--- annotations_creators: - machine-generated - expert-generated language_creators: - found language: - bg - cs - da - de - el - en - es - et - fi - fr - hu - it - lt - lv - mt - nl - pl - pt - ro - sk - sl - sv multilinguality: - bg - cs - da - de - el - en - es - et - fi - fr - hu - it - lt - lv - mt - nl - pl - pt - ro - sk - sl - sv size_categories: - 100K #### Who are the source language producers? Every data of this corpora as been uploaded by [Tiedemann, Jorg](mailto:jorg.tiedemann@lingfil.uu.se) on [Opus](https://opus.nlpl.eu/EMEA.php). ### Personal and Sensitive Information The corpora is free of personal or sensitive information. ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Other Known Limitations The nature of the task introduce a variability in the quality of the target translations. ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators __Hugging Face EMEA-V3__: Labrak Yanis, Dufour Richard (Not affiliated with the original corpus) __OPUS : Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS__: [Tiedemann, Jorg](mailto:jorg.tiedemann@lingfil.uu.se). ### Citation Information Please cite the following paper when using this dataset. ```latex @inproceedings{tiedemann-2012-parallel, title = Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS, author = { Tiedemann, Jorg }, booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)", month = may, year = 2012, address = Istanbul, Turkey, publisher = European Language Resources Association (ELRA), url = http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2012/pdf/463_Paper.pdf, pages = 2214--2218, abstract = This paper presents the current status of OPUS, a growing language resource of parallel corpora and related tools. The focus in OPUS is to provide freely available data sets in various formats together with basic annotation to be useful for applications in computational linguistics, translation studies and cross-linguistic corpus studies. In this paper, we report about new data sets and their features, additional annotation tools and models provided from the website and essential interfaces and on-line services included in the project., } ```