 May 17, 2015 73. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.20 June 16, 2009 74. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.19 June 29, 2015 75. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.19 July 13, 2017 76. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.19 August 29, 2012 77. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.18 November 8, 2012 78. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.17 April 13, 2013 79. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.16 June 17, 2013 80. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.16 August 25, 2014 81. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.15 November 29, 2012 82. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.15 July 8, 2016 83. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.13 March 23, 2015 84. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.13 February 22, 2017 85. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.13 September 8, 2010 86. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.12 April 22, 2016 87. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.12 September 18, 2016 88. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.11 August 3, 2017 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.11 March 17, 2017 90. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.10 May 30, 2014 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.10 September 21, 2012 92. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.10 November 9, 2017 93. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.10 October 28, 2010 94. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.10 January 15, 2017 95. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.10 June 4, 2010 96. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.09 March 19, 2017 97. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.08 September 29, 2011 98. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.08 February 11, 2016 99. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.07 June 12, 2011 100. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.07 July 5, 2011 As of May 29, 2018", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "the song that has the most views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=843663459", "q_uid": -1266279172305040897, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.18 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.59 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.54 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.16 July 15, 2012 5. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.08 January 31, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.07 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.94 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.59 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.56 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.51 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.51 September 5, 2013 12. `` Hello '' Adele 2.32 October 22, 2015 13. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.32 March 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.32 February 20, 2014 15. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.31 October 7, 2014 16. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.30 November 10, 2014 17. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.26 May 31, 2013 18. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.19 June 11, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.18 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.12 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.10 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.01 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.91 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.90 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.88 July 25, 2012 26. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.85 February 26, 2016 27. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.85 June 4, 2010 28. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.85 May 6, 2014 29. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.85 June 29, 2017 30. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.83 October 21, 2016 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.78 August 2, 2016 32. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.74 January 22, 2015 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.72 December 3, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.58 July 29, 2013 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.57 July 12, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.56 March 28, 2015 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.54 August 5, 2010 38. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.52 June 25, 2015 39. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.50 December 5, 2013 40. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.49 August 29, 2014 41. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.49 January 30, 2014 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.47 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.47 March 8, 2011 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.40 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.39 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.38 October 9, 2007 47. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.37 April 15, 2011 48. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.35 September 9, 2013 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.35 April 27, 2015 50. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.35 August 18, 2017 51. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.35 June 17, 2016 52. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.35 November 14, 2015 53. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.35 September 28, 2016 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.35 April 21, 2017 55. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.33 November 16, 2017 56. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.33 November 30, 2010 57. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.32 August 29, 2016 58. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.32 October 7, 2016 59. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.31 October 2, 2013 60. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.31 January 14, 2016 61. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.28 April 13, 2016 62. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.26 March 2, 2017 63. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.24 July 7, 2013 64. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.23 July 7, 2017 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.22 March 3, 2011 66. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.22 May 27, 2015 67. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.21 August 6, 2015 68. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.21 April 6, 2014 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.21 April 20, 2016 70. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.21 May 19, 2015 71. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.20 July 14, 2016 72. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.20 May 17, 2015 73. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.20 June 16, 2009 74. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.19 June 29, 2015 75. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.19 July 13, 2017 76. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.19 August 29, 2012 77. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.18 November 8, 2012 78. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.17 April 13, 2013 79. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.16 June 17, 2013 80. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.16 August 25, 2014 81. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.15 November 29, 2012 82. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.15 July 8, 2016 83. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.13 March 23, 2015 84. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.13 February 22, 2017 85. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.13 September 8, 2010 86. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.12 April 22, 2016 87. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.12 September 18, 2016 88. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.11 August 3, 2017 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.11 March 17, 2017 90. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.10 May 30, 2014 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.10 September 21, 2012 92. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.10 November 9, 2017 93. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.10 October 28, 2010 94. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.10 January 15, 2017 95. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.10 June 4, 2010 96. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.09 March 19, 2017 97. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.08 September 29, 2011 98. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.08 February 11, 2016 99. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.07 June 12, 2011 100. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.07 July 5, 2011 As of May 29, 2018", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "who has most views on youtube for a song", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=857116412", "q_uid": 5570903161135299209, "answers": { "long_answer": "Top 100 most - viewed YouTube videos Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.46 January 12, 2017 2. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.73 January 30, 2017 3. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.73 April 6, 2015 4. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.24 January 31, 2012 5. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.20 July 15, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.20 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 3.00 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.72 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.63 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.61 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.56 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.45 October 7, 2014 13. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.40 February 20, 2014 14. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.39 May 31, 2013 15. `` Hello '' Adele 2.39 October 22, 2015 16. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.38 March 22, 2015 17. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.33 November 10, 2014 18. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.24 November 18, 2016 19. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.22 June 11, 2014 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.16 July 29, 2016 21. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.15 August 9, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.07 June 16, 2016 23. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 2.00 July 25, 2012 24. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 2.00 June 4, 2010 25. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.99 June 29, 2017 26. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.96 February 19, 2010 27. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.94 August 30, 2015 28. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.91 August 2, 2016 29. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.90 February 26, 2016 30. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.90 December 3, 2015 31. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.90 October 21, 2016 32. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.89 May 6, 2014 33. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.79 January 22, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.65 July 29, 2013 35. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.62 June 17, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.61 March 28, 2015 37. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.59 July 12, 2016 38. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.58 August 5, 2010 39. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.56 November 16, 2017 40. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.56 January 30, 2014 41. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.56 June 25, 2015 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.53 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.53 March 8, 2011 44. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.52 December 5, 2013 45. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha and Ozuna 1.51 August 18, 2017 46. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.51 August 29, 2014 47. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.48 April 13, 2016 48. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.48 October 9, 2007 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.45 April 27, 2015 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.44 April 15, 2011 51. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.43 September 22, 2016 52. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.43 October 26, 2015 53. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.41 July 7, 2017 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.39 April 21, 2017 55. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.39 November 14, 2015 56. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.38 September 28, 2016 57. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.38 September 9, 2013 58. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.38 August 29, 2016 59. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.38 November 30, 2010 60. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.36 October 7, 2016 61. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.36 June 16, 2009 62. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.35 November 9, 2017 63. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.35 October 2, 2013 64. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.33 January 14, 2016 65. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.32 March 2, 2017 66. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.30 July 13, 2017 67. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.29 August 3, 2017 68. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.27 February 22, 2017 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.26 April 20, 2016 70. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.26 July 7, 2013 71. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.25 March 3, 2011 72. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.25 May 27, 2015 73. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.24 July 14, 2016 74. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.23 August 6, 2015 75. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.23 April 6, 2014 76. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.23 May 17, 2015 77. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.23 May 19, 2015 78. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.21 August 29, 2012 79. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.21 November 8, 2012 80. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.20 June 29, 2015 81. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.20 August 25, 2014 82. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.19 June 17, 2013 83. `` X '' Nicky Jam and J Balvin 1.19 March 1, 2018 84. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.19 November 29, 2012 85. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.19 December 8, 2017 86. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.19 July 8, 2016 87. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.19 April 13, 2013 88. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.18 September 8, 2010 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign 1.17 March 17, 2017 90. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.16 March 23, 2015 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.15 September 21, 2012 92. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' LooLoo Kids 1.15 October 8, 2016 93. `` Me Reh\u00faso ( Audio ) '' Danny Ocean 1.15 September 18, 2016 94. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.15 February 11, 2016 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.14 September 29, 2011 96. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.13 June 4, 2010 97. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.13 April 22, 2016 98. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.12 January 15, 2017 99. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.12 May 30, 2014 100. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.12 October 28, 2010 As of August 28, 2018", "short_answer": "Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee" } }, { "question": "video that has the highest views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=854766665", "q_uid": 251887690853186837, "answers": { "long_answer": "Top 100 most - viewed YouTube videos Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.41 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.70 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.69 January 30, 2017 4. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.22 January 31, 2012 5. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.19 July 15, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.17 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.98 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.71 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.62 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.59 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.55 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.43 October 7, 2014 13. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.39 February 20, 2014 14. `` Hello '' Adele 2.38 October 22, 2015 15. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.37 May 31, 2013 16. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.37 March 22, 2015 17. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.32 November 10, 2014 18. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.23 November 18, 2016 19. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.22 June 11, 2014 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.15 July 29, 2016 21. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.15 August 9, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.06 June 16, 2016 23. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.99 June 4, 2010 24. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.98 July 25, 2012 25. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.96 June 29, 2017 26. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.95 February 19, 2010 27. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.93 August 30, 2015 28. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.89 February 26, 2016 29. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.89 May 6, 2014 30. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.88 October 21, 2016 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.88 August 2, 2016 32. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.86 December 3, 2015 33. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.78 January 22, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.64 July 29, 2013 35. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.60 March 28, 2015 36. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.59 July 12, 2016 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.58 August 5, 2010 38. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.57 June 17, 2016 39. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.55 January 30, 2014 40. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.55 June 25, 2015 41. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.54 November 16, 2017 42. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.52 March 8, 2011 43. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.52 December 5, 2013 44. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.52 November 14, 2014 45. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.50 August 29, 2014 46. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha and Ozuna 1.48 August 18, 2017 47. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.46 October 9, 2007 48. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.45 April 13, 2016 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.43 April 27, 2015 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.43 April 15, 2011 51. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.43 September 22, 2016 52. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.42 October 26, 2015 53. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.39 July 7, 2017 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.39 April 21, 2017 55. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.38 November 14, 2015 56. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.38 September 28, 2016 57. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.38 September 9, 2013 58. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.37 November 30, 2010 59. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.36 August 29, 2016 60. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.36 October 7, 2016 61. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.34 October 2, 2013 62. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.34 June 16, 2009 63. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.33 January 14, 2016 64. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.31 March 2, 2017 65. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.31 November 9, 2017 66. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.28 July 13, 2017 67. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.26 August 3, 2017 68. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.26 July 7, 2013 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.25 April 20, 2016 70. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.25 February 22, 2017 71. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.25 March 3, 2011 72. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.24 May 27, 2015 73. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.24 July 14, 2016 74. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.23 August 6, 2015 75. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.23 April 6, 2014 76. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.22 May 19, 2015 77. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.22 May 17, 2015 78. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.21 August 29, 2012 79. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.21 November 8, 2012 80. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.20 June 29, 2015 81. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.19 August 25, 2014 82. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.19 June 17, 2013 83. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.19 July 8, 2016 84. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.19 November 29, 2012 85. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.18 April 13, 2013 86. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.18 September 8, 2010 87. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.17 December 8, 2017 88. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign 1.16 March 17, 2017 89. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.16 March 23, 2015 90. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.15 September 21, 2012 91. `` X '' Nicky Jam and J Balvin 1.15 March 1, 2018 92. `` Me Reh\u00faso ( Audio ) '' Danny Ocean 1.14 September 18, 2016 93. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.14 February 11, 2016 94. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.13 September 29, 2011 95. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.13 April 22, 2016 96. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.13 June 4, 2010 97. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.12 January 15, 2017 98. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.12 May 30, 2014 99. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.11 October 28, 2010 100. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.11 March 19, 2017 As of August 12, 2018", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the first person to reach 1 billion views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=846615629", "q_uid": 7760448153024906572, "answers": { "long_answer": "By June 21, 2015, only two videos, `` Gangnam Style '' and `` Baby '', had exceeded one billion views. However, three and a half months later, on October 7, ten videos had done so. As of June 2018, all the videos on the list of the 100 most - viewed have exceeded one billion views, with 22 of them exceeding two billion views; six of which exceed three billion views and one of which exceeds five billion views. `` Despacito '' became the first video to reach three billion views on August 4, 2017, followed by `` See You Again '' on August 6, 2017, and then on November 25, 2017, `` Gangnam Style '' became the third video to hit three billion views. `` Despacito '' also became the first video to reach four billion views on October 11, 2017, and then on April 5, 2018, became the first video to hit five billion views.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which song has the most views on youtube 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=846615629", "q_uid": 497838156905382772, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.24 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.62 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.58 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.16 July 15, 2012 5. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.13 January 31, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.09 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.95 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.63 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.57 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.53 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.52 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.35 October 7, 2014 13. `` Hello '' Adele 2.34 October 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.34 February 20, 2014 15. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.33 March 22, 2015 16. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.30 November 10, 2014 17. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.28 May 31, 2013 18. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.20 June 11, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.19 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.13 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.11 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.02 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.91 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.91 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.90 July 25, 2012 26. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.89 June 4, 2010 27. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.88 June 29, 2017 28. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.86 February 26, 2016 29. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.86 May 6, 2014 30. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.84 October 21, 2016 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.80 August 2, 2016 32. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.75 December 3, 2015 33. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.75 January 22, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.60 July 29, 2013 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.57 July 12, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.57 March 28, 2015 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.55 August 5, 2010 38. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.53 June 25, 2015 39. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.51 December 5, 2013 40. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.51 January 30, 2014 41. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.49 August 29, 2014 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.48 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.48 March 8, 2011 44. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.42 June 17, 2016 45. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.41 October 9, 2007 46. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.41 September 22, 2016 47. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.40 October 26, 2015 48. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.39 November 16, 2017 49. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.39 April 15, 2011 50. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.38 August 18, 2017 51. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.37 April 27, 2015 52. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.36 September 9, 2013 53. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.36 November 14, 2015 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.36 April 21, 2017 55. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.35 September 28, 2016 56. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.34 November 30, 2010 57. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.34 April 13, 2016 58. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.33 October 7, 2016 59. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.33 August 29, 2016 60. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.32 October 2, 2013 61. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.32 January 14, 2016 62. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.29 July 7, 2017 63. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.27 March 2, 2017 64. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.24 July 7, 2013 65. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.24 June 16, 2009 66. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.22 March 3, 2011 67. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.22 April 20, 2016 68. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.22 May 27, 2015 69. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.22 August 6, 2015 70. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.22 April 6, 2014 71. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.21 July 14, 2016 72. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.21 May 19, 2015 73. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.21 July 13, 2017 74. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.21 May 17, 2015 75. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.19 June 29, 2015 76. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.19 August 29, 2012 77. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.18 November 8, 2012 78. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.17 April 13, 2013 79. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.17 June 17, 2013 80. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.17 August 25, 2014 81. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.16 November 29, 2012 82. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.16 July 8, 2016 83. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.16 August 3, 2017 84. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.16 February 22, 2017 85. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.15 November 9, 2017 86. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.14 September 8, 2010 87. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.14 March 23, 2015 88. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.12 September 18, 2016 89. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.12 April 22, 2016 90. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.12 March 17, 2017 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.12 September 21, 2012 92. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.11 May 30, 2014 93. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.11 October 28, 2010 94. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.10 January 15, 2017 95. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.10 June 4, 2010 96. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.10 March 19, 2017 97. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.09 December 8, 2017 98. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.09 February 11, 2016 99. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.09 September 29, 2011 100. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.08 June 12, 2011 As of June 18, 2018", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "who has reached a billion views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=843663459", "q_uid": -688583375735786535, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.18 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.59 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.54 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.16 July 15, 2012 5. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.08 January 31, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.07 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.94 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.59 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.56 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.51 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.51 September 5, 2013 12. `` Hello '' Adele 2.32 October 22, 2015 13. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.32 March 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.32 February 20, 2014 15. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.31 October 7, 2014 16. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.30 November 10, 2014 17. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.26 May 31, 2013 18. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.19 June 11, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.18 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.12 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.10 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.01 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.91 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.90 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.88 July 25, 2012 26. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.85 February 26, 2016 27. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.85 June 4, 2010 28. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.85 May 6, 2014 29. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.85 June 29, 2017 30. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.83 October 21, 2016 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.78 August 2, 2016 32. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.74 January 22, 2015 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.72 December 3, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.58 July 29, 2013 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.57 July 12, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.56 March 28, 2015 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.54 August 5, 2010 38. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.52 June 25, 2015 39. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.50 December 5, 2013 40. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.49 August 29, 2014 41. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.49 January 30, 2014 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.47 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.47 March 8, 2011 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.40 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.39 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.38 October 9, 2007 47. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.37 April 15, 2011 48. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.35 September 9, 2013 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.35 April 27, 2015 50. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.35 August 18, 2017 51. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.35 June 17, 2016 52. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.35 November 14, 2015 53. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.35 September 28, 2016 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.35 April 21, 2017 55. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.33 November 16, 2017 56. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.33 November 30, 2010 57. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.32 August 29, 2016 58. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.32 October 7, 2016 59. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.31 October 2, 2013 60. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.31 January 14, 2016 61. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.28 April 13, 2016 62. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.26 March 2, 2017 63. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.24 July 7, 2013 64. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.23 July 7, 2017 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.22 March 3, 2011 66. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.22 May 27, 2015 67. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.21 August 6, 2015 68. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.21 April 6, 2014 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.21 April 20, 2016 70. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.21 May 19, 2015 71. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.20 July 14, 2016 72. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.20 May 17, 2015 73. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.20 June 16, 2009 74. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.19 June 29, 2015 75. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.19 July 13, 2017 76. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.19 August 29, 2012 77. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.18 November 8, 2012 78. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.17 April 13, 2013 79. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.16 June 17, 2013 80. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.16 August 25, 2014 81. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.15 November 29, 2012 82. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.15 July 8, 2016 83. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.13 March 23, 2015 84. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.13 February 22, 2017 85. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.13 September 8, 2010 86. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.12 April 22, 2016 87. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.12 September 18, 2016 88. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.11 August 3, 2017 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.11 March 17, 2017 90. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.10 May 30, 2014 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.10 September 21, 2012 92. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.10 November 9, 2017 93. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.10 October 28, 2010 94. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.10 January 15, 2017 95. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.10 June 4, 2010 96. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.09 March 19, 2017 97. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.08 September 29, 2011 98. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.08 February 11, 2016 99. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.07 June 12, 2011 100. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.07 July 5, 2011 As of May 29, 2018", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who holds the record for most views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=843663459", "q_uid": -4212694741669395857, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.18 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.59 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.54 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.16 July 15, 2012 5. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.08 January 31, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.07 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.94 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.59 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.56 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.51 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.51 September 5, 2013 12. `` Hello '' Adele 2.32 October 22, 2015 13. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.32 March 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.32 February 20, 2014 15. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.31 October 7, 2014 16. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.30 November 10, 2014 17. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.26 May 31, 2013 18. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.19 June 11, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.18 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.12 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.10 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.01 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.91 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.90 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.88 July 25, 2012 26. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.85 February 26, 2016 27. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.85 June 4, 2010 28. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.85 May 6, 2014 29. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.85 June 29, 2017 30. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.83 October 21, 2016 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.78 August 2, 2016 32. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.74 January 22, 2015 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.72 December 3, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.58 July 29, 2013 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.57 July 12, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.56 March 28, 2015 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.54 August 5, 2010 38. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.52 June 25, 2015 39. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.50 December 5, 2013 40. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.49 August 29, 2014 41. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.49 January 30, 2014 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.47 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.47 March 8, 2011 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.40 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.39 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.38 October 9, 2007 47. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.37 April 15, 2011 48. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.35 September 9, 2013 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.35 April 27, 2015 50. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.35 August 18, 2017 51. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.35 June 17, 2016 52. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.35 November 14, 2015 53. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.35 September 28, 2016 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.35 April 21, 2017 55. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.33 November 16, 2017 56. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.33 November 30, 2010 57. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.32 August 29, 2016 58. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.32 October 7, 2016 59. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.31 October 2, 2013 60. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.31 January 14, 2016 61. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.28 April 13, 2016 62. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.26 March 2, 2017 63. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.24 July 7, 2013 64. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.23 July 7, 2017 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.22 March 3, 2011 66. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.22 May 27, 2015 67. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.21 August 6, 2015 68. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.21 April 6, 2014 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.21 April 20, 2016 70. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.21 May 19, 2015 71. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.20 July 14, 2016 72. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.20 May 17, 2015 73. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.20 June 16, 2009 74. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.19 June 29, 2015 75. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.19 July 13, 2017 76. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.19 August 29, 2012 77. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.18 November 8, 2012 78. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.17 April 13, 2013 79. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.16 June 17, 2013 80. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.16 August 25, 2014 81. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.15 November 29, 2012 82. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.15 July 8, 2016 83. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.13 March 23, 2015 84. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.13 February 22, 2017 85. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.13 September 8, 2010 86. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.12 April 22, 2016 87. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.12 September 18, 2016 88. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.11 August 3, 2017 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.11 March 17, 2017 90. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.10 May 30, 2014 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.10 September 21, 2012 92. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.10 November 9, 2017 93. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.10 October 28, 2010 94. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.10 January 15, 2017 95. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.10 June 4, 2010 96. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.09 March 19, 2017 97. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.08 September 29, 2011 98. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.08 February 11, 2016 99. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.07 June 12, 2011 100. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.07 July 5, 2011 As of May 29, 2018", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what music video has most views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=810633219", "q_uid": 5447600345665926835, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 4.32 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.22 April 6, 2015 3. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 2.99 July 15, 2012 4. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.83 October 22, 2015 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 2.76 November 19, 2014 6. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 2.70 January 30, 2017 7. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.60 January 31, 2012 8. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.44 August 18, 2014 9. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.42 April 11, 2014 10. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.40 January 14, 2015 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.34 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.22 March 22, 2015 13. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.21 November 10, 2014 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.16 February 20, 2014 15. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.15 June 11, 2014 16. `` Hello '' Adele 2.12 October 22, 2015 17. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.02 August 9, 2014 18. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.01 May 31, 2013 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 1.97 November 18, 2016 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 1.94 July 29, 2016 21. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 1.92 October 7, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.84 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.83 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.75 February 19, 2010 25. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.74 February 26, 2016 26. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.72 May 6, 2014 27. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.66 October 21, 2016 28. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.66 July 25, 2012 29. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.60 January 22, 2015 30. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.60 June 4, 2010 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.57 August 2, 2016 32. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.49 March 28, 2015 33. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.43 August 5, 2010 34. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.43 July 12, 2016 35. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.42 August 29, 2014 36. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.41 June 25, 2015 37. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.41 December 5, 2013 38. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.40 July 29, 2013 39. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.38 December 3, 2015 40. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.38 March 8, 2011 41. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.32 October 26, 2015 42. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.31 September 22, 2016 43. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.30 November 14, 2014 44. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.30 September 9, 2013 45. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.28 June 29, 2017 46. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.27 November 14, 2015 47. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.25 September 28, 2016 48. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.25 January 14, 2016 49. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.24 January 30, 2014 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.24 April 15, 2011 51. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.23 October 2, 2013 52. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.21 November 30, 2010 53. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.19 August 29, 2016 54. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.19 July 7, 2013 55. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.18 April 6, 2014 56. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.17 August 6, 2015 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.17 October 7, 2016 58. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.16 June 29, 2015 59. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.16 May 19, 2015 60. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.15 May 17, 2015 61. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.15 April 21, 2017 62. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.15 May 27, 2015 63. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.15 March 3, 2011 64. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.13 October 9, 2007 65. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.13 April 27, 2015 66. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.13 August 29, 2012 67. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.13 April 13, 2013 68. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.10 November 8, 2012 69. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.10 July 14, 2016 70. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.09 June 17, 2013 71. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.09 March 23, 2015 72. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.08 April 20, 2016 73. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.08 April 22, 2016 74. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.07 May 30, 2014 75. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.06 October 28, 2010 76. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.06 July 8, 2016 77. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.05 November 29, 2012 78. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.04 March 2, 2017 79. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.04 August 25, 2014 80. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.03 June 12, 2011 81. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.03 June 4, 2010 82. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.01 March 1, 2012 83. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.01 September 8, 2010 84. `` La Gozadera '' Gente de Zona featuring Marc Anthony 1.01 June 5, 2015 85. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.01 June 12, 2015 86. `` Happy '' Pharrell Williams 0.99 November 21, 2013 87. `` Where Are \u00dc Now '' Jack \u00dc and Justin Bieber 0.99 June 29, 2015 88. `` Timber '' Pitbull featuring Kesha 0.99 November 25, 2013 89. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 0.99 March 19, 2017 90. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 0.98 April 13, 2016 91. `` Someone like You '' Adele 0.97 September 29, 2011 92. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 0.97 September 21, 2012 93. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 0.96 July 5, 2011 94. `` 6 AM '' J Balvin featuring Farruko 0.96 April 4, 2014 95. `` Darte un Beso '' Prince Royce 0.96 August 20, 2013 96. `` Work '' Rihanna featuring Drake 0.96 February 22, 2016 97. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 0.95 January 15, 2017 98. `` Danza Kuduro '' Don Omar featuring Lucenzo 0.95 August 11, 2010 99. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 0.95 February 11, 2016 100. `` I 'm Not the Only One '' Sam Smith 0.94 August 1, 2014 As of November 15, 2017", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "which song has the most views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=857116412", "q_uid": 3197539071253764380, "answers": { "long_answer": "Top 100 most - viewed YouTube videos Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.46 January 12, 2017 2. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.73 January 30, 2017 3. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.73 April 6, 2015 4. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.24 January 31, 2012 5. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.20 July 15, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.20 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 3.00 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.72 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.63 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.61 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.56 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.45 October 7, 2014 13. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.40 February 20, 2014 14. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.39 May 31, 2013 15. `` Hello '' Adele 2.39 October 22, 2015 16. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.38 March 22, 2015 17. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.33 November 10, 2014 18. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.24 November 18, 2016 19. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.22 June 11, 2014 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.16 July 29, 2016 21. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.15 August 9, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.07 June 16, 2016 23. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 2.00 July 25, 2012 24. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 2.00 June 4, 2010 25. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.99 June 29, 2017 26. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.96 February 19, 2010 27. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.94 August 30, 2015 28. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.91 August 2, 2016 29. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.90 February 26, 2016 30. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.90 December 3, 2015 31. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.90 October 21, 2016 32. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.89 May 6, 2014 33. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.79 January 22, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.65 July 29, 2013 35. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.62 June 17, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.61 March 28, 2015 37. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.59 July 12, 2016 38. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.58 August 5, 2010 39. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.56 November 16, 2017 40. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.56 January 30, 2014 41. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.56 June 25, 2015 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.53 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.53 March 8, 2011 44. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.52 December 5, 2013 45. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha and Ozuna 1.51 August 18, 2017 46. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.51 August 29, 2014 47. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.48 April 13, 2016 48. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.48 October 9, 2007 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.45 April 27, 2015 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.44 April 15, 2011 51. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.43 September 22, 2016 52. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.43 October 26, 2015 53. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.41 July 7, 2017 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.39 April 21, 2017 55. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.39 November 14, 2015 56. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.38 September 28, 2016 57. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.38 September 9, 2013 58. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.38 August 29, 2016 59. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.38 November 30, 2010 60. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.36 October 7, 2016 61. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.36 June 16, 2009 62. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.35 November 9, 2017 63. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.35 October 2, 2013 64. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.33 January 14, 2016 65. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.32 March 2, 2017 66. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.30 July 13, 2017 67. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.29 August 3, 2017 68. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.27 February 22, 2017 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.26 April 20, 2016 70. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.26 July 7, 2013 71. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.25 March 3, 2011 72. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.25 May 27, 2015 73. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.24 July 14, 2016 74. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.23 August 6, 2015 75. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.23 April 6, 2014 76. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.23 May 17, 2015 77. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.23 May 19, 2015 78. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.21 August 29, 2012 79. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.21 November 8, 2012 80. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.20 June 29, 2015 81. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.20 August 25, 2014 82. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.19 June 17, 2013 83. `` X '' Nicky Jam and J Balvin 1.19 March 1, 2018 84. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.19 November 29, 2012 85. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.19 December 8, 2017 86. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.19 July 8, 2016 87. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.19 April 13, 2013 88. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.18 September 8, 2010 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign 1.17 March 17, 2017 90. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.16 March 23, 2015 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.15 September 21, 2012 92. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' LooLoo Kids 1.15 October 8, 2016 93. `` Me Reh\u00faso ( Audio ) '' Danny Ocean 1.15 September 18, 2016 94. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.15 February 11, 2016 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.14 September 29, 2011 96. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.13 June 4, 2010 97. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.13 April 22, 2016 98. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.12 January 15, 2017 99. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.12 May 30, 2014 100. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.12 October 28, 2010 As of August 28, 2018", "short_answer": "`` Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "the video with the most views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=843663459", "q_uid": 251230402512187167, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.18 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.59 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.54 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.16 July 15, 2012 5. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.08 January 31, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.07 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.94 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.59 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.56 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.51 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.51 September 5, 2013 12. `` Hello '' Adele 2.32 October 22, 2015 13. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.32 March 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.32 February 20, 2014 15. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.31 October 7, 2014 16. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.30 November 10, 2014 17. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.26 May 31, 2013 18. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.19 June 11, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.18 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.12 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.10 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.01 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.91 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.90 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.88 July 25, 2012 26. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.85 February 26, 2016 27. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.85 June 4, 2010 28. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.85 May 6, 2014 29. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.85 June 29, 2017 30. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.83 October 21, 2016 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.78 August 2, 2016 32. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.74 January 22, 2015 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.72 December 3, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.58 July 29, 2013 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.57 July 12, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.56 March 28, 2015 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.54 August 5, 2010 38. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.52 June 25, 2015 39. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.50 December 5, 2013 40. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.49 August 29, 2014 41. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.49 January 30, 2014 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.47 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.47 March 8, 2011 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.40 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.39 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.38 October 9, 2007 47. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.37 April 15, 2011 48. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.35 September 9, 2013 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.35 April 27, 2015 50. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.35 August 18, 2017 51. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.35 June 17, 2016 52. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.35 November 14, 2015 53. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.35 September 28, 2016 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.35 April 21, 2017 55. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.33 November 16, 2017 56. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.33 November 30, 2010 57. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.32 August 29, 2016 58. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.32 October 7, 2016 59. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.31 October 2, 2013 60. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.31 January 14, 2016 61. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.28 April 13, 2016 62. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.26 March 2, 2017 63. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.24 July 7, 2013 64. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.23 July 7, 2017 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.22 March 3, 2011 66. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.22 May 27, 2015 67. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.21 August 6, 2015 68. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.21 April 6, 2014 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.21 April 20, 2016 70. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.21 May 19, 2015 71. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.20 July 14, 2016 72. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.20 May 17, 2015 73. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.20 June 16, 2009 74. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.19 June 29, 2015 75. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.19 July 13, 2017 76. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.19 August 29, 2012 77. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.18 November 8, 2012 78. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.17 April 13, 2013 79. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.16 June 17, 2013 80. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.16 August 25, 2014 81. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.15 November 29, 2012 82. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.15 July 8, 2016 83. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.13 March 23, 2015 84. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.13 February 22, 2017 85. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.13 September 8, 2010 86. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.12 April 22, 2016 87. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.12 September 18, 2016 88. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.11 August 3, 2017 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.11 March 17, 2017 90. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.10 May 30, 2014 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.10 September 21, 2012 92. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.10 November 9, 2017 93. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.10 October 28, 2010 94. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.10 January 15, 2017 95. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.10 June 4, 2010 96. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.09 March 19, 2017 97. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.08 September 29, 2011 98. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.08 February 11, 2016 99. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.07 June 12, 2011 100. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.07 July 5, 2011 As of May 29, 2018", "short_answer": "`` Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "what has the most views on youtube ever", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=810654747", "q_uid": 5123900861786120389, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 4.32 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.22 April 6, 2015 3. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 2.99 July 15, 2012 4. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.83 October 22, 2015 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 2.76 November 19, 2014 6. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 2.70 January 30, 2017 7. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.60 January 31, 2012 8. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.44 August 18, 2014 9. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.42 April 11, 2014 10. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.40 January 14, 2015 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.34 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.22 March 22, 2015 13. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.21 November 10, 2014 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.16 February 20, 2014 15. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.15 June 11, 2014 16. `` Hello '' Adele 2.12 October 22, 2015 17. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.02 August 9, 2014 18. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.01 May 31, 2013 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 1.97 November 18, 2016 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 1.94 July 29, 2016 21. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 1.92 October 7, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.84 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.83 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.75 February 19, 2010 25. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.74 February 26, 2016 26. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.72 May 6, 2014 27. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.66 October 21, 2016 28. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.66 July 25, 2012 29. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.60 January 22, 2015 30. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.60 June 4, 2010 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.57 August 2, 2016 32. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.50 March 28, 2015 33. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.43 August 5, 2010 34. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.43 July 12, 2016 35. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.42 August 29, 2014 36. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.41 June 25, 2015 37. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.41 December 5, 2013 38. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.40 July 29, 2013 39. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.38 December 3, 2015 40. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.38 March 8, 2011 41. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.32 October 26, 2015 42. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.31 September 22, 2016 43. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.30 November 14, 2014 44. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.30 September 9, 2013 45. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.28 June 29, 2017 46. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.27 November 14, 2015 47. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.25 September 28, 2016 48. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.25 January 14, 2016 49. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.24 January 30, 2014 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.24 April 15, 2011 51. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.23 October 2, 2013 52. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.21 November 30, 2010 53. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.19 August 29, 2016 54. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.19 July 7, 2013 55. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.18 April 6, 2014 56. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.17 August 6, 2015 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.17 October 7, 2016 58. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.16 June 29, 2015 59. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.16 May 19, 2015 60. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.15 May 17, 2015 61. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.15 April 21, 2017 62. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.15 May 27, 2015 63. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.15 March 3, 2011 64. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.13 October 9, 2007 65. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.13 April 27, 2015 66. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.13 August 29, 2012 67. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.13 April 13, 2013 68. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.10 November 8, 2012 69. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.10 July 14, 2016 70. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.09 June 17, 2013 71. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.09 March 23, 2015 72. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.08 April 20, 2016 73. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.08 April 22, 2016 74. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.07 May 30, 2014 75. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.06 October 28, 2010 76. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.06 July 8, 2016 77. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.05 November 29, 2012 78. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.04 March 2, 2017 79. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.04 August 25, 2014 80. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.03 June 12, 2011 81. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.03 June 4, 2010 82. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.01 March 1, 2012 83. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.01 September 8, 2010 84. `` La Gozadera '' Gente de Zona featuring Marc Anthony 1.01 June 5, 2015 85. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.01 June 12, 2015 86. `` Happy '' Pharrell Williams 0.99 November 21, 2013 87. `` Where Are \u00dc Now '' Jack \u00dc and Justin Bieber 0.99 June 29, 2015 88. `` Timber '' Pitbull featuring Kesha 0.99 November 25, 2013 89. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 0.99 March 19, 2017 90. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 0.98 April 13, 2016 91. `` Someone like You '' Adele 0.97 September 29, 2011 92. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 0.97 September 21, 2012 93. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 0.96 July 5, 2011 94. `` 6 AM '' J Balvin featuring Farruko 0.96 April 4, 2014 95. `` Darte un Beso '' Prince Royce 0.96 August 20, 2013 96. `` Work '' Rihanna featuring Drake 0.96 February 22, 2016 97. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 0.95 January 15, 2017 98. `` Danza Kuduro '' Don Omar featuring Lucenzo 0.95 August 11, 2010 99. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 0.95 February 11, 2016 100. `` I 'm Not the Only One '' Sam Smith 0.94 August 1, 2014 As of November 15, 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the 2nd most viewed video on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=857116412", "q_uid": 4218433172395884227, "answers": { "long_answer": "Top 100 most - viewed YouTube videos Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.46 January 12, 2017 2. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.73 January 30, 2017 3. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.73 April 6, 2015 4. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.24 January 31, 2012 5. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.20 July 15, 2012 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.20 November 19, 2014 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 3.00 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.72 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.63 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.61 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.56 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.45 October 7, 2014 13. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.40 February 20, 2014 14. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.39 May 31, 2013 15. `` Hello '' Adele 2.39 October 22, 2015 16. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.38 March 22, 2015 17. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.33 November 10, 2014 18. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.24 November 18, 2016 19. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.22 June 11, 2014 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.16 July 29, 2016 21. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.15 August 9, 2014 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.07 June 16, 2016 23. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 2.00 July 25, 2012 24. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 2.00 June 4, 2010 25. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.99 June 29, 2017 26. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.96 February 19, 2010 27. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.94 August 30, 2015 28. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.91 August 2, 2016 29. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.90 February 26, 2016 30. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.90 December 3, 2015 31. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.90 October 21, 2016 32. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.89 May 6, 2014 33. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.79 January 22, 2015 34. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.65 July 29, 2013 35. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.62 June 17, 2016 36. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.61 March 28, 2015 37. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.59 July 12, 2016 38. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.58 August 5, 2010 39. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.56 November 16, 2017 40. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.56 January 30, 2014 41. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.56 June 25, 2015 42. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.53 November 14, 2014 43. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.53 March 8, 2011 44. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.52 December 5, 2013 45. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha and Ozuna 1.51 August 18, 2017 46. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.51 August 29, 2014 47. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.48 April 13, 2016 48. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.48 October 9, 2007 49. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.45 April 27, 2015 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.44 April 15, 2011 51. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.43 September 22, 2016 52. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.43 October 26, 2015 53. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.41 July 7, 2017 54. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.39 April 21, 2017 55. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.39 November 14, 2015 56. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.38 September 28, 2016 57. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.38 September 9, 2013 58. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.38 August 29, 2016 59. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.38 November 30, 2010 60. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.36 October 7, 2016 61. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.36 June 16, 2009 62. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.35 November 9, 2017 63. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.35 October 2, 2013 64. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.33 January 14, 2016 65. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.32 March 2, 2017 66. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.30 July 13, 2017 67. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.29 August 3, 2017 68. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.27 February 22, 2017 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.26 April 20, 2016 70. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.26 July 7, 2013 71. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.25 March 3, 2011 72. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.25 May 27, 2015 73. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.24 July 14, 2016 74. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.23 August 6, 2015 75. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.23 April 6, 2014 76. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.23 May 17, 2015 77. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.23 May 19, 2015 78. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.21 August 29, 2012 79. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.21 November 8, 2012 80. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.20 June 29, 2015 81. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.20 August 25, 2014 82. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.19 June 17, 2013 83. `` X '' Nicky Jam and J Balvin 1.19 March 1, 2018 84. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.19 November 29, 2012 85. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.19 December 8, 2017 86. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.19 July 8, 2016 87. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.19 April 13, 2013 88. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.18 September 8, 2010 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign 1.17 March 17, 2017 90. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.16 March 23, 2015 91. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.15 September 21, 2012 92. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' LooLoo Kids 1.15 October 8, 2016 93. `` Me Reh\u00faso ( Audio ) '' Danny Ocean 1.15 September 18, 2016 94. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.15 February 11, 2016 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.14 September 29, 2011 96. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.13 June 4, 2010 97. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.13 April 22, 2016 98. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.12 January 15, 2017 99. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.12 May 30, 2014 100. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.12 October 28, 2010 As of August 28, 2018", "short_answer": "`` Shape of You ''" } }, { "question": "what is the youtube video with the most views", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=835725762", "q_uid": 6725333957370704997, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes / `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.02 January 12, 2017 The video was taken down on April 10th 2018 by a hacker. 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.50 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.43 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.14 July 15, 2012 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.01 November 19, 2014 6. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.97 January 31, 2012 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.91 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.54 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.54 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.49 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.47 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.29 March 22, 2015 13. `` Hello '' Adele 2.28 October 22, 2015 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.28 February 20, 2014 15. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.28 November 10, 2014 16. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.23 October 7, 2014 17. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.19 May 31, 2013 18. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.18 June 11, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.14 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.10 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.07 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.97 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.89 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.86 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.83 July 25, 2012 26. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.82 May 6, 2014 27. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.81 February 26, 2016 28. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.80 October 21, 2016 29. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.79 June 4, 2010 30. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.74 August 2, 2016 31. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.73 June 29, 2017 32. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.71 January 22, 2015 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.64 December 3, 2015 34. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.55 July 12, 2016 35. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.55 March 28, 2015 36. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.52 August 5, 2010 37. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.49 June 25, 2015 38. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.48 December 5, 2013 39. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.47 July 29, 2013 40. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.47 August 29, 2014 41. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.44 March 8, 2011 42. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.44 January 30, 2014 43. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.43 November 14, 2014 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.39 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.37 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.35 April 15, 2011 47. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.34 September 9, 2013 48. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.33 November 14, 2015 49. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.33 September 28, 2016 50. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.31 April 21, 2017 51. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.31 November 30, 2010 52. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.31 April 27, 2015 53. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.30 October 9, 2007 54. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.30 October 2, 2013 55. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.30 January 14, 2016 56. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.29 August 29, 2016 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.28 October 7, 2016 58. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.26 August 18, 2017 59. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.23 April 13, 2016 60. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.22 March 2, 2017 61. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.22 July 7, 2013 62. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.20 August 6, 2015 63. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.20 April 6, 2014 64. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.20 May 19, 2015 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.20 March 3, 2011 66. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.20 May 27, 2015 67. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.19 May 17, 2015 68. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.19 April 20, 2016 69. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.18 June 29, 2015 70. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.18 July 14, 2016 71. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.18 June 17, 2016 72. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.17 August 29, 2012 73. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.17 November 16, 2017 74. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.16 April 13, 2013 75. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.16 November 8, 2012 76. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.14 June 17, 2013 77. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.14 July 7, 2017 78. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.14 August 25, 2014 79. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.12 March 23, 2015 80. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.12 July 8, 2016 81. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.12 June 16, 2009 82. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.12 November 29, 2012 83. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.12 July 13, 2017 84. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.11 April 22, 2016 85. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.10 September 8, 2010 86. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.10 May 30, 2014 87. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.09 October 28, 2010 88. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.09 September 18, 2016 89. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.08 January 15, 2017 90. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.08 June 4, 2010 91. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.08 March 19, 2017 92. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.07 September 21, 2012 93. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.07 March 17, 2017 94. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.06 June 12, 2011 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.06 September 29, 2011 96. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.06 February 22, 2017 97. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.06 July 5, 2011 98. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.05 June 12, 2015 99. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.04 March 1, 2012 100. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.04 February 11, 2016 As of April 9, 2018", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "what song has the highest views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=816052143", "q_uid": 3642067985078903448, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 4.53 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.28 April 6, 2015 3. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.02 July 15, 2012 4. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 2.89 January 30, 2017 5. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.85 October 22, 2015 6. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 2.83 November 19, 2014 7. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.71 January 31, 2012 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.46 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.46 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.44 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.38 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.24 March 22, 2015 13. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.23 November 10, 2014 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.18 February 20, 2014 15. `` Hello '' Adele 2.16 October 22, 2015 16. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.16 June 11, 2014 17. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.05 May 31, 2013 18. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.04 August 9, 2014 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.02 November 18, 2016 20. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.00 October 7, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 1.97 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.87 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.85 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.78 February 19, 2010 25. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.76 February 26, 2016 26. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.75 May 6, 2014 27. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.71 October 21, 2016 28. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.71 July 25, 2012 29. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.64 June 4, 2010 30. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.63 January 22, 2015 31. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.62 August 2, 2016 32. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.51 March 28, 2015 33. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.46 July 12, 2016 34. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.45 August 5, 2010 35. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.45 June 29, 2017 36. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.45 December 3, 2015 37. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.43 August 29, 2014 38. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.43 December 5, 2013 39. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.43 June 25, 2015 40. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.42 July 29, 2013 41. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.40 March 8, 2011 42. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.34 September 22, 2016 43. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.34 November 14, 2014 44. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.33 October 26, 2015 45. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.31 September 9, 2013 46. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.28 January 30, 2014 47. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.28 November 14, 2015 48. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.27 September 28, 2016 49. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.26 January 14, 2016 50. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.26 April 15, 2011 51. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.25 October 2, 2013 52. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.24 November 30, 2010 53. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.22 August 29, 2016 54. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.21 October 7, 2016 55. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.20 April 21, 2017 56. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.19 July 7, 2013 57. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.18 April 6, 2014 58. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.18 August 6, 2015 59. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.17 May 19, 2015 60. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.17 April 27, 2015 61. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.17 June 29, 2015 62. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.16 May 17, 2015 63. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.16 May 27, 2015 64. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.16 October 9, 2007 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.16 March 3, 2011 66. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.14 August 29, 2012 67. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.14 April 13, 2013 68. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.12 November 8, 2012 69. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.12 July 14, 2016 70. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.10 April 20, 2016 71. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.10 June 17, 2013 72. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.09 March 23, 2015 73. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.09 April 22, 2016 74. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.09 March 2, 2017 75. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.08 May 30, 2014 76. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.07 July 8, 2016 77. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.07 October 28, 2010 78. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.07 November 29, 2012 79. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.07 August 25, 2014 80. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.05 June 12, 2011 81. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.04 April 13, 2016 82. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.04 June 4, 2010 83. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.03 September 8, 2010 84. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.03 March 19, 2017 85. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.02 March 1, 2012 86. `` La Gozadera '' Gente de Zona featuring Marc Anthony 1.02 June 5, 2015 87. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.01 June 12, 2015 88. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.00 September 21, 2012 89. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.00 September 29, 2011 90. `` Where Are \u00dc Now '' Jack \u00dc and Justin Bieber 0.99 June 29, 2015 91. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 0.99 January 15, 2017 92. `` Happy '' Pharrell Williams 0.99 November 21, 2013 93. `` Timber '' Pitbull featuring Kesha 0.99 November 25, 2013 94. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 0.98 July 5, 2011 95. `` Darte un Beso '' Prince Royce 0.97 August 20, 2013 96. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 0.97 February 11, 2016 97. `` Work '' Rihanna featuring Drake 0.97 February 22, 2016 98. `` 6 AM '' J Balvin featuring Farruko 0.97 April 4, 2014 99. `` I 'm Not the Only One '' Sam Smith 0.96 August 1, 2014 100. `` Danza Kuduro '' Don Omar featuring Lucenzo 0.96 August 11, 2010 As of December 18, 2017", "short_answer": "Despacito ''" } }, { "question": "what is the third most viewed video on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=833224368", "q_uid": 3279503313437910872, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Notes 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 4.98 January 12, 2017 2. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.48 April 6, 2015 3. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.40 January 30, 2017 4. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.13 July 15, 2012 5. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.00 November 19, 2014 6. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 2.93 January 31, 2012 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 2.91 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.54 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.53 August 18, 2014 10. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.49 April 11, 2014 11. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.46 September 5, 2013 12. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.29 March 22, 2015 13. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.27 November 10, 2014 14. `` Hello '' Adele 2.27 October 22, 2015 15. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.27 February 20, 2014 16. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.21 October 7, 2014 17. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.18 June 11, 2014 18. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.17 May 31, 2013 19. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.13 November 18, 2016 20. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.09 August 9, 2014 21. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.06 July 29, 2016 22. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 1.96 June 16, 2016 23. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.88 August 30, 2015 24. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 1.85 February 19, 2010 25. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 1.82 July 25, 2012 26. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.82 May 6, 2014 27. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.81 February 26, 2016 28. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.80 October 21, 2016 29. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 1.77 June 4, 2010 30. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.73 August 2, 2016 31. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.71 January 22, 2015 32. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 1.71 June 29, 2017 33. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 1.62 December 3, 2015 34. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.54 March 28, 2015 35. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.54 July 12, 2016 36. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.52 August 5, 2010 37. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.49 June 25, 2015 38. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.47 December 5, 2013 39. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.46 August 29, 2014 40. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii featuring Aloe Blacc 1.46 July 29, 2013 41. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.44 March 8, 2011 42. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.43 January 30, 2014 43. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ChuChu TV 1.42 November 14, 2014 44. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.38 September 22, 2016 45. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.37 October 26, 2015 46. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.34 April 15, 2011 47. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.34 September 9, 2013 48. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.32 November 14, 2015 49. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.32 September 28, 2016 50. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.30 November 30, 2010 51. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.30 April 21, 2017 52. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.30 April 27, 2015 53. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.29 October 2, 2013 54. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.29 January 14, 2016 55. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.29 August 29, 2016 56. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.28 October 9, 2007 57. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.27 October 7, 2016 58. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha featuring Ozuna 1.23 August 18, 2017 59. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.22 July 7, 2013 60. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.21 March 2, 2017 61. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.21 April 13, 2016 62. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.20 August 6, 2015 63. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.20 April 6, 2014 64. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.20 May 19, 2015 65. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.19 March 3, 2011 66. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.19 May 27, 2015 67. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.19 May 17, 2015 68. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.18 June 29, 2015 69. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.18 April 20, 2016 70. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.18 July 14, 2016 71. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.17 August 29, 2012 72. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.16 April 13, 2013 73. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.15 November 8, 2012 74. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.14 June 17, 2016 75. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.14 June 17, 2013 76. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.13 August 25, 2014 77. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam featuring Enrique Iglesias 1.12 March 23, 2015 78. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.12 July 8, 2016 79. `` El Pollito Pio '' pulcinopiotv 1.11 November 29, 2012 80. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.11 November 16, 2017 81. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.11 July 7, 2017 82. `` El Perdedor '' Maluma 1.11 April 22, 2016 83. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.10 June 16, 2009 84. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.10 July 13, 2017 85. `` Problem '' Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 1.09 May 30, 2014 86. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.09 September 8, 2010 87. `` Firework '' Katy Perry 1.09 October 28, 2010 88. `` Me Reh\u00faso '' Danny Ocean 1.08 September 18, 2016 89. `` El Amante '' Nicky Jam 1.08 January 15, 2017 90. `` Ahora Dice '' Chris Jeday featuring J Balvin, Ozuna and Arc\u00e1ngel 1.07 March 19, 2017 91. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.07 June 4, 2010 92. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.07 September 21, 2012 93. `` Last Friday Night ( T.G.I.F. ) '' Katy Perry 1.06 June 12, 2011 94. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign 1.06 March 17, 2017 95. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.05 September 29, 2011 96. `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' Gotye featuring Kimbra 1.05 July 5, 2011 97. `` La Mordidita '' Ricky Martin featuring Yotuel 1.04 June 12, 2015 98. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.04 February 22, 2017 99. `` Call Me Maybe '' Carly Rae Jepsen 1.04 March 1, 2012 100. `` La Gozadera '' Gente de Zona featuring Marc Anthony 1.04 June 5, 2015 As of March 29, 2018", "short_answer": "Shape of You ''" } }, { "question": "what's the video with the most views on youtube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-viewed_YouTube_videos&oldid=866525102", "q_uid": -5311735978473778700, "answers": { "long_answer": "Top 100 most - viewed YouTube videos # Video name Uploader / artist Views ( billions ) Upload date Note 1. `` Despacito '' Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee 5.65 January 12, 2017 2. `` Shape of You '' Ed Sheeran 3.87 January 30, 2017 3. `` See You Again '' Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth 3.84 April 6, 2015 4. `` Uptown Funk '' Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars 3.31 November 19, 2014 5. `` Masha and the Bear: Recipe for Disaster '' Get Movies 3.30 January 31, 2012 6. `` Gangnam Style '' Psy 3.23 July 15, 2012 7. `` Sorry '' Justin Bieber 3.03 October 22, 2015 8. `` Sugar '' Maroon 5 2.79 January 14, 2015 9. `` Shake It Off '' Taylor Swift 2.67 August 18, 2014 10. `` Roar '' Katy Perry 2.65 September 5, 2013 11. `` Bailando '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona 2.62 April 11, 2014 12. `` Thinking Out Loud '' Ed Sheeran 2.52 October 7, 2014 13. `` Counting Stars '' OneRepublic 2.49 May 31, 2013 14. `` Dark Horse '' Katy Perry featuring Juicy J 2.45 February 20, 2014 15. `` Lean On '' Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring M\u00d8 2.42 March 22, 2015 16. `` Hello '' Adele 2.42 October 22, 2015 17. `` Blank Space '' Taylor Swift 2.36 November 10, 2014 18. `` Chantaje '' Shakira featuring Maluma 2.27 November 18, 2016 19. `` All About That Bass '' Meghan Trainor 2.23 June 11, 2014 20. `` Closer ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2.19 July 29, 2016 21. `` Wheels on the Bus '' LittleBabyBum 2.16 August 9, 2014 22. `` Let Her Go '' Passenger 2.13 July 25, 2012 23. `` This Is What You Came For '' Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna 2.12 June 16, 2016 24. `` Mi Gente '' J Balvin and Willy William 2.09 June 29, 2017 25. `` Waka Waka ( This Time for Africa ) '' Shakira featuring Freshlyground 2.08 June 4, 2010 26. `` Faded '' Alan Walker 2.04 December 3, 2015 27. `` Baby '' Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris 2.00 February 19, 2010 28. `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez 1.96 August 2, 2016 29. `` Rockabye '' Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul & Anne - Marie 1.96 October 21, 2016 30. `` What Do You Mean? '' Justin Bieber 1.95 August 30, 2015 31. `` Work from Home '' Fifth Harmony featuring Ty Dolla $ ign 1.94 February 26, 2016 32. `` Chandelier '' Sia 1.93 May 6, 2014 33. `` Baby Shark Dance '' Pinkfong! Kids ' Songs & Stories 1.88 June 17, 2016 34. `` Love Me Like You Do '' Ellie Goulding 1.82 January 22, 2015 35. `` Wake Me Up '' Avicii 1.70 July 29, 2013 36. `` \u00c9chame la Culpa '' Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato 1.65 November 16, 2017 37. `` Love the Way You Lie '' Eminem featuring Rihanna 1.63 August 5, 2010 38. `` Worth It '' Fifth Harmony featuring Kid Ink 1.63 March 28, 2015 39. `` Treat You Better '' Shawn Mendes 1.62 July 12, 2016 40. `` Criminal '' Natti Natasha and Ozuna 1.61 August 18, 2017 41. `` Let It Go '' Idina Menzel 1.60 January 30, 2014 42. `` Huge Eggs Surprise Toys Challenge '' Ryan ToysReview 1.59 April 13, 2016 43. `` Watch Me ( Whip / Nae Nae ) '' Silent\u00f3 1.58 June 25, 2015 44. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' ( compilation ) ChuChu TV 1.56 November 14, 2014 45. `` Rude '' Magic! 1.56 December 5, 2013 46. `` Party Rock Anthem '' LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock 1.56 March 8, 2011 47. `` Stressed Out '' Twenty One Pilots 1.54 April 27, 2015 48. `` Ay Vamos '' J Balvin 1.52 August 29, 2014 49. `` Perfect '' Ed Sheeran 1.52 November 9, 2017 50. `` The Gummy Bear Song '' icanrockyourworld 1.52 October 9, 2007 51. `` New Rules '' Dua Lipa 1.51 July 7, 2017 52. `` The Lazy Song '' Bruno Mars 1.49 April 15, 2011 53. `` Vente Pa ' Ca '' Ricky Martin featuring Maluma 1.45 September 22, 2016 54. `` Hotline Bling '' Drake 1.45 October 26, 2015 55. `` Axel F '' Crazy Frog 1.44 June 16, 2009 56. `` Felices los 4 '' Maluma 1.42 April 21, 2017 57. `` Rolling in the Deep '' Adele 1.42 November 30, 2010 58. `` Love Yourself '' Justin Bieber 1.42 November 14, 2015 59. `` Side to Side '' Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj 1.42 August 29, 2016 60. `` Starboy '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 1.42 September 28, 2016 61. `` Reggaet\u00f3n Lento ( Bailemos ) '' CNCO 1.41 October 7, 2016 62. `` Propuesta Indecente '' Romeo Santos 1.40 September 9, 2013 63. `` Something Just like This ( Lyric video ) '' The Chainsmokers and Coldplay 1.38 February 22, 2017 64. `` Havana ( Audio ) '' Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug 1.38 August 3, 2017 65. `` All of Me '' John Legend 1.38 October 2, 2013 66. `` Mayores '' Becky G and Bad Bunny 1.37 July 13, 2017 67. `` That 's What I Like '' Bruno Mars 1.35 March 2, 2017 68. `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Nicky Jam 1.35 January 14, 2016 69. `` Te Bot\u00e9 ( Remix ) '' Nio Garcia, Darell and Casper Magico featuring Bad Bunny, Nicky Jam and Ozuna 1.34 April 11, 2018 70. `` X '' Nicky Jam and J Balvin 1.34 March 1, 2018 71. `` Johny Johny Yes Papa '' LooLoo Kids 1.33 October 8, 2016 72. `` Andas en Mi Cabeza '' Chino & Nacho featuring Daddy Yankee 1.31 April 20, 2016 73. `` Burn '' Ellie Goulding 1.28 July 7, 2013 74. `` On the Floor '' Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull 1.28 March 3, 2011 75. `` The Hills '' The Weeknd 1.27 May 27, 2015 76. `` Shaky Shaky '' Daddy Yankee 1.27 July 14, 2016 77. `` Coraz\u00f3n '' Maluma featuring Nego do Borel 1.24 December 8, 2017 78. `` How Deep Is Your Love '' Calvin Harris featuring Disciples 1.24 August 6, 2015 79. `` Diamonds '' Rihanna 1.24 November 8, 2012 80. `` Bad Blood '' Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar 1.24 May 17, 2015 81. `` Summer '' Calvin Harris 1.24 April 6, 2014 82. `` Hey Mama '' David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack 1.24 May 19, 2015 83. `` Thrift Shop '' Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz 1.24 August 29, 2012 84. `` Bang Bang '' Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 1.24 August 25, 2014 85. `` Just the Way You Are '' Bruno Mars 1.23 September 8, 2010 86. `` Me Reh\u00faso ( Audio ) '' Danny Ocean 1.22 September 18, 2016 87. `` Animals '' Martin Garrix 1.22 June 17, 2013 88. `` La Bicicleta '' Carlos Vives and Shakira 1.21 July 8, 2016 89. `` Swalla '' Jason Derulo featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign 1.21 March 17, 2017 90. `` Picky '' Joey Montana 1.21 June 29, 2015 91. `` El Pollito Pio '' Pulcino Pio 1.21 November 29, 2012 92. `` Cheap Thrills ( Lyric video ) '' Sia featuring Sean Paul 1.20 February 11, 2016 93. `` Someone like You '' Adele 1.20 September 29, 2011 94. `` Gentleman '' Psy 1.20 April 13, 2013 95. `` El Perd\u00f3n '' Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias 1.18 March 23, 2015 96. `` D\u00e9jala Que Vuelva '' Piso 21 featuring Manuel Turizo 1.18 October 19, 2017 97. `` Masha and the Bear: Bon app\u00e9tit! '' Get Movies 1.17 September 21, 2012 98. `` Do n't Let Me Down '' The Chainsmokers featuring Daya 1.17 April 29, 2016 99. `` Girls Like You '' Maroon 5 featuring Cardi B 1.17 May 30, 2018 100. `` Not Afraid '' Eminem 1.17 June 4, 2010 As of October 29, 2018", "short_answer": "`` Despacito ''" } } ], "T.J. Miller": [ { "question": "who does tj miller play in gravity falls", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=T.J._Miller&oldid=815863724", "q_uid": -3108202159212729275, "answers": { "long_answer": "Miller appeared frequently as a member of the `` round table '' on Chelsea Lately. He appeared as Marmaduke Brooker in Carpoolers, which ran for 13 episodes on ABC in 2007 -- 2008. In 2012, he voiced Robbie Valentino on the Disney channel cartoon Gravity Falls. On December 13, 2010, October 28, 2011, and June 14, 2012, he performed stand - up on Conan. On November 15, 2011, his stand - up special No Real Reason premiered on Comedy Central. In 2011, he hosted a special called Mash Up, which was picked up in 2012 for a full season by Comedy Central. He starred in the Fox TV series The Goodwin Games as Jimmy Goodwin.", "short_answer": "Robbie Valentino on" } }, { "question": "who does the voice in the mucinex commercial", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=T.J._Miller&oldid=827822272", "q_uid": 4141476747419366643, "answers": { "long_answer": "As a commercial actor, he voices a talking ball of mucus in commercials for Mucinex and stars as Greg the Genie in a promotional campaign for Slim Jim meat snacks.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where did tj miller go to high school", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=T.J._Miller&oldid=825404995", "q_uid": 2573978541336598698, "answers": { "long_answer": "He attended Graland Country Day School and graduated from Denver 's East High School, where he participated in drama productions. His drama teacher at East High, Melody Duggan, confirms Miller was a `` typical class clown '', but said he was much more intuitive than the average teenager. `` He understands the frailty of the human condition better than any kid I 've ever had.", "short_answer": "Denver 's East High School, where" } }, { "question": "who does tj miller voice in how to train your dragon", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=T.J._Miller&oldid=818335321", "q_uid": -1550548284958887824, "answers": { "long_answer": "He voiced the character ' Tuffnut ' in the Oscar - nominated animated films How to Train Your Dragon and How to Train Your Dragon 2. He also played Dan in Gulliver 's Travels, released in December 2010. He played the supporting character of Ranger Jones in the live - action / animated Yogi Bear 2010 film.", "short_answer": "Tuffnut '" } }, { "question": "who does the voice of the mucus in the mucinex commercial", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=T.J._Miller&oldid=837255670", "q_uid": -8650552135797198685, "answers": { "long_answer": "As a commercial actor, he voices a talking ball of mucus in commercials for Mucinex and stars as Greg the Genie in a promotional campaign for Slim Jim meat snacks.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who does the voice for the mucinex commercials", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=T.J._Miller&oldid=843554134", "q_uid": 2088436558858803316, "answers": { "long_answer": "As a commercial actor, he voices a talking ball of mucus in commercials for Mucinex and stars as Greg the Genie in a promotional campaign for Slim Jim meat snacks.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "1990 FIFA World Cup": [ { "question": "who did england play in the semifinals 1990", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1990_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=855751088", "q_uid": -4169297796325134680, "answers": { "long_answer": "The semi-final between West Germany and England at Juventus 's home stadium in Turin was goalless at half - time. Then, in the 60th minute, a shot from Andreas Brehme was deflected by Paul Parker into his own net. England equalised with ten minutes left; Gary Lineker was the scorer. The game ended 1 -- 1. Extra time yielded more chances. Klinsmann was guilty of two glaring misses and both sides struck a post. England had another Platt goal disallowed for offside. The match went to penalties, and West Germany went on to win the shoot - out 4 -- 3. 3", "short_answer": "West Germany and" } }, { "question": "who came third in the world cup in 1990", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1990_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=854640519", "q_uid": -3912820583937120151, "answers": { "long_answer": "The tournament was won by West Germany, their third World Cup title. They beat Argentina 1 -- 0 at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, a rematch of the previous final four years earlier. Italy finished third and England fourth, after both lost their semi-finals in penalty shootouts. This was the last tournament to feature a team from West Germany, with the country being reunified with East Germany a few months later in October, as well as teams from the Eastern Bloc prior to the end of the Cold War in 1991, as the Soviet Union, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia teams made appearances. Costa Rica, Ireland and the UAE made their first appearances in the finals. As of 2018, this was the last time the UAE qualified for a FIFA World Cup finals. The official match ball was the Adidas Etrusco Unico.", "short_answer": "Italy finished" } }, { "question": "who did england play in 1990 semi finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1990_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=854640519", "q_uid": 843308247055801605, "answers": { "long_answer": "The tournament was won by West Germany, their third World Cup title. They beat Argentina 1 -- 0 at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, a rematch of the previous final four years earlier. Italy finished third and England fourth, after both lost their semi-finals in penalty shootouts. This was the last tournament to feature a team from West Germany, with the country being reunified with East Germany a few months later in October, as well as teams from the Eastern Bloc prior to the end of the Cold War in 1991, as the Soviet Union, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia teams made appearances. Costa Rica, Ireland and the UAE made their first appearances in the finals. As of 2018, this was the last time the UAE qualified for a FIFA World Cup finals. The official match ball was the Adidas Etrusco Unico.", "short_answer": "Italy finished" } }, { "question": "where did england finish in the world cup 1990", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1990_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=854640519", "q_uid": 2032563818814346731, "answers": { "long_answer": "The tournament was won by West Germany, their third World Cup title. They beat Argentina 1 -- 0 at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, a rematch of the previous final four years earlier. Italy finished third and England fourth, after both lost their semi-finals in penalty shootouts. This was the last tournament to feature a team from West Germany, with the country being reunified with East Germany a few months later in October, as well as teams from the Eastern Bloc prior to the end of the Cold War in 1991, as the Soviet Union, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia teams made appearances. Costa Rica, Ireland and the UAE made their first appearances in the finals. As of 2018, this was the last time the UAE qualified for a FIFA World Cup finals. The official match ball was the Adidas Etrusco Unico.", "short_answer": "fourth," } }, { "question": "where did we come in the 1990 world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1990_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=855751088", "q_uid": 4033388834654344713, "answers": { "long_answer": "Team GF GA GD Pts. West Germany 7 5 0 15 5 + 10 12 Argentina 7 5 + 1 7 Italy 7 6 0 10 + 8 13 England 7 8 6 + 2 9 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Yugoslavia 5 8 6 + 2 7 6 Czechoslovakia 5 0 10 5 + 5 6 7 Cameroon 5 0 7 9 - 2 6 8 Republic of Ireland 5 0 \u2212 1 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 Brazil 0 + 2 6 10 Spain 6 + 2 5 11 Belgium 0 6 + 2 12 Romania + 1 13 Costa Rica 0 6 \u2212 2 14 Colombia 0 15 Netherlands 0 \u2212 1 16 Uruguay 5 \u2212 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Soviet Union 0 0 18 Austria 0 \u2212 1 Scotland 0 \u2212 1 20 Egypt 0 \u2212 1 21 Sweden 0 0 6 \u2212 3 0 22 South Korea 0 0 6 \u2212 5 0 23 United States 0 0 8 \u2212 6 0 24 United Arab Emirates 0 0 11 \u2212 9 0", "short_answer": "23" } }, { "question": "who knocked out england in 1990 world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1990_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=855751088", "q_uid": 2751170085016680324, "answers": { "long_answer": "Round of 16 Quarter - finals Semi-finals Final 24 June -- Turin Brazil 0 30 June -- Florence Argentina Argentina ( p ) 0 ( 3 ) 26 June -- Verona Yugoslavia 0 ( 2 ) Spain 3 July -- Naples Yugoslavia ( aet ) Argentina ( p ) 1 ( 4 ) 25 June -- Genoa Italy 1 ( 3 ) Republic of Ireland ( p ) 0 ( 5 ) 30 June -- Rome Romania 0 ( 4 ) Republic of Ireland 0 25 June -- Rome Italy Italy 8 July -- Rome Uruguay 0 Argentina 0 23 June -- Bari West Germany Czechoslovakia 1 July -- Milan Costa Rica Czechoslovakia 0 24 June -- Milan West Germany West Germany 4 July -- Turin Netherlands West Germany ( p ) 1 ( 4 ) 23 June -- Naples England 1 ( 3 ) Third place Cameroon ( aet ) 1 July -- Naples 7 July -- Bari Colombia Cameroon Italy 26 June -- Bologna England ( aet ) England England ( aet ) Belgium 0", "short_answer": "West Germany (" } }, { "question": "who did england get knocked out by in 1990", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1990_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=854640519", "q_uid": 7115146738627612161, "answers": { "long_answer": "Round of 16 Quarter - finals Semi-finals Final 24 June -- Turin Brazil 0 30 June -- Florence Argentina Argentina ( p ) 0 ( 3 ) 26 June -- Verona Yugoslavia 0 ( 2 ) Spain 1 3 July -- Naples Yugoslavia ( aet ) Argentina ( p ) 1 ( 4 ) 25 June -- Genoa Italy 1 ( 3 ) Republic of Ireland ( p ) 0 ( 5 ) 30 June -- Rome Romania 0 ( 4 ) Republic of Ireland 0 25 June -- Rome Italy Italy 8 July -- Rome Uruguay 0 Argentina 0 23 June -- Bari West Germany Czechoslovakia 1 July -- Milan Costa Rica 1 Czechoslovakia 0 24 June -- Milan West Germany West Germany 4 July -- Turin Netherlands 1 West Germany ( p ) 1 ( 4 ) 23 June -- Naples England 1 ( 3 ) Third place Cameroon ( aet ) 1 July -- Naples 7 July -- Bari Colombia 1 Cameroon 2 Italy 26 June -- Bologna England ( aet ) England 1 England ( aet ) Belgium 0", "short_answer": "West Germany (" } }, { "question": "who finished 3rd in the 1990 world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1990_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=854640519", "q_uid": 6591287340917168673, "answers": { "long_answer": "1990 FIFA World Cup Coppa del Mondo FIFA Italia ' 90 1990 FIFA World Cup official logo Tournament details Host country Italy Dates 8 June -- 8 July ( 31 days ) Teams 24 ( from 5 confederations ) Venue ( s ) 12 ( in 12 host cities ) Final positions Champions West Germany ( 3rd title ) Runners - up Argentina Third place Italy Fourth place England Tournament statistics Matches played 52 Goals scored 115 ( 2.21 per match ) Attendance 2,516,215 ( 48,389 per match ) Top scorer ( s ) Salvatore Schillaci ( 6 goals ) Best player Salvatore Schillaci Best young player Robert Prosine\u010dki Fair play award England \u2190 1986 1994 \u2192", "short_answer": "Italy" } } ], "Cissy Houston": [ { "question": "what is whitney houston's mother's name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cissy_Houston&oldid=855989418", "q_uid": 17562668431019888, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emily `` Cissy '' Houston ( n\u00e9e Drinkard; born September 30, 1933 ) is an American soul and gospel singer. After a successful career singing backup for such artists as Dionne Warwick, Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin, Houston embarked on a solo career, winning two Grammy Awards for her work. Houston is the mother of singer Whitney Houston, grandmother of Whitney 's daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, aunt of singers Dionne and Dee Dee Warwick, and a cousin of opera singer Leontyne Price.", "short_answer": "Emily `` Cissy '' Houston (" } } ], "Heather Tom": [ { "question": "who plays will in the bold and the beautiful", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Heather_Tom&oldid=853975694", "q_uid": 3673038576668765802, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tom was born the oldest of three to Marie and Charles Tom, who are divorced. Her two younger siblings are twins David and Nicholle Tom, who are also actors. David played Billy Abbott on The Young and the Restless and also co-starred with her on One Life to Live as her brother, Paul Cramer, while Nicholle played Maggie Sheffield on The Nanny, starring Fran Drescher. In 2000, Heather and her brother, David, made Hollywood history as the first brother and sister to be simultaneously nominated for Daytime Emmy Awards in the same year. In August 2011, Tom announced her engagement to her partner of 15 years, James Achor. On September 17, 2011, less than a month later, the pair married. On May 19, 2012, it was announced that the couple were expecting their first child together. Tom later confirmed she was due around October. Sure enough, on October 28, 2012, Tom gave birth to her son, Zane Alexander, weighing 8 pounds. Zane has appeared sparodically on The Bold and the Beautiful, as Tom 's on - screen son, Will Spencer, since 2013. Heather and James also run a design business, Tight Rope Designs and have redecorated several homes in the Los Angeles area. Their work has also been featured in InStyle and Elle Decor magazines. In the summer of 2013, Heather starred in her own reality TV miniseries for HGTV called `` Renovation Unscripted. '' In September 2016, Tom finished first in the celebrity female division of the 30th Annual Nautica Malibu Triathlon with a time of 2: 05: 23.63, helping to raise more than $1,226,000 for the Children 's Hospital Los Angeles Pediatric Cancer Research Program.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Boeing 787 Dreamliner": [ { "question": "how much fuel does a boeing 787 use", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Boeing_787_Dreamliner&oldid=816131248", "q_uid": 136348836708440605, "answers": { "long_answer": "787 characteristics Model 787 - 8 787 - 9 787 - 10 Cockpit crew Two Seating 242: 24J @ 85 '' + 218Y @ 32 '' max. 359, exit limit 381 290: 28J @ 85 '' + 262Y @ 32 '' max. 406, exit limit 420 330: 32J @ 85 '' + 298Y @ 32 '' max. 440, exit limit 440 Length 186 ft 1 in ( 56.72 m ) 206 ft 1 in ( 62.81 m ) 224 ft ( 68.28 m ) Wingspan 197 ft 3 in ( 60.12 m ) Mean Chord 246.9 in / 6.27 m Aspect ratio 9.59 Wing area 4,058 sq ft ( 377 m ) Wing sweep 32.2 degrees Height 55 ft 10 in ( 17.02 m ) Fuselage dimensions Height: 19 ft 6 in ( 5.94 m ), Width: 18 ft 11 in ( 5.77 m ) Cabin width 18 ft 0 in ( 5.49 m ) Cargo capacity 4,826 ft3 / 136.7 m3 28 LD3 or 9 ( 88 \u00d7 125 ) pallets 6,090 ft3 / 172.5 m3 36 LD3 or 11 ( 96 \u00d7 125 ) pallets 6,722 ft3 / 191.4 m3 40 LD3 or 13 ( 96 \u00d7 125 ) pallets Maximum takeoff weight 502,500 lb / 227,930 kg 560,000 lb / 254,011 kg 560,000 lb / 254,011 kg Maximum landing weight 380,000 lb / 172,365 kg 425,000 lb / 192,777 kg 445,000 lb / 201,849 kg Maximum zero - fuel weight 355,000 lb / 161,025 kg 400,000 lb / 181,437 kg 425,000 lb / 192,777 kg Operating empty weight 264,500 lb / 119,950 kg 284,000 lb / 128,850 kg Speed Max: Mach 0.90 ( 516 kn; 956 km / h ); Cruise: Mach 0.85 ( 488 kn; 903 km / h ) Range at typical seating 7,355 nmi ( 13,621 km ) 7,635 nmi ( 14,140 km ) 6,430 nmi ( 11,908 km ) Takeoff distance MTOW ( ISA, SL ) 10,300 ft ( 3,100 m ) hi thrust: 8,500 ft ( 2,600 m ) 9,400 ft ( 2,900 m ) Fuel capacity 33,340 US gal / 126,206 L 223,378 lb / 101,323 kg 33,384 US gal / 126,372 L 223,673 lb / 101,456 kg Service ceiling 43,000 ft ( 13,100 m ) Engines ( \u00d7 2 ) General Electric GEnx - 1B or Rolls - Royce Trent 1000 Thrust ( \u00d7 2 ) 64,000 lbf ( 280 kN ) 71,000 lbf ( 320 kN ) 76,000 lbf ( 340 kN )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Matt Cassel": [ { "question": "who replaced tom brady when he was hurt", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Matt_Cassel&oldid=827558284", "q_uid": 3819988860434986649, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cassel became the Patriots ' starting quarterback after Week 1 of the 2008 season after then reigning NFL MVP Tom Brady suffered a season - ending knee injury. According to ESPN research, he is the only known quarterback in NFL history to start an NFL game at quarterback without ever starting as a quarterback in college. In February 2009, the Patriots used their franchise tag on Cassel, extending him a one - year contract worth over $14 million, the largest one - year contract for an offensive player in NFL history. Later that offseason, the Patriots made a trade which sent Cassel to the Kansas City Chiefs, who signed him to a 6 - year, $62.7 million contract in July 2009. In 2010, Cassel led the Chiefs to their first AFC West divisional championship in seven years, and earned a Pro Bowl berth in the process.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was tom brady backup when he got hurt", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Matt_Cassel&oldid=834308814", "q_uid": -944253238025929432, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cassel became the Patriots ' starting quarterback after Week 1 of the 2008 season after then reigning NFL MVP Tom Brady suffered a season - ending knee injury. According to ESPN research, he is the only known quarterback in NFL history to start an NFL game at quarterback without ever starting as a quarterback in college. In February 2009, the Patriots used their franchise tag on Cassel, extending him a one - year contract worth over $14 million, the largest one - year contract for an offensive player in NFL history. Later that offseason, the Patriots made a trade which sent Cassel to the Kansas City Chiefs, who signed him to a 6 - year, $62.7 million contract in July 2009. In 2010, Cassel led the Chiefs to their first AFC West divisional championship in seven years, and earned a Pro Bowl berth in the process. On April 4, 2018, he agreed to terms with the Detroit Lions, reuniting with Matt Patricia from their years with the Patriots.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Michelle Rodriguez": [ { "question": "real name of letty in fast and furious", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Michelle_Rodriguez&oldid=815282528", "q_uid": 6350172326487635064, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mayte Michelle Rodriguez ( born July 12, 1978 ) is an American actress. Her breakout role was as a troubled boxer in the independent film Girlfight ( 2000 ), which was met with critical acclaim and earned her several awards, including the Independent Spirit Award and Gotham Award for Best Debut Performance. The following year, she starred as Letty in the blockbuster film The Fast and the Furious ( 2001 ), a role she has reprised in four additional films in the Fast and Furious franchise to date. During her career, Rodriguez has played in a number of successful action films, including Resident Evil, S.W.A.T., and Avatar.", "short_answer": "Mayte Michelle Rodriguez (" } } ], "Tom Holland (actor)": [ { "question": "who plays spiderman in captain america civil war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Holland_(actor)&oldid=815066475", "q_uid": -5617783765776035499, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Stanley Holland ( born 1 June 1996 ) is an English actor and dancer. He is best known for starring as Peter Parker / Spider - Man in the superhero films Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) and Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ).", "short_answer": "Thomas Stanley Holland (" } }, { "question": "who plays the new spiderman in civil war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Holland_(actor)&oldid=801111960", "q_uid": -5104257656799639605, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Stanley Holland ( born 1 June 1996 ) is an English actor and dancer. His breakthrough role was Spider - Man in Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ), followed by Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ). He previously appeared on stage in the title role of Billy Elliot the Musical in London 's West End, and in the films The Impossible ( 2012 ) and In the Heart of the Sea ( 2015 ). Holland received the BAFTA Rising Star Award in 2017.", "short_answer": "Thomas Stanley Holland (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that plays the new spiderman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Holland_(actor)&oldid=811392827", "q_uid": -3059614378750151361, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Stanley Holland ( born 1 June 1996 ) is an English actor and dancer. He is best known for starring as Peter Parker / Spider - Man in the superhero films Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) and Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ).", "short_answer": "Thomas Stanley Holland (" } }, { "question": "what marvel movies has tom holland been in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Holland_(actor)&oldid=854716324", "q_uid": 8706721060501892249, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes Arrietty Sh\u014d Voice; English dub ( UK, AU, NZL ) 2012 The Impossible Lucas Bennett 2013 How I Live Now Isaac Moments Boy Short film 2014 Locke Eddie Voice Billy Elliot the Musical Live Former Billy Encore; cameo 2015 In the Heart of the Sea Thomas Nickerson Tweet Himself Short film; also director 2016 Captain America: Civil War Peter Parker / Spider - Man Edge of Winter Bradley Baker A Monster Calls The Monster Stand - in The Lost City of Z Jack Fawcett 2017 Pilgrimage The Novice / Brother Diarmuid Spider - Man: Homecoming Peter Parker / Spider - Man The Current War Samuel Insull 2018 Avengers: Infinity War Peter Parker / Spider - Man 2019 Chaos Walking Todd Hewitt Post-production The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle Jip Voice; Filming Untitled Avengers film Peter Parker / Spider - Man Post-production Spider - Man: Far From Home Filming Spies in Disguise Walter Beckett Voice; In production", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Hannah John-Kamen": [ { "question": "what episode of black mirror was hannah john kamen in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hannah_John-Kamen&oldid=856770568", "q_uid": -6718102858366318183, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2011 Misfits Carly Episode # 3.6 Black Mirror Selma Episode `` Fifteen Million Merits '' 2012 Whitechapel Roxy 2 episodes The Syndicate Young Shop Assistant Episode # 1.2 The Midnight Beast Pizza Girls Episode: `` Someone Called Sam '' The Hour Rosa Maria Ram\u00edrez 4 episodes 2014 Death in Paradise Yasmin Blake Series 3; Episode 6 Happy Valley Justine 2015 Cucumber Violet The Ark Nahlab Television film Banana Violet 2015 -- present Killjoys Dutch / Aneela Main role 2016 The Tunnel: Sabotage Rosa Persaud Game of Thrones Ornela Episodes: `` Oathbreaker '', `` Book of the Stranger '' Black Mirror Sonja Episode: `` Playtest ''", "short_answer": "Episode `` Fifteen Million Merits ''" } } ], "General Sherman (tree)": [ { "question": "where are the largest trees in sequoia national park", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=General_Sherman_(tree)&oldid=798275669", "q_uid": -5877421559230542552, "answers": { "long_answer": "General Sherman is a giant sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California. By volume, it is the largest known living single stem tree on Earth.", "short_answer": "Giant Forest of" } }, { "question": "where are the world's tallest trees located", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=General_Sherman_(tree)&oldid=798275669", "q_uid": 4251502015651960524, "answers": { "long_answer": "General Sherman is a giant sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California. By volume, it is the largest known living single stem tree on Earth.", "short_answer": "the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in" } }, { "question": "where is the biggest tree in the world located", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=General_Sherman_(tree)&oldid=838276355", "q_uid": 6265518466330707492, "answers": { "long_answer": "General Sherman is a giant sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California. By volume, it is the largest known living single stem tree on Earth.", "short_answer": "General Sherman is" } }, { "question": "where is the world's largest tree located", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=General_Sherman_(tree)&oldid=798275669", "q_uid": 284701678340644816, "answers": { "long_answer": "General Sherman is a giant sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California. By volume, it is the largest known living single stem tree on Earth.", "short_answer": "in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California." } }, { "question": "what is the largest tree in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=General_Sherman_(tree)&oldid=855086698", "q_uid": 1422199206607482130, "answers": { "long_answer": "General Sherman is a giant sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California. By volume, it is the largest known living single - stem tree on Earth.", "short_answer": "General Sherman is" } }, { "question": "sequoia national park largest tree in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=General_Sherman_(tree)&oldid=847625162", "q_uid": -2842694291654581501, "answers": { "long_answer": "General Sherman is a giant sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California. By volume, it is the largest known living single - stem tree on Earth.", "short_answer": "General Sherman is" } }, { "question": "sequoia national park biggest tree in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=General_Sherman_(tree)&oldid=855086698", "q_uid": 3019838194695117144, "answers": { "long_answer": "General Sherman is a giant sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California. By volume, it is the largest known living single - stem tree on Earth.", "short_answer": "General Sherman is" } } ], "Quantico (TV series)": [ { "question": "how many seasons of quantico will there be", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Quantico_(TV_series)&oldid=801134407", "q_uid": 6436404853632687856, "answers": { "long_answer": "In May 2017, ABC renewed the series for a third season of 13 episodes. As part of the renewal process, Safran stepped down as showrunner of the show but remained as a consultant. The following month, it was announced that Michael Seitzman would be Quantico 's showrunner and Safran would be credited as an executive producer. The third season is scheduled to premiere in January 2018.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what season of quantico is on tv now", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Quantico_(TV_series)&oldid=843208358", "q_uid": -7560712559812741559, "answers": { "long_answer": "Quantico has received positive reviews from critics, with praise for Chopra 's performance and the diversity of the cast. However, the `` confusing dual timelines '' received some criticism. The series has been nominated for four People 's Choice Awards, with Chopra winning two: Favorite Actress in a New TV Series in 2016 -- making her the first South Asian to win a People 's Choice Award -- and Favorite Dramatic TV Actress in 2017. ABC renewed the series for a third season, which premiered on April 26, 2018. As part of the renewal process, Safran was replaced as primary showrunner by Michael Seitzman. On May 11, 2018, ABC cancelled the show after three seasons. The network will air the remaining episodes of the third season on Friday nights.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Taylor Schilling": [ { "question": "orange is the new black who plays piper", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Taylor_Schilling&oldid=865436129", "q_uid": 1117313536397383491, "answers": { "long_answer": "Taylor Schilling ( born July 27, 1984 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Piper Chapman on the Netflix original comedy - drama series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series and two Golden Globe Award nominations for Best Actress -- Television Series Musical or Comedy and Best Actress -- Television Series Drama. She made her film debut in the 2007 drama Dark Matter. Schilling also starred in the short - lived NBC medical drama Mercy ( 2009 -- 10 ). Her other films include Atlas Shrugged: Part I ( 2011 ), the romantic drama The Lucky One ( 2012 ), the comedy Take Me ( 2017 ) and the science fiction thriller The Titan ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Taylor Schilling (" } }, { "question": "girl who plays piper in orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Taylor_Schilling&oldid=865436129", "q_uid": 5949029839922081577, "answers": { "long_answer": "Taylor Schilling ( born July 27, 1984 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Piper Chapman on the Netflix original comedy - drama series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series and two Golden Globe Award nominations for Best Actress -- Television Series Musical or Comedy and Best Actress -- Television Series Drama. She made her film debut in the 2007 drama Dark Matter. Schilling also starred in the short - lived NBC medical drama Mercy ( 2009 -- 10 ). Her other films include Atlas Shrugged: Part I ( 2011 ), the romantic drama The Lucky One ( 2012 ), the comedy Take Me ( 2017 ) and the science fiction thriller The Titan ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Taylor Schilling (" } }, { "question": "who played piper in orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Taylor_Schilling&oldid=827942866", "q_uid": 7380163287380554596, "answers": { "long_answer": "Taylor Schilling ( born July 27, 1984 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Piper Chapman on the Netflix original comedy - drama series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series and two Golden Globe Award nominations for Best Actress -- Television Series Musical or Comedy and Best Actress -- Television Series Drama. She made her film debut in the 2007 drama Dark Matter. Schilling also starred in the short - lived NBC medical drama Mercy ( 2009 -- 10 ). Her other films include Atlas Shrugged: Part I ( 2011 ), the romantic drama The Lucky One ( 2012 ), and the comedy Take Me ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Taylor Schilling (" } }, { "question": "piper orange is the new black actress name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Taylor_Schilling&oldid=852311363", "q_uid": -6363374028164121184, "answers": { "long_answer": "Taylor Schilling ( born July 27, 1984 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Piper Chapman on the Netflix original comedy - drama series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series and two Golden Globe Award nominations for Best Actress -- Television Series Musical or Comedy and Best Actress -- Television Series Drama. She made her film debut in the 2007 drama Dark Matter. Schilling also starred in the short - lived NBC medical drama Mercy ( 2009 -- 10 ). Her other films include Atlas Shrugged: Part I ( 2011 ), the romantic drama The Lucky One ( 2012 ), the comedy Take Me ( 2017 ) and the science fiction thriller The Titan ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Taylor Schilling (" } }, { "question": "who plays piper orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Taylor_Schilling&oldid=834410107", "q_uid": 3207794978890044044, "answers": { "long_answer": "Taylor Schilling ( born July 27, 1984 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Piper Chapman on the Netflix original comedy - drama series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series and two Golden Globe Award nominations for Best Actress -- Television Series Musical or Comedy and Best Actress -- Television Series Drama. She made her film debut in the 2007 drama Dark Matter. Schilling also starred in the short - lived NBC medical drama Mercy ( 2009 -- 10 ). Her other films include Atlas Shrugged: Part I ( 2011 ), the romantic drama The Lucky One ( 2012 ), the comedy Take Me ( 2017 ) and the science fiction thriller The Titan ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Taylor Schilling (" } } ], "List of cleanest cities in India": [ { "question": "according to swachh bharat survey which is indian cleanest city", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_cleanest_cities_in_India&oldid=804893861", "q_uid": 6798378232657377199, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year City State Runner up 2017 Indore Madhya Pradesh Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 2016 Mysore Karnataka Chandigarh, Chandigarh Territory 2015 Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu Chandigarh Union Territory of Chandigarh Mysore, Karnataka", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which is the most cleanest state of india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_cleanest_cities_in_India&oldid=844812000", "q_uid": -5406661687666527713, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year First Runner up City State City State 2018 Metropolis Indore Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Large city Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh Medium city Mysore Karnataka Small city New Delhi ( Municipal Council ) Delhi 2017 Indore Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 2016 Mysore Karnataka Chandigarh Chandigarh Territory 2015 Tiruchirapalli Tamil Nadu Chandigarh Union Territory of Chandigarh Mysore Karnataka", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which is the cleanest city of india 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_cleanest_cities_in_India&oldid=797423290", "q_uid": 431734473519324480, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cleanest City in India Indore", "short_answer": "Indore" } } ], "Miami Dolphins": [ { "question": "how many times has the miami dolphins won the super bowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=817625857", "q_uid": 4833173919378146089, "answers": { "long_answer": "The team made its first Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl VI, but lost to the Dallas Cowboys, 24 -- 3. The following year, the Dolphins completed the NFL 's only perfect season culminating in a Super Bowl win, winning all 14 of their regular - season games, both of their NFL playoff games, and also Super Bowl VII. The 1972 Dolphins were the third NFL team to accomplish a perfect regular season, and won Super Bowl VIII, becoming the first team to appear in three consecutive Super Bowls, and the second team ( the first AFL / AFC team ) to win back - to - back championships. Miami also appeared in Super Bowl XVII and Super Bowl XIX, losing both games.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many times did miami dolphins win a superbowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=826093485", "q_uid": 9202215046151859929, "answers": { "long_answer": "Miami Dolphins Current season Established August 16, 1965; 52 years ago ( August 16, 1965 ) First season: 1966 Play in Hard Rock Stadium Miami Gardens, Florida Headquartered in the Baptist Health Training Facility at Nova Southeastern University Davie, Florida Logo Wordmark League / conference affiliations American Football League ( 1966 -- 1969 ) Eastern Division ( 1966 -- 1969 ) National Football League ( 1970 -- present ) American Football Conference ( 1970 -- present ) AFC East ( 1970 -- present ) Current uniform Team colors Aqua, Orange, White, Marine Blue Fight song Miami Dolphins # 1 Mascot T.D. Personnel Owner ( s ) Stephen M. Ross Chairman Stephen M. Ross CEO Tom Garfinkel General manager Chris Grier Head coach Adam Gase Team history Miami Dolphins ( 1966 -- present ) Team nicknames The Fins The No - Name Defense ( Defense 1970s ) The Killer Bees Defense ( Defense 1980s ) Championships League championships ( 2 ) Super Bowl championships ( 2 ) 1972 ( VII ), 1973 ( VIII ) Conference championships ( 5 ) AFC: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1984 Division championships ( 13 ) AFC East: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1992, 1994, 2000, 2008 Playoff appearances ( 23 ) NFL: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2008, 2016 Home fields Miami Orange Bowl ( 1966 -- 1986 ) Hard Rock Stadium ( 1987 -- present )", "short_answer": "2 )" } }, { "question": "who did miami dolphins play in the super bowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=820826561", "q_uid": -767585777930128149, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Coach Super Bowl Location Opponent Score Record 1972 Don Shula VII Los Angeles Washington Redskins 14 - 7 17 - 0 1973 Don Shula VIII Houston Minnesota Vikings 24 - 7 15 - 2", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many superbowl rings do the dolphins have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=810364882", "q_uid": -4226627028466932865, "answers": { "long_answer": "Miami Dolphins Current season Established August 16, 1965; 52 years ago ( August 16, 1965 ) First season: 1966 Play in Hard Rock Stadium Miami Gardens, Florida Headquartered in the Baptist Health Training Facility at Nova Southeastern University Davie, Florida Logo Wordmark League / conference affiliations American Football League ( 1966 -- 1969 ) Eastern Division ( 1966 -- 1969 ) National Football League ( 1970 -- present ) American Football Conference ( 1970 -- present ) AFC East ( 1970 -- present ) Current uniform Team colors Aqua, Orange, White, Marine Blue Fight song Miami Dolphins # 1 Mascot T.D. Personnel Owner ( s ) Stephen M. Ross Chairman Stephen M. Ross CEO Tom Garfinkel General manager Chris Grier Head coach Adam Gase Team history Miami Dolphins ( 1966 -- present ) Team nicknames The Fins The No - Name Defense ( Defense 1970s ) The Killer Bees Defense ( Defense 1980s ) Championships League championships ( 2 ) Super Bowl championships ( 2 ) 1972 ( VII ), 1973 ( VIII ) Conference championships ( 5 ) AFC: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1984 Division championships ( 13 ) AFC East: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1992, 1994, 2000, 2008 Playoff appearances ( 23 ) NFL: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2008, 2016 Home fields Miami Orange Bowl ( 1966 -- 1986 ) Hard Rock Stadium ( 1987 -- present )", "short_answer": "2 )" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the dolphins made it to the super bowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=866477318", "q_uid": -6828809400333520567, "answers": { "long_answer": "Miami Dolphins Current season Established August 16, 1965; 53 years ago ( August 16, 1965 ) First season: 1966 Play in Hard Rock Stadium Miami Gardens, Florida Headquartered in the Baptist Health Training Facility at Nova Southeastern University Davie, Florida Logo Wordmark League / conference affiliations American Football League ( 1966 -- 1969 ) Eastern Division ( 1966 -- 1969 ) National Football League ( 1970 -- present ) American Football Conference ( 1970 -- present ) AFC East ( 1970 -- present ) Current uniform Team colors Aqua, orange, white Fight song Miami Dolphins # 1 Mascot T.D. Personnel Owner ( s ) Stephen M. Ross Chairman Stephen M. Ross CEO Tom Garfinkel General manager Chris Grier Head coach Adam Gase Team history Miami Dolphins ( 1966 -- present ) Team nicknames The Fins The No - Name Defense ( Defense 1970s ) The Killer Bees Defense ( Defense 1980s ) Championships League championships ( 2 ) Super Bowl championships ( 2 ) 1972 ( VII ), 1973 ( VIII ) Conference championships ( 5 ) AFC: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1984 Division championships ( 13 ) AFC East: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1992, 1994, 2000, 2008 Playoff appearances ( 23 ) NFL: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2008, 2016 Home fields Miami Orange Bowl ( 1966 -- 1986 ) Hard Rock Stadium ( 1987 -- present )", "short_answer": "1984" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the dolphins were in the super bowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=815598758", "q_uid": 3053444320971127737, "answers": { "long_answer": "The team made its first Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl VI, but lost to the Dallas Cowboys, 24 -- 3. The following year, the Dolphins completed the NFL 's only perfect season culminating in a Super Bowl win, winning all 14 of their regular - season games, both of their NFL playoff games, and also Super Bowl VII. The 1972 Dolphins were the third NFL team to accomplish a perfect regular season, and won Super Bowl VIII, becoming the first team to appear in three consecutive Super Bowls, and the second team ( the first AFL / AFC team ) to win back - to - back championships. Miami also appeared in Super Bowl XVII and Super Bowl XIX, losing both games.", "short_answer": "Super Bowl XIX," } }, { "question": "when was the last time the dolphins won a superbowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=854706944", "q_uid": 5212925843511440064, "answers": { "long_answer": "Miami Dolphins Current season Established August 16, 1965; 52 years ago ( August 16, 1965 ) First season: 1966 Play in Hard Rock Stadium Miami Gardens, Florida Headquartered in the Baptist Health Training Facility at Nova Southeastern University Davie, Florida Logo Wordmark League / conference affiliations American Football League ( 1966 -- 1969 ) Eastern Division ( 1966 -- 1969 ) National Football League ( 1970 -- present ) American Football Conference ( 1970 -- present ) AFC East ( 1970 -- present ) Current uniform Team colors Aqua, Orange, White Fight song Miami Dolphins # 1 Mascot T.D. Personnel Owner ( s ) Stephen M. Ross Chairman Stephen M. Ross CEO Tom Garfinkel General manager Chris Grier Head coach Adam Gase Team history Miami Dolphins ( 1966 -- present ) Team nicknames The Fins The No - Name Defense ( Defense 1970s ) The Killer Bees Defense ( Defense 1980s ) Championships League championships ( 2 ) Super Bowl championships ( 2 ) 1972 ( VII ), 1973 ( VIII ) Conference championships ( 5 ) AFC: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1984 Division championships ( 13 ) AFC East: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1992, 1994, 2000, 2008 Playoff appearances ( 23 ) NFL: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2008, 2016 Home fields Miami Orange Bowl ( 1966 -- 1986 ) Hard Rock Stadium ( 1987 -- present )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many players are on the miami dolphins", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=866477318", "q_uid": 7821925106158323506, "answers": { "long_answer": "Quarterbacks 9 David Fales 8 Brock Osweiler 17 Ryan Tannehill Running backs 27 Kalen Ballage 38 Brandon Bolden 32 Kenyan Drake 21 Frank Gore 34 Senorise Perry Wide receivers 80 Danny Amendola 88 Leonte Carroo 19 Jakeem Grant 11 DeVante Parker 10 Kenny Stills Tight ends 85 A.J. Derby 86 Mike Gesicki 83 Nick O'Leary 46 Durham Smythe Offensive linemen 64 Jake Brendel C 77 Jesse Davis G 70 Ja'Wuan James T 73 Wesley Johnson C 62 Ted Larsen G 74 Zach Sterup T 66 Travis Swanson C 78 Laremy Tunsil T 79 Sam Young T Defensive linemen 50 Andre Branch DE 56 Davon Godchaux DT 90 Charles Harris DE 75 Cameron Malveaux DE 94 Robert Quinn DE 93 Akeem Spence DT 96 Vincent Taylor DT 91 Cameron Wake DE 76 Jonathan Woodard DE Linebackers 47 Kiko Alonso OLB 44 Stephone Anthony OLB 55 Jerome Baker OLB 45 Mike Hull MLB 52 Raekwon McMillan MLB 53 Martrell Spaight OLB Defensive backs 35 Walt Aikens CB 31 Cornell Armstrong CB 29 Minkah Fitzpatrick FS 25 Xavien Howard CB 20 Reshad Jones SS 28 Bobby McCain CB 22 T.J. McDonald FS 24 Torry McTyer CB 23 Cordrea Tankersley CB Special teams 92 John Denney LS 2 Matt Haack P 7 Jason Sanders K Reserve lists 59 Chase Allen OLB ( IR ) 4 Luke Falk QB ( IR ) 48 MarQueis Gray TE ( IR ) 95 William Hayes DE ( IR ) 67 Daniel Kilgore C ( IR ) 71 Josh Sitton G ( IR ) 15 Albert Wilson WR ( IR ) Practice squad 68 Isaac Asiata G 1 Jalen Davis CB 84 Isaiah Ford WR 61 Connor Hilland C 18 Malcolm Lewis WR 51 Quentin Poling OLB -- Travis Rudolph WR ( Injured ) 69 Garrison Smith DT 72 Jeremiah Valoaga DE 58 DeShawn Williams DE Rookies in italics Roster updated October 29, 2018 Depth chart Transactions 53 Active, 7 Inactive, 9 Practice squad \u2192 AFC rosters \u2192 NFC rosters", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the dolphins won the superbowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=837273656", "q_uid": -2758458255007221637, "answers": { "long_answer": "Miami Dolphins Current season Established August 16, 1965; 52 years ago ( August 16, 1965 ) First season: 1966 Play in Hard Rock Stadium Miami Gardens, Florida Headquartered in the Baptist Health Training Facility at Nova Southeastern University Davie, Florida Logo Wordmark League / conference affiliations American Football League ( 1966 -- 1969 ) Eastern Division ( 1966 -- 1969 ) National Football League ( 1970 -- present ) American Football Conference ( 1970 -- present ) AFC East ( 1970 -- present ) Current uniform Team colors Aqua, Orange, White Fight song Miami Dolphins # 1 Mascot T.D. Personnel Owner ( s ) Stephen M. Ross Chairman Stephen M. Ross CEO Tom Garfinkel General manager Chris Grier Head coach Adam Gase Team history Miami Dolphins ( 1966 -- present ) Team nicknames The Fins The No - Name Defense ( Defense 1970s ) The Killer Bees Defense ( Defense 1980s ) Championships League championships ( 2 ) Super Bowl championships ( 2 ) 1972 ( VII ), 1973 ( VIII ) Conference championships ( 5 ) AFC: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1984 Division championships ( 13 ) AFC East: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1992, 1994, 2000, 2008 Playoff appearances ( 23 ) NFL: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2008, 2016 Home fields Miami Orange Bowl ( 1966 -- 1986 ) Hard Rock Stadium ( 1987 -- present )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where do the miami dolphins play home games", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=803530240", "q_uid": 816352394788043873, "answers": { "long_answer": "Miami Dolphins Current season Established August 16, 1965; 52 years ago ( August 16, 1965 ) First season: 1966 Play in Hard Rock Stadium Miami Gardens, Florida Headquartered in the Baptist Health Training Facility at Nova Southeastern University Davie, Florida Logo Wordmark League / conference affiliations American Football League ( 1966 -- 1969 ) Eastern Division ( 1966 -- 1969 ) National Football League ( 1970 -- present ) American Football Conference ( 1970 -- present ) AFC East ( 1970 -- present ) Current uniform Team colors Aqua, Orange, White, Marine Blue Fight song Miami Dolphins # 1 Mascot T.D. Personnel Owner ( s ) Stephen M. Ross Chairman Stephen M. Ross CEO Tom Garfinkel General manager Chris Grier Head coach Adam Gase Team history Miami Dolphins ( 1966 -- present ) Team nicknames The Fins The No - Name Defense ( Defense 1970s ) The Killer Bees Defense ( Defense 1980s ) Championships League championships ( 2 ) Super Bowl championships ( 2 ) 1972 ( VII ), 1973 ( VIII ) Conference championships ( 5 ) AFC: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1984 Division championships ( 13 ) AFC East: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1992, 1994, 2000, 2008 Playoff appearances ( 23 ) NFL: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2008, 2016 Home fields Miami Orange Bowl ( 1966 -- 1986 ) Hard Rock Stadium ( 1987 -- present )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when is the last time the dolphins won a superbowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami_Dolphins&oldid=815598758", "q_uid": -8948386877836506945, "answers": { "long_answer": "Super Bowl championships ( 2 ) 1972 ( VII ), 1973 ( VIII )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Gretchen Mol": [ { "question": "who plays jimmy's mother in boardwalk empire", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gretchen_Mol&oldid=796492000", "q_uid": -5888712875430135752, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gretchen Mol ( born November 8, 1972 ) is an American actress and former model. She is known for her roles in the films Rounders, Celebrity, 3: 10 to Yuma, The Thirteenth Floor, and The Notorious Bettie Page, in which she played the title character. She also appeared as Gillian Darmody in HBO 's Boardwalk Empire.", "short_answer": "Gretchen Mol (" } }, { "question": "who plays jimmy's mom in boardwalk empire", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gretchen_Mol&oldid=831337340", "q_uid": 2192043215210189539, "answers": { "long_answer": "She had a recurring role on HBO 's Boardwalk Empire as Gillian Darmody, a showgirl at the Beaux Arts and mother to gangster Jimmy Darmody ( played by Michael Pitt ). She plays Sam Henessy, Attorney at Law, on the Netflix series Seven Seconds, February 2018.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Uzo Aduba": [ { "question": "who plays suzanne warren on orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=845631874", "q_uid": -7310143818608344700, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award recognition in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } }, { "question": "who plays crazy in orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=839360942", "q_uid": -8545907963312640111, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award recognition in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } }, { "question": "who played warren in orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=815299615", "q_uid": -1966227417665071507, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award recognition in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } }, { "question": "who is the actress that plays crazy eyes on orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=807390425", "q_uid": -6531340348150211396, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award recognition in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } }, { "question": "who plays suzanne warren in orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=857049836", "q_uid": -2597095177775707168, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is a Nigerian American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } }, { "question": "who plays susan on orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=839360942", "q_uid": 7708582300708648716, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award recognition in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } }, { "question": "who played crazy eyes in orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=854654473", "q_uid": -5846127027244789533, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is a Nigerian American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } }, { "question": "who plays crazy eyes orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=811803442", "q_uid": 7984257298475892800, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award recognition in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } }, { "question": "who plays suzanne in orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=807787578", "q_uid": -3108526186248357545, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award recognition in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } }, { "question": "who played suzanne on orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Uzo_Aduba&oldid=815299615", "q_uid": 6537779696249261270, "answers": { "long_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba ( / \u02c8u\u02d0zo\u028a \u0259\u02c8du\u02d0b\u0259 /; born February 10, 1981 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Suzanne `` Crazy Eyes '' Warren on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black ( 2013 -- present ), for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2014, an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2015, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series in 2014 and 2015. She is one of only two actors to win an Emmy Award recognition in both the comedy and drama categories for the same role, the other being Ed Asner for the character Lou Grant.", "short_answer": "Uzoamaka Nwanneka `` Uzo '' Aduba (" } } ], "Carice van Houten": [ { "question": "who played the red witch in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Carice_van_Houten&oldid=842356620", "q_uid": -4846352001068155269, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 2012, Van Houten has received international recognition for her role as Melisandre on the HBO television series Game of Thrones ( 2012 -- present ), for which she has been nominated for two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. After meeting Australian actor and musician Guy Pearce on the set of Brimstone in 2015, she gave birth to their first child the following year.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the red woman game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Carice_van_Houten&oldid=804807166", "q_uid": 3882621606955721400, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 2012, Van Houten has received international recognition for her role as Melisandre on the HBO fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones ( 2012 -- present ), for which she has been nominated for two Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. After meeting Australian actor and musician Guy Pearce on the set of Brimstone in 2015, she gave birth to their first child the following year.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the red queen on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Carice_van_Houten&oldid=804807166", "q_uid": 1409565020042992262, "answers": { "long_answer": "In July 2011, Van Houten was cast as the priestess Melisandre in the second season of HBO 's fantasy TV series Game of Thrones.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of districts in India": [ { "question": "state with least no. of districts in india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_districts_in_India&oldid=836840718", "q_uid": -3832666695583983101, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. of districts in each state or UT Map key Name of State or Union Territory ( Italicized ) Number of Districts Population Population / district Andhra Pradesh 13 49,386,799 3,798,985 Arunachal Pradesh 22 1,383,727 69,186 Assam 33 31,169,272 916,743 Bihar 38 104,099,452 2,739,459 5 Chhattisgarh 27 25,545,198 946,118 6 Goa 1,458,545 729,273 7 Gujarat 33 60,439,692 1,831,506 8 Haryana 22 25,351,462 1,152,339 9 Himachal Pradesh 12 6,864,602 572,050 10 Jammu and Kashmir 22 12,541,302 570,059 11 Jharkhand 24 32,988,134 1,374,506 12 Karnataka 30 61,095,297 2,036,510 13 Kerala 14 33,406,061 2,386,147 14 Madhya Pradesh 51 72,626,809 1,424,055 15 Maharashtra 36 112,374,333 3,121,509 16 Manipur 9 2,721,756 302,417 17 Meghalaya 11 2,966,889 269,717 18 Mizoram 8 1,097,206 137,151 19 Nagaland 11 1,978,502 179,864 20 Odisha 30 41,974,218 1,399,141 21 Punjab 22 27,743,338 1,261,061 22 Rajasthan 33 68,548,437 2,077,225 23 Sikkim 610,577 152,644 24 Tamil Nadu 32 72,147,030 2,254,595 25 Tripura 8 3,673,917 459,240 26 Uttar Pradesh 75 199,812,341 2,664,165 27 Uttarakhand 13 10,086,292 775,869 28 West Bengal 23 91,276,115 4,563,806 29 Telangana 31 35,193,978 1,135,290 Andaman and Nicobar 380,581 126,860 Chandigarh 1,055,450 1,055,450 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 343,709 343,709 Daman and Diu 243,247 121,624 Lakshadweep 64,473 64,473 NCT Delhi 11 16,787,941 1,526,176 Puducherry 1,247,953 311,988 36 Total 712 1,210,854,977 1,712,666 States and territories of India, numbered as per the table", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "total number of districts in india in 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_districts_in_India&oldid=849690298", "q_uid": 2879352795388884240, "answers": { "long_answer": "A district ( zil\u0101 ) is an administrative division of an Indian state or territory. In some cases districts are further subdivided into sub-divisions, and in others directly into tehsils or talukas. As of 2018 there are a total of 712 districts, up from the 640 in the 2011 Census of India and the 593 recorded in the 2001 Census of India.", "short_answer": "712 districts" } }, { "question": "which is the largest district in india area wise", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_districts_in_India&oldid=842706425", "q_uid": -1172875880299915358, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mahe of Puducherry is the smallest ( 9 km ) district of India by area while Kutch of Gujarat is the largest ( 45,652 km ) district of India by area.", "short_answer": "Kutch of Gujarat is" } }, { "question": "which state has more number of districts in india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_districts_in_India&oldid=866477660", "q_uid": 1854192203617205664, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. of districts in each state or UT Map key Name of State or Union Territory ( Italicized ) Number of Districts Population Population / district Andhra Pradesh 13 49,386,799 3,798,985 Arunachal Pradesh 21 1,383,727 69,186 Assam 33 31,169,272 916,743 Bihar 38 104,099,452 2,739,459 5 Chhattisgarh 27 25,545,198 946,118 6 Goa 1,458,545 729,273 7 Gujarat 33 60,439,692 1,831,506 8 Haryana 22 25,351,462 1,152,339 9 Himachal Pradesh 12 6,864,602 572,050 10 Jammu and Kashmir 22 12,541,302 570,059 11 Jharkhand 24 32,988,134 1,374,506 12 Karnataka 30 61,095,297 2,036,510 13 Kerala 14 33,406,061 2,386,147 14 Madhya Pradesh 52 72,626,809 1,424,055 15 Maharashtra 36 112,374,333 3,121,509 16 Manipur 16 2,721,756 302,417 17 Meghalaya 11 2,966,889 269,717 18 Mizoram 8 1,097,206 137,151 19 Nagaland 11 1,978,502 179,864 20 Odisha 30 41,974,218 1,399,141 21 Punjab 22 27,743,338 1,261,061 22 Rajasthan 33 68,548,437 2,077,225 23 Sikkim 610,577 152,644 24 Tamil Nadu 32 72,147,030 2,254,595 25 Tripura 8 3,673,917 459,240 26 Uttar Pradesh 75 199,812,341 2,664,165 27 Uttarakhand 13 10,086,292 775,869 28 West Bengal 23 91,276,115 4,563,806 29 Telangana 31 35,193,978 1,135,290 Andaman and Nicobar 380,581 126,860 Chandigarh 1,055,450 1,055,450 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 343,709 343,709 Daman and Diu 243,247 121,624 Lakshadweep 64,473 64,473 NCT Delhi 11 16,787,941 1,526,176 Puducherry 1,247,953 311,988 36 Total 719 1,210,854,977 1,712,666 States and territories of India, numbered as per the table", "short_answer": "Uttar Pradesh" } }, { "question": "as per the census of india india is made up of how many districts", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_districts_in_India&oldid=808902866", "q_uid": 8860010126470596520, "answers": { "long_answer": "A district ( zil\u0101 ) is an administrative division of an Indian state or territory. In some cases districts are further subdivided into sub-divisions, and in others directly into tehsils or talukas. As of 2016 there are a total of 707 districts, up from the 640 in the 2011 Census of India and the 593 recorded in the 2001 Census of India.", "short_answer": "640 in" } } ], "El Cl\u00e1sico": [ { "question": "who has the most trophies barcelona or real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=843091787", "q_uid": 4994356357009477319, "answers": { "long_answer": "The rivalry reflected in El Cl\u00e1sico matches comes about as Real Madrid and Barcelona are the most successful football clubs in Spain. As seen below, Barcelona leads Real Madrid 94 -- 91 in terms of official overall trophies. While the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup is recognised as the predecessor to the UEFA Cup, it was not organised by UEFA. Consequently, UEFA does not consider clubs ' records in the Fairs Cup to be part of their European record. However, FIFA does view the competition as a major honour.", "short_answer": "Barcelona leads" } }, { "question": "who has more wins barca vs real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=843091787", "q_uid": -3677931622136974210, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 92, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 112 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "Real Madrid leads" } }, { "question": "who has won more games in el clasico", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=802087363", "q_uid": -8056814148904337098, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 91, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 111 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "Barcelona leads" } }, { "question": "how many times have barcelona played real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=802087363", "q_uid": -2326848766169207703, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Real Madrid 2 -- 0 Barcelona Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a ( 16 August 2017 ) Next meeting Real Madrid v Barcelona La Liga ( 23 December 2017 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 235 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 269 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 111 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 25 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "real madrid or barcelona who has more trophies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=866313943", "q_uid": 2720689212988267617, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid Competition Barcelona Domestic 33 La Liga 25 19 Copa del Rey 30 10 Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a 13 Copa Eva Duarte ( defunct ) Copa de la Liga ( defunct ) 64 Aggregate 73 European and Worldwide 13 UEFA Champions League 5 -- UEFA Cup Winners ' Cup ( defunct ) UEFA Europa League -- UEFA Super Cup 5 -- Inter-Cities Fairs Cup ( defunct ) Intercontinental Cup ( defunct ) -- FIFA Club World Cup 25 Aggregate 20 89 Total Aggregate 93", "short_answer": "Barcelona" } }, { "question": "real madrid vs fcb head to head record", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=802087363", "q_uid": -5370844683378901922, "answers": { "long_answer": "Matches Wins Draws Goals Home Wins Home Draws Away Wins La Liga 174 72 69 33 284 277 52 49 15 18 20 20 Copa del Rey 33 12 14 7 64 63 5 7 5 5 Copa de la Liga 6 0 8 13 0 0 Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a 14 8 30 18 6 0 Champions League 8 13 10 All competitions 235 95 91 49 399 381 64 61 25 24 27 27 Friendly / Other 34 20 10 44 86 11 6 8 All matches 269 99 111 59 443 467 67 72 29 30 28 35", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "head to head record between barcelona and real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=866313943", "q_uid": 8267234361305571804, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Barcelona 5 -- 1 Real Madrid La Liga ( 28 October 2018 ) Next meeting Real Madrid v. Barcelona La Liga ( 3 March 2019 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 238 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 272 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 113 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 26 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "real madrid vs barcelona head to head all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=834214344", "q_uid": 4934195587071344702, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Real Madrid 0 -- 3 Barcelona La Liga ( 23 December 2017 ) Next meeting Barcelona v Real Madrid La Liga ( 6 May 2018 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 236 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 270 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 112 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 25 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "barcelona vs real madrid who has more wins", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=802087363", "q_uid": -7961302537888505686, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 111 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most goals in el classico", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=825418921", "q_uid": 2845158300916277904, "answers": { "long_answer": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 17 -- 6 -- 25 Alfredo Di St\u00e9fano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 8 5 -- -- 17 Ra\u00fal Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 C\u00e9sar Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo S\u00e1nchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iv\u00e1n Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Mart\u00ednez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Su\u00e1rez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernab\u00e9u Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8 Consecutive", "short_answer": "Lionel Messi" } }, { "question": "who has won more times barcelona vs real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=810614410", "q_uid": 4376163565291357020, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 91, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 111 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the highest goals in el clasico", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=843091787", "q_uid": 6792482461581486463, "answers": { "long_answer": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 18 -- 6 -- 26 Alfredo Di St\u00e9fano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 9 5 -- -- 18 Ra\u00fal Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 C\u00e9sar Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo S\u00e1nchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iv\u00e1n Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Mart\u00ednez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Su\u00e1rez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernab\u00e9u Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8 Consecutive", "short_answer": "Lionel Messi" } }, { "question": "how many goals has messi scored in el classicos", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=850347162", "q_uid": 7883227128644489705, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Barcelona 2 -- 2 Real Madrid La Liga ( 6 May 2018 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 237 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 271 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 112 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 26 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many times has barcelona beaten real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=810614410", "q_uid": -6897821871943443359, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 91, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 111 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "91," } }, { "question": "who won more matches barcelona vs real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=855526394", "q_uid": -2208872573323558875, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Barcelona 2 -- 2 Real Madrid La Liga ( 6 May 2018 ) Next meeting Barcelona v. Real Madrid La Liga ( 28 October 2018 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 237 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 271 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 112 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 26 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the most el clasico matches", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=802087363", "q_uid": 5058160532855062779, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Real Madrid 2 -- 0 Barcelona Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a ( 16 August 2017 ) Next meeting Real Madrid v Barcelona La Liga ( 23 December 2017 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 235 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 269 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 111 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 25 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time real madrid won barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=802087363", "q_uid": -5444982577588316255, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Real Madrid 2 -- 0 Barcelona Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a ( 16 August 2017 ) Next meeting Real Madrid v Barcelona La Liga ( 23 December 2017 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 235 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 269 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 111 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 25 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "16 August 2017 )" } }, { "question": "when is the next clasico barcelona vs real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=825418921", "q_uid": 6250063043643158041, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Real Madrid 0 -- 3 Barcelona La Liga ( 23 December 2017 ) Next meeting Barcelona v Real Madrid La Liga ( 6 May 2018 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 236 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 270 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 112 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 25 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "6 May 2018 )" } }, { "question": "who has scored more goals messi or ronaldo in el clasico", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=843091787", "q_uid": 8020908701419089168, "answers": { "long_answer": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 18 -- 6 -- 26 Alfredo Di St\u00e9fano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 9 5 -- -- 18 Ra\u00fal Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 C\u00e9sar Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo S\u00e1nchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iv\u00e1n Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Mart\u00ednez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Su\u00e1rez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernab\u00e9u Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8 Consecutive", "short_answer": "Lionel Messi" } }, { "question": "real madrid vs barca head to head record", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=834214344", "q_uid": -1593609674965737904, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 92, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 112 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the most games between real madrid and barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=843091787", "q_uid": 4329632805250194897, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Barcelona 2 -- 2 Real Madrid La Liga ( 6 May 2018 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 237 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 271 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 112 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 26 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "total matches played between barcelona and real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=850347162", "q_uid": 8287615343793852466, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Barcelona 2 -- 2 Real Madrid La Liga ( 6 May 2018 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 237 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 271 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 112 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 26 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won more games against each other barcelona vs real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=821281311", "q_uid": 1370127699275730655, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 92, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 112 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "Real Madrid leads" } }, { "question": "who has the most win in el clasico", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=825418921", "q_uid": 4336117224638914170, "answers": { "long_answer": "Matches Wins Draws Goals Home Wins Home Draws Away Wins La Liga 175 72 70 33 284 280 52 49 15 18 20 21 Copa del Rey 33 12 14 7 64 63 5 7 5 5 Copa de la Liga 6 0 8 13 0 0 Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a 14 8 30 18 6 0 Champions League 8 13 10 All competitions 236 95 92 49 399 384 64 61 25 24 27 28 Friendly / Other 34 20 10 44 86 11 6 8 All matches 270 99 112 59 443 470 67 72 29 30 28 36", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most wins between real madrid and barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=843091787", "q_uid": -699036786429561928, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 92, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 112 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "Barcelona leads" } }, { "question": "who has won the most clasicos barcelona vs real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=800089781", "q_uid": -6436567790109319045, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 91, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 111 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "barcelona vs real madrid head to head win", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=834214344", "q_uid": 3062157736259909887, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 92, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 112 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the match between real madrid and barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=843091787", "q_uid": -1265160399806842239, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Barcelona 2 -- 2 Real Madrid La Liga ( 6 May 2018 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 237 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 271 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 112 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 26 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many times have real madrid and barcelona played", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=825418921", "q_uid": 807193686055758568, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Real Madrid 0 -- 3 Barcelona La Liga ( 23 December 2017 ) Next meeting Barcelona v Real Madrid La Liga ( 6 May 2018 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 236 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 270 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 112 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 25 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has more wins barcelona or real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=843091787", "q_uid": -976221473565913963, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Barcelona 2 -- 2 Real Madrid La Liga ( 6 May 2018 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 237 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 271 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 112 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 26 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has more wins between barcelona and real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=802087363", "q_uid": -3220627206509536680, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 111 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won more games real madrid or barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=866313943", "q_uid": 4558854467013193320, "answers": { "long_answer": "El Cl\u00e1sico Team kits -- Real Madrid in white, Barcelona in blue and red Locale Spain Teams Barcelona Real Madrid Latest meeting Barcelona 5 -- 1 Real Madrid La Liga ( 28 October 2018 ) Next meeting Real Madrid v. Barcelona La Liga ( 3 March 2019 ) Stadiums Camp Nou ( Barcelona ) Santiago Bernab\u00e9u ( Real Madrid ) Statistics Meetings total Competitive matches: 238 Exhibition matches: 34 Total matches: 272 Most wins Competitive matches: Real Madrid ( 95 ) Exhibition matches: Barcelona ( 20 ) Total matches: Barcelona ( 113 ) Most player appearances Manolo Sanch\u00eds ( 43 ) Top scorer Lionel Messi ( 26 ) Largest victory Real Madrid 11 -- 1 Barcelona Copa del Rey ( 19 June 1943 )", "short_answer": "Real Madrid (" } }, { "question": "who has the most goals in el clasico history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=834214344", "q_uid": 6217622396333431926, "answers": { "long_answer": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 17 -- 6 -- 25 Alfredo Di St\u00e9fano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 8 5 -- -- 17 Ra\u00fal Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 C\u00e9sar Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo S\u00e1nchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iv\u00e1n Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Mart\u00ednez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Su\u00e1rez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernab\u00e9u Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8 Consecutive", "short_answer": "Lionel Messi" } }, { "question": "who won the most matches in el clasico", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=802087363", "q_uid": -3708434504377039739, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 91, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 111 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 91," } }, { "question": "who has more el clasico goals messi or ronaldo", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=854652256", "q_uid": 8124531131697055361, "answers": { "long_answer": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 18 -- 6 -- 26 Alfredo Di St\u00e9fano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 9 5 -- -- 18 Ra\u00fal Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 C\u00e9sar Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo S\u00e1nchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iv\u00e1n Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Mart\u00ednez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Su\u00e1rez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernab\u00e9u Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8 Consecutive", "short_answer": "Lionel Messi" } }, { "question": "real madrid vs barcelona head to head match results", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=834214344", "q_uid": -8584474119879618230, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 92, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 112 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won more el clasico real madrid or barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=El_Cl%C3%A1sico&oldid=843091787", "q_uid": -973015766423587153, "answers": { "long_answer": "Real Madrid leads the head to head results in competitive matches with 95 wins to Barcelona 's 92, while Barcelona leads in total matches with 112 wins to Real Madrid 's 99. Along with Athletic Bilbao, they are the only clubs in La Liga to have never been relegated.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Kristin Davis": [ { "question": "who plays charlotte on sex and the city", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kristin_Davis&oldid=860301682", "q_uid": 4336256054982573312, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kristin Landen Davis ( also listed as Kristin Lee Davis; born February 23, 1965 ) is an American actress. She is known for playing Brooke Armstrong on the soap opera Melrose Place ( 1995 -- 1996 ), and Charlotte York Goldenblatt on HBO 's Sex and the City ( 1998 -- 2004 ). She received a 2004 Emmy Award nomination for her role as Charlotte, and reprised the role in the films Sex and the City ( 2008 ) and Sex and the City 2 ( 2010 ).", "short_answer": "Kristin Landen Davis (" } }, { "question": "who plays charlotte york in sex and the city", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kristin_Davis&oldid=825246840", "q_uid": -7099887158585211397, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kristin Landen Davis ( also listed as Kristin Lee Davis; born February 23, 1965 ) is an American actress. She is known for playing Brooke Armstrong on the soap opera Melrose Place ( 1995 -- 1996 ), and Charlotte York Goldenblatt on HBO 's Sex and the City ( 1998 -- 2004 ). She received a 2004 Emmy Award nomination for her role as Charlotte, and reprised the role in the films Sex and the City ( 2008 ) and Sex and the City 2 ( 2010 ).", "short_answer": "Kristin Landen Davis (" } }, { "question": "who played charlotte on sex and the city", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kristin_Davis&oldid=850296805", "q_uid": -2163857683239428339, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kristin Landen Davis ( also listed as Kristin Lee Davis; born February 23, 1965 ) is an American actress. She is known for playing Brooke Armstrong on the soap opera Melrose Place ( 1995 -- 1996 ), and Charlotte York Goldenblatt on HBO 's Sex and the City ( 1998 -- 2004 ). She received a 2004 Emmy Award nomination for her role as Charlotte, and reprised the role in the films Sex and the City ( 2008 ) and Sex and the City 2 ( 2010 ).", "short_answer": "Kristin Landen Davis (" } } ], "Oleg Salenko": [ { "question": "players who have scored 5 goals in world cup finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Oleg_Salenko&oldid=853847119", "q_uid": 1007810826320460647, "answers": { "long_answer": "Oleg Anatolyevich Salenko ( Russian: \u041e\u043b\u0435\u0433 \u0410\u043d\u0430\u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0435\u0432\u0438\u0447 \u0421\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e; Ukrainian: \u041e\u043b\u0435\u0433 \u0410\u043d\u0430\u0442\u043e\u043b\u0456\u0439\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447 \u0421\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e ) ( born 25 October 1969 ) is a retired Russian - Ukrainian footballer who played as a forward. He scored a record five goals in a group - stage match in the 1994 World Cup, helping him earn the Golden Boot as joint - top tournament goalscorer.", "short_answer": "Oleg Anatolyevich Salenko (" } } ], "Fiddler on the Roof (film)": [ { "question": "what year was fiddler on the roof made", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=802568776", "q_uid": -6561142121338395840, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fiddler on the Roof is a 1971 American musical comedy - drama film produced and directed by Norman Jewison. It is an adaptation of the 1964 Broadway musical of the same name, with music composed by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and screenplay by Joseph Stein. Starring Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey, Molly Picon, and Paul Mann, the film centers on Tevye, the father of five daughters, and his attempts to maintain his Jewish religious and cultural traditions as outside influences encroach upon the family 's lives. He must cope both with the strong - willed actions of his three older daughters, who wish to marry for love -- each one 's choice of a husband moves further away from the customs of his faith -- and with the edict of the Tsar that evicts the Jews from the town of Anatevka. Throughout the film, Tevye breaks the fourth wall by talking directly to the audience as well as to God. In addition to the difficulties of being poor, Tevye speaks of the Jewish community 's constant fear of harassment from their non-Jewish neighbors.", "short_answer": "1971 American" } }, { "question": "who played motel in fiddler on the roof", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=846488580", "q_uid": 3200414931183499407, "answers": { "long_answer": "Leonard Frey as Motel Kamzoil, the tailor, Tzeitel 's eventual husband", "short_answer": "Leonard Frey as" } }, { "question": "what is the point of the fiddler on the roof", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=824202977", "q_uid": 1700180968331619595, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fiddler on the Roof is a 1971 American musical comedy - drama film produced and directed by Norman Jewison. It is an adaptation of the 1964 Broadway musical of the same name, with music composed by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and screenplay by Joseph Stein. Starring Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey, Molly Picon, and Paul Mann, the film centers on Tevye, the father of five daughters, and his attempts to maintain his Jewish religious and cultural traditions as outside influences encroach upon the family 's lives. He must cope both with the strong - willed actions of his three older daughters, who wish to marry for love -- each one 's choice of a husband moves further away from the customs of his faith -- and with the edict of the Tsar that evicts the Jews from the town of Anatevka. Throughout the film, Tevye breaks the fourth wall by talking directly to the audience as well as to God. In addition to the difficulties of being poor, Tevye speaks of the Jewish community 's constant fear of harassment from their non-Jewish neighbors.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played fruma sarah in fiddler on the roof", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=828710320", "q_uid": 1121703530285373503, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ruth Madoc as Fruma - Sarah, the butcher 's late wife", "short_answer": "Ruth Madoc as" } }, { "question": "where did they film the movie fiddler on the roof", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=856453922", "q_uid": -434361448103081453, "answers": { "long_answer": "Principal photography was done at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, England. Most of the exterior shots were done in SFR Yugoslavia -- specifically in Mala Gorica, Lekenik, and Zagreb within the Yugoslav constituent republic of Croatia. Though the area was under heavy snow during location scouting in 1969, during the filming the producers had to ship in marble dust to stand in for snow. Three hundred extras conversant in various foreign languages were used, as were flocks of geese and pigs and their handlers. Isaac Stern performed the violin solos.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the movie fiddler on the roof about", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=839599335", "q_uid": -8543019839141702339, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fiddler on the Roof is a 1971 American musical comedy - drama film produced and directed by Norman Jewison. It is an adaptation of the 1964 Broadway musical of the same name, with music composed by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and screenplay by Joseph Stein. Starring Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey, Molly Picon, and Paul Mann, the film centers on Tevye, the father of five daughters, and his attempts to maintain his Jewish religious and cultural traditions as outside influences encroach upon the family 's lives. He must cope both with the strong - willed actions of his three older daughters, who wish to marry for love -- each one 's choice of a husband moves further away from the customs of his faith -- and with the edict of the Tsar that evicts the Jews from the town of Anatevka. Throughout the film, Tevye breaks the fourth wall by talking directly to the audience as well as to God. In addition to the difficulties of being poor, Tevye speaks of the Jewish community 's constant fear of harassment from their non-Jewish neighbors.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the tailor in fiddler on the roof", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=801077565", "q_uid": -7260536116740950734, "answers": { "long_answer": "Leonard Frey as Motel Kamzoil, the tailor, Tzeitel 's eventual husband", "short_answer": "Leonard Frey as" } }, { "question": "who starred in the movie fiddler on the roof", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=824202977", "q_uid": 504097667769771320, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fiddler on the Roof Theatrical release poster by Ted CoConis Directed by Norman Jewison Produced by Norman Jewison Walter Mirisch ( Uncredited ) Screenplay by Joseph Stein Based on Tevye and His Daughters by Sholem Aleichem Starring Topol Norma Crane Leonard Frey Molly Picon Paul Mann Music by Jerry Bock ( Music ) Sheldon Harnick ( Lyrics ) John Williams ( Adaptation ) Cinematography Oswald Morris Edited by Antony Gibbs Robert Lawrence Production company The Mirisch Production Company Distributed by United Artists Release date November 3, 1971 ( 1971 - 11 - 03 ) Running time 179 minutes Country United States Language English Hebrew Russian Budget $9 million Box office $83.3 million", "short_answer": "Topol" } }, { "question": "who played golda in fiddler on the roof", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=824202977", "q_uid": -4240660255440554204, "answers": { "long_answer": "Norma Crane as Golde, his wife", "short_answer": "Norma Crane as" } }, { "question": "who starred in fiddler on the roof movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fiddler_on_the_Roof_(film)&oldid=850464689", "q_uid": -5909863172894326381, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fiddler on the Roof is a 1971 American musical comedy - drama film produced and directed by Norman Jewison. It is an adaptation of the 1964 Broadway musical of the same name, with music composed by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and screenplay by Joseph Stein. Starring Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey, Molly Picon, and Paul Mann, the film centers on Tevye, the father of five daughters, and his attempts to maintain his Jewish religious and cultural traditions as outside influences encroach upon the family 's lives. He must cope both with the strong - willed actions of his three older daughters, who wish to marry for love -- each one 's choice of a husband moves further away from the customs of his faith -- and with the edict of the Tsar who evicts the Jews from the town of Anatevka.", "short_answer": "Topol," } } ], "Ariana Grande": [ { "question": "when did ariana grande start her music career", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ariana_Grande&oldid=803685789", "q_uid": 4302849296598954949, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ariana Grande - Butera ( born June 26, 1993 ), better known as Ariana Grande ( / \u02cc\u0251\u02d0ri\u02c8\u0251\u02d0n\u0259 \u02c8\u0261r\u0251\u02d0nde\u026a / ), is an American singer and actress. She began her career in 2008 in the Broadway musical 13, before playing the role of Cat Valentine in the Nickelodeon television series Victorious, and in the spinoff Sam & Cat until 2014. She has also appeared in other theatre and television roles and has lent her voice to animated television and films.", "short_answer": "2008 in" } }, { "question": "when did ariana grande released her first album", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ariana_Grande&oldid=825228060", "q_uid": -7014775964537025772, "answers": { "long_answer": "Grande 's music career began in 2011 with the soundtrack Music from Victorious. In 2013, she released her first studio album Yours Truly, which entered atop the US Billboard 200. The album 's lead single, `` The Way '', opened in the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100, with critics comparing her wide vocal range to that of Mariah Carey.", "short_answer": "2013," } }, { "question": "hiw long have ariana and pete been dating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ariana_Grande&oldid=850581333", "q_uid": 3260120459723587646, "answers": { "long_answer": "In May 2018, Grande began dating actor and comedian Pete Davidson. In June 2018, Davidson confirmed that he and Grande are engaged.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "AirPort Time Capsule": [ { "question": "what does an apple airport time capsule do", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=AirPort_Time_Capsule&oldid=805705657", "q_uid": 1921049547869690324, "answers": { "long_answer": "The AirPort Time Capsule ( originally named Time Capsule ) is a wireless router sold by Apple Inc., featuring network - attached storage ( NAS ) and a residential gateway router, and is one of Apple 's AirPort products. They are, essentially, versions of the AirPort Extreme with an internal hard drive. Apple describes it as a `` Backup Appliance '', designed to work in tandem with the Time Machine backup software utility introduced in Mac OS X 10.5.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Rebecca Mader": [ { "question": "who played the wicked witch of the west in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rebecca_Mader&oldid=841557373", "q_uid": 3889066594529806542, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader ( born 24 April 1977 ) is an English actress, best known for her roles as Charlotte Lewis in the ABC series Lost, and as Zelena, the Wicked Witch of the West, on ABC 's Once Upon a Time.", "short_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader (" } }, { "question": "who plays the wicked witch of the west on once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rebecca_Mader&oldid=825371352", "q_uid": -4709313711631958271, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader ( born 24 April 1977 ) is an English actress, best known for her roles as Charlotte Lewis in the ABC series Lost, and as Zelena, the Wicked Witch of the West, on ABC 's Once Upon a Time.", "short_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader (" } }, { "question": "wicked witch in once upon a time actress", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rebecca_Mader&oldid=841557373", "q_uid": 2805943870224655225, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader ( born 24 April 1977 ) is an English actress, best known for her roles as Charlotte Lewis in the ABC series Lost, and as Zelena, the Wicked Witch of the West, on ABC 's Once Upon a Time.", "short_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader (" } }, { "question": "who plays the wicked witch in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rebecca_Mader&oldid=812642212", "q_uid": -2240230812607058697, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader ( born 24 April 1977 ) is an English actress, best known for her roles as Charlotte Lewis in the ABC series Lost, and as Zelena, the Wicked Witch of the West, on ABC 's Once Upon a Time.", "short_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader (" } }, { "question": "who plays the wicked witch on once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rebecca_Mader&oldid=801595705", "q_uid": 4803606400297129785, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader ( born 24 April 1977 ) is an English actress, best known for her roles as Charlotte Lewis in the ABC series Lost, and as Zelena, the Wicked Witch of the West, on ABC 's Once Upon a Time.", "short_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader (" } }, { "question": "who plays zelena on once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rebecca_Mader&oldid=819504500", "q_uid": -6181309701134522673, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader ( born 24 April 1977 ) is an English actress, best known for her roles as Charlotte Lewis in the ABC series Lost, and as Zelena, the Wicked Witch of the West, on ABC 's Once Upon a Time.", "short_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader (" } }, { "question": "who plays wicked witch on once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rebecca_Mader&oldid=805819875", "q_uid": -3894558251308447609, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader ( born 24 April 1977 ) is an English actress, best known for her roles as Charlotte Lewis in the ABC series Lost, and as Zelena, the Wicked Witch of the West, on ABC 's Once Upon a Time.", "short_answer": "Rebecca Leigh Mader (" } } ], "Thomas F. Wilson": [ { "question": "who played biff in back to the future", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_F._Wilson&oldid=800958991", "q_uid": -367176611258179145, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Francis Wilson Jr. ( born April 15, 1959 ) is an American actor, writer, musician, painter, voice - over artist, comedian, and podcaster. He is known for his voice - over work in video games, movies and TV shows. He is also known for playing Biff Tannen, Griff Tannen and Buford `` Mad Dog '' Tannen in the Back to the Future trilogy, and Coach Ben Fredricks on NBC 's Freaks and Geeks.", "short_answer": "Thomas Francis Wilson Jr. (" } }, { "question": "who played griff in back to the future 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_F._Wilson&oldid=800958991", "q_uid": -2279816067928630795, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Francis Wilson Jr. ( born April 15, 1959 ) is an American actor, writer, musician, painter, voice - over artist, comedian, and podcaster. He is known for his voice - over work in video games, movies and TV shows. He is also known for playing Biff Tannen, Griff Tannen and Buford `` Mad Dog '' Tannen in the Back to the Future trilogy, and Coach Ben Fredricks on NBC 's Freaks and Geeks.", "short_answer": "Thomas Francis Wilson Jr. (" } }, { "question": "who plays biff on back to the future", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_F._Wilson&oldid=866485512", "q_uid": 4811510099260190320, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Francis Wilson Jr. ( born April 15, 1959 ) is an American actor, voice - over artist, comedian, writer, musician, painter and podcaster best known for playing Biff Tannen, Griff Tannen and Buford `` Mad Dog '' Tannen in the Back to the Future trilogy and Coach Ben Fredricks on NBC 's Freaks and Geeks and for his voice - over work in movies, TV shows and video games.", "short_answer": "Thomas Francis Wilson Jr. (" } }, { "question": "who played biff in back to the future 1", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_F._Wilson&oldid=800189131", "q_uid": 3680395237844342235, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Francis Wilson Jr. ( born April 15, 1959 ) is an American actor, writer, musician, painter, voice - over artist, comedian, and podcaster. He is known for his voice - over work in video games, movies and TV shows. He is also known for playing Biff Tannen, Griff Tannen and Buford `` Mad Dog '' Tannen in the Back to the Future trilogy, and Coach Ben Fredricks on NBC 's Freaks and Geeks.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played biff in back to the future movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_F._Wilson&oldid=854073281", "q_uid": 1930843433584108540, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Francis Wilson Jr. ( born April 15, 1959 ) is an American actor, voice - over artist, comedian, writer, musician, painter and podcaster best known for playing Biff Tannen, Griff Tannen and Buford `` Mad Dog '' Tannen in the Back to the Future trilogy and Coach Ben Fredricks on NBC 's Freaks and Geeks and for his voice - over work in movies, TV shows and video games.", "short_answer": "Thomas Francis Wilson Jr. (" } } ], "Lori Petty": [ { "question": "who played kit in league of their own", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lori_Petty&oldid=852352890", "q_uid": -8220760450321103425, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lori Petty ( born October 14, 1963 ) is an American actress and director. Her roles include playing Tyler Endicott in the 1991 film Point Break, Kit Keller in A League of Their Own ( 1992 ), and the title role in Tank Girl in 1995.", "short_answer": "Lori Petty (" } }, { "question": "who played kit keller in a league of their own", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lori_Petty&oldid=852352890", "q_uid": -6229626962663890234, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lori Petty ( born October 14, 1963 ) is an American actress and director. Her roles include playing Tyler Endicott in the 1991 film Point Break, Kit Keller in A League of Their Own ( 1992 ), and the title role in Tank Girl in 1995.", "short_answer": "Lori Petty (" } }, { "question": "who played kit in a league of their own", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lori_Petty&oldid=852352890", "q_uid": -2571757083902290964, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lori Petty ( born October 14, 1963 ) is an American actress and director. Her roles include playing Tyler Endicott in the 1991 film Point Break, Kit Keller in A League of Their Own ( 1992 ), and the title role in Tank Girl in 1995.", "short_answer": "Lori Petty (" } }, { "question": "who played daddy in prison break the final break", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lori_Petty&oldid=804640657", "q_uid": 2404322507111120674, "answers": { "long_answer": "Petty is also known for providing the voice of the supervillain Livewire on the Warner Bros. series Superman: The Animated Series, and The New Batman Adventures. Although she was originally cast as Lt. Lenina Huxley in Demolition Man, disagreements over the character 's direction led producer Joel Silver to recast the role with Sandra Bullock. Petty played the role of `` Daddy '', an alpha female inmate in Prison Break: The Final Break.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays molly on orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lori_Petty&oldid=821845552", "q_uid": 5539805109595042028, "answers": { "long_answer": "She guest - starred in the second season, and became a recurring character in the third and fourth seasons, of the Netflix Original series Orange Is the New Black as Lolly Whitehill. Lori also appeared on the television series Prison Break in the last episode of season four.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the young lolly on orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lori_Petty&oldid=818906042", "q_uid": 182287748310956562, "answers": { "long_answer": "She guest - starred in the second season, and became a recurring character in the third and fourth seasons, of the Netflix Original series Orange Is the New Black as Lolly Whitehill. Lori also appeared on the television series Prison Break in the last episode of season four.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays lolly on orange is new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lori_Petty&oldid=804640657", "q_uid": 422388390882261827, "answers": { "long_answer": "She guest - starred in the second season, and became a recurring character in the third and fourth seasons, of the Netflix Original series Orange Is the New Black as Lolly Whitehill. Lori also appeared on the television series Prison Break in the last episode of season four. Additionally, she appears in the second season of Gotham briefly.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "actress who played kit in a league of their own", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lori_Petty&oldid=859837174", "q_uid": -4212374296698854302, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lori Petty ( born October 14, 1963 ) is an American actress and director. Her roles include playing Tyler Endicott in the 1991 film Point Break, Kit Keller in A League of Their Own ( 1992 ), and the title role in Tank Girl in 1995.", "short_answer": "Lori Petty (" } }, { "question": "orange is the new black cast member with glasses", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lori_Petty&oldid=837039411", "q_uid": 4766009643943275203, "answers": { "long_answer": "She guest - starred in the second season, and became a recurring character in the third and fourth seasons, of the Netflix Original series Orange Is the New Black as Lolly Whitehill. Lori also appeared on the television series Prison Break in the last episode of season four.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child": [ { "question": "who is acting in harry potter and the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=843266702", "q_uid": -999368749450165492, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original West End Cast ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Original Broadway Cast ( 2018 ) Harry Potter Jamie Parker Ron Weasley Paul Thornley Hermione Granger Noma Dumezweni Ginny Weasley Poppy Miller Draco Malfoy Alex Price Albus Severus Potter Sam Clemmett Scorpius Malfoy Anthony Boyle Rose Granger - Weasley Cherrelle Skeete Susan Heyward Young Hermione Delphi Diggory Esther Smith Jessie Fisher Craig Bowker Jr. Jeremy Ang Jones Joshua DeJesus Moaning Myrtle Annabel Baldwin Lauren Nicole Cipoletti Lily Potter Sr. Polly Chapman Claudia Grant Madeline Weinstein Vernon Dursley Paul Bentall Byron Jennings Severus Snape Lord Voldemort Rubeus Hagrid Chris Jarman Brian Abraham Sorting Hat Yann Fredericks James Le Lacheur Jess Barbagallo Petunia Dursley Helena Lymbery Kathryn Meisle Madam Hooch Dolores Umbridge Amos Diggory Barry McCarthy Edward James Hyland Albus Dumbledore Trolley Witch Sandy McDade Geraldine Hughes Minerva McGonagall Cedric Diggory Tom Milligan Benjamin Wheelwright James Sirius Potter James Potter Sr. Dudley Dursley Jack North Joey LaBrasca Karl Jenkins Viktor Krum Bane Nuno Silva David St. Louis Young Harry Potter Rudi Goodman Alfred Jones Bili Keogh Ewan Rutherford Nathaniel Smith Dylan Standen Will Coombs Landon Maas Lily Luna Potter Zoe Brough Cristina Fray Christiana Hutchings Olivia Bond Brooklyn Shuck", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the minister of magic in the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=802499021", "q_uid": -887967255822965574, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the opening scene, set during the final chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in 2017, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley send their second son, Albus Severus Potter, on the Hogwarts Express to begin his first year at Hogwarts. Harry is now working in a desk job as the Head of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, while Ginny is the editor of the sports section of the Daily Prophet. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger also send their daughter Rose Granger - Weasley, on the train. Hermione is now Minister for Magic, while Ron manages Weasley 's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley. Albus makes an unlikely friend in Slytherin with Scorpius Malfoy, the son of Harry 's unknown friend Draco Malfoy and Astoria Kolfrey. Surprisingly, Albus is sorted into Slytherin house alongside Scorpius, as all Potters before him were sorted into Gryffindor. Both boys are bullied by other students over the next few years, Albus due to his perceived failure to live up to his parents, Scorpius due to unproven rumours that he is the son of Lord Voldemort. In addition, Albus and Harry begin to drift apart, owing to Albus 's struggles with his father 's shadow, and Harry 's uncertainty on how to deal with his son 's issues. Albus also drifts apart from Rose, who he was friends with before meeting Scorpius. Prior to Albus and Scorpius 's fourth year, Albus gets into a fight with his father after he is given Harry 's baby blanket and a love potion from Ron. During the fight, Harry accidentally says that he does not love Albus, and Albus spills the potion on the blanket.", "short_answer": "Hermione Granger also" } }, { "question": "harry potter and the cursed child delphi actress", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=804959225", "q_uid": -8990319780144171409, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original West End Cast ( 2016 - 2017 ) Original Broadway Cast ( 2018 ) Current West End Cast ( 2017 - 2018 ) Harry Potter Jamie Parker Jamie Glover Ron Weasley Paul Thornley Thomas Aldridge Hermione Granger Noma Dumezweni Rakie Ayola Ginny Potter Poppy Miller Emma Lowndes Draco Malfoy Alex Price James Howard Albus Severus Potter Sam Clemmett Theo Ancient Scorpius Malfoy Anthony Boyle Samuel Blenkin Rose Granger - Weasley Cherrelle Skeete Helen Aluko Young Hermione Delphi Diggory Esther Smith Annabel Baldwin Craig Bowker Jr. Jeremy Ang Jones James Phoon Moaning Myrtle Annabel Baldwin April Hughes Lily Potter Sr. Polly Chapman Claudia Grant Sarah Miele Vernon Dursley Paul Bentall David Annen Severus Snape Lord Voldemort Rubeus Hagrid Chris Jarman Mark Theodore Sorting Hat Yann Fredericks James Le Lacheur Henry Rundle Petunia Dursley Helena Lymbery Elizabeth Hill Madam Hooch Dolores Umbridge Amos Diggory Barry McCarthy Barry McCarthy Albus Dumbledore Trolley Witch Sandy McDade Sandy McDade Minerva McGonagall Cedric Diggory Tom Milligan Rupert Henderson James Sirius Potter James Potter Sr. Dudley Dursley Jack North Tom Mackley Karl Jenkins Viktor Krum Henry Rundle Bane Nuno Silva Nuno Silva Young Harry Potter Rudi Goodman Alfred Jones Bili Keogh Ewan Rutherford Nathaniel Smith Dylan Standen Jabez Cheeseman Alfred Jones Harrison Noble Ben Roberts Freddie Preston Lily Luna Potter Zoe Brough Cristina Fray Christiana Hutchings Phoebe Austen Esme Grace Hope Sizer Ava Palmer Ella Bright", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "harry potter and the cursed child cast broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=843266702", "q_uid": 7044302691710242169, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original West End Cast ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Original Broadway Cast ( 2018 ) Harry Potter Jamie Parker Ron Weasley Paul Thornley Hermione Granger Noma Dumezweni Ginny Weasley Poppy Miller Draco Malfoy Alex Price Albus Severus Potter Sam Clemmett Scorpius Malfoy Anthony Boyle Rose Granger - Weasley Cherrelle Skeete Susan Heyward Young Hermione Delphi Diggory Esther Smith Jessie Fisher Craig Bowker Jr. Jeremy Ang Jones Joshua DeJesus Moaning Myrtle Annabel Baldwin Lauren Nicole Cipoletti Lily Potter Sr. Polly Chapman Claudia Grant Madeline Weinstein Vernon Dursley Paul Bentall Byron Jennings Severus Snape Lord Voldemort Rubeus Hagrid Chris Jarman Brian Abraham Sorting Hat Yann Fredericks James Le Lacheur Jess Barbagallo Petunia Dursley Helena Lymbery Kathryn Meisle Madam Hooch Dolores Umbridge Amos Diggory Barry McCarthy Edward James Hyland Albus Dumbledore Trolley Witch Sandy McDade Geraldine Hughes Minerva McGonagall Cedric Diggory Tom Milligan Benjamin Wheelwright James Sirius Potter James Potter Sr. Dudley Dursley Jack North Joey LaBrasca Karl Jenkins Viktor Krum Bane Nuno Silva David St. Louis Young Harry Potter Rudi Goodman Alfred Jones Bili Keogh Ewan Rutherford Nathaniel Smith Dylan Standen Will Coombs Landon Maas Lily Luna Potter Zoe Brough Cristina Fray Christiana Hutchings Olivia Bond Brooklyn Shuck", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who published harry potter and the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=846488093", "q_uid": -6101794164057028350, "answers": { "long_answer": "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Special Rehearsal Edition cover Author Jack Thorne ( script ) J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany & Jack Thorne ( story ) Country United Kingdom Language English Series Harry Potter Genre Fantasy, Drama Published 31 July 2016 ( Special Rehearsal Edition ) 25 July 2017 ( Definitive Collector 's Edition ) Publisher Little, Brown and Company ( UK ) Scholastic ( US ) Pottermore ( digital ) Publication date 31 July 2016 Pages 328 ( Special Rehearsal Edition ) 321 ( Definitive Collector 's Edition ) ISBN 978 - 1 - 338 - 09913 - 3 ( US ); 978 - 0 - 7515 - 6535 - 5 ( UK )", "short_answer": "Little, Brown and Company ( UK )" } }, { "question": "when is harry potter cursed child coming out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=826314978", "q_uid": -5290898081275171234, "answers": { "long_answer": "The play will open at Broadway on April 22, 2018, at the Lyric Theatre in New York. Its cast will be similar to that of the first year on West - End, with actors including Sam Clemmett, Jamie Parker, Anthony Boyle, Noma Dumezweni and Paul Thornley.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when will harry potter the cursed child come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=866115680", "q_uid": -2303934533399098100, "answers": { "long_answer": "The play opened on Broadway on 22 April 2018 at the Lyric Theatre, with previews starting on 16 March 2018. Its cast is similar to that of the first year on West End, with returning actors Anthony Boyle, Sam Clemmett, Noma Dumezweni, Poppy Miller, Jamie Parker, Alex Price, and Paul Thornley.", "short_answer": "22 April 2018 at" } }, { "question": "who is the author of the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=854154124", "q_uid": 6269795284221807937, "answers": { "long_answer": "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a two - part stage play written by Jack Thorne based on an original story by Thorne, J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany. Previews of the play began at the Palace Theatre, London on 7 June 2016, and it premiered on 30 July 2016.", "short_answer": "Jack Thorne based" } }, { "question": "when is harry potter and cursed child coming out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=856591471", "q_uid": -1540406704634823268, "answers": { "long_answer": "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a two - part stage play written by Jack Thorne based on an original story by Thorne, J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany. Previews of the play began at the Palace Theatre, London on 7 June 2016, and it premiered on 30 July 2016.", "short_answer": "premiered on 30 July 2016." } }, { "question": "when did harry potter and the cursed child open on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=866115680", "q_uid": -677259351166471204, "answers": { "long_answer": "The play opened on Broadway on 22 April 2018 at the Lyric Theatre, with previews starting on 16 March 2018. Its cast is similar to that of the first year on West End, with returning actors Anthony Boyle, Sam Clemmett, Noma Dumezweni, Poppy Miller, Jamie Parker, Alex Price, and Paul Thornley.", "short_answer": "22 April 2018 at" } }, { "question": "is harry potter and the cursed child a film", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=838046659", "q_uid": 6097035858005195555, "answers": { "long_answer": "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a two - part stage play written by Jack Thorne based on an original new story by Thorne, J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany. Previews of the play began at the Palace Theatre, London on 7 June 2016, and it officially premiered on 30 July 2016.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who dies in harry potter and the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=854154124", "q_uid": 1864416041869533670, "answers": { "long_answer": "They all stand with Harry to watch the sad event replay. After returning to the present day, Delphi is sent to Azkaban. Albus and Scorpius now decide to be more active at Hogwarts, with Scorpius expressing interest in trying out for Quidditch and asking Rose on a date. Harry and Albus visit Cedric 's grave, with Harry apologizing for his role in Cedric 's death. Albus has also witnessed the death of a fellow student Craig Bowker Jr ( the only current timeline murder in the play ), who tried to intervene when Delphi held Albus and Scorpius captive on the Quidditch pitch.", "short_answer": "Craig Bowker Jr (" } }, { "question": "is harry potter and the cursed child a book or script", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=846488093", "q_uid": 1487798276563030993, "answers": { "long_answer": "Both parts of the stage play 's script have been released in print and digital formats as Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts I & II.", "short_answer": "script have" } }, { "question": "harry potter and the cursed child nyc cast", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=843266702", "q_uid": -4334897827360093119, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original West End Cast ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Original Broadway Cast ( 2018 ) Harry Potter Jamie Parker Ron Weasley Paul Thornley Hermione Granger Noma Dumezweni Ginny Weasley Poppy Miller Draco Malfoy Alex Price Albus Severus Potter Sam Clemmett Scorpius Malfoy Anthony Boyle Rose Granger - Weasley Cherrelle Skeete Susan Heyward Young Hermione Delphi Diggory Esther Smith Jessie Fisher Craig Bowker Jr. Jeremy Ang Jones Joshua DeJesus Moaning Myrtle Annabel Baldwin Lauren Nicole Cipoletti Lily Potter Sr. Polly Chapman Claudia Grant Madeline Weinstein Vernon Dursley Paul Bentall Byron Jennings Severus Snape Lord Voldemort Rubeus Hagrid Chris Jarman Brian Abraham Sorting Hat Yann Fredericks James Le Lacheur Jess Barbagallo Petunia Dursley Helena Lymbery Kathryn Meisle Madam Hooch Dolores Umbridge Amos Diggory Barry McCarthy Edward James Hyland Albus Dumbledore Trolley Witch Sandy McDade Geraldine Hughes Minerva McGonagall Cedric Diggory Tom Milligan Benjamin Wheelwright James Sirius Potter James Potter Sr. Dudley Dursley Jack North Joey LaBrasca Karl Jenkins Viktor Krum Bane Nuno Silva David St. Louis Young Harry Potter Rudi Goodman Alfred Jones Bili Keogh Ewan Rutherford Nathaniel Smith Dylan Standen Will Coombs Landon Maas Lily Luna Potter Zoe Brough Cristina Fray Christiana Hutchings Olivia Bond Brooklyn Shuck", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the protagonist in harry potter and the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=826314978", "q_uid": 7792876881514513834, "answers": { "long_answer": "The story begins nineteen years after the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and follows Harry Potter, now a Ministry of Magic employee, and his younger son Albus Severus Potter, who is about to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.", "short_answer": "Harry Potter, now a Ministry of Magic employee, and his younger son Albus Severus Potter," } }, { "question": "when does harry potter cursed child come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=800264432", "q_uid": -4027924080923373188, "answers": { "long_answer": "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a two - part stage play written by Jack Thorne based on an original new story by Thorne, J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany. Previews of the play began at the Palace Theatre, London on 7 June 2016, and it officially premiered on 30 July 2016.", "short_answer": "30 July 2016." } }, { "question": "what is the new harry potter book called", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=866115680", "q_uid": -6050217661911358174, "answers": { "long_answer": "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a two - part stage play written by Jack Thorne based on an original story by Thorne, J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany. Previews of the play began at the Palace Theatre, London on 7 June 2016, and it premiered on 30 July 2016.", "short_answer": "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is" } }, { "question": "when is the movie the cursed child coming out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=843266702", "q_uid": -4205336392039875635, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rowling met with Warner Bros. about the possibility of a film adaptation of the play in 2018. Producer Lionel Wigram said in a interview, `` Whatever she wants, as far as I 'm concerned, is right. I think Cursed Child would make a great movie. Maybe at some point she 'll be ready to do that. I think it 's got a wonderful, long, theatrical run... it works brilliantly as a piece of theater. I love the fact that there 's another aspect of the Harry Potter world which is completely different from everything else. I think it 's very special as it is and there will be a time when she 's maybe ready to do it ( as a movie ). ''", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played harry potter in the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=846488093", "q_uid": 2821676146198725335, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original West End Cast ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Original Broadway Cast ( 2018 ) Harry Potter Jamie Parker Ron Weasley Paul Thornley Hermione Granger Noma Dumezweni Ginny Potter Poppy Miller Draco Malfoy Alex Price Albus Severus Potter Sam Clemmett Scorpius Malfoy Anthony Boyle Rose Granger - Weasley Cherrelle Skeete Susan Heyward Young Hermione Delphi Diggory Esther Smith Jessie Fisher Craig Bowker Jr. Jeremy Ang Jones Joshua DeJesus Moaning Myrtle Annabel Baldwin Lauren Nicole Cipoletti Lily Potter Sr. Polly Chapman Claudia Grant Madeline Weinstein Vernon Dursley Paul Bentall Byron Jennings Severus Snape Lord Voldemort Rubeus Hagrid Chris Jarman Brian Abraham Sorting Hat Yann Fredericks James Le Lacheur Jess Barbagallo Petunia Dursley Helena Lymbery Kathryn Meisle Madam Hooch Dolores Umbridge Amos Diggory Barry McCarthy Edward James Hyland Albus Dumbledore Trolley Witch Sandy McDade Geraldine Hughes Minerva McGonagall Cedric Diggory Tom Milligan Benjamin Wheelwright James Sirius Potter James Potter Sr. Dudley Dursley Jack North Joey LaBrasca Karl Jenkins Viktor Krum Bane Nuno Silva David St. Louis Young Harry Potter Rudi Goodman Alfred Jones Bili Keogh Ewan Rutherford Nathaniel Smith Dylan Standen Will Coombs Landon Maas Lily Luna Potter Zoe Brough Cristina Fray Christiana Hutchings Olivia Bond Brooklyn Shuck", "short_answer": "Jamie Parker" } }, { "question": "when is harry potter and the cursed child releasing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=819054859", "q_uid": 4272967468506187314, "answers": { "long_answer": "The play will open at Broadway on April 22, 2018, at the Lyric Theatre in New York. Its cast will be similar to that of the first year on West - End, with actors including Sam Clemmett, Jamie Parker, Anthony Boyle, Noma Dumezweni and Paul Thornley.", "short_answer": "April 22, 2018," } }, { "question": "who plays hermione in harry potter and the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=856591471", "q_uid": 5424720810620334346, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original West End Cast ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Original Broadway Cast ( 2018 ) Harry Potter Jamie Parker Ron Weasley Paul Thornley Hermione Granger Noma Dumezweni Ginny Potter Poppy Miller Draco Malfoy Alex Price Albus Severus Potter Sam Clemmett Scorpius Malfoy Anthony Boyle Rose Granger - Weasley Cherrelle Skeete Susan Heyward Young Hermione Delphi Diggory Esther Smith Jessie Fisher Craig Bowker Jr. Jeremy Ang Jones Joshua DeJesus Moaning Myrtle Annabel Baldwin Lauren Nicole Cipoletti Lily Potter Sr. Polly Chapman Claudia Grant Madeline Weinstein Vernon Dursley Paul Bentall Byron Jennings Severus Snape Lord Voldemort Rubeus Hagrid Chris Jarman Brian Abraham Sorting Hat Yann Fredericks James Le Lacheur Jess Barbagallo Petunia Dursley Helena Lymbery Kathryn Meisle Madam Hooch Dolores Umbridge Amos Diggory Barry McCarthy Edward James Hyland Albus Dumbledore Trolley Witch Sandy McDade Geraldine Hughes Minerva McGonagall Cedric Diggory Tom Milligan Benjamin Wheelwright James Sirius Potter James Potter Sr. Dudley Dursley Jack North Joey LaBrasca Karl Jenkins Viktor Krum Bane Nuno Silva David St. Louis Young Harry Potter Rudi Goodman Alfred Jones Bili Keogh Ewan Rutherford Nathaniel Smith Dylan Standen Will Coombs Landon Maas Lily Luna Potter Zoe Brough Cristina Fray Christiana Hutchings Olivia Bond Brooklyn Shuck", "short_answer": "Noma Dumezweni" } }, { "question": "who plays albus potter in the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=856591471", "q_uid": 1606203985771745004, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original West End Cast ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Original Broadway Cast ( 2018 ) Harry Potter Jamie Parker Ron Weasley Paul Thornley Hermione Granger Noma Dumezweni Ginny Potter Poppy Miller Draco Malfoy Alex Price Albus Severus Potter Sam Clemmett Scorpius Malfoy Anthony Boyle Rose Granger - Weasley Cherrelle Skeete Susan Heyward Young Hermione Delphi Diggory Esther Smith Jessie Fisher Craig Bowker Jr. Jeremy Ang Jones Joshua DeJesus Moaning Myrtle Annabel Baldwin Lauren Nicole Cipoletti Lily Potter Sr. Polly Chapman Claudia Grant Madeline Weinstein Vernon Dursley Paul Bentall Byron Jennings Severus Snape Lord Voldemort Rubeus Hagrid Chris Jarman Brian Abraham Sorting Hat Yann Fredericks James Le Lacheur Jess Barbagallo Petunia Dursley Helena Lymbery Kathryn Meisle Madam Hooch Dolores Umbridge Amos Diggory Barry McCarthy Edward James Hyland Albus Dumbledore Trolley Witch Sandy McDade Geraldine Hughes Minerva McGonagall Cedric Diggory Tom Milligan Benjamin Wheelwright James Sirius Potter James Potter Sr. Dudley Dursley Jack North Joey LaBrasca Karl Jenkins Viktor Krum Bane Nuno Silva David St. Louis Young Harry Potter Rudi Goodman Alfred Jones Bili Keogh Ewan Rutherford Nathaniel Smith Dylan Standen Will Coombs Landon Maas Lily Luna Potter Zoe Brough Cristina Fray Christiana Hutchings Olivia Bond Brooklyn Shuck", "short_answer": "Alex Price" } }, { "question": "when does the cursed child book come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=841077436", "q_uid": -7907389091527674647, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first edition, entitled `` Special Rehearsal Edition '', corresponded to the script used in the preview shows and was scheduled to be published on 31 July 2016, the date of Harry 's birthday in the series and Rowling 's birthday, as well. Since revisions to the script continued after the book was printed, an edited version was released on 25 July 2017, as the `` Definitive Collector 's Edition ''. According to CNN, this was the most preordered book of 2016.", "short_answer": "31 July 2016," } }, { "question": "harry potter and the cursed child harry actor", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=866115680", "q_uid": 3581169749728013885, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original West End Cast ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Original Broadway Cast ( 2018 ) Original Melbourne Cast Harry Potter Jamie Parker Gareth Reeves Ron Weasley Paul Thornley Gyton Grantley Hermione Granger Noma Dumezweni Paula Arundell Ginny Potter Poppy Miller Lucy Goleby Draco Malfoy Alex Price Tom Wren Albus Severus Potter Sam Clemmett Sean Rees - Wemyss Scorpius Malfoy Anthony Boyle William McKenna Rose Granger - Weasley Cherrelle Skeete Susan Heyward Manali Datar Young Hermione Delphi Diggory Esther Smith Jessie Fisher Craig Bowker Jr. Jeremy Ang Jones Joshua DeJesus Moaning Myrtle Annabel Baldwin Lauren Nicole Cipoletti Lily Potter Sr. Polly Chapman Claudia Grant Madeline Weinstein Vernon Dursley Paul Bentall Byron Jennings Severus Snape Lord Voldemort Rubeus Hagrid Chris Jarman Brian Abraham Sorting Hat Yann Fredericks James Le Lacheur Jess Barbagallo Petunia Dursley Helena Lymbery Kathryn Meisle Madam Hooch Dolores Umbridge Amos Diggory Barry McCarthy Edward James Hyland Albus Dumbledore Trolley Witch Sandy McDade Geraldine Hughes Minerva McGonagall Cedric Diggory Tom Milligan Benjamin Wheelwright James Sirius Potter James Potter Sr. Dudley Dursley Jack North Joey LaBrasca Karl Jenkins Viktor Krum Bane Nuno Silva David St. Louis Young Harry Potter Rudi Goodman Alfred Jones Bili Keogh Ewan Rutherford Nathaniel Smith Dylan Standen Will Coombs Landon Maas Lily Luna Potter Zoe Brough Cristina Fray Christiana Hutchings Olivia Bond Brooklyn Shuck", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays harry potter in harry potter and the cursed child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=856591471", "q_uid": 4875411392137538672, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original West End Cast ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Original Broadway Cast ( 2018 ) Harry Potter Jamie Parker Ron Weasley Paul Thornley Hermione Granger Noma Dumezweni Ginny Potter Poppy Miller Draco Malfoy Alex Price Albus Severus Potter Sam Clemmett Scorpius Malfoy Anthony Boyle Rose Granger - Weasley Cherrelle Skeete Susan Heyward Young Hermione Delphi Diggory Esther Smith Jessie Fisher Craig Bowker Jr. Jeremy Ang Jones Joshua DeJesus Moaning Myrtle Annabel Baldwin Lauren Nicole Cipoletti Lily Potter Sr. Polly Chapman Claudia Grant Madeline Weinstein Vernon Dursley Paul Bentall Byron Jennings Severus Snape Lord Voldemort Rubeus Hagrid Chris Jarman Brian Abraham Sorting Hat Yann Fredericks James Le Lacheur Jess Barbagallo Petunia Dursley Helena Lymbery Kathryn Meisle Madam Hooch Dolores Umbridge Amos Diggory Barry McCarthy Edward James Hyland Albus Dumbledore Trolley Witch Sandy McDade Geraldine Hughes Minerva McGonagall Cedric Diggory Tom Milligan Benjamin Wheelwright James Sirius Potter James Potter Sr. Dudley Dursley Jack North Joey LaBrasca Karl Jenkins Viktor Krum Bane Nuno Silva David St. Louis Young Harry Potter Rudi Goodman Alfred Jones Bili Keogh Ewan Rutherford Nathaniel Smith Dylan Standen Will Coombs Landon Maas Lily Luna Potter Zoe Brough Cristina Fray Christiana Hutchings Olivia Bond Brooklyn Shuck", "short_answer": "Jamie Parker" } }, { "question": "when will harry potter and the cursed child be released", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=837287088", "q_uid": -5718233435424811759, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first edition, entitled `` Special Rehearsal Edition '', corresponded to the script used in the preview shows and was scheduled to be published on 31 July 2016, the date of Harry 's birthday in the series and Rowling 's birthday, as well. Since revisions to the script continued after the book was printed, an edited version was released on 25 July 2017, as the `` Definitive Collector 's Edition ''. According to CNN, this was the most preordered book of 2016.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is harry potter and the cursed child book about", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter_and_the_Cursed_Child&oldid=866115680", "q_uid": -2230562744844768674, "answers": { "long_answer": "The story begins nineteen years after the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and follows Harry Potter, now a Ministry of Magic employee, and his younger son Albus Severus Potter, who is about to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Indian cricket team in England in 1932": [ { "question": "when did india enter the world of test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Indian_cricket_team_in_England_in_1932&oldid=827206956", "q_uid": -8825433758541836046, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Indian cricket team toured England in the 1932 season under the title of `` All - India ''. They were captained by the Maharaja of Porbandar. It was the national team 's second tour of England following the one in 1911. India had just been granted the status of ICC Full Member and they played their inaugural Test match at Lord 's in June. It was the only Test arranged on this tour and England won by 158 runs after scoring 259 and 275 / 8 d in the two innings while India were bowled out for 189 and 187.", "short_answer": "1932 season" } }, { "question": "when was the first cricket match played by india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Indian_cricket_team_in_England_in_1932&oldid=796551015", "q_uid": 3054230002426059956, "answers": { "long_answer": "An Indian cricket team toured England in the 1932 season under the title of the `` All - India '' team. This was the second tour of England by an Indian team, following the first place lo of people 1911. One Test match was played at Lord 's Cricket Ground. This was the first Test match ever played by independent India. England won by 158 runs after scoring 259 and 275 / 8 d in the two innings while India was bowled out for 189 and 187.", "short_answer": "1911." } } ], "1986 FIFA World Cup": [ { "question": "where was the 1986 world cup supposed to be held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1986_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=804971603", "q_uid": 4562546994142093707, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 1986 FIFA World Cup, the 13th FIFA World Cup, was held in Mexico from 31 May to 29 June 1986. The tournament was the second to feature a 24 - team format. With European nations not allowed to host after the previous World Cup in Spain, Colombia had been originally chosen to host the competition by FIFA but, largely due to economic reasons, was not able to do so and officially resigned in 1982. Mexico was selected as the new host in May 1983. This was the third FIFA World Cup tournament in succession that was hosted by a Hispanophonic country, after Spain in 1982, and Argentina in 1978.", "short_answer": "Colombia had" } }, { "question": "who was supposed to host the 1986 world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1986_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856985161", "q_uid": -1117452062307716204, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 1986 FIFA World Cup, the 13th FIFA World Cup, was held in Mexico from 31 May to 29 June 1986. The tournament was the second to feature a 24 - team format. With European nations not allowed to host after the previous World Cup in Spain, Colombia had been originally chosen to host the competition by FIFA but, largely due to economic reasons, was not able to do so and officially resigned in 1982. Mexico was selected as the new host in May 1983. This was the third FIFA World Cup tournament in succession that was hosted by a Spanish - speaking country, after Argentina 1978, and Spain 1982.", "short_answer": "Colombia had" } }, { "question": "where did england come in 1986 world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1986_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856985161", "q_uid": -5841376060769701449, "answers": { "long_answer": "R Team GF GA GD Pts. Argentina 7 6 0 14 5 + 9 13 West Germany 7 8 7 + 1 8 France 7 12 6 + 6 10 Belgium 7 12 15 \u2212 3 6 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Brazil 5 0 10 + 9 9 6 Mexico 5 0 6 + 4 8 7 Spain 5 11 + 7 7 8 England 5 7 + 4 5 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 Denmark 0 10 6 + 4 6 10 Soviet Union 12 5 + 7 5 11 Morocco + 1 12 Italy 5 6 \u2212 1 13 Paraguay 6 \u2212 2 14 Poland 7 \u2212 6 15 Bulgaria 0 6 \u2212 4 16 Uruguay 0 8 \u2212 6 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Portugal 0 \u2212 2 18 Hungary 0 9 \u2212 7 19 Scotland 0 \u2212 2 20 South Korea 0 7 \u2212 3 21 Northern Ireland 0 6 \u2212 4 22 Algeria 0 5 \u2212 4 23 Iraq 0 0 \u2212 3 0 24 Canada 0 0 0 5 \u2212 5 0", "short_answer": "8" } }, { "question": "who won the golden boot at the 1986 football world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1986_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856985161", "q_uid": 874548662940443071, "answers": { "long_answer": "So it was to be the South American Argentina vs the European West Germany at the final at the Azteca, the second time this massive stadium would host a World Cup Final ( the first in 1970 ). Jose Brown put Argentina one up midway through the first half of the final, and when Jorge Valdano scored a second for the South Americans in the 55th minute, Argentina looked to be strolling to victory. West Germany then staged a spirited comeback. Karl - Heinz Rummenigge pulled one back in the 74th minute, and six minutes later Rudi V\u00f6ller hit the equaliser. With seven minutes remaining, a pass from Maradona gave Jorge Burruchaga the chance to score the winner for Argentina. Eight years on from their home triumph, Argentina regained the world title and 30 million people in Argentina celebrated in the streets after the final victory. Maradona was the Golden Ball winner as the best player of the tournament, while Gary Lineker of England won the Golden Boot as the leading scorer of the World Cup with six goals.", "short_answer": "Gary Lineker of" } } ], "List of Marvel Cinematic Universe television series": [ { "question": "is the netflix marvel shows in the mcu", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=843667133", "q_uid": -9124752968836314337, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ) television series are American superhero television shows based on characters that appear in publications by Marvel Comics. The shows have been in production since 2013, and in that time Marvel Television and ABC Studios, along with its production division ABC Signature Studios, have premiered 10 series, with at least four more in various stages of development, across broadcast, streaming, and cable television on ABC, Netflix and Hulu, and Freeform, respectively. The ABC series have averaged around 4 -- 8 million viewers a season, with many of the MCU series receiving strong critical responses.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does the next netflix marvel show come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=833254645", "q_uid": 3228419663563053240, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Season Episodes Originally released Showrunner ( s ) Status Marvel 's Daredevil 13 April 10, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 10 ) Steven S. DeKnight Released 13 March 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 18 ) Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez TBA 2018 ( 2018 ) Erik Oleson Filming Marvel 's Jessica Jones 13 November 20, 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 20 ) Melissa Rosenberg Released 13 March 8, 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 08 ) Marvel 's Luke Cage 13 September 30, 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 30 ) Cheo Hodari Coker 13 June 22, 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) Preparing for release Marvel 's Iron Fist 13 March 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 17 ) Scott Buck Released TBA TBA Raven Metzner Filming Marvel 's The Defenders 8 August 18, 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 18 ) Marco Ramirez Released Marvel 's The Punisher 13 November 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 17 ) Steve Lightfoot TBA TBA Filming", "short_answer": "June 22, 2018 (" } }, { "question": "when does the defender series start on netflix", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=804840139", "q_uid": 7495356071116454419, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Season Episodes Originally released Showrunner ( s ) Status Marvel 's Daredevil 13 April 10, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 10 ) Steven S. DeKnight Released 13 March 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 18 ) Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez TBA TBA Pre-production Marvel 's Jessica Jones 13 November 20, 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 20 ) Melissa Rosenberg Released 13 2018 ( 2018 ) Preparing for release Marvel 's Luke Cage 13 September 30, 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 30 ) Cheo Hodari Coker Released 13 2018 ( 2018 ) Filming Marvel 's Iron Fist 13 March 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 17 ) Scott Buck Released TBA TBA Raven Metzner In development Marvel 's The Defenders 8 August 18, 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 18 ) Marco Ramirez Released Marvel 's The Punisher 13 2017 ( 2017 ) Steve Lightfoot Preparing for release", "short_answer": "August 18, 2017 (" } }, { "question": "when does the next marvel netflix show come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=800800928", "q_uid": -6554726015759542752, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Season Episodes Originally released Showrunner ( s ) Status Marvel 's Daredevil 13 April 10, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 10 ) Steven S. DeKnight Released 13 March 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 18 ) Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez TBA TBA Pre-production Marvel 's Jessica Jones 13 November 20, 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 20 ) Melissa Rosenberg Released 13 2018 ( 2018 ) Preparing for release Marvel 's Luke Cage 13 September 30, 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 30 ) Cheo Hodari Coker Released 13 2018 ( 2018 ) Filming Marvel 's Iron Fist 13 March 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 17 ) Scott Buck Released TBA TBA Raven Metzner In development Marvel 's The Defenders 8 August 18, 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 18 ) Marco Ramirez Released Marvel 's The Punisher 13 2017 ( 2017 ) Steve Lightfoot Preparing for release", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what was the first marvel show on netflix", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=866452989", "q_uid": -4082982022678857505, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Season Episodes Originally released Showrunner ( s ) Status Marvel 's Daredevil 13 April 10, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 10 ) Steven S. DeKnight Released 13 March 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 18 ) Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez 13 October 19, 2018 ( 2018 - 10 - 19 ) Erik Oleson Marvel 's Jessica Jones 13 November 20, 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 20 ) Melissa Rosenberg 13 March 8, 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 08 ) TBA TBA Filming Marvel 's Luke Cage 13 September 30, 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 30 ) Cheo Hodari Coker Released 13 June 22, 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) Marvel 's Iron Fist 13 March 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 17 ) Scott Buck 10 September 7, 2018 ( 2018 - 09 - 07 ) M. Raven Metzner Marvel 's The Defenders 8 August 18, 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 18 ) Marco Ramirez Marvel 's The Punisher 13 November 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 17 ) Steve Lightfoot TBA 2019 Preparing for release", "short_answer": "Marvel 's Daredevil" } }, { "question": "when does the next marvel netflix series come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=856800529", "q_uid": -8663726572610678062, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Season Episodes Originally released Showrunner ( s ) Status Marvel 's Daredevil 13 April 10, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 10 ) Steven S. DeKnight Released 13 March 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 18 ) Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez TBA 2018 ( 2018 ) Erik Oleson Preparing for release Marvel 's Jessica Jones 13 November 20, 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 20 ) Melissa Rosenberg Released 13 March 8, 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 08 ) TBA TBA Filming Marvel 's Luke Cage 13 September 30, 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 30 ) Cheo Hodari Coker Released 13 June 22, 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) Marvel 's Iron Fist 13 March 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 17 ) Scott Buck 10 September 7, 2018 ( 2018 - 09 - 07 ) Raven Metzner Preparing for release Marvel 's The Defenders 8 August 18, 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 18 ) Marco Ramirez Released Marvel 's The Punisher 13 November 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 17 ) Steve Lightfoot TBA 2019 Preparing for release", "short_answer": "September 7, 2018 (" } }, { "question": "what is the order of marvel tv shows", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=849219006", "q_uid": 4078660586973652268, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first series in the universe, Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., began airing on ABC during the 2013 -- 14 television season, and was joined by Marvel 's Agent Carter in the 2014 -- 15 television season. Marvel formed a unique partnership with IMAX Corporation to premiere Marvel 's Inhumans in IMAX theaters in September 2017 before airing on ABC during the 2017 -- 18 television season; a put pilot for another ABC series, Marvel 's Damage Control, has also been ordered. Netflix 's Marvel series began in 2015 with Marvel 's Daredevil and Marvel 's Jessica Jones, followed by Marvel 's Luke Cage in 2016. Marvel 's Iron Fist, the crossover miniseries Marvel 's The Defenders, and Marvel 's The Punisher released in 2017. Additionally, the MCU expanded to Hulu with Marvel 's Runaways in 2017, and to Freeform with Marvel 's Cloak & Dagger in 2018. Marvel 's New Warriors is also scheduled to air in 2018, despite not having a broadcaster.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when are the marvel netflix shows coming out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=843667133", "q_uid": -8026870691104949172, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Season Episodes Originally released Showrunner ( s ) Status Marvel 's Daredevil 13 April 10, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 10 ) Steven S. DeKnight Released 13 March 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 18 ) Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez TBA 2018 ( 2018 ) Erik Oleson Filming Marvel 's Jessica Jones 13 November 20, 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 20 ) Melissa Rosenberg Released 13 March 8, 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 08 ) TBA TBA In development Marvel 's Luke Cage 13 September 30, 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 30 ) Cheo Hodari Coker Released 13 June 22, 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) Preparing for release Marvel 's Iron Fist 13 March 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 17 ) Scott Buck Released TBA 2018 ( 2018 ) Raven Metzner Preparing for release Marvel 's The Defenders 8 August 18, 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 18 ) Marco Ramirez Released Marvel 's The Punisher 13 November 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 17 ) Steve Lightfoot TBA TBA Filming", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does the new marvel tv show start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=837255605", "q_uid": -7817669146952171035, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first series in the universe, Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., began airing on ABC during the 2013 -- 14 television season, and was joined by Marvel 's Agent Carter in the 2014 -- 15 television season. Marvel formed a unique partnership with IMAX Corporation to premiere Marvel 's Inhumans in IMAX theaters in September 2017 before airing on ABC during the 2017 -- 18 television season; a put pilot for another ABC series, Marvel 's Damage Control, has also been ordered. Netflix 's Marvel series began in 2015 with Marvel 's Daredevil and Marvel 's Jessica Jones, followed by Marvel 's Luke Cage in 2016. Marvel 's Iron Fist, the crossover miniseries Marvel 's The Defenders, and Marvel 's The Punisher released in 2017. Additionally, the MCU expanded to Hulu with Marvel 's Runaways in 2017, and will also expand to Freeform with Marvel 's Cloak & Dagger in 2018. Marvel 's New Warriors is also scheduled to air in 2018, despite not having a broadcaster.", "short_answer": "2018," } }, { "question": "when does the next season of the defenders come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=856800529", "q_uid": 4114782670924372000, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Defenders sees Cox, Ritter, Colter, and Jones reprise their roles as Matt Murdock / Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Danny Rand / Iron Fist, respectively, from the previous television series. In March 2014, Loeb stated that the miniseries, officially titled Marvel 's The Defenders, would begin filming after Iron Fist. In April 2016, Marvel announced that Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez would act as showrunners for The Defenders. However, by the start of filming in New York City in October 2016, Petrie had left the series as co-showrunner. Filming concluded in March 2017. The eight - episode event premiered on August 18, 2017.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what came first luke cage or jessica jones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=839087301", "q_uid": 2147544597412630361, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first series in the universe, Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., began airing on ABC during the 2013 -- 14 television season, and was joined by Marvel 's Agent Carter in the 2014 -- 15 television season. Marvel formed a unique partnership with IMAX Corporation to premiere Marvel 's Inhumans in IMAX theaters in September 2017 before airing on ABC during the 2017 -- 18 television season; a put pilot for another ABC series, Marvel 's Damage Control, has also been ordered. Netflix 's Marvel series began in 2015 with Marvel 's Daredevil and Marvel 's Jessica Jones, followed by Marvel 's Luke Cage in 2016. Marvel 's Iron Fist, the crossover miniseries Marvel 's The Defenders, and Marvel 's The Punisher released in 2017. Additionally, the MCU expanded to Hulu with Marvel 's Runaways in 2017, and will also expand to Freeform with Marvel 's Cloak & Dagger in 2018. Marvel 's New Warriors is also scheduled to air in 2018, despite not having a broadcaster.", "short_answer": "Marvel 's Jessica Jones," } }, { "question": "when is the defenders going to be released on netflix", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=804840139", "q_uid": 7682447484303427502, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Defenders sees Cox, Ritter, Colter, and Jones reprise their roles as Matt Murdock / Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Danny Rand / Iron Fist, respectively, from the previous television series. In March 2014, Loeb stated that the miniseries, officially titled Marvel 's The Defenders, would begin filming after Iron Fist. In April 2016, Marvel announced that Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez would act as showrunners for The Defenders. However, by the start of filming in New York City in October 2016, Petrie had left the series as co-showrunner. Filming concluded in March 2017. The eight - episode event premiered on August 18, 2017.", "short_answer": "August 18, 2017." } }, { "question": "when is the next marvel netflix show coming out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series&oldid=837255605", "q_uid": -8054212353731132511, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Season Episodes Originally released Showrunner ( s ) Status Marvel 's Daredevil 13 April 10, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 10 ) Steven S. DeKnight Released 13 March 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 18 ) Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez TBA 2018 ( 2018 ) Erik Oleson Filming Marvel 's Jessica Jones 13 November 20, 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 20 ) Melissa Rosenberg Released 13 March 8, 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 08 ) TBA TBA In development Marvel 's Luke Cage 13 September 30, 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 30 ) Cheo Hodari Coker Released 13 June 22, 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) Preparing for release Marvel 's Iron Fist 13 March 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 17 ) Scott Buck Released TBA 2018 ( 2018 ) Raven Metzner Filming Marvel 's The Defenders 8 August 18, 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 18 ) Marco Ramirez Released Marvel 's The Punisher 13 November 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 17 ) Steve Lightfoot TBA TBA Filming", "short_answer": "June 22, 2018 (" } } ], "Standard deviation": [ { "question": "what does it mean to be one standard deviation below the mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Standard_deviation&oldid=850069590", "q_uid": 4237044126565974189, "answers": { "long_answer": "If the population of interest is approximately normally distributed, the standard deviation provides information on the proportion of observations above or below certain values. For example, the average height for adult men in the United States is about 70 inches ( 177.8 cm ), with a standard deviation of around 3 inches ( 7.62 cm ). This means that most men ( about 68 %, assuming a normal distribution ) have a height within 3 inches ( 7.62 cm ) of the mean ( 67 -- 73 inches ( 170.18 -- 185.42 cm ) ) -- one standard deviation -- and almost all men ( about 95 % ) have a height within 6 inches ( 15.24 cm ) of the mean ( 64 -- 76 inches ( 162.56 -- 193.04 cm ) ) -- two standard deviations. If the standard deviation were zero, then all men would be exactly 70 inches ( 177.8 cm ) tall. If the standard deviation were 20 inches ( 50.8 cm ), then men would have much more variable heights, with a typical range of about 50 -- 90 inches ( 127 -- 228.6 cm ). Three standard deviations account for 99.7 % of the sample population being studied, assuming the distribution is normal ( bell - shaped ). ( See the 68 - 95 - 99.7 rule, or the empirical rule, for more information. )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what does the little u mean in statistics", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Standard_deviation&oldid=808796148", "q_uid": -799306723714112913, "answers": { "long_answer": "Let X be a random variable with mean value \u03bc:", "short_answer": "a random variable with" } }, { "question": "the standard deviation of all possible values is called the", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Standard_deviation&oldid=795466356", "q_uid": -1410490605946280817, "answers": { "long_answer": "In addition to expressing the variability of a population, the standard deviation is commonly used to measure confidence in statistical conclusions. For example, the margin of error in polling data is determined by calculating the expected standard deviation in the results if the same poll were to be conducted multiple times. This derivation of a standard deviation is often called the `` standard error '' of the estimate or `` standard error of the mean '' when referring to a mean. It is computed as the standard deviation of all the means that would be computed from that population if an infinite number of samples were drawn and a mean for each sample were computed. It is very important to note that the standard deviation of a population and the standard error of a statistic derived from that population ( such as the mean ) are quite different but related ( related by the inverse of the square root of the number of observations ). The reported margin of error of a poll is computed from the standard error of the mean ( or alternatively from the product of the standard deviation of the population and the inverse of the square root of the sample size, which is the same thing ) and is typically about twice the standard deviation -- the half - width of a 95 percent confidence interval. In science, researchers commonly report the standard deviation of experimental data, and only effects that fall much farther than two standard deviations away from what would have been expected are considered statistically significant -- normal random error or variation in the measurements is in this way distinguished from likely genuine effects or associations. The standard deviation is also important in finance, where the standard deviation on the rate of return on an investment is a measure of the volatility of the investment.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how do you find the sd in statistics", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Standard_deviation&oldid=817401519", "q_uid": -5901980563299033801, "answers": { "long_answer": "This means that the standard deviation is equal to the square root of the difference between the average of the squares of the values and the square of the average value. See computational formula for the variance for proof, and for an analogous result for the sample standard deviation.", "short_answer": "square root of the difference between the average of the squares of the values and the square of the average value." } }, { "question": "standard deviation is 1 what does it mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Standard_deviation&oldid=801282456", "q_uid": -4278202999905396666, "answers": { "long_answer": "The standard deviation of a random variable, statistical population, data set, or probability distribution is the square root of its variance. It is algebraically simpler, though in practice less robust, than the average absolute deviation. A useful property of the standard deviation is that, unlike the variance, it is expressed in the same units as the data. There are also other measures of deviation from the norm, including average absolute deviation, which provide different mathematical properties from standard deviation.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how do you find the standard deviation of a mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Standard_deviation&oldid=827197729", "q_uid": 2522344504212614573, "answers": { "long_answer": "The standard deviation of a random variable, statistical population, data set, or probability distribution is the square root of its variance. It is algebraically simpler, though in practice less robust, than the average absolute deviation. A useful property of the standard deviation is that, unlike the variance, it is expressed in the same units as the data. There are also other measures of deviation from the norm, including average absolute deviation, which provide different mathematical properties from standard deviation.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "as a statistical unit of measure what does sigma represents", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Standard_deviation&oldid=824639754", "q_uid": 266861573219811119, "answers": { "long_answer": "In statistics, the standard deviation ( SD, also represented by the Greek letter sigma \u03c3 or the Latin letter s ) is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the mean ( also called the expected value ) of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range of values.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Smallville": [ { "question": "who played superman in the tv series smallville", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Smallville&oldid=800185899", "q_uid": -820436203442206141, "answers": { "long_answer": "Smallville is an American television series developed by writer - producers Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, based on the DC Comics character Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. The series, initially broadcast by The WB, premiered on October 16, 2001. After Smallville 's fifth season, The WB and UPN merged to form The CW, the series ' later United States broadcaster. Smallville, which ended its tenth and final season on May 13, 2011, follows Clark Kent ( Tom Welling ) in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, before he becomes known as Superman. The first four seasons focus on Clark and his friends in high school. After season five Smallville ventures into adult settings, eventually focusing on his career at the Daily Planet and introducing other DC comic - book superheroes and villains.", "short_answer": "Tom Welling )" } } ], "The British Soap Awards": [ { "question": "who won best newcomer at the soap awards 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_British_Soap_Awards&oldid=855798682", "q_uid": 2701765827668759866, "answers": { "long_answer": "Award Winners Nominees `` Best British Soap '' Emmerdale Coronation Street Doctors EastEnders Hollyoaks `` Best Actor '' John Middleton ( Ashley Thomas in Emmerdale ) Jack P. Shepherd ( David Platt in Coronation Street ) Danny Miller ( Aaron Dingle in Emmerdale ) Jamie Lomas ( Warren Fox in Hollyoaks ) Gregory Finnegan ( James Nightingale in Hollyoaks ) `` Best Actress '' Charlotte Bellamy ( Laurel Thomas in Emmerdale ) Kym Marsh ( Michelle Connor in Coronation Street ) Lucy Fallon ( Bethany Platt in Coronation Street ) Lacey Turner ( Stacey Fowler in EastEnders ) Anna Passey ( Sienna Blake in Hollyoaks ) `` Best Newcomer '' Rob Mallard ( Daniel Osbourne in Coronation Street ) Rita Arya ( Dr. Megan Sharma in Doctors ) Zack Morris ( Keegan Baker in EastEnders ) Sally Dexter ( Faith Dingle in Emmerdale ) Duncan James ( Ryan Knight in Hollyoaks ) `` Best Comedy Performance '' Dolly - Rose Campbell ( Gemma Winter in Coronation Street ) Elisabeth Dermot Walsh ( Zara Carmichael in Doctors ) Tameka Empson ( Kim Fox - Hubbard in EastEnders ) Dominic Brunt ( Paddy Kirk in Emmerdale ) Nicole Barber - Lane ( Myra McQueen in Hollyoaks ) `` Best On - Screen Partnership '' Richard Linnell & Kassius Nelson ( Alfie Nightingale & Jade Albright in Hollyoaks ) Malcolm Hebden & Patti Clare ( Norris Cole & Mary Taylor in Coronation Street ) Matthew Chambers & Elisabeth Dermot Walsh ( Daniel Granger & Zara Carmichael in Doctors ) James Bye & Lacey Turner ( Martin & Stacey Fowler in EastEnders ) John Middleton & Charlotte Bellamy ( Ashley & Laurel Thomas in Emmerdale ) `` Best Male Dramatic Performance '' John Middleton ( Ashley Thomas in Emmerdale ) Simon Gregson ( Steve McDonald in Coronation Street ) Ian Midlane ( Al Haskey in Doctors ) Steve McFadden ( Phil Mitchell in EastEnders ) Kieron Richardson ( Ste Hay in Hollyoaks ) `` Best Female Dramatic Performance '' Presented by Martine McCutcheon Kym Marsh ( Michelle Connor in Coronation Street ) Dido Miles ( Emma Reid in Doctors ) Diane Parish ( Denise Fox in EastEnders ) Charlotte Bellamy ( Laurel Thomas in Emmerdale ) Nadine Rose Mulkerrin ( Cleo McQueen in Hollyoaks ) `` Best Young Actor '' Elle Mulvaney ( Amy Barlow in Coronation Street ) Bleu Landau ( Dennis Rickman Jnr in EastEnders ) Isobel Steele ( Liv Flaherty in Emmerdale ) Ela - May Demircan ( Leah Barnes in Hollyoaks ) `` Villain of the Year '' Presented by Gray O'Brien Lucy - Jo Hudson ( Rhiannon Davis in Doctors ) Connor McIntyre ( Pat Phelan in Coronation Street ) Jake Wood ( Max Branning in EastEnders ) Gillian Kearney ( Emma Barton in Emmerdale ) Persephone Swales - Dawson ( Nico Blake in Hollyoaks ) `` Scene of the Year '' Jade says goodbye to Alfie ( Hollyoaks ) Michelle 's goodbye to Ruairi ( Coronation Street ) Haunted by his voices ( Doctors ) Ronnie and Roxy 's exit ( EastEnders ) The Hotten bypass pile - up ( Emmerdale ) `` Best Storyline '' Ashley 's dementia ( Emmerdale ) The grooming of Bethany ( Coronation Street ) Rhiannon 's second chance ( Doctors ) Lee 's mental health ( EastEnders ) Teenage cancer ( Hollyoaks ) `` Best Single Episode '' Ashley 's point of view ( Emmerdale ) Kylie 's death ( Coronation Street ) `` A Christmas Carol '' ( Doctors ) Lee on the edge ( EastEnders ) `` What is Consent? '' ( Hollyoaks ) `` Outstanding Achievement Award '' Nick Pickard ( Tony Hutchinson in Hollyoaks ) N / A The Tony Warren Award '' Gillian Richmond ( EastEnders writer ) N / A", "short_answer": "Rob Mallard ( Daniel Osbourne in Coronation Street )" } }, { "question": "who won best villain at the soap awards", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_British_Soap_Awards&oldid=855798682", "q_uid": 656851254509992152, "answers": { "long_answer": "Award Winners Nominees `` Best British Soap '' Coronation Street Doctors EastEnders Emmerdale Hollyoaks `` Best Actor '' Jack P. Shepherd ( David Platt in Coronation Street ) Connor McIntyre ( Pat Phelan in Coronation Street ) Michael Parr ( Ross Barton in Emmerdale ) Ryan Hawley ( Robert Sugden in Emmerdale ) Theo Graham ( Hunter McQueen in Hollyoaks ) `` Best Actress '' Presented by Sally Lindsay Lucy Fallon ( Bethany Platt in Coronation Street ) Catherine Tyldesley ( Eva Price in Coronation Street ) Lacey Turner ( Stacey Fowler in EastEnders ) Emma Atkins ( Charity Dingle in Emmerdale ) Anna Passey ( Sienna Blake in Hollyoaks ) `` Best Newcomer '' Lorraine Stanley ( Karen Taylor in EastEnders ) Nicola Thorp ( Nicola Rubinstein in Coronation Street ) Reis Bruce ( Austin Lonsdale in Doctors ) Andrew Scarborough ( Graham Foster in Emmerdale ) Lauren McQueen ( Lily Drinkwell in Hollyoaks ) `` Best Comedy Performance '' Presented by Sherrie Hewson and Tony Maudsley Ian Midlane ( Al Haskey in Doctors ) Louiza Patikas ( Moira Pollock in Coronation Street ) Nitin Ganatra ( Masood Ahmed in EastEnders ) Sally Dexter ( Faith Dingle in Emmerdale ) Nicole Barber - Lane ( Myra McQueen in Hollyoaks ) `` Best On - Screen Partnership '' Presented by Andrea McLean and Stacey Solomon Theo Graham & Malique Thompson - Dwyer ( Hunter & Prince McQueen in Hollyoaks ) Bhavna Limbachia & Faye Brookes ( Rana Nazir & Kate Connor in Coronation Street ) Matthew Chambers & Elisabeth Dermot Walsh ( Daniel Granger & Zara Carmichael in Doctors ) Jake Wood & Lacey Turner ( Max Branning & Stacey Fowler in EastEnders ) Ned Porteous & Andrew Scarborough ( Joe Tate & Graham Foster in Emmerdale ) `` Best Male Dramatic Performance '' Ross Adams ( Scott Drinkwell in Hollyoaks ) Connor McIntyre ( Pat Phelan in Coronation Street ) Chris Walker ( Rob Hollins in Doctors ) Jake Wood ( Max Branning in EastEnders ) Jeff Hordley ( Cain Dingle in Emmerdale ) `` Best Female Dramatic Performance '' Presented by Shirley Ballas Lucy Fallon ( Bethany Platt in Coronation Street ) Laura Rollins ( Ayesha Lee in Doctors ) Lacey Turner ( Stacey Fowler in EastEnders ) Natalie J. Robb ( Moira Dingle in Emmerdale ) Nadine Rose Mulkerrin ( Cleo McQueen in Hollyoaks ) `` Best Young Actor '' Isobel Steele ( Liv Flaherty in Emmerdale ) Matilda Freeman ( Summer Spellman in Coronation Street ) Maisie Smith ( Tiffany Butcher in EastEnders ) Ela - May Dermican ( Leah Barnes in Hollyoaks ) `` Villain of the Year '' Connor McIntyre ( Pat Phelan in Coronation Street ) Ryan Prescott ( Liam Slade in Doctors ) Jake Wood ( Max Branning in EastEnders ) Gillian Kearney ( Emma Barton in Emmerdale ) David Easter ( Mac Nightingale in Hollyoaks ) `` Scene of the Year '' Presented by Brooke Kinsella and Maggie Oliver Bollywood proposal ( Doctors ) Lauren and Abi 's rooftop fall ( EastEnders ) The grooming of Bethany ( Coronation Street ) Emma meets her fate ( Emmerdale ) Scott 's suicide note ( Hollyoaks ) `` Best Storyline '' Presented by Ranvir Singh Lily 's self - harm ( Hollyoaks ) Phelan 's reign of terror ( Coronation Street ) `` Consequences '' - Rob Hollins 's PTSD ( Doctors ) Karma for Max ( EastEnders ) Who Killed Emma? ( Emmerdale ) `` Best Single Episode '' Presented by Louise Redknapp `` Three Mothers, Three Daughters '' ( Hollyoaks ) Eva and Aidan 's wedding debacle ( Coronation Street ) `` Stop All The Clocks '' ( Doctors ) Max 's last stand ( EastEnders ) Cain and Faith flashback ( Emmerdale ) `` Outstanding Achievement Award '' Rudolph Walker ( Patrick Trueman in EastEnders ) N / A `` The Tony Warren Award '' Kieran Roberts ( Coronation Street producer ) N / A `` Greatest Moment '' Hotten bypass crash ( Emmerdale, 2016 ) Richard Hillman drives his family into the canal ( Coronation Street, 2003 ) Vivien 's rape ( Doctors, 2008 ) `` You ai n't my mother '' ( EastEnders, 2001 ) Jade says goodbye to Alfie ( Hollyoaks, 2016 )", "short_answer": "Connor McIntyre ( Pat Phelan in Coronation Street )" } } ], "Sam Underwood": [ { "question": "who plays luke and mark on the following", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sam_Underwood&oldid=803358544", "q_uid": -1996551222030780231, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sam Underwood ( born 4 August 1987 ) is a British actor who portrayed the twins Luke and Mark Gray in the Fox thriller drama The Following. As of 2017, he portrays Jake Otto in the hit AMC series Fear the Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Sam Underwood (" } }, { "question": "who plays mark and luke on the following", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sam_Underwood&oldid=801121360", "q_uid": 7324711816562846609, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sam Underwood ( born 4 August 1987 ) is a British actor who portrayed the twins Luke and Mark Gray in the Fox thriller drama The Following. As of 2017, he portrays Jake Otto in the hit AMC series Fear the Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Sam Underwood (" } } ], "Long Day's Journey into Night": [ { "question": "where is long day journey into night set", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Long_Day%27s_Journey_into_Night&oldid=846320465", "q_uid": -6646418029124242876, "answers": { "long_answer": "The play takes place on a single day in August 1912, from around 8: 30 a.m. to midnight. The setting is the seaside Connecticut home of the Tyrones ' Monte Cristo Cottage. The four main characters are the semi-autobiographical representations of O'Neill himself, his older brother, and their parents.", "short_answer": "the seaside Connecticut home of the Tyrones ' Monte Cristo Cottage." } }, { "question": "who wrote long day's journey into night", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Long_Day%27s_Journey_into_Night&oldid=808324212", "q_uid": -525522944517622106, "answers": { "long_answer": "Long Day 's Journey into Night is a drama play in four acts written by American playwright Eugene O'Neill in 1941 -- 42 but first published in 1956. The play is widely considered to be his magnum opus and one of the finest American plays of the 20th century. It premiered in Sweden in February 1956 and then opened on Broadway in November 1956, winning the Tony Award for Best Play.", "short_answer": "Eugene O'Neill in" } } ], "Matthew Mercer": [ { "question": "who voices levi in attack on titan english dub", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Matthew_Mercer&oldid=815673453", "q_uid": -8782411203554507902, "answers": { "long_answer": "Matthew Christopher Miller, known professionally as Matthew Mercer or Matt Mercer, is an American voice actor involved in English dubs of Japanese anime as well as cartoons, films and video games. In anime shows, he voiced Levi in Attack on Titan, Kiritsugu Emiya in Fate / Zero, Kanji Tatsumi for episodes 13 - 26 in Persona 4: The Animation, and Trafalgar Law in the Funimation dub of One Piece. In video games, he voices Leon S. Kennedy in the Resident Evil series, Jack Cooper in Titanfall 2, Chrom in Fire Emblem Awakening, McCree in Overwatch, MacCready in Fallout 4 and Yusuke Kitagawa in Persona 5. In addition to voice - over, Mercer has developed some live - action web series including a Nintendo character parody called There Will Be Brawl and the Dungeons & Dragons gaming sessions called Critical Role, the latter of which is broadcast by Geek & Sundry.", "short_answer": "Matthew Christopher Miller," } } ], "Ann B. Davis": [ { "question": "who played the maid on the brady bunch", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ann_B._Davis&oldid=841869236", "q_uid": -8183158071003619415, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ann Bradford Davis ( May 3, 1926 -- June 1, 2014 ) was an American actress. She achieved prominence for her role in the NBC situation comedy The Bob Cummings Show ( 1955 -- 1959 ), for which she twice won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, but she was best known for playing the part of Alice Nelson, the housekeeper in ABC 's The Brady Bunch ( 1969 -- 1974 ).", "short_answer": "Ann Bradford Davis (" } }, { "question": "actress who played alice on the brady bunch", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ann_B._Davis&oldid=794568995", "q_uid": -6956041147344590351, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ann Bradford Davis ( May 3, 1926 -- June 1, 2014 ) was an American actress. She achieved prominence for her role in the NBC situation comedy The Bob Cummings Show ( 1955 -- 1959 ), for which she twice won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, but she was best known for playing the part of Alice Nelson, the housekeeper in ABC 's The Brady Bunch ( 1969 -- 1974 ).", "short_answer": "Ann Bradford Davis (" } }, { "question": "who was the maid on the brady bunch", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ann_B._Davis&oldid=841869236", "q_uid": -1451788031325204195, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ann Bradford Davis ( May 3, 1926 -- June 1, 2014 ) was an American actress. She achieved prominence for her role in the NBC situation comedy The Bob Cummings Show ( 1955 -- 1959 ), for which she twice won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, but she was best known for playing the part of Alice Nelson, the housekeeper in ABC 's The Brady Bunch ( 1969 -- 1974 ).", "short_answer": "Ann Bradford Davis (" } }, { "question": "when did alice from the brady bunch die", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ann_B._Davis&oldid=794568995", "q_uid": 1044461213851501900, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ann Bradford Davis ( May 3, 1926 -- June 1, 2014 ) was an American actress. She achieved prominence for her role in the NBC situation comedy The Bob Cummings Show ( 1955 -- 1959 ), for which she twice won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, but she was best known for playing the part of Alice Nelson, the housekeeper in ABC 's The Brady Bunch ( 1969 -- 1974 ).", "short_answer": "June 1, 2014 )" } } ], "South America": [ { "question": "how many countries is there in south america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=South_America&oldid=802499664", "q_uid": 1902278758278546492, "answers": { "long_answer": "It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean; North America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest. It includes twelve sovereign states ( Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela ), a part of France ( French Guiana ), and a non-sovereign area ( the Falkland Islands, a British Overseas Territory though this is disputed by Argentina ). In addition to this, the ABC islands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Trinidad and Tobago, and Panama may also be considered part of South America.", "short_answer": "twelve sovereign" } }, { "question": "what are the countries in south america continent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=South_America&oldid=802802195", "q_uid": 1778640024702412029, "answers": { "long_answer": "It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean; North America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest. It includes twelve sovereign states ( Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela ), a part of France ( French Guiana ), and a non-sovereign area ( the Falkland Islands, a British Overseas Territory though this is disputed by Argentina ). In addition to this, the ABC islands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Trinidad and Tobago, and Panama may also be considered part of South America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "list of south american countries and their capital cities", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=South_America&oldid=843502626", "q_uid": 5714971232633940854, "answers": { "long_answer": "Flag Arms Country or territory with flag Area ( km2 ) ( sq mi ) Capital Population ( 2016 est. ) Population density per km ( per sq mi ) Argentina Buenos Aires 2766890! 2,766,890 km ( 1,068,300 sq mi ) 43,847,430 1430! 14.3 / km2 ( 37 / sq mi ) Bolivia La Paz and Sucre 1098580! 1,098,580 km ( 424,160 sq mi ) 10,887,882 0810! 8.4 / km2 ( 21.8 / sq mi ) Brazil Bras\u00edlia 8514877! 8,514,877 km ( 3,287,612 sq mi ) 207,652,865 2200! 22.0 / km2 ( 57 / sq mi ) Chile Santiago 0756950! 756,950 km ( 292,260 sq mi ) 17,909,754 2110! 22 / km2 ( 57 / sq mi ) Colombia Bogot\u00e1 1138910! 1,141,748 km ( 440,831 sq mi ) 48,653,419 3770! 40 / km2 ( 103.6 / sq mi ) Ecuador Quito 0283560! 283,560 km ( 109,480 sq mi ) 16,385,068 4710! 53.8 / km2 ( 139.3 / sq mi ) Falkland Islands ( United Kingdom ) Stanley 0012173! 12,173 km ( 4,700 sq mi ) 2,910 0026! 0.26 / km2 ( 0.7 / sq mi ) French Guiana ( France ) Cayenne ( Pr\u00e9fecture ) 0091000! 91,000 km ( 35,000 sq mi ) 275,713 0210! 2.7 / km2 ( 5.4 / sq mi ) Guyana Georgetown 0214999! 214,999 km ( 83,012 sq mi ) 773,303 0360! 3.5 / km2 ( 9.1 / sq mi ) Paraguay Asunci\u00f3n 0406750! 406,750 km ( 157,050 sq mi ) 6,725,308 1560! 15.6 / km2 ( 40.4 / sq mi ) Peru Lima 1285220! 1,285,220 km ( 496,230 sq mi ) 31,773,839 2170! 22 / km2 ( 57 / sq mi ) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ( United Kingdom ) King Edward Point 0003093! 3,093 km ( 1,194 sq mi ) 20 0000! 0 / km2 ( 0 / sq mi ) Suriname Paramaribo 0163270! 163,270 km ( 63,040 sq mi ) 558,368 0270! 3 / km2 ( 7.8 / sq mi ) Uruguay Montevideo 0176220! 176,220 km ( 68,040 sq mi ) 3,444,006 1940! 19.4 / km2 ( 50.2 / sq mi ) Venezuela Caracas 09116445! 916,445 km ( 353,841 sq mi ) 31,568,179 2780! 30.2 / km2 ( 72 / sq mi ) Total 7007178245130000000 \u2660 17,824,513 420,458,044 21.5 / km2", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "in which 3 hemispheres is south america located", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=South_America&oldid=816911074", "q_uid": -8174075350089163725, "answers": { "long_answer": "South America is a continent located in the western hemisphere, mostly in the southern hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the northern hemisphere. It may also be considered a subcontinent of the Americas, which is how it is viewed in the Spanish and Portuguese - speaking regions of the Americas. The reference to South America instead of other regions ( like Latin America or the Southern Cone ) has increased in the last decades due to changing geopolitical dynamics ( in particular, the rise of Brazil ).", "short_answer": "western hemisphere," } }, { "question": "where is south america located in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=South_America&oldid=856972407", "q_uid": 5946315577464142867, "answers": { "long_answer": "It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean; North America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest. It includes twelve sovereign states ( Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela ), a part of France ( French Guiana ), and a non-sovereign area ( the Falkland Islands, a British Overseas Territory though this is disputed by Argentina ). In addition to this, the ABC islands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Trinidad and Tobago, and Panama may also be considered part of South America.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who explored the main land of south america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=South_America&oldid=821064798", "q_uid": 4325810168898890068, "answers": { "long_answer": "The continent 's cultural and ethnic outlook has its origin with the interaction of indigenous peoples with European conquerors and immigrants and, more locally, with African slaves. Given a long history of colonialism, the overwhelming majority of South Americans speak Portuguese or Spanish, and societies and states commonly reflect Western traditions.", "short_answer": "European conquerors and" } }, { "question": "which country has the largest land area in south america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=South_America&oldid=865987087", "q_uid": 118353025283402946, "answers": { "long_answer": "Brazil is the largest country in South America, encompassing around half of the continent 's land area and population. The remaining countries and territories are divided among three regions: The Andean States, the Guianas and the Southern Cone.", "short_answer": "Brazil is" } } ], "Ellen's Game of Games": [ { "question": "when does ellens game of games come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ellen%27s_Game_of_Games&oldid=827408483", "q_uid": 4954418753492902023, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ellen 's Game of Games, also known as Game of Games and stylized as ellen 's GAME OF GAMES is an American television game show that premiered on December 18, 2017. In March 2017, NBC ordered six ( later eight ) hourlong episodes of the series. Ellen DeGeneres serves as host, while Stephen `` tWitch '' Boss appears as announcer / sidekick. The series is based on game segments from DeGeneres ' daytime talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show. A special preview episode aired on December 18, 2017, with the official series premiere on January 2, 2018. On January 9, 2018, NBC renewed the series for a 13 - episode second season.", "short_answer": "December 18, 2017." } }, { "question": "on game of games how far do they drop", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ellen%27s_Game_of_Games&oldid=827408483", "q_uid": 8265082192313445692, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 4 winning contestants of each preliminary game stand on a platform 30 feet in the air. One by one they are given a category, and each contestant is asked a question in turn from left to right. When a contestant misses a question or answers it incorrectly, the contestant is eliminated, and falls through a chute beneath his or her feet. The last contestant remaining wins and advances to Hot Hands.", "short_answer": "30 feet in" } }, { "question": "when does ellen's game of games air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ellen%27s_Game_of_Games&oldid=842063429", "q_uid": 3142580237421616977, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Title Air date Rating / share ( 18 -- 49 ) Viewers ( millions ) DVR ( 18 -- 49 ) DVR viewers ( millions ) Total ( 18 -- 49 ) Total viewers ( millions ) `` Game of Games '' December 18, 2017 1.7 / 6 7.23 TBD TBD TBD TBD `` I 'll Have What She 's Playing '' January 2, 2018 2.2 / 8 8.84 TBD TBD TBD TBD `` Say Hello to My Little Friends '' January 2, 2018 2.4 / 8 8.88 TBD TBD TBD TBD `` Hasta la Vista, Honey! '' January 9, 2018 2.1 / 8 7.87 TBD TBD TBD TBD 5 `` Just Keep Spinning '' January 16, 2018 2.2 / 8 8.78 TBD TBD TBD TBD 6 `` You Ca n't Handle the Toothpaste '' January 23, 2018 1.8 / 7 7.57 TBD TBD TBD TBD 7 `` Ellen, We Have a Problem '' January 30, 2018 1.8 / 7 7.58 TBD TBD TBD TBD 8 `` I See Dizzy People '' February 6, 2018 1.9 / 7 7.70 TBD TBD TBD TBD", "short_answer": "December 18, 2017" } }, { "question": "when does ellen's new show come on", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ellen%27s_Game_of_Games&oldid=826383620", "q_uid": 2700734838429538160, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ellen 's Game of Games, also known as Game of Games and stylized as ellen 's GAME OF GAMES is an American television game show that premiered on December 18, 2017. In March 2017, NBC ordered six ( later eight ) hourlong episodes of the series. Ellen DeGeneres serves as host, while Stephen `` tWitch '' Boss appears as announcer / sidekick. The series is based on game segments from DeGeneres ' daytime talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show. A special preview episode aired on December 18, 2017, with the official series premiere on January 2, 2018. On January 9, 2018, NBC renewed the series for a 13 - episode second season.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what do they fall into on ellens game show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ellen%27s_Game_of_Games&oldid=826383620", "q_uid": -2705826684157760523, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 4 winning contestants of each preliminary game stand on a platform 30 feet in the air. One by one they are given a category, and each contestant is asked a question in turn from left to right. When a contestant misses a question or answers it incorrectly, the contestant is eliminated, and falls through a chute beneath his or her feet. The last contestant remaining wins and advances to Hot Hands.", "short_answer": "a chute beneath" } }, { "question": "ellen's game of games season 2 start date", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ellen%27s_Game_of_Games&oldid=849665404", "q_uid": 91558312815648930, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired Nielsen ratings First aired Last aired Rank Average viewers ( in millions ) 8 December 18, 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 18 ) February 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 06 ) N / A N / A 13 January 2019 ( 2019 - 01 ) N / A N / A N / A", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does the new season of ellen's game of games start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ellen%27s_Game_of_Games&oldid=866440790", "q_uid": 7983254660030844399, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired Nielsen ratings First aired Last aired Rank Average viewers ( in millions ) 8 December 18, 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 18 ) February 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 06 ) N / A N / A 13 January 8, 2019 ( 2019 - 01 - 08 ) N / A N / A N / A", "short_answer": "January 8, 2019 (" } } ], "1998 Winter Olympics": [ { "question": "what became a winter olympic sport in 1998", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1998_Winter_Olympics&oldid=802186171", "q_uid": -6171935025617960037, "answers": { "long_answer": "72 nations and 2,176 participants contested in 7 sports and 68 events at 15 venues. The Games saw the introduction of women 's ice hockey, curling and snowboarding. National Hockey League players were allowed to participate in the men 's ice hockey.", "short_answer": "women 's ice hockey," } } ], "What Hurts the Most": [ { "question": "who wrote what hurts the most by rascal flatts", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=What_Hurts_the_Most&oldid=801225366", "q_uid": -4908412474638615187, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` What Hurts the Most '' is a song written by American songwriter Jeffrey Steele and English songwriter Steve Robson. Initially recorded by country music artist Mark Wills in 2003 on his album And the Crowd Goes Wild, it was covered by Bellefire a year later. However, the first version to be released as a single was by pop singer Jo O'Meara in 2005, from the album Relentless. Later that year, country band Rascal Flatts covered the song as well, releasing it as the first single from the 2006 album Me and My Gang, topping the U.S country and adult contemporary charts with it. German band Cascada later had international chart success with the song in 2007. It was also covered by Eden in 2008.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who wrote the song what hurts the most", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=What_Hurts_the_Most&oldid=825976858", "q_uid": -4341805882903112933, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` What Hurts the Most '' is a song written by American songwriter Jeffrey Steele and English songwriter Steve Robson. Initially recorded by country music artist Mark Wills in 2003 on his album And the Crowd Goes Wild, it was covered by Bellefire a year later. However, the first version to be released as a single was by pop singer Jo O'Meara in 2005, from the album Relentless. Later that year, country band Rascal Flatts covered the song as well, releasing it as the first single from the 2006 album Me and My Gang, topping the U.S country and adult contemporary charts with it. German band Cascada later had international chart success with the song in 2007. It was also covered by Eden in 2008.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "rascal flatts what hurts the most meaning of song", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=What_Hurts_the_Most&oldid=825976858", "q_uid": -5131226970682116425, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Steele co-wrote the song with Steve Robson, with whom he also co-wrote Rascal Flatts ' 2002 single `` These Days ''. Robson presented Steele with an unfinished track, and Steele decided to come up with lyrics to finish the track. Originally, he had wanted to write a song about the loss of his father, but instead went with a more universal theme of lost love. After singing the lyrics, he decided that he liked how sad the song sounded, when Robson suggested that it be recorded in a higher key to sound more emotional.", "short_answer": "lost love." } } ], "The Shires (duo)": [ { "question": "where do the group the shires come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Shires_(duo)&oldid=842960645", "q_uid": -7537449388771837961, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Shires Origin Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, England, UK Genres Country, country pop Years active 2013 -- present Labels Decca, Universal Music Group Nashville, Dot Website theshiresmusic.com Members Ben Earle Crissie Rhodes", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Vietnam War casualties": [ { "question": "how many us troops died in the vietnam war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Vietnam_War_casualties&oldid=829327981", "q_uid": -3781524301475508699, "answers": { "long_answer": "58,318 KIA or non-combat deaths ( including the missing & deaths in captivity ) 1,602 MIA ( originally 2,646 ) 153,303 WIA ( excluding 150,332 persons not requiring hospital care ) 766 -- 778 POW ( 652 -- 662 freed / escaped *, 114 -- 116 died in captivity )", "short_answer": "58,318 KIA" } }, { "question": "how many british soldiers died in the vietnam war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Vietnam_War_casualties&oldid=854221171", "q_uid": -2137306187306117137, "answers": { "long_answer": "~ 1.", "short_answer": "~ 1." } } ], "List of Sex and the City episodes": [ { "question": "how many episodes in season 2 sex and the city", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Sex_and_the_City_episodes&oldid=814042186", "q_uid": 8938393386543160265, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 12 June 6, 1998 ( 1998 - 06 - 06 ) August 23, 1998 ( 1998 - 08 - 23 ) 18 June 6, 1999 ( 1999 - 06 - 06 ) October 3, 1999 ( 1999 - 10 - 03 ) 18 June 4, 2000 ( 2000 - 06 - 04 ) October 15, 2000 ( 2000 - 10 - 15 ) 18 June 3, 2001 ( 2001 - 06 - 03 ) February 10, 2002 ( 2002 - 02 - 10 ) 5 8 July 21, 2002 ( 2002 - 07 - 21 ) September 8, 2002 ( 2002 - 09 - 08 ) 6 20 12 June 22, 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 22 ) September 14, 2003 ( 2003 - 09 - 14 ) 8 January 4, 2004 ( 2004 - 01 - 04 ) February 22, 2004 ( 2004 - 02 - 22 )", "short_answer": "18" } }, { "question": "how many episodes sex and the city season 5", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Sex_and_the_City_episodes&oldid=814042186", "q_uid": 4661660442126325550, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 12 June 6, 1998 ( 1998 - 06 - 06 ) August 23, 1998 ( 1998 - 08 - 23 ) 18 June 6, 1999 ( 1999 - 06 - 06 ) October 3, 1999 ( 1999 - 10 - 03 ) 18 June 4, 2000 ( 2000 - 06 - 04 ) October 15, 2000 ( 2000 - 10 - 15 ) 18 June 3, 2001 ( 2001 - 06 - 03 ) February 10, 2002 ( 2002 - 02 - 10 ) 5 8 July 21, 2002 ( 2002 - 07 - 21 ) September 8, 2002 ( 2002 - 09 - 08 ) 6 20 12 June 22, 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 22 ) September 14, 2003 ( 2003 - 09 - 14 ) 8 January 4, 2004 ( 2004 - 01 - 04 ) February 22, 2004 ( 2004 - 02 - 22 )", "short_answer": "8" } }, { "question": "sex and the city season 1 air date", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Sex_and_the_City_episodes&oldid=814042186", "q_uid": 5143923879078754434, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 12 June 6, 1998 ( 1998 - 06 - 06 ) August 23, 1998 ( 1998 - 08 - 23 ) 18 June 6, 1999 ( 1999 - 06 - 06 ) October 3, 1999 ( 1999 - 10 - 03 ) 18 June 4, 2000 ( 2000 - 06 - 04 ) October 15, 2000 ( 2000 - 10 - 15 ) 18 June 3, 2001 ( 2001 - 06 - 03 ) February 10, 2002 ( 2002 - 02 - 10 ) 5 8 July 21, 2002 ( 2002 - 07 - 21 ) September 8, 2002 ( 2002 - 09 - 08 ) 6 20 12 June 22, 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 22 ) September 14, 2003 ( 2003 - 09 - 14 ) 8 January 4, 2004 ( 2004 - 01 - 04 ) February 22, 2004 ( 2004 - 02 - 22 )", "short_answer": "June 6, 1998 (" } }, { "question": "sex and the city episode list season 1", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Sex_and_the_City_episodes&oldid=814042186", "q_uid": 87106115342672528, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. in series No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Production code `` Sex and the City '' Susan Seidelman Darren Star June 6, 1998 ( 1998 - 06 - 06 ) 101 `` Models and Mortals '' Alison Maclean Darren Star June 14, 1998 ( 1998 - 06 - 14 ) 102 `` Bay of Married Pigs '' Nicole Holofcener Michael Patrick King June 21, 1998 ( 1998 - 06 - 21 ) 103 `` Valley of the Twenty - Something Guys '' Alison Maclean Michael Patrick King June 28, 1998 ( 1998 - 06 - 28 ) 104 5 5 `` The Power of Female Sex '' Susan Seidelman Story by: Jenji Kohan Teleplay by: Darren Star July 5, 1998 ( 1998 - 07 - 05 ) 105 6 6 `` Secret Sex '' Michael Fields Darren Star July 12, 1998 ( 1998 - 07 - 12 ) 106 7 7 `` The Monogamists '' Darren Star Darren Star July 19, 1998 ( 1998 - 07 - 19 ) 107 8 8 `` Three 's a Crowd '' Nicole Holofcener Jenny Bicks July 26, 1998 ( 1998 - 07 - 26 ) 108 9 9 `` The Turtle and the Hare '' Michael Fields Susan Kolinsky August 2, 1998 ( 1998 - 08 - 02 ) 109 10 10 `` The Baby Shower '' Susan Seidelman Terri Minsky August 9, 1998 ( 1998 - 08 - 09 ) 110 11 11 `` The Drought '' Matthew Harrison Michael Green & Michael Patrick King August 16, 1998 ( 1998 - 08 - 16 ) 111 12 12 `` Oh Come All Ye Faithful '' Matthew Harrison Michael Patrick King August 23, 1998 ( 1998 - 08 - 23 ) 112", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many episodes in season 5 sex and the city", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Sex_and_the_City_episodes&oldid=797718485", "q_uid": -3844257511502166654, "answers": { "long_answer": "5 8 July 21, 2002 ( 2002 - 07 - 21 ) September 8, 2002 ( 2002 - 09 - 08 )", "short_answer": "8" } } ], "Port Adelaide Football Club": [ { "question": "when was the last time port adelaide won a premiership", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Port_Adelaide_Football_Club&oldid=802619559", "q_uid": 7074506827989437298, "answers": { "long_answer": "On the field in the SANFL, Port Adelaide struggled to replicate their historic dominance of the competition. The club won back - to - back premierships in 1998 and 1999 but have failed to win a premiership since then. The Magpies went through a barren spell through most of the 2000s, often missing out on finals and struggling for success. In 2014, in the first season of being permitted to select AFL - listed players, Port Adelaide won the minor premiership but lost to arch - rivals Norwood in the Grand Final. The club next returned to the SANFL Grand Final in 2017, though once more fell at the final hurdle, being defeated by Sturt by just one point. The current captain of Port Adelaide 's SANFL team is Steven Summerton and the coach is Chad Cornes.", "short_answer": "1999 but" } } ], "Need for Speed": [ { "question": "what is the newest need for speed game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Need_for_Speed&oldid=854405048", "q_uid": -5560593536298199590, "answers": { "long_answer": "Need for Speed ( NFS ) is a racing video game franchise published by Electronic Arts and developed by Ghost Games. The series centers around illicit street racing and in general tasks players to complete various types of races while evading the local law enforcement in police pursuits. The series released its first title, The Need for Speed in 1994. The most recent game, Need for Speed Payback, was released on November 10, 2017.", "short_answer": "Need for Speed Payback," } }, { "question": "what is the last need for speed game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Need_for_Speed&oldid=809290175", "q_uid": 7639386118183117369, "answers": { "long_answer": "Timeline of release years 1994 The Need for Speed 1995 1997 Need for Speed II 1998 Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit 1999 Need for Speed: High Stakes 2000 Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 2003 Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground 2 2005 Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2006 Need for Speed: Carbon 2007 Need for Speed: ProStreet 2008 Need for Speed: Undercover 2009 Need for Speed: Shift Need for Speed: Nitro Need for Speed: World Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2011 Shift 2: Unleashed Need for Speed: The Run 2012 Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2013 Need for Speed Rivals 2014 2015 Need for Speed: No Limits Need for Speed ( 2015 ) 2016 2017 Need for Speed Payback TBA Need for Speed: Edge", "short_answer": "Need for Speed Payback" } }, { "question": "what was the first need for speed game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Need_for_Speed&oldid=802738239", "q_uid": -2920856001222583372, "answers": { "long_answer": "Need for Speed, also known by its initials NFS, is a racing video game franchise created by Electronic Arts and currently developed by Ghost Games. The series centers around illicit street racing and in general tasks players to complete various types of races while evading the local law enforcement in police pursuits. The series released its first title, The Need for Speed in 1994. Since Need for Speed: High Stakes, the series has also integrated car body customization into gameplay.", "short_answer": "The Need for Speed in" } }, { "question": "when did need for speed movie come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Need_for_Speed&oldid=801084650", "q_uid": -7691018860255713455, "answers": { "long_answer": "EA worked with DreamWorks Studios to create a film version of Need for Speed starring Aaron Paul as Tobey Marshall, a mechanic and street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate. The movie released on March 14, 2014, and despite receiving negative reviews ended up grossing over $200 million at the worldwide box office. In April 2015, it was reported that a sequel would be produced by China Movie Channel, Jiaflix, and 1905.com in association with EA Games.", "short_answer": "March 14, 2014," } }, { "question": "what is the latest need for speed game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Need_for_Speed&oldid=864119889", "q_uid": 1033034575193747183, "answers": { "long_answer": "Need for Speed ( NFS ) is a racing video game franchise published by Electronic Arts and developed by Ghost Games. The series centers around illicit street racing and in general tasks players to complete various types of races while evading the local law enforcement in police pursuits. The series released its first title, The Need for Speed in 1994. The most recent game, Need for Speed Payback, was released on November 10, 2017.", "short_answer": "Need for Speed Payback," } } ], "AFL Grand Final": [ { "question": "how many drawn grand finals have there been in vfl/afl history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=AFL_Grand_Final&oldid=815474207", "q_uid": -3619984367916600299, "answers": { "long_answer": "The concept of a `` grand '' final gradually evolved from experimentation by the Victorian Football League ( VFL ) in the initial years of competition following its inception in 1897. During the 19th century, Australian football competition adopted the approach that the team on top of the ladder at the end of the home - and - away series was declared the premiers. However, the fledgling VFL decided that a finals series played between the top four teams at the end of the season would generate more interest and gate money. For 1897, the VFL scheduled a round robin tournament whereby the top four played each other once and the team that won the most matches was declared the winner.", "short_answer": "four played" } }, { "question": "when was the first afl grand final played", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=AFL_Grand_Final&oldid=806641969", "q_uid": -844919834098398568, "answers": { "long_answer": "AFL Grand Final Part of the pre-match entertainment at the 2006 AFL Grand Final. Giant banners were unfurled featuring the colours and emblems of ( then ) all 16 AFL clubs. Locale Melbourne, Victoria First meeting 24 September 1898 Latest meeting 30 September 2017 Next meeting 29 September 2018 Broadcasters Seven Network ( 1977 -- 1986; 1988 -- 2001; 2008; 2010; 2012 -- present ) Network Ten ( 2002 -- 2007; 2009; 2011 ) SportsPlay ( 1987 ) ABC ( 1987 ) Stadiums Melbourne Cricket Ground ( 1902 -- 1941; 1946 -- 1990; 1992 -- present ) Waverley Park ( 1991 ) Princes Park ( 1942 -- 1943; 1945 ) Junction Oval ( 1898 -- 1899; 1944 ) Lake Oval ( 1901 ) East Melbourne ( 1900 ) Statistics Meetings total 121 Most wins Carlton ( 16 ) Essendon ( 16 ) Largest victory Geelong 24.19. 163 def Port Adelaide 6.8. 44, 2007", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when is the afl grand final being played", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=AFL_Grand_Final&oldid=806641969", "q_uid": -356381166290439923, "answers": { "long_answer": "AFL Grand Final Part of the pre-match entertainment at the 2006 AFL Grand Final. Giant banners were unfurled featuring the colours and emblems of ( then ) all 16 AFL clubs. Locale Melbourne, Victoria First meeting 24 September 1898 Latest meeting 30 September 2017 Next meeting 29 September 2018 Broadcasters Seven Network ( 1977 -- 1986; 1988 -- 2001; 2008; 2010; 2012 -- present ) Network Ten ( 2002 -- 2007; 2009; 2011 ) SportsPlay ( 1987 ) ABC ( 1987 ) Stadiums Melbourne Cricket Ground ( 1902 -- 1941; 1946 -- 1990; 1992 -- present ) Waverley Park ( 1991 ) Princes Park ( 1942 -- 1943; 1945 ) Junction Oval ( 1898 -- 1899; 1944 ) Lake Oval ( 1901 ) East Melbourne ( 1900 ) Statistics Meetings total 121 Most wins Carlton ( 16 ) Essendon ( 16 ) Largest victory Geelong 24.19. 163 def Port Adelaide 6.8. 44, 2007", "short_answer": "29 September 2018" } }, { "question": "what is the prize money for winning the afl grand final", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=AFL_Grand_Final&oldid=862723189", "q_uid": 6847738438579343473, "answers": { "long_answer": "The current cash prize for the winning club is A $ 1 million. Before 2006, a cash prize to the winning club of A $ 200,000 was awarded ( In contrast, the winner of the NAB Cup, the far less important pre-season competition which was held from 1998 to 2013, was awarded a similar amount, A $ 210,000 ). Following the Sydney Swans premiership in 2005, many clubs publicly questioned the prize money, which had not increased significantly for many years and barely covered the cost of participation in the finals series.", "short_answer": "A $ 1 million." } }, { "question": "who has kicked the most goals in afl grand final", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=AFL_Grand_Final&oldid=801514436", "q_uid": 8120005310983984027, "answers": { "long_answer": "Individual Records Most matches ( player ) 11: Michael Tuck ( Hawthorn ) 10: Gordon Coventry ( Collingwood ), Albert Collier ( Collingwood ), Dick Reynolds ( Essendon ), Bill Hutchison ( Essendon ) Most matches ( captain ) 9: Dick Reynolds ( Essendon ) 5: John Nicholls ( Carlton ), Michael Tuck ( Hawthorn ) Most matches ( coach ) 17: Jock McHale ( Collingwood ) 12: Dick Reynolds ( Essendon ) 11: Frank ' Checker ' Hughes ( Richmond / Melbourne ) 10: Tom Hafey ( Richmond / Collingwood ) Most matches ( umpire ) 10: Jack Elder ( 1908 -- 22 ) 9: Ian Robinson ( 1973 -- 87 ) 7: Bob Scott ( 1929 -- 35 ), Henry ' Ivo ' Crapp ( 1898 -- 1905 ) Brett Rosebury 2009, 2010 + replay, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 Most matches ( player / coach ) 20: Jock McHale ( Collingwood ) 17: Ron Barassi ( Melbourne / Carlton / N Melbourne ) 14: F ' Checker ' Hughes ( Richmond / Melbourne ), Norm Smith ( Melbourne ) 14 Most wins ( player ) 7: Michael Tuck ( Hawthorn ) 6: Albert Collier ( Collingwood ), Harry Collier ( Collingwood ), Frank ' Bluey ' Adams ( Melbourne ), Ron Barassi ( Melbourne ) Most wins ( captain ) 4: Dick Reynolds ( Essendon ), Syd Coventry ( Collingwood ), Michael Tuck ( Hawthorn ) Most wins ( coach ) 8: Jock McHale ( Collingwood ) 6: Norm Smith ( Melbourne ) 5: Jack Worrall ( Carlton / Essendon ), F ' Checker ' Hughes ( Richmond / Melbourne ) Most losses ( player ) 6: Jack Titus ( Richmond ) 5: Dick Reynolds ( Essendon ), Bill Hutchison ( Essendon ), Rene Kink ( Collingwood / Essendon ), Thomas O'Halloran ( Richmond ), Jack Dyer ( Richmond ), Jack Bissett ( Richmond / South Melbourne ) Most losses ( captain ) 4: Dick Reynolds ( Essendon ) 3: Jack Bissett ( South Melbourne ), Jack Dyer ( Richmond ) Most losses ( coach ) 9: Jock McHale ( Collingwood ) 7: Dick Reynolds ( Essendon ) 5: Allan Jeans ( St Kilda / Hawthorn ), Tom Hafey ( Richmond / Collingwood ) First game in GF Harry Prout ( Essendon ) 1908, Bill James ( Richmond ) 1920, George Rawle ( Essendon ) 1923, F ' Pop ' Vine ( Melbourne ) 1926, Ken Batchelor ( Collingwood ) 1952 Most games before first GF 313: Paul Roos ( Fitzroy / Sydney ) 1996 304: Shane Crawford ( Hawthorn ) 2008 293: Paul Williams ( Collingwood / Sydney ) 2005 290: Matthew Pavlich ( Fremantle ) 2013 281: Matthew Boyd ( Western Bulldogs ) 2016 Most Norm Smith Medals 2: Gary Ayres ( Hawthorn ), Andrew McLeod ( Adelaide ), Luke Hodge ( Hawthorn ) Most possessions in a match 39: Simon Black ( Brisbane ) 2003 37: Kane Cornes ( Port Adelaide ) 2007, Jordan Lewis ( Hawthorn ) 2014 36: Geoff Raines ( Richmond ) 1980, Robert Harvey ( St Kilda ) 1997, Peter Burgoyne ( Port Adelaide ) 2007 35: Daryn Cresswell ( Sydney ) 1996, Luke Hodge ( Hawthorn ) 2014 Most goals 35: Gordon Coventry ( Collingwood ) 25: Dermott Brereton ( Hawthorn ) 23: Jason Dunstall ( Hawthorn ), Jack Mueller ( Melbourne ) Most goals in a match 9: Gordon Coventry ( Collingwood ) 1928, Gary Ablett, Sr. ( Geelong ) 1989 8: Dermott Brereton ( Hawthorn ) 1985 Most goals in a quarter 5: Darren Jarman ( Adelaide ) 1997 - 4Q Most behinds in a match 10: Ron Todd ( Collingwood ) 1936 8: Bob Pratt ( South Melbourne ) 1933, John Hendrie ( Hawthorn ) 1976", "short_answer": "Gordon Coventry (" } } ], "Dancing with the Stars (U.S. season 24)": [ { "question": "who won dancing with the stars last season 24", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=815240522", "q_uid": 7657045487172322761, "answers": { "long_answer": "On May 23, 2017, NFL runningback Rashad Jennings and Emma Slater, were declared the winners, marking Slater 's first win. Former MLB catcher David Ross and Lindsay Arnold finished second, while Fifth Harmony singer Normani Kordei and Val Chmerkovskiy finished third.", "short_answer": "Rashad Jennings and" } }, { "question": "when is dancing with the stars season finale 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=826832151", "q_uid": -1484418790382082690, "answers": { "long_answer": "Episode Air date Rating / Share ( 18 -- 49 ) Viewers ( millions ) 18 -- 49 rank ( Weekly ) DVR 18 -- 49 DVR Viewers ( millions ) Total 18 -- 49 Total Viewers `` Week 1: Premiere '' March 20, 2017 2.1 7 12.09 6 ( tied ) N / A 2.18 N / A 14.27 `` Week 2 '' March 27, 2017 1.7 6 11.12 11 ( tied ) N / A N / A N / A N / A `` Week 3: Vegas Night '' April 3, 2017 1.5 5 10.47 13 ( tied ) N / A N / A N / A N / A `` Week 4: Most Memorable Year Night '' April 10, 2017 1.6 6 10.31 6 ( tied ) N / A 1.85 N / A 12.16 5 `` Week 5: Disney Night '' April 17, 2017 1.8 6 11.18 2 ( tied ) N / A 1.95 N / A 13.15 6 `` Week 6: Boy Bands vs. Girl Groups Night '' April 24, 2017 1.6 6 10.35 7 N / A N / A N / A N / A 7 `` Week 7: A Night at the Movies Night '' May 1, 2017 1.6 6 10.31 8 ( tied ) N / A N / A N / A N / A 8 `` Week 8: Quarterfinals '' May 8, 2017 1.5 6 9.95 10 ( tied ) N / A N / A N / A N / A 9 `` Week 9: Semifinals '' May 15, 2017 1.5 5 10.07 7 ( tied ) N / A N / A N / A N / A 10 `` Week 10: The Finals '' May 22, 2017 1.8 7 10.54 5 ( tied ) N / A N / A N / A N / A 11 `` Week 10: Season Finale '' May 23, 2017 1.4 5 8.91 7 N / A N / A N / A N / A", "short_answer": "May 23, 2017" } }, { "question": "last season of dancing with the stars cast", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=840329302", "q_uid": -6980847784935320535, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celebrity Notability ( known for ) Professional partner Status Ref. Chris Kattan Actor & comedian Witney Carson Eliminated 1st on March 27, 2017 Charo Actress, comedienne & singer Keo Motsepe Eliminated 2nd on April 3, 2017 Mr. T Actor & former wrestler Kym Herjavec Eliminated 3rd on April 10, 2017 Erika Jayne Singer & reality television star Gleb Savchenko Eliminated 4th on April 17, 2017 Heather Morris Glee actress & dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy Alan Bersten ( weeks 2 - 5 ) Eliminated 5th on April 24, 2017 Nancy Kerrigan Former Olympic figure skater Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated 6th on May 1, 2017 Nick Viall The Bachelor star Peta Murgatroyd Bonner Bolton Model & bull rider Sharna Burgess Eliminated 8th on May 8, 2017 Simone Biles Olympic artistic gymnast Sasha Farber Eliminated 9th on May 15, 2017 Normani Kordei Fifth Harmony singer Valentin Chmerkovskiy Third place on May 23, 2017 David Ross Former MLB catcher Lindsay Arnold Runner - up on May 23, 2017 Rashad Jennings NFL running back Emma Slater Winner on May 23, 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "dancing with the stars 2017 season 24 winner", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=809756966", "q_uid": 7283305182653516496, "answers": { "long_answer": "On May 23, 2017, NFL runningback Rashad Jennings and Emma Slater, were declared the winners, marking Slater 's first win. Former MLB catcher David Ross and Lindsay Arnold finished second, while Fifth Harmony singer Normani Kordei and Val Chmerkovskiy finished third.", "short_answer": "Rashad Jennings and Emma Slater," } }, { "question": "where did nancy kerrigan place in dancing with the stars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=826832151", "q_uid": -8482819642729879186, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celebrity Notability ( known for ) Professional partner Status Ref. Chris Kattan Actor & comedian Witney Carson Eliminated 1st on March 27, 2017 Charo Actress, comedienne & singer Keo Motsepe Eliminated 2nd on April 3, 2017 Mr. T Actor & former wrestler Kym Herjavec Eliminated 3rd on April 10, 2017 Erika Jayne Singer & reality television star Gleb Savchenko Eliminated 4th on April 17, 2017 Heather Morris Glee actress & dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy Alan Bersten ( weeks 2 - 5 ) Eliminated 5th on April 24, 2017 Nancy Kerrigan Former Olympic figure skater Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated 6th on May 1, 2017 Nick Viall The Bachelor star Peta Murgatroyd Bonner Bolton Model & bull rider Sharna Burgess Eliminated 8th on May 8, 2017 Simone Biles Olympic artistic gymnast Sasha Farber Eliminated 9th on May 15, 2017 Normani Kordei Fifth Harmony singer Valentin Chmerkovskiy Third place on May 23, 2017 David Ross Former MLB catcher Lindsay Arnold Runner - up on May 23, 2017 Rashad Jennings NFL running back Emma Slater Winner on May 23, 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won season 24 dancing with the stars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=802591622", "q_uid": 7009219194514881082, "answers": { "long_answer": "On May 23, 2017, NFL runningback Rashad Jennings and Emma Slater, were declared the winners, marking Slater 's first win. Former MLB catcher David Ross and Lindsay Arnold finished second, while Fifth Harmony singer Normani Kordei and Val Chmerkovskiy finished third.", "short_answer": "Rashad Jennings and" } }, { "question": "who are the guests on dancing with the stars this season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=802591622", "q_uid": 5474121643828856529, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews returned as hosts, and Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman, Julianne Hough, and Bruno Tonioli returned as judges. On April 24, former contestant Nick Carter joined the panel as a guest judge, filling in for Hough who was on tour. On May 1, choreographer Mandy Moore also filled in for Hough as a guest judge.", "short_answer": "Mandy Moore also" } }, { "question": "who is dancing on the stars this season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=808798451", "q_uid": 4049308359105083637, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celebrity Notability ( known for ) Professional partner Status Ref. Chris Kattan Actor & comedian Witney Carson Eliminated 1st on March 27, 2017 Charo Actress, comedienne & singer Keo Motsepe Eliminated 2nd on April 3, 2017 Mr. T Actor & former wrestler Kym Johnson - Herjavec Eliminated 3rd on April 10, 2017 Erika Jayne Singer & reality television star Gleb Savchenko Eliminated 4th on April 17, 2017 Heather Morris Glee actress & dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy Alan Bersten ( weeks 2 - 5 ) Eliminated 5th on April 24, 2017 Nancy Kerrigan Former Olympic figure skater Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated 6th on May 1, 2017 Nick Viall The Bachelor star Peta Murgatroyd Bonner Bolton Model & bull rider Sharna Burgess Eliminated 8th on May 8, 2017 Simone Biles Olympic artistic gymnast Sasha Farber Eliminated 9th on May 15, 2017 Normani Kordei Fifth Harmony singer Valentin Chmerkovskiy Third place on May 23, 2017 David Ross Former MLB catcher Lindsay Arnold Runner - up on May 23, 2017 Rashad Jennings NFL running back Emma Slater Winner on May 23, 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who are the couples on dancing with the stars 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=815240522", "q_uid": -1559074360427385539, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celebrity Notability ( known for ) Professional partner Status Ref. Chris Kattan Actor & comedian Witney Carson Eliminated 1st on March 27, 2017 Charo Actress, comedienne & singer Keo Motsepe Eliminated 2nd on April 3, 2017 Mr. T Actor & former wrestler Kym Johnson - Herjavec Eliminated 3rd on April 10, 2017 Erika Jayne Singer & reality television star Gleb Savchenko Eliminated 4th on April 17, 2017 Heather Morris Glee actress & dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy Alan Bersten ( weeks 2 - 5 ) Eliminated 5th on April 24, 2017 Nancy Kerrigan Former Olympic figure skater Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated 6th on May 1, 2017 Nick Viall The Bachelor star Peta Murgatroyd Bonner Bolton Model & bull rider Sharna Burgess Eliminated 8th on May 8, 2017 Simone Biles Olympic artistic gymnast Sasha Farber Eliminated 9th on May 15, 2017 Normani Kordei Fifth Harmony singer Valentin Chmerkovskiy Third place on May 23, 2017 David Ross Former MLB catcher Lindsay Arnold Runner - up on May 23, 2017 Rashad Jennings NFL running back Emma Slater Winner on May 23, 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who were the contestants on dancing with the stars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=815240522", "q_uid": -128030582486703994, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celebrity Notability ( known for ) Professional partner Status Ref. Chris Kattan Actor & comedian Witney Carson Eliminated 1st on March 27, 2017 Charo Actress, comedienne & singer Keo Motsepe Eliminated 2nd on April 3, 2017 Mr. T Actor & former wrestler Kym Johnson - Herjavec Eliminated 3rd on April 10, 2017 Erika Jayne Singer & reality television star Gleb Savchenko Eliminated 4th on April 17, 2017 Heather Morris Glee actress & dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy Alan Bersten ( weeks 2 - 5 ) Eliminated 5th on April 24, 2017 Nancy Kerrigan Former Olympic figure skater Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated 6th on May 1, 2017 Nick Viall The Bachelor star Peta Murgatroyd Bonner Bolton Model & bull rider Sharna Burgess Eliminated 8th on May 8, 2017 Simone Biles Olympic artistic gymnast Sasha Farber Eliminated 9th on May 15, 2017 Normani Kordei Fifth Harmony singer Valentin Chmerkovskiy Third place on May 23, 2017 David Ross Former MLB catcher Lindsay Arnold Runner - up on May 23, 2017 Rashad Jennings NFL running back Emma Slater Winner on May 23, 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was runner up on dancing with the stars 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=801290783", "q_uid": -3465485830730210, "answers": { "long_answer": "On May 23, 2017, NFL runningback Rashad Jennings and Emma Slater, were declared the winners, marking Slater 's first win. Former MLB catcher David Ross and Lindsay Arnold finished second, while Fifth Harmony singer Normani Kordei and Val Chmerkovskiy finished third.", "short_answer": "Former MLB catcher David Ross and Lindsay Arnold finished second," } }, { "question": "who was on dancing with the stars season 24", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=808798451", "q_uid": 6627126347339600018, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celebrity Notability ( known for ) Professional partner Status Ref. Chris Kattan Actor & comedian Witney Carson Eliminated 1st on March 27, 2017 Charo Actress, comedienne & singer Keo Motsepe Eliminated 2nd on April 3, 2017 Mr. T Actor & former wrestler Kym Johnson - Herjavec Eliminated 3rd on April 10, 2017 Erika Jayne Singer & reality television star Gleb Savchenko Eliminated 4th on April 17, 2017 Heather Morris Glee actress & dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy Alan Bersten ( weeks 2 - 5 ) Eliminated 5th on April 24, 2017 Nancy Kerrigan Former Olympic figure skater Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated 6th on May 1, 2017 Nick Viall The Bachelor star Peta Murgatroyd Bonner Bolton Model & bull rider Sharna Burgess Eliminated 8th on May 8, 2017 Simone Biles Olympic artistic gymnast Sasha Farber Eliminated 9th on May 15, 2017 Normani Kordei Fifth Harmony singer Valentin Chmerkovskiy Third place on May 23, 2017 David Ross Former MLB catcher Lindsay Arnold Runner - up on May 23, 2017 Rashad Jennings NFL running back Emma Slater Winner on May 23, 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who are the stars of dancing with the stars this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_24)&oldid=808798451", "q_uid": -632919452763710485, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celebrity Notability ( known for ) Professional partner Status Ref. Chris Kattan Actor & comedian Witney Carson Eliminated 1st on March 27, 2017 Charo Actress, comedienne & singer Keo Motsepe Eliminated 2nd on April 3, 2017 Mr. T Actor & former wrestler Kym Johnson - Herjavec Eliminated 3rd on April 10, 2017 Erika Jayne Singer & reality television star Gleb Savchenko Eliminated 4th on April 17, 2017 Heather Morris Glee actress & dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy Alan Bersten ( weeks 2 - 5 ) Eliminated 5th on April 24, 2017 Nancy Kerrigan Former Olympic figure skater Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated 6th on May 1, 2017 Nick Viall The Bachelor star Peta Murgatroyd Bonner Bolton Model & bull rider Sharna Burgess Eliminated 8th on May 8, 2017 Simone Biles Olympic artistic gymnast Sasha Farber Eliminated 9th on May 15, 2017 Normani Kordei Fifth Harmony singer Valentin Chmerkovskiy Third place on May 23, 2017 David Ross Former MLB catcher Lindsay Arnold Runner - up on May 23, 2017 Rashad Jennings NFL running back Emma Slater Winner on May 23, 2017", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Earl Hindman": [ { "question": "who was the actor who played wilson on home improvement", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earl_Hindman&oldid=856419523", "q_uid": 3580435935743715412, "answers": { "long_answer": "Earl John Hindman ( October 3, 1942 -- December 29, 2003 ) was an American film and television actor, best known for his role as the kindly unseen neighbor Wilson W. Wilson Jr. on the television sitcom Home Improvement ( 1991 -- 99 ).", "short_answer": "Earl John Hindman (" } } ], "2018 Australian Grand Prix": [ { "question": "who was the winner of 2018 australian grand prix", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Australian_Grand_Prix&oldid=854110269", "q_uid": 6382556361934921581, "answers": { "long_answer": "2018 Australian Grand Prix Race 1 of 21 in the 2018 Formula One World Championship Next race \u2192 Layout of the Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit Race details Date 25 March 2018 Official name Formula 1 2018 Rolex Australian Grand Prix Location Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit, Melbourne, Australia Course Temporary street circuit Course length 5.303 km ( 3.295 mi ) Distance 58 laps, 307.574 km ( 191.118 mi ) Pole position Driver Lewis Hamilton Mercedes Time 1: 21.164 Fastest lap Driver Daniel Ricciardo Red Bull Racing - TAG Heuer Time 1: 25.945 on lap 54 Podium First Sebastian Vettel Ferrari Second Lewis Hamilton Mercedes Third Kimi R\u00e4ikk\u00f6nen Ferrari Lap leaders ( show )", "short_answer": "Sebastian Vettel" } }, { "question": "who won 2018 formula 1 australian grand pix tournament", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Australian_Grand_Prix&oldid=842396773", "q_uid": -2078743213048426264, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel was the defending race winner. Lewis Hamilton started the race from pole -- his seventh pole position in Australia, a record for the event -- while Vettel successfully defended his race win, the forty - eighth of his career.", "short_answer": "Sebastian Vettel was" } }, { "question": "who has won the 2018 formula one australian grand prix tournament", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Australian_Grand_Prix&oldid=854110269", "q_uid": 2623079633663562044, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel was the defending race winner. Lewis Hamilton started the race from pole -- his seventh pole position in Australia, a record for the event -- while Vettel successfully defended his race win, the forty - eighth of his career.", "short_answer": "Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel was" } }, { "question": "who won 2018 formula one australia grand prix tournament", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Australian_Grand_Prix&oldid=854110269", "q_uid": 6903501950497905041, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel was the defending race winner. Lewis Hamilton started the race from pole -- his seventh pole position in Australia, a record for the event -- while Vettel successfully defended his race win, the forty - eighth of his career.", "short_answer": "Sebastian Vettel was" } }, { "question": "who won the 2018 formula 1 australian grand prixs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Australian_Grand_Prix&oldid=854110269", "q_uid": -8650574188677837283, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel was the defending race winner. Lewis Hamilton started the race from pole -- his seventh pole position in Australia, a record for the event -- while Vettel successfully defended his race win, the forty - eighth of his career.", "short_answer": "Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel was" } }, { "question": "who has won the 2018 formula 1 australian grand pix tournament", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Australian_Grand_Prix&oldid=842396773", "q_uid": 7592336862236916187, "answers": { "long_answer": "2018 Australian Grand Prix Race details Race 1 of 21 in the 2018 Formula One World Championship Next race \u2192 Layout of the Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit Date 23 March to 25 March 2018 Official name Formula 1 2018 Rolex Australian Grand Prix Location Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit, Melbourne, Australia Course Temporary street circuit Course length 5.303 km ( 3.295 mi ) Distance 58 laps, 307.574 km ( 191.118 mi ) Pole position Driver Lewis Hamilton Mercedes Time 1: 21.164 Fastest lap Driver Daniel Ricciardo Red Bull Racing - TAG Heuer Time 1: 25.945 on lap 54 Podium First Sebastian Vettel Ferrari Second Lewis Hamilton Mercedes Third Kimi R\u00e4ikk\u00f6nen Ferrari Lap leaders ( show )", "short_answer": "Sebastian Vettel" } } ], "Laverne Cox": [ { "question": "orange is the new black cast transgender actress", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Laverne_Cox&oldid=800961758", "q_uid": -1183745405454477450, "answers": { "long_answer": "Laverne Cox is an American actress and LGBT advocate. She became known for her portrayal of Sophia Burset on the Netflix television series Orange Is the New Black, for which she became the first openly transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in the acting category, and the first to be nominated for an Emmy Award since composer / musician Angela Morley in 1990. In 2015, she won a Daytime Emmy Award in Outstanding Special Class Special as Executive Producer for Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word. This made her the first openly transgender woman to win a Daytime Emmy as an Executive Producer; as well, The T Word is the first trans documentary to win a Daytime Emmy. Also in 2015, she became the first openly transgender person to have a wax figure of herself at Madame Tussauds. In 2017, she became the first transgender person to play a transgender series regular on broadcast TV as Cameron Wirth on Doubt on CBS.", "short_answer": "Laverne Cox is" } }, { "question": "who does laverne cox play in orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Laverne_Cox&oldid=866305521", "q_uid": 5123576636549832548, "answers": { "long_answer": "Laverne Cox is an American actress and LGBT advocate. She rose to prominence with her role as Sophia Burset on the Netflix series Orange is the New Black, becoming the first openly transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in the acting category, and the first to be nominated for an Emmy Award since composer Angela Morley in 1990. In 2015, she won a Daytime Emmy Award in Outstanding Special Class Special as executive producer for Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word, making her the first openly transgender woman to win the award. In 2017, she became the first transgender person to play a transgender series regular on broadcast TV as Cameron Wirth on CBS 's Doubt.", "short_answer": "Sophia Burset on" } }, { "question": "who plays the trans in orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Laverne_Cox&oldid=800961758", "q_uid": -5431169281801155483, "answers": { "long_answer": "Laverne Cox is an American actress and LGBT advocate. She became known for her portrayal of Sophia Burset on the Netflix television series Orange Is the New Black, for which she became the first openly transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in the acting category, and the first to be nominated for an Emmy Award since composer / musician Angela Morley in 1990. In 2015, she won a Daytime Emmy Award in Outstanding Special Class Special as Executive Producer for Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word. This made her the first openly transgender woman to win a Daytime Emmy as an Executive Producer; as well, The T Word is the first trans documentary to win a Daytime Emmy. Also in 2015, she became the first openly transgender person to have a wax figure of herself at Madame Tussauds. In 2017, she became the first transgender person to play a transgender series regular on broadcast TV as Cameron Wirth on Doubt on CBS.", "short_answer": "Laverne Cox is" } }, { "question": "who plays sophia orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Laverne_Cox&oldid=841007911", "q_uid": 4072064933417544454, "answers": { "long_answer": "Laverne Cox is an American actress and LGBT advocate. She rose to prominence with her role as Sophia Burset on the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black, becoming the first openly transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in the acting category, and the first to be nominated for an Emmy Award since composer / musician Angela Morley in 1990. In 2015, she won a Daytime Emmy Award in Outstanding Special Class Special as executive producer for Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word. This made her the first openly transgender woman to win a Daytime Emmy as an executive producer. Also in 2015, she became the first openly transgender person to have a wax figure of herself at Madame Tussauds. In 2017, she became the first transgender person to play a transgender series regular on broadcast TV as Cameron Wirth on CBS 's Doubt.", "short_answer": "Laverne Cox is" } }, { "question": "who plays the male version of sophia in oitnb", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Laverne_Cox&oldid=857121330", "q_uid": -1538108226849868237, "answers": { "long_answer": "Laverne Cox is an American actress and LGBT advocate. She rose to prominence with her role as Sophia Burset on the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black, becoming the first openly transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in the acting category, and the first to be nominated for an Emmy Award since composer / musician Angela Morley in 1990. In 2015, she won a Daytime Emmy Award in Outstanding Special Class Special as executive producer for Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word. This made her the first openly transgender woman to win a Daytime Emmy as an executive producer. Also in 2015, she became the first openly transgender person to have a wax figure of herself at Madame Tussauds. In 2017, she became the first transgender person to play a transgender series regular on broadcast TV as Cameron Wirth on CBS 's Doubt.", "short_answer": "Laverne Cox is" } }, { "question": "who plays sophia as a man on oitnb", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Laverne_Cox&oldid=800961758", "q_uid": -8798764928170670363, "answers": { "long_answer": "Laverne Cox is an American actress and LGBT advocate. She became known for her portrayal of Sophia Burset on the Netflix television series Orange Is the New Black, for which she became the first openly transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in the acting category, and the first to be nominated for an Emmy Award since composer / musician Angela Morley in 1990. In 2015, she won a Daytime Emmy Award in Outstanding Special Class Special as Executive Producer for Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word. This made her the first openly transgender woman to win a Daytime Emmy as an Executive Producer; as well, The T Word is the first trans documentary to win a Daytime Emmy. Also in 2015, she became the first openly transgender person to have a wax figure of herself at Madame Tussauds. In 2017, she became the first transgender person to play a transgender series regular on broadcast TV as Cameron Wirth on Doubt on CBS.", "short_answer": "Laverne Cox is" } } ], "Gavin MacLeod": [ { "question": "who played murray on mary tyler moore show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gavin_MacLeod&oldid=853766759", "q_uid": 6429457848377005037, "answers": { "long_answer": "MacLeod 's long career began in films in 1957, playing opposite Peter Mann in The Sword of Ali Baba ( 1965 ), Anthony Franciosa in A Man Called Gannon ( 1968 ), Christopher George in The Thousand Plane Raid, and Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas along with Carroll O'Connor in Kelly 's Heroes ( 1970 ). He then achieved continuing television success co-starring opposite Ernest Borgnine on McHale 's Navy ( 1962 -- 1964 ), as Joseph `` Happy '' Haines, and on The Mary Tyler Moore Show ( 1970 -- 1977 ) as Murray Slaughter. He is best known for his starring role on The Love Boat ( 1977 -- 1986 ), in which MacLeod played Captain Merrill Stubing.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Major League Baseball progressive single-season home run leaders": [ { "question": "mlb record for most hr in a season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=815830272", "q_uid": -9122773889644489112, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel", "short_answer": "Mark McGwire" } }, { "question": "who has the most home runs in a single season in major league baseball", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=853598924", "q_uid": 9068910083751894052, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 17 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "Barry Bonds" } }, { "question": "who has the homerun record in a season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=837258195", "q_uid": -1906222302153928913, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 17 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "Barry Bonds" } }, { "question": "who holds the homerun record in one season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=815830272", "q_uid": -4920039107326223060, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel", "short_answer": "Mark McGwire" } }, { "question": "what is the record for home runs in a season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=806164233", "q_uid": 4106786333921430334, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 15 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "Barry Bonds" } }, { "question": "what is the mlb home run record in a season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=837258195", "q_uid": -4706280673787911936, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 17 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "73" } }, { "question": "who holds the mlb single season homerun record", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=853598924", "q_uid": 5491105864571269593, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 17 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "Barry Bonds" } }, { "question": "most major league home runs in a season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=865344517", "q_uid": 171529901418671470, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 17 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "73" } }, { "question": "the record for most home runs in a season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=804942154", "q_uid": 3275113915664241925, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire * St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 15 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who holds the homerun record in a season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=853598924", "q_uid": 411867729251604740, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 17 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "George Hall" } }, { "question": "who holds the records for the most homeruns in a single season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=815830272", "q_uid": -8812624731493947029, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel", "short_answer": "Mark McGwire" } }, { "question": "who holds the record for the most homeruns in a single season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=865344517", "q_uid": -9186766259917068284, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 17 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "Barry Bonds" } }, { "question": "what is the mlb single season homerun record", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=837258195", "q_uid": 8294745348012464398, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 17 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "73" } }, { "question": "who hold the mlb single season homerun record", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=802044095", "q_uid": -3167910657364072999, "answers": { "long_answer": "73, by Barry Bonds, San Francisco Giants ( NL ), 2001 ( 162 game schedule ) In part due to 9 / 11 terrorist attacks, the then - recently set record of only three years by McGwire, and Bonds ' poor relationship with the media and some fans, Bonds ' record setting was not as publicized as the previous chases. Bonds was initially chased closely by Sosa and Luis Gonzalez of the Arizona Diamondbacks, but Gonzalez faded late and finished with 57, while Sosa finished closer with 64 to become the first player to exceed 60 home runs in three separate seasons. McGwire was not a factor during what would be his final major league season, as the injuries that had plagued him for much of his career finally took their toll, although he still hit at a pace that would have put him near 50 if he had played a full season. Bonds ' slugging percentage of. 863 broke the major league record set by Ruth in 1920. As happened with McGwire 's record, Bonds ' connection to steroids resulted in his being among the accomplishments questioned in the era.", "short_answer": "Barry Bonds," } }, { "question": "who hit the most homeruns in a single season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=806164233", "q_uid": 5519894032483792407, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 15 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "Barry Bonds" } }, { "question": "who holds the homerun record for a single season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=832635882", "q_uid": 619933303476878718, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 15 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "Barry Bonds" } }, { "question": "who has the most single season home runs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Major_League_Baseball_progressive_single-season_home_run_leaders&oldid=865344517", "q_uid": -5360365020554267922, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batter Team Age Year HR Reign Record breaker George Hall Philadelphia Athletics 27 1876 5 3 years -- Charley Jones Boston Red Caps 29 1879 9 4 years 6th on July 31 off George Bradley Harry Stovey Philadelphia Athletics 27 1883 14 1 year 10th on August 1 off Jack Neagle Ned Williamson Chicago White Stockings 27 1884 27 35 years 15th on July 9 off Ed Bagley Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox 24 1919 29 1 year 28th on September 24 off Bob Shawkey Babe Ruth New York Yankees 25 1920 54 1 year 30th on July 19 off Dickie Kerr Babe Ruth New York Yankees 26 1921 59 6 years 55th on September 15 off Bill Bayne Babe Ruth New York Yankees 32 1927 60 34 years 60th on September 30 off Tom Zachary Roger Maris New York Yankees 27 1961 61 37 years 61st on October 1 off Tracy Stallard Mark McGwire St. Louis Cardinals 35 1998 70 3 years 62nd on September 8 off Steve Trachsel Barry Bonds San Francisco Giants 36 73 17 years 71st on October 5 off Chan Ho Park", "short_answer": "Barry Bonds" } } ], "Stone (unit)": [ { "question": "where do they use stones to measure weight", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Stone_(unit)&oldid=797735388", "q_uid": 801359969631927556, "answers": { "long_answer": "England and other Germanic - speaking countries of northern Europe formerly used various standardised `` stones '' for trade, with their values ranging from about 5 to 40 local pounds ( roughly 3 to 15 kg ) depending on the location and objects weighed. The United Kingdom 's imperial system adopted the wool stone of 14 pounds in 1835. With the advent of metrication, Europe 's various `` stones '' were superseded by or adapted to the kilogram from the mid-19th century on. The stone continues in customary use in Britain and Ireland used for measuring body weight, but was prohibited for commercial use in the UK by the Weights and Measures Act of 1985.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is 1 stone equal to in pounds", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Stone_(unit)&oldid=854440161", "q_uid": 3409614310728243373, "answers": { "long_answer": "The stone or stone weight ( abbreviation: st. ) is an English and imperial unit of mass now equal to 14 pounds ( 6.35029318 kg ).", "short_answer": "14 pounds (" } }, { "question": "how much is a stone in the uk", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Stone_(unit)&oldid=810034690", "q_uid": 300169769199856296, "answers": { "long_answer": "The stone or stone weight ( abbreviation: st. ) is an English and imperial unit of mass now equal to 14 pounds ( 6.35029318 kg ).", "short_answer": "14 pounds (" } }, { "question": "where does the weight measurement stone come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Stone_(unit)&oldid=822790103", "q_uid": -6321156913097186189, "answers": { "long_answer": "The name `` stone '' derives from the use of stones for weights, a practice that dates back into antiquity. The Biblical law against the carrying of `` diverse weights, a large and a small '' is more literally translated as `` you shall not carry a stone and a stone ( \u05d0\u05d1\u05df \u05d5\u05d0\u05d1\u05df ), a large and a small ''. There was no standardised `` stone '' in the ancient Jewish world, but in Roman times stone weights were crafted to multiples of the Roman pound. Such weights varied in quality: the Yale Medical Library holds 10 and 50 - pound examples of polished serpentine, while a 40 - pound example at the Eschborn Museum ( see right ) is made of sandstone.", "short_answer": "the use of stones for weights," } }, { "question": "how much is a stone in american weight", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Stone_(unit)&oldid=854440161", "q_uid": 651036596844167648, "answers": { "long_answer": "The stone or stone weight ( abbreviation: st. ) is an English and imperial unit of mass now equal to 14 pounds ( 6.35029318 kg ).", "short_answer": "14 pounds (" } }, { "question": "what do the british use to measure weight", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Stone_(unit)&oldid=842623145", "q_uid": 7330829620169069761, "answers": { "long_answer": "The stone remains widely used in the UK and Ireland for human body weight: in those countries people may commonly be said to weigh, e.g., `` 11 stone 4 '' ( 11 stones and 4 pounds ), rather than `` 72 kilograms '' as in many other countries, or `` 158 pounds '' ( the conventional way of expressing the same weight in the US ). The correct plural form of stone in this context is stone ( as in, `` 11 stone '' or `` 12 stone 6 pounds '' ); in other contexts, the correct plural is stones ( as in, `` Please enter your weight in stones and pounds '' ). In Australia and New Zealand, metrication has almost entirely displaced stone and pounds since the 1970s.", "short_answer": "stone remains" } }, { "question": "how much is a british stone in weight", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Stone_(unit)&oldid=854440161", "q_uid": -7235829823479614278, "answers": { "long_answer": "The stone or stone weight ( abbreviation: st. ) is an English and imperial unit of mass now equal to 14 pounds ( 6.35029318 kg ).", "short_answer": "14 pounds ( 6.35029318 kg )." } }, { "question": "how many kilos is 9 stone 3 pounds", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Stone_(unit)&oldid=854440161", "q_uid": 560916550256739741, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pounds Unit Stone kg 1 pound \u200b \u2044 0.4536 14 1 stone 6.350 28 1 quarter 12.70 112 1 hundredweight 8 50.80 2240 1 ( long ) ton 160 1016", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Adrian Rawlins": [ { "question": "who plays harry's dad in harry potter", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Adrian_Rawlins&oldid=787727494", "q_uid": 6084311697653903846, "answers": { "long_answer": "Adrian Justin Rawlins ( born 27 March 1958 ) is an English actor who is probably best known for playing Arthur Kidd in The Woman in Black ( 1989 ) and James Potter in the Harry Potter films.", "short_answer": "Adrian Justin Rawlins (" } }, { "question": "who plays james potter in the harry potter movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Adrian_Rawlins&oldid=819640095", "q_uid": 7803076424151845999, "answers": { "long_answer": "Adrian Justin Rawlins ( born 27 March 1958 ) is an English actor who is probably best known for playing Arthur Kidd in The Woman in Black ( 1989 ) and James Potter in the Harry Potter films.", "short_answer": "Adrian Justin Rawlins (" } } ], "Economic growth": [ { "question": "why is gdp/capita not a sufficient measure of success of a nation", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Economic_growth&oldid=800953730", "q_uid": 8687723302253803620, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the Solow - Swan model if productivity increases through technological progress, then output / worker increases even when the economy is in the steady state. If productivity increases at a constant rate, output / worker also increases at a related steady - state rate. As a consequence, growth in the model can occur either by increasing the share of GDP invested or through technological progress. But at whatever share of GDP invested, capital / worker eventually converges on the steady state, leaving the growth rate of output / worker determined only by the rate of technological progress. As a consequence, with world technology available to all and progressing at a constant rate, all countries have the same steady state rate of growth. Each country has a different level of GDP / worker determined by the share of GDP it invests, but all countries have the same rate of economic growth. Implicitly in this model rich countries are those that have invested a high share of GDP for a long time. Poor countries can become rich by increasing the share of GDP they invest. One important prediction of the model, mostly borne out by the data, is that of conditional convergence; the idea that poor countries will grow faster and catch up with rich countries as long as they have similar investment ( and saving ) rates and access to the same technology.", "short_answer": "all countries have the same steady state rate of growth." } }, { "question": "which is the best measure to measure the economic growth in the country", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Economic_growth&oldid=856738312", "q_uid": -4434996194248991848, "answers": { "long_answer": "Economic growth is the increase in the inflation - adjusted market value of the goods and services produced by an economy over time. It is conventionally measured as the percent rate of increase in real gross domestic product, or real GDP.", "short_answer": "real gross domestic product," } }, { "question": "explain the importance of productivity improvements for economic growth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Economic_growth&oldid=807265725", "q_uid": 2370568074514073515, "answers": { "long_answer": "Increases in labor productivity ( the ratio of the value of output to labor input ) have historically been the most important source of real per capita economic growth. `` In a famous estimate, MIT Professor Robert Solow concluded that technological progress has accounted for 80 percent of the long - term rise in U.S. per capita income, with increased investment in capital explaining only the remaining 20 percent. ''", "short_answer": "" } } ], "2004 World Series": [ { "question": "who did boston beat in the 2004 world series", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2004_World_Series&oldid=811183823", "q_uid": -921336021274993239, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2004 World Series was the 100th edition of Major League Baseball 's championship series. It featured the American League ( AL ) champions Boston Red Sox against the National League ( NL ) champions St. Louis Cardinals. The Red Sox defeated the Cardinals by four games to none in the best - of - seven series, played at Fenway Park and Busch Memorial Stadium. The series was played from October 23 to 27, 2004, broadcast on Fox, and watched by an average of just under 25.5 million viewers. The Red Sox became the third straight wild card team to win the World Series; the Anaheim Angels won in 2002 and the Florida Marlins won in 2003.", "short_answer": "St. Louis Cardinals." } }, { "question": "when did the red sox sweep the world series", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2004_World_Series&oldid=800817153", "q_uid": 3697238135623150616, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2004 World Series was the 100th edition of Major League Baseball 's championship series. It featured the American League ( AL ) champions Boston Red Sox against the National League ( NL ) champions St. Louis Cardinals. The Red Sox defeated the Cardinals by four games to none in the best - of - seven series, played at Fenway Park and Busch Memorial Stadium. The series was played from October 23 -- 27, 2004, broadcast on Fox, and watched by an average of just under 25.5 million viewers. The Red Sox became the third straight wild card team to win the World Series; the Anaheim Angels won in 2002 and the Florida Marlins won in 2003.", "short_answer": "The 2004 World Series was" } }, { "question": "who did the red sox play in 2004 world series", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2004_World_Series&oldid=866296286", "q_uid": 1721057267667423614, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2004 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball 's ( MLB ) 2004 season. The 100th edition of the World Series, it was a best - of - seven playoff between the American League ( AL ) champion Boston Red Sox and the National League ( NL ) champion St. Louis Cardinals; the Red Sox swept the Cardinals in four games. The series was played from October 23 to 27, 2004, at Fenway Park and Busch Memorial Stadium, broadcast on Fox, and watched by an average of just under 25.5 million viewers. The Red Sox 's World Series championship was their first since 1918.", "short_answer": "St. Louis Cardinals;" } } ], "Dane DeHaan": [ { "question": "who plays harry in the amazing spiderman 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dane_DeHaan&oldid=824003018", "q_uid": 4136455954810124243, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dane William DeHaan ( / d\u0259\u02c8h\u0251\u02d0n / d\u0259 - HAHN; born February 6, 1986 ) is an American actor. His roles include Andrew Detmer in Chronicle ( 2012 ), Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider - Man 2 ( 2014 ), Lockhart in Gore Verbinski 's A Cure for Wellness ( 2016 ), and the title character in Luc Besson 's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets ( 2017 ). He has also appeared in several advertisements for Prada.", "short_answer": "Dane William DeHaan (" } }, { "question": "who plays harry in the amazing spider man 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dane_DeHaan&oldid=806944971", "q_uid": -7412215463544563815, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dane William DeHaan ( / d\u0259\u02c8h\u0251\u02d0n / d\u0259 - HAHN; born February 6, 1986 ) is an American actor. His roles include Jesse on the HBO series In Treatment, Andrew Detmer in Chronicle ( 2012 ), Jason Kancam in Derek Cianfrance 's The Place Beyond the Pines ( 2012 ), Lucien Carr in Kill Your Darlings ( 2013 ), Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider - Man 2 ( 2014 ), James Dean in Anton Corbijn 's Life ( 2015 ), Lockhart in Gore Verbinski 's A Cure for Wellness ( 2016 ) and the title character in Luc Besson 's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets ( 2017 ). He has also appeared in several advertisements for Prada.", "short_answer": "Dane William DeHaan (" } }, { "question": "who played harry osborn in the amazing spider-man", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dane_DeHaan&oldid=804948427", "q_uid": -1488444692824866628, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dane William DeHaan ( / d\u0259\u02c8h\u0251\u02d0n / d\u0259 - HAHN; born February 6, 1986 ) is an American actor. His roles include Jesse on the HBO series In Treatment, Andrew Detmer in Chronicle ( 2012 ), Jason Kancam in Derek Cianfrance 's The Place Beyond the Pines ( 2012 ), Lucien Carr in Kill Your Darlings ( 2013 ), Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider - Man 2 ( 2014 ), James Dean in Anton Corbijn 's Life ( 2015 ), Lockhart in Gore Verbinski 's A Cure for Wellness ( 2016 ) and the title character in Luc Besson 's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets ( 2017 ). He has also appeared in several advertisements for Prada.", "short_answer": "Dane William DeHaan (" } }, { "question": "who plays green goblin in amazing spider man 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dane_DeHaan&oldid=842092875", "q_uid": -6196076192090273748, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dane William DeHaan ( / d\u0259\u02c8h\u0251\u02d0n / d\u0259 - HAHN; born February 6, 1986 ) is an American actor. His roles include Andrew Detmer in Chronicle ( 2012 ), Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider - Man 2 ( 2014 ), Lockhart in Gore Verbinski 's A Cure for Wellness ( 2016 ), and the title character in Luc Besson 's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets ( 2017 ). He has also appeared in several advertisements for Prada.", "short_answer": "Dane William DeHaan (" } }, { "question": "who played harry in the amazing spider man 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dane_DeHaan&oldid=854649077", "q_uid": 4339719167354320919, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dane William DeHaan ( / d\u0259\u02c8h\u0251\u02d0n / d\u0259 - HAHN; born February 6, 1986 ) is an American actor. His roles include Andrew Detmer in Chronicle ( 2012 ), Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider - Man 2 ( 2014 ), Lockhart in Gore Verbinski 's A Cure for Wellness ( 2016 ), and the title character in Luc Besson 's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets ( 2017 ). He has also appeared in several advertisements for Prada.", "short_answer": "Dane William DeHaan (" } }, { "question": "who plays harry in the amazing spider-man 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dane_DeHaan&oldid=801489126", "q_uid": 5999704012569947243, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dane William DeHaan ( / d\u0259\u02c8h\u0251\u02d0n / d\u0259 - HAHN; born February 6, 1986 ) is an American actor. His roles include Jesse on the HBO series In Treatment, Andrew Detmer in Chronicle ( 2012 ), Jason Kancam in Derek Cianfrance 's The Place Beyond the Pines ( 2012 ), Lucien Carr in Kill Your Darlings ( 2013 ), Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider - Man 2 ( 2014 ), James Dean in Anton Corbijn 's Life ( 2015 ), Lockhart in Gore Verbinski 's A Cure for Wellness ( 2016 ) and the title character in Luc Besson 's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets ( 2017 ). He has also appeared in several advertisements for Prada.", "short_answer": "Dane William DeHaan (" } }, { "question": "who plays harry in the amazing spider man", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dane_DeHaan&oldid=815911456", "q_uid": 2015011901628855046, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dane William DeHaan ( / d\u0259\u02c8h\u0251\u02d0n / d\u0259 - HAHN; born February 6, 1986 ) is an American actor. His roles include Andrew Detmer in Chronicle ( 2012 ), Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider - Man 2 ( 2014 ), Lockhart in Gore Verbinski 's A Cure for Wellness ( 2016 ) and the title character in Luc Besson 's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets ( 2017 ). He has also appeared in several advertisements for Prada.", "short_answer": "Dane William DeHaan (" } } ], "Earth": [ { "question": "what's the diameter of the earth in miles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=856136637", "q_uid": 7861290801302829914, "answers": { "long_answer": "The shape of Earth is approximately oblate spheroidal. Due to rotation, the Earth is flattened at the poles and bulging around the equator. The diameter of the Earth at the equator is 43 kilometres ( 27 mi ) larger than the pole - to - pole diameter. Thus the point on the surface farthest from Earth 's center of mass is the summit of the equatorial Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador. The average diameter of the reference spheroid is 12,742 kilometres ( 7,918 mi ). Local topography deviates from this idealized spheroid, although on a global scale these deviations are small compared to Earth 's radius: The maximum deviation of only 0.17 % is at the Mariana Trench ( 10,911 metres ( 35,797 ft ) below local sea level ), whereas Mount Everest ( 8,848 metres ( 29,029 ft ) above local sea level ) represents a deviation of 0.14 %.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many square miles of land surface area are there on the earth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=865900235", "q_uid": 3673753589681778063, "answers": { "long_answer": "Earth The Blue Marble photograph of Earth, taken during the Apollo 17 lunar mission in 1972 Orbital characteristics Epoch J2000 Aphelion 152 100 000 km ( 94 500 000 mi; 1.017 AU ) Perihelion 147 095 000 km ( 91 401 000 mi; 0.983 27 AU ) Semi-major axis 149 598 023 km ( 92 955 902 mi; 1.000 001 02 AU ) Eccentricity 6998167086000000000 \u2660 0.016 7086 Orbital period 365.256 363 004 d ( 1.000 017 420 96 yr ) Average orbital speed 29.78 km / s ( 107 200 km / h; 66 600 mph ) Mean anomaly 7000625904740362451 \u2660 358.617 \u00b0 Inclination 6999124878307980194 \u2660 7.155 \u00b0 to the Sun 's equator; 6998275533383683093 \u2660 1.578 69 \u00b0 to invariable plane; 6993872664625997166 \u2660 0.000 05 \u00b0 to J2000 ecliptic Longitude of ascending node 3000803464756118225 \u2660 \u2212 11.260 64 \u00b0 to J2000 ecliptic Argument of perihelion 7000199330266505796 \u2660 114.207 83 \u00b0 Satellites 1 natural satellite: the Moon 5 quasi-satellites > 1 800 operational artificial satellites > 16 000 space debris Physical characteristics Mean radius 6371.0 km ( 3958.8 mi ) Equatorial radius 6378.1 km ( 3963.2 mi ) Polar radius 6356.8 km ( 3949.9 mi ) Flattening 6997335280000000000 \u2660 0.003 3528 1 / 7002298257222101000 \u2660 298.257 222 101 ( ETRS89 ) Circumference 40 075.017 km equatorial ( 24 901.461 mi ) 40 007.86 km meridional ( 24 859.73 mi ) Surface area 510 072 000 km ( 196 940 000 sq mi ) 148 940 000 km land ( 57 510 000 sq mi; 29.2 % ) 361 132 000 km water ( 139 434 000 sq mi; 70.8 % ) Volume 7021108320999999999 \u2660 1.083 21 \u00d7 10 km ( 7011259876000000000 \u2660 2.598 76 \u00d7 10 cu mi ) Mass 7024597237000000000 \u2660 5.972 37 \u00d7 10 kg ( 7024597236001731600 \u2660 1.316 68 \u00d7 10 lb ) ( 7024596565000000000 \u2660 3.0 \u00d7 10 M ) Mean density 5.514 g / cm ( 0.1992 lb / cu in ) Surface gravity 9.807 m / s ( 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 g; 32.18 ft / s ) Moment of inertia factor 0.3307 Escape velocity 11.186 km / s ( 40 270 km / h; 25 020 mph ) Sidereal rotation period 7004861641003520000 \u2660 0.997 269 68 d ( 23h 56m 4.100 s ) Equatorial rotation velocity 0.4651 km / s ( 1674.4 km / h; 1040.4 mph ) Axial tilt 6999409092629495479 \u2660 23.439 2811 \u00b0 Albedo 0.367 geometric 0.306 Bond Surface temp. min mean max Kelvin 184 K 288 K 330 K Celsius \u2212 89.2 \u00b0 C 14.9 \u00b0 C 56.9 \u00b0 C Fahrenheit \u2212 128.5 \u00b0 F 58.7 \u00b0 F 134.3 \u00b0 F Atmosphere Surface pressure 7005101325000000000 \u2660 101.325 kPa ( at MSL ) Composition by volume 78.08 % nitrogen ( N 2; dry air ) 20.95 % oxygen ( O 2 ) 0.934 % argon 0.0408 % carbon dioxide ~ 1 % water vapor ( climate variable )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "whats the distance between the earth and sun", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=801344840", "q_uid": -6528119625734170067, "answers": { "long_answer": "Earth orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 150 million km ( 93 million mi ) every 365.2564 mean solar days, or one sidereal year. This gives an apparent movement of the Sun eastward with respect to the stars at a rate of about 1 \u00b0 / day, which is one apparent Sun or Moon diameter every 12 hours. Due to this motion, on average it takes 24 hours -- a solar day -- for Earth to complete a full rotation about its axis so that the Sun returns to the meridian. The orbital speed of Earth averages about 29.78 km / s ( 107,200 km / h; 66,600 mph ), which is fast enough to travel a distance equal to Earth 's diameter, about 12,742 km ( 7,918 mi ), in seven minutes, and the distance to the Moon, 384,000 km ( 239,000 mi ), in about 3.5 hours.", "short_answer": "about 150 million km ( 93 million mi ) every" } }, { "question": "where does the original flow of energy on earth come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=821649795", "q_uid": -1190889324813266040, "answers": { "long_answer": "The mean heat loss from Earth is 87 mW m, for a global heat loss of 4.42 \u00d7 10 W. A portion of the core 's thermal energy is transported toward the crust by mantle plumes, a form of convection consisting of upwellings of higher - temperature rock. These plumes can produce hotspots and flood basalts. More of the heat in Earth is lost through plate tectonics, by mantle upwelling associated with mid-ocean ridges. The final major mode of heat loss is through conduction through the lithosphere, the majority of which occurs under the oceans because the crust there is much thinner than that of the continents.", "short_answer": "core 's" } }, { "question": "what is the diameter of the earth in km", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=804327040", "q_uid": -6939937242519306791, "answers": { "long_answer": "The shape of Earth is approximately oblate spheroidal. Due to rotation, the Earth is flattened along the geographic axis and bulging around the equator. The diameter of the Earth at the equator is 43 kilometres ( 27 mi ) larger than the pole - to - pole diameter. Thus the point on the surface farthest from Earth 's center of mass is the summit of the equatorial Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador. The average diameter of the reference spheroid is 12,742 kilometres ( 7,918 mi ). Local topography deviates from this idealized spheroid, although on a global scale these deviations are small compared to Earth 's radius: The maximum deviation of only 0.17 % is at the Mariana Trench ( 10,911 metres ( 35,797 ft ) below local sea level ), whereas Mount Everest ( 8,848 metres ( 29,029 ft ) above local sea level ) represents a deviation of 0.14 %.", "short_answer": "12,742 kilometres (" } }, { "question": "what is the surface area of the earth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=843624933", "q_uid": 3309894777215694385, "answers": { "long_answer": "The total surface area of Earth is about 510 million km ( 197 million sq mi ). Of this, 70.8 %, or 361.13 million km ( 139.43 million sq mi ), is below sea level and covered by ocean water. Below the ocean 's surface are much of the continental shelf, mountains, volcanoes, oceanic trenches, submarine canyons, oceanic plateaus, abyssal plains, and a globe - spanning mid-ocean ridge system. The remaining 29.2 %, or 148.94 million km ( 57.51 million sq mi ), not covered by water has terrain that varies greatly from place to place and consists of mountains, deserts, plains, plateaus, and other landforms. Tectonics and erosion, volcanic eruptions, flooding, weathering, glaciation, the growth of coral reefs, and meteorite impacts are among the processes that constantly reshape the Earth 's surface over geological time.", "short_answer": "about 510 million km ( 197 million sq mi )." } }, { "question": "which part of earth is covered with water", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=826272715", "q_uid": 8757939232392953495, "answers": { "long_answer": "Earth 's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. About 71 % of Earth 's surface is covered with water, mostly by oceans. The remaining 29 % is land consisting of continents and islands that together have many lakes, rivers and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere. The majority of Earth 's polar regions are covered in ice, including the Antarctic ice sheet and the sea ice of the Arctic ice pack. Earth 's interior remains active with a solid iron inner core, a liquid outer core that generates the Earth 's magnetic field, and a convecting mantle that drives plate tectonics.", "short_answer": "71 % of" } }, { "question": "what is the diameter of earth in km", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=865900235", "q_uid": 7450394370802737168, "answers": { "long_answer": "Earth orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 150 million km ( 93 million mi ) every 365.2564 mean solar days, or one sidereal year. This gives an apparent movement of the Sun eastward with respect to the stars at a rate of about 1 \u00b0 / day, which is one apparent Sun or Moon diameter every 12 hours. Due to this motion, on average it takes 24 hours -- a solar day -- for Earth to complete a full rotation about its axis so that the Sun returns to the meridian. The orbital speed of Earth averages about 29.78 km / s ( 107,200 km / h; 66,600 mph ), which is fast enough to travel a distance equal to Earth 's diameter, about 12,742 km ( 7,918 mi ), in seven minutes, and the distance to the Moon, 384,000 km ( 239,000 mi ), in about 3.5 hours.", "short_answer": "about 12,742 km (" } }, { "question": "what is the size of earth in km", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=810311173", "q_uid": 2305288199603008255, "answers": { "long_answer": "Earth The Blue Marble photograph of Earth, taken during the Apollo 17 lunar mission in 1972 Orbital characteristics Epoch J2000 Aphelion 152 100 000 km ( 94 500 000 mi; 1.017 AU ) Perihelion 147 095 000 km ( 91 401 000 mi; 0.983 27 AU ) Semi-major axis 149 598 023 km ( 92 955 902 mi; 1.000 001 02 AU ) Eccentricity 6998167086000000000 \u2660 0.016 7086 Orbital period 365.256 363 004 d ( 1.000 017 420 96 yr ) Average orbital speed 29.78 km / s ( 107 200 km / h; 66 600 mph ) Mean anomaly 7000625904740362451 \u2660 358.617 \u00b0 Inclination 6999124878307980194 \u2660 7.155 \u00b0 to the Sun 's equator; 6998275533383683093 \u2660 1.578 69 \u00b0 to invariable plane; 6993872664625997166 \u2660 0.000 05 \u00b0 to J2000 ecliptic Longitude of ascending node 3000803464756118225 \u2660 \u2212 11.260 64 \u00b0 to J2000 ecliptic Argument of perihelion 7000199330266505796 \u2660 114.207 83 \u00b0 Satellites 1 natural satellite: the Moon 5 quasi-satellites > 1 400 operational artificial satellites > 16 000 space debris Physical characteristics Mean radius 6371.0 km ( 3958.8 mi ) Equatorial radius 6378.1 km ( 3963.2 mi ) Polar radius 6356.8 km ( 3949.9 mi ) Flattening 6997335280000000000 \u2660 0.003 3528 1 / 7002298257222101000 \u2660 298.257 222 101 ( ETRS89 ) Circumference 40 075.017 km equatorial ( 24 901.461 mi ) 40 007.86 km meridional ( 24 859.73 mi ) Surface area 510 072 000 km ( 196 940 000 sq mi ) 148 940 000 km land ( 57 510 000 sq mi; 29.2 % ) 361 132 000 km water ( 139 434 000 sq mi; 70.8 % ) Volume 7021108320999999999 \u2660 1.083 21 \u00d7 10 km ( 7011259876000000000 \u2660 2.598 76 \u00d7 10 cu mi ) Mass 7024597237000000000 \u2660 5.972 37 \u00d7 10 kg ( 7024597236001731600 \u2660 1.316 68 \u00d7 10 lb ) ( 7024596565000000000 \u2660 3.0 \u00d7 10 M ) Mean density 5.514 g / cm ( 0.1992 lb / cu in ) Surface gravity 9.807 m / s ( 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 g; 32.18 ft / s ) Moment of inertia factor 0.3307 Escape velocity 11.186 km / s ( 40 270 km / h; 25 020 mph ) Sidereal rotation period 7004861641003520000 \u2660 0.997 269 68 d ( 23h 56m 4.100 s ) Equatorial rotation velocity 0.4651 km / s ( 1674.4 km / h; 1040.4 mph ) Axial tilt 6999409092629495479 \u2660 23.439 2811 \u00b0 Albedo 0.367 geometric 0.306 Bond Surface temp. min mean max Kelvin 184 K 288 K 330 K Celsius \u2212 89.2 \u00b0 C 15 \u00b0 C 56.7 \u00b0 C Fahrenheit \u2212 128.5 \u00b0 F 59 \u00b0 F ( 15 \u00b0 C ) 134 \u00b0 F ( 57 \u00b0 C ) Atmosphere Surface pressure 7005101325000000000 \u2660 101.325 kPa ( at MSL ) Composition by volume 78.08 % nitrogen ( N; dry air ) 20.95 % oxygen ( O ) 0.930 % argon 0.0402 % carbon dioxide ~ 1 % water vapor ( climate - variable )", "short_answer": "40 075.017 km equatorial" } }, { "question": "what is the real name of the earth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Earth&oldid=865900235", "q_uid": 847899602555039175, "answers": { "long_answer": "Originally, earth was written in lowercase, and from early Middle English, its definite sense as `` the globe '' was expressed as the earth. By Early Modern English, many nouns were capitalized, and the earth became ( and often remained ) the Earth, particularly when referenced along with other heavenly bodies. More recently, the name is sometimes simply given as Earth, by analogy with the names of the other planets. House styles now vary: Oxford spelling recognizes the lowercase form as the most common, with the capitalized form an acceptable variant. Another convention capitalizes `` Earth '' when appearing as a name ( e.g. `` Earth 's atmosphere '' ) but writes it in lowercase when preceded by the ( e.g. `` the atmosphere of the earth '' ). It almost always appears in lowercase in colloquial expressions such as `` what on earth are you doing? ''", "short_answer": "the Earth," } } ], "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission": [ { "question": "which of the following is the primary function of the equal employment opportunity commission", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Equal_Employment_Opportunity_Commission&oldid=807775327", "q_uid": 7218202498488123185, "answers": { "long_answer": "The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( EEOC ) is a federal agency that administers and enforces civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. The EEOC investigates discrimination complaints based on an individual 's race, children, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, and retaliation for reporting, participating in, and / or opposing a discriminatory practice.", "short_answer": "federal agency that administers and enforces civil rights laws against workplace discrimination." } }, { "question": "the equal employment opportunity commission was created as part of", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Equal_Employment_Opportunity_Commission&oldid=854032844", "q_uid": -5259990379945155027, "answers": { "long_answer": "The EEOC was established on July 2, 1965; its mandate is specified under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 ( ADEA ), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ) of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. The EEOC 's first complainants were female flight attendants. However, the EEOC at first ignored sex discrimination complaints, and the prohibition against sex discrimination in employment went unenforced for the next few years. One EEOC director called the prohibition `` a fluke... conceived out of wedlock. ''", "short_answer": "Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964," } }, { "question": "what is the eeoc and what is its purpose", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Equal_Employment_Opportunity_Commission&oldid=827808143", "q_uid": 6905619589767492556, "answers": { "long_answer": "The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( EEOC ) is a federal agency that administers and enforces civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. The EEOC investigates discrimination complaints based on an individual 's race, children, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, and retaliation for reporting, participating in, and / or opposing a discriminatory practice.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Jim Varney": [ { "question": "who plays the voice of slinky in toy story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jim_Varney&oldid=854639769", "q_uid": -6481444033659328440, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jim Varney Varney in the film The Expert ( 1995 ) James Albert Varney Jr. ( 1949 - 06 - 15 ) June 15, 1949 Lexington, Kentucky, U.S. February 10, 2000 ( 2000 - 02 - 10 ) ( aged 50 ) White House, Tennessee, U.S. Resting place Lexington Cemetery Occupation Actor, comedian, writer Years active 1976 -- 2000 Known for Ernest P. Worrell in the Ernest film series Slinky Dog from the Toy Story franchise Spouse ( s ) Jacqueline Drew ( m. 1977; div. 1983 ) Jane Varney ( m. 1988; div. 1991 )", "short_answer": "Jim Varney" } }, { "question": "who played ernest in ernest goes to jail", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jim_Varney&oldid=842029910", "q_uid": -3303662203386667952, "answers": { "long_answer": "The canon of theatrically - released Ernest films also includes Ernest Saves Christmas ( 1988 ), Ernest Goes to Jail ( 1990 ), Ernest Scared Stupid ( 1991 ) and Ernest Rides Again ( 1993 ). After the financial failure of Ernest Rides Again, all further films were released direct - to - video: Ernest Goes to School ( 1994 ), Slam Dunk Ernest ( 1995 ), Ernest Goes to Africa ( 1997 ) and Ernest in the Army ( 1998 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played ernest in ernest goes to camp", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jim_Varney&oldid=832293473", "q_uid": 3831819287985741732, "answers": { "long_answer": "James Albert Varney Jr. ( June 15, 1949 -- February 10, 2000 ) was an American actor, comedian, and writer. He is best known for his role as Ernest P. Worrell, who was used in numerous television commercial advertising campaigns and films and a Daytime Emmy Award. He gained further notability for playing Jed Clampett in the film version of The Beverly Hillbillies ( 1993 ) and providing the voice of Slinky Dog in Toy Story ( 1995 ) and Toy Story 2 ( 1999 ).", "short_answer": "James Albert Varney Jr. (" } }, { "question": "where did the saying you know what i mean vern come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jim_Varney&oldid=828311427", "q_uid": -3545626532825019328, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1980, the first commercial featuring Varney as `` Ernest '' advertised an appearance by the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders at Beech Bend Park, an amusement park located near Bowling Green, Kentucky. The character was franchised for use in markets all over the country and was often used by dairies to advertise milk products. For example, the dairy bar and hamburger chain Braum 's ran several advertisements using Ernest 's catchphrase ( as it was spelled in his registered trademark ), `` KnoWhutImean, Vern? '' Purity Dairies, based in Nashville, Pine State Dairy in Raleigh, NC, and Oakhurst Dairy in Maine ran commercials that were nearly identical, but with the dairy name changed.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who does the voice for slinky in toy story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jim_Varney&oldid=806968718", "q_uid": 8522122103727658584, "answers": { "long_answer": "James Albert Varney Jr. ( June 15, 1949 -- February 10, 2000 ) was an American actor, comedian, and writer, best known for his role as Ernest P. Worrell, who was used in numerous television commercial advertising campaigns and movies, earning him fame worldwide and a Daytime Emmy Award. He gained further notability for playing Jed Clampett in the movie version of The Beverly Hillbillies ( 1993 ) and providing the voice of Slinky Dog in Toy Story ( 1995 ) and Toy Story 2 ( 1999 ).", "short_answer": "James Albert Varney Jr. (" } } ], "Nadiya Hussain": [ { "question": "who is the host of the big family cooking showdown", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nadiya_Hussain&oldid=832283893", "q_uid": -2490892849670488625, "answers": { "long_answer": "Beginning in the autumn 2017 Hussain co-presented The Big Family Cooking Showdown alongside Zo\u00eb Ball.", "short_answer": "Hussain co-presented" } } ], "Claudia Wells": [ { "question": "who played jennifer in the first back to the future", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Claudia_Wells&oldid=855794466", "q_uid": 2153649789799581118, "answers": { "long_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells ( born July 5, 1966 ) is an American actress best known for her role as Jennifer Parker in the film Back to the Future ( 1985 ).", "short_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells (" } }, { "question": "who played jennifer in back to the future 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Claudia_Wells&oldid=790908557", "q_uid": -4233091701867907621, "answers": { "long_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells ( born July 5, 1966 ) is an American actress.", "short_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells (" } }, { "question": "who played jennifer in back to the future 1", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Claudia_Wells&oldid=853636100", "q_uid": -2101438099046353585, "answers": { "long_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells ( born July 5, 1966 ) is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Jennifer Parker in the film Back to the Future ( 1985 ).", "short_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells (" } }, { "question": "who played jennifer in the back to the future movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Claudia_Wells&oldid=839003013", "q_uid": 1420631948021350455, "answers": { "long_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells ( born July 5, 1966 ) is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Jennifer Parker in the film Back to the Future ( 1985 ).", "short_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells (" } }, { "question": "girl who played jennifer in back to the future", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Claudia_Wells&oldid=821776519", "q_uid": 8680791362310075605, "answers": { "long_answer": "Then Wells played Jennifer Parker, Marty McFly 's girlfriend, in the 1985 film Back to the Future. She almost did not end up in the first film of the successful franchise. According to Wells, in an interview with Yahoo.com online entertainment series `` The Yo Show '', she had been cast, but a pilot she had done for ABC had been picked up, and she was contractually forced to drop out of Back to the Future. During that time, Eric Stoltz had been shooting for five weeks in the role of Marty McFly. Melora Hardin was slated for the role of Jennifer, though she never actually filmed any scenes. The producers halted filming and replaced Stoltz with Michael J. Fox. By then, Wells ' pilot had been finished and she was recast as Jennifer, now shooting alongside Fox, never having filmed a frame with Stoltz.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "why did the first jennifer leave back to the future", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Claudia_Wells&oldid=790908557", "q_uid": -5367852522736460799, "answers": { "long_answer": "After her mother was diagnosed with cancer, Wells said family took precedence and told the studio she would not be available to reprise the role for the two sequels; actress Elisabeth Shue replaced her.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played jennifer in back to the future part 1", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Claudia_Wells&oldid=790908557", "q_uid": 6334851011134830847, "answers": { "long_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells ( born July 5, 1966 ) is an American actress.", "short_answer": "Claudia Grace Wells (" } } ], "Peter Bergman": [ { "question": "who plays jack on the young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Peter_Bergman&oldid=854647704", "q_uid": 8577574829535700568, "answers": { "long_answer": "Peter Michael Bergman ( born June 11, 1953 ) is an American actor best known for his portrayals as Dr. Cliff Warner on All My Children ( 1979 -- 89 ) as well as Jack Abbott on The Young and the Restless ( 1989 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Peter Michael Bergman (" } }, { "question": "who plays jack abbott on young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Peter_Bergman&oldid=854647704", "q_uid": -4408792231413778149, "answers": { "long_answer": "Peter Michael Bergman ( born June 11, 1953 ) is an American actor best known for his portrayals as Dr. Cliff Warner on All My Children ( 1979 -- 89 ) as well as Jack Abbott on The Young and the Restless ( 1989 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Peter Michael Bergman (" } }, { "question": "who plays jack abbott on the young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Peter_Bergman&oldid=850561655", "q_uid": 2123824162557810563, "answers": { "long_answer": "Peter Michael Bergman ( born June 11, 1953 ) is an American actor best known for his portrayals as Dr. Cliff Warner on All My Children ( 1979 -- 89 ) as well as Jack Abbott on The Young and the Restless ( 1989 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Peter Michael Bergman (" } } ], "List of Test cricket records": [ { "question": "who has the most hundreds in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=816258778", "q_uid": 5992067234607920046, "answers": { "long_answer": "The most successful team in Test cricket, in terms of both wins and win percentage, is Australia, having won 362 of their 773 Tests ( 46.83 % ). Barring the ICC World XI, a rest of world team which played a single Test against Australia in 2005, the least successful team are Bangladesh who have struggled since their introduction to Test cricket in 2000, leading to questioning of their Test status.", "short_answer": "Australia," } }, { "question": "who has scored the most test runs in cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=860770968", "q_uid": 747050098242460134, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most career runs Runs Player Period 15,921 ( 329 innings ) Sachin Tendulkar 1989 -- 2013 13,378 ( 287 innings ) Ricky Ponting 1995 -- 2012 13,289 ( 280 innings ) Jacques Kallis 1995 -- 2013 13,288 ( 286 innings ) Rahul Dravid 1996 -- 2012 12,472 ( 291 innings ) Alastair Cook 2006 -- 2018 Last updated: 11 September 2018", "short_answer": "Sachin Tendulkar" } }, { "question": "who has scored the most number of double centuries in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=816258778", "q_uid": 5771263221662625855, "answers": { "long_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman, widely considered the greatest batsman of all time, holds several personal and partnership records. He scored the most runs in a series, has the most double centuries and was a part of the record 5th wicket partnership. His most significant record is his batting average of 99.94. One of cricket 's most famous statistics, it stands almost 40 runs higher than any other batsman 's average. Don Bradman is the only player in the world to have scored 5000 runs against a single opposition: 5028 runs against England.", "short_answer": "Donald Bradman," } }, { "question": "who is the most run in cricket history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=860770968", "q_uid": 6776234528515962047, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most career runs Runs Player Period 15,921 ( 329 innings ) Sachin Tendulkar 1989 -- 2013 13,378 ( 287 innings ) Ricky Ponting 1995 -- 2012 13,289 ( 280 innings ) Jacques Kallis 1995 -- 2013 13,288 ( 286 innings ) Rahul Dravid 1996 -- 2012 12,472 ( 291 innings ) Alastair Cook 2006 -- 2018 Last updated: 11 September 2018", "short_answer": "Sachin Tendulkar" } }, { "question": "who holds the record for most wickets in a test series", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=807750637", "q_uid": 7450268450584680361, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most wickets in a series Wickets Player Series 49 ( 4 Tests ) Sydney Barnes v South Africa 1913 -- 14 46 ( 5 Tests ) Jim Laker v Australia, 1956 44 ( 5 Tests ) Clarrie Grimmett v South Africa 1935 -- 36 42 ( 6 Tests ) Terry Alderman v England, 1981 41 ( 6 Tests ) Terry Alderman v England, 1989 Rodney Hogg v England, 1978 -- 79 Last updated: 15 June 2016 Innings", "short_answer": "Sydney Barnes v South" } }, { "question": "who scored 401 runs in a test match", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=805466459", "q_uid": -4670358332103076641, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the Manchester Test of 1956, England spin bowler Jim Laker took 19 wickets for 90 runs ( 19 -- 90 ) which set not only the Test record for best match figures but also the first - class one. In taking 10 -- 53 in the second innings he became the first bowler to capture all ten wickets in a Test match innings, and his analysis remains the best innings figures. Indian Leg - spinner Anil Kumble is the only other bowler to have taken 10 wickets in an innings, claiming 10 -- 74 against Pakistan in 1999. West Indies batsman Brian Lara has the highest individual score in Test cricket: he scored 400 not out against England in 2004 to surpass the innings of 380 by Matthew Hayden six months earlier. Lara had held the record before Hayden, with a score of 375 against England 10 years earlier. Pakistan 's Misbah - ul - Haq holds the record of the fastest test half century scoring 50 runs from 21 balls. The record for the fastest test century is held by New Zealand 's Brendon McCullum who scored 100 runs from 54 balls in his final test match.", "short_answer": "Brian Lara has" } }, { "question": "who made maximum double century in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=825583313", "q_uid": 6758510179008966246, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most Test double centuries Double centuries Player Matches 12 Donald Bradman 52 11 Kumar Sangakkara 130 9 Brian Lara 131 7 Wally Hammond 85 Mahela Jayawardene 149 Last updated: 15 June 2016", "short_answer": "Donald Bradman" } }, { "question": "highest number of double centuries in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=825583313", "q_uid": 9151089397109800628, "answers": { "long_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman, widely considered the greatest batsman of all time, holds several personal and partnership records. He scored the most runs in a series, has the most double centuries and was a part of the record 5th wicket partnership. His most significant record is his batting average of 99.94. One of cricket 's most famous statistics, it stands almost 40 runs higher than any other batsman 's average. Don Bradman is the only player in the world to have scored 5000 runs against a single opposition: 5028 runs against England.", "short_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman," } }, { "question": "who has taken most wickets in one test match", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=805466459", "q_uid": -7481192799441424952, "answers": { "long_answer": "The trend of countries to increase the number of Test matches they play means that the aggregate lists are dominated by modern players. Sri Lankan spinner Muttiah Muralitharan became the highest Test wicket - taker in December 2007, when he passed Shane Warne 's total of 708 wickets. Within a year, the equivalent batting record of highest run - scorer had also changed hands: Sachin Tendulkar surpassed the tally of 11,953 runs by Brian Lara. The record for most dismissals by a wicket - keeper is held by Mark Boucher of South Africa while the record for most catches by a fielder is held by Rahul Dravid.", "short_answer": "Muttiah Muralitharan became" } }, { "question": "leading run scorers in test cricket all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=841460219", "q_uid": -4072423036179462426, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most career runs Runs Player Period 15,921 ( 329 innings ) Sachin Tendulkar 1989 -- 2013 13,378 ( 287 innings ) Ricky Ponting 1995 -- 2012 13,289 ( 280 innings ) Jacques Kallis 1995 -- 2013 13,288 ( 286 innings ) Rahul Dravid 1996 -- 2012 12,400 ( 233 innings ) Kumar Sangakkara 2000 -- 2015 Last updated: 15 June 2016", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the highest number of double centuries", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=818214322", "q_uid": -3118709153034416012, "answers": { "long_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman, widely considered the greatest batsman of all time, holds several personal and partnership records. He scored the most runs in a series, has the most double centuries and was a part of the record 5th wicket partnership. His most significant record is his batting average of 99.94. One of cricket 's most famous statistics, it stands almost 40 runs higher than any other batsman 's average. Don Bradman is the only player in the world to have scored 5000 runs against a single opposition: 5028 runs against England.", "short_answer": "Donald Bradman," } }, { "question": "what is the highest score by a team in a test cricket innings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=825583313", "q_uid": -845954126368989567, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most runs in an innings Runs Teams Venue Season 952 - 6 d Sri Lanka ( v India ) Ranasinghe Premadasa Stadium, Colombo 903 - 7 d England ( v Australia ) The Oval, London 1938 849 England ( v West Indies ) Sabina Park, Kingston 1929 -- 30 790 -- 3 d West Indies ( v Pakistan ) Sabina Park, Kingston 1957 -- 58 765 -- 6 d Pakistan ( v Sri Lanka ) National Stadium, Karachi 2008 -- 09 Last updated: 14 September 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has most no of double centuries in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=825583313", "q_uid": 5346692599650647672, "answers": { "long_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman, widely considered the greatest batsman of all time, holds several personal and partnership records. He scored the most runs in a series, has the most double centuries and was a part of the record 5th wicket partnership. His most significant record is his batting average of 99.94. One of cricket 's most famous statistics, it stands almost 40 runs higher than any other batsman 's average. Don Bradman is the only player in the world to have scored 5000 runs against a single opposition: 5028 runs against England.", "short_answer": "Donald Bradman," } }, { "question": "who scored the most runs in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=800465640", "q_uid": 1476485014779729443, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most career runs Runs Player Period 15,921 ( 329 innings ) Sachin Tendulkar 1989 -- 2013 13,378 ( 287 innings ) Ricky Ponting 1995 -- 2012 13,289 ( 280 innings ) Jacques Kallis 1995 -- 2013 13,288 ( 286 innings ) Rahul Dravid 1996 -- 2012 12,400 ( 233 innings ) Kumar Sangakkara 2000 -- 2015 Last updated: 15 June 2016", "short_answer": "Sachin Tendulkar" } }, { "question": "who has scored the highest number of runs in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=841460219", "q_uid": -9141149438582194391, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most career runs Runs Player Period 15,921 ( 329 innings ) Sachin Tendulkar 1989 -- 2013 13,378 ( 287 innings ) Ricky Ponting 1995 -- 2012 13,289 ( 280 innings ) Jacques Kallis 1995 -- 2013 13,288 ( 286 innings ) Rahul Dravid 1996 -- 2012 12,400 ( 233 innings ) Kumar Sangakkara 2000 -- 2015 Last updated: 15 June 2016", "short_answer": "Sachin Tendulkar" } }, { "question": "who has the most catches in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=804341198", "q_uid": -4509386552052108952, "answers": { "long_answer": "The trend of countries to increase the number of Test matches they play means that the aggregate lists are dominated by modern players. Sri Lankan spinner Muttiah Muralitharan became the highest Test wicket - taker in December 2007, when he passed Shane Warne 's total of 708 wickets. Within a year, the equivalent batting record of highest run - scorer had also changed hands: Sachin Tendulkar surpassed the tally of 11,953 runs by Brian Lara. The record for most dismissals by a wicket - keeper is held by Mark Boucher of South Africa while the record for most catches by a fielder is held by Rahul Dravid.", "short_answer": "Rahul Dravid." } }, { "question": "who is the highest scorer in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=807750637", "q_uid": 4876220107101920870, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the Manchester Test of 1956, England spin bowler Jim Laker took 19 wickets for 90 runs ( 19 -- 90 ) which set not only the Test record for best match figures but also the first - class one. In taking 10 -- 53 in the second innings he became the first bowler to capture all ten wickets in a Test match innings, and his analysis remains the best innings figures. Indian Leg - spinner Anil Kumble is the only other bowler to have taken 10 wickets in an innings, claiming 10 -- 74 against Pakistan in 1999. West Indies batsman Brian Lara has the highest individual score in Test cricket: he scored 400 not out against England in 2004 to surpass the innings of 380 by Matthew Hayden six months earlier. Lara had held the record before Hayden, with a score of 375 against England 10 years earlier. Pakistan 's Misbah - ul - Haq holds the record of the fastest test half century scoring 50 runs from 21 balls. The record for the fastest test century is held by New Zealand 's Brendon McCullum who scored 100 runs from 54 balls in his final test match.", "short_answer": "Brian Lara has" } }, { "question": "who made most runs in an over in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=802016752", "q_uid": -3751977518931423901, "answers": { "long_answer": "The trend of countries to increase the number of Test matches they play means that the aggregate lists are dominated by modern players. Sri Lankan spinner Muttiah Muralitharan became the highest Test wicket - taker in December 2007, when he passed Shane Warne 's total of 708 wickets. Within a year, the equivalent batting record of highest run - scorer had also changed hands: Sachin Tendulkar surpassed the tally of 11,953 runs by Brian Lara. The record for most dismissals by a wicket - keeper is held by Mark Boucher of South Africa while the record for most catches by a fielder is held by Rahul Dravid.", "short_answer": "Brian Lara." } }, { "question": "who has scored the most test hundred ever", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=853394798", "q_uid": 7106730684729428598, "answers": { "long_answer": "Centuries Player Matches Innings Inns / Century 51 Sachin Tendulkar 200 329 6.4 45 Jacques Kallis 166 280 6.2 41 Ricky Ponting 168 287 7.0 38 Kumar Sangakkara 134 233 6.1 36 Rahul Dravid 164 286 7.9 Last updated: 15 June 2016", "short_answer": "Sachin Tendulkar" } }, { "question": "who has scored most runs in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=802938295", "q_uid": -6378343991895351473, "answers": { "long_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman, widely considered the greatest batsman of all time, holds several personal and partnership records. He scored the most runs in a series, has the most double centuries and was a part of the record 5th wicket partnership. His most significant record is his batting average of 99.94. One of cricket 's most famous statistics, it stands almost 40 runs higher than any other batsman 's average. Don Bradman is the only player in the world to have scored 5000 runs against a single opposition: 5028 runs against England.", "short_answer": "Donald Bradman," } }, { "question": "most runs in a test innings by a team", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=807750637", "q_uid": 6692851920966804182, "answers": { "long_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman, widely considered the greatest batsman of all time, holds several personal and partnership records. He scored the most runs in a series, has the most double centuries and was a part of the record 5th wicket partnership. His most significant record is his batting average of 99.94. One of cricket 's most famous statistics, it stands almost 40 runs higher than any other batsman 's average. Don Bradman is the only player in the world to have scored 5000 runs against a single opposition: 5028 runs against England.", "short_answer": "Donald Bradman," } }, { "question": "which player has highest score in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=853394798", "q_uid": -1107180274771951738, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batting position Player Score Opponent Venue Date Opener Matthew Hayden 380 Zimbabwe WACA Ground 9 October 2003 Number 3 Brian Lara 400 * England Antigua Recreation Ground 10 April 2004 Number 4 Mahela Jayawardene 374 South Africa Sinhalese Sports Club Ground 27 July 2006 Number 5 Michael Clarke 329 * India Sydney Cricket Ground 3 January 2012 Number 6 Ben Stokes 258 South Africa Newlands Cricket Ground 2 January 2016 Number 7 Donald Bradman 270 England Melbourne Cricket Ground 1 January 1937 Number 8 Wasim Akram 257 * Zimbabwe Sheikhupura Stadium 17 October 1996 Number 9 Ian Smith 173 India Eden Park 22 February 1990 Number 10 Walter Read 117 Australia Kennington Oval 11 August 1884 Number 11 Ashton Agar 98 England Trent Bridge 10 July 2013 Last updated: 18 November 2017 Innings", "short_answer": "Brian Lara" } }, { "question": "who is the highest wicket taken in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=816258778", "q_uid": -7902509980877721861, "answers": { "long_answer": "The trend of countries to increase the number of Test matches they play means that the aggregate lists are dominated by modern players. Sri Lankan spinner Muttiah Muralitharan became the highest Test wicket - taker in December 2007, when he passed Shane Warne 's total of 708 wickets. Within a year, the equivalent batting record of highest run - scorer had also changed hands: Sachin Tendulkar surpassed the tally of 11,953 runs by Brian Lara. The record for most dismissals by a wicket - keeper is held by Mark Boucher of South Africa while the record for most catches by a fielder is held by Rahul Dravid.", "short_answer": "Sachin Tendulkar surpassed" } }, { "question": "who has the most double hundred in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=825583313", "q_uid": -6741266253948081904, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most Test double centuries Double centuries Player Matches 12 Donald Bradman 52 11 Kumar Sangakkara 130 9 Brian Lara 131 7 Wally Hammond 85 Mahela Jayawardene 149 Last updated: 15 June 2016", "short_answer": "Donald Bradman" } }, { "question": "who has scored most double centuries in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=838069639", "q_uid": 4432482418591499337, "answers": { "long_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman, widely considered the greatest batsman of all time, holds several personal and partnership records. He scored the most runs in a series, has the most double centuries and was a part of the record 5th wicket partnership. His most significant record is his batting average of 99.94. One of cricket 's most famous statistics, it stands almost 40 runs higher than any other batsman 's average. Don Bradman is the only player in the world to have scored 5000 runs against a single opposition: 5028 runs against England.", "short_answer": "Donald Bradman," } }, { "question": "who holds the record of scoring the maximum number of runs in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Test_cricket_records&oldid=860770968", "q_uid": -957279769121838526, "answers": { "long_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman, widely considered the greatest batsman of all time, holds several personal and partnership records. He scored the most runs in a series, has the most double centuries and was a part of the record 5th wicket partnership. His most significant record is his batting average of 99.94. One of cricket 's most famous statistics, it stands almost 40 runs higher than any other batsman 's average. Don Bradman is the only player in the world to have scored 5000 runs against a single opposition: 5028 runs against England.", "short_answer": "Australian Donald Bradman," } } ], "Internet Explorer version history": [ { "question": "what is the latest release of internet explorer", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Internet_Explorer_version_history&oldid=800223911", "q_uid": 1347830138139251831, "answers": { "long_answer": "Windows Years Layout engine 10, Server 2016 8.1, Server 2012 R2 8, Server 2012 7, Server 2008 R2 Vista, Server 2008 Server 2003 XP ME 2000 98 NT 4.0 95 NT 3.51 NT 3.5 NT 3.1 3.1 x IE 11 2013 / 2015 Trident 7.0 Included Included N / A Yes with SP1 N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A IE 10 2012 Trident 6.0 N / A N / A Included Yes with SP1 N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A IE 9 2011 Trident 5.0 N / A N / A N / A Yes Yes with SP2 N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A IE 8 2009 Trident 4.0 N / A N / A N / A Included Yes Yes with SP2 Yes with SP2 / SP3 N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A IE 7 2006 Trident N / A N / A N / A N / A Included Yes with SP1 / SP2 Yes with SP2 / SP3 N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A IE 6 2001 Trident N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A Included Included Yes Yes Yes Yes N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A IE 5.5 2000 Trident N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A Included Yes Yes Yes Yes N / A N / A N / A N / A IE 5 1999 Trident N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A Included Included with 98SE Yes Yes Yes N / A N / A Yes IE 4 1997 Trident N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A Included 4.01 Yes Included Yes N / A N / A Yes IE 3 Spyglass N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A Included Included Yes Yes N / A Yes IE 2 1995 Spyglass N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A Included Included Yes Yes Yes Yes IE 1.5 Spyglass N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A Yes Yes Yes Yes N / A N / A IE 1 1995 Spyglass N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A Non-free Plus! N / A N / A N / A N / A", "short_answer": "IE 11" } }, { "question": "what version of ie shipped with windows 7", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Internet_Explorer_version_history&oldid=800223911", "q_uid": -3887266481373367246, "answers": { "long_answer": "Windows Internet Explorer 7 was released on 18 October 2006. It includes bug fixes, enhancements to its support for web standards, tabbed browsing with tab preview and management, a multiple - engine search box, a web feeds reader, Internationalized Domain Name support ( IDN ), Extended Validation Certificate support, and an anti-phishing filter. With IE7, Internet Explorer has been decoupled from the Windows Shell -- unlike previous versions, the Internet Explorer ActiveX control is not hosted in the Windows Explorer process, but rather runs in a separate Internet Explorer process. It is included with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, and is available for Windows XP Service Pack 2 and later, and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 and later. The original release of Internet Explorer 7 required the computer to pass a Windows Genuine Advantage validation check prior to installing, but on October 5, 2007, Microsoft removed this requirement. As some statistics show, by mid-2008, Internet Explorer 7 market share exceeded that of Internet Explorer 6 in a number of regions.", "short_answer": "IE7," } }, { "question": "what is the current version of internet explorer", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Internet_Explorer_version_history&oldid=823501078", "q_uid": 5966083083095052348, "answers": { "long_answer": "Major version Minor version Release date Significant changes Shipped with Version 1 1.0 August 1995 Initial release. Plus! for Windows 95 1.5 January 1996 Compatible with Windows NT 3.5 Version 2 2.0 Beta October 1995 Support of HTML tables and other elements. 2.0 November 1995 SSL, cookies, VRML, and Internet newsgroups. Windows NT 4.0 Windows 95 OSR1 Internet Starter Kit 2.01 Unknown Bug fix release. Version 3 3.0 Alpha 1 March 1996 Improved support of HTML tables, frames, and other elements. 3.0 Alpha 2 May 1996 Support of VBScript and JScript. 3.0 Beta 2 July 1996 Support of CSS and Java. 3.0 August 1996 Final release. Windows 95 OSR 2 3.01 October 1996 Bug fix release. 3.02 March 1997 Bug fix release. 3.03 April 1997 Bug fix release. Version 4 4.0 Beta 1 April 1997 Improved support of CSS and Microsoft DOM. 4.0 Beta 2 July 1997 Improved support of HTML and CSS. 4.0 September 1997 Improved support of HTML and CSS. Windows 95 OSR 2.5 4.01 November 1997 Bug fix release. Windows 98 Version 5 5.0 Beta 1 June 1998 Support of more CSS2 features. 5.0 Beta 2 November 1998 Support of bi-directional text, ruby character, XML / XSL and more CSS properties. 5.0 March 1999 Final release. Last version supported on Windows 3. x and Windows NT 3. x. Windows 98 SE 5.01 November 1999 Bug fix release. Windows 2000 5.5 Beta 1 December 1999 Support of more CSS properties. Minor changes to support of frames. 5.5 July 2000 Final release. Last version supported on Windows 95. Windows ME 5.6 August 2000 Released for Windows Whistler build 2257. Windows Whistler Version 6 6.0 Beta 1 March 2001 More CSS changes and bug fixes to be more W3C - compliant. Add new feature Smart tag 6.0 August 27, 2001 Final release. remove the Smart tag again. Windows XP Windows Server 2003 6.0 SP1 September 9, 2002 Vulnerability patch. Last version supported on Windows NT 4.0, 98, 2000 and ME. Windows XP SP1 6.05 October 1, 2003 Released for Windows Longhorn build 4051. Windows Longhorn build 4051 - 4094 6.0 SP2 August 25, 2004 Vulnerability patch. Popup / ActiveX blocker. Add - on manager. Windows XP SP2 Windows Server 2003 SP1 6.0 SP3 April 21, 2008 Windows XP: Latest updates included with XP SP3. Windows XP SP3 Windows Server 2003 SP2 Version 7 7.0 Beta 1 July 27, 2005 Support of PNG alpha channel. CSS bug fixes. Tabbed browsing. Support for EV SSL certificate. Phishing filter. Windows Vista Beta 1 7.0 Beta 2 Preview January 31, 2006 More CSS fixes. Web feeds platform integration. New GUI. Quick Tabs. 7.0 Beta 2 April 24, 2006 Feature complete. More CSS fixes. Application compatibility fixes. 7.0 Beta 3 June 29, 2006 Fixes rendering issues for CSS. 7.0 RC 1 August 24, 2006 Improvements in performance, stability, security, application compatibility and final CSS adjustments. 7.0 October 18, 2006 Final release. Windows Vista Windows Server 2008 Version 8 8.0 Beta 1 March 5, 2008 CSS 2.1, Contextual Services. Accelerators. Web Slices. Tab isolation and DEP protection enabled by default. Automatic crash recovery. Improved phishing and malware filter ( SmartScreen ). Uses 6 HTTP server connections for improved website responsiveness. 8.0 Beta 2 August 27, 2008 CSS 2.1 bug fixes. InPrivate browsing. Smart address bar. Search suggestions. Tab color grouping. Caret browsing. Windows 7 Pre-Beta 8.0 Pre-RC 1 December 11, 2008 CSS bug fixes. Improved Developer Tools. Changes in Compatibility View. Improved Favorites management and other minor changes to UI. Changes to InPrivate browsing and blocking modes. Windows 7 Beta 8.0 RC1 January 26, 2009 CSS bug fixes. Minor changes in favorites management and search bar. 8.0 March 19, 2009 Final release. Last version supported on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 Version 9 9.0 Platform Preview 1 v1. 9.7745. 6019 March 16, 2010 Support for some CSS3 selectors ( including border - radius property ), HTML5 and SVG. New JavaScript engine ( code name Chakra ). Added support for graphics and web rendering hardware acceleration, using Direct2D and DirectWrite. 9.0 Platform Preview 2 v1. 9.7766. 6000 May 5, 2010 Support for more functions in SVG, HTML5, DOM. Added support for all CSS3 selectors. JavaScript performance improvements. 9.0 Platform Preview 3 v1. 9.7874. 6000 June 23, 2010 Support for HTML5 < audio >, < video > and < canvas > tags. Support for WOFF fonts. JavaScript and graphics performance improvements. 9.0 Platform Preview 4 v1. 9.7916. 6000 August 4, 2010 CSS bug fixes. Support for ECMAScript5 ( ES5 ). JScript engine integrated into the core browser components ( architectural change ). Performance improvements. 9.0 Beta & 9.0 Platform Preview 5 v1. 9.7930. 16406 September 15, 2010 New UI, Download manager, New Tab page, Search in the address bar, Notification Bar, Add - on Performance Advisor 9.0 Platform Preview 6 v1. 9.8006. 6000 October 28, 2010 CSS3 2D transforms and HTML5 semantic tags. 9.0 Platform Preview 7 v1. 9.8023. 6000 November 17, 2010 Better JavaScript performance. 9.0 Release Candidate & 9.0 Platform Preview 8 1.9. 8080.16413 February 10, 2011 Performance improvements, Tracking Protection, ActiveX Filtering, paste and navigate, enhancements to user interface, and support for the W3C Geolocation API. 9.0 March 14, 2011 Improved performance, improved Tracking Protection, and the option to pin multiple targets per page. Last version supported on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Version 10 10.0 Platform Preview 1 v2. 10.1000. 16394 April 12, 2011 Support for CSS3 multi-column layout, CSS3 grid layout, CSS3 flexible box layout, CSS3 gradients, and ES5 strict mode. 10.0 Platform Preview 2 v2. 10.1008. 16421 June 29, 2011 Support for Positioned Floats, CSS stylesheet limit lifted, CSSOM Floating Point Value support, Improved hit testing APIs, Media Query Listeners, HTML5: Support for async attribute on script elements, HTML5 Drag and Drop, HTML5 File API, HTML5 Sandbox, HTML5 Web Workers, and some Web Performance APIs. 10.0 Developer Preview v10. 0.8102. 0 - Platform Preview 3 September 13, 2011 Support for Windows 8, CSS 3D Transforms, CSS Text shadow, SVG Filter Effects, Spellchecking, Autocorrection, local storage with IndexedDB and the HTML5 Application Cache, Web Sockets, HTML5 History, and InPrivate tabs. Windows 8 Developer Preview 10.0 Developer Preview v10. 0.8103. 0 - Platform Preview 4 November 29, 2011 Windows 8 Developer Preview 10.0 Consumer Preview v10. 0.8250. 0 - Platform Preview 5 February 29, 2012 Improved performance and support for more HTML5. Windows 8 Consumer Preview 10.0 Release Preview v10. 0.8400. 0 - Platform Preview 6 May 31, 2012 Windows 8 Release Preview 10.0 October 26, 2012 Final release. Last version supported on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. Windows 8 RTM Version 11 11.0 Preview 11.0. 9431.0 June 26, 2013 Windows 8.1 only. Improved support for HTML5 and CSS3. Support for WebGL and SPDY. New Modern UI - interface and developer tools. Windows 8.1 Preview 11.0 Release Preview 11.0. 9431.0 September 18, 2013 Windows 7 only. 11.0 October 17, 2013 The default browser in Windows 8.1. Last version supported on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Windows 8.1 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows 10 Windows Server 2016", "short_answer": "Version 11" } } ], "Academic term": [ { "question": "when does the school year start in brazil", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=843581819", "q_uid": -2671343645087438230, "answers": { "long_answer": "In Brazil, due to the Law of Directives and Bases of Brazilian Education, the academic year must have 200 days, both at schools and at universities. The school year usually begins during the first week of February. There is a 2 - week / 4 - week long winter break in July. The Brazilian school year ends the first week of December, summer in Brazil.", "short_answer": "during the first week of February." } }, { "question": "when does the school year start and end in australia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=834329171", "q_uid": 8955091403774734732, "answers": { "long_answer": "In most of Australia, the primary and secondary school year lasts approximately 200 days, from late January or early February to early or mid-December, and is split into four terms:", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does the academic year start in america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=856030314", "q_uid": 8756703088492936300, "answers": { "long_answer": "The traditional start date for the school year has been the Tuesday or Wednesday right after Labor Day. Though some schools still keep this tradition, many schools now start in the last two weeks of August and some schools ( especially private ones ) may start as late as the end of September or the first week in October. There are also some schools, especially in the southern tier of the United States, that begin at the end of July and early August. The school year ends 40 to 42 instructional weeks after it begins ( usually around late - May or June ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does the school year start in austria", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=854347838", "q_uid": 5616583913480344986, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Austrian school year for primary and secondary schools is split into two terms, the first one starts on the first Monday in September in the states of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland and on the second Monday of September in Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Carinthia, Tyrol and Vorarlberg. Most schools have holidays between the national holiday on October 26 and All Souls Day on November 2, but those are unofficial holidays not observed by all schools in Austria. Christmas holidays start on December 24 and end on the first weekday after January 6. The first term ends in Vienna and Lower Austria on the first Friday of February, in Burgenland, Carinthia, Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg on the second Friday of February and in Upper Austria and Styria on the third Friday of February.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when do primary schools break up for easter", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=797243845", "q_uid": -6501669455374589567, "answers": { "long_answer": "School holidays in the United States vary by jurisdiction. They include federal, state, and local holidays, all or only some of which may be observed by an individual school district. In addition to these legal holidays, there are vacation periods of varying length. Most if not all schools observe the Thanksgiving holiday, and extend it include the day after Thanksgiving since it is a Friday. There is usually a recess of about two weeks during the winter holiday period at Christmas and New Year, with a spring break in March or April that is usually correlated to the holidays of Easter and / or Passover.", "short_answer": "March or April that" } }, { "question": "when does the school year end in australia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=865746031", "q_uid": -6517939926780857635, "answers": { "long_answer": "In most of Australia, the primary and secondary school year lasts approximately 200 days, from late January or early February to early or mid-December, and is split into four terms:", "short_answer": "early or mid-December," } }, { "question": "when does second semester start in the philippines", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=836620400", "q_uid": -6411832107870473800, "answers": { "long_answer": "Quarter Usual Months covered ( including exam periods ) Breaks after the exam 1st June - mid-August none 2nd mid-August - late - October Semestral break: approximately one week 3rd November - 3rd week of December Christmas break: approximately two weeks 4th January - mid-late March Summer break: approximately eight to nine weeks and it separates one school year from another.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does the chinese school year start and end", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=802198386", "q_uid": -8939263022172351185, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the People 's Republic of China all schools including elementary, middle and high schools, colleges and universities have two semesters, the first from September to January, and the second from February or March, depending on the date of Chinese New Year, to July.", "short_answer": "In the People 's Republic of China all schools including elementary, middle and high schools, colleges and universities have two semesters, the first from September to January, and the second from February or March, depending on the date of Chinese New Year, to July." } }, { "question": "when does the school year start in korea", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=800238397", "q_uid": 1364845850605913650, "answers": { "long_answer": "In South Korea, the school year is divided into two terms. The first term usually runs from March 2, unless it is a Friday or the weekend, to mid-July with the summer vacation from mid-July to late - August ( elementary and secondary schools ) and from mid-June to late August ( higher education institutions ). The second term usually resumes in late August and runs until mid-February. The winter break is from late December to late January. There are two weeks of school ( elementary and secondary schools ) in February. Then there is a two - week - break before the new academic year starts in March.", "short_answer": "The first term usually runs from March 2, unless it is a Friday or the weekend, to mid-July with the summer vacation from mid-July to late - August ( elementary and secondary schools ) and from mid-June to late August ( higher education institutions ). The" } }, { "question": "how many months are in a high school semester", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=834329171", "q_uid": -3881958793744669262, "answers": { "long_answer": "A semester system divides the academic year into two terms of equal length, with attendance required in both semesters to total 32 to 36 weeks of instruction. There is often an optional summer session half as long as a full semester.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does the academic year start in malaysia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=825542031", "q_uid": -6626155156448424709, "answers": { "long_answer": "In Malaysian primary and secondary schools, the school year is divided into two semesters. The first semester begins in early January and ends in late May, with a one - week mid-term break in March. After the mid-year holidays, which lasts for two weeks, the second semester begins in mid-June and ends in mid-November, with a one - week mid-term break in September. The school year ends with a six - week year - end holidays from mid-November to early January.", "short_answer": "in early January and" } }, { "question": "how many weeks of college in a year uk", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=810549052", "q_uid": 8511019145155876097, "answers": { "long_answer": "A quarter system divides the academic year into four terms, one per season, with attendance required in three quarters per year to total 32 to 36 weeks of instruction. A semester system divides the academic year into two terms of equal length, with attendance required in both semesters to total 32 to 36 weeks of instruction. There is often an optional summer session half as long as a full semester. A trimester system divides the academic year into three terms of 14 to 16 weeks each, with attendance required in two trimesters per year, to total 28 to 32 weeks of instruction. The trimester evolved from the semester system in the 1960s and, thus, is compatible with it ( i.e. it is simply a semester shortened from 16 -- 18 weeks to 14 -- 16 weeks ). The spring - summer trimester may be a full trimester or may be divided into distinct spring and summer half - trimester or shorter sessions, in which classes meet double - time ( or greater ) to provide the same instruction that would be received in a full trimester.", "short_answer": "28 to 32 weeks of" } }, { "question": "how many weeks are in a college quarter", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=825542031", "q_uid": 3690597129017430771, "answers": { "long_answer": "The quarter system divides the calendar year into four quarters, three of which constitute a complete academic year. Quarters are typically 10 -- 12 weeks long so that three quarters amount to 30 -- 36 weeks of instruction. Approximately 20 % of universities are on the quarter system. Most colleges that use the quarter system have a fall quarter from late September to mid-December, a winter quarter from early January to mid-March, a spring quarter from late March or early April to mid-June, and an optional summer session. Notable users of the quarter system include the University of California system ( excluding Berkeley, Merced, the UCLA medical school, and all of the system 's law schools ), Stanford, the University of Chicago, Dartmouth College, Northwestern University, University of Washington, the University of Oregon, and DePaul University. Union College uses a modified quarter system: fall, winter, and spring terms are each eleven weeks long; there are some summer classes, but there is no official summer quarter. Because Union 's calendar makes use of just three of four quarters, the three academic terms are generally ( and somewhat misleadingly to outsiders ) dubbed `` trimesters, '' which they are not. Another notable and somewhat unique user of the quarter system is Baylor Law School: it operates on the quarter system while the remaining colleges of Baylor University operate on the semester system.", "short_answer": "typically 10 -- 12 weeks long" } }, { "question": "when does the school year end in korea", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=828261670", "q_uid": 8324314177344025300, "answers": { "long_answer": "In South Korea, the school year is divided into two terms. The first term usually runs from March 2, unless it is a Friday or the weekend, to mid-July with the summer vacation from mid-July to late - August ( elementary and secondary schools ) and from mid-June to late August ( higher education institutions ). The second term usually resumes in late August and runs until mid-February. The winter break is from late December to late January. There are two weeks of school ( elementary and secondary schools ) in February. Then there is a two - week - break before the new academic year starts in March.", "short_answer": "mid-July with" } }, { "question": "when does the school year begin in australia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=849922119", "q_uid": -7838875911808243105, "answers": { "long_answer": "In most of Australia, the primary and secondary school year lasts approximately 200 days, from late January or early February to early or mid-December, and is split into four terms:", "short_answer": "late January or early February to" } }, { "question": "how many weeks is a quarter in college", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=846222599", "q_uid": 398857937054606446, "answers": { "long_answer": "The quarter system divides the calendar year into four quarters, three of which constitute a complete academic year. Quarters are typically 10 -- 12 weeks long so that three quarters amount to 30 -- 36 weeks of instruction. Approximately 20 % of universities are on the quarter system. Most colleges that use the quarter system have a fall quarter from late September to mid-December, a winter quarter from early January to mid-March, a spring quarter from late March or early April to mid-June, and an optional summer session. Notable users of the quarter system include the University of California system ( excluding Berkeley, Merced, the UCLA medical school, and all of the system 's law schools ), Stanford, the University of Chicago, Dartmouth College, Northwestern University, University of Washington, the University of Oregon, and DePaul University. Union College uses a modified quarter system: fall, winter, and spring terms are each eleven weeks long; there are some summer classes, but there is no official summer quarter. Because Union 's calendar makes use of just three of four quarters, the three academic terms are generally ( and somewhat misleadingly to outsiders ) dubbed `` trimesters, '' which they are not. Another notable and somewhat unique user of the quarter system is Baylor Law School: it operates on the quarter system while the remaining colleges of Baylor University operate on the semester system.", "short_answer": "typically 10 -- 12 weeks long" } }, { "question": "when does the academic year start in the uk", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=804685942", "q_uid": -8988537256565278593, "answers": { "long_answer": "Term Start Finish Hilary January 12 April 12 Easter April 21 May 29 Trinity June 9 July 31 Michaelmas October 12 December 21", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does fall session start in us universities", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=807892126", "q_uid": -7720217515278294216, "answers": { "long_answer": "The semester system divides the calendar year into two semesters of 16 to 18 weeks each, plus summer sessions of varying lengths. The two semesters together constitute 32 to 36 weeks of instruction, so that three academic quarters equal two academic semesters. Thus, academic credit earned in quarter hours converts to semester hours at 2\u20443 of its value, while credit earned in semester hours converts to quarter hours at 3 / 2 of its value. Put another way, 3 quarter hours is 2 semester hours. Most universities on the semester system have a fall semester from the day after Labor Day in September to mid-December, a spring / winter semester from late January to early May, and an optional summer session.", "short_answer": "the day after Labor Day in September to" } }, { "question": "when does the university year end in canada", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Academic_term&oldid=843581819", "q_uid": 2142214063776378175, "answers": { "long_answer": "Generally in English Canada, high schools run on a two - semester arrangement, also known as fall and spring semester, the first semester starting from the day after Labour Day in September to mid-January and the second running from early February until the Thursday before the last Friday in June. The semesters are often divided into two terms each. Some schools in Canada run on a trimester system, the first running from September to January, the second from January to March or April, and the third from March or April until June. The trimester is more common in elementary and middle schools ( Kindergarten - Grade 8 ) than in high schools ( Grade 9 - Grade 12 ). Most of those characteristics differ in Qu\u00e9bec, where education is, with the exception of a few school boards, given in French. By tradition, Quebec and Franco - Ontarian elementary and secondary schools will arrange timetables to ensure the school year ends before June 24, date of the St - Jean - Baptiste day celebration, a traditional holiday.", "short_answer": "the Thursday before the last Friday in June." } } ], "Naomie Harris": [ { "question": "who played calypso in the pirates of the caribbean movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomie_Harris&oldid=808718379", "q_uid": 4830547503184529689, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes Crust Receptionist 2002 Living In Hope Ginny 2002 Anansi Carla 2002 28 Days Later Selena Trauma Elisa After the Sunset Sophie 2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man 's Chest Tia Dalma 2006 Miami Vice Trudy Joplin 2006 A Cock and Bull Story Jennie 2007 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World 's End Tia Dalma / Calypso 2008 Street Kings Linda Washington 2008 Explicit Ills Jill 2008 August Sarah 2009 Morris: A Life with Bells On Sonja 2009 Ninja Assassin Mika Coretti 2009 Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll Denise 2009 My Last Five Girlfriends Gemma The First Grader Jane Obinchu 2012 Skyfall Eve Moneypenny 2013 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Winnie Mandela 2015 Southpaw Angela Rivera 2015 Spectre Eve Moneypenny 2016 Our Kind of Traitor Gail Perkins 2016 Moonlight Paula 2016 Collateral Beauty Madeleine 2018 Rampage Dr. Kate Caldwell Post-production 2018 Jungle Book Nisha ( voice ) Post-production", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the witch in pirates of the caribbean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomie_Harris&oldid=808718379", "q_uid": -8480238438157384020, "answers": { "long_answer": "Naomie Melanie Harris, OBE ( born 6 September 1976 ) is an English actress. She started her career as a child actress, appearing on the children television series Simon and the Witch in 1987. She played voodoo witch Tia Dalma in the second and third Pirates of the Caribbean films, Selena in 28 Days Later, and Winnie Mandela in Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. She played Eve Moneypenny in the James Bond films Skyfall and Spectre. In 2016, she starred in the critically acclaimed film Moonlight; a performance which earned her several nominations for Best Supporting Actress awards, including the Golden Globe, BAFTA, and the Academy Award.", "short_answer": "Naomie Melanie Harris," } }, { "question": "who plays calypso on pirates of the caribbean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomie_Harris&oldid=801046462", "q_uid": 5745392021691846858, "answers": { "long_answer": "2007 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World 's End Tia Dalma / Calypso", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of FIFA World Cup winners": [ { "question": "player that has won the most world cups", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=864644142", "q_uid": 8100047683821676376, "answers": { "long_answer": "A total of 445 players have been in the winning team in the World Cup. Brazil 's Pel\u00e9 is the only one to have won three times, while another 20 have won twice.", "short_answer": "Pel\u00e9 is" } }, { "question": "who was the last team to win back-to-back world cups", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": -7477073867141610474, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nations that won the World Cup Titles Team Year ( s ) 5 Brazil 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002 Italy 1934, 1938, 1982, 2006 Germany 1954, 1974, 1990, 2014 Uruguay 1930, 1950 Argentina 1978, 1986 France 1998, 2018 England 1966 Spain", "short_answer": "Brazil" } }, { "question": "teams that win world cup back to back", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": 1837315719561401583, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nations that won the World Cup Titles Team Year ( s ) 5 Brazil 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002 Italy 1934, 1938, 1982, 2006 Germany 1954, 1974, 1990, 2014 Uruguay 1930, 1950 Argentina 1978, 1986 France 1998, 2018 England 1966 Spain", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who's winning the world cup this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=854018620", "q_uid": -5836003048732099179, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 21 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight different nations. Brazil has won the most titles, five. The current champion is France, who won the title in 2018.", "short_answer": "France," } }, { "question": "which country has won the world cup two years in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": 3090577762260308325, "answers": { "long_answer": "Squads of teams that won the World Cup Year Team Squad Coach Ref 1930 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) MF J. Andrade FW P. Anselmo GK E. Ballestrero FW J. Calvo GK M. Capuccini FW H. Castro FW P. Cea FW P. Dorado DF L. Fern\u00e1ndez MF \u00c1. Gestido FW S. Iriarte DF E. Mascheroni MF \u00c1. Melogno DF J. Nasazzi FW P. Petrone MF C. P\u00edriz DF E. Recoba MF C. Riolfo FW Z. Saldombide FW H. Scarone DF D. Tejera FW S. Urdinar\u00e1n A. Suppici 1934 Italy ( detailed squad ) DF L. Allemandi FW P. Arcari MF L. Bertolini FW F. Borel DF U. Caligaris MF A. Castellazzi GK G. Cavanna GK G. Combi FW A. Demar\u00eda FW G. Ferrari MF A. Ferraris FW E. Guaita FW A. Guarisi GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza MF L. Monti DF E. Monzeglio FW R. Orsi MF M. Pizziolo DF V. Rosetta FW A. Schiavio MF M. Varglien V. Pozzo 1938 Italy ( detailed squad ) MF M. Andreolo FW S. Bertoni FW A. Biavati GK C. Ceresoli MF B. Chizzo FW G. Colaussi MF A. Donati FW G. Ferrari FW P. Ferraris DF A. Foni MF M. Genta MF U. Locatelli GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza DF E. Monzeglio GK A. Olivieri MF R. Olmi FW P. Pasinati MF M. Perazzolo FW S. Piola DF P. Rava MF P. Serantoni V. Pozzo 1950 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) FW J. Britos FW J. Burgue\u00f1o DF S. Gambetta FW A. Ghiggia DF J. Gonz\u00e1lez DF M. Gonz\u00e1lez DF W. Mart\u00ednez GK R. M\u00e1spoli FW \u00d3. M\u00edguez FW R. Mor\u00e1n MF W. Ortu\u00f1o GK A. Paz FW J. P\u00e9rez MF R. Pini FW L. Rijo MF V. Rodr\u00edguez Andrade FW C. Romero FW J. Schiaffino DF E. Tejera MF O. Varela FW E. Vidal DF H. Vilches J. L\u00f3pez 1954 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 T. Turek 2 F. Laband 3 W. Kohlmeyer 4 H. Bauer 5 H. Erhardt 6 H. Eckel 7 J. Posipal 8 K. Mai 9 P. Mebus 10 W. Liebrich 11 K. - H. Metzner 12 H. Rahn 13 M. Morlock 14 B. Klodt 15 O. Walter 16 F. Walter 17 R. Herrmann 18 U. Biesinger 19 A. Pfaff 20 H. Sch\u00e4fer 21 H. Kubsch 22 H. Kwiatkowski S. Herberger 1958 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Castilho 2 Bellini 3 Gilmar 4 Djalma Santos 5 Dino Sani 6 Didi 7 M. Zagallo 8 Oreco 9 Z\u00f3zimo 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Garrincha 12 N\u00edlton Santos 13 Moacir 14 De Sordi 15 Orlando 16 Mauro 17 Joel 18 J. Altafini 19 Zito 20 Vav\u00e1 21 Dida 22 Pepe V. Feola 1962 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Gilmar 2 Djalma Santos 3 Mauro 4 Zito 5 Z\u00f3zimo 6 N\u00edlton Santos 7 Garrincha 8 Didi 9 Coutinho 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Pepe 12 Jair Marinho 13 Bellini 14 Jurandir 15 Altair 16 Zequinha 17 Meng\u00e1lvio 18 Jair 19 Vav\u00e1 20 Amarildo 21 M. Zagallo 22 Castilho A. Moreira 1966 England ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Banks 2 G. Cohen 3 R. Wilson 4 N. Stiles 5 J. Charlton 6 B. Moore 7 A. Ball 8 J. Greaves 9 B. Charlton 10 G. Hurst 11 J. Connelly 12 R. Springett 13 P. Bonetti 14 J. Armfield 15 G. Byrne 16 M. Peters 17 R. Flowers 18 N. Hunter 19 T. Paine 20 I. Callaghan 21 R. Hunt 22 G. Eastham A. Ramsey 1970 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 F\u00e9lix 2 Brito 3 Piazza 4 Carlos Alberto 5 Clodoaldo 6 Marco Ant\u00f4nio 7 Jairzinho 8 G\u00e9rson 9 Tost\u00e3o 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Rivellino 12 Ado 13 Roberto 14 Baldocchi 15 Fontana 16 Everaldo 17 Joel 18 Paulo C\u00e9zar Caju 19 Edu 20 Dario 21 Z\u00e9 Maria 22 Le\u00e3o M. Zagallo West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Maier 2 B. Vogts 3 P. Breitner 4 H. - G. Schwarzenbeck 5 F. Beckenbauer 6 H. - D. H\u00f6ttges 7 H. Wimmer 8 B. Cullmann 9 J. Grabowski 10 G. Netzer 11 J. Heynckes 12 W. Overath 13 G. M\u00fcller 14 U. Hoene\u00df 15 H. Flohe 16 R. Bonhof 17 B. H\u00f6lzenbein 18 D. Herzog 19 J. Kapellmann 20 H. Kremers 21 N. Nigbur 22 W. Kleff H. Sch\u00f6n 1978 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 N. Alonso 2 O. Ardiles 3 H. Baley 4 D. Bertoni 5 U. Fillol 6 A. Gallego 7 L. Galv\u00e1n 8 R. Galv\u00e1n 9 R. Houseman 10 M. Kempes 11 D. Killer 12 O. Larrosa 13 R. La Volpe 14 L. Luque 15 J. Olgu\u00edn 16 O. Ortiz 17 M. Oviedo 18 R. Pagnanini 19 D. Passarella 20 A. Tarantini 21 J. Valencia 22 R. Villa C. Menotti 1982 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 D. Zoff 2 F. Baresi 3 G. Bergomi 4 A. Cabrini 5 F. Collovati 6 C. Gentile 7 G. Scirea 8 P. Vierchowod 9 G. Antognoni 10 G. Dossena 11 G. Marini 12 I. Bordon 13 G. Oriali 14 M. Tardelli 15 F. Causio 16 B. Conti 17 D. Massaro 18 A. Altobelli 19 F. Graziani 20 P. Rossi 21 F. Selvaggi 22 G. Galli E. Bearzot 1986 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Almir\u00f3n 2 S. Batista 3 R. Bochini 4 C. Borghi 5 J. Brown 6 D. Passarella 7 J. Burruchaga 8 N. Clausen 9 J. Cuciuffo 10 D. Maradona 11 J. Valdano 12 H. Enrique 13 O. Garr\u00e9 14 R. Giusti 15 L. Islas 16 J. Olarticoechea 17 P. Pasculli 18 N. Pumpido 19 O. Ruggeri 20 C. Tapia 21 M. Trobbiani 22 H. Zelada C. Bilardo 1990 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Illgner 2 S. Reuter 3 A. Brehme 4 J. Kohler 5 K. Augenthaler 6 G. Buchwald 7 P. Littbarski 8 T. H\u00e4\u00dfler 9 R. V\u00f6ller 10 L. Matth\u00e4us 11 F. Mill 12 R. Aumann 13 K. - H. Riedle 14 T. Berthold 15 U. Bein 16 P. Steiner 17 A. M\u00f6ller 18 J. Klinsmann 19 H. Pfl\u00fcgler 20 O. Thon 21 G. Hermann 22 A. K\u00f6pke F. Beckenbauer 1994 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Taffarel 2 Jorginho 3 Ricardo Rocha 4 Ronald\u00e3o 5 Mauro Silva 6 Branco 7 Bebeto 8 Dunga 9 Zinho 10 Ra\u00ed 11 Rom\u00e1rio 12 Zetti 13 Aldair 14 Cafu 15 M\u00e1rcio Santos 16 Leonardo 17 Mazinho 18 Paulo S\u00e9rgio 19 M\u00fcller 20 Ronaldo 21 Viola 22 Gilmar C. Parreira 1998 France ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Lama 2 V. Candela 3 B. Lizarazu 4 P. Vieira 5 L. Blanc 6 Y. Djorkaeff 7 D. Deschamps 8 M. Desailly 9 S. Guivarc'h 10 Z. Zidane 11 R. Pir\u00e8s 12 T. Henry 13 B. Diom\u00e8de 14 A. Boghossian 15 L. Thuram 16 F. Barthez 17 E. Petit 18 F. Leboeuf 19 C. Karembeu 20 D. Trezeguet 21 C. Dugarry 22 L. Charbonnier A. Jacquet 2002 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Marcos 2 Cafu 3 L\u00facio 4 Roque J\u00fanior 5 Edm\u00edlson 6 Roberto Carlos 7 Ricardinho 8 Gilberto Silva 9 Ronaldo 10 Rivaldo 11 Ronaldinho 12 Dida 13 Belletti 14 \u00c2nderson Polga 15 Kl\u00e9berson 16 J\u00fanior 17 Den\u00edlson 18 Vampeta 19 Juninho Paulista 20 Ed\u00edlson 21 Luiz\u00e3o 22 Rog\u00e9rio Ceni 23 Kak\u00e1 L. Scolari 2006 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Buffon 2 C. Zaccardo 3 F. Grosso 4 D. De Rossi 5 F. Cannavaro 6 A. Barzagli 7 A. Del Piero 8 G. Gattuso 9 L. Toni 10 F. Totti 11 A. Gilardino 12 A. Peruzzi 13 A. Nesta 14 M. Amelia 15 V. Iaquinta 16 M. Camoranesi 17 S. Barone 18 F. Inzaghi 19 G. Zambrotta 20 S. Perrotta 21 A. Pirlo 22 M. Oddo 23 M. Materazzi M. Lippi Spain ( detailed squad ) 1 I. Casillas 2 R. Albiol 3 G. Piqu\u00e9 4 C. Marchena 5 C. Puyol 6 A. Iniesta 7 D. Villa 8 Xavi 9 F. Torres 10 C. F\u00e0bregas 11 J. Capdevila 12 V. Vald\u00e9s 13 J. Mata 14 X. Alonso 15 S. Ramos 16 S. Busquets 17 \u00c1. Arbeloa 18 Pedro 19 F. Llorente 20 J. Mart\u00ednez 21 D. Silva 22 J. Navas 23 P. Reina V. del Bosque 2014 Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 M. Neuer 2 K. Gro\u00dfkreutz 3 M. Ginter 4 B. H\u00f6wedes 5 M. Hummels 6 S. Khedira 7 B. Schweinsteiger 8 M. \u00d6zil 9 A. Sch\u00fcrrle 10 L. Podolski 11 M. Klose 12 R. - R. Zieler 13 T. M\u00fcller 14 J. Draxler 15 E. Durm 16 P. Lahm 17 P. Mertesacker 18 T. Kroos 19 M. G\u00f6tze 20 J. Boateng 21 S. Mustafi 22 R. Weidenfeller 23 C. Kramer J. L\u00f6w 2018 France ( detailed squad ) 1 H. Lloris 2 B. Pavard 3 P. Kimpembe 4 R. Varane 5 S. Umtiti 6 P. Pogba 7 A. Griezmann 8 T. Lemar 9 O. Giroud 10 K. Mbapp\u00e9 11 O. Demb\u00e9l\u00e9 12 C. Tolisso 13 N. Kant\u00e9 14 B. Matuidi 15 S. Nzonzi 16 S. Mandanda 17 A. Rami 18 N. Fekir 19 D. Sidib\u00e9 20 F. Thauvin 21 L. Hern\u00e1ndez 22 B. Mendy 23 A. Areola D. Deschamps", "short_answer": "Italy (" } }, { "question": "who are the winners of the world cups", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": -6520246542801327907, "answers": { "long_answer": "Squads of teams that won the World Cup Year Team Squad Coach Ref 1930 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) MF J. Andrade FW P. Anselmo GK E. Ballestrero FW J. Calvo GK M. Capuccini FW H. Castro FW P. Cea FW P. Dorado DF L. Fern\u00e1ndez MF \u00c1. Gestido FW S. Iriarte DF E. Mascheroni MF \u00c1. Melogno DF J. Nasazzi FW P. Petrone MF C. P\u00edriz DF E. Recoba MF C. Riolfo FW Z. Saldombide FW H. Scarone DF D. Tejera FW S. Urdinar\u00e1n A. Suppici 1934 Italy ( detailed squad ) DF L. Allemandi FW P. Arcari MF L. Bertolini FW F. Borel DF U. Caligaris MF A. Castellazzi GK G. Cavanna GK G. Combi FW A. Demar\u00eda FW G. Ferrari MF A. Ferraris FW E. Guaita FW A. Guarisi GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza MF L. Monti DF E. Monzeglio FW R. Orsi MF M. Pizziolo DF V. Rosetta FW A. Schiavio MF M. Varglien V. Pozzo 1938 Italy ( detailed squad ) MF M. Andreolo FW S. Bertoni FW A. Biavati GK C. Ceresoli MF B. Chizzo FW G. Colaussi MF A. Donati FW G. Ferrari FW P. Ferraris DF A. Foni MF M. Genta MF U. Locatelli GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza DF E. Monzeglio GK A. Olivieri MF R. Olmi FW P. Pasinati MF M. Perazzolo FW S. Piola DF P. Rava MF P. Serantoni V. Pozzo 1950 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) FW J. Britos FW J. Burgue\u00f1o DF S. Gambetta FW A. Ghiggia DF J. Gonz\u00e1lez DF M. Gonz\u00e1lez DF W. Mart\u00ednez GK R. M\u00e1spoli FW \u00d3. M\u00edguez FW R. Mor\u00e1n MF W. Ortu\u00f1o GK A. Paz FW J. P\u00e9rez MF R. Pini FW L. Rijo MF V. Rodr\u00edguez Andrade FW C. Romero FW J. Schiaffino DF E. Tejera MF O. Varela FW E. Vidal DF H. Vilches J. L\u00f3pez 1954 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 T. Turek 2 F. Laband 3 W. Kohlmeyer 4 H. Bauer 5 H. Erhardt 6 H. Eckel 7 J. Posipal 8 K. Mai 9 P. Mebus 10 W. Liebrich 11 K. - H. Metzner 12 H. Rahn 13 M. Morlock 14 B. Klodt 15 O. Walter 16 F. Walter 17 R. Herrmann 18 U. Biesinger 19 A. Pfaff 20 H. Sch\u00e4fer 21 H. Kubsch 22 H. Kwiatkowski S. Herberger 1958 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Castilho 2 Bellini 3 Gilmar 4 Djalma Santos 5 Dino Sani 6 Didi 7 M. Zagallo 8 Oreco 9 Z\u00f3zimo 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Garrincha 12 N\u00edlton Santos 13 Moacir 14 De Sordi 15 Orlando 16 Mauro 17 Joel 18 J. Altafini 19 Zito 20 Vav\u00e1 21 Dida 22 Pepe V. Feola 1962 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Gilmar 2 Djalma Santos 3 Mauro 4 Zito 5 Z\u00f3zimo 6 N\u00edlton Santos 7 Garrincha 8 Didi 9 Coutinho 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Pepe 12 Jair Marinho 13 Bellini 14 Jurandir 15 Altair 16 Zequinha 17 Meng\u00e1lvio 18 Jair 19 Vav\u00e1 20 Amarildo 21 M. Zagallo 22 Castilho A. Moreira 1966 England ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Banks 2 G. Cohen 3 R. Wilson 4 N. Stiles 5 J. Charlton 6 B. Moore 7 A. Ball 8 J. Greaves 9 B. Charlton 10 G. Hurst 11 J. Connelly 12 R. Springett 13 P. Bonetti 14 J. Armfield 15 G. Byrne 16 M. Peters 17 R. Flowers 18 N. Hunter 19 T. Paine 20 I. Callaghan 21 R. Hunt 22 G. Eastham A. Ramsey 1970 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 F\u00e9lix 2 Brito 3 Piazza 4 Carlos Alberto 5 Clodoaldo 6 Marco Ant\u00f4nio 7 Jairzinho 8 G\u00e9rson 9 Tost\u00e3o 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Rivellino 12 Ado 13 Roberto 14 Baldocchi 15 Fontana 16 Everaldo 17 Joel 18 Paulo C\u00e9zar Caju 19 Edu 20 Dario 21 Z\u00e9 Maria 22 Le\u00e3o M. Zagallo West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Maier 2 B. Vogts 3 P. Breitner 4 H. - G. Schwarzenbeck 5 F. Beckenbauer 6 H. - D. H\u00f6ttges 7 H. Wimmer 8 B. Cullmann 9 J. Grabowski 10 G. Netzer 11 J. Heynckes 12 W. Overath 13 G. M\u00fcller 14 U. Hoene\u00df 15 H. Flohe 16 R. Bonhof 17 B. H\u00f6lzenbein 18 D. Herzog 19 J. Kapellmann 20 H. Kremers 21 N. Nigbur 22 W. Kleff H. Sch\u00f6n 1978 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 N. Alonso 2 O. Ardiles 3 H. Baley 4 D. Bertoni 5 U. Fillol 6 A. Gallego 7 L. Galv\u00e1n 8 R. Galv\u00e1n 9 R. Houseman 10 M. Kempes 11 D. Killer 12 O. Larrosa 13 R. La Volpe 14 L. Luque 15 J. Olgu\u00edn 16 O. Ortiz 17 M. Oviedo 18 R. Pagnanini 19 D. Passarella 20 A. Tarantini 21 J. Valencia 22 R. Villa C. Menotti 1982 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 D. Zoff 2 F. Baresi 3 G. Bergomi 4 A. Cabrini 5 F. Collovati 6 C. Gentile 7 G. Scirea 8 P. Vierchowod 9 G. Antognoni 10 G. Dossena 11 G. Marini 12 I. Bordon 13 G. Oriali 14 M. Tardelli 15 F. Causio 16 B. Conti 17 D. Massaro 18 A. Altobelli 19 F. Graziani 20 P. Rossi 21 F. Selvaggi 22 G. Galli E. Bearzot 1986 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Almir\u00f3n 2 S. Batista 3 R. Bochini 4 C. Borghi 5 J. Brown 6 D. Passarella 7 J. Burruchaga 8 N. Clausen 9 J. Cuciuffo 10 D. Maradona 11 J. Valdano 12 H. Enrique 13 O. Garr\u00e9 14 R. Giusti 15 L. Islas 16 J. Olarticoechea 17 P. Pasculli 18 N. Pumpido 19 O. Ruggeri 20 C. Tapia 21 M. Trobbiani 22 H. Zelada C. Bilardo 1990 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Illgner 2 S. Reuter 3 A. Brehme 4 J. Kohler 5 K. Augenthaler 6 G. Buchwald 7 P. Littbarski 8 T. H\u00e4\u00dfler 9 R. V\u00f6ller 10 L. Matth\u00e4us 11 F. Mill 12 R. Aumann 13 K. - H. Riedle 14 T. Berthold 15 U. Bein 16 P. Steiner 17 A. M\u00f6ller 18 J. Klinsmann 19 H. Pfl\u00fcgler 20 O. Thon 21 G. Hermann 22 A. K\u00f6pke F. Beckenbauer 1994 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Taffarel 2 Jorginho 3 Ricardo Rocha 4 Ronald\u00e3o 5 Mauro Silva 6 Branco 7 Bebeto 8 Dunga 9 Zinho 10 Ra\u00ed 11 Rom\u00e1rio 12 Zetti 13 Aldair 14 Cafu 15 M\u00e1rcio Santos 16 Leonardo 17 Mazinho 18 Paulo S\u00e9rgio 19 M\u00fcller 20 Ronaldo 21 Viola 22 Gilmar C. Parreira 1998 France ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Lama 2 V. Candela 3 B. Lizarazu 4 P. Vieira 5 L. Blanc 6 Y. Djorkaeff 7 D. Deschamps 8 M. Desailly 9 S. Guivarc'h 10 Z. Zidane 11 R. Pir\u00e8s 12 T. Henry 13 B. Diom\u00e8de 14 A. Boghossian 15 L. Thuram 16 F. Barthez 17 E. Petit 18 F. Leboeuf 19 C. Karembeu 20 D. Trezeguet 21 C. Dugarry 22 L. Charbonnier A. Jacquet 2002 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Marcos 2 Cafu 3 L\u00facio 4 Roque J\u00fanior 5 Edm\u00edlson 6 Roberto Carlos 7 Ricardinho 8 Gilberto Silva 9 Ronaldo 10 Rivaldo 11 Ronaldinho 12 Dida 13 Belletti 14 \u00c2nderson Polga 15 Kl\u00e9berson 16 J\u00fanior 17 Den\u00edlson 18 Vampeta 19 Juninho Paulista 20 Ed\u00edlson 21 Luiz\u00e3o 22 Rog\u00e9rio Ceni 23 Kak\u00e1 L. Scolari 2006 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Buffon 2 C. Zaccardo 3 F. Grosso 4 D. De Rossi 5 F. Cannavaro 6 A. Barzagli 7 A. Del Piero 8 G. Gattuso 9 L. Toni 10 F. Totti 11 A. Gilardino 12 A. Peruzzi 13 A. Nesta 14 M. Amelia 15 V. Iaquinta 16 M. Camoranesi 17 S. Barone 18 F. Inzaghi 19 G. Zambrotta 20 S. Perrotta 21 A. Pirlo 22 M. Oddo 23 M. Materazzi M. Lippi Spain ( detailed squad ) 1 I. Casillas 2 R. Albiol 3 G. Piqu\u00e9 4 C. Marchena 5 C. Puyol 6 A. Iniesta 7 D. Villa 8 Xavi 9 F. Torres 10 C. F\u00e0bregas 11 J. Capdevila 12 V. Vald\u00e9s 13 J. Mata 14 X. Alonso 15 S. Ramos 16 S. Busquets 17 \u00c1. Arbeloa 18 Pedro 19 F. Llorente 20 J. Mart\u00ednez 21 D. Silva 22 J. Navas 23 P. Reina V. del Bosque 2014 Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 M. Neuer 2 K. Gro\u00dfkreutz 3 M. Ginter 4 B. H\u00f6wedes 5 M. Hummels 6 S. Khedira 7 B. Schweinsteiger 8 M. \u00d6zil 9 A. Sch\u00fcrrle 10 L. Podolski 11 M. Klose 12 R. - R. Zieler 13 T. M\u00fcller 14 J. Draxler 15 E. Durm 16 P. Lahm 17 P. Mertesacker 18 T. Kroos 19 M. G\u00f6tze 20 J. Boateng 21 S. Mustafi 22 R. Weidenfeller 23 C. Kramer J. L\u00f6w 2018 France ( detailed squad ) 1 H. Lloris 2 B. Pavard 3 P. Kimpembe 4 R. Varane 5 S. Umtiti 6 P. Pogba 7 A. Griezmann 8 T. Lemar 9 O. Giroud 10 K. Mbapp\u00e9 11 O. Demb\u00e9l\u00e9 12 C. Tolisso 13 N. Kant\u00e9 14 B. Matuidi 15 S. Nzonzi 16 S. Mandanda 17 A. Rami 18 N. Fekir 19 D. Sidib\u00e9 20 F. Thauvin 21 L. Hern\u00e1ndez 22 B. Mendy 23 A. Areola D. Deschamps", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "ok google who won the world cup soccer", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": -4943218915122663292, "answers": { "long_answer": "Squads of teams that won the World Cup Year Team Squad Coach Ref 1930 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) MF J. Andrade FW P. Anselmo GK E. Ballestrero FW J. Calvo GK M. Capuccini FW H. Castro FW P. Cea FW P. Dorado DF L. Fern\u00e1ndez MF \u00c1. Gestido FW S. Iriarte DF E. Mascheroni MF \u00c1. Melogno DF J. Nasazzi FW P. Petrone MF C. P\u00edriz DF E. Recoba MF C. Riolfo FW Z. Saldombide FW H. Scarone DF D. Tejera FW S. Urdinar\u00e1n A. Suppici 1934 Italy ( detailed squad ) DF L. Allemandi FW P. Arcari MF L. Bertolini FW F. Borel DF U. Caligaris MF A. Castellazzi GK G. Cavanna GK G. Combi FW A. Demar\u00eda FW G. Ferrari MF A. Ferraris FW E. Guaita FW A. Guarisi GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza MF L. Monti DF E. Monzeglio FW R. Orsi MF M. Pizziolo DF V. Rosetta FW A. Schiavio MF M. Varglien V. Pozzo 1938 Italy ( detailed squad ) MF M. Andreolo FW S. Bertoni FW A. Biavati GK C. Ceresoli MF B. Chizzo FW G. Colaussi MF A. Donati FW G. Ferrari FW P. Ferraris DF A. Foni MF M. Genta MF U. Locatelli GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza DF E. Monzeglio GK A. Olivieri MF R. Olmi FW P. Pasinati MF M. Perazzolo FW S. Piola DF P. Rava MF P. Serantoni V. Pozzo 1950 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) FW J. Britos FW J. Burgue\u00f1o DF S. Gambetta FW A. Ghiggia DF J. Gonz\u00e1lez DF M. Gonz\u00e1lez DF W. Mart\u00ednez GK R. M\u00e1spoli FW \u00d3. M\u00edguez FW R. Mor\u00e1n MF W. Ortu\u00f1o GK A. Paz FW J. P\u00e9rez MF R. Pini FW L. Rijo MF V. Rodr\u00edguez Andrade FW C. Romero FW J. Schiaffino DF E. Tejera MF O. Varela FW E. Vidal DF H. Vilches J. L\u00f3pez 1954 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 T. Turek 2 F. Laband 3 W. Kohlmeyer 4 H. Bauer 5 H. Erhardt 6 H. Eckel 7 J. Posipal 8 K. Mai 9 P. Mebus 10 W. Liebrich 11 K. - H. Metzner 12 H. Rahn 13 M. Morlock 14 B. Klodt 15 O. Walter 16 F. Walter 17 R. Herrmann 18 U. Biesinger 19 A. Pfaff 20 H. Sch\u00e4fer 21 H. Kubsch 22 H. Kwiatkowski S. Herberger 1958 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Castilho 2 Bellini 3 Gilmar 4 Djalma Santos 5 Dino Sani 6 Didi 7 M. Zagallo 8 Oreco 9 Z\u00f3zimo 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Garrincha 12 N\u00edlton Santos 13 Moacir 14 De Sordi 15 Orlando 16 Mauro 17 Joel 18 J. Altafini 19 Zito 20 Vav\u00e1 21 Dida 22 Pepe V. Feola 1962 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Gilmar 2 Djalma Santos 3 Mauro 4 Zito 5 Z\u00f3zimo 6 N\u00edlton Santos 7 Garrincha 8 Didi 9 Coutinho 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Pepe 12 Jair Marinho 13 Bellini 14 Jurandir 15 Altair 16 Zequinha 17 Meng\u00e1lvio 18 Jair 19 Vav\u00e1 20 Amarildo 21 M. Zagallo 22 Castilho A. Moreira 1966 England ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Banks 2 G. Cohen 3 R. Wilson 4 N. Stiles 5 J. Charlton 6 B. Moore 7 A. Ball 8 J. Greaves 9 B. Charlton 10 G. Hurst 11 J. Connelly 12 R. Springett 13 P. Bonetti 14 J. Armfield 15 G. Byrne 16 M. Peters 17 R. Flowers 18 N. Hunter 19 T. Paine 20 I. Callaghan 21 R. Hunt 22 G. Eastham A. Ramsey 1970 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 F\u00e9lix 2 Brito 3 Piazza 4 Carlos Alberto 5 Clodoaldo 6 Marco Ant\u00f4nio 7 Jairzinho 8 G\u00e9rson 9 Tost\u00e3o 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Rivellino 12 Ado 13 Roberto 14 Baldocchi 15 Fontana 16 Everaldo 17 Joel 18 Paulo C\u00e9zar Caju 19 Edu 20 Dario 21 Z\u00e9 Maria 22 Le\u00e3o M. Zagallo West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Maier 2 B. Vogts 3 P. Breitner 4 H. - G. Schwarzenbeck 5 F. Beckenbauer 6 H. - D. H\u00f6ttges 7 H. Wimmer 8 B. Cullmann 9 J. Grabowski 10 G. Netzer 11 J. Heynckes 12 W. Overath 13 G. M\u00fcller 14 U. Hoene\u00df 15 H. Flohe 16 R. Bonhof 17 B. H\u00f6lzenbein 18 D. Herzog 19 J. Kapellmann 20 H. Kremers 21 N. Nigbur 22 W. Kleff H. Sch\u00f6n 1978 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 N. Alonso 2 O. Ardiles 3 H. Baley 4 D. Bertoni 5 U. Fillol 6 A. Gallego 7 L. Galv\u00e1n 8 R. Galv\u00e1n 9 R. Houseman 10 M. Kempes 11 D. Killer 12 O. Larrosa 13 R. La Volpe 14 L. Luque 15 J. Olgu\u00edn 16 O. Ortiz 17 M. Oviedo 18 R. Pagnanini 19 D. Passarella 20 A. Tarantini 21 J. Valencia 22 R. Villa C. Menotti 1982 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 D. Zoff 2 F. Baresi 3 G. Bergomi 4 A. Cabrini 5 F. Collovati 6 C. Gentile 7 G. Scirea 8 P. Vierchowod 9 G. Antognoni 10 G. Dossena 11 G. Marini 12 I. Bordon 13 G. Oriali 14 M. Tardelli 15 F. Causio 16 B. Conti 17 D. Massaro 18 A. Altobelli 19 F. Graziani 20 P. Rossi 21 F. Selvaggi 22 G. Galli E. Bearzot 1986 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Almir\u00f3n 2 S. Batista 3 R. Bochini 4 C. Borghi 5 J. Brown 6 D. Passarella 7 J. Burruchaga 8 N. Clausen 9 J. Cuciuffo 10 D. Maradona 11 J. Valdano 12 H. Enrique 13 O. Garr\u00e9 14 R. Giusti 15 L. Islas 16 J. Olarticoechea 17 P. Pasculli 18 N. Pumpido 19 O. Ruggeri 20 C. Tapia 21 M. Trobbiani 22 H. Zelada C. Bilardo 1990 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Illgner 2 S. Reuter 3 A. Brehme 4 J. Kohler 5 K. Augenthaler 6 G. Buchwald 7 P. Littbarski 8 T. H\u00e4\u00dfler 9 R. V\u00f6ller 10 L. Matth\u00e4us 11 F. Mill 12 R. Aumann 13 K. - H. Riedle 14 T. Berthold 15 U. Bein 16 P. Steiner 17 A. M\u00f6ller 18 J. Klinsmann 19 H. Pfl\u00fcgler 20 O. Thon 21 G. Hermann 22 A. K\u00f6pke F. Beckenbauer 1994 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Taffarel 2 Jorginho 3 Ricardo Rocha 4 Ronald\u00e3o 5 Mauro Silva 6 Branco 7 Bebeto 8 Dunga 9 Zinho 10 Ra\u00ed 11 Rom\u00e1rio 12 Zetti 13 Aldair 14 Cafu 15 M\u00e1rcio Santos 16 Leonardo 17 Mazinho 18 Paulo S\u00e9rgio 19 M\u00fcller 20 Ronaldo 21 Viola 22 Gilmar C. Parreira 1998 France ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Lama 2 V. Candela 3 B. Lizarazu 4 P. Vieira 5 L. Blanc 6 Y. Djorkaeff 7 D. Deschamps 8 M. Desailly 9 S. Guivarc'h 10 Z. Zidane 11 R. Pir\u00e8s 12 T. Henry 13 B. Diom\u00e8de 14 A. Boghossian 15 L. Thuram 16 F. Barthez 17 E. Petit 18 F. Leboeuf 19 C. Karembeu 20 D. Trezeguet 21 C. Dugarry 22 L. Charbonnier A. Jacquet 2002 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Marcos 2 Cafu 3 L\u00facio 4 Roque J\u00fanior 5 Edm\u00edlson 6 Roberto Carlos 7 Ricardinho 8 Gilberto Silva 9 Ronaldo 10 Rivaldo 11 Ronaldinho 12 Dida 13 Belletti 14 \u00c2nderson Polga 15 Kl\u00e9berson 16 J\u00fanior 17 Den\u00edlson 18 Vampeta 19 Juninho Paulista 20 Ed\u00edlson 21 Luiz\u00e3o 22 Rog\u00e9rio Ceni 23 Kak\u00e1 L. Scolari 2006 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Buffon 2 C. Zaccardo 3 F. Grosso 4 D. De Rossi 5 F. Cannavaro 6 A. Barzagli 7 A. Del Piero 8 G. Gattuso 9 L. Toni 10 F. Totti 11 A. Gilardino 12 A. Peruzzi 13 A. Nesta 14 M. Amelia 15 V. Iaquinta 16 M. Camoranesi 17 S. Barone 18 F. Inzaghi 19 G. Zambrotta 20 S. Perrotta 21 A. Pirlo 22 M. Oddo 23 M. Materazzi M. Lippi Spain ( detailed squad ) 1 I. Casillas 2 R. Albiol 3 G. Piqu\u00e9 4 C. Marchena 5 C. Puyol 6 A. Iniesta 7 D. Villa 8 Xavi 9 F. Torres 10 C. F\u00e0bregas 11 J. Capdevila 12 V. Vald\u00e9s 13 J. Mata 14 X. Alonso 15 S. Ramos 16 S. Busquets 17 \u00c1. Arbeloa 18 Pedro 19 F. Llorente 20 J. Mart\u00ednez 21 D. Silva 22 J. Navas 23 P. Reina V. del Bosque 2014 Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 M. Neuer 2 K. Gro\u00dfkreutz 3 M. Ginter 4 B. H\u00f6wedes 5 M. Hummels 6 S. Khedira 7 B. Schweinsteiger 8 M. \u00d6zil 9 A. Sch\u00fcrrle 10 L. Podolski 11 M. Klose 12 R. - R. Zieler 13 T. M\u00fcller 14 J. Draxler 15 E. Durm 16 P. Lahm 17 P. Mertesacker 18 T. Kroos 19 M. G\u00f6tze 20 J. Boateng 21 S. Mustafi 22 R. Weidenfeller 23 C. Kramer J. L\u00f6w 2018 France ( detailed squad ) 1 H. Lloris 2 B. Pavard 3 P. Kimpembe 4 R. Varane 5 S. Umtiti 6 P. Pogba 7 A. Griezmann 8 T. Lemar 9 O. Giroud 10 K. Mbapp\u00e9 11 O. Demb\u00e9l\u00e9 12 C. Tolisso 13 N. Kant\u00e9 14 B. Matuidi 15 S. Nzonzi 16 S. Mandanda 17 A. Rami 18 N. Fekir 19 D. Sidib\u00e9 20 F. Thauvin 21 L. Hern\u00e1ndez 22 B. Mendy 23 A. Areola D. Deschamps", "short_answer": "France (" } }, { "question": "has there ever been a back to back world cup winner", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=864644142", "q_uid": 5049568189441614884, "answers": { "long_answer": "Squads of teams that won the World Cup Year Team Squad Coach Ref 1930 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) MF J. Andrade FW P. Anselmo GK E. Ballestrero FW J. Calvo GK M. Capuccini FW H. Castro FW P. Cea FW P. Dorado DF L. Fern\u00e1ndez MF \u00c1. Gestido FW S. Iriarte DF E. Mascheroni MF \u00c1. Melogno DF J. Nasazzi FW P. Petrone MF C. P\u00edriz DF E. Recoba MF C. Riolfo FW Z. Saldombide FW H. Scarone DF D. Tejera FW S. Urdinar\u00e1n A. Suppici 1934 Italy ( detailed squad ) DF L. Allemandi FW P. Arcari MF L. Bertolini FW F. Borel DF U. Caligaris MF A. Castellazzi GK G. Cavanna GK G. Combi FW A. Demar\u00eda FW G. Ferrari MF A. Ferraris FW E. Guaita FW A. Guarisi GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza MF L. Monti DF E. Monzeglio FW R. Orsi MF M. Pizziolo DF V. Rosetta FW A. Schiavio MF M. Varglien V. Pozzo 1938 Italy ( detailed squad ) MF M. Andreolo FW S. Bertoni FW A. Biavati GK C. Ceresoli MF B. Chizzo FW G. Colaussi MF A. Donati FW G. Ferrari FW P. Ferraris DF A. Foni MF M. Genta MF U. Locatelli GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza DF E. Monzeglio GK A. Olivieri MF R. Olmi FW P. Pasinati MF M. Perazzolo FW S. Piola DF P. Rava MF P. Serantoni V. Pozzo 1950 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) FW J. Britos FW J. Burgue\u00f1o DF S. Gambetta FW A. Ghiggia DF J. Gonz\u00e1lez DF M. Gonz\u00e1lez DF W. Mart\u00ednez GK R. M\u00e1spoli FW \u00d3. M\u00edguez FW R. Mor\u00e1n MF W. Ortu\u00f1o GK A. Paz FW J. P\u00e9rez MF R. Pini FW L. Rijo MF V. Rodr\u00edguez Andrade FW C. Romero FW J. Schiaffino DF E. Tejera MF O. Varela FW E. Vidal DF H. Vilches J. L\u00f3pez 1954 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 T. Turek 2 F. Laband 3 W. Kohlmeyer 4 H. Bauer 5 H. Erhardt 6 H. Eckel 7 J. Posipal 8 K. Mai 9 P. Mebus 10 W. Liebrich 11 K. - H. Metzner 12 H. Rahn 13 M. Morlock 14 B. Klodt 15 O. Walter 16 F. Walter 17 R. Herrmann 18 U. Biesinger 19 A. Pfaff 20 H. Sch\u00e4fer 21 H. Kubsch 22 H. Kwiatkowski S. Herberger 1958 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Castilho 2 Bellini 3 Gilmar 4 Djalma Santos 5 Dino Sani 6 Didi 7 M. Zagallo 8 Oreco 9 Z\u00f3zimo 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Garrincha 12 N\u00edlton Santos 13 Moacir 14 De Sordi 15 Orlando 16 Mauro 17 Joel 18 J. Altafini 19 Zito 20 Vav\u00e1 21 Dida 22 Pepe V. Feola 1962 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Gilmar 2 Djalma Santos 3 Mauro 4 Zito 5 Z\u00f3zimo 6 N\u00edlton Santos 7 Garrincha 8 Didi 9 Coutinho 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Pepe 12 Jair Marinho 13 Bellini 14 Jurandir 15 Altair 16 Zequinha 17 Meng\u00e1lvio 18 Jair 19 Vav\u00e1 20 Amarildo 21 M. Zagallo 22 Castilho A. Moreira 1966 England ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Banks 2 G. Cohen 3 R. Wilson 4 N. Stiles 5 J. Charlton 6 B. Moore 7 A. Ball 8 J. Greaves 9 B. Charlton 10 G. Hurst 11 J. Connelly 12 R. Springett 13 P. Bonetti 14 J. Armfield 15 G. Byrne 16 M. Peters 17 R. Flowers 18 N. Hunter 19 T. Paine 20 I. Callaghan 21 R. Hunt 22 G. Eastham A. Ramsey 1970 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 F\u00e9lix 2 Brito 3 Piazza 4 Carlos Alberto 5 Clodoaldo 6 Marco Ant\u00f4nio 7 Jairzinho 8 G\u00e9rson 9 Tost\u00e3o 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Rivellino 12 Ado 13 Roberto 14 Baldocchi 15 Fontana 16 Everaldo 17 Joel 18 Paulo C\u00e9zar Caju 19 Edu 20 Dario 21 Z\u00e9 Maria 22 Le\u00e3o M. Zagallo West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Maier 2 B. Vogts 3 P. Breitner 4 H. - G. Schwarzenbeck 5 F. Beckenbauer 6 H. - D. H\u00f6ttges 7 H. Wimmer 8 B. Cullmann 9 J. Grabowski 10 G. Netzer 11 J. Heynckes 12 W. Overath 13 G. M\u00fcller 14 U. Hoene\u00df 15 H. Flohe 16 R. Bonhof 17 B. H\u00f6lzenbein 18 D. Herzog 19 J. Kapellmann 20 H. Kremers 21 N. Nigbur 22 W. Kleff H. Sch\u00f6n 1978 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 N. Alonso 2 O. Ardiles 3 H. Baley 4 D. Bertoni 5 U. Fillol 6 A. Gallego 7 L. Galv\u00e1n 8 R. Galv\u00e1n 9 R. Houseman 10 M. Kempes 11 D. Killer 12 O. Larrosa 13 R. La Volpe 14 L. Luque 15 J. Olgu\u00edn 16 O. Ortiz 17 M. Oviedo 18 R. Pagnanini 19 D. Passarella 20 A. Tarantini 21 J. Valencia 22 R. Villa C. Menotti 1982 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 D. Zoff 2 F. Baresi 3 G. Bergomi 4 A. Cabrini 5 F. Collovati 6 C. Gentile 7 G. Scirea 8 P. Vierchowod 9 G. Antognoni 10 G. Dossena 11 G. Marini 12 I. Bordon 13 G. Oriali 14 M. Tardelli 15 F. Causio 16 B. Conti 17 D. Massaro 18 A. Altobelli 19 F. Graziani 20 P. Rossi 21 F. Selvaggi 22 G. Galli E. Bearzot 1986 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Almir\u00f3n 2 S. Batista 3 R. Bochini 4 C. Borghi 5 J. Brown 6 D. Passarella 7 J. Burruchaga 8 N. Clausen 9 J. Cuciuffo 10 D. Maradona 11 J. Valdano 12 H. Enrique 13 O. Garr\u00e9 14 R. Giusti 15 L. Islas 16 J. Olarticoechea 17 P. Pasculli 18 N. Pumpido 19 O. Ruggeri 20 C. Tapia 21 M. Trobbiani 22 H. Zelada C. Bilardo 1990 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Illgner 2 S. Reuter 3 A. Brehme 4 J. Kohler 5 K. Augenthaler 6 G. Buchwald 7 P. Littbarski 8 T. H\u00e4\u00dfler 9 R. V\u00f6ller 10 L. Matth\u00e4us 11 F. Mill 12 R. Aumann 13 K. - H. Riedle 14 T. Berthold 15 U. Bein 16 P. Steiner 17 A. M\u00f6ller 18 J. Klinsmann 19 H. Pfl\u00fcgler 20 O. Thon 21 G. Hermann 22 A. K\u00f6pke F. Beckenbauer 1994 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Taffarel 2 Jorginho 3 Ricardo Rocha 4 Ronald\u00e3o 5 Mauro Silva 6 Branco 7 Bebeto 8 Dunga 9 Zinho 10 Ra\u00ed 11 Rom\u00e1rio 12 Zetti 13 Aldair 14 Cafu 15 M\u00e1rcio Santos 16 Leonardo 17 Mazinho 18 Paulo S\u00e9rgio 19 M\u00fcller 20 Ronaldo 21 Viola 22 Gilmar C. Parreira 1998 France ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Lama 2 V. Candela 3 B. Lizarazu 4 P. Vieira 5 L. Blanc 6 Y. Djorkaeff 7 D. Deschamps 8 M. Desailly 9 S. Guivarc'h 10 Z. Zidane 11 R. Pires 12 T. Henry 13 B. Diom\u00e8de 14 A. Boghossian 15 L. Thuram 16 F. Barthez 17 E. Petit 18 F. Leboeuf 19 C. Karembeu 20 D. Trezeguet 21 C. Dugarry 22 L. Charbonnier A. Jacquet 2002 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Marcos 2 Cafu 3 L\u00facio 4 Roque J\u00fanior 5 Edm\u00edlson 6 Roberto Carlos 7 Ricardinho 8 Gilberto Silva 9 Ronaldo 10 Rivaldo 11 Ronaldinho 12 Dida 13 Belletti 14 \u00c2nderson Polga 15 Kl\u00e9berson 16 J\u00fanior 17 Den\u00edlson 18 Vampeta 19 Juninho Paulista 20 Ed\u00edlson 21 Luiz\u00e3o 22 Rog\u00e9rio Ceni 23 Kak\u00e1 L. Scolari 2006 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Buffon 2 C. Zaccardo 3 F. Grosso 4 D. De Rossi 5 F. Cannavaro 6 A. Barzagli 7 A. Del Piero 8 G. Gattuso 9 L. Toni 10 F. Totti 11 A. Gilardino 12 A. Peruzzi 13 A. Nesta 14 M. Amelia 15 V. Iaquinta 16 M. Camoranesi 17 S. Barone 18 F. Inzaghi 19 G. Zambrotta 20 S. Perrotta 21 A. Pirlo 22 M. Oddo 23 M. Materazzi M. Lippi Spain ( detailed squad ) 1 I. Casillas 2 R. Albiol 3 G. Piqu\u00e9 4 C. Marchena 5 C. Puyol 6 A. Iniesta 7 D. Villa 8 Xavi 9 F. Torres 10 C. F\u00e0bregas 11 J. Capdevila 12 V. Vald\u00e9s 13 J. Mata 14 X. Alonso 15 S. Ramos 16 S. Busquets 17 \u00c1. Arbeloa 18 Pedro 19 F. Llorente 20 J. Mart\u00ednez 21 D. Silva 22 J. Navas 23 P. Reina V. del Bosque 2014 Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 M. Neuer 2 K. Gro\u00dfkreutz 3 M. Ginter 4 B. H\u00f6wedes 5 M. Hummels 6 S. Khedira 7 B. Schweinsteiger 8 M. \u00d6zil 9 A. Sch\u00fcrrle 10 L. Podolski 11 M. Klose 12 R. - R. Zieler 13 T. M\u00fcller 14 J. Draxler 15 E. Durm 16 P. Lahm 17 P. Mertesacker 18 T. Kroos 19 M. G\u00f6tze 20 J. Boateng 21 S. Mustafi 22 R. Weidenfeller 23 C. Kramer J. L\u00f6w 2018 France ( detailed squad ) 1 H. Lloris 2 B. Pavard 3 P. Kimpembe 4 R. Varane 5 S. Umtiti 6 P. Pogba 7 A. Griezmann 8 T. Lemar 9 O. Giroud 10 K. Mbapp\u00e9 11 O. Demb\u00e9l\u00e9 12 C. Tolisso 13 N. Kant\u00e9 14 B. Matuidi 15 S. Nzonzi 16 S. Mandanda 17 A. Rami 18 N. Fekir 19 D. Sidib\u00e9 20 F. Thauvin 21 L. Hern\u00e1ndez 22 B. Mendy 23 A. Areola D. Deschamps", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "players that have won the world cup as managers", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=854018620", "q_uid": 6839003599270887774, "answers": { "long_answer": "Coaches who have won the World Cup Coach Country Year ( s ) won Other appearances As coach As player Vittorio Pozzo Italy 1934 ITA, 1938 ITA Enzo Bearzot Italy 1982 ITA 1978 ITA, 1986 ITA Franz Beckenbauer West Germany 1990 FRG 1986 FRG 1966, 1970, 1974 Carlos Bilardo Argentina 1986 ARG 1990 ARG Vicente del Bosque Spain 2010 ESP 2014 ESP Didier Deschamps France 2018 FRA 2014 FRA 1998 Vicente Feola Brazil 1958 BRA 1966 BRA Sepp Herberger West Germany 1954 FRG 1938 GER, 1958 FRG, 1962 FRG Aim\u00e9 Jacquet France 1998 FRA Marcello Lippi Italy 2006 ITA 2010 ITA Juan L\u00f3pez Uruguay 1950 URU 1954 URU Joachim L\u00f6w Germany 2014 GER 2010 GER, 2018 GER C\u00e9sar Luis Menotti Argentina 1978 ARG 1982 ARG Aymor\u00e9 Moreira Brazil 1962 BRA Carlos Alberto Parreira Brazil 1994 BRA 1982 KUW, 1990 UAE, 1998 KSA, 2006 BRA, 2010 RSA Alf Ramsey England 1966 ENG 1970 ENG 1950 Helmut Sch\u00f6n West Germany 1974 FRG 1966 FRG, 1970 FRG, 1978 FRG Luiz Felipe Scolari Brazil 2002 BRA 2006 POR, 2014 BRA Alberto Suppici Uruguay 1930 URU M\u00e1rio Zagallo Brazil 1970 BRA 1974 BRA, 1998 BRA 1958, 1962", "short_answer": "Franz Beckenbauer" } }, { "question": "world cup winner as a player and coach", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": -5731331916642553061, "answers": { "long_answer": "Brazil 's M\u00e1rio Zagallo, having won in 1958 and 1962 as player, went on to win in 1970 as the head coach, becoming the first to win both as player and coach. West Germany 's Franz Beckenbauer is the second, winning as both captain ( 1974 ) and coach ( 1990 ). Didier Deschamps is the third. He led the France team to win in 1998 as captain, and in 2018 as coach.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "since it began in 1930 which country has had the most fifa world cup wins", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": 2904063053401661327, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 21 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight different nations. Brazil has won the most titles, five. The current champion is France, who won the title in 2018. Map", "short_answer": "Brazil has" } }, { "question": "which country won the world cup back to back", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=854018620", "q_uid": -8804186457534714273, "answers": { "long_answer": "Squads of teams that won the World Cup Year Team Squad Coach Ref 1930 Uruguay MF J. Andrade FW P. Anselmo GK E. Ballestrero FW J. Calvo GK M. Capuccini FW H. Castro FW P. Cea FW P. Dorado DF L. Fern\u00e1ndez MF \u00c1. Gestido FW S. Iriarte DF E. Mascheroni MF \u00c1. Melogno DF J. Nasazzi FW P. Petrone MF C. P\u00edriz DF E. Recoba MF C. Riolfo FW Z. Saldombide FW H. Scarone DF D. Tejera FW S. Urdinar\u00e1n A. Suppici 1934 Italy DF L. Allemandi FW P. Arcari MF L. Bertolini FW F. Borel DF U. Caligaris MF A. Castellazzi GK G. Cavanna GK G. Combi FW A. Demar\u00eda FW G. Ferrari MF A. Ferraris FW E. Guaita FW A. Guarisi GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza MF L. Monti DF E. Monzeglio FW R. Orsi MF M. Pizziolo DF V. Rosetta FW A. Schiavio MF M. Varglien V. Pozzo 1938 Italy MF M. Andreolo FW S. Bertoni FW A. Biavati GK C. Ceresoli MF B. Chizzo FW G. Colaussi MF A. Donati FW G. Ferrari FW P. Ferraris DF A. Foni MF M. Genta MF U. Locatelli GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza DF E. Monzeglio GK A. Olivieri MF R. Olmi FW P. Pasinati MF M. Perazzolo FW S. Piola DF P. Rava MF P. Serantoni V. Pozzo 1950 Uruguay FW J. Britos FW J. Burgue\u00f1o DF S. Gambetta FW A. Ghiggia DF J. Gonz\u00e1lez DF M. Gonz\u00e1lez DF W. Mart\u00ednez GK R. M\u00e1spoli FW \u00d3. M\u00edguez FW R. Mor\u00e1n MF W. Ortu\u00f1o GK A. Paz FW J. P\u00e9rez MF R. Pini FW L. Rijo MF V. Rodr\u00edguez Andrade FW C. Romero FW J. Schiaffino DF E. Tejera MF O. Varela FW E. Vidal DF H. Vilches J. L\u00f3pez 1954 West Germany 1 T. Turek 2 F. Laband 3 W. Kohlmeyer 4 H. Bauer 5 H. Erhardt 6 H. Eckel 7 J. Posipal 8 K. Mai 9 P. Mebus 10 W. Liebrich 11 K. - H. Metzner 12 H. Rahn 13 M. Morlock 14 B. Klodt 15 O. Walter 16 F. Walter 17 R. Herrmann 18 U. Biesinger 19 A. Pfaff 20 H. Sch\u00e4fer 21 H. Kubsch 22 H. Kwiatkowski S. Herberger 1958 Brazil 1 Castilho 2 Bellini 3 Gilmar 4 Djalma Santos 5 Dino Sani 6 Didi 7 M. Zagallo 8 Oreco 9 Z\u00f3zimo 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Garrincha 12 N\u00edlton Santos 13 Moacir 14 De Sordi 15 Orlando 16 Mauro 17 Joel 18 J. Altafini 19 Zito 20 Vav\u00e1 21 Dida 22 Pepe V. Feola 1962 Brazil 1 Gilmar 2 Djalma Santos 3 Mauro 4 Zito 5 Z\u00f3zimo 6 N\u00edlton Santos 7 Garrincha 8 Didi 9 Coutinho 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Pepe 12 Jair Marinho 13 Bellini 14 Jurandir 15 Altair 16 Zequinha 17 Meng\u00e1lvio 18 Jair 19 Vav\u00e1 20 Amarildo 21 M. Zagallo 22 Castilho A. Moreira 1966 England 1 G. Banks 2 G. Cohen 3 R. Wilson 4 N. Stiles 5 J. Charlton 6 B. Moore 7 A. Ball 8 J. Greaves 9 B. Charlton 10 G. Hurst 11 J. Connelly 12 R. Springett 13 P. Bonetti 14 J. Armfield 15 G. Byrne 16 M. Peters 17 R. Flowers 18 N. Hunter 19 T. Paine 20 I. Callaghan 21 R. Hunt 22 G. Eastham A. Ramsey 1970 Brazil 1 F\u00e9lix 2 Brito 3 Piazza 4 Carlos Alberto 5 Clodoaldo 6 Marco Ant\u00f4nio 7 Jairzinho 8 G\u00e9rson 9 Tost\u00e3o 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Rivellino 12 Ado 13 Roberto 14 Baldocchi 15 Fontana 16 Everaldo 17 Joel 18 Paulo C\u00e9zar Caju 19 Edu 20 Dario 21 Z\u00e9 Maria 22 Le\u00e3o M. Zagallo West Germany 1 S. Maier 2 B. Vogts 3 P. Breitner 4 H. - G. Schwarzenbeck 5 F. Beckenbauer 6 H. - D. H\u00f6ttges 7 H. Wimmer 8 B. Cullmann 9 J. Grabowski 10 G. Netzer 11 J. Heynckes 12 W. Overath 13 G. M\u00fcller 14 U. Hoene\u00df 15 H. Flohe 16 R. Bonhof 17 B. H\u00f6lzenbein 18 D. Herzog 19 J. Kapellmann 20 H. Kremers 21 N. Nigbur 22 W. Kleff H. Sch\u00f6n 1978 Argentina 1 N. Alonso 2 O. Ardiles 3 H. Baley 4 D. Bertoni 5 U. Fillol 6 A. Gallego 7 L. Galv\u00e1n 8 R. Galv\u00e1n 9 R. Houseman 10 M. Kempes 11 D. Killer 12 O. Larrosa 13 R. La Volpe 14 L. Luque 15 J. Olgu\u00edn 16 O. Ortiz 17 M. Oviedo 18 R. Pagnanini 19 D. Passarella 20 A. Tarantini 21 J. Valencia 22 R. Villa C. Menotti 1982 Italy 1 D. Zoff 2 F. Baresi 3 G. Bergomi 4 A. Cabrini 5 F. Collovati 6 C. Gentile 7 G. Scirea 8 P. Vierchowod 9 G. Antognoni 10 G. Dossena 11 G. Marini 12 I. Bordon 13 G. Oriali 14 M. Tardelli 15 F. Causio 16 B. Conti 17 D. Massaro 18 A. Altobelli 19 F. Graziani 20 P. Rossi 21 F. Selvaggi 22 G. Galli E. Bearzot 1986 Argentina 1 S. Almir\u00f3n 2 S. Batista 3 R. Bochini 4 C. Borghi 5 J. Brown 6 D. Passarella 7 J. Burruchaga 8 N. Clausen 9 J. Cuciuffo 10 D. Maradona 11 J. Valdano 12 H. Enrique 13 O. Garr\u00e9 14 R. Giusti 15 L. Islas 16 J. Olarticoechea 17 P. Pasculli 18 N. Pumpido 19 O. Ruggeri 20 C. Tapia 21 M. Trobbiani 22 H. Zelada C. Bilardo 1990 West Germany 1 B. Illgner 2 S. Reuter 3 A. Brehme 4 J. Kohler 5 K. Augenthaler 6 G. Buchwald 7 P. Littbarski 8 T. H\u00e4\u00dfler 9 R. V\u00f6ller 10 L. Matth\u00e4us 11 F. Mill 12 R. Aumann 13 K. - H. Riedle 14 T. Berthold 15 U. Bein 16 P. Steiner 17 A. M\u00f6ller 18 J. Klinsmann 19 H. Pfl\u00fcgler 20 O. Thon 21 G. Hermann 22 A. K\u00f6pke F. Beckenbauer 1994 Brazil 1 Taffarel 2 Jorginho 3 Ricardo Rocha 4 Ronald\u00e3o 5 Mauro Silva 6 Branco 7 Bebeto 8 Dunga 9 Zinho 10 Ra\u00ed 11 Rom\u00e1rio 12 Zetti 13 Aldair 14 Cafu 15 M\u00e1rcio Santos 16 Leonardo 17 Mazinho 18 Paulo S\u00e9rgio 19 M\u00fcller 20 Ronaldo 21 Viola 22 Gilmar C. Parreira 1998 France 1 B. Lama 2 V. Candela 3 B. Lizarazu 4 P. Vieira 5 L. Blanc 6 Y. Djorkaeff 7 D. Deschamps 8 M. Desailly 9 S. Guivarc'h 10 Z. Zidane 11 R. Pir\u00e8s 12 T. Henry 13 B. Diom\u00e8de 14 A. Boghossian 15 L. Thuram 16 F. Barthez 17 E. Petit 18 F. Leboeuf 19 C. Karembeu 20 D. Trezeguet 21 C. Dugarry 22 L. Charbonnier A. Jacquet 2002 Brazil 1 Marcos 2 Cafu 3 L\u00facio 4 Roque J\u00fanior 5 Edm\u00edlson 6 Roberto Carlos 7 Ricardinho 8 Gilberto Silva 9 Ronaldo 10 Rivaldo 11 Ronaldinho 12 Dida 13 Belletti 14 \u00c2nderson Polga 15 Kl\u00e9berson 16 J\u00fanior 17 Den\u00edlson 18 Vampeta 19 Juninho Paulista 20 Ed\u00edlson 21 Luiz\u00e3o 22 Rog\u00e9rio Ceni 23 Kak\u00e1 L. Scolari 2006 Italy 1 G. Buffon 2 C. Zaccardo 3 F. Grosso 4 D. De Rossi 5 F. Cannavaro 6 A. Barzagli 7 A. Del Piero 8 G. Gattuso 9 L. Toni 10 F. Totti 11 A. Gilardino 12 A. Peruzzi 13 A. Nesta 14 M. Amelia 15 V. Iaquinta 16 M. Camoranesi 17 S. Barone 18 F. Inzaghi 19 G. Zambrotta 20 S. Perrotta 21 A. Pirlo 22 M. Oddo 23 M. Materazzi M. Lippi Spain 1 I. Casillas 2 R. Albiol 3 G. Piqu\u00e9 4 C. Marchena 5 C. Puyol 6 A. Iniesta 7 D. Villa 8 Xavi 9 F. Torres 10 C. F\u00e0bregas 11 J. Capdevila 12 V. Vald\u00e9s 13 J. Mata 14 X. Alonso 15 S. Ramos 16 S. Busquets 17 \u00c1. Arbeloa 18 Pedro 19 F. Llorente 20 J. Mart\u00ednez 21 D. Silva 22 J. Navas 23 P. Reina V. del Bosque 2014 Germany 1 M. Neuer 2 K. Gro\u00dfkreutz 3 M. Ginter 4 B. H\u00f6wedes 5 M. Hummels 6 S. Khedira 7 B. Schweinsteiger 8 M. \u00d6zil 9 A. Sch\u00fcrrle 10 L. Podolski 11 M. Klose 12 R. - R. Zieler 13 T. M\u00fcller 14 J. Draxler 15 E. Durm 16 P. Lahm 17 P. Mertesacker 18 T. Kroos 19 M. G\u00f6tze 20 J. Boateng 21 S. Mustafi 22 R. Weidenfeller 23 C. Kramer J. L\u00f6w 2018 France 1 H. Lloris 2 B. Pavard 3 P. Kimpembe 4 R. Varane 5 S. Umtiti 6 P. Pogba 7 A. Griezmann 8 T. Lemar 9 O. Giroud 10 K. Mbapp\u00e9 11 O. Demb\u00e9l\u00e9 12 C. Tolisso 13 N. Kant\u00e9 14 B. Matuidi 15 S. Nzonzi 16 S. Mandanda 17 A. Rami 18 N. Fekir 19 D. Sidib\u00e9 20 F. Thauvin 21 L. Hern\u00e1ndez 22 B. Mendy 23 A. Areola D. Deschamps", "short_answer": "Italy" } }, { "question": "has anyone won the world cup as a player and a coach", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": -8550236767723566474, "answers": { "long_answer": "Brazil 's M\u00e1rio Zagallo, having won in 1958 and 1962 as player, went on to win in 1970 as the head coach, becoming the first to win both as player and coach. West Germany 's Franz Beckenbauer is the second, winning as both captain ( 1974 ) and coach ( 1990 ). Didier Deschamps is the third. He led the France team to win in 1998 as captain, and in 2018 as coach.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the most world cup champions", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": 2073943566919471393, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nations that won the World Cup Titles Team Year ( s ) 5 Brazil 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002 Italy 1934, 1938, 1982, 2006 Germany 1954, 1974, 1990, 2014 Uruguay 1930, 1950 Argentina 1978, 1986 France 1998, 2018 England 1966 Spain", "short_answer": "Brazil" } }, { "question": "who has won the most world cups list", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=864644142", "q_uid": -8926686914123469059, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nations that won the World Cup Titles Team Year ( s ) 5 Brazil 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002 Italy 1934, 1938, 1982, 2006 Germany 1954, 1974, 1990, 2014 Uruguay 1930, 1950 Argentina 1978, 1986 France 1998, 2018 England 1966 Spain", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most world cup wins list", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": -8480584063262408285, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 21 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight different nations. Brazil has won the most titles, five. The current champion is France, who won the title in 2018. Map", "short_answer": "Brazil has" } }, { "question": "who won the world cup soccer 4 years ago", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": -8151570687250552316, "answers": { "long_answer": "Squads of teams that won the World Cup Year Team Squad Coach Ref 1930 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) MF J. Andrade FW P. Anselmo GK E. Ballestrero FW J. Calvo GK M. Capuccini FW H. Castro FW P. Cea FW P. Dorado DF L. Fern\u00e1ndez MF \u00c1. Gestido FW S. Iriarte DF E. Mascheroni MF \u00c1. Melogno DF J. Nasazzi FW P. Petrone MF C. P\u00edriz DF E. Recoba MF C. Riolfo FW Z. Saldombide FW H. Scarone DF D. Tejera FW S. Urdinar\u00e1n A. Suppici 1934 Italy ( detailed squad ) DF L. Allemandi FW P. Arcari MF L. Bertolini FW F. Borel DF U. Caligaris MF A. Castellazzi GK G. Cavanna GK G. Combi FW A. Demar\u00eda FW G. Ferrari MF A. Ferraris FW E. Guaita FW A. Guarisi GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza MF L. Monti DF E. Monzeglio FW R. Orsi MF M. Pizziolo DF V. Rosetta FW A. Schiavio MF M. Varglien V. Pozzo 1938 Italy ( detailed squad ) MF M. Andreolo FW S. Bertoni FW A. Biavati GK C. Ceresoli MF B. Chizzo FW G. Colaussi MF A. Donati FW G. Ferrari FW P. Ferraris DF A. Foni MF M. Genta MF U. Locatelli GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza DF E. Monzeglio GK A. Olivieri MF R. Olmi FW P. Pasinati MF M. Perazzolo FW S. Piola DF P. Rava MF P. Serantoni V. Pozzo 1950 Uruguay ( detailed squad ) FW J. Britos FW J. Burgue\u00f1o DF S. Gambetta FW A. Ghiggia DF J. Gonz\u00e1lez DF M. Gonz\u00e1lez DF W. Mart\u00ednez GK R. M\u00e1spoli FW \u00d3. M\u00edguez FW R. Mor\u00e1n MF W. Ortu\u00f1o GK A. Paz FW J. P\u00e9rez MF R. Pini FW L. Rijo MF V. Rodr\u00edguez Andrade FW C. Romero FW J. Schiaffino DF E. Tejera MF O. Varela FW E. Vidal DF H. Vilches J. L\u00f3pez 1954 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 T. Turek 2 F. Laband 3 W. Kohlmeyer 4 H. Bauer 5 H. Erhardt 6 H. Eckel 7 J. Posipal 8 K. Mai 9 P. Mebus 10 W. Liebrich 11 K. - H. Metzner 12 H. Rahn 13 M. Morlock 14 B. Klodt 15 O. Walter 16 F. Walter 17 R. Herrmann 18 U. Biesinger 19 A. Pfaff 20 H. Sch\u00e4fer 21 H. Kubsch 22 H. Kwiatkowski S. Herberger 1958 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Castilho 2 Bellini 3 Gilmar 4 Djalma Santos 5 Dino Sani 6 Didi 7 M. Zagallo 8 Oreco 9 Z\u00f3zimo 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Garrincha 12 N\u00edlton Santos 13 Moacir 14 De Sordi 15 Orlando 16 Mauro 17 Joel 18 J. Altafini 19 Zito 20 Vav\u00e1 21 Dida 22 Pepe V. Feola 1962 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Gilmar 2 Djalma Santos 3 Mauro 4 Zito 5 Z\u00f3zimo 6 N\u00edlton Santos 7 Garrincha 8 Didi 9 Coutinho 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Pepe 12 Jair Marinho 13 Bellini 14 Jurandir 15 Altair 16 Zequinha 17 Meng\u00e1lvio 18 Jair 19 Vav\u00e1 20 Amarildo 21 M. Zagallo 22 Castilho A. Moreira 1966 England ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Banks 2 G. Cohen 3 R. Wilson 4 N. Stiles 5 J. Charlton 6 B. Moore 7 A. Ball 8 J. Greaves 9 B. Charlton 10 G. Hurst 11 J. Connelly 12 R. Springett 13 P. Bonetti 14 J. Armfield 15 G. Byrne 16 M. Peters 17 R. Flowers 18 N. Hunter 19 T. Paine 20 I. Callaghan 21 R. Hunt 22 G. Eastham A. Ramsey 1970 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 F\u00e9lix 2 Brito 3 Piazza 4 Carlos Alberto 5 Clodoaldo 6 Marco Ant\u00f4nio 7 Jairzinho 8 G\u00e9rson 9 Tost\u00e3o 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Rivellino 12 Ado 13 Roberto 14 Baldocchi 15 Fontana 16 Everaldo 17 Joel 18 Paulo C\u00e9zar Caju 19 Edu 20 Dario 21 Z\u00e9 Maria 22 Le\u00e3o M. Zagallo West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Maier 2 B. Vogts 3 P. Breitner 4 H. - G. Schwarzenbeck 5 F. Beckenbauer 6 H. - D. H\u00f6ttges 7 H. Wimmer 8 B. Cullmann 9 J. Grabowski 10 G. Netzer 11 J. Heynckes 12 W. Overath 13 G. M\u00fcller 14 U. Hoene\u00df 15 H. Flohe 16 R. Bonhof 17 B. H\u00f6lzenbein 18 D. Herzog 19 J. Kapellmann 20 H. Kremers 21 N. Nigbur 22 W. Kleff H. Sch\u00f6n 1978 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 N. Alonso 2 O. Ardiles 3 H. Baley 4 D. Bertoni 5 U. Fillol 6 A. Gallego 7 L. Galv\u00e1n 8 R. Galv\u00e1n 9 R. Houseman 10 M. Kempes 11 D. Killer 12 O. Larrosa 13 R. La Volpe 14 L. Luque 15 J. Olgu\u00edn 16 O. Ortiz 17 M. Oviedo 18 R. Pagnanini 19 D. Passarella 20 A. Tarantini 21 J. Valencia 22 R. Villa C. Menotti 1982 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 D. Zoff 2 F. Baresi 3 G. Bergomi 4 A. Cabrini 5 F. Collovati 6 C. Gentile 7 G. Scirea 8 P. Vierchowod 9 G. Antognoni 10 G. Dossena 11 G. Marini 12 I. Bordon 13 G. Oriali 14 M. Tardelli 15 F. Causio 16 B. Conti 17 D. Massaro 18 A. Altobelli 19 F. Graziani 20 P. Rossi 21 F. Selvaggi 22 G. Galli E. Bearzot 1986 Argentina ( detailed squad ) 1 S. Almir\u00f3n 2 S. Batista 3 R. Bochini 4 C. Borghi 5 J. Brown 6 D. Passarella 7 J. Burruchaga 8 N. Clausen 9 J. Cuciuffo 10 D. Maradona 11 J. Valdano 12 H. Enrique 13 O. Garr\u00e9 14 R. Giusti 15 L. Islas 16 J. Olarticoechea 17 P. Pasculli 18 N. Pumpido 19 O. Ruggeri 20 C. Tapia 21 M. Trobbiani 22 H. Zelada C. Bilardo 1990 West Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Illgner 2 S. Reuter 3 A. Brehme 4 J. Kohler 5 K. Augenthaler 6 G. Buchwald 7 P. Littbarski 8 T. H\u00e4\u00dfler 9 R. V\u00f6ller 10 L. Matth\u00e4us 11 F. Mill 12 R. Aumann 13 K. - H. Riedle 14 T. Berthold 15 U. Bein 16 P. Steiner 17 A. M\u00f6ller 18 J. Klinsmann 19 H. Pfl\u00fcgler 20 O. Thon 21 G. Hermann 22 A. K\u00f6pke F. Beckenbauer 1994 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Taffarel 2 Jorginho 3 Ricardo Rocha 4 Ronald\u00e3o 5 Mauro Silva 6 Branco 7 Bebeto 8 Dunga 9 Zinho 10 Ra\u00ed 11 Rom\u00e1rio 12 Zetti 13 Aldair 14 Cafu 15 M\u00e1rcio Santos 16 Leonardo 17 Mazinho 18 Paulo S\u00e9rgio 19 M\u00fcller 20 Ronaldo 21 Viola 22 Gilmar C. Parreira 1998 France ( detailed squad ) 1 B. Lama 2 V. Candela 3 B. Lizarazu 4 P. Vieira 5 L. Blanc 6 Y. Djorkaeff 7 D. Deschamps 8 M. Desailly 9 S. Guivarc'h 10 Z. Zidane 11 R. Pir\u00e8s 12 T. Henry 13 B. Diom\u00e8de 14 A. Boghossian 15 L. Thuram 16 F. Barthez 17 E. Petit 18 F. Leboeuf 19 C. Karembeu 20 D. Trezeguet 21 C. Dugarry 22 L. Charbonnier A. Jacquet 2002 Brazil ( detailed squad ) 1 Marcos 2 Cafu 3 L\u00facio 4 Roque J\u00fanior 5 Edm\u00edlson 6 Roberto Carlos 7 Ricardinho 8 Gilberto Silva 9 Ronaldo 10 Rivaldo 11 Ronaldinho 12 Dida 13 Belletti 14 \u00c2nderson Polga 15 Kl\u00e9berson 16 J\u00fanior 17 Den\u00edlson 18 Vampeta 19 Juninho Paulista 20 Ed\u00edlson 21 Luiz\u00e3o 22 Rog\u00e9rio Ceni 23 Kak\u00e1 L. Scolari 2006 Italy ( detailed squad ) 1 G. Buffon 2 C. Zaccardo 3 F. Grosso 4 D. De Rossi 5 F. Cannavaro 6 A. Barzagli 7 A. Del Piero 8 G. Gattuso 9 L. Toni 10 F. Totti 11 A. Gilardino 12 A. Peruzzi 13 A. Nesta 14 M. Amelia 15 V. Iaquinta 16 M. Camoranesi 17 S. Barone 18 F. Inzaghi 19 G. Zambrotta 20 S. Perrotta 21 A. Pirlo 22 M. Oddo 23 M. Materazzi M. Lippi Spain ( detailed squad ) 1 I. Casillas 2 R. Albiol 3 G. Piqu\u00e9 4 C. Marchena 5 C. Puyol 6 A. Iniesta 7 D. Villa 8 Xavi 9 F. Torres 10 C. F\u00e0bregas 11 J. Capdevila 12 V. Vald\u00e9s 13 J. Mata 14 X. Alonso 15 S. Ramos 16 S. Busquets 17 \u00c1. Arbeloa 18 Pedro 19 F. Llorente 20 J. Mart\u00ednez 21 D. Silva 22 J. Navas 23 P. Reina V. del Bosque 2014 Germany ( detailed squad ) 1 M. Neuer 2 K. Gro\u00dfkreutz 3 M. Ginter 4 B. H\u00f6wedes 5 M. Hummels 6 S. Khedira 7 B. Schweinsteiger 8 M. \u00d6zil 9 A. Sch\u00fcrrle 10 L. Podolski 11 M. Klose 12 R. - R. Zieler 13 T. M\u00fcller 14 J. Draxler 15 E. Durm 16 P. Lahm 17 P. Mertesacker 18 T. Kroos 19 M. G\u00f6tze 20 J. Boateng 21 S. Mustafi 22 R. Weidenfeller 23 C. Kramer J. L\u00f6w 2018 France ( detailed squad ) 1 H. Lloris 2 B. Pavard 3 P. Kimpembe 4 R. Varane 5 S. Umtiti 6 P. Pogba 7 A. Griezmann 8 T. Lemar 9 O. Giroud 10 K. Mbapp\u00e9 11 O. Demb\u00e9l\u00e9 12 C. Tolisso 13 N. Kant\u00e9 14 B. Matuidi 15 S. Nzonzi 16 S. Mandanda 17 A. Rami 18 N. Fekir 19 D. Sidib\u00e9 20 F. Thauvin 21 L. Hern\u00e1ndez 22 B. Mendy 23 A. Areola D. Deschamps", "short_answer": "Germany (" } }, { "question": "who have won world cup back to back", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=854018620", "q_uid": 1496633103161403405, "answers": { "long_answer": "Squads of teams that won the World Cup Year Team Squad Coach Ref 1930 Uruguay MF J. Andrade FW P. Anselmo GK E. Ballestrero FW J. Calvo GK M. Capuccini FW H. Castro FW P. Cea FW P. Dorado DF L. Fern\u00e1ndez MF \u00c1. Gestido FW S. Iriarte DF E. Mascheroni MF \u00c1. Melogno DF J. Nasazzi FW P. Petrone MF C. P\u00edriz DF E. Recoba MF C. Riolfo FW Z. Saldombide FW H. Scarone DF D. Tejera FW S. Urdinar\u00e1n A. Suppici 1934 Italy DF L. Allemandi FW P. Arcari MF L. Bertolini FW F. Borel DF U. Caligaris MF A. Castellazzi GK G. Cavanna GK G. Combi FW A. Demar\u00eda FW G. Ferrari MF A. Ferraris FW E. Guaita FW A. Guarisi GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza MF L. Monti DF E. Monzeglio FW R. Orsi MF M. Pizziolo DF V. Rosetta FW A. Schiavio MF M. Varglien V. Pozzo 1938 Italy MF M. Andreolo FW S. Bertoni FW A. Biavati GK C. Ceresoli MF B. Chizzo FW G. Colaussi MF A. Donati FW G. Ferrari FW P. Ferraris DF A. Foni MF M. Genta MF U. Locatelli GK G. Masetti FW G. Meazza DF E. Monzeglio GK A. Olivieri MF R. Olmi FW P. Pasinati MF M. Perazzolo FW S. Piola DF P. Rava MF P. Serantoni V. Pozzo 1950 Uruguay FW J. Britos FW J. Burgue\u00f1o DF S. Gambetta FW A. Ghiggia DF J. Gonz\u00e1lez DF M. Gonz\u00e1lez DF W. Mart\u00ednez GK R. M\u00e1spoli FW \u00d3. M\u00edguez FW R. Mor\u00e1n MF W. Ortu\u00f1o GK A. Paz FW J. P\u00e9rez MF R. Pini FW L. Rijo MF V. Rodr\u00edguez Andrade FW C. Romero FW J. Schiaffino DF E. Tejera MF O. Varela FW E. Vidal DF H. Vilches J. L\u00f3pez 1954 West Germany 1 T. Turek 2 F. Laband 3 W. Kohlmeyer 4 H. Bauer 5 H. Erhardt 6 H. Eckel 7 J. Posipal 8 K. Mai 9 P. Mebus 10 W. Liebrich 11 K. - H. Metzner 12 H. Rahn 13 M. Morlock 14 B. Klodt 15 O. Walter 16 F. Walter 17 R. Herrmann 18 U. Biesinger 19 A. Pfaff 20 H. Sch\u00e4fer 21 H. Kubsch 22 H. Kwiatkowski S. Herberger 1958 Brazil 1 Castilho 2 Bellini 3 Gilmar 4 Djalma Santos 5 Dino Sani 6 Didi 7 M. Zagallo 8 Oreco 9 Z\u00f3zimo 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Garrincha 12 N\u00edlton Santos 13 Moacir 14 De Sordi 15 Orlando 16 Mauro 17 Joel 18 J. Altafini 19 Zito 20 Vav\u00e1 21 Dida 22 Pepe V. Feola 1962 Brazil 1 Gilmar 2 Djalma Santos 3 Mauro 4 Zito 5 Z\u00f3zimo 6 N\u00edlton Santos 7 Garrincha 8 Didi 9 Coutinho 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Pepe 12 Jair Marinho 13 Bellini 14 Jurandir 15 Altair 16 Zequinha 17 Meng\u00e1lvio 18 Jair 19 Vav\u00e1 20 Amarildo 21 M. Zagallo 22 Castilho A. Moreira 1966 England 1 G. Banks 2 G. Cohen 3 R. Wilson 4 N. Stiles 5 J. Charlton 6 B. Moore 7 A. Ball 8 J. Greaves 9 B. Charlton 10 G. Hurst 11 J. Connelly 12 R. Springett 13 P. Bonetti 14 J. Armfield 15 G. Byrne 16 M. Peters 17 R. Flowers 18 N. Hunter 19 T. Paine 20 I. Callaghan 21 R. Hunt 22 G. Eastham A. Ramsey 1970 Brazil 1 F\u00e9lix 2 Brito 3 Piazza 4 Carlos Alberto 5 Clodoaldo 6 Marco Ant\u00f4nio 7 Jairzinho 8 G\u00e9rson 9 Tost\u00e3o 10 Pel\u00e9 11 Rivellino 12 Ado 13 Roberto 14 Baldocchi 15 Fontana 16 Everaldo 17 Joel 18 Paulo C\u00e9zar Caju 19 Edu 20 Dario 21 Z\u00e9 Maria 22 Le\u00e3o M. Zagallo West Germany 1 S. Maier 2 B. Vogts 3 P. Breitner 4 H. - G. Schwarzenbeck 5 F. Beckenbauer 6 H. - D. H\u00f6ttges 7 H. Wimmer 8 B. Cullmann 9 J. Grabowski 10 G. Netzer 11 J. Heynckes 12 W. Overath 13 G. M\u00fcller 14 U. Hoene\u00df 15 H. Flohe 16 R. Bonhof 17 B. H\u00f6lzenbein 18 D. Herzog 19 J. Kapellmann 20 H. Kremers 21 N. Nigbur 22 W. Kleff H. Sch\u00f6n 1978 Argentina 1 N. Alonso 2 O. Ardiles 3 H. Baley 4 D. Bertoni 5 U. Fillol 6 A. Gallego 7 L. Galv\u00e1n 8 R. Galv\u00e1n 9 R. Houseman 10 M. Kempes 11 D. Killer 12 O. Larrosa 13 R. La Volpe 14 L. Luque 15 J. Olgu\u00edn 16 O. Ortiz 17 M. Oviedo 18 R. Pagnanini 19 D. Passarella 20 A. Tarantini 21 J. Valencia 22 R. Villa C. Menotti 1982 Italy 1 D. Zoff 2 F. Baresi 3 G. Bergomi 4 A. Cabrini 5 F. Collovati 6 C. Gentile 7 G. Scirea 8 P. Vierchowod 9 G. Antognoni 10 G. Dossena 11 G. Marini 12 I. Bordon 13 G. Oriali 14 M. Tardelli 15 F. Causio 16 B. Conti 17 D. Massaro 18 A. Altobelli 19 F. Graziani 20 P. Rossi 21 F. Selvaggi 22 G. Galli E. Bearzot 1986 Argentina 1 S. Almir\u00f3n 2 S. Batista 3 R. Bochini 4 C. Borghi 5 J. Brown 6 D. Passarella 7 J. Burruchaga 8 N. Clausen 9 J. Cuciuffo 10 D. Maradona 11 J. Valdano 12 H. Enrique 13 O. Garr\u00e9 14 R. Giusti 15 L. Islas 16 J. Olarticoechea 17 P. Pasculli 18 N. Pumpido 19 O. Ruggeri 20 C. Tapia 21 M. Trobbiani 22 H. Zelada C. Bilardo 1990 West Germany 1 B. Illgner 2 S. Reuter 3 A. Brehme 4 J. Kohler 5 K. Augenthaler 6 G. Buchwald 7 P. Littbarski 8 T. H\u00e4\u00dfler 9 R. V\u00f6ller 10 L. Matth\u00e4us 11 F. Mill 12 R. Aumann 13 K. - H. Riedle 14 T. Berthold 15 U. Bein 16 P. Steiner 17 A. M\u00f6ller 18 J. Klinsmann 19 H. Pfl\u00fcgler 20 O. Thon 21 G. Hermann 22 A. K\u00f6pke F. Beckenbauer 1994 Brazil 1 Taffarel 2 Jorginho 3 Ricardo Rocha 4 Ronald\u00e3o 5 Mauro Silva 6 Branco 7 Bebeto 8 Dunga 9 Zinho 10 Ra\u00ed 11 Rom\u00e1rio 12 Zetti 13 Aldair 14 Cafu 15 M\u00e1rcio Santos 16 Leonardo 17 Mazinho 18 Paulo S\u00e9rgio 19 M\u00fcller 20 Ronaldo 21 Viola 22 Gilmar C. Parreira 1998 France 1 B. Lama 2 V. Candela 3 B. Lizarazu 4 P. Vieira 5 L. Blanc 6 Y. Djorkaeff 7 D. Deschamps 8 M. Desailly 9 S. Guivarc'h 10 Z. Zidane 11 R. Pir\u00e8s 12 T. Henry 13 B. Diom\u00e8de 14 A. Boghossian 15 L. Thuram 16 F. Barthez 17 E. Petit 18 F. Leboeuf 19 C. Karembeu 20 D. Trezeguet 21 C. Dugarry 22 L. Charbonnier A. Jacquet 2002 Brazil 1 Marcos 2 Cafu 3 L\u00facio 4 Roque J\u00fanior 5 Edm\u00edlson 6 Roberto Carlos 7 Ricardinho 8 Gilberto Silva 9 Ronaldo 10 Rivaldo 11 Ronaldinho 12 Dida 13 Belletti 14 \u00c2nderson Polga 15 Kl\u00e9berson 16 J\u00fanior 17 Den\u00edlson 18 Vampeta 19 Juninho Paulista 20 Ed\u00edlson 21 Luiz\u00e3o 22 Rog\u00e9rio Ceni 23 Kak\u00e1 L. Scolari 2006 Italy 1 G. Buffon 2 C. Zaccardo 3 F. Grosso 4 D. De Rossi 5 F. Cannavaro 6 A. Barzagli 7 A. Del Piero 8 G. Gattuso 9 L. Toni 10 F. Totti 11 A. Gilardino 12 A. Peruzzi 13 A. Nesta 14 M. Amelia 15 V. Iaquinta 16 M. Camoranesi 17 S. Barone 18 F. Inzaghi 19 G. Zambrotta 20 S. Perrotta 21 A. Pirlo 22 M. Oddo 23 M. Materazzi M. Lippi Spain 1 I. Casillas 2 R. Albiol 3 G. Piqu\u00e9 4 C. Marchena 5 C. Puyol 6 A. Iniesta 7 D. Villa 8 Xavi 9 F. Torres 10 C. F\u00e0bregas 11 J. Capdevila 12 V. Vald\u00e9s 13 J. Mata 14 X. Alonso 15 S. Ramos 16 S. Busquets 17 \u00c1. Arbeloa 18 Pedro 19 F. Llorente 20 J. Mart\u00ednez 21 D. Silva 22 J. Navas 23 P. Reina V. del Bosque 2014 Germany 1 M. Neuer 2 K. Gro\u00dfkreutz 3 M. Ginter 4 B. H\u00f6wedes 5 M. Hummels 6 S. Khedira 7 B. Schweinsteiger 8 M. \u00d6zil 9 A. Sch\u00fcrrle 10 L. Podolski 11 M. Klose 12 R. - R. Zieler 13 T. M\u00fcller 14 J. Draxler 15 E. Durm 16 P. Lahm 17 P. Mertesacker 18 T. Kroos 19 M. G\u00f6tze 20 J. Boateng 21 S. Mustafi 22 R. Weidenfeller 23 C. Kramer J. L\u00f6w 2018 France 1 H. Lloris 2 B. Pavard 3 P. Kimpembe 4 R. Varane 5 S. Umtiti 6 P. Pogba 7 A. Griezmann 8 T. Lemar 9 O. Giroud 10 K. Mbapp\u00e9 11 O. Demb\u00e9l\u00e9 12 C. Tolisso 13 N. Kant\u00e9 14 B. Matuidi 15 S. Nzonzi 16 S. Mandanda 17 A. Rami 18 N. Fekir 19 D. Sidib\u00e9 20 F. Thauvin 21 L. Hern\u00e1ndez 22 B. Mendy 23 A. Areola D. Deschamps", "short_answer": "Italy" } }, { "question": "who has won the world cup as a player and manager", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=864644142", "q_uid": -1779699318564369883, "answers": { "long_answer": "Brazil 's M\u00e1rio Zagallo, having won in 1958 and 1962 as player, went on to win in 1970 as the head coach, becoming the first to win both as player and coach. West Germany 's Franz Beckenbauer is the second, winning as both captain ( 1974 ) and coach ( 1990 ). Didier Deschamps is the third. He led the France team to win in 1998 as captain, and in 2018 as coach.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the world cup multiple times", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_winners&oldid=856881467", "q_uid": 1293819617344861860, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nations that won the World Cup Titles Team Year ( s ) 5 Brazil 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002 Italy 1934, 1938, 1982, 2006 Germany 1954, 1974, 1990, 2014 Uruguay 1930, 1950 Argentina 1978, 1986 France 1998, 2018 England 1966 Spain", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Olympic medalists in figure skating": [ { "question": "who got the gold in mens figure skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=843409416", "q_uid": -5434499756600437137, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Ulrich Salchow Sweden Richard Johansson Sweden Per Thor\u00e9n Sweden 1912 Stockholm not included in the Olympic program 1920 Antwerp details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Andreas Krogh Norway Martin Stixrud Norway 1924 Chamonix details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Georges Gautschi Switzerland 1928 St. Moritz details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Robert van Zeebroeck Belgium 1932 Lake Placid details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Montgomery Wilson Canada 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Ernst Baier Germany Felix Kaspar Austria 1948 St. Moritz details Dick Button United States Hans Gerschwiler Switzerland Edi Rada Austria 1952 Oslo details Dick Button United States Helmut Seibt Austria James Grogan United States 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Hayes Alan Jenkins United States Ronnie Robertson United States David Jenkins United States 1960 Squaw Valley details David Jenkins United States Karol Div\u00edn Czechoslovakia Donald Jackson Canada 1964 Innsbruck details Manfred Schnelldorfer United Team of Germany Alain Calmat France Scott Allen United States 1968 Grenoble details Wolfgang Schwarz Austria Timothy Wood United States Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1972 Sapporo details Ondrej Nepela Czechoslovakia Sergei Chetverukhin Soviet Union Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1976 Innsbruck details John Curry Great Britain Vladimir Kovalev Soviet Union Toller Cranston Canada 1980 Lake Placid details Robin Cousins Great Britain Jan Hoffmann East Germany Charles Tickner United States 1984 Sarajevo details Scott Hamilton United States Brian Orser Canada Jozef Sabov\u010d\u00edk Czechoslovakia 1988 Calgary details Brian Boitano United States Brian Orser Canada Viktor Petrenko Soviet Union 1992 Albertville details Viktor Petrenko Unified Team Paul Wylie United States Petr Barna Czechoslovakia 1994 Lillehammer details Alexei Urmanov Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 1998 Nagano details Ilia Kulik Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 2002 Salt Lake City details Alexei Yagudin Russia Evgeni Plushenko Russia Timothy Goebel United States 2006 Torino details Evgeni Plushenko Russia St\u00e9phane Lambiel Switzerland Jeffrey Buttle Canada 2010 Vancouver details Evan Lysacek United States Evgeni Plushenko Russia Daisuke Takahashi Japan 2014 Sochi details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Patrick Chan Canada Denis Ten Kazakhstan 2018 Pyeongchang details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Shoma Uno Japan Javier Fern\u00e1ndez Spain", "short_answer": "Yuzuru Hanyu Japan" } }, { "question": "who won the gold in women's singles figure skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=832841041", "q_uid": 1325556942782624176, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Madge Syers Great Britain Elsa Rendschmidt Germany Dorothy Greenhough - Smith Great Britain 1920 Antwerp details Magda Julin Sweden Svea Nor\u00e9n Sweden Theresa Weld United States 1924 Chamonix details Herma Szabo Austria Beatrix Loughran United States Ethel Muckelt Great Britain 1928 St. Moritz details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Beatrix Loughran United States 1932 Lake Placid details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Maribel Vinson United States 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Sonja Henie Norway Cecilia Colledge Great Britain Vivi - Anne Hult\u00e9n Sweden 1948 St. Moritz details Barbara Ann Scott Canada Eva Pawlik Austria Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain 1952 Oslo details Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain Tenley Albright United States Jacqueline du Bief France 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Tenley Albright United States Carol Heiss United States Ingrid Wendl Austria 1960 Squaw Valley details Carol Heiss United States Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Barbara Roles United States 1964 Innsbruck details Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Regine Heitzer Austria Petra Burka Canada 1968 Grenoble details Peggy Fleming United States Gabriele Seyfert East Germany Hana Ma\u0161kov\u00e1 Czechoslovakia 1972 Sapporo details Beatrix Schuba Austria Karen Magnussen Canada Janet Lynn United States 1976 Innsbruck details Dorothy Hamill United States Dianne de Leeuw Netherlands Christine Errath East Germany 1980 Lake Placid details Anett P\u00f6tzsch East Germany Linda Fratianne United States Dagmar Lurz West Germany 1984 Sarajevo details Katarina Witt East Germany Rosalynn Sumners United States Kira Ivanova Soviet Union 1988 Calgary details Katarina Witt East Germany Elizabeth Manley Canada Debi Thomas United States 1992 Albertville details Kristi Yamaguchi United States Midori Ito Japan Nancy Kerrigan United States 1994 Lillehammer details Oksana Baiul Ukraine Nancy Kerrigan United States Chen Lu China 1998 Nagano details Tara Lipinski United States Michelle Kwan United States Chen Lu China 2002 Salt Lake City details Sarah Hughes United States Irina Slutskaya Russia Michelle Kwan United States 2006 Torino details Shizuka Arakawa Japan Sasha Cohen United States Irina Slutskaya Russia 2010 Vancouver details Yuna Kim South Korea Mao Asada Japan Joannie Rochette Canada 2014 Sochi details Adelina Sotnikova Russia Yuna Kim South Korea Carolina Kostner Italy 2018 Pyeongchang details Alina Zagitova Olympic Athletes from Russia Evgenia Medvedeva Olympic Athletes from Russia Kaetlyn Osmond Canada", "short_answer": "Alina Zagitova Olympic" } }, { "question": "who won the men's ice skating olympics", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=832841041", "q_uid": -8452703605942864225, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Ulrich Salchow Sweden Richard Johansson Sweden Per Thor\u00e9n Sweden 1912 Stockholm not included in the Olympic program 1920 Antwerp details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Andreas Krogh Norway Martin Stixrud Norway 1924 Chamonix details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Georges Gautschi Switzerland 1928 St. Moritz details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Robert van Zeebroeck Belgium 1932 Lake Placid details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Montgomery Wilson Canada 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Ernst Baier Germany Felix Kaspar Austria 1948 St. Moritz details Dick Button United States Hans Gerschwiler Switzerland Edi Rada Austria 1952 Oslo details Dick Button United States Helmut Seibt Austria James Grogan United States 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Hayes Alan Jenkins United States Ronnie Robertson United States David Jenkins United States 1960 Squaw Valley details David Jenkins United States Karol Div\u00edn Czechoslovakia Donald Jackson Canada 1964 Innsbruck details Manfred Schnelldorfer United Team of Germany Alain Calmat France Scott Allen United States 1968 Grenoble details Wolfgang Schwarz Austria Timothy Wood United States Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1972 Sapporo details Ondrej Nepela Czechoslovakia Sergei Chetverukhin Soviet Union Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1976 Innsbruck details John Curry Great Britain Vladimir Kovalev Soviet Union Toller Cranston Canada 1980 Lake Placid details Robin Cousins Great Britain Jan Hoffmann East Germany Charles Tickner United States 1984 Sarajevo details Scott Hamilton United States Brian Orser Canada Jozef Sabov\u010d\u00edk Czechoslovakia 1988 Calgary details Brian Boitano United States Brian Orser Canada Viktor Petrenko Soviet Union 1992 Albertville details Viktor Petrenko Unified Team Paul Wylie United States Petr Barna Czechoslovakia 1994 Lillehammer details Alexei Urmanov Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 1998 Nagano details Ilia Kulik Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 2002 Salt Lake City details Alexei Yagudin Russia Evgeni Plushenko Russia Timothy Goebel United States 2006 Torino details Evgeni Plushenko Russia St\u00e9phane Lambiel Switzerland Jeffrey Buttle Canada 2010 Vancouver details Evan Lysacek United States Evgeni Plushenko Russia Daisuke Takahashi Japan 2014 Sochi details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Patrick Chan Canada Denis Ten Kazakhstan 2018 Pyeongchang details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Shoma Uno Japan Javier Fern\u00e1ndez Spain", "short_answer": "Yuzuru Hanyu Japan" } }, { "question": "who won the women's figure skating at the olympics", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=843409416", "q_uid": -6744090600201249780, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Madge Syers Great Britain Elsa Rendschmidt Germany Dorothy Greenhough - Smith Great Britain 1920 Antwerp details Magda Julin Sweden Svea Nor\u00e9n Sweden Theresa Weld United States 1924 Chamonix details Herma Szabo Austria Beatrix Loughran United States Ethel Muckelt Great Britain 1928 St. Moritz details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Beatrix Loughran United States 1932 Lake Placid details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Maribel Vinson United States 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Sonja Henie Norway Cecilia Colledge Great Britain Vivi - Anne Hult\u00e9n Sweden 1948 St. Moritz details Barbara Ann Scott Canada Eva Pawlik Austria Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain 1952 Oslo details Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain Tenley Albright United States Jacqueline du Bief France 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Tenley Albright United States Carol Heiss United States Ingrid Wendl Austria 1960 Squaw Valley details Carol Heiss United States Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Barbara Roles United States 1964 Innsbruck details Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Regine Heitzer Austria Petra Burka Canada 1968 Grenoble details Peggy Fleming United States Gabriele Seyfert East Germany Hana Ma\u0161kov\u00e1 Czechoslovakia 1972 Sapporo details Beatrix Schuba Austria Karen Magnussen Canada Janet Lynn United States 1976 Innsbruck details Dorothy Hamill United States Dianne de Leeuw Netherlands Christine Errath East Germany 1980 Lake Placid details Anett P\u00f6tzsch East Germany Linda Fratianne United States Dagmar Lurz West Germany 1984 Sarajevo details Katarina Witt East Germany Rosalynn Sumners United States Kira Ivanova Soviet Union 1988 Calgary details Katarina Witt East Germany Elizabeth Manley Canada Debi Thomas United States 1992 Albertville details Kristi Yamaguchi United States Midori Ito Japan Nancy Kerrigan United States 1994 Lillehammer details Oksana Baiul Ukraine Nancy Kerrigan United States Chen Lu China 1998 Nagano details Tara Lipinski United States Michelle Kwan United States Chen Lu China 2002 Salt Lake City details Sarah Hughes United States Irina Slutskaya Russia Michelle Kwan United States 2006 Torino details Shizuka Arakawa Japan Sasha Cohen United States Irina Slutskaya Russia 2010 Vancouver details Yuna Kim South Korea Mao Asada Japan Joannie Rochette Canada 2014 Sochi details Adelina Sotnikova Russia Yuna Kim South Korea Carolina Kostner Italy 2018 Pyeongchang details Alina Zagitova Olympic Athletes from Russia Evgenia Medvedeva Olympic Athletes from Russia Kaetlyn Osmond Canada", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the gold medal in the women's figure skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=832841041", "q_uid": 2110246901902965796, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Madge Syers Great Britain Elsa Rendschmidt Germany Dorothy Greenhough - Smith Great Britain 1920 Antwerp details Magda Julin Sweden Svea Nor\u00e9n Sweden Theresa Weld United States 1924 Chamonix details Herma Szabo Austria Beatrix Loughran United States Ethel Muckelt Great Britain 1928 St. Moritz details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Beatrix Loughran United States 1932 Lake Placid details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Maribel Vinson United States 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Sonja Henie Norway Cecilia Colledge Great Britain Vivi - Anne Hult\u00e9n Sweden 1948 St. Moritz details Barbara Ann Scott Canada Eva Pawlik Austria Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain 1952 Oslo details Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain Tenley Albright United States Jacqueline du Bief France 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Tenley Albright United States Carol Heiss United States Ingrid Wendl Austria 1960 Squaw Valley details Carol Heiss United States Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Barbara Roles United States 1964 Innsbruck details Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Regine Heitzer Austria Petra Burka Canada 1968 Grenoble details Peggy Fleming United States Gabriele Seyfert East Germany Hana Ma\u0161kov\u00e1 Czechoslovakia 1972 Sapporo details Beatrix Schuba Austria Karen Magnussen Canada Janet Lynn United States 1976 Innsbruck details Dorothy Hamill United States Dianne de Leeuw Netherlands Christine Errath East Germany 1980 Lake Placid details Anett P\u00f6tzsch East Germany Linda Fratianne United States Dagmar Lurz West Germany 1984 Sarajevo details Katarina Witt East Germany Rosalynn Sumners United States Kira Ivanova Soviet Union 1988 Calgary details Katarina Witt East Germany Elizabeth Manley Canada Debi Thomas United States 1992 Albertville details Kristi Yamaguchi United States Midori Ito Japan Nancy Kerrigan United States 1994 Lillehammer details Oksana Baiul Ukraine Nancy Kerrigan United States Chen Lu China 1998 Nagano details Tara Lipinski United States Michelle Kwan United States Chen Lu China 2002 Salt Lake City details Sarah Hughes United States Irina Slutskaya Russia Michelle Kwan United States 2006 Torino details Shizuka Arakawa Japan Sasha Cohen United States Irina Slutskaya Russia 2010 Vancouver details Yuna Kim South Korea Mao Asada Japan Joannie Rochette Canada 2014 Sochi details Adelina Sotnikova Russia Yuna Kim South Korea Carolina Kostner Italy 2018 Pyeongchang details Alina Zagitova Olympic Athletes from Russia Evgenia Medvedeva Olympic Athletes from Russia Kaetlyn Osmond Canada", "short_answer": "Alina Zagitova Olympic" } }, { "question": "who won gold medal in pairs figure skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=843409416", "q_uid": -4756847448517680095, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Anna H\u00fcbler and Heinrich Burger ( GER ) Phyllis Johnson and James H. Johnson ( GBR ) Madge Syers and Edgar Syers ( GBR ) 1912 Stockholm not included in the Olympic program 1920 Antwerp details Ludowika Jakobsson / Walter Jakobsson ( FIN ) Alexia Bryn and Yngvar Bryn ( NOR ) Phyllis Johnson and Basil Williams ( GBR ) 1924 Chamonix details Helene Engelmann and Alfred Berger ( AUT ) Ludowika Jakobsson and Walter Jakobsson ( FIN ) Andr\u00e9e Joly and Pierre Brunet ( FRA ) 1928 St. Moritz details Andr\u00e9e Joly and Pierre Brunet ( FRA ) Lilly Scholz and Otto Kaiser ( AUT ) Melitta Brunner and Ludwig Wrede ( AUT ) 1932 Lake Placid details Andr\u00e9e Brunet and Pierre Brunet ( FRA ) Beatrix Loughran and Sherwin Badger ( USA ) Em\u00edlia Rotter and L\u00e1szl\u00f3 Szoll\u00e1s ( HUN ) 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Maxi Herber and Ernst Baier ( GER ) Ilse Pausin and Erik Pausin ( AUT ) Em\u00edlia Rotter and L\u00e1szl\u00f3 Szoll\u00e1s ( HUN ) 1948 St. Moritz details Micheline Lannoy and Pierre Baugniet ( BEL ) Andrea K\u00e9kesy and Ede Kir\u00e1ly ( HUN ) Suzanne Morrow and Wallace Diestelmeyer ( CAN ) 1952 Oslo details Ria Falk and Paul Falk ( GER ) Karol Kennedy and Peter Kennedy ( USA ) Marianna Nagy and L\u00e1szl\u00f3 Nagy ( HUN ) 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Sissy Schwarz and Kurt Oppelt ( AUT ) Frances Dafoe and Norris Bowden ( CAN ) Marianna Nagy and L\u00e1szl\u00f3 Nagy ( HUN ) 1960 Squaw Valley details Barbara Wagner and Robert Paul ( CAN ) Marika Kilius and Hans - J\u00fcrgen B\u00e4umler ( EUA ) Nancy Ludington and Ronald Ludington ( USA ) 1964 Innsbruck details Ludmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov ( URS ) Marika Kilius and Hans - J\u00fcrgen B\u00e4umler ( EUA ) Debbi Wilkes and Guy Revell ( CAN ) Vivian Joseph and Ronald Joseph ( USA ) 1968 Grenoble details Ludmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov ( URS ) Tatyana Zhuk and Aleksandr Gorelik ( URS ) Margot Glockshuber and Wolfgang Danne ( FRG ) 1972 Sapporo details Irina Rodnina and Alexei Ulanov ( URS ) Lyudmila Smirnova and Andrei Suraikin ( URS ) Manuela Gro\u00df and Uwe Kagelmann ( GDR ) 1976 Innsbruck details Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev ( URS ) Romy Kermer and Rolf \u00d6sterreich ( GDR ) Manuela Gro\u00df and Uwe Kagelmann ( GDR ) 1980 Lake Placid details Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev ( URS ) Marina Cherkasova and Sergei Shakhrai ( URS ) Manuela Mager and Uwe Bewersdorf ( GDR ) 1984 Sarajevo details Elena Valova and Oleg Vasiliev ( URS ) Kitty Carruthers and Peter Carruthers ( USA ) Larisa Selezneva and Oleg Makarov ( URS ) 1988 Calgary details Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov ( URS ) Elena Valova and Oleg Vasiliev ( URS ) Jill Watson and Peter Oppegard ( USA ) 1992 Albertville details Natalia Mishkutenok and Artur Dmitriev ( EUN ) Elena Bechke and Denis Petrov ( EUN ) Isabelle Brasseur and Lloyd Eisler ( CAN ) 1994 Lillehammer details Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov ( RUS ) Natalia Mishkutenok and Artur Dmitriev ( RUS ) Isabelle Brasseur and Lloyd Eisler ( CAN ) 1998 Nagano details Oksana Kazakova and Artur Dmitriev ( RUS ) Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze ( RUS ) Mandy W\u00f6tzel and Ingo Steuer ( GER ) 2002 Salt Lake City details Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze ( RUS ) Jamie Sal\u00e9 and David Pelletier ( CAN ) None awarded Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo ( CHN ) 2006 Torino details Tatiana Totmianina and Maxim Marinin ( RUS ) Zhang Dan and Zhang Hao ( CHN ) Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo ( CHN ) 2010 Vancouver details Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo ( CHN ) Pang Qing and Tong Jian ( CHN ) Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy ( GER ) 2014 Sochi details Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov ( RUS ) Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov ( RUS ) Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy ( GER ) 2018 Pyeongchang details Aliona Savchenko and Bruno Massot ( GER ) Sui Wenjing and Han Cong ( CHN ) Meagan Duhamel and Eric Radford ( CAN )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the silver medal in mens figure skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=843409416", "q_uid": -4416600828683164615, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Ulrich Salchow Sweden Richard Johansson Sweden Per Thor\u00e9n Sweden 1912 Stockholm not included in the Olympic program 1920 Antwerp details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Andreas Krogh Norway Martin Stixrud Norway 1924 Chamonix details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Georges Gautschi Switzerland 1928 St. Moritz details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Robert van Zeebroeck Belgium 1932 Lake Placid details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Montgomery Wilson Canada 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Ernst Baier Germany Felix Kaspar Austria 1948 St. Moritz details Dick Button United States Hans Gerschwiler Switzerland Edi Rada Austria 1952 Oslo details Dick Button United States Helmut Seibt Austria James Grogan United States 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Hayes Alan Jenkins United States Ronnie Robertson United States David Jenkins United States 1960 Squaw Valley details David Jenkins United States Karol Div\u00edn Czechoslovakia Donald Jackson Canada 1964 Innsbruck details Manfred Schnelldorfer United Team of Germany Alain Calmat France Scott Allen United States 1968 Grenoble details Wolfgang Schwarz Austria Timothy Wood United States Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1972 Sapporo details Ondrej Nepela Czechoslovakia Sergei Chetverukhin Soviet Union Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1976 Innsbruck details John Curry Great Britain Vladimir Kovalev Soviet Union Toller Cranston Canada 1980 Lake Placid details Robin Cousins Great Britain Jan Hoffmann East Germany Charles Tickner United States 1984 Sarajevo details Scott Hamilton United States Brian Orser Canada Jozef Sabov\u010d\u00edk Czechoslovakia 1988 Calgary details Brian Boitano United States Brian Orser Canada Viktor Petrenko Soviet Union 1992 Albertville details Viktor Petrenko Unified Team Paul Wylie United States Petr Barna Czechoslovakia 1994 Lillehammer details Alexei Urmanov Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 1998 Nagano details Ilia Kulik Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 2002 Salt Lake City details Alexei Yagudin Russia Evgeni Plushenko Russia Timothy Goebel United States 2006 Torino details Evgeni Plushenko Russia St\u00e9phane Lambiel Switzerland Jeffrey Buttle Canada 2010 Vancouver details Evan Lysacek United States Evgeni Plushenko Russia Daisuke Takahashi Japan 2014 Sochi details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Patrick Chan Canada Denis Ten Kazakhstan 2018 Pyeongchang details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Shoma Uno Japan Javier Fern\u00e1ndez Spain", "short_answer": "Shoma Uno Japan" } }, { "question": "who won the gold medal in dance skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=832841041", "q_uid": -3904060158693236835, "answers": { "long_answer": "Athlete Nation Olympics Gold Silver Bronze Total Virtue, Tessa Tessa Virtue / Moir, Scott Scott Moir Canada ( CAN ) 2010 -- 2018 0 Grishuk, Oksana Oksana Grishuk / Platov, Evgeny Evgeny Platov Russia ( RUS ) 1994 -- 1998 0 0 Klimova, Marina Marina Klimova / Ponomarenko, Sergei Sergei Ponomarenko Soviet Union ( URS ) Unified Team ( EUN ) 1984 -- 1992 Bestemianova, Natalia Natalia Bestemianova / Bukin, Andrei Andrei Bukin Soviet Union ( URS ) 1984 -- 1988 0 Davis, Meryl Meryl Davis / White, Charlie Charlie White United States ( USA ) 2010 -- 2014 0 Torvill, Jayne Jayne Torvill / Dean, Christopher Christopher Dean Great Britain ( GBR ) 1984, 1994 0 Anissina, Marina Marina Anissina / Peizerat, Gwendal Gwendal Peizerat France ( FRA ) 1998 -- 2002 0 Usova, Maya Maya Usova / Zhulin, Alexander Alexander Zhulin Unified Team ( EUN ) Russia ( RUS ) 1992 -- 1994 0 Team", "short_answer": "Tessa Virtue /" } }, { "question": "who won medals in ice dancing at olympics", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=843409416", "q_uid": -2692193166468001308, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1976 Innsbruck details Lyudmila Pakhomova and Aleksandr Gorshkov ( URS ) Irina Moiseyeva and Andrei Minenkov ( URS ) Colleen O'Connor and James Millns ( USA ) 1980 Lake Placid details Natalia Linichuk and Gennadi Karponossov ( URS ) Krisztina Reg\u0151czy and Andr\u00e1s Sallay ( HUN ) Irina Moiseyeva and Andrei Minenkov ( URS ) 1984 Sarajevo details Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean ( GBR ) Natalia Bestemianova and Andrei Bukin ( URS ) Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko ( URS ) 1988 Calgary details Natalia Bestemianova and Andrei Bukin ( URS ) Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko ( URS ) Tracy Wilson and Robert McCall ( CAN ) 1992 Albertville details Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko ( EUN ) Isabelle Duchesnay and Paul Duchesnay ( FRA ) Maya Usova and Alexander Zhulin ( EUN ) 1994 Lillehammer details Oksana Grishuk and Evgeny Platov ( RUS ) Maya Usova and Alexander Zhulin ( RUS ) Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean ( GBR ) 1998 Nagano details Oksana Grishuk and Evgeny Platov ( RUS ) Anjelika Krylova and Oleg Ovsyannikov ( RUS ) Marina Anissina and Gwendal Peizerat ( FRA ) 2002 Salt Lake City details Marina Anissina and Gwendal Peizerat ( FRA ) Irina Lobacheva and Ilia Averbukh ( RUS ) Barbara Fusar - Poli and Maurizio Margaglio ( ITA ) 2006 Torino details Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov ( RUS ) Tanith Belbin and Benjamin Agosto ( USA ) Elena Grushina and Ruslan Goncharov ( UKR ) 2010 Vancouver details Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir ( CAN ) Meryl Davis and Charlie White ( USA ) Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin ( RUS ) 2014 Sochi details Meryl Davis and Charlie White ( USA ) Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir ( CAN ) Elena Ilinykh and Nikita Katsalapov ( RUS ) 2018 Pyeongchang details Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir ( CAN ) Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron ( FRA ) Maia Shibutani and Alex Shibutani ( USA )", "short_answer": "Tessa Virtue and" } }, { "question": "who won the medals in women's figure skating at the olympics", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=843409416", "q_uid": 8998853747399620950, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Madge Syers Great Britain Elsa Rendschmidt Germany Dorothy Greenhough - Smith Great Britain 1920 Antwerp details Magda Julin Sweden Svea Nor\u00e9n Sweden Theresa Weld United States 1924 Chamonix details Herma Szabo Austria Beatrix Loughran United States Ethel Muckelt Great Britain 1928 St. Moritz details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Beatrix Loughran United States 1932 Lake Placid details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Maribel Vinson United States 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Sonja Henie Norway Cecilia Colledge Great Britain Vivi - Anne Hult\u00e9n Sweden 1948 St. Moritz details Barbara Ann Scott Canada Eva Pawlik Austria Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain 1952 Oslo details Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain Tenley Albright United States Jacqueline du Bief France 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Tenley Albright United States Carol Heiss United States Ingrid Wendl Austria 1960 Squaw Valley details Carol Heiss United States Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Barbara Roles United States 1964 Innsbruck details Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Regine Heitzer Austria Petra Burka Canada 1968 Grenoble details Peggy Fleming United States Gabriele Seyfert East Germany Hana Ma\u0161kov\u00e1 Czechoslovakia 1972 Sapporo details Beatrix Schuba Austria Karen Magnussen Canada Janet Lynn United States 1976 Innsbruck details Dorothy Hamill United States Dianne de Leeuw Netherlands Christine Errath East Germany 1980 Lake Placid details Anett P\u00f6tzsch East Germany Linda Fratianne United States Dagmar Lurz West Germany 1984 Sarajevo details Katarina Witt East Germany Rosalynn Sumners United States Kira Ivanova Soviet Union 1988 Calgary details Katarina Witt East Germany Elizabeth Manley Canada Debi Thomas United States 1992 Albertville details Kristi Yamaguchi United States Midori Ito Japan Nancy Kerrigan United States 1994 Lillehammer details Oksana Baiul Ukraine Nancy Kerrigan United States Chen Lu China 1998 Nagano details Tara Lipinski United States Michelle Kwan United States Chen Lu China 2002 Salt Lake City details Sarah Hughes United States Irina Slutskaya Russia Michelle Kwan United States 2006 Torino details Shizuka Arakawa Japan Sasha Cohen United States Irina Slutskaya Russia 2010 Vancouver details Yuna Kim South Korea Mao Asada Japan Joannie Rochette Canada 2014 Sochi details Adelina Sotnikova Russia Yuna Kim South Korea Carolina Kostner Italy 2018 Pyeongchang details Alina Zagitova Olympic Athletes from Russia Evgenia Medvedeva Olympic Athletes from Russia Kaetlyn Osmond Canada", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the medals in womens ice skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=832841041", "q_uid": -689473886581466040, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Madge Syers Great Britain Elsa Rendschmidt Germany Dorothy Greenhough - Smith Great Britain 1920 Antwerp details Magda Julin Sweden Svea Nor\u00e9n Sweden Theresa Weld United States 1924 Chamonix details Herma Szabo Austria Beatrix Loughran United States Ethel Muckelt Great Britain 1928 St. Moritz details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Beatrix Loughran United States 1932 Lake Placid details Sonja Henie Norway Fritzi Burger Austria Maribel Vinson United States 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Sonja Henie Norway Cecilia Colledge Great Britain Vivi - Anne Hult\u00e9n Sweden 1948 St. Moritz details Barbara Ann Scott Canada Eva Pawlik Austria Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain 1952 Oslo details Jeannette Altwegg Great Britain Tenley Albright United States Jacqueline du Bief France 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Tenley Albright United States Carol Heiss United States Ingrid Wendl Austria 1960 Squaw Valley details Carol Heiss United States Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Barbara Roles United States 1964 Innsbruck details Sjoukje Dijkstra Netherlands Regine Heitzer Austria Petra Burka Canada 1968 Grenoble details Peggy Fleming United States Gabriele Seyfert East Germany Hana Ma\u0161kov\u00e1 Czechoslovakia 1972 Sapporo details Beatrix Schuba Austria Karen Magnussen Canada Janet Lynn United States 1976 Innsbruck details Dorothy Hamill United States Dianne de Leeuw Netherlands Christine Errath East Germany 1980 Lake Placid details Anett P\u00f6tzsch East Germany Linda Fratianne United States Dagmar Lurz West Germany 1984 Sarajevo details Katarina Witt East Germany Rosalynn Sumners United States Kira Ivanova Soviet Union 1988 Calgary details Katarina Witt East Germany Elizabeth Manley Canada Debi Thomas United States 1992 Albertville details Kristi Yamaguchi United States Midori Ito Japan Nancy Kerrigan United States 1994 Lillehammer details Oksana Baiul Ukraine Nancy Kerrigan United States Chen Lu China 1998 Nagano details Tara Lipinski United States Michelle Kwan United States Chen Lu China 2002 Salt Lake City details Sarah Hughes United States Irina Slutskaya Russia Michelle Kwan United States 2006 Torino details Shizuka Arakawa Japan Sasha Cohen United States Irina Slutskaya Russia 2010 Vancouver details Yuna Kim South Korea Mao Asada Japan Joannie Rochette Canada 2014 Sochi details Adelina Sotnikova Russia Yuna Kim South Korea Carolina Kostner Italy 2018 Pyeongchang details Alina Zagitova Olympic Athletes from Russia Evgenia Medvedeva Olympic Athletes from Russia Kaetlyn Osmond Canada", "short_answer": "Alina Zagitova Olympic" } }, { "question": "who medaled in the men's figure skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=843409416", "q_uid": -4879461242404680571, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Ulrich Salchow Sweden Richard Johansson Sweden Per Thor\u00e9n Sweden 1912 Stockholm not included in the Olympic program 1920 Antwerp details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Andreas Krogh Norway Martin Stixrud Norway 1924 Chamonix details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Georges Gautschi Switzerland 1928 St. Moritz details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Robert van Zeebroeck Belgium 1932 Lake Placid details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Montgomery Wilson Canada 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Ernst Baier Germany Felix Kaspar Austria 1948 St. Moritz details Dick Button United States Hans Gerschwiler Switzerland Edi Rada Austria 1952 Oslo details Dick Button United States Helmut Seibt Austria James Grogan United States 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Hayes Alan Jenkins United States Ronnie Robertson United States David Jenkins United States 1960 Squaw Valley details David Jenkins United States Karol Div\u00edn Czechoslovakia Donald Jackson Canada 1964 Innsbruck details Manfred Schnelldorfer United Team of Germany Alain Calmat France Scott Allen United States 1968 Grenoble details Wolfgang Schwarz Austria Timothy Wood United States Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1972 Sapporo details Ondrej Nepela Czechoslovakia Sergei Chetverukhin Soviet Union Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1976 Innsbruck details John Curry Great Britain Vladimir Kovalev Soviet Union Toller Cranston Canada 1980 Lake Placid details Robin Cousins Great Britain Jan Hoffmann East Germany Charles Tickner United States 1984 Sarajevo details Scott Hamilton United States Brian Orser Canada Jozef Sabov\u010d\u00edk Czechoslovakia 1988 Calgary details Brian Boitano United States Brian Orser Canada Viktor Petrenko Soviet Union 1992 Albertville details Viktor Petrenko Unified Team Paul Wylie United States Petr Barna Czechoslovakia 1994 Lillehammer details Alexei Urmanov Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 1998 Nagano details Ilia Kulik Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 2002 Salt Lake City details Alexei Yagudin Russia Evgeni Plushenko Russia Timothy Goebel United States 2006 Torino details Evgeni Plushenko Russia St\u00e9phane Lambiel Switzerland Jeffrey Buttle Canada 2010 Vancouver details Evan Lysacek United States Evgeni Plushenko Russia Daisuke Takahashi Japan 2014 Sochi details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Patrick Chan Canada Denis Ten Kazakhstan 2018 Pyeongchang details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Shoma Uno Japan Javier Fern\u00e1ndez Spain", "short_answer": "Yuzuru Hanyu Japan" } }, { "question": "who won silver in men's figure skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=843409416", "q_uid": -5994592858320061826, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Ulrich Salchow Sweden Richard Johansson Sweden Per Thor\u00e9n Sweden 1912 Stockholm not included in the Olympic program 1920 Antwerp details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Andreas Krogh Norway Martin Stixrud Norway 1924 Chamonix details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Georges Gautschi Switzerland 1928 St. Moritz details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Robert van Zeebroeck Belgium 1932 Lake Placid details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Montgomery Wilson Canada 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Ernst Baier Germany Felix Kaspar Austria 1948 St. Moritz details Dick Button United States Hans Gerschwiler Switzerland Edi Rada Austria 1952 Oslo details Dick Button United States Helmut Seibt Austria James Grogan United States 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Hayes Alan Jenkins United States Ronnie Robertson United States David Jenkins United States 1960 Squaw Valley details David Jenkins United States Karol Div\u00edn Czechoslovakia Donald Jackson Canada 1964 Innsbruck details Manfred Schnelldorfer United Team of Germany Alain Calmat France Scott Allen United States 1968 Grenoble details Wolfgang Schwarz Austria Timothy Wood United States Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1972 Sapporo details Ondrej Nepela Czechoslovakia Sergei Chetverukhin Soviet Union Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1976 Innsbruck details John Curry Great Britain Vladimir Kovalev Soviet Union Toller Cranston Canada 1980 Lake Placid details Robin Cousins Great Britain Jan Hoffmann East Germany Charles Tickner United States 1984 Sarajevo details Scott Hamilton United States Brian Orser Canada Jozef Sabov\u010d\u00edk Czechoslovakia 1988 Calgary details Brian Boitano United States Brian Orser Canada Viktor Petrenko Soviet Union 1992 Albertville details Viktor Petrenko Unified Team Paul Wylie United States Petr Barna Czechoslovakia 1994 Lillehammer details Alexei Urmanov Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 1998 Nagano details Ilia Kulik Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 2002 Salt Lake City details Alexei Yagudin Russia Evgeni Plushenko Russia Timothy Goebel United States 2006 Torino details Evgeni Plushenko Russia St\u00e9phane Lambiel Switzerland Jeffrey Buttle Canada 2010 Vancouver details Evan Lysacek United States Evgeni Plushenko Russia Daisuke Takahashi Japan 2014 Sochi details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Patrick Chan Canada Denis Ten Kazakhstan 2018 Pyeongchang details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Shoma Uno Japan Javier Fern\u00e1ndez Spain", "short_answer": "Shoma Uno Japan" } }, { "question": "who has the most figure skating olympic medals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=843409416", "q_uid": 9062021368235175744, "answers": { "long_answer": "Canadian ice dancers Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir are the only figure skaters to win five Olympic medals ( 3 gold, 2 silver ). Swedish figure skater Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m ( 3 gold, 1 silver ) and Russian figure skater Evgeni Plushenko ( 2 gold, 2 silver ) each have four medals. Seventeen figure skaters have won three medals.", "short_answer": "Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m (" } }, { "question": "who won gold in men\u2019s figure skating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=832841041", "q_uid": 4307479268438877776, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m earned the most medals in a single event: four medals, three of which gold, in men 's singles. The only other skaters to have earned three golds in a single discipline are Sonja Henie in ladies ' singles and Irina Rodnina in pairs.", "short_answer": "Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m earned" } }, { "question": "who won the mens figure skating olympic gold", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_figure_skating&oldid=832841041", "q_uid": 8252695042029302512, "answers": { "long_answer": "Games Gold Silver Bronze 1908 London details Ulrich Salchow Sweden Richard Johansson Sweden Per Thor\u00e9n Sweden 1912 Stockholm not included in the Olympic program 1920 Antwerp details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Andreas Krogh Norway Martin Stixrud Norway 1924 Chamonix details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Georges Gautschi Switzerland 1928 St. Moritz details Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Willy B\u00f6ckl Austria Robert van Zeebroeck Belgium 1932 Lake Placid details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Gillis Grafstr\u00f6m Sweden Montgomery Wilson Canada 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen details Karl Sch\u00e4fer Austria Ernst Baier Germany Felix Kaspar Austria 1948 St. Moritz details Dick Button United States Hans Gerschwiler Switzerland Edi Rada Austria 1952 Oslo details Dick Button United States Helmut Seibt Austria James Grogan United States 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo details Hayes Alan Jenkins United States Ronnie Robertson United States David Jenkins United States 1960 Squaw Valley details David Jenkins United States Karol Div\u00edn Czechoslovakia Donald Jackson Canada 1964 Innsbruck details Manfred Schnelldorfer United Team of Germany Alain Calmat France Scott Allen United States 1968 Grenoble details Wolfgang Schwarz Austria Timothy Wood United States Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1972 Sapporo details Ondrej Nepela Czechoslovakia Sergei Chetverukhin Soviet Union Patrick P\u00e9ra France 1976 Innsbruck details John Curry Great Britain Vladimir Kovalev Soviet Union Toller Cranston Canada 1980 Lake Placid details Robin Cousins Great Britain Jan Hoffmann East Germany Charles Tickner United States 1984 Sarajevo details Scott Hamilton United States Brian Orser Canada Jozef Sabov\u010d\u00edk Czechoslovakia 1988 Calgary details Brian Boitano United States Brian Orser Canada Viktor Petrenko Soviet Union 1992 Albertville details Viktor Petrenko Unified Team Paul Wylie United States Petr Barna Czechoslovakia 1994 Lillehammer details Alexei Urmanov Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 1998 Nagano details Ilia Kulik Russia Elvis Stojko Canada Philippe Candeloro France 2002 Salt Lake City details Alexei Yagudin Russia Evgeni Plushenko Russia Timothy Goebel United States 2006 Torino details Evgeni Plushenko Russia St\u00e9phane Lambiel Switzerland Jeffrey Buttle Canada 2010 Vancouver details Evan Lysacek United States Evgeni Plushenko Russia Daisuke Takahashi Japan 2014 Sochi details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Patrick Chan Canada Denis Ten Kazakhstan 2018 Pyeongchang details Yuzuru Hanyu Japan Shoma Uno Japan Javier Fern\u00e1ndez Spain", "short_answer": "Yuzuru Hanyu Japan" } } ], "List of islands by area": [ { "question": "what are the 10 largest islands in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_islands_by_area&oldid=815924961", "q_uid": -9042420301360404178, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Island 's name Area ( km ) Area ( sq mi ) Country or countries Greenland 2,130,800 822,700 Greenland, forms part of the Danish Realm ( Denmark ) New Guinea 785,753 303,381 Papua New Guinea and Indonesia ( Papua and West Papua ) Borneo 743,330 288,869 Brunei, Malaysia ( Sabah and Sarawak ) and Indonesia ( Central, East, North, South and West Kalimantan ) Madagascar 587,713 226,917 Madagascar 5 Baffin Island 507,451 195,928 Canada ( Nunavut ) 6 Sumatra 443,066 171,069 Indonesia ( Aceh, Bengkulu, Jambi, Lampung, Riau and North, South and West Sumatra ) 7 Honshu 225,800 87,200 Japan ( Ch\u016bbu, Ch\u016bgoku, Kansai, Kant\u014d and T\u014dhoku regions ) 8 Victoria Island 217,291 83,897 Canada ( Northwest Territories and Nunavut ) 9 Great Britain 209,331 80,823 United Kingdom ( England, Scotland and Wales ) 10 Ellesmere Island 196,236 75,767 Canada ( Nunavut ) 11 Sulawesi 180,681 69,761 Indonesia ( Gorontalo and Central, North, South, Southeast and West Sulawesi provinces ) 12 South Island 145,836 56,308 New Zealand ( Canterbury, Otago, Southland, West Coast, Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough regions ) 13 Java 138,794 53,589 Indonesia ( Banten, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Central, East and West Java provinces ) 14 North Island 111,583 43,082 New Zealand ( Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Gisborne, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Hawke 's Bay, Manawatu - Wanganui and Wellington regions ) 15 Luzon 109,965 42,458 Philippines ( Bicol Region, Cagayan Valley, Calabarzon, Central Luzon, Cordillera Administrative Region, Ilocos Region, and National Capital Region ) 16 Newfoundland 108,860 42,030 Canada ( Newfoundland and Labrador ) 17 Cuba ( main island ) 105,806 40,852 Cuba 18 Iceland ( main island ) 101,826 39,315 Iceland", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the largest island in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_islands_by_area&oldid=804566830", "q_uid": -7631669764856508223, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Island 's name Area ( km ) Area ( sq mi ) Country or countries Greenland 2,130,800 822,700 Greenland, forms part of the Danish Realm ( Denmark ) New Guinea 785,753 303,381 Papua New Guinea and Indonesia ( Papua and West Papua ) Borneo 743,330 288,869 Brunei, Malaysia ( Sabah and Sarawak ) and Indonesia ( Central, East, North, South and West Kalimantan ) Madagascar 587,713 226,917 Madagascar 5 Baffin Island 507,451 195,928 Canada ( Nunavut ) 6 Sumatra 443,066 171,069 Indonesia ( Aceh, Bengkulu, Jambi, Lampung, Riau and North, South and West Sumatra ) 7 Honshu 225,800 87,200 Japan ( Ch\u016bbu, Ch\u016bgoku, Kansai, Kant\u014d and T\u014dhoku regions ) 8 Victoria Island 217,291 83,897 Canada ( Northwest Territories and Nunavut ) 9 Great Britain 209,331 80,823 United Kingdom ( England, Scotland and Wales ) 10 Ellesmere Island 196,236 75,767 Canada ( Nunavut ) 11 Sulawesi 180,681 69,761 Indonesia ( Gorontalo and Central, North, South, Southeast and West Sulawesi provinces ) 12 South Island 145,836 56,308 New Zealand ( Canterbury, Otago, Southland, West Coast, Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough regions ) 13 Java 138,794 53,589 Indonesia ( Banten, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Central, East and West Java provinces ) 14 North Island 111,583 43,082 New Zealand ( Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Gisborne, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Hawke 's Bay, Manawatu - Wanganui and Wellington regions ) 15 Luzon 109,965 42,458 Philippines ( Bicol, Cagayan Valley, Calabarzon, Central Luzon, Cordillera, Ilocos and National Capital regions ) 16 Newfoundland 108,860 42,030 Canada ( Newfoundland and Labrador ) 17 Cuba ( main island ) 105,806 40,852 Cuba 18 Iceland ( main island ) 101,826 39,315 Iceland", "short_answer": "Greenland" } }, { "question": "which is the largest islands of the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_islands_by_area&oldid=825173909", "q_uid": -1491406439688380517, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Island 's name Area ( km ) Area ( sq mi ) Country or countries Greenland 2,130,800 822,700 Greenland, forms part of the Danish Realm ( Denmark ) New Guinea 785,753 303,381 Indonesia ( Papua and West Papua ) and Papua New Guinea Borneo 748,168 288,869 Indonesia ( Central, East, North, South and West Kalimantan ), Malaysia ( Sabah and Sarawak ) and Brunei Madagascar 587,041 226,658 Madagascar 5 Baffin Island 507,451 195,928 Canada ( Nunavut ) 6 Sumatra 443,066 182,812 Indonesia ( Aceh, Bengkulu, Jambi, Lampung, Riau and North, South and West Sumatra ) 7 Honshu 225,800 87,200 Japan ( Ch\u016bbu, Ch\u016bgoku, Kansai, Kant\u014d and T\u014dhoku regions ) 8 Victoria Island 217,291 83,897 Canada ( Northwest Territories and Nunavut ) 9 Great Britain 209,331 80,823 United Kingdom ( England, Scotland and Wales ) 10 Ellesmere Island 196,236 75,767 Canada ( Nunavut ) 11 Sulawesi 180,681 69,761 Indonesia ( Gorontalo and Central, North, South, Southeast and West Sulawesi provinces ) 12 South Island 145,836 56,308 New Zealand ( Canterbury, Otago, Southland, West Coast, Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough regions ) 13 Java 138,794 53,589 Indonesia ( Banten, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Central, East and West Java provinces ) 14 North Island 111,583 43,082 New Zealand ( Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Gisborne, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Hawke 's Bay, Manawatu - Wanganui and Wellington regions ) 15 Luzon 109,965 42,458 Philippines ( Bicol Region, Cagayan Valley, Calabarzon, Central Luzon, Cordillera Administrative Region, Ilocos Region, and National Capital Region ) 16 Newfoundland 108,860 42,030 Canada ( Newfoundland and Labrador ) 17 Cuba ( main island ) 105,806 40,852 Cuba 18 Iceland ( main island ) 101,826 39,315 Iceland", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where are most of the worlds landmasses located", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_islands_by_area&oldid=808742415", "q_uid": 8330281745791164995, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Landmass Area ( km ) Area ( sq mi ) Country or countries Afro - Eurasia 85,000,000 33,000,000 Various Americas 42,300,000 16,300,000 Various Antarctica 14,000,000 5,400,000 None ( various countries have territorial claims ) Australia 7,600,000 2,900,000 Australia", "short_answer": "Afro - Eurasia" } } ], "The Witches of Eastwick (film)": [ { "question": "where did they film the witches of eastwick", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Witches_of_Eastwick_(film)&oldid=807610951", "q_uid": 8487964208869993476, "answers": { "long_answer": "While The Witches of Eastwick was originally set to be filmed in Little Compton, Rhode Island, Warner Bros. instead turned to Cohasset, Massachusetts after controversy erupted in Little Compton over whether or not its Congregational church should be involved with the film 's production. Principal photography began on July 14, 1986 and took place over the course of six weeks in Cohasset and nearby Massachusetts towns, such as Marblehead, and Scituate. Castle Hill in Ipswich, Massachusetts was used for the exterior of the Lenox Mansion, while the lobby of the Wang Center in Boston stood in for the main hall. Other interiors were filmed at the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills, though the swimming pool and Daryl 's library were sets built on the Warner Bros. backlot.", "short_answer": "Cohasset, Massachusetts after" } } ], "List of roller coaster rankings": [ { "question": "what is the fastest roller coaster in california", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=856678577", "q_uid": -1846968268993481511, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ranked by height, speed, length, inversions, and steepness, roller coasters are also rated through public opinion polls. Amusement parks often compete to build the tallest, fastest, and longest rides to attract thrill seekers and boost overall park attendance. However, many records do not usually last long. When Magnum XL - 200 opened in 1989, it began a new era of roller coasters and increased competition among parks to set new world records. The Magnum XL -- 200 was the first complete - circuit roller coaster built over 200 feet ( 61 m ). Other notable roller coasters include Formula Rossa which reaches a top speed of 149 miles per hour ( 240 km / h ), Kingda Ka which stands at 456 feet ( 139 m ) tall, and Steel Dragon 2000 which measures 8,133 feet ( 2,479 m ) in length.", "short_answer": "Formula Rossa which" } }, { "question": "who has the fastest roller coaster in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=845959696", "q_uid": -2202963694481481254, "answers": { "long_answer": "Fastest steel roller coasters Rank Name Park Country Speed Manufacturer Record held Formula Rossa Ferrari World Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 149 mph ( 240 km / h ) Intamin November 2010 -- present Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Adventure United States 128 mph ( 206 km / h ) Intamin May 2005 -- November 2010 Top Thrill Dragster Cedar Point United States 120 mph ( 190 km / h ) Intamin May 2003 -- May 2005 Do - Dodonpa Fuji - Q Highland Japan 112 mph ( 180 km / h ) S&S - Sansei Technologies December 2001 -- May 2003 Red Force Ferrari Land Spain 112 mph ( 180 km / h ) Intamin N / A 6 Superman: Escape from Krypton Six Flags Magic Mountain United States 100 mph ( 160 km / h ) Intamin March 1997 -- December 2001 Tower of Terror II Dreamworld Australia 100 mph ( 160 km / h ) Intamin January 1997 -- December 2001 * Ring Racer N\u00fcrburgring Germany 99.4 mph ( 160.0 km / h ) S&S - Sansei Technologies N / A 8 Steel Dragon 2000 Nagashima Spa Land Japan 95 mph ( 153 km / h ) D.H. Morgan Manufacturing N / A Fury 325 Carowinds United States 95 mph ( 153 km / h ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 10 Millennium Force Cedar Point United States 93 mph ( 150 km / h ) Intamin N / A", "short_answer": "Ferrari World Abu Dhabi" } }, { "question": "where is the biggest roller coaster in canada", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=804600129", "q_uid": 5257175071560742079, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tallest steel roller coasters Rank Name Park Country Height Manufacturer Record held Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Adventure United States 456 ft ( 139 m ) Intamin May 2005 -- Present Top Thrill Dragster Cedar Point United States 420 ft ( 130 m ) Intamin May 2003 -- May 2005 Superman: Escape from Krypton Six Flags Magic Mountain United States 415 ft ( 126 m ) Intamin March 1997 -- May 2003 Tower of Terror II Dreamworld Australia 377 ft ( 115 m ) Intamin January 1997 -- March 1997 5 Red Force Ferrari Land Spain 367.4 ft ( 112.0 m ) Intamin N / A 6 Fury 325 Carowinds United States 325 ft ( 99 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 7 Steel Dragon 2000 Nagashima Spa Land Japan 318.3 ft ( 97.0 m ) D.H. Morgan Manufacturing N / A 8 Millennium Force Cedar Point United States 310 ft ( 94 m ) Intamin N / A 9 Leviathan Canada 's Wonderland Canada 306 ft ( 93 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 10 Intimidator 305 Kings Dominion United States 305 ft ( 93 m ) Intamin N / A", "short_answer": "Canada 's Wonderland" } }, { "question": "the most intense roller coaster in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=808968643", "q_uid": 2489363563889847157, "answers": { "long_answer": "Formula Rossa Ferrari World United Arab Emirates 149 mph ( 240 km / h ) Intamin November 2010 -- present", "short_answer": "Formula Rossa" } }, { "question": "what are the top 5 tallest roller coasters", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=801716723", "q_uid": -965224879968425966, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tallest steel roller coasters Rank Name Park Country Height Manufacturer Record held Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Adventure United States 456 ft ( 139 m ) Intamin May 2005 -- Present Top Thrill Dragster Cedar Point United States 420 ft ( 130 m ) Intamin May 2003 -- May 2005 Superman: Escape from Krypton Six Flags Magic Mountain United States 415 ft ( 126 m ) Intamin March 1997 -- May 2003 Tower of Terror II Dreamworld Australia 377 ft ( 115 m ) Intamin January 1997 -- March 1997 5 Red Force Ferrari Land Spain 367.4 ft ( 112.0 m ) Intamin N / A 6 Fury 325 Carowinds United States 325 ft ( 99 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 7 Steel Dragon 2000 Nagashima Spa Land Japan 318.3 ft ( 97.0 m ) D.H. Morgan Manufacturing N / A 8 Millennium Force Cedar Point United States 310 ft ( 94 m ) Intamin N / A 9 Leviathan Canada 's Wonderland Canada 306 ft ( 93 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 10 Intimidator 305 Kings Dominion United States 305 ft ( 93 m ) Intamin N / A", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what's the biggest wooden roller coaster in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=808968643", "q_uid": 6857521495701800150, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tallest wooden roller coasters Rank Name Park Country Height Manufacturer Record held * Colossos Heide Park Germany 196.8 ft ( 60.0 m ) Intamin June 2009 -- July 2016 Wildfire Kolm\u00e5rden Wildlife Park Sweden 183.8 ft ( 56.0 m ) Rocky Mountain Construction July 2016 -- present T Express Everland South Korea 183.8 ft ( 56.0 m ) Intamin July 2016 -- present El Toro Six Flags Great Adventure United States 181 ft ( 55 m ) Intamin N / A Goliath Six Flags Great America United States 165 ft ( 50 m ) Rocky Mountain Construction N / A * Mean Streak Cedar Point United States 161 ft ( 49 m ) Dinn Corporation May 1991 -- March 1992 5 The Voyage Holiday World & Splashin ' Safari United States 159 ft ( 48 m ) The Gravity Group N / A 6 White Cyclone Nagashima Spa Land Japan 139 ft ( 42 m ) Intamin N / A 7 Hades 360 Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park United States 136 ft ( 41 m ) The Gravity Group N / A 8 Wodan Timbur Coaster Europa - Park Germany 131.3 ft ( 40.0 m ) Great Coasters International N / A 9 Le Monstre La Ronde Canada 130.9 ft ( 39.9 m ) William Cobb & Associates N / A 10 American Eagle Six Flags Great America United States 127 ft ( 39 m ) Intamin N / A", "short_answer": "Colossos" } }, { "question": "where is the tallest roller coaster in the united states located", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=803037936", "q_uid": -1046276329242678549, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tallest steel roller coasters Rank Name Park Country Height Manufacturer Record held Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Adventure United States 456 ft ( 139 m ) Intamin May 2005 -- Present Top Thrill Dragster Cedar Point United States 420 ft ( 130 m ) Intamin May 2003 -- May 2005 Superman: Escape from Krypton Six Flags Magic Mountain United States 415 ft ( 126 m ) Intamin March 1997 -- May 2003 Tower of Terror II Dreamworld Australia 377 ft ( 115 m ) Intamin January 1997 -- March 1997 5 Red Force Ferrari Land Spain 367.4 ft ( 112.0 m ) Intamin N / A 6 Fury 325 Carowinds United States 325 ft ( 99 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 7 Steel Dragon 2000 Nagashima Spa Land Japan 318.3 ft ( 97.0 m ) D.H. Morgan Manufacturing N / A 8 Millennium Force Cedar Point United States 310 ft ( 94 m ) Intamin N / A 9 Leviathan Canada 's Wonderland Canada 306 ft ( 93 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 10 Intimidator 305 Kings Dominion United States 305 ft ( 93 m ) Intamin N / A", "short_answer": "Six Flags Great Adventure" } }, { "question": "where are the world's longest steel roller coasters located and what are their names", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=807290435", "q_uid": -4058746173410097179, "answers": { "long_answer": "Longest steel roller coasters Rank Name Park Country Length Manufacturer Record held Steel Dragon 2000 Nagashima Spa Land Japan 8,133 ft ( 2,479 m ) D.H. Morgan Manufacturing August 2000 -- present The Ultimate Lightwater Valley United Kingdom 7,442 ft ( 2,268 m ) British Rail July 1991 -- August 2000 Fujiyama Fuji - Q Highland Japan 6,709 ft ( 2,045 m ) TOGO N / A Fury 325 Carowinds United States 6,602 ft ( 2,012 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 5 Millennium Force Cedar Point United States 6,595 ft ( 2,010 m ) Intamin N / A 6 Formula Rossa Ferrari World United Arab Emirates 6,562 ft ( 2,000 m ) Intamin N / A 7 California Screamin ' Disney California Adventure United States 6,072 ft ( 1,851 m ) Intamin N / A * Vertigorama Parque de la Ciudad Argentina 5,958 ft ( 1,816 m ) Intamin 8 Desperado Buffalo Bill 's United States 5,843 ft ( 1,781 m ) Arrow Dynamics N / A * * Steel Vengeance Cedar Point United States 5,740 ft ( 1,750 m ) Rocky Mountain Construction N / A 9 Mamba Worlds of Fun United States 5,600 ft ( 1,700 m ) D.H. Morgan Manufacturing N / A Steel Force Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom United States 5,600 ft ( 1,700 m ) D.H. Morgan Manufacturing N / A", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the largest roller coaster in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=812498951", "q_uid": -2125560411393868166, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tallest steel roller coasters Rank Name Park Country Height Manufacturer Record held Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Adventure United States 456 ft ( 139 m ) Intamin May 2005 -- Present Top Thrill Dragster Cedar Point United States 420 ft ( 130 m ) Intamin May 2003 -- May 2005 Superman: Escape from Krypton Six Flags Magic Mountain United States 415 ft ( 126 m ) Intamin March 1997 -- May 2003 Tower of Terror II Dreamworld Australia 377 ft ( 115 m ) Intamin January 1997 -- March 1997 5 Red Force Ferrari Land Spain 367.4 ft ( 112.0 m ) Intamin N / A 6 Fury 325 Carowinds United States 325 ft ( 99 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 7 Steel Dragon 2000 Nagashima Spa Land Japan 318.3 ft ( 97.0 m ) D.H. Morgan Manufacturing N / A 8 Millennium Force Cedar Point United States 310 ft ( 94 m ) Intamin N / A 9 Leviathan Canada 's Wonderland Canada 306 ft ( 93 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 10 Intimidator 305 Kings Dominion United States 305 ft ( 93 m ) Intamin N / A", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what's the tallest roller coaster in the us", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_roller_coaster_rankings&oldid=836874487", "q_uid": 1145622181084680131, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tallest steel roller coasters Rank Name Park Country Height Manufacturer Record held Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Adventure United States 456 ft ( 139 m ) Intamin May 2005 -- Present Top Thrill Dragster Cedar Point United States 420 ft ( 130 m ) Intamin May 2003 -- May 2005 Superman: Escape from Krypton Six Flags Magic Mountain United States 415 ft ( 126 m ) Intamin March 1997 -- May 2003 Tower of Terror II Dreamworld Australia 377 ft ( 115 m ) Intamin January 1997 -- March 1997 5 Red Force Ferrari Land Spain 367.4 ft ( 112.0 m ) Intamin N / A 6 Fury 325 Carowinds United States 325 ft ( 99 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 7 Steel Dragon 2000 Nagashima Spa Land Japan 318.3 ft ( 97.0 m ) D.H. Morgan Manufacturing N / A 8 Millennium Force Cedar Point United States 310 ft ( 94 m ) Intamin N / A 9 Leviathan Canada 's Wonderland Canada 306 ft ( 93 m ) Bolliger & Mabillard N / A 10 Intimidator 305 Kings Dominion United States 305 ft ( 93 m ) Intamin N / A", "short_answer": "Kingda Ka" } } ], "1982 FIFA World Cup": [ { "question": "who won the soccer world cup in 1982", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1982_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850460474", "q_uid": 7548976703221857913, "answers": { "long_answer": "The tournament was won by Italy, who defeated West Germany 3 -- 1 during the final match, held in the Spanish capital of Madrid. It was Italy 's third World Cup win and first since 1938. The defending champions Argentina were eliminated in the second group round. Algeria, Cameroon, Honduras, Kuwait and New Zealand made their first appearances in the finals.", "short_answer": "Italy," } } ], "List of highest scoring NFL games": [ { "question": "most points in a nfl game by one team", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest_scoring_NFL_games&oldid=825022682", "q_uid": -8468980724496716900, "answers": { "long_answer": "The highest score in a National Football League ( NFL ) game occurred on November 27, 1966, when the Washington Redskins and New York Giants combined for 113 points in a 72 -- 41 victory for the Redskins. Only four games in NFL history have eclipsed 100 total points, with the most recent being a 101 - point game in 2015 between the Giants and New Orleans Saints. The highest score in a playoff game occurred in the 2009 -- 10 NFL playoffs, a 96 - point game in which the Arizona Cardinals defeated the Green Bay Packers 51 -- 45 in overtime. The most points scored in a Super Bowl was 75, in Super Bowl XXIX, which the San Francisco 49ers won 49 -- 26 over the San Diego Chargers.", "short_answer": "72 --" } }, { "question": "what is the most points scored in an nfl game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest_scoring_NFL_games&oldid=825022682", "q_uid": 8199733419530561913, "answers": { "long_answer": "The highest score in a National Football League ( NFL ) game occurred on November 27, 1966, when the Washington Redskins and New York Giants combined for 113 points in a 72 -- 41 victory for the Redskins. Only four games in NFL history have eclipsed 100 total points, with the most recent being a 101 - point game in 2015 between the Giants and New Orleans Saints. The highest score in a playoff game occurred in the 2009 -- 10 NFL playoffs, a 96 - point game in which the Arizona Cardinals defeated the Green Bay Packers 51 -- 45 in overtime. The most points scored in a Super Bowl was 75, in Super Bowl XXIX, which the San Francisco 49ers won 49 -- 26 over the San Diego Chargers.", "short_answer": "113 points" } }, { "question": "what is the highest scoring game in nfl history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest_scoring_NFL_games&oldid=815788263", "q_uid": 8627890611858167653, "answers": { "long_answer": "The highest score in a National Football League ( NFL ) game occurred on November 27, 1966, when the Washington Redskins and New York Giants combined for 113 points in a 72 -- 41 victory for the Redskins. Only four games in NFL history have eclipsed 100 total points, with the most recent being a 101 - point game in 2015 between the Giants and New Orleans Saints. The highest score in a playoff game occurred in the 2009 -- 10 NFL playoffs, a 96 - point game in which the Arizona Cardinals defeated the Green Bay Packers 51 -- 45 in overtime. The most points scored in a Super Bowl was 75, in Super Bowl XXIX, which the San Francisco 49ers won 49 -- 26 over the San Diego Chargers.", "short_answer": "November 27, 1966," } }, { "question": "when was the last time the eagles scored over 50 points", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest_scoring_NFL_games&oldid=821792142", "q_uid": 9210264511960065380, "answers": { "long_answer": "In a December 30, 1995 Wild Card playoff game, the Philadelphia Eagles and Detroit Lions combined for 95 points in what was the NFL 's highest scoring postseason game until the 2009 -- 10 playoffs.", "short_answer": "December 30, 1995 Wild" } }, { "question": "what's the most points ever scored in an nfl game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest_scoring_NFL_games&oldid=825022682", "q_uid": -7269593172321461561, "answers": { "long_answer": "The highest score in a National Football League ( NFL ) game occurred on November 27, 1966, when the Washington Redskins and New York Giants combined for 113 points in a 72 -- 41 victory for the Redskins. Only four games in NFL history have eclipsed 100 total points, with the most recent being a 101 - point game in 2015 between the Giants and New Orleans Saints. The highest score in a playoff game occurred in the 2009 -- 10 NFL playoffs, a 96 - point game in which the Arizona Cardinals defeated the Green Bay Packers 51 -- 45 in overtime. The most points scored in a Super Bowl was 75, in Super Bowl XXIX, which the San Francisco 49ers won 49 -- 26 over the San Diego Chargers.", "short_answer": "113 points" } }, { "question": "most points by a single team in an nfl game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest_scoring_NFL_games&oldid=825022682", "q_uid": -366294515836034790, "answers": { "long_answer": "The highest score in a National Football League ( NFL ) game occurred on November 27, 1966, when the Washington Redskins and New York Giants combined for 113 points in a 72 -- 41 victory for the Redskins. Only four games in NFL history have eclipsed 100 total points, with the most recent being a 101 - point game in 2015 between the Giants and New Orleans Saints. The highest score in a playoff game occurred in the 2009 -- 10 NFL playoffs, a 96 - point game in which the Arizona Cardinals defeated the Green Bay Packers 51 -- 45 in overtime. The most points scored in a Super Bowl was 75, in Super Bowl XXIX, which the San Francisco 49ers won 49 -- 26 over the San Diego Chargers.", "short_answer": "72 --" } }, { "question": "what is the highest score in the nfl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest_scoring_NFL_games&oldid=815788263", "q_uid": -1142907310054144230, "answers": { "long_answer": "Points scored Score Winning team Losing team Date Ref 113 72 -- 41 Washington Redskins New York Giants November 27, 1966 106 58 -- 48 Cincinnati Bengals Cleveland Browns November 28, 2004 101 52 -- 49 Oakland Raiders Houston Oilers December 22, 1963 101 52 -- 49 New Orleans Saints New York Giants November 1, 2015 99 51 -- 48 ( OT ) Seattle Seahawks Kansas City Chiefs November 27, 1983 99 51 -- 48 Denver Broncos Dallas Cowboys October 6, 2013 98 54 -- 44 San Diego Chargers Pittsburgh Steelers December 8, 1985 96 51 -- 45 Cleveland Browns Cincinnati Bengals September 16, 2007 96 51 -- 45 ( OT ) New York Jets Miami Dolphins September 21, 1986 95 48 -- 47 Green Bay Packers Washington Redskins October 17, 1983", "short_answer": "72 -- 41" } }, { "question": "record for most points in a nfl game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_highest_scoring_NFL_games&oldid=866389202", "q_uid": 8806699603385179868, "answers": { "long_answer": "The highest score in a National Football League ( NFL ) game occurred on November 27, 1966, when the Washington Redskins and New York Giants combined for 113 points in a 72 -- 41 victory for the Redskins. Only four games in NFL history have eclipsed 100 total points, with the most recent being a 101 - point game in 2015 between the Giants and New Orleans Saints. The highest score in a playoff game occurred in the 2009 -- 10 NFL playoffs, a 96 - point game in which the Arizona Cardinals defeated the Green Bay Packers 51 -- 45 in overtime. The most points scored in a Super Bowl was 75, in Super Bowl XXIX, which the San Francisco 49ers won 49 -- 26 over the San Diego Chargers.", "short_answer": "113 points" } } ], "List of the longest-running West End shows": [ { "question": "what is the longest running musical in uk", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_the_longest-running_West_End_shows&oldid=823615474", "q_uid": 2948358370886901977, "answers": { "long_answer": "# Title Genre Opening date Closing date Performances The Mousetrap 25 November 1952 27,174 Currently running at the St. Martin 's Theatre 6 October 1952 -- Production premiere at the Theatre Royal, Nottingham 25 November 1952 -- Opened in the West End at the New Ambassadors Theatre 13 September 1957 -- Longest - running West End play 12 April 1958 -- Longest - running West End show overall, 2239 performances 9 December 1964 -- 5,000 performances 23 March 1974 -- Closed for 2 days to transfer to the St. Martin 's Theatre, retaining initial run status 17 December 1976 -- 10,000 performances 16 December 2000 -- 20,000 performances 18 November 2012 - 25,000 performances 1965 & 1999 -- Sets, costumes and props replaced Les Mis\u00e9rables 8 October 1985 13,341 Currently running at the Queen 's Theatre Opened at the Royal Shakespeare Company 's Barbican Theatre. Transferred to the Palace Theatre on the West End on 5 December 1985. Transferred to the Queen 's Theatre in April 2004, where it is still running. The Phantom of the Opera 9 October 1986 13,008 Currently running at Her Majesty 's Theatre The Woman in Black 7 June 1989 11,704 Currently running at Fortune Theatre Blood Brothers 28 July 1988 10 November 2012 10,013 6 Cats 11 May 1981 11 May 2002 8,949 Opened in London at the New London Theatre The show closed on its 21st anniversary, where it was broadcast in Covent Garden for those who could n't acquire a ticket It held the record for longest running West End Musical for four years before it was overtaken by Les Mis\u00e9rables, the current record holder. 7 Mamma Mia! 6 April 1999 7,871 Currently running at Novello Theatre This is the longest running jukebox musical Opened at the Prince Edward Theatre Moved to the Prince of Wales Theatre on 9 June 2004 Moved to Novello Theatre in September 2012 8 The Lion King 19 October 1999 7,634 Currently running at Lyceum Theatre 9 Starlight Express 27 March 1984 12 January 2002 7,406 10 No Sex Please, We 're British 3 June 1971 16 January 1987 6,761 11 Stomp 25 September 2002 7 January 2018 6,512 Opened at the Vaudeville Theatre Moved to the Ambassadors Theatre on 27 September 2007 12 Chicago 18 October 1997 1 September 2012 6,187 This is the longest running revival Show opened at the Adelphi Theatre Moved to the Cambridge Theatre in April 2006 Moved to the Garrick Theatre in November 2011 13 Buddy -- The Buddy Holly Story 12 October 1989 3 March 2002 5,140 Opened at the Victoria Palace Theatre Moved to the Strand Theatre ( now the Novello Theatre ) in October 1995 14 Wicked 27 September 2006 4,746 Currently running at Apollo Victoria Theatre 15 We Will Rock You 25 September 2002 31 May 2014 4,659 16 Billy Elliot the Musical 11 May 2005 9 April 2016 4,566 17 Miss Saigon 20 September 1989 30 October 1999 4,264 18 Jersey Boys 18 March 2008 26 March 2017 3,787 19 Thriller - Live 26 January 2009 3,745 Currently running at Lyric Theatre 20 The Complete Works of William Shakespeare ( Abridged ) 7 March 1996 3 April 2005 3,744 21 The 39 Steps 14 September 2006 5 September 2015 3,731 22 Jesus Christ Superstar 9 August 1972 23 August 1980 3,357 23 Me and My Girl 12 February 1985 16 January 1993 3,303 This is a revival of the 1937 musical. 24 Evita 21 June 1978 18 February 1986 3,176", "short_answer": "The Mousetrap" } }, { "question": "longest running play in london's west end", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_the_longest-running_West_End_shows&oldid=823615474", "q_uid": -3376256832911957038, "answers": { "long_answer": "# Title Genre Opening date Closing date Performances The Mousetrap 25 November 1952 27,174 Currently running at the St. Martin 's Theatre 6 October 1952 -- Production premiere at the Theatre Royal, Nottingham 25 November 1952 -- Opened in the West End at the New Ambassadors Theatre 13 September 1957 -- Longest - running West End play 12 April 1958 -- Longest - running West End show overall, 2239 performances 9 December 1964 -- 5,000 performances 23 March 1974 -- Closed for 2 days to transfer to the St. Martin 's Theatre, retaining initial run status 17 December 1976 -- 10,000 performances 16 December 2000 -- 20,000 performances 18 November 2012 - 25,000 performances 1965 & 1999 -- Sets, costumes and props replaced Les Mis\u00e9rables 8 October 1985 13,341 Currently running at the Queen 's Theatre Opened at the Royal Shakespeare Company 's Barbican Theatre. Transferred to the Palace Theatre on the West End on 5 December 1985. Transferred to the Queen 's Theatre in April 2004, where it is still running. The Phantom of the Opera 9 October 1986 13,008 Currently running at Her Majesty 's Theatre The Woman in Black 7 June 1989 11,704 Currently running at Fortune Theatre Blood Brothers 28 July 1988 10 November 2012 10,013 6 Cats 11 May 1981 11 May 2002 8,949 Opened in London at the New London Theatre The show closed on its 21st anniversary, where it was broadcast in Covent Garden for those who could n't acquire a ticket It held the record for longest running West End Musical for four years before it was overtaken by Les Mis\u00e9rables, the current record holder. 7 Mamma Mia! 6 April 1999 7,871 Currently running at Novello Theatre This is the longest running jukebox musical Opened at the Prince Edward Theatre Moved to the Prince of Wales Theatre on 9 June 2004 Moved to Novello Theatre in September 2012 8 The Lion King 19 October 1999 7,634 Currently running at Lyceum Theatre 9 Starlight Express 27 March 1984 12 January 2002 7,406 10 No Sex Please, We 're British 3 June 1971 16 January 1987 6,761 11 Stomp 25 September 2002 7 January 2018 6,512 Opened at the Vaudeville Theatre Moved to the Ambassadors Theatre on 27 September 2007 12 Chicago 18 October 1997 1 September 2012 6,187 This is the longest running revival Show opened at the Adelphi Theatre Moved to the Cambridge Theatre in April 2006 Moved to the Garrick Theatre in November 2011 13 Buddy -- The Buddy Holly Story 12 October 1989 3 March 2002 5,140 Opened at the Victoria Palace Theatre Moved to the Strand Theatre ( now the Novello Theatre ) in October 1995 14 Wicked 27 September 2006 4,746 Currently running at Apollo Victoria Theatre 15 We Will Rock You 25 September 2002 31 May 2014 4,659 16 Billy Elliot the Musical 11 May 2005 9 April 2016 4,566 17 Miss Saigon 20 September 1989 30 October 1999 4,264 18 Jersey Boys 18 March 2008 26 March 2017 3,787 19 Thriller - Live 26 January 2009 3,745 Currently running at Lyric Theatre 20 The Complete Works of William Shakespeare ( Abridged ) 7 March 1996 3 April 2005 3,744 21 The 39 Steps 14 September 2006 5 September 2015 3,731 22 Jesus Christ Superstar 9 August 1972 23 August 1980 3,357 23 Me and My Girl 12 February 1985 16 January 1993 3,303 This is a revival of the 1937 musical. 24 Evita 21 June 1978 18 February 1986 3,176", "short_answer": "The Mousetrap" } } ], "List of Category 4 Atlantic hurricanes": [ { "question": "last cat 4 hurricane to hit puerto rico", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Category_4_Atlantic_hurricanes&oldid=811515358", "q_uid": -185497462120044762, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Year Category 4 Category 3 Category 2 Category 1 Tropical storm `` Last Island '' 1856 Louisiana `` Unnamed '' 1866 Bahamas `` Unnamed '' 1878 Haiti & Turks and Caicos Islands `` Unnamed '' 1880 Texas Quintana Roo Guadeloupe `` Unnamed '' 1882 Cuba Florida Indianola 1886 Texas Dominican Republic & Cuba Cheniere Caminada 1893 Louisiana Quintana Roo & Mississippi Unnamed 1894 Saint Lucia Unnamed 1898 Georgia San Ciriaco 1899 Guadeloupe & Puerto Rico Bahamas & North Carolina Galveston ( 1900 ) 1900 Texas Antigua, Nevis, Dominican Republic & Cuba Unnamed 1910 Cuba Florida Galveston ( 1915 ) 1915 Texas Jamaica Guadeloupe New Orleans 1915 Louisiana Florida Keys 1919 Bahamas & Texas Puerto Rico Tampa Bay 1921 Florida Nassau 1926 Bahamas Florida Miami 1926 Bahamas & Florida Alabama Unnamed 1926 Cuba Bermuda Unnamed 1929 Bahamas Florida Florida San Zen\u00f3n 1930 Dominican Republic Guadeloupe Cuba & Florida Unnamed 1932 Texas San Ciprian 1932 Puerto Rico Dominican Republic Belize Chesapeake -- Potomac 1933 North Carolina Treasure Coast 1933 Bahamas Florida Outer Banks 1933 North Carolina Nova Scotia Great Atlantic Hurricane 1944 New York & Rhode Island Unnamed 1945 Florida Bahamas South Carolina Unnamed 1948 Florida Cuba Unnamed 1949 Florida Bahamas Charlie 1951 Quintana Roo Tamaulipas Jamaica Dominica Fox 1952 Cuba Bahamas Bahamas Hazel 1954 North Carolina Haiti & Turks and Caicos Islands Connie 1955 North Carolina Carrie 1957 Azores Helene 1958 North Carolina Newfoundland Gracie 1959 South Carolina Donna 1960 Florida Barbuda, Anguilla, & Bahamas North Carolina, New York & Connecticut Esther 1961 Massachusetts & Maine Flora 1963 Haiti Tobago & Cuba Cuba Cleo 1964 Guadeloupe & Haiti Florida Cuba Georgia Dora 1964 Florida Hilda 1964 Louisiana Betsy 1965 Louisiana Bahamas & Florida Inez 1966 Dominican Republic Guadeloupe, Cuba & Tamaulipas Cuba Carmen Quintana Roo Louisiana Greta 1978 Honduras Belize Frederic 1979 Alabama Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic & Cuba Diana 1984 North Carolina Gloria 1985 North Carolina New York & Connecticut Joan 1988 Nicaragua Grenada, Colombia & Venezuela Luis 1995 Barbuda Newfoundland Opal 1995 Florida Yucat\u00e1n Peninsula Hortense Puerto Rico & Nova Scotia Guadeloupe Georges 1998 Antigua, Saint Kitts, Puerto Rico & Dominican Republic Florida & Mississippi Cuba Bret 1999 Texas Floyd 1999 Bahamas Bahamas North Carolina Maryland, New Jersey, New York & Connecticut Lenny 1999 Saint Martin Anguilla Saint Barth\u00e9lemy Antigua Keith 2000 Belize & Tamaulipas Iris 2001 Belize Michelle 2001 Cuba Bahamas Lili 2002 Cuba Cayman Islands & Louisiana Charley Florida Cuba South Carolina Frances Bahamas Bahamas & Florida Florida Dennis 2005 Cuba Florida Gustav 2008 Cuba ( 2x ) Louisiana Haiti Jamaica Ike 2008 Cuba Bahamas Texas Cuba Paloma 2008 Cuba Bill 2009 Newfoundland Earl Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Igor Newfoundland Gonzalo 2014 Bermuda Antigua, Saint Martin & Anguilla Joaquin 2015 Bahamas Bahamas ( 2x ) Harvey 2017 Texas Barbados & Louisiana", "short_answer": "1932" } }, { "question": "how many cat 4 hurricanes have hit the u s", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Category_4_Atlantic_hurricanes&oldid=802413359", "q_uid": -2490672318211730866, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Year Category 4 Category 3 Category 2 Category 1 Tropical storm `` Last Island '' 1856 Louisiana `` Unnamed '' 1866 Bahamas `` Unnamed '' 1878 Haiti & Turks and Caicos Islands `` Unnamed '' 1880 Texas Quintana Roo Guadeloupe `` Unnamed '' 1882 Cuba Florida Indianola 1886 Texas Dominican Republic & Cuba Cheniere Caminada 1893 Louisiana Quintana Roo & Mississippi Unnamed 1894 Saint Lucia Unnamed 1898 Georgia San Ciriaco 1899 Guadeloupe & Puerto Rico Bahamas & North Carolina Galveston ( 1900 ) 1900 Texas Antigua, Nevis, Dominican Republic & Cuba Unnamed 1910 Cuba Florida Galveston ( 1915 ) 1915 Texas Jamaica Guadeloupe New Orleans 1915 Louisiana Florida Keys 1919 Bahamas & Texas Puerto Rico Tampa Bay 1921 Florida Nassau 1926 Bahamas Florida Miami 1926 Bahamas & Florida Alabama Unnamed 1926 Cuba Bermuda Unnamed 1929 Bahamas Florida Florida San Zen\u00f3n 1930 Dominican Republic Guadeloupe Cuba & Florida Unnamed 1932 Texas San Ciprian 1932 Puerto Rico Dominican Republic Belize Chesapeake -- Potomac 1933 North Carolina Treasure Coast 1933 Bahamas Florida Outer Banks 1933 North Carolina Nova Scotia Great Atlantic Hurricane 1944 New York & Rhode Island Unnamed 1945 Florida Bahamas South Carolina Unnamed 1948 Florida Cuba Unnamed 1949 Florida Bahamas Charlie 1951 Quintana Roo Tamaulipas Jamaica Dominica Fox 1952 Cuba Bahamas Bahamas Hazel 1954 North Carolina Haiti & Turks and Caicos Islands Connie 1955 North Carolina Carrie 1957 Azores Helene 1958 North Carolina Newfoundland Gracie 1959 South Carolina Donna 1960 Florida Barbuda, Anguilla, & Bahamas North Carolina, New York & Connecticut Esther 1961 Massachusetts & Maine Flora 1963 Haiti Tobago & Cuba Cuba Cleo 1964 Guadeloupe & Haiti Florida Cuba Georgia Dora 1964 Florida Hilda 1964 Louisiana Betsy 1965 Louisiana Bahamas & Florida Inez 1966 Dominican Republic Guadeloupe, Cuba & Tamaulipas Cuba Carmen Quintana Roo Louisiana Greta 1978 Honduras Belize Frederic 1979 Alabama Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic & Cuba Diana 1984 North Carolina Gloria 1985 North Carolina New York & Connecticut Joan 1988 Nicaragua Grenada, Colombia & Venezuela Luis 1995 Barbuda Newfoundland Opal 1995 Florida Yucat\u00e1n Peninsula Hortense Puerto Rico & Nova Scotia Guadeloupe Georges 1998 Antigua, Saint Kitts & Dominican Republic Puerto Rico, Florida & Mississippi Cuba Bret 1999 Texas Floyd 1999 Bahamas Bahamas North Carolina Maryland, New Jersey, New York & Connecticut Lenny 1999 Saint Martin Anguilla Saint Barth\u00e9lemy Antigua Keith 2000 Belize & Tamaulipas Iris 2001 Belize Michelle 2001 Cuba Bahamas Lili 2002 Cuba Cayman Islands & Louisiana Charley Florida Cuba South Carolina Frances Bahamas Bahamas & Florida Florida Dennis 2005 Cuba Florida Gustav 2008 Cuba ( 2x ) Louisiana Haiti Jamaica Ike 2008 Cuba Bahamas Texas Cuba Paloma 2008 Cuba Bill 2009 Newfoundland Earl Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Igor Newfoundland Gonzalo 2014 Bermuda Antigua, Saint Martin & Anguilla Joaquin 2015 Bahamas Bahamas ( 2x ) Harvey 2017 Texas Barbados & Louisiana", "short_answer": "" } } ], "California State Assembly": [ { "question": "what is the salary of a california assemblyman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=California_State_Assembly&oldid=843116456", "q_uid": 6030183852542135869, "answers": { "long_answer": "California State Assembly California State Legislature Type Type Lower house of the California State Legislature Term limits Elected before 2012: 3 terms ( 6 years ) Elected 2012 and after: 6 terms ( 12 years ) History New session started December 5, 2016 Leadership Speaker Anthony Rendon ( D ) Since March 7, 2016 Speaker pro Tempore Kevin Mullin ( D ) Since December 1, 2014 Majority Leader Ian Calderon ( D ) Since March 10, 2016 Minority Leader Brian Dahle ( R ) Since September 16, 2017 Structure Seats 80 Political groups Majority Democratic ( 53 ) Minority Republican ( 25 ) Vacant ( 2 ) Length of term 2 years Authority Article 4, California Constitution Salary $104,118 / year + per diem Elections Last election November 8, 2016 Next election November 6, 2018 Redistricting California Citizens Redistricting Commission Motto Legislatorum est justas leges condere ( `` It is the duty of legislators to pass just laws. '' ) Meeting place State Assembly Chamber California State Capitol Sacramento, California Website California State Assembly", "short_answer": "$104,118 / year + per diem" } } ], "Pom Klementieff": [ { "question": "who played mantis guardians of the galaxy 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=829523540", "q_uid": -2500044561429484630, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff ( born 3 May 1986 ) is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and will appear in the same role in the film Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff (" } }, { "question": "who plays mantis in the guardians of the galaxy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=816053954", "q_uid": -6556766100274455185, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff ( born c. 1986 / 1987 ) is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and will appear in the same role in the film Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff (" } }, { "question": "who plays mantis guardians of the galaxy 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=802480375", "q_uid": 6562110839882157066, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and will appear in the same role in the film Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff is" } }, { "question": "girl who plays in guardians of the galaxy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=843554139", "q_uid": 7246441409477036454, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff ( born 3 May 1986 ) is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff (" } }, { "question": "who plays mantis on guardians of the galaxy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=802553655", "q_uid": -9189482665289381562, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and will appear in the same role in the film Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff is" } }, { "question": "who played mantis in guardians of the galaxy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=802480375", "q_uid": -4910139020074177937, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and will appear in the same role in the film Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff is" } }, { "question": "who played mantis on guardians of the galaxy 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=829523540", "q_uid": -154559795595405963, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff ( born 3 May 1986 ) is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and will appear in the same role in the film Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff (" } }, { "question": "who plays mantis in guardian of the galaxy 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=836298640", "q_uid": -9108020430862237661, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff ( born 3 May 1986 ) is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and will appear in the same role in the film Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff (" } }, { "question": "mantis actress in guardians of the galaxy 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=811682526", "q_uid": -5083956921403459900, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff ( born c. 1986 / 1987 ) is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and will appear in the same role in the film Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff (" } }, { "question": "who plays mantis on guardians of the galaxy vol 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pom_Klementieff&oldid=804560916", "q_uid": 7803805775839704861, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pom Klementieff ( born c. 1986 / 1987 ) is a French actress. She was trained at the Cours Florent drama school in Paris and has appeared in such films as Loup ( 2009 ), Sleepless Night ( 2011 ) and Hacker 's Game ( 2015 ). She plays the role of Mantis in the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and will appear in the same role in the film Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Pom Klementieff (" } } ], "Mesut \u00d6zil": [ { "question": "how many assist does ozil have in his career", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mesut_%C3%96zil&oldid=825472073", "q_uid": 3412995836408781633, "answers": { "long_answer": "\u00d6zil plays mostly as an attacking midfielder, but can also be deployed as a winger. He began his senior career as a member of his hometown club Schalke 04 in the Bundesliga, departing two seasons later to join Werder Bremen for \u20ac 5 million. He garnered break - out attention at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, where at age 22, \u00d6zil was instrumental in the side 's campaign where they reached the semi-finals, losing to eventual champions Spain. He was also nominated for the Golden Ball Award, as well as being ranked first in assists in major European and domestic competitions with 25. This garnered him a \u20ac 15 million transfer to La Liga club Real Madrid.", "short_answer": "25." } } ], "Rupert Grint": [ { "question": "who is the actor that plays ron weasley", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rupert_Grint&oldid=800017521", "q_uid": 4525608975737028945, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint ( born 24 August 1988 ) is an English actor and producer. He rose to prominence playing Ron Weasley, one of the three main characters in the Harry Potter film series. Grint was cast as Ron at the age of 11, having previously acted only in school plays and at his local theatre group. From 2001 to 2011, he starred in all eight Harry Potter films alongside Daniel Radcliffe playing as Harry Potter and Emma Watson playing as Hermione Granger.", "short_answer": "Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint (" } } ], "The Players Championship": [ { "question": "what are the qualifications to play in the players championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Players_Championship&oldid=841086304", "q_uid": 4758611082023096892, "answers": { "long_answer": "Winners of PGA Tour events since last Players Top 125 from previous season 's FedEx Cup points list Top 125 ( medical ) Major champions from the past five years Players Championship winners from the past five years The Tour Championship winners from the past three years World Golf Championship winners from the past three years Memorial Tournament and Arnold Palmer Invitational winners since 2015 Top 50 from the Official World Golf Ranking Senior Players champion from prior year Web.com Tour money leader from prior season Money leader during the Web.com Tour Finals, if not the regular - season money leader Top 10 current year FedEx Cup points leaders Remaining positions and alternates filled through current year FedEx Cup standings", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the players golf championship last year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Players_Championship&oldid=841086304", "q_uid": 5882913119887914611, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Player Country Score To par Margin of victory Runner ( s ) - up Winner 's share ( $ ) Purse ( $ ) The Players Championship 2018 Webb Simpson United States 270 \u2212 18 4 strokes Xander Schauffele Charl Schwartzel Jimmy Walker 1,980,000 11,000,000 2017 Kim Si - woo South Korea 278 \u2212 10 3 strokes Louis Oosthuizen Ian Poulter 1,890,000 10,500,000 2016 Jason Day Australia 273 \u2212 15 4 strokes Kevin Chappell 1,890,000 10,500,000 2015 Rickie Fowler United States 276 \u2212 12 Playoff Sergio Garc\u00eda Kevin Kisner 1,800,000 10,000,000 2014 Martin Kaymer Germany 275 \u2212 13 1 stroke Jim Furyk 1,800,000 10,000,000 2013 Tiger Woods ( 2 ) United States 275 \u2212 13 2 strokes David Lingmerth Jeff Maggert Kevin Streelman 1,710,000 9,500,000 2012 Matt Kuchar United States 275 \u2212 13 2 strokes Ben Curtis Rickie Fowler Zach Johnson Martin Laird 1,710,000 9,500,000 2011 K.J. Choi South Korea 275 \u2212 13 Playoff David Toms 1,710,000 9,500,000 Tim Clark South Africa 272 \u2212 16 1 stroke Robert Allenby 1,710,000 9,500,000 2009 Henrik Stenson Sweden 276 \u2212 12 4 strokes Ian Poulter 1,710,000 9,500,000 2008 Sergio Garc\u00eda Spain 283 \u2212 5 Playoff Paul Goydos 1,710,000 9,500,000 2007 Phil Mickelson United States 277 \u2212 11 2 strokes Sergio Garc\u00eda 1,620,000 9,000,000 2006 Stephen Ames Canada 274 \u2212 14 6 strokes Retief Goosen 1,440,000 8,000,000 2005 Fred Funk United States 279 \u2212 9 1 stroke Luke Donald Tom Lehman Scott Verplank 1,440,000 8,000,000 Adam Scott Australia 276 \u2212 12 1 stroke P\u00e1draig Harrington 1,440,000 8,000,000 2003 Davis Love III ( 2 ) United States 271 \u2212 17 6 strokes Jay Haas P\u00e1draig Harrington 1,170,000 6,500,000 2002 Craig Perks New Zealand 280 \u2212 8 2 strokes Stephen Ames 1,080,000 6,000,000 2001 Tiger Woods United States 274 \u2212 14 1 stroke Vijay Singh 1,080,000 6,000,000 2000 Hal Sutton ( 2 ) United States 278 \u2212 10 1 stroke Tiger Woods 1,080,000 6,000,000 1999 David Duval United States 285 \u2212 3 2 strokes Scott Gump 900,000 5,000,000 1998 Justin Leonard United States 278 \u2212 10 2 strokes Glen Day Tom Lehman 720,000 4,000,000 1997 Steve Elkington ( 2 ) Australia 272 \u2212 16 7 strokes Scott Hoch 630,000 3,500,000 Fred Couples ( 2 ) United States 270 \u2212 18 4 strokes Colin Montgomerie Tommy Tolles 630,000 3,500,000 1995 Lee Janzen United States 283 \u2212 5 1 stroke Bernhard Langer 540,000 3,000,000 1994 Greg Norman Australia 264 \u2212 24 4 strokes Fuzzy Zoeller 450,000 2,500,000 1993 Nick Price Zimbabwe 270 \u2212 18 5 strokes Bernhard Langer 450,000 2,500,000 1992 Davis Love III United States 273 \u2212 15 4 strokes Ian Baker - Finch Phil Blackmar Nick Faldo Tom Watson 324,000 1,800,000 1991 Steve Elkington Australia 276 \u2212 12 1 stroke Fuzzy Zoeller 288,000 1,600,000 1990 Jodie Mudd United States 278 \u2212 10 1 stroke Mark Calcavecchia 270,000 1,500,000 1989 Tom Kite United States 279 \u2212 9 1 stroke Chip Beck 243,000 1,350,000 1988 Mark McCumber United States 273 \u2212 15 4 strokes Mike Reid 225,000 1,250,000 Tournament Players Championship Sandy Lyle Scotland 274 \u2212 14 Playoff Jeff Sluman 180,000 1,000,000 1986 John Mahaffey United States 275 \u2212 13 1 stroke Larry Mize 162,000 900,000 1985 Calvin Peete United States 274 \u2212 14 3 strokes D.A. Weibring 162,000 900,000 1984 Fred Couples United States 277 \u2212 11 1 stroke Lee Trevino 144,000 800,000 Hal Sutton United States 283 \u2212 5 1 stroke Bob Eastwood 126,000 700,000 1982 Jerry Pate United States 280 \u2212 8 2 strokes Brad Bryant Scott Simpson 90,000 500,000 1981 Raymond Floyd United States 285 \u2212 3 Playoff Barry Jaeckel Curtis Strange 72,000 440,000 1980 Lee Trevino United States 278 \u2212 10 1 stroke Ben Crenshaw 72,000 440,000 1979 Lanny Wadkins United States 283 \u2212 5 5 strokes Tom Watson 72,000 440,000 1978 Jack Nicklaus ( 3 ) United States 289 + 1 1 stroke Lou Graham 60,000 300,000 1977 Mark Hayes United States 289 + 1 2 strokes Mike McCullough 60,000 300,000 1976 Jack Nicklaus ( 2 ) United States 269 \u2212 19 3 strokes J.C. Snead 60,000 300,000 Al Geiberger United States 270 \u2212 10 3 strokes Dave Stockton 50,000 250,000 Jack Nicklaus United States 272 \u2212 16 2 strokes J.C. Snead 50,000 250,000", "short_answer": "Kim Si - woo" } }, { "question": "who has won the players championship more than once", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Players_Championship&oldid=841086304", "q_uid": -1699975703325171761, "answers": { "long_answer": "3 wins: Jack Nicklaus: 1974, 1976, 1978 2 wins: Fred Couples: 1984, 1996 Steve Elkington: 1991, 1997 Hal Sutton: 1983, 2000 Davis Love III: 1992, 2003 Tiger Woods: 2001, 2013", "short_answer": "Jack Nicklaus:" } } ], "Jessica Collins": [ { "question": "who plays jackie in it's always sunny", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jessica_Collins&oldid=801316823", "q_uid": -8217186815680756695, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jessica Collins ( born Jessica Lynn Capogna; April 1, 1971 ) is an American actress. She is best known for portraying Dinah Lee Mayberry on the ABC soap opera Loving ( 1991 -- 1994 ) and Avery Bailey Clark on the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless ( 2011 -- 2015 ). She also starred as Meredith Davies on Fox 's Tru Calling, and appeared in recurring and guest roles in many other shows.", "short_answer": "Jessica Collins (" } } ], "Melissa Rauch": [ { "question": "who plays bernadette from the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Melissa_Rauch&oldid=851194676", "q_uid": 7326500515087014094, "answers": { "long_answer": "Melissa Ivy Rauch ( born June 23, 1980 ) is an American actress and comedian. She is known for playing Bernadette Rostenkowski - Wolowitz on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory.", "short_answer": "Melissa Ivy Rauch (" } }, { "question": "who played bernadette on the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Melissa_Rauch&oldid=834389373", "q_uid": -5174942509138081319, "answers": { "long_answer": "Melissa Ivy Rauch ( born June 23, 1980 ) is an American actress and comedian. She is known for playing Bernadette Rostenkowski - Wolowitz on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory.", "short_answer": "Melissa Ivy Rauch (" } }, { "question": "who plays bernadette in the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Melissa_Rauch&oldid=834389373", "q_uid": 4511252741786739519, "answers": { "long_answer": "Melissa Ivy Rauch ( born June 23, 1980 ) is an American actress and comedian. She is known for playing Bernadette Rostenkowski - Wolowitz on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory.", "short_answer": "Melissa Ivy Rauch (" } }, { "question": "who plays bernadette on the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Melissa_Rauch&oldid=802583787", "q_uid": -5539931265072791856, "answers": { "long_answer": "Melissa Ivy Rauch ( born June 23, 1980 ) is an American actress and comedian. She is known for playing Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski - Wolowitz on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory.", "short_answer": "Melissa Ivy Rauch (" } } ], "Zachary Gordon": [ { "question": "who played greg heffley in diary of wimpy kid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zachary_Gordon&oldid=796072199", "q_uid": 3000330028642816269, "answers": { "long_answer": "Zachary Adam Gordon ( born February 15, 1998 ) is an American actor. Beginning his professional acting career at the age of eight, Gordon is a three time Young Artist Award Best Leading Young Actor nominee, best known for playing Greg Heffley in the first three films of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film franchise, which are based on Jeff Kinney 's # 1 New York Times best seller novel series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid.", "short_answer": "Zachary Adam Gordon (" } }, { "question": "who plays greg on diary of a wimpy kid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zachary_Gordon&oldid=841057631", "q_uid": -3418395175006043443, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2011, Gordon provided voices for Charlie Brown, Linus and Franklin on the comedy show Robot Chicken, and in 2012, he reprised the role of Greg Heffley for the last time in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. In the fourth film, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul, he was replaced by Jason Drucker.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays greg heffley in diary of a wimpy kid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zachary_Gordon&oldid=816642771", "q_uid": -2711489146500050115, "answers": { "long_answer": "Zachary Adam Gordon ( born February 15, 1998 ) is an American actor. Beginning his professional acting career at the age of eight, Gordon is a three time Young Artist Award Best Leading Young Actor nominee, best known for playing Greg Heffley in the first three films of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film franchise, which are based on Jeff Kinney 's # 1 New York Times best seller novel series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid.", "short_answer": "Zachary Adam Gordon (" } }, { "question": "actor who played diary of a wimpy kid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zachary_Gordon&oldid=820657124", "q_uid": 3095947819735369281, "answers": { "long_answer": "Zachary Adam Gordon ( born February 15, 1998 ) is an American actor. Beginning his professional acting career at the age of eight, Gordon is a three time Young Artist Award Best Leading Young Actor nominee, best known for playing Greg Heffley in the first three films of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film franchise, which are based on Jeff Kinney 's # 1 New York Times best seller novel series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid.", "short_answer": "Zachary Adam Gordon (" } } ], "List of English football champions": [ { "question": "who has won back to back premier league titles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=843223588", "q_uid": 1611333043522586727, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Points Runners - up Points Third place Points Top goalscorer Goals 1992 -- 93 Manchester United ( 8 ) 84 Aston Villa 74 Norwich City 72 Teddy Sheringham ( Nottingham Forest / Tottenham ) 22 1993 -- 94 Manchester United ( 9 ) 92 Blackburn Rovers 84 Newcastle United 77 Andrew Cole ( Newcastle United ) 34 1994 -- 95 Blackburn Rovers ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 88 Nottingham Forest 77 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 34 1995 -- 96 Manchester United ( 10 ) 82 Newcastle United 78 Liverpool 71 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 31 1996 -- 97 Manchester United ( 11 ) 75 Newcastle United 68 Arsenal 68 Alan Shearer ( Newcastle United ) 25 1997 -- 98 Arsenal ( 11 ) 78 Manchester United 77 Liverpool 65 Chris Sutton ( Blackburn Rovers ) Dion Dublin ( Coventry City ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) 18 1998 -- 99 Manchester United ( 12 ) 79 Arsenal 78 Chelsea 75 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Leeds United ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) Dwight Yorke ( Manchester United ) 18 1999 -- 2000 Manchester United ( 13 ) 91 Arsenal 73 Leeds United 69 Kevin Phillips ( Sunderland ) 30 2000 -- 01 Manchester United ( 14 ) 80 Arsenal 70 Liverpool 69 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Chelsea ) 23 2001 -- 02 Arsenal ( 12 ) 87 Liverpool 80 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 24 2002 -- 03 Manchester United ( 15 ) 83 Arsenal 78 Newcastle United 69 Ruud van Nistelrooy ( Manchester United ) 25 2003 -- 04 Arsenal ( 13 ) 90 Chelsea 79 Manchester United 75 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 30 2004 -- 05 Chelsea ( 2 ) 95 Arsenal 83 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 25 2005 -- 06 Chelsea ( 3 ) 91 Manchester United 83 Liverpool 82 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 27 2006 -- 07 Manchester United ( 16 ) 89 Chelsea 83 Liverpool 68 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 20 2007 -- 08 Manchester United ( 17 ) 87 Chelsea 85 Arsenal 83 Cristiano Ronaldo ( Manchester United ) 31 2008 -- 09 Manchester United ( 18 ) 90 Liverpool 86 Chelsea 83 Nicolas Anelka ( Chelsea ) 19 2009 -- 10 Chelsea ( 4 ) 86 Manchester United 85 Arsenal 75 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 29 2010 -- 11 Manchester United ( 19 ) 80 Chelsea 71 Manchester City 71 Dimitar Berbatov ( Manchester United ) Carlos Tevez ( Manchester City ) 20 2011 -- 12 Manchester City ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 89 Arsenal 70 Robin van Persie ( Arsenal ) 30 2012 -- 13 Manchester United ( 20 ) 89 Manchester City 78 Chelsea 75 Robin van Persie ( Manchester United ) 26 2013 -- 14 Manchester City ( 4 ) 86 Liverpool 84 Chelsea 82 Luis Su\u00e1rez ( Liverpool ) 31 2014 -- 15 Chelsea ( 5 ) 87 Manchester City 79 Arsenal 75 Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( Manchester City ) 26 2015 -- 16 Leicester City 81 Arsenal 71 Tottenham Hotspur 70 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 25 2016 -- 17 Chelsea ( 6 ) 93 Tottenham Hotspur 86 Manchester City 78 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29 2017 -- 18 Manchester City ( 5 ) 100 Manchester United 81 Tottenham Hotspur 77 Mohamed Salah ( Liverpool ) 32 2018 -- 19", "short_answer": "Manchester United (" } }, { "question": "list of teams with most premier league titles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=856646495", "q_uid": -723506798238869211, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did leeds united last win the first division title", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=849698369", "q_uid": -3573014885514599184, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Runners - up Third place Leading goalscorer Goals 1892 -- 93 Sunderland ( 2 ) Preston North End Everton John Campbell ( Sunderland ) 31 1893 -- 94 Aston Villa Sunderland Derby County Jack Southworth ( Everton ) 27 1894 -- 95 Sunderland ( 3 ) Everton Aston Villa John Campbell ( Sunderland ) 22 1895 -- 96 Aston Villa ( 2 ) Derby County Everton Johnny Campbell ( Aston Villa ) Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 20 1896 -- 97 Aston Villa ( 3 ) Sheffield United Derby County Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 22 1897 -- 98 Sheffield United Sunderland Wolverhampton Wanderers Fred Wheldon ( Aston Villa ) 21 1898 -- 99 Aston Villa ( 4 ) Liverpool Burnley Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 23 1899 -- 1900 Aston Villa ( 5 ) Sheffield United Sunderland Billy Garraty ( Aston Villa ) 27 1900 -- 01 Liverpool Sunderland Notts County Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 23 1901 -- 02 Sunderland ( 4 ) Everton Newcastle United Jimmy Settle ( Everton ) 18 1902 -- 03 The Wednesday Aston Villa Sunderland Sam Raybould ( Liverpool ) 31 1903 -- 04 The Wednesday ( 2 ) Manchester City Everton Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 20 1904 -- 05 Newcastle United Everton Manchester City Arthur Brown ( Sheffield United ) 22 1905 -- 06 Liverpool ( 2 ) Preston North End The Wednesday Albert Shepherd ( Bolton Wanderers ) 26 1906 -- 07 Newcastle United ( 2 ) Bristol City Everton Alex Young ( Everton ) 30 1907 -- 08 Manchester United Aston Villa Manchester City Enoch West ( Nottingham Forest ) 27 1908 -- 09 Newcastle United ( 3 ) Everton Sunderland Bert Freeman ( Everton ) 38 1909 -- 10 Aston Villa ( 6 ) Liverpool Blackburn Rovers Jack Parkinson ( Liverpool ) 30 1910 -- 11 Manchester United ( 2 ) Aston Villa Sunderland Albert Shepherd ( Newcastle United ) 25 1911 -- 12 Blackburn Rovers Everton Newcastle United Harry Hampton ( Aston Villa ) George Holley ( Sunderland ) David McLean ( The Wednesday ) 25 1912 -- 13 Sunderland ( 5 ) Aston Villa The Wednesday David McLean ( The Wednesday ) 30 1913 -- 14 Blackburn Rovers ( 2 ) Aston Villa Middlesbrough George Elliot ( Middlesbrough ) 32 1914 -- 15 Everton ( 2 ) Oldham Athletic Blackburn Rovers Bobby Parker ( Everton ) 35 1915 / 16 -- 1918 / 19 League suspended owing to the First World War 1919 -- 20 West Bromwich Albion Burnley Chelsea Fred Morris ( West Bromwich Albion ) 37 1920 -- 21 Burnley Manchester City Bolton Wanderers Joe Smith ( Bolton Wanderers ) 38 1921 -- 22 Liverpool ( 3 ) Tottenham Hotspur Burnley Andy Wilson ( Middlesbrough ) 31 1922 -- 23 Liverpool ( 4 ) Sunderland Huddersfield Town Charlie Buchan ( Sunderland ) 30 1923 -- 24 Huddersfield Town Cardiff City Sunderland Wilf Chadwick ( Everton ) 28 1924 -- 25 Huddersfield Town ( 2 ) West Bromwich Albion Bolton Wanderers Frank Roberts ( Manchester City ) 31 1925 -- 26 Huddersfield Town ( 3 ) Arsenal Sunderland Ted Harper ( Blackburn Rovers ) 43 1926 -- 27 Newcastle United ( 4 ) Huddersfield Town Sunderland Jimmy Trotter ( The Wednesday ) 37 1927 -- 28 Everton ( 3 ) Huddersfield Town Leicester City Dixie Dean ( Everton ) 60 1928 -- 29 The Wednesday ( 3 ) Leicester City Aston Villa Dave Halliday ( Sunderland ) 43 1929 -- 30 Sheffield Wednesday ( 4 ) Derby County Manchester City Vic Watson ( West Ham United ) 41 1930 -- 31 Arsenal Aston Villa Sheffield Wednesday Tom Waring ( Aston Villa ) 49 1931 -- 32 Everton ( 4 ) Arsenal Sheffield Wednesday Dixie Dean ( Everton ) 44 1932 -- 33 Arsenal ( 2 ) Aston Villa Sheffield Wednesday Jack Bowers ( Derby County ) 35 1933 -- 34 Arsenal ( 3 ) Huddersfield Town Tottenham Hotspur Jack Bowers ( Derby County ) 34 1934 -- 35 Arsenal ( 4 ) Sunderland Sheffield Wednesday Ted Drake ( Arsenal ) 42 1935 -- 36 Sunderland ( 6 ) Derby County Huddersfield Town W.G. Richardson ( West Bromwich Albion ) 39 1936 -- 37 Manchester City Charlton Athletic Arsenal Freddie Steele ( Stoke City ) 33 1937 -- 38 Arsenal ( 5 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Preston North End Tommy Lawton ( Everton ) 28 1938 -- 39 Everton ( 5 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Charlton Athletic Tommy Lawton ( Everton ) 35 1939 / 40 -- 1945 / 46 League suspended owing to the Second World War 1946 -- 47 Liverpool ( 5 ) Manchester United Wolverhampton Wanderers Dennis Westcott ( Wolverhampton Wanderers ) 37 1947 -- 48 Arsenal ( 6 ) Manchester United Burnley Ronnie Rooke ( Arsenal ) 33 1948 -- 49 Portsmouth Manchester United Derby County Willie Moir ( Bolton Wanderers ) 25 1949 -- 50 Portsmouth ( 2 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Sunderland Dickie Davis ( Sunderland ) 25 1950 -- 51 Tottenham Hotspur Manchester United Blackpool Stan Mortensen ( Blackpool ) 30 1951 -- 52 Manchester United ( 3 ) Tottenham Hotspur Arsenal George Robledo ( Newcastle United ) 33 1952 -- 53 Arsenal ( 7 ) Preston North End Wolverhampton Wanderers Charlie Wayman ( Preston North End ) 24 1953 -- 54 Wolverhampton Wanderers West Bromwich Albion Huddersfield Town Jimmy Glazzard ( Huddersfield Town ) 29 1954 -- 55 Chelsea Wolverhampton Wanderers Portsmouth Ronnie Allen ( West Bromwich Albion ) 27 1955 -- 56 Manchester United ( 4 ) Blackpool Wolverhampton Wanderers Nat Lofthouse ( Bolton Wanderers ) 33 1956 -- 57 Manchester United ( 5 ) Tottenham Hotspur Preston North End John Charles ( Leeds United ) 38 1957 -- 58 Wolverhampton Wanderers ( 2 ) Preston North End Tottenham Hotspur Bobby Smith ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 36 1958 -- 59 Wolverhampton Wanderers ( 3 ) Manchester United Arsenal Jimmy Greaves ( Chelsea ) 33 1959 -- 60 Burnley ( 2 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Tottenham Hotspur Dennis Viollet ( Manchester United ) 32 1960 -- 61 Tottenham Hotspur ( 2 ) Sheffield Wednesday Wolverhampton Wanderers Jimmy Greaves ( Chelsea ) 41 1961 -- 62 Ipswich Town Burnley Tottenham Hotspur Ray Crawford ( Ipswich Town ) Derek Kevan ( West Bromwich Albion ) 33 1962 -- 63 Everton ( 6 ) Tottenham Hotspur Burnley Jimmy Greaves ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 37 1963 -- 64 Liverpool ( 6 ) Manchester United Everton Jimmy Greaves ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 35 1964 -- 65 Manchester United ( 6 ) Leeds United Chelsea Andy McEvoy ( Blackburn Rovers ) Jimmy Greaves ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29 1965 -- 66 Liverpool ( 7 ) Leeds United Burnley Willie Irvine ( Burnley ) 29 1966 -- 67 Manchester United ( 7 ) Nottingham Forest Tottenham Hotspur Ron Davies ( Southampton ) 37 1967 -- 68 Manchester City ( 2 ) Manchester United Liverpool George Best ( Manchester United ) Ron Davies ( Southampton ) 28 1968 -- 69 Leeds United Liverpool Everton Jimmy Greaves ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 27 1969 -- 70 Everton ( 7 ) Leeds United Chelsea Jeff Astle ( West Bromwich Albion ) 25 1970 -- 71 Arsenal ( 8 ) Leeds United Tottenham Hotspur Tony Brown ( West Bromwich Albion ) 28 1971 -- 72 Derby County Leeds United Liverpool Francis Lee ( Manchester City ) 33 1972 -- 73 Liverpool ( 8 ) Arsenal Leeds United Pop Robson ( West Ham United ) 28 1973 -- 74 Leeds United ( 2 ) Liverpool Derby County Mick Channon ( Southampton ) 21 1974 -- 75 Derby County ( 2 ) Liverpool Ipswich Town Malcolm Macdonald ( Newcastle United ) 21 1975 -- 76 Liverpool ( 9 ) Queens Park Rangers Manchester United Ted MacDougall ( Norwich City ) 23 1976 -- 77 Liverpool ( 10 ) Manchester City Ipswich Town Malcolm Macdonald ( Arsenal ) Andy Gray ( Aston Villa ) 25 1977 -- 78 Nottingham Forest Liverpool Everton Bob Latchford ( Everton ) 30 1978 -- 79 Liverpool ( 11 ) Nottingham Forest West Bromwich Albion Frank Worthington ( Bolton Wanderers ) 24 1979 -- 80 Liverpool ( 12 ) Manchester United Ipswich Town Phil Boyer ( Southampton ) 23 1980 -- 81 Aston Villa ( 7 ) Ipswich Town Arsenal Peter Withe ( Aston Villa ) Steve Archibald ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 20 1981 -- 82 Liverpool ( 13 ) Ipswich Town Manchester United Kevin Keegan ( Southampton ) 26 1982 -- 83 Liverpool ( 14 ) Watford Manchester United Luther Blissett ( Watford ) 27 1983 -- 84 Liverpool ( 15 ) Southampton Nottingham Forest Ian Rush ( Liverpool ) 32 1984 -- 85 Everton ( 8 ) Liverpool Tottenham Hotspur Kerry Dixon ( Chelsea ) Gary Lineker ( Leicester City ) 24 1985 -- 86 Liverpool ( 16 ) Everton West Ham United Gary Lineker ( Everton ) 30 1986 -- 87 Everton ( 9 ) Liverpool Tottenham Hotspur Clive Allen ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 33 1987 -- 88 Liverpool ( 17 ) Manchester United Nottingham Forest John Aldridge ( Liverpool ) 26 1988 -- 89 Arsenal ( 9 ) Liverpool Nottingham Forest Alan Smith ( Arsenal ) 23 1989 -- 90 Liverpool ( 18 ) Aston Villa Tottenham Hotspur Gary Lineker ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 24 1990 -- 91 Arsenal ( 10 ) Liverpool Crystal Palace Alan Smith ( Arsenal ) 22 1991 -- 92 Leeds United ( 3 ) Manchester United Sheffield Wednesday Ian Wright ( Crystal Palace / Arsenal ) 29", "short_answer": "1968 -- 69" } }, { "question": "who has won the premier league back to back", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=831520726", "q_uid": 3369279720230603466, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Points Runners - up Points Third place Points Top goalscorer Goals 1992 -- 93 Manchester United ( 8 ) 84 Aston Villa 74 Norwich City 72 Teddy Sheringham ( Nottingham Forest / Tottenham ) 22 1993 -- 94 Manchester United ( 9 ) 92 Blackburn Rovers 84 Newcastle United 77 Andrew Cole ( Newcastle United ) 34 1994 -- 95 Blackburn Rovers ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 88 Nottingham Forest 77 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 34 1995 -- 96 Manchester United ( 10 ) 82 Newcastle United 78 Liverpool 71 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 31 1996 -- 97 Manchester United ( 11 ) 75 Newcastle United 68 Arsenal 68 Alan Shearer ( Newcastle United ) 25 1997 -- 98 Arsenal ( 11 ) 78 Manchester United 77 Liverpool 65 Chris Sutton ( Blackburn Rovers ) Dion Dublin ( Coventry City ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) 18 1998 -- 99 Manchester United ( 12 ) 79 Arsenal 78 Chelsea 75 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Leeds United ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) Dwight Yorke ( Manchester United ) 18 1999 -- 2000 Manchester United ( 13 ) 91 Arsenal 73 Leeds United 69 Kevin Phillips ( Sunderland ) 30 2000 -- 01 Manchester United ( 14 ) 80 Arsenal 70 Liverpool 69 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Chelsea ) 23 2001 -- 02 Arsenal ( 12 ) 87 Liverpool 80 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 24 2002 -- 03 Manchester United ( 15 ) 83 Arsenal 78 Newcastle United 69 Ruud van Nistelrooy ( Manchester United ) 25 2003 -- 04 Arsenal ( 13 ) 90 Chelsea 79 Manchester United 75 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 30 2004 -- 05 Chelsea ( 2 ) 95 Arsenal 83 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 25 2005 -- 06 Chelsea ( 3 ) 91 Manchester United 83 Liverpool 82 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 27 2006 -- 07 Manchester United ( 16 ) 89 Chelsea 83 Liverpool 68 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 20 2007 -- 08 Manchester United ( 17 ) 87 Chelsea 85 Arsenal 83 Cristiano Ronaldo ( Manchester United ) 31 2008 -- 09 Manchester United ( 18 ) 90 Liverpool 86 Chelsea 83 Nicolas Anelka ( Chelsea ) 19 2009 -- 10 Chelsea ( 4 ) 86 Manchester United 85 Arsenal 75 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 29 2010 -- 11 Manchester United ( 19 ) 80 Chelsea 71 Manchester City 71 Dimitar Berbatov ( Manchester United ) Carlos Tevez ( Manchester City ) 20 2011 -- 12 Manchester City ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 89 Arsenal 70 Robin van Persie ( Arsenal ) 30 2012 -- 13 Manchester United ( 20 ) 89 Manchester City 78 Chelsea 75 Robin van Persie ( Manchester United ) 26 2013 -- 14 Manchester City ( 4 ) 86 Liverpool 84 Chelsea 82 Luis Su\u00e1rez ( Liverpool ) 31 2014 -- 15 Chelsea ( 5 ) 87 Manchester City 79 Arsenal 75 Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( Manchester City ) 26 2015 -- 16 Leicester City 81 Arsenal 71 Tottenham Hotspur 70 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 25 2016 -- 17 Chelsea ( 6 ) 93 Tottenham Hotspur 86 Manchester City 78 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the league the most times", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=835258682", "q_uid": 1624683677017210628, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Everton ( nine ) have enjoyed success throughout their history, and both Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "Manchester United have" } }, { "question": "when did man city last win the premier league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=800752506", "q_uid": 3373402812142672991, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Points Runners - up Points Third place Points Top goalscorer Goals 1992 -- 93 Manchester United ( 8 ) 84 Aston Villa 74 Norwich City 72 Teddy Sheringham ( Nottingham Forest / Tottenham ) 22 1993 -- 94 Manchester United ( 9 ) 92 Blackburn Rovers 84 Newcastle United 77 Andrew Cole ( Newcastle United ) 34 1994 -- 95 Blackburn Rovers ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 88 Nottingham Forest 77 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 34 1995 -- 96 Manchester United ( 10 ) 82 Newcastle United 78 Liverpool 71 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 31 1996 -- 97 Manchester United ( 11 ) 75 Newcastle United 68 Arsenal 68 Alan Shearer ( Newcastle United ) 25 1997 -- 98 Arsenal ( 11 ) 78 Manchester United 77 Liverpool 65 Chris Sutton ( Blackburn Rovers ) Dion Dublin ( Coventry City ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) 18 1998 -- 99 Manchester United ( 12 ) 79 Arsenal 78 Chelsea 75 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Leeds United ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) Dwight Yorke ( Manchester United ) 18 1999 -- 2000 Manchester United ( 13 ) 91 Arsenal 73 Leeds United 69 Kevin Phillips ( Sunderland ) 30 2000 -- 01 Manchester United ( 14 ) 80 Arsenal 70 Liverpool 69 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Chelsea ) 23 2001 -- 02 Arsenal ( 12 ) 87 Liverpool 80 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 24 2002 -- 03 Manchester United ( 15 ) 83 Arsenal 78 Newcastle United 69 Ruud van Nistelrooy ( Manchester United ) 25 2003 -- 04 Arsenal ( 13 ) 90 Chelsea 79 Manchester United 75 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 30 2004 -- 05 Chelsea ( 2 ) 95 Arsenal 83 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 25 2005 -- 06 Chelsea ( 3 ) 91 Manchester United 83 Liverpool 82 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 27 2006 -- 07 Manchester United ( 16 ) 89 Chelsea 83 Liverpool 68 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 20 2007 -- 08 Manchester United ( 17 ) 87 Chelsea 85 Arsenal 83 Cristiano Ronaldo ( Manchester United ) 31 2008 -- 09 Manchester United ( 18 ) 90 Liverpool 86 Chelsea 83 Nicolas Anelka ( Chelsea ) 19 2009 -- 10 Chelsea ( 4 ) 86 Manchester United 85 Arsenal 75 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 29 2010 -- 11 Manchester United ( 19 ) 80 Chelsea 71 Manchester City 71 Dimitar Berbatov ( Manchester United ) Carlos Tevez ( Manchester City ) 20 2011 -- 12 Manchester City ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 89 Arsenal 70 Robin van Persie ( Arsenal ) 30 2012 -- 13 Manchester United ( 20 ) 89 Manchester City 78 Chelsea 75 Robin van Persie ( Manchester United ) 26 2013 -- 14 Manchester City ( 4 ) 86 Liverpool 84 Chelsea 82 Luis Su\u00e1rez ( Liverpool ) 31 2014 -- 15 Chelsea ( 5 ) 87 Manchester City 79 Arsenal 75 Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( Manchester City ) 26 2015 -- 16 Leicester City 81 Arsenal 71 Tottenham Hotspur 70 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 25 2016 -- 17 Chelsea ( 6 ) 93 Tottenham Hotspur 86 Manchester City 78 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29", "short_answer": "2013 -- 14" } }, { "question": "who has won the most english premier league titles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=800752506", "q_uid": 297338336510297968, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Everton ( nine ) have enjoyed success throughout their history, and both Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "Manchester United have" } }, { "question": "who has won the english football league the most times", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=843223588", "q_uid": -3821142372806784866, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Everton ( nine ) Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "Manchester United have" } }, { "question": "list of club that have won the english premier league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=815529595", "q_uid": -2006958312726073630, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Points Runners - up Points Third place Points Top goalscorer Goals 1992 -- 93 Manchester United ( 8 ) 84 Aston Villa 74 Norwich City 72 Teddy Sheringham ( Nottingham Forest / Tottenham ) 22 1993 -- 94 Manchester United ( 9 ) 92 Blackburn Rovers 84 Newcastle United 77 Andrew Cole ( Newcastle United ) 34 1994 -- 95 Blackburn Rovers ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 88 Nottingham Forest 77 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 34 1995 -- 96 Manchester United ( 10 ) 82 Newcastle United 78 Liverpool 71 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 31 1996 -- 97 Manchester United ( 11 ) 75 Newcastle United 68 Arsenal 68 Alan Shearer ( Newcastle United ) 25 1997 -- 98 Arsenal ( 11 ) 78 Manchester United 77 Liverpool 65 Chris Sutton ( Blackburn Rovers ) Dion Dublin ( Coventry City ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) 18 1998 -- 99 Manchester United ( 12 ) 79 Arsenal 78 Chelsea 75 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Leeds United ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) Dwight Yorke ( Manchester United ) 18 1999 -- 2000 Manchester United ( 13 ) 91 Arsenal 73 Leeds United 69 Kevin Phillips ( Sunderland ) 30 2000 -- 01 Manchester United ( 14 ) 80 Arsenal 70 Liverpool 69 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Chelsea ) 23 2001 -- 02 Arsenal ( 12 ) 87 Liverpool 80 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 24 2002 -- 03 Manchester United ( 15 ) 83 Arsenal 78 Newcastle United 69 Ruud van Nistelrooy ( Manchester United ) 25 2003 -- 04 Arsenal ( 13 ) 90 Chelsea 79 Manchester United 75 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 30 2004 -- 05 Chelsea ( 2 ) 95 Arsenal 83 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 25 2005 -- 06 Chelsea ( 3 ) 91 Manchester United 83 Liverpool 82 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 27 2006 -- 07 Manchester United ( 16 ) 89 Chelsea 83 Liverpool 68 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 20 2007 -- 08 Manchester United ( 17 ) 87 Chelsea 85 Arsenal 83 Cristiano Ronaldo ( Manchester United ) 31 2008 -- 09 Manchester United ( 18 ) 90 Liverpool 86 Chelsea 83 Nicolas Anelka ( Chelsea ) 19 2009 -- 10 Chelsea ( 4 ) 86 Manchester United 85 Arsenal 75 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 29 2010 -- 11 Manchester United ( 19 ) 80 Chelsea 71 Manchester City 71 Dimitar Berbatov ( Manchester United ) Carlos Tevez ( Manchester City ) 20 2011 -- 12 Manchester City ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 89 Arsenal 70 Robin van Persie ( Arsenal ) 30 2012 -- 13 Manchester United ( 20 ) 89 Manchester City 78 Chelsea 75 Robin van Persie ( Manchester United ) 26 2013 -- 14 Manchester City ( 4 ) 86 Liverpool 84 Chelsea 82 Luis Su\u00e1rez ( Liverpool ) 31 2014 -- 15 Chelsea ( 5 ) 87 Manchester City 79 Arsenal 75 Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( Manchester City ) 26 2015 -- 16 Leicester City 81 Arsenal 71 Tottenham Hotspur 70 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 25 2016 -- 17 Chelsea ( 6 ) 93 Tottenham Hotspur 86 Manchester City 78 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did man utd last win the premier league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=800752506", "q_uid": 8247592692004861611, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Points Runners - up Points Third place Points Top goalscorer Goals 1992 -- 93 Manchester United ( 8 ) 84 Aston Villa 74 Norwich City 72 Teddy Sheringham ( Nottingham Forest / Tottenham ) 22 1993 -- 94 Manchester United ( 9 ) 92 Blackburn Rovers 84 Newcastle United 77 Andrew Cole ( Newcastle United ) 34 1994 -- 95 Blackburn Rovers ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 88 Nottingham Forest 77 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 34 1995 -- 96 Manchester United ( 10 ) 82 Newcastle United 78 Liverpool 71 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 31 1996 -- 97 Manchester United ( 11 ) 75 Newcastle United 68 Arsenal 68 Alan Shearer ( Newcastle United ) 25 1997 -- 98 Arsenal ( 11 ) 78 Manchester United 77 Liverpool 65 Chris Sutton ( Blackburn Rovers ) Dion Dublin ( Coventry City ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) 18 1998 -- 99 Manchester United ( 12 ) 79 Arsenal 78 Chelsea 75 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Leeds United ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) Dwight Yorke ( Manchester United ) 18 1999 -- 2000 Manchester United ( 13 ) 91 Arsenal 73 Leeds United 69 Kevin Phillips ( Sunderland ) 30 2000 -- 01 Manchester United ( 14 ) 80 Arsenal 70 Liverpool 69 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Chelsea ) 23 2001 -- 02 Arsenal ( 12 ) 87 Liverpool 80 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 24 2002 -- 03 Manchester United ( 15 ) 83 Arsenal 78 Newcastle United 69 Ruud van Nistelrooy ( Manchester United ) 25 2003 -- 04 Arsenal ( 13 ) 90 Chelsea 79 Manchester United 75 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 30 2004 -- 05 Chelsea ( 2 ) 95 Arsenal 83 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 25 2005 -- 06 Chelsea ( 3 ) 91 Manchester United 83 Liverpool 82 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 27 2006 -- 07 Manchester United ( 16 ) 89 Chelsea 83 Liverpool 68 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 20 2007 -- 08 Manchester United ( 17 ) 87 Chelsea 85 Arsenal 83 Cristiano Ronaldo ( Manchester United ) 31 2008 -- 09 Manchester United ( 18 ) 90 Liverpool 86 Chelsea 83 Nicolas Anelka ( Chelsea ) 19 2009 -- 10 Chelsea ( 4 ) 86 Manchester United 85 Arsenal 75 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 29 2010 -- 11 Manchester United ( 19 ) 80 Chelsea 71 Manchester City 71 Dimitar Berbatov ( Manchester United ) Carlos Tevez ( Manchester City ) 20 2011 -- 12 Manchester City ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 89 Arsenal 70 Robin van Persie ( Arsenal ) 30 2012 -- 13 Manchester United ( 20 ) 89 Manchester City 78 Chelsea 75 Robin van Persie ( Manchester United ) 26 2013 -- 14 Manchester City ( 4 ) 86 Liverpool 84 Chelsea 82 Luis Su\u00e1rez ( Liverpool ) 31 2014 -- 15 Chelsea ( 5 ) 87 Manchester City 79 Arsenal 75 Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( Manchester City ) 26 2015 -- 16 Leicester City 81 Arsenal 71 Tottenham Hotspur 70 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 25 2016 -- 17 Chelsea ( 6 ) 93 Tottenham Hotspur 86 Manchester City 78 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29", "short_answer": "2012 -- 13" } }, { "question": "number of premier league titles won by manchester city", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=866505587", "q_uid": 564178677209388421, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Runners - up Third place Top goalscorer Goals 1992 -- 93 Manchester United ( 8 ) Aston Villa Norwich City Teddy Sheringham ( Nottingham Forest / Tottenham ) 22 1993 -- 94 Manchester United ( 9 ) Blackburn Rovers Newcastle United Andy Cole ( Newcastle United ) 34 1994 -- 95 Blackburn Rovers ( 3 ) Manchester United Nottingham Forest Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 34 1995 -- 96 Manchester United ( 10 ) Newcastle United Liverpool Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 31 1996 -- 97 Manchester United ( 11 ) Newcastle United Arsenal Alan Shearer ( Newcastle United ) 25 1997 -- 98 Arsenal ( 11 ) Manchester United Liverpool Chris Sutton ( Blackburn Rovers ) Dion Dublin ( Coventry City ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) 18 1998 -- 99 Manchester United ( 12 ) Arsenal Chelsea Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Leeds United ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) Dwight Yorke ( Manchester United ) 18 1999 -- 2000 Manchester United ( 13 ) Arsenal Leeds United Kevin Phillips ( Sunderland ) 30 2000 -- 01 Manchester United ( 14 ) Arsenal Liverpool Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Chelsea ) 23 2001 -- 02 Arsenal ( 12 ) Liverpool Manchester United Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 24 2002 -- 03 Manchester United ( 15 ) Arsenal Newcastle United Ruud van Nistelrooy ( Manchester United ) 25 2003 -- 04 Arsenal ( 13 ) Chelsea Manchester United Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 30 2004 -- 05 Chelsea ( 2 ) Arsenal Manchester United Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 25 2005 -- 06 Chelsea ( 3 ) Manchester United Liverpool Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 27 2006 -- 07 Manchester United ( 16 ) Chelsea Liverpool Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 20 2007 -- 08 Manchester United ( 17 ) Chelsea Arsenal Cristiano Ronaldo ( Manchester United ) 31 2008 -- 09 Manchester United ( 18 ) Liverpool Chelsea Nicolas Anelka ( Chelsea ) 19 2009 -- 10 Chelsea ( 4 ) Manchester United Arsenal Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 29 2010 -- 11 Manchester United ( 19 ) Chelsea Manchester City Dimitar Berbatov ( Manchester United ) Carlos Tevez ( Manchester City ) 20 2011 -- 12 Manchester City ( 3 ) Manchester United Arsenal Robin van Persie ( Arsenal ) 30 2012 -- 13 Manchester United ( 20 ) Manchester City Chelsea Robin van Persie ( Manchester United ) 26 2013 -- 14 Manchester City ( 4 ) Liverpool Chelsea Luis Su\u00e1rez ( Liverpool ) 31 2014 -- 15 Chelsea ( 5 ) Manchester City Arsenal Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( Manchester City ) 26 2015 -- 16 Leicester City Arsenal Tottenham Hotspur Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 25 2016 -- 17 Chelsea ( 6 ) Tottenham Hotspur Manchester City Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29 2017 -- 18 Manchester City ( 5 ) Manchester United Tottenham Hotspur Mohamed Salah ( Liverpool ) 32", "short_answer": "5 )" } }, { "question": "who has won the most trophies in english football in the last 10 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=846057680", "q_uid": 2107898996723826866, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Points Runners - up Points Third place Points Top goalscorer Goals 1992 -- 93 Manchester United ( 8 ) 84 Aston Villa 74 Norwich City 72 Teddy Sheringham ( Nottingham Forest / Tottenham ) 22 1993 -- 94 Manchester United ( 9 ) 92 Blackburn Rovers 84 Newcastle United 77 Andrew Cole ( Newcastle United ) 34 1994 -- 95 Blackburn Rovers ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 88 Nottingham Forest 77 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 34 1995 -- 96 Manchester United ( 10 ) 82 Newcastle United 78 Liverpool 71 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 31 1996 -- 97 Manchester United ( 11 ) 75 Newcastle United 68 Arsenal 68 Alan Shearer ( Newcastle United ) 25 1997 -- 98 Arsenal ( 11 ) 78 Manchester United 77 Liverpool 65 Chris Sutton ( Blackburn Rovers ) Dion Dublin ( Coventry City ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) 18 1998 -- 99 Manchester United ( 12 ) 79 Arsenal 78 Chelsea 75 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Leeds United ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) Dwight Yorke ( Manchester United ) 18 1999 -- 2000 Manchester United ( 13 ) 91 Arsenal 73 Leeds United 69 Kevin Phillips ( Sunderland ) 30 2000 -- 01 Manchester United ( 14 ) 80 Arsenal 70 Liverpool 69 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Chelsea ) 23 2001 -- 02 Arsenal ( 12 ) 87 Liverpool 80 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 24 2002 -- 03 Manchester United ( 15 ) 83 Arsenal 78 Newcastle United 69 Ruud van Nistelrooy ( Manchester United ) 25 2003 -- 04 Arsenal ( 13 ) 90 Chelsea 79 Manchester United 75 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 30 2004 -- 05 Chelsea ( 2 ) 95 Arsenal 83 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 25 2005 -- 06 Chelsea ( 3 ) 91 Manchester United 83 Liverpool 82 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 27 2006 -- 07 Manchester United ( 16 ) 89 Chelsea 83 Liverpool 68 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 20 2007 -- 08 Manchester United ( 17 ) 87 Chelsea 85 Arsenal 83 Cristiano Ronaldo ( Manchester United ) 31 2008 -- 09 Manchester United ( 18 ) 90 Liverpool 86 Chelsea 83 Nicolas Anelka ( Chelsea ) 19 2009 -- 10 Chelsea ( 4 ) 86 Manchester United 85 Arsenal 75 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 29 2010 -- 11 Manchester United ( 19 ) 80 Chelsea 71 Manchester City 71 Dimitar Berbatov ( Manchester United ) Carlos Tevez ( Manchester City ) 20 2011 -- 12 Manchester City ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 89 Arsenal 70 Robin van Persie ( Arsenal ) 30 2012 -- 13 Manchester United ( 20 ) 89 Manchester City 78 Chelsea 75 Robin van Persie ( Manchester United ) 26 2013 -- 14 Manchester City ( 4 ) 86 Liverpool 84 Chelsea 82 Luis Su\u00e1rez ( Liverpool ) 31 2014 -- 15 Chelsea ( 5 ) 87 Manchester City 79 Arsenal 75 Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( Manchester City ) 26 2015 -- 16 Leicester City 81 Arsenal 71 Tottenham Hotspur 70 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 25 2016 -- 17 Chelsea ( 6 ) 93 Tottenham Hotspur 86 Manchester City 78 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29 2017 -- 18 Manchester City ( 5 ) 100 Manchester United 81 Tottenham Hotspur 77 Mohamed Salah ( Liverpool ) 32", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the most titles in the premiership", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=800752506", "q_uid": 341663218850367904, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Everton ( nine ) have enjoyed success throughout their history, and both Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the most english premier league titles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=800752506", "q_uid": -5666675673743429091, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Everton ( nine ) have enjoyed success throughout their history, and both Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "Manchester United have" } }, { "question": "who has the most english premier league titles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=822098598", "q_uid": -6504281223600198226, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Everton ( nine ) have enjoyed success throughout their history, and both Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "Manchester United have" } }, { "question": "who has won the most premier league's", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=800752506", "q_uid": -4204843941941387339, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Everton ( nine ) have enjoyed success throughout their history, and both Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "Manchester United have" } }, { "question": "who has won the most football league titles in england", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=827899025", "q_uid": -5480611326936464314, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Everton ( nine ) have enjoyed success throughout their history, and both Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "Manchester United have" } }, { "question": "when was the last time liverpool won the premier league title", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=849698369", "q_uid": 7835040949892862932, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Runners - up Third place Leading goalscorer Goals 1892 -- 93 Sunderland ( 2 ) Preston North End Everton John Campbell ( Sunderland ) 31 1893 -- 94 Aston Villa Sunderland Derby County Jack Southworth ( Everton ) 27 1894 -- 95 Sunderland ( 3 ) Everton Aston Villa John Campbell ( Sunderland ) 22 1895 -- 96 Aston Villa ( 2 ) Derby County Everton Johnny Campbell ( Aston Villa ) Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 20 1896 -- 97 Aston Villa ( 3 ) Sheffield United Derby County Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 22 1897 -- 98 Sheffield United Sunderland Wolverhampton Wanderers Fred Wheldon ( Aston Villa ) 21 1898 -- 99 Aston Villa ( 4 ) Liverpool Burnley Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 23 1899 -- 1900 Aston Villa ( 5 ) Sheffield United Sunderland Billy Garraty ( Aston Villa ) 27 1900 -- 01 Liverpool Sunderland Notts County Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 23 1901 -- 02 Sunderland ( 4 ) Everton Newcastle United Jimmy Settle ( Everton ) 18 1902 -- 03 The Wednesday Aston Villa Sunderland Sam Raybould ( Liverpool ) 31 1903 -- 04 The Wednesday ( 2 ) Manchester City Everton Steve Bloomer ( Derby County ) 20 1904 -- 05 Newcastle United Everton Manchester City Arthur Brown ( Sheffield United ) 22 1905 -- 06 Liverpool ( 2 ) Preston North End The Wednesday Albert Shepherd ( Bolton Wanderers ) 26 1906 -- 07 Newcastle United ( 2 ) Bristol City Everton Alex Young ( Everton ) 30 1907 -- 08 Manchester United Aston Villa Manchester City Enoch West ( Nottingham Forest ) 27 1908 -- 09 Newcastle United ( 3 ) Everton Sunderland Bert Freeman ( Everton ) 38 1909 -- 10 Aston Villa ( 6 ) Liverpool Blackburn Rovers Jack Parkinson ( Liverpool ) 30 1910 -- 11 Manchester United ( 2 ) Aston Villa Sunderland Albert Shepherd ( Newcastle United ) 25 1911 -- 12 Blackburn Rovers Everton Newcastle United Harry Hampton ( Aston Villa ) George Holley ( Sunderland ) David McLean ( The Wednesday ) 25 1912 -- 13 Sunderland ( 5 ) Aston Villa The Wednesday David McLean ( The Wednesday ) 30 1913 -- 14 Blackburn Rovers ( 2 ) Aston Villa Middlesbrough George Elliot ( Middlesbrough ) 32 1914 -- 15 Everton ( 2 ) Oldham Athletic Blackburn Rovers Bobby Parker ( Everton ) 35 1915 / 16 -- 1918 / 19 League suspended owing to the First World War 1919 -- 20 West Bromwich Albion Burnley Chelsea Fred Morris ( West Bromwich Albion ) 37 1920 -- 21 Burnley Manchester City Bolton Wanderers Joe Smith ( Bolton Wanderers ) 38 1921 -- 22 Liverpool ( 3 ) Tottenham Hotspur Burnley Andy Wilson ( Middlesbrough ) 31 1922 -- 23 Liverpool ( 4 ) Sunderland Huddersfield Town Charlie Buchan ( Sunderland ) 30 1923 -- 24 Huddersfield Town Cardiff City Sunderland Wilf Chadwick ( Everton ) 28 1924 -- 25 Huddersfield Town ( 2 ) West Bromwich Albion Bolton Wanderers Frank Roberts ( Manchester City ) 31 1925 -- 26 Huddersfield Town ( 3 ) Arsenal Sunderland Ted Harper ( Blackburn Rovers ) 43 1926 -- 27 Newcastle United ( 4 ) Huddersfield Town Sunderland Jimmy Trotter ( The Wednesday ) 37 1927 -- 28 Everton ( 3 ) Huddersfield Town Leicester City Dixie Dean ( Everton ) 60 1928 -- 29 The Wednesday ( 3 ) Leicester City Aston Villa Dave Halliday ( Sunderland ) 43 1929 -- 30 Sheffield Wednesday ( 4 ) Derby County Manchester City Vic Watson ( West Ham United ) 41 1930 -- 31 Arsenal Aston Villa Sheffield Wednesday Tom Waring ( Aston Villa ) 49 1931 -- 32 Everton ( 4 ) Arsenal Sheffield Wednesday Dixie Dean ( Everton ) 44 1932 -- 33 Arsenal ( 2 ) Aston Villa Sheffield Wednesday Jack Bowers ( Derby County ) 35 1933 -- 34 Arsenal ( 3 ) Huddersfield Town Tottenham Hotspur Jack Bowers ( Derby County ) 34 1934 -- 35 Arsenal ( 4 ) Sunderland Sheffield Wednesday Ted Drake ( Arsenal ) 42 1935 -- 36 Sunderland ( 6 ) Derby County Huddersfield Town W.G. Richardson ( West Bromwich Albion ) 39 1936 -- 37 Manchester City Charlton Athletic Arsenal Freddie Steele ( Stoke City ) 33 1937 -- 38 Arsenal ( 5 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Preston North End Tommy Lawton ( Everton ) 28 1938 -- 39 Everton ( 5 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Charlton Athletic Tommy Lawton ( Everton ) 35 1939 / 40 -- 1945 / 46 League suspended owing to the Second World War 1946 -- 47 Liverpool ( 5 ) Manchester United Wolverhampton Wanderers Dennis Westcott ( Wolverhampton Wanderers ) 37 1947 -- 48 Arsenal ( 6 ) Manchester United Burnley Ronnie Rooke ( Arsenal ) 33 1948 -- 49 Portsmouth Manchester United Derby County Willie Moir ( Bolton Wanderers ) 25 1949 -- 50 Portsmouth ( 2 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Sunderland Dickie Davis ( Sunderland ) 25 1950 -- 51 Tottenham Hotspur Manchester United Blackpool Stan Mortensen ( Blackpool ) 30 1951 -- 52 Manchester United ( 3 ) Tottenham Hotspur Arsenal George Robledo ( Newcastle United ) 33 1952 -- 53 Arsenal ( 7 ) Preston North End Wolverhampton Wanderers Charlie Wayman ( Preston North End ) 24 1953 -- 54 Wolverhampton Wanderers West Bromwich Albion Huddersfield Town Jimmy Glazzard ( Huddersfield Town ) 29 1954 -- 55 Chelsea Wolverhampton Wanderers Portsmouth Ronnie Allen ( West Bromwich Albion ) 27 1955 -- 56 Manchester United ( 4 ) Blackpool Wolverhampton Wanderers Nat Lofthouse ( Bolton Wanderers ) 33 1956 -- 57 Manchester United ( 5 ) Tottenham Hotspur Preston North End John Charles ( Leeds United ) 38 1957 -- 58 Wolverhampton Wanderers ( 2 ) Preston North End Tottenham Hotspur Bobby Smith ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 36 1958 -- 59 Wolverhampton Wanderers ( 3 ) Manchester United Arsenal Jimmy Greaves ( Chelsea ) 33 1959 -- 60 Burnley ( 2 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Tottenham Hotspur Dennis Viollet ( Manchester United ) 32 1960 -- 61 Tottenham Hotspur ( 2 ) Sheffield Wednesday Wolverhampton Wanderers Jimmy Greaves ( Chelsea ) 41 1961 -- 62 Ipswich Town Burnley Tottenham Hotspur Ray Crawford ( Ipswich Town ) Derek Kevan ( West Bromwich Albion ) 33 1962 -- 63 Everton ( 6 ) Tottenham Hotspur Burnley Jimmy Greaves ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 37 1963 -- 64 Liverpool ( 6 ) Manchester United Everton Jimmy Greaves ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 35 1964 -- 65 Manchester United ( 6 ) Leeds United Chelsea Andy McEvoy ( Blackburn Rovers ) Jimmy Greaves ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29 1965 -- 66 Liverpool ( 7 ) Leeds United Burnley Willie Irvine ( Burnley ) 29 1966 -- 67 Manchester United ( 7 ) Nottingham Forest Tottenham Hotspur Ron Davies ( Southampton ) 37 1967 -- 68 Manchester City ( 2 ) Manchester United Liverpool George Best ( Manchester United ) Ron Davies ( Southampton ) 28 1968 -- 69 Leeds United Liverpool Everton Jimmy Greaves ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 27 1969 -- 70 Everton ( 7 ) Leeds United Chelsea Jeff Astle ( West Bromwich Albion ) 25 1970 -- 71 Arsenal ( 8 ) Leeds United Tottenham Hotspur Tony Brown ( West Bromwich Albion ) 28 1971 -- 72 Derby County Leeds United Liverpool Francis Lee ( Manchester City ) 33 1972 -- 73 Liverpool ( 8 ) Arsenal Leeds United Pop Robson ( West Ham United ) 28 1973 -- 74 Leeds United ( 2 ) Liverpool Derby County Mick Channon ( Southampton ) 21 1974 -- 75 Derby County ( 2 ) Liverpool Ipswich Town Malcolm Macdonald ( Newcastle United ) 21 1975 -- 76 Liverpool ( 9 ) Queens Park Rangers Manchester United Ted MacDougall ( Norwich City ) 23 1976 -- 77 Liverpool ( 10 ) Manchester City Ipswich Town Malcolm Macdonald ( Arsenal ) Andy Gray ( Aston Villa ) 25 1977 -- 78 Nottingham Forest Liverpool Everton Bob Latchford ( Everton ) 30 1978 -- 79 Liverpool ( 11 ) Nottingham Forest West Bromwich Albion Frank Worthington ( Bolton Wanderers ) 24 1979 -- 80 Liverpool ( 12 ) Manchester United Ipswich Town Phil Boyer ( Southampton ) 23 1980 -- 81 Aston Villa ( 7 ) Ipswich Town Arsenal Peter Withe ( Aston Villa ) Steve Archibald ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 20 1981 -- 82 Liverpool ( 13 ) Ipswich Town Manchester United Kevin Keegan ( Southampton ) 26 1982 -- 83 Liverpool ( 14 ) Watford Manchester United Luther Blissett ( Watford ) 27 1983 -- 84 Liverpool ( 15 ) Southampton Nottingham Forest Ian Rush ( Liverpool ) 32 1984 -- 85 Everton ( 8 ) Liverpool Tottenham Hotspur Kerry Dixon ( Chelsea ) Gary Lineker ( Leicester City ) 24 1985 -- 86 Liverpool ( 16 ) Everton West Ham United Gary Lineker ( Everton ) 30 1986 -- 87 Everton ( 9 ) Liverpool Tottenham Hotspur Clive Allen ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 33 1987 -- 88 Liverpool ( 17 ) Manchester United Nottingham Forest John Aldridge ( Liverpool ) 26 1988 -- 89 Arsenal ( 9 ) Liverpool Nottingham Forest Alan Smith ( Arsenal ) 23 1989 -- 90 Liverpool ( 18 ) Aston Villa Tottenham Hotspur Gary Lineker ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 24 1990 -- 91 Arsenal ( 10 ) Liverpool Crystal Palace Alan Smith ( Arsenal ) 22 1991 -- 92 Leeds United ( 3 ) Manchester United Sheffield Wednesday Ian Wright ( Crystal Palace / Arsenal ) 29", "short_answer": "1989 -- 90" } }, { "question": "who has won the most premier league titles since 1992", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=827899025", "q_uid": 8211653332103107678, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Champions ( number of titles ) Points Runners - up Points Third place Points Top goalscorer Goals 1992 -- 93 Manchester United ( 8 ) 84 Aston Villa 74 Norwich City 72 Teddy Sheringham ( Nottingham Forest / Tottenham ) 22 1993 -- 94 Manchester United ( 9 ) 92 Blackburn Rovers 84 Newcastle United 77 Andrew Cole ( Newcastle United ) 34 1994 -- 95 Blackburn Rovers ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 88 Nottingham Forest 77 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 34 1995 -- 96 Manchester United ( 10 ) 82 Newcastle United 78 Liverpool 71 Alan Shearer ( Blackburn Rovers ) 31 1996 -- 97 Manchester United ( 11 ) 75 Newcastle United 68 Arsenal 68 Alan Shearer ( Newcastle United ) 25 1997 -- 98 Arsenal ( 11 ) 78 Manchester United 77 Liverpool 65 Chris Sutton ( Blackburn Rovers ) Dion Dublin ( Coventry City ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) 18 1998 -- 99 Manchester United ( 12 ) 79 Arsenal 78 Chelsea 75 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Leeds United ) Michael Owen ( Liverpool ) Dwight Yorke ( Manchester United ) 18 1999 -- 2000 Manchester United ( 13 ) 91 Arsenal 73 Leeds United 69 Kevin Phillips ( Sunderland ) 30 2000 -- 01 Manchester United ( 14 ) 80 Arsenal 70 Liverpool 69 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink ( Chelsea ) 23 2001 -- 02 Arsenal ( 12 ) 87 Liverpool 80 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 24 2002 -- 03 Manchester United ( 15 ) 83 Arsenal 78 Newcastle United 69 Ruud van Nistelrooy ( Manchester United ) 25 2003 -- 04 Arsenal ( 13 ) 90 Chelsea 79 Manchester United 75 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 30 2004 -- 05 Chelsea ( 2 ) 95 Arsenal 83 Manchester United 77 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 25 2005 -- 06 Chelsea ( 3 ) 91 Manchester United 83 Liverpool 82 Thierry Henry ( Arsenal ) 27 2006 -- 07 Manchester United ( 16 ) 89 Chelsea 83 Liverpool 68 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 20 2007 -- 08 Manchester United ( 17 ) 87 Chelsea 85 Arsenal 83 Cristiano Ronaldo ( Manchester United ) 31 2008 -- 09 Manchester United ( 18 ) 90 Liverpool 86 Chelsea 83 Nicolas Anelka ( Chelsea ) 19 2009 -- 10 Chelsea ( 4 ) 86 Manchester United 85 Arsenal 75 Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) 29 2010 -- 11 Manchester United ( 19 ) 80 Chelsea 71 Manchester City 71 Dimitar Berbatov ( Manchester United ) Carlos Tevez ( Manchester City ) 20 2011 -- 12 Manchester City ( 3 ) 89 Manchester United 89 Arsenal 70 Robin van Persie ( Arsenal ) 30 2012 -- 13 Manchester United ( 20 ) 89 Manchester City 78 Chelsea 75 Robin van Persie ( Manchester United ) 26 2013 -- 14 Manchester City ( 4 ) 86 Liverpool 84 Chelsea 82 Luis Su\u00e1rez ( Liverpool ) 31 2014 -- 15 Chelsea ( 5 ) 87 Manchester City 79 Arsenal 75 Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( Manchester City ) 26 2015 -- 16 Leicester City 81 Arsenal 71 Tottenham Hotspur 70 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 25 2016 -- 17 Chelsea ( 6 ) 93 Tottenham Hotspur 86 Manchester City 78 Harry Kane ( Tottenham Hotspur ) 29", "short_answer": "Manchester United (" } }, { "question": "who has won the most english league titles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_English_football_champions&oldid=815529595", "q_uid": 1849359896434551515, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manchester United have won 20 titles, the most of any club. United 's rivals Liverpool are second with 18. Liverpool dominated during the 1970s and 1980s, while United dominated in the 1990s and 2000s under Sir Alex Ferguson. Arsenal are third; their 13 titles all came after 1930. Everton ( nine ) have enjoyed success throughout their history, and both Aston Villa ( seven ) and Sunderland ( six ) secured the majority of their titles before World War I. Huddersfield Town in 1924 -- 26, Arsenal in 1933 -- 35, Liverpool in 1982 -- 84 and Manchester United in 1999 -- 2001 and 2007 -- 09 are the only sides to have won the League title in three consecutive seasons.", "short_answer": "Manchester United have" } } ], "John Matuszak": [ { "question": "who played the weird guy in the goonies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Matuszak&oldid=836931162", "q_uid": 8610068248258715121, "answers": { "long_answer": "He was the first overall pick in the 1973 NFL Draft and played most of his career with the Oakland Raiders until he retired after winning his second Super Bowl in 1981. Matuszak participated in the 1978 World 's Strongest Man competition, where he placed ninth. As an actor, he played in both films and television, appearing first as O.W. Shaddock in 1979 in North Dallas Forty followed by Tonda in the 1981 film Caveman. His best known role was as the deformed Sloth in the 1985 movie The Goonies. His biography, Cruisin ' with the Tooz, written with Steve Delsohn, was published in 1987.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what happened to the actor who played sloth in the goonies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Matuszak&oldid=810418557", "q_uid": -296032646315331885, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film Year Title Role Notes 1979 North Dallas Forty O.W. Shaddock 1981 Caveman Tonda 1984 The Ice Pirates Killjoy 1985 The Goonies Sloth 1986 One Crazy Summer Stain P.K. and the Kid Himself 1988 The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission Fred Collins TV movie 1989 Ghost Writer Jake 1989 The Princess and the Dwarf 1990 Down the Drain Jed Stewart ( final film role )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the disfigured man in the goonies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Matuszak&oldid=864336342", "q_uid": 389577402508008144, "answers": { "long_answer": "He was the first overall pick in the 1973 NFL Draft and played most of his career with the Oakland Raiders until he retired after winning his second Super Bowl in 1981. Matuszak participated in the 1978 World 's Strongest Man competition, where he placed ninth. As an actor, he played in both films and television, appearing first as O.W. Shaddock in 1979 in North Dallas Forty followed by Tonda in the 1981 film Caveman. His best known role was as the deformed Sloth in the 1985 movie The Goonies. His biography, Cruisin ' with the Tooz, written with Steve Delsohn, was published in 1987.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that played sloth in goonies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Matuszak&oldid=856955401", "q_uid": 1198786553852909812, "answers": { "long_answer": "He was the first overall pick in the 1973 NFL Draft and played most of his career with the Oakland Raiders until he retired after winning his second Super Bowl in 1981. Matuszak participated in the 1978 World 's Strongest Man competition, where he placed ninth. As an actor, he played in both films and television, appearing first as O.W. Shaddock in 1979 in North Dallas Forty followed by Tonda in the 1981 film Caveman. His best known role was as the deformed Sloth in the 1985 movie The Goonies. His biography, Cruisin ' with the Tooz, written with Steve Delsohn, was published in 1987.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Lennon\u2013McCartney": [ { "question": "how many songs did lennon and mccartney write", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lennon%E2%80%93McCartney&oldid=850172943", "q_uid": 1639713192288067625, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lennon -- McCartney ( sometimes McCartney -- Lennon ) was the songwriting partnership between English musicians John Lennon ( 9 October 1940 -- 8 December 1980 ) and Paul McCartney ( born 18 June 1942 ) of the Beatles. It is one of the best known and most successful musical collaborations in history, with the Beatles selling over 600 million records, tapes and CDs as of 2004. Between 1962 and 1969, the partnership published approximately 180 jointly credited songs, of which the vast majority were recorded by the Beatles, forming the bulk of their catalogue.", "short_answer": "approximately 180 jointly" } }, { "question": "how many songs did lennon and mccartney wrote together", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lennon%E2%80%93McCartney&oldid=811605969", "q_uid": -8840664773043001037, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lennon -- McCartney was the songwriting partnership between English musicians John Lennon ( 9 October 1940 -- 8 December 1980 ) and Paul McCartney ( born 18 June 1942 ) of the Beatles. It is one of the best known and most successful musical collaborations in history, with the Beatles selling over 600 million records, tapes and CDs as of 2004. Between 1962 and 1969, the partnership published approximately 180 jointly credited songs, of which the vast majority were recorded by the Beatles, forming the bulk of their catalogue.", "short_answer": "approximately 180 jointly" } }, { "question": "who wrote most of the songs for the beatles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lennon%E2%80%93McCartney&oldid=824817624", "q_uid": -7327708603177120941, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lennon -- McCartney was the songwriting partnership between English musicians John Lennon ( 9 October 1940 -- 8 December 1980 ) and Paul McCartney ( born 18 June 1942 ) of the Beatles. It is one of the best known and most successful musical collaborations in history, with the Beatles selling over 600 million records, tapes and CDs as of 2004. Between 1962 and 1969, the partnership published approximately 180 jointly credited songs, of which the vast majority were recorded by the Beatles, forming the bulk of their catalogue.", "short_answer": "English musicians John Lennon ( 9 October 1940 -- 8 December 1980 ) and Paul McCartney ( born 18 June 1942 ) of" } }, { "question": "how many songs were written by john lennon and paul mccartney", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lennon%E2%80%93McCartney&oldid=803759743", "q_uid": 7265384114574614973, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lennon -- McCartney was the songwriting partnership between English musicians John Lennon ( 9 October 1940 -- 8 December 1980 ) and Paul McCartney ( born 18 June 1942 ) of the Beatles. It is one of the best known and most successful musical collaborations in history, with the Beatles selling over 600 million records, tapes and CDs as of 2004. Between 1962 and 1969, the partnership published approximately 180 jointly credited songs, of which the vast majority were recorded by the Beatles, forming the bulk of their catalogue.", "short_answer": "180 jointly" } } ], "Joshua Jackson": [ { "question": "who played charlie conway in the mighty ducks", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joshua_Jackson&oldid=808310206", "q_uid": -8278674475676302791, "answers": { "long_answer": "Joshua Browning Carter Jackson ( born June 11, 1978 ) is a Canadian actor. He has appeared in primetime television and in over 30 film roles. His well - known roles include Pacey Witter in Dawson 's Creek, Charlie Conway in The Mighty Ducks film series, Peter Bishop in Fringe, and Cole Lockhart in The Affair. Jackson won the Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for his performance in the Canadian independent film One Week.", "short_answer": "Joshua Browning Carter Jackson (" } } ], "List of Marvel Cinematic Universe films": [ { "question": "when does avengers infinity war part 2 come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=804948139", "q_uid": -3272318890112671754, "answers": { "long_answer": "The film was announced in October 2014 as Avengers: Infinity War -- Part 1. In April 2015, Marvel announced that Anthony and Joe Russo would direct the film and in May, that Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely would write the screenplay. In July 2016, Marvel revealed the title would be shortened to simply Avengers: Infinity War. Brolin reprises his role as Thanos, and is part of an ensemble cast featuring many actors who have appeared in other MCU films. Filming for Infinity War began in January 2017 in Atlanta, and lasted until July 2017. Additional filming also took place in Scotland. Avengers: Infinity War is scheduled to be released on May 4, 2018.", "short_answer": "May 4, 2018." } }, { "question": "when does the new marvel movies come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=828322806", "q_uid": -5089632122751008718, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Status Phase Three Avengers: Infinity War April 27, 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 27 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Kevin Feige Post-production Ant - Man and the Wasp July 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 06 ) Peyton Reed Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers and Andrew Barrer & Gabriel Ferrari and Paul Rudd Captain Marvel March 8, 2019 ( 2019 - 03 - 08 ) Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck Geneva Robertson - Dworet Filming Untitled Avengers film May 3, 2019 ( 2019 - 05 - 03 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Post-production Post-Phase Three Untitled Spider - Man: Homecoming sequel July 5, 2019 ( 2019 - 07 - 05 ) Jon Watts TBA Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal Pre-production Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 2020 ( 2020 ) James Gunn Kevin Feige In development", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what was the last marvel movie to come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=866477641", "q_uid": -6488593434055284, "answers": { "long_answer": "Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) is the first film in the franchise 's Phase Three, and is followed by Doctor Strange ( 2016 ), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ), Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), Thor: Ragnarok ( 2017 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ), Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ), and Ant - Man and the Wasp ( 2018 ), with Captain Marvel ( 2019 ) and an untitled Avengers film ( 2019 ) still scheduled for the phase. Sony Pictures distributes the Spider - Man films, which they continue to own, finance, and have final creative control over.", "short_answer": "Ant - Man and the Wasp (" } }, { "question": "what came first iron man 2 or the incredible hulk", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=801565270", "q_uid": -5207214436384681339, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was Iron Man ( 2008 ), which was distributed by Paramount Pictures. Paramount also distributed Iron Man 2 ( 2010 ), Thor ( 2011 ) and Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ), while Universal Pictures distributed The Incredible Hulk ( 2008 ). Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures began distributing the films with the 2012 crossover film The Avengers, which concluded Phase One of the franchise. Phase Two includes Iron Man 3 ( 2013 ), Thor: The Dark World ( 2013 ), Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( 2014 ), Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ), Avengers: Age of Ultron ( 2015 ), and Ant - Man ( 2015 ).", "short_answer": "The Incredible Hulk (" } }, { "question": "what marvel movie is after iron man 3", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=843638852", "q_uid": 5663300912316590634, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer Iron Man 3 May 3, 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 03 ) Shane Black Drew Pearce and Shane Black Kevin Feige Thor: The Dark World November 8, 2013 ( 2013 - 11 - 08 ) Alan Taylor Christopher Yost and Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Captain America: The Winter Soldier April 4, 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 04 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Guardians of the Galaxy August 1, 2014 ( 2014 - 08 - 01 ) James Gunn James Gunn and Nicole Perlman Avengers: Age of Ultron May 1, 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 01 ) Joss Whedon Ant - Man July 17, 2015 Peyton Reed Edgar Wright & Joe Cornish and Adam McKay & Paul Rudd", "short_answer": "Thor: The Dark World" } }, { "question": "when is the next marvel film coming out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=800643076", "q_uid": -6476981481088322960, "answers": { "long_answer": "Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) is the first film in the franchise 's Phase Three, and is followed by Doctor Strange ( 2016 ), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) and Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), with Thor: Ragnarok ( 2017 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ), Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ), Ant - Man and the Wasp ( 2018 ), Captain Marvel ( 2019 ) and an untitled Avengers film ( 2019 ) scheduled for the phase. Sony Pictures distributes the Spider - Man films, which they continue to own, finance, and have final creative control over.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does the captain marvel movie come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=826774458", "q_uid": 8465694895608055660, "answers": { "long_answer": "Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) is the first film in the franchise 's Phase Three, and is followed by Doctor Strange ( 2016 ), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ), Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), Thor: Ragnarok ( 2017 ), and Black Panther ( 2018 ), with Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ), Ant - Man and the Wasp ( 2018 ), Captain Marvel ( 2019 ), and an untitled Avengers film ( 2019 ) still scheduled for the phase. Sony Pictures distributes the Spider - Man films, which they continue to own, finance, and have final creative control over.", "short_answer": "2019 )" } }, { "question": "marvel movie after captain america the first avenger", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=866477641", "q_uid": -6683616336371471415, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Iron Man May 2, 2008 ( 2008 - 05 - 02 ) Jon Favreau Mark Fergus & Hawk Ostby and Art Marcum & Matt Holloway Avi Arad and Kevin Feige The Incredible Hulk June 13, 2008 ( 2008 - 06 - 13 ) Louis Leterrier Zak Penn Avi Arad, Gale Anne Hurd and Kevin Feige Iron Man 2 May 7, 2010 ( 2010 - 05 - 07 ) Jon Favreau Justin Theroux Kevin Feige Thor May 6, 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 06 ) Kenneth Branagh Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz and Don Payne Captain America: The First Avenger July 22, 2011 ( 2011 - 07 - 22 ) Joe Johnston Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Marvel 's The Avengers May 4, 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 04 ) Joss Whedon", "short_answer": "Marvel 's The Avengers" } }, { "question": "when does the second part of avengers infinity war come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=850572542", "q_uid": -5804639767418982426, "answers": { "long_answer": "The film was announced in October 2014 as Avengers: Infinity War -- Part 2. In April 2015, it was revealed that Anthony and Joe Russo would direct the film and in May, that Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely would write the screenplay. In July 2016, Marvel revealed the title would be changed, being known simply at that time as the Untitled Avengers film. Brolin reprises his role as Thanos, and is part of an ensemble cast featuring many actors who have appeared in other MCU films. Filming began in August 2017 in Atlanta, and ended in January 2018. The film is scheduled to be released on May 3, 2019.", "short_answer": "May 3, 2019." } }, { "question": "what is the next movie after captain america the first avenger", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=857092192", "q_uid": 3858652394104635873, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Iron Man May 2, 2008 ( 2008 - 05 - 02 ) Jon Favreau Mark Fergus & Hawk Ostby and Art Marcum & Matt Holloway Avi Arad and Kevin Feige The Incredible Hulk June 13, 2008 ( 2008 - 06 - 13 ) Louis Leterrier Zak Penn Avi Arad, Gale Anne Hurd and Kevin Feige Iron Man 2 May 7, 2010 ( 2010 - 05 - 07 ) Jon Favreau Justin Theroux Kevin Feige Thor May 6, 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 06 ) Kenneth Branagh Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz and Don Payne Captain America: The First Avenger July 22, 2011 ( 2011 - 07 - 22 ) Joe Johnston Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Marvel 's The Avengers May 4, 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 04 ) Joss Whedon", "short_answer": "Marvel 's The Avengers" } }, { "question": "when did the first avengers movie come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=801565270", "q_uid": 44870925762159722, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was Iron Man ( 2008 ), which was distributed by Paramount Pictures. Paramount also distributed Iron Man 2 ( 2010 ), Thor ( 2011 ) and Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ), while Universal Pictures distributed The Incredible Hulk ( 2008 ). Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures began distributing the films with the 2012 crossover film The Avengers, which concluded Phase One of the franchise. Phase Two includes Iron Man 3 ( 2013 ), Thor: The Dark World ( 2013 ), Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( 2014 ), Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ), Avengers: Age of Ultron ( 2015 ), and Ant - Man ( 2015 ).", "short_answer": "2012 crossover" } }, { "question": "when does the next avenger movie come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=835622976", "q_uid": 8571256786357925148, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Status Phase Three Avengers: Infinity War April 27, 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 27 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Kevin Feige Post-production Ant - Man and the Wasp July 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 06 ) Peyton Reed Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers and Andrew Barrer & Gabriel Ferrari and Paul Rudd Captain Marvel March 8, 2019 ( 2019 - 03 - 08 ) Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck Meg LeFauve and Nicole Perlman and Geneva Robertson - Dworet and Liz Flahive & Carly Mensch and Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck Filming Untitled Avengers film May 3, 2019 ( 2019 - 05 - 03 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Post-production Post-Phase Three Untitled Spider - Man: Homecoming sequel July 5, 2019 ( 2019 - 07 - 05 ) Jon Watts TBA Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal Pre-production Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 2020 ( 2020 ) James Gunn Kevin Feige In development", "short_answer": "April 27, 2018 (" } }, { "question": "what was the last marvel movie that came out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=802678381", "q_uid": 1436473884960904539, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Box office gross All - time Ranking Budget Ref ( s ) U.S. and Canada Other territories Worldwide U.S. and Canada Worldwide Iron Man May 2, 2008 $318,412,101 $266,762,121 $585,174,222 56 139 $140 million Incredible Hulk! The Incredible Hulk June 13, 2008 $134,806,913 $128,620,638 $263,427,551 401 492 $150 million Iron Man 2 May 7, 2010 $312,433,331 $311,500,000 $623,933,331 60 121 $200 million Thor May 6, 2011 $181,030,624 $268,295,994 $449,326,618 224 214 $150 million Captain America: The First Avenger July 22, 2011 $176,654,505 $193,915,269 $370,569,774 240 287 $140 million Marvel 's The Avengers May 4, 2012 $623,357,910 $895,455,078 $1,518,812,988 5 5 $220 million Iron Man 3 May 3, 2013 $409,013,994 $805,797,258 $1,214,811,252 21 12 $200 million ( gross ) $178.4 million ( net ) Thor: The Dark World November 8, 2013 $206,362,140 $438,209,262 $644,571,402 174 112 $170 million ( gross ) $152.7 million ( net ) Captain America: The Winter Soldier April 4, 2014 $259,766,572 $454,497,695 $714,264,267 99 91 $177 million Guardians of the Galaxy August 1, 2014 $333,176,600 $440,152,029 $773,328,629 49 76 $232.3 million ( gross ) $195.9 million ( net ) Avengers: Age of Ultron May 1, 2015 $459,005,868 $946,397,826 $1,405,403,694 12 7 $316 million ( gross ) $267.4 million ( net ) Ant - Man July 17, 2015 $180,202,163 $339,109,802 $519,311,965 226 169 $142 million Captain America: Civil War May 6, 2016 $408,084,349 $745,220,146 $1,153,304,495 22 14 $250 million Doctor Strange November 4, 2016 $232,641,920 $445,076,475 $677,718,395 134 102 $165 million Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 May 5, 2017 $389,813,101 $473,603,040 $863,416,141 28 57 $200 million Spider - Man: Homecoming July 7, 2017 $331,922,693 $542,403,493 $874,326,186 50 52 $175 million Total $ 7009495668478400000 \u2660 4,956,684,784 $ 7009769501612600000 \u2660 7,695,016,126 $ 7010126517009100000 \u2660 12,651,700,910 $3.027 billion ( gross ) $2.903 billion ( net )", "short_answer": "Spider - Man: Homecoming" } }, { "question": "when will the next marvel movie be released", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=843638852", "q_uid": -2696522762314795426, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ant - Man and the Wasp was announced in October 2015. Peyton Reed confirmed that he would return to direct in November 2015, and that Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly would reprise their roles as Scott Lang / Ant - Man and Hope van Dyne / Wasp, respectively. In December 2015, Andrew Barrer, Gabriel Ferrari, and Rudd were confirmed to write the screenplay, with Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers revealed to have also contributed to the script in August 2017. In February 2017, Michael Douglas confirmed he would reprise his role as Hank Pym in the film. Filming began in August 2017 in Atlanta with additional filming in San Francisco, and ended in November 2017. Ant - Man and the Wasp is scheduled to be released on July 6, 2018.", "short_answer": "July 6, 2018." } }, { "question": "what marvel movie came out after guardians of the galaxy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=850572542", "q_uid": 3835049902051559503, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first film in the series was Iron Man ( 2008 ), which was distributed by Paramount Pictures. Paramount also distributed Iron Man 2 ( 2010 ), Thor ( 2011 ) and Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ), while Universal Pictures distributed The Incredible Hulk ( 2008 ). Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures began distributing the films with the 2012 crossover film The Avengers, which concluded Phase One of the franchise. Phase Two includes Iron Man 3 ( 2013 ), Thor: The Dark World ( 2013 ), Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( 2014 ), Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ), Avengers: Age of Ultron ( 2015 ), and Ant - Man ( 2015 ).", "short_answer": "Avengers: Age of Ultron (" } }, { "question": "what movie is next in the marvel series", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=802543049", "q_uid": -809424997985179721, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Status Phase Three Thor: Ragnarok November 3, 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 03 ) Taika Waititi Eric Pearson Kevin Feige Post-production Black Panther February 16, 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 16 ) Ryan Coogler Joe Robert Cole and Ryan Coogler Avengers: Infinity War May 4, 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 04 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Ant - Man and the Wasp July 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 06 ) Peyton Reed Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers and Andrew Barrer & Gabriel Ferrari and Paul Rudd Filming Captain Marvel March 8, 2019 ( 2019 - 03 - 08 ) Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck Geneva Robertson - Dworet Pre-production Untitled Avengers film May 3, 2019 ( 2019 - 05 - 03 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Filming Post-Phase Three Untitled Spider - Man: Homecoming sequel July 5, 2019 ( 2019 - 07 - 05 ) TBA TBA Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal Pre-production Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 2020 ( 2020 ) James Gunn Kevin Feige In development", "short_answer": "Thor: Ragnarok" } }, { "question": "what marvel movie came after captain america civil war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=809151864", "q_uid": 8357631385995364043, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Captain America: Civil War May 6, 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 06 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Kevin Feige Doctor Strange November 4, 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 04 ) Scott Derrickson Jon Spaihts and Scott Derrickson & C. Robert Cargill Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 May 5, 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 05 ) James Gunn Spider - Man: Homecoming July 7, 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 07 ) Jon Watts Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Daley and Jon Watts & Christopher Ford and Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal Thor: Ragnarok November 3, 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 03 ) Taika Waititi Eric Pearson and Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost Kevin Feige", "short_answer": "Doctor Strange" } }, { "question": "what is next marvel movie after ant man and the wasp", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=857092192", "q_uid": -5944045674821631427, "answers": { "long_answer": "Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) is the first film in the franchise 's Phase Three, and is followed by Doctor Strange ( 2016 ), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ), Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), Thor: Ragnarok ( 2017 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ), Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ), and Ant - Man and the Wasp ( 2018 ), with Captain Marvel ( 2019 ) and an untitled Avengers film ( 2019 ) still scheduled for the phase. Sony Pictures distributes the Spider - Man films, which they continue to own, finance, and have final creative control over.", "short_answer": "Captain Marvel (" } }, { "question": "what is the next marvel movie after avengers age of ultron", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=835622976", "q_uid": -2355993984882927948, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer Iron Man 3 May 3, 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 03 ) Shane Black Drew Pearce and Shane Black Kevin Feige Thor: The Dark World November 8, 2013 ( 2013 - 11 - 08 ) Alan Taylor Christopher Yost and Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Captain America: The Winter Soldier April 4, 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 04 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Guardians of the Galaxy August 1, 2014 ( 2014 - 08 - 01 ) James Gunn James Gunn and Nicole Perlman Avengers: Age of Ultron May 1, 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 01 ) Joss Whedon Ant - Man July 17, 2015 Peyton Reed Edgar Wright & Joe Cornish and Adam McKay & Paul Rudd", "short_answer": "Ant - Man" } }, { "question": "what are the marvel universe movies in order", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=857092192", "q_uid": -942942808642489326, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Box office gross All - time Ranking Budget Ref ( s ) U.S. and Canada Other territories Worldwide U.S. and Canada Worldwide Iron Man May 2, 2008 $318,412,101 $266,762,121 $585,174,222 63 150 $140 million The Incredible Hulk June 13, 2008 $134,806,913 $128,620,638 $263,427,551 419 526 $150 million Iron Man 2 May 7, 2010 $312,433,331 $311,500,000 $623,933,331 69 132 $200 million Thor May 6, 2011 $181,030,624 $268,295,994 $449,326,618 238 230 $150 million Captain America: The First Avenger July 22, 2011 $176,654,505 $193,915,269 $370,569,774 254 310 $140 -- 216.7 million Marvel 's The Avengers May 4, 2012 $623,357,910 $895,455,078 $1,518,812,988 7 6 $220 million Iron Man 3 May 3, 2013 $409,013,994 $805,797,258 $1,214,811,252 26 16 $178.4 million Thor: The Dark World November 8, 2013 $206,362,140 $438,209,262 $644,571,402 186 123 $152.7 million Captain America: The Winter Soldier April 4, 2014 $259,766,572 $454,497,695 $714,264,267 107 100 $177 million Guardians of the Galaxy August 1, 2014 $333,176,600 $440,152,029 $773,328,629 56 84 $195.9 million Avengers: Age of Ultron May 1, 2015 $459,005,868 $946,397,826 $1,405,403,694 16 8 $365.5 million Ant - Man July 17, 2015 $180,202,163 $339,109,802 $519,311,965 240 187 $109.3 million Captain America: Civil War May 6, 2016 $408,084,349 $745,220,146 $1,153,304,495 27 18 $250 million Doctor Strange November 4, 2016 $232,641,920 $445,076,475 $677,718,395 142 112 $165 -- 236.6 million Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 May 5, 2017 $389,813,101 $473,942,950 $863,756,051 34 63 $200 million Spider - Man: Homecoming July 7, 2017 $334,201,140 $545,965,784 $880,166,924 54 55 $175 million Thor: Ragnarok November 3, 2017 $315,058,289 $538,918,837 $853,977,126 68 65 $180 million Black Panther February 16, 2018 $700,059,566 $646,784,468 $1,346,844,034 9 $200 -- 210 million Avengers: Infinity War April 27, 2018 $678,690,536 $1,367,461,473 $2,046,152,009 $316 -- 400 million Ant - Man and the Wasp July 6, 2018 $211,630,916 $333,061,362 $544,692,278 174 167 $162 million Total $ 7009686440253800000 \u2660 6,864,402,538 $ 7010105851444670000 \u2660 10,585,144,467 $ 7010174495470050000 \u2660 17,449,547,005 $3.827 -- 4.069 billion", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when's the next marvel movie coming out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=837259310", "q_uid": -4669129289103566149, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Status Phase Three Avengers: Infinity War April 27, 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 27 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Kevin Feige Post-production Ant - Man and the Wasp July 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 06 ) Peyton Reed Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers and Andrew Barrer & Gabriel Ferrari and Paul Rudd Captain Marvel March 8, 2019 ( 2019 - 03 - 08 ) Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck Meg LeFauve and Nicole Perlman and Geneva Robertson - Dworet and Liz Flahive & Carly Mensch and Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck Filming Untitled Avengers film May 3, 2019 ( 2019 - 05 - 03 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Post-production Post-Phase Three Untitled Spider - Man: Homecoming sequel July 5, 2019 ( 2019 - 07 - 05 ) Jon Watts TBA Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal Pre-production Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 2020 ( 2020 ) James Gunn Kevin Feige In development", "short_answer": "April 27, 2018 (" } }, { "question": "order of marvel films up to infinity war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=843675700", "q_uid": -7620702780467732223, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Box office gross All - time Ranking Budget Ref ( s ) U.S. and Canada Other territories Worldwide U.S. and Canada Worldwide Iron Man May 2, 2008 $318,412,101 $266,762,121 $585,174,222 61 147 $140 million Incredible Hulk! The Incredible Hulk June 13, 2008 $134,806,913 $128,620,638 $263,427,551 412 516 $150 million Iron Man 2 May 7, 2010 $312,433,331 $311,500,000 $623,933,331 66 129 $200 million Thor May 6, 2011 $181,030,624 $268,295,994 $449,326,618 232 225 $150 million Captain America: The First Avenger July 22, 2011 $176,654,505 $193,915,269 $370,569,774 249 302 $140 million Marvel 's The Avengers May 4, 2012 $623,357,910 $895,455,078 $1,518,812,988 7 6 $220 million Iron Man 3 May 3, 2013 $409,013,994 $805,797,258 $1,214,811,252 24 15 $178.4 million Thor: The Dark World November 8, 2013 $206,362,140 $438,209,262 $644,571,402 182 120 $152.7 million Captain America: The Winter Soldier April 4, 2014 $259,766,572 $454,497,695 $714,264,267 104 97 $177 million Guardians of the Galaxy August 1, 2014 $333,176,600 $440,152,029 $773,328,629 54 82 $195.9 million Avengers: Age of Ultron May 1, 2015 $459,005,868 $946,397,826 $1,405,403,694 15 8 $365.5 million Ant - Man July 17, 2015 $180,202,163 $339,109,802 $519,311,965 234 182 $109.3 million Captain America: Civil War May 6, 2016 $408,084,349 $745,220,146 $1,153,304,495 25 17 $250 million Doctor Strange November 4, 2016 $232,641,920 $445,076,475 $677,718,395 139 109 $165 million Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 May 5, 2017 $389,813,101 $473,942,950 $863,756,051 32 61 $200 million Spider - Man: Homecoming July 7, 2017 $334,201,140 $545,965,784 $880,166,924 52 53 $175 million Thor: Ragnarok November 3, 2017 $315,058,289 $538,918,837 $853,977,126 65 63 $180 million Black Panther February 16, 2018 $698,745,233 $646,221,327 $1,344,966,560 9 $205 million Avengers: Infinity War April 27, 2018 $627,649,180 $1,286,889,282 $1,914,538,462 6 $358 million Total $ 7009660041593300000 \u2660 6,600,415,933 $ 7010101709477730000 \u2660 10,170,947,773 $ 7010167713637060000 \u2660 16,771,363,706 $3.712 billion", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when is the next marvel movie to be released", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=854768326", "q_uid": -484203479347940591, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Captain America: Civil War May 6, 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 06 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Kevin Feige Doctor Strange November 4, 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 04 ) Scott Derrickson Jon Spaihts and Scott Derrickson & C. Robert Cargill Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 May 5, 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 05 ) James Gunn Spider - Man: Homecoming July 7, 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 07 ) Jon Watts Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Daley and Jon Watts & Christopher Ford and Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal Thor: Ragnarok November 3, 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 03 ) Taika Waititi Eric Pearson and Craig Kyle & Christopher L. Yost Kevin Feige Black Panther February 16, 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 16 ) Ryan Coogler Ryan Coogler & Joe Robert Cole Avengers: Infinity War April 27, 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 27 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Ant - Man and the Wasp July 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 06 ) Peyton Reed Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers and Paul Rudd & Andrew Barrer & Gabriel Ferrari Kevin Feige and Stephen Broussard", "short_answer": "Ant - Man and the Wasp" } }, { "question": "when is the next avengers movie coming out after age of ultron", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=850572542", "q_uid": 5661766745489994126, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Status Phase Three Captain Marvel March 8, 2019 ( 2019 - 03 - 08 ) Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck Meg LeFauve and Nicole Perlman and Geneva Robertson - Dworet and Liz Flahive & Carly Mensch and Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck Kevin Feige Post-production Untitled Avengers film May 3, 2019 ( 2019 - 05 - 03 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Post-Phase Three Spider - Man: Far From Home July 5, 2019 ( 2019 - 07 - 05 ) Jon Watts Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal Filming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 2020 ( 2020 ) James Gunn Kevin Feige In development", "short_answer": "May 3, 2019 (" } }, { "question": "what marvel movie to watch after ant man", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=854768326", "q_uid": -1373906783506490634, "answers": { "long_answer": "The film is set several months after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron. Scott Lang attempts to infiltrate the new Avengers headquarters in Upstate New York featured in Age of Ultron, and confronts Sam Wilson / Falcon, played by Anthony Mackie. McKay and Rudd decided to add Falcon to Ant - Man after watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The Russo brothers filmed the post-credit scene, which was footage from Captain America: Civil War, and features Mackie as Falcon, Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America, and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier.", "short_answer": "Captain America: Civil War," } }, { "question": "when does the next avengers movie after infinity war come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=850572542", "q_uid": 9056717511591106995, "answers": { "long_answer": "The film was announced in October 2014 as Avengers: Infinity War -- Part 2. In April 2015, it was revealed that Anthony and Joe Russo would direct the film and in May, that Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely would write the screenplay. In July 2016, Marvel revealed the title would be changed, being known simply at that time as the Untitled Avengers film. Brolin reprises his role as Thanos, and is part of an ensemble cast featuring many actors who have appeared in other MCU films. Filming began in August 2017 in Atlanta, and ended in January 2018. The film is scheduled to be released on May 3, 2019.", "short_answer": "May 3, 2019." } }, { "question": "when is the avengers after infinity war coming out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=843638852", "q_uid": -5283809858677383657, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Box office gross All - time Ranking Budget Ref ( s ) U.S. and Canada Other territories Worldwide U.S. and Canada Worldwide Iron Man May 2, 2008 $318,412,101 $266,762,121 $585,174,222 61 147 $140 million Incredible Hulk! The Incredible Hulk June 13, 2008 $134,806,913 $128,620,638 $263,427,551 412 516 $150 million Iron Man 2 May 7, 2010 $312,433,331 $311,500,000 $623,933,331 66 129 $200 million Thor May 6, 2011 $181,030,624 $268,295,994 $449,326,618 232 225 $150 million Captain America: The First Avenger July 22, 2011 $176,654,505 $193,915,269 $370,569,774 249 302 $140 million Marvel 's The Avengers May 4, 2012 $623,357,910 $895,455,078 $1,518,812,988 7 6 $220 million Iron Man 3 May 3, 2013 $409,013,994 $805,797,258 $1,214,811,252 24 15 $178.4 million Thor: The Dark World November 8, 2013 $206,362,140 $438,209,262 $644,571,402 182 120 $152.7 million Captain America: The Winter Soldier April 4, 2014 $259,766,572 $454,497,695 $714,264,267 104 97 $177 million Guardians of the Galaxy August 1, 2014 $333,176,600 $440,152,029 $773,328,629 54 82 $195.9 million Avengers: Age of Ultron May 1, 2015 $459,005,868 $946,397,826 $1,405,403,694 15 8 $365.5 million Ant - Man July 17, 2015 $180,202,163 $339,109,802 $519,311,965 234 182 $109.3 million Captain America: Civil War May 6, 2016 $408,084,349 $745,220,146 $1,153,304,495 25 17 $250 million Doctor Strange November 4, 2016 $232,641,920 $445,076,475 $677,718,395 139 109 $165 million Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 May 5, 2017 $389,813,101 $473,942,950 $863,756,051 32 61 $200 million Spider - Man: Homecoming July 7, 2017 $334,201,140 $545,965,784 $880,166,924 52 53 $175 million Thor: Ragnarok November 3, 2017 $315,058,289 $538,918,837 $853,977,126 65 63 $180 million Black Panther February 16, 2018 $698,745,233 $646,221,327 $1,344,966,560 9 $205 million Avengers: Infinity War April 27, 2018 $627,649,180 $1,286,889,282 $1,914,538,462 6 $358 million Total $ 7009660041593300000 \u2660 6,600,415,933 $ 7010101709477730000 \u2660 10,170,947,773 $ 7010167713637060000 \u2660 16,771,363,706 $3.712 billion", "short_answer": "April 27, 2018" } }, { "question": "when did the new marvel movie come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=843638852", "q_uid": -6815917356080893656, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Captain America: Civil War May 6, 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 06 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Kevin Feige Doctor Strange November 4, 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 04 ) Scott Derrickson Jon Spaihts and Scott Derrickson & C. Robert Cargill Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 May 5, 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 05 ) James Gunn Spider - Man: Homecoming July 7, 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 07 ) Jon Watts Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Daley and Jon Watts & Christopher Ford and Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal Thor: Ragnarok November 3, 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 03 ) Taika Waititi Eric Pearson and Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost Kevin Feige Black Panther February 16, 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 16 ) Ryan Coogler Ryan Coogler & Joe Robert Cole Avengers: Infinity War April 27, 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 27 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely", "short_answer": "April 27, 2018 (" } }, { "question": "the next avengers movie after age of ultron", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=843675700", "q_uid": 2469575137668219803, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer ( s ) Status Phase Three Ant - Man and the Wasp July 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 06 ) Peyton Reed Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers and Paul Rudd & Andrew Barrer & Gabriel Ferrari Kevin Feige Post-production Captain Marvel March 8, 2019 ( 2019 - 03 - 08 ) Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck Meg LeFauve and Nicole Perlman and Geneva Robertson - Dworet and Liz Flahive & Carly Mensch and Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck Filming Untitled Avengers film May 3, 2019 ( 2019 - 05 - 03 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Post-production Post-Phase Three Untitled Spider - Man: Homecoming sequel July 5, 2019 ( 2019 - 07 - 05 ) Jon Watts Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal Pre-production Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 2020 ( 2020 ) James Gunn Kevin Feige In development", "short_answer": "Untitled Avengers film" } }, { "question": "when does the new avengers film come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=821804619", "q_uid": 4116624128527366496, "answers": { "long_answer": "Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) is the first film in the franchise 's Phase Three, and is followed by Doctor Strange ( 2016 ), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ), Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), and Thor: Ragnarok ( 2017 ), with Black Panther ( 2018 ), Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ), Ant - Man and the Wasp ( 2018 ), Captain Marvel ( 2019 ), and an untitled Avengers film ( 2019 ) scheduled for the phase. Sony Pictures distributes the Spider - Man films, which they continue to own, finance, and have final creative control over.", "short_answer": "2019 )" } }, { "question": "what came out first age of ultron or civil war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=843675700", "q_uid": -5454626759062376207, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Box office gross All - time Ranking Budget Ref ( s ) U.S. and Canada Other territories Worldwide U.S. and Canada Worldwide Iron Man May 2, 2008 $318,412,101 $266,762,121 $585,174,222 61 147 $140 million Incredible Hulk! The Incredible Hulk June 13, 2008 $134,806,913 $128,620,638 $263,427,551 412 516 $150 million Iron Man 2 May 7, 2010 $312,433,331 $311,500,000 $623,933,331 66 129 $200 million Thor May 6, 2011 $181,030,624 $268,295,994 $449,326,618 232 225 $150 million Captain America: The First Avenger July 22, 2011 $176,654,505 $193,915,269 $370,569,774 249 302 $140 million Marvel 's The Avengers May 4, 2012 $623,357,910 $895,455,078 $1,518,812,988 7 6 $220 million Iron Man 3 May 3, 2013 $409,013,994 $805,797,258 $1,214,811,252 24 15 $178.4 million Thor: The Dark World November 8, 2013 $206,362,140 $438,209,262 $644,571,402 182 120 $152.7 million Captain America: The Winter Soldier April 4, 2014 $259,766,572 $454,497,695 $714,264,267 104 97 $177 million Guardians of the Galaxy August 1, 2014 $333,176,600 $440,152,029 $773,328,629 54 82 $195.9 million Avengers: Age of Ultron May 1, 2015 $459,005,868 $946,397,826 $1,405,403,694 15 8 $365.5 million Ant - Man July 17, 2015 $180,202,163 $339,109,802 $519,311,965 234 182 $109.3 million Captain America: Civil War May 6, 2016 $408,084,349 $745,220,146 $1,153,304,495 25 17 $250 million Doctor Strange November 4, 2016 $232,641,920 $445,076,475 $677,718,395 139 109 $165 million Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 May 5, 2017 $389,813,101 $473,942,950 $863,756,051 32 61 $200 million Spider - Man: Homecoming July 7, 2017 $334,201,140 $545,965,784 $880,166,924 52 53 $175 million Thor: Ragnarok November 3, 2017 $315,058,289 $538,918,837 $853,977,126 65 63 $180 million Black Panther February 16, 2018 $698,745,233 $646,221,327 $1,344,966,560 9 $205 million Avengers: Infinity War April 27, 2018 $627,649,180 $1,286,889,282 $1,914,538,462 6 $358 million Total $ 7009660041593300000 \u2660 6,600,415,933 $ 7010101709477730000 \u2660 10,170,947,773 $ 7010167713637060000 \u2660 16,771,363,706 $3.712 billion", "short_answer": "Avengers: Age of Ultron" } }, { "question": "when does the next marval movie come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=854768326", "q_uid": 5160494583248957015, "answers": { "long_answer": "Spider - Man: Far From Home has been scheduled for 2019, alongside Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020, with an additional two untitled films also scheduled for 2020, three untitled films scheduled for 2021, and three untitled films scheduled for 2022. Feige has indicated that Marvel may abandon the phase grouping after the conclusion of Phase Three.", "short_answer": "2019," } }, { "question": "what's the sequel to avengers infinity war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=846609097", "q_uid": -9115521675644225242, "answers": { "long_answer": "The film was announced in October 2014 as Avengers: Infinity War -- Part 2. In April 2015, it was revealed that Anthony and Joe Russo would direct the film and in May, that Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely would write the screenplay. In July 2016, Marvel revealed the title would be changed, being known simply at that time as the Untitled Avengers film. Brolin reprises his role as Thanos, and is part of an ensemble cast featuring many actors who have appeared in other MCU films. Filming began in August 2017 in Atlanta, and ended in January 2018. The film is scheduled to be released on May 3, 2019.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "winter soldier before or after age of ultron", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=866477641", "q_uid": -5556233764352318610, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first film in the series was Iron Man ( 2008 ), which was distributed by Paramount Pictures. Paramount also distributed Iron Man 2 ( 2010 ), Thor ( 2011 ) and Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ), while Universal Pictures distributed The Incredible Hulk ( 2008 ). Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures began distributing the films with the 2012 crossover film The Avengers, which concluded Phase One of the franchise. Phase Two includes Iron Man 3 ( 2013 ), Thor: The Dark World ( 2013 ), Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( 2014 ), Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ), Avengers: Age of Ultron ( 2015 ), and Ant - Man ( 2015 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the next marvel movie after captain america the winter soldier", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=837259310", "q_uid": 3659865001594001272, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was Iron Man ( 2008 ), which was distributed by Paramount Pictures. Paramount also distributed Iron Man 2 ( 2010 ), Thor ( 2011 ) and Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ), while Universal Pictures distributed The Incredible Hulk ( 2008 ). Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures began distributing the films with the 2012 crossover film The Avengers, which concluded Phase One of the franchise. Phase Two includes Iron Man 3 ( 2013 ), Thor: The Dark World ( 2013 ), Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( 2014 ), Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ), Avengers: Age of Ultron ( 2015 ), and Ant - Man ( 2015 ).", "short_answer": "Guardians of the Galaxy (" } }, { "question": "what is the first marvel movie to watch", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=850572542", "q_uid": 5613275279747470555, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first film in the series was Iron Man ( 2008 ), which was distributed by Paramount Pictures. Paramount also distributed Iron Man 2 ( 2010 ), Thor ( 2011 ) and Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ), while Universal Pictures distributed The Incredible Hulk ( 2008 ). Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures began distributing the films with the 2012 crossover film The Avengers, which concluded Phase One of the franchise. Phase Two includes Iron Man 3 ( 2013 ), Thor: The Dark World ( 2013 ), Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( 2014 ), Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ), Avengers: Age of Ultron ( 2015 ), and Ant - Man ( 2015 ).", "short_answer": "Iron Man (" } }, { "question": "what came first civil war or black panther", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=857092192", "q_uid": -3173181289867468778, "answers": { "long_answer": "Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) is the first film in the franchise 's Phase Three, and is followed by Doctor Strange ( 2016 ), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ), Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), Thor: Ragnarok ( 2017 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ), Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ), and Ant - Man and the Wasp ( 2018 ), with Captain Marvel ( 2019 ) and an untitled Avengers film ( 2019 ) still scheduled for the phase. Sony Pictures distributes the Spider - Man films, which they continue to own, finance, and have final creative control over.", "short_answer": "Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) is" } }, { "question": "what is the next movie after avengers age of ultron", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=810242107", "q_uid": -1462191341576424831, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film U.S. release date Director ( s ) Screenwriter ( s ) Producer Iron Man 3 May 3, 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 03 ) Shane Black Drew Pearce and Shane Black Kevin Feige Thor: The Dark World November 8, 2013 ( 2013 - 11 - 08 ) Alan Taylor Christopher Yost and Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Captain America: The Winter Soldier April 4, 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 04 ) Anthony and Joe Russo Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely Guardians of the Galaxy August 1, 2014 ( 2014 - 08 - 01 ) James Gunn James Gunn and Nicole Perlman Avengers: Age of Ultron May 1, 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 01 ) Joss Whedon Ant - Man July 17, 2015 Peyton Reed Edgar Wright & Joe Cornish and Adam McKay & Paul Rudd", "short_answer": "Ant - Man" } }, { "question": "whats the movie after captain america civil war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=810644413", "q_uid": 3932727746989288903, "answers": { "long_answer": "Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) is the first film in the franchise 's Phase Three, and is followed by Doctor Strange ( 2016 ), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ), Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), and Thor: Ragnarok ( 2017 ), with Black Panther ( 2018 ), Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ), Ant - Man and the Wasp ( 2018 ), Captain Marvel ( 2019 ), and an untitled Avengers film ( 2019 ) scheduled for the phase. Sony Pictures distributes the Spider - Man films, which they continue to own, finance, and have final creative control over.", "short_answer": "Doctor Strange (" } }, { "question": "what is the next marvel movie after civil war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=854768326", "q_uid": 7521273072948369183, "answers": { "long_answer": "Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ) is the first film in the franchise 's Phase Three, and is followed by Doctor Strange ( 2016 ), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ), Spider - Man: Homecoming ( 2017 ), Thor: Ragnarok ( 2017 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ), Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ), and Ant - Man and the Wasp ( 2018 ), with Captain Marvel ( 2019 ) and an untitled Avengers film ( 2019 ) still scheduled for the phase. Sony Pictures distributes the Spider - Man films, which they continue to own, finance, and have final creative control over.", "short_answer": "Doctor Strange (" } }, { "question": "when does avengers infinity war part 1 come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_films&oldid=857092192", "q_uid": -2787788542233024139, "answers": { "long_answer": "The film was announced in October 2014 as Avengers: Infinity War -- Part 1. In April 2015, Marvel announced that Anthony and Joe Russo would direct the film and in May, that Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely would write the screenplay. In July 2016, Marvel revealed the title would be shortened to simply Avengers: Infinity War. Brolin reprises his role as Thanos, and is part of an ensemble cast featuring many actors who have appeared in other MCU films. Filming for Infinity War began in January 2017 in Atlanta, and lasted until July 2017. Additional filming also took place in Scotland. Avengers: Infinity War premiered in Los Angeles on April 23, 2018. It was released worldwide on April 27, 2018, with a few debuts beginning as early as April 25 in a handful of countries.", "short_answer": "April 27, 2018," } } ], "John Rhys-Davies": [ { "question": "voice of the tree in lord of the rings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=802107420", "q_uid": -5059190176345761994, "answers": { "long_answer": "In addition to voicing the Ent Treebeard in Lord of the Rings, Rhys - Davies has also lent his distinctive deep voice to many video games and animated television series, including the role of Hades in Justice League and numerous times in Gargoyles ( 1994 -- 1996 ), as the character Macbeth. He also lent his vocal talents to the games Freelancer ( as Richard Winston Tobias ) and Lords of Everquest ( both in 2003 ) and the game Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness, which was released with his narration on a CD - ROM version in 1995. He also had a voice role on Baldur 's Gate: Dark Alliance as the character Jherek, and narrated a documentary called The Glory of Macedonia.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays gimli in the lord of the rings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=816644323", "q_uid": 6976860954619179380, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Rhys - Davies ( born 5 May 1944 ) is a Welsh actor and voice actor known for his portrayal of Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the charismatic excavator Sallah in the Indiana Jones films. He also played Agent Michael Malone in the 1993 remake of the 1950s television series The Untouchables, Pilot Vasco Rodrigues in the mini-series Sh\u014dgun, Professor Maximillian Arturo in Sliders, King Richard I in Robin of Sherwood, General Leonid Pushkin in the James Bond film The Living Daylights, and Macro in I, Claudius. Additionally, he provided the voices of Cassim in Disney 's Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Macbeth in Gargoyles, Man Ray in SpongeBob SquarePants, Hades in Justice League and Tobias in the computer game Freelancer.", "short_answer": "John Rhys - Davies (" } }, { "question": "actor that played gimli in lord of the rings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=866272277", "q_uid": 1075396678012463145, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Rhys - Davies ( born 5 May 1944 ) is a Welsh actor and voice actor known for his portrayal of Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the charismatic excavator Sallah in the Indiana Jones films. He also played Agent Michael Malone in the 1993 remake of the 1950s television series The Untouchables, Pilot Vasco Rodrigues in the mini-series Sh\u014dgun, Professor Maximillian Arturo in Sliders, King Richard I in Robin of Sherwood, General Leonid Pushkin in the James Bond film The Living Daylights, and Macro in I, Claudius. Additionally, he provided the voices of Cassim in Disney 's Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Macbeth in Gargoyles, Man Ray in SpongeBob SquarePants, Hades in Justice League and Tobias in the computer game Freelancer.", "short_answer": "John Rhys - Davies (" } }, { "question": "who played dwarf in lord of the rings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=826506495", "q_uid": -6260299696651200061, "answers": { "long_answer": "He is also known for his popular portrayal of the dwarf Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The cinematography of the films was aided in that Rhys - Davies is tall -- 6 ft 1 in ( 1.85 m ), compared to the actors playing hobbits at around 5 ft 6 in ( 1.68 m ). Therefore, although his character was supposed to be short, he was properly in proportion compared to the hobbit actors. Had he been of more similar height, shots of the entire fellowship would have required three camera passes rather than two.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played da vinci in star trek voyager", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=807677244", "q_uid": -405125225535321641, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes Fall of Eagles Zinoviev The Sweeney Ron Brett Poppy ( Season 2, episode 8 ) 1976 I, Claudius Macro Episodes 8 and 9 1977 Ivor Griffith Season 1, episode 3 1980 BBC Television Shakespeare Salervio The Merchant of Venice 1980 Sh\u014dgun Vasco Rodrigues Miniseries Nominated -- Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie 1982 CHiPs Nakura Season 5, episode 27 1982 Ivanhoe Front - de-Boeuf Reilly, Ace of Spies Tanyatos 1984 Robin of Sherwood King Richard Series 1, episode 6 `` The King 's Fool '' 1984 Scarecrow and Mrs. King Lord Bromfield Season 2, episode 8 `` Affair at Bromfield Hall '' Marjorie and the Preacher Man Seymour Television Drama 1988 Noble House Quillan Gornt Miniseries 1988 War and Remembrance Sammy Mutterperl Miniseries 1989 The Trial of the Incredible Hulk Wilson Fisk TV film 1991 Great Expectations Joe Gargery 1991 The Mystery of the Black Jungle O'Connor Miniseries 1991 Tales from the Crypt Duval Season 3, episode 6 1992 Batman: The Animated Series ' Baron ' Waclaw Jozek Season 1, episode 25 1992 Archaeology Himself Voyages of the Vikings 1993 -- 1994 The Untouchables Agent Michael Malone 15 episodes 1994 A Flintstones Christmas Carol Charles Brickens ( voice ) Television special 1995 -- 1997 Sliders Prof. Maximilian Arturo 40 episodes 1995 Fantastic Four Thor 2 episodes; Season 2, episodes 6 and 8 The Incredible Hulk Thor Season 1, episode 9 1995 - 1996 Gargoyles Macbeth ( voice ) 13 episodes Boo to You Too! Winnie the Pooh Narrator Halloween television special Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm Asgarth 1997 You Wish Madman Mustapha 3 episodes 1997 Star Trek: Voyager Leonardo da Vinci 2 episodes 1999 Au Pair Nigel Kent Television film 2002 Justice League Hades Season 1, episodes 8 and 9 2002 Fillmore! Lenny Season 1, episode 8 2003 Helen of Troy King Priam Miniseries Dragon Storm King Fastrad Television film 2005 Revelations ( Omnium Finis Imminet ) Professor Jonah Lampley Miniseries 2008 Anaconda 3: Offspring J.D. Murdoch Television film 2008 Fire & Ice: The Dragon Chronicles Sangimel Television film 2009 Dark Days in Monkey City Narrator 3 episodes 2009 Anacondas: Trail of Blood J.D. Murdoch Television film 2009 Kr\u00f6d M\u00e4ndoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire Grimshank 3 episodes Legend of the Seeker Horace Season 2, episode 17 Three Wise Women Archangel Green 2012 Psych Museum Curator Season 6, episode 10 2014 Let The Season In Narrator Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert Special ( filmed 2013 ) 2014 Once Upon a Time Grand Pabbie Voice / Season 4, Episodes 1, 6, 7 2015 Killing Jesus Annas 2015 The Adventures of Puss in Boots Goodsword Season 1, episode 10 2016 The Shannara Chronicles Eventine Elessedil Regular 2016 The Lion Guard King Sokwe ( voice ) Episode: `` The Lost Gorillas ''", "short_answer": "Leonardo da Vinci" } }, { "question": "who played gimli in the lord of the rings movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=802107420", "q_uid": 6802505627213478986, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Rhys - Davies ( born 5 May 1944 ) is a Welsh actor and voice actor known for his portrayal of Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the charismatic Arab excavator Sallah in the Indiana Jones films. He also played Agent Michael Malone in the 1993 remake of the 1950s television series The Untouchables, Pilot Vasco Rodrigues in the mini-series Sh\u014dgun, Professor Maximillian Arturo in Sliders, King Richard I in Robin of Sherwood, General Leonid Pushkin in the James Bond film The Living Daylights, and Macro in I, Claudius. Additionally, he provided the voices of Cassim in Disney 's Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Macbeth in Gargoyles, Man Ray in SpongeBob SquarePants, Hades in Justice League and Tobias in the computer game Freelancer.", "short_answer": "John Rhys - Davies (" } }, { "question": "who played the dwarf in lord of rings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=843392635", "q_uid": -2561082109393939080, "answers": { "long_answer": "He is also known for his popular portrayal of the dwarf Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The cinematography of the films was aided in that Rhys - Davies is tall -- 6 ft 1 in ( 1.85 m ), compared to the actors playing hobbits at around 5 ft 6 in ( 1.68 m ). Therefore, although his character was supposed to be short, he was properly in proportion compared to the hobbit actors. Had he been of more similar height, shots of the entire fellowship would have required three camera passes rather than two.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays gimli in lord of the rings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=854384822", "q_uid": -5266885346095524993, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Rhys - Davies ( born 5 May 1944 ) is a Welsh actor and voice actor known for his portrayal of Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the charismatic excavator Sallah in the Indiana Jones films. He also played Agent Michael Malone in the 1993 remake of the 1950s television series The Untouchables, Pilot Vasco Rodrigues in the mini-series Sh\u014dgun, Professor Maximillian Arturo in Sliders, King Richard I in Robin of Sherwood, General Leonid Pushkin in the James Bond film The Living Daylights, and Macro in I, Claudius. Additionally, he provided the voices of Cassim in Disney 's Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Macbeth in Gargoyles, Man Ray in SpongeBob SquarePants, Hades in Justice League and Tobias in the computer game Freelancer.", "short_answer": "John Rhys - Davies (" } }, { "question": "who plays the dwarf in the lord of the rings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=836276533", "q_uid": 8267620545805825548, "answers": { "long_answer": "He is also known for his popular portrayal of the dwarf Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The cinematography of the films was aided in that Rhys - Davies is tall -- 6 ft 1 in ( 1.85 m ), compared to the actors playing hobbits at around 5 ft 6 in ( 1.68 m ). Therefore, although his character was supposed to be short, he was properly in proportion compared to the hobbit actors. Had he been of more similar height, shots of the entire fellowship would have required three camera passes rather than two.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the dwarf in lord of the rings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Rhys-Davies&oldid=802107420", "q_uid": 49311323654768244, "answers": { "long_answer": "John Rhys - Davies ( born 5 May 1944 ) is a Welsh actor and voice actor known for his portrayal of Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the charismatic Arab excavator Sallah in the Indiana Jones films. He also played Agent Michael Malone in the 1993 remake of the 1950s television series The Untouchables, Pilot Vasco Rodrigues in the mini-series Sh\u014dgun, Professor Maximillian Arturo in Sliders, King Richard I in Robin of Sherwood, General Leonid Pushkin in the James Bond film The Living Daylights, and Macro in I, Claudius. Additionally, he provided the voices of Cassim in Disney 's Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Macbeth in Gargoyles, Man Ray in SpongeBob SquarePants, Hades in Justice League and Tobias in the computer game Freelancer.", "short_answer": "John Rhys - Davies (" } } ], "Destiny's Child": [ { "question": "where did destiny's child get their name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Destiny%27s_Child&oldid=816755932", "q_uid": -3175059345018038407, "answers": { "long_answer": "Over the course of the early years in their career, Girl 's Tyme changed their name to Something Fresh, Clich\u00e9, the Dolls, and to Destiny. The group signed with Elektra Records with the name Destiny, but were dropped several months later before they could release an album. The pursuit of a record deal affected the Knowles family: in 1995, Mathew Knowles resigned from his job as a medical - equipment salesman, a move that reduced Knowles ' family 's income by half, and her parents briefly separated due to the pressure. In 1996, they changed their name to Destiny 's Child, which was taken from a passage in the Book of Isaiah. Mathew Knowles helped in negotiating a record deal with Columbia Records, which signed the group that same year. Prior to signing with Columbia, the group had recorded several tracks in Oakland, California produced by D'wayne Wiggins of Tony! Toni! Ton\u00e9!, including `` Killing Time '', which upon the label 's recognition that Destiny 's Child had a `` unique quality '', was included in the soundtrack to the 1997 film Men in Black.", "short_answer": "from a passage in the Book of Isaiah." } }, { "question": "where did destiny's child name come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Destiny%27s_Child&oldid=834307562", "q_uid": 6999635974968653207, "answers": { "long_answer": "Over the course of the early years in their career, Girl 's Tyme changed their name to Something Fresh, Clich\u00e9, the Dolls, and to Destiny. The group signed with Elektra Records with the name Destiny, but were dropped several months later before they could release an album. The pursuit of a record deal affected the Knowles family: in 1995, Mathew Knowles resigned from his job as a medical - equipment salesman, a move that reduced Knowles ' family 's income by half, and her parents briefly separated due to the pressure. In 1996, they changed their name to Destiny 's Child, which was taken from a passage in the Book of Isaiah. Mathew Knowles helped in negotiating a record deal with Columbia Records, which signed the group that same year. Prior to signing with Columbia, the group had recorded several tracks in Oakland, California produced by D'wayne Wiggins of Tony! Toni! Ton\u00e9!, including `` Killing Time '', which upon the label 's recognition that Destiny 's Child had a `` unique quality '', was included in the soundtrack to the 1997 film Men in Black.", "short_answer": "a passage in the Book of Isaiah." } }, { "question": "who was the lead singer of destiny's child", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Destiny%27s_Child&oldid=818375407", "q_uid": 5024544914053479043, "answers": { "long_answer": "Destiny 's Child was an American girl group whose final and best - known line - up comprised Beyonc\u00e9 Knowles, Kelly Rowland, and Michelle Williams. Formed in 1997 in Houston, Texas, Destiny 's Child members began their musical career as Girl 's Tyme, formed in 1990, comprising Knowles, Rowland, LaTavia Roberson, and LeToya Luckett among others. After years of limited success, the quartet were signed in 1997 to Columbia Records and Music World Entertainment as Destiny 's Child. Destiny 's Child was launched into mainstream recognition following the release of their best - selling second album, The Writing 's on the Wall ( 1999 ), which contained the number - one singles `` Bills, Bills, Bills '' and `` Say My Name ''. Despite critical and commercial success, the group was plagued by internal conflict and legal turmoil, as Roberson and Luckett attempted to split from the group 's manager Mathew Knowles, citing favoritism of Knowles and Rowland.", "short_answer": "Beyonc\u00e9 Knowles," } } ], "Geena Davis": [ { "question": "who plays dr. herman on grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Geena_Davis&oldid=845425956", "q_uid": 448316328913043169, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2005, Davis won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress -- Television Series Drama for her role in Commander in Chief. In 2014, she returned to television portraying Dr. Nicole Herman in Grey 's Anatomy. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress along with her co-star Susan Sarandon for Thelma and Louise. Davis also starred as Regan MacNeil / Angela Rance in the first season of the horror TV series `` inspired by '' the best - selling William Peter Blatty novel The Exorcist, on Fox.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays dr herman in grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Geena_Davis&oldid=845425956", "q_uid": -2550567783745850430, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2005, Davis won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress -- Television Series Drama for her role in Commander in Chief. In 2014, she returned to television portraying Dr. Nicole Herman in Grey 's Anatomy. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress along with her co-star Susan Sarandon for Thelma and Louise. Davis also starred as Regan MacNeil / Angela Rance in the first season of the horror TV series `` inspired by '' the best - selling William Peter Blatty novel The Exorcist, on Fox.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Grace Kelly": [ { "question": "how true is the film grace of monaco", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Grace_Kelly&oldid=835621015", "q_uid": 6499304076806342449, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nicole Kidman portrayed Kelly in Grace of Monaco ( 2014 ), directed by Olivier Dahan. Reaction to the film was largely negative; many people, including the princely family of Monaco, felt it was overly dramatic, had historical errors, and lacked depth.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who attended the 1956 academy awards less than a month before becoming a princess", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Grace_Kelly&oldid=803207847", "q_uid": 8541350049788098698, "answers": { "long_answer": "Grace Patricia Kelly ( November 12, 1929 -- September 14, 1982 ) was an American actress who became Princess of Monaco after marrying Prince Rainier III, in April 1956.", "short_answer": "Grace Patricia Kelly (" } } ], "Wendy Makkena": [ { "question": "who played kate todd's sister on ncis", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Wendy_Makkena&oldid=799856841", "q_uid": -3974287196108631722, "answers": { "long_answer": "Wendy Rosenberg Makkena ( born October 4, 1958 ) is an American actress.", "short_answer": "Wendy Rosenberg Makkena (" } }, { "question": "who played the shy nun in sister act", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Wendy_Makkena&oldid=799856841", "q_uid": 6048063065915349732, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1992 she had a supporting role in the movie Sister Act as the shy but talented singing nun Sister Mary Robert, a role she reprised in Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit the following year. She appeared in various other television roles until 1997, when she starred in Air Bud, followed by the independent film Finding North. She continued appearing on television shows such as The Job, Oliver Beene, and Listen Up!", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played sister mary robert in sister act", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Wendy_Makkena&oldid=799856841", "q_uid": 6581290520543082195, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1992 she had a supporting role in the movie Sister Act as the shy but talented singing nun Sister Mary Robert, a role she reprised in Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit the following year. She appeared in various other television roles until 1997, when she starred in Air Bud, followed by the independent film Finding North. She continued appearing on television shows such as The Job, Oliver Beene, and Listen Up!", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Gregg Sulkin": [ { "question": "who plays ezra's brother on pretty little liars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gregg_Sulkin&oldid=824511161", "q_uid": 428832646676346214, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gregg Sulkin ( / \u02c8s\u028clk\u026an /; born 29 May 1992 ) is an English actor. At age ten he made his film debut in the 2002 Doctor Zhivago mini-series. He later landed the starring role in the 2006 British release Sixty Six, and subsequently became known for appearing in the Disney Channel comedy series As the Bell Rings and Wizards of Waverly Place. In 2010, he starred in the Disney Channel television movie Avalon High. He also appeared in the television special The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex. He starred on MTV 's show Faking It as Liam Booker from 2014 until its cancellation in 2016. He also appeared on Pretty Little Liars as Ezra 's brother, Wesley `` Wes '' Fitzgerald. In 2016, he starred in the role of Sam Fuller in the horror - thriller film, Do n't Hang Up. He is currently starring as Chase Stein in the TV show Runaways, based on the Marvel Comics series of the same name.", "short_answer": "Gregg Sulkin (" } }, { "question": "who does gregg sulkin play in wizards of waverly place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gregg_Sulkin&oldid=797784980", "q_uid": 8247505631215529441, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sulkin was on Disney Channel 's Pass the Plate as Gregg from the UK. He had a recurring guest role on the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place, where he played Alex 's love interest Mason Greyback he reprised his role in 4 episodes of season 3 and returned to the series in its fourth season, and through to its finale. Sulkin has also landed a role in the thriller The Heavy.", "short_answer": "Mason Greyback he" } }, { "question": "who played mason on wizards of waverly place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gregg_Sulkin&oldid=824511161", "q_uid": -1040491359250953384, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sulkin was on Disney Channel 's Pass the Plate as Gregg from the UK. He had a recurring guest role on the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place, where he played Alex 's love interest Mason Greyback he reprised his role in 4 episodes of season 3 and returned to the series in its fourth season, and through to its finale. Sulkin has also landed a role in the thriller The Heavy.", "short_answer": "Sulkin was" } }, { "question": "actor who plays mason on wizards of waverly place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gregg_Sulkin&oldid=833033220", "q_uid": -2685524431766740494, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2002 Doctor Zhivago Seryozha Television miniseries ( ITV ) 2006 Pass the Plate Himself 2006 Man on the Moon Michael Aldrin Television special ( Channel 4 ) 2007 -- 2008 As the Bell Rings JJ Main role 2009 The Sarah Jane Adventures Adam 2 episodes Avalon High Will Wagner Disney Channel Original Movie 2010 -- 2012 Wizards of Waverly Place Mason Greyback Recurring role ( seasons 3 -- 4 ); 15 episodes 2011 R.L. Stine 's The Haunting Hour Matt Episode: `` The Perfect Brother '' 2011 Get the Look Himself 2012 Melissa & Joey Haskell Davis 3 episodes 2012 Pretty Little Liars Wesley Fitzgerald Recurring role; 4 episodes 2013 The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex Mason Greyback Television special ( Disney Channel ) 2013 Delirium Julian Fineman Unsold television pilot 2014 A Daughter 's Nightmare Ben Woods Television movie ( Lifetime ) 2014 -- 2016 Faking It Liam Booker Main role 2016 Life in Pieces Jake Episode: `` Prank Assistant Gum Puppy '' 2016 Young & Hungry Rick Episode: `` Young & Assistant '' 2017 Drink, Slay, Love Jadrien Television movie ( Lifetime ) 2017 -- present Runaways Chase Stein Main role", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played mason in wizards of waverly place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gregg_Sulkin&oldid=856775595", "q_uid": -2640770702589434850, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sulkin was part of Disney Channel 's Pass the Plate as Gregg from the UK. He had a recurring guest role on the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place, where he played Alex 's love interest Mason Greyback he reprised his role in 4 episodes of season 3 and returned to the series in its fourth season, and through to its finale. Sulkin has also landed a role in the thriller The Heavy.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "2006 FIFA World Cup": [ { "question": "where did italy win the world cup in 2006", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2006_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=853727449", "q_uid": -5485901134801622830, "answers": { "long_answer": "2006 FIFA World Cup FIFA Fu\u00dfball - Weltmeisterschaft Deutschland 2006 2006 FIFA World Cup official logo Eine Zeit, um Freunde zu finden ( A time to make friends ) Tournament details Host country Germany Dates 9 June -- 9 July Teams 32 ( from 6 confederations ) Venue ( s ) 12 ( in 12 host cities ) Final positions Champions Italy ( 4th title ) Runners - up France Third place Germany Fourth place Portugal Tournament statistics Matches played 64 Goals scored 147 ( 2.3 per match ) Attendance 3,359,439 ( 52,491 per match ) Top scorer ( s ) Miroslav Klose ( 5 goals ) Best player Zinedine Zidane Best young player Lukas Podolski Best goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon Fair play award Brazil Spain \u2190 2002 2010 \u2192", "short_answer": "Germany" } }, { "question": "where did germany finish in the 2006 world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2006_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=853727449", "q_uid": 8737138289793526723, "answers": { "long_answer": "Italy won the tournament, claiming their fourth World Cup title. They defeated France 5 -- 3 in a penalty shoot - out in the final, after extra time had finished in a 1 -- 1 draw. Germany defeated Portugal 3 -- 1 to finish in third place. Angola, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Trinidad and Tobago, and Togo made their first appearances in the finals. It was also the first appearance of Serbia and Montenegro under that name; they had previously appeared in 1998 as Yugoslavia.", "short_answer": "third place." } }, { "question": "who won the fifa world cup of 2006", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2006_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856883434", "q_uid": -595269614662854325, "answers": { "long_answer": "Italy won the tournament, claiming their fourth World Cup title. They defeated France 5 -- 3 in a penalty shoot - out in the final, after extra time had finished in a 1 -- 1 draw. Germany defeated Portugal 3 -- 1 to finish in third place. Angola, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Trinidad and Tobago, and Togo made their first appearances in the finals. It was also the first appearance of Serbia and Montenegro under that name; they had previously appeared in 1998 as Yugoslavia.", "short_answer": "Italy won" } }, { "question": "where did the 2006 world cup take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2006_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=853727449", "q_uid": -1434270334770693706, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2006 FIFA World Cup was the 18th FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international football world championship tournament. It was held from 9 June to 9 July 2006 in Germany, which won the right to host the event in July 2000. Teams representing 198 national football associations from all six populated continents participated in the qualification process which began in September 2003. Thirty - one teams qualified from this process, along with the host nation, Germany, for the finals tournament. It was the second time that Germany staged the competition ( the first was in 1974 as West Germany ), and the tenth time that it was held in Europe.", "short_answer": "in Germany," } }, { "question": "where was the world cup held in 2006", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2006_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=853727449", "q_uid": -4347582194037576234, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2006 FIFA World Cup was the 18th FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international football world championship tournament. It was held from 9 June to 9 July 2006 in Germany, which won the right to host the event in July 2000. Teams representing 198 national football associations from all six populated continents participated in the qualification process which began in September 2003. Thirty - one teams qualified from this process, along with the host nation, Germany, for the finals tournament. It was the second time that Germany staged the competition ( the first was in 1974 as West Germany ), and the tenth time that it was held in Europe.", "short_answer": "Germany," } }, { "question": "italy won the world cup football title in 2006", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2006_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856883434", "q_uid": -4676025619224864434, "answers": { "long_answer": "2006 FIFA World Cup FIFA Fu\u00dfball - Weltmeisterschaft Deutschland 2006 2006 FIFA World Cup official logo Eine Zeit, um Freunde zu finden ( A time to make friends ) Tournament details Host country Germany Dates 9 June -- 9 July Teams 32 ( from 6 confederations ) Venue ( s ) 12 ( in 12 host cities ) Final positions Champions Italy ( 4th title ) Runners - up France Third place Germany Fourth place Portugal Tournament statistics Matches played 64 Goals scored 147 ( 2.3 per match ) Attendance 3,359,439 ( 52,491 per match ) Top scorer ( s ) Miroslav Klose ( 5 goals ) Best player Zinedine Zidane Best young player Lukas Podolski Best goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon Fair play award Brazil Spain \u2190 2002 2010 \u2192", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won the world cup football in 2006", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2006_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856883434", "q_uid": 4000419679919330905, "answers": { "long_answer": "Italy won the tournament, claiming their fourth World Cup title. They defeated France 5 -- 3 in a penalty shoot - out in the final, after extra time had finished in a 1 -- 1 draw. Germany defeated Portugal 3 -- 1 to finish in third place. Angola, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Trinidad and Tobago, and Togo made their first appearances in the finals. It was also the first appearance of Serbia and Montenegro under that name; they had previously appeared in 1998 as Yugoslavia.", "short_answer": "Italy won" } } ], "Jennifer Jones": [ { "question": "who is the oscar-winning star of the film the song of bernadette", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jennifer_Jones&oldid=833765755", "q_uid": 6031977400415327548, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jennifer Jones ( born Phylis Lee Isley; March 2, 1919 -- December 17, 2009 ), also known as Jennifer Jones Simon, was an American actress during Hollywood 's golden years. Jones, who won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in The Song of Bernadette ( 1943 ), was also Academy Award - nominated for her performances in four other films. She was married three times, most notably to film producer David O. Selznick.", "short_answer": "Jennifer Jones (" } } ], "1972 Miami Dolphins season": [ { "question": "who did the miami dolphins play in the 1972 super bowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1972_Miami_Dolphins_season&oldid=833213443", "q_uid": 1650270115497931742, "answers": { "long_answer": "1972 Miami Dolphins season Head coach Don Shula Owner Joe Robbie Home field Miami Orange Bowl Results Record 14 -- 0 Division place 1st AFC East Playoff finish Won AFC Divisional Playoff ( Browns ) 20 -- 14 Won AFC Championship Game ( at Steelers ) 21 -- 17 Won Super Bowl VII ( vs. Redskins ) 14 -- 7 \u2190 1971 Dolphins seasons 1973 \u2192 Jim", "short_answer": "Redskins )" } }, { "question": "who was the quarterback for miami dolphins in 1972", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1972_Miami_Dolphins_season&oldid=857001172", "q_uid": 487495211591755378, "answers": { "long_answer": "1972 Miami Dolphins roster Quarterbacks 11 Jim Del Gaizo 12 Bob Griese 15 Earl Morrall Running backs 21 Jim Kiick 23 Charles Leigh 22 Mercury Morris 32 Hubert Ginn 39 Larry Csonka Wide receivers 86 Marlin Briscoe 28 Ed Jenkins 82 Otto Stowe 81 Howard Twilley 42 Paul Warfield Tight ends 80 Marv Fleming 88 Jim Mandich Offensive linemen 73 Norm Evans T 54 Howard Kindig T 67 Bob Kuechenberg G 62 Jim Langer C 66 Larry Little G 60 Al Jenkins G 77 Doug Crusan T 79 Wayne Moore T Defensive linemen 83 Vern Den Herder DE 78 Jim Dunaway DT 75 Manny Fernandez DT 72 Bob Heinz DT 65 Maulty Moore DT 84 Bill Stanfill DE Linebackers 51 Larry Ball 85 Nick Buoniconti 57 Mike Kolen 53 Bob Matheson 56 Jesse Powell 59 Doug Swift Defensive backs 40 Dick Anderson SS 49 Charlie Babb SS 25 Tim Foley CB 43 Mike Howell FS 45 Curtis Johnson CB 26 Lloyd Mumphord CB 13 Jake Scott FS Special teams 20 Larry Seiple P 1 Garo Yepremian K 7 Billy Lothridge P Rookies in italics", "short_answer": "Jim Del Gaizo" } }, { "question": "who was the dolphins qb when they went undefeated", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1972_Miami_Dolphins_season&oldid=797595233", "q_uid": 8513652932017057106, "answers": { "long_answer": "During the 1972 season, Bob Griese 's ankle was broken in Week 5 as he was sacked by San Diego Chargers defensive tackle Ron East and defensive end Deacon Jones. He was replaced by veteran Earl Morrall for the rest of the regular season. Griese returned to the field as a substitute in the final regular season game against the Baltimore Colts and then also relieved Morrall for the second half of the AFC Championship game versus the Pittsburgh Steelers and then started for Miami in Super Bowl VII. On the ground, running backs Larry Csonka and Mercury Morris became the first teammates to each rush for 1,000 yards in a season. Paul Warfield led the receivers, averaging over 20 yards per catch on 29 receptions. The offensive line included future Hall of Fame members Jim Langer and Larry Little and Pro Bowler Norm Evans.", "short_answer": "Bob Griese 's" } }, { "question": "who did the miami dolphins beat in 1972 super bowl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1972_Miami_Dolphins_season&oldid=864580282", "q_uid": 854864674245683514, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 1972 Miami Dolphins season was the team 's seventh season, and third season in the National Football League ( NFL ). The 1972 Dolphins are the only NFL team to win the Super Bowl with a perfect season. The undefeated campaign was led by coach Don Shula and notable players Bob Griese, Earl Morrall, and Larry Csonka. The 1972 Dolphins went 14 -- 0 in the regular season and won all three post-season games, including Super Bowl VII against the Washington Redskins, to finish 17 -- 0.", "short_answer": "Washington Redskins," } } ], "Andy Karl": [ { "question": "who played mike dodd on law and order svu", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Andy_Karl&oldid=799559672", "q_uid": -7010445091241921262, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2015, Karl joined the recurring cast of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit as the unit 's new sergeant, Mike Dodds, who is the son of Peter Gallagher 's Chief William Dodds. The role reunites Karl and Gallagher after working together on On the Twentieth Century. He has since left his role on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, which resulted in his character 's death.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Tom Felton": [ { "question": "who is the actor who plays draco malfoy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Felton&oldid=819244234", "q_uid": -2615312692127382766, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton ( born 22 September 1987 ) is a British actor. Felton began appearing in commercials when he was eight years old for companies such as Commercial Union and Barclaycard. He made his screen debut in the role of Peagreen Clock in The Borrowers ( 1997 ) and he portrayed Louis T. Leonowens in Anna and the King ( 1999 ). He rose to prominence for his role as Draco Malfoy in the film adaptions of the best - selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. His performances in Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 won him two consecutive MTV Movie Awards for Best Villain in 2010 and 2011.", "short_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton (" } }, { "question": "who plays draco malfoy in the harry potter movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Felton&oldid=803536493", "q_uid": -5103155535338576079, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton ( born September 22, 1987 ) is an English actor. Felton began appearing in commercials when he was eight years old for companies such as Commercial Union and Barclaycard. He made his screen debut in the role of Peagreen Clock in The Borrowers ( 1997 ) and he portrayed Louis T. Leonowens in Anna and the King ( 1999 ). He rose to prominence for his role as Draco Malfoy in the film adaptions of the best - selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. His performances in Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 won him two consecutive MTV Movie Awards for Best Villain in 2010 and 2011.", "short_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton (" } }, { "question": "who played malfoy in the harry potter series", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Felton&oldid=802239571", "q_uid": 7992330277603198825, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton ( born September 22, 1987 ) is an English actor. Felton began appearing in commercials when he was eight years old for companies such as Commercial Union and Barclaycard. He made his screen debut in the role of Peagreen Clock in The Borrowers ( 1997 ) and he portrayed Louis T. Leonowens in Anna and the King ( 1999 ). He rose to prominence for his role as Draco Malfoy in the film adaptions of the best - selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. His performances in Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 won him two consecutive MTV Movie Awards for Best Villain in 2010 and 2011.", "short_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton (" } }, { "question": "who played draco malfoy in the harry potter movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Felton&oldid=835688528", "q_uid": 3072139274845905296, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton ( born 22 September 1987 ) is a British actor. Felton began appearing in commercials when he was eight years old for companies such as Commercial Union and Barclaycard. He made his screen debut in the role of Peagreen Clock in The Borrowers ( 1997 ) and he portrayed Louis T. Leonowens in Anna and the King ( 1999 ). He rose to prominence for his role as Draco Malfoy in the film adaptions of the best - selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. His performances in Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 won him two consecutive MTV Movie Awards for Best Villain in 2010 and 2011.", "short_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton (" } }, { "question": "who acts as draco malfoy in harry potter", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Felton&oldid=803536493", "q_uid": -4543135010269018307, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton ( born September 22, 1987 ) is an English actor. Felton began appearing in commercials when he was eight years old for companies such as Commercial Union and Barclaycard. He made his screen debut in the role of Peagreen Clock in The Borrowers ( 1997 ) and he portrayed Louis T. Leonowens in Anna and the King ( 1999 ). He rose to prominence for his role as Draco Malfoy in the film adaptions of the best - selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. His performances in Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 won him two consecutive MTV Movie Awards for Best Villain in 2010 and 2011.", "short_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton (" } }, { "question": "who played malfoy in the harry potter movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Felton&oldid=825681529", "q_uid": 2672602481602128767, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton ( born 22 September 1987 ) is a British actor. Felton began appearing in commercials when he was eight years old for companies such as Commercial Union and Barclaycard. He made his screen debut in the role of Peagreen Clock in The Borrowers ( 1997 ) and he portrayed Louis T. Leonowens in Anna and the King ( 1999 ). He rose to prominence for his role as Draco Malfoy in the film adaptions of the best - selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. His performances in Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 won him two consecutive MTV Movie Awards for Best Villain in 2010 and 2011.", "short_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that plays draco malfoy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Felton&oldid=807083067", "q_uid": -4780821300461125494, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton ( born 22 September 1987 ) is an English actor. Felton began appearing in commercials when he was eight years old for companies such as Commercial Union and Barclaycard. He made his screen debut in the role of Peagreen Clock in The Borrowers ( 1997 ) and he portrayed Louis T. Leonowens in Anna and the King ( 1999 ). He rose to prominence for his role as Draco Malfoy in the film adaptions of the best - selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. His performances in Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 won him two consecutive MTV Movie Awards for Best Villain in 2010 and 2011.", "short_answer": "Thomas Andrew Felton (" } } ], "Gwendoline Christie": [ { "question": "who's the actress that plays captain phasma", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gwendoline_Christie&oldid=832990836", "q_uid": -8709768762185583832, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gwendoline Manuela Mariett Josephine Christie Brown ( born 28 October 1978 ), known professionally as Gwendoline Christie, is an English actress and model. She is best known for portraying the warrior Brienne of Tarth in the HBO fantasy - drama series Game of Thrones since 2012, and the First Order stormtrooper Captain Phasma in Star Wars: The Force Awakens ( 2015 ) and Star Wars: The Last Jedi ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Gwendoline Manuela Mariett Josephine Christie Brown ( born 28 October 1978 ), known professionally as Gwendoline Christie," } }, { "question": "who is the big woman in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gwendoline_Christie&oldid=843646096", "q_uid": 1024028518385047241, "answers": { "long_answer": "In July 2011, Christie was cast as the warrior Brienne of Tarth in the second season of HBO 's fantasy TV series Game of Thrones. Her character -- an unusually tall, muscular, and plain - looking woman -- is a favourite among many readers of the novels, and Christie had been proposed for the role by fans long before auditions took place. Christie said that she could draw on her own experiences of having been bullied for her height and androgynous looks to play the part of Brienne, a role that she was passionate to play after reading the A Song of Ice and Fire novels which the show adapts. To prepare even for the auditions, she started wearing unisex clothing to help her get into her character 's more masculine mindset, and took up an intensive training regime, gaining over a stone ( 6.4 kg, 14 lb ) of muscle mass. According to series co-writer, producer, and author of the novels, George R.R. Martin, she obtained the role practically without debate after an arresting audition at which she appeared already made up and costumed as Brienne. After being cast in the role, she prepared for it by working out extensively, taking horsemanship, sword - fighting, and stagefighting lessons. Christie", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the tall blonde lady in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gwendoline_Christie&oldid=860063463", "q_uid": 6720065028831817458, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gwendoline Tracey Philippa Christie ( born 28 October 1978 ) is an English actress and model. She is best known for portraying the warrior Brienne of Tarth in the HBO fantasy - drama series Game of Thrones since 2012, and the First Order stormtrooper Captain Phasma in Star Wars: The Force Awakens ( 2015 ) and Star Wars: The Last Jedi ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Brienne of Tarth in" } }, { "question": "who plays lady brienne on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gwendoline_Christie&oldid=816258831", "q_uid": -2299989806910564606, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gwendoline Manuela Mariett Josephine Christie Brown ( born 28 October 1978 ), known professionally as Gwendoline Christie, is an English actress and model. She is known for portraying the warrior Brienne of Tarth in the HBO fantasy - drama series Game of Thrones and Captain Phasma in the Star Wars sequel trilogy.", "short_answer": "Gwendoline Manuela Mariett Josephine Christie Brown (" } }, { "question": "who plays the big female knight in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gwendoline_Christie&oldid=836531146", "q_uid": -1548378718339756623, "answers": { "long_answer": "In July 2011, Christie was cast as the warrior Brienne of Tarth in the second season of HBO 's fantasy TV series Game of Thrones. Her character -- an unusually tall, muscular, and plain - looking woman -- is a favourite among many readers of the novels, and Christie had been proposed for the role by fans long before auditions took place. Christie said that she could draw on her own experiences of having been bullied for her height and androgynous looks to play the part of Brienne, a role that she was passionate to play after reading the A Song of Ice and Fire novels which the show adapts. To prepare even for the auditions, she started wearing unisex clothing to help her get into her character 's more masculine mindset, and took up an intensive training regime, gaining over a stone ( 6.4 kg, 14 lb ) of muscle mass. According to series co-writer, producer, and author of the novels, George R.R. Martin, she obtained the role practically without debate after an arresting audition at which she appeared already made up and costumed as Brienne. After being cast in the role, she prepared for it by working out extensively, taking horsemanship, sword - fighting, and stagefighting lessons. Christie", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Total Drama All-Stars and Pahkitew Island": [ { "question": "who plays mal in total drama all stars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Total_Drama_All-Stars_and_Pahkitew_Island&oldid=826414415", "q_uid": 5813671894426318982, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mike ( labeled the `` Multiple Personality Disorder '' ) is the winner in Total Drama All - Stars. Mike is the only character in the whole series to have multiple voices in the same season all with the same voice actor. The animators had to illustrate five different faces and personalities in the character 's body, making Mike the most complicated and diverse character in the series. Cory Doran had to record six different types of voices for Mike. In Total Drama All - Stars, the character Mike serves as the season 's main protagonist, while his evil alternate personality, Mal ( short for `` The Malevolent One '' ), serves as the main antagonist. Mike 's evil personality is a close reference to Yami Marik from Yu - Gi - Oh!, as both are evil split personalities who reside within a person and eventually take over their host, as well as undergoing a change in hairstyle and voice when assuming control. Mal 's name and personality was also inspired by the character, Mal Cobb from the movie, Inception. Voiced by Cory Doran.", "short_answer": "Cory Doran." } }, { "question": "who does the voice of owen on total drama island", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Total_Drama_All-Stars_and_Pahkitew_Island&oldid=853130820", "q_uid": 6026959672274356629, "answers": { "long_answer": "Peter Oldring as Ezekiel from Episodes 1 and 9 and an `` Intern '' from Episode 9 Brian Froud as `` The Killer '' from Episode 1 Katie Crown as Izzy from Episode 7 Alex House as `` Jos\u00e9 '', Alejandro 's brother from Episode 7 James Wallis as `` Cop # 1 '' from Episode 8 Scott McCord as Owen from Episode 13", "short_answer": "Scott McCord as" } } ], "Emma Chambers": [ { "question": "who plays alice in the vicar of dibley", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emma_Chambers&oldid=814934166", "q_uid": -8308651892328378165, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emma G.M. Chambers ( born 11 March 1964 ) is an English actress. She is best known for playing the role of Alice Tinker in the BBC comedy The Vicar of Dibley and Honey Thacker in the film Notting Hill.", "short_answer": "Emma G.M. Chambers (" } }, { "question": "who played alice tinker in the vicar of dibley", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emma_Chambers&oldid=839806685", "q_uid": -8984758864140179005, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emma Gwynedd Mary Chambers ( 11 March 1964 -- 21 February 2018 ) was an English actress. She was known for playing the role of Alice Tinker in the BBC comedy The Vicar of Dibley and Honey Thacker in the film Notting Hill ( 1999 ).", "short_answer": "Emma Gwynedd Mary Chambers (" } }, { "question": "actress who plays alice in vicar of dibley", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emma_Chambers&oldid=805486174", "q_uid": -7865522901323183391, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emma G.M. Chambers ( born 11 March 1964 ) is an English actress. She is best known for playing the role of Alice Tinker in the BBC comedy The Vicar of Dibley and Honey Thacker in the film Notting Hill.", "short_answer": "Emma G.M. Chambers (" } } ], "Chuck (TV series)": [ { "question": "who plays chuck on the tv show chuck", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chuck_(TV_series)&oldid=854078992", "q_uid": -950737512858020810, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chuck is an American action - comedy / spy - drama television series created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak. The series is about an `` average computer - whiz - next - door '' named Chuck Bartowski, played by Zachary Levi, who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working for the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ). The message embeds the only remaining copy of a software program containing the United States ' greatest spy secrets into Chuck 's brain, leading the CIA and the NSA to assign him handlers and use him on top - secret missions. Produced by College Hill Pictures, Fake Empire Productions, Wonderland Sound and Vision, and Warner Bros. Television, the series premiered on September 24, 2007, on NBC, airing on Monday nights at 8: 00 p.m. / 7: 00 p.m. Central.", "short_answer": "Zachary Levi," } } ], "Jennifer Landon": [ { "question": "who plays gwen on as the world turns", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jennifer_Landon&oldid=796811477", "q_uid": -841105003278311554, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jennifer Landon ( born August 29, 1983 in Malibu, California ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Gwen Norbeck Munson on As the World Turns ( 2005 -- 2008, 2010 ).", "short_answer": "Jennifer Landon (" } } ], "Chadwick Boseman": [ { "question": "who is the person who plays black panther", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=835575667", "q_uid": -7809575982502520560, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chadwick Aaron Boseman ( born November 29, 1977 ) is an American actor. He is known for portraying Jackie Robinson in 42 ( 2013 ), James Brown in Get on Up ( 2014 ), Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( since 2016 ), and Thurgood Marshall in Marshall ( 2017 ). He also had roles in the television series Lincoln Heights ( 2008 ) and Persons Unknown ( 2010 ), and the films The Express ( 2008 ), Draft Day ( 2014 ), and Message from the King ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Chadwick Aaron Boseman (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that play black panther", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=837256074", "q_uid": -8307600192841774470, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chadwick Aaron Boseman ( born November 29, 1977 ) is an American actor. He is known for portraying Jackie Robinson in 42 ( 2013 ), James Brown in Get on Up ( 2014 ), Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( since 2016 ), and Thurgood Marshall in Marshall ( 2017 ). He also had roles in the television series Lincoln Heights ( 2008 ) and Persons Unknown ( 2010 ), and the films The Express ( 2008 ), Draft Day ( 2014 ), and Message from the King ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that plays the black panther", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=846613415", "q_uid": -8919036014470196283, "answers": { "long_answer": "He has played Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ), and Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actor who played black panther", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=839379361", "q_uid": -57906692035479450, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chadwick Aaron Boseman ( born November 29, 1977 ) is an American actor. He is known for portraying Jackie Robinson in 42 ( 2013 ), James Brown in Get on Up ( 2014 ), Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( since 2016 ), and Thurgood Marshall in Marshall ( 2017 ). He also had roles in the television series Lincoln Heights ( 2008 ) and Persons Unknown ( 2010 ), and the films The Express ( 2008 ), Draft Day ( 2014 ), and Message from the King ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Chadwick Aaron Boseman (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that played black panther", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=842780004", "q_uid": 3899175066673351094, "answers": { "long_answer": "He also plays the role of Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe starting with Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ) and in Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ). It is unknown if he will reprise his role in its untitled sequel.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the lead actor of black panther", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=842780004", "q_uid": 1573768672397838034, "answers": { "long_answer": "He also plays the role of Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe starting with Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ) and in Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ). It is unknown if he will reprise his role in its untitled sequel.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the black panther in captain america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=805028214", "q_uid": -2113137389554811128, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chadwick Aaron Boseman ( born November 29, 1976 ) is an American actor. He is known for portraying Jackie Robinson in 42 ( 2013 ), James Brown in Get on Up ( 2014 ), T'Challa / Black Panther in Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ), and Thurgood Marshall in Marshall ( 2017 ). He also had roles in the television series Lincoln Heights ( 2008 ) and Persons Unknown ( 2010 ), and the films The Express ( 2008 ) and Draft Day ( 2014 ). He will reprise his role as Black Panther in Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War, both scheduled for release in 2018.", "short_answer": "Chadwick Aaron Boseman (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor who plays the black panther", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=842780004", "q_uid": -7807393847208655967, "answers": { "long_answer": "He also plays the role of Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe starting with Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ) and in Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ). It is unknown if he will reprise his role in its untitled sequel.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actor playing the black panther", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=842780004", "q_uid": 3055613258295493897, "answers": { "long_answer": "He also plays the role of Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe starting with Captain America: Civil War ( 2016 ), Black Panther ( 2018 ) and in Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ). It is unknown if he will reprise his role in its untitled sequel.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who play james brown in get on up", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chadwick_Boseman&oldid=841311206", "q_uid": -1446472992156903985, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chadwick Aaron Boseman ( born November 29, 1976 ) is an American actor. He is known for portraying Jackie Robinson in 42 ( 2013 ), James Brown in Get on Up ( 2014 ), and Thurgood Marshall in Marshall ( 2017 ). He has also had roles in the television series Lincoln Heights ( 2008 ) and Persons Unknown ( 2010 ), and the films The Express ( 2008 ), Draft Day ( 2014 ), and Message from the King ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Chadwick Aaron Boseman (" } } ], "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together": [ { "question": "who is taylor swift talking about in we are never getting back together", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=We_Are_Never_Ever_Getting_Back_Together&oldid=853134746", "q_uid": 2572438670358817270, "answers": { "long_answer": "After writing Speak Now ( 2010 ) entirely solo, Swift opted to collaborate with different songwriters and producers for Red. Thus, she called Max Martin and Shellback, two songwriters and producers whose work she admired, to discuss a possible collaboration. The trio conceived the concept for `` We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together '' shortly after a friend of Swift 's ex-boyfriend walked into the recording studio and spoke of rumors he heard that Swift and her former flame were reuniting. After the friend left, Martin and Shellback asked Swift to elaborate on the details of the relationship, which she described as `` break up, get back together, break up, get back together, just, ugh, the worst ''. When Martin suggested that they write about the incident. Swift began playing the guitar and singing, `` We are never ever... '', and the song flowed rapidly afterwards. She described the process as one of the most humorous experiences she had while recording, and said the musical partners matched her expectations. An audio clip of her sarcastically speaking about breakups can be heard before the final chorus. The song is reportedly about Swift 's ex, Jake Gyllenhaal, as the two had broken up in January 2011 but had been seen on a date a few days later. After the release of the music video, more clues linking the song to Gyllenhaal emerged, with the actor looking like Gyllenhaal, the actor in the video giving her a scarf as Gyllenhaal had reportedly done for Swift and a bracelet Swift wears in the video that is speculated to look similar to that of which Gyllenhaal was rumored to have given Swift for her birthday.", "short_answer": "reportedly about Swift 's ex, Jake Gyllenhaal," } }, { "question": "who sings we are never getting back together", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=We_Are_Never_Ever_Getting_Back_Together&oldid=839454892", "q_uid": 5945042922784369602, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together '' is a song recorded by American singer - songwriter Taylor Swift for her fourth studio album, Red ( 2012 ). Swift co-wrote the song with its producers, Max Martin and Shellback. The song was released as the lead single from Red on August 13, 2012, by Big Machine Records. Its lyrics depict Swift 's frustrations at an ex-lover who wants to re-kindle their relationship. Rolling Stone magazine named the song the second best song of 2012 while it took the fourth spot in Time 's end - of - year poll. The song received a Grammy Award nomination for Record of the Year. It also received a People 's Choice Awards nomination for Favorite Song of the Year.", "short_answer": "Taylor Swift for" } }, { "question": "who is were never getting back together about", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=We_Are_Never_Ever_Getting_Back_Together&oldid=801326014", "q_uid": 6824516109446682605, "answers": { "long_answer": "After writing Speak Now ( 2010 ) entirely solo, Swift opted to collaborate with different songwriters and producers for Red. Thus, she called Max Martin and Shellback, two songwriters and producers whose work she admired, to discuss a possible collaboration. The trio conceived the concept for `` We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together '' shortly after a friend of Swift 's ex-boyfriend walked into the recording studio and spoke of rumors he heard that Swift and her former flame were reuniting. After the friend left, Martin and Shellback asked Swift to elaborate on the details of the relationship, which she described as `` break up, get back together, break up, get back together, just, ugh, the worst ''. When Martin suggested that they write about the incident. Swift began playing the guitar and singing, `` We are never ever... '', and the song flowed rapidly afterwards. She described the process as one of the most humorous experiences she had while recording, and said the musical partners matched her expectations. An audio clip of her sarcastically speaking about breakups can be heard before the final chorus. The song is reportedly about Swift 's ex, Jake Gyllenhaal, as the two had broken up in January 2011 but had been seen on a date a few days later. After the release of the music video, more clues linking the song to Gyllenhaal emerged, with the actor looking like Gyllenhaal, the actor in the video giving her a scarf as Gyllenhaal had reportedly done for Swift and a bracelet Swift wears in the video that is speculated to look similar to that of which Gyllenhaal was rumored to have given Swift for her birthday.", "short_answer": "Jake Gyllenhaal," } }, { "question": "who is the song we are never ever getting back together meant for", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=We_Are_Never_Ever_Getting_Back_Together&oldid=853134746", "q_uid": -7963171158214951765, "answers": { "long_answer": "After writing Speak Now ( 2010 ) entirely solo, Swift opted to collaborate with different songwriters and producers for Red. Thus, she called Max Martin and Shellback, two songwriters and producers whose work she admired, to discuss a possible collaboration. The trio conceived the concept for `` We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together '' shortly after a friend of Swift 's ex-boyfriend walked into the recording studio and spoke of rumors he heard that Swift and her former flame were reuniting. After the friend left, Martin and Shellback asked Swift to elaborate on the details of the relationship, which she described as `` break up, get back together, break up, get back together, just, ugh, the worst ''. When Martin suggested that they write about the incident. Swift began playing the guitar and singing, `` We are never ever... '', and the song flowed rapidly afterwards. She described the process as one of the most humorous experiences she had while recording, and said the musical partners matched her expectations. An audio clip of her sarcastically speaking about breakups can be heard before the final chorus. The song is reportedly about Swift 's ex, Jake Gyllenhaal, as the two had broken up in January 2011 but had been seen on a date a few days later. After the release of the music video, more clues linking the song to Gyllenhaal emerged, with the actor looking like Gyllenhaal, the actor in the video giving her a scarf as Gyllenhaal had reportedly done for Swift and a bracelet Swift wears in the video that is speculated to look similar to that of which Gyllenhaal was rumored to have given Swift for her birthday.", "short_answer": "reportedly about Swift 's ex, Jake Gyllenhaal, as" } }, { "question": "who is the man in we are never ever getting back together", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=We_Are_Never_Ever_Getting_Back_Together&oldid=843529596", "q_uid": 5426585206046000288, "answers": { "long_answer": "After writing Speak Now ( 2010 ) entirely solo, Swift opted to collaborate with different songwriters and producers for Red. Thus, she called Max Martin and Shellback, two songwriters and producers whose work she admired, to discuss a possible collaboration. The trio conceived the concept for `` We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together '' shortly after a friend of Swift 's ex-boyfriend walked into the recording studio and spoke of rumors he heard that Swift and her former flame were reuniting. After the friend left, Martin and Shellback asked Swift to elaborate on the details of the relationship, which she described as `` break up, get back together, break up, get back together, just, ugh, the worst ''. When Martin suggested that they write about the incident. Swift began playing the guitar and singing, `` We are never ever... '', and the song flowed rapidly afterwards. She described the process as one of the most humorous experiences she had while recording, and said the musical partners matched her expectations. An audio clip of her sarcastically speaking about breakups can be heard before the final chorus. The song is reportedly about Swift 's ex, Jake Gyllenhaal, as the two had broken up in January 2011 but had been seen on a date a few days later. After the release of the music video, more clues linking the song to Gyllenhaal emerged, with the actor looking like Gyllenhaal, the actor in the video giving her a scarf as Gyllenhaal had reportedly done for Swift and a bracelet Swift wears in the video that is speculated to look similar to that of which Gyllenhaal was rumored to have given Swift for her birthday.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who did taylor swift write we are never getting back together", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=We_Are_Never_Ever_Getting_Back_Together&oldid=810276937", "q_uid": 26153874179675039, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together '' is a song recorded by American singer - songwriter Taylor Swift for her fourth studio album, Red ( 2012 ). Swift co-wrote the song with its producers, Max Martin and Shellback. The song was released as the lead single from Red on August 13, 2012, by Big Machine Records. Its lyrics depict Swift 's frustrations at an ex-lover who wants to re-kindle their relationship. Rolling Stone magazine named the song the second best song of 2012 while it took the fourth spot in Time 's end - of - year poll. It has received a Grammy Award nomination for Record of the Year. It also received a People 's Choice Awards nomination for Favorite Song of the Year.", "short_answer": "an ex-lover who wants to re-kindle their relationship." } }, { "question": "who is never ever getting back together about", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=We_Are_Never_Ever_Getting_Back_Together&oldid=801326014", "q_uid": -6017108233907437328, "answers": { "long_answer": "After writing Speak Now ( 2010 ) entirely solo, Swift opted to collaborate with different songwriters and producers for Red. Thus, she called Max Martin and Shellback, two songwriters and producers whose work she admired, to discuss a possible collaboration. The trio conceived the concept for `` We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together '' shortly after a friend of Swift 's ex-boyfriend walked into the recording studio and spoke of rumors he heard that Swift and her former flame were reuniting. After the friend left, Martin and Shellback asked Swift to elaborate on the details of the relationship, which she described as `` break up, get back together, break up, get back together, just, ugh, the worst ''. When Martin suggested that they write about the incident. Swift began playing the guitar and singing, `` We are never ever... '', and the song flowed rapidly afterwards. She described the process as one of the most humorous experiences she had while recording, and said the musical partners matched her expectations. An audio clip of her sarcastically speaking about breakups can be heard before the final chorus. The song is reportedly about Swift 's ex, Jake Gyllenhaal, as the two had broken up in January 2011 but had been seen on a date a few days later. After the release of the music video, more clues linking the song to Gyllenhaal emerged, with the actor looking like Gyllenhaal, the actor in the video giving her a scarf as Gyllenhaal had reportedly done for Swift and a bracelet Swift wears in the video that is speculated to look similar to that of which Gyllenhaal was rumored to have given Swift for her birthday.", "short_answer": "reportedly about Swift 's ex, Jake Gyllenhaal," } }, { "question": "who is the guy in we are never getting back together", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=We_Are_Never_Ever_Getting_Back_Together&oldid=828215037", "q_uid": -6909782330164719753, "answers": { "long_answer": "The video, which is done seemingly as one continuous shot, begins with Swift in colorful pajamas recounting the events of her off and on again relationship with her ex-boyfriend ( played by Noah Mills ). The video then segues into Swift going into her living room where her band is dressed up in animal costumes and Swift belts out the chorus of the song. The video then goes to a TV where Swift says `` Like, ever. '' and then to the dining room where we see she returns to recounting the events of her relationship and receives a phone call from her ex who is calling her from a nightclub. Swift hangs up on him and he walks off screen into the nightclub. It then goes to the two in a truck having an argument then to them having a stroll in the park. Swift then runs off and we see her on the phone telling the person on the other line how she and her ex are not getting back together and her frustration of their entire relationship. The video then segues back to Swift 's living room where a party is going on and her ex shows up unannounced trying to woo her back and she slams the door in his face. The video ends with Swift on her window ledge where she was at the beginning of the video, singing the last line of the song.", "short_answer": "Noah Mills )" } }, { "question": "who sang we are never getting back together", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=We_Are_Never_Ever_Getting_Back_Together&oldid=843529596", "q_uid": 8447027584085076538, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together '' is a song recorded by American singer - songwriter Taylor Swift for her fourth studio album, Red ( 2012 ). Swift co-wrote the song with its producers, Max Martin and Shellback. The song was released as the lead single from Red on August 13, 2012, by Big Machine Records. Its lyrics depict Swift 's frustrations at an ex-lover who wants to re-kindle their relationship. Rolling Stone magazine named the song the second best song of 2012 while it took the fourth spot in Time 's end - of - year poll. The song received a Grammy Award nomination for Record of the Year. It also received a People 's Choice Awards nomination for Favorite Song of the Year.", "short_answer": "Taylor Swift for" } } ], "Kurt Seyit ve \u015eura": [ { "question": "who is the actor that plays kurt seyit", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kurt_Seyit_ve_%C5%9Eura&oldid=828424520", "q_uid": 5233177396536680375, "answers": { "long_answer": "Actress / Actor Character Description Season 1 Season 2 K\u0131van\u00e7 Tatl\u0131tu\u011f Kurt Seyit `` The Wolf '' Eminof A young and handsome Turkish man from the southern coast of Crimea who is 1st Lieutenant of the elite Imperial Guard. Oldest of three sons to Mirza and Zahide Eminof. Main Farah Zeynep Abdullah Alexandra `` \u015eura '' Verjenskaya A young Russian woman of Noble birth from Kislovodsk in Southern Russia; youngest Daughter to Julien Verjensky Main Ushan \u00c7ak\u0131r Celil Kamilof One of four of Seyit 's closest friends, also Fianc\u00e9 of Tatya. Grew up as a young boy from Alushta and was like an adopted member of the Eminof family. Main Birkan Sokullu Petro Borinsky One of four of Seyit 's closest friends. Main Eva Dedova Tatiana `` Tatya '' Tchoupilkina Renowned prima ballerina and Fianc\u00e9 to Ceilil. Main Asl\u0131 Orcan Baronesa Lola A former lover of Seyit 's, who becomes a rival to \u015eura. Main Cast El\u00e7in Sangu G\u00fczide A young Turkish girl living on a neighbouring estate to the Eminof 's from Alushta Supporting Main Cem Bender Lieutenant Billy A British Soldier in occupied Istanbul who develops a deep hatred of Seyit and everyone who is closely connected to him. Main Verjenskaya family ( edit ) Atay Gergin Julien Verjensky Proud father of daughters ( from oldest to youngest ) Tina, Nina, and \u015eura. At the beginning of the series he has come to Petrograd ( Mordern day St. Petersburg ) with his daughters Tina and \u015eura to have an unknown illness treated and diagnosed. Supporting Seda G\u00fcven Valentina `` Tina '' Verjenskaya \u015eura 's oldest of her two siblings Supporting Main Tu\u011f\u00e7e Karabacak Nina Verjenskaya The younger of \u015eura 's older two siblings Supporting Eminof family ( edit ) \u015eefika Tolun Zahide Eminofa Devoted Wife to Mirza Eiminof and mother to Seyit, Mahmut, & Osman. Supporting Serdar G\u00f6khan Mirza Mehmet Eminof Husband of Zahide, father to Seyit, Mahmut, & Osman. Current wealthy landowner and also a former Colonel of the Tsar 's Imperial Guard. Supporting Bar\u0131\u015f Alpaykut Osman Eminof Seyit 's youngest sibling Supporting S\u00fcmeyra Ko\u00e7 Havva Eminofa Wife of Mahmut, Seyit 's younger brother. Supporting Friends of Seyit & \u015eura ( edit ) Do\u011fu Alpan Vladamir One of four of Seyit 's closest friends Supporting Tolga Savac\u0131 Ahmet Yahya Owner of a hotel in Istanbul who along with his extended family befriend 's Seyit & \u015eura. Supporting Demet \u00d6zdemir Alina `` Alya '' Sokolova A former young Russian woman of noble birth now working as a laundress in Istanbul after fleeing the revolution in Russia. Main Sacide Ta\u015faner Binnaz Supporting Fahriye Evcen M\u00fcrvet `` Murka '' Main Zerrin Ni\u015fanc\u0131 Maria Supporting Osman Alka\u015f Ali Supporting Sel\u00e7uk Sazak Andrei Borinsky Petro 's Father, a wealthy business man. Supporting Zerrin Tekindor Nermin Bezmen and Emine Author being interviewed and performing intermittent voice - overs. Supporting", "short_answer": "K\u0131van\u00e7 Tatl\u0131tu\u011f" } }, { "question": "how many episodes of kurt seyit and sura", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kurt_Seyit_ve_%C5%9Eura&oldid=812214649", "q_uid": -2098996418987403265, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kurt Seyit ve \u015eura is Turkish television drama based on a series of novels of the same name. It is not a direct adaptation of Kurt Seyt ve Murka which is the second novel in the series, nor of Shura which is the third novel. It was broadcast on Star TV from March 4 to November 20, 2014 for two seasons and 22 episodes. Nermin Bezmen, the writer of the novel is the granddaughter of Kurt Seyit. The show, Seyit ve Sura is based on a true story where a handsome army major falls in love with a Russian girl. This show has recently been aired on Netflix.", "short_answer": "22 episodes" } }, { "question": "who plays sura in kurt seyit and sura", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kurt_Seyit_ve_%C5%9Eura&oldid=812214649", "q_uid": 1829095689220314886, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kurt Seyit ve \u015eura is about the adventures of two people in love who during WWI Russia are forced to leave their lives and family behind during the Russian Revolution and escape to Istanbul. The journey of Kurt Seyit Eminof ( K\u0131van\u00e7 Tatl\u0131tu\u011f ), a lieutenant from Crimea, and \u015eura ( Farah Zeynep Abdullah ), the beautiful daughter of a noble Russian family, tells their tale from the days of magnificence in Petrograd, to the Carpathian front line, from the riots, to the revolution, from Alushta to occupied Istanbul, to Pera in the 1920 's. It is the journey of their love.", "short_answer": "Farah Zeynep Abdullah )" } }, { "question": "how many episodes are there of kurt seyit and sura", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kurt_Seyit_ve_%C5%9Eura&oldid=801988342", "q_uid": -4614907341364772371, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 13 March 4, 2014 ( 2014 - 03 - 04 ) June 10, 2014 ( 2014 - 06 - 10 ) 8 September 23, 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 23 ) November 20, 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 20 )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Brenton Thwaites": [ { "question": "who plays henry turner in pirates of the caribbean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Brenton_Thwaites&oldid=843558566", "q_uid": 8668146409014267085, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thwaites starred in the fantasy - adventure sequel Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, which was released on 26 May 2017. Thwaites portrays Henry Turner ( the son of Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley 's characters ), opposite Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush and Javier Bardem. Shooting of the film commenced in February 2015, on the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Taissa Farmiga": [ { "question": "actress who played violet in american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Taissa_Farmiga&oldid=815145339", "q_uid": 5012390343540518304, "answers": { "long_answer": "Although Farmiga initially planned to become an accountant, she was persuaded to appear in her sister Vera Farmiga 's directorial debut drama Higher Ground, playing the 16 - year - old version of the lead character Corinne Walker. Shortly after its premiere at the 2011 Sundance, and following rave reviews for her performance, she was signed to talent agency ICM Partners. That same year, Farmiga starred in the first season of FX 's anthology series American Horror Story, launching her to worldwide prominence. She portrayed Violet Harmon in American Horror Story: Murder House, the troubled adolescent daughter of Vivien ( Connie Britton ) and Ben Harmon ( Dylan McDermott ) -- a role she secured in her first professional acting audition. Farmiga then joined the cast of Sofia Coppola 's crime satire The Bling Ring, based on the real life group of the same name, portraying 17 - year - old wild child Sam Moore. The film opened in Un Certain Regard at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival, to generally positive reviews.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "The Tonight Show": [ { "question": "when did tonight show move to new york", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Tonight_Show&oldid=833684748", "q_uid": 9110946562797287705, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Tonight Show The title card for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, the current incarnation of the show Genre Talk Variety show Created by Steve Allen, Dwight Hemion, William O. Harbach, Sylvester Pat L. Weaver, Jr. Presented by Steve Allen ( 1954 -- 57 ) Jack Paar ( 1957 -- 62 ) Johnny Carson ( 1962 -- 92 ) Jay Leno ( 1992 -- 2009, 2010 -- 2014 ) Conan O'Brien ( 2009 -- 10 ) Jimmy Fallon ( 2014 -- present ) Country of origin United States No. of episodes 2,000 ( before Carson, total ) 4,531 ( under Carson ) 3,775 ( under Leno, first tenure ) 146 ( under O'Brien, 1 unaired ) 835 ( under Leno, second tenure ) 844 ( under Fallon ) Total: 12,001 ( list of episodes ) Production Location ( s ) New York City ( 1954 -- 72, 2014 -- ) Burbank ( 1972 -- 2009, 2010 -- 14 ) Chicago ( 1957 ) Los Angeles ( 1957, 2009 -- 10, 2015, 2016 ) Running time Varies Production company ( s ) NBC Productions ( 1954 -- 96 ) Tonight Show Company, LLC. ( 1962 -- 80 ) Carson Productions ( 1980 -- 92 ) Big Dog Productions ( 1992 -- 2009, 2010 -- 14 ) NBC Studios ( 1996 -- 2004 ) NBC Universal Television Studio ( 2004 -- 07 ) Universal Media Studios ( 2007 -- 11 ) Universal Television ( 2011 -- ) Conaco ( 2009 -- 10 ) Broadway Video ( 2014 -- ) Release Original network NBC Picture format Black - and - white ( 1954 -- 1960 ) Color ( 1960 -- ) 480i ( 4: 3 SDTV ) ( 1954 -- 2002 ) 1080i ( 16: 9 HDTV ) ( 2002 -- ) Original release September 27, 1954 ( 1954 - 09 - 27 ) -- present Chronology Preceded by Broadway Open House ( 1950 -- 51 ) Related shows Late Night External links Website", "short_answer": "1954 --" } }, { "question": "who replaced johnny carson on the tonight show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Tonight_Show&oldid=800930473", "q_uid": -135263648138393062, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Tonight Show began broadcasting in 1954. It has had six official hosts, beginning with Steve Allen ( 1954 -- 57 ), followed by Jack Paar ( 1957 -- 62 ), Johnny Carson ( 1962 -- 92 ), Jay Leno ( 1992 -- 2009, 2010 -- 14 ), Conan O'Brien ( 2009 -- 10 ), and Jimmy Fallon ( 2014 -- present ). It has had several recurring guest hosts, a practice especially common during the Paar and Carson eras.", "short_answer": "Jay Leno (" } }, { "question": "who had the tonight show before jimmy fallon", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Tonight_Show&oldid=845314039", "q_uid": -4905887612508386313, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Tonight Show began broadcasting in 1954. It has had seven official hosts, beginning with Steve Allen ( 1954 -- 57 ), followed by Jack Paar ( 1957 -- 62 ), Johnny Carson ( 1962 -- 92 ), Jay Leno ( 1992 -- 2009, 2010 -- 14 ), Conan O'Brien ( 2009 -- 10 ), and Jimmy Fallon ( 2014 -- present ). It has had several recurring guest hosts, a practice especially common during the Paar and Carson eras.", "short_answer": "Conan O'Brien (" } }, { "question": "who were the hosts of the tonight show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Tonight_Show&oldid=836893004", "q_uid": 5340997892309472874, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Tonight Show began broadcasting in 1954. It has had seven official hosts, beginning with Steve Allen ( 1954 -- 57 ), followed by Jack Paar ( 1957 -- 62 ), Johnny Carson ( 1962 -- 92 ), Jay Leno ( 1992 -- 2009, 2010 -- 14 ), Conan O'Brien ( 2009 -- 10 ), and Jimmy Fallon ( 2014 -- present ). It has had several recurring guest hosts, a practice especially common during the Paar and Carson eras.", "short_answer": "Jack Paar (" } }, { "question": "who was the original host of the tonight show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Tonight_Show&oldid=800930473", "q_uid": 7006585490017326760, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Tonight Show began broadcasting in 1954. It has had six official hosts, beginning with Steve Allen ( 1954 -- 57 ), followed by Jack Paar ( 1957 -- 62 ), Johnny Carson ( 1962 -- 92 ), Jay Leno ( 1992 -- 2009, 2010 -- 14 ), Conan O'Brien ( 2009 -- 10 ), and Jimmy Fallon ( 2014 -- present ). It has had several recurring guest hosts, a practice especially common during the Paar and Carson eras.", "short_answer": "Steve Allen (" } }, { "question": "who has been the host of the tonight show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Tonight_Show&oldid=843324710", "q_uid": 3660189001822255350, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Tonight Show The title card for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, the current incarnation of the show Genre Talk Variety show Created by Steve Allen Dwight Hemion William O. Harbach Sylvester Pat L. Weaver, Jr. Presented by Steve Allen Jack Paar Johnny Carson Jay Leno Conan O'Brien Jimmy Fallon Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of episodes 2,000 ( before Carson, total ) 4,531 ( under Carson ) 3,775 ( under Leno, first tenure ) 146 ( under O'Brien, 1 unaired ) 835 ( under Leno, second tenure ) 880 ( under Fallon ) Total: 12,001 ( list of episodes ) Production Running time Varies Production company ( s ) NBC Productions ( 1954 -- 96 ) Tonight Show Company, LLC. ( 1962 -- 80 ) Carson Productions ( 1980 -- 92 ) Big Dog Productions ( 1992 -- 2009, 2010 -- 14 ) NBC Studios ( 1996 -- 2004 ) NBC Universal Television Studio ( 2004 -- 07 ) Universal Media Studios ( 2007 -- 11 ) Universal Television ( 2011 -- ) Conaco ( 2009 -- 10 ) Broadway Video ( 2014 -- ) Release Original network NBC Picture format Black - and - white ( 1954 -- 1960 ) Color ( 1960 -- ) 480i ( 1954 -- 2002 ) HDTV 1080i ( 2002 -- ) Original release September 27, 1954 ( 1954 - 09 - 27 ) -- present Chronology Preceded by Broadway Open House ( 1950 -- 51 ) Related shows The Tomorrow Show ( 1973 -- 1981 ) Late Night ( 1982 -- present ) External links Website", "short_answer": "Steve Allen" } } ], "Naomi Grossman": [ { "question": "when does pepper come in american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomi_Grossman&oldid=853318746", "q_uid": 1486970925741969676, "answers": { "long_answer": "Not knowing what role she was auditioning for, Grossman sent in an audition for American Horror Story: Asylum in mid-2012 and was cast in soon after as Pepper, a microcephalic; the season premiered later that year on October 17. In preparation for the role, she shaved her head bald. In 2014, it was revealed that Grossman would return to the series in its fourth season, American Horror Story: Freak Show, reprising her role as Pepper from the second season, making her the first to play the same role in two different seasons of the show. She spoke of her casting in the fourth season saying that reprising her role was `` the last thing from ( her ) mind '' since it had never been done before.", "short_answer": "second season," } }, { "question": "who played pepper in american horror story asylum", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomi_Grossman&oldid=787163536", "q_uid": -2443993678366267173, "answers": { "long_answer": "Naomi Grossman ( born February 6, 1975 ) is an American actress, writer, and producer best known for her role as Pepper in the second and fourth seasons of the FX horror television series American Horror Story.", "short_answer": "Naomi Grossman (" } }, { "question": "who is the actress that plays pepper on american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomi_Grossman&oldid=832681940", "q_uid": 3411312941976143045, "answers": { "long_answer": "Naomi Grossman ( born February 6, 1975 ) is an American actress, writer, and producer best known for her role as Pepper in the second and fourth seasons of the FX horror television series American Horror Story.", "short_answer": "Naomi Grossman (" } }, { "question": "actress that plays pepper on american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomi_Grossman&oldid=838085071", "q_uid": -667396368459514497, "answers": { "long_answer": "Naomi Grossman ( born February 6, 1975 ) is an American actress, writer, and producer best known for her role as Pepper in the second and fourth seasons of the FX horror television series American Horror Story.", "short_answer": "Naomi Grossman (" } }, { "question": "who plays the pinhead in american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomi_Grossman&oldid=853318746", "q_uid": -2575341669873834442, "answers": { "long_answer": "Naomi Grossman ( born February 6, 1975 ) is an American actress, writer, and producer best known for her role as Pepper in the second and fourth seasons of the FX horror television series American Horror Story.", "short_answer": "Naomi Grossman (" } }, { "question": "what season is pepper in american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomi_Grossman&oldid=832681940", "q_uid": -1378636930757350500, "answers": { "long_answer": "Naomi Grossman ( born February 6, 1975 ) is an American actress, writer, and producer best known for her role as Pepper in the second and fourth seasons of the FX horror television series American Horror Story.", "short_answer": "the second and fourth seasons of" } }, { "question": "woman who plays pepper in american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomi_Grossman&oldid=827421504", "q_uid": 6384269133981944365, "answers": { "long_answer": "Naomi Grossman ( born February 6, 1975 ) is an American actress, writer, and producer best known for her role as Pepper in the second and fourth seasons of the FX horror television series American Horror Story.", "short_answer": "Naomi Grossman (" } }, { "question": "what does pepper have in american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomi_Grossman&oldid=853318746", "q_uid": 8195664640257443361, "answers": { "long_answer": "Not knowing what role she was auditioning for, Grossman sent in an audition for American Horror Story: Asylum in mid-2012 and was cast in soon after as Pepper, a microcephalic; the season premiered later that year on October 17. In preparation for the role, she shaved her head bald. In 2014, it was revealed that Grossman would return to the series in its fourth season, American Horror Story: Freak Show, reprising her role as Pepper from the second season, making her the first to play the same role in two different seasons of the show. She spoke of her casting in the fourth season saying that reprising her role was `` the last thing from ( her ) mind '' since it had never been done before.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the pinhead in american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Naomi_Grossman&oldid=787163536", "q_uid": -5102816235175631998, "answers": { "long_answer": "Not knowing what role she was auditioning for, Grossman sent in an audition for American Horror Story: Asylum in mid-2012 and was cast in soon after as Pepper, a microcephalic; the season premiered later that year on October 17. In preparation for the role, she shaved her head bald. In 2014, it was revealed that Grossman would return to the series in its fourth season, American Horror Story: Freak Show, reprising her role as Pepper from the second season, making her the first to play the same role in two different seasons of the show. She spoke of her casting in the fourth season saying that reprising her role was `` the last thing from ( her ) mind '' since it had never been done before.", "short_answer": "Grossman would" } } ], "Yvonne Strahovski": [ { "question": "who plays mrs waterford in handmaid's tale", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Yvonne_Strahovski&oldid=834525358", "q_uid": -3909527980534597219, "answers": { "long_answer": "Yvonne Jaqueline Strzechowski ( born 30 July 1982 ), known professionally as Yvonne Strahovski ( / str\u0259\u02c8h\u0252vski / ), is an Australian actress. She is best known for her roles as CIA Agent Sarah Walker in the NBC series Chuck ( 2007 -- 2012 ), Hannah McKay in the Showtime series Dexter ( 2012 -- 2013 ) and CIA Agent Kate Morgan in the Fox event series 24: Live Another Day ( 2014 ). She currently stars as Serena Joy Waterford in the Hulu series The Handmaid 's Tale ( 2017 -- present ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Tom Hughes (actor)": [ { "question": "who plays prince albert in victoria on masterpiece", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Hughes_(actor)&oldid=832958568", "q_uid": 2483283470007308442, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tom Hughes ( born 18 April 1985 ) is an English actor. His roles include Michael Rogers in Agatha Christie 's Marple, Jonty Millingden in the ITV drama Trinity, Chaz Jankel in Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, Bruce Pearson in Cemetery Junction, and Nick Slade in the BBC legal drama Silk. He also played Joe Lambe, the lead role in the 2014 BBC Cold War drama The Game. Since 2016, he has starred in the role of Prince Albert in the ITV drama Victoria.", "short_answer": "Tom Hughes (" } }, { "question": "who plays prince albert in the young victoria", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Hughes_(actor)&oldid=824888856", "q_uid": 7635102585390342700, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tom Hughes ( born 18 April 1985 ) is an English actor. His roles include Michael Rogers in Agatha Christie 's Marple, Jonty Millingden in the ITV drama Trinity, Chaz Jankel in Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, Bruce Pearson in Cemetery Junction, and Nick Slade in the BBC legal drama Silk. He also played Joe Lambe, the lead role in the 2014 BBC Cold War drama The Game. Since 2016, he has starred in the role of Prince Albert in the ITV drama Victoria.", "short_answer": "Tom Hughes (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that plays albert in victoria", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Hughes_(actor)&oldid=819038306", "q_uid": 6041635642722139142, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tom Hughes ( born 18 April 1985 ) is an English actor. His roles include Michael Rogers in Agatha Christie 's Marple, Jonty Millingden in the ITV drama Trinity, Chaz Jankel in Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, Bruce Pearson in Cemetery Junction, and Nick Slade in the BBC legal drama Silk. He also played Joe Lambe, the lead role in the 2014 BBC Cold War drama The Game. Since 2016, he has starred in the role of Prince Albert in the ITV drama Victoria.", "short_answer": "Tom Hughes (" } } ], "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)": [ { "question": "bruno mars just the way you are who is the girl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Just_the_Way_You_Are_(Bruno_Mars_song)&oldid=856421961", "q_uid": -4830813948237825552, "answers": { "long_answer": "The music video, directed by Ethan Lader, was released on September 8, 2010 and features Peruvian born Australian actress Nathalie Kelley. The official remix features rapper Lupe Fiasco and is included on the deluxe edition of Doo - Wops & Hooligans. Mars performed `` Just The Way You Are '' on The Doo - Wops & Hooligans Tour ( 2010 -- 2012 ), on the Moonshine Jungle Tour ( 2013 -- 2014 ) and on the 24K Magic World Tour ( 2017 - 2018 ). He also included it during his performance at the Super Bowl XLVIII halftime show. `` Just the Way You Are '' has been covered by various recording artists and it inspired Meghan Trainor 's debut single `` All About That Bass ''.", "short_answer": "Nathalie Kelley." } }, { "question": "cast of just the way you are bruno mars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Just_the_Way_You_Are_(Bruno_Mars_song)&oldid=844719360", "q_uid": 680932895889138600, "answers": { "long_answer": "The corresponding music video was directed by Ethan Lander, shot in September 2010 in the downtown of Los Angeles and released on September 8, 2010. Cameron Duddy was able to shoot the behind - the - scenes footage in exchange for his jean jacket, which Mars used during the music video. The video features Peruvian - Australian actress Nathalie Kelley. Lander considers Bruno Mars a star. He adds `` The charisma that he has, you ca n't teach. '' Finishing with `` singer even manages to be suave in his mugshot, which is no small feat! '' He sees the video as a collaboration, the video director came up with the vision and Mars added his vision and so on. The video is a mixture of live action and stopped animation and through the animation Bruno shows his girlfriend how beautiful she is. He takes a cassette tape and starts creating images out of the tape and they start to get a life of their own.", "short_answer": "Nathalie Kelley." } }, { "question": "when did just the way you are come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Just_the_Way_You_Are_(Bruno_Mars_song)&oldid=856421961", "q_uid": -7824346951756068794, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Just the Way You Are '' is the debut solo single by American singer - songwriter Bruno Mars. It is the lead single from his debut studio album, Doo - Wops & Hooligans ( 2010 ). The song was written by Bruno Mars, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Khalil Walton and Needlz and produced by the former three, under their alias, The Smeezingtons along with Needlz. It was released in the United States to Contemporary hit radio on August 10, 2010. The track was released in the United Kingdom on September 19, 2010, as `` Just the Way You Are ( Amazing ) ''. The song 's lyrics compliment a woman 's beauty.", "short_answer": "2010 )" } }, { "question": "when did bruno mars just the way you are come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Just_the_Way_You_Are_(Bruno_Mars_song)&oldid=834352194", "q_uid": 8224877258926303531, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Just the Way You Are '' is the debut solo single by American singer - songwriter Bruno Mars. It is the lead single from his debut studio album, Doo - Wops & Hooligans ( 2010 ). The song was written by Bruno Mars, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Khalil Walton and Needlz and produced by the former three, under their alias, The Smeezingtons along with Needlz. It was released in the United States to Contemporary hit radio on August 10, 2010. The track was released in the United Kingdom on September 19, 2010, as `` Just the Way You Are ( Amazing ) ''. The song 's lyrics compliment a woman 's beauty.", "short_answer": "2010 )" } }, { "question": "when was just the way you are released", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Just_the_Way_You_Are_(Bruno_Mars_song)&oldid=839591127", "q_uid": 4790320684734861642, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Just the Way You Are '' Single by Bruno Mars from the album Doo - Wops & Hooligans Released July 20, 2010 Format CD single digital download Genre Pop R&B Length 3: 41 Label Elektra Atlantic Songwriter ( s ) Bruno Mars Philip Lawrence Ari Levine Khalil Walton Khari Cain Producer ( s ) The Smeezingtons Needlz Bruno Mars singles chronology `` Billionaire '' ( 2010 ) `` Just the Way You Are '' ( 2010 ) `` Grenade '' ( 2010 ) `` Billionaire '' ( 2010 ) `` Just the Way You Are '' ( 2010 ) `` Grenade '' ( 2010 )", "short_answer": "July 20, 2010" } }, { "question": "who wrote the song just the way you are by bruno mars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Just_the_Way_You_Are_(Bruno_Mars_song)&oldid=818335211", "q_uid": 826759442102687497, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Just the Way You Are '' is the debut solo single by American singer - songwriter Bruno Mars. It is the lead single from his debut studio album, Doo - Wops & Hooligans ( 2010 ). The song was written by Bruno Mars, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Khalil Walton and Needlz and produced by the former three, under their alias, The Smeezingtons along with Needlz. It was released in the United States to Contemporary hit radio on August 10, 2010. The track was released in the United Kingdom on September 19, 2010, as `` Just the Way You Are ( Amazing ) ''. The song 's lyrics complement a woman 's beauty.", "short_answer": "Bruno Mars," } } ], "Lionel Messi": [ { "question": "when did lionel messi started his football career", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=833154570", "q_uid": 6695821326812052451, "answers": { "long_answer": "After a year at Barcelona 's youth academy, La Masia, Messi was finally enrolled in the Royal Spanish Football Federation ( RFEF ) in February 2002. Now playing in all competitions, he befriended his teammates, among whom were Cesc F\u00e0bregas and Gerard Piqu\u00e9. After completing his growth hormone treatment aged 14, Messi became an integral part of the `` Baby Dream Team '', Barcelona 's greatest - ever youth side. During his first full season ( 2002 -- 03 ), he was top scorer with 36 goals in 30 games for the Cadetes A, who won an unprecedented treble of the league and both the Spanish and Catalan cups. The Copa Catalunya final, a 4 -- 1 victory over Espanyol, became known in club lore as the partido de la m\u00e1scara, the final of the mask. A week after suffering a broken cheekbone during a league match, Messi was allowed to start the game on the condition that he wear a plastic protector; soon hindered by the mask, he took it off and scored two goals in 10 minutes before his substitution. At the close of the season, he received an offer to join Arsenal, his first from a foreign club, but while F\u00e0bregas and Piqu\u00e9 soon left for England, he chose to remain in Barcelona.", "short_answer": "2002." } }, { "question": "when did lionel messi started playing for barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=803880430", "q_uid": -4490731303392114875, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Messi Messi with Barcelona in December 2016 Full name Lionel Andr\u00e9s Messi Date of birth ( 1987 - 06 - 24 ) 24 June 1987 ( age 30 ) Place of birth Rosario, Argentina Height 1.70 m ( 5 ft 7 in ) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Barcelona Number 10 Youth career 1994 -- 2000 Newell 's Old Boys 2001 -- 2004 Barcelona Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 2003 -- 2004 Barcelona C 10 ( 5 ) 2004 -- 2005 Barcelona B 22 ( 6 ) 2004 -- Barcelona 389 ( 360 ) National team 2004 -- 2005 Argentina U20 18 ( 14 ) 2008 Argentina U23 5 ( 2 ) 2005 -- Argentina 120 ( 58 ) Honours ( show ) Representing Argentina South American U-20 Championship 2005 Colombia FIFA U-20 World Cup Winner 2005 Netherlands Copa Am\u00e9rica Runner - up 2007 Venezuela Runner - up 2015 Chile Runner - up 2016 United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing FIFA World Cup Runner - up 2014 Brazil * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 1 October 2017. \u2021 National team caps and goals correct as of 6 September 2017", "short_answer": "2001 --" } }, { "question": "what world cup team does messi play for", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=854771460", "q_uid": -4696689618104286876, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Andr\u00e9s Messi Cuccittini ( Spanish pronunciation: ( ljo\u02c8nel an\u02c8d\u027eez \u02c8mesi ) ( listen ); born 24 June 1987 ) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward and captain for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentine national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as one of the greatest of all time, Messi has won a record - tying five Ballon d'Or awards, four of which he won consecutively, and a record five European Golden Shoes. He has spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he has won 33 trophies, including nine La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions League titles, and six Copas del Rey. Both a prolific goalscorer and a creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most official goals scored in La Liga ( 383 ), a La Liga season ( 50 ), a club football season in Europe ( 73 ), a calendar year ( 91 ), El Cl\u00e1sico ( 26 ), as well as those for most assists in La Liga ( 149 ) and the Copa Am\u00e9rica ( 11 ). He has scored over 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time messi did not score 40+ goals in a season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=801253559", "q_uid": -6892346361499794589, "answers": { "long_answer": "2008 -- 09 31 23 8 6 12 9 -- 51 38", "short_answer": "2008 -- 09" } }, { "question": "when did messi started playing in la liga", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=807310327", "q_uid": 6979025820584532396, "answers": { "long_answer": "As the Messi family had relatives in Catalonia, they sought to arrange a trial with Barcelona in September 2000. First team director Charly Rexach immediately wanted to sign him, but the board of directors hesitated; at the time it was highly unusual for European clubs to sign foreign players of such a young age. On 14 December, an ultimatum was issued for Barcelona to prove their commitment, and Rexach, with no other paper at hand, offered a contract on a paper napkin. In February 2001, the family relocated to Barcelona, where they moved into an apartment near the club 's stadium, Camp Nou. During his first year in Spain, Messi rarely played with the Infantiles due to a transfer conflict with Newell 's; as a foreigner, he could only be fielded in friendlies and the Catalan league. Without football, he struggled to integrate into the team; already reserved by nature, he was so quiet that his teammates initially believed he was mute. At home, he suffered from homesickness after his mother moved back to Rosario with his brothers and little sister, Mar\u00eda Sol, while he stayed in Barcelona with his father.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many goals has messi scored all together", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=857001294", "q_uid": 5698027985895187683, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Andr\u00e9s Messi Cuccittini ( Spanish pronunciation: ( ljo\u02c8nel an\u02c8d\u027eez \u02c8mesi ) ( listen ); born 24 June 1987 ) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward and captains both Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentina national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as one of the greatest players of all time, Messi has won a record - tying five Ballon d'Or awards, four of which he won consecutively, and a record five European Golden Shoes. He has spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he has won 33 trophies, including nine La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions League titles, and six Copas del Rey. Both a prolific goalscorer and a creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most official goals scored in La Liga ( 385 ), a La Liga season ( 50 ), a club football season in Europe ( 73 ), a calendar year ( 91 ), El Cl\u00e1sico ( 26 ), as well as those for most assists in La Liga ( 149 ) and the Copa Am\u00e9rica ( 11 ). He has scored over 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "short_answer": ". He has scored" } }, { "question": "who does messi play for in the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=828323201", "q_uid": -6561956238787159460, "answers": { "long_answer": "An Argentine international, Messi is his country 's all - time leading goalscorer. At youth level, he won the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship, finishing the tournament with both the Golden Ball and Golden Shoe, and an Olympic gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics. His style of play as a diminutive, left - footed dribbler drew comparisons with compatriot Diego Maradona, who declared the teenager his successor. After making his senior debut in August 2005, Messi became the youngest Argentine to play and score in a FIFA World Cup during the 2006 edition, and reached the final of the 2007 Copa Am\u00e9rica, where he was named young player of the tournament. As the squad 's captain from August 2011, he led Argentina to three consecutive finals: the 2014 World Cup, for which he won the Golden Ball, and the 2015 and 2016 Copas Am\u00e9rica. After announcing his international retirement in 2016, he reversed his decision and led his country to qualification for the 2018 World Cup.", "short_answer": "Argentina to" } }, { "question": "who did lionel messi play for before barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=801253559", "q_uid": -4122306166606005151, "answers": { "long_answer": "A lifelong supporter of Newell 's Old Boys, Messi joined the Rosario club when he was six years old. During the six years he played for Newell 's, he scored almost 500 goals as a member of `` The Machine of ' 87 '', the near - unbeatable youth side named for the year of their birth, and regularly entertained crowds by performing ball tricks during half - time of the first team 's home games. However, his future as a professional player was threatened when, at age 10, he was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. As his father 's health insurance covered only two years of growth hormone treatment, which cost at least $ 1,000 per month, Newell 's agreed to contribute, but later reneged on their promise. He was scouted by Buenos Aires club River Plate, whose playmaker, Pablo Aimar, he idolised, but they were also unable to pay for his treatment due to the country 's economic collapse. Messi", "short_answer": "Newell 's Old Boys," } }, { "question": "how many goals does messi have in all competitions", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=837239746", "q_uid": 9135419436386831823, "answers": { "long_answer": "Appearances and goals by club, season and competition Club Season League Copa del Rey Champions League Other Total Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Barcelona C 2003 -- 04 Tercera Divisi\u00f3n 10 5 -- -- -- 10 5 Barcelona B 2003 -- 04 Segunda Divisi\u00f3n B 5 0 -- -- -- 5 0 2004 -- 05 Segunda Divisi\u00f3n B 17 6 -- -- -- 17 6 Total 22 6 -- -- -- 22 6 Barcelona 2004 -- 05 La Liga 7 0 0 -- 9 2005 -- 06 La Liga 17 6 6 0 0 25 8 2006 -- 07 La Liga 26 14 5 0 36 17 2007 -- 08 La Liga 28 10 0 9 6 -- 40 16 2008 -- 09 La Liga 31 23 8 6 12 9 -- 51 38 2009 -- 10 La Liga 35 34 11 8 53 47 2010 -- 11 La Liga 33 31 7 7 13 12 55 53 2011 -- 12 La Liga 37 50 7 11 14 5 6 60 73 2012 -- 13 La Liga 32 46 5 11 8 50 60 2013 -- 14 La Liga 31 28 6 5 7 8 0 46 41 2014 -- 15 La Liga 38 43 6 5 13 10 -- 57 58 2015 -- 16 La Liga 33 26 5 5 7 6 49 41 2016 -- 17 La Liga 34 37 7 5 9 11 52 54 2017 -- 18 La Liga 32 29 5 10 6 49 39 Total 414 378 67 47 125 100 26 21 632 546 Career total 446 389 67 47 125 100 26 21 664 557", "short_answer": "557" } }, { "question": "what team does messi play for in fifa 17", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=817881370", "q_uid": 2865861701299315800, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Andr\u00e9s `` Leo '' Messi Cuccittini ( Spanish pronunciation: ( ljo\u02c8nel an\u02c8d\u027ees \u02c8mesi ) ( listen ); born 24 June 1987 ) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentina national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as one of the greatest of all time, Messi has a record - tying five Ballon d'Or awards, four of which he won consecutively, and a record - tying four European Golden Shoes. He has won 29 trophies with Barcelona, including eight La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions League titles, and five Copas del Rey. Both a prolific goalscorer and a creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most official goals scored in La Liga ( 362 ), a La Liga season ( 50 ), a club football season in Europe ( 73 ), a calendar year ( 91 ), El Cl\u00e1sico ( 25 ), as well as those for most assists made in La Liga ( 141 ) and the Copa Am\u00e9rica ( 11 ). He has scored over 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many goals has messi scored for club and country", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=803880430", "q_uid": -5126889837867479610, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Andr\u00e9s `` Leo '' Messi ( Spanish pronunciation: ( ljo\u02c8nel an\u02c8\u00f0\u027ee\u03b8 \u02c8mesi ) ( listen ); born 24 June 1987 ) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentina national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as the greatest of all time, Messi is the only player in history to win five FIFA Ballon d'Or awards, four of which he won consecutively, and a record - tying four European Golden Shoes. He has won 29 trophies with Barcelona, including eight La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions League titles, and five Copas del Rey. Both a prolific goalscorer and a creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most official goals scored in La Liga ( 360 ), a La Liga season ( 50 ) and a club football season in Europe ( 73 ), a calendar year ( 91 ), as well as those for most assists made in La Liga ( 139 ) and the Copa Am\u00e9rica ( 11 ). He has scored over 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many goal scored messi in his career", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=857001294", "q_uid": 8471785936828822446, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Messi Messi with Argentina at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Full name Lionel Andr\u00e9s Messi Cuccittini Date of birth ( 1987 - 06 - 24 ) 24 June 1987 ( age 31 ) Place of birth Rosario, Argentina Height 1.70 m ( 5 ft 7 in ) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Barcelona Number 10 Youth career 1994 -- 2000 Newell 's Old Boys 2001 -- 2004 Barcelona Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 2003 -- 2004 Barcelona C 10 ( 5 ) 2004 -- 2005 Barcelona B 22 ( 6 ) 2004 -- Barcelona 420 ( 385 ) National team 2004 -- 2005 Argentina U20 18 ( 14 ) 2008 Argentina U23 5 ( 2 ) 2005 -- Argentina 128 ( 65 ) Honours ( show ) Men 's football Representing Argentina Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil Copa Am\u00e9rica 2007 Venezuela 2015 Chile 2016 United States FIFA U-20 World Cup 2005 Netherlands South American U-20 Championship 2005 Colombia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 25 August 2018 \u2021 National team caps and goals correct as of 30 June 2018", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the position of messi in barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=843579327", "q_uid": 4743578413950374278, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Andr\u00e9s Messi Cuccittini ( Spanish pronunciation: ( ljo\u02c8nel an\u02c8d\u027eez \u02c8mesi ) ( listen ); born 24 June 1987 ) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentine national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as the greatest of all time, Messi has a record - tying five Ballon d'Or awards, four of which he won consecutively, and a record five European Golden Shoes. He has spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he has won 32 trophies, including nine La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions League titles, and six Copas del Rey. Both a prolific goalscorer and a creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most official goals scored in La Liga ( 383 ), a La Liga season ( 50 ), a club football season in Europe ( 73 ), a calendar year ( 91 ), El Cl\u00e1sico ( 26 ), as well as those for most assists in La Liga ( 149 ) and the Copa Am\u00e9rica ( 11 ). He has scored over 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "short_answer": "forward for" } }, { "question": "how many fifa world cups has messi won", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=826761626", "q_uid": 4888862627729486260, "answers": { "long_answer": "An Argentine international, Messi is his country 's all - time leading goalscorer. At youth level, he won the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship, finishing the tournament with both the Golden Ball and Golden Shoe, and an Olympic gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics. His style of play as a diminutive, left - footed dribbler drew comparisons with compatriot Diego Maradona, who declared the teenager his successor. After making his senior debut in August 2005, Messi became the youngest Argentine to play and score in a FIFA World Cup during the 2006 edition, and reached the final of the 2007 Copa Am\u00e9rica, where he was named young player of the tournament. As the squad 's captain from August 2011, he led Argentina to three consecutive finals: the 2014 World Cup, for which he won the Golden Ball, and the 2015 and 2016 Copas Am\u00e9rica. After announcing his international retirement in 2016, he reversed his decision and led his country to qualification for the 2018 World Cup.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did lionel messi score his first goal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=854750109", "q_uid": -5733133587176610970, "answers": { "long_answer": "A lifelong supporter of Newell 's Old Boys, Messi joined the Rosario club when he was six years old. During the six years he played for Newell 's, he scored almost 500 goals as a member of `` The Machine of ' 87 '', the near - unbeatable youth side named for the year of their birth, and regularly entertained crowds by performing ball tricks during half - time of the first team 's home games. However, his future as a professional player was threatened when, at age 10, he was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. As his father 's health insurance covered only two years of growth hormone treatment, which cost at least $ 1,000 per month, Newell 's agreed to contribute, but later reneged on their promise. He was scouted by Buenos Aires club River Plate, whose playmaker, Pablo Aimar, he idolised, but they were also unable to pay for his treatment due to the country 's economic collapse. Messi", "short_answer": "six years old." } }, { "question": "when did messi started playing for barca first team", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=843579327", "q_uid": 8259010301781014299, "answers": { "long_answer": "During the 2003 -- 04 season, his fourth with Barcelona, Messi rapidly progressed through the club 's ranks, debuting for a record five teams in a single campaign. After being named player of the tournament in four international pre-season competitions with the Juveniles B, he played only one official match with the team before being promoted to the Juveniles A, where he scored 18 goals in 11 league games. Messi was then one of several youth players called up to strengthen a depleted first team during the international break. French Winger Ludovic Giuly explained how a teenage Leo caught the eye in a training session with Frank Rijkaard 's first team: `` He destroyed us all... They were kicking him all over the place to avoid being ridiculed by this kid, he just got up and kept on playing. He would dribble past four players and score a goal. Even the team 's starting centre - backs were nervous. He was an alien. '' At 16 years, four months, and 23 days old, he made his first team debut when he came on in the 75th minute during a friendly against Jos\u00e9 Mourinho 's Porto on 16 November 2003. His performance, creating two chances and a shot on goal, impressed the technical staff, and he subsequently began training daily with the club 's reserve side, Barcelona B, as well as weekly with the first team. After his first training session with the senior squad, Bar\u00e7a 's new star player, Ronaldinho, told his teammates that he believed the 16 - year - old would become an even better player than himself. Ronaldinho soon befriended Messi, whom he called `` little brother '', which greatly eased his transition into the first team. Messi", "short_answer": "16 November 2003." } }, { "question": "what country does messi play for in fifa 15", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=802690541", "q_uid": 8235915696920585232, "answers": { "long_answer": "Messi opened the 2015 -- 16 season by scoring twice from free kicks in Barcelona 's 5 -- 4 victory ( after extra time ) over Sevilla in the UEFA Super Cup. A subsequent 5 -- 1 aggregate defeat against Athletic Bilbao in the Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a ended their expressed hopes of a second sextuple, with Messi scoring his side 's only goal. On 16 September, he became the youngest player to make 100 appearances in the UEFA Champions League in a 1 -- 1 away draw to Roma. On 26 September, Messi sustained an injury in Barcelona 's match against Las Palmas; tests later confirmed that he suffered a tear in the medial collateral ligament of his left knee, ruling him out for six to eight weeks. He finally returned to the pitch on 21 November, making a substitute appearance in Barcelona 's 4 -- 0 away win over rivals Real Madrid in El Cl\u00e1sico. Messi capped off the year by winning the 2015 FIFA Club World Cup Final on 20 December, collecting his fifth club trophy of 2015 as Barcelona went on to defeat River Plate 3 -- 0 in Yokohama. Messi also won the tournament 's Silver Ball, despite missing the semi-final. On 30 December, Messi scored on his 500th appearance for Barcelona, in a 4 -- 0 home win over Real Betis.", "short_answer": "Barcelona 's" } }, { "question": "how old was messi when he started his career", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=850577005", "q_uid": -1477896500570634744, "answers": { "long_answer": "Born and raised in central Argentina, Messi was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency as a child. At age 13, he relocated to Spain to join Barcelona, who agreed to pay for his medical treatment. After a fast progression through Barcelona 's youth academy, Messi made his competitive debut aged 17 in October 2004. Despite being injury - prone during his early career, he established himself as an integral player for the club within the next three years, finishing 2007 as a finalist for both the Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year award, a feat he repeated the following year. His first uninterrupted campaign came in the 2008 -- 09 season, during which he helped Barcelona achieve the first treble in Spanish football. At 22 years old, Messi won the Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year award by record voting margins.", "short_answer": "17 in" } }, { "question": "when did messi make his debut for barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=837239746", "q_uid": 5619975984160623345, "answers": { "long_answer": "Born and raised in central Argentina, Messi was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency as a child. At age 13, he relocated to Spain to join Barcelona, who agreed to pay for his medical treatment. After a fast progression through Barcelona 's youth academy, Messi made his competitive debut aged 17 in October 2004. Despite being injury - prone during his early career, he established himself as an integral player for the club within the next three years, finishing 2007 as a finalist for both the Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year award, a feat he repeated the following year. His first uninterrupted campaign came in the 2008 -- 09 season, during which he helped Barcelona achieve the first treble in Spanish football. At 22 years old, Messi won the Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year award by record voting margins.", "short_answer": "October 2004." } }, { "question": "when did messi started playing soccer for barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=846491876", "q_uid": 6336710755172707241, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Messi Messi with Argentina in November 2017 Full name Lionel Andr\u00e9s Messi Cuccittini Date of birth ( 1987 - 06 - 24 ) 24 June 1987 ( age 30 ) Place of birth Rosario, Argentina Height 1.70 m ( 5 ft 7 in ) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Barcelona Number 10 Youth career 1994 -- 2000 Newell 's Old Boys 2001 -- 2004 Barcelona Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 2003 -- 2004 Barcelona C 10 ( 5 ) 2004 -- 2005 Barcelona B 22 ( 6 ) 2005 -- Barcelona 418 ( 383 ) National team 2004 -- 2005 Argentina U20 18 ( 14 ) 2008 Argentina U23 5 ( 2 ) 2005 -- Argentina 124 ( 64 ) Honours ( show ) Representing Argentina Olympic Games 2008 Beijing FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil Copa Am\u00e9rica 2007 Venezuela 2015 Chile 2016 United States South American U-20 Championship 2005 Colombia FIFA U-20 World Cup 2005 Netherlands * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 29 May 2018 \u2021 National team caps and goals correct as of 16 June 2018", "short_answer": "2003 --" } }, { "question": "how many goals have messi scored for barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=807310327", "q_uid": -7336205338592575234, "answers": { "long_answer": "Unsatisfied with his position on the right wing, Messi resumed playing as a false nine in early 2010, beginning with a Champions League last 16 - round match against VfB Stuttgart. After a first - leg draw, Barcelona won the second leg 4 -- 0 with two goals and an assist from Messi. At that point, he effectively became the tactical focal point of Guardiola 's team, and his goalscoring rate increased. Messi scored a total of 47 goals in all competitions that season, equaling Ronaldo 's club record from the 1996 -- 97 campaign. He notably scored all of his side 's four goals in the Champions League quarter - final against Ars\u00e8ne Wenger 's Arsenal on 6 April while becoming Barcelona 's all - time top scorer in the competition. Although Barcelona were eliminated in the Champions League semi-finals by the eventual champions, Inter Milan, Messi finished the season as top scorer ( with 8 goals ) for the second consecutive year. As the league 's top scorer with 34 goals ( again tying Ronaldo 's record ), he helped Barcelona win a second consecutive La Liga trophy with only a single defeat. Messi", "short_answer": "34 goals (" } }, { "question": "how many champions league trophy has messi won", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=810014800", "q_uid": -3200414153627966651, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Andr\u00e9s `` Leo '' Messi Cuccittini ( Spanish pronunciation: ( ljo\u02c8nel an\u02c8\u00f0\u027ees \u02c8mesi ) ( listen ); born 24 June 1987 ) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as the greatest of all time, Messi is the only player in history to win five FIFA Ballon d'Or awards, four of which he won consecutively, and a record - tying four European Golden Shoes. He has won 29 trophies with Barcelona, including eight La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions League titles, and five Copas del Rey. Both a prolific goalscorer and a creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most official goals scored in La Liga ( 361 ), a La Liga season ( 50 ), a club football season in Europe ( 73 ), a calendar year ( 91 ), as well as those for most assists made in La Liga ( 140 ) and the Copa Am\u00e9rica ( 11 ). He has scored over 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how old was lionel messi when he made his debut for barcelona", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=854771460", "q_uid": -7888974918085237101, "answers": { "long_answer": "Born and raised in central Argentina, Messi was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency as a child. At age 13, he relocated to Spain to join Barcelona, who agreed to pay for his medical treatment. After a fast progression through Barcelona 's youth academy, Messi made his competitive debut aged 17 in October 2004. Despite being injury - prone during his early career, he established himself as an integral player for the club within the next three years, finishing 2007 as a finalist for both the Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year award, a feat he repeated the following year. His first uninterrupted campaign came in the 2008 -- 09 season, during which he helped Barcelona achieve the first treble in Spanish football. At 22 years old, Messi won the Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year award by record voting margins.", "short_answer": "17 in" } }, { "question": "how many goals did messi score in his career so far", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lionel_Messi&oldid=846491876", "q_uid": 2320976774280395648, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lionel Andr\u00e9s Messi Cuccittini ( Spanish pronunciation: ( ljo\u02c8nel an\u02c8d\u027eez \u02c8mesi ) ( listen ); born 24 June 1987 ) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentine national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as the greatest of all time, Messi has a record - tying five Ballon d'Or awards, four of which he won consecutively, and a record five European Golden Shoes. He has spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he has won 32 trophies, including nine La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions League titles, and six Copas del Rey. Both a prolific goalscorer and a creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most official goals scored in La Liga ( 383 ), a La Liga season ( 50 ), a club football season in Europe ( 73 ), a calendar year ( 91 ), El Cl\u00e1sico ( 26 ), as well as those for most assists in La Liga ( 149 ) and the Copa Am\u00e9rica ( 11 ). He has scored over 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "The Legend of Korra": [ { "question": "how many seasons of avatar korra are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Legend_of_Korra&oldid=856953069", "q_uid": 5939905800225742254, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Legend of Korra Genre Steampunk - Dieselpunk Action - Adventure Science fantasy Comedy - drama Created by Michael Dante DiMartino Bryan Konietzko Based on Avatar: The Last Airbender by Michael Dante DiMartino Bryan Konietzko Written by Michael Dante DiMartino Bryan Konietzko ( Season 1 ) Tim Hedrick ( Seasons 2 -- 4 ) Joshua Hamilton ( Seasons 2 -- 4 ) Katie Mattila ( Seasons 3 -- 4 ) Directed by Ki Hyun Ryu ( Season 1 ) Colin Heck ( Seasons 2 -- 4 ) Ian Graham ( Seasons 2 -- 4 ) Melchior Zwyer ( Seasons 3 -- 4 ) Michael Dante DiMartino ( Remembrances ) Voices of See below Composer ( s ) Jeremy Zuckerman Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 52 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Michael Dante DiMartino Bryan Konietzko Producer ( s ) Tim Yoon Ki Hyun Ryu ( supervising ) Running time 23 minutes Production company ( s ) Nickelodeon Animation Studio Ginormous Madman Productions Studio Mir ( animation ) Studio Pierrot ( animation ) Distributor Viacom Media Networks Release Original network Nickelodeon ( April 14, 2012 -- July 25, 2014 ) Nick.com ( August 1, 2014 -- December 19, 2014 ) Picture format NTSC 16: 9 ( 480i ) HDTV 16: 9 ( 1080i ) Original release April 14, 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 14 ) -- December 19, 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 19 ) Chronology Preceded by Avatar: The Last Airbender ( TV series ) Avatar: The Last Airbender ( comics ) Followed by The Legend of Korra ( comics ) External links Official website", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "will there be a season 5 of avatar legend of korra", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Legend_of_Korra&oldid=815268928", "q_uid": -470558073897637857, "answers": { "long_answer": "The main characters are voiced by Janet Varney, Seychelle Gabriel, David Faustino, P.J. Byrne, J.K. Simmons and Mindy Sterling, and supporting voice actors include Aubrey Plaza, John Michael Higgins, Lisa Edelstein, Steven Blum, Eva Marie Saint, Henry Rollins, Anne Heche and Zelda Williams. Several people involved in the creation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, including designer Joaquim Dos Santos, writer Tim Hedrick and composers Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn, returned to work on The Legend of Korra. Most animation was done by Studio Mir of South Korea, and some by Studio Pierrot of Japan. The Legend of Korra ran for fifty - two episodes, separated into four seasons ( `` books '' ). It is to be continued as a comics series.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many seasons of legends of korra are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Legend_of_Korra&oldid=800860340", "q_uid": 5429595559002800247, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Legend of Korra Genre Steampunk / Dieselpunk Action / Adventure Science fantasy Comedy - drama Created by Michael Dante DiMartino Bryan Konietzko Based on Avatar: The Last Airbender by Michael Dante DiMartino Bryan Konietzko Written by Michael Dante DiMartino Bryan Konietzko ( Season 1 ) Tim Hedrick ( Seasons 2 -- 4 ) Joshua Hamilton ( Seasons 2 -- 4 ) Katie Mattila ( Seasons 3 -- 4 ) Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos ( Season 1 ) Ki Hyun Ryu ( Season 1 ) Colin Heck ( Seasons 2 -- 4 ) Ian Graham ( Seasons 2 -- 4 ) Melchior Zwyer ( Seasons 3 -- 4 ) Michael Dante DiMartino ( Remembrances ) Voices of See below Composer ( s ) Jeremy Zuckerman Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 52 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Michael Dante DiMartino Bryan Konietzko Joaquim Dos Santos ( co-executive ) Producer ( s ) Tim Yoon Ki Hyun Ryu ( supervising ) Lauren Montgomery ( supervising ) Running time 23 minutes Production company ( s ) Nickelodeon Animation Studio Ginormous Madman Productions Studio Mir Studio Pierrot Release Original network Nickelodeon ( April 14, 2012 -- July 25, 2014 ) Nick.com ( August 1, 2014 -- December 19, 2014 ) Picture format NTSC 16: 9 ( 480i ) NTSC 16: 9 ( 1080i ) Original release April 14, 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 14 ) -- December 19, 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 19 ) Chronology Preceded by Avatar: The Last Airbender ( TV series ) Avatar: The Last Airbender ( comics ) Followed by The Legend of Korra ( comics ) External links Official website www.nick.com/legend-of-korra", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the plot of the legend of korra", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Legend_of_Korra&oldid=804948194", "q_uid": 2498231508919365719, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Legend of Korra is an American animated television series that aired on the Nickelodeon television network from 2012 to 2014. It was created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino as a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, which aired from 2005 to 2008. Animated in a style strongly influenced by anime, the series is set in a fictional universe in which some people can manipulate, or `` bend '', the elements of water, earth, fire, or air. Only one person, the `` Avatar '', can bend all four elements, and is responsible for maintaining balance in the world. The series follows Avatar Korra, the reincarnation of Aang from the previous series, as she faces political and spiritual unrest in a modernizing world.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of continents by population": [ { "question": "what is the population of north america and south america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_continents_by_population&oldid=802313298", "q_uid": -5958299091256021549, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Continent Population 2016 \u00b1 % p.a. 2010 -- 2016 % of world pop. Asia 4,436,224,000 1.04 % 59.69 % Africa 1,216,130,000 2.57 % 16.36 % Europe 738,849,000 0.08 % 9.94 % North America 579,024,000 0.96 % 7.79 % 5 South America 422,535,000 1.04 % 5.68 % 6 Australia 39,901,000 1.54 % 0.54 % 7 Antarctica 1,109 0 % 0 %", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the population of all the continents", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_continents_by_population&oldid=825157570", "q_uid": -5770382211107918986, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Continent Population 2016 \u00b1 % p.a. 2010 -- 2016 % of world pop. -- World 7,162,119,000 1.17 % 100 % Asia 4,436,224,000 1.04 % 59.69 % Africa 1,216,130,000 2.57 % 16.36 % Europe 738,849,000 0.08 % 9.94 % North America 579,024,000 0.96 % 7.79 % 5 South America 422,535,000 1.04 % 5.68 % 6 Oceania 39,901,000 1.54 % 0.54 % 7 Antarctica 1,106 0 % < 1 %", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "in terms of population where does asia rank among all continents", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_continents_by_population&oldid=842675026", "q_uid": -1191681830204280394, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Continent Population 2018 \u00b1 % p.a. 2010 -- 2016 % of world pop. -- World 7,632,819,325 1.17 % 100 % Asia 4,436,224,000 1.04 % 59.69 % Africa 1,216,130,000 2.57 % 16.36 % Europe 738,849,000 0.08 % 9.94 % North America 579,024,000 0.96 % 7.79 % 5 South America 422,535,000 1.04 % 5.68 % 6 Oceania 39,901,000 1.54 % 0.54 % 7 Antarctica 1,106 Unknown < 0.01 %", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Reba (TV series)": [ { "question": "does cheyenne ever become a dentist on reba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Reba_(TV_series)&oldid=842968601", "q_uid": 7682635077368376023, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cheyenne Montgomery ( n\u00e9e Hart ) Joanna Garc\u00eda Brock and Reba 's oldest daughter, who initially is looking forward to her senior year of high school before learning that she is pregnant. She marries her boyfriend, Van Montgomery, who moves into Reba 's house after his parents disown him. Cheyenne gives birth to their daughter, Elizabeth, after going into labor on graduation day. She can be somewhat air - headed and self - centered, but she can also be thoughtful and kind - hearted. She is very sensitive, especially when she is insulted ( mainly by Kyra, her younger sister ). Her work ethic and sense of responsibility improves as she raises her daughter and studies dentistry in college. Cheyenne also begins volunteering at a homeless shelter, improving her shallowness greatly. When she comes to the realization that she is an alcoholic, she 's inspired to discontinue doing dentistry for her major, and, instead of that, decides to study counseling for those affected by alcohol and drugs. She is truly her mother 's daughter and cares greatly for her entire family.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where does the tv show reba take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Reba_(TV_series)&oldid=803883247", "q_uid": 648970502330866605, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show is set in the suburbs of Houston, Texas, and stars Reba McEntire as a wisecracking single mother Reba Nell Hart, whose dentist ex-husband Brock ( Christopher Rich ) has left her to marry young, ditzy Barbra Jean ( Melissa Peterman ) his dental hygienist after an affair with her, when it is revealed in the pilot episode that Barbra Jean is pregnant. Ironically, though Reba sees `` B.J. '' ( Barbra Jean 's nickname ) as her nemesis, Barbra Jean considers Reba her best ( and perhaps only ) friend. As the show progresses Reba slowly and painfully comes to the conclusion that despite all her efforts to hate her, she likes Barbra Jean and considers her a friend. In the pilot episode it was revealed that Reba 's oldest daughter, then high school senior Cheyenne ( JoAnna Garcia ), is pregnant.", "short_answer": "Houston, Texas," } }, { "question": "was reba filmed in front of a live audience", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Reba_(TV_series)&oldid=823726410", "q_uid": 7322630303596387134, "answers": { "long_answer": "Reba is an American sitcom starring Reba McEntire that aired on The WB from October 5, 2001 to May 5, 2006 and on The CW from November 19, 2006 to February 18, 2007. Most episodes were filmed in front of a live studio audience.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Coffee production in India": [ { "question": "which is the leading coffee producer state in india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Coffee_production_in_India&oldid=824568900", "q_uid": 3425292414538567792, "answers": { "long_answer": "Coffee production in India is dominated in the hill tracts of South Indian states, with Karnataka accounting for 71 %, followed by Kerala with 21 % and Tamil Nadu ( 5 % of overall production with 8,200 tonnes ). Indian coffee is said to be the finest coffee grown in the shade rather than direct sunlight anywhere in the world. There are about 250,000 coffee growers in the country; 98 % of them are small growers. As of 2009, Indian coffee made up just 4.5 % of the global production. Almost 80 % of Indian coffee is exported; 70 % is bound for Germany, Russia, Spain, Belgium, Slovenia, United States, Japan, Greece, Netherlands and France. Italy accounts for 29 % of the exports. Most of the export is shipped through the Suez Canal.", "short_answer": "Karnataka accounting" } }, { "question": "which soil is found suitable for growing coffee in india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Coffee_production_in_India&oldid=795343925", "q_uid": -545355752661642724, "answers": { "long_answer": "All coffee grown in India are grown in shade and commonly with two tiers of shade. Often inter-cropped with spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg, the coffees gain aromatics from the inter-cropping, storage, and handling functions. Growing altitudes range between 1,000 m ( 3,300 ft ) to 1,500 m ( 4,900 ft ) above sea level for Arabica ( premier coffee ), and 500 m ( 1,600 ft ) to 1,000 m ( 3,300 ft ) for Robusta ( though of lower quality, it is robust to environment conditions ). Ideally, both Arabica and Robusta are planted in well drained soil conditions that favour rich organic matter that is slightly acidic ( pH 6.0 -- 6.5 ). However, India 's coffees tend to be moderately acidic which can lead to either a balanced and sweet taste, or a listless and inert one. Slopes of Arabica tend to be gentle to moderate, while Robusta slopes are gentle to fairly level.", "short_answer": "well drained soil conditions that" } } ], "Hope Diamond": [ { "question": "where did the hope diamond get its name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hope_Diamond&oldid=839602384", "q_uid": 1556345494885357910, "answers": { "long_answer": "The jewel is believed to have originated in India, where the original ( larger ) stone was purchased in 1666 by French gem merchant Jean - Baptiste Tavernier as the Tavernier Blue. The Tavernier Blue was cut and yielded the French Blue ( Le bleu de France ), which Tavernier sold to King Louis XIV in 1668. Stolen in 1791, it was recut, with the largest section acquiring its `` Hope '' name when it appeared in the catalogue of a gem collection owned by a London banking family called Hope in 1839. After going through numerous owners, it was sold to Washington socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean who was often seen wearing it. It was purchased in 1949 by New York gem merchant Harry Winston, who toured it for a number of years before giving it to Washington 's National Museum of Natural History in 1958, where it has since remained on permanent exhibition.", "short_answer": "a London banking family called Hope in" } }, { "question": "where is the hope diamond located in the smithsonian", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hope_Diamond&oldid=839602384", "q_uid": -7890720107605119578, "answers": { "long_answer": "When the Smithsonian 's gallery was renovated in 1997, the necklace was moved onto a rotating pedestal inside a cylinder made of 3 - inch ( 76 mm ) thick bulletproof glass in its own display room, adjacent to the main exhibit of the National Gem Collection, in the Janet Annenberg Hooker Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals. The Hope Diamond is the most popular jewel on display and the collection 's centerpiece. In 1988, specialists with the Gemological Institute of America graded it and noticed `` evidence of wear '' and its `` remarkably strong phosphorescence '' with its clarity `` slightly affected by a whitish graining which is common to blue diamonds. '' A highly sensitive colorimeter found tiny traces of a `` very slight violet component '' which is imperceptible to normal vision.", "short_answer": "a rotating pedestal inside a cylinder made of 3 - inch ( 76 mm ) thick bulletproof glass in its own display room, adjacent to the main exhibit of the National Gem Collection, in the Janet Annenberg Hooker Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals." } }, { "question": "which famous gem was said to have been stolen from a hindu statue", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hope_Diamond&oldid=865614763", "q_uid": 8307605129512563222, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to specious accounts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the original form of the Hope Diamond was stolen from an eye of a sculpted statue of the goddess Sita, the wife of Rama, the seventh Avatar of Vishnu. However, much like the `` curse of Tutankhamun '', this general type of `` legend '' was most likely the invention of Western authors during the Victorian era, and the specific legends about the Hope Diamond 's `` cursed origin '' were invented in the early 20th century to add mystique to the stone and increase its sales appeal as well as increase newspaper sales. It fueled speculation that humans possessing the gemstone were fated to have bad luck with varying reports of undetermined veracity. A report in 2006 in The New York Times, however, suggested that `` any hard evidence linking it to tragedy has yet to be officially proven. ''", "short_answer": "the Hope Diamond was" } }, { "question": "where was the hope diamond found and where is it now", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hope_Diamond&oldid=809264808", "q_uid": 1081316871620092143, "answers": { "long_answer": "The jewel is believed to have originated in India, where the original ( larger ) stone was purchased in 1666 by French gem merchant Jean - Baptiste Tavernier as the Tavernier Blue. The Tavernier Blue was cut and yielded the French Blue ( Le bleu de France ), which Tavernier sold to King Louis XIV in 1668. Stolen in 1791, it was recut, with the largest section acquiring its `` Hope '' name when it appeared in the catalogue of a gem collection owned by a London banking family called Hope in 1839. After going through numerous owners, it was sold to Washington socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean who was often seen wearing it. It was purchased in 1949 by New York gem merchant Harry Winston, who toured it for a number of years before giving it to Washington 's National Museum of Natural History in 1958, where it has since remained on permanent exhibition.", "short_answer": "in India," } } ], "Kevin Peter Hall": [ { "question": "who played harry in harry in the hendersons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=800700082", "q_uid": -6580183590003085979, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played the role of predator in the movie predator", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=831169715", "q_uid": 1740125428546054566, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played harry in bigfoot and the hendersons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=831169715", "q_uid": 4981645149989165276, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played the predator in the movie the predator", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=800700082", "q_uid": -4141357331353465424, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played the predator character in the first predator movie in 1987", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=866128450", "q_uid": 2214078536060456562, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played harry on harry and the hendersons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=800700082", "q_uid": 2490843297834295550, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played harry on harry and the hendersons movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=800700082", "q_uid": 3387301272058329165, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played harry in the movie harry and the hendersons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=796205593", "q_uid": 3877911738860630948, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who was the guy that played the predator", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=800700082", "q_uid": -5437332045991184471, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played the alien in the movie predator", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=800700082", "q_uid": 8625606101037052012, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played harry in harry and the hendersons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=800700082", "q_uid": -4470746131273510421, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played the part of harry in harry and the hendersons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=846914440", "q_uid": -295427188454205857, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played harry on harry and the henderson", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=831169715", "q_uid": -2060808543212792230, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played the creature in the movie predator", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=831169715", "q_uid": -824054279907493431, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who plays the predator in the movie predator", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=831169715", "q_uid": -3025945101178930997, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who was the actor who played the predator", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=825807424", "q_uid": 8647615744431362893, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that plays the predator", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=815882319", "q_uid": -3988748276696917519, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who plays harry on harry and the hendersons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=825807424", "q_uid": 2942785702142251442, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who plays harry from harry and the hendersons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=800700082", "q_uid": 2847980457887203111, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227 along with the film, Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played the predator in the movie predator", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=851886893", "q_uid": 9202932195402887596, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } }, { "question": "who played henry in henry and the hendersons", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Peter_Hall&oldid=851886893", "q_uid": 2242800195247407020, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall ( May 9, 1955 -- April 10, 1991 ) was an American actor best known for his roles as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise and the title character of Harry in the film and television series, Harry and the Hendersons. He also appeared in the television series Misfits of Science and 227, along with the film Without Warning.", "short_answer": "Kevin Peter Hall (" } } ], "Jon Huertas": [ { "question": "who played brad on sabrina the teenage witch", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jon_Huertas&oldid=798573876", "q_uid": 3907688738109579252, "answers": { "long_answer": "From 1998 to 1999, Huertas played the role of Antonio in the television series Moesha. From 1999 to 2000, he played Brad, a witch hunter, in Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. Beginning in 2009, Huertas has starred in the role of Detective Esposito in ABC 's police procedural Castle. In 2012, Huertas and his Castle co-star Stana Katic received the award for Performance in a Drama Episode at the 16th Annual PRISM Awards.", "short_answer": "Huertas played" } } ], "Sam Heughan": [ { "question": "who is the actor who plays jamie fraser in outlander", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sam_Heughan&oldid=814875905", "q_uid": 1473170778871344634, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sam Roland Heughan ( born 30 April 1980 ) is a Scottish actor, known for his role as Jamie Fraser in the Starz series Outlander, for which he received two nominations for the Saturn Awards. He was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award for Most Promising Performer in 2003, for his performance in the play Outlying Islands, performed at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs.", "short_answer": "Sam Roland Heughan (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that plays jamie on outlander", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sam_Heughan&oldid=841596773", "q_uid": -583104596666600260, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sam Roland Heughan ( born 30 April 1980 ) is a Scottish actor, known for his role as Jamie Fraser in the Starz series Outlander, for which he received two nominations for the Saturn Awards. He was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award for Most Promising Performer in 2003, for his performance in the play Outlying Islands, performed at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs.", "short_answer": "Sam Roland Heughan (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor who plays jamie in outlander", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sam_Heughan&oldid=836307002", "q_uid": -130923581684068762, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sam Roland Heughan ( born 30 April 1980 ) is a Scottish actor, known for his role as Jamie Fraser in the Starz series Outlander, for which he received two nominations for the Saturn Awards. He was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award for Most Promising Performer in 2003, for his performance in the play Outlying Islands, performed at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs.", "short_answer": "Sam Roland Heughan (" } } ], "Greta Garbo": [ { "question": "who was famous for saying i want to be alone", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Greta_Garbo&oldid=856204268", "q_uid": -2622027861969344804, "answers": { "long_answer": "Because Garbo was suspicious and mistrustful of the media, and often at odds with MGM executives, she spurned Hollywood 's publicity rules. She was routinely referred to by the press as the `` Swedish Sphinx. '' Her reticence and fear of strangers perpetuated the mystery and mystique that she projected both on screen and in real life. MGM eventually capitalized on it, for it bolstered the image of the silent and reclusive woman of mystery. In spite of her strenuous efforts to avoid publicity, Garbo paradoxically became one of the twentieth century 's most publicized women in the world. She is closely associated with a line from Grand Hotel, one which the American Film Institute in 2005 voted the 30th-most memorable movie quote of all time, `` I want to be alone; I just want to be alone. '' The theme was a running gag that began during the period of her silent movies.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which celebrity said i want to be alone", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Greta_Garbo&oldid=806779433", "q_uid": 7742125990857679715, "answers": { "long_answer": "From the early days of her career, Garbo avoided industry social functions, preferring to spend her time alone or with friends. She never signed autographs or answered fan mail, and rarely gave interviews. Nor did she ever appear at Oscar ceremonies, even when she was nominated. Her aversion to publicity and the press was undeniably genuine, and exasperating to the studio at first. In an interview in 1928, she explained that her desire for privacy began when she was a child, stating `` as early as I can remember, I have wanted to be alone. I detest crowds, do n't like many people. ''", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Clemson Tigers football": [ { "question": "when did clemson win the national football championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Clemson_Tigers_football&oldid=818331120", "q_uid": -8789247448080236409, "answers": { "long_answer": "Clemson Tigers football 2017 Clemson Tigers football team First season 1896 ( 1896 ) Athletic director Dan Radakovich Head coach Dabo Swinney 10th season, 101 -- 30 (. 771 ) Stadium Memorial Stadium ( Capacity: 81,500 ( 86,092 record ) ) Field surface Natural Grass Location Clemson, South Carolina Conference Atlantic Coast Conference Division Atlantic Past conferences Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association ( SIAA ) ( 1896 -- 1921 ) Southern Conference ( SC ) ( 1921 -- 1952 ) All - time record 729 -- 459 -- 45 (. 609 ) Bowl record 22 -- 19 (. 537 ) Playoff appearances 3 ( 2015, 2016, 2017 ) Playoff record 3 -- 2 Claimed nat'l titles 2 ( 1981, 2016 ) National finalist 1 ( 2015 ) Conference titles 23 ( 4 SIAA, 2 SoCon, 17 ACC ) Division titles 6 ( 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017 ) Rivalries South Carolina Gamecocks Florida State Seminoles Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets Georgia Bulldogs NC State Wolfpack Boston College Eagles Auburn Tigers Consensus All - Americans 25 Current uniform Colors Orange and Regalia Fight song Tiger Rag Mascot The Tiger Marching band Tiger Band Website ClemsonTigers.com", "short_answer": "1981," } }, { "question": "when did clemson win the national championship in football", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Clemson_Tigers_football&oldid=812210147", "q_uid": -469475407378693163, "answers": { "long_answer": "Clemson Tigers football 2017 Clemson Tigers football team First season 1896 ( 1896 ) Athletic director Dan Radakovich Head coach Dabo Swinney 10th season, 100 -- 29 (. 775 ) Stadium Memorial Stadium ( Capacity: 81,500 ( 86,092 record ) ) Field surface Natural Grass Location Clemson, South Carolina Conference Atlantic Coast Conference Division Atlantic Past conferences Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association ( SIAA ) ( 1896 -- 1921 ) Southern Conference ( SC ) ( 1921 -- 1952 ) All - time record 728 -- 458 -- 45 (. 610 ) Bowl record 22 -- 19 (. 537 ) Playoff appearances 2 ( 2015, 2016 ) Playoff record 3 -- 1 (. 750 ) Claimed nat'l titles 2 ( 1981, 2016 ) National finalist 1 ( 2015 ) Conference titles 22 ( 4 SIAA, 2 SoCon, 16 ACC ) Division titles 6 ( 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017 ) Rivalries South Carolina Gamecocks Florida State Seminoles Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets Georgia Bulldogs Consensus All - Americans 25 Current uniform Colors Orange and Regalia Fight song Tiger Rag Mascot The Tiger Marching band Tiger Band Website ClemsonTigers.com", "short_answer": "1981, 2016 )" } }, { "question": "how many times have louisville and clemson played football", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Clemson_Tigers_football&oldid=815592671", "q_uid": -7280879620292906218, "answers": { "long_answer": "Opponent Won Lost Tied Percentage Streak First meeting Last meeting Boston College 16 9. 630 Won 7 1940 2017 Duke 36 16. 689 Won 4 1934 2012 Florida State 11 20 0. 367 Won 3 1970 2017 Georgia Tech 30 50. 378 Won 3 1898 2017 Louisville 0 0 1.000 Won 4 2014 2017 Miami 5 6 0. 455 Won 3 1945 2017 North Carolina 37 19. 658 Won 3 1897 2015 North Carolina State 57 28. 669 Won 6 1899 2017 Pittsburgh 0 0. 000 Lost 2 1977 2016 Syracuse 0. 667 Lost 1 1995 2017 Virginia 38 8. 819 Won 3 1955 2013 Virginia Tech 22 12. 643 Won 5 1900 2017 Wake Forest 65 17. 789 Won 9 1933 2017 Totals 349 212 12. 619", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Christa B. Allen": [ { "question": "who plays young jenna in 13 going on 30", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Christa_B._Allen&oldid=809807662", "q_uid": 2992211472730147440, "answers": { "long_answer": "Christa B. Allen ( born November 11, 1991 ) is an American actress. She is known for playing the younger version of Jennifer Garner 's characters in 13 Going on 30 ( 2004 ) and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past ( 2009 ), as well as for her role as socialite Charlotte Grayson on the ABC drama series Revenge.", "short_answer": "Christa B. Allen (" } }, { "question": "who played young jenna in 13 going on 30", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Christa_B._Allen&oldid=779787801", "q_uid": -933517390304151485, "answers": { "long_answer": "Christa B. Allen ( born November 11, 1991 ) is an American actress. She is known for playing the younger version of Jennifer Garner 's characters in 13 Going on 30 ( 2004 ) and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past ( 2009 ), as well as for her role as socialite Charlotte Grayson on the ABC drama series Revenge.", "short_answer": "Christa B. Allen (" } } ], "Lucy Hale": [ { "question": "who plays as aria in pretty little liars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lucy_Hale&oldid=807400926", "q_uid": 3630727152164587528, "answers": { "long_answer": "Karen Lucille Hale ( born June 14, 1989 ) is an American actress and singer. Earlier in her career, she was sometimes credited as Lucy Kate Hale. Hale first came to prominence as one of the five winners of the reality show American Juniors, a children 's spin off of American Idol. She is best known for her role as Aria Montgomery on the Freeform series Pretty Little Liars, which won her a People 's Choice Award for Favorite Cable TV Actress in 2014. The same year, she released her debut studio album, Road Between.", "short_answer": "Karen Lucille Hale (" } }, { "question": "who does lucy hale play on pretty little liars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lucy_Hale&oldid=827579814", "q_uid": -8647802462333931851, "answers": { "long_answer": "Karen Lucille Hale ( born June 14, 1989 ) is an American actress and singer. In the early stages of her career, she was sometimes referred to as Lucy Kate Hale. Hale first came to prominence as one of the five winners of the reality show American Juniors, a children 's spin off of American Idol. She is best known for her role as Aria Montgomery on the Freeform series Pretty Little Liars, which won her a People 's Choice Award for Favorite Cable TV Actress in 2014. The same year, she released her debut studio album, Road Between.", "short_answer": "Aria Montgomery on" } } ], "The World's Billionaires": [ { "question": "who is the second richest person of the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=809189748", "q_uid": -2350808573808826749, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Net worth ( USD ) Age Nationality Source ( s ) of wealth 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Gates, Bill Bill Gates $86.0 billion 61 United States Microsoft 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Buffett, Warren Warren Buffett $75.6 billion 86 United States Berkshire Hathaway 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Bezos, Jeff Jeff Bezos $72.8 billion 53 United States Amazon.com 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Ortega, Amancio Amancio Ortega $71.3 billion 80 Spain Inditex, Zara 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 Zuckerberg, Mark Mark Zuckerberg $56.0 billion 32 United States Facebook 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Slim, Carlos Carlos Slim $54.5 billion 77 Mexico Am\u00e9rica M\u00f3vil, Grupo Carso 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Ellison, Larry Larry Ellison $52.2 billion 72 United States Oracle Corporation 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, Charles Charles Koch $48.3 billion 81 United States Koch Industries 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, David David Koch $48.3 billion 76 United States Koch Industries 7001100000000000000 \u2660 10 Bloomberg, Michael Michael Bloomberg $47.5 billion 75 United States Bloomberg L.P.", "short_answer": "Warren Buffett" } }, { "question": "who has the largest net worth in the world 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=804338345", "q_uid": 8310499393160300214, "answers": { "long_answer": "7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Gates, Bill Bill Gates $86.0 billion 61 United States Microsoft", "short_answer": "Bill Gates" } }, { "question": "who is the richest person in the world who is the richest person in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=854466872", "q_uid": 9195697780837698795, "answers": { "long_answer": "The World 's Billionaires List of the world 's billionaires, ranked in order of net worth The net worth of the world 's billionaires increased from less than $1 trillion in 2000 to over $7 trillion in 2015. Publication details Publisher Whale Media Investments Forbes family Publication Forbes First published March 1987 Latest publication March 6, 2018 Current list details ( 2018 ) Wealthiest Jeff Bezos Net worth ( 1st ) US $ 112 billion Number of billionaires 2,208 Total list net worth value US $9.1 trillion Average net worth US $4.1 billion Number of women 256 Number of people aged 40 years or less 63 New members to the list 259 Forbes: The World 's Billionaires website", "short_answer": "Jeff Bezos" } }, { "question": "who has highest net worth in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=865326483", "q_uid": 8718693018126153389, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Net worth ( USD ) ( March 2018 ) Age Nationality Source ( s ) of wealth 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Jeff Bezos $112 billion 54 United States Amazon 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Bill Gates $90 billion 62 United States Microsoft 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Warren Buffett $84 billion 87 United States Berkshire Hathaway 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Bernard Arnault $72 billion 69 France LVMH 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 Mark Zuckerberg $71 billion 33 United States Facebook 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Amancio Ortega $70 billion 81 Spain Inditex, Zara 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Carlos Slim $67.1 billion 78 Mexico Am\u00e9rica M\u00f3vil, Grupo Carso 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Charles Koch $60 billion 82 United States Koch Industries 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 David Koch $60 billion 77 United States Koch Industries 7001100000000000000 \u2660 10 Larry Ellison $58.5 billion 73 United States Oracle Corporation", "short_answer": "Jeff Bezos" } }, { "question": "forbes list richest man in the world 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=865326483", "q_uid": -5875656414374635515, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Net worth ( USD ) ( March 2018 ) Age Nationality Source ( s ) of wealth 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Jeff Bezos $112 billion 54 United States Amazon 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Bill Gates $90 billion 62 United States Microsoft 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Warren Buffett $84 billion 87 United States Berkshire Hathaway 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Bernard Arnault $72 billion 69 France LVMH 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 Mark Zuckerberg $71 billion 33 United States Facebook 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Amancio Ortega $70 billion 81 Spain Inditex, Zara 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Carlos Slim $67.1 billion 78 Mexico Am\u00e9rica M\u00f3vil, Grupo Carso 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Charles Koch $60 billion 82 United States Koch Industries 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 David Koch $60 billion 77 United States Koch Industries 7001100000000000000 \u2660 10 Larry Ellison $58.5 billion 73 United States Oracle Corporation", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the biggest net worth in the world 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=817329521", "q_uid": -5592583789501690355, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Net worth ( USD ) Age Nationality Source ( s ) of wealth 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Gates, Bill Bill Gates $86.0 billion 61 United States Microsoft 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Buffett, Warren Warren Buffett $75.6 billion 86 United States Berkshire Hathaway 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Bezos, Jeff Jeff Bezos $72.8 billion 53 United States Amazon.com 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Ortega, Amancio Amancio Ortega $71.3 billion 80 Spain Inditex, Zara 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 Zuckerberg, Mark Mark Zuckerberg $56.0 billion 32 United States Facebook 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Slim, Carlos Carlos Slim $54.5 billion 77 Mexico Am\u00e9rica M\u00f3vil, Grupo Carso 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Ellison, Larry Larry Ellison $52.2 billion 72 United States Oracle Corporation 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, Charles Charles Koch $48.3 billion 81 United States Koch Industries 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, David David Koch $48.3 billion 76 United States Koch Industries 7001100000000000000 \u2660 10 Bloomberg, Michael Michael Bloomberg $47.5 billion 75 United States Bloomberg L.P.", "short_answer": "Bill Gates" } }, { "question": "who is d richest man in d world 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=843673680", "q_uid": -2130805434497046116, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Net worth ( USD ) ( March 2018 ) Age Nationality Source ( s ) of wealth 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Bezos, Jeff Jeff Bezos $112.0 billion 54 United States Amazon 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Gates, Bill Bill Gates $90.0 billion 62 United States Microsoft 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Buffett, Warren Warren Buffett $84.0 billion 87 United States Berkshire Hathaway 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Arnault, Bernard Bernard Arnault $72.0 billion 69 France LVMH 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 Zuckerberg, Mark Mark Zuckerberg $71.0 billion 33 United States Facebook 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Ortega, Amancio Amancio Ortega $70.0 billion 81 Spain Inditex, Zara 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Slim, Carlos Carlos Slim $67.1 billion 78 Mexico Am\u00e9rica M\u00f3vil, Grupo Carso 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, Charles Charles Koch $60.0 billion 82 United States Koch Industries 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, David David Koch $60.0 billion 77 United States Koch Industries 7001100000000000000 \u2660 10 Ellison, Larry Larry Ellison $58.5 billion 73 United States Oracle Corporation", "short_answer": "Jeff Bezos" } }, { "question": "who is the richest person in the worls", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=849845583", "q_uid": -569855615055039474, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2018, there was a record of 2,208 people on the list, that included 259 newcomers mostly from China and the U.S.; there were 63 people under 40 and it had a record number of 256 women. The average net worth of the list came in at US $ 4.1 billion, up US $350 million from 2017. Added together, the total net worth for 2018 's billionaires was US $9.1 trillion, up from US $7.67 trillion in 2017. As of 2018, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has topped the list 18 of the past 24 years, while Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is ranked at the top for the first time and he became the first centibillionaire included in the ranking.", "short_answer": "Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is" } }, { "question": "who topped the forbes world's billionaires list 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=817329521", "q_uid": 5237712508389817282, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2017, there was a record of 2,043 people on the list, which is the first time over 2,000 people were listed, that included 195 newcomers that included 76 from China and 25 from the U.S.; there were 56 people under 40 and it had a record of 227 women. The average net worth of the list came in at US $ 3.75 billion, down US $110 million from 2015. Added together, the total net worth for 2017 's billionaires was US $7.67 trillion, up from US $7.1 trillion in 2015. In 2017, 500 of the richest people in the world became richer by $1 trillion, according to a report by Bloomberg News. As of 2017, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has topped the list 18 of the past 23 years.", "short_answer": "Microsoft founder Bill Gates has" } }, { "question": "who is the top most richest person in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=837269838", "q_uid": -635407617436639622, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2018, there was a record of 2,208 people on the list, that included 259 newcomers mostly from China and the U.S.; there were 63 people under 40 and it had a record number of 256 women. The average net worth of the list came in at US $ 4.1 billion, up US $350 million from 2017. Added together, the total net worth for 2018 's billionaires was US $9.1 trillion, up from US $7.67 trillion in 2017. As of 2018, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has topped the list 18 of the past 24 years, while Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is ranked at the top for the first time and he became the first to reach the $100 billion mark.", "short_answer": "Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is" } }, { "question": "who has the most money in the world in 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=833028059", "q_uid": -1080040459759462561, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Net worth ( USD ) Age Nationality Source ( s ) of wealth 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Bezos, Jeff Jeff Bezos $112.0 billion 54 United States Amazon 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Gates, Bill Bill Gates $90.0 billion 62 United States Microsoft 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Buffett, Warren Warren Buffett $84.0 billion 87 United States Berkshire Hathaway 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Arnault, Bernard Bernard Arnault $72.0 billion 69 France LVMH 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 Zuckerberg, Mark Mark Zuckerberg $71.0 billion 33 United States Facebook 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Ortega, Amancio Amancio Ortega $70.0 billion 81 Spain Inditex, Zara 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Slim, Carlos Carlos Slim $67.1 billion 78 Mexico Am\u00e9rica M\u00f3vil, Grupo Carso 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, Charles Charles Koch $60.0 billion 82 United States Koch Industries 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, David David Koch $60.0 billion 77 United States Koch Industries 7001100000000000000 \u2660 10 Ellison, Larry Larry Ellison $58.5 billion 73 United States Oracle Corporation", "short_answer": "Jeff Bezos" } }, { "question": "who is a richest person in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=865326483", "q_uid": -1609688722949264411, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2018, there was a record of 2,208 people on the list, that included 259 newcomers mostly from China and the U.S.; there were 63 people under 40 and it had a record number of 256 women. The average net worth of the list came in at US $ 4.1 billion, up US $350 million from 2017. Added together, the total net worth for 2018 's billionaires was US $9.1 trillion, up from US $7.67 trillion in 2017. As of 2018, Microsoft founder Bill Gates had topped the list 18 of the past 24 years, while Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is ranked at the top for the first time and he became the first centibillionaire included in the ranking.", "short_answer": "Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is" } }, { "question": "who has the highest networth in the world 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=802604334", "q_uid": 453559484858607521, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2017, there was a record of 2,043 people on the list, which is the first time over 2,000 people were listed, that included 195 newcomers that included 76 from China and 25 from the U.S.; there were 56 people under 40 and it had a record of 227 women. The average net worth of the list came in at US $ 3.75 billion, down US $110 million from 2015. Added together, the total net worth for 2017 's billionaires was US $7.67 trillion, up from US $7.1 trillion in 2015. As of 2017, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has topped the list 18 of the past 23 years.", "short_answer": "Bill Gates has" } }, { "question": "who has the highest net worth on earth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=821835449", "q_uid": 2233161239609614754, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Net worth ( USD ) Age Nationality Source ( s ) of wealth 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Gates, Bill Bill Gates $86.0 billion 61 United States Microsoft 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Buffett, Warren Warren Buffett $75.6 billion 86 United States Berkshire Hathaway 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Bezos, Jeff Jeff Bezos $72.8 billion 53 United States Amazon.com 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Ortega, Amancio Amancio Ortega $71.3 billion 80 Spain Inditex, Zara 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 Zuckerberg, Mark Mark Zuckerberg $56.0 billion 32 United States Facebook 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Slim, Carlos Carlos Slim $54.5 billion 77 Mexico Am\u00e9rica M\u00f3vil, Grupo Carso 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Ellison, Larry Larry Ellison $52.2 billion 72 United States Oracle Corporation 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, Charles Charles Koch $48.3 billion 81 United States Koch Industries 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, David David Koch $48.3 billion 76 United States Koch Industries 7001100000000000000 \u2660 10 Bloomberg, Michael Michael Bloomberg $47.5 billion 75 United States Bloomberg L.P.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "list of most richest man in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=819345773", "q_uid": -6424290965367668378, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Net worth ( USD ) Age Nationality Source ( s ) of wealth 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Gates, Bill Bill Gates $86.0 billion 61 United States Microsoft 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Buffett, Warren Warren Buffett $75.6 billion 86 United States Berkshire Hathaway 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Bezos, Jeff Jeff Bezos $72.8 billion 53 United States Amazon.com 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Ortega, Amancio Amancio Ortega $71.3 billion 80 Spain Inditex, Zara 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 Zuckerberg, Mark Mark Zuckerberg $56.0 billion 32 United States Facebook 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Slim, Carlos Carlos Slim $54.5 billion 77 Mexico Am\u00e9rica M\u00f3vil, Grupo Carso 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Ellison, Larry Larry Ellison $52.2 billion 72 United States Oracle Corporation 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, Charles Charles Koch $48.3 billion 81 United States Koch Industries 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, David David Koch $48.3 billion 76 United States Koch Industries 7001100000000000000 \u2660 10 Bloomberg, Michael Michael Bloomberg $47.5 billion 75 United States Bloomberg L.P.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the most wealthy person in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=843666485", "q_uid": 1211501421268733418, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2018, there was a record of 2,208 people on the list, that included 259 newcomers mostly from China and the U.S.; there were 63 people under 40 and it had a record number of 256 women. The average net worth of the list came in at US $ 4.1 billion, up US $350 million from 2017. Added together, the total net worth for 2018 's billionaires was US $9.1 trillion, up from US $7.67 trillion in 2017. As of 2018, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has topped the list 18 of the past 24 years, while Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is ranked at the top for the first time and he became the first centibillionaire included in the ranking.", "short_answer": "Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is" } }, { "question": "richest person in the world 2018 in order", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=837269838", "q_uid": -1946566183823480619, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Net worth ( USD ) Age Nationality Source ( s ) of wealth 7000100000000000000 \u2660 1 Bezos, Jeff Jeff Bezos $112.0 billion 54 United States Amazon 7000200000000000000 \u2660 2 Gates, Bill Bill Gates $90.0 billion 62 United States Microsoft 7000300000000000000 \u2660 3 Buffett, Warren Warren Buffett $84.0 billion 87 United States Berkshire Hathaway 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 Arnault, Bernard Bernard Arnault $72.0 billion 69 France LVMH 7000500000000000000 \u2660 5 Zuckerberg, Mark Mark Zuckerberg $71.0 billion 33 United States Facebook 7000600000000000000 \u2660 6 Ortega, Amancio Amancio Ortega $70.0 billion 81 Spain Inditex, Zara 7000700000000000000 \u2660 7 Slim, Carlos Carlos Slim $67.1 billion 78 Mexico Am\u00e9rica M\u00f3vil, Grupo Carso 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, Charles Charles Koch $60.0 billion 82 United States Koch Industries 7000800000000000000 \u2660 8 Koch, David David Koch $60.0 billion 77 United States Koch Industries 7001100000000000000 \u2660 10 Ellison, Larry Larry Ellison $58.5 billion 73 United States Oracle Corporation", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most worth in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=837269838", "q_uid": 6605581619713352709, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2018, there was a record of 2,208 people on the list, that included 259 newcomers mostly from China and the U.S.; there were 63 people under 40 and it had a record number of 256 women. The average net worth of the list came in at US $ 4.1 billion, up US $350 million from 2017. Added together, the total net worth for 2018 's billionaires was US $9.1 trillion, up from US $7.67 trillion in 2017. As of 2018, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has topped the list 18 of the past 24 years, while Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is ranked at the top for the first time and he became the first to reach the $100 billion mark.", "short_answer": "Jeff Bezos is" } }, { "question": "who has the largest networth in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=825293740", "q_uid": -9057435464495246344, "answers": { "long_answer": "The World 's Billionaires List of the world 's billionaires, ranked in order of net worth The net worth of the world 's billionaires increased from less than $1 trillion in 2000 to over $7 trillion in 2015 Publication details Publisher Whale Media Investments Forbes family Publication Forbes First published March 1987 Latest publication 000000002017 - 03 - 23 - 0000 March 23, 2017 Current list details ( 2017 ) Wealthiest Bill Gates Net worth ( 1st ) US $ 86 billion Number of billionaires 2,043 Total list net worth value US $7.67 trillion Average net worth US $3.75 billion Number of women 227 Number of people aged 40 years or less 56 New members to the list 195 Forbes: The World 's Billionaires website", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who's the highest paid person in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=819345773", "q_uid": -8168655710903472268, "answers": { "long_answer": "On the 30th anniversary of the Forbes ' list of the world 's billionaires, for the fourth year in a row, Bill Gates was named the richest man in the world. The number of billionaires increased 13 % to 2,043 from 1,810 in 2016; this is the biggest change in over 30 years of tracking billionaires globally. This is the first time after 12 years that Carlos Slim was not within the top five. The U.S. continues to have the most billionaires in the world, with a record of 565. China has 319 ( not including Hong Kong or Macau ), Germany has 114, and India has the fourth most with 101; India has reached over 100 billionaires for its first time.", "short_answer": "Bill Gates was" } }, { "question": "who is number one on the forbes list", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=854466872", "q_uid": -3744791235432276329, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the 32nd annual Forbes list of the world 's billionaires, the gap between the top one percent and the rest of the billionaires continued to widen with the 20 richest people on the planet worth $1.2 trillion that amounts to 13 percent of all billionaires ' fortunes combined. A record of 2,208 billionaires were in the ranking and the total wealth was $9.1 trillion, up 18 % since 2017. For the first time, Jeff Bezos was listed as the top billionaire due to Amazon 's rising stock price that resulted in one person 's biggest one year gain in wealth ( $35 billion ) since Forbes started tracking in 1987. The U.S. continued to have the most billionaires in the world, with a record of 585, while China is catching up with 476 ( when including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan ).", "short_answer": "Jeff Bezos was" } }, { "question": "who has the most networth in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_World%27s_Billionaires&oldid=807202349", "q_uid": 2374047760896509349, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2017, there was a record of 2,043 people on the list, which is the first time over 2,000 people were listed, that included 195 newcomers that included 76 from China and 25 from the U.S.; there were 56 people under 40 and it had a record of 227 women. The average net worth of the list came in at US $ 3.75 billion, down US $110 million from 2015. Added together, the total net worth for 2017 's billionaires was US $7.67 trillion, up from US $7.1 trillion in 2015. As of 2017, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has topped the list 18 of the past 23 years.", "short_answer": "Microsoft founder Bill Gates has" } } ], "Diana Rigg": [ { "question": "actress who played emma peel in the avengers", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Diana_Rigg&oldid=818228818", "q_uid": 3361423482281967901, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg, DBE ( born 20 July 1938 ) is an English actress. She is known for playing Emma Peel in the 1960s TV series The Avengers ( 1965 -- 68 ), and Olenna Tyrell in Game of Thrones ( 2013 -- 17 ). She has also had an extensive career in theatre, including playing the title role in Medea, both in London and New York, for which she won the 1994 Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play. She was made a CBE in 1988 and a Dame in 1994.", "short_answer": "Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg," } }, { "question": "who does diana rigg play in the game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Diana_Rigg&oldid=835947253", "q_uid": -5711111835260437282, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg, DBE ( born 20 July 1938 ) is an English actress. She is known for playing Emma Peel in the 1960s TV series The Avengers ( 1965 -- 68 ), and Olenna Tyrell in Game of Thrones ( 2013 -- 17 ). She has also had an extensive career in theatre, including playing the title role in Medea, both in London and New York, for which she won the 1994 Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play. She was made a CBE in 1988 and a Dame in 1994 for services to drama.", "short_answer": "Olenna Tyrell in" } }, { "question": "who plays the tyrell grandmother on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Diana_Rigg&oldid=806003252", "q_uid": -7927024012274653329, "answers": { "long_answer": "The same year, Rigg secured a recurring role in the third season of the HBO series Game of Thrones, portraying Lady Olenna Tyrell, a witty and sarcastic political mastermind popularly known as the Queen of Thorns, the grandmother of regular character Margaery Tyrell. Her performance was well received by critics and audiences alike, and earned her an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series for the 65th Primetime Emmy Awards in 2013. She reprised her role in season four of Game of Thrones, and in July 2014 received another Guest Actress Emmy nomination. In 2015 and 2016, she again reprised the role in seasons five and six in an expanded role from the books. The character was finally killed off in the seventh season, with Rigg 's final performance receiving critical acclaim.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the grandmother on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Diana_Rigg&oldid=832313094", "q_uid": -2464252495816324931, "answers": { "long_answer": "The same year, Rigg secured a recurring role in the third season of the HBO series Game of Thrones, portraying Lady Olenna Tyrell, a witty and sarcastic political mastermind popularly known as the Queen of Thorns, the grandmother of regular character Margaery Tyrell. Her performance was well received by critics and audiences alike, and earned her an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series for the 65th Primetime Emmy Awards in 2013. She reprised her role in season four of Game of Thrones, and in July 2014 received another Guest Actress Emmy nomination. In 2015 and 2016, she again reprised the role in seasons five and six in an expanded role from the books. The character was finally killed off in the seventh season, with Rigg 's final performance receiving critical acclaim.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays lady olenna in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Diana_Rigg&oldid=808844237", "q_uid": 7220179233832215781, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg, DBE ( born 20 July 1938 ) is an English actress. She is known for playing Emma Peel in the 1960s TV series The Avengers ( 1965 -- 68 ), and Olenna Tyrell in Game of Thrones ( 2013 -- 17 ). She has also had an extensive career in theatre, including playing the title role in Medea, both in London and New York, for which she won the 1994 Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play. She was made a CBE in 1988 and a Dame in 1994.", "short_answer": "Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg," } } ], "Annie Get Your Gun (musical)": [ { "question": "who wrote the music for annie get your gun", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Annie_Get_Your_Gun_(musical)&oldid=856153658", "q_uid": 5338386416975298022, "answers": { "long_answer": "Annie Get Your Gun is a musical with lyrics and music by Irving Berlin and a book by Dorothy Fields and her brother Herbert Fields. The story is a fictionalized version of the life of Annie Oakley ( 1860 -- 1926 ), a sharpshooter who starred in Buffalo Bill 's Wild West, and her romance with sharpshooter Frank E. Butler ( 1847 -- 1926 ).", "short_answer": "Irving Berlin and" } }, { "question": "list of characters in annie get your gun", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Annie_Get_Your_Gun_(musical)&oldid=816086546", "q_uid": 1436038267171173651, "answers": { "long_answer": "Annie Oakley -- a sharpshooter in the Wild West show Frank Butler -- the Wild West show 's star Dolly Tate -- Frank 's flamboyant assistant; Winnie 's sister ( Charlie 's sister in the 1966 version ) Buffalo Bill -- owner of the Wild West show Chief Sitting Bull -- Sioux chief and holy man; Annie 's protector Tommy Keeler \u00a7 -- knife - thrower in the Wild West show; Winnie 's boyfriend; part Native American ( not in the ' 66 version ) Charlie Davenport -- manager of the Wild West show Winnie Tate \u00a7 -- Dolly 's sister; Tommy 's girlfriend and his assistant in the knife - throwing act ( not in the ' 66 version ) Pawnee Bill -- owner of a competing western show Foster Wilson -- hotel owner Annie 's brothers and sisters: Jessie, Nellie, Little Jake, and Minnie ( Minnie was written out of the 1999 revival )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of longest suspension bridge spans": [ { "question": "what is the largest suspension bridge in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_longest_suspension_bridge_spans&oldid=808595876", "q_uid": -252080474116890357, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Name Main span metres Main span feet Year opened Location Country Akashi Kaiky\u014d Bridge 1,991 6,532 1998 Kobe ( Hy\u014dgo ) 34 \u00b0 37 \u2032 1.3 '' N 135 \u00b0 1 \u2032 18.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.617028 \u00b0 N 135.021917 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.617028; 135.021917 \ufeff ( Akashi Kaiky\u014d Bridge ) Japan Xihoumen Bridge 1,650 5,413 2009 Zhoushan ( Zhejiang ) 30 \u00b0 3 \u2032 42.4 '' N 121 \u00b0 54 \u2032 57.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.061778 \u00b0 N 121.916000 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.061778; 121.916000 \ufeff ( Xihoumen Bridge ) China Great Belt Bridge 1,624 5,328 1998 Kors\u00f8r -- Sprog\u00f8 ( Region Zealand ) 55 \u00b0 20 \u2032 31 '' N 11 \u00b0 2 \u2032 9.3 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 55.34194 \u00b0 N 11.035917 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 55.34194; 11.035917 \ufeff ( Great Belt Bridge ) Denmark Osman Gazi Bridge 1,550 5,090 2016 Dilovas\u0131 -- Alt\u0131nova ( Gulf of \u0130zmit ) 40 \u00b0 45 \u2032 15 '' N 29 \u00b0 30 \u2032 55 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 40.75417 \u00b0 N 29.51528 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 40.75417; 29.51528 \ufeff ( \u0130zmit Bay Bridge ) Turkey 5 Yi Sun - sin Bridge 1,545 5,069 2012 Gwangyang -- Yeosu ( South Jeolla Province ) 34 \u00b0 54 \u2032 21.4 '' N 127 \u00b0 42 \u2032 18.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.905944 \u00b0 N 127.705028 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.905944; 127.705028 \ufeff ( Yi Sun - sin Bridge ) South Korea 6 Runyang Bridge 1,490 4,888 2005 Yangzhou -- Zhenjiang ( Jiangsu ) 32 \u00b0 12 \u2032 24.6 '' N 119 \u00b0 21 \u2032 49.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 32.206833 \u00b0 N 119.363861 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 32.206833; 119.363861 \ufeff ( Runyang Bridge ) China 7 Nanjing Fourth Yangtze Bridge 1,418 4,652 2012 Nanjing ( Jiangsu ) 32 \u00b0 10 \u2032 39.9 '' N 118 \u00b0 56 \u2032 24.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 32.177750 \u00b0 N 118.940139 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 32.177750; 118.940139 \ufeff ( Nanjing Fourth Yangtze Bridge ) China 8 Humber Bridge 1,410 4,626 1981 Hessle -- Barton - upon - Humber ( Yorkshire and Lincolnshire ) 53 \u00b0 42 \u2032 28.7 '' N 0 \u00b0 27 \u2032 0.3 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 53.707972 \u00b0 N 0.450083 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 53.707972; - 0.450083 \ufeff ( Humber Bridge ) United Kingdom 9 Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge 1,408 4,619 2016 \u0130stanbul ( Bosphorus ) 41 \u00b0 12 \u2032 31 '' N 29 \u00b0 7 \u2032 5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 41.20861 \u00b0 N 29.11806 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 41.20861; 29.11806 \ufeff ( Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge ) Turkey 10 Jiangyin Bridge 1,385 4,544 1999 Jiangyin -- Jingjiang ( Jiangsu ) 31 \u00b0 56 \u2032 43.1 '' N 120 \u00b0 16 \u2032 10 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 31.945306 \u00b0 N 120.26944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 31.945306; 120.26944 \ufeff ( Jiangyin Suspension Bridge ) China 11 Tsing Ma Bridge 1,377 4,518 1997 Tsing Yi -- Ma Wan 22 \u00b0 21 \u2032 4.8 '' N 114 \u00b0 4 \u2032 25.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 22.351333 \u00b0 N 114.073778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 22.351333; 114.073778 \ufeff ( Tsing Ma Bridge ) Hong Kong 12 Hardanger Bridge 1,310 4,298 2013 Ulvik -- Ullensvang ( Hordaland ) 60 \u00b0 28 \u2032 42.9 '' N 6 \u00b0 49 \u2032 47.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 60.478583 \u00b0 N 6.829778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 60.478583; 6.829778 \ufeff ( Hardanger Bridge ) Norway 13 Verrazano - Narrows Bridge 1,298 4,260 1964 New York City ( New York ) 40 \u00b0 36 \u2032 23 '' N 74 \u00b0 2 \u2032 43.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.60639 \u00b0 N 74.045333 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.60639; - 74.045333 \ufeff ( Verrazano - Narrows Bridge ) United States 14 Golden Gate Bridge 1,280 4,200 1937 San Francisco -- Marin County ( California ) 37 \u00b0 49 \u2032 9.5 '' N 122 \u00b0 28 \u2032 43.9 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 37.819306 \u00b0 N 122.478861 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 37.819306; - 122.478861 \ufeff ( Golden Gate Bridge ) United States 15 Yangluo Bridge 1,280 4,200 2007 Wuhan ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 38 \u2032 12.9 '' N 114 \u00b0 33 \u2032 17.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.636917 \u00b0 N 114.554944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.636917; 114.554944 \ufeff ( Yangluo Bridge ) China 16 H\u00f6ga Kusten Bridge 1,210 3,970 1997 Utansj\u00f6 ( V\u00e4sternorrland County ) 62 \u00b0 47 \u2032 53 '' N 17 \u00b0 56 \u2032 15 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 62.79806 \u00b0 N 17.93750 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 62.79806; 17.93750 \ufeff ( H\u00f6ga Kusten Bridge ) Sweden 17 Longjiang River Bridge 1,196 3,924 2016 Wuhexiang ( Yunnan ) 24 \u00b0 50 \u2032 19.7 '' N 98 \u00b0 40 \u2032 19.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 24.838806 \u00b0 N 98.672194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 24.838806; 98.672194 \ufeff ( Longjiang River Bridge ) China 18 Aizhai Bridge 1,176 3,858 2012 Jishou ( Hunan ) 28 \u00b0 19 \u2032 54.1 '' N 109 \u00b0 35 \u2032 53.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 28.331694 \u00b0 N 109.598111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 28.331694; 109.598111 \ufeff ( Aizhai Bridge ) China 19 Mackinac Bridge 1,158 3,800 1957 Mackinaw City -- St. Ignace ( Michigan ) 45 \u00b0 48 \u2032 56 '' N 84 \u00b0 43 \u2032 40.6 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 45.81556 \u00b0 N 84.727944 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 45.81556; - 84.727944 \ufeff ( Mackinac Bridge ) United States External image 20 Ulsan Bridge ( ko ) 1,150 3,773 2015 Ulsan 35 \u00b0 30 \u2032 41 '' N 129 \u00b0 23 \u2032 28 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 35.51139 \u00b0 N 129.39111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 35.51139; 129.39111 \ufeff ( Ulsan Bridge ) South Korea 21 Qingshui River Bridge 1,130 3,707 2015 Kaiyang County, Guizhou 27 \u00b0 1 \u2032 49.5 '' N 107 \u00b0 11 \u2032 21.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 27.030417 \u00b0 N 107.189333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 27.030417; 107.189333 \ufeff ( Qingshui River Bridge ) China 22 Huangpu Bridge 1,108 3,635 2008 Guangzhou ( Guangdong ) 23 \u00b0 4 \u2032 17.1 '' N 113 \u00b0 28 \u2032 33.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 23.071417 \u00b0 N 113.476083 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 23.071417; 113.476083 \ufeff ( Huangpu Bridge ) China 23 Minami Bisan - Seto Bridge 1,100 3,609 Sakaide -- Shiwaku Islands ( Kagawa ) 34 \u00b0 21 \u2032 50 '' N 133 \u00b0 49 \u2032 30.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.36389 \u00b0 N 133.825194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.36389; 133.825194 \ufeff ( Minami Bisan - Seto Bridge ) Japan 24 Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge 1,090 3,576 1988 \u0130stanbul ( Bosphorus ) 41 \u00b0 5 \u2032 28 '' N 29 \u00b0 3 \u2032 40 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 41.09111 \u00b0 N 29.06111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 41.09111; 29.06111 \ufeff ( Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge ) Turkey 25 Baling River Bridge 1,088 3,570 2009 Guanling Buyei and Miao Autonomous County ( Guizhou ) 25 \u00b0 57 \u2032 40 '' N 105 \u00b0 37 \u2032 46 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 25.96111 \u00b0 N 105.62944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 25.96111; 105.62944 \ufeff ( Balinghe Bridge ) China 26 Taizhou Bridge 1,080 ( x2 ) 3,543 ( x2 ) 2012 Taizhou ( Jiangsu ) 32 \u00b0 14 \u2032 47.8 '' N 119 \u00b0 52 \u2032 36.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 32.246611 \u00b0 N 119.876694 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 32.246611; 119.876694 \ufeff ( Taizhou Bridge ) China 27 Ma'anshan Bridge 1,080 ( x2 ) 3,543 ( x2 ) 2013 Ma'anshan ( Anhui ) 31 \u00b0 36 \u2032 36.4 '' N 118 \u00b0 23 \u2032 31.4 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 31.610111 \u00b0 N 118.392056 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 31.610111; 118.392056 \ufeff ( Ma'anshan Bridge ) China 28 Bosphorus Bridge 1,074 3,524 1973 \u0130stanbul ( Bosphorus ) 41 \u00b0 2 \u2032 42 '' N 29 \u00b0 2 \u2032 2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 41.04500 \u00b0 N 29.03389 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 41.04500; 29.03389 \ufeff ( Bosphorus Bridge ) Turkey 29 George Washington Bridge 1,067 3,500 1931 New York City ( New York ) -- Fort Lee ( New Jersey ) 40 \u00b0 51 \u2032 6.2 '' N 73 \u00b0 57 \u2032 9.8 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.851722 \u00b0 N 73.952722 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.851722; - 73.952722 \ufeff ( George Washington Bridge ) United States 30 Third Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge 1,030 3,379 1999 Imabari -- Umashima Island ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 6 \u2032 54.9 '' N 132 \u00b0 59 \u2032 3.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.115250 \u00b0 N 132.984333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.115250; 132.984333 \ufeff ( Third Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridgeo ) Japan 31 Second Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge 1,020 3,346 1999 Umashima Island -- \u014cshima ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 7 \u2032 16 '' N 133 \u00b0 0 \u2032 0.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.12111 \u00b0 N 133.000194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.12111; 133.000194 \ufeff ( Second Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge ) Japan 32 25 de Abril Bridge 1,013 3,323 1966 Lisbon -- Almada ( Lisboa Region ) 38 \u00b0 41 \u2032 23.5 '' N 9 \u00b0 10 \u2032 37.8 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.689861 \u00b0 N 9.177167 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.689861; - 9.177167 \ufeff ( 25 de Abril Bridge ) Portugal 33 Forth Road Bridge 1,006 3,301 1964 South Queensferry -- North Queensferry ( Fife ) 56 \u00b0 0 \u2032 5.4 '' N 3 \u00b0 24 \u2032 15.1 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 56.001500 \u00b0 N 3.404194 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 56.001500; - 3.404194 \ufeff ( Forth Road Bridge ) United Kingdom 34 Kita Bisan - Seto Bridge 990 3,248 1988 Sakaide -- Shiwaku Islands ( Kagawa ) 34 \u00b0 22 \u2032 42.4 '' N 133 \u00b0 49 \u2032 13.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.378444 \u00b0 N 133.820333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.378444; 133.820333 \ufeff ( Kita Bisan - Seto Bridge ) Japan 35 Severn Bridge 988 3,241 1966 Bristol ( South Gloucestershire ) -- Chepstow ( Monmouthshire ) 51 \u00b0 36 \u2032 36.2 '' N 2 \u00b0 38 \u2032 26.4 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 51.610056 \u00b0 N 2.640667 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 51.610056; - 2.640667 \ufeff ( Severn Bridge ) United Kingdom 36 Yichang Bridge 960 3,150 2001 Yichang ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 34 \u2032 10.5 '' N 111 \u00b0 23 \u2032 29.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.569583 \u00b0 N 111.391528 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.569583; 111.391528 \ufeff ( Yichang Bridge ) China 37 Shimotsui - Seto Bridge 940 3,084 1988 Kojima -- Shiwaku Islands ( Okayama ) 34 \u00b0 25 \u2032 52.4 '' N 133 \u00b0 48 \u2032 23.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.431222 \u00b0 N 133.806444 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.431222; 133.806444 \ufeff ( Shimotsui - Seto Bridge ) Japan 38 Xiling Bridge 900 2,953 Sandouping ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 49 \u2032 42.5 '' N 111 \u00b0 2 \u2032 48 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.828472 \u00b0 N 111.04667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.828472; 111.04667 \ufeff ( Xiling Bridge ) China 39 Si Du River Bridge 900 2,953 2009 Yesanguan ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 37 \u2032 16.1 '' N 110 \u00b0 23 \u2032 43.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.621139 \u00b0 N 110.395306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.621139; 110.395306 \ufeff ( Si Du River Bridge ) China 40 Humen Pearl River Bridge 888 2,913 1997 Dongguan ( Guangdong ) 22 \u00b0 47 \u2032 49.5 '' N 113 \u00b0 36 \u2032 57.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 22.797083 \u00b0 N 113.615889 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 22.797083; 113.615889 \ufeff ( Humen Pearl River Bridge ) China 41 \u014cnaruto Bridge 876 2,874 1985 Naruto ( Tokushima ) -- Awaji Island ( Hy\u014dgo ) 34 \u00b0 14 \u2032 19.5 '' N 134 \u00b0 39 \u2032 1.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.238750 \u00b0 N 134.650306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.238750; 134.650306 \ufeff ( \u014cnaruto Bridge ) Japan 42 Lishui River Bridge 856 2,808 2013 Zhangjiajie ( Hunan ) 29 \u00b0 05 \u2032 55 '' N 110 \u00b0 14 \u2032 48 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.09861 \u00b0 N 110.24667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.09861; 110.24667 \ufeff ( Lishui River Bridge ) China 43 Second Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( westbound ) 853 2,799 1950 Tacoma ( Washington ) 47 \u00b0 16 \u2032 5.6 '' N 122 \u00b0 33 \u2032 0.7 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 47.268222 \u00b0 N 122.550194 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 47.268222; - 122.550194 \ufeff ( Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( 1950 ) ) United States 44 Third Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( eastbound ) 853 2,799 2007 Tacoma ( Washington ) 47 \u00b0 16 \u2032 4.4 '' N 122 \u00b0 33 \u2032 2.8 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 47.267889 \u00b0 N 122.550778 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 47.267889; - 122.550778 \ufeff ( Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( 2007 ) ) United States 45 Ask\u00f8y Bridge 850 2,789 1992 Bergen -- Ask\u00f8y ( Hordaland ) 60 \u00b0 23 \u2032 43.6 '' N 5 \u00b0 12 \u2032 54.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 60.395444 \u00b0 N 5.215222 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 60.395444; 5.215222 \ufeff ( Ask\u00f8y Bridge ) Norway 46 Yingwuzhou Bridge 850 ( x2 ) 2,790 ( x2 ) 2014 Wuhan ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 32 \u2032 2.6 '' N 114 \u00b0 16 \u2032 36.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.534056 \u00b0 N 114.276889 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.534056; 114.276889 \ufeff ( Yingwuzhou Bridge ) China 47 Jeokgeum Bridge 850 2,790 2016 Ucheon -- Jeokgeum ( South Jeolla Province ) 34 \u00b0 37 \u2032 43 '' N 127 \u00b0 30 \u2032 15 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.62861 \u00b0 N 127.50417 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.62861; 127.50417 \ufeff ( Jeokgeum Bridge ) South Korea 48 Miaozui Bridge ( zh ) \u5e99 \u5634 \u957f\u6c5f \u5927\u6865 838 2,749 2016 Yichang ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 42 \u2032 56.2 '' N 111 \u00b0 15 \u2032 45.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.715611 \u00b0 N 111.262556 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.715611; 111.262556 \ufeff ( Miaozui Bridge ) China 49 Nanxi Bridge 820 2,690 2012 Nanxi District ( Sichuan ) 28 \u00b0 47 \u2032 1.3 '' N 104 \u00b0 56 \u2032 44.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 28.783694 \u00b0 N 104.945694 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 28.783694; 104.945694 \ufeff ( Nanxi Bridge ) China 50 Qincaobei Bridge 788 2,585 2013 Lidu ( Chongqing ) 29 \u00b0 42 \u2032 51.5 '' N 107 \u00b0 16 \u2032 52.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.714306 \u00b0 N 107.281306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.714306; 107.281306 \ufeff ( Qincaobei Bridge ) China 51 Innoshima Bridge 770 2,526 Innoshima -- Mukaishima ( Hiroshima ) 34 \u00b0 21 \u2032 25.7 '' N 133 \u00b0 10 \u2032 49.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.357139 \u00b0 N 133.180417 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.357139; 133.180417 \ufeff ( Innoshima Bridge ) Japan 52 Akinada Bridge 750 2,461 2000 Kure -- Shimokamagari ( Hiroshima ) 34 \u00b0 12 \u2032 22.4 '' N 132 \u00b0 40 \u2032 45.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.206222 \u00b0 N 132.679389 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.206222; 132.679389 \ufeff ( Akinada Bridge ) Japan 53 Semey Bridge 750 2,461 2000 Semey ( East Kazakhstan Province ) 50 \u00b0 24 \u2032 35 '' N 80 \u00b0 13 \u2032 28 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 50.40972 \u00b0 N 80.22444 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 50.40972; 80.22444 \ufeff ( Semipalatinsk Bridge ) Kazakhstan 54 New Carquinez Bridge 728 2,388 2003 Vallejo -- Crockett ( California ) 38 \u00b0 3 \u2032 39.7 '' N 122 \u00b0 13 \u2032 35.5 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.061028 \u00b0 N 122.226528 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.061028; - 122.226528 \ufeff ( New Carquinez Bridge ) United States 55 Hakuch\u014d Bridge 720 2,362 1998 Muroran ( Hokkaido ) 42 \u00b0 21 \u2032 10.4 '' N 140 \u00b0 57 \u2032 1.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 42.352889 \u00b0 N 140.950333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 42.352889; 140.950333 \ufeff ( Hakucho Bridge ) Japan 56 Angostura Bridge 712 2,336 1967 Ciudad Bol\u00edvar ( Bol\u00edvar ) 8 \u00b0 8 \u2032 39.9 '' N 63 \u00b0 35 \u2032 53.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 8.144417 \u00b0 N 63.598111 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 8.144417; - 63.598111 \ufeff ( Angostura Bridge ) Venezuela 57 Kanmon Bridge 712 2,336 1973 Kitakyushu ( Fukuoka ) -- Shimonoseki ( Yamaguchi ) 33 \u00b0 57 \u2032 42.2 '' N 130 \u00b0 57 \u2032 31.3 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 33.961722 \u00b0 N 130.958694 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 33.961722; 130.958694 \ufeff ( Kanmonkyo Bridge ) Japan 58 San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( east half of west span ) 704 2,310 1936 San Francisco -- Yerba Buena Island ( California ) 37 \u00b0 48 \u2032 12.2 '' N 122 \u00b0 22 \u2032 18.9 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 37.803389 \u00b0 N 122.371917 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 37.803389; - 122.371917 \ufeff ( San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( east half of West span ) ) United States 59 San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( west half of west span ) 704 2,310 1936 San Francisco -- Yerba Buena Island ( California ) 37 \u00b0 47 \u2032 35.4 '' N 122 \u00b0 22 \u2032 59 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 37.793167 \u00b0 N 122.38306 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 37.793167; - 122.38306 \ufeff ( San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( west half of West span ) ) United States 60 Bronx -- Whitestone Bridge 701 2,300 1939 New York City ( New York ) 40 \u00b0 48 \u2032 6.7 '' N 73 \u00b0 49 \u2032 47.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.801861 \u00b0 N 73.829778 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.801861; - 73.829778 \ufeff ( Bronx - Whitestone Bridge ) United States 60 Stord Bridge 677 2,221 2001 Stord -- F\u00f8yno ( Hordaland ) 59 \u00b0 44 \u2032 53 '' N 5 \u00b0 24 \u2032 10.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 59.74806 \u00b0 N 5.402944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 59.74806; 5.402944 \ufeff ( Stord Bridge ) Norway 61 Pierre Laporte Bridge 668 2,192 1970 Quebec City ( Quebec ) 46 \u00b0 44 \u2032 42.8 '' N 71 \u00b0 17 \u2032 25.7 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 46.745222 \u00b0 N 71.290472 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 46.745222; - 71.290472 \ufeff ( Pierre Laporte Bridge ) Canada 62 Delaware Memorial Bridge ( northbound ) 656 2,152 1951 New Castle ( Delaware ) -- Deepwater ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 41 \u2032 20.3 '' N 75 \u00b0 31 \u2032 5 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.688972 \u00b0 N 75.51806 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.688972; - 75.51806 \ufeff ( Delaware Memorial Bridge ( northbound ) ) United States 63 Delaware Memorial Bridge ( southbound ) 656 2,152 1968 New Castle ( Delaware ) -- Deepwater ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 41 \u2032 18.2 '' N 75 \u00b0 31 \u2032 6.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.688389 \u00b0 N 75.518389 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.688389; - 75.518389 \ufeff ( Delaware Memorial Bridge ( southbound ) ) United States 64 Haicang Bridge 648 2,126 1999 Xiamen ( Fujian ) 24 \u00b0 29 \u2032 50.2 '' N 118 \u00b0 4 \u2032 7.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 24.497278 \u00b0 N 118.068667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 24.497278; 118.068667 \ufeff ( Haicang Bridge ) China 65 Beipan River Hukun Expressway Bridge 636 2,087 2009 Qinglong County ( Guizhou ) 25 \u00b0 53 \u2032 58.1 '' N 105 \u00b0 19 \u2032 25 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 25.899472 \u00b0 N 105.32361 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 25.899472; 105.32361 \ufeff ( Beipanjiang River 2009 Bridge ) China 66 Puli Bridge 628 2,060 2015 Pulixiang ( Yunnan ) 26 \u00b0 19 \u2032 20.6 '' N 104 \u00b0 35 \u2032 16 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 26.322389 \u00b0 N 104.58778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 26.322389; 104.58778 \ufeff ( Puli Bridge ) China 67 Gjemnessund Bridge 623 2,044 1992 Gjemnes -- Bergs\u00f8ya ( M\u00f8re og Romsdal ) 62 \u00b0 58 \u2032 17 '' N 7 \u00b0 46 \u2032 47 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 62.97139 \u00b0 N 7.77972 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 62.97139; 7.77972 \ufeff ( Gjemnessund Bridge ) Norway 68 Yuzui Yangtze Bridge 616 2,021 2009 Yuzuizhen ( Chongqing ) 29 \u00b0 36 \u2032 40.7 '' N 106 \u00b0 46 \u2032 21.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.611306 \u00b0 N 106.772556 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.611306; 106.772556 \ufeff ( Yuzui Yangtze Bridge ) China 69 Walt Whitman Bridge 610 2,001 1957 Philadelphia ( Pennsylvania ) -- Gloucester City ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 54 \u2032 18.7 '' N 75 \u00b0 7 \u2032 46.1 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.905194 \u00b0 N 75.129472 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.905194; - 75.129472 \ufeff ( Walt Whitman Bridge ) United States 70 Tancarville Bridge 608 1,995 1959 Tancarville ( Seine - Maritime ) -- Marais - Vernier ( Eure ) 49 \u00b0 28 \u2032 21.6 '' N 0 \u00b0 27 \u2032 52.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 49.472667 \u00b0 N 0.464667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 49.472667; 0.464667 \ufeff ( Tancarville Bridge ) France 71 New Little Belt Bridge 600 1,969 1970 Middelfart -- Fredericia ( Region of Southern Denmark ) 55 \u00b0 31 \u2032 7.1 '' N 9 \u00b0 44 \u2032 56.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 55.518639 \u00b0 N 9.749139 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 55.518639; 9.749139 \ufeff ( New Little Belt Bridge ) Denmark 72 First Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge 600 1,969 1999 Umashima Island -- \u014cshima ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 7 \u2032 32.9 '' N 133 \u00b0 0 \u2032 45.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.125806 \u00b0 N 133.012528 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.125806; 133.012528 \ufeff ( First Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge ) Japan 73 E'gongyan Bridge 600 1,969 2000 Chongqing 29 \u00b0 31 \u2032 23.9 '' N 106 \u00b0 31 \u2032 41.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.523306 \u00b0 N 106.528250 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.523306; 106.528250 \ufeff ( E'gongyan Bridge ) China 74 Jijiang Yangtze Bridge 600 1,969 2016 Chongqing China 75 Oster\u00f8y Bridge 595 1,952 1997 Bergen -- Oster\u00f8y ( Hordaland ) 60 \u00b0 25 \u2032 33.4 '' N 5 \u00b0 32 \u2032 9.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 60.425944 \u00b0 N 5.535972 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 60.425944; 5.535972 \ufeff ( Oster\u00f8y Bridge ) Norway 76 Second Wanxian Bridge 580 1,903 2003 Wanzhou District ( Chongqing ) 30 \u00b0 49 \u2032 33.2 '' N 108 \u00b0 24 \u2032 17.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.825889 \u00b0 N 108.404778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.825889; 108.404778 \ufeff ( Second Wanxian Bridge ) China 77 B\u00f8mla Bridge 577 1,893 2001 Naut\u00f8y -- Spiss\u00f8y ( Hordaland ) 59 \u00b0 44 \u2032 13.5 '' N 5 \u00b0 22 \u2032 37.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 59.737083 \u00b0 N 5.377000 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 59.737083; 5.377000 \ufeff ( B\u00f8mla Bridge ) Norway 78 Rainbow Bridge 570 1,870 Tokyo 35 \u00b0 38 \u2032 11.6 '' N 139 \u00b0 45 \u2032 47.4 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 35.636556 \u00b0 N 139.763167 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 35.636556; 139.763167 \ufeff ( Rainbow Bridge ( Tokyo ) ) Japan 79 Ambassador Bridge 564 1,850 1929 Detroit ( Michigan ) -- Windsor ( Ontario ) 42 \u00b0 18 \u2032 43.2 '' N 83 \u00b0 4 \u2032 27.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 42.312000 \u00b0 N 83.074222 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 42.312000; - 83.074222 \ufeff ( Ambassador Bridge ) United States Canada 80 Hakata -- \u014cshima Bridge 560 1,837 1988 \u014cshima -- Hakatajima ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 11 \u2032 32.2 '' N 133 \u00b0 4 \u2032 20.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.192278 \u00b0 N 133.072278 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.192278; 133.072278 \ufeff ( Hakata - \u014cshima Bridge ) Japan 81 Zhongxian Yangtze River Bridge 560 1,837 2001 Zhong County ( Chongqing ) 30 \u00b0 18 \u2032 6.6 '' N 108 \u00b0 2 \u2032 56.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.301833 \u00b0 N 108.049111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.301833; 108.049111 \ufeff ( Zhongxian Yangtze River Bridge ) China 82 Throgs Neck Bridge 549 1,801 1961 New York City ( New York ) 40 \u00b0 48 \u2032 0.9 '' N 73 \u00b0 47 \u2032 36 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.800250 \u00b0 N 73.79333 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.800250; - 73.79333 \ufeff ( Throgs Neck Bridge ) United States 83 Toyoshima Bridge 540 1,772 2008 Teshima Island -- Kami - Kamagari Island ( Hiroshima ) 34 \u00b0 10 \u2032 35.1 '' N 132 \u00b0 46 \u2032 6.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.176417 \u00b0 N 132.768583 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.176417; 132.768583 \ufeff ( Toyoshima Bridge ) Japan 84 Dimuhe River Bridge 538 1,765 2016 Liupanshui ( Guizhou ) 26 \u00b0 39 \u2032 15 '' N 105 \u00b0 4 \u2032 14.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 26.65417 \u00b0 N 105.070778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 26.65417; 105.070778 \ufeff ( Dimuhe River Bridge ) China 85 Liujiaxia Bridge 536 1,759 2012 Liujiaxiazhen ( Gansu ) 35 \u00b0 50 \u2032 42.47 '' N 103 \u00b0 15 \u2032 56.83 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 35.8451306 \u00b0 N 103.2657861 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 35.8451306; 103.2657861 \ufeff ( Liujiaxia Bridge ) China 86 Benjamin Franklin Bridge 533.7 1,751 1926 Philadelphia ( Pennsylvania ) -- Camden ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 57 \u2032 10.5 '' N 75 \u00b0 8 \u2032 3.3 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.952917 \u00b0 N 75.134250 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.952917; - 75.134250 \ufeff ( Benjamin Franklin Bridge ) United States 87 Skjomen Bridge 525 1,722 1972 Narvik ( Nordland ) 68 \u00b0 22 \u2032 15.4 '' N 17 \u00b0 14 \u2032 27.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 68.370944 \u00b0 N 17.240972 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 68.370944; 17.240972 \ufeff ( Skjomen Bridge ) Norway 88 Kvalsund Bridge 525 1,722 1977 Kvalsund ( Finnmark ) 70 \u00b0 30 \u2032 45.3 '' N 23 \u00b0 57 \u2032 5.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 70.512583 \u00b0 N 23.951556 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 70.512583; 23.951556 \ufeff ( Kvalsund Bridge ) Norway 89 Dalsfjord Bridge ( no ) 523 1,716 2013 Dale -- Askvoll ( Sogn og Fjordane ) 61 \u00b0 22 \u2032 26.4 '' N 5 \u00b0 23 \u2032 47 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 61.374000 \u00b0 N 5.39639 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 61.374000; 5.39639 \ufeff ( Dalsfjorden Bridge ) Norway 90 Matadi Bridge 520 1,706 Matadi ( Bas - Congo ) 5 \u00b0 49 \u2032 31.4 '' S 13 \u00b0 26 \u2032 3.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 5.825389 \u00b0 S 13.434194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / - 5.825389; 13.434194 \ufeff ( Matadi Bridge ) Democratic Republic of the Congo 91 Emmerich Rhine Bridge 500 1,640 1965 Emmerich am Rhein ( North Rhine - Westphalia ) 51 \u00b0 49 \u2032 44.8 '' N 6 \u00b0 13 \u2032 35 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 51.829111 \u00b0 N 6.22639 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 51.829111; 6.22639 \ufeff ( Emmerich Rhine Bridge ) Germany 92 Dazi Bridge 500 1,640 1984 Dazi ( Tibet ) 29 \u00b0 40 \u2032 45.84 '' N 91 \u00b0 22 \u2032 32.16 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.6794000 \u00b0 N 91.3756000 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.6794000; 91.3756000 \ufeff ( Dazi Bridge ) China 93 Gwangan Bridge 500 1,640 2002 Busan 35 \u00b0 8 \u2032 44.8 '' N 129 \u00b0 7 \u2032 41.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 35.145778 \u00b0 N 129.128278 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 35.145778; 129.128278 \ufeff ( Gwangan Bridge ) South Korea", "short_answer": "Verrazano - Narrows Bridge" } }, { "question": "where is the longest suspension bridge in the united states located", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_longest_suspension_bridge_spans&oldid=807546052", "q_uid": 1090236108248123559, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Name Main span metres Main span feet Year opened Location Country Akashi Kaiky\u014d Bridge 1,991 6,532 1998 Kobe ( Hy\u014dgo ) 34 \u00b0 37 \u2032 1.3 '' N 135 \u00b0 1 \u2032 18.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.617028 \u00b0 N 135.021917 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.617028; 135.021917 \ufeff ( Akashi Kaiky\u014d Bridge ) Japan Xihoumen Bridge 1,650 5,413 2009 Zhoushan ( Zhejiang ) 30 \u00b0 3 \u2032 42.4 '' N 121 \u00b0 54 \u2032 57.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.061778 \u00b0 N 121.916000 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.061778; 121.916000 \ufeff ( Xihoumen Bridge ) China Great Belt Bridge 1,624 5,328 1998 Kors\u00f8r -- Sprog\u00f8 ( Region Zealand ) 55 \u00b0 20 \u2032 31 '' N 11 \u00b0 2 \u2032 9.3 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 55.34194 \u00b0 N 11.035917 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 55.34194; 11.035917 \ufeff ( Great Belt Bridge ) Denmark Osman Gazi Bridge 1,550 5,090 2016 Dilovas\u0131 -- Alt\u0131nova ( Gulf of \u0130zmit ) 40 \u00b0 45 \u2032 15 '' N 29 \u00b0 30 \u2032 55 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 40.75417 \u00b0 N 29.51528 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 40.75417; 29.51528 \ufeff ( \u0130zmit Bay Bridge ) Turkey 5 Yi Sun - sin Bridge 1,545 5,069 2012 Gwangyang -- Yeosu ( South Jeolla Province ) 34 \u00b0 54 \u2032 21.4 '' N 127 \u00b0 42 \u2032 18.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.905944 \u00b0 N 127.705028 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.905944; 127.705028 \ufeff ( Yi Sun - sin Bridge ) South Korea 6 Runyang Bridge 1,490 4,888 2005 Yangzhou -- Zhenjiang ( Jiangsu ) 32 \u00b0 12 \u2032 24.6 '' N 119 \u00b0 21 \u2032 49.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 32.206833 \u00b0 N 119.363861 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 32.206833; 119.363861 \ufeff ( Runyang Bridge ) China 7 Nanjing Fourth Yangtze Bridge 1,418 4,652 2012 Nanjing ( Jiangsu ) 32 \u00b0 10 \u2032 39.9 '' N 118 \u00b0 56 \u2032 24.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 32.177750 \u00b0 N 118.940139 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 32.177750; 118.940139 \ufeff ( Nanjing Fourth Yangtze Bridge ) China 8 Humber Bridge 1,410 4,626 1981 Hessle -- Barton - upon - Humber ( Yorkshire and Lincolnshire ) 53 \u00b0 42 \u2032 28.7 '' N 0 \u00b0 27 \u2032 0.3 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 53.707972 \u00b0 N 0.450083 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 53.707972; - 0.450083 \ufeff ( Humber Bridge ) United Kingdom 9 Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge 1,408 4,619 2016 \u0130stanbul ( Bosphorus ) 41 \u00b0 12 \u2032 31 '' N 29 \u00b0 7 \u2032 5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 41.20861 \u00b0 N 29.11806 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 41.20861; 29.11806 \ufeff ( Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge ) Turkey 10 Jiangyin Bridge 1,385 4,544 1999 Jiangyin -- Jingjiang ( Jiangsu ) 31 \u00b0 56 \u2032 43.1 '' N 120 \u00b0 16 \u2032 10 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 31.945306 \u00b0 N 120.26944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 31.945306; 120.26944 \ufeff ( Jiangyin Suspension Bridge ) China 11 Tsing Ma Bridge 1,377 4,518 1997 Tsing Yi -- Ma Wan 22 \u00b0 21 \u2032 4.8 '' N 114 \u00b0 4 \u2032 25.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 22.351333 \u00b0 N 114.073778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 22.351333; 114.073778 \ufeff ( Tsing Ma Bridge ) Hong Kong 12 Hardanger Bridge 1,310 4,298 2013 Ulvik -- Ullensvang ( Hordaland ) 60 \u00b0 28 \u2032 42.9 '' N 6 \u00b0 49 \u2032 47.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 60.478583 \u00b0 N 6.829778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 60.478583; 6.829778 \ufeff ( Hardanger Bridge ) Norway 13 Verrazano - Narrows Bridge 1,298 4,260 1964 New York City ( New York ) 40 \u00b0 36 \u2032 23 '' N 74 \u00b0 2 \u2032 43.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.60639 \u00b0 N 74.045333 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.60639; - 74.045333 \ufeff ( Verrazano - Narrows Bridge ) United States 14 Golden Gate Bridge 1,280 4,200 1937 San Francisco -- Marin County ( California ) 37 \u00b0 49 \u2032 9.5 '' N 122 \u00b0 28 \u2032 43.9 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 37.819306 \u00b0 N 122.478861 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 37.819306; - 122.478861 \ufeff ( Golden Gate Bridge ) United States 15 Yangluo Bridge 1,280 4,200 2007 Wuhan ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 38 \u2032 12.9 '' N 114 \u00b0 33 \u2032 17.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.636917 \u00b0 N 114.554944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.636917; 114.554944 \ufeff ( Yangluo Bridge ) China 16 H\u00f6ga Kusten Bridge 1,210 3,970 1997 Utansj\u00f6 ( V\u00e4sternorrland County ) 62 \u00b0 47 \u2032 53 '' N 17 \u00b0 56 \u2032 15 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 62.79806 \u00b0 N 17.93750 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 62.79806; 17.93750 \ufeff ( H\u00f6ga Kusten Bridge ) Sweden 17 Longjiang River Bridge 1,196 3,924 2016 Wuhexiang ( Yunnan ) 24 \u00b0 50 \u2032 19.7 '' N 98 \u00b0 40 \u2032 19.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 24.838806 \u00b0 N 98.672194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 24.838806; 98.672194 \ufeff ( Longjiang River Bridge ) China 18 Aizhai Bridge 1,176 3,858 2012 Jishou ( Hunan ) 28 \u00b0 19 \u2032 54.1 '' N 109 \u00b0 35 \u2032 53.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 28.331694 \u00b0 N 109.598111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 28.331694; 109.598111 \ufeff ( Aizhai Bridge ) China 19 Mackinac Bridge 1,158 3,800 1957 Mackinaw City -- St. Ignace ( Michigan ) 45 \u00b0 48 \u2032 56 '' N 84 \u00b0 43 \u2032 40.6 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 45.81556 \u00b0 N 84.727944 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 45.81556; - 84.727944 \ufeff ( Mackinac Bridge ) United States External image 20 Ulsan Bridge ( ko ) 1,150 3,773 2015 Ulsan 35 \u00b0 30 \u2032 41 '' N 129 \u00b0 23 \u2032 28 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 35.51139 \u00b0 N 129.39111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 35.51139; 129.39111 \ufeff ( Ulsan Bridge ) South Korea 21 Qingshui River Bridge 1,130 3,707 2015 Kaiyang County, Guizhou 27 \u00b0 1 \u2032 49.5 '' N 107 \u00b0 11 \u2032 21.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 27.030417 \u00b0 N 107.189333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 27.030417; 107.189333 \ufeff ( Qingshui River Bridge ) China 22 Huangpu Bridge 1,108 3,635 2008 Guangzhou ( Guangdong ) 23 \u00b0 4 \u2032 17.1 '' N 113 \u00b0 28 \u2032 33.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 23.071417 \u00b0 N 113.476083 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 23.071417; 113.476083 \ufeff ( Huangpu Bridge ) China 23 Minami Bisan - Seto Bridge 1,100 3,609 Sakaide -- Shiwaku Islands ( Kagawa ) 34 \u00b0 21 \u2032 50 '' N 133 \u00b0 49 \u2032 30.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.36389 \u00b0 N 133.825194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.36389; 133.825194 \ufeff ( Minami Bisan - Seto Bridge ) Japan 24 Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge 1,090 3,576 1988 \u0130stanbul ( Bosphorus ) 41 \u00b0 5 \u2032 28 '' N 29 \u00b0 3 \u2032 40 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 41.09111 \u00b0 N 29.06111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 41.09111; 29.06111 \ufeff ( Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge ) Turkey 25 Baling River Bridge 1,088 3,570 2009 Guanling Buyei and Miao Autonomous County ( Guizhou ) 25 \u00b0 57 \u2032 40 '' N 105 \u00b0 37 \u2032 46 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 25.96111 \u00b0 N 105.62944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 25.96111; 105.62944 \ufeff ( Balinghe Bridge ) China 26 Taizhou Bridge 1,080 ( x2 ) 3,543 ( x2 ) 2012 Taizhou ( Jiangsu ) 32 \u00b0 14 \u2032 47.8 '' N 119 \u00b0 52 \u2032 36.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 32.246611 \u00b0 N 119.876694 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 32.246611; 119.876694 \ufeff ( Taizhou Bridge ) China 27 Ma'anshan Bridge 1,080 ( x2 ) 3,543 ( x2 ) 2013 Ma'anshan ( Anhui ) 31 \u00b0 36 \u2032 36.4 '' N 118 \u00b0 23 \u2032 31.4 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 31.610111 \u00b0 N 118.392056 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 31.610111; 118.392056 \ufeff ( Ma'anshan Bridge ) China 28 Bosphorus Bridge 1,074 3,524 1973 \u0130stanbul ( Bosphorus ) 41 \u00b0 2 \u2032 42 '' N 29 \u00b0 2 \u2032 2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 41.04500 \u00b0 N 29.03389 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 41.04500; 29.03389 \ufeff ( Bosphorus Bridge ) Turkey 29 George Washington Bridge 1,067 3,500 1931 New York City ( New York ) -- Fort Lee ( New Jersey ) 40 \u00b0 51 \u2032 6.2 '' N 73 \u00b0 57 \u2032 9.8 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.851722 \u00b0 N 73.952722 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.851722; - 73.952722 \ufeff ( George Washington Bridge ) United States 30 Third Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge 1,030 3,379 1999 Imabari -- Umashima Island ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 6 \u2032 54.9 '' N 132 \u00b0 59 \u2032 3.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.115250 \u00b0 N 132.984333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.115250; 132.984333 \ufeff ( Third Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridgeo ) Japan 31 Second Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge 1,020 3,346 1999 Umashima Island -- \u014cshima ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 7 \u2032 16 '' N 133 \u00b0 0 \u2032 0.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.12111 \u00b0 N 133.000194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.12111; 133.000194 \ufeff ( Second Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge ) Japan 32 25 de Abril Bridge 1,013 3,323 1966 Lisbon -- Almada ( Lisboa Region ) 38 \u00b0 41 \u2032 23.5 '' N 9 \u00b0 10 \u2032 37.8 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.689861 \u00b0 N 9.177167 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.689861; - 9.177167 \ufeff ( 25 de Abril Bridge ) Portugal 33 Forth Road Bridge 1,006 3,301 1964 South Queensferry -- North Queensferry ( Fife ) 56 \u00b0 0 \u2032 5.4 '' N 3 \u00b0 24 \u2032 15.1 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 56.001500 \u00b0 N 3.404194 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 56.001500; - 3.404194 \ufeff ( Forth Road Bridge ) United Kingdom 34 Kita Bisan - Seto Bridge 990 3,248 1988 Sakaide -- Shiwaku Islands ( Kagawa ) 34 \u00b0 22 \u2032 42.4 '' N 133 \u00b0 49 \u2032 13.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.378444 \u00b0 N 133.820333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.378444; 133.820333 \ufeff ( Kita Bisan - Seto Bridge ) Japan 35 Severn Bridge 988 3,241 1966 Bristol ( South Gloucestershire ) -- Chepstow ( Monmouthshire ) 51 \u00b0 36 \u2032 36.2 '' N 2 \u00b0 38 \u2032 26.4 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 51.610056 \u00b0 N 2.640667 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 51.610056; - 2.640667 \ufeff ( Severn Bridge ) United Kingdom 36 Yichang Bridge 960 3,150 2001 Yichang ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 34 \u2032 10.5 '' N 111 \u00b0 23 \u2032 29.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.569583 \u00b0 N 111.391528 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.569583; 111.391528 \ufeff ( Yichang Bridge ) China 37 Shimotsui - Seto Bridge 940 3,084 1988 Kojima -- Shiwaku Islands ( Okayama ) 34 \u00b0 25 \u2032 52.4 '' N 133 \u00b0 48 \u2032 23.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.431222 \u00b0 N 133.806444 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.431222; 133.806444 \ufeff ( Shimotsui - Seto Bridge ) Japan 38 Xiling Bridge 900 2,953 Sandouping ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 49 \u2032 42.5 '' N 111 \u00b0 2 \u2032 48 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.828472 \u00b0 N 111.04667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.828472; 111.04667 \ufeff ( Xiling Bridge ) China 39 Si Du River Bridge 900 2,953 2009 Yesanguan ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 37 \u2032 16.1 '' N 110 \u00b0 23 \u2032 43.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.621139 \u00b0 N 110.395306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.621139; 110.395306 \ufeff ( Si Du River Bridge ) China 40 Humen Pearl River Bridge 888 2,913 1997 Dongguan ( Guangdong ) 22 \u00b0 47 \u2032 49.5 '' N 113 \u00b0 36 \u2032 57.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 22.797083 \u00b0 N 113.615889 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 22.797083; 113.615889 \ufeff ( Humen Pearl River Bridge ) China 41 \u014cnaruto Bridge 876 2,874 1985 Naruto ( Tokushima ) -- Awaji Island ( Hy\u014dgo ) 34 \u00b0 14 \u2032 19.5 '' N 134 \u00b0 39 \u2032 1.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.238750 \u00b0 N 134.650306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.238750; 134.650306 \ufeff ( \u014cnaruto Bridge ) Japan 42 Lishui River Bridge 856 2,808 2013 Zhangjiajie ( Hunan ) 29 \u00b0 05 \u2032 55 '' N 110 \u00b0 14 \u2032 48 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.09861 \u00b0 N 110.24667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.09861; 110.24667 \ufeff ( Lishui River Bridge ) China 43 Second Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( westbound ) 853 2,799 1950 Tacoma ( Washington ) 47 \u00b0 16 \u2032 5.6 '' N 122 \u00b0 33 \u2032 0.7 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 47.268222 \u00b0 N 122.550194 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 47.268222; - 122.550194 \ufeff ( Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( 1950 ) ) United States 44 Third Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( eastbound ) 853 2,799 2007 Tacoma ( Washington ) 47 \u00b0 16 \u2032 4.4 '' N 122 \u00b0 33 \u2032 2.8 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 47.267889 \u00b0 N 122.550778 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 47.267889; - 122.550778 \ufeff ( Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( 2007 ) ) United States 45 Ask\u00f8y Bridge 850 2,789 1992 Bergen -- Ask\u00f8y ( Hordaland ) 60 \u00b0 23 \u2032 43.6 '' N 5 \u00b0 12 \u2032 54.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 60.395444 \u00b0 N 5.215222 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 60.395444; 5.215222 \ufeff ( Ask\u00f8y Bridge ) Norway 46 Yingwuzhou Bridge 850 ( x2 ) 2,790 ( x2 ) 2014 Wuhan ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 32 \u2032 2.6 '' N 114 \u00b0 16 \u2032 36.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.534056 \u00b0 N 114.276889 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.534056; 114.276889 \ufeff ( Yingwuzhou Bridge ) China 47 Jeokgeum Bridge 850 2,790 2016 Ucheon -- Jeokgeum ( South Jeolla Province ) 34 \u00b0 37 \u2032 43 '' N 127 \u00b0 30 \u2032 15 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.62861 \u00b0 N 127.50417 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.62861; 127.50417 \ufeff ( Jeokgeum Bridge ) South Korea 48 Miaozui Bridge ( zh ) \u5e99 \u5634 \u957f\u6c5f \u5927\u6865 838 2,749 2016 Yichang ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 42 \u2032 56.2 '' N 111 \u00b0 15 \u2032 45.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.715611 \u00b0 N 111.262556 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.715611; 111.262556 \ufeff ( Miaozui Bridge ) China 49 Nanxi Bridge 820 2,690 2012 Nanxi District ( Sichuan ) 28 \u00b0 47 \u2032 1.3 '' N 104 \u00b0 56 \u2032 44.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 28.783694 \u00b0 N 104.945694 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 28.783694; 104.945694 \ufeff ( Nanxi Bridge ) China 50 Qincaobei Bridge 788 2,585 2013 Lidu ( Chongqing ) 29 \u00b0 42 \u2032 51.5 '' N 107 \u00b0 16 \u2032 52.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.714306 \u00b0 N 107.281306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.714306; 107.281306 \ufeff ( Qincaobei Bridge ) China 51 Innoshima Bridge 770 2,526 Innoshima -- Mukaishima ( Hiroshima ) 34 \u00b0 21 \u2032 25.7 '' N 133 \u00b0 10 \u2032 49.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.357139 \u00b0 N 133.180417 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.357139; 133.180417 \ufeff ( Innoshima Bridge ) Japan 52 Akinada Bridge 750 2,461 2000 Kure -- Shimokamagari ( Hiroshima ) 34 \u00b0 12 \u2032 22.4 '' N 132 \u00b0 40 \u2032 45.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.206222 \u00b0 N 132.679389 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.206222; 132.679389 \ufeff ( Akinada Bridge ) Japan 53 Semey Bridge 750 2,461 2000 Semey ( East Kazakhstan Province ) 50 \u00b0 24 \u2032 35 '' N 80 \u00b0 13 \u2032 28 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 50.40972 \u00b0 N 80.22444 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 50.40972; 80.22444 \ufeff ( Semipalatinsk Bridge ) Kazakhstan 54 New Carquinez Bridge 728 2,388 2003 Vallejo -- Crockett ( California ) 38 \u00b0 3 \u2032 39.7 '' N 122 \u00b0 13 \u2032 35.5 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.061028 \u00b0 N 122.226528 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.061028; - 122.226528 \ufeff ( New Carquinez Bridge ) United States 55 Hakuch\u014d Bridge 720 2,362 1998 Muroran ( Hokkaido ) 42 \u00b0 21 \u2032 10.4 '' N 140 \u00b0 57 \u2032 1.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 42.352889 \u00b0 N 140.950333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 42.352889; 140.950333 \ufeff ( Hakucho Bridge ) Japan 56 Angostura Bridge 712 2,336 1967 Ciudad Bol\u00edvar ( Bol\u00edvar ) 8 \u00b0 8 \u2032 39.9 '' N 63 \u00b0 35 \u2032 53.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 8.144417 \u00b0 N 63.598111 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 8.144417; - 63.598111 \ufeff ( Angostura Bridge ) Venezuela 57 Kanmon Bridge 712 2,336 1973 Kitakyushu ( Fukuoka ) -- Shimonoseki ( Yamaguchi ) 33 \u00b0 57 \u2032 42.2 '' N 130 \u00b0 57 \u2032 31.3 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 33.961722 \u00b0 N 130.958694 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 33.961722; 130.958694 \ufeff ( Kanmonkyo Bridge ) Japan 58 San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( east half of west span ) 704 2,310 1936 San Francisco -- Yerba Buena Island ( California ) 37 \u00b0 48 \u2032 12.2 '' N 122 \u00b0 22 \u2032 18.9 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 37.803389 \u00b0 N 122.371917 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 37.803389; - 122.371917 \ufeff ( San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( east half of West span ) ) United States 59 San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( west half of west span ) 704 2,310 1936 San Francisco -- Yerba Buena Island ( California ) 37 \u00b0 47 \u2032 35.4 '' N 122 \u00b0 22 \u2032 59 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 37.793167 \u00b0 N 122.38306 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 37.793167; - 122.38306 \ufeff ( San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( west half of West span ) ) United States 60 Bronx -- Whitestone Bridge 701 2,300 1939 New York City ( New York ) 40 \u00b0 48 \u2032 6.7 '' N 73 \u00b0 49 \u2032 47.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.801861 \u00b0 N 73.829778 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.801861; - 73.829778 \ufeff ( Bronx - Whitestone Bridge ) United States 60 Stord Bridge 677 2,221 2001 Stord -- F\u00f8yno ( Hordaland ) 59 \u00b0 44 \u2032 53 '' N 5 \u00b0 24 \u2032 10.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 59.74806 \u00b0 N 5.402944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 59.74806; 5.402944 \ufeff ( Stord Bridge ) Norway 61 Pierre Laporte Bridge 668 2,192 1970 Quebec City ( Quebec ) 46 \u00b0 44 \u2032 42.8 '' N 71 \u00b0 17 \u2032 25.7 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 46.745222 \u00b0 N 71.290472 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 46.745222; - 71.290472 \ufeff ( Pierre Laporte Bridge ) Canada 62 Delaware Memorial Bridge ( northbound ) 656 2,152 1951 New Castle ( Delaware ) -- Deepwater ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 41 \u2032 20.3 '' N 75 \u00b0 31 \u2032 5 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.688972 \u00b0 N 75.51806 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.688972; - 75.51806 \ufeff ( Delaware Memorial Bridge ( northbound ) ) United States 63 Delaware Memorial Bridge ( southbound ) 656 2,152 1968 New Castle ( Delaware ) -- Deepwater ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 41 \u2032 18.2 '' N 75 \u00b0 31 \u2032 6.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.688389 \u00b0 N 75.518389 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.688389; - 75.518389 \ufeff ( Delaware Memorial Bridge ( southbound ) ) United States 64 Haicang Bridge 648 2,126 1999 Xiamen ( Fujian ) 24 \u00b0 29 \u2032 50.2 '' N 118 \u00b0 4 \u2032 7.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 24.497278 \u00b0 N 118.068667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 24.497278; 118.068667 \ufeff ( Haicang Bridge ) China 65 Beipan River Hukun Expressway Bridge 636 2,087 2009 Qinglong County ( Guizhou ) 25 \u00b0 53 \u2032 58.1 '' N 105 \u00b0 19 \u2032 25 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 25.899472 \u00b0 N 105.32361 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 25.899472; 105.32361 \ufeff ( Beipanjiang River 2009 Bridge ) China 66 Puli Bridge 628 2,060 2015 Pulixiang ( Yunnan ) 26 \u00b0 19 \u2032 20.6 '' N 104 \u00b0 35 \u2032 16 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 26.322389 \u00b0 N 104.58778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 26.322389; 104.58778 \ufeff ( Puli Bridge ) China 67 Gjemnessund Bridge 623 2,044 1992 Gjemnes -- Bergs\u00f8ya ( M\u00f8re og Romsdal ) 62 \u00b0 58 \u2032 17 '' N 7 \u00b0 46 \u2032 47 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 62.97139 \u00b0 N 7.77972 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 62.97139; 7.77972 \ufeff ( Gjemnessund Bridge ) Norway 68 Yuzui Yangtze Bridge 616 2,021 2009 Yuzuizhen ( Chongqing ) 29 \u00b0 36 \u2032 40.7 '' N 106 \u00b0 46 \u2032 21.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.611306 \u00b0 N 106.772556 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.611306; 106.772556 \ufeff ( Yuzui Yangtze Bridge ) China 69 Walt Whitman Bridge 610 2,001 1957 Philadelphia ( Pennsylvania ) -- Gloucester City ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 54 \u2032 18.7 '' N 75 \u00b0 7 \u2032 46.1 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.905194 \u00b0 N 75.129472 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.905194; - 75.129472 \ufeff ( Walt Whitman Bridge ) United States 70 Tancarville Bridge 608 1,995 1959 Tancarville ( Seine - Maritime ) -- Marais - Vernier ( Eure ) 49 \u00b0 28 \u2032 21.6 '' N 0 \u00b0 27 \u2032 52.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 49.472667 \u00b0 N 0.464667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 49.472667; 0.464667 \ufeff ( Tancarville Bridge ) France 71 New Little Belt Bridge 600 1,969 1970 Middelfart -- Fredericia ( Region of Southern Denmark ) 55 \u00b0 31 \u2032 7.1 '' N 9 \u00b0 44 \u2032 56.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 55.518639 \u00b0 N 9.749139 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 55.518639; 9.749139 \ufeff ( New Little Belt Bridge ) Denmark 72 First Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge 600 1,969 1999 Umashima Island -- \u014cshima ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 7 \u2032 32.9 '' N 133 \u00b0 0 \u2032 45.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.125806 \u00b0 N 133.012528 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.125806; 133.012528 \ufeff ( First Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge ) Japan 73 E'gongyan Bridge 600 1,969 2000 Chongqing 29 \u00b0 31 \u2032 23.9 '' N 106 \u00b0 31 \u2032 41.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.523306 \u00b0 N 106.528250 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.523306; 106.528250 \ufeff ( E'gongyan Bridge ) China 74 Jijiang Yangtze Bridge 600 1,969 2016 Chongqing China 75 Oster\u00f8y Bridge 595 1,952 1997 Bergen -- Oster\u00f8y ( Hordaland ) 60 \u00b0 25 \u2032 33.4 '' N 5 \u00b0 32 \u2032 9.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 60.425944 \u00b0 N 5.535972 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 60.425944; 5.535972 \ufeff ( Oster\u00f8y Bridge ) Norway 76 Second Wanxian Bridge 580 1,903 2003 Wanzhou District ( Chongqing ) 30 \u00b0 49 \u2032 33.2 '' N 108 \u00b0 24 \u2032 17.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.825889 \u00b0 N 108.404778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.825889; 108.404778 \ufeff ( Second Wanxian Bridge ) China 77 B\u00f8mla Bridge 577 1,893 2001 Naut\u00f8y -- Spiss\u00f8y ( Hordaland ) 59 \u00b0 44 \u2032 13.5 '' N 5 \u00b0 22 \u2032 37.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 59.737083 \u00b0 N 5.377000 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 59.737083; 5.377000 \ufeff ( B\u00f8mla Bridge ) Norway 78 Rainbow Bridge 570 1,870 Tokyo 35 \u00b0 38 \u2032 11.6 '' N 139 \u00b0 45 \u2032 47.4 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 35.636556 \u00b0 N 139.763167 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 35.636556; 139.763167 \ufeff ( Rainbow Bridge ( Tokyo ) ) Japan 79 Ambassador Bridge 564 1,850 1929 Detroit ( Michigan ) -- Windsor ( Ontario ) 42 \u00b0 18 \u2032 43.2 '' N 83 \u00b0 4 \u2032 27.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 42.312000 \u00b0 N 83.074222 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 42.312000; - 83.074222 \ufeff ( Ambassador Bridge ) United States Canada 80 Hakata -- \u014cshima Bridge 560 1,837 1988 \u014cshima -- Hakatajima ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 11 \u2032 32.2 '' N 133 \u00b0 4 \u2032 20.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.192278 \u00b0 N 133.072278 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.192278; 133.072278 \ufeff ( Hakata - \u014cshima Bridge ) Japan 81 Zhongxian Yangtze River Bridge 560 1,837 2001 Zhong County ( Chongqing ) 30 \u00b0 18 \u2032 6.6 '' N 108 \u00b0 2 \u2032 56.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.301833 \u00b0 N 108.049111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.301833; 108.049111 \ufeff ( Zhongxian Yangtze River Bridge ) China 82 Throgs Neck Bridge 549 1,801 1961 New York City ( New York ) 40 \u00b0 48 \u2032 0.9 '' N 73 \u00b0 47 \u2032 36 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.800250 \u00b0 N 73.79333 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.800250; - 73.79333 \ufeff ( Throgs Neck Bridge ) United States 83 Toyoshima Bridge 540 1,772 2008 Teshima Island -- Kami - Kamagari Island ( Hiroshima ) 34 \u00b0 10 \u2032 35.1 '' N 132 \u00b0 46 \u2032 6.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.176417 \u00b0 N 132.768583 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.176417; 132.768583 \ufeff ( Toyoshima Bridge ) Japan 84 Dimuhe River Bridge 538 1,765 2016 Liupanshui ( Guizhou ) 26 \u00b0 39 \u2032 15 '' N 105 \u00b0 4 \u2032 14.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 26.65417 \u00b0 N 105.070778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 26.65417; 105.070778 \ufeff ( Dimuhe River Bridge ) China 85 Liujiaxia Bridge 536 1,759 2012 Liujiaxiazhen ( Gansu ) 35 \u00b0 50 \u2032 42.47 '' N 103 \u00b0 15 \u2032 56.83 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 35.8451306 \u00b0 N 103.2657861 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 35.8451306; 103.2657861 \ufeff ( Liujiaxia Bridge ) China 86 Benjamin Franklin Bridge 533.7 1,751 1926 Philadelphia ( Pennsylvania ) -- Camden ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 57 \u2032 10.5 '' N 75 \u00b0 8 \u2032 3.3 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.952917 \u00b0 N 75.134250 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.952917; - 75.134250 \ufeff ( Benjamin Franklin Bridge ) United States 87 Skjomen Bridge 525 1,722 1972 Narvik ( Nordland ) 68 \u00b0 22 \u2032 15.4 '' N 17 \u00b0 14 \u2032 27.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 68.370944 \u00b0 N 17.240972 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 68.370944; 17.240972 \ufeff ( Skjomen Bridge ) Norway 88 Kvalsund Bridge 525 1,722 1977 Kvalsund ( Finnmark ) 70 \u00b0 30 \u2032 45.3 '' N 23 \u00b0 57 \u2032 5.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 70.512583 \u00b0 N 23.951556 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 70.512583; 23.951556 \ufeff ( Kvalsund Bridge ) Norway 89 Dalsfjord Bridge ( no ) 523 1,716 2013 Dale -- Askvoll ( Sogn og Fjordane ) 61 \u00b0 22 \u2032 26.4 '' N 5 \u00b0 23 \u2032 47 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 61.374000 \u00b0 N 5.39639 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 61.374000; 5.39639 \ufeff ( Dalsfjorden Bridge ) Norway 90 Matadi Bridge 520 1,706 Matadi ( Bas - Congo ) 5 \u00b0 49 \u2032 31.4 '' S 13 \u00b0 26 \u2032 3.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 5.825389 \u00b0 S 13.434194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / - 5.825389; 13.434194 \ufeff ( Matadi Bridge ) Democratic Republic of the Congo 91 Emmerich Rhine Bridge 500 1,640 1965 Emmerich am Rhein ( North Rhine - Westphalia ) 51 \u00b0 49 \u2032 44.8 '' N 6 \u00b0 13 \u2032 35 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 51.829111 \u00b0 N 6.22639 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 51.829111; 6.22639 \ufeff ( Emmerich Rhine Bridge ) Germany 92 Dazi Bridge 500 1,640 1984 Dazi ( Tibet ) 29 \u00b0 40 \u2032 45.84 '' N 91 \u00b0 22 \u2032 32.16 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.6794000 \u00b0 N 91.3756000 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.6794000; 91.3756000 \ufeff ( Dazi Bridge ) China 93 Gwangan Bridge 500 1,640 2002 Busan 35 \u00b0 8 \u2032 44.8 '' N 129 \u00b0 7 \u2032 41.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 35.145778 \u00b0 N 129.128278 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 35.145778; 129.128278 \ufeff ( Gwangan Bridge ) South Korea", "short_answer": "New York City ( New York ) 40" } }, { "question": "what is the longest suspension bridge in the western hemisphere", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_longest_suspension_bridge_spans&oldid=842733120", "q_uid": -1247872863847658664, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Name Main span ( metres ) Main span ( feet ) Year opened Location Country Ref. Akashi Kaiky\u014d Bridge 1,991 6,532 1998 Kobe ( Hy\u014dgo ) 34 \u00b0 37 \u2032 1.3 '' N 135 \u00b0 1 \u2032 18.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.617028 \u00b0 N 135.021917 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.617028; 135.021917 \ufeff ( Akashi Kaiky\u014d Bridge ) Japan Xihoumen Bridge 1,650 5,413 2009 Zhoushan ( Zhejiang ) 30 \u00b0 3 \u2032 42.4 '' N 121 \u00b0 54 \u2032 57.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.061778 \u00b0 N 121.916000 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.061778; 121.916000 \ufeff ( Xihoumen Bridge ) China Great Belt Bridge 1,624 5,328 1998 Kors\u00f8r -- Sprog\u00f8 ( Region Zealand ) 55 \u00b0 20 \u2032 31 '' N 11 \u00b0 2 \u2032 9.3 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 55.34194 \u00b0 N 11.035917 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 55.34194; 11.035917 \ufeff ( Great Belt Bridge ) Denmark Osman Gazi Bridge 1,550 5,090 2016 Dilovas\u0131 -- Alt\u0131nova ( Gulf of \u0130zmit ) 40 \u00b0 45 \u2032 15 '' N 29 \u00b0 30 \u2032 55 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 40.75417 \u00b0 N 29.51528 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 40.75417; 29.51528 \ufeff ( \u0130zmit Bay Bridge ) Turkey 5 Yi Sun - sin Bridge 1,545 5,069 2012 Gwangyang -- Yeosu ( South Jeolla Province ) 34 \u00b0 54 \u2032 21.4 '' N 127 \u00b0 42 \u2032 18.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.905944 \u00b0 N 127.705028 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.905944; 127.705028 \ufeff ( Yi Sun - sin Bridge ) South Korea 6 Runyang Bridge 1,490 4,888 2005 Yangzhou -- Zhenjiang ( Jiangsu ) 32 \u00b0 12 \u2032 24.6 '' N 119 \u00b0 21 \u2032 49.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 32.206833 \u00b0 N 119.363861 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 32.206833; 119.363861 \ufeff ( Runyang Bridge ) China 7 Dongting Lake Bridge Hangrui ( zh ) \u6d1e\u5ead \u6e56 \u5927\u6865 1,480 4,856 2018 Yueyang ( Hunan ) 29 \u00b0 25 \u2032 23 '' N 113 \u00b0 07 \u2032 31.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.42306 \u00b0 N 113.125306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.42306; 113.125306 \ufeff ( Dongting Lake Bridge Hangrui ) China 8 Nanjing Fourth Yangtze Bridge 1,418 4,652 2012 Nanjing ( Jiangsu ) 32 \u00b0 10 \u2032 39.9 '' N 118 \u00b0 56 \u2032 24.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 32.177750 \u00b0 N 118.940139 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 32.177750; 118.940139 \ufeff ( Nanjing Fourth Yangtze Bridge ) China 9 Humber Bridge 1,410 4,626 1981 Hessle -- Barton - upon - Humber ( Yorkshire and Lincolnshire ) 53 \u00b0 42 \u2032 28.7 '' N 0 \u00b0 27 \u2032 0.3 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 53.707972 \u00b0 N 0.450083 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 53.707972; - 0.450083 \ufeff ( Humber Bridge ) United Kingdom 10 Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge 1,408 4,619 2016 \u0130stanbul ( Bosphorus ) 41 \u00b0 12 \u2032 31 '' N 29 \u00b0 7 \u2032 5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 41.20861 \u00b0 N 29.11806 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 41.20861; 29.11806 \ufeff ( Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge ) Turkey 11 Jiangyin Bridge 1,385 4,544 1999 Jiangyin -- Jingjiang ( Jiangsu ) 31 \u00b0 56 \u2032 43.1 '' N 120 \u00b0 16 \u2032 10 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 31.945306 \u00b0 N 120.26944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 31.945306; 120.26944 \ufeff ( Jiangyin Suspension Bridge ) China 12 Tsing Ma Bridge 1,377 4,518 1997 Tsing Yi -- Ma Wan 22 \u00b0 21 \u2032 4.8 '' N 114 \u00b0 4 \u2032 25.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 22.351333 \u00b0 N 114.073778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 22.351333; 114.073778 \ufeff ( Tsing Ma Bridge ) Hong Kong 13 Hardanger Bridge 1,310 4,298 2013 Ulvik -- Ullensvang ( Hordaland ) 60 \u00b0 28 \u2032 42.9 '' N 6 \u00b0 49 \u2032 47.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 60.478583 \u00b0 N 6.829778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 60.478583; 6.829778 \ufeff ( Hardanger Bridge ) Norway 14 Verrazano - Narrows Bridge 1,298 4,260 1964 New York City ( New York ) 40 \u00b0 36 \u2032 23 '' N 74 \u00b0 2 \u2032 43.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.60639 \u00b0 N 74.045333 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.60639; - 74.045333 \ufeff ( Verrazano - Narrows Bridge ) United States 15 Golden Gate Bridge 1,280 4,200 1937 San Francisco -- Marin County ( California ) 37 \u00b0 49 \u2032 9.5 '' N 122 \u00b0 28 \u2032 43.9 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 37.819306 \u00b0 N 122.478861 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 37.819306; - 122.478861 \ufeff ( Golden Gate Bridge ) United States 16 Yangluo Bridge 1,280 4,200 2007 Wuhan ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 38 \u2032 12.9 '' N 114 \u00b0 33 \u2032 17.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.636917 \u00b0 N 114.554944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.636917; 114.554944 \ufeff ( Yangluo Bridge ) China 17 H\u00f6ga Kusten Bridge 1,210 3,970 1997 Utansj\u00f6 ( V\u00e4sternorrland County ) 62 \u00b0 47 \u2032 53 '' N 17 \u00b0 56 \u2032 15 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 62.79806 \u00b0 N 17.93750 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 62.79806; 17.93750 \ufeff ( H\u00f6ga Kusten Bridge ) Sweden 18 Longjiang River Bridge 1,196 3,924 2016 Wuhexiang ( Yunnan ) 24 \u00b0 50 \u2032 19.7 '' N 98 \u00b0 40 \u2032 19.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 24.838806 \u00b0 N 98.672194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 24.838806; 98.672194 \ufeff ( Longjiang River Bridge ) China 19 Aizhai Bridge 1,176 3,858 2012 Jishou ( Hunan ) 28 \u00b0 19 \u2032 54.1 '' N 109 \u00b0 35 \u2032 53.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 28.331694 \u00b0 N 109.598111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 28.331694; 109.598111 \ufeff ( Aizhai Bridge ) China 20 Mackinac Bridge 1,158 3,800 1957 Mackinaw City -- St. Ignace ( Michigan ) 45 \u00b0 48 \u2032 56 '' N 84 \u00b0 43 \u2032 40.6 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 45.81556 \u00b0 N 84.727944 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 45.81556; - 84.727944 \ufeff ( Mackinac Bridge ) United States 21 Ulsan Bridge ( ko ) 1,150 3,773 2015 Ulsan 35 \u00b0 30 \u2032 41 '' N 129 \u00b0 23 \u2032 28 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 35.51139 \u00b0 N 129.39111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 35.51139; 129.39111 \ufeff ( Ulsan Bridge ) South Korea 22 Qingshui River Bridge 1,130 3,707 2015 Kaiyang County, Guizhou 27 \u00b0 1 \u2032 49.5 '' N 107 \u00b0 11 \u2032 21.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 27.030417 \u00b0 N 107.189333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 27.030417; 107.189333 \ufeff ( Qingshui River Bridge ) China 23 Huangpu Bridge 1,108 3,635 2008 Guangzhou ( Guangdong ) 23 \u00b0 4 \u2032 17.1 '' N 113 \u00b0 28 \u2032 33.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 23.071417 \u00b0 N 113.476083 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 23.071417; 113.476083 \ufeff ( Huangpu Bridge ) China 24 Minami Bisan - Seto Bridge 1,100 3,609 Sakaide -- Shiwaku Islands ( Kagawa ) 34 \u00b0 21 \u2032 50 '' N 133 \u00b0 49 \u2032 30.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.36389 \u00b0 N 133.825194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.36389; 133.825194 \ufeff ( Minami Bisan - Seto Bridge ) Japan 25 Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge 1,090 3,576 1988 \u0130stanbul ( Bosphorus ) 41 \u00b0 5 \u2032 28 '' N 29 \u00b0 3 \u2032 40 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 41.09111 \u00b0 N 29.06111 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 41.09111; 29.06111 \ufeff ( Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge ) Turkey 26 Baling River Bridge 1,088 3,570 2009 Guanling Buyei and Miao Autonomous County ( Guizhou ) 25 \u00b0 57 \u2032 40 '' N 105 \u00b0 37 \u2032 46 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 25.96111 \u00b0 N 105.62944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 25.96111; 105.62944 \ufeff ( Balinghe Bridge ) China 27 Taizhou Bridge 1,080 ( x2 ) 3,543 ( x2 ) 2012 Taizhou ( Jiangsu ) 32 \u00b0 14 \u2032 47.8 '' N 119 \u00b0 52 \u2032 36.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 32.246611 \u00b0 N 119.876694 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 32.246611; 119.876694 \ufeff ( Taizhou Bridge ) China 28 Ma'anshan Bridge 1,080 ( x2 ) 3,543 ( x2 ) 2013 Ma'anshan ( Anhui ) 31 \u00b0 36 \u2032 36.4 '' N 118 \u00b0 23 \u2032 31.4 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 31.610111 \u00b0 N 118.392056 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 31.610111; 118.392056 \ufeff ( Ma'anshan Bridge ) China 29 Bosphorus Bridge 1,074 3,524 1973 \u0130stanbul ( Bosphorus ) 41 \u00b0 2 \u2032 42 '' N 29 \u00b0 2 \u2032 2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 41.04500 \u00b0 N 29.03389 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 41.04500; 29.03389 \ufeff ( Bosphorus Bridge ) Turkey 30 George Washington Bridge 1,067 3,500 1931 New York City ( New York ) -- Fort Lee ( New Jersey ) 40 \u00b0 51 \u2032 6.2 '' N 73 \u00b0 57 \u2032 9.8 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.851722 \u00b0 N 73.952722 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.851722; - 73.952722 \ufeff ( George Washington Bridge ) United States 31 Fuma Yangtze River Bridge \u9a78\u9a6c \u957f\u6c5f \u5927\u6865 1,050 3,445 2017 Wanzhou ( Chongqing ) 30 \u00b0 50 \u2032 04.8 '' N 108 \u00b0 28 \u2032 09.4 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.834667 \u00b0 N 108.469278 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.834667; 108.469278 \ufeff ( Fuma Bridge ) China 32 Third Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge 1,030 3,379 1999 Imabari -- Umashima Island ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 6 \u2032 54.9 '' N 132 \u00b0 59 \u2032 3.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.115250 \u00b0 N 132.984333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.115250; 132.984333 \ufeff ( Third Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridgeo ) Japan 33 Second Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge 1,020 3,346 1999 Umashima Island -- \u014cshima ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 7 \u2032 16 '' N 133 \u00b0 0 \u2032 0.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.12111 \u00b0 N 133.000194 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.12111; 133.000194 \ufeff ( Second Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge ) Japan 34 25 de Abril Bridge 1,013 3,323 1966 Lisbon -- Almada ( Lisboa Region ) 38 \u00b0 41 \u2032 23.5 '' N 9 \u00b0 10 \u2032 37.8 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.689861 \u00b0 N 9.177167 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.689861; - 9.177167 \ufeff ( 25 de Abril Bridge ) Portugal 35 Forth Road Bridge 1,006 3,301 1964 South Queensferry -- North Queensferry ( Fife ) 56 \u00b0 0 \u2032 5.4 '' N 3 \u00b0 24 \u2032 15.1 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 56.001500 \u00b0 N 3.404194 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 56.001500; - 3.404194 \ufeff ( Forth Road Bridge ) United Kingdom 36 Kita Bisan - Seto Bridge 990 3,248 1988 Sakaide -- Shiwaku Islands ( Kagawa ) 34 \u00b0 22 \u2032 42.4 '' N 133 \u00b0 49 \u2032 13.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.378444 \u00b0 N 133.820333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.378444; 133.820333 \ufeff ( Kita Bisan - Seto Bridge ) Japan 37 Severn Bridge 988 3,241 1966 Bristol ( South Gloucestershire ) -- Chepstow ( Monmouthshire ) 51 \u00b0 36 \u2032 36.2 '' N 2 \u00b0 38 \u2032 26.4 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 51.610056 \u00b0 N 2.640667 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 51.610056; - 2.640667 \ufeff ( Severn Bridge ) United Kingdom 38 Yichang Bridge 960 3,150 2001 Yichang ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 34 \u2032 10.5 '' N 111 \u00b0 23 \u2032 29.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.569583 \u00b0 N 111.391528 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.569583; 111.391528 \ufeff ( Yichang Bridge ) China 39 Shimotsui - Seto Bridge 940 3,084 1988 Kojima -- Shiwaku Islands ( Okayama ) 34 \u00b0 25 \u2032 52.4 '' N 133 \u00b0 48 \u2032 23.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.431222 \u00b0 N 133.806444 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.431222; 133.806444 \ufeff ( Shimotsui - Seto Bridge ) Japan 40 Xiling Bridge 900 2,953 Sandouping ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 49 \u2032 42.5 '' N 111 \u00b0 2 \u2032 48 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.828472 \u00b0 N 111.04667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.828472; 111.04667 \ufeff ( Xiling Bridge ) China 41 Si Du River Bridge 900 2,953 2009 Yesanguan ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 37 \u2032 16.1 '' N 110 \u00b0 23 \u2032 43.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.621139 \u00b0 N 110.395306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.621139; 110.395306 \ufeff ( Si Du River Bridge ) China 42 Humen Pearl River Bridge 888 2,913 1997 Dongguan ( Guangdong ) 22 \u00b0 47 \u2032 49.5 '' N 113 \u00b0 36 \u2032 57.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 22.797083 \u00b0 N 113.615889 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 22.797083; 113.615889 \ufeff ( Humen Pearl River Bridge ) China 43 Cuntan Yangtze River Bridge ( zh ) \u5bf8 \u6ee9 \u957f\u6c5f \u5927\u6865 880 2,887 2017 Chongqing 29 \u00b0 37 \u2032 14.2 '' N 106 \u00b0 36 \u2032 21.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.620611 \u00b0 N 106.606056 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.620611; 106.606056 \ufeff ( Cuntan Bridge ) China 44 \u014cnaruto Bridge 876 2,874 1985 Naruto ( Tokushima ) -- Awaji Island ( Hy\u014dgo ) 34 \u00b0 14 \u2032 19.5 '' N 134 \u00b0 39 \u2032 1.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.238750 \u00b0 N 134.650306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.238750; 134.650306 \ufeff ( \u014cnaruto Bridge ) Japan 45 Lishui River Bridge 856 2,808 2013 Zhangjiajie ( Hunan ) 29 \u00b0 05 \u2032 55 '' N 110 \u00b0 14 \u2032 48 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.09861 \u00b0 N 110.24667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.09861; 110.24667 \ufeff ( Lishui River Bridge ) China 46 Second Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( westbound ) 853 2,799 1950 Tacoma ( Washington ) 47 \u00b0 16 \u2032 5.6 '' N 122 \u00b0 33 \u2032 0.7 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 47.268222 \u00b0 N 122.550194 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 47.268222; - 122.550194 \ufeff ( Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( 1950 ) ) United States 47 Third Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( eastbound ) 853 2,799 2007 Tacoma ( Washington ) 47 \u00b0 16 \u2032 4.4 '' N 122 \u00b0 33 \u2032 2.8 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 47.267889 \u00b0 N 122.550778 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 47.267889; - 122.550778 \ufeff ( Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( 2007 ) ) United States 48 Ask\u00f8y Bridge 850 2,789 1992 Bergen -- Ask\u00f8y ( Hordaland ) 60 \u00b0 23 \u2032 43.6 '' N 5 \u00b0 12 \u2032 54.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 60.395444 \u00b0 N 5.215222 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 60.395444; 5.215222 \ufeff ( Ask\u00f8y Bridge ) Norway 49 Yingwuzhou Bridge 850 ( x2 ) 2,790 ( x2 ) 2014 Wuhan ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 32 \u2032 2.6 '' N 114 \u00b0 16 \u2032 36.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.534056 \u00b0 N 114.276889 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.534056; 114.276889 \ufeff ( Yingwuzhou Bridge ) China 50 Jeokgeum Bridge 850 2,790 2016 Ucheon -- Jeokgeum ( South Jeolla Province ) 34 \u00b0 37 \u2032 43 '' N 127 \u00b0 30 \u2032 15 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.62861 \u00b0 N 127.50417 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.62861; 127.50417 \ufeff ( Jeokgeum Bridge ) South Korea 51 Miaozui Bridge ( zh ) \u5e99 \u5634 \u957f\u6c5f \u5927\u6865 838 2,749 2016 Yichang ( Hubei ) 30 \u00b0 42 \u2032 56.2 '' N 111 \u00b0 15 \u2032 45.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 30.715611 \u00b0 N 111.262556 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 30.715611; 111.262556 \ufeff ( Miaozui Bridge ) China 52 Nanxi Bridge 820 2,690 2012 Nanxi District ( Sichuan ) 28 \u00b0 47 \u2032 1.3 '' N 104 \u00b0 56 \u2032 44.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 28.783694 \u00b0 N 104.945694 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 28.783694; 104.945694 \ufeff ( Nanxi Bridge ) China 53 Qincaobei Bridge 788 2,585 2013 Lidu ( Chongqing ) 29 \u00b0 42 \u2032 51.5 '' N 107 \u00b0 16 \u2032 52.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.714306 \u00b0 N 107.281306 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.714306; 107.281306 \ufeff ( Qincaobei Bridge ) China 54 Innoshima Bridge 770 2,526 Innoshima -- Mukaishima ( Hiroshima ) 34 \u00b0 21 \u2032 25.7 '' N 133 \u00b0 10 \u2032 49.5 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.357139 \u00b0 N 133.180417 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.357139; 133.180417 \ufeff ( Innoshima Bridge ) Japan 55 Akinada Bridge 750 2,461 2000 Kure -- Shimokamagari ( Hiroshima ) 34 \u00b0 12 \u2032 22.4 '' N 132 \u00b0 40 \u2032 45.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.206222 \u00b0 N 132.679389 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.206222; 132.679389 \ufeff ( Akinada Bridge ) Japan 56 Semey Bridge 750 2,461 2000 Semey ( East Kazakhstan Province ) 50 \u00b0 24 \u2032 35 '' N 80 \u00b0 13 \u2032 28 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 50.40972 \u00b0 N 80.22444 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 50.40972; 80.22444 \ufeff ( Semipalatinsk Bridge ) Kazakhstan 57 New Carquinez Bridge 728 2,388 2003 Vallejo -- Crockett ( California ) 38 \u00b0 3 \u2032 39.7 '' N 122 \u00b0 13 \u2032 35.5 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.061028 \u00b0 N 122.226528 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.061028; - 122.226528 \ufeff ( New Carquinez Bridge ) United States 58 Hakuch\u014d Bridge 720 2,362 1998 Muroran ( Hokkaido ) 42 \u00b0 21 \u2032 10.4 '' N 140 \u00b0 57 \u2032 1.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 42.352889 \u00b0 N 140.950333 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 42.352889; 140.950333 \ufeff ( Hakucho Bridge ) Japan 59 Angostura Bridge 712 2,336 1967 Ciudad Bol\u00edvar ( Bol\u00edvar ) 8 \u00b0 8 \u2032 39.9 '' N 63 \u00b0 35 \u2032 53.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 8.144417 \u00b0 N 63.598111 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 8.144417; - 63.598111 \ufeff ( Angostura Bridge ) Venezuela 60 Kanmon Bridge 712 2,336 1973 Kitakyushu ( Fukuoka ) -- Shimonoseki ( Yamaguchi ) 33 \u00b0 57 \u2032 42.2 '' N 130 \u00b0 57 \u2032 31.3 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 33.961722 \u00b0 N 130.958694 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 33.961722; 130.958694 \ufeff ( Kanmonkyo Bridge ) Japan 61 San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( east half of west span ) 704 2,310 1936 San Francisco -- Yerba Buena Island ( California ) 37 \u00b0 48 \u2032 12.2 '' N 122 \u00b0 22 \u2032 18.9 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 37.803389 \u00b0 N 122.371917 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 37.803389; - 122.371917 \ufeff ( San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( east half of West span ) ) United States 62 San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( west half of west span ) 704 2,310 1936 San Francisco -- Yerba Buena Island ( California ) 37 \u00b0 47 \u2032 35.4 '' N 122 \u00b0 22 \u2032 59 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 37.793167 \u00b0 N 122.38306 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 37.793167; - 122.38306 \ufeff ( San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge ( west half of West span ) ) United States 63 Bronx -- Whitestone Bridge 701 2,300 1939 New York City ( New York ) 40 \u00b0 48 \u2032 6.7 '' N 73 \u00b0 49 \u2032 47.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.801861 \u00b0 N 73.829778 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.801861; - 73.829778 \ufeff ( Bronx - Whitestone Bridge ) United States 64 Stord Bridge 677 2,221 2001 Stord -- F\u00f8yno ( Hordaland ) 59 \u00b0 44 \u2032 53 '' N 5 \u00b0 24 \u2032 10.6 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 59.74806 \u00b0 N 5.402944 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 59.74806; 5.402944 \ufeff ( Stord Bridge ) Norway 65 Pierre Laporte Bridge 668 2,192 1970 Quebec City ( Quebec ) 46 \u00b0 44 \u2032 42.8 '' N 71 \u00b0 17 \u2032 25.7 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 46.745222 \u00b0 N 71.290472 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 46.745222; - 71.290472 \ufeff ( Pierre Laporte Bridge ) Canada 66 Delaware Memorial Bridge ( northbound ) 656 2,152 1951 New Castle ( Delaware ) -- Deepwater ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 41 \u2032 20.3 '' N 75 \u00b0 31 \u2032 5 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.688972 \u00b0 N 75.51806 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.688972; - 75.51806 \ufeff ( Delaware Memorial Bridge ( northbound ) ) United States 67 Delaware Memorial Bridge ( southbound ) 656 2,152 1968 New Castle ( Delaware ) -- Deepwater ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 41 \u2032 18.2 '' N 75 \u00b0 31 \u2032 6.2 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.688389 \u00b0 N 75.518389 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.688389; - 75.518389 \ufeff ( Delaware Memorial Bridge ( southbound ) ) United States 67 Jinshajiang Bridge Hulukou \u846b\u82a6 \u53e3 \u5927\u6865 656 2,152 2017 Hulukouzhen ( Sichuan ) 26 \u00b0 58 \u2032 16.4 '' N 102 \u00b0 53 \u2032 30.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 26.971222 \u00b0 N 102.891722 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 26.971222; 102.891722 \ufeff ( Jinshajiang Bridge Hulukou ) China 69 Haicang Bridge 648 2,126 1999 Xiamen ( Fujian ) 24 \u00b0 29 \u2032 50.2 '' N 118 \u00b0 4 \u2032 7.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 24.497278 \u00b0 N 118.068667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 24.497278; 118.068667 \ufeff ( Haicang Bridge ) China 70 Beipan River Hukun Expressway Bridge 636 2,087 2009 Qinglong County ( Guizhou ) 25 \u00b0 53 \u2032 58.1 '' N 105 \u00b0 19 \u2032 25 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 25.899472 \u00b0 N 105.32361 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 25.899472; 105.32361 \ufeff ( Beipanjiang River 2009 Bridge ) China 71 Puli Bridge 628 2,060 2015 Pulixiang ( Yunnan ) 26 \u00b0 19 \u2032 20.6 '' N 104 \u00b0 35 \u2032 16 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 26.322389 \u00b0 N 104.58778 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 26.322389; 104.58778 \ufeff ( Puli Bridge ) China 72 Gjemnessund Bridge 623 2,044 1992 Gjemnes -- Bergs\u00f8ya ( M\u00f8re og Romsdal ) 62 \u00b0 58 \u2032 17 '' N 7 \u00b0 46 \u2032 47 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 62.97139 \u00b0 N 7.77972 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 62.97139; 7.77972 \ufeff ( Gjemnessund Bridge ) Norway 73 Yuzui Yangtze Bridge 616 2,021 2009 Yuzuizhen ( Chongqing ) 29 \u00b0 36 \u2032 40.7 '' N 106 \u00b0 46 \u2032 21.2 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.611306 \u00b0 N 106.772556 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.611306; 106.772556 \ufeff ( Yuzui Yangtze Bridge ) China 74 Walt Whitman Bridge 610 2,001 1957 Philadelphia ( Pennsylvania ) -- Gloucester City ( New Jersey ) 39 \u00b0 54 \u2032 18.7 '' N 75 \u00b0 7 \u2032 46.1 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 39.905194 \u00b0 N 75.129472 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 39.905194; - 75.129472 \ufeff ( Walt Whitman Bridge ) United States 75 Tancarville Bridge 608 1,995 1959 Tancarville ( Seine - Maritime ) -- Marais - Vernier ( Eure ) 49 \u00b0 28 \u2032 21.6 '' N 0 \u00b0 27 \u2032 52.8 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 49.472667 \u00b0 N 0.464667 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 49.472667; 0.464667 \ufeff ( Tancarville Bridge ) France 76 New Little Belt Bridge 600 1,969 1970 Middelfart -- Fredericia ( Region of Southern Denmark ) 55 \u00b0 31 \u2032 7.1 '' N 9 \u00b0 44 \u2032 56.9 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 55.518639 \u00b0 N 9.749139 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 55.518639; 9.749139 \ufeff ( New Little Belt Bridge ) Denmark 77 First Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge 600 1,969 1999 Umashima Island -- \u014cshima ( Ehime ) 34 \u00b0 7 \u2032 32.9 '' N 133 \u00b0 0 \u2032 45.1 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 34.125806 \u00b0 N 133.012528 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 34.125806; 133.012528 \ufeff ( First Kurushima - Kaiky\u014d Bridge ) Japan 78 E'gongyan Bridge 600 1,969 2000 Chongqing 29 \u00b0 31 \u2032 23.9 '' N 106 \u00b0 31 \u2032 41.7 '' E \ufeff / \ufeff 29.523306 \u00b0 N 106.528250 \u00b0 E \ufeff / 29.523306; 106.528250 \ufeff ( E'gongyan Bridge ) China 79 Jijiang Yangtze Bridge 600 1,969 2016 Chongqing China", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush": [ { "question": "who played baby carrie on little house on the prairie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lindsay_and_Sidney_Greenbush&oldid=806303483", "q_uid": 4633084837104094099, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and Sidney Robyn Danae Bush ( born May 25, 1970, Los Angeles ) are former child actresses, best known for their combined ( alternating ) role as Carrie Ingalls, in the drama series Little House on the Prairie. They are identical twin sisters, born to actor Billy `` Green '' Bush and Carole Kay Bush. Their older brother, Clay, is also an actor. Their shared character 's younger sister Grace Ingalls was played by Wendi and Brenda Turnbaugh.", "short_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and" } }, { "question": "who plays carrie on little house on the prairie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lindsay_and_Sidney_Greenbush&oldid=806303483", "q_uid": 4805212928450119213, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and Sidney Robyn Danae Bush ( born May 25, 1970, Los Angeles ) are former child actresses, best known for their combined ( alternating ) role as Carrie Ingalls, in the drama series Little House on the Prairie. They are identical twin sisters, born to actor Billy `` Green '' Bush and Carole Kay Bush. Their older brother, Clay, is also an actor. Their shared character 's younger sister Grace Ingalls was played by Wendi and Brenda Turnbaugh.", "short_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and" } }, { "question": "who were the twins on little house on the prairie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lindsay_and_Sidney_Greenbush&oldid=806303483", "q_uid": 1424916837507429365, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and Sidney Robyn Danae Bush ( born May 25, 1970, Los Angeles ) are former child actresses, best known for their combined ( alternating ) role as Carrie Ingalls, in the drama series Little House on the Prairie. They are identical twin sisters, born to actor Billy `` Green '' Bush and Carole Kay Bush. Their older brother, Clay, is also an actor. Their shared character 's younger sister Grace Ingalls was played by Wendi and Brenda Turnbaugh.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played carrie on little house on the prairie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lindsay_and_Sidney_Greenbush&oldid=806303483", "q_uid": -4317249439062227447, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and Sidney Robyn Danae Bush ( born May 25, 1970, Los Angeles ) are former child actresses, best known for their combined ( alternating ) role as Carrie Ingalls, in the drama series Little House on the Prairie. They are identical twin sisters, born to actor Billy `` Green '' Bush and Carole Kay Bush. Their older brother, Clay, is also an actor. Their shared character 's younger sister Grace Ingalls was played by Wendi and Brenda Turnbaugh.", "short_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and" } }, { "question": "who played carrie on the little house on the prairie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lindsay_and_Sidney_Greenbush&oldid=806303483", "q_uid": -9105968624591575712, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and Sidney Robyn Danae Bush ( born May 25, 1970, Los Angeles ) are former child actresses, best known for their combined ( alternating ) role as Carrie Ingalls, in the drama series Little House on the Prairie. They are identical twin sisters, born to actor Billy `` Green '' Bush and Carole Kay Bush. Their older brother, Clay, is also an actor. Their shared character 's younger sister Grace Ingalls was played by Wendi and Brenda Turnbaugh.", "short_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and" } }, { "question": "who played carrie in little house on the prairie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lindsay_and_Sidney_Greenbush&oldid=806303483", "q_uid": 7265006219875311026, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rachel Lindsay Rene Bush and Sidney Robyn Danae Bush ( born May 25, 1970, Los Angeles ) are former child actresses, best known for their combined ( alternating ) role as Carrie Ingalls, in the drama series Little House on the Prairie. They are identical twin sisters, born to actor Billy `` Green '' Bush and Carole Kay Bush. Their older brother, Clay, is also an actor. Their shared character 's younger sister Grace Ingalls was played by Wendi and Brenda Turnbaugh.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Bee Gees": [ { "question": "who is still alive out of the bee gees", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=807976462", "q_uid": -5904344362244379081, "answers": { "long_answer": "Following Maurice 's death in January 2003, at the age of 53, Barry and Robin retired the group 's name after 45 years of activity. In 2009, Robin announced that he and Barry had agreed the Bee Gees would re-form and perform again. Robin died in May 2012, aged 62, after a prolonged struggle with cancer and other health problems, leaving Barry as the only surviving member of the group 's final line - up.", "short_answer": "Barry as" } }, { "question": "who is the oldest brother of the bee gees", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=854301335", "q_uid": -8973241773280106795, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1955, the brothers Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb moved back to their father Hugh Gibb 's hometown of Chorlton - cum - Hardy, Manchester, England, and formed a skiffle / rock - and - roll group, the Rattlesnakes, which consisted of Barry on guitar and vocals, Robin and Maurice on vocals, and friends Paul Frost on drums and Kenny Horrocks on tea - chest bass. In December 1957, the boys began to sing in harmony. The story is told that they were going to lip sync to a record in the local Gaumont cinema ( as other children had done on previous weeks ), but as they were running to the theatre, the fragile shellac 78 - RPM record broke. The brothers had to sing live and received such a positive response from the audience that they decided to pursue a singing career. In May 1958, the Rattlesnakes were disbanded when Frost and Horrocks left, so the Gibb brothers then formed Wee Johnny Hayes and the Blue Cats, with Barry as Johnny Hayes.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many members were there in the bee gees", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=854301335", "q_uid": -1799230993843780355, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Bee Gees were a pop music group formed in 1958. Their lineup consisted of brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a popular music act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as prominent performers of the disco music era in the mid-to - late 1970s. The group sang recognisable three - part tight harmonies; Robin 's clear vibrato lead vocals were a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry 's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the mid-to - late 1970s and 1980s. The Bee Gees wrote all of their own hits, as well as writing and producing several major hits for other artists.", "short_answer": "three -" } }, { "question": "where did the bee gees grow up in australia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=801799733", "q_uid": -4108484834933174561, "answers": { "long_answer": "Born on the Isle of Man to English parents, the Gibb brothers lived in Chorlton, Manchester, England, until the late 1950s. There, in 1955, they formed the Rattlesnakes. The family then moved to Redcliffe, in Queensland, Australia, and then to Cribb Island. After achieving their first chart success in Australia as the Bee Gees with `` Spicks and Specks '' ( their 12th single ), they returned to the UK in January 1967, when producer Robert Stigwood began promoting them to a worldwide audience.", "short_answer": "Redcliffe, in Queensland," } }, { "question": "are there any members of the bee gees still alive", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=866329373", "q_uid": -4194574527800227004, "answers": { "long_answer": "Following Maurice 's death in January 2003, at the age of 53, Barry and Robin retired the group 's name after 45 years of activity. In 2009, Robin announced that he and Barry had agreed the Bee Gees would re-form and perform again. Robin died in May 2012, aged 62, after a prolonged struggle with cancer and other health problems, leaving Barry as the only surviving member of the group 's final line - up.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who wrote the songs for the bee gees", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=854301335", "q_uid": 3004204387901015788, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Bee Gees were a pop music group formed in 1958. Their lineup consisted of brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a popular music act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as prominent performers of the disco music era in the mid-to - late 1970s. The group sang recognisable three - part tight harmonies; Robin 's clear vibrato lead vocals were a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry 's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the mid-to - late 1970s and 1980s. The Bee Gees wrote all of their own hits, as well as writing and producing several major hits for other artists.", "short_answer": "The Bee Gees wrote" } }, { "question": "how many of the bee gee brothers are alive", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=834417079", "q_uid": 2762895894590228117, "answers": { "long_answer": "Barry Gibb -- vocals, rhythm guitar ( 1958 -- 2003, 2009 -- 2012 ) Robin Gibb -- vocals, organ, piano, mellotron, rhythm guitar, melodica, harmonica ( 1958 -- 1969, 1970 -- 2003, 2009 -- 2012; d. 2012 ) Maurice Gibb -- vocals, lead guitar, bass, keyboards, rhythm guitar, drums, synthesizer, mellotron, piano, organ, harmonica ( 1958 -- 2003; d. 2003 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where did the bee gees get their name from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=848129621", "q_uid": 4537778583953786736, "answers": { "long_answer": "In August 1958, the Gibb family, including older sister Lesley and infant brother Andy, emigrated to Redcliffe, just north - east of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. The young brothers began performing to raise pocket money. They were introduced to leading Brisbane radio DJ Bill Gates by speedway promoter and driver Bill Goode, who had hired the brothers to entertain the crowd at the Redcliffe Speedway in 1960. The crowd at the speedway would throw money onto the track for the boys, who generally performed during the interval of meetings ( usually on the back of a truck that drove around the track ), and in a deal with Goode, any money they collected from the crowd they were allowed to keep. Gates renamed them the BGs ( later changed to `` Bee Gees '' ) after his, Goode 's and Barry Gibb 's initials. The name was not specifically a reference to `` Brothers Gibb '', despite popular belief.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is left out of the bee gees", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=801799733", "q_uid": 2401386287648762208, "answers": { "long_answer": "Following Maurice 's death in January 2003, at the age of 53, Barry and Robin retired the group 's name after 45 years of activity. In 2009, Robin announced that he and Barry had agreed the Bee Gees would re-form and perform again. Robin died in May 2012, aged 62, after a prolonged struggle with cancer and other health problems, leaving Barry as the only surviving member of the group 's final line - up.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has died out of the bee gees", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=832809794", "q_uid": 2429844308386530131, "answers": { "long_answer": "Following Maurice 's death in January 2003, at the age of 53, Barry and Robin retired the group 's name after 45 years of activity. In 2009, Robin announced that he and Barry had agreed the Bee Gees would re-form and perform again. Robin died in May 2012, aged 62, after a prolonged struggle with cancer and other health problems, leaving Barry as the only surviving member of the group 's final line - up.", "short_answer": "Maurice 's" } }, { "question": "where were the bee gees born and raised", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=818343922", "q_uid": 2391875290968611084, "answers": { "long_answer": "Born on the Isle of Man to English parents, the Gibb brothers lived in Chorlton, Manchester, England, until the late 1950s. There, in 1955, they formed the Rattlesnakes. The family then moved to Redcliffe, in Queensland, Australia, and then to Cribb Island. After achieving their first chart success in Australia as the Bee Gees with `` Spicks and Specks '' ( their 12th single ), they returned to the UK in January 1967, when producer Robert Stigwood began promoting them to a worldwide audience.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "why did the bee gees get their name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=803465776", "q_uid": 178294368456690987, "answers": { "long_answer": "In August 1958, the Gibb family, including older sister Lesley and infant brother Andy, emigrated to Redcliffe, just north - east of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. The young brothers began performing to raise pocket money. They were introduced to leading Brisbane radio DJ Bill Gates by speedway promoter and driver Bill Goode, who had hired the brothers to entertain the crowd at the Redcliffe Speedway in 1960. The crowd at the speedway would throw money onto the track for the boys, who generally performed during the interval of meetings ( usually on the back of a truck that drove around the track ), and in a deal with Goode, any money they collected from the crowd they were allowed to keep. Gates renamed them the BG 's ( later changed to `` Bee Gees '' ) after his ( Goode 's ) and Barry Gibb 's initials -- thus the name was not specifically a reference to `` Brothers Gibb '', despite popular belief.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where did the band name bee gees come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=801799733", "q_uid": 2836463384439594567, "answers": { "long_answer": "In August 1958, the Gibb family, including older sister Lesley and infant brother Andy, emigrated to Redcliffe, just north - east of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. The young brothers began performing to raise pocket money. They were introduced to leading Brisbane radio DJ Bill Gates by speedway promoter and driver Bill Goode, who had hired the brothers to entertain the crowd at the Redcliffe Speedway in 1960. The crowd at the speedway would throw money onto the track for the boys, who generally performed during the interval of meetings ( usually on the back of a truck that drove around the track ), and in a deal with Goode, any money they collected from the crowd they were allowed to keep. Gates renamed them the BG 's ( later changed to `` Bee Gees '' ) after his ( Goode 's ) and Barry Gibb 's initials -- thus the name was not specifically a reference to `` Brothers Gibb '', despite popular belief.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who wrote most of the bee gees songs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bee_Gees&oldid=815317592", "q_uid": 1668359715335116313, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Bee Gees were a pop music group formed in 1958. Their lineup consisted of brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a popular music act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as prominent performers of the disco music era in the mid-to - late 1970s. The group sang recognisable three - part tight harmonies; Robin 's clear vibrato lead vocals were a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry 's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the mid-to - late 1970s and 1980s. The Bee Gees wrote all of their own hits, as well as writing and producing several major hits for other artists.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "How to Train Your Dragon (franchise)": [ { "question": "what order do i watch how to train your dragon", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=How_to_Train_Your_Dragon_(franchise)&oldid=841982897", "q_uid": -3637567966415850559, "answers": { "long_answer": "The How to Train Your Dragon franchise from DreamWorks Animation consists of two feature films How to Train Your Dragon ( 2010 ) and How to Train Your Dragon 2 ( 2014 ), with a third feature film, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, set for a 2019 release. The franchise is loosely based on the British book series of the same name by Cressida Cowell. The franchise also consists of four short films: Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon ( 2010 ), Book of Dragons ( 2011 ), Gift of the Night Fury ( 2011 ) and Dawn of the Dragon Racers ( 2014 ). A television series following the events of the first film, Dragons: Riders of Berk, began airing on Cartoon Network in September 2012. Its second season was renamed Dragons: Defenders of Berk. Set several years later, and as a more immediate prequel to the second film, a new television series, titled Dragons: Race to the Edge, aired on Netflix in June 2015. The second season of the show was added to Netflix in January 2016 and a third season in June 2016. A fourth season aired on Netflix in February 2017, a fifth season in August 2017, and a sixth and final season on February 16, 2018.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does how to train your dragon 3 come out on netflix", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=How_to_Train_Your_Dragon_(franchise)&oldid=841982897", "q_uid": 7296515914222969622, "answers": { "long_answer": "The How to Train Your Dragon franchise from DreamWorks Animation consists of two feature films How to Train Your Dragon ( 2010 ) and How to Train Your Dragon 2 ( 2014 ), with a third feature film, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, set for a 2019 release. The franchise is loosely based on the British book series of the same name by Cressida Cowell. The franchise also consists of four short films: Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon ( 2010 ), Book of Dragons ( 2011 ), Gift of the Night Fury ( 2011 ) and Dawn of the Dragon Racers ( 2014 ). A television series following the events of the first film, Dragons: Riders of Berk, began airing on Cartoon Network in September 2012. Its second season was renamed Dragons: Defenders of Berk. Set several years later, and as a more immediate prequel to the second film, a new television series, titled Dragons: Race to the Edge, aired on Netflix in June 2015. The second season of the show was added to Netflix in January 2016 and a third season in June 2016. A fourth season aired on Netflix in February 2017, a fifth season in August 2017, and a sixth and final season on February 16, 2018.", "short_answer": "June 2016." } }, { "question": "what order should i watch how to train your dragon", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=How_to_Train_Your_Dragon_(franchise)&oldid=846472157", "q_uid": -3822856568131406031, "answers": { "long_answer": "The How to Train Your Dragon franchise from DreamWorks Animation consists of two feature films How to Train Your Dragon ( 2010 ) and How to Train Your Dragon 2 ( 2014 ), with a third feature film, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, set for a 2019 release. The franchise is inspired by the British book series of the same name by Cressida Cowell. The franchise also consists of four short films: Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon ( 2010 ), Book of Dragons ( 2011 ), Gift of the Night Fury ( 2011 ) and Dawn of the Dragon Racers ( 2014 ). A television series following the events of the first film, Dragons: Riders of Berk, began airing on Cartoon Network in September 2012. Its second season was renamed Dragons: Defenders of Berk. Set several years later, and as a more immediate prequel to the second film, a new television series, titled Dragons: Race to the Edge, aired on Netflix in June 2015. The second season of the show was added to Netflix in January 2016 and a third season in June 2016. A fourth season aired on Netflix in February 2017, a fifth season in August 2017, and a sixth and final season on February 16, 2018.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what are the how to train your dragon movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=How_to_Train_Your_Dragon_(franchise)&oldid=864281579", "q_uid": -8353255484669746477, "answers": { "long_answer": "The How to Train Your Dragon franchise from DreamWorks Animation consists of two feature films How to Train Your Dragon ( 2010 ) and How to Train Your Dragon 2 ( 2014 ), with a third and final feature film, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, set for a 2019 release. The franchise is inspired by the British book series of the same name by Cressida Cowell. The franchise also consists of four short films: Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon ( 2011 ), Book of Dragons ( 2012 ), Gift of the Night Fury ( 2012 ) and Dawn of the Dragon Racers ( 2014 ). A television series following the events of the first film, Dragons: Riders of Berk, began airing on Cartoon Network in September 2012. Its second season was renamed Dragons: Defenders of Berk. Set several years later, and as a more immediate prequel to the second film, a new television series, titled Dragons: Race to the Edge, aired on Netflix in June 2015. The second season of the show was added to Netflix in January 2016 and a third season in June 2016. A fourth season aired on Netflix in February 2017, a fifth season in August 2017, and a sixth and final season on February 16, 2018.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "list of how to train your dragon movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=How_to_Train_Your_Dragon_(franchise)&oldid=828000925", "q_uid": 5507513957417574338, "answers": { "long_answer": "How to Train Your Dragon Series Created by DreamWorks Animation Print publications Graphic novel ( s ) How to Train Your Dragon: The Serpent 's Heir ( 2016 ) Films and television Film ( s ) How to Train Your Dragon ( 2010 ) How to Train Your Dragon 2 ( 2014 ) How to Train Your Dragon 3 ( 2019 ) Short film ( s ) Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon ( 2010 ) Book of Dragons ( 2011 ) Gift of the Night Fury ( 2011 ) Dawn of the Dragon Racers ( 2014 ) Television series DreamWorks Dragons Theatrical presentations Play ( s ) How to Train Your Dragon Live Spectacular Games Video game ( s ) How to Train Your Dragon How to Train Your Dragon 2 Super Star Kartz Dragons: TapDragonDrop Dragons: Wild Skies Dragons: Rise of Berk School of Dragons How to Train Your Dragon: Flight of the Night Fury Dragons Adventure: World Explorer Dreamworks Press: Dragons Audio Soundtrack ( s ) How to Train Your Dragon: Music from the Motion Picture How to Train Your Dragon 2: Music from the Motion Picture Official website www.howtotrainyourdragon.com", "short_answer": "How to Train Your Dragon (" } } ], "List of NBA franchise post-season droughts": [ { "question": "what teams haven t won an nba championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=834324195", "q_uid": -9205686881392362385, "answers": { "long_answer": "Last team to leave list: Cleveland, 2016 Total seasons ( NBA ) Franchise Last NBA Finals appearance 7001500000000000000 \u2660 50 seasons Phoenix Suns ( 1968 -- 2018 ) 1993 7001480000000000000 \u2660 48 seasons Los Angeles Clippers \u00a7 ( 1984 -- 2018 ) -- 7001440000000000000 \u2660 44 seasons Utah Jazz \u00a7 ( 1979 -- 2018 ) 1998 7001420000000000000 \u2660 42 seasons Denver Nuggets ( 1976 -- 2018 ) -- 7001420000000000000 \u2660 42 seasons Indiana Pacers \u2021 ( 1976 -- 2018 ) 2000 7001420000000000000 \u2660 42 seasons Brooklyn Nets \u00a7 \u2021 ( 2012 -- 2018 ) 2003 7001290000000000000 \u2660 29 seasons Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1989 -- 2018 ) -- 7001290000000000000 \u2660 29 seasons Orlando Magic ( 1989 -- 2018 ) 2009 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Charlotte Hornets \u2020 ( 1988 -- 2002 ) ( 2014 -- 2018 ) -- 7001230000000000000 \u2660 23 seasons Toronto Raptors ( 1995 -- 2018 ) 7001230000000000000 \u2660 23 seasons Memphis Grizzlies \u00a7 ( 2001 -- 2018 ) -- 7001160000000000000 \u2660 16 seasons New Orleans Pelicans \u2020 ( 2013 -- 2018 ) --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "nba teams that never went to the playoffs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=845094092", "q_uid": 5820031522968043177, "answers": { "long_answer": "Seasons Team Last earned appearance in NBA playoffs Reference 12 Sacramento Kings ^ 2006 First Round 8 Phoenix Suns ^ 2010 Western Finals 6 Orlando Magic ^ 2012 First Round 5 Los Angeles Lakers ^ 2013 First Round 5 Denver Nuggets 2013 First Round 5 New York Knicks 2013 Eastern Semifinals Brooklyn Nets 2015 First Round Charlotte Hornets 2016 First Round Detroit Pistons 2016 First Round Dallas Mavericks 2016 First Round Chicago Bulls 2017 First Round Memphis Grizzlies 2017 First Round Atlanta Hawks 2017 First Round Los Angeles Clippers 2017 First Round 2018 Playoff teams -- Indiana Pacers 2018 First Round -- Miami Heat 2018 First Round -- Washington Wizards 2018 First Round -- Milwaukee Bucks 2018 First Round -- Portland Trail Blazers 2018 First Round -- Oklahoma City Thunder 2018 First Round -- San Antonio Spurs 2018 First Round -- Minnesota Timberwolves 2018 First Round -- Philadelphia 76ers 2018 Eastern Semifinals -- Toronto Raptors 2018 Eastern Semifinals -- New Orleans Pelicans 2018 Western Semifinals -- Utah Jazz 2018 Western Semifinals -- Boston Celtics 2018 Eastern Finals -- Houston Rockets 2018 Western Finals -- Cleveland Cavaliers 2018 NBA Finals -- Golden State Warriors 2018 NBA Finals", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the longest playoff drought in the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=835723397", "q_uid": 4262355706677910854, "answers": { "long_answer": "Seasons Team Last earned appearance in NBA playoffs Reference 14 Minnesota Timberwolves ^ 2004 Western Finals 12 Sacramento Kings ^ 2006 First Round 8 Phoenix Suns ^ 2010 Western Finals 6 Orlando Magic ^ 2012 First Round 5 Los Angeles Lakers ^ 2013 First Round 5 Denver Nuggets 2013 First Round 5 New York Knicks 2013 Eastern Semifinals Brooklyn Nets 2015 First Round Charlotte Hornets 2016 First Round Detroit Pistons 2016 First Round Dallas Mavericks 2016 First Round Chicago Bulls 2017 First Round Memphis Grizzlies 2017 First Round Atlanta Hawks 2017 First Round Los Angeles Clippers 2017 First Round 2018 Playoff teams -- Toronto Raptors 2018 First Round -- Boston Celtics 2018 First Round -- Cleveland Cavaliers 2018 First Round -- Philadelphia 76ers 2018 First Round -- Indiana Pacers 2018 First Round -- Miami Heat 2018 First Round -- Washington Wizards 2018 First Round -- Milwaukee Bucks 2018 First Round -- Houston Rockets 2018 First Round -- Golden State Warriors 2018 First Round -- Portland Trail Blazers 2018 First Round -- Utah Jazz 2018 First Round -- Oklahoma City Thunder 2018 First Round -- San Antonio Spurs 2018 First Round -- New Orleans Pelicans 2018 First Round", "short_answer": "Minnesota Timberwolves ^" } }, { "question": "which team has never won a nba title", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=802277134", "q_uid": -3648852750592736104, "answers": { "long_answer": "Last team to leave list -- Cleveland 2016 Total seasons ( NBA ) Franchise Last NBA Finals appearance 7001490000000000000 \u2660 49 seasons Phoenix Suns ( 1968 -- 2017 ) 1993 7001470000000000000 \u2660 47 seasons Los Angeles Clippers \u00a7 ( 1984 -- 2017 ) -- 7001430000000000000 \u2660 43 seasons Utah Jazz \u00a7 ( 1979 -- 2017 ) 1998 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Denver Nuggets ( 1976 -- 2017 ) -- 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Indiana Pacers \u2021 ( 1976 -- 2017 ) 2000 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Brooklyn Nets \u00a7 \u2021 ( 2012 -- 2017 ) 2003 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1989 -- 2017 ) -- 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Orlando Magic ( 1989 -- 2017 ) 2009 7001270000000000000 \u2660 27 seasons Charlotte Hornets \u2020 ( 1988 -- 2002 ) ( 2014 -- 2017 ) -- 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Toronto Raptors ( 1995 -- 2017 ) 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Memphis Grizzlies \u00a7 ( 2001 -- 2017 ) -- 7001150000000000000 \u2660 15 seasons New Orleans Pelicans \u2020 ( 2013 -- 2017 ) --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the hornet's made the playoffs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=803941667", "q_uid": 5737486292426862041, "answers": { "long_answer": "Seasons Team Last earned appearance in NBA playoffs Reference 13 Minnesota Timberwolves ^ 2004 Western Finals 11 Sacramento Kings ^ 2006 First Round 7 Phoenix Suns ^ 2010 Western Finals 5 Philadelphia 76ers 2012 Eastern Semifinals 5 Orlando Magic ^ 2012 First Round Los Angeles Lakers ^ 2013 First Round Denver Nuggets 2013 First Round New York Knicks 2013 Eastern Semifinals Brooklyn Nets 2015 First Round New Orleans Pelicans 2015 First Round Charlotte Hornets 2016 First Round Detroit Pistons 2016 First Round Dallas Mavericks 2016 First Round Miami Heat 2016 Eastern Semifinals 2017 Playoff teams -- Oklahoma City Thunder 2017 First Round -- Chicago Bulls 2017 First Round -- Milwaukee Bucks 2017 First Round -- Memphis Grizzlies 2017 First Round -- Atlanta Hawks 2017 First Round -- Indiana Pacers 2017 First Round -- Los Angeles Clippers 2017 First Round -- Portland Trail Blazers 2017 First Round -- Washington Wizards 2017 Eastern Semifinals -- Toronto Raptors 2017 Eastern Semifinals -- Utah Jazz 2017 Western Semifinals -- Houston Rockets 2017 Western Semifinals -- Boston Celtics 2017 Eastern Finals -- San Antonio Spurs 2017 Western Finals -- Golden State Warriors 2017 Finals -- Cleveland Cavaliers 2017 Finals", "short_answer": "2016 First Round" } }, { "question": "what nba teams have never won a title", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=803941667", "q_uid": 6788510800799346139, "answers": { "long_answer": "Last team to leave list -- Cleveland 2016 Total seasons ( NBA ) Franchise Last NBA Finals appearance 7001490000000000000 \u2660 49 seasons Phoenix Suns ( 1968 -- 2017 ) 1993 7001470000000000000 \u2660 47 seasons Los Angeles Clippers \u00a7 ( 1984 -- 2017 ) -- 7001430000000000000 \u2660 43 seasons Utah Jazz \u00a7 ( 1979 -- 2017 ) 1998 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Denver Nuggets ( 1976 -- 2017 ) -- 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Indiana Pacers \u2021 ( 1976 -- 2017 ) 2000 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Brooklyn Nets \u00a7 \u2021 ( 2012 -- 2017 ) 2003 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1989 -- 2017 ) -- 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Orlando Magic ( 1989 -- 2017 ) 2009 7001270000000000000 \u2660 27 seasons Charlotte Hornets \u2020 ( 1988 -- 2002 ) ( 2014 -- 2017 ) -- 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Toronto Raptors ( 1995 -- 2017 ) 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Memphis Grizzlies \u00a7 ( 2001 -- 2017 ) -- 7001150000000000000 \u2660 15 seasons New Orleans Pelicans \u2020 ( 2013 -- 2017 ) --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "nba team who has never won a championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=853460474", "q_uid": -8603991508237568058, "answers": { "long_answer": "Last team to leave list: Cleveland, 2016 Total seasons ( NBA ) Franchise Last NBA Finals appearance 50 seasons Phoenix Suns ( 1969 -- 2018 ) 1993 48 seasons Los Angeles Clippers \u00a7 ( 1971 -- 2018 ) -- 44 seasons Utah Jazz \u00a7 ( 1975 -- 2018 ) 1998 42 seasons Denver Nuggets ( 1977 -- 2018 ) -- 42 seasons Indiana Pacers \u2021 ( 1977 -- 2018 ) 2000 42 seasons Brooklyn Nets \u00a7 \u2021 ( 1977 -- 2018 ) 2003 29 seasons Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1990 -- 2018 ) -- 29 seasons Orlando Magic ( 1990 -- 2018 ) 2009 28 seasons Charlotte Hornets \u2020 ( 1989 -- 2002; 2005 -- 2018 ) 1998 23 seasons Toronto Raptors ( 1996 -- 2018 ) -- 23 seasons Memphis Grizzlies \u00a7 ( 1996 -- 2018 ) -- 16 seasons New Orleans Pelicans \u2020 ( 2003 -- 2018 ) --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what nba teams has never won a championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=798184645", "q_uid": 5408087129166130629, "answers": { "long_answer": "Franchise Most recent title Division Seasons since win Charlotte Hornets ^ 1! None East! Southeast 27 Memphis Grizzlies ^ 1.1! None West! Southwest 22 Philadelphia 76ers ^ 2000 -- 01 East! Atlantic 16 Milwaukee Bucks \u2020 2000 -- 01 East! Central 16 Sacramento Kings 2002 -- 03 West! Pacific 14 Minnesota Timberwolves 2003 -- 04 West! Northwest 13 Brooklyn Nets 2005 -- 06 East! Atlantic 11 Phoenix Suns 2006 -- 07 West! Pacific 10 New Orleans Pelicans ^ 2007 -- 08 West! Southwest 9 Detroit Pistons 2007 -- 08 East! Central 9 Orlando Magic 2009 -- 10 East! Southeast 7 Dallas Mavericks 2009 -- 10 West! Southwest 7 Denver Nuggets 2009 -- 10 West! Northwest 7 Los Angeles Lakers 2011 -- 12 West! Pacific 5 Chicago Bulls 2011 -- 12 East! Central 5 New York Knicks 2012 -- 13 East! Atlantic Indiana Pacers 2013 -- 14 East! Central Los Angeles Clippers 2013 -- 14 West! Pacific Houston Rockets 2014 -- 15 West! Southwest Portland Trail Blazers 2014 -- 15 West! Northwest Atlanta Hawks 2014 -- 15 East! Southeast Toronto Raptors 2015 -- 16 East! Atlantic Miami Heat 2015 -- 16 East! Southeast Oklahoma City Thunder 2015 -- 16 West! Northwest Boston Celtics 2016 -- 17 East! Atlantic -- Washington Wizards 2016 -- 17 East! Southeast -- Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 -- 17 East! Central -- Utah Jazz 2016 -- 17 West! Northwest -- Golden State Warriors 2016 -- 17 West! Pacific -- San Antonio Spurs 2016 -- 17 West! Southwest --", "short_answer": "Charlotte Hornets ^" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the kings made the playoffs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=853460474", "q_uid": 377390548033608324, "answers": { "long_answer": "Seasons Team Last earned appearance in NBA playoffs Reference 12 Sacramento Kings ^ 2006 First Round 8 Phoenix Suns ^ 2010 Western Finals 6 Orlando Magic ^ 2012 First Round 5 Los Angeles Lakers ^ 2013 First Round 5 Denver Nuggets 2013 First Round 5 New York Knicks 2013 Eastern Semifinals Brooklyn Nets 2015 First Round Charlotte Hornets 2016 First Round Detroit Pistons 2016 First Round Dallas Mavericks 2016 First Round Chicago Bulls 2017 First Round Memphis Grizzlies 2017 First Round Atlanta Hawks 2017 First Round Los Angeles Clippers 2017 First Round 2018 Playoff teams -- Indiana Pacers 2018 First Round -- Miami Heat 2018 First Round -- Washington Wizards 2018 First Round -- Milwaukee Bucks 2018 First Round -- Portland Trail Blazers 2018 First Round -- Oklahoma City Thunder 2018 First Round -- San Antonio Spurs 2018 First Round -- Minnesota Timberwolves 2018 First Round -- Philadelphia 76ers 2018 Eastern Semifinals -- Toronto Raptors 2018 Eastern Semifinals -- New Orleans Pelicans 2018 Western Semifinals -- Utah Jazz 2018 Western Semifinals -- Boston Celtics 2018 Eastern Finals -- Houston Rockets 2018 Western Finals -- Cleveland Cavaliers 2018 NBA Finals -- Golden State Warriors 2018 NBA Finals", "short_answer": "2006 First" } }, { "question": "nba teams to never make the conference finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=835723397", "q_uid": 1846429390012341039, "answers": { "long_answer": "Current Playoff series loss streak Team Last series win in NBA Playoffs Seasons since win Losing streak Series losses -- teams Ref Milwaukee Bucks ^ 2001 Eastern Semifinals 17 8 2001 Philadelphia 2003 New Jersey Nets 00 2004 Detroit 2006 Detroit 2010 Atlanta 2013 Miami 2015 Chicago 2017 Toronto Charlotte Hornets ^ 2002 Eastern First Round 14 4 2002 New Jersey Nets 2010 Orlando 2014 Miami 2016 Miami Sacramento Kings 2004 Western First Round 14 2004 Minnesota 2005 Seattle 2006 San Antonio Minnesota Timberwolves \u00a7 2004 Western Semifinals 14 2004 Los Angeles Lakers New Orleans Pelicans ^ 2008 Western First Round 10 4 2008 San Antonio 2009 Denver 2011 Los Angeles Lakers 2015 Golden State Detroit Pistons 2008 Eastern Semifinals 10 2008 Boston 2009 Cleveland 2016 Cleveland Denver Nuggets 2009 Western Semifinals 9 5 2009 Los Angeles Lakers 2010 Utah 2011 Oklahoma City 2012 Los Angeles Lakers 2013 Golden State Orlando Magic 2010 Eastern Semifinals 8 2010 Boston 2011 Atlanta 2012 Indiana Phoenix Suns 2010 Western Semifinals 8 2010 Los Angeles Lakers Dallas Mavericks 2011 Finals 7 4 2012 Oklahoma City 2014 San Antonio 2015 Houston 2016 Oklahoma City Philadelphia 76ers 2012 Eastern First Round 6 2012 Boston Los Angeles Lakers 2012 Western First Round 6 2012 Oklahoma City 2013 San Antonio New York Knicks 2013 Eastern First Round 5 2013 Indiana Brooklyn Nets 2014 Eastern First Round 2014 Miami 2015 Atlanta Indiana Pacers 2014 Eastern Semifinals 2014 Miami 2016 Toronto 2017 Cleveland Chicago Bulls 2015 Eastern First Round 2015 Cleveland 2017 Boston Memphis Grizzlies 2015 Western First Round 2015 Golden State 2016 San Antonio Spurs 2017 San Antonio Spurs Los Angeles Clippers 2015 Western First Round 2015 Houston 2016 Portland 2017 Utah Atlanta Hawks 2016 Eastern First Round 2016 Cleveland 2017 Washington Portland Trail Blazers 2016 Western First Round 2016 Golden State 2017 Golden State Miami Heat 2016 Eastern First Round 2016 Toronto Oklahoma City Thunder 2016 Western Semifinals 2016 Golden State 2017 Houston z 3000 2017 Playoff Series 0 Winners 3000 3000 Toronto Raptors 2017 Eastern First Round -- 2017 Cleveland Utah Jazz 2017 Western First Round -- 2017 Golden State Houston Rockets 2017 Western First Round -- 2017 San Antonio Washington Wizards 2017 Eastern First Round -- 2017 Boston San Antonio Spurs 2017 Western Semifinals -- 2017 Golden State Boston Celtics 2017 Eastern Semifinals -- 2017 Cleveland Cleveland Cavaliers 2017 Eastern Finals -- 2017 Golden State Golden State Warriors 2017 Finals -- 0 7000400000000000000 \u2660 4 series win streak Team Last series win in NBA Playoffs Seasons Since win Losing Streak Series Losses -- Teams Ref", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when's the last time the timberwolves made the playoffs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=843432233", "q_uid": -5762057631920055124, "answers": { "long_answer": "Seasons Team Last earned appearance in NBA playoffs Reference 12 Sacramento Kings ^ 2006 First Round 8 Phoenix Suns ^ 2010 Western Finals 6 Orlando Magic ^ 2012 First Round 5 Los Angeles Lakers ^ 2013 First Round 5 Denver Nuggets 2013 First Round 5 New York Knicks 2013 Eastern Semifinals Brooklyn Nets 2015 First Round Charlotte Hornets 2016 First Round Detroit Pistons 2016 First Round Dallas Mavericks 2016 First Round Chicago Bulls 2017 First Round Memphis Grizzlies 2017 First Round Atlanta Hawks 2017 First Round Los Angeles Clippers 2017 First Round 2018 Playoff teams -- Indiana Pacers 2018 First Round -- Miami Heat 2018 First Round -- Washington Wizards 2018 First Round -- Milwaukee Bucks 2018 First Round -- Portland Trail Blazers 2018 First Round -- Oklahoma City Thunder 2018 First Round -- San Antonio Spurs 2018 First Round -- Minnesota Timberwolves 2018 First Round -- Philadelphia 76ers 2018 Eastern Semifinals -- Toronto Raptors 2018 Eastern Semifinals -- New Orleans Pelicans 2018 Western Semifinals -- Utah Jazz 2018 Western Semifinals -- Boston Celtics 2018 Eastern Finals -- Houston Rockets 2018 Western Finals -- Golden State Warriors 2018 NBA Finals -- Cleveland Cavaliers 2018 NBA Finals", "short_answer": "2018 First" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the hornets made the playoffs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=853460474", "q_uid": -2810862404363674386, "answers": { "long_answer": "Seasons Team Last earned appearance in NBA playoffs Reference 12 Sacramento Kings ^ 2006 First Round 8 Phoenix Suns ^ 2010 Western Finals 6 Orlando Magic ^ 2012 First Round 5 Los Angeles Lakers ^ 2013 First Round 5 Denver Nuggets 2013 First Round 5 New York Knicks 2013 Eastern Semifinals Brooklyn Nets 2015 First Round Charlotte Hornets 2016 First Round Detroit Pistons 2016 First Round Dallas Mavericks 2016 First Round Chicago Bulls 2017 First Round Memphis Grizzlies 2017 First Round Atlanta Hawks 2017 First Round Los Angeles Clippers 2017 First Round 2018 Playoff teams -- Indiana Pacers 2018 First Round -- Miami Heat 2018 First Round -- Washington Wizards 2018 First Round -- Milwaukee Bucks 2018 First Round -- Portland Trail Blazers 2018 First Round -- Oklahoma City Thunder 2018 First Round -- San Antonio Spurs 2018 First Round -- Minnesota Timberwolves 2018 First Round -- Philadelphia 76ers 2018 Eastern Semifinals -- Toronto Raptors 2018 Eastern Semifinals -- New Orleans Pelicans 2018 Western Semifinals -- Utah Jazz 2018 Western Semifinals -- Boston Celtics 2018 Eastern Finals -- Houston Rockets 2018 Western Finals -- Cleveland Cavaliers 2018 NBA Finals -- Golden State Warriors 2018 NBA Finals", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "teams that have never won an nba championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=813186633", "q_uid": 8816882078328017005, "answers": { "long_answer": "Seasons Team Last NBA championship Reference 66 Sacramento Kings 1951 59 Atlanta Hawks 1958 49 Phoenix Suns Never 47 Los Angeles Clippers Never 46 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 44 New York Knicks 1973 43 Utah Jazz Never 41 Denver Nuggets Never 41 Brooklyn Nets Never 41 Indiana Pacers Never 40 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 39 Washington Wizards 1978 38 Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 34 Philadelphia 76ers 28 Orlando Magic Never 28 Minnesota Timberwolves Never 27 Charlotte Hornets Never 22 Houston Rockets 1995 22 Memphis Grizzlies Never 22 Toronto Raptors Never 19 Chicago Bulls 1998 15 New Orleans Pelicans Never 13 Detroit Pistons 9 Boston Celtics 2008 7 Los Angeles Lakers 6 Dallas Mavericks 2011 Miami Heat 2013 San Antonio Spurs 2014 Cleveland Cavaliers 2016. 25 Sam Defending 2015.5 NBA champion -- Golden State Warriors 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "teams in nba that never won a championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=803941667", "q_uid": -5860377757269229218, "answers": { "long_answer": "Last team to leave list -- Cleveland 2016 Total seasons ( NBA ) Franchise Last NBA Finals appearance 7001490000000000000 \u2660 49 seasons Phoenix Suns ( 1968 -- 2017 ) 1993 7001470000000000000 \u2660 47 seasons Los Angeles Clippers \u00a7 ( 1984 -- 2017 ) -- 7001430000000000000 \u2660 43 seasons Utah Jazz \u00a7 ( 1979 -- 2017 ) 1998 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Denver Nuggets ( 1976 -- 2017 ) -- 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Indiana Pacers \u2021 ( 1976 -- 2017 ) 2000 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Brooklyn Nets \u00a7 \u2021 ( 2012 -- 2017 ) 2003 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1989 -- 2017 ) -- 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Orlando Magic ( 1989 -- 2017 ) 2009 7001270000000000000 \u2660 27 seasons Charlotte Hornets \u2020 ( 1988 -- 2002 ) ( 2014 -- 2017 ) -- 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Toronto Raptors ( 1995 -- 2017 ) 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Memphis Grizzlies \u00a7 ( 2001 -- 2017 ) -- 7001150000000000000 \u2660 15 seasons New Orleans Pelicans \u2020 ( 2013 -- 2017 ) --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what nba team have never won a championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=843432233", "q_uid": -7067678307502297287, "answers": { "long_answer": "Last team to leave list: Cleveland, 2016 Total seasons ( NBA ) Franchise Last NBA Finals appearance 7001500000000000000 \u2660 50 seasons Phoenix Suns ( 1969 -- 2018 ) 1993 7001480000000000000 \u2660 48 seasons Los Angeles Clippers \u00a7 ( 1971 -- 2018 ) -- 7001440000000000000 \u2660 44 seasons Utah Jazz \u00a7 ( 1975 -- 2018 ) 1998 7001420000000000000 \u2660 42 seasons Denver Nuggets ( 1977 -- 2018 ) -- 7001420000000000000 \u2660 42 seasons Indiana Pacers \u2021 ( 1977 -- 2018 ) 2000 7001420000000000000 \u2660 42 seasons Brooklyn Nets \u00a7 \u2021 ( 1977 -- 2018 ) 2003 7001290000000000000 \u2660 29 seasons Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1990 -- 2018 ) -- 7001290000000000000 \u2660 29 seasons Orlando Magic ( 1990 -- 2018 ) 2009 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Charlotte Hornets \u2020 ( 1989 -- 2002; 2005 -- 2018 ) -- 7001230000000000000 \u2660 23 seasons Toronto Raptors ( 1996 -- 2018 ) -- 7001230000000000000 \u2660 23 seasons Memphis Grizzlies \u00a7 ( 1996 -- 2018 ) -- 7001160000000000000 \u2660 16 seasons New Orleans Pelicans \u2020 ( 2003 -- 2018 ) --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which nba teams has never won a championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=798184645", "q_uid": -3146990939151434256, "answers": { "long_answer": "Last team to leave list -- Cleveland 2016 Total seasons ( NBA ) Franchise Last NBA Finals appearance 7001490000000000000 \u2660 49 seasons Phoenix Suns ( 1968 -- 2017 ) 1993 7001470000000000000 \u2660 47 seasons Los Angeles Clippers \u00a7 ( 1984 -- 2017 ) -- 7001430000000000000 \u2660 43 seasons Utah Jazz \u00a7 ( 1979 -- 2017 ) 1998 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Denver Nuggets ( 1976 -- 2017 ) -- 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Indiana Pacers \u2021 ( 1976 -- 2017 ) 2000 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Brooklyn Nets \u00a7 \u2021 ( 2012 -- 2017 ) 2003 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1989 -- 2017 ) -- 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Orlando Magic ( 1989 -- 2017 ) 2009 7001270000000000000 \u2660 27 seasons Charlotte Hornets \u2020 ( 1988 -- 2002 ) ( 2014 -- 2017 ) -- 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Toronto Raptors ( 1995 -- 2017 ) 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Memphis Grizzlies \u00a7 ( 2001 -- 2017 ) -- 7001150000000000000 \u2660 15 seasons New Orleans Pelicans \u2020 ( 2013 -- 2017 ) --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "only nba teams to never won a championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=803941667", "q_uid": 112375242307943779, "answers": { "long_answer": "Last team to leave list -- Cleveland 2016 Total seasons ( NBA ) Franchise Last NBA Finals appearance 7001490000000000000 \u2660 49 seasons Phoenix Suns ( 1968 -- 2017 ) 1993 7001470000000000000 \u2660 47 seasons Los Angeles Clippers \u00a7 ( 1984 -- 2017 ) -- 7001430000000000000 \u2660 43 seasons Utah Jazz \u00a7 ( 1979 -- 2017 ) 1998 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Denver Nuggets ( 1976 -- 2017 ) -- 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Indiana Pacers \u2021 ( 1976 -- 2017 ) 2000 7001410000000000000 \u2660 41 seasons Brooklyn Nets \u00a7 \u2021 ( 2012 -- 2017 ) 2003 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Minnesota Timberwolves ( 1989 -- 2017 ) -- 7001280000000000000 \u2660 28 seasons Orlando Magic ( 1989 -- 2017 ) 2009 7001270000000000000 \u2660 27 seasons Charlotte Hornets \u2020 ( 1988 -- 2002 ) ( 2014 -- 2017 ) -- 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Toronto Raptors ( 1995 -- 2017 ) 7001220000000000000 \u2660 22 seasons Memphis Grizzlies \u00a7 ( 2001 -- 2017 ) -- 7001150000000000000 \u2660 15 seasons New Orleans Pelicans \u2020 ( 2013 -- 2017 ) --", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many teams didn't win a nba championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=853460474", "q_uid": 2082052318699234237, "answers": { "long_answer": "Last team to leave list - Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 Team Conference Quarter - Final appearances Conference Semi-Final appearances Conference Final appearances NBA Final appearances Fewest wins short of NBA Championship Brooklyn Nets 19 7 02 wins short: 2003 Indiana Pacers 25 10 8 02 wins short: 2000 Phoenix Suns 26 18 9 02 wins short: 1976, 1993 Utah Jazz 27 16 6 02 wins short: 1997, 1998 Orlando Magic 14 5 03 wins short: 2009 Toronto Raptors 10 6 wins short: 2016 Minnesota Timberwolves 9 06 wins short: 2004 Denver Nuggets 22 8 06 wins short: 1978, 2009 Memphis Grizzlies 10 08 wins short: 2013 Los Angeles Clippers 11 7 9 wins short: 1975, 2006, 2015 New Orleans Pelicans 7 9 wins short: 2008 Charlotte Hornets 10 11 wins short: 2002", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what nba team has never won an nba championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_NBA_franchise_post-season_droughts&oldid=862120101", "q_uid": -1757556376670935860, "answers": { "long_answer": "Seasons Team Last NBA championship Reference 67 Sacramento Kings 1951 60 Atlanta Hawks 1958 50 Phoenix Suns Never 48 Los Angeles Clippers Never 47 Milwaukee Bucks 1971 45 New York Knicks 1973 44 Utah Jazz Never 42 Denver Nuggets Never 42 Brooklyn Nets Never 42 Indiana Pacers Never 41 Portland Trail Blazers 1977 40 Washington Wizards 1978 39 Oklahoma City Thunder 1979 35 Philadelphia 76ers 29 Orlando Magic Never 29 Minnesota Timberwolves Never 28 Charlotte Hornets Never 23 Houston Rockets 1995 23 Memphis Grizzlies Never 23 Toronto Raptors Never 20 Chicago Bulls 1998 16 New Orleans Pelicans Never 14 Detroit Pistons 10 Boston Celtics 2008 8 Los Angeles Lakers 7 Dallas Mavericks 2011 5 Miami Heat 2013 San Antonio Spurs 2014 Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 Defending NBA champion 0 Golden State Warriors 2018", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Daniel Craig": [ { "question": "how many films did daniel craig made as james bond", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Daniel_Craig&oldid=828711907", "q_uid": -4756287970350944920, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film Year Title Role Notes Power of One, The The Power of One Sgt. Jaapie Botha 1995 Kid in King Arthur 's Court, AA Kid in King Arthur 's Court Master Kane 1997 Obsession John McHale 1998 Love and Rage James Lynchehaun 1998 Elizabeth John Ballard 1999 The Trench Sgt. Telford Winter 2000 Some Voices Ray 2000 Hotel Splendide Ronald Blanche 2000 I Dreamed of Africa Declan Fielding 2001 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Alex West 2002 Ten Minutes Older: The Cello Cecil Thomas 2002 Road to Perdition Connor Rooney 2003 Sylvia Ted Hughes 2003 The Mother Darren Layer Cake XXXX Enduring Love Joe 2005 Jacket, The The Jacket Rudy Mackenzie 2005 Fateless American Soldier 2005 Munich Steve 2006 Renaissance Barth\u00e9l\u00e9my Karas ( voice ) 2006 Infamous Perry Smith 2006 Casino Royale James Bond 2007 Invasion, The The Invasion Ben Driscoll 2007 Golden Compass, The The Golden Compass Lord Asriel 2008 Flashbacks of a Fool Joe Scot 2008 Quantum of Solace James Bond 2008 Defiance Tuvia Bielski 2011 One Life Narrator ( voice ) Documentary 2011 Cowboys & Aliens Jake Lonergan 2011 Dream House Will Atenton / Peter Ward 2011 The Adventures of Tintin Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine / Red Rackham ( voices ) 2011 Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Mikael Blomkvist 2012 Skyfall James Bond 2015 Spectre James Bond 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Stormtrooper FN - 1824 Uncredited cameo 2017 Logan Lucky Joe Bang 2017 Kings Obie Harding", "short_answer": "Casino Royale" } }, { "question": "which was daniel craig's second james bond film", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Daniel_Craig&oldid=815869196", "q_uid": -9023959601466461190, "answers": { "long_answer": "Craig 's appearances in the British television film Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon ( 1998 ), the indie war film The Trench ( 1999 ), and the drama Some Voices ( 2000 ) attracted the film industry 's attention. This led to roles in bigger productions such as the action film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider ( 2001 ), the crime thriller Road to Perdition ( 2002 ), the crime thriller Layer Cake ( 2004 ), and the Steven Spielberg historical drama Munich ( 2005 ). Craig achieved international fame when chosen as the sixth actor to play the role of Ian Fleming 's James Bond in the official film series, taking over from Pierce Brosnan in 2005. Although his casting was initially greeted with scepticism, his debut was highly acclaimed and earned him a BAFTA award nomination, with Casino Royale becoming the highest - grossing in the series at the time. Quantum of Solace followed two years later.", "short_answer": "Quantum of Solace followed" } }, { "question": "who did daniel craig play in star wars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Daniel_Craig&oldid=850442525", "q_uid": -8933835326712058645, "answers": { "long_answer": "Prior to the inaugural Invictus Games held in London in September 2014, Craig along with other entertainers and athletes read the poem `` Invictus '' in a promotional video. He made an uncredited cameo appearance as a Stormtrooper in the Star Wars sequel Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2015. Craig appeared in a modern production of William Shakespeare 's tragedy Othello at the Off - Broadway New York Theatre Workshop throughout late 2016 and early 2017. The production starred David Oyelowo as the titular character and Craig as the main antagonist, Iago. Diane Snyder of The Daily Telegraph praised his `` chilling '' portrayal of Iago in the play. In 2017, Craig co-starred in Steven Soderbergh 's comedy Logan Lucky, about two brothers who pull off a heist during a NASCAR race. Craig starred alongside Halle Berry in the drama Kings set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. The film premiered in September 2017, but has not yet received distribution. In April 2018, Daniel Craig confirmed to Associated Press that the untitled 25th James Bond film will be his next project, serving as his fifth and final performance as the eponymous character. The film will be directed by Danny Boyle, and is scheduled for a North American release on 8 November 2019, with a traditional earlier release in the United Kingdom and overseas territories. Opinions", "short_answer": "an uncredited cameo appearance as a Stormtrooper in" } } ], "Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets football": [ { "question": "when was the last time georgia tech won a national championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Georgia_Tech_Yellow_Jackets_football&oldid=837072996", "q_uid": -1037001339361582461, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Coach Selectors Record Bowl 1917 John Heisman National Championship Foundation, Helms Athletic Foundation, Houlgate 9 -- 0 -- 1928 William Alexander National Championship Foundation, Helms Athletic Foundation, Houlgate 10 -- 0 Won Rose Bowl 1952 Bobby Dodd Berryman, INS, Poling 12 -- 0 Won Sugar Bowl 1990 Bobby Ross UPI Coaches ' 11 -- 0 -- 1 Won Citrus Bowl National Championships", "short_answer": "1990" } }, { "question": "where does georgia tech play home football games", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Georgia_Tech_Yellow_Jackets_football&oldid=807773051", "q_uid": 8305687900121818168, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets football team represents the Georgia Institute of Technology in the sport of American football. The Yellow Jackets team competes in the Football Bowl Subdivision ( FBS ) of the National Collegiate Athletic Association ( NCAA ) and the Coastal Division of the Atlantic Coast Conference ( ACC ). Georgia Tech has fielded a football team since 1892 and has an all - time record of 700 -- 471 -- 43 ( a. 594 winning percentage ). The Yellow Jackets play in Bobby Dodd Stadium at Historic Grant Field in Atlanta, Georgia, which has a capacity of 55,000. The Yellow Jackets have won four Division I-A college football national championships and fifteen conference titles.", "short_answer": "Bobby Dodd Stadium at Historic Grant Field in Atlanta, Georgia," } } ], "Air transports of heads of state and government": [ { "question": "what plane does the british prime minister use", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Air_transports_of_heads_of_state_and_government&oldid=825740854", "q_uid": 3730703366725604845, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. 32 ( The Royal ) Squadron of the Royal Air Force maintains a fleet of comprising of an Agusta A109 SP helicopter and four BAE - 146 regional airliners to support travel by the Royal Family, the Prime Minister and senior members of the British Government, secondary to their military duties.", "short_answer": "BAE - 146 regional" } } ], "Key signature": [ { "question": "what is one flat in the key signature", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Key_signature&oldid=847066131", "q_uid": -7991571034755182428, "answers": { "long_answer": "Major key Number of flats Flat notes Minor key Enharmonic equivalent C major 0 A minor None F major B \u266d D minor None B \u266d major B \u266d, E \u266d G minor None E \u266d major B \u266d, E \u266d, A \u266d C minor None A \u266d major B \u266d, E \u266d, A \u266d, D \u266d F minor None D \u266d major 5 B \u266d, E \u266d, A \u266d, D \u266d, G \u266d B \u266d minor C \u266f major / A \u266f minor G \u266d major 6 B \u266d, E \u266d, A \u266d, D \u266d, G \u266d, C \u266d E \u266d minor F \u266f major / D \u266f minor C \u266d major 7 B \u266d, E \u266d, A \u266d, D \u266d, G \u266d, C \u266d, F \u266d A \u266d minor B major / G \u266f minor", "short_answer": "B \u266d" } }, { "question": "what does 5 sharps in a key signature mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Key_signature&oldid=795814593", "q_uid": 6314106760832538080, "answers": { "long_answer": "Key signature Added \u266f Major key Minor key Key signature Added \u266d Major key Minor key 1 sharp F \u266f G major E minor 1 flat B \u266d F major D minor 2 sharps C \u266f D major B minor 2 flats E \u266d B \u266d major G minor 3 sharps G \u266f A major F \u266f minor 3 flats A \u266d E \u266d major C minor 4 sharps D \u266f E major C \u266f minor 4 flats D \u266d A \u266d major F minor 5 sharps A \u266f B major G \u266f minor 5 flats G \u266d D \u266d major B \u266d minor 6 sharps E \u266f F \u266f major D \u266f minor 6 flats C \u266d G \u266d major E \u266d minor 7 sharps B \u266f C \u266f major A \u266f minor 7 flats F \u266d C \u266d major A \u266d minor", "short_answer": "B major" } }, { "question": "the order of sharps in a key signature is", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Key_signature&oldid=832969418", "q_uid": -4241947556708810719, "answers": { "long_answer": "Put another way: for key signatures with sharps, the first sharp is placed on F with subsequent sharps on C, G, D, A, E and B; for key signatures with flats, the first flat is placed on B with subsequent flats on E, A, D, G, C and F. There are thus 15 conventional key signatures, with up to seven sharps or flats and including the empty signature of C major ( A minor ).", "short_answer": "F with subsequent sharps on C, G, D, A, E and B;" } }, { "question": "what key is f sharp and c sharp", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Key_signature&oldid=837003013", "q_uid": 3757117448353622703, "answers": { "long_answer": "The convention for the notation of key signatures follows the circle of fifths. Starting from C major ( or equivalently A minor ) which has no sharps or flats, successively raising the key by a fifth adds a sharp, going clockwise round the circle of fifths. The new sharp is placed on the new key 's leading note ( seventh degree ) for major keys or supertonic ( second degree ) for minor keys. Thus G major ( E minor ) has one sharp which is on the F; then D major ( B minor ) has two sharps on F and C and so on.", "short_answer": "D major ( B minor ) has" } } ], "Nina Dobrev": [ { "question": "who plays elena in vampire diaries season 8", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nina_Dobrev&oldid=804656080", "q_uid": 6936912682964572497, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nina Dobrev ( / \u02c8do\u028abr\u025bf /; born Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva; Bulgarian: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430 \u041a\u043e\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430 \u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0430; January 9, 1989 ) is a Bulgarian - Canadian actress. She is known for portraying the role of Mia Jones in the drama series Degrassi: The Next Generation and then Elena Gilbert on The CW 's supernatural drama series The Vampire Diaries.", "short_answer": "Nina Dobrev (" } } ], "Xavi": [ { "question": "how many assists does xavi have in his career", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Xavi&oldid=856864256", "q_uid": 6987430206094747781, "answers": { "long_answer": "Xavi came through La Masia, the Barcelona youth academy, at age 11 and made his first - team debut against Mallorca in August 1998. Since then, he has played 700 matches, scored 82 goals and made more than 180 assists for over 50 players. Xavi is the first player in Barcelona 's history to play 150 international matches. Highly regarded for his humble persona and team ethos, Xavi is viewed as being the embodiment of the tiki - taka passing style of play, and is widely considered to be one of the greatest central midfielders of all time. He is also considered by many to be the greatest Spanish player ever.", "short_answer": "more than 180 assists" } } ], "Lucie Jones": [ { "question": "where did lucy jones come in the eurovision 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lucie_Jones&oldid=801353397", "q_uid": -6344890937142734874, "answers": { "long_answer": "Lucie Bethan Jones ( born 20 March 1991 ) is a Welsh singer, actress, and model. Jones first came to prominence while competing on series 6 of The X Factor UK in 2009, where she finished eighth. She represented the United Kingdom in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 with the song `` Never Give Up on You '', finishing with 111 points in 15th place, the country 's best result since 2011.", "short_answer": "15th place," } } ], "Renault Clio": [ { "question": "how many cylinders does a renault clio have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Renault_Clio&oldid=865712505", "q_uid": -826869812345701685, "answers": { "long_answer": "The range of petrol engines consists of three options: a 1.2 - litre 16 valve straight - 4 engine, with a maximum power output of 75 hp ( 56 kW ), a turbocharged 0.9 - litre 12 valve straight - 3 engine, developing 90 hp ( 67 kW ), which can have a CO emission level of 99 g / km and a 1.2 litre turbocharged engine which produces 120 hp ( 89 kW ). A turbocharged 1.6 - litre four - cylinder engine, capable of producing 197 hp ( 147 kW ), will be featured on the Renault Sport version. Clio", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Ford Mustang (first generation)": [ { "question": "when did the first ford mustang came out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ford_Mustang_(first_generation)&oldid=842456819", "q_uid": -8659959935716189005, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first - generation Ford Mustang was manufactured by Ford from March 1964 until 1973. The introduction of the Mustang created a new class of automobile known as the pony car. The Mustang 's styling, with its long hood and short deck, proved wildly popular and inspired a host of competition.", "short_answer": "March 1964 until" } }, { "question": "when did the first mustang fastback come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ford_Mustang_(first_generation)&oldid=845592109", "q_uid": 4074478612211634615, "answers": { "long_answer": "It was initially introduced as a hardtop and convertible with the fastback version put on sale in August 1964. At the time of its introduction, the Mustang, sharing its underpinnings with the Falcon, was slotted into a compact car segment.", "short_answer": "August 1964." } }, { "question": "when did the first ford mustang come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ford_Mustang_(first_generation)&oldid=850150681", "q_uid": 189952315972489264, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first - generation Ford Mustang was manufactured by Ford from March 1964 until 1973. The introduction of the Mustang created a new class of automobile known as the pony car. The Mustang 's styling, with its long hood and short deck, proved wildly popular and inspired a host of competition.", "short_answer": "March 1964 until" } } ], "Nick Foles": [ { "question": "where did quarterback foles go to high school", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nick_Foles&oldid=834357674", "q_uid": 3482044244293000836, "answers": { "long_answer": "Foles was born and raised in Austin, Texas, the son of restaurateurs Larry and Melissa Foles. He graduated in 2007 from Westlake High School.", "short_answer": "Westlake High School." } }, { "question": "who does nick foles play for in the nfl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nick_Foles&oldid=797776167", "q_uid": -8390922599184082105, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nicholas Edward Foles ( born January 20, 1989 ) is an American football quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League ( NFL ). He played college football at Arizona, and was drafted by the Eagles in the third round of the 2012 NFL Draft. He has also played for the St. Louis Rams and Kansas City Chiefs.", "short_answer": "Philadelphia Eagles of" } }, { "question": "when did nick foles come to the eagles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nick_Foles&oldid=837118553", "q_uid": -8280125894552523736, "answers": { "long_answer": "Foles was selected by the Philadelphia Eagles in the third round with the 88th overall pick in the 2012 NFL Draft. He signed a four - year contract with the team on May 21, 2012. Despite speculation that Foles would start the Eagles ' Monday Night Football game against the New Orleans Saints on November 5 ( Week 9 ), Eagles coach Andy Reid stated that Vick would start that game. The following week against the division rival Dallas Cowboys, after Vick left the game in the second quarter with concussion symptoms, Foles made his NFL debut. Foles threw his first career touchdown pass to wide receiver Jeremy Maclin for 44 yards and finished with 22 completed passes out of 32 attempts for 219 yards, one touchdown, and one interception. With Philadelphia behind 31 -- 23 in the last minute, Foles lost the ball as he was sacked, and Jason Hatcher of the Cowboys recovered the ball in the end zone for a touchdown. Vick was eventually ruled out of the following game against the Washington Redskins in Week 11, and Foles made his first career start. Philadelphia lost to the Redskins 31 -- 6, and Foles was 21 - for - 47 in passing 204 yards with no touchdowns and two interceptions. Foles", "short_answer": "May 21, 2012." } }, { "question": "where did the eagles quarterback play college football", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nick_Foles&oldid=837446769", "q_uid": -3394135182863066073, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nicholas Edward Foles ( born January 20, 1989 ) is an American football quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League ( NFL ). He played college football at Arizona and was drafted by the Eagles in the third round of the 2012 NFL Draft. He has also played for the St. Louis Rams and Kansas City Chiefs.", "short_answer": "Arizona and" } }, { "question": "what teams did quarterback nick foles play for", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nick_Foles&oldid=827814303", "q_uid": 7011519041955067178, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nick Foles Foles in 2018, during the Eagles ' Super Bowl LII victory parade No. 9 -- Philadelphia Eagles Position: Quarterback Born: ( 1989 - 01 - 20 ) January 20, 1989 ( age 29 ) Austin, Texas Height: 6 ft 6 in ( 1.98 m ) Weight: 243 lb ( 110 kg ) Career information High school: Austin ( TX ) Westlake College: Arizona NFL Draft: 2012 / Round: 3 / Pick: 88 Career history Philadelphia Eagles ( 2012 -- 2014 ) St. Louis Rams ( 2015 ) Kansas City Chiefs ( 2016 ) Philadelphia Eagles ( 2017 -- present ) Roster status: Active Career highlights and awards Super Bowl champion ( LII ) Super Bowl MVP ( LII ) Pro Bowl ( 2013 ) NFL passer rating leader ( 2013 ) NFL record 7 touchdown passes in a game ( tied ) Career NFL statistics as of 2017 Passing attempts: 1,386 Passing completions: 833 Completion percentage: 60.1 TD -- INT: 61 -- 29 Passing yards: 9,752 Passer rating: 87.4 Player stats at NFL.com Player stats at PFR", "short_answer": "Philadelphia Eagles (" } }, { "question": "what year did nick foles play for the eagles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nick_Foles&oldid=827814303", "q_uid": -8029434459803620697, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nick Foles Foles in 2018, during the Eagles ' Super Bowl LII victory parade No. 9 -- Philadelphia Eagles Position: Quarterback Born: ( 1989 - 01 - 20 ) January 20, 1989 ( age 29 ) Austin, Texas Height: 6 ft 6 in ( 1.98 m ) Weight: 243 lb ( 110 kg ) Career information High school: Austin ( TX ) Westlake College: Arizona NFL Draft: 2012 / Round: 3 / Pick: 88 Career history Philadelphia Eagles ( 2012 -- 2014 ) St. Louis Rams ( 2015 ) Kansas City Chiefs ( 2016 ) Philadelphia Eagles ( 2017 -- present ) Roster status: Active Career highlights and awards Super Bowl champion ( LII ) Super Bowl MVP ( LII ) Pro Bowl ( 2013 ) NFL passer rating leader ( 2013 ) NFL record 7 touchdown passes in a game ( tied ) Career NFL statistics as of 2017 Passing attempts: 1,386 Passing completions: 833 Completion percentage: 60.1 TD -- INT: 61 -- 29 Passing yards: 9,752 Passer rating: 87.4 Player stats at NFL.com Player stats at PFR", "short_answer": "2012 -- 2014 )" } } ], "Chyler Leigh": [ { "question": "who does chyler leigh play in greys anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chyler_Leigh&oldid=824938063", "q_uid": 3951219784206999672, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chyler Leigh West ( pronounced / \u02c8ka\u026al\u0259r /; n\u00e9e Potts; born April 10, 1982 ), known professionally as Chyler Leigh, is an American actress, singer and model. She is best known for her portrayal of Janey Briggs in the comedy film Not Another Teen Movie ( 2001 ), Dr. Alexandra `` Lexie '' Grey in the ABC medical drama series Grey 's Anatomy ( 2007 -- 2012 ), and Alexandra `` Alex '' Danvers in the CBS / CW superhero series Supergirl ( 2015 -- present ), subsequently appearing in the other series that make up the Arrowverse.", "short_answer": "Dr. Alexandra `` Lexie '' Grey in" } }, { "question": "who plays lexi grey in grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chyler_Leigh&oldid=854270364", "q_uid": 1315432392642928258, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chyler Leigh West ( pronounced / \u02c8ka\u026al\u0259r / KY - l\u0259r; born Potts; April 10, 1982 ), known professionally as Chyler Leigh, is an American actress, singer and model. She is known for portraying Janey Briggs in the comedy film Not Another Teen Movie ( 2001 ), Lexie Grey in the ABC medical drama series Grey 's Anatomy ( 2007 -- 2012 ), and Alex Danvers in the DC Comics superhero series Supergirl ( 2015 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Chyler Leigh," } }, { "question": "who plays lexie grey on grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chyler_Leigh&oldid=854270364", "q_uid": -193770685128575043, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chyler Leigh West ( pronounced / \u02c8ka\u026al\u0259r / KY - l\u0259r; born Potts; April 10, 1982 ), known professionally as Chyler Leigh, is an American actress, singer and model. She is known for portraying Janey Briggs in the comedy film Not Another Teen Movie ( 2001 ), Lexie Grey in the ABC medical drama series Grey 's Anatomy ( 2007 -- 2012 ), and Alex Danvers in the DC Comics superhero series Supergirl ( 2015 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Chyler Leigh West (" } } ], "Cheyenne Jackson": [ { "question": "who plays will drake on american horror story", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cheyenne_Jackson&oldid=829954225", "q_uid": 4709185810861091275, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2008 Lipstick Jungle Bryce Episode: `` Chapter Fifteen: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Prada '' 2008 Family Practice Sebastian Kinglare Television film 2009 Life on Mars Sebastian Grace Episode: `` Let All the Children Boogie '' 2009 Ugly Betty Timothy D'Artagnan Episode: `` Sugar Daddy '' Law & Order Jon Sorrentino Episode: `` Innocence '' It Takes a Village Scott Unsold television pilot 2010 -- 2011 Glee Dustin Goolsby 3 episodes 2011 Curb Your Enthusiasm Terry Episode: `` Car Periscope '' 2009 -- 2012 30 Rock Danny Baker 12 episodes 2012 Mockingbird Lane Steve Unsold television pilot 2013 Onion News Empire Cameron Grey 2013 Behind the Candelabra Billy Leatherwood 2013 Full Circle Peter Barlow 3 episodes 2014 HR Tim Harcourt Unsold television pilot 2014 Royal Pains Sam Episode: `` Oh, M.G. '' 2015 -- 2016 American Horror Story: Hotel Will Drake 9 episodes 2016 American Horror Story: Roanoke Sidney Aaron James 7 episodes 2017 The Real O'Neals Mr. Peters Episode: `` The Real Mr. Nice Guy '' 2017 RuPaul 's Drag Race Himself Episode: `` Draggily Ever After '' 2017 Sense8 Blake Huntington Episode: `` If All the World 's a Stage, Identity Is Nothing But a Costume '' 2017 American Horror Story: Cult Dr. Rudy Vincent 9 episodes 2018 American Woman Greg Upcoming series 2018 - Will & Grace Michael", "short_answer": "" } } ], "History of immigration to the United States": [ { "question": "when did immigration start in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States&oldid=842440130", "q_uid": 5557550006522357115, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1607 the first successful English colony settled in Jamestown, Virginia. Once tobacco was found to be a profitable cash crop, many plantations were established along the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia and Maryland.", "short_answer": "1607 the" } }, { "question": "what region of the united states did most new immigrants settle in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States&oldid=834484373", "q_uid": -8986183882045902775, "answers": { "long_answer": "The history of immigration to the United States details the movement of people to the United States starting with the first European settlements from around 1600. Beginning around this time, British and other Europeans settled primarily on the east coast. Later Africans were imported as slaves. The United States experienced successive waves of immigration, particularly from Europe. Immigrants sometimes paid the cost of transoceanic transportation by becoming indentured servants after their arrival in the New World. Later, immigration rules became more restrictive; the ending of numerical restrictions occurred in 1965. Recently, cheap air travel has increased immigration from Asia and Latin America.", "short_answer": "the east coast." } }, { "question": "the bulk of immigrants coming to the united states between the late 1880s and the 1920s came from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States&oldid=800389576", "q_uid": -5633871911927463281, "answers": { "long_answer": "After 1880 larger steam - powered oceangoing ships replaced sailing ships, which resulted in lower fares and greater immigrant mobility. Meanwhile, farming improvements in Southern Europe and the Russian Empire created surplus labor. Young people between the ages of 15 to 30 were predominant among newcomers. This wave of migration, constituting the third episode in the history of U.S. immigration, may be better referred to as a flood of immigrants, as nearly 25 million Europeans made the long trip. Italians, Greeks, Hungarians, Poles, and others speaking Slavic languages made up the bulk of this migration. 2.5 to 4 million Jews were among them.", "short_answer": "Southern Europe and" } }, { "question": "who were the first immigrants that came to america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States&oldid=828337488", "q_uid": -3447229739119953037, "answers": { "long_answer": "The history of immigration to the United States details the movement of people to the United States starting with the first European settlements from around 1600. Beginning around this time, British and other Europeans settled primarily on the east coast. Later Africans were imported as slaves. The United States experienced successive waves of immigration, particularly from Europe. Immigrants sometimes paid the cost of transoceanic transportation by becoming indentured servants after their arrival in the New World. Later, immigration rules became more restrictive; the ending of numerical restrictions occurred in 1965. Recently, cheap air travel has increased immigration from Asia and Latin America.", "short_answer": "British and other Europeans settled" } }, { "question": "why did many african immigrants come to the united states in the 1600s and 1700s", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States&oldid=817682916", "q_uid": 8895348502184746062, "answers": { "long_answer": "The history of immigration to the United States details the movement of people to the United States starting with the first European settlements from around 1600. Beginning around this time, British and other Europeans settled primarily on the east coast. Later Africans were imported as slaves. The United States experienced successive waves of immigration, particularly from Europe. Immigrants sometimes paid the cost of transoceanic transportation by becoming indentured servants after their arrival in the New World. Later, immigration rules became more restrictive; the ending of numerical restrictions occurred in 1965. Recently, cheap air travel has increased immigration from Asia and Latin America.", "short_answer": "Africans were imported as slaves." } }, { "question": "when did the first immigrants come to america", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States&oldid=806997807", "q_uid": -400250568221804712, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1607 the first successful English colony settled in Jamestown, Virginia. Once tobacco was found to be a profitable cash crop, many plantations were established along the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia and Maryland.", "short_answer": "1607 the" } }, { "question": "between 1900 and 1920 where did most of the migrants to the united states come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States&oldid=802488129", "q_uid": -3711380827735822803, "answers": { "long_answer": "Between 1850 and 1930, about 5 million Germans migrated to the United States, peaking between 1881 and 1885 when a million Germans settled primarily in the Midwest. Between 1820 and 1930, 3.5 million British and 4.5 million Irish entered America. Before 1845 most Irish immigrants were Protestants. After 1845, Irish Catholics began arriving in large numbers, largely driven by the Great Famine.", "short_answer": "Germans settled" } }, { "question": "where did most immigrants in the 1840s come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States&oldid=842440130", "q_uid": 6277159025381856760, "answers": { "long_answer": "Between 1841 and 1850, immigration nearly tripled again, totaling 1,713,000 immigrants, including at least 781,000 Irish, 435,000 Germans, 267,000 British, and 77,000 French. The Irish, driven by the Potato Famine ( 1845 -- 1849 ), emigrated directly from their homeland to escape poverty and death. The failed revolutions of 1848 brought many intellectuals and activists to exile in the U.S. Bad times and poor conditions in Europe drove people out, while land, relatives, freedom, opportunity, and jobs in the US lured them in.", "short_answer": "The Irish," } }, { "question": "from where did most immigrants to the united states come after the 1880s", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States&oldid=820778119", "q_uid": -7284678856481580216, "answers": { "long_answer": "After 1880 larger steam - powered oceangoing ships replaced sailing ships, which resulted in lower fares and greater immigrant mobility. Meanwhile, farming improvements in Southern Europe and the Russian Empire created surplus labor. Young people between the ages of 15 to 30 were predominant among newcomers. This wave of migration, constituting the third episode in the history of U.S. immigration, may be better referred to as a flood of immigrants, as nearly 25 million Europeans made the long trip. Italians, Greeks, Hungarians, Poles, and others speaking Slavic languages made up the bulk of this migration. 2.5 to 4 million Jews were among them.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Houston": [ { "question": "how many miles from houston to louisiana border", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Houston&oldid=800619736", "q_uid": -6580110337726874776, "answers": { "long_answer": "Houston is located 165 miles ( 266 km ) east of Austin, 112 miles ( 180 km ) west of the Louisiana border, and 250 miles ( 400 km ) south of Dallas. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 656.3 square miles ( 1,700 km ); this comprises 634.0 square miles ( 1,642 km ) of land and 22.3 square miles ( 58 km ) covered by water. The Piney Woods are north of Houston. Most of Houston is located on the gulf coastal plain, and its vegetation is classified as temperate grassland and forest. Much of the city was built on forested land, marshes, swamp, or prairie which resembles the Deep South, and are all still visible in surrounding areas. The flatness of the local terrain, when combined with urban sprawl, has made flooding a recurring problem for the city. Downtown stands about 50 feet ( 15 m ) above sea level, and the highest point in far northwest Houston is about 125 feet ( 38 m ) in elevation. The city once relied on groundwater for its needs, but land subsidence forced the city to turn to ground - level water sources such as Lake Houston, Lake Conroe, and Lake Livingston. The city owns surface water rights for 1.20 billion gallons of water a day in addition to 150 million gallons a day of groundwater.", "short_answer": "112 miles ( 180 km ) west" } }, { "question": "who was the city of houston named after", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Houston&oldid=802107136", "q_uid": -6995617816196878787, "answers": { "long_answer": "Houston was founded on August 30, 1836, near the banks of Buffalo Bayou ( now known as Allen 's Landing ) and incorporated as a city on June 5, 1837. The city was named after former General Sam Houston, who was president of the Republic of Texas and had commanded and won at the Battle of San Jacinto 25 miles ( 40 km ) east of where the city was established. The burgeoning port and railroad industry, combined with oil discovery in 1901, has induced continual surges in the city 's population. In the mid-20th century, Houston became the home of the Texas Medical Center -- the world 's largest concentration of healthcare and research institutions -- and NASA 's Johnson Space Center, where the Mission Control Center is located.", "short_answer": "General Sam Houston," } }, { "question": "who is the city of houston named after", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Houston&oldid=815807956", "q_uid": -2007527823148740673, "answers": { "long_answer": "Houston was founded on August 30, 1836, near the banks of Buffalo Bayou ( now known as Allen 's Landing ) and incorporated as a city on June 5, 1837. The city was named after former General Sam Houston, who was president of the Republic of Texas and had commanded and won at the Battle of San Jacinto 25 miles ( 40 km ) east of where the city was established. The burgeoning port and railroad industry, combined with oil discovery in 1901, has induced continual surges in the city 's population. In the mid-20th century, Houston became the home of the Texas Medical Center -- the world 's largest concentration of healthcare and research institutions -- and NASA 's Johnson Space Center, where the Mission Control Center is located.", "short_answer": "former General Sam Houston," } }, { "question": "how much above sea level is houston tx", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Houston&oldid=815807956", "q_uid": 2359189512571255933, "answers": { "long_answer": "Houston, Texas City City of Houston Clockwise from top: Sam Houston monument, Downtown Houston, Houston Ship Channel, The Galleria, University of Houston, and the Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center Flag Seal Nickname ( s ): Space City ( official ) more... Location of Houston city limits in and around Harris County Houston, Texas Houston, Texas Show map of Texas Show map of the US Show all Location in the United States Coordinates: 29 \u00b0 45 \u2032 46 '' N 95 \u00b0 22 \u2032 59 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 29.76278 \u00b0 N 95.38306 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 29.76278; - 95.38306 Coordinates: 29 \u00b0 45 \u2032 46 '' N 95 \u00b0 22 \u2032 59 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 29.76278 \u00b0 N 95.38306 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 29.76278; - 95.38306 Country United States State Texas Counties Harris, Fort Bend, Montgomery Incorporated June 5, 1837 Named for Sam Houston Government Type Mayor -- council Body Houston City Council Mayor Sylvester Turner ( D ) Area City 627 sq mi ( 1,552.9 km ) Land 599.59 sq mi ( 1,552.9 km ) Metro 10,062 sq mi ( 26,060 km ) Elevation 80 ft ( 32 m ) Population ( 2010 ) City 2,099,451 Estimate ( 2016 ) 2,303,482 Rank US: 4th Density 3,660 / sq mi ( 1,414 / km ) Urban 4,944,332 ( 7th U.S. ) Metro 6,313,158 ( 5th U.S. ) Demonym Houstonian Time zone CST ( UTC \u2212 6 ) Summer ( DST ) CDT ( UTC \u2212 5 ) ZIP Codes 770xx, 772xx ( P.O. Boxes ) Area code ( s ) 713, 281, 832, 346 FIPS code 48 - 35000 GNIS feature ID 1380948 Interstates U.S. Routes Website houstontx.gov", "short_answer": "80 ft ( 32 m )" } }, { "question": "how much above sea level is houston texas", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Houston&oldid=815807956", "q_uid": 55869734795630431, "answers": { "long_answer": "Houston is located 165 miles ( 266 km ) east of Austin, 112 miles ( 180 km ) west of the Louisiana border, and 250 miles ( 400 km ) south of Dallas. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 656.3 square miles ( 1,700 km ); this comprises 634.0 square miles ( 1,642 km ) of land and 22.3 square miles ( 58 km ) covered by water. The Piney Woods are north of Houston. Most of Houston is located on the gulf coastal plain, and its vegetation is classified as temperate grassland and forest. Much of the city was built on forested land, marshes, swamp, or prairie which resembles the Deep South, and are all still visible in surrounding areas. The flatness of the local terrain, when combined with urban sprawl, has made flooding a recurring problem for the city. Downtown stands about 50 feet ( 15 m ) above sea level, and the highest point in far northwest Houston is about 125 feet ( 38 m ) in elevation. The city once relied on groundwater for its needs, but land subsidence forced the city to turn to ground - level water sources such as Lake Houston, Lake Conroe, and Lake Livingston. The city owns surface water rights for 1.20 billion gallons of water a day in addition to 150 million gallons a day of groundwater.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is houston located in the state of texas", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Houston&oldid=809453687", "q_uid": -7818814730915172886, "answers": { "long_answer": "Houston ( / \u02c8hju\u02d0st\u0259n / ( listen ) HYOO - st\u0259n ) is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Texas and the fourth-most populous city in the United States. With a census - estimated 2016 population of 2.303 million within an area of 667 square miles ( 1,730 km ),. It is also the most populous and second largest ( Jacksonville is first at 747 sq mi ) city in the southern United States, and the seat of Harris County. Located in Southeast Texas near the Gulf of Mexico, it is the principal city of the Greater Houston metro area, which is the fifth-most populated MSA in the United States.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what region of texas is houston located in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Houston&oldid=866208920", "q_uid": 5140286060361151791, "answers": { "long_answer": "Houston ( / \u02c8hju\u02d0st\u0259n / ( listen ) HEW - st\u0259n ) is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Texas and the fourth most populous city in the United States, with a census - estimated population of 2.312 million in 2017. It is the most populous city in the Southern United States and on the Gulf Coast of the United States. Located in Southeast Texas near Galveston Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, it is the seat of Harris County and the principal city of the Greater Houston metropolitan area, which is the fifth most populous MSA in the United States and the second most populous in Texas after the Dallas -- Fort Worth metroplex. With a land area of 599.59 square miles ( 1,552.9 km ), Houston is the ninth most expansive city in the United States.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is houston located on the texas map", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Houston&oldid=804906525", "q_uid": 7935324985682619928, "answers": { "long_answer": "Houston, Texas City City of Houston Clockwise from top: Sam Houston monument, Downtown Houston, Houston Ship Channel, The Galleria, University of Houston, and the Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center Flag Seal Nickname ( s ): Space City ( official ) more... Location of Houston city limits in and around Harris County Houston, Texas Houston, Texas Show map of Texas Show map of the US Show all Location in the United States Coordinates: 29 \u00b0 45 \u2032 46 '' N 95 \u00b0 22 \u2032 59 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 29.76278 \u00b0 N 95.38306 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 29.76278; - 95.38306 Coordinates: 29 \u00b0 45 \u2032 46 '' N 95 \u00b0 22 \u2032 59 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 29.76278 \u00b0 N 95.38306 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 29.76278; - 95.38306 Country United States State Texas Counties Harris, Fort Bend, Montgomery Incorporated June 5, 1837 Named for Sam Houston Government Type Mayor -- council Body Houston City Council Mayor Sylvester Turner ( D ) Area City 667 sq mi ( 1,625.2 km ) Land 639.1 sq mi ( 1,642.1 km ) Water 27.9 sq mi ( 72.3 km ) Metro 10,062 sq mi ( 26,060 km ) Elevation 80 ft ( 32 m ) Population ( 2010 ) City 2,099,451 Estimate ( 2016 ) 2,303,482 Rank US: 4th Density 3,660 / sq mi ( 1,414 / km ) Urban 4,944,332 ( 7th U.S. ) Metro 6,313,158 ( 5th U.S. ) Demonym Houstonian Time zone CST ( UTC \u2212 6 ) Summer ( DST ) CDT ( UTC \u2212 5 ) ZIP Codes 770xx, 772xx ( P.O. Boxes ) Area code ( s ) 713, 281, 832, 346 FIPS code 48 - 35000 GNIS feature ID 1380948 Interstates U.S. Routes Website houstontx.gov", "short_answer": "29 \u00b0 45 \u2032 46 '' N 95 \u00b0 22 \u2032 59 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 29.76278 \u00b0 N 95.38306 \u00b0 W \ufeff" } }, { "question": "where is houston tx located on the map", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Houston&oldid=815807956", "q_uid": 2910926021995778191, "answers": { "long_answer": "Houston is located 165 miles ( 266 km ) east of Austin, 112 miles ( 180 km ) west of the Louisiana border, and 250 miles ( 400 km ) south of Dallas. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 656.3 square miles ( 1,700 km ); this comprises 634.0 square miles ( 1,642 km ) of land and 22.3 square miles ( 58 km ) covered by water. The Piney Woods are north of Houston. Most of Houston is located on the gulf coastal plain, and its vegetation is classified as temperate grassland and forest. Much of the city was built on forested land, marshes, swamp, or prairie which resembles the Deep South, and are all still visible in surrounding areas. The flatness of the local terrain, when combined with urban sprawl, has made flooding a recurring problem for the city. Downtown stands about 50 feet ( 15 m ) above sea level, and the highest point in far northwest Houston is about 125 feet ( 38 m ) in elevation. The city once relied on groundwater for its needs, but land subsidence forced the city to turn to ground - level water sources such as Lake Houston, Lake Conroe, and Lake Livingston. The city owns surface water rights for 1.20 billion gallons of water a day in addition to 150 million gallons a day of groundwater.", "short_answer": "east of Austin, 112 miles ( 180 km ) west of the Louisiana border, and 250 miles ( 400 km ) south of Dallas." } } ], "1994 FIFA World Cup": [ { "question": "who won the fifa world cup in 1994", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1994_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=834299257", "q_uid": 2600824332470450112, "answers": { "long_answer": "Brazil won the tournament after beating Italy 3 -- 2 in a penalty shootout at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California near Los Angeles, after the game had ended 0 -- 0 after extra time. It was the first World Cup final to be decided on penalties. The victory made Brazil the first nation to win four World Cup titles. Greece, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia made their first - ever appearances at the tournament.", "short_answer": "Brazil won" } }, { "question": "who won the f.i.f.a world cup in 1994", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1994_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=854518810", "q_uid": 6587860362896739048, "answers": { "long_answer": "Brazil won the tournament after beating Italy 3 -- 2 in a penalty shootout at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California near Los Angeles, after the game had ended 0 -- 0 after extra time. It was the first World Cup final to be decided on penalties. The victory made Brazil the first nation to win four World Cup titles. Greece, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia made their first appearances at the tournament, as did Russia, following the breakup of the Soviet Union. A united Germany team took part in the tournament, as the country was reunified in 1990, a few months after West Germany 's victory in the 1990 World Cup.", "short_answer": "Brazil won" } } ], "The Lion King (musical)": [ { "question": "when did lion king come out on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=802051142", "q_uid": 5511513417595784625, "answers": { "long_answer": "The musical debuted July 8, 1997, in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Orpheum Theatre, and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997, in previews with the official opening on November 13, 1997. On June 13, 2006, the Broadway production moved to the Minskoff Theatre to make way for the musical version of Mary Poppins, where it is still running after more than 6,700 performances. It is Broadway 's third longest - running show in history and the highest grossing Broadway production of all time, having grossed more than $1 billion.", "short_answer": "October 15, 1997," } }, { "question": "who wrote the music and lyrics for the lion king", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=800861538", "q_uid": 2139528992802436654, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Lion King is a musical based on the 1994 Disney animated film of the same name with music by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice along with the musical score created by Hans Zimmer with choral arrangements by Lebo M. Directed by Julie Taymor, the musical features actors in animal costumes as well as giant, hollow puppets. The show is produced by Disney Theatrical Productions.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is in the lion king on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=866186501", "q_uid": -6799258678669396700, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original Broadway Cast Original West End Cast Original Johannesburg Cast Original German Cast Original Dutch Cast Original French Cast Simba Jason Raize Roger Wright Andile Gumbi Gino Emnes Eti\u00ebnne Poeder J\u00e9r\u00e9my Fontanet Scar John Vickery Rob Edwards Mark Rayment Marc Hetterle Hein van der Heijden Olivier Breitman Mufasa Samuel E. Wright Cornell John Sello Maake - Kancube Michael Edward - Stevens Edwin Jonker Jean - Luc Guizonne Nala Heather Headley Paulette Ivory Tsholo Monedi Senit Zadik Zadik Carolina Dijkhuizen L\u00e9ah Vincent Rafiki Tsidii Le Loka Josette Bushell - Mingo Buyisile Zama Velephi Patricia Mnisi Nomvula Dlamini Zama Magudulela Timon Max Casella Simon Gregor Peter Mashigo Oliver Grice Mark Lauwrys Christian Abart Pumbaa Tom Alan Robbins Martyn Ellis Pierre van Heerden Lakke Magnusson Marcel Jonker Fabrice de La Villeherv\u00e9 Zazu Geoff Hoyle Gregory Gudgeon Lyall Ramsden Joachim Benoit Laus Steenbeeke David Eguren Shenzi Tracy Nicole Chapman Stephanie Charles Candida Mosoma Anastasia Bain Peggy Sandaal C\u00e9line Languedoc Banzai Stanley Wayne Mathis Paul J. Medford Simon Gwala Jerrel Houtsnee Jerrel Houtsnee Valery Rodriguez Ed Kevin Cahoon Christopher Holt Michael Bagg Enrique Segura Mark Fleischmann Micka\u00ebl Viguier Sarabi Gina Breedlove Dawn Michael Zoe Mthiyane Araba Walton Joanne Telesford Melina M'Poy Young Simba Scott Irby - Ranniar Luke Youngblood Tshepiso Morake Otis Jacinto Revano Martodikromo Sofiane Ledhem Young Nala Kajuana Shuford Dominique Moore Hlengiwe Maseko Malia Zoungrana Shanice Narain Ketsia Toto", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did lion king start in west end", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=828092725", "q_uid": -923240431021787274, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show opened in the West End 's Lyceum Theatre on October 19, 1999, and is still running. The cast of the West End production were invited to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in 1999 and 2008, in the presence of senior members of the British Royal Family.", "short_answer": "October 19, 1999," } }, { "question": "who wrote the music for the lion king musical", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=854405397", "q_uid": -1015347528715807156, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Lion King is a musical based on the 1994 Disney animated feature film of the same name with music by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice along with the musical score created by Hans Zimmer with choral arrangements by Lebo M. Directed by Julie Taymor, the musical features actors in animal costumes as well as giant, hollow puppets. The show is produced by Disney Theatrical Productions.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "the original cast of the lion king on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=800861538", "q_uid": 4302828266278672253, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original Broadway Cast Original West End Cast Simba Jason Raize Roger Wright Scar John Vickery Rob Edwards Mufasa Samuel E. Wright Cornell John Nala Heather Headley Paulette Ivory Rafiki Tsidii Le Loka Josette Bushell - Mingo Timon Max Casella Simon Gregor Pumbaa Tom Alan Robbins Martyn Ellis Zazu Geoff Hoyle Gregory Gudgeon Shenzi Tracy Nicole Chapman Stephanie Charles Banzai Stanley Wayne Mathis Paul J. Medford Ed Kevin Cahoon Christopher Holt Sarabi Gina Breedlove Dawn Michael Young Simba Scott Irby - Ranniar Luke Youngblood Young Nala Kajuana Shuford Dominique Moore", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did the lion king open on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=831294857", "q_uid": -445887180847834474, "answers": { "long_answer": "The musical debuted July 8, 1997, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the Orpheum Theatre, and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997, in previews with the official opening on November 13, 1997. On June 13, 2006, the Broadway production moved to the Minskoff Theatre to make way for the musical version of Mary Poppins, where it is still running after more than 6,700 performances. It is Broadway 's third longest - running show in history and the highest grossing Broadway production of all time, having grossed more than $1 billion.", "short_answer": "October 15, 1997," } }, { "question": "where is the play the lion king playing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=823088620", "q_uid": 6577562075038633138, "answers": { "long_answer": "The musical debuted July 8, 1997, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the Orpheum Theatre, and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997, in previews with the official opening on November 13, 1997. On June 13, 2006, the Broadway production moved to the Minskoff Theatre to make way for the musical version of Mary Poppins, where it is still running after more than 6,700 performances. It is Broadway 's third longest - running show in history and the highest grossing Broadway production of all time, having grossed more than $1 billion.", "short_answer": "the Minskoff Theatre to" } }, { "question": "who played young nala in the lion king on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=804735302", "q_uid": -2472998375407409783, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original Broadway Cast Original West End Cast Simba Jason Raize Roger Wright Scar John Vickery Rob Edwards Mufasa Samuel E. Wright Cornell John Nala Heather Headley Paulette Ivory Rafiki Tsidii Le Loka Josette Bushell - Mingo Timon Max Casella Simon Gregor Pumbaa Tom Alan Robbins Martyn Ellis Zazu Geoff Hoyle Gregory Gudgeon Shenzi Tracy Nicole Chapman Stephanie Charles Banzai Stanley Wayne Mathis Paul J. Medford Ed Kevin Cahoon Christopher Holt Sarabi Gina Breedlove Dawn Michael Young Simba Scott Irby - Ranniar Luke Youngblood Young Nala Kajuana Shuford Dominique Moore", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did the lion king debut on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=831294857", "q_uid": 4736010675551913156, "answers": { "long_answer": "The musical debuted July 8, 1997, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the Orpheum Theatre, and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997, in previews with the official opening on November 13, 1997. On June 13, 2006, the Broadway production moved to the Minskoff Theatre to make way for the musical version of Mary Poppins, where it is still running after more than 6,700 performances. It is Broadway 's third longest - running show in history and the highest grossing Broadway production of all time, having grossed more than $1 billion.", "short_answer": "October 15, 1997," } }, { "question": "when did the lion king open in london", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=846347301", "q_uid": 799254507466273311, "answers": { "long_answer": "After the success of the Broadway show, the show opened in the United Kingdom in on October 19, 1999. The cast included Cornell John as Mufasa, Luke Youngblood as Young Simba, Dominique Moore as Young Nala, Martyn Ellis as Pumbaa, Simon Gregor as Timon, Rob Edwards as Scar, Paul J. Medford as Banzai and Josette Bushell - Mingo as Rafiki. As of October 2015, it has been playing at the Lyceum Theatre in London for 16 years. Taymor directed the British production of the show, with Melissa De Melo as the producer. The show also toured the UK from 2012 until March 2015.", "short_answer": "October 19, 1999." } }, { "question": "who wrote the music for lion king on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=816220764", "q_uid": 6985636440345633894, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Lion King is a musical based on the 1994 Disney animated film of the same name with music by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice along with the musical score created by Hans Zimmer with choral arrangements by Lebo M. Directed by Julie Taymor, the musical features actors in animal costumes as well as giant, hollow puppets. The show is produced by Disney Theatrical Productions.", "short_answer": "Tim Rice along" } }, { "question": "who played scar in the lion king on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=804735302", "q_uid": 705924346044079905, "answers": { "long_answer": "Character Original Broadway Cast Original West End Cast Simba Jason Raize Roger Wright Scar John Vickery Rob Edwards Mufasa Samuel E. Wright Cornell John Nala Heather Headley Paulette Ivory Rafiki Tsidii Le Loka Josette Bushell - Mingo Timon Max Casella Simon Gregor Pumbaa Tom Alan Robbins Martyn Ellis Zazu Geoff Hoyle Gregory Gudgeon Shenzi Tracy Nicole Chapman Stephanie Charles Banzai Stanley Wayne Mathis Paul J. Medford Ed Kevin Cahoon Christopher Holt Sarabi Gina Breedlove Dawn Michael Young Simba Scott Irby - Ranniar Luke Youngblood Young Nala Kajuana Shuford Dominique Moore", "short_answer": "John Vickery" } }, { "question": "when did lion king the musical come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lion_King_(musical)&oldid=823088620", "q_uid": 2051411970214934706, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Lion King Broadway promotional poster Music Elton John Lyrics Tim Rice Book Roger Allers Irene Mecchi Basis The Lion King by Walt Disney Animation Studios Productions 1997 Minneapolis 1997 Broadway 1998 Tokyo 1999 Japan National Tour 1999 West End 2000 Toronto 2000 Los Angeles 2001 Hamburg 2002 1st US National Tour 2003 2nd US National Tour 2003 Sydney 2004 The Hague 2006 Shanghai 2006 Seoul 2007 Johannesburg 2007 Paris 2008 Taipei 2009 Las Vegas 2011 Singapore 2011 Madrid 2012 UK National Tour 2013 S\u00e3o Paulo 2013 Sydney 2015 Basel 2015 Mexico City 2016 Shanghai 2016 The Hague Awards Tony Award for Best Musical", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Hunter King": [ { "question": "who is the actress that plays summer on the young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hunter_King&oldid=856133506", "q_uid": 8741188075984881171, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hunter Haley King ( born October 20, 1993 as Haley Ashley King ) is an American actress. She is known for portraying Adriana Masters on Hollywood Heights ( 2012 ), Summer Newman on The Young and the Restless ( 2012 -- present ) and Clementine Hughes on Life in Pieces ( 2015 -- present ). Earlier in her career she was credited as Haley King, but she has since been credited as Hunter King.", "short_answer": "Hunter Haley King (" } }, { "question": "who plays summer on young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hunter_King&oldid=808302795", "q_uid": -8280983804777859578, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hunter Haley King ( born October 19, 1993 ) is an American actress. She is known for portraying Adriana Masters on Hollywood Heights and Summer Newman on The Young and the Restless. Earlier in her career she was credited as Haley King, but she has since been credited as Hunter King.", "short_answer": "Hunter Haley King (" } }, { "question": "who plays summer in young and the restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hunter_King&oldid=856133506", "q_uid": 691237594864283315, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hunter Haley King ( born October 20, 1993 as Haley Ashley King ) is an American actress. She is known for portraying Adriana Masters on Hollywood Heights ( 2012 ), Summer Newman on The Young and the Restless ( 2012 -- present ) and Clementine Hughes on Life in Pieces ( 2015 -- present ). Earlier in her career she was credited as Haley King, but she has since been credited as Hunter King.", "short_answer": "Hunter Haley King (" } }, { "question": "who plays summer in the young and restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hunter_King&oldid=845979699", "q_uid": 847494218181647503, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hunter Haley King ( born October 19, 1993 as Haley Ashley King ) is an American actress. She is known for portraying Adriana Masters on Hollywood Heights ( 2012 ), Summer Newman on The Young and the Restless ( 2012 -- present ) and Clementine Hughes on Life in Pieces ( 2015 -- present ). Earlier in her career she was credited as Haley King, but she has since been credited as Hunter King.", "short_answer": "Hunter Haley King (" } }, { "question": "who plays summer on the young and restless", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hunter_King&oldid=808302795", "q_uid": 807374999988332537, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hunter Haley King ( born October 19, 1993 ) is an American actress. She is known for portraying Adriana Masters on Hollywood Heights and Summer Newman on The Young and the Restless. Earlier in her career she was credited as Haley King, but she has since been credited as Hunter King.", "short_answer": "Hunter Haley King (" } } ], "Des Moines, Iowa": [ { "question": "when did des moines became the capital of iowa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Des_Moines,_Iowa&oldid=818171027", "q_uid": -6247228230932211838, "answers": { "long_answer": "Des Moines, Iowa State Capital City of Des Moines Clockwise from top: skyline, the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden, the Kruidenier Trail bridge, the Iowa State Capitol, and 801 Grand ( Principal Financial Group ) Flag Logo Nickname ( s ): `` Hartford of the West '' Location of Des Moines, Iowa in Polk County. Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Show map of Iowa Show map of the US Show map of North America Show all Location in Iowa, United States & North America Coordinates: 41 \u00b0 35 \u2032 27 '' N 93 \u00b0 37 \u2032 15 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 41.59083 \u00b0 N 93.62083 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 41.59083; - 93.62083 Country United States State Iowa Counties Polk, Warren Founded 1843 Incorporated September 22, 1851 Government Type Council -- manager government Mayor Frank Cownie ( D ) Senate Senate list ( show ) Matt McCoy ( D ) Bradford Zaun ( R ) Jack Hatch ( D ) Richard Dearden ( D ) Larry Noble ( R ) House House list ( show ) Jo Oldson ( D ) Bruce Hunter ( D ) Janet Petersen ( D ) Wayne Ford ( D ) Ako Abdul - Samad ( D ) Kevin McCarthy ( D ) Rick Olson ( D ) Walt Tomenga ( R ) U.S. Congress David Young ( R ) Area State Capital 90.65 sq mi ( 213.93 km ) Land 88.92 sq mi ( 233.3 km ) Water 1.73 sq mi ( 4.48 km ) Elevation 955 ft ( 291 m ) Population ( 2010 ) State Capital 203,433 Estimate ( 2016 ) 215,472 Rank 1st in Iowa 102nd in US Density 2,533 / sq mi ( 978.0 / km ) Metro 634,725 ( 89th ) Time zone CST ( UTC - 6 ) Summer ( DST ) CDT ( UTC - 5 ) ZIP codes 50301 - 50340 - 50310 Area code 515 FIPS code 19 - 21000 GNIS feature ID 0465961 Website www.dmgov.org", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how do you say the capital of iowa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Des_Moines,_Iowa&oldid=845276093", "q_uid": 6211405054331515874, "answers": { "long_answer": "Des Moines ( / d\u026a\u02c8m\u0254\u026an / ( listen ) ) is the capital and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Iowa. It is also the county seat of Polk County. A small part of the city extends into Warren County. It was incorporated on September 22, 1851, as Fort Des Moines, which was shortened to `` Des Moines '' in 1857. It is on and named after the Des Moines River, which likely was adapted from the French colonial name, Rivi\u00e8re des Moines, meaning `` River of the Monks ''. The city 's population was 216,553 as of the 2017 population estimate. The five - county metropolitan area is ranked 89th in terms of population in the United States with 634,725 residents according to the 2016 estimate by the United States Census Bureau.", "short_answer": "d\u026a\u02c8m\u0254\u026an /" } }, { "question": "what was the capital of iowa before des moines", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Des_Moines,_Iowa&oldid=821849458", "q_uid": -1618804387368266977, "answers": { "long_answer": "On September 22, 1851, Des Moines was incorporated as a city; the charter was approved by voters on October 18. In 1857, the name `` Fort Des Moines '' was shortened to `` Des Moines '', and it was designated as the second state capital, previously at Iowa City. Growth was slow during the Civil War period, but the city exploded in size and importance after a railroad link was completed in 1866.", "short_answer": "Iowa City." } }, { "question": "where did the name des moines come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Des_Moines,_Iowa&oldid=801788756", "q_uid": -8766669304737573494, "answers": { "long_answer": "Des Moines takes its name from Fort Des Moines ( 1843 -- 46 ), which was named for the Des Moines River. This was adopted from the name given by French colonists. `` Des Moines '' ( pronounced ( de. mwan ) ( listen ), formerly French pronunciation: \u200b ( de. mw\u025bn ) ) translates literally to either `` from the monks '' or `` of the monks ''. The historian Virgil Vogel claimed that the name was derived from Moingona, the Algonquian clan name for `` Loon, '' one of the clans of the local Native American people.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the altitude of des moines iowa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Des_Moines,_Iowa&oldid=815416431", "q_uid": -4030853556754611933, "answers": { "long_answer": "Des Moines, Iowa State Capital City of Des Moines Clockwise from top: skyline, the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden, the Kruidenier Trail bridge, the Iowa State Capitol, and 801 Grand ( Principal Financial Group ) Flag Logo Nickname ( s ): `` Hartford of the West '' Location of Des Moines, Iowa in Polk County. Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Show map of Iowa Show map of the US Show map of North America Show all Location in Iowa, United States & North America Coordinates: 41 \u00b0 35 \u2032 27 '' N 93 \u00b0 37 \u2032 15 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 41.59083 \u00b0 N 93.62083 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 41.59083; - 93.62083 Country United States State Iowa Counties Polk, Warren Founded 1843 Incorporated September 22, 1851 Government Type Council -- manager government Mayor Frank Cownie ( D ) Senate Senate list ( show ) Matt McCoy ( D ) Bradford Zaun ( R ) Jack Hatch ( D ) Richard Dearden ( D ) Larry Noble ( R ) House House list ( show ) Jo Oldson ( D ) Bruce Hunter ( D ) Janet Petersen ( D ) Wayne Ford ( D ) Ako Abdul - Samad ( D ) Kevin McCarthy ( D ) Rick Olson ( D ) Walt Tomenga ( R ) U.S. Congress David Young ( R ) Area State Capital 90.65 sq mi ( 213.93 km ) Land 88.92 sq mi ( 233.3 km ) Water 1.73 sq mi ( 4.48 km ) Elevation 955 ft ( 291 m ) Population ( 2010 ) State Capital 203,433 Estimate ( 2016 ) 215,472 Rank 1st in Iowa Density 2,533 / sq mi ( 978.0 / km ) Metro 634,725 ( 89th ) Time zone CST ( UTC - 6 ) Summer ( DST ) CDT ( UTC - 5 ) ZIP codes 50301 - 50340 - 50310 Area code 515 FIPS code 19 - 21000 GNIS feature ID 0465961 Website www.dmgov.org", "short_answer": "955 ft ( 291 m )" } } ], "Tevin Campbell": [ { "question": "who sang eye to eye in the goofy movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tevin_Campbell&oldid=800783834", "q_uid": -3387680135532046419, "answers": { "long_answer": "In November 1994, Campbell was featured on the soundtrack to the film, A Low Down Dirty Shame singing `` Gotta Get Yo ' Groove On '' produced by Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis. In September 1994, Campbell also scored an R&B hit with the single `` U Will Know '' as part of the R&B super-group Black Men United, a group that also included singer Usher. During the time span of 1993 to 1995, Campbell performed as an opening act on select dates during the summer of Janet Jackson 's Janet World Tour. In 1995, Campbell voiced the character Powerline in Disney 's animated A Goofy Movie, performing the songs `` I 2 I '' ( also styled as `` Eye to Eye '' ) and `` Stand Out '' for the film 's soundtrack. Campbell appeared alongside female recording artist Brandy on the September 28, 1995 episode of NY Undercover called `` Digital Underground.Com '' singing `` The Closer I Get to You ''.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of best-selling singles": [ { "question": "number one song of all time in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_singles&oldid=846500540", "q_uid": -1583549600677398829, "answers": { "long_answer": "It is notable that, according to Guinness World Records, `` White Christmas '' ( 1942 ) by Bing Crosby is the best - selling single worldwide, with estimated sales of over 50 million copies. The song recognized as `` the best - selling single of all time '' was released before the pop / rock singles - chart era and `` was listed as the world 's best - selling single in the first - ever Guinness Book of Records ( published in 1955 ) and -- remarkably -- still retains the title more than 50 years later ''. Also, Guinness World Records states that double A-side charity single `` Candle in the Wind 1997 '' / `` Something About the Way You Look Tonight '' ( 1997 ) by Elton John, a tribute to the late Diana, Princess of Wales, is `` the biggest - selling single since UK and US singles charts began in the 1950s, having accumulated worldwide sales of 33 million copies '', making it the second - best - selling single of all time.", "short_answer": "`` White Christmas '' ( 1942 ) by Bing Crosby is" } }, { "question": "who has the best selling single of all time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_singles&oldid=802524411", "q_uid": -1777160104194344377, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to Guinness World Records, `` White Christmas '' ( 1942 ) by Bing Crosby is the best - selling single worldwide, with estimated sales of over 50 million copies. The song recognized as `` the best - selling single of all time '' was released before the pop / rock singles - chart era and `` was listed as the world 's best - selling single in the first - ever Guinness Book of Records ( published in 1955 ) and -- remarkably -- still retains the title more than 50 years later. '' Guinness World Records states that double A-side charity single `` Candle in the Wind 1997 '' / `` Something About the Way You Look Tonight '' ( 1997 ) by Elton John, a tribute to the late Diana, Princess of Wales, is `` the biggest - selling single since UK and US singles charts began in the 1950s, having accumulated worldwide sales of 33 million copies, '' making it the second - best - selling single of all time.", "short_answer": "Bing Crosby is" } }, { "question": "biggest selling song of all time in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_singles&oldid=866143951", "q_uid": -2990211116581921765, "answers": { "long_answer": "It is notable that, according to Guinness World Records, `` White Christmas '' ( 1942 ) by Bing Crosby is the best - selling single worldwide, with estimated sales of over 50 million copies. The song recognized as `` the best - selling single of all time '' was released before the pop / rock singles - chart era and `` was listed as the world 's best - selling single in the first - ever Guinness Book of Records ( published in 1955 ) and -- remarkably -- still retains the title more than 50 years later ''. Also, Guinness World Records states that double A-side charity single `` Candle in the Wind 1997 '' / `` Something About the Way You Look Tonight '' ( 1997 ) by Elton John, a tribute to the late Diana, Princess of Wales, is `` the biggest - selling single since UK and US singles charts began in the 1950s, having accumulated worldwide sales of 33 million copies '', making it the second - best - selling single of all time.", "short_answer": "`` White Christmas '' ( 1942 ) by Bing Crosby is" } } ], "Brendon Urie": [ { "question": "who's the lead singer of panic at the disco", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Brendon_Urie&oldid=865214727", "q_uid": -8771910315061027034, "answers": { "long_answer": "Brendon Boyd Urie ( born April 12, 1987 ) is an American singer, songwriter, and musician, best known as the lead vocalist of Panic! at the Disco, of which he is the only original member remaining.", "short_answer": "Brendon Boyd Urie (" } }, { "question": "who is the lead singer in panic at the disco", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Brendon_Urie&oldid=824732334", "q_uid": 4019902438849394584, "answers": { "long_answer": "Brendon Boyd Urie ( born April 12, 1987 ) is an American singer, songwriter, musician and multi-instrumentalist. He is best known as the lead vocalist of Panic! at the Disco, of which he is the sole remaining original member.", "short_answer": "Brendon Boyd Urie (" } } ], "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air": [ { "question": "who starred in fresh prince of bel air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=832728243", "q_uid": 2646540617956322680, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air Created by Andy Borowitz Susan Borowitz Starring Will Smith James Avery Janet Hubert - Whitten Alfonso Ribeiro Karyn Parsons Tatyana M. Ali Joseph Marcell Daphne Maxwell Reid Ross Bagley Theme music composer The Fresh Prince in association with A Touch of Jazz, Inc. Opening theme `` Yo Home to Bel Air '', performed by The Fresh Prince Composer ( s ) Quincy Jones Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English ( 1990 - 1996 ) No. of seasons 6 No. of episodes 148 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Quincy Jones Andy Borowitz Susan Borowitz Kevin Wendle ( Season 1 ) Winifred Hervey ( Seasons 2 -- 3 ) Gary H. Miller ( Season 4 -- 5 ) Cheryl Gard ( Mid-Late Season 5 ) Jeff Pollack Will Smith ( Season 6 ) Benny Medina Producer ( s ) Werner Walian Lisa Rosenthal Joel Madison Leilani Downer Joanne Curley - Kerner Joel Markowitz Location ( s ) Hollywood Center Studios Hollywood, California ( 1990 -- 1991 ) Sunset Gower Studios Hollywood, California ( 1991 -- 1993 ) NBC Studios Burbank, California ( 1993 -- 1996 ) Camera setup Videotape; Multi-camera Running time 23 minutes Production company ( s ) The Stuffed Dog Company Quincy Jones Productions ( 1990 - 1993 ) ( seasons 1 -- 3 ) Quincy Jones / David Salzman Entertainment ( 1993 - 1996 ) ( seasons 4 -- 6 ) NBC Productions Distributor Warner Bros. Television Distribution Release Original network NBC Picture format 480i ( SDTV ) Original release September 10, 1990 ( 1990 - 09 - 10 ) -- May 20, 1996 ( 1996 - 05 - 20 ) External links Website", "short_answer": "Will Smith James" } }, { "question": "when was the fresh prince of bel air first aired", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=804921798", "q_uid": -4122930534833596126, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street - smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their Bel Air mansion after getting into a fight on a local basketball court. In the series, his lifestyle often clashes with the lifestyle of his relatives in Bel Air. The series ran for six seasons and aired 148 episodes.", "short_answer": "September 10, 1990," } }, { "question": "where does the prince of bel air take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=832728243", "q_uid": -156885267189335056, "answers": { "long_answer": "The theme song and opening sequence set the premise of the show. Will Smith is a street smart teenager, born and raised in West Philadelphia. While playing basketball, Will misses a shot and the ball hits a group of people, causing a confrontation that frightens his mother, who sends him to live with his aunt and uncle in the opulent neighborhood of Bel Air, Los Angeles.", "short_answer": "the opulent neighborhood of Bel Air, Los Angeles." } }, { "question": "when did fresh prince of bel air air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=827616645", "q_uid": 3657141448261309195, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street - smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their Bel Air mansion after getting into a fight on a local basketball court. In the series, his lifestyle often clashes with the lifestyle of his relatives in Bel Air. The series ran for six seasons and aired 148 episodes.", "short_answer": "from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996." } }, { "question": "who was the fresh prince of bel-air based on", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=853902518", "q_uid": 2538121937789100954, "answers": { "long_answer": "The premise is loosely based on the real - life story of the show 's producer Benny Medina.", "short_answer": "the show 's producer Benny Medina." } }, { "question": "who played the fresh prince of bel air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=814156962", "q_uid": -4881185368918047798, "answers": { "long_answer": "Actor / Actress Character Seasons 5 6 Will Smith Will Smith Main James Avery Philip Banks Main Janet Hubert - Whitten Vivian Banks Main Daphne Maxwell Reid Main Alfonso Ribeiro Carlton Banks Main Karyn Parsons Hilary Banks Main Tatyana M. Ali Ashley Banks Main Joseph Marcell Geoffrey Butler Main Ross Bagley Nicholas `` Nicky '' Banks Main", "short_answer": "Will Smith" } }, { "question": "first name of the guy in fresh prince", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=806947644", "q_uid": -2634779980250495451, "answers": { "long_answer": "Will Smith as Will Smith James Avery as Philip Banks Janet Hubert - Whitten ( Season 1 -- 3 ) and Daphne Maxwell Reid ( Season 4 -- 6 ) as Vivian Banks Alfonso Ribeiro as Carlton Banks Karyn Parsons as Hilary Banks Tatyana M. Ali as Ashley Banks Joseph Marcell as Geoffrey Butler Ross Bagley as Nicholas `` Nicky '' Banks ( Seasons 5 & 6 )", "short_answer": "Will Smith" } }, { "question": "when did the fresh prince of bel air come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=845893306", "q_uid": -7777439581625980608, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street - smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their Bel Air mansion after getting into a fight on a street basketball court. In the series, his lifestyle often clashes with the lifestyle of his relatives in Bel Air. The series ran for six seasons and aired 148 episodes.", "short_answer": "September 10, 1990," } }, { "question": "when did fresh prince of bel air start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=826385297", "q_uid": -2030479244176168782, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street - smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their Bel Air mansion after getting into a fight on a local basketball court. In the series, his lifestyle often clashes with the lifestyle of his relatives in Bel Air. The series ran for six seasons and aired 148 episodes.", "short_answer": "September 10, 1990," } }, { "question": "who made the fresh prince of bel air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=839021100", "q_uid": -1647253555588395599, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air Created by Andy Borowitz Susan Borowitz Starring Will Smith James Avery Janet Hubert - Whitten Alfonso Ribeiro Karyn Parsons Tatyana M. Ali Joseph Marcell Daphne Maxwell Reid Ross Bagley Theme music composer The Fresh Prince in association with A Touch of Jazz, Inc. Opening theme `` Yo Home to Bel Air '', performed by The Fresh Prince Composer ( s ) Quincy Jones Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 6 No. of episodes 148 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Quincy Jones Andy Borowitz Susan Borowitz Kevin Wendle ( Season 1 ) Winifred Hervey ( Seasons 2 -- 3 ) Gary H. Miller ( Season 4 -- 5 ) Cheryl Gard ( Mid-Late Season 5 ) Jeff Pollack Will Smith ( Season 6 ) Benny Medina Producer ( s ) Werner Walian Lisa Rosenthal Joel Madison Leilani Downer Joanne Curley - Kerner Joel Markowitz Location ( s ) Hollywood Center Studios Hollywood, California ( 1990 -- 1991 ) Sunset Gower Studios Hollywood, California ( 1991 -- 1993 ) NBC Studios Burbank, California ( 1993 -- 1996 ) Camera setup Videotape; Multi-camera Running time 23 minutes Production company ( s ) The Stuffed Dog Company Quincy Jones Productions ( 1990 - 1993 ) ( seasons 1 -- 3 ) Quincy Jones / David Salzman Entertainment ( 1993 - 1996 ) ( seasons 4 -- 6 ) NBC Productions Distributor Warner Bros. Television Distribution Release Original network NBC Picture format 480i ( SDTV ) Original release September 10, 1990 ( 1990 - 09 - 10 ) -- May 20, 1996 ( 1996 - 05 - 20 ) External links Website", "short_answer": "Andy Borowitz Susan" } }, { "question": "who stars in fresh prince of bel air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=856690536", "q_uid": 3675322691680408261, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air Created by Andy Borowitz Susan Borowitz Starring Will Smith James Avery Janet Hubert - Whitten Alfonso Ribeiro Karyn Parsons Tatyana M. Ali Joseph Marcell Daphne Maxwell Reid Ross Bagley Theme music composer The Fresh Prince in association with A Touch of Jazz, Inc. Opening theme `` Yo Home to Bel Air '', performed by The Fresh Prince Composer ( s ) Quincy Jones Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 6 No. of episodes 148 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Quincy Jones Andy Borowitz Susan Borowitz Kevin Wendle ( Season 1 ) Winifred Hervey ( Seasons 2 -- 3 ) Gary H. Miller ( Season 4 -- 5 ) Cheryl Gard ( Mid-Late Season 5 ) Jeff Pollack Will Smith ( Season 6 ) Benny Medina Producer ( s ) Werner Walian Lisa Rosenthal Joel Madison Leilani Downer Joanne Curley - Kerner Joel Markowitz Production location ( s ) Hollywood Center Studios Hollywood, California ( 1990 -- 1991 ) Sunset Gower Studios Hollywood, California ( 1991 -- 1993 ) NBC Studios Burbank, California ( 1993 -- 1996 ) Camera setup Videotape; Multi-camera Running time 23 minutes Production company ( s ) The Stuffed Dog Company Quincy Jones Productions ( 1990 - 1993 ) ( seasons 1 -- 3 ) Quincy Jones / David Salzman Entertainment ( 1993 - 1996 ) ( seasons 4 -- 6 ) NBC Productions Distributor Warner Bros. Television Distribution Release Original network NBC Picture format 480i ( SDTV ) Original release September 10, 1990 ( 1990 - 09 - 10 ) -- May 20, 1996 ( 1996 - 05 - 20 ) External links Website", "short_answer": "Will Smith James" } }, { "question": "where did the fresh prince of bel air take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=800603853", "q_uid": 8843404698436249561, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street - smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their Bel Air mansion after getting into a fight on a local basketball court. In the series, his lifestyle often clashes with the lifestyle of his relatives in Bel Air. The series ran for six seasons and aired 148 episodes.", "short_answer": "Bel Air mansion" } }, { "question": "who created the fresh prince of bel air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=802534654", "q_uid": -5580962481336098750, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air Created by Andy Borowitz Susan Borowitz Starring Will Smith James Avery Janet Hubert - Whitten Alfonso Ribeiro Karyn Parsons Tatyana M. Ali Joseph Marcell Daphne Maxwell Reid Ross Bagley Theme music composer The Fresh Prince in association with A Touch of Jazz, Inc. Opening theme `` Yo Home to Bel Air '', performed by The Fresh Prince Composer ( s ) Quincy Jones Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 6 No. of episodes 148 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Quincy Jones Andy Borowitz Susan Borowitz Kevin Wendle ( Season 1 ) Winifred Hervey ( Seasons 2 -- 3 ) Gary H. Miller ( Season 4 -- 5 ) Cheryl Gard ( Mid-Late Season 5 ) Jeff Pollack Will Smith ( Season 6 ) Benny Medina Producer ( s ) Werner Walian Lisa Rosenthal Joel Madison Leilani Downer Joanne Curley - Kerner Joel Markowitz Location ( s ) Hollywood Center Studios Hollywood, California ( 1990 -- 1991 ) Sunset Gower Studios Hollywood, California ( 1991 -- 1993 ) NBC Studios Burbank, California ( 1993 -- 1996 ) Camera setup Videotape; Multi-camera Running time 23 minutes Production company ( s ) The Stuffed Dog Company Quincy Jones Productions ( Seasons 1 -- 3 ) Quincy Jones / David Salzman Entertainment ( Seasons 4 -- 6 ) NBC Productions Distributor Warner Bros. Television Distribution ( 1994 -- present ) Release Original network NBC Picture format 480i ( SDTV ) Original release September 10, 1990 ( 1990 - 09 - 10 ) -- May 20, 1996 ( 1996 - 05 - 20 ) External links Website www.warnerbros.co.uk/television/freshprince/index2.html", "short_answer": "Andy Borowitz Susan" } }, { "question": "when did fresh prince of bel air come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=806947644", "q_uid": -6277935877337775315, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street - smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their Bel Air mansion after getting into a fight on a local basketball court. In the series, his lifestyle often clashes with the lifestyle of his relatives in Bel Air. The series ran for six seasons and aired 148 episodes.", "short_answer": "September 10, 1990," } }, { "question": "who started the fresh prince of bel air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=843137013", "q_uid": 1408714509456584700, "answers": { "long_answer": "In December 1989, NBC approached Will Smith, a popular rapper during the late 1980s. The pilot episode began taping on May 1, 1990. Season 1 first aired in September 1990, and ended in May 1991. The series finale was taped on Thursday, March 21, 1996.", "short_answer": "NBC approached" } }, { "question": "when was the fresh prince of bel air made", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=804921798", "q_uid": -4231273853831342147, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street - smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their Bel Air mansion after getting into a fight on a local basketball court. In the series, his lifestyle often clashes with the lifestyle of his relatives in Bel Air. The series ran for six seasons and aired 148 episodes.", "short_answer": "September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996." } }, { "question": "when did the fresh prince of bel-air first air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=853902518", "q_uid": -7361159880230875158, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street - smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their Bel Air mansion after getting into a fight in his home town. In the series, his lifestyle often clashes with the lifestyle of his relatives in Bel Air. The series ran for six seasons and aired 148 episodes.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what channel did fresh prince of bel air air on", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fresh_Prince_of_Bel-Air&oldid=802534654", "q_uid": 9111660460177478610, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street - smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy aunt and uncle in their Bel Air mansion after getting into a fight on a local basketball court. In the series, his lifestyle often clashes with the lifestyle of his relatives in Bel Air. The series ran for six seasons and aired 148 episodes.", "short_answer": "NBC from" } } ], "Zachery Ty Bryan": [ { "question": "who was the oldest son on home improvement", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zachery_Ty_Bryan&oldid=852075294", "q_uid": -629137562576972274, "answers": { "long_answer": "Before he starred in Home Improvement, he started in Denver with print and television advertising. He then appeared at a showcase in New York City, directed by Peter Sklar, where he was seen by a professional talent representative. This, and his interest in acting soon brought him to California, where he received the role of Brad, the oldest Taylor child, in the show Home Improvement. His character was known for experimenting with different hair styles as well as being the child most often in trouble. He is one month younger than Jonathan Taylor Thomas, who played his younger brother Randy on the show.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Yankee Stadium": [ { "question": "when did they build the new yankee stadium", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Yankee_Stadium&oldid=855216343", "q_uid": 6875185162003643817, "answers": { "long_answer": "The stadium incorporates replicas of some design elements from the original Yankee Stadium, and like its predecessor, it has hosted additional events, including college football games, soccer matches, two outdoor NHL games, and concerts. Although Yankee Stadium 's construction began in August 2006, the project spanned many years and faced many controversies, including the high public cost and the loss of public parkland. The overall price tag makes the new Yankee Stadium the most expensive stadium ever built.", "short_answer": "began in August 2006," } }, { "question": "where are most home runs hit in yankee stadium", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Yankee_Stadium&oldid=802023634", "q_uid": 4558687456720475007, "answers": { "long_answer": "In its first season, Yankee Stadium quickly acquired a reputation as a `` bandbox '' and a `` launching pad '' because of the high number of home runs hit at the new ballpark. Through its first 23 games, 87 home runs were hit at the venue, easily besting Enron Field 's ( now called Minute Maid Park ) previous record set in 2000. Early in the season, Yankee Stadium was on pace to break Coors Field 's 1999 single - season record of 303 home runs allowed, and the hometown Daily News ( using the back - page headline `` HOMERS ODYSSEY '' ) started publishing a daily graphic comparing each stadium 's home run totals through a similar number of games.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is yankee stadium located in new york", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Yankee_Stadium&oldid=843533204", "q_uid": 2972997584741307014, "answers": { "long_answer": "Yankee Stadium The Stadium, The House That Jeter Built, The House That George Built 2011 photo Address 1 East 161st Street Location Bronx, New York Coordinates 40 \u00b0 49 \u2032 45 '' N 73 \u00b0 55 \u2032 35 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.82917 \u00b0 N 73.92639 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.82917; - 73.92639 Coordinates: 40 \u00b0 49 \u2032 45 '' N 73 \u00b0 55 \u2032 35 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 40.82917 \u00b0 N 73.92639 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 40.82917; - 73.92639 Public transit Metro - North Railroad: Hudson Line at Yankees -- East 153rd Street New York City Subway: \u200b \u200b at 161st Street -- Yankee Stadium New York City Bus: Bx1, Bx2, Bx6, Bx6 SBS, Bx13 Owner City of New York Operator New York Yankees Capacity Baseball: 47,309 ( 2018 -- present ) 47,422 ( 2017 ) 49,469 ( 2016 ) 49,638 ( 2015 ) 49,642 ( 2014 ) 50,291 ( 2011 -- 2013 ) 50,287 ( 2009 -- 2010 ) Soccer: 28,743 ( Expandable to 47,309 ) Football: 54,251 Record attendance Baseball: 50,960 Soccer: 49,653 Football: 54,251 Field size Baseball: Left field -- 318 feet ( 97 m ) Left center -- 399 feet ( 122 m ) Center field -- 408 feet ( 124 m ) Right center -- 385 feet ( 117 m ) Right field -- 314 feet ( 96 m ) Backstop -- 52 feet 4 inches ( 16 m ) Soccer: 110 yards ( 101 m ) x 70 yards ( 64 m ) Surface Kentucky Bluegrass Construction Broke ground August 19, 2006 Opened April 2, 2009 ( re-opening ) ( workout day ) April 3, 2009 ( exhibition game ) April 16, 2009 ( regular season ) Construction cost US $2.3 billion Architect Populous ( formerly HOK Sport ) Project manager Tishman Speyer / International Facilities Group, LLC. Structural engineer Thornton Tomasetti Services engineer M-E Engineers, Inc. General contractor Turner Construction Tenants New York Yankees ( MLB ) ( 2009 -- present ) Pinstripe Bowl ( NCAA ) ( 2010 -- present ) New York City FC ( MLS ) ( 2015 -- present )", "short_answer": "1 East 161st Street" } }, { "question": "what's the name of the new york yankees stadium", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Yankee_Stadium&oldid=804622113", "q_uid": -6159062041921567550, "answers": { "long_answer": "Yankee Stadium is a stadium located in the Concourse section of the Bronx, a borough of New York City. It serves as the home ballpark for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball ( MLB ). The $2.3 billion stadium, built with $1.2 billion in public subsidies, replaced the original Yankee Stadium in 2009. It is located one block north of the original, on the 24 - acre former site of Macombs Dam Park; the 8 - acre site of the original stadium is now a public park called Heritage Field. The stadium incorporates replicas of some design elements from the original Yankee Stadium, and like its predecessor, it has hosted additional events, including college football games, soccer matches, two outdoor NHL games, and concerts. Although Yankee Stadium 's construction began in August 2006, the project spanned many years and faced many controversies, including the high public cost and the loss of public parkland. The overall price tag makes the new Yankee Stadium the most expensive stadium ever built. It is also the home park for New York City FC of Major League Soccer ( MLS ).", "short_answer": "Yankee Stadium is" } }, { "question": "where do the ny yankees play home games", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Yankee_Stadium&oldid=843533204", "q_uid": -2319751360388206595, "answers": { "long_answer": "Yankee Stadium is a stadium located in the Concourse neighborhood of the Bronx in New York City. It serves as the home ballpark for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball ( MLB ), and is also the home park for New York City FC of Major League Soccer ( MLS ). The $2.3 billion stadium, built with $1.2 billion in public subsidies, replaced the original Yankee Stadium in 2009. It is located one block north of the original, on the 24 - acre ( 9.7 ha ) former site of Macombs Dam Park; the 8 - acre ( 3.2 ha ) site of the original stadium is now a public park called Heritage Field.", "short_answer": "Yankee Stadium is" } }, { "question": "who hit the first home run in the new yankee stadium", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Yankee_Stadium&oldid=801308436", "q_uid": 2877151696338960747, "answers": { "long_answer": "Statistic Exhibition Regular season Postseason First game April 3, 2009 Yankees 7, Cubs 4 April 16, 2009 Indians 10, Yankees 2 October 7, 2009 Yankees 7, Twins 2 Ceremonial First Pitch Reggie Jackson Yogi Berra Eric T. Olson First pitch Chien - Ming Wang CC Sabathia CC Sabathia First batter Aaron Miles ( Cubs ) Grady Sizemore ( Indians ) Denard Span ( Twins ) First hit Aaron Miles ( Cubs ) Johnny Damon Denard Span ( Twins ) First Yankees hit Derek Jeter Johnny Damon Derek Jeter First home run Robinson Can\u00f3 Jorge Posada Derek Jeter First win Chien - Ming Wang Cliff Lee ( Indians ) CC Sabathia First save Jonathan Albaladejo Mariano Rivera ( April 17 ) Mariano Rivera", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who hit the first home run at the new yankee stadium", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Yankee_Stadium&oldid=843533204", "q_uid": 1851636115295862899, "answers": { "long_answer": "Before the official Opening Day against the Cleveland Indians on April 16, 2009, the Yankees hosted a two - game exhibition series at the stadium in early April against the Chicago Cubs. Grady Sizemore of the Indians was the first player to hit a grand slam off of Yankee pitcher D\u00e1maso Marte. The Indians and 2008 Cy Young Award winner Cliff Lee spoiled the opening of the new stadium by winning 10 -- 2. Before the Yankees went to bat for the first time, the bat that Babe Ruth used to hit his first home run at the old Yankee Stadium in 1923 was placed momentarily on home plate. Jorge Posada hit the first Yankee home run in the new ballpark hitting his off Lee in the same game. Russell Branyan, while playing for the Seattle Mariners, was the first player to hit a home run off of the Mohegan Sun Restaurant in center field.", "short_answer": "Jorge Posada hit" } } ], "Michael Clarke Duncan": [ { "question": "who plays john coffee in the green mile", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Michael_Clarke_Duncan&oldid=839753461", "q_uid": -376686615123766711, "answers": { "long_answer": "Michael Clarke Duncan ( December 10, 1957 -- September 3, 2012 ) was an American actor, best known for his breakout role as John Coffey in The Green Mile ( 1999 ), for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and various similar honors. He also appeared in motion pictures such as Armageddon ( 1998 ), The Whole Nine Yards ( 2000 ), The Scorpion King ( 2002 ), Daredevil ( 2003 ) and Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby ( 2006 ). His voice can be heard in films such as Brother Bear ( 2003 ), Kung Fu Panda ( 2008 ) and Green Lantern ( 2011 ).", "short_answer": "Michael Clarke Duncan (" } }, { "question": "who played john coffey in the movie green mile", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Michael_Clarke_Duncan&oldid=855330506", "q_uid": 2464112393445356518, "answers": { "long_answer": "Michael Clarke Duncan ( December 10, 1957 -- September 3, 2012 ) was an American actor, best known for his breakout role as John Coffey in The Green Mile ( 1999 ), for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and various similar honors. He also appeared in motion pictures such as Armageddon ( 1998 ), The Whole Nine Yards ( 2000 ), The Scorpion King ( 2002 ), Daredevil ( 2003 ) and Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby ( 2006 ). His voice can be heard in films such as Brother Bear ( 2003 ), Kung Fu Panda ( 2008 ) and Green Lantern ( 2011 ).", "short_answer": "Michael Clarke Duncan (" } } ], "2018 Indianapolis 500": [ { "question": "who came in second at the indy 500", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Indianapolis_500&oldid=845390401", "q_uid": -4493433577186660683, "answers": { "long_answer": "On a restart on 194, Oriol Servi\u00e0, Stefan Wilson, and Jack Harvey were all attempting to stretch their fuel to the finish, gambling on a late caution, and a possible surprise victory. However, with four laps to go, both Wilson and Harvey were forced to pit for fuel, as was Servi\u00e0 a lap later. Will Power took the lead and cruised to victory, having led 59 laps. Polesitter Ed Carpenter led 65 laps and finished second, his best - career Indy finish. 2016 winner Alexander Rossi had an outstanding charge from 32nd to 4th, leading one lap during the race. Power became the first driver to win both the IndyCar Grand Prix and the Indianapolis 500, as well as the first driver to sweep both in the same year.", "short_answer": "Ed Carpenter led" } }, { "question": "how many rookies in the 2018 indy 500", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Indianapolis_500&oldid=845390401", "q_uid": -5659694108817782986, "answers": { "long_answer": "Weather: 81 \u00b0 F ( 27 \u00b0 C ), Sunny and clear Summary: The Rookie Orientation Program and veteran Refresher tests are scheduled for Tuesday May 1, 2018. Four drivers were scheduled to participate in rookie orientation: Pietro Fittipaldi ( Coyne ), Kyle Kaiser ( Juncos ), Matheus Leist ( Foyt ), and Robert Wickens ( SPM ). Three drivers were schedule to take refresher tests: Jay Howard ( SPM ), Sage Karam ( D&R ), and Danica Patrick ( Carpenter ). The rookie test consisted of three phases. Phase 1 was ten laps at 205 mph, Phase 2 was ten laps at 210 mph, and Phase 3 was ten laps at 215 mph. During the three - hour morning session ( 10: 00 a.m. to 1: 00 p.m. ), Kaiser, Leist, and Wickens passed all three phases of the rookie test. Pietro Fittipaldi, however, did not participate due to commitments at the 6 Hours of Spa, opting instead to partake in rookie orientation later in the month. Three days later, however, Fittipaldi withdrew after suffering injuries in a crash at Spa. The afternoon session, lasting from 2: 00 p.m to 5: 00 p.m., saw the three participants in the refresher program take to the track. The refresher test consisted of two phases, equivalent to phases 2 and 3 of the rookie test. Howard, Patrick, and Karam all passed their program before the session concluded. Robert Wickens was fastest of the six drivers of the day, setting a speed of 220.111 mph while piloting his teammate James Hinchcliffe 's car following gearbox issues with his own. Danica Patrick took to the track for an installation lap right at 2: 00 p.m., but had to return to the garage area due to minor overheating issues. About an hour later, the team returned, and Patrick was able to complete her refresher test. It was Patrick 's first laps at Indianapolis in an Indy car since 2011. The six drivers completed 355 laps without any incidents, although Jay Howard nearly tagged the wall at the exit of turn two during a practice run.", "short_answer": "Four drivers" } }, { "question": "who won the 2018 indianapolis 500 race today", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Indianapolis_500&oldid=845390401", "q_uid": -3421726924504447835, "answers": { "long_answer": "102nd Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis Motor Speedway Indianapolis 500 Sanctioning body IndyCar Season 2018 IndyCar Season Date May 27, 2018 Winner Will Power Winning team Team Penske Average speed 166.935 mph ( 268.656 km / h ) Pole position Ed Carpenter Pole speed 229.618 mph ( 369.534 km / h ) Fastest qualifier Ed Carpenter Rookie of the Year Robert Wickens Most laps led Ed Carpenter ( 65 ) Pre-race ceremonies National anthem Kelly Clarkson `` Back Home Again in Indiana '' Jim Cornelison Starting Command Tony George Pace car Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Pace car driver Victor Oladipo Starter Paul Blevin Honorary starter Chris Hemsworth TV in the United States Network ABC Announcers Allen Bestwick, Scott Goodyear, Eddie Cheever Nielsen Ratings 3.1 ( 4.9 million viewers ) Chronology Previous Next 2017 2019", "short_answer": "Will Power" } } ], "Sarah Wayne Callies": [ { "question": "who plays rick's wife in walking dead", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sarah_Wayne_Callies&oldid=826797926", "q_uid": 6957182088876293059, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sarah Wayne Callies ( born June 1, 1977 ) is an American actress. She is best known for her portrayals of Sara Tancredi in Fox 's Prison Break, Lori Grimes in AMC 's The Walking Dead and Katie Bowman in USA Network 's Colony.", "short_answer": "Sarah Wayne Callies (" } } ], "NRL Grand Final": [ { "question": "where is the nrl grand final being held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=NRL_Grand_Final&oldid=818318832", "q_uid": -3522583533308699359, "answers": { "long_answer": "The NRL Grand Final, which determines the Australian rugby league football season 's premiers, is one of Australia 's major sporting events and one of the largest attended club championship events in the world. Since 1999 it has been contested at Sydney 's Stadium Australia, which was the primary athletics venue for the 2000 Olympic Games. The first year it was held at Stadium Australia, the NRL Grand Final broke the record for attendance at an Australian rugby league game, with 107,999 people attending.", "short_answer": "Sydney 's Stadium Australia," } }, { "question": "who kicked the only field goal in the 2004 grand final", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=NRL_Grand_Final&oldid=861858671", "q_uid": -6604604771847354423, "answers": { "long_answer": "2015 - The North Queensland Cowboys ' first premiership after 21 seasons in the NRL and widely regarded as one of the all - time best ( along with the Raiders ' ' 89 win ). The first all - Queensland NRL grand final sparked talk of future deciders being held in Queensland. It was also notable as Brisbane Broncos ended their biggest drought from a grand final since entering the competition ( in 1988 ) and it was Bennett 's first season back in Brisbane after leaving in 2008. North Queensland Cowboys winger Kyle Feldt scored a try from a Michael Morgan try - assist after the full - time siren to level the game at 16 - all. After Jonathan Thurston missed the sideline conversion, hitting the right post, the match went to golden point extra time, the first grand final to do so. The Kyle Feldt kick - off to begin golden point was dropped by the Broncos ' Ben Hunt. From the ensuing set of six, Thurston kicked the winning field goal, and was subsequently awarded the Clive Churchill Medal. It also ended Brisbane 's undefeated streak in grand finals, having won all six previous deciders.", "short_answer": "Jonathan Thurston missed" } } ], "My Mad Fat Diary": [ { "question": "who plays tix in my mad fat diary", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=My_Mad_Fat_Diary&oldid=817768899", "q_uid": 4827378567828457577, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sophie Wright as Tix ( series 1 & 3 ), a resident of the psychiatric hospital and Rae 's other best friend. In the series 2 opener, it is revealed that she died due to over-exercising and refusing to eat at the end of the previous series. She makes a cameo appearance in the final episode of series 3 as Rae reflects on her teenage years and when rae sees everyone in the reflection of the train window.", "short_answer": "Sophie Wright as" } }, { "question": "where does my mad fat diary take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=My_Mad_Fat_Diary&oldid=834176926", "q_uid": -6412340247590107750, "answers": { "long_answer": "Set in Stamford, Lincolnshire in the mid-1990s, My Mad Fat Diary follows the story of 16 - year - old, 16 stone ( 102 kg ) ( 224 lb ) girl, Rae Earl, who has just left a psychiatric hospital, where she has spent four months. She begins to reconnect with her best friend, Chloe, who is unaware of Rae 's mental health and body image problems, believing she was in France for the past four months. Rae attempts to keep this information from her while also trying to impress Chloe 's friends Finn, Archie, Izzy and Chop.", "short_answer": "in Stamford, Lincolnshire in the mid-1990s," } }, { "question": "who plays stacey in my mad fat diary", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=My_Mad_Fat_Diary&oldid=843377459", "q_uid": -6768813145133246485, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sacha Parkinson as Stacey Stringfellow ( series 2 ), a popular girl who used to date Finn and bullies other girls.", "short_answer": "Sacha Parkinson as" } } ], "Army\u2013Navy Game": [ { "question": "where will this year's army-navy game be played", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=818506662", "q_uid": 7289891818842439933, "answers": { "long_answer": "All games through 2020 will be held at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey will host the 2021 game. The game will then return to Lincoln Financial Field for 2022. Games beyond 2022 have yet to be awarded.", "short_answer": "Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia." } }, { "question": "where does the army navy game take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": 885688023805221582, "answers": { "long_answer": "All games through 2020 will be held at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey will host the 2021 game. The game will then return to Lincoln Financial Field for 2022. Games beyond 2022 have yet to be awarded.", "short_answer": "Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia." } }, { "question": "who won the army navy game last year 2016", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=830330234", "q_uid": -650720455533228741, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winner Score Location City Series 1890 Navy 24 -- 0 `` The Plain '' USMA West Point, New York Navy 1 -- 0 1891 Army 32 -- 16 Worden Field USNA Annapolis, Maryland Tied 1 -- 1 1892 Navy 12 -- 4 `` The Plain '' West Point, New York Navy 2 -- 1 1893 Navy 6 -- 4 Worden Field Annapolis, Maryland Navy 3 -- 1 1899 Army 17 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 3 -- 2 1900 Navy 11 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 2 1901 Army 11 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 3 1902 Army 22 -- 8 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 4 -- 4 1903 Army 40 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 5 -- 4 1904 Army 11 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 4 1905 Tie 6 -- 6 Osborne Field Princeton, New Jersey Army 6 -- 4 -- 1 1906 Navy 10 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 5 -- 1 1907 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 6 -- 6 -- 1 1908 Army 6 -- 4 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 7 -- 6 -- 1 1910 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 7 -- 7 -- 1 1911 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 8 -- 7 -- 1 1912 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 9 -- 7 -- 1 1913 Army 22 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Navy 9 -- 8 -- 1 1914 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 9 -- 9 -- 1 1915 Army 14 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 10 -- 9 -- 1 1916 Army 15 -- 7 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 9 -- 1 1919 Navy 6 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 10 -- 1 1920 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 11 -- 11 -- 1 1921 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Navy 12 -- 11 -- 1 1922 Army 17 -- 14 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 12 -- 12 -- 1 1923 Tie 0 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 12 -- 12 -- 2 1924 Army 12 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 13 -- 12 -- 2 1925 Army 10 -- 3 Polo Grounds New York Army 14 -- 12 -- 2 1926 Tie 21 -- 21 Soldier Field Chicago Army 14 -- 12 -- 3 1927 Army 14 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Army 15 -- 12 -- 3 1930 Army 6 -- 0 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 16 -- 12 -- 3 1931 Army 17 -- 7 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 17 -- 12 -- 3 1932 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 18 -- 12 -- 3 1933 Army 12 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 12 -- 3 1934 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 13 -- 3 1935 Army 28 -- 6 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 20 -- 13 -- 3 1936 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 20 -- 14 -- 3 1937 Army 6 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 21 -- 14 -- 3 1938 Army 14 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 14 -- 3 1939 Navy 10 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 15 -- 3 1940 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 16 -- 3 1941 # 11 Navy 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 17 -- 3 1942 Navy 14 -- 0 Thompson Stadium Annapolis, Maryland Army 22 -- 18 -- 3 1943 # 6 Navy 13 -- 0 Michie Stadium West Point, New York Army 22 -- 19 -- 3 1944 # 1 Army 23 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 23 -- 19 -- 3 1945 # 1 Army 32 -- 13 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 24 -- 19 -- 3 1946 # 1 Army 21 -- 18 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 25 -- 19 -- 3 1947 # 12 Army 21 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 3 1948 Tie 21 -- 21 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 4 1949 # 4 Army 38 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 19 -- 4 1950 Navy 14 -- 2 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 20 -- 4 1951 Navy 42 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 21 -- 4 1952 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 22 -- 4 1953 # 18 Army 20 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 22 -- 4 1954 # 6 Navy 27 -- 20 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 23 -- 4 1955 Army 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 4 1956 Tie 7 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 5 1957 # 8 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 24 -- 5 1958 # 5 Army 22 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 24 -- 5 1959 Navy 43 -- 12 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 25 -- 5 1960 # 7 Navy 17 -- 12 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 26 -- 5 1961 Navy 13 -- 7 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 27 -- 5 1962 Navy 34 -- 14 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 28 -- 5 1963 # 2 Navy 21 -- 15 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 29 -- 5 1964 Army 11 -- 8 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 5 1965 Tie 7 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 6 1966 Army 20 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 29 -- 6 1967 Navy 19 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 30 -- 6 1968 Army 21 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 33 -- 30 -- 6 1969 Army 27 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 30 -- 6 1970 Navy 11 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 31 -- 6 1971 Army 24 -- 23 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 35 -- 31 -- 6 1972 Army 23 -- 15 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 31 -- 6 1973 Navy 51 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 32 -- 6 Navy 19 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 33 -- 6 Navy 30 -- 6 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 34 -- 6 1976 Navy 38 -- 10 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 35 -- 6 1977 Army 17 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 35 -- 6 1978 Navy 28 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 36 -- 6 1979 Navy 31 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Tied 37 -- 37 -- 6 1980 Navy 33 -- 6 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 6 1981 Tie 3 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 7 1982 Navy 24 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 39 -- 37 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Rose Bowl Pasadena, California Navy 40 -- 37 -- 7 1984 Army 28 -- 11 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 40 -- 38 -- 7 1985 Navy 17 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 38 -- 7 1986 Army 27 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 39 -- 7 Army 17 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 40 -- 7 1988 Army 20 -- 15 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 41 -- 41 -- 7 1989 Navy 19 -- 17 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Navy 42 -- 41 -- 7 1990 Army 30 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 42 -- 42 -- 7 1991 Navy 24 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 43 -- 42 -- 7 1992 Army 25 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 43 -- 43 -- 7 1993 Army 16 -- 14 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 44 -- 43 -- 7 1994 Army 22 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 45 -- 43 -- 7 1995 Army 14 -- 13 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 46 -- 43 -- 7 # 23 Army 28 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 47 -- 43 -- 7 1997 Navy 39 -- 7 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 47 -- 44 -- 7 1998 Army 34 -- 30 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 44 -- 7 1999 Navy 19 -- 9 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 45 -- 7 2000 Navy 30 -- 28 PSINet Stadium Baltimore Army 48 -- 46 -- 7 2001 Army 26 -- 17 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 49 -- 46 -- 7 2002 Navy 58 -- 12 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 49 -- 47 -- 7 2003 Navy 34 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Army 49 -- 48 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Tied 49 -- 49 -- 7 2005 Navy 42 -- 23 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 50 -- 49 -- 7 2006 Navy 26 -- 14 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 51 -- 49 -- 7 2007 Navy 38 -- 3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 52 -- 49 -- 7 2008 Navy 34 -- 0 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 53 -- 49 -- 7 2009 Navy 17 -- 3 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 54 -- 49 -- 7 Navy 31 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 55 -- 49 -- 7 2011 Navy 27 -- 21 FedExField Landover, Maryland Navy 56 -- 49 -- 7 2012 Navy 17 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 57 -- 49 -- 7 2013 Navy 34 -- 7 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 58 -- 49 -- 7 2014 Navy 17 -- 10 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 59 -- 49 -- 7 2015 # 21 Navy 21 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 49 -- 7 2016 Army 21 -- 17 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 60 -- 50 -- 7 2017 Army 14 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 51 -- 7 2018 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2019 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2020 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2021 MetLife Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey 2022 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where was the army navy game this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=818506662", "q_uid": -3565004953332485182, "answers": { "long_answer": "CSA Games Army victories Navy victories Tie games First game Most recent game Philadelphia -- Reading -- Camden, PA -- NJ -- DE -- MD 87 39 44 1899 2017 New York -- Newark, NY -- NJ -- CT -- PA 19 8 9 1890 2002 Washington -- Baltimore -- Arlington, DC -- MD -- VA -- WV -- PA 10 6 0 1891 2016 Chicago -- Naperville, IL -- IN -- WI 0 0 1926 1926 Los Angeles -- Long Beach, CA 0 0", "short_answer": "Philadelphia -- Reading -- Camden," } }, { "question": "who won the football game between army and navy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": -5466269749972396022, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winner Score Location City Series 1890 Navy 24 -- 0 `` The Plain '' USMA West Point, New York Navy 1 -- 0 1891 Army 32 -- 16 Worden Field USNA Annapolis, Maryland Tied 1 -- 1 1892 Navy 12 -- 4 `` The Plain '' West Point, New York Navy 2 -- 1 1893 Navy 6 -- 4 Worden Field Annapolis, Maryland Navy 3 -- 1 1899 Army 17 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 3 -- 2 1900 Navy 11 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 2 1901 Army 11 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 3 1902 Army 22 -- 8 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 4 -- 4 1903 Army 40 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 5 -- 4 1904 Army 11 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 4 1905 Tie 6 -- 6 Osborne Field Princeton, New Jersey Army 6 -- 4 -- 1 1906 Navy 10 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 5 -- 1 1907 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 6 -- 6 -- 1 1908 Army 6 -- 4 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 7 -- 6 -- 1 1910 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 7 -- 7 -- 1 1911 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 8 -- 7 -- 1 1912 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 9 -- 7 -- 1 1913 Army 22 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Navy 9 -- 8 -- 1 1914 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 9 -- 9 -- 1 1915 Army 14 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 10 -- 9 -- 1 1916 Army 15 -- 7 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 9 -- 1 1919 Navy 6 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 10 -- 1 1920 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 11 -- 11 -- 1 1921 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Navy 12 -- 11 -- 1 1922 Army 17 -- 14 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 12 -- 12 -- 1 1923 Tie 0 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 12 -- 12 -- 2 1924 Army 12 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 13 -- 12 -- 2 1925 Army 10 -- 3 Polo Grounds New York Army 14 -- 12 -- 2 1926 Tie 21 -- 21 Soldier Field Chicago Army 14 -- 12 -- 3 1927 Army 14 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Army 15 -- 12 -- 3 1930 Army 6 -- 0 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 16 -- 12 -- 3 1931 Army 17 -- 7 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 17 -- 12 -- 3 1932 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 18 -- 12 -- 3 1933 Army 12 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 12 -- 3 1934 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 13 -- 3 1935 Army 28 -- 6 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 20 -- 13 -- 3 1936 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 20 -- 14 -- 3 1937 Army 6 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 21 -- 14 -- 3 1938 Army 14 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 14 -- 3 1939 Navy 10 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 15 -- 3 1940 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 16 -- 3 1941 # 11 Navy 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 17 -- 3 1942 Navy 14 -- 0 Thompson Stadium Annapolis, Maryland Army 22 -- 18 -- 3 1943 # 6 Navy 13 -- 0 Michie Stadium West Point, New York Army 22 -- 19 -- 3 1944 # 1 Army 23 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 23 -- 19 -- 3 1945 # 1 Army 32 -- 13 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 24 -- 19 -- 3 1946 # 1 Army 21 -- 18 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 25 -- 19 -- 3 1947 # 12 Army 21 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 3 1948 Tie 21 -- 21 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 4 1949 # 4 Army 38 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 19 -- 4 1950 Navy 14 -- 2 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 20 -- 4 1951 Navy 42 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 21 -- 4 1952 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 22 -- 4 1953 # 18 Army 20 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 22 -- 4 1954 # 6 Navy 27 -- 20 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 23 -- 4 1955 Army 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 4 1956 Tie 7 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 5 1957 # 8 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 24 -- 5 1958 # 5 Army 22 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 24 -- 5 1959 Navy 43 -- 12 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 25 -- 5 1960 # 7 Navy 17 -- 12 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 26 -- 5 1961 Navy 13 -- 7 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 27 -- 5 1962 Navy 34 -- 14 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 28 -- 5 1963 # 2 Navy 21 -- 15 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 29 -- 5 1964 Army 11 -- 8 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 5 1965 Tie 7 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 6 1966 Army 20 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 29 -- 6 1967 Navy 19 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 30 -- 6 1968 Army 21 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 33 -- 30 -- 6 1969 Army 27 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 30 -- 6 1970 Navy 11 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 31 -- 6 1971 Army 24 -- 23 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 35 -- 31 -- 6 1972 Army 23 -- 15 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 31 -- 6 1973 Navy 51 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 32 -- 6 Navy 19 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 33 -- 6 Navy 30 -- 6 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 34 -- 6 1976 Navy 38 -- 10 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 35 -- 6 1977 Army 17 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 35 -- 6 1978 Navy 28 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 36 -- 6 1979 Navy 31 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Tied 37 -- 37 -- 6 1980 Navy 33 -- 6 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 6 1981 Tie 3 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 7 1982 Navy 24 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 39 -- 37 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Rose Bowl Pasadena, California Navy 40 -- 37 -- 7 1984 Army 28 -- 11 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 40 -- 38 -- 7 1985 Navy 17 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 38 -- 7 1986 Army 27 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 39 -- 7 Army 17 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 40 -- 7 1988 Army 20 -- 15 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 41 -- 41 -- 7 1989 Navy 19 -- 17 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Navy 42 -- 41 -- 7 1990 Army 30 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 42 -- 42 -- 7 1991 Navy 24 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 43 -- 42 -- 7 1992 Army 25 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 43 -- 43 -- 7 1993 Army 16 -- 14 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 44 -- 43 -- 7 1994 Army 22 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 45 -- 43 -- 7 1995 Army 14 -- 13 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 46 -- 43 -- 7 # 23 Army 28 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 47 -- 43 -- 7 1997 Navy 39 -- 7 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 47 -- 44 -- 7 1998 Army 34 -- 30 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 44 -- 7 1999 Navy 19 -- 9 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 45 -- 7 2000 Navy 30 -- 28 PSINet Stadium Baltimore Army 48 -- 46 -- 7 2001 Army 26 -- 17 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 49 -- 46 -- 7 2002 Navy 58 -- 12 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 49 -- 47 -- 7 2003 Navy 34 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Army 49 -- 48 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Tied 49 -- 49 -- 7 2005 Navy 42 -- 23 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 50 -- 49 -- 7 2006 Navy 26 -- 14 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 51 -- 49 -- 7 2007 Navy 38 -- 3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 52 -- 49 -- 7 2008 Navy 34 -- 0 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 53 -- 49 -- 7 2009 Navy 17 -- 3 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 54 -- 49 -- 7 Navy 31 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 55 -- 49 -- 7 2011 Navy 27 -- 21 FedExField Landover, Maryland Navy 56 -- 49 -- 7 2012 Navy 17 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 57 -- 49 -- 7 2013 Navy 34 -- 7 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 58 -- 49 -- 7 2014 Navy 17 -- 10 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 59 -- 49 -- 7 2015 # 21 Navy 21 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 49 -- 7 2016 Army 21 -- 17 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 60 -- 50 -- 7 2017 Army 14 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 51 -- 7 2018 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2019 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2020 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2021 MetLife Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey 2022 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia", "short_answer": "Army" } }, { "question": "where is the army navy game usually played", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": -5742399503563676457, "answers": { "long_answer": "Currently the game is played primarily at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, the home of the Philadelphia Eagles. Since the 1980s, the game has been held roughly once every three or four years at a site other than Philadelphia. In addition to the Rose Bowl, these sites have included Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey ( replaced in 2010 by MetLife Stadium, which is scheduled to host the game for the first time in 2021 ), M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore and FedExField in Landover, Maryland. These are still considered neutral - site games, but provide locations that are closer to one academy or the other.", "short_answer": "Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, the home of the Philadelphia Eagles." } }, { "question": "where is the army and navy game playing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": -7000418983297587258, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winner Score Location City Series 1890 Navy 24 -- 0 `` The Plain '' USMA West Point, New York Navy 1 -- 0 1891 Army 32 -- 16 Worden Field USNA Annapolis, Maryland Tied 1 -- 1 1892 Navy 12 -- 4 `` The Plain '' West Point, New York Navy 2 -- 1 1893 Navy 6 -- 4 Worden Field Annapolis, Maryland Navy 3 -- 1 1899 Army 17 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 3 -- 2 1900 Navy 11 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 2 1901 Army 11 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 3 1902 Army 22 -- 8 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 4 -- 4 1903 Army 40 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 5 -- 4 1904 Army 11 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 4 1905 Tie 6 -- 6 Osborne Field Princeton, New Jersey Army 6 -- 4 -- 1 1906 Navy 10 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 5 -- 1 1907 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 6 -- 6 -- 1 1908 Army 6 -- 4 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 7 -- 6 -- 1 1910 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 7 -- 7 -- 1 1911 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 8 -- 7 -- 1 1912 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 9 -- 7 -- 1 1913 Army 22 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Navy 9 -- 8 -- 1 1914 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 9 -- 9 -- 1 1915 Army 14 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 10 -- 9 -- 1 1916 Army 15 -- 7 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 9 -- 1 1919 Navy 6 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 10 -- 1 1920 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 11 -- 11 -- 1 1921 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Navy 12 -- 11 -- 1 1922 Army 17 -- 14 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 12 -- 12 -- 1 1923 Tie 0 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 12 -- 12 -- 2 1924 Army 12 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 13 -- 12 -- 2 1925 Army 10 -- 3 Polo Grounds New York Army 14 -- 12 -- 2 1926 Tie 21 -- 21 Soldier Field Chicago Army 14 -- 12 -- 3 1927 Army 14 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Army 15 -- 12 -- 3 1930 Army 6 -- 0 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 16 -- 12 -- 3 1931 Army 17 -- 7 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 17 -- 12 -- 3 1932 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 18 -- 12 -- 3 1933 Army 12 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 12 -- 3 1934 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 13 -- 3 1935 Army 28 -- 6 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 20 -- 13 -- 3 1936 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 20 -- 14 -- 3 1937 Army 6 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 21 -- 14 -- 3 1938 Army 14 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 14 -- 3 1939 Navy 10 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 15 -- 3 1940 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 16 -- 3 1941 # 11 Navy 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 17 -- 3 1942 Navy 14 -- 0 Thompson Stadium Annapolis, Maryland Army 22 -- 18 -- 3 1943 # 6 Navy 13 -- 0 Michie Stadium West Point, New York Army 22 -- 19 -- 3 1944 # 1 Army 23 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 23 -- 19 -- 3 1945 # 1 Army 32 -- 13 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 24 -- 19 -- 3 1946 # 1 Army 21 -- 18 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 25 -- 19 -- 3 1947 # 12 Army 21 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 3 1948 Tie 21 -- 21 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 4 1949 # 4 Army 38 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 19 -- 4 1950 Navy 14 -- 2 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 20 -- 4 1951 Navy 42 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 21 -- 4 1952 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 22 -- 4 1953 # 18 Army 20 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 22 -- 4 1954 # 6 Navy 27 -- 20 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 23 -- 4 1955 Army 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 4 1956 Tie 7 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 5 1957 # 8 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 24 -- 5 1958 # 5 Army 22 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 24 -- 5 1959 Navy 43 -- 12 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 25 -- 5 1960 # 7 Navy 17 -- 12 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 26 -- 5 1961 Navy 13 -- 7 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 27 -- 5 1962 Navy 34 -- 14 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 28 -- 5 1963 # 2 Navy 21 -- 15 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 29 -- 5 1964 Army 11 -- 8 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 5 1965 Tie 7 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 6 1966 Army 20 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 29 -- 6 1967 Navy 19 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 30 -- 6 1968 Army 21 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 33 -- 30 -- 6 1969 Army 27 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 30 -- 6 1970 Navy 11 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 31 -- 6 1971 Army 24 -- 23 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 35 -- 31 -- 6 1972 Army 23 -- 15 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 31 -- 6 1973 Navy 51 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 32 -- 6 Navy 19 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 33 -- 6 Navy 30 -- 6 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 34 -- 6 1976 Navy 38 -- 10 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 35 -- 6 1977 Army 17 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 35 -- 6 1978 Navy 28 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 36 -- 6 1979 Navy 31 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Tied 37 -- 37 -- 6 1980 Navy 33 -- 6 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 6 1981 Tie 3 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 7 1982 Navy 24 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 39 -- 37 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Rose Bowl Pasadena, California Navy 40 -- 37 -- 7 1984 Army 28 -- 11 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 40 -- 38 -- 7 1985 Navy 17 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 38 -- 7 1986 Army 27 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 39 -- 7 Army 17 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 40 -- 7 1988 Army 20 -- 15 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 41 -- 41 -- 7 1989 Navy 19 -- 17 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Navy 42 -- 41 -- 7 1990 Army 30 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 42 -- 42 -- 7 1991 Navy 24 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 43 -- 42 -- 7 1992 Army 25 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 43 -- 43 -- 7 1993 Army 16 -- 14 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 44 -- 43 -- 7 1994 Army 22 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 45 -- 43 -- 7 1995 Army 14 -- 13 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 46 -- 43 -- 7 # 23 Army 28 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 47 -- 43 -- 7 1997 Navy 39 -- 7 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 47 -- 44 -- 7 1998 Army 34 -- 30 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 44 -- 7 1999 Navy 19 -- 9 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 45 -- 7 2000 Navy 30 -- 28 PSINet Stadium Baltimore Army 48 -- 46 -- 7 2001 Army 26 -- 17 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 49 -- 46 -- 7 2002 Navy 58 -- 12 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 49 -- 47 -- 7 2003 Navy 34 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Army 49 -- 48 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Tied 49 -- 49 -- 7 2005 Navy 42 -- 23 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 50 -- 49 -- 7 2006 Navy 26 -- 14 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 51 -- 49 -- 7 2007 Navy 38 -- 3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 52 -- 49 -- 7 2008 Navy 34 -- 0 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 53 -- 49 -- 7 2009 Navy 17 -- 3 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 54 -- 49 -- 7 Navy 31 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 55 -- 49 -- 7 2011 Navy 27 -- 21 FedExField Landover, Maryland Navy 56 -- 49 -- 7 2012 Navy 17 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 57 -- 49 -- 7 2013 Navy 34 -- 7 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 58 -- 49 -- 7 2014 Navy 17 -- 10 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 59 -- 49 -- 7 2015 # 21 Navy 21 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 49 -- 7 2016 Army 21 -- 17 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 60 -- 50 -- 7 2017 Army 14 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 51 -- 7 2018 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2019 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2020 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2021 MetLife Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey 2022 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia", "short_answer": "Lincoln Financial Field" } }, { "question": "where is the army navy game played in philadelphia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=856564237", "q_uid": 4007677568638492352, "answers": { "long_answer": "All games contested in Philadelphia through 1935 were played at Franklin Field, the home field of the University of Pennsylvania. From 1936 through 1979, all games contested in Philadelphia were held in Municipal Stadium, renamed John F. Kennedy Stadium in 1964. From 1980 - 2001, all games contested in Philadelphia were hosted by Veterans Stadium. Since 2003, all games contested in Philadelphia have been played in Lincoln Financial Field.", "short_answer": "Lincoln Financial Field." } }, { "question": "where is today army navy game being played this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": 910496580773514871, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winner Score Location City Series 1890 Navy 24 -- 0 `` The Plain '' USMA West Point, New York Navy 1 -- 0 1891 Army 32 -- 16 Worden Field USNA Annapolis, Maryland Tied 1 -- 1 1892 Navy 12 -- 4 `` The Plain '' West Point, New York Navy 2 -- 1 1893 Navy 6 -- 4 Worden Field Annapolis, Maryland Navy 3 -- 1 1899 Army 17 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 3 -- 2 1900 Navy 11 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 2 1901 Army 11 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 3 1902 Army 22 -- 8 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 4 -- 4 1903 Army 40 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 5 -- 4 1904 Army 11 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 4 1905 Tie 6 -- 6 Osborne Field Princeton, New Jersey Army 6 -- 4 -- 1 1906 Navy 10 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 5 -- 1 1907 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 6 -- 6 -- 1 1908 Army 6 -- 4 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 7 -- 6 -- 1 1910 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 7 -- 7 -- 1 1911 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 8 -- 7 -- 1 1912 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 9 -- 7 -- 1 1913 Army 22 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Navy 9 -- 8 -- 1 1914 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 9 -- 9 -- 1 1915 Army 14 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 10 -- 9 -- 1 1916 Army 15 -- 7 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 9 -- 1 1919 Navy 6 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 10 -- 1 1920 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 11 -- 11 -- 1 1921 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Navy 12 -- 11 -- 1 1922 Army 17 -- 14 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 12 -- 12 -- 1 1923 Tie 0 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 12 -- 12 -- 2 1924 Army 12 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 13 -- 12 -- 2 1925 Army 10 -- 3 Polo Grounds New York Army 14 -- 12 -- 2 1926 Tie 21 -- 21 Soldier Field Chicago Army 14 -- 12 -- 3 1927 Army 14 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Army 15 -- 12 -- 3 1930 Army 6 -- 0 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 16 -- 12 -- 3 1931 Army 17 -- 7 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 17 -- 12 -- 3 1932 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 18 -- 12 -- 3 1933 Army 12 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 12 -- 3 1934 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 13 -- 3 1935 Army 28 -- 6 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 20 -- 13 -- 3 1936 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 20 -- 14 -- 3 1937 Army 6 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 21 -- 14 -- 3 1938 Army 14 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 14 -- 3 1939 Navy 10 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 15 -- 3 1940 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 16 -- 3 1941 # 11 Navy 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 17 -- 3 1942 Navy 14 -- 0 Thompson Stadium Annapolis, Maryland Army 22 -- 18 -- 3 1943 # 6 Navy 13 -- 0 Michie Stadium West Point, New York Army 22 -- 19 -- 3 1944 # 1 Army 23 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 23 -- 19 -- 3 1945 # 1 Army 32 -- 13 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 24 -- 19 -- 3 1946 # 1 Army 21 -- 18 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 25 -- 19 -- 3 1947 # 12 Army 21 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 3 1948 Tie 21 -- 21 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 4 1949 # 4 Army 38 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 19 -- 4 1950 Navy 14 -- 2 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 20 -- 4 1951 Navy 42 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 21 -- 4 1952 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 22 -- 4 1953 # 18 Army 20 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 22 -- 4 1954 # 6 Navy 27 -- 20 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 23 -- 4 1955 Army 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 4 1956 Tie 7 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 5 1957 # 8 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 24 -- 5 1958 # 5 Army 22 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 24 -- 5 1959 Navy 43 -- 12 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 25 -- 5 1960 # 7 Navy 17 -- 12 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 26 -- 5 1961 Navy 13 -- 7 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 27 -- 5 1962 Navy 34 -- 14 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 28 -- 5 1963 # 2 Navy 21 -- 15 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 29 -- 5 1964 Army 11 -- 8 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 5 1965 Tie 7 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 6 1966 Army 20 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 29 -- 6 1967 Navy 19 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 30 -- 6 1968 Army 21 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 33 -- 30 -- 6 1969 Army 27 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 30 -- 6 1970 Navy 11 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 31 -- 6 1971 Army 24 -- 23 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 35 -- 31 -- 6 1972 Army 23 -- 15 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 31 -- 6 1973 Navy 51 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 32 -- 6 Navy 19 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 33 -- 6 Navy 30 -- 6 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 34 -- 6 1976 Navy 38 -- 10 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 35 -- 6 1977 Army 17 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 35 -- 6 1978 Navy 28 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 36 -- 6 1979 Navy 31 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Tied 37 -- 37 -- 6 1980 Navy 33 -- 6 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 6 1981 Tie 3 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 7 1982 Navy 24 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 39 -- 37 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Rose Bowl Pasadena, California Navy 40 -- 37 -- 7 1984 Army 28 -- 11 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 40 -- 38 -- 7 1985 Navy 17 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 38 -- 7 1986 Army 27 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 39 -- 7 Army 17 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 40 -- 7 1988 Army 20 -- 15 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 41 -- 41 -- 7 1989 Navy 19 -- 17 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Navy 42 -- 41 -- 7 1990 Army 30 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 42 -- 42 -- 7 1991 Navy 24 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 43 -- 42 -- 7 1992 Army 25 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 43 -- 43 -- 7 1993 Army 16 -- 14 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 44 -- 43 -- 7 1994 Army 22 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 45 -- 43 -- 7 1995 Army 14 -- 13 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 46 -- 43 -- 7 # 23 Army 28 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 47 -- 43 -- 7 1997 Navy 39 -- 7 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 47 -- 44 -- 7 1998 Army 34 -- 30 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 44 -- 7 1999 Navy 19 -- 9 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 45 -- 7 2000 Navy 30 -- 28 PSINet Stadium Baltimore Army 48 -- 46 -- 7 2001 Army 26 -- 17 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 49 -- 46 -- 7 2002 Navy 58 -- 12 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 49 -- 47 -- 7 2003 Navy 34 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Army 49 -- 48 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Tied 49 -- 49 -- 7 2005 Navy 42 -- 23 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 50 -- 49 -- 7 2006 Navy 26 -- 14 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 51 -- 49 -- 7 2007 Navy 38 -- 3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 52 -- 49 -- 7 2008 Navy 34 -- 0 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 53 -- 49 -- 7 2009 Navy 17 -- 3 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 54 -- 49 -- 7 Navy 31 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 55 -- 49 -- 7 2011 Navy 27 -- 21 FedExField Landover, Maryland Navy 56 -- 49 -- 7 2012 Navy 17 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 57 -- 49 -- 7 2013 Navy 34 -- 7 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 58 -- 49 -- 7 2014 Navy 17 -- 10 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 59 -- 49 -- 7 2015 # 21 Navy 21 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 49 -- 7 2016 Army 21 -- 17 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 60 -- 50 -- 7 2017 Army 14 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 51 -- 7 2018 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2019 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2020 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2021 MetLife Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey 2022 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is the army navy game playing at", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": 2699063029572583026, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winner Score Location City Series 1890 Navy 24 -- 0 `` The Plain '' USMA West Point, New York Navy 1 -- 0 1891 Army 32 -- 16 Worden Field USNA Annapolis, Maryland Tied 1 -- 1 1892 Navy 12 -- 4 `` The Plain '' West Point, New York Navy 2 -- 1 1893 Navy 6 -- 4 Worden Field Annapolis, Maryland Navy 3 -- 1 1899 Army 17 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 3 -- 2 1900 Navy 11 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 2 1901 Army 11 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 3 1902 Army 22 -- 8 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 4 -- 4 1903 Army 40 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 5 -- 4 1904 Army 11 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 4 1905 Tie 6 -- 6 Osborne Field Princeton, New Jersey Army 6 -- 4 -- 1 1906 Navy 10 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 5 -- 1 1907 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 6 -- 6 -- 1 1908 Army 6 -- 4 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 7 -- 6 -- 1 1910 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 7 -- 7 -- 1 1911 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 8 -- 7 -- 1 1912 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 9 -- 7 -- 1 1913 Army 22 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Navy 9 -- 8 -- 1 1914 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 9 -- 9 -- 1 1915 Army 14 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 10 -- 9 -- 1 1916 Army 15 -- 7 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 9 -- 1 1919 Navy 6 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 10 -- 1 1920 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 11 -- 11 -- 1 1921 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Navy 12 -- 11 -- 1 1922 Army 17 -- 14 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 12 -- 12 -- 1 1923 Tie 0 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 12 -- 12 -- 2 1924 Army 12 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 13 -- 12 -- 2 1925 Army 10 -- 3 Polo Grounds New York Army 14 -- 12 -- 2 1926 Tie 21 -- 21 Soldier Field Chicago Army 14 -- 12 -- 3 1927 Army 14 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Army 15 -- 12 -- 3 1930 Army 6 -- 0 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 16 -- 12 -- 3 1931 Army 17 -- 7 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 17 -- 12 -- 3 1932 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 18 -- 12 -- 3 1933 Army 12 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 12 -- 3 1934 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 13 -- 3 1935 Army 28 -- 6 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 20 -- 13 -- 3 1936 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 20 -- 14 -- 3 1937 Army 6 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 21 -- 14 -- 3 1938 Army 14 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 14 -- 3 1939 Navy 10 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 15 -- 3 1940 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 16 -- 3 1941 # 11 Navy 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 17 -- 3 1942 Navy 14 -- 0 Thompson Stadium Annapolis, Maryland Army 22 -- 18 -- 3 1943 # 6 Navy 13 -- 0 Michie Stadium West Point, New York Army 22 -- 19 -- 3 1944 # 1 Army 23 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 23 -- 19 -- 3 1945 # 1 Army 32 -- 13 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 24 -- 19 -- 3 1946 # 1 Army 21 -- 18 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 25 -- 19 -- 3 1947 # 12 Army 21 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 3 1948 Tie 21 -- 21 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 4 1949 # 4 Army 38 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 19 -- 4 1950 Navy 14 -- 2 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 20 -- 4 1951 Navy 42 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 21 -- 4 1952 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 22 -- 4 1953 # 18 Army 20 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 22 -- 4 1954 # 6 Navy 27 -- 20 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 23 -- 4 1955 Army 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 4 1956 Tie 7 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 5 1957 # 8 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 24 -- 5 1958 # 5 Army 22 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 24 -- 5 1959 Navy 43 -- 12 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 25 -- 5 1960 # 7 Navy 17 -- 12 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 26 -- 5 1961 Navy 13 -- 7 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 27 -- 5 1962 Navy 34 -- 14 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 28 -- 5 1963 # 2 Navy 21 -- 15 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 29 -- 5 1964 Army 11 -- 8 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 5 1965 Tie 7 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 6 1966 Army 20 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 29 -- 6 1967 Navy 19 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 30 -- 6 1968 Army 21 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 33 -- 30 -- 6 1969 Army 27 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 30 -- 6 1970 Navy 11 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 31 -- 6 1971 Army 24 -- 23 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 35 -- 31 -- 6 1972 Army 23 -- 15 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 31 -- 6 1973 Navy 51 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 32 -- 6 Navy 19 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 33 -- 6 Navy 30 -- 6 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 34 -- 6 1976 Navy 38 -- 10 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 35 -- 6 1977 Army 17 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 35 -- 6 1978 Navy 28 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 36 -- 6 1979 Navy 31 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Tied 37 -- 37 -- 6 1980 Navy 33 -- 6 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 6 1981 Tie 3 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 7 1982 Navy 24 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 39 -- 37 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Rose Bowl Pasadena, California Navy 40 -- 37 -- 7 1984 Army 28 -- 11 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 40 -- 38 -- 7 1985 Navy 17 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 38 -- 7 1986 Army 27 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 39 -- 7 Army 17 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 40 -- 7 1988 Army 20 -- 15 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 41 -- 41 -- 7 1989 Navy 19 -- 17 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Navy 42 -- 41 -- 7 1990 Army 30 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 42 -- 42 -- 7 1991 Navy 24 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 43 -- 42 -- 7 1992 Army 25 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 43 -- 43 -- 7 1993 Army 16 -- 14 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 44 -- 43 -- 7 1994 Army 22 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 45 -- 43 -- 7 1995 Army 14 -- 13 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 46 -- 43 -- 7 # 23 Army 28 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 47 -- 43 -- 7 1997 Navy 39 -- 7 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 47 -- 44 -- 7 1998 Army 34 -- 30 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 44 -- 7 1999 Navy 19 -- 9 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 45 -- 7 2000 Navy 30 -- 28 PSINet Stadium Baltimore Army 48 -- 46 -- 7 2001 Army 26 -- 17 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 49 -- 46 -- 7 2002 Navy 58 -- 12 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 49 -- 47 -- 7 2003 Navy 34 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Army 49 -- 48 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Tied 49 -- 49 -- 7 2005 Navy 42 -- 23 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 50 -- 49 -- 7 2006 Navy 26 -- 14 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 51 -- 49 -- 7 2007 Navy 38 -- 3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 52 -- 49 -- 7 2008 Navy 34 -- 0 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 53 -- 49 -- 7 2009 Navy 17 -- 3 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 54 -- 49 -- 7 Navy 31 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 55 -- 49 -- 7 2011 Navy 27 -- 21 FedExField Landover, Maryland Navy 56 -- 49 -- 7 2012 Navy 17 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 57 -- 49 -- 7 2013 Navy 34 -- 7 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 58 -- 49 -- 7 2014 Navy 17 -- 10 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 59 -- 49 -- 7 2015 # 21 Navy 21 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 49 -- 7 2016 Army 21 -- 17 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 60 -- 50 -- 7 2017 Army 14 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 51 -- 7 2018 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2019 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2020 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2021 MetLife Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey 2022 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is army and navy game being played", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": -8213833425423428120, "answers": { "long_answer": "All games through 2020 will be held at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey will host the 2021 game. The game will then return to Lincoln Financial Field for 2022. Games beyond 2022 have yet to be awarded.", "short_answer": "Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia." } }, { "question": "where's the army-navy game played at today", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=818506662", "q_uid": -2473869536508059892, "answers": { "long_answer": "Currently the game is played primarily at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, the home of the Philadelphia Eagles. Since the 1980s, the game has been held roughly once every three or four years at a site other than Philadelphia. In addition to the Rose Bowl, these sites have included Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey ( replaced in 2010 by MetLife Stadium, which is scheduled to host the game for the first time in 2021 ), M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore and FedExField in Landover, Maryland. These are still considered neutral - site games, but provide locations that are closer to one academy or the other.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is the army navy football game played today", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": 7014676911587998392, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winner Score Location City Series 1890 Navy 24 -- 0 `` The Plain '' USMA West Point, New York Navy 1 -- 0 1891 Army 32 -- 16 Worden Field USNA Annapolis, Maryland Tied 1 -- 1 1892 Navy 12 -- 4 `` The Plain '' West Point, New York Navy 2 -- 1 1893 Navy 6 -- 4 Worden Field Annapolis, Maryland Navy 3 -- 1 1899 Army 17 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 3 -- 2 1900 Navy 11 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 2 1901 Army 11 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 3 1902 Army 22 -- 8 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 4 -- 4 1903 Army 40 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 5 -- 4 1904 Army 11 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 4 1905 Tie 6 -- 6 Osborne Field Princeton, New Jersey Army 6 -- 4 -- 1 1906 Navy 10 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 5 -- 1 1907 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 6 -- 6 -- 1 1908 Army 6 -- 4 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 7 -- 6 -- 1 1910 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 7 -- 7 -- 1 1911 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 8 -- 7 -- 1 1912 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 9 -- 7 -- 1 1913 Army 22 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Navy 9 -- 8 -- 1 1914 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 9 -- 9 -- 1 1915 Army 14 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 10 -- 9 -- 1 1916 Army 15 -- 7 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 9 -- 1 1919 Navy 6 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 10 -- 1 1920 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 11 -- 11 -- 1 1921 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Navy 12 -- 11 -- 1 1922 Army 17 -- 14 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 12 -- 12 -- 1 1923 Tie 0 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 12 -- 12 -- 2 1924 Army 12 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 13 -- 12 -- 2 1925 Army 10 -- 3 Polo Grounds New York Army 14 -- 12 -- 2 1926 Tie 21 -- 21 Soldier Field Chicago Army 14 -- 12 -- 3 1927 Army 14 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Army 15 -- 12 -- 3 1930 Army 6 -- 0 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 16 -- 12 -- 3 1931 Army 17 -- 7 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 17 -- 12 -- 3 1932 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 18 -- 12 -- 3 1933 Army 12 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 12 -- 3 1934 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 13 -- 3 1935 Army 28 -- 6 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 20 -- 13 -- 3 1936 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 20 -- 14 -- 3 1937 Army 6 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 21 -- 14 -- 3 1938 Army 14 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 14 -- 3 1939 Navy 10 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 15 -- 3 1940 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 16 -- 3 1941 # 11 Navy 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 17 -- 3 1942 Navy 14 -- 0 Thompson Stadium Annapolis, Maryland Army 22 -- 18 -- 3 1943 # 6 Navy 13 -- 0 Michie Stadium West Point, New York Army 22 -- 19 -- 3 1944 # 1 Army 23 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 23 -- 19 -- 3 1945 # 1 Army 32 -- 13 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 24 -- 19 -- 3 1946 # 1 Army 21 -- 18 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 25 -- 19 -- 3 1947 # 12 Army 21 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 3 1948 Tie 21 -- 21 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 4 1949 # 4 Army 38 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 19 -- 4 1950 Navy 14 -- 2 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 20 -- 4 1951 Navy 42 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 21 -- 4 1952 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 22 -- 4 1953 # 18 Army 20 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 22 -- 4 1954 # 6 Navy 27 -- 20 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 23 -- 4 1955 Army 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 4 1956 Tie 7 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 5 1957 # 8 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 24 -- 5 1958 # 5 Army 22 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 24 -- 5 1959 Navy 43 -- 12 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 25 -- 5 1960 # 7 Navy 17 -- 12 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 26 -- 5 1961 Navy 13 -- 7 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 27 -- 5 1962 Navy 34 -- 14 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 28 -- 5 1963 # 2 Navy 21 -- 15 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 29 -- 5 1964 Army 11 -- 8 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 5 1965 Tie 7 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 6 1966 Army 20 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 29 -- 6 1967 Navy 19 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 30 -- 6 1968 Army 21 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 33 -- 30 -- 6 1969 Army 27 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 30 -- 6 1970 Navy 11 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 31 -- 6 1971 Army 24 -- 23 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 35 -- 31 -- 6 1972 Army 23 -- 15 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 31 -- 6 1973 Navy 51 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 32 -- 6 Navy 19 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 33 -- 6 Navy 30 -- 6 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 34 -- 6 1976 Navy 38 -- 10 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 35 -- 6 1977 Army 17 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 35 -- 6 1978 Navy 28 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 36 -- 6 1979 Navy 31 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Tied 37 -- 37 -- 6 1980 Navy 33 -- 6 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 6 1981 Tie 3 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 7 1982 Navy 24 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 39 -- 37 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Rose Bowl Pasadena, California Navy 40 -- 37 -- 7 1984 Army 28 -- 11 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 40 -- 38 -- 7 1985 Navy 17 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 38 -- 7 1986 Army 27 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 39 -- 7 Army 17 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 40 -- 7 1988 Army 20 -- 15 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 41 -- 41 -- 7 1989 Navy 19 -- 17 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Navy 42 -- 41 -- 7 1990 Army 30 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 42 -- 42 -- 7 1991 Navy 24 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 43 -- 42 -- 7 1992 Army 25 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 43 -- 43 -- 7 1993 Army 16 -- 14 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 44 -- 43 -- 7 1994 Army 22 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 45 -- 43 -- 7 1995 Army 14 -- 13 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 46 -- 43 -- 7 # 23 Army 28 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 47 -- 43 -- 7 1997 Navy 39 -- 7 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 47 -- 44 -- 7 1998 Army 34 -- 30 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 44 -- 7 1999 Navy 19 -- 9 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 45 -- 7 2000 Navy 30 -- 28 PSINet Stadium Baltimore Army 48 -- 46 -- 7 2001 Army 26 -- 17 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 49 -- 46 -- 7 2002 Navy 58 -- 12 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 49 -- 47 -- 7 2003 Navy 34 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Army 49 -- 48 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Tied 49 -- 49 -- 7 2005 Navy 42 -- 23 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 50 -- 49 -- 7 2006 Navy 26 -- 14 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 51 -- 49 -- 7 2007 Navy 38 -- 3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 52 -- 49 -- 7 2008 Navy 34 -- 0 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 53 -- 49 -- 7 2009 Navy 17 -- 3 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 54 -- 49 -- 7 Navy 31 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 55 -- 49 -- 7 2011 Navy 27 -- 21 FedExField Landover, Maryland Navy 56 -- 49 -- 7 2012 Navy 17 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 57 -- 49 -- 7 2013 Navy 34 -- 7 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 58 -- 49 -- 7 2014 Navy 17 -- 10 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 59 -- 49 -- 7 2015 # 21 Navy 21 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 49 -- 7 2016 Army 21 -- 17 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 60 -- 50 -- 7 2017 Army 14 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 51 -- 7 2018 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2019 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2020 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2021 MetLife Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey 2022 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when is the army vs navy football game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=862702909", "q_uid": -6024667787456405656, "answers": { "long_answer": "Army -- Navy Game Army Black Knights Navy Midshipmen Sport Football First meeting November 29, 1890 Navy 24, Army 0 Latest meeting December 9, 2017 Army 14, Navy 13 Next meeting December 8, 2018 Stadiums Lincoln Financial Field ( 2017 -- 2020, 2022 ) MetLife Stadium ( 2021 ) Trophy Third leg of triangular series for Commander - in - Chief 's Trophy Statistics Meetings total 118 All - time series Navy leads, 60 -- 51 -- 7 Largest victory Navy, 51 -- 0 ( 1973 ) Longest win streak Navy, 14 ( 2002 -- 2015 ) Current win streak Army, 2 ( 2016 -- present )", "short_answer": "December 8, 2018" } }, { "question": "where is the army navy game played in 2016", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": 268519859112252400, "answers": { "long_answer": "Venue Games Army victories Navy victories Tie games First game Most recent game John F. Kennedy Stadium ( Philadelphia ) 41 16 22 1936 1979 Franklin Field 18 11 7 0 1899 1935 Veterans Stadium 17 11 5 1980 2001 Lincoln Financial Field 11 10 0 2003 2017 Polo Grounds 9 5 1913 1927 Giants Stadium 0 1989 2002 M&T Bank Stadium 0 2000 2016 The Plain 0 0 1890 1892 Worden Field 0 1891 1893 Municipal Stadium ( Baltimore ) 0 0 1924 1944 Yankee Stadium 0 0 1930 1931 Osborne Field 0 0 1905 1905 Soldier Field 0 0 1926 1926 Thompson Stadium 0 0 1942 1942 Michie Stadium 0 0 1943 1943 Rose Bowl 0 0 FedExField 0 0 2011 2011", "short_answer": "M&T Bank Stadium" } }, { "question": "where was the first army navy game played", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": -38229344470983139, "answers": { "long_answer": "Army -- Navy Game Army Black Knights Navy Midshipmen Sport College football First meeting November 29, 1890 Latest meeting December 9, 2017 Next meeting December 8, 2018 Statistics Meetings total 118 All - time record Navy leads 60 -- 51 -- 7 Longest win streak Navy, 14 ( 2002 -- 2015 ) Current win streak Army, 2 ( 2016 -- present )", "short_answer": "November 29, 1890" } }, { "question": "how many army navy games have there been", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=824858327", "q_uid": -8387857142102845544, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winner Score Location City Series 1890 Navy 24 -- 0 `` The Plain '' USMA West Point, New York Navy 1 -- 0 1891 Army 32 -- 16 Worden Field USNA Annapolis, Maryland Tied 1 -- 1 1892 Navy 12 -- 4 `` The Plain '' West Point, New York Navy 2 -- 1 1893 Navy 6 -- 4 Worden Field Annapolis, Maryland Navy 3 -- 1 1899 Army 17 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 3 -- 2 1900 Navy 11 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 2 1901 Army 11 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 4 -- 3 1902 Army 22 -- 8 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 4 -- 4 1903 Army 40 -- 5 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 5 -- 4 1904 Army 11 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 4 1905 Tie 6 -- 6 Osborne Field Princeton, New Jersey Army 6 -- 4 -- 1 1906 Navy 10 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 6 -- 5 -- 1 1907 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 6 -- 6 -- 1 1908 Army 6 -- 4 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 7 -- 6 -- 1 1910 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 7 -- 7 -- 1 1911 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 8 -- 7 -- 1 1912 Navy 6 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Navy 9 -- 7 -- 1 1913 Army 22 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Navy 9 -- 8 -- 1 1914 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 9 -- 9 -- 1 1915 Army 14 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 10 -- 9 -- 1 1916 Army 15 -- 7 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 9 -- 1 1919 Navy 6 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Army 11 -- 10 -- 1 1920 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 11 -- 11 -- 1 1921 Navy 7 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Navy 12 -- 11 -- 1 1922 Army 17 -- 14 Franklin Field Philadelphia Tied 12 -- 12 -- 1 1923 Tie 0 -- 0 Polo Grounds New York Tied 12 -- 12 -- 2 1924 Army 12 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 13 -- 12 -- 2 1925 Army 10 -- 3 Polo Grounds New York Army 14 -- 12 -- 2 1926 Tie 21 -- 21 Soldier Field Chicago Army 14 -- 12 -- 3 1927 Army 14 -- 9 Polo Grounds New York Army 15 -- 12 -- 3 1930 Army 6 -- 0 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 16 -- 12 -- 3 1931 Army 17 -- 7 Yankee Stadium Bronx, New York Army 17 -- 12 -- 3 1932 Army 20 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 18 -- 12 -- 3 1933 Army 12 -- 7 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 12 -- 3 1934 Navy 3 -- 0 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 19 -- 13 -- 3 1935 Army 28 -- 6 Franklin Field Philadelphia Army 20 -- 13 -- 3 1936 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 20 -- 14 -- 3 1937 Army 6 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 21 -- 14 -- 3 1938 Army 14 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 14 -- 3 1939 Navy 10 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 15 -- 3 1940 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 16 -- 3 1941 # 11 Navy 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 22 -- 17 -- 3 1942 Navy 14 -- 0 Thompson Stadium Annapolis, Maryland Army 22 -- 18 -- 3 1943 # 6 Navy 13 -- 0 Michie Stadium West Point, New York Army 22 -- 19 -- 3 1944 # 1 Army 23 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Baltimore Army 23 -- 19 -- 3 1945 # 1 Army 32 -- 13 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 24 -- 19 -- 3 1946 # 1 Army 21 -- 18 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 25 -- 19 -- 3 1947 # 12 Army 21 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 3 1948 Tie 21 -- 21 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 26 -- 19 -- 4 1949 # 4 Army 38 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 19 -- 4 1950 Navy 14 -- 2 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 20 -- 4 1951 Navy 42 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 21 -- 4 1952 Navy 7 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 27 -- 22 -- 4 1953 # 18 Army 20 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 22 -- 4 1954 # 6 Navy 27 -- 20 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 28 -- 23 -- 4 1955 Army 14 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 4 1956 Tie 7 -- 7 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 23 -- 5 1957 # 8 Navy 14 -- 0 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 29 -- 24 -- 5 1958 # 5 Army 22 -- 6 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 24 -- 5 1959 Navy 43 -- 12 Municipal Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 25 -- 5 1960 # 7 Navy 17 -- 12 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 26 -- 5 1961 Navy 13 -- 7 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 27 -- 5 1962 Navy 34 -- 14 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 28 -- 5 1963 # 2 Navy 21 -- 15 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia Army 30 -- 29 -- 5 1964 Army 11 -- 8 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 5 1965 Tie 7 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 31 -- 29 -- 6 1966 Army 20 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 29 -- 6 1967 Navy 19 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 32 -- 30 -- 6 1968 Army 21 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 33 -- 30 -- 6 1969 Army 27 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 30 -- 6 1970 Navy 11 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 34 -- 31 -- 6 1971 Army 24 -- 23 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 35 -- 31 -- 6 1972 Army 23 -- 15 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 31 -- 6 1973 Navy 51 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 32 -- 6 Navy 19 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 33 -- 6 Navy 30 -- 6 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 34 -- 6 1976 Navy 38 -- 10 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 36 -- 35 -- 6 1977 Army 17 -- 14 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 35 -- 6 1978 Navy 28 -- 0 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Army 37 -- 36 -- 6 1979 Navy 31 -- 7 John F. Kennedy Stadium Philadelphia Tied 37 -- 37 -- 6 1980 Navy 33 -- 6 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 6 1981 Tie 3 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 38 -- 37 -- 7 1982 Navy 24 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 39 -- 37 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Rose Bowl Pasadena, California Navy 40 -- 37 -- 7 1984 Army 28 -- 11 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 40 -- 38 -- 7 1985 Navy 17 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 38 -- 7 1986 Army 27 -- 7 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 39 -- 7 Army 17 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 41 -- 40 -- 7 1988 Army 20 -- 15 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 41 -- 41 -- 7 1989 Navy 19 -- 17 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Navy 42 -- 41 -- 7 1990 Army 30 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 42 -- 42 -- 7 1991 Navy 24 -- 3 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Navy 43 -- 42 -- 7 1992 Army 25 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Tied 43 -- 43 -- 7 1993 Army 16 -- 14 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 44 -- 43 -- 7 1994 Army 22 -- 20 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 45 -- 43 -- 7 1995 Army 14 -- 13 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 46 -- 43 -- 7 # 23 Army 28 -- 24 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 47 -- 43 -- 7 1997 Navy 39 -- 7 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 47 -- 44 -- 7 1998 Army 34 -- 30 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 44 -- 7 1999 Navy 19 -- 9 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 48 -- 45 -- 7 2000 Navy 30 -- 28 PSINet Stadium Baltimore Army 48 -- 46 -- 7 2001 Army 26 -- 17 Veterans Stadium Philadelphia Army 49 -- 46 -- 7 2002 Navy 58 -- 12 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey Army 49 -- 47 -- 7 2003 Navy 34 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Army 49 -- 48 -- 7 Navy 42 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Tied 49 -- 49 -- 7 2005 Navy 42 -- 23 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 50 -- 49 -- 7 2006 Navy 26 -- 14 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 51 -- 49 -- 7 2007 Navy 38 -- 3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 52 -- 49 -- 7 2008 Navy 34 -- 0 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 53 -- 49 -- 7 2009 Navy 17 -- 3 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 54 -- 49 -- 7 Navy 31 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 55 -- 49 -- 7 2011 Navy 27 -- 21 FedExField Landover, Maryland Navy 56 -- 49 -- 7 2012 Navy 17 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 57 -- 49 -- 7 2013 Navy 34 -- 7 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 58 -- 49 -- 7 2014 Navy 17 -- 10 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 59 -- 49 -- 7 2015 # 21 Navy 21 -- 17 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 49 -- 7 2016 Army 21 -- 17 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore Navy 60 -- 50 -- 7 2017 Army 14 -- 13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia Navy 60 -- 51 -- 7 2018 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2019 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2020 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia 2021 MetLife Stadium East Rutherford, New Jersey 2022 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won more games between army and navy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Army%E2%80%93Navy_Game&oldid=818506662", "q_uid": 845256957166027961, "answers": { "long_answer": "Army -- Navy Game Army Black Knights Navy Midshipmen Sport College football First meeting November 29, 1890 Latest meeting December 9, 2017 Next meeting December 8, 2018 Statistics Meetings total 118 All - time record Navy leads 60 -- 51 -- 7 Longest win streak Navy, 14 ( 2002 -- 2015 ) Current win streak Army, 2 ( 2016 -- present )", "short_answer": "Navy leads" } } ], "United States at the FIFA World Cup": [ { "question": "when did usa give its best performance at the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850439748", "q_uid": -6524342489180701732, "answers": { "long_answer": "The United States men 's national soccer team has played in several World Cup finals, with their best result occurring during their first appearance at the 1930 World Cup, when the United States finished in third place. After the 1950 World Cup, in which the United States upset England in group play 1 -- 0, the U.S. was absent from the finals until 1990. The United States has participated in every World Cup since 1990 until they failed to qualify for the 2018 competition after a loss to Trinidad and Tobago in 2017.", "short_answer": "1930 World" } }, { "question": "when did the usa last qualify for world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=855132625", "q_uid": -1145307056612908999, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined 2026 Qualified as one of the Host Nations Total 10 / 21 - 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "2014" } }, { "question": "when does the us play the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850439748", "q_uid": -6871535075441127348, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined 2026 Qualified as one of the Host Nations Total 10 / 21 - 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did us go to the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850439748", "q_uid": 6519928643454164502, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined 2026 Qualified as one of the Host Nations Total 10 / 21 - 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time usa did not make the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=813412186", "q_uid": -8122119801967813433, "answers": { "long_answer": "The United States men 's national soccer team has played in several World Cup finals, with their best result occurring during their first appearance at the 1930 World Cup, when the United States finished in third place. After the 1950 World Cup, in which the United States upset England in group play 1 -- 0, the U.S. was absent from the finals until 1990. The United States has participated in every World Cup since 1990 until they failed to qualify for the 2018 competition after a loss to Trinidad and Tobago in 2017.", "short_answer": "1990 until" } }, { "question": "when is the last time the usa missed the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=808285855", "q_uid": 4559498818451811722, "answers": { "long_answer": "World Cup record Year Result Position Pld GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round 1 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify Total 10 / 20 0 Titles 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "1986" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the usa was in the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=855132625", "q_uid": 6579066017771759705, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined 2026 Qualified as one of the Host Nations Total 10 / 21 - 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "2014" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the world cup was played in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850439748", "q_uid": 1950161881335564305, "answers": { "long_answer": "World Cup Round Opponent Score Result Venue Scorers 1930 Group stage Belgium 3 -- 0 Montevideo B. McGhee, T. Florie, B. Patenaude Paraguay 3 -- 0 Montevideo B. Patenaude ( 3 ) Semi-finals Argentina 1 -- 6 Montevideo J. Brown 1934 Round of 16 Italy 1 -- 7 Rome A. Donelli 1950 Group stage Spain 1 -- 3 Curitiba G. Pariani England 1 -- 0 Belo Horizonte J. Gaetjens Chile 2 -- 5 Recife F. Wallace, J. Maca 1990 Group stage Czechoslovakia 1 -- 5 Florence P. Caligiuri Italy 0 -- 1 Rome & -- Austria 1 -- 2 Florence B. Murray 1994 Group stage Switzerland 1 -- 1 Pontiac E. Wynalda Colombia 2 -- 1 Pasadena A. Escobar ( o.g. ), E. Stewart Romania 0 -- 1 Pasadena & -- Round of 16 Brazil 0 -- 1 Stanford & -- 1998 Group stage Germany 0 -- 2 Paris & -- Iran 1 -- 2 Lyon B. McBride FR Yugoslavia 0 -- 1 Nantes & -- 2002 Group stage Portugal 3 -- 2 Suwon J. O'Brien, J. Costa ( o.g. ), B. McBride South Korea 1 -- 1 Daegu C. Mathis Poland 1 -- 3 Daejeon L. Donovan Round of 16 Mexico 2 -- 0 Jeonju B. McBride, L. Donovan Quarter - finals Germany 0 -- 1 Ulsan & -- 2006 Group stage Czech Republic 0 -- 3 Gelsenkirchen & -- Italy 1 -- 1 Kaiserslautern C. Zaccardo ( o.g. ) Ghana 1 -- 2 Nuremberg C. Dempsey Group stage England 1 -- 1 Rustenburg C. Dempsey Slovenia 2 -- 2 Johannesburg L. Donovan, M. Bradley Algeria 1 -- 0 Pretoria L. Donovan Round of 16 Ghana 1 -- 2 ( a.e.t. ) Rustenburg L. Donovan 2014 Group stage Ghana 2 -- 1 Natal C. Dempsey, J. Brooks Portugal 2 -- 2 Manaus J. Jones, C. Dempsey Germany 0 -- 1 Recife & -- Round of 16 Belgium 1 -- 2 ( a.e.t. ) Salvador J. Green", "short_answer": "1994" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the usa went to the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=855132625", "q_uid": -7070760052518224541, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined 2026 Qualified as one of the Host Nations Total 10 / 21 - 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "2014" } }, { "question": "when was the last time usa did not qualify for the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=813412186", "q_uid": -833390295300933075, "answers": { "long_answer": "World Cup record Year Result Position Pld GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round 1 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined Total 10 / 21 0 Titles 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "1986" } }, { "question": "when was the last time us didn't make the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=855132625", "q_uid": -8929198865537569102, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined 2026 Qualified as one of the Host Nations Total 10 / 21 - 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "2018" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the us did not qualify for the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=813412186", "q_uid": -7843062512771839745, "answers": { "long_answer": "World Cup record Year Result Position Pld GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round 1 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined Total 10 / 21 0 Titles 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "2018" } }, { "question": "how many times has usa made the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850439748", "q_uid": -7611131618477465859, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined 2026 Qualified as one of the Host Nations Total 10 / 21 - 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time usa was in the fifa world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=855132625", "q_uid": 1320175841533754901, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined 2026 Qualified as one of the Host Nations Total 10 / 21 - 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "2014" } }, { "question": "when did america play in the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850439748", "q_uid": -5596969209072303085, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Host Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Semi-finals 3rd 0 7 6 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 1938 Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 1954 Did not qualify 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 1994 Round of 16 14th 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 2002 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 7 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 Round of 16 12th 5 5 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 2018 Did not qualify 2022 To be determined 2026 Qualified as one of the Host Nations Total 10 / 21 - 33 8 6 19 37 62", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how far has the united states made it in the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850439748", "q_uid": -6585266924658658641, "answers": { "long_answer": "The United States men 's national soccer team has played in several World Cup finals, with their best result occurring during their first appearance at the 1930 World Cup, when the United States finished in third place. After the 1950 World Cup, in which the United States upset England in group play 1 -- 0, the U.S. was absent from the finals until 1990. The United States has participated in every World Cup since 1990 until they failed to qualify for the 2018 competition after a loss to Trinidad and Tobago in 2017.", "short_answer": "third place." } }, { "question": "when does the us play in the fifa cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=United_States_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=855132625", "q_uid": -6004064191906255228, "answers": { "long_answer": "The United States men 's national soccer team has played in several World Cup finals, with their best result occurring during their first appearance at the 1930 World Cup, when the United States finished in third place. After the 1950 World Cup, in which the United States upset England in group play 1 -- 0, the U.S. was absent from the finals until 1990. The United States has participated in every World Cup since 1990 until they failed to qualify for the 2018 competition after a loss to Trinidad and Tobago in 2017.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Chief Ministers of Nagaland": [ { "question": "who is the present cheif minister of nagaland", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Nagaland&oldid=793883371", "q_uid": 8992403415742336420, "answers": { "long_answer": "Incumbent T.R. Zeliang since 19 July 2017", "short_answer": "T.R. Zeliang since" } }, { "question": "who served as the chief minister of nagaland for the longest tenure", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Nagaland&oldid=806569240", "q_uid": 9000363101253801740, "answers": { "long_answer": "No Name Term of office Party Days in office P. Shilu Ao MLA for Impur 1 December 1963 14 August 1966 Naga Nationalist Organisation 987 days T.N. Angami MLA for Western Angami 14 August 1966 22 February 1969 924 days Hokishe Sema MLA for Akuluto 22 February 1969 26 February 1974 1831 days Vizol Angami MLA for Southern Angami - II 26 February 1974 10 March 1975 United Democratic Front 378 days John Bosco Jasokie MLA for Kohima Town 10 March 1975 20 March 1975 Naga National Democratic Party 11 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 20 March 1975 25 November 1977 N / A ( 4 ) Vizol Angami MLA for Southern Angami - II 25 November 1977 18 April 1980 United Democratic Front 876 days ( Total 1254 days ) 6 S.C. Jamir MLA for Aonglenden 18 April 1980 5 June 1980 United Democratic Front -- Progressive 49 days ( 5 ) John Bosco Jasokie MLA for Kohima Town 5 June 1980 18 November 1982 Naga National Democratic Party 897 days ( Total 908 days ) ( 6 ) S.C. Jamir MLA for Aonglenden 18 November 1982 28 October 1986 United Democratic Front -- Progressive 1440 days ( 3 ) Hokishe Sema 29 October 1986 7 August 1988 Indian National Congress 648 days ( Total 2479 days ) -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 7 August 1988 25 January 1989 N / A ( 6 ) S.C. Jamir MLA for Mokokchung Town 25 January 1989 10 May 1990 Indian National Congress 471 days 7 K.L. Chishi MLA for Atoizu 16 May 1990 19 June 1990 Indian National Congress 36 days 8 Vamuzo Phesao 19 June 1990 2 April 1992 Nagaland People 's Council 653 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 2 April 1992 22 February 1993 N / A ( 6 ) S.C. Jamir MLA for Aonglenden 22 February 1993 6 March 2003 Indian National Congress 3665 days ( Total 5625 days ) 9 Neiphiu Rio MLA for Northern Angami - II 6 March 2003 3 January 2008 Nagaland People 's Front 1767 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 3 January 2008 12 March 2008 N / A ( 9 ) Neiphiu Rio MLA for Northern Angami - II 12 March 2008 24 May 2014 Nagaland People 's Front 2264 ( Total 4031 days ) 10 T.R. Zeliang MLA for Peren 24 May 2014 22 February 2017 1005 11 Shurhozelie Liezietsu 22 February 2017 19 July 2017 147 ( 10 ) T.R. Zeliang MLA for Peren 19 July 2017 Incumbent 95", "short_answer": "S.C. Jamir MLA" } }, { "question": "who will be the chief minister of nagaland in 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Nagaland&oldid=833760339", "q_uid": -8080789126250587470, "answers": { "long_answer": "No Name Term of office Party Days in office P. Shilu Ao MLA for Impur 1 December 1963 14 August 1966 Naga Nationalist Organisation 987 days T.N. Angami MLA for Western Angami 14 August 1966 22 February 1969 924 days Hokishe Sema MLA for Akuluto 22 February 1969 26 February 1974 1831 days Vizol Angami MLA for Southern Angami - II 26 February 1974 10 March 1975 United Democratic Front 378 days John Bosco Jasokie MLA for Kohima Town 10 March 1975 20 March 1975 Naga National Democratic Party 11 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 20 March 1975 25 November 1977 N / A ( 4 ) Vizol Angami MLA for Southern Angami - II 25 November 1977 18 April 1980 United Democratic Front 876 days ( Total 1254 days ) 6 S.C. Jamir MLA for Aonglenden 18 April 1980 5 June 1980 United Democratic Front -- Progressive 49 days ( 5 ) John Bosco Jasokie MLA for Kohima Town 5 June 1980 18 November 1982 Naga National Democratic Party 897 days ( Total 908 days ) ( 6 ) S.C. Jamir MLA for Aonglenden 18 November 1982 28 October 1986 United Democratic Front -- Progressive 1440 days ( 3 ) Hokishe Sema 29 October 1986 7 August 1988 Indian National Congress 648 days ( Total 2479 days ) -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 7 August 1988 25 January 1989 N / A ( 6 ) S.C. Jamir MLA for Mokokchung Town 25 January 1989 10 May 1990 Indian National Congress 471 days 7 K.L. Chishi MLA for Atoizu 16 May 1990 19 June 1990 Indian National Congress 36 days 8 Vamuzo Phesao 19 June 1990 2 April 1992 Nagaland People 's Council 653 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 2 April 1992 22 February 1993 N / A ( 6 ) S.C. Jamir MLA for Aonglenden 22 February 1993 6 March 2003 Indian National Congress 3665 days ( Total 5625 days ) 9 Neiphiu Rio MLA for Northern Angami - II 6 March 2003 3 January 2008 Nagaland People 's Front 1767 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 3 January 2008 12 March 2008 N / A ( 9 ) Neiphiu Rio MLA for Northern Angami - II 12 March 2008 24 May 2014 Nagaland People 's Front 2264 10 T.R. Zeliang MLA for Peren 24 May 2014 22 February 2017 1005 11 Shurhozelie Liezietsu 22 February 2017 19 July 2017 147 ( 10 ) T.R. Zeliang MLA for Peren 19 July 2017 8 March 2018 232 ( Total 1237 days ) ( 9 ) Neiphiu Rio MLA for Northern Angami - II 8 March 2018 Incumbent Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party 32", "short_answer": "T.R. Zeliang MLA" } }, { "question": "who is the newly elected chief minister of nagaland", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Nagaland&oldid=833760339", "q_uid": 1882017650249118774, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 1963, ten people belonging to seven parties have served as Chief Minister of Nagaland. The first three belonged to the Naga Nationalist Organisation, including the inaugural officeholder P. Shilu Ao. The current incumbent is Neiphiu Rio of the Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party, in office since 8 March 2018.", "short_answer": "Neiphiu Rio of the Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party," } }, { "question": "who is the chief minister of nagaland now", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Nagaland&oldid=793883371", "q_uid": 633773667221615676, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chief Minister of Nagaland Incumbent T.R. Zeliang since 19 July 2017 Appointer Governor of Nagaland Inaugural holder P. Shilu Ao Formation 1 December 1963", "short_answer": "T.R. Zeliang since" } }, { "question": "who is appointed as nagaland chief minister recently", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Nagaland&oldid=833760339", "q_uid": 2288127711767599817, "answers": { "long_answer": "No Name Term of office Party Days in office P. Shilu Ao MLA for Impur 1 December 1963 14 August 1966 Naga Nationalist Organisation 987 days T.N. Angami MLA for Western Angami 14 August 1966 22 February 1969 924 days Hokishe Sema MLA for Akuluto 22 February 1969 26 February 1974 1831 days Vizol Angami MLA for Southern Angami - II 26 February 1974 10 March 1975 United Democratic Front 378 days John Bosco Jasokie MLA for Kohima Town 10 March 1975 20 March 1975 Naga National Democratic Party 11 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 20 March 1975 25 November 1977 N / A ( 4 ) Vizol Angami MLA for Southern Angami - II 25 November 1977 18 April 1980 United Democratic Front 876 days ( Total 1254 days ) 6 S.C. Jamir MLA for Aonglenden 18 April 1980 5 June 1980 United Democratic Front -- Progressive 49 days ( 5 ) John Bosco Jasokie MLA for Kohima Town 5 June 1980 18 November 1982 Naga National Democratic Party 897 days ( Total 908 days ) ( 6 ) S.C. Jamir MLA for Aonglenden 18 November 1982 28 October 1986 United Democratic Front -- Progressive 1440 days ( 3 ) Hokishe Sema 29 October 1986 7 August 1988 Indian National Congress 648 days ( Total 2479 days ) -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 7 August 1988 25 January 1989 N / A ( 6 ) S.C. Jamir MLA for Mokokchung Town 25 January 1989 10 May 1990 Indian National Congress 471 days 7 K.L. Chishi MLA for Atoizu 16 May 1990 19 June 1990 Indian National Congress 36 days 8 Vamuzo Phesao 19 June 1990 2 April 1992 Nagaland People 's Council 653 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 2 April 1992 22 February 1993 N / A ( 6 ) S.C. Jamir MLA for Aonglenden 22 February 1993 6 March 2003 Indian National Congress 3665 days ( Total 5625 days ) 9 Neiphiu Rio MLA for Northern Angami - II 6 March 2003 3 January 2008 Nagaland People 's Front 1767 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 3 January 2008 12 March 2008 N / A ( 9 ) Neiphiu Rio MLA for Northern Angami - II 12 March 2008 24 May 2014 Nagaland People 's Front 2264 10 T.R. Zeliang MLA for Peren 24 May 2014 22 February 2017 1005 11 Shurhozelie Liezietsu 22 February 2017 19 July 2017 147 ( 10 ) T.R. Zeliang MLA for Peren 19 July 2017 8 March 2018 232 ( Total 1237 days ) ( 9 ) Neiphiu Rio MLA for Northern Angami - II 8 March 2018 Incumbent Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party 47", "short_answer": "Neiphiu Rio MLA" } } ], "Natalie Dormer": [ { "question": "who plays margaery tyrell on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Natalie_Dormer&oldid=804206356", "q_uid": 7350997195569879091, "answers": { "long_answer": "She made her stage debut at the Young Vic in 2010 in the play Sweet Nothings ( de; sh ), and portrayed Elizabeth Bowes - Lyon, Duchess of York in Madonna 's film W.E. ( 2011 ) and Private Lorraine in Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ). In 2012, her lead performance in After Miss Julie at the Young Vic attracted widespread critical acclaim. Dormer gained international attention with her performance of Margaery Tyrell on the HBO series Game of Thrones ( 2012 -- 16 ), for which she was nominated for two Screen Actors Guild Awards ( 2014 -- 2015 ). She is also known for playing Irene Adler / Moriarty on the CBS series Elementary ( 2013 -- 15 ), Cressida in the science - fiction adventure films The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 1 ( 2014 ) and Part 2 ( 2015 ), and Sara Price / Jess Price in The Forest ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Dormer gained" } }, { "question": "who did natalie dormer play in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Natalie_Dormer&oldid=814554771", "q_uid": 8103246368156213085, "answers": { "long_answer": "She made her stage debut at the Young Vic in 2010 in the play Sweet Nothings ( de; sh ), and portrayed Elizabeth Bowes - Lyon, Duchess of York in Madonna 's film W.E. ( 2011 ) and Private Lorraine in Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ). In 2012, her lead performance in After Miss Julie at the Young Vic attracted widespread critical acclaim. Dormer gained international attention with her performance of Margaery Tyrell on the HBO series Game of Thrones ( 2012 -- 16 ), for which she was nominated for two Screen Actors Guild Awards ( 2014 -- 2015 ). She is also known for playing Irene Adler / Moriarty on the CBS series Elementary ( 2013 -- 15 ), Cressida in the science - fiction adventure films The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 1 ( 2014 ) and Part 2 ( 2015 ), and Sara Price / Jess Price in The Forest ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Margaery Tyrell on" } }, { "question": "who does natalie dormer play in hunger games", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Natalie_Dormer&oldid=818245713", "q_uid": 4545070968411342749, "answers": { "long_answer": "She made her stage debut at the Young Vic in 2010 in the play Sweet Nothings ( de; sh ), and portrayed Elizabeth Bowes - Lyon, Duchess of York in Madonna 's film W.E. ( 2011 ) and Private Lorraine in Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ). In 2012, her lead performance in After Miss Julie at the Young Vic attracted widespread critical acclaim. Dormer gained international attention with her performance of Margaery Tyrell on the HBO series Game of Thrones ( 2012 -- 2016 ), for which she was nominated for two Screen Actors Guild Awards ( 2014 -- 2015 ). She is also known for playing Irene Adler / Moriarty on the CBS series Elementary ( 2013 -- 15 ), Cressida in the science - fiction adventure films The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 1 ( 2014 ) and Part 2 ( 2015 ), and Sara Price / Jess Price in The Forest ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Cressida in" } }, { "question": "who does natalie dorman play in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Natalie_Dormer&oldid=804206356", "q_uid": -2713489281491291444, "answers": { "long_answer": "She made her stage debut at the Young Vic in 2010 in the play Sweet Nothings ( de; sh ), and portrayed Elizabeth Bowes - Lyon, Duchess of York in Madonna 's film W.E. ( 2011 ) and Private Lorraine in Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ). In 2012, her lead performance in After Miss Julie at the Young Vic attracted widespread critical acclaim. Dormer gained international attention with her performance of Margaery Tyrell on the HBO series Game of Thrones ( 2012 -- 16 ), for which she was nominated for two Screen Actors Guild Awards ( 2014 -- 2015 ). She is also known for playing Irene Adler / Moriarty on the CBS series Elementary ( 2013 -- 15 ), Cressida in the science - fiction adventure films The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 1 ( 2014 ) and Part 2 ( 2015 ), and Sara Price / Jess Price in The Forest ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Margaery Tyrell on" } }, { "question": "who plays lady marjorie in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Natalie_Dormer&oldid=801203763", "q_uid": -3408764695708091661, "answers": { "long_answer": "She made her stage debut at the Young Vic in 2010 in the play Sweet Nothings ( de; sh ), and portrayed Elizabeth Bowes - Lyon, Duchess of York in Madonna 's film W.E. ( 2011 ) and Private Lorraine in Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ). In 2012, her lead performance in After Miss Julie at the Young Vic attracted widespread critical acclaim. Dormer gained international attention with her performance of Margaery Tyrell on the HBO series Game of Thrones ( 2012 -- 16 ), for which she was nominated for two Screen Actors Guild Awards ( 2014 -- 2015 ). She is also known for playing Irene Adler / Moriarty on the CBS series Elementary ( 2013 -- 15 ), Cressida in the science - fiction adventure films The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 1 ( 2014 ) and Part 2 ( 2015 ), and Sara Price / Jess Price in The Forest ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Dormer gained" } }, { "question": "who played margaery tyrell in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Natalie_Dormer&oldid=845048282", "q_uid": 6064324910965385129, "answers": { "long_answer": "She made her stage debut at the Young Vic in 2010 in the play Sweet Nothings, and portrayed Elizabeth Bowes - Lyon, Duchess of York in Madonna 's film W.E. ( 2011 ) and Private Lorraine in Captain America: The First Avenger ( 2011 ). In 2012, her lead performance in After Miss Julie at the Young Vic attracted widespread critical acclaim. Dormer gained international attention with her performance of Margaery Tyrell on the HBO series Game of Thrones ( 2012 -- 2016 ), for which she was nominated for two Screen Actors Guild Awards ( 2014 -- 2015 ). She is also known for playing Irene Adler / Moriarty on the CBS series Elementary ( 2013 -- 15 ), Cressida in the science - fiction adventure films The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 1 ( 2014 ) and Part 2 ( 2015 ), and Sara Price / Jess Price in The Forest ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Dormer gained" } } ], "Old Dominion (band)": [ { "question": "where did the band old dominion get their name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Old_Dominion_(band)&oldid=802475535", "q_uid": -3629250940788506674, "answers": { "long_answer": "The band members of Old Dominion are lead singer Matthew Ramsey, Trevor Rosen on guitar and keyboard, Whit Sellers on drums, Geoff Sprung on bass, and Brad Tursi on guitar. `` Old Dominion '' was chosen as the name of the band because it is a nickname for the state of Virginia, and four members of the group have links to Virginia.", "short_answer": "it is a nickname for the state of Virginia, and four members of the group have links to Virginia." } } ], "Service Tax": [ { "question": "when did service tax rate change to 15", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Service_Tax&oldid=804541287", "q_uid": 588781548553497623, "answers": { "long_answer": "Service tax was a tax levied by Central Government of India on services provided or agreed to be provided excluding services covered under negative list and considering the Place of Provision of Services Rules, 2012 and collected as per Point of Taxation Rules, 2011 from the person liable to pay service tax. Person liable to pay service tax is governed by Service Tax Rules, 1994 he may be service provider or service receiver or any other person made so liable. It is an indirect tax wherein the service provider collects the tax on services from service receiver and pays the same to government of India. Few services are presently exempt in public interest via Mega Exemption Notification 25 / 2012 - ST as amended up to date and few services are charged service tax at abated rate as per Notification No. 26 / 2012 - ST as amended up to date. Presently from 1 June 2016, service tax rate has been increased to consolidated rate at 14 % + 0.5 % + 0.5 % = 15 % of value of services provided or to be provided. The service tax rate now is consolidated rate as education cess and secondary higher education cess are subsumed with 2 % of `` Swach Bharat Cess ( 0.50 % ) '' has been notified by the Government.", "short_answer": "1 June 2016," } }, { "question": "who has to pay service tax in india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Service_Tax&oldid=789201354", "q_uid": -4825917064880851735, "answers": { "long_answer": "Service tax was a tax levied by Central Government of India on services provided or agreed to be provided excluding services covered under negative list and considering the Place of Provision of Services Rules, 2012 and collected as per Point of Taxation Rules, 2011 from the person liable to pay service tax. Person liable to pay service tax is governed by Service Tax Rules, 1994 he may be service provider or service receiver or any other person made so liable. It is an indirect tax wherein the service provider collects the tax on services from service receiver and pays the same to government of India. Few services are presently exempt in public interest via Mega Exemption Notification 25 / 2012 - ST as amended up to date and few services are charged service tax at abated rate as per Notification No. 26 / 2012 - ST as amended up to date. Presently from 1 June 2016, service tax rate has been increased to consolidated rate at 14 % + 0.5 % + 0.5 % = 15 % of value of services provided or to be provided. The service tax rate now is consolidated rate as education cess and secondary higher education cess are subsumed with 2 % of `` Swach Bharat Cess ( 0.50 % ) '' has been notified by the Government.", "short_answer": "an indirect tax wherein the service provider collects the tax on services from service receiver and pays the same to government of India." } }, { "question": "what is service tax discuss the basics of service tax in india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Service_Tax&oldid=806995046", "q_uid": -1304793514071383498, "answers": { "long_answer": "It was increased to 14 % for transactions that happened on or after 1 June 2015 and then for transactions that occurred on or after 15 Nov 2015, the new Swachh Bharat Cess at 0.5 % was also added to the Service Tax. Therefore, the effective rate became 14.5 % with effect from 15 Nov 2015.", "short_answer": "14.5 % with" } } ], "List of Better Call Saul episodes": [ { "question": "is there a better call saul season 3", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Better_Call_Saul_episodes&oldid=835147079", "q_uid": -3871296132948076551, "answers": { "long_answer": "Better Call Saul is an American television drama series created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould, a prequel spin - off of Breaking Bad ( 2008 -- 13 ). The series premiered on AMC on February 8, 2015. As of June 19, 2017, 30 episodes of Better Call Saul have aired, concluding the third season. The series was renewed by AMC for a 10 - episode fourth season to air in 2018.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many episodes in season 3 better call saul", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Better_Call_Saul_episodes&oldid=835147079", "q_uid": 2172332743519838344, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 10 February 8, 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 08 ) April 6, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 06 ) 10 February 15, 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 15 ) April 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 18 ) 10 April 10, 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 10 ) June 19, 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 19 )", "short_answer": "10" } }, { "question": "what is the latest season of better call saul", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Better_Call_Saul_episodes&oldid=857111973", "q_uid": -1821887816997681289, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 10 February 8, 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 08 ) April 6, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 06 ) 10 February 15, 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 15 ) April 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 18 ) 10 April 10, 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 10 ) June 19, 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 19 ) 10 August 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 06 ) October 8, 2018 ( 2018 - 10 - 08 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "will there be a 3rd season of better call saul", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Better_Call_Saul_episodes&oldid=835147079", "q_uid": -3184813440935734286, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 21 `` Mabel '' Vince Gilligan Vince Gilligan & Peter Gould April 10, 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 10 ) 1.81 22 `` Witness '' Vince Gilligan Thomas Schnauz April 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 17 ) 1.46 23 `` Sunk Costs '' John Shiban Gennifer Hutchison April 24, 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 24 ) 1.52 24 `` Sabrosito '' Thomas Schnauz Jonathan Glatzer May 1, 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 01 ) 1.56 25 5 `` Chicanery '' Daniel Sackheim Gordon Smith May 8, 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 08 ) 1.76 26 6 `` Off Brand '' Keith Gordon Ann Cherkis May 15, 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 15 ) 1.72 27 7 `` Expenses '' Thomas Schnauz Thomas Schnauz May 22, 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 22 ) 1.65 28 8 `` Slip '' Adam Bernstein Heather Marion June 5, 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 05 ) 1.63 29 9 `` Fall '' Minkie Spiro Gordon Smith June 12, 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 12 ) 1.47 30 10 `` Lantern '' Peter Gould Gennifer Hutchison June 19, 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 19 ) 1.85", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many episodes in season 2 of better call saul", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Better_Call_Saul_episodes&oldid=853883629", "q_uid": -1148445219552777233, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 10 February 8, 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 08 ) April 6, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 06 ) 10 February 15, 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 15 ) April 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 18 ) 10 April 10, 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 10 ) June 19, 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 19 ) 10 August 6, 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 06 ) October 8, 2018 ( 2018 - 10 - 08 )", "short_answer": "10" } }, { "question": "how many episodes in better call saul season 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Better_Call_Saul_episodes&oldid=835147079", "q_uid": -7687949440947203996, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 10 February 8, 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 08 ) April 6, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 06 ) 10 February 15, 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 15 ) April 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 18 ) 10 April 10, 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 10 ) June 19, 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 19 )", "short_answer": "10" } }, { "question": "how many episodes in season 1 better call saul", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Better_Call_Saul_episodes&oldid=799307540", "q_uid": -3675337516064980765, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 10 February 8, 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 08 ) April 6, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 06 ) 10 February 15, 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 15 ) April 18, 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 18 ) 10 April 10, 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 10 ) June 19, 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 19 )", "short_answer": "10" } } ], "Michelle Thomas": [ { "question": "who died in the cast of family matters", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Michelle_Thomas&oldid=859423637", "q_uid": -4539768305248155803, "answers": { "long_answer": "Michelle Doris Thomas ( September 23, 1968 -- December 22, or 23, 1998 ) was an American actress and comedian. She was best known for her roles as Justine Phillips on the NBC sitcom The Cosby Show ( 1988 -- 90 ), and Myra Monkhouse, Steve Urkel 's girlfriend on the ABC / CBS sitcom Family Matters ( 1993 -- 98 ).", "short_answer": "Michelle Doris Thomas (" } }, { "question": "who played theo's girlfriend on the cosby show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Michelle_Thomas&oldid=854538108", "q_uid": 3339438109679172890, "answers": { "long_answer": "From 1988 to 1990, Thomas portrayed Justine Phillips, the girlfriend of Theo Huxtable on The Cosby Show. She later appeared on various television programs during the late 1980s and 1990s including A Man Called Hawk and Thea. Thomas had a role in Dream Date in 1989. In 1991, she had a small role in Hangin ' with the Homeboys. Thomas also appeared in music videos for Boyz II Men, Mint Condition, Dru Hill, and Chubb Rock.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of surviving Avro Lancasters": [ { "question": "where is the only flying lancaster bomber based", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_surviving_Avro_Lancasters&oldid=852546001", "q_uid": -3073150621513319510, "answers": { "long_answer": "Serial Geographic location Institutional location Status History Photo FM104 Toronto, Ontario Canadian Air and Space Museum Dismantled and in storage Built at Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Flown to England in January 1945. Kept in reserve at No. 32 Maintenance Unit for 408 Squadron RCAF and 428 Squadron. Returned to Canada 10 June 1945 in expectation of use with Tiger Force against Japanese. Converted in November 1945 to Mk. 10SR and assigned to No. 10 RU at Naval Station Argentia. Converted to Mk. 10MR in April 1951 and assigned to 107 Unit at RCAF Torbay. Struck off 10 February 1964. Displayed at Canadian National Exhibition in 1964. Purchased by RCAF Association and put on display in Coronation Park in 1965. Ownership transferred to Heritage Toronto in 1990. Moved to Toronto Aerospace Museum, now Canadian Air and Space Museum in 1999. As of July 24 2018, it is confirmed that FM104 will be moved to the British Columbia Aviation Museum for eventual restoration, with the intention of returning it to airworthy status. FM136 Calgary, Alberta The Hangar Flight Museum Static display Built at Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Flown to England June 1945 but returned to Canada 29 August 1945. Served as RCAF Maritime Reconnaissance plane with 404 Squadron at RCAF Greenwood and 407 Squadron at RCAF Comox. Flown to RCAF Fort Macleod in 1961 for scrap. Purchased in 1961 by Lynn Garrison and put on display in 1962 at entrance of Calgary Municipal Airport as a memorial to those who trained under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Transferred to Calgary Aerospace Museum in 1992. Wears livery of KB895, which flown by Calgary 's Ronnie Jenkins. FM159 Nanton, Alberta Bomber Command Museum of Canada Static display Built at Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Flown to England in May 1945 and returned to Canada in September 1945. Served as RCAF Maritime Reconnaissance plane from 1953 to 1958 with 103 Squadron at RCAF Greenwood and 407 Squadron at RCAF Comox. Flown to RCAF Vulcan in 1960 for scrapping. Purchased that year and moved to Nanton, Alberta for display. Has undergone gradual restoration since the formation of the Nanton Lancaster Society in 1986. All four engines now run. Wears livery of ND811 in honour of Ian Bazalgette VC. FM212 Windsor, Ontario Canadian Historical Aircraft Association Under restoration for display Built at Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Returned to factory, by then owned by Avro Canada, in 1948 and converted to Mk. 10P. Served with 9 Squadron, 418 Squadron, and 408 Squadron. Struck off 9 October 1964. Stored at RCAF Dunnville. Sold to City of Windsor, Ontario and moved on barge. Placed on display on plinth in Jackson Park. Currently undergoing restoration by Canadian Historical Aircraft Association. FM213 Hamilton, Ontario Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Airworthy Built at Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Stored in Trenton, Ontario from 1945 to 1950. Converted to Mk. 10MR by de Havilland Canada. Served with 405 Squadron at RCAF Greenwood and 107 Rescue Unit at RCAF Torbay. Struck off 30 June 1964. Stored at RCAF Dunnville. Purchased by and displayed at Royal Canadian Legion in Goderich, Ontario. Purchased by Canadian Warplane Museum and moved to Hamilton in November 1979. After restoration, flown for first time on 11 September 1988. Wears livery of KB726 of 419 Squadron in honour of Andrew Mynarski VC. Along with PA474 one of only two airworthy Lancasters. KB839 Greenwood, Nova Scotia Greenwood Military Aviation Museum Static display Built at Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Flown to England 1 January 1945. Assigned to 431 Squadron as SE - G, and then to 419 Squadron as VR - D `` D Daisy. '' Flew 26 sorties. Returned to Canada 5 June 1945. Sent to Avro Canada and converted to Mk. XAR. Served with 405 Squadron and 408 Squadron until 1961. Stored at RCAF Dunnville. Flown to Greenwood, Nova Scotia in 1964 and mounted on pedestal. Later transferred to Military Aviation Museum. Wears livery of JB226 of 405 Squadron, which was lost 18 November 1943. KB882 Trenton, Ontario National Air Force Museum of Canada Under restoration for display Built at Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Flown to England in 24 February 1945. Assigned to 431 Squadron without code, and then to 428 Squadron as NA - R `` Rabbit Stew. '' Flew 19 sorties. Returned to Canada 2 June 1945. Stored in Alberta. Sent to Avro Canada in 1952 and converted to Mk. 10P. Served with 408 Squadron at RCAF Rockcliffe. Struck off 26 May 1964. Purchased in 1964 by City of Edmundston, New Brunswick. Ownership transferred to National Air Force Museum in Trenton, Ontario. Was moved in September 2017. Restoration work began immediately and will be completed by 1 April 2024, the 100th anniversary of the RCAF. Will be restored as post-War Mk. 10AR. KB889 Duxford, Cambridgeshire Imperial War Museum Duxford Static display Built at Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Flown to England 3 January 1945. Assigned to 428 Squadron as NA - I. Did not fly any sorties and returned to Canada 4 June 1945. Converted to Mk. 10P by Avro Canada. Served with 408 Squadron at RCAF Torbay. Struck off 21 May 1965. Sold to Age of Flight in Niagara Falls, Ontario in May 1964 and put on display at Niagara Falls Museum in 1965. Sold to Ken Short in 1968. Was transported to the airport at Oshawa, Ontario and reassembled in 1969 - 70. Purchased by Douglas Arnold and sent to England in 1984. Restored using parts from Avro Lincoln RF342. Sold to Imperial War Museum in 1986. Went on display in November 1994. Wears original livery. KB944 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Aviation and Space Museum Static display Built at Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Flown to England 8 March 1945 as Mk. X. Assigned to 425 Squadron as KW - K. Did not fly any sorties and returned to Canada 15 June 1945. Stored at BCATP Fort Macleod. Converted to Mk. 10S by Fairey Aviation, Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia. Served with 404 Squadron at RCAF Greenwood. Struck off January 1957. Stored at RCAF Dunnville. Restored by RCAF. Purchased by National Aviation Museum in May 1964. Wears livery of KB760 of 428 Squadron. KB976 Polk City, Florida Fantasy of Flight Dismantled and in storage Built by Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario as Mk. X. Flown to England 24 May 1945. Assigned to 405 Squadron as LQ - K. Did not fly any sorties. Returned to Canada 17 June 1945. Converted to Mk. 10AR. Served with 408 Squadron. Struck off 26 May 1964. Purchased in April 1964 by Lynn Garrison of Calgary, Alberta. Sold in 1969 to Northwestern Air Services and used as water bomber in St. Albert, Alberta. Purchased in September 1974 by Sir William J.D. Roberts and flown to Scotland in June 1975. Damaged in hangar collapse, August 1987. Sold in 1993 to Kermit Weeks and placed in storage at Fantasy of Flight, Polk City, Florida. Includes sections from KB994. NX611 East Kirkby, Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre Under restoration for airworthy Built by Austin Motors in Birmingham as Mk. VII. Stored at RAF Llandow after War. One of 22 Lancasters sold in April 1952 to French A\u00e9ronautique navale. Sent to Noum\u00e9a, New Caledonia in 1962. Given by French to Historical Aircraft Preservation Society in 1964. After overhaul in Sydney, arrived at Biggin Hill 13 May 1965. Moved to Lavenham in Suffolk and sold to Rt Hon Lord Lilford in 1972. It was the gate guardian of RAF Scampton replacing R5868. Purchased by Fred and Harold Panton in September 1983. Restoration underway to airworthy status. NX622 Bull Creek, Western Australia Aviation Heritage Museum Static display Built by Austin Motors in Birmingham as Mk. VII. One of 22 Lancasters sold in April 1952 to French A\u00e9ronautique navale. Used until 1962. Donated to RAAF Association in 1962. Wears livery of LL847, which was shot down 18 December 1944. NX664 Paris Mus\u00e9e de l'air et de l'espace Under restoration for display Built by Austin Motors in Birmingham as Mk. VII. Stored at Llandow after the war. One of 22 Lancasters sold in April 1952 to A\u00e9ronautique navale. Crash landed at Mata Utu, Wallis and Futuna in 1963. Recovered by Ailes Anciennes in 1984. Currently undergoing full restoration. Will wear French livery. NX665 Auckland Museum of Transport and Technology Static display Built by Austin Motors in Birmingham as Mk. VII. One of 22 Lancasters sold in April 1952 to A\u00e9ronautique navale. Used until 1964. Placed on display in Auckland in 1964. Acquired in 1978 by MOTAT. Moved indoors in 1980s. PA474 Horncastle, Lincolnshire RAF Coningsby Airworthy Built by Vickers - Armstrongs in Chester as Mk. I. Placed in storage after War. Assigned to 82 Squadron in 1948 as photo reconnaissance plane in Africa. Loaned to Flight Refuelling Ltd. in August 1952, and Royal College of Aeronautics in late 1952. Passed to Air Historical Branch in 1964. Restored at RAF Waddington and transferred to Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in 1973. New spar in 1995. Along with FM213, one of only two airworthy Lancasters in the world. R5868 London Royal Air Force Museum London Static display Built by Metropolitan - Vickers in Manchester as Mk. I. Delivered to 83 Squadron, RAF Scampton, 29 June 1942 as OL - Q `` Queen. '' Transferred to the Australian 467 Squadron September 1943 as PO - S `` Sugar. '' Completed 137 combat sorties and then participated in food supply and POW repatriation ( Operation Exodus ). Marked as `` non-effective '' but kept in storage as being of particular note due to the number of missions completed. Struck off 16 March 1956 and transferred to Air Historical Branch. Sent to RAF Fulbeck in 1958 for storage. In April 1959 moved to RAF Scampton for display. Painted in 83 Squadron markings in 1960. Remained Gate Guardian at Scampton until allotted to RAF Museum in August 1970. Following restoration moved to Hendon in March 1972 and repainted with 467 markings. Moved to new Bomber Command Museum hall at Hendon in August 1982. W4783 Canberra Australian War Memorial Static display Built by Metropolitan - Vickers in Manchester as Mk. I. Assigned to 460 Squadron 22 October 1942 as AR - G `` George. '' Flew first sortie 6 December 1942, and eighty - ninth and final sortie 20 April 1944. Flown to Australia 11 October 1944 and arrived 8 November in Brisbane. Flown in Eastern Australia in 1945 as part of Third Victory Loan Drive. Left at RAAF Base Fairbairn until 1955. Moved to AWM in 1950s. Repainted in 1978. Removed from display in 1999 and given full restoration by at Treloar Technology Centre. Put back on display in ANZAC Hall in December 2003.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of career achievements by Wayne Gretzky": [ { "question": "how many goals did wayne gretzky score in his career", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_career_achievements_by_Wayne_Gretzky&oldid=858580330", "q_uid": -4461827090884064726, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gretzky set records in both regular season and post-season play, holding the record for most career regular season goals ( 894 ), assists ( 1,963 ), points ( 2,857 ) and hat - tricks ( 50 ). The next closest player in total points for the regular season is Jaromir Jagr at 1,921, thus Gretzky had more career assists than any other player has total points. Gretzky scored his first 1,000 points faster ( 424 games ) than any other player in NHL history, and scored a second 1,000 points ( point number 1,001 through 2,000 ) faster ( 433 games ) than any player other than himself. Gretzky 's point total including regular season and playoffs stands at an imposing 3,239 ( 1,016 goals, 2,223 assists ).", "short_answer": "894 )" } }, { "question": "how many points did gretzky have in his last season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_career_achievements_by_Wayne_Gretzky&oldid=837273069", "q_uid": 7138475104967735136, "answers": { "long_answer": "Regular season Playoffs Season Team League GP Pts PIM + / - PP SH GW GP Pts PIM 1975 -- 76 Toronto Nationals MetJHL 28 27 33 60 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1976 -- 77 Seneca Nationals MetJHL 32 36 36 72 35 -- -- -- -- 23 40 35 75 -- 1976 -- 77 Peterborough Petes OMJHL 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1977 -- 78 Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds OMJHL 64 70 112 182 14 -- -- -- -- 13 6 20 26 0 1978 -- 79 Indianapolis Racers WHA 8 6 0 - 3 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1978 -- 79 Edmonton Oilers WHA 72 43 61 104 19 + 23 9 -- -- 13 10 10 20 1979 -- 80 Edmonton Oilers NHL 79 51 86 137 21 + 15 13 6 0 1980 -- 81 Edmonton Oilers NHL 80 55 109 164 28 + 41 15 9 7 14 21 1981 -- 82 Edmonton Oilers NHL 80 92 120 212 26 + 81 18 6 12 5 5 7 12 8 1982 -- 83 Edmonton Oilers NHL 80 71 125 196 59 + 60 18 6 9 16 12 26 38 1983 -- 84 * Edmonton Oilers NHL 74 87 118 205 39 + 76 20 12 11 19 13 22 35 12 1984 -- 85 * Edmonton Oilers NHL 80 73 135 208 52 + 98 8 11 7 18 17 30 47 1985 -- 86 Edmonton Oilers NHL 80 52 163 215 46 + 71 11 6 10 8 11 19 1986 -- 87 * Edmonton Oilers NHL 79 62 121 183 28 + 70 13 7 21 5 29 34 6 1987 -- 88 * Edmonton Oilers NHL 64 40 109 149 24 + 39 9 5 19 12 31 43 16 1988 -- 89 Los Angeles Kings NHL 78 54 114 168 26 + 15 11 5 5 11 5 17 22 0 1989 -- 90 Los Angeles Kings NHL 73 40 102 142 42 + 8 10 7 7 10 0 1990 -- 91 Los Angeles Kings NHL 78 41 122 163 16 + 30 8 0 5 12 11 15 1991 -- 92 Los Angeles Kings NHL 74 31 90 121 34 - 12 12 6 5 7 1992 -- 93 Los Angeles Kings NHL 45 16 49 65 6 + 6 0 24 15 25 40 1993 -- 94 Los Angeles Kings NHL 81 38 92 130 20 - 25 14 0 -- -- -- -- -- 1994 -- 95 Los Angeles Kings NHL 48 11 37 48 6 - 20 0 -- -- -- -- -- 1995 -- 96 Los Angeles Kings NHL 62 15 66 81 32 - 7 5 0 -- -- -- -- -- 1995 -- 96 St. Louis Blues NHL 18 8 13 21 - 6 13 14 16 0 1996 -- 97 New York Rangers NHL 82 25 72 97 28 + 12 6 0 15 10 10 20 1997 -- 98 New York Rangers NHL 82 23 67 90 28 - 11 6 0 -- -- -- -- -- 1998 -- 99 New York Rangers NHL 70 9 53 62 14 - 23 0 -- -- -- -- -- 1 WHA season Totals WHA 80 46 64 110 19 + 20 9 -- -- 13 10 10 20 20 NHL seasons Totals NHL 1487 894 1963 2857 577 + 518 204 73 91 208 122 260 382 66", "short_answer": "62" } }, { "question": "how many nhl records does wayne gretzky hold", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_career_achievements_by_Wayne_Gretzky&oldid=840310974", "q_uid": -5170400987634878219, "answers": { "long_answer": "This is a list of career achievements by Wayne Gretzky in the National Hockey League ( NHL ). Upon his retirement on 18 April 1999, Gretzky held or shared 61 NHL records. These records include 40 regular season, 15 playoff and 6 All - Star records.", "short_answer": "61 NHL" } } ], "Felix Leiter": [ { "question": "who played felix in live and let die", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Felix_Leiter&oldid=798446285", "q_uid": -7002584485354687334, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1973 the Bond franchise introduced a new main lead, Roger Moore, who played Bond for the next twelve years in seven films. To play the part of Leiter in Live and Let Die, an old friend of Moore 's was chosen, David Hedison. Pfeiffer and Worrall consider that this friendship comes through, with `` genuine chemistry '' between the two. Hedison played the role with an understated charm, although the script did not give Leiter much to do. Raymond Benson thought him miscast, but acknowledged that `` he 's the best Leiter next to Rik Van Nutter. ''", "short_answer": "David Hedison." } }, { "question": "who played felix leiter in the james bond movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Felix_Leiter&oldid=798446285", "q_uid": 1411096868457064227, "answers": { "long_answer": "Felix Leiter is a fictional character created by Ian Fleming in the James Bond series. The character is an operative for the CIA and Bond 's friend. After losing a leg and his hand to a shark attack, Leiter joined the Pinkerton Detective Agency. The name `` Felix '' comes from the middle name of Fleming 's friend Ivar Bryce, while the name `` Leiter '' was the surname of Fleming 's friend Marion Oates Leiter Charles, then wife of Thomas Leiter.", "short_answer": "Ian Fleming in" } } ], "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege": [ { "question": "how long is a rainbow six siege game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Clancy%27s_Rainbow_Six_Siege&oldid=834503629", "q_uid": 8915231080516970438, "answers": { "long_answer": "In ranked play, when a round begins, the attackers choose one of several spawn points from which to launch their attack. The attackers are then given control over wheeled drones to scout the map in search of enemy operators and targets, while the defenders can use security cameras to spot the attackers. Maps in the game are designed to encourage close quarters combat, and players can not respawn until the end of a round. Defenders can also put up destructible barricades and reinforce walls to make them indestructible unless you have an appropriate operator. Players who were killed by opponents can enter `` Support Mode '', which allows them to gain access to drone 's cameras and security cameras so that they can continue to contribute to their team by informing them of opponent locations and activities. Matches generally last only a few minutes. Teamwork and cooperation is encouraged in Siege, and players need to take advantage of their different abilities in order to complete the objective and defeat the enemy team. Communication between players is also encouraged. The game also has a spectator mode, which allows players to observe a match from different angles. An", "short_answer": "a few minutes." } }, { "question": "is rainbow six siege a two player game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Clancy%27s_Rainbow_Six_Siege&oldid=834503629", "q_uid": -6070417357120966540, "answers": { "long_answer": "Announced at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014, it received four nominations from Game Critics Awards including Best of Show. The game received a generally positive reception from critics, with praise mostly directed to the game 's tense multiplayer and focus on tactics. However, the game was criticized for its progression system and its lack of content. Initial sales were weak, but the game 's player base increased significantly as Ubisoft adopted a `` games as a service '' model for the game and subsequently released several packages of free downloadable content. The company also partnered with ESL to make Siege an eSports game. Two years after the game 's initial launch, the game had 25 million registered players.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "is there a campaign in rainbow six siege", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Clancy%27s_Rainbow_Six_Siege&oldid=806469425", "q_uid": -1095346276869439712, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was released worldwide on December 2015 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game puts heavy emphasis on environmental destruction and cooperation between players. Players assume control of an attacker or a defender in different gameplay modes such as hostage rescuing and bomb defusing. The title has no campaign, but features a series of short missions that can be played solo. These missions have a loose narrative, focusing on recruits going through training to prepare them for future encounters with the White Masks, a terrorist group that threatens the safety of the world.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the story behind rainbow six siege", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Clancy%27s_Rainbow_Six_Siege&oldid=866417172", "q_uid": -6893716941108928058, "answers": { "long_answer": "Three years after the Rainbow Program 's deactivation, there is a resurgence of terrorist activities, with the White Mask being the most prominent. The terrorists ' goals are unknown, yet they are causing chaos across the world. To counter this rising threat, the program is reactivated by a new leader who is simply known as Six ( voiced by Angela Bassett ). Six assembles a group of special forces operatives from different countries to face and combat the White Masks. Recruits go through multiple exercises to prepare them for future encounters with the White Masks, training to perform hostage rescue and bomb disposal. Eventually, the White Masks launch a chemical attack on a university ( called Bartlett University ), and the recruits are sent to disarm the bombs and eliminate the enemy presence. The operation is a massive success, though there are casualties. The story ends with Six affirming that the reactivation of Team Rainbow is the best and only choice in a time filled with risks and uncertainties. Team Rainbow is ready for their next mission -- to hunt down the leader of their enemy -- and they stand prepared to protect and defend their nation from terrorists.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many pc players on rainbow six siege", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Clancy%27s_Rainbow_Six_Siege&oldid=810167234", "q_uid": -4238254296081133742, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege is a first - person shooter game, in which players control an operator from the Rainbow team. Different operators have different nationalities, weapons, and gadgets. The game features an asymmetrical structure whereby the teams are not always balanced in their ability choices. The Counter Terrorism Units ( CTUs ) available for play include the FBI Hostage Rescue Team, the British SAS, German GSG - 9, Russian Spetsnaz and French GIGN, each of which has four operators per unit. Players also have access to a `` Recruit '' operator who can choose from a more flexible assortment of equipment at the expense of having no unique gadget. Players pick an operator from any unit before a round starts, and are not allowed to change operators during a round. An in - game shop allows players to purchase operators using the in - game currency, `` Renown '', which is earned at the end of matches from actions performed in - game. The different gameplay modes award renown at different rates, with ranked matches offering the largest renown multiplier potential per match. Renown can also be affected with the addition of `` boosters '' which give the player a 100 % increase in all renown earned for 24 hours ( real time not play time ). Renown can also be purchased using real - world currency. Renown can be used to purchase weapon customization options, which allow players to put attachments such as silencers and scopes on their weapons.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does maverick come out rainbow six seige", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tom_Clancy%27s_Rainbow_Six_Siege&oldid=866524237", "q_uid": -2890367400710734043, "answers": { "long_answer": "Downloadable content and expansion packs Year Name and Season Release date Notes Year 1 Operation Black Ice - Season 1 February 2, 2016 The DLC introduced a new map, a frozen yacht in Canada. It also introduces two Canadian operators from the special ops force JTF2, Frost and Buck. Frost can use a trap to incapacitate enemies, while Buck has an under - barrel M26 shotgun. Operation Dust Line - Season 2 May 11, 2016 The DLC introduced a new map set in the Middle East, which was described as `` a mix of old and new construction with open air pathways ''. It also introduces two Navy Seal operators, Blackbeard and Valkyrie. Blackbeard has face shields that can be mounted onto his rifle, while Valkyrie has three cameras that can be thrown onto any surface. Operation Skull Rain - Season 3 August 2, 2016 The DLC introduced a new map set in Brazil, and two BOPE operators called Capit\u00e3o and Caveira. Capit\u00e3o has a tactical crossbow which can be loaded with asphyxiating bolts, that will burn oxygen within a certain radius, or smoke grenade bolts that create a thick cloud of smoke. Caveira has an ability called Silent Step, allowing her to make less noise when moving as well as interrogate an immobilized enemy for the location of other enemies. Operation Red Crow - Season 4 November 17, 2016 The DLC introduced a new map set in a skyscraper in Japan, and two SAT operators called Hibana and Echo. Hibana possesses a weapon that launches up to three sets of six explosives that attach to and break reinforced walls, while Echo uses a drone capable of releasing sonic blasts to disorient enemies. Year 2 Operation Velvet Shell - Season 1 February 8, 2017 The DLC introduced a new map set in Spain, and two GEO operators called Mira and Jackal. Jackal is a tracker who can reveal the location of enemies by tracking their footprints, while Mira can create one - way bulletproof windows on walls which can be ejected, leaving a space for operators to fire through. Operation Health - Season 2 June 6, 2017 Operation Health was an update that fine - tuned many of the game 's aspects, including fixes to hit boxes, spawn killing and audio issues. This resulted in the delay of season 2 's content and the cancellation of a map. Operation Blood Orchid - Season 3 September 5, 2017 The DLC introduced a new map set in Hong Kong, two SDU operators named Ying and Lesion, and one Polish GROM operator named Ela. Ying utilizes candela cluster charges that can be thrown or attached to a surface to stun enemies, similar to a stun grenade. Lesion uses poison mines that slow and cause damage to an enemy over time when triggered. Ela possesses proximity concussion mines that can be attached to multiple surfaces to disorient enemies. Operation White Noise - Season 4 December 5, 2017 The DLC introduces a new map set in South Korea, two South Korean operators from the 707th Special Mission Battalion named Dokkaebi and Vigil, and one Polish operator named Zofia. Dokkaebi is able to hack enemy phones to make them ring, revealing their position, she can also hack the phone of a dead defender to give access to the cameras to the attackers. Vigil uses a cloaking device to become invisible to all drones and cameras. Zofia carries a double - barreled grenade launcher capable of launching explosive or concussion grenades. Year 3 Operation Chimera - Season 1 March 6, 2018 This DLC introduces one GIGN operator named Lion, and one Spetsnaz operator named Finka. Both are part of a CBRN specialist detachment of Team Rainbow. Lion uses a UAV to temporarily expose moving enemies via sonar; Finka uses nanomachines to temporarily increase the health and accuracy of herself and her teammates while also increasing their heart and breathing rate, thus weakening them by increasing the damage taken by Smoke 's toxic gas canisters, increasing the range Pulse 's heartbeat scanner can detect them, and hindering their ability to listen for footsteps. The nanomachine boost will also revive any downed teammates. This DLC also introduced a temporary gamemode called `` Outbreak '', a PvE game mode where some operators are tasked with containing a biohazard that has turned the citizens of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico into zombie - like monsters. Operation Para Bellum - Season 2 June 7, 2018 This DLC introduces a new map set in Tuscany, as well as two GIS operators named Alibi and Maestro. Alibi projects inanimate holograms of herself, which expose the location of any enemy that interacts with the hologram with their weapons, body, or drone; Maestro can install a wall - mounted directed - energy turret that he can then operate remotely, damaging enemies with rapid laser fire. After a certain number of shots, the turret can overheat and has to cool down. Operation Grim Sky - Season 3 September 4, 2018 This DLC introduces two new operators and the first full map redesign for Hereford Base. The first new operator is an attacker named Maverick who uses a small handheld blowtorch to open new lines of sight as well as kill holes, even in reinforced walls to aid the attackers in breaching the objective. The second new operator is a defender called Clash who is the first shield wielding defender. Her shield is similar to Montagne except she utilises technology designed by Mira and Twitch within her gadget; the CCE or Crowd Control Electro Shield. It emits an electric field that slows and damages attackers.", "short_answer": "September 4, 2018" } } ], "Gal Gadot": [ { "question": "what part did gal gadot play in fast and furious", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=805003047", "q_uid": 8372947162308686605, "answers": { "long_answer": "2013 Fast & Furious 6 Gisele Yashar", "short_answer": "Gisele Yashar" } }, { "question": "who starred in the new wonder woman movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=809109931", "q_uid": 8700128108309141136, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano ( Hebrew: \u05d2\u05dc \u05d2\u05d3\u05d5\u05ea \u200e \u200e, pronounced ( \u02c8\u0261al \u0261a\u02c8dot ); born April 30, 1985 ) is an Israeli actress and model. Gadot is primarily known for her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe. She started with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), continued again in 2017 as the lead in Wonder Woman, and will reprise the role in Justice League.", "short_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano (" } }, { "question": "where is the woman who plays wonder woman from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=805003047", "q_uid": -6075848911388097758, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gadot was born and raised in Israel. At age 18 she was crowned Miss Israel 2004. She then served two years as a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, where she was a combat trainer. She began studying at IDC Herzliya college before pursuing modeling and acting.", "short_answer": "Israel." } }, { "question": "who was the woman that played wonder woman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=832897529", "q_uid": -8936465477314887661, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gadot 's first film role came as Gisele Yashar in The Fast and the Furious film franchise. She went on to achieve wide recognition for portraying Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), and then the solo film Wonder Woman and the ensemble Justice League ( both 2017 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what nationality is the actress who plays wonder woman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=802431440", "q_uid": -2211270112897054069, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano ( Hebrew: \u05d2\u05dc \u05d2\u05d3\u05d5\u05ea \u200e \u200e, pronounced ( \u02c8\u0261al \u0261a\u02c8dot ); born April 30, 1985 ) is an Israeli actress and model. Gadot is primarily known for her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), continuing again in 2017 as the lead in Wonder Woman and will reprise the role in Justice League. She previously appeared as Gisele Yashar in several films of The Fast and the Furious franchise.", "short_answer": "Israeli actress" } }, { "question": "who is the actress of the new wonder woman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=802431440", "q_uid": 1453051426790129043, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano ( Hebrew: \u05d2\u05dc \u05d2\u05d3\u05d5\u05ea \u200e \u200e, pronounced ( \u02c8\u0261al \u0261a\u02c8dot ); born April 30, 1985 ) is an Israeli actress and model. Gadot is primarily known for her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), continuing again in 2017 as the lead in Wonder Woman and will reprise the role in Justice League. She previously appeared as Gisele Yashar in several films of The Fast and the Furious franchise.", "short_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano (" } }, { "question": "who is the girl who plays wonder woman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=854638154", "q_uid": 7534021308979095529, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gadot 's first film role came as Gisele Yashar in The Fast and the Furious film franchise. She went on to earn worldwide fame for portraying Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, beginning with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), followed by the solo film Wonder Woman and the ensemble Justice League ( both 2017 ). In 2018, Gadot was included on Time 's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is the actress that played wonder woman from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=843416228", "q_uid": -7610468455254845525, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano ( Hebrew: \u05d2\u05dc \u05d2\u05d3\u05d5\u05ea \u200e ( \u02c8\u0261al \u0261a\u02c8dot ); born 30 April 1985 ) is an Israeli actress and model. She was born and raised in Israel. At age 18 she was crowned Miss Israel 2004. She then served a mandatory two years in the Israel Defense Forces as a combat instructor. She began studying at IDC Herzliya college before pursuing modeling and acting.", "short_answer": "Israel." } }, { "question": "who's the girl that played wonder woman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=834480652", "q_uid": -8878517221336901288, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gadot 's first film role came as Gisele Yashar in The Fast and the Furious film franchise. She went on to achieve wide recognition for portraying Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), and then the solo film Wonder Woman and the ensemble Justice League ( both 2017 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who's the girl that plays the new wonder woman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=816179083", "q_uid": 6043932546070405226, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano ( Hebrew: \u05d2\u05dc \u05d2\u05d3\u05d5\u05ea \u200e, pronounced ( \u02c8\u0261al \u0261a\u02c8dot ); born April 30, 1985 ) is an Israeli actress and model. She is famous for portraying Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), then the solo film Wonder Woman and latest film Justice League ( both released in 2017 ). She also starred as Gisele Yashar in three The Fast and the Furious films.", "short_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano (" } }, { "question": "who is the woman who plays wonder woman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=805003047", "q_uid": 7195006613171556798, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano ( Hebrew: \u05d2\u05dc \u05d2\u05d3\u05d5\u05ea \u200e \u200e, pronounced ( \u02c8\u0261al \u0261a\u02c8dot ); born April 30, 1985 ) is an Israeli actress and model. Gadot is primarily known for her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe. She started with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), continued again in 2017 as the lead in Wonder Woman, and will reprise the role in Justice League. She previously appeared as Gisele Yashar in several films of The Fast and the Furious franchise.", "short_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano (" } }, { "question": "where is the actress of wonder woman from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=805003047", "q_uid": -491647443940414025, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gal Gadot - Varsano ( Hebrew: \u05d2\u05dc \u05d2\u05d3\u05d5\u05ea \u200e \u200e, pronounced ( \u02c8\u0261al \u0261a\u02c8dot ); born April 30, 1985 ) is an Israeli actress and model. Gadot is primarily known for her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe. She started with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), continued again in 2017 as the lead in Wonder Woman, and will reprise the role in Justice League. She previously appeared as Gisele Yashar in several films of The Fast and the Furious franchise.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actress who plays the new wonder woman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=836759017", "q_uid": 757898746285192308, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gadot 's first film role came as Gisele Yashar in The Fast and the Furious film franchise. She went on to achieve wide recognition for portraying Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), and then the solo film Wonder Woman and the ensemble Justice League ( both 2017 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the girl that played wonder woman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gal_Gadot&oldid=857059179", "q_uid": -77818769878572991, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gadot 's first film role came as Gisele Yashar in The Fast and the Furious film franchise. She went on to earn worldwide fame for portraying Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, beginning with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ), followed by the solo film Wonder Woman and the ensemble Justice League ( both 2017 ). In 2018, Gadot was included on Time 's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Robert's Rules of Order": [ { "question": "what is the most current version of robert's rules of order", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Robert%27s_Rules_of_Order&oldid=841235100", "q_uid": -8610857197835462616, "answers": { "long_answer": "The manual was first published in 1876 by U.S. Army officer Henry Martyn Robert, who adapted the rules and practice of Congress to the needs of non-legislative societies. Ten subsequent editions have been published, including major revisions in 1915 and 1970. The copyright to Robert 's Rules of Order Newly Revised is owned by the Robert 's Rules Association, which selects by contract an authorship team to continue the task of revising and updating the book. The 11th and current edition was published in 2011.", "short_answer": "The 11th and" } } ], "Cricket World Cup awards": [ { "question": "cricket world cup man of the series list", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cricket_World_Cup_awards&oldid=805031946", "q_uid": -1486829933585468708, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Player Stats 1992 Martin Crowe 456 runs Sanath Jayasuriya 221 runs and 7 wickets 1999 Lance Klusener 281 runs and 17 wickets 2003 Sachin Tendulkar 673 runs and 2 wickets 2007 Glenn Mcgrath 26 wickets 2011 Yuvraj Singh 362 Runs and 15 wickets 2015 Mitchell Starc 22 Wickets", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "icc cricket world cup man of the tournament", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cricket_World_Cup_awards&oldid=840045533", "q_uid": -7969000386643090028, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Player Stats 1992 Martin Crowe 456 runs Sanath Jayasuriya 221 runs and 7 wickets 1999 Lance Klusener 281 runs and 17 wickets 2003 Sachin Tendulkar 673 runs and 2 wickets 2007 Glenn Mcgrath 26 wickets 2011 Yuvraj Singh 362 Runs and 15 wickets 2015 Mitchell Starc 22 Wickets", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which player has got man of the match award in 1992 world cup final", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cricket_World_Cup_awards&oldid=840045533", "q_uid": -562935907418968808, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Player Stats Clive Lloyd 102 runs 1979 Viv Richards 138 * Mohinder Amarnath 3 / 12 and 26 David Boon 75 runs 1992 Wasim Akram 33 and 3 / 39 Aravinda de Silva 107 * and 3 / 42 1999 Shane Warne 4 / 33 2003 Ricky Ponting 140 2007 Adam Gilchrist 149 2011 Mahendra Singh Dhoni 91 * 2015 James Faulkner 3 / 36", "short_answer": "" } } ], "115th United States Congress": [ { "question": "when does the current session of congress end", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=115th_United_States_Congress&oldid=798454076", "q_uid": -460766957514520217, "answers": { "long_answer": "The One Hundred Fifteenth United States Congress is the current meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It meets in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2017, to January 3, 2019, during the final weeks of the Obama presidency and the first two years of Donald Trump 's presidency. The November 2016 elections maintained Republican control of both the House and Senate.", "short_answer": "January 3, 2019," } }, { "question": "when does the 115th session of congress end", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=115th_United_States_Congress&oldid=832578240", "q_uid": 2186579888869858266, "answers": { "long_answer": "The One Hundred Fifteenth United States Congress is the current meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It meets in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2017, to January 3, 2019, during the final weeks of Barack Obama 's presidency and the first two years of Donald Trump 's presidency. The November 2016 elections maintained Republican control of both the House and Senate.", "short_answer": "January 3, 2019," } }, { "question": "how many republicans are in the house of congress", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=115th_United_States_Congress&oldid=825897247", "q_uid": 4569106858897851603, "answers": { "long_answer": "Party ( shading indicates majority caucus ) Total Vacant Democratic Independent Republican End of previous Congress 187 0 246 433 Begin ( January 3, 2017 ) 194 0 241 435 0 January 23, 2017 240 434 January 24, 2017 193 433 February 10, 2017 239 432 February 16, 2017 238 431 March 1, 2017 237 430 5 April 11, 2017 238 431 May 25, 2017 239 432 June 6, 2017 194 433 June 20, 2017 241 435 0 June 30, 2017 240 434 October 21, 2017 239 433 November 7, 2017 240 434 December 5, 2017 193 433 December 8, 2017 239 432 January 15, 2018 238 431 Latest voting share 7001448000000000000 \u2660 44.8 % 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0.0 % 7001552000000000000 \u2660 55.2 % Non-voting members 6 0", "short_answer": "238" } }, { "question": "who has the majority in congress right now", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=115th_United_States_Congress&oldid=839436941", "q_uid": -5737887458011607939, "answers": { "long_answer": "The One Hundred Fifteenth United States Congress is the current meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It meets in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2017, to January 3, 2019, during the final weeks of Barack Obama 's presidency and the first two years of Donald Trump 's presidency. The November 2016 elections maintained Republican control of both the House and Senate.", "short_answer": "Republican control" } }, { "question": "what is the current makeup of the house of representatives", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=115th_United_States_Congress&oldid=818338358", "q_uid": -8076834127062546274, "answers": { "long_answer": "Party ( shading indicates majority caucus ) Total Vacant Democratic Independent Republican End of previous Congress 187 0 246 433 Begin ( January 3, 2017 ) 194 0 241 435 0 January 23, 2017 240 434 January 24, 2017 193 433 February 10, 2017 239 432 February 16, 2017 238 431 March 1, 2017 237 430 5 April 11, 2017 238 431 May 25, 2017 239 432 June 6, 2017 194 433 June 20, 2017 241 435 0 June 30, 2017 240 434 October 21, 2017 239 433 November 7, 2017 240 434 December 5, 2017 193 433 December 8, 2017 239 432 Latest voting share 7001447000000000000 \u2660 44.7 % 5000000000000000000 \u2660 0.0 % 7001553000000000000 \u2660 55.3 % Non-voting members 6 0", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who controls the house and the senate right now", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=115th_United_States_Congress&oldid=843667079", "q_uid": 625468442822123113, "answers": { "long_answer": "115th United States Congress 114th \u2190 \u2192 116th United States Capitol ( March 2016 ) January 3, 2017 -- January 3, 2019 Senate President Joe Biden ( D ) until January 20, 2017 Mike Pence ( R ) since January 20, 2017 Senate Pres. pro tem Orrin Hatch ( R ) House Speaker Paul Ryan ( R ) Members 100 senators 435 representatives 6 non-voting delegates Senate Majority Republican House Majority Republican Sessions 1st: January 3, 2017 -- January 3, 2018 2nd: January 3, 2018 -- present", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who controls the house and senate right now", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=115th_United_States_Congress&oldid=843667079", "q_uid": -6197097146904293746, "answers": { "long_answer": "The One Hundred Fifteenth United States Congress is the current meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It meets in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2017, to January 3, 2019, during the final weeks of Barack Obama 's presidency and the first two years of Donald Trump 's presidency. The November 2016 elections maintained Republican control of both the House and Senate.", "short_answer": "Republican control" } }, { "question": "who has majority in house and senate 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=115th_United_States_Congress&oldid=808065013", "q_uid": -2245546938070330347, "answers": { "long_answer": "115th United States Congress 114th \u2190 \u2192 116th United States Capitol ( March 2016 ) January 3, 2017 -- January 3, 2019 Senate President Joe Biden ( D ) until January 20, 2017 Mike Pence ( R ) since January 20, 2017 Senate Pres. pro tem Orrin Hatch ( R ) House Speaker Paul Ryan ( R ) Members 100 senators 435 representatives 6 non-voting delegates Senate Majority Republican House Majority Republican Sessions 1st: January 3, 2017 -- present", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Six Flags Over Georgia": [ { "question": "when does six flags atlanta close for the year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Six_Flags_Over_Georgia&oldid=864096892", "q_uid": -4034324797882873902, "answers": { "long_answer": "Six Flags Over Georgia Location Austell, Georgia, United States Coordinates 33 \u00b0 46 \u2032 04 '' N 84 \u00b0 33 \u2032 02 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 33.76787 \u00b0 N 84.55065 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 33.76787; - 84.55065 Coordinates: 33 \u00b0 46 \u2032 04 '' N 84 \u00b0 33 \u2032 02 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 33.76787 \u00b0 N 84.55065 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 33.76787; - 84.55065 Owner Six Flags Over Georgia, Ltd. Operated by Six Flags General Manager Dale Kaetzel Opened June 16, 1967 Operating season March through January Area 290 acres ( 120 ha ) Rides Total 44 Roller coasters 11 Water rides Website www.sixflags.com / overgeorgia", "short_answer": "January" } }, { "question": "when did six flags over georgia first open", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Six_Flags_Over_Georgia&oldid=846014850", "q_uid": -4113958622323807829, "answers": { "long_answer": "Six Flags Over Georgia Main entrance Location Austell, Georgia, United States Coordinates 33 \u00b0 46 \u2032 04 '' N 84 \u00b0 33 \u2032 02 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 33.76787 \u00b0 N 84.55065 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 33.76787; - 84.55065 Coordinates: 33 \u00b0 46 \u2032 04 '' N 84 \u00b0 33 \u2032 02 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 33.76787 \u00b0 N 84.55065 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 33.76787; - 84.55065 Owner Six Flags Over Georgia, Ltd. Operated by Six Flags General Manager Dale Kaetzel Opened June 16, 1967 Operating season March through January Area 290 acres ( 120 ha ) Rides Total 40 + Roller coasters 10 Water rides Website www.sixflags.com / overgeorgia", "short_answer": "June 16, 1967" } } ], "List of largest employers": [ { "question": "list of companies with highest number of employees", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_largest_employers&oldid=806523643", "q_uid": 2696470050416795506, "answers": { "long_answer": "Employees Employer 2015 Headquarters United States Department of Defense 3.2 million United States People 's Liberation Army 2.3 million China Walmart 2.1 million United States McDonald 's 1.9 million 1.7 million United States National Health Service 1.7 million 1.4 million United Kingdom China National Petroleum Corporation 1.6 million 1.7 million China State Grid Corporation of China 1.5 million 1.6 million China Indian Railways 1.4 million India Indian Armed Forces 1.3 million India Hon Hai Precision Industry ( Foxconn ) 1.3 million 0.8 million Taiwan", "short_answer": "Walmart" } }, { "question": "what is the largest company in the world in terms of number of employees", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_largest_employers&oldid=801890816", "q_uid": -5136810793594751303, "answers": { "long_answer": "Employees Employer 2015 Headquarters United States Department of Defense 3.2 million United States People 's Liberation Army 2.3 million China Walmart 2.1 million United States McDonald 's 1.9 million 1.7 million United States National Health Service 1.7 million 1.4 million United Kingdom China National Petroleum Corporation 1.6 million 1.7 million China State Grid Corporation of China 1.5 million 1.6 million China Indian Railways 1.4 million India Indian Armed Forces 1.3 million India Hon Hai Precision Industry ( Foxconn ) 1.3 million 0.8 million Taiwan", "short_answer": "Walmart" } }, { "question": "which country has the most number of workers in railway department", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_largest_employers&oldid=865596257", "q_uid": 4882577870144648540, "answers": { "long_answer": "Employees Employer 2015 Headquarters United States Department of Defense 2.86 million United States People 's Liberation Army 2.52 million China Walmart 2.3 million United States McDonald 's 1.9 million 1.7 million United States National Health Service 1.7 million 1.4 million United Kingdom China National Petroleum Corporation 1.5 million 1.7 million China State Grid Corporation of China 1.5 million 1.6 million China Indian Railways 1.4 million 1.3 million India Indian Armed Forces 1.3 million India Hon Hai Precision Industry ( Foxconn ) 1.2 million 0.8 million Taiwan", "short_answer": "Indian Railways" } }, { "question": "who employs the most employees in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_largest_employers&oldid=849874972", "q_uid": -5198029745412938184, "answers": { "long_answer": "Employees Employer 2015 Headquarters United States Department of Defense 3.2 million United States People 's Liberation Army 2.3 million China Walmart 2.3 million United States National Health Service 2.1 million 1.4 million United Kingdom McDonald 's 1.9 million 1.7 million United States China National Petroleum Corporation 1.5 million 1.7 million China State Grid Corporation of China 1.5 million 1.6 million China Indian Railways 1.4 million 1.3 million India Indian Armed Forces 1.3 million India Hon Hai Precision Industry ( Foxconn ) 1.2 million 0.8 million Taiwan", "short_answer": "Walmart" } }, { "question": "company having highest number of employees in india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_largest_employers&oldid=798795451", "q_uid": 1905839881167788264, "answers": { "long_answer": "Employees Employer 2015 Headquarters United States Department of Defense 3.2 million United States People 's Liberation Army 2.3 million China Walmart 2.1 million United States McDonald 's 1.9 million 1.7 million United States National Health Service 1.7 million 1.4 million United Kingdom China National Petroleum Corporation 1.6 million 1.7 million China State Grid Corporation of China 1.5 million 1.6 million China Indian Railways 1.4 million India Indian Armed Forces 1.3 million India Hon Hai Precision Industry ( Foxconn ) 1.3 million 0.8 million Taiwan", "short_answer": "Indian Railways" } } ], "List of Indian Premier League awards": [ { "question": "who are the only two bowlers that have won purple cap twice in the history of the ipl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=849198479", "q_uid": 6412536755189867102, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Player Mat Wkts Ref 2008 Sohail Tanvir ( RR ) 11 22 2009 R.P. Singh ( DC ) 16 23 Pragyan Ojha ( DC ) 16 21 2011 Lasith Malinga ( MI ) 16 28 2012 Morne Morkel ( DD ) 16 25 2013 Dwayne Bravo ( CSK ) 18 32 2014 Mohit Sharma ( CSK ) 16 23 2015 Dwayne Bravo ( CSK ) 16 24 2016 Bhuvneshwar Kumar ( SRH ) 17 23 2017 Bhuvneshwar Kumar ( SRH ) 14 26 2018 Andrew Tye ( KXIP ) 14 24", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who received the purple cap in the 2016 indian t20 league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=837193431", "q_uid": 3247905105355653623, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Player Mat Wkts Ref 2008 Sohail Tanvir ( RR ) 11 22 2009 R.P. Singh ( DC ) 16 23 Pragyan Ojha ( DC ) 16 21 2011 Lasith Malinga ( MI ) 16 28 2012 Morne Morkel ( DD ) 16 25 2013 Dwayne Bravo ( CSK ) 18 32 2014 Mohit Sharma ( CSK ) 16 23 2015 Dwayne Bravo ( CSK ) 16 26 2016 Bhuvneshwar Kumar ( SRH ) 17 23 2017 Bhuvneshwar Kumar ( SRH ) 14 26", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was awarded as man of the series in ipl 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=849198479", "q_uid": -7103008776134180692, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Player Ref 2008 Shane Watson ( RR ) 2009 Adam Gilchrist ( DC ) Sachin Tendulkar ( MI ) 2011 Chris Gayle ( RCB ) 2012 Sunil Narine ( KKR ) 2013 Shane Watson ( RR ) 2014 Glenn Maxwell ( KXIP ) 2015 Andre Russell ( KKR ) 2016 Virat Kohli ( RCB ) 2017 Ben Stokes ( RPS ) 2018 Sunil Narine ( KKR )", "short_answer": "Sunil Narine (" } }, { "question": "list of purple cap winners in ipl 2015", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=843523241", "q_uid": 667104990463330533, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Player Mat Wkts Ref 2008 Sohail Tanvir ( RR ) 11 22 2009 R.P. Singh ( DC ) 16 23 Pragyan Ojha ( DC ) 16 21 2011 Lasith Malinga ( MI ) 16 28 2012 Morne Morkel ( DD ) 16 25 2013 Dwayne Bravo ( CSK ) 18 32 2014 Mohit Sharma ( CSK ) 16 23 2015 Dwayne Bravo ( CSK ) 16 24 2016 Bhuvneshwar Kumar ( SRH ) 17 23 2017 Bhuvneshwar Kumar ( SRH ) 14 26 2018 Andrew Tye ( KXIP ) 14 24", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the emerging player in the 2014 indian t20 league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=837193431", "q_uid": 5123448186945441803, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Player Ref 2008 Shreevats Goswami ( RCB ) 2009 Rohit Sharma ( DC ) Saurabh Tiwary ( MI ) 2011 Iqbal Abdulla ( KKR ) 2012 Mandeep Singh ( KXIP ) 2013 Sanju Samson ( RR ) 2014 Axar Patel ( KXIP ) 2015 Shreyas Iyer ( DD ) 2016 Mustafizur Rahman ( SRH ) 2017 Basil Thampi ( GL )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the emerging player of ipl 2015", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=844879048", "q_uid": 5228678210447927801, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Player Ref 2008 Shreevats Goswami ( RCB ) 2009 Rohit Sharma ( DC ) Saurabh Tiwary ( MI ) 2011 Iqbal Abdulla ( KKR ) 2012 Mandeep Singh ( KXIP ) 2013 Sanju Samson ( RR ) 2014 Axar Patel ( KXIP ) 2015 Shreyas Iyer ( DD ) 2016 Mustafizur Rahman ( SRH ) 2017 Basil Thampi ( GL ) 2018 Rishabh Pant ( DD )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "which batsman received the orange cap at the end of ipl 2008", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=844879048", "q_uid": 7390217278084201882, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Orange Cap is an annual cricket award presented to the leading run scorer in the Indian Premier League. It was introduced on 25 April 2008, a week after the start of the inaugural season of the IPL. The batsman with most runs in the tournament during the course of the season would wear the Orange Cap while fielding, with the overall leading run - scorer at the conclusion of the tournament winning the actual Orange Cap award on the day of the season 's final. Brendon McCullum became the first player to wear the Orange Cap, and Shaun Marsh became the first winner of the award.", "short_answer": "Shaun Marsh became" } }, { "question": "who is awarded the orange cap in ipl twenty20 tournament", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=849198479", "q_uid": 569976317973895519, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Orange Cap is an annual cricket award presented to the leading run scorer in the Indian Premier League. It was introduced on 25 April 2008, a week after the start of the inaugural season of the IPL. The batsman with most runs in the tournament during the course of the season would wear the Orange Cap while fielding, with the overall leading run - scorer at the conclusion of the tournament winning the actual Orange Cap award on the day of the season 's final. Brendon McCullum became the first player to wear the Orange Cap, and Shaun Marsh became the first winner of the award.", "short_answer": "the leading run scorer in" } }, { "question": "list of fair play award in ipl 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=849198479", "q_uid": -7308248144100160183, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Team 2008 Chennai Super Kings 2009 Kings XI Punjab Chennai Super Kings 2011 Chennai Super Kings 2012 Rajasthan Royals 2013 Chennai Super Kings 2014 Chennai Super Kings 2015 Chennai Super Kings 2016 Sunrisers Hyderabad 2017 Gujarat Lions 2018 Mumbai Indians", "short_answer": "Mumbai Indians" } }, { "question": "who received the orange cap in the 2016 indian t20 league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=837193431", "q_uid": -2082708097060173678, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Player Mat Runs Ref 2008 Shaun Marsh ( KXIP ) 11 616 2009 Matthew Hayden ( CSK ) 12 572 Sachin Tendulkar ( MI ) 15 618 2011 Chris Gayle ( RCB ) 12 608 2012 Chris Gayle ( RCB ) 15 733 2013 Michael Hussey ( CSK ) 16 733 2014 Robin Uthappa ( KKR ) 16 660 2015 David Warner ( SRH ) 14 562 2016 Virat Kohli ( RCB ) 16 973 2017 David Warner ( SRH ) 14 641", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "list of man of the series in ipl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Indian_Premier_League_awards&oldid=843523241", "q_uid": 3029528075420492174, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Player Ref 2008 Shane Watson ( RR ) 2009 Adam Gilchrist ( DC ) Sachin Tendulkar ( MI ) 2011 Chris Gayle ( RCB ) 2012 Sunil Narine ( KKR ) 2013 Shane Watson ( RR ) 2014 Glenn Maxwell ( KXIP ) 2015 Andre Russell ( KKR ) 2016 Virat Kohli ( RCB ) 2017 Ben Stokes ( RPS ) 2018 Sunil Narine ( KKR )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Eric Johnson (actor)": [ { "question": "who plays jack hyde in fifty shades darker", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Eric_Johnson_(actor)&oldid=840567139", "q_uid": -4497227086390921972, "answers": { "long_answer": "Eric Johann Johnson ( born August 7, 1979 ) is a Canadian actor known for playing Flash Gordon on the eponymous 2007 - 2008 TV series, Whitney Fordman on the likewise science - fiction TV series Smallville, and for portraying Detective Luke Callaghan on the police drama Rookie Blue, and Jack Hyde in the Fifty Shades film series.", "short_answer": "Eric Johann Johnson (" } }, { "question": "who played jack hyde in fifty shades darker", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Eric_Johnson_(actor)&oldid=856139973", "q_uid": -6493475810121515391, "answers": { "long_answer": "Eric Johann Johnson ( born August 7, 1979 ) is a Canadian actor known for playing Flash Gordon on the eponymous 2007 - 2008 TV series, Whitney Fordman on the likewise science - fiction TV series Smallville, and for portraying Detective Luke Callaghan on the police drama Rookie Blue, and Jack Hyde in the Fifty Shades film series.", "short_answer": "Eric Johann Johnson (" } } ], "Serena Williams": [ { "question": "when did serena williams became a professional tennis player", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Serena_Williams&oldid=801439077", "q_uid": -2166000005168621264, "answers": { "long_answer": "Turned pro September 24, 1995", "short_answer": "September 24, 1995" } }, { "question": "when did serena williams win her last grand slam", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Serena_Williams&oldid=846524396", "q_uid": 2460272613262303836, "answers": { "long_answer": "Serena Williams Williams at the 2013 US Open Full name Serena Jameka Williams Country ( sports ) United States Residence Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, U.S. ( 1981 - 09 - 26 ) September 26, 1981 ( age 36 ) Saginaw, Michigan, U.S. Height 5 ft 9 in ( 175 cm ) Turned pro October 1995 Plays Right - handed ( two - handed backhand ) Coach Richard Williams ( 1994 -- ) Oracene Price Patrick Mouratoglou ( 2012 -- ) Prize money US $ 84,811,149 ( as of June 18, 2018 ) 1st in all - time rankings ( female ) Official website serenawilliams.com Singles Career record 788 -- 132 ( 85.65 % ) Career titles 72 WTA ( 5th in overall rankings ), 0 ITF Highest ranking No. 1 ( July 8, 2002 ) Current ranking No. 183 ( June 18, 2018 ) Grand Slam Singles results Australian Open W ( 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2017 ) French Open W ( 2002, 2013, 2015 ) Wimbledon W ( 2002, 2003, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016 ) US Open W ( 1999, 2002, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014 ) Other tournaments Grand Slam Cup W ( 1999 ) Tour Finals W ( 2001, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014 ) Doubles Career record 187 -- 33 ( 85 % ) Career titles 23 WTA, 0 ITF Highest ranking No. 1 ( June 21, 2010 ) Current ranking No. 288 ( June 18, 2018 ) Grand Slam Doubles results Australian Open W ( 2001, 2003, 2009, 2010 ) French Open W ( 1999, 2010 ) Wimbledon W ( 2000, 2002, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2016 ) US Open W ( 1999, 2009 ) Other doubles tournaments Tour Finals SF ( 2009 ) Mixed doubles Career record 27 -- 4 ( 87.1 % ) Grand Slam Mixed Doubles results Australian Open F ( 1999 ) French Open F ( 1998 ) Wimbledon W ( 1998 ) US Open W ( 1998 ) Team competitions Fed Cup W ( 1999 ), record 16 -- 1 Hopman Cup W ( 2003, 2008 ) Medal record ( hide ) Representing United States Olympic Games 2000 Sydney Doubles 2008 Beijing Doubles 2012 London Singles 2012 London Doubles Last updated on: June 11, 2018.", "short_answer": "2017 )" } }, { "question": "when did venus and serena start playing tennis", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Serena_Williams&oldid=835512607", "q_uid": 6540990005880030509, "answers": { "long_answer": "Williams was born in Saginaw, Michigan, to Richard Williams and Oracene Price, and is the youngest of Price 's five daughters: half - sisters Yetunde, Lyndrea, and Isha Price, and full sister Venus. When the children were young, the family moved to Compton, California, where Williams started playing tennis at the age of three. Her father, Richard, home - schooled Serena and her sister Venus. While he and subsequently her mother, Oracene, have been the official coaches, other mentors who helped her learn the game included Richard Williams, a Compton man who shared her father 's name and would go on to found The Venus and Serena Williams Tennis / Tutorial Academy.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what does serena williams do for a living", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Serena_Williams&oldid=850546785", "q_uid": 246764827083727821, "answers": { "long_answer": "Serena Jameka Williams ( born September 26, 1981 ) is an American professional tennis player. The Women 's Tennis Association ( WTA ) ranked her world No. 1 in singles on eight separate occasions between 2002 and 2017. She reached the No. 1 ranking for the first time on July 8, 2002. On her sixth occasion, she held the ranking for 186 consecutive weeks, tying the record set by Steffi Graf for the most consecutive weeks as No. 1 by a female tennis player. In total, she has been No. 1 for 319 weeks, which ranks third in the `` Open Era '' among female players behind Steffi Graf and Martina Navratilova. Some commentators, players and sports writers regard Williams as the greatest female tennis player of all time.", "short_answer": "professional tennis player." } }, { "question": "number of grand slam titles for serena williams", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Serena_Williams&oldid=801521067", "q_uid": -7862014873364590603, "answers": { "long_answer": "Williams holds the most Grand Slam titles in singles, doubles, and mixed doubles combined amongst active players. Her record of 39 Grand Slam titles puts her third on the all - time list and second in the open era: 23 in singles, 14 in women 's doubles, and 2 in mixed doubles. She is the most recent female player to have held all four Grand Slam singles titles simultaneously ( 2002 -- 03 and 2014 -- 15 ) and the third player to achieve this record twice after Rod Laver and Steffi Graf. She is also, together with her sister Venus, the most recent player to have held all four Grand Slam women 's doubles titles simultaneously ( 2009 -- 10 ).", "short_answer": "39 Grand" } }, { "question": "how many french open titles has serena williams won so far", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Serena_Williams&oldid=854636198", "q_uid": -1667750161796780876, "answers": { "long_answer": "Serena Williams Williams at the 2013 US Open Full name Serena Jameka Williams Country ( sports ) United States Residence Palm Beach Gardens, Florida ( 1981 - 09 - 26 ) September 26, 1981 ( age 36 ) Saginaw, Michigan Height 5 ft 9 in ( 175 cm ) Turned pro October 1995 Plays Right - handed ( two - handed backhand ) Coach Richard Williams ( 1994 -- ) Oracene Price Patrick Mouratoglou ( 2012 -- ) Prize money US $ 86,360,661 ( as of July 16, 2018 ) 1st in all - time rankings ( female ) Official website serenawilliams.com Singles Career record 794 -- 133 ( 85.65 % ) Career titles 72 WTA ( 5th in overall rankings ), 0 ITF Highest ranking No. 1 ( July 8, 2002 ) Current ranking No. 26 ( July 30, 2018 ) Grand Slam Singles results Australian Open W ( 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2017 ) French Open W ( 2002, 2013, 2015 ) Wimbledon W ( 2002, 2003, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016 ) US Open W ( 1999, 2002, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014 ) Other tournaments Grand Slam Cup W ( 1999 ) Tour Finals W ( 2001, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014 ) Doubles Career record 187 -- 33 ( 85 % ) Career titles 23 WTA, 0 ITF Highest ranking No. 1 ( June 21, 2010 ) Current ranking No. 181 ( July 2, 2018 ) Grand Slam Doubles results Australian Open W ( 2001, 2003, 2009, 2010 ) French Open W ( 1999, 2010 ) Wimbledon W ( 2000, 2002, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2016 ) US Open W ( 1999, 2009 ) Other doubles tournaments Tour Finals SF ( 2009 ) Mixed doubles Career record 27 -- 4 ( 87.1 % ) Grand Slam Mixed Doubles results Australian Open F ( 1999 ) French Open F ( 1998 ) Wimbledon W ( 1998 ) US Open W ( 1998 ) Team competitions Fed Cup W ( 1999 ), record 16 -- 1 Hopman Cup W ( 2003, 2008 ) Medal record ( hide ) Representing United States Olympic Games 2000 Sydney Doubles 2008 Beijing Doubles 2012 London Singles 2012 London Doubles Last updated on: July 12, 2018.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Ian McDiarmid": [ { "question": "who played the sith lord in return of the jedi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=793644403", "q_uid": 7731067469077399549, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ian McDiarmid ( / m\u0259k\u02c8d\u025c\u02d0rm\u026ad /; born 11 August 1944 ) is an Olivier and Tony award - winning British character actor and director. He has appeared in 47 films since 1976. Internationally, he is most famous for his role as Palpatine in the Star Wars film series.", "short_answer": "Ian McDiarmid (" } }, { "question": "who plays the emperor in the return of the jedi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=854725423", "q_uid": -1026952725591022009, "answers": { "long_answer": "After a minor part in the film Dragonslayer, McDiarmid was cast by George Lucas in Return of the Jedi as Emperor Palpatine, the main villain. Sixteen years after appearing in Return of the Jedi, he reprised the role as the character 's younger incarnation of Senator Palpatine and Sith Lord Darth Sidious in the prequel films: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. The prequels had him play two faces to his character; he re-created his diabolical interpretation of Palpatine from Return of the Jedi when playing Darth Sidious, the Chancellor 's Sith alter ego, but created a pleasant, charming character in Palpatine 's public persona.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the emperor in star wars episode 6", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=854725423", "q_uid": -815991440189532284, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the 2004 re-release of The Empire Strikes Back, a brief scene between Darth Vader and a hologram of Emperor Palpatine was updated to include McDiarmid. The Emperor was originally voiced by Clive Revill for that scene, and visually portrayed by Marjorie Eaton. With this addition to The Empire Strikes Back, McDiarmid has now appeared in every live - action film version in which Palpatine appears.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the emperor return of the jedi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=832098660", "q_uid": -3839325706331514458, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ian McDiarmid ( / m\u0259k\u02c8d\u025c\u02d0rm\u026ad /; born 11 August 1944 ) is an Olivier and Tony award - winning Scottish character actor and director. He has appeared in 47 films since 1976. Internationally, he is most famous for his role as Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars film series.", "short_answer": "Ian McDiarmid (" } }, { "question": "who played the emperor in the return of the jedi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=856297217", "q_uid": 4509292395101317137, "answers": { "long_answer": "After a minor part in the film Dragonslayer, McDiarmid was cast by George Lucas in Return of the Jedi as Emperor Palpatine, the main villain. Sixteen years after appearing in Return of the Jedi, he reprised the role as the character 's younger incarnation of Senator Palpatine and Sith Lord Darth Sidious in the prequel films: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. The prequels had him play two faces to his character; he re-created his diabolical interpretation of Palpatine from Return of the Jedi when playing Darth Sidious, the Chancellor 's Sith alter ego, but created a pleasant, charming character in Palpatine 's public persona.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays palpatine in return of the jedi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=845611084", "q_uid": -2314156062555481225, "answers": { "long_answer": "After a minor part in the film Dragonslayer, McDiarmid was cast by George Lucas in Return of the Jedi as Emperor Palpatine, the main villain. Sixteen years after appearing in Return of the Jedi, he reprised the role as the character 's younger incarnation of Senator Palpatine and Sith Lord Darth Sidious in the prequel films: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. The prequels had him play two faces to his character; he re-created his diabolical interpretation of Palpatine from Return of the Jedi when playing Darth Sidious, the Chancellor 's Sith alter ego, but created a pleasant, charming character in Palpatine 's public persona.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the emperor in star wars episode 3", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=832098660", "q_uid": -7968591463525008888, "answers": { "long_answer": "After a minor part in the film Dragonslayer, McDiarmid was cast by George Lucas in Return of the Jedi as Emperor Palpatine, the main villain. Sixteen years after appearing in Return of the Jedi, he reprised the role as the character 's younger incarnation of Senator Palpatine and Sith Lord Darth Sidious in the prequel films: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. The prequels had him play two faces to his character; he re-created his diabolical interpretation of Palpatine from Return of the Jedi when playing Darth Sidious, the Chancellor 's Sith alter ego, but created a pleasant, charming character in Palpatine 's public persona.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "star wars return of the jedi cast emperor", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=824216927", "q_uid": -4762995592842361974, "answers": { "long_answer": "After a minor part in the film Dragonslayer, McDiarmid was cast by George Lucas in Return of the Jedi as Emperor Palpatine, the main villain. Sixteen years after appearing in Return of the Jedi, he reprised the role as the character 's younger incarnation of Senator Palpatine and Sith Lord Darth Sidious in the prequel films: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. The prequels had him play two faces to his character; he re-created his diabolical interpretation of Palpatine from Return of the Jedi when playing Darth Sidious, the Chancellor 's Sith alter ego, but created a pleasant, charming character in Palpatine 's public persona.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the emperor in star wars return of the jedi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=816007428", "q_uid": -9214390120374958844, "answers": { "long_answer": "After a minor part in the film Dragonslayer, McDiarmid was cast by George Lucas in Return of the Jedi as Emperor Palpatine, the main villain. Sixteen years after appearing in Return of the Jedi, he reprised the role as the character 's younger incarnation of Senator Palpatine and Sith Lord Darth Sidious in the prequel films: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. The prequels had him play two faces to his character; he re-created his diabolical interpretation of Palpatine from Return of the Jedi when playing Darth Sidious, the Chancellor 's Sith alter ego, but created a pleasant, charming character in Palpatine 's public persona.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played emperor in return of the jedi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ian_McDiarmid&oldid=817819456", "q_uid": -1972456657969645421, "answers": { "long_answer": "After a minor part in the film Dragonslayer, McDiarmid was cast by George Lucas in Return of the Jedi as Emperor Palpatine, the main villain. Sixteen years after appearing in Return of the Jedi, he reprised the role as the character 's younger incarnation of Senator Palpatine and Sith Lord Darth Sidious in the prequel films: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. The prequels had him play two faces to his character; he re-created his diabolical interpretation of Palpatine from Return of the Jedi when playing Darth Sidious, the Chancellor 's Sith alter ego, but created a pleasant, charming character in Palpatine 's public persona.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Brett Favre": [ { "question": "what age did brett favre retire from football", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Brett_Favre&oldid=837073841", "q_uid": -7109762979908246815, "answers": { "long_answer": "On January 2, 2011, Favre was unable to play against the Detroit Lions in the final game of the regular NFL season due to his inability to pass NFL - mandated post-concussion tests. In a press conference immediately following the game, Favre announced his intention to retire from professional football. On January 17, 2011, Favre officially filed his retirement papers with the NFL.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many superbowls did brett favre win with the green bay packers", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Brett_Favre&oldid=806216382", "q_uid": -1394922644651220183, "answers": { "long_answer": "Favre 's eleven Pro Bowl invitations is the third most among quarterbacks in NFL history. He is the only player to win the Associated Press NFL Most Valuable Player Award three consecutive times, doing so from 1995 to 1997, and is one of only six quarterbacks to have won the award as well as the Super Bowl in the same season. He led teams to eight division championships, five NFC Championship Games, and two Super Bowl appearances: Super Bowl XXXI and Super Bowl XXXII. He and the Packers won Super Bowl XXXI with a 35 -- 21 victory over the New England Patriots.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "William Fichtner": [ { "question": "who plays the fbi agent in prison break", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=William_Fichtner&oldid=806246228", "q_uid": -8522114449032326705, "answers": { "long_answer": "William Edward Fichtner Jr. ( born November 27, 1956 ) is an American actor. He has appeared in a number of notable films and TV series. He is known for his roles as Sheriff Tom Underlay in the television series Invasion, Alexander Mahone on Prison Break, and numerous film roles, including: Quiz Show, Heat, blind astronomer Kent in Contact, Armageddon, The Perfect Storm, Crash, Blades of Glory, Black Hawk Down, Nine Lives, The Longest Yard, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, The Dark Knight, Date Night, The Lone Ranger, Phantom, Elysium, Independence Day: Resurgence, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.", "short_answer": "William Edward Fichtner Jr. (" } } ], "Hurricane Wilma": [ { "question": "when was the last time a category five hurricane hit florida", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hurricane_Wilma&oldid=804336003", "q_uid": -3818953611896832731, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hurricane Wilma was the most intense tropical cyclone ever recorded in the Atlantic basin, as well as the most intense recorded in the western hemisphere until Hurricane Patricia in 2015. Part of the record - breaking 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, which included three of the top ten most intense Atlantic hurricanes ever ( along with # 4 Rita and # 7 Katrina ), Wilma was the twenty - second storm, thirteenth hurricane, sixth major hurricane, fourth Category 5 hurricane, and second-most destructive hurricane of the 2005 season. A tropical depression formed in the Caribbean Sea near Jamaica on October 15, headed westward, and two days later intensified into a tropical storm which turned abruptly southward and was named Wilma. Wilma continued to strengthen, and eventually became a hurricane on October 18. Shortly thereafter, explosive intensification occurred, and in only 24 hours, Wilma became a Category 5 hurricane with wind speeds of 185 miles per hour ( 298 km / h ).", "short_answer": "Hurricane Wilma was" } }, { "question": "when was the last time a hurricane hit naples", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hurricane_Wilma&oldid=809439227", "q_uid": -495959108447261496, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hurricane Wilma was the most intense tropical cyclone ever recorded in the Atlantic basin, as well as the most intense recorded in the western hemisphere until Hurricane Patricia in 2015. Part of the record - breaking 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, which included three of the top ten most intense Atlantic hurricanes ever ( along with # 4 Rita and # 7 Katrina ), Wilma was the twenty - second storm, thirteenth hurricane, sixth major hurricane, fourth Category 5 hurricane, and second-most destructive hurricane of the 2005 season. A tropical depression formed in the Caribbean Sea near Jamaica on October 15, headed westward, and two days later intensified into a tropical storm which turned abruptly southward and was named Wilma. Wilma continued to strengthen, and eventually became a hurricane on October 18. Shortly thereafter, explosive intensification occurred, and in only 24 hours, Wilma became a Category 5 hurricane with wind speeds of 185 miles per hour ( 298 km / h ).", "short_answer": "2005 Atlantic" } }, { "question": "what category was wilma when it hit miami", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hurricane_Wilma&oldid=809050047", "q_uid": -7560591516027845484, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hurricane Wilma was the most intense tropical cyclone ever recorded in the Atlantic basin, as well as the most intense recorded in the western hemisphere until Hurricane Patricia in 2015. Part of the record - breaking 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, which included three of the top ten most intense Atlantic hurricanes ever ( along with # 4 Rita and # 7 Katrina ), Wilma was the twenty - second storm, thirteenth hurricane, sixth major hurricane, fourth Category 5 hurricane, and second-most destructive hurricane of the 2005 season. A tropical depression formed in the Caribbean Sea near Jamaica on October 15, headed westward, and two days later intensified into a tropical storm which turned abruptly southward and was named Wilma. Wilma continued to strengthen, and eventually became a hurricane on October 18. Shortly thereafter, explosive intensification occurred, and in only 24 hours, Wilma became a Category 5 hurricane with wind speeds of 185 miles per hour ( 298 km / h ).", "short_answer": "Category 5 hurricane" } } ], "Labour Party (UK)": [ { "question": "when did labour come to power in the 90", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Labour_Party_(UK)&oldid=827922013", "q_uid": 1147675456914629745, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Labour Party was most recently in government from 1997 to 2010 under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, during the `` New Labour '' era, first elected with a landslide majority of 179, reduced to 66 in the 2005 election. Since leaving government the party has been led by Ed Miliband from 2010 and Jeremy Corbyn from 2015.", "short_answer": "1997 to" } }, { "question": "what is the current membership of the labour party", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Labour_Party_(UK)&oldid=808604725", "q_uid": -4635735399805882911, "answers": { "long_answer": "In August 2015, prior to the 2015 leadership election, the Labour Party reported 292,505 full members, 147,134 affiliated supporters ( mostly from affiliated trade unions and socialist societies ) and 110,827 registered supporters; a total of about 550,000 members and supporters. As of June 2016, a few days after the 2017 General Election, the party had approximately 552,000 full members, making it the largest political party in Western Europe.", "short_answer": "552,000 full members," } } ], "Carly Chaikin": [ { "question": "who played elliot's sister in mr robot", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Carly_Chaikin&oldid=801117544", "q_uid": 448489349317464907, "answers": { "long_answer": "Carly Hannah Chaikin ( born March 26, 1990 ) is an American actress. She began acting in 2009 and received her breakout role two years later, co-starring as Dalia Royce in the ABC sitcom Suburgatory. She played the role until the series ' cancellation in 2014, and one year later began playing the role of Darlene in the critically acclaimed USA Network television drama Mr. Robot.", "short_answer": "Carly Hannah Chaikin (" } } ], "Troian Bellisario": [ { "question": "who played alex drake on pretty little liars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Troian_Bellisario&oldid=800467022", "q_uid": 6909473806495084456, "answers": { "long_answer": "Troian Avery Bellisario ( / \u02c8tr\u0254\u026a\u0259n b\u025bl\u026a\u02c8s\u0251\u02d0r\u026ao\u028a /; born October 28, 1985 ) is an American actress, writer, producer and director. She is known for playing the role of Spencer Hastings in Freeform 's Pretty Little Liars. She is the daughter of producers Donald P. Bellisario and Deborah Pratt. Born in Los Angeles, California. Bellisario made her acting debut in her father 's 1988 film Last Rites at the age of three. She continued to have roles produced by her father, mainly in television shows such as Quantum Leap, First Monday, and NCIS, and in 1998, she acted in the direct - to - video comedy film Billboard Dad. In 2010, she received praise for her leading performance in the film Consent for which she won the Vision Fest Award for Best Acting by a Female Lead and the FirstGlance Philadelphia Award for Best Actress.", "short_answer": "Troian Avery Bellisario (" } }, { "question": "how old was troian when she started pll", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Troian_Bellisario&oldid=835992249", "q_uid": 6387273460072032625, "answers": { "long_answer": "Troian Avery Bellisario ( / \u02c8tr\u0254\u026a\u0259n b\u025bl\u026a\u02c8s\u0251\u02d0r\u026ao\u028a /; born October 28, 1985 ) is an American actress. She is known for playing the role of Spencer Hastings in Freeform 's Pretty Little Liars ( 2010 - 2017 ). She is the daughter of producers Donald P. Bellisario and Deborah Pratt. Born in Los Angeles, California, Bellisario made her acting debut in her father 's 1988 film Last Rites at the age of three. She continued to have roles produced by her father, mainly in television shows such as Quantum Leap, First Monday, and NCIS, and in 1998, she acted in the direct - to - video comedy film Billboard Dad. In 2010, she received praise for her leading performance in the film Consent for which she won the Vision Fest Award for Best Acting by a Female Lead and the FirstGlance Philadelphia Award for Best Actress.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays spencer hastings in pretty little liars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Troian_Bellisario&oldid=856272903", "q_uid": 6676667408171860027, "answers": { "long_answer": "Troian Avery Bellisario ( / \u02c8tr\u0254\u026a\u0259n \u02ccb\u025bl\u026a\u02c8s\u0251\u02d0rio\u028a /; born October 28, 1985 ) is an American actress. She is known for playing the role of Spencer Hastings in Freeform 's Pretty Little Liars ( 2010 - 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Troian Avery Bellisario (" } } ], "Wil Traval": [ { "question": "who played the sheriff of nottingham in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Wil_Traval&oldid=794528799", "q_uid": -8157366920428620376, "answers": { "long_answer": "Television Year Title Role Notes 2003 White Collar Blue Uniformed cop Season 2, episode 1 2003 White Collar Blue Constable Tom Saunders 2 episodes 2004 -- 08 All Saints Jack Quade Main cast ( seasons 7 -- 11 ) McLeod 's Daughters Dylan Abbott Episode: `` Fool for Love '' Jessica Billy Simple Miniseries 2009 -- 11 Rescue: Special Ops Hamish McIntyre 8 episodes Underbelly: The Golden Mile Joe Dooley Main cast; 13 episodes 2011 Leverage Craig Mattingly Episode: `` The Girls ' Night Out Job '' 2012 Glades, The The Glades Neil Gannon Episode: `` Islandia '' 2012 Dexter Tony Rush Episode: `` Sunshine and Frosty Swirl '' 2012 Inbetweeners, The The Inbetweeners Johnno 2 episodes 2013 Red Widow Irwin Petrov 8 episodes 2013 -- 15, 2017 Once Upon a Time Keith / Sheriff of Nottingham 3 episodes 2013 Rizzoli & Isles Jim Blackman Episode: `` Somebody 's Watching Me '' 2015 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Carlo Derosa Episode: `` The Last Ride '' 2015 -- present Jessica Jones Will Simpson Main cast 2016 Arrow Christopher Chance / Human Target Episode: `` Human Target '' 2017 Grimm Zerst\u00f6rer Season 6, 2 Episodes", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Prime Ministers of Nepal": [ { "question": "who is the recently elected prime minister of nepal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_Nepal&oldid=856194119", "q_uid": -278936361297514676, "answers": { "long_answer": "The current Prime Minister is Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, since 15 February 2018. The residence of Prime Minister of Nepal is in Baluwatar, Kathmandu. The seat of the Prime Minister is Singha Darbar since the time of Chandra Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana. The basic monthly salary of Prime Minister of Nepal is NPR 77,280.", "short_answer": "Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli," } }, { "question": "who was the first elected prime minister of nepal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_Nepal&oldid=849223380", "q_uid": -6977388392264251155, "answers": { "long_answer": "Few of Nepalese Prime Ministers have carried a democratic mandate. The first elected Prime Minister was Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala, in 1959. After he was deposed and imprisoned in 1960, the King established the Panchayat system and Nepal did not have a democratic government until 1990, when the country became a constitutional monarchy after the Jana Andolan movement. The monarchy was abolished on 28 May 2008 by the 1st Constituent Assembly.", "short_answer": "Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala," } }, { "question": "who is the first rana prime minister of nepal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_Nepal&oldid=866317906", "q_uid": 6459065909710072114, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Portrait Name ( Birth -- Death ) Term of Office Political Party King of Kingdom of Nepal ( Reign ) Took Office Left Office 8 Jung Bahadur Rana ( 1816 -- 1877 ) 1st time 15 September 1846 1 August 1856 Independent Surendra Bikram Shah ( 12 May 1847 - 17 May 1881 ) 9 Bam Bahadur Kunwar ( 1818 -- 1857 ) 1 August 1856 25 May 1857 Independent -- Krishna Bahadur Kunwar Rana ( 1823 -- 1863 ) Acting Prime Minister 25 May 1857 28 June 1857 Independent ( 8 ) Jung Bahadur Rana ( 1816 -- 1877 ) 2nd time 28 June 1857 25 February 1877 Independent 10 Ranodip Singh Kunwar ( 1825 -- 1885 ) 27 February 1877 22 November 1885 Independent 11 Bir Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana ( 1852 -- 1901 ) 22 November 1885 5 March 1901 Independent Prithvi Bir Bikram Shah ( 17 May 1881 - 11 December 1911 ) 12 Dev Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana ( 1862 -- 1914 ) 5 March 1901 27 June 1901 Independent 13 Chandra Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana ( 1863 -- 1929 ) 27 June 1901 26 November 1929 Independent Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah ( 11 December 1911 - 13 March 1955 ) 14 Bhim Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana ( 1865 -- 1932 ) 26 November 1929 1 September 1932 Independent 15 Juddha Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana ( 1875 -- 1952 ) 1 September 1932 29 November 1945 Independent 16 Padma Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana ( 1882 -- 1961 ) 29 November 1945 30 April 1948 Independent 17 Mohan Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana ( 1885 -- 1967 ) 30 April 1948 12 November 1951 Independent", "short_answer": "Jung Bahadur Rana (" } }, { "question": "who was the prime minister of nepal in 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_Nepal&oldid=856194119", "q_uid": -453533765377864564, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Portrait Name ( Birth -- Death ) Term of Office Political Party Cabinet President of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal ( 1. Term of Office ) ( 2. Political Party ) Took Office Left Office Days ( 30 ) Girija Prasad Koirala ( 1925 -- 2010 ) 5th time 28 May 2008 18 August 2008 82 Nepali Congress Girija Prasad Koirala Head of state of Nepal ( 1. 15 January 2007 - 23 July 2008 ( 2. Nepali Congress ) 33 Pushpa Kamal Dahal ( 1954 -- ) 1st time 18 August 2008 25 May 2009 280 Unified Communist Party of Nepal ( Maoist ) 2008 Dahal Cabinet Ram Baran Yadav ( 1. 23 July 2008 - 29 October 2015 ) ( 2. Nepali Congress ) 34 Madhav Kumar Nepal ( 1953 -- ) 25 May 2009 6 February 2011 622 Communist Party of Nepal ( Unified Marxist -- Leninist ) 2009 Madhav Nepal Cabinet 35 Jhala Nath Khanal ( 1950 -- ) 6 February 2011 29 August 2011 204 Communist Party of Nepal ( Unified Marxist -- Leninist ) 2011 Khanal Cabinet 36 Baburam Bhattarai ( 1954 -- ) 29 August 2011 14 March 2013 563 Unified Communist Party of Nepal ( Maoist ) 2011 Bhattarai Cabinet -- Khil Raj Regmi ( 1949 -- ) Acting Prime Minister 14 March 2013 11 February 2014 334 Independent 2013 Regmi Interim Cabinet 37 Sushil Koirala ( 1939 -- 2016 ) 11 February 2014 12 October 2015 608 Nepali Congress 2013 Koirala Cabinet 38 Khadga Prasad Oli ( 1952 -- ) 1st time 12 October 2015 4 August 2016 297 Communist Party of Nepal ( Unified Marxist -- Leninist ) 2015 Oli Cabinet Bidhya Devi Bhandari ( 1. 29 October 2015 - ) ( 2. Communist Party of Nepal ( Unified Marxist -- Leninist ) ) ( 33 ) Pushpa Kamal Dahal ( 1954 -- ) 2nd time 4 August 2016 7 June 2017 307 Unified Communist Party of Nepal ( Maoist ) 2016 Dahal Cabinet ( 32 ) Sher Bahadur Deuba ( 1946 -- ) 4th time 7 June 2017 15 February 2018 253 Nepali Congress 2017 Deuba Cabinet ( 38 ) Khadga Prasad Oli ( 1952 -- ) 2nd time 15 February 2018 Incumbent 195 Communist Party of Nepal ( Unified Marxist -- Leninist ) 2018 Oli Cabinet", "short_answer": "Sher Bahadur Deuba (" } }, { "question": "who has been sworn in as the new prime minister of nepal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_Nepal&oldid=821244528", "q_uid": -2964229683463918375, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Portrait Name ( Birth -- Death ) Term of Office Political Party Cabinet President of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal ( 1. Term of Office ) ( 2. Political Party ) Took Office Left Office Days 33 Pushpa Kamal Dahal ( 1954 -- ) 1st time 18 August 2008 25 May 2009 280 Unified Communist Party of Nepal ( Maoist ) 2008 Dahal Cabinet Ram Baran Yadav ( 1. 23 July 2008 - 29 October 2015 ) ( 2. Nepali Congress ) 34 Madhav Kumar Nepal ( 1953 -- ) 25 May 2009 6 February 2011 622 Communist Party of Nepal ( Unified Marxist -- Leninist ) 2009 Madhav Nepal Cabinet 35 Jhala Nath Khanal ( 1950 -- ) 6 February 2011 29 August 2011 204 Communist Party of Nepal ( Unified Marxist -- Leninist ) 2011 Khanal Cabinet 36 Baburam Bhattarai ( 1954 -- ) 29 August 2011 14 March 2013 563 Unified Communist Party of Nepal ( Maoist ) 2011 Bhattarai Cabinet -- Khil Raj Regmi ( 1949 -- ) Acting Prime Minister 14 March 2013 11 February 2014 334 Independent 2013 Regmi Interim Cabinet 37 Sushil Koirala ( 1939 -- 2016 ) 11 February 2014 12 October 2015 608 Nepali Congress 2013 Koirala Cabinet 38 Khadga Prasad Oli ( 1952 -- ) 12 October 2015 4 August 2016 297 Communist Party of Nepal ( Unified Marxist -- Leninist ) 2015 Oli Cabinet Bidhya Devi Bhandari ( 1. 29 October 2015 - ) ( 2. Communist Party of Nepal ( Unified Marxist -- Leninist ) ) ( 33 ) Pushpa Kamal Dahal ( 1954 -- ) 2nd time 4 August 2016 31 May 2017 300 Unified Communist Party of Nepal ( Maoist ) 2016 Dahal Cabinet ( 32 ) Sher Bahadur Deuba ( 1946 -- ) 4th time 7 June 2017 Incumbent 226 Nepali Congress 2017 Deuba Cabinet", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was elected the prime minister of nepal recently", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_Nepal&oldid=800262147", "q_uid": -7735219491820297734, "answers": { "long_answer": "The current Prime Minister is Sher Bahadur Deuba, since 7 June 2017.", "short_answer": "Sher Bahadur Deuba," } }, { "question": "who is the newly elected prime minister of nepal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_Nepal&oldid=810011439", "q_uid": 9023517595519382101, "answers": { "long_answer": "Prime Minister of Nepal \u0928\u0947\u092a\u093e\u0932\u0915\u094b \u092a\u094d\u0930\u0927\u093e\u0928\u092e\u0928\u094d\u0924\u094d\u0930\u0940 Coat of Arms of Nepal Incumbent Sher Bahadur Deuba since 7 June 2017 Residence Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Appointer Bidhya Devi Bhandari as President of Nepal Inaugural holder Damodar Pande ( Mul - Kaji ) Formation 1799 ( Mul - Kaji )", "short_answer": "Sher Bahadur Deuba since" } } ], "Airbus A321": [ { "question": "how many passengers does an airbus a321 hold", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Airbus_A321&oldid=815574881", "q_uid": 366961555015751390, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Airbus A321 is a member of the Airbus A320 family of short - to medium - range, narrow - body, commercial passenger twin - engine jet airliners manufactured by Airbus. It was the first derivative of the baseline Airbus A320 aircraft, and carries up to 236 passengers with a maximum range of 3,200 nmi ( 5,900 km; 3,700 mi ). Final assembly of the aircraft takes place in Hamburg, Germany, or Mobile, Alabama.", "short_answer": "236 passengers" } } ], "Law & Order: Criminal Intent": [ { "question": "who stars in law and order criminal intent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Law_%26_Order:_Criminal_Intent&oldid=803914286", "q_uid": -2014019340400581140, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Portrayed by Occupation Season Episodes 5 6 7 8 9 10 Senior Detectives Alexandra Eames Kathryn Erbe Senior Detective Main Main Main 144 Mike Logan Chris Noth Senior Detective Guest Main 36 Zack Nichols Jeff Goldblum Senior Detective Main 24 Junior Detectives Robert Goren Vincent D'Onofrio Junior Detective Main Main Main 141 Carolyn Barek Annabella Sciorra Junior Detective Main 12 Megan Wheeler Julianne Nicholson Junior Detective Main 24 Nola Falacci Alicia Witt Junior Detective Main 5 Serena Stevens Saffron Burrows Junior Detective Main 15 Squad Supervisors James Deakins Jamey Sheridan Captain Main 111 Danny Ross Eric Bogosian Captain Main Main 61 Zoe Callas Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Captain Main 14 Joseph Hannah Jay O. Sanders Captain Main 8 Assistant District Attorneys Ron Carver Courtney B. Vance A.D.A. Main 111 Psychiatrists Paula Gyson Julia Ormond Police Psychiatrist Main 7", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is law and order criminal intent filmed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Law_%26_Order:_Criminal_Intent&oldid=803914286", "q_uid": 5305459294296951162, "answers": { "long_answer": "Law & Order: Criminal Intent is an American police procedural television drama series set in New York City, where it was also primarily produced. Created and produced by Dick Wolf and Ren\u00e9 Balcer, the series premiered on September 30, 2001, as the third series in Wolf 's successful Law & Order franchise. Criminal Intent focuses on the investigations of the Major Case Squad in a fictionalized version of the New York City Police Department set in New York City 's One Police Plaza. In the style of the original Law & Order, episodes are often `` ripped from the headlines '' or loosely based on a real crime that received media attention.", "short_answer": "New York City," } }, { "question": "what year did law and order criminal intent first air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Law_%26_Order:_Criminal_Intent&oldid=825004852", "q_uid": 274439608113341292, "answers": { "long_answer": "Law & Order: Criminal Intent is an American police procedural television drama series set in New York City, where it was also primarily produced. Created and produced by Dick Wolf and Ren\u00e9 Balcer, the series premiered on September 30, 2001, as the third series in Wolf 's successful Law & Order franchise. Criminal Intent focuses on the investigations of the Major Case Squad in a fictionalized version of the New York City Police Department set in New York City 's One Police Plaza. In the style of the original Law & Order, episodes are often `` ripped from the headlines '' or loosely based on a real crime that received media attention.", "short_answer": "2001," } }, { "question": "how many seasons did law and order criminal intent run", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Law_%26_Order:_Criminal_Intent&oldid=843145275", "q_uid": -6521784313032991330, "answers": { "long_answer": "Law & Order: Criminal Intent Also known as Law & Order: CI Criminal Intent CI Genre Police procedural Drama Created by Dick Wolf Developed by Ren\u00e9 Balcer Starring Vincent D'Onofrio Kathryn Erbe Jamey Sheridan Courtney B. Vance Chris Noth Annabella Sciorra Julianne Nicholson Eric Bogosian Alicia Witt Jeff Goldblum Saffron Burrows Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Narrated by Steven Zirnkilton ( opening only ) Opening theme Theme of Law & Order: Criminal Intent ( 2001 -- 07 ) Theme of Law & Order: Trial by Jury ( 2007 -- 11 ) Composer ( s ) Mike Post Country of origin United States No. of seasons 10 No. of episodes 195 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Dick Wolf Peter Jankowski Fred Berner ( seasons 3 -- 5 ) Norberto Barba ( seasons 6 -- 8 ) John David Coles ( seasons 8 -- 9 ) Show runners: Ren\u00e9 Balcer ( seasons 1 -- 5 ) Warren Leight ( seasons 6 -- 7 ) Walon Green ( season 8, D'Onofrio / Erbe ( season 9 ) Ed Zuckerman ( season 8, Goldblum / Nicholson ) Michael S. Chernuchin ( season 8, Goldblum / Nicholson ) Robert Nathan ( season 8, Goldblum / Nicholson ) Chris Brancato ( season 10 ) Producer ( s ) John L. Roman ( seasons 1 -- 9 ) Running time approx. 43 minutes ( per episode ) Production company ( s ) Wolf Films Studios USA ( 2001 -- 2002 ) ( season 1 ) Universal Television ( 2002 -- 2004 ) ( seasons 2 -- 3 ) NBC Universal Television Studio ( 2004 -- 2007 ) ( seasons 4 -- 7 ) Universal Media Studios ( 2007 -- 2008 ) ( season 7 ) Universal Cable Productions ( 2008 -- 2011 ) ( seasons 7 -- 10 ) Distributor NBCUniversal Television Distribution Release Original network NBC ( 2001 -- 2007 ) USA Network ( 2007 -- 2011 ) Picture format 480i ( SDTV ) ( 2001 -- 2007 ) 1080i ( HDTV ) ( 2007 -- 2011 ) Original release September 30, 2001 ( 2001 - 09 - 30 ) -- June 26, 2011 ( 2011 - 06 - 26 ) Chronology Related shows Law & Order franchise Paris enqu\u00eates criminelles In Plain Sight External links Website", "short_answer": "10" } }, { "question": "tv show law and order criminal intent cast", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Law_%26_Order:_Criminal_Intent&oldid=803914286", "q_uid": 2194144862712776817, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Portrayed by Occupation Season Episodes 5 6 7 8 9 10 Senior Detectives Alexandra Eames Kathryn Erbe Senior Detective Main Main Main 144 Mike Logan Chris Noth Senior Detective Guest Main 36 Zack Nichols Jeff Goldblum Senior Detective Main 24 Junior Detectives Robert Goren Vincent D'Onofrio Junior Detective Main Main Main 141 Carolyn Barek Annabella Sciorra Junior Detective Main 12 Megan Wheeler Julianne Nicholson Junior Detective Main 24 Nola Falacci Alicia Witt Junior Detective Main 5 Serena Stevens Saffron Burrows Junior Detective Main 15 Squad Supervisors James Deakins Jamey Sheridan Captain Main 111 Danny Ross Eric Bogosian Captain Main Main 61 Zoe Callas Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Captain Main 14 Joseph Hannah Jay O. Sanders Captain Main 8 Assistant District Attorneys Ron Carver Courtney B. Vance A.D.A. Main 111 Psychiatrists Paula Gyson Julia Ormond Police Psychiatrist Main 7", "short_answer": "" } } ], "2002 FIFA World Cup": [ { "question": "where did argentina come in the 2002 world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2002_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856085430", "q_uid": -1664431980295612977, "answers": { "long_answer": "The tournament had several upsets and surprise results, which included the defending champions France being eliminated in the group stage after earning a single point and second favourites Argentina also being eliminated in the group stage. South Korea managed to reach the semi-finals, beating Spain, Italy and Portugal en route. However, the most potent team at the tournament, Brazil, prevailed, winning the final against Germany 2 -- 0, making them the first and only country to have won the World Cup five times. The victory qualified Brazil for the 2003 and subsequently 2005 FIFA Confederations Cups, its fourth and fifth Confederations Cup appearance in a row. In the third place play - off match against South Korea, Turkey won 3 -- 2, taking third place in only their second ever FIFA World Cup.", "short_answer": "eliminated in the group stage." } }, { "question": "who won the 2002 world cup in japan", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2002_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856085430", "q_uid": -4982912782573123648, "answers": { "long_answer": "2002 FIFA World Cup 2002 FIFA \uc6d4\ub4dc\ucef5 \ud55c\uad6d / \uc77c\ubcf8 2002 FIFA Woldeu Keob Hanguk / Ilbon 2002 FIFA \u30ef\u30fc\u30eb\u30c9 \u30ab\u30c3\u30d7 \u97d3\u56fd / \u65e5\u672c 2002 FIFA Waarudo Kappu Kankoku / Nihon 2002 FIFA World Cup official logo Tournament details Host countries South Korea Japan Dates 31 May -- 30 June Teams 32 ( from 5 confederations ) Venue ( s ) 20 ( in 20 host cities ) Final positions Champions Brazil ( 5th title ) Runners - up Germany Third place Turkey Fourth place South Korea Tournament statistics Matches played 64 Goals scored 161 ( 2.52 per match ) Attendance 2,705,197 ( 42,269 per match ) Top scorer ( s ) Ronaldo ( 8 goals ) Best player Oliver Kahn Best young player Landon Donovan Best goalkeeper Oliver Kahn Fair play award Belgium \u2190 1998 2006 \u2192", "short_answer": "Brazil ( 5th" } }, { "question": "who did england play in 2002 world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2002_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850387905", "q_uid": 6515098673833836454, "answers": { "long_answer": "2 June 2002 Argentina 1 -- 0 Nigeria Kashima Soccer Stadium, Ibaraki England 1 -- 1 Sweden Saitama Stadium 2002, Saitama 7 June 2002 Sweden 2 -- 1 Nigeria Kobe Wing Stadium, Kobe Argentina 0 -- 1 England Sapporo Dome, Sapporo 12 June 2002 Sweden 1 -- 1 Argentina Miyagi Stadium, Miyagi Nigeria 0 -- 0 England Nagai Stadium, Osaka Group", "short_answer": "Sweden" } }, { "question": "where did the 2002 world cup take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2002_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=854748090", "q_uid": -1353150322831010207, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2002 FIFA World Cup was the 17th FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial world championship for men 's national football teams organized by FIFA. It was held from 31 May to 30 June 2002 at sites in South Korea and Japan, with its final match hosted by Japan at International Stadium in Yokohama.", "short_answer": "South Korea and" } }, { "question": "when was the world cup held in south korea", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2002_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=865358300", "q_uid": -1590599713728502312, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2002 FIFA World Cup was the 17th FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial world championship for men 's national football teams organized by FIFA. It was held from 31 May to 30 June 2002 at sites in South Korea and Japan, with its final match hosted by Japan at International Stadium in Yokohama.", "short_answer": "2002 at" } }, { "question": "who won the football world cup in 2002", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2002_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=843381020", "q_uid": -552777446814087037, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2002 FIFA World Cup was the 17th staging of the FIFA World Cup which took place from 31 May to 30 June 2002 in South Korea and Japan. This world cup set a number of precedents. It was the first World Cup to be held in Asia. No previous World Cup was held on a continent other than Europe or the Americas. It was also the first World Cup to be jointly hosted by more than one nation. Finally, this was the last event to use the golden goal rule. Brazil won the tournament for a record fifth time, winning the final against Germany 2 -- 0. The victory meant Brazil qualified for the 2005 FIFA Confederations Cup for the fifth time, representing the World. In the third place play - off match against South Korea, Turkey won 3 -- 2 taking third place in only their second ever FIFA World Cup finals. China PR, Ecuador, Senegal and Slovenia made their first appearances at the finals.", "short_answer": "Brazil won" } }, { "question": "who won the world cup football in 2002", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2002_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856085430", "q_uid": -533591823159933438, "answers": { "long_answer": "The tournament had several upsets and surprise results, which included the defending champions France being eliminated in the group stage after earning a single point and second favourites Argentina also being eliminated in the group stage. South Korea managed to reach the semi-finals, beating Spain, Italy and Portugal en route. However, the most potent team at the tournament, Brazil, prevailed, winning the final against Germany 2 -- 0, making them the first and only country to have won the World Cup five times. The victory qualified Brazil for the 2003 and subsequently 2005 FIFA Confederations Cups, its fourth and fifth Confederations Cup appearance in a row. In the third place play - off match against South Korea, Turkey won 3 -- 2, taking third place in only their second ever FIFA World Cup.", "short_answer": "Brazil," } }, { "question": "who hosted the fifa world cup in 2002", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2002_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=856085430", "q_uid": -3362658379566822090, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2002 FIFA World Cup was the 17th FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial world championship for men 's national football teams organized by FIFA. It was held from 31 May to 30 June 2002 at sites in South Korea and Japan, with its final match hosted by Japan at International Stadium in Yokohama.", "short_answer": "South Korea and" } } ], "Northstar engine series": [ { "question": "what year did cadillac stop using the northstar engine", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Northstar_engine_series&oldid=856992094", "q_uid": 1126501377682195028, "answers": { "long_answer": "GM ceased production of the 4.6 L Northstar in 2003, and the remaining series in July 2010. The final cars to receive it, the Cadillac DTS, Buick Lucerne, and Cadillac STS, rolled off the line in 2011. It was replaced by the GM LS small - block OHV engine, used in newer Cadillac V8 models like the CTS - V, marking a step back to a simpler, more reliable push rod engine design.", "short_answer": "2011." } } ], "Gale Harold": [ { "question": "who plays brian kinney on queer as folk", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gale_Harold&oldid=828833257", "q_uid": 4990562154068806860, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2000, Harold was cast as Brian Kinney, a central character on Showtime 's popular gay drama Queer as Folk.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Mayim Bialik": [ { "question": "who plays amy farrah fowler in the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=849373196", "q_uid": 7274908510494836081, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik ( / \u02c8ma\u026a\u0259m bi\u02c8\u0251\u02d0l\u026ak / MY - \u0259m bee - AH - lik; born December 12, 1975 ) is an American actress, author, and neuroscientist. From 1991 to 1995, she played the title character of the NBC sitcom Blossom. Since 2010, she has played Amy Farrah Fowler - Cooper -- like the actress, a neuroscientist -- on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, a role for which she has been nominated four times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, and won the Critics ' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series in 2016 and 2018.", "short_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik (" } }, { "question": "who plays sheldon's girlfriend on the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=856251680", "q_uid": -3243917005629856063, "answers": { "long_answer": "She had a recurring role as the high school guidance counselor in ABC Family 's The Secret Life of the American Teenager. In 2009, Bialik was nominated by Clinton Kelly for a makeover on TLC 's What Not To Wear. She joined the cast of The Big Bang Theory as Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. Her first appearance was in the season 3 finale as a potential love interest for the character of Sheldon Cooper ( Jim Parsons ). In Season 4, she began as a recurring character playing Sheldon 's `` friend that 's a girl, but not a girlfriend. '' Beginning with Season 4, Episode 8, she became part of the main cast. Amy is a neurobiologist, which is a field related to Bialik 's real - life academic career in neuroscience. Bialik 's performance in The Big Bang Theory earned her Emmy Award nominations in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. Bialik was one of seven actresses who had a `` quirky '' personality to audition for the role. Prior to her joining the cast, in the episode `` The Bat Jar Conjecture '', Raj suggests recruiting the real - life Bialik to their Physics Bowl team, saying `` You know who 's apparently very smart is the girl who played TV 's Blossom. She got a Ph. D. in neuroscience or something. '' She is cast as one of the guest stars on the Steve Carell 2014 improvisational sketch show Riot.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actress that plays sheldon's girlfriend", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=849373196", "q_uid": -5035955283675899253, "answers": { "long_answer": "She had a recurring role as the high school guidance counselor in ABC Family 's The Secret Life of the American Teenager. In 2009, Bialik was nominated by Clinton Kelly for a makeover on TLC 's What Not To Wear. She joined the cast of The Big Bang Theory as Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. Her first appearance was in the season 3 finale as a potential love interest for the character of Sheldon Cooper ( Jim Parsons ). In Season 4, she began as a recurring character playing Sheldon 's `` friend that 's a girl, but not a girlfriend. '' Beginning with Season 4, Episode 8, she became part of the main cast. Amy is a neurobiologist, which is a field related to Bialik 's real - life academic career in neuroscience. Bialik 's performance in The Big Bang Theory earned her Emmy Award nominations in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. Bialik was one of seven actresses who had a `` quirky '' personality to audition for the role. Prior to her joining the cast, in the episode `` The Bat Jar Conjecture '', Raj suggests recruiting the real - life Bialik to their Physics Bowl team, saying `` You know who 's apparently very smart is the girl who played TV 's Blossom. She got a Ph. D. in neuroscience or something. '' She is cast as one of the guest stars on the Steve Carell 2014 improvisational sketch show Riot.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays amy farrah fowler on the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=854366787", "q_uid": -5012789711574805801, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik ( / \u02c8ma\u026a\u0259m bi\u02c8\u0251\u02d0l\u026ak / MY - \u0259m bee - AH - lik; born December 12, 1975 ) is an American actress, author, and neuroscientist. From 1991 to 1995, she played the title character of the NBC sitcom Blossom. Since 2010, she has played Amy Farrah Fowler -- like the actress, a neuroscientist -- on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, a role for which she has been nominated four times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, and won the Critics ' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series in 2016 and 2018.", "short_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik (" } }, { "question": "when does amy show up in the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=826950864", "q_uid": 1566260215254181283, "answers": { "long_answer": "Television Year Title Role Notes Beauty and the Beast Ellie Episode: `` No Way Down '' 1988 Facts of Life, The The Facts of Life Jennifer Cole Episodes: `` The Beginning of the Beginning '' and The Beginning of the End '' 1988 -- 89 Webster Frieda Recurring role ( Season 6 ) 1989 -- 90 Empty Nest Laurie Kincaid Episodes: `` The R.N. Who Came to Dinner '' and `` Harry Knows Best '' 1989 -- 90 MacGyver Lisa Woodman Recurring role ( Season 5 ) 1990 Doogie Howser, M.D. Candace Episode: `` Ask Dr. Doogie '' 1990 Molloy Molloy Martin Lead role 1990 Murphy Brown Natalie Episode: `` I Want My FYI '' 1990 The Earth Day Special Herself Television special 1990 -- 95 Blossom Blossom Russo Lead role 1993 The Hidden Room Jillie Episode: `` Jillie '' 1994 -- 95 John Larroquette Show, The The John Larroquette Show Rachel Episodes: `` The Book of Rachel '', `` Rachel and Ton '' and `` Rachel Redux '' 1995 -- 96 Adventures of Hyperman, The The Adventures of Hyperman Brittany Bright Voice; Main role 1996; 1999 Hey Arnold! Maria Voice; Episodes: `` 6th Grade Girls / The Baseball '' and `` Dinner for Four / Phoebe Skips '' Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Cindy Voice; Episode: `` Wake Me When It 's Over '' Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, The The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest Lucy / Julia Voice; Episodes: `` Assault on Questworld '' and `` The Alchemist '' 1997; 2000 Recess Kirsten Kurst Voice; Episodes: `` The Break - In '', `` The Girl Was Trouble '' and `` The Ratings Game '' 1997 Johnny Bravo Tour Guide Voice; Episode: `` Going Batty '' 1997 Extreme Ghostbusters Girl in Future Voice; Episode: `` Ghost Apocalyptic Future '' 1998 Welcome to Paradox Rita Episode: `` Alien Jane '' 2001 -- 02 Lloyd in Space Mean Cindy Voice; Recurring role ( Season 1 -- 2 ) 2003 7th Heaven Cathy Episode: `` Dick '' Kim Possible Justine Flanner Voice; Episode: `` Partners '' 2005 Katbot Paula Voice; Recurring role 2005 Fat Actress Herself Episode: `` The Koi Effect '' and `` Holy Lesbo Batman '' 2005; 2007 Curb Your Enthusiasm Jodi Funkhauser Episodes: `` The Bowtie '', `` The Ida Funkhouser Roadside Memorial '' and `` The TiVo Guy '' 2009 Saving Grace Esther Episode: `` Mooooooooo '' 2009 Bones Genie Gormon Episode: `` The Cinderella in the Cardboard '' 2009 ' Til Death Herself Episodes: `` The Break - Up '', `` Merit Play '' and `` Baby Steps '' The Secret Life of the American Teenager Dr. Wilameena Bink Recurring role ( Season 2 -- 3 ) Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Herself / Expert Season 8 2010 -- present Big Bang Theory, The The Big Bang Theory Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler Guest role ( Season 3 ) Main role ( Season 4 -- present ) 2014 Candid Camera Host Season 38 2014 Stan Lee 's Mighty 7 Lady Lightning Voice; Television film 2015 Blaze and the Monster Machines Great Sphinx Voice; Episode: `` Race to the Top of the World '' 2016 Star vs. the Forces of Evil Willoughby Voice; Episode: `` Fetch '' 2017 MasterChef Junior Guest judge Episode: `` Batter Hurry Up ''", "short_answer": "Season 3 )" } }, { "question": "who is the actress that plays amy on big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=804424000", "q_uid": -5481850251222783635, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik ( / \u02c8ma\u026a. \u0259m bi\u02c8\u0251\u02d0l\u026ak /, MY - \u0259m bee - AH - lik ) ( born December 12, 1975 ) is an American actress and neuroscientist. From 1991 to 1995, she played the title character of NBC 's Blossom. Since 2010, she has played Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler -- like the actress, a neuroscientist -- on CBS 's The Big Bang Theory, a role for which she has been nominated four times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, and won a Critic 's Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.", "short_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik (" } }, { "question": "who plays sheldons girlfriend on big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=807324553", "q_uid": -239596989630254779, "answers": { "long_answer": "She had a recurring role as the high school guidance counselor in ABC Family 's The Secret Life of the American Teenager. In 2009, Bialik was nominated by Clinton Kelly for a makeover on TLC 's What Not To Wear. She joined the cast of The Big Bang Theory as Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. Her first appearance was in the season 3 finale as a potential love interest for the character of Sheldon Cooper ( Jim Parsons ). In Season 4, she began as a recurring character playing Sheldon 's `` friend that 's a girl, but not a girlfriend. '' Beginning with Season 4, Episode 8, she became part of the main cast. Amy is a neurobiologist, which is a field related to Bialik 's real - life academic career in neuroscience. Bialik 's performance in The Big Bang Theory earned her Emmy Award nominations in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. Bialik was one of seven actresses who had a `` quirky '' personality to audition for the role. Prior to her joining the cast, in the episode `` The Bat Jar Conjecture '', Raj suggests recruiting the real - life Bialik to their Physics Bowl team, saying `` You know who 's apparently very smart is the girl who played TV 's Blossom. She got a Ph. D. in neuroscience or something. '' She is cast as one of the guest stars on the Steve Carell 2014 improvisational sketch show Riot.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actress who plays amy on big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=843405400", "q_uid": -7672842918652532093, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik ( / \u02c8ma\u026a\u0259m bi\u02c8\u0251\u02d0l\u026ak / MY - \u0259m bee - AH - lik; born December 12, 1975 ) is an American actress, author and neuroscientist. From 1991 to 1995, she played the title character of the NBC sitcom Blossom. Since 2010, she has played Amy Farrah Fowler - Cooper -- like the actress, a neuroscientist -- on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, a role for which she has been nominated four times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, and won a Critic 's Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.", "short_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik (" } }, { "question": "who played the young bette midler in the movie beaches", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=841348133", "q_uid": 3532033731961593424, "answers": { "long_answer": "Bialik started her career as a child actress in the late 1980s. Her early roles included the horror film Pumpkinhead ( 1988 ), her first acting job, and guest appearances on The Facts of Life and Beauty and the Beast. In 1988 - 1989, she had a recurring role on the TV comedy Webster playing Frieda, Webster 's classmate, in 8 episodes. It was for her Beauty and the Beast work, in which she played a sewer - dwelling girl named Ellie who had about 10 lines of dialogue, that Bialik obtained her Screen Actors Guild ( SAG ) card. She appeared in three episodes of MacGyver as Lisa Woodman. She appeared in Beaches ( 1988 ), playing Bette Midler 's character as a young girl. She also appeared in the video for the song `` Liberian Girl '' by Michael Jackson. In 1990, Bialik was tied to two television pilots, Fox 's Molloy and NBC 's Blossom. Molloy at first produced six episodes for a tryout run, followed by the shooting of the pilot special for Blossom. The latter actually aired two weeks before Bialik 's Fox series and ultimately garnered higher ratings than the former. When Molloy folded after its six episodes, Blossom premiered as a mid-season replacement on January 3, 1991, and aired until May 22, 1995.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays amy fowler on big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=843405400", "q_uid": -381382424656220375, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik ( / \u02c8ma\u026a\u0259m bi\u02c8\u0251\u02d0l\u026ak / MY - \u0259m bee - AH - lik; born December 12, 1975 ) is an American actress, author and neuroscientist. From 1991 to 1995, she played the title character of the NBC sitcom Blossom. Since 2010, she has played Amy Farrah Fowler - Cooper -- like the actress, a neuroscientist -- on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, a role for which she has been nominated four times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, and won a Critic 's Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.", "short_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik (" } }, { "question": "girl that plays amy on big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=801065019", "q_uid": -1634135158067159456, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik ( / \u02c8ma\u026a. \u0259m bi\u02c8\u0251\u02d0l\u026ak /, MY - \u0259m bee - AH - lik ) ( born December 12, 1975 ) is an American actress and neuroscientist. From 1991 to 1995, she played the title character of NBC 's Blossom. Since 2010, she has played Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler -- like the actress, a neuroscientist -- on CBS 's The Big Bang Theory, a role for which she has been nominated four times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, and won a Critic 's Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.", "short_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik (" } }, { "question": "who played amy on the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mayim_Bialik&oldid=863435421", "q_uid": 1059789605433025832, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik ( / \u02c8ma\u026a\u0259m bi\u02c8\u0251\u02d0l\u026ak / MY - \u0259m bee - AH - lik; born December 12, 1975 ) is an American actress, author, and neuroscientist. From 1991 to 1995, she played the title character of the NBC sitcom Blossom. Since 2010, she has played Amy Farrah Fowler -- like the actress, a neuroscientist -- on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, a role for which she has been nominated four times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, and won the Critics ' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series in 2016 and 2018.", "short_answer": "Mayim Chaya Bialik (" } } ], "Britain's Got Talent": [ { "question": "where is britain's got talent being filmed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=850360607", "q_uid": -1421100918812529120, "answers": { "long_answer": "Contestants that make it into the semi-finals by making it through the auditions and being chosen by the judges ( or, from series 8, received the Golden Buzzer during their audition ), perform once more before an audience and the judges, with their performance broadcast on live television. Until the tenth series, live episodes were broadcast from The Fountain Studios in Wembley, the same site used for The X Factor, but following its closure in 2016, the show relocated its live episodes to Elstree Studios in 2017, before moving to Hammersmith Apollo the following year. Like the Audition stage of the contest, each semi-finalist must attempt to impress by primarily conducting a new routine of their act within the same span of time; the judges can still use a buzzer if they are displeased with a performance and can end it early if all the buzzers are used, along with giving a personal opinion about an act when the performance is over. Of the semi-finalists that take part, only two can progress into the final, which is determined by two different types of votes - a public phone vote, and a judges ' vote.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is the britain got talent final filmed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854215494", "q_uid": 3049065145145517260, "answers": { "long_answer": "Britain 's Got Talent Genre Talent show Created by Simon Cowell Directed by Jonathan Bullen Presented by Anthony McPartlin Declan Donnelly Judges Simon Cowell Amanda Holden Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Michael McIntyre Alesha Dixon David Walliams Voices of Peter Dickson Country of origin United Kingdom Original language ( s ) English No. of series 12 No. of episodes 184 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Nigel Hall Lee McNicholas Amelia Brown Richard Holloway Producer ( s ) Matt Banks Charlie Irwin Paul Jones Production location ( s ) Auditions: Various Live shows: Fountain Studios ( 2007 -- 2016 ) Elstree Studios ( 2017 ) Hammersmith Apollo ( 2018 ) Running time 60 -- 155 minutes Production company ( s ) Syco Entertainment Talkback Thames ( 2007 -- 2011 ) Thames ( 2012 -- present ) Distributor FremantleMedia Release Original network ITV Picture format SDTV: 576i ( 2007 -- 2010 ) HDTV: 1080i ( 2011 -- present ) Original release 9 June 2007 ( 2007 - 06 - 09 ) -- Present Chronology Related shows Britain 's Got More Talent Got Talent ( franchise ) External links Official website", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who came up with britain's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=801446262", "q_uid": -2054632877174525385, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show 's format was devised by X Factor creator and Sony Music executive, Simon Cowell, who was involved in the creation of other Got Talent programmes across several different countries. To showcase his idea, a pilot episode was filmed in September 2005, with the judging panel consisting of Cowel, then - This Morning presenter Fern Britton, and tabloid journalist Piers Morgan; the pilot was not broadcast on television until it was shown as part of a documentary series entitled The Talent Show Story in January 2012.", "short_answer": "Simon Cowell," } }, { "question": "who are the judges on britain has talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=807573807", "q_uid": 9073595932294558407, "answers": { "long_answer": "Britain 's Got Talent ( often shortened to BGT ) is a British television talent show competition, and is part of the Got Talent franchise. Produced by both Thames ( formerly Talkback Thames ) and Syco Entertainment production, and distributed by FremantleMedia, it has been broadcast on ITV since June 2007, and is hosted by Ant & Dec, with each series accompanied by a sister show on ITV2 entitled Britain 's Got More Talent presented by Stephen Mulhern. Contestants of any age, who possess some sort of talent, can audition for the show, with their performance judged by a panel of judges; the current lineup consists of the show 's creator Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, and David Walliams. Those that make it through the auditions, compete against other acts in a series of live semi-finals, with the winning two acts of each semi-final proceeding into the show 's live final. The prize for winning the contest is a cash prize ( the amount varying over the show 's history ), and an opportunity to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in front of members of the British Royal Family, including either Queen Elizabeth II or the Prince of Wales. To date, the show has had eleven winners, ranging from musicians and singers, to variety acts, magicians and dancers.", "short_answer": "Simon Cowell," } }, { "question": "who are the judges britain's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=807065276", "q_uid": 8041218639319905795, "answers": { "long_answer": "Britain 's Got Talent Genre Talent show Created by Simon Cowell Directed by Jonathan Bullen Presented by Ant & Dec Stephen Mulhern ( Britain 's Got More Talent ) Judges Simon Cowell Amanda Holden Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Michael McIntyre Alesha Dixon David Walliams Voices of Peter Dickson Country of origin United Kingdom Original language ( s ) English No. of series 11 No. of episodes 182 ( as of series 11 ) ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Nigel Hall Lee McNicholas Amelia Brown Richard Holloway Producer ( s ) Matt Banks Charlie Irwin Paul Jones Location ( s ) Various ( auditions ) Fountain Studios ( Live shows 2007 -- 16 ) Elstree Studios ( Live shows 2017 -- ) Running time 60 -- 155 minutes Production company ( s ) Syco Entertainment Talkback Thames ( 2007 -- 11 ) Thames ( 2012 -- ) Distributor FremantleMedia Release Original network ITV Picture format SDTV: 576i ( 2007 -- 10 ) HDTV: 1080i ( 2011 -- ) Original release 9 June 2007 ( 2007 - 06 - 09 ) -- present Chronology Related shows Britain 's Got More Talent External links Official website talent.itv.com", "short_answer": "Simon Cowell" } }, { "question": "where is britain's got talent live shows held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=800344348", "q_uid": -2464576303126201819, "answers": { "long_answer": "Britain 's Got Talent Genre Talent show Created by Simon Cowell Directed by Jonathan Bullen Presented by Ant & Dec Judges Simon Cowell Amanda Holden Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Michael McIntyre Alesha Dixon David Walliams Voices of Peter Dickson Country of origin United Kingdom Original language ( s ) English No. of series 11 No. of episodes 182 ( as of series 11 ) ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Nigel Hall Lee McNicholas Amelia Brown Richard Holloway Producer ( s ) Matt Banks Charlie Irwin Paul Jones Location ( s ) Various ( auditions ) Fountain Studios ( Live shows 2007 -- 16 ) Elstree Studios ( Live shows 2017 -- ) Running time 60 -- 155 minutes Production company ( s ) Syco Entertainment Talkback Thames ( 2007 -- 11 ) Thames ( 2012 -- ) Distributor FremantleMedia Release Original network ITV Picture format SDTV: 576i ( 2007 -- 10 ) HDTV: 1080i ( 2011 -- ) Original release 9 June 2007 ( 2007 - 06 - 09 ) -- present Chronology Related shows Britain 's Got More Talent External links Official website talent.itv.com", "short_answer": "Elstree Studios (" } }, { "question": "who were the first judges on britain's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=856467404", "q_uid": -5361625424145885346, "answers": { "long_answer": "For the first four series after the show began in June 2007, the judging panel consisted of music executive and television producer Simon Cowell, television and West End star Amanda Holden, and newspaper editor and journalist Piers Morgan. In 2009, the producers made plans to alter the show 's format to allow for a fourth judge when the third series was set to begin, with plans for Kelly Brook to be the new judge on the panel. Less than a week after the series began, the producers dropped this change on the belief that this alteration to the show 's format would complicate it, resulting in Brooks being credited as a guest judge for that series. In 2010, Cowell fell ill during filming of the fourth series and was unable to attend the Birmingham auditions, leading to Louis Walsh stepping in as a guest judge in his place, until he had recovered.", "short_answer": "Simon Cowell," } }, { "question": "what do britain's got talent winners win", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=834336568", "q_uid": 7966529291227989332, "answers": { "long_answer": "Contestants of any age, who possess some sort of talent, can audition for the show, with their performance judged by a panel of judges; the current lineup consists of the show 's creator Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, and David Walliams. Those that make it through the auditions, compete against other acts in a series of live semi-finals, with the winning two acts of each semi-final proceeding into the show 's live final. The prize for winning the contest is a cash prize ( the amount varying over the show 's history ), and an opportunity to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in front of members of the British Royal Family, including either Queen Elizabeth II or the Prince of Wales. To date, the show has had eleven winners, ranging from musicians and singers, to variety acts, magicians and dancers.", "short_answer": "a cash prize (" } }, { "question": "what's the prize for britain's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=862905765", "q_uid": 777702032463963473, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Start Finish Winner 's prize Winner Runner - up Third place Ave. UK viewers ( millions ) 9 June 2007 17 June 2007 \u00a3 100,000 Paul Potts N / A 8.38 12 April 2008 31 May 2008 George Sampson Signature Andrew Johnston 10.21 11 April 2009 30 May 2009 Diversity Susan Boyle Julian Smith 13.36 17 April 2010 5 June 2010 Spelbound Twist and Pulse Kieran Gaffney 11.05 5 16 April 2011 4 June 2011 Jai McDowall Ronan Parke New Bounce 10.40 6 24 March 2012 12 May 2012 \u00a3 500,000 Ashleigh and Pudsey Jonathan and Charlotte Only Boys Aloud 10.07 7 13 April 2013 8 June 2013 \u00a3 250,000 Attraction Jack Carroll Richard & Adam 9.71 8 12 April 2014 7 June 2014 Collabro Lucy Kay Bars & Melody 9.84 9 11 April 2015 31 May 2015 Jules O'Dwyer & Matisse Jamie Raven C\u00f4r Glanaethwy 9.31 10 9 April 2016 28 May 2016 Richard Jones Wayne Woodward Boogie Storm 9.43 11 15 April 2017 3 June 2017 Tokio Myers Issy Simpson Daliso Chaponda 9.12 12 14 April 2018 3 June 2018 Lost Voice Guy Robert White Donchez Dacres 8.33", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is britain got talent semi finals being held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=802370384", "q_uid": -8621322016447337892, "answers": { "long_answer": "Contestants that make it into the semi-finals after both stages ( or, from series 8, received the Golden Buzzer ), perform once more before an audience and the judges, with their performance broadcast on live television; until the tenth series, live episodes were broadcast The Fountain Studios in Wembley, the same site used for The X Factor, but following the closure of the studios, the show relocated its live episodes to Elstree Studios. Like the Audition stage of the contest, they must attempt to impress by primarily conducting a new routine of their act within the same span of time; the judges can still use a buzzer in the semi-finals if they are displeased with a performance, and can end it early if all the buzzers are used, and can still give a personal opinion about an act when the performance is over, but neither of these impact how the semi-finalists fare at this stage of the contest, only the last part of this stage. As only two semi-finalists from each semi-final may proceed on to the Final, which two is determined by two different types of votes given towards the end - a public phone vote, and a judges ' vote.", "short_answer": "Elstree Studios." } }, { "question": "who are the judges in britain got talent 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=801446262", "q_uid": 5585030948734263123, "answers": { "long_answer": "Britain 's Got Talent ( often shortened to BGT ) is a British television talent show competition, and is part of the Got Talent franchise. Produced by both Thames ( formerly Talkback Thames ) and Syco Entertainment production, and distributed by FremantleMedia, it has been broadcast on ITV since June 2007, and hosted by Ant & Dec, with each series accompanied by a sister show on ITV2 entitled Britain 's Got More Talent. Contestants of any any age, who possess some sort of talent, can audition for the show, with their performance judged by a panel of judges; the current lineup consists of the show 's creator Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, and David Walliams. Those that make it through the auditions, compete against other acts in a series of semi-finals, with the winning two acts of each semi-final proceeding into the show 's live final. The prize for the winner of each series ' final, is a cash prize ( the amount varying over the show 's history ), plus an opportunity to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in front of members of the British Royal Family, including either Queen Elizabeth II or the Prince of Wales. To date, the show has had eleven winners, ranging from musicians and singers, to variety acts, magicians and dancers.", "short_answer": "Simon Cowell," } }, { "question": "where is britain's got talent semi finals held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=801618835", "q_uid": 6275727881433959669, "answers": { "long_answer": "Contestants that make it into the semi-finals after both stages ( or, from series 8, received the Golden Buzzer ), perform once more before an audience and the judges, with their performance broadcast on live television; until the tenth series, live episodes were filmed at The Fountain Studios in Wembley, the same site used for The X Factor, but for the eleventh series, the show was broadcast from Elstree Studios. Like the Audition stage of the contest, they must attempt to impress by primarily conducting a new routine of their act within the same span of time; the judges can still use a buzzer in the semi-finals if they are displeased with a performance, and can end it early if all the buzzers are used, and can still give a personal opinion about an act when the performance is over, but neither of these impact how the semi-finalists fare at this stage of the contest, only the last part of this stage. As only two semi-finalists from each semi-final may proceed on to the Final, which two is determined by two different types of votes given towards the end - a public phone vote, and a judges ' vote.", "short_answer": "Elstree Studios." } }, { "question": "where is britain got talent filmed in london", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854215494", "q_uid": -9216764059380174125, "answers": { "long_answer": "Britain 's Got Talent Genre Talent show Created by Simon Cowell Directed by Jonathan Bullen Presented by Anthony McPartlin Declan Donnelly Judges Simon Cowell Amanda Holden Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Michael McIntyre Alesha Dixon David Walliams Voices of Peter Dickson Country of origin United Kingdom Original language ( s ) English No. of series 12 No. of episodes 184 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Nigel Hall Lee McNicholas Amelia Brown Richard Holloway Producer ( s ) Matt Banks Charlie Irwin Paul Jones Production location ( s ) Auditions: Various Live shows: Fountain Studios ( 2007 -- 2016 ) Elstree Studios ( 2017 ) Hammersmith Apollo ( 2018 ) Running time 60 -- 155 minutes Production company ( s ) Syco Entertainment Talkback Thames ( 2007 -- 2011 ) Thames ( 2012 -- present ) Distributor FremantleMedia Release Original network ITV Picture format SDTV: 576i ( 2007 -- 2010 ) HDTV: 1080i ( 2011 -- present ) Original release 9 June 2007 ( 2007 - 06 - 09 ) -- Present Chronology Related shows Britain 's Got More Talent Got Talent ( franchise ) External links Official website", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is britain's got talent semi finals filmed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=856467404", "q_uid": 572278967042280029, "answers": { "long_answer": "Contestants that make it into the semi-finals by making it through the auditions and being chosen by the judges ( or, from series 8, received the Golden Buzzer during their audition ), perform once more before an audience and the judges, with their performance broadcast on live television. Until the tenth series, live episodes were broadcast from The Fountain Studios in Wembley, the same site used for The X Factor, but following its closure in 2016, the show relocated its live episodes to Elstree Studios in 2017, before moving to Hammersmith Apollo the following year. Like the Audition stage of the contest, each semi-finalist must attempt to impress by primarily conducting a new routine of their act within the same span of time; the judges can still use a buzzer if they are displeased with a performance and can end it early if all the buzzers are used, along with giving a personal opinion about an act when the performance is over. Of the semi-finalists that take part, only two can progress into the final, which is determined by two different types of votes - a public phone vote, and a judges ' vote.", "short_answer": "Hammersmith Apollo the" } }, { "question": "who is in britians got talent final 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=802370384", "q_uid": -4107251163936063589, "answers": { "long_answer": "The eleventh series was aired during 2017, between 15 April to 3 June; the final was originally planned for 4 June, but this was moved forward to avoid it clashing with the One Love Manchester benefit concert that day. The series saw two major changes: the first saw the total number of semi-finalist reduced to 40 with eight per each semi-final, as it had been prior to the sixth series; the second saw the Judges ' vote being dropped, with the two semi-finalists with the highest number of public votes moving on into the final. In addition, the live episodes were now broadcast from Elstree Studios, owing to the closure of the previous site. Auditions were held within Salford, Birmingham, London, and Blackpool, with the latter two cities holding open auditions in late 2016, along with Peterborough, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Kingston upon Hull, Lincoln, Reading, Manchester and Luton. The series was won by pianist Tokio Myers, with magician Issy Simpson coming in second, and stand - up comedian Daliso Chaponda placing third.", "short_answer": "The series was won by pianist Tokio Myers, with magician Issy Simpson coming in second, and stand - up comedian Daliso Chaponda placing third." } }, { "question": "where are the britain's got talent semi finals held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=837896084", "q_uid": 7498972551323364477, "answers": { "long_answer": "Contestants that make it into the semi-finals by making it through the auditions and being chosen by the judges ( or, from series 8, received the Golden Buzzer during their audition ), perform once more before an audience and the judges, with their performance broadcast on live television. Until the tenth series, live episodes were broadcast from The Fountain Studios in Wembley, the same site used for The X Factor, but following its closure in 2016, the show relocated its live episodes to Elstree Studios in 2017, before moving to Hammersmith Apollo the next year. Like the Audition stage of the contest, each semi-finalist must attempt to impress by primarily conducting a new routine of their act within the same span of time; the judges can still use a buzzer if they are displeased with a performance and can end it early if all the buzzers are used, along with giving a personal opinion about an act when the performance is over. Of the semi-finalists that take part, only two can progress into the final, which is determined by two different types of votes - a public phone vote, and a judges ' vote.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where are britain's got talent auditions held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=862905765", "q_uid": -8780597873008745451, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show holds two rounds of auditions for contestants. The first round, referred to as the `` open auditions '', are held across several different cities around the UK during the Autumn months. The second round, referred to as the `` Judges ' Auditions '', are held the following year during January and February, prior to the broadcast of the show later that year during spring or early summer - these auditions consists of the contestants who made it through the first round, and are held within a select set of cities, which has commonly included Cardiff, Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham and London. For the Judges ' Auditions, each site used for these is located within a theatre or convention hall. These sites are primarily chosen for the purpose of having facilities that can handle large volumes of contestants, with each set up into three arrangements when auditions are taking place: a waiting area for contestants to prepare and await their turn to perform, with monitors to allow them to see the performances of other contestants; the wings, where a contestant enters and leaves from, and where friends and family of the contestant can view them from; and the main stage, where the contestant performs their act before the judging panel, who are located in front of the stage. The main stage area is usually modified to include the judges ' panel desk, along with a special lighting rig above the stage, consisting of Xs that each have the name of a judge under them.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who are the judges on britains got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854215494", "q_uid": 4053626311452399591, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Main Judge Guest Judge Simon Amanda Piers N / A N / A Kelly Louis 5 Michael David H. 6 Alesha David W. Carmen 7 N / A 8 Ant & Dec 9 N / A 10 Kathleen 11 N / A 12", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does britain's got talent start 2013", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=833132565", "q_uid": 5852699936304806088, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Start Finish Winner 's prize Winner Runner - up Third place 9 June 2007 17 June 2007 \u00a3 100,000 Paul Potts Connie Talbot Damon Scott 12 April 2008 31 May 2008 George Sampson Signature Andrew Johnston 11 April 2009 30 May 2009 Diversity Susan Boyle Julian Smith 17 April 2010 5 June 2010 Spelbound Twist and Pulse Kieran Gaffney 5 16 April 2011 4 June 2011 Jai McDowall Ronan Parke New Bounce 6 24 March 2012 12 May 2012 \u00a3 500,000 Ashleigh and Pudsey Jonathan and Charlotte Only Boys Aloud 7 13 April 2013 8 June 2013 \u00a3 250,000 Attraction Jack Carroll Richard & Adam 8 12 April 2014 7 June 2014 Collabro Lucy Kay Bars & Melody 9 11 April 2015 31 May 2015 Jules O'Dwyer & Matisse Jamie Raven C\u00f4r Glanaethwy 10 9 April 2016 28 May 2016 Richard Jones Wayne Woodward Boogie Storm 11 15 April 2017 3 June 2017 Tokio Myers Issy Simpson Daliso Chaponda 12 14 April 2018 June 2018 TBA TBA TBA", "short_answer": "13 April 2013" } }, { "question": "who is the creator of britain's got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854215494", "q_uid": -7010068738577237395, "answers": { "long_answer": "Britain 's Got Talent ( often abbreviated to BGT ) is a televised British talent show competition, broadcast on ITV. It is part of the global Got Talent franchise created by Simon Cowell, and is produced by both Thames ( formerly Talkback Thames ) and Syco Entertainment production, with its distribution handled by FremantleMedia. Since its premiere in June 2007, each series has been aired in late Spring / early Summer, and hosted by Ant & Dec. To accompany each series since it first began, a sister show is run on ITV2 entitled Britain 's Got More Talent presented by Stephen Mulhern. Initially planned for 2005 before the first series of America 's Got Talent, a dispute between Paul O'Grady, the originally conceived host of the programme, and the broadcaster, led to production being suspended until 2007.", "short_answer": "Simon Cowell," } }, { "question": "what's the prize for britains got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=828115987", "q_uid": -3424640418463627889, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Start Finish Winner 's prize Winner Runner - up Third place 9 June 2007 17 June 2007 \u00a3 100,000 Paul Potts Connie Talbot Damon Scott 12 April 2008 31 May 2008 George Sampson Signature Andrew Johnston 11 April 2009 30 May 2009 Diversity Susan Boyle Julian Smith 17 April 2010 5 June 2010 Spelbound Twist and Pulse Kieran Gaffney 5 16 April 2011 4 June 2011 Jai McDowall Ronan Parke New Bounce 6 24 March 2012 12 May 2012 \u00a3 500,000 Ashleigh and Pudsey Jonathan and Charlotte Only Boys Aloud 7 13 April 2013 8 June 2013 \u00a3 250,000 Attraction Jack Carroll Richard & Adam 8 12 April 2014 7 June 2014 Collabro Lucy Kay Bars & Melody 9 11 April 2015 31 May 2015 Jules O'Dwyer & Matisse Jamie Raven C\u00f4r Glanaethwy 10 9 April 2016 28 May 2016 Richard Jones Wayne Woodward Boogie Storm 11 15 April 2017 3 June 2017 Tokio Myers Issy Simpson Daliso Chaponda", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where are bgt semi finals held this year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=854215494", "q_uid": 1639904623141317003, "answers": { "long_answer": "The twelfth series was aired during 2018, between 14 April to 3 June. Following the previous series, the Judges ' vote was brought back into the show 's format, while the live episodes were aired from Hammersmith Apollo and presented solely by Declan Donnelly; although Anthony McPartlin had stepped down from his TV commitments in March 2018, he still appeared in the series ' audition episodes, which had been filmed during January and February that year. Auditions were held within Manchester, Blackpool and London, with two of these cities holding open auditions in 2017, alongside a number of locations within the United Kingdom and Ireland, including Edinburgh, Perth, Dundee, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dublin, and Inverness. The series was won by stand - up comedian Lost Voice Guy, with comedy singer / pianist Robert White coming second, and singer Donchez Dacres placing third.", "short_answer": "Hammersmith Apollo and" } }, { "question": "where was britains got talent final 2017 held", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=802370384", "q_uid": 6800049003932778654, "answers": { "long_answer": "The eleventh series was aired during 2017, between 15 April to 3 June; the final was originally planned for 4 June, but this was moved forward to avoid it clashing with the One Love Manchester benefit concert that day. The series saw two major changes: the first saw the total number of semi-finalist reduced to 40 with eight per each semi-final, as it had been prior to the sixth series; the second saw the Judges ' vote being dropped, with the two semi-finalists with the highest number of public votes moving on into the final. In addition, the live episodes were now broadcast from Elstree Studios, owing to the closure of the previous site. Auditions were held within Salford, Birmingham, London, and Blackpool, with the latter two cities holding open auditions in late 2016, along with Peterborough, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Kingston upon Hull, Lincoln, Reading, Manchester and Luton. The series was won by pianist Tokio Myers, with magician Issy Simpson coming in second, and stand - up comedian Daliso Chaponda placing third.", "short_answer": "Elstree Studios," } }, { "question": "where are the britains got talent live shows filmed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=800344348", "q_uid": -4363848353741091248, "answers": { "long_answer": "Britain 's Got Talent Genre Talent show Created by Simon Cowell Directed by Jonathan Bullen Presented by Ant & Dec Judges Simon Cowell Amanda Holden Piers Morgan David Hasselhoff Michael McIntyre Alesha Dixon David Walliams Voices of Peter Dickson Country of origin United Kingdom Original language ( s ) English No. of series 11 No. of episodes 182 ( as of series 11 ) ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Nigel Hall Lee McNicholas Amelia Brown Richard Holloway Producer ( s ) Matt Banks Charlie Irwin Paul Jones Location ( s ) Various ( auditions ) Fountain Studios ( Live shows 2007 -- 16 ) Elstree Studios ( Live shows 2017 -- ) Running time 60 -- 155 minutes Production company ( s ) Syco Entertainment Talkback Thames ( 2007 -- 11 ) Thames ( 2012 -- ) Distributor FremantleMedia Release Original network ITV Picture format SDTV: 576i ( 2007 -- 10 ) HDTV: 1080i ( 2011 -- ) Original release 9 June 2007 ( 2007 - 06 - 09 ) -- present Chronology Related shows Britain 's Got More Talent External links Official website talent.itv.com", "short_answer": "Elstree Studios (" } }, { "question": "who are the judges of britains got talent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Britain%27s_Got_Talent&oldid=845167137", "q_uid": -8248326382154550053, "answers": { "long_answer": "Contestants of any age, who possess some sort of talent, can audition for the show, with their performance judged by a panel of judges; the current lineup consists of Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, and David Walliams. Those that make it through the auditions compete against other acts in a series of live semi-finals, with the winning two acts of each semi-final proceeding into the show 's live final. The prize for winning the contest is a cash prize ( the amount varying over the show 's history ), and an opportunity to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in front of members of the British Royal Family, including either Queen Elizabeth II or the Prince of Wales. To date, the show has had twelve winners, ranging from musicians and singers to variety acts, magicians and dancers.", "short_answer": "Cowell," } } ], "Nora Arnezeder": [ { "question": "who plays anna maria in mozart in the jungle", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nora_Arnezeder&oldid=842901137", "q_uid": -4271196095062568806, "answers": { "long_answer": "Recently Nora Arnezeder participated in the series Mozart in the Jungle playing Anna Maria, the wife of the main character, Rodrigo ( Gael Garcia Bernal ). The show won two Golden Globes.", "short_answer": "Nora Arnezeder participated" } } ], "2017 Ohio State Buckeyes football team": [ { "question": "who beat ohio state in football this season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2017_Ohio_State_Buckeyes_football_team&oldid=824641048", "q_uid": 4074319019888713277, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Time Opponent Rank Site TV Result Attendance August 31 8: 00 p.m. at Indiana No. 2 Memorial Stadium Bloomington, IN ESPN W 49 -- 21 52,929 September 9 7: 30 p.m. No. 5 Oklahoma * No. 2 Ohio Stadium Columbus, OH ABC L 16 -- 31 109,088 September 16 4: 30 p.m. Army * No. 8 Ohio Stadium Columbus, OH FOX W 38 -- 7 108,414 September 23 12: 00 p.m. UNLV * No. 10 Ohio Stadium Columbus, OH BTN W 54 -- 21 106,187 September 30 7: 30 p.m. at Rutgers No. 11 High Point Solutions Stadium Piscataway, NJ BTN W 56 -- 0 46,328 October 7 4: 00 p.m. Maryland No. 10 Ohio Stadium Columbus, OH FOX W 62 -- 14 107,180 October 14 7: 30 p.m. at Nebraska No. 9 Memorial Stadium Lincoln, NE FS1 W 56 -- 14 89,346 October 28 3: 30 p.m. No. 2 Penn State No. 6 Ohio Stadium Columbus, OH ( Rivalry ) FOX W 39 -- 38 109,302 November 4 3: 30 p.m. at Iowa No. 6 Kinnick Stadium Iowa City, IA ESPN L 24 -- 55 67,669 November 11 12: 00 p.m. No. 13 Michigan State No. 12 Ohio Stadium Columbus, OH FOX W 48 -- 3 107,011 November 18 3: 30 p.m. Illinois No. 9 Ohio Stadium Columbus, OH ( Rivalry ) ABC W 52 -- 14 105,282 November 25 12: 00 p.m. at Michigan No. 9 Michigan Stadium Ann Arbor, MI ( The Game ) FOX W 31 -- 20 112,028 December 2 8: 00 p.m. vs. No. 4 Wisconsin No. 8 Lucas Oil Stadium Indianapolis, IN ( Big Ten Championship ) FOX W 27 -- 21 65,886 December 29 8: 30 p.m. vs. No. 8 USC * No. 5 AT&T Stadium Arlington, Texas ( Cotton Bowl Classic ) ESPN W 24 -- 7 67,510 Homecoming. Rankings from AP Poll & CFP Rankings ( beginning in Week 9 ) released prior to game. All times are in Eastern Time.", "short_answer": "Oklahoma *" } } ], "List of Chief Ministers of Himachal Pradesh": [ { "question": "who is newly elected chief minister of himachal pradesh", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Himachal_Pradesh&oldid=829014443", "q_uid": 4013469066073401580, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 1952, five people have been Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh. Three of these belonged to the Indian National Congress party, including inaugural office - holder Yashwant Singh Parmar. After his first term ended in 1956, Himachal Pradesh was made a union territory, and the office of Chief Minister ceased to exist. In 1963, Parmar once again became Chief Minister, and during his reign, in 1971, Himachal regained full statehood. Until March 2015, when he was surpassed by Virbhadra Singh, Parmar was the state 's longest - serving chief minister. Since 1993, the chief ministership has changed hands every five years between Virbhadra Singh of the Congress and Prem Kumar Dhumal of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The current incumbent is Jai Ram Thakur of the Bharatiya Janata Party having been sworn in on 27 December 2017.", "short_answer": "Jai Ram Thakur of" } }, { "question": "who is the ruling party in himachal pradesh", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Himachal_Pradesh&oldid=851743833", "q_uid": -4253504312851758205, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 1952, five people have been Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh. Three of these belonged to the Indian National Congress party, including inaugural office - holder Yashwant Singh Parmar. After his first term ended in 1956, Himachal Pradesh was made a union territory, and the office of Chief Minister ceased to exist. In 1963, Parmar once again became Chief Minister, and during his reign, in 1971, Himachal regained full statehood. Until March 2015, when he was surpassed by Virbhadra Singh, Parmar was the state 's longest - serving chief minister. Since 1993, the chief ministership has changed hands every five years between Virbhadra Singh of the Congress and Prem Kumar Dhumal of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The current incumbent is Jai Ram Thakur of the Bharatiya Janata Party having been sworn in on 27 December 2017.", "short_answer": "the Bharatiya Janata Party having" } }, { "question": "who has been sworn in as the new chief minister of himachal pradesh", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Himachal_Pradesh&oldid=856327319", "q_uid": 8013809071436103966, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh ( Himachal Pradesh Mukhya Mantri ) Incumbent Jai Ram Thakur since 27 December 2017 Residence Oakover, Shimla Appointer Governor of Himachal Pradesh Inaugural holder Yashwant Singh Parmar Formation 8 March 1952", "short_answer": "Jai Ram Thakur since" } } ], "Body mass index": [ { "question": "what do you mean by body mass index", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Body_mass_index&oldid=865858212", "q_uid": 2091463465337590371, "answers": { "long_answer": "The BMI is an attempt to quantify the amount of tissue mass ( muscle, fat, and bone ) in an individual, and then categorize that person as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on that value. That categorization is the subject of some debate about where on the BMI scale the dividing lines between categories should be placed. Commonly accepted BMI ranges are underweight: under 18.5 kg / m, normal weight: 18.5 to 25, overweight: 25 to 30, obese: over 30. People of Asian descent have different associations between BMI, percentage of body fat, and health risks than those of European descent, with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease at BMIs lower than the WHO cut - off point for overweight, 25 kg / m, although the cutoff for observed risk varies among different Asian populations.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the formula definition of the body mass index for adults", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Body_mass_index&oldid=865858212", "q_uid": 3868833710206679518, "answers": { "long_answer": "The body mass index ( BMI ) or Quetelet index is a value derived from the mass ( weight ) and height of an individual. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg / m, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in meters.", "short_answer": "body mass divided by the square of the body height," } }, { "question": "body mass index can be best described as", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Body_mass_index&oldid=837074937", "q_uid": 3172562206244990276, "answers": { "long_answer": "The body mass index ( BMI ) or Quetelet index is a value derived from the mass ( weight ) and height of an individual. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg / m, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "body mass index is a measure of body weight relative to", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Body_mass_index&oldid=815695354", "q_uid": -5478322126739033279, "answers": { "long_answer": "The body mass index ( BMI ) or Quetelet index is a value derived from the mass ( weight ) and height of an individual. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg / m, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres.", "short_answer": "body height," } } ], "Victoria Hamilton": [ { "question": "who plays ruby pratt in lark rise to candleford", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Victoria_Hamilton&oldid=843138275", "q_uid": 5053295327816275943, "answers": { "long_answer": "From 2008 to 2011, Hamilton appeared in the BBC1 series Lark Rise to Candleford as Ruby Pratt, one of two spinster sisters who run a high fashion shop in a small 19th - century town. The Guardian deemed Ruby 's rivalry with her sister Pearl ( played by Matilda Ziegler ) as a highlight of the series, believing both actresses portrayed their characters with `` infectious relish ''. In 2013, Hamilton played Peggy in the BBC drama series What Remains.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Roger Allam": [ { "question": "who plays magister illyrio in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Roger_Allam&oldid=798836497", "q_uid": 8434268796250800079, "answers": { "long_answer": "He has played Inspector Javert in the original London production of the stage musical Les Mis\u00e9rables, Douglas Richardson in the award - winning radio series Cabin Pressure, and DI Fred Thursday in the TV series Endeavour. He is also known for his roles as Illyrio Mopatis in the HBO series Game of Thrones, Royalton in Speed Racer, Lewis Prothero in the 2005 adaptation of V for Vendetta and as Peter Mannion MP in The Thick Of It.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Ben Savage": [ { "question": "who is the actor in boy meets world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ben_Savage&oldid=801673230", "q_uid": -5221123965627659297, "answers": { "long_answer": "Bennett Joseph Savage ( born September 13, 1980 ) is an American actor. He played the lead role of Cory Matthews on the ABC sitcom Boy Meets World ( 1993 -- 2000 ) and its Disney Channel sequel series Girl Meets World ( 2014 -- 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Bennett Joseph Savage (" } }, { "question": "who played cory matthews in girl meets world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ben_Savage&oldid=801673230", "q_uid": 58188861572123721, "answers": { "long_answer": "Bennett Joseph Savage ( born September 13, 1980 ) is an American actor. He played the lead role of Cory Matthews on the ABC sitcom Boy Meets World ( 1993 -- 2000 ) and its Disney Channel sequel series Girl Meets World ( 2014 -- 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Bennett Joseph Savage (" } } ], "Maggie Siff": [ { "question": "who plays the doctor in sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Maggie_Siff&oldid=800288451", "q_uid": 2881637441770944025, "answers": { "long_answer": "She played Rachel Menken Katz on the series Mad Men from 2007 to 2008, which earned her a nomination, along with the rest of the cast, for a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. She also appeared in Nip / Tuck during that time, before being cast as Dr. Tara Knowles on Sons of Anarchy in 2008. In the closing scene of the Sons of Anarchy episode `` John 8: 32, '' Siff sang the song `` Lullaby for a Soldier ( Arms of the Angels ). ''", "short_answer": "Siff sang" } } ], "Steven Gerrard": [ { "question": "how many matches has steven gerrard played for liverpool", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Steven_Gerrard&oldid=802384410", "q_uid": -5232697248553099409, "answers": { "long_answer": "Steven Gerrard MBE Gerrard lining up for England at UEFA Euro 2012 Full name Steven George Gerrard Date of birth ( 1980 - 05 - 30 ) 30 May 1980 ( age 37 ) Place of birth Whiston, England Height 6 ft 0 in ( 1.83 m ) Playing position Midfielder Youth career 1989 -- 1998 Liverpool Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 1998 -- 2015 Liverpool 504 ( 120 ) 2015 -- 2016 LA Galaxy 34 ( 5 ) Total 538 ( 125 ) National team 1999 -- 2000 England U21 ( 1 ) 2000 -- 2014 England 114 ( 21 ) Teams managed 2017 -- Liverpool U18s * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only.", "short_answer": "( 120 )" } }, { "question": "how many goals did gerrard score in his career", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Steven_Gerrard&oldid=856612420", "q_uid": 4958153898349303744, "answers": { "long_answer": "Steven Gerrard MBE Gerrard with Liverpool in 2014 Full name Steven George Gerrard Date of birth ( 1980 - 05 - 30 ) 30 May 1980 ( age 38 ) Place of birth Whiston, Merseyside, England Height 6 ft 0 in ( 1.83 m ) Playing position Midfielder Club information Current team Rangers ( manager ) Youth career 1989 -- 1998 Liverpool Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 1998 -- 2015 Liverpool 504 ( 120 ) 2015 -- 2016 LA Galaxy 34 ( 5 ) Total 538 ( 125 ) National team 1999 -- 2000 England U21 ( 1 ) 2000 -- 2014 England 114 ( 21 ) Teams managed 2018 -- Rangers * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many premier league titles does steven gerrard have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Steven_Gerrard&oldid=800700789", "q_uid": -4236962991473673763, "answers": { "long_answer": "In his 17 seasons at Anfield, Gerrard won a total of two FA Cups, three League Cups, one UEFA Champions League, one UEFA Cup, one FA Community Shield and one UEFA Super Cup. He was named in the PFA Team of the Year a record eight times, the UEFA Team of the Year and FIFA World XI three times, was named PFA Players ' Player of the Year in 2006 and the FWA Footballer of the Year in 2009 and came second to Kenny Dalglish in a Liverpool fan poll of `` 100 Players Who Shook The Kop '' in 2008. Despite collective and individual success, Gerrard never won the Premier League, finishing runner - up with Liverpool on three occasions. He joined Major League Soccer club LA Galaxy in July 2015, spending one - and - a-half seasons there before retiring on 24 November 2016.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Empire of the Sun (band)": [ { "question": "who are the members of empire of the sun", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Empire_of_the_Sun_(band)&oldid=809489192", "q_uid": -2507721613248787053, "answers": { "long_answer": "Empire of the Sun is an Australian electronic music duo from Sydney, formed in 2007. The band is a collaboration between Luke Steele of alternative rock act The Sleepy Jackson, and Nick Littlemore of electronic dance outfit Pnau. Their 2008 debut album Walking on a Dream brought the duo international success and has been certified double platinum in Australia and gold in the United Kingdom. The album provided a number of internationally charting singles including `` Walking on a Dream '' which peaked at number ten on the Australian ARIA Singles Chart and reached number sixty four on the UK Singles Chart, and `` We Are the People '', which peaked at number fourteen on the UK Singles Chart.", "short_answer": "Luke Steele of" } } ], "Jeffrey Dean Morgan": [ { "question": "who is the actor who plays denny on grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=816044321", "q_uid": 260400880382626545, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing John Winchester on Supernatural, Denny Duquette on the medical drama Grey 's Anatomy, The Comedian in the 2009 superhero film Watchmen, Jason Crouse on The Good Wife, and Negan on The Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that plays negan on the walking dead", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=816044321", "q_uid": -4016520082538776386, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing John Winchester on Supernatural, Denny Duquette on the medical drama Grey 's Anatomy, The Comedian in the 2009 superhero film Watchmen, Jason Crouse on The Good Wife, and Negan on The Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who plays denny duquette on grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=804753632", "q_uid": 4024815909528619940, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing John Winchester on Supernatural, Denny Duquette on the medical drama Grey 's Anatomy, The Comedian in the 2009 superhero film Watchmen, Jason Crouse on The Good Wife, and Negan on The Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who plays jason the investigator on the good wife", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=865858843", "q_uid": 880099757391177641, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for his roles as John Winchester on the fantasy horror series Supernatural ( 2005 -- 07 ), Denny Duquette on the medical drama series Grey 's Anatomy ( 2006 -- 09 ), The Comedian in the superhero film Watchmen ( 2009 ), Jason Crouse on the political drama series The Good Wife ( 2015 -- 16 ), Negan on the horror drama series The Walking Dead ( 2016 -- present ), and Harvey Russell in Rampage ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who played denny duquette on grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=826740892", "q_uid": 470097206156548694, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing John Winchester on Supernatural, Denny Duquette on the medical drama Grey 's Anatomy, The Comedian in the 2009 superhero film Watchmen, Jason Crouse on The Good Wife, and Negan on The Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who played denny duquette in grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=809893811", "q_uid": -3207917703224559863, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing John Winchester on Supernatural, Denny Duquette on the medical drama Grey 's Anatomy, The Comedian in the 2009 superhero film Watchmen, Jason Crouse on The Good Wife, and his notable role as Negan on The Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who plays the role of negan in the walking dead", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=825292214", "q_uid": -4283624084891720195, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing John Winchester on Supernatural, Denny Duquette on the medical drama Grey 's Anatomy, The Comedian in the 2009 superhero film Watchmen, Jason Crouse on The Good Wife, and Negan on The Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who plays jason crouse on the good wife", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=797811882", "q_uid": 2643653786012002642, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing John Winchester on Supernatural, Denny Duquette on the medical drama Grey 's Anatomy, The Comedian in the 2009 superhero film Watchmen, Jason Crouse on The Good Wife, and Negan on The Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who plays mr crouse on the good wife", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=850191122", "q_uid": 6031465340855589535, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for his roles as John Winchester on the fantasy horror series Supernatural ( 2005 -- 07 ), Denny Duquette on the medical drama series Grey 's Anatomy ( 2006 -- 09 ), The Comedian in the superhero film Watchmen ( 2009 ), Jason Crouse on the political drama series The Good Wife ( 2015 -- 16 ), Negan on the horror drama series The Walking Dead ( 2016 -- present ), and Harvey Russell in Rampage ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who plays sam and dean's young dad", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=854144178", "q_uid": -7525222797790682411, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( born April 22, 1966 ) is an American actor. He is known for his roles as John Winchester on the fantasy horror series Supernatural ( 2005 -- 07 ), Denny Duquette on the medical drama series Grey 's Anatomy ( 2006 -- 09 ), The Comedian in the superhero film Watchmen ( 2009 ), Jason Crouse on the political drama series The Good Wife ( 2015 -- 16 ), Negan on the horror drama series The Walking Dead ( 2016 -- present ), and Harvey Russell in Rampage ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Jeffrey Dean Morgan (" } }, { "question": "who plays jason in the good wife 2016", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan&oldid=816044321", "q_uid": -5244981274837460464, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2015, Morgan took on the role of freelance investigator Jason Crouse, opposite Julianna Margulies, in the popular CBS TV series The Good Wife, until that series ' conclusion in spring 2016.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Hayden Panettiere": [ { "question": "whos the little girl in remember the titans", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hayden_Panettiere&oldid=866205569", "q_uid": -2708272348555591883, "answers": { "long_answer": "A native of New York, she first appeared in a commercial at the age of eleven months. She started a full - time acting career began by playing Sarah Roberts on One Life to Live ( 1994 -- 1997 ) and Lizzie Spaulding on Guiding Light ( 1996 -- 2000 ), and then played Sheryl Yoast in the Disney feature film Remember the Titans at 10 years old. Other roles include her portrayal of the title character in the true crime drama Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy, Kairi in the Kingdom Hearts series, and Kirby Reed in the slasher film Scream 4. She received two nominations for the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress -- Series, Miniseries or Television Film, for her work on Nashville in 2012 and 2013.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the little girl on remember the titans", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hayden_Panettiere&oldid=804330393", "q_uid": -4238395846059812631, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hayden Leslie Panettiere ( / \u02ccp\u00e6n\u0259\u02c8t\u026a\u0259r /; born August 21, 1989 ) is an American actress, model, singer, and activist. She is known for her roles as cheerleader Claire Bennet on the NBC sci - fi series Heroes ( 2006 -- 10 ), Juliette Barnes in the ABC / CMT musical - drama series Nashville ( 2012 -- present ) and Kairi in the video game series Kingdom Hearts.", "short_answer": "Hayden Leslie Panettiere (" } }, { "question": "how many times has hayden panettiere been on svu", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hayden_Panettiere&oldid=798440656", "q_uid": -7375550811779097454, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 1994 -- 1997 One Life to Live Sarah Roberts 25 episodes Aliens in the Family Young Girl Episode: `` Too Good to Be True '' How Do You Spell God? Megan Blackwood Movie Unhappily Ever After Little Girl Episode: `` Little Ice Cream Shop of Horrors '' 1998 A Will of Their Own Miniseries 1998 -- 2000 Guiding Light Lizzie Spaulding 41 episodes 1999 Too Rich: The Secret Life of Doris Duke Young Doris Duke Miniseries 1999 Touched by an Angel Diana Episode: `` Godspeed '' 1999 If You Believe Young Susan Stone / Alice Stone Lifetime original movie 2000 Between the Lions Girl with black pigtails and blue eyes Voice role ( uncredited ) 2001 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Ashley Black Episode: `` Abuse '' 2002 Ally McBeal Maddie Harrington Main role ( 12 episodes in season 5 ) 2003 Normal Patty Ann Applewood HBO original movie 2003 -- 2005 Malcolm in the Middle Jessica 4 episodes ( 4.13, 6.4, 7.5, 6 ) Fillmore! Yumi ( voice ) Episode: `` Code Name: Electric Haircut '' Tiger Cruise Maddie Dolan Disney Channel original movie 2005 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Angela Agnelli Episode: `` Hooked '' 2005 Lies My Mother Told Me Haylei Sims Lifetime original movie 2006 Commander in Chief Stacy Episode: `` Wind Beneath My Wing '' 2006 Skater Boys Kassidy Parker No. 2 Episode: `` Band of Gold '' 2006 -- 2010 Heroes Claire Bennet Main role ( 74 episodes ) 2006 -- 2012 Punk 'd Herself / guest host 4 episodes ( 7.2, 8.1, 9.3 ) 2007 Robot Chicken Cheetara / Ramona / Seuss Sister Episode: `` Endless Breadsticks '' American Dad! Ashley ( voice ) Episode: `` Stan 's Food Restaurant '' 2011 Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy Amanda Knox Lifetime original movie 2012 -- present Nashville Juliette Barnes Main role 2013 Nashville On The Record Herself Special 2016 Chopped Junior Herself / guest judge Episode: `` Cuteness Overload '' 2016 Lip Sync Battle Herself Episode: `` Hayden Panettiere vs. Eva Longoria ''", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what's the little girl's name in remember the titans", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hayden_Panettiere&oldid=807130912", "q_uid": -4965340803039316237, "answers": { "long_answer": "A native of New York, she first appeared in a commercial at the age of 11 months. She began her acting career by playing Sarah Roberts on One Life to Live ( 1994 -- 97 ), and Lizzie Spaulding on Guiding Light ( 1996 -- 2000 ), before starring at age 10 as Sheryl Yoast in the Disney feature film Remember the Titans. Other notable roles include her portrayal of the title character in the true crime drama Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy and Kirby Reed in the slasher film Scream 4. She received two nominations for the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress -- Series, Miniseries or Television Film, for her work on Nashville in 2012 and 2013.", "short_answer": "Sheryl Yoast in" } }, { "question": "who played the coaches daughter in remember the titans", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hayden_Panettiere&oldid=821158627", "q_uid": 276650059080349378, "answers": { "long_answer": "Panettiere made her feature film debut with 1998 's A Bug 's Life, but her first released film was the same year 's The Object of My Affection, in which she appears briefly as a mermaid in the school play in the opening scene. In 1999, she portrayed the girl on a sinking sailboat in Message In A Bottle. She played the role of Coach Yoast 's daughter, Sheryl, in the 2000 Disney film Remember the Titans. In 2004, she played Kate Hudson 's title character 's adolescent niece in Raising Helen. In 2005, she was the title character 's rival in a skating contest in Ice Princess. In the same year she played the main ( human ) role in the film Racing Stripes as budding jockey Channing Walsh. She subsequently starred in 2006 's Bring It On: All or Nothing as a cheerleader and had a supporting role as Adelaide Bourbon in the 2007 independent film Shanghai Kiss.", "short_answer": "Panettiere made" } }, { "question": "little girl who played in remember the titans", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hayden_Panettiere&oldid=834362214", "q_uid": -626483428713383111, "answers": { "long_answer": "A native of New York, she first appeared in a commercial at the age of 11 months, but a full - time acting career began by playing Sarah Roberts on One Life to Live ( 1994 -- 1997 ), and Lizzie Spaulding on Guiding Light ( 1996 -- 2000 ), then starring at age 10 as Sheryl Yoast in the Disney feature film Remember the Titans. Other roles include her portrayal of the title character in the true crime drama Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy and Kirby Reed in the slasher film Scream 4. She received two nominations for the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress -- Series, Miniseries or Television Film, for her work on Nashville in 2012 and 2013.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Joanna Moore": [ { "question": "who played miss peggy on andy griffith show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joanna_Moore&oldid=854918008", "q_uid": -7733136384821833201, "answers": { "long_answer": "Moore 's career hit its peak in the 1960s. During that time, she guest starred in several popular shows of the era including Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Perry Mason, Bewitched, and The Real McCoys. One of her more notable recurring roles was as Sheriff Andy Taylor 's love interest, Peggy `` Peg '' McMillan in four episodes of The Andy Griffith Show from 1962 to 1963. Moore was a guest star in television westerns like The Rifleman, Wagon Train, Gunsmoke, The Rebel, and The Virginian. By the 1970s, her career began to wane because of drug and alcohol issues. She made her final onscreen appearance in 1986. Moore died of lung cancer in 1997.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is peggy from the andy griffith show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joanna_Moore&oldid=823915662", "q_uid": -2774560606868701432, "answers": { "long_answer": "Moore 's career hit its peak in the 1960s. During that time, she guest starred in several popular shows of the era including Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Perry Mason, Bewitched, and The Real McCoys. One of her more notable recurring roles was as Sheriff Andy Taylor 's love interest, Peggy `` Peg '' McMillan in four episodes of The Andy Griffith Show from 1962 to 1963. Moore was a guest star in television westerns like The Rifleman, Wagon Train, Gunsmoke, The Rebel, and The Virginian. By the 1970s, her career began to wane because of drug and alcohol issues. She made her final onscreen appearance in 1986. Moore died of lung cancer in 1997.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Theo James": [ { "question": "who plays the turkish guy in downton abbey", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Theo_James&oldid=803869887", "q_uid": -780976785292959152, "answers": { "long_answer": "James made his television debut in A Passionate Woman, starring opposite Billie Piper. He played Turkish diplomat Kemal Pamuk in an episode of the first season of Downton Abbey. James starred in Bedlam, playing the lead role of Jed Harper. He appeared in the 2012 adaptation of John Braine 's Room at the Top as Jack Wales. James", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actor who plays four in divergent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Theo_James&oldid=800946098", "q_uid": -6393170878235259989, "answers": { "long_answer": "Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptiklis ( born 16 December 1984 ), better known as Theo James, is an English actor known for his roles as Jed Harper in Bedlam ( 2011 ), Walter William Clark, Jr. in the crime drama Golden Boy ( 2013 ), Tobias `` Four '' Eaton in the film adaptations of The Divergent Series, and David in Underworld: Awakening ( 2012 ) and Underworld: Blood Wars ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptiklis (" } }, { "question": "who played the turkish diplomat in downton abbey", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Theo_James&oldid=866091866", "q_uid": -1806863628213429878, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2010, James made his television debut in two episodes of A Passionate Woman, starring opposite Billie Piper. He played Turkish diplomat Kemal Pamuk in an episode of the first season of Downton Abbey. His film credits include You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger ( 2010 ). James was cast in Stranger while still in his final year at drama school. He was named a `` Star of Tomorrow '' in 2009 by Screen International. James", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Federer\u2013Nadal rivalry": [ { "question": "roger federer vs nadal head to head record", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Federer%E2%80%93Nadal_rivalry&oldid=802913932", "q_uid": 2245588251993511275, "answers": { "long_answer": "All matches: Nadal, 23 -- 14 Clay courts: Nadal, 13 -- 2 Hard courts: Federer, 10 -- 9 Outdoor: Nadal, 8 -- 5 Indoor: Federer, 5 -- 1 Grass courts: Federer, 2 -- 1 All finals: Nadal, 14 -- 9 Clay courts: Nadal, 11 -- 2 Hard courts: Federer, 5 -- 2 Outdoor: Federer, 3 -- 2 Indoor: Federer, 2 -- 0 Grass courts: Federer, 2 -- 1 Grand Slam matches: Nadal, 9 -- 3 Australian Open: Nadal, 3 -- 1 French Open: Nadal, 5 -- 0 Wimbledon: Federer, 2 -- 1 Grand Slam finals: Nadal, 6 -- 3 Australian Open: Tied, 1 -- 1 French Open: Nadal, 4 -- 0 Wimbledon: Federer, 2 -- 1 Tennis Masters Cup / ATP World Tour Finals matches: Federer, 4 -- 1 Tennis Masters Cup / ATP World Tour Finals finals: Federer, 1 -- 0 ATP Masters Series / ATP World Tour Masters 1000 matches: Nadal, 12 -- 6 ATP Masters Series / ATP World Tour Masters 1000 finals: Nadal, 7 -- 4 Best of five set matches: Nadal, 11 -- 4 Five - set matches: Tied, 3 -- 3 Best of three set matches: Nadal, 12 -- 10 Set", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time federer played nadal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Federer%E2%80%93Nadal_rivalry&oldid=815485107", "q_uid": 3907397494362156015, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Federer -- Nadal rivalry is between two professional tennis players, Roger Federer of Switzerland and Rafael Nadal of Spain. They are engaged in a storied rivalry, which many consider to be the greatest in tennis history. They have played 38 times, most recently in the final of the 2017 Shanghai Masters and Nadal leads their fourteen - year - old rivalry with an overall record of 23 -- 15.", "short_answer": "the final of the 2017 Shanghai Masters and" } }, { "question": "who has more grand slams federer or nadal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Federer%E2%80%93Nadal_rivalry&oldid=807292059", "q_uid": -336676912699643875, "answers": { "long_answer": "All finals: Nadal, 14 -- 10 Clay courts: Nadal, 11 -- 2 Hard courts: Federer, 6 -- 2 Outdoor: Federer, 4 -- 2 Indoor: Federer, 2 -- 0 Grass courts: Federer, 2 -- 1 Grand Slam matches: Nadal, 9 -- 3 Australian Open: Nadal, 3 -- 1 French Open: Nadal, 5 -- 0 Wimbledon: Federer, 2 -- 1 Grand Slam finals: Nadal, 6 -- 3 Australian Open: Tied, 1 -- 1 French Open: Nadal, 4 -- 0 Wimbledon: Federer, 2 -- 1 Tennis Masters Cup / ATP World Tour Finals matches: Federer, 4 -- 1 Tennis Masters Cup / ATP World Tour Finals finals: Federer, 1 -- 0 ATP Masters Series / ATP World Tour Masters 1000 matches: Nadal, 12 -- 7 ATP Masters Series / ATP World Tour Masters 1000 finals: Nadal, 7 -- 5 Clay courts: Nadal, 7 -- 2 Hard courts: Federer, 3 -- 0 Best of five set matches: Nadal, 11 -- 4 Five - set matches: Tied, 3 -- 3 Best of three set matches: Nadal, 12 -- 11 Set", "short_answer": "Nadal," } } ], "Ashley Williams (actress)": [ { "question": "ashley williams on how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ashley_Williams_(actress)&oldid=832564705", "q_uid": -5565775598551542945, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ashley Williams Dodson ( professional name Ashley Williams ) ( born November 12, 1978 ) is an American film, television, and theater actress. She is best known for her starring in the television series The Jim Gaffigan Show on TV Land and in the NBC series Good Morning Miami. Over the many years of its run, Williams played fan favorite Victoria on the hit CBS series How I Met Your Mother opposite Josh Radnor. She has starred in more than a dozen different television pilots over the years and done over 150 episodes of television in addition to television movies for The Hallmark Channel, Lifetime Television, and ABC Family. She 's worked in studio and independent films, regional theater, Off - Broadway, and on Broadway. Williams is also a certified birth doula.", "short_answer": "Victoria on" } }, { "question": "what hallmark movies has ashley williams been in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ashley_Williams_(actress)&oldid=832564705", "q_uid": 2249720884245233439, "answers": { "long_answer": "Television Year Title Role Notes 1994 -- 1996 As the World Turns Danielle Andropoulos Recurring role 2002 Dawson 's Creek Lory Glory Episode: `` Swan Song '' 2002 -- 2004 Good Morning, Miami Dylan Messinger Main role, 39 episodes 2003 American Dreams Sandie Shaw Episode: `` High Hopes '' Snow Sandy Brooks Television film ( ABC ) 2005 Monk Darlene Coolidge / Theresa Scott Episode: `` Mr. Monk Goes to a Wedding '' 2005 -- 2006 E-Ring Beth Wilkerson Recurring role, 6 episodes 2006 Amy Coyne Amy Coyne Television film ( Fox ) Huff Alyssa Recurring role, 8 episodes Him and Us Nina Television film ( ABC ) 2006 -- 2014 How I Met Your Mother Victoria Recurring role ( seasons 1, 7 -- 9 ), 15 episodes 2007 Imperfect Union Ronnie Television film ( TBS ) Making It Legal Julie Television film ( ABC ) Psych Trish Connors Episode: `` Forget Me Not '' Montana Sky Willa Mercy Television film ( Lifetime ) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Laura Kozlowski Episode: `` Haystack '' Side Order of Life Becca Main role 2008 Night Life Jenny Television film ( Fox ) Snow 2: Brain Freeze Sandy Brooks Television film ( ABC Family ) Novel Adventures Lizzie McKenzie 8 episodes 2009 -- 2010 Saving Grace Amanda Dewey Recurring role, 5 episodes New Adventures of Old Christine, The The New Adventures of Old Christine Store Clerk Amy Episode: `` Sweet Charity '' At Risk Stump Television film ( Lifetime ) The Front Stump Television film ( Lifetime ) Untitled Adam Carolla Project N / A Unsold television pilot 2011 Retired at 35 Lilah Fabricant `` Stuck in the Meddle '' Bird Dog Gail McGrath Television film ( TNT ) Love Bites Bridget Episode: `` Too Much Information '' Protector, The The Protector N / A Episode: `` Rats '' Warehouse 13 Sally Stukowski 4 episodes Mentalist, The The Mentalist Anna Dugan Episode: `` The Redshirt '' 2012 Wedding Band, The The Wedding Band Denise Episodes: `` End of the World as We Know It '', `` 99 Problems '' CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Debbie Hicks Episode: `` Stealing Home '' Royal Pains Sydney Bartlett Episodes: `` You Give Love a Bad Name '', `` About Face '' 2014 The Good Wife Christina Barrett Episode: `` We, the Juries '' 2015 -- 2016 The Jim Gaffigan Show Jeannie Gaffigan Main role 2015 October Kiss Poppy Summerall Television film ( Hallmark ) 2016 Love on a Limb Aimie Television film ( Hallmark ) 2017 Girls Ginny Episode: `` All I Ever Wanted '' Christmas in Evergreen Allie Television film ( Hallmark ) 2018 Instinct Nora Cecchino Episode: `` Wild Game ''", "short_answer": "October Kiss" } }, { "question": "who plays victoria on how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ashley_Williams_(actress)&oldid=823686342", "q_uid": 7806087287870024994, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ashley Williams Dodson ( professional name Ashley Williams ) ( born November 12, 1978 ) is an American film, television, and theater actress. She is best known for her starring in the television series The Jim Gaffigan Show on TV Land and in the NBC series Good Morning Miami. Over the many years of its run, Williams played fan favorite Victoria on the hit CBS series How I Met Your Mother opposite Josh Radnor. She has starred in more than a dozen different television pilots over the years and done over 150 episodes of television in addition to television movies for The Hallmark Channel, Lifetime Television, and ABC Family. She 's worked in studio and independent films, regional theater, Off - Broadway, and on Broadway. Williams is also a certified birth doula.", "short_answer": "Ashley Williams Dodson ( professional name Ashley Williams ) (" } }, { "question": "who played victoria on how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ashley_Williams_(actress)&oldid=849045566", "q_uid": 4562937843529694098, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ashley Williams Dodson ( professional name Ashley Williams ) ( born November 12, 1978 ) is an American film, television, and theater actress. She is best known for her starring in the television series The Jim Gaffigan Show on TV Land and in the NBC series Good Morning Miami. Over the many years of its run, Williams played fan favorite Victoria on the hit CBS series How I Met Your Mother opposite Josh Radnor. She has starred in more than a dozen different television pilots over the years and done over 150 episodes of television in addition to television movies for The Hallmark Channel, Lifetime Television, and ABC Family. She 's worked in studio and independent films, regional theater, Off - Broadway, and on Broadway. Williams is also a certified birth doula.", "short_answer": "Ashley Williams Dodson (" } }, { "question": "who played victoria in how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ashley_Williams_(actress)&oldid=796286387", "q_uid": 5813437102708569760, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2006, she starred in the Off Broadway play Burleigh Grime $. and appeared as Victoria, a cupcake baker, on six episodes of the television series How I Met Your Mother; a role reprised in the concluding seasons of the show.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Monica Seles": [ { "question": "who was the tennis player who was stabbed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Monica_Seles&oldid=804291149", "q_uid": 8973520339469531049, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1990, Seles became the youngest ever French Open champion at the age of 16. She went on to win eight Grand Slam singles titles before her 20th birthday and was the year - end world no. 1 in 1991 and 1992. However, on April 30, 1993, she was the victim of an on - court attack, when a man stabbed her in the back with a 9 - inch ( 23 cm ) long knife; Seles did not return to tennis for over two years. Though she enjoyed some success after rejoining the tour in 1995, including a fourth Australian Open title in 1996, she was unable to consistently reproduce her best form. She played her last professional match at the 2003 French Open, but did not officially retire until February 2008.", "short_answer": "Seles became" } }, { "question": "who was the female tennis player that got stabbed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Monica_Seles&oldid=802353228", "q_uid": -1040708440497808999, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1990, Seles became the youngest ever French Open champion at the age of 16. She went on to win eight Grand Slam singles titles before her 20th birthday and was the year - end world no. 1 in 1991 and 1992. However, on April 30, 1993, she was the victim of an on - court attack, when a man stabbed her in the back with a 9 - inch ( 23 cm ) long knife; Seles did not return to tennis for over two years. Though she enjoyed some success after rejoining the tour in 1995, including a fourth Australian Open title in 1996, she was unable to consistently reproduce her best form. She played her last professional match at the 2003 French Open, but did not officially retire until February 2008.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the tennis player that got stabbed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Monica_Seles&oldid=864414151", "q_uid": -1196171327590348962, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1990, Seles became the youngest ever French Open champion at the age of 16. She went on to win eight Grand Slam singles titles before her 20th birthday and was the year - end world no. 1 in 1991 and 1992. However, on April 30, 1993, she was the victim of an on - court attack, when a man stabbed her in the back with a 9 - inch ( 23 cm ) long knife. Seles did not return to tennis for over two years. Though she enjoyed some success after rejoining the tour in 1995, including a fourth Australian Open title in 1996, she was unable to consistently reproduce her best form. She played her last professional match at the 2003 French Open, but did not officially retire until February 2008.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "San Diego": [ { "question": "where does the name san diego come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=San_Diego&oldid=856711717", "q_uid": 1792669352164877656, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first European to visit the region was explorer Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo, sailing under the flag of Castile but possibly born in Portugal. Sailing his flagship San Salvador from Navidad, New Spain, Cabrillo claimed the bay for the Spanish Empire in 1542, and named the site `` San Miguel ''. In November 1602, Sebasti\u00e1n Vizca\u00edno was sent to map the California coast. Arriving on his flagship San Diego, Vizca\u00edno surveyed the harbor and what are now Mission Bay and Point Loma and named the area for the Catholic Saint Didacus, a Spaniard more commonly known as San Diego de Alcal\u00e1. On November 12, 1602, the first Christian religious service of record in Alta California was conducted by Friar Antonio de la Ascensi\u00f3n, a member of Vizca\u00edno 's expedition, to celebrate the feast day of San Diego. Mission", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the city of san diego founded", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=San_Diego&oldid=834141326", "q_uid": -5358797620506267696, "answers": { "long_answer": "San Diego has been called `` the birthplace of California ''. Historically home to the Kumeyaay people, it was the first site visited by Europeans on what is now the West Coast of the United States. Upon landing in San Diego Bay in 1542, Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo claimed the area for Spain, forming the basis for the settlement of Alta California 200 years later. The Presidio and Mission San Diego de Alcal\u00e1, founded in 1769, formed the first European settlement in what is now California. In 1821, San Diego became part of the newly independent Mexico, which reformed as the First Mexican Republic two years later. California became part of the United States in 1848 following the Mexican -- American War and was admitted to the union as a state in 1850.", "short_answer": "1769," } } ], "Speed of light": [ { "question": "how fast is the speed of light in a vacuum", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Speed_of_light&oldid=849713110", "q_uid": -478932040670473517, "answers": { "long_answer": "The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant important in many areas of physics. Its exact value is 7008299792458000000 \u2660 299,792,458 metres per second ( approximately 300,000 km / s ( 186,000 mi / s ) ). It is exact because by international agreement a metre is defined to be the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1 / 299792458 second. According to special relativity, c is the maximum speed at which all conventional matter and hence all known forms of information in the universe can travel. Though this speed is most commonly associated with light, it is in fact the speed at which all massless particles and changes of the associated fields travel in vacuum ( including electromagnetic radiation and gravitational waves ). Such particles and waves travel at c regardless of the motion of the source or the inertial reference frame of the observer. In the special and general theories of relativity, c interrelates space and time, and also appears in the famous equation of mass -- energy equivalence E = mc.", "short_answer": "299,792,458 metres per second ( approximately 300,000 km / s ( 186,000 mi / s ) )" } }, { "question": "who discovered that light is faster than sound", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Speed_of_light&oldid=797833559", "q_uid": -3485644205655804127, "answers": { "long_answer": "Empedocles ( c. 490 -- 430 BC ) was the first to propose a theory of light and claimed that light has a finite speed. He maintained that light was something in motion, and therefore must take some time to travel. Aristotle argued, to the contrary, that `` light is due to the presence of something, but it is not a movement ''. Euclid and Ptolemy advanced Empedocles ' emission theory of vision, where light is emitted from the eye, thus enabling sight. Based on that theory, Heron of Alexandria argued that the speed of light must be infinite because distant objects such as stars appear immediately upon opening the eyes. Early Islamic philosophers initially agreed with the Aristotelian view that light had no speed of travel. In 1021, Alhazen ( Ibn al - Haytham ) published the Book of Optics, in which he presented a series of arguments dismissing the emission theory of vision in favour of the now accepted intromission theory, in which light moves from an object into the eye. This led Alhazen to propose that light must have a finite speed, and that the speed of light is variable, decreasing in denser bodies. He argued that light is substantial matter, the propagation of which requires time, even if this is hidden from our senses. Also in the 11th century, Ab\u016b Rayh\u0101n al - B\u012br\u016bn\u012b agreed that light has a finite speed, and observed that the speed of light is much faster than the speed of sound.", "short_answer": "Ab\u016b Rayh\u0101n al - B\u012br\u016bn\u012b agreed" } }, { "question": "what is the speed in miles per second of a beam of light traveling at", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Speed_of_light&oldid=809562869", "q_uid": 6185249663094870437, "answers": { "long_answer": "Speed of light Sunlight takes about 8 minutes 17 seconds to travel the average distance from the surface of the Sun to the Earth. Exact values metres per second 7008299792458000000 \u2660 299 792 458 Planck length per Planck time ( i.e., Planck units ) Approximate values ( to three significant digits ) kilometres per hour 7003108000000000000 \u2660 1080 million ( 7009108000000000000 \u2660 1.08 \u00d7 10 ) miles per second 7005186000000000000 \u2660 186 000 miles per hour 671 million ( 7008671000000000000 \u2660 6.71 \u00d7 10 ) astronomical units per day 173 parsecs per year 0.307 Approximate light signal travel times Distance Time one foot 1.0 ns one metre 3.3 ns from geostationary orbit to Earth 119 ms the length of Earth 's equator 134 ms from Moon to Earth 1.3 s from Sun to Earth ( 1 AU ) 8.3 min one light year 1.0 year one parsec 3.26 years from nearest star to Sun ( 1.3 pc ) 4.2 years from the nearest galaxy ( the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy ) to Earth 7011788940000000000 \u2660 25 000 years across the Milky Way 7012315576000000000 \u2660 100 000 years from the Andromeda Galaxy to Earth 2.5 million years from Earth to the edge of the observable universe 46.5 billion years", "short_answer": "186 000" } }, { "question": "what is the speed of light in km", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Speed_of_light&oldid=819712383", "q_uid": -5377784909984605625, "answers": { "long_answer": "The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant important in many areas of physics. Its exact value is 7008299792458000000 \u2660 299,792,458 metres per second ( approximately 7008300000000000000 \u2660 3.00 \u00d7 10 m / s, or 300,000 km / s ( 186,000 mi / s ) ). It is exact because the unit of length, the metre, is defined from this constant and the international standard for time. According to special relativity, c is the maximum speed at which all conventional matter and hence all known forms of information in the universe can travel. Though this speed is most commonly associated with light, it is in fact the speed at which all massless particles and changes of the associated fields travel in vacuum ( including electromagnetic radiation and gravitational waves ). Such particles and waves travel at c regardless of the motion of the source or the inertial reference frame of the observer. In the theory of relativity, c interrelates space and time, and also appears in the famous equation of mass -- energy equivalence E = mc.", "short_answer": "300,000 km / s (" } }, { "question": "how fast does light travel in a vaccum", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Speed_of_light&oldid=852009914", "q_uid": 7789235985899709464, "answers": { "long_answer": "The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant important in many areas of physics. Its exact value is 7008299792458000000 \u2660 299,792,458 metres per second ( approximately 300,000 km / s ( 186,000 mi / s ) ). It is exact because by international agreement a metre is defined to be the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1 / 299792458 second. According to special relativity, c is the maximum speed at which all conventional matter and hence all known forms of information in the universe can travel. Though this speed is most commonly associated with light, it is in fact the speed at which all massless particles and changes of the associated fields travel in vacuum ( including electromagnetic radiation and gravitational waves ). Such particles and waves travel at c regardless of the motion of the source or the inertial reference frame of the observer. In the special and general theories of relativity, c interrelates space and time, and also appears in the famous equation of mass -- energy equivalence E = mc.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the value of speed of light in vaccum", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Speed_of_light&oldid=856205248", "q_uid": 7644390483941188874, "answers": { "long_answer": "The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant important in many areas of physics. Its exact value is 7008299792458000000 \u2660 299,792,458 metres per second ( approximately 300,000 km / s ( 186,000 mi / s ) ). It is exact because by international agreement a metre is defined to be the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1 / 299792458 second. According to special relativity, c is the maximum speed at which all conventional matter and hence all known forms of information in the universe can travel. Though this speed is most commonly associated with light, it is in fact the speed at which all massless particles and changes of the associated fields travel in vacuum ( including electromagnetic radiation and gravitational waves ). Such particles and waves travel at c regardless of the motion of the source or the inertial reference frame of the observer. In the special and general theories of relativity, c interrelates space and time, and also appears in the famous equation of mass -- energy equivalence E = mc.", "short_answer": "299,792,458 metres per second (" } }, { "question": "who discovered the speed of light in a vacuum", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Speed_of_light&oldid=801012846", "q_uid": -5445707878191498878, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1972, using the laser interferometer method and the new definitions, a group at the US National Bureau of Standards in Boulder, Colorado determined the speed of light in vacuum to be c = 7008299792456200000 \u2660 299 792 456. 2 \u00b1 1.1 m / s. This was 100 times less uncertain than the previously accepted value. The remaining uncertainty was mainly related to the definition of the metre. As similar experiments found comparable results for c, the 15th General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1975 recommended using the value 7008299792458000000 \u2660 299 792 458 m / s for the speed of light.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "velocity of light is minimum in which medium", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Speed_of_light&oldid=845243532", "q_uid": -2556847133148939809, "answers": { "long_answer": "The phase velocity is important in determining how a light wave travels through a material or from one material to another. It is often represented in terms of a refractive index. The refractive index of a material is defined as the ratio of c to the phase velocity v in the material: larger indices of refraction indicate lower speeds. The refractive index of a material may depend on the light 's frequency, intensity, polarization, or direction of propagation; in many cases, though, it can be treated as a material - dependent constant. The refractive index of air is approximately 1.0003. Denser media, such as water, glass, and diamond, have refractive indexes of around 1.3, 1.5 and 2.4, respectively, for visible light. In exotic materials like Bose -- Einstein condensates near absolute zero, the effective speed of light may be only a few metres per second. However, this represents absorption and re-radiation delay between atoms, as do all slower - than - c speeds in material substances. As an extreme example of light `` slowing '' in matter, two independent teams of physicists claimed to bring light to a `` complete standstill '' by passing it through a Bose -- Einstein condensate of the element rubidium, one team at Harvard University and the Rowland Institute for Science in Cambridge, Mass., and the other at the Harvard -- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, also in Cambridge. However, the popular description of light being `` stopped '' in these experiments refers only to light being stored in the excited states of atoms, then re-emitted at an arbitrarily later time, as stimulated by a second laser pulse. During the time it had `` stopped, '' it had ceased to be light. This type of behaviour is generally microscopically true of all transparent media which `` slow '' the speed of light.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who discovered that light travels faster than sound", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Speed_of_light&oldid=843353063", "q_uid": -4751582286674563122, "answers": { "long_answer": "Early Islamic philosophers initially agreed with the Aristotelian view that light had no speed of travel. In 1021, Alhazen ( Ibn al - Haytham ) published the Book of Optics, in which he presented a series of arguments dismissing the emission theory of vision in favour of the now accepted intromission theory, in which light moves from an object into the eye. This led Alhazen to propose that light must have a finite speed, and that the speed of light is variable, decreasing in denser bodies. He argued that light is substantial matter, the propagation of which requires time, even if this is hidden from our senses. Also in the 11th century, Ab\u016b Rayh\u0101n al - B\u012br\u016bn\u012b agreed that light has a finite speed, and observed that the speed of light is much faster than the speed of sound.", "short_answer": "Ab\u016b Rayh\u0101n al - B\u012br\u016bn\u012b agreed" } } ], "Alexandra Daddario": [ { "question": "who plays ruby on it's always sunny", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Alexandra_Daddario&oldid=804927394", "q_uid": -1976462827391466499, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2012, she starred in the music video for Imagine Dragons ' song `` Radioactive '', and had an episode guest stint in the FX sitcom It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as Ruby Taft. Her first starring role after Percy Jackson was the slasher film Texas Chainsaw 3D ( 2013 ) as the lead character Heather Miller. In the latter part of 2013, Daddario reprised her role as Annabeth Chase in the film sequel Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters. She then appeared in the zombie comedy Burying the Ex with Anton Yelchin and Ashley Greene. Burying the Ex was among the chosen films participating but not competing at the Venice Film Festival in 2014.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays ruby in its always sunny in philadelphia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Alexandra_Daddario&oldid=818188968", "q_uid": 2103480844359173946, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2002 -- 2003 All My Children Laurie Lewis 43 episodes Law & Order Felicia Episode: `` Enemy '' 2005 Law & Order: Criminal Intent Susie Armstrong Episode: `` In the Wee Small Hours ( Part 1 ) '' 2006 Conviction Vanessa Episode: `` Pilot '' 2006 The Sopranos Another Woman Episode: `` Johnny Cakes '' 2006 Law & Order Samantha Beresford Episode: `` Release '' 2009 Damages Lily Arsenault Episode: `` I Lied, Too '' 2009 Life on Mars Emily Wyatt Episode: `` Let All the Children Boogie '' 2009 Nurse Jackie Young Woman Episode: `` Pilot '' 2009 Law & Order: Criminal Intent Lisa Wellesley Episode: `` Salome in Manhattan '' 2009 -- 2011 White Collar Kate Moreau 7 episodes 2011 -- 2012 Parenthood Rachel 5 episodes 2012 It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Ruby Taft Episode: `` Charlie and Dee Find Love '' 2014 True Detective Lisa Tragnetti 4 episodes 2014 New Girl Michelle 2 episodes 2014 Married Ella the Waitress Episode: `` Pilot '' 2015 The Last Man on Earth Victoria Episode: `` Alive in Tucson '' 2015 American Horror Story: Hotel Natacha Rambova 3 episodes 2016 Workaholics Donna Episode: `` Save the Cat '' 2016 Robot Chicken Theresa Johnson / Lena Episode: `` Joel Hurwitz Returns ''", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays annabeth in the percy jackson series", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Alexandra_Daddario&oldid=818188968", "q_uid": 5464829391121400345, "answers": { "long_answer": "Alexandra Anna Daddario ( born March 16, 1986 ) is an American actress and model. She is known for playing Annabeth Chase in the Percy Jackson film series, Blake Gaines in San Andreas, and Summer Quinn in Baywatch.", "short_answer": "Alexandra Anna Daddario (" } }, { "question": "who does alexandra daddario play in white collar", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Alexandra_Daddario&oldid=807040279", "q_uid": 6985124961449985058, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2002 -- 2003 All My Children Laurie Lewis 43 episodes Law & Order Felicia Episode: `` Enemy '' 2005 Law & Order: Criminal Intent Susie Armstrong Episode: `` In the Wee Small Hours ( Part 1 ) '' 2006 Conviction Vanessa Episode: `` Pilot '' 2006 The Sopranos Another Woman Episode: `` Johnny Cakes '' 2006 Law & Order Samantha Beresford Episode: `` Release '' 2009 Damages Lily Arsenault Episode: `` I Lied, Too '' 2009 Life on Mars Emily Wyatt Episode: `` Let All the Children Boogie '' 2009 Nurse Jackie Young Woman Episode: `` Pilot '' 2009 Law & Order: Criminal Intent Lisa Wellesley Episode: `` Salome in Manhattan '' 2009 -- 2011 White Collar Kate Moreau 7 episodes 2011 -- 2012 Parenthood Rachel 5 episodes 2012 It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Ruby Taft Episode: `` Charlie and Dee Find Love '' 2014 True Detective Lisa Tragnetti 4 episodes 2014 New Girl Michelle 2 episodes 2014 Married Ella the Waitress Episode: `` Pilot '' 2015 The Last Man on Earth Victoria Episode: `` Alive in Tucson '' 2015 American Horror Story: Hotel Natacha Rambova 3 episodes 2016 Workaholics Donna Episode: `` Save the Cat '' 2016 Robot Chicken Theresa Johnson / Lena Episode: `` Joel Hurwitz Returns ''", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "whos the girl in the radioactive music video", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Alexandra_Daddario&oldid=834558987", "q_uid": 4395093360279511346, "answers": { "long_answer": "Alexandra Anna Daddario ( born March 16, 1986 ) is an American actress and model. She is known for playing Annabeth Chase in the Percy Jackson film series, Blake Gaines in San Andreas, and Summer Quinn in Baywatch.", "short_answer": "Alexandra Anna Daddario (" } }, { "question": "who is the actress that plays blake in san andreas", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Alexandra_Daddario&oldid=835489728", "q_uid": 2875212553725345369, "answers": { "long_answer": "Alexandra Anna Daddario ( born March 16, 1986 ) is an American actress. She is known for playing Annabeth Chase in the Percy Jackson film series, Blake Gaines in San Andreas, and Summer Quinn in Baywatch.", "short_answer": "Alexandra Anna Daddario (" } }, { "question": "who plays annabeth in the lightning thief movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Alexandra_Daddario&oldid=808981307", "q_uid": -1049176691015239310, "answers": { "long_answer": "Daddario made her television debut at the age of 16, when she played victimized teen Laurie Lewis in the ABC daytime soap opera All My Children. Her first major role was as Annabeth Chase in the fantasy adventure film Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief ( 2010 ). She also had a recurring role as Neal Caffrey 's love interest Kate Moreau in the USA Network 's procedural drama series White Collar. In 2011, she co-starred in Hall Pass and had a recurring role as Rachel in NBC 's comedy - drama series Parenthood.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays blake in the movie san andreas", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Alexandra_Daddario&oldid=804927394", "q_uid": 5898101055775589538, "answers": { "long_answer": "Alexandra Anna Daddario ( born March 16, 1986 ) is an American actress and model. She is known for playing Annabeth Chase in the Percy Jackson film series, Blake Gaines in San Andreas, and Summer Quinn in Baywatch.", "short_answer": "Alexandra Anna Daddario (" } } ], "Courteney Cox": [ { "question": "who did courteney cox play in masters of the universe", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Courteney_Cox&oldid=857047298", "q_uid": -680420913059823488, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes Down Twisted Tarah Film debut Masters of the Universe Julie Winston Cocoon: The Return Sara 1990 Shaking the Tree Kathleen 1990 Mr. Destiny Jewel Jagger 1991 Blue Desert Lisa Roberts 1992 The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them Carrie Davenport 1994 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Melissa Robinson Scream Gale Weathers 1997 Commandments Rachel Luce 1997 Scream 2 Gale Weathers 1999 The Runner Karina 2000 Scream 3 Gale Weathers 2001 3000 Miles to Graceland Cybil Waingrow 2001 The Shrink Is In Samantha Crumb Also executive producer 2001 Get Well Soon Lily Charles November Sophie Jacobs 2005 The Longest Yard Lena ( uncredited ) 2006 Barnyard Daisy the Cow Voice role 2006 Zoom Marsha Holloway 2006 The Tripper Dog Lover Hippie Credited as Courteney Cox - Arquette Also executive producer 2008 Alien Love Triangle Alice Short film 2008 The Monday Before Thanksgiving Cece Short film Also director / writer 2008 Bedtime Stories Wendy 2008 The Butler 's in Love N / A Short film Executive producer 2011 Scream 4 Gale Weathers - Riley 2014 Just Before I Go N / A Director / producer 2012 Got Rights Celebrity Short film 2016 Mothers and Daughters Beth", "short_answer": "Julie Winston" } }, { "question": "who got married in real life from friends", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Courteney_Cox&oldid=843286722", "q_uid": 6000328252085536615, "answers": { "long_answer": "Between seasons five and six, Cox married David Arquette, and changed her name to Courteney Cox Arquette. An in - joke reference to this is made in the beginning credits of the episode `` The One After Vegas '', where the rest of the cast has `` Arquette '' added to their names. The dedication `` For Courteney and David, who did get married '' -- a reference to Monica and Chandler 's decision not to marry in the episode -- appears during the fade out to the tag scene.", "short_answer": "Courteney Cox Arquette" } } ], "Major League Baseball consecutive games played streaks": [ { "question": "who is closest to cal ripken jr record", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Major_League_Baseball_consecutive_games_played_streaks&oldid=853560986", "q_uid": -4237986056718725225, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Player Streak Start End Cal Ripken, Jr. 2,632 May 30, 1982 September 19, 1998 Lou Gehrig 2,130 June 1, 1925 April 30, 1939 Everett Scott 1,307 June 20, 1916 May 5, 1925 Steve Garvey 1,207 September 3, 1975 July 29, 1983 5 Miguel Tejada 1,152 June 2, 2000 June 21, 2007 6 Billy Williams 1,117 September 22, 1963 September 2, 1970 7 Joe Sewell 1,103 September 13, 1922 April 30, 1930 8 Stan Musial 895 April 15, 1952 August 22, 1957 9 Eddie Yost 829 August 30, 1949 May 11, 1955 10 Gus Suhr 822 September 11, 1931 June 4, 1937 11 Nellie Fox 798 August 7, 1955 September 3, 1960 12 Pete Rose 745 September 1, 1978 August 23, 1983 13 Dale Murphy 740 September 26, 1981 July 8, 1986 14 Richie Ashburn 730 June 7, 1950 September 26, 1954 15 Ernie Banks 717 August 26, 1956 June 22, 1961 16 Pete Rose 678 September 28, 1973 May 7, 1978 17 Earl Averill 673 April 14, 1931 June 28, 1935 18 Frank McCormick 668 September 19, 1937 May 24, 1942 19 Sandy Alomar, Sr. 661 April 23, 1969 May 20, 1973 20 Eddie Brown 618 June 5, 1924 June 7, 1928 21 Roy McMillan 584 September 16, 1951 August 7, 1955 22 George Pinkney 577 September 21, 1885 April 30, 1890 23 Steve Brodie 574 24 Aaron Ward 565 July 10, 1920 May 25, 1924 25 Prince Fielder 547 September 14, 2010 May 16, 2014 26 Alex Rodriguez 546 July 25, 2000 September 23, 2003 27 Candy LaChance 540 28 Buck Freeman 535 29 Fred Luderus 533 June 2, 1916 September 28, 1919 30 Hideki Matsui 519 March 31, 2003 May 11, 2006", "short_answer": "Lou Gehrig" } }, { "question": "who holds the record for most consecutive games played in baseball", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Major_League_Baseball_consecutive_games_played_streaks&oldid=828621419", "q_uid": -8481070834623281576, "answers": { "long_answer": "The record of playing in 2,632 consecutive games over more than 16 years is held by Cal Ripken, Jr. of the Baltimore Orioles. Ripken surpassed Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees, whose record of 2,130 consecutive games had stood for 56 years. Before Gehrig, the record was held by Everett Scott ( 1,307 consecutive games ), a shortstop with the Red Sox and Yankees whose streak ended in 1925, less than a month before Gehrig 's began. Scott broke the previous record which was established by George Pinkney ( 577 consecutive games ) from 1885 -- 1890.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Into the Woods": [ { "question": "who is the mysterious man in into the woods", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Into_the_Woods&oldid=808878266", "q_uid": 2140831692219111004, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cinderella, returning from the last night of the festival, describes how the Prince had spread pitch on the stairs to prevent her from escaping. Caught between wanting to escape and wanting to stay, she eventually resolves to let the Prince decide, leaving him one of her slippers as a clue to her identity ( `` On the Steps of the Palace '' ). The Baker 's Wife frantically tries to convince her to give up her other shoe, offering her the sixth magic bean in exchange for it. Cinderella throws the bean aside, but trades shoes with the Baker 's Wife and flees, while unbeknownst to anyone a second beanstalk starts to grow. The Baker arrives with another cow; they now have all four items. The Prince 's Steward grabs the slipper from the Baker 's Wife, and they are fighting over it when a great crash is heard and Jack 's mother runs in to report that a Giant seeking revenge from Jack for stealing his magic harp has fallen from the first beanstalk when Jack chopped it and is dead in her backyard. The Prince, more concerned with finding Cinderella, waves her off and departs with one of the slippers, giving the other to the Baker and his wife. Jack, to the relief of his mother, returns with the magic harp. The Witch discovers that the new cow is not pure white; it is covered with flour. However, the Witch is able to bring Milky White back to life and instructs the Baker and his Wife to feed the items to her. Jack tries to milk her, but no milk comes. The Baker 's Wife admits that the hair is Rapunzel 's, and the Witch furiously explains that the magic will not work because the Witch has already touched Rapunzel 's hair, which is also why she had asked the Baker and his Wife to get the objects for her: she 's not allowed to touch any of the objects. The Mysterious Man tells the Baker to feed the hair - like corn silk to the cow. Now Milky White gives milk which is the potion. The Witch reveals that the Mysterious Man is the Baker 's father. The Witch drinks the potion, and suddenly the Mysterious Man falls dead, his reparation complete, the curse is broken, and the Witch is transformed into a beautiful young woman, reversing the effects of the curse of ugliness by which she was punished by her mother, because the Baker 's father stole the beans from her, regaining her youth and beauty.", "short_answer": "the Baker 's father." } }, { "question": "who is the baker in into the woods", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Into_the_Woods&oldid=865462675", "q_uid": 1803530227985057107, "answers": { "long_answer": "Role Broadway First National Tour West End Broadway Revival West End Revival DagollDagom Catalan Production `` Boscos endins '' Regent 's Park Production Central Park Production Roundabout Theatre Production Australian Production Fiasco National tour * 1988 1990 2002 2007 2007 2012 2014 2014 2016 Narrator Tom Aldredge Rex Robbins Nicholas Parsons John McMartin Gary Waldhorn Jordi Estadella / Ferran Frauca Eddie Manning Ethan Beer Joshua Swinney Jack Broderick Ensemble John Diedrich Evan Rees Cinderella Kim Crosby Kathleen Rowe McAllen Jacqui Dankworth Laura Benanti Gillian Kirkpatrick Gisela Helen Dallimore Jessie Mueller Claire Karpen Lucy Maunder Laurie Veldheer Jack Ben Wright Robert Duncan McNeill Richard Dempsey Adam Wylie Peter Caulfield Marc Pujol Ben Stott Gideon Glick Patrick Mulryan Rowan Witt Phillipe arroyo Baker Chip Zien Ray Gill Ian Bartholomew Stephen DeRosa Clive Rowe Josep Ma Gimeno Mark Hadfield Denis O'Hare Ben Steinfeld David Harris Evan Harrington Baker 's Wife Joanna Gleason Mary Gordon Murray Imelda Staunton Kerry O'Malley Anna Francolini Annabel Totusaus Jenna Russell Amy Adams Jessie Austrian Christina O'Neil Eleasha Gamble Stepmother Joy Franz Jo Ann Cunningham Ann Howard Pamela Myers Elizabeth Brice Clara del Ruste Gaye Brown Ellen Harvey Liz Hayes Antoinette Halloran Bonne Kramer Florinda Kay McClelland Susan Gordon - Clark Elizabeth Brice Tracy Nicole Chapman Louise Bowden Anna Ventura Amy Ellen Richardson Bethany Moore Andy Grotelueschen Elise McCann Darick Pead Lucinda Lauren Mitchell Danette Cuming Liza Sadovy Amanda Naughton Lara Pulver Laura Ventura Amy Griffiths Jennifer Rias Noah Brody Angela Scundi Anthony Chatmon Jack 's Mother Barbara Bryne Charlotte Rae Patsy Rowlands Marylouise Burke Anne Reid Teresa Vallicrosa Marilyn Cutts Kristine Zbornik Liz Hayes Melissa Langton Bonne Kramer Little Red Ridinghood Danielle Ferland Tracy Katz Tessa Burbridge Molly Ephraim Suzie Toase Anna Moliner Beverly Rudd Sarah Stiles Emily Young Josie Lane Lisa Helmi Johansan Witch Bernadette Peters Cleo Laine Julia McKenzie Vanessa Williams Beverly Klein Mone Hannah Waddingham Donna Murphy Jennifer Mudge Queenie van de Zandt Vanessa Reseland Cinderella 's Father Edmund Lyndeck Don Crosby John Rogan Dennis Kelly Martin Nelson Sergi Albert N / A Chip Zien David Rogers - Smith Cinderella 's Mother Merle Louise Nora Mae Lyng Eunice Gayson Laura Benanti Gemma Wardle Maria del Mar Maestu Gemma Wardle Laura Shoop Ensemble Noni McCallum N / A Mysterious Man / Baker 's Father Tom Aldredge Rex Robbins John Rogan John McMartin Martin Nelson Ferran Castells Billy Boyle Chip Zien Paul L. Coffey John Diedrich Fred Rose Big Bad Wolf Robert Westenberg Chuck Wagner Clive Carter Gregg Edelman Christopher Sieber Nicholas Garrett Carlos Gramaje Michael Xavier Ivan Hernandez Noah Brody Matthew McFarlane Anthony Chatmon Rapunzel Pamela Winslow Marguerite Lowell Mary Lincoln Melissa Dye Christina Haldane Maria del Mar Maestu Alice Fearn Tess Soltau Emily Young Olivia Cranwell Lisa Helmi Johansan Rapunzel 's Prince Chuck Wagner Douglas Sills Mark Tinkler Christopher Sieber Nic Greenshields Sergi Albert Simon Thomas Cooper Grodin Andy Groutelueschen Jeremy Kleeman Darick Pead Granny Merle Louise Nora Mae Lyng Eunice Gayson Pamela Myers Linda Hibberd Clara del Ruste Valda Aviks Tina Johnson Claire Karpen Noni McCallum Laurie Veldheer Cinderella 's Prince Robert Westenberg Chuck Wagner Clive Carter Gregg Edelman Nicholas Garrett Carlos Gramaje Michael Xavier Ivan Hernandez Noah Brody Matthew McFarlane Anthony Chatmon Steward Philip Hoffman Marcus Olson Peter Ledbury Trent Armand Kendall Byron Watson Ferran Castells Mark Goldthorp Josh Lamon Patrick Mulryan David Rogers - Smith Phillipe Arroyo Sleeping Beauty Maureen Davis N / A Kate Arneil N / A N / A Unknown Alice Fearn Tess Soltau N / A N / A N / A Snow White Jean Kelly ( Cindy Robinson in the video ) N / A Megan Kelly N / A N / A Unknown Sophie Caton Victoria Cook N / A N / A N / A Giant ( voice ) Merle Louise Nora Mae Lyng Eunice Gayson Judi Dench ( Pre-recorded ) Linda Hibberd Unknown Judi Dench ( Pre-recorded ) Glenn Close ( Pre-recorded ) Ensemble Noni McCallum", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is blinded by birds at the end of act 1", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Into_the_Woods&oldid=840480151", "q_uid": -8177076009664455330, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cinderella 's Prince searches for the girl whose foot fits the slipper; the stepsisters try but can only get it on by cutting off parts of their feet ( `` Careful My Toe '' ). Cinderella appears, her foot fits the slipper, and she becomes the Prince 's bride. Rapunzel has twins in the desert where her Prince finds her. The Witch attempts to curse the couple, only to find that though she gained her youth and beauty, her powers have been lost. At Cinderella 's wedding to the Prince, Florinda and Lucinda are blinded by birds as they try to win Cinderella 's favor. The Baker 's Wife, very pregnant, thanks Cinderella for the slipper. Everyone is at the wedding. Everyone but the Witch and the stepsisters congratulate themselves on being able to live happily `` Ever After, '' though they fail to notice another beanstalk growing sky - high...", "short_answer": "Florinda and Lucinda are" } } ], "Languages of the United Kingdom": [ { "question": "what language do they speak in the united kingdom", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Languages_of_the_United_Kingdom&oldid=815755407", "q_uid": -7267844927357647334, "answers": { "long_answer": "English, in various dialects, is the most widely spoken language of the United Kingdom, however there are a number of regional languages also spoken. There are 11 indigenous languages spoken across the British Isles: 5 Celtic, 3 Germanic, and 3 Romance. There are also many immigrant languages spoken in the British Isles, mainly within inner city areas; these languages are mainly from South Asia and Eastern Europe.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Thomas Fire": [ { "question": "what is the current state of the thomas fire", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_Fire&oldid=834207399", "q_uid": 7967008620416379938, "answers": { "long_answer": "On January 12, 2018, the U.S. Forest Service declared the fire 100 percent contained at 281,893 acres.", "short_answer": "100 percent contained at" } }, { "question": "where did the fire start in santa paula", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_Fire&oldid=832674029", "q_uid": 5979161055375587270, "answers": { "long_answer": "On December 4, 2017, the Thomas Fire was reported at 6: 26 p.m. PST, to the north of Santa Paula, near Steckel Park and Thomas Aquinas College, after which the fire is named. That night, the small brush fire exploded in size and raced through the rugged mountain terrain that lies west of Santa Paula, between Ventura and Ojai. Officials blamed strong Santa Ana winds that gusted up to 60 miles per hour ( 97 km / h ) for the sudden expansion. Soon after the fire had started, a second blaze was ignited nearly 30 minutes later, about 4 miles ( 6.4 km ) to the north in Upper Ojai at the top of Koenigstein Road. According to eyewitnesses, this second fire was sparked by an explosion in the power line over the area. The second fire was rapidly expanded by the strong Santa Ana winds, and soon merged into the Thomas Fire later that night.", "short_answer": "near Steckel Park and Thomas Aquinas College," } }, { "question": "how did thomas fire get it's name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_Fire&oldid=834207399", "q_uid": -9105797752340770622, "answers": { "long_answer": "On December 4, 2017, the Thomas Fire was reported at 6: 26 p.m. PST, to the north of Santa Paula, near Steckel Park and Thomas Aquinas College, after which the fire is named. That night, the small brush fire exploded in size and raced through the rugged mountain terrain that lies west of Santa Paula, between Ventura and Ojai. Officials blamed strong Santa Ana winds that gusted up to 60 miles per hour ( 97 km / h ) for the sudden expansion. Soon after the fire had started, a second blaze was ignited nearly 30 minutes later, about 4 miles ( 6.4 km ) to the north in Upper Ojai at the top of Koenigstein Road. According to eyewitnesses, this second fire was sparked by an explosion in the power line over the area. The second fire was rapidly expanded by the strong Santa Ana winds, and soon merged into the Thomas Fire later that night.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did the thomas fire get put out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_Fire&oldid=854626262", "q_uid": -8660540016627305602, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Fire Thomas Fire Rye Fire Creek Fire Terra satellite photo of the smoke plumes from the Thomas Fire ( left ) and two others on December 5, 2017 Location Ojai, Santa Paula, Fillmore, Ventura, in Ventura County, and Santa Barbara County, California, U.S. near State Route 150 Statistics Cost > $ 2.176 billion ( 2018 USD ) Date ( s ) December 4, 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 04 ) -- January 12, 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 12 ) 6: 26 p.m. -- 12: 00 p.m. ( PST ) Burned area 281,893 acres ( 440 sq mi; 114,078 ha ) Cause Under investigation Land use Residential, business, oil wells, agriculture, wilderness Buildings destroyed 1,063 buildings Fatalities 1 firefighter, 1 civilian directly 21 civilians indirectly ( mud / debris flows in 2018 ) Non-fatal injuries 2 firefighters Map", "short_answer": "January 12, 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 12 ) 6" } }, { "question": "why are the fires in ca called the thomas fires", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_Fire&oldid=832674029", "q_uid": 6167862137277606718, "answers": { "long_answer": "On December 4, 2017, the Thomas Fire was reported at 6: 26 p.m. PST, to the north of Santa Paula, near Steckel Park and Thomas Aquinas College, after which the fire is named. That night, the small brush fire exploded in size and raced through the rugged mountain terrain that lies west of Santa Paula, between Ventura and Ojai. Officials blamed strong Santa Ana winds that gusted up to 60 miles per hour ( 97 km / h ) for the sudden expansion. Soon after the fire had started, a second blaze was ignited nearly 30 minutes later, about 4 miles ( 6.4 km ) to the north in Upper Ojai at the top of Koenigstein Road. According to eyewitnesses, this second fire was sparked by an explosion in the power line over the area. The second fire was rapidly expanded by the strong Santa Ana winds, and soon merged into the Thomas Fire later that night.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many days did the thomas fire burn", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_Fire&oldid=854626262", "q_uid": -3787640581659528248, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Fire Thomas Fire Rye Fire Creek Fire Terra satellite photo of the smoke plumes from the Thomas Fire ( left ) and two others on December 5, 2017 Location Ojai, Santa Paula, Fillmore, Ventura, in Ventura County, and Santa Barbara County, California, U.S. near State Route 150 Statistics Cost > $ 2.176 billion ( 2018 USD ) Date ( s ) December 4, 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 04 ) -- January 12, 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 12 ) 6: 26 p.m. -- 12: 00 p.m. ( PST ) Burned area 281,893 acres ( 440 sq mi; 114,078 ha ) Cause Under investigation Land use Residential, business, oil wells, agriculture, wilderness Buildings destroyed 1,063 buildings Fatalities 1 firefighter, 1 civilian directly 21 civilians indirectly ( mud / debris flows in 2018 ) Non-fatal injuries 2 firefighters Map", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Charlotte, North Carolina": [ { "question": "how many miles is charlotte nc from the coast", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlotte,_North_Carolina&oldid=816193176", "q_uid": 1257216717734407473, "answers": { "long_answer": "On September 22, 1989, the city took a direct hit from Hurricane Hugo. With sustained winds of 69 mph ( 111 km / h ) and gusts of 87 mph ( 140 km / h ) in some locations, Hugo caused massive property damage, destroyed 80,000 trees, and knocked out electrical power to most of the population. Residents were without power for weeks, schools were closed for a week or more, and the cleanup took months. The city was caught unprepared; Charlotte is 200 miles ( 320 km ) inland, and residents from coastal areas in both Carolinas often wait out hurricanes in Charlotte.", "short_answer": "200 miles ( 320 km ) inland," } }, { "question": "what is the elevation of charlotte north carolina", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlotte,_North_Carolina&oldid=816078399", "q_uid": -3015631860230311453, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charlotte, North Carolina City City of Charlotte Clockwise: UNC Charlotte, Harvey B. Gantt Center for African - American Arts + Culture, Duke Energy Center, Charlotte 's skyline, First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte, Charlotte Main Library and NASCAR Hall of Fame building Flag Nickname ( s ): The Queen City, The QC, The Hornet 's Nest Charlotte 's location in Mecklenburg County in the state of North Carolina Charlotte, North Carolina Location in the United States of America Coordinates: 35 \u00b0 13 \u2032 37 '' N 80 \u00b0 50 \u2032 36 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 35.22694 \u00b0 N 80.84333 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 35.22694; - 80.84333 Coordinates: 35 \u00b0 13 \u2032 37 '' N 80 \u00b0 50 \u2032 36 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 35.22694 \u00b0 N 80.84333 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 35.22694; - 80.84333 Country United States State North Carolina County Mecklenburg County Settled 1755 Incorporated 1768 ( as a town, later a city ) Named for Charlotte of Mecklenburg - Strelitz Government Type Council - manager Body City Council of Charlotte, North Carolina Mayor Vi Lyles ( D ) Area City 297.7 sq mi ( 771 km ) Elevation 751 ft ( 229 m ) Population ( 2010 ) City 731,424 Estimate ( 2016 ) 842,051 ( US: 17th ) Density 2,500 / sq mi ( 950 / km ) Urban 1,249,442 ( 38th ) Metro 2,474,314 ( 22nd ) Demonym ( s ) Charlottean Time zone EST ( UTC - 5 ) Summer ( DST ) EDT ( UTC - 4 ) ZIP code 28201 - 28237, 28240 - 28247, 28250, 28253 - 28256, 28258, 28260 - 28262, 28265 - 28266, 28269 - 28275, 28277 - 28278, 28280 - 28290, 28296 - 28297, 28299 Area code ( s ) 704, 980 FIPS code 37 - 12000 GNIS feature ID 1019610 Website charlottenc.gov", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the city of charlotte nc named after", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlotte,_North_Carolina&oldid=836277486", "q_uid": 8063539836940148474, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charlotte, North Carolina City City of Charlotte Clockwise: UNC Charlotte, Harvey B. Gantt Center for African - American Arts + Culture, Duke Energy Center, Charlotte 's skyline, First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte, Charlotte Main Library and NASCAR Hall of Fame building Flag Nickname ( s ): The Queen City, The QC, The Hornet 's Nest Charlotte 's location in Mecklenburg County in the state of North Carolina Charlotte, North Carolina Location in the United States of America Coordinates: 35 \u00b0 13 \u2032 37 '' N 80 \u00b0 50 \u2032 36 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 35.22694 \u00b0 N 80.84333 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 35.22694; - 80.84333 Coordinates: 35 \u00b0 13 \u2032 37 '' N 80 \u00b0 50 \u2032 36 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 35.22694 \u00b0 N 80.84333 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 35.22694; - 80.84333 Country United States State North Carolina County Mecklenburg Settled 1755 Incorporated 1768 ( as a town, later a city ) Named for Charlotte of Mecklenburg - Strelitz Government Type Council - manager Body City Council of Charlotte, North Carolina Mayor Vi Lyles ( D ) Area City 297.7 sq mi ( 771 km ) Elevation 751 ft ( 229 m ) Population ( 2010 ) City 731,424 Estimate ( 2016 ) 842,051 ( US: 17th ) Density 2,500 / sq mi ( 950 / km ) Urban 1,249,442 ( 38th ) Metro 2,474,314 ( 22nd ) Demonym ( s ) Charlottean Time zone EST ( UTC - 5 ) Summer ( DST ) EDT ( UTC - 4 ) ZIP code 28201 - 28237, 28240 - 28247, 28250, 28253 - 28256, 28258, 28260 - 28262, 28265 - 28266, 28269 - 28275, 28277 - 28278, 28280 - 28290, 28296 - 28297, 28299 Area code ( s ) 704, 980 FIPS code 37 - 12000 GNIS feature ID 1019610 Website charlottenc.gov", "short_answer": "Charlotte of Mecklenburg - Strelitz" } } ], "Jaime King": [ { "question": "who plays lemon breeland in hart of dixie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jaime_King&oldid=808750890", "q_uid": 6679304999612441914, "answers": { "long_answer": "King played Lemon Breeland in the CW show Hart of Dixie, which premiered on September 26, 2011. She had expressed interest in working in the Dark Knight trilogy, specifically in the role of Catwoman, which was eventually played by Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises in 2012.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat": [ { "question": "when was joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat written", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joseph_and_the_Amazing_Technicolor_Dreamcoat&oldid=835796006", "q_uid": 4892736168275109587, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the summer of 1967 Alan Doggett, a family friend of the Lloyd Webbers who had assisted on The Likes of Us and who was the music teacher at the Colet Court school in London, commissioned Lloyd Webber and Rice to write a piece for the school 's choir. Doggett requested a `` pop cantata '' along the lines of Herbert Chappell 's The Daniel Jazz ( 1963 ) and Michael Hurd 's Jonah - Man Jazz ( 1966 ), both of which had been published by Novello and were based on the Old Testament. The request for the new piece came with a 100 - guinea advance from Novello. This resulted in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, a retelling of the biblical story of Joseph, in which Lloyd Webber and Rice humorously pastiched a number of pop - music styles.", "short_answer": "1967 Alan" } }, { "question": "who wrote joseph and the amazing technicolor dream coat", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joseph_and_the_Amazing_Technicolor_Dreamcoat&oldid=842004451", "q_uid": -1250149002801461204, "answers": { "long_answer": "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is a musical with lyrics by Tim Rice and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The story is based on the `` coat of many colours '' story of Joseph from the Bible 's Book of Genesis. This was the first Lloyd Webber and Rice musical to be performed publicly ( the first, The Likes of Us, written in 1965, was not performed until 2005 ).", "short_answer": "lyrics by Tim Rice and" } }, { "question": "who wrote joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joseph_and_the_Amazing_Technicolor_Dreamcoat&oldid=807485060", "q_uid": 3165581591684607957, "answers": { "long_answer": "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is a musical with lyrics by Tim Rice and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The story is based on the `` coat of many colors '' story of Joseph from the Bible 's Book of Genesis. This was the first Lloyd Webber and Rice musical to be performed publicly ( the first, The Likes of Us, written in 1965, was not performed until 2005 ).", "short_answer": "Tim Rice and" } }, { "question": "joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat 1992 canadian cast", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joseph_and_the_Amazing_Technicolor_Dreamcoat&oldid=842004451", "q_uid": -8447814510566354346, "answers": { "long_answer": "The musical opened in Toronto at the Elgin Theatre in July 1992, with Donny Osmond as Joseph and Janet Metz as the Narrator. Afterwards, Osmond toured North America in the role. A major Australian production, based on the 1991 UK version, opened on 31 December 1992 at the State Theatre in Melbourne. It featured Indecent Obsession lead singer David Dixon as Joseph and Tina Arena as the Narrator. The musical then played seasons in Brisbane and Sydney through 1993.", "short_answer": "Donny Osmond as" } }, { "question": "list of characters in joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joseph_and_the_Amazing_Technicolor_Dreamcoat&oldid=802065203", "q_uid": -8849841714497025865, "answers": { "long_answer": "Narrator: A woman ( in original productions, a man ), not of the time or place of the action. The Narrator tells the story through word and song, guiding the audience gently through the story of Joseph and his brothers, usually gives meaning to the story with her / his words. Jacob: The father of twelve sons, his favourite being Joseph. At times he may appear unfair and shallow, but he is, more importantly, the prophet who recognises the future and the calling of Joseph, thus saving the House of Israel. Usually doubles as Potiphar. Joseph: Eleventh son of Jacob. Obviously his father 's favourite, Joseph early on shows a talent for interpreting dreams and telling the future. This gets him into trouble with his brothers when he predicts his future will include ruling over the other eleven. However, it saves his life when in Egypt he correctly interprets Pharaoh 's dreams. In the end he has risen to a great position of power, but he still forgives his brothers and brings his family to Egypt to partake of the bounty he has accumulated there. Ishmaelites: Men of the desert, they buy Joseph as a slave, take him to Egypt, and sell him to Potiphar. Potiphar: A powerful and rich Egyptian, Potiphar purchases Joseph and puts him to work in his household, where he soon realises that Joseph is honest, hard - working, and a great addition to his pool of help. When he grows suspicious of Mrs. Potiphar and Joseph, however, he grows angry and has Joseph thrown into prison. Usually played by the actor playing Jacob. Mrs. Potiphar: Beautiful and scheming, Mrs. Potiphar tries to seduce Joseph, but is unsuccessful. However, she does manage to rip off much of his clothing just as her husband comes into the room, thus condemning him to prison. Also plays one of the wives. Baker: One of Pharaoh servants, the Baker is in prison with Joseph who correctly interprets his dreams and predicts that he will be put to death. Played by one of the brothers. Butler: Another of Pharaoh servants, the Butler is also in prison with Joseph who also correctly interprets his dreams, this time that he will be released and taken back into Pharaoh 's household. It is the Butler who tells Pharaoh about Joseph and his uncanny ability with dreams. Played by one of the brothers. Pharaoh: The most powerful man in Egypt, Pharaoh is considered a god on earth. When Joseph interprets his dreams, he promotes him to one of the highest positions in his government. In most productions, Pharaoh is portrayed as an Elvis Presley - style figure. Sometimes played by one of the brothers. Joseph 's Eleven Brothers: Although acting usually as a group, they each have their own different personalities, talents, and flaws. As a group they sell Joseph into slavery, but as individuals they deal with the following years and how they can make amends. They sing and dance their way through many situations and places. The brothers also double as Egyptians and servants of Potiphar. Reuben: Eldest son of Jacob. Takes the lead on `` One More Angel in Heaven '' Simeon: Second son of Jacob. Takes the lead on `` Those Canaan Days '' Levi: Third son of Jacob. Judah: Fourth son of Jacob. Takes the lead on `` Benjamin Calypso ''. Dan: Fifth son of Jacob. Naphtali: Sixth son of Jacob. Gad: Seventh son of Jacob. Asher: Eighth son of Jacob. Issachar: Ninth son of Jacob. Zebulun: Tenth son of Jacob. Benjamin: Twelfth son of Jacob. Joseph accuses him of stealing the golden cup. The Wives: The wives of Jacob. The actresses playing the wives also double as Egyptians and servants of Potiphar. Adult chorus Children 's chorus", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat release date", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joseph_and_the_Amazing_Technicolor_Dreamcoat&oldid=842004451", "q_uid": -5435590982348922394, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1999, a straight - to - video film of the same title starring Donny Osmond was released, directed by David Mallet. Osmond had toured North America in the role after opening the Toronto revival in 1992. In the film, Maria Friedman appears as the Narrator, Richard Attenborough as Jacob, Ian McNeice as Potiphar, Joan Collins as Mrs. Potiphar and Robert Torti as Pharaoh.", "short_answer": "1999," } }, { "question": "female roles in joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joseph_and_the_Amazing_Technicolor_Dreamcoat&oldid=839467163", "q_uid": -5479318808917125282, "answers": { "long_answer": "Narrator: A character not of the time or place of the action. The Narrator tells the story through word and song, guiding the audience gently through the story of Joseph and his brothers, usually gives meaning to the story with his / her words. In early productions this character was usually played by a man; later productions have featured a woman in the role. Jacob: The father of twelve sons, his favourite being Joseph. At times he may appear unfair and shallow, but he is, more importantly, the prophet who recognises the future and the calling of Joseph, thus saving the House of Israel. Usually doubles as Potiphar. Joseph: Eleventh son of Jacob. Obviously his father 's favourite, Joseph early on shows a talent for interpreting dreams and telling the future. This gets him into trouble with his brothers when he predicts his future will include ruling over the other eleven. However, it saves his life when in Egypt he correctly interprets Pharaoh 's dreams. In the end he has risen to a great position of power, but he still forgives his brothers and brings his family to Egypt to partake of the bounty he has accumulated there. Ishmaelites: Men of the desert, they buy Joseph as a slave, take him to Egypt, and sell him to Potiphar. Potiphar: A powerful and rich Egyptian, Potiphar purchases Joseph and puts him to work in his household, where he soon realises that Joseph is honest, hard - working, and a great addition to his pool of help. When he grows suspicious of Mrs. Potiphar and Joseph, however, he grows angry and has Joseph thrown into prison. Usually played by the actor playing Jacob. Mrs. Potiphar: Beautiful and scheming, Mrs. Potiphar tries to seduce Joseph, but is unsuccessful. However, she does manage to rip off much of his clothing just as her husband comes into the room, thus condemning him to prison. Also plays one of the wives. Baker: One of Pharaoh servants, the Baker is in prison with Joseph who correctly interprets his dreams and predicts that he will be put to death. Played by one of the brothers. Butler: Another of Pharaoh servants, the Butler is also in prison with Joseph who also correctly interprets his dreams, this time that he will be released and taken back into Pharaoh 's household. It is the Butler who tells Pharaoh about Joseph and his uncanny ability with dreams. Played by one of the brothers. Pharaoh: The most powerful man in Egypt, Pharaoh is considered a god on earth. When Joseph interprets his dreams, he promotes him to one of the highest positions in his government. In most productions, Pharaoh is portrayed as an Elvis Presley - style figure. Sometimes played by one of the brothers. Joseph 's Eleven Brothers: Although acting usually as a group, they each have their own different personalities, talents, and flaws. As a group they sell Joseph into slavery, but as individuals they deal with the following years and how they can make amends. They sing and dance their way through many situations and places. The brothers also double as Egyptians and servants of Potiphar. Reuben: Eldest son of Jacob. Takes the lead on `` One More Angel in Heaven '' Simeon: Second son of Jacob. Takes the lead on `` Those Canaan Days '' Levi: Third son of Jacob. Judah: Fourth son of Jacob. Takes the lead on `` Benjamin Calypso ''. Dan: Fifth son of Jacob. Naphtali: Sixth son of Jacob. Gad: Seventh son of Jacob. Asher: Eighth son of Jacob. Issachar: Ninth son of Jacob. Zebulun: Tenth son of Jacob. Benjamin: Twelfth son of Jacob. Joseph accuses him of stealing the golden cup. The Wives: The wives of Jacob. The actresses playing the wives also double as Egyptians and servants of Potiphar. Adult chorus Children 's chorus", "short_answer": "Narrator:" } }, { "question": "when did joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat first come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joseph_and_the_Amazing_Technicolor_Dreamcoat&oldid=842004451", "q_uid": 1048636460908072176, "answers": { "long_answer": "Joseph was first presented as a 20 - minute `` pop cantata '' at Colet Court School in London in 1968, and was published by Novello and released by Decca Records in 1969. After the success of the next Lloyd Webber and Rice piece, Jesus Christ Superstar, Joseph received stage productions beginning in 1970 and expanded recordings in 1971 and 1972. While still undergoing various modifications and expansions, the musical was produced in the West End in 1973, and in its full format was recorded in 1974. The musical was mounted on Broadway in 1982. Several major revivals, national tours, and a 1999 straight - to - video film, starring Donny Osmond, followed.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was joseph and his technicolour dreamcoat written", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joseph_and_the_Amazing_Technicolor_Dreamcoat&oldid=827861770", "q_uid": -4282026771721075692, "answers": { "long_answer": "Joseph was first presented as a 20 - minute `` pop cantata '' at Colet Court School in London in 1968, and was published by Novello and released by Decca Records in 1969. After the success of the next Lloyd Webber and Rice piece, Jesus Christ Superstar, Joseph received stage productions beginning in 1970 and expanded recordings in 1971 and 1972. While still undergoing various modifications and expansions, the musical was produced in the West End in 1973, and in its full format was recorded in 1974. The musical was mounted on Broadway in 1982. Several major revivals, national tours, and a 1999 straight - to - video film, starring Donny Osmond, followed.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Kaley Cuoco": [ { "question": "who plays penny in the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kaley_Cuoco&oldid=806236783", "q_uid": -350445814840338026, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kaley Christine Cuoco ( / \u02c8ke\u026ali \u02c8kwo\u028ako\u028a / KAY - lee KWOH - koh; born November 30, 1985 ) is an American actress. After a series of supporting film and television roles in the late 1990s, she landed her breakthrough role as Bridget Hennessy on the ABC sitcom 8 Simple Rules, on which she starred from 2002 to 2005. Thereafter, Cuoco appeared as Billie Jenkins on the final season of the television series Charmed ( 2005 -- 2006 ). Since 2007, she has starred as Penny on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, for which she has received Satellite, Critics ' Choice, and People 's Choice Awards. Cuoco 's film work includes roles in To Be Fat like Me ( 2007 ), Hop ( 2011 ) and Authors Anonymous ( 2014 ). She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2014.", "short_answer": "Kaley Christine Cuoco (" } }, { "question": "who's the blonde that does the priceline commercials", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kaley_Cuoco&oldid=854056486", "q_uid": 4613937918067307004, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cuoco starred in the Lifetime film To Be Fat like Me, which premiered on January 8, 2007. She played a minor role in the Prison Break episodes `` The Message '' and `` Chicago '', as well as starring in the comedy horror spoof Killer Movie in 2008. She also appeared in the 2010 film The Penthouse. In 2011, Cuoco appeared in Allure magazine 's annual `` Naked Truth '' feature. That same year, she appeared in the films Hop and The Last Ride. She was also chosen to host the Teen Choice Awards in 2011, as well as the People 's Choice Awards in 2012 and 2013. Cuoco is a regular on Priceline.com commercials as the daughter of William Shatner 's character.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays penny on the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kaley_Cuoco&oldid=834226361", "q_uid": -3056666259259184431, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kaley Christine Cuoco ( / \u02c8ke\u026ali \u02c8kwo\u028ako\u028a / KAY - lee KWOH - koh; born November 30, 1985 ) is an American actress. After a series of supporting film and television roles in the late 1990s, she landed her breakthrough role as Bridget Hennessy on the ABC sitcom 8 Simple Rules, on which she starred from 2002 to 2005. Thereafter, Cuoco appeared as Billie Jenkins on the final season of the television series Charmed ( 2005 -- 2006 ). Since 2007, she has starred as Penny on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, for which she has received Satellite, Critics ' Choice, and People 's Choice Awards. Cuoco 's film work includes roles in To Be Fat like Me ( 2007 ), Hop ( 2011 ) and Authors Anonymous ( 2014 ). She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2014. In October 2017, Cuoco founded Yes, Norman Productions.", "short_answer": "Kaley Christine Cuoco (" } }, { "question": "who plays penny from the big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kaley_Cuoco&oldid=854056486", "q_uid": -683091479026431851, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kaley Christine Cuoco ( / \u02c8kwo\u028ako\u028a / KWOH - koh; Italian: ( \u02c8kw\u0254\u02d0ko ); born November 30, 1985 ) is an American actress. After a series of supporting film and television roles in the late 1990s, she landed her breakthrough role as Bridget Hennessy on the ABC sitcom 8 Simple Rules, on which she starred from 2002 to 2005. Thereafter, Cuoco appeared as Billie Jenkins on the final season of the television series Charmed ( 2005 -- 2006 ). Since 2007, she has starred as Penny on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, for which she has received Satellite, Critics ' Choice, and People 's Choice Awards. Cuoco 's film work includes roles in To Be Fat like Me ( 2007 ), Hop ( 2011 ) and Authors Anonymous ( 2014 ). She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2014. In October 2017, Cuoco founded Yes, Norman Productions.", "short_answer": "Kaley Christine Cuoco (" } }, { "question": "who is the woman that does the priceline commercials", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kaley_Cuoco&oldid=854056486", "q_uid": -206834036253502718, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cuoco starred in the Lifetime film To Be Fat like Me, which premiered on January 8, 2007. She played a minor role in the Prison Break episodes `` The Message '' and `` Chicago '', as well as starring in the comedy horror spoof Killer Movie in 2008. She also appeared in the 2010 film The Penthouse. In 2011, Cuoco appeared in Allure magazine 's annual `` Naked Truth '' feature. That same year, she appeared in the films Hop and The Last Ride. She was also chosen to host the Teen Choice Awards in 2011, as well as the People 's Choice Awards in 2012 and 2013. Cuoco is a regular on Priceline.com commercials as the daughter of William Shatner 's character.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the girl from the priceline commercial", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kaley_Cuoco&oldid=842887257", "q_uid": -3317645850471328656, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cuoco starred in the Lifetime film To Be Fat like Me, which premiered on January 8, 2007. She played a minor role in the Prison Break episodes `` The Message '' and `` Chicago '', as well as starring in the comedy horror spoof Killer Movie in 2008. She also appeared in the 2010 film The Penthouse. In 2011, Cuoco appeared in Allure magazine 's annual `` Naked Truth '' feature. That same year, she appeared in the films Hop and The Last Ride. She was also chosen to host the Teen Choice Awards in 2011, as well as the People 's Choice Awards in 2012 and 2013. Cuoco is a regular on Priceline.com commercials as the daughter of William Shatner 's character.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays william shatner's daughter in priceline commercials", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kaley_Cuoco&oldid=815630944", "q_uid": 7746566854328525565, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cuoco starred in the Lifetime film To Be Fat like Me, which premiered on January 8, 2007. She played a minor role in the Prison Break episodes `` The Message '' and `` Chicago '', as well as starring in the comedy horror spoof Killer Movie in 2008. She also appeared in the 2010 film The Penthouse. In 2011, Cuoco appeared in Allure magazine 's annual `` Naked Truth '' feature. That same year, she appeared in the films Hop and The Last Ride. She was also chosen to host the Teen Choice Awards in 2011, as well as the People 's Choice Awards in 2012 and 2013. Cuoco is a regular on Priceline.com commercials as the daughter of William Shatner 's character.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "actress that plays penny on big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kaley_Cuoco&oldid=798488089", "q_uid": 8189200879608305458, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kaley Christine Cuoco ( / \u02c8ke\u026ali \u02c8kwo\u028ako\u028a / KAY - lee KWOH - koh; born November 30, 1985 ) is an American actress. After a series of supporting film and television roles in the late 1990s, she landed her breakthrough role as Bridget Hennessy on the ABC sitcom 8 Simple Rules, on which she starred from 2002 to 2005. Thereafter, Cuoco appeared as Billie Jenkins on the final season of the television series Charmed ( 2005 -- 2006 ). Since 2007, she has starred as Penny on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, for which she has received Satellite, Critics ' Choice, and People 's Choice Awards. Cuoco 's film work includes roles in To Be Fat like Me ( 2007 ), Hop ( 2011 ) and Authors Anonymous ( 2014 ). She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2014.", "short_answer": "Kaley Christine Cuoco (" } } ], "Audra Mae": [ { "question": "who sang forever young on sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Audra_Mae&oldid=841752956", "q_uid": 19172215434252377, "answers": { "long_answer": "Audra Mae is an American singer and songwriter from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, born on February 20, 1984. She is the great - great - niece of Judy Garland, and a great granddaughter of Garland 's sister Jimmie. Since arriving in California in 2007, she has signed a publishing deal with Warner / Chappell, and sang Bob Dylan 's `` Forever Young '' on the television series Sons of Anarchy. In 2009, she signed to Los Angeles based indie label SideOneDummy Records.", "short_answer": "Audra Mae is" } }, { "question": "who is the singer in avicii feeling good", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Audra_Mae&oldid=854131106", "q_uid": 2071695096777643445, "answers": { "long_answer": "American country artist Miranda Lambert covered Mae 's `` Little Red Wagon '' for her 2014 album, Platinum, and released it as the album 's third single in January 2015. It became a Top 20 hit on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart. In 2015 she teamed up with Avicii once again to sing the cover by Avicii of `` Feeling Good '' by Nina Simone, and to record Avicii 's upcoming track `` Touch Me '' for his album Stories.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Scott Clifton": [ { "question": "who plays liam spencer on bold and the beautiful", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Scott_Clifton&oldid=800090432", "q_uid": 1032495635615981848, "answers": { "long_answer": "Scott Clifton Snyder ( born October 31, 1984 ), better known as Scott Clifton, is an American actor, musician, and video blogger. He is best known for playing Dillon Quartermaine in General Hospital ( 2003 -- 2007 ), Schuyler Joplin in One Life to Live ( 2009 -- 2010 ), and Liam Spencer in The Bold and the Beautiful ( 2010 -- present ). He has three Emmy wins.", "short_answer": "Scott Clifton Snyder (" } }, { "question": "is liam on b&b married in real life", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Scott_Clifton&oldid=821816158", "q_uid": -6204831529902192672, "answers": { "long_answer": "Clifton married his longtime girlfriend Nicole Lampson on Saturday, October 20, 2012. Their wedding was attended by some The Bold and the Beautiful co-stars: John McCook, Don Diamont, Ronn Moss, Adam Gregory, Kim Matula, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood and many others. On May 6, 2016, they welcomed their first child, Ford Robert Clifton.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Spider-Man in film": [ { "question": "was the first spiderman movie made by marvel", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Spider-Man_in_film&oldid=843548661", "q_uid": -6391122853578428076, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first live - action film based on Spider - Man was the unauthorized short Spider - Man by Donald F. Glut in 1969. This was followed by Spider - Man, an American made - for - television film that premiered on the CBS network in 1977. It starred Nicholas Hammond and was intended as a backdoor pilot for what became a weekly episodic TV series.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many live action spider man movies are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Spider-Man_in_film&oldid=805024244", "q_uid": -6737903210220247511, "answers": { "long_answer": "The fictional character Spider - Man, a comic book superhero created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko and featured in Marvel Comics publications, has currently appeared in ten live - action films since his inception, not including fan made shorts. Spider - Man is the alter - ego of Peter Parker, a talented young freelance photographer and aspiring scientist, and Miles Morales, a high school student, both imbued with superhuman abilities after being bitten by radioactive / genetically - altered spiders.", "short_answer": "ten live" } } ], "Group of Eight": [ { "question": "who was added to the g-7 to make it the g-8", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Group_of_Eight&oldid=834191675", "q_uid": -4385204657897826898, "answers": { "long_answer": "The forum originated with a 1975 summit hosted by France that brought together representatives of six governments: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thus leading to the name Group of Six or G6. The summit came to be known as the Group of Seven, or G7, in 1976 with the addition of Canada. Russia was added to the political forum from 1997, which the following year became known as the G8. In March 2014 Russia was suspended following the annexation of Crimea, whereupon the group 's name reverted to the G7. Certain representatives of G7 countries stated that they would be interested in Russia 's return to the group. However, in 2017 Russia announced that it would permanently leave the political forum G8. The European Union was represented at the G8 since the 1980s as a `` nonenumerated '' participant, but originally could not host or chair summits. The 40th summit was the first time the European Union was able to host and chair a summit. Collectively, in 2012 the G8 nations comprised 50.1 percent of 2012 global nominal GDP and 40.9 percent of global GDP ( PPP ).", "short_answer": "Russia was" } }, { "question": "what does the g mean in g8 summit", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Group_of_Eight&oldid=843016072", "q_uid": 720061251850596272, "answers": { "long_answer": "The forum originated with a 1975 summit hosted by France that brought together representatives of six governments: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thus leading to the name Group of Six or G6. The summit came to be known as the Group of Seven, or G7, in 1976 with the addition of Canada. Russia was added to the political forum from 1997, which the following year became known as the G8. In March 2014 Russia was suspended following the annexation of Crimea, whereupon the political forum name reverted to G7. In 2017 Russia announced its permanent withdrawal from the G8. Some representatives of G7 countries stated that they would be interested in Russia 's return to the group. The European Union was represented at the G8 since the 1980s as a `` nonenumerated '' participant, but originally could not host or chair summits. The 40th summit was the first time the European Union was able to host and chair a summit. Collectively, in 2012 the G8 nations comprised 50.1 percent of 2012 global nominal GDP and 40.9 percent of global GDP ( PPP ).", "short_answer": "Group of" } }, { "question": "who was the final country added to the g8", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Group_of_Eight&oldid=827892546", "q_uid": 8322952172310640425, "answers": { "long_answer": "The forum originated with a 1975 summit hosted by France that brought together representatives of six governments: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thus leading to the name Group of Six or G6. The summit came to be known as the Group of Seven, or G7, in 1976 with the addition of Canada. Russia was added to the political forum from 1997, which the following year became known as the G8. In March 2014 Russia was suspended following the annexation of Crimea, whereupon the group 's name reverted to the G7. Certain representatives of G7 countries stated that they would be interested in Russia 's return to the group. However in 2017 Russia announced that it would permanently leave the political forum G8. The European Union was represented at the G8 since the 1980s as a `` nonenumerated '' participant, but originally could not host or chair summits. The 40th summit was the first time the European Union was able to host and chair a summit. Collectively, in 2012 the G8 nations comprised 50.1 percent of 2012 global nominal GDP and 40.9 percent of global GDP ( PPP ).", "short_answer": "Russia was" } } ], "Charlie Day": [ { "question": "who plays charlie on it's always sunny in philadelphia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Day&oldid=802406708", "q_uid": -7669566003129291825, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Peckham Day ( born February 9, 1976 ) is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, comedian, and musician. He is best known for playing Charlie Kelly on It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. On film, he is known for his role as Dale in the films Horrible Bosses ( 2011 ) and its 2014 sequel, as well as for his roles in Monsters University ( 2013 ), Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), The Lego Movie ( 2014 ) and Fist Fight ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Peckham Day (" } }, { "question": "actor who plays charlie in it's always sunny", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Day&oldid=837176514", "q_uid": -7473999455523004424, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Peckham Day ( born February 9, 1976 ) is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, comedian, and musician. He is best known for playing Charlie Kelly on It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. On film, he is known for his role as Dale in the films Horrible Bosses ( 2011 ) and its 2014 sequel, as well as for his roles in Monsters University ( 2013 ), Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), The Lego Movie ( 2014 ), and Fist Fight ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Peckham Day (" } }, { "question": "when did charlie and the waitress get married in real life", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Day&oldid=816107528", "q_uid": -6083226297547246751, "answers": { "long_answer": "Day has been married to actress Mary Elizabeth Ellis since March 4, 2006. They met in 2001 and were dating in 2004 when they co-starred as incestuous siblings on Reno 911!. Ellis has a recurring role on It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as `` The Waitress '', a coffee shop employee and object of the unrequited love and obsession for Day 's character. The couple had their first child, a son, in 2011.", "short_answer": "March 4, 2006." } }, { "question": "when did charlie and the waitress start dating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Day&oldid=842646516", "q_uid": -3090740937431566894, "answers": { "long_answer": "Day has been married to actress Mary Elizabeth Ellis since March 4, 2006. They met in 2001 and were dating in 2004 when they co-starred as incestuous siblings on Reno 911!. Ellis has a recurring role on It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as `` The Waitress '', an unnamed coffee shop employee and object of the unrequited love and obsession for Day 's character. The couple had their first child, a son named Russell Wallace, in 2011.", "short_answer": "2004 when" } }, { "question": "who plays charlie on it's always sunny", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Day&oldid=808950506", "q_uid": -4633355453516911545, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Peckham Day ( born February 9, 1976 ) is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, comedian, and musician. He is best known for playing Charlie Kelly on It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. On film, he is known for his role as Dale in the films Horrible Bosses ( 2011 ) and its 2014 sequel, as well as for his roles in Monsters University ( 2013 ), Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), The Lego Movie ( 2014 ) and Fist Fight ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Peckham Day (" } }, { "question": "who plays charlie in it's always sunny", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Charlie_Day&oldid=846316702", "q_uid": -4297711840461609466, "answers": { "long_answer": "Charles Peckham Day ( born February 9, 1976 ) is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, comedian, and musician. He is best known for playing Charlie Kelly on It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. On film, he is known for his role as Dale in the films Horrible Bosses ( 2011 ) and its 2014 sequel, as well as for his roles in Monsters University ( 2013 ), Pacific Rim ( 2013 ), The Lego Movie ( 2014 ), Fist Fight ( 2017 ), and Pacific Rim Uprising ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Charles Peckham Day (" } } ], "Grade inflation": [ { "question": "what term refers to higher grades given for the same work", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Grade_inflation&oldid=844223263", "q_uid": 4756773210884143230, "answers": { "long_answer": "Grade inflation is used in two senses: ( 1 ) grading leniency: the awarding of higher grades than students deserve, which yields a higher average grade given to students ( 2 ) the tendency to award progressively higher academic grades for work that would have received lower grades in the past.", "short_answer": "Grade inflation is" } } ], "The Andy Griffith Show": [ { "question": "where was the andy griffith show filmed at", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Andy_Griffith_Show&oldid=807591134", "q_uid": 5797424130439944179, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show was filmed at Desilu Studios, with exteriors filmed at Forty Acres in Culver City, California. Woodsy locales were filmed north of Beverly Hills at Franklin Canyon.", "short_answer": "Desilu Studios," } }, { "question": "who wrote the theme to the andy griffith show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Andy_Griffith_Show&oldid=807591134", "q_uid": -7405350620037253862, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show 's theme music, `` The Fishin ' Hole '', was composed by Earle Hagen and Herbert Spencer, with lyrics written by Everett Sloane, who also guest starred as Jubal Foster in the episode `` The Keeper of the Flame '' ( 1962 ). Whistling in the opening sequence, as well as the closing credits sequence, was performed by Earle Hagen. One of the show 's tunes, `` The Mayberry March '', was reworked a number of times in different tempo, styles and orchestrations as background music.", "short_answer": "Earle Hagen and" } }, { "question": "who wrote the music for the andy griffith show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Andy_Griffith_Show&oldid=865295121", "q_uid": -5482374669949347443, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show 's theme music, `` The Fishin ' Hole '', was composed by Earle Hagen and Herbert Spencer, with lyrics written by Everett Sloane, who also guest starred as Jubal Foster in the episode `` The Keeper of the Flame '' ( 1962 ). Whistling in the opening sequence, as well as the closing credits sequence, was performed by Earle Hagen. One of the show 's tunes, `` The Mayberry March '', was reworked a number of times in different tempo, styles and orchestrations as background music.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the announcer for the andy griffith show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Andy_Griffith_Show&oldid=865295121", "q_uid": -578517242480128086, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Andy Griffith Show Play media Opening sequence including `` The Fishin ' Hole '' Genre Sitcom Created by Sheldon Leonard Starring Andy Griffith Ronny Howard Don Knotts Frances Bavier Narrated by Colin Male ( 1960 -- 64 ) Theme music composer Earle Hagen and Herbert W. Spencer Opening theme `` The Fishin ' Hole '' Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 8 No. of episodes 249 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Sheldon Leonard Danny Thomas Production location ( s ) Desilu Culver ( 1960 -- 67 ) Paramount Studios ( 1967 -- 68 ) Camera setup Single - camera Running time 25 -- 26 minutes Production company ( s ) Danny Thomas Enterprises Mayberry Enterprises Distributor Viacom Enterprises ( 1971 -- 1994 ) Paramount Domestic Television ( 1994 -- 2006 ) CBS Paramount Domestic Television ( 2006 -- 2007 ) CBS Television Distribution ( 2007 -- present ) Release Original network CBS Picture format Black - and - white ( 1960 -- 65 ) Color ( 1965 -- 68 ) 35 mm film Original broadcast: 4: 3 480i ( SDTV ) Remastered: 4: 3 1080i ( HDTV ) Audio format Monaural Original release October 3, 1960 ( 1960 - 10 - 03 ) -- April 1, 1968 ( 1968 - 04 - 01 ) Chronology Followed by Mayberry R.F.D. Related shows The Danny Thomas Show Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.", "short_answer": "Colin Male (" } } ], "Signed number representations": [ { "question": "which method of representation has two representations for 0", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Signed_number_representations&oldid=844813835", "q_uid": 1124878605600980385, "answers": { "long_answer": "This representation is also called `` sign -- magnitude '' or `` sign and magnitude '' representation. In this approach, the problem of representing a number 's sign can be to allocate one sign bit to represent the sign: setting that bit ( often the most significant bit ) to 0 is for a positive number or positive zero, and setting it to 1 is for a negative number or negative zero. The remaining bits in the number indicate the magnitude ( or absolute value ). Hence, in a byte with only seven bits ( apart from the sign bit ), the magnitude can range from 0000000 ( 0 ) to 1111111 ( 127 ). Thus numbers ranging from \u2212 127 to + 127 can be represented once the sign bit ( the eighth bit ) is added. For example, \u2212 43 encoded in an eight - bit byte is 10101011 while 43 is 00101011. A consequence of using signed magnitude representation is that there are two ways to represent zero, 00000000 ( 0 ) and 10000000 ( \u2212 0 ).", "short_answer": "`` sign and magnitude '' representation." } }, { "question": "range of signed integers represented by 8 bits", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Signed_number_representations&oldid=807241697", "q_uid": -2968964004707745602, "answers": { "long_answer": "As an example, the ones ' complement form of 00101011 ( 43 ) becomes 11010100 ( \u2212 43 ). The range of signed numbers using ones ' complement is represented by \u2212 ( 2 \u2212 1 ) to ( 2 \u2212 1 ) and \u00b1 0. A conventional eight - bit byte is \u2212 127 to + 127 with zero being either 00000000 ( + 0 ) or 11111111 ( \u2212 0 ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Chloe Lanier": [ { "question": "who is the actress that plays nell on general hospital", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chloe_Lanier&oldid=848779730", "q_uid": -9029481702400474171, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chloe Lanier ( born November 3, 1992 ) is an American actress. She is known for playing Nelle Benson on the ABC soap opera General Hospital, for which she was nominated for the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series in 2017, winning that award the following year.", "short_answer": "Chloe Lanier (" } } ], "Noomi Rapace": [ { "question": "actress in the girl with the dragon tattoo swedish", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Noomi_Rapace&oldid=854075593", "q_uid": 5439610698620690855, "answers": { "long_answer": "Noomi Rapace ( Swedish: ( \u02c8nu\u02d0m\u026a ra\u02c8pas\u02d0 ) ( listen ); n\u00e9e Nor\u00e9n; born 28 December 1979 ) is a Swedish actress. She achieved fame with her portrayal of Lisbeth Salander in the Swedish film adaptations of the Millennium series: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets ' Nest. In 2011, she was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Actress for her performance in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.", "short_answer": "Noomi Rapace (" } }, { "question": "who played the girl with the dragon tattoo actress", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Noomi_Rapace&oldid=801748041", "q_uid": -5856596351654515269, "answers": { "long_answer": "Noomi Rapace ( Swedish pronunciation: ( \u02c8nu\u02d0m\u026a ra\u02c8pas\u02d0 ) ( listen ); n\u00e9e Nor\u00e9n; born 28 December 1979 ) is a Swedish actress. She achieved fame with her portrayal of Lisbeth Salander in the Swedish film adaptations of the Millennium series: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets ' Nest. In 2011, she was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Actress for her performance in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.", "short_answer": "Noomi Rapace ( Swedish pronunciation: ( \u02c8nu\u02d0m\u026a ra\u02c8pas\u02d0 ) ( listen )" } } ], "The Lazy Song": [ { "question": "who are the dancers in the lazy song video", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lazy_Song&oldid=804948425", "q_uid": -2020257420770966885, "answers": { "long_answer": "The official video was directed by Mars and Cameron Duddy, produced by Nick Tabri and Dara Siegel, and features Poreotics wearing chimpanzee masks; it was released on April 15, 2011. The whole video is presented in as a lone continuous and uninterrupted shot, it begins with Mars singing and hanging out in a bedroom with five dancers, they all wear monkey masks and Mars dresses in black sunglasses and a flannel shirt. While Mars sings what he feels to do on a day off, he and the monkeys perform dance moves typical of a boy - band, fool around and mimicking the song 's lyrics. Philip Lawrence, a member of the Smeezingtons, makes an appearance, lip syncing the line, `` Oh my God, this is great! '' before being driven off by the chimps; the monkeys drop their pants when Mars sings, `` I 'll just strut in my birthday suit / and let everything hang loose! '' The music video ends with Mars pouring yellow confetti all over his boxer - clad pals, right before him, Poreotics and Philip Lawrence, who meanwhile reappeared, striking a pose for the camera.", "short_answer": "Poreotics wearing" } }, { "question": "who were the monkeys in the lazy song", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Lazy_Song&oldid=804948425", "q_uid": -4729949688538569619, "answers": { "long_answer": "The official video was directed by Mars and Cameron Duddy, produced by Nick Tabri and Dara Siegel, and features Poreotics wearing chimpanzee masks; it was released on April 15, 2011. The whole video is presented in as a lone continuous and uninterrupted shot, it begins with Mars singing and hanging out in a bedroom with five dancers, they all wear monkey masks and Mars dresses in black sunglasses and a flannel shirt. While Mars sings what he feels to do on a day off, he and the monkeys perform dance moves typical of a boy - band, fool around and mimicking the song 's lyrics. Philip Lawrence, a member of the Smeezingtons, makes an appearance, lip syncing the line, `` Oh my God, this is great! '' before being driven off by the chimps; the monkeys drop their pants when Mars sings, `` I 'll just strut in my birthday suit / and let everything hang loose! '' The music video ends with Mars pouring yellow confetti all over his boxer - clad pals, right before him, Poreotics and Philip Lawrence, who meanwhile reappeared, striking a pose for the camera.", "short_answer": "Poreotics wearing" } } ], "2017 NBA Finals": [ { "question": "who won the game 2 nba finals 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2017_NBA_Finals&oldid=802189898", "q_uid": 7700617774905606873, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Warriors won Game 2 over the Cavaliers, 132 -- 113, to improve their best start in NBA playoff history to 14 -- 0. Their fourteen - game win - streak is the longest postseason win streak in NBA history. Golden State surpassed Cleveland 's thirteen game win - streak, which dated back to Game 5 of the 2016 Finals. The Warriors also hit an NBA Finals record 18 three - pointers on 43 attempts, with Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, and Kevin Durant hitting four threes apiece and Draymond Green connecting on three of his own from behind the arc. Warriors Coach Steve Kerr returned from illness to coach from the sideline for the first time since April 19, 2017. In what was a high scoring affair for both teams, the Warriors held a slim three - point lead ( 67 -- 64 ) at halftime and a four - point lead ( 86 -- 82 ) past the midway point of the third quarter before outscoring the Cavs 35 -- 17 through the middle of the fourth quarter. LeBron James led the Cavaliers with 29 points while grabbing 11 rebounds and dishing out 14 assists, and Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving added 27 and 19 points, respectively.", "short_answer": "Golden State surpassed" } }, { "question": "who did the warriors play last year in the finals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2017_NBA_Finals&oldid=844810998", "q_uid": -6119285862094628624, "answers": { "long_answer": "2017 NBA Finals Team Coach Wins Golden State Warriors Steve Kerr Cleveland Cavaliers Tyronn Lue Dates June 1 -- 12 MVP Kevin Durant ( Golden State Warriors ) Television U.S.: English: ABC Spanish: ESPN Deportes Canada: TSN ( Game 3 and 4 ) Sportsnet ( Game 1, 2 and 5 ) Announcers ABC: Mike Breen ( play - by - play ) Mark Jackson and Jeff Van Gundy ( analysts ) Doris Burke ( sideline reporter ) ESPN Deportes: \u00c1lvaro Mart\u00edn ( play - by - play ) Carlos Morales ( analyst ) Radio network ESPN Radio ( National ) Cleveland Cavaliers Radio Network ( Cleveland ) Golden State Warriors Radio Network ( Golden State ) Announcers Marc Kestecher and Hubie Brown ( ESPN Radio ) John Michael and Jim Chones ( Cleveland ) Tim Roye, Jim Barnett and Tom Tolbert ( Golden State ) Referees Game 1: Danny Crawford, Derrick Stafford, Zach Zarba Game 2: Scott Foster, Tony Brothers, James Capers Game 3: Monty McCutchen, Ed Malloy, Ken Mauer Game 4: Mike Callahan, Marc Davis, John Goble Game 5: Danny Crawford, Ed Malloy, Derrick Stafford Eastern Finals Cavaliers defeated Celtics, 4 -- 1 Western Finals Warriors defeated Spurs, 4 -- 0 < 2016 NBA Finals 2018 >", "short_answer": "Cleveland Cavaliers" } }, { "question": "who did the warriors play in the finals last year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2017_NBA_Finals&oldid=844810998", "q_uid": 3786266186252596651, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2017 NBA Finals was the championship series of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) 's 2016 -- 17 season and conclusion of the season 's playoffs. The Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors defeated the defending NBA champion and Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers 4 games to 1. This Finals was the first time in NBA history the same two teams had met for a third consecutive year. The Cavaliers sought to repeat as champions after winning the championship in 2016, while the Warriors won the first meeting in 2015. Golden State earned home court advantage with a 2016 -- 17 regular season record of 67 -- 15, while Cleveland finished the regular season with a 51 -- 31 record. The Warriors entered the 2017 Finals after becoming the first team in NBA playoff history to start 12 -- 0, while the Cavaliers entered the 2017 Finals with a 12 -- 1 record during the first three rounds of the postseason. The Warriors ' 15 -- 0 start in the playoffs is the most consecutive postseason wins in NBA history and their 16 -- 1 record is the best winning percentage (. 941 ) in NBA Playoff history.", "short_answer": "Cleveland Cavaliers 4" } } ], "1985 Tour de France": [ { "question": "who won the tour de france in 1985", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1985_Tour_de_France&oldid=809685732", "q_uid": 4972735096175159012, "answers": { "long_answer": "1985 Tour de France Route of the 1985 Tour de France Race details Dates 28 June -- 21 July Stages 22 + Prologue, including one split stage Distance 4,109 km ( 2,553 mi ) Winning time 113h 24 ' 23 '' Results Winner Bernard Hinault ( FRA ) ( La Vie Claire ) Second Greg LeMond ( USA ) ( La Vie Claire ) Third Stephen Roche ( IRE ) ( La Redoute ) Points Sean Kelly ( IRE ) ( Skil -- Sem -- Kas -- Miko ) Mountains Luis Herrera ( COL ) ( Varta -- Caf\u00e9 de Colombia -- Mavic ) Youth Fabio Parra ( COL ) ( Varta -- Caf\u00e9 de Colombia -- Mavic ) Combination Greg LeMond ( USA ) ( La Vie Claire ) Sprints Jozef Lieckens ( BEL ) ( Lotto ) Combativity Maarten Ducrot ( NED ) ( Kwantum -- Decosol -- Yoko ) Team La Vie Claire Team Points La Vie Claire \u2190 1984 1986 \u2192", "short_answer": "Bernard Hinault (" } } ], "Sample-return mission": [ { "question": "what real life mission returned a sample from a comet", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sample-return_mission&oldid=861365554", "q_uid": -1189724588917118891, "answers": { "long_answer": "Genesis was followed by NASA 's Stardust spacecraft, which returned comet samples to Earth on January 15, 2006. It safely passed by Comet Wild 2 and collected dust samples from the comet 's coma while imaging the comet 's nucleus. Stardust used a collector array made of low - density aerogel ( 99 % of which is empty space ), which has about 1 / 1000 of the density of glass. This permits the ability to collect the cometary particles without damaging them due to high impact velocities. Particle collisions with even slightly porous solid collectors would result in destruction of those particles and damage to the collection apparatus. During cruise, the second side of the array collected at least seven interstellar dust particles.", "short_answer": "Stardust spacecraft" } } ], "Total Drama: Revenge of the Island": [ { "question": "who won season 4 of total drama island", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Total_Drama:_Revenge_of_the_Island&oldid=849427003", "q_uid": -2367855712640952197, "answers": { "long_answer": "About halfway through the season, the Toxic Rats and the Mutant Maggots are disbanded, after which the challenges continue; the winner of each challenge then only receives invincibility for him or herself, whereupon a camper without invincibility is voted off the island. This process of elimination is continued on until two players ( Cameron and Lightning ) remain on the island, where then they are subject to a final contest. At the end of the season, Cameron is crowned winner of the season and is given the million dollars by Chris. Lightning however, wins in the alternate ending, which airs only in the United States.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of cities in India by population": [ { "question": "list of cities in india by population density", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_cities_in_India_by_population&oldid=819164439", "q_uid": 9160322901206981782, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank City Population ( 2011 ) Population ( 2001 ) State or Union territory Ref Mumbai 12,442,373 11,978,450 Maharashtra Delhi 11,034,555 9,879,172 Delhi Bangalore 8,443,675 4,301,326 Karnataka Hyderabad 6,993,262 3,637,483 Telangana 5 Ahmedabad 5,577,940 3,520,085 Gujarat 6 Chennai 4,646,732 4,343,645 Tamil Nadu 7 Kolkata 4,496,694 4,572,876 West Bengal 8 Surat 4,467,797 2,433,835 Gujarat 9 Pune 3,124,458 2,538,473 Maharashtra 10 Jaipur 3,046,163 2,322,575 Rajasthan 11 Lucknow 2,817,105 2,185,927 Uttar Pradesh 12 Kanpur 2,765,348 2,551,337 Uttar Pradesh 13 Nagpur 2,405,665 2,052,066 Maharashtra 14 Visakhapatnam 2,035,922 982,904 Andhra Pradesh 15 Indore 1,960,631 1,474,968 Madhya Pradesh 16 Thane 1,818,872 1,262,551 Maharashtra 17 Bhopal 1,798,218 1,437,354 Madhya Pradesh 18 Pimpri - Chinchwad 1,729,359 1,012,472 Maharashtra 19 Patna 1,683,200 1,366,444 Bihar 20 Vadodara 1,666,703 1,306,227 Gujarat 21 Ghaziabad 1,636,068 968,256 Uttar Pradesh 22 Ludhiana 1,613,878 1,398,467 Punjab 23 Coimbatore 1,601,438 930,882 Tamil Nadu 24 Agra 1,585,704 1,275,134 Uttar Pradesh 25 Madurai 1,561,129 928,869 Tamil Nadu", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the second biggest city in india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_cities_in_India_by_population&oldid=856686995", "q_uid": -8120008366642219735, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank City Population ( 2011 ) Population ( 2001 ) State or union territory Ref Mumbai 12,442,373 11,978,450 Maharashtra Delhi 11,034,555 9,879,172 Delhi Bangalore 8,443,675 4,301,326 Karnataka Hyderabad 6,993,262 3,637,483 Telangana 5 Ahmedabad 5,577,940 3,520,085 Gujarat 6 Chennai 4,646,732 4,343,645 Tamil Nadu 7 Kolkata 4,496,694 4,572,876 West Bengal 8 Surat 4,467,797 2,433,835 Gujarat 9 Pune 3,124,458 2,538,473 Maharashtra 10 Jaipur 3,046,163 2,322,575 Rajasthan 11 Lucknow 2,817,105 2,185,927 Uttar Pradesh 12 Kanpur 2,765,348 2,551,337 Uttar Pradesh 13 Nagpur 2,405,665 2,052,066 Maharashtra 14 Visakhapatnam 2,035,922 982,904 Andhra Pradesh 15 Indore 1,960,631 1,474,968 Madhya Pradesh 16 Thane 1,818,872 1,262,551 Maharashtra 17 Bhopal 1,798,218 1,437,354 Madhya Pradesh 18 Pimpri - Chinchwad 1,729,359 1,012,472 Maharashtra 19 Patna 1,683,200 1,366,444 Bihar 20 Vadodara 1,666,703 1,306,227 Gujarat 21 Ghaziabad 1,636,068 968,256 Uttar Pradesh 22 Ludhiana 1,613,878 1,398,467 Punjab 23 Coimbatore 1,601,438 930,882 Tamil Nadu 24 Agra 1,585,704 1,275,134 Uttar Pradesh 25 Madurai 1,561,129 928,869 Tamil Nadu", "short_answer": "Delhi" } }, { "question": "population of major indian cities as per census 2011", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_cities_in_India_by_population&oldid=805204327", "q_uid": -8361828431744129594, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank City Population ( 2011 ) Population ( 2001 ) State or Union territory Ref Mumbai 12,442,373 11,978,450 Maharashtra Delhi 11,034,555 9,879,172 Delhi Bangalore 8,443,675 4,301,326 Karnataka Hyderabad 6,993,262 3,637,483 Telangana 5 Ahmedabad 5,577,940 3,520,085 Gujarat 6 Chennai 4,646,732 4,343,645 Tamil Nadu 7 Kolkata 4,496,694 4,572,876 West Bengal 8 Surat 4,467,797 2,433,835 Gujarat 9 Pune 3,124,458 2,538,473 Maharashtra 10 Jaipur 3,046,163 2,322,575 Rajasthan 11 Lucknow 2,817,105 2,185,927 Uttar Pradesh 12 Kanpur 2,765,348 2,551,337 Uttar Pradesh 13 Nagpur 2,405,665 2,052,066 Maharashtra 14 Visakhapatnam 2,035,922 982,904 Andhra Pradesh 15 Indore 1,960,631 1,474,968 Madhya Pradesh 16 Thane 1,818,872 1,262,551 Maharashtra 17 Bhopal 1,798,218 1,437,354 Madhya Pradesh 18 Pimpri - Chinchwad 1,729,359 1,012,472 Maharashtra 19 Patna 1,683,200 1,366,444 Bihar 20 Vadodara 1,666,703 1,306,227 Gujarat 21 Ghaziabad 1,636,068 968,256 Uttar Pradesh 22 Ludhiana 1,613,878 1,398,467 Punjab 23 Coimbatore 1,601,438 930,882 Tamil Nadu 24 Agra 1,585,704 1,275,134 Uttar Pradesh 25 Madurai 1,561,129 928,869 Tamil Nadu", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "most populous city in india as per 2011 census", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_cities_in_India_by_population&oldid=856686995", "q_uid": -1121361934256207849, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank City Population ( 2011 ) Population ( 2001 ) State or union territory Ref Mumbai 12,442,373 11,978,450 Maharashtra Delhi 11,034,555 9,879,172 Delhi Bangalore 8,443,675 4,301,326 Karnataka Hyderabad 6,993,262 3,637,483 Telangana 5 Ahmedabad 5,577,940 3,520,085 Gujarat 6 Chennai 4,646,732 4,343,645 Tamil Nadu 7 Kolkata 4,496,694 4,572,876 West Bengal 8 Surat 4,467,797 2,433,835 Gujarat 9 Pune 3,124,458 2,538,473 Maharashtra 10 Jaipur 3,046,163 2,322,575 Rajasthan 11 Lucknow 2,817,105 2,185,927 Uttar Pradesh 12 Kanpur 2,765,348 2,551,337 Uttar Pradesh 13 Nagpur 2,405,665 2,052,066 Maharashtra 14 Visakhapatnam 2,035,922 982,904 Andhra Pradesh 15 Indore 1,960,631 1,474,968 Madhya Pradesh 16 Thane 1,818,872 1,262,551 Maharashtra 17 Bhopal 1,798,218 1,437,354 Madhya Pradesh 18 Pimpri - Chinchwad 1,729,359 1,012,472 Maharashtra 19 Patna 1,683,200 1,366,444 Bihar 20 Vadodara 1,666,703 1,306,227 Gujarat 21 Ghaziabad 1,636,068 968,256 Uttar Pradesh 22 Ludhiana 1,613,878 1,398,467 Punjab 23 Coimbatore 1,601,438 930,882 Tamil Nadu 24 Agra 1,585,704 1,275,134 Uttar Pradesh 25 Madurai 1,561,129 928,869 Tamil Nadu", "short_answer": "Mumbai" } } ], "Geography of Japan": [ { "question": "what body of water borders japans west coast", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Geography_of_Japan&oldid=842927171", "q_uid": 6010018294655674473, "answers": { "long_answer": "Japan is an island nation in East Asia comprising a volcanic archipelago extending along the continent 's Pacific coast. It lies between 24 \u00b0 to 46 \u00b0 north latitude and from 123 \u00b0 to 146 \u00b0 east longitude. Japan is southeast of the Russian Far East, separated by the Sea of Okhotsk; slightly east of the Korean Peninsula, separated by the Sea of Japan; and east - northeast of China and Taiwan, separated by the East China Sea. The closest neighboring country to Japan is Russia.", "short_answer": "Sea of Japan;" } }, { "question": "where is japan located geographically in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Geography_of_Japan&oldid=818525905", "q_uid": 2273659510301116132, "answers": { "long_answer": "Japan is an island nation in East Asia comprising a volcanic archipelago extending along the continent 's Pacific coast. It lies between 24 \u00b0 to 46 \u00b0 north latitude and from 123 \u00b0 to 146 \u00b0 east longitude. Japan is southeast of the Russian Far East, separated by the Sea of Okhotsk; slightly east of the Korean Peninsula, separated by the Sea of Japan; and east - northeast of China and Taiwan, separated by the East China Sea. The closest neighboring country to Japan is Russia.", "short_answer": "island nation in East Asia comprising" } }, { "question": "location of japan in relation to other countries", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Geography_of_Japan&oldid=818525905", "q_uid": 7143075633034966090, "answers": { "long_answer": "Japan is an island nation in East Asia comprising a volcanic archipelago extending along the continent 's Pacific coast. It lies between 24 \u00b0 to 46 \u00b0 north latitude and from 123 \u00b0 to 146 \u00b0 east longitude. Japan is southeast of the Russian Far East, separated by the Sea of Okhotsk; slightly east of the Korean Peninsula, separated by the Sea of Japan; and east - northeast of China and Taiwan, separated by the East China Sea. The closest neighboring country to Japan is Russia.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what is the most important resource that japan has", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Geography_of_Japan&oldid=835583048", "q_uid": 2589533440034459793, "answers": { "long_answer": "Natural resources: small deposits of coal, oil, iron, and minerals. Major fishing industry.", "short_answer": "fishing industry." } }, { "question": "what archipelago nation divided the sea of japan from the pacific ocean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Geography_of_Japan&oldid=795416026", "q_uid": 6088399424857834740, "answers": { "long_answer": "Japan is an island nation in East Asia comprising a stratovolcanic archipelago extending along the continent 's Pacific coast. It lies between 24 \u00b0 to 46 \u00b0 north latitude and from 123 \u00b0 to 146 \u00b0 east longitude. Japan is southeast of the Russian Far East, separated by the Sea of Okhotsk; slightly east of Korea, separated by the Sea of Japan; and east - northeast of China and Taiwan, separated by the East China Sea. The closest neighboring country to Japan is the Russian Federation.", "short_answer": "Japan is" } } ], "Lindsey Stirling": [ { "question": "who is the violinist on dancing with the stars 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lindsey_Stirling&oldid=827608826", "q_uid": 1828815634437261955, "answers": { "long_answer": "In September 2017, Stirling was announced as one of the celebrities to compete on season 25 of Dancing with the Stars. She was paired with professional dancer Mark Ballas. Stirling and Ballas finished in second place.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was lindsey stirling on dancing with the stars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lindsey_Stirling&oldid=814846646", "q_uid": -703872651120117348, "answers": { "long_answer": "In September 2017, Stirling was announced as one of the celebrities to compete on season 25 of Dancing with the Stars. She was paired with professional dancer Mark Ballas. Stirling and Ballas finished in second place.", "short_answer": "season 25 of" } } ], "Topher Grace": [ { "question": "who is the actor that plays eric forman", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Topher_Grace&oldid=854546218", "q_uid": 3516767289177709558, "answers": { "long_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace ( / \u02c8to\u028af\u0259r /; born July 12, 1978 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing Eric Forman in the Fox sitcom That ' 70s Show, Eddie Brock / Venom in Sam Raimi 's film Spider - Man 3, Pete Monash in Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!, Carter Duryea in In Good Company, Edwin in Predators, Getty in Interstellar, Adrian Yates in American Ultra, and David Duke in Spike Lee 's film BlacKkKlansman. His other film roles include Traffic, Mona Lisa Smile, Valentine 's Day, Take Me Home Tonight, The Big Wedding, War Machine, and Under the Silver Lake.", "short_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace (" } }, { "question": "who plays eric forman on that 70s show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Topher_Grace&oldid=804464631", "q_uid": -2088244145444577696, "answers": { "long_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace ( / \u02c8to\u028af\u0259r /; born July 12, 1978 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing Eric Forman in the Fox sitcom That ' 70s Show, Eddie Brock / Venom in Sam Raimi 's film Spider - Man 3, Carter Duryea in the film In Good Company, and Edwin in the 2010 film Predators.", "short_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace (" } }, { "question": "who played eric forman on that 70's show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Topher_Grace&oldid=803347731", "q_uid": 6599484206707743736, "answers": { "long_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace ( / \u02c8to\u028af\u0259r /; born July 12, 1978 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing Eric Forman in the Fox sitcom That ' 70s Show, Eddie Brock / Venom in Sam Raimi 's film Spider - Man 3, Carter Duryea in the film In Good Company, and Edwin in the 2010 film Predators.", "short_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace (" } }, { "question": "who played eric forman in that 70s show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Topher_Grace&oldid=808170229", "q_uid": -7714899965103455453, "answers": { "long_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace ( / \u02c8to\u028af\u0259r /; born July 12, 1978 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing Eric Forman in the Fox sitcom That ' 70s Show, Eddie Brock / Venom in Sam Raimi 's film Spider - Man 3, Carter Duryea in the film In Good Company, and Edwin in the 2010 film Predators.", "short_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace (" } }, { "question": "who played eric forman on that 70 show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Topher_Grace&oldid=796451075", "q_uid": 4427667748655974400, "answers": { "long_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace ( / \u02c8to\u028af\u0259r /; born July 12, 1978 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing Eric Forman in the Fox sitcom That ' 70s Show, Venom in Sam Raimi 's film Spider - Man 3, Carter Duryea in the film In Good Company, and Edwin in the 2010 film Predators.", "short_answer": "Christopher John `` Topher '' Grace (" } } ], "Ron Howard": [ { "question": "who played opie in the andy griffin show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ron_Howard&oldid=866392576", "q_uid": 9137601808933378586, "answers": { "long_answer": "Howard first came to prominence playing young Opie Taylor, the son of Sheriff Andy Taylor ( played by Andy Griffith ) in the sitcom The Andy Griffith Show from 1960 through 1968. During this time he also appeared in the musical film The Music Man ( 1962 ) and the comedy film The Courtship of Eddie 's Father ( 1963 ). In 1974, he played Steve Bolander in the classic coming of age film American Graffiti ( 1973 ). In 1974 Howard became a household name playing teenager Richie Cunningham in the sitcom Happy Days, continuing for seven years. Howard continued making films during this time, appearing in the western film The Shootist ( 1976 ), and the comedy film Grand Theft Auto ( 1977 ), which he also directed.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played opie on the andy griffith show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ron_Howard&oldid=835569625", "q_uid": -8156759893817045640, "answers": { "long_answer": "Howard first came to prominence playing young Opie Taylor in the sitcom The Andy Griffith Show for eight years and later playing teenager Richie Cunningham in the sitcom Happy Days for seven years. He appeared in the musical film The Music Man ( 1962 ), the comedy film The Courtship of Eddie 's Father ( 1963 ), the coming of age film American Graffiti ( 1973 ), the western film The Shootist ( 1976 ), and the comedy film Grand Theft Auto ( 1977 ), which he also directed.", "short_answer": "Howard first" } }, { "question": "who played opie on the andy griffin show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ron_Howard&oldid=866392576", "q_uid": 3268014120741961334, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ronald William Howard ( born March 1, 1954 ) is an American filmmaker and actor. Howard is best known for playing two high - profile roles in television sitcoms in his youth and directing a number of successful feature films later in his career.", "short_answer": "Ronald William Howard (" } }, { "question": "is ron howard a producer of this is us", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ron_Howard&oldid=843584436", "q_uid": -2687083263747437749, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Film Role 1981 Skyward Christmas Executive producer; TV movie When Your Lover Leaves Executive producer; TV movie 1984 -- 1985 Maximum Security Executive producer; 1985 No Greater Gift Executive producer; TV special 1985 Into Thin Air Executive producer; TV movie 1986 The Lone - Star Kid Executive producer; TV movie Take Five Executive producer; TV movie 1988 Poison Executive producer; TV movie 1999 Mullholland Drive Executive producer; TV movie 1990 -- 1991 Parenthood Executive producer 1998 From the Earth to the Moon Producer, TV miniseries 1998 -- 2000 Sports Night Executive producer 1998 -- 2002 Felicity Executive producer 1999 -- 2001 The PJs Executive producer 1999 Student Affairs TV movie 2000 Wonderland 2000 Silicon Follies Executive producer; TV movie 2001 The Beast Executive producer 2003 The Snobs Executive producer 2006 -- present Curious George Executive producer 2010 -- 2015 Parenthood Executive producer 2012 The Great Escape Executive producer 2003 -- 2006; 2013, 2018 Arrested Development Executive producer 2014 Unsung Heroes Executive producer; TV documentary 2015 -- Breakthrough 2016 - `` Mars '' Executive producer 2017 The Dark Tower", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Karen David": [ { "question": "who plays princess jasmine on once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Karen_David&oldid=804952222", "q_uid": 210535940741809086, "answers": { "long_answer": "Karen Shenaz David ( born 15 April 1979 or 1980 ) ( sources differ ) is an Indian - Canadian actress, singer and songwriter, who is best known for portraying Princess Isabella Maria Lucia Elizabetta of Valencia in ABC 's fairytale - themed musical - comedy television series, Galavant, as well as Francesca `` Cesca '' Montoya in the BBC television series Waterloo Road, and Layla in the American action film The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior. She starred as Angela in the ITV television series Cold Feet and plays Princess Jasmine ( from Aladdin ) in the American television series Once Upon a Time.", "short_answer": "Karen Shenaz David (" } } ], "List of awards and nominations received by Nicki Minaj": [ { "question": "how many grammy nominations does nicki minaj have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Nicki_Minaj&oldid=857103437", "q_uid": -7413283251263945925, "answers": { "long_answer": "Throughout 2011 -- 16, Minaj has been nominated for a total of 10 Grammy Awards. She received her first Grammy nomination in 2011 in the category Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group for the single `` My Chick Bad '' with fellow rapper Ludacris at the 53rd ceremony. For the 54th Grammy Awards in 2012, Minaj received nominations for Best New Artist and Best Rap Album for her debut album Pink Friday, and Best Rap Performance for her single `` Moment 4 Life '' featuring Drake. In 2015, Minaj received two nominations at the 57th Grammy Awards for Best Rap Song for her single `` Anaconda '' and Best Pop Duo / Group Performance for her joint single `` Bang Bang '', with Jessie J and Ariana Grande. For the 58th Grammy Awards in 2016, Minaj received three nominations, including Best Rap Album for her third studio album The Pinkprint.", "short_answer": "10 Grammy" } } ], "Kokoda Track": [ { "question": "where does the kokoda track start and end", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kokoda_Track&oldid=860846784", "q_uid": 7623335874218040812, "answers": { "long_answer": "The track runs from Owers ' Corner in Central Province, 50 kilometres ( 31 mi ) east of Port Moresby, across rugged and isolated terrain which is only passable on foot, to the village of Kokoda in Oro Province. It reaches a height of 2,190 metres ( 7,185 ft ) as it passes around the peak of Mount Bellamy. The track travels primarily through the land of the Mountain Koiari people.", "short_answer": "from Owers ' Corner in Central Province, 50 kilometres ( 31 mi ) east of Port Moresby, across rugged and isolated terrain which is only passable on foot, to the village of Kokoda in Oro Province." } } ], "California Polytechnic State University": [ { "question": "how many students attend cal poly san luis obispo", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=California_Polytechnic_State_University&oldid=842269633", "q_uid": -7844470439378500406, "answers": { "long_answer": "California Polytechnic State University Motto Discere Faciendo ( Latin ) Motto in English Learn by Doing Type Public Space grant Established March 8, 1901 ( 1901 - 03 - 08 ) Endowment $209.8 million ( 2017 ) President Jeffrey Armstrong Provost Kathleen Enz Finken Academic staff 1,361 ( Fall 2015 ) Administrative staff 1,654 ( Fall 2015 ) Students 21,306 ( Fall 2016 ) Undergraduates 20,425 ( Fall 2016 Postgraduates 881 ( Fall 2016 ) Location San Luis Obispo, California, U.S. Campus Suburban, 9,678 acres ( 3,917 ha ) Total; 1,321 acres ( 535 ha ) for the Main Campus; 155 acres ( 63 ha ) for the Campus Core Colors Green and Gold Athletics NCAA Division I FCS -- Big West Nickname Mustangs Affiliations California State University AASCU APLU Mascot Musty the Mustang Website www.calpoly.edu", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "is cal poly san luis obispo a csu", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=California_Polytechnic_State_University&oldid=856243979", "q_uid": -2520032280752799249, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cal Poly ( also known as California Polytechnic State University, and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo ) is a public university located in San Luis Obispo, California, known for its `` Learn by Doing '' philosophy that encourages students to combine theory with practice to solve real - world problems. It is one of two polytechnics in the California State University system.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Donal Logue": [ { "question": "who plays lee toric in sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Donal_Logue&oldid=853613098", "q_uid": 5109000377911669800, "answers": { "long_answer": "Donal Logue Logue in 2014 Donal Francis Logue ( 1965 - 02 - 27 ) February 27, 1965 ( age 53 ) or ( 1966 - 02 - 27 ) February 27, 1966 ( age 52 ) ( sources vary ) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Citizenship United States, Canada, Ireland Education Harvard University Occupation Actor Director Producer Writer Years active 1992 -- present Known for Lee Toric ( Sons of Anarchy ) Sean Finnerty ( Grounded for Life ) King Horik ( Vikings ) Harvey Bullock ( Gotham ) Spouse ( s ) Kasey Walker ( divorced ) Children", "short_answer": "Donal Francis Logue (" } }, { "question": "who plays us marshal on sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Donal_Logue&oldid=827153366", "q_uid": -7855005679034552381, "answers": { "long_answer": "In late 2012, Logue joined the casts of Sons of Anarchy as renegade ex-U.S. Marshal Lee Toric who is out for revenge for the murder of his sister and Vikings as King Horik. In 2013, he joined the cast of BBC America 's show Copper as a returning Union General turned Tammany Hall insider, General Brendan Donovan, and he returned to Sons of Anarchy and Vikings to reprise his roles from the previous seasons. Logue had roles in two 2013: CBGB with Alan Rickman and 9 Full Moons with Amy Seimetz and Bret Roberts.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the marshal in sons of anarchy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Donal_Logue&oldid=799706130", "q_uid": 759805827175266053, "answers": { "long_answer": "In late 2012, Logue joined the casts of Sons of Anarchy as renegade ex-U.S. Marshal Lee Toric who is out for revenge for the murder of his sister and Vikings as King Horik. In 2013, he joined the cast of BBC America 's show Copper as a returning Union General turned Tammany Hall insider, General Brendan Donovan, and he returned to Sons of Anarchy and Vikings to reprise his roles from the previous seasons. Logue had roles in two 2013: CBGB with Alan Rickman and 9 Full Moons with Amy Seimetz and Bret Roberts.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Skye McCole Bartusiak": [ { "question": "who played mel gibson's wife in the patriot", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Skye_McCole_Bartusiak&oldid=799761843", "q_uid": -2738172669734588101, "answers": { "long_answer": "Skye McCole Bartusiak ( September 28, 1992 -- July 19, 2014 ) was an American film and television actress. She appeared in The Patriot ( 2000 ), Do n't Say a Word ( 2001 ), as Rose Wilder in Beyond the Prairie: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder ( 2002 ), 24 ( 2002 -- 03 ), Boogeyman ( 2005 ), and Kill Your Darlings ( 2006 ).", "short_answer": "Skye McCole Bartusiak (" } }, { "question": "who played mel gibson's youngest daughter in the patriot", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Skye_McCole_Bartusiak&oldid=841988377", "q_uid": 6948332913244399834, "answers": { "long_answer": "McCole Bartusiak first starred in Stephen King 's Storm of the Century as young Pippa Hatcher. In 2000, she appeared in The Patriot as the youngest child of a militia leader portrayed by Mel Gibson. She played the young Marilyn Monroe in the TV miniseries Blonde, and the psychiatrist 's daughter in Do n't Say a Word alongside Michael Douglas and Brittany Murphy, both in 2001. She also played young Charlie McGee in Firestarter: Rekindled and Megan Matheson during season two of the television series 24 ( 2002 -- 2003 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played susan in the movie the patriot", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Skye_McCole_Bartusiak&oldid=841988377", "q_uid": -5952408361076492724, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film roles Year Title Role Notes 1999 The Cider House Rules Hazel 2000 The Prophet 's Game Adele Highsmith ( child ) 2000 The Patriot Susan Martin 2001 Do n't Say a Word Jessie Conrad 2001 Riding in Cars with Boys Amelia - Age 8 2001 The Affair of the Necklace Dove ( scenes deleted ) 2002 Flashpoint Lizzie 2003 Love Comes Softly Missie Davis 2003 The Vest Sara Short Against the Ropes Little Jackie Kallen 2005 Boogeyman Franny Roberts 2006 Kill Your Darlings Sunshine 2006 Once Not Far from Home The Little Girl Short 2006 Razor Sharp Isis / Ice - 6 Short 2008 A Fix Natalie Coleman Short 2008 Pineapple Alex 2009 Wild About Harry Daisy Goodhart 2011 Good Day for It Rachel 2011 University of Penn Relay Carnival N / A Director 2012 Twelve Hungry Men Jesse Short 2012 Dr. Oscar Griffith: Hollywood Psychiatrist The Pop Star / Rachel Short 2012 Sick Boy Lucy", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the little girl susan in the movie the patriot", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Skye_McCole_Bartusiak&oldid=799761843", "q_uid": -301542880660064323, "answers": { "long_answer": "Film roles Year Title Role Notes 1999 The Cider House Rules Hazel 2000 The Prophet 's Game Adele Highsmith ( child ) 2000 The Patriot Susan Martin 2001 Do n't Say a Word Jessie Conrad 2001 Riding in Cars with Boys Amelia - Age 8 2001 The Affair of the Necklace Dove ( scenes deleted ) 2002 Flashpoint Lizzie 2003 Love Comes Softly Missie Davis 2003 The Vest Sara Short Against the Ropes Little Jackie Kallen 2005 Boogeyman Franny Roberts 2006 Kill Your Darlings Sunshine 2006 Once Not Far from Home The Little Girl Short 2006 Razor Sharp Isis / Ice - 6 Short 2008 A Fix Natalie Coleman Short 2008 Pineapple Alex 2009 Wild About Harry Daisy Goodhart 2011 Good Day for It Rachel 2011 University of Penn Relay Carnival N / A Director 2012 Twelve Hungry Men Jesse Short 2012 Dr. Oscar Griffith: Hollywood Psychiatrist The Pop Star / Rachel Short 2012 Sick Boy Lucy", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who was the little girl in the movie the patriot", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Skye_McCole_Bartusiak&oldid=799761843", "q_uid": 2294997679603123723, "answers": { "long_answer": "McCole Bartusiak first starred in Stephen King 's Storm of the Century as young Pippa Hatcher. In 2000, she appeared in The Patriot as the youngest child of a militia leader portrayed by Mel Gibson. She played the young Marilyn Monroe in the TV miniseries Blonde, and the psychiatrist 's daughter in Do n't Say a Word alongside Michael Douglas and Brittany Murphy, both in 2001. She also played young Charlie McGee in Firestarter: Rekindled and Megan Matheson during season two of the television series 24 ( 2002 -- 2003 ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "You Belong with Me": [ { "question": "who wrote you belong with me by taylor swift", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=You_Belong_with_Me&oldid=865510646", "q_uid": 8899243966191758149, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` You Belong with Me '' is a song recorded by American singer - songwriter Taylor Swift. The song was co-written by Swift and Liz Rose and produced by Nathan Chapman with Swift 's aid. It was released on April 18, 2009, by Big Machine Records as the third single from Swift 's second studio album, Fearless ( 2008 ). Swift was inspired to write `` You Belong with Me '' after overhearing a male friend of hers arguing with his girlfriend through a phone call; she continued to develop a story line afterward. The song contains many pop music elements and its lyrics have Swift desiring an out - of - reach love interest.", "short_answer": "Taylor Swift." } }, { "question": "who's the other girl in you belong with me", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=You_Belong_with_Me&oldid=815761908", "q_uid": 4761274388119319544, "answers": { "long_answer": "The song 's accompanying music video was directed by Roman White. The video featured Swift portraying two characters, a nerd ( the protagonist and narrator ) and a popular girl ( the antagonist and girlfriend ), while American actor Lucas Till portrayed the male lead. The video 's plot centers on the protagonist secretively loving the male lead, although he has a girlfriend. The video won the MTV Video Music Award for Best Female Video at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, but during Swift 's acceptance speech, rapper Kanye West interrupted, protesting in support of Beyonc\u00e9. The incident caused a reaction in the media, with many coming to Swift 's defense. The song was performed live at numerous venues, including the 2009 -- 10 Fearless Tour, where it was the opening number. It was covered by various artists, including Butch Walker and Selena Gomez & the Scene, and parodied by `` Weird Al '' Yankovic.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is in you belong with me music video", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=You_Belong_with_Me&oldid=816225833", "q_uid": -5706309740974639501, "answers": { "long_answer": "The song 's accompanying music video was directed by Roman White. The video featured Swift portraying two characters, a nerd ( the protagonist and narrator ) and a popular girl ( the antagonist and girlfriend ), while American actor Lucas Till portrayed the male lead. The video 's plot centers on the protagonist secretively loving the male lead, although he has a girlfriend. The video won the MTV Video Music Award for Best Female Video at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, but during Swift 's acceptance speech, rapper Kanye West interrupted, protesting in support of Beyonc\u00e9. The incident caused a reaction in the media, with many coming to Swift 's defense. The song was performed live at numerous venues, including the 2009 -- 10 Fearless Tour, where it was the opening number. It was covered by various artists, including Butch Walker and Selena Gomez & the Scene, and parodied by `` Weird Al '' Yankovic.", "short_answer": "Lucas Till portrayed" } }, { "question": "who wrote you belong to me taylor swift", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=You_Belong_with_Me&oldid=808081824", "q_uid": -5797177004895040195, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` You Belong with Me '' is a song performed by American singer - songwriter Taylor Swift. The song was co-written by Swift and Liz Rose and produced by Nathan Chapman with Swift 's aid. It was released on April 18, 2009, by Big Machine Records as the third single from Swift 's second studio album, Fearless ( 2008 ). Swift was inspired to write `` You Belong with Me '' after overhearing a male friend of hers arguing with his girlfriend through a phone call; she continued to develop a story line afterward. The song contains many pop music elements and its lyrics have Swift desiring an out - of - reach love interest.", "short_answer": "Taylor Swift." } } ], "Emilia Clarke": [ { "question": "who is the actress that plays the dragon queen on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emilia_Clarke&oldid=807776071", "q_uid": -3379126578090014510, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emilia Isabelle Euphemia Rose Clarke ( born 23 October 1986 ) is an English actress. Born in London and brought up in Berkshire, Clarke first gained an interest in acting as a child after seeing the musical Show Boat, on which her father was working as a sound engineer. Clarke studied at the Drama Centre London, and appeared in a number of stage productions. Her television debut came with a guest appearance in an episode of the British soap opera Doctors. In 2010, she was named as one of the UK Stars of Tomorrow by Screen International magazine for her role in Syfy 's film Triassic Attack ( 2010 ).", "short_answer": "Emilia Isabelle Euphemia Rose Clarke (" } }, { "question": "who plays daenerys targaryen in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emilia_Clarke&oldid=801567788", "q_uid": -4328481489696479175, "answers": { "long_answer": "Clarke rose to prominence in 2011 for her breakthrough role as Daenerys Targaryen in the HBO series Game of Thrones ( 2011 -- present ), a performance that has gained her critical acclaim. She has been nominated for three Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, and two Critics Choice Television Awards for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, among other accolades.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the dragon woman in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emilia_Clarke&oldid=800411701", "q_uid": -6093696219039804322, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emilia Isabelle Euphemia Rose Clarke ( born 23 October 1986 ) is an English actress. Born in London and brought up in Berkshire, Clarke first gained an interest in acting as a child after seeing the musical Show Boat, on which her father was working as a sound engineer. She was educated at Rye St Antony School, Headington and graduated from secondary school at St. Edward 's in Oxford, where she appeared in two plays, before studying at the Drama Centre London, where she graduated from in 2009, and appeared in ten different stage productions. Some of her earliest work following graduation included a role in a play by the Company of Angels, two commercials for Samaritans, and a University of London students ' short film. Her television debut came with a guest appearance in an episode of the British soap opera Doctors and she was named as one of the UK Stars of Tomorrow by Screen International magazine for her role in Syfy 's film Triassic Attack ( 2010 ).", "short_answer": "Emilia Isabelle Euphemia Rose Clarke (" } }, { "question": "who plays the nearest targaryen in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emilia_Clarke&oldid=811990041", "q_uid": 1826474951674050304, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emilia Isabelle Euphemia Rose Clarke ( born 23 October 1986 ) is an English actress.", "short_answer": "Emilia Isabelle Euphemia Rose Clarke (" } }, { "question": "who plays daenerys stormborn on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emilia_Clarke&oldid=807776071", "q_uid": -7091764168527888271, "answers": { "long_answer": "Clarke rose to prominence in 2011 for her breakthrough role as Daenerys Targaryen in the HBO series Game of Thrones ( 2011 -- present ), a performance that has gained her critical acclaim. She has been nominated for three Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, and two Critics Choice Television Awards for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, among other accolades.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Oklahoma": [ { "question": "where is oklahoma located in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Oklahoma&oldid=856994209", "q_uid": 3340122335577060793, "answers": { "long_answer": "Oklahoma is the 20th - largest state in the United States, covering an area of 69,898 square miles ( 181,030 km ), with 68,667 square miles ( 177,850 km ) of land and 1,281 square miles ( 3,320 km ) of water. It lies partly in the Great Plains near the geographical center of the 48 contiguous states. It is bounded on the east by Arkansas and Missouri, on the north by Kansas, on the northwest by Colorado, on the far west by New Mexico, and on the south and near - west by Texas. Much of its border with Texas lies along the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, a failed continental rift. The geologic figure defines the placement of the Red River.", "short_answer": "in the Great Plains near the geographical center of the 48 contiguous states." } }, { "question": "what part of the country is oklahoma considered", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Oklahoma&oldid=821379531", "q_uid": -4372236156247664542, "answers": { "long_answer": "Oklahoma ( / \u02cco\u028akl\u0259\u02c8ho\u028am\u0259 / ( listen ); Pawnee: Uukuhu\u00fawa, Cayuga: Gahnawiyo\u02c0geh ) is a state in the South Central region of the United States. It is the 20th-most extensive and the 28th-most populous of the 50 United States. The state 's name is derived from the Choctaw words okla and humma, meaning `` red people. '' It is also known informally by its nickname, `` The Sooner State, '' in reference to the non-Native settlers who staked their claims on land before the official opening date and the Indian Appropriations Act of 1889, which dramatically increased European - American settlement in the Indian Territory. Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory were merged and Indian was dropped from the name. On November 16, 1907, Oklahoma became the 46th state to enter the union. Its residents are known as Oklahomans, or informally as Okies, and its capital and largest city is Oklahoma City.", "short_answer": "a state in the South Central" } }, { "question": "how many states share a border with oklahoma", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Oklahoma&oldid=833132568", "q_uid": 3749925031204735637, "answers": { "long_answer": "Oklahoma is the 20th - largest state in the United States, covering an area of 69,898 square miles ( 181,035 km ), with 68,667 square miles ( 177,847 km ) of land and 1,281 square miles ( 3,188 km ) of water. It lies partly in the Great Plains near the geographical center of the 48 contiguous states. It is bounded on the east by Arkansas and Missouri, on the north by Kansas, on the northwest by Colorado, on the far west by New Mexico, and on the south and near - west by Texas. Much of its border with Texas lies along the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, a failed continental rift. The geologic figure defines the placement of the Red River.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is oklahoma located on the map of the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Oklahoma&oldid=856994209", "q_uid": -8736122236866420014, "answers": { "long_answer": "Oklahoma is the 20th - largest state in the United States, covering an area of 69,898 square miles ( 181,030 km ), with 68,667 square miles ( 177,850 km ) of land and 1,281 square miles ( 3,320 km ) of water. It lies partly in the Great Plains near the geographical center of the 48 contiguous states. It is bounded on the east by Arkansas and Missouri, on the north by Kansas, on the northwest by Colorado, on the far west by New Mexico, and on the south and near - west by Texas. Much of its border with Texas lies along the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, a failed continental rift. The geologic figure defines the placement of the Red River.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did oklahoma become a state what does the word oklahoma mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Oklahoma&oldid=835677559", "q_uid": -3485714005907152096, "answers": { "long_answer": "Oklahoma ( / \u02cco\u028akl\u0259\u02c8ho\u028am\u0259 / ( listen ); Pawnee: Uukuhu\u00fawa, Cayuga: Gahnawiyo\u02c0geh ) is a state in the South Central region of the United States. It is the 20th-most extensive and the 28th-most populous of the 50 United States. The state 's name is derived from the Choctaw words okla and humma, meaning `` red people ''. It is also known informally by its nickname, `` The Sooner State '', in reference to the non-Native settlers who staked their claims on land before the official opening date of lands in the western Oklahoma Territory or before the Indian Appropriations Act of 1889, which dramatically increased European - American settlement in the eastern Indian Territory. Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory were merged into the State of Oklahoma when it became the 46th state to enter the union on November 16, 1907. Its residents are known as Oklahomans, or informally as Okies, and its capital and largest city is Oklahoma City.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did oklahoma become part of the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Oklahoma&oldid=807782307", "q_uid": -6235538092288743840, "answers": { "long_answer": "Admission to Union November 16, 1907 ( 46th )", "short_answer": "November 16, 1907 (" } }, { "question": "when did oklahoma become a state in the us", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Oklahoma&oldid=843593445", "q_uid": 6534456092518679771, "answers": { "long_answer": "Oklahoma ( / \u02cco\u028akl\u0259\u02c8ho\u028am\u0259 / ( listen ); Pawnee: Uukuhu\u00fawa, Cayuga: Gahnawiyo\u02c0geh ) is a state in the South Central region of the United States. It is the 20th-most extensive and the 28th-most populous of the fifty United States. The state 's name is derived from the Choctaw words okla and humma, meaning `` red people ''. It is also known informally by its nickname, `` The Sooner State '', in reference to the non-Native settlers who staked their claims on land before the official opening date of lands in the western Oklahoma Territory or before the Indian Appropriations Act of 1889, which dramatically increased European - American settlement in the eastern Indian Territory. Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory were merged into the State of Oklahoma when it became the 46th state to enter the union on November 16, 1907. Its residents are known as Oklahomans, and its capital and largest city is Oklahoma City.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Jennifer Saunders": [ { "question": "who plays the voice of the fairy godmother in shrek 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jennifer_Saunders&oldid=816004200", "q_uid": -1177088414943930683, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jennifer Jane Saunders ( born 6 July 1958 ) is an English comedian, screenwriter, and actress. She has won three BAFTAs ( including the BAFTA Fellowship ), an International Emmy Award, a British Comedy Award, a Rose d'Or Light Entertainment Festival Award, two Writers ' Guild of Great Britain Awards, and a People 's Choice Award.", "short_answer": "Jennifer Jane Saunders (" } }, { "question": "who does the voice of fairy godmother shrek 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jennifer_Saunders&oldid=801845052", "q_uid": -996479528880637662, "answers": { "long_answer": "She most notably appeared in the internationally successful DreamWorks animated movie Shrek 2 in 2004, providing the character voice of Princess Fiona 's evil Fairy Godmother and singing the songs `` The Fairy Godmother Song '' and `` Holding Out For a Hero. '' Her part took only four days to record. The sequel broke the first Shrek 's own box office record in the U.S in just a fortnight, and it proceeded to make $353 million in just three weeks in the U.S. Her role won the American People 's Choice Award for the best movie villain in 2005. She also voiced Miss Spink in the animated film Coraline, in which Dawn French also voiced a character called Miss Forcible. In 2015, she voiced Queen Elizabeth II in the animated film Minions, and in 2016, she voiced Miss Nana Noodleman in the animated film Sing.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Josh Peck": [ { "question": "who does josh peck play in family guy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Josh_Peck&oldid=818031920", "q_uid": 6795971424246133512, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2000 - 2005 All That Himself 2 episodes, Season 6 Episode 4 & 10th Anniversary 2000 -- 01 The Amanda Show Various characters Series regular 2000 Double Dare 2000 Himself With the cast of Snow Day 2001 ER Nick Stevens Episode: `` Thy Will Be Done '' 2001 Family Guy Charlie ( voice ), uncredited Episode: `` The Kiss Seen Around the World '' 2001 Samurai Jack S Kid / Pig # 3 / Alien Kid ( voices ) Episode: `` Aku 's Fairy Tales '' 2002 Whatever Happened to Robot Jones? Lenny ( voice ) 5 Episodes: Season 1: 2002 `` Electric Boogaloo '' `` Cube Wars '' `` Sickness '' `` Politics '' Season 2: 2003 `` The Yogmans Strike Back '' 2002 MADtv Jeffrey Lugz 1 episode 2002 Fillmore! Randall Julian ( voice ) Episode: `` To Mar a Stall '' 2003, 2004 The Guardian Chris Rapp 2 episodes 2004 -- 07 Drake & Josh Josh Nichols Co-lead role, 57 episodes 2006 Codename: Kids Next Door Numbuh 50 Million B.C. ( voice ) Episode: `` Operation: C.A.K.E.D. - F.I.V.E. '' 2006 What 's New, Scooby - Doo? Damian / Kid / Zombie Kid # 2 ( voices ) Episode: `` E-Screen '' 2006 Drake & Josh Go Hollywood Josh Nichols Nickelodeon television movie 2008 Merry Christmas Drake and Josh Josh Nichols Nickelodeon Christmas special movie 2009 iCarly Jimmy ( uncredited ) ( apparently Josh Nichols ) Episode: `` iReunite with Missy '' 2011 Victorious Josh Nichols ( uncredited ) Episode: `` Wok Star '' & `` Who did it to Trina? '' Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas Eddie ( voice ) TV Special 2013 -- present Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Casey Jones ( voice ) Co-lead role 2013 -- 14 The Mindy Project Ray Ron 3 episodes 2014 The Big Bang Theory Jesse Episode: `` The Occupation Recalibration '' 2014 The Rebels Danny Norwood Episode: `` Pilot '' 2015 -- 16 Grandfathered Gerald Co-lead role 2015 Teen Choice Awards Himself Host 2016 Pitch Ross 2 episodes 2016 Ice Age: The Great Egg - Scapade Eddie ( voice ) TV Special", "short_answer": "Charlie (" } }, { "question": "who did josh peck play in ice age", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Josh_Peck&oldid=819357485", "q_uid": -2755147001935260369, "answers": { "long_answer": "Joshua Michael Peck ( born November 10, 1986 ) is an American actor, voice actor, comedian and YouTube personality. He is known for playing Josh Nichols in the Nickelodeon live - action sitcom Drake & Josh. He began his career as a child actor in the late 90s and early 2000s, and became known to young audiences after his role on The Amanda Show. He has since acted in films such as Mean Creek, Drillbit Taylor, The Wackness, ATM, and Red Dawn, along with voicing Eddie in the Ice Age franchise. He also starred as Gerald in a lead role with John Stamos in the series Grandfathered. He formally voiced Casey Jones in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He also starred in a Netflix comedy, Take the 10, along with Tony Revolori.", "short_answer": "Eddie in" } }, { "question": "who does josh peck play in ice age 3", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Josh_Peck&oldid=815595458", "q_uid": 8372506389764670500, "answers": { "long_answer": "Joshua Michael Peck ( born November 10, 1986 ) is an American actor, voice actor, comedian and YouTube personality. He is known for playing Josh Nichols in the Nickelodeon live - action sitcom Drake & Josh. He began his career as a child actor in the late 90s and early 2000s, and became known to young audiences after his role on The Amanda Show. He has since acted in films such as Mean Creek, Drillbit Taylor, The Wackness, ATM, and Red Dawn, along with voicing Eddie in the Ice Age franchise. He also starred as Gerald in a lead role with John Stamos in the series Grandfathered. He formally voiced Casey Jones in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He also starred in a Netflix comedy, Take the 10, along with Tony Revolori.", "short_answer": "Eddie in" } } ], "List of French monarchs": [ { "question": "when did france stop having kings and queens", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_French_monarchs&oldid=856994654", "q_uid": -8346671830214148499, "answers": { "long_answer": "Monarchy of France Royal coat of arms Charles X Details Style See article First monarch Clovis I ( as King ) Last monarch Napoleon III ( as Emperor ) Formation 509 Abolition 4 September 1870 Residence Palais de la Cit\u00e9 Louvre Palace Palace of Versailles Tuileries Palace Appointer Hereditary Pretender ( s ) Disputed: Louis Alphonse ( House of Bourbon ) Henri d'Orl\u00e9ans ( House of Orl\u00e9ans ) Jean - Christophe ( House of Bonaparte )", "short_answer": "4 September 1870" } }, { "question": "when did the french monarchy start and end", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_French_monarchs&oldid=807444250", "q_uid": 7232331772605299294, "answers": { "long_answer": "The monarchs of the Kingdom of France and its predecessors ruled from the establishment of the Kingdom of the Franks in 486 until the fall of the Second French Empire in 1870.", "short_answer": "486 until" } }, { "question": "does france still have a king and queen", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_French_monarchs&oldid=836017785", "q_uid": -6619284644159287840, "answers": { "long_answer": "The monarchs of the Kingdom of France and its predecessors ( and successor monarchies ) ruled from the establishment of the Kingdom of the Franks in 486 until the fall of the Second French Empire in 1870, with several interruptions.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of best-selling manga": [ { "question": "what is the most popular manga in japan", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_best-selling_manga&oldid=802352820", "q_uid": -2528744905482784193, "answers": { "long_answer": "One Piece Eiichiro Oda Shueisha Sh\u014dnen 86 1997 -- present 416 million \u2020", "short_answer": "One Piece" } } ], "Patrick Stewart": [ { "question": "who played captain picard on star trek next generation", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Patrick_Stewart&oldid=807702830", "q_uid": -3907585580075807261, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the 1980s, Stewart began working in American television and film, with roles such as Captain Jean - Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation and its successor films, as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men series of superhero movies, the lead of the Starz TV series Blunt Talk, and voice roles such as CIA Deputy Director Avery Bullock in American Dad! and the poo emoji in The Emoji Movie. Having remained with the Royal Shakespeare Company, in 2008 Stewart played King Claudius in Hamlet on the West End and won a second Olivier Award.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who does patrick stewart play in star trek", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Patrick_Stewart&oldid=803425580", "q_uid": 6756948324800438349, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the 1980s, Stewart began working in American television and film, with roles such as Captain Jean - Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation and its successor films, as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men series of superhero movies, the lead of the Starz TV series Blunt Talk, and voice roles such as CIA Deputy Director Avery Bullock in American Dad! and the poo emoji in The Emoji Movie. Having remained with the Royal Shakespeare Company, in 2008 Stewart played King Claudius in Hamlet on the West End and won a second Olivier Award.", "short_answer": "Captain Jean - Luc Picard in" } } ], "Don Rickles": [ { "question": "who is the voice of mr potato head", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Don_Rickles&oldid=854766381", "q_uid": 5304961159761295557, "answers": { "long_answer": "He received widespread exposure as a popular guest on numerous talk and variety shows, including The Dean Martin Show, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and Late Show with David Letterman, and later voiced Mr. Potato Head in the Toy Story franchise. He won a Primetime Emmy Award for the 2007 documentary Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Chevrolet C_K": [ { "question": "what does hd stand for on chevy trucks", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chevrolet_C/K&oldid=815676070", "q_uid": 8473912125385052599, "answers": { "long_answer": "The C / K was Chevrolet and GMC 's full - size pickup truck line from 1960 until 2000 in the United States, from 1965 to 1999 in Canada, from 1964 to 2001 in Brazil, and from 1975 to 1982 in Chile. The first Chevrolet pickup truck was introduced in 1924, though in - house designs did not appear until 1930. `` C '' indicated two - wheel drive and `` K '' indicated four - wheel drive. The aging C / K light - duty pickup truck was replaced with the Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra names in 1999 in the United States and Canada, and 2001 in Brazil; the Chevrolet Silverado HD and GMC Sierra HD heavy - duty pickup trucks followed. Until this time, the names Silverado and Sierra were used to identify the trim level of the C / K trucks.", "short_answer": "heavy - duty pickup" } } ], "List of England Test cricket records": [ { "question": "who has scored most test runs for england", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_England_Test_cricket_records&oldid=864772052", "q_uid": -408632554734885577, "answers": { "long_answer": "Opening batsman and former captain Alastair Cook holds several England Test cricket records. Playing between 2006 and 2018, he scored 12,472 runs, making him the only England player to score 10,000 Test runs. He scored a record 57 half - centuries and 33 centuries. As a slip fielder, Cook has also taken the most catches for England with 175 and holds the England record for the most catches taken in Test series with 13. Captaining his side from 2010 until he stood down in 2016, Cook holds the record for the most matches played as English skipper with 59, the Test record for the most consecutive matches played with 159 and the record for the most matches played for England with 161.", "short_answer": "Alastair Cook holds" } } ], "Franz Beckenbauer": [ { "question": ". only player in history who won world cup as captain and coach for his nation", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Franz_Beckenbauer&oldid=856038068", "q_uid": 774851499553055188, "answers": { "long_answer": "Twice named European Footballer of the Year, Beckenbauer appeared 103 times for West Germany and played in three FIFA World Cups. He is one of three men, along with Brazil 's M\u00e1rio Zagallo and France 's Didier Deschamps to have won the World Cup as a player and as a manager; he lifted the World Cup trophy as captain in 1974, and repeated the feat as a manager in 1990. He was the first captain to lift the World Cup and European Championship at international level and the European Cup at club level. He was named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, the FIFA World Cup Dream Team in 2002, and in 2004 was listed in the FIFA 100 of the world 's greatest living players.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Harry Lloyd": [ { "question": "who played viserys targaryen in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Lloyd&oldid=855510784", "q_uid": -571154015111087316, "answers": { "long_answer": "Harry Charles Salusbury Lloyd ( born 17 November 1983 ) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Will Scarlet in the 2006 BBC drama Robin Hood, Jeremy Baines in the 2007 Doctor Who episodes `` Human Nature '' and `` The Family of Blood '', and Viserys Targaryen in the first season of the HBO series Game of Thrones. He has also appeared on stage, and in films including The Theory of Everything and Anthropoid.", "short_answer": "Harry Charles Salusbury Lloyd (" } }, { "question": "who plays khaleesi brother in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harry_Lloyd&oldid=804573037", "q_uid": -5492944615306586816, "answers": { "long_answer": "Harry Charles Salusbury Lloyd ( born 17 November 1983 ) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Will Scarlet in the 2006 BBC drama Robin Hood, Jeremy Baines in the 2007 Doctor Who episodes `` Human Nature '' and `` The Family of Blood '', and Viserys Targaryen in the HBO series Game of Thrones. He has also appeared on stage, and in films including The Theory of Everything and Anthropoid.", "short_answer": "Harry Charles Salusbury Lloyd (" } } ], "Margot Robbie": [ { "question": "who plays the girl joker in suicide squad", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=853928633", "q_uid": -8944116234471500538, "answers": { "long_answer": "Robbie is scheduled to reprise her role as Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad in various projects including Birds of Prey, Gotham City Sirens, Suicide Squad 2, and an untitled Joker / Harley Quinn film. Robbie will also serve as co-producer on each of the films, excluding Suicide Squad 2. Birds of Prey is scheduled to begin production in late 2018.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actress of harley quinn in suicide squad", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=802328035", "q_uid": 5380772437787206226, "answers": { "long_answer": "After moving to the United States, Robbie starred in the short - lived ABC drama series Pan Am ( 2011 -- 2012 ). In 2013, she made her big screen debut in Richard Curtis 's romantic comedy - drama film About Time and co-starred in Martin Scorsese 's biographical black comedy The Wolf of Wall Street. In 2015, Robbie co-starred in the romantic comedy - drama film Focus, appeared in the romantic World War II drama film Suite Fran\u00e7aise and starred in the science fiction film Z for Zachariah. That same year, she played herself in The Big Short. In 2016, she portrayed Jane Porter in the action - adventure film The Legend of Tarzan and Harley Quinn in the superhero film Suicide Squad. She appeared on Time magazine 's `` The Most Influential People of 2017 '' list.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the wife in wolf of wall street", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=855219624", "q_uid": -2637399982568469606, "answers": { "long_answer": "In August 2012, Robbie was cast in the role of Naomi Belfort, the wife of the film 's protagonist Jordan Belfort in Martin Scorsese 's The Wolf of Wall Street ( 2013 ) with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. Garnering positive reviews it became a commercial success with a worldwide gross of $392 million, making it Scorsese 's highest - grossing film. The film was subsequently nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. For her performance as Jordan Belfort 's second wife Naomi Lapaglia, Robbie was praised by critics for her Brooklyn accent. Critic Sasha Stone wrote `` She 's Scorsese 's best blonde bombshell discovery since Cathy Moriarty in Raging Bull. Robbie is funny, hard and kills every scene she 's in ''. She received a nomination for the MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance and won the Empire Award for Best Newcomer. In 2014, Robbie founded her own production company, LuckyChap Entertainment. Robbie", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the actor that plays harley quinn", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=828858169", "q_uid": 8170893705705404049, "answers": { "long_answer": "Robbie launched a production company named LuckyChap Entertainment in 2014. Her profile continued to grow with leading roles in the romantic drama Focus ( 2015 ), the action - adventure film The Legend of Tarzan ( 2016 ), and the superhero film Suicide Squad ( 2016 ). Robbie received critical acclaim in 2017 for her portrayal of the disgraced figure skater Tonya Harding in the biographical film I, Tonya, which she also produced. She received Best Actress nominations at the Academy Award, Golden Globe, SAG, and BAFTA Award ceremonies for the role.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "harley quinn who plays her in suicide squad", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=802328035", "q_uid": 3253213149093136923, "answers": { "long_answer": "After moving to the United States, Robbie starred in the short - lived ABC drama series Pan Am ( 2011 -- 2012 ). In 2013, she made her big screen debut in Richard Curtis 's romantic comedy - drama film About Time and co-starred in Martin Scorsese 's biographical black comedy The Wolf of Wall Street. In 2015, Robbie co-starred in the romantic comedy - drama film Focus, appeared in the romantic World War II drama film Suite Fran\u00e7aise and starred in the science fiction film Z for Zachariah. That same year, she played herself in The Big Short. In 2016, she portrayed Jane Porter in the action - adventure film The Legend of Tarzan and Harley Quinn in the superhero film Suicide Squad. She appeared on Time magazine 's `` The Most Influential People of 2017 '' list.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays as harley quinn in suicide squad", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=807335642", "q_uid": 1807613336863536507, "answers": { "long_answer": "She has since portrayed Jane Porter in the action - adventure film The Legend of Tarzan ( 2016 ), DC Comics villain Harley Quinn in the superhero film Suicide Squad ( 2016 ), figure skater Tonya Harding in the biographical film I, Tonya ( 2017 ) and Daphne de S\u00e9lincourt, wife of Winnie the Pooh author A.A. Milne, in the drama film Goodbye Christopher Robin ( 2017 ). She appeared on Time magazine 's `` The Most Influential People of 2017 '' list.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who's the actress that plays harley quinn", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=818346267", "q_uid": -9040056620685065917, "answers": { "long_answer": "Robbie 's third 2016 role was Harley Quinn in Warner Bros. ' DC Comics supervillain film Suicide Squad, as part of an ensemble cast that includes Will Smith, Jared Leto, Viola Davis and Joel Kinnaman. Principal photography commenced on 13 April 2015, and the film was released on 5 August 2016. Robbie hosted the season 42 premiere of Saturday Night Live on 1 October 2016, with musical guest The Weeknd. She was scheduled to voice a character in the 2018 DreamWorks Animation Larrikins, before the project was cancelled in March 2017. Robbie starred alongside Domhnall Gleeson in Goodbye Christopher Robin as Daphne de S\u00e9lincourt, wife of author A.A. Milne. The film was released on 29 September 2017. She portrays American figure skater Tonya Harding in I, Tonya, written by Steven Rogers and directed by Craig Gillespie. For her portrayal of Harding, Robbie was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress -- Motion Picture Comedy or Musical.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is playing harley quinn in suicide squad", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=826738821", "q_uid": 1134522216067958199, "answers": { "long_answer": "Robbie 's third 2016 role was Harley Quinn in Warner Bros. ' DC Comics supervillain film Suicide Squad, as part of an ensemble cast that includes Will Smith, Jared Leto, Viola Davis and Joel Kinnaman. Principal photography commenced on 13 April 2015, and the film was released on 5 August 2016. Robbie hosted the season 42 premiere of Saturday Night Live on 1 October 2016, with musical guest The Weeknd. She was scheduled to voice a character in the 2018 DreamWorks Animation Larrikins, before the project was cancelled in March 2017. Robbie starred alongside Domhnall Gleeson in Goodbye Christopher Robin as Daphne de S\u00e9lincourt, wife of author A.A. Milne. The film was released on 29 September 2017. She portrays American figure skater Tonya Harding in I, Tonya, written by Steven Rogers and directed by Craig Gillespie. For her portrayal of Harding, Robbie was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress -- Motion Picture Comedy or Musical and the Academy Award for Best Actress. She was the first actress nominated for an Academy Award for playing a real - life athlete. Upcoming", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays naomi in wolf of wall street", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=855219624", "q_uid": 8665499480743122611, "answers": { "long_answer": "In August 2012, Robbie was cast in the role of Naomi Belfort, the wife of the film 's protagonist Jordan Belfort in Martin Scorsese 's The Wolf of Wall Street ( 2013 ) with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. Garnering positive reviews it became a commercial success with a worldwide gross of $392 million, making it Scorsese 's highest - grossing film. The film was subsequently nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. For her performance as Jordan Belfort 's second wife Naomi Lapaglia, Robbie was praised by critics for her Brooklyn accent. Critic Sasha Stone wrote `` She 's Scorsese 's best blonde bombshell discovery since Cathy Moriarty in Raging Bull. Robbie is funny, hard and kills every scene she 's in ''. She received a nomination for the MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance and won the Empire Award for Best Newcomer. In 2014, Robbie founded her own production company, LuckyChap Entertainment. Robbie", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who's the actress that played harley quinn", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=828039193", "q_uid": -5113580606909088322, "answers": { "long_answer": "Robbie 's third 2016 role was Harley Quinn in Warner Bros. ' DC Comics supervillain film Suicide Squad, as part of an ensemble cast that includes Will Smith, Jared Leto, Viola Davis and Joel Kinnaman. Principal photography commenced on 13 April 2015, and the film was released on 5 August 2016. Robbie hosted the season 42 premiere of Saturday Night Live on 1 October 2016, with musical guest The Weeknd. She was scheduled to voice a character in the 2018 DreamWorks Animation Larrikins, before the project was cancelled in March 2017. Robbie starred alongside Domhnall Gleeson in Goodbye Christopher Robin as Daphne de S\u00e9lincourt, wife of author A.A. Milne. The film was released on 29 September 2017. She portrays American figure skater Tonya Harding in I, Tonya, written by Steven Rogers and directed by Craig Gillespie. For her portrayal of Harding, Robbie was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress -- Motion Picture Comedy or Musical and the Academy Award for Best Actress. She was the first actress nominated for an Academy Award for playing a real - life athlete. Upcoming", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played as harley quinn in suicide squad", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=855219624", "q_uid": -4550894642363622754, "answers": { "long_answer": "Robbie launched a production company named LuckyChap Entertainment in 2014. Her profile continued to grow with leading roles in the romantic drama Focus ( 2015 ), as Jane Porter Clayton in the action - adventure film The Legend of Tarzan ( 2016 ), and as Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn in the superhero film Suicide Squad ( 2016 ). Robbie received critical acclaim in 2017 for her portrayal of the disgraced figure skater Tonya Harding in the biographical film I, Tonya, which she also produced, receiving a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays naomi on the wolf of wall street", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=855219624", "q_uid": -8492952246284928782, "answers": { "long_answer": "In August 2012, Robbie was cast in the role of Naomi Belfort, the wife of the film 's protagonist Jordan Belfort in Martin Scorsese 's The Wolf of Wall Street ( 2013 ) with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. Garnering positive reviews it became a commercial success with a worldwide gross of $392 million, making it Scorsese 's highest - grossing film. The film was subsequently nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. For her performance as Jordan Belfort 's second wife Naomi Lapaglia, Robbie was praised by critics for her Brooklyn accent. Critic Sasha Stone wrote `` She 's Scorsese 's best blonde bombshell discovery since Cathy Moriarty in Raging Bull. Robbie is funny, hard and kills every scene she 's in ''. She received a nomination for the MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance and won the Empire Award for Best Newcomer. In 2014, Robbie founded her own production company, LuckyChap Entertainment. Robbie", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played the wife in wolf of wall street", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=800909278", "q_uid": 2263419688792077279, "answers": { "long_answer": "In June 2012, it was announced that Robbie was in talks to appear in Martin Scorsese 's The Wolf of Wall Street ( 2013 ) with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. Her casting was confirmed in August. The Wolf of Wall Street was released on 25 December 2013 to positive reviews and became a commercial success with a worldwide gross of $392 million making it Scorsese 's highest - grossing film. The film was subsequently nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. For her performance as Jordan Belfort 's second wife Naomi Lapaglia, Robbie was praised by critics for her Brooklyn accent. Critic Sasha Stone wrote `` She 's Scorsese 's best blonde bombshell discovery since Cathy Moriarty in Raging Bull. Robbie is funny, hard and kills every scene she 's in ''. She received a nomination for the MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance and won the Empire Award for Best Newcomer.", "short_answer": "Robbie was" } }, { "question": "who played the wife in the wolf of wall street", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margot_Robbie&oldid=815736187", "q_uid": 1626099598446981992, "answers": { "long_answer": "In June 2012, it was announced that Robbie was in talks to appear in Martin Scorsese 's The Wolf of Wall Street ( 2013 ) with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. Her casting was confirmed in August. The Wolf of Wall Street was released on 25 December 2013 to positive reviews and became a commercial success with a worldwide gross of $392 million, making it Scorsese 's highest - grossing film. The film was subsequently nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. For her performance as Jordan Belfort 's second wife Naomi Lapaglia, Robbie was praised by critics for her Brooklyn accent. Critic Sasha Stone wrote `` She 's Scorsese 's best blonde bombshell discovery since Cathy Moriarty in Raging Bull. Robbie is funny, hard and kills every scene she 's in ''. She received a nomination for the MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance and won the Empire Award for Best Newcomer.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Kris Boyd": [ { "question": "how many goals did kris boyd scored for rangers", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kris_Boyd&oldid=842894364", "q_uid": -7726720604796740639, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kris Boyd Boyd playing for Rangers in 2008 Full name Kris Boyd Date of birth ( 1983 - 08 - 18 ) 18 August 1983 ( age 34 ) Place of birth Irvine, Scotland Height 1.86 m ( 6 ft 1 in ) Playing position Striker Club information Current team Kilmarnock Number 9 Youth career 1999 -- 2001 Kilmarnock Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 2001 -- 2006 Kilmarnock 153 ( 63 ) 2006 -- 2010 Rangers 143 ( 101 ) 2010 -- 2011 Middlesbrough 27 ( 6 ) 2011 \u2192 Nottingham Forest ( loan ) 10 ( 6 ) 2011 Eski\u015fehirspor ( 0 ) 2012 Portland Timbers 26 ( 7 ) 2013 -- 2014 Kilmarnock 44 ( 25 ) 2014 -- 2015 Rangers 31 ( 3 ) 2015 -- Kilmarnock 82 ( 28 ) National team 2002 -- 2005 Scotland U21 8 ( 1 ) 2003 -- 2006 Scotland B ( 0 ) 2006 -- 2010 Scotland 18 ( 7 ) * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 22: 43, 19 March 2018 ( UTC ) \u2021 National team caps and goals correct as of 30 September 2010", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Daniela Ruah": [ { "question": "who is the girl on ncis los angeles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Daniela_Ruah&oldid=843609829", "q_uid": 5695264423544913967, "answers": { "long_answer": "Daniela Sofia Korn Ruah ( born December 2, 1983 ) is a Portuguese - American actress best known for playing NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye in the CBS police procedural series NCIS: Los Angeles. Height: 1.77 meters", "short_answer": "Daniela Sofia Korn Ruah (" } }, { "question": "who is the actress that plays kensi on ncis los angeles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Daniela_Ruah&oldid=825443442", "q_uid": 8557360679668047584, "answers": { "long_answer": "Daniela Sofia Korn Ruah ( born December 2, 1983 ) is a Portuguese - American actress best known for playing NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye in the CBS police procedural series NCIS: Los Angeles.", "short_answer": "Daniela Sofia Korn Ruah (" } }, { "question": "who plays kensi blye on ncis los angeles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Daniela_Ruah&oldid=817061890", "q_uid": 5097594104418553849, "answers": { "long_answer": "Daniela Sofia Korn Ruah ( born December 2, 1983 ) is a Portuguese - American actress best known for playing NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye in the CBS police procedural series NCIS: Los Angeles.", "short_answer": "Daniela Sofia Korn Ruah (" } } ], "Manny Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley": [ { "question": "who won the boxing match pacquiao vs bradley", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Manny_Pacquiao_vs._Timothy_Bradley&oldid=799254947", "q_uid": -4950299088447878453, "answers": { "long_answer": "Manny Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley, billed as `` Perfect Storm '', was a welterweight title boxing match held on June 9, 2012, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Paradise, Nevada. After 12 rounds, Bradley won a highly controversial split decision to take the WBO welterweight title.", "short_answer": "Timothy Bradley," } } ], "Shirley Henderson": [ { "question": "who played moaning myrtle in harry potter films", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Shirley_Henderson&oldid=864331101", "q_uid": -5886680643700188111, "answers": { "long_answer": "Shirley Henderson ( born 24 November 1965 ) is a Scottish actress. Her film roles include playing Gail in Trainspotting ( 1996 ), Jude in the three Bridget Jones films ( 2001 / 04 / 16 ), and Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ( 2002 ) and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ( 2005 ). Her other films include Topsy - Turvy ( 1999 ), Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself ( 2002 ), Frozen ( 2005 ), Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day ( 2008 ), Anna Karenina ( 2012 ), and the Netflix film Okja ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Shirley Henderson (" } }, { "question": "who plays the girl ghost in harry potter", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Shirley_Henderson&oldid=843291273", "q_uid": 6805000889109574220, "answers": { "long_answer": "Shirley Henderson ( born 24 November 1965 ) is a Scottish actress. Her film roles include playing Gail in Trainspotting ( 1996 ), Jude in the three Bridget Jones films ( 2001 / 04 / 16 ), and Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ( 2002 ) and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ( 2005 ). Her other films include Topsy - Turvy ( 1999 ), Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself ( 2002 ), Frozen ( 2005 ), Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day ( 2008 ), Anna Karenina ( 2012 ), and the Netflix film Okja ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Shirley Henderson (" } }, { "question": "who played moaning myrtle in the harry potter movies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Shirley_Henderson&oldid=813424787", "q_uid": 4284517646373728869, "answers": { "long_answer": "Shirley Henderson ( born 24 November 1965 ) is a Scottish actress. She played Gail in Trainspotting ( 1996 ), Jude in Bridget Jones 's Diary ( 2001 ) and Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ( 2002 ) and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ( 2005 ). Her other films include Topsy - Turvy ( 1999 ), Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself ( 2002 ), Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason ( 2004 ), Frozen ( 2005 ), Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day ( 2008 ), Anna Karenina ( 2012 ) and the Netflix film Okja ( 2017 ). On television from 1995 - 1997, she starred opposite Robert Carlyle in the BBC series Hamish Macbeth. In 2014, she received a BAFTA TV Award nomination for the Channel 4 miniseries Southcliffe ( 2013 ). She has also featured as Frances Drummond in the BBC drama Happy Valley ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Shirley Henderson (" } } ], "Dancing with the Stars (U.S. season 27)": [ { "question": "contestants on dancing with the stars season 27", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_27)&oldid=866519830", "q_uid": 551571807237369606, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celebrity Notability ( known for ) Professional partner Status Ref. Nikki Glaser Comedian & podcast host Gleb Savchenko Eliminated 1st on September 25, 2018 Danelle Umstead Paralympic alpine skier Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated 2nd on October 2, 2018 Nancy McKeon The Facts of Life actress Valentin Chmerkovskiy Eliminated 3rd on October 8, 2018 Tinashe Singer - songwriter Brandon Armstrong Eliminated 4th on October 15, 2018 Mary Lou Retton Former Olympic gymnast Sasha Farber Eliminated 5th on October 29, 2018 Joe Amabile Reality television star Jenna Johnson Participating Bobby Bones Radio personality Sharna Burgess Participating Juan Pablo Di Pace Fuller House actor Cheryl Burke Participating Evanna Lynch Harry Potter actress & activist Keo Motsepe Participating Milo Manheim Disney Channel star Witney Carson Participating Alexis Ren Model & social media personality Alan Bersten Participating John Schneider Actor & country music singer Emma Slater Participating DeMarcus Ware Former NFL linebacker Lindsay Arnold Participating", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "celebrities for dancing with the stars season 27", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dancing_with_the_Stars_(U.S._season_27)&oldid=866519830", "q_uid": 4045543776493219875, "answers": { "long_answer": "Celebrity Notability ( known for ) Professional partner Status Ref. Nikki Glaser Comedian & podcast host Gleb Savchenko Eliminated 1st on September 25, 2018 Danelle Umstead Paralympic alpine skier Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated 2nd on October 2, 2018 Nancy McKeon The Facts of Life actress Valentin Chmerkovskiy Eliminated 3rd on October 8, 2018 Tinashe Singer - songwriter Brandon Armstrong Eliminated 4th on October 15, 2018 Mary Lou Retton Former Olympic gymnast Sasha Farber Eliminated 5th on October 29, 2018 Joe Amabile Reality television star Jenna Johnson Participating Bobby Bones Radio personality Sharna Burgess Participating Juan Pablo Di Pace Fuller House actor Cheryl Burke Participating Evanna Lynch Harry Potter actress & activist Keo Motsepe Participating Milo Manheim Disney Channel star Witney Carson Participating Alexis Ren Model & social media personality Alan Bersten Participating John Schneider Actor & country music singer Emma Slater Participating DeMarcus Ware Former NFL linebacker Lindsay Arnold Participating", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Jennifer Hudson": [ { "question": "jennifer hudson when she was on american idol", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jennifer_Hudson&oldid=804997885", "q_uid": 8795130256312046200, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jennifer Kate Hudson ( born September 12, 1981 ) is an American singer, actress and spokesperson. She rose to fame in 2004 as a finalist on the third season of American Idol, coming in seventh place.", "short_answer": "in 2004 as a finalist on the third season of" } } ], "Pure Prairie League": [ { "question": "who is the lead singer of pure prairie league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pure_Prairie_League&oldid=830993682", "q_uid": 394636315207164598, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pure Prairie League is an American country rock band whose origins go back to 1965 and Waverly, Ohio, with singer and guitarist Craig Fuller, drummer Tom McGrail, guitarist and drummer Jim Caughlan, and steel guitar artist John David Call. Fuller officially started the band in 1970 and McGrail named it after a fictional 19th century temperance union featured in the 1939 Errol Flynn cowboy film Dodge City. The Pure Prairie League scored five consecutive Top 40 LPs in the 1970s and added a sixth in the 1980s. The band has had a long run, active from the 1970s through the late 1980s and was revived in the late 1990s for a time, then again in 2004. Pure Prairie League continues to tour and performs over 100 concerts a year, primarily in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States.", "short_answer": "Craig Fuller," } }, { "question": "who was the lead singer for the pure prairie league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pure_Prairie_League&oldid=860208158", "q_uid": -1554773792441162403, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pure Prairie League is an American country rock band whose origins go back to 1965 and Waverly, Ohio, with singer and guitarist Craig Fuller, drummer Tom McGrail, guitarist and drummer Jim Caughlan and steel guitar artist John David Call. Fuller officially started the band in 1970 and McGrail named it after a fictional 19th century temperance union featured in the 1939 Errol Flynn cowboy film Dodge City. The Pure Prairie League scored five consecutive Top 40 LPs in the 1970s and added a sixth in the 1980s. The band has had a long run, active from the 1970s through the late 1980s and was revived in the late 1990s for a time, then again in 2004. Pure Prairie League continues to tour and performs over 100 concerts a year, primarily in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States.", "short_answer": "Craig Fuller," } } ], "List of Premier League clubs": [ { "question": "all teams to have played in the premier league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Premier_League_clubs&oldid=806648470", "q_uid": 8947884079944716616, "answers": { "long_answer": "Club Location Total seasons Total spells Longest spell Most recent promotion Most recent relegation Total seasons absent Seasons Most recent finish Highest finish Top scorer Arsenal London ( Highbury ) 26 26 1914 -- 15 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 5! 5th 1! 1st 175! Thierry Henry ( 175 ) Aston Villa Birmingham ( Aston ) 24 24 1987 -- 88 2015 -- 16 1992 -- 2016 33! Championship 13th 2! 2nd 73! Gabby Agbonlahor ( 73 ) Barnsley Barnsley 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 25 1997 -- 1998 34! Championship 14th 19! 19th ( relegated ) 10! Neil Redfearn ( 10 ) Birmingham City Birmingham ( Bordesley ) 7 2008 -- 09 2010 -- 11 18 2002 -- 2006 2007 -- 2008 2009 -- 2011 39! Championship 19th 9! 9th 29! Mikael Forssell ( 29 ) Blackburn Rovers Blackburn 18 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 7 1992 -- 1999 2001 -- 2012 42! Championship 22nd ( relegated ) 1! 1st 112! Alan Shearer ( 112 ) Blackpool Blackpool 2009 -- 10 2010 -- 11 24 2010 -- 2011 75! League Two 7th ( promoted ) 19! 19th ( relegated ) 13! DJ Campbell ( 13 ) Bolton Wanderers Bolton ( Horwich ) 13 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 12 1995 -- 1996 1997 -- 1998 2001 -- 2012 46! League One 2nd ( promoted ) 6! 6th 68! Kevin Davies ( 68 ) Bournemouth Bournemouth ( Boscombe ) 2014 -- 15 Never relegated 23 2015 -- 9! 9th 9! 9th 22! Joshua King ( 22 ) Bradford City Bradford 1998 -- 99 2000 -- 01 23 1999 -- 2001 49! League One 5th 17! 17th 13! Dean Windass ( 13 ) Brighton & Hove Albion Brighton ( Falmer ) 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 22! Championship 2nd ( promoted ) N / A 2! Pascal Gro\u00df ( 2 ) Burnley Burnley 2015 -- 16 2014 -- 15 22 2009 -- 2010 2014 -- 2015 2016 -- 16! 16th 16! 16th 12! Sam Vokes ( 12 ) Cardiff City Cardiff 2012 -- 13 2013 -- 14 24 2013 -- 2014 32! Championship 12th 20r! 20th ( relegated ) 7! Jordon Mutch ( 7 ) Charlton Athletic London ( Charlton ) 8 7 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 07 17 1998 -- 1999 2000 -- 2007 57! League One 13th 7! 7th 34! Jason Euell ( 34 ) Chelsea London ( Fulham ) 26 26 1988 -- 89 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 1! 1st 1! 1st 147! Frank Lampard ( 147 ) Coventry City Coventry 9 9 1966 -- 67 2000 -- 01 16 1992 -- 2001 67! League One 23rd ( relegated ) 11! 11th 61! Dion Dublin ( 61 ) Crystal Palace London ( Selhurst ) 9 5 5 2012 -- 13 2004 -- 05 17 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1995 1997 -- 1998 2004 -- 2005 2013 -- 14! 14th 10! 10th 23! Chris Armstrong ( 23 ) Derby County Derby 7 6 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 18 1996 -- 2002 2007 -- 2008 29! Championship 9th 8! 8th 32! Dean Sturridge ( 32 ) Everton Liverpool ( Walton ) 26 26 1953 -- 54 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 7! 7th 4! 4th 68! Romelu Lukaku ( 68 ) Fulham London ( Fulham ) 13 13 2000 -- 01 2013 -- 14 12 2001 -- 2014 26! Championship 6th 7! 7th 50! Clint Dempsey ( 50 ) Huddersfield Town Huddersfield 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 25! Championship 5th ( promoted ) N / A 2! Steve Mouni\u00e9 ( 2 ) Hull City Kingston upon Hull 5 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 20 2008 -- 2010 2013 -- 2015 2016 -- 2017 18! 18th ( relegated ) 16! 16th 12! Nikica Jelavi\u0107 ( 12 ) Ipswich Town Ipswich 5 1999 -- 2000 2001 -- 02 20 1992 -- 1995 2000 -- 2002 36! Championship 16th 5! 5th 25! Marcus Stewart ( 25 ) Leeds United Leeds 12 12 1989 -- 90 2003 -- 04 13 1992 -- 2004 27! Championship 7th 3! 3rd 59! Mark Viduka ( 59 ) Leicester City Leicester 12 6 2013 -- 14 2003 -- 04 14 1994 -- 1995 1996 -- 2002 2003 -- 2004 2014 -- 12! 12th 1! 1st 45! Jamie Vardy ( 45 ) Liverpool Liverpool ( Anfield ) 26 26 1961 -- 62 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 4! 4th 2! 2nd 128! Robbie Fowler ( 128 ) Manchester City Manchester ( Beswick ) 21 15 2001 -- 02 2000 -- 01 5 1992 -- 1996 2000 -- 2001 2002 -- 3! 3rd 1! 1st 124! Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( 124 ) Manchester United Trafford ( Stretford ) 26 26 1974 -- 75 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 6! 6th 1! 1st 183! Wayne Rooney ( 183 ) Middlesbrough Middlesbrough 15 11 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 10 1992 -- 1993 1995 -- 1997 1998 -- 2009 2016 -- 2017 19! 19th ( relegated ) 7! 7th 31! Hamilton Ricard ( 31 ) Newcastle United Newcastle upon Tyne 23 16 2016 -- 17 2015 -- 16 1993 -- 2009 2010 -- 2016 2017 -- 21! Championship 1st ( promoted ) 2! 2nd 148! Alan Shearer ( 148 ) Norwich City Norwich 8 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 17 1992 -- 1995 2004 -- 2005 2011 -- 2014 2015 -- 2016 28! Championship 8th 3! 3rd 33! Chris Sutton ( 33 ) Nottingham Forest Nottingham ( West Bridgford ) 5 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 20 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1997 1998 -- 1999 41! Championship 21st 3! 3rd 24! Bryan Roy ( 24 ) Oldham Athletic Oldham 1990 -- 91 1993 -- 94 23 1992 -- 1994 61! League One 17th 19! 19th 16! Graeme Sharp ( 16 ) Portsmouth Portsmouth 7 7 2002 -- 03 2009 -- 10 18 2003 -- 2010 69! League Two 1st ( promoted ) 8! 8th 28! Yakubu ( 28 ) Queens Park Rangers London ( Shepherd 's Bush ) 7 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 18 1992 -- 1996 2011 -- 2013 2014 -- 2015 38! Championship 18th 5! 5th 60! Les Ferdinand ( 60 ) Reading Reading 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 22 2006 -- 2008 2012 -- 2013 23! Championship 3rd 8! 8th 19! Kevin Doyle ( 19 ) Sheffield United Sheffield ( Highfield ) 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 22 1992 -- 1994 2006 -- 2007 45! League One 1st ( promoted ) 14! 14th 15! Brian Deane ( 15 ) Sheffield Wednesday Sheffield ( Owlerton ) 8 8 1990 -- 91 1999 -- 2000 17 1992 -- 2000 24! Championship 4th 7! 7th 48! Mark Bright ( 48 ) Southampton Southampton 19 13 2011 -- 12 2004 -- 05 7 1992 -- 2005 2012 -- 8! 8th 6! 6th 100! Matt Le Tissier ( 100 ) Stoke City Stoke - on - Trent ( Stoke ) 10 10 2007 -- 08 Never relegated 16 2008 -- 13! 13th 9! 9th 43! Jonathan Walters ( 43 ) Sunderland Sunderland 16 10 2006 -- 07 2016 -- 17 9 1996 -- 1997 1999 -- 2003 2005 -- 2006 2007 -- 2017 20! 20th ( relegated ) 7! 7th 61! Kevin Phillips ( 61 ) Swansea City Swansea 7 7 2010 -- 11 Never relegated 19 2011 -- 15! 15th 8! 8th 34! Gylfi Sigur\u00f0sson ( 34 ) Swindon Town Swindon 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 24 1993 -- 1994 66! League One 22nd ( relegated ) 22r! 22nd ( relegated ) 12! Jan \u00c5ge Fj\u00f8rtoft ( 12 ) Tottenham Hotspur London ( Tottenham ) 26 26 1977 -- 78 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 2! 2nd 2! 2nd 97! Teddy Sheringham ( 97 ) Watford Watford 5 2014 -- 15 2006 -- 07 21 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 2007 2015 -- 17! 17th 13! 13th 23! Troy Deeney ( 23 ) West Bromwich Albion West Bromwich 12 8 2009 -- 10 2008 -- 09 14 2002 -- 2003 2004 -- 2006 2008 -- 2009 2010 -- 10! 10th 8! 8th 30! Peter Odemwingie ( 30 ) West Ham United London ( Stratford ) 22 10 2011 -- 12 2010 -- 11 1993 -- 2003 2005 -- 2011 2012 -- 11! 11th 5! 5th 47! Paolo Di Canio ( 47 ) Wigan Athletic Wigan 8 8 2004 -- 05 2012 -- 13 17 2005 -- 2013 43! Championship 23rd ( relegated ) 10! 10th 24! Hugo Rodallega ( 24 ) Wimbledon London ( Wimbledon ) 8 8 1985 -- 86 1999 -- 2000 17 1992 -- 2000 999! Defunct ( 2003 -- 04 ) 6! 6th 58! Dean Holdsworth ( 58 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Wolverhampton 2008 -- 09 2011 -- 12 21 2003 -- 2004 2009 -- 2012 35! Championship 15th 15! 15th 22! Steven Fletcher ( 22 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "all clubs that have been in the premiership", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Premier_League_clubs&oldid=829557122", "q_uid": -8602914358030916089, "answers": { "long_answer": "Club Location Total seasons Total spells Longest spell Most recent promotion Most recent relegation Total seasons absent Seasons Most recent finish Highest finish Top scorer Arsenal London ( Highbury ) 26 26 1914 -- 15 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 5! 5th 1! 1st 175! Thierry Henry ( 175 ) Aston Villa Birmingham ( Aston ) 24 24 1987 -- 88 2015 -- 16 1992 -- 2016 33! Championship 13th 2! 2nd 73! Gabby Agbonlahor ( 73 ) Barnsley Barnsley 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 25 1997 -- 1998 34! Championship 14th 19! 19th ( relegated ) 10! Neil Redfearn ( 10 ) Birmingham City Birmingham ( Bordesley ) 7 2008 -- 09 2010 -- 11 18 2002 -- 2006 2007 -- 2008 2009 -- 2011 39! Championship 19th 9! 9th 29! Mikael Forssell ( 29 ) Blackburn Rovers Blackburn 18 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 7 1992 -- 1999 2001 -- 2012 42! Championship 22nd ( relegated ) 1! 1st 112! Alan Shearer ( 112 ) Blackpool Blackpool 2009 -- 10 2010 -- 11 24 2010 -- 2011 75! League Two 7th ( promoted ) 19! 19th ( relegated ) 13! DJ Campbell ( 13 ) Bolton Wanderers Bolton ( Horwich ) 13 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 12 1995 -- 1996 1997 -- 1998 2001 -- 2012 46! League One 2nd ( promoted ) 6! 6th 68! Kevin Davies ( 68 ) Bournemouth Bournemouth ( Boscombe ) 2014 -- 15 Never relegated 23 2015 -- 9! 9th 9! 9th 22! Joshua King ( 24 ) Bradford City Bradford 1998 -- 99 2000 -- 01 23 1999 -- 2001 49! League One 5th 17! 17th 13! Dean Windass ( 13 ) Brighton & Hove Albion Brighton ( Falmer ) 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 22! Championship 2nd ( promoted ) N / A 2! Glenn Murray ( 6 ) Burnley Burnley 2015 -- 16 2014 -- 15 22 2009 -- 2010 2014 -- 2015 2016 -- 16! 16th 16! 16th 12! Ashley Barnes ( 14 ) Cardiff City Cardiff 2012 -- 13 2013 -- 14 24 2013 -- 2014 32! Championship 12th 20r! 20th ( relegated ) 7! Jordon Mutch ( 7 ) Charlton Athletic London ( Charlton ) 8 7 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 07 17 1998 -- 1999 2000 -- 2007 57! League One 13th 7! 7th 34! Jason Euell ( 34 ) Chelsea London ( Fulham ) 26 26 1988 -- 89 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 1! 1st 1! 1st 147! Frank Lampard ( 147 ) Coventry City Coventry 9 9 1966 -- 67 2000 -- 01 16 1992 -- 2001 67! League One 23rd ( relegated ) 11! 11th 61! Dion Dublin ( 61 ) Crystal Palace London ( Selhurst ) 9 5 5 2012 -- 13 2004 -- 05 17 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1995 1997 -- 1998 2004 -- 2005 2013 -- 14! 14th 10! 10th 23! Chris Armstrong ( 23 ) Derby County Derby 7 6 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 18 1996 -- 2002 2007 -- 2008 29! Championship 9th 8! 8th 32! Dean Sturridge ( 32 ) Everton Liverpool ( Walton ) 26 26 1953 -- 54 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 7! 7th 4! 4th 68! Romelu Lukaku ( 68 ) Fulham London ( Fulham ) 13 13 2000 -- 01 2013 -- 14 12 2001 -- 2014 26! Championship 6th 7! 7th 50! Clint Dempsey ( 50 ) Huddersfield Town Huddersfield 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 25! Championship 5th ( promoted ) N / A 2! Laurent Depoitre ( 5 ) Hull City Kingston upon Hull 5 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 20 2008 -- 2010 2013 -- 2015 2016 -- 2017 18! 18th ( relegated ) 16! 16th 12! Nikica Jelavi\u0107 ( 12 ) Ipswich Town Ipswich 5 1999 -- 2000 2001 -- 02 20 1992 -- 1995 2000 -- 2002 36! Championship 16th 5! 5th 25! Marcus Stewart ( 25 ) Leeds United Leeds 12 12 1989 -- 90 2003 -- 04 13 1992 -- 2004 27! Championship 7th 3! 3rd 59! Mark Viduka ( 59 ) Leicester City Leicester 12 6 2013 -- 14 2003 -- 04 14 1994 -- 1995 1996 -- 2002 2003 -- 2004 2014 -- 12! 12th 1! 1st 45! Jamie Vardy ( 51 ) Liverpool Liverpool ( Anfield ) 26 26 1961 -- 62 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 4! 4th 2! 2nd 128! Robbie Fowler ( 128 ) Manchester City Manchester 21 15 2001 -- 02 2000 -- 01 5 1992 -- 1996 2000 -- 2001 2002 -- 3! 3rd 1! 1st 124! Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( 135 ) Manchester United Stretford 26 26 1974 -- 75 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 6! 6th 1! 1st 183! Wayne Rooney ( 183 ) Middlesbrough Middlesbrough 15 11 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 10 1992 -- 1993 1995 -- 1997 1998 -- 2009 2016 -- 2017 19! 19th ( relegated ) 7! 7th 31! Hamilton Ricard ( 31 ) Newcastle United Newcastle upon Tyne 23 16 2016 -- 17 2015 -- 16 1993 -- 2009 2010 -- 2016 2017 -- 21! Championship 1st ( promoted ) 2! 2nd 148! Alan Shearer ( 148 ) Norwich City Norwich 8 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 17 1992 -- 1995 2004 -- 2005 2011 -- 2014 2015 -- 2016 28! Championship 8th 3! 3rd 33! Chris Sutton ( 33 ) Nottingham Forest Nottingham ( West Bridgford ) 5 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 20 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1997 1998 -- 1999 41! Championship 21st 3! 3rd 24! Bryan Roy ( 24 ) Oldham Athletic Oldham 1990 -- 91 1993 -- 94 23 1992 -- 1994 61! League One 17th 19! 19th 16! Graeme Sharp ( 16 ) Portsmouth Portsmouth 7 7 2002 -- 03 2009 -- 10 18 2003 -- 2010 69! League Two 1st ( promoted ) 8! 8th 28! Yakubu ( 28 ) Queens Park Rangers London ( Shepherd 's Bush ) 7 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 18 1992 -- 1996 2011 -- 2013 2014 -- 2015 38! Championship 18th 5! 5th 60! Les Ferdinand ( 60 ) Reading Reading 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 22 2006 -- 2008 2012 -- 2013 23! Championship 3rd 8! 8th 19! Kevin Doyle ( 19 ) Sheffield United Sheffield ( Highfield ) 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 22 1992 -- 1994 2006 -- 2007 45! League One 1st ( promoted ) 14! 14th 15! Brian Deane ( 15 ) Sheffield Wednesday Sheffield ( Owlerton ) 8 8 1990 -- 91 1999 -- 2000 17 1992 -- 2000 24! Championship 4th 7! 7th 48! Mark Bright ( 48 ) Southampton Southampton 19 13 2011 -- 12 2004 -- 05 7 1992 -- 2005 2012 -- 8! 8th 6! 6th 100! Matt Le Tissier ( 100 ) Stoke City Stoke - on - Trent ( Stoke ) 10 10 2007 -- 08 Never relegated 16 2008 -- 13! 13th 9! 9th 43! Peter Crouch ( 43 ) Sunderland Sunderland 16 10 2006 -- 07 2016 -- 17 9 1996 -- 1997 1999 -- 2003 2005 -- 2006 2007 -- 2017 20! 20th ( relegated ) 7! 7th 61! Kevin Phillips ( 61 ) Swansea City Swansea 7 7 2010 -- 11 Never relegated 19 2011 -- 15! 15th 8! 8th 34! Gylfi Sigur\u00f0sson ( 34 ) Swindon Town Swindon 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 24 1993 -- 1994 66! League One 22nd ( relegated ) 22r! 22nd ( relegated ) 12! Jan \u00c5ge Fj\u00f8rtoft ( 12 ) Tottenham Hotspur London ( Tottenham ) 26 26 1977 -- 78 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 2! 2nd 2! 2nd 102! Harry Kane ( 102 ) Watford Watford 5 2014 -- 15 2006 -- 07 21 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 2007 2015 -- 17! 17th 13! 13th 23! Troy Deeney ( 25 ) West Bromwich Albion West Bromwich 12 8 2009 -- 10 2008 -- 09 14 2002 -- 2003 2004 -- 2006 2008 -- 2009 2010 -- 10! 10th 8! 8th 30! Peter Odemwingie ( 30 ) West Ham United London ( Stratford ) 22 10 2011 -- 12 2010 -- 11 1993 -- 2003 2005 -- 2011 2012 -- 11! 11th 5! 5th 47! Paolo Di Canio ( 47 ) Wigan Athletic Wigan 8 8 2004 -- 05 2012 -- 13 17 2005 -- 2013 43! Championship 23rd ( relegated ) 10! 10th 24! Hugo Rodallega ( 24 ) Wimbledon London ( Wimbledon ) 8 8 1985 -- 86 1999 -- 2000 17 1992 -- 2000 999! Defunct ( 2003 -- 04 ) 6! 6th 58! Dean Holdsworth ( 58 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Wolverhampton 2008 -- 09 2011 -- 12 21 2003 -- 2004 2009 -- 2012 35! Championship 15th 15! 15th 22! Steven Fletcher ( 22 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "all teams to have played in the premiership", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Premier_League_clubs&oldid=815242434", "q_uid": -8853835676185813038, "answers": { "long_answer": "Club Location Total seasons Total spells Longest spell Most recent promotion Most recent relegation Total seasons absent Seasons Most recent finish Highest finish Top scorer Arsenal London ( Highbury ) 26 26 1914 -- 15 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 5! 5th 1! 1st 175! Thierry Henry ( 175 ) Aston Villa Birmingham ( Aston ) 24 24 1987 -- 88 2015 -- 16 1992 -- 2016 33! Championship 13th 2! 2nd 73! Gabby Agbonlahor ( 73 ) Barnsley Barnsley 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 25 1997 -- 1998 34! Championship 14th 19! 19th ( relegated ) 10! Neil Redfearn ( 10 ) Birmingham City Birmingham ( Bordesley ) 7 2008 -- 09 2010 -- 11 18 2002 -- 2006 2007 -- 2008 2009 -- 2011 39! Championship 19th 9! 9th 29! Mikael Forssell ( 29 ) Blackburn Rovers Blackburn 18 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 7 1992 -- 1999 2001 -- 2012 42! Championship 22nd ( relegated ) 1! 1st 112! Alan Shearer ( 112 ) Blackpool Blackpool 2009 -- 10 2010 -- 11 24 2010 -- 2011 75! League Two 7th ( promoted ) 19! 19th ( relegated ) 13! DJ Campbell ( 13 ) Bolton Wanderers Bolton ( Horwich ) 13 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 12 1995 -- 1996 1997 -- 1998 2001 -- 2012 46! League One 2nd ( promoted ) 6! 6th 68! Kevin Davies ( 68 ) Bournemouth Bournemouth ( Boscombe ) 2014 -- 15 Never relegated 23 2015 -- 9! 9th 9! 9th 22! Joshua King ( 22 ) Bradford City Bradford 1998 -- 99 2000 -- 01 23 1999 -- 2001 49! League One 5th 17! 17th 13! Dean Windass ( 13 ) Brighton & Hove Albion Brighton ( Falmer ) 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 22! Championship 2nd ( promoted ) N / A 2! Pascal Gro\u00df ( 2 ) Burnley Burnley 2015 -- 16 2014 -- 15 22 2009 -- 2010 2014 -- 2015 2016 -- 16! 16th 16! 16th 12! Sam Vokes ( 12 ) Cardiff City Cardiff 2012 -- 13 2013 -- 14 24 2013 -- 2014 32! Championship 12th 20r! 20th ( relegated ) 7! Jordon Mutch ( 7 ) Charlton Athletic London ( Charlton ) 8 7 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 07 17 1998 -- 1999 2000 -- 2007 57! League One 13th 7! 7th 34! Jason Euell ( 34 ) Chelsea London ( Fulham ) 26 26 1988 -- 89 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 1! 1st 1! 1st 147! Frank Lampard ( 147 ) Coventry City Coventry 9 9 1966 -- 67 2000 -- 01 16 1992 -- 2001 67! League One 23rd ( relegated ) 11! 11th 61! Dion Dublin ( 61 ) Crystal Palace London ( Selhurst ) 9 5 5 2012 -- 13 2004 -- 05 17 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1995 1997 -- 1998 2004 -- 2005 2013 -- 14! 14th 10! 10th 23! Chris Armstrong ( 23 ) Derby County Derby 7 6 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 18 1996 -- 2002 2007 -- 2008 29! Championship 9th 8! 8th 32! Dean Sturridge ( 32 ) Everton Liverpool ( Walton ) 26 26 1953 -- 54 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 7! 7th 4! 4th 68! Romelu Lukaku ( 68 ) Fulham London ( Fulham ) 13 13 2000 -- 01 2013 -- 14 12 2001 -- 2014 26! Championship 6th 7! 7th 50! Clint Dempsey ( 50 ) Huddersfield Town Huddersfield 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 25! Championship 5th ( promoted ) N / A 2! Steve Mouni\u00e9 ( 2 ) Hull City Kingston upon Hull 5 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 20 2008 -- 2010 2013 -- 2015 2016 -- 2017 18! 18th ( relegated ) 16! 16th 12! Nikica Jelavi\u0107 ( 12 ) Ipswich Town Ipswich 5 1999 -- 2000 2001 -- 02 20 1992 -- 1995 2000 -- 2002 36! Championship 16th 5! 5th 25! Marcus Stewart ( 25 ) Leeds United Leeds 12 12 1989 -- 90 2003 -- 04 13 1992 -- 2004 27! Championship 7th 3! 3rd 59! Mark Viduka ( 59 ) Leicester City Leicester 12 6 2013 -- 14 2003 -- 04 14 1994 -- 1995 1996 -- 2002 2003 -- 2004 2014 -- 12! 12th 1! 1st 45! Jamie Vardy ( 45 ) Liverpool Liverpool ( Anfield ) 26 26 1961 -- 62 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 4! 4th 2! 2nd 128! Robbie Fowler ( 128 ) Manchester City Manchester 21 15 2001 -- 02 2000 -- 01 5 1992 -- 1996 2000 -- 2001 2002 -- 3! 3rd 1! 1st 124! Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( 124 ) Manchester United Stretford 26 26 1974 -- 75 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 6! 6th 1! 1st 183! Wayne Rooney ( 183 ) Middlesbrough Middlesbrough 15 11 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 10 1992 -- 1993 1995 -- 1997 1998 -- 2009 2016 -- 2017 19! 19th ( relegated ) 7! 7th 31! Hamilton Ricard ( 31 ) Newcastle United Newcastle upon Tyne 23 16 2016 -- 17 2015 -- 16 1993 -- 2009 2010 -- 2016 2017 -- 21! Championship 1st ( promoted ) 2! 2nd 148! Alan Shearer ( 148 ) Norwich City Norwich 8 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 17 1992 -- 1995 2004 -- 2005 2011 -- 2014 2015 -- 2016 28! Championship 8th 3! 3rd 33! Chris Sutton ( 33 ) Nottingham Forest Nottingham ( West Bridgford ) 5 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 20 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1997 1998 -- 1999 41! Championship 21st 3! 3rd 24! Bryan Roy ( 24 ) Oldham Athletic Oldham 1990 -- 91 1993 -- 94 23 1992 -- 1994 61! League One 17th 19! 19th 16! Graeme Sharp ( 16 ) Portsmouth Portsmouth 7 7 2002 -- 03 2009 -- 10 18 2003 -- 2010 69! League Two 1st ( promoted ) 8! 8th 28! Yakubu ( 28 ) Queens Park Rangers London ( Shepherd 's Bush ) 7 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 18 1992 -- 1996 2011 -- 2013 2014 -- 2015 38! Championship 18th 5! 5th 60! Les Ferdinand ( 60 ) Reading Reading 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 22 2006 -- 2008 2012 -- 2013 23! Championship 3rd 8! 8th 19! Kevin Doyle ( 19 ) Sheffield United Sheffield ( Highfield ) 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 22 1992 -- 1994 2006 -- 2007 45! League One 1st ( promoted ) 14! 14th 15! Brian Deane ( 15 ) Sheffield Wednesday Sheffield ( Owlerton ) 8 8 1990 -- 91 1999 -- 2000 17 1992 -- 2000 24! Championship 4th 7! 7th 48! Mark Bright ( 48 ) Southampton Southampton 19 13 2011 -- 12 2004 -- 05 7 1992 -- 2005 2012 -- 8! 8th 6! 6th 100! Matt Le Tissier ( 100 ) Stoke City Stoke - on - Trent ( Stoke ) 10 10 2007 -- 08 Never relegated 16 2008 -- 13! 13th 9! 9th 43! Peter Crouch ( 43 ) Sunderland Sunderland 16 10 2006 -- 07 2016 -- 17 9 1996 -- 1997 1999 -- 2003 2005 -- 2006 2007 -- 2017 20! 20th ( relegated ) 7! 7th 61! Kevin Phillips ( 61 ) Swansea City Swansea 7 7 2010 -- 11 Never relegated 19 2011 -- 15! 15th 8! 8th 34! Gylfi Sigur\u00f0sson ( 34 ) Swindon Town Swindon 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 24 1993 -- 1994 66! League One 22nd ( relegated ) 22r! 22nd ( relegated ) 12! Jan \u00c5ge Fj\u00f8rtoft ( 12 ) Tottenham Hotspur London ( Tottenham ) 26 26 1977 -- 78 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 2! 2nd 2! 2nd 97! Teddy Sheringham ( 97 ) Watford Watford 5 2014 -- 15 2006 -- 07 21 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 2007 2015 -- 17! 17th 13! 13th 23! Troy Deeney ( 23 ) West Bromwich Albion West Bromwich 12 8 2009 -- 10 2008 -- 09 14 2002 -- 2003 2004 -- 2006 2008 -- 2009 2010 -- 10! 10th 8! 8th 30! Peter Odemwingie ( 30 ) West Ham United London ( Stratford ) 22 10 2011 -- 12 2010 -- 11 1993 -- 2003 2005 -- 2011 2012 -- 11! 11th 5! 5th 47! Paolo Di Canio ( 47 ) Wigan Athletic Wigan 8 8 2004 -- 05 2012 -- 13 17 2005 -- 2013 43! Championship 23rd ( relegated ) 10! 10th 24! Hugo Rodallega ( 24 ) Wimbledon London ( Wimbledon ) 8 8 1985 -- 86 1999 -- 2000 17 1992 -- 2000 999! Defunct ( 2003 -- 04 ) 6! 6th 58! Dean Holdsworth ( 58 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Wolverhampton 2008 -- 09 2011 -- 12 21 2003 -- 2004 2009 -- 2012 35! Championship 15th 15! 15th 22! Steven Fletcher ( 22 )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "teams that have been in the premier league since it started", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Premier_League_clubs&oldid=845395647", "q_uid": 8984837652228282771, "answers": { "long_answer": "Club Location Total seasons Total spells Longest spell Most recent promotion Most recent relegation Total seasons absent Seasons Most recent finish Highest finish Top scorer Arsenal London ( Highbury ) 27 27 1914 -- 15 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 6th 1st Thierry Henry ( 175 ) Aston Villa Birmingham ( Aston ) 24 24 1987 -- 88 2015 -- 16 1992 -- 2016 Championship 4th 2nd Gabby Agbonlahor ( 73 ) Barnsley Barnsley 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 26 1997 -- 1998 Championship 22nd ( relegated ) 19th ( relegated ) Neil Redfearn ( 10 ) Birmingham City Birmingham ( Bordesley ) 7 2008 -- 09 2010 -- 11 20 2002 -- 2006 2007 -- 2008 2009 -- 2011 Championship 19th 9th Mikael Forssell ( 29 ) Blackburn Rovers Blackburn 18 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 9 1992 -- 1999 2001 -- 2012 League One 2nd ( promoted ) 1st Alan Shearer ( 112 ) Blackpool Blackpool 2009 -- 10 2010 -- 11 26 2010 -- 2011 League One 12th 19th ( relegated ) DJ Campbell ( 13 ) Bolton Wanderers Bolton ( Horwich ) 13 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 14 1995 -- 1996 1997 -- 1998 2001 -- 2012 Championship 21st 6th Kevin Davies ( 68 ) Bournemouth Bournemouth ( Boscombe ) 2014 -- 15 Never relegated 23 2015 -- 12th 9th Joshua King ( 30 ) Bradford City Bradford 1998 -- 99 2000 -- 01 25 1999 -- 2001 League One 11th 17th Dean Windass ( 13 ) Brighton & Hove Albion Brighton ( Falmer ) 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 15th 15th Glenn Murray ( 12 ) Burnley Burnley 5 2015 -- 16 2014 -- 15 22 2009 -- 2010 2014 -- 2015 2016 -- 7th 7th Ashley Barnes ( 20 ) Cardiff City Cardiff 2017 -- 18 2013 -- 14 25 2013 -- 2014 2018 -- Championship 2nd ( promoted ) 20th ( relegated ) Jordon Mutch ( 7 ) Charlton Athletic London ( Charlton ) 8 7 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 07 19 1998 -- 1999 2000 -- 2007 League One 6th 7th Jason Euell ( 34 ) Chelsea London ( Fulham ) 27 27 1988 -- 89 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 5th 1st Frank Lampard ( 147 ) Coventry City Coventry 9 9 1966 -- 67 2000 -- 01 18 1992 -- 2001 League Two 6th ( promoted ) 11th Dion Dublin ( 61 ) Crystal Palace London ( Selhurst ) 10 5 6 2012 -- 13 2004 -- 05 17 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1995 1997 -- 1998 2004 -- 2005 2013 -- 11th 10th Chris Armstrong ( 23 ) Derby County Derby 7 6 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 20 1996 -- 2002 2007 -- 2008 Championship 6th 8th Dean Sturridge ( 32 ) Everton Liverpool ( Walton ) 27 27 1953 -- 54 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 8th 4th Romelu Lukaku ( 68 ) Fulham London ( Fulham ) 14 13 2017 -- 18 2013 -- 14 13 2001 -- 2014 2018 -- Championship 3rd ( promoted ) 7th Clint Dempsey ( 50 ) Huddersfield Town Huddersfield 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 16th 16th Steve Mounie ( 7 ) Hull City Kingston upon Hull 5 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 22 2008 -- 2010 2013 -- 2015 2016 -- 2017 Championship 18th 16th Nikica Jelavi\u0107 ( 12 ) Ipswich Town Ipswich 5 1999 -- 2000 2001 -- 02 22 1992 -- 1995 2000 -- 2002 Championship 12th 5th Marcus Stewart ( 25 ) Leeds United Leeds 12 12 1989 -- 90 2003 -- 04 15 1992 -- 2004 Championship 13th 3rd Mark Viduka ( 59 ) Leicester City Leicester 13 6 2013 -- 14 2003 -- 04 14 1994 -- 1995 1996 -- 2002 2003 -- 2004 2014 -- 9th 1st Jamie Vardy ( 62 ) Liverpool Liverpool ( Anfield ) 27 27 1961 -- 62 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 4th 2nd Robbie Fowler ( 128 ) Manchester City Manchester 22 16 2001 -- 02 2000 -- 01 5 1992 -- 1996 2000 -- 2001 2002 -- 1st 1st Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( 143 ) Manchester United Stretford 27 27 1974 -- 75 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 2nd 1st Wayne Rooney ( 183 ) Middlesbrough Middlesbrough 15 11 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 12 1992 -- 1993 1995 -- 1997 1998 -- 2009 2016 -- 2017 Championship 5th 7th Hamilton Ricard ( 31 ) Newcastle United Newcastle upon Tyne 24 16 2016 -- 17 2015 -- 16 1993 -- 2009 2010 -- 2016 2017 -- 10th 2nd Alan Shearer ( 148 ) Norwich City Norwich 8 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 19 1992 -- 1995 2004 -- 2005 2011 -- 2014 2015 -- 2016 Championship 14th 3rd Chris Sutton ( 33 ) Nottingham Forest Nottingham ( West Bridgford ) 5 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 22 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1997 1998 -- 1999 Championship 17th 3rd Bryan Roy ( 24 ) Oldham Athletic Oldham 1990 -- 91 1993 -- 94 25 1992 -- 1994 League One 21st ( relegated ) 19th Graeme Sharp ( 16 ) Portsmouth Portsmouth 7 7 2002 -- 03 2009 -- 10 20 2003 -- 2010 League One 8th 8th Yakubu ( 28 ) Queens Park Rangers London ( Shepherd 's Bush ) 7 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 20 1992 -- 1996 2011 -- 2013 2014 -- 2015 Championship 16th 5th Les Ferdinand ( 60 ) Reading Reading 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 24 2006 -- 2008 2012 -- 2013 Championship 20th 8th Kevin Doyle ( 19 ) Sheffield United Sheffield ( Highfield ) 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 24 1992 -- 1994 2006 -- 2007 Championship 10th 14th Brian Deane ( 15 ) Sheffield Wednesday Sheffield ( Owlerton ) 8 8 1990 -- 91 1999 -- 2000 19 1992 -- 2000 Championship 15th 7th Mark Bright ( 48 ) Southampton Southampton 20 13 2011 -- 12 2004 -- 05 7 1992 -- 2005 2012 -- 17th 6th Matt Le Tissier ( 100 ) Stoke City Stoke - on - Trent ( Stoke ) 10 10 2007 -- 08 2017 -- 18 17 2008 -- 2018 19th ( relegated ) 9th Peter Crouch ( 45 ) Sunderland Sunderland 16 10 2006 -- 07 2016 -- 17 11 1996 -- 1997 1999 -- 2003 2005 -- 2006 2007 -- 2017 Championship 24th ( relegated ) 7th Kevin Phillips ( 61 ) Swansea City Swansea 7 7 2010 -- 11 2017 -- 18 20 2011 -- 2018 18th ( relegated ) 8th Gylfi Sigur\u00f0sson ( 34 ) Swindon Town Swindon 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 26 1993 -- 1994 League Two 9th 22nd ( relegated ) Jan \u00c5ge Fj\u00f8rtoft ( 12 ) Tottenham Hotspur London ( Tottenham ) 27 27 1977 -- 78 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 3rd 2nd Harry Kane ( 108 ) Watford Watford 6 2014 -- 15 2006 -- 07 21 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 2007 2015 -- 14th 13th Troy Deeney ( 28 ) West Bromwich Albion West Bromwich 12 8 2009 -- 10 2017 -- 18 15 2002 -- 2003 2004 -- 2006 2008 -- 2009 2010 -- 2018 20th ( relegated ) 8th Peter Odemwingie ( 30 ) West Ham United London ( Stratford ) 23 10 2011 -- 12 2010 -- 11 1993 -- 2003 2005 -- 2011 2012 -- 13th 5th Paolo Di Canio ( 47 ) Wigan Athletic Wigan 8 8 2004 -- 05 2012 -- 13 19 2005 -- 2013 League One 1st ( promoted ) 10th Hugo Rodallega ( 24 ) Wimbledon London ( Wimbledon ) 8 8 1985 -- 86 1999 -- 2000 19 1992 -- 2000 Defunct ( 2003 -- 04 ) 6th Dean Holdsworth ( 58 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Wolverhampton 5 2017 -- 18 2011 -- 12 22 2003 -- 2004 2009 -- 2012 2018 -- Championship 1st ( promoted ) 15th Steven Fletcher ( 22 )", "short_answer": "Tottenham Hotspur" } }, { "question": "list of teams to play in premier league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Premier_League_clubs&oldid=864839407", "q_uid": -3286262148412985347, "answers": { "long_answer": "Club Location Total seasons Total spells Longest spell Most recent promotion Most recent relegation Total seasons absent Seasons Most recent finish Highest finish Top scorer Arsenal London ( Highbury ) 27 27 1914 -- 15 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 6th 1st Thierry Henry ( 175 ) Aston Villa Birmingham ( Aston ) 24 24 1987 -- 88 2015 -- 16 1992 -- 2016 Championship 4th 2nd Gabriel Agbonlahor ( 73 ) Barnsley Barnsley 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 26 1997 -- 1998 Championship 22nd ( relegated ) 19th ( relegated ) Neil Redfearn ( 10 ) Birmingham City Birmingham ( Bordesley ) 7 2008 -- 09 2010 -- 11 20 2002 -- 2006 2007 -- 2008 2009 -- 2011 Championship 19th 9th Mikael Forssell ( 29 ) Blackburn Rovers Blackburn 18 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 9 1992 -- 1999 2001 -- 2012 League One 2nd ( promoted ) 1st Alan Shearer ( 112 ) Blackpool Blackpool 2009 -- 10 2010 -- 11 26 2010 -- 2011 League One 12th 19th ( relegated ) DJ Campbell ( 13 ) Bolton Wanderers Bolton ( Horwich ) 13 11 2000 -- 01 2011 -- 12 14 1995 -- 1996 1997 -- 1998 2001 -- 2012 Championship 21st 6th Kevin Davies ( 68 ) Bournemouth Bournemouth ( Boscombe ) 2014 -- 15 Never relegated 23 2015 -- 12th 9th Joshua King ( 30 ) Bradford City Bradford 1998 -- 99 2000 -- 01 25 1999 -- 2001 League One 11th 17th Dean Windass ( 13 ) Brighton & Hove Albion Brighton ( Falmer ) 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 15th 15th Glenn Murray ( 12 ) Burnley Burnley 5 2015 -- 16 2014 -- 15 22 2009 -- 2010 2014 -- 2015 2016 -- 7th 7th Ashley Barnes ( 20 ) Cardiff City Cardiff 2017 -- 18 2013 -- 14 25 2013 -- 2014 2018 -- Championship 2nd ( promoted ) 20th ( relegated ) Jordon Mutch ( 7 ) Charlton Athletic London ( Charlton ) 8 7 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 07 19 1998 -- 1999 2000 -- 2007 League One 6th 7th Jason Euell ( 34 ) Chelsea London ( Fulham ) 27 27 1988 -- 89 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 5th 1st Frank Lampard ( 147 ) Coventry City Coventry 9 9 1966 -- 67 2000 -- 01 18 1992 -- 2001 League Two 6th ( promoted ) 11th Dion Dublin ( 61 ) Crystal Palace London ( Selhurst ) 10 5 6 2012 -- 13 2004 -- 05 17 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1995 1997 -- 1998 2004 -- 2005 2013 -- 11th 10th Wilfried Zaha ( 24 ) Derby County Derby 7 6 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 20 1996 -- 2002 2007 -- 2008 Championship 6th 8th Dean Sturridge ( 32 ) Everton Liverpool ( Walton ) 27 27 1953 -- 54 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 8th 4th Romelu Lukaku ( 68 ) Fulham London ( Fulham ) 14 13 2017 -- 18 2013 -- 14 13 2001 -- 2014 2018 -- Championship 3rd ( promoted ) 7th Clint Dempsey ( 50 ) Huddersfield Town Huddersfield 2016 -- 17 Never relegated 25 2017 -- 16th 16th Steve Mounie ( 7 ) Hull City Kingston upon Hull 5 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 22 2008 -- 2010 2013 -- 2015 2016 -- 2017 Championship 18th 16th Nikica Jelavi\u0107 ( 12 ) Ipswich Town Ipswich 5 1999 -- 2000 2001 -- 02 22 1992 -- 1995 2000 -- 2002 Championship 12th 5th Marcus Stewart ( 25 ) Leeds United Leeds 12 12 1989 -- 90 2003 -- 04 15 1992 -- 2004 Championship 13th 3rd Mark Viduka ( 59 ) Leicester City Leicester 13 6 2013 -- 14 2003 -- 04 14 1994 -- 1995 1996 -- 2002 2003 -- 2004 2014 -- 9th 1st Jamie Vardy ( 62 ) Liverpool Liverpool ( Anfield ) 27 27 1961 -- 62 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 4th 2nd Robbie Fowler ( 128 ) Manchester City Manchester 22 16 2001 -- 02 2000 -- 01 5 1992 -- 1996 2000 -- 2001 2002 -- 1st 1st Sergio Ag\u00fcero ( 143 ) Manchester United Stretford 27 27 1974 -- 75 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 2nd 1st Wayne Rooney ( 183 ) Middlesbrough Middlesbrough 15 11 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 12 1992 -- 1993 1995 -- 1997 1998 -- 2009 2016 -- 2017 Championship 5th 7th Hamilton Ricard ( 31 ) Newcastle United Newcastle upon Tyne 24 16 2016 -- 17 2015 -- 16 1993 -- 2009 2010 -- 2016 2017 -- 10th 2nd Alan Shearer ( 148 ) Norwich City Norwich 8 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 19 1992 -- 1995 2004 -- 2005 2011 -- 2014 2015 -- 2016 Championship 14th 3rd Chris Sutton ( 33 ) Nottingham Forest Nottingham ( West Bridgford ) 5 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 22 1992 -- 1993 1994 -- 1997 1998 -- 1999 Championship 17th 3rd Bryan Roy ( 24 ) Oldham Athletic Oldham 1990 -- 91 1993 -- 94 25 1992 -- 1994 League One 21st ( relegated ) 19th Graeme Sharp ( 16 ) Portsmouth Portsmouth 7 7 2002 -- 03 2009 -- 10 20 2003 -- 2010 League One 8th 8th Yakubu ( 28 ) Queens Park Rangers London ( Shepherd 's Bush ) 7 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 20 1992 -- 1996 2011 -- 2013 2014 -- 2015 Championship 16th 5th Les Ferdinand ( 60 ) Reading Reading 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 24 2006 -- 2008 2012 -- 2013 Championship 20th 8th Kevin Doyle ( 19 ) Sheffield United Sheffield ( Highfield ) 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 24 1992 -- 1994 2006 -- 2007 Championship 10th 14th Brian Deane ( 15 ) Sheffield Wednesday Sheffield ( Owlerton ) 8 8 1990 -- 91 1999 -- 2000 19 1992 -- 2000 Championship 15th 7th Mark Bright ( 48 ) Southampton Southampton 20 13 2011 -- 12 2004 -- 05 7 1992 -- 2005 2012 -- 17th 6th Matt Le Tissier ( 100 ) Stoke City Stoke - on - Trent ( Stoke ) 10 10 2007 -- 08 2017 -- 18 17 2008 -- 2018 19th ( relegated ) 9th Peter Crouch ( 45 ) Sunderland Sunderland 16 10 2006 -- 07 2016 -- 17 11 1996 -- 1997 1999 -- 2003 2005 -- 2006 2007 -- 2017 Championship 24th ( relegated ) 7th Kevin Phillips ( 61 ) Swansea City Swansea 7 7 2010 -- 11 2017 -- 18 20 2011 -- 2018 18th ( relegated ) 8th Gylfi Sigur\u00f0sson ( 34 ) Swindon Town Swindon 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 26 1993 -- 1994 League Two 9th 22nd ( relegated ) Jan \u00c5ge Fj\u00f8rtoft ( 12 ) Tottenham Hotspur London ( Tottenham ) 27 27 1977 -- 78 Never relegated 0 1992 -- 3rd 2nd Harry Kane ( 108 ) Watford Watford 6 2014 -- 15 2006 -- 07 21 1999 -- 2000 2006 -- 2007 2015 -- 14th 13th Troy Deeney ( 28 ) West Bromwich Albion West Bromwich 12 8 2009 -- 10 2017 -- 18 15 2002 -- 2003 2004 -- 2006 2008 -- 2009 2010 -- 2018 20th ( relegated ) 8th Peter Odemwingie ( 30 ) West Ham United London ( Stratford ) 23 10 2011 -- 12 2010 -- 11 1993 -- 2003 2005 -- 2011 2012 -- 13th 5th Paolo Di Canio ( 47 ) Wigan Athletic Wigan 8 8 2004 -- 05 2012 -- 13 19 2005 -- 2013 League One 1st ( promoted ) 10th Hugo Rodallega ( 24 ) Wimbledon London ( Wimbledon ) 8 8 1985 -- 86 1999 -- 2000 19 1992 -- 2000 Defunct ( 2003 -- 04 ) 6th Dean Holdsworth ( 58 ) Wolverhampton Wanderers Wolverhampton 5 2017 -- 18 2011 -- 12 22 2003 -- 2004 2009 -- 2012 2018 -- Championship 1st ( promoted ) 15th Steven Fletcher ( 22 )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "You've Come a Long Way, Baby": [ { "question": "who is the guy on the cover of you've come a long way baby", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=You%27ve_Come_a_Long_Way,_Baby&oldid=866408213", "q_uid": 423497202066080963, "answers": { "long_answer": "The title You 've Come a Long Way, Baby was derived from a marketing slogan for Virginia Slims cigarettes. Conceived by Red Design, the album 's primary cover art features an obese young man dressed in a T - shirt bearing the words `` I 'm # 1 so why try harder '' while holding a cigarette in his left hand. The original photograph was taken at the 1983 Fat People 's Festival in Danville, Virginia and provided by the Rex Features photo library. Despite a series of enquiries, the man has not been identified. Additional photography for the You 've Come a Long Way, Baby liner notes was provided by Simon Thornton. The cover image was changed in North America to an image of shelves stacked with records.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Jon Bernthal": [ { "question": "who plays carlos in how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jon_Bernthal&oldid=815760877", "q_uid": 1112469868045658138, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2002 Law & Order: Criminal Intent Lane Ruddock Episode: `` Malignant '' Without a Trace Alex Genya Episode: `` Bait '' Dr. Vegas Greg Episode: `` Dead Man, Live Bet '' Boston Legal Michael Shea Episode: `` Questionable Characters '' 2005 Jonny Zero Brett Parish Episode: `` I Did It All for the Nooky '' 2005 CSI: Miami Harry Klugman 2 episodes 2005 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Sherm Hempell Episode: `` Goliath '' 2005 How I Met Your Mother Carlos Episode: `` Purple Giraffe '' 2006 -- 2007 The Class Duncan Carmello 19 episodes 2009 -- 2010 Eastwick Raymond Gardener 12 episodes Numb3rs Mike Nash Episode: `` Growin ' Up '' The Pacific Sgt. Manuel Rodriguez 2 episodes 2010 -- 2012 The Walking Dead Shane Walsh 19 episodes Nominated -- Scream Award for Breakout Performance -- Male ( 2011 ) 2012 Harry 's Law Lucas Trassino Episode: `` The Whole Truth '' 2012 -- 2017 Robot Chicken Shane Walsh ( voice ) Various voices 2 episodes 2013 Mob City Detective Joe Teague 6 episodes 2015 Show Me a Hero Michael H. Sussman 4 episodes 2015 SuperMansion Rat - A-Pult ( voice ) 3 episodes 2016 Daredevil Frank Castle / Punisher Recurring role; Season 2, 12 episodes 2017 -- present The Punisher Lead role; 13 episodes", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played carlos in how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jon_Bernthal&oldid=856535175", "q_uid": -1134365911695251634, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2002 Law & Order: Criminal Intent Lane Ruddock Episode: `` Malignant '' Without a Trace Alex Genya Episode: `` Bait '' Dr. Vegas Greg Episode: `` Dead Man, Live Bet '' Boston Legal Michael Shea Episode: `` Questionable Characters '' 2005 Jonny Zero Brett Parish Episode: `` I Did It All for the Nooky '' 2005 CSI: Miami Harry Klugman 2 episodes 2005 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Sherm Hempell Episode: `` Goliath '' 2005 How I Met Your Mother Carlos Episode: `` Purple Giraffe '' 2006 -- 2007 The Class Duncan Carmello 19 episodes 2009 -- 2010 Eastwick Raymond Gardener 12 episodes Numb3rs Mike Nash Episode: `` Growin ' Up '' The Pacific Sgt. Manuel Rodriguez 2 episodes 2010 -- 2012 2018 The Walking Dead Shane Walsh 19 episodes Nominated -- Scream Award for Breakout Performance -- Male ( 2011 ) 2012 Harry 's Law Lucas Trassino Episode: `` The Whole Truth '' 2012 -- 2017 Robot Chicken Shane Walsh ( voice ) Various voices 2 episodes 2013 Mob City Detective Joe Teague 6 episodes 2015 Show Me a Hero Michael H. Sussman 4 episodes 2015 SuperMansion Rat - A-Pult ( voice ) 3 episodes 2016 Daredevil Frank Castle / Punisher 12 episodes 2017 -- present The Punisher 13 episodes Nominated -- Saturn Award for Best Actor on Television 2018 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Mysterious Man Episode: `` Kimmy Meets an Old Friend! ''", "short_answer": "" } } ], "From the Land of the Moon (film)": [ { "question": "from the land of the moon movie cast", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=From_the_Land_of_the_Moon_(film)&oldid=854034526", "q_uid": -7148622692289326779, "answers": { "long_answer": "Marion Cotillard as Gabrielle Louis Garrel as Andr\u00e9 Sauvage \u00c0lex Brendem\u00fchl as Jos\u00e9 Brigitte Ro\u00fcan as Ad\u00e8le Victoire Du Bois as Jeannine Alo\u00efse Sauvage as Agostine Daniel Para as Martin Jihwan Kim as Blaise Victor Quilichini as 14 - year - old Marc", "short_answer": "Marion Cotillard as" } } ], "Married to the Mob": [ { "question": "who played karen in married to the mob", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Married_to_the_Mob&oldid=815064292", "q_uid": 5425056976870419372, "answers": { "long_answer": "Angela de Marco ( Michelle Pfeiffer ) is the wife of mafia up - and - comer Frank `` The Cucumber '' de Marco ( Alec Baldwin ), who gets violently dispatched by Mob boss Tony `` The Tiger '' Russo ( Dean Stockwell ) when he is discovered in a compromising situation with the latter 's mistress Karen ( Nancy Travis ). Angela wants to escape the mafia scene with her son, but is harassed by Tony who puts the moves on her at Frank 's funeral. This clinch earns her the suspicion of FBI agents Mike Downey ( Matthew Modine ) and Ed Benitez ( Oliver Platt ), who are conducting surveillance, and also of Tony 's wife Connie ( Mercedes Ruehl ), who repeatedly confronts Angela with accusations of stealing her husband. To further complicate things, Mike Downey is assigned to monitor all of Angela 's movements as part of an undercover surveillance operation, but can not resist becoming romantically involved with Angela himself. Angela 's attempts to break away from the Mob result in comic mayhem and a climactic showdown in a honeymoon suite in Miami.", "short_answer": "Nancy Travis )" } } ], "Social Security Wage Base": [ { "question": "what is the wage base for social security", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Social_Security_Wage_Base&oldid=849053592", "q_uid": -8643256632834528429, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2018, the Social Security Wage Base was $128,400 and the Social Security tax rate was 6.20 % paid by the employee and 6.20 % paid by the employer. A person with $10,000 of gross income had $620.00 withheld as Social Security tax from his check and the employer sent an additional $620.00. A person with $130,000 of gross income in 2017 incurred Social Security tax of $7,886.40 ( resulting in an effective rate of approximately 6.07 % - the rate was lower because the income was more than the 2017 `` wage base '', see below ), with $7,886.40 paid by the employer. A person who earned a million dollars in wages paid the same $7,886.40 in Social Security tax ( resulting in an effective rate of approximately 0.79 % ), with equivalent employer matching. In the cases of the $130 k and $1 m earners, each paid the same amount into the social security system, and both will take the same out of the social security system.", "short_answer": "$128,400 and" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the social security cap was raised", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Social_Security_Wage_Base&oldid=812730877", "q_uid": -1514954190866093641, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Wage Base Increase Maximum Social Security Employee Share Maximum Social Security Employer Share Maximum Total Contribution to Social Security 2018 $128,400 0.9 % $7,960.80 $7,960.80 $15,921.60 2017 $127,200 7.3 % $7,886.40 $7,886.40 $15,772.80 2016 $118,500 0.0 % $7,347.00 $7,347.00 $14,694.00 2015 $118,500 1.3 % $7,347.00 $7,347.00 $14,694.00 2014 $117,000 2.9 % $7,254.00 $7,254.00 $14,508.00 2013 $113,700 3.3 % $7,049.40 * * $7,049.40 $14,098.80 2012 $110,100 3.1 % $4,624.20 * $6,826.20 $11,450.40 2011 $106,800 0.0 % $4,485.60 * $6,621.60 $11,107.20 $106,800 0.0 % $6,621.60 $6,621.60 $13,243.20 2009 $106,800 4.7 % $6,621.60 $6,621.60 $13,243.20 2008 $102,000 4.6 % $6,324.00 $6,324.00 $12,648.00 2007 $97,500 3.5 % $6,045.00 $6,045.00 $12,090.00 2006 $94,200 4.7 % $5,840.40 $5,840.40 $11,680.80 2005 $90,000 2.4 % $5,580.00 $5,580.00 $11,160.00 $87,900 1.0 % $5,449.80 $5,449.80 $10,899.60 2003 $87,000 2.5 % $5,394.00 $5,394.00 $10,788.00 2002 $84,900 5.6 % $5,263.80 $5,263.80 $10,527.60 $80,400 5.5 % $4,984.80 $4,984.80 $9,969.60 2000 $76,200 $4,724.40 $4,724.40 $9,448.80", "short_answer": "2018" } }, { "question": "what is the maximum employee social security contribution", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Social_Security_Wage_Base&oldid=812730877", "q_uid": 6048653477677413334, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Wage Base Increase Maximum Social Security Employee Share Maximum Social Security Employer Share Maximum Total Contribution to Social Security 2018 $128,400 0.9 % $7,960.80 $7,960.80 $15,921.60 2017 $127,200 7.3 % $7,886.40 $7,886.40 $15,772.80 2016 $118,500 0.0 % $7,347.00 $7,347.00 $14,694.00 2015 $118,500 1.3 % $7,347.00 $7,347.00 $14,694.00 2014 $117,000 2.9 % $7,254.00 $7,254.00 $14,508.00 2013 $113,700 3.3 % $7,049.40 * * $7,049.40 $14,098.80 2012 $110,100 3.1 % $4,624.20 * $6,826.20 $11,450.40 2011 $106,800 0.0 % $4,485.60 * $6,621.60 $11,107.20 $106,800 0.0 % $6,621.60 $6,621.60 $13,243.20 2009 $106,800 4.7 % $6,621.60 $6,621.60 $13,243.20 2008 $102,000 4.6 % $6,324.00 $6,324.00 $12,648.00 2007 $97,500 3.5 % $6,045.00 $6,045.00 $12,090.00 2006 $94,200 4.7 % $5,840.40 $5,840.40 $11,680.80 2005 $90,000 2.4 % $5,580.00 $5,580.00 $11,160.00 $87,900 1.0 % $5,449.80 $5,449.80 $10,899.60 2003 $87,000 2.5 % $5,394.00 $5,394.00 $10,788.00 2002 $84,900 5.6 % $5,263.80 $5,263.80 $10,527.60 $80,400 5.5 % $4,984.80 $4,984.80 $9,969.60 2000 $76,200 $4,724.40 $4,724.40 $9,448.80", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Freddie Prinze Jr.": [ { "question": "who plays sandy the male nanny in friends", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Freddie_Prinze_Jr.&oldid=854935625", "q_uid": 4857838420920111646, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2002, he played Fred Jones in the live - action film version of the popular cartoon, Scooby - Doo, and reprised the role in the 2004 sequel, Scooby - Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, both alongside his wife Sarah Michelle Gellar and along with Matthew Lillard and Linda Cardellini. He guest starred on the popular NBC show, Friends, as a sensitive male nanny named Sandy on the series ' 200th episode. He also appeared as Donny Crane, a character believed to be Denny Crane 's son in the ABC legal drama - comedy Boston Legal. Prinze starred in his own television sitcom, titled Freddie. The sitcom is said to depict some actual events from his life, and lasted one season before being canceled in May 2006. He guest starred on George Lopez for a crossover with Freddie. In 2004, Prinze accepted a special award from TV Land on behalf of his late father. He thanked his father 's former co-star, Della Reese, for her continued advice and support. In 2006, he lent his voice to the character of Pi in the computer - animated film Shark Bait. Also in 2007, he lent his voice to the character of Rick in Happily N'Ever After along with his wife Gellar, Wallace Shawn, Andy Dick, George Carlin, and Sigourney Weaver. In 2008, he auditioned for Jigsaw in Punisher: War Zone, but was not given the part at the decision of Lionsgate Studios. He later voice titular character in animation movie Delgo. In 2010, Prinze guest starred on Psych as Dennis, a grade school friend of Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Cillian Murphy": [ { "question": "who plays thomas shelby on the peaky blinders", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cillian_Murphy&oldid=849639066", "q_uid": -4752574970273596515, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 2013, Murphy has portrayed Thomas Shelby, the lead of the BBC gangster series Peaky Blinders. He was in the films Transcendence ( 2014 ), In the Heart of the Sea ( 2015 ), Anthropoid ( 2016 ) and Dunkirk ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played scarecrow in batman dark knight rises", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cillian_Murphy&oldid=806413377", "q_uid": -4779769353729908940, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cillian Murphy ( / \u02c8k\u026ali\u0259n /; born 25 May 1976 ) is an Irish actor of stage and screen. Since making his debut in his home country in the late 1990s, Murphy has also become a presence in British and American cinemas noted by critics for his performances in many independent and mainstream films. He is best known as Damien in The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Jim in 28 Days Later ( 2002 ), the Scarecrow in The Dark Knight Trilogy ( 2005 -- 12 ), Jackson Rippner in Red Eye ( 2005 ), Robert Capa in Sunshine ( 2007 ), Robert Fischer in Inception ( 2010 ) and Thomas Shelby in the BBC series Peaky Blinders.", "short_answer": "Cillian Murphy (" } }, { "question": "who played the scarecrow in the batman movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cillian_Murphy&oldid=802173200", "q_uid": -7566681424999105001, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cillian Murphy ( / \u02c8k\u026ali\u0259n /; born 25 May 1976 ) is an Irish actor of stage and screen. Since making his debut in his home country in the late 1990s, Murphy has also become a presence in British and American cinemas noted by critics for his performances in many independent and mainstream films. He is best known as Damien in The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Jim in 28 Days Later ( 2002 ), the Scarecrow in The Dark Knight Trilogy ( 2005 -- 12 ), Jackson Rippner in Red Eye ( 2005 ), Robert Capa in Sunshine ( 2007 ), Robert Fischer in Inception ( 2010 ) and Thomas Shelby in the BBC series Peaky Blinders.", "short_answer": "Cillian Murphy (" } } ], "Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)": [ { "question": "the names of the main characters in hawaii 5-0", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii_Five-0_(2010_TV_series)&oldid=808639452", "q_uid": 3228249803406321552, "answers": { "long_answer": "Alex O'Loughlin as Lieutenant Commander Steven J. `` Steve '' McGarrett, USNR. A decorated former Navy SEAL, McGarrett is head of the Five - 0 Task Force and son of retired HPD Sergeant John McGarrett. John 's murder and storyline forms the premise of Steve 's return to Hawaii and the formation of the Task Force. Scott Caan as Detective Sergeant Danny `` Danno '' Williams, HPD. He is a divorced single father who transferred from Newark PD in New Jersey to be with his daughter and is the de facto second - in - command of Five - 0. Daniel Dae Kim as Detective Lieutenant Chin Ho Kelly, HPD ( seasons 1 -- 7 ). A veteran HPD detective, he was John McGarrett 's former rookie and provides technical expertise and local know - how. Kim departed the series in late June 2017 prior to the start of production of the eighth season due to a salary dispute with CBS. Kim had been seeking pay equality with co-stars Alex O'Loughlin and Scott Caan, but CBS 's final offer to Kim was 10 -- 15 % lower than what O'Loughlin and Caan make in salary. Grace Park as Officer Kono Kalakaua, HPD ( seasons 1 -- 7 ). A former surfer, she was personally recruited by McGarrett while still in her final days at the HPD Academy. She is the cousin of Lieutenant Kelly. Park departed the series in late June 2017 prior to the start of production of the eighth season due to a salary dispute with CBS. Park had been seeking pay equality with co-stars Alex O'Loughlin and Scott Caan, but CBS 's final offer to Park was 10 -- 15 % lower than what O'Loughlin and Caan make in salary. Taryn Manning as Mary Ann McGarrett, ( season 1, recurring subsequently ) Steve 's sister who lives on the mainland and occasionally visits Hawaii. Masi Oka as Dr. Max Bergman ( seasons 2 -- 7; recurring previously ), the eccentric and well - respected County of Honolulu medical examiner. Lauren German as Special Agent Lori Weston ( season 2 ). A senior DHS agent assigned to Five - 0 to provide oversight. Michelle Borth as Lieutenant Catherine Rollins, USNR ( seasons 3 -- 4; recurring previously and subsequently ). A former Navy Intelligence officer and McGarrett 's ex-girlfriend. Chi McBride as Captain Lou Grover, HPD ( season 4 -- present; recurring previously ). A transfer from Chicago PD and has two children with his wife Ren\u00e9e. Jorge Garcia as Jerry Ortega ( season 5 -- present; recurring season 4 ), a conspiracy theorist who assisted Five - 0 during several investigations and is eventually hired as a `` consultant ''. Ian Anthony Dale as Adam Noshimuri ( season 8 -- present; recurring previously ), Kono 's husband, and a confidential informant to Five - 0. Dennis Chun as Sgt. Duke Lukela ( season 8 -- present; recurring previously ), HPD officer who often acts as a liaison to Five - 0. He was one of the few HPD cops who was not antagonistic towards Danny or the other Five - O members from the beginning, as he was colleagues with Steve 's father and also personally knew Chin and Kono 's family. In `` Hookman '', he was shot by Curt Stoner ( Peter Weller ), but survived and recovered. Chun is the son of Kam Fong Chun, who played Chin Ho Kelly in the original series. Taylor Wily as Kamekona Tupuola ( season 8 -- present; recurring previously ), a rehabilitated ex-convict, turned entrepreneur and owner of the Waiola Shave Ice, Kamekona 's Shrimp Truck, and Kamekona 's Helicopter Tours. He is a CI for the Five - 0 Task Force and their friend. Kimee Balmilero as Dr. Noelani Cunha ( season 8 -- present; recurring previously ) Meaghan Rath as Officer Tani Rey ( season 8 -- present ), whom McGarrett recruits from her job as a hotel pool lifeguard after being kicked out of the police academy, despite being a first - rate candidate. She initially declines to join but later joins as a team member. Beulah Koale as Junior Reigns ( season 8 -- present ), a former Navy SEAL who asks McGarrett, a fellow SEAL, for a job. Initially turned down he returns to McGarrett a second time. McGarrett later introduces him to Duke Lukela and informs him that before becoming a member of Five - 0 he will need to join and finish the Police academy.", "short_answer": "Lieutenant Commander Steven J. `` Steve '' McGarrett," } }, { "question": "cast of the tv show hawaii five o", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii_Five-0_(2010_TV_series)&oldid=816531193", "q_uid": -4539023180560021897, "answers": { "long_answer": "Alex O'Loughlin as Lieutenant Commander Steven J. `` Steve '' McGarrett, USNR. A decorated former Navy SEAL, McGarrett is head of the Five - 0 Task Force and son of retired HPD Sergeant John McGarrett. John 's murder and storyline forms the premise of Steve 's return to Hawaii and the formation of the Task Force. Scott Caan as Detective Sergeant Danny `` Danno '' Williams, HPD. He is a divorced single father who transferred from Newark PD in New Jersey to be with his daughter and is the de facto second - in - command of Five - 0. Daniel Dae Kim as Detective Lieutenant Chin Ho Kelly, HPD ( seasons 1 -- 7 ). A veteran HPD detective, he was John McGarrett 's former rookie and provides technical expertise and local know - how. Kim departed the series in late June 2017 prior to the start of production of the eighth season due to a salary dispute with CBS. Kim had been seeking pay equality with co-stars Alex O'Loughlin and Scott Caan, but CBS 's final offer to Kim was 10 -- 15 % lower than what O'Loughlin and Caan make in salary. Grace Park as Officer Kono Kalakaua, HPD ( seasons 1 -- 7 ). A former surfer, she was personally recruited by McGarrett while still in her final days at the HPD Academy. She is the cousin of Lieutenant Kelly. Park departed the series in late June 2017 prior to the start of production of the eighth season due to a salary dispute with CBS. Park had been seeking pay equality with co-stars Alex O'Loughlin and Scott Caan, but CBS 's final offer to Park was 10 -- 15 % lower than what O'Loughlin and Caan make in salary. Taryn Manning as Mary Ann McGarrett, ( season 1; recurring subsequently ) Steve 's sister who lives on the mainland and occasionally visits Hawaii. Masi Oka as Dr. Max Bergman ( seasons 2 -- 7; recurring previously ), the eccentric and well - respected County of Honolulu medical examiner. Lauren German as Special Agent Lori Weston ( season 2; guest previously ). A senior DHS agent assigned to Five - 0 to provide oversight. Michelle Borth as Lieutenant Catherine Rollins, USNR ( seasons 3 -- 4; recurring previously and subsequently ). A former Navy Intelligence officer and McGarrett 's ex-girlfriend. Chi McBride as Captain Lou Grover, HPD ( season 4 -- present; recurring previously ). A transfer from Chicago PD and has two children with his wife Ren\u00e9e. Jorge Garcia as Jerry Ortega ( season 5 -- present; recurring season 4 ), a conspiracy theorist who assisted Five - 0 during several investigations and is eventually hired as a `` consultant ''. Meaghan Rath as Officer Tani Rey ( season 8 ), whom McGarrett recruits from her job as a hotel pool lifeguard after being kicked out of the police academy, despite being a first - rate candidate. She initially declines to join but later joins as a team member. Taylor Wily as Kamekona Tupuola ( season 8; recurring previously ), a rehabilitated ex-convict, turned entrepreneur and owner of the Waiola Shave Ice, Kamekona 's Shrimp Truck, and Kamekona 's Helicopter Tours. He is a CI for the Five - 0 Task Force and their friend. Dennis Chun as Sgt. Duke Lukela ( season 8; recurring previously ), HPD officer who often acts as a liaison to Five - 0. He was one of the few HPD cops who was not antagonistic towards Danny or the other Five - O members from the beginning, as he was colleagues with Steve 's father and also personally knew Chin and Kono 's family. In `` Hookman '', he was shot by Curt Stoner ( Peter Weller ), but survived and recovered. Chun is the son of Kam Fong Chun, who played Chin Ho Kelly in the original series. Kimee Balmilero as Dr. Noelani Cunha ( season 8; recurring previously ), a medical examiner who took over to assist the team after Max 's departure. She is often seen joining in with the team during holidays and celebrations. Beulah Koale as Junior Reigns Five - 0 Task Force ( season 8 ), a former Navy SEAL who asks McGarrett, a fellow SEAL, for a job. Initially turned down he returns to McGarrett a second time. McGarrett later introduces him to Duke Lukela and informs him that before becoming a member of Five - 0 he will need to join and finish the Police academy. Ian Anthony Dale as Adam Noshimuri ( season 8; recurring previously ), Kono 's husband, and a confidential informant to Five - 0.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when do the new season of hawaii five-o start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii_Five-0_(2010_TV_series)&oldid=808639452", "q_uid": -4040814077881947126, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii Five - 0 is an American action police procedural television series, which premiered on Monday, September 20, 2010 on CBS. The series is a reboot of the original series, which aired on CBS from 1968 to 1980. Like the original, it follows an elite state police task force set up to fight crime in the state of Hawaii. The series is produced by K / O Paper Products and 101st Street Television in association with CBS Productions, originally an in - name - only unit of but folded into CBS Television Studios, which has produced the series since the beginning of season three. On March 25, 2016, CBS renewed the series for a seventh season, which premiered on September 23, 2016. On March 23, 2017, CBS renewed the series for an eighth season, which premiered on September 29, 2017.", "short_answer": "September 29, 2017." } }, { "question": "how many seasons of the new hawaii five o are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawaii_Five-0_(2010_TV_series)&oldid=828130190", "q_uid": 5604880416730202319, "answers": { "long_answer": "Hawaii Five - 0 Hawaii Five - 0 Title Card Genre Police procedural Action Drama Based on Hawaii Five - O by Leonard Freeman Developed by Peter M. Lenkov Alex Kurtzman Roberto Orci Starring Alex O'Loughlin Scott Caan Daniel Dae Kim Grace Park Taryn Manning Masi Oka Lauren German Michelle Borth Chi McBride Jorge Garcia Meaghan Rath Taylor Wily Dennis Chun Kimee Balmilero Beulah Koale Ian Anthony Dale Theme music composer Morton Stevens Opening theme `` Hawaii Five - 0 Theme '' Ending theme `` Hawaii Five - 0 Theme '' Composer ( s ) Brian Tyler Keith Power Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English Hawaiian No. of seasons 8 No. of episodes 183 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Peter M. Lenkov Alex Kurtzman Roberto Orci Producer ( s ) Peter M. Tassler Location ( s ) Hawaii Cinematography Krishna Rao Michael Martinez Editor ( s ) Rodrick Davis John Pensky Casey Rohrs Running time 42 minutes Production company ( s ) K / O Paper Products CBS Productions ( 2010 -- 12 ) CBS Television Studios ( 2012 -- ) 101st Street Television Distributor CBS Television Distribution Paramount Home Media Distribution ( DVD ) Release Original network CBS Picture format HDTV 1080i Original release September 20, 2010 ( 2010 - 09 - 20 ) -- present Chronology Related shows Hawaii Five - O External links Website", "short_answer": "8" } } ], "Anne Jeffreys": [ { "question": "who did anne jeffreys play on general hospital", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Anne_Jeffreys&oldid=804377346", "q_uid": 5340038652771242056, "answers": { "long_answer": "Her most recent career was in daytime television; From 1984 to 2004, she appeared on the soap opera General Hospital ( as well as its short - lived spinoff, Port Charles ) in the recurring role of wealthy socialite Amanda Barrington, a long - time board member of both the hospital and ELQ. In her initial storyline, she was part of a blackmail scheme which led to the murder of Jimmy Lee Holt 's mother, Beatrice, of whose death she was a suspect in. In the last year of Port Charles, Amanda last appeared on screen in 2004 when Amanda attended Lila Quartermain 's funeral.", "short_answer": "Amanda Barrington," } }, { "question": "what role did anne jeffreys play on general hospital", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Anne_Jeffreys&oldid=804377346", "q_uid": -6530260961284873177, "answers": { "long_answer": "Her most recent career was in daytime television; From 1984 to 2004, she appeared on the soap opera General Hospital ( as well as its short - lived spinoff, Port Charles ) in the recurring role of wealthy socialite Amanda Barrington, a long - time board member of both the hospital and ELQ. In her initial storyline, she was part of a blackmail scheme which led to the murder of Jimmy Lee Holt 's mother, Beatrice, of whose death she was a suspect in. In the last year of Port Charles, Amanda last appeared on screen in 2004 when Amanda attended Lila Quartermain 's funeral.", "short_answer": "Amanda Barrington," } } ], "Arthur Darvill": [ { "question": "who plays rip hunter in legends of tomorrow", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Arthur_Darvill&oldid=800337018", "q_uid": -5523086942623777852, "answers": { "long_answer": "Thomas Arthur Darvill ( born 17 June 1982 ), known professionally as Arthur Darvill, is an English actor and musician. He is known for playing Rory Williams, one of the Eleventh Doctor 's companions in the television series Doctor Who ( 2010 - 2012 ), and as Rev. Paul Coates in Broadchurch ( 2013 -- 2017 ). From 2013 to 2014, he appeared in the lead role in the theatre musical Once in the West End and on Broadway. He portrays Rip Hunter in Legends of Tomorrow.", "short_answer": "Thomas Arthur Darvill (" } } ], "Terri Gibbs": [ { "question": "who sang somebody's knocking should i let him in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Terri_Gibbs&oldid=830484167", "q_uid": -7644438269866877529, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teresa Fay Gibbs ( born June 15, 1954 ) is an American country music artist who is blind. Between 1980 and 2017 she 's recorded eleven studio albums, including four for MCA Records and one for Warner Bros. Records. She also charted 13 singles on the Billboard country singles charts in that timespan, including her debut single `` Somebody 's Knockin ' '', which reached No. 8 on the country charts, No. 13 on the pop charts and No. 3 on the Adult Contemporary charts. She also entered the country top 20 with `` Rich Man '', `` Mis'ry River '', `` Ashes to Ashes '' and `` Anybody Else 's Heart but Mine. ''", "short_answer": "Teresa Fay Gibbs (" } } ], "Batman: Death of the Family": [ { "question": "when did joker get his face cut off", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Batman:_Death_of_the_Family&oldid=851683935", "q_uid": 7802924000364193592, "answers": { "long_answer": "Following DC Comics 2011 relaunch of several of its comic series for The New 52, Detective Comics # 1 ( November 2011 ) sees the Joker captured by Batman and sent to Arkham Asylum; unbeknownst to Batman, this is part of the Joker 's plan to meet with the villain Dollmaker, who surgically removes Joker 's face at his request and then pins it to Joker 's cell wall as a sign of his rebirth. Joker then escapes and remains unseen in DC Comics for approximately one year, making a shrouded appearance in Detective Comics # 12 ( October 2012 ), overlooking the Gotham City Police Department ( GCPD ) building. The story also references events depicted in several Joker - related stories including, Batman: The Killing Joke, Batman: The Man Who Laughs, and Batman: A Death in the Family.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Death Cab for Cutie": [ { "question": "where did death cab for cutie get their name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Death_Cab_for_Cutie&oldid=857063457", "q_uid": 1386100065379126434, "answers": { "long_answer": "The band takes its name from the song `` Death Cab for Cutie, '' written by Neil Innes and Vivian Stanshall, and performed by their group the Bonzo Dog Doo - Dah Band. See Name section.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where did the name death cab for cutie come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Death_Cab_for_Cutie&oldid=854378691", "q_uid": 6458759764012875992, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gibbard took the band name from the song `` Death Cab for Cutie '' written by Neil Innes and Vivian Stanshall and performed by their group the Bonzo Dog Doo - Dah Band. The song was performed by the Bonzos in the Beatles film Magical Mystery Tour. The song 's name was in turn taken from an invented pulp fiction crime magazine, devised by the English academic Richard Hoggart in his 1957 study of working class culture, The Uses of Literacy. In a 2011 interview, Gibbard stated, `` The name was never supposed to be something that someone was going to reference 15 years on. So yeah, I would absolutely go back and give it a more obvious name. ''", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where did death cab for cutie name come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Death_Cab_for_Cutie&oldid=854378691", "q_uid": -2187507999715593898, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gibbard took the band name from the song `` Death Cab for Cutie '' written by Neil Innes and Vivian Stanshall and performed by their group the Bonzo Dog Doo - Dah Band. The song was performed by the Bonzos in the Beatles film Magical Mystery Tour. The song 's name was in turn taken from an invented pulp fiction crime magazine, devised by the English academic Richard Hoggart in his 1957 study of working class culture, The Uses of Literacy. In a 2011 interview, Gibbard stated, `` The name was never supposed to be something that someone was going to reference 15 years on. So yeah, I would absolutely go back and give it a more obvious name. ''", "short_answer": "" } } ], "The Marshall Tucker Band": [ { "question": "where did the marshall tucker band get their name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Marshall_Tucker_Band&oldid=858625597", "q_uid": 5577162469356788824, "answers": { "long_answer": "The `` Marshall Tucker '' in the band 's name does not refer to a band member, but rather a Spartanburg - area blind piano tuner. While the band was discussing possible band names one evening in an old warehouse they had rented for rehearsal space, someone noticed that the warehouse 's door key had the name `` Marshall Tucker '' inscribed on it, and suggested they call themselves `` The Marshall Tucker Band, '' not realizing it referred to an actual person. It later came to light that Marshall Tucker, the blind piano tuner, had rented the space before the band, and his name was inscribed on the key. Music historian Joel Whitburn erroneously attributes `` Marshall Tucker '' to the owner of the band 's rehearsal hall in his book, Top Pop Singles, 1955 - 2002.", "short_answer": "a Spartanburg - area blind piano tuner." } } ], "List of Welsh principal areas by population": [ { "question": "the county in wales that has the highest population", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Welsh_principal_areas_by_population&oldid=817201020", "q_uid": 963991207790348653, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank District Population Population density / km2 Style Cardiff 361,500 2,565 City and county Swansea 244,500 644 City and county Rhondda Cynon Taf 238,300 561 County borough Carmarthenshire 185,600 78 County Caerphilly 180,500 650 County borough 6 Flintshire 154,400 352 County 7 Newport 149,100 782 City and county 8 Bridgend 143,200 571 County borough 9 Neath Port Talbot 141,600 320 County borough 10 Wrexham 136,700 271 County borough 11 Powys 132,200 25 County 12 Vale of Glamorgan 128,500 388 County borough 13 Pembrokeshire 124,000 76 County 14 Gwynedd 123,600 48 County 15 Conwy 116,500 103 County borough 16 Denbighshire 94,800 113 County 17 Monmouthshire 92,800 109 County 18 Torfaen 92,100 732 County borough 19 Ceredigion 74,100 41 County 20 Isle of Anglesey 69,700 98 County 21 Blaenau Gwent 69,600 640 County borough 22 Merthyr Tydfil 59,800 536 County borough", "short_answer": "" } } ], "New Kids on the Block": [ { "question": "who was in new kids on the block", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=New_Kids_on_the_Block&oldid=803988055", "q_uid": -5620489172591377045, "answers": { "long_answer": "New Kids on the Block New Kids on the Block in concert, November 2008 Background information Also known as NKOTB Origin Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. Genres Pop, R&B, hip hop, blue - eyed soul Years active 1984 -- 94, 2008 -- present Labels Columbia / CBS, Interscope, NKOTB Music Associated acts Backstreet Boys, NKOTBSB, Lady Gaga, Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, Akon, Nicole Scherzinger, New Edition, Natasha Bedingfield, Ne - Yo, Boyz II Men, 98 Degrees, Nelly, TLC, Nick & Knight, Paula Abdul, Tommy Page Website nkotb.com Members Jonathan Knight Jordan Knight Joey McIntyre Donnie Wahlberg Danny Wood Past members Mark Wahlberg Jamie Kelly", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did new kids on the block come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=New_Kids_on_the_Block&oldid=829928175", "q_uid": -379139576417447942, "answers": { "long_answer": "In April 1986, Columbia Records released the group 's self - titled debut album. The album, almost exclusively written and produced by Maurice Starr, featured mid 80s bubblegum pop material. The first single, `` Be My Girl '', received minor airplay around the group 's native Boston, but failed to capture nationwide attention. The album 's second single, `` Stop It Girl '', fared even worse. The New Kids went on tour around the New England states, singing wherever Starr could book them: in bars, school dances, and clubs. Nevertheless, Starr remained diligent and persuaded the label to allow the group to record a second album.", "short_answer": "April 1986," } } ], "NF (rapper)": [ { "question": "when did the song why by nf come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=NF_(rapper)&oldid=856702306", "q_uid": -8664943288599370861, "answers": { "long_answer": "List of singles, with selected chart positions, showing year released and album name Title Year Peak chart positions Certifications Album US US R&B / HH US Christ AUS CAN IRE NOR NZ SWE UK `` Intro '' 2015 -- -- 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Mansion `` Wait '' -- -- 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- `` All I Have '' -- -- 39 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- `` Intro 2 '' 2016 -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Therapy Session `` I Just Wanna Know '' -- -- 15 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- `` Real '' -- -- 16 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- `` Warm Up '' -- -- 13 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- non-album single `` Outro '' 2017 -- -- 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Perception `` Green Lights '' -- -- 11 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- `` Let You Down '' 12 6 7 15 7 6 RIAA: 3 \u00d7 Platinum ARIA: 3 \u00d7 Platinum BPI: Platinum GLF: 4 \u00d7 Platinum MC: 3 \u00d7 Platinum RMNZ: Platinum `` No Name '' 2018 82 35 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- non-album single `` Lie '' 90 37 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- RIAA: Gold Perception `` Why '' -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- non-album single `` -- '' denotes releases that did not chart or were not released in that territory.", "short_answer": "2018" } } ], "Daisy Ridley": [ { "question": "who played ray in star wars the force awakens", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Daisy_Ridley&oldid=843476461", "q_uid": 5890287813209879887, "answers": { "long_answer": "Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley ( born 10 April 1992 ) is an English actress. She appeared in minor television roles and short films before being cast in the lead role of Rey in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, beginning with Star Wars: The Force Awakens ( 2015 ) and continuing in Star Wars: The Last Jedi ( 2017 ). She portrayed Mary Debenham in Murder on the Orient Express, a 2017 film adaptation of Agatha Christie 's detective novel.", "short_answer": "Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley (" } }, { "question": "who plays rey in star wars the last jedi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Daisy_Ridley&oldid=854675787", "q_uid": 786239978147759617, "answers": { "long_answer": "Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley ( born 10 April 1992 ) is an English actress. She appeared in minor television roles and short films before being cast in the lead role of Rey in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, beginning with Star Wars: The Force Awakens ( 2015 ) and continuing in Star Wars: The Last Jedi ( 2017 ). She portrayed Mary Debenham in Murder on the Orient Express, a 2017 film adaptation of Agatha Christie 's detective novel.", "short_answer": "Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley (" } } ], "Cynthia Nixon": [ { "question": "who played miranda in sex and the city", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cynthia_Nixon&oldid=821581961", "q_uid": -3593644066800636680, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cynthia Ellen Nixon ( born April 9, 1966 ) is an American actress. She is known for her portrayal of Miranda Hobbes in the HBO series, Sex and the City ( 1998 -- 2004 ), for which she won the 2004 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. She reprised the role in the films Sex and the City ( 2008 ) and Sex and the City 2 ( 2010 ). Other film credits include Amadeus ( 1984 ), The Pelican Brief ( 1993 ), Little Manhattan ( 2005 ), 5 Flights Up ( 2014 ), James White ( 2015 ), and playing Emily Dickinson in A Quiet Passion ( 2016 ).", "short_answer": "Cynthia Ellen Nixon (" } } ], "Mike & Molly": [ { "question": "where is mike and molly supposed to take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mike_%26_Molly&oldid=806732493", "q_uid": 9177639599361595564, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mike & Molly is an American sitcom created by Mark Roberts which aired on CBS from September 20, 2010 to May 16, 2016, for a total of six seasons and 127 episodes. The series stars Billy Gardell and Melissa McCarthy as the eponymous Mike and Molly, a couple who meet in a Chicago Overeaters Anonymous group and fall in love.", "short_answer": "Chicago Overeaters" } }, { "question": "what city is mike and molly set in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mike_%26_Molly&oldid=825766088", "q_uid": -7742462613362710855, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mike & Molly is an American sitcom created by Mark Roberts which aired on CBS from September 20, 2010 to May 16, 2016, for a total of six seasons and 127 episodes. The series stars Billy Gardell and Melissa McCarthy as the eponymous Mike and Molly, a couple who meet in a Chicago Overeaters Anonymous group and fall in love.", "short_answer": "Chicago Overeaters" } } ], "Monica Raymund": [ { "question": "who plays the role of gabriela dawson casey on chicago fire chicago pd and chicago med", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Monica_Raymund&oldid=856806122", "q_uid": 2565714172922845043, "answers": { "long_answer": "Television Year Title Role Notes 2008 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Trini Martinez `` Authority '' ( season 9: episode 17 ) 2009 -- 2011 Lie to Me Maria `` Ria '' Torres Main role, 48 episodes 2011 Blue Bloods Luisa Sosa `` Critical Condition '' ( season 2: episode 3 ) 2011 -- 2012 The Good Wife Dana Lodge Recurring role, 9 episodes 2012 -- 2018 Chicago Fire Gabriela Dawson Main role 2013 Body of Proof FBI Video Analysis Agent `` Disappearing Act '' ( season 3: episode 9 ) 2014 -- 2018 Chicago P.D. Gabriela Dawson Recurring role Imagen Award for Best Actress in Television in 2013 2016 -- 2018 Chicago Med Recurring role", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Khamani Griffin": [ { "question": "who played the son in daddy day care", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Khamani_Griffin&oldid=831268126", "q_uid": 7684235751638687890, "answers": { "long_answer": "Khamani Griffin ( born August 1, 1998 ) is an American actor, who is best known for playing Bobby James in the UPN / The CW series All Of Us, and Tolee the Koala in Ni Hao, Kai - Lan. He starred as Ben Hinton in Daddy Day Care ( 2003 ) and had a role in Norbit ( 2007 ). He has also appeared in Grey 's Anatomy, ER, and My Name Is Earl. He has been nominated with three Young Artist Awards for his roles in Daddy Day Care and All of Us. He also made an appearance in Lil ' Kim 's video download. Khamani had a main role on the popular game show Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? until its series finale on September 18, 2009.", "short_answer": "Khamani Griffin (" } } ], "Edward Furlong": [ { "question": "who played john connor in terminator 2 judgment day", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Edward_Furlong&oldid=865193415", "q_uid": -7489310750458282177, "answers": { "long_answer": "Edward Walter Furlong ( born August 2, 1977 ) is an American actor and musician. Furlong won Saturn and MTV Movie Awards for his breakthrough performance as John Connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day ( 1991 ). The following year he gave an Independent Spirit Award - nominated turn opposite Jeff Bridges in American Heart, and earned a second Saturn Award nomination for his work in Pet Sematary Two. He won a Young Artist Award for his performance alongside Kathy Bates in A Home of Our Own ( 1993 ), and shared a further ensemble nomination with the cast of the film.", "short_answer": "Edward Walter Furlong (" } }, { "question": "what happened to the boy from terminator 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Edward_Furlong&oldid=804970310", "q_uid": -6656423269187943077, "answers": { "long_answer": "Furlong 's last significant roles were in the comedy Detroit Rock City ( 1999 ) and the crime drama Animal Factory ( 2000 ). His career subsequently declined due to multiple arrests and court cases, and chronic substance abuse and alcoholism.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Patrick J. Adams": [ { "question": "who does patrick j adams play on pll", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Patrick_J._Adams&oldid=802359522", "q_uid": -474625530533196779, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes Jack & Bobby Matt Kramer Episode: Lost Boys Cold Case Dean Lang 1953 Episode: Red Glare Strong Medicine Brandon Episode: Code 2005 Close to Home Paul the Paralegal Episode: Under Threat Christmas in Boston Seth TV movie 2006 Orpheus Barry TV movie Numb3rs Adam Bennett Episode: Protest Commander in Chief Colin James 2 episodes 2006 -- 07 Friday Night Lights Connor Hayes 2 episodes 2007 Without a Trace Adam Clark Episode: Primed Lost Peter Talbot Episode: The Man From Tallahassee Heartland Henry Gilliam Episode: I Make Myself Into Something New 2008 Good Behavior Van / Haden West TV movie NCIS Tommy Doyle Episode: Murder 2.0 2009 The Dealership Jack Carson TV movie Ghost Whisperer Linus Van Horn Episode: Ghost Busted Cupid Joe Adams Episode: Shipping Out Lie to Me Lou Nemeroff Episode: Control Factor Raising the Bar James Parsons Episode: Oh, Say You Can Pee FlashForward Ed Episode: Future Shock Pretty Little Liars Hardy Episode: Reality Bites Me 2011 -- present Suits Mike Ross Lead Role 2012 Luck Nathan Israel 4 episodes 2014 Rosemary 's Baby Guy Woodhouse Miniseries 2014 -- 15 Orphan Black Jesse 2 episodes 2015 Talking Marriage with Ryan Bailey Himself 1 episode 2016 Legends of Tomorrow Rex Tyler 2 Episodes", "short_answer": "" } } ], "FIFA Club World Cup": [ { "question": "who qualifies for the fifa club world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_Club_World_Cup&oldid=800515099", "q_uid": 6835953813757224838, "answers": { "long_answer": "The current format of the tournament involves seven teams competing for the title at venues within the host nation over a period of about two weeks; the winners of that year 's AFC Champions League ( Asia ), CAF Champions League ( Africa ), CONCACAF Champions League ( North America ), Copa Libertadores ( South America ), OFC Champions League ( Oceania ) and UEFA Champions League ( Europe ), along with the host nation 's national champions, participate in a straight knock - out tournament. The host nation 's national champions dispute a play - off against the Oceania champions, from which the winner joins the champions of Asia, Africa and North America at the quarter - finals. The quarter - final winners go on to face the European and South American champions, who enter at the semi-final stage, for a place in the final.", "short_answer": "the winners of that year 's AFC Champions League ( Asia ), CAF Champions League ( Africa ), CONCACAF Champions League ( North America ), Copa Libertadores ( South America ), OFC Champions League ( Oceania ) and UEFA Champions League ( Europe ), along with the host nation 's national champions," } }, { "question": "who goes to the fifa club world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_Club_World_Cup&oldid=800515099", "q_uid": 7261304629833860732, "answers": { "long_answer": "Distribution of clubs in the FIFA Club World Cup Play - off round Winners of the OFC Champions League Host nation 's national league champions Quarter - final round Winners of the AFC Champions League Winners of the CONCACAF Champions League Winners of the CAF Champions League Winners of the play - off round Semi-final round Winners of the Copa Libertadores Winners of the UEFA Champions League Two winners of the quarter - final round Final Two winners of the semi-final round", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has won the most club world cups", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_Club_World_Cup&oldid=800515099", "q_uid": 566807326036977706, "answers": { "long_answer": "Barcelona hold the record for most victories, winning the competition three times. Corinthians ' inaugural victory remains the best result from a host nation 's national league champions. Teams from Spain have won the tournament five times, the most for any nation.", "short_answer": "Barcelona hold" } } ], "Jemaine Clement": [ { "question": "who did the voice of the crab on moana", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=842765610", "q_uid": 7234120361797149431, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jemaine Clement ( born 10 January 1974 ) is a New Zealand singer, comedian, musician, actor, voice actor, director, and writer. With Bret McKenzie, as the comedy duo Flight of the Conchords, he has released several albums and created comedy series for both BBC and HBO. He has provided the voices for some animated film characters as well, including the cockatiel Nigel in Blue Sky 's Rio and its sequel, and the giant crab Tamatoa in Disney 's 2016 film Moana.", "short_answer": "Jemaine Clement (" } }, { "question": "who voices the fart cloud in rick and morty", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=835699974", "q_uid": 8174985787118823992, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes The Enid Blyton Adventure Series MIS Guard Episode: `` Circus of Adventures '' 2002 The Tribe Virtual Reality Cowboy No. 2 Episode: # 4.24 2007 -- 2009 Flight of the Conchords Jemaine 22 episodes; also writer and executive producer Nominated -- Writers Guild of America Award for Television: New Series ( 2008 ) Nominated -- Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Comedy Series ( 2008 ) Nominated -- Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Episodic Comedy ( 2008 ) Nominated -- Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Nominated -- Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Nominated -- Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series ( 2009 ) Nominated -- Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series ( 2009 ) Nominated -- Satellite Award for Best Actor -- Television Series Musical or Comedy ( 2009 ) 2008 The Drinky Crow Show Alien Voice 2 episodes 2009 Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! Eric 's tennis double Episode: `` Tennis '' Radiradirah Voice 3 episodes The Simpsons Ethan Ballantyne Voice Episode: `` Elementary School Musical '' 2012 Napoleon Dynamite Professor Koontz Voice Episode: `` Scantronica Love '' 2013 Out There Babel & Tenebres Voices Episode: `` Enter Destiny '' 2013 # 7DaysLater Ms. Lockett 's Father Voice Episode: `` Portrait '' 2014 Short Poppies Directed 2 episodes 2014 -- 2016 TripTank Sir Ian / Various Voice 7 episodes 2015 Rick and Morty Fart Voice Episode: `` Mortynight Run '' 2016 Regular Show Ziggy Voice Episode: `` California King '' 2016 Inside Amy Schumer DJ Episode: `` Psychopath Test '' 2016 -- 2018 Another Period Father Black Donahue 4 episodes 2016 Divorce Julian Renaut 6 episodes 2016 -- present Milo Murphy 's Law Dr. Zone Voice 2017 -- present Legion Oliver Bird 5 episodes 2017 American Dad! Sky Crooner Voice Episode: `` Bazooka Steve '' 2017 Wrecked Luther 3 episodes 2017 Robot Chicken Narrator Voice Episode: `` Freshly Baked: The Robot Chicken Santa Claus Pot Cookie Freakout Special: Special Edition ''", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who did the voice of the giant crab in moana", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=853697097", "q_uid": -8780292894484176676, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2016, Clement lent his voice to Tamatoa, a giant coconut crab, in the Disney animated film Moana, both in English, and the M\u0101ori dub. He based the character 's voice on that of David Bowie.", "short_answer": "Clement lent" } }, { "question": "who does the voice of tamatoa from moana", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=838986501", "q_uid": 1241783877866274856, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jemaine Clement ( born 10 January 1974 ) is a New Zealand singer, comedian, musician, actor, voice actor, director, writer and multi-instrumentalist. With Bret McKenzie, as the comedy duo Flight of the Conchords, he has released several albums and created comedy series for both BBC and HBO. He has provided the voices for animated film characters, including the giant crab Tamatoa in Disney 's 2016 film Moana.", "short_answer": "Jemaine Clement (" } }, { "question": "who voiced the fart on rick and morty", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=826762151", "q_uid": 2207788998786026713, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2015, Clement voiced a horse in two DirecTV commercials. In the same year, he voiced a `` mind - reading fart '' on an episode of the Adult Swim animated series Rick And Morty, where he performed the song `` Goodbye Moonmen ''. Clement also starred in the independent film, People Places Things, which received positive reviews.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who does the voice for the crab on moana", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=842765610", "q_uid": -4006034281943950070, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jemaine Clement ( born 10 January 1974 ) is a New Zealand singer, comedian, musician, actor, voice actor, director, and writer. With Bret McKenzie, as the comedy duo Flight of the Conchords, he has released several albums and created comedy series for both BBC and HBO. He has provided the voices for some animated film characters as well, including the cockatiel Nigel in Blue Sky 's Rio and its sequel, and the giant crab Tamatoa in Disney 's 2016 film Moana.", "short_answer": "Jemaine Clement (" } }, { "question": "who plays the voice of the crab in moana", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=842765610", "q_uid": -6001069404611129731, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jemaine Clement ( born 10 January 1974 ) is a New Zealand singer, comedian, musician, actor, voice actor, director, and writer. With Bret McKenzie, as the comedy duo Flight of the Conchords, he has released several albums and created comedy series for both BBC and HBO. He has provided the voices for some animated film characters as well, including the cockatiel Nigel in Blue Sky 's Rio and its sequel, and the giant crab Tamatoa in Disney 's 2016 film Moana.", "short_answer": "Jemaine Clement (" } }, { "question": "who played the voice of the crab in moana", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=831177393", "q_uid": 5034949576383564026, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2016, Clement lent his voice to Tamatoa, a giant coconut crab, in the Disney animated film Moana, both in English, and the Maori dub. He based the character 's voice on that of David Bowie.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the voice of tamatoa in moana", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=835699974", "q_uid": 6260720429874842515, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jemaine Clement ( born 10 January 1974 ) is a New Zealand comedian, musician, singer, actor, voice actor, director, writer and multi-instrumentalist. With Bret McKenzie, as the comedy duo Flight of the Conchords, he has released several albums and created comedy series for both BBC and HBO. He has provided the voices for animated film characters, including the giant crab Tamatoa in Disney 's 2016 hit Moana.", "short_answer": "Jemaine Clement (" } }, { "question": "who does the voice of the crab in moana", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jemaine_Clement&oldid=844408786", "q_uid": -5241287039645563006, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jemaine Clement ( born 10 January 1974 ) is a New Zealand singer, comedian, musician, actor, voice actor, director, and writer. With Bret McKenzie, as the comedy duo Flight of the Conchords, he has released several albums and created comedy series for both BBC and HBO. He has provided the voices for some animated film characters as well, including the cockatoo Nigel in Blue Sky 's Rio and its sequel, and the giant crab Tamatoa in Disney 's 2016 film Moana.", "short_answer": "Jemaine Clement (" } } ], "Density of air": [ { "question": "what is the density of air in g/ml", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Density_of_air&oldid=865780619", "q_uid": -8011154160081181917, "answers": { "long_answer": "The density of air \u03c1 ( Greek: rho ) ( air density ) is the mass per unit volume of Earth 's atmosphere. Air density, like air pressure, decreases with increasing altitude. It also changes with variation in atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity. At 101.325 kPa ( abs ) and 15 \u00b0 C, air has a density of approximately 1.225 kg / m3 ( 0.001225 g / cm3, 0.0023769 slug / ( cu ft ), 0.0765 lb / ( cu ft ) ) according to ISA ( International Standard Atmosphere ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of districts of Nepal": [ { "question": "which zone has the largest number of district in nepal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_districts_of_Nepal&oldid=819917621", "q_uid": -9187057058882774936, "answers": { "long_answer": "# Provinces Districts Area ( KM2 ) Population ( 2011 ) Density ( people / KM2 ) Comparable state Province No. 1 14 25,905 KM2 4,534,943 175 Burundi Province No. 2 8 9,661 KM2 5,404,145 559 Cyprus Province No. 3 13 20,300 KM2 5,529,452 272 Slovenia Province No. 4 11 21,504 KM2 2,413,907 112 El Salvador 5 Province No. 5 12 22,288 KM2 4,891,025 219 El Salvador 6 Province No. 6 10 27,984 KM2 1,168,515 41 Equatorial Guinea 7 Province No. 7 9 19,539 KM2 2,552,517 130 New Caledonia Nepal 77 147,181", "short_answer": "Province No. 1" } } ], "Rose McGowan": [ { "question": "who plays the young cora in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rose_McGowan&oldid=801798783", "q_uid": 6741756839588554527, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2013, she played young Cora in a flashback in the show Once Upon A Time. In January 2014, she was cast as Josie Acosta for Chosen, a TV series airing via Crackle. Her role became a main one in season 3 of the series, which premiered later in 2014. Her movie, Rise of the Lonestar Ranger was released on March 6, 2014. Also in 2014, her directorial debut Dawn -- a short -- premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. In January 2015, Tangerine Entertainment acquired McGowan as director for The Pines. The thriller will be her feature - film directorial debut.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Jonathan Jackson (actor)": [ { "question": "who is the actor that plays avery on nashville", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jonathan_Jackson_(actor)&oldid=800189485", "q_uid": -5965702937500562064, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jonathan Stevens Jackson ( born May 11, 1982 ) is an American actor, musician and author. His first well known character was Lucky Spencer on the ABC Daytime soap opera General Hospital, a role which has won him five Emmy Awards. In 2002, he played Jesse Tuck in the film Tuck Everlasting. In 2004 he started the band Enation ( currently: Jonathan Jackson + Enation ) with his brother, actor Richard Lee Jackson and friend Daniel Sweatt. He currently portrays Avery Barkley in the CMT drama Nashville.", "short_answer": "Jonathan Stevens Jackson (" } } ], "French Guiana": [ { "question": "is french guiana part of the european union", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=French_Guiana&oldid=814955690", "q_uid": 8361825651675813068, "answers": { "long_answer": "French Guiana ( pronounced / \u0261i\u02d0\u02c8\u0251\u02d0n\u0259 / or / \u0261i\u02d0\u02c8\u00e6n\u0259 /, French: Guyane fran\u00e7aise; French pronunciation: \u200b ( \u0261\u0265ijan f\u0281\u0251\u0303s\u025bz ) ), officially called Guiana ( French: Guyane ), is an overseas department and region of France, located on the north Atlantic coast of South America in the Guyanas. It borders Brazil to the east and south, and Suriname to the west. Its 83,534 km ( 32,253 sq mi ) area has a very low population density of only 3 inhabitants per km2, with half of its 244,118 inhabitants in 2013 living in the metropolitan area of Cayenne, its capital. By land area, it is the second largest region of France and the largest outermost region within the European Union. Since 1981, when Belize became independent, French Guiana has been the only territory of the mainland Americas that is still part of a European country.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Rag'n'Bone Man": [ { "question": "who is rag n bone man backing singer", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rag%27n%27Bone_Man&oldid=803923914", "q_uid": 2419865185783585871, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rory Charles Graham ( born 29 January 1985 ), better known as Rag'n'Bone Man, is an English singer - songwriter. His first hit single `` Human '' was released in 2016 and his debut album, also named Human, was released in February 2017. At the 2017 Brit Awards he was named British Breakthrough Act and also received the Critics ' Choice Award.", "short_answer": "Rory Charles Graham (" } }, { "question": "what is the rag and bone mans real name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rag%27n%27Bone_Man&oldid=808879875", "q_uid": -3550878711634824629, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rory Charles Graham ( born 29 January 1985 ), better known as Rag'n'Bone Man, is an English singer - songwriter. His first hit single `` Human '' was released in 2016 and his debut album, also named Human, was released in February 2017. At the 2017 Brit Awards he was named British Breakthrough Act and also received the Critics ' Choice Award.", "short_answer": "Rory Charles Graham (" } }, { "question": "where did rag and bone man get his name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rag%27n%27Bone_Man&oldid=841048183", "q_uid": 9137805519208106922, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rory Charles Graham was born on 29 January 1985 in Uckfield, East Sussex. He attended King 's Academy Ringmer in Ringmer, from which he was expelled, and then enrolled at Uckfield College in his hometown. At the age of 5, he began MCing with a drum and bass crew using the handle Rag ' N ' Bonez, inspired by watching repeats of the 1970s British sitcom Steptoe and Son. While at school, he was part of a group of youths supported by The Prince 's Trust who developed a community project which involved painting and gardening in Crowborough.", "short_answer": "inspired by watching repeats of the 1970s British sitcom Steptoe and Son." } } ], "List of Tampa Bay Lightning seasons": [ { "question": "when was the last time the lightning were in the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Tampa_Bay_Lightning_seasons&oldid=844845290", "q_uid": -9110541751847146757, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Lightning have qualified for the Stanley Cup playoffs ten times in twenty - six completed seasons and won the 2004 Stanley Cup. The Tampa Bay Lightning have won over 800 regular season games, the 25th - highest victory total among NHL teams. They have also lost over 800 games during the regular season, the tenth - lowest loss total in the NHL. The Lightning have over 1,900 points in their 26 seasons, the seventh - lowest point total in the league.", "short_answer": "2004 Stanley" } }, { "question": "who did the lightning play in the playoffs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Tampa_Bay_Lightning_seasons&oldid=844845290", "q_uid": -3664176546367429216, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year by year listing of all seasons played by the Tampa Bay Lightning NHL Season Lightning season Conference Division Regular season Postseason Finish GP OT Pts GF GA GP GF GA Result 1992 -- 93 1992 -- 93 Campbell Norris 6th 84 23 54 7 -- 53 245 332 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1993 -- 94 1993 -- 94 Eastern Atlantic 7th 84 30 43 11 -- 71 224 251 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1994 -- 95 1994 -- 95 Eastern Atlantic 6th 48 17 28 -- 37 120 144 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1995 -- 96 1995 -- 96 Eastern Atlantic 5th 82 38 32 12 -- 88 238 248 6 13 26 Lost Conference Quarterfinals to Philadelphia Flyers, 2 -- 4 1996 -- 97 1996 -- 97 Eastern Atlantic 6th 82 32 40 10 -- 74 217 247 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1997 -- 98 1997 -- 98 Eastern Atlantic 7th 82 17 55 10 -- 44 151 269 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1998 -- 99 1998 -- 99 Eastern Southeast 4th 82 19 54 9 -- 47 179 292 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1999 -- 2000 1999 -- 2000 Eastern Southeast 4th 82 19 47 9 7 54 204 310 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2000 -- 01 2000 -- 01 Eastern Southeast 5th 82 24 47 6 5 59 201 280 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2001 -- 02 2001 -- 02 Eastern Southeast 3rd 82 27 40 11 69 178 219 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2002 -- 03 2002 -- 03 Eastern Southeast 1st 82 36 25 16 5 93 219 210 11 5 6 22 29 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. Washington Capitals, 4 -- 2 Lost Conference Semifinals to New Jersey Devils, 1 -- 4 2003 -- 04 2003 -- 04 Eastern Southeast 1st 82 46 22 8 6 106 245 192 23 16 7 60 43 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. New York Islanders, 4 -- 1 Won Conference Semifinals vs. Montreal Canadiens, 4 -- 0 Won Conference Finals vs. Philadelphia Flyers, 4 -- 3 Won Stanley Cup Finals vs. Calgary Flames, 4 -- 3 2004 -- 05 2004 -- 05 Eastern Southeast -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- No playoffs due to lockout 2005 -- 06 2005 -- 06 Eastern Southeast 2nd 82 43 33 -- 6 92 252 260 5 13 23 Lost Conference Quarterfinals to Ottawa Senators, 1 -- 4 2006 -- 07 2006 -- 07 Eastern Southeast 2nd 82 44 33 -- 5 93 253 261 6 14 19 Lost Conference Quarterfinals to New Jersey Devils, 2 -- 4 2007 -- 08 2007 -- 08 Eastern Southeast 5th 82 31 42 -- 9 71 223 267 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2008 -- 09 2008 -- 09 Eastern Southeast 5th 82 24 40 -- 18 66 210 279 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2009 -- 10 2009 -- 10 Eastern Southeast 3rd 82 34 36 -- 12 80 217 260 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2010 -- 11 2010 -- 11 Eastern Southeast 2nd 82 46 25 -- 11 103 247 240 18 11 7 59 44 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. Pittsburgh Penguins, 4 -- 3 Won Conference Semifinals vs. Washington Capitals, 4 -- 0 Lost Conference Finals to Boston Bruins, 3 -- 4 2011 -- 12 2011 -- 12 Eastern Southeast 3rd 82 38 36 -- 8 84 235 281 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2012 -- 13 2012 -- 13 Eastern Southeast 4th 48 18 26 -- 40 148 150 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2013 -- 14 2013 -- 14 Eastern Atlantic 2nd 82 46 27 -- 9 101 240 215 0 10 16 Lost First Round to Montreal Canadiens, 0 -- 4 2014 -- 15 2014 -- 15 Eastern Atlantic 2nd 82 50 24 -- 8 108 262 211 26 14 12 65 62 Won First Round vs. Detroit Red Wings, 4 -- 3 Won Second Round vs. Montreal Canadiens, 4 -- 2 Won Conference Finals vs. New York Rangers, 4 -- 3 Lost Stanley Cup Finals to Chicago Blackhawks, 2 -- 4 2015 -- 16 2015 -- 16 Eastern Atlantic 2nd 82 46 31 -- 5 97 227 201 17 11 6 48 40 Won First Round vs. Detroit Red Wings, 4 -- 1 Won Second Round vs. New York Islanders, 4 -- 1 Lost Conference Finals vs. Pittsburgh Penguins, 3 -- 4 2016 -- 17 2016 -- 17 Eastern Atlantic 5th 82 42 30 -- 10 94 234 227 -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2017 -- 18 2017 -- 18 Eastern Atlantic 1st 82 54 23 -- 5 113 296 236 17 11 6 50 48 Won First Round vs. New Jersey Devils, 4 -- 1 Won Second Round vs. Boston Bruins, 4 -- 1 Lost Conference Finals vs. Washington Capitals, 3 -- 4 Totals 1,986 844 893 112 137 1,937 5,458 6,077 116 62 54 304 302 Playoff Series Record: 14 -- 9", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many times have the lightning won the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Tampa_Bay_Lightning_seasons&oldid=822449213", "q_uid": -8889908836382034648, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Lightning have qualified for the Stanley Cup playoffs nine times in twenty - five completed seasons and won the 2004 Stanley Cup. The Tampa Bay Lightning have won over 700 regular season games, the 25th - highest victory total among NHL teams. They have lost over 800 games during the regular season, the ninth - lowest loss total in the NHL. The Lightning have over 1,800 points in their 25 seasons, the sixth - lowest point total in the league.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the lightning went to the stanley cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Tampa_Bay_Lightning_seasons&oldid=844845290", "q_uid": -2168398284672070871, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tampa Bay made their first playoffs in the 1995 -- 96 season. The team 's best year was the 2017 -- 18 season, in which they finished 54 -- 23 -- 5. The team 's worst year was the 1997 -- 98 season, in which they finished 17 -- 55 -- 10. Tampa Bay moved to the Southeast Division in 1998, and won the division for the first time in the 2002 -- 03 season. The Lightning won the Eastern Conference and their only Stanley Cup in the following season. As part of the 2013 -- 14 NHL season realignment, the Lightning were relocated into the Atlantic Division after the league reduced from six divisions to four. Eleven years after their first cup win, the Lightning again won the Eastern Conference title and qualified for the 2015 Stanley Cup Finals.", "short_answer": "2015 Stanley" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the lightning was in the playoffs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Tampa_Bay_Lightning_seasons&oldid=844845290", "q_uid": -5036801159447997979, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tampa Bay made their first playoffs in the 1995 -- 96 season. The team 's best year was the 2017 -- 18 season, in which they finished 54 -- 23 -- 5. The team 's worst year was the 1997 -- 98 season, in which they finished 17 -- 55 -- 10. Tampa Bay moved to the Southeast Division in 1998, and won the division for the first time in the 2002 -- 03 season. The Lightning won the Eastern Conference and their only Stanley Cup in the following season. As part of the 2013 -- 14 NHL season realignment, the Lightning were relocated into the Atlantic Division after the league reduced from six divisions to four. Eleven years after their first cup win, the Lightning again won the Eastern Conference title and qualified for the 2015 Stanley Cup Finals.", "short_answer": "2017 -- 18 season," } } ], "Dave Bautista": [ { "question": "who is the actor that plays drax in guardians of the galaxy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dave_Bautista&oldid=803666354", "q_uid": 6946555043139040426, "answers": { "long_answer": "In August 2012, Bautista signed a contract with Classic Entertainment & Sports to fight in mixed martial arts. He won his MMA debut on October 6, 2012, defeating Vince Lucero via TKO in the first round. He was representing the Philippines during the fight. Bautista first entered the world of acting in 2006. As an actor, Bautista has starred in The Man with the Iron Fists ( 2012 ), Riddick ( 2013 ), as Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ), the 24th James Bond film, Spectre ( 2015 ), L.A. Slasher ( 2015 ), the 2016 Kickboxer reboot, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Blade Runner 2049 ( 2017 ). Bautista is set to reprise his character Drax in Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ). He has also appeared in several direct - to - video films since 2009.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays drax guardians of the galaxy 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dave_Bautista&oldid=801097330", "q_uid": -8856358496365387732, "answers": { "long_answer": "In August 2012, Bautista signed a contract with Classic Entertainment & Sports to fight in mixed martial arts. He won his MMA debut on October 6, 2012, defeating Vince Lucero via TKO in the first round. He was representing the Philippines during the fight. Bautista first entered the world of acting in 2006. As an actor, Bautista has starred in The Man with the Iron Fists ( 2012 ), Riddick ( 2013 ), as Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ), the 24th James Bond film, Spectre ( 2015 ), L.A. Slasher ( 2015 ), the 2016 Kickboxer reboot, Kickboxer: Vengeance, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ). Bautista is set to reprise his character Drax in Avengers: Infinity War ( 2018 ). He has also appeared in several direct - to - video films since 2009.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "2016 Tour de France": [ { "question": "who won the tour de france in 2016", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2016_Tour_de_France&oldid=854578276", "q_uid": -6544825601820866137, "answers": { "long_answer": "2016 Tour de France 2016 UCI World Tour, race 18 of 28 Route of the 2016 Tour de France Race details Dates 2 -- 24 July Stages 21 Distance 3,529 km ( 2,193 mi ) Winning time 89h 04 ' 48 '' Results Winner Chris Froome ( GBR ) ( Team Sky ) Second Romain Bardet ( FRA ) ( AG2R La Mondiale ) Third Nairo Quintana ( COL ) ( Movistar Team ) Points Peter Sagan ( SVK ) ( Tinkoff ) Mountains Rafal Majka ( POL ) ( Tinkoff ) Youth Adam Yates ( GBR ) ( Orica -- BikeExchange ) Combativity Peter Sagan ( SVK ) ( Tinkoff ) Team Movistar Team \u2190 2015 2017 \u2192", "short_answer": "Chris Froome (" } } ], "Jake T. Austin": [ { "question": "who played max on wizards of waverly place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jake_T._Austin&oldid=811679078", "q_uid": 8106588262922393327, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jake Austin Szymanski ( born December 3, 1994 ), known professionally as Jake T. Austin, is an American actor. Beginning a career as a child actor at the age of seven, Austin is a five - time Young Artist Award nominee, best known for his role as Max Russo on the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place, and as the voice of Diego on the Nickelodeon animated series Go, Diego, Go!. Austin was also the original actor who portrayed Jesus Foster on the ABC Family family / teen drama series The Fosters.", "short_answer": "Jake Austin Szymanski ( born December 3, 1994 ), known professionally as Jake T. Austin," } }, { "question": "who plays max on wizards of waverly place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jake_T._Austin&oldid=811679078", "q_uid": 4787150045638018073, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jake Austin Szymanski ( born December 3, 1994 ), known professionally as Jake T. Austin, is an American actor. Beginning a career as a child actor at the age of seven, Austin is a five - time Young Artist Award nominee, best known for his role as Max Russo on the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place, and as the voice of Diego on the Nickelodeon animated series Go, Diego, Go!. Austin was also the original actor who portrayed Jesus Foster on the ABC Family family / teen drama series The Fosters.", "short_answer": "Jake Austin Szymanski (" } }, { "question": "who does jake t austin play in emoji movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jake_T._Austin&oldid=800151299", "q_uid": -5957485776470149302, "answers": { "long_answer": "2017 The Emoji Movie Alex ( voice )", "short_answer": "Alex (" } }, { "question": "who played max in wizards of waverly place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jake_T._Austin&oldid=811679078", "q_uid": 5510237886964387642, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jake Austin Szymanski ( born December 3, 1994 ), known professionally as Jake T. Austin, is an American actor. Beginning a career as a child actor at the age of seven, Austin is a five - time Young Artist Award nominee, best known for his role as Max Russo on the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place, and as the voice of Diego on the Nickelodeon animated series Go, Diego, Go!. Austin was also the original actor who portrayed Jesus Foster on the ABC Family family / teen drama series The Fosters.", "short_answer": "Jake Austin Szymanski (" } }, { "question": "who plays max in wizards of waverly place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jake_T._Austin&oldid=800151299", "q_uid": 2627167762763953653, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jake Austin Szymanski ( born December 3, 1994 ), known professionally as Jake T. Austin, is an American actor. Beginning a career as a child actor at the age of seven, Austin is a five - time Young Artist Award nominee, best known for his role as Max Russo on the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place, and as the voice of Diego on the Nickelodeon animated series Go, Diego, Go!. Austin was also the original actor who portrayed Jesus Foster on the ABC Family family / teen drama series The Fosters.", "short_answer": "Jake Austin Szymanski (" } } ], "Love Island (series 1)": [ { "question": "who is the first girl to leave love island", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Love_Island_(series_1)&oldid=853301637", "q_uid": -5363212188391870040, "answers": { "long_answer": "Islander Age Hometown Entered Status Ref Jess Hayes 22 Oxford Day 1 Winner ( Day 41 ) Max Morley 22 Huddersfield Day 14 Winner ( Day 41 ) Hannah Elizabeth 25 Liverpool Day 1 Runner - up ( Day 41 ) Jon Clark 25 Essex Day 1 Runner - up ( Day 41 ) Josh Ritchie 20 Bolton Day 1 Third place ( Day 41 ) Lauren Richardson 26 East London Day 1 Third place ( Day 41 ) Cally Jane Beech 23 Hull Day 21 Fourth place ( Day 41 ) Luis Morrison 20 London Day 1 Fourth place ( Day 41 ) Jordan Ring 31 Gloucester Day 1 Dumped ( Day 35 ) Zoe Basia Brown 24 South London Day 1 Dumped ( Day 35 ) Ben Porter 24 Wakefield Day 32 Dumped ( Day 33 ) Poppy Farnan 22 Cheshire Day 32 Dumped ( Day 33 ) Naomi Ball 23 East London Day 7 Dumped ( Day 28 ) Travis Almond 22 Essex Day 21 Dumped ( Day 28 ) Omar Sultani 22 Warwickshire Day 1 Dumped ( Day 21 ) Bethany Rogers 19 Leeds Day 14 Dumped ( Day 21 ) Daisy Muller 24 Birmingham Day 7 Dumped ( Day 19 ) Chris Williamson 27 Newcastle Day 1 Dumped ( Day 19 ) Chris Baxter 20 London Day 11 Dumped ( Day 14 ) Danielle Pyne 23 London Day 1 Dumped ( Day 14 ) Rachel Christie 26 London Day 1 Dumped ( Day 11 ) John Alberti 29 Manchester Day 3 Dumped ( Day 6 ) Tony Alberti 29 Manchester Day 3 Dumped ( Day 6 )", "short_answer": "Rachel Christie" } }, { "question": "who does lauren get with in love island", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Love_Island_(series_1)&oldid=838806360", "q_uid": 8539532575953365728, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Islanders for the first series were revealed on 2 June 2015, just days before the launch. However, throughout the series, more Islanders entered the villa to find love. Some Islanders were dumped from the island for either failing to couple up, some were voted off by their fellow Islanders, and others for receiving the least votes in public eliminations. The series was won by Jess and Max on 15 July 2015 after receiving 42 % of the final vote, beating Hannah and Jon who received 36 %, Lauren and Josh with 12 %, and finally Cally and Luis who just received 10 %.", "short_answer": "Josh with" } }, { "question": "when does cally jane come into love island", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Love_Island_(series_1)&oldid=853301637", "q_uid": -1155682847873870433, "answers": { "long_answer": "Islander Age Hometown Entered Status Ref Jess Hayes 22 Oxford Day 1 Winner ( Day 41 ) Max Morley 22 Huddersfield Day 14 Winner ( Day 41 ) Hannah Elizabeth 25 Liverpool Day 1 Runner - up ( Day 41 ) Jon Clark 25 Essex Day 1 Runner - up ( Day 41 ) Josh Ritchie 20 Bolton Day 1 Third place ( Day 41 ) Lauren Richardson 26 East London Day 1 Third place ( Day 41 ) Cally Jane Beech 23 Hull Day 21 Fourth place ( Day 41 ) Luis Morrison 20 London Day 1 Fourth place ( Day 41 ) Jordan Ring 31 Gloucester Day 1 Dumped ( Day 35 ) Zoe Basia Brown 24 South London Day 1 Dumped ( Day 35 ) Ben Porter 24 Wakefield Day 32 Dumped ( Day 33 ) Poppy Farnan 22 Cheshire Day 32 Dumped ( Day 33 ) Naomi Ball 23 East London Day 7 Dumped ( Day 28 ) Travis Almond 22 Essex Day 21 Dumped ( Day 28 ) Omar Sultani 22 Warwickshire Day 1 Dumped ( Day 21 ) Bethany Rogers 19 Leeds Day 14 Dumped ( Day 21 ) Daisy Muller 24 Birmingham Day 7 Dumped ( Day 19 ) Chris Williamson 27 Newcastle Day 1 Dumped ( Day 19 ) Chris Baxter 20 London Day 11 Dumped ( Day 14 ) Danielle Pyne 23 London Day 1 Dumped ( Day 14 ) Rachel Christie 26 London Day 1 Dumped ( Day 11 ) John Alberti 29 Manchester Day 3 Dumped ( Day 6 ) Tony Alberti 29 Manchester Day 3 Dumped ( Day 6 )", "short_answer": "Day 21" } }, { "question": "when did season 1 of love island come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Love_Island_(series_1)&oldid=853301637", "q_uid": 1996756213077207331, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first series of Love Island began on 7 June 2015 with a live special of the show hosted by Caroline Flack on ITV2, and ended on 15 July 2015. It is the first from the revived series, but third overall. The series was narrated by Iain Stirling. The series aired every night of the week except Friday, however the Saturday episode was used as a weekly catch - up entitled `` Love Island: The Weekly Hot List '' rather than a nightly highlights episode. The average viewers for this series was 570,000.", "short_answer": "7 June 2015 with" } } ], "The Raid 2": [ { "question": "what do they say at the end of the raid 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Raid_2&oldid=805045288", "q_uid": -7416822987004545459, "answers": { "long_answer": "Bejo and Uco meet with Reza to discuss terms against Goto. Still shaken from his patricide act, Uco discovers the bug in his wallet while in the restroom. Uncertain who planted it, he later notices Bejo has the same wrist tattoo as Benny, suggesting the prison attack may have been another attempt to spark a gang war. Uco sits silent in shock as he realizes he 's been used. Rama fights and defeats Bejo 's three hitmen after word reached Bejo he had entered the premises. Rama disrupts the meeting carrying The Assassin 's pair of karambit, while Bejo attempts to shoot him with a shotgun. Uco grabs another gun shooting Reza dead, then shoots Bejo, before turning his gun towards Rama who throws the karambit at Uco then stabs him with the other. Uco dies in his arms. A wounded and exhausted Rama limps away from the premises where he encounters Keichi, Ryuichi and their men entering the warehouse sent to attack the meeting. While Lt. Bunawar drives en route to the site, Keichi smirks as he shares a silent dialogue with Rama. The film ends with Rama saying `` No... I 'm done. ''", "short_answer": "`` No... I 'm done. ''" } } ], "Planets beyond Neptune": [ { "question": "which term is described as small icy bodies that orbit the sun just beyond neptune \u200b", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Planets_beyond_Neptune&oldid=862222132", "q_uid": 7218349169257709185, "answers": { "long_answer": "Clyde Tombaugh 's discovery of Pluto in 1930 appeared to validate Lowell 's hypothesis, and Pluto was officially named the ninth planet. In 1978, Pluto was conclusively determined to be too small for its gravity to affect the giant planets, resulting in a brief search for a tenth planet. The search was largely abandoned in the early 1990s, when a study of measurements made by the Voyager 2 spacecraft found that the irregularities observed in Uranus 's orbit were due to a slight overestimation of Neptune 's mass. After 1992, the discovery of numerous small icy objects with similar or even wider orbits than Pluto led to a debate over whether Pluto should remain a planet, or whether it and its neighbours should, like the asteroids, be given their own separate classification. Although a number of the larger members of this group were initially described as planets, in 2006 the International Astronomical Union ( IAU ) reclassified Pluto and its largest neighbours as dwarf planets, leaving Neptune the farthest known planet in the Solar System.", "short_answer": "dwarf planets," } } ], "Kathryn Beaumont": [ { "question": "who does the voice of wendy in peter pan", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kathryn_Beaumont&oldid=847690003", "q_uid": 6940375118561393703, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kathryn Beaumont ( born 27 June 1938 ) is an English actress, voice actress, singer and school teacher. She is best known for providing Disney animated films with the voices of both Alice in Alice in Wonderland ( 1951 ) and Wendy Darling in Peter Pan ( 1953 ), for which she was named a Disney Legend in 1998. Walt Disney personally cast Beaumont after seeing the film On an Island with You ( 1948 ), in which she had a small role. Beaumont reprised her voice acting role as Alice in two episodes of the animated series Disney 's House of Mouse ( 2001 -- 2003 ) and as both Alice and Wendy in the 2002 video game Kingdom Hearts.", "short_answer": "Kathryn Beaumont (" } } ], "Chris Hemsworth": [ { "question": "who plays thor in the new thor movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chris_Hemsworth&oldid=815364533", "q_uid": 4393840170748883941, "answers": { "long_answer": "Christopher Hemsworth ( born 11 August 1983 ) is an Australian actor. He is known for playing Kim Hyde in the Australian TV series Home and Away ( 2004 -- 07 ) and Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2011. Hemsworth has also appeared in the science fiction action film Star Trek ( 2009 ), the thriller adventure A Perfect Getaway ( 2009 ), the horror comedy The Cabin in the Woods ( 2012 ), the dark - fantasy action film Snow White and the Huntsman ( 2012 ), the war film Red Dawn ( 2012 ), and the biographical sports drama film Rush ( 2013 ).", "short_answer": "Christopher Hemsworth (" } }, { "question": "who played thor in the movie the avengers", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chris_Hemsworth&oldid=812158776", "q_uid": 8372358856822967124, "answers": { "long_answer": "Christopher Hemsworth ( born 11 August 1983 ) is an Australian actor. He is known for playing Kim Hyde in the Australian TV series Home and Away ( 2004 -- 07 ) and Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2011. Hemsworth has also appeared in the science fiction action film Star Trek ( 2009 ), the thriller adventure A Perfect Getaway ( 2009 ), the horror comedy The Cabin in the Woods ( 2012 ), the dark - fantasy action film Snow White and the Huntsman ( 2012 ), the war film Red Dawn ( 2012 ), and the biographical sports drama film Rush ( 2013 ).", "short_answer": "Christopher Hemsworth (" } } ], "Tupac Shakur": [ { "question": "who was tupac a back up dancer for", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tupac_Shakur&oldid=853564407", "q_uid": -4836706207326748939, "answers": { "long_answer": "He began attending the poetry classes of Leila Steinberg in 1989. That same year, Steinberg organized a concert with Shakur 's group, `` Strictly Dope ''; the concert led to his being signed with Atron Gregory. He set him up as a roadie and backup dancer with the hip hop group Digital Underground in 1990.", "short_answer": "Digital Underground in" } }, { "question": "when did tupac die and when was he born", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tupac_Shakur&oldid=866396802", "q_uid": -4126854251300030673, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tupac Shakur Tupac Shakur in October 1991 Lesane Parish Crooks ( 1971 - 06 - 16 ) June 16, 1971 New York City, New York, U.S. September 13, 1996 ( 1996 - 09 - 13 ) ( aged 25 ) Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. Cause of death Drive - by shooting Other names 2Pac Makaveli MC New York Years active 1987 ( 1987 ) -- 1996 ( 1996 ) Parent ( s ) Afeni Shakur and Billy Garland Awards List of awards and nominations Musical career Genres Hip hop Occupation ( s ) Rapper actor Instruments Vocals Labels Interscope Death Row Associated acts Outlawz Thug Life Digital Underground Dr. Dre Keyshia Cole The Notorious B.I.G. Richie Rich Stretch Snoop Doggy Dogg Tha Dogg Pound Suge Knight Website www.2pac.com Signature", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Jessica Capshaw": [ { "question": "who plays arizona robbins on grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jessica_Capshaw&oldid=866465475", "q_uid": -7424909407063494466, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jessica Brooke Capshaw Gavigan ( born August 9, 1976 ), known professionally as Jessica Capshaw, is an American actress. She is known for her role as Jamie Stringer in The Practice and Dr. Arizona Robbins on the ABC medical drama Grey 's Anatomy. She was introduced in Grey 's Anatomy 's fifth season as an attending surgeon and the new head of pediatric surgery. Originally contracted to appear in three episodes, Capshaw 's contract was extended to the remainder of the fifth season, with her becoming a series regular in the sixth season.", "short_answer": "Jessica Brooke Capshaw Gavigan (" } }, { "question": "who plays dr arizona robbins on grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jessica_Capshaw&oldid=798831066", "q_uid": 3777306535557127016, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jessica Brooke Capshaw ( born August 9, 1976 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Jamie Stringer in The Practice and Dr. Arizona Robbins on the ABC medical drama Grey 's Anatomy. She was introduced in Grey 's Anatomy 's fifth season as an attending surgeon and the new head of pediatric surgery. Originally contracted to appear in three episodes, Capshaw 's contract was extended to the remainder of the fifth season, with her becoming a series regular in the sixth season.", "short_answer": "Jessica Brooke Capshaw (" } } ], "Twenty-foot equivalent unit": [ { "question": "how many cubic meter is a 20 foot container", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Twenty-foot_equivalent_unit&oldid=837345132", "q_uid": -3689050867859418526, "answers": { "long_answer": "TEU capacities for common container sizes Length Width Height Volume TEU 20 ft ( 6.1 m ) 8 ft ( 2.44 m ) 8 ft 6 in ( 2.59 m ) 1,172 cu ft ( 33.2 m ) 1 ( ) 40 ft ( 12.2 m ) 8 ft ( 2.44 m ) 8 ft 6 in ( 2.59 m ) 2,377 cu ft ( 67 m ) 2 ( ) 45 ft ( 13.7 m ) 8 ft ( 2.44 m ) 8 ft 6 in ( 2.59 m ) 3,060 cu ft ( 86.6 m ) 2 or 2.25 48 ft ( 14.6 m ) 8 ft ( 2.44 m ) 8 ft 6 in ( 2.59 m ) 3,264 cu ft ( 92.4 m ) 2.4 53 ft ( 16.2 m ) 8 ft ( 2.44 m ) 8 ft 6 in ( 2.59 m ) 3,604 cu ft ( 102.1 m ) 2.65 High cube 20 ft ( 6.1 m ) 8 ft ( 2.44 m ) 9 ft 6 in ( 2.90 m ) 1,520 cu ft ( 43 m ) Half height 20 ft ( 6.1 m ) 8 ft ( 2.44 m ) 4 ft 3 in ( 1.30 m ) 680 cu ft ( 19.3 m )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "cubic meters of a 20 foot shipping container", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Twenty-foot_equivalent_unit&oldid=837345132", "q_uid": 170822098456703220, "answers": { "long_answer": "As the TEU is an inexact unit, it can not be converted precisely into other units. The related unit forty - foot equivalent unit, however, is defined as two TEU. The most common dimensions for a 20 - foot ( 6.1 m ) container are 20 feet ( 6.1 m ) long, 8 feet ( 2.44 m ) wide, and 8 feet 6 inches ( 2.59 m ) high, for a volume of 1,360 cubic feet ( 39 m ). However, both 9 - foot - 6 - inch - tall ( 2.90 m ) High cube and 4 - foot - 3 - inch ( 1.30 m ) half height containers are also reckoned as 1 TEU. This gives a volume range of 680 to 1,520 cubic feet ( 19 to 43 m ) for one TEU.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many grams can fit in a 40 foot container", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Twenty-foot_equivalent_unit&oldid=828645021", "q_uid": 1455249757969064211, "answers": { "long_answer": "Similarly, the maximum gross mass for a 40 - foot ( 12.2 m ) dry cargo container ( including the 9 - foot - 6 - inch - high ( 2.90 m ) cube container ) is 30,480 kilograms ( 67,200 lb ). After correcting for tare weight, this gives a cargo capacity of 26,500 kilograms ( 58,400 lb ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of undefeated boxing world champions": [ { "question": "who has the best undefeated record in boxing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_undefeated_boxing_world_champions&oldid=803475990", "q_uid": 6888442005972225466, "answers": { "long_answer": "Boxer Record Weight class Title ( s ) Championship years Title defenses Notes Jimmy Barry 59 -- 0 -- 9 ( 2 ) Bantamweight World 1894 -- 1899 6 ( 3 draws ) Joe Calzaghe 46 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super middleweight WBO 1997 -- 2007 21 ( WBO ), 1 ( IBF ), 3 ( The Ring, lineal ), 0 ( WBA, WBC ) Vacated title to move up to light heavyweight IBF, The Ring, lineal 2006 -- 2007 Unified WBO, IBF, and The Ring titles. Vacated IBF title to fight Peter Manfredo Jr. instead of # 1 contender Robert Stieglitz. Vacated The Ring title to move up to light heavyweight. WBA, WBC 2007 -- 2008 Unified WBO, WBA, WBC, and The Ring titles. Vacated titles to move up to light heavyweight. Light heavyweight The Ring 2008 Kim Ji - won 16 -- 0 -- 2 ( 0 ) Super bantamweight IBF 1985 -- 1986 Mihai Leu 28 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Welterweight WBO Forced to retire from boxing due to an injury. Ricardo L\u00f3pez 51 -- 0 -- 1 ( 0 ) Minimumweight WBC 1990 -- 1998 22 Vacated title to move up to light flyweight. WBO 1997 -- 1998 0 Unified WBC and WBO titles. Stripped of WBO title for saying he wanted to give the belt to his father. WBA 1998 0 Vacated title to move up to junior flyweight. Light flyweight IBF 1999 -- 2002 Rocky Marciano 49 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Heavyweight World 1952 -- 1956 6 Terry Marsh 26 -- 0 -- 1 ( 0 ) Light welterweight IBF Forced to retire due to epilepsy. Floyd Mayweather Jr. 50 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super featherweight WBC 1998 -- 2002 8 Vacated title to move up to lightweight. Lightweight WBC 2002 -- 2004 Vacated title to move up to light welterweight. Light welterweight WBC 2005 -- 2006 0 Vacated title to move up to welterweight. Welterweight WBA, WBC 2006 -- 2008, 2011 -- 2015 8 Retired at 49 -- 0 in 2015; returned in 2017 for non-title McGregor fight and then retired again. Light middleweight WBA, WBC 2007, 2012 -- 2015, 2017 Jack McAuliffe 30 -- 0 -- 5 ( 1 ) Lightweight World 1886 -- 1893 7 -- 0 -- 2 ( 0 ) Sven Ottke 34 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super middleweight IBF 1998 -- 2004 21 WBA 2003 -- 2004 Defended IBF title and defeated WBA champion to become WBA Super champion. Dmitry Pirog 20 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Middleweight WBO 2010 -- 2012 Forced to retire from boxing due to chronic back injury. Harry Simon 30 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Light middleweight WBO 1998 -- 2001 Vacated title to move up to middleweight. Middleweight WBO 2002 0 Won WBO interim middleweight title in 2001 and the outright title in 2002. Stripped of title at 29 -- 0 when he was unable to defend it due to injuries suffered in a car crash. Had one more non-title fight before retiring. Pichit Sitbangprachan 24 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Flyweight IBF 1992 -- 1994 Retired at 21 -- 0 and then made a comeback. Edwin Valero 27 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super featherweight WBA 2006 -- 2008 Vacated title to move up to lightweight. Lightweight WBC 2009 -- 2010 Vacated title to move up to light welterweight. Committed suicide after allegedly killing his wife in 2010. All 27 fights were knockout wins. Andre Ward 32 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super middleweight WBA 2009 -- 2015 6 Vacated titles in 2015 to move up to light heavyweight. WBC, The Ring, lineal 2011 -- 2015 1 ( WBC ), 2 ( The Ring, lineal ) Light heavyweight WBA, WBC, The Ring, lineal 2016 -- 2017 1 ( WBA, IBF, WBO ), 0 ( The Ring, lineal )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who has the most undefeated record in boxing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_undefeated_boxing_world_champions&oldid=861453385", "q_uid": -6147445554779922654, "answers": { "long_answer": "Boxer Record Weight class Title ( s ) Championship years Title defenses Notes Jimmy Barry 59 -- 0 -- 9 ( 2 ) Bantamweight World 1894 -- 1899 6 ( 3 draws ) Joe Calzaghe 46 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super middleweight WBO 1997 -- 2008 21 Vacated title to move up to light heavyweight. IBF 2006 Vacated title to fight Peter Manfredo Jr. instead of # 1 contender Robert Stieglitz. The Ring, lineal 2006 -- 2008 Vacated titles to move up to light heavyweight. WBA, WBC 2007 -- 2008 0 Light heavyweight The Ring 2008 Retired and vacated title. Kim Ji - won 16 -- 0 -- 2 ( 0 ) Super bantamweight IBF 1985 -- 1986 Mihai Leu 28 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Welterweight WBO Retired from boxing due to an injury. Ricardo L\u00f3pez 51 -- 0 -- 1 ( 0 ) Minimumweight WBC 1990 -- 1998 22 Vacated title to move up to light flyweight. WBO 1997 -- 1998 0 Unified WBC and WBO titles. Stripped of WBO title for saying he wanted to give the belt to his father. WBA 1998 0 Vacated title to move up to junior flyweight. Light flyweight IBF 1999 -- 2002 Rocky Marciano 49 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Heavyweight World 1952 -- 1956 6 Terry Marsh 26 -- 0 -- 1 ( 0 ) Light welterweight IBF Retired from boxing due to epilepsy. Floyd Mayweather Jr. 50 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super featherweight WBC 1998 -- 2002 8 Vacated title to move up to lightweight. Lightweight WBC 2002 -- 2004 Vacated title to move up to light welterweight. Light welterweight WBC 2005 -- 2006 0 Vacated title to move up to welterweight. Welterweight WBA, WBC 2006 -- 2008, 2011 -- 2015 8 Retired at 49 -- 0 in 2015; returned in 2017 for non-title McGregor fight and then retired again. Light middleweight WBA, WBC 2007, 2012 -- 2015, 2017 Jack McAuliffe 30 -- 0 -- 5 ( 1 ) Lightweight World 1886 -- 1893 7 -- 0 -- 2 ( 0 ) Sven Ottke 34 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super middleweight IBF 1998 -- 2004 21 WBA 2003 -- 2004 Defended IBF title and defeated WBA champion to become WBA Super champion. Dmitry Pirog 20 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Middleweight WBO 2010 -- 2012 Retired from boxing due to chronic back injuries. Harry Simon 30 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Light middleweight WBO 1998 -- 2001 Vacated title to move up to middleweight. Middleweight WBO 2002 0 Won WBO interim middleweight title in 2001 and the outright title in 2002. Stripped of title at 29 -- 0 when he was unable to defend it due to injuries suffered in a car crash. Had one more non-title fight before retiring. Pichit Sitbangprachan 24 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Flyweight IBF 1992 -- 1994 Retired at 21 -- 0 and then made a comeback. Edwin Valero 27 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super featherweight WBA 2006 -- 2008 Vacated title to move up to lightweight. Lightweight WBC 2009 -- 2010 Vacated title to move up to light welterweight. Committed suicide after allegedly killing his wife in 2010. All 27 fights were knockout wins. Andre Ward 32 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super middleweight WBA 2009 -- 2015 6 Vacated titles in 2015 to move up to light heavyweight. WBC, The Ring, lineal 2011 -- 2015 1 ( WBC ), 2 ( The Ring, lineal ) Light heavyweight WBA, WBO, The Ring, lineal 2016 -- 2017 1 ( WBA, IBF, WBO ), 0 ( The Ring, lineal )", "short_answer": "Jimmy Barry" } }, { "question": "who has the most undefeated wins in boxing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_undefeated_boxing_world_champions&oldid=811950811", "q_uid": -913144277284837551, "answers": { "long_answer": "Boxer Record Weight class Title ( s ) Championship years Title defenses Notes Jimmy Barry 59 -- 0 -- 9 ( 2 ) Bantamweight World 1894 -- 1899 6 ( 3 draws ) Joe Calzaghe 46 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super middleweight WBO 1997 -- 2008 21 Vacated title to move up to light heavyweight. IBF 2006 Vacated title to fight Peter Manfredo Jr. instead of # 1 contender Robert Stieglitz. The Ring, lineal 2006 -- 2008 Vacated titles to move up to light heavyweight. WBA, WBC 2007 -- 2008 0 Light heavyweight The Ring 2008 Retired and vacated title. Kim Ji - won 16 -- 0 -- 2 ( 0 ) Super bantamweight IBF 1985 -- 1986 Mihai Leu 28 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Welterweight WBO Forced to retire from boxing due to an injury. Ricardo L\u00f3pez 51 -- 0 -- 1 ( 0 ) Minimumweight WBC 1990 -- 1998 22 Vacated title to move up to light flyweight. WBO 1997 -- 1998 0 Unified WBC and WBO titles. Stripped of WBO title for saying he wanted to give the belt to his father. WBA 1998 0 Vacated title to move up to junior flyweight. Light flyweight IBF 1999 -- 2002 Rocky Marciano 49 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Heavyweight World 1952 -- 1956 6 Terry Marsh 26 -- 0 -- 1 ( 0 ) Light welterweight IBF Forced to retire due to epilepsy. Floyd Mayweather Jr. 50 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super featherweight WBC 1998 -- 2002 8 Vacated title to move up to lightweight. Lightweight WBC 2002 -- 2004 Vacated title to move up to light welterweight. Light welterweight WBC 2005 -- 2006 0 Vacated title to move up to welterweight. Welterweight WBA, WBC 2006 -- 2008, 2011 -- 2015 8 Retired at 49 -- 0 in 2015; returned in 2017 for non-title McGregor fight and then retired again. Light middleweight WBA, WBC 2007, 2012 -- 2015, 2017 Jack McAuliffe 30 -- 0 -- 5 ( 1 ) Lightweight World 1886 -- 1893 7 -- 0 -- 2 ( 0 ) Sven Ottke 34 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super middleweight IBF 1998 -- 2004 21 WBA 2003 -- 2004 Defended IBF title and defeated WBA champion to become WBA Super champion. Dmitry Pirog 20 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Middleweight WBO 2010 -- 2012 Forced to retire from boxing due to chronic back injuries. Harry Simon 30 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Light middleweight WBO 1998 -- 2001 Vacated title to move up to middleweight. Middleweight WBO 2002 0 Won WBO interim middleweight title in 2001 and the outright title in 2002. Stripped of title at 29 -- 0 when he was unable to defend it due to injuries suffered in a car crash. Had one more non-title fight before retiring. Pichit Sitbangprachan 24 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Flyweight IBF 1992 -- 1994 Retired at 21 -- 0 and then made a comeback. Edwin Valero 27 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super featherweight WBA 2006 -- 2008 Vacated title to move up to lightweight. Lightweight WBC 2009 -- 2010 Vacated title to move up to light welterweight. Committed suicide after allegedly killing his wife in 2010. All 27 fights were knockout wins. Andre Ward 32 -- 0 -- 0 ( 0 ) Super middleweight WBA 2009 -- 2015 6 Vacated titles in 2015 to move up to light heavyweight. WBC, The Ring, lineal 2011 -- 2015 1 ( WBC ), 2 ( The Ring, lineal ) Light heavyweight WBA, WBO, The Ring, lineal 2016 -- 2017 1 ( WBA, IBF, WBO ), 0 ( The Ring, lineal )", "short_answer": "Jimmy Barry" } } ], "Grand Prix motorcycle racing": [ { "question": "what does flag to flag mean in motogp", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Grand_Prix_motorcycle_racing&oldid=800911873", "q_uid": 7552675386463033670, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2005, a flag - to - flag rule for MotoGP was introduced. Previously, if a race started dry and rain fell, officials could red - flag ( stop ) the race and either restart or resume on ' wet ' tyres. Now, when rain falls, a white flag is shown, indicating that riders can pit to swap the motorcycle on which they started the race for an identical one, as long as the tyres are different ( that is, intermediates or slicks instead of wets ) ( 1 ). Besides different tyres, the wet - weather bikes have steel brake rotors and different brake pads instead of the carbon discs and pads used on the ' dry ' bikes. This is because the carbon brakes need to be very hot to function properly, and the water cools them too much. The suspension is also ' softened ' up somewhat for the wet weather.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Seattle": [ { "question": "where is seattle located in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Seattle&oldid=854346501", "q_uid": 8446297104535587843, "answers": { "long_answer": "The city is situated on an isthmus between Puget Sound ( an inlet of the Pacific Ocean ) and Lake Washington, about 100 miles ( 160 km ) south of the Canada -- United States border. A major gateway for trade with Asia, Seattle is the fourth - largest port in North America in terms of container handling as of 2015.", "short_answer": "on an isthmus between Puget Sound ( an inlet of the Pacific Ocean ) and Lake Washington, about 100 miles ( 160 km ) south of the Canada -- United States border." } } ], "Kerry Condon": [ { "question": "who voices friday in captain america civil war", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kerry_Condon&oldid=846930273", "q_uid": 9119914902093891485, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kerry Condon ( born 4 January 1983 ) is an Irish television and film actress, best known for her role as Octavia of the Julii in the HBO / BBC series Rome, as Stacey Ehrmantraut in AMC 's Better Call Saul and as the voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y. in various films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She is also the youngest actress ever to play Ophelia in a Royal Shakespeare Company production of Hamlet. She appeared in AMC 's The Walking Dead in `` 30 Days Without an Accident. ''", "short_answer": "Kerry Condon (" } }, { "question": "who is the voice of friday in age of ultron", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kerry_Condon&oldid=854698884", "q_uid": 4839713316193493685, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kerry Condon ( born 4 January 1983 ) is an Irish television and film actress, best known for her role as Octavia of the Julii in the HBO / BBC series Rome, as Stacey Ehrmantraut in AMC 's Better Call Saul and as the voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y. in various films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She is also the youngest actress ever to play Ophelia in a Royal Shakespeare Company production of Hamlet. She appeared in AMC 's The Walking Dead in `` 30 Days Without an Accident. ''", "short_answer": "Kerry Condon (" } }, { "question": "who voiced friday in avengers age of ultron", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kerry_Condon&oldid=865333524", "q_uid": 8849054568979840096, "answers": { "long_answer": "Condon 's movie roles include Kate Kelly, Ned Kelly 's outlaw sister, in 2003 's Ned Kelly and an appearance in the 2003 Irish independent film Intermission with Cillian Murphy, Kelly Macdonald, and Colin Farrell. She was in the 2005 Jet Li action - thriller Unleashed. She then appeared as Masha, a Tolstoian, in The Last Station, a film about the last months of Tolstoy 's life with Helen Mirren and Christopher Plummer before playing jockey Rosie Shanahan in 2012 's Luck. She voices the artificial intelligence F.R.I.D.A.Y., Tony Stark 's replacement for J.A.R.V.I.S. in the Marvel Studios films Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War, Spider - Man: Homecoming and Avengers: Infinity War.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of political parties in France": [ { "question": "what are the two main political parties in france", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_political_parties_in_France&oldid=842827440", "q_uid": 1594394446570689136, "answers": { "long_answer": "on the centre - left, one led by the Socialist Party and with minor partners such as Europe Ecology -- The Greens and the Radical Party of the Left. on the centre - right, one led by The Republicans ( and previously its predecessors, the Union for a Popular Movement, Rally for the Republic ) and the Union of Democrats and Independents.", "short_answer": "the Socialist Party and" } } ], "Ram Pickup": [ { "question": "when did dodge go to the 24 valve", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ram_Pickup&oldid=815862009", "q_uid": -5964999592062710784, "answers": { "long_answer": "A natural - gas - powered engine debuted for 1995 but was not popular and was only used in fleet vehicles on a very limited production run. The Cummins B Series engine was switched from the 12 - valve to the 24 - valve ( ISB ) version in the middle of the 1998 model - year Dodge Rams due to emissions regulations. The ISB featured a new computer - controlled injection pump, 24 - valve head design, and an electric fuel pump.", "short_answer": "in the middle of the 1998 model - year Dodge" } }, { "question": "how long is a dodge ram 1500 short bed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ram_Pickup&oldid=842621670", "q_uid": -5752426400231357513, "answers": { "long_answer": "Second generation Overview Production July 1993 - 2001 ( Ram 1500 ) 1994 -- 2002 ( Ram 2500 and 3500 ) Assembly Warren, Michigan St. Louis, Missouri Saltillo, Mexico Lago Alberto Assembly, Mexico City Montreal, Quebec Designer Phillip E. Payne ( 1989 ) Body and chassis Body style 2 - door regular cab 2 - door Extended / Club cab 4 - door Quad Cab Dually Related Dodge Ramcharger Powertrain Engine 3.9 L Magnum V6 5.2 L Magnum V8 5.9 L Magnum V8 5.9 L Cummins turbo - diesel I6 8.0 L Magnum V10 Transmission 4 - speed 42RH - RE automatic 4 - speed 46RH - RE automatic 4 - speed 47RH - RE automatic 5 - speed NV3500 manual 5 - speed NV4500 manual 6 - speed NV5600 manual Dimensions Wheelbase 118.7 in ( 3,015 mm ) ( 2 - door, short bed ) 134.7 in ( 3,421 mm ) ( 2 - door, long bed ) 154.7 in ( 3,929 mm ) Length 204.1 in ( 5,184 mm ) 224.2 in ( 5,695 mm ) 244.1 in ( 6,200 mm ) Width 79.3 in ( 2,014 mm ) 93.5 in ( 2,375 mm ) ( Towing mirrors ) Height 72.2 in ( 1,834 mm )", "short_answer": "204.1 in ( 5,184 mm ) 224.2" } }, { "question": "2003 dodge ram 1500 4x4 5.7 hemi specs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ram_Pickup&oldid=856149648", "q_uid": 4615123726468008608, "answers": { "long_answer": "Third generation Overview Production July 24, 2001 -- 2008 ( 1500 ) 2002 -- 2009 ( 2500 & 3500 ) Designer Cliff Wilkins ( 1998 ) Body and chassis Body style 2 - door Regular cab 4 - door Quad cab 4 - door Mega Cab Dually Powertrain Engine 3.7 L Magnum V6 4.7 L Magnum V8 5.7 L Hemi V8 5.9 L Magnum V8 5.9 L Cummins diesel I6 6.7 L Cummins diesel I6 8.0 L Magnum V10 8.3 L Viper V10 Transmission 4 - speed 42RLE automatic 4 - speed 45RFE automatic 4 - speed 48RE automatic 5 - speed 545RFE automatic 6 - speed 68RFE automatic 6 - speed AS68RC 6 - speed NV5600 manual 5 - speed NV3500 manual Dimensions Wheelbase 120.5 in ( 3,061 mm ) 140.5 in ( 3,569 mm ) 160.5 in ( 4,077 mm ) Length 295.1 in ( 7,496 mm ) 283.1 in ( 7,191 mm ) 279.1 in ( 7,089 mm ) 259.1 in ( 6,581 mm ) 255.1 in ( 6,480 mm ) 235.1 in ( 5,972 mm ) 207.7 in ( 5,276 mm ) 229.7 in ( 5,834 mm ) 249.7 in ( 6,342 mm ) Width 79.5 in ( 2,019 mm ) 96 in ( 2,438 mm ) ( Towing mirrors ) Height 75.7 - 80.8 in ( 1923 -- 2052 mm )", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "what motor is in a 2002 dodge ram 1500", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ram_Pickup&oldid=842621670", "q_uid": 6995432081445232400, "answers": { "long_answer": "Second generation Overview Production July 1993 - 2001 ( Ram 1500 ) 1994 -- 2002 ( Ram 2500 and 3500 ) Assembly Warren, Michigan St. Louis, Missouri Saltillo, Mexico Lago Alberto Assembly, Mexico City Montreal, Quebec Designer Phillip E. Payne ( 1989 ) Body and chassis Body style 2 - door regular cab 2 - door Extended / Club cab 4 - door Quad Cab Dually Related Dodge Ramcharger Powertrain Engine 3.9 L Magnum V6 5.2 L Magnum V8 5.9 L Magnum V8 5.9 L Cummins turbo - diesel I6 8.0 L Magnum V10 Transmission 4 - speed 42RH - RE automatic 4 - speed 46RH - RE automatic 4 - speed 47RH - RE automatic 5 - speed NV3500 manual 5 - speed NV4500 manual 6 - speed NV5600 manual Dimensions Wheelbase 118.7 in ( 3,015 mm ) ( 2 - door, short bed ) 134.7 in ( 3,421 mm ) ( 2 - door, long bed ) 154.7 in ( 3,929 mm ) Length 204.1 in ( 5,184 mm ) 224.2 in ( 5,695 mm ) 244.1 in ( 6,200 mm ) Width 79.3 in ( 2,014 mm ) 93.5 in ( 2,375 mm ) ( Towing mirrors ) Height 72.2 in ( 1,834 mm )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Jonathan Gilbert": [ { "question": "who played willie in little house on the prairie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jonathan_Gilbert&oldid=833410046", "q_uid": -5421879037266753300, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gilbert is best known for his performance as Willie Oleson on the NBC TV series, Little House on the Prairie, from 1974 to 1983. He is also one of only six actors on Little House on the Prairie to appear throughout the entire series, along with Melissa Gilbert, Katherine MacGregor, Richard Bull, Kevin Hagen, and Dabbs Greer. In 1979, Gilbert was in the made - for - television movie The Little House Years also as Willie Oleson. Also in 1979, he was in the made - for - TV - Movie The Miracle Worker as Jimmy. He was in two out of the three made - for - television movies based on `` Little House on the Prairie '' series of books ( Little House: Look Back to Yesterday and Little House: The Last Farewell ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Katherine Helmond": [ { "question": "who plays mona in who's the boss", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Katherine_Helmond&oldid=796779397", "q_uid": -4903933041773754965, "answers": { "long_answer": "Katherine Marie Helmond ( born July 5, 1929 ) is an American film, theater and television actress and director. In her five decades of television acting, she is known her starring role as the ditzy matriarch, Jessica Tate, on the ABC prime time soap opera sitcom, Soap ( 1977 -- 1981 ) and her co-starring role as feisty mother, Mona Robinson on Who 's the Boss? ( 1984 -- 1992 ). She also played Doris Sherman on Coach and Lois Whelan on Everybody Loves Raymond. She has also appeared as a guest on several talk and variety shows.", "short_answer": "Katherine Marie Helmond (" } }, { "question": "who played mona in who's the boss", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Katherine_Helmond&oldid=796779397", "q_uid": -5602969360074094043, "answers": { "long_answer": "Katherine Marie Helmond ( born July 5, 1929 ) is an American film, theater and television actress and director. In her five decades of television acting, she is known her starring role as the ditzy matriarch, Jessica Tate, on the ABC prime time soap opera sitcom, Soap ( 1977 -- 1981 ) and her co-starring role as feisty mother, Mona Robinson on Who 's the Boss? ( 1984 -- 1992 ). She also played Doris Sherman on Coach and Lois Whelan on Everybody Loves Raymond. She has also appeared as a guest on several talk and variety shows.", "short_answer": "Katherine Marie Helmond (" } } ], "Jerry Orbach": [ { "question": "who played lenny briscoe on law and order", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jerry_Orbach&oldid=803171719", "q_uid": -8650491798742480235, "answers": { "long_answer": "Later in his career, Orbach played supporting roles in films such as Prince of the City ( 1981 ), Dirty Dancing ( 1987 ), Crimes and Misdemeanors ( 1989 ) and Disney 's Beauty and the Beast ( 1991 ). He also made frequent guest appearances on television; including a recurring role on Murder, She Wrote ( 1985 -- 1991 ) as private detective Harry McGraw. However, he gained worldwide fame for his starring role as NYPD Detective Lennie Briscoe on the long - running NBC crime drama Law & Order ( 1992 -- 2004 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played lennie briscoe on law & order", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jerry_Orbach&oldid=852461486", "q_uid": -8868474178190950685, "answers": { "long_answer": "Later in his career, Orbach played supporting roles in films such as Prince of the City ( 1981 ), Dirty Dancing ( 1987 ), Crimes and Misdemeanors ( 1989 ) and Disney 's Beauty and the Beast ( 1991 ). He also made frequent guest appearances on television; including a recurring role on Murder, She Wrote ( 1985 -- 1991 ) as private detective Harry McGraw. However, he gained worldwide fame for his starring role as NYPD Detective Lennie Briscoe on the long - running NBC crime drama Law & Order ( 1992 -- 2004 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "actor who played the father in dirty dancing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jerry_Orbach&oldid=852461486", "q_uid": 9138271244887397244, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the 1980s, Orbach shifted to film and TV work full - time. Prominent roles included a superb performance as tough, effective, but `` allegedly corrupt '' NYPD narcotics detective Gus Levy in Sidney Lumet 's Prince of the City; he was the 1981 runner - up for the NSFC Best Supporting Actor award. He also portrayed gangsters in both the action - thriller F / X and the Woody Allen drama Crimes and Misdemeanors ( the latter of which also featured his future Law & Order co-star Sam Waterston ). In 1985, Orbach became a regular guest star on Murder, She Wrote as private detective Harry McGraw, which led to him starring in the short - lived spin - off series The Law & Harry McGraw. In 1987, he was featured in the hit film Dirty Dancing as Dr. Jake Houseman, the father of Jennifer Grey 's character `` Baby ''. He made further TV appearances on popular shows such as The Golden Girls ( for which he received his first Emmy nomination ), Who 's the Boss?, and Frasier ( as a guest caller ). Orbach", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played baby's father in dirty dancing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jerry_Orbach&oldid=842671842", "q_uid": -968028481090598705, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the 1980s, Orbach shifted to film and TV work full - time. Prominent roles included a superb performance as tough, effective, but `` allegedly corrupt '' NYPD narcotics detective Gus Levy in Sidney Lumet 's Prince of the City; he was the 1981 runner - up for the NSFC Best Supporting Actor award. He also portrayed gangsters in both the action - thriller F / X and the Woody Allen drama Crimes and Misdemeanors ( the latter of which also featured his future Law & Order co-star Sam Waterston ). In 1985, Orbach became a regular guest star on Murder, She Wrote as private detective Harry McGraw, which led to him starring in the short - lived spin - off series The Law & Harry McGraw. In 1987, he was featured in the hit film Dirty Dancing as Dr. Jake Houseman, the father of Jennifer Grey 's character `` Baby ''. He made further TV appearances on popular shows such as The Golden Girls ( for which he received his first Emmy nomination ), Who 's the Boss?, and Frasier ( as a guest caller ). Orbach", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Rory Keenan": [ { "question": "who did rory keenan play in peaky blinders", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rory_Keenan&oldid=834006480", "q_uid": -9047990784991138965, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2017 - 18 Striking Out Eric 10 episodes 2016 Stan Lee 's Lucky Man Simon 2 episodes 2016 War & Peace Bilibin 4 episodes 2014 Peaky Blinders Donal 3 episodes 2012 Birdsong Brennan TV mini series 2011 Primeval Michael 1 episode 2005 Showbands Keith TV mini series 2003 The Clinic Michael 6 episodes 2001 - 02 On Home Ground Kevin King 16 episodes 1999 Aristocrats George TV mini series", "short_answer": "Donal" } } ], "Lauren Daigle": [ { "question": "when does lauren daigle's album come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lauren_Daigle&oldid=864584587", "q_uid": -8144663406508216847, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` You Say '' was released on July 13, 2018, as the lead single for second studio album Look Up Child. The song was released to Christian radio on July 9. The album was also available for pre order. It was released on September 7, 2018, via Centricity Music. It is her first studio album in three years and serves as a follow - up to her debut studio album, How Can It Be ( 2015 ). It became her third Hot Christian Songs No. 1 and charted on the mainstream Hot 100 at No. 53. `` Still Rolling Stones '' was released on August 10, 2018, as the first promotional single.", "short_answer": "September 7, 2018," } }, { "question": "when did you say by lauren daigle come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Lauren_Daigle&oldid=856539734", "q_uid": 2085267905784820393, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` You Say '' was released on July 13, 2018, as the lead single for second studio album Look Up Child. The song was released to Christian radio on July 9. The album was also available for pre order. It is scheduled to be released on September 7, 2018, via Centricity Music. It is her first studio album in three years and serves as a follow - up to her debut studio album, How Can It Be ( 2015 ). It became her third Hot Christian Songs No. 1 and charted on the mainstream Hot 100 at No. 53. `` Still Rolling Stones '' was released on August 10, 2018, as the first promotional single.", "short_answer": "July 13, 2018," } } ], "Nicole Gale Anderson": [ { "question": "who plays heather on beauty and the beast", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nicole_Gale_Anderson&oldid=802512324", "q_uid": 4354391888337127868, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nicole Gale Anderson ( born August 29, 1990 ) is a Filipino - American actress. She is best known for her role as Heather Chandler on The CW series Beauty & the Beast. She is also known for her roles as Macy Misa in the Disney Channel Original Series Jonas, and as Kelly Parker and Miranda Collins on the ABC Family series Make It or Break It and Ravenswood.", "short_answer": "Nicole Gale Anderson (" } } ], "If I Had a Heart": [ { "question": "who sings the theme song for the vikings", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=If_I_Had_a_Heart&oldid=802184712", "q_uid": 5760528572010246885, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` If I Had a Heart '' is a song performed, written and produced by Swedish recording artist Fever Ray. It was released as the lead single from her debut self - titled album, Fever Ray ( 2009 ), marking Ray 's debut single as a solo artist, after her work with previous band, The Knife. The track was first released digitally in Sweden and across Europe on 15 December 2008 by Rabid Records, followed by a digital EP release on 26 January 2009. It was later released on CD, 7 '' and 12 '' formats in early 2009. The single 's B - side premiered three days prior to the single release on Stereogum and is a remix of the track done by English experimental duo Fuck Buttons, the duo 's maiden work as remixers.", "short_answer": "Fever Ray." } } ], "List of UFC champions": [ { "question": "first champion of the women's division of the ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_champions&oldid=809408605", "q_uid": 9144870138603265375, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Event Date Reign Defenses Ronda Rousey promoted to undisputed champion UFC on Fox: Henderson vs. Diaz press conference Seattle, WA, USA Dec 6, 2012 1,074 days 1. def. Liz Carmouche at UFC 157 on Feb 23, 2013 2. def. Miesha Tate at UFC 168 on Dec 28, 2013 3. def. Sara McMann at UFC 170 on Feb 22, 2014 4. def. Alexis Davis at UFC 175 on Jul 5, 2014 5. def. Cat Zingano at UFC 184 on Feb 28, 2015 6. def. Bethe Correia at UFC 190 on Aug 1, 2015 Holly Holm UFC 193 Melbourne, Australia Nov 15, 2015 111 days Miesha Tate UFC 196 Las Vegas, NV, USA Mar 5, 2016 126 days Amanda Nunes UFC 200 Las Vegas, NV, USA Jul 9, 2016 487 days ( incumbent ) 1. def. Ronda Rousey at UFC 207 on Dec 30, 2016 2. def. Valentina Shevchenko at UFC 215 on Sep 9, 2017", "short_answer": "Dec 6, 2012" } }, { "question": "who has the light heavyweight belt in ufc", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_champions&oldid=856269037", "q_uid": -447659676533270402, "answers": { "long_answer": "Men Division Champion Since Defenses Heavyweight Daniel Cormier Jul 7, 2018 0 Light Heavyweight May 23, 2015 Middleweight Robert Whittaker Dec 7, 2017 0 Welterweight Tyron Woodley Jul 30, 2016 Colby Covington ( Interim Champion ) Jun 9, 2018 0 Lightweight Khabib Nurmagomedov Apr 7, 2018 0 Featherweight Max Holloway Jun 3, 2017 Bantamweight T.J. Dillashaw Nov 4, 2017 Flyweight Henry Cejudo Aug 4, 2018 0", "short_answer": "Daniel Cormier" } }, { "question": "who has held a ufc title the longest", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_UFC_champions&oldid=807372774", "q_uid": -6155702375444973775, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Name Event Date Reign Defenses Dave Menne def. Gil Castillo UFC 33 Las Vegas, NV, USA Sep 28, 2001 105 days Murilo Bustamante UFC 35 Las Vegas, NV, USA Jan 11, 2002 267 days 1. def. Matt Lindland at UFC 37 on May 10, 2002 Bustamante was stripped of the title on October 5, 2002 when he left the UFC for Pride. Evan Tanner def. David Terrell UFC 51 Las Vegas, NV, USA Feb 5, 2005 119 days Rich Franklin UFC 53 Atlantic City, NJ, USA Jun 4, 2005 497 days 1. def. Nate Quarry at UFC 56 on Nov 19, 2005 2. def. David Loiseau at UFC 58 on Mar 4, 2006 5 Anderson Silva UFC 64 Las Vegas, NV, USA Oct 14, 2006 2,457 days 1. def. Nate Marquardt at UFC 73 on Jul 7, 2007 2. def. Rich Franklin at UFC 77 on Oct 20, 2007 3. def. Dan Henderson at UFC 82 on Mar 1, 2008 4. def. Patrick C\u00f4t\u00e9 at UFC 90 on Oct 25, 2008 5. def. Thales Leites at UFC 97 on Apr 18, 2009 6. def. Demian Maia at UFC 112 on Apr 10, 2010 7. def. Chael Sonnen at UFC 117 on Aug 7, 2010 8. def. Vitor Belfort at UFC 126 on Feb 5, 2011 9. def. Yushin Okami at UFC 134 on Aug 27, 2011 10. def. Chael Sonnen at UFC 148 on Jul 7, 2012 6 Chris Weidman UFC 162 Las Vegas, NV, USA Jul 6, 2013 888 days 1. def. Anderson Silva at UFC 168 on Dec 28, 2013 2. def. Lyoto Machida at UFC 175 on Jul 5, 2014 3. def. Vitor Belfort at UFC 187 on May 23, 2015 7 Luke Rockhold UFC 194 Las Vegas, NV, USA Dec 12, 2015 175 days 8 Michael Bisping UFC 199 Inglewood, CA, USA Jun 4, 2016 510 days ( incumbent ) 1. def. Dan Henderson at UFC 204 on Oct 8, 2016 - Robert Whittaker def. Yoel Romero for interim title UFC 213 Las Vegas, NV, USA Jul 8, 2017 111 days ( incumbent )", "short_answer": "Anderson Silva" } } ], "Two's complement": [ { "question": "in the 8-bit signed 2\u2019s complement representation the number of distinct numbers is", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Two%27s_complement&oldid=821295612", "q_uid": 4011568123759436434, "answers": { "long_answer": "In two 's complement notation, a non-negative number is represented by its ordinary binary representation; in this case, the most significant bit is 0. Though, the range of numbers represented is not the same as with unsigned binary numbers. For example, an 8 - bit unsigned number can represent the values 0 to 255 ( 11111111 ). However a two 's complement 8 - bit number can only represent positive integers from 0 to 127 ( 01111111 ), because the rest of the bit combinations with the most significant bit as ' 1 ' represent the negative integers \u2212 1 to \u2212 128.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "National Rifle Association": [ { "question": "who is the president of the nra now", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=National_Rifle_Association&oldid=826776215", "q_uid": -9193271332692562092, "answers": { "long_answer": "National Rifle Association of America Founded November 16, 1871; 146 years ago ( 1871 - 11 - 16 ) Founder William Conant Church, George Wood Wingate Type 501 ( c ) ( 4 ) Tax ID no. 53 - 0116130 Focus Firearm ownership rights, political advocacy, publishing Location Fairfax, Virginia, U.S. Area served United States Services Membership organization, magazine publisher, education / certification, museum curation Method Lobbying, publications, outreach programs Members 5 million ( as of 2017 ) Key people Pete Brownell, President Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President Subsidiaries NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund NRA Foundation NRA Special Contribution Fund NRA Freedom Action Foundation NRA Institute for Legislative Action NRA Political Victory Fund Revenue $433.9 million ( 2016 ) Expenses $475.9 million ( 2016 ) Website NRA.org", "short_answer": "Pete Brownell," } }, { "question": "what is the current membership of the nra", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=National_Rifle_Association&oldid=809333696", "q_uid": 5405297681153804479, "answers": { "long_answer": "National Rifle Association of America Founded November 16, 1871; 145 years ago ( 1871 - 11 - 16 ) Founder William Conant Church, George Wood Wingate Type 501 ( c ) ( 4 ) Tax ID no. 53 - 0116130 Focus Firearm ownership rights, political advocacy, publishing Location Fairfax, Virginia, U.S. Area served United States Services Membership organization, magazine publisher, education / certification, museum curation Method Lobbying, publications, outreach programs Members 5 million ( as of 2017 ) Key people Pete Brownell, President Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President Subsidiaries NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund NRA Foundation NRA Special Contribution Fund NRA Freedom Action Foundation NRA Institute for Legislative Action NRA Political Victory Fund Revenue $348 million ( 2013 ) Expenses $291 million ( 2013 ) Website NRA.org", "short_answer": "5 million (" } }, { "question": "how many members of the nra in 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=National_Rifle_Association&oldid=843669447", "q_uid": -7482317736051342139, "answers": { "long_answer": "According to Wayne La Pierre NRA membership exceeded 5 million as of May 2013, one - tenth of whom had joined in the prior six months. Mother Jones has questioned the membership numbers published by the NRA. They say that in 2008, for example, the organization claimed both 3 million and 4.3 million members. Journalist Osha Gray Davidson suggested in 2000 that many deceased `` life members '' are kept on the books in order to inflate the membership rolls. A 2017 Pew Research Center Study found that more than 14 million Americans consider themselves NRA members, above the real membership number of 5 million. This may be attributed to the fact that the NRA has millions more of Americans who support them and will tell pollsters they are members, even when they are not. In other cases, it could be that their membership has lapsed and for others, they might consider a family member 's membership part of their own. Notable", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the nra and what do they do", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=National_Rifle_Association&oldid=854656448", "q_uid": 3321513552785132332, "answers": { "long_answer": "The National Rifle Association of America ( NRA ) is an American nonprofit organization that advocates for gun rights. Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm - related legislation since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against firearms legislation since 1975.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Indira Gandhi International Airport": [ { "question": "which terminal does air india land in delhi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Indira_Gandhi_International_Airport&oldid=846350814", "q_uid": -7302616368645149, "answers": { "long_answer": "Terminal 1A was built in the late 1980s to cater to Indian Airlines. It had to be refurbished after a fire gutted the interiors and DIAL significantly upgraded the terminal. It was used by Air India for its airbus operations until it shifted to the new Terminal 3 on 11 November 2010. The terminal is now closed and is expected to be torn down on the completion of newer terminals.", "short_answer": "Terminal 3 on" } }, { "question": "where is indira gandhi international airport located in delhi", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Indira_Gandhi_International_Airport&oldid=808211953", "q_uid": -7533303938575209952, "answers": { "long_answer": "Indira Gandhi International Airport ( IATA: DEL, ICAO: VIDP ) serves as the primary civilian aviation hub for the National Capital Region of Delhi, India. The airport, spread over an area of 5,106 acres ( 2,066 ha ), is situated in Palam, 15 km ( 9.3 mi ) south - west of the New Delhi railway station and 16 km ( 9.9 mi ) from New Delhi city centre.", "short_answer": "in Palam, 15 km ( 9.3 mi ) south - west of the New Delhi railway station and 16 km ( 9.9 mi ) from New Delhi city centre." } }, { "question": "what is the name of new delhi airport", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Indira_Gandhi_International_Airport&oldid=807852856", "q_uid": -4604730913594522233, "answers": { "long_answer": "Indira Gandhi International Airport ( IATA: DEL, ICAO: VIDP ) serves as the primary civilian aviation hub for the National Capital Region of Delhi, India. The airport, spread over an area of 5,106 acres ( 2,066 ha ), is situated in Palam, 15 km ( 9.3 mi ) south - west of the New Delhi railway station and 16 km ( 9.9 mi ) from New Delhi city centre.", "short_answer": "Indira Gandhi International Airport ( IATA: DEL, ICAO: VIDP ) serves" } } ], "Dylan Minnette": [ { "question": "who is the actor that plays clay in 13 reasons why", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dylan_Minnette&oldid=854234768", "q_uid": -474697374952616352, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dylan Christopher Minnette ( born December 29, 1996 ) is an American actor and musician. He is known for his role as Clay Jensen in the Netflix drama series 13 Reasons Why. He has also appeared in the drama series Lost, the fantasy series Awake, the drama series Scandal and Grey 's Anatomy.", "short_answer": "Dylan Christopher Minnette (" } }, { "question": "who plays jack shephard's son in lost", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dylan_Minnette&oldid=802055901", "q_uid": -6931398420835310510, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dylan Christopher Minnette ( born December 29, 1996 ) is an American actor and musician. He is known for his roles as Clay Jensen in 13 Reasons Why, David Shephard in Lost, Rex Britten in Awake, Anthony in Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Zach Cooper in Goosebumps, Jerry Fitzgerald Jr. in Scandal, and Alex in Do n't Breathe.", "short_answer": "Dylan Christopher Minnette (" } } ], "Crystal R. Fox": [ { "question": "who plays hanna on the haves and the have nots", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Crystal_R._Fox&oldid=839720301", "q_uid": -8122587147415172932, "answers": { "long_answer": "Crystal R. Fox ( born January 1, 1964 ) is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her roles as Luann Corbin in the NBC / CBS police drama series In the Heat of the Night ( 1989 - 1995 ), and as Hanna Young in the Oprah Winfrey Network prime time soap opera, The Haves and the Have Nots ( 2013 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Crystal R. Fox (" } }, { "question": "who plays hannah on the haves and have nots", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Crystal_R._Fox&oldid=814915702", "q_uid": -3514893777647183217, "answers": { "long_answer": "Crystal R. Fox ( born October 14, 1965 ) is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her roles as Luann Corbin in the NBC / CBS police drama series In the Heat of the Night ( 1989 - 1995 ), and as Hanna Young in the Oprah Winfrey Network prime time soap opera, The Haves and the Have Nots ( 2013 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Crystal R. Fox (" } }, { "question": "who played luanne on in the heat of the night", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Crystal_R._Fox&oldid=804548819", "q_uid": -3720338871325513452, "answers": { "long_answer": "Crystal R. Fox ( born October 14, 1965 ) is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her roles as Luann Corbin in the NBC / CBS police drama series In the Heat of the Night ( 1989 - 1995 ), and as Hanna Young in the Oprah Winfrey Network prime time soap opera, The Haves and the Have Nots ( 2013 -- present ).", "short_answer": "Crystal R. Fox (" } } ], "Elinor Donahue": [ { "question": "who played the daughter in father knows best", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elinor_Donahue&oldid=797427975", "q_uid": -3809832998976327705, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mary Eleanor Donahue ( born April 19, 1937 ), credited as Elinor Donahue, is an American actress, best remembered today for playing the role of Betty Anderson, the eldest child of Robert Young and Jane Wyatt, on the 1950s American sitcom Father Knows Best.", "short_answer": "Mary Eleanor Donahue (" } }, { "question": "actress who played betty on father knows best", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elinor_Donahue&oldid=797427975", "q_uid": -3763664121713164792, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mary Eleanor Donahue ( born April 19, 1937 ), credited as Elinor Donahue, is an American actress, best remembered today for playing the role of Betty Anderson, the eldest child of Robert Young and Jane Wyatt, on the 1950s American sitcom Father Knows Best.", "short_answer": "Mary Eleanor Donahue ( born April 19, 1937 ), credited as Elinor Donahue," } }, { "question": "actress who played ellie walker on andy griffith", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elinor_Donahue&oldid=803760985", "q_uid": -5356321727747481192, "answers": { "long_answer": "She was featured in 12 episodes of CBS 's The Andy Griffith Show as pharmacist Ellie Walker, even getting a mention in the opening credits. The character was intended to be a love interest for Sheriff Andy Taylor, but after one season ( 1960 -- 1961 ), Donahue decided to ask for a release from her three - year contract.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of German football champions": [ { "question": "who won the bundesliga in the last 10 years", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_German_football_champions&oldid=791014194", "q_uid": -904938221384454149, "answers": { "long_answer": "Season Champions Runners - up Third Place Top Scorer ( s ) Goals 1963 -- 64 1. FC K\u00f6ln Meidericher SV Eintracht Frankfurt Seeler, Uwe Uwe Seeler 30 1964 -- 65 Werder Bremen 1. FC K\u00f6ln Borussia Dortmund Brunnenmeier, Rudi Rudi Brunnenmeier 24 1965 -- 66 TSV 1860 M\u00fcnchen Borussia Dortmund Bayern Munich Konietzka, Friedhelm Friedhelm Konietzka 26 1966 -- 67 Eintracht Braunschweig TSV 1860 M\u00fcnchen Borussia Dortmund Emmerich, Lothar Lothar Emmerich, Gerd M\u00fcller 28 1967 -- 68 1. FC Nuremberg Werder Bremen Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach L\u00f6hr, Hannes Hannes L\u00f6hr 27 1968 -- 69 Bayern Munich \u2020 Alemannia Aachen Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach M\u00fcller, Gerd Gerd M\u00fcller 30 1969 -- 70 Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Bayern Munich Hertha BSC M\u00fcller, Gerd Gerd M\u00fcller 38 1970 -- 71 Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Bayern Munich Hertha BSC Kobluhn, Lothar Lothar Kobluhn 24 1971 -- 72 Bayern Munich Schalke 04 Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach M\u00fcller, Gerd Gerd M\u00fcller 40 1972 -- 73 Bayern Munich 1. FC K\u00f6ln Fortuna D\u00fcsseldorf M\u00fcller, Gerd Gerd M\u00fcller 36 1973 -- 74 Bayern Munich Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Fortuna D\u00fcsseldorf Heynckes, Josef Josef Heynckes, M\u00fcller, Gerd Gerd M\u00fcller 30 1974 -- 75 Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Hertha BSC Hamburger SV Heynckes, Josef Josef Heynckes 27 1975 -- 76 Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Hamburger SV Bayern Munich Fischer, Klaus Klaus Fischer 29 1976 -- 77 Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Schalke 04 Eintracht Braunschweig M\u00fcller, Dieter Dieter M\u00fcller 34 1977 -- 78 1. FC K\u00f6ln \u2020 Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Hertha BSC M\u00fcller, Dieter Dieter M\u00fcller, Gerd M\u00fcller 24 1978 -- 79 Hamburger SV VfB Stuttgart 1. FC Kaiserslautern Allofs, Klaus Klaus Allofs 22 1979 -- 80 Bayern Munich Hamburger SV VfB Stuttgart Rummenigge, Karl - Heinz Karl - Heinz Rummenigge 26 1980 -- 81 Bayern Munich Hamburger SV VfB Stuttgart Rummenigge, Karl - Heinz Karl - Heinz Rummenigge 29 1981 -- 82 Hamburger SV 1. FC K\u00f6ln Bayern Munich Hrubesch, Horst Horst Hrubesch 27 1982 -- 83 Hamburger SV Werder Bremen VfB Stuttgart V\u00f6ller, Rudi Rudi V\u00f6ller 23 1983 -- 84 VfB Stuttgart Hamburger SV Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Rummenigge, Karl - Heinz Karl - Heinz Rummenigge 26 1984 -- 85 Bayern Munich Werder Bremen 1. FC K\u00f6ln Allofs, Klaus Klaus Allofs 26 1985 -- 86 Bayern Munich \u2020 Werder Bremen Bayer Uerdingen Kuntz, Stefan Stefan Kuntz 22 1986 -- 87 Bayern Munich Hamburger SV Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Rahn, Uwe Uwe Rahn 24 1987 -- 88 Werder Bremen Bayern Munich 1. FC K\u00f6ln Klinsmann, J\u00fcrgen J\u00fcrgen Klinsmann 19 1988 -- 89 Bayern Munich 1. FC K\u00f6ln Werder Bremen Allofs, Thomas Thomas Allofs, Roland Wohlfarth 17 1989 -- 90 Bayern Munich 1. FC K\u00f6ln Eintracht Frankfurt Andersen, J\u00f8rn J\u00f8rn Andersen 18 1990 -- 91 1. FC Kaiserslautern Bayern Munich Werder Bremen Wohlfarth, Roland Roland Wohlfarth 21 1991 -- 92 VfB Stuttgart Borussia Dortmund Eintracht Frankfurt Walter, Fritz Fritz Walter 22 1992 -- 93 Werder Bremen Bayern Munich Eintracht Frankfurt Kirsten, Ulf Ulf Kirsten, Anthony Yeboah 20 1993 -- 94 Bayern Munich 1. FC Kaiserslautern Bayer Leverkusen Kuntz, Stefan Stefan Kuntz, Anthony Yeboah 18 1994 -- 95 Borussia Dortmund Werder Bremen Freiburg Herrlich, Heiko Heiko Herrlich, Mario Basler 20 1995 -- 96 Borussia Dortmund Bayern Munich Schalke 04 Bobic, Fredi Fredi Bobic 17 1996 -- 97 Bayern Munich Bayer Leverkusen Borussia Dortmund Kirsten, Ulf Ulf Kirsten 22 1997 -- 98 1. FC Kaiserslautern Bayern Munich Bayer Leverkusen Kirsten, Ulf Ulf Kirsten 22 1998 -- 99 Bayern Munich Bayer Leverkusen Hertha BSC Preetz, Michael Michael Preetz 23 1999 -- 2000 Bayern Munich \u2020 Bayer Leverkusen Hamburger SV Max, Martin Martin Max 19 2000 -- 01 Bayern Munich Schalke 04 Borussia Dortmund Barbarez, Sergej Sergej Barbarez, Ebbe Sand 22 2001 -- 02 Borussia Dortmund Bayer Leverkusen Bayern Munich Amoroso, M\u00e1rcio M\u00e1rcio Amoroso, Martin Max 18 2002 -- 03 Bayern Munich \u2020 VfB Stuttgart Borussia Dortmund Elber, Giovane Giovane \u00c9lber, Thomas Christiansen 21 2003 -- 04 Werder Bremen \u2020 Bayern Munich Bayer Leverkusen Ailton A\u00edlton 28 2004 -- 05 Bayern Munich \u2020 Schalke 04 Werder Bremen Mint\u00e1l, Marek Marek Mint\u00e1l 24 2005 -- 06 Bayern Munich \u2020 Werder Bremen Hamburger SV Klose, Miroslav Miroslav Klose 25 2006 -- 07 VfB Stuttgart Schalke 04 Werder Bremen Gekas, Theofanis Theofanis Gekas 20 2007 -- 08 Bayern Munich \u2020 Werder Bremen Schalke 04 Toni, Luca Luca Toni 24 2008 -- 09 VfL Wolfsburg Bayern Munich VfB Stuttgart, Grafite Grafite 28 2009 -- 10 Bayern Munich \u2020 Schalke 04 Werder Bremen D\u017eeko, Edin Edin D\u017eeko 22 2010 -- 11 Borussia Dortmund Bayer Leverkusen Bayern Munich G\u00f3mez, Mario Mario G\u00f3mez 28 2011 -- 12 Borussia Dortmund \u2020 Bayern Munich Schalke 04 Klaas - Jan Huntelaar 29 2012 -- 13 Bayern Munich * Borussia Dortmund Bayer Leverkusen Stefan Kie\u00dfling 25 2013 -- 14 Bayern Munich \u2020 Borussia Dortmund Schalke 04 Robert Lewandowski 20 2014 -- 15 Bayern Munich VfL Wolfsburg Borussia M\u00f6nchengladbach Alexander Meier 19 2015 -- 16 Bayern Munich \u2020 Borussia Dortmund Bayer Leverkusen Robert Lewandowski 30 2016 -- 17 Bayern Munich RB Leipzig Borussia Dortmund Pierre - Emerick Aubameyang 31", "short_answer": "Bayern Munich" } } ], "Koenigsegg Agera": [ { "question": "what kind of engine does a koenigsegg agera r have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Koenigsegg_Agera&oldid=810297132", "q_uid": 4586360523014621497, "answers": { "long_answer": "Engine Standard: 5.0 L ( 305 cu in ) 953 PS ( 701 kW; 940 bhp ) twin - turbo V8 Agera R: 5.0 L ( 305 cu in ) 1,156 PS ( 850 kW; 1,140 bhp ) twin - turbo V8 Agera S: 5.0 L ( 305 cu in ) 1,044 PS ( 768 kW; 1,030 bhp ) twin - turbo V8 Agera RS: 5.0 L ( 305 cu in ) 1,176 PS ( 865 kW; 1,160 bhp ) twin - turbo V8 One: 1: 5.0 L ( 305 cu in ) 1,379 PS ( 1,014 kW; 1,360 bhp ) twin - turbo V8", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did the koenigsegg agera rs come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Koenigsegg_Agera&oldid=842459128", "q_uid": -585296737313877896, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Koenigsegg Agera RS was unveiled at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show, along with the prototype version of the Koenigsegg Regera. The Agera RS is an advanced version of the Agera R, implementing some of the new technology and features of the One: 1 and combining the features of the Agera R and the Agera S. Koenigsegg billed it as `` the ultimate track tool '' due to its lightweight features and track optimized technologies. The Agera RS produces 450 kg of downforce at 250 km / h. The 5.0 - litre V8 engine now produces 865 kW ( 1,160 hp ) on regular pump gasoline. The optional 1 - megawatt package increases the engine 's power to 1,000 kW ( 1,341 bhp ). The Agera RS is limited to 25 units. Each Agera RS can be fully customized by its owner. Some customized versions of the Agera RS include: Agera RS Draken, Agera XS, Agera RS Gryphon, Agera RSR, Agera RS Naraya, Agera RS1 and Agera RS ML.", "short_answer": "2015 Geneva" } } ], "Chicago": [ { "question": "where is chicago illinois located on the map", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chicago&oldid=846503462", "q_uid": 5358989750134113442, "answers": { "long_answer": "Coordinates: 41 \u00b0 50 \u2032 13 '' N 87 \u00b0 41 \u2032 05 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 41.83694 \u00b0 N 87.68472 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 41.83694; - 87.68472 Coordinates: 41 \u00b0 50 \u2032 13 '' N 87 \u00b0 41 \u2032 05 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 41.83694 \u00b0 N 87.68472 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 41.83694; - 87.68472", "short_answer": "41 \u00b0 50 \u2032 13 '' N 87 \u00b0 41 \u2032 05 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 41.83694 \u00b0 N 87.68472 \u00b0 W \ufeff" } }, { "question": "is chicago the biggest city in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chicago&oldid=850482225", "q_uid": -6890250204507262101, "answers": { "long_answer": "Chicago ( / \u0283\u026a\u02c8k\u0251\u02d0\u0261o\u028a / ( listen ), locally also / - \u02c8k\u0254\u02d0 - / ), officially the City of Chicago, is the third most populous city in the United States, after New York City and Los Angeles. With over 2.7 million residents, it is also the most populous city in both the state of Illinois and the Midwestern United States. It is the county seat of Cook County. The Chicago metropolitan area, often referred to as Chicagoland, has nearly 10 million people and is the third - largest in the United States. It is the birthplace of the skyscraper and perhaps the most influential architectural city of the 20th century. Chicago saw the creation of the first standardized futures contracts at the Chicago Board of Trade; today its successor has evolved into the largest and most diverse derivatives market in the world, generating 20 % of all volume in commodities and financial futures.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Elisabeth Moss": [ { "question": "actress who links the west wing top of the lake and the handmaids tale", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elisabeth_Moss&oldid=844904612", "q_uid": 865645319465568427, "answers": { "long_answer": "Elisabeth Singleton Moss ( born July 24, 1982 ) is an American actor. She is known for her roles as Zoey Bartlet, the youngest daughter of President Josiah Bartlet, on the NBC television series The West Wing ( 1999 -- 2006 ); Peggy Olson, secretary - turned - copywriter, on the AMC series Mad Men ( 2007 -- 2015 ), which earned her six Emmy Awards nominations and a Golden Globe nomination; Det. Robin Griffin in the BBC miniseries Top of the Lake ( 2013, 2017 ), which won her a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Miniseries or TV Film; and Offred on the Hulu series The Handmaid 's Tale, for which she won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series and the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series as a producer.", "short_answer": "Elisabeth Singleton Moss (" } } ], "The Fugitive (TV series)": [ { "question": "who played richard kimble in the tv series", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fugitive_(TV_series)&oldid=801246410", "q_uid": 6242117193066396470, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fugitive was an American drama series created by Roy Huggins. It was produced by QM Productions and United Artists Television. It aired on ABC from 1963 to 1967. David Janssen starred as Dr. Richard Kimble, a physician who is falsely convicted of his wife 's murder and sentenced to receive the death penalty. En route to death row, Dr. Richard Kimble 's train derails over a switch, allowing him to escape and begin a cross-country search for the real killer, a `` one - armed man '' ( played by Bill Raisch ). At the same time, Dr. Kimble is hounded by the authorities, most notably by Police Lieutenant Philip Gerard ( Barry Morse ).", "short_answer": "David Janssen starred" } }, { "question": "who played the fugitive in the original tv series", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fugitive_(TV_series)&oldid=836681003", "q_uid": 4365843063680473731, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fugitive is an American drama series created by Roy Huggins. It was produced by QM Productions and United Artists Television. It aired on ABC from 1963 to 1967. David Janssen starred as Dr. Richard Kimble, a physician who is wrongfully convicted of his wife 's murder and sentenced to receive the death penalty. En route to death row, Dr. Richard Kimble 's train derails over a switch, allowing him to escape and begin a cross-country search for the real killer, a `` one - armed man '' ( played by Bill Raisch ). At the same time, Dr. Kimble is hounded by the authorities, most notably by Police Lieutenant Philip Gerard ( Barry Morse ).", "short_answer": "David Janssen starred" } }, { "question": "who played richard kimble in the tv series the fugitive", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fugitive_(TV_series)&oldid=855063725", "q_uid": -8224299754649159194, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show 's lead, and the only character seen in all 120 episodes, was Dr. Richard David Kimble ( David Janssen ), based in part on the story of Sam Sheppard. Janssen", "short_answer": "David Janssen )" } }, { "question": "who played dr richard kimble in the fugitive", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fugitive_(TV_series)&oldid=828005723", "q_uid": 3538499335450322967, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fugitive is an American drama series created by Roy Huggins. It was produced by QM Productions and United Artists Television. It aired on ABC from 1963 to 1967. David Janssen starred as Dr. Richard Kimble, a physician who is wrongfully convicted of his wife 's murder and sentenced to receive the death penalty. En route to death row, Dr. Richard Kimble 's train derails over a switch, allowing him to escape and begin a cross-country search for the real killer, a `` one - armed man '' ( played by Bill Raisch ). At the same time, Dr. Kimble is hounded by the authorities, most notably by Police Lieutenant Philip Gerard ( Barry Morse ).", "short_answer": "David Janssen starred" } }, { "question": "who played the fugitive in the tv show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fugitive_(TV_series)&oldid=849946733", "q_uid": 8433802740453526383, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Fugitive is an American drama series created by Roy Huggins. It was produced by QM Productions and United Artists Television. It aired on ABC from 1963 to 1967. David Janssen starred as Dr. Richard Kimble, a physician who is wrongfully convicted of his wife 's murder and sentenced to receive the death penalty. En route to death row, Dr. Richard Kimble 's train derails over a switch, allowing him to escape and begin a cross-country search for the real killer, a `` one - armed man '' ( played by Bill Raisch ). At the same time, Dr. Kimble is hounded by the authorities, most notably by Police Lieutenant Philip Gerard ( Barry Morse ).", "short_answer": "David Janssen starred" } } ], "Spartan army": [ { "question": "what does the symbol on spartan shields mean", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Spartan_army&oldid=802522071", "q_uid": -6549465643984698294, "answers": { "long_answer": "The letter lambda ( \u039b ), standing for Laconia or Lacedaemon, which was painted on the Spartans ' shields, was first adopted in the 420s BC, and quickly became a widely known Spartan symbol. Military families passed on their shields to each generation as family heirlooms. The technical evolution and design of Spartan shields evolved from bashing and shield wall tactics, and were of such great importance in the Spartan army that while losing a sword and a spear was an exception, to lose a shield was a sign of disgrace. Not only does it protect the user, but it also protects the whole phalanx formation. To come home without the shield was the mark of a deserter; rhipsaspia or `` dropping the shield '', was a synonym for desertion in the field. Mothers bidding farewell to their sons would encourage them to come back with their shields, often saying goodbyes like `` Son, either with this or on this '' ( \u1f2a \u03c4\u1f70\u03bd \u1f22 \u1f10\u03c0\u1f76 \u03c4\u1fb6\u03c2 ).", "short_answer": "The letter lambda ( \u039b ), standing for Laconia or Lacedaemon, which" } }, { "question": "what was the spartan way of life designed to do", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Spartan_army&oldid=852206651", "q_uid": -6776650308524360501, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tradition states that the semi-mythical Spartan legislator Lycurgus first founded the iconic army. Referring to Sparta as having a `` wall of men, instead of bricks '', he proposed to reform Spartan society to develop a military - focused lifestyle in accordance with `` proper virtues '' such as equality for the male citizens, austerity, strength, and fitness. A Spartan male 's involvement with the army began in infancy when he was inspected by the Gerousia. Any baby judged weak or deformed was left at Mount Taygetus to die, since the world of the Spartans was no place for those who could not fend for themselves. ( The practice of discarding children at birth took place in Athens as well. ) Those deemed strong entered the agoge regime at the age of seven. Under the agoge the young boys or Spartiates underwent intense and rigorous military training. Their education focused primarily on cunning, sports and war tactics, but also included poetry, music, academics, and sometimes politics. Those who passed the agoge by the age of 30 achieved full Spartan citizenship.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of the busiest airports in New Zealand": [ { "question": "what is the busiest airport in new zealand", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_the_busiest_airports_in_New_Zealand&oldid=831700757", "q_uid": 1946877085745179991, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Airport IATA Location Passengers 1. Auckland International Airport AKL Auckland 19,020,573 2. Christchurch International Airport CHC Christchurch 6,566,598 3. Wellington International Airport WLG Wellington 6,049,194 4. Queenstown International Airport ZQN Queenstown 1,892,443 5. Nelson Airport NSN Nelson 1,000,373 6. Dunedin International Airport DUD Dunedin 973,089 7. Hawkes Bay Airport NPE Napier 652,456 8. Palmerston North Airport PMR Palmerston North 630,000 9. New Plymouth Airport NPL New Plymouth 435,000 10. Tauranga Airport TRG Tauranga 350,085 11. Hamilton Airport HLZ Hamilton 317,348 12. Blenheim Airport BHE Blenheim 302,884 13. Invercargill Airport IVC Invercargill 294,832 14. Rotorua International Airport ROT Rotorua 241,303", "short_answer": "Auckland International Airport" } }, { "question": "what is the largest airport in new zealand", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_the_busiest_airports_in_New_Zealand&oldid=831700757", "q_uid": -3103150321913592537, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Airport IATA Location Passengers 1. Auckland International Airport AKL Auckland 19,020,573 2. Christchurch International Airport CHC Christchurch 6,566,598 3. Wellington International Airport WLG Wellington 6,049,194 4. Queenstown International Airport ZQN Queenstown 1,892,443 5. Nelson Airport NSN Nelson 1,000,373 6. Dunedin International Airport DUD Dunedin 973,089 7. Hawkes Bay Airport NPE Napier 652,456 8. Palmerston North Airport PMR Palmerston North 630,000 9. New Plymouth Airport NPL New Plymouth 435,000 10. Tauranga Airport TRG Tauranga 350,085 11. Hamilton Airport HLZ Hamilton 317,348 12. Blenheim Airport BHE Blenheim 302,884 13. Invercargill Airport IVC Invercargill 294,832 14. Rotorua International Airport ROT Rotorua 241,303", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Zinedine Zidane": [ { "question": "when did zidane leave real madrid as a player", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zinedine_Zidane&oldid=854659973", "q_uid": -8621761244782647582, "answers": { "long_answer": "Zinedine Zidane Zidane in 2017 Full name Zinedine Yazid Zidane Date of birth ( 1972 - 06 - 23 ) 23 June 1972 ( age 46 ) Place of birth Marseille, France Height 1.85 m ( 6 ft 1 in ) Playing position Attacking midfielder Youth career 1981 -- 1983 US Saint - Henri 1983 -- 1986 SO Sept\u00e8mes - les - Vallons 1986 -- 1989 Cannes Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 1989 -- 1992 Cannes 61 ( 6 ) 1992 -- 1996 Bordeaux 139 ( 28 ) 1996 -- 2001 Juventus 151 ( 24 ) 2001 -- 2006 Real Madrid 155 ( 37 ) Total 506 ( 95 ) National team 1988 -- 1989 France U17 ( 1 ) 1989 -- 1990 France U18 6 ( 0 ) 1990 -- 1994 France U21 20 ( 3 ) 1994 -- 2006 France 108 ( 31 ) Teams managed 2014 -- 2016 Real Madrid Castilla 2016 -- 2018 Real Madrid Honours ( show ) France FIFA World Cup Winner 1998 Runner - up 2006 UEFA European Championship Winner 2000 * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only", "short_answer": "2006" } }, { "question": "when did zidane leave madrid as a player", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zinedine_Zidane&oldid=857107821", "q_uid": -367700811625715765, "answers": { "long_answer": "Zinedine Zidane Zidane in 2017 Full name Zinedine Yazid Zidane Date of birth ( 1972 - 06 - 23 ) 23 June 1972 ( age 46 ) Place of birth Marseille, France Height 1.85 m ( 6 ft 1 in ) Playing position Attacking midfielder Youth career 1981 -- 1983 US Saint - Henri 1983 -- 1986 SO Sept\u00e8mes - les - Vallons 1986 -- 1989 Cannes Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 1989 -- 1992 Cannes 61 ( 6 ) 1992 -- 1996 Bordeaux 139 ( 28 ) 1996 -- 2001 Juventus 151 ( 24 ) 2001 -- 2006 Real Madrid 155 ( 37 ) Total 506 ( 95 ) National team 1988 -- 1989 France U17 ( 1 ) 1989 -- 1990 France U18 6 ( 0 ) 1990 -- 1994 France U21 20 ( 3 ) 1994 -- 2006 France 108 ( 31 ) Teams managed 2014 -- 2016 Real Madrid Castilla 2016 -- 2018 Real Madrid Honours ( show ) France FIFA World Cup Winner 1998 Runner - up 2006 UEFA European Championship Winner 2000 * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only", "short_answer": "2006" } }, { "question": "who is the head coach of real madrid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zinedine_Zidane&oldid=857107821", "q_uid": -9141184756155115317, "answers": { "long_answer": "Zinedine Zidane Zidane in 2017 Full name Zinedine Yazid Zidane Date of birth ( 1972 - 06 - 23 ) 23 June 1972 ( age 46 ) Place of birth Marseille, France Height 1.85 m ( 6 ft 1 in ) Playing position Attacking midfielder Youth career 1981 -- 1983 US Saint - Henri 1983 -- 1986 SO Sept\u00e8mes - les - Vallons 1986 -- 1989 Cannes Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 1989 -- 1992 Cannes 61 ( 6 ) 1992 -- 1996 Bordeaux 139 ( 28 ) 1996 -- 2001 Juventus 151 ( 24 ) 2001 -- 2006 Real Madrid 155 ( 37 ) Total 506 ( 95 ) National team 1988 -- 1989 France U17 ( 1 ) 1989 -- 1990 France U18 6 ( 0 ) 1990 -- 1994 France U21 20 ( 3 ) 1994 -- 2006 France 108 ( 31 ) Teams managed 2014 -- 2016 Real Madrid Castilla 2016 -- 2018 Real Madrid Honours ( show ) France FIFA World Cup Winner 1998 Runner - up 2006 UEFA European Championship Winner 2000 * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only", "short_answer": "Zinedine Zidane" } }, { "question": "did zidane won la liga as a coach", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zinedine_Zidane&oldid=850350723", "q_uid": -1800168913544836162, "answers": { "long_answer": "After retiring as a player, Zidane transitioned into coaching, becoming assistant coach at Real Madrid under Carlo Ancelotti for the 2013 -- 14 season. After a successful year in which the club won the UEFA Champions League and Copa del Rey, Zidane became the coach of Real Madrid 's B team, Real Madrid Castilla. He remained in the position for two years before taking the helm of the first team in January 2016. In his first two seasons as manager, Zidane won the UEFA Champions League twice, a La Liga title, a Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a, and both the UEFA Super Cup and FIFA Club World Cup twice. His success saw him named Best FIFA Men 's Coach in 2017. In 2018, Zidane led Real Madrid to another UEFA Champions League, his third in a row, becoming the only coach in the history of football to win three consecutive UEFA Champions League titles. A few days after the victory, he resigned as Real Madrid coach.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many champions leagues has zidane won as a player", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zinedine_Zidane&oldid=846534259", "q_uid": -7778260403312113591, "answers": { "long_answer": "Player ( edit ) Bordeaux UEFA Intertoto Cup: 1995 Juventus Serie A: 1996 -- 97, 1997 -- 98 Supercoppa Italiana: 1997 UEFA Super Cup: 1996 Intercontinental Cup: 1996 UEFA Intertoto Cup: 1999 Real Madrid La Liga: 2002 -- 03 Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a: 2001, 2003 UEFA Champions League: 2001 -- 02 UEFA Super Cup: 2002 Intercontinental Cup: 2002 France FIFA World Cup: 1998 UEFA European Championship: 2000 Individual French Division 1 Young Player of the Year: 1993 -- 94 French Division 1 Player of the Year: 1995 -- 96 Serie A Foreign Footballer of the Year: 1996 -- 97, 2000 -- 01 Ballon d'Or: Bronze award 1997 FIFA World Player of the Year: Bronze award 1997, 2002 Onze d'Argent: 1997, 2002, 2003 ESM Team of the Year: 1997 -- 98, 2001 -- 02, 2002 -- 03, 2003 -- 04 UEFA Club Midfielder of the Year: 1998 L'\u00c9quipe International Champion of Champions: 1998 L'\u00c9quipe France Champion of Champions: 1998 FIFA World Cup Final Man of the Match: 1998 FIFA World Cup All - Star Team: 1998, 2006 World Soccer Awards Player of the Year: 1998 French Player of the Year: 1998, 2002 Onze d'Or: 1998, 2000, 2001 Ballon d'Or: 1998 FIFA World Player of the Year: 1998, 2000, 2003 FIFA XI: 1998 El Pa\u00eds European Player of the Year: 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003 Onze de Bronze: 1999 World Soccer 's Selection of the 100 Greatest Footballers of the 20th century: 1999 Ballon d'Or: Silver award 2000 UEFA European Championship Player of the Tournament: 2000 UEFA European Championship Team of the Tournament: 2000, 2004 Serie A top assist provider: 2000 -- 01 Serie A Footballer of the Year: 2000 -- 01 UEFA Team of the Year: 2001, 2002, 2003 UEFA Champions League Final Man of the Match: 2002 Don Bal\u00f3n Award: 2001 -- 02 La Liga Best Foreign Player: 2001 -- 02 UEFA Club Footballer of the Year: 2002 FIFA World Cup Dream Team: 2002 FIFA 100: 2004 UEFA Best European Player of the Past 50 Years: 2004 FIFA FIFPro World XI: 2005, 2006 IFFHS World 's Best Playmaker: 2006 FIFA World Cup Golden Ball: 2006 FIFA World Player of the Year: Silver award 2006 UNFP Honorary Award: 2007 AFS Top - 100 Players of All Time: 2007 Marca Leyenda Award: 2008 Golden Foot Legends Award: 2008 ESPN Team of the Decade: 2009 ESPN Player of the Decade: 2009 Fox Sports Player of the Decade: 2009 Sports Illustrated Team of the Decade: 2009 Sports Illustrated Player of the Decade: 2009 Don Bal\u00f3n Team of the Decade: 2010 Don Bal\u00f3n Player of the Decade: 2010 Laureus Lifetime Achievement Award: 2011 UEFA team of teams: 2011 UEFA Champions League Best Player of the Past 20 Years: 2011 \u00c9quipe type sp\u00e9ciale 20 ans des troph\u00e9es UNFP: 2011 Real Madrid Greatest XI of All Time: 2012 World Soccer Greatest XI of All Time: 2013 Real Madrid Hall of Fame: 2014 UEFA Ultimate Team of the Year ( substitute ): 2015 IFFHS Legends: 2016 UEFA Euro All Time XI: 2016 FourFourTwo 's Selection of the 100 Greatest Footballers of All Time: 2017 Juventus Greatest XI of All Time: 2017 L'\u00c9quipe Best French Player of All Time: 2018 Manager ( edit ) Real Madrid La Liga: 2016 -- 17 Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a: 2017 UEFA Champions League: 2015 -- 16, 2016 -- 17, 2017 -- 18 UEFA Super Cup: 2016, 2017 FIFA Club World Cup: 2016, 2017 Individual La Liga Manager of the Month: April 2016, May 2017 UEFA La Liga Team Revelation of the Year: 2015 -- 16 UEFA Champions League Breakthrough XI: 2015 -- 16 IFFHS World 's Best Club Coach -- Runner - up: 2016 The Best FIFA Football Coach -- Runner - up: 2016 France Football French Manager of the Year: 2016, 2017 Le Buteur Coach of the Year: 2016 UEFA La Liga Team of the Season: 2016 -- 17 France Football UEFA Champions League Team of the Season: 2016 -- 17 Onze d'Or Coach of the Year: 2016 -- 17, 2017 - 18 The Best FIFA Football Coach: 2017 ESPN Manager of the Year: 2017 IFFHS World 's Best Club Coach: 2017 IFFHS Men 's World Team: 2017 RMC French Manager of the Year: 2017 Globe Soccer Awards Best Coach of the Year: 2017 World Soccer Magazine World Manager of the Year: 2017", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many champions league did zidane won as a coach", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zinedine_Zidane&oldid=857107821", "q_uid": -4007696326689737656, "answers": { "long_answer": "After retiring as a player, Zidane transitioned into coaching, becoming assistant coach at Real Madrid under Carlo Ancelotti for the 2013 -- 14 season. After a successful year in which the club won the UEFA Champions League and Copa del Rey, Zidane became the coach of Real Madrid 's B team, Real Madrid Castilla. He remained in the position for two years before taking the helm of the first team in January 2016. In his first two seasons as manager, Zidane won the UEFA Champions League twice, a La Liga title, a Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a, and both the UEFA Super Cup and FIFA Club World Cup twice. His success saw him named Best FIFA Men 's Coach in 2017. In 2018, Zidane led Real Madrid to another UEFA Champions League, his third in a row, becoming the only coach in the history of football to win three consecutive UEFA Champions League titles. A few days after the victory, he resigned as Real Madrid coach.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "his left-foot volleyed winner in the 2002 uefa champions league final", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zinedine_Zidane&oldid=802413811", "q_uid": 3167327652012408137, "answers": { "long_answer": "Displaying skills with an array of moves such as his signature La Roulette pirouette, step overs and close ball control, former Brazilian international Rivaldo enjoyed watching Zidane more than any other player, stating, `` His elegance of movement on the pitch and his skills are uncanny. '' Spanish midfielder Xabi Alonso opined, `` What he could do with a football is a dream for most of us. '' In 2005, upon Zidane 's return to the French national team, his teammate Thierry Henry stated, `` In France, everybody realized that God exists, and that he is back in the French international team. God is back, there is little left to say. '' Zidane has been lauded by sportsmen outside football; having witnessed Zidane 's goal against Deportivo La Coru\u00f1a in January 2002, where he dragged the ball right then left, turning the defender inside out, before scoring with a left foot finish, basketball player Magic Johnson stated, `` One of the most inspiring nights of my life. Zidane is a phenomenon. ''", "short_answer": "Zidane 's" } }, { "question": "with his left-foot volleyed winner in the 2002 uefa champions league final", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zinedine_Zidane&oldid=854659973", "q_uid": 479039575879879586, "answers": { "long_answer": "Zinedine Yazid Zidane O.L.H., A.O.M.N. ( French pronunciation: ( zinedin zidan ); born 23 June 1972 ), nicknamed `` Zizou '', is a French professional football coach and former player. Widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, Zidane was an elite playmaker, renowned for his elegance, vision, ball control and technique, and played as an attacking midfielder for Cannes, Bordeaux, Juventus and Real Madrid. At club level, Zidane won two Serie A league titles with Juventus, which garnered him a move to Real Madrid for a world record fee of \u20ac 77.5 million in 2001, which remained unmatched for the next 8 years. In Spain, Zidane won the La Liga title and the UEFA Champions League, with his left - foot volleyed winner in the 2002 UEFA Champions League Final considered to be one of the greatest goals in the competition 's history. Zidane also won an Intercontinental Cup and a UEFA Super Cup with both teams.", "short_answer": "Zinedine Yazid Zidane O.L.H., A.O.M.N. ( French pronunciation: ( zinedin zidan ); born 23 June 1972 ), nicknamed `` Zizou ''," } }, { "question": "when did zidane join real madrid as a coach", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Zinedine_Zidane&oldid=826765042", "q_uid": 6937678443441524163, "answers": { "long_answer": "In November 2010, Zidane was appointed as a special adviser to Real Madrid 's first team in response to an appeal made by then - Real Madrid coach Jos\u00e9 Mourinho for the former Real midfielder to work more closely with the team. In his new role, Zidane was expected to participate in Champions League events and functions and was also to travel with the first team on a regular basis and participate in pre-match gatherings, training sessions and meetings with the head coach. In July 2011, it was announced that he would become Real Madrid 's new sporting director. In 2013, Zidane was appointed assistant coach to Carlo Ancelotti at Real Madrid.", "short_answer": "2013," } } ], "List of awards and nominations received by Bruno Mars": [ { "question": "when did bruno mars win his first grammy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Bruno_Mars&oldid=866128287", "q_uid": -76254438677912507, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Nominee / work Award Result Ref. 2011 `` Just The Way You Are '' Best Male Pop Vocal Performance Won The Smeezingtons Producer of the Year, Non-Classical Nominated `` Nothin ' on You '' ( with B.o.B ) Best Rap / Sung Collaboration Nominated Best Rap Song Nominated Record of the Year Nominated `` Fuck You '' ( as producer & songwriter ) Nominated Song of the Year Nominated 2012 `` Grenade '' Nominated Record of the Year Nominated Best Pop Solo Performance Nominated Doo - Wops & Hooligans Album of the Year Nominated Best Pop Vocal Album Nominated The Smeezingtons Producer of the Year, Non-Classical Nominated 2013 `` Young, Wild & Free '' ( with Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa ) Best Rap Song Nominated 2014 `` Locked Out of Heaven '' Record of the Year Nominated Song of the Year Nominated `` When I Was Your Man '' Best Pop Solo Performance Nominated Unorthodox Jukebox Best Pop Vocal Album Won 2016 `` Uptown Funk '' ( with Mark Ronson ) Record of the Year Won Best Pop Duo / Group Performance Won 2017 25 ( as producer -- The Smeezingtons ) Album of the Year Won 2018 24K Magic Won Best R&B Album Won `` 24K Magic '' Record of the Year Won `` That 's What I Like '' Song of the Year Won Best R&B Performance Won Best R&B Song Won", "short_answer": "2011" } }, { "question": "number of grammys awards won by bruno mars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Bruno_Mars&oldid=833168392", "q_uid": 4234949779714468302, "answers": { "long_answer": "American singer and songwriter Bruno Mars has received various awards and nominations throughout his career. He is the recipient of eight American Music Awards, a BT Digital Music Award, three Brit Awards, an Echo Award, a JUNO Award, eleven Grammy Awards, three Guinness World Records and eight Soul Train Music Awards. He has also been nominated for two ALMA Awards, three ARIA Music Awards, two MOBO Awards, eleven Nickelodeon Kids ' Choice Awards and four Pollstar Awards.", "short_answer": "eleven Grammy" } } ], "Maisie Williams": [ { "question": "who played arya stark in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Maisie_Williams&oldid=865888590", "q_uid": -6301438019053602085, "answers": { "long_answer": "Margaret Constance Williams ( born 15 April 1997 ), known as Maisie Williams, is an English actress. She made her professional acting debut as Arya Stark of Winterfell in the HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones in 2011, for which she won the EWwy Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama, the Portal Award for Best Supporting Actress -- Television and Best Young Actor, and the Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor. In 2016, she was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.", "short_answer": "Margaret Constance Williams ( born 15 April 1997 ), known as Maisie Williams," } }, { "question": "who does maisie play in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Maisie_Williams&oldid=815644413", "q_uid": 7006581699201954250, "answers": { "long_answer": "Margaret Constance `` Maisie '' Williams ( born 15 April 1997 ) is an English actress. She made her professional acting debut as Arya Stark of Winterfell in the HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones in 2011, for which she won the EWwy Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama, the Portal Award for Best Supporting Actress -- Television and Best Young Actor, and the Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor. In 2016, she was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.", "short_answer": "Arya Stark of" } } ], "Vivien Leigh": [ { "question": "who played scarlett in gone with the wind", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Vivien_Leigh&oldid=843282116", "q_uid": -4366750682593373384, "answers": { "long_answer": "Vivien Leigh ( born Vivian Mary Hartley, and also known as Lady Olivier after 1947; 5 November 1913 -- 8 July 1967 ) was an English stage and film actress. She won two Academy Awards for Best Actress, for her iconic performances as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind ( 1939 ) and Blanche DuBois in the film version of A Streetcar Named Desire ( 1951 ), a role she had also played on stage in London 's West End in 1949. She also won a Tony Award for her work in the Broadway musical version of Tovarich ( 1963 ).", "short_answer": "Vivien Leigh (" } }, { "question": "who played scarlet in gone with the wind", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Vivien_Leigh&oldid=802231110", "q_uid": -5341225504273956167, "answers": { "long_answer": "Vivien Leigh ( born Vivian Mary Hartley, and also known as Lady Olivier after 1947; 5 November 1913 -- 8 July 1967 ) was an English stage and film actress. She won two Academy Awards for Best Actress for her iconic performances as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind ( 1939 ) and Blanche DuBois in the film version of A Streetcar Named Desire ( 1951 ), a role she had also played on stage in London 's West End in 1949. She also won a Tony Award for her work in the Broadway musical version of Tovarich ( 1963 ).", "short_answer": "Vivien Leigh (" } } ], "Trading Places": [ { "question": "what was dan aykroyd's name in trading places", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Trading_Places&oldid=833796095", "q_uid": 3677360441705437167, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dan Aykroyd as Louis Winthorpe III", "short_answer": "Louis Winthorpe III" } }, { "question": "when did the movie trading places come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Trading_Places&oldid=833796095", "q_uid": -9192739062288721867, "answers": { "long_answer": "The film was written by Timothy Harris and Herschel Weingrod and was produced by Aaron Russo. It was released to theaters in North America on June 8, 1983, where it was distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film earned over $90 million during its theatrical run in the United States, finishing as the fourth highest earning film of the year and the second highest earning R - rated film of 1983.", "short_answer": "June 8, 1983," } } ], "Kelly Bishop": [ { "question": "who played baby's mother in the original dirty dancing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kelly_Bishop&oldid=803075024", "q_uid": 8027605945806461010, "answers": { "long_answer": "Carole `` Kelly '' Bishop ( born February 28, 1944 ) is an American actress and dancer, best known for her roles as matriarch Emily Gilmore on the series Gilmore Girls and as Marjorie Houseman, the mother of Jennifer Grey 's Frances `` Baby '' Houseman in the film Dirty Dancing. Bishop created the role of Sheila in A Chorus Line, for which she won a Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical. She also starred as Fanny Flowers in the ABC Family short - lived comedy - drama series Bunheads.", "short_answer": "Carole `` Kelly '' Bishop (" } }, { "question": "who played baby's mom in dirty dancing 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kelly_Bishop&oldid=842906922", "q_uid": -7434837330285962873, "answers": { "long_answer": "Carole `` Kelly '' Bishop ( born February 28, 1944 ) is an American actress and dancer, best known for her roles as matriarch Emily Gilmore on the series Gilmore Girls and as Marjorie Houseman, the mother of Jennifer Grey 's Frances `` Baby '' Houseman in the film Dirty Dancing. Bishop created the role of Sheila in A Chorus Line, for which she won a Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical. She also starred as Fanny Flowers in the ABC Family short - lived comedy - drama series Bunheads.", "short_answer": "Carole `` Kelly '' Bishop (" } } ], "List of Governors of Florida": [ { "question": "when was the last time florida had a democratic governor", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Governors_of_Florida&oldid=841049396", "q_uid": -6100284274659481665, "answers": { "long_answer": "Governors of the State of Florida No. Portrait Governor Term in office Party Election Lt. Governor Moseley, William Dunn William Dunn Moseley 000000001845 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25, 1845 -- October 1, 1849 Democratic 1845 Office did not exist Brown, Thomas Thomas Brown 000000001849 - 10 - 01 - 0000 October 1, 1849 -- October 3, 1853 Whig 1849 Broome, James E. James E. Broome 000000001853 - 10 - 03 - 0000 October 3, 1853 -- October 5, 1857 Democratic 1853 Perry, Madison S. Madison S. Perry 000000001857 - 10 - 05 - 0000 October 5, 1857 -- October 7, 1861 Democratic 1857 5 Milton, John John Milton 000000001861 - 10 - 07 - 0000 October 7, 1861 -- April 1, 1865 Democratic 1861 6 Allison, Abraham K. Abraham K. Allison 000000001865 - 04 - 01 - 0000 April 1, 1865 -- May 19, 1865 Democratic -- -- Vacant 000000001865 - 05 - 19 - 0000 May 19, 1865 -- July 13, 1865 -- 7 Marvin, William William Marvin 000000001865 - 07 - 13 - 0000 July 13, 1865 -- December 20, 1865 Provisional -- 8 Walker, David S. David S. Walker 000000001865 - 12 - 20 - 0000 December 20, 1865 -- July 4, 1868 Democratic Kelly, William W.J. William W.J. Kelly 9 Reed, Harrison Harrison Reed 000000001868 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4, 1868 -- January 7, 1873 Republican 1868 Gleason, William Henry William Henry Gleason ( removed December 14, 1868 ) Vacant Weeks, Edmund C. Edmund C. Weeks ( appointed January 24, 1870 ) ( term ended December 27, 1870 ) Day, Samuel T. Samuel T. Day ( took office December 27, 1870 ) 10 Hart, Ossian B. Ossian B. Hart 000000001873 - 01 - 07 - 0000 January 7, 1873 -- March 18, 1874 Republican 1872 Stearns, Marcellus Marcellus Stearns 11 Stearns, Marcellus Marcellus Stearns 000000001874 - 03 - 18 - 0000 March 18, 1874 -- January 2, 1877 Republican Vacant 12 Drew, George Franklin George Franklin Drew 000000001877 - 01 - 02 - 0000 January 2, 1877 -- January 4, 1881 Democratic 1876 Hull, Noble A. Noble A. Hull ( resigned March 3, 1879 ) Vacant 13 Bloxham, William D. William D. Bloxham 000000001881 - 01 - 04 - 0000 January 4, 1881 -- January 7, 1885 Democratic 1880 Bethel, Livingston W. Livingston W. Bethel 14 Perry, Edward A. Edward A. Perry 000000001885 - 01 - 07 - 0000 January 7, 1885 -- January 8, 1889 Democratic 1884 Mabry, Milton H. Milton H. Mabry 15 Fleming, Francis P. Francis P. Fleming 000000001889 - 01 - 08 - 0000 January 8, 1889 -- January 3, 1893 Democratic 1888 Office did not exist 16 Mitchell, Henry L. Henry L. Mitchell 000000001893 - 01 - 03 - 0000 January 3, 1893 -- January 5, 1897 Democratic 1892 17 Bloxham, William D. William D. Bloxham 000000001897 - 01 - 05 - 0000 January 5, 1897 -- January 8, 1901 Democratic 1896 18 Jennings, William Sherman William Sherman Jennings 000000001901 - 01 - 08 - 0000 January 8, 1901 -- January 3, 1905 Democratic 1900 19 Broward, Napoleon B. Napoleon B. Broward 000000001905 - 01 - 03 - 0000 January 3, 1905 -- January 5, 1909 Democratic 1904 20 Gilchrist, Albert W. Albert W. Gilchrist 000000001909 - 01 - 05 - 0000 January 5, 1909 -- January 7, 1913 Democratic 1908 21 Trammell, Park Park Trammell 000000001913 - 01 - 07 - 0000 January 7, 1913 -- January 2, 1917 Democratic 1912 22 Catts, Sidney Johnston Sidney Johnston Catts 000000001917 - 01 - 02 - 0000 January 2, 1917 -- January 4, 1921 Prohibition 1916 23 Hardee, Cary A. Cary A. Hardee 000000001921 - 01 - 04 - 0000 January 4, 1921 -- January 6, 1925 Democratic 1920 24 Martin, John W. John W. Martin 000000001925 - 01 - 06 - 0000 January 6, 1925 -- January 8, 1929 Democratic 1924 25 Carlton, Doyle E. Doyle E. Carlton 000000001929 - 01 - 08 - 0000 January 8, 1929 -- January 3, 1933 Democratic 1928 26 Sholtz, David David Sholtz 000000001933 - 01 - 03 - 0000 January 3, 1933 -- January 5, 1937 Democratic 1932 27 Cone, Fred P. Fred P. Cone 000000001937 - 01 - 05 - 0000 January 5, 1937 -- January 7, 1941 Democratic 1936 28 Holland, Spessard Spessard Holland 000000001941 - 01 - 07 - 0000 January 7, 1941 -- January 2, 1945 Democratic 1940 29 Caldwell, Millard Millard Caldwell 000000001945 - 01 - 02 - 0000 January 2, 1945 -- January 4, 1949 Democratic 1944 30 Warren, Fuller Fuller Warren 000000001949 - 01 - 04 - 0000 January 4, 1949 -- January 6, 1953 Democratic 1948 31 McCarty, Daniel T. Daniel T. McCarty 000000001953 - 01 - 06 - 0000 January 6, 1953 -- September 28, 1953 Democratic 1952 32 Johns, Charley Eugene Charley Eugene Johns 000000001953 - 09 - 28 - 0000 September 28, 1953 -- January 4, 1955 Democratic 33 Collins, LeRoy LeRoy Collins 000000001955 - 01 - 04 - 0000 January 4, 1955 -- January 3, 1961 Democratic 1956 34 Bryant, C. Farris C. Farris Bryant 000000001961 - 01 - 03 - 0000 January 3, 1961 -- January 5, 1965 Democratic 1960 35 Burns, W. Haydon W. Haydon Burns 000000001965 - 01 - 05 - 0000 January 5, 1965 -- January 3, 1967 Democratic 1964 36 Kirk Jr., Claude R. Claude R. Kirk Jr. 000000001967 - 01 - 03 - 0000 January 3, 1967 -- January 5, 1971 Republican 1966 Osborne, Ray C. Ray C. Osborne ( office created January 7, 1969 ) 37 Askew, Reubin Reubin Askew 000000001971 - 01 - 05 - 0000 January 5, 1971 -- January 2, 1979 Democratic 1970 Adams Jr., Thomas Burton Thomas Burton Adams Jr. Williams, Jim Jim Williams 38 Graham, Bob Bob Graham 000000001979 - 01 - 02 - 0000 January 2, 1979 -- January 3, 1987 Democratic 1978 Mixson, Wayne Wayne Mixson 1982 39 Mixson, Wayne Wayne Mixson 000000001987 - 01 - 03 - 0000 January 3, 1987 -- January 6, 1987 Democratic Vacant 40 Martinez, Bob Bob Martinez 000000001987 - 01 - 06 - 0000 January 6, 1987 -- January 8, 1991 Republican 1986 Brantley, Bobby Bobby Brantley 41 Chiles, Lawton Lawton Chiles 000000001991 - 01 - 08 - 0000 January 8, 1991 -- December 12, 1998 Democratic 1990 MacKay, Buddy Buddy MacKay 1994 42 MacKay, Buddy Buddy MacKay 000000001998 - 12 - 12 - 0000 December 12, 1998 -- January 5, 1999 Democratic Vacant 43 Bush, Jeb Jeb Bush 000000001999 - 01 - 05 - 0000 January 5, 1999 -- January 2, 2007 Republican 1998 Brogan, Frank Frank Brogan ( resigned March 3, 2003 ) 2002 Jennings, Toni Toni Jennings 44 Crist, Charlie Charlie Crist 000000002007 - 01 - 02 - 0000 January 2, 2007 -- January 4, 2011 Republican 2006 Kottkamp, Jeff Jeff Kottkamp Independent 45 Scott, Rick Rick Scott 000000002011 - 01 - 04 - 0000 January 4, 2011 -- present Republican Carroll, Jennifer Jennifer Carroll ( resigned March 12, 2013 ) Vacant L\u00f3pez - Cantera, Carlos Carlos L\u00f3pez - Cantera ( appointed February 3, 2014 ) 2014", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the governor of your state now florida", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Governors_of_Florida&oldid=798596326", "q_uid": -7741138092621506900, "answers": { "long_answer": "The current governor is Rick Scott, who took office on January 4, 2011, following the 2010 election. He was re-elected in 2014, and his second term began on January 6, 2015.", "short_answer": "Rick Scott," } }, { "question": "when was the last time there was a democratic governor in florida", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Governors_of_Florida&oldid=866308880", "q_uid": 3147212305002010653, "answers": { "long_answer": "Governors of the State of Florida No. Governor Term in office Party Election Lt. Governor William Dunn Moseley June 25, 1845 -- October 1, 1849 Democratic 1845 Office did not exist Thomas Brown October 1, 1849 -- October 3, 1853 Whig 1849 James E. Broome October 3, 1853 -- October 5, 1857 Democratic 1853 Madison S. Perry October 5, 1857 -- October 7, 1861 Democratic 1857 5 John Milton October 7, 1861 -- April 1, 1865 Democratic 1861 6 Abraham K. Allison April 1, 1865 -- May 19, 1865 Democratic -- -- Vacant May 19, 1865 -- July 13, 1865 -- 7 William Marvin July 13, 1865 -- December 20, 1865 Provisional -- 8 David S. Walker December 20, 1865 -- July 4, 1868 Democratic William W.J. Kelly 9 Harrison Reed July 4, 1868 -- January 7, 1873 Republican 1868 William Henry Gleason ( removed December 14, 1868 ) Vacant Edmund C. Weeks ( appointed January 24, 1870 ) ( term ended December 27, 1870 ) Samuel T. Day ( took office December 27, 1870 ) 10 Ossian B. Hart January 7, 1873 -- March 18, 1874 Republican 1872 Marcellus Stearns 11 Marcellus Stearns March 18, 1874 -- January 2, 1877 Republican Vacant 12 George Franklin Drew January 2, 1877 -- January 4, 1881 Democratic 1876 Noble A. Hull ( resigned March 3, 1879 ) Vacant 13 William D. Bloxham January 4, 1881 -- January 7, 1885 Democratic 1880 Livingston W. Bethel 14 Edward A. Perry January 7, 1885 -- January 8, 1889 Democratic 1884 Milton H. Mabry 15 Francis P. Fleming January 8, 1889 -- January 3, 1893 Democratic 1888 Office did not exist 16 Henry L. Mitchell January 3, 1893 -- January 5, 1897 Democratic 1892 17 William D. Bloxham January 5, 1897 -- January 8, 1901 Democratic 1896 18 William Sherman Jennings January 8, 1901 -- January 3, 1905 Democratic 1900 19 Napoleon B. Broward January 3, 1905 -- January 5, 1909 Democratic 1904 20 Albert W. Gilchrist January 5, 1909 -- January 7, 1913 Democratic 1908 21 Park Trammell January 7, 1913 -- January 2, 1917 Democratic 1912 22 Sidney Johnston Catts January 2, 1917 -- January 4, 1921 Prohibition 1916 23 Cary A. Hardee January 4, 1921 -- January 6, 1925 Democratic 1920 24 John W. Martin January 6, 1925 -- January 8, 1929 Democratic 1924 25 Doyle E. Carlton January 8, 1929 -- January 3, 1933 Democratic 1928 26 David Sholtz January 3, 1933 -- January 5, 1937 Democratic 1932 27 Fred P. Cone January 5, 1937 -- January 7, 1941 Democratic 1936 28 Spessard Holland January 7, 1941 -- January 2, 1945 Democratic 1940 29 Millard Caldwell January 2, 1945 -- January 4, 1949 Democratic 1944 30 Fuller Warren January 4, 1949 -- January 6, 1953 Democratic 1948 31 Daniel T. McCarty January 6, 1953 -- September 28, 1953 Democratic 1952 32 Charley Eugene Johns September 28, 1953 -- January 4, 1955 Democratic 33 LeRoy Collins January 4, 1955 -- January 3, 1961 Democratic 1956 34 C. Farris Bryant January 3, 1961 -- January 5, 1965 Democratic 1960 35 W. Haydon Burns January 5, 1965 -- January 3, 1967 Democratic 1964 36 Claude R. Kirk Jr. January 3, 1967 -- January 5, 1971 Republican 1966 Ray C. Osborne ( office created January 7, 1969 ) 37 Reubin Askew January 5, 1971 -- January 2, 1979 Democratic 1970 Thomas Burton Adams Jr. Jim Williams 38 Bob Graham January 2, 1979 -- January 3, 1987 Democratic 1978 Wayne Mixson 1982 39 Wayne Mixson January 3, 1987 -- January 6, 1987 Democratic Vacant 40 Bob Martinez January 6, 1987 -- January 8, 1991 Republican 1986 Bobby Brantley 41 Lawton Chiles January 8, 1991 -- December 12, 1998 Democratic 1990 Buddy MacKay 1994 42 Buddy MacKay December 12, 1998 -- January 5, 1999 Democratic Vacant 43 Jeb Bush January 5, 1999 -- January 2, 2007 Republican 1998 Frank Brogan ( resigned March 3, 2003 ) 2002 Toni Jennings 44 Charlie Crist January 2, 2007 -- January 4, 2011 Republican 2006 Jeff Kottkamp Independent 45 Rick Scott January 4, 2011 -- Present Republican Jennifer Carroll ( resigned March 12, 2013 ) Vacant Carlos L\u00f3pez - Cantera ( appointed February 3, 2014 ) 2014", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Peter Sallis": [ { "question": "who does the voice of wallace in wallace and gromit", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Peter_Sallis&oldid=805836932", "q_uid": 2374628597837924684, "answers": { "long_answer": "Peter John Sallis, OBE ( 1 February 1921 -- 2 June 2017 ) was an English actor, known for his work on British television. He was the voice of Wallace in the Academy Award - honored Wallace and Gromit films and played Norman `` Cleggy '' Clegg in Last of the Summer Wine from its 1973 inception until its final episode in 2010, making him the only actor to appear in all 295 episodes.", "short_answer": "Peter John Sallis," } }, { "question": "who did the voice of wallace in wallace and gromit", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Peter_Sallis&oldid=799851254", "q_uid": -5197644467073252091, "answers": { "long_answer": "Peter Sallis, OBE ( 1 February 1921 -- 2 June 2017 ) was an English actor, known for his work on British television. He was the voice of Wallace in the Academy Award - honored Wallace and Gromit films and played Norman `` Cleggy '' Clegg in Last of the Summer Wine from its 1973 inception until its final episode in 2010, making him the only actor to appear in all 295 episodes.", "short_answer": "Peter Sallis, OBE (" } }, { "question": "who played clegg in last of the summer wine", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Peter_Sallis&oldid=821407633", "q_uid": -111617196039822119, "answers": { "long_answer": "Peter John Sallis, OBE ( 1 February 1921 -- 2 June 2017 ) was an English actor, known for his work on British television. He was the voice of Wallace in the Academy Award - honored Wallace and Gromit films and played Norman `` Cleggy '' Clegg in Last of the Summer Wine from its 1973 inception until its final episode in 2010, making him the only actor to appear in all 295 episodes.", "short_answer": "Peter John Sallis," } } ], "List of Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks": [ { "question": "list of 5th edition dungeons and dragons books", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Dungeons_%26_Dragons_rulebooks&oldid=801488677", "q_uid": 3603711278199414526, "answers": { "long_answer": "Title Authors Date Pages Type Levels Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle Wizards RPG Team August 15, 2013 290 Preview Rulebook and Adventure Module 1 - 10 Murder in Baldur 's Gate Wizards RPG Team August 20, 2013 96 Adventure Module 1 - 3 Legacy of the Crystal Shard Wizards RPG Team July 9, 2014 96 Adventure Module 1 - 3 Starter Set July 15, 2014 64 Starter Set 1 - 4 Player 's Handbook Wizards RPG Team August 19, 2014 320 Core Rulebook 1 - 20 Hoard of the Dragon Queen Wizards RPG Team August 19, 2014 96 Adventure Module 1 - 8 Monster Manual Wizards RPG Team September 17, 2014 352 Core Rulebook The Rise of Tiamat Wizards RPG Team November 4, 2014 96 Adventure Module 8 - 15 Dungeon Master 's Guide Wizards RPG Team December 9, 2014 320 Core Rulebook 1 - 20 Dungeon Master 's Screen January 20, 2015 N / A Accessory Elemental Evil Player 's Companion Richard Baker, Robert J. Schwalb, Stephen Schubert March 10, 2015 ( PDF ) April 17, 2015 ( POD ) 25 Supplement Rulebook Princes of the Apocalypse Wizards RPG Team April 7, 2015 255 Adventure Module 1 - 15 Out of the Abyss Wizards RPG Team September 15, 2015 240 Adventure Module 1 - 15 Sword Coast Adventurer 's Guide Wizards RPG Team November 3, 2015 159 Supplement Rulebook Curse of Strahd Wizards RPG Team March 15, 2016 224 Adventure Module 1 - 10 Storm King 's Thunder Wizards RPG Team September 6, 2016 256 Adventure Module 1 - 11 Volo 's Guide to Monsters Wizards RPG Team November 15, 2016 224 Supplement Rulebook Tales from the Yawning Portal Wizards RPG Team April 4, 2017 248 Adventure Module 1 - 11 + Tomb of Annihilation Wizards RPG Team September 19, 2017 256 Adventure Module 1 - 9 + The Tortle Package Wizards RPG Team September 19, 2017 28 Supplement Rulebook Xanathar 's Guide to Everything Wizards RPG Team November 21, 2017 Supplement Rulebook", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Being Human (UK TV series)": [ { "question": "when does season 5 of being human start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Being_Human_(UK_TV_series)&oldid=843326439", "q_uid": 2697098367669224291, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Episodes Originally aired Series premiere Series finale Pilot 18 February 2008 6 25 January 2009 1 March 2009 8 10 January 2010 28 February 2010 8 23 January 2011 13 March 2011 8 5 February 2012 25 March 2012 5 6 3 February 2013 10 March 2013 Making - of 28 March 2009", "short_answer": "3 February 2013" } } ], "Jessica Pimentel": [ { "question": "who plays maria on orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jessica_Pimentel&oldid=855881935", "q_uid": 7918658664129581466, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jessica Pimentel ( born September 20, 1982 ) is an American actress and musician. She is best known for her role as Maria Ruiz on the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black. She is also the lead singer of the heavy metal band Alekhine 's Gun and backing vocalist in the band Brujeria.", "short_answer": "Jessica Pimentel (" } } ], "2016 ICC Women's World Twenty20": [ { "question": "who won icc women's world cup 2016", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2016_ICC_Women%27s_World_Twenty20&oldid=806052529", "q_uid": 3268370358390620045, "answers": { "long_answer": "2016 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 Dates 15 March -- 3 April 2016 Administrator ( s ) ICC Cricket format Twenty20 International Tournament format ( s ) Group stage and knockout Host ( s ) India Champions West Indies ( 1st title ) Participants 10 Matches played 23 Player of the series Stafanie Taylor Most runs Stafanie Taylor ( 246 ) Most wickets Leigh Kasperek Sophie Devine Deandra Dottin ( 9 ) Official website Official website UDRS No \u2190 2014 2018 \u2192", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who won women's title of 2016 icc world t20", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2016_ICC_Women%27s_World_Twenty20&oldid=860330287", "q_uid": 4789382681783962160, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2016 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 was the fifth edition of the ICC Women 's World Twenty20, the world championship of women 's Twenty20 International cricket. India hosted the event for the first time, with matches played from 15 March to 3 April 2016. For the first time, the tournament was run simultaneously with the men 's World Twenty20, with the final of each tournament played on the same day at the same venue ( at Eden Gardens, Kolkata ). In the tournament final, the West Indies defeated defending champions Australia by eight wickets, claiming their first title. West Indian captain Stafanie Taylor was named player of the tournament, having scored more runs than any other player.", "short_answer": "the West Indies defeated" } }, { "question": "who won women's t20 world cup 2016", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2016_ICC_Women%27s_World_Twenty20&oldid=827590456", "q_uid": 4957210055787055029, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2016 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 was the fifth edition of the ICC Women 's World Twenty20, the world championship of women 's Twenty20 International cricket. India hosted the event for the first time, with matches played from 15 March to 3 April 2016. For the first time, the tournament was run simultaneously with the men 's World Twenty20, with the final of each tournament played on the same day at the same venue ( at Eden Gardens, Kolkata ). In the tournament final, the West Indies defeated defending champions Australia by eight wickets, claiming their first title. West Indian captain Stafanie Taylor was named player of the tournament, having scored more runs than any other player.", "short_answer": "the West Indies defeated" } } ], "League of Legends World Championship": [ { "question": "how many viewers league of legends finals 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=League_of_Legends_World_Championship&oldid=811866275", "q_uid": 686765363708826368, "answers": { "long_answer": "The League of Legends World Championship is the annual professional League of Legends world championship tournament hosted by Riot Games and is the culmination of each season. Teams compete for the champion title, the 70 pounds ( 32 kg ) Summoner 's Cup, and a US $1,000,000 champion prize. In 2017, the finals were watched by 60 million people, breaking 2016 's finals ' viewer records. The tournament has been widely praised for its amazing ceremonial performances, while receiving attention worldwide due to its multiple dramatic and emotional series, and SK Telecom T1 's tributary moments. A donation of US $2 million were also raised through the sales of Worlds 2017 Championship Ashe skin, reaching out to different charities and receiving commendations.", "short_answer": "60 million people" } } ], "List of awards and nominations received by Breaking Bad": [ { "question": "did bryan cranston won any awards for breaking bad", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Breaking_Bad&oldid=789907868", "q_uid": -2317117278438542049, "answers": { "long_answer": "Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series Bryan Cranston ( for `` Pilot '' ) Won", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Akkadian Empire": [ { "question": "who was the ruler of akkad who established the first empire in sumer ca. 2340 b.c.e", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Akkadian_Empire&oldid=804425106", "q_uid": 2474094259253824647, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Akkadian Empire reached its political peak between the 24th and 22nd centuries BC, following the conquests by its founder Sargon of Akkad. Under Sargon and his successors, the Akkadian language was briefly imposed on neighboring conquered states such as Elam and Gutium. Akkad is sometimes regarded as the first empire in history, though the meaning of this term is not precise, and there are earlier Sumerian claimants.", "short_answer": "Sargon of Akkad." } }, { "question": "who was the king of the akkadians who conquered all of mesopotamia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Akkadian_Empire&oldid=864253133", "q_uid": -3797524954433712770, "answers": { "long_answer": "Originally a cupbearer ( Rabshakeh ) to a king of Kish with a Semitic name, Ur - Zababa, Sargon thus became a gardener, responsible for the task of clearing out irrigation canals. This gave him access to a disciplined corps of workers, who also may have served as his first soldiers. Displacing Ur - Zababa, Sargon was crowned king, and he entered upon a career of foreign conquest. Four times he invaded Syria and Canaan, and he spent three years thoroughly subduing the countries of `` the west '' to unite them with Mesopotamia `` into a single empire ''.", "short_answer": "Sargon thus" } }, { "question": "based on the map which civilization controlled the city of uruk in 2300 bce", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Akkadian_Empire&oldid=815272409", "q_uid": -745403283941074125, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Akkadian Period is generally dated to either: c. 2334 BC -- c. 2154 BC ( according to the middle chronology timeline of the Ancient Near East ), or c. 2270 BC -- c. 2083 BC ( according to the short chronology timeline of the Ancient Near East. ) It was preceded by the Early Dynastic Period of Mesopotamia ( ED ) and succeeded by the Ur III Period, although both transitions are blurry. For example: it is likely that the rise of Sargon of Akkad coincided with the late ED Period and that the final Akkadian kings ruled simultaneously with the Gutian kings alongside rulers at the city - states of both: Uruk and Lagash. The Akkadian Period is contemporary with: EB IV ( in Israel ), EB IVA and EJ IV ( in Syria ), and EB IIIB ( in Turkey. )", "short_answer": "it is likely that the rise of Sargon of Akkad coincided with the late ED Period and that the final Akkadian kings ruled simultaneously with the Gutian kings alongside" } }, { "question": "who built the world's first empire and what land did that empire include", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Akkadian_Empire&oldid=864253133", "q_uid": -3226499298168160277, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Akkadian Empire reached its political peak between the 24th and 22nd centuries BC, following the conquests by its founder Sargon of Akkad. Under Sargon and his successors, the Akkadian language was briefly imposed on neighboring conquered states such as Elam and Gutium. Akkad is sometimes regarded as the first empire in history, though the meaning of this term is not precise, and there are earlier Sumerian claimants.", "short_answer": "The Akkadian Empire reached" } } ], "Local governance in Kerala": [ { "question": "district in kerala with most number of grama panchayat", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Local_governance_in_Kerala&oldid=863095839", "q_uid": 8157755071448032309, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sl No Type of local government Total numbers Grama Panchayat 941 Block Panchayat 152 District Panchayat 14 Municipality 87 5 Municipal Corporation 6 Total in the State 1200", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Toyota Supra": [ { "question": "what was the last year toyota made the supra", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Toyota_Supra&oldid=826062003", "q_uid": -1284688681615725580, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Toyota Supra ( Japanese: \u30c8\u30e8\u30bf \u30b9\u30fc\u30d7\u30e9, Toyota S\u016bpura ) is a sports car / grand tourer that was produced by Toyota Motor Corporation from 1978 to 2002. The styling of the Supra was derived from the Toyota Celica, but it was both longer and wider. Starting in mid-1986, the A70 Supra became a separate model from the Celica. In turn, Toyota also stopped using the prefix Celica and began just calling the car Supra. Owing to the similarity and past of the Celica 's name, it is frequently mistaken for the Supra, and vice versa. First, second, and third generation Supras were assembled at Tahara plant in Tahara, Aichi while the fourth generation Supra was assembled at the Motomachi plant in Toyota City.", "short_answer": "2002." } } ], "Love & Hip Hop": [ { "question": "how many seasons of love and hip hop", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Love_%26_Hip_Hop&oldid=864524141", "q_uid": -702044114321361443, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Series Season Premiere Finale Average viewers ( millions ) 2011 Love & Hip Hop: New York March 6, 2011 ( 2011 - 03 - 06 ) May 16, 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 16 ) 0.99 Love & Hip Hop: New York November 14, 2011 ( 2011 - 11 - 14 ) February 6, 2012 ( 2012 - 02 - 06 ) 2.75 2012 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta June 18, 2012 ( 2012 - 06 - 18 ) September 3, 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 03 ) 3.25 2013 Love & Hip Hop: New York January 7, 2013 ( 2013 - 01 - 07 ) April 15, 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 15 ) 1.93 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta April 22, 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 22 ) August 12, 2013 ( 2013 - 08 - 12 ) 3.27 Love & Hip Hop: New York October 28, 2013 ( 2013 - 10 - 28 ) February 10, 2014 ( 2014 - 02 - 10 ) 3.06 2014 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta May 5, 2014 ( 2014 - 05 - 05 ) September 8, 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 08 ) 3.54 Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood September 15, 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 15 ) December 9, 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 09 ) 2.42 Love & Hip Hop: New York 5 December 15, 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 15 ) April 13, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 13 ) 2.45 2015 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta April 20, 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 20 ) August 31, 2015 ( 2015 - 08 - 31 ) 2.91 Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood September 7, 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 07 ) December 7, 2015 ( 2015 - 12 - 07 ) 2.47 Love & Hip Hop: New York 6 December 14, 2015 ( 2015 - 12 - 14 ) March 28, 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 28 ) 2.56 2016 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta 5 April 4, 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 04 ) August 8, 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 08 ) 2.59 Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood August 15, 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 15 ) November 14, 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 14 ) 2.20 Love & Hip Hop: New York 7 November 21, 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 21 ) February 27, 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 27 ) 2.40 2017 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta 6 March 6, 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 06 ) July 17, 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 17 ) 2.74 Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood July 24, 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 24 ) October 23, 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 23 ) 2.02 Love & Hip Hop: New York 8 October 30, 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 30 ) March 12, 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 12 ) 1.81 2018 Love & Hip Hop: Miami January 1, 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 01 ) March 19, 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 19 ) 1.72 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta 7 March 19, 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 19 ) July 16, 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 16 ) 2.05 Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood 5 July 23, 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 23 ) TBA TBA Love & Hip Hop: New York 9 November 26, 2018 ( 2018 - 11 - 26 ) TBA TBA", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where does love and hip hop take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Love_%26_Hip_Hop&oldid=818456765", "q_uid": 1029182824935764883, "answers": { "long_answer": "Love & Hip Hop is a media franchise that consists of several reality television series broadcast on VH1. The shows document the lives and relationships of hip hop and R&B musicians, performers, managers, and record producers residing in varying regions throughout the United States. The original franchise version, Love & Hip Hop: New York, premiered on March 6, 2011. Its success resulted in spin - offs located in Atlanta, Hollywood, and Miami. The subsequent installments have proven similarly successful, and have resulted in spin - offs of their own.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when does the new season of love and hip hop start", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Love_%26_Hip_Hop&oldid=809787427", "q_uid": -7879462154988530000, "answers": { "long_answer": "On October 30, 2017, VH1 announced Love & Hip Hop: Miami, the Miami - based spin - off of Love & Hip Hop, would make its series premiere on January 1, 2018.", "short_answer": "January 1, 2018." } }, { "question": "when does love & hip hop hollywood come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Love_%26_Hip_Hop&oldid=804724775", "q_uid": 8810698683887587834, "answers": { "long_answer": "On April 13, 2017, VH1 announced that season four of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood would premiere on July 17, 2017. On June 19, 2017, the season premiere date was moved to July 24, 2017. On July 3, 2017, three weeks before the season four premiere, VH1 aired Dirty Little Secrets, a special featuring unseen footage and deleted scenes from the show 's first three seasons, along with interviews with the show 's cast and producers.", "short_answer": "July 24, 2017." } } ], "List of Red Dwarf episodes": [ { "question": "how many episodes in red dwarf season 1", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Red_Dwarf_episodes&oldid=854595428", "q_uid": 4021072099508722641, "answers": { "long_answer": "Series Title Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 6 15 February 1988 ( 1988 - 02 - 15 ) 21 March 1988 ( 1988 - 03 - 21 ) II 6 6 September 1988 ( 1988 - 09 - 06 ) 11 October 1988 ( 1988 - 10 - 11 ) III 6 14 November 1989 ( 1989 - 11 - 14 ) 19 December 1989 ( 1989 - 12 - 19 ) IV 6 14 February 1991 ( 1991 - 02 - 14 ) 21 March 1991 ( 1991 - 03 - 21 ) 5 V 6 20 February 1992 ( 1992 - 02 - 20 ) 26 March 1992 ( 1992 - 03 - 26 ) 6 VI 6 7 October 1993 ( 1993 - 10 - 07 ) 11 November 1993 ( 1993 - 11 - 11 ) 7 VII 8 17 January 1997 ( 1997 - 01 - 17 ) 7 March 1997 ( 1997 - 03 - 07 ) 8 VIII 8 18 February 1999 ( 1999 - 02 - 18 ) 5 April 1999 ( 1999 - 04 - 05 ) 9 Back to Earth 10 April 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 10 ) 12 April 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 12 ) 10 X 6 4 October 2012 ( 2012 - 10 - 04 ) 8 November 2012 ( 2012 - 11 - 08 ) 11 XI 6 22 September 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 22 ) 27 October 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 27 ) 12 XII 6 12 October 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 12 ) 16 November 2017", "short_answer": "6" } } ], "Tim Pigott-Smith": [ { "question": "who did tim pigott smith play in downton abbey", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tim_Pigott-Smith&oldid=857135038", "q_uid": 7920529487147769782, "answers": { "long_answer": "He appeared in Lewis in 2015 as a taxidermist in the episode `` One For Sorrow ''. He also appeared on the ITV series, Downton Abbey in the third series ' ( third season ) fifth episode as obstetrician / gynaecologist Sir Philip Tapsell, who was present at the death of Lady Sybil Crawley Branson ( Jessica Brown Findlay ) from eclampsia after giving birth to her daughter.", "short_answer": "obstetrician / gynaecologist Sir Philip Tapsell," } } ], "Kilowatt hour": [ { "question": "1 kw is equal to how many kwh", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kilowatt_hour&oldid=853248196", "q_uid": 1804666560170228915, "answers": { "long_answer": "The kilowatt hour ( symbolized kW \u22c5 h as per SI ) is a composite unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt ( 1 kW ) of power sustained for one hour. One watt is equal to 1 J / s. One kilowatt hour is 3.6 megajoules, which is the amount of energy converted if work is done at an average rate of one thousand watts for one hour.", "short_answer": "one kilowatt" } } ], "Freya Tingley": [ { "question": "who plays wendy on once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Freya_Tingley&oldid=853826969", "q_uid": -5266953458868634793, "answers": { "long_answer": "Freya Tingley ( born 26 March 1994 ) is an Australian - born actress.", "short_answer": "Freya Tingley (" } }, { "question": "who played wendy in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Freya_Tingley&oldid=819534757", "q_uid": 7592072882666787580, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2013 Freya was cast in Once Upon a Time as Wendy, a 13 - year - old girl based on the heroine Wendy Darling from the novel Peter Pan. It had only taken Freya one audition to get the part of Wendy Darling because Freya could put on a good British accent. Wendy was only seen in a number of episodes and helped Peter Pan ( Robbie Kay ) gain Henry 's heart. However she is then reunited with her family. In 2014, Freya had the lead role in The Choking Game, a movie made for Lifetime.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Shake It Off": [ { "question": "who wrote shake it off by taylor swift", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Shake_It_Off&oldid=812150926", "q_uid": 2888930121008714687, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Shake It Off '' Single by Taylor Swift from the album 1989 Released August 18, 2014 ( 2014 - 08 - 18 ) Format CD digital download Genre Dance - pop Length 3: 39 Label Big Machine Republic Songwriter ( s ) Taylor Swift Max Martin Shellback Producer ( s ) Max Martin Shellback Taylor Swift singles chronology `` The Last Time '' ( 2013 ) `` Shake It Off '' ( 2014 ) `` Blank Space '' ( 2014 ) `` The Last Time '' ( 2013 ) `` Shake It Off '' ( 2014 ) `` Blank Space '' ( 2014 ) Music video `` Shake It Off '' on YouTube", "short_answer": "Max Martin" } }, { "question": "who wrote the lyrics to shake it off", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Shake_It_Off&oldid=809517661", "q_uid": -8868115623413984613, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Shake It Off '' Single by Taylor Swift from the album 1989 Released August 18, 2014 ( 2014 - 08 - 18 ) Format CD digital download Genre Dance - pop Length 3: 39 Label Big Machine Republic Songwriter ( s ) Taylor Swift Max Martin Shellback Producer ( s ) Max Martin Shellback Taylor Swift singles chronology `` The Last Time '' ( 2013 ) `` Shake It Off '' ( 2014 ) `` Blank Space '' ( 2014 ) `` The Last Time '' ( 2013 ) `` Shake It Off '' ( 2014 ) `` Blank Space '' ( 2014 ) Music video `` Shake It Off '' on YouTube", "short_answer": "Taylor Swift" } } ], "Little Big Town": [ { "question": "what are the ages of little big town", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Little_Big_Town&oldid=828147221", "q_uid": 9201855444482983500, "answers": { "long_answer": "Karen Fairchild ( born September 28, 1969 ) ( age 48 ) Kimberly Roads Schlapman ( born October 15, 1969 ) ( age 48 ) Jimi Westbrook ( born October 20, 1971 ) ( age 46 ) Phillip Sweet ( born March 18, 1974 ) ( age 43 )", "short_answer": "48 )" } }, { "question": "are two members of little big town married to each other", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Little_Big_Town&oldid=799497165", "q_uid": 6758880598233743266, "answers": { "long_answer": "Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook married on May 31, 2006, although their marriage was not disclosed until two months later. The couple welcomed their first child, a son ( Elijah Dylan Westbrook ), on March 5, 2010, in Nashville.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where is little big town based out of", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Little_Big_Town&oldid=849374392", "q_uid": 2128355709816215587, "answers": { "long_answer": "Little Big Town Little Big Town performing live on February 28, 2008. ( L -- R: Jimi Westbrook, Karen Fairchild, Phillip Sweet, Kimberly Schlapman ) Background information Origin Homewood, Alabama, U.S. Genres Country Years active 1998 -- present Labels Mercury Nashville Monument Equity Capitol Nashville Website littlebigtown.com Members Karen Fairchild Kimberly Schlapman Phillip Sweet Jimi Westbrook", "short_answer": "Homewood, Alabama," } }, { "question": "who makes up the group little big town", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Little_Big_Town&oldid=837140789", "q_uid": -2744595080125310825, "answers": { "long_answer": "Little Big Town is an American country music group. Founded in 1998, the group has comprised the same four members since its founding: Karen Fairchild, Kimberly Schlapman ( formerly Kimberly Roads ), Jimi Westbrook, and Phillip Sweet. Their musical style relies heavily on four - part vocal harmonies, with all four members alternating as lead vocalists; Westbrook and Sweet also play rhythm guitar.", "short_answer": "Karen Fairchild," } }, { "question": "are any of the singers in little big town married to each other", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Little_Big_Town&oldid=815294663", "q_uid": -6132548164910982481, "answers": { "long_answer": "Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook married on May 31, 2006, although their marriage was not disclosed until two months later. The couple welcomed their first child, a son ( Elijah Dylan Westbrook ), on March 5, 2010, in Nashville.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is married in little big town group", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Little_Big_Town&oldid=837140789", "q_uid": 72378649788860348, "answers": { "long_answer": "Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook married on May 31, 2006, although their marriage was not disclosed until two months later. The couple welcomed their first child, a son ( Elijah Dylan Westbrook ), on March 5, 2010, in Nashville.", "short_answer": "Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook married" } } ], "List of governors of Madhya Pradesh": [ { "question": "who became the new governor of madhya pradesh", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_governors_of_Madhya_Pradesh&oldid=821749130", "q_uid": -6038879691505389432, "answers": { "long_answer": "# Name Took Office Left Office Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya 1 November 1956 13 June 1957 Hari Vinayak Pataskar 14 June 1957 10 February 1965 K. Chengalaraya Reddy 11 February 1965 2 February 1966 P.V. Dixit ( Acting ) 2 February 1966 9 February 1966 K. Chengalaraya Reddy 10 February 1966 7 March 1971 6 S.N. Sinha 8 March 1971 13 October 1977 7 N.N. Wanchu 14 October 1977 16 August 1978 8 C.M. Poonacha 17 August 1978 29 April 1980 9 B.D. Sharma 30 April 1980 25 May 1981 10 G.P. Singh ( Acting ) 26 May 1981 9 July 1981 11 B.D. Sharma 10 July 1981 20 September 1983 12 G.P. Singh ( Acting ) 21 September 1983 7 October 1983 13 B.D. Sharma 8 October 1983 14 May 1984 14 Kizhekethil Chandy 15 May 1984 30 November 1987 15 Narayan Dutta Ojha ( Acting ) 1 December 1987 29 December 1987 16 Kizhekethil Chandy 30 December 1987 30 March 1989 17 Sarla Grewal 31 March 1989 5 February 1990 18 M.A. Khan 6 February 1990 23 June 1993 19 Mohammad Shafi Qureshi 24 June 1993 21 April 1998 20 Bhai Mahavir 22 April 1998 6 May 2003 21 Ram Prakash Gupta 7 May 2003 1 May 2004 22 Lt. Gen. K.M. Seth ( Acting ) 2 May 2004 29 June 2004 23 Balram Jakhar 30 June 2004 29 June 2009 24 Rameshwar Thakur 30 June 2009 7 September 2011 25 Ram Naresh Yadav 8 September 2011 7 September 2016 26 Om Prakash Kohli ( Additional charge ) 8 September 2016 January 23, 2018 27 Anandiben Patel January 23, 2018", "short_answer": "Anandiben Patel" } }, { "question": "who is the governor of madhya pradesh now", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_governors_of_Madhya_Pradesh&oldid=834184083", "q_uid": -6038696537443517178, "answers": { "long_answer": "Governor of Madhya Pradesh Incumbent Anandiben Patel since January 23, 2018 Style His Excellency Residence Raj Bhavan; Bhopal Appointer President of India Term length Five Years Inaugural holder Pattabhi Sitaramayya Formation 15 August 1947; 70 years ago ( 1947 - 08 - 15 )", "short_answer": "Anandiben Patel since" } } ], "Throw Momma from the Train": [ { "question": "who played the mother in throw momma from the train", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Throw_Momma_from_the_Train&oldid=855143151", "q_uid": 6823200577395133488, "answers": { "long_answer": "Novelist Larry Donner ( Billy Crystal ) struggles with writer 's block due to his resentment towards his ex-wife Margaret ( Kate Mulgrew ), who stole his book and garnered mainstream success and critical acclaim with it. Owen Lift ( Danny DeVito ) is a timid, middle - aged fellow who still lives with his overbearing, abusive and paranoid mother ( Anne Ramsey ). Owen fantasizes about killing his mother but ca n't summon the courage to bring his desires into fruition. As a student in Larry 's community college writing class, Owen is given advice by Larry to view an Alfred Hitchcock film to gain some insight into plot development for his mystery stories. He sees Strangers on a Train, in which two strangers conspire to commit a murder for each other, figuring their lack of connection to the victim will, in theory, establish a perfect alibi. Having overheard Larry 's public rant that he wished his ex-wife dead, Owen forms a plan to kill Margaret, believing that Larry will, in return, kill his mother.", "short_answer": "Anne Ramsey )" } }, { "question": "who played mama on throw momma from the train", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Throw_Momma_from_the_Train&oldid=843268964", "q_uid": -2155100006901903115, "answers": { "long_answer": "Novelist Larry Donner ( Billy Crystal ) struggles with writer 's block due to his resentment towards his ex-wife Margaret ( Kate Mulgrew ), who stole his book and garnered mainstream success and critical acclaim with it. Owen Lift ( Danny DeVito ) is a timid, middle - aged fellow who still lives with his overbearing, abusive and paranoid mother ( Anne Ramsey ). Owen fantasizes about killing his mother but ca n't summon the courage to bring his desires into fruition. As a student in Larry 's community college writing class, Owen is given advice by Larry to view an Alfred Hitchcock film to gain some insight into plot development for his mystery stories. He sees Strangers on a Train, in which two strangers conspire to commit a murder for each other, figuring their lack of connection to the victim will, in theory, establish a perfect alibi. Having overheard Larry 's public rant that he wished his ex-wife dead, Owen forms a plan to kill Margaret, believing that Larry will, in return, kill his mother.", "short_answer": "Anne Ramsey )" } }, { "question": "who played momma in throw momma from the train", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Throw_Momma_from_the_Train&oldid=826100997", "q_uid": 2746938096293088320, "answers": { "long_answer": "Novelist Larry Donner ( Billy Crystal ) struggles with writer 's block due to his resentment towards his ex-wife Margaret ( Kate Mulgrew ), who stole his book and garnered mainstream success and critical acclaim with it. Owen Lift ( Danny DeVito ) is a timid, middle - aged fellow who still lives with his overbearing, abusive and paranoid mother ( Anne Ramsey ). Owen fantasizes about killing his mother but ca n't summon the courage to bring his desires into fruition. As a student in Larry 's community college writing class, Owen is given advice by Larry to view an Alfred Hitchcock film to gain some insight into plot development for his mystery stories. He sees Strangers on a Train, in which two strangers conspire to commit a murder for each other, figuring their lack of connection to the victim will, in theory, establish a perfect alibi. Having overheard Larry 's public rant that he wished his ex-wife dead, Owen forms a plan to kill Margaret, believing that Larry will, in return, kill his mother.", "short_answer": "Anne Ramsey )" } } ], "2017 World Championships in Athletics \u2013 Men's 100 metres": [ { "question": "who won the hundred metre final race in the world athletics championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2017_World_Championships_in_Athletics_%E2%80%93_Men%27s_100_metres&oldid=806061496", "q_uid": -1484163969248843404, "answers": { "long_answer": "The men 's 100 metres at the 2017 World Championships in Athletics was held at the London Olympic Stadium on 4 \u2212 5 August. This meet was announced as the last competition for Usain Bolt. The race was won by Justin Gatlin of the United States, ahead of Gatlin 's team - mate Christian Coleman, with Bolt finishing third.", "short_answer": "Justin Gatlin of" } } ], "Melissa George": [ { "question": "actress who played angel in home and away", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Melissa_George&oldid=846492595", "q_uid": -3210112122540508276, "answers": { "long_answer": "Melissa Suzanne George ( born 6 August 1976 ) is an Australian - American actress. A former national rollerskating champion and model in Australia, George began her acting career playing Angel Parrish on the Australian soap opera Home and Away from 1993 to 1996. After moving to the United States, George made her film debut in the neo-noir science fiction feature Dark City ( 1998 ) and later appeared in supporting roles in Steven Soderbergh 's crime film The Limey ( 1999 ) and David Lynch 's Mulholland Drive ( 2001 ).", "short_answer": "Melissa Suzanne George (" } } ], "Cop\u00e1n": [ { "question": "cop\u00e1n is a mayan archaeological site located on the western border of", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cop%C3%A1n&oldid=813982250", "q_uid": 6927837148099952689, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cop\u00e1n is an archaeological site of the Maya civilization located in the Cop\u00e1n Department of western Honduras, not far from the border with Guatemala. It was the capital city of a major Classic period kingdom from the 5th to 9th centuries AD. The city was located in the extreme southeast of the Mesoamerican cultural region, on the frontier with the Isthmo - Colombian cultural region, and was almost surrounded by non-Maya peoples.", "short_answer": "Honduras, not" } } ], "Asa Butterfield": [ { "question": "who played gardener in the space between us", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Asa_Butterfield&oldid=807101618", "q_uid": 2836765332677652491, "answers": { "long_answer": "For his leading performance as Hugo Cabret in Martin Scorsese 's drama Hugo ( 2011 ), Butterfield received considerable praise and was awarded the Young Hollywood Award for Breakthrough Performance - Male and was nominated for the Critics ' Choice Movie Award for Best Young Performer and the Empire Award for Best Male Newcomer, among other accolades. He is also known for portraying Ender Wiggin in the 2013 film adaptation of the science fiction novel Ender 's Game by Orson Scott Card. He was nominated for a British Independent Film Award for Best Actor for playing Nathan Ellis in Morgan Matthews 's X + Y ( 2014 ). He starred as Jacob `` Jake '' Portman in Miss Peregrine 's Home for Peculiar Children ( 2016 ) and as Gardner Elliot, the protagonist in The Space Between Us ( 2017 ). He also played the leading role in The House of Tomorrow, which premiered at San Francisco International Film Festival 2017.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Mark Addy": [ { "question": "who played king robert on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mark_Addy&oldid=855240682", "q_uid": -6419565689507679741, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mark Ian Addy ( born 14 January 1964 ) is an English actor. He is known for varied roles in British television, including Detective Constable Gary Boyle in the sitcom The Thin Blue Line ( 1995 -- 1996 ) and Hercules in the fantasy drama series Atlantis ( 2013 -- 2015 ). He made his film debut as Dave Horsefall in The Full Monty ( 1997 ), earning a nomination for the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Other notable roles include Fred Flintstone in The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas ( 2000 ), Bill Miller in the CBS sitcom Still Standing ( 2002 -- 2006 ) and King Robert Baratheon in the HBO medieval fantasy series Game of Thrones ( 2011 ).", "short_answer": "Mark Ian Addy (" } }, { "question": "who plays king robert on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mark_Addy&oldid=822220862", "q_uid": -5563296720865408293, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mark Ian Addy ( born 14 January 1964 ) is an English actor. He is known for portraying Detective Constable Gary Boyle in the British sitcom The Thin Blue Line, Dave in the film The Full Monty, Bill Miller in the American sitcom Still Standing, King Robert Baratheon in the HBO medieval fantasy series Game of Thrones, Fred Flintstone in The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, and Hercules in the British fantasy drama series Atlantis.", "short_answer": "Mark Ian Addy (" } }, { "question": "who played king robert in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mark_Addy&oldid=841394002", "q_uid": 179896816967454678, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mark Ian Addy ( born 14 January 1964 ) is an English actor. He is known for varied roles in British television, including Detective Constable Gary Boyle in the sitcom The Thin Blue Line ( 1995 -- 1996 ) and Hercules in the fantasy drama series Atlantis ( 2013 -- 2015 ). He made his film debut as Dave Horsefall in The Full Monty ( 1997 ), earning a nomination for the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Other notable roles include Fred Flintstone in The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas ( 2000 ), Bill Miller in the CBS sitcom Still Standing ( 2002 -- 2006 ) and King Robert Baratheon in the HBO medieval fantasy series Game of Thrones ( 2011 ).", "short_answer": "Mark Ian Addy (" } }, { "question": "who played robert baratheon on game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mark_Addy&oldid=806928506", "q_uid": -2383649456933203211, "answers": { "long_answer": "Mark Ian Addy ( born 14 January 1964 ) is an English actor. He is known for portraying Detective Constable Gary Boyle in the British sitcom The Thin Blue Line, Dave in the film The Full Monty, Bill Miller in the American sitcom Still Standing, King Robert Baratheon in the HBO medieval fantasy series Game of Thrones, Fred Flintstone in The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, and Hercules in the British fantasy drama series Atlantis.", "short_answer": "Mark Ian Addy (" } } ], "Prime Minister of Jamaica": [ { "question": "who is the current prime minister of jamaica", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Prime_Minister_of_Jamaica&oldid=814712226", "q_uid": -6705775780219580660, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Prime Minister of Jamaica is Jamaica 's head of government, currently Andrew Holness. Holness, as leader of the governing Jamaica Labour Party ( JLP ), was sworn in as Prime Minister on 3 March 2016, succeeding People 's National Party ( PNP ) leader Portia Simpson - Miller. This was a result of the JLP 's victory in Jamaica 's 25 February 2016 general election.", "short_answer": "Andrew Holness." } } ], "Thierry Henry": [ { "question": "how much did barcelona pay for thierry henry", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thierry_Henry&oldid=809840479", "q_uid": -2495745030735051533, "answers": { "long_answer": "In June 2007, after eight years with Arsenal, he transferred to Barcelona for a fee of \u20ac 24 million. In 2009, he was an integral part of the club 's historic treble when they won La Liga, the Copa del Rey and the UEFA Champions League. He went on to achieve an unprecedented sextuple by also winning the Supercopa de Espa\u00f1a, the UEFA Super Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup. In total, Henry has been named in the UEFA Team of the Year five times. In 2010, he joined the New York Red Bulls of Major League Soccer, winning the Eastern Conference title with the team in 2010. He returned to Arsenal on loan for two months in 2012. In 2013, Henry with the New York Red Bulls won the MLS Supporters ' Shield.", "short_answer": "\u20ac 24 million." } } ], "A. P. J. Abdul Kalam": [ { "question": "who is called the missile man of india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=A._P._J._Abdul_Kalam&oldid=809317497", "q_uid": 6448754503399628646, "answers": { "long_answer": "Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam better known as A.P.J. Abdul Kalam ( / \u02c8\u00e6bd\u028al k\u0259\u02c8l\u0251\u02d0m / ( listen ); 15 October 1931 -- 27 July 2015 ), was the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. A career scientist turned statesman, Kalam was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, and studied physics and aerospace engineering. He spent the next four decades as a scientist and science administrator, mainly at the Defence Research and Development Organisation ( DRDO ) and Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ) and was intimately involved in India 's civilian space programme and military missile development efforts. He thus came to be known as the Missile Man of India for his work on the development of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology. He also played a pivotal organisational, technical, and political role in India 's Pokhran - II nuclear tests in 1998, the first since the original nuclear test by India in 1974.", "short_answer": "Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam better" } }, { "question": "what are the books written by abdul kalam", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=A._P._J._Abdul_Kalam&oldid=866416438", "q_uid": 2146496296849327612, "answers": { "long_answer": "( proposed to be deleted: this `` book '' is a commemorative collection of papers with Kalam and Narasimha as editors. Given URL clearly mentions this ) Developments in Fluid Mechanics and Space Technology by APJ Abdul Kalam and Roddam Narasimha; Indian Academy of Sciences, 1988 India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium by APJ Abdul Kalam, Y.S. Rajan; New York, 1998. Wings of Fire: An Autobiography by APJ Abdul Kalam, Arun Tiwari; Universities Press, 1999. Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within India by APJ Abdul Kalam; Viking, 2002. The Luminous Sparks by APJ Abdul Kalam, by; Punya Publishing Pvt Ltd., 2004. Mission India by APJ Abdul Kalam, Paintings by Manav Gupta; Penguin Books, 2005 Inspiring Thoughts by APJ Abdul Kalam; Rajpal & Sons, 2007 Indomitable Spirit by APJ Abdul Kalam; Rajpal and Sons Publishing Envisioning an Empowered Nation by APJ Abdul Kalam with A Sivathanu Pillai; Tata McGraw - Hill, New Delhi You Are Born To Blossom: Take My Journey Beyond by APJ Abdul Kalam and Arun Tiwari; Ocean Books, 2011. Turning Points: A journey through challenges by APJ Abdul Kalam; Harper Collins India, 2012. Target 3 Billion by APJ Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh; December 2011 Publisher Penguin Books. My Journey: ( titled \u0b8e\u0ba9\u0ba4\u0bc1 \u0baa\u0baf\u0ba3\u0bae\u0bcd - Tamil ) Transforming Dreams into Actions by APJ Abdul Kalam; August 2013 by the Rupa Publication. A Manifesto for Change: A Sequel to India 2020 by APJ Abdul Kalam and V Ponraj; July 2014 by Harper Collins. Forge your Future: Candid, Forthright, Inspiring by APJ Abdul Kalam; by Rajpal and Sons, 29 October 2014. Reignited: Scientific Pathways to a Brighter Future by APJ Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh; by Penguin India, 14 May 2015. Transcendence: My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swamiji by APJ Abdul Kalam with Arun Tiwari; HarperCollins Publishers, June 2015 Advantage India: From Challenge to Opportunity by APJ Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh; HarperCollins Publishers, 15 Oct 2015.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "where did abdul kalam go for his higher studies", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=A._P._J._Abdul_Kalam&oldid=853977507", "q_uid": 532063886319958213, "answers": { "long_answer": "In his school years, Kalam had average grades but was described as a bright and hardworking student who had a strong desire to learn. He spent hours on his studies, especially mathematics. After completing his education at the Schwartz Higher Secondary School, Ramanathapuram, Kalam went on to attend Saint Joseph 's College, Tiruchirappalli, then affiliated with the University of Madras, from where he graduated in physics in 1954. He moved to Madras in 1955 to study aerospace engineering in Madras Institute of Technology. While Kalam was working on a senior class project, the Dean was dissatisfied with his lack of progress and threatened to revoke his scholarship unless the project was finished within the next three days. Kalam met the deadline, impressing the Dean, who later said to him, `` I was putting you under stress and asking you to meet a difficult deadline ''. He narrowly missed achieving his dream of becoming a fighter pilot, as he placed ninth in qualifiers, and only eight positions were available in the IAF.", "short_answer": "Saint Joseph 's College, Tiruchirappalli," } } ], "Strictly Come Dancing": [ { "question": "what are the judges names on strictly come dancing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Strictly_Come_Dancing&oldid=816003723", "q_uid": -5411630822479225325, "answers": { "long_answer": "Judge Series 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bruno Tonioli Craig Revel Horwood Len Goodman Arlene Phillips Alesha Dixon Darcey Bussell Shirley Ballas Jennifer Grey Donny Osmond", "short_answer": "Bruno Tonioli" } }, { "question": "where does the name strictly come dancing come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Strictly_Come_Dancing&oldid=808886447", "q_uid": 6915491291355831279, "answers": { "long_answer": "Strictly Come Dancing ( informally known as Strictly ) is a British television dance contest, featuring celebrity contestants, with professional dance partners competing in a ballroom and Latin dance competition. Each couple is scored out of 10 by a panel of judges. The title of the show suggests a continuation of the long - running series Come Dancing, with an allusion to the film Strictly Ballroom. The format has been exported to over 40 other countries, and has also inspired a modern dance - themed spin - off Strictly Dance Fever. The show is currently presented by Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when is strictly come dancing results show filmed", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Strictly_Come_Dancing&oldid=866290633", "q_uid": 5498704561582600081, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show is broadcast live on BBC One on Saturday evenings, and is currently presented by Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman ( however Zo\u00eb Ball covered for Winkleman for a number of weeks in 2014 ). Sir Bruce Forsyth presented the live shows alongside Daly from 2004 to 2013, announcing his departure in 2014. He was to continue to present special editions of the show. For some of the second series, Natasha Kaplinsky stood in temporarily for Daly while she took maternity leave; Claudia Winkleman hosted the results show and editions that Forsyth had missed between 2010 and 2013. The judging panel initially consisted of Bruno Tonioli, Arlene Phillips, Len Goodman and Craig Revel Horwood. Alesha Dixon took Phillips ' place from series 7 to 9, after which she left the programme to judge Britain 's Got Talent which led retired ballerina Dame Darcey Bussell to replace her; Bussell remains a judge alongside Tonioli and Revel Horwood. Tonioli commutes weekly between Hollywood and London to judge both the American and British versions of the show simultaneously. Each judge gives the performance a mark out of ten, giving an overall total out of forty. The voice - over announcer is Alan Dedicoat. During series four, an hour - long highlights show was shown on Sundays at 19: 00 on BBC Two, and during series five and six, the results show moved to Sunday evenings, although it was filmed on Saturday and then broadcast `` as live '' on the Sunday.", "short_answer": "on Saturday and" } }, { "question": "when did strictly come dancing start on tv", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Strictly_Come_Dancing&oldid=825288169", "q_uid": -2287941926742571579, "answers": { "long_answer": "The show has run on BBC One since 15 May 2004, primarily on Saturday evenings with a following Sunday night results show ( with certain exceptions ) and with its high viewing figures Strictly Come Dancing has become a significant programme in British popular culture. The thirteenth series ended on 19 December 2015. A further eleven stand - alone Christmas specials have also been produced, in consecutive years from 2004 onwards. Nine charity specials have also been produced since 2008. Since the fourth series, the show has also been aired in high definition on BBC HD, and BBC One HD from series 8.", "short_answer": "15 May 2004," } } ], "Teri Polo": [ { "question": "who played matt santos wife on west wing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Teri_Polo&oldid=803970552", "q_uid": -4096670274528782737, "answers": { "long_answer": "Polo 's acting debut was in TV 101. She also starred in the 1990 miniseries The Phantom of the Opera as Christine Daae. Polo became a regular cast member on the last season of Northern Exposure. She later played Detective Ash on the TV series Brimstone. She appeared in a recurring guest role in the sixth and seventh seasons of The West Wing playing the role of Helen Santos, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate Matt Santos ( Jimmy Smits ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who played matt santos wife on the west wing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Teri_Polo&oldid=790322570", "q_uid": 4840989540258729938, "answers": { "long_answer": "Polo 's acting debut was in TV 101. She also starred in the 1990 miniseries The Phantom of the Opera as Christine Daae. Polo became a regular cast member on the last season of Northern Exposure. She later played Detective Ash on the TV series Brimstone. She appeared in a recurring guest role in the sixth and seventh seasons of The West Wing playing the role of Helen Santos, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate Matt Santos ( Jimmy Smits ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Apothecaries' system": [ { "question": "what are the units of the apothecary system", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Apothecaries%27_system&oldid=864532931", "q_uid": -8043363133264576378, "answers": { "long_answer": "The apothecaries ' system or apothecaries ' weights and measures is a historical system of mass and volume units that were used by physicians and apothecaries for medical recipes, and also sometimes by scientists. The English version of the system is closely related to the English troy system of weights, the pound and grain being exactly the same in both. It divides a pound into 12 ounces, an ounce into 8 drachms, and a drachm into 3 scruples or 60 grains. This exact form of the system was used in the United Kingdom; in some of its former colonies it survived well into the 20th century. The apothecaries ' system of measures is a similar system of volume units based on the fluid ounce. For a long time, medical recipes were written in Latin, often using special symbols to denote weights and measures.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Twenty One Pilots discography": [ { "question": "when was twenty one pilots self titled released", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Twenty_One_Pilots_discography&oldid=828300909", "q_uid": -2759483878749483254, "answers": { "long_answer": "List of studio albums, with selected chart positions Title Album details Peak chart positions Certifications Sales US AUS BEL CAN FIN IRL NLD NZ SWE UK Twenty One Pilots Released: December 29, 2009 Label: Self - released Format: CD, DL 139 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- US: 115,000 Regional at Best Released: July 8, 2011 Label: Self - released Format: CD, DL -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- US: 3,000 Vessel Released: January 8, 2013 Label: Fueled by Ramen ( 531792 ) Format: CD, CS, DL, LP 21 51 95 29 49 24 53 16 60 39 RIAA: Platinum BPI: Gold MC: Gold US: 1,000,000 Blurryface Released: May 19, 2015 Label: Fueled by Ramen ( 548932 ) Format: CD, CS, DL, LP 7 17 5 7 18 9 5 RIAA: 3 \u00d7 Platinum ARIA: Gold BPI: Platinum GLF: Gold MC: Platinum RMNZ: Platinum UK: 300,000 US: 1,500,000 `` -- '' denotes a recording that did not chart or was not released in that territory.", "short_answer": "December 29, 2009" } } ], "Deuterocanonical books": [ { "question": "which books of the catholic bible are not in a protestant bible", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Deuterocanonical_books&oldid=828144585", "q_uid": -1248417649962457121, "answers": { "long_answer": "Most protestant churches have, since the 16th century accepted only works in the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew bible as canonical books of the Old Testament, and hence classify all deuterocanonical texts ( of whichever definition ) with the Apocrypha.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when were the extra books of the catholic bible added", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Deuterocanonical_books&oldid=806880353", "q_uid": -7914464038508120405, "answers": { "long_answer": "Philip Schaff says that `` the Council of Hippo in 393, and the third ( according to another reckoning the sixth ) Council of Carthage in 397, under the influence of Augustine, who attended both, fixed the catholic canon of the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha of the Old Testament,... This decision of the transmarine church however, was subject to ratification; and the concurrence of the Roman see it received when Innocent I and Gelasius I ( AD 414 ) repeated the same index of biblical books. Schaff says that this canon remained undisturbed till the sixteenth century, and was sanctioned by the council of Trent at its fourth session, '' although as the Catholic Encyclopedia reports, `` in the Latin Church, all through the Middle Ages we find evidence of hesitation about the character of the deuterocanonicals... Few are found to unequivocally acknowledge their canonicity, '' but that the countless manuscript copies of the Vulgate produced by these ages, with a slight, probably accidental, exception, uniformly embrace the complete Roman Catholic Old Testament.", "short_answer": "393," } } ], "List of most-liked Instagram posts": [ { "question": "what is the most likes picture on instagram", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_most-liked_Instagram_posts&oldid=866524100", "q_uid": -3500122859201138744, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Account name Owner Post description Photo Likes ( millions ) Date posted @ kyliejenner Kylie Jenner First photo of her daughter ( 1 ) 18.0 February 6, 2018 @ justinbieber Justin Bieber Engagement to Hailey Baldwin ( 2 ) 13.2 July 9, 2018 @ kyliejenner Kylie Jenner Second photo of her daughter ( 3 ) 13.0 March 1, 2018 @ arianagrande Ariana Grande Photo of Mac Miller posted after his death ( 4 ) 12.7 September 8, 2018 @ cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo Juventus announcement ( 5 ) 12.2 July 16, 2018 6 @ kyliejenner Kylie Jenner Photo with her daughter ( 6 ) August 9, 2018 7 @ xxxtentacion XXXTENTACION Final image posted before his death ( 7 ) 11.9 May 19, 2018 8 @ cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo Birth announcement ( 8 ) 11.4 November 12, 2017 9 @ cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo Photo with girlfriend ( 9 ) 11.3 July 26, 2018 10 @ kyliejenner Kylie Jenner Holding her daughter ( 10 ) September 21, 2018 11 @ cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo Photo with girlfriend and son ( 11 ) July 10, 2018 12 @ beyonce Beyonc\u00e9 Pregnancy announcement ( 12 ) 11.2 February 1, 2017 13 @ cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo Family photo ( 13 ) 11.1 August 21, 2018 14 @ selenagomez Selena Gomez Kidney transplant ( 14 ) 10.7 September 14, 2017 15 @ kyliejenner Kylie Jenner Pregnancy / Birth announcement ( 15 ) 10.6 February 4, 2018 16 @ therock Dwayne Johnson First photo of his daughter ( 16 ) 10.4 April 23, 2018 17 @ cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo Photo with Paulo Dybala ( 17 ) 10.3 August 10, 2018 18 @ beyonce Beyonc\u00e9 First photo of her newborn twins ( 18 ) July 14, 2017 19 @ kyliejenner Kylie Jenner Photo with her daughter ( 19 ) 10.2 August 9, 2018 20 @ kyliejenner Kylie Jenner Photo with her daughter ( 20 ) 10.7 October 29, 2018 As of October 28, 2018", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Sri Lanka Test cricket records": [ { "question": "who has scored the maximum runs in test matches between india and sri lanka", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Sri_Lanka_Test_cricket_records&oldid=797858624", "q_uid": -3430455071548381325, "answers": { "long_answer": "Runs Player Opponent Venue Date 374 Jayawardene, Mahela Mahela Jayawardene South Africa Sinhalese Sports Club Ground, Colombo 000000002006 - 07 - 27 - 0000 27 July 2006 340 Jayasuriya, Sanath Sanath Jayasuriya India R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo 000000001997 - 08 - 02 - 0000 2 August 1997 319 Sangakkara, Kumar Kumar Sangakkara Bangladesh Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium, Chittagong 000000002014 - 02 - 04 - 0000 4 February 2014 287 Sangakkara, Kumar Kumar Sangakkara South Africa Sinhalese Sports Club Ground, Colombo 000000002006 - 07 - 27 - 0000 27 July 2006 275 Jayawardene, Mahela Mahela Jayawardene India Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad 000000002009 - 11 - 16 - 0000 16 November 2009 Last updated: 14 August 2017 Against", "short_answer": "Sanath Jayasuriya" } }, { "question": "who scored most test runs for sri lanka", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Sri_Lanka_Test_cricket_records&oldid=855018241", "q_uid": 4990414757728308624, "answers": { "long_answer": "Top order batsman and former captain Jayawardene holds several Sri Lankan batting records. He has scored the most runs for Sri Lanka in Test cricket, and is the record holder for the highest number of centuries as well as the highest number of half - centuries. The 374 Jayawardene made against South Africa in 2006 is the highest individual score by a Sri Lankan cricketer, surpassing the previous best of 340 by Sanath Jayasuriya, which was established in 1997. It is also the fourth - highest individual score in Test cricket. Jayawardene, Jayasuriya and Kumar Sangakkara ( 319 ) are the only Sri Lankan players who have scored triple centuries.", "short_answer": "Top order batsman and former captain Jayawardene holds" } } ], "Richard Madden": [ { "question": "who played robb stark in the game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Richard_Madden&oldid=823920276", "q_uid": 6213045939017576916, "answers": { "long_answer": "Richard Madden ( born 18 June 1986 ) is a Scottish stage, film, and television actor best known for portraying Robb Stark in the HBO series Game of Thrones and Prince Kit in Disney 's Cinderella.", "short_answer": "Richard Madden (" } }, { "question": "who is the actor who plays david budd", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Richard_Madden&oldid=865964910", "q_uid": 3235279004340022174, "answers": { "long_answer": "Richard Madden ( born 18 June 1986 ) is a Scottish actor. He is best known for his roles as Robb Stark in the HBO television series Game of Thrones, Prince Kit in the Disney romantic fantasy film Cinderella ( 2015 ), and Sergeant David Budd in the BBC thriller Bodyguard ( 2018 -- present ). He has also played Cosimo de ' Medici in the drama series Medici: Masters of Florence ( 2016 ) and starred in the Netflix romantic comedy Ibiza ( 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Richard Madden (" } } ], "Merritt Patterson": [ { "question": "who is the actress who played ophelia on the royals", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Merritt_Patterson&oldid=855593574", "q_uid": 3459279754901352109, "answers": { "long_answer": "Merritt Patterson ( born September 2, 1990 ) is a Canadian actress. She is known for playing Olivia on the short - lived Pretty Little Liars spin - off Ravenswood, and for playing Ophelia on E! network 's television series The Royals.", "short_answer": "Merritt Patterson (" } } ], "Jennifer Ehle": [ { "question": "who plays anastasia's mom in fifty shades of grey", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jennifer_Ehle&oldid=818180565", "q_uid": -5451112632423652893, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2012, Ehle played CIA officer Jessica in Zero Dark Thirty. In 2014, Ehle played Liz Kline in the remake, Robocop, also starring alongside James Spader as Madeline Pratt in the American TV series The Blacklist. She played Anastasia Steele 's mother in the 2015 Fifty Shades of Grey film, and also appeared in Spooks: The Greater Good.", "short_answer": "Ehle played" } }, { "question": "who played elizabeth bennet in bbc pride and prejudice", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jennifer_Ehle&oldid=854539491", "q_uid": -1605828927347916558, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jennifer Anne Ehle ( / \u02c8i\u02d0li\u02d0 /; born December 29, 1969 ) is an American actress. She won the BAFTA TV Award for Best Actress for her role as Elizabeth Bennet in the 1995 BBC miniseries Pride and Prejudice. For her work on Broadway, she won the 2000 Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play for The Real Thing, and the 2007 Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play for The Coast of Utopia. She is the daughter of English actress Rosemary Harris and American author John Ehle.", "short_answer": "Jennifer Anne Ehle (" } } ], "List of Canadian islands by area": [ { "question": "relative location of most of canada's islands", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Canadian_islands_by_area&oldid=802541390", "q_uid": -1673860487972113581, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank World Rank Island 's Name Area ( km2 ) Area ( sq mi ) Location Permanent Population ( 2001 ) 5 Baffin Island 507,451 195,928 Nunavut 9,563 8 Victoria Island 217,291 83,897 Northwest Territories, Nunavut 1,707 10 Ellesmere Island 196,236 75,767 Nunavut 168 16 Newfoundland 108,860 42,031 Newfoundland and Labrador 485,066 5 24 Banks Island 70,028 27,038 Northwest Territories 114 6 27 Devon Island 55,247 21,331 Nunavut 0 7 32 Axel Heiberg Island 43,178 16,671 Nunavut 0 8 33 Melville Island 42,149 16,274 Northwest Territories, Nunavut 0 9 34 Southampton Island 41,214 15,913 Nunavut 721 10 40 Prince of Wales Island 33,339 12,872 Nunavut 0 11 43 Vancouver Island 31,285 12,079 British Columbia 638,213 12 46 Somerset Island 24,786 9,570 Nunavut 0 13 54 Bathurst Island 16,042 6,194 Nunavut 0 14 55 Prince Patrick Island 15,848 6,119 Northwest Territories 0 15 61 King William Island 13,111 5,062 Nunavut 960 16 69 Ellef Ringnes Island 11,295 4,361 Nunavut 0 17 72 Bylot Island 11,067 4,273 Nunavut 0 18 77 Cape Breton Island 10,311 3,981 Nova Scotia 140,893 19 78 Prince Charles Island 9,521 3,676 Nunavut 0 20 90 Anticosti Island 7,941 3,066 Quebec 266 21 97 Cornwallis Island 6,995 2,701 Nunavut 215 22 101 Graham Island 6,361 2,456 British Columbia 4,475 23 104 Prince Edward Island 5,620 2,170 Prince Edward Island 135,294 24 107 Coats Island 5,498 2,123 Nunavut 0 25 111 Amund Ringnes Island 5,255 2,029 Nunavut 0 26 116 Mackenzie King Island 5,048 1,949 Northwest Territories, Nunavut 0 27 127 Stefansson Island 4,463 1,723 Nunavut 0 28 158 Mansel Island 3,180 1,228 Nunavut 0 29 161 Akimiski Island 3,001 1,159 Nunavut 0 30 170 Borden Island 2,794 1,079 Northwest Territories, Nunavut 0 31 172 Manitoulin Island 2,766 1,068 Ontario, it is the world 's largest island in a freshwater lake 11,933 32 175 Moresby Island 2,608 1,007 British Columbia 460", "short_answer": "" } } ], "No Tears Left to Cry": [ { "question": "when is no tears left to cry come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=No_Tears_Left_to_Cry&oldid=850581838", "q_uid": -8159447453259370301, "answers": { "long_answer": "Variety initially reported on April 9, 2018 that the track would be released on April 27, 2018. Grande began teasing the release on social media on April 15, 2018, using teardrop emojis and the song 's title written as `` \u028e\u0279\u0254 o\u0287 \u0287\u025f\u01ddl s\u0279\u0250\u01dd\u0287 ou ''. The title appeared on billboards across the US and featured on grey sweatshirts worn on social media by Grande, her half - brother Frankie and then - boyfriend Mac Miller. A listening party in London was also held. The song premiered worldwide at midnight ET on April 20, 2018, as the lead single from Grande 's upcoming fourth studio album, Sweetener. The grey sweatshirts were made available for purchase on Grande 's website the following day, bundled with a digital copy of the track. In the US, `` No Tears Left to Cry '' was sent to hot adult contemporary radio stations on April 23, 2018, and to rhythmic contemporary and contemporary hit radio stations the next day.", "short_answer": "April 20, 2018," } }, { "question": "who wrote no more tears left to cry", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=No_Tears_Left_to_Cry&oldid=843614006", "q_uid": -924456496464691713, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` No Tears Left to Cry '' is a song by American singer Ariana Grande from her upcoming fourth studio album, Sweetener. Written by Grande, Savan Kotecha and its producers Max Martin and Ilya, it was released by Republic Records as the album 's lead single on April 20, 2018, alongside its music video. Commercially, the song has topped the charts in Australia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Malaysia, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Singapore, and Slovakia and reached the top five in Austria, Canada, Germany, Finland, Latvia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as the top ten in Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Spain, and Sweden.", "short_answer": "Ariana Grande from" } }, { "question": "when will no tears left to cry come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=No_Tears_Left_to_Cry&oldid=846568095", "q_uid": 1422055979894180775, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` No Tears Left to Cry '' ( stylized in lowercase ) is a song by American singer Ariana Grande from her upcoming fourth studio album, Sweetener. Written by Grande, Savan Kotecha and its producers Max Martin and Ilya, it was released by Republic Records as the album 's lead single on April 20, 2018, alongside its music video. Commercially, the song has topped the charts in Australia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Malaysia, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Singapore, and Slovakia and reached the top five in Austria, Canada, Germany, Finland, Latvia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as the top ten in Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Spain, and Sweden.", "short_answer": "April 20, 2018," } }, { "question": "who wrote ariana grande no tears left to cry", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=No_Tears_Left_to_Cry&oldid=850581838", "q_uid": 1175648622851382219, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` No Tears Left to Cry '' ( stylized in all lowercase ) is a song by American singer Ariana Grande serving as the lead single for her upcoming fourth studio album, Sweetener. Written by Grande, Savan Kotecha and its producers Max Martin and Ilya, it was released by Republic Records as the album 's lead single on April 20, 2018, alongside its music video. The song is a dance - pop and disco song with a UK garage beat.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Run the World (Girls)": [ { "question": "who wrote the song who run the world by beyonce", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Run_the_World_(Girls)&oldid=813953514", "q_uid": 3247395306719899353, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Run the World ( Girls ) '' is a song recorded by American recording artist Beyonc\u00e9, from her fourth studio album 4 ( 2011 ), released as the lead single from the album on April 21, 2011. It was written by Terius `` The - Dream '' Nash and Beyonc\u00e9, while heavily sampling `` Pon de Floor '' by Major Lazer written by Nick `` Afrojack '' van de Wall, Wesley `` Diplo '' Pentz, David `` Switch '' Taylor and Adidja Palmer. Production was handled by Switch, The - Dream, Beyonc\u00e9, and Shea Taylor. The song 's development was motivated by the fact that Beyonc\u00e9 wanted something different: a mixture of different cultures and eras, a new sound, and a message which would give women strength. An unedited demo of the song, then thought to be titled `` Girls ( Who Run the World ) '', was leaked on the internet on April 18, 2011. `` Run the World '' premiered on US radio on April 21, 2011, and was digitally released the same day.", "short_answer": "Terius `` The - Dream '' Nash and Beyonc\u00e9," } } ], "Since I Saw You Last": [ { "question": "gary barlow since i saw you last songs", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Since_I_Saw_You_Last&oldid=831242072", "q_uid": 7037698750263583123, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since I Saw You Last -- Standard edition No. Title Writer ( s ) Length 1. `` Requiem '' Gary Barlow, Robbie Williams 4: 42 2. `` Let Me Go '' Barlow 3: 44 3. `` Jump '' Barlow, Tim Rice - Oxley 4: 08 4. `` Face to Face '' ( with Elton John ) Barlow, John Shanks 3: 33 5. `` God '' Barlow 5: 04 6. `` Small Town Girls '' Barlow 3: 19 7. `` 6th Avenue '' Barlow, Shanks 5: 00 8. `` We Like to Love '' Barlow 5: 26 9. `` Since I Saw You Last '' Barlow 3: 32 10. `` This House '' Barlow, Shanks 3: 58 11. `` Dying Inside '' Barlow 4: 33 12. `` More Than Life '' Barlow 3: 48", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Athletics at the 2016 Summer Olympics \u2013 Men's 400 metres": [ { "question": "who won the gold medal in 400m sprint in 2016 summer olympics", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Athletics_at_the_2016_Summer_Olympics_%E2%80%93_Men%27s_400_metres&oldid=792886919", "q_uid": -2447700982894946104, "answers": { "long_answer": "Men 's 400 metres at the Games of the XXXI Olympiad Interior view of the Est\u00e1dio Ol\u00edmpico Jo\u00e3o Havelange, where the Men 's 400m took place. Venue Olympic Stadium Dates 12 August 2016 ( Heats ) 13 August 2016 ( semi-final ) 14 August 2016 ( final ) Competitors 53 from 33 nations Winning time 43.03 WR Medalists 01! Wayde van Niekerk South Africa 02! Kirani James Grenada 03! LaShawn Merritt United States \u2190 2012 2020 \u2192 Official", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of islands of New Zealand": [ { "question": "what tiny island in new zealand is named after a colour", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_islands_of_New_Zealand&oldid=841492393", "q_uid": 4798521886553753891, "answers": { "long_answer": "Adele Island Aiguilles Island Alderman Islands Allports Island Amerikiwhati Island Anatakupu Island Anchor Island Anchorage Island Aorangaia Island Araara Island Arakaninihi Island Arapaoa Island Aroha Island Awarua Rock Bare Island Bauza Island Bells Island Bench Island Bests Island Big South Cape Island Blumine Island Breaksea Island The Brothers Browns Island Calliope Island, Whangarei Heads Catherine Island, Charles Sound Cavalli Islands Chalky Island Coal Island Codfish Island / Whenuahou Cooper Island Dog Island Cuvier Island D'Urville Island Dragon Island East Island / Whangaokeno Eleanor Island, Charles Sound Elizabeth Island Fanny Island, Charles Sound Fisherman Island Forsyth Island Frenchman Island, Whangarei Heads Gannet Island Goat Island, Auckland Goat Island, Otago Harbour Goat Island / Te Mapoutahi Great Barrier Island / Aotea Great Island Green Island Guano Island, Whangarei Heads Hen and Chicken Islands High Island Herald Island, Waitemat\u0101 Harbour Indian Island Kaikoura Island Kapiti Island Kawau Island King Billy Island Kopuahingahinga Island, Manukau Harbour Little Barrier Island ( Hauturu ) Long Island, Marlborough Long Island, Southland Mahurangi Island ( Goat Island ) Makaro / Ward Island Mana Island Matakana Island Matiu / Somes Island Maud Island / Te Hoiere Mauitaha Island, Whangarei Heads Mayor Island / Tuhua Mercury Islands Mokohinau Islands Mokopuna Island Motiti Island Motueka Island ( Pigeon Island ) Motuhoa Island Motuihe Island Motukaroro Island Motukawao Islands Motukiore Island, Parua Bay Motunau Island Motuoroi Island Moturaka Island Moturata / Taieri Island Motutapu Island Moutohora Island / Whale Island Native Island Ngarango Otainui Island, Manukau Harbour Ninepin Rock, Manukau Harbour Noble Island North Island Opahekeheke Island Open Bay Islands Pakatoa Island Pararekau Island, Manukau Harbour Pearl Island Pepin Island ( a tied island connected to the mainland ) Piercy Island Ponui Island Poor Knights Islands Portland Island Pourewa Island Puketutu Island, Manukau Harbour Putauhinu Island Quail Island Quarantine Island / Kamau Taurua Rabbit Island Rakino Island Rangitoto Island Rangitoto Islands, Marlborough Sounds Raratoka Island Resolution Island Ripapa Island Rotoroa Island Rurima Rocks, including Rurima Island Ruapuke Island Quarantine Island / Kamau Taurua Secretary Island Shark Island, Manukau Harbour Slipper Island South Island Stephens Island / Takapourewa Stewart Island / Rakiura Sugar Loaf Islands Takangaroa Island Tapu Te Ranga Motu Tarahiki Island Tarakanahi Island Tata Islands Tikitiki Island, ( The Ninepin ), Bay of Islands Tiritiri Matangi Island Titi / Muttonbird Islands Tonga Island Ulva Island Urupukapuka Island Waiheke Island Walker Island Watchman Island, Waitemat\u0101 Harbour Whakaari / White Island Whanganui Island White Island ( Otago ) Wiroa Island, Manukau Harbour", "short_answer": "Green Island" } } ], "BMW 5 Series (F10)": [ { "question": "what engine is in a 2010 bmw 535i", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=BMW_5_Series_(F10)&oldid=849821103", "q_uid": 7429258657504365675, "answers": { "long_answer": "Model Years Engine Power Torque Notes 520i 2011 -- 2016 N20B20 turbo I4 135 kW ( 181 bhp ) @ 5,200 -- 6,250 rpm 270 N \u22c5 m ( 199 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 1,250 -- 4,500 rpm Except Greece and Turkey N20B16 turbo I4 125 kW ( 168 bhp ) @ 5,000 rpm 250 N \u22c5 m ( 184 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 1,500 -- 4,700 rpm Greece and Turkey only 523i 2010 -- 2011 N52B25 N.A. I6 150 kW ( 201 bhp ) @ 6,400 rpm 250 N \u22c5 m ( 184 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 2,750 rpm Asia only N53B30 N.A. I6 150 kW ( 201 bhp ) @ 6,100 rpm 270 N \u22c5 m ( 199 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 1,500 -- 4,250 rpm Europe only 528i 2010 -- 2011 N53B30 N.A. I6 190 kW ( 255 bhp ) @ 6,600 rpm 310 N \u22c5 m ( 229 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 2,600 -- 5,000 rpm Europe only N52B30 N.A. I6 179 kW ( 240 bhp ) @ 6,600 rpm 299 N \u22c5 m ( 221 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 2,750 rpm Outside Europe 2012 -- 2016 N20B20 turbo I4 180 kW ( 241 bhp ) @ 5,000 -- 6,500 rpm 350 N \u22c5 m ( 258 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 1,250 -- 4,800 rpm 530i 2011 -- 2016 N53B30 N.A. I6 200 kW ( 268 bhp ) @ 6,100 rpm 310 N \u22c5 m ( 229 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 1,600 -- 4,250 rpm Europe only 535i 2010 -- 2016 N55B30 turbo I6 225 kW ( 302 bhp ) @ 5,800 rpm 400 N \u22c5 m ( 295 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 1,200 -- 5,000 rpm 550i 2010 -- 2013 N63B44 turbo V8 300 kW ( 402 bhp ) @ 5,500 -- 6,400 rpm 600 N \u22c5 m ( 443 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 1,750 -- 4,500 rpm 2014 -- 2016 331 kW ( 444 bhp ) @ 5,500 -- 6,400 rpm M5 2012 -- 2016 S63B44TU turbo V8 412 kW ( 553 bhp ) @ 6,000 -- 7,000 rpm 680 N \u22c5 m ( 502 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 1,500 -- 5,700 rpm ActiveHybrid 5 2011 -- 2016 N55B30 turbo I6 225 kW ( 302 bhp ) @ 5,800 rpm 400 N \u22c5 m ( 295 lb \u22c5 ft ) @ 1,200 -- 5,000 rpm electric 40 kW ( 54 bhp ) 210 N \u22c5 m ( 155 lb \u22c5 ft ) combined 250 kW ( 335 bhp ) 450 N \u22c5 m ( 332 lb \u22c5 ft )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Mazda BT-50": [ { "question": "why is ford ranger and mazda bt 50 the same", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mazda_BT-50&oldid=807203444", "q_uid": 5169716516323599241, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Mazda BT - 50 ( model code J97M ) is a compact / mid-sized pickup truck produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mazda since 2006. It is a larger version of the predecessor B - Series pickup and is not sold in the Japanese and North American markets. Until 2011, Ford had also sold a version of the first - generation BT - 50 as the Ford Ranger and as the SUV Ford Everest. From 2011 the second - generation Ranger has been designed by Ford Australia, with a Mazda derivative sold as the BT - 50.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "2018 Chicago Bears season": [ { "question": "who are the chicago bears playing in 2018", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2018_Chicago_Bears_season&oldid=843212513", "q_uid": -2275704656258078667, "answers": { "long_answer": "Week Date Kickoff ( CT ) Opponent Result Record Game site TV NFL.com GameBook NFL.com recap September 9 7: 20 p.m. at Green Bay Packers Lambeau Field NBC September 17 7: 15 p.m. Seattle Seahawks Soldier Field ESPN September 23 3: 25 p.m. at Arizona Cardinals University of Phoenix Stadium Fox September 30 12: 00 p.m. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Soldier Field Fox 5 Bye 6 October 14 12: 00 p.m. at Miami Dolphins Hard Rock Stadium Fox 7 October 21 12: 00 p.m. New England Patriots Soldier Field CBS 8 October 28 12: 00 p.m. New York Jets Soldier Field CBS 9 November 4 12: 00 p.m. at Buffalo Bills New Era Field Fox 10 November 11 12: 00 p.m. Detroit Lions Soldier Field Fox 11 November 18 12: 00 p.m. Minnesota Vikings Soldier Field Fox 12 November 22 11: 30 a.m. at Detroit Lions Ford Field CBS 13 December 2 12: 00 p.m. at New York Giants MetLife Stadium Fox 14 December 9 12: 00 p.m. Los Angeles Rams Soldier Field Fox 15 December 16 12: 00 p.m. Green Bay Packers Soldier Field Fox 16 December 23 3: 05 p.m. at San Francisco 49ers Levi 's Stadium Fox 17 December 30 12: 00 p.m. at Minnesota Vikings U.S. Bank Stadium Fox Notes: Intra-division opponents are in bold text. Networks and times from Weeks 6 -- 17 are subject to change as a result of flexible scheduling, for the exception of Week 12 ( Thanksgiving ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "A Chorus Line": [ { "question": "who gets the job in a chorus line", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=A_Chorus_Line&oldid=851980758", "q_uid": -9016156990851099883, "answers": { "long_answer": "During a tap sequence, Paul falls and injures his knee that recently underwent surgery. After Paul is carried off to the hospital, all at the audition stand in disbelief, realizing that their careers can also end in an instant. Zach asks the remaining dancers what they will do when they can no longer dance. Led by Diana, they reply that whatever happens, they will be free of regret ( `` What I Did for Love '' ). The final eight dancers are selected: Mike, Cassie, Bobby, Judy, Richie, Val, Mark, and Diana.", "short_answer": "Mike," } }, { "question": "who sings what songs in a chorus line", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=A_Chorus_Line&oldid=807686677", "q_uid": 5408929090409162209, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` I Hope I Get It '' -- Company `` I Can Do That '' -- Mike `` And... '' -- Bobby, Richie, Val, and Judy `` At the Ballet '' -- Sheila, Bebe, and Maggie `` Sing! '' -- Kristine, Al, and Company `` Montage Part 1: Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love '' -- Mark, Connie, and Company `` Montage Part 2: Nothing '' -- Diana `` Montage Part 3: Mother '' -- Don, Judy, Val, Diana, Maggie, Cassie, Al, Sheila, Greg, Paul, and Company `` Montage Part 4: Gimme the Ball '' -- Greg, Richie, and Company `` Dance: Ten; Looks: Three '' -- Val `` The Music and the Mirror '' -- Cassie `` One '' -- Company `` The Tap Combination '' -- Company `` What I Did for Love '' -- Diana and Company `` One '' ( Reprise ) / Bows -- Company", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Jet engine": [ { "question": "where does the thrust come from on a jet engine", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jet_engine&oldid=854533136", "q_uid": -7496156848362787801, "answers": { "long_answer": "In common parlance, the term jet engine loosely refers to an internal combustion airbreathing jet engine. These typically feature a rotating air compressor powered by a turbine, with the leftover power providing thrust via a propelling nozzle -- this process is known as the Brayton thermodynamic cycle. Jet aircraft use such engines for long - distance travel. Early jet aircraft used turbojet engines which were relatively inefficient for subsonic flight. Modern subsonic jet aircraft usually use more complex high - bypass turbofan engines. These engines offer high speed and greater fuel efficiency than piston and propeller aeroengines over long distances. Some jet engines optimized for high speed applications ( ramjets and scramjets ) use the ram effect of the vehicle 's speed instead of a mechanical compressor.", "short_answer": "internal combustion airbreathing" } } ], "Bethany Joy Lenz": [ { "question": "who plays haley james in one tree hill", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bethany_Joy_Lenz&oldid=800929570", "q_uid": 9110420384536756676, "answers": { "long_answer": "Bethany Joy Lenz ( formerly Galeotti; born April 2, 1981 ), also known as Joie Lenz, is an American actress, singer - songwriter and filmmaker. She is best known for her portrayal of Haley James Scott on The WB / CW television drama One Tree Hill. She also starred as Michelle Bauer Santos on the CBS Daytime soap opera Guiding Light, and is recognized for her music as a solo artist and as a member of the band Everly.", "short_answer": "Bethany Joy Lenz (" } } ], "Jonathan Pryce": [ { "question": "who played high sparrow in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jonathan_Pryce&oldid=804890949", "q_uid": 2811754754035784387, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jonathan Pryce, CBE ( born John Price; 1 June 1947 ) is a Welsh actor and singer. After studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and meeting his longtime girlfriend, English actress Kate Fahy, in 1974, he began his career as a stage actor in the 1970s. His work in theatre, including an award - winning performance in the title role of the Royal Court Theatre 's Hamlet, led to several supporting roles in film and television. His breakthrough screen performance was in Terry Gilliam 's 1985 cult film Brazil.", "short_answer": "Jonathan Pryce," } }, { "question": "who played the high sparrow in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jonathan_Pryce&oldid=807967594", "q_uid": -3182661186284061347, "answers": { "long_answer": "Initially in 2015, Pryce was a guest actor in the HBO series Game of Thrones as the High Sparrow before becoming a main cast member in 2016.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays high sparrow in game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jonathan_Pryce&oldid=815789172", "q_uid": 1739820853088634040, "answers": { "long_answer": "Initially in 2015, Pryce was a guest actor in the HBO series Game of Thrones as the High Sparrow before becoming a main cast member in 2016.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "2014 BCS National Championship Game": [ { "question": "who did florida state beat in the national championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2014_BCS_National_Championship_Game&oldid=775239194", "q_uid": -1038442792900448017, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2014 Vizio BCS National Championship Game was the national championship game of the 2013 college football season, which took place on Monday, January 6, 2014. The game featured the Auburn Tigers and Florida State Seminoles. It was the 16th and last time the top two teams would automatically play for the Bowl Championship Series ( BCS ) title before the implementation of a four - team College Football Playoff system. The game was played at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California, kicking off at 8: 30 p.m. ET. The game was hosted by the Pasadena Tournament of Roses, the organizer of the annual Tournament of Roses Parade and the Rose Bowl Game on New Year 's Day. The winner of the game, Florida State, was presented with the American Football Coaches Association 's `` The Coaches ' Trophy '', valued at $30,000. Pre-game festivities began at 4: 30 p.m. PT. Face values of tickets were $385 and $325 ( end zone seats ) with both teams receiving a total of 40,000 tickets.", "short_answer": "the Auburn Tigers and" } }, { "question": "who did florida state play in the 2013 national championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2014_BCS_National_Championship_Game&oldid=817406752", "q_uid": 519533673507686659, "answers": { "long_answer": "2014 Vizio BCS National Championship Game BCS Bowl Game Florida State Seminoles Auburn Tigers ( 13 -- 0 ) ( 12 -- 1 ) ACC SEC 34 31 Head coach: Jimbo Fisher Head coach: Gus Malzahn AP Coaches BCS AP Coaches BCS Total Florida State 7 21 34 Auburn 7 14 0 10 31 Date January 6, 2014 Season 2013 Stadium Rose Bowl Location Pasadena, California MVP Offense: QB Jameis Winston ( FSU ) Defense: DB P.J. Williams ( FSU ) Favorite Florida State by 81\u20442 National anthem John Legend Referee John O'Neill ( Big Ten ) Attendance 94,208 Payout US $ 23.9 millions ( each AQ conference ) United States TV coverage Network ESPN, ESPN Deportes, Xbox Live, ESPN3 / WatchESPN, ESPN Radio ( PST Only ) Announcers ESPN: Brent Musburger ( play by play ) Kirk Herbstreit ( analyst ) Heather Cox, and Tom Rinaldi ( sideline ) ESPN Radio: Mike Tirico ( play by play ) Todd Blackledge ( analyst ) Holly Rowe, and Joe Schad ( sideline ) Nielsen ratings 15.7 ( 26 Million viewers ) BCS National Championship Game < 2013 College Football Championship Game < 2013 2015 > The", "short_answer": "Auburn Tigers" } }, { "question": "who did fsu beat for the 2013 championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2014_BCS_National_Championship_Game&oldid=775239194", "q_uid": -3969795926356486254, "answers": { "long_answer": "Teams playing in this game were officially selected on Selection Sunday, December 8, 2013. They are the No. 1 and No. 2 nationally ranked teams in the final BCS standings. In the final BCS Standings, Florida State ended up ranked No. 1 and Auburn ended up ranked No. 2. Auburn and Florida State have played 17 times before, with Auburn leading the series, 13 -- 4. Their last meeting was in 1990 at Auburn, Auburn winning 20 -- 17.", "short_answer": "Auburn ended" } } ], "List of earthquakes in South Africa": [ { "question": "areas that are impacted by earthquakes in south africa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_earthquakes_in_South_Africa&oldid=839313508", "q_uid": -9207426103612281276, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Time ( SAST ) Epicentre M L ( \\ displaystyle M_ ( L ) ) Depth Notes 29 September 1969 Near Tulbagh 6.3 The 1969 earthquake remains the most destructive earthquake in South African history. The earthquake occurred in the Tulbagh area and measured 6.3 on the Richter scale, stronger than that of the 1809 Cape Town earthquake which destroyed a local Milnerton farm. 8 December 1976 Welkom 5.2 Four miners were killed. 26 September 1990 Welkom 4.2 Two people were killed. 9 March 2005 Stilfontein, North West 5.3 Two miners were killed underground. 28 May 2013 Near Mbabane 4.0 The earthquake was felt in Newcastle and lasted about six seconds. 22 June 2013 07: 08 Thabazimbi, Limpopo 3.9 9 km The earthquake was felt up in the Thabazimbi area. 7 July 2013 16: 52 Barberton, Mpumalanga 4.7 5 km The earthquake was felt in the Barberton area. 11 November 2013 University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng 4.0 The earthquake was felt as far as parts of northern and southern Johannesburg and lasted for around 10 -- 15 seconds. 2 December 2013 21: 18 ~ 25 km south of Bela - Bela, Limpopo 4.8 5 km The earthquake was felt as far as Parkhurst and Randburg in Johannesburg, Hartebeespoort Dam in North West, Witbank and KwaMhlanga in Mpumalanga, and Soshanguve near Pretoria. 15 June 2014 18: 16 Near Orkney, North West 4.9 M 5 km The earthquake was felt up to Potchefstroom. 5 August 2014 12: 22 Near Orkney, North West 5.5 5.0 km The earthquake was felt as far as parts of Botswana and Durban, it lasted for around 90 sec. The local Council for Geoscience measured the earthquake at 5.5 on the Richter scale, while the United States Geological Survey recorded a moment magnitude of 5.4. 22 August 2014 1: 14 Near Orange Farm, Gauteng 3.8 10 km The second earthquake in South Africa in less than three weeks. No reports of injuries. The Council for Geoscience ( CGS ) in South Africa reported an earthquake of 3.8 with two aftershocks occurring within minutes of each other of 3.2 and 2.0 respectively.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Isabelle Fuhrman": [ { "question": "who played the girl in the movie orphan", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Isabelle_Fuhrman&oldid=814787227", "q_uid": -6719372363613863773, "answers": { "long_answer": "Isabelle Fuhrman ( born February 25, 1997 ) is an American actress. She is known for her portrayal of Esther in the 2009 horror / thriller film Orphan and Clove in The Hunger Games.", "short_answer": "Isabelle Fuhrman (" } } ], "Torrey DeVitto": [ { "question": "who plays nanny carrie in one tree hill", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Torrey_DeVitto&oldid=843136890", "q_uid": 2074538167544009168, "answers": { "long_answer": "Torrey Jo\u00ebl DeVitto ( born June 8, 1984 ) is an American actress, musician and former fashion model. She is best known for her recurring roles as Melissa Hastings in the ABC Family / Freeform mystery / thriller series Pretty Little Liars from 2010 to 2017, Dr. Meredith Fell in The CW fantasy drama The Vampire Diaries from 2012 to 2013 and as Carrie the psycho nanny in The CW drama One Tree Hill from 2008 to 2009. In 2013, she starred as Maggie Hall in the seventh and final season of the Lifetime drama Army Wives. In 2015, she began starring as Dr. Natalie Manning in the NBC medical drama Chicago Med.", "short_answer": "Torrey Jo\u00ebl DeVitto (" } }, { "question": "who plays the nanny on one tree hill", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Torrey_DeVitto&oldid=809112629", "q_uid": -3203867476342782936, "answers": { "long_answer": "Torrey Jo\u00ebl DeVitto ( born June 8, 1984 ) is an American actress, musician and former fashion model. She is best known for her recurring roles as Melissa Hastings in the ABC Family / Freeform mystery / thriller series Pretty Little Liars ( 2010 - 2017 ), Dr. Meredith Fell in The CW fantasy drama The Vampire Diaries ( 2012 - 2013 ) and as the psycho nanny Carrie in The CW drama One Tree Hill ( 2008 - 2009 ). In 2013, she starred as Maggie Hall in the seventh and final season of the Lifetime drama Army Wives. In 2015, she began starring as Dr. Natalie Manning in the NBC medical drama Chicago Med.", "short_answer": "Torrey Jo\u00ebl DeVitto (" } } ], "List of awards and nominations received by Game of Thrones": [ { "question": "who has won an emmy for game of thrones", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Game_of_Thrones&oldid=862637043", "q_uid": -3869744738804328302, "answers": { "long_answer": "Actor Character Category Seasons 5 6 7 Peter Dinklage Tyrion Lannister Supporting Actor Won Nominated Nominated Nominated Won Nominated Won Lena Headey Cersei Lannister Supporting Actress Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Diana Rigg Olenna Tyrell Guest Actress Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Emilia Clarke Daenerys Targaryen Supporting Actress Nominated Nominated Nominated Kit Harington Jon Snow Supporting Actor Nominated Maisie Williams Arya Stark Supporting Actress Nominated Max von Sydow Three - eyed Raven Guest Actor Nominated Nikolaj Coster - Waldau Jaime Lannister Supporting Actor Nominated", "short_answer": "Peter Dinklage" } }, { "question": "did game of thrones have any emmy nominations", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Game_of_Thrones&oldid=806532716", "q_uid": -3783755999659784347, "answers": { "long_answer": "The series, mostly written by Benioff, Weiss and Martin, has been nominated for many awards, including six Golden Globe Awards ( one win ), nine Writers Guild of America Awards, six Producers Guild of America Awards ( one win ), five Directors Guild of America Awards ( two wins ), six Art Directors Guild Awards ( four wins ), eighteen Saturn Awards ( two wins ), thirteen Satellite Awards ( two wins ), and one Peabody Award. The series has received 110 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, including six consecutive Outstanding Drama Series nominations, with 38 wins to date. Game of Thrones received many nominations, with awards recognizing various aspects of the series such as directing, writing, cast, visual effects, or overall quality.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many emmys did game of thrones win", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Game_of_Thrones&oldid=837765371", "q_uid": -7023623659676213456, "answers": { "long_answer": "Game of Thrones has won 38 out of 110 nominations. Peter Dinklage has been nominated for the best supporting actor six times in a row for playing Tyrion Lannister, with an win in 2011 and 2015. Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have won twice for writing. Game of Thrones has six nominations for the best drama series, winning two in 2015 and 2016. Both David Nutter and Miguel Sapochnik have won for directing. Game of Thrones holds the Emmy - award record for most wins for a scripted television series, ahead of Frasier ( which received 37 ).", "short_answer": "38 out" } } ], "2016 Cleveland Browns season": [ { "question": "who did the cleveland browns beat last year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2016_Cleveland_Browns_season&oldid=805483764", "q_uid": -6757215892586761613, "answers": { "long_answer": "Week Date Opponent Result Record Game site NFL.com recap September 11 at Philadelphia Eagles L 10 -- 29 0 -- 1 Lincoln Financial Field Recap September 18 Baltimore Ravens L 20 -- 25 0 -- 2 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap September 25 at Miami Dolphins L 24 -- 30 ( OT ) 0 -- 3 Hard Rock Stadium Recap October 2 at Washington Redskins L 20 -- 31 0 -- 4 FedExField Recap 5 October 9 New England Patriots L 13 -- 33 0 -- 5 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 6 October 16 at Tennessee Titans L 26 -- 28 0 -- 6 Nissan Stadium Recap 7 October 23 at Cincinnati Bengals L 17 -- 31 0 -- 7 Paul Brown Stadium Recap 8 October 30 New York Jets L 28 -- 31 0 -- 8 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 9 November 6 Dallas Cowboys L 10 -- 35 0 -- 9 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 10 November 10 at Baltimore Ravens L 7 -- 28 0 -- 10 M&T Bank Stadium Recap 11 November 20 Pittsburgh Steelers L 9 -- 24 0 -- 11 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 12 November 27 New York Giants L 13 -- 27 0 -- 12 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 13 Bye 14 December 11 Cincinnati Bengals L 10 -- 23 0 -- 13 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 15 December 18 at Buffalo Bills L 13 -- 33 0 -- 14 New Era Field Recap 16 December 24 San Diego Chargers W 20 -- 17 1 -- 14 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 17 January 1 at Pittsburgh Steelers L 24 -- 27 ( OT ) 1 -- 15 Heinz Field Recap", "short_answer": "San Diego Chargers" } }, { "question": "when was the last time the browns won 3 games in a row", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2016_Cleveland_Browns_season&oldid=805483764", "q_uid": -9103896813606584583, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Browns entered this game looking to win consecutive games for the first time since they won 3 in a row during Weeks 8 - 10 of the 2014 season. The Steelers entered the game locked into the AFC 's # 3 seed and rested most of their starters. However, the Browns would still fall to the Steelers, losing 27 -- 24 in an overtime affair. With the loss, the Browns finished the season with a 1 -- 15 record, their worst record in franchise history. The Browns also became the 10th team in NFL history, and the first team since the 2009 Rams, to finish 1 - 15. They failed to win a division game for the first time since the 2011 season and extended their losing streak within the division to 11 games. The Browns also failed to win a road game in a season for only the second time in franchise history and the first time since the 1975 season. They also extended their road losing streak to 13 games and failed to win a road game against the Steelers for the thirteenth consecutive season. The Browns finished with the worst record in the NFL and secured the # 1 overall pick in the 2017 NFL Draft.", "short_answer": "Weeks 8 - 10 of the 2014 season." } }, { "question": "when did the cleveland browns win their last football game", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2016_Cleveland_Browns_season&oldid=820495013", "q_uid": 5804020015647708152, "answers": { "long_answer": "Total Chargers 10 0 7 0 17 Browns 7 10 0 20", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who did the browns beat in the 2016 season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2016_Cleveland_Browns_season&oldid=795870291", "q_uid": 7083221934614116498, "answers": { "long_answer": "Week Date Opponent Result Record Game site NFL.com recap September 11 at Philadelphia Eagles L 10 -- 29 0 -- 1 Lincoln Financial Field Recap September 18 Baltimore Ravens L 20 -- 25 0 -- 2 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap September 25 at Miami Dolphins L 24 -- 30 ( OT ) 0 -- 3 Hard Rock Stadium Recap October 2 at Washington Redskins L 20 -- 31 0 -- 4 FedExField Recap 5 October 9 New England Patriots L 13 -- 33 0 -- 5 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 6 October 16 at Tennessee Titans L 26 -- 28 0 -- 6 Nissan Stadium Recap 7 October 23 at Cincinnati Bengals L 17 -- 31 0 -- 7 Paul Brown Stadium Recap 8 October 30 New York Jets L 28 -- 31 0 -- 8 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 9 November 6 Dallas Cowboys L 10 -- 35 0 -- 9 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 10 November 10 at Baltimore Ravens L 7 -- 28 0 -- 10 M&T Bank Stadium Recap 11 November 20 Pittsburgh Steelers L 9 -- 24 0 -- 11 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 12 November 27 New York Giants L 13 -- 27 0 -- 12 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 13 Bye 14 December 11 Cincinnati Bengals L 10 -- 23 0 -- 13 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 15 December 18 at Buffalo Bills L 13 -- 33 0 -- 14 New Era Field Recap 16 December 24 San Diego Chargers W 20 -- 17 1 -- 14 FirstEnergy Stadium Recap 17 January 1 at Pittsburgh Steelers L 24 -- 27 ( OT ) 1 -- 15 Heinz Field Recap", "short_answer": "San Diego Chargers" } } ], "List of governors of Bengal": [ { "question": "who became the governer of bengal in 1758", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_governors_of_Bengal&oldid=805312565", "q_uid": -3651575346589591807, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Took office Left office Robert Clive 1758 1760 Henry Vansittart 1760 1765 Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive 1765 1767 Harry Verelst 1767 1769 John Cartier 1769 1772 Warren Hastings 1772 1785 Sir John Macpherson, 1st Baronet 1785 1786 Charles Cornwallis, 2nd Earl Cornwallis 1786 1793 Sir John Shore 1793 1798 Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley 1798 1805 Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis 1805 1805 Sir George Barlow, 1st Baronet 1805 1807 Gilbert Elliot - Murray - Kynynmound, The Lord Minto 1807 1813 Francis Rawdon - Hastings, The Earl of Moira 1813 1823 John Adam 1823 1823 William Amherst, 1st Earl Amherst 1823 1828 William Butterworth Bayley 1828 1828 William Bentinck 1828 1835 Sir Charles Metcalfe, Bt 1835 1836 George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland 1836 1842 Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough 1842 1844 William Wilberforce Bird 1842 1844 Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge 1844 1848 James Broun - Ramsay, 1st Marquess of Dalhousie 1848 1856", "short_answer": "Robert Clive" } }, { "question": "name of the first governor general of bengal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_governors_of_Bengal&oldid=805312565", "q_uid": -2179675112996593323, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Took office Left office Robert Clive 1758 1760 Henry Vansittart 1760 1765 Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive 1765 1767 Harry Verelst 1767 1769 John Cartier 1769 1772 Warren Hastings 1772 1785 Sir John Macpherson, 1st Baronet 1785 1786 Charles Cornwallis, 2nd Earl Cornwallis 1786 1793 Sir John Shore 1793 1798 Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley 1798 1805 Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis 1805 1805 Sir George Barlow, 1st Baronet 1805 1807 Gilbert Elliot - Murray - Kynynmound, The Lord Minto 1807 1813 Francis Rawdon - Hastings, The Earl of Moira 1813 1823 John Adam 1823 1823 William Amherst, 1st Earl Amherst 1823 1828 William Butterworth Bayley 1828 1828 William Bentinck 1828 1835 Sir Charles Metcalfe, Bt 1835 1836 George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland 1836 1842 Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough 1842 1844 William Wilberforce Bird 1842 1844 Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge 1844 1848 James Broun - Ramsay, 1st Marquess of Dalhousie 1848 1856", "short_answer": "Warren Hastings" } }, { "question": "who is the first governor general of bengal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_governors_of_Bengal&oldid=848217414", "q_uid": 4667217453828958425, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Took office Left office Robert Clive 1758 1760 Henry Vansittart 1760 1765 Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive 1765 1767 Harry Verelst 1767 1769 John Cartier 1769 1772 Warren Hastings 1773 1785 Sir John Macpherson, 1st Baronet 1785 1786 Charles Cornwallis, 2nd Earl Cornwallis 1786 1793 Sir John Shore 1793 1798 Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley 1798 1805 Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis 1805 1805 Sir George Barlow, 1st Baronet 1805 1807 Gilbert Elliot - Murray - Kynynmound, The Lord Minto 1807 1813 Francis Rawdon - Hastings, The Earl of Moira 1813 1823 John Adam 1823 1823 William Amherst, 1st Earl Amherst 1823 1828 William Butterworth Bayley 1828 1828 William Bentinck 1828 1835 Sir Charles Metcalfe, Bt 1835 1836 George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland 1836 1842 Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough 1842 1844 William Wilberforce Bird 1842 1844 Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge 1844 1848 James Broun - Ramsay, 1st Marquess of Dalhousie 1848 1856", "short_answer": "Robert Clive" } } ], "Trevor Siemian": [ { "question": "who is the quarter back for the broncos", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Trevor_Siemian&oldid=815782069", "q_uid": -6116288474208644733, "answers": { "long_answer": "Trevor John Siemian ( born December 26, 1991 ) is an American football quarterback for the Denver Broncos of the National Football League ( NFL ). Siemian played college football at Northwestern and was drafted by the Broncos in the seventh round of the 2015 NFL Draft. He earned a Super Bowl ring following the Broncos ' Super Bowl 50 victory over the Carolina Panthers.", "short_answer": "Trevor John Siemian (" } } ], "Leonard Nimoy": [ { "question": "who plays spock in the original star trek", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Leonard_Nimoy&oldid=808258271", "q_uid": -8397686639349936441, "answers": { "long_answer": "Leonard Simon Nimoy ( / \u02c8ni\u02d0m\u0254\u026a /; March 26, 1931 -- February 27, 2015 ) was an American actor, film director, photographer, author, singer and songwriter. He was best known for his role as Spock of the Star Trek franchise, a character he portrayed in television and film from a pilot episode shot in late 1964 to his final film performance in 2013.", "short_answer": "Leonard Simon Nimoy (" } } ], "David Harbour": [ { "question": "who is the police chief on stranger things", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=David_Harbour&oldid=825998531", "q_uid": -7070027219231582402, "answers": { "long_answer": "David Harbour ( born April 10, 1975 ) is an American actor. He currently stars in the Netflix series Stranger Things as Police Chief Jim Hopper for which he received nominations for a Primetime Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award in 2017. He won Critics ' Choice Television Awards for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in 2018. He recently finished filming the title role in the upcoming reboot for Hellboy.", "short_answer": "Jim Hopper for" } }, { "question": "who plays the chief of police in stranger things", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=David_Harbour&oldid=816224144", "q_uid": 6046333703140054848, "answers": { "long_answer": "David Harbour ( born April 10, 1975 ) is an American actor. He initially drew attention for his work in several Broadway plays, garnering a Tony Award nomination for his performance in the 2005 revival of Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. He currently stars as the lead role in the Netflix series Stranger Things as Police Chief Jim Hopper for which he received nominations for a Primetime Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award in 2017. He is currently filming the title role in the upcoming superhero film Hellboy.", "short_answer": "David Harbour (" } } ], "Miami": [ { "question": "where is miami florida located on the map", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami&oldid=807864295", "q_uid": -3258645805758454495, "answers": { "long_answer": "Coordinates: 25 \u00b0 46 \u2032 31 '' N 80 \u00b0 12 \u2032 32 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 25.77528 \u00b0 N 80.20889 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 25.77528; - 80.20889 Coordinates: 25 \u00b0 46 \u2032 31 '' N 80 \u00b0 12 \u2032 32 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 25.77528 \u00b0 N 80.20889 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 25.77528; - 80.20889", "short_answer": "Coordinates: 25 \u00b0 46 \u2032 31 '' N 80 \u00b0 12 \u2032 32 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 25.77528 \u00b0 N 80.20889 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 25.77528; - 80.20889 Coordinates: 25 \u00b0 46 \u2032 31 '' N 80 \u00b0 12 \u2032 32 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 25.77528 \u00b0 N 80.20889 \u00b0 W \ufeff" } }, { "question": "what is the current population of miami florida", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Miami&oldid=826588159", "q_uid": -6904277796162941041, "answers": { "long_answer": "Historical population Census Pop. % \u00b1 1900 1,681 -- 1910 5,471 225.5 % 1920 29,571 440.5 % 1930 110,637 274.1 % 1940 172,172 55.6 % 1950 249,276 44.8 % 1960 291,688 17.0 % 1970 334,859 14.8 % 1980 346,681 3.5 % 1990 358,548 3.4 % 2000 362,470 1.1 % 399,457 10.2 % Est. 2016 453,579 13.5 % U.S. Decennial Census", "short_answer": "453,579" } } ], "List of Governors of South Carolina": [ { "question": "who was the first governor of south carolina", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Governors_of_South_Carolina&oldid=802494126", "q_uid": -1520882768520578187, "answers": { "long_answer": "Governor Gubernatorial term U.S. Congress Other offices held House Senate John Rutledge 1776 -- 1778 1779 -- 1782 Delegate to Philadelphia Convention and signer of the United States Constitution; Associate and Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court Thomas Pinckney 1787 -- 1789 United States Minister to Great Britain Charles Pinckney 1789 -- 1792 1796 -- 1798 1806 -- 1808 Delegate to Philadelphia Convention and signer of the United States Constitution; United States Minister to Spain Paul Hamilton 1804 -- 1806 United States Secretary of the Navy Henry Middleton 1810 -- 1812 United States Minister to Russia David Rogerson Williams 1814 -- 1816 Richard Irvine Manning I 1824 -- 1826 John Taylor 1826 -- 1828 Stephen Decatur Miller 1828 -- 1830 James Hamilton, Jr. 1830 -- 1832 Robert Y. Hayne 1832 -- 1834 George McDuffie 1834 -- 1836 John Peter Richardson II 1840 -- 1842 James Henry Hammond 1842 -- 1844 William Aiken, Jr. 1844 -- 1846 Francis Wilkinson Pickens 1860 -- 1862 United States Minister to Russia Milledge Luke Bonham 1862 -- 1864 Confederate Representative James Lawrence Orr 1865 -- 1868 Confederate Senator; United States Minister to Russia; Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Wade Hampton III 1877 -- 1879 S * United States Railroad Commissioner William Dunlap Simpson 1879 -- 1880 Confederate Representative Hugh Smith Thompson 1882 -- 1886 United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury *; United States Civil Service Commissioner Benjamin Tillman 1890 -- 1894 Coleman Livingston Blease 1911 -- 1915 Olin D. Johnston 1935 -- 1939 1943 -- 1945 S * Burnet R. Maybank 1939 -- 1941 S * Strom Thurmond 1947 -- 1951 James F. Byrnes 1951 -- 1955 Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court; United States Secretary of State Ernest Hollings 1959 -- 1963 Donald S. Russell 1963 -- 1965 S * John C. West 1971 -- 1975 United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia James B. Edwards 1975 -- 1979 United States Secretary of Energy Richard Riley 1979 -- 1987 United States Secretary of Education Carroll A. Campbell, Jr. 1987 -- 1995 David Beasley 1995 - 1999 Executive Director of the World Food Programme Mark Sanford 2003 -- 2011 Nikki Haley 2011 -- 2017 United States Ambassador to the United Nations *", "short_answer": "John Rutledge" } } ], "Wayne Brady": [ { "question": "who does wayne brady play in sofia the first", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Wayne_Brady&oldid=832298774", "q_uid": 6703108024704588707, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes Superboy Episode: `` The Sons of Icarus '' 1993 I 'll Fly Away Damon 2 episodes 1993 In the Heat of the Night Henry Ulmer Episode: `` Hatton 's Turn '' ( Parts 1 & 2 ) 1997 -- 1999 Kwik Witz Himself Syndicated improv 1998 Whose Line Is It Anyway? ( UK ) Himself 3 episodes in series 10 1998 -- 2006, 2013 -- present Whose Line Is It Anyway? ( US ) Himself Starring: seasons 2 -- 7, 9 --; recurring: seasons 1 & 8 Also executive producer ( season 9 -- ) 1999, 2000 The Drew Carey Show Himself `` Drew Live '' and `` Drew Live II '' ( improv episodes ) 2000 Batman Beyond Micron Episode: `` The Call '' ( Parts 1 & 2 ) 2000 Geppetto The Magician Movie 2001 -- 2004 The Wayne Brady Show Host Variety show 2002 Miss America Host Chappelle 's Show Himself 2 episodes Sesame Street Himself 2005 Stargate SG - 1 Trelak Episode: `` It 's Good to be King '' 2006 -- 2008 Everybody Hates Chris Louis 2 episodes 2006 Robot Chicken Pegasus ' Sunny Muffin ' / Salam Fayyad ( voice ) Episode: `` Adoption 's an Option '' 2006 Crossover Vaughn 2006 Shorty McShorts ' Shorts Cameron Voice; 3 episodes 2006 -- 2014 How I Met Your Mother James Stinson 13 episodes 2007 30 Rock Steven Black Episode: `` The Source Awards '' 2007 Dirt Henchman Episode: `` You Do n't Know Jack '' 2007 -- 2009 Do n't Forget the Lyrics! Host 2009 -- present Let 's Make a Deal Host 2011 Fast and Loose Himself UK improv; 2 episodes 2011 Are We There Yet? Devin Episode: `` The Man and the Bragging Snafu Episode '' 2011 Drew Carey 's Improv - A-Ganza Himself 5 episodes 2012 -- 2013 American Dad! Cuba Gooding Jr. / Tungee ( voice ) 3 episodes 2012 Trust Us with Your Life Himself 7 episodes 2012 Psych Hilton Fox Episode: `` Shawn and the Real Girl '' 2013 -- present Sofia the First Clover the Rabbit Voice role 2013 So You Think You Can Dance Himself / Guest judge 2 episodes 2014 Hollywood Game Night Himself Episode: `` 50 Charades of Grey '' 2014 So You Think You Can Dance Himself / Guest judge 2015 The Late Late Show Himself / Guest host 5 episodes 2016 Aftermath Lamar ' Booner ' Boone 2 episodes 2016 -- present The Loud House Harold McBride Recurring voice role", "short_answer": "Clover the Rabbit" } } ], "Adam Pascal": [ { "question": "who played no vacancy in school of rock", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Adam_Pascal&oldid=801365868", "q_uid": 1833449926829479626, "answers": { "long_answer": "Pascal felt that he was looked upon solely as a Broadway singer, and thus returned to his rock and roll roots with a solo recording contract on Sh - K - Boom Records, which was founded by his Aida costar, Sherie Rene Scott and her husband Kurt Deutsch. He has released two solo rock albums, Model Prisoner ( 2000 ), Civilian ( 2004 ), as well as a collaborative rock album Blinding Light ( 2008 ) with pianist, Larry Edoff. He also contributed a cover of Billy Joel 's `` New York State of Mind '' to the CD Broadway Cares: Home for the Holidays ( 2001 ), the end credits song, `` Winter Light '', from the movie Noel ( 2004 ), and the song `` Perfect Place '' on the album Listen which showcases songs written by adolescents who stutter ( 2009 ). In School of Rock, he played Theo, lead singer of the band No Vacancy, and sang on two songs on the soundtrack.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Haviland Morris": [ { "question": "who does the voice of korben dallas mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Haviland_Morris&oldid=802654166", "q_uid": -1149099900843507385, "answers": { "long_answer": "Haviland Morris ( born September 14, 1959 ) is an American film, television, and Broadway actress, who currently works in real estate.", "short_answer": "Haviland Morris (" } } ], "Russell Wilson": [ { "question": "what position does russell wilson play in mlb", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Russell_Wilson&oldid=842990736", "q_uid": -4017549471362073279, "answers": { "long_answer": "Russell Wilson New York Yankees -- No. 73 Second baseman Bats: Right Throws: Right", "short_answer": "Second baseman" } }, { "question": "what position did russell wilson play as a baseball player", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Russell_Wilson&oldid=815972886", "q_uid": 7683927518258907382, "answers": { "long_answer": "Wilson played college football for the University of Wisconsin during the 2011 season, in which he set the single - season FBS record for passing efficiency ( 191.8 ) and led the team to a Big Ten title and the 2012 Rose Bowl. Wilson played football and baseball for North Carolina State University from 2008 to 2010 before transferring to Wisconsin. Wilson also played minor league baseball for the Tri-City Dust Devils in 2010 and the Asheville Tourists in 2011 as a second baseman.", "short_answer": "second baseman." } } ], "Jesse Plemons": [ { "question": "who does jesse plemons play in breaking bad", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jesse_Plemons&oldid=825018608", "q_uid": -4714594047725945480, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jesse Lon Plemons ( born April 2, 1988 ) is an American actor. He is known for playing Landry Clarke in the NBC drama series Friday Night Lights, Todd Alquist in the AMC crime drama series Breaking Bad, and Ed Blumquist in the second season of the FX anthology series Fargo. He is also known for his film roles in the films Like Mike ( 2002 ), Observe and Report ( 2009 ), Battleship ( 2012 ), The Master ( 2012 ), and as mobster Kevin Weeks in Black Mass ( 2015 ). Most recently, Plemons starred in an episode of Black Mirror, `` USS Callister ''. He has appeared in two Steven Spielberg films: the historical drama Bridge of Spies ( 2015 ) and the political thriller The Post ( 2017 ).", "short_answer": "Todd Alquist in" } } ], "University of Miami": [ { "question": "university of miami what percentage of students graduate", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=University_of_Miami&oldid=815545969", "q_uid": -8931186417202244112, "answers": { "long_answer": "As of 2009, UM reported the following graduation rates: 68 % graduating within 4 years, 79 % graduating within 5 years, and 82 % graduating within 6 years. Male student athletes have a 52 % 4 - year graduation rate, and 72 % of female student athletes graduate within 4 years.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Amy Jackson": [ { "question": "who is the actress of singh is bling", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amy_Jackson&oldid=826407721", "q_uid": 5142231988166535902, "answers": { "long_answer": "After I ( 2015 ), Jackson signed on to Prabhu Deva 's Singh Is Bling ( 2015 ), opposite Akshay Kumar. She had signed on to be part of Venkat Prabhu 's supernatural thriller Masss ( 2015 ), but opted out of it later when the script and her character were changed. Instead, she signed on to Velraj 's Thanga Magan ( 2015 ), a Tamil film.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the heroine of singh is bling", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amy_Jackson&oldid=828059757", "q_uid": -3704732894797528980, "answers": { "long_answer": "After I ( 2015 ), Jackson signed on to Prabhu Deva 's Singh Is Bling ( 2015 ), opposite Akshay Kumar. She had signed on to be part of Venkat Prabhu 's supernatural thriller Masss ( 2015 ), but opted out of it later when the script and her character were changed. Instead, she signed on to Velraj 's Thanga Magan ( 2015 ) alongside Dhanush and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Portugal. The Man": [ { "question": "where does the name portugal the man come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Portugal._The_Man&oldid=804628904", "q_uid": 1723468516532988769, "answers": { "long_answer": "The band 's name is based on the idea of David Bowie 's `` bigger than life '' fame. They wanted the band to have a bigger than life feel but did n't want to name it after one of their members. `` A country is a group of people, '' guitar player and vocalist John Gourley explains. `` With Portugal, it just ended up being the first country that came to mind. The band 's name is ' Portugal '. The period is stating that, and ' The Man ' states that it 's just one person. '' The name has more personal meaning as well: Portugal. The Man was going to be the name of a book that Gourley had planned to write about his father and his many adventures.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how did portugal the man get his name", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Portugal._The_Man&oldid=824912704", "q_uid": 2531564443221531653, "answers": { "long_answer": "The band 's name is based on the idea of David Bowie 's `` bigger than life '' fame. They wanted the band to have a bigger than life feel but did n't want to name it after one of their members. `` A country is a group of people, '' guitar player and vocalist John Gourley explains. `` With Portugal, it just ended up being the first country that came to mind. The band 's name is ' Portugal '. The period is stating that, and ' The Man ' states that it 's just one person. '' The name has more personal meaning as well: Portugal. The Man was going to be the name of a book that Gourley had planned to write about his father and his many adventures.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the female vocalist on feel it still", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Portugal._The_Man&oldid=833025266", "q_uid": 2519845543691255681, "answers": { "long_answer": "Portugal. The Man is an American rock band from Wasilla, Alaska, currently residing in Portland, Oregon. The group consists of lead singer John Baldwin Gourley, Gourley 's partner & back - up singer Zoe Manville, Zach Carothers, Kyle O'Quin, Jason Sechrist and Eric Howk. Gourley and Carothers met and began playing music together in 2001 at Wasilla High School in Wasilla. Their first two albums, in 2006 and 2007, were released on Fearless Records.", "short_answer": "Zoe Manville," } } ], "Femina Miss India": [ { "question": "who is the first miss universe from india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Femina_Miss_India&oldid=841710015", "q_uid": -2497651247262889959, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first Miss India was Pramila ( Esther Victoria Abraham ), from Calcutta, who won in 1947. It was organised by the local press. Indrani", "short_answer": "Pramila ( Esther Victoria Abraham )," } }, { "question": "who can participate in miss world from india", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Femina_Miss_India&oldid=827394986", "q_uid": -1371182157727877986, "answers": { "long_answer": "Miss India or Femina Miss India is a national beauty pageant in India that annually selects representatives to compete in Miss World, one of the Big Four major international beauty pageants. It is organised by Femina, a women 's magazine published by The Times Group. Since 2013, Femina also organizes Miss Diva separately which sends representatives to Miss Universe.", "short_answer": "Femina Miss India is" } }, { "question": "name the first indian woman to be crowned as miss world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Femina_Miss_India&oldid=836709756", "q_uid": -1748308249386226769, "answers": { "long_answer": "Reita Faria was the first Miss India ever to win any international beauty pageant. She was crowned Miss World 1966 in London, United Kingdom. She was the winner of Eve 's Weekly Miss India contest. The same year Femina Miss India winner Yasmin Daji represented India at Miss Universe 1966 and was crowned 3rd Runner Up at the event. She was the first ever Femina Miss India Winner to get placed at any international beauty pageant.", "short_answer": "Reita Faria was" } }, { "question": "who was the first indian woman to be crowned miss universe", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Femina_Miss_India&oldid=857071391", "q_uid": -7416081844545402595, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 1994, Sushmita Sen won the Miss Universe title after winning the Miss India crown and became the first Indian woman ever to win the Miss Universe crown. The same year the runner - up of Miss India, Aishwarya Rai, won the Miss World title. Sushmita Sen and Aishwarya Rai established themselves in the Bollywood industry after winning their titles.", "short_answer": "Sushmita Sen won" } } ], "The Real Slim Shady": [ { "question": "when did the real slim shady song come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Real_Slim_Shady&oldid=820288426", "q_uid": 9144617369838490405, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` The Real Slim Shady '' Single by Eminem from the album The Marshall Mathers LP Released April 15, 2000 Format CD Recorded 2000 Genre Comedy hip hop, hardcore hip hop Length 4: 45 Label Aftermath Shady Interscope Songwriter ( s ) Eminem Dr. Dre Tommy Coster Mike Elizondo Producer ( s ) Dr. Dre Mel - Man Eminem singles chronology `` Forgot About Dre '' ( 2000 ) `` The Real Slim Shady '' ( 2000 ) `` The Way I Am '' ( 2000 ) `` Forgot About Dre '' ( 2000 ) `` The Real Slim Shady '' ( 2000 ) `` The Way I Am '' ( 2000 ) Curtain Call: The Hits track listing `` Like Toy Soldiers '' ( 9 ) `` The Real Slim Shady '' ( 10 ) `` Mockingbird '' ( 11 ) Music video `` The Real Slim Shady '' on YouTube Audio sample file help", "short_answer": "April 15, 2000" } } ], "Phylicia Rashad": [ { "question": "who played clair huxtable on the cosby show", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Phylicia_Rashad&oldid=808946852", "q_uid": -452101664591911978, "answers": { "long_answer": "Phylicia Rashad or Rash\u0101d ( / f\u026a\u02c8li\u02d0\u0283\u0259 r\u0259\u02c8\u0283\u0251\u02d0d / fih - LEE - sh\u0259 r\u0259 - SHAHD ) ( n\u00e9e Ayers - Allen; June 19, 1948 ) is an American actress, singer and stage director. She is known for her role as Clair Huxtable on the long - running NBC sitcom The Cosby Show ( 1984 -- 92 ), which earned her Emmy Award nominations in 1985 and 1986. She was dubbed `` The Mother '' of the African - American community at the 2010 NAACP Image Awards.", "short_answer": "Phylicia Rashad or" } } ], "Momordica charantia": [ { "question": "what is the scientific name of bitter gourd", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Momordica_charantia&oldid=799411858", "q_uid": 7795131011361117797, "answers": { "long_answer": "Momordica charantia, known as bitter melon, bitter gourd, bitter squash, or balsam - pear, is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit. Bitter melon also has names in other languages which have entered English as loanwords, e.g. k\u01d4gu\u0101 ( \u82e6\u74dc ) from Chinese, nigauri ( \u82e6\u74dc ) from Japanese, g\u014dy\u0101 ( \u30b4\u30fc\u30e4\u30fc ) from Okinawan, kaipakka / paavakka ( \u0d15\u0d2f\u0d4d\u0d2a\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15 / \u0d2a\u0d3e\u0d35\u0d2f\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15 ) in Malayalam, kakarakaya ( \u0c15\u0c3e\u0c15\u0c30\u0c15\u0c3e\u0c2f ) in Telugu, H\u0101gala ( \u0cb9\u0cbe\u0c97\u0cb2 ) in Kannada, p\u0101kal ( \u0baa\u0bbe\u0b95\u0bb2\u0bcd ) in Tamil and karela ( \u0915\u0930\u0947\u0932\u093e and \u0643\u0627\u0631\u064a\u0644\u0627 ) or kareli ( \u0915\u0930\u0947\u0932\u0940 and \u06a9\u0631\u06cc\u0644\u06cc ) in Hindustani ( Hindi and Urdu ), coming from Sanskrit. In Bengali, it is known as uchche ( \u0989\u099a\u09cd\u099b\u09c7 ). Those from the Caribbean island of Jamaica commonly refer to the plant as cerasee. In Brazil this plant is called Saint Cajetan 's Melon ( mel\u00e3o - de-s\u00e3o - caetano ). In Guyana the plant is referred to as corilla. In the Philippines it is called ampalaya or amargoso.", "short_answer": "Momordica charantia," } } ], "Achaemenid Empire": [ { "question": "who was the king who built a strong persian army and expanded the persian empire", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Achaemenid_Empire&oldid=828290939", "q_uid": 117731389392657444, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Achaemenid Empire ( / \u0259\u02c8ki\u02d0m\u0259n\u026ad / c. 550 -- 330 BC ), also called the First Persian Empire, was an empire based in Western Asia, founded by Cyrus the Great. Ranging at its greatest extent from the Balkans and Eastern Europe proper in the west to the Indus Valley in the east, it was larger than any previous empire in history, spanning 5.5 million square kilometers. Incorporating various peoples of different origins and faiths, it is notable for its successful model of a centralised, bureaucratic administration ( through satraps under the King of Kings ), for building infrastructure such as road systems and a postal system, the use of an official language across its territories, and the development of civil services and a large professional army. The empire 's successes inspired similar systems in later empires.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "is the achaemenid empire the same as the persian empire", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Achaemenid_Empire&oldid=809957664", "q_uid": -7460355803396368198, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Achaemenid Empire ( / \u0259\u02c8ki\u02d0m\u0259n\u026ad /; c. 550 -- 330 BC ), also called the First Persian Empire, was an empire based in Western Asia, founded by Cyrus the Great. Ranging at its greatest extent from the Balkans and Eastern Europe proper in the west to the Indus Valley in the east, it was one of the largest empires in history, spanning 5.5 million square kilometers, and was larger than any previous empire in history. It is equally notable for its successful model of a centralised, bureaucratic administration ( through satraps under the King of Kings ), for building infrastructure such as road systems and a postal system, the use of an official language across its territories, and the development of civil services and a large professional army. The empire 's successes inspired similar systems in later empires. It is noted in Western history as the antagonist of the Greek city - states during the Greco - Persian Wars and for the emancipation of the Jewish exiles in Babylon.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how did economic decline lead to the collapse of the achaemenid dynasty", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Achaemenid_Empire&oldid=866279579", "q_uid": -8020830805147721067, "answers": { "long_answer": "Part of the cause of the Empire 's decline had been the heavy tax burden put upon the state, which eventually led to economic decline. An estimate of the tribute imposed on the subject nations was up to U.S. $180 M per year. This does not include the material goods and supplies that were supplied as taxes. After the high overhead of government -- the military, the bureaucracy, whatever the satraps could safely dip into the coffers for themselves -- this money went into the royal treasury. According to Diodorus, at Persepolis, Alexander III found some 180,000 Attic talents of silver besides the additional treasure the Macedonians were carrying that already had been seized in Damascus by Parmenion. This amounted to U.S. $2.7 B. On top of this, Darius III had taken 8,000 talents with him on his flight to the north. Alexander put this static hoard back into the economy, and upon his death some 130,000 talents had been spent on the building of cities, dockyards, temples, and the payment of the troops, besides the ordinary government expenses. Additionally, one of the satraps, Harpalus, had made off to Greece with some 6,000 talents, which Athens used to rebuild its economy after seizing it during the struggles with the Corinthian League. Due to the flood of money from Alexander 's hoard entering Greece, however, a disruption in the economy occurred, in agriculture, banking, rents, the great increase in mercenary soldiers that cash allowed the wealthy, and an increase in piracy.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak": [ { "question": "songs of the movie qayamat se qayamat tak", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Qayamat_Se_Qayamat_Tak&oldid=841019851", "q_uid": 1069050328076455841, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Song Singer ( s ) Length 1. `` Papa Kehte Hain '' Udit Narayan 05: 55 2. `` Ae Mere Humsafar '' Udit Narayan & Alka Yagnik 05: 53 3. `` Akele Hain To Kya Gum Hai '' Udit Narayan, Alka Yagnik 05: 59 4. `` Gazab Ka Hai Din '' Udit Narayan, Alka Yagnik 04: 26 5. `` Kahe Sataye '' Alka Yagnik 02: 19 6. `` Papa Kehte Hain '' ( Sad ) Udit Narayan 04: 01", "short_answer": "`` Papa Kehte Hain ''" } } ], "List of Chief Ministers of Punjab (India)": [ { "question": "who is the chief minister of punjab in 1984", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Punjab_(India)&oldid=819468374", "q_uid": -8462042814947635513, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first chief minister of the newly re-configured state was Giani Gurmukh Singh Musafir who led a Congress government from the Vidhan Parishad, one of only two to have done so. In the 1967 elections, he was voted out of power in favour of the Akali Das Sant Fateh Singh Group whose leader Gurnam Singh became the first non-Congress chief minister. Gurnam Singh 's government was succeeded by three short - lived Akali Dal governments -- Lachhman Singh Gill 's government for less than a year and for a little more than a year under the returning Gurnam Singh and Parkash Singh Badal. After 272 days under President 's rule, the Congress party returned to power under future President Zail Singh. In 1977, Parkash Singh Badal became the chief minister for the second time. Darbara Singh became chief minister in 1980 and remained in office for three years before a long period under President 's rule. A brief interlude under Surjit Singh Barnala followed, after which three Congress - led governments took office -- led by Beant Singh from 1992 to 1995, Harcharan Singh Brar from 1995 to 1996 and Rajinder Kaur Bhattal from 1996 to 1997. Upon taking office, Rajinder Kaur Bhattal became the first female chief minister of Punjab and overall the 8th female chief minister in India.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the first chief minister of punjab", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Punjab_(India)&oldid=791971271", "q_uid": -1260215204578468090, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first chief minister of the newly re-configured state was Giani Gurmukh Singh Musafir who led a Congress government from the Vidhan Parishad, one of only two to have done so. In the 1967 elections, he was voted out of power in favour of the Akali Das Sant Fateh Singh Group whose leader Gurnam Singh became the first non-Congress chief minister. Gurnam Singh 's government was succeeded by three short - lived Akali Dal governments -- Lachhman Singh Gill 's government for less than a year and for a little more than a year under the returning Gurnam Singh and Parkash Singh Badal. After 272 days under President 's rule, the Congress party returned to power under future President Zail Singh. In 1977, Parkash Singh Badal became the chief minister for the second time. Darbara Singh became chief minister in 1980 and remained in office for three years before a long period under President 's rule. A brief interlude under Surjit Singh Barnala followed, after which three Congress - led governments took office -- led by Beant Singh from 1992 to 1995, Harcharan Singh Brar from 1995 to 1996 and Rajinder Kaur Bhattal from 1996 to 1997. Upon taking office, Rajinder Kaur Bhattal became the first female chief minister of Punjab and overall the 8th female chief minister in India.", "short_answer": "Giani Gurmukh Singh Musafir who" } }, { "question": "who was the first chief minister of punjab after independence", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Punjab_(India)&oldid=791971271", "q_uid": -9160758791457600618, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 1947, Punjab has had fifteen chief ministers. The first was Gopi Chand Bhargava of the Indian National Congress party, who was sworn - in on 15 August 1947, when India gained independence from the British. He was succeeded by fellow Congressman Bhim Sen Sachar, who was then subsequently replaced after 188 days by former Chief Minister Gopi Chand Bhargava. After a brief term, President Rajendra Prasad placed the Punjab Legislative Assembly under suspension for ninth months to help the state government gets its act together. In 1952, the first state elections took place for the Legislative Assembly. The results of the election saw the return of the Congress government with former Chief Minister Bhim Sen Sachar as its leader. After he resigned in 1956, Partap Singh Kairon became chief minister. Serving until 1964, Khairon remain 's one of Punjab 's longest - serving chief ministers. He was followed by the returning Chief Minister Gopi Chand Bhargava, who briefly held office as acting chief minister for only 15 days. In July 1964, Ram Kishan assumed the office and served for two years. His tenure was followed by the President 's rule which lasted for 119 days. During this time, the state of Haryana was separated from Punjab.", "short_answer": "Gopi Chand Bhargava of" } } ], "Street & Racing Technology": [ { "question": "what does the srt stand for on dodge vehicles", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Street_%26_Racing_Technology&oldid=854889548", "q_uid": 5393058583137468953, "answers": { "long_answer": "Street & Racing Technology ( commonly called SRT ) is a high - performance automobile group within Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. SRT began as `` Team Viper '' to develop the Dodge Viper. It later merged with `` Team Prowler '', the developers of the Plymouth Prowler, to become Specialty Vehicle Engineering ( SVE ). This was renamed Performance Vehicle Operations ( PVO ) in January of 2002. Since all PVO vehicles used the SRT name, the PVO development group was renamed SRT in 2004. SRT heavily tunes and produces vehicles for the Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep brands.", "short_answer": "Street & Racing Technology (" } } ], "Jameis Winston": [ { "question": "where did jameis winston go to high school", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jameis_Winston&oldid=854340751", "q_uid": 6530128976966689511, "answers": { "long_answer": "Winston was born in Bessemer, Alabama on January 6, 1994. He attended Hueytown High School, where he played both football and baseball. Winston was considered the best dual - threat quarterback recruit in the nation by Rivals.com, the best overall quarterback recruit by ESPN. Winston was also named the MVP of the ESPN RISE Elite 11 quarterback camp. Additionally, Winston earned the Gatorade Player of the Year recognition for the state of Alabama. He led Hueytown to a state championship during his junior year.", "short_answer": "Hueytown High School," } } ], "Jonathan Groff": [ { "question": "who does the voice of kristoff in frozen", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jonathan_Groff&oldid=804445886", "q_uid": 8103231778909847212, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jonathan Drew Groff ( born March 26, 1985 ) is an American actor and singer.", "short_answer": "Jonathan Drew Groff (" } }, { "question": "who does the voice of kristoff from frozen", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jonathan_Groff&oldid=835346508", "q_uid": -7165296098007052477, "answers": { "long_answer": "Groff is also known for his television appearances, such as Ian Todd in the Starz political drama Boss, lead - character Patrick Murray in the HBO comedy - drama series Looking, and its subsequent series finale television film, Looking: The Movie, and the recurring role of Jesse St. James in the Fox musical - comedy series Glee. In 2013, he voiced the role of Kristoff in Walt Disney Animation Studios ' 2013 film Frozen. Since 2017, Groff stars as FBI Special Agent Holden Ford in the Netflix period crime drama Mindhunter.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the voice of kristoff in frozen", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jonathan_Groff&oldid=856270523", "q_uid": -1526770203553756272, "answers": { "long_answer": "Groff is also known for his television appearances, such as Ian Todd in the Starz political drama Boss, lead - character Patrick Murray in the HBO comedy - drama series Looking, and its subsequent series finale television film, Looking: The Movie, and the recurring role of Jesse St. James in the Fox musical - comedy series Glee. In 2013, he voiced the role of Kristoff in Walt Disney Animation Studios ' 2013 film Frozen. Since 2017, Groff stars as FBI Special Agent Holden Ford in the Netflix period crime drama Mindhunter.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "King of the Ring": [ { "question": "who won the last king of the ring", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=King_of_the_Ring&oldid=865131088", "q_uid": 1824021300971545906, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Winner Times won Date Note 1985 Don Muraco July 8, 1985 Defeated The Iron Sheik 1986 Harley Race July 14, 1986 Defeated Pedro Morales Randy Savage September 4, 1987 Defeated King Kong Bundy 1988 Ted DiBiase October 16, 1988 Defeated Randy Savage 1989 Tito Santana October 14, 1989 Defeated Rick Martel 1991 Bret Hart September 7, 1991 Defeated Irwin R. Schyster 1993 Bret Hart June 13, 1993 Defeated Bam Bam Bigelow 1994 Owen Hart June 19, 1994 Defeated Razor Ramon 1995 Mabel June 25, 1995 Defeated Savio Vega Stone Cold Steve Austin June 23, 1996 Defeated Jake Roberts 1997 Hunter Hearst Helmsley June 8, 1997 Defeated Mankind 1998 Ken Shamrock June 28, 1998 Defeated The Rock 1999 Billy Gunn June 27, 1999 Defeated X-Pac 2000 Kurt Angle June 25, 2000 Defeated Rikishi 2001 Edge June 24, 2001 Defeated Kurt Angle 2002 Brock Lesnar June 23, 2002 Defeated Rob Van Dam 2006 Booker T May 21, 2006 Defeated Bobby Lashley 2008 William Regal April 21, 2008 Defeated CM Punk Sheamus November 29, 2010 Defeated John Morrison 2015 Bad News Barrett April 28, 2015 Defeated Neville", "short_answer": "Bad News Barrett" } } ], "Bryan Robson": [ { "question": "former england footballer manchester united longest serving captain", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bryan_Robson&oldid=852877058", "q_uid": -8711923978613103801, "answers": { "long_answer": "Bryan Robson OBE ( born 11 January 1957 ) is an English football manager and a former player. He began his career with West Bromwich Albion in 1972 before moving to Manchester United in 1981 where he became the longest serving captain in the club 's history.", "short_answer": "Bryan Robson OBE" } } ], "List of Premier League winning players": [ { "question": "scottish players who have won the premier league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Premier_League_winning_players&oldid=851076846", "q_uid": 5232984365593114747, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nationality Players Wins England 86 175 France 27 53 Brazil 16 25 Ireland 5 22 Netherlands 12 21 Spain 14 19 Portugal 8 17 Wales 17 Argentina 9 14 Serbia 6 14 Norway 12 Scotland 11 Belgium 6 10 Ivory Coast 10 Germany 6 8 Denmark 7 Czech Republic 6 Nigeria 5 Ghana Russia Sweden Cameroon Northern Ireland South Korea Bosnia and Herzegovina Poland Trinidad and Tobago Australia Austria Japan Montenegro Ukraine Bulgaria Ecuador Iceland Mexico Algeria Chile Colombia Italy Jamaica Latvia Liberia Romania South Africa Switzerland Uruguay", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many games to get premier league medal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Premier_League_winning_players&oldid=851076846", "q_uid": 537421164815445155, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since the 2012 -- 13 season, a player needs to have played in a minimum of five matches for a title - winning team to qualify for a medal. This is down from the previous standard of ten matches played. At the discretion of the Premier League board, additional medals can be awarded to players who played less than five matches. This special dispensation is usually reserved for back - up goalkeepers and players who did not make the minimum number of appearances through injury. For the first season, players received a miniature version of the trophy rather than a medal.", "short_answer": "a minimum of five matches" } } ], "Karan Brar": [ { "question": "how old is the indian kid from jessie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Karan_Brar&oldid=803517911", "q_uid": -4745088370921371804, "answers": { "long_answer": "Karan Brar ( born January 18, 1999 ) is an American actor, best known for his child roles as Chirag Gupta in the Wimpy Kid feature film franchise, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, as well as for his co-starring role as Ravi Ross on the Disney Channel Original Series Jessie, and its subsequent spin - off Bunk 'd.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "England\u2013Germany football rivalry": [ { "question": "when did england get knocked out by germany", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=England%E2%80%93Germany_football_rivalry&oldid=850511558", "q_uid": -7600135655098428422, "answers": { "long_answer": "Two years later the teams met once more, in the quarter - finals of the European Championship, which were at the time held on a home - and - away basis. England lost 3 -- 1 at Wembley on 29 April 1972 in the home leg, and on 13 May could only draw 0 -- 0 in West Germany, being knocked out of the competition. Said The Observer in 2001: `` England may have been robbed of the chance in Mexico... but there were no shortage of excuses -- the heat, the hostile crowd, the food which had felled Banks, the errors of Bonnetti... It was a conspiracy of fate more than a footballing defeat. In 1972, there were no excuses at all. West Germany did not just knock England out of the European Championships, they came to Wembley and comprehensively outclassed England. '' McIlvanney wrote in his match report for The Observer: `` No Englishman can ever again warm himself with the old assumption that, on the football field if nowhere else, the Germans are an inferior race. ''", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when did england lose to germany in world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=England%E2%80%93Germany_football_rivalry&oldid=850511558", "q_uid": 7027413723452256732, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tournament England Germany Notes 1930 World Cup DNP DNP 1934 World Cup DNP 1938 World Cup DNP 9 -- 16 German team included Austrian players as a result of the Anschluss. 1950 World Cup 5 -- 13 DNP German teams were still banned as a result of World War II. 1954 World Cup 5 -- 8 First tournament where only West Germany was represented. 1958 World Cup 9 -- 16 1960 Euros DNP DNP 1962 World Cup 5 -- 8 5 -- 8 1964 Euros FTQ DNP 1966 World Cup In the Final, England defeated West Germany 4 -- 2 after extra time. 1968 Euros FTQ 1970 World Cup 5 -- 8 In the quarter - finals, West Germany defeated England 3 -- 2 after extra time. 1972 Euros FTQ ( 5 -- 8 ) In the final qualifying round ( effectively a quarter final ) West Germany defeated England 3 -- 1 on aggregate. 1974 World Cup FTQ East Germany also qualified for this tournament. 1976 Euros FTQ 1978 World Cup FTQ 5 -- 8 1980 Euros 5 -- 8 1982 World Cup 5 -- 12 In the second group stage, West Germany drew 0 -- 0 with England. 1984 Euros FTQ 5 -- 8 1986 World Cup 5 -- 8 1988 Euros 5 -- 8 3 -- 4 1990 World Cup In the semi-finals, West Germany defeated England in a penalty shootout. 1992 Euros 5 -- 8 First tournament since World War II where all of Germany was represented by one team 1994 World Cup FTQ 5 -- 8 1996 Euros 3 -- 4 In the semi finals, Germany defeated England on a penalty shootout. 1998 World Cup 9 -- 16 5 -- 8 2000 Euros 9 -- 16 9 -- 16 England and Germany were placed in the same first round group. Both were eliminated, with England finishing third and Germany fourth. England defeated Germany 1 -- 0, in the match between the two teams. 2002 World Cup 5 -- 8 England and Germany were placed in the same qualifying group. Germany won 1 -- 0 at Wembley, while England won 5 -- 1 in Munich. 2004 Euros 5 -- 8 9 -- 16 2006 World Cup 5 -- 8 2008 Euros FTQ 2010 World Cup 9 -- 16 In the Round of 16, Germany defeated England 4 -- 1. 2012 Euros 5 -- 8 2014 World Cup 17 -- 32 2016 Euros 9 -- 16 3 -- 4 England famously lost in the Round of 16 to Iceland. 2018 World Cup 17 -- 32 Germany were eliminated in the first round of a World Cup for the first time since 1938.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Regina King": [ { "question": "who plays the voice of riley and huey on the boondocks", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Regina_King&oldid=842671769", "q_uid": -1926478478419582335, "answers": { "long_answer": "Beginning in the mid-2000s, she had ongoing roles on several TV series, including acclaimed work as the voice of Huey and Riley Freeman for the animated series The Boondocks and Detective Lydia Adams on the TNT police drama Southland. She also appeared in roles on 24, The Big Bang Theory, and Shameless. In 2007 she played Lisa Moore in This Christmas. She was a cast member on ABC 's John Ridley - penned ensemble drama American Crime, and played a devout member of the Nation of Islam and sister to a drug addict accused of murder. In September 2015 and September 2016, King won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or a Movie for American Crime.In 2018, she played the role of the mother of a murdered black teenager in Netflix original series Seven Seconds.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays mrs davis on big bang theory", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Regina_King&oldid=813992582", "q_uid": 6034432360506520851, "answers": { "long_answer": "From 2015 to 2017, she starred in the ABC anthology series American Crime, for which she has received three nominations for Emmy Awards with two wins and was also nominated for a Golden Globe Award. From 2015 to 2017, she also played Erika Murphy on the critically acclaimed HBO drama The Leftovers, for which she has received a Critics ' Choice Television Award nomination. King has a recurring role as Janine Davis on The Big Bang Theory, and has starred in numerous films, including Ray, Poetic Justice, Friday, and Legally Blonde 2.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Seth Gilliam": [ { "question": "who plays father gabriel in the walking dead", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Seth_Gilliam&oldid=837863890", "q_uid": -6586646659687330119, "answers": { "long_answer": "Seth Gilliam ( born November 5, 1968 ) is an American actor. He is best known for his portrayals of Ellis Carver on The Wire, Clayton Hughes on Oz, Dr. Alan Deaton on Teen Wolf, and Father Gabriel Stokes on The Walking Dead.", "short_answer": "Seth Gilliam (" } } ], "Gangnam Style": [ { "question": "who is the guy who sings oppa gangnam style", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gangnam_Style&oldid=815939428", "q_uid": 3032857485336462006, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Gangnam Style '' ( Korean: \uac15\ub0a8 \uc2a4\ud0c0\uc77c, IPA: ( ka\u014b. nam s\u026f.tha.il ) ) is the 18th K - pop single by the South Korean musician Psy. The song was released on July 15, 2012, as the lead single of his sixth studio album Psy 6 ( Six Rules ), Part 1, and debuted at number one on South Korea 's Gaon Chart. On December 21, 2012, `` Gangnam Style '' became the first YouTube video to reach one billion and two billion views. The song 's music video has been viewed over 3 billion times on YouTube, and was the most viewed video on YouTube from November 24, 2012, when it surpassed the music video for `` Baby '' by Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris, to July 10, 2017, when it was surpassed by the music video for `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth.", "short_answer": "Psy." } } ], "Mohamed Salah": [ { "question": "how many goals did salah scored for liverpool last season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mohamed_Salah&oldid=866202690", "q_uid": 1594193919286409965, "answers": { "long_answer": "Appearances and goals by club, season and competition Club Season League National Cup League Cup Continental Total Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals El Mokawloon 2009 -- 10 Egyptian Premier League 0 0 -- -- 5 0 2010 -- 11 20 -- -- 24 5 2011 -- 12 15 7 0 0 -- -- 15 7 Total 38 11 6 -- -- 44 12 Basel 2012 -- 13 Swiss Super League 29 5 5 -- 16 50 10 2013 -- 14 18 -- 10 5 29 10 Total 47 9 6 -- 26 7 79 20 Chelsea 2013 -- 14 Premier League 10 0 0 0 0 0 11 2014 -- 15 0 0 0 0 8 0 Total 13 0 0 0 19 Fiorentina ( loan ) 2014 -- 15 Serie A 16 6 -- 8 26 9 Roma ( loan ) 2015 -- 16 34 14 0 -- 7 42 15 Roma 2016 -- 17 31 15 -- 8 41 19 Total 65 29 0 0 15 83 34 Liverpool 2017 -- 18 Premier League 36 32 0 0 15 11 52 44 2018 -- 19 10 5 0 0 0 14 7 Total 46 37 0 18 13 66 51 Career total 225 94 20 10 0 69 24 317 128", "short_answer": "7" } } ], "Elizabeth Lail": [ { "question": "who played anna on once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elizabeth_Lail&oldid=803026787", "q_uid": 8123873998737100335, "answers": { "long_answer": "Elizabeth Dean Lail ( born March 25, 1992 ) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Anna in the ABC adventure fantasy television series Once Upon a Time.", "short_answer": "Elizabeth Dean Lail (" } } ], "List of Chief Ministers of West Bengal": [ { "question": "who was the chief minister of west bengal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_West_Bengal&oldid=791532838", "q_uid": -4959346488900267637, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 1947, there have been eight Chief Ministers of West Bengal. The first was Prafulla Chandra Ghosh of the Indian National Congress, who was succeeded by his party - mates Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy and Prafulla Chandra Sen. A decade of instability followed, marred by fractious coalition governments and frequent impositions of President 's rule. The instability ended with 1977 election victory of the Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) ( CPM ). Headed by Jyoti Basu, the CPM - led Left Front government was in office for over 23 years ( 1977 -- 2000 ), making Basu India 's longest - serving chief minister ever. Left rule in West Bengal continued for another 10 years under Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, before its defeat in the 2011 election by the Trinamool Congress. Appointed on 20 May 2011, Trinamool leader Mamata Banerjee is the current incumbent, the state 's first woman chief minister.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who is the 1st chief minister of west bengal", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_West_Bengal&oldid=791532838", "q_uid": 912264674838356668, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 1947, there have been eight Chief Ministers of West Bengal. The first was Prafulla Chandra Ghosh of the Indian National Congress, who was succeeded by his party - mates Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy and Prafulla Chandra Sen. A decade of instability followed, marred by fractious coalition governments and frequent impositions of President 's rule. The instability ended with 1977 election victory of the Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) ( CPM ). Headed by Jyoti Basu, the CPM - led Left Front government was in office for over 23 years ( 1977 -- 2000 ), making Basu India 's longest - serving chief minister ever. Left rule in West Bengal continued for another 10 years under Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, before its defeat in the 2011 election by the Trinamool Congress. Appointed on 20 May 2011, Trinamool leader Mamata Banerjee is the current incumbent, the state 's first woman chief minister.", "short_answer": "Mamata Banerjee is" } }, { "question": "who has held the office for chief minister for the longest time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_West_Bengal&oldid=791532838", "q_uid": 8308843082243318022, "answers": { "long_answer": "No Name Took office Left office Duration Assembly ( election ) Party ( alliance ) Premier of West Bengal Prafulla Chandra Ghosh 15 August 1947 22 January 1948 160 days Not yet created Indian National Congress Bidhan Chandra Roy 23 January 1948 25 January 1950 7002733000000000000 \u2660 2 years, 2 days Chief Minister of West Bengal ( 2 ) Bidhan Chandra Roy Bowbazar 26 January 1950 30 March 1952 7003453900000000000 \u2660 12 years, 156 days ( total: 14 years, 158 days ) Not yet created Indian National Congress 31 March 1952 5 April 1957 First Assembly ( 1952 -- 57 ) ( January 1952 election ) 6 April 1957 2 April 1962 Second Assembly ( 1957 -- 62 ) ( March 1957 election ) 3 April 1962 1 July 1962 Third Assembly ( 1962 -- 67 ) ( February 1962 election ) Prafulla Chandra Sen Arambagh East 1 July 1962 28 February 1967 7003170300000000000 \u2660 4 years, 242 days Ajoy Kumar Mukherjee Tamluk 1 March 1967 21 November 1967 265 days Fourth Assembly ( 1967 -- 68 ) ( February 1967 election ) Bangla Congress ( United Front ) ( 1 ) Prafulla Chandra Ghosh Jhargram 21 November 1967 19 February 1968 90 days ( total: 250 days ) Independent ( Progressive Democratic Front ) -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 20 February 1968 25 February 1969 7002371000000000000 \u2660 1 year, 5 days Dissolved N / A ( 4 ) Ajoy Kumar Mukherjee Tamluk 25 February 1969 30 July 1970 7002520000000000000 \u2660 1 year, 155 days Fifth Assembly ( 1969 -- 70 ) ( February 1969 election ) Bangla Congress ( United Front ) -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 30 July 1970 2 March 1971 215 days Dissolved N / A ( 4 ) Ajoy Kumar Mukherjee Tamluk 2 April 1971 25 June 1971 84 days ( total: 2 years, 139 days ) Sixth Assembly ( 1971 ) ( March 1971 election ) Indian National Congress -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 25 June 1971 19 March 1972 268 days Dissolved N / A 5 Siddhartha Shankar Ray Malda 20 March 1972 30 April 1977 7003186700000000000 \u2660 5 years, 41 days Seventh Assembly ( 1972 -- 77 ) ( March 1972 election ) Indian National Congress -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 30 April 1977 20 June 1977 51 days Dissolved N / A 6 Jyoti Basu Satgacchia 21 June 1977 23 May 1982 7003853800000000000 \u2660 23 years, 137 days Eighth Assembly ( 1977 -- 82 ) ( June 1977 election ) Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) ( Left Front ) 24 May 1982 29 March 1987 Ninth Assembly ( 1982 -- 87 ) ( May 1982 election ) 30 March 1987 18 June 1991 Tenth Assembly ( 1987 -- 91 ) ( March 1987 election ) 19 June 1991 15 May 1996 Eleventh Assembly ( 1991 -- 96 ) ( May 1991 election ) 16 May 1996 5 November 2000 Twelfth Assembly ( 1996 -- 2001 ) ( May 1996 election ) 7 Buddhadeb Bhattacharya Jadavpur 6 November 2000 14 May 2001 7003384000000000000 \u2660 10 years, 188 days 15 May 2001 17 May 2006 Thirteenth Assembly ( 2001 -- 06 ) ( May 2001 election ) 18 May 2006 13 May 2011 Fourteenth Assembly ( 2006 -- 11 ) ( April -- May 2006 election ) 8 Mamata Banerjee Bhabanipur 20 May 2011 25 May 2016 7003236700000000000 \u2660 6 years, 175 days Fifteenth Assembly ( 2011 -- 16 ) ( April -- May 2011 election ) All India Trinamool Congress 27 May 2016 Incumbent Sixteenth Assembly ( 2016 -- 21 ) ( April -- May 2016 election )", "short_answer": "Jyoti Basu Satgacchia" } } ], "Jacob Rees-Mogg": [ { "question": "mp for north east somerset and leading brexiter", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jacob_Rees-Mogg&oldid=864964696", "q_uid": -4508659170386164232, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jacob William Rees - Mogg ( born 24 May 1969 ) is a British politician serving as the Member of Parliament ( MP ) for North East Somerset since the general election of 2010. A member of the Conservative Party, his views have been characterised as socially conservative and as on the hard - right of the party.", "short_answer": "Jacob William Rees - Mogg (" } } ], "Need You Now (Lady Antebellum song)": [ { "question": "who sings the country song i need you now", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Need_You_Now_(Lady_Antebellum_song)&oldid=806801932", "q_uid": 5637935027419072404, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Need You Now '' is a country pop song performed by American country music trio Lady Antebellum. The band co-wrote the song with Josh Kear, and produced it with Paul Worley. It serves as the lead - off single and title track to their second studio album, Need You Now ( 2010 ), and was first released in the US on August 11, 2009. The song also served as their debut single in the UK and Europe, where it was released April 23, 2010. It won four Grammy Awards in 2011, including for Song of the Year and Record of the Year, the first country song to win both honors since `` Not Ready to Make Nice '' by the Dixie Chicks won both in 2006, and only the second ever.", "short_answer": "Lady Antebellum." } }, { "question": "what is the song need you now about", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Need_You_Now_(Lady_Antebellum_song)&oldid=825922124", "q_uid": 8017946027726125375, "answers": { "long_answer": "The lyrics describe placing a call to someone in the middle of the night due to being lonely and longing for companionship. Hillary Scott commented on the song, saying that `` All three of us know what it 's like to get to that point where you feel lonely enough that you make a late night phone call that you very well could regret the next day. '' Charles Kelley told The Boot that the band 's record executives initially had concerns regarding using the lyrics `` I 'm a little drunk '', but convinced the executives to leave the content in the song.", "short_answer": "placing a call to someone in the middle of the night due to being lonely and longing for companionship." } } ], "Dan Stevens": [ { "question": "who is the actor that plays matthew in downton abbey", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dan_Stevens&oldid=850484771", "q_uid": 493852818466291068, "answers": { "long_answer": "Daniel Jonathan Stevens ( born 10 October 1982 ) is an English actor. He first drew international attention for his role as Matthew Crawley in the ITV acclaimed period drama series Downton Abbey ( 2010 -- 12 ). He also starred as David in the thriller film The Guest ( 2014 ), Sir Lancelot in the adventure film Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb ( 2014 ), The Beast / Prince in Disney 's live action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast ( 2017 ), Lorin Willis in the biographical legal drama Marshall ( 2017 ), and Charles Dickens in the biographical drama The Man Who Invented Christmas ( 2017 ). Since 2017, he has starred as David Haller in the FX series Legion.", "short_answer": "Daniel Jonathan Stevens (" } } ], "2017\u201318 FC Barcelona season": [ { "question": "how many goals has barcelona scored this season", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2017%E2%80%9318_FC_Barcelona_season&oldid=837064957", "q_uid": 4588185963242572507, "answers": { "long_answer": "League Europe Cup Others Total Stats Games played 33 10 8 52 Games won 25 6 6 0 37 Games drawn 8 0 12 Games lost 0 Goals scored 83 17 19 120 Goals conceded 19 6 5 32 Goal difference 64 11 17 - 4 88 Clean sheets 18 6 6 0 30 Goal by Substitute 5 0 0 7 Total shots -- -- -- -- -- Shots on target -- -- -- -- -- Corners -- -- -- -- -- Players used -- -- -- -- -- Offsides -- -- -- -- -- Fouls suffered -- -- -- -- -- Fouls committed -- -- -- -- -- Yellow cards 54 21 11 5 91 Red cards 0 0", "short_answer": "120" } } ], "Arthur (TV series)": [ { "question": "when did the tv show arthur come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Arthur_(TV_series)&oldid=853299129", "q_uid": -6136689882874487657, "answers": { "long_answer": "The television series is based on the Arthur Adventure book series, written and illustrated by Marc Brown. WGBH Boston along with Cinar ( now Cookie Jar Group ) began production of the animated series in 1994, and aired its first episode on October 7, 1996. Since its debut, the show has broadcast 235 thirty - minute - long episodes.", "short_answer": "October 7, 1996." } } ], "Rob Beckett": [ { "question": "who does the voice of celebs go dating", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rob_Beckett&oldid=835356041", "q_uid": 6510853222569301837, "answers": { "long_answer": "Robert Beckett ( born 2 January 1986 ) is an English stand - up comedian and presenter. He is best known for being a co-host on the ITV2 spin - off show I 'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! NOW! from 2012 to 2014. In September 2015 it was confirmed that Beckett would not return to the show. Since 2016, Beckett has been a team captain on the More4 panel show 8 Out of 10 Cats.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Sarah Drew": [ { "question": "who plays april kepner in grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sarah_Drew&oldid=852689606", "q_uid": 1127880800629568815, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sarah White Drew ( born October 1, 1980 ) is an American actress and director. She is known for playing Hannah Rogers in The WB family drama series Everwood ( 2004 -- 2006 ) and Dr. April Kepner in the ABC medical drama series Grey 's Anatomy ( 2009 -- 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Sarah White Drew (" } }, { "question": "who played april kepner on grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sarah_Drew&oldid=842284264", "q_uid": 808642269658121138, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sarah Drew ( born October 1, 1980 ) is an American actress and director. She is known for playing Hannah Rogers in The WB family drama series Everwood ( 2004 -- 2006 ) and Dr. April Kepner in the ABC medical drama series Grey 's Anatomy ( 2009 -- 2018 ).", "short_answer": "Sarah Drew (" } } ], "List of tallest buildings in India": [ { "question": "top 10 tallest buildings in india under construction", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_tallest_buildings_in_India&oldid=832205482", "q_uid": -5909471035473745900, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Locale Height Floors Expected year of completion World One Mumbai 442 metres ( 1,450 ft ) 117 2018 Three Sixty West Tower B Mumbai 361.2 metres ( 1,185 ft ) 90? Lokhandwala Minerva Mumbai 325 metres ( 1,066 ft ) 85 2017 Sky link Tower 1 Mumbai 301 metres ( 988 ft ) 85 2020 Sky link Tower 2 Mumbai 301 metres ( 988 ft ) 85 2020 Supertech Supernova Noida 300 metres ( 984 ft ) 80 2018 World View Mumbai 291 metres ( 955 ft ) 82? Indiabulls Sky Suites Mumbai 291 metres ( 955 ft ) 75 2017 Orchid Heights 1 Mumbai 274 metres ( 899 ft ) 63 2017 Lodha The Park 1 Mumbai 268 metres ( 879 ft ) 78 2018 Lodha The Park 2 Mumbai 268 metres ( 879 ft ) 78 2018 Lodha The Park 3 Mumbai 268 metres ( 879 ft ) 78 2018 Lodha The Park 4 Mumbai 268 metres ( 879 ft ) 78 2018 Lodha The Park 5 Mumbai 265 metres ( 869 ft ) ) 78 2018 Omkar 1973 Tower A Mumbai 267 metres ( 876 ft ) 67 2018 Omkar 1973 Tower B Mumbai 267 metres ( 876 ft ) 67 2018 Omkar 1973 Tower C Mumbai 267 metres ( 876 ft ) 67 2018 Nathani Heights Mumbai 262 metres ( 860 ft ) 72 2018 Three Sixty West Tower A Mumbai 255.6 metres ( 839 ft ) 52? Orchid Crown 3 Mumbai 259 metres ( 850 ft ) 72 2019 Orchid Crown 2 Mumbai 259 metres ( 850 ft ) 72 2019 Supertech North Eye Noida 255 metres ( 837 ft ) 55 2018 Ruparel Ariana Mumbai 250 metres ( 820 ft ) 73 2018 Four Seasons Private Residences & Apartment Tower 1 Mumbai 250 metres ( 820 ft ) 60 2020 L&T Crescent Bay 1 Mumbai 245 metres ( 804 ft ) 64 2018 Orchid Crown 1 Mumbai 244 metres ( 801 ft ) 68 2019 Lodha Trump Tower Mumbai 243.9 metres ( 800 ft ) 77 2020 Indiabulls Blu 1 Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 53 2016 Lodha Altamount Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 48 2019 Oberoi Sky City Tower A Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Oberoi Sky City Tower B Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Oberoi Sky City Tower C Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Oberoi Sky City Tower D Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Oberoi Sky City Tower E Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Oberoi Sky City Tower F Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Oberoi Sky City Tower G Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Oberoi Sky City Tower H Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Oberoi Sky City Tower I Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Oberoi Sky City Tower J Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 60 2020 Omkar Alta Monte Tower C Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 65 2019 Wadhwa Address by the Bay A Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 65 2020 Wadhwa Address by the Bay B Mumbai 240 metres ( 787 ft ) 65 2020 Kalpataru Elan Mumbai 235 metres ( 771 ft ) 66 2020 Godrej Sky Mumbai 235 metres ( 771 ft ) 66 2020 Piramal Aryana Tower A Mumbai 235 metres ( 771 ft ) 70 2019 Piramal Aryana Tower B Mumbai 235 metres ( 771 ft ) 70 2019 Omkar Alta Monte Tower B Mumbai 235 metres ( 771 ft ) 58 2019 Celestia Spaces Wing A Mumbai 235 metres ( 771 ft ) 58 2019 Celestia Spaces Wing B Mumbai 235 metres ( 771 ft ) 58 2019 Artesia Mumbai 227 metres ( 745 ft ) 49 2019 Richa Park Marina Mumbai 227 metres ( 745 ft ) 62 2019 Isalnd City Centre 1 Mumbai 227 metres ( 745 ft ) 67 2019 Indiabulls Blu 2 Mumbai 225 metres ( 738 ft ) 50 2016 Indiabulls Sky Forest Tower 1 Mumbai 220 metres ( 722 ft ) 52 2018 Indiabulls Sky Forest Tower 2 Mumbai 220 metres ( 722 ft ) 52 2018 L&T Crescent Bay 2 Mumbai 220 metres ( 722 ft ) 57 2018 St. Regis Noida 220 metres ( 722 ft ) 57 2018 Lodha Venezia 2 Mumbai 217 metres ( 712 ft ) 68 2017 L&T Crescent Bay 3 Mumbai 210 metres ( 689 ft ) 54 2018 Four Seasons Private Residences & Apartment Tower 2 Mumbai 210 metres ( 689 ft ) 51 2020 RNA Metropolis 1 Mumbai 210 metres ( 689 ft ) 67 2020 RNA Metropolis 2 Mumbai 210 metres ( 689 ft ) 67 2020 Summer Trinity Vertical Mumbai 208 metres ( 682 ft ) 56 2019 Orbit Terraces Mumbai 207 metres ( 679 ft ) 61 2017 Discovery Offices Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 50 2018 IndiaBulls Blu 3 Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 46 2018 Shana Sion Tower A Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 60 2020 Shana Sion Tower B Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 60 2020 Shana Sion Tower C Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 60 2020 Kalpataru Avana Tower A Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 60 2019 Kalpataru Avana Tower B Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 60 2019 SD Epsilon Tower A Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 64 2020 SD Epsilon Tower B Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 64 2020 SD Epsilon Tower C Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 64 2020 SD Astron Tower A Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 64 2020 SD Astron Tower B Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 64 2020 SD Astron Tower C Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 64 2020 Rubberwala Eon Mumbai 205 metres ( 673 ft ) 56 2020 Raheja Imperia Mumbai 204 metres ( 669 ft ) 60 2021 The Imperial Edge Mumbai 204 metres ( 669 ft ) 50 2019 Orchid Heights 2 Mumbai 201 metres ( 659 ft ) 55 2017 Bhandary Vertica Mangalore 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 56 2019 Oberoi Eternia A Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 67 2019 Oberoi Eternia B Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 67 2019 Oberoi Eternia C Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 67 2019 Oberoi Eternia D Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 67 2019 Oberoi Enigma A Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 67 2019 Oberoi Enigma B Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 67 2019 Vivarea 5 Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 49 2021 SD Alpine Tower A Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 63 2020 SD Alpine Tower A Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 63 2020 Shana Ramtekdi Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 50 2021 Shana Ramtekdi Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 50 2021 Peninsula Salsette Tower A Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 52 2021 Peninsula Salsette Tower B Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 52 2021 Marathon Monte South Wing A Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 60 2020 Marathon Monte South Wing B Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 60 2020 OMG! Noida 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 66 2018 Island City Centre 2 Mumbai 200 metres ( 656 ft ) 60 2019 Century IT Park Mumbai? 59 2018 Omkar Alta Monte Tower D Mumbai? 50 2018", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Dheeraj Dhoopar": [ { "question": "what is the real name of karan luthra", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dheeraj_Dhoopar&oldid=816899931", "q_uid": -875159152153026751, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dheeraj Dhoopar ( born; 1984 in Delhi ) is an Indian television actor, model. He is best known for playing the lead role of Prem Bharadwaj in the TV serial Sasural Simar Ka on Colors TV. He currently portraying the character of Karan Luthra in Kundali Bhagya on on Zee Tv.", "short_answer": "Dheeraj Dhoopar (" } }, { "question": "what is the real name of karan in kundali bhagya", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Dheeraj_Dhoopar&oldid=842409320", "q_uid": 9030025659463653204, "answers": { "long_answer": "Dheeraj Dhoopar ( born; 20 December 1984 in Delhi ) is a popular Indian television actor, model. He is best known for playing the lead role of Prem Bharadwaj in the TV serial Sasural Simar Ka on Colors TV. He currently plays the main lead role of Karan Luthra in Ekta Kapoor 's Balaji Telefilms producing popular television show Kundali Bhagya, on Zee TV.", "short_answer": "Dheeraj Dhoopar (" } } ], "Kristian Schmid": [ { "question": "who plays mick jennings on home and away", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kristian_Schmid&oldid=812582905", "q_uid": 5829380388956592926, "answers": { "long_answer": "From May 2016, Schmid began playing Mick Jennings on Home and Away.", "short_answer": "Schmid began" } }, { "question": "who plays mick jennings in home and away", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kristian_Schmid&oldid=812582905", "q_uid": 4876657822626432181, "answers": { "long_answer": "From May 2016, Schmid began playing Mick Jennings on Home and Away.", "short_answer": "Schmid began" } } ], "Vancouver Grizzlies": [ { "question": "when did the vancouver grizzlies join the nba", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Vancouver_Grizzlies&oldid=840347589", "q_uid": 7309786996284346392, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Vancouver Grizzlies were a Canadian professional basketball team based in Vancouver, British Columbia. They were part of the Midwest Division of the Western Conference of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ). The team was established in 1995, along with the Toronto Raptors, as part of the NBA 's expansion into Canada. Following the 2000 -- 01 season, the team relocated to Memphis, Tennessee, United States, and are known as the Memphis Grizzlies. The Grizzlies played their home games at General Motors Place for the entirety of their 6 seasons in Vancouver.", "short_answer": "in 1995," } } ], "June Marlowe": [ { "question": "who played mrs. crabtree on the our gang", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=June_Marlowe&oldid=848295910", "q_uid": -509173673237651853, "answers": { "long_answer": "June Marlowe ( born Gisela Valaria Goetten, November 6, 1903 -- March 10, 1984 ) was an American film actress who began her career during the silent film era. Her most well known role was that of `` Miss Crabtree '', in the Our Gang shorts.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Fluid ounce": [ { "question": "does a fluid ounce of water weigh an ounce", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fluid_ounce&oldid=820396046", "q_uid": 4989072038152007601, "answers": { "long_answer": "The fluid ounce is distinct from the ounce as a unit of weight or mass, although it is sometimes referred to simply as an `` ounce '' where context makes the meaning clear, such as ounces in a bottle.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "convert us fl oz to imperial fl oz", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Fluid_ounce&oldid=820396046", "q_uid": -8495100528319602244, "answers": { "long_answer": "1 US fluid ounce = \u200b \u2044 US gallon = \u200b \u2044 US quart = \u200b \u2044 US pint = \u200b \u2044 US cup = \u200b \u2044 US gill = US tablespoons = 6 US teaspoons = 8 US fluid drams = 1.8046875 cubic inches = 29.5735295625 millilitres \u2248 1.040842731 imperial fluid ounces", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Chief Ministers of Andhra Pradesh": [ { "question": "who is the chief minister of andhra pradesh", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Andhra_Pradesh&oldid=797411801", "q_uid": -4416525809873383968, "answers": { "long_answer": "No Name Portrait Term of office Party Days in office Neelam Sanjiva Reddy MLA for Kalahasti 1 November 1956 11 January 1960 Indian National Congress 1167 Damodaram Sanjivayya MLA for Kurnool 11 January 1960 12 March 1962 790 ( 1 ) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy ( 2 ) MLA for Dhone 12 March 1962 20 February 1964 719 Kasu Brahmananda Reddy MLA for Narasaraopet 21 February 1964 30 September 1971 2777 P.V. Narasimha Rao MLA for Manthani 30 September 1971 10 January 1973 468 -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 11 Jan 1973 10 December 1973 N / A 335 5 Jalagam Vengala Rao MLA for Vemsoor 10 December 1973 6 March 1978 Indian National Congress 1547 6 Marri Chenna Reddy MLA for Medchal 6 March 1978 11 October 1980 950 7 Tanguturi Anjaiah MLC 11 October 1980 24 February 1982 501 8 Bhavanam Venkatarami Reddy MLC 24 February 1982 20 September 1982 208 9 Kotla Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy MLA for Kurnool 20 September 1982 9 January 1983 111 10 N.T. Rama Rao MLA for Tirupati 9 January 1983 16 August 1984 Telugu Desam Party 585 11 Nadendla Bhaskara Rao MLA for Vemuru 16 August 1984 16 September 1984 31 ( 10 ) N.T. Rama Rao ( 2 ) MLA for Hindupur 16 September 1984 2 December 1989 1903 ( 6 ) Marri Chenna Reddy ( 2 ) MLA for Sanathnagar 3 December 1989 17 December 1990 Indian National Congress 379 12 Nedurumalli Janardhana Reddy MLA for Venkatagiri 17 December 1990 9 October 1992 662 ( 9 ) Kotla Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy ( 2 ) MLA for Panyam 9 October 1992 12 December 1994 794 ( 10 ) N.T. Rama Rao ( 3 ) MLA for Hindupur 12 December 1994 1 September 1995 Telugu Desam Party 263 13 N. Chandrababu Naidu MLA for Kuppam 1 September 1995 14 May 2004 3178 14 Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy MLA for Pulivendla 14 May 2004 2 September 2009 Indian National Congress 1938 15 K. Rosaiah 3 September 2009 24 November 2010 448 16 N. Kiran Kumar Reddy MLA for Pileru 25 November 2010 1 March 2014 1193 -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 1 March 2014 8 June 2014 N / A 98 Following the bifurcation of Telangana ( 13 ) N. Chandrababu Naidu ( 2 ) MLA for Kuppam 8 June 2014 Incumbent Telugu Desam Party 1191", "short_answer": "N. Chandrababu Naidu (" } }, { "question": "list of chief ministers of andhra pradesh pdf", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Andhra_Pradesh&oldid=855812699", "q_uid": -8523748908491073528, "answers": { "long_answer": "No Name Portrait Term of office Party Days in office Neelam Sanjiva Reddy MLA for Kalahasti 1 November 1956 11 January 1960 Indian National Congress 1167 Damodaram Sanjivayya MLA from Kurnool 11 January 1960 12 March 1962 790 ( 1 ) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy ( 2 ) MLA from Dhone 12 March 1962 20 February 1964 719 Kasu Brahmananda Reddy MLA from Narasaraopet 21 February 1964 30 September 1971 2777 P.V. Narasimha Rao MLA from Manthani 30 September 1971 10 January 1973 468 -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 11 Jan 1973 10 December 1973 N / A 335 5 Jalagam Vengala Rao MLA for Vemsoor 10 December 1973 6 March 1978 Indian National Congress 1547 6 Marri Chenna Reddy MLA from Medchal 6 March 1978 11 October 1980 950 7 Tanguturi Anjaiah MLC, Hyderabad 11 October 1980 24 February 1982 501 8 Bhavanam Venkatarami Reddy MLC, Guntur 24 February 1982 20 September 1982 208 9 Kotla Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy MLA from Kurnool 20 September 1982 9 January 1983 111 10 N.T. Rama Rao MLA from Tirupati 9 January 1983 16 August 1984 Telugu Desam Party 585 11 Nadendla Bhaskara Rao MLA from Vemuru 16 August 1984 16 September 1984 31 ( 10 ) N.T. Rama Rao ( 2 ) MLA from Hindupur 16 September 1984 2 December 1989 1903 ( 6 ) Marri Chenna Reddy ( 2 ) MLA from Sanathnagar 3 December 1989 17 December 1990 Indian National Congress 379 12 N. Janardhana Reddy MLA from Venkatagiri 17 December 1990 9 October 1992 662 ( 9 ) Kotla Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy ( 2 ) MLA from Panyam 9 October 1992 12 December 1994 794 ( 10 ) N.T. Rama Rao ( 3 ) MLA from Hindupur 12 December 1994 1 September 1995 Telugu Desam Party 263 13 N. Chandrababu Naidu MLA from Kuppam 1 September 1995 14 May 2004 3178 14 Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy MLA from Pulivendla 14 May 2004 2 September 2009 Indian National Congress 1938 15 K. Rosaiah MLC, Guntur 3 September 2009 24 November 2010 448 16 N. Kiran Kumar Reddy MLA from Pileru 25 November 2010 1 March 2014 1193 -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 1 March 2014 8 June 2014 N / A 98 After Bifurcation New Andhra Pradesh ( 1 ) N. Chandrababu Naidu ( 2 ) MLA from Kuppam 8 June 2014 Incumbent Telugu Desam Party 1541", "short_answer": "" } } ], "James Monroe Iglehart": [ { "question": "who played the genie in aladdin on broadway", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=James_Monroe_Iglehart&oldid=822346489", "q_uid": -382504686988688153, "answers": { "long_answer": "Iglehart is perhaps best known for his Tony Award - winning performance as the Genie in the original Broadway production of Aladdin. Iglehart assumed the role of Marquis de Lafayette / Thomas Jefferson in the Broadway company of Hamilton in April 2017.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Milky Chance": [ { "question": "what type of music does milky chance sing", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Milky_Chance&oldid=827615996", "q_uid": -2869631526312915619, "answers": { "long_answer": "Milky Chance Background information Origin Kassel, Germany Genres Alternative rock electronic reggae folk Indie Years active 2012 -- present Labels Muggelig Records Lichtdicht Ignition Records Website milkychanceofficial.com Members Clemens Rehbein Philipp Dausch Antonio Greger since 2015 Sebastian Schmidt since 2017", "short_answer": "Alternative rock" } } ], "Chevrolet Cobalt": [ { "question": "what size engine does a 2007 chevy cobalt have", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chevrolet_Cobalt&oldid=799436808", "q_uid": 6662651990606753945, "answers": { "long_answer": "Years Engine Power Torque 2005 -- 2006 2.2 L Ecotec L61 I4 145 hp ( 108 kW ) 155 lb ft ( 210 N m ) 2007 -- 2008 2.2 L Ecotec L61 I4 148 hp ( 110 kW ) 155 lb ft ( 210 N m ) 2009 -- 2010 2.2 L Ecotec LAP I4 155 hp ( 116 kW ) 150 lb ft ( 203 N m ) 2006 2.4 L Ecotec LE5 I4 171 hp ( 128 kW ) 163 lb ft ( 221 N m ) 2007 -- 2008 2.4 L Ecotec LE5 I4 173 hp ( 129 kW ) 163 lb ft ( 221 N m ) 2005 -- 2007 2.0 L Ecotec LSJ S / C I4 205 hp ( 153 kW ) 200 lb ft ( 271 N m ) 2008 -- 2010 2.0 L Ecotec LNF Turbo I4 260 hp ( 194 kW ) 260 lb ft ( 353 N m )", "short_answer": "155 lb ft (" } } ], "Bad Day (Daniel Powter song)": [ { "question": "who sings so you had a bad day", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bad_Day_(Daniel_Powter_song)&oldid=814598866", "q_uid": -1602193142201355431, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Bad Day '' is a pop song from Canadian singer Daniel Powter 's self - titled debut studio album ( 2005 ). It was written by Powter and produced by Jeff Dawson and Mitchell Froom. Powter and Dawson recorded the song in 2002 but could not find a record label to release it at first. The song was first used in a French Coca - Cola television advertisement in Christmas 2004 before its official release. Tom Whalley, Warner Bros. Records ' chairman and CEO, offered Powter a contract after hearing a demo tape of it. This track ended up being released as the lead single in Europe in early 2005.", "short_answer": "Powter and" } }, { "question": "who sang so you had a bad day", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bad_Day_(Daniel_Powter_song)&oldid=817357280", "q_uid": -6895456871212858313, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Bad Day '' Single by Daniel Powter from the album Daniel Powter Released 2005 ( 2005 ) Format CD single digital download Recorded 2002 Genre Pop Length 3: 54 Label Warner Bros. Songwriter ( s ) Daniel Powter Producer ( s ) Mitchell Froom Jeff Dawson Daniel Powter singles chronology `` Bad Day '' ( 2005 ) `` Free Loop '' ( 2005 ) `` Bad Day '' ( 2005 ) `` Free Loop '' ( 2005 )", "short_answer": "Daniel Powter" } }, { "question": "what movie was the song bad day in", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bad_Day_(Daniel_Powter_song)&oldid=842851526", "q_uid": 4749558744073308370, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Weird Al '' Yankovic wanted to record a parody of the song in 2006 but Powter refused his proposal. Later, Powter decided to give him permission to record the parody, which was to have been called `` You Had a Bad Date '', but was told by Yankovic told that `` the train had left the station ''; he recorded `` White & Nerdy '' the day after instead. In April 2006, `` Bad Day '' was parodied on an episode of the television series Saturday Night Live, featuring a montage of former member of the United States House of Representatives Tom DeLay. The Daily Show used the song for an American Idol - based montage satirizing the June 2006 death of Abu Musab al - Zarqawi, leader of Al - Qaeda in Iraq. It was parodied by comedy group Moron Life titled `` Overplayed '' and was released on MySpace in August 2006. `` Bad Day '' was also covered by the fictional music group Alvin and the Chipmunks for their 2007 film Alvin and the Chipmunks. Their version made the charts in January 2008, peaking at number 67 on the Billboard Hot 100.", "short_answer": "Alvin and the Chipmunks." } } ], "Chris O'Donnell": [ { "question": "who plays docs vet in grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chris_O%27Donnell&oldid=842202545", "q_uid": -872022118205262472, "answers": { "long_answer": "O'Donnell did not appear in another movie for two years. He was the producers ' original choice for the role of James Darrell Edwards III / Agent J in Men in Black ( 1997 ), but, after turning it down because he thought the character would be too similar to his role in Batman Forever, the role went to Will Smith. The Robert Altman film Cookie 's Fortune, The Bachelor ( 1999 ) and Vertical Limit ( 2000 ) were only moderately successful. Following Vertical Limit, a four - year hiatus led some to believe Batman & Robin had damaged O'Donnell's career. However, he came back in 2004 with the widely praised Kinsey. He also appeared in the 2004 episode of Two and a Half Men entitled `` An Old Flame With A New Wick. '' O'Donnell took a lead role in the Fox Network television series Head Cases in 2005. The show was the first of the fall 2005 season to be canceled, and only two episodes were aired. He was subsequently cast as veterinarian Finn Dandridge on the ABC medical drama Grey 's Anatomy. O'Donnell", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the vet in season 2 of grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Chris_O%27Donnell&oldid=854204805", "q_uid": -6156937202306964111, "answers": { "long_answer": "O'Donnell did not appear in another movie for two years. He was the producers ' original choice for the role of James Darrell Edwards III / Agent J in Men in Black ( 1997 ), but, after turning it down because he thought the character would be too similar to his role in Batman Forever, the role went to Will Smith. The Robert Altman film Cookie 's Fortune, The Bachelor ( 1999 ) and Vertical Limit ( 2000 ) were only moderately successful. Following Vertical Limit, a four - year hiatus led some to believe Batman & Robin had damaged O'Donnell's career. However, he came back in 2004 with the widely praised Kinsey. He also appeared in the 2004 episode of Two and a Half Men entitled `` An Old Flame With A New Wick. '' O'Donnell took a lead role in the Fox Network television series Head Cases in 2005. The show was the first of the fall 2005 season to be canceled, and only two episodes were aired. He was subsequently cast as veterinarian Finn Dandridge on the ABC medical drama Grey 's Anatomy. O'Donnell", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Ford Fusion (Americas)": [ { "question": "when did the ford fusion body style change", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ford_Fusion_(Americas)&oldid=834418171", "q_uid": 932551400753983069, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ford updated the Fusion for the 2017 model year. The facelifted version was first unveiled at the 2016 North American International Auto Show on January 11, 2016. 2017", "short_answer": "January 11, 2016." } } ], "Professors in the United States": [ { "question": "what is the retirement age for professors in usa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Professors_in_the_United_States&oldid=838205072", "q_uid": 2656527344505363050, "answers": { "long_answer": "The absence of a mandatory retirement age contributes to `` graying '' of this occupation. The median age of American full professors ( in 2006 ) was around 55 years. Very few people attain this position before the age of 40. The annual salary of full professors averages at $99,000, although less so at non-doctoral institutions, and more so at private doctoral institutions ( not including side income from grants and consulting, which can be substantial in some fields ); in addition, institutions in major cities or high cost of living areas will pay higher salaries. Full professors earn on average about 70 % more than assistant professors in the same institution.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Ohio area codes": [ { "question": "what is the area code for cincinnati ohio", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Ohio_area_codes&oldid=798517570", "q_uid": 7194020901873455523, "answers": { "long_answer": "Code Created Region 216 1947 Cleveland ( October 1947 ) 234 2000 Akron, Canton, Youngstown, and Warren, overlay with 330 330 Akron, Canton, Youngstown, and Warren, overlay with 234 380 2016 Columbus, overlay with 614 ( February 27, 2016 ) 419 1947 Northwest and north central Ohio including Toledo, Sandusky, and Ashland, overlay with 567 ( October, 1947 ) 440 1997 Part of Northeast Ohio including parts of Cleveland ( August 16, 1997 ) 513 1947 Southwest Ohio including Cincinnati ( October, 1947 ) 567 1947 Northwest and north central Ohio including Toledo, Sandusky, and Ashland, overlay with 419 ( January 1, 2002 ) 614 1947 Columbus ( October, 1947 ) 740 1997 Central and southeastern Ohio except Columbus ( December 6, 1997 ) 220 1997 Central and southeastern Ohio except Columbus ( December 6, 1997 ) 937 Southwestern part of Ohio including Springfield, Dayton, public parts of Wright - Patterson Air Force Base, and areas north of Cincinnati ( September 28, 1996 )", "short_answer": "513" } }, { "question": "what is the area code for ohio usa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Ohio_area_codes&oldid=851176425", "q_uid": -953094665142180219, "answers": { "long_answer": "Code Created Region 216 1947 Cleveland ( October, 1947 ) 234 2000 Akron, Canton, Youngstown, and Warren, overlay with 330 ( October 30, 2000 ) 326 2018 Overlay of 937 Dayton, Springfield, Peebles and Marysville 330 Akron, Canton, Youngstown, and Warren, overlay with 234 ( March 9, 1996 ) 380 2016 Columbus, overlay with 614 ( February 27, 2016 ) 419 1947 Northwest and north central Ohio including Toledo, Sandusky, and Ashland, overlay with 567 ( October, 1947 ) 440 1997 Part of Northeast Ohio including parts of Cleveland ( August 16, 1997 ) 513 1947 Southwest Ohio including Cincinnati ( October, 1947 ) 567 2002 Northwest and north central Ohio including Toledo, Sandusky, and Ashland, overlay with 419 ( January 1, 2002 ) 614 1947 Columbus, overlay with 380 ( October, 1947 ) 740 1997 Central and southeastern Ohio except Columbus, overlay with 220 ( December 6, 1997 ) 220 2015 Central and southeastern Ohio except Columbus, overlay with 740 ( April 22, 2015 ) 937 Southwestern part of Ohio including Springfield, Dayton, public parts of Wright - Patterson Air Force Base, and areas north of Cincinnati ( September 28, 1996 )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Indian cricket team in South Africa in 2006\u201307": [ { "question": "who was the captain of indian cricket team in 2006", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Indian_cricket_team_in_South_Africa_in_2006%E2%80%9307&oldid=831071608", "q_uid": 8533727487158061842, "answers": { "long_answer": "No. Date Home captain Away captain Venue Result Tour Games One Day 16 Nov 2006 Ashwell Prince Rahul Dravid Willowmoore Park Rest of SA won by 37 runs FC match 7 -- 10 Dec 2006 Jacques Rudolph VVS Laxman Sedgars Park India won by 96 runs One - day International Series 1st ODI 19 Nov 2006 Graeme Smith Rahul Dravid New Wanderers Stadium Match abandoned due to rain. 2nd ODI 22 Nov 2006 Graeme Smith Rahul Dravid Kingsmead South Africa won by 157 runs 3rd ODI 26 Nov 2006 Graeme Smith Rahul Dravid Newlands South Africa won by 106 runs 4th ODI 29 Nov 2006 Graeme Smith Virender Sehwag St George 's Park South Africa won by 80 runs 5th ODI 3 Dec 2006 Graeme Smith Virender Sehwag SuperSport Park South Africa won by 9 wickets Twenty20 International 1st 20 / 20 1 Dec 2006 Graeme Smith Virender Sehwag New Wanderers Stadium India won by 6 wickets Test Series 1st Test 15 -- 19 Dec 2006 Graeme Smith Rahul Dravid New Wanderers Stadium India won by 123 runs 2nd Test 26 -- 30 Dec 2006 Graeme Smith Rahul Dravid Kingsmead South Africa won by 174 runs 3rd Test 2 -- 6 Jan 2007 Graeme Smith Rahul Dravid Newlands South Africa won by 5 wickets", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "when india won test series in south africa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Indian_cricket_team_in_South_Africa_in_2006%E2%80%9307&oldid=831071608", "q_uid": -3134418361849909640, "answers": { "long_answer": "South Africa won the Test series 2 -- 1. After India won the first Test at New Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa rallied to win the 2nd Test at Kingsmead in Durban and the third Test at Newlands in Cape Town.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Margaret Avery": [ { "question": "who played shug avery in the color purple", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margaret_Avery&oldid=806143435", "q_uid": -2786324201930955307, "answers": { "long_answer": "Margaret Avery is an American actress and singer. She began her career appearing on stage and later has had starring roles in films include Cool Breeze ( 1972 ), Which Way Is Up? ( 1977 ), Scott Joplin ( 1977 ), and The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh ( 1979 ).", "short_answer": "Margaret Avery is" } }, { "question": "who played shug avery in the movie the color purple", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Margaret_Avery&oldid=824466632", "q_uid": 4731340971101098471, "answers": { "long_answer": "Avery is best known for her role as Shug Avery in the 1985 film The Color Purple. Her performance in this screen adaptation of Alice Walker 's prize - winning novel The Color Purple earned Avery an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Six Flags Discovery Kingdom": [ { "question": "where is six flags discovery kingdom in california", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Six_Flags_Discovery_Kingdom&oldid=856717637", "q_uid": 9144953946008531246, "answers": { "long_answer": "Six Flags Discovery Kingdom ( formerly known as Six Flags Marine World, Marine World, The New Marine World Theme Park, and Marine World Africa USA ) is a 135 - acre ( 55 ha ) animal theme park located in Vallejo, California, roughly halfway between San Francisco and Sacramento on Interstate 80. The park includes a variety of roller coasters and other amusement rides. Six Flags Discovery Kingdom has been part of the Six Flags chain of amusement parks since 1999. Daily Public Transportation to the park is provided by Amtrak Thruway 's 7 Route to Martinez station, Evans Transportation also provides daily service between a Courtyard by Marriott hotel adjacent to the northeastern border of the park and Oakland International Airport. Vallejo 's local public transit provider SolTrans serves the park Monday through Saturday, connecting the park with Fairfield Transportation Center, Vallejo Station, and other points in Southern Solano County.", "short_answer": "Vallejo, California, roughly halfway between San Francisco and Sacramento on Interstate 80." } } ], "List of Secretaries General of OPEC": [ { "question": "who is the current secretary general of opec", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Secretaries_General_of_OPEC&oldid=836967089", "q_uid": -8488721476977524134, "answers": { "long_answer": "List of OPEC Secretaries General No. Name Country Tenure Fuad Rouhani Iran 21 Jan 1961 -- 30 Apr 1964 Abdul Rahman al - Bazzaz Iraq 1 May 1964 -- 30 Apr 1965 Ashraf T. Lutfi Kuwait 1 May 1965 -- 31 Dec 1966 Mohammad Saleh Joukhdar Saudi Arabia 1 Jan 1967 -- 31 Dec 1967 Francisco R. Parra Venezuela 1 Jan 1968 -- 31 Dec 1968 6 Elrich Sanger Indonesia 1 Jan 1969 -- 31 Dec 1969 7 Omar el - Badri Libya 1 Jan 1970 -- 31 Dec 1970 8 Nadim al - Pachachi United Arab Emirates 1 Jan 1971 -- 31 Dec 1972 9 Abderrahman Kh\u00e8ne Algeria 1 Jan 1973 -- 31 Dec 1974 10 M.O. Feyide Nigeria 1 Jan 1975 -- 31 Dec 1976 11 Ali M. Jaidah Qatar 1 Jan 1977 -- 31 Dec 1978 12 Ren\u00e9 G. Ortiz Ecuador 1 Jan 1979 -- 30 Jun 1981 13 Marc Saturnin Nan Nguema Gabon 1 Jul 1981 -- 30 Jun 1983 14 Mana Al Otaiba United Arab Emirates 19 Jul 1983 -- 31 Dec 1983 15 Kamel Hassan Maghur Libya 1 Jan 1984 -- 31 Oct 1984 16 Subroto Indonesia 31 Oct 1984 -- 9 Dec 1985 17 Arturo Hern\u00e1ndez Grisanti Venezuela 1 Jan 1986 -- 30 Jun 1986 18 Rilwanu Lukman Nigeria 1 Jul 1986 -- 30 Jun 1988 19 Subroto Indonesia 1 Jul 1988 -- 30 Jun 1994 20 Abdallah Salem el - Badri Libya 1 Jul 1994 -- 31 Dec 1994 21 Rilwanu Lukman Nigeria 1 Jan 1995 -- 31 Dec 2000 22 Al\u00ed Rodr\u00edguez Araque Venezuela 1 Jan 2001 -- 30 Jun 2002 23 \u00c1lvaro Silva Calder\u00f3n Venezuela 1 Jul 2002 -- 31 Dec 2003 24 Purnomo Yusgiantoro Indonesia 1 Jan 2004 -- 31 Dec 2004 25 Ahmed Al - Fahad Al - Ahmed Al - Sabah Kuwait 1 Jan 2005 -- 31 Dec 2005 26 Edmund Daukoru Nigeria 1 Jan 2006 -- 31 Dec 2006 27 Abdallah Salem el - Badri Libya 1 Jan 2007 -- 31 Jul 2016 28 Mohammed Sanusi Barkindo Nigeria 1 Aug 2016 --", "short_answer": "Mohammed Sanusi Barkindo" } } ], "Grayson Russell": [ { "question": "who played fregly in diary of a wimpy kid", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Grayson_Russell&oldid=825756796", "q_uid": -2130972838850471277, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2009, Russell appeared in a single episode of Disney 's sitcom I 'm in the Band. In 2010, Russell appeared in the film adaptation of author Jeff Kinney 's Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Russell played Fregley, an awkward and unpopular classmate of Greg Heffley. He reprised the role in the sequels, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules ( 2011 ) and Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days ( 2012 ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "2004 U.S. Open (golf)": [ { "question": "who won the us golf open in 2004", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2004_U.S._Open_(golf)&oldid=846614506", "q_uid": -3042084601322236210, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2004 United States Open Championship was the 104th U.S. Open, held June 17 -- 20 at Shinnecock Hills Golf Club in Shinnecock Hills, New York. Retief Goosen won his second U.S. Open title, two strokes ahead of runner - up Phil Mickelson, the reigning Masters champion. The purse was $6.25 million with a winner 's share of $1.125 million.", "short_answer": "Retief Goosen won" } } ], "Rashida Jones": [ { "question": "who played ann perkins on parks and recreation", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rashida_Jones&oldid=801919736", "q_uid": -8651489750750215151, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rashida Leah Jones ( born February 25, 1976 ) is an American actress, producer, singer, and writer. She is widely known for playing Ann Perkins on NBC 's comedy Parks and Recreation, for which she received acclaim.", "short_answer": "Rashida Leah Jones (" } }, { "question": "girl from the office and parks and rec", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rashida_Jones&oldid=854503051", "q_uid": -7201122711465461180, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rashida Leah Jones ( born February 25, 1976 ) is an American actress. She is known for starring as Ann Perkins on the NBC comedy series Parks and Recreation, for which she received critical acclaim.", "short_answer": "Rashida Leah Jones (" } } ], "American Ninja Warrior (season 9)": [ { "question": "who made it to stage 3 in american ninja warrior season 9", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=American_Ninja_Warrior_(season_9)&oldid=814776621", "q_uid": -2969094761592662332, "answers": { "long_answer": "Results: Joe Moravsky ( 3: 34.34 ), Najee Richardson ( 3: 39: 71 ) and Sean Bryan finished to go into Stage 3.", "short_answer": "Joe Moravsky (" } }, { "question": "when does the new season of american ninja warrior", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=American_Ninja_Warrior_(season_9)&oldid=801404565", "q_uid": -3453851949257614776, "answers": { "long_answer": "Broadcast from June 12 -- September 18, 2017", "short_answer": "June 12 -- September 18, 2017" } } ], "Bianca Kajlich": [ { "question": "who played the punk girl in freaks and geeks", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bianca_Kajlich&oldid=858698434", "q_uid": 231121193088500401, "answers": { "long_answer": "Kajlich appeared in an episode of the USA Network 's Psych entitled `` Psy vs. Psy '' as a psychic FBI agent who ends up not being who she appears to be. She appeared as a major character in an episode of Fox 's short - lived action TV show, Fastlane, as a prostitute named Bree whose pimp wants her dead. Kajlich had a quick appearance as a punk nose - piercing girl in an episode of Freaks and Geeks, and she played Jennifer on the CBS comedy Rules of Engagement. She was ranked No. 74 on the Maxim `` Hot 100 Women of 2004 '' and No. 63 on the Maxim `` Hot 100 Women of 2007 ''.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Mike Birbiglia": [ { "question": "who plays danny on orange is the new black", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mike_Birbiglia&oldid=802844344", "q_uid": 7393349992961296338, "answers": { "long_answer": "In addition to starring in Sleepwalk with Me, Birbiglia has acted in the films Trainwreck, Going the Distance, Cedar Rapids, Your Sister 's Sister, The Fault in Our Stars and Annie, and in the HBO series Girls, and has played Danny Pearson on the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black.", "short_answer": "Birbiglia has" } } ], "List of Chief Ministers of Kerala": [ { "question": "list of chief ministers of kerala in order", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Kerala&oldid=816938582", "q_uid": -7204018789962828779, "answers": { "long_answer": "No Name Term ( tenure length ) Assembly ( election ) Party E.M.S. Namboodiripad MLA for Nileshwaram 5 April 1957 31 July 1959 848 days First Assembly ( 1957 -- 59 ) ( 1957 election ) Communist Party of India -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 31 July 1959 22 February 1960 Dissolved N / A Pattom A. Thanu Pillai MLA for Trivandrum II 22 February 1960 26 September 1962 583 days Second Assembly ( 1960 -- 64 ) ( 1960 election ) Praja Socialist Party R. Sankar MLA for Cannanore I 26 September 1962 10 September 1964 715 days Indian National Congress -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 10 September 1964 6 March 1967 Dissolved N / A ( 1 ) E.M.S. Namboodiripad MLA for Pattambi 6 March 1967 1 November 1969 972 days ( Total 1,820 days ) Third Assembly ( 1967 -- 70 ) ( 1967 election ) Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) C. Achutha Menon MLA for Kottarakkara 1 November 1969 1 August 1970 273 days Communist Party of India -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 4 August 1970 3 October 1970 Dissolved N / A ( 4 ) C. Achutha Menon MLA for Kodakara 4 October 1970 25 March 1977 2,365 days ( Total 2,638 days ) Fourth Assembly ( 1970 -- 77 ) ( 1970 election ) Communist Party of India 5 K. Karunakaran MLA for Mala 25 March 1977 25 April 1977 32 days Fifth Assembly ( 1977 -- 79 ) ( 1977 election ) Indian National Congress 6 A.K. Antony 27 April 1977 27 October 1978 550 days 7 P.K. Vasudevan Nair MLA for Alleppey 29 October 1978 7 October 1979 343 days Communist Party of India 8 C.H. Mohammed Koya MLA for Malappuram 12 October 1979 1 December 1979 51 days Indian Union Muslim League -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 5 December 1979 25 January 1980 Dissolved N / A 9 E.K. Nayanar MLA for Malampuzha 25 January 1980 20 October 1981 635 days Sixth Assembly ( 1980 -- 82 ) ( 1980 election ) Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 21 October 1981 28 December 1981 N / A ( 5 ) K. Karunakaran MLA for Mala 28 December 1981 17 March 1982 81 days Indian National Congress -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 17 March 1982 23 May 1982 Dissolved N / A ( 5 ) K. Karunakaran MLA for Mala 24 May 1982 25 March 1987 1,766 days Seventh Assembly ( 1982 -- 87 ) ( 1982 election ) Indian National Congress ( 9 ) E.K. Nayanar MLA for Trikaripur 26 March 1987 17 June 1991 1,544 days Eighth Assembly ( 1987 -- 91 ) ( 1987 election ) Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) ( 5 ) K. Karunakaran MLA for Mala 24 June 1991 16 March 1995 1,361 days ( Total 3,240 days ) Ninth Assembly ( 1991 -- 95 ) ( 1991 election ) Indian National Congress ( 6 ) A.K. Antony 22 March 1995 9 May 1996 415 days ( 9 ) E.K. Nayanar MLA for Tellicherry 20 May 1996 13 May 2001 1,820 days ( Total 3,999 days ) Tenth Assembly ( 1996 -- 2001 ) ( 1996 election ) Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) ( 6 ) A.K. Antony MLA for Sherthalai 17 May 2001 29 August 2004 1,201 days ( Total 2,166 days ) Eleventh Assembly ( 2001 -- 06 ) ( 2001 election ) Indian National Congress 10 Oommen Chandy MLA for Puthuppally 31 August 2004 12 May 2006 626 days 11 V.S. Achuthanandan MLA for Malampuzha 18 May 2006 14 May 2011 1,822 days Twelfth Assembly ( 2006 -- 11 ) ( 2006 election ) Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) ( 10 ) Oommen Chandy MLA for Puthuppally 18 May 2011 20 May 2016 1,829 days ( Total 2,455 days ) Thirteenth Assembly ( 2011 -- 16 ) ( 2011 election ) Indian National Congress 12 Pinarayi Vijayan MLA for Dharmadam 25 May 2016 Incumbent 593 days Fourteenth Assembly ( 2016 -- 21 ) ( 2016 election ) Communist Party of India ( Marxist )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Krist Novoselic": [ { "question": "what happened to the third guy in nirvana", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Krist_Novoselic&oldid=808079417", "q_uid": -1651024023511134315, "answers": { "long_answer": "Krist Anthony Novoselic ( / \u02ccno\u028av\u0259\u02c8s\u025bl\u026at\u0283 /; Croatian: Krist Novoseli\u0107; often referred to as Chris Novoselic, born May 16, 1965 ) is an American rock musician, and was the bass guitarist and founding member of the grunge band Nirvana. After Nirvana disbanded following the death of Kurt Cobain in 1994, Novoselic formed Sweet 75 in the same year and Eyes Adrift in 2002, releasing one album with each band. From 2006 to 2009 he played in the punk band Flipper, and in 2011 contributed bass and accordion to the song `` I Should Have Known '', on Foo Fighters ' studio album Wasting Light, along with playing bass guitar and accordion in Giants in the Trees since June 2016.", "short_answer": "death of" } } ], "Secretary General of NATO": [ { "question": "who is the current secretary general of nato", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Secretary_General_of_NATO&oldid=846545326", "q_uid": -8377205537081621474, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Secretary General of NATO ( French: Secr\u00e9taire g\u00e9n\u00e9ral de l'OTAN ) is an international diplomat who serves as the chief civil servant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ). The Secretary General is responsible for coordinating the workings of the alliance, leading NATO 's international staff, chairing the meetings of the North Atlantic Council and most major committees of the alliance, with the notable exception of the NATO Military Committee, and acting as NATO 's spokesperson. However, the Secretary General does not have any military command role, and political, military and strategic decisions ultimately rest with the member states. Together with the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee and the Supreme Allied Commander the Secretary General is one of the foremost officials of NATO. The current Secretary General is Jens Stoltenberg, the former Prime Minister of Norway, who took office on 1 October 2014.", "short_answer": "Jens Stoltenberg," } } ], "The Fifth Element": [ { "question": "who wrote the diva dance in fifth element", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fifth_Element&oldid=808898371", "q_uid": 1221282950058574257, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Diva Dance opera performance used music from Gaetano Donizetti 's Lucia di Lammermoor: `` Il dolce suono '', the mad scene of Act III, Scene 2. It is one of the few pieces of music in the film that is diegetic. It was sung by Albanian soprano Inva Mula, while the role of Plavalaguna was played by French actress Ma\u00efwenn Le Besco. Part One ( titled `` Lucia di Lammermoor '' ) and Part Two ( titled `` The Diva Dance '' ) of this piece are included as separate tracks on The Fifth Element soundtrack, but are sequenced to create the effect of the entire performance seen in the film. The end of Part One blends into the beginning of Part Two, creating a smooth transition between the two tracks.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the bad guy in fifth element", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fifth_Element&oldid=800842057", "q_uid": -931406918237511650, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gary Oldman as Jean - Baptiste Emanuel Zorg", "short_answer": "Gary Oldman as" } }, { "question": "who did luke perry play in the fifth element", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Fifth_Element&oldid=851631239", "q_uid": 26408504309904447, "answers": { "long_answer": "Luke Perry as Billy Masterson", "short_answer": "Billy Masterson" } } ], "List of High School DxD episodes": [ { "question": "how many seasons are there in highschool dxd", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_High_School_DxD_episodes&oldid=826612395", "q_uid": -4139135007055952635, "answers": { "long_answer": "The second season, titled High School DxD New ( \u30cf\u30a4 \u30b9\u30af\u30fc\u30eb D \u00d7 D ( \u30c7\u30a3\u30fc \u30c7\u30a3\u30fc ) NEW ( \u30cb\u30e5\u30fc ), Haisuk\u016bru D\u012b D\u012b Ny\u016b ), aired from July 7, 2013 to September 22, 2013. The second season adapts the third and fourth volumes of the light novels, with its episodes split between two arcs: The Excalibur of the Moonlit Schoolyard ( \u6708\u5149 \u6821\u5ead \u306e \u30a8\u30af\u30b9\u30ab\u30ea\u30d0\u30fc, Gekk\u014d K\u014dtei no Ekusukarib\u0101 ) and The Vampire of the Empty Classroom ( \u505c\u6b62 \u6559\u5ba4 \u306e \u30f4\u30a1\u30f3\u30d1\u30a4\u30a2, Teishi Ky\u014dshitsu no Vanpaia ). The third season, High School DxD BorN ( \u30cf\u30a4 \u30b9\u30af\u30fc\u30eb D \u00d7 D ( \u30c7\u30a3\u30fc \u30c7\u30a3\u30fc ) BorN ( \u30dc\u30fc\u30f3 ), Haisuk\u016bru D\u012b D\u012b B\u014dn ), aired from April 4, 2015 to June 20, 2015. The third season 's first ten episodes adapts material from the fifth to the seventh volumes of the light novels, while the last two episodes form an original self - contained story arc.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "how many seasons of highschool dxd will there be", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_High_School_DxD_episodes&oldid=843556158", "q_uid": -543788138372428964, "answers": { "long_answer": "Six DVD and Blu - ray compilation volumes of the first season were released by Media Factory between March 21, 2012 and August 29, 2012. Each contained an OVA short entitled `` Release the Swaying Delusions '' ( \u5984\u60f3 \u7206 \u63fa \u89e3\u9664 \u30aa\u30ea\u30b8\u30ca\u30eb \u30d3\u30c7\u30aa, M\u014ds\u014d Bakuyure Kaijo Orijinaru Bideo, lit. `` Release the Swaying Delusions Original Video '' ) and other bonus material. An OVA episode that is listed as episode 13 was released with the limited edition of the 13th light novel volume on September 6, 2012 on Blu - ray disc. The script was handled by Ichiei Ishibumi, who is the author of the light novels. Another OVA episode that is listed as episode 14 is written by Ishibumi and was bundled with the limited edition release of the 15th light novel volume on May 31, 2013 on Blu - ray. The first DVD and Blu - ray compilations of High School DxD New was released by Media Factory on September 25, 2013. The sixth and final compilation was released on February 26, 2014.", "short_answer": "sixth and final compilation" } } ], "Perla Haney-Jardine": [ { "question": "who plays uma thurmans daughter in kill bill", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Perla_Haney-Jardine&oldid=853570647", "q_uid": -9151677412578049720, "answers": { "long_answer": "Haney - Jardine starred in the 2005 film Dark Water with Jennifer Connelly and Tim Roth, and as Penny Marko, the Sandman 's sick daughter, in Spider - Man 3 in 2007. In 2008 she starred as Diane Lane 's daughter in the film Untraceable. She also played BB in Kill Bill 2, the daughter of Bill and Beatrix ( Uma Thurman )", "short_answer": "Haney - Jardine starred" } }, { "question": "who plays uma thurman's daughter in kill bill", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Perla_Haney-Jardine&oldid=864269104", "q_uid": 7832727656923271048, "answers": { "long_answer": "Haney - Jardine starred in the 2005 film Dark Water with Jennifer Connelly and Tim Roth, and as Penny Marko, the Sandman 's sick daughter, in Spider - Man 3 in 2007. In 2008 she starred as Diane Lane 's daughter in the film Untraceable. She also played BB in Kill Bill 2, the daughter of Bill and Beatrix ( Uma Thurman )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Drew Van Acker": [ { "question": "who played jason dilaurentis in pretty little liars", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Drew_Van_Acker&oldid=859055714", "q_uid": 6562702218702128182, "answers": { "long_answer": "Drew Van Acker ( born April 2, 1986 ) is an American actor. He is best known for playing Jason DiLaurentis, the older brother of Alison DiLaurentis ( Sasha Pieterse ) on ABC Family 's Pretty Little Liars ( 2010 -- 2017 ) and Ian Archer in Cartoon Network 's Tower Prep ( 2010 ). He has also starred as Remi Delatour on Lifetime 's Devious Maids ( 2013 -- 2015 ), and as Detective Tommy Campbell on the 2017 CBS police drama Training Day.", "short_answer": "Drew Van Acker (" } } ], "Nicholle Tom": [ { "question": "who played the oldest daughter on the nanny", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nicholle_Tom&oldid=863968358", "q_uid": -6458376028570546144, "answers": { "long_answer": "From 1993 to 1999, she played the role of Mr. Sheffield 's eldest daughter, Maggie Sheffield in The Nanny.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Virgin Trains East Coast": [ { "question": "where do virgin trains east coast go to", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Virgin_Trains_East_Coast&oldid=846514898", "q_uid": 3522043780697250890, "answers": { "long_answer": "Virgin Trains East Coast Virgin Trains East Coast HST at Leeds Overview Franchise ( s ) InterCity East Coast 1 March 2015 -- 23 June 2018 Main route ( s ) London -- Aberdeen London -- Edinburgh London -- Newcastle London -- York London -- Leeds London -- Newark Other route ( s ) Leeds -- Aberdeen London -- Inverness London -- Glasgow London -- Sunderland London -- Skipton London -- Bradford London -- Harrogate London -- Hull London -- Lincoln Fleet size 31 InterCity 225 sets 14 InterCity 125 sets Stations called at 53 Stations operated 12 National Rail abbreviation GR Parent company Stagecoach Group ( 90 % ) Virgin Group ( 10 % ) Website www.virgintrainseastcoast.com hide Route map", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Purdue Boilermakers football": [ { "question": "purdue football players in nfl hall of fame", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Purdue_Boilermakers_football&oldid=857011464", "q_uid": 8157195526281617691, "answers": { "long_answer": "Four Boilermakers hold the distinguished title of Pro Football Hall of Fame inductees.", "short_answer": "Four Boilermakers" } } ], "Havana (Camila Cabello song)": [ { "question": "who sings the song havana ooh na na", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Havana_(Camila_Cabello_song)&oldid=837282792", "q_uid": -6062532771687149338, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Havana '' is a song recorded by Cuban - American singer Camila Cabello featuring guest vocals from American rapper Young Thug. It was released on August 3, 2017 as a promotional single from her debut studio album Camila ( 2018 ), along with `` OMG ''. On August 30, 2017 via social media, Cabello confirmed the song as the album 's second single. It was serviced to radio on September 8, 2017. On November 11, 2017, a remix version of the song with Puerto Rican rapper Daddy Yankee was uploaded to Cabello 's YouTube page. The first verse of the remix is sung in Spanish while Daddy Yankee replaces Young Thug 's verse.", "short_answer": "Cuban - American singer Camila Cabello featuring" } }, { "question": "who sings the song havana na na na", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Havana_(Camila_Cabello_song)&oldid=866507748", "q_uid": 4607882501316915632, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Havana '' is a song recorded by Cuban - American singer Camila Cabello featuring guest vocals from American rapper Young Thug. It was released on August 3, 2017, as a promotional single from her then titled debut studio album The Hurting. The Healing. The Loving., later retitled to Camila ( 2018 ), along with `` OMG ''. On August 30, 2017, via social media, Cabello confirmed the song as the album 's second single. It was serviced to radio on September 8, 2017. Due to the rising success of the song, `` Havana '' later became the proper lead single of Cabello 's debut album, replacing `` Crying in the Club ''. On November 11, 2017, a remix version of the song with Puerto Rican rapper Daddy Yankee was uploaded to Cabello 's YouTube page. The first verse of the remix is sung in Spanish while Daddy Yankee replaces Young Thug 's verse.", "short_answer": "Cuban - American singer Camila Cabello featuring" } } ], "Will Arnett": [ { "question": "where did will arnett go to high school", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Will_Arnett&oldid=853026215", "q_uid": 994642490959176193, "answers": { "long_answer": "Arnett briefly attended Lakefield College School in Lakefield, Ontario, but was asked not to return after a semester for being a troublemaker. The Subway Academy II allowed him to take theatre classes at the Tarragon Theatre. He eventually graduated from Leaside High School and attended Concordia University, Montreal for a semester, but dropped out. As a teenager, he was encouraged by his mother to pursue an acting career. He auditioned for commercials in Toronto and enjoyed acting. In 1990, he moved to New York City to study acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute. He appeared in plays in New York and his first acting role was in Felicity Huffman 's independent film Erie, which was filmed on the Erie Canal.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Book of Ezra": [ { "question": "who wrote the book of ezra in the holy bible", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Book_of_Ezra&oldid=843289043", "q_uid": -77459661085670497, "answers": { "long_answer": "Twentieth - century views on the composition of Ezra revolved around whether the author was Ezra himself ( and who may have also authored the Books of Chronicles ) or was another author or authors ( who also wrote the Chronicles ). More recently it has been increasingly recognised that Ezra, Nehemiah and Chronicles all have extremely complex histories stretching over many stages of editing, and most scholars now are cautious of assuming a unified composition with a single theology and point of view. As an indication of the many layers of editing which Ezra has undergone, one recent study finds that Ezra 1 -- 6 and Ezra 9 -- 10 were originally separate documents, that they were spliced together at a later stage by the authors of Ezra 7 -- 8, and that all have undergone extensive later editing.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who wrote the book of ezra in the bible", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Book_of_Ezra&oldid=856906466", "q_uid": 7056894494622736499, "answers": { "long_answer": "Twentieth - century views on the composition of Ezra revolved around whether the author was Ezra himself ( and who may have also authored the Books of Chronicles ) or was another author or authors ( who also wrote the Chronicles ). More recently it has been increasingly recognised that Ezra, Nehemiah and Chronicles all have extremely complex histories stretching over many stages of editing, and most scholars now are cautious of assuming a unified composition with a single theology and point of view. As an indication of the many layers of editing which Ezra has undergone, one recent study finds that Ezra 1 -- 6 and Ezra 9 -- 10 were originally separate documents, that they were spliced together at a later stage by the authors of Ezra 7 -- 8, and that all have undergone extensive later editing.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Nigerian Navy": [ { "question": "who is the head of navy in nigeria", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nigerian_Navy&oldid=826505797", "q_uid": -8594976173581200463, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nigerian Navy Active 1956 -- present Country Nigeria Type Navy Part of Ministry of Defence Nigerian Armed Forces Motto ( s ) `` Onward Together '' Fleet 2 amphibious tank landing ships 3 frigates 2 offshore patrol vessels 2 minesweepers 9 fast patrol boats 4 patrol cutters 4 corvettes 16 inshore patrol crafts Engagements Nigerian Civil War First Liberian Civil War Sierra Leone Civil War Conflict in the Niger Delta Boko Haram insurgency Northern Mali War Invasion of the Gambia Website http://www.navy.mil.ng/ Commanders Commander - in - Chief President Muhammadu Buhari Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral Ibok - Ete Ekwe Ibas Insignia Naval Ensign Naval Ensign ( 1960 - 1998 ) Aircraft flown Attack Lynx Reconnaissance Aerostar Trainer AgustaWestland AW109", "short_answer": "Vice Admiral Ibok - Ete Ekwe Ibas" } } ], "Peter Serafinowicz": [ { "question": "who plays lord covington on parks and rec", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Peter_Serafinowicz&oldid=824928952", "q_uid": -2217737626180984529, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes Spitting Image Jacques Chirac ( voice ) 2 episodes The Saturday Night Armistice Moz Bingham ( voice ) 1998 Comedy Nation Various 1998 Europigeon Terry Wogan ( voice ) Television film 1998 Alexei Sayle 's Merry - Go - Round Voice - Over 6 episodes 1998 ITV Panto Second Henchman Episode: `` Jack and the Beanstalk '' 1998 -- 1999 How Do You Want Me? Dean Yardley 9 episodes 1999 The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns George Fitzpatrck Television film 1999 Murder Most Horrid Tony Frost Episode: `` Dinner at Tiffany 's '' 1999 Smack the Pony 2 episodes 1999 Sermon from St. Albion 's Alastair Campbell 1 episode 1999 Hippies Narrator / Robin 2 episodes 1999 -- 2001 Spaced Duane Benzie 3 episodes 2000 Black Books Howell Granger Episode: `` The Big Lock - Out '' 2000 The Junkies Big Al / Narrator Pilot 2001 World of Pub Garry / Various 6 episodes 2002 What a Cartoon! Butch ( voice ) Episode: `` Colin Versus the World in `` Mr. Lounge Lizard '' 2002 I 'm Alan Partridge Tex Episode: `` Never Say Alan Again '' 2002 15 Storeys High 2 episodes 2002 -- 2005 Look Around You Scientist / Peter Packard Also creator, writer, producer, composer 2003 Little Britain Interviewer at Prime Minister 's Questions Episode: `` Biggest House of Cards '' 2003 -- 2004 Hardware Kenny 12 episodes 2006 Agatha Christie 's Marple Walter Fane Episode: `` Sleeping Murder '' 2006 The IT Crowd Newsreader / Lift / Voice Over ( voices ) 3 episodes 2006 -- 2015 South Park Darth Chef / British Announcer / Match Commentator ( voices ) Also creative consultant 2007 -- 2008 The Peter Serafinowicz Show Various Also creator, writer, producer 2009 Stewart Lee 's Comedy Vehicle Voice Over 6 episodes Whitechapel DCI Torbin Cazenove 3 episodes 2010 -- 2011 Running Wilde Fa'ad Shaoulian 13 episodes 2011 Funny or Die Presents Puppet ( voice ) Segment: `` The Terrys '' 2011 This is Jinsy Eric Dunt Episode: `` Cupboards '' 2011 -- 2013 Archer Various ( voices ) 3 episodes 2011 -- 2013 NTSF: SD: SUV:: S.A.M. ( voice ) / Sagan 21 episodes 2012 The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret Tito the Cycling Lawyer Episode: `` Todd and His Valet Arrive in Leeds and What They Saw Ther '' 2012 The Secret Policeman 's Ball 2012 Announcer ( voice ) / Paul McCartney 2012 Watson & Oliver Various 2 episodes 2012 Childrens Hospital Michael Caine ( voice ) Episode: `` British Hospital '' 2012 American Dad! Goran the Mutilator ( voice ) Episode: `` Killer Vacation '' 2012 Bad Sugar Rolph Cauldwell Pilot 2013 It 's Kevin Bill Grundy 1 episode 2013 Playhouse Presents Roger Episode: `` Hey Diddly Dee '' 2013 Father Figure Karl Episode: `` Chin Chin '' 2013 -- 2015 Parks and Recreation Edgar Covington 3 episodes 2013 -- 2015 Axe Cop Various ( voices ) 8 episodes 2014 Adventure Time Lumpy Space Prince ( voice ) Episode: `` The Prince Who Wanted Everything '' 2014 Mr. Sloane Ross 6 episodes 2014 Gravity Falls Blind Ivan ( voice ) Episode: `` Society of the Blind Eye '' 2014 The Britishes Lord British 4 episodes 2015 Moonbeam City Nocturne von Groff ( voice ) Episode: `` The Strike Visualizer Strikes Again '' 2015 Doctor Who Fisher King ( voice ) Episode: `` Before the Flood '' 2015 Hunt the Truth Black Box 6 episodes 2015 -- 2016 The Adventures of OG Sherlock Kush OG Sherlock Kush ( voice ) 2015 -- 2016 TripTank Various ( voices ) 5 episodes 2016 -- present The Tick The Tick Also producer 2017 Mickey and the Roadster Racers Agent Chauncey Chips / Dr. Waddleton Crutchley ( voice ) 2 episodes 2017 People of Earth Eric the Cube ( voice ) 8 episodes 2017 Rick and Morty Agency Director ( voice ) Episode: `` Pickle Rick ''", "short_answer": "" } } ], "2016 Open Championship": [ { "question": "who won the 2016 open championship at royal troon", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2016_Open_Championship&oldid=802189507", "q_uid": 978638494645272768, "answers": { "long_answer": "Henrik Stenson shot a final round 63 for 264, a record 20 - under par, three strokes ahead of runner - up Phil Mickelson, the 2013 champion. The leader after 54 holes, Stenson became the first Scandinavian man to win a major title.", "short_answer": "Henrik Stenson shot" } } ], "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)": [ { "question": "who sang if you like it put a ring on it", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Single_Ladies_(Put_a_Ring_on_It)&oldid=803682763", "q_uid": -5234293993789401390, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Single Ladies ( Put a Ring on It ) '' is a song from American singer Beyonc\u00e9 's third studio album, I Am... Sasha Fierce ( 2008 ). Columbia Records released `` Single Ladies '' as a single on October 13, 2008 alongside `` If I Were a Boy '', showcasing the contrast between Beyonc\u00e9 and her aggressive onstage alter ego Sasha Fierce. It explores men 's unwillingness to propose or commit. In the song, the female protagonist is in a club to celebrate her single status.", "short_answer": "Beyonc\u00e9 's" } } ], "Thomas Newman": [ { "question": "who wrote the music for the green mile", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Thomas_Newman&oldid=863787933", "q_uid": 1132043021660583173, "answers": { "long_answer": "His critical and commercial success has continued in the following years with his scores for films such as Meet Joe Black, The Green Mile, Erin Brockovich, In the Bedroom and The Salton Sea. He was nominated consecutively for a further three Academy Awards, for Road to Perdition ( 2002 ), Finding Nemo ( 2003 ), and Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2004 ). However, he lost on each occasion to Elliot Goldenthal ( for Frida ), Howard Shore ( for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King ), and Jan A.P. Kaczmarek ( for Finding Neverland ) respectively.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Safe & Sound (Taylor Swift song)": [ { "question": "who wrote safe and sound by taylor swift", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Safe_%26_Sound_(Taylor_Swift_song)&oldid=843402915", "q_uid": 6368175670780355856, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Safe & Sound '' Single by Taylor Swift featuring The Civil Wars from the album The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond Released December 26, 2011 ( 2011 - 12 - 26 ) Format Digital download Genre Folk alternative country Length 4: 01 Label Big Machine Songwriter ( s ) Taylor Swift Joy Williams John Paul White T - Bone Burnett Producer ( s ) T - Bone Burnett Taylor Swift singles chronology `` Ours '' ( 2011 ) `` Safe & Sound '' ( 2011 ) `` Long Live '' ( 2012 ) The Civil Wars singles chronology `` Birds of a Feather ( Live ) '' ( 2011 ) `` Safe & Sound '' ( 2011 ) `` Billie Jean '' ( 2012 ) Music video `` Safe & Sound '' on YouTube", "short_answer": "Taylor Swift" } }, { "question": "who sings safe and sound with taylor swift", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Safe_%26_Sound_(Taylor_Swift_song)&oldid=806180482", "q_uid": 3702003674257612647, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Safe & Sound '' is a song by American recording artist Taylor Swift and alternative country duo The Civil Wars, taken from The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond, the official soundtrack for the 2012 film The Hunger Games. The artists co-wrote the track with its producer, T - Bone Burnett; the song was written at Burnett 's house within two hours.", "short_answer": "The Civil Wars," } } ], "Italy national rugby union team": [ { "question": "when did italy last win a 6 nations match", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Italy_national_rugby_union_team&oldid=843307098", "q_uid": 4542035152301561615, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Home Score Away Place 24 October 1978 Italy 19 - 6 Argentina Stadio Mario Battaglini, Rovigo 6 May 1995 Italy 22 - 12 Ireland Stadio Comunale di Monigo, Treviso 4 June 1995 Argentina 25 - 31 Italy Buffalo City Stadium, East London, South Africa 4 January 1997 Ireland 29 - 37 Italy Lansdowne Road, Dublin 22 March 1997 France 32 - 40 Italy Stade Lesdigui\u00e8res, Grenoble 20 December 1997 Italy 37 - 22 Ireland Stadio Renato Dall'Ara, Bologna 24 January 1998 Italy 25 - 21 Scotland Stadio Comunale Monigo, Treviso 7 November 1998 Italy 23 - 19 Argentina Stadio Comunale Beltrametti, Piacenza 5 February 2000 Italy 34 - 20 Scotland Stadio Flaminio, Rome 15 February 2003 Italy 30 - 22 Wales Stadio Flaminio, Rome 6 March 2004 Italy 20 - 14 Scotland Stadio Flaminio, Rome 11 June 2005 Argentina 29 - 30 Italy Estadio Ol\u00edmpico, C\u00f3rdoba 24 February 2007 Scotland 17 - 37 Italy Murrayfield, Edinburgh 10 March 2007 Italy 23 - 20 Wales Stadio Flaminio, Rome 15 March 2008 Italy 23 - 20 Scotland Stadio Flaminio, Rome 28 June 2008 Argentina 12 - 13 Italy Estadio Ol\u00edmpico, C\u00f3rdoba 27 February 2010 Italy 16 - 12 Scotland Stadio Flaminio, Rome 12 March 2011 Italy 22 - 21 France Stadio Flaminio, Rome 17 March 2012 Italy 13 - 6 Scotland Stadio Olimpico, Rome 3 February 2013 Italy 23 - 18 France Stadio Olimpico, Rome 16 March 2013 Italy 22 - 15 Ireland Stadio Olimpico, Rome 28 February 2015 Scotland 19 - 22 Italy BT Murrayfield, Edinburgh 19 November 2016 Italy 20 - 18 South Africa Stadio Artemio Franchi, Florence", "short_answer": "19 November 2016" } }, { "question": "when was the last time italy won a game in the 6 nations", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Italy_national_rugby_union_team&oldid=833877865", "q_uid": 8091405825132654805, "answers": { "long_answer": "Date Home Score Away Place 24 October 1978 Italy 19 - 6 Argentina Stadio Mario Battaglini, Rovigo 6 May 1995 Italy 22 - 12 Ireland Stadio Comunale di Monigo, Treviso 4 June 1995 Argentina 25 - 31 Italy Buffalo City Stadium, East London, South Africa 4 January 1997 Ireland 29 - 37 Italy Lansdowne Road, Dublin 22 March 1997 France 32 - 40 Italy Stade Lesdigui\u00e8res, Grenoble 20 December 1997 Italy 37 - 22 Ireland Stadio Renato Dall'Ara, Bologna 24 January 1998 Italy 25 - 21 Scotland Stadio Comunale Monigo, Treviso 7 November 1998 Italy 23 - 19 Argentina Stadio Comunale Beltrametti, Piacenza 5 February 2000 Italy 34 - 20 Scotland Stadio Flaminio, Rome 15 February 2003 Italy 30 - 22 Wales Stadio Flaminio, Rome 6 March 2004 Italy 20 - 14 Scotland Stadio Flaminio, Rome 11 June 2005 Argentina 29 - 30 Italy Estadio Ol\u00edmpico, C\u00f3rdoba 24 February 2007 Scotland 17 - 37 Italy Murrayfield, Edinburgh 10 March 2007 Italy 23 - 20 Wales Stadio Flaminio, Rome 15 March 2008 Italy 23 - 20 Scotland Stadio Flaminio, Rome 28 June 2008 Argentina 12 - 13 Italy Estadio Ol\u00edmpico, C\u00f3rdoba 27 February 2010 Italy 16 - 12 Scotland Stadio Flaminio, Rome 12 March 2011 Italy 22 - 21 France Stadio Flaminio, Rome 17 March 2012 Italy 13 - 6 Scotland Stadio Olimpico, Rome 3 February 2013 Italy 23 - 18 France Stadio Olimpico, Rome 16 March 2013 Italy 22 - 15 Ireland Stadio Olimpico, Rome 28 February 2015 Scotland 19 - 22 Italy BT Murrayfield, Edinburgh 19 November 2016 Italy 20 - 18 South Africa Stadio Artemio Franchi, Florence", "short_answer": "19 November 2016" } } ], "List of massacres in New Zealand": [ { "question": "how many mass shootings have there been in new zealand", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_massacres_in_New_Zealand&oldid=825748919", "q_uid": -781943025279053900, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Date Location Deaths Method Notes Ashburton Work and Income 000000002014 - 09 - 01 - 0000 1 September 2014 Ashburton, Canterbury Firearm ( pump - action shotgun ) Russell John Tully convicted of murder RSA Panmure 000000002001 - 12 - 08 - 0000 8 December 2001 Panmure, Auckland Firearm ( shotgun ), blunt instrument William Dwane Bell convicted of murder. Bell shot dead club member Wayne Johnson, 56, and beat to death club president William Absolum, 63, and cleaner Mary Hobson, 44. Raurimu Rampage 000000001997 - 02 - 08 - 0000 8 February 1997 Raurimu, King Country 6 Firearm ( shotgun ) Also 4 wounded. Stephen Anderson found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity New Empire Hotel arson 000000001995 - 02 - 04 - 0000 4 February 1995 Hamilton 6 Fire Alan Wayne Lory convicted of manslaughter Bain family murders 000000001994 - 06 - 20 - 0000 20 June 1994 Dunedin 5 Firearm (. 22lr semi-auto ) David Bain convicted, but acquitted in a re-trial. If David Bain was not the killer, evidence would suggest that the most likely culprit was Robin Bain ( one of the dead ). Ratima family murders 000000001992 - 06 - 26 - 0000 26 June 1992 Masterton 7 Hammer, knife Raymond Wahia Ratima convicted of murder Schlaepfer family murders 000000001992 - 05 - 20 - 0000 20 May 1992 Paerata, Auckland Region 7 Shooter ( Brian Schlaepfer ) among dead Aramoana massacre 000000001990 - 11 - 13 - 0000 13 -- 000000001990 - 11 - 14 - 0000 14 November 1990 Aramoana, Otago 14 3 ( unofficially 4 ) injuries. Shooter ( David Gray ) among dead Noema Rika murders 000000001951 - 05 - 27 - 0000 27 May 1951 Otaki, Kapiti Coast 5 Shooter ( Rika ) among dead Featherston prisoner of war camp riot 000000001943 - 02 - 25 - 0000 25 February 1943 Featherston, Wairarapa 49 80 wounded 1941 Kowhitirangi Shootings 000000001941 - 10 - 08 - 0000 8 -- 000000001941 - 10 - 20 - 0000 20 October 1941 Kowhitirangi, West Coast 8 Shooter ( Stanley Graham ) among dead Henare Hona murders 000000001934 - 10 - 21 - 0000 21 October 1934 Morrinsville, Waikato 6 Shooter ( Hona ) among dead Himatangi tragedy 000000001929 - 09 - 06 - 0000 6 September 1929 Himatangi, Manawatu 7 Unsolved shooting and arson, possibly murder / suicide Maungatapu murders 000000001866 - 02 - 21 - 0000 21 February 1866 Maungatapu, Tasman 5 Three members of a gang led by Richard Burgess were hanged for the murders Finnigan family murders 000000001865 - 09 - 01 - 0000 September 1865 Otahuhu, Auckland 4 or 5 also spelt Finnegan in contemporary sources. James Stack was convicted for the crime and hanged in April 1866 Maket\u016b Wharet\u014dtara murders 000000001841 - 01 - 01 - 0000 1841 Kororareka, Northland 5 Maket\u016b Wharet\u014dtara, also known as Wiremu K\u012bngi Maket\u016b, became the first person officially executed in New Zealand ( 7 March 1842 ) Boyd massacre 000000001809 - 12 - 01 - 0000 December 1809 Whangaroa Harbour, Northland 66 Revenge attacks following death of Marion du Fresne 000000001772 - 06 - 13 - 0000 13 June 1772 -- 000000001772 - 07 - 01 - 0000 July 1772 Bay of Islands, Northland 250 Death of Marion du Fresne 000000001772 - 06 - 12 - 0000 12 June 1772 Bay of Islands, Northland 26", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Plitvice Lakes National Park": [ { "question": "which national park is famous for its beautiful waterfalls", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Plitvice_Lakes_National_Park&oldid=809996566", "q_uid": -1529543769004337821, "answers": { "long_answer": "The national park became famous during the 1960s and 1970s through several Western film productions of Karl May novels. Many scenes have been shot at the lakes or waterfalls.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of World Heritage Sites in Peru": [ { "question": "when was machu picchu listed as a world heritage site", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_World_Heritage_Sites_in_Peru&oldid=841591302", "q_uid": -4515035375099488589, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first sites within Peru were inscribed on the list at the 7th Session of the World Heritage Committee, held in Florence, Italy in 1983: `` City of Cuzco '' and the `` Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu ''. As of 2010, Peru has 11 sites on the World Heritage List. Seven are listed as cultural sites, two as natural, and two as mixed, meeting both cultural and natural selection criteria, as determined by the organization 's selection criteria. Only six of Peru 's twenty - five regions are represented, with Ancash, Cuzco, and Lima regions each containing multiple sites.", "short_answer": "1983:" } } ], "Ren\u00e9 Auberjonois": [ { "question": "who played odo on star trek deep space nine", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Ren%C3%A9_Auberjonois&oldid=853872690", "q_uid": -5015839484723417713, "answers": { "long_answer": "In various long - running television series, Auberjonois portrayed a number of characters, including: Clayton Endicott III on Benson ( for which he was nominated for an Emmy Award ), Odo on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Paul Lewiston on Boston Legal.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Michigan's congressional districts": [ { "question": "how many congressional districts are there in michigan", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Michigan%27s_congressional_districts&oldid=820109091", "q_uid": 6422276835862236350, "answers": { "long_answer": "Michigan is divided into 14 congressional districts, each represented by a member of the United States House of Representatives.", "short_answer": "14 congressional" } } ], "Arignar Anna Zoological Park": [ { "question": "india's first insect museum has been opened in which state", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Arignar_Anna_Zoological_Park&oldid=850564195", "q_uid": 785187310841117468, "answers": { "long_answer": "The butterfly house, constructed at a cost of \u20b9 6 million, has more than 25 host plants and landscaped habitats, such as bushes, lianas, streams, waterfall and rock - gardens, that attract many species of butterflies such as the common Mormon, crimson rose, mottled emigrant, blue tiger, evening brown and lime butterfly. A network of ponds interconnected by streams maintains humidity in the area. The park covers an area of 5 acres. The butterfly garden with an insect museum at the entrance is set up by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University ( TNAU ), Coimbatore. The insect museum has been planned with an exhibit area comprising insect exhibits representing the most common Indian species of all orders of insects both in the form of preserved specimens and in the form of photographs. Birds", "short_answer": "Tamil Nadu Agricultural" } } ], "The Adventures of Tintin": [ { "question": "when does the adventures of tintin take place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Adventures_of_Tintin&oldid=797834468", "q_uid": -6259470842561136164, "answers": { "long_answer": "The series is set during a largely realistic 20th century. Its hero is Tintin, a courageous young Belgian reporter and adventurer. He is aided by his faithful dog Snowy ( Milou in the original French edition ). Other protagonists include the brash and cynical Captain Haddock and the intelligent but hearing - impaired Professor Calculus ( French: Professeur Tournesol ), as well as the incompetent detectives Thomson and Thompson ( French: Dupont et Dupond ) and the opera diva Bianca Castafiore.", "short_answer": "20th century." } } ], "Craig Parkinson": [ { "question": "who plays dot cotton in line of duty", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Craig_Parkinson&oldid=866512310", "q_uid": 826638848167554857, "answers": { "long_answer": "Craig Parkinson ( born 11 March 1976 ) is an English actor and podcaster. He has appeared as Shaun in the E4 series Misfits, the twins Jimmy and Johnny Kray in the ITV series Whitechapel, and DI Matthew ' Dot ' Cottan in BBC Two 's Line of Duty.", "short_answer": "Craig Parkinson (" } } ], "Natural satellite": [ { "question": "what is the natural satellite of the earth", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Natural_satellite&oldid=800504165", "q_uid": -3334592682781129929, "answers": { "long_answer": "Because of this shift in meaning, the term moon, which had continued to be used in a generic sense in works of popular science and in fiction, has regained respectability and is now used interchangeably with natural satellite, even in scientific articles. When it is necessary to avoid both the ambiguity of confusion with Earth 's natural satellite the Moon and the natural satellites of the other planets on the one hand, and artificial satellites on the other, the term natural satellite ( using `` natural '' in a sense opposed to `` artificial '' ) is used. To further avoid ambiguity, the convention is to capitalize the word Moon when referring to Earth 's natural satellite, but not when referring to other natural satellites.", "short_answer": "the Moon and" } } ], "Waiting to Exhale (soundtrack)": [ { "question": "song at the end of waiting to exhale", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Waiting_to_Exhale_(soundtrack)&oldid=801147062", "q_uid": -4881126334534314065, "answers": { "long_answer": "`` Why Does It Hurt So Bad '' by Whitney Houston became the seventh and final single to be released off the album in July, 1996. Christopher John Farley of the TIME magazine commented `` Houston more than holds her own, particularly on ( this ), with its masterly balance of pop zip and soulful melancholy. '' At the time the single was issued, Billboard said `` this should have been the follow - up to ' Exhale ( Shoop Shoop ) ' '' and added `` she ( Houston ) was positively luminous on this heartbreak ballad. '' On August 3, 1996, the single debuted at number sixty and number thirty - four, on the Hot 100 and Hot R&B singles chart, respectively. In a few weeks later, it peaked at number twenty - six on the Hot 100 and number twenty - two on the Hot R&B. Houston performed the song at the 1996 MTV Movie Awards. The track was also included in a medley along with `` I Believe in You and Me '' and `` It Hurts Like Hell '' in her set list on her My Love Is Your Love World Tour in 1999.", "short_answer": "`` Why Does It Hurt So Bad '' by" } } ], "National Lacrosse League": [ { "question": "how much do players in the nll make", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=National_Lacrosse_League&oldid=842946373", "q_uid": 5453438887806866416, "answers": { "long_answer": "The NLL adopted a soft salary cap of US $ 400,000 per team for the 2013 season. The average base salary as of the 2013 season was $19,135. The maximum salary for a franchise player is approximately $34,000.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Jamaica at the 2008 Summer Olympics": [ { "question": "how many medals did jamaica win at the 2008 olympics", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jamaica_at_the_2008_Summer_Olympics&oldid=803557520", "q_uid": -2749339056713334005, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jamaica at the 2008 Summer Olympics IOC code JAM NOC Jamaica Olympic Association Website www.teamja.org in Beijing Competitors 50 in 4 sports Flag bearer Veronica Campbell - Brown Medals Ranked 15th Gold Silver Bronze Total 5 10 Summer Olympics appearances ( overview ) 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 2000 2008 2012 2016 Other related appearances British West Indies ( 1960 )", "short_answer": "5" } } ], "Kelvin": [ { "question": "why is kelvin used as the si unit of temperature", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kelvin&oldid=821279281", "q_uid": 382413544763803814, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Kelvin scale is an absolute thermodynamic temperature scale using as its null point absolute zero, the temperature at which all thermal motion ceases in the classical description of thermodynamics. The kelvin ( symbol: K ) is the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units ( SI ). The kelvin is defined as the fraction \u200b \u2044 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water ( exactly 0.01 \u00b0 C or 32.018 \u00b0 F ). In other words, it is defined such that the triple point of water is exactly 273.16 K.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of awards and achievements of Rahul Dravid": [ { "question": "against which team did rahul dravid scored his highest individual total in test cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_awards_and_achievements_of_Rahul_Dravid&oldid=831361229", "q_uid": 7249405749155035569, "answers": { "long_answer": "Batting Bowling Score Fixture Venue Season Score Fixture Venue Season Tests 270 India v Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 -- 18 India v West Indies St. John 's 2002 ODI 153 India v New Zealand Hyderabad ( LBS ) 1999 2 -- 43 India v South Africa Kochi 2000", "short_answer": "Pakistan" } } ], "Sofia Vassilieva": [ { "question": "actress who plays kate in my sister's keeper", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sofia_Vassilieva&oldid=820748248", "q_uid": 379511410411440591, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sofia Vladimirovna Vassilieva ( Russian: \u0421\u043e\u0444\u0438\u044f \u0412\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430 \u0412\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u0435\u0432\u0430; born October 22, 1992 ) is an American actress. Her most notable roles include the children 's book Eloise in Eloise at the Plaza and Eloise at Christmastime, Ariel DuBois in the Emmy - winning TV series Medium, and teenage cancer patient Kate Fitzgerald in the 2009 film adaptation of My Sister 's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.", "short_answer": "Sofia Vladimirovna Vassilieva (" } }, { "question": "the girl who played kate in my sister's keeper", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sofia_Vassilieva&oldid=830380202", "q_uid": -2688155985876161071, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sofia Vladimirovna Vassilieva ( Russian: \u0421\u043e\u0444\u0438\u044f \u0412\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430 \u0412\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u0435\u0432\u0430; born October 22, 1992 ) is an American actress. Her most notable roles include the children 's book Eloise in Eloise at the Plaza and Eloise at Christmastime, Ariel DuBois in the Emmy - winning TV series Medium, and teenage cancer patient Kate Fitzgerald in the 2009 film adaptation of My Sister 's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.", "short_answer": "Sofia Vladimirovna Vassilieva (" } }, { "question": "who played kate on my sister's keeper", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sofia_Vassilieva&oldid=800197692", "q_uid": 1410975225398546199, "answers": { "long_answer": "Sofia Vladimirovna Vassilieva ( born October 22, 1992 ) ( Russian: \u0421\u043e\u0444\u0438\u044f \u0412\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430 \u0412\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u0435\u0432\u0430 ) is an American actress. Her most notable roles include the children 's book heroine Eloise in Eloise at the Plaza and Eloise at Christmastime, Ariel DuBois in the Emmy - winning TV series Medium, and teenage cancer patient Kate Fitzgerald in the 2009 film adaptation of My Sister 's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.", "short_answer": "Sofia Vladimirovna" } } ], "Rory Kinnear": [ { "question": "who played frankenstein's monster in penny dreadful", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rory_Kinnear&oldid=851528518", "q_uid": 2667835588660355249, "answers": { "long_answer": "He also appeared as Frankenstein 's monster in the Showtime television series Penny Dreadful, which premiered 11 May 2014.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Falz": [ { "question": "what is the name of the first movie falz acted", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Falz&oldid=793885750", "q_uid": -1947160232279655847, "answers": { "long_answer": "2015 Jenifa 's Diary as Segun Soap", "short_answer": "Jenifa 's Diary" } } ], "The Piano Lesson": [ { "question": "what is the piano lesson by august wilson about", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=The_Piano_Lesson&oldid=842601343", "q_uid": -5667443813932299408, "answers": { "long_answer": "Set in 1936 Pittsburgh during the aftermath of the Great Depression, The Piano Lesson follows the lives of the Charles family in the Doaker Charles household and an heirloom, the family piano. The play focuses on the arguments between a brother and a sister who have different ideas on what to do with the piano. The brother, Boy Willie, is a sharecropper who wants to sell the piano to buy the land ( Sutter 's land ) where his ancestors toiled as slaves. The sister, Berniece, remains emphatic about keeping the piano, which shows the carved faces of their great - grandfather 's wife and son during the days of their enslavement.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Demi Lovato": [ { "question": "when did sorry not sorry by demi lovato come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Demi_Lovato&oldid=804780490", "q_uid": -9074540270690984493, "answers": { "long_answer": "In February 2017, Lovato executive - produced a documentary, Beyond Silence, which follows three individuals and their experiences with mental illnesses including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. Lovato featured in Cheat Codes ' song `` No Promises '', released in March 2017, and Jax Jones 's `` Instruction '' along with Stefflon Don, released in June 2017. In 2017, Lovato was included in Time 's annual list of the 100 most influential people. On May 5, 2017, Lovato announced release of her documentary, I Am: Demi Lovato set to launch on YouTube. On May 8, 2017, she announced a collaboration with sportswear line Fabletics to support the United Nations ' initiative, Girl Up. That July, Lovato released `` Sorry Not Sorry '' as the first single from her sixth album, which became her first top 10 in Australia, fifth in the United Kingdom and fourth in the United States. The album, titled Tell Me You Love Me, was released on September 29. The album opened at number three on the US Billboard 200 with 75,000 album - equivalent units, which consisted of 48,000 pure sales. It received positive reviews.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of largest poker tournaments in history (by prize pool)": [ { "question": "how much does the winner of the wsop get", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_largest_poker_tournaments_in_history_(by_prize_pool)&oldid=851908828", "q_uid": 8105202511135269952, "answers": { "long_answer": "Event Prize Pool ( US $ ) Winner 1st Prize Ref. 2006 WSOP Main Event $82,512,162 Jamie Gold $12,000,000 2018 WSOP Main Event $74,015,600 John Cynn $8,800,000 2010 WSOP Main Event $68,799,059 Jonathan Duhamel $8,944,310 2017 WSOP Main Event $67,877,400 Scott Blumstein $8,150,000 2011 WSOP Main Event $64,531,000 Pius Heinz $8,711,956 2008 WSOP Main Event $64,333,600 Peter Eastgate $9,152,416 2016 WSOP Main Event $63,327,800 Qui Nguyen $8,005,310 2014 WSOP Main Event $62,820,200 Martin Jacobson $10,000,000 2012 WSOP Main Event $62,021,200 Greg Merson $8,527,982 2009 WSOP Main Event $61,043,600 Joe Cada $8,547,042 2015 WSOP Main Event $60,348,000 Joe McKeehen $7,680,021 2007 WSOP Main Event $59,784,954 Jerry Yang $8,250,000 2013 WSOP Main Event $59,708,800 Ryan Riess $8,359,531 2005 WSOP Main Event $52,818,610 Joe Hachem $7,500,000 2012 WSOP Event 55 -- The Big One for One Drop $42,666,672 Antonio Esfandiari $18,346,673 2014 WSOP Event 57 -- The Big One for One Drop $37,333,338 Dan Colman $15,306,668 2016 Monte - Carlo One Drop Extravaganza $27,437,564 Elton Tsang $12,248,912 2018 WSOP Event 78 -- The Big One for One Drop $24,840,000 Justin Bonomo $10,000,000 2004 WSOP Main Event $24,224,400 Greg Raymer $5,000,000 2012 Macau High Stakes Challenge Super High Roller $23,511,128 Stanley Choi $6,465,560 Super High Roller Bowl 2015 $21,500,000 Brian Rast $7,525,000 2016 WSOP Event 67 -- High Roller for One Drop $19,316,565 Fedor Holz $4,981,775 2013 WSOP Event 47 -- One Drop High Roller $17,891,148 Anthony Gregg $4,830,619 Super High Roller Bowl 2017 $16,800,000 Christoph Vogelsang $6,000,000 2007 WPT Championship $15,495,750 Carlos Mortensen $3,970,415 2013 GuangDong Ltd Asia Millions Main Event $15,376,897 Niklas Heinecker $4,456,885 2011 Pokerstars Caribbean Adventure $15,132,000 Galen Hall $2,300,000 Super High Roller Bowl 2016 $15,000,000 Rainer Kempe $5,000,000 2010 Pokerstars Caribbean Adventure $14,831,300 Harrison Gimbel $2,200,000 2006 WPT Championship $14,671,250 Joe Bartholdi, Jr. $3,760,165", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Nicholas Hammond": [ { "question": "who played frederick in the sound of music", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nicholas_Hammond&oldid=842487858", "q_uid": -3193543761388929755, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nicholas Hammond ( born May 15, 1950 ) is an American - Australian actor and writer who is perhaps best known for his roles as Friedrich von Trapp in the film The Sound of Music and as Peter Parker / Spider - Man on the television series The Amazing Spider - Man.", "short_answer": "Nicholas Hammond (" } } ], "2009 FIFA U-17 World Cup": [ { "question": "when did nigeria host under 17 world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2009_FIFA_U-17_World_Cup&oldid=847564812", "q_uid": 5520546276461146511, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2009 FIFA U-17 World Cup was the thirteenth tournament of the FIFA U-17 World Cup held in Nigeria from 24 October to 15 November 2009.", "short_answer": "2009 FIFA" } } ], "List of Governors of Oklahoma": [ { "question": "when was the last time oklahoma had a democratic governor", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Governors_of_Oklahoma&oldid=837924452", "q_uid": -2474225928820971440, "answers": { "long_answer": "# Portrait Governor ( Birth -- Death ) Party Took office Left office Lt. Governor Notes Charles N. Haskell ( 1860 -- 1933 ) Democratic November 16, 1907 January 9, 1911 George W. Bellamy Lee Cruce ( 1863 -- 1933 ) Democratic January 9, 1911 January 11, 1915 J.J. McAlester Robert L. Williams ( 1868 -- 1948 ) Democratic January 11, 1915 January 13, 1919 Martin E. Trapp James B.A. Robertson ( 1871 -- 1938 ) Democratic January 13, 1919 January 8, 1923 Martin E. Trapp 5 Jack C. Walton ( 1881 -- 1949 ) Democratic January 8, 1923 November 19, 1923 Martin E. Trapp 6 Martin E. Trapp ( 1877 -- 1951 ) Democratic November 19, 1923 January 10, 1927 vacant 7 Henry S. Johnston ( 1867 -- 1965 ) Democratic January 10, 1927 March 20, 1929 William J. Holloway 8 William J. Holloway ( 1888 -- 1970 ) Democratic March 20, 1929 January 1, 1931 vacant 9 William H. Murray ( 1869 -- 1956 ) Democratic January 1, 1931 January 14, 1935 Robert Burns 10 E.W. Marland ( 1874 -- 1941 ) Democratic January 15, 1935 January 9, 1939 James E. Berry 11 Leon C. Phillips ( 1890 -- 1958 ) Democratic January 9, 1939 January 11, 1943 James E. Berry 12 Robert S. Kerr ( 1896 -- 1963 ) Democratic January 11, 1943 January 13, 1947 James E. Berry 13 Roy J. Turner ( 1894 -- 1973 ) Democratic January 13, 1947 January 8, 1951 James E. Berry 14 Johnston Murray ( 1902 -- 1974 ) Democratic January 8, 1951 January 10, 1955 James E. Berry 15 Raymond D. Gary ( 1908 -- 1993 ) Democratic January 10, 1955 January 12, 1959 Cowboy Pink Williams 16 J. Howard Edmondson ( 1925 -- 1971 ) Democratic January 12, 1959 January 6, 1963 George Nigh 17 George Nigh ( 1927 -- ) Democratic January 6, 1963 January 14, 1963 vacant 18 Henry Bellmon ( 1921 -- 2009 ) Republican January 14, 1963 January 9, 1967 Leo Winters 19 Dewey F. Bartlett ( 1919 -- 1979 ) Republican January 9, 1967 January 11, 1971 George Nigh 20 David Hall ( 1930 -- 2016 ) Democratic January 11, 1971 January 13, 1975 George Nigh 21 David L. Boren ( 1941 -- ) Democratic January 13, 1975 January 8, 1979 George Nigh 22 George Nigh ( 1927 -- ) Democratic January 8, 1979 January 12, 1987 Spencer Bernard 23 Henry Bellmon ( 1921 -- 2009 ) Republican January 12, 1987 January 14, 1991 Robert S. Kerr III 24 David Walters ( 1951 -- ) Democratic January 14, 1991 January 9, 1995 Jack Mildren 25 Frank Keating ( 1944 -- ) Republican January 9, 1995 January 13, 2003 Mary Fallin 26 Brad Henry ( 1963 -- ) Democratic January 13, 2003 January 10, 2011 Mary Fallin ( Republican ) Jari Askins ( Democratic ) 27 Mary Fallin ( 1954 -- ) Republican January 10, 2011 Incumbent Todd Lamb", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Miami Dolphins broadcasters": [ { "question": "what radio station is the miami dolphin game on", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Miami_Dolphins_broadcasters&oldid=815849751", "q_uid": -5564171076036754710, "answers": { "long_answer": "Years Flagship station Play - by - play Color commentator Sideline reporter 1966 AM 610 WIOD Mel Allen Dan Bossler 1967 - 69 AM 610 WIOD Bob Gallagher Henry Barrow 1970 AM 610 WIOD Joe Croghan Larry King Henry Barrow 1971 AM 610 WIOD Rick Weaver Larry King Henry Barrow 1972 AM 610 WIOD Rick Weaver Lou Creekmur Henry Barrow 1973 AM 610 WIOD Rick Weaver Fred Woodson Henry Barrow 1974 - 76 AM 610 WIOD Rick Weaver Allan Minter 1977 - 91 AM 610 WIOD Rick Weaver Hank Goldberg Henry Barrow 1992 - 93 AM 610 WIOD Rick Weaver Jim Mandich 1994 - 01 AM 610 WIOD Bill Zimpfer Jim Mandich 2002 - 04 AM 560 WQAM Howard David Jim Mandich 2005 - 06 AM 790 WAXY Jimmy Cefalo Joe Rose Nat Moore 2007 - 2009 AM 560 WQAM Jimmy Cefalo Jim Mandich and Joe Rose AM 940 WINZ / FM 105.9 WBGG Jimmy Cefalo or Dick Stockton ( week 4 ) Jim Mandich and Joe Rose 2011 -- 2015 AM 940 WINZ / FM 105.9 WBGG Jimmy Cefalo Bob Griese and Joe Rose Kim Bokamper and Keith Sims 2016 - Present AM 560 WQAM / FM KISS 99.9 WKIS Jimmy Cefalo Jason Taylor ( Preseason ) Bob Griese ( Regular season ) and Joe Rose Kim Bokamper and Keith Sims", "short_answer": "AM 560 WQAM / FM KISS 99.9 WKIS" } } ], "Courtney Ford": [ { "question": "who plays the reporter on dexter season 4", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Courtney_Ford&oldid=853769649", "q_uid": 3521534402756868843, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ford described her career as stagnant for the 10 years preceding 2008, in which she considered ceasing work as an actress. However, during what she considered to be her last audition, Ford was cast to play reporter Christine Hill on Showtime 's television series Dexter.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "William Moseley (actor)": [ { "question": "who played peter in the chronicles of narnia", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=William_Moseley_(actor)&oldid=834035012", "q_uid": 5304252531279746662, "answers": { "long_answer": "William Peter Moseley ( born 27 April 1987 ) is an English actor, best known for his roles as Peter Pevensie in the film series The Chronicles of Narnia and Prince Liam in the E! original series The Royals.", "short_answer": "William Peter Moseley (" } } ], "List of first-class cricket records": [ { "question": "who holds the record for the most double centuries in first class cricket", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_first-class_cricket_records&oldid=836867642", "q_uid": 4439638100685305249, "answers": { "long_answer": "Double - centuries Player Matches Career span 37 Donald Bradman ( twelve for Australia in Test matches, seven for touring Australian sides, eight for New South Wales, eight for South Australia, one for WM Woodfull 's XI and one for DG Bradman 's XI ) 234 from 1927 -- 28 to 1948 -- 49 36 Wally Hammond ( seven for England in Test matches, twenty - four for Gloucestershire, five for touring MCC sides ) 634 from 1920 to 1951 22 Patsy Hendren ( one for England in a Test match, four for touring MCC sides, fifteen for Middlesex and two for MCC ) 833 from 1907 to 1938 17 Mark Ramprakash ( five for Middlesex and twelve for Surrey ) 461 from 1987 to 2012 17 Herbert Sutcliffe ( sixteen for Yorkshire and one for England in a Test trial ) 754 from 1919 to 1945 16 C.B. Fry ( thirteen for Sussex, two for Hampshire and one for Gentlemen ) 394 from 1892 to 1921 -- 22 16 Jack Hobbs ( one for England in a Test match, thirteen for Surrey, one for Players and one for Rest of England ) 834 from 1905 to 1934 16 Graeme Hick ( fourteen for Worcestershire, one for Zimbabweans and one for Northern Districts ) 526 from 1983 -- 84 to 2008 Source: Wisden 2006. Last updated: 9 July 2012. Most", "short_answer": "Donald Bradman (" } } ], "2013 Open Championship": [ { "question": "american golfer who has won 5 majors including the 2013 open championship", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=2013_Open_Championship&oldid=806185292", "q_uid": 7432384681529581659, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 2013 Open Championship was a men 's major golf championship and the 142nd Open Championship, held from 18 -- 21 July at Muirfield Golf Links in Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland. Phil Mickelson shot a final round 66 ( \u2212 5 ) to win his fifth major title, three strokes ahead of runner - up Henrik Stenson. Mickelson began the round five strokes back, in a tie for ninth place. Ian Poulter, Adam Scott, and 54 - hole leader Lee Westwood tied for third, four back of Mickelson.", "short_answer": "Phil Mickelson shot" } } ], "LisaRaye McCoy": [ { "question": "what does lisa raye do for a living", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=LisaRaye_McCoy&oldid=854624816", "q_uid": -3309777556829579911, "answers": { "long_answer": "LisaRaye McCoy ( born September 23, 1967 ), known as LisaRaye, is an American actress, model, businesswoman and fashion designer. McCoy is best known for portraying Diana `` Diamond '' Armstrong in the 1998 film The Players Club, Neesee James on the UPN / The CW sitcom All of Us from 2003 until 2007 and Keisha Greene in the VH1 romantic comedy series Single Ladies which originally aired from 2011 -- 2014. She is also the ex-wife of Michael Misick, the first - ever Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands.", "short_answer": "actress," } } ], "List of oldest universities in continuous operation": [ { "question": "when was the first university established in the world", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_oldest_universities_in_continuous_operation&oldid=854159497", "q_uid": -8501969116325180206, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year University Location Notes Original Current 1088 ( charter granted 1158 ) University of Bologna Kingdom of Italy, Holy Roman Empire Bologna, Italy The oldest university in the world. A university in the sense of a higher - learning, degree - awarding institute, the word university ( Latin: universitas ) having been coined at its foundation. It received, in 1158, from Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa the `` Authentica habita '', which settled the rules, rights and privileges of universities. 1096 -- 1167 ( charter granted in 1248 ) University of Oxford Kingdom of England Oxford, United Kingdom The oldest university in the English - speaking world: Oxford claims its founding ( ``... teaching existed... in some form... '' ) as early as 1096, and not later than 1167. Rashdall takes 1167 as the date when Oxford became a studium generale. In 1254, Pope Innocent IV granted Oxford a university charter by papal bull ( `` Querentes in agro '' ). Teaching was suspended in 1209 ( due to the town 's execution of two scholars ) and in 1355 ( due to the St. Scholastica Day riot ), but was continuous during the English Civil War ( 1642 -- 1651 ), when the University was Royalist. 1134 ( charter granted in 1218 ) University of Salamanca Kingdom of Le\u00f3n Salamanca, Spain The oldest university in the Hispanic world. The university claims to have been founded by Alfonso IX of Le\u00f3n in 1218 ( although James Trager 's People 's Chronology sets its foundation date as 1134 ), making it the third or fourth oldest university in continuous operation. It was the first European university to receive the title of `` University '' as such, which was granted by the King of Castile and Le\u00f3n, Alfonso X, and the Pope in 1254. After being excluded from the University in 1852 by the Spanish government, the Faculties of Theology and Canon Law became the Pontifical University of Salamanca in 1940. 1209 ( charter granted in 1231 ) University of Cambridge Kingdom of England Cambridge, United Kingdom Founded by scholars leaving Oxford after a dispute caused by the execution of two scholars in 1209. Its royal charter was granted in 1231. The University takes 1209 as its official anniversary. Inspired the establishment of Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, with the first college in the United States, Harvard University named after one of Cambridge University 's alumni, John Harvard. 1222 ( probably older ) University of Padua Lombard League Padua, Italy Founded by scholars and professors after leaving Bologna. 1224 ( 1258 ) University of Naples Federico II Kingdom of Sicily Naples, Italy The first public university, founded by Frederick II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The university moved to Salerno in 1253, and its return to Naples in 1258 is sometimes considered as a refoundation. It is considered to be the oldest public and state university in the world. 1290 University of Coimbra Kingdom of Portugal Coimbra, Portugal It began its existence in Lisbon with the name Studium Generale ( Estudo Geral ). Scientiae thesaurus mirabilis ( `` the admirable treasure of knowledge '' ), the royal charter announcing the institution of the University, was dated 1 March 1290, although efforts had been made since at least 1288 to create this first university in Portugal. Papal confirmation was also given in 1290 ( on 9 August of that year ), during the papacy of Pope Nicholas IV. 1290 University of Macerata Papal States Macerata, Italy Founded in 1290, possibly as a private law school rather than a university. Unknown whether this was in continuous operation, but there is evidence for a school ( without degree awarding powers ) in 1518. After petitions from the commune to the Pope from 1534, bull establishing a studium generale issued in 1540. By 1293 University of Valladolid Crown of Castile Valladolid, Spain Founded in the late 13th century ( first documentary evidence 1293 ), probably by the city. 1293 Complutense University of Madrid Crown of Castile Madrid, Spain The University of Alcal\u00e1 was founded by King Sancho IV of Castile as Studium Generale in 1293 in Alcal\u00e1 de Henares. It was granted a papal bull in 1499, and quickly gained international fame thanks to the patronage of Cardinal Cisneros and the production of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible in 1517, which is the basis for most current translations. The University moved to Madrid in 1836 by royal decree as Universidad Central. The Moyano Law of 1857 established Central as the sole university in Spain authorized to confer the title of Doctor on any scholar. This law remained in effect until 1969. In 1970, Universidad Central de Madrid changed its name to Universidad Complutense de Madrid, its present name. On the other side, the Universidad de Alcal\u00e1 was restored in Alcal\u00e1 de Henares in 1977. 1303 Sapienza University of Rome Papal States Rome, Italy Founded by Pope Boniface VIII, but became a state university in 1935. 1308 University of Perugia Papal States Perugia, Italy Attested by the Bull of Pope Clement V. 1321 University of Florence Republic of Florence Florence, Italy The University of Florence evolved from the Studium Generale, which was established by the Florentine Republic in 1321. The Studium was recognized by Pope Clement VI in 1349. 1343 University of Pisa Republic of Pisa Pisa, Italy It was formally founded on 3 September 1343 by an edict of Pope Clement VI, although there had been lectures on law in Pisa since the 11th century. Nowadays is one of the most important universities in Italy. 1348 Charles University of Prague Kingdom of Bohemia Prague, Czech Republic Three of four faculties closed in 1419, joined with Jesuit university and renamed Charles - Ferdinand University in 1652, split into German and Czech part in 1882, Czech branch closed during Nazi occupation ( 1939 -- 1945 ), German branch closed in 1945. 1357 University of Siena Republic of Siena Siena, Italy Claims to have been founded in 1240 by the Commune of Siena, although Rashdall dates the proclamation of the Studium to 1246, when Frederick II tried to place a ban on scholars travelling to Bologna. Was granted some exemptions from taxes by Pope Innocent II in 1252, but closed shortly after when the scholars returned to Bologna. Attempted revivals in 1275 and ( fed by further short - lived migrations of scholars from Bologna ) in 1321 and 1338 were unsuccessful. Gained an Imperial Bull in 1357 `` granting it de novo the ' privileges of a Studium Generale. ' '', but was not firmly established until `` ( i ) n 1408 a fresh grant of privileges was obtained from Pope Gregory XII ''. Closed temporarily in 1808 -- 1815 when Napoleonic forces occupied Tuscany. On 7 November 2015 the University celebrated its 775th anniversary. 1361 University of Pavia Domain of the House of Visconti Pavia, Italy Closed for short periods during the Italian Wars, Napoleonic wars, and Revolutions of 1848. 1364 Jagiellonian University Kingdom of Poland Krak\u00f3w, Poland Founded by Casimir the Great under the name Studium Generale, and was commonly referred to as the Krak\u00f3w Academy. The institution 's development stalled upon the king 's death in 1370; primarily due to a lack of funding. Without a permanent location; lectures were held across the city at various churches and in the Krak\u00f3w Cathedral School. Further development again resumed in the 1390s, by the initiative of King W\u0142adys\u0142aw Jagie\u0142\u0142o and his wife Jadwiga of Poland; at which point the school became a fully functioning university with a permanent location. The university was forcibly shut down during the German Occupation of Poland ( 1939 -- 1945 ). The staff was deported to Nazi concentration camps, and many of its collections were deliberately destroyed by the occupying German authorities. Within a month after the liberation of the city, the university again re-opened; with some of the original pre-war staff who survived the occupation. 1365 University of Vienna Holy Roman Empire Vienna, Austria Modelled on the University of Paris. 1386 Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg Holy Roman Empire Heidelberg, Germany Founded by Rupert I, Elector Palatine. The oldest in contemporary Germany and third oldest Germanophone university. 1391 University of Ferrara House of Este Ferrara, Italy Founded by Marquis Alberto d'Este. 1404 University of Turin Duchy of Savoy Turin, Italy Founded by the prince `` Louis of Piedmont '' during the reign of Amadeus VIII. 1409 University of Leipzig Holy Roman Empire Leipzig, Germany Founded when German - speaking staff left Prague due to the Jan Hus crisis. 1413 University of St. Andrews Kingdom of Scotland St. Andrews, United Kingdom A school of higher studies was founded in 1410 and became a full university by the issue of a Papal bull in 1413. 1419 University of Rostock Holy Roman Empire Rostock, Germany During the Reformation, `` the Catholic university of Rostock closed altogether and the closure was long enough to make the refounded body feel a new institution ''. The university closed in 1523, but would appear to have reopened by 1551, when there are records of a number of professors being appointed, including Johannes Aurifaber, David Chytraeus, and Johann Draconites ( de ). 1434 University of Catania Kingdom of Sicily Catania, Italy The oldest in Sicily. Founded by Alfonso V of Aragon. 1450 University of Barcelona Crown of Aragon Barcelona, Spain Founded by Alfonso V of Aragon as Estudi general de Barcelona after the unification of all university education. For forty - nine years prior to that foundation, however, the city had had a fledgling medical school founded by King Martin of Aragon, and in the 13th century Barcelona already possessed several civil and ecclesiastical schools. 1451 University of Glasgow Kingdom of Scotland Glasgow, United Kingdom Founded by a Papal bull. 1456 University of Greifswald Holy Roman Empire Greifswald, Germany Teaching had started by 1436. Founded by initiative of Heinrich Rubenow, Lord Mayor of Greifswald ( and first rector ), with approval of Pope Callixtus III and Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor, under the protection of Wartislaw IX, Duke of Pomerania. Teaching paused temporarily during the Protestant Reformation ( 1527 -- 39 ). 1457 Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg Holy Roman Empire Freiburg, Germany Temporarily transferred to Constance in 1686 -- 98 and 1713 -- 15. 1460 University of Basel Holy Roman Empire Basel, Switzerland Founded in 1460 ( Schola Basiliensis ), the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland. 1472 Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich Holy Roman Empire Munich, Germany Founded in Ingolstadt in 1472; with a Papal Bull obtained in 1459 from Pope Pius II by Louis the Rich, transferred to Landshut in 1800, moved to Munich in 1826. 1477 Eberhard Karls University of T\u00fcbingen Holy Roman Empire T\u00fcbingen, Germany 1477 Uppsala University Kingdom of Sweden within the Kalmar Union Uppsala, Sweden Uppsala 's bull, which granted the university its corporate rights, was issued by Pope Sixtus IV in 1477, and established a number of provisions. Among the most important of these was that the university was officially given the same freedoms and privileges as the University of Bologna. 1479 University of Copenhagen Kingdom of Denmark within the Kalmar Union Copenhagen, Denmark The University of Copenhagen is the oldest university in Denmark, and the second oldest in Scandinavia after Uppsala University in Sweden 1481 University of Genoa Republic of Genoa Genoa, Italy Founded in 1481 ( Genuense Athenaeum ). 1495 University of Aberdeen Kingdom of Scotland Aberdeen, United Kingdom King 's College was founded by a Papal bull in 1495 and then Marischal College in 1593; they merged in 1860. 1495 University of Santiago de Compostela Galicia, Crown of Castile Santiago de Compostela, Spain The university traces its roots to 1495, when a school was opened in Santiago. In 1504, Pope Julius II approved the foundation of a university in Santiago, and the bull for its creation was granted by Clement VII in 1526. 1499 University of Valencia Crown of Aragon Valencia, Spain", "short_answer": "1088 (" } } ], "Jaime Pressly": [ { "question": "who plays jill on the tv show mom", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jaime_Pressly&oldid=851438071", "q_uid": 8021505829750534265, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 2013, she stars as snobbish recovering addict Jill Kendall on the CBS sitcom, Mom. The series has received critical acclaim and is currently the third highest rated comedy on broadcast television in the US, with an average viewership of over 11 million.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays joy from my name is earl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jaime_Pressly&oldid=804560308", "q_uid": 8857960269310476106, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jaime Elizabeth Pressly ( born July 30, 1977 ) is an American actress and model. She is best known for playing Joy Turner on the NBC sitcom My Name Is Earl, for which she was nominated for two Emmy Awards ( winning one ) as well as a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award. She has also appeared in films such as Poison Ivy: The New Seduction ( 1997 ), Joe Dirt ( 2001 ), The Oogieloves ( 2012 ), DOA: Dead or Alive ( 2006 ), and I Love You, Man ( 2009 ). She is currently in the cast of the CBS sitcom, Mom.", "short_answer": "Jaime Elizabeth Pressly (" } }, { "question": "who is joy from my name is earl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jaime_Pressly&oldid=804560308", "q_uid": 4521798692656242283, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jaime Elizabeth Pressly ( born July 30, 1977 ) is an American actress and model. She is best known for playing Joy Turner on the NBC sitcom My Name Is Earl, for which she was nominated for two Emmy Awards ( winning one ) as well as a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award. She has also appeared in films such as Poison Ivy: The New Seduction ( 1997 ), Joe Dirt ( 2001 ), The Oogieloves ( 2012 ), DOA: Dead or Alive ( 2006 ), and I Love You, Man ( 2009 ). She is currently in the cast of the CBS sitcom, Mom.", "short_answer": "Jaime Elizabeth Pressly (" } } ], "Cleveland": [ { "question": "who is the city of cleveland named after", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cleveland&oldid=801488540", "q_uid": -3998352427758755509, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cleveland obtained its name on July 22, 1796 when surveyors of the Connecticut Land Company laid out Connecticut 's Western Reserve into townships and a capital city they named `` Cleaveland '' after their leader, General Moses Cleaveland. Cleaveland oversaw the plan for what would become the modern downtown area, centered on Public Square, before returning home, never again to visit Ohio. The first settler in Cleaveland was Lorenzo Carter, who built a cabin on the banks of the Cuyahoga River. The Village of Cleaveland was incorporated on December 23, 1814. In spite of the nearby swampy lowlands and harsh winters, its waterfront location proved to be an advantage. The area began rapid growth after the 1832 completion of the Ohio and Erie Canal. This key link between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes connected the city to the Atlantic Ocean via the Erie Canal and later via the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River. Growth continued with added railroad links. Cleveland incorporated as a city in 1836.", "short_answer": "surveyors of the Connecticut Land Company laid out Connecticut 's Western Reserve into townships and a capital city they named `` Cleaveland '' after their leader, General Moses Cleaveland." } } ], "Eloise Mumford": [ { "question": "who plays kate in fifty shades of grey", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Eloise_Mumford&oldid=838926887", "q_uid": -2726143591850704668, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2009 Some Boys Do n't Leave The Girl Short film 2012 So Undercover Sasha Stolezinsky / Suzy Walters Direct - to - video 2013 Drones Sue Lawson 2014 Not Safe for Work Anna In the Blood Sandy Grant 2015 The Night Is Young Sid Fifty Shades of Grey Katherine `` Kate '' Kavanagh 2017 Fifty Shades Darker Katherine `` Kate '' Kavanagh 2018 Fifty Shades Freed Katherine `` Kate '' Kavanagh", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Kristen Bell": [ { "question": "who is the actress in the good place", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kristen_Bell&oldid=809066673", "q_uid": 4610943566210135886, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2008, she had her breakout film role as the title character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. She has since appeared in a number of comedy films, including Couples Retreat ( 2009 ), When in Rome ( 2010 ), You Again ( 2010 ), The Boss ( 2016 ), Bad Moms ( 2016 ) and A Bad Moms Christmas ( 2017 ). Bell garnered further recognition for voicing Princess Anna in the Disney animated fantasy film Frozen ( 2013 ), the short films Frozen Fever ( 2015 ) and Olaf 's Frozen Adventure ( 2017 ), and the upcoming Frozen 2 ( 2019 ). From 2012 to 2016, she starred as Jeannie van der Hooven, the female lead on the Showtime series House of Lies. Since 2016, she has starred in the main role of Eleanor Shellstrop on the NBC comedy series The Good Place.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Prime Ministers of Tanzania": [ { "question": "who was the first prime minister of tanzania", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_Tanzania&oldid=830502920", "q_uid": -7512432260003991248, "answers": { "long_answer": "No Prime Minister ( Birth -- Death ) Portrait Tenure Political affiliation ( at time of appointment ) President ( s ) Took office Left office Post abolished ( 1 November 1964 -- 17 February 1972 ) Rashidi Kawawa ( 1924 -- 2009 ) 17 February 1972 13 February 1977 Tanganyika African National Union Nyerere Chama Cha Mapinduzi Nyerere Edward Sokoine ( 1938 -- 1984 ) 13 February 1977 7 November 1980 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Nyerere Cleopa Msuya ( 1932 -- ) 7 November 1980 24 February 1983 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Nyerere ( 2 ) Edward Sokoine ( 1938 -- 1984 ) 24 February 1983 12 April 1984 ( died in office. ) Chama Cha Mapinduzi Nyerere Salim Ahmed Salim ( 1942 -- ) 24 April 1984 5 November 1985 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Nyerere 5 Joseph Warioba ( 1940 -- ) 5 November 1985 9 November 1990 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Mwinyi 6 John Malecela ( 1934 -- ) 9 November 1990 7 December 1994 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Mwinyi ( 3 ) Cleopa Msuya ( 1932 -- ) 7 December 1994 28 November 1995 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Mwinyi Mkapa 7 Frederick Sumaye ( 1950 -- ) 28 November 1995 30 December 2005 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Mkapa Kikwete 8 Edward Lowassa ( 1953 -- ) 30 December 2005 7 February 2008 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Kikwete 9 Mizengo Pinda ( 1948 -- ) 9 February 2008 5 November 2015 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Kikwete 10 Kassim Majaliwa ( 1961 -- ) 20 November 2015 Incumbent Chama Cha Mapinduzi Magufuli", "short_answer": "Rashidi Kawawa (" } } ], "Liza Weil": [ { "question": "who plays allison clark on grey's anatomy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Liza_Weil&oldid=848907097", "q_uid": 5624436803985760868, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes The Adventures of Pete & Pete Bully Margie Corsell 2 episodes 2000 The West Wing Karen Larson Episode: `` Take out the Trash Day '' 2000 -- 2002 ER Samantha Sobriki 3 episodes 2000 -- 2007 Gilmore Girls Paris Geller 96 episodes Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Lara Todd Episode: `` Tangled '' 2009 Eleventh Hour Ashley Filmore Episode: `` H2O '' CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Risa Parvess Episode: `` A Space Oddity '' In Plain Sight Angela Atkins Episode: `` Gilted Lily '' Grey 's Anatomy Allison Clark Episode: `` Here 's to Future Days '' Anyone But Me Dr. Glass Web series; 4 episodes 2011 Private Practice Andi Episode: `` Two Steps Back '' 2012 Scandal Amanda Tanner 6 episodes 2013 Bunheads Milly Stone 6 episodes 2014 -- present How to Get Away with Murder Bonnie Winterbottom Main role; 60 episodes 2016 Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Paris Geller 2 episodes The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Guest with Scott Patterson and Sean Gunn November 22, 2016", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Professor's Cube": [ { "question": "how many cubes are in a 5x5x5 cube", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Professor%27s_Cube&oldid=854388366", "q_uid": -3630752226466143872, "answers": { "long_answer": "There are 98 pieces on the exterior of the cube: 8 corners, 36 edges, and 54 centers ( 48 movable, 6 fixed ).", "short_answer": "98 pieces" } } ], "FIFA Player of the Century": [ { "question": "who has received the player of the century award", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=FIFA_Player_of_the_Century&oldid=821759385", "q_uid": 6380796440762059433, "answers": { "long_answer": "FIFA Player of the Century was a one - off award created by FIFA to decide the greatest football player of the 20th century, announced at the annual FIFA World gala, held in Rome on 11 December 2000. Diego Maradona and Pel\u00e9 were joint winners of the award. Maradona won the award based on the Internet poll, while Pel\u00e9 won the award based on votes from FIFA officials, journalists and coaches.", "short_answer": "Diego Maradona and" } } ], "Busch Stadium": [ { "question": "when was the st louis cardinals stadium built", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Busch_Stadium&oldid=855085230", "q_uid": -7068546815744003712, "answers": { "long_answer": "Busch Stadium Busch Stadium III Address 700 Clark Ave Location St. Louis, Missouri Coordinates 38 \u00b0 37 \u2032 21 '' N 90 \u00b0 11 \u2032 35 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.62250 \u00b0 N 90.19306 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.62250; - 90.19306 Coordinates: 38 \u00b0 37 \u2032 21 '' N 90 \u00b0 11 \u2032 35 '' W \ufeff / \ufeff 38.62250 \u00b0 N 90.19306 \u00b0 W \ufeff / 38.62250; - 90.19306 Public transit Metrolink: Stadium Owner St. Louis Cardinals Operator St. Louis Cardinals Capacity 44,494 ( 2018 -- present ) 45,529 ( 2017 ) 45,538 ( 2016 ) 45,399 ( 2014 -- 2015 ) 43,975 ( 2006 -- 2013 ) 47,514 ( with standing room ) Record attendance Soccer ( largest sporting event ): 48,263 Chelsea F.C. vs Manchester City F.C. ( 3 - 4 ) Baseball: 48,052 ( July 29, 2017 ) Cardinals vs Arizona Diamondbacks Hockey: 46,556 ( January 2, 2017 ) St. Louis Blues vs Chicago Blackhawks: 2017 NHL Winter Classic Concert: U2 's U2 360 \u00b0 Tour 52,273 ( largest non-sporting event ) Field size Left field -- 336 feet ( 102 m ) Left center field -- 375 feet ( 114 m ) Center field -- 400 feet ( 122 m ) Right center field -- 375 feet ( 114 m ) Right field -- 335 feet ( 102 m ) Surface Kentucky bluegrass Construction Broke ground January 17, 2004; 14 years ago ( January 17, 2004 ) Opened April 4, 2006; 12 years ago ( April 4, 2006 ) ( MiLB exhibition ) April 10, 2006; 12 years ago ( April 10, 2006 ) ( MLB ) Construction cost $ 365 million ( $443 million in 2017 dollars ) Architect Populous Kennedy Associates / Architects Inc. Project manager Clayco Corp. Structural engineer Bliss & Nyitray, Inc Services engineer M-E Engineers, Inc. General contractor Hunt / Kwame Tenants St. Louis Cardinals ( MLB ) ( 2006 -- present )", "short_answer": "April 4, 2006;" } } ], "Vanessa Marcil": [ { "question": "who played olivia victor on hawaii 5 0", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Vanessa_Marcil&oldid=865515902", "q_uid": 9219403280487332703, "answers": { "long_answer": "List of television credits Year Title Role Notes 1992 -- 1998 2002 -- 2003 2010 -- 2011 2013 General Hospital Brenda Barrett Main role from: September 18, 1992 -- September 11, 1998 Main role from: September 4, 2002 -- February 19, 2003 Main role from: August 11, 2010 -- July 21, 2011 Guest role from: April 2, 2013 -- April 23, 2013 To Love, Honor and Deceive Sydney Carpenter Television movie; aka. The Protected Wife 1997 High Incident Kerry Andrews Episodes: `` Hot Wire '', `` Remote Control '' 1998 -- 2000 Beverly Hills, 90210 Gina Kincaid Main role ( Seasons 9 -- 10 ), 37 episodes Spin City Crazy Kara Episode: `` A Shot in the Dark: Part 2 '' 2001, 2003 NYPD Blue Detective Carmen Olivera Episodes: `` Johnny Got His Gold '', `` Shear Stupidity '' 2003 -- 2008 Las Vegas Sam Marquez Main role, 106 episodes 2004 -- 2005 Crossing Jordan Sam Marquez Episodes: `` What Happens in Vegas Dies in Boston '', `` Luck Be a Lady '' 2008 Lipstick Jungle Josie Scotto 3 episodes 2009 The Nanny Express Kate Hewitt Television movie ( Hallmark ) 2009 Without a Trace Kim Marcus 3 episodes 2009 One Hot Summer Margarita Silva Santos Television movie ( Lifetime ) The Bannen Way Madison Webseries 2012 Hawaii Five - 0 Dr. Olivia Victor Episode: `` Wahine'inoloa '' 2014 Stranded in Paradise Tess Nelson Television movie ( Hallmark ) 2014 Hell 's Kitchen Herself Episode 12.4: `` 17 Chefs Compete '' 2016 The Convenient Groom Dr. Kate Lawrence Television movie ( Hallmark ) 2017 The Wrong Mother Kaylene Television movie ( Lifetime ) 2018 Bad Tutor Kelly Television movie ( Lifetime )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Mo Farah": [ { "question": "where did mo farrah come in london marathon", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mo_Farah&oldid=848525343", "q_uid": -1023306690848432200, "answers": { "long_answer": "On 22 April 2018 Farrah came third the London Marathon in a time of 2: 06: 22, comfortably beating the GB record of 2: 07: 13 set by Steve Jones in 1985.", "short_answer": "third the" } } ], "Emma Watson": [ { "question": "who plays the role of hermione granger in harry potter", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emma_Watson&oldid=865389132", "q_uid": 5201802399544518248, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson ( born 15 April 1990 ) is an English actress, model, and activist. Born in Paris and brought up in Oxfordshire, Watson attended the Dragon School and trained as an actress at the Oxford branch of Stagecoach Theatre Arts. As a child artist, she rose to prominence after landing her first professional acting role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series, having acted only in school plays previously. Watson appeared in all eight Harry Potter films from 2001 to 2011, earning worldwide fame, critical accolades, and around $60 million.", "short_answer": "Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson (" } }, { "question": "who played the role of hermione from harry potter", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Emma_Watson&oldid=856634550", "q_uid": 1079935569431742850, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson ( born 15 April 1990 ) is an English actress, model, and activist. Born in Paris and brought up in Oxfordshire, Watson attended the Dragon School and trained as an actress at the Oxford branch of Stagecoach Theatre Arts. As a child artist, she rose to prominence after landing her first professional acting role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series, having acted only in school plays previously. Watson appeared in all eight Harry Potter films from 2001 to 2011, earning worldwide fame, critical accolades, and around $60 million.", "short_answer": "Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson (" } } ], "List of longest-serving mayors in the United States": [ { "question": "who is the longest serving mayor in us history", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_longest-serving_mayors_in_the_United_States&oldid=799481037", "q_uid": 5775017587612732481, "answers": { "long_answer": "57 -- 58 years Charles E. Long Booneville, Kentucky Entered office in 1959.", "short_answer": "Charles E. Long" } } ], "Billy Elliot the Musical": [ { "question": "when did billy elliot the musical come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Billy_Elliot_the_Musical&oldid=833736270", "q_uid": -7940270584773145725, "answers": { "long_answer": "The musical premiered at the Victoria Palace Theatre in London 's West End in 2005 and was nominated for nine Laurence Olivier Awards, winning four, including Best New Musical. The production ran through April 2016. Its success led to productions in Australia, on Broadway and elsewhere. In New York, it won ten Tony Awards and ten Drama Desk Awards, including, in each case, Best Musical. It has also won numerous awards in Australia including a record - tying seven Helpmann Awards.", "short_answer": "2005 and" } } ], "Colleen Ballinger": [ { "question": "who is the father of colleen ballengers baby", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Colleen_Ballinger&oldid=857125130", "q_uid": -824956643643143720, "answers": { "long_answer": "Ballinger then purchased a new home in Encino, California. Ballinger met actor Erik Stocklin in 2016 when she cast him to play Miranda 's love interest in Haters Back Off. The couple began dating by early 2018 and confirmed the relationship publicly in June 2018. Later the same month, Ballinger announced that she and Stocklin are engaged and expecting their first child.", "short_answer": "actor Erik Stocklin in" } } ], "Josh Hutcherson": [ { "question": "who did josh hutcherson play in justice league", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Josh_Hutcherson&oldid=835541697", "q_uid": 4126222847636335096, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Title Role Notes 2002 Becoming Glen Young Glen Pilot episode 2002 House Blend Nicky Harper Pilot episode 2002 ER Matt Episode: `` First Snowfall '' 2003 Division, The The Division Matthew Inwood Episode: `` Till Death Do Us Part '' 2003 Miracle Dogs Charlie Logan Television film 2003 Wilder Days Chris Morse Television film 2003 Line of Fire Donny Rawlings Episode: `` Take the Money and Run '' Eddie 's Father Eddie Corbett Pilot episode Party Wagon Toad E. Bartley Voice role; Television film Justice League Unlimited Van - El / Young Bruce Wayne Voice role; Episode: `` For the Man Who Has Everything '' Third Rule, The The Third Rule Chuck Short film 2012 Punk 'd Himself Episode: `` Lucy Hale '' 2013 Saturday Night Live Host Episode: `` Josh Hutcherson / Haim '' 2014 Face Off Guest judge Episode: `` Let The Games Begin '' 2017 -- present Future Man Josh Futturman Main role Also producer", "short_answer": "Van - El /" } } ], "Don Cheadle": [ { "question": "who played ice tray on fresh prince of bel air", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Don_Cheadle&oldid=800130015", "q_uid": -685381814657735037, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cheadle then played the role of Rocket in the 1988 movie Colors. In 1989, he appeared in a video for Angela Winbush 's No. 2 hit single `` It 's the Real Thing '', performing dance moves in an orange jump suit, working at a car wash. In 1990, he appeared in an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel - Air titled `` Homeboy, Sweet Homeboy '', playing Will Smith 's friend and Hilary 's first love interest, Ice Tray. In 1992, he played a supporting role in The Golden Girls spin - off The Golden Palace. Cheadle subsequently played district attorney John Littleton on three seasons of Picket Fences.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Arnold Schwarzenegger": [ { "question": "who is the former body builder who became a film star and a governor", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Arnold_Schwarzenegger&oldid=842635525", "q_uid": -8924651991426576741, "answers": { "long_answer": "Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger ( / \u02c8\u0283v\u0251\u02d0rts\u0259n\u025b\u0261\u0259r /; German: ( \u02c8a\u0250\u032fn\u0254lt \u02c8\u0283va\u0250\u032ftsn\u0329\u02cc\u0294\u025b\u0261\u0250 ); born July 30, 1947 ) is an Austrian - American actor, filmmaker, businessman, investor, author, philanthropist, activist, politician, and former professional bodybuilder. He served two terms as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 to 2011.", "short_answer": "Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (" } } ], "Cadillac DTS": [ { "question": "what was the last year for cadillac dts", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cadillac_DTS&oldid=828039118", "q_uid": -526797303267405989, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first version of the DTS was initially shown at the 2005 Chicago Auto Show on February 9. The DTS remained in production until 2011.", "short_answer": "2011." } } ], "Cl\u00e9mence Po\u00e9sy": [ { "question": "who played the french girl in gossip girl", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Cl%C3%A9mence_Po%C3%A9sy&oldid=845907256", "q_uid": -8750373178261569819, "answers": { "long_answer": "In 2008, Po\u00e9sy starred in the Academy Award - nominated film In Bruges, alongside Colin Farrell, and Harry Potter co-stars Ralph Fiennes and Brendan Gleeson. In 2009, Po\u00e9sy appeared in Heartless opposite Jim Sturgess. She reprised her role as Fleur Delacour in both Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movies. She played Chuck Bass 's new French girlfriend, Eva, in the fourth season of the CW hit show Gossip Girl.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of U.S. state shells": [ { "question": "eastern oyster is official seashell of which state", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_U.S._state_shells&oldid=773564412", "q_uid": -146564075290827435, "answers": { "long_answer": "State Shell Image Year designated Alabama Johnstone 's junonia Scaphella junonia subspecies johnstoneae Connecticut Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica 1989 Florida Horse conch Pleuroploca gigantea 1969 Georgia Knobbed whelk Busycon carica Massachusetts Wrinkled whelk, New England Neptune Neptunea lyrata decemcostata Mississippi Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica New Jersey Knobbed whelk Busycon carica 1995 New York Bay scallop Argopecten irradians North Carolina Scotch bonnet Semicassis granulata 1965 Oregon Oregon hairy triton Fusitriton oregonensis 1989 Rhode Island Northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria South Carolina Lettered olive Oliva sayana 1984 Texas Prickly whelk Busycon perversum subspecies pulleyi 1989 Virginia Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica", "short_answer": "Alabama" } } ], "Paraguay at the FIFA World Cup": [ { "question": "how many times have paraguay won the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Paraguay_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=848646998", "q_uid": 8860827373013157948, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year Round Position GP D * GF GA 1930 Group stage 9th 0 1934 Did not enter 1938 1950 Group stage 11th 0 1954 Did not qualify 1958 Group stage 12th 9 12 1962 Did not qualify 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 Round of 16 13th 6 Did not qualify 1998 Round of 16 14th 2002 Round of 16 16th 6 7 2006 Group Stage 18th 0 Quarter - finals 8th 5 2014 Did not qualify 2018 2022 To be determined 2026 Total 8 / 21 - 27 7 10 10 30 38", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Rail transport in Great Britain": [ { "question": "how many journeys are made on britain\u2019s railway network each year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Rail_transport_in_Great_Britain&oldid=843066259", "q_uid": -205943571811225412, "answers": { "long_answer": "In the 2015 -- 16 operating year, franchised services provided 1,718 million journeys totalling ( 64.7 billion billion passenger km ) of travel, an increase over 1994 -- 5 of 117 % in journeys ( from 761 million ) and just over doubling the passenger miles. The passenger - miles figure, after being flat from 1965 to 1995, surpassed the 1947 figure for the first time in 1998 and continues to rise steeply.", "short_answer": "1,718 million journeys" } } ], "Boo 2! A Madea Halloween": [ { "question": "how many characters does tyler perry play in boo 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Boo_2!_A_Madea_Halloween&oldid=842352265", "q_uid": -1310625264483083031, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tyler Perry as Mabel `` Madea '' Simmons, Brian Simmons, and Uncle Joe Simmons", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who does tyler perry play in boo 2", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Boo_2!_A_Madea_Halloween&oldid=835552685", "q_uid": -7634084656747345363, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tyler Perry as Mabel `` Madea '' Simmons, Brian Simmons, and Uncle Joe Simmons", "short_answer": "Mabel `` Madea '' Simmons," } } ], "List of actors nominated for two Academy Awards in the same year": [ { "question": "who was nominated for two oscars in 1992", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_actors_nominated_for_two_Academy_Awards_in_the_same_year&oldid=802192303", "q_uid": 8153919737880430489, "answers": { "long_answer": "Year ( Ceremony ) Actor / Actress Category Film title used in nomination Result 1938 ( 11th ) Fay Bainter Best Actress White Banners Nominated Best Supporting Actress Jezebel Academy Award! Won 1942 ( 15th ) Teresa Wright Best Actress The Pride of the Yankees Nominated Best Supporting Actress Mrs. Miniver Academy Award! Won 1944 ( 17th ) Barry Fitzgerald Best Actor Going My Way Nominated Best Supporting Actor Academy Award! Won 1982 ( 55th ) Jessica Lange Best Actress Frances Nominated Best Supporting Actress Tootsie Academy Award! Won 1988 ( 61st ) Sigourney Weaver Best Actress Gorillas in the Mist Nominated Best Supporting Actress Working Girl Nominated 1992 ( 65th ) Al Pacino Best Actor Scent of a Woman Academy Award! Won Best Supporting Actor Glengarry Glen Ross Nominated 1993 ( 66th ) Holly Hunter Best Actress The Piano Academy Award! Won Best Supporting Actress The Firm Nominated Emma Thompson Best Actress The Remains of the Day Nominated Best Supporting Actress In the Name of the Father Nominated 2002 ( 75th ) Julianne Moore Best Actress Far from Heaven Nominated Best Supporting Actress The Hours Nominated ( 77th ) Jamie Foxx Best Actor Ray Academy Award! Won Best Supporting Actor Collateral Nominated 2007 ( 80th ) Cate Blanchett Best Actress Elizabeth: The Golden Age Nominated Best Supporting Actress I 'm Not There Nominated", "short_answer": "Al Pacino" } } ], "Hair (musical)": [ { "question": "when did the musical hair first come out", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hair_(musical)&oldid=843436352", "q_uid": -8682950878150980671, "answers": { "long_answer": "After an off - Broadway debut on October 17, 1967, at Joseph Papp 's Public Theater and a subsequent run at the Cheetah nightclub from December 1967 through January 1968, the show opened on Broadway in April 1968 and ran for 1,750 performances. Simultaneous productions in cities across the United States and Europe followed shortly thereafter, including a successful London production that ran for 1,997 performances. Since then, numerous productions have been staged around the world, spawning dozens of recordings of the musical, including the 3 million - selling original Broadway cast recording. Some of the songs from its score became Top 10 hits, and a feature film adaptation was released in 1979. A Broadway revival opened in 2009, earning strong reviews and winning the Tony Award and Drama Desk Award for Best Revival of a Musical. In 2008, Time wrote, `` Today Hair seems, if anything, more daring than ever. ''", "short_answer": "October 17, 1967," } } ], "Leaving Certificate (Ireland)": [ { "question": "who is the awarding body for the leaving cert", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Leaving_Certificate_(Ireland)&oldid=852123212", "q_uid": -7440940560052927411, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Leaving Certificate Examination ( Irish: Scr\u00fad\u00fa na hArdteistim\u00e9ireachta ), which is commonly referred to as the Leaving Cert ( Irish: Ardteist ) is the university matriculation examination in the Republic of Ireland and the final exam of the Irish secondary school system. It takes a minimum of two years preparation, but an optional Transition Year means that for those students it takes place three years after the Junior Certificate Examination. These years are referred to collectively as `` The Senior Cycle. '' Most students taking the examination are aged 16 -- 20; in excess of eighty percent of this group undertake the exam. The Examination is overseen by the State Examinations Commission. The Leaving Certificate Examinations are taken annually by approximately 55,000 students.", "short_answer": "State Examinations Commission." } } ], "Jordana Brewster": [ { "question": "who plays mia toretto in fast and the furious", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jordana_Brewster&oldid=803276691", "q_uid": -420769544766569631, "answers": { "long_answer": "Her breakthrough came with her role of Mia Toretto in the action film The Fast and the Furious ( 2001 ). She reprised the role in its sequels, Fast & Furious ( 2009 ), Fast Five ( 2011 ), Fast & Furious 6 ( 2013 ), and Furious 7 ( 2015 ). Other film credits include the drama The Invisible Circus ( 2001 ), the action comedy D.E.B.S. ( 2004 ) and the horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning ( 2006 ).", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays mia in fast and furious 6", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jordana_Brewster&oldid=845347264", "q_uid": -3856015678008631496, "answers": { "long_answer": "Her breakthrough came with her role of Mia Toretto in the action film The Fast and the Furious ( 2001 ). She reprised the role in its sequels, Fast & Furious ( 2009 ), Fast Five ( 2011 ), Fast & Furious 6 ( 2013 ), and Furious 7 ( 2015 ). Other film credits include the drama The Invisible Circus ( 2001 ), the action comedy D.E.B.S. ( 2004 ) and the horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning ( 2006 ).", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Amber Valletta": [ { "question": "who played allegra cole in the movie hitch", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Amber_Valletta&oldid=835284687", "q_uid": 2045548960776868279, "answers": { "long_answer": "Valletta 's first major film role was as Allegra Cole in Andy Tennant 's romantic comedy Hitch. The film was released on February 11, 2005 and was a box office and critical success. She also had a role in Transporter 2, playing the mother of the kidnapped child. She played the female lead in the 2006 independent film The Last Time, co-starring alongside Michael Keaton and Brendan Fraser. In 2007, she had supporting roles in the horror film Dead Silence, as Ella Ashen, and as Claire in Premonition, starring Sandra Bullock. Also in 2007, Valletta played the leading role in the independent coming - of - age film, My Sexiest Year. Valletta", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Andra Day": [ { "question": "who wrote the song rise up by andra day", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Andra_Day&oldid=802116109", "q_uid": -4087975545796926360, "answers": { "long_answer": "Cassandra Monique `` Andra '' Batie ( born December 30, 1984 ), known professionally as Andra Day, is an American singer and songwriter from San Diego, California who is currently signed to Warner Bros. Records. Her debut album, Cheers to the Fall, was released in 2015 and peaked at number 48 on the US Billboard 200 chart. The album was nominated for Best R&B Album and the album 's main single, `` Rise Up '', was nominated for Best R&B Performance at the 2016 Grammy Awards. Day also notably appeared alongside Stevie Wonder, who is partially credited for her discovery, in an ad for Apple TV in late 2015. Her Cheers to the Fall Tour began in November 2016.", "short_answer": "Cassandra Monique `` Andra '' Batie (" } } ], "Nebraska Cornhuskers football": [ { "question": "who did nebraska play in the bowl game last year", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nebraska_Cornhuskers_football&oldid=802528053", "q_uid": -1391605467045517975, "answers": { "long_answer": "# Date played Winning team Losing team Link January 1, 1941 Stanford 21 Nebraska 13 1941 Rose Bowl January 1, 1955 Duke 34 Nebraska 7 1955 Orange Bowl December 15, 1962 Nebraska 36 Miami 34 1962 Gotham Bowl January 1, 1964 Nebraska 13 Auburn 7 1964 Orange Bowl 5 January 1, 1965 Arkansas 10 Nebraska 7 1965 Cotton Bowl Classic 6 January 1, 1966 Alabama 39 Nebraska 28 1966 Orange Bowl 7 January 2, 1967 Alabama 34 Nebraska 7 1967 Sugar Bowl 8 December 20, 1969 Nebraska 45 Georgia 6 1969 Sun Bowl 9 January 1, 1971 Nebraska 17 LSU 12 1971 Orange Bowl * 10 January 1, 1972 Nebraska 38 Alabama 6 1972 Orange Bowl * 11 January 1, 1973 Nebraska 40 Notre Dame 6 1973 Orange Bowl 12 January 1, 1974 Nebraska 19 Texas 1974 Cotton Bowl Classic 13 December 31, 1974 Nebraska 13 Florida 10 1974 Sugar Bowl 14 December 26, 1975 Arizona State 17 Nebraska 14 1975 Fiesta Bowl 15 December 31, 1976 Nebraska 27 Texas Tech 24 1976 Astro - Bluebonnet Bowl 16 December 19, 1977 Nebraska 21 North Carolina 17 1977 Liberty Bowl 17 January 1, 1979 Oklahoma 31 Nebraska 24 1979 Orange Bowl 18 January 1, 1980 Houston 17 Nebraska 14 1980 Cotton Bowl Classic 19 December 27, 1980 Nebraska 31 Mississippi State 17 1980 Sun Bowl 20 January 1, 1982 Clemson 22 Nebraska 15 1982 Orange Bowl 21 January 1, 1983 Nebraska 21 LSU 20 1983 Orange Bowl 22 January 2, 1984 Miami ( FL ) 31 Nebraska 30 1984 Orange Bowl 23 January 1, 1985 Nebraska 28 LSU 10 1985 Sugar Bowl 24 January 1, 1986 Michigan 27 Nebraska 23 1986 Fiesta Bowl 25 January 1, 1987 Nebraska 30 LSU 15 1987 Sugar Bowl 26 January 1, 1988 Florida State 31 Nebraska 28 1988 Fiesta Bowl 27 January 2, 1989 Miami ( FL ) 23 Nebraska 1989 Orange Bowl 28 January 1, 1990 Florida State 41 Nebraska 17 1990 Fiesta Bowl 29 January 1, 1991 Georgia Tech 45 Nebraska 21 1991 Florida Citrus Bowl 30 January 1, 1992 Miami ( FL ) 22 Nebraska 0 1992 Orange Bowl 31 January 1, 1993 Florida State 27 Nebraska 14 1993 Orange Bowl 32 January 1, 1994 Florida State 18 Nebraska 16 1994 Orange Bowl * 33 January 1, 1995 Nebraska 24 Miami 17 1995 Orange Bowl * 34 January 2, 1996 Nebraska 62 Florida 24 1996 Fiesta Bowl * 35 December 31, 1996 Nebraska 41 Virginia Tech 21 1996 Orange Bowl 36 January 2, 1998 Nebraska 42 Tennessee 17 1998 Orange Bowl * 37 December 30, 1998 Arizona 23 Nebraska 20 1998 Holiday Bowl 38 January 2, 2000 Nebraska 31 Tennessee 21 2000 Fiesta Bowl 39 December 30, 2000 Nebraska 66 Northwestern 17 2000 Alamo Bowl 40 January 3, 2002 Miami ( FL ) 37 Nebraska 14 2002 Rose Bowl * 41 December 27, 2002 Mississippi 27 Nebraska 23 2002 Independence Bowl 42 December 29, 2003 Nebraska 17 Michigan State 2003 Alamo Bowl 43 December 28, 2005 Nebraska 32 Michigan 28 2005 Alamo Bowl 44 January 1, 2007 Auburn 17 Nebraska 14 2007 Cotton Bowl Classic 45 January 1, 2009 Nebraska 26 Clemson 21 2009 Gator Bowl 46 December 30, 2009 Nebraska 33 Arizona 0 2009 Holiday Bowl 47 December 30, 2010 Washington 19 Nebraska 7 2010 Holiday Bowl 48 January 2, 2012 South Carolina 30 Nebraska 13 2012 Capital One Bowl 49 January 1, 2013 Georgia 45 Nebraska 31 2013 Capital One Bowl 50 January 1, 2014 Nebraska 24 Georgia 19 2014 Gator Bowl 51 December 27, 2014 USC 45 Nebraska 42 2014 Holiday Bowl 52 December 26, 2015 Nebraska 37 UCLA 29 2015 Foster Farms Bowl 53 December 30, 2016 Tennessee 38 Nebraska 24 2016 Music City Bowl", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Peter Egan": [ { "question": "who did peter egan play in downton abbey", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Peter_Egan&oldid=788625623", "q_uid": 9190678017911916848, "answers": { "long_answer": "Peter Egan ( born 28 September 1946 ) is a British actor known for his TV roles, including Hogarth in Big Breadwinner Hog, the future King George IV of the United Kingdom in Prince Regent ( 1979 ); smooth neighbour Paul Ryman in the sitcom Ever Decreasing Circles ( 1984 -- 89 ); and Hugh `` Shrimpie '' MacClare, Marquess of Flintshire, in Downton Abbey ( 2012 -- 15 ). He is married to retired actress Myra Frances.", "short_answer": "Hugh `` Shrimpie '' MacClare," } } ], "List of Speakers of the National Assembly of Guyana": [ { "question": "who is the speaker of the national assembly in guyana 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Speakers_of_the_National_Assembly_of_Guyana&oldid=771248321", "q_uid": -6213732201345150040, "answers": { "long_answer": "Name Entered office Left office House of Assembly Eustace Gordon Woolford 7 April 1953 21 December 1953 Interim Legislative Council Eustace Gordon Woolford 5 January 1954 29 June 1957 Legislative Council Donald Edward Jackson 21 August 1957 18 July 1961 Legislative Assembly Rahman Baccus Gajraj 5 October 1961 25 September 1964 House of Assembly Aubrey Percival Alleyne 31 December 1964 26 May 1966 National Assembly Aubrey Percival Alleyne 26 May 1966 4 August 1967 Rahman Baccus Gajraj 16 February 1968 4 January 1971 Sase Narain 4 January 1971 10 June 1992 Derek Chunilall Jagan 17 December 1992 15 October 2000 Martin Zephyr 23 October 2000 15 February 2001 Hari Narayen Ramkaran 4 May 2001 12 Jan 2012 Raphael Trotman 12 Jan 2012 10 Jun 2015 Barton Scotland 10 June 2015", "short_answer": "Barton Scotland" } } ], "Will Yun Lee": [ { "question": "who played sang min on hawaii five o", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Will_Yun_Lee&oldid=848579527", "q_uid": 4668353863904691243, "answers": { "long_answer": "Will Yun Lee had supporting roles in high - profile films such as Die Another Day, Torque, The King of Fighters and Elektra. He has also acted on FX Network 's mini-series Thief and ABC Family 's TV movie Mini-series Fallen. He recently guest starred in Hawaii Five - 0 as recurring character `` Sang Min '', and in True Blood as `` Mr. Gus ''. He also played Kenuichio Harada in James Mangold 's The Wolverine ( 2013 ).", "short_answer": "Will Yun Lee had" } } ], "List of awards and nominations received by Michael Jackson": [ { "question": "who has won the most awards in the music industry", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Michael_Jackson&oldid=856668085", "q_uid": 7331693602946111252, "answers": { "long_answer": "Through his group, solo, and family work, he became one of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice. He was also inducted into the Dance Hall of Fame as the first ( and currently only ) dancer from the world of pop and rock ' n ' roll. Jackson 's other achievements include 39 Guinness World Records -- including one for `` Most Successful Entertainer of All Time '' -- 13 Grammy Awards as well as the Grammy Legend Award and Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, 26 American Music Awards, 16 World Music Awards and the estimated sale of up 1 billion units worldwide. Winning countless awards for his humanitarian endeavors, the singer has been honored by two Presidents of the United States. He has also been named as the artist of `` the Decade '', `` Generation '', `` Century '', and `` Millennium '' and was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2002. Jackson has also won hundreds of other awards, making him the most awarded recording artist in the history of popular music.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Japan at the FIFA World Cup": [ { "question": "when is the last time japan won the world cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Japan_at_the_FIFA_World_Cup&oldid=850747235", "q_uid": 7229564889684943461, "answers": { "long_answer": "FIFA World Cup finals record Qualifications record Hosts / Year Result Position GP D * GS GA GP GS GA 1930 Did not enter -- -- -- -- -- -- 1934 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1938 Withdrew -- -- -- -- -- -- 1950 Suspended from FIFA -- -- -- -- -- -- 1954 Did not qualify 0 7 1958 Did not enter -- -- -- -- -- -- 1962 Did not qualify 0 0 1966 Did not enter -- -- -- -- -- -- 1970 Did not qualify 0 8 0 5 1978 0 0 5 1982 0 1986 8 5 15 5 6 7 13 9 35 6 1998 Group stage 31st 0 0 15 9 5 51 12 2002 Round of 16 9th 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2006 Group stage 28th 0 7 12 11 0 25 5 Round of 16 9th 14 8 23 9 2014 Group Stage 29th 0 6 14 8 30 8 2018 Round of 16 15th 6 7 18 13 44 7 2022 To be determined -- -- -- -- -- -- Total 6 / 21 9th 17 9 20 29 120 68 26 26 247 85", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Civil forfeiture in the United States": [ { "question": "laws that make something illegal without allowing a trial", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Civil_forfeiture_in_the_United_States&oldid=810865615", "q_uid": 3131120472606620983, "answers": { "long_answer": "Civil forfeiture in the United States, also called civil asset forfeiture or civil judicial forfeiture or occasionally civil seizure, is a controversial legal process in which law enforcement officers take assets from persons suspected of involvement with crime or illegal activity without necessarily charging the owners with wrongdoing. While civil procedure, as opposed to criminal procedure, generally involves a dispute between two private citizens, civil forfeiture involves a dispute between law enforcement and property such as a pile of cash or a house or a boat, such that the thing is suspected of being involved in a crime. To get back the seized property, owners must prove it was not involved in criminal activity. Sometimes it can mean a threat to seize property as well as the act of seizure itself. In 2015, Eric Holder ended `` adoptive forfeiture '' which occurred `` when a state or local law enforcement agency seizes property pursuant to state law and requests that a federal agency take the seized asset and forfeit it under federal law '' due to abuse. States proceeded to curtail the powers of police to seize assets, actions by the Justice Department in July 2017 have sought to reinstate police seizure powers to raise funding for federal agencies and local law enforcement.", "short_answer": "Civil forfeiture in" } } ], "John Harbaugh": [ { "question": "who is the head coach of the baltimore ravens", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=John_Harbaugh&oldid=842543858", "q_uid": -7967592976585568852, "answers": { "long_answer": "John W. Harbaugh ( born September 23, 1962 ) is an American football coach who has been the head coach of the Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League ( NFL ) since 2008. Previously, he coached the defensive backs for the Philadelphia Eagles and served as the Eagles special teams coach for nine years. Harbaugh and his younger brother, former San Francisco 49ers and now University of Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh, are the first pair of brothers in NFL history to serve as head coaches. Jack Harbaugh, Jim and John 's father, served 45 years as a college defensive coach, an assistant coach, and a running backs coach. John and the Ravens beat his brother, Jim, and the 49ers at Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans on February 3, 2013 by a score of 34 - 31.", "short_answer": "John W. Harbaugh (" } } ], "Giancarlo Esposito": [ { "question": "who plays sidney in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Giancarlo_Esposito&oldid=854699285", "q_uid": 9199558823986556597, "answers": { "long_answer": "He has appeared in Spike Lee films such as Do the Right Thing, School Daze, and Mo ' Better Blues. His other film appearances include Fresh, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, The Usual Suspects and King of New York. He has portrayed Sidney Glass / the Magic Mirror on ABC 's Once Upon a Time and Major Tom Neville in the NBC series Revolution. He has had roles in two Netflix original series: The Get Down, wherein he portrays Pastor Ramon Cruz, and Dear White People, which he narrates. He also voiced `` The Dentist '' in the video game Payday 2.", "short_answer": "" } }, { "question": "who plays the mirror in once upon a time", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Giancarlo_Esposito&oldid=825413854", "q_uid": -3481273233569877836, "answers": { "long_answer": "He has appeared in Spike Lee films such as Do the Right Thing, School Daze, and Mo ' Better Blues. His other film appearances include Fresh, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, The Usual Suspects and King of New York. He has portrayed Sidney Glass / the Magic Mirror on ABC 's Once Upon a Time and Major Tom Neville in the NBC series Revolution. He has had roles in two Netflix original series: The Get Down, wherein he portrays Pastor Ramon Cruz, and Dear White People, which he narrates. He also voiced `` The Dentist '' in the video game Payday 2.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "List of Toyota manufacturing facilities": [ { "question": "where are the toyota plants in the usa", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Toyota_manufacturing_facilities&oldid=842540333", "q_uid": -1067852248626406002, "answers": { "long_answer": "Toyota Motor Manufacturing Mississippi, Inc., ( TMMMS ) is located in Blue Springs. Vehicle manufacture and assembly -- Corolla. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky, Inc., ( TMMK ) is located in Georgetown. Engine manufacture -- 2GR - FE and 2AR - FE. Vehicle manufacture and assembly -- Camry, Hybrid Camry, Avalon, Avalon Hybrid, and Lexus ES. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas, Inc ( TMMTX ) is located in San Antonio. Vehicle manufacture and assembly -- Tundra & Tacoma. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana, Inc. ( TMMI ) is located in Princeton, Indiana. Vehicle manufacture and assembly -- Sequoia, Sienna, Highlander & Highlander Hybrid. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Alabama, Inc. ( TMMAL ), is located in Huntsville. Engine manufacture 1GR - FE, 1UR - FE and 3UR - FE. Engines mostly for TMMTX and some TMMI. Toyota Motor Manufacturing West Virginia, Inc. ( TMMWV ), is located in Buffalo. Engine manufacture 2GR - FE, 2ZR - FE and 1AR - FE.", "short_answer": "Blue Springs." } } ], "Joe Manganiello": [ { "question": "who played brad in how i met your mother", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Joe_Manganiello&oldid=818028222", "q_uid": -3387753764263127868, "answers": { "long_answer": "He starred as Leo Belraggio, a New York jazz musician, in the west coast premiere of Terrence McNally 's Unusual Acts of Devotion in June 2009. The play was staged at the La Jolla Playhouse at the University of California in San Diego. He worked with the noted playwright and director Leonard Foglia while creating his role in 2008 at the Ojai Playwrights Conference. He played Brad on several seasons of the CBS comedy How I Met Your Mother. In 2008, he joined the cast of The CW drama One Tree Hill for its fifth season, playing bartender Owen Morello. He shot the series in Wilmington, North Carolina, and returned for its sixth and seventh seasons.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Roberta Flack": [ { "question": "who is the original singer of the song killing me softly", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Roberta_Flack&oldid=815256150", "q_uid": -1341808490046281815, "answers": { "long_answer": "On her own, Flack scored her second # 1 hit in 1973, `` Killing Me Softly with His Song '' written by Charles Fox and Norman Gimbel, and originally performed by Lori Lieberman. It was awarded both Record of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Performance, Female at the 1974 Grammy Awards. Its parent album was Flack 's biggest - selling disc, eventually earning double platinum certification. In 1974, Flack released `` Feel Like Makin ' Love, '' which became her third and final # 1 hit to date on the Hot 100. That same year, Flack sang the lead on a Sherman Brothers song called `` Freedom '', which featured prominently at the opening and closing of the movie Huckleberry Finn.", "short_answer": "Lori Lieberman." } } ], "Holy Roman Emperor": [ { "question": "who was crowned the first holy roman emperor", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Holy_Roman_Emperor&oldid=836542662", "q_uid": -887173228921012485, "answers": { "long_answer": "Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Romanorum Imperator Imperial Double - headed Reichsadler used by the Habsburg emperors of the early modern period Last in Office Francis II 5 July 1792 -- 6 August 1806 Details Style His Imperial Majesty First monarch Charlemagne Last monarch Francis II Formation 25 December 800 Abolition 6 August 1806 Appointer see Coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor", "short_answer": "Charlemagne" } } ], "Value-added tax in the United Kingdom": [ { "question": "when was vat first introduced in the uk", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Value-added_tax_in_the_United_Kingdom&oldid=808711433", "q_uid": -4606793523073943370, "answers": { "long_answer": "Value - added tax or value added tax ( VAT ) is a consumption tax levied in the United Kingdom by the national government. It was introduced in 1973 and is the third - largest source of government revenue, after income tax and National Insurance. It is administered and collected by HM Revenue and Customs, primarily through the Value Added Tax Act 1994.", "short_answer": "1973 and" } }, { "question": "when did the vat rate change from 17.5 to 20", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Value-added_tax_in_the_United_Kingdom&oldid=808711433", "q_uid": -5537609263657007339, "answers": { "long_answer": "VAT is levied on most goods and services provided by registered businesses in the UK and some goods and services imported from outside the European Union. There are complex regulations for goods and services imported from within the EU. The default VAT rate is the standard rate, 20 % since 4 January 2011. Some goods and services are subject to VAT at a reduced rate of 5 % ( such as domestic fuel ) or 0 % ( such as most food and children 's clothing ). Others are exempt from VAT or outside the system altogether.", "short_answer": "4 January 2011." } } ], "Gillian Anderson": [ { "question": "who plays agent scully in the x files", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Gillian_Anderson&oldid=809912169", "q_uid": 2005702773496889154, "answers": { "long_answer": "Gillian Leigh Anderson, OBE ( born August 9, 1968 ) is an American - British film, television and theatre actress, activist and writer. Her credits include the roles of FBI Special Agent Dana Scully in the long - running and widely popular series The X-Files, ill - fated socialite Lily Bart in Terence Davies ' film The House of Mirth ( 2000 ), and DSI Stella Gibson on the BBC crime drama television series The Fall. Among other honours, Anderson has won a Primetime Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award and two Screen Actors Guild Awards. She has lived in London, England since 2002, after earlier years divided between this city and places in the United States.", "short_answer": "Gillian Leigh Anderson," } } ], "Flatbush Zombies": [ { "question": "what album is palm trees by flatbush zombies on", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Flatbush_Zombies&oldid=844960824", "q_uid": -4678719302316785557, "answers": { "long_answer": "On July 29, 2013, Flatbush Zombies released a YouTube video announcing their second mixtape, BetterOffDEAD, which was released at 9: 11 PM on September 11, 2013. Along with `` MRAZ, '' the singles `` Palm Trees '' and `` 222 '', are included on the nineteen track mixtape BetterOffDEAD. Though Elliott is the main producer, Harry Fraud and Obey City also provide production on the mixtape. Danny Brown and Action Bronson appear on the tracks `` Drug Parade '' and `` Club Soda '' respectively. The mixtape was met with critical acclaim. It would end up being ranked at number 17 on XXL 's list of the best mixtapes of 2013. A remixed version of My Team Supreme featuring Bodega Bamz was featured in NBA Live 15. Flatbush Zombies also released the video for `` MRAZ '', a track off the group 's mixtape BetterOffDEAD.", "short_answer": "BetterOffDEAD," } } ], "1990 AFL Grand Final": [ { "question": "who won the afl grand final in 1990", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1990_AFL_Grand_Final&oldid=817754709", "q_uid": 8967884220672517987, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 1990 AFL Grand Final was an Australian rules football game contested between the Collingwood Football Club and the Essendon Football Club, held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Melbourne on 6 October 1990. It was the 94th annual Grand Final of the Australian Football League ( formerly the Victorian Football League ), staged to determine the premiers for the 1990 AFL season. The match, attended by 98,944 spectators, was won by Collingwood by a margin of 48 points, marking that club 's 14th premiership victory.", "short_answer": "Collingwood by" } } ], "PCI Express": [ { "question": "what type of bus does pci express use", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=PCI_Express&oldid=801100023", "q_uid": -6062122328334650006, "answers": { "long_answer": "PCI Express ( Peripheral Component Interconnect Express ), officially abbreviated as PCIe or PCI - e, is a high - speed serial computer expansion bus standard, designed to replace the older PCI, PCI - X, and AGP bus standards. PCIe has numerous improvements over the older standards, including higher maximum system bus throughput, lower I / O pin count and smaller physical footprint, better performance scaling for bus devices, a more detailed error detection and reporting mechanism ( Advanced Error Reporting, AER ), and native hot - plug functionality. More recent revisions of the PCIe standard provide hardware support for I / O virtualization.", "short_answer": "serial computer expansion bus standard," } } ], "Freddy Rodriguez (actor)": [ { "question": "who plays benny on the tv show bull", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Freddy_Rodriguez_(actor)&oldid=866197700", "q_uid": -7340062264704560699, "answers": { "long_answer": "Since 2016, Rodriguez has starred as attorney and former New York City prosecutor Benny Col\u00f3n in the CBS courtroom drama Bull.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Deepika Chikhalia": [ { "question": "who did the role of sita in ramayan", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Deepika_Chikhalia&oldid=810247934", "q_uid": -8196440311231612658, "answers": { "long_answer": "Deepika Chikhalia ( born 29 April 1965 ) is an Indian actress who rose to fame playing the role of Sita in Ramanand Sagar 's hit television series Ramayan and was known for acting in other mythological TV serials. She was also known for her successful debut film Sun Meri Laila ( 1983 ) opposite Raj Kiran and 3 hit Hindi films with Rajesh Khanna which were Rupaye Dus Karod, Ghar Ka Chiraag, Khudai. She did one Malayalam film Ithile Iniyum Varu ( 1986 ) with Mammootty, her Kannada hits were Hosa Jeevana ( 1990 ) and Indrajith and had one Tamil hit film Nangal ( 1992 ) with Prabhu, one Bengali hit film, Asha O Balobasha ( 1989 ) opposite Prosenjit Chatterjee She also had acted in few Gujarati movies like Jode Rahejo Raj and Laju Lakhan opposite to Gujarati Super Star Naresh Kanodia.", "short_answer": "Deepika Chikhalia (" } } ], "Devin Hester": [ { "question": "who has the most punt and kick returns for touchdowns", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Devin_Hester&oldid=828339492", "q_uid": -7248794058895285706, "answers": { "long_answer": "Originally drafted as a cornerback, Hester quickly made an impact as a kick returner, and later became one of the team 's starting wide receivers. He holds the NFL record for most all - time return touchdowns ( punt and kickoff combined ) and most all - time punt return touchdowns. He is widely regarded as one of the best return specialists in NFL history, and was the first person ever to return the opening kick of the Super Bowl back for a touchdown.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Hawthorn Football Club": [ { "question": "when was the last time hawthorn won a premiership", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Hawthorn_Football_Club&oldid=809096950", "q_uid": -604951334337121220, "answers": { "long_answer": "2015 Premiers 22 16 6 Alastair Clarkson Luke Hodge Josh Gibson Jack Gunston ( 57 )", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Elsa Pataky": [ { "question": "who plays elena in fast and furious 6", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elsa_Pataky&oldid=866390946", "q_uid": -1364689156370694717, "answers": { "long_answer": "Elsa Lafuente Medianu ( born 18 July 1976 ), known professionally as Elsa Pataky, is a Spanish model, actress, and film producer. Pataky is known for her role as Elena Neves in The Fast and the Furious franchise. She has appeared in the films Snakes on a Plane ( 2006 ), Giallo ( 2009 ) and Give ' Em Hell, Malone ( 2009 ). She also starred in the Spanish film Di Di Hollywood in 2010.", "short_answer": "Elsa Pataky," } } ], "Shailene Woodley": [ { "question": "who plays tris prior in the movie divergent", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Shailene_Woodley&oldid=807280794", "q_uid": -6114777397079982336, "answers": { "long_answer": "Shailene Diann Woodley ( born November 15, 1991 ) is an American actress and activist. Born in San Bernardino County, California and raised in the Simi Valley, she took acting classes with Anthony Meindl and made her screen debut in the television film Replacing Dad ( 1999 ), followed by numerous guest roles on television, including as Kaitlin Cooper on The O.C. ( 2003 -- 04 ), and several television films. Her leading roles as California Ford in A Place Called Home ( 2004 ) and Felicity Merriman in Felicity: An American Girl Adventure ( 2005 ) both earned her Young Artist Award nominations and she gained recognition for her leading role as Amy Juergens on the ABC Family television series The Secret Life of the American Teenager ( 2008 -- 13 ). She also played Jane Chapman in the HBO limited series Big Little Lies for which she was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series.", "short_answer": "Shailene Diann Woodley (" } } ], "Kevin Smith (New Zealand actor)": [ { "question": "who played iphicles and hercules the legendary journeys", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Kevin_Smith_(New_Zealand_actor)&oldid=828235314", "q_uid": -2179929135427979259, "answers": { "long_answer": "Also in 1995, Smith appeared on Hercules: The Legendary Journeys as Hercules ' half - brother, Iphicles. Later he joined the cast of Xena: Warrior Princess, as Ares, a role he would later play on Hercules and Young Hercules as well. As the dark and dangerously seductive Greek god of war, Smith gained legions of fans. During this time Kevin performed as Ares on Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Xena: Warrior Princess and Young Hercules simultaneously.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "1973 Tour de France": [ { "question": "who won the tour de france in 1973", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=1973_Tour_de_France&oldid=802410736", "q_uid": 3215929779779044318, "answers": { "long_answer": "The 1973 Tour de France was the 60th edition of the Tour de France, one of cycling 's Grand Tours. It took place between 30 June and 22 July, with 20 stages covering a distance of 4,090 km ( 2,541 mi ). Eddy Merckx, winner of the previous four editions, did not start the 1973 Tour, partly to avoid angry French fans and partly to please his sponsor; instead he rode and won the 1973 Vuelta a Espa\u00f1a and the 1973 Giro d'Italia. In his absence, Luis Oca\u00f1a dominated the race, winning with a margin of more than 15 minutes.", "short_answer": "Luis Oca\u00f1a dominated" } } ], "Bruno Campos": [ { "question": "who voiced prince naveen in the princess and the frog", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Bruno_Campos&oldid=818384327", "q_uid": 3886322754628326190, "answers": { "long_answer": "Bruno Campos ( Portuguese pronunciation: ( \u02c8b\u027eunu \u02c8k\u0250\u0303pus ), born December 3, 1973 ) is a Brazilian - born American actor, best known for his roles of Dr. Quentin Costa on the award - winning television show Nip / Tuck, the voice of Prince Naveen in the animated film The Princess and the Frog, and Massimo in the popular Brazilian movie O Quatrilho.", "short_answer": "Bruno Campos (" } } ], "Tony Gwynn": [ { "question": "what was tony gwynn's career batting average", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tony_Gwynn&oldid=855847002", "q_uid": 8239196429346800702, "answers": { "long_answer": "Anthony Keith Gwynn Sr. ( May 9, 1960 -- June 16, 2014 ), nicknamed `` Mr. Padre '', was an American professional baseball right fielder who played 20 seasons ( 1982 -- 2001 ) in Major League Baseball ( MLB ) for the San Diego Padres. The left - handed hitting Gwynn won eight batting titles in his career, tied for the most in National League ( NL ) history. He is considered one of the best and most consistent hitters in baseball history. He had a. 338 career batting average, never hitting below. 309 in any full season. Gwynn was a 15 - time All - Star, recognized for his skills both on offense and defense with seven Silver Slugger Awards and five Gold Glove Awards. He was the rare player in his era that stayed with a single team his entire career, and he played in the only two World Series appearances in San Diego 's franchise history. He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2007, his first year of eligibility.", "short_answer": ". 338 career" } }, { "question": "what is tony gwynn's lifetime batting average", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tony_Gwynn&oldid=826066711", "q_uid": 6579007768298531286, "answers": { "long_answer": "Tony Gwynn Gwynn at the 2011 Hall of Fame induction parade Right fielder Born: ( 1960 - 05 - 09 ) May 9, 1960 Los Angeles, California Died: June 16, 2014 ( 2014 - 06 - 16 ) ( aged 54 ) Poway, California Batted: Left Threw: Left MLB debut July 19, 1982, for the San Diego Padres Last MLB appearance October 7, 2001, for the San Diego Padres MLB statistics Batting average. 338 Hits 3,141 Home runs 135 Runs batted in 1,138 Teams San Diego Padres ( 1982 -- 2001 ) Career highlights and awards 8 \u00d7 NL batting champion ( 1984, 1987 -- 1989, 1994 -- 1997 ) 15 \u00d7 All - Star ( 1984 -- 1987, 1989 -- 1999 ) 5 \u00d7 Gold Glove Award ( 1986 -- 1987, 1989 -- 1991 ) 7 \u00d7 Silver Slugger Award ( 1984, 1986 -- 1987, 1989, 1994 -- 1995, 1997 ) Roberto Clemente Award ( 1999 ) San Diego Padres No. 19 retired San Diego Padres Hall of Fame Member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame Induction 2007 Vote 97.6 % ( first ballot )", "short_answer": ". 338" } } ], "Mario Kart": [ { "question": "how many versions of mario kart are there", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Mario_Kart&oldid=857139427", "q_uid": -43343898155735820, "answers": { "long_answer": "There have been six Mario Kart games released for home consoles, three portable games, and four Namco co-developed arcade games, for a total of thirteen. The latest title in the main series, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, was released on Nintendo Switch in April 2017. The series has sold over 100 million copies worldwide to date.", "short_answer": "thirteen." } } ], "List of governors of Tamil Nadu": [ { "question": "who is the governor of tamilnadu 2017 in tamil", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_governors_of_Tamil_Nadu&oldid=828583120", "q_uid": -7826428824560704790, "answers": { "long_answer": "# Name Took Office Left Office Term President who appointed the Governor Sardar Ujjal Singh 14 January 1969 27 May 1971 Zakir Hussain Kodardas Kalidas Shah 27 May 1971 16 June 1976 Varaha Venkata Giri Mohan Lal Sukhadia 16 June 1976 8 April 1977 Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed P. Govindan Nair ( acting ) 9 April 1977 27 April 1977 5 Prabhudas Patwari 27 April 1977 27 October 1980 Basappa Danappa Jatti 6 M.M. Ismail ( acting ) 27 October 1980 4 November 1980 7 Sadiq Ali 4 November 1980 3 September 1982 Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 8 Sundar Lal Khurana, IAS ( Retired ) 3 September 1982 17 February 1988 Giani Zail Singh 9 P.C. Alexander, IAS ( Retired ) 17 February 1988 24 May 1990 R. Venkataraman 10 Surjit Singh Barnala 24 May 1990 15 February 1991 R. Venkataraman 11 Bhishma Narain Singh 15 February 1991 31 May 1993 R. Venkataraman 12 Marri Chenna Reddy 31 May 1993 2 December 1996 Shankar Dayal Sharma 13 Krishan Kant ( additional charge ) 2 December 1996 25 January 1997 14 M. Fathima Beevi 25 January 1997 3 July 2001 Shankar Dayal Sharma 15 C. Rangarajan ( additional charge ) 3 July 2001 18 January 2002 16 P.S. Ramamohan Rao, IPS ( Retired ) 18 January 2002 3 November 2004 A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 17 Surjit Singh Barnala 3 November 2004 31 August 2011 18 Konijeti Rosaiah 31 August 2011 30 August 2016 Pratibha Patil 19 C. Vidyasagar Rao ( additional charge ) 2 September 2016 6 October 2017 Pranab Mukherjee 20 Banwarilal Purohit 6 October 2017 Incumbent Ram Nath Kovind", "short_answer": "Banwarilal Purohit" } } ], "List of iOS devices": [ { "question": "what is the highest ios for an iphone 5s", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_iOS_devices&oldid=854433618", "q_uid": 8238690918298973431, "answers": { "long_answer": "hide Model iPhone 5S iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus Picture Initial release operating system iOS 7.0 iOS 8.0 Latest release operating system iOS 11.4 Display 4 in ( 100 mm ), 3.5 in ( 89 mm ) by 1.9 in ( 48 mm ), 71: 40 ( ~ 16: 9 ) aspect ratio, aluminosilicate glass covered 16,777,216 - color ( 24 - bit ), IPS LCD screen, 1,136 \u00d7 640 px ( WSVGA ) screen resolution at 326 ppi, pixel size 78 \u03bcm, 800: 1 contrast ratio, 500 \u200b \u2044 max brightness, LED backlight and fingerprint - resistant oleophobic coating 4.7 in ( 120 mm ), 4.1 in ( 100 mm ) by 2.3 in ( 58 mm ), 16: 9 aspect ratio, aluminosilicate glass covered 16,777,216 - color ( 24 - bit ), IPS LCD screen, 1,334 \u00d7 750 px screen resolution at 326 ppi, 1400: 1 contrast ratio, 500 \u200b \u2044 max brightness, LED backlight and fingerprint - resistant oleophobic coating 5.5 in ( 140 mm ), 4.8 in ( 120 mm ) by 2.7 in ( 69 mm ), 16: 9 aspect ratio, aluminosilicate glass covered 16,777,216 - color ( 24 - bit ), IPS LCD screen, 1,920 \u00d7 1,080 px ( Full HD ) screen resolution at 401 ppi, 1300: 1 contrast ratio, 500 \u200b \u2044 max brightness, LED backlight and fingerprint - resistant oleophobic coating Storage 16, 32, and 64 GB 16, 32, 64, and 128 GB NAND Flash 16, 64, and 128 GB NAND Flash Processor 1.3 GHz dual - core Apple - designed ARMv8 - A 64 - bit Apple A7 ( 128 KB L1 + 1 MB L2 + 4 MB L3 ) with M7 motion coprocessor 1.4 GHz dual - core Apple - designed ARMv8 - A 64 - bit Apple A8 ( 128 KB L1 + 1 MB L2 + 4 MB L3 ) with M8 motion coprocessor Bus frequency and width 64 - bit Graphics PowerVR G6430 ( quad - core, 450 MHz ) GPU PowerVR GX6450 ( quad - core, 450 MHz ) GPU RAM 1 GB LPDDR3 DRAM Connector 8 - pin Lightning connector Connectivity Wi - Fi ( 802.11 a / b / g / n ) ( 802.11 n on 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz ) Wi - Fi ( 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac ) Broadcom BCM4334 Broadcom BCM4345 SIM card form - factor Nano - SIM Touch ID Yes Face ID No GLONASS Yes GPS Yes Digital compass Yes Barometer No Yes Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.0 Bluetooth 4.2 Broadcom BCM4334 Broadcom BCM4345 Cellular In addition to prior: LTE bands 7 / 8 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 26, TD - LTE bands 38 / 39 / 40 ( depending on model ) In addition to prior: LTE bands 28 / 29, TD - LTE band 41 ( depending on model ) Baseband / RF Transceiver Qualcomm MDM9615M / Qualcomm WTR1605L Qualcomm MDM9625M / Qualcomm WTR1625L Additional Features In addition to prior: Touch ID ( finger - print scanner in home button ) In addition to prior: NFC Cameras iSight 8 MP photos with 1.5 \u03bc pixels, \u0192 / 2.2 aperture, 1080p HD video ( 30 fps ) or 720p HD video slo - mo video at 120 fps, improved video stabilization, True Tone flash, infrared cut - off filter, back - illuminated sensor, face detection, auto focus, panorama, ability to take photos while shooting videos and Burst mode 8 MP photos with 1.5 \u03bc pixels, \u0192 / 2.2 aperture, optical image stabilization ( iPhone 6 Plus only ), five - element lens with sapphire crystal lens cover, 1080p HD video ( 30 fps or 60 fps ) with 3x zoom, 720p slo - mo video at 120 fps or 240 fps, time - lapse video, cinematic video stabilization, auto image stabilization, auto HDR for photos, True Tone flash, hybrid IR filter, backside illumination sensor, improved face detection, exposure control, auto focus with Focus Pixels, Continuous autofocus video, panorama ( up to 43 megapixels ), can take still photos while recording video, burst mode, tap to focus, photo and video geotagging, timer mode FaceTime 1.2 MP photos, 720p HD video ( 30 fps ), Back - illuminated sensor, \u0192 / 2.4 aperture 1.2 MP photos ( 1280 by 960 ), \u0192 / 2.2 aperture, 720p HD video recording, auto HDR for photos, backside illumination sensor, face detection, exposure control Audio codec Cirrus Logic 338S1201 HAC Rating M3, T4 Made for iPhone Hearing Aids Compatible Yes Live Listen Yes Materials Silver ( white front with `` Silver '' aluminum metal back ), Space Gray ( black front with anodized aluminum `` Space Gray '' metal back ) or Gold ( white front with anodized aluminum `` Gold '' metal back ) Color From release to September 9, 2015: From release to September 9, 2015 and since March 10, 2017: From release to September 9, 2015: Power 3.8 V 5.92 Wh ( 1,560 mAh ) 3.8 V 6.91 Wh ( 1,810 mAh ) 3.8 V 11.1 Wh ( 2,915 mAh ) Rated battery life ( hours ) audio: 40 video: 10 Talk over 2G: 14 Talk over 3G: 10 Browsing over 3G: 8 Browsing over LTE: 10 Browsing over Wi - Fi: 10 Standby: 250 audio: 50 video: 11 Talk over 2G: 24 Talk over 3G: 14 Browsing over 3G: 10 Browsing over LTE: 10 Browsing over Wi - Fi: 11 Standby: 250 audio: 80 video: 14 Talk over 2G: 42 Talk over 3G: 24 Browsing over 3G: 12 Browsing over LTE: 12 Browsing over Wi - Fi: 12 Standby: 384 Dimensions 123.8 mm ( 4.87 in ) H 58.6 mm ( 2.31 in ) W 7.6 mm ( 0.30 in ) D 138.1 mm ( 5.44 in ) H 67.0 mm ( 2.64 in ) W 6.9 mm ( 0.27 in ) D 158.1 mm ( 6.22 in ) H 77.8 mm ( 3.06 in ) W 7.1 mm ( 0.28 in ) D Weight 112 g ( 4.0 oz ) 129 g ( 4.6 oz ) 172 g ( 6.1 oz ) Greenhouse gas emissions 65 kg CO e 95 kg CO e 110 kg CO e Hardware strings iPhone6, 1 iPhone6, 2 iPhone7, 2 iPhone7, 1 Model number A1533 ( North America ) A1453 ( US and Japan ) A1457 ( Europe ) A1530 ( Asia and Oceania ) A1518 ( China ) A1528 ( China ) A1549 A1586 A1589 A1522 A1524 A1593 FCCID BCG - E2642A BCG - E2643A BCG - E2643B BCG - E2816A BCG - E2817A Announced September 10, 2013 September 9, 2014 Released September 20, 2013 16, 64, and 128 GB: September 19, 2014 32 GB: March 10, 2017 September 19, 2014 Discontinued 64 GB: September 9, 2014 16 and 32 GB: March 21, 2016 128 GB: September 9, 2015 16 and 64 GB: September 7, 2016 Unsupported Supported", "short_answer": "iOS 11.4" } } ], "Angus & Julia Stone": [ { "question": "what type of music is angus and julia stone", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Angus_%26_Julia_Stone&oldid=808653564", "q_uid": -2086967263526088169, "answers": { "long_answer": "Angus & Julia Stone Julia Stone at the Edmonton Folk Music Festival 2015 Background information Origin Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Genres Folk rock, indie pop, acoustic Years active 2006 ( 2006 ) -- present Labels American Recordings, EMI Music Australia, Virgin EMI, Universal Germany, Discograph France Associated acts Rick Rubin Website www.angusandjuliastone.com Members Angus Stone Julia Stone Rob Calder Matt Johnson Past members Mitchell `` Mitch '' Connelly Clay MacDonald", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Harold Ramis": [ { "question": "who played egon in the original ghostbusters movie", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Harold_Ramis&oldid=817379642", "q_uid": 4073422343565987327, "answers": { "long_answer": "Harold Allen Ramis ( November 21, 1944 -- February 24, 2014 ) was an American actor, director, writer, and comedian. His best - known film acting roles were as Egon Spengler in Ghostbusters ( 1984 ) and Ghostbusters II ( 1989 ) and Russell Ziskey in Stripes ( 1981 ); he also co-wrote those films. As a director, his films include the comedies Caddyshack ( 1980 ), National Lampoon 's Vacation ( 1983 ), Groundhog Day ( 1993 ), and Analyze This ( 1999 ). Ramis was the original head writer of the television series SCTV, on which he also performed, as well as a co-writer of Groundhog Day and National Lampoon 's Animal House ( 1978 ). The final film that he wrote, produced, directed and acted in was Year One ( 2009 ).", "short_answer": "Harold Allen Ramis (" } } ], "Nana Visitor": [ { "question": "who played major kira on deep space nine", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Nana_Visitor&oldid=853475619", "q_uid": -7539723085204169510, "answers": { "long_answer": "Nana Tucker ( / n\u0259\u02c8n\u0251\u02d0 / n\u0259 - NAH; born July 26, 1957 ), known professionally as Nana Visitor, is an American actress, known for playing Kira Nerys in the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Jean Ritter in the television series Wildfire.", "short_answer": "Nana Visitor," } } ], "Jimi Jamison": [ { "question": "when did the lead singer of survivor die", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Jimi_Jamison&oldid=842804625", "q_uid": -2201562942600414915, "answers": { "long_answer": "Jimmy Wayne `` Jimi '' Jamison ( August 23, 1951 -- September 1, 2014 ) was an American musician, singer, and songwriter. Jamison was the frontman of the platinum - selling rock band Survivor from 1984 to 1989, from 2000 to 2006, and from 2011 until his death. Jamison is also known for having written and performed `` I 'm Always Here '', the theme song for the TV series Baywatch.", "short_answer": "September 1, 2014 )" } } ], "Steel Vengeance": [ { "question": "when did the mean streak open at cedar point", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Steel_Vengeance&oldid=856929954", "q_uid": -273563822416096297, "answers": { "long_answer": "Steel Vengeance, formerly known as Mean Streak, is a steel roller coaster at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. The roller coaster was manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction ( RMC ) and opened to the public on May 5, 2018. It features RMC 's patented I - Box Track technology utilizing a significant portion of Mean Streak 's former support structure. Upon completion, Steel Vengeance set 10 world records.", "short_answer": "May 5, 2018." } } ], "Sharks (Currie Cup)": [ { "question": "when last did the sharks win the currie cup", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Sharks_(Currie_Cup)&oldid=819950630", "q_uid": -8816817402433464012, "answers": { "long_answer": "Natal won its first Currie Cup competition in 1990, the same year the union celebrated its centenary anniversary. Since then the Sharks have won the Currie Cup in 1992, 1995, 1996, 2008, 2010 and most recently in 2013. For most of their history, the team was known simply as ' Natal ', with a nickname of ' The Banana Boys ' until the mid-1990s when they were re-branded as the Sharks.", "short_answer": "2013." } } ], "CSI: Miami": [ { "question": "how many season are there of csi miami", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=CSI:_Miami&oldid=800027325", "q_uid": 8966159266148090977, "answers": { "long_answer": "CSI: Miami is executive produced by Carol Mendelsohn, Anthony E. Zuiker, and Ann Donahue, with the latter acting as show - runner. The series ended on April 8, 2012, after 10 seasons and 232 episodes. Following the series finale, Nina Tassler credited CSI: Miami as a `` key player in CBS 's rise to the top '', stating that the series `` leaves an amazing television legacy -- a signature look and style ( and ) global popularity ''. In 2006, BBC News published an article stating that CSI: Miami was the world 's most popular television series, featuring in more countries ' top ten rankings for 2005 than any other series.", "short_answer": "10 seasons" } } ], "List of newspapers in the United States": [ { "question": "what is the largest newspaper in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_newspapers_in_the_United_States&oldid=821165550", "q_uid": -5865113349855603106, "answers": { "long_answer": "Rank Newspaper Primary locality Headquarters state or district Total average circulation Owner Wall Street Journal! The Wall Street Journal New York 2,378,827 News Corp New York Times! The New York Times New York City New York 1,865,318 The New York Times Company USA Today Virginia 1,674,306 Gannett Company Los Angeles Times Los Angeles California 653,868 Tronc 5 The Mercury News San Jose California 527,568 Digital First Media 6 New York Daily News New York City New York 516,165 Tronc 7 New York Post New York City New York 500,521 News Corp 8 Washington Post! The Washington Post District of Columbia 474,767 Nash Holdings 9 Chicago Sun - Times Chicago Illinois 470,548 Wrapports 10 Denver Post! The Denver Post Denver Colorado 416,676 Digital First Media 11 Chicago Tribune Chicago Illinois 414,930 Tronc 12 Dallas Morning News! The Dallas Morning News Dallas Texas 409,265 A.H. Belo Corporation 13 Newsday Long Island New York 377,744 Patrick and Charles Dolan; Altice USA 14 Houston Chronicle Houston Texas 360,251 Hearst Corporation 15 Orange County Register Santa Ana California 356,165 Digital First Media 16 Star - Ledges! The Star - Ledger Newark New Jersey 340,778 Advance Publications 17 Tampa Bay Times Tampa Florida 340,260 Times Publishing Company 18 Plain Dealer! The Plain Dealer Cleveland Ohio 311,605 Advance Publications 19 Philadelphia Inquirer! The Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia Pennsylvania 306,831 Philadelphia Media Network 20 Star Tribune Minneapolis Minnesota 301,345 Glen Taylor 21 Arizona Republic! The Arizona Republic Phoenix Arizona 293,640 Gannett Company 22 Honolulu Star - Advertiser Honolulu Hawaii 268,244 Black Press Group 23 Las Vegas Review - Journal Las Vegas Nevada 252,047 Sheldon Adelson 24 The San Diego Union - Tribune San Diego California 250,678 Tronc 25 Boston Globe! The Boston Globe Boston Massachusetts 245,572 John W. Henry", "short_answer": "" } } ], "NHL outdoor games": [ { "question": "who has played in the most outdoor nhl games", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=NHL_outdoor_games&oldid=836016018", "q_uid": -4236810533552893935, "answers": { "long_answer": "23 of the NHL 's 31 teams will have participated in an outdoor regular - season game. The eight that have not are Arizona, Carolina, Columbus, Dallas, Florida, Nashville, Tampa Bay and Vegas. 12 teams will have played more than one game. Chicago will have made the most appearances ( 5 ). 19 metropolitan areas ( out of 28 represented among the league 's 31 teams ) will have hosted the 25 outdoor regulation games. In addition to the eight metropolitan areas represented by teams that have not played in any outdoor games, Montreal has played in outdoor games but has yet to host any themselves ( although New Jersey has also not yet hosted a home game in its home state, its home city of Newark is still part of the New York metropolitan area. ) New York City will have hosted three times. Chicago, Massachusetts, Maryland -- DC, and Pittsburgh will have each hosted twice. Yankee Stadium and Heinz Field will have each hosted two games. No non-NHL ( neutral site ) market has yet hosted a regular season outdoor game. Notre Dame, Indiana will be the first non-NHL market to host an outdoor game when it hosts the 2019 Winter Classic.", "short_answer": "Chicago will" } } ], "Los Angeles Open": [ { "question": "where is the genesis open being played at", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Los_Angeles_Open&oldid=837606903", "q_uid": -8322667622178616341, "answers": { "long_answer": "Times hosted Venue Location Years 56 Riviera Country Club Pacific Palisades 1929 -- 30, 1941, 1945 -- 53, 1973 -- 82, 1984 -- 97, 1999 -- 2018 Valencia Country Club Valencia 1998 17 Rancho Park Golf Course Los Angeles 1956 -- 67, 1969 -- 72, 1983 Brookside Golf Course Pasadena 1968 Inglewood Country Club Inglewood 1955 Fox Hills Country Club Culver City 1954 Wilshire Country Club Los Angeles 1928, 1931, 1933, 1944 Hillcrest Country Club Los Angeles 1932, 1942 5 Los Angeles Country Club Los Angeles 1926, 1934 -- 36, 1940 Griffith Park Los Angeles 1937 -- 39 El Caballero Country Club Tarzana 1927", "short_answer": "Valencia Country Club" } } ], "Seal hunting": [ { "question": "is it legal to hunt seals in canada", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Seal_hunting&oldid=839418102", "q_uid": -8499919547269695130, "answers": { "long_answer": "The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans ( DFO ) regulates the seal hunt in Canada. It sets quotas ( total allowable catch -- TAC ), monitors the hunt, studies the seal population, works with the Canadian Sealers ' Association to train sealers on new regulations, and promotes sealing through its website and spokespeople. The DFO set harvest quotas of over 90,000 seals in 2007; 275,000 in 2008; 280,000 in 2009; and 330,000 in 2010. The actual kills in recent years have been less than the quotas: 82,800 in 2007; 217,800 in 2008; 72,400 in 2009; and 67,000 in 2010.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Victoria Justice": [ { "question": "who does victoria justice play in zoey 101", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Victoria_Justice&oldid=865122173", "q_uid": 6385609522010291449, "answers": { "long_answer": "Victoria Dawn Justice ( born February 19, 1993 ) is an American actress and singer. She rose to fame on Nickelodeon in the 2000s, starring as Lola Martinez on Zoey 101 ( 2005 -- 2008 ) and later Tori Vega on Victorious ( 2010 -- 2013 ). Justice has also appeared in the films The Boy Who Cried Werewolf ( 2010 ), Fun Size ( 2012 ), The First Time ( 2012 ) and Naomi and Ely 's No Kiss List ( 2015 ). In 2015, she starred in the lead role as Lindy Sampson on the MTV television series Eye Candy. In music, Justice has recorded several songs for the soundtracks of her acting projects, including Victorious and the Nickelodeon musical Spectacular!.", "short_answer": "Lola Martinez on" } } ], "Elisa Donovan": [ { "question": "who plays morgan on sabrina the teenage witch", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Elisa_Donovan&oldid=837256420", "q_uid": -8139156175824737830, "answers": { "long_answer": "Donovan 's breakthrough role was in the 1995 film Clueless as Amber, Cher 's nemesis. Donovan also reprised her role in the television series of the same name. Other notable roles included the film A Night at the Roxbury, Beverly Hills, 90210 as Ginger LaMonica and playing Morgan Cavanaugh on the television sitcom Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. She also played Sharona on Disney Channel 's Sonny with a Chance, and has appeared in the films Complacent, The Dog Who Saved Christmas, and its sequel The Dog Who Saved the Holidays. Donovan starred in the web series, The Lake on TheWB.com. Additionally, Donovan played Gayle, an insurance agent in the small town of Maple Grove, in the web series In Gayle We Trust on NBC.com.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Tee Grizzley": [ { "question": "when did from the d to the a release", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Tee_Grizzley&oldid=801609265", "q_uid": -7138079916714823371, "answers": { "long_answer": "He first released `` First Day Out '' in November 2016. The music video, posted to YouTube, gained over 2 million views in less than three weeks. He later signed to 300 Entertainment in 2017. He released his second single, `` Second Day Out '', in February 2017. His third single `` From The D To The A '' featuring Lil Yachty was released in March 2017. He released `` No Effort '' and its accompanying music video on March 31, 2017. His debut mixtape My Moment was released on April 7, 2017. Grizzley said that his record sales tripled after his song was featured in a LeBron James Instagram post. Grizzley 's song `` Teetroit '' was released on July 28, 2017. The single `` Beef '', featuring Meek Mill, was released on September 1, 2017.", "short_answer": "March 2017." } } ], "List of Chief Ministers of Odisha": [ { "question": "who is the chief minister of odisha in 2017", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Odisha&oldid=793883446", "q_uid": 7139444393625709196, "answers": { "long_answer": "No Name Term of office Party Days in office Harekrushna Mahatab 23 April 1946 12 May 1950 Indian National Congress 1002 days Nabakrushna Choudhury MLA for Barchana 12 May 1950 20 Feb 1952 2352 days 20 Feb 1952 19 Oct 1956 ( 1 ) Harekrushna Mahatab MLA for Soro 19 October 1956 6 Apr 1957 1591 days ( Total 2593 days ) 6 Apr 1957 22 May 1959 22 May 1959 25 Feb 1961 -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 25 February 1961 23 June 1961 N / A Biju Patnaik MLA for Choudwar 23 June 1961 2 October 1963 Indian National Congress 832 days Biren Mitra MLA for Cuttack City 2 October 1963 21 February 1965 509 days Sadashiva Tripathy MLA for Omerkote 21 February 1965 8 March 1967 746 days 6 Rajendra Narayan Singh Deo MLA for Bolangir 8 March 1967 9 January 1971 Swatantra Party 1403 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 11 January 1971 3 April 1971 N / A 7 Biswanath Das MLA for Rourkela 3 April 1971 14 June 1972 Independent 439 days 8 Nandini Satpathy 14 June 1972 3 March 1973 Indian National Congress 263 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 3 March 1973 6 March 1974 N / A ( 8 ) Nandini Satpathy MLA for Dhenkanal 6 March 1974 16 December 1976 Indian National Congress 1016 days ( Total 1279 days ) -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 16 December 1976 29 December 1976 N / A 9 Binayak Acharya MLA for Berhampur 29 December 1976 30 April 1977 Indian National Congress 123 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 30 April 1977 26 June 1977 N / A 10 Nilamani Routray MLA for Basudevpur 26 June 1977 17 February 1980 Janata Party 968 days -- Vacant ( President 's rule ) 17 February 1980 9 June 1980 N / A 11 Janaki Ballabh Patnaik MLA for Athagarh 9 June 1980 10 Mar 1985 Indian National Congress 3469 days 10 Mar 1985 7 Dec 1989 12 Hemananda Biswal MLA for Laikera 7 December 1989 5 March 1990 89 days ( 3 ) Biju Patnaik MLA for Bhubaneswar 5 March 1990 15 March 1995 Janata Dal 1837 days ( Total 2669 days ) ( 11 ) Janaki Ballabh Patnaik MLA for Begunia 15 March 1995 17 February 1999 Indian National Congress 1437 days ( Total 4906 days ) 13 Giridhar Gamang MLA for Laxmipur 17 February 1999 6 December 1999 291 days ( 12 ) Hemananda Biswal MLA for Laikera 6 December 1999 5 March 2000 91 days ( Total 180 days ) 14 Naveen Patnaik MLA for Hinjili 5 March 2000 16 May 2004 Biju Janata Dal 6512 days ( 7003651200000000000 \u2660 17 years, 303 days ) 16 May 2004 21 May 2009 21 May 2009 21 May 2014 21 May 2014 Incumbent", "short_answer": "Naveen Patnaik MLA" } } ], "Luka Modri\u0107": [ { "question": "who did luka modric play for in england", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Luka_Modri%C4%87&oldid=850577300", "q_uid": -7015251502286172034, "answers": { "long_answer": "Modri\u0107 's performances ensured a regular place in the international side; he gave a successful showing in Croatia 's UEFA Euro 2008 qualifying campaign, which included home and away victories against England. As a young midfielder, much was expected of Modri\u0107; he was often dubbed `` the Croatian Cruyff ''. Modri\u0107 scored Croatia 's first goal of Euro 2008, converting a penalty in the fourth minute of their 1 -- 0 victory against Austria on 8 June 2008. It was the fastest penalty ever awarded and scored in European Championship history. He continued to impress at the tournament and was named UEFA Man of the Match in Croatia 's next game when they defeated one of the pre-tournament favourites and eventual finalists Germany. In the quarter - final against Turkey, Modri\u0107 took advantage of a mistake by veteran Turkish goalkeeper R\u00fc\u015ft\u00fc Re\u00e7ber, and crossed to teammate Ivan Klasni\u0107 for the first goal of the game with one minute of extra time remaining, but Semih \u015eent\u00fcrk equalised for Turkey almost immediately. In the ensuing penalty shootout, Modri\u0107 's kick was off - target and he failed to score the first penalty and Turkey won the shootout 3 -- 1. At the end of the competition, Modri\u0107 was included in the UEFA Team of the Tournament, becoming only the second Croatian to achieve this honour after Davor \u0160uker.", "short_answer": "Croatia 's" } } ], "Adil Ray": [ { "question": "who is the actor who plays citizen khan", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Adil_Ray&oldid=802044371", "q_uid": 1489627872723041762, "answers": { "long_answer": "Adil Ray, OBE ( born 26 April 1974 ) is a British actor, comedian and radio and television presenter. He stars in the BBC One comedy Citizen Khan, which he created and co-writes, as well as presenting on various BBC radio stations.", "short_answer": "Adil Ray," } } ], "Women's soccer in the United States": [ { "question": "when did women's soccer start in the united states", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Women%27s_soccer_in_the_United_States&oldid=817266186", "q_uid": -6979645576494445920, "answers": { "long_answer": "The first organized women 's soccer league in the United States was the Craig Club Girls Soccer League, which consisted of four teams in St. Louis, Missouri, playing 15 - game seasons in 1950 and 1951.", "short_answer": "1950 and" } } ], "Foie gras": [ { "question": "where does pate de foie gras come from", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Foie_gras&oldid=834282205", "q_uid": 8155485281166337185, "answers": { "long_answer": "Foie gras ( / \u02ccfw\u0251\u02d0\u02c8\u0261r\u0251\u02d0 / ( listen ), French for `` fat liver '' ) is a luxury food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened. By French law, foie gras is defined as the liver of a duck or goose fattened by force - feeding corn with a feeding tube, a process also known as gavage. In Spain and other countries, it is occasionally produced using natural feeding. Ducks are force - fed twice a day for 12.5 days and geese three times a day for around 17 days. Ducks are typically slaughtered at 100 days and geese at 112 days.", "short_answer": "" } } ], "Archie Campbell": [ { "question": "who sang where oh where are you tonight on hee haw", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Archie_Campbell&oldid=799011320", "q_uid": -2410419214535218171, "answers": { "long_answer": "Archie Campbell ( November 7, 1914 -- August 29, 1987 ) was an American comedian, writer, and star of Hee Haw, a country - flavored network television variety show. He was also a recording artist with several hits on the RCA label in the 1960s.", "short_answer": "Archie Campbell (" } } ], "Pilou Asb\u00e6k": [ { "question": "who is the actor that plays euron greyjoy", "doc_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org//w/index.php?title=Pilou_Asb%C3%A6k&oldid=801134309", "q_uid": 218539125069666035, "answers": { "long_answer": "Johan Philip `` Pilou '' Asb\u00e6k ( Danish pronunciation: ( pi\u02c8lu\u02d0 \u02c8\u00e6\u02d0sb\u025b\u0261 ); born 2 March 1982 ) is a Danish actor. He is best known for his role as troubled spin doctor Kasper Juul in the Danish television political drama Borgen, and as Euron Greyjoy in the television series Game of Thrones.", "short_answer": "Johan Philip `` Pilou '' Asb\u00e6k (" } } ] }